Hongkong Directory 1861





Second Annual Publication.





1. ti

THE PUBLISHERS of the "CHINA DIRECTORY," encouraged by the support they last year received, have the pleasure of submitting to the Public the new issue for 1861. Considerable care has been bestowed upon its compilation, so as to render it worthy of public approval; and although it is difficult to procure accurate information, owing to the migratory character of the residents, it is believed that comparatively few mistakes have been made. The Chinese names have been revised; and it is hoped that both to the stranger and resident, the work will be found useful. The Appendix contains all the recent Treaties with China and Japan that have been published.

    The Publishers have to express their obligations to their correspondents at Shanghae, Fuochow, Amoy, Swatow, Macao, and Manila, and also to their friends in this colony, for the aid they have afforded. No returns have been received from Japan.

"CUINA MAIL" Office, IoNGHONG, January, 1861.



Colonial Government, H.M. Naval Deparments, Foreign Ships of War, - Consulates, Places of Worship,





1 Foochow,

3 Ningpo,

4 Shanghac,








5-6 Appendix.-British and United States Treaties with China, and Tarill;

and Institutions, Professions and Trades,


II.A. Military Departments,


French and Russian Conventions with

Canton and Whampoa, Macao,



Chian; and the British Treaty with Japan.


26 Advertisements.



Page 1, for the Hon. Joseph Jardine, and the Hon. George Lyall (who have both since resigned), read the Hon. Alexander Per- ceval, and the Hon. Angus Fletcher. Page 7, under the Agra Bank, for Henry Turner, manager, Henry Noble, assistant, read Henry Noble, manager.

Page 12, under Jardine, Matheson & Co., for

Droom, read A. Broom.

Page 16, under Wetmore, Cryder & Co., for A. D. W. Funck, read A. D. W. French. Page 21, under A. Heard & Co., for E. H. M. Huntington, read J. H. Everett. Page 22, for Lindsay & Co., H. D. Marges- son, read Margesson & Co., H. D. Mar-


Page 22, under Russell & Co., for C. W.

Orne, read W. H. Forbes.

Page 22, for Wetmore, Williams & Co., read

Wetmore, Cryder & Co.,


Hunt & Co., T., shipwrights, Whampoa.

F. H. Haskell

D. S. Marques, clerk

T. C. Russell, do.

B. Brush, dockyard foreman

F. Pereira, do. clerk

Thomas & Co., G., shipwrights, Whampoa.

Linnstrom & Co., lumber merchants, Spring


H. B. Linnstrom

Ladage, Oelke & Co., tailors, Cochrane Street



Colonial Government.

Tuk-hcen Ya-moon

Ion. F. II. A. Forth, (absent) Hon. W. II. Rennie, (absent) Hon. John Dent

Ilon. George Lyall, (absent)

Governor, Commander-in-Chief, and Vice-11on. Joseph Jardine, (absent)

Admiral of Hongkong and its dependencies | Charles May

-His Excellency Sr HERCULES G. R. John C. Bowring, (absent) ROBINSON

Private Secretary-Hon. A. S. Annesley


Hon. William Henry Adams, chief justice Hon. William Thomas Mercer, col, secretary The Commandant of the Garrison


Jlon, W. II. Adams, chief justice

Hon. W. T. Mercer, colonial secretary

Robert S. Walker

John D. Gibb

Charles F. Still

W. II. Mitchell, (absent)

R. C. Antrobus

Angus Fletcher

William Lamond, (absent)

D. R. Caldwell

A. L. Inglis Patrick Campb:11

| W. 11. Alexander

Hon. H. Kingsmill, acting attorney-general Thoinas D. Neave Hon. Fred. H.A. Forth, col. treasurer (absent) J. J. Mackenzie Hon. W. H. Rennio, auditor-general (absent)| A. Perceval Hon. Charles St G. Cleverly, surveyor-general William Chapman Hon. Joseph Jardine, (absent)

Hon. George Lyall, (absent)

Ilon. John Dent

Clerk of Councils-L, D'Almada e Castro


Hon. W. T. Mercer

Hon. Charles St. George Cleverly

M. A. Macleod IL B. Gibb

J. Macandrew

R. M. Reddic

Walter Ormiston

D. W. Mackenzie

l'hineas Ryrie Augustus R. Hudson


Government Departments.


Fib Ma-sha Sé-ise-low

Colonial Secretary-W. T. Mercer Chief Clerk-L. D'Almada e Castro Clerks-

J. M. D'Almada e Castro

E. L. Chapman, (absent)

Pio Marques

F. Machado, (temporar})


#Fo Sé-taz-low

 Treasurer-Frederick H. A. Forth (absent) Acting Treasurer-Julius Caesar Power Cashier J. A. Carvalho Accountant-Henry Rubery

Marriage Registrar-J. C. Power


Leen-ce Sé-tsz-low

Auditor-General-W. H. Rennie, (absent)

Acting Auditor-General-F. W. Mitchell

Clerk- 3. M. A. da Silva

Consular Clerk-W. C. F. Robinson


景地官 Leong-ti-kvon

Surveyor-General-Charles St G. Cleverly

Assistant Engineer-S. L. Bird, R.C.

First Clerk-J. C. Power

Second Clerk-F. X. das Chagas

Third Clerk-A. F. Alves

Chinese Clerk-Choy Akun

Inspector of Nuisances-l'. O'Toole

Superintendent of Waterworks-T. Collings

Overseer of Convicts-

Chinese Overseer-Cheong Asso



Sow-ch'ai-yik kai-tang-heung Fong

Collector-Alexandre GrandPré

Clerk-Clandino Marques

Sub-Collector-Cyriaco de Souza


Assessors for the year 1861


UrandPre and James Collins





Harbour-Master-A. L. Inglis First Clerk-J. Thornton Second Clerk-W. Lording Boarding Officer-R. Selih

Signal Officer at Victoria Peak-H. Montague Indian Interpreter-Ibrahim

Chinese Interpreter-Ho-achun



大葛 Tai-kot

Chief Justice-William Henry Adams

Acting Attorney-General-Henry Kingsmill Registrar-William Hastings Alexander

Crown Solicitor-George Cooper Turner Deputy Registrar-Norman Ronisay Masson,


Acting Deputy Registrar and Judge's Clerk --

Frederick Sowley Huffa Clerk of Court-F. S. Huffum Acting Interpreter-Rafael do Rozario Usher and Bailiff-John Henry Hurst Under Bailiff-L. J. Fernandes Chinese Clerk and Shroff-'Ng-foong-shan


Judge and Commissary-W. H. Adams Queen's Advocate-Henry Kingsmill Registrar-W. H. Alexander

Queen's Proctor-G. Cooper Turner

Surrogate-P. S. Hulum

Marshal-Charles May

(The Vice-Admiralty Court is under the control of the Rome Government) POST-OFFICE.


Postmaster-General-W. Chap.ren

Assistant Postmaster-General-F. W.Mitchell Clerk-D. J. Barradas

Change Taker-A. Leiria

First Sorter-F. G. Machado Second do.-J. M. S. Alves

Third do.-D. Hotchkin



Mucao-I. P. Perejra, postmaster

Whumpoa-Tulbot, Devine & Co., packet agts. Swaton-W. M. Cooper, do.

Amoy-W. 11. Lay, do. Foochor-Willium Gregory, do.

HRK Wa-mun Ching-moo-87| Nippo--G. Phillips, do.

Registrar-flcneral-Daniel R. Caldwell

First Clerk-Thomas Turner

Second Clerk-John Gerard

Shanghae-C. T. Junts, acting do.

Nugásakï-A. A. Annesley, packot agent Yedo-A. J. Gower, do.



Col. Surgeon & Surgeon to the Lock Hospital-! J. I. Murray, M.D.. F.R.C.5.F., & PRSTE. Resident Superintendent of Government Civil

Hospital Thomas A. Ainslie, u.1. Apothecary-Thonas Ronald Apothecary to Lock Hospital-F. Noronha Matrun-M. Noronha

Inspector of Nuisances-Sergeant Warne

Inspector of Brothels-Sergeant E. Wiliams POLICE.

大館 Tai-koon

Superintendent and Coroner-Charles May Acting Superintendent-James Jarinan

Clerk and Accountant-J. P. Martin Deputy-Inspectors-John Hagan and James


Acting do.-E. F Barnes

Inspectors of Markets-Charles Cliffe and

Janes Ellis

Chinese Clerk & Interpreter-Wong Kum Shü 34 European, 199 Ludian, and 70 Chinese serjeants and conscables. Total 303.



Chief Magistrate-T. F. Callaghan

H.M. Naval Departments.




*MAX♬ Shui-82-shún-lin-kuk Master Attendant - J. Loane

Naval Storekeeper-William M. Richarda Clerks-

Richard F. Hawke John E. Shepherd Frederick Plumer

T. W. Coffin

J. da Cunha J. Danenberg


David Rohb

Andrew Ilin-Imarah H. Bambury

Boatswain-Robert Melling Storemcn-

Ebenzer Barrett Conrail Berg

J. Randall

Boiler Maker-William Smith Smith John Boggust

Moulder-Thonius Rambel


Victualling Storekeeper-Edmund A. Rowe

Assistant Magistrate-W. II. Mitchell (abs.) Chief Clerk-J. W. Williams

Acting do.-Charles May

1st Clerk-James Collins

2d do.

Charles Collins

3d do.-John A. Hall

Chinese Interpreter-R. A. do Rozario

Assistant do. --Charles Osmund

European Usher-Thomas Sherman

Assistant do -John Thompson

Indian do.-Luiz Fernandes

Chinese do.-Soong Ahyow

2d do.-llo Alloy

Clerk and Student do.-Choong Aon



Governor-Joseph Scutt

Warden-G. Wylorn

Turnkeys-W. A. Harris, A. Johnson, C.

O'Brien, and G. Hart

Interpreter-F. Xavier

Clark Matheus Chngas

Temporary Clerks -

George Gibbon

William Howard John J. Hare Storemen -

William Boxer

R. H. Bean

W. Wakeham


Master Commanding-11. G. Thomsett Paymaster W. B. Mainprise Assistant Surgeon-J. V. N. Blake Assistant l'aymaster-J. Valster


In Medical Charge-Richard Henry, staff

assistant surgeon

In Charge-Richard Hutson, gunner, R.N.


2 Chinese guarda, 7 Indian do.; I debtors' Deputy Inspector General-Charles A. Au-

Lurnkey; 1 untrou


Right Rov. the fishop of Victoria, chairman

Rev. J. J. Irwin. Rev. W. Bench, Rev. James Legge, D.D., W. T. Bridges, D.O.L., J. J. Mackenzie, committoo; and W. C. F. Ro- binson, bon, secretary Inspector of Chinese Schools-


derson, M.1).

Surgeon anul Medical Storckeeper-J. Elliatt

|Chaplain-Rev. Cuneles J. Armistead, M.A.

Assistant Surgeons-

Henry Pogan

William Yard, M.D. Robert 1.. Be

Heury si, Lander

|Hospital Clark-Charles E. Cvoks






Commander-in-Chief-Vice-Adiniral James Hope, C.B.Flagship, Chesapeake, 51 guns Second in Command-Rear-Admiral Lewis T. Jones, C.B. Flagship, Imperieuse, 51 guns

   Acorn, sloop, 12, Commander R. B. Pearse Action (surv.), frig., 26, Comdr. J. Ward Adventure, steamer, Commander E. B. Lacy Algerine, gunvessel, 2, Lieut. Willian Arthur Attalante, steamer, Poole

Banterer, gunboat, 2, Lieutenant Knevitt Beagle, gunvessel, 4, Comdr. Edward Hay Bouncer, gunboat, Comdr. Arthur R. Owen Bustard, gunboat, 2, Lieut. F. W. Hallowes Cambrian, frig., 44, Captain M'Cleverly, C.B. Centaur, at.-sloop, 6, Com. E. D'O. D'A. Aplin Chesapeake, steain-frigate, 51, Vice-Adiniral James Hope, C.B.-Captain G. O. Willes Clown, gunboat, 4, Lieutenant W. F. Lee Cockchafer, gunboat 2, Lieut. H. L. Holder Cowper, despatch-str., Comdr. Toryman Coromandel, despatch-str., 17, Lieut. Symonds Cruiser, steamer, 17, Comdr. J. Bythese, V.C. Dove, gunboat, 2, Lieutenant C. J. Bullock Drake, gunboat, 2, Lieutenant A. R. Blane Encounter, steam-ship, 14. Captain Sir R. Dew Esk, corvette, 21, Sir R. M'Clure, Kt., C.B. Firm, gun-boat, 2, Lieut. W. R. Boulton Flamer, gunboat, 2, Lieut. 11. M. Binghana Forester, gunboat, 2, Lieut. A. J. Innes Furious, steamer, 10, Capt. O. J. Jones Fury, steamer, 6, Comr. Wilson Grasshopper, gunboat, Tucker

Hurdy, gunboat, 3, Lieut. Bogle

Havoc, gunboat, C. Fairholine

Haughty, gunboat, 2

Hercules, military hospital, 2, R. Henry Hesper, steamer, Harris

Highflyer, steamer, 21, Capt. Heath

Imporieuse, steam-frigate, 61, Rear-Admiral

Jones, C.B., Capt. Maguire

Inflexible, steam-sloop, 6, Com. G. A. C.


Insolent, gunboat, 3, Lieut. Seymour

Janus, gunboat, 2, Lieut. Davidson

Kestrel, gunboat, 2, Lieut. Robinson

Loven, gunboat, 3, Lieut. Hudson

Reynard, steam-sloop, 4, Commander J. G.


Ringlove, steam-sloop, 4, Com. R. G. Craigia Roebuck, despatch-str., 6, Comr. Martin Sampson, steamer, 6, Capt. G. S. Ilund, C.B. Scout, steam-corvette, 21, Capt. Corbett Simoon, steamer, Comr. Cooke Slaney, gunboat, 3, Lieut. S. D. Bevan Snake, steamer, Comr. H. Harvey Suap, gunboat, 2, Lieut. W. O. Butler Sparrowhawk, gunboat, 4, Comr. J. C. Byog Sphinx, steamer, 6, Com. G. F. Day Starling, gunboat, 2, Lieut. J. A. Whitslied Staunch, gunboat, 2, Lieut. E. J. Pollard Sydney, steamer, Capt. Neblett Vulcan, steamer, 6, Coin. A. C. Strode Urgent, steamer, Com. II. W. Hire Watchful, gunboat, 2, Lieut. F. W. Inglefleld Waterman, steamer, 3, Phillips (Master) Weasel, gunboat, 2, Lieut. W. Howorth Woodcock, gunboat, 2, Lieut. G. S. Bosanquest Also upwards of 150 merchant vessels and steamers now (December 1860) engaged as transports.

Foreign Ships of War.

FRENCH NAVY ON CHINA STATION. Commanders-in-Chief-Rear-Admiral Poge at Saigon, & Rear-Admiral Charnier in China Alarme, gunboat, 6, Sausse Alon Aruh, gunboat Audromaque, frigate, GO Avalanche, gunboat, 6 Calvados, steamer Capricieuse, frigute, 40 Didon, frigate, 40, Duval Dierouledes, stenuer

Dordogne, steamer, 12, Faucon

| Dragonne, gunboat, 6, Galey

Dryade, troop-ship

Du Chayla, steamer, Tricault Durance, steamer, 12, Trebuchet Entreprenante, steamer

Forbin, steamer, Morier

F. de Norzagaray, steamer, Lespies

Fusée, gunboat, 6, Curpigna Garonne, steamer

Gironde, steamer, 12, Thoyon

Magicienne, steam-frigate, 16, Captain Com- Hongkong, despatch stenmor

Inerell, V.C., C.B..

Melville, hospital, 6, C. A. Anderson Minden, storeship, Greenleaf, gunner in charge Nimrod, despatch-str., G, Coin. R. J. Wynniat Odin, steam-frigate, 16, Lord John Hay, C.B. Opossum, gunboat, 2, Lieut. L. Brine Pearl, steam-corvette, 21, Capt. J. Borlase, C.B. Pioneer, steam-stoop, 6, Capt. H. A. Reiley Princess Charlotte, hospital, Comr. Thomsott Retribution, steam-frigate, 28, Commodore

H. E. Edgell, C.B.

Imperatrice Eugenie, frigate Jura, steamer, Libandiere Kienchang, steamer

La Place, 12, corvette, Kerjegur Le Forte, frigate, 00

Le Européen, steamer, Letraper Lily, steamer, Borelli Loire, steamer Marne, steainer

Marsenu, steamer, 6, de Vautrai Meurthć, st.-smithy, 12, Haries

Mitraille, gunboat, 6. Sergeant

; Prussia-Gustav Overbeek (Dent & Co.)Q.RA

Nemesis, frigate, 50, Rear-Admiral Page, Netherlands-A. W. P. Kup. (abernt), 44.

Captain Barry

Nievre, steamer

Peibo, steamer, Rieunier

Perseverante, ship

Phlegeton, steamer, 8, Picard

Pregent, steamer, Le Comte D'Osery Primuuguet, steamer, 8

Renommée, frigate, Levique Rhin, steamer

Bhone, troop-ship

Saigon, steainer

Saone, steamer, Lisco

Shanghai, (chartered), steamer Toeywan, despatch steainer

Vengeance, 50, troop-ship, M'Maillon

Also several steamers and merchant-vessels temporarily employed as transports.

RUSSIAN SHIPS OF WAR. Boyarine, steam-corvette Djighit, steam-gunboat Nynismick, despatch steamer Posuadnik

Sveltann, steam-frigate Switzerland Vaoveda

PRUSSIAN SHIPS OF WAR. Arcona, steamer

Elbe, sailing-transport





Niagara, st.-fr., 12 guns, 700 men, 4,000 tons Hartford, st.-si., 18 210 2,000 John Adams, sl., 24 180

800 Decotah, st.-g-b., 6, 100 Saginaw, st.-g.-b., 4




100 19 GOO



11. Hellaw, (J. Burd & Co.), acting-con- sul, Queen's Road

Sweden and Norway-Nicolay Daus. Q, Road Sardinia-John Dent, Queen's Road Denmark-F. II, Bluck, (John Burd & Co.,)

Queen's Road

Oldenburg and Hanover-C. Brodersen, (W.

Pustau & Co.,) Pottinger Street

Places of Worship.


大禮拜堂 Tai Lei-pai-t'ong

Hours of worship.-On Sundaysat 11 a M., at å v.m.from May to Octuber, and at 5 r.st. from November to March.

Lord Bishop of Victoria-Right Rev. George

Smith, D.D., (absent)

Colonial Chaplain-Rev. J. J. Irwin Treasurer W. T. Mercer

Trustees W. T. Mercer, II. Kingsmill, Chas. St. Geo, Cleverly, and W. H. Alexander, (nominated by Government:) George Lyall, and J. J. Mackenzie, (nominated by the scatholders.)

Organist-G, F. A. Sangster Registrar of Marriages-J. C, Power Clerk and Sexton-G. Saunders

Auditors-J. C. Power, on behalf of the Go-

vernment; and H. B. Gibb, of the sent- holders



Tai-shek-ch'u Lei-pai-t'ong

Hours of worship.-On Sundaysat II A.M., and on Sun

U. S. NAVAL DEPOT, SPRING GARDENS.day and Thursday evenings, from May to October, at


Naval Storekeeper-William Speiden, Junr. Assistant do.-Edgar Speiden

Clarks-Joze L. de Sa, and Alluzio F. de Sa


其難花旗領事官 Kee-nan, Fa-kee Ling-sz-koon

United States-Jus. Keenan, Pedder's Wharf 富些法蘭西領事官

Fu-sé, Fat-lan-sei Ling-sz-koon

7 xx, and at 6 30 23. from November to April,

Rev. Janes Legge, 1.D., pastor

Trustees-Robert Strachan, Jas. Macandrew,

Samuel C. Fox, and Henry Wm. Davis


Hours of worship.-On Fundays, at 11 a.m.

Rev. Janes C. Beecher, pastor



Hours of worship.-On Sundays and l'ostival Daye,

high man at 8, and low mass at 6, 7, and 9 A.M. Evon- Ing service during January, l'obruary, November, and

France-A. E. Vaucher, (V. Freres) Q. Road Decembor, at 5 ..; March, April, September, and


Lü-sung Ling-sz-koon

Spain-Joze D'Aguilar, (absent), Francisco

Antonio da Silva, vice-consul in charge

October, at 5.30 P.x.; and during May, June, July, and August, at 6 r..

Very Rev. D. L. Ambrozi, prefect apostolic Rev. C. Raimondi, vice-prefect apostolie Revs. G. Burghigudi, S. Volonteri, G. Favini,

J. Borgazzi, and A. Riva, missionaries


Societies, Institutions, &c.


Rev. James Legge, D.D.

Ying-wa Shü-yün

Wong Ashing, superintendent of printing office


Rev. H. A. Sawtelle



Tsan-mun Yuk-ying-tʻong

L. Ladendorff, principal

Mrs Ladendorff, Misses Ladendorff, Nager,

Heidsiek, and Sen


Rev. Fr. Libois, procureur Rev. X. Cazenare, assistant



Shing Po-lo Shi-yün

Warden-Right Rev. George Sinith, D.D.

     1.ard Bishop of Victoria, (absent) Sub-Warden-Rev. W. R. Beach, domestic

chaplain to the Bishop

4 Chinese teachers, and 40 pupils



書樓 Shi-low

(Ofico-bearers for 1861 not yet cloutod,)


新公司 Sun Kung-82

Committee-George Lyall, John Dent. G. A. Weiner. P. Ryrie, W. Ormiston, G. Over-

beck, R. M. Reddie, H. B. Gibb, A. Flet-

cher, J. Heard, H. B. Lemann, and W. Walkinshaw

Secretary W. W. Bonuett

Accountant-F. Freire

Clerk-L. Graça


渣曼公司 Cha-mun Kung-8z

Director-C. A. Hubener

Secretary J. Arnhold

Treasurer-0. Stammann

Stewards-E. Behre and A. Schetelig



Kwat-tün-lung shan-sing E-koon

Trustees-Alexander Percival, John Heard, W. T. Mercer, Maxunilian Fischer, super-

intendent of the P. & O. Steam Naviga- tion Company (ex-officio) Treasurer-R. A. Houstoun


Superintendent-I. G. Austin

Agent-William Maxwell Clerk-William Gee

Agent at Canton-Theophilus Sampson Clerk-Luz Baretto




(Once-bearers for 1881 not yet clooted,)


President-Rev. E. C. Bridgman, D.D. Vice-Presidents-John Dent, and S. W. Wil-

liams. LL.D.

Treasurer-James Macan

Secretury-Rev. James Legge, D.D.

Committee-R. Strachan, W. W. Parkin, Y.

J. Murrow, and A. Fletcher


Caine Road,山頂馬路 Shan-ting Ma-lov

| Central Market, 中環街市

Chung-wan Kai-she

| Governmt Offices, 大兵頭寫字樓 Tai-ping-tow Sé-tsz-low

Happy Valley,


書館 Shu-kcon

Parade Ground,

Wong-nei-chung Wan-tsei


Committee W. T. Bridges, n.c..., Hugh Palder's Wharf, jÉLY

   Bold Gibb, Douglas Lapraik, Postonjee Dhunjeebboy, Framjee Edutjes China, and] Ninian Crawford

Trensurez-Goorge Lyall

Secretary-Henry Kingsmill

Teacher-James Kemp

Shin-tow-koon Ma-tow

Queen's Road West, Sheong-wan

Do. Central, Chung-wan

Do. E. (Spring Gardens) TB Ha-wan


Auctioneers and Commission Agents.

See also Storekeepers.


Brooks, James A., Queen's Road

John Stinson, assistant

J. Rozario, do.


Too-te-lee, Ye-lang-koon

Duddell & Co., Henry, Queen's Road

Henry Duddell

James W. Pearce, assistant

波羅雲 Po-lo-twu6

MacGregor & Co., R., Queen's Road

J. C. Baldwin

R. H. Baldwin

Lo-put, Ye-lung-koon

Roberts & Son, John, Wellington Street

Roberts, John, Sen. Roberts, John, Jun.


Tan-na ngun-kong

Agra & United Service Bank, Queen's Road Draws on Head Office, Loudon, and on Branches at Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, Agra, Lauro, and Shaughac.

Atenry Turner, manager

Henry Noble, assistant

Francis Andrews, do.

John Cardno, manager, (Shanghae)

LE Tôi file ky se-foot ngu-hong


Kok-sz-ton, San-ngun-hong

Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China, Queen's Road

Draws on London Joint Stock Bank, London; and on

the Branches and Agencies at London, Bombay, Cal-

cutta, Madras, Mauritius, Ceylon, Penang. Sloga-

pore, and Sharghao.

Walter Ormiston, manager

R. B. Baker, accountant

A. Coxen, sub-accountant

D. A. da Silva, assistant

Honorato Jorge, do. P. M. Carvalho, do.

M. A. da Silva, do.

William Howard, manager, (Shanghae)

Robert Brett, accountant, (do.)

Henry Howard, assistant, (do.)


Kom-ma-sak ng nhung

Commercial Bank of India, Queen's Road

Draws on London Joint Stock Rank, London; and on

Bank's Branches at Calcutta and Bombay. Patrick Rose Harper, manager Henry Rutter, sub-manager & accountant G. A. de Game, assistant Henry II. Wiggins, manager, (S.lne) Rowley Miller, acting accountant, (do)

Kum-pov, ngun-hong

Oriental Bank Corporation, Queen's Road

Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and Chiun, Draws on Head Office, Threadneedle Street, London:

339 Queen's Ron-l

Draws ou The City Bank, Loudon; on the Bombay, Calcutta, Singapore, and Shangliae Agencies; aoû ou The Union Bank of Australia.

John W. Maclellan, manager

Geo. Mackey, sub-manager & accountant Augustus White, Jr., assistant accountant John Mackellar, manager, (Shangliae) J. Howard Guyther, accountant, do,

It may not bo tinnecomsary to mention, for the fu formation of our readers in England, that the humbler occupations such as builders, masons, carpenters, tal- lors, shoemakers, bookbindor, ovo garried on un- tirely by the Chinose koro, and in overy place through- out the Far East whore Europonns and Chinese äro The latter conduct their ovotal Jocated together, buatnerson in mualt & therusghly systematic and vootto- mical manner, we uvor to proolude the romutost promil- billy of Kuropean workman compoting with thom.

and on Brauches at lombay, Calcutta, Madras, Ceylon, Mauritius, Singapore, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Wellington. The Corporation also Issues circular notes and letters of credit, negoll. ablo in Egypt, Syria, the Continent of Europe, New York, the West Indies, New South Wales, and the Cape of Good Hope.

Patrick Campbell, manager in China John MeDouall, sub-manager James Webster, acemuntant David McLean, sub-do.

Francis B. Fairley, assistant do. Joze Noronha, assistant Henrique Noronha, do, Joze G. Brandňo, do.

Willian Lamond, agent, (Shanghae) Johnstone Smith, accountant, (do.) Richard Dudley, assistant, (du.)

Insurance Companies.


(The following are Marine Insurance Companies, unless | Aderjee Dhunjcebhoy & Co., Peel Street

otherwise mentioned.)

Barristers & Notaries-Publie. ###}} Pa-la-ka Yeuk-fong


Pect-leet-che-sz Tai Chong-sz

Bridges, W. T., D.C.L., Queen's Road

Medical Hall Dispensary, 405 Queen's Road

J. J. Braga


Cama & Co., F. B.

King-sz-mee-lee Tai Chong-sz

João 1. Britto, clerk

A. Botelho, apothecary

F. da Roza. do.

F. d'Azevedo, do.

J. Jesus, do.

Queen's Road Dispensary

A. de Souza


Kingsmill, Henry, act. attorney-general, Q.Rd.

D. Danenberg, apothecary

#Bits Po-lut Tai Chong-sz


I'ullard, Edward H., Queen's Road

Mathias Azevedlu, do.

Florentino dos Remedios, assistant

Filomeno Guedes, do.


Kuk-pa Tan-na chong-sz

Turner & Hazeland, D'Aguilar Street

George Cooper Turner

Francis Innes Hazeland

Henry Charles Caldwell, assistant


Aderjee Sapoorjee, Wyndham Street Anderson, George

Aspundearjee Tanooljee, Wellington Street Burjorjee H. Hadownah, (general) D. Ruttunjve, Lyndhurst Terrace, (general) Fox, S. C., Ï'Àguilar St., (ship br.&auctioneer)

R. F. Gutierrez, assistant


Holmes, George, Wellington Street, (ship)

± Pe-sz-tun-che

M. & A. Pestonjee Setna, Hollywood Road

Muncherjee Pestonjee Setna

Ardaseer Pestonjce Setna

Piccape, T. A., (general)

Rustomjee Barjorjev, (general)


' Shap, Uy-tan-ngun-leung King-ke

Sharp, Granville, Gough St., (bills & bullion)

Willaume, N., Old Bailey Street, (general)

Chemists and Druggists.

Heong-kong Yeuk-fong

Hongkong Dispensary, Queen's Road

Alexander 8. Watson, manager Henry Dickson, dispenser Elward Carpentor, du.

Roberto Duarte, Old Bailey Street

Ignacio Quadros, assistant


Eastlack, William C., Staunton Street


物都古 Mut-to-koo

MacDougall & Co., Spring Gardens

M. MacDougall, engineer

Samuel Speechly, do,

James Henderson, blacksmith'

Hotels and Taverns. Albion Hotel, Edward Parker, 339 Q. Road Army & Navy Hotel, R. II. Kentwell, Q.Rd. W. | British Queon, G. Thompson, do.

Bombay Tavern, Joza Fernandez, do. British Hotel, Henry John Carr, do. City of Hamburg, Henry A. Sievers, do, *Kum-ma-sak Tsow-teem Commercial Hotel, Parker Bradstreet, Q. R. Crown & Anchor, J. Robertolo, Q. Road W. El Durado Inn, George Robinson, do. Empire Tavern, Robert Beattie, do.

German Tavern, William Peterson, do.

Hamburg Tavern, Peter Kettles, do.

Irish Flag, John Rich, do,

Land We Live In, J. Young, do.

London Tavern, Daniel Jones, 316 Queen's Rd.

Magnet Tavern, G. Wilkins, Stanley Street Napoleon Tavern, II. S. Peel, Q. Road W. Nemesis Tavern, J. Mevecty, Queen's Rd. W. Neptune Tavern, John Schipper, do.

Old House at Home, J. F. Borges, Q. Rd. W.

Té-pa, Tsow-teem

Oriental Hotel, George A. Taber, and T. F.

Andrusi, Wellington Street Rising Sun, John Crowen, Queen's Road Royal Albert Hotel, John Cahill, 518 Q. Rd. Stag Inn, J. B. Watson, 328 Queen's Rund Uncle Tom's Cabin, James-Borton, Q. Rd. W. Victoria Hotel, Thomas O'Brien, 347 Q. Rd. White Swan, Joaquim Caldora, Q. Road W.

Eastern Insurance Company)

Cama & Co., P. F.

Bombay Native Insurance Company

Sun Insurance Office

Victoria Insurance Company

Camajeo & Co., R. H.

Bombay Carna Insurance Company

Camajec, P. & D. N.

Bombay Merchants Insurance Company Carapiet & Co.

Amicable Insurance Office, 1860-05 Dent & Co.

Bombay Insurance Company Forbes&Co. Constituents' Insurance Fund London Assurance Corporation (Fire) London Assurance House

Royal Exchange Assurance Company Union Insurance Society of Canton

De Silver & Co.

Philadelphia and Boston Board of Under-


Eduljee Framjee, Sons & Co.

Bombay Commercial Insurance Company Ellissen & Co.

Victoria Marine Insur. Co. of Melbourne Fischer, Maxn., P. & O. S. N. Co.

London and Oriental Steam Transit In-

surance Office

Jardine, Mathuson & Co.

Bengal Assurance Company Bombay Assurance Company Canton Insurance Office

Triton Assurance Company

Jairaz, Fazul & Co.

China Merchant Insurance Company

Lindsay & Co.

Hongkong Insurance Company Sun Fire Office

Lyall, Still & Co.

Lloyds, London

Pustau & Co.

Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Co. Schaefer & Co.

Compagnies d'Assurances Maritimes de

Paris et do Marseille

Turner & Co.

Eastern Marine Insurance Company Netherlands Indian Marine Insurance Co. Northern Insurance Co., (Fire and Life) | Walker, Borradaile & Co.

Royal Insur. Co., (Fire, Life, & Annuities) Universal Life Assurance Society

Marine Surveyors.

Heaton, George H., Caine Road McMurdo, Robert, Hollywood Road

Aderjee Aspundiarjee

Framjee Eduljee, assistant Limjeebhoy Byramjee, do. Horinusjce Aderjec, do.


Agabeg, A. L., Jr., Graham Street

G. L. Agabeg, (Macao)

Ameeroodeen Jafferbhoy & Co., Wellington St.

Ameerondeen Abduollatiff Jafferbhoy Budrooć ven

Shaboodeen Coutboodin, assistant Abdool Hoosain Abdoolally, du. Abdoolcreem Abdoolcader, do.

Anuntram Sagurmull, Wellington Street

Anuntram Sagurmull, (Foochow)

Ramrickdass, assistant

Ramrickdass Rampurtab, do.

Hormusjee Byramjee Guzder, do.

Dbanjeebloy NowrojecBottlewalla, do.,


Bhanja, N. A., & C. B. Wadia, Hollywood Rd.

N. A. Bhanja

C. B. Wadin

巴厘 Pa-lee

Birley & Co., Queen's Road

C. W. Murray

Arthur Sinith, (Pouchow)

Frederick T. Sunith, assistant

A. B. da Roza, do.

D. P. Simoens, do.

M. da Itoza, do.

Francis Parry, do., (Canton)

William Forbes, do., (do.)

William Bourne, dv., (Fuochow)

布坐 Poo-Lso

Bourjau, Hubener & Co., Queen's Road

Adolph Bourjau, (absent)

C. A. Hubener

Ernest Behre, assistant

G. W. Hartmann, do.

Emil Ilubener, do.

R. Broudsted, do.

L. Beyer, do.

C. E. Boeddinghaus, do., (Canton) A. Booth, dv., (Shanghae)


Burd & Co., John, Queen's Road

Frederick H. Block, Danish consul G. J. Helland, acting Netherlands consul

II. Kjer, assistant M. de Souza, du.

巴頓 Peke-tun


Bull, Purdon & Co., Spring Gardens

James Purdon

F. W. Lawrence, (absent)

J. G. Purdon, (Canton)

T. Pyke, (Foochow)

R. Francis, (Shanghae)

G. R. Lawrence, assistant

Antonio dos Santos, do.

G. H. Styan, do., (Foochow)

Morgan Maclean, do., (Shanghae)

S. H. Clarke, do., (do.)

B. D. de Souza, Jr., dó., (do.)

巴魯士 Pa-lo-se

Burrows & Co., Pottinger Street

Silas E. Burrows, Jr.

Ogden Hoffman Burrows

抑乎卑監麻 Af-pe-cana

Cama & Co., F. B., Wellington Street

Framjee Eduljee

Hormusjce Eduljee

Dhunjeebhoy Eduljee, assistant

Bomanjee Muncherjee, do.

Framjee Kaikhosrow, do.

Merwanjee Bomanjee, do.

Pestonjee Rustomjee, do.

Eduljee Mendosjee, do., (Canton)

卑抑乎監蔴 Pe-af Cama

Cama & Co., P. F., Webster St., Queen's Rd.

Rustomjee Dhunjeeshaw

Limjee Jansetjee

Framjee Hormujec, (Shanghae)

Dady Limjee, (Ainoy)

I. Muncherjee, assistant

C. Pestonjec Erany, do.

N. Cowasjee, do.

D. Muncherjee, do.

P. Bazonjee, do,

D. Pestonjee, do., (Shanghae)

C. D. Lalcaca, do., (do.)

M. Eduljce, do., (do.)

L. Bomanjee, do., (do.)

N. Cursetjee, do., (Amoy)


Camnjec & Co., R. II., Gough Street

D. P. Canajee

E. P. Dhalla, assistant

D. B. Soomarigara, do.

拿打杯 Na-ta-pooy

Cassumbhoy Nathabhoy's Sons&Co.,StanleySt-

Carrusnally Cassumbhoy

Hassumbhoy Dainb, chief clerk

D. Cursetjee, assistant

Damoder Sevurdass, do.

Mansey Gangjee, do.

Raihimbhoy Narjee, do., (Shanghae)

Crssumbhoy Ebrahim, do., (Canton)

樂蘭悲 Cu-la-pee

Carapiet & Co., 865 Old Bailey Street

S. M. Carapiet


Cawasjce Pallanjee & Co., Lyndhurst Terrace

Sapoorjee Bomanjee

L'allanjec Cursetjee, assistant

Burjorjee Hormusjec, do.

Nusservanjee Aderjee, do.

Framjee Bamanjee, do.

活時 Foot-see

Coutts, J. C., Queen's Road

哥刺 Co-lais

Colah & Co., P. & J. B., Hollywood Road

Pestonjeo Byramjce Colali

Janasjee Byraunjee Colah

Rustomjee Pestonjec Motiwalla

船自杯 Poon-tsz-pooy

Dhurumsey Poonjabhoy, Gage Street

Jan Mahomed Hussondhoy

Peer Mahomed Nuthoobhoy

Noor Mahomed Curejee, assistant

Ally Mahomed Bhimjee, do.

Cassum Currim, do.

Sajun Datoo, do.

Abdulcurrim Corcjee, do.

Jan Mahomed Jewn, do.

MK Pe Tik Ca-ma-chee Downrkadass, Vussonjes & Co., Cochrane St.

Camajeo & Co., P. & D. N., Queen's Rond

Pestonjer Dhunjeubboy

Dorabjee Nusserwanjeo Camajco, (S.hue)|

1. Byramjee, assistant

Eduljes Rustomjee, do.

Cursetjes N. Pocłujec, do.

Byramjca Franjev, do.

Fardunjee Jamsetjee, do.

Peroshaw C. Pochiajve, do., (Canton)

Rustomjee Pestonjec, do., (Shanghae)!

Ameeroodeen Chandabboy

Anverali Coolam llosen, assistant C. Abdolali, do.


Esuffali Jafferbboy, do.


Duus & Co., N., Queen's Rond

Nicolay Duus, vice-consul for Sweden &


11. llyndinan

j! Teen-ti

Dent & Co., Queen's Road

John Dent

Edward Webb, (Shangline) Francis Chomley

James Joseph Mackenzie, (absent) Henry Willian Dent. (Shangbae) Alexander Turing, assistant Gustav Overbeck, do. Henry Laycock, do. James Trubshaw, do. Alexander Rainsay, do. Johr Dodd, do. Alexander Rodger, do. A. A. Wheeley, du. Edward Wheeley, do. Bernhard Plessinaun, do.

C. J. Ozorio, do.

Francisco A. Gomes, do.

Augusto J. Gomes, do. Sião da Roza, do.

Silvano dos Remedios, do.

George Smart, godown keeper

William Stiles, assistant do.


Charlton C. Rainbow, assistant (C.ton)

Percy Lloyd, do., (do.)

II. D. Brown, agent (Amoy)

P. F. da Silva, assistant, (do.)

W. II. Luce, do., (Foochow)

T. H. Chapman, do., (do.) J. S. Baptista, do., (do.)

H. Hubbard, do,, (Shanghae)

11. G. Hanssen, do., (do.)

· Pedro Loureiro, do., (do.)

J. T. Elliot, do., (du.)

Jolm Hauna, dv., (do.)

L. A. Tavares, du., (do.)

E. H. Evans, do., (Nagasaki)

José Loureiro, do., (Kanagawa)

F. Barradas, do., (do.)

化林治 Fu-lum-chec

Edulje Franjec, Sons & Co., Gough Street

Bomanjee Eduljer, (Cauton)

Hormusjee Eduljec

Sorabjee Framjee, assistant

Framjee Dorabjee, do,

Bhicajco Franjoe, dv.

杯 Pony

Ellisson & Co. A., D'Aguilar Street

Clotworthy Boyd

W. E. Bradden, assistant

C. F. V. Delmaring, do.

1. V. Ribeiro, do,

E. J. Rozario, do.

J. Machado, da.

J. Broadhurst Tootal, dv., (Shanghae)

Fazal Mahomed Damnbhoy, Hollywood Road

Fazel Mahomed Damabhoy

Moledina Virjee, assistant

Sewjerhoy Laljee, do.

Rewjee Rhaimbhoy, do., (Canton)

Rhaimbhoy Munjee, dv., (du.)

佛禮乍 Fut-lei-cus

Fletcher & Co., Queen's Road

Angus Fletcher

A. J. Campbell, (absent)

J. Gilfillan, assistant

W. Schmidt, do.

H. A. Leiria, Jo.

J. C. dos Remedios, do.

J. P. Xavier, do.

11. Marshall, do., (Canton)

加泄 Ku-scet

Gassett, Edward, Spring Gardens, Queen's Rd.

Arthur O. Gay, assistant

Richard B. Slate, do.


Gellabhoy Sewjec & Co., Wellington Street

Cassumbhoy Khotsey

Nusserwanjee Nowrojet, (Canton)

Hassum Munjee, (Shanghae)

Mahoned Khetsey, assistant

Burjorjce Cawasjee, do.

A. K. Lookmanjee, do.


Gibb, Livingston & Co., Aberdeen Street

T. A. Gibb, (absent)

John 1). Gibb

11. B. Gibb

E. F. Duncanson, (Shanghae)

W. II. llunt, assistant

J. T. Iludson, do.

F. M. Gibb, do.

J. M. Vickers, do.

W. J. 1lenderson, do.

L. J. da Silva, do.

A. F. dos Remedios, do. J. Livingston, do., (Canton) Thomas Bedwell, do., (do.) F. Porter, do., (l'oochow) Henry Lowcock, do., (do.) W. 11. Gibb, dv., (Shanghae) !!. W. Carey, do,, (do.)

J. 3. White, (dlo,)

W. Hyslop, do., (do.)

a. C. Webb, dò,, (tlu.)


Gifford & Co., 470 Stanley Street

George Gifford

J. J. Gutierrez, assistant Patrick Gifford, tea inspector, (C.ton)


太平行 Tai-ping hong


Gilman & Co., Aberdeen Street

R. J. Gilman, (absent)

A. R. Hudson

R. J. Ashton, (Shanghae)

W. II. Vacher, (absent)

W. H. Green, (Foochow)

H. B. Lemann, assistant Willian Lemann, do.

A. H. Roberts, do. J. da Costa, do.

T. da Silva, do.

W. Newinan, do., (Canton)

J. L. Lent, do., (Fouchow)

W. Brand, do., (do.)

J. Bannatyne, do., (Shanghae)

C. A. Wild, do., (do.)

G. Wallis, do., (do.)

E. H. Lavers, do., (do.)


Habibbhoy Ebrahim, Sous & Co., Gage St.

F. H. Ebrahim, (absent)

Rahimtoola Mahomed, manager

Shariff Curim, assistant

P. E. Cumbata, do.

Mahomedbhoy Ladha, do..., (Canton)

Veerjee Nanjee, do., (Shaughac)

曷公司 Hot-knumg-8%

Heard & Co., Augustine, Ilollywood Road

Augustine Heard, (absent)

John Heard

Augustine Heard, Jr., (absent)

Albert F. Parker, (Shanghae)

E. F. Parker

Richard Deacon, do.

J. A. B. Cutter, do.

E. H. M. Huntington, do.

D. Weld, do.

P. P. Ellis, do.

F. A. Seabra, do.

II. C. V. de Figueiredo, do.

L. F. Vanderburg, do.

J. H. Everett, do., (Cauton)

R. J. Fearon, do., (Shanghae)

J. W. Wood, do., (do.)

H. G. Bridges, do..., (do,)

II. Smith, uo., (do.)]

J. S. Cunningham, do., (do.)

R. Rayner, do., (do.)

W. O. Clark, do., (do.)

F. Blake, du., (do.)

B. do Souza, dv., (do.)

G. F. Weller, da., (Foochow)

B. R. Woudworth. do., (do.)

A M. Daly, do., (do.)

H. J. Hooper, du.. (Yokahuma, Japan)|

H. Willgoss, du., (do.)



± 7o-lo-te, Wei-sz

白頭行 Pudo-t'ous hong 化灩 Fu-sool

Holliday, Wise & Co., 346 Queen's Road

John Holliday. (England)

John Wise, (do.)

Robert Mairhead Reddio

Kichard Rowett, assistant

Edward Townend, do,, (Canton)

Robert Dence, do. (do.)

James Whitlow, do., (Shanghae) Frederick Corns, do,, (do.)

George Rehden, do., (do.)

Thomas Knight Ashion, do. (Foochow)

II. J. Luyken, do., (Manila)

T. Andrews, do., (do.).

C. W. Fairbridge, do., (do.)


Jameson, Charles, Queen's Road and storeship


W.K. Stanford, commander Circassian

Frederick Hammond, assistant

H. B. Kemp, do.

N. Campos, do.

渣顛 Cha-teen

Jardine, Matheson & Co., East Point

Joseph Jardine, (absent)

Robert Jardine, (do.)

Alexandur Perceval

J. C. Bowring

James Macandrew

M. A. Macleod

J. A. Barretto, assistunt Antonio d'Eça, do.

Joze F. da Costa, do.

John F. Higson, do.

R. A. Houston, do.

M. P. Jukes, do.

William Kirby, do.

William Keswick, do., (Japan)

P. F. Laurie, do.

R. A. Macandrew, do.

Herbert St L. Magniac, do., (absent)

Joze Maria d'Outeiro, do.

A. F. Vandenberg, do.

Thomas Wallace, godown keeper

Rt. Watmore, assistant George Wordsworth, do. James Whittall, do., (Shanghao) John Thomas Batt, do., (do.) Ilector C. Maclean, do., (de) Samuel J. Gower, do., (io.) John Morison, do', (do.) R. B. Davies, do., (do.)

F. T. O'Callaghan, do., (do.)

- Droon, do., (do.)

Edward Whittall, lo., (Canton) Thomas S. Odell, do., (do.)

Jairaz, Fazul & Co., Wellington Street

Jairaz Munjce

Mahomed Dhurumsey

Mahomed Nutloo, assistant Nizamoodin Mookree, do.

Jewraybhoy Sajun, age Street

Johou Mahomed leerjeo

Fazulbhoy Jewray

Allanabhoy Luckumsey, assistant

Mahomed Jewray, do.

Munjee Asur, do.

Dhurumsey Mooman, do.

Moorjee Parpia, do.

贊臣 T'san-shun 華厘 Wa-lee

Johnson & Co., Aberdeen Street

F. B. Johnson

A. J. How, (Shanghae)

C. T. Johnson, assistant

F. A. Marçal do.

B. Bottado, do.

W. B. Varco, do., (Shanghae) W. N. Bickhan, do., (do.)


Koopmanschap & Bosman, Pottinger Street

C. Koopmanschap, (San Francisco) S. H. M. Bosman

C. E. Suice

UBM Lai-ya, Se-tik-li

Lyali, Still & Co., Queen's Road

Georgo Lyall, (England) Charles Frederick Still

G. F. Maclean, assistant

E. A. Westley, do.

G. E. Stokes, do.

C. A. Ozorio, Jr., do.

L. A. do Rozario, do.

M. A. de Souza, do.

L. A. d'Encarnação, do.

連治加 Lin-chee-koa

Lindsay & Co., Queen's Road

G. A. Wiener

T. G. Linstead

R. C. Antrobus, (Shanghae)

A. Michie, do., (du.)

A. Stuart, (Ponchow)

E. II. Duus, assistant

J. G. Dunn, do.

A. Barradas, do.

J. L. Pereira, da.

G. dos Remedios, do.

F. dos Remedios, do.

H. R. Tanes, do., (Shanghac)

G. S. Soul, do., (do.)

J. S. Robison, do., (do.)

A. Bastos, du., (dv.)

J. Innes, do. (Fouchow)

麥堅怡 Mule-kin-chee

Mackenzie & Co., D. W., Hollywood Road

D. W. Mackenzie

T. Nisbet, assistant

N. T. da Costa, do.

乜打 Mut-la

Metta & Co., F. B., Wellington Street

Rustomjee Pestonjec

Cowasjee Nu-serwanjee

M. C. Patell, assistant

麼地 Zo-ti

Mody & Co., D. N., Queen's Road

Framjee Saporjee

Rustomjee Hormusjec, (Canton)

Framjee Dhunjeebhoy, assistant

Pestonjce Aspandiarjee, do. Dadabhoy Cawasjer, do.

Nusserwanjee Dadabhoy, do.


Moses & Co., 429 Stanley Street

Reuben Solomon

R. J. Reuben, assistant

Nowrojce & Co., Ilollywood Road

Nowrojee l'estonjec

Dadabhoy Rustomjee


Nursey Kessowjec & Co., Wellington Street

Nursey Kersowjec (Bombay)

Purbhoy Khalukdina

Bahoolbhoy Bhogabhoy, assistant Virgie Phardahnbhoy, do.

Khan Mahomed Nuthoo, do.

Gangjee Goolam Hoosum, do., (C.ton) Meerally Mahomed, do., (Shangbae) Sorabjec D. Soobedar, do., (Fouchow) Hassambhoy Parpia, do., (lo.)


Olyplant & Co., Queen's Road

W. W. Parkin

R. M. Olyphant, (Shangkae)

D. O. Vail, (do.)

R. R. Tyers, (do.)

A. B. Neilson, Jr., (Foochow)

E. A. 1litchcock, assistant

J. G. Ward, do.

J. P. Van Loffelt, do.

J. F. d'Oliveira, do.

W. Neilson, do., (Canton)

J. Odell, do., (do.)

J. M. Mar, Jr., dó., (do.)

W. T. Tyers, do.. (Shanghau)

A. A. Hays, Jr., dv., (do,)

O. K. Gordon, dv., (do.)



Oxford & Co., Burd's Lane, Queen's Road

Joseph Oxford, (London)

A. C. Levysohn, (Canton)

J. Arnhold

A. Boermann, assistant

F. Diers, do.

A. do Rozario, do.

II. Bruckner, do., (Canton)

非立士麽 Fce-iup-sz Mo

Phillips, Moore & Co., Queen's Road

J. Phillips, (England)

B. P. Moore, (do.)

E. Cohen, (do.)

P. Cohen, (do.)

II. Coben, manager

C. Cohen, assistant

M. Moore, do.

G. N. Michell, manager, (Manila)

J. Moore, assistant, (do.)

Peerblany Rowjer, Hollywood Road

Allybhoy Ebrahim

Burjorjee Muncherjee, assistant Visrain Adutt, do.

Chandoobhoy Laljec, do., (Canton) Bloosa Hassun, đa.. (do.)


