THE finite capacity of man, and his consequent fallible judg-
ment, render experience a safe guide in mundane affairs, particu-
larly in national intercourse, for the character and ruling motives
of a nation are less liable to change than those of individuals . If
then we find, that in the intercourse of China with foreign coun-
tries for more than 2000 years, submission has been received with
arrogance, and quiescence rewarded with oppression , that resistance
has been treated with respect, and force alone procured conces-
sions to justice,—we have a guide, when pursuing an upright course
of policy, for our conduct towards China.
The previous chapters will corroborate the truth of these
remarks, and in further elucidation of them, independent of his-
torical interest, the following narrative is given of English inter-
course with China, since the reign of our truly national sovereign
Elizabeth, during whose reign (A.D. 1596) we have the first offi-
cial intimation of public communication with China. The follow-
ing is a copy of a letter from Queen Elizabeth of England, to the
Emperor of China, A.D. 1596.
" Elizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England, France, and
Ireland, the most mightie Defendresse of the true and Christian
faith, againste all that falsely profess the name of Christ.
" To the most high and sovereign prince, the most puissant
governor of the great kingdom of China, the chiefest Emperor in
those parts of Asia, and the islands adjoining, and the great
monarch of the oriental regions of the world ; wisheth health, and
many joyful and happy years, with all plenty and abundance of
things most acceptable.
" Whereas our honest and faithful subjects which bring these
letters unto your highness, Richard Allot and Thomas Broomfield,
merchants of the city of London, have made most earnest suite
unto us, that we would commend their desires and endeavours of
sayling to the regions of your empire for traffiques sake ; whereas
the fame of your kingdom so strongly and prudently governed,
being published over the face of the whole earth, hath invited
these, our subjects, not only to visit your highnesses dominions,
but also to permit themselves to be ruled and governed by the
laws of your kingdom during their abode there, as it becometh
merchants, who for exchange of merchandise are desirous to travel
to distant and unknown regions, having this regard only, that they
may present their wares and musters of divers kind of merchandise,
wherewith the regions of our dominions do abound, unto the view
of your highness and of your subjects, that they may endeavour to
know whether there be any other merchandise with us fit for your
use, which they may exchange for other commodities, whereof in
parts of your empire there is great plenty, both natural and arti-
ficial. We yielding to the most reasonable requests of these
honest men, because we suppose that by this intercourse and traf-
fique, no loss, but rather most exceeding benefits, will redound to
the princes and subjects of both kingdoms, and thus help and en-
rich one another. And we do crave of your most Sovereign
Majesty, that these our subjects, when they arrive at any of your
ports or cities, they may have full and free liberty of egress and re-
gress, and of dealing with your subjects ; and may by your clemency
enjoy all freedoms and privileges as are granted to the subjects of
other princes ; and we on the other side, will not only perform all
the offices of a well and willing prince unto your highness, but also
for the greater increase of mutual love and commerce between us
and our subjects, by these present letters of ours, do most willingly
grant unto all and every your subjects, full and entire liberty into
any of the parts of our dominions to resort there, to abide and
traffique, and then return as it seemeth best to them .
" All and every of which premises we have caused to be con-
firmed, by annexing hereunto our royal seal. God most Merciful
and Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, continually pro-
tect your Kingly Majesty.
" Given at our palace at Greenwich the 11th of
July, 1596, and 38th of our reign."
A storm prevented the ship which conveyed this letter reaching
its destination. That considerable importance was attached to a
growing trade with China at this period, is further evidenced by
the following " draft of a warrant to discharge ware bound for
China," which is to be found in the Lansdowne manuscripts. It
appears to have been granted in favour of the " Earl of Leicester and
other adventurers for the discovery and finding out Kathay."
(China. )
The following is a copy of this singular document.
" Elizabeth, by the grace of God Queen of England, & c ., &c.
To the Barons of the Exchequer.
" Greeting. Whereas there is due unto us for our subsidy of
poundage of certain wares and merchandises entered into our book
of entries, of the said subsidy due of merchandise carried from a
port of London, and then shipped in divers ships, in the month of
April last past, in the names of our right trusty and right well-
beloved Robert Earl of Leicester, and other adventurers, for the dis-
covery and finding out Kathay, (China) to pass in the voyage to
that land divers several sums of money amounting to the sum of
£45 12s. 2 d. growing due of the value of the said wares, being
valued at £912 4s. 2d., after the rate of twelve pence for every
pound, thereof as by the said book reported by Robert Daw our
collector, for our said subsidy in the said port disbursed into our
said exchequer, and then remaining in the custody of our remem-
brancer, amongst other things more plainly appeareth ; and where-
as also there is due unto us for the custom of our hundreth, and
wine, woollen cloths, and twenty yards of woollen cloths, entered
in our book of entries of our petty custom of cloths and other mer-
chandize, transported from our said port, and then shipped in
divers ships in the month of March last, in the name of the said
Earl and other adventurers, to pass on the said voyage divers seve-
ral sums of money, amounting to the sum of £36 12s . 3d. after the
rate of 68. 8d. for every cloth, as by the said book kept by William
Phillips and Robert Young, collector of the said customs in the
said port, and delivered into the custody of our remembrancer
among other things, more plainly appeareth :-We let you to wit
that we have agreed and granted to the said Earl and other adven-
turers aforesaid, to allow towards the charges and furnishing the
said voyage as our adventure, to be accounted for after the rate to
our use, according as the voyage shall have success, the said several
sums due unto us as aforesaid, wherefore we grant unto you full
power and authority, and we will and command you by these pre-
sents, that you cause our said courts to allow and permit the said
Earl and others aforesaid, to retain in their own hands the said
several sums of money due unto us as aforesaid, to be employed
about the said voyage, or having already received it, do forthwith
re-pay the same to that use, and that you do by virtue hereof, give
clear and full allowance, discharge and exoneration, upon record for
ever against us, our heirs and successors, to our said courts, and
every of them, in the several accounts to be made unto us, of the
profits of the several officers of, for, and concerning the said sums,
any statute, law, course of our said Exchequer, or any other matter
or thing, to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding, and these
our letters," &c.
In 1613, the English East India Company having successfully
established a factory in Japan, the want of an opening with China
was severely felt, and efforts were made by the payment of large
sums of money to many Chinese merchants, who promised to in-
terest themselves to gain that object.
The differences between the English and Dutch Companies in
India and Japan, had risen to such a height, that the British
government and the States-General entered into a treaty of de-
fence, by which both countries bound themselves to endeavour to
open a free trade with China. No part of this treaty was fulfilled
by the Dutch, who were very jealous of the rising power of
The dreadful slaughter of English subjects by the Dutch at
Amboyna, and the cruel persecution which the East India Com-
pany's officers were subjected to in Japan (see vol . i. , p . 300) were
allowed to pass with impunity, owing to the state of affairs
between England and Spain.
In 1634, 66 a truce and free trade " to China and all other parts
where the Portuguese had trade, was agreed to between the Vice-
roy of Goa and several English merchants , who had obtained a
license from King Charles the First (Courteen's association ) . By
virtue of this agreement, Captain Weddell sailed for China , with
letters of introduction to the governor of Macao. The details of
this expedition illustrate the character of the Chinese to the pre-
sent day, and are worthy of note.
When Captain Weddell's fleet arrived at Macao, the Portuguese
governor, so far from giving them encouragement to trade (lest, as
he represented, he might offend the Chinese) , advised our ships
to depart.
Captain Weddell, unwilling to return fruitless after his long
journey, determined to explore the Canton River ; and fitted out
a barge and pinnace, with fifty men, which discovered the mouth
of the river. After several days' delay, a small boat approached
the pinnace, sold them refreshments, and agreed to bring them to
Canton ; they had not sailed far when they fell in with a fleet of
Chinese junks, consisting of twenty sail, commanded by an ad-
miral, who called on them to anchor, which they did ; some Portu-
guese on board acted as interpreters.
Nothing could exceed the wrath of this functionary on finding
that the " Barbarians " had discovered the mouth of the river,
(it appears the Portuguese were not permitted to approach Canton
by this route ; probably it was the " inner passage,") or, as he
termed it, " the prohibited goods, and the concealed parts and
passages of so great a prince's dominions." The Chinese admiral
required the English to tell him who were their pilots.
The spokesman of this adventurous crew asked permission to
trade on the same terms as the inhabitants of Macao. Permission
was granted for three of the crew of the pinnace, to sail for Canton
in a junk furnished for that purpose by the Chinese admiral. The
next day, when near Canton, they were hailed , and a request
made to return to Macao, and that every assistance would be
given to them in obtaining a license to trade.
The proceedings of Captain Weddell, the treachery he experi-
enced, and the concessions immediately granted from fear, are so
similar to the proceedings during our late war, that they deserve
special notice .
The pinnace returned from Canton on the strength of these
promises ; and being satisfied with the knowledge they had ac-
quired of the river, were anxious to relieve Captain Weddell from
the suspense their long absence must have occasioned.
During their absence six vessels had sailed from Macao for
Japan, which the Portuguese were afraid Weddell would have in-
tercepted : he allowed them, however, to proceed on their voyage.
But instead of receiving any aid from either the Chinese or Portu-
guese, the English were prohibited to trade, the Chinese being
freed from the fear that Captain Weddell would surprise their
vessels .
A consultation was held by the English, and a plan of the
river being laid before the captains of the ships, it was decided
that the whole fleet should sail for Canton without delay.
" Having made good passage on their way to Canton, and being
furnished with some slender interpreters, they soon had speech
with mandarins in the king's junks, to whom the cause of their
arrival was made known ; to the request these mandarins pro-
mised to lend every assistance with the prime men in Canton ; but
requested a delay of six days, which was granted ; and the English
ships rode with white ensigns on the poops.
" But the perfidious Portuguese had so slandered the English,
that in the night-time, the Chinese put forty- six pieces of ord-
nance into the fort lying close to the river ; and after the end of
four days, having fortified themselves, they discharged divers shot,
though without hurt. Herewith the fleet being incensed, did dis-
play their bloody ensigns ; and weighing their anchors, fell up
with the flood, and berthed themselves before the castle, from
whence came many shots, yet not any that touched hull or rope.
Whereupon, not being able to endure their bravadoes any longer,
each ship began to play furiously upon them with their broadsides ;
and after two or three hours, perceiving their cowardly fainting,
& the boats were landed with about one hundred men ; which sight
occasioned them, with great distraction, instantly to abandon the
castle and fly ; the boat's crew in the meantime entering the same,
and displaying his majesty's colours of Great Britain upon the
walls. The boats of the fleet seized a junk, by which a letter was
sent to Canton, directed to the chief mandarins, expostulating
on their breach of truce, excusing the assailing, and withal, in fair
terms, requiring the liberty of trade. This letter it seems was de-
livered ; for the next day, a mandarin of no great note came
towards the ships with a white flag, the request was renewed, and
certain gifts presented ; he was dismissed, but returned the same
day with a junk to carry up such persons as would be able to con-
clude further upon the manner of their future proceedings."
The English, by firmness, gained their point ; two officers,
Mounteney and Robinson, proceeded up the river, and anchored
close to the city walls ; and were received by officers of high rank,
who granted Captain Weddell permission for a free trade, and the
liberty to fortify himself on any place outside the river. In conse-
quence of this, Captain Weddell landed the guns which he had
taken from the castle. The supercargoes went up to Canton, paid
down ten thousand rials as duties, and commenced loading sugar
and ginger.
Not many days elapsed when things took a most unfavourable
turn . The Chinese delivered a protest to the commander ; charged
him with having forced the trade ; two of the supercargoes were
made prisoners, and seven fire-junks were floated down the river,
which the English, however, avoided and destroyed . The pri-
soners obtained their release by threatening to burn the town by
means of a lens, which so alarmed the mandarins, that they gave
them their liberty.
In the meantime, the fleet at Macao hearing of the detention of
their comrades, resolved to release them. And having well manned
their boats, they attacked sixteen sail of the imperial fleet, and
burnt five of them, captured the town of Famou, and sailed to
Canton . The affair was arranged, the Chinese authorities charg-
ing the Portuguese as the instigators, whom they condemned to
pay a large sum, which went into their own pockets.
Between the imbecility of the Chinese government and the re-
newed persecution of the Portuguese, the project of Courteen's
association was abandoned ; although the terms entered into with
the Chinese were moderate, viz.: " that for ample trade and resi-
dence, the English should yearly pay 2000 taels to the Emperor,
four pieces of iron ordnance, and fifty muskets ." Throughout
these protracted difficulties the Chinese authorities appear to have
been under the control of the Portuguese, as the Chinese were
not then governed by the Tartars, and were really desirous of free
Agreeably to an understanding entered into between the Viceroy
of Goa and the East India Company, a fleet of ships was despatched
to Macao, in June, A.D. 1637 : the supercargoes presented a letter
from King Charles to the Portuguese Captain- general, who alleged
that the conduct of Captain Weddell the previous year, had sub-
jected them to heavy fines from the Chinese.
A.D. 1644. The East India Company sent the ship Hinde to
Macao ; on first landing, our countrymen received good entertain-
ment, but were subsequently mulcted in every possible way, and
charged 3,500 rials instead of 800, for measurement. The super-
cargoes' letter stated that the Portuguese were greatly reduced,
owing to the loss of their former trade to Japan, Manillas, & c. ,
and that they are little better than rebels against their viceroy at
Goa, having lately murdered their Captain-general, and daily
spilling one another's blood .
The supercargoes further state the effects of the Tartar con-
quest on China thus :-
" What makes things more miserable, China is wholly embroiled
in civil wars . One of the mandarins having risen in rebellion, is
grown so powerful, that he possesses a great part of the kingdom ,
and is likely to command the whole. The Emperor has hung
himself, (after slaying his wife and children) . These disturbances
have left Macao destitute of all kinds of merchandise, neither raw
nor wrought silks, nothing but China ware, of which the bulk of
the present cargo is composed ."
The state of the East India Company and of our trade in China,
A.D. 1648, is thus shown in a letter from the supercargoes at Ban-
tam :-" The experiment which you desire we should make with
one of our small vessels for trade into China, we are certainly in-
formed by those that know the present state and condition of that
country very well, cannot be undertaken without the inevitable
loss both of ship, men, and goods ; for as the Tartars overrun and
waste all the inland country, without settling any government in
the places which they overcome, so some of their great men in
China, with a mighty fleet at sea of upwards of 1,000 sail of great
ships, (as is confidently reported) rob and spoil all the sea-coasts,
and whatsoever vessels they can meet with ; and how one of our
feeble vessels would be able to defend themselves against such
forces is easy supposed . As for the Portugals in Macao, they are
little better than mere rebbels against their viceroy in Goa, having
lately murdered their Captain-general sent thither to them, and
Macao itself is so distracted amongst themselves, that they are
daily spilling one another's blood. But put the case, all these
things were otherwise, we must need say, we are in a very poor con-
dition to seek out new discoveries, while you will not allow us either
factors, shipping, or sailors , scarce half sufficient to maintain the
trade already you have on foot ; and, therefore, the Dutch but
laugh at us to see us meddle with new undertakings, being hardly
able to support the old."
A.D. 1664. The Surat ship despatched this year to Macao,
after waiting five months, reshipped the goods, as the charges de-
manded were enormous, independent of the heavy exaction of
the Chinese in the form of bribes. The supercargoes reported that
"the new governors of China, the Tartars, are throwing every im-
pediment in the way of trade, merchants from Canton are pre-
vented from coming to Macao by the pirates, who take every thing
before them ; provisions are not to be had."
A.D. 1670. The chief of Formosa had hitherto proved success-
ful against the Tartars, and was so anxious for foreign commerce,
that he invited the English to trade in his territories, promising
them an exemption from port or any other charges. The East
India Company despatched a vessel from Bantam, to Formosa.
The chief entered into terms which promised well for establishing a
factory and trade with Amoy.
