
Page 1 Page 1 THE HONG KONG GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, APRIL 22, 1927. - To the Owner of Tsat Tsz Mui Village House No. 10. 155 No. 236. It is hereby notified that the Governor in Council having decided that the resumption of the property situate at Tsat Tsz Mui and known as Tsat Tsz Mui Village House No. 10, is required for a public purpose and private negotiations for the purchase thereof having, in the opinion of the Governor, failed, the said property and all rights, easements and appurtenances thereto belonging or appertaining will be resumed by the Crown on the expiration of four months from the publication of this notice and thereupon such compensation in respect of such resumption will be paid as may be awarded in the manner provided by the Crown Lands Resumption Ordinance, 1900. 意向 諭知事現奉 布政使蕭 第二百三十六號 囘公地則例辦理等因奉此合行諭 囘至如何補置則按一千九百年收 期滿該地及一切權利卽由政府收 知該業主由諭知之日起限四個月 意其終難成議仰該司卽行出示諭 向該業主磋商購回迄未允願本督 政局議定將其收回並以政府名義 一間現因舉辦公益經本督會同議 屋稅簿所載之七姊妹村屋第十號 督憲令開照得庫務司署七姊妹村 便例 號村 爲 飭業主卽便遵照毋違特諭 主右 右諭七姊妹村第十號屋業 + 一千九百廿七年四月廿二日 Page 1 No. 237.-The following additions to the list of Public Vaccinators in this Colony is published in accordance with the provisions of the Vaccination Ordinance, 1923, Ordinance No. 12 of 1923 :- Chung Ying-ping Man Shu-kan Ng Pak-sheung Leung Chak-tong Lo Wai-luni Cheng Ho 鍾應用 萬珠根 伍伯常 梁澤堂 羅惠林 張浩 Page 1 Chu Yu-shung 朱儒崧 Tam Kwan-kon 譚均光 Lee Shek-fu 李石付 Tam Wai-lam.... 譚惠林 A. J. Lewis Mak Shek-fan... Kang Soo Leung Ping-choy Ki Shu-bo Lau Kam-ching Chan Chung-yu... 麥石芬 江蘇 梁炳才 基瑞波 劉金淸 陳鍾儒 W. T. SOUTHORN, : Colonial Secretary. 22nd April, 1927. Page 1 Page 1


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