Pustau & Co., Pottinger Street

William Pustau, (Europe)

C. Brodersen

W. Probst, (Shanghae)

J. Menke, (Canton)

Th. Probst, assistant

Th. Elmenhorst, do.

A. Bielefeld, do.

J. Donner, do,

E. Meyer, do.

C. Hagen, do.

J. Meyer, do., (Canton)

E. Fajard, do., (Shanghae)

G. Schottlen, do., (du.)

J. Spetzler, do., (do.)

C. Hagemeyer, do., (do.) E. Schütze, do., (do.)


Romelion, J. J. dos, Gough Street

J. J. dos Remedios

A. G. Romano, assistant

A. A. dos Remedios, do.

J. A. dos Remedios, do.

E. O. dos Remedios, do.

Rustomjoo Nowrojeo Deguria, Peel Struot

Kuitonjeg Dadabhoy

Eduljce Dadabhoy

La-su† Fo-sz-la

Russell & Co., Queen's Road Warren Delano, Jr. George Tyson

W. H. Forbes, (Canton)

W. 8. Sloan, (Foochow)

D. O. Clark, (do.)

E. Cunningham, (Shanghae)

Henry S. Grew, (do.)

W. H. Foster, Jr., assistant

F. B. Beaumont, do.

F. B. Forbes, do.

D. King, Jr., do.

J. W. Torrey, do.

Q. A. Gutierrez, do.

E. A. Encarnação, do.

E. Sheppard, do., (Canton)

M. G. Moore, do., (Fuochow)

B. Pereira, do,, (du.)

J. W. Leembruggen, do., (Shanghae)

F. W. Saurmann, do., (do.)

R. S. Dana, do., (do.)

S. W. Pomeroy, Jr., do., (do.)

F. Luembruggen, do., (du.)

Ruttunjec Framjee Vacha & Co., Lyndhurst


Ruttunjee Framico Vacha

Veizbhook Hundase Kurrybhoy(Bombay)

Sappoorjee & Co., N. & E., Graham Street

Nourojee Hossungjee

Pestonjce Sapoorjce

Jehangeerjee Cursetjce, assistant Burjorjee Dadabhoy, do.


Sassoon, Sous & Co., David, Pedder's Wharf

R. D. Sassoon

Arthur Sassoon

S. Sassoon, assistant

E. D. Ezekiel, do.

S. E. Sassoon, do,

E. Abraham, do.

E. A. Solomon, do.

M. J. d'Aquino, do. V. F. Rocha, do.

Ezra Isaac, do., (Canton)

A. S. Ezra do., (Poochow)


Schaeffer & Co., Hollywood Road

II. Schaeffer

F. Sandors, assistant

Sherard, R. B., West Point

些刺時 Sche-ta-sz

Schellhass & Co., Eduard, 439 Queen's Road

Eduard Schellhass

G. da Silva, assistant

禪臣 Scem-sun

Siemssen & Co., Queen's Road

G. T. Siemssen, (Hamburg) Woldemar Nissen Ludwig Wiese

Rudolph Heinsen, (Shanghae) G. W. Schwemann, (Foochow) H. Kruger, assistant, (do.) Julius Möller, do. Oscar Staminann, do.

E. Brunckow, do.

L. Parizot, do. Frederick Wiese, do. Ferdinand Nissen, do. W. Rehhoff, do.

C. J. Mestern, do., (Canton)

II. Bock, do., (do.)

Adolph Joost, do., (Shanghae) J. W. Thies, do,, (do.) Archibald J. Little, do., (do.) Gustav Jacob, do., (do.)

Ity Sz-mut A-ché

Smith, Archer & Co., D'Aguilar Street

C. T. Smith George A. Archer

E. H. Burgy, (Canton)

R. B. Smith, assistant

J. S. Blydinburgh, do.

W. D. King, Jr., do.

F. R. Haight, do.

T. Field, do.

Woodhull Schenck, do.


Sz-mut Keen-nce-tee

Smith, Kennedy & Co., Queen's Road

Thomas D. Neavo

A. Brand, (Shanghae)

R. R. Westall, (Foochow) Robert Brand, assistant Richard Bradley, do.

J. W. II. Escherich, do.

R. II. S. Woodward, do.

G. Smith, do.

II. Marçal, do.

N. Simens, do.

R. II. Chambers, do., (Canton) W. B. Kinnear, do., (Poochow)

J. O. Helbling, do., (Shangline)

N. Latiner, do., (do.)

R. If. Woodward, do., (do.,)

E. Rigby, dv., (do.)

J. A. MacNair, do., (do.)

B. S. Hobson, do., (do.)


| Surabjec Herjecbhoy & Eduljer l'estonjve,

Lyndhurst Terrace

Sorabjee Ierjeebhoy

Eduljee Pestonjec


Stephenson & Co., Stanley Street

James Stephenson, (absent)

M. C. do Rozario

C. Marques, assistant

Tan-na kung-sz

Turner & Co., Queen's Road

William Walkinshaw William Hutchison, (England) R. F. Thorburn, (Shanghac) Phineas Ryric

W. J. Bryans, (Shanghae)

H. D. Stewart, assistant

J. D. Thorburn, do.

A. G. Hogg, do.

M. A. Carvalho, do.

J. A. Jesus, do.

P. McLean, do,, (Shangliae)

A. Walkinshaw, do., (do.) E. C. Smith, do., (Fuochow)

J. Owen, do., (Canton)

R. K. Maitland, do., (du.)

富些 Fu-se

Vaucher Freres, Queen's Road

A. E. Vaucher, consul for France

Fritz Vaucher, (Shanghac)

G. Blakeway, assistant

1. Loup, do.

A. Lafond, do.

C. T. Gonsalvez, do.

A. T. Reynvaan, dlo., (Canton)

Eugene Borel, dv., (Singhae)

滑摩 Wut-zo

Wetmore, Cryder & Co., Queen's Road

W. Shephard Wetmore, (Shanglao)

W. Wetmore Cryder

J. W. Allen, assistant

John Thorne, do.

T. W. Whittemore, do.

Isaac B. Crane, do.

M. Simons, do.

A. de Barros, do.

-Simuens, dlʊ.

A. R. Case, do., (Canton)

J. Kearny Rogers, assistant, (S.lac)

Hugo Reinhard, do, (do.)

- Stevens, do., (do.)

- Jenkius, do., (do.)

Francis Boyd, Jr., dv., (10.)

A. D. W. Funck, do., (Kanagawa)


或架刺爹 Wuli-ku Pa-is-te

Walker, Borradaile & Co., Queen's Road

Robert S. Walker

Thomas S. Borradaile

William Granert, assistant

Carl Dotta, do,

L. C. da Silva, do.

James West, do.

Jaumes Costello, do.

威見臣 We-keen-shue

Wilkinson & Co., Alfred, Gough Street

Charles A. Dickinson

Henry Murray, (Shangbae)

Henry Dickinson, assistant, (do.)

Alfred Howell, do, (do.)

Milliners and Dressmakers.

Garrett, Miss, Queen's Road

Miss E. Bonnett, manager

Hurst, Mrs, Pottinger Street Luna, Mrs, Elgin Street Marsh, Mrs, Queen's Road

Mills, Miss, Queen's Road

Winiberg, Mrs, Queen's Road

Physicians and Surgeons.

Ainslie, Thomas, M.D., Civil Hospital

Pa-lci-she E-sang

Brice, George, Floating House, Harbour

Cha-lee-kut E-sang

Chaldecott, Thos. Andrews, M.D., M.E.C.8.E.,;

LA.C., Stanley Street

Dantra, H. B., Gough Street

蓆醫生 Chalk E-sany

Euscoe, J., M.D., Seamen's Ilospital

Jack, J., M.D., D'Aguilar Street

堅醫生 Keen E-sang

Kane, Willian, M.D., Queen's Road Lyons,, Stanley Street


Ma-lee Wung-ka E-sang

Murray, J. Ivor, M.D., Elgin Terrace

Schetelig, Arnold, M.D., Queen's Road·


Sz-mit E-sang û Foot-lup tung-hong

     Smith, Fisher C., M.D., cor. Q. Rd. & Pott, St. Wong Fun, Civil Ilospital

Printing & Newspaper Offices.

Tuk-shun Yun-tsz-kuon


"China Mail" Office, A. Shortree & Co., Old Bailey Street, (" Chinn Mail," weekly, Thursdays; Overland China Mail," for the home mail; "Daily Shipping List," every evening, except Sunday.)

Andrew Scott Dixson, editor & proprietor

James Jeffrey, overseer

Robert Anderson Low, book-keeper Edward Haddock, marine reporter Francisco C. Barradas, compositor

H. J. Collins, do.

Miguel B. do Rozario, do. Alexandre Marçal, Jr., do. Albino T. F. Gordo, do. Dorindo T. do Rozario, do. Januario do Rozario, do. Adelino V. Ribeiro, do. Zeferino Vieira, do.

Antonio A. Pereira, do.

Cruz, L. M., Wellington Street


Ma-la Sun-mun-chi-koon

"Daily Press" Office, Chancery Lane, Old


Bailey Street, ("Daily Press," every morn

ing, except Sunday; "Overland Trade Report" for the home mail;

cong-kong shun-toto Fo-ka chi

Chinese newspaper, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.)

Yorick J. Murrow, proprietor and editor

J. Jones, sub-editor

Thomas Edwards, reporter

Antonio J. da Silva e Souza, foreman

Pedro Tavares, compositor

F. M. Franco, do.

Autonio Cardozo, do.

J. Ribeiro, do.

E. Pina, do.

T. Santos, do.

| Gutierrez, Querino, Wyndham Street R. Ribeiro, compositor

Filomeno Roza, do.


Hongkong Register" Oflice, Gage Street. ("Hongkong Register," every morning,

except Sunday; "Overland Register," for the home mail.)

Robert Strachan, editor and proprietor

M. L. Roza Pereira, forcinan

Joño A. de Luz, compositor

Eduardo S. Ferreira, do.

Antonio Diniz, do.

Angelo A. de Silva, Jr., clerk


Lo-lung-ya, yun-ts:-kvon


Noronha, Delfino, Oswald's Terrace, Well-

Steam Company.


Fi-sha, Fo-shun-kung-sz

ingtou Street, (printer of "Government Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation

Gazette," published every Saturday.)

J. J. da Silva e Souza, compositor

Vicente Barradas, du.

H. Rodrigues, do.

L. d'Azevedo, do.

C. Sanches, do.

H. C. Pereira, do.

Silva, J. M. da, Queen's Road


Cook, M. & M., Lane, Crawford & Co.'s wharf

Dolan, William, Queen's Road



Kook-pa Chong-shin-ch`ong

Cowper, J. C., Spring Gardens

William McDonald, foreman shipwright

Januario da Luz, assistant

Ha-wan Mok-ch'ong

Hall & Co., S. P., Spring Gardens, Queen's Rd.

S. P. Hall

W. Wallace, assistant

W. H. Vickennan, book-keeper

Alexander Coutts, blacksmith

George Burmester, in charge, (W.poa)

George Thomas, assistant, (dq.)

合罷 Ilap-pa

Harper & Co., G., Queen's Road West

George Harper, (absent)

.D. Gow

A. McDonald, foreman J. C. de Jesus, clerk

A. F. de Jesus, do.


Lamont, John, East l'oint and Aberdeen

Jolin Lamont

G. Humphrey, superintending engineer John Jack, shipwright M. Macfarlane, clerk

Stuckey, William, Spring Gardens

Soda Water Makers.

Braga, C. J. & V. E., 404 Queen's Road

F. Braga, assistant

Ilongkong Sola Water Co., Stanley 3treet

J. P. da Costa

D. A. d'Eça

F. Neves, assistant

Rozario, P. P. do, l'eel Street

Wilkins, George, Stanley St., (& billiard room)

Company, Queen's Road & W. Toint

Maximilian Fischer, superintendent

Thoinas Sutherland, chief assistant

J. W. Lambert, assistant

R. C. Lambert, do.

V. Gutierres, do.

M. Gutierres, do. J. P. Campos, do. J. de Britto, do.

E. P. Campos, do.

P. Lopes, do.

L. P. Campos, do.

II. Arnould, superintending purser

R. Holme, assistant

F. D. Barnes, do.

C. H. Morgan, storekeeper

E. L. Woodin, assistant

G. Wilson, do.

A. O. Gutierres, do.

5. C. Gutierres, do.

W. Johnston, superintendent engineer

J. Rolls, foreman

A. N. Shellingford, draughtsman

W. Battersby, boiler maker

R. T. Baker, do.

T. Rose, do.

T. Davis, do.

J. V. Brumfield, plumber

D. M. Brundritt, pattern-maker

S. L. Shaw, yard storekeeper

T. Dunkeley, boatswain

J. Royal, foreman carpenter

J. B. Caldbeck, commander receiving.

ship Fort William

J. H. Ahlmann, chief officer

A. L. d'Encarnação, 2d do.

Storekeepers & Shipchandlers.

Those marked (a) are also Auctioneers.


Blackhead & Co., F., Queen's Road West, (a)

F. Blackhrail, (London)

J. Morris

Henry A. Bell, (Whampoa)

William S. Neal, book-keeper

William Goonin, storeman

C. Kopp, assistant, (Whampoa)

包剩 Pson-Ta

Bowra & Co., Queen's Rond

W. A. Bowra

F. M. Ilarsant, assistant

G. G. Spencer, do.

S. W. Baker, do.

T. Rogerson, do.

F. W. Bowra, do.

Boulle, Napoleon, 2 Stanley Street

Ti-sz- 'i-fa

De Silver & Co., Queen's Road, (u)

H. T. De Silver, (absent)

R. P. De Silver, (do.)

George P. De Silver

Frank De Silver

Joseph H. Craven, assistant

Charles De Silver, do.

F. H. Porter, do.

Edwin De Silver, do.

Fritz La Fond, do.

Dorabjee Nowrojee, Queen's Road

Sorabjee Cawasjee, assistant

L. W. Afah, do.


Ke-lat-8z Ye-lang-koon

Glatz, Lammert & Co., Victoria Exchange,

Queen's Rond, (a)

Charles Glatz, (Paris)

G. R. Lammert

J. J. Ray, assistant

John Gregory, do.

William F. J. Bar, do.

John Davis, godown-keeper

痕 Eun

Hunt & Co., Thomas, Pedder's Wharf, (a)

James P. Cork

Henry C. Endicott

John M. Amstrong

William Russell, assistant

James E. Cork, do.

Juhn H. Cork, do.

坐見 Tso-Kis

Jurgens & Co., Queen's Road

H. Jurgens

L. Thoinsen

8. Frairkel, assistant

C. W. Heiberg, do., (Whampoa)

連卡佛 Leen Ka-la-fut

Lane, Crawford & Co., Queen's Road, (a)

T. A. Lano

Ninian Crawford

William Lanc

Richard Toms, assistant

Francisco de So, do.

D. R. Crawford, do,

S. H. Talbot, du.

II. Meller, do.

George Napier, do., (Canton)

E. Seuns, dv., (do.)


MacEwen & Co. Queen's Road, (a)

Alexander Wilson, (absent)

George A. F. Norris

M. A. Correa, assistant

M. Browne, do.

E. F. Regan, do.


Martin & Co., Queen's Road, (a)

F. L. Martin

J. Atkinson, assistant

J. Guedes, Jr., do.

A. Shank, dv., (Canton)

W. Whiteman, do., (do.)

連禁 Leen-fum

Reynvaan, Chubert & Co., Queen's Road

W. Reynvaan

E. Chabert

T. A. Hueser, assistant

B. de Mejanes, do.

O. J. Piera, do. (Saigon) T. Nivoy, do.

Schoemank, do. {

Soares & Co., F. P., 525 Queen's Road

F. P. Soares

Ta-put Tee-wuin

Talbot, Devine & Co., D'Aguilar Street

H. E. Talbot

W. H. Devine

D. A. da Costa, assistant James Sullivan, do., (Whampoa)


Tourniere & Cia., Queen's Road, (4)

A. Tourniera

E. Estarico, assistant

M. Luna, do.

J. M. C. Campos, do.

Winniberg & Co., Queen's Road

H. Winniberg

活立 Foot-lup

Woodruff, Samuel C., cor. of Q.Rd. & Pott. St.

N. B. Darrell, book-keeper

B. W. Tucker, Jr. assistant



Too-pooy, She-choong-pin-teem

Dubird & Co., C. E., 441 Wellington Street

B. l'iatti, watchmaker

W. Günter, assistant


先者鐽鏢店 Ee-scen-cha, Chong-piu-teem

Elsinger, Auguste, 375 Queen's Road Heermann, L., Queen's Road

租別鍾鏢店 T'soe-pect Chong-piu-teem

Juvet, F. Louis, Queen's Road

Charles Juvet, watchmaker

B. Schwarz, do.

C. Courcy, do,

W. Silveira, do,

Edward Grosclaude, clerk


Ed. Laidrich, watchmaker, (Shanghae)


Lapraik, Douglas, D'Aguilar Street

George Falconer, watchmaker Alexander Harley, do.

John S. Lapraik, clerk, (absent) Edward Wallace, do.

H. A. do Rozario do.

The following names were received too late

for insertion in their proper places Societies, Institutions, &c.

(See also page 6.) PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF FREEMASONS IN CHINA. Provincial Grand Master-W. T. Mercer Past Provincial Grand Master-S. Rawson Deputy Prov. Grand Master-John Dent Prov. Grand Senior Warden-W. H. Luce Do. Junior do.-C. St G. Cleverly Prov. Grand Secretary-C. W. Murray Prov. Grand Senior Deacon J. C. Baldwin Do, Junior do.-A. Quinpbell Prov. Grand Inner Guard-W. M. Richards ROYAL SUSSEX LODGE, No. 735, (Canton), in abeyance.

ZETI AND LODGE, No. 768, (HONGKONG) 三合會管 Sum-hap Oy Koon

Worshipful Master-W. M. Richards

Senior Warden-A. Coxon

Junior Warden-F. I. Ilazeland

Treasurer-G. R. Lawrence

Secretary-Richard F. Hawke

Senior Deacon-Ilenry Cohen Junior Deacon-R. C. Campbel!

Inner Guard-J. Doddl

Director of Ceremonics-J. Roberts, Jr. Stewards-R. A. Iloustoun, & E. A. Westley Tyler-Henry T. Smith


Worshipful Master-A. Campbell

Senior Warden-L. G. Dunlop

Junior Warden-A. R. Tilby


Secretary-R. Goddard

Treasurer-T. J. Birdseye, P.M.

Senior Deacon-J. II. Hanna

Junior Deacon-11. R. Hyslop

Inner Guard-J. Schabert

Tyler-M. L. Lessler


(Seo also pugo 9.)

Nanjeebhoy Sajun, Lyndhurst Terrace

Cassumbhoy Nanjee

Allarukhia Nuthoo, assistant Elias Arab, do., (Canton) Ally Curmally, do., (do.)


Remoobhoy IIabibbhoy, Lyndhurst Terrace

Remoobhoy Habibbhoy

Mabomed Jaitha, assistant Ebrahim Mahomed Coya, do. Gooilam Hoosuin Vuzeer, do. Samjeebhoy Munjee, do, (Canton) Limjeebhoy Dossa, do., (Macao) Verseybloy Vully, do., (Shanghae) Yacoobkhoy Khayhhoy & Co., Graham Street

Yacoobbhoy Thaver

Munjeebhoy Allana, assistant Goolam Ally Allybhoy, du.

II.M. Military Departments,

THE STAFF. Commanding the Forces in China-General

Sir OPE GRANT, K.C.B. Military Secretory-Lieutenant R. Biddulph AT SHANGHAE.

Major General Sir J. Michell, K.C.R. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel J. II. F. Elking-

ton, 6th Foot, A.D.C.

Major The Hon. Baillie Hamilton, 44th Re-

giment, Brigade Major

Captain E. L. Green, 77th Regt., D.A.A.G.

Lieutenant Allgood, Bengal Ariny, .A.Q.M.G. AT TIEN-TSIN.

Brigadier C. W. D. Stavely, C.n., 44th Re- giment, commanding Expeditionary Force. Ensign T. J. Irvine, 44th Reginent, A.11.0. Captain Brookes, 60th Rifles Brigade Major AT CANTON.

Brigadier General W. T. Crawford, c.n. Captain II. Rigg, 21st M.N.I., D.A.A.G. Captain Ewen (rant, B.N.I, D.A.Q.M.U. Lieutenant Crawford, R.M., A.D.C.




Lieutenant-Colonel P. W. MacMahon, 44th,

Regiment, Commandant

Captain J. W. Medhurst, 69th Rifles, Town


Lieutenant T. L. Roberts, 67th Regiment,




Pennycuik's Battery, Royal Artillery, (half) 11th Regiment Punjab Infantry The Loodianah Regiment


   31st Regiment, 60th Rifles, & 67th Regiment Desborough's and Govan's Batteries, R.A. 10th (Fisher's) Company Royal Engineers Military Train, and Fane's Horse


Pennycuik's Battery, Royal Artillery, (half)



Ma-lee ping-fong



Kap-tan King sé-tez-low

The Sath Regiment, to which Captain King bolonged,

wsstationed ligro for about nine years This Qulco

is still known by lils name.)

Town Major-Captain J. W. Medhurst, 60th




"Obique." "Quo fas et gloria ducunt."

   Captain Commandling-P. Bedingfeld Captain-H. R. Porter


H. C. W. Campbell

R. C. Auchinleck

11. L. Elleby

II. M. Moorsom

At Canton.

Captain Commanding-A. Twiss

Captain-T, A. Bradshaw


0. G. Hanuin

S. P. Oliver


On the colours, the Sphinx. "Egypt, Badajoz, Salaman- ca. Poultula, Bladensburg, Walorivo, Ava, Alına, lukerman, Bovastopol, Facings yellow. Agents, Cox & Co.

Leutenant Colonela -

O. W. D. Staveley, C.B. Colonel,

mmanding at Tien-tain)


A. Browne, (Lieutenant Colonel) J. Hackett


W. Faussett, (Major)

J. Robinson, (do.)

R. Preston, (do.)

F. W. Gregory

Hon. R B. Hamble, (D.A.A.G. at S.hae.)

F. D. Walters

G. Ingham

J. L. O. Mansergh

E. A. Raymond, (as Cape of Good Hope) Lieutenants-W. A. Wood

G. E. Acklom

M. S. Smith, (Canton) T. O. Howorth

A. S. Birch

R. M. Rogers

G. C. Bawer

G. E. Hodgson, (England)

P. M. Pitt

R. Y. Foley

II. W. Heane

C. E. Reunio


F. O'Neill

A. J. Roberts

H. da P. Rennick

T. T. Irvine, (at Tien-tsin)

Paymaster-R. G. Thoinsett Adjutant-E. C. P. Pigott

Quartermaster-W. Hart Surgeon-J. Mee Assistant Surgeons-

C. J. Kinahan

E. G. McDowell

R. J. Orton

21ST REGIMENT MADRAS Native Infantry.

Lieutenant Colonel-G. de Sausmarez

Major-D. Hamilton


II. Rigg

E. Smart

R. Renton

W. Douglas


A. 11. Cooke

G. Briggs, (Adjutant)

T. S. M. Robinson

F. G. Clarke, (Paymaster)

E. Murray

F. B. Middleton

Ensign-J. H. Stoton Surgeon-H. Smith

(com-Assistant do.-W. Fry

P. W. MacMahon, (com. at IIongkong)

| Act.-Q.-muster--A.D. Logan, lieut. 27th Gren.

The above Regiment is stationed at Kowloon,



軍糧局 Kurn-leong-lcul:


Commanding Rosal Engineer-Lieutenant

Colonel G. F. Mann

Executive Officer-Lieutenant S. G. Bird

Clerks of Works 2d class-

C. C. Tuff's

S. B. Rawling

3d class Clerk A. Franke Notley

Temporary Clerk-L. F. Carvalho


器軍廠 Kwun-he-chony 羅倫 Lo-tun

Deputy Military Storekeeper-J. C. Rowland

1st class Clerks-"

G. J. Pirkis

J. McKittrick

F. C. Silveira

2d class Clerks-

T. A. White

W. J. Baker

J. Stratton

W. C. Gordon

Issuer of Stores-W. King CANTON.

In charge-II. Blakeney 2d class Clerk-J. M. Lloyd


Military Storekeeper-W. Young

1st class Clarks-

14. Hewitt

D. Gibbons

2d class Clerks→→

J. C. Clark

W. Booth

H. P. Moors


Barrack Master-J. C. Rowland Barrack Clerk-Francisco Ferreira


IAM Krun-ing Ee-koon Deputy Inspector General S. Currie, M.D. Staff Surgeons-

D. Hanley, M.D., (Canton)

P. II. E. Cross, (Stanley)

B. R. McNab, M.D.

C. C. Rutherford

Staff Assistant Surgeons-

J. Carlow, (Cantou)

R. J. W. Orton

C. Rattray, M.D.

II. W. Devlin, (Stanley)

J. Kinalian, M.D., (do.)

11. J. Bailey

C. A. Fraser

V. Maher

Surgeon A4th Regiment-3. Meu

Assistant Surgeons, do.-

J. B. Baker

C. J. Kinahan, (Cowloon)

E. G. McDowell

Assistants Surgeons, 99th Regiment -

J. W. G. Allen, (Canton)

S. H. Macartney, M.D., (do.) W. K. Stewart, M.D., (dv.) Apothecary-F. Fernandez Dispensers-

J. Davies

W. Cole




Deputy Commissar, General-P. Turner

Assistant Commissaries General-

K. Uniseke

1. Robinson

C. B. Smith

Deputy Assistant Commissaries General-

T. E. McClintock, (Canton)

D. Napier, (Kowloon)

J. Bailey

C. Poster

M. Winter

A. S. Baynes

W. U. tireen

O. E. Hayter

II. C. Lewis

E. Litchfield

R. D. Ross

E. C. Saunder

E. Cattel

C. D. Forbes

W. II. S. Marshall

N. Taylor


Deputy Commissary Gen.-T. W. Midwood,


Assistant Commissaries General-

E. B. De Fomblanque, (Tien-tsin)

J. F. Rogers, (du.)

J. II. Thompson, (Shangliae)

Deputy Assistants Commissaries General-

A. P. Cooksley, (Tien-tsin)

W. F. Q, Servantes, (do.)

T. S. Marshall, (du.)

F. B. Wingfield, (do.)

A. Ewing, (do.)


87th Regrest, ROYAL Inisi Fusiliers.

On the colours, the Prince of Wales' plume, an eagle, with a wreath of laurel, above the Harp," Muute Video, Talavera, Barra, Tarifa, Vittoria, Sivolle, Orthez, Toulouse, Peninsula, Ava." Fucings blue, Agunts Cox & Co.

Lieutenant Colonel-II. R. Browne Major-Alexander II. Cobbe


The china direcTORY.

William Hanmer, Staff (Sir R. N..pier's)

W. Wiltshire

J. A. R. Todd

John Hallowes

Robert Gibson

P. Cahill

E. Meredyth Lieutenants-

Anthony Butler, (Adjutant)

Joseph N. Beasley, (England)

Thomas Roberts

C. E. Goddard, (Cape of Good Hope)

Robert Lampen

W. Mackinnon, (Cape of Good Hope)

George Marsden

J. G. Leadbitter, (Instructor of Musketry

Richard Throckmorton

R. Poynter

G. R. Storey

A. Von Beverhoudt


J. L. Hollest

R. A. Hickson

E. W. Pardoe

R. E. C. Jarvis

Surgeon R. Banon Assistant do.-

P. Smith, M.D.

T. Howard.

W. Armstrong

Paymaster A. Anderson, (ensign)

99TH REGIMENT, (Lanarkshire.) Lieutenant Colonels-

George M. Reeves, C., (commanding) Henry James Day Majors-

M. H. Dowbiggan

Charles Blamire


   Patrick Johnston, (Major) Lempeter R. Elliott

Frederick N. Despard John II. Dunne

William H. D. R. Welman

Henry Fred. W. Ely

F. S. Gayner

William S. Dickinson

Charles Barton

Malcolm B. Purcell

George Robert S. Black

Martin J. Browne

Alexander Grey, (Acting Paymaster) Henry Townsend

Albert L. Walker


Philip H. Ffolliot

Chas. B. H. Somerset

Edward Egan

Joseph Ward

Kearns D. Tanner

Walter Skipper

Joseph Arthur Stanford Quartermaster-John Johnston Surgeon-Richard C. Todd

Assistant Surgeons-

J. W. G. Allen

Samuel H. Macartney, K.D. William R. Stewart, ALD


Raised 1st June, 1796,

Secdascor, Seringapatau, Beul-Boo-Ali, Punjaub, Moulian, Goozerat." Colonel William Gilbert, (Europe)

| Lieutenant-Colonel-C. Birdwood, (Europe) Maior-Henry Richards, (commanding the


Captains-Robert Richard, (Europe), C. F. Grant, E. Grant, (D.A.Q.M.G. at Canton), W. A. Neale, W. D. Dickson, (commanding depot at Malligaum), H. G. Raverty, (Eu- rope), and E. H. Ord, (India)

Lieutenants-W. Bannerman, (Bombay), W. H. Mason, (Europe), J. Clements, (Europe), J. F. Chapinan, (Q.-Mastor & Interpreter), J. C. Hobson, (Bombay), J. P. Forbes, J. R. Strutt, (D.A.C.G. at Canton), H. M. B. Sandwith, Adjutant), J. E. Strong, (Eu- rope), G. H. Kennedy, and W. H. Yates, (Europe)

Assistant Surgeons-A. M. Bloomfield, (in

medical charge), and H. J. Blane, M.D.


Ensigns-T. G. IIunter, G. O. Girardot, and

F. C. Iudson

5TH REGIMENT BOMBAY LIGHT INFANTRY. Kaisod 1st June, 1798. "Soodaseer, Soringapatam, Kahun, Beni-Buo-Ali" (left flank company) P'er-

Major II. Stanley, (commanding)

Lieutenants-William Jolin Kempson, (In Capta ins-W. Taylor, O. Walker, R. Wallace

structor of Musketry)

Thomas J. Grenvillo

Henry James Day, (Adjutant)

Eustace W. Jacob

George R. Hurvey

George Clayton

Edward O. Jolson

Augustus W. H. Atkinson

Edward B. Bachelor

(Bombay), and M. Haig

Lieutenants-A. DesVaux, J. A. Ramsay, A. G. Ilogg, (Adjutant), L. G. Brown, (Q.- Master and Interpreter), R. O. Hunt, and J. Hartigan

Ensigns-J. Garlick, F. S. Leacock, and E.

S. Walcott

Assistant Surgeon-W. L. Langloy, M.D.,

in modical churgo


with Teen-ti

Charlton C. Rainbow, assistant

Percy Lloyd, do,

Devens, Richard

棣禮也 Tei-lei-ya


巴厘 Pa-lee

Dent & Co.

Birley & Co.

Francis Parry, tea inspector

William Forbes, assistant

布坐 Poo-tso

Bourjau, Hubener & Co.

C. E. Boeddinghaus, do.

布威 Poo-wei

Bovet Brothers & Co.

A. Bovet

H. Lederman, assistant

巴頓 Pa-tun

Bull, Purdon & Co.

John Graham Purdon

George R. Lawrence, assistant

* Apt-fu-pe Cama

Cama & Co., F. B.

Eduljee Mendosjee, assistant

卑的金麻治 Pe-tilk Ca-ma-jee

Camajee & Co., P. & D. N.

P. C. Pochajes

Carlowitz & Co.


I. von Carlowitz, consul for Prussia,

Saxony, and Oldenburg Gustav Ilitzeroth, assistant


Cassumbhoy Nathabhoy's Sons & Co.

C. Ebrahim, assistant

爹庇時 Té-pé-she

Davis Brothers & Co.

George Davis

Henry Willian Davis

Deacon & Co.

地近 Tee-kus

Albert Deacon

James Benford Deacon

J. A. da Fonseca, assistant

Drever & Co.

William Dreyer, consul for IIanover

C. Milisch, assistant

化林治 Fa-lum-chee

Eduljee Framjee, Sons & Co.

Bomanjee Eduljee

佛禮乍 Fut-lei-cha

Fletcher & Co.

H. Marshall, assistant


Gibb, Livingston & Co.

T. Livingston, assistant

Thomas Bedwell, do.

Gifford & Co.

刧你 Keep-fut

Alexander Gifford

Patrick Gifford, assistant

幾利文 Kc-le-uun

Gilinan & Co.

Walter Newman, assistant


Habibhoy Ebrahim, Suns & Co.

Mahomed Lutha, assistant

A Hot-kovny-sz

Heard & Co., Augustine

E. H. M. lluntington, assistant

±±Пlce-sz Ecc-la-sz

Hesse, Ehlers & Co.

Theodor Hess l'aul Ehlers

Holliday, Wise & Co.

llo-lo-te Wei-sz

Edward Townend, tea inspector Robert Dence, do.



渣顛 Cha-tcen

Jardine, Matheson & Co.

Edward Whittall, assistant

#S:-mit A-che·

George A. Archer

Jesse S. Blydenburgh, assistant

IŁEK Sz-mit Keen-nee-tee

Smith, Kennedy & Co.

Smith, Archer & Co.

Thomas S. Odell, tea inspector


Lindsay & Co.

H. D. Margesson, assistant

麽地 3Mo-ti

Mody & Co.


Rustomjee Hormusjee

George Moul, (England) H. W. Coare, assistant

Moul & Co.

William Neilson

R. H. Chambers, tea inspector

A. F. dos Remedios, assistant


Still, E. A., tea inspector & commission agent


Turner & Co.


J. Owen, assistant

A. T. Reynyaan, assistant

Webster & Co., II.

11. Webster, Jr.

蝟麼 Wut-mo

Wetmore, Williams & Co.

A. R. Case, assistant

"Friend of China" Newspaper, (every Sa-


William Tarrant, proprietor

John Moul, Jr., do.

富些 Fu-sé


Vaucher Freres

Nursey, Kessowjeu & Co.

G. G. Hussum, assistant

阿利粉 O-lee-fus

Olyphant & Co.


Oxford & Co.

A. C. Levysohn

H. Bruckner


l'ustau & Co., William

Julius Monke, assistant

Johannes Meyer, do.

禮時 Lei-slice

Reiss & Co.

J. B. Hallam, tea inspector

刺索 La-su

A. Fincham

1. H. Sovers, assistant

Russell & Co.

Charles W. Orne

E. Sheppard, tea inspector

沙宣 Sha-siûn.

Sassoon, Sons & Co., David

E. Isaac, manager

士吉 Yo-kut

Scoll & Co., Adarn

David Patrie, assistant

Siemsson & Cn,

H. Bock, do.


C. J. Mestern, assistant

連卡刺佛 Lane Ka-la-fint

Lane, Crawford & Co., storekeepers

George Napier, assistant

E. Senna, do.



Rev. J. C. Nevin


Rev. F. S. Turner


Rev. G. Piercy

Rev. Josiah Cox, (England)

Rov, S. Hutton

Rov. J. Preston

Rov. Samuel J. Smith

Ruv. J. S. P'arhus


Rev. D. Ball, M.D. Rev, S. W. Bonney Rev. D. Vroomat



Rev. A. P. Happer, M.D.

Rev. C. F. Preston

Rev. I. M. Condit

J. G. Kerr, M.D.



Rev. J. R. Graves

Rev. J. G. Schilling

Consulates, &c.


Consul-D. B. Robertson

Vice-Consul-C. A. Winchester, (absent)

Interpreter-W. H. Pedder

Chaplain-Rev. J. Gray



AT CANTON. Commissioner of Customs--Gen. B. Glover Deputy Commissioner-Robert Hart Assistants George Hughes, J. K. Leonard, F. E. Wright, H. Beveridge, T. G. Luson, H. D. Williams, R. Markwick, and A. Macpherson

Chief Tidewaiter-G. Shepheard Weighers-H. Meade, and W. D. Powell Tidewailers-J. Boyle, J. Smith, II.Johnson, H. Vicrow, G. Hume, J. E. Gardner, G. Redburn, and N. B. Bonny


Deputy Commissioner-C. S. Matheson Assistant-R. C. R. Owen

1st Assistant-H. F. Hauce, (acting as vice- Tidewaiters-J. H. Smith, J. T. Roberts, J.

consul at Whampoa)

2d Assistant-W. N. Payne

Student Intrepreters-R. K. Douglas, J. T.

Mickleton, J. P. M. Frazer, J. B. Goddard,

and W. S. F. Mayers



Fa-kee Lings: Pe-lee Koon

Consul-Oliver H. Perry

Consular Agent and Marshal at Whampoa-|

Francis H. Haskell

Interpreter-Rev. S. W. Bonney

Clerk-James H. Crutchitt


Spain-Jozo de Orbeta

Portugal-John Ilvard Hanse Towns-W. Niesen

Denmark-Robert Jardine, (absent) Netherlands-I. des Amorie Van der Hoeven Prussia, Saxony, and Oldenburg-R. von


Hanover-William Dreyer


IT'sheong-kwun Ya-moon

British Commissioners-

1. S. Parkes, C.D.

Major Pownall, 3d Bufts

French Conanissioner-

Commandant de Tunonarne Interpreter to British Commissioners-W.

S. P. Mayers

Secretary to Allied Commissioners-R. K.


Interpreter to French Commissioner-M.


Adjutant to French Commissioner-M.Pougin Emigration Inspectors-

Jumes Markey (British)

M. Uiequel (French)

Dillon, J. S. Ludlam, R. Lowe, J. Reilly, R. Field, and E. Harrison


Blackhead & Co.. P. B., storekeepers, store-

chop Hornet

Henry A. Bell

C. Kopp, assistant

Cowper, J. C., shipwrights

Alexander Morgan, foreman

J. V. de Jesus, assistant

John Macleod, engineer Alexander Gray, do. Thomas Maclean, do. Daniel Russell, boilermaker William Paterson, moukler, John Day, blacksmith

Gow & Co., shipwrights

James Badenoch, foreman J. Gye, assistant

IIall & Co., S. P., shipwrights

George Burmester, in charge George Thomas, assistant Jurgens & Co., H., storekeepers

C. W. Heiberg

Talbot, Devine & Co., storekeepers, (packot-


H. E. Talbot

James Sullivan, assistant

Anderson, W., shipping master Kenward, R., dispensary

1). Watts, assistant Lower, R., surgeon

Wilber, E. C., Excelsior Hotel


H. F. Hauer, vice-consul

Houry Sprauh, constable UNITED STATES CONSULATE. Francis 11, Haskell, consular agent.


Colonial Government. Governor-H.E. Isedoro F. Guimaraefis Adjutant-Lieutenant F. J. Pereira Secretary-Lieutenant José G. Ribeiro 1st Clerk-José Carlos Barros 2d do. José Franco

Commandant of the Garrison-Lieutenant-

Colonel J. F. Mendes

JUDGE'S DEPARTMENT. Acting Judge-Snr. João Baptista Gomes Attorney-General-J. D. C. dos Santos Chief Clerk-Francisco A. P. da Silveira 1st do. Thomas d'Aquino Migueis

2d do.-Francisco de Paula da Luz

3d do.-Francisco S. d'Oliveira


Acting Postmaster-I. P. Pereira Assistant-Antonio Gomes

Merchants & Commission Agents.

Alisch & Co.

Alexander Alisch Hermann Alisch

Charles Kielmann, assistant

L. B. Baptista, do.

Allanson, W., San Lourenço

Bourjau, Hubener & Co., 35 Praya Grande

L. Beyer

Bailiffs J. Soares, A. Marim, and J. Place Boyer, Alexandre, Praya Grande


Commandant of the Police-B. S. Fernandes

Procurador-L. Marques.

1st Intrepreter-J. R. Gonsalves

2d do.-J. J. da R. Vieira


1st Clerk-M. F. da Roza.

2d do F. H. da Roza,


Harbour Master-J. M. da Fonseca Clerk-José da Roza Ferraz


The Governor, the Judge, the Commandant of the Garrison, the Attorney-General, and the Vicar


Junta da Fazenda J. O. P. da Assumpção,


     Chief Clerk of the Exchequer-M. P. SimocДa 1st do.-L. P. Simoens

2d do.-J. J. de Azevedo

3d do. Faustino F. Gordo

4th do.-Miguel Marques

1st Assistant Clerk-J. dos Santos d'Oliveira

2d do. Sevirino Rodrigues


Chief Clerk-V. C. da Rocha

1st do.-F. Q. V. Ribeiro

2d do. José Rodrigues


    Chief Clerk-Angelo A. da Silva Assistant do.-F. V. Ribeiro


Treasurer-C. V. da Rocha

    Chief Clerk-Francisco de Nogueira Clerk-Antonio Dias da Cunha Assistant do.-Jusé de Nogueira

Alexandre Boyer

R.. Bidau

J. P. Marques, assistant

T. Marques, do.

Brandão & Co., Praya Grande

A. Brandão

A. Brandão, Jr.

L. Brandão, assistant

Cantuarias, J. M., consul for Peru, 16 Praya


Carneiro, B. E., 25 Praya Manduco

F. Rozario, assistant

Carvalho & Co., Rua Formosa

L. Carvalho

Castro & Co., Rua Central

Ignacio F. de Castro

Pio Fernandes de Castro

Antonio Manoel Pereira, assistant Inocencio V. Ribeiro, do.

Closmadeux, H. de, Praya Grande

P. de Lingre, book-keeper Deacon & Co., Rua Central

Albert Dencon

James B. Deacon

Dimier Brothers & Co., 36 Praya Grande

Charles Dimier

T. Kroes, assistant, (Shangbae) J. J. Clausen, do, (do.)

Endicott, J. W., Governor Street

L. Ahnedin, assistant

J. M. Silver, do.

Fernandes, Bernardino de Senna, Rua Central

D. C. Pacheco, assistant

A. da Silveira, do.

J. da L. Rodrigues, do.

J. E. Barros, do.

Fernandes, F. d'Assis, 48 Praya Grande

J. Borges, assistant

Garreta, K., Rua de Beal

J. Vieira, assistant Gomes, João Baptista, Praya Grande

Goularte, J. B., 17 Rua dos Culis

J. J. da Silva, assistant

Axinolally Ebrahim & Co. Alladinbhoy Hubibhoy

Hunter, W. C., vice-consul for France, 1 Rua Framjee Nourojec


Joze Lopes, assistant

Jorge & Co., 1 Rua de Francisco

Joze Jorge

Evaristo Lopes

Acurcio Jorge, assistant Joze Tavares, do. Lança, E. L., 3 Rua de Beale

J. Roberto da Roza, assistant Lubeck & Co., 55 Rua Central

L. A. Lubeck

A. Graça, assistant Mello & Co., A. A. de, Praya Grande

Baron do Cercal, consul for Brazil A. A. de Mello, vice-consul for do.

A. J. de Miranda, assistant F. A. da Cruz, do.

G. S. Botelho, do.

J. C. Pereira, do.

E. Gutierres, do.

E. da Cruz, do.

Nye, Gideon, Jr., acting consul for the United

States, 54 Rua Central

J. P. Van Loffelt, assistant J. P. Pascoal, do.

Pereira, B. A., 12 Largo da Sé Pereira, M., 17 Rua dos Culles

P. Marques, assistant Raynal, Gustav


Remedios, M. A. dos, Rua do Barňo

A, dos Remedios, assistant J. A. dos Remedios, do.

S. C. dos Remedios, do.

G. Tavares, do.

F. N. Gomes, do.

Hormu-jea Rustomjee Hormusjer Cowasjce Jamsetjee Eduljee Pestonjee Dinshawjce Premjee

Ramatoola Mohamed Somjee Visrain

Vully Mohamed Alloobhoy


Bradstreet & Co., Royal Hotel, Praya Grande Carvalho, R. H., hotel and storekeeper, Praya

Grande East

E. Cucullu, assistant Thomas d'Aquino, do.

Collaço, Antonio J., storekeeper, 12 Rua de


Fonseca, Jose Maria da, shipchandler, wine, and spirit merchant, Ponta da Rede

Portaria & Silva, storekeepers & auctioneers,

22 Run Central

V. P. de Portaria

J. C. da Silva

J. N. das Chagas, assistant

Richardson & Do Silva, hotelkeepers, Rua de


J. Richardson

De Silva

PORTUGUESE SIHIPS. Amazona, lurcha, 6 guns Don João, ship, 12 guns


Silva & Co., F. A. du, Rua de San Lourenço Acting Consular Agent for Great Britain-

Francisco Antonio da Silva

Claudio Jose da Silva

Jose Joaquim da Silva

João Hyndman, assistant

Maximiano V. Lopes, do.

Francisco P. S. Marçal, do. Demetrio C. Barros, do.

Silva, Joaquim Peres da, 37 Praya Manduco

Q. da Silva, assistant

Joaquim Peres da Silva, Jr., do. Severino da Silva, do.

Francisco Marques, do.

Souza, Camillo L., 26 Praya Grando

Ugarte, J. M. de, 17 Calçada de St Agostinho

Van der Lloeven, I. des Amorie, l'raya Grande

N. G. Peter, assistant

Vargas & Co., Gamboa

J. R. Vargas

D. Sanudo, book-keeper S. Ybanez, assistant

F. M. de Graça, do. F. A. d'Aquino, do.

Yturalde, O. J., Praya Grande J. Libanis, book-keeper

Albert Deacon

Vice-Consul for France-W. C. Hunter

Acting Consul for the United States-Gideon


Consul-General for Spain in China-Nicasio

Canete y Moral Vice-Consul-Ramón

de Orbeta

Allache-Juan Lecaroz

Consul for Brazil-Baron do Cercal,

Consul-A. A. de Mello

Consul for Peru-J. M. Cantuaries


Rev. Philip Winner, (!ukak)


Rov. Ch. Martig, (do.)

Rev. R. Lechler, (do.)

Rev. W. Louis, (Fukwing)


Rev. F. Genachr, (Huan) Rev. Krulczyk, (do.)

H. Goecking, at.D., (l'utowei) Rev. A. Hanspach, (do.)


Foreign Hongs.


It Cha cảng-ty-pal

Botefuhr & Co., shipwrights

J. H. L. Botefuhr

德記 Tay-kee 花旗 Whay-key

Bradley & Co., commission agents, and agents

for P. & O. 8. N. Co.

C. W. Bradley, Jr.

T. W. Richardson


Consulates, &c.


G. W. Caine, consul

W. M. Cooper, 1st assistant, and packet agent

Chaloner Alabaster, interpreter


C. W. Bradley, cousul


Z. Barton, consular agent


Pay-tow-kay William W. Ward, commissioner

F. Wilzer, 1st assistant

Haffenden Brothers, shipchandlers and coin- J. L. Hammond, 24 do.

missiou agents

J. Haffenden

W. B. Haffenden

B. G. Henderson, tidewaiter

J. S. Halsey, do.

J. S. Sanderson, do.

T. Parkill, do.

Loo-lun Sin-tow-kay G. Henry, do.

Hirschfeld & Co., commission agents

I. Hirschfell, (absent)

L. Ortmann

T. Dircks, assistant


Rev. John Johnson

Thomas Grunauer, M.D., physician

J. Smith


Vincent, E., commission agent

馬給騎 Bel-lang-keul

Milbourne, G. P.

三桅 Sung-hee 新興 Sei-heng

Jardine, Matheson & Co.'s receiving ship


Alexander Morrison, master

T. Hooper, chief officer

赤波 Chalr-pok

Quang-300n 順

Dent & Co.'s receiving ship Hamilton

Zephaniah Barton, master

Richard King, chief officer

H. Fisher

J. G. Willoby.

-- Mar


H. Frewin

Dent & Co.


J. G. Wood, master barque Ternate -Rac, chief vllicer

Jardine, Matheson & Co.

C. J. Fox, master barque Adventure D. Lamont, chief officer

R. Bell, 2d officer


Dent & Co.

T. Howard, master Science -Taylor, chief oflicer George Stiles, 2l do.

Jardine, Matheson & Co.

George Roric, master brig Croukbane V. J. S. Mein, chief officer

Fernando Sains, and Miguel Marques, Spanish



Foreign Hongs.

裕記 Ju-kee

Dauver & Co., merchants

H. R. Dauver

Merwanjec Manockjec Mollah

Dent & Co., merchants


H. D. Brown, master of the Solomon


F. C. Brown, first officer

P. F. da Silva, clerk

怡記 Eh-kee

Elles & Co., merchants

Jamieson Elles, consul for Denmark

Walter Mourilyan, (absent).

E. M. Firmin

G. S. Mecham

Horace Tucker

A. F. Ribeiro

Eng Wat Brothers & Co., commission agents

B. A. Guterrez

Fonseca, F. V. Ja, commission agent

B. A. Gutierres

Forster, John, merchant

Harvey Piper, tea inspector


Jardine, Matheson & Co., merchants

M. Fitzgibbon, master barq. Pathfinder John Lloyd, tea inspector

C. J. Mackenzie, chief officer

F. J. Remedios, clerk

Kichmann & Alisch, merchants

Charles Kielmann

Herrman Alisch

福記 Foolk-kee

Nandershaw & Co., H. J.

Dady Limjee

N. Cursetjee, assistant

寶記 Po-kee.

Pasedag & Co., merchants

Charles J. Pasedag, consul for Hanover,

Hainburg, and Prussia

Paul Reina

Gustav Otto


Syme & Co., F. D., merchants

T. D. Boyd

W. A. Sturrock, assistant

W. A. Cornabe, do.

James Wilson, do.

德記 Tiek-ker

Tait & Co., mers., (agents for P. & O. S. N. Co.)

James Tait, consul for France and Por-


A. R. Johnston

Frederick Pedder, assistant

James Pedder, do.

James Wardlaw, do.

Alfred Hancock, tea-inspector

John Paterson, assistant

Amoy Dry Dock Company

Montgomery D. Parker, manager and


Morrison Wishart, superintendent

David Paterson, master carpenter Michael Donohoe, machinist Albert Leigh, clerk

Bullamy & Co., storekeepers, shipwright9, &c.

John Bellamy, sen.

John Bellamy, jun.

C. A. B. Airey, assistant

N. Steffens, master carpenter

Hagermarck, C., watchmaker

Pereira, J. V., hotel keeper

Watson & Co., storekeepers & commission agts.

John Giles

J. C. Watson, Jr, assistant

Physicians & Surgeons.

Hayemann, Adolph, M.D.

Hunter, Thomas, M.D.

Jones, Charles M.

Insurance Companies.