Notwithstanding the invitation and promises, when the factory
was settled, and warehouses erected , the chief in the most treacher-
ous manner charged duties, to the serious injury of trade, en-
grossed the monopoly of sugar and skins, and acted most arbitra-
rily in every respect, obtaining goods without the least prospect
of paying for them, unless he got the better of the Tartars, of
which he was most sanguine. He, however, promised free ports
in every place should he succeed .
A.D. 1674. The ship Return was again despatched to Macao,
and after a long stay was obliged to depart without any success .
The consultation states that " owing to the intestine wars now
raging in China, and the consequent distress, they only sold eleven
pieces of cloth in barter, and that at poor rates ."
About the year A.D. 1677, a most pressing invitation was sent
from the viceroy of Canton to the English merchants, who were
then settled in Amoy seven years, to establish and settle a factory
in Canton . But such was the uncertainty of the usurpers being
able to continue their sway in China, and probably a dread of dis-
pleasing Koxinga, that the proposal was declined, the English pre-
ferring the native chieftain Koxinga, i.e., the King of Formosa, and
his successor . It was not until his final overthrow, A.D. 1681 ,
that the English turned their attention to Canton .
The Portuguese no sooner heard of the defeat of Koxinga, than
they purchased the sole right of trading to Canton, by a bribe of
8,000 sterling per annum, and procured an edict from the go-
vernor, which prohibited the merchants of that place under heavy
penalty " from trading with any strangers."
When the English arrived in A.D. 1682, in the Canton river, they
were met by a Tartar Admiral, who informed them, " that there
was an agreement entered into between the Emperor of China and
the Portuguese, not to permit a trade with any other European
The Tartars obtained possession of Amoy, and the factors, to
appease their hostility and rapacity, were obliged to expend con-
siderable sums of money ; but the more they gave, the more was
required, so that their condition was getting worse every day under
the new rulers.
Mr. Roberts, one of the supercargoes, demanding a debt due to
him by a Chinese merchant, was put under arrest in his own fac-
tory, and chained there until he agreed to take such goods as the
debtor chose to give him at his own valuation, for the sum he owed.
The extortions and exactions were not confined to the mandarins,
but the Emperor's son sent to a merchant and compelled him to sell
him such articles as he selected for his own price. The English
were even obliged to pay duties for a cargo that could not be dis-
posed of. All the ports of China being opened to traders, Amoy
was relinquished.
A.D. 1685. All the ports of the Empire were nominally opened
to foreign free trade by the Emperor Kanghe ; but the restrictions
and heavy impositions adopted by the local authorities continued
at Canton ; where the Portuguese tribute or bribe of £ 8,000 per
annum closed the port against the English, except under severe
exactions .
A.D. 1689. The first experiment of free port privileges was tried
on the ship Defence at Canton . After a delay of three weeks a
measurer came on board, commenced measuring her from stem to
stern ; but by getting a bribe consented to measure her from be-
fore the mizen- mast to the after part of the fore-mast. The sums
demanded were 2,484 taels, which was resisted ; after a week's
delay 1,500 taels were paid, 300 of which were to go to the Tartar
officers . A riot occured between the sailors of the Defence and
some Chinese, and although some of the sailors were killed, and
the doctor mortally wounded, yet in consequence of one of the
Chinese being also killed, not less than 5,000 taels would pacify
the mandarins, who refused 2,000 offered by Captain Heath.
A.D. 1702. Rapacity had early exhibited itself, by an attempt
to have all the trade at Canton conducted through one person, to
be styled " the Emperor's merchant." This extortion was not
fully acted on, after an engagement had been entered into to pay
him 5,000 taels for each ship .
A fresh imposition was laid on of four per cent. which caused a
long and useless remonstrance.
A.D. 1704. Gerardini, the Italian painter, arrived from Peking
at Canton, to embark for France in one of the company's vessels .
This eminent painter had been eight years in Peking, adorning
the Emperor's palace. The Emperor was so delighted with the
works of this artist, that he would not part with him till he had
" bred up six great men's sons " in the art. The hoppo to whom
he was consigned by the Emperor for safe and speedy departure,
greatly facilitated the despatch of the Company's fleet, by which
means the artist obtained a free passage.
A.D. 1715. The great promises held out by the mandarins at
Canton of protection, induced the East India Company to resolve
on sending ships to Canton at stated periods ; and the better to
secure the trade, stipulated for the observance of a series of regula-
tions as follows :-
Articles agreed upon between the supercargoes of the East
India Company and the hoppo, or superintendent of foreign trade
at Canton.
1st . Free trade with all Chinese without distinction.
2nd. Liberty to hire Chinese servants, and to dismiss them at
pleasure. English servants committing any offence to be punished
by the supercargoes, and not by the Chinese.
3rd. Liberty to purchase provisions for the factory and ships .
4th. No duties to be chargeable on the reshipment of unsold
goods, nor on stores, such as wine, beer, &c. expended in the
5th. Liberty to erect a tent on shore for repairing casks ,
sails, &c.
6th. English boats with colours flying, to pass and repass the
custom houses without examination, and the sailors' pockets not
to be searched.
7th. Escritoires and chests to be landed and shipped without
examination .
8th . The hoppo to protect the English from all insults and
impositions of the common people, and the mandarins .
As soon as it suited the authorities of Canton to violate these
regulations, they were of course set aside. In fact, although
ratified on paper they were never practically carried into effect.
The lex talionis, promptly executed, has always been in China
the surest mode of obtaining redress. The East India Company
records state that in 1713 " A private ship (the Anne) from Madras,
seized a junk belonging to Amoy, in satisfaction of injuries re-
ceived at that port. The Emperor being informed of this, sent a
special messenger to enquire into the affair ; and on his report,
ordered the mandarins, whose duty it was to see justice done the
Madras merchants, to be severely punished .
" The seizure of the junk caused the English to be better treated
than ever."
Lord's Report, 1821 , p. 279.
Whilst the Company had the alternative of trading at Amoy as
well as Canton, the supercargoes exhibited a becoming spirit.
They frequently detained their vessels at the mouth of the river,
until they obtained an assurance of proper treatment. At this
early period it was not an uncommon occurrence to bring sentries
on shore to guard the factory ; and it must have been through
ignorance or neglect, that they permitted so good a precedent to
become obsolete.
In 1721 a complaint of combination among the Chinese to
regulate prices was made, as is now (1847) the case.
The Court of Directors, in their orders to the supercargoes as
to the liberty to trade, stated " this article is likely to be more
necessary and strenuously to be insisted on now than ever, for our
last returned supercargoes have brought us a draft of the combina-
tion which the Chinese were forming to set their own prices on
the goods to be sold to the Europeans, thereby to have their pro-
portion of the real profit on the said goods, whoever appeared to
be the seller."
A.D. 1722. The intolerant grievance was tried this year of
forming the Cohong. The hoppo prohibited the inferior mer-
chants from trading with Europeans, and compelled all merchants
(except the Cohong) to pay 20 per cent. on China ware, and 40
per cent. on all tea sold by them. By a firm resistance on the
part of the supercargoes, this was dissolved. It was soon ascer-
tained that fresh extortions and violations of the privileges granted
were attempted every season.
A.D. 1723. The supercargo of the ship " Walpole," on their
arrival at Macao, discovered that the whole of the Chinese officials
had engrossed the trade, and obliged the Chinese merchants to
borrow money from them at 30 per cent. having previously pur-
chased all the tea in the country, and forced the merchants to
take it at their own price. By this means the merchants were
ruined, so that not more than two were capable of entering into a
The Consoo Fund, which was levied by the mere fiat of the Hong
merchants, was three per cent. on all goods excepting woollens, long
cloths, iron, and cotton yarn.
It had long been diverted from the purposes for which it was
imposed, and was of late years appropriated as follows :
Annual tribute to the Emperor . £ 18,000
Repairing the Yellow River, to which the
British had no access 10,000
An agent at Peking 7,000
Birthday presents to the Emperor 43,000
Ditto to the hoppo · 7,000
Ditto ور دوMother or Wife
Wife · 7,000
Ditto various officers • 13,000
Expended on Ginseng, a Royal monopoly grown
in Tartary • 47,000
A.D. 1727. Several merchants left Canton for Amoy, where
they were invited, and it was stated that the mandarins of that
port were most anxious to cultivate trade, and free it from un-
reasonable demands. April 22nd, at a consultation held this day,
it was resolved to remove to Amoy, in consequence of the increased
exaction and insulting treatment at Canton.
This intention was abandoned upon fresh promises being made
by the hoppo of more favourable usage. October 22nd trade
again interrupted for a considerable time, in consequence of not
being able to procure tea, from some combination among the
A.D. 1730. The 10 per cent. imposition amounted this year to
16,000 taels, every effort was tried to have it reduced or abolished
without success .
A.D. 1732. The French, Dutch, and English made a remon-
strance against the unjust taxes, the 6 per cent. and the 10 per
cent. Nothing obtained but promises, as it was said the Emperor
received a portion of the taxes.
A.D. 1733 and 1734. The consignments this year from England
having failed, endeavours were made to relinquish the presents to
the hoppo ( 1,950 taels) according to a former agreement ; but
without effect .
A.D. 1735. Inferior silk being attempted by the Chinese to be
passed off, caused a representation to be made to the viceroy, who
answered that for such trifling circumstances he should not be
disturbed in future, by strangers coming into the city, which was
not allowed.
The supercargoes threatening to go to Amoy, the mandarins
made great promises, and reduced the Cumsha of 1950 taels per
ship, to a nominal sum.
A.D. 1735. This year another attempt was tried at Amoy, from
the promises held out by the mandarins upon anchoring in the
outer harbours ; but it could not be ascertained what duties would
be charged. When the covid or cubit was brought, it was found
only eleven inches in length, instead of 14 ; 1,250 taels were
required instead of 504 for measurement, which was accepted,
with an addition of twenty per cent . to the hoppo.
The ships had no sooner broken bulk than the old system was
reverted to, and a spy of their own placed within the factory, to
take account of all goods sold ; the ships' guns were required to be
given up.
At length a representation reached the Yan, as he was called,
who promised to rectify the misconduct.
After a few weeks delay a grand " chop" arrived from the
viceroy of the province, directing that the English should be
allowed full liberty to trade ; and stating that by a decree of the
Imperial grand council, published four years previous, the mandarins
of Amoy are expressly enjoined not to demand a duty of seven
per cent. formerly paid there by European ships ; it being hoped
that by this concession, they might again be induced to resort to
Amoy to trade.
Notwithstanding this, the imperial wishes were frustrated by the
conduct of the hoppo and others, who were " full of delays and pre-
varications, denying one day what they had promised the pre-
vious." The result was, that after several weeks delay the ships
departed without disposing of any part of their cargo.
A lesson was learnt from the edict published at Amoy, that the
cabinet of that time was well disposed to commerce, and to the
removal of any obstacles that were brought under that cognizance .
The difficulty felt at all times was to find means of communicating
with the court on the subject of these extortions, committed by the
very parties who were the regular channels for the transmission of
A.D. 1736. Keenlung, who ascended the throne this year, re-
voked the ten per cent.: for obtaining which, the governor de-
manded 30,000 taels, but it was considered that this privilege was
obtained through the influence of the Jesuits at court, as the
French and English had joined in petitioning against it.
An advance of 6,000 taels was given to Chinese functionaries to
obtain the privilege of retaining the arms and ammunition on
board our ships !
The Emperor Keenlung, laid down a maxim that should be
acted on by the local government of Canton, in order to intimi-
date Man-Ee, that is " fierce barbarians," viz .: that " life for life
should be required, without any regard to the extenuating cir-
cumstances which the Chinese laws admitted when Natives only
were concerned. " Thus it appeared to be necessary to bridle the
ferocity of the Man-Ee, by laws more sanguinary than are re-
quired for the Natives who are within the pale of civilization.
One of the many modes adopted by the Chinese authorities, in
Canton, to continue and perpetuate their extortions, was to punish
severely any Native who taught Europeans the language. This
was obviously lest their complaints should reach the court . So
that the corrupt local authorities have poisoned each successive
Emperor against every foreigner without distinction . These mis-
representations have never yet been effectually exposed.
The subsequent years from 1736, are not marked with any par-
ticular event. Commodore Anson's arrival off Canton, in 1742,
to obtain some provisions, gave occasion for fresh demands. Pro-
visions were readily promised, on condition of measurement charges
being paid for her, which was instantly refused.
The Commodore was not to be trifled with : he proceeded up
the river, and anchored near the custom-house. No provisions ar-
riving according to promise, the Commodore, in company with the
English, Swedish, Dutch, and Danish supercargoes, demanded an
audience of the viceroy. A dreadful fire breaking out about this
time, the Commodore's seamen rendered most signal services in
extinguishing the flames. Through this means an audience was
granted, when, as usual, promises were made ; but nothing beyond
supplies, and permission to repair the " Centurion," were obtained.
A.D. 1747. The exactions and impositions were this year re-
newed, notwithstanding the Emperor having abolished them, and
no audience could be procured, to represent them in the proper
quarter. It was not until instructions were received from London
to resort to the old method of satisfying official rapacity, that trade
was renewed in 1750.
A.D. 1754. Such were the extortions and grievances this year,
that the East India Company gave directions to open a trade at
Limpo . On this coming to the ears of the Mandarins at Canton ,
there were as usual , promises ; but no written answer was given
to their numerous applications .
A.D. 1755. The fair promises were performed in the true
Chinese mode, by confining the whole trade to Hong merchants,
and excluding small merchants and shop-keepers.
A.D. 1761. Mr. Pigou, one of the supercargoes, suggested an
embassy to Peking, with a view to renew the trade to the north.
Mr. Flint was appointed, and was favourably received at Ningpo
and Chusan.
It soon appeared that the Chinese authorities at Canton were
unfavourable, and it turned out that between them a sum of
20,000 taels was sent to the officers about the court of Peking,
and an edict was procured which confined the trade to Canton.
Mr. Flint was urged to depart from Ningpo, without either
goods or provisions . He was forced to sail against an unfavoura-
ble monsoon, but instead of steering for Canton, he directed his
course to the mouth of the Pieho, and from thence sent a petition
to the Emperor at Peking .
This petition reached the throne, and an enquiry was set on
foot, the hoppo of Canton was dismissed, and several impositions
unlawfully exacted, were taken off. The British ships were in fu-
ture to be called Western Ocean ships, not " devil's ships ."
On Mr. Flint's return to Canton, his presence was required by
the Isonstock (viceroy) . The supercargoes of all nations accom-
panied him into the city, thinking, as they were given to under-
stand, that new orders were about to be issued.
On their arrival at the gate of the palace, their swords were
taken from them ; they were then forced into the viceroy's pre-
sence, and hesitating to pay homage, were actually thrown down
on their faces. The Isonstock then called Mr. Flint, and read the
Emperor's order for his banishment to Macao, for three years, and
then to leave the empire for ever.
This punishment was inflicted on Mr. Flint for going to Limpo ,
(Ningpo) and the Native who wrote his petition was beheaded.
Mr. Flint was kept in close confinement for three years, viz.: to
1762, and the English quietly submitted to this injustice.
A.D. 1760. The East India Company sent out a Mr. Skottowe,
and it was to be given out that he was brother to his Majesty's
Under Secretary of State. The object of this mission was to obtain
the release of Mr. Flint, and a redress of the many grievances with
which the trade was burthened. This mission effected nothing,
not one of the points urged being conceded ; on the contrary, the
authorities became more insolent than ever. As an illustration, it
may be stated that in a letter from the governor to his Britannic
Majesty, they commend the king to take Mr. Flint, and keep him
in safe custody ; as his nation was drenched with the waves of im-
perial favour, and therefore should leap for joy.
A.D. 1765. The insult to the king's letter, and the gross injus-
tice done to Mr. Flint, paved the way for fresh extortions this year.