Jardine, Matheson & Co., agents for--

Canton Insurance Office

Nandershaw & Co., H. J., agents for- Bombay Native Insurance Company

Syme & Co., F. D., agents for-


Netherlands India Marino Insurance Co. Amicable Insurance Co. of Calcutta

Royal Fire Insurance Cu. of Liverpool




W. R. Gingell, consul


W. II. Lay, 1st assistant and packet agent W. E. King, 2d do. and officiating interpreter John Cancelleri, constable

        UNITED STATES. Thomas Hart IIyatt, consul Thomas 11. Hyatt, Jr., interpreter & vice-consul

-FRANCE AND PORTUGAL. James Tait, (Tait & Co.,) consul


Joze de Cucullo, acting consul Graciano Reyes, acting chancellor


Jamieson Elles, (Elles & Co.,) consul


C. F. M. de Griys, vice-consul

J. J. C. Francken, student interpreter G. Schlegel, do.

M. Schuzije, do.


Charles J. Pasedag, (Pasedag & Co.,) consul

Adamson & Co., W. R.

E. II. Iow, tea inspector



Rev. Alexander Stronach Rev. W. K. Lea


Rev. Alexander Grant Rev. Carstairs Douglas

Rev. H. L. Mackenzie

John Carnegie, M.A.,M.D., medical missionary.

REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH, U.S.A. Rev. J. V. N. Talmage Rev. D. Rapaljo Rev. A. Ostrom


Cambridge, Ilenry L., resident pilot ! Hutchinson, H. M., do.

Merryweather, F., local and coast pilot




天祥 Tieng-Siong

Borel, Constant


II: G. Pemberton, assistant

Dent & Co.

W. H. Luce, assistant

T. H. Chapman, do.

J. S. Baptista, do,

馥昌 IIuk-cliong

Anuntram Sagurmull

D. N. Bottlewalla, manager

我記 Nyic-kè

Ashton, Thomas K., tea inspector, and agent |

for Holliday, Wise & Co.


H. J. Dring, (absent)

天裕 Teng-i

Forster, John

W. P. Galton, assistant

J. W. Malcolin, do.

和記 IIão-ki

Fussell & Co., (P. & O. Co.'s agents)

R. S. R. Fussell

Edward Masson, assistant

O. Latham, do,

Birley & Co.

Arthur Smith

William Bourne, tea inspector

Mi F. Hak-sing


Gibb, Livingston & Co.

George II. Styan, assistant

Bull, Purdon & Co,

Thomas Pyko

J. Porter, agent

II. Lowcock, tea inspector

K4 Taiping

Gilman & Co.

W. II. Green

J. L. Lent, assistant

William Brand, do.

隆順 Ling-sūng

Heard & Co., Augustine

George F. Weller

Marcus Daly, assistant

B. R. Woodworth, do.

生和 Seng-leão

Jairaz, Fazui & Co.

R. Dajvee, manager

S. K. Marly, assistant

C. Allybhoy, do.

義和 Nyiu-hào

Jardine, Matheson & Co.

M. A. Macleod

Ilamilton, assistaut

T. G. Glover, master of the receiving

ship Mukamondie

K. K. Jones, chief officer, do.

Lindsay & Co.

連利 Ling-te

A. Stuart, tea inspector

James Iunes, do.


Nursey Kossowjee & Co.

S. D. Soobedar

II. l'arpia, assistant

同学 Tung-en

Olyphant & Co.

A. B. Neilson, Jr. (absent)

John Odell, assistant

J. M. Mur, do.

Russell & Co.

旗昌 Ki-chiong

William S. Sloan

D. O. Clark

A. G. Moore, assistant

B. Pereira, do.

Siemssen & Co.


MỘT Siêng sông

G. W. Schweinann

11. Krüger, assistant

Smith, Kennedy & Co.

R. R. Westall


W. B. Kinuwar, assistant

Woodward, du.

M I Su veg

A. S. Tara, arent

Bassoon, Ser

Turner & Co.


華記 Whalkd

E. C. Sinith, tea inspector and agent


Hedge & Co., storekeepers, auctioneers, &c.

E. G. Hedge

T. B. Hedge, assistant

Shocker, F., watchmaker

Beaumont, John M., M.n.c.s., surgeon.


Dobie & Co., shipchandlers

Horne, James, dry dock

Stone & Co., shipchandlers

Taylor & Fisher, purveyors

Thompson & Co., shipchandlers



Ing-sivny Lióng-scú

Consul-Walter II. Medhurst

Consular Chaplain-Rev. William J. Smith

Interpreter-William C. Milne

First Assistant-W. Gregory,

(packet agent)

Second do.-George C. P. Braune

Student Interpreters→→

Charles Carroll

Archer R. llewlett

U. F. W. Ilult

United States-S. L. Gouverneur, consul

Spain-C. Borel, vice-consul

Netherlands-A. B. Neilsun, Jr., vice-consul

Hanse Towns--G. W. Schwemann, consul

Denmark-W. II. Green, cousul

Portugal-W. 11. Luce, consul

Sweden & Norway-W. S. Sloan, consul

Insurance Offices.

Dent & Co.

Union Insurance Society

Fussell, R. S. R.

Liverpool & London Insurance Co. ( Fire) J. Hartley & Co.'s Insurance Office Gilman & Co.


London Assuranco Corporation, (Fire) Imperis! Insurance Company, (Fire)

Jardine, Matheson & Co.

Canton Insuranco Offica

Triton Insurance Company

Lindsay & Co.

longkong Insurance Company

Olyphant & Co.

New York Underwriters

Turner & Co.

Eastern Marine Insurance Company




Rev. L. B. Pect

Rev. C. C. Baldwin

Rev. J. Doolittle

Rev. C. Hartwell

Rev. S. F. Woodin



Rev. George Smith



Rev. O. Gibson

Rev. C. R. Martin

Rev. R. S. Maclay, (absent)

Rev. E. Wentworth

Rev. S. L. Baldwin, (absent)

Miss B. Woolston

Miss S. H. Woolston


Bishop Aguilar


Foreign Dongs.

Bohstedt, J.


C. F. Coit, assistant




Rev. W. A. Russell Rev. G. E. Moule

Rev. T. S. Fleming



J. Jones

Davidson & Co.

E. Yates

W. Rees, assistant

J. H. Hudson, do.

Rev. T. H. Hudson



利生 Li-sang

Rev. II. V. Rankin

Gubbay, M. S.

Howard, assistant

悅來 Yii-lad

Hart, William

G. M. Hart

倍三 Pei-san

l'atridge, Daniel

Price, assistant

J. Llewellyn, surgeon



C. A. Sinclair, vice-consul in chargo

P. Hughes, interpreter

O. Phillips, assistant


G. W. Fish, M.D., consul

G. A. Cables, assistant

Rev. E. B. Inslee

Rev. D. D. Green

Rev. J. A. Danforth

Rev. W. T. Morrison

D. B. McCartec, M.D.

W. Gamblo, mission press


Rev. E. C. Lord

|Rev. M. J. Knowlton

Rov. II. Jonkina


Revs. L. G. Dolaplace, E. Guierry, J. Rizzi,

and J. Larousse

Rev. A. Guillot

SISTERS OF CHARITY. Catherino Pasquier, superior, Louiчo Louy, Madelaine Celard, Rosalie Barbarin, Sophio Berthelot, Vincent Laracino, Stéphanie Bo touillére, Séraphino Clavolin, and Marthe Dutrouilho

Héléno Taurias, superior, Elizabeth Des Royes, Gabriel Perboyre, Mario Qúlis, Théréso Vérani, Philoiuino Caparroy, Angéliquo Luscan, and Joséphine Jubin"



Agra and United Service Bank



Alladinbhoy Ilabitbhoy

Peerbboy Curreem


Barnet & Co., George

James L. Man

Henry Turner, manager

凌加利 Ma-lka-li

Chartered Bank of India, Australia, & China

John Mackellar, manager

John Howard Gwyther, sub-inanager and


有利 You-le

Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London,

and China

William Howard, manager

Robert Brett, accountant

Henry Howard, deputy do.


Commercial Bank of India

Henry II. Wiggins, manager

Rowley Miller, acting accountant

麗如 Le-joo

Oriental Bank Corporation

William Lamond, agent

Johnstono Smith, necountant

Richard Dudley, assistant


天長 Tien-chang

Adamson & Co., W. R.

W. R. Adamson, (England)

John L. Macluan

1. H. Underwood, assistant

J. Bernard, do.

G. F. Davies, do.

T. Baker, do.

F. 11. Bell, do., (Japan)

祥記 Tseung-ko

Ameeroodeen Jafferbhoy & Co.

Shaik Hassan Shaik Ahmel

Fajul Hussan Kassumali, assistant

William G. Howell

T. F. Ballance, assistant

E. Elias, do.

T. F. G. Howell, do., (Japan)

J. Birdseye, do., (do.)

Benett & Leighton

P. H. Benett

H. Leighton


George F., Fulcher, assistant

祥泰 Tscang-tuc

Birley, Worthington & Co.

Robert Reid

Edward Roche, tea inspector

L. G. Dunlop, assistant

G. H. Woodfall, silk inspector 11. W. Hardy, tea inspector

A Kung-low

Blain, Tate & Co.

John Blain

Joseph P. Tale

Edward Harrison, silk inspector

| Bovet Brothers & Co.

G. Bovet




Bower, Harbury & Co.

Frederick Bower, (London) Thomas Hanbury

James Laidlaw, Jr., assistant William Grant Gordon, tea inspector Robert Schwabo, assistant

Adolph Craijer, silk inspector


Buissonnet & Cie.

Eug. Buissonet

X. Nachtrieb, assistant


* Wo-kee

Dow & Co.

James Dow

W. Birt, assistant W. S. McLean, do.


Bull, Pardon & Co.

Dent & Co.

Morgan Maclean, assistant

R. Francis

8. H. Clarke, do.

B. de Souza, Jr., do.

章順 Shun-chang

Cama & Co., Pestonjee Framjee

Framjee Hormusjco

D. Pestonjee, assistant

C. D. Lalcaca, do.

M. Eduljce, do.

L. Bomanjee, do.

南 Kwang-nes

Camajce & Co., P. & D. N.

D. N. Camajes

R. Pestonjce, assistant

慎生 Sun-shang

Camajce & Co., R. II.

Jehangeerjee Pestonjee, manager

Pestonjee Cursetjee Mody, assistant

Carter, J. F.

中和 Chung-co


Cawasjee Pallanjee & Co.

P. Rustomjee, manager, (absent)

O. Rustomjee, assistant

R. Cooverjee, do.

Chapman, King & Co.

復昇 Fu-ahēng

Charles J. King

得利 Chany-lc

Cushny, Alexander

W. M. Strachan, assistant


Edward Chomley Henry William Dent

H. Hubbard, assistant

H. G. Hanssen, du.

Pedro Loureiro, do.

J. T. Elliot, do.

John Hanna, do.

L. A. Tavares, do.

B Kwang-hing

Dhurumsey l'oonjubhoy

Ebrahim Soomar


Cassum Khakeebhoy

Fe-li-cha -

Fletcher & Co.

Archibald Campbell

R. Goddard, assistant

Alexander Downie, do.

Thomas M. Drysdale, do.

Samuel Maine, agent, (Yokohama)

Frazar & Co.

與泰 Frung-tae

Everett Frazar

Douglas Prazar, (Nagasaki)

Freeman Pulsitor, assistant

L. Egerton, Jr., do., (Nagasaki)

仁記 Yin-kee

Gibb, Livingston & Co.

Edward F. Duncanson

W. H. Gibb, assistant

F. G. White, silk inspector

H. W. Carey, tea inspector

Walter Hyslop, assistant

G. C. Webb, do.

復源 Fow-yuan

Dadabhoy & Co.

Gilman & Co.

D. Burjorjco

A Teen-yu

Dinier Brothers

T. Kroes, managor

J. J. Clauson, assistant

太平 Tui-ping

R. J. Ashton

C. A. Will, assistant

1. Wallis, do.

J. Bannatyne, do.

C. W. Hudson, do.

E. 11. laavers, ún.

X÷BJ E-pci-tun

Habibhoy Ebrahim Sons & Co.

Vurjee Nanjco

客地利 JIuk-gucc-lce

Hargreaves, William

Cameron Christison, assistant

惇裕 Teng-ge

Harkort & Co.

B. Harkort

J. F. 11. Trautmann

環記 King-ke

ileard & Co., Augustine

A. F. Heard

R. J. Fearon, assistant

J. W. Wood, do.

H. Sinith, do.

J. S. Cunningham, do.

Robert Rayner, do.

W. C. Clarke, do.

B. de Souza, do.

H. J. Hooper, do., (Japan)

II. Willgoss, do., (do.)

E. M. Van Reed, do., (do.)

Hogg Brothers

James Hogg

Edward Jenner Hogg

義記 Nie-k:ce

Holliday, Wise & Co.

James Whitlow, manager

Frederick Corns, assistant

George Rehden, do.

Hooper, James

火柏 Ho-pee

Jairaz Fazul & Co.



| Jarvie, Thorburn & Co.

R. Jarvie

W. Thorburn

T. Henderson, assistant

J. J. Miller, du.

J. G. Flowerdew, do.

寶文 Puori-dan

Johnson & Co.

F. B. Johnson

A. J. How

W. B. Varco, assistant

W. D. Bickham, do.

魯意師 Lue-e-se

Lewis, J. W.

J. W. Lewis

Alexander Levy, assistant

John Levy, do.

廣隆 Kwung-lung

Lindsay & Co.

R. C. Antrobus

A. Michie

H. R. Innes, assistant

G. S. Soul, do.

J. S. Robison, do.

A. J. Bastos, do.

太興 Tai-fong

Major, R. O.

順泰 Sun-tac

Melta & Co., Franjea Byramjee

Barjorjco Rustomjee Mody

Sorabjee Manackjer Metta, assistant

Dadabhoy Jamsetjee, do.

Henri Meynard

Charles Grey, assistant

架記 Lica-ke

GAN My Me-

Moynard, Cousin & Cic.

K. Nunjeebhoy

怡和 E-lo


Jardine, Matheson & Co.

James Whittall

John Thomas Batt, silk inspector

Willian Keswick, assistant

Hector C. Maclean, do.

John Morison, do.

Sannel J. Gower, do,

F. J. O'Callaghan, do.

A. Broon, du.

C. S. Hope, silk inspector

R. P. Uamilton, tea inspector

Moncreiff, Grove & Co.

T. Muncreift

J. B. Ross, assistant

W. Canneron, do,

Moses & Co.

Thu hh Sony-(seang

J. J. Rouben

E. M. S. Moses, assistant

R. J. Reuben, due

J. Obadya, assistant

Russell & Co.

Metrally Mahioned, manager

利記 tc-ho

Nursey Kessowjee & Co.

同学 Tung-foo

Olyphant & Co.

R. M. Olyphant

D. Olyphant Vail

Richard R. Tyers

W. T. Tyers, assistant

O. K. Gordon, do,

Oppert & Co.

Je chang

E. Cunningham

llenry S. Grew

J. W. Leembruggen, assistant

F. W. Baurmaun, du.

1. S. Dana, do.

S. W. Pomeroy, do.

F. Leenbruggen, do.

長富 Telung-forw

X. Salabelle

E. Sandri

J. A. Sassoon, assistant

Yaca long

Thorne Brothers & Co.

J. Thorne

C. Thorne

J. A. Maitland, assistant


Turner & Co.

W. J. Bryans

P. Maclean, assistant

A. Walkinshaw, do.

Thomas Rothwell

Augustus A. Hayes, Jr., do.

Salabelle & Cie., X,

昇泰 Sing-tai

泰源 Tae-yuen


Ullett & Co.

Sassoon Sons & Co.

E. Oppert

A. M. Gubbay

Joseph Love, Jr.

H. Oppert

S. David, Jr., do.

富 Foo-shil


L. A. Joseph, do.

Vaucher Freres

S. Hayeem, do.

Fritz Vaucher

M. Ezekiel, du., (Nagasaki)

C. T. Eimstone, (Kanagawa)

Eugene Burel, assistant

Augustus Figge, (Japan)

Thomas Mills, assistanc J. M. Young

泰利 Tae-Le

Schabert, Jul.


李里百 Le-pile-li

Shaw Brothers & Co.

J. W. Broadbent, assistant

Overweg & Co.

G. W. Overwog

Pustau & Co., William

William Probst

G. Schottler, assistant

Eug. Fajard, do.

O. Hagemeyer, do.

1. Schutze, do.

B. Telge, do., (Kanagawa)

J. Spetzler, da.

II. U. Hollingworth

J. L. Edwards, do.

浩昌 Ilo-chaig


Sillar, R. G.

太和 Ti-ho

Siemssen & Co.

Rudolph Heinsen **

Reiss & Co.

Julius Kahn

J. Wheatley, assistant

M. P. Evans, do.

利名 Le-ning

Romi, Schmidt & Cie.

D. Remi, (absent)

Edward Schmidt

Charles Lemaire, assistant

C. Gombert, do..

F. Noyer, do.

L. Lefebvre, do.

A. Gravereau, do.

Louis Bourret, do., (Kanagawa)

L. Malherbe, Jo., (Bangkok)

Jullien St. Cyr, dv., (du.)

Adolph Joost, assistant

J. W. Thies, do.

Archibald J. Little, do.

Gustav Jacob, do.

公易 Kung-yih

Smith, Kennedy & Co.

A. Brund

J. C. Ilelbling, assistant

N. Latimer, do.

R. II. Woodward, do.

E. Rigby, du.

J. A. MacNair, do.

B. S. Hobson, do.

裕盛 Yuh-clin

Thorburn & Co., George

J. Muirhead

豐茂 Fung-MOU

Watson & Co.

G. W. Coutts

Jaines Cock, assistant

Alexander Cock, du.

R. J. Lent, do.


Wetmore, Cryder & Co.

W. Shepard Cryder

J. Kearny Rodgers, assistant

Hugo Richard, do.

- Stevens, du.

Andrew Jenkins, do.

A. D. W. French, (Kanagawa)

信禾 Sin-too

Wilkinson & Co., Alfred

Henry Murray

11. Dickinson, assistant

Alfred Howell, do.

天清 Teen-tsing

Wilson, Craven


禮查 Lee-yaw

Astor House, (hotel)

Henry Saith, proprietor

F. Farr, soda-water maker

Hans, JR., zálunker


Boron, J. S., broad and b. quit baker

Commercial House & Reading Room:

Kelly & Co., proprietors

Coates & Co., II, W., provisioners

II. W. Contes

Collyer & Lambert, shipwrights & shipsmiths

Charles S. Collyer

Albert G. Lambert

裕泰 Yul-tae

Dallas, Barnes. auctioneer, (secretary to the

British Chamber of Commerce)

Dato & Co., storekeepers

William Dato

Paul Dato

豐裕 Fung-yuh

Fogg & Co.. II., shipchandlers, &

Albert L. Freeman

Horatio N. Twombly

J. Andrews Wheelock, assistant

Thomas Hume, do. Peter Lacy, lo. Philip Johnson, do, Charles E. Hill, du.

M. 1'. Freeman, do,

O. II. Kimball, do.

Julin Vogier, du.

福利 Fuki-le

Hall & Holtz, storekeepers & shipchandlers

Edward Hall, (absent)

Andrew Holtz

Thomas A. Cowleroy, assistant

George Gray, do.

E. Wiberg, do.

F. Bayard, du.


Howard & Co., ship brokers, commission agents

and auctioneers of damaged goods

Abraham Howard

B. A. Wardell

Jenkins, Frederici, Chinese advocate and ac-


浒墩 Cha-tun

Jordan, V. P., bill broker

有威 You-zoei

Juvet, F. L., chronometer and watchmaker

E. Laidrich, assistant

L. Vrard, du.

|l'earson, F., shipchandler



新義利 Sin-ni-te

Jîn 4 Pe-mh-sang

Imperial Hotel, Kerr & Barrand

隆泰 Tong-tar

賓奪 Pin-to

mission agents

F. Knoop

W. Bulley

Knoop & Co., shipchandlers and general com- Pinder & Co., G. H., engineers & shipwrights

李閣東 Le-Koh-lig

Legrand Freres & Cie., storekeepers, watch

and clock makers

L. Legrand

C. Rettich, assistant


Mackenzie & Co., shipchandlers & storekeepers

James Mackenzie

David Mackenzie

P. Lessler, assistant

J. Horgan, do.

祥雙 Tseang-feng

Marsh, Mrs, milliner and dressinaker

Miss Furniss

Morrice, Behncke & Co., shipwrights

T. Morrice

J. Behncke

甫東 Poo-tung

Mairhead, D., shipwright and engineer

C. A. Gribble, engineer

A. S. Davidson, carpenter

美記 Muc-kee

Muller, H., watchmaker and jeweller

Taze-lin Yang-hong

G. H. Pinder

泰與 Tae-shing

Reimer & Co., watch and clockmakers

"North-China Herald," (published every


C. S. Compton, editor

Julius IIallpike, sub-editor

C. E. do Kozario, overseer

A. A. da Fonseca, compositor

J. dos A. Xavier, do.

J. J. do Rozario, do.

F. E. S. da Roza, do.

C. Walsh, do.

1. M. Fonseca, clerk



P. & 0.. N. Company

W. R. Dalziel, agent

William Davison, assistant

J. X. Monteiro, du.

J. F. Roza e Braga, do.

K. R. Mackenzie, agent, (Nagasaki)

II. E. Bush, agent, (Kanagawa)

E. L. Reimer

Alexander Heymann

Max. Hogguist

L. Captan

V. Facharia

寶泰 Pau-tae

Reynolds & Co., C. P., shipchandlers and

general storekeepers

C. P. Reynolds

E. R. Goodrich

Shearer, A. N., commission agent


Wright, J. W., storekeeper


柏醫生 Peh-E-shang

Bell, Thomas

甫生 Poo E-sang

Burton, G. W., M.D.

Hongkong Dispensary


E. C. Kirby, manager

裕泰醫生 Yue-tue E-sang

| Sibbald, F. C., M.D., M.R.C.S.E.

兵房 Ping-fang

Shanghae Iospital and Dispensary

F. C. Sibbald, M.D., surgeon

J. B. Newinan, apothecary

Board of Foreign Pilots.

(Agents-II. Fogg & Co.),

E. W. Robinson

J. Evans

John Geary

Thomas Mitchell

11. A. McLean

J. S. Ayers

J. W. Rickard

R. B. Wado

J. K. Mooncy

|J. Harmond

T. B. Schaffer

0. 11. Dow

Charles II. Ialstud

| James O. Pendleton



American j





Rev. John Hobson, M.A., Chaplain Trinity Rev. B. Jenkins, D..




Rev. John S. Burdon


Rev. William H. Collins



Rev. William Muirhead

Rev. Joseph Edkins, B.A.

Rev. G. John

Rev. H. Cowie

Rev. Robert Dawson, B.A.

Rov. J. Macgowan

Rev. R. Wilson, D.A.

James Henderson, M.D., F. R.O.S.E.


Rev. William N. Hall

BAPTIST MISSION, U.S.A. Tchum-oy-kook

Rev. M. T. Yates

Rev. J. L. IIolmes

Rev. T. P. Crawford

Rev. J. B. Hartwell

G. W. Burton, M.D.



文記 Wan-ke

Rev. M. S. Culbertson

Rev. S. R. Gayley

Rev. C. R. Mills

Rev. J. M. W. Farnham

J. C. Hepburn, M.D., (Japan)

Rev. J. L. Novins, (do.)




Right Rev. W. J. Boone, D.D.

Rev. E. W. Syla

Rev. II. M. l'arker

Rev. D. D. Smith

Rev. J. J. Scherreselewsky

Rov. E. II. Thompsou

Rev. J. T. Doyen

Rev. E. Hubbell

Rev. R. Nelson, (absent)

Rev. C. Kaith

Miss Emma G. Jones

Miss C. E. Jones

Miss Lydia M. Pay

Miss J. R. Conover, (absent)

Rev. J. W. Lambuth

Rev. M. L. Wood

Rev. Y. J. Allen


Rev. E. C. Bridgman, D.D.

Rev. Henry Blodget

ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION. Right Rev. A. Borguiet, vicar apostolic Rev. F. M. Lemaitre, superior F. Desjacques, procurator 28 Missionaries

Consulates, &c.

BRITISH LEGATION. Envoy Extraordinary, Minister to the Court of Peking, and Superintendent of British Trade in China-Honourable F. W. A. BRUCE, C.n.

Secretary of Legation-Lieutenant-Colonel

E. St John Neale

Chinese Secretary-Thomas F. Wade 1st Attaché-A. B. St. Clair 2d do.-G. IL Wyndham


Ta-ying la-mun

Consul-Harry S. Parkes, o.D.

Acting Consul-Thomas Taylor Meadows

1st Assistant-C. T. Jones

2d do.-J. A. Webster

Student Interpreters-J. T. Middletou, James

Gibson, and R. J. Forrest.


Secretary of Legation-Comte Kleckowski Assistant Secretary-M. de Vernouillet Interpreters-MM. Blancheton, Hubert, Do-

verin, and Sales

Consul ad Interim-B. Edau Chancellor-A. Monory


Consul-W, L. G. Smith


Consul-Gumercindo Ogea y Porras

Vice-Consul-Domingo Muñoz é Yufante


Consul-Alexander l'ereeval


Consul-C. W. Overweg


Consul-E. Webb


Consul-R. Heinsen


Vice-Consul -Theodore Kroes





Seu"-pos Ting-fang




Serjeants-Charles Waters, William Jarrett, Rutherford Alcock, Minister Plenipotentiary

and George Kersham

28 Constables.


Chairman Rowland Hamilton

Tonnerr James Whitlow

Secretary ---Elwin Plekwond


Keang-nan Hae-kwan

Inspector General--Horatio N. Lay Commissioner-G. H. Fitzroy Assistants-C. Hunnen, G. Čowie, C. Kleck- kowski, D. Gilmour, P. Piry, F. May, F. White, J. Porter, and U. Claxton RECEIVING SHIPS AT WOOSUNG. Ann Welsh, British barque, A. Heard & Co

W. Endicott, commander Ariel, British ship, P .F. Cama & Co.

George A. Keppell, commander Emily Jane, British ship, Dent & Co.

Thoinas Vincent, commander

Lady Hayes, British brig, Jardine, Matheson

& Co.

H. P. Baylis, commander

Swallow, British barque, Lindsay & Co.

J. Henderson, commander

and Consul-general

Richard Eusden, interpreter and acting vicc-

consul at Hakodadi

Abel A. J. (lower, 1st assistant |ħa, Photohor, atudent interpretor [4. Macedonuk, du.


C. Pemberton Hodgson, consul (absent) Richard Eusden, acting vice-consul G. M. Cowan, interpreter


George S. Morrison, consul F. G. Myburgh, interpreter Adolphus A. Annesley, assistant


F. Howard Vyse, acting consul



Townsend Harris, resident minis ter


J. W. Dorr, consul


Wellington, Brit, barque, Sassoon Sons & Co. E. E. Rice, commercial agent

G. W. Bennett, commander NORTHERN MASONIC LODGE, No. 832.

Worshipful Master A. Campbell Senior Warden-L. G. Dunlo Junior Warden-A. R. Tilby Secretary R. Goddard

Treasurer--T. J. Birdseye, r.M. Senior Deacon-J. II. launu Junior Deacon-H. R. Hyslop Inner Guard-J. Schabert Tyler-M. L. Lessler

U.S. NAVAL DEPOT. Nicholas Cleary, storekeeper Thomas R. Clery, assistant


Captain R. Trannaok


T. Walsh, vice-consul-



Joze Loureiro, consul


Joseph H. Evens, consul



J. de Witt, consul-general


|D. de Graoff van Pulsbroek, vico-consul


Colonial Government. Governor and Captain General-II. B. Sr.

8. Juan Herrera Davila, (acting) Assessor General-Carlos Paveya y Alba Secretary General Joze Luis de Baura


Judges-II. E. Sur. D. Eusebio Salcedo (adı- iniral of the station), and the Judge Coun- sellor of Marine Attorney-Joze Maria Arrieta Notary-Eduardo Olgado

Major General of Marine-Vicente Boado SUPERIOR COURT OF APPEAL.

de la Cumulra Harbour Master-Enrique Croquer, R.N. President-H. E. the Captain General Regente or Governor-Martin Galiano Enri-Commander-in-Chief of Preventive Forces by

quez de Navarra Presidents of Chambers-Carlos Paveja y Alba, and Juan Ygnacio Morales de la


Judges-Fernando Martinez de Castilla, Joze Nacarino Bravo (vice president of local administration and judge of intestate estates, &c.) Manuel Vela Irisarri, Juan Felipe Quiroya (counsellor of marine), Carlos Balleras, Vicente de la Torre de Trassierra (counsellor at war), Miguel Heras, and Joze Joaquin de Elizaga (at torney-general)


Superintendent General-H. E. the Captain


Intendant General-Joaquim Eseario Accountant General-Francisco Malats Treasurer General-Antonio Morata CIVIL GOVERNMENT OF THE PRO- VINCE OF MANILA.

Governor-Pedro l'ampillon Secretary-Francisco do Yriaste Commissary--Marcelino Salas


Sea and Land-II. E. Count Francisco de l'aula Enriquez

Postmaster General-Sebastian de Hazanas

Collector General of Customs-Leandro

Ormachca Visitor General of all Departments-Antonio


ECCLESIASTICAL DEPARTMENT. Patron-H. M. the Queen Royal Vice l'atron-H. E. the Governor

Captain General

Archbishop Metropolitan of the Philipines- II. E. Sar. D. Fray José Aranguren Provisor and Vicar General-Licentiate Sur.

Francisco Garcia Ortiz Dean-Maud Peralta

Commissary of the Holy Crusade-Doctor

Pedro Pelacz


Bishop-Sur. D). Fray Francisco Miru Provisor and Vicar General-Bachelor 1).

Pedro Abaya

Bisuorite or NUEVA EXCERES. Bishop-11. E, Pray Manuel Grijalbu Provisor and Vicar General-Doctor Vi-

conto Garcia


1st Court-Anastasio de Hoyas y Zendegui, Bishop-11. E. Fray Romualdo Gimeno


2d do.-Luis Yandiola, (do.)

3d do. Evaristo del Valle, (do.)


Senior Auditor-Antonio Hallegy y Barute Assistant Auditor Manuel Estrada, and

Antoniu Bucra

WAR DEPARTMENT. Judges-11, E, the Captam General, and the!

Judge Counsellor at War

Provisor and Vicar General-Presbyter D.

Laureano Rivera

SHIPS OF WAR. Seipion, brig, 12 32-pounders Navvaz, corvette, 3 en culisa Don Jorge Juan, str., 2 G& & 4 32-pounders Reyna de Castilla, str., 2 32-pounders swivel Eleano, steamer, 2 16-ponuders swivel Magallanes, stemmers, 2 16-pounders swivel 2 emters, 29 gun-luuals, 499 feluccas, atul 219 psivero", crews in all about 2,000


Abrahams, M.

Aguirre & Co.,


Fernande de Aguirre

Barretto, B. A., & Co.

Autonio de Ayoia

F. de P. Cembruno

Lorenzo Calvo

De Castro & Co., Ignacio Fernandez

Tomas Balbas y Castro

Eugster, Labhart & Co.

L. Eugster

D. Schlatter

T. C. Tobler, assistant

C. Lubz, do.

Findlay, Richardson & Co.

William Martin Robert V. Grahame

Thomas Caw, assistant W. II. Beech, do. R. Johnstone, do.

Guichard et Fils

Auguste Guichard Eugene Guichard

Victor Cherest, assistant Jose de Altovaga, do.

Holliday, Wise & Cn.

H. J. Luyken, manager

H. J. Andrews, assistant H. L. Barnatt, do.

V. Tuason, do.

Jenny & Co.

J. J. Steffan

T. Simmen, assistant

Frederick Luchsinger, do.

Gustav Tobler, do.

T. Just, do.

Charles Gormann, do.

Kor & Co.

Robert Jardino

Edward Jackson, assistant

Montgomeric Maconechy, do.

Hugh Smith French, do.

John Ross, do.

John Ogilvie, do.

Henry W. Mitchell, do.

Martin, Dyco & Co.

D. Rodger

W. R. Greenshield, assistant

J. S. Aitkin, lo.

R. Fotheringham, do.

J. Rogers, do.

Peters & Co.

J. H. N. IIülsz

T. F. Stüben, assistant

Philips, Moore & Co.

Goorgo N. Michell

Jolin Moore, assistant

L'eele, Hubbell & Co.

Horatio Nelson Palmer Ogden Ellery Edwards Richard Dalton Tuckor

Antonio V. Barretto, assistant George II. Peirce, do.

F. P. Cembrano, Jr., do.

J. Loizaga, Jr., do.

V. Versosa, in charge of press

Polaman Petel & Co.,

G. Von P. L'etel

Russell & Sturgis

Charles Griswold Edward H. Green Jonathan Russell

J. B. Pearson, assistant

W. W. Wood, (marine surveyor)

R. W. Lowndes, assistant

R. Torrey, do.

E. P. Dennis, do.

R. Schuyler, do.

B. Corrales, do.

R. Murcaida,do.

Smith, Bell & Co.

Lawrence R. Bell

George R. Young, assistant Pedro G. Guimaraeus, do. Neil Macleod, do.

Tillson, Herrmann & Co.

Frederick Tillson Moritz Herrmann Edward Parr, (England)

Louis F. Rapp, assistant Edward Bonstead, Jr., do.

Tuason, J. M. & Co.


Butler & Co., ship chandlers and agents

W. Butler

J. Bacon, assistant

Boech, Thomas, rope manufacturer

M. Klink

Burke, J., K.D., surgeon, Foreign Hospital Bischop & Fatton, watchmakers and jewellers Carls, W., carriage maker

Elzinger Brothers, watchmakers and jewellers

Gilmartin, J., carriage makers

Künsch, Ad., hat manufacturer

Karuth & Co., shipchandlers and agents

J. Karuth

G. Ileinsen

L. Owens

Lattey, J. S., watchmakers and jewellera Schmid, Henry, chemist and druggist Stott, J., engineer and blacksmith Secker, J., hat manufacturer

Wilson, R., engineer and blacksmith Zobel, Jacobo, chemist and druggist San Fernando Hotel,


Kempler,, hotel-keeper

French Hotel, Madame Matilda Galiay

Consulates, &c.

GREAT BRITAIN. Consul General for the Philipines-J. W. F.


Vice-Consul at Manila-W. II. Webb Surgeon to the British Consulate-J. Fouler-

ton, M.D.

Vice-Consul ut Sual in Pangasinan--Jose de Bosch, Secretary-Ubaldo de Bosch Vice-Consul at Iloilo in Panay-Nicolas

Loney, Assistant do.-J. Higgin France E. de Mechain, consul

T. de Pavion, chancellor

United States, Sweden and Norway-C.

Griswold; consul

Denmark-0. E. Edwards, consul Belgium-R. Jardine, acting consul Bremen-J. J. Steffan, consul Hamburg J. H. N. Hulзz, consu! Portugal José Carvallo, acting consul Chili-Fernando do Aguirre, consul

ROYAL TRIBUNAL OF COMMERCE, President-Torenzo Calvo Members-Antonin de Ayola, Viernte Car- rineja, Joan Munoz, Joaquin Mulanga, and Bonifacio Sainz de Vizmanos (con.ult- ing notary)

BOARD OF COMMERCE. President-The Prior of the Tribunal

Members-Fernando de Aguiare, Francisco de Paula, Cembrano, Rafael Fernandez de Castro, Alexandre Roces, Mariano Tuason, Jose de Aguiare, and Pablo Aranguren. Secretary-Jose Corrales

Professor of English-W. II. Webb Professor of French-Alfredo Campos

MUNICIPALITY. President-H. E. the Captain General Vice do. The Civil Governor or Mayor of

the City

Magistrate of 1st Election Jose Gabriel,

Gonzales Esquival

12 Allerinen

Two Sicilies-Tomas Balbas y Castro, consul Secretary-Manuel Marzano




1 !




** When the name of the town is omitted, Hongkong is to be understood.

Abrahams, M., merchant, Manila Abraham, S. (Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Abrahain, E. (Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Pedder's


Adams, W. II., chief-justice, &c., Elgin Ter. Adamson, W. R. (A. & Co.) mer., Shanghae Adkins, T., assist. Brit. Legation, Peking Aderjee, N. (Cawasjee, P. & Co.). clerk,

Lyndhurst Terrace

Agabeg, G. L, merchant, Macao Agabeg, A, L., Jr., mer., 508 Graham Street Aguilar, J. d', Right Rev., Roinun Catholic

Bishop, Foochow

Aguirre, F. de, consul for Chili, Manila Ahlmann, J. W., chief officer Fort William,


Ainslie, Thomas, M.D., physician, civil hospital Airey, C. A. S. (Bellamy & Co.) clerk, Amoy Aitkin, J. S. (Martin. D. & Co.) clerk, Manila Alabaster, Chaloner, interpreter British con-

zulate, Swatow Allanson, Win., commission agent, Rua San

Lourenço, Macao

Alisch, Alexander (A. & Co.) mer., Macao Alisel, Hermann, (Kielman & A.) mer., Amoy Allen, J. W. (Wetmore, C., & Co.) clerk,

Queen's Road

Alcock, R., British consul-general, Yeddo Alexander, W. H., registrar supreme court,


Allen. Rev. Y. J., missionary, Shanghae Alt, W. J. (A. & Co.) merchant, Nagasaki Alves, A. F., clerk audit office

Alves, J. M. S., sorter post-office Ambrosi, Very Rev. D. L., prefect apostolic of Roman Catholic Church, Wellington St. Anderson, C. A., M.D, dep.-inspector general,

Melville, Hongkong Harbour Anderson, George, broker

Anderson, W., shipping master, Whampoa Andruss, T. F., Oriental Hotel, Wellington St. Andrews, II. J. (Holliday, W. & Co.) clerk,


Andrews, Francis (Agra & U. S. Bank) clork,

Queen's Road

Annesley, Ilon. A. S., private secretary to

governor, Government louse Antiusloy, A. A., assistant British consulate,


Aquino, M. J. d' (Sassoon & Co.) clerk,

Pedder's Wharf Archer, G. A. (Smith, A. & Co.) mer,, Canton Arinstrong, John M. (Thomas Hunt & Co.)

shipchandlers, Pedder's Wharf Arnhold, Jacob (Oxford & Co.) mer., Q. Rd. Arnold, Robert (A. & Co.) mercht., Nagasaki Arnhold, H. (P. & O. Co.) superintendent

purser, West Point

Ashton, T. K. (Hulliday, W. & Co.) merchant,


Ashton, R. J. (Gilman & Co.) iner., Shanghae Aspandiarjee, P. (Mody & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd. Aspinall, W. G., agent, Kanagawa Atkinson, J. (Martin & Co.) clerk, Q. Road Austin, I. G., superintendent W. I. Emigration


Ayera, J. S., pilot, Shanghae Azevedo, F. d' (J. J. Braga) assist. apothecary,

Aberden Street

Azevedo, L. fle, compositor, Hollywood Rd. Azevedo, M. (E. H. Pollard) clerk, Q. Road Badenoch, J. (Gow & Co.) shipwright, W.pos. Baker, R. T. (P. & O. Co.) boiler-inaker,

West Point

Baker, S. W. (Bowra & Co.) clerk, Q. Road Baker, R. B., accountant Chartered Mercantile

Bank, Queen's Road Baker, Thomas (Adamson & Co.) clerk, S.hag. Ballance, T. F. (Barnet & Co.) clerk, S.hae. Baldwin, Rev. S. L., missionary, Fuochow Baldwin, R. H., (MacGregor & Co.) auctioneer,

Gough Street

Baldwin, J. C. (do.) absent Baldwin, Rev. C. C., missionary, Foochow Ball, Rev. D., .D., missionary, Canton Bambury, H., engineer, dockyard Bannatyne, J. (Gilman & Co.) clerk, S.hao. Baptista, J. B. (Alisch & Co.) clerk, Macao Baptista, M., artist, Canton Baptista, J. S. (Dent & Co.) clerk, Fouchow Bar, W. F. T., (Glatz, L. & Co.) clerk,

Stanley Street

Barber, J. S., merchant, Yokahaina Barnes, E. F., acting inspector of police,

Central Station

Barnes, F. D. (P. & O.) assistant, W. l'oint Baron, J. 8., baker, Shanghae Antrobus, R. C. (Lindsay & Co.) mer., S.hae. Barradas, F. C., compositor, Oswald Terrace Aquino, F. A. de (Vargas & Co.) clerk, Macau Barradas, D. J., clerk post-offico

Barradas, A. V., (Laitui ny & Co.) clerk Barradas, V., compositor, swaki Terrace Barradas, F. (Dent & Co.) clerk, Kanagawa Barret, Ebenezer, storeman, Dockyard Barretto, Juño, (Jardine, M. & Co.) clerk,

Old Bailey Street

Barretto, Luiz, clerk W. I. Emigration Agency,


Barros, A. de (Wetmore, W. & Co.) clerk Barras, J. R., sailmaker, Shanghae Barraud, E. F., Imperial Hotel, Shanghae Barnet, H. L. (Holliday W. & Co.) clerk,


Barton, 7. (Dent & Co.) master of the ship

Hamilton, Swatow

Bastos, A. J. (Lindsay & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Bates, G. M., surgeon, Yokahama Batt, J. T. (Jardine, M. & Co.) clerk, S.hae. Bayard, F. (Ilall & Holtz) clerk, Shanghae Battarsley, W. (P. & O. ́Co.) boiler-maker,

West Point

Baylis, H. P..commander receiving-ship Lady

    Hayes, Woosung Baynes, A. S., deputy assist. comy. general,

Commissariat, Queen's Road Bazanjee, P. (P. F. Cama & Co.) clerk,

Webster Street

Beach, Rev. W. R., chaplain, St Paul's Col. Brech, W. H. (Findlay, IL. & Co.) clerk, Manila Beattie, R., British Tavern, Queen's Road W. Beaumont, F. B. (Russell & Co.) elk., Caine Rd. Beaumont, J. M., M.D., surgeon, Fouchow Bedwell, Thos. (Gibb, I.. & Co.) elk., C.ton. Bean. R. A., storeman, Dockyard Beecher, Rev. Jas. C., chaplain Bethel, Harbour Behncke, II. (Morrice, B. & Co.) engineer,


Behre, Gustav, merchant, Saigon Behre, E (Bourjau. II. & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd. Bell, L. R (Sinith, B. & Co.) mercht., Manila Bell, F. II. (Adamson & Co.) clerk, Japan Bell, Thomas, surgeon, Shanghae Bell, UI. A. (Blackhead & Co.) shipchandler,


Bellamy, John (B. & Co.) shipchandler, Amoy Bellamy, John, Jr. (da.) do. Bennett, G. W., commander receiving-ship

   Wellington, Woosung Bennett, P. H. (B. & Leighton) mer., S.hae. Berg, Conrad, storeman, Dockyard Bernard, J. (Adamson & Co.) clerk, Shanghine Beveridge, I.. assistant Imperial Maritime

Customs, Canton

Beyer, L., (Bourjnu, II. & Co.) clerk, Macao Bhanja, N. A., merchant, Hollywood Road Bickain, W. N. (Johnson & Co.) clerk, S.hne. Bielefeld, A. (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Pott. St. Bird, S. L., assistant engineer, Land Office Birdseye, John (Barnet & Co) clerk, Japan Birt, W. (Dow & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Blackhead, F. (B. & Co.) shinchandi.. (absent) Blain, Jolin (B., Tate & Co.) meroht., S.hne.. Blakoway, Geo. (Vaucher 1.) clerk, Q. Rd.

Block, F. II. (J. Burd & Co.) mer., 2. R-1. Blodget, R. II., missionary, Shaughne Ulydinburgh, J. S. (Smith, A. & Co.) clerk,

D'Aguilar Street

Bock, II. (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Canton Boeddinghous, C. E. (Bourjau, H. & Co.)

clerk, Canton

Boggust, J., smith, Dockyard Bohstedt, J., merchant, Ningpo Bonanjee, S. (Cawasjee, P. & Co.) merchant,

Lyndhurst Terrace

Bomanjee, F. (do.) clerk, do. Bomanjee, L. (P. F. Cama & Co.) Shanghae Bomanjee. M. (F. B. Camá & Co.) clerk,

Wellington Street

Bonnett, Miss E., milliner, Queen's Road Bonnett, W. W., secretary Hongkong Club Blancheton, M., interpreter French Legation,


Bonney, Rev. S. W., missionary, Canton Bonney, N. B., tidewaiter, Imp. Mar. Cus.,


Boone, Right Rev. W. J., D.D., mis., S.hae. Bouth, A. (Bourjau, H. & Co.) clerk, S.hne, Borel, Eugene (Vaucher F.) clerk, Si.anghae Borel, C., iner, and Sp. vice-consul, Foochow Borges, J. F, Pilot Boat Tavern, Q. Road Borges, J. (F. Fernandes) clerk, Macao Borradaile. T. S. (Walker, B. & Co.) incr.,

College Gardens

Borton, J, Uncle Toin's Cabin Tavern, Q. Rd. Bosman, C. II. M. (Koopmanschap & B.)

merchant, Pottinger Street. Bosch, Juze de, British vice-consul at Sual,

Phillipine Islands

Botelho, A. (J. J. Braga) dispenser, Aberdeen


Botelho, G. S. (Mello & Co.) clerk, Macao Botephur, J. H. L. (B. & Co.) shipwright,


Bottado, B. (Johnson & Co.) elk., Oswald Ter. Bourboulon, II. E. M. dé, Fronch Pienipo-

tentiary, Shanghae

Boulle, N., baker, Stanley Street Bourret, L. (Remi, S. & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Bourne, W. (Birley & Co.) clerk, Foochow Bourjau, A. (B., Hubener & Co.) merchant,


Boustend, E., Jr. (Tillson, H. & Co.) clerk,


Bovet, A. (B. Bros.,) merchant, Canton Bovet, G. (do.) merchant, Shanghac Bowra, W. A. (B. & Co.) shipcbundler, Q. Rd. lowra, F. W. (do.) clerk, Quecu's Road Bowring, J. C. (Jardine, M. & Co.) mercht.,

East Point

Bower, F. (B., Hanbury & Co.) mer., (ubsent) Boxer, W., storeman, Dockyard

Boyd, C. (Ellissen & Co.) mer,, D'Aguilar St. Boyd, T. D. (Syme & Co.) inerchaut, Amoy Boyd, Francis (Wetanore, C. & Co.) clerk,


Boyer, Alexander, mer,, Praya Grande, Macao

ALPHABETICAL LIHT OF PORKUN REKORG 175. Boyic, d., tidewater Tup. Mar Cas.. Curton Gdale, G. A....am caur U18, comentate, Nin qo Bradden, W. E. (Ellissen & Co.) clerk, Cahill, T. 1, Hoval Albert Hord. Q. Rod

D'Aguilar Street

| Caine, G W., Haitish cone ul, & wate ve Bradley, R. (Smith, K. & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd. Cal·lera, J., White Swan Tavern. Q. Road Bradley, C. W., Jr. (B. & Co.) mercht., and Callaghan, T. F., chief magistrate, Caine Rd,

U. S. consul, Swatow

Caldwell, D. R., registrar-general, Caine Rd. Bradstreet, P., manager Royal Hotel, Macao Caldwell, 11. C (Turner & Hazeland) clerk,

Staunton Street Braga, J. J., chemist and draggist, Q. Road Braga, C. J., sodawater maker, Queen's Rd. | Camajee, D. N. (P. & D. N. Canajee & Co.)

merchant, Shanghae Braga, V. E., do, do.

Camajce, D. P. (IL. II. Camajec & Co.) mer., Braga, F., do. do.

Gough Street

Braga, J. F. R. (P. & O. Cn.) clerk. S.hae. Brand, W. (Gilman & Co.) clerk, Foochow Brand, A. (Smith, K. & Co.) iner., Shanghae Brand, Robert (do.) clerk, Queen's Road' Brandão, J. J. (Oriental Bank) clerk, Q. Rd. Brandão, A., merchant, Macao Brandão, A. Jr., clerk, do. Brandão, L., do. do. Braune, G. C. P., 2d assist. Brit. cons., F.chow. Brett, Robert, accountant Char. Mer. Bank of India, London, and China, Shanghac Brice, Geo, surgeon, harbour Bridges, W. T., D.C.L., harrister, Caine Road Bridges, H. G. (Heard & Co.) clerk, S.har. Bridgman, Rev. E. C., D.D., niissionary S.bae. Britto, J. de (P. & O. Co.) elk., Old Bailey St. Britto, João L. (J. J. Braga) eierl, Q. Rd. Broadbent, J. W. (Shaw, B. & Co.) elk., S.hae. Brousted, R. (Bourjau, II. & Co.) elk., Q. Rd. Brodersen, C. (Pustan & Co.) mer., Pott. St. Broom, A. (Jardiue, M. & Co.) clerk, S.hac. Brooks, Jas. A., auctioneer, Hollywood Road Brown, II. D. (Dent & Co.) arent, Amoy Brown, F.C.(do. Jchief officer Solomon Family,


Browne, M. (MacEwen & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd. Bruce, Hon F. W. A., C.B., British Minister,

&c., in China, Peking Bruckner, H. (Oxford & Co.) clerk, Canton Brumfield, J. V. (P. & O. Co.) plumber,'

West Point

Brunckow, E. (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd. Brandritt, 1). M. (P. & O. Co.) pattern-malter,

West Point

Brush, B (Hunt & Co.) carpenter, Whampoa Bryans, W. J. (Turner & Co.) mer., S.he. Buissonet, Eugene (B. & Cie.) wer., S.bac. Bulley, W. (Pinder & Co.) engineer, Shanghae Burdon, Rev. J. S., missionary, Shanghao Burgy, E. H. (Smith, A. & Co) merchant,

D'Aguilar Street

Burke, J., M.D., surgeon, Manila Burimester, George (llall & Co.) shipwright,


Burrows, Silas E., Jr. (B. & Co.) merchant,

Pottinger Street

Burrows, O. II. (do.) do., do.

Burton, G. W., M.D., surgeon, Shanghae Bush, II. E., merchant, Kanagawa

Butter, W., shipchandier. Manila

Cambridge, H. L., pot, Amoy Cameron, W. (Moncrieff, G. & Co.) elk., S.hae. Campbell, Patrick, manager Oriental Bank,

Queen's Road Campbell, A. J. (Fletcher & Co.) mer., Q. Rd. Campbell, A. (do.) clerk, Shanghae Campos, J. F. (P. & O. Co.) clerk, Gage St. Campus, E. P. (do.) clerk, Peel Street Cainpos, L. P. (do.) clerk, Stanley Street Campos, J. M. C. (Tourniere & Co.) clerk,

Queen's Road

Campos, N. (C. Jameson) clerk storeship

Circassian, harbour Cancelleri, J., constable Brit. consulate, Amoy Cantuarias, J. M., merchant, Macao Carapiet, & M., mer.. 865 Old Bailey Street Carey, II. W. (Gibb, L. & Co.) clerk, S.hae. Carlowitz, R. von (C. & Co.) mer., Canton Carls, W., carriage maker, Manila Carnegie, John, M.D., surgeon, Amoy Carneiro, B. E., merchant, Macao Carpenter, Ed., dispenser Hongkong Dispen-

sary, Queen's Road Carr, H. J., British Hotel, Queen's Road W. Carroll, C., stud. intrep. Brit. consul., F.ehow. Carrol, J., inaster Str. Fei-ma Carter, J. F., silk-broker, Shanchae Carvalho, J. A. de, cashier colonial treasury,

Hollywood Road

Carvalho, R. II. de, hotelkeeper, Praya Grande,


Carvalho, M. A. de (Turner & Co.) clerk,

Hollywood Road Carvalho, I... nærebant, Macar Carvalho, P. M. (Mercantile Bauk) clerk,

Hollywood Run!