On the arrival of the king's ship " Argo," the hoppo insisted on
measuring her, which was not resisted with that firmness which
was so successful in Lord Anson's case. After a fruitless discussion
which lasted four months, the king's ship was measured. The
alternative of paying for the ship or quitting the country, was
most pompously proposed ; but hitherto it was the supercargoes
who used to threaten to leave the port of Canton. This new policy
was the consequence of having all the other ports closed, and
tamely submitting to repeated insults .
A.D. 1771. This year the Cohong, or committee for regulating
and fixing the prices at which all goods should be sold and pur-
chased, was abolished, at an expense to the East India Company
of 100,000 taels.
Yet we find that in 1779, this instrument of extortion was in
full operation under a new name, Consoo Fund, the history and
origin of which are as follows :-
The enormous sum of 3,808,076 Spanish dollars, became due in
a comparatively short time to British subjects, without any hopes of
being able to recover the same.
All efforts failing to recover any portion of this just debt, the
case was laid before the Madras government, who dispatched Cap-
tain Panton, in one of his Majesty's ships, to urge payment.
The Captain had instructions from Admiral Sir E. Vernon, to
insist on an audience with the viceroy of Canton.
It was not without threats from the British Commander, that
the audience was granted . The arrangement entered into, was an
acceptance of ten shillings in the pound, (without interest), as a
composition to be paid within ten years.
Captain Panton had no sooner departed, than the Consoo
Fund was established . And thus this lawful debt having been
first reduced one half, was then to be discharged by a fresh
impost on European commerce, which was continued up to a re-
cent period.
A.D. 1773. This year the first judicial murder by the Chinese
officials was perpetrated on a foreigner, named Scott, against whom
not a particle of evidence was produced.
A.D. 1780. The precedent made in the former case by the go-
vernment of Macao, was this year followed by the French, who
surrendered a Frenchman, who had killed a Portuguese in a fray.
The Frenchman was forthwith strangled by order of the Foo-yuen,
or Chinese viceroy, without any trial .
A.D. 1784. The English were the next to suffer, and the gun-
ner of the Lady Hughes, who was the innocent cause of a China-
man's death, when firing a salute, was surrendered to be murdered .
The recital of this case would only perpetuate the record of our
The late Dr. Morrison, in his remarks on homicide in China,
states : " that during the 11th moon of the 13th year of Keen-lung,
(A.D. 1749), the governor of Canton reported to the Emperor, that
he had tried two foreigners, who had caused the death of two
Chinese, and having sentenced them to be bastinadoed and trans-
ported, had to request that, according to foreign laws, they might
be sent to a Chinese settlement."
"The Emperor's reply was, that the governor had acted contrary
to law ; that he should have required life for life .' ' If,' he adds,
' you quote only our native laws, and according to them sentence
to the bastinado and transportation, then the fierce and unruly
dispositions of the foreigners will cease to be afraid, it is incum-
bent to have life for life, to frighten and repress the barbarians.' '
As homicide affects the Chinese, it stands thus :-" 1st. Killing
with intention, punishable by death ; 2nd. Killing by accident, a
mulctuary offence ; 3rd . Killing in lawful self- defence, not punish-
able at all." (See page 154.)
" Of late years," said the above author, " the plan adopted by
the Chinese, in cases of homicide, has been to demand of the fellow-
countrymen of the alleged manslayer, that the guilty person should
be found out, and handed over to the Chinese for punishment.
This is in effect to constitute them a criminal court." (See this
fully illustrated at page 412) .
" Were a man to be delivered up by the individuals thus called
upon, he would be regarded by the government as already con-
demned. His punishment, painful experience tells us, would be
We never ought to have permitted the execution, or even trial of
an Englishman by the Chinese.
" For very many years," says Mr. M'Farlane, " no such thing
as an execution of Franks, by Turkish law, had been seen in the
Levant, where offenders are given over to their respective consuls,
who take into their own hands their punishment, if the offence be
light, or send them home to be tried by the laws of their own coun-
try, if serious."
The state of affairs at Canton, about the period referred to , is
shown by the following communication from the East India Com-
pany's supercargoes, to the Court of Directors, dated, A.D. 1780 .
Foreigners are not here allowed the benefit of the Chinese law,
nor have they privileges in common with the natives. They are
governed merely by such rules as the Mandarins for the time .
being declare to be their will ; and the reason why so few incon-
veniences happen from irregularities, is that the officers of the go-
vernment on such occasions, rather choose to exact money from
the security merchants, compradors, &c., than use rigorous mea-
sures from which they gain nothing. Their corruption, therefore,
is the foreigners ' security."
If a manly spirit did not exist among the British authorities at
Canton, to prevent the surrender of an innocent fellow- subject to
be strangled by the Chinese, an examination of the effects pro-
duced by Weddell and Anson would have found an apology for
refusing to sacrifice the gunner of the Lady Hughes . The im-
positions, insults, and oppression which all foreigners have since
that period been subjected to, can with certainty be traced to our
mean and unchristian conduct on this occasion .
Events of a similar nature have been compromised by bribing
the Chinese judges, in order to obtain a favourable decision ; no
further judicial murders appear on the records.
A.D. 1784. The subsequent period, down to Lord Macartney's
embassy, is marked with fresh impositions ; the supercargoes ap-
pear to have lost all traces of even that portion of firmness which
distinguished some of their predecessors . In proof, about this
period commenced the novel tax upon the provisions consumed by
the Company's servants. The Bellona was obliged to pay duties
on a full freight, although she took away none, and was on her re-
turn compelled to dispose of her whole cargo to the hoppo's
private friend. It was found useless to remonstrate, as the slightest
demur was sure to bring on a suspension of the trade .
A.D. 1791. The late Lord Melville, President of the Board of Con-
trol, saw the serious injury to our commerce from having only one
port open in China, the monopoly of the Hong, and the arbitrary
oppression under which British subjects were kept by the local
authorities. To amend this state of affairs an embassy to Peking
was proposed.
The following excellent instructions to Lord Macartney, A.D.
1795, if then carried out, would most probably have saved us an
inglorious and expensive war, and the hazardous position in which
we now are, after submitting for fifty years to gross impositions,
insults, and extortion :-
1st. " That merchants be allowed to trade at Chusan, Ningpo,
and Tien-sing (the port of Peking.)
2nd. " To have a warehouse at Peking for their goods, as the
Russians had formerly.
3rd . " To grant some small detached unfortified island near to
Chusan, as a magazine for unsold goods, and a residence for those
who had charge of them.
4th . " A similar privilege near Canton, and certain trifling in-
VOL. II. с
5th. " To abolish the transit duties between Canton and Macao,
or at least reduce them to the standard of 1782.
6th. " To prohibit the exaction of any duties from English
merchants, over and above those settled by the Emperor's diploma,
a copy of which is to be given to them for their information ."
A.D. 1799. The details of the embassy of Lord Macartney are
well known ; the points sought were not gained, but the advan-
tages derived from the mission and the valuable presents of 1795,
were a general reduction in the expenses of the supercargoes' re-
moval to and from Canton ; a stop was put to the interfering in
the allotment to the several Hong merchants of the Company's
business -the Consoo Fund, however, still remained ; goods con-
tinued to be unfairly weighed by the hoppo ; and the country ships
to be unfairly measured ; undue charges were made on the transfer
of stores from ship to ship at Whampoa ; and the exorbitant ship-
ping charges remained as usual.
The want of proper interpreters caused the embassy of Lord
Macartney to be placed under the designation of "tribute bearer."
Since that period only are the English styled the " Red-bristled
Barbarians," which circumstance has given rise to the suspicion
that the interpreters attending the embassy, headed the paper as
the petition of the " Red-bristled Barbarian Tribute-bearer." The
recent translation of a Chinese court journal, styles this embassy
as paying tribute, which proves that such an impression has been
made. In China, above all other nations, words and ceremonies
are things, and as well understood as they are in the west.
Nothing appears to have occurred in the beginning of the pre-
sent century that requires any remark . During the war the visits
of Her Majesty's ships were necessarily frequent, to convoy the
homeward bound fleets, and a tacit consent was obtained for
them to anchor near Canton, and procure provisions . The sums
paid for this " gracious condescension " are not recorded.
A.D. 1805-6 . An exchange of letters and presents took place
between the King of England and the Emperor of China . The
following is a copy of the answer of the Emperor of China :-
" Your Majesty's kingdom is at a remote distance beyond the
seas, but is observant of its duties, and obedient to its laws, be-
holding from afar the glory of our Empire, and respectfully admir-
ing the perfection of our government. Your Majesty has des-
patched messengers with letters for our perusal ; we find that they
are dictated by appropriate sentiments of esteem and veneration ;
and being, therefore, inclined to fulfil the wishes of your Majesty,
we have determined to accept of the whole of the accompanying
" With regard to those of your Majesty's subjects who, for a
long course of years, have been in the habit of trading to our em-
pire, we must observe to you, that our celestial government regards
all persons and nations with eyes of charity and benevolence, and
always treats and considers your subjects with the utmost indul-
gence and affection ; on their account, therefore, there can be no
place or occasion for the exertions of your Majesty's government ."
The arrogance of this letter, is on a par with its assertion of our
people being treated with " indulgence and affection ."
A.D. 1806. Mr. Manning, a gentleman of great attainments in
various sciences, through the East India Company, endeavoured
to obtain permission to proceed to Peking. Mr. Manning pre-
sented a petition, offering his services as astronomer and physician,
agreeably to an edict which had been previously issued, that the
Emperor was in want of such persons . The answer to the petition
was that his offer of services to the Emperor could not be accepted
nor even communicated to his Majesty.
A.D. 1807. A quarrel arose between the East India Company's
sailors and the Chinese at Canton . Their commander succeeded
in getting them into the Company's factory ; but the Chinese fol-
lowed them in great numbers, continued throughout the day throw-
ing stones at the factory, and at every European passing . En-
durance had reached its limits, the sailors made a sally on the
Chinese, and unfortunately killed one man. Blood for blood was
demanded ; the identical person could not be fixed on ; the former
surrender of an Englishman named Sheen, was then pleaded .
Captain Rolles, the senior captain, and the supercargoes, were
animated with a better spirit, and although the trade was stopped
for two months, it was again re-opened at an expense of £50,000,
which was paid in bribes to the Chinese authorities at Canton .
A.D. 1808. We committed a mistake in occupying Macao with
a detachment of troops from India, in order to prevent its occupa-
tion by the French, then in possession of Portugal. It ought to
have been known to the Bengal government, that the Portuguese
were then mere tenants at will, paying an annual rent to the go-
vernment of China, and in a great measure subject to Chinese
jurisdiction .
Had the French taken possession of Macao, as was apprehended,
British aid would have been required by the Chinese government,
in return for which we might have obtained a better position in
China than even our present state .
After a discussion for several weeks, a stop was put to our trade ;
at length Admiral Drury, who commanded the expedition , having
declared that his instructions did not prevent him going to war
with China, an edict of the Emperor on the subject was made the
pretext for withdrawing the troops. This circumstance was
magnified in Chinese style by the viceroy, and the people generally
believed that our retreat was from the fear of Chinese prowess.
A.D. 1810. When the homeward-bound fleet was ready to de-
part for Europe, the death of a Chinese occurred . Evidence was
publicly taken before the officials, who could not identify any one
person with the crime : nevertheless, the clearance (chop) was re-
c 2
fused, but after some delay, and a display of firmness on the part
of the commander of resorting to force, the " chop " authorizing
departure was granted.
The southern coast of China had been infested with pirates.
The chief sufferers were the Portuguese, who had their small ves-
sels frequently plundered . Though some British subjects were at
the time prisoners with the pirates, no means appear to have been
taken to exterminate them by the East India Company's super-
cargoes. The Portuguese tendered their services to the Chinese
government ; but the Chinese resorted to the usual method , viz. :
granting to the leader abundant favours, and to the followers abso-
lute amnesty. Two chief pirates and upwards of 8,000 of their fol-
lowers, surrendered .
A.D. 1811. Application was made by the hoppo for a passage
to Europe of four Italians who had been twenty-five years in the
Emperor's service at Peking. Seven Europeans still remained, as
their services could not be dispensed with in making up the calen-
dar, to which the greatest importance is attached.
This year the trade was again stopped through the arbitrary
conduct of a new hoppo . It was two months before commerce was
renewed ; the delay would have been much longer, had not the
chief member of the factory, Mr. Roberts, died in the meantime.
This objection to an individual member of the Company's factory
was resisted with becoming firmness, and subsequently met the
approval of the local authorities.
A.D. 1814. His Majesty's ship " Doris " captured an American
ship at sea, and brought her to Macao, which caused a suspension
of business from April to December. The celestials could not , or
would not, comprehend the distinction between His Majesty's ship
and those of the East India Company.
Endurance appears to have reached its limit at this period, on
the part of the East India Company ; but two men were at the
head of the Company's affairs, who resisted oppression and insult
as far as was possible.
The viceroy issued an edict prohibiting the employment of Native
servants by the factory, although it had been customary to do so
for 100 years. To carry out this edict, the officers of government
unceremoniously entered the factories, and seized their servants,
during the compulsory residence at Macao of the select committee.
October 21st, 1814. Sir G. Staunton and Sir T. Metcalf pro-
ceeded to Canton ; Sir George stated to the authorities, " that he
was charged by the committee with several communications of im-
portance, but in none of them was any thing proposed for them-
selves, more than the prosecution of a fair and equitable commerce
under the protection of his Imperial Majesty ; that they entertained
every disposition to obey his laws ; that they sought for no innova-
tions, nor were desirous of interfering in any affairs of government
in which they were not concerned ."
Other interviews took place with the viceroy on four subsequent
occasions ; but on the last, the 29th of October, the viceroy fail-
ing to deter these spirited men, suddenly retired, which left no
alternative to Sir G. Staunton, but to carry his threat into execu-
tion ; he immediately quitted Canton, ordered all the Company's
ships from Whampoa to the second bar, and likewise desired that
all British subjects should quit Canton.
The 12th and 14th of November, deputations of Hong mer-
chants visited Sir George Staunton, and requested him to suspend
the order for the removal, adding that they were authorized to
state that the viceroy would depute a mandarin to discuss the
points in dispute.
Sir George no sooner returned, than Howqua informed him that
no mandarin would be sent until the trade was resumed . Sir
George in strong language showed his indignation of this breach
of faith, on the part of men who were the accredited organs of
communication between the British merchants and the government
of China.
Firmness on this, as on all former and subsequent occasions, had
the desired effect.
The interview took place on the 19th, when Sir George, ver-
bally and in written characters, submitted eight propositions ,
which it is unnecessary to give in detail, as their being partially
complied with, shows they were too grievous for even a Tartar
government longer to inflict.
The 29th brought a communication from Howqua, (the farce of
pretending to send to Peking was not resorted to this time), as
follows :-
1st. " Permission given to address the government in Chinese
through the Hong merchants, without the contents being inquired
2nd. " The use of offensive language not very satisfactorily an-
3rd. " The local magistrates not to visit the factory without
giving due previous notice.
4th. " The communication by boats between Canton and
Whampoa to be open and free as usual.
5th. "Natives may be employed as coolies, porters, tea-boilers,
cooks, and in other similar capacities.
6th. " Ships of war to remain at their usual anchorages while
the ships are at Whampoa, but when they depart the ships of war
to depart .
7th. " Boats to receive passes at certain stations."
I cannot better illustrate the evasive character of this govern-
ment, than by giving the 8th proposition and the reply. 8th .
" That the Chinese armed boats be not permitted to continue to
fire at the country ships*, and that English prize goods be not sold
by the Americans at Whampoa."
* Country ships were those arriving from British India.
Reply to the 8th. " The country ships have been fired at as due
notice to the Bogue Fort."
A.D. 1816. It was resolved by his Majesty's government to
send an embassy to the Emperor of China, under Lord Amherst .