Carvalho, A. II., printer, Shanghae Carvalho, Joze, merchant, Manila Case, A. R. (Wetmore, C. & Co.) clerk, Canton Casey, James, National Hotel, Queen's Road Cassuinbhoy, C. (C. Nathabhoy & Co.) mer.,

Stanley Street

Castro, L. d'Almada e, clerk of councils,

Caine Road

Castro, J. d'Alinada e, clerk colonial secre-

tary's office, Elgin Street

Castro, Pio F. de, merchant, Macao Caw, Thos. (Findlay, R. & Co.) clerk, Manila Cawa-jee, D. (Mody & Cu.) clerk, Q. Road

Byramjee, D. (P. & D. N. Camajeo & Co.) Cereal, Baron do (Mello & Co.) mercht, aud

clerk, Queen's Road

Brazilian consul, Rua da Prata, Marau



Chabert, E. (Reyuvaan, C. & Co.) storekeeper,

     Old Bailey Street Chagas, P. X. de, elerk land oftico Chagas, J. N. das (Portaria & Silva) elk., Macao Chaldecott, T. A., M.D., Stanley Street Chalmers, Rev. J., M.A., missionary, Canton Chanibers, R. H. (Smith, K. & Co.) clerk,


Chapman, W., postmaster-general, Q. Rond Chapman, E. L., clerk colonial secretary's office Chapman, T. H. (Dent & Co.) elk., Foochow Cherest, V. (Guichard & Fils) clerk, Manila Chomley F. (Dent & Co.) mer., Queen's Rd. Christison, C. (W. Hargreaves) clerk, S.hae. Clark, W. C. (Heard & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Clark, D. O. (Russell & Co.) mer., Foochow Clarke, S. H. (Bull, P. & Co.) clerk, S.hae. Clausen, T. T. (Dimier Bros.) clerk, S.hae. Claxton, C., assist. Imp. Mar. Ćus., Shanghae Cleverly, C. St Geo., surveyor-general, and

    member of the Legis. Council, Caine Rd. Cliffe, C., insp. of markets, central police station Chitton, S., Shanghae

Closmadeux, H.de, mer., Praya Grande, Macao Cuare, H. W. (Muul & Co.) clerk, Canton Coates, H. W., shipchandler, Shanghae Cock, Alexander (Watson & Co.) clerk, S.hae. Cock, James (do.) clerk, Shanghao Coffin, T. W., clerk, Dockyard Cohen, E. (Phillips, M. & Co.) mer., (absent) Cohen, P. (do.) inerchant, (absent) Cohen, H. (do.) merchant, Queen's Road Cohen, C. (do.) clerk, Queen's Road Coit, C. F. (J. Bohstedi) clerk, Ningpo Collaço, Antonio, storekeeper, Rua de Campo,


Colah, P. B. (C. & Co.) mer., Hollywood Rd. Colah, J. B. (do.) do.

Collins, Henry J., compositor, Graham Street Collins, James, 1st clerk magistrate's office Collins, Charles, clerk, do.

Collins, Rev. W. 11., missionary, Shangline Collyer, C. S. (C. & Lambert) shipwright,

Dockyard, Shanghae

Cooper, H. (Jardine, M & Co.) clerk, F.chow. Compton, C. S., editor and proprietor North-

   China Herald, Shanghae Condit, Rev. J. M., missionary, Canton Cork, James P. (T. Hunt & Co.) shipchandler,

&c., Pedder's Wharf

Cork, James E. (do.) clerk, do. Cork, John H. (du.) clerk, do. Cooper, W. M., assistant British consulate,


Cornabie, W. A. (Symne & Co.) clerk, Amoy Corres, M. A. (MacEwen & Co.) clerk, Q. RL Corus, Fred, (flolliday, W. & Co.)clerk, S.hae. Costa, D. A. (Talbot, D. & Co.) Stanley St. Costa, J. da (Gilman & Co.) elk., Aberdeen St. Custa, J. P. din, soda water manufacturer,

Stanley Street

Costa, N. T. da (D. W. Mackenzie & Co.)

clerk, Hollywood Road


Costa, J. F. da (Jardine, M. & Co.) clerk,

Stanley Street

Costello, Jas. (Walker, B. & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd. Courcy, Chas. (F. L. Juvet) watchmaker,

Queen's Road

Coutts, T. (Hall & Co.) blacksmith, Spring


Coutts, G. W. (Watson & Co.) mercht., S.hae. Coutts, J. C.. merchant, Caine Road Cowan, G. M., interpreter British consulate,


Cowasjee, N. (P. F. Cama & Co.) clerk,

Webster Street

Cowderoy, T. A. (Hall & Holtz) clerk, S. hae. Cowie, Rev. Hugli, missionary, Shanghae Cowie, G., assist. Imp. Mar. Customs, S.hae. Cowper, J. C., shipwright, Whampoa Coxen, A., sub-accountant Chartered Mer-

cantile Bank, Queen's Road Craijer, A. (Bower, H. & Co.) silk inspector,


Crane, Isaac B. (Wetmore, W. & Co.) clerk,

Staunton Street

Craven, J. 11. (De Silver & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd. Crawford, Rev. T. P., missionary, Shanghao Crawford, Ninian (Lane, C. & Co.) ship-

chandler, &c, Queen's Road Crawford, D. R. (do.) clerk, Queen's Roa Cronin, J., deputy-inspector, C. P. Station Cruz, I. C. de, printer, Wellington Street Cruz, F. A. da (Mello & Co.) clerk, Macao Cruz, E. da (do.) clerk, do.

Crutchitt, Jas. H, clerk,U.S. consulate, C. ton. Cryder, W. Wetmore (Wetmore, C. & Co.)

merchant, Queen's Road

Cucullo, Jose, Spanish consul, Amoy Culbertson, Rev. M. S., missionary, Shanghae Cunha, J. da, clerk, Dockyard

Cunningham, E. (Russell & Co.) mer., S.hae. Cunningham, J. S. (Heard & Co.) clerk, S.hae. Cunningham, Rev. W. G. E., mission., S.bae. Curreem, N. (A. Habibbhoy) clerk, Shanghae Cursetjce. P. (Cawasjee F. & Co.) clerk,

Lyndhurst Terrace

Curserjee, N. (P. F. Cama & Co.) clerk, Amoy Cursetjee, D. (Nathabboy & Co.) clerk,

Stanley Street

Cursetjee, J. (Sapporjee & Co.) merchant,

Graham Street

Cushny, Alexander, merchant, Shanghae Cutter, J. A. B. (A. Heard & Co.) clerk,

Hollywood Road

Dadabhoy, N. (Mody & Co.) clerk, Q. Road Dadabhoy, B. (Sapporjus & Co.) clerk,

Graham Street

Daial, 1. (0. Nathabhoy & Co.) clerk,

Stanley Street

Dallas, Barnes, auctioneer, Shanghae Daly, A. M. (ÍIcard & Co.) clerk, Foochow Dalziel, W. R., ngent for P. & O. Co., S.line. Dana, R. S. (Russell & Co.) clerk, Shanghas |Danenberg, J. clerk, Dockyard



Doulinie, Rev. J., missionais, Poochow Dorr, J. W., U.S. consul, Kanagawa | Duruljer, F. (Eduljee F. & Co.) elk., Gough St. [Dotta, Carl (Walker, B. & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd.

Doty, Rev. E.. missionary, Amoy Dougins, R. K., student interpreter British

consulate, Canton

Danenberg, D., apoinecary, 'Queen's Roza Danforth, Rev. A., missionary, Ningpo Dantra, 1. B., surgeon. Gouch Street Darrell, N. B. (8. C. Woodruff') clerk, Q. Rd. Davenport, Arthur, student interpreter Daver, 11. R. (D. & Co.) merchant, Amoy David, S. (Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Shanghao Davies, G. T. (Adamson & Co.) clerk, S.he. Davies, R. B. (Jardine, M. & Co.) clk., S.hae. Douglas, Rev. Carstairs, missionary, Amoy Davis, George. (D. Bros. & Co.) mer., Canton Now, James (D. & Co.) merchant, Shanghac Davis, Henry W. (do.) merchant, Canton Dow, C. H., pilot, Shanghae Davis, T. (P.&O. Co.) boiler-inaker, W. Point Downie, Alex. (Fletcher & Co.) clerk, S.hae. Davis, John (Glatz, L. & Co.) clerk, Q. Road Duyen, Rev. J. T., inissionary, Shanghae Davison, W. (P. & O. Co.) clerk, Shanghae Dreyer, W. (D. & Co.) merchant, Canton Davidson, A. S. (D. Muirhead) clerk, Shanghae Drysdale, T. M (Bower, H. & Co.) elk., S.bae. Dawson, Rev. R., B.A.. missionary, Shanghae Duddell, Henry, auctioneer,. Queen's Road Day, John (J. C. Cooper) blacksmith, W pou. Dudley, Richard (Oriental Bank) clk., S.hae. Deacon, Albert (D. & Co.) merchaut, Macao Duncanson, E. F. (Gilb, L. & Co.) mer.. S.hae. Deacon, J. B. (du.) do.

Dunkley, T. (P.&O. Co.) boatswain, W. Point Deacon, Richard (A. Heard & Co.) clerk, Dunlop, L. G. (Birley, W. & Co.) elk., S.hae.

Hollywood Road

Dunn, Thomas, U.S. consul, Foochow Delano, Wm., Jr. (Russell & Co.) mer,, Q. Rd. Dunn, J. G. (Lindsay & Co.) clerk, Q. Rond De Silver, II. T. (De S. & Co.)sh.-chdl. (absent) Duus, N. (D. & Co.) merchant, and comtnis-

sion agent, Queen's Rond De Silver, R. P. (du.) du. (absent)

Duus, E. 11. (Lindsay & Co.) clerk, Q. Road

De Silver, Geo. P. (do.) do., Queen's Road Do Silver, Frank (do.) do., du. De Silver, Chas. (de ) do,, du.

De Silver, Edwin (do.) do., do.

Eastinck, W. C., dentist, Staunton Street Ebrahim, C. (C., Nathabloy & Co.) elk., C.ton.

Dence, Robr. (Holliday, W. &Co.) elk., C.ton Eça, A. do (Jardine, M. & ̊C, ) clerk Dennis, E. P. (Russell & Sturgis) elk., Manila | Eça, D. A, ď, soda-water maker. Stanley St. Dent, John (Dent & Co.) merchant and mem- Edan, B., French vice-consul, Shanghae

ber of the Legislative Council, Q. Road Edkins, Rev. J., missionary, Shanghae Dent, Henry Win. (do.) merchant, Shanghae Eduljee, M. (P. F. Cama & Co.) clerk, S.hae. Detmaring, C. F. V. (Ellissen & Co.) clerk, Eduljee, B. (E., Framjee Sons & Co.) mut-

chant, Canton

D'Aguilar Street

Devens, R., merchant, Canton Deverin, M.. interpreter French cons., S.hae. Devine, W. H. (Talbot, D. & Co.) shipchand-

ler, Whampoa

Dhallu, E. P. (R. H. Camajce & Co) clerk,

Gough Street Dhunjerbhoy, F. (Mody & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd. Dhuujeebhoy, P. (P. & D. N. Camajee & Co.)

merchant, Queen's Road Dhunjeeshaw, R. (P. F. Camí & Co.)

Eduljec, H. (do.) merchant, Gough Street Eduljer, F. (F. B. Cama & Co.) merchant,

Wellington Street

Eduljee, Hormusjee (do.) do. Eduljee, Dhunjeebliny (do.) do. Edwards, Thomas, reporter Daily Press, Old

Bailey Street

Edwards, O. E. (Peele, II. & Co.) mier., Manila Edwards, J. L. (Shaw Bros, & Co.) elk, S.har. mer-Egerton, L., Jr. (Fruzar & Co.) elk., Nagasaki |Ellers, Paul (llesse, E. & C.) mer., Canton Dick, Thomas, Chinese interp., Cominissariat Elinstone, C. T. (Sassoon & Cu.) clerk, Dickinson, Chas, A. (Wilkinson & Co.) mer-

chant, Webster Street

chant, Gough Street

Dickinson, Henry (do.) clerk, Shanghae


Elias, E. (Barnet & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Elles, Jamieson (E. & Co.) merchant, Amoy Dickson, Henry, dispenser Hongkong Dispen-Elliot, J. T. (Dent & Co ) clerk, Shanghae

Elliot, W. H. F. (Ellissen & Co.) clerk,

D'Aguilar Street

sary, Queen's Road

Diers, J. (Oxford & On.) clerk, Canton Dillon, J., tidewaiter Imp. Mar. Cus., C.ton. Dimier, Charles, (D. Bros.) merchant, 36

Praya Grande, Macao Dircks, T. (Hirschfeld & Co.) clerk, Swatow Dixson, A. S. (A. Shortrede & Co.) editor & proprietor of China Mail, Old Bailey St. Dobie, A. D, shipchandler, Foochow Dodd, John (Dent & Co.) elork, Queen's Rd. Dolan, W., sailmaker, Queen's Road Donner, T. (l'ustau & Co.) cik., l'ottinger St.


Ellis, D. P. (Heard & Co.) cik., Hollywood R. Ellis, Jas., inspector of markets, Police Station Elmenhorst, T. (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Pot-

tinger Street

Eisinger, A., watchmaker, Queen's Rond Emeny, Williams, sh.-chandler, Wellington St. Encarnação, A. L. du, 2d oflicer Fort William,


Encarnação, 1. A. de (Lyall, S. & Co.) clerk,

Hollywood Road


1 I

I 1

Encarnação, E. A. de (Russell & Co.) clerk, Fitzroy, G. H., commissioner Imperial Mari-

Hollywood Road

Endicott, J. B., merchant, Macuo Eudicott, Henry C., sh.chdl., Pedder's Wharf Endiente, W., commander receiving-ship Ann

Welsh, Woosung

Endicott, John, captain steamer Spark Enscoe, J., surgeon, Seamen's Hospital Erany, C. P. (P. F. Cama & Co.) clerk,

Webster Street

Eschenick, J. W. H. (Smith, K. & Co.)

Queen's Road

Estarico, E., (Tourniere & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd. Eugster, L. (E., Labhart & Co.) mer., Manila Eusden, Richard, Brit. vice-consul, Hakodadi Evans, J., pilot, Shanghae

Evans, J. H., U.S. consul, Kanagawa Evans, E. H. (Dent & Co.) clerk, Nagasaki Evans, M. P. (Reiss & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Everett, J. H. (Heard & Co.) mer., Canton Ezekiel, E. D. (Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Pedder's


Ezekiel, M. (do.) clerk, Nagasaki Ezra, A. S. (do.) clerk, Foochow

Fairbridge, C. W. (Holliday, W. & Co.) clerk,


Fairley, Francis B., assistant accountant Orien-

     tal Bank, Queen's Road Fajard, E. (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Falconer, George (D. Lapraik) watchmaker,

D'Aguilar Street

Farnham, Rev. J. M. W, missionary, S.hae. Farr, F. (Astor House) Shanghao Farren, J. W. P., Brit. consul-general, Manila Fay, Miss L. M., missionary, Shanghae Fearon, R. J. (Heard & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Fegan, Henry, senior assistant-surgeon, hos-

    pital ship Melville, Harbour Fernandes, J., Bombay Tavern, Queen's Rd. Fernandes, L..J., under bailiff Supreme Court,

Hollywood Road

Fernandes, F., apothecary Military Hospital,

Spring Gardens Fernandes, Luiz usher, Police Court, Holly-

wood Road

Fernandes, B. de S., mer.. Rua Central, Macao Fernandes, Francisco d'Assis, merchant, 48

Praya Grande, Macao

Field, T. (Smith, A. & Co.) clk., D'Aguilar St. Field, R., tidewaiter Imp. Mar. Cus., W.poa. Figge, Aug. (Overweg & Co.) mer., Japan Figuereido, J. M. V. de (Heard & Co.) clerk,

Peel Street

  Figuereido, H. C. V. (do.) do. Fincham, A. (Reiss & Co.) merchant, Canton Firman, E. M. (Elles & Co.) clerk, Amoy Fischer, Maxn., superintendent P, & O. S.

N. Co., Caine Rond

Fish, Gen, W., surgoon & U.S. consul, Ningpo Fisher, H., pilot, Swatow

Fitzgibbon, M., resident agent Jardine,

theson & Co., Amoy

time Customs, Shangliae Fleming, Rev. T. S., missionary, Ningpo Flowerden, J. G. (Jarvie, T, & Co.) cik, S.hae. Fletcher, Angus (F. & Co.) mer., Q. Koad Fletcher, L., student interpreter British con-

sulate, Yello

Fonseca, Juze M., wine merchant, Ponta da

Rede, Macao

Fonseca, J. A. da (Deacon & Co.) clk., C.ton. Fontanier, M., interpreter to French commis-

sioner, Canton

Forbes, W. H. (Russell & Co.) merchant,


Forbes, F. B. (do.) clerk, Queen's Road Forbes, William (Birley & Co.) clerk, Canton Forrest, R. J., student interpreter British

consulate, Shanghae

Forth, F. H. A., colonial treasurer, and mem-

ber of the Legislative Council (absent) Torster, John, merchant, Foochow Foster, C., deputy-assistant commissary-gene-

ral, Commissariat, Queen's Road Foster, W. H., Jr. (Russell & Co.) clerk,

Queen's Road

Foulerton, John, M.D., surgeon, Manila Fotheringham, R. (Martin, D. & Co.) clerk,


Fox, S. C., shipbroker and auctioneer, D'Agu-

ilar Street

Framjee, B. (P. & D. N. Camajee & Co.)

clerk, Queen's Road

Framjee, S. (Eduljee, F. & Co.) elk., Gough St. Framjee, B. (lo.) do.

Frankel, S. (Jurgens & Co.) elk., Queen's Road Francken, J. J. C., student interpreter Ne-

therland consulate, Amoy Francis, Robert (Bull, P. & Co.) mer., S.has. Frazar, Everett (F. & Co.) commission agent,

&c., Shanghae

Frazar, Douglas (do.) do., Japan |Frazer, J. P. M., student interpreter British

consulate, Canton

Freeman, Albert L. (Fogg & Co.) shipchand-

ler, &c., Shanghao Freeman, M. P. (do.) clerk, Shanghae Freire, F., accountant Hongkong Club French, A. D. W. (Wetmore, C. & Co.) clerk,


French, H. S. (Ker & Co.) clerk, Manila Frewin, H., pilot, Swatow Fulcher, George F. (Benett & L.) clerk, S.hae. Furniss, Miss, milliner, Shanghae

Fussell, R. S. R., merchant, and agent for P.

& O. Co., Foochow

Gailliard, Rev. C. W., missionary, Canton Galton, W. P. (J. Forster) clurk, Foochow Gama, G. A. da (Commercial Bank) clerk,

Lyndhurst Terrace

Gamble, W., printer, Ningpo Ma-Ganjee, A. (C. Nathabhoy & Co.) clk., Stanley



Gardiner, T. E., tidewaiter Imp. Mar. Cus., Graham, Robert V. (F., Richardson & Co.)


Garretta, E., merchant, Macao

Garret, Miss Mary, milliner, Queen's Road Gassett, Edward, mercluant, Spring Gardens Gauvernier, S. T., U.S. consul, Fouchow Gay, A. O. (E. Gassett) clerk, Spring Gardens Gayley, Rev. S. R., missionary, Shanghae Geary, John, pilot, Shanghae

Gee, W., clerk West India Einigration Asso-

ciation, Wanchi

merebant, Manila

Grahame, R. V. (Findlay, Richardson & Co.)

inerchant, Magila Grand-Pré, Alexander, collector of police and

lighting rates, 722 Gough Street Granert, W. (Walker, B. & Ö.) clerk, Q. Rd. Grant, Rev. Alex., missionary, Ainoy Graves, P. W., commander steamer Cum-fa Graves, Rev. J. K., missionary, Canton Gravereau, A. (Remi, S. & Co.) clerk, S.hae. Gray, Rev. J. H., Brit. con. chaplain, C.con.

Gennelir, Rev. F., missionary, Macao Gerard, John, clerk, Registrar-General's office Gray. Geo. (Tall & H) clerk, Shangbue

.poa. Gray, Alex. (J. C. Cowper) engineer, W. Germann, C. (Jenny & Co.) clerk, Manila Gibb, John D. (G., Livingston & Co.) mer-Green, W. H. (Gilman & Co.) iner., Foochow Green, E. II. (Russell & Sturgis) merchant,


chant, Aberdeen Street

Gibb, T. A. (do.) absent Gibb, H. B. (do.) merchant, Aberdeen Street Gibb, F. M. (do.) clerk, Aberdeen Street Gibb, W. H. (do.) clerk, Shanghae Gibbon, George, clerk, Duckyard Gibson, Rev. O., missionary, Fuhchau Gibson, James, student interpreter British con-

sulate, Shanghae

Greenshields, W. R. (Martin, Dyce & Co.) mer-

chant, Manila

Gregory, W., first assist., Brit. cons., Foochow Gregory, J. (Glatz, L. & Co.) clerk, Stanley


Green, Rev. D. D., missionary, Ningpo Grew, Henry S. (Russell & Co.) mer., S.hae Grey. Chas. (J. Hooper) clerk, Shanghas Gribble, C. A. (D. Muirhead) engineer, S.hae. Grijs, C. F. M. de, Dutch vice-consul, Amoy

Gifford, George (G. & Co.) mer., Caine Rd. Gifford, Alex. (do.) merchant, Canton Gifford, Patrick (du.) merchant, Canton Giles, Jolin (Watson & Co.)shipchandler, Amoy Groom. F. A. (Arnold & Co.) mer., Nagasaki Gilfillan, James (Fletcher & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd. | Griswold, Chas. (Russell & Sturgis) merchant,

Manila Gilman, R. J. (G. & Co.) merchant (absent) Gilmour, D., assistant Imp. Mar. Cus., S.hae. Grosclaude, E. (F. L. Juvet)clk, Queen's Rd.

Grunaer, Thomas, M.D., surgeon, Swatow Gilmartin, J., carriage maker, Manila Gingell, W. R., British consul, Amoy Gubbay, M. S., merchant, Ningpo Glatz, Charles (G., Lammert & Co.) commis- Gubbny, A. M., (D). Sassoon, Sons & Co.) mor-

sion agunt (absent)

chant, Shangho Glover, Geo. B., commissioner Imperial Mari- Guedes, P. 11. (B. II. Pollard) clerk, Q. Road

time Custoins, Canton

Guedes, J., Jr. (Martin & Co.) clerk, Q. RJ. Guichard, A. (G. & Fils) merchant, Manila Guichard, E. (do.) do.

Glover, T. G. (Jardine, M. & Co.) master of

receiving ship Mahmoodie, Poochow Goddard, J. B. student interpreter British

consulate, Canton

Goddard, R. (Fletcher & Co.) clerk, S.hae. Goecking. II.,M.D., medical missionary, Macso Gombert, C. (Reni, S. & Co.) clerk, S.hae. Gomes, F. A. (Dent & Co.) clerk, Peel Street Gomes, Auguste J. (do.) do. Gomes, João B., iner., Prayn Grande, Macao Gonsalvez, C. (Vaucher F.) clerk, Queen's R. Goodrich, E. R. (C. P. Reynalds & Co.)

shipch. & general storekeeper, Shanghae Goomin, W. M. (Blackhead & Co.) storeman,

Queen's Road West

Gordon, W. G. (Bower, H. & Co.) elk., S.bae. Gordon, O. K. (Olyphant & Co.) clerk, 8 ae. Gough, Rev. F. F., missionary, Ningpo. Goularte, J. B., merchant, Maono

Guimaraens, H.E. I. F., Governor of Macao Gunter, W. (Dubied & Co.) clerk, Well. St. Gutierrez, A. O. (P. & O. Co.) clerk, Q. Road Gutierrez, V. (do.) clerk, Queen's Road. Gutierrez, M. (do.) clerk, Queen's Road Gutierrez, S. Č. (do) clerk, do. Gutierrez, R. F. (S. C. Fox) clerk, Wynd. St. Gutierrez, L. J. (Gifford & Co ) clerk, IIolly-

wood Road

Gutierrez, B. A. (Eng Wat & Co ) elk., Amoy Guyther, J. H., accountant Chartered Bank

of India, &c., Shanghae Gutierrez, Q. A. (Russell & Co.) clerk, Wynd-

ham Street

Gutierrez, E. (Mello & Co.) clerk, Macao Gye, J. (Gow & Co.) shipwright, Whampoa.

Gow, David (Harpor & Co.) shipwright, Stan-Haddock, E. (A. Shortrede & Co.) marine re-

ley Stroot

porter, Lyndhurst Terrace Haffonden, John (1£. Bros.) shipchandler, &c.,

Gower, A. A. J., assistant Brit. con,, Yeddo Gower, S. J. (Jardine, M. & Co.) clerk, S.hxe. Graça, F. M. de (Vargas & Co.) clerk, Macao Graça, A. (Lubeck & Co.) clerk, Macao Graça, I., clerk, Ilongkong Olub


II ff-nden, W. B. (do,) do, Hagan, Jonu, deputy-inspector of police, Con-

tral Station


    Hagemeyer, C. (Pustau & Co.) meg. Hagen, C. (do,) clerk, Puttinger Street Hagermark, C., watchmaker, Amoy Hagedorn, Chas., agent, Nagasaki Haight, F. K. (Smith, A. & CC.) clerk, D'Agui-

lar Street

Hall, Edward (H. & Holtz) shipchandler,


Hall, J. A., clerk Chief Magistrate's Office Hall, Rev. W. N., missionary, Shanghae Hall, S. P. (H. & Co.) shipwright, Spring


Hall, W. A., pilot, Shanghae Hallam, J. B. (Reiss & Co.) mercht., Canton Hallpike, J., sub-editor North China-Herald,


Halsey, J. S., tidewaiter, Imperial Maritime

Customs, Swatow

Halsted, C. E., pilot, Shanghae Hamilton, R. F. (Jardine, M. & Co.) tea in-

spector, Shangnae Hammond, Fred. (C. Jameson) clerk, Caine


Hazeland, P. Lunes, solicitor, D'Aguilar Street Heard, Augustine (H. & Co.) mer, (absent) fleard, John (d..) merchant, Caine Roud Heard, Augustine, Jr. (do.) mer. (absent) Heard, A. F. (do.) merchant, Shanghae Heaton, G. H., marine surveyor, Elgin Street Hedge, E. G. (H. & Co.) storekeeper, F.chow. Hedge, T. B. (do.) do.. do.

Heermann, L., watchmaker, Queen's Road Heiberg, C. W. (Jurgens & Co.) clerk, W.poa. Heinsen, R. (Siemssen & Co.) mercht., S.bae. Lieinemann, Fritz, merchant, Shelley Street Helbling, J. O. (Smith, K. & Co.) clk., S.hne. Helland, George J. (J. Burd & Co.) merchant,

Queen's Road

Hepburn, J. C., M.D, surgeon, Japan Henderson. J., commander receiving-ship

Swallow, Woosung' Henderson, Jas. (MacDougall & Co.) engineer,

Spring Gardens

Henderson, R. G., tide waiter Imp. Mar. Cus.,


Henderson, F. (Jarvie, T. & Co.) clerk, S.hav. Henderson, J., M.D., surgeon, Shanghae

fenderson, G., agent, Yokohama Henderson, W. J. (Úibb, L. & Co.) clerk,

Aberdeen Street

Hammond, J. L., assistant Imperial Maritime

Custums, Swatow Hanbury, T. (Bower. II & Co.) mer., 8.bae. Hance, H. F., British vice-consul, Whampoa Hancock, A. (Tait & Co.) tea-inspector, Amuy Hanna, John (Dent & Co.) clerk, ShangbaeHerjeebhoy, S., merchant, Lyndhurst Terrace Hannen, C., assist. Linp. Mar. Cus, Shanghae Henry, G., tidewaiter Imp. Mar. Cus., Swatow Hanssen, H. P. (Dent & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Ilerrmann, M. (Tilison, H. & Co.) mer., Manila Happer, Rev. A. P., M.D., missionary, Canton Ilesse, Theodor (H., Ellers & Co.) mer., C ton. Hardy, H. W. (Birley, W: & Co.) clerk, S.hae. Hewlett, A. R., student interpreter British

                       consulate, Foochow Hare, John J, clerk, Dockyard Hargreaves, Wm., merchant, Shanghae Heymann, A. (Reimer & Co.) mer., Shanghae Harkort, B. (H. & Co.) merchant, Shanghae Higson, John (Jardine, M. & Co.) clk., E. Point Harley, Alex. (D. Lapraik) watchmaker, Hill, C. E. (Fogg & Co.) clerk, Shanghae

D'Aguilar Streat

                     Hindmarsh, Andrew, engineer, Dockyard Harmon, J., pilot, Shanghae

                     Hirschfelt, T. (II. & Co.) merchant, Swatow Harper, Geo. (II. & Co.) shipwrigh (absent) Hitchcock, E. A. (Olyphant & Co.) clk., Q. Rd. Harper, Patrick R., Commercial Bank, Queen's Ilitzeroth, Gustav (Carlowitz &Co.) clk., C.ton.


Hobson, B. S. (Sinith, K. & Co.) clk., S.bae. Ilobson, Rev. John, M.A., chaplain Trinity

Church, Shangbae

Harrison, E. (Blain, Tate & Co.) silk-inspector,


Harrison, E., tidewaiter, Imporial Maritime

Customs, Whampoa

Harris, W. A., turnkey, jail

Harris, Townsend, U.S. minister, Yeddo Harsant, F. M. (Bowra & Co.) clerk, Q. Road Hart, Robert, deputy commissioner Imperial

Maritime Customs, Canton

Hart, G., turnkey, jail

Hart, W. (H. & Co.) merchant, Ningpo Hart, G. M., (do.) do., do. Hartmann, U. W. (Buurjau, II. & Co.) clark,

Queen's load

Hartwell, Rev. C., nússionary, Fonchow Hartwell, Rev. J. B., missionary, Shanghao Ilaskell, F. H., (T. Iluut & Co.) U.S. consular

agont, Whampoa

Ilawke, Richard F., clerk, Dockyard Hayeman, A., M.D., surgeon, Amoy llayos, A. A., Jr. (Olyphant & Co.) elk., S.hac.'

Hodgson, C. P., British consul, Hakodadi,


Hogg, A. G. (Turner & Co.) clerk, &. Road Hogg, James (1. Bros.) merchant, Shanghae 1logg, E. J. (da.) merchant, do. Holliday, John, (H., Wise & Co.) mer., (absent) Ilollingworth, H. G. (Shaw Bros. & Co.) mer-

chaut, Shanghae

|Holme, R. (P. & O. Co.) clerk, West Point

Holines, T. M., ageut, Yokohaina

Holmes, Goo., shipbroker, Wellington Street Holmes, Rev. J. L., missionary, Shangha Holmes, T. H, pilot, Shanghao

Holt, II. F. W., student interpreter British

consulate. Foochow

Holtz, A. (Unll & H.) shipchandler, Shanghne 1lomershain, J., jail turnkey, 11ollywood Rd. |Hooper, H. J. (Ilcard & Ou.) clerk, Yoko-

hama, Japan




Hooper, Jama, Hooper, T. (Jardine, M. & Co.) chief officer 11ýstup, W. (Gibb, 1. & Co.) eleri:, Shanghac

Banshee, Swatow

Ibrahim, Indian interpreter, harbour master's


Hope, C. S. (Jardine, M. & Co.) elk., S.hae. Horgan, John (McKenzie & Co.) clk., S. bac. Hormusjee, F. (P. F. Cama & Co.) mer., S.har. Hormusjee, B. (Cawasjee Palanjec & Co.)

clerk, Lyndhurst Terrace Hormusjce, R. (Mody & Co.) mer., Canton Hossamjee, N. (Sapporjee & Co.) clerk,

Graham Strect

Hotchkin, D. Sosto, post-office Houstoun, R. A. (Jardine, M. & Co.) clerk,

East Point

How, A. J. (Johnson & Co.) merchant, S hae. How, E. 11. (Adamson & Co.) tea insp., F.chow. Howard, A. (H. & Co.) com, agent, &c., S.hae. Howard, (M. S. Gubbay) clerk, Ningpo Howard, Willian, clerk, Dockyard Howard, A. W., merchant, Nagasaki Howard, William, manager Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China, Shanghae Howard, Heury, assistant acct. (ilo,) do. Ilowell, Wm. G. (Barnet & Co.) merchant,


Howell, T. F. G. (do.) merchant, Yokohama Ilowell, Alfred (Wilkinson & Co.) elk., S.hae. Hubbard, H. (Dent & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Hubbell, Rev. E., missionary, Shanghe Hubener, C. A. (Bourjuu, H. & Co.) mer-

chant, Queen's Road Hluboner, E. (do.) clerk, do. Hubert, M., interp, French Legation, S.hae. Hudson, A. R. (Gilman & Co.) clerk, Aber-

deen Street

Hudson, C. W. (do.) clerk, Shanghae Hudson, J. H. (Davidson & Co.) elk.. Ningpo Hudson, J. T. (Gibb, L. & Co.) clerk,

Inglis, A. L., harbour master, marine magis-

trate, and emigration officer Innes, J. (Lindsay & Co.) clerk, Fuhchau Innes, H. R. (Lindsay & Co) clerk, Shanghau Innocent, Rev. J., missionary, Shanghae Inslee, Rev. E. B., Jissionary, Ningpo Irwin, Rev. J. J., col. chaplin, [[ospital Hill Isaac, Ezra (Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Canton

Jack, Richard J., surgeon, Stanley Street Jack, John (J. Laumont) carpenter, East Point Jacob, Gustav (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, S.hue. Jamsetjee, D. (Metta & Co ) clerk. Shanghae Jackson, E. (Ker & Co.) clerk, Queen's Road Jameson, Charles, inerchant, Caine Roul Jamsetjee, L. (P. F. Cama & Co ) mer., Q. RA. Jamsetjee, F. (P. & D. N. Camajce & Co )

clerk, Queen's Road Jamsojev, L. (P. F. Cama & Co.) merchant,

Webster Street Jardine, Joseph (J., Matheson & Co.) iner-

chant (absent)

Jariline, Robert (du.) merchant, (absent) Jardine, R. (Ker & Co.) inerchant, Manila Jarman, Jas., acting superintendent of police,

central station

Jarvie, R. (J. Thorburn & Co.) mert., S.hae. Jauncey, H. W. (J., Matheson & Co.) master

receiv.ng-ship Mukamoodie, Fochow Jeffrey, James (A. Shartresle & Co.) printer,

Old Bailey Street Jenkins, Freil, inter. U S. Consulate, S.he. Aber-Jenkins, A. (Wetuore, A. & C. ) clerk, S.hue. deen Street

|Jenkins, Rev. H., D.D., missionary, Ningpo Iluson, Rev. T. II., missionary, Ningpo Jenny, F. (Jenny & Co.) merchant, Manila Hueser, T. A. (Reynvaan & Co.) clerk, Old Jesus, J. A de (Turner & Co,) rik.. Shelley St.

Bailey Stroot

Jesus, J. Et, dù (Harper & Co.) clerk, Cush- Huffum, F. S., elk. to chief-justice, sup. court rane Street Hughes, P., interp. British consulate, Ningpo Jesus, A, F'. (du.) do. Hughes, Geo, assist. Imp. Mar. Cus., Cautou Jesus, Jozo de, mercht., Rua de Prata, Macao Hulsz, J II. N. (Peters & Co.) Manila Jesus, J. Victor (J. C. Cowper) elk., Whampoa Hume, Thomas (Fogg & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Jesus, J. (J. J. Braga) assist, aputh., Q. Rd. Ilume, G., tidewaiter, Imp. Mar.Cus., Cton Johannes, S. P., merchant, Canton Humphrey, G. (J. Lamont) engineer, Aberdeen Johnstone, It. (Findlay, R. & Co.) elk., Manila Hunt, W. H. (Gibb, L. & Co.) clerk, Aber-John, Rev. Griffith, missionary, Shanghac

deen Street

IIunter, Thomas, M.D., surgeon, Amoy llunter, W. C, merchant, and French vice-

consul, Rua Central, Macao Huntington, E. 11. M. (A. Heard & Co.)

clerk, Queen's Road

Hurst, J. II., usher, supremo court Hurst, Mrs., milliner, Pottinger Street Hutchison, W. (Turner & Có) mer, (ubsont)| Hatton, Rev. 8., missionary, Cmton Hyatt, T. H., U. S. consul, Amoy Hiyatt, T. II., Jr., interpretar (do.) do, Hyndman, H. (Duus & Co ) clerk, Peel



Johnson, W. (P.&O. Co.) engineer. West Point Juhusun, A. jail turnkey, Hollywood Road Jobuson, F. B. (J. & Co.) mer., Aberdeen St. Johnson, C. T. (do.) clerk, Alverdeen Street Johnson, Rev. J., missionary, Swatow Johnson, Philip, (Pogg & Co.) clerk, S.line. [Johnson, E., tidewaiter, Imp. Mar. Cus., C. tom. Johnston, A. R. (Tait & Củ.) merchant, Amoy Jones, Miss C. E., missionary, Sianghao Jones, Miss E. G., do,, do.

Jones, Charles M., M.1)., surgeon, Amoy

Jones, Daniel, London Tavern, Queen's Road St.Jones, John, missionary, Ningpo






1 1

Jones, Rev. James, Daily Press, Old Bailey St. Jones, C. Treasure, 2d assistant British con-

sulate. Shanghine

Jones, K. K., chief officer Mahamoodie, F.chau. Joost, A. (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Shanghao Jordan. V. P., bill-broker, Shanghae Jorgé Jozé (J. & Co.) merchant, Macao Jorgé, A. (do.) do.

  Jorge, II. (Mercantile Bank) clerk, Q. Road Joseph, L. A., (Sassoon & Co.) clerk, S.hne. Jukes, M. P. (Jardine, M. & Co.) elk., East Pt. Jurgens, H. (J. & Co.) storekeeper, Q. Road Just, T. (Jenny & Co.) clerk, Manila Juvet, F Louis, watclimaker, Queen's Road Juvet, Chas. E. (F. L. Juvet) do.

Kahn, Julius (Reiss & Co.) merchant, S.hae. Kaikhosrow, F. (F. B. Cama & Co.) clerk,

Wellington Street

Kane, William, M.D., physician, Queen's Road Karuth. J., shipchandler, Manila

Kassumali, F. H. (Jafferbhoy & Co.) clerk,


Keenan, James, U.S. consul, Elgin Terrace Keith, Rev. C., missionary, Shanghae Kemp, James, teacher, St Andrew's School,

Staunton Street

Kemp, H. B. (C. Jameson) clerk, store-ship

   Circassian, Harbour Kemptner, W., commission agent, Yokaharaa Kentwell, R. II., Army & Navy Hotel, Q. Rd. Kenward, R., druggist, Whanipoa Keppell, George A, commander receiving-ship

Ariel, Woosung

Kerr, C., Imperial Hotel, Shanghae Kerr, G., M.D., missionary, Canton

Jar Street

Kroes, Theodore (Dimier Bros. & Co.) mer-

chant, Shanglao

Krone, Rev. R., missionary, Macao Krüger, 11. (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Foochow

Lacy, Peter (Fogg & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Ladendorff, L., principal foundling hospital,

West Point

Laen, Peter, master mariner, Old Bailey St. Lafond, A. (Vaucher F.) clerk, Queen's Road Lnfond, Fritz (De Silver & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd. Laidlaw, James, Jr. (Bower, H. & Co.) clerk,


Laidrich, Edward (F. L. Juvet) watchmaker,


Laleaca, C. D. (P. F. Camo & Co.) clerk,


Lambert, J. W. (P. & O. Co.) clerk, Woodville


Lambert, R. C. (do.) clerk, Queen's Road Lambert, Albert G. (Collyer & L.) shipwright,


Lammert, G. R. (Glatz, L. & Co.) commission

agent, Stanley Street Lamond, William, agent'Oriental Bank, S.hae. Lamont, John, shipwright, East Point and


Lambuth, Rev. J. W., missionary, Shanghae Lança, E. L., merchant, Macao Lane, T. A. (L., Crawford & Co.) shipchandler,


Lane, William (do.) Queen's Road Lapraik, Douglas, watchmaker, D'Aguilar St. Lapraik, Jolin. (do.) clark, (absent) Larken, T. L. (Jardine, M. & Co.) clerk,


Keswick, W. (Jardine, M. & Co.) elk., Japan Latham, O. (Fussell & Co.) clerk, Foochow Kettels, P., tavern-keeper, Queen's Road West Latimer, N. (Smith, K. & Co ) clerk, S.hae. Killmann, Chas. (Alisch & Co.) mer., Macao Lattey, J. S., watchmaker, Manila Kimball, O. 11. (Fogg & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Laurie, P. F. (Jardline, M. & Co.) clk., E. Pt. King, W. D. (Smith, A. & Co.) clerk, D'Agui- Lavers, E. H. (Gilman & Co.) clerk, S.hue. Lawrence, F. W. (Bull, P. & Co.) mer., (absent) King, C. J. (Chapinan, J. & Co.) mer., 3.hac. Lawrence, G. R. (do.) assist.. Spring Gardens King, D., Jr. (Russell & Co.,) clerk, Q. Road Lay, H. N., inspector-general Imperial Mari- King, W. E., 2d asst. British consulate, Amoy time Custning, Shanghae King, Richard, (Dent & Co.) chief officer Lay, W. H., 1st assist. Brit. consulate, Amoy

Hamilton, Swatow

Laycock, Henry (Dent & Co.) clerk, Q. Road Lea, Rev. W. K, missionary, Amoy Ledermann, H. (Bovet Bros.) mercht., Canton Leembruggen, J. W. (Russell & Co.) clerk,


King, W., issuer inilitary stores, Queen's Rd. Kingsmill, Henry, B.A., acting attorney ge-

neral, Queen's Road

Kjer, H. (J. Burd & Co.) clerk, Queen's Rd. Kinnear, W. B. (Smith, K. & Co. Jelk, F.chow. Kirby, E. C., manager, llongkong dispensary,


Kirby, W. (Jardine, M. & Co.) elk., E. Point Kleckowski, Comte, secretary of French Le.

gation, Shanghae

Leombruggen, F. (do.) clerk, do. Lefebvre, L. (Remi, S. & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Legge, Rev. James, D.D., missionary, and pas-

tor of Union Chapel, Mission House Legrand, L. (V. Freres & Co.) watchinaker

                     and storekeeper, Shanghae Klockowski, C., asst. Imp. Mar. Cus., S.hae. Leigh, A., clerk, Dry Dock Co., Amoy Knoop, F. (K. & Co.) shipchandler, Shanghae Leighton. H. (Benett & L.) mer., Shanghae Knowlton, Rev. M. J., missionary, Ningpo Leiria, Antonio, clerk post-office Koop, C. (Blackhead & Co.) clerk, Whampoa Leiria, H. A. (Fletcher & Co.) clerk, Welling- Koopmanschap, C. (K. & Bosnian) merchant,

San Francisco

ton Street

Lemaire, Chas. (Remi, S. Co.) olk., Shanghae


FOREIGN - OF Lemann, 11. B. (Ullmân & C06.) čierk, "Khera Mačkiced, 11, 1

deen Street


Macaulay, J. B., agent, Yokohama Lémann, Wm. (do.) clerk, Aberdeen Strest | Macdonald, J. (Harper & Co.) shipwright, Lent, R. J., (Watson & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Queen's Road West Lent. J. L. (Gilman & Co.) clerk, Foochow Macdonald, J., stud. interp. Brit. cons., Yeddo Leonard, J. K., assist., Imp. Mar. Cus, Canton Macdouall, John, sub-tnanager, Oriental Bauk, Lessler, P. (McKenzie & Co.) clerk., S.hae. Queen's Road Levy, Alex. (J. W. Lewis) clerk, Shanghae Levy, John (do.) clerk, do." Levy, H. M., clerk harbour-master's office Levysolin, A. C. (Oxford & Co.) mer, C.ton. Lewer, R., M.D., surgeon, Whampoa Lewis, H. C., deputy-assistant-commissary- general, Commissariat, Queen's Road Lewis, J. W., merchant, Shanghae Limjee, D. (P. F. Cama & Co.) mer, Amoy! Linstead, T. G. (Lindsay & Co.) mer., Q Rd. Linstrom, Henry B, (L. & Co.) lumber mer.,

Spring Gardens

Macdougall, K. (M. & Co.) engineer, Spring

Gardens Macfarlane, M. (J. Lamont) clerk, East Point Macgowan, Rev. J., inissionary, (absent) Machado, J. (Eilissen & Co.) elk., D'Aguilar St. Machado, F. G., sorter post offce Machado, F., clerk, colonial secretary's office Mackenzie, Č. J. (Jardine, M. & Co.) chief

officer receiving-ship Pathfinder, Amoy Mackenzie, J. J., (Dent & Co.) mer., (absent) Mackenzie, D. W. (M. & Co.) merchant,

Hollywood Road Mackenzie, J. (M. & Co.) shipchand!., S.bae. Mackenzie, David, (do.) do., Shanghae Mackenzie, K. R., merchant, Nagasaki Mackenzie, Rev. H. L., missionary, Amoy ins-Mackey, George, sub-manager Chartered Bank of India, &c., Queen's Road Mackellar, John, manager, Chartered Bank of

Little, Arch. J. (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, S.hae. Little, F., Prince of Wales tavern, Q. Rd. W. Livingston, J. (Gibb, L. & Co.) clerk, Canton Llewellyn, J., surgeon, Ningpo Lloyd, John, (Jardine, M. & Co.) tea

pector, Amoy

Lloyd, Percy, (Dent & Co.) clerk, Canton Loffelt, J. P. van (Olyphant & Co.) cik., Q. Rd. Loney, Nicholas, British vice-consul at Iloilo,

Phillipine Islands

Lopes, Pedro, (P. & O. Co.) clerk, Q. Road Lopes, J. (W. O. Hunter) clerk, Rua Central,


Lopes, Maximiano, (Silva & Co.) elk., Macao Lopes, E. (Jorge & Co.) inerchant, Macao Lord, Rev. E. O., missionary, Ningpo Lording, W., clerk, harbour master's office Louis, Rev. W., missionary, Macao Loup, P. (Vaucher, F.) clerk, Queen's Road Loureiro, Pedro (Dent & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Loureiro, Joze (do.) agent, Kanagawa Love, J, Jr., (Üllett & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Low, Robert A. (A. Shortrede & Co.) clerk,

Old Bailey Street Lowe, R., tidewaiter, Imp. Mar. Cus., W.poa. Lowcock, H. (Gibb, L. & Co.) elk., Foochow Lowndes, R. W. (Russell & S.) clk., Manila Lubeck, L. A.. merchant, Rua Central, Macao Lubz, T. (Eugster, L. & Co.) clerk, Manila Lucksinger, F. (Jenny & Co.) clerk, Manila Luce, W. H. (Dent & Co.) clerk, Foochow Ludlam, J. S., tidewaiter, Imperial Maritime

Customs, Whampon Luna, M. (Tourniere & Co.) clerk, Q. Road Luson, T. G., assistant Imp. Mar. Cos., C.ton Luyken, H. J., (Holliday, Wise & Co.)

manager, Manila

Lyall, George (L., Still & Co.) mer., (absent) Lyons, Harry, M.D., med. practitioner, Stanley


Macandrew, James (Jardine, M. & Co.) mor-

chant, East Point

Macandrew, R. A. (do,) clerk, East Point

India, Australia, and China, Shanghas Macklellan J. W., acting, manager, dv., Q. Rd. Mackey, James, emigration inspector, Canton Maclay, Rev. R. S., missionary, Ponchow Maclean, David, assistant accountant Oriental

Bank, Queen's Road Maclean, Geo. F. (Lyall, S. & Co.) mer., Q. Rd. |Maclean, J. L. (Adamson & Co.) mer., Schne. Maclean, Morgan (Bull, P. & Co.) elk., S.hae. Maclean, II. C. (Jardine, M. & C.) elk., S.hac. Maclean, Thos. (J. C. Cowper) engir., W.poa. Maclean, P. (Turner & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Maclean, W. S. (Dow & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Maclean, II. A., pilot, Shanghae Macleod, M. A. (Jardine, M. & Co.) mer-

chant, Foochow Macleod, J. (J. C. Cowper) shipwright, W.poa. Macleod, Neil (Smith, B. & Co.) cik., Manila MacMurdo, R., marine survr., Hollywood Rd. MacNair, J. A. (Smith, K. & Co.) clk, S.lne. Maconechy, M. (Ker & Co.) clerk, Manila Macpherson, A., assist. Imp. Mar. Cus., C.ton. Macpherson, A. J., agent, Yokohama Magniac, Herbert St L. (Jardine, M. & Co.)

clerk, (absent) Mahome, M. (Nursey, K. & Co.)mer., S.hne. Mahomed, R. (Ebrahim & Co.) elk., Gage St. Maine, Samuel(Fletcher & Co.) clk., Yokohama Mainprise, W. B., paymaster, Princess Char-

lotte, Hongkong harbour Maitland, R. K. (Turner & Co.) clerk, C.ton. Major, R. O., silk-broker, Shanghae Malcolm, J. W. (J. Forster) clerk, Foochow Malherbe, L. (Remi, S. & Cie.) clerk, S.hae. Maltby, J., public ten-iospector, Shanghas Man, J. L. (Barnet & Co.) merchant, S.has. | Mar, -, pilot, Swatow


1 1



Margil, F. A. (Johnson & Co.) clerk, Aber- Midler, J_J. (Jyovie, T. & Co.) clerk S.hse. Miller, R., neting accountant Commercial deen Street

Bank of India, Shaughne Marçal, II. (Smith, K. & Ca.) elk.. Shelley St. I Margesson, H. D. (M & Co ) wer., Canton | Mills, Miss Jane, milliner, Queen's Rond Markwick, R., assist Imp. Mar, Cus,, C.ton |Mills, Rev. C. R., missionary, Shangha

                     Mills, T (Overweg & Co.) clerk, Shanghac Marques, P., clerk, 6 Rua da St. Macao Marques, C. (Stephenson & Co.) clerk, Gutz-Milne, W. C., interpreter British consulate,

laff Street

  Marques, Pio, elk. col. sec. office, Old Bailey St. Marques, Claudino, clerk, pulice rates office Marques, C. V., clerk

Marques, D. &. (Hunt & Co.) elk., Whainpos Marshall, H. (Fletcher & Co ́) clerk, Canton] Martin, W. (Finlay, Richardson & Co.)

merchant, Manila

Martin, Rev. C. R., missionary, Foochow Martin, J. P., Commercial Hotel, Q. Rond Martin, Frederick L. (M. & Co.) storekeeper,

Queen's Road

Masson, Ed. (Fussell & Co.) clerk, Foochow Matheson, C. S., deputy-commissioner Im-

perial Maritime Customs, Whampoa Maxwell, William, agent British West India

Enigration, Hospital Hill


Miraula, A. J. de (Mello & Co.) elk., Macno Mitchell, F. W., assistant postmaster-general,

Queen's Road

Mitchell, Thomas, pilot, Shanghae Mitchell. Henry W. (Ker & Co.) elk., Manila Mitchell, W. II., assist, magistrate, (absent) Mody R. (Metta & Co.) merchant, Shanghae Möller, Julius (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd. Moilah, M. M. (Dauver & Co.) clerk, Amoy Moncreiff, T. (M.. Grove & Cu.) mer., S.liae. Mougan, James, Brit. acting consul, Tientsin Manory, A., chancellor French consulate, S.bae. Montague, II., signal officer, Victoria Peak Monteiro, J X. (P. & O. Co.) clerk, S.hac. Mooney, J. K.. pilot, Shanghae Moore, M. G. (Russell & Co.) clerk, Foochow Moore, B. P. (Phillips, M. & Co.) mer., (abs.) Moore, J. (do.) clerk, Manila Moore, M. (do.) clerk, Queen's Road

May, P.. assistant Imp. Mar. Cas., Shanghae May, Charles, superintendent of police and

coroner, central police station Mayers. W. S. F., interpreter to Allied Com-Mural, N. Cañete, cousul-general for Spain,

missioners. Canton

Mende, H., weigher, Imp. Mar. Cus., Canton Meadows, Thomas Taylor, acting British con-

sul, Shanghue

Meadows, John A. T., interpreter British

cunsulate, Shanghae


Morgan, Alexander H. (J. O. Cowper) ship-

wright, Whampoa

Morgan, C. H. (P. & O. Co.) storekeeper,

West Point

Morrice, T. (M., Behncke & Co.) shipwright,


Mechain, E. de, French consul, Manila Mecham, . S., (Ellis & Co.) clerk, Amay Medburst, W H., British consul, Foochow Mejaness, B. de (Reynyaan & Chabert) clerk,

   Old Bailey Street Meller, II. (Lane, C. & Co ) clerk, Ql. Road Melling, Robert, bontswain, &c., Naval Yard Mello, A. A. de (M. & Co,) mei chant, Macao Mendosjer, E. (F. 15_Cama & Co.) elk., C.ton. Menke, J. (Pustau & Co.) merchant, Canton Mercer, T., col, ser, and member of the legis-Moul, Gen. (M. & Co.) merchant, (absent)

Moul, J. (du.) clerk, Canton

Morison, J. (Jardine, M. & Co.) clerk, S.hae. Morrison, G. S., British consul, Nagasaki Morrison, M. C., British consul, Tang-chow Morrison, Rev. W. T., missionary, Ningpa Morrison, Alexandler (Jardine, M. & Co.)

lat ve council, Hollywund Road Merryweather, F., pilot, Amoy Mestern, C. J. (Siemssen & Co.) elk., Canton Metta, S. M. (M. & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Meveety, J., Nenesis Tavern, Queen's Rd. W. Meyer, J. (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Canton Meyer, E. (lo.) clerk, Pittinger Street Meynard, 11. (M., Cousin & Co.) iner., Shae. Michie, A. (Lindsay & Co.) mer.. Yokohama Michell, G. N. (Philips, Moore & Co.) mer-

chant, Manila Middleton, J. T., student interpreter British

consulate, Shanghae Midwood, T. W., assistant commissary-gene-

ral, Commissariat, Queen's Rond Milbourne, O. P., merchant, Swatow Milisel, J., morelmant, Amoy

Milisch, C. (Dreyer & Co,) clerk, Canton

chief aflicer Banshee, Swatow Mosus, E. M. S. (M. & Co.) clerk, Shanglio Mottivalla, R. P. (Colul & Co.) merchant,

Hollywood Road

Moule, Rev. G. E., missionary, Ningpo Mouritzan, W. (J. Elles & Co.) mer., Amoy Muir, J., (Olyphant & Co.) clerk, Foochow Muirhead, Rev. W., missionary, Shanghao Muirhead, J., merchant, Shangho Muirhead, D., shipwright, Shaughne Muller, 11., clirunometer & watchinaker, S.hae. Muncherjee, R. (P. F. Cama & Co.) clerk,

Welister Street Manche jee, D. (do.) do. Muncherjee, B. (F. B. Cama & Co.) clerk,

Wellington Street

Murray, Henry (A. Wilkinson & Co.) mer-

chant, Shinghao

Murray, John Ivor, M.D., col. Bure., Elgin Ter. Murray, A. P., master barque Joha Adam,

Hongkong harbour



PE police station


nuisances, central

| Otto, Gustav (16-olag & Co ) ebak, Amoy

Murray, 6. W. (hiney & Boyama G. Murrow, Y. J., editor and proprieťov

Press Old Bailey Street Myburgh, F. G., interp. Brit. cons., Nagasaki | Ontora, J.M. (dinding, M. & Anjelk.di. Point Overbeek, Gusty (Dent & Co.) clerk, Q2. 1d.

Nachtrich, H. (Buissonet & Cn.) clerk, S.hae. Overweg, C. W. (0. & Co.) merchant and

Prussian vice-consul, Shinghae Narice, R. (C, Nathukhov & Có,) ellt., Schne, |

Narice, V. (Ebrahim & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Owen, R. C. R., barrister, Queen's Road Napier, Geo. (Finne, C. & Co.) clark, Canton Owen, J. (Turner & Co,) clerk, Canton Neal, W. & (Blackhead & Co.) clerk. . Rd. Oxford, Joseph (12, & 0. Co.) m. r., (nhsent) Neale, E. St John. secretary of British Lega- Ozorio, C. A., Jr. (Lyall, S. & Co.) clerk,

Gough Street

tion, Shanghao

Neave, T. D. (Smith, K. & Co.) mer., Q. Rd. Ozorio, C. J., (Dent & Co.) clk,, Cochrane St. Neilson, A. B., Jr. (Olyphant & Co.) mer-Palmer, II. N. (Peele, H. & Co.) mer.. Manila

chant. Fonchow

Neilson, W. (do.) clerk, Canton Neves, T., soda-water maker, Stanley Street Nevis, Rev. J. L., missionary, Ningpo Nevin, Rev J. C. missionary, Canton Newman, W. (Gilman & Co.) tea insp., C.ton. Newman, J. B., apothecary, Shanghae

Parizot, L. (Siemsson & Co.) clerk, Q. Road l'arker, Montgomery D., secretary Dry Dock

Co., Amoy

Parker, E. F. (Heard & Co.) mer., Caine Rd. Parker, E., Ath.on llotel, Queen's Road hos-Parker, Rev. 11. M., missionary, Shanghae

Parkes, Harry S., Chinese secretary, Tientsin

or Single

pital and dispensary, Shanghae Nishet, T. (D. W. Mickenzie & Co.) clerk,

Hollywood Road

Nissen, W. (Siemsson & Co.) mer., Q. Road Nissen, Fred. (ân.) clerk, do. Nivoy, F. (Reynvaan & Chabert) clerk, Q. Rd. Noble, Henry (Agra & U.S. Bank) elk., Q Rd. Noble, J. (D. Lapraik) watchm., D'Aquilar


Noronha, Delfino, printer, Oswald's Terrace Noronha, Henrique (Oriental Bank) clerk, du. Noronha, Joze (do,) clerk, do, Noronha, F., apothecary lock hospital Norris, G. A. F. (MacEwen & Co.) ship

Parkes, Rev J S., missionary, Canton Parkill, T., tidewater, Imp. Mar. Cus., S.tow. Parkin, W. W. (Olyphant & Co.) mer., Q. Rd. Parr, E. (Tillson, II. & Co.) mer., Manila Parry, Francis (Birley & Co.) tea insp., C.ton. Pascoal, J. P. (G. Nye) clerk, Marao Partridge, Daniel, merchant, Ninepo Paselig, C. J. (P. & Co.) merchant, and Patell, M. C. (Metta & Co.) elk,, Well. Struct Paterson, D., carpenter, Dry Dock Co., Amoy Paterson, Wm. (J. C. Cooper) inoulder. W.poa. Paterson, J. (Tait & Co.) clerk, Amoy

Prussian consul, Amoy

chandler, &c., Queen's Road Notley, A. Franke, clerk, B. Engra, Q. Rondayne, W. N., 24 assist. Brit. cons., Catton Noyer, F. (Remi, S. & Co.) clerk, Shangharcarce. Jas. W. (II. Duddell) clerk, (2. Road Nusserwanjer, C. (Metta & Co.) merchant, Pearson, J. B (Russell & Sturgis) elk., Manila

Pearson, F.. shipchandler, Shanghie

Wellington Street

Nye, Gideon, Jr., merchant, and U.S. consul,

64 Rua Central, Macno

Olindya, J. (Moses & Co.) clerk, Shanghne O'Brien, T., Victoria Hotel, Queen's Road O'Brien, C., turnkey, jail

O'Callaghan, F. T. (Jardine, M. & Co.) clerk,

East Point

Odell, J. (Olyphant & Co.) clerk, Foochow Odell, T. Š. (Jardine, M. & Co.) tea inspector,


Ogilvie, John (Ker & Co.) clerk, Manila Oliviera, A. F. d' (Olyplant & Co.) elk., Q. Rd. Olyphant, W. M. (Olyphant & Co,) iner., Shar Oppert. 1. (0 & Co.) merchant, Shanghae Oppert, II. (do.) do,



Pedder, Frederick (Tait & Co.) clerk, Amoy Pedder, W. H., interpreter Brit, cons,, C.ton.

Peddler, J. (do,) clerk, Auny

Peel, 11 S., Shamrock Tavern, Queen's Road

Peet, Rev. L. B., missionary, Poochow


Peirce, G. 11. (Peele, 11. & Co.) elk., Manila l'emerton, 11. G. (Adamson & Co.) clerk, Pendleton, J. O., pilot, Shanghar Perceval, Hon. A. (Jardine, M. & Co.) mer-

chant, East Point

Pereira, BA.. 12 Largo da Sé, Macao Pereira, I. P., postmaster, Macao Pereira, B. (Russell & Co.) clerk, Ponchow Pereira, M., mer., 17 Rua dos Cullus, Macao Pereira, J. C. (Mello & Có.) clerk, Macao Pereira, J. 1. (Lindsay & Co.) ell, Elgin St.

ereira, J. V., hotel-keeper, Amoy Pereira, E. P., cl rk, Shelley Street Ortmann, L., (Hirschfeld & Co.) mer., Swatowereira, H., compositor, Oswald's Terrace Osmund, C., assistant Chinese interpreter chief Pereira, M. I. compositor, Cochrane Street

Perpetuo, J. E., clerk, Amoy Perry, Oliver 11., U.S. consul, Canton

Orbeta, Joze de, Spanish vice-consul, Canton Ormiston, W., manager Chartered Mercantile

Bank, Queen's Roud

magistrate's office

Ostrom, Rev. Albio, missionary, Ainoy

1 1



Pestonjee, N. (Nowrujen & Co.) merchant,

      Hollywood Rund Pestonjec, R. (Metta & Co.) mer., Well. St. Pestonjce, R. (P. & D. N. Camajee & Co.)

clerk, Shanghae

Pestonjee, D. (P. F. Cama & Co.) clerk,

Webster Street

    Pestonjee, E., merchant, Lyndhurst Terrace Petel, G. von Polainen, merchant, Manila Petar, N. G. (I. van der Hoeven) clk., Macao Peterson, W., German Tavern, Q. Road W. Petrie, David (Scott & Co.) clerk, Canton Phillips, J. (P., Moore & Co.) mer. (absent) Phillips, Geo., assistant Brit. consulate, Ningpo Piatti, B. (Dubied & Co.) watchmaker, 441

Wellington Street

Pickenpack, V., clerk, Queen's Road Piccope, T., bill-broker

Piern, C. T. (Reynvaan & Chabert) elk., Saigon! Piercy, Rev. G., missionary, Canton Pinder, G. H., shipwright, Shanghae Piper, FL. (J. Forster) clerk, Amoy Piry, P., assistant Imp. Mar. Cus., Shanghae Plessman, B. (Dent & Co.) clerk, Q. Road Plumer, Frederick, clerk, Dockyard Pochajee, C. N. (P. & D. N. Camajee & Co.)|

clerk, Queen's Road


Pochajee, P. C. (do.) clerk, Canton Pollard, Edward H., barrister and notary-

public, Zephyr Lodge Pomeroy, S. W., Jr. (Russell & Co.) clerk,|


Portaria, V. P. (P., & Silva) auctioneer, 6

       Quebra Costa, Macno Porras, G. O. J, Spanish consul, Shanghae Porter, F. (Gibb, L. & Co.) clerk, Foochow Porter, J., assistant Imp. Mar. Cus., Shanghae Porter, F. H. (De Silver & Co.) clk., Q. Rd. Power, J. C., clerk, land office, Albany Powell, W. D., weigher Imp. Mar. Cus., C.ton. Preston, Rev. C. F., missionary, Canton Preston, Rev. J., missionary, Canton Price,(D. Partridge) clerk, Ningpo Probst, Wm. (Pustau & Co.) mer., Shanghae Probst, Th. (do.) clerk, Pottinger Street Pulsifer, F. (Frazar & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Purdon, James (Bull, P. & Co.) mercliant,

Spring Gardens

Purdon, John G. (do.) merchant (absent) Pustau, William (P. & Co) mer., (absent) Pyke, T. (Bull, P. & Co.) merchant, F.chow

Rainbow, Charlton C. (Dent & Co.) clk., C.ton. Ramsay, Alexander (do.) clerk, Queen's Road Randall, J., storeman, Dockyard

Rankin, Rev. H. V., missionary, Ningpo Rupaljee, Rev. Daniel, missionary, Amoy Rapp, L. F. (Tilson, II. & Co.) clerk, Manila Rawling, Samuel B., clerk of works, Royal|

Engineers, Queen's Road

Ray, J. J. (Glutz, L. & Co.) elk., Stanley St. Raynal, G., merchant, Macao

Rayner, R. (Heard & Co.) clerk, Shanghac

Reddie. R. Muirhead (Holliday, W. & Co.)

merchant, Queen's Road Reas, W. (Davidson & Co.) clerk, Ningpo Regan, E. F. (MacEwen & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd. Rehden, G. (Holliday, W. & Co.) clerk, S.hae. Rehhoff, W. (Siemssen & Co.) clerk, Q. Road Reid, Robert (Birley, W. & Co.) mer., S.hae. Reilly, J., tidewaiter Imp. Mar. Cus., C.ton. Redburn, G., tidewaiter Imp. Mar. Customs,


Reimann, Paul (Pasedag & Co.) clerk, Amoy Reinhard, Hugo (Wetmore, C. & Co.) clerk,


Remedios, J. J. dos, merchant, Gough Street Remedios, A. A. dos (J. J. R.) do. Remedios, J. A. dos (do.) do. Remedios, E. O. dos (do.) do.

Remedios, J. C. dos (Fletcher & Co.) clerk,

Gough Street

Remedios, A. F. dos (Gibt, L. & Co.) clerk,

Wellington Street

Remedios, Silvano dos (Dent & Co.) clerk,

Gough Street

Remedios, M. A. dos, merchant, Macao Remedios, Florentino dos (E. H. Pollard)

clerk, Queen's Road

Remedios, A. F. (Smith, K. & Co.) clerk,


Remedios, A. dos, clerk, Rua do Barão, Macao- Remedios, G. dos (Lindsay & Co.) clerk,

Queen's Road

Remedios, F. dos (do.) clerk, Queen's Road Remedios, F. J. (Jardine, M. & Co.) clerk,


Rennie, W. II., auditor-general (absent) Rettich, C. (Legrand & Cie.) watchmaker,


Reuben, R. J. (Moses & Co.) mer., Stanley St. Reynolds, C. P., shipchandler, Shanghae Reynvaan, A. T. (Vaucher F.) clerk, Q. Road |Reynvaan, W. (R. & Chabert) shipchandler,

Old Bailey Street Rewes, G., act. chan. Sp. consulate, Amoy Ribeiro, F. (Ellissen & Co.) elk., D'Aguilar St. Ribeiro, A. F. (Elles & Có.) clerk, Amoy Rich, J., British Flag Tavern, Q. Road W. Richards, W. M., naval storekceper, Dockyard Richard, II. (Wetmore, C. & Co.) clk., Schue, Richardson, T. W. (Bradley & Co.) merchant,


Richardson, J., hotel keeper, Macao Rice, E. E., merchant, lako ladi Rickard, J. W., pilot, Shanghae Rigby, E. (Smith, K. & Co.) clerk, Shanghas Robb, David, engineer, Dockyard

Roberts, A. H. (Gilman & Co.) elerk, Aber-

deen Street

Roberts, John, Sen. (R. & Son) commission

agent, Wellington Street

Roberts, John, Jr. (do.) auctioneer, Well. St. Roberts, Rev. I. J., missionary, Ningpo Roberts, J. T., tidewaiter Inp. Mar. Customs,


Robertson, D. B., British consul, Canton Robertson, J., Crown & Anchor Tavern.

Queen's Road West Robinson, H. E. Sir Hercules G, R., governor of Hongkong, &c., Government House Robinson, W. C. F., consular clerk, Albany Robinson, E. W., pilot, Shanghae

Rustomjee, E. (P. & D. N. Camajer & Co.)

clerk, Queen's Road

Rustomjer, D. (Nowrojce & Co.) clerk, IIolly-

wood Road

Rustomjee, P. (F. B. Caina & Co.) clerk,

Wellington Street

Rutter, Henry, accountant Commercial Bank,

Gongh Street

Robinson, J. S. (Lindsay & Co.) clk., S.hae. Robinson, G., El Dorado Ian, Q. Road V. Ruttunjee. D., broker, Lyndhurst Terrace Rocha, Vicente F. de (Sassoon & Co.) clerk, Ryrie, Phineas (Turner & Co.) tner., Q. Rd.

Pedder's Wharf

Roche, Ed. (Birley, W. & Co.) mer., Shanghae Sa, F. de (Lane, C. & Co.) clerk, Q. Road Rodger, Alexander (Dent & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd. Sa, Jose L. de, clerk, U.S. Naval Depot Rodger, D. (Martin, D. & Co.) mer,, Manila Sa, Aluzio F. de, clerk (do.) Rodgers, J. K. (Wetmore, C. & Co.) clerk, Sagurmall, A., merchant, Foochow


Salabelle, X. (S. & Cic.) merchant, Shanghae Rodriguez, II., compositor, IIollywood Road Sales, V., interpreter French Legation, S.hae. Rogerson, T. (Bowra & Co.) clerk, Q. Road Sampson, T., agent British West India Emi- Rogers, J. (Martin, D. & Co.) clerk, Manila

gration, Canton

Rolls, J. (P. & (). Co.) engineer, West Point Sancliez, C., compositor. Hollywood Road Romano, A. G. (J. J. dos Remedios) clerk, Sanders, F. (Schaeffer & Co.) clerk, Holly-

Gough Street Ronald, Thos., apothecary, seamen's hospital Rose, T. (P. & O. Co.) boilermaker, W. Point Ross, John (Kerr & Co.) clerk, Manila Ross, J. B., agent, Yokalama Rothwell, T. (Ullett & Co.) merchant, S.hae. Rowe, Edmund A., victualling storekeeper,


Rowett, Richard (Holliday, W. & Co.) clerk. Rowland, J. C., deputy military storekeeper,

Caine Road

wood Road Sandri, E. (Salabelle & Cie.) mer., Shanghae Sanderson, J. S., tidewaiter, Imp. Mar. Cus.,

Staunton Street Sangster, C. F. A., organist to St John's

Cathedral, Staunton Street Santos, A. dos (Bull, Purdon & Co.) clerk,

Queen's Road

Sanudo, D. (Vargas & Co.) clerk, Macao Saporjee, P. (S. & Co.) mer., Graham Street [Saporjee, F. (Modly & Co.) mer,, Q. Road Royal, J. (P. & O. Co.) carpenter, W. Point Saporjee, A., broker, Wyndham Street Roza, J. R. da (E. L. Lança) clerk, Macao Sassoon, R. D. (S. & Co.)mer..Pedder's Wharf Roza, A. B. da (Birley & Co.) clerk, Peel St. Sassoon, Arthur, (do.) do. Roza, M. da (do.) clerk, Peel Street

Sassoon, S. (do.) clerk, do. Roza, F., dispenser Medical Hall, Q Road

Sassoon, S. E. (do,) do. do. Roza, Simao (Dent & Co.) elk., Old Bailey St. Sassoon, J. A. (do.) merchant, Shanghao Rozario, M. C. do (Stephenson & Co.) iner-Sauerman, F. W. (Russell & Co.) elk., S.hao

chant, Stanley Street Rozario, L.A. (Lyull, S. & Co.) elk., Gough St. Rozario, F. (B. E. Carneiro) clerk, Macao Rozario, J. (J. Brooks) clerk, Queen's Road Rozario, S. P., sodawater maker, Peel Street Rozario, E. J. (Ellissen & Co.) clerk, D'Aguilar


Rozario, II. A. (D. Lapraik) clerk, D'Aguilar


Ilozario, C. E. do, printer North- China Herald

office, Shanghao Rozario, A. do (Oxford & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd. Rozario, R. do, interpreter supremo court

and magistracy, Stanley Street Rubery, llenry, accountant, treasury, Albany Ructecke, A., merchant, Manila Rumble, T., moulder, Dockyard Russell, Rev. W. A., missionary, Ningpo Russell, William (T. Ilunt & Co.) clerk,

Tedder's Wharf

Russell, David (J. C. Cooper) boiler-maker,


Saunders, G., clerk St John's Cathedral, Aber-

deen Street.

Sawtelle, Rev. II. A., missionary American

Baptist Union, Gough Street. Schaeffer, II. (S. & Co.) mer., Hollywood


Schaalje, M., student interpreter Netherlands

consulate, Amoy

Selabert, J., merchant, Shanghae. Schenck, W. (Smith, A. & Co.) elk., D'Aguilar


Schellbass, E. (S. & Co.) mer., Queen's Road Scherreschewsky, Rev. J. J., mis., Shanghao Schetelig, Arnold, surgeon, Queen's Road Schilbing, Rev. J. G., missionary, Canton Schipper, J., Neptune tavern, Queen's Road W. Schimdt, J. M., assist, Imp. Mar. Cus., S.hau Schlatter, 1). (Eugster, L. & Co.) mer., Manila Schlegel, C., student interpreter Netherlands

consulate, Amoy

Schmidt, E. (Remi, S. & Cio.) mer., Shanghao Schmidt, W. (Fletcher & Co.) clerk, Q. Road Russell, H. (Hall & Co.) carpenter, Q. Road Schottlen, G. (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Russell, J. (Russell & Sturgis) mer., Manila] Schoemaak, (Reynvann, Chabert) clerk, Q. Kd.


Schütz, E. (do.) clerk, Shanghae

Silveira, F. C.. 2d.class clerk, Military Store,

Carbon Terrace Schuyler, R. (Russell &Sturge) clerk, Manil Schwarz, B. (P.L.Juvet) watclimaker, Q. Rd. Simmen, T. (Jetny & Co.) clerk, Manila Schwemann, G. W, (Siemssen & Co.) mer-Simoens, N. (Sinith, K. & Co.) clerk, Q. Road Simoens, D. P. (Birley & Co.) clerk, Graham chant, Fonchow


Schwabe, R. (Bower, H. & Co.) clerk, S.hae Scott, Adam (S. & Co.) merchant, Canton Scott, Josephi, governor of jail

   Seabra, F. A. (A. Heard & Co.) clerk, Q. Rd. Selth, R., boarding officer, harbour inus, office Senna, E. (Lanc, C. & Co.) clerk, Canton Setna, M. P., broker, Hollywood Road Setna, A. P., do., do.

Severs, H. H. (Reiss & Cn.) clerk, Canton Sevurdass, D. (C., Nathabhoy & Co.) clerk,

Stanley Street

Shaffer, T. B, pilot, Shanghao

Shank, A., (Martin & Co.) storekeeper, C.ton. Sharp, Granville, bill-broker, Gough Street Shaw, S. L. (P. & O. Co.) yard storekeeper,

Queen's Road

Shearer, A. N., commission agent, Shanghae Shephard, John E., clerk, dorkyard Sheppard, E. (Russell & Co.) clerk, Canton Sherard, R. B., merchant, Old Bailey Street Sherman, T., usher chief magistrate's office Shepheard, G., chief tidewater, Imp. Mar.

Cus., Canton

Shillingford, A. N. (P. & O. Co.) draughts-

man, West Point


Simoens, M. (Wetinore, C. &Co.) clk., (Queen's



(do.) clerk, do.

Simoens, D. B., surgeon, Kanagawa Simpson, G. (Lindsay & Co.) clerk, (absent) Sinclair, C. A., British vice-consul, Ningpo Slate, Richard B. (E. Gussett) clerk, Spring


Sloan, W. S. (Russell & Co.) mer, Fuochow Smart, Geo. (Dent & Co.) godown keeper,

Queen's Road

Smith, William L. G., U.S. consul, Shangbae Smith, Right Rev Geo., D.D., lord bishop of

Victoria (absent)

Smith, Rev. D. D.. missionary, Shanghae Smith, Arthur (Birley & Co.) mer., Fouchow Smith, Thos. (do,) clerk. Foochow Sinith, F. T. (do.) clerk, Queen's Road Smith, William, boiler-maker, Dockyard Smith, John, missionary, Swatow Smith, E. C. (Turner & Cu.) clerk, Foochow Smith, C. T. (S., Archer & Co.) merchant,

D'Aguilar Street


Smith, R. B. (do.) clerk, D'Aguilar Street Sibbald, F. C., M.D., surgeon, Shanghae hospi-Smith, Johnstone, accountant Oriental Bank,

    tal and dispensary Sievers, H. A., Fortune of War tavern, Q. R. Siemssen, G. T. (S. & Co.) merchant, (absent) Sillar, R. G., merchant, Shanghae Silva e Souza, A.J. da, compositor, Mosque St. Silva e Souza, J. J., compositor, Mosque Street Silva, T. da (Gilman & Co.) elk., Aberdeen S. Silva, Joaquim P., merchant, Praya Manduco,


Silva, J. C. da (Portaria & S.) auctioneer, 2

Calçada de Gonsalves, Macao

Silva, Jozé Joaquim da (S. & Co.) merchant,

San Lorengo

Silva, Francisen A. da (do.) do. Silva, Claudio J. da (du.) do.

Silva, J. MI. A., clerk audit office, Pott. Street Silva, D. A. da (Mercantilo Bank) clerk, Holly-

wood Road

Silva, M. A. da (do.) do.

Silva, R. D., chemist, Old Bailey Street Silva, G. da (Schullhass & Co.) clerk, Queen's


Silva, J. J. (Gibb, L. & Co.) clerk, Old Bailey


Silva, L. C. da (Walker, B. & Co ) elk., Queen's


Silva, P, F. da (Dont & Co.) clerk, Amoy Silva, A. A. de (Hongkong Register) clerk,

Gage Street

Silve, (Richardson & Co.) hotelkeeper, Macao Silveira, W. (F. L. Juvet) watchmaker,

Queen's Road,

Smith, H. (Heard & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Smith, G. (Smith, K. & Co.) clerk, Q. Road Smith, F. C., M.D., surgeon, Queen's Road Smithers, Mrs, Hollywood Road Smith, Rev. G., Brit. cons. chaplain, Fonchow Smith, Rev. Sanuel J., missionary, Canton Smith, J., tidewaiter Inip. Mar. Cus., Canton Smith, J. H. (do.) Whampoa Soares, F. P. (S. & Co.) storekeeper, Queen's


Soermann, A. (Oxford & Co.) clerk, Q. Rond Solomon, E. A. (D. Sassoon, Suns, & Co.)

Peddler's Wharf

Solomon. II. (Sassoon & Co.) clerk, S.hac. Solomon, R. (Moses & Co.) mer. Stanley St. Sootarigara, D. B. (R. H. Camajee & Co.)

clerk, Gough Street

Soul, G. S. (Lindsay & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Souza, M. de (Lyall, S. & Co.) elk., Peel St. Souza, C. de, sul-collector, police ratos office Souza, A. de, druggist, Q. Rond dispensary Souza, Camillo L., mert., 25 Praya Grande,


Souza, M de (J. Burd & Co.) clerk, Queen's


Souza, B. D. de, Jr. (Bull, P. & Co.) clerk,


Souza, B. de (Heard & Co.) clerk, Shanthas Spencer, G. G. (Bowra & Co.) elk, Q. Rund Speeebly, 8. (Mueslougall & Co.) angincur,

Spring Gardens




Speiden, Wm. J., U.S. naval storekeeper, Tavares, Juzè idorgo & Cn) clerk, Macau

Spring Gardens

| Tav. •-, k. A. (D11 & Co.) clerk. Shanghae Speiden, Edgar, assistant do, do

|Telp., 3. (Pustion & Co.) clerk, Koa agawa Spetzler, J. (Pustau & Co.) clerk, Shauphae Thies, J. W. (Sienissen & Co.) mer., Silme, Sproule, H., constable, British cons., Whampoa Thom, Willison, commander receiving ship Stammann, Oscar (Siemssen & Co.) clerk,| Falcin, Hongkung harbour

Thomas, teo., shipwright, Whampoa

Queen's Road. Stanford, W. K. (C. Jameson) master ship Therapson, G., Brit, Queen Tavern, Q. Road Thompson, John, assistant usher chief na-

Circassian, Hongkong harbour.

St Cyr, J. (Remi, S. & Co.) clerk, Shanghae St Clair, A. B., first attache British Embassy,


Stearns, J. O.P. (Russell & Co.) clk., Queen's


Steffan, J. J. (Jenny & Co.) mer, Manila

gistrate office. Lyndhurst Terrace Thompson, Rev. E. H., missionary, Shanghae Thomsen, L. (Jurgens & Co) storekeeper,

Queen's Road

Thomsett, H. G.. master in charge of hospital ship Princess Charlotte, II,kong harbour Steffeus, N. (Bellainy & Co.) carpenter, Amoy Thorburn, R. F. (Turner & Co.) mcr., S.hac. Stephenson, Jaines, (S. & Co.) iner. (ubsent) Thorburn, J. D. (do.) clerk, Queen's Road Stever, (Wetmore, C. & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Thorburn, G., merchant, Shanghae Steward, H. D. (Turner & Co.) clerk, Queen's Thorne, John, (Wetmore, C. & Co.) clerk,


Staunton Street Thorne, J. (T. Bros.) merchant, Shanghae Thorne, C. (do.) merchant, Shanghae Thoruton, J., elk, harb, mas, office, Shelley St. Tilby, A, R., ship-broker, &c., Shang bay Tillson, 1o (F., Herrmann & Co.) mer,, Manila Tobler, T. C. (Eugster, L. & Co.) clerk,


Stiles, W., (Dent & Co.) assist. gedownkceper,

Queen's Road

Still, Chas. F. (Lyall, S. & Co.,) mer., Q. Rd. Still, E. A., merchant, Canton Stimson, J. (J. A. Brooks) clerk, Hollywood


Stokes, Geo. E. (Lyall, S. & Co.) clk., Queen's


Tobler, G. (Jenny & Co.) clerk, Manila Toms, Richard, (Lane, C. & Co.) clerk,

Queen's Road

Stone, H. M., shipchandler, Foochow Strachan, W. M. (A. Cushny) clork, S.hae. Strachan, Robt., editor and proprietor Hong-Torrey, R. (Russell & Sturgis) clerk, Manila

kong Register, Gage Street Stronach, Rev. John, missionary, Amoy Stronach, Rev. Alex., missionary, Amoy Stuart, A. (Lindsay & Co.), tea insp., F.chow. Stuben, T. F. (Peters & Co.) clerk, Manila Sturrock, W. A. (Syme & Co ) clerk, Amoy Styan, G. II. (Buil, P. & Co.) clerk, F.chow. Suice, C. E. (Koopmanschap & B.) clerk,

Pottinger Street

Sullivan, James. (Tulbot, D. & Co.) clerk,


Sutherland, Thomas, chief clerk P. & O. Co.,

Caine Road

Swanson, Rev. W, S., missionary, Amoy Swinhoe, R., British vice-consul, Tai-wan,


Syle, Rev. E. W. missionary, Shanghae

Taber, George A., Oriental Hotel, Well.ton St. Taff's, C. C., clerk of works Royal Engineers,

Queen's Roal

Tait, James (T. & Co.), merchant, Amoy

Torrey, J. W. (Russell & Co.) clerk, Q. Road Tootal, J. B. (Ellissen & Co.) clerk. S.hac. Tourniere, A. (T. & Cie.) storekeeper, N. Road Townend, Edward, (Holliday, W. & Co.) tea

inspector, Canton

|Trannack, R., captain light-ship, Woosung

Trautmann, T. F. 11. (Haikori & Co.) incr.,


Trenqualye, Baron de, French consul, Canton Trulishaw, James (Dent & Co ) clerk, Q. Rd. Tuason, V., (Holliday, W. & Co.) clerk,


Tucker, B W., Jr., (S. C. Woodruff) clerk,

Queen's Road

Tucker, Horace, (Ellis & Co.) clerk, Amoy [Tucker, R. D. (P'ecle, II. & Co.) clerk, Manila Turing, Alex. (Dent & Co.) clerk, Q. Road Turner, Rev. F. S., missionary, Canton Turner, Thomas, elk., reg.-gen, office, Staun-

ton Street |Twombly, 11. N. (Fogg & Co.) shipchandler,


Talbot, II. E. (T. & Devine) shipchandler, Tyers, Richard R. (Olyphant & Co.) mer.,

D'Aguilar Street


Talbot, S. H. (Lane, C. & Co.) clerk, Q. Rond | Tyers, W. T. (do.) clerk, Shanghae Talmage, Rev. J. V. N., missionary, Amoy | Tyson, George (Russell & Co.) 'mer., Q. Road Tainoljve, A., broker, Wellington Street Tarrant, W., proprietor Friend of China,


Tate, J. P. (Blain, T. & Co.) merchant,


Tatham, T., commission agent, Yokohama

Underwood, P. II.(Adamson & Co.)elk., Sihine. Ugarte, J. M. de, merchant, Macau

Vacher, W.11, ((ilman & Co.) mer. (absent) Vail, D. O.(Olyphant & Co.) mer,





Van der Hoeven, I. des A., merchant, Macao Well, D. (Heard & Co.) clurk, Hollywood Vandenberg, A. P. (Jardie, M. & Co.) clik.,

Old Bailey Street Van Reed, E. M. (Heard & Co.) agent, Japan Varco, W. B. (Jolinson & Co.) clerk, 8.bao. Vargas, J. R. (V. & Co.) merchant, Macao Vaucher, A. E. (Vaucher Freres) merchant,

aud French consul, Queen's Road Vaucher. Fritz (do.) merchant, Shanghae Vernouillet, M. de, assistant secretary, French

leration, Shanghae Vierow, II., tidewaiter imp. Mar. Cus., C.ton. Vickers, J. M. (Gibb, L. & Co.) elk., Aber. St. Vickennan, W. H. (Hall & Co.) clerk, Spring


Vincent, E., commission agent, Swatow Vincent, Thomas, commander receiving-ship

Emily June, Woosung Vogler, T. (Fogg & Co) clerk, Shan he Vrard, L. (F. L. Juvet) watchinsker, S.bne. Vrooman, Rev. D., missionary, Cinton. Vyse, F. II., British acting-consul, Kanagawa

Wachtels, 11. P. M, com. agunt, Nagasaki


Weller, G. F. (II-ard & Co.) mer., Poochow Wentworth, Rev. E., missionary, Fouchow West, Jas. (Walker, B. & Co.) clerk, Queen's


Westall, R. R. (S nith, K. & C.) merchant,


Westley, E. A., (Lyall, S. & Cɔ.) elk., Q. Rd. Wermore, W. Shepard (W., Cryder & Co.).

merchant, Shanghae Wheatley, J. (Reiss & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Wheeley, A. A. (Dent & Co.) clerk, Queen's


Wheeley, Elward (do.) do.

Wheelock, John A. (Fogg & Co.) clerk, S.hac. White, Aug. Jr., assistant-accountant, Chart.

Bank of India, &c., Queen's Road White, F. G. (Gibb, L. & Co.) clerk, S.hae. White, F., assist. Imp. Mar. Cus., Shanghae Whiteman, W. (Martin & Co.) storekeep er,


Whitlow, James (Holliday, W. & Co.) mer-

chaut, Shanghao

Wade, Thomas F., Chin-so Secretary to Bri-Whittall, J. (Jar-line, M. & Co.) merchant,

tish Embassy, Shanghae

Wade, R D., pilot, Shanghae

Wadia, C. B., merchant, Ilollywood Road

Wakeham. W., storeman, dockyard

Walcott, John, commander str. Will imelle


Whittall, E. (do.) merchans, Canton

Whitemore. J. W. (Wotmore, C; & Co.) clerk,

Queen's Rord

Wiberg, E. (Hail & Holtz) clerk, Shanghae

Walker, R. S. (W., Borradaile & Co.) mer-Wiener, G. A. (Lin Isay & Co.) mer., Queen's

chant, College Gardens Walkinshaw, Win. (Turner & Co.) merchant,

Queen's Road

Walkinshaw, A., (lo.) clerk, Shanghae Walsh, S., U.S. vice-consul, Nagasaki Wallace, J. (D. Lapraik) olerk, D'Aguilar


Wallace, Thos. (Jardine, M. & Co.) godown.

keeper, East Point

Wallace, W. (Hall & Co.) elerk, Whampoa Wallis, . (Gilman & Co ) c'erk, Shanghao Ward, W. W., commissioner Imp. Mar. Cas.,


Ward, J. G. (Olyphant & C›.) clerk, Queen's


Wardell, B. A. (|Ioward & Co.) mer,, S.hae. Wardlaw, J. (Fait & Co.) clerk, Amoy Watmore, R.(Jardine, M. & Co.) elk., E. Point Watson, Aies. J., manager Hongkong Dis-

   pensary, Queen's Road Watson, J. B., Stag Inn, Queen's Road Watson, J. C., Jr. (W. & Co.) olerk, Amoy Watts, D., druggist, Whampoa Webb, Edward (Dont & Cl.) merchant, and

   consul for Portugal, Shangha Webb, . . (Gibb, 1. & U1,) clerk, S.no. Webb, W. II., British vice-consul, Minila Webster, J. Aplin, 2.1 assistant British con-

salate, Shangluo

Wobster, Jas, assistant-accountant, Oriental

Bank, Queen's Road Wobster, 11., merchant, Canton.


Wiese, Ladwig (Siemssen & Co.) merchant,

Queen's Road

Wiese, Frederick (do.) clerk, Qacen's Rond Wiggins, Henry II., manager Commercial

"Bank of India, Shangha

Wilber, E. C., hotel-k eper, Whampoa Wild, C. A. (Gilman & Co.) clerk, Shanghae Wilgosi, H. (A. Heard & Co.) elk., Yokoliaina Wilkins, George, billiard-room, Stanley Street Willum, N., bill-broker, Oil Bailey Street Williams, 1. D., assistant Imp. Mar. Cus.,


Williams, C. D., merchant, Shanghae Williams, J. W., chief clerk, virtualling dept.,


Willoughby, J., pilot, Swatow Wilson, Alex. (MacEwen & Co.) shipchand-

lor (absent.)

Wilson, Craven, inerchant, Shanghae Wilson, G. (P. & O. Co.) clerk, West Point

coal depot

Wilson, Jas. (Syme & Co.) clerk, Amoy Wdwon, Rev. R", missionary, Shanghaë Wiler, P., 1st assistant Imp. Mur. Cus.,


Winchester, Charlos A., British vice-consul,.

Canton, (absent).

Winnes, Rav. Ph., missionary, Maoro Winniberg, IT., storukoep :r, (2 teen's Bond Wirgin, O., artist and correspondent of the

Lastrated London News



|Wright, 11. W. (Alt & Co.) mer, Nagasaki

Wise, John (Halliday, W. & Co.) mer., absent Wright, F. Fan, Imp. Mr. Cus., Clanton Wishart, M., Bupt. Dry Dock C., Amoy Wright, J. W., or lawyer, and sexton Trinity

Church, Wool, J. W. (A. Heard & Co.) clerk, S hac. Wood, Rev. M. L., missionary, Shangling Wood, W. W. (Russell & Sturgi) eik, Manila | Wyhorn, G., warden, jail Woodin, Rev. S. F., missionary, Fouchow Wong Ashing, printer, London Mission Wong Fua, M.D., surgeon, Civil Hospital Woodfall, G. H. (Birley, W. & Co.) clerk,


Woodruff, Samuel C., shipchandler, Q. Road Woodston, Miss B., missionary, Fuochow Woodston, Miss S., J. Woodward, R. II. S. (Smith, K. & Co.) clerk,

Queen's Road Woodworth, B. R., (A. Heard & Co.) clerk,


Wordsworth, George, (Jardine, M. & Co.)

clerk, East Point


Wyndhain, G. I., attache British Legation,


Xavier, J. P. (Fletcher & Co.) clerk, Queen's


Yates, Ed. (Davison & Co.) mer, Ningpo Yates, Rev. M. T., missionary Shanghae Young, J., Land-wa-live-in tavern, Q. Road Yturalde, C. J., mer., 2 Praya Grande, Macao Ybaney, S., clerk, Macao

Ynfante, D. M. é, Span. vice-censul, S.hae. Young, G. R. (Smith, B. & Co.) clerk, Manila










The Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, K.T., G.C.B., Her Britauuie Majesty's Special Ambas- Her Majesty the Queen of tireat Britain and sador in China, &c., &c., &c., has inuch satisfac- Ireland, and is Imperial Majesty the Emperor tion in informing Her Majesty's subjects in China of China, being alike desirous to bring to an end that a Convention for the re-establishment of the misunderstanding at present existing between Peace between Great Britain and China was their respective Governmeats, and to secure their concluded, and the Ratifications of the Treaty of relations against further interruption, have for Fica-tsin of the year 1858 duly exchanged, at this purpose appointed Plenipotentiaries, that is Peking, on the 24th of October 1860.

The Earl of Elgin now publishes for general information the text of the said Convention, and Treaty, together with the text of the Tariff, and Rules which form part of the Treaty, and were agreed to by hits and the Plenipotentiaries of the Emperor of China at Shanglae, ou the Bil of November 1853.

to say:--

Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, the Fart of Elgin and Kincardine; and lis Imperial Majesty the Eusperor of China, His Imperial Highness the Princo of Kuog; who, having met, and cunoumicated to each other their full powers, and finding these to be in pros per form, have agreed upon the following Con- vention, in Nine Articles":

The art of Elgin trusts that by a considerato treatment of the natives with whom they may come into contact, aml a faithful alservanco of

Art. I.A breach of friendly relations having their obligations towards the Chinese Govern inent, iler Majesty's subjects in China will do been occasioned by the act of the farrison of what in them lies, to reconcile the people, and Taku, which obstructed Her Britannic Majesty's authorities of China, to the changes in their rela- Representative, when on his way to Peking, for tions with Foreigners which are about to be the purpose of exchanging the ratifications of the introduced under the international compacts Treaty of Peace, concluilet at Tien-tsin in the herewith promulgated-changes which, if they be mouth of June, one thousand eight hundred and carried into effect in such a manner as to afford fifty-eight, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of greater scope to the commercial activity of the China expresses his deep regret at fhu misunder- Chinesu peuple, without doing unnecessary vio-standing so occasioned. lence to their habits and traditions, will, it inay he hoped, prove boneficial to them, and to all who have dealings with them.

Art. 11. It is further expressly declared, that the arrangement entered into at Shanglae, in the month of October, ono thousand eight hundred and lifty-eight, between Beg Britannic Majesty's Ambassador the Earl of Elgin nad Kincarding, and is Imperial Majesty's Commissioners Kwei-

Duo notice will be givens, whenever the arrange ments for carrying into execution the provisions of this Convention and Treaty, at the Ports thereby opened to British Trado, shall be coming and tiwashana, regarding the residuee of plutod.


Iler Britannic Majesty's Representative in China, is hereby cancelleil, nid that, in accordance with Datel at Tion-tsin, this twentieth day of Articls 111, of the Treaty of one thousand right November, A.D. 1660,

Inundred and fifty-eight, flor Britamme Maje ty's Representative will henceforward rejde, perman



ently or areasionally, at Peking, as Her Britan-Successors, to have and to hold as a dependency of Her Britannic Majesty's Colony of Hongkong, nic Majesty shall be pleased to decide.

                          that portion of the township of Cowloon, in the Art. III-It is aged that the sparate province of Kwang-Tung, of which a lease was Article of the Treaty of one thousand eight hun- dred and fifty-eight is hereby annulled, and that granted in perpetuity to Harry Smith Parkes, in lieu of the amount of indemnity therein speci- Esquire, Companion of the Bath, a Member of fied, flis Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China the Allied Commission at Canton, on behalf of shall pay the sum of eight millions of thels, in the Her Britannic Majesty's Government, by Lau Tsung-kwang, Governor-General of the Two following proportions or instalments, namely:--

Kwang. At Tieu-tsin, on or before the 30th day of Novem-

It is further declared, that the lease in ques- ber, the sum of five hundred thousand tacls; attion is hereby cancelled; that the claims of any Cautont, on or before the first day of December, Chinese to property on the said portion of Cow- one thousand eight hundred and sixty, three loon shall be duly investigated by a mixed Com- hundred and thirty-three thousand and thirty-three tuels, less the sun which shall have been advanced mission of British and Chinese officers, and that by the Canton authorities towards the completion compensation shall be awarded by the British Government to any Chinese whose claim shall of the British Factory site of Shameen; and the be by the said Commission established, should remainder at the ports open to foreign trade, in his removal be deemed necessary by the British quarterly payments, which shall consist of oue- fifth of the gross revenue from Customs there collected; the first of the said payments being Art. VII. It is agreed that the provisions of due on the thirty-first day of Deccinber one the Treaty of one thousand eight hundred and thousand eight hundred and sixty, for the quarter 6fty-eight, except in so far as these are modified terminating on that day.

by the present Convention, shall, without delay, It is further agreed that these monies shall be come inty operation, as soon as the ratifications paid into the hands of an officer whom Her Bri-of the Treaty aforesaid shall have been exchang Lannic Majesty's Representative shall specially. It is further agreed, that no separate rati- appoint to receive them, and that the accuracy feation of the present Convention shall be ucces- of the amounts shall, before payment, be duly anry, but that it shall take effect from the date ascertained by British and Chinese officers ap- of its signature, and be equally binding with tho pointed to discharge this duty.

Treaty above mentioned on the high contracting parties.


   In order to prevent future discussion, it is morcover declared that of the eight millions of taels herein guaranteed, two millions will be ap- Art. VIII. It is agreed that, as soon as the propriated to the indemnifivation of the British ratifications of the Treaty of the year one Mercantilo Community at Canlon, for losses sun-dhonend eight hundred and fifty-eight shall have tained by them; and the remaining six millious been exchanged, Ulis Imperial Majesty the Em- to the liquidation of war expenses.

peror of China shall, by decree, command the high

Art IV-It is agreed that on the day on authorities in the capital, and in the provinces, tu which this Convention is signed, His Imperial print and publish the aforesaid Treaty and the Majesty the Emperor of China shall open the present Convention, for general information. port of Tien-tsin to trade, and that it shall be Art, IX.-it is agreed that, as soon as this thereafter competent to British Subjects to reside Convention shall have been signed, the ratifica- and traile there, under the same conditions as actions of the Treaty of the year one thousand eight any other port of China by Treaty open to trule. hundred and fifty-eight shali have been exchanged, Art. V. As soon as the ratifications of the and an Imperial Decree respecting the publica- Treaty of one thousand eight hundred and fifty- tion of the said Convention and Treaty shall have eight shall have been exchanged, His Imperial been promulgated, as provided for by Article Majesty the Emperor of China will, by decree, VIII. of this Convention, Chusan shall bg evacu- command the high authorities of every provincented by Her Britannic Majesty's troops there sta- to proclaim throughout their jurisdictions, that tioned, and Her Britannic Majesty's force now Chinese choosing to take service in the British before Peking shall commence its march towards Colonies, or other parts beyond sea, are at per- the city of Tien-tsin, the forts of Taku, the north fect liberty to unter into engagements with British coast of Shantung, and the city of Canton, at Subjects for that purpose, and to ship themselves each or all of which places, it shall be at tho and their families on board any British vessel ut option of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain the open ports of Chim; also that the high and Iroland, to retain a force, until the indem- authorities aforesaid shall, in concert with Her unity of eight millions of taels, guaranteed in Article Britannic Majesty's Representativo in China, 111., shall have been paid, frame such regulations for the protection of Chi ues emigrating as above, as tho circumstances of the different open ports may demand.

Done at Peking, in the Court of the Board of Ceremonies, on the twenty-fourth day of October, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty.


Hignatura of

Art. VI. With a view to the maintenance of law and order in and about the harbour of Hong- kong, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China agres to cede to Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Irefund, and to Her Heirs and Plenipotentiary.

Rond of Chinesa

Chinese Plenipotentiary.

* the



TREATY OF PEACE, FRIENDSHIP, COM-fuoting of equality with that of Chiun.

MERCE AND NAVIGATION, BETWEEN other laul, he shall use the sine forms of ce emony HER MAJESTY AND THE EMPEROR and respect to Uj, Majesty the Psapoma OF CHINA.

ployed by the Ambas dúlars, 20e se, PA, TEL Agents of Her Majesty towards the musetcigni ul SIGNED AT TIER-TSIN, JUNE 26тa, 1838. independent and equal European nations. Ratifications exchanged at Peking, October 24th, 1860. It is further agreed, that Her Majesty's Govern- Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of ment may acquire at Peking a site for building, or Great Britain and Ireland, and is Majesty they hire houses for the accommodation of Her Ma Emperor of China, being desirous to put an end to jesty's Mission, and that the Chinese Government the existing misunderstanding between the two will assist it in so doing.