The objects were the removal of the capricious and intolerable
proceedings which the local government of Canton had for a long
time past practised towards the Company's representatives there,
by which they had seriously interrupted the affairs of the Com-
pany ; and that in future the Company's trade should be placed
on a more secure and equitable footing.
The embassy embarked at Spithead, on the 8th February, 1816,
and arrived at the imperial province of Chih-le, on the 10th August .
They were met at Tsien-tsing, the port of Peking, on the Pieho
river, by an imperial legate, when the discussion soon commenced
as to the performance of the Ko-tou.
In the first discussion it was asserted that Lord Macartney com-
plied with the ceremony ; this was firmly denied by Lord Amherst.
The legate then artfully intimated the injury the trade at Can-
ton might suffer, by the ambassador not performing the ceremony.
The preconcerted plan for preventing the embassy succeeding ,
was fully evidenced in the first day's journey towards Peking, by
the legate stating that the band would not be allowed to proceed,
but that it should return to the ships, stating that it was the Em-
peror's orders ; although it was impossible he could have been made
acquainted with anything that had hitherto transpired.
The journey to Peking was made as uncomfortable as possible,
by the perpetual discussion concerning the performance of the
ceremony .
The second day Lord Amherst was again pressed, and he con-
sented to perform the ceremony, provided he received an under-
taking on the part of the Emperor, that any subject of his Ma-
jesty deputed to England, should be ordered to perform the same
ceremony to the British sovereign .
This was not satisfactory, and the boats were ordered to return .
The following day it was proposed that a rehearsal of the ceremony
should take place in a public manner. This was objected to, but
a written obligation was offered that it should be performed on the
former terms .
This proposal was instantly entertained , the written undertak-
ing procured, and the boats ordered to proceed towards Peking.
The remaining progress of the ambassador was marked with
gross rudeness on the part of the Chinese attending-officers. The
embassy was ordered in an insulting manner to depart from
Peking without seeing the Emperor, and the treatment which it
experienced was illustrative of Tartar arrogance and barbarism.
The embassy was conveyed to Canton in imperial boats, with
colours flying, on which were inscribed the words, “ tribute bear-
ers," in order to humiliate the English and elevate the Tartars in
the eyes of the Chinese.
A letter from the Emperor of China to the Prince Regent, con-
tains the following insolent observation :-
" Hereafter there is no occasion for you to send an ambassador
so far, and be at the trouble of passing over mountains, and cros-
sing seas ;" and in a vermilion edict, written on paper of that
colour by the Emperor himself, is the following passage, " I there-
fore sent down my pleasure to expel these ambassadors, and send
them back to their own country, without punishing the high crime
they had committed."
The treatment of the Embassy on its journey from Peking to
Canton, is noted by the Right Honourable H. Ellis, who says :-
"Many of the retinue of the embassy returned as they went, in
carts ; the motion was bearable until we came on the paved road,
when the jolting became intolerable : it was repeated dislocation of
every part of the frame ; each jolt seemed sufficient to have de-
stroyed life, which yet remained to undergo the dreadful repeti-
tion. The elements combined with the imperial displeasure to
annoy us, the rain fell in torrents ; not however, so violently as to
deter the spectators from indulging their curiosity, by thrusting
lanterns into the chairs and carts to have a full view of our per-
sons. I certainly never felt so irritated in my life."
A.D. 1816. The East India Company's ship ' General Hewitt,'
arrived at Lintin the 12th of September, after leaving the embassy
on their way to Peking . When application was made to load her
with tea, it was refused, and she was ordered to remain at the
second bar ; to this, the select committee intimated their intention
of ordering the Hewitt to Whampoa, and requested the removal of
the war-boats by which she was surrounded, to prevent bloodshed ;
they reminded the authorities of the solemn convention entered
into two years previous, which had been violated by addressing a
chop to the linguist, and not to the select committee, which the
president refused to receive.
The delicate situation of the committee on this trying occasion,
would excuse their temporizing policy, there being then a British
ambassador at the imperial court ; a circumstance of which every
advantage was taken by the crafty rulers . The 24th October, their
respectful addresses being refused by the hoppo, Captain Jameson
was sent by the committee to the city. This brave seaman forced
his way into the city, and delivered a letter to a mandarin of dis-
tinction. The viceroy next day, signified his displeasure at visit-
ing the city, but no other answer was given . Their comprador had
been accused of aiding the captain in his visit, and was beaten, and
tortured in a most cruel manner, as a warning to barbarians,
This transaction fully confirms the supposition, that the defeat
of the embassy was concocted at Canton ; and the excuse of send-
ing to Peking for permission to load a vessel belonging to the
company, which only accompanied a tribute bearer, was obviously
to gain time. The Court of Directors " considered that the whole
of the conduct of the viceroy, subsequent to the arrival of the Ge-
neral Hewitt from the northward, sufficiently evidenced that some-
thing had occurred at Peking, in relation to the embassy, which
that mandarin felt to be so detrimental to the interests of the
English, as to encourage him in an open and undisguised opposi-
tion to the factory on every occasion." The instructions inculcated
"the utmost moderation and temper," which meant, " submit to
any degradation so that our interests are upheld."
Captain Maxwell arrived from the Peiho, on the 16th, in His
Majesty ship Alceste,' and had an interview with a mandarin,
who promised to obtain permission from the viceroy, to admit the
ship within the Bogue ( or " Bocca Tigris," the entrance of the
Canton waters) , provided he waited five days. Captain Maxwell
waited at Lintin one day after the time fixed, but the Alceste,
being much in want of provisions and repairs, the captain weighed
anchor, and sailed through a flotilla of war-boats, which com-
menced firing on him, although the captain only claimed the pri-
vilege granted to His Majesty's ship Lion,' in 1793, on a similar
The frigate had no sooner weighed than a signal was made from
the flotilla ; lights were displayed at the forts, and a brisk can-
nonade from upwards of ninety guns was commenced. One shot
fell on board the Alceste, and two or three others lodged in the
bows of the ship . The Alceste poured a broadside into the forts,
on which the lights quickly disappeared. The forts on the lar-
board hand, on which the guns could not be brought to bear, con-
tinued firing without any serious injury . This becoming conduct
of Captain Maxwell proved highly beneficial to the trade, and for
the future the viceroy learned to distinguish ships belonging to His
Majesty from those of the East India Company.
The affair was hushed up by the Chinese authorities, who said
merely that some men were " spoiled," (wounded). Great respect
was paid to Captain Maxwell, as had before been the case with
Commodore Anson, and with Captain Weddell, and as will always
be the case with a people like the Tartar rulers of China.
The communications that took place about this time, between
the Marquis of Hastings when Governor-general of India, and
the Chinese Government and their Tartar commissioners, relative
to Nepaul or Nipal, deserve notice, as we shall soon again be
brought into more active intercourse with that country, and it
appears that the Goorkha Rajah is claimed by the Chinese Go-
vernment as a tributary in subjection to China.
Rana Bahadar, the ruler of Nipal, abdicated the throne
in favor of his son, retired to Benares, and incurred a consi-
derable debt to the British Government whilst residing there .
He entered into a treaty with them for its liquidation , and for the
residence of a British officer at Katmandu. Captain Knox was
appointed resident at the capital of Goorkha in 1801, but only re-
mained about three years.
Previous to hostilities between the British and Nipalese autho-
rities, some territories in dispute were submitted to arbitration.
After an investigation by commissioners of each nation, the award
was in favour of the British ; but still the Goorkha rajah would not
surrender the lands he had usurped. It became necessary to send
an armed force to establish British authority. The rainy season
set in, and the troops had been but a short time withdrawn, when
on the 29th of May, 1814, three of the police-stations were at-
tacked by the Goorkhas ; the British officers driven out, and
eighteen of our people killed.
The Rajah of Goorkha at the eleventh hour was disposed for
peace, but his General Umr Sing, (probably a Sikh) writing
from his camp, exhorted his chief to prefer a glorious struggle even
to death, rather than consent to a treaty, and suggested the
propriety of appealing to the mighty Emperor of China for aid .
Several appeals it is said were made to the court of Peking, on the
grounds of resenting the insult that had been offered to the supre-
macy ofthe Emperor in Nipal by the British.
In one of those solicitations to the Emperor of China, His Ma-
jesty was told that the attack on Nipal is only a preliminary step
to the invasion of Bootan, Tibet, and China. Another appeal asked
for a sum of money by way of loan, to maintain the Goorkha army,
and strongly urged his celestial majesty to send a force of 200,000
Chinese troops, through the Dharma territory, into the lower pro-
vinces of Bengal. " Consider," says the Rajah, "if you abandon
your dependants, that the English will soon be masters of Lassa."
The channel of communication between the court of Peking and
Nipal, was through the Chinese officers who are stationed in Tibet.
It subsequently appeared that all appeals were suppressed, and
never reached Peking, somewhat after the manner of our appeals
to Peking for redress.
A communication was sent to all the neighbouring powers,
including the Chinese, from the Governor-general of British India,
cautioning them against aiding the enemies of British rule. The
Chinese officers became alarmed, and at last sent one of the Nipal
appeals to Peking (twelve were suppressed.)
The Emperor is reported to have been highly indignant at the
tone and language of the Marquis of Hastings in his cautionary
address, and exclaims, " these English seem to look upon them-
selves as kings, and upon me as merely one of their neighbouring
Rajahs ."
Three Chinese officers were dispatched to the seat of war, to
institute enquiries ; and a large army was sent after them .
These officers addressed a letter to the Governor-general of
India, through the Sikhim Rajah, who was a faithful ally of the
British Government.
This address commenced with the charges that had been made
against the British by the Goorkha Rajah, and continues, " such
absurd measures appear quite inconsistent with the usual wisdom
of the English ; it is probable they never made the declarations
imputed to them ; if they did, it will not be well.
" An answer should be sent as soon as possible, stating whether
or not the English ever entertained such absurd propositions : if
they did not, let them write a suitable explanation to the tseang-
keun, that he may report to the Emperor."
The Governor-general in his answer entered very fully into the
real facts of the case ; and appealed to the intelligence of Chinese
officers, to judge of the truth of such a measure by the justness
of it.
In conjunction with this explanation the Lama and Sikhim
Rajah, perfectly satisfied these Chinese governors ( as they styled
themselves in their address . )
A cessation of hostilities had in fact taken place before their
arrival ; but the treaty had not been completed. By this treaty
it was intended that a British resident should be stationed at
This salutary measure was deemed very objectionable to the
Goorkhas, (it is so to all faithless governments) and an application
was made to the Chinese commissioners to use their influence to
prevent so dire a calamity, but the fact was these gentlemen were
too happy to be enabled to return to their sovereign, and probably
tell him that the celestial army had the desired effect of frightening
the barbarian English into terms .
But still , in this distant dependency of China the “ dignity and
awe -inspiring influence of the celestial monarch," must play the
braggart. Peace had happily taken place, and a conference was
agreed upon between the Nepaulese sirdars and the Chinese com-
missioners, to discuss the hard terms imposed by the British.
On the approach of the sirdars to the commissioners they fell
on their knees, from which position they rose by an order.
Portraits of former sirdars were brought forth by the Chinese,
and only one of them corresponded with the sirdars present.
The Chinese commenced by asking, " Where are your Pundys
and your Parsarams fled to ? And who are these Thapas (Bramins)
that we never before heard of?" The Chinese now pretended to
be quite enraged, and said, " You are a set of rascals : you have
been always playing tricks, and have been the ruin of many Rajahs.
You once plundered Shigatsze (Tibet,) without provocation, and
then you went to war with the English. Why did you commit a
breach of faith ? You have received your punishment ; you first
wrote to us of war having been commenced ; and then you made
peace ; and now you ask us for aid. What kind of peace is
this? But you were never to be depended on." The reply was ,
" If you cannot afford us aid, give us a letter to the English that
will induce them to leave Nipal." The Chinese said, " The Com-
missioner has written to inform us that they sent their resident
with your consent ; and as to what you have stated, about the
English intentions on China, that is false.
" You Gorkhas think there are no soldiers in the hills but what
are in Nipal. Pray at what do you number your fighting-men ?
and to what amount do you collect revenue ? The former I sup-
pose, cannot exceed two lakhs ." The answer was, that the number
oftheir soldiers was about that mentioned by the commissioners, and
that their revenue amounted to about five lakhs of rupees per annum.
"You are then," said the commissioner, " a mighty people ! "
It was then intimated to the Nipalese mission , to take leave.
Presents to the amount of 20,000 rupees were made to the Nipalese.
Both parties were dissatisfied with the British resident at Kat-
mandu, and mutual distrust was engendered by each. So that in
a short time the Nipalese applied to our agent for advice and aid ,
should the Chinese Government menace their territory, of which
they were then very apprehensive .
In a short time after this, a letter and presents were sent to the
Governor-general of India from these commissioners, stating the
high degree of satisfaction they had derived from the candid ex-
planation of the Governor-general ; their dispatch continues ;
"His imperial Majesty, who by God's blessing is well informed of
the conduct and proceedings of all mankind, reflecting on the good
faith and wisdom of the English Company, and the firm friend-
ship, and constant commercial intercourse which has so long
subsisted between the two nations, never placed any reliance on
the imputations put forward by the Goorkha Rajah." The
Emperor thus wrote : " You mention that you have stationed
a vakil in Nipal ; this is a matter of no consequence, but as the
Rajah, from his youth and inexperience, and from the novelty of
the circumstance, has imbibed suspicions, if you would out of kind-
ness towards us, and in consideration of the ties of friendship,
withdraw your vakil, it would be better ; and we should feel
grateful to you,"
The Governor-general in his reply pointed out the necessity of
such an officer at head-quarters, and wholly attributed the late
war to the absence of such a person ; and proceeded to say, " The
habits of the borderers both of the Nipalese and the British terri-
tory, are rough and violent, hence frequent outrages ; but if there
were stationed at Katmandu any accredited agent of the Emperor
of China, to whom this government could with confidence recur
upon all matters of dispute arising between it and the Nipalese,
we should be relieved from the necessity of keeping a resident at
a considerable expense. As the case actually stands, the presence
of a British officer is the main security we have for avoiding diffe-
rences this officer will be instructed to restrict himself to the
single care of preserving harmony between the two states, and to
abstain from all other interference in the internal or foreign
affairs of Nipal."
The answer sent to this well-timed and praiseworthy endeavour
of the Marquis of Hastings to cultivate good feelings, is similar
to subsequent fruitless efforts made at Canton to prevent the
shedding of blood.
The last paragraph in the Governor-general's letter, appears to
have given the Tartars great dissatisfaction, and the answer pro-
ceeds thus: " We advert," say they, " to that part of your letter
which desires us to urge our august sovereign, the Emperor of
China, to the appointment of a minister at Katmandu, to whom
your people and those of Nipal could refer their affairs and thus
prevent disagreements . Be it known to you, that the Goorkha
Rajah has long been a faithful tributary of the Chinese Govern-
ment, and refers himself to it whenever occasion requires.
"There is therefore no need of deputing any one thither from
this empire ; besides, by the grace and favor of God, His Majesty
possessing the sovereignty of the whole kingdom of China and
other parts, does not enter the city of any one without cause. If
it so happen that his victorious forces take the field, in such case,
after punishing the refractory, he in his royal clemency, restores
the transgressor to his throne. We have not thought it our
duty to represent the point to the court of China, as the matter is
opposed to the custom of this empire. The frequenters of this
port of Canton, can inform your lordship that such is not the
custom of China. For the future a proposition of this nature
should not be introduced into a friendly dispatch ."
To return to the narrative of affairs at Canton. In 1818 the
Hong merchants became jealous of a large number of shop -keep-
ers, who resided outside the city, carrying on a trade with the
Company. Upwards of 200 of these shops were therefore shut up .
This proved a manifest injury to the foreign trade, and vigorous
efforts were made against this restriction without any effect.