Her Majesty's Representative shall be at liberty to countries, and to place their relations on a more satisfactory footing in future, have resolved to proceed choose his own servants and attendants, who shall to a revision and improvement of the Treaties existing nut be subjected to any kind of molestation whatever. Any person guilty of disrespect or violence to Her between them; and, for that purpose, have named as

Majesty's Representative, or to any member of his their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say :-

Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ire-mily or establishment, in deed or word, stail be land, the flight Honourable the Earl of Elgin and severely punished. Kincardine, a Peer of the United Kingdom, and

Art. IV. It is further agreed, that no obstacle or Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order difficulty shall be made to the free movements of Her

of the Thistle;

And His Majesty the Emperor of China, the High Majesty's Representative, and that he, and the per- sons of his suite, may come and go, and travel at Commissioners Kweilung, a Senior Chief Secretary their pleasure. He shall, moreover, have full liberty

of State, styled of the East Cabinet, Captain-General

of the Plain White Banner of the Manchit Banner to send and receive his correspondence to and from Force, Superintendent-fieneral of the Administration any point on the sea-coast that he may select; and of Criminal Law; nud Iwashata, one of His Im-is letters and effects shall be held sacred and inviol perial Majesty's Expositors of the Classics, Manchu abie. He may employ, for their transmission, special President of the Office for the regulation of the Civil Couriers, who shall meet with the same protection and Establishment, Captain-General of the Bordered Blue facilities for travelling as the person employed int Banner of the Chinese Runner Force, and Visitor of carrying despatches for the imperial Government; land, generally, he shall enjoy the same privileges au the Office of Interpretation ;

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, and found them to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded The following Articles ; -

are accorded to officers of the same rank by the usage

and consent of Western untions.

All expenses attending the Diplomatic Mission of firent Britain shall be borne by the British Govern-


Art. 1. The Treaty of Peace and Amity be Art. V. Ilis Majesty the Emperor of China agrees

tween the two nations, signed at Nanking on the

twenty-ninth day of August, in the year eighteen to nominate one of the Secretaries of State, or a l're- hundred and forty-two, is hereby renewed and consident of one of the Boards, as the high officer with whom the Ambassador, Minister, or other Diplomatic


The Supplementary Treaty and General Regula-Agent of Her Majesty the Queen shall transiet lui- tions of Trade having been amended and improved, either personally or in writing, on a footing of and the substance of their provisions having then in perfect equality. corporated in this Treaty, the said Supplementary Treaty and General Regulations of Trade are hereby abrogated.

Art. VI. Her Majesty the Queen of Great Bri- tain agrees that the privileges hereby secured shall be enjoyed in her dominions by the Amdrissadors, Art. II.For the better preservation of harmony Ministers, or Diplomatic Agents of the Eaiperor of in future, Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain China, accredited to the Court of Her Majesty, and is Majesty the Emperor of China mutually Art. VI. Her Majesty the Quen may appoint agree that, in accordance with the aniveral practice

one or more l'ousuls in the dominions of the Emperor

of great and friendly nations. Her Majesty the Queen of China; and such Consul or Consuls shall be at may, if she see fit, appoint Amb seadors, Ministers, liberty to reside in any of the open parts or cities of or other Diplomatic Agents to the Court of Peking;

They shall be treated with due refeet by the Chi- nese authorities, and enjoy the same privileges and inumanities of the Consular Uficers of the most fa- voured nation.

and Ilis Majesty the Emperor of China may, in like China, as Her Majesty the Queen may consider mest mmer, if he see fit, appoint Ambassadors, Aliuisters, expedient for the interests of British commerce, or other Diplomatic Agents, to the Court of St James. Art. III.-lis Majesty the Emperor of China hereby agrees, that tlie Ambassador, Minister, or other Diplanutie Agent, so appointed by Her Majes Connah and Vice-Consula in charge shall rank with ty the Queen of Great Britain, may reside, with his Intendants of tirenit; Vice-Constils, Acting Vier- family and establishment, permanently at the capital, Consuls, and Interpreters, with Prefects. They shall or may visit it occasionally, at the option of the Bri- have necess to the official residences of these illicers, tish Government. He shall not be called upon to ant communicate with them, either personally or in perform any ceremony derogatory to him as repre-writing, on a fooling of equality, as the interests of senting the Sovereign of an independent nation on a the public service way require.


ently or occasionally, at Peking, as 1er nie Afajesty shall be pleased to decide.

Uritan-Successors, to have and to hold as a dependency of Her Britannic Majesty's Colony of Hongkong, that portion of the township of Cowloon, in the Art. It is agreed that the parate Article of the Treaty of une thousand eight hua province of Kwang-Tung, of which a lease was dred and fifty-eight is hereby annulled, and that granted in perpetuity to Harry Smith Parkes, in lieu of the amount of indemnity therein speci- Esquire, Companion of the Bath, a Member of fied, Ilis Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China the Allied Commission at Canton, on behalf of shall pay the sum of eight inillions of taels, in the Her Britannic Majesty's Government, by Lau following proportions or instalments, namely: Tsung-kwang, Governor-General of the Two At Tien-tsin, on or before the 30th day of Novem-Kwang.

It is further declared, that the lease in ques-

her, the sum of five hundred thousand tacls; at tion is hereby cancelled; that the claims of any Canton, on or before the first day of December, Chinese to property on the said portion of Cow- one thousand eight hundred and sixty, three loon shall be duly investigated by a mixed Com- hundred and thirty-three thousand and thirty-three tuels, less the sum which shall have been advanced mission of British and Chinese officers, and that by the Canton authorities towarus the complction compensation shall be awarded by the British of the British Factory site of Shameen; and the Government to any Chinese whose claim shall be by the said Commission established, should remainder at the ports open to foreign trade, in his removal be deemed necessary by the Britisla quarterly payments, which shall consist of one- Government.

fifth of the gross revenue from Customs there collected; the first of the said payments being due on the thirty-first day of December one thousand eight hundred and sixty, for the quarter terminating on that day.

Art. VII. It is agreed that the provisions of the Treaty of one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, except in so far as these aro modified by the present Convention, shall, without delay, It is further agreed that these monies shall be come intų operation, as soon as the ratifications paid into the hands of an officer whom 11er Bri- of the Treaty aforesaid shall have been exchang tanie Majesty's Representative shall specially ed. It is further agreed, that no separate rati- appoint to receive them, and that the accuracy heation of the present Convention sluill be neces- of the amounts shall, before payment, be duly sary, but that it shall Lako effect from the date ascertained by British and Chinese officers ap of its signature, and be equally binding with the pointed to discharge this duty.

Treaty aLove mentioned on the high contracting parties.

   In order to prevent future discussion, it is moreover declared that of the eight millions of tauls herein guaranteed, two millions will be ap- Art. VIII. It is agreed that, as soon as the propriated to the indemnification of the British ratifications of the Treaty of the year one Mercantile Community at Canton, for luses kom-thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight shall hava tained by them; and the remaining six millious been exchange, His Imperial Majesty the Em- to the liquidation of war expenses.

peror of China shall, by decree, eunmand the ligh authorities in the e pital, and in the provinces, to print and publish the aforesaid Treaty and the present Convention, for general information.

Art. IV-It is agreed that on the day on which this Convention is signed, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China shall open the purt of Tien-tain to trade, and that it shall be Art. IX-it is agreed that, as soon as this thereafter competent to British Subjects to reside Convention shall have been sigued, the ratifica- and trade there, under the same conditions as ations of the Treaty of the year one thousand eight any other port of China by Treaty open to trade. hundred and fifty-eight shall have been exchanged, Art. V.-As soon as the ralifications of the and an Imperial Deerce respecting the publica- Treaty of one thousand eight bundred and fifty-tion of the said Convention and Treaty shall have eight shall have been exchanged, His Imperial been promulgated, as provided for by Article Majesty the Emperor of China will, by decreo, VIII. of this Convention, Chuan shall do evacu- command the high authorities of every province ated by Her Britannic Majesty's troopa thero sta- to proclaim throughout their jurisdictions, that tione, aud Her Britannic Majesty's force now Chinese choosing to take service in the British before Peking shall commence its march towards Colonies, or other parts beyond sea, are at per- the city of Tien-tsin, the furts of Taku, the north fect liberty to enter into engagements with British coast of Shantung, and the city of Canton, at Subjects for that purpose, and to slip themselves each or all of which places, it shall be at the and their families on board any British vessel ut option of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain the open ports of Chum; also that the high and Irolaml, to retain a forec, until the inclem- authorities aforesaid shall, in concort with leruity of eight millions of taels, guaranteed in Articlo Britanie Majesty's Representative in China, 111, shall have been paid. frame such regulations for the protection of Chi nes omigrating us abovo, as the circumstances of the different open ports may demand.

Dono at Peking, in the Court of the Board of Ceremonics, on the twenty-fourth day of October, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty.

Art. VI. With a view to the maintenance of law and order in and about the harbour of long- kong, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Chim agrees to celo to Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, and Her Heirs and Plenipotentiary.



Mignature of Chinese Plenipotentiary.

Rend of Chineso

An the

TREATY OF PEACE, FRIENDSHIP, COM-| footing of equality with that of China.

MSRCE AND NAVIGATION, BETWEEN other hand, he shall use the same form, of ceremony HER MAJESTY AND THE EMPEROR and respect to this Majesty the Papere, AN OF CHINA.

ployed by the Ambas du er, Moultone fpraat me Agents of Her Majesty towards the suscicigus of SIGNED AT Ties-rsty, June 26, 1858.

independent and equal Europeau mutions. Ratifications exchanged at Peking, October 24th, 1860. It is further agreed, that Her Majesty's lover- Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of ment may acquire at Peking a site for building, or Great Britain and Ireland, and 1lis Majesty they hire horses for the accommodation of Her Ma- Emperor of China, being desirous to put an end to jesty's Mission, and that the Chinese Government the existing misunderstanding between the two will naist it in so doing. countries, and to place their relations on a more satisfactory footing in future, have resolved to proceed to a revision and improvement of the Treaties existing between them; and, for that purpose, have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:-

Ifer Majesty's Representative shall be at liberty to choose his own scrants and attendunts, who shall not be subjected to any kind of molestation whatever. Any person guilty of disrespect or violence to Her Majesty's Representative, or to any member of his

Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ire-family or establishment, in deed or word, shall be land, the flight Ionourable the Earl of Egin and suverely punished. Kincardine, a Peer of the United Kingdom, and!

Art. IV. It is further agreed, that no obstacle or Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order difficulty shall be made to the free movements of Her

of the Thistle;

And His Majesty the Emperor of China, the fligh Majesty's Representative, and that he, and the per- Commissioners Kwriting, a Senior Chief Secretary sons of his suite, may come and go, and travel at of State, styled of the East Cabinet, Captain-General their pleasure. He shall, moreover, have full liberty to send and receive his correspondence to and from of the Plain White Bunner of the Maucht Banner:

any point on the sea-coast that he may select; and Force, Superintendent-Cioneral of the Administration his letters and effects shall be held sacred and inviol- of Criminal Law; and Iwashaun, one of His abic. He may employ, for their transmission, special perial Majesty's Expositors of the Classics, Manchu President of the Office for the regulation of the Civil couriers, who shall meet with the same protection and facilities for travelling as the person employed in Establishment, Captain-General of the Burdered Blue Baumer of the Chinese Tunner Force, and Visitor of carrying despatches for the imperial Government; and, generally, he shall enjoy the same privileges au the Office of Interpretation;

are accorded to officers of the same rank by the usage and consent of Western uation".

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, and found them to be in good and due form, have agreed,¤pou and concluded the following Articles :--

All expenses attending the Diplomatic Mission of firent Britain shall be borne by the British Govern-


Art. 1. The Treaty of Peace and Amity be

Art. V. Ilis Majesty the Emperor of China agrees tween the two nations, signed at Nanking on the twenty-ninth day of August, in the year eighteen to nominate one of the Sreretaries of State, or a l're- hundred and forty-two, is hereby renewed and con- sident of one of the Boards, as the high oflicer with whom the Ambassador, Minister, or other Diplomatic


Tite Supplementary Treaty and General Regula-Agent of Her Majesty the Queen shall transact busi- tions of Trade having been amended and improved, either personally or in writing, on a footing of and the substance of their provisions having been in-perfect equality. emporated in this Treaty, the said Supplementary Art. VI.-Her Majesty the Queen of Great Bri- Treaty and General Regulations of Trule are hereby tain agrees that the privileges lon by secured shall abrogated.

le enjoyed in her dominions by the Ambassailors,

Art. II. For the better preservation of harmony Ministers, or Diplomatic Agents of the Emperor of in future, Her Majesty the Queens of Great Britain Chiun, accredited to the Court of Her Majesty, and 11is Majesty the Emperor of China mutually Art. VII.Her Majesty the Qaen may appoint agree that, in accordance with the universal practice

one or more t'onsula in the dominious of the Emperor

of great and friendly nations. Her Majesty the Queen of China, anil such Consul or Consuls shall be at may, if she sue fit, appoint Aubstadors, Ministers,

They shall be treated with due reset by the Chi- nese authorities, and enjoy the same privileges and jaunumities of the Consular Officers of the most fa voured nation.

or other Diplomatie Agents to the Court of Pekingiberty to reside in any of the open parts or cities of and His Majesty the Emperor of China may, in like bin, as for Majesty the Queen may consider must nummer, if he see fit, appoint Ambassadors, Ministers, expedient for the interests of British commerci. or other Diplomatic Agents, to the Court of St James. Art. III.-Ifis Majesty the Emperor of Chinn hereby agrees, that the Anibassador, Minister, or

Connal and Vice-Consuls in charge shall rank with other Diplomatic Agent, so appointed by Iler Majes ty the Queen of Great Britain, may reside, with his Intendants of Circuit; Vice-Coustils, Acting Vice- family and establishment, permanently at the capital. Consuls, and Interpreters, with Prefects. They shall or may visit it occasionally, at the option of the Bri- have access to the official residences of these allicers, tish Government. He shall not be called upon to and communicate with them, either personally or in perform any ceremony derogatory to him as repre-writing, on a footing of equality, as the interests of seating the Sovereign of an independent nation on a the public service may require.



Art. VII.- The Christim religion, na professed by Protestants or Rupris Catholics, intenleates the practice of virtue, sand testelos, atau to do as lue would be done by. Pros traening it or profissing it therefore, Shall like be entitled to the protection of the Chinese authorities; nor shall any such praevably pursuing their calling, and not offending against the Jawa, bu perscented or interfered with.

Art. XIII The Chinese Government will hit

lawful no restrictions whatever upon the employment, by British subjects, of Chinese subjects in an capacity.

to law.

Art. XIV. British subjects may hire whatever boats they please for the transport of goods ar passen gers, and the sum to be paid for such boats all be parties themselves, without the Rettled between Art. IX.-British subjects are hereby authorized interference of the Chinese Government. The num to travel, for their pleasure or for purposes of trade, ber of these boats shall not be limited, nor shall a to all parts of the interior, under passports which will be issued by their Consuls, and countersigned by the monopoly in respect either of the boats, or of the porters or coolies engaged in carrying the goods, be granted local authorities. These passports, if demanded, must to any parties. If any smuggling takes place in them, be produced for examination in the localities passed the offenders will, of course, be punished according through. If the passport be not irregular, the bearer will be allowed to proceed, and no opposition shall be offered to his hiring perous or hiring vessels for the carriage of his baggage or merchandize. If he be without a passport, or if he commit any offence against the law, he shall be handed over to the nearest Con- Bul for punishment, but he must not be subjected to any il-sage in excess of necessary restraint. No passports need be applied for by persons going on excursions from the parts open to teule to a distance not exceeding 100 ki, and for a period not exceeding five days.

The provisions of this Article do not apply to crows of ships, for the due restraint of whom regulations will be drawn up by the Consul and the local autho- rities.

Art XV-All questions in regard to rights, whether of property or person, arising between Bri- tish subjects, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the British authorities.

Art. XV1.-Chinese subjects who may be guilty of any criminal net towards British subjects shall be arrested and punished by the Chinese authorities, according to the laws of China.

British subjects who may commit any crime in China, shall be tried and punished by the Consul, or other public functionary authorized thereto, according to the laws of Great Britain.

Justice shall be equitably and impartially adminis- tered on both sides.

10 Nanking, and other cities disturbed by person5

Art. XVII-A British subject having reason to in arms against the Government, no pass shall be

complain of a Chinese, must proceed to the Consulate given until they shall have been recaptured.

Art. X.-British mercluunt-ships shall have au-and state his grievance. The Consul will inquiro thority to trade upon the Great River (Yang-tsz). into the merits of the case, and do his utmost to ar- The Upper and Lower Valley of the river being, range it amicably. In like manner, if a Chinese lave however, disturbed by outlaws, no port shall be, fur reason to complain of a British subject, the Consul the present, opened to trule, with the exception of shall no less listen to his complaint, and endeavour to Chin king, which shall be opened in a year from the settle it in a friendly manner. If disputes take plase of such a nature that the Consul cannot arrange them date of the signing of this Treaty.

 So song as peace shall have been restored, British | amicably, then he shall request the assistance of the vessels shall also ise admitted to trade at such ports Chinese authorities; that they may together examine as far as Han-kow, not exceeding three in number, into the merits of the case, and decide it equitably. as the British Minister, after consultation with the Chinese Secretary of State, umay determine shall be ports of entry and discharge.

Art. XVIIL-The Chinese authorities shall at all

tines afford the foilest protection to the persons und property of British subjects, whenever these shall Art. XI-In addition to the cities and towns of have been subjected to insult or violence. In all Canton, Amoy, Fuhchan, Ningpo, and Shanghae, cases of incendiarism or robbery, the local authorities opened by the Treaty of Nanking, it is agreed that shall at once take the necessary steps for the recovery British subjets may frequent the cities and ports of the stolen property, the suppression of disorder, of New-Chwang, Tang-Chow, Tai-Wan (Formosa), and the arrest of the guilty parties, whom they will Cha-Chow (Swatow). and Kiung-Chow (Hainan). punish according to law.

They are permitted to carry on trade with whom Boever they please, and to proceed to and from at pleasme with their vessels and merchandize.

Art. XIX. If any British merchant-vessel, while within Chinese waters, be plundered by robbers or They shall enjoy the same privileges, advantages, pirates, it shall be the duty of the Chinese authorities nad immunition at the said towns and ports as they to uso every endeavour to capture and punish tho muid enjoy as the ports alreuly sposed to trade, including robbers or pinutes, and to recover the stolen property, the right of residence, of Imying or renting houses, of that it may be bounded over to the Consul for restori leasing land therein, and of building churches, hostion to the owner. pitals, and cemeteries.


Art. XX.-If any British vessel he at any tima Art. XII.-British subjects, whether at the ports wrecked or stranded on the const of China, or be com- or at other places, desiting to build or open houses,pelled to take refugo in any port within the dominions warehouses, churches, hospitals, or burial-grounds, of the Emperor of China, the Chinese authorities, out shall make their agreement for the land or buildings being apprised of the fact, shall immediately adopt they require at the rates prevailing among the people, measures for its relief and security; the persons ou board alust receive friendly trontinent, and shall be quitably, and without exaction on either side.


furnished, if necessary, wish the means of conveyance yenu, nad kt dull for, at tas

Sive ten years

to the mar si t'onular station.

Art. XXV. Whereas it wanged in Satul

Art. XXI-If criminals, subjrets of Chins, shall take refuge in lungkung, or on board the British X. of the Taty of Nasking, that thaich imports, klips there, they shall, upon due requisition by the baving paid the land dotus, Shugih kary on yoAKAPA Chinese authorities, be searched for, and, un proof of the interior free ul all futiber elviges, except a trans sit duty, the amount whereof was not to exceed a their guilt, be delivered up.

In like manner, if Chinese offenders take refuge in certain per-centage on tariff value; and whereas no the houses or on board the vessels of British subjects accurate information having been furnished of the at the open ports, they shall not be harboured or con-amount of such duty, British merchants have con- cealed, but shall be delivered up, on due requisitionstantly complained that charges are suddenly and by the Chinese authorities, addressed to the British arbitrarily imposed by the provincial authorities as transit duties upon produce on its way to the foreign Consul.

market, and on imports on their way into the interior Art. XXII. Should any Chinese subject fail to to the detriment of trade; it is agreed that within discharge debts incurred to a British subject, or four months from signing of this Treaty, at all ports should be fraudulently abscond, the Chinese autho-now open to British trade, and within a similar rities will do their utmost to effect his arrest, and en-period at all ports that may hereafter be opened, the force recovery of the debts. The British authorities authority appointed to superintend the collection of will likewise do their utmost to bring to justice any duties shall be obliged, upon application to the Conant, British subject fraudulently absconding or failing to to declare the amount of duties leviable on produce discharge debts incurred by him to a Chinese subject. between the place of productions and the port of ship-

Art. XXIII-Should natives of China who may ment, and upon imports between the Coonlar part repair to Hongkong to trade, incur debts there, the in question and the inland market named by the recovery of such debts tuust be arranged for by the Consul; and that a notification thereof, shall be pub British Court of Justice on the spot; but should the lished in English and Chinese for general infor- Chinese debtor abscond, and be known to have pro-nation.

But it shall be at the option of any British subject perty, real or personal, within the Chinese territory,

it shall be the duty of the Chinese authorities, on desiring to convey produce purchased inland to a port application by, and in concert with, the British Con-or to convey imports from a port to an inland bar- sul, to do their utmost to see justice done between ket, to clear his goods of all transit duties, by pay- ment of a single charge. The amount of this charge the partics.

Art. XXIV. It is agreed that British subjects shall be leviable on exports at the first barrier they shall pay, on all merchandize imported or exported may have to pass, or, on imports, at the port at which by them, the duties prescribed by the tariff; but in they are landed; and on payment thereof, a certifi- cate shall be issued, which shall exempt the goods no case shall they be called upon to pay atlier or from all further inland charges whatsoever. higher duties than are required of the subjects of any other foreign nation.

Art. XXV-Import duties shall be considered payable on the lanting of the goods, and duties of export on the shipment of the same,

Art. X

It is further agreed, that the amount of this charge shall be calculated, as nearly as possible, at the rate of two and a-half per cent tal e iluren, and that it sail be fixed for each article at the conference to be held at Shanghae for the revision of the Tarit.

It is distinctly understood, that the payment of transit dues, by commutation or otherwise, shall in no way affect the tariff duties ng imports, or exports, which will continue to be levied separately and in full Art. XXIX. -British merchent-vessels, of more

t. XXVI-Whereas the tariff fixes by Article X. of the Trenty of Nanking, and which was estimated sons to inpose ou imports and exports a duty at about the rate of five per cent ad valorem, has been found, by reason of the fall in value of varions articles of than one hundred and fifty tous burden, shall be merchandize, therein enumerated, to impose a duty charged tonnage dues at the rate of four nice per tong upon these, considerably in excess of the rate origi: if of one hundred and ûfty tous and under, they shall mally assumed, as love, to be a fair rate, it is agreed be charged at the rate of one mace per ton, that the said tarifl' shall be revised, and that as soon

Any vessel clearing from any of the open ports af ne the Treaty shall have been signed, application la Chiun for any other of the open parts, or for long- be made to the Emperor of Chim to depate a high kong, shall be entitled, on application of the master, to a officer of the Board of Revenue to meet, at Shanghe, special certificate from the Customs, ou exhibition ol officers to be deputed on behalf of the British Gov-which she shall be exempted from all further payment ernment, to consider its revision together, so that the of tonnago-dues in any open part of China, for a tarill, as revised, my couse into operation immediately period of four months, to be reckoned from the date after the ratification of this Treaty.

of her port-clearance,

Ar XXX.-Theunster of any British merchant- Art. XXVII-It is agreed thint either of the high contracting parties to this Treaty any demand vessel mny, within forty-eight hours after the arrival a further revision of the tarifl, und of the Com-of his vessel, but not later, decide to depart without mercial Articles of this Trenty, at the end of ton breaking bulk, in which ene he will not be subject years but if no demand be made on either side to pay tonnage-durs. Bat tomage-durs shall be field within six months after the end of the first ten yours, day after the expiration of the said forty-eight home, then the tariff shall remain in forer for ten yenes No other fees or charges upon entry or departure nure, reckoned from the end of the preceding ten|shall be levied.




Art. XXXI-No tonasege-dues shall be payable be fined five hundred tarls, and the goods discharged on hats employed by Britisch subjects in the cou-shall be conliserted whally.

                            Art. XXXIX.Any British merchant who has vey one of passengers, baggage, letsuas, articles of pro- vision, or other articles not subject to duty, between cargo to land or ship, must apply to the Superintend any of the open ports. All cargo-boats, however, ent of Custonia for a special permit. Curgo landed conveying merchandize subject to duty shall pay ton- or shipped without such permit, will be liable to nage dues once in four months at the rate of one confiscation. mace per register ton.

Art. XL-No transhipment from one vessel to Art. XXXII.-The Consuls and Superintendents another can be made without special permission, un- of Customs shall consult together regarding the ereeder pain of confiscation of the goods so transhipped. Art. XLI. When all dues and duties shall have tion of beacons or lighthouses, and the distribation

been paid, the Superintendent of Customs shall give of buoys and lightships, as occasion may demand.

Art. XXXII-Duties shall be paid to the bau-a port-clearance, and the Consul shall then return the kers, authorized by the Chinese Government to re-ship's papers, so that she may depart on her voyage. Art. XLII. With respect to articles subject, ceive the same in its behalf, either in sycee or in foreign money, according to the assay made at Canton according to the Tarif, to an ad valorem duty, if the on the thirteenth of July, one thousand eight huu-British merchant cannot agree with the Chinese ofli- dred and forty-three.

cer in affixing a value, then each party shall call two Art. XXXIV. Sets of standard weights and or three merchants to look at the goods, and the measures, prepared according to the standard issued highest price at which any of these merchants would to the Canton Custom-house by the Board of Revenue, be willing to purchase them, shall be assumed as the shall be delivered by the Superintendent of Customs value of the goods. to the Consul at each port, to secure uniformity and prevent confusion.

Art. XLIII.-Duties shall be charged upon the net weight of each article, making a deduction for Art. XXXV-Any British merchant-vessel ar- the tare weight of conger, &c. To fix the tare on riving at one of the open ports shall be at liberty to any articles such as ten, if the British merchant engage the services of a pilot to take her into port. cannot agree with the Custom-house officer, then each In like manner, after she has discharged all legal party shall choose so many chests out of every hun- dues and duties, and is ready to take her departure,dred, which being first weighed in gross, shall after- she shall be allowed to select a pilot, to conduct her wards be tared, and the average are upon these chests shall be assumed as the ture upon the whole; out of port.

Art. XXXVI. Whenever a British merchant-and upon this principle shall the tare be fixed upon vessel shall arrive off one of the open parts, the Su-all other goods and packages. If there should be perintendent of Customs shall depute one or more any other points in dispute which cannot be settled, Customs allicers to guard the ship. They shall the British merchant may appeal to his Consul, who either five in a boat of their own or stay an hard will communicate the particulars of the ease to tho the ship, as may best suit their convenience. Their Superintendent of Customs, that it may be equitably food and expenses shall ho supplied thein from the arranged. But the appeal must be made within Custom-house, and they shall not be entitled to any twenty-four hours or it will not be attended to. fees whatever from the master or consignee. Should While such points are still unsettled, the Superin they violate this regulation, they shadi be punished tendent of Customs shall postpone the insertion of

the same in his books. proportionately to the amount exacted.

Art. XXXVII.-Within twenty-four hours after AR. XLIV. Upon all damaged goods a fair arrival, the ship's papers, bills of lading, &c., shall reduction of duty shall be allowed, proportionate to be lodged in the hands of the Coman, who will their deterioration. If any disputes arise, they shall within a further period of twenty-four hours, report he settled in the manner pointed out in the clause of to the Superintendent of Customs the one of the this Treaty having reference to articles which pay ship, her register tonnage, and the nature of her duty ad reforem, cargo. 16, owing to neglect on the part of the master,

Art. XIV-Dritish merchants who may have

the above rule is not complied with, within forty-imported merchandizo into any of the open ports, eight hours after the ship's arrival, he shall be liable and paid the duty thereon, if they desire to re-export to a fine of fifty taels for every day's delay: the the same, shall be entitled to make application to tot amount of penalty, however, shall not exceed the Superintendent of Castonts, who, in order to prevent fraud on the revenue, shall cause examina- two hundred tuels.

The master will be responsible for the correctuesa tion to be made by suitable officers, to see that the of the manifest, which shall contain a full and true duties paid on such goods, as entered in the Custom- account of the particulars of the cargo on board. For house books, correspond with the representation presenting a false manifest. he will subject himself made, and that the goods remain with their original to a fine of five linndred taels; but he will be allow-marks unchanged. He shall then make a memoran- ed to correct, within twenty-four hours after delivery dum on the port-clearance of the goods, and of the of it to the Customs allicers, any mistake he may amount of duties puid, and deliver the same to the discover in his manifest, without incurring this pou- merchant; and shall also certify the facts to the officers of Castoms of the other ports. All which alty.

  Art. XXXVIII-After receiving from the Con- being done, on the arrival in port of the vessel in sul the report in due form, the Superintendent of which the goods aru Inden, everything being found Customs shall grant the vessel a peruit to open hatou examination there to correspond, sho shall be ches. If the master shall open hitches, and begin to permitted to break bulk, and land the said goods, with- discharge any goods without such permission, he shall out being subject to the payment of any additional



duty thereon. But it on such examinations, the fand advantages conferred on them to po vệ xT Superintendent of Customs shall detect any fraud on ties; and it is hely expressly újadatok, that the the revenue in the case, then the gools shall be sub-British Governuwut and its subjects will be at and

free and equal participation in all pulyıl ara ina sais ject to continention by the Chinese Government.

British merchants desiring to re-export duty-paid ties, and advantages that may have lion, or may be imports to a foreign country, shall be entitled, on hereafter, granteil by His Majesty the Hampeni of complying with the same conditions as in the case of China to the Government or subjects of any other re-exportation to another port in China, ton draw-nation.

Art. LV. In evidence of her desire fur the con- back-certificate, which shall be a valid tender to the

tinuance of a friendly understanding, Her Majesty Customs in paynunt of import or export duties.

Foreign grain brought into any port of China in a the Queen of Great Britain consents to include in a British ship, if no part thereof has been landeu, may separate Articie, which shall be in every respect of equal validity with the Articles of this Treaty, the be re-exported without hindrance.

Art. XLVI. The Chinese authorities at each port conditions affecting indemnity for expenses incurred shall adopt the means they may judge most proper to and losses sustained ia the matter of the Canon prevent the revenue sudering from fraud or smuggling. question.

Art. LVI-The ratifications of this Treaty, under

Art. XLVII-British merchant-vessels are not entitled to resort to other than the ports of trade the hand of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain declared open by this Trenty. They are not unlaw-and Ireland, and His Majesty the Emperor of China, faily to enter other ports in China, or to carry on respectively, shall be exchanged at Peking, within a clandestine trade along the coasts thereof. Any year from this day of signature.

In token whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries vessel violating this provision, shall, with her cargo,

be subject to coufiscation by the Chinese Government. have signed and sealed this Treaty,

Art. XLVIII-If any British merchant-vessel be Done at Tientsin, this twenty-sixth day of June, concerned in singgling, the gouds, whatever their in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred value or nature, shall be subject to confiscation by the and fifty-eight; corresponding with the Chinese date, Chinese authorities, and the ship may be prohibited the sixteenth day, fifth moon," of the eighth year of from trading further, and sent away as soon as her accounts shall have been adjusted and paid.

Art. XLIX. All penalties enforced, or confisca- tions made, under this Treaty, shall belong and be appropriated to the public service of the Government of China.

lien Fung.


(L.S.) Signature of First Chinese Plenipotentiary.


Scal of the Chinese Plenipotentiarica.

Signature of Second Chineso Plonipotentiary,

Separata Articles anncard to the Trendy concluded between Great Britain and China, un the twenty- sixth day of June, in the year and thoumenck eight kundred ami fifty-eight.

Art. L-all official communications, addressed by the Diplomatic and Consular Agents of Her Majesty the Queen ta thu Chinese authorities, shall, kengetortli, be written in English. They will for the present be accompanied by a Chinese version, but it is under- stood that, in the event of there being any difference!

It is hereby agreed that a sam of two millions of of meaning between the English and Chinese text, the English Government will hold the sense as ex-taels, ou accent of the losses sustained by British pressed in the English text to be the correct sense, subjects through the misconduct of the Chinese This provision is to apply to the Treaty now negoti-anthorities at Canton, and a farther sum of two ated, the Chinese text of which has been carefully millions of tnels on account of the military expenses corrected by the English original.

of the expedition which Her Majesty the Queen lus Art. 1.It is "agreed, that henceforward the been compelled to send out for the purpose of obtain- Character "1" (barbarian) shall not being redress, and of entoring the due alservance of Treaty provisions; shall be paid to Her Majesty's appliosk to the Government or subjects of Her Britannic Representative in China by the authorities of the Majesty, in any Chinese official document issued by Kwang Tang province. the Chinese authorities either in the capital or in the provinces.

The necessary arrangements with respect to the time and the mude of effecting these payments slail Art. LII.--British ships of war coming for no be determined by Her Majesty's Representative, in hostile purpose, or being engaged in the pursuit of concert with the Chinese authorities of Kwang Tung. pirates, shall be at liberty to visit all ports within When the above amounts shall have been dis the dominions of the Emperor of China, and shall charged in full, the Britial forces will be withdrawn receive every facility for the purchase of provisions, from the city of Canton. procuring water, and, if occasion require, for the naking of repairs. The Commanders of such ships shall hold intercourse with the Chinese authorities, on terms of equality and courtesy.

Art. Lill-In consideration of the injury sustain- ed by native and foreigu commerso from the preval- ence of piracy in the seas of China, the high cou tracting parties agree to concert measures for its suppression

Art. LIV. The British Government and its sub- jects are hereby confirmed in all privileges, immanities,

Done nt Tientsin, this twenty-sixth day of June, in the your of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, corresponding with the Chinese date, the sixteenth day, lifth moon, of the eighth year of 11ien Fang.


(1) Bignature

of First Chinese Plonipotentiary.


of the Chinesa PienipotentRATION.

Signature of Secund Chinese Plempotentiary.



CLES 26 AND 28 OF THE TREATY OF Cloves, Mother,...

                        | Coul, Foreign,.. TIENTSIN.


Signed at ShangHae, NOVEMBER Oтn, 1856 Coral,. Whereas it was provided, by the Treaty of Tien-Cordnge. Manila,.......... win, that a conference should be held at Shanghae Cornelians... between Officers deputed by the British Government


1. m. c.

.per 100 enttien


100 eatties catty

5 0 0 0

0 1 0 0

100 cutties 0 350

100 stones

0 3 0 0

100 catties


0 3 5 0



0 0 0 0

overy 10 yds, 0 0 2 0

Beads, 19 on the one part, and by the Chinese Government on Cotton, Raw,........... the other part, for the purpose of determining the Cotton Piece Gooda,- Grey, White, Plain, & amount of tariff-duties and transit-dues to be hence-

                        Twilled exceeding 34 forth levied, a conference has been held accordingly)

                              in. wide, and not ex- and its proceedings having been submitted to the

ceeding 40 yds, long, " Right Honorable the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, High Commissioner and Plenipotentiary of Her Ma- do, exceeding 31 in. wide and exceeding 40 yds. jesty the Queen, on the one part; and to Kweiliang,

                        long,.......... Hwashana, Ho Kweitsing, Mingsher, and Twan Chinushib, High Commissioners and Plenipotentiaries of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor, on the other part, these High Officers have agreed and determined upon the revised Tariff hereto appended, the rate of transit-dues therewith declared, ingether with other Rules and Regulations for the better explanation of the Treaty aforesaid; and do hereby agree that the said Tariff and Itules-the latter being in ten Arti- cles thereto appended-shall be equally binding on the Governments and subjects of both countries with the Treaty itself.

In witness whereof, they hereto affix their Seals and Signatures,

      Done at Shanghae, in the Province of Kiangan, this eighth day of November in the year of Cur Lord eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, being the third day, of the tenth moon, of the eighth year of the reign of Hien-fung.


Bent of



Signatures of the Five Chinese Plonipotentiaries.



Drills and Jeans, not exceeding 30 in. wide, and not exceeding 40 yds, long................. do, not exceeding 30 in. wide, and not exceed- ing 30 yards long

T-Cloths, not exccel- ing 34 in. wide, and not exceeding 48 yds. long......


0 1 0 0

0 0 7 5



od as in Figter pr 300 eatti Metals-Iron Kentledge,



0 0 3 5 d., Lend, in Pigs.......... do.. in Sheets........





0 200

Cotton Ginghams, not ex- cording 28 in. wide. and not exceeding 30 yds. long................... Culton Handkerchiefs, not exceeding 1 yd. square,.......... Cotton Fustians, not ex- ceeding 35 yds. long. Cotton Velveteens, not

exceeding 34 yds. long,,, Cotton Thread,...............-


Cow Bezoar, Indian,..... Cutch.......

| do., (Quicksilver...........

0 0 2 5 do,Speiter, (saleable nuly under Regulation op- pended,).

dn., Steel, ....

0150 d., Tin...............................COM

100 enttics 0 7 2 0 do., Tin Plates.............



Aiother-o'-Pearl Shell,... "

Musical Boxes.....

0 1 8 0 Mussels, Dried,...

4000 Nutmegs......

0 0

02 50


0 250



1 2 5 0

04 00

5 per cent ad valorem 100 catties




01 80


30 0 0 0

0 3 6 0

0 5 0 0

0 3 GO

0 6 0 0


0 150

* 19


1 0 0 0

3000 Olives, Unpickled, Salted



100 catties

Elephants Teeth, Whole.







haudred 100 catties

0 4 0 0

or Pickled..... Opium.................




Feathers, Kingfisher's,

Peacock's... Fishmaws,... Fish-skins.....




0 0 8 0

Glass, Window



do., not exceeding 34 in. wide, and not excred- ing 24 yds. long................ " Cotton Dyed, Figured &

Plain, not exceeding 36 in. wide, and not exceeding 10 yds. long Colton, Fancy, White Brocades and White Spotted Shirtings, not exceeding 36 in. wide, and not exceeding 40

Cotton, Printed, Chintzes

and Furnitures, not ex- eceding 3 in. wide, & nut exceeding 30 ydn long.........

Cotton Cambrics, not ex-

ceeding 46 in. wide, &


T. m. c. c.


per 100 cutties


0150 0650


Beeswax, Yellow,..........

1 0 0 0



0 150

not exceeding 24 yds.



Biche-de-amar, Black............. "

1 5 0 0




Birdnests, 1st quality......


0 5 5 0

2d 3d




Buttons, Brass,................................... 11 Camphor, Ekarous, clean............



refuse, "


Canvas and Cotton Duck


not exceeding 50 yds. long.................................... Cardamoms, Superior,... "

Juferior, or

100 cattios


Urains of Paradiso, a m Cinnamon,.........Open 19 Clock,.......JATI HIND 5 per cent Cloves,

................per 100 cullies


0 450


0 0 5 5 1300 07 20

0400 1 0 0 0

0 5 0 0 1500 sul volurem 0 3 0 0

do., not exceeding 46 in. wide, & not exceeding 12 yds. long,................. 15. Cotton Muslins, not ex- ceeding 46 in. wide, and not exceeding 24 yds. long..................... ŋ do, not exceeding 40 in.

wide, nud not exceeding

12 yds, long................ 19 Cotton Damasks, not ex- ceeding 36 in. wide,

and not exceeding 10

yds. long...............

Colton Dinities, or Quilt.

ings, not exceeding 10

in. wide, and not ex-

ceeding 12 yds, long, - ››






1 0 0 0 Pepper, Black, 0 200 0030 Prawns, Dried,. 0150 Puteluck...

600 Rone Maloes....

1000 Rattana....

B000 Salt Fish,.....



Ginseng, Amer. Crude............ 11


Gold Thread, Real.........

Imitation, "

Gam, Benjamin........


Oil of,.

Dragon's Blood.... Myrrh........


Hides, Buffalo and Cow, Rhinoceros.***

box of 100 sq. f.0 1 5 0 Saltpetre, (Baleable only 0150 under Regulation ap-

pended)................................... "

0 0 3 0 Sandalwood............................ 0600 Sapanwood,.......................................... 06 0 0 Seahorse Teeth....ma at 0 450 Sharks' Fins, Black,................ 1

White,...... 045 0


0 1 0 0

100 entties

0 5 0 0


0 4 0 0



0 1 0 0

100 cattics




2 0 0 0


0 5 0 0



1 5 0 0




0 4 6 0 Shark's Skins,............ # 0500 Silver Thread, Real.......... 04 20 14


200 U


1 3 0 0


0 0 3 0



0 1 0 0

Horns, Buttalo................. ***** 19 Deer......**** 11 Rhinoceros......men

0 250 Sinews, Buffalo and Deer..

100 catties

0 550


01 & 0


0 0 7 5

2 0 0 0


01 50

0 1 8 0

0 150

0 0 7 0

0 0 7 0




0 0 75

0 0 3 5


0 200


Indigo, Liquid,....... a 19.


Lacquered Ware,......... Leather.......




0250 Skins, Fox, large..........each

065 0

1000 0420

Sea Otter, ..................






Tiger and Leopard, "

1 5 0 0


per hundred 500 U


Doc, Hare and Rabbit,





Squirrel, ....................** 31



Land Utter,... 10 lacoon



100 cattics 1600

7 200



100 catties 0 0 8 5 Sticklac,




Lingu, fine, as Irish or Scotch, not exceeding 50 yds. long................................. ¶ do., care, as Linen and Colton, or Silk and Linen mixtures, not ex- ceeding 50 yds. long... " Lucraban Seed.............

Mangrove Bark,.... Metals, Copper, manu- factured, as in Sheets Rods, Nails,... .................. do., Copper unmanufac


tured as in Slabs......... do., Copper Yellow Me- tal. Sheathing, and Nails,........

do., Cuppur Japmi,............... do. Iron manufactured, asin Sheets, Rods Bara nap............................ do,, Icon, uumanufactur-



Smults, .....

0 2 0 0 Snulf, Foreign, 3

1 0 0 0 Stockfish,..

0030 Sulphur and Brimstone,

(saleable only under Regulation uppended.)

100 Telescopes, Spy and Ope-

1 0 0 0

0 9 0 0

06 0.0

0 1 2 5

ra Glasses, Looking Classes and Mirrors, Tigers' Bonon...**** Timber, Masts and Spars, Ilard-wood, not ex- ceeding 40 f.......... do., Masts and Spars,

Hard-wonil, mut eurling til ft...


da, Musta and Spars,

0300 0500

0 2 0 0


& per cent. ad valorem " per 100 catties | $50





T.m. c. c

Timber, exceeding 60 ft.

Soft-wood, not

,, exceeding 40 ft....... 60 A........


  exceeding 60 f... Beams, Hard-wood,

not exceeding 26 ft., long, and under 12in. aquare,

       Planks, Hard-wood, not exceeding 24 ft., long, 12in. wide, and 3in. thick,...

not exceed-


ing 16 ft. long, 12in.

wide, and Sin. thick...................


10 0 0 0


T.m. e. c.

2000 Alum, -

per 100 cutties

0 0 45

45 00


Green ur Copperns,


6 5 0 0 Aniseed Star,


U 500


100 culties






Apricot Seeds, or Al-

0 1 5 0



0 450

(round-nuta, ....




045 0

Ginseng, Native....

Corean or Japan,

Tat quality....

.. 20

.per 5 per cent, ad valorem Peppermint Leaf.............

Glass Beads, ..................................... w

or Vitrified Ware,

Grasscloth, Fine............................. *



0500 Pictures and Paintings...rach

on Pither Rice Paper,...


0100 Rattann, Split,..

T. m. c. c.

43 15 11








0500 Pottery, Earthenware.... " 2600 Preserves, Comfits, and

100 cutites





Artificial Flowers,


per hundred




Soft-wood,... ** Teak............. #

cubic foot

0 0 3 5



Tortoise Shell...............

broken, .................................

Velvots, nor exceeding 34

yards long................................... per

100 catties

0 3 6 0




0 250

Bone and Horu Ware......

0 0 7 2









piece pair

0 1 8 0


1 0 0 0


émaillées à perles,


Wax, Japan,

100 catties

Woods, Camngon,





Ebony.......... # Garroo,

0 150 Carpets and Druggets,


0 450









3500 Bungles or Glass Armlets,,,


Beans and Peas, (except

1,000 sq. ft. 0 7 0 0 Bean Cake, (except from

Newchwang and Tang- chow,)

Brusa Buttonų... ....................

Bamboo Wure, ....................... 14

1500 0750

Gypsum, Ground,


0 0 3 0 Rattan Wure, ............................. st





Plaster of Paris..........................


0030 Rice or Paddy, Wheat,


0 5 0 0

Hair, Camel's....... 99 Goat's,....................... #

1 0 0 0





0 18 0 Grains,


form Newchwang and Taugehow.)



05 60 Rugs of Hair or Skin,ench

0 0 90

0 0 6 0

Hartall, or Orpiment....

0 3 5 0 Samahoo,.




0350 Sandalwood Ware, ............. *



0900 Seaword,

100 catties 0150

salty 100 catties 0150



0035 15 00

300 U

Horn, Deer's Young,...


0900 Sesamum Seed,





100 cattics

India Ink,

1 5 0 0


1 0 0 0

1 1 5 0

0 7 5 0

4 5 0 0 Canes, ...................

0 6 6 0 Cantharides,....

0 0 8 0 Capoor Cutchery,........................... ...

2000 Cassin Lignen,

100 cattion 0 600



100 cattien 2000

030 U


3 5 0 0


Fragrant, " Kranjec, 35 feet

long, Ift 8in. wide, and 1ft, thick...................... Woods, Laka,...........................


       Red,... 14 Woollen Manufactures,

viz: Blankets,......................... 19 Woollen Broadcloth and Spanish Stripes, Habit and Medium Cloth, 51 a 64in, wide............. Woollen Long Ells, 31in,

wide........... Woollen Camlets, English,

Sin. wide,................... | Woollen Camlets, Duteb, 93in. wide........... Woollen Camlets, Imita-

tion and Bonhazettes, " WoollenCassineers, l'lan- nel and Narrow Cloth, Woollen Lastings, 81in.



Woollen Lastings, Imita- tion and Orleana, 34in. wide.................................... Woollen Bunting, not ex. ceeding 24in, wide, 40yda, long.......................... Woollen and Cotton Mixtures, vix: Lustres, Plain and Brocaded, not exceeding 31yds. long, " Woollen Inferior Spanish

Stripes...... Woollen Yaru,


100 catlies

0800 Castor Oil.. 0145 Chestnuts,

0 11 China Root,..

Chinaware, Fine,



0 200


Clothing Cotton,..........................



0 1 2 0 Conl..


0 0 4 5 Copper Ore,

Sheating Old.....

and Pewter Ware, Cornia Fulse............... 0100 Cotton Raw....

0 0 5 0


0 0 3 5 Cow Bezoar,....

Crackers, Fireworks, ....... "


100 catties

0 5 0 0

0 0 4 0 Cubeba,

1 5 0 0



Curiosities, Antiques.......... "

0 0 50 Dates, Black,

5 per cent. ad valorem 100 catties

01 5 0


U OD 0


catty thousand

0 8 0 0



0 7 5 0





Dye, Green.....

0036 Egg, Preserved..........

Fans, Fenthor,...


Paini Lenf, trim.

Felt Cuttings,



0 200



untrimmed, "


0 200

100 catties

0 2 0 0


Fungus, or Agaric..................... w

100 cattien



100 Galangul..........

100 caltiss

3000 Garlic,


0 80 V



Leather Articles, a

9 0 0 0


0 2 0 0


0 1 0 0




01 3 0


0 4 5 0

0 7 6 0

1 5 0 0

10 0 0 0

004 U

0 5 0 0

0 5 0 0

115 0

0 350

0 3 5 0


0 9 6 0

Indigo Dry....

Ivory Ware,.................... y Joss-sticks.....

Kittysola, or Paper Um-


Lacquered Ware, comme ty Lamp-wicks,........................ Lead, Red, (Minium,)... White (Cerus)... Yellow (Massicot)

Pouches, Purses, ****** ** Leather Green...................... Lichces,

Lily Flowers, Dried,... 1,

Seeds or Lotus Nuts, Liquorice,.......



without the Stone,

Manure Cakes, or Pou-



Marble Slab,........................** **

Mate of all kinds....


Ribbons and Thread,

Piece Goods-Ponge-

1500 cm, Showis, Scarfs, Crupe, 1800 Satin, Gnuze, Velvet, and 0200 Embroidered Conds..................... ... "Szechuen & Shantung, w

0 2 7 0



0 250


" Caps,

and Cotton Afixtures,

0350 Silver and Gold Ware....


100 atties 0 0 9 0 Soy,....


hundred roll of 40 yds.

0 2 0 0

0 2 0 0 Straw Braid, 0 2 0 0 Sugar, Brown....


100 catties







Melon Seed.............

Mother-o-Pearl Ware,...,





Nankeen and Native Cot


01 5 0

100 catties

0 200

1 3 5 0 Shoes and Boots, Leather

or Satin, .... 4000

1 0 0 0 Shoes, Straw,.....

Silk, Raw and ThrowT

,,Yellow, from Szechuen,






100 catties 10 0 0 0


hundred 100 cattics 1 0 0 0

0 500

0 6 0 0

Reeled from dupions, " Wild Raw,.......... * "Refuse, ............... m


5 0 0 0




1 0 0 0




0 3 5 0

Floss, Canton,



0 3 5 0

frum other Provinces, "

10 0 0 0



10 0 0 0

0 3 & 0




12 0 0 0


10 0 0 0




100 castion



10 0 0 0


0 8 0 0


0 7 0 0


03 GO


1 2 5 0

0 1 0 0


ton Cloths, ............................... } Nutgalls,

Oil, as Boan, Tos, Wood,

Cotton, and


Oiled Paper,...

Olive Seed,


Oyator-shells, Sca-shells.

Paint, Groen, .............

Palampore, or Cotton



0 100 Tallow, Animal................ * 100 catties 1500 "

0 9 0 0 Ten................

Tin Foil,.....

100 calties 1 5 0 0 Tobacco, prepared,...................... ..

Tortoise-shell Ware,...

Trunks, Leather............

0 1 2 0

0 2 0 0


0 200



per 100 calties 1 250



0 5 0 0






100 catties

1 5 0 0

0 300 Turmeric......

0 1 0 0



0 3 0 0







0090 Turnips, Salted. 0450 Varnish, or Crude Lac-






2750 Vermicelli,



1 500





0 10Wool, ..........



per 100 catties




Papor, 1st quailty....... ...