A.D. 1821. The boat's crew of His Majestys ship Topaze, pro-
curing water at Linton, were attacked by the Chinese ; fourteen
Englishmen were wounded, and five Chinese, one of the latter
mortally. The trade was stopped, and the supercargoes, under
the Presidentship of Mr. (now Sir James) Urmston, left Canton.
The authorities, however, repented when they saw the English
fleet ofmerchantmen pass the Bogue ; they were requested to return,
and trade was re-opened, after the Topaze had sailed . That dis-
tinguished servant of the East India Company, Sir James Urmston,
deserves high honour for his conduct on this and other occa-
sions in China. He was knighted by patent for his excellent
judgment and spirited demeanour in this affair.
A.D. 1821 . The ship ' Canning' was fired into by the forts at the
Bogue, and compelled to anchor , although she had her " grand
chop " on board . Captain Patterson did not return the fire for
this unprovoked insult . On enquiry, a kind of apology was
deemed sufficient.
A.D. 1824. The Company's ship ' Earl Balcaris' lying at anchor,
was anoyed by a covered Chinese boat, which the Captain repeat-
edly warned off, and doing so, a midshipman threw a piece of wood
on the mat-covering of the boat. In a short time afterwards, the
same parties placed a dying man in the comprador's boat, stating
that he had been killed by the piece of wood, and demanding
3,000 taels as compensation, which was afterwards reduced to 350
dollars. The Chinese authorities could not, however, shut their
eyes to this novel attempt at imposition, as the man was proved to
be in a dying state, so it caused no interruption to trade.
There is no instance on record in which resistance to injustice
and insult, has not been successful in procuring a remedy and re-
dress . In 1825, James Matheson, Esq., with becoming spirit, and
at the risk of his life, entered the city of Canton, to obtain redress
from a most grievious and oppressive tax. Merchants were not
permitted to have their wives at Canton, and consequently their
wives and families, of such as were married, resided at Macao, a
distance of many miles.
To pass from Canton to Macao, or vice versâ, the (chop) permis-
sion cost from 300 to 400 dollars, besides about 40 dollars boat-
hire. Previous to this the merchants had repeatedly petitioned
for relief from this iniquitous tax, but no notice was ever taken
of their complaints. However, their social miseries became too
great for endurance, and a few merchants (the first and most pro-
minent in this hazardous step Mr. M. ) rushed into the city to
the viceroy's house, stated their grievances, in a firm manner
becoming British freemen. After the usual bombast and bluster-
ing, the tax was abolished, and no chop required for the future.
The " barbarian ringleader" (Mr. M. ) had a gentle intimation
(the mandarin passed his hand round his neck) that he ought to
lose his head ; but with great presence of mind, Mr. M. seized the
linguist, and twice repeated upon him the same (Jack Cade) cere-
A.D. 1829. The bankruptcy of nearly all the Hong merchants,
had caused a serious falling off in the trade, particularly in the
Bengal cotton imports. Various petitions were sent to have the ten
bankrupt Hongs' places supplied by others, and no notice being
taken of it, the supercargoes suspended the trade, and detained
the annual fleet. This spirited move had a good effect, viz. re-
duction of the port charges on each ship, to the extent of £ 170 ;
several new Hongs were appointed, and the merchants who were
married were allowed to enjoy the society of their wives at Canton .
A.D. 1830. The important concession gained last year with
regard to the residence of the merchants ' wives at Canton, was as
usual tried to be done away with, and the Chinese intended to
seize Mrs. Baynes and the other English ladies residing at Can-
ton . The supercargoes on being informed, procured 150 seamen
to protect their premises, who remained on duty for more than
ten days, when the Hong merchants gave a written undertaking
that the ladies should not be molested. Trade was still continued
as if nothing was wrong. The Court of Directors however blamed
the supercargoes, and superseded Messrs . Baynes, Millett, and
Bannerman, who had procured this important concession . The
Canton government therefore took courage, and banished the
English ladies from Canton at the end of the season. In fact, the
sole idea of the East India Directors was the obtainment of tea and
its profits ; any indignity, personal or national, would not be re-
sented, lest tea should be refused, although all past experience was
decidedly adverse to such ignoble proceedings.
A.D. 1830. An extensive trade in opium had been carried on
for the last ten years ; at first the vessels containing the drug, ge-
nerally anchored at Whampoa. An edict was now issued to expel
them, and the ships moved to much safer anchorage off Lintin, in
the Canton river. This had the desired effect ; a report was sent
to the Emperor that the opium vessels had been driven away, root
and branch. The viceroy was sincere in his determination to put
a stop to the opium traffic, until he discovered that the traffic was
chiefly conducted by Mandarins, and the boats that were especially
employed to prevent the importation, were the carriers of the pro-
hibited article. From fifteen to twenty vessels lay off Lintin, dis-
posing of the prohibited drug, and with the exception occasionally
of a fierce edict, no other steps were taken to prevent the traffic, as
it was a source of great profit to every one of the Canton officials .
A.D. 1831. While the members of the English factory were at
Macao, their premises were forcibly entered by the authorities,
and the ground in front of the Company's factory taken posses-
sion of. New regulations were issued by the Chinese government
to guard against foreigners. Merchants were not to remain over
the winter at Canton, but go home with their ships, or to Macao ;
balances due by Hong merchants must be paid in three months, if
not the foreigner to prosecute or be debarred from all claim on the
government ; agreeably with ancient usuage, Native servants such
as coolies, were permitted, additional officers were appointed to
search foreigners on their arrival ; foreign merchants not to sleep
in the Hong merchants' factories, all foreign females coming to
Canton will be prosecuted, and traitorous chair-bearers carrying
barbarians, will be severely punished ; permission granted for three
foreigners, no great number, to present petitions at the city gates ;
but only on the condition that previous petitions were intercepted
is the privilege granted . The foregoing fresh restrictions were
resisted, and the keys of the factory returned to the Chinese
authorities, and again sent back to them.
A.D. 1832. The Court of the East India Company disapproved
of these proceedings on the part of their servants, a circumstance
which soon reached the ears of the Canton authorities . The hoppo
addressed the English private merchants, Jardine, Innes, and
others, telling them, their whining insolence, in threatening to
appeal to the Emperor, was disregarded, and that they might with-
draw, and not trouble themselves to come from so great a distance.
The Hong merchants were instructed to keep these gentlemen
under strict restraint, and not allow them to " dun with peti-
A.D. 1833. Mr. Innes had his house nearly surrounded with
fire-wood ; on a representation no more was placed there, but in a
few days the annoyance was continued . Mr. Innes waited on the
hoppo, and while in his apartments was dangerously wounded .
Neither apology nor redress was offered .
Efforts were made during this and the preceding year to open
a trade with the northern ports of China, but the home authori-
ties at the East India House discountenanced the attempts . The
attention of the Chinese government was wholly engrossed with a
rebellion in the mountains. The governor (Le) of Canton com-
manded the imperial forces, of whom 2,000 were killed by the
rebels .
Lord W. Bentinck, then governor- general of India, wrote a letter
to the governor of Canton, detailing the injuries and insults that
British merchants were being subjected to of late, and their
being deprived of a landing-place for their goods at Canton , that
had been for a long period appropriated to their use, and for which
they were paying rent. His Lordship also reminded His Excel-
lency of the insult offered to the portrait of his sovereign, by the
governor of Canton forcibly entering the British factories, fol-
lowed by his rabble suite, and in their presence ordering a chair to
be placed before the picture of the King of England, on which he
purposely sat, with his back to the portrait to mark his contempt
of the British nation. To this temperate letter no answer was
A.D. 1833. From a report of a censor which reached the Em-
peror, vigorous efforts in the shape of edicts were issued. The
drain of silver appears to have roused the Emperor, as the censor
states, that from the third to the eleventh year of the Emperors
reign, 18,000,000 of taels weight of silver left the country from
Canton ; and from the fourteenth year to the present ( 1834) more
than 50,000,000, and ten from Fuh-keen, and the censor concludes
with a prayer, that the " leak may be stopped." The late viceroy
(Le) failed in exterminating the rebels, was disgraced and banished
to Tartary. A new governor having arrived, (Lu) he issued a pro-
clamation declaring all vessels bringing rice to Canton free of port-
charges, and permitting them to take in cargo.
Lord Napier, at the request of His Majesty William IV., was
sent out to Canton as superintendent of the British trade . The
following is an extract from Viscount Palmerston's instructions.
" Your Lordship will announce your arrival at Canton by letters
to the viceroy. In addition to the duty of protecting and fostering
the trade at Canton, it will be one of your principal objects to as-
certain, whether it may not be practicable to extend that trade to
other parts of the Chinese dominions. It is obvious that with a
view to the attainment of this object, the establishment of direct
communication with the imperial court at Peking would be most
A.D. 1834. During the discussion between the British govern-
ment and the East India Company, concerning their dissolution ,
the Chinese government at Canton declared it absolutely neces-
sary, that in the event of a dissolution, a chief superintendent
should reside at Canton, through whom all commercial negotia-
tions should be conducted .
On the arrival of Lord Napier in China, agreeably to his instruc-
tions, and the urgent demand of the government of Canton, a let-
ter was directed to the governor intimating his lordship's arrival.
Previous to this, intrigue had been busy at work between the
Hong merchants and the authorities, the former claiming to be
the medium of communication ; in this they were disappointed .
Lord Napier's letter was rejected, six special edicts were issued de-
nouncing him as a " barbarian eye," and as an " English devil."
Happening to arrive at night, the authorities considered his
coming a clandestine stealing into Canton. Another edict stated
that the " barbarian eye," must not be allowed to loiter about ;
but depart to Macao, as soon as his business is over .
The following insulting proclamation was issued by the governor
of Canton, on the arrival of Lord Napier in China : —
"A lawless foreign slave, Napier, has issued a notice . We
know not how such a dog barbarian of an outside nation as you,
can have the presumption to call yourself superintendent. Being
an outside savage superintendent, and a person in an official situ-
ation, you should have some knowledge of propriety and law.
You have passed over 10,000 miles, in order to seek a livelihood ;
you have come to our Celestial Empire to trade and control
affairs-can you not obey well the regulations of the empire ?
"You presume to break through the barrier passes, going out
and in at your pleasure, a great infringement of the rules and pro-
hibitions . According to the laws of the nation , the royal
warrant should be respectfully requested to behead you ; and
openly expose (your head) to the multitude, as a terror to perverse
1834, August 15th. Four edicts against Lord Napier were in
the possession of the Hong merchants, and seeing no chance of
their becoming the medium of communication, they tried the old
plan of stopping the trade.
The governor issued an edict on the 18th, stating he had no
means of knowing whether the " barbarian eye" was a merchant
or an officer. But in compassion, and with a view of preventing
misery to the " barbarians" by stopping their trade, he announced
that he could bring his mind to bear it. But in no way would
the governor recognise or learn the nature of the new superin-
tendent's instructions.
These repeated insults, and stoppages of trade, induced Lord
Napier to publish in the Chinese language " a true and official
document," in order to exhibit the relations between Great Britain
and China.
Lord Napier's firmness in not establishing a bad precedent, had
the effect of bringing matters to a crisis. An edict was issued
denouncing all Natives, who would trade or serve the English
barbarians either in Macao or Canton, which had the desired
effect .
The governor of Canton dispatched a lengthy document to the
Emperor, wherein he relates the new state of affairs, and that he had
given notice for one responsible person to be stationed to
superintend the trade ; that a " barbarian eye" had arrived in a
ship of war, with a crew of 190 persons, and also that he had a
family, wife and children, all settled in Macao. The governor
then proceeded to say, " I, your Majesty's minister, have ordered
him to communicate with the Hong merchants. The barbarian
eye would not see the Hong merchants ; but presented a letter to
me ; on which was written ' the great English nation .' It
appears to me essential to keep apart the central and the outside
(people) and what is of the highest importance is a mainte-
nance of dignity and sovereignty. Although he may be an officer
(the truth of which I cannot ascertain) he cannot write letters on
equality with the frontier officers of the Celestial Empire. And
as to presenting letters concerns the national dignity, it is only
petitions that will be received on matters connected with com-
merce. Again considering that he was stupid and unpolished,
having come from without the bounds of civilisation, I had the
laws explained to him, but he is stubborn, perverse, and extremely
obstinate. It was hoped that, by the truth and severity of reason,
his brute-like fierceness might be reformed. But the barbarian
would not peruse the official edict.
"A third time I consulted with your Majesty's minister Ke ;
and we came to the conclusion that the common disposition of
the English barbarians is ferocious, and what they trust in is the
strength of their ships , but should he provoke us he will be power-
less ; it is manifest, care must be taken in order to break down
their minds to submission.
" The Hoppo's receipts from the barbarian English has not been
more than 500,000 taels, and the loss of this does not affect the
imperial treasury the value of a hair or a feather's down. But
these barbarians are by nature insatiably avaricious, and the more
indulgence shown to them the more overbearing do they become.
In 1808 and 1829 their trade was stopped ; they humbly supplicated .
This is clear proof that the said nation cannot be without a traffic
with the central land, their country exists by commerce, so they
will not continue perverse. "
The document is of considerable length, full of misstatements
calculated to mislead the Peking Government, and demonstrates
the evil effects of a timid and vacillating policy on a people like
the Chinese and their government.
On this as on other occasions, they were not unwilling to lose the
profits of the Canton trade, but they also feared the effects of its
stoppage on the poorer classes in Canton . In a memorial to the
Emperor about this time from the viceroy, he says, " in Canton
there are several hundred thousands of poor unemployed people,
who have heretofore earned their livelihood by trading in foreign
merchandize. If in one day they should lose the means of gaining
a livelihood, the evil consequences to the place would be great ."
1834. Every effort was tried by Lord Napier to obtain an inter-
view with the governor of Canton, either personally or by letter,
and the only answer ever given was by designating his lord-
ship " laboriously vile." No means of annoyance that it was
possible to conceive but were given to the new commission .
August 1st.-The excellent Dr. Morrison died .
September 7th.-H.M. ships " Imogene and Andromache," in
passing Anson's Bay were fired on . The firing lasted two days ;
and the loss on the side of the British was two men killed, and
some trifling damage to the rigging, although the Chinese had
115 guns mounted, and the frigates were not 200 yards from
the Bogue forts.
19th. It was mutually agreed between the British merchants
and the Hong merchants, that Lord Napier should retire to
Macao, and that the trade should be resumed.
Notwithstanding his lordship's dangerous state, with regard to
his health, every impediment, delay, and annoyance were thrown in
his way on his journey to Macao, where he died from fatigue,
climate and anxiety (oh 11th October, in the forty-eighth
year of his age) much respected by all who had the happiness of
knowing him.
Mr. John Francis Davis having succeeded the late Lord Napier,
wrote to the Home Government, stating his objection to an em-
bassy to Peking.
Mr. Davis, a native of India, had been all his life at Canton, ofa
recluse habit and small mind, and was totally unfit for acting on
European and statesmanlike views. A proclamation was issued by
the governor of Canton, cautioning the Hong merchants against
aiding the foreigners in vice, and ruining the morals of the people.
The proclamation attributed the most odious crimes to the English,
in order to lower them in the estimation of the people .
November 1st.-An imperial edict, directing the Hong mer
chants to have a letter sent to England to cause another superin-
tendent to be appointed, in accordance with the old regulations,
although the authorities had refused to receive or recognise Lord
A.D. 1835. The ship ' Argyle' from Bengal, in stormy weather was
driven on the Chinese coast ; the captain sent twelve of his men to
procure a pilot ; the boat and crew were taken possession of, and
a sum of 500 dollars demanded for their restoration ; two of the
parties actually arrived at Canton to receive the amount.
The boat and crew were captured on the 21st January, and no
time was lost in acquainting the authorities with the whole cir-
cumstance. Captain Elliot and others, were grossly insulted in
presenting a letter stating the facts ; this letter they would not
receive, but its contents were verbally intimated , and it is supposed
to be acted on, for the men were restored on the 20th February.
February 23rd. - Several tons of chests of opium taken from
smugglers, were publicly consumed. In proof of the necessity of
an English ship of war to protect our commerce, it may be stated
that the English barque Throughton was plundered within fifty
miles of Macao, and the captain and crew dangerously wounded.
This occurred on the 5th July, 1835. No one was punished by
the Chinese.
A.D. 1836. The last year passed off quietly. The superintendent
writing to Lord Palmerston congratulates his lordship on the suc-
cess of his quiescent policy. The superintendent rejoiced to say
that every thing manifested a state of uninterrupted tranquillity
and peace. This letter is dated December 10th, 1835 . It was
the calm that precedes the storm .
On 29th January, 1836, Sir G. B. Robinson in a letter to Lord
Palmerston, stated that it was most desirable to establish the
commission in Canton, but that he believed it impossible to do so
in an honourable and satisfactory manner, except by force of arms.
Sir George proceeded to say, " the Chinese have but one object ;
that is, to prevent our establishing ourselves permanently at Canton . "
February 8th . - Captain Elliot concerted measures to recover
the crew of the Argyle .
July 22nd. - Lord Palmerston's letter to Captain Elliot advised
him to hold no communication with any but officers of the Chinese
government, and that on no account should his written communi-
cations with the Chinese government assume the name of petitions.
December.- Captain Elliot having succeeded Sir G. Robin-
son as chief superintendent, endeavoured to open a communication
with the Chinese authorities, by making use of the Chinese
D 2
character Pin as a superscription. This character in the Chinese
language, intimates that the writer is inferior to the person written
to. It was sent to the Hong merchants to be forwarded . This
address drew from the governor a public document ordering
Captain Elliot to depart to Macao, and await his further pleasure.
A.D. 1837. The governor of Canton permits Captain Elliot to
return to Canton to hold the reins offoreigners.
February 7th .- Captain Elliot writes to the home government
that certain British merchants have been ordered to quit China
on account of their trading in opium.
April 1837. The governor of Canton endeavoured to have
Captain Elliot's communication sent open through the Hong
merchants . The very plausible pretext , was lest the new super-
intendent would use improper words, and be " puffed up with his
own imagination ."
Captain Elliot made a firm stand against this new attempt, and
was successful. His conduct met with the approbation of Lord
Palmerston, who ordered him to discontinue the word " Pin" in
From the frequent piracies in and about Canton and Macao, it
was necessary to have one or more of H.M. ships of war con-
venient, to be in communication with the superintendent.
29th September. The local authorities of Canton impose a
duty on Captain Elliot, which his powers would not permit him
to perform, viz., to drive away all merchants and merchant vessels
dealing in opium ; the vessels were anchored out of his jurisdic-
tion, and according to the edict of the governor had permanently
anchored at Whampoa, Lintin, and other land-locked places
since the year 1821 .
A.D. 1838. Admiral Maitland arrived in Her Majesty's ship, Wel-
lesley, 74, and Captain Elliot addressed the governor of Canton,
acquainting him with the peaceful visit of one of Her Majesty's
ships, and requesting the governor to send an officer to visit the
July 28th.- During this correspondence a Captain Middlemist
was proceeding from Hong Kong to Canton, in the Bombay passage-
hoat, and was fired at several times from the batteries, and at last
boarded by a mandarin, who said he was in search for Admiral
Maitland, his women, or soldiers.
August 4th.- The Chinese Admiral addressed a long complaint
against Captain Elliot to Admiral Maitland , stating, "that as the
Captain had discontinued in his letters the word (pin), humble
address,' and substituted (shusin) , ' letters of intelligence,' his
communications were rejected. The motive of these war-vessels
coming to the Celestial Empire was demanded ."
August 5th. - Chinese officials were sent on board the " Wel-
lesley," to disavow in writing all sanction of the Chinese Admiral,
as to the firing on the Bombay, in search of Admiral Maitland.
TheBritish Admiral stated, that as the trade was open, frequent visits
of British war-ships would arrive in China with peaceful intentions .
December 12th . -An attempt was made to execute a criminal in
front of the European factories ; this gross insult was met with be-
coming spirit, and prevented ; but not without a riot.
December 31st. -Captain Elliot resumed his correspondence
with the Chinese authorities, and took on himself the responsibility
of using the character Pin.
A.D. 1839, January.-The trade of Canton re-opened to fo-
A proposition for legalising the sale of opium, rejected by the
imperial council.
February 26th. -A Chinese accused of dealing in opium was
strangled in front of the foreign factories. All the foreign flags
thereupon, were hauled down . Captain Elliot sent a remonstrance
against this insult to the governor of Canton .
March 18th. Two edicts were issued, requiring all the opium
in the store-ships to be surrendered, and bonds to be given by the
owners that they would never bring any more, on penalty of death.
Three days were given for a reply.
21st. All foreigners were forbidden to go to Macao ; communi-
cation with Whampoa was cut off, and the factories surrounded
with soldiers.
22nd.-Mr. Dent, (the largest holder of opium) was invited to
go to the city gates ; after due deliberation a compliance with this
request was deemed unsafe.
24th . -Captain Elliot demanded passports. Provisions were
stopped, and a triple cordon of boats placed in front of the factories.
March 26th. -Captain Elliot received commands from the chief
commissioner Lin, to deliver over all opium in the possession of
British subjects, which he consented to do, viz .: 20,283 chests.
-(See chapter on the opium trade) .
May 23rd.-Up to this period, Europeans were detained in their
factories at Canton.
May 24th. -Captain Elliot retired from Canton, leaving not
more than twenty- seven foreigners behind him. The Anne Jane,
was the last British ship in port, she completed her cargo and
sailed for England. Captain Elliot had declared that he would
use all his influence to prevent ships entering, and on the other
hand, Commander Lin, was most desirous that vessels should enter,
provided their owners would sign a bond never more to bring opium.
June. The long delayed edict arrived , authorising Commander
Lin to destroy the opium, and his Majesty was pleased to say
that, “ this affair has been extremely well managed." The prefect
of Canton gave a receipt for the whole amount, viz.: 20,283 chests .
September 5th.- The following notice was addressed to the
Chinese people, by Captain Elliot, in order to manifest his peace-
ful intentions :-
" The men of the English nation desire nothing but peace ; but
they cannot submit to be poisoned and starved. The imperial
cruizers they have no wish to molest or impede ; but they must
not prevent the people from selling. To deprive men of food is
the act only of the unfriendly and hostile."
September 11th .- Captain Smith of Her Majesty's ship Volage,
issued a public notice of his intention to establish a blockade of
the river and part of Canton.
November 3rd.- An action took place off Chuenpee, in which
twenty-nine junks under the command of Admiral Kwan, were dis-
persed by two of our frigates, who might have destroyed the whole
of the junks. Such of the British merchants as had retired to
Hong Kong, in a merchant vessel, were cannonaded from the op-
posite mainland ; they therefore retired to Tonkoo bay, and Lintin
A.D. 1840, January.-The chief portion of the British subjects
in China, were on board vessels at the anchorage of Tonkoo,
others were with their families at Macao.
Some idea of the humiliating position of the British in China
may be formed, when the Queen of England's representative was
compelled to ask permission in the name ofher Majesty, to deposit
some merchandise in warehouses at Macao, upon paying the duties ;
"this request was refused."
January 8th .- Captain Smith of her Majesty's ship Volage is-
sued a public notice that he would blockade the river and port of
Canton on the 15th instant.
The 14th brought an edict from the Emperor, approving of all
that had been done, and ordering a distinction to be made in the
future treatment between the English and other nations. As to
the petty duties paid by the English, it was not to be deemed
worth a consideration . Foreigners of other nations were ordered
to be submissive, but if they sheltered or protected the English, or
conveyed them or their property into Chinese harbours, their pun-
ishment would be great.
March. - The Portuguese commerce with Canton, which had
been stopped some months previous, for harbouring English ladies
and their children, was re-opened.
May. New regulations were issued for the port of Canton and
Macao, prohibiting the importation of British produce or manu-
May 22nd. -The British ship Hellas, while becalmed was attack-
ed by eight junks. The captain and crew were all wounded .
June 9th.-An unsuccessful attempt was made to burn the Bri-
tish fleet, by means of fire rafts. This month brought her Ma-
jesty's ships " Alligator," " Wellesley," and the steamer " Mada-
gascar." Sir J. G. Bremer gave public notice of the blockade of
the Canton river. Captain Elliot issued notice that the Queen of
England had appointed high officers, to make known the true state
of affairs to the Emperor of China.
June 30th.- The British expedition arrived, amounting to fif-
teen ships of war, four steamers, twenty-five transports, and abont
4000 land forces .
July.-Proclamations were extensively issued by the Chinese
authorities, calling on all fishermen to bring their wives and fami-
lies to Canton, where they would be fed and protected, while they
were engaged in exterminating the English .
The following scale of rewards was also published, so ignorant
were the Chinese authorities of our strength. For every English
eighty-gun ship delivered over to the government, 20,000 dollars ;
for the entire destruction of each large ship, 10,000 dollars ; for
English merchant-ships, delivered, the entire cargo, except the guns
and opium ; for each naval commander, 5,000 dollars ; for their
slaughter, one third less ; for white English prisoners , 100 dollars ;
and one fifth for their slaughter. For coloured people a reward
will be given ; and the magistrate will give 20 dollars for each one
coloured person killed . So little confidence was reposed in those
who were to go forth to earn these rewards, that it was stipulated
their families should be left as a guarantee that they would not
assist the English .
Every means failed to arrange matters with the Chinese authori-
ties ; under these circumstances, there was no alternative but to
awaken the Emperor and the ministers to a sense of justice .
The whole tenor of Lord Palmerston's instructions was to de-
mand reparation for past injuries, and some security for the future ;
so far from intimidating the government by a display of our ships
of war in the Chinese waters, for nearly two years and a half, and
not until Captain Douglas, at his own expense, brought guns from
Singapore, and manned his vessel, was there any defensive means
at the command of the superintendent of British interests in China.
The critical state of affairs now, however, engaged the serious
consideration of her Majesty's government, and also that of
the merchants and others interested in the trade and intercourse
with China. An able document, containing seventeen clauses,
was drawn up by a committee of merchants in London, in 1840,
and presented to her Majesty's government. The following is the
seventeenth clause, and deserves notice, because it formed the basis
of the treaty which was prepared at the Board of Trade in White-
hall, by Mr. Poulet Thompson, (afterwards Lord Sydenham) and
Mr. Deacon Hume, which treaty was sent out to China by Lord
Palmerston, to Captain Elliot, for his guidance, and which was
finally ratified at Nankin, as will be subsequently shown . The
treaty, however, signed in 1842, is more restrictive than these
moderate suggestions in 1840. If credit be due to any for
framing the treaty of Nankin, it is due to Mr. (now Sir George)
Larpent, Mr. J. Abel Smith, and Mr. Crawford, as is thus satis-
factorily proved :
17th. " In the future conduct of the trade it would be most de-
sirable to obtain a commercial treaty with the Chinese, permitting-
1st. "Admission not only to Canton, but to certain ports to
the northward, say Amoy. Fuh-oho -foo, Ningpo, and the Yang-
che-keang and Kwan-chou, situated between the 29th and 32nd
degrees of north latitude, near the silk, nankin, and tea districts ;
and it is on this coast that the chief demand for British woollens,
long-ells, and camlets exists.
2nd. " Commercial relations to be maintained at these places
or at Canton, generally with the Chinese natives ; but if the trade
be limited to certain hongs, which we most strongly deprecate,
then the government to be guarantees of the solvency of such par-
ties so chosen by it.
3rd. " The British subjects in China carrying on a legitimate
trade, shall not be treated by the government or its officials as in-
feriors, but be left free in their social and domestic relations to
adopt European customs, to possess warehouses, and to have their
wives and families with them, and to be under the protection of
the Chinese laws from insult and oppression .
4th. " That a tariff of duties, inwards and outwards, be fixed
and agreed upon by the British and Chinese governments, and no
alteration be made by any mutual consent.
5th. "That the Queen's representative, as superintendent of
the trade, be allowed direct communication with the emperor and
his ministers, as well as with the local authorities ; and that he be
permitted to reside at Pekin, or at a given port, for the protection
of British subjects, and the regulation of the trade .
6th. " That in the event of any infraction of the Chinese laws,
the punishment for the same shall be confined to the offender ; and
British subjects shall not be considered responsible for acts of each
other, but each man for his own-the innocent not being con-
founded with the guilty .
7th. " That supposing the Chinese to refuse opening their
ports generally, the cession by purchase, or otherwise, of an island
be obtained, upon which a British factory could be established .
" Upon terms such as these, the British trade with China, could,
we think, be carried on with credit and advantage to this country ;
and if force must be used to obtain them, we cannot believe that
the people of Great Britain and the European community in gene-
ral, would offer any objection to its exercise ; at least, we humbly
suggest that the adoption of this course is worth the trial, for if it
be not followed, the only alternative seems to be the abandonment
of this important and growing commerce to smugglers and to
"We have, &c. ,
(Signed) " G. G. DE H. LARPENT.
[ See Canton Register of 23rd February, 1841 , for the whole
of this document] .
The circumstances attending an early encounter, prove that the
Chinese have much to learn in national intercourse.
The ' Blonde,' Captain Bourchier, was sent to the harbour of
Amoy, to endeavour to hand a letter from the English naval com-
mander-in-chief, to the Chinese admiral who was stationed there.
Fearing that the ' Blonde' would be fired on, notwithstanding her
white flag, the commander instructed Mr. Thom to draw up a do-
cument in the Chinese language, relative to the use of that emblem,
as understood by all civilized nations.
The Chinese who visited the Blonde' were made acquainted
with this document, and took it on shore ; Mr. Thom, the inter-
preter, was then sent to deliver the letter to the admiral, or some
other officer.
The officers and crew of the boat had a narrow escape, they were
fired at, and the only answer received was off, off."
The same scene was acted the second day, with no better effect ;
no one could be found to accept of the letter, although there were
only five men and boys, all unarmed, with Mr. Thom.
1840, July 2nd. In the meantime, the commander observed
that preparations were making on shore to attack the frigate, and
several large junks had been towed down from the harbour, and
were being mounted with cannon and soldiers . Captain Bourchier
seeing this wanton attack on a defenceless boat, got the after-guns
of the frigate to command the beach, so that when the Chinese
troops were just on the point of firing, a couple of thirty-two pound
shot came tumbling in among them, which soon made them cease
their attempt on the jolly boat. The result of their hostilities, and
the cowardly attack on the boat, was that the guns of the Blonde
were directed with terrific effect upon the batteries and war junks
for nearly two hours ; the fort was riddled and nearly unroofed,
but could not be destroyed, as it was bomb proof and well built.
The attack was intended to impress on the people the true na-
ture of the expedition , viz :—that the quarrrel was with their rulers
alone, and not with them, and hostilities having originated con-
cerning a ' white flag' it ought in future to be recognised as an
emblem of peace . The Blonde' might have destroyed Amoy.
She proceeded to report the circumstance to the Admiral.
Our fleet proceeded to Chusan, which Lord Jocelyn speaks of as
a "beautiful harbour, the suburbs run parallel to the water's
edge, and form a wharf, along which was seen a forest of merchant
Sir G. Bremer having preceded Her Britannic Majesty's com-
missioners, sailed for Tinghai the capital of the island of Chusan,
on board the ' Wellesley' and demanded the surrender of the
town within six hours .
The summons addressed to the people stated that no injury was
intended to them, but that their rulers at Canton acted improperly,
and redress was sought. The Chumpin (Admiral) and some others,
visited the ' Wellesley ' ; Sir G. Bremer impressed on them the
necessity of yielding, and requested them to consider the matter
well ; they promised to do so, and he gave them until the follow-
ing morning to think over it.