Pearls False,

Peol, Orange. ....................................

Pumclo, lat quality



100 cattica


0450 Twine Hemp, Canton......

0700 Verruilion

0 4 0 0 War, White or Insect, 2000 Wood, Piles, Poles, and 0300 Joists,

0450 Wood Ware



them in the list of exports.


British subjects to ship it at one of the open ports of RVLR 1, Unenumerated tivods,-Articles not enn-China to another, on compliance with the following merated in the list of exports, but enumerated in the Regulation: The shipper shall give notice of the list of imports, when exported, will pay the amount ount of cash he desires to ship, and the port of its of duty set against them in the list of importe; and destination, and shall bind himself, either by a bond similarly, articles not enumerated in the list of im-with two sufficient sureties, or by depositing such ports, but enumerated in the list of exports, when other security as may be deemed by the Customs imported, will pay the amount of duty set against satisfactory, to return, within six months from the date of clearance, to the collector at the port of ship- Articles not enumerated in the list, nor in either ment, the certificate issued by him, with an acknow- list of duty-five goods, will pay an ad valorem duty ledgement thereon of the receipt of the cash at the port of destination, by the collector at that port, who of 5 per cent, calculated on their market value.

RULE 2, Duty-Free Goods-Gold and silver bul-shall thereto affix his seal; or, failing the production of the certificate, to forfeit a sum equal in value to lion, foreign coius, flour, Indian meal, mago, biscuit, pre- the cash shipped, Cash will pay no duty inwards or served meats and vegetables, cheese, butter, confection- mery, foreign clothing, jewellery, plated-ware, per- outwards; but a freight or part freight of cash, though finners, snap of all kinds, charcoal, fire-woud, candles 10 other cargo be on board, will render the vessel (foreign), tobacco (foreign), cigar■(foreign), wine, beer, carrying it liable to pay tomage dues.

                     3. The export of rice and all other grain what- spirits, household stores, ships stores, personal soever, native or foreign, no matter were grown or Laggnge, stationery, carpeting, druggeting, cutlery, whence imported, to any foreign port, is prohibited; foreign medicines, and glass and crystal ware.

The above pay no import or export duty, but, if but these commodities inay be carried by British transported into the interior, will, with the exception merchants from one of the open ports of China to of personal baggage, guld and silver bullion, and another, under the same conditions in respect of foreign coins, pay a trusit duty at the rate of 24 security ns cash, ou payment at the port of shipment

of the duty specified in the Tariff. per cent ad valorem.

A freight, or part freight of duty-free commodities (personal baggage, gold and silver bullion, and foreign coins, excepted) will render the vessel carrying them, though no other cargo be on board, liable to tonnuge


No import duty will be leviable on rice or grain; but a freight, or part freight of rice or grain, though no other cargo be on board, will render the vessel importing it liable to tonnage-dues.

4. Pulse.The export of pulse and bean-cake from Tang-chau and Newelwang, under the British RULE 3. Contraband Goods-Import and export flag, is prohibited. From any other of the ports they trade is alike prohibited in the following articles-nay be shipped, on payment of the tariff duty, either gunpowder, shot, cannon, fowling-pieces, rifles, mus to other parts of China, or to foreign countries. keta, pistols, and all other munitions and implements 5. Salipetro, sulphur, brimstone, and spelter, being munitions of war, shall not be imported by British

of war, und salt.

 RULE 4, Weights and Measures-In the calcula-subjects, save at the requisition of the Chinese Gov- tions of the Tariff, the weight of a picul of one huu-erniment, or for sale to Chinese duly authorised to dred catties is held to be equal to one hundred purchase them. No permit to land them will be and thirty three and one-third pounds avoirdu-issued, until the Customs have proof that the neces puis; and the length of a chang of ten Chinese feet, sary authority has been given to the purchaser. It to be equal to one hundred and forty-one English


One Chinese chih is held to equal fourteen and one-tenth inches English; and four yards English loss three inches, to equal one chang,

shall not be lawful for British subjects to carry these commodities up the Yang-tsze-kizuig, or into any port other than those open to the seaboard, nor to accom- pany them into the interior on behalf of Chinese. They must be sold at the ports only, and, except at the ports, they will be regarded as Chinese property. Infractions of the conditions, as above set forth, under which trade in opium, cash, grain, pulse, salt-

RULE 5, Regarding certain Commodities hereto- fore Contraband-The restrictions affecting trade in opium, cash, grain, pulse, sulphur, brimstone, saltpette, and spelter, are relaxed, under the following condi-putre, brimstone, sulphur, and spelter may be hence- forward curried on, will be punishable by confiscation


1. Opium will henceforth pay thirty tacls per of all the goods concerned. picul import duty. The importer will sell it only at

                   RULE 6, Liability of Vessels entering Purt To the port. It will be carried into the interior by the prevention of misunderstanding, it is agreed that Chinese only, and only as Chinese property; the the term of twenty-four hours, within which British foreign truder will not be allowed necompany it. The vessels must be reported to the Consul under Article provisions of Article IX, of the Treaty of Tien-tain, XXXVII. of the Treaty of Tien-tsin, shall be under- by which British subjects are authorized to proceed stood to commence from the timo a British vessel into the interior with passports to trade, will not comes within the limits of the port; na, also the term extend to it, nor will those of Artíclo XXVIII. of of forty-eight hours allowed her by Article XXX. of the same Treaty, by which the transit-dues aro re-the saine Treaty to remain in port without payment gulated. The transit-dues on it will be arranged as of tonnage-dues the Chinese Goverument we fit; not, in futură revi sions of the Tariff, is the same rule of revision to be applied to opium as to other goods.

2. Copper Cush. The export of cash to any oreign port is prohibited; but it shall be lawful for


The limits of the ports shall be defined by the Customs, with all consideration for the convenience of trade, compatible with due protection of the reve- nae; also the limits of the anchorages within which fading and discharging is permitted by the Customs;

and the same shall be notified to the Consuls for Į paid its tramit dues, will her er farsel for Vp 47 estimuus

until the transit dues stall have beca para public information.

RULx 7, Transit Dues.-It is agreed that Article) above being the sung mount agreed to tepalug Gar XXVIII. of the Treaty of Tien-tsiù shall be interpre- transit dum, which will thus be levied men uni ter ted to declare the amounts of transit dues legallyall, the notification required under Artide XXVIII. leviable upon inerchandise imported ur exported by of the Treaty of Tieu-tsin, for the information of British subjects, to be one half of the tariff duties, British and Chinese subjects, is hereby dispensed except in the case of the duty-free goods liable to a with.

Rox 8, Foreign Trade under Pasqurl.-It is transit-duty of 24 per cent ad valorem, as provided

in Article II. of these Rules. Merchandise shall be agreed that Article IX. of the Treaty of Tien-tin cleared of its transit dues under the following condi-whall not be interpreted authorising firitish subjects tions:-

to enter the capital city of l'eking, fur purposes of trade.

In the case of Importa-Notice bein, given at the port of entry, from which the Imports are to be

ROLE 9, Abolition of the Meltage Fee.-It is forwarded inland, of the nature and quantity of the goods, the ship from which they have been landeti agreed that the percentage of one kiel two mice, and the place inland to which they are bound, with hitherto charged in excess of duty payments, to defray all other necessary particulars, the Collector of Cu-the expenses of melting by the Chinese Government, toms, will, qn due inspection made, and on receipt of shall be no longer levied on British subjects.

RULE 10, Collection of Dutis under one System at the transit duty due, issuto a transit-duty certificate. This must be produced at every barrier station, and all Peris. It being, by Treaty, at the option of the Discd. No further duty will be leviable upon imports Chinese Government to adopt what means appear to ao certificated, no matter how distant the place of it best suited to protect its revenue accruing on British trade, it is agreed that une uniform system In the case of Exports-Produce purchased by a shail be enforced at every port.

their destination.

British subject in the interior will be inspected, and The high oflicer appointed by the Chinese Gov- taken account of, at the first burrier it passes on its ernment to superintend foreign trade, will, accord- way to the port of shipment. A nemorandum, show-

ing the amount of the produce, and the port at which ingly, from time to time, either himself visit, or will send a deputy to visit the different ports. The said it is to be shipped, will be deposited there by the high officers will be at liberty, of his own choice, aud person in charge of the produce; he will then receive independently of the suggestion or nomination of any a certifiente, which must be exhibited and vised at British authority, to select ang British subject he every barrier, on his way to the port of shipment. may see fit to aid him in the administration of the On the arrival of the produce at the barrier nearest Customs revenue, in the prevention of smuggling, the port, notice must be given to the Customs at the in the definition of port boundaries, or in discharging port, and the transit dues dhe tharvon being paid, it the duties of harbour-master; also in the distribution of lights, boys, beacons, and the like, the mainte- will be passed. On exportation the produce will puy the tariff duty,


The Chinese Government will adopt what measures it shall find quisite to prevent amuggling upon the Yang-taze-king, when that river shall be opened

Any attempt to pass goods inwards or outwards,ce of which shall be provided for out of the otherwise than in compliance with the rule here laid down, will render thein liable to confiscation.

Unauthorised sale, in transitu, of goods that have been entered as above for a port, will render them Jiable to confiscation. Any attempt to pass goods in excess of the quantity specified in the certificate, will render all the goods of the same denomination named in the certificate, liable to confiscation, Permission! to export produce, which cannot be proved to have

to trade.


Soal of Chineso Planipotentlaries

Signature of Five linesO I'lenipotentiarios.


France, Baron Ciros, who, having communicated to each other their full powers, and finding the same to be iu proper order, now append the Articles of the Convention, as by them determined.


Art. L-is Imperial Majesty the Emperor of and France, being domirous to resume the amicable relations that of yore existed, and to effect a peaceable China deeply regrets that the Representative of His settlement of the points in which their Claveruments Imperial Majesty the Emperor of France, when on disagree, have for this purpose appointed Plauipoten-his way, in 1850, to Peking for the purpose of ex- taries, that is to say:-itis Imperial Majesty the changing Treaty Ratifications, should have been ob- Emperor of China, His Imperial àlighness the Prince |structed on his arrival at Taku by the soldiers that

13 of Kung, and Ilis Imperial Majesty the Emperor of were there.




Art. J.-The Representative of Ilis Imperial the port of Tion-txin, in the province of Chili-le, shall Majesty the Emperor of France, when visiting Pekingbe opened to trade on the same conditions the the The provisions of the present Conven- to exchange Treaty Ratifications, shall, whether on other ports.

the way or at the capital, be treated by all Chinese tion shall take effect from the day on which it is signed, no separate Ratification of the same being officials with the highest consideration.

[Literally, shall receive from all Chinese offi- necessary: they shall be observed and enforced just cials the most polite and most considerate treatment na if forming part of the text of the Treaty of Tien-tain. due to an Ambassador, so that he may without pre- And on the receipt of Five hundred thousand taela at Tien-tain, the French forces, Naval and Military', judice assert his position, authority, or rights."]

Art. 1. The provisions of the Tien-tain Trenty shall retire from Tien-tain and occupy the two ports of 1858 and of the Supplementary Articles, except of Taku and Yen-tac (Chefno), where they are to in so far as modified by the present Convention, remain until the payment in full of the Indemnity,

hall, without delay, come into operation, as soon as upon which the French forces, at whatever places the Ratifications of the Treaty aforesaid shall have stationed, shall oue and all be withdrawn from Chi- nese territory; but the Naval and Military Com- been exchanged.

Art. IV. The fourth Article of the Treaty con-manders in Chief may encamp soldiers for the winter cluded at Tien-tsin in the year 1858, by which it was in Tien-tsin, and on the payment of the ready money provided that an Indemnity of Two Millions of Tacle indemnity [P the Ta. 500.000 to be paid on 30th should by paid by the Chinese Government, is hereby Nov. at Tien-tsin] the force shall retire from Tien-tain. Art. VIIL-On the exchange of the Ratificatious annulled; and it is agreed, in the stond thereof, that

the amount of the Indemnity shall be Eight Millions of the Treaty of 1858, Chusan shall at once be eva- of Tacis. [Of that suin] the Canton Customs last cuated by the French forces now stationed there; year paid Three hundred and thirty three thousand and on the payment in full of the sum of Five hun- three hundred and thirty three taels; the remainder dred thousand Taels for which this Convention pro- (Tls. 7,666,666) shall be collected from the various vides-with the exception of (that portion of) the Custom-houses, which shall pay quarterly one-fifth of force which, being about to winter at Tientsin, will the duties received by them, and the first quarterly remain there for a time, and which it is considered payment shall be due on the 31st December 1860. inconvenient to at once withdraw, as is stated in The payments may be in either Hae-kwan Sycee or the seventh Article, the various forces occupying foreign cuin, and shall be made to either tho Repre- Tien-tain shall be withdrawn from that city, and shall sentative of France resident in China, or the Officer retire to the Taku forts, the North Coast of Tangchow by him deputed. But, on or before the 30th and the city of Cauton, where they will be stationed November, there shall be paid at Tien-tsin a sum of until the Indemnity of Eight Millions of Tacle, gun- Five hundred thousand Taels. The French Repremutced by this Convention, shall have been paid in sentative and the Chinese ligh Officers shall, here- full: the occupant forces, as above referred to, shall after, respectively appoint deputies to consult together, then be entirely withdrawn, and arrange the manner in which the instalments aro to be paid and receipts granted.

Art. IX. On the exchange of the Ratification

of the Treaty of 1858, fis Imperial Majesty, the Art. V. The money to be paid by China is on Emperor of China will by Decree, notify to the Iligh account of French military expenditure, and losses Authorities of every Province, that Chinese choosing Bustained by French merchants and others under to take service in the French Colonies, or other ports (French) protection, whose hungs and chattels at beyond sea, are at perfect liberty to enter into engage Canton were burnt and plundered by the populace, ments with French subjects for that purpose, and The French Government will at a future period divide to ship themselves and their families on board any the money in fair proportions among such sufferers-vessol at any of the open ports of China; also that the amount to be appropriated for the losses and in-the High Authorities aforesaid shall, in concert with juries incurred by such French subjects and others the Representative in China of Ilis Imperial Majesty protected, to be One Million of Taels, The remainder the Emperor of France, frame such regulations for the protection of Chinese emigrating as above, as the will be retained for military expenses.

Art. VI.-It shall be promulgated throughout circunstances of the different ports may demand.

                     Art X.-A mistake baving crept into the text of the length and breadth of the land, in the terms of the Imperial Edict of the 20th February, 1846, that the 22d Article of the Treaty concluded at Tien-tsin it is permitted to all people in all parts of Chine to in the year 1858, to the effect that Tonnage Dues propagate and practice the "teachings of the Lord of would be charged on French ships over one hundred Heaven," to meet together for the preaching of the and fifty tons burthen at the rate of Five Mace per doctrine, to build churches and to worship; further, ton, it is now agreed that on vessels of more than all such as indiscriminately arrest [Christians] shall one hundred and fifty tons Tonnage Dues aball bo duly punished; and such churches, schools, be levied at the rate of Four Mace per ton; on cemeterica, lands, and buildings, as were owned on vessels of less than one hundred and fifty tons, One former occasions by persecuted Christians shall be maco per ton shall be collected. From henceforth, paid for, and the money handed to the French Repre- French vessels entering port shall each and all pay sentative at Peking, for transmission to the Christians Tonnage Dues in accordance with the rates hereby in the localities concerned. It is, in addition, per- fixed. mitted to French Missionaries to rent and purchase land in all the provinces, and to erect buildings thereon at pleasure.

Art. VII-On the day on which the Ministers of the two countries aflix their seals and signatures,


Signed and sealed at Peking by the Plenipoten- tiaries of China and France, on the 25th day of Oc tober, in the year 1860.

[Hion Fung, 10th year, 2d month, 12th day.]


TREATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES | proclaim the same and publish it by proclamation


in the gazettes where the laws of the United States of America are published by authority; and his Majesty the Einperor of China, ou the The United States of America and the Ta-Tsing exchange of ratifications, agrees immediately to Empire, desiring to maintain firm, lasting, and direct the publication of the sane at the capital sincere friendship, have resolved to reuew, in a and by the governors of all the provinces. manner clear and positive, by means of a Treaty

Art. IV. In order further to perpetuate friend- or general convention of peace, amity, and com- merce, the rules which shall in future be mutually ship, the minister or commissioner, or the highest observed in the intercourse of their respective diplomatic representative of the United States of countries; for which most desirable object the America in Chlua, shall at all times have tho President of the United States and the August right to correspond on terms of perfect equality Sovereign of the Ta-Tsing Empire have named and confidence with the officers of the Privy for their plenipotentiaries, to wit; the President Council at the capital, or with the governors- of the United States of America, William B. Read, general of the Two Kwangs, the provinces of Envoy Extraordinary and Miniter Plenipoten Fulikien and Chelkiang, or of the Two Kiangs; tiary to China; and his Majesty the Emperor of and whenever lo desires to have such correspon- China, Kweiliang, a member of the Privy Council dence with the Privy Council at the capital, ho and Superintendent of the Board of Punish-shall have the right to send it through either of ments; and Hwnshane, President of the Board the said governors-general or by the general post; of Civil Office, and Major General of the Bor- and all sacli communications shall be sent under dered Blue Banner Division the Chinese Ban-seal, which shall be most carefully respected. The neren, both of them being Imperial Commis- Privy Council and governors-general, as the case sioners and Plenipotentiaries: And the said mi-may be, shall in all cases consider and acknow- nisters, in virtue of the respectivo full powers ledge such communications promptly and respect. they have received from their governments, have fully. agreed upon the following articles.

Art. V. The minister of the United States of

Art. I.-There shall be, as there has always America in China, whenever he has business, shail been, peace and friendship between the United have the right to visit and sojourn at the capital States of America and the Ta-Tsing Empire, and of his Majesty the Emperor of China, and there between their people, respectively. They shall conter with a member of the Privy Council, or not insult or oppress each other for any trifling any other high officer of equal rank deputed for cause, so as to produce an estrangement between that purpose, on matters of common interest and them; and if any other nation should act unjust-advantage. His visits shall not exceed one in ly or oppressively, the United States will exert each year, and he shall complete his business their good offices, on being informed of the case, without unnecessary delay. He shall be allowed to bring about an amicablo arrangement of the to go by land or coine to the mouth of the Peilu, into which he shall not bring ships-of-war, and question, thus showing their friendly feelings.

he shall inform the authorities at that place in Art. 11. In order to perpetuate friendship, order that boats may be provided for him to go on the exchange of ratifientions by the President, on his journey. He is not to take advantage of with the advice and consent of the Senate of the this stipulation to request visits to the capital un United States, and by his Majesty the Emperor trivial occasions. Whenever he means to proceed of China, this treaty shall be kept and sacredly to the capital he shall communicate, in writing, guarded in this way, viz: The original treaty, his intention to the Board of Rites at the capital, as ratified by the President of the United States, and thereupon the said Board shall give the ne- shall be deposited at Peking, the capital of his cessary dictione to facilitato his journey and Majesty the Emperor of China, in charge of the give him necessary protection and respect on his Privy Council; and, as ratified by his Majesty way. Un his arrival at the capital lie shall be the Emperor of China, shall be deposited at furnished with a suitable residenco prepared for Washington, the capital of the United States, in hin, and he shall defray his own expenses; and his entire suito shall not exceed twenty persons, charge of the Secretary of Stato.

exclusivo of his Chineso attendants, none of whom shall be engaged in trade.

Art. III-In order that the people of the two countries may know and obey the provisions of his treaty, the United States of America agree,

Art. VI.-If at any time his Majesty the E- ramedia tely on the exchange of ratifications, to peror of Chiua shall, by treaty voluntarily made,


or for any other reason, permit the reptent-sonally or in writing, as occasion may require, tio of any friendly nation to reside at liis capitul on terms of aquality and reciprocal respect. And for a long or short time then, without any fur- the consuls and local officers shall employ the style ther consultation or express permission, the of mutual communiention. If the officers of either representative of the United States in China nation are disrespectfully treated or aggrieved in any way by the other authorities, they have the alall have the same privilege.

Art. VII. The superior authorities of the right to make representation of the same to the superior officer of the respective governments, United States and of China in correspondence who shall see that full inquiry and strict justico together shall do so on terins of equality and in form of mutual communication (chuu-hrui.. The shall be had in the premises. And the said cou- sula and agents shall carefully avoid all acts of consuls and the local officers, civil and military, offence to the officers and people of China. On in corresponding together shall likewise employ the arrival of a consul duly accredited at any the style and form of mutual communication (chau-hui). When inferior officers of the one port in China, it shall be the duty of the mi- government addresses the superior officers of the nister of the United States to notify the same to other they shall do so in the style and form of the governor-general of the province where such memorial (shin-ckin.) Private individuals, in ad-port is, who shall forthwith recognize the said dressing officers shall employ the style of petition cousul and grant bim authority to act.

Art. XI-All citizens of the United States of (pin-ching.) In no case shall any terms or stylo be used or suffered which shall be offensive or America in China, peaceably attending to their disrespectful to either party. And it is agreed affairs, being place on a common footing of that no presents. under any pretext or form amity and goodwill with subjects of China, shall whatever shall ever be demanded of the United receive and enjoy for themselves and everything States by China, or of China by the United States. appertaining to them the protection of the local Art. VIII.-In all future personal intercourse authorities of government, who shall defen them between the representative of the United States from all insult or injury of any sort. of America and the governors-general or gover-dwellings or property be threatened or attacked nors, the interviews shall be held at the officially mobs, incendiaries, or other violent or lawless residence of the said officers, or at their tempo persons, the local offices, on requisition of the rary residence, or at the residence of the repre- consul, shall immediately dispatch a military sentative of the United States of America, which over may be agreed upon between them; nor shall they make any pretext for declining these ihterviews. Current matters shall be discussed by correspondence, so as not to give the trouble of a personal maceting.

if their


force to disperse the rioters, apprehend the guilty individuals, and punish them with the utmost rigour of the law. Subjects of China guilty of any criminal act towards citizens of the United States shall be punished by the Chinese authorities according to the laws of China; and citizens of the United States, either on shore or in any Art. IX. Whenever national vessels of the merchant vessel, who may insult, trouble, or United States of America, in cruising along the wound the persons or injure the property of const und among the ports opened for trade for the Chinese, or commit any other improper act in protection of die commerce of their country or for China, shall be punished only by the consul or the advancement of science shall arrive at or near other public functionary thereto authorized, ne- any of the parts of China, commanders of sail cording to the laws of the United States. ships and the superior local authorities of gov-rests in order to trial may be made by either thio ernment shall, if it be necessary, lol intercourse Chinese or the United States authorities. on terms of equality and courtesy, in token of Art. X11.-Citizens of the United States, ro- the friendly relations of their respectiva na siding or sojourning at any of the ports open to tions; and the said vessels shall enjoy all suitable foreign commerce, shall be permitted to rent facilities on the part of the Chinese government in houses and places of business, or hire sites on procuring provisions or other supplies, and making which they can themselves build houses or necessary repairs. And the United States of hospitals, churches and cemeteries. The parties America agree that in case of the shipwreck of interested can fix the vents by mutual and equit any American vessel, and its being pillaged by able agreement ; the proprietors shall not demand pirates, or in case any American vessel shall be an exorbitant price, nor shall the local authorities pillaged or captured by pirates on the seas ad- interfere, unless there be some objections offered jacent to the coast, without being shipwrecked, on the part of the inhabitants respecting the the national vessels of the United States shall laco. The legal fees to the officers for applying pursue the said pirates, and if captured deliver their seal shall be paid. The citizens of the United States shall not unreasonably insist on them over for trial and punishment,

Art. X.-The United States of America shall particular epote, but each party shall conduct have the right to appoint consuls and other coin-with justice and moderation. Any desocration morcial agents for the protection of trade, to of the cemeteries by natives of China shall bo rosilo at such places in the dominious of Chins severely punished necording to law. At lio as slinll be agreed to be opened; who shall hold places where the ships of "the United States ollicial intercourse and correspondonea with the anchor, or their citizensroside, the merchants, local officers of the Chinese government (a con-wamen, or others can freely press and repass in "sul, or a Vicu-consul in charge taking rank with the immediate neighborhood; but, in order to tho an intendant of circuit or a prefect,) either pur-preservation of the public poses, they shall not go


into the country to the villagos and maria to sell the export and import of goods from and inta their goods unlawfully, in fraud of the revenue, China, shall be the same as was agreed upon at


Art. XIII.-If any vessel of the United Sta- the treaty of Wanghia, except so far as it may Ics be wrecked or stranded on the coast of the modified by treaties with other nations, it la China, and be subjected to plunder or other daing expressly agreed that citizens of the United mage, the proper officers of the government, on States shall never pay higher duties than those receiving information of the fact, shall immedi-paid by the most favoured nation. ately adopt mensures for its relief and security; Art. XVI. Tonuage duties shall be paid on the persons on board shall receive friendly treat-every merchant vessel belonging to the United ment, and be enabled to repair at once to the States entering oither of the open ports, at die rate nearest port, and shall enjoy all facilities for of four mace per ton of forty cubic feet, if she La obtaining supplies of provisions and water. If over one hundred and fifty tons burden; and one the inerchant vessels of the United States, while mace per ton of forty cubic feet, if she be of the within the waters over which the Chinese govern-burden of one hundred and fifty tons or under, ment excrcises jurisdiction, be plundered by rob- according to the tonnage specified in the register; bers or pirates, then the Chinese local authorities, which, with her other papers, shall, ou her ar- civil and military, on receiving information thereof, rival, be lodged with the cosul, who shall report shall arrest the said robbers or pirates, and the same to the commissioner of custoins. punish them according to law, and shall cause all if any vessel, having paid tonnage duty at one the property which can be recovered to be re- port, shall go to any other port to complete tho stored to the owners, or placed in the hands of the disposal of her cargo, or, being in ballast, to pur- consul. If. by reason of the extent of territory chase an entire or fill up an incomplete cargo, and numerous population of China, it shall the consul shall report the same to the compus- in any caso happen that the robbers cannot be sioner of customs, who shall note on the port- apprehended, and the property only in part re- clearance that the tonnage duties have been covered, the Chinese government shall not make paid and report the circumstances to the collec- iademuity for the goods lost; but if it shall tors at the other custom-houses; in which case, bu proved that the local authorities have been the said vessel shall only pay duty on her cargo, in collusion with the robbers, tho samo shall and not bo charged with tonunge duty a second bo communicated to the superior authorities for time. The collectors of customs at the open. memorializing the Throne, and these officers ports shall consult with the consuls about the shall bo severely punished, and their property erection of beacons or light-houses, and where be confiscated to repay the losses.

buoys and light-ships should be placed.

Art. XIV. The citizens of the United States

Art. XVII. Citizens of the United States

are permitted to frequent the ports and cities of shall be allowed to engage pilots to take their vessels into port, and, when tlio lawful duties have Canton and Chau-cliau or Swatau, in the province all been paid, take them out of port. It shall bo of Kwangtung; Amoy, Fulchau, and Tai-wau

in Formosa, in the province of Fulkien; Niug-lawful for them to hire at pleasure servants, com- po in the province of Chehkiang; and Shanghai pradors, linguists, writers, labourers, seamen, and in the province of Kiangsu, and any other port persons for whatever necessary service, with or place hereafter by treaty with other powers, passage or cargo-boats, for a reasonable compen- or with the United States, opened to commerce; sation, to be agreed upon by the parties or deter and to reside with their families and trade there,mined by the consul.

and to proceed ut pleasure with their vessels and Art. XVII-Whenever merchant vessels of merchandise from any of these ports to any other the United States slmll enter a port, the collector of them. But suid vessels abail not carry on a of customs shall, if he seo fit, appoint custome clandestine and fraudulent trade at other ports house ollicers to guard said vessels, who may live of Chim not declared to be legal, or along the on board the ship or their own boats, at their consts thereof; and any vessel under the Ameri-convenience. The local authorities of the Chinos can flag violating this provision ahall, with her government shall cause to be apprehended all cargo, be subject to coufiscation to the Chinese matincers or deserters from ou board the vessels government; and any citizen of the United States of the United States in China on being informed who shall trade in any contraband article of by the consul, and will deliver them up to the merchandise shall be subject to bo dealt with by consuls or other officers for punishment. And if the Chinese government, without being entitled criminals, subjects of China, tako refuge in the to any countenance or protection from that of the houses or on board the vessels of citizens of the United States; and the United States will take United States, they shall not be harboured or con- measures to prevent their flag from being abused cealed, but shalt ba delivered up to justice ou by the subjects of other nations as a cover for the due requisition by the Chinese local officers, ad- violation of the laws of the Empire.

dressed to those of the United States. The iner- Art. XV. At each of the ports open to com- chants, scanion, and other citizens of the United merce, citizens of the United States shall be States shall be under the superintendenco of the permitted to import from abroad, and sell, pur-appropriate officers of their government. If in- chase, and export all merchandise, of which the dividuals of either nation commit acts of violence importation or exportation is not probibited by or disorder, use aras to the injury of others, or the laws of the empire. The tariff of duties to create disturbances endangering life, the officers be paid by the citizens of the United States, on of the two governments will exert themselves to




  enforce order and to maintaingtho public peace, by doing impartial justico in the premises.


then mako a memorandum in the port-clontaneo of the goods and the amount of datice paid on Art. XIX. Whenever a merchant vessel bo- the same, and deliver the same to the mer- longing to the United States shall cast anchor in chant, and shall also certify the facts to the ofli either of the said ports, the supercargo, master, curs of customs at the other ports; all which or consignee, shall, within forty-eight hours, de being done, on the arrival in port of the vessel posit the ship's papers in the hands of the consulin which the goods are laden, and everything or person charged with his functions, who shall being found, on examination there, to corres- cause to be communicated to the superintendent pond, she shall be permitted to break bulk, and Iand the said goods, without being subject to of customs a true report of the name and tonnage the payment of any additional duty thereon. But of such vessel, the number of her crew, and the nature of her cargo, which being done, he shall if, on such examination, the superintendent of give a permit for her discharge. And the master, customs aliali detect any fraud on the revenue in supercargo, or consignee, if he proceed to dis- the case, then the goods shall be subject to for- charge the cargo without such permit, shall incur feiture and confiscation to the Chinese govern a fine of five hundred dollars, and the goods soment. Foreign grain or rice brought into any discharged without permit shall be subject to port of China in a ship of the United States, and forfeiture to the Chinese government. But if a not landed, may be re-exported without hind- master of any vessol in port desire to discharge

Art. XXII.-The tonnage duty on vessels of a part only of the cargo, it shall be lawful for him to do so, paying duty on such part only, and the United States shall be paid on their being to proceed with the remainder to any other ports, admitted to entry. Duties of import shall be Or if the master so desire, he may, within forty-paid on the discharge of the goods, and eight hours after the arrival of the vessel, but duties of export on the lading of the same. not later, decide to depart without breaking bulk ; Whion, all such duties shall have been paid, in which case ho shall not be subject to pay tou-and not before, the collector of customs alall chargo, or other duties or charges until, on his ar give a port-clearance, and the consul shall re- rival at another port, he shall proceed to dis- turn the ship's papers. The duties shall be charge, when hoshall pay the duties on vessel and paid to the shroffs authorized by the Chinese go- Duties shall be cargo, according to law. And the tonnage duties vernment to receive the same. shall be held due after the expiration of the said paid and received, either in sycee silver or in forty-eight hours. In case of the absenco of the foreign money, at the rate of the day. If the consul or person charged with his functions, the consul permits a ship to leave the port before captain or supercargo of the vessel inay have the duties and tonnage duca are paid, he shall recourse to the consul of a friendly power; or, if be held responsible therefor. he please, directly to the superintendent of cus- toms, who shall do all that is required to conduct the ship's business.

Art. XXIII-When goods on board any merchaut veasel of the United States in port re- quire to be transhipped to another vessel, appli- Art. XX. The superintendent of customs, in cation shall be made to the consul, who shall order to the collection of the proper duties, slinll, certify what is the occasion therefor to the super- on application made to him through the consul, intendent of custome, who may appoint officers appoint suitable officers, who shall proceed, in the to examine into the facts and permit the tran- presence of the captain, supercargo, or consignce, shipment. And if any goods be transhipped to make a just and fair examination of all goods without written permits, they shall be subject to In the act of being discharged for importation or be forfeited to the Chinese government. laden for exportation on board any merchant Art. XXIV.-Where there are debts duc by Tossal of the United States. And if disputes subjects of China to citizens of the United States, occur in regard to the value of gooda subject to the latter may seek redress in law; and, on ad-valorem duty, or in regard to the amount of suitable representations, being made to the local tare, and the same cannot be satisfactorily ar ranged by the parties, the question may, within authorities, through the consul, they will causo twenty-four hours, and not afterwards, be refere due examination in the premises, and take pro- per steps to compel satisfaction. And if citizens red to the said cousal to adjust with the superin- of the United States be indebted to subjects of China, the latter may seek redress by representa- Art. XXI-Citizens of the United States who tion through the consul, or by suit in the consular may have imported merchandise into any of the court; but neither government will hold itself free ports of China, and paid the duty thereau, responsible for such debts. if they desire to re-export the sano in part or in

                        Art. XXV.-It alall be lawful for the officers whole to any other of the said ports, shall bo entitled to make application, through their cousul, or citizens of the United States to employ geho to the superintendent of customs, who, in order to lars and people of any part of China, without provent fraud on the revenue, shall cause ox-lintinetion of parsons, to teach any of the langua- antination to bo mado, by suitabilo offers, to se ges of the enure, and to assist in literary labours ; that the duties paid on strels goods ns are entered and the persona o umployod shall not for that on the custom-house books correspond with the cause be subject to any injury on the part either representation make, and that the goods remain of the government or of individuale; and it shall with their original marks unchanged, and shall iu liko manner be lawful for citizens of the


tendent of customs.

United States to purchase all manner of books States and subjects of China, which cannot bo amicably settled otherwise, the maine shall bo In China.

examined and decided conformably to justice and Art. XXVI. Relations of peaco and nmity equity by the public officers of tho two nation, between the United States and China being esta-acting in conjunction. The extortion of illegal blished by this treaty, and the vessels of the fees is expressly prohibited. Any peaceable United States being admitted to trado freely to persons are allowed to enter the court in order and from the ports of China open to foreign com- to interpret, lest injustice be done.

Art. XXIX. The principles of the Christian

merce; it is further agreed that, in case at any time hereafter China should bo at war with any foreign nation whatever, and should for that religion, as professed by the Protestant and cause exclude such nation from entering her ports, Roman Catholic churches, are recognized as still the vessels of the United States shall not teaching men to do good, and to do to others as the less continue to pursue their commerce in they would have others do to them. Ilereafter freedon and sccurity, and to transport goods to those who quietly profess and teach these doc and from the ports of the belligerent powers, full trines shall not be harassed or persccated on respect being paid to the neutrality of the flag account of their faith. Any person, whether of the United States, provided that the said flag citizen of the United States or Chinese convert, shall not protect vessels engaged in the trans- who, according to these tenets, peaceably teach portation of officers or soldiers in the enemy's and practice the principles of Christianitly, shall service, nor shall said flag be fraudulently used in no case be interfored with or molested. to enable the enemy's ships, with their cargoca, Art. XXX-The contracting partics hereby to enter the ports of China; but all such vessels agroe that should at any time the Ta-Tsing Em so offending still be subject to forfeiture and piro grant to any nation, or the merchants or confiscation to the Chinese government. citizens of any nation, any right, privilege, or

Art. XXVII.-All questions in regard to rights, favour, connected either with navigation, con- whether of property or porson, arising between merce, political or other intercourse, which is citizens of the nited States in Chinn, shall not conferred by this Treaty, such right, privi- be subject to the jurisdiction and regulated by lege, and favour, shall at ouce freely enuro to the the authorities of their own government; and benefit of the United States, its public officers,

merchants, and citizens. all controversies occurring in China between

The present treaty of peace, amity, and com- citizens of the United States and the subjects of

merce shall be ratified by the President of the any other government shall be regulated by the United States, by and with the advice and con- treaties existing between the United States and sent of the Senate, within one year, or sooner, if such goverments, respectively, without interfer- possible, and by the August Sovereign of the Ta- Tsing Empire forthwith; and the ratification Art. XXVIII.-If citizens of the United shall be exchanged within one year from the dato States liave special occasion to address any coin-of the signatures thereof.

In fuith whereof, wo, the respectivo pleni- munication to the Chinese local officers of go- vornment, they shall submit the sanno to their potentiaries of the United States of America and of consul or other officer, to determine if the lan-tho Ta-Tsing Empire, as aforesaid, have signed gungo be proper and respectful, and the matter and scaled these presents.

Done at Tien-tsin this eighteenth day of June, just and right, in which event he shall transmit

ence on the part of Cliina.

the same to the appropriate authorities for their in the year of our Lord one thousand oight hun- consideration and action in the premises. If sub-dred and fifty-eight, and the independence of the jects of China have occasion to address the United States of America tho eighty-second, and consul of the United Statas. they may address in the eighth year of Ilienfung, fifth month, and him directly, at the same time they inform their eighth day. own officers represcuting the case for his consi- deration and action in the premises; and if controversies arise between citizens of the United







CONVENTION SIGNED BETWEEN RUSSIA, view to the consolidation of amity, enumerov, and AND CHINA AT PEKING, ON THE 14TH Alliance between the two States, and in order to pros NOVEMBER 1860.

[vido agniust all misunderstandings and disputes, and for this purpose, hava appointed Plenipotentiaries, TRANSLATKO from the Chinese TEXT. Their Impariah Majesties the Emperses of China that is to say: His Imperial Majesty the Emperor aud Russia, having made themselves fully acquainted of Chins, is Tomperial Highness the Prince of with the terms of the Treaty concluded in the year) King; Uis Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia,

19 1858, proposu to catablish certain regulations with a His Excellency, Privy Councillor, E bawa tayay,


     SA: • -n hô, nữter commmonkatlog la sech other didn fall jusseren, huwen vonjoluity agosed upon the follow ing couventism,

A+. J. lombel Fluro horvatta me dopustom na animivialarmbandiagge di remporch of bindjen lembubarkas, |11 dengimail that They shall be sutorialned by Thứ tưn With satojenca be the plan unt articles that provode"

Art 12 ordance with the Rest meticles of the Treaty concluded at a hwn (Ay lom, on the boundary marka in the tracts of country lying Atumor) on the 24 of June 1858, and the auch the Past, Intoon Labo Muka mnd the Tone, and article of the Treaty muncluidol nt,Tion tal on the the West, het woon Mhs porn. To pa los and is bo Lath of June of the me year, it in greed that the Kand, it is agreed that trustworthy allies shall Bars ajquintod by the iwn governments for that purjoma, Hastern boundaries, stating Russian from £hine Pay the phing of the marks along the castorn Tron territory, shall be as follows; Com the Janetion of The vivers Shih tih ngilul (ungary Iliver ud, the olivesa appointed shall mot at this mouth Mithat is to my, down the Andor to tis junction of the Vani to May, Hil, and bu similas duty on the Westin Bontiers, olivers shall musst at Tailong- with the Usuri, die wounty, to the North bubangsata - but the One of meeting. It is trusty to Hussin, and that to the Smith, as far as the mouth of Thus ottica aqulted in the above work shall the Usuti, to Chinos, fom the mouth of the Unuti, southwards, to take Hiuska, the river and with all talinos und Justion & and, as fun mupon dames with the bundaries indicatsol In the First and Bungatelan shall be the boundaries, that in sy gun arteles of this mouvention, tly shall maka the treet of entry many of the mish rivers belongs to four shorte, two of which shall ba Uussian and two Hussin, and that west of the mine to Chinn fo the wither Manchurian or Chlia, and the mild charte source of the Bangetation, the boundary shall traverse having boon duly signed and wanted by the alliera fake 11in-ka in a right thus on the Mangatelan to question, shall be deposited, two Cone Russlan the Pt Hogy and from the month of the thing.de Manchution or Chinos) in Duneta, mind two it shall follow the range of manntalus to the Hampton's mouth, from which it shall pdwu to the mouth of the fans by Uussion and one in Manchmalu on ('kinuna Tin China. On the human lunga of those ilmits, they Tounen, running along the Houchun mud the lawhall be with tolled by ling duly signol and soned, chung keen mange, that is to say, the sountry past of the boundary line thus indfentod (from Lake in ka to the mouth of the Tammen) holatiga tu Runwirt. | and that lying to the woot thereof to China. Proin |

shall he appended hotato as formung part of this

Art. 4 At all placon along the fronthe sgterd the point it which the frontiers of the two countries upon in this Finnt mitolo uĩ this souventiun, Hüssan meet at the Taumen to the mouth of the said elvae, and Chluans nulijoetatuay huld intorsomas nt planene, their shall les neutral fueritmy, separating the Hussian There shall not, in any came, ka slutione fortul & spel alk from the C'liliona punassumiutta 900 do in width. Pues Bustler ollionen shall "allos protection to morchianta ther, in ncgordaun with the Ninth matiela of the quietly varying on traglo, Tionistsłu Treaty, it is agreed that a short shall bu mache in which ilia portion solned red shall tiplicata) the frontiers, and wis which aloei ho written tha Iteentunoted.

In order to greater Baznindon, the mulistance of the mensah unlikle of Clap liwan (Aykon,) in konaly agalu

sish words ♬ ponira kiletarzyny juo kosto-nyih pik Art, 5. Inian merekants, in addition to tending humo masterpa bi na tine-grain," liv order to facilitate at Kiachta, may, when pissing in the ski putabliskosť decuinte referenvet mod the said charts shall las duly | mainier from Kigalia to Paking, dispons of mundeis a

A Rum nuthenticated by the mule and signings of the at Koulus and Chung kin, losow, High Alinisters of for two conİLİRA,

[rommul with a limited rations may los stationsal at

The track of country alva suformad te in unserupted | Kan fins a la shirki himmelt anparviss the knikding od waste land. Should Chinona mquatters las bond be a consulate, but the wits, the number of buildings, any part of it, or should any portion be used by out the land for pastwings of cattlą, shall vill la da Chinese na fishing or hunting grounda, Russia aldali kuumiand by the High offløse stationed at Koulun, Hot lake pasaran of nich, but the Chinees alialt Lus! Chines moishanita, desirupe of so dolog, mu ak allowed to fish and so hunt as they have been want|libwety to repair be Hussin, and thuis entry on Tushu, to di

Russian suhanis visiting the ( klupus intte shofk

  From the sims of setting up the boundary marks be under no restrictions, whether as to the time at there shall never to my shingon mente; and Hawada which they may visit such phens of the duration of" riigagas not bi anoroneli upon the thinong burritory in thoit stay i but the punime of merchants at any ma thi vicinity of the Risortiors, nor will grsund ke svires! Įpiluwa shail nut sesand two hundred. The Himal Hinny malier part of Eldon,

atllowen nintioned on the frontiers shall supply modi Atl. Following the muga of hills along the party of merchants with is passport, in which shall Animer's majene, the long extablished Chinese Bier, le period the mine of the chief merchant, the justs, and the marka pit dawn in the dth year of number of people that nevœmpany bu, mud the jdesi Yong->hing's reign (1720,) na Mha-peen Tu-pa-ko, alimui to kas visitad by them fa triple, Tha more (in the vicinity of Trokognisl,) di is nigrosal that, alonte shall thommelves provisto funds for the papons where these marks terminate, the Western konda: diture attendant en thule business, and for thu jines tion, not yet laid down, shall sommenes; they shall show of fund and eattle.

Art. is the satablishment of inde, the sana extend westward to Take Twovenng-linch, fam which, after running in a wauth-westerly dirvostan regulations aloill be applied at Kasligar as at 11) sot along the Tibandhuch. Ton-elm-'ch of the Teeni-alian Terlangetal. At Kashgar Oblon ogruan tu inaku a bangin, they shall go southwards to Kho-Kanu, grant of land whereas to build soakdongon, witne This is the thinona wyprosobni fir Ignattall, this honnen, mud churubus, la under to this monevraisons of Justau Plenipotentiary's uninum Ernakuler, Louche Stummiau mautyhante un muy live theres ground.


od that Turkagatan, a tak


Thn Kroons

make the adhia arquiste uriang barube


Jill cally davoted to dele mo grand to ba prontal bar dis simivo pro jasne, and be pucky jestly, if 19

Lindonnast to the Stars aflisista Filonld people from the outaido entry the throney la quonicled na tho, lov a olhares, by thai Ungur n Conca maivam ni Aneligar, sand plunder the property of Anthurin, vitlana at the phẩm schwan, diu antr Bussistiam tongs hante truding toan, China will not takas Promould, so at such sather, pålære at the Plomar

odlia mda may doon panjen Ja sellegara, proud or any medion in blou prakter

11443, The. &'anula miel ka ik odtia boda, zhvoll, a sole deal

The me

Ail. 7. The muzichonte of boils countsica may timile na thay phim at the various mutte, and ball with their own a outrymun, Blog, shall red not be subjondeol, to mer abatisations us thogar manna, masa, ali buôn, na penism [py. this official, they may at pleammin lisquint the shops not mobjest tu bisir parishoteome ] and sumbida for trub nord button, not they may thou AK D. As compound with former youta, buda maka trady nomuy pesmente, en, if they treat vache is now mocke Juvenant, imf, pojenyei, mow humpel

Fine, the emulation of utlier, ogren erolit necutate, und, un ta thức thot that neina huyu bwanan bid de mic tha songelante of the une imy sejmih in klus retion |nibalem diftorm basale from what it was nt. Our tanna nď contry, the only limit shall be the mascelonts" awn making the. Tranties of 74ipulis" ojal Blachta, mud the wupplementary alipoibutions of arccuding yana s plateno nud emavimisma,

AL. II. Himmäiste niemrachitrate in Chion, and Chinesa and the girtumatanoss Cunt guva tisa to díaputon be tunes lustila ba Unaniu, sluill inopiya due pontention down two thin varman frontier offirupu no longer rumi

15h lunges, in axisting regulation, an thu grevertent of the country.

In mides to the us control of monchante, and to sam umemmaltabel [by the allured alots of olfaira,) nzu pravila registral, osieundoy steadings and disposten, turnby Joshualmal in sowly diswa upe zilpulations,

Hapotulus allicial rummtundeations treating ad fream minn L'oneula, dt, tway bar staliupol at this variou trading traits, and, in geldstlanel to thuen at 1 fi moltion bunlara loses only jumped to hưun the High Tubagatal, Ukonuja misol) ha apprintent on Kalupur and 4lfleer at 10 lan mund the fare pola nel por to col KonTun. Chim is af flugty to station L'incula at Corntung, of Klachty, mul ledurio tu. Laiverime 14. Puberalinje, në më such other plen in Russia sam ond of Wastura Jabatan and the Baby Cicapl ala toy ang like Fauch sormuks, whether the signstutional at FR. For this future, în coblitions be the Cʻllarsmas, mlakk sunblo iu haugen to ba bull by the officera Junt inunod, frontics business nicy ka teistm governement, but they my kowins, without ob osted by tha. Kon pak vele ma te sal od "thu An atriethane, korut dissimus husbongung to the pauple of the alul Fung luna pen (Eastern Fes abran) proximica, of the plures at which they many chama ko Ẩn stakleni

Matten in which time like 14 comorial clutt for Tlos Console nudd the local ville bila altull, som trepand stud budel intensmuren un forme al squality, us provided franked to by lynnon sa puli (7 Comicsamur 1, og Dor by tha asennud millele of the '4 puriain Tivaly. In C'amaicanry) stuliosad on this kaukta deglist, ba mustler in which the quejahants of both cmntries is communication with the etiosa of the dinged at se normal, the offlranə ol Liner Lưrm povurmusada aboll Winschlag All fandi commumentivos, der į ball Inkat pasijusint motion, schobooks alusil bu panishad bain menalanes with this pansiona of this eighth Ai

pandaniu with the laws of than country, ne directed tirls of this conventim by the movanih mlila of the Tien beùng Tamuly.

fu all comon of disjortes migloathing in the com pymomat of mummy dus in mercantile Trans Hoe, the. jimiklum konumunjel shall themoalyna vali in srbitration, The Ituzaion Coments and the Chiltona Inval illi lake ehull unsely taku suck atimu na may tend to laing aluut mu susionblo auttlement, and afvall got in muy way bu called upon sa hold, romperomilla for the pay tumor od bassıl alastitu,



astonisations with Alım Tisutar Commal elational A Hih long kong sad los fin.

The mail Camanals, fuveramon, and other offlecom aball massaged me to pram of squally, in meredamen with this macond natiala of thus Finn tain Tavaly. Mutsuvai, 11 the dongmichon wiittuja valot in lateincas link ought wat tu les autresil ujem, no attenbuje klubl |lar paid to thum,

În conjunt of lenitive Instincan of great Importance, The Corn Clemus al Poetara Milenko aball comm munionta thatcom with either the Privy Council on tho Fansign Villiva,

As dos tending monita, tha misrobanta may register,

Ail, 10, All frontlen kinalucas, whothon of bupne of the pillen of that Consuls ned ba al authorities, agrcomments bij reliquum ju juojaty nud huntaong tamu se olharwise, ahol lan ustimgol by omjaink misli raun, aloubi ofthest of this priompila roduam tuneling on the part of the frontiur ratusas, na lait duwn corty ont des bisna od thin prgiatsiad agresment, this in the eighth article of this pour utlar, mud, sa pou Curimula said list að tilisinde shall enbarvo klids fulfilment. viled for by the moveath artisda of the bout-in In soon other than those mining from more untilu Treaty, affondain shall be teled muud pomisled, les ur tranmioticam, na quintala, muud votli liko nudi ummtteck, parslanes with the laws of that mass of the two some- the Commula sad lisal offieven shall net vonjointly in talon to widol they my boding, tha manuntingthin, musik shakl postele the guilty portion,. Tungelively ns under their soymial jurisdiethuis,

Jumalatın narrating themoolyan hi Chhao Jinuano, or abounding so this intake of Chhun, shall, on the tagaialting of shu Uemust, les menght do and went besøk by the Chis authorities; andh. Hiswhere offis inha

Whould eattle stray at bu dunyai norams this frost tior lemuunamise, the sillonny of this locality on being Jafarmed sel that but by utile ial communication, alışılla without delay, domjestak jungiu ti mantel for thems

• La intitulu 1.49 N



they shall likewise give fuli Fation ca the packagu shall exceed 120 emulum in weight. soldiery at the frontiery posts, who say be bound ot-hall not be delayed, but shall be forwarded un tha In tho avunc recover and send back such cattle, whether straying day they are handed in for despatch, or stolen, in accordance with the bars reported of any delay or neglect, the culpable parties struŭ be in the original communication; and who, should they visited with severe punishment. fail to restore the property that is missing, shall be Couriera, in charge of letters or parcela between punished, as the laws direct, in a amner proportion-Kiachin and Peking, shall call at the Koo-lun consu ato to the value of what is lost Ne daim for com- late, and deliver to the Consul all letters or parcels pousation shall be entertained.

to his address, and they shall likewise take charge of whatever despatches or parcels the Consul may hand to them.