Sunday morning, 5th July, it appeared to all on board that
vigorous efforts had been making on the previous night, in throw-
ing up defences ; and a message was sent that at two o'clock, P.M.
a gun would be fired from the Wellesley,' and if replied to, that
would be a signal for further hostilities.
The British men-of- war were lying in a line, at a distance of
two hundred yards from the wharf. They consisted of the 'Wel-
lesley,' 74 ; Conway and Alligator,' 28 ; Cruizer and Algerine,'
18 ; and ten gun-brigs. At half-past two the Wellesley' fired
a gun at the tower : this was returned by the whole line of junks,
and the guns on the hill ; the shipping opened their broadsides
upon the town and made sad havock in a few minutes, when the
debarkation of the troops commenced. Within two hours of
leaving the ships, the Madras artillery had four guns in a good
position, commanding the town, and the British flag was hoisted
under a salute. Evening was fast approaching, and further pro-
ceedings were deferred until the following day ; but the Chinese
kept up firing at intervals, until near ten o'clock at night.
To stop this, a few shells were thrown into the city, which killed
the civil magistrate ; the governor, under the pretence of taking a
bath, drowned himself.
July the 6th . Before sun-rise it was discovered that a fire
broke out in the suburbs of Tinghae, where the troops had been
quartered, among some extensive stores of spirits (samshoo. )
Whether the fire was accidental or malicious was never ascer-
tained . It was probably designed by the authorities . The British
authorities made every exertion to suppress the flames.
July 7th . Admiral Elliot arrived, and his first act was to place
a close blockade on the harbour of Ningpo, a large city of great
trade, situated on the mainland opposite the island of Chusan.
All efforts had failed to send Lord Palmerston's letter to Peking,
and it was deemed a matter of importance to blockade the whole
coast from Ningpo to the mouth of the Yangtzekang river.
It was thought that in no other way could the remonstrance of
the British Government reach the Emperor. In the meantime
the troops found great difficulty in purchasing provisions, at
Tinghae, owing to the terrors of the people. In order to furnish
some insight of the policy of the Tartar government, I give as
many of the Chinese official documents as space will permit.
The following is an extract from the correspondence between the
Chekeang provincial authorities and the Emperor.
"In a letter dated July 7th, the foo-yuen, or lieutenant-governor
of this province, describes the approach of the British shipping,
and principally expatiates upon the structure of the steamboats,
which sail against wind and tide. He then mentions the visit of
the vice-admiral to the Wellesley, and speaks of the noble stature
of the soldiers that were seen on board. The summons for the
surrender of Tinghae is quoted at full length, and the English
receive their full meed of censure for their disobedience and
" His imperial majesty , in his reply, remarks that naval and land
fighting are by no means the same, replying that some excuse
ought to be made for the suddenness of the attack by powerful
men of war ; still the officers in command of the island , must have
lost all courage to permit the capture of the island.
"To another receipt dated July 20th, the monarch ascribes this
warlike demonstration to the extermination of the opium traffic in
Canton province and the stoppage of the British trade. He
moreover directs, that his reiterated injunctions for putting the
whole coast in a state of defence, may be followed up, and orders
that the Lieutenant-governor, with a number of other officers,
should be degraded for their neglect and delivered over to the
board of punishment .
" The autocrat remarks, that his imperial majesty had quite
anticipated such a result from the annihilation of the opium
trade, and therefore urges the most strenuous efforts to oppose an
"To a memorial received from the Lieutenant-governor, under
date of July 22nd, the capture of Tinghae is denounced as a most
detestable act, though the landing of 3,000 to 4,000 men, English
barbarians, rendered resistance impossible.
"His Majesty orders, in consequence of this daring exploit, to put
the navy in a proper state for making resistance, and to order other
vessels to join the Ningpo squadron . It is also very probable,
that these barbarians might make an attempt upon Chinhae and
other towns ; the Emperor therefore, filled with apprehension,
commanded these places to be guarded and enjoined Yow (a general
officer of Fookeen) to exterminate the barbarians. A number of
officers, most of them Colonels, are sentenced to lose their rank
and to be severely punished. The commanding general of the
Ningpo land and naval forces, however, though degraded from his
rank, is permitted to retain his office for a time, to gain new
laurels, and to atone for his previous neglect.
"The Tartar general and lieutenant-general at Hangchoo, the
metropolis of this province, report, that being apprehensive that
an attempt by sea, on the river " Tseentang," might be made
upon the city, they erected forts at the mouth of it. They more-
over remark, that the men of war of the said barbarians are strong
and the guns powerful ; thus there would remain little chance for
the victory of the imperial navy. On that account they had
ordered the marines on shore to defend the country against the
enemy. They issued, moreover, orders to apprehend all traitorous
natives. Thus prepared, they report, they awaited the foe : on a
sudden a man of war ' (the Algerine) approached Chapo ; the lieu-
tenant-governor had guarded against her, and the firing com-
menced on both sides ; there were above ten soldiers wounded
and killed, and it was found difficult to oppose this single vessel ;
under such circumstances reinforcements might arrive and the
city be taken. The commander ordered new troops to come with-
out delay, and maintain the place against the invader.
" To another despatch, dated August 4th, from the Emperor, in
answer to a communication in which it was stated that an ad-
ditional number of men of war had arrived at Chusan, the monarch
expresses his great fears, and regrets that the distance is so great
as to render the correspondence tardy, and blames the officers for
their blunders . He orders them to wait until the garrison of
Tinghae had exhausted their strength, and then to march with
their soldiers to obtain a victory, but on no account to make mili-
tary diversion, nor to allow the English to sneak into their har-
bours . In the meanwhile he commands Yeu the admiral, and Tang
the governor of Fokeen, to exterminate the enemy with the forces
under their command, to exercise the utmost vigilance ; and to
attack any landing party. The authorities of Kwangtung and
Fookeen are at the same time ordered to adopt this line of pro-
ceeding ; provisions and ammunition to be placed at their disposal,
and extensive magazines to be established at Ningpo. His Ma-
jesty appoints Elepoo governor of Keangnan to undertake the
defence of Chekeang, with plenipotentiary powers, and again
commands Tang and Yeu to exterminate the barbarians."
The following is a copy of a proclamation addressed to the inha- V
bitants of Tinghae by E. , high imperial commissioner, &c.
" Whereas in the sixth month of this year, the English men of
war entered the seas of Chekeang province, and took possession of
the city of Tinghae Woo ; the former lieutenant- governor col-
lected the soldiers and strenuously made arrangements to guard
against and exterminate them, and for this purpose promised
rewards. He ordered your people to unite and seize all the
barbarians, for which he would respectively recompense you ; sub-
sequently, I, the great minister, received the imperial pleasure that
I should proceed to Chekeang ; and whilst concerting plans and
consulting about measures, Elliot, the said nation's commander-
in-chief, with others proceeded to Teentsin, where they presented
a petition. We, the cabinet minister and governor of Chihle,
transmitted for them a memorial to His Imperial Majesty, and
because the soldiers of the said nation had repaired to Chekeang
on account of provocation received , and not with the intention of
creating disturbance, and also the wording of the petition pre-
sented at Teentsin being very reverential and obedient, therefore
these things are pardonable.
"Whereas the inhabitants of Tinghae city are all children
belonging to the state, and the men of war of the said nation have
assaulted on the Tinghae seas in your immediate neighbourhood ;
it is to be feared that as soon as you are engaged with them in
hostilities you could not escape the calamities of terror : therefore,
Ke, the governor of Chihle, was especially appointed to repair to
Canton, and to receive for a time the official seals of the governor
of Quantung and Quangse, for the purpose of examining and
managing the matter.
"Orders were also addressed to me, the great minister, not to
recommence hostilities .
" Thus it is our sacred Lord's earnest intention, to put a stop to
troubles, to show his love towards the people, to rejoice heaven,
and to protect the world ; for which you, all my officers and people,
ought to be grateful.
"I, the great minister, have now agreed and directed the said
commander-in-chief and others, to appoint some vessels for
repairing to Canton, and to wait there until the affairs are inves-
tigated and managed .
"As soon as ever the business is managed, and brought to a
conclusion, the said nation will recal all their vessels, and not pro-
long their stay at Tinghae city.
" I, the great minister, have also ordered him (the commander-
in-chief) to restrain his subordinates that they may not inflict
injuries upon you. As you are not acquainted with the details,
and might perhaps as heretofore, on account of the rewards held
out by the late lieutenant-governor, examine and seize all the
barbarians, so as to give rise to trouble and bloodshed, I therefore,
especially issue these perspicuous orders, hereby addressing the
same to the inhabitants of Tinghae for their information . You
ought all quietly to plough your fields and read your books, taking
care of yourselves and families. If, indeed, these barbarians do not
distress you, you must not again search for and seize them. Each
must implicitly obey this special proclamation.
" The above edict is for general information.
" 1st November, 1840."
The British authorities having remained upwards of three weeks
at Chusan, and in the neighbourhood, left the latter end of July,
and proceeded northward with a large fleet. August 15th, the
chief portion of the squadron arrived at the mouth of the Peiho .
Here, without any difficulty, Lord Palmerston's letter was received
by Keshen the governor of the province, and the third member of
the Emperor's cabinet. The wily Tartar unsolicited gave orders
to supply the squadron with provisions, cattle, &c., for which he
refused payment.
Ten days were asked by Keshen to receive an answer from
Peking, and allowed .
At a subsequent conference between the British plenipotentiary,
Captain Elliot, and Keshen, the former was outwitted by the in-
genuity of the latter, who considered that difficulties could be
better arranged at Canton, which was 1,500 miles from the Im-
perial residence ; the distance at which they were then situated
being less than one hundred .
August 6th. - Macao, which was heretofore considered neutral
ground, had assumed a very hostile appearance, by a large influx
of Chinese troops, and the frequent attacks on British subjects ; and
the abduction of a most estimable clergyman, the Rev. V. Stan-
ton, caused the greatest excitement, as a price was fixed upon the
head of every Englishman. Everything indicated that an attack
would be made on Macao, and up to the 19th all efforts proved in-
effectual to obtain a release of Mr. Stanton.
Captain Smith clearly perceiving that it was the intention of the
Chinese to cut off all communication with Macao, anticipated their
designs, and brought Her Majesty's ships Larne and Hyacinth,
with the steamer Enterprize, to bear against the barrier. This
was speedily answered by the Chinese from a battery of seventeen
guns, on the beach north of the barrier. A brisk fire was kept up
for an hour on both sides. A single gun was landed on the beach,
which soon silenced their guns ; and the landing of about 300
troops, drove the Chinese from every position, although amounting
to 5,000 strong. All was over in four hours, barracks burnt, and
the vessels retired to the usual anchorage.
August 16.- The ten days claimed by Keshen to lay the British
claims before the cabinet, were taken advantage of by the squadron
to visit Mantchouria, intending to make the island of Changhing,
near the mainland on the east side of the Gulf of Leaoutung ; the
object was to procure supplies of cattle and water, which they did
with some difficulty.
The squadron returned on the 28th, and a conference was held
on shore between Captain Elliot and Keshen ; all assumption of
superiority of the Chinese, on this occasion, gave way to urbanity,
in order that Keshen might more successfully overreach his ad-
versary. Two days were thus spent without any satisfactory re-
sult, and six days more were required for instructions from Peking.
Unfortunately Captain Elliot, totally contrary to the instructions
of Lord Palmerston, quitted his advantageous position at the Peiho,
where he might have dictated better terms of peace than were sub-
sequently accepted at Nankin .
September 1st, 1840.- Pending the negotiations that were to be
carried on at Canton by the new commissioner Keshen, who was
to replace Lin, the squadron sailed from the Peiho for Chusan . A
trnce was entered into between the British and Chinese on the 6th
of November; and on the 15th, the British plenipotentiaries sailed
from Chusan for Canton, to hold the intended conference, leaving
land and naval forces at Tinghae.
The British squadron left the neighbourhood of Peking on the
15th of September, and on the 27th of the same month the follow-
ing edict from the Emperor was received in Canton, recalling
Commissioner Lin :-
" Lin Tsihseu . You received my imperial orders to examine and
manage the affairs relating to opium ; from the exterior to cut off
all trade in opium ; from the interior your orders were to seize
perverse natives, and thus cut off all supplies to foreigners ; why
have you so long delayed these matters ? You have proved your-
self unable to cut off this trade, you have but dissembled with
empty words, and in deep disguise in your report (to the Emperor) ;
and so far from having been of any help in the affair, you have
caused the waves of confusion to arise, and a thousand disorders
are sprouting ; it appears you are no better than a wooden image.
I order that your seals be taken from you, and that you hasten
with the speed of flames to Peking, that I may examine you ; delay
you not. Respect this."
The following official document, reporting the English capture
of Tinghae, the capital of Chusan, shows the defenceless state of
the coast :-
Woo, the Lieutenant-governor, and Choo, the Commander of
Chekeang, jointly report the loss of Tinghae. I, the governor, as
soon as the English wrote to the Commandant of Tinghae in a
strain of seditious violence, considered the water approaches to this .
place, planning what could be done to defend them, have sent this
report by express . I hastened to Chinhae to consult with General
Chuh, and there learned that Tinghae had fallen into the hands of
the English . I, the Lieut-governor, receiving this intelligence,
could not prevent my hair from bristling with anger. I also as-
certained that without shifting a sail they could proceed to the
mouth of Chinhae, and straight pass into the interior ; all the im-
portant passes are so situated as to have Tinghae for their outside
guard, and the opposite hills of Cheaopo and Kinke to shut in the
mouth of the entrance. Chow, the commander, dispatched 900
soldiers to guard the coasts. I sent my soldiers, 400 in number, to
Chinhae. I commanded Tang, the prefect of Ningpo, to sink
vessels at the entrance of the river ; and drive wooden piles in the
water, and secure them with chains. While thus planning, many
foreign ships passed Chinhae, distant only three or four miles . We
have taken up our residence at the entrance of the river, thirty- one
rebellious ships have arrived, having guns on both sides, and fore
and aft ; included are two ships having wheels at their sides, which
revolving propel them like the wind. They have about 5,000 or
6,000 soldiers . If we fight with them, we should have an equal
number. We have only 2,000 men, and it is better not to hazard
an engagement.
" First we ought to devise some plan to wear out their soldiers ;
and when our forces are collected in great numbers, we can attack
them, that at an appointed time, we may at once seize them all."
The great device of all parties, from the imperial government
downwards, was to " wear out the barbarians ; " hence every artifice
was used to protract negotiations, and deceive us by falsehood and
pretences .
It is instructive, as regards the policy of the Tartar government,
to watch the tone assumed in their edicts and proclamations. Truth
seems to have been the last thing considered, the main object was
to deceive the people. On the departure of our fleet from the Peiho
the following imperial despatch was sent to Elepoo at Canton :-
" Whereas the English, at the harbour of Teentsin, did present
a communication, civil and respectful, earnestly requesting an ex-
tension of favours, it seemed right to command Keshen to instruct
and order, that they should not be allowed to create confusion,
but only permitted to proceed to Canton to seek entrance ; so that
if they should exhibit sincerity, the said minister will memorialize
in their behalf, begging for favour."
Now, according to Keshen's memorial, the said foreigners have
attended to his instructions, and have already got under weigh,
and returned southwards, having by memorial declared " that
along the coast they will make no disturbance, provided they be
not first fired on ; also, that one-half of their soldiers in Tinghae
shall be withdrawn ,
" These foreigners have heretofore been disorderly, albeit in some
way excited thereto, and they justly merit detestation, and ought
to be exterminated.
" Now it appears that the port of Tseuen-chaw-foo in Fookeen,
Chapo in Chekeang, and Tsung-ming in Keang-soo, have each
with their rumbling thunders, beat the foreign ships, and greatly
damped their ardour As they have consented to come forward
and beg for favour, it is not meet to inquire strictly into the
" Keshen's communication to the English, and their reply, are
copied and sent herewith for Eleepoo's inspection . Respect this."