    In the event of runaways crossing the frontier, measures shall be taken for their discovery and arrest immediately upon the receipt of an official requisition Whenever parcels are despatched from Kiachta to that effect; and, on the arrest having bean effected, or Koolu, the High officer at Koolun must be sup- the prisoners, with whatever property may be found plied with a list of the same; and, in like manner, in their possession, shall be handed over to the when despatching parcels from Peking, the foreign nearest frontier officer, whose duty it shall be to office shall be supplied with a list. Such lists shall ascertain the place from which such persons may have specify the number and weights of the packages, as absconded.

also the date of their being despatched; and on the The runaways, while on the return journey under outside of each package shall be written, in Russian arrest, shall be supplied with food, and, if naked, and Manchurian or Chinese characters, its weight, &c. with clothes; and they shall neither be maltreated Merchants forwarding letters and parcels for pur- nor insulted by the soldiers. Runaways arrested pose of trade, if willing to hire porters themselves prior to the receipt of any such official requisition, and to make other arrangements, shall be at liberty shall also be dealt with in like manner.

to do so, having obtained permission, after due report Art. 11-Answers shall be returned to communica-of the circumstances, from the local authorities, to tions transmitted through intermediate officers by the obviate the [undue] incurring of expense on the High officials on the frontiers. The despatches of government.

the Governor General of Eastern Siberia and of the Art. 13.-Official communications passing between Koo-pih-urli-na-to-urh (7 Governor) of Kiachta the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs and the shall be handed to the Ko-me-sa-url (?Commissioner Chinese Privy Council, or between the Governor or Commissary General) of Kiachta for transmission General of Eastern Siberia and the Privy Council or to the officer of the board. The despatches of the Foreign Officer, shall be forwarded by the regular High officer stationed at Koolun shall be handed to the post, and shall be under no restrictions in respect of officer of the Board for transmission to the Ko-me-sa- time; and should any delay or detention be appre urh of Kiachta. The despatches of the Koo-pib-urh-hended, in cases of importance, trustworthy Russian na-to-urh of the Amoor province, shall be forwarded to Officers may be charged with the speedy conveyance the Tartar General at Hib-lung-kenng, through the of such despatches. Adjutant General of Aykom; the said Adjutant Ge- While resident at Peking, despatches on important neral shall likewise transmit the despatches of the business, for or from the Russian Minister, may be Kee-lin General. Despatches passing between the transmitted by Officers appointed by the Russia Koo-pil-urh-na-to-urh of the Tung-bue-peen province Government. Ollicers conveying such despatches and the Cieneral stationed at Kee-lin, shall be trans-shall not at any place bo delayed or detained, and, mitted through the officers at the frontier posts of in every instance, such bearers of despatches shall be Hongchun in the Usuri territory. Communications Russinus,

between the Governor General of Western Siberia As regards the movements of such despatch-bearers, and the General stationed at Ili, shall be transmitted if travelling from Kiuchta to Peking, the Ko-me-a- through the Russian Consul at Ii. Whenever the url shall notify the officer of the Board on the day business in question is of great importance, ollicial preceding their departure. I like manner, if start- messengers shall be employed. The Governors Going from Peking, a day's notice alu!l be given to the neral of Eastern and Western Siberia and the various Board of War. Koo-pih-urh-un-to-urh (7 Governors of Provincial

Art. 14. Should any of the armugentents in ro- Districts), together with the High officer at Kon-lun, and the Tartar Generals stationed at Ilih-lung-keng to both parties, the Governor General of Enatern spect of land commerce hereafter prove inconvenient Kee-lin, and Ili, in the transmission of official com-Siberia and the Chinese High officer of the Frontiers munications, may entrust them to trustworthy Kushal consult together and determine the matter in accordance with the articles of this Convention; but

sian officers.

  Art. 13.-As was stipulated for in the eleventh now demands must not be proferred. There shall be article of the Tien-tain Treaty, the time allowed for no further departure from the provisions of the the conveyance of official documents and parcels from Twelfth articlo of the Tien-tsin Treaty. Kinchin to Peking in herein defined,

Art. 15.-Ou the tormination of the present con- Latters shall ba forwarded once a month. Parcela and boxes, from Kinchta to Peking, shall be forwarded furence, the Chinese Minister Plenipotentiary sh alice every two months, und quarterly from Peking to translate the original text of this convention into the Kinclita Ollicial documents shall not be more than Chinesa kangnage, and shall furnish the Russian twenty, nor parcels more than forty days, en ruste; Minister l'lonipotentiary with a copy of the Chines and as regards parcels, there shall never lo mero than translation, duly authenticated by siguntura and seal, twenty packages forwarded at a time, and no single whe, on kia side, shall likowiso translate into Chinese


the original text of the convention, mud shall supply Plenipotentiary, who shall each forthwith imus what- the Chinese Minister Plenipotentiary with a copy út hver commands may be necessary for the carrying the same, in like manner duży audionticated by unto the effect of the provisious of the convention, ntal signature.

Signed and sealed by His lmperin! Highness the The Articles of the present convention, without Prince of Kung, Chinese Minister Plenipotentiary, waiting for the ratification of the same by their Im-and his Excellency the Privy Councillor, the Russian perial Majestien, the Fauparors of the two countries Minister Plenipotentiary, on the 2d day of the 10th shall be in force, and for over observed, from the day hunth of the 10th year of Hien Fung, i. e. the d on which the translations into Chinese of the original day of the month No-ya-poo-urh, in the year 1860. text shall have been interchanged by the Ministers [14th Novembor, 1860.]




Art. III The ports and towns of Hakodadi, Ka- nagawa, and Nagasaki shall be opened to British subjects on the first of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. In addition to which, the following ports and towns shall be opened to them at the dates hereinafter speciled :-

Neo-e-gata, or, if Nec-e-gata be found to be un- suitable as a harbour, another convenient port on the west coast of Nipon, on the first day of Jaituary, one thonsand eight hundred and sixty.

Hliogo on the first day of January, one thousand

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan, being desirous to place the reln- tions between the two countries on a permanent and eight hundred and sixty-three,

In all the foregoing ports and towns British sub- friendly footing, and to facilitate commercial inter- course between their respective subjects, and having jects may permanently reside. They shall have the for that purpose resolved to enter into a Treaty of right to lease ground, and purchase the buildings Peace, Aniity, and Commerce, have named as their thereon, and may erect dwellings and warehouses; but no fortification, or place of military strength, Plenipotentiaries, that is to say :-

Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ire-shall be erected under pretence of building dwellings land, the Right Honourable the Earl of Elgin and or warehouses; and to see that this Article is ub- Kincardine, a Peer of the United Kingdom, and served, the Japanese authorities shall have the right Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order to inspect, from time to time, any buildings which

are being erected, altered, or required. of the Thistle :

And His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan, Midzuo Taikfogona Kumi; Nagai Gembuno Kanii; Inouwye Sinano no Kami; Hori Oribeno Kami; Iwass Higo no Kaini; and Isuda Hauzubro.

The place which British subjects shall occupy for their buildings and the harbour regulations, shall be arranged by the British Consul and the Japanese authorities of each place, and, if they cannot agree, the matter shall be referred to and settled by the Art. 1.-Thero shall be perpetual pence and friend- British Diplomatic Agent and the Japanese (inveru ship between Her Majesty the Queen of the United inent. No wall, fence, or gate shall be erected by Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, her heirs and the Japanese around the place where British subjects successors, and His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan, reside, or any thing done which may prevent a free and between their respectivo dominious and subjects. egress or ingress to the samo

British subjects shall be free to go where they the opened Art. II.-Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain please, within the following limits, and Ireland may appoint a Diplomatic Agent to re-ports of Japan, side at the city of Yedo, and Consuls or Consular At Kanagawa to the River Logo (which empties Agents to resident any or all the ports of Japan into the Bay of Yele, between Kawasaki and Sina- which are opened for British commerce by this Treaty. gown), and ten rí in any other direction, The Diplomatic Agunt and Commul-General of At Hakodatdi ten ri in auy direction. Great Britain shall have the right to travel frenly to any part of the Empiro of Japan,

At Hingo en ri in any direction, that of Kinto excepted, which city shall ant bu approached nearer His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan way appoint a than ten ri. The crews of vessels resorting to Hingo Diplomatic Agout to resido in Lamiton, and Consuls, shall not cross the River Engawn, which empties into

or Consular Agents, at any or all the ports of Grent the by between Hiogo nud Owen.


The distance shall be measured by land from the The Diplomatie Agent and Consul-General of goyoso, or town hail, of each of the foregoing parts, Jajan shall havo the right to travel freely to muy part the ri being equal to four thousand two hundred and of rent Jritain.

seventy-liva yurds English memuro,



     At Nagasaki, British anbjects may go into any part of the Imperial dumain in its vicinity.

The boundaries of Neo-e-gata, or the place that may be substituted for it, shall be settled by the British Diplomatic Agent and the Government of Japan.

Art. All foreign caiu shall be current in Japan, and alinli posa far its corresponding weight in "Jas pause coin of the same description.

British and Juganeso subjects may freely use fa- reign or Japanese coin, in making payments to each


As some time will clapso before the Japanese will From the first day of Janity, one thousand eight bundred and sixty-two, British subjects shall be al- become acquainted with the value of foreign coin, the lowed to reside in the city of Yedo, and from the Japanese Government will, for the period of one year first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and after the opening of each port, furnish British sub- sixth-three, in the city of Osaca, for the purposes of jects with Japanese coin in exchango for theirs, equal trade only. In each of these two cities a suitable weights being given, and no discount taken for re- place, within which they may hire houses, and the coinage. distance they may go, shall be arranged by the Bri- tish Diplomatic Agent and the Government of Japan. Art. IV. All questions in regard to rights, whe- ther of property or person, arising between British subjects in the dominions of His slajesty the Tycoon of Japan, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the British authorities.

   Art. V.-Japanese subjects, who may be guilty of any criminal act towards British subjects, shall be arrested and punished by the Japanese authorities according to the laws of Japan.

Coins of all description (with the exception of Japanese copper coin), as well as foreign gold and silver uncoined, may be exported from Japan.

Art. XI. Supplies for the use of the British navy may be landed at Kanagawa, Hakodadi, and Naga saki, and stored in warehouses, in the custody of an officer of the British Government, without the pay- ment of any duty; but if any such supplies are sold in Japan, the purchaser shall pay the proper duty to the Japanese authorities.

Art. XII-If any British vessel be at any time wrecked or stranded on the coast of Japan, or be com- pelled to take refuge in any port within the domi ions of the Tycoon of Japan, the Japanese autho rities, on being apprised of the fact, shall immediately render all the assistance in their power; the person Justice shall be equitably and impartially admi-on board shall receive friendly treatment, and bo

British subjects who may commit any crime against Japanese subjects, the subjects or citizens of any other country, shall be tried and punished by the Consul, or other public functionary authorized thereto, according to the laws of Great Britain.

nistered on both sides.

  Art. VI. A British subject having reason to com- plain of a Japanese must proceed to the Consulate and state his grievance.

furnished, if necessary, with the means of conveyance to the nearest Consular station.

Art. XIII-Any British merchant-vessel arriving off one of the open ports of Japan, shall be at liberty to hire a pilot to take her into port. In like man- ner, after she has discharged all legal dues and duties, and is ready to take her departure, she shall be al-, lowed to hire a pilot to conduct her out of port,

  The Consul will inquire into the merits of the case, and do bis utmost to arrange it amicably. In like manner, if a Japanese have reason to complain of a British subject, the Consal shall no less listen to his

Art. XIV-At each of the ports open to trade complaint, and endeavour to suttlo it in a friendly manner. If disputes take place of such a nature that British subjects shall be at full liberty to import from the Consul emot arrange them amicably, then he their own or any other ports, and sell there, and shall request the assistance of the Japanese authoripureuse therein, and export to their own or any ties, that they may together examino into the merits of the case, and decido it equitably.

utlur ports, all manner of merchandize, not contrabami, paying the duties thereon, ns laid down in the Tarif annexed to the present Treaty, and no other charges Art. VII. Shonk any Japanese subject fail to whatsoever. With the exception of munitions of discharge debts incurred to a British subject, or war, which shall only be sold to the Japanese Clovern- should he fraudulently abscond, the Japanese aument and foreigners, they may freely buy from Jn- thorities will do their utmost to bring him to justice,panese, and sell to them, any articles that either way and to force recovery of the debts; and should any have for sale, without the intervention of any Ja- British subject fraudulently abscond or fail to dis-panese officers in such purchase or sale, or in mak- charge debts incurred by him to a Japanese subject, ing or receiving payment for the same, and all classes the British authorities will, in like auanner, do their of Japanese may purchase. sell, keep, or use any ar- utmost to bring him to justice, and to enforce reticles sold to them by British subjects. corery of the debts.

Neither the British or Japanese Governments are ta be held responsible for the payment of any debts contracted by British or Jupaneno unbjects.

Art. XV.-If the Japanese Custom-house officers

are disantisfied with the value placed on any goods

by thus owner they may place à value thereon, and offer to take the goods at that valuation. If the owner

Art. VIII-The Japanese Ouverment will place refuses to accept the offer, he shall pay duty on no restrictions whatever upon the employment, by such valunt. If the offer be accepted by the owner, British subjects, of Japaneso in any lawful capacity, the purchase-money shall be paid to him without Art, IX.-British subjects in Japan shall be al-delay, and without any alatement or discount,

                    Art. XVI-All goods imported into Japan by lowed the free exercise of their religion, and for this 'purtso shuil bavo the right to erect suitable places British subjects, and which have paid the duty fired

of worship.

by this Treaty, may be transported by the Japanese

into any part of the limpiru without the payment of) panding in the Japan a site the coghy, notte đây n the seventle nsouth I the with year of Ausa Asa any tax, ixelse, or transit duty whatever."

Art. XVII-British merchants who may have kiuon yemuuta. imported merchandise into any open port in Japan, and paid duty therean, slal. be entitled, on obtain- ing from the Japanese Custom-louse authorities a certificato stating that such payment has been made, to re-export the same, and land it in any other of the open ports without the payment of any additional duty whatever.

Art. XVIII-The Japanese authorities at each port will adopt the means that they may judge most proper for the prevention of fraud or smuggling.

Art. XIX-All penalties enforced, or confiscations made under this Treaty, shall belong to, aud b. ap- proprinted by, the Government of His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan.



Regulation 1.Within forty-eight hours (Sundays excepted) after the arrival of a British ship in a Japa- nese port, the captain or commander shall exhibit to Art. XX.--The Articles for the regulation of trade the Japanese Custom-bruse authorities the receipt of which are appended to this Treaty, shall be consi-the British Consul, showing that he has deposited all dered as forming part of the same, and shall be equally the ship's papers, the ship's bills of lading, &c., at the binding on both the Contracting Parties to this British Consulate, and he shall then make an entry Treaty, and on their subjects. The Diplomatic of his ship. by giving a written paper, stating the Agent of Great Britain in Japan, iu conjunction with name of the ship, and the name of the port from which such person or persons as may be appointed for that she comes, her tonnage, the name of her captain or purpose by the Japanese Governmet, shall have power commander, the names of her passengers (if any), and to make such rules na may be required to carry into the number of her crew, which paper shall be certified full and complete effect the provisions of this Treaty, by the captain or commander to be a true statement, and the provision of the Articles regulating trade and shall be signed by him; he shall, at the same appended thereto,

time, deposit a written inanifest of his cargo, setting

Art. XXI.-This Treaty being written in the forth the marks and numbers of the packages and English, Japanese, and Dutch languages, and all the their contents, as they are described in his bills of versions having the same meaning and intention, the lading, with the names of the person or persons to Duteli version shall be considered the original; but it whom they are consigned. A list of the stores of the is understond that all official communications addressed ship shall be added to the manifest. The captain or by the Diplomatic nud Consular Agents of Her Ma- commander shall certify the manilest to be a trus account of all the cargo and stores ou board the ship, jesty the Queen of Great Britain to the Japanese nuthorities, shall henceforward be written in English. and shall sign his name to the same. In order, however, to facilitate the transaction of business, they will, for a period of five years from the signature of this Treaty, be accompanied by Dutch or Japanese version.



If any error is discovered in the manifest, it may be corrected within twenty-four hours (Sunday ex- cepted) without the payment of any fees, but for any alteration or post entry to the manifest male after that time, a fee of fifteen dollars shall be paid,

All goods not entered on the mauifest shall pay double duties on being kunded.

Art. XXII-It is agreed that either of the ligh Contmeting Parties to this Treaty, on giving one

Any explain or cummaster that shall neglect to year's previous notice to the other, may deninud a revision thereof, on or after the first of July, ono enter his veawl at the Jugginess Custom-house within thousand right hundred and seventy-two, with a view the time prescribed by this regulation, shall pay a to the insertion therein of such amendments as experi-penalty of sixty dollars for each day that he shall so

neglect to enter his ship ence shall prove to be desirable.

Regulation 11.The Japanese Government shall Art. XXIII-It is hereby expressly stipulated have the right to place Custom-house officers on board that the British Government and its subjects will be of any ship in their ports (men-of-war excepted.} allowed free and equal participation in all privileges. All Custom-house officers shall be treated with immunities, and advantages, that may have been, or civility, and such reasonable accommodation shall may be hereafter, granted by His Majesty the Ty be allotted to them as the ship affords. coon of Japan to the Government or subjects of any other nation.

No goods shall be unladen from any ship between the hours of sunset and sunrise, except by special Art. XXIV. The ratification of this Treaty, an-Į permission of the Custom-house authorities; and the der the hand of Her Majesty the Queen of "Great hatches, an: all other places of entrance into that Britain and Ireland, and under the same and seal of part of the ship where the cargo is stowed, may la His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan, repectively, shall secured by Japanese officers between the hours of be exchanged at Yedo, within a year from this day sunset and sunrise, by fixing seals, locks, or utlırg of signature. In tuken whereof, the respective l'le fastenings; and if any person shall, without due per- mission, open any entrance that has been so secured, nipotentiaries have signed and sealed this Treaty.

Done at Yedn, this twenty-sixth day of August, or what berak or remove any sal, lock, or other ^ne thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, corres fustening that has been aflixed by the Japanese



Custom-harma vilis

                every persụn me utkasting maakt pay a tino of siyty dollars for each offence.

    Any goods that shall be discharged, or attempted to be discharged, from any whip, withe it having been duly entered at the Japanese Custom-house ns here- inafter provided, shall be liable to seizure and con-


Packages of goods made up with an intent to defraud the revenue of Japau, by concealing therein articles of value which are not set forth in the invoice, shall be forfeited.

If any British ship shall smuggle, or attempt to smuggle, goods in any of the non-opened harbours of Japan,all such goods shall be forfeited to the Japanese Government, and the ship shall pay a fine of one thousand dollars for each offence.

   Vessels needing repairs may land their cargo for that purpose, without the payment of duty. All

have been damaged on i

nhân son shoot loin "mềm

If any owner or impe Jio ruyagu af linportation before such goods have been delivered to him, he may notify the Custom-house authorities of such damage, and he may have the damaged goods appraised by two or more competent and disinterested persons, who after the duc examination, shall make a certificate, setting forth the amount per cent of damage on each separate package describing it by its mark and number, which cortificate shall be signed by the appraisers, in presence of the Custom-house authorities, and the importer may attach the certificate to bis entry, and make a corresponding deduction from it. But this shall not prevent the Custom-house authori- ties from appraising the goods in the manner provided in Article XV. of the Treaty to which theso Regula- tions are appended.

                      After the duties have been paid, the owner shall goods so landed shall remain in charge of the Japa- receive a permit, aathorizing the delivery to him of nese authorities, and all just charges for storage, the gouds, whether the same are at the Custom-house labour, and supervision, shall be paid thereon. But or on shipboard.

All goods intended to be exported shall be entered

if any portion of such cargo be sold, the regular duties: shall be paid on the portion so disposed of.

at the Japanese Custom-house before they are placed Cargo may be transhipped to another vessel in the on shipboard. The entry shall be in writing, and samo harbour without payment of duty, but all shall state the name of the ship by which the goods transhipments shall be made under the supervision of are to be exported, with the marks and number of the Japanese officers, and after satisfactory proof has been packages, and the quantity, description, and value given to the Custom-house authorities of the bonu jule of their contents. The exporter shall certify, in nature of the transaction, and also under a permit to writing, that the entry is a true account of all goods

contained therein, and shall sign his name thereto. be granted for that purpose by such authorities.

The importation of opium being prohibited, any Any goods that are put on board of a ship for British vessel coming to Japan for the purposes of exportation before they have been entered at the trade, and having more than three catties' weight of Custom-house, and all packages which contain pro- opium on board, the surplus quantity may be seized bibited articles, shall be forfeited to the Japanese and destroyed by the Japanese authorities; and any Government. person or persons smuggling, or attempting to smuggle No entry at the Custom-house shall be required opium, shall be liable to pay a fine of fifteen dollars for supplies for the use of the ships, their crows and for each catty of upium so smuggled or attempted to passengers, nor for the clothing, &c., of passengers. be smuggled.

Regulation IVShips wishing to clear shall give Regulation 111-The owner, or consignoo of any twenty-four hours' notice at the Custom-house, and goods who desires to land them, shall make an entry at the end of that time they shall be entitled to their of the same at the Japanese Custom-lwase. The clearance, but if it be refused, the Custom-house entry shall be in writing, and shall set forth the name authorities shall immediately inform the captain or, of the person making the entry, and the name of the consignee of the ship of the reasons why the clearance ship in which the goods were imported, and the is refused; and they shall also give the same notice marks, numbers, packages, and the contents thereof, to the British Consul


with the value of enchi juckage, extended separately British ships of war shall not be required to enter in one amount, and at the bottom of the entry shall or clear at the Custom-house, nor shall they be visited be placed the aggregate value of all the goods contained by Japanese Custom-honse or police officers.

in the sutry. Un each entry, the owner or consignee Steamers conveying the mails from Great Britain shall certify in writing that the entry than presented may enter and clear on the same day, and they shall exhibits the actual cost of the goods, and that nothing not be required to make a manifest, except for such has been concealed whereby the Customs of Japan passengers and goods as are to be landed in Japan. would be defrauded, and the owner or consignee shall But such steamers shall, in all casca, enter and clear sign his name to such certificate.

Int the Custom-house.

The original invoice or invoices of the goods so Whale ships touching for supplies, or ships in entered shall be presented to the Custom-house au- distress, shall not be required to make a manifest of thorities, and shall remain in their possession until their cargo; but if they subsequently wish to trade, they have examined the goods contained in the entry.they shall then deposit a manifest, as required in

The Japanese officers may examine any or all the Regulation L

packages so entered, and for this purposo may take The word "ship," wherever it occurs in these Re- them to the, Custom-house; but such examination gulations, or in the Treaty to which they are attached shall be without expense to the importer or injury to is to be held as neaving ship, barque, brig, schooner the goods; and, after examination, the Japanese sloop, or steamer. shall restore the goods to their original condition in the packages (so far as may be practicable), and such examination all be rude without any unitenzonable delay.

Regulation V.-Any perse signing a false decla- ration or certificate, with the intent to defraud the revenue of Japan, shall pay a fino of one hundred and twenty-five dollars for each offence.


V-No taunanje kution stinti koer te whal CURA b woollen nuntiaturmak gerekme

Clips - AA duty of thirty-five, the miks mlimit lou Japnu, but the flow-

Ligom in she put Jajanowy Custoin hatino] pout us all intoxicating liquors, whinther pipired by

ing fees shall ku paid to Authorities: For the entry of a ship, fifteen dollars; distillation, kementation, or in any other mituner.

Class 4-All gonds not included in any of the for the clearance of a ship, seven dollars; for each permit, one dollar and a-ball; for each bill of health, preceding classes shall pay a duty of twenty per cent. one dollar and a-half; for any other document, onel All articles of Japanese production, which are ex- ported as cargo, shall pay a duty of five per cent, dolin and a-half.

with the exception of gold and silver coin, and copper

Regulation VII-Duties shall be paid to the Japanese Government, on all goods Inunded in the in bars. country, according to the following Tarif.

Class 1.-All articles in this class shall be free


Gold and silver, coined or uncoined.

Wearing apparel, in actual use. Household furniture and printed books, not


Rice and wheat, the produce of Japan, shall not be exported from Japan as cargo, but all British subjects resident in Japan, and British Ships for their crews and passengers, shall be furnished with sufficient intend-upplies of the same.

Foreign grain, brought into any open port of Japan

ed for sale, but the property of persons who come to in a British alip, if no part thereof has been landed,

reside in Japan.

Class 2A duty of five per cent shall be paid on

the following articles:

may be re-exported without hindrance.

The Japanese Goverment will sell, from time to

All articles used for the purpose of building, rigging, time, at public auction, any surplus quantity of cupper

repairing, or fitting out of ships.

Whaling gear of all kinds.

Salted provisions of all kinds. Bread and breadstuffs.

Living animals of all kinds. Cuals

Timber for building houses.


Paddy. Steani-machinery.

Zinc. Lead.


Raw Silk.

that may be produced.

Five years after the opening of Kanagawa, the import and export duties shall be subject to revision, if either the British or Japanese Government desires













average. More than usually humid & cloudy








1 for the time of year.

Very fine dry month.

Humid and cloudy.

Very wet month; light winds,

Fine light showers,

| Heavy rains.


Heavy rains.

Fine generally.

Very fine.


(Fine ; unusually warm for Decem

1 ber.



.085 729 .582


.898 786 016

74.935 .763 .590




Total, 59.725






Mex. | Mad. | Min. | Max. | Med. | Blin









No. of Inches.




January, .

30 363














20 073


75 621

49.948 779 551








75 68

970.869 56 .930 .869 707

N.E. and E.






21919 .041 .763










032832 690






29.422 91 82

29.532 90



69.900.803.675 E.-S.E-S.-9.W.





30.310 August, ...... 29.069 September..... 29,807 October, 30.146

December, 20.274 November,...

29.300 941 834 753.954 .795 .594



29.561 87


W.-9. W.-E.


79 63

30.075 29.916 81 70

9 2


$10 092 65

30.111 20.038 7+


insura ice Advertisements,


Alliance Fire Assurance Company



Assurance as under :---

On Buildings of brick or Stone, cover

for the above COMPANY, are prepared to accept

with Tiles, Slates, or Metals, detached from

Chineso Tenements, and on their Contents, a. the rate of 1 per cent per annum, to the extent

of £10,000 on each separate building.

A Building and its Contents taken togeth underwritten on a Building alone, or on the Co

on the Contents.

form one risk. Thus the above may be ents alone, or part on the Building and part

Assurances for six months will be charged th ce-fourths, and for three months one-half

of the annual rate.

No Assurance is to be considered in force until e Premium be paid.

Amongst other advantages of the Company, the A sured will be entitled to participate in the Profits after five successive payments,

Parties applying for Assurances will please send in full particulars of the Risk to bo taken; any deviation from which, without the consent of u.e Company, will vitiate the l'ulicy.

JARDINE, MATHESON & Co., Agents in China.

China, January 1st, 1861.




Chairman & Treasurer-WILLIAM R. HAMILTON, Esq.

Right Hon. W. M. BERESFORD,




Deputy-Chairman-CHARLES B. FORD, Esq.

WILLIAM FILANUS, Esq. Capt. II. G. HAMILTON, R.N. Joseri Hoare, Esq. FELIX LADBRors, Esq. H. F. Saw Leenvre, Esq. Henny Jattienale, Esq. GEORGE WRADE Nonuas, Esq. Bruce Prausi, Esq.

CHARLES RICKard Pote, Esq. Lamoure PoL5, Esq. CHARLES RANKEN, Esq. HENRY Rien, Fej,, M.P", Jonx Sutarman, Esq. HENRY STUART, Esq, M.P. C. GEORGE THURSTON, Esq.

SUN FIRE OFFICE, LONDON, beg leave to inform the


appointed the undersigned as their Attorneys, to issue POLICIES of INSURANCE against FIRE

on BUILDINGS, GOODS, MERCHANDIZE, and other Property, at those places. Full particulars of RATES, &c., may be obtained on application to


E above Office Recepts Risks by the STEAMERS of the T'ENINSULAR & ORIEN TAL STRAN NAVIGATION Company, and also by any other first-class Steamers.


Hongkong, 1st January, 1961.




DE UNDERSIONED are authorised to accept ine Risks and grant Policies on behalf of the above Company to Ports in the Colonies, and to the UNITKO KINGDOM,

A. ELLISSEN & Co., louis.

Hongkong, 1st January, 161.











Mez. | Med. | Min. || Max.

Med. | Min. HUMIDITY 0.1.



No. of Inches.


20 363

30.122 29.795

72 01





February,... $0.343


50 073





.943 .779



March...................... 30.142



75 68




N.E, and E.





81 70

53,940 | .041






29.463 91 77








E.-S. E.,-8.





September,.... 29.807



74.935 .763 .590


October...... 30.146

29 758


63 .035

729 .582




E03 006 69 FGB $16



74.952 | .791

.076 |E.-S.E.-S.-S.W.

824 | 75}|| .054 | 705 .594


.553.725 | .524 |












Total, 59,725




More than usually umid & clay

for the time of year. Very fine dry month.

Humid and cloudy.

Fine light showers,

Heavy rains.

Very wet month; light winds,


Heavy rains.

Fine generally.

Very fine.


(Fine ; unusually warm for Decem
















:-૧ )





$ 5

| 9

20.030 74

70 52




Insurance Advertisements,

Alliance Fire Assurance Company


The UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS in CaINA for the above COMPANY, are prepared to accept Assurance as under :-

On Buildings of lirick or Stone, covered with Tiles, Slates, or Metals, letached from Chinese Tenements, and on their Contents, at the rate of 1 per cent per annum, to the extent of £10,000 on each separate building.

A Building and its Contents taken together form one risk. Thus the above may be underwritten on a Building alone, or on the Contents alone, or part on the Building and part

on the Contents.

Assurances for six months will be charged three-fourths, and for three months one-half

of the annual rate.

No Assurance is to be considered in force until the Premiuin be paid.

Amongst other advantages of the Company, the Assured will be entitled to participate in the Profits after five successive payments,

Parties applying for Assurances will please send in full particulars of the Risk to be taken; any deviation from which, without the consent of the Company, will vitiate the l'olicy.

JARDINE, MATHESON & Co., Agents in China.

China, January 1st, 1861.




Chairman & Treasurer-WILLIAM R. HAMILTON, Esq. Right Hon. W. M. BERESFORD,






Deputy-Chairman-CHARLES B. FORD, Esq.

Charles Richard Pote, Esq. LAMBERT POLE, Esq. CHARLES RANKEN, Esq. HENRY Rien, Esq., ALP. Joux StarBern, Esq. HENRY STUART, Esq, M.P. C. GEORGE Thoratua, Esq.

WILLIAM FRANus, Esq. Capt. 1. G. HAMILTON, R.N. Joseri Hoane, Esq. Felix Ladbroke, Esq., H. F. SHAW LErivne, Esq. HENRY LITTLenale, Esq. GEORGE WRADE NORMAN, Esq. BRUCE PEARSE, Esq.

HE MANAGERS of the SUN FIRE OFFICE, LONDON, beg leave to inform the British and Foreign Residents at Hongkong and Canton, that they have constitutes and appointed the undersigned as their Attorneys, to issue POLICIES of Issurance against FIRE

on BUILDINGS, GOODS, MERCHANDIZE, and other Property, at those places. Full particulars of RATES, &c., may be obtained on application to


HE above Ollice accepts Risks by the STEAMERS of the L'ENINSULAR & ORIEN TAL STRAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, and also by any other first-class Steamurs


Hongkong, 1st January, 1861.




UE UNDERSIGNED are autherised to accept Marine Risks and grant. Policies on behalf of the above Company to Ports in the ColoniES, and to do UNITED KINGDOM.

A. ELLISSEN & Co., Agents. Hongkong, lat Jamary, 1861.




Netherlands India Marine Insurance Company of Batavia.

THE UNDERSIGNED having been appointed A AGENTS for the above office in Hongkong, are prepared to grant Policies payable in CAL- now CUTTA, CHINA, BOMBAY, and LONDON.

CARAPIET & Co., Agents,

865 Old Bailey Street.

Hongkong, let January, 1861.

BRANCH of the above Company having been opened at FUNCHAU, POLICIES will be granted upon Risks from that Port. TURNER & Co., Agents in China for the Neth. Ind. Mur. Ins. Co. Hongkong, 1st January, 1861.







Deputy Chairman-R. BROCKLEBANK, Esq., and EDWARD JOHNSON, Esq.



Chairman-SAMUEL ROUT. B. BYASS, Esq. K. C. COLES, Esq. H. KENDALL, Esq.






W. J. MARROW, Esq. F. MAXWELL, Esq, William Smitu, Esq. JOAN TORR, Esq.


Secretary J. B. JOHNSTON, Esq.

D. H. RUCKER, Esq.



Actuary & Manager-PERCY M. DOVE, Esq.

Surgeon Da HUGH NEILL, F.R.A.S.

Surbeyor-SAMUEL HOLME, Esq.


Medical Examiner at Hongkong-W. KANE, Esq., M.D.

HE UNDERSIGNED have been appointed Agents at this Port to the above Company, and


are accordingly prepared to receive proposals of Assurance against FIRE on Buildings,

or Goods stored therein, to the extent of $20,000, on any single first-class Risk.

Attention is requested to a few of the advantages afforded by the Company to its Assurers, viz:-

1st, Unquestionable Security.

28, Promptitude and Liberality of Settlement.

30, Losses occasioned by Lightning made good.


The Undersigned are also prepared to accept Risks on approved Lives to the extent of £1,000 on any one Life, without reference to the Board of Directors, and for any further amount subject to the approval of the Directors in England.

For Tables of Rates, Forms, and Directions for effecting Assurances, and for any other information, apply to



Ilongkong, January 1, 1861.


THE UNDERSIONED are appointed AGENTS, nt|


DREYER & Co. Canton, 1st January, 1861.



BRANCH of the above Company having been opened at FUNCHAU, POLICIES will now be granted upon Risks from that Port.

TURNER & Co., Agents in China for the Eastern Marine Insurance Company.

Hongkong, 1st January, 1861.


Established by Charter 1720.

HE UNDERSIGNED, Agents at HONGKONG for the above Corporation, are prepared to grant POLICIES against FIRE, to the extent of £10,000, on any BUILDING, or on MERCHANDIZE in the same.

DENT & Co., Agents.

Hongkong, 1st January, 1861.


UNDERSIONED having been appointed'

Toms for the above-named Office, are pre- pared to issue POLICIES on MERCHANDISE, by first-class Vessels and Steamers, payable in SINGAPORE, AMOY, or BONDAY, CALCUTTA, SHANGHAE.

JAIRAZ, FAZUL & Co. Hongkong, 1st January, 1861.



HAMBURG AND BREMEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE UNDERSIGNED having been appointed Agents' for the above Company, are prepuced to accept Assurance against Firo at Hongkong, or at any of the open ports in China

1st, On Buildings, or on their Contents,

2d, On Ships lying in port, or on their Contents. Assurance will be accepted to the extent of Mexican $35,000 on ane risk,

For further particulars, apply to

WM. PUSTAU & Co. Hongkong, January 1, 1861.







Until further Notice, these Steamers will run between HONGKONG and CANTON, as follows :- The "White Cloud," Captain SAMUEL NEWTON, will leave 1ONGKONG for CANTON at 8 A.M., every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY; and will leavo CANTON for HONGKONG at 8 A.M., every TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY.

The Willamette," Captain J. WALCOTT, Will lenvo HONGKONG for CANTON at 8 A.M., every TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY; and will leave CANTON for HONGKONG at 8 AM, every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY.



The AUSTRIAN LLOYDS STRAN NAVIGATION COMPANY'S Steam- ere ply regularly between ALEXANDRIA & TRIESTE, corresponding with the Monthly and Pi-monthly Indian Steam- ers, leaving Trieste on the 11th and 27th of every month, and Alexandria on or about the 5th and 21st of every monıb.

For further particulars, apply to

WM. PUSTAU & Co., Agente in China,

Hongkong, 1st January, 1061.

Business Advertisements.




LANE, CRAWFORD & Co., Shipchandlers, Auctioneers, and Storekeepers, QUEEN'S ROAD, HONGKONG.





JOIN ROBERTS & SON, Auctioneers & Commission Agents,

466 WELLINGTON STREET, Rear of Messrs P. & D. & Camajre § Cal's Offices, HONGKONG.

Agents for the "London and China Express," and the "Londen and China Telegraph."


M. & H.


SAILMAKERS, QUEEN'S ROAD, HONGKONG, On Mixers Lane, Crawford & Cul's Premises. All kinds of Cotton & Flax Canvas constantly on hand. BOLT ROPR AND BUNTING AT THE MOST

Reasonable PRICKA.

All kinds of Flags made to order.

Chronometer and Watch Manufacturer, F. BLACKHEAD & Co.,






and at Whampoa.



The above beg to inform Merchants, Consignces of Vessels, and Shipmasters, that they have removed. their SHIPCHANDLERY, SAILMAKER, and AUCTIONEERING BUSİNESS, from the Store Chop" Hornet," Ilongkong Harbour, to those new


Private Stones,





opposite Messra Ginu, Javingsron & Co., and next door to the oflices of Messrs PHILLIPS, MOOR & Co., where they trust by a strict attention to such orders na they may receive, to retain that share of patronage they have hitherto enjoyed.



AUCTIONEERS & COMMISSION AGENTS, Dble, that he has established a form kv,


F. P. SOARES & Co.,









Public Auctions held every Wednesday at the Victoria Exchange Rooms.


Billiard Rooms,


Soda Water Manufactory. Eutrancos-Queen's Road & Stanley St.

FANCY PASTRY, and CONFECTIONARY RUSINESS on his premises Queen's Road, adjoining the offices of the P. & O. S. N. Company, and hopes from his long experience and careful attention to merit the patronage and support of the Public. Hongkong, 10th January, 1861.



375 QUEEN'S ROAD, Opposite Messus LINDSAY & Co's, HONGKONG.

TOURNIZER & Cia beg to inform Merchants, Consignees of Vessels, Shipmasters, and the Public in general, that their Averions are held regularly every SATURDAY at Noon in their Saleroom, in the rear of their Premises; and they hope by moderato charges, strict attention to the interests confided to their care, and prompt settlement of accounts, to give satisfaction us heretofore.

The have always on hand & large and choice as- sortment of Wixies and I tguruna of every descrip- tion, and English and French Provisions. They supply Ship expeditiously nud on reasonable teras and transit any business in the abovo named branches,






Captain and Officers of Ships can be accommodated with Board and Lougino on reasonable terms.


Uetosta. Mi ssis LinorAY & VOL


Chronometers and Watches cleaned and repaired.

REFRESHMENTS, as unul, to be had on the A. SHORTREDE & Co.,

alortest notice and on moderate terms.

The READING ROOM is well supplied both with Local and English Newspapers on the arrival off ench Mail.

N.B.-ALE and PORTER on Draught,

ORIENTAL HOTEL, 580 WELLINGTON STREET. READING ROOM, BILLIARD ROOM, AND BOWLING ALLEY ATTACHED. The BILLIARD Roos contains three superior English Tables. Cues of every variety of size and weight kept in perfect order.

The READING Room contains a Library of Standard Works, and is supplied with all the local Papers, also English and American Papers upon the arrival of overy Mail.

Meals served at all reasonable hours.

Table d'Hote at 9 a.m., 1 p.m., and 6 p.m.


Officors of Ships can be accomodated with Board on the most favourable terms. TIFFINS SUPPLIED on the SHCUTEST NOTICE.


N.B.-Captains and Officers of Ships boarded on the most Moderate Terms,



465 STANLEY STREET. Established 1858.





Bills, Circulars, Visiting and Business Cards, and every kind of Printing, executed with taste.




J. Wuarua, begs to intimate to his friends

in CHINA, and to Commanders of Vessels visit- ing HONGKONG and WHAMPOA, that ho hag recommenced business at his old Establishment, SPRING GARDENS, HONGKONG, in connection with his Dry Docks at WHAMPOA, and he is prepared to undertake all descriptions of Repairs required by either Wooden or Iron Ships, and also ordi- nary repairs to STEAM MACHINERY and BOILERS. The Docks un Dane's Island, WHAMPOA, Con. sist of one length of Duck 500 feet, 75 feet wide at the gate, with 17 feet to 17 feet & inches water on the sill at spring tides. This Dock is fitted with two Caissons, and can be used as otic or two Docks, according to the length of the vessel entering it. It is pumped out by a complete set of powerful steam pumps, and is dried in about six hours after the Caissoon is placed,

There is a STEAM FACTORY and FOUNDRY in connection with this Dock, and all ordinary re- pairs to Machinery, and every description of Blacksmith's Work, as well as repairs to the bot toms of Irun Vessels, are executed with despatch. There is also a Jetty and a pair of Shears for lift- ing Masts and Boilers under 50 tous weight; and Vessels drawing 18 feet water can lie alongsido

CO., the jetty at low tide.

Soda Water, including Bottles...$1.50 per dozen. Lemonade,


Polas Water,,











$1 per dozen allowed for all Bottles returned, ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO,


A Wood Dock and two Mud Docks on Wham- pon Island, capable of taking Vessels from 1,000 tous and under, and fitted with Steam Pumps.

At SPRING GARDENS, Honurono, nil repaire above water will be undertaken.

European Foremen in constant attendanco at wach place, and Engineers and Boilers Makers can be supplied at Whampoa.

Whatpon, lat Jaumry, 1861.








GENTS and COMMANDERS of VESSELS in CHINA nro Infornied that the Com- pany's Now Stone Dock is now in complete order, for taking in, coppering, and repairing Vessels of any draft of water, and whoso extremo length does not exceed three hundred feet. A largo stock of Metal, Naval Stores, Lumber, and Spars of all sizes, is constantly kept on hand, and all kinds of Shipwright and Blacksmith Work aro

    RADSTREET & Co. beg to inform the Com-executed with fidelity and despatch, under the BRADnities of HONGKONU, MACAR, and CANTUN, direction of European Foremena.

that they have taken extensive premises on the The low charges for docking and labour, and ESPLANADE at MACAO, which they have opened as the central position of the port of Amoy, "offer an HOTEL.

advantages to Vessels seeking repairs not to be found elsewhere in China.

Comfortable quarters can be had on shore for the crews of Vessels of War going into this Dock, when desired.

   The Proprietors feel assured that the character Mr BRADSTREET has borne as Manager of the CouMER- CAL HOTEL, HONGKONG, for nearly four years, will be a sufficient guarantee for the respectability, accom modation, and good attendance at their Establishment. The Scale of Charges for docking Ships can bo Attached to the Hotel is a well-ventilated BIL-seen at the office of Mr Douglas LaPBAIK, LIARD-ROOM, with two of Thurston's first-class Hongkong.


   BRADSTREET & Co. beg further to announce that they have opened portion of their Godowns as a SHIP CHANDLERY, if all its branches; and are enabled to offer to Masters of Merchant Ships, and the community at large, every article of the best quality at the lowest price.

Commercial Hotel, 19th January, 1861.


• SHIPCHANDLERS, Commission Merchants, & Auctioneers, No. 55 RUA CENTRAL, MACAO.

MESSAS L. LUBECK & Co. beg respectfully to inform Captains and Shipowners, that thay are pre- pared to supply Ships with FRESH PROVISIONS and VEGETABLES at the lowest rates.



A Large Assortment of Stores always on hand. Fresh Provisions supplied to the Shipping at Double Island.







MONT. D. PARKER, Manager.




|Auctioneers, and General Storekeepers,



Family and Ships' Stores of every description constantly on hand.

Blacksmiths' and Carpenters' Work undertaken.



Hedge & Co.,

COMMISSION AGENTS, Auctioneers, and General Storekeepers, FOOCHOW,

Have constantly on hand a large assortment of Stores, Hardwaro, Fancy Goods, &c.



Storekeepers, and Auctioneers, On the Bund, near the Bridge loading to the French Bettlement, SHANCHAE.





Publications, &e.

Just Published, Price One Guinea, the Third Edition of









Hongkong: D. LAPRAIK. Calcutta: THACKER, SPINK & Co.



In Three Parts, Price $6.00,

THE "ISIN CHING LU," or Book of Ex-


PERIMENTS, designed to assist Students of the Peking Dialect.

Hongkong; A. Shortrede & Co. Shanghae: "North China Herald" Office.

Price $1.00,




W. E. CATEIL, M.A., Cantab., Captain 3d Regiment, "The Buffs." Hongkong: A. Shortrede & Co.



Price 50 cents, CALE of CHAIR and COOLIE HIRE,

as fixed by Government. Hongkong: A. Elortredo & Co.

Published every Evening, THE HONGKONG SHIPPINGLIST.

THE Subscription $2.00 per month.

Published every Friday Morning, HE

MAIL. CHINA Subscription $15.00 per aquum.

Published twice a mouth for the Ilone Mail,


THE Subscription $8.00 per annum.

Hongkong: A. Shortrede & Co.


HE UNDERSIONED receives by every Mail a| supply of the following popular Journals:


"OVERLAND MAIL," and the

ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS." Terms of subscription on application. Singlo copica may also be had.

R. A. LOW, "China Mail" Oilice.




The CHINESE CLASSICS; with a Translation,"

Commentary, &c. Vol 1, CONPUCIUS, $6.00; Tol. 2, MENCIUS, $7.00.


LISI, $1.00,





THEOLOGY of the CHINESE, $1.50.


50 cents.

GLANCE at the INTERIOR of CHINA, $1.00. The CHINAMAN ABROAD, or a Desultory Ac- count of the Malayan Archipelago, by Ong-t'hat- line, 50 cents.



And it ENVIRONS, $1,00,

NOTIONS of the CHINESE concerning GUD

and SPIRITS, $2.00.


Native Authors, $2.00.

SHORTREDE & Co. have always

on band :-- COMPRADORE'S CHECK-BOOKS (for the

pocket.) SHIPPING ORDER-BOOKS, various sizes. BILLS OF EXCHANGE, bound and unbound. BILLS OF LADING.







Price 12.00.

THE OVERLAND MA In large weekly TEA TABLE, showing the cost of Toa as East, is rercived by the undersigned by each Avoirdupois. By P. Loureino, Esq. Mail-steamer. Annual Subscription $19.00 ; tho | 2 copies, 50 cents.

R. A. LOW, "China Mail" Offico.


Ilongkong: A. Shortredo & Co.


■ SHIRE SAUCE, pronounced by connoisseurs to be the only good Sauce, and applicable to every variety of dish. Extract of a letter from a medical gentleman nt Madras. to his brother at Worcester. *May, 1851. Tell Lea & Perring that their Sance is highly esteemed in India, and is, in my opinion, Sauce that is made." the most palatable as well as the most wholesome


Tsidents, in the East, that he continues to HE ADVERTISER respectfully intimates to Re- forward Newspapers, Books, Printing Type, Print- ing and Lithographie Presses, Paper, Clothing, L. & P. having discovered that several of the fo- Plate, Jewellery, and any European Gooda, on reign markets have been supplied with spurious imita- Loudon terms, and with the utmost care and tions of their Worcestershire Sauce, the labels of promptitudo.

which closely resemble those of the genuine Sauce, All orders should be accompanied by a remit-and in one or more instances with the unmes of L. tance, or reference for payment in England.


11 Clement's Lane. Lombard St., London,



IFE IN CHINA. By WILLIAM C. MILNE, LA.M., Fourteen years Missionary fun olig Ne


Illustrated with a Plan of the City of

& P. forged, they have deemed it their duty to cu- tion the public, and to request purclusers to see that the names of Len & Perrins are upon the wrapper, label, stopper, and bottle.

I. & P. further givo notice that they will proceed against any one who may infringe upon their right, either by manufacturing or vending such imitations, and have instructed their correspondents in the vari ous parts of the world to advise them of such in- fringements.

Wholesale and for exportation by the proprietors,

Cauton, Four large Maps and Eight Illustrations. LEA & PERRINS, Worcester, Eugland; CROSSE


* Mr Miloo entered into the homes and daily life & BLACKWELL, and other oilmen and merchants, of the people, in a manner which only a man speak- ing the language, and having some actual purpose, can do. His pictures of the people are more favour- able than those of many other writers."--Specfutor.

*We recommend very emphatically to the atten- tion of the public Mr Milue's recent volume upon Life in China."-Examiner.

ELEYS' AMMUNITION, Comprises every description of Sporting and Military Ammunition.


PERCUSSION CAPS, as originally invented To have a clear conception of Chinese life, ns it by them, are particularly adapted for use in India appears to an honest, unprejudiced Englishman, every and China, where the Caps are often allowed to re- one should read this interesting and agreeable volume.main a long time on the nipples of Rities and Fowl- -Observer.

ing-pieces, the ignition being at all times safe and

"Mr Milne not only resided many years at Shangcertain, whilst in humid weather the discharge is ns bus, but also effected à journey, in native dress, and instantaneous as with ordinary Caps on the driest unaccompanied by any European, through three day. For Testimonials as to their value for shooting provinces of China Proper, crossing sixteen countries in India, see Col, Jacon's work on " Rifles and Pro- and touching at two enpitals, twenty-eight walled jectiles."

cities, and seventeen unwalled towns, besistes village, PATENT WIRE CARTRIDGES for killing innumerable, along a route measuring fully 1,300 Game at long distances; also, the GREEN CAR miles in length, from Ningpa to Canton. We TRIDGE, made with the largest drop shot and heartily commend his narrative to the reader." mould shot, will be found very effective at large Athentum.

liame, where the sportsman ns not a Ititlu in the

A book which, for the clearness and copiousness | field. of its information où China, its multifurious contents, Also chonically-prepared Cloth and Felt


its ann pictures of scenery, men, and munners, in the WauDINGs, to prevent the leading of Guns; CAR- land of the sages,' is unique; more to be relied on TRIDGE CASKS for breech-loading shut guns; nud than Huc's for its truthfulness, and more comprehen- BALL CARTRIDGxs for Prince's, and other brocch sive in its range than Fortune's. The four original loading Rifles, Muskets, Pistols, &c. maps accompanying the book are admirable auxiliaries


to the study of Chinese topography."-Nonconfor-Sole Contractors to the War Department for Water

proof Military Caps, Cartridges, and Cups;


Published by Guorum Routledar & Co., Far- ringdon Street, London, EC.; and sold by lank, Chawroan & Co., Queen's Roud, Hongkong,

Hongkong, 1st January, 1861.

for Coll's, Adams", and other Revolvers; Juculi's Rifle Shell Tubes, §a, jo. GRAY'S INN Ioan, London,

(Wholesale ouly).





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