On the arrival of Keshen at Canton, he forwarded the following
letter to the Emperor, at the very time when he was corresponding
with the British authorities previous to the battle at the Bogue
forts :-
" I, your minister, arrived in Canton the 29th of November, and
night and day have considered and examined the state of our re-
lations with the English. At first moved by the benevolence of
His Majesty, and the severity of the laws, they surrendered the
opium . Commissioner Lin commanded them to give bonds that
they would never more deal in opium-a most excellent plan for
securing future good conduct. This the English refused to give,
and thus they trifled with the laws ; and so obstinate were their
dispositions that they could not be made to submit. Hence it be-
comes necessary to soothe and admonish them with sacred instruc-
tion, so as to cause them to change their mien, and purify their
hearts, after which it will not be too late to renew their commerce.
It behoves me to instruct and persuade them, so that their good
consciences may be restored, and they reduced to submission .
This done, your minister will report the same by memorial.
" 13th December, 1840."
A.D. 1841 , January the 6th . All reasonable prospect of peace
or redress must have terminated on the appearance of the annexed
proclamation from the Emperor.
To-day Lew has reported , by memorial, that having gone to
Chinhae, he made faithful enquiry concerning the disposition of
foreigners, &c. Keshen has also reported concerning the foreigners
at Canton, that they appear more violent and overbearing than
ever. Already our instructions have been given to all the generals
and governors to increase the strength of their defences, and to
be timely prepared for sudden attack. The provincial city of
Chekeang is a place of much importance ; whatever measures are
requisite for Tinghae, let Lao, in concert with Elepoo, deliberate
upon, and immediately return to the provincial city, and instruct
the officers to make strong defences . If the said foreigners again
come to present petitions, let them all be utterly rejected ; should
any of their ships sail near the ports on the coast, at once let
matchlocks and artillery be opened, and the thundering attack be
made dreadful . There must be no wavering, so as to exhibit awe
or fear. Respect this ."
After waiting from the 5th September, 1840, for some amicable
arrangement, it was determined by the British authorities to
attack the Bogue Forts in the Canton River, about twenty miles
from Linton, and forty from Macao. The two outer forts
are Taikok, on the west side of the channel, and Chuenpe,
that is Shakok, on the east side. Both are on islands : the
battery on the first is built on the S.E. point ; the other on the
N.W., and above it, on the top of a hill, a small battery had been
recently erected. A few miles above Chuenpe, on the same side
of the river, are the batteries of Anunghoy, and separated from
Chuenpe by Anson's Bay. In the centre of the river, opposite
Anunghoy, is Wangtung ; and three miles further up is Tiger
Island. All these fortifications were well constructed , and, to the
Chinese modes of warfare, invulnerable . In the possession of any
European troops they ought to be as impregnable as the Darda-
nelle batteries .
January 9th.-About eight o'clock, the squadron under the
command of Sir J. J. Gordon Bremer moved up the river, being
anchored three miles below the first forts.
The steamers Nemesis,' ' Enterprise,' and ' Madagascar,' were
first employed in conveying the land force ashore.
The Calliope,' ' Hyacinth,' and ' Larne,' under the command of
Captain (now Sir Thomas) Herbert, were to proceed up the river,
and bombard the lower fort on Chuenpe. The Queen and Neme-
sis were to throw shells into the hill-forts, and the entrenchments
on the inner side of them.
The Wellesley,' with the other large vessels, took a position
further up the river. The royal artillery guns were dragged through
a winding valley for two miles, and placed where there was a
clear view of the Chinese force, whose camp was entrenched,
and flanked by small field batteries, and connected with the
hill fort by a high breast work. In the rear of their field bat-
teries were deep trenches ; some of these had been recently con-
The troops for field service consisted of a battalion of the royal
marines, a detachment of royal artillery, with one twenty-four
pounder howitzer, and two six-pounder field- pieces ; detachments
of the 26th, 49th, and 37th Madras native infantry, with a detach-
ment of Bengal volunteers ; the whole force amounted to 1,400,
under the command of Major Pratt, of the 26th, or Cameronian
regiment .
Both parties seemed conscious of victory ; the Chinese seeing
an advanced party approaching, welcomed them with cheers,
waving their flags in the attitude of defiance, and instantly opened
a fire from the field batteries, which was quickly returned by the
British artillery. This was the signal for the steamers, Queen and
Nemesis, to throw shells into the hill-fort . The Chinese could not
long withstand the fire of the sixty-eight-pounder of the Queen,
and the thirty-two-pounder of the Nemesis.
On the land side, the entrenched camp was soon carried by the
main body of the troops, and in less than half an hour after the
assault on the fort by the steamers, the British flag was hoisted on
its summit.
From some cause or another, the Chinese were very slow in
returning the fire from the vessels, although they were the first to
fire on troops, this was according to instructions given them by
the commandant.
The royal marines were despatched to drive the enemy from a
wooded hill which they occupied. The first entrenchment was
now deserted ; a small party headed by Major Pratt soon reached
the hill-fort . The major, with two men, were the first to arrive,
and, to their astonishment, found the Tartars at their posts, as he
peeped over the walls ; one shot being fired their courage failed ,
they were soon flying off in every direction ; the British flag was
then hoisted .
During this operation, the guns on the lower fort were silenced
by the ships which had been placed before that battery. The
Chinese finding themselves assailed both by land and water, left
the battery, and retreated towards the wooded hill, and were here
met by the royal marines and 37th native infantry, that had pre-
viously taken possession of the hill. The havoc was here dreadful,
and the enemy soon overcome ; only about a hundred of the
Chinese troops accepted quarter.
The vindictive character of the Tartars was on this occasion
strikingly exemplified ; a few stray Tartars, who had sheltered
themselves as opportunity offered, took aim at their captors, which
drew upon themselves severe chastisement .
While the land forces were performing their part, the fort at
Tycocktow, i.e. Taikok, was attacked and carried . The Samarang
led the division, and, notwithstanding a heavy fire from the enemy,
anchored within a cable's length of the centre of the battery.
The Modeste,' ' Druid,' and ' Columbine ' were not far astern.
The broadsides from the Druid soon told on the solid masonry,
and silenced the guns of the enemy ; but the Chinese did not
leave their posts until the seamen and marines were landed, and
entering through the breach, carried the fort by storm. The en-
counter here was man to man ; the Tartar soldiers for a time dis-
playing courage. The deadly fire of the musketry soon damped
their ardour, and as many as could escaped , and were not pursued .
The guns in the fort were spiked, and thrown into the sea. After
removing the wounded, the magazines were blown up .
The good services of the steamers were again required to destroy
the Chinese war junks at Anson's Bay. The Nemesis pushed into
shallow water, and her first congreve-rocket took instantaneous
effect, blowing up one of the largest war-junks with all her crew.
Thus she continued the work of destruction until eleven were
destroyed . There were no fortifications, and not a shot was fired
on either side .
There were ninety-seven guns in the fort and embankments ;
twenty-five in Tycocktow ; on Chuenpe, forty-four mounted, and
thirty-nine unmounted : eighty guns were in the junks. It is
difficult to ascertain the Chinese loss in killed and wounded ; 500
are stated in one place to have been killed. The British, as in
other Chinese " battles," did not lose one man ! This shows that
the contest bore more resemblance to a meeting of lions and
sheep, than to any real danger incurred on the part of the English.
In fact, the Chinese have not the instinctive courage of the
meanest animal, which will defend itself against an assailant.
The objects sought to be attained by our hostilities were stated
in the Canton Register of the 19th January, 1841 , to be :-
1st. " To obtain a recognition of the King of England as the
independent sovereign of a civilized country.
2nd . " To require an apology for the treatment of Lord Napier,
3rd. " Compensation must be made for the losses caused to
British merchants by the stoppage of the trade while Lord Napier
was at Canton, and for some time after his departure.
E 2
4th. " Until particular rules are framed by the consent of both
governments, British subjects shall not, for any wrong done either
to another British subject, or to a Chinese subject, be liable to
more severe punishment than is applicable to the like offence by
the laws of England.
5th. " No hoppo, or other authority whatever, shall be at
liberty to impose any tax, or duty, direct or indirect, on any
foreign ships or vessels, on any articles of export or import, or any
boats, coolies, or other conveyance of goods, other than, or different
from, the prescribed imperial tariff.
6th. " Vessels not engaged in trade shall pay the ordinary
pilotage, but no other duty or charge whatever. They shall be
freely allowed to purchase refreshments, and articles requisite for
repair or refit, and to hire workmen for such purpose.
7th. Merchant vessels shall pay shipping charges of all kinds
according to their real size, as ascertained by their certificate of
registry. None of the persons engaged in supplying them with
provisions or stores, shall be subject to any fee or exaction what-
ever in that capacity.
8th. " British subjects may take their families to any place
where they reside themselves, and may employ any sort of vehicle
they may find agreeable or convenient, as freely as Natives.
9th . " British subjects may visit any part of the country under
passports signed by the British commissioner, and countersigned
by the Chinese authority at the place .
10th. " A British subject desirous of residing for a lawful ob-
ject in any part of the country, shall report himself in person to
the chief magistrate of the place, specifying his lodging, but shall
not thereafter be in any way molested or controlled in his pursuits,
so long as they are conducted in a lawful and inoffensive manner.
11th . " British ships may proceed to any port in China at
which an imperial custom-house has been established, and land and
ship goods as freely, and on the same terms, as at Canton. Should
there be no British commissioner or deputy commissioner at such
port, British subjects that may be charged with any offences must
be sent for trial to the nearest port at which a British commis-
sioner resides.
12th. " British traders may have boats, or other conveyance,
to carry goods from any one port of the country to another, pay-
ing the same rates of transit duties as natives ."
While the forces were preparing to advance to the attack on the
forts at the Bogue, the Chinese admiral, Kwan, sought an armis-
tice, which was granted by Captain Elliot .
Captain K. S. Mackenzie, late military secretary to the com-
mander-in-chief, came to China " to see some actual service in his
profession," and was, as he states, sadly disappointed.
The attack on the Bogue is thus narrated by him : " At the
moment the firing began, a flag of truce was observed coming to-
wards the flag-ship . The boat was manned by an old woman,
having for her compagnon-du-voyage, a man of the lowest descrip-
tion, who proved to be the bearer of a chop from Admiral Kwan to
Captain Elliot ; the purport of which was to obtain a grace of
three days, to enable him to communicate with Keshen . Our
answer was taken by Lieutenant Maitland, who had an interview
with the Chinese admiral, who was most civil ; and when told by
Lieutenant Maitland that he must desist from all further hostile
preparations, replied, that he dared not surrender the forts, but if
able we might come and take them . I leave the reader to imagine,
if he can, the feelings of the fleet on this occasion ." (See p . 26. )
Keshen, true to his character, wrote a letter to the Emperor
calculated to mislead him.
66 January 8th.
" Memorial from your majesty's slave ; * I have received a dis-
patch from the commander-in- chief ( Kwan) which states that all
the vessels of the English weighed anchor on the 7th , and, in dis-
tinct squadrons, attacked the forts of Shaikok and Taikok ; that
the fire of the guns was kept up incessantly, and the contest sus-
tained all around from eight a.m. till two p.m., ' during which the
foreign vessels fired above (ten rounds) of cannon ; that our forces
responded to the attack, till about two p.m. , when some of the
foreigners were seen to have fallen into the water ; the tide began
to ebb, and the foreigners ceased firing, and anchored in the
middle of the stream , each side maintaining its ground.' There
were four steamers which fell upon the war-junks, but finding the
attack responded to, drew off again without having decided the
" Your slave, since his arrival, has exchanged communication
with the English ; and has given them admonitory commands,
and, as regards what they require, he has not been able to satisfy
their rapacious cravings, still he has granted a measure of what
they demanded. Some think that if the military force be main-
tained, that in time they will be wearied out, or, if granted com-
merce, a restraining cordon may then be kept around what they
have .' 7
" Whether or not our forces have suffered in this conflict, and
to what extent wounds may have been inflicted, shall be reported
with all haste as soon as ascertained ."
The Emperor, in a letter to Keshen, of 27th January, 1841 ,
says : " These rebellious foreigners, since their return to Canton,
have been daily increasing in disorderliness ; and we have repeat-
edly issued orders to maintain a well- ordered guard to proceed
against them on a fit occasion. With what care, then, did it be-
come all the high officers, civil and military, to have arranged their
defence ?
Slave TARTAR servant- CHINESE.
" The report from Keshen states that Shaikok and Taikok have
been taken by the foreigners ; and the government soldiers have
fallen dead and wounded, and the naval vessels have been plun-
dered. Let the proper board take into consideration the conduct
of Keshen . At the same time, let him have the direction of the
forces to drive off or destroy these foreigners . Kwan, the naval
commander, has shewn himself devoid of talent ; let his button and
insignia of rank be taken from him-but let him, at the same time,
labour to attain merit, and show forth his after endeavours ."
Poor " Admiral " Kwan deserved a better master ; he was killed
on board his own vessel, and, in the Chinese language, was said to
have died " leaning gracefully against the mast." The letter of
the Emperor clearly shows the government were arming for a war
of extermination against the English, even while professing a de-
sire for peace .
The result of the attack on the forts was manifested by a tem-
porary bending to circumstances on the part of the Chinese
government, after they had for twenty-two months rejected all
reasonable overtures for settlement.
On the 20th day of January, 1841 , the following circular dated
Macao was issued by Captain Elliott to her Britannic Majesty's
subjects :-
" Her Majesty's plenipotentiary has now to announce the con-
clusion of preliminary arrangements between the imperial com-
missioner and himself, involving the following conditions-
1. " The cession of the island and harbour of Hong Kong to
the British crown. Alljust charges and duties to the empire upon
the commerce carried on there to be paid, as if the trade were
conducted at Whampoa .
2. " An indemnity to the British government of six millions of
dollars, one million payable at once, and the remainder in equal
annual instalments, ending in 1846.
3. " Direct official intercourse between the two countries upon
an equal footing.
4. "The trade of the port of Canton to be opened within ten
days after the Chinese new year, and to be carried on at Wham-
poa, till further arrangements are practicable at the new settle-
ment details remain matters of negotiation .'
The impropriety of that portion of the first clause which pro-
vides for the Chinese government levying duties at the British
settlement at Hong Kong is evident, even the Portuguese never
submitted to anything so degrading at Macao. In fact, if such a
measure had been carried out, the Queen of England would have
become tributary in reality to the Emperor of China ! It was not
however the intention of the Chinese government to ratify Keshen's
arrangement with Captain Elliot.
In conformity with the above convention, the British colours
were hauled down at Chuenpe, and a dispatch sent off to surrender
Chusan to the Chinese authorities. On the 27th January a pro-
clamation was issued providing for the future government of Hong
Kong ; and on the very same day an imperial edict was issued,
stating that " A report has been received from Keshen, setting
forth the attack on and capture of certain forts by the English. The
rebellious disposition ofthese foreigners being plainly manifest, there
remains no other course but to destroy and wash them clean away,
and thus display the majesty of the empire. Troops from Szechuen,
Kangse, and Hoonan, in all 10,000, were ordered to Canton."
The report of Keshen to the Emperor, after our capture of the
Bogue forts at Canton, and subsequent to his truce, is too strikingly
indicative of the treachery and policy of the Tartars to be partially
quoted ; I, therefore, give a translation of this remarkable docu-
ment complete. For uttering the truth in this report, of not
being able to resist the barbarians- Keshen, once the Prime
Minister of China, was sent in chains to the capital-thrown into
prison-left starving-ordered to be cut in small pieces for the
fowls of the air, and his property confiscated ! (see vol. i. page 133) .
Such is the reward of an honest statesman in China.
Translation of a memorial, from the minister, &c., Keshen
to the Emperor.
" Your majesty's slave, Keshen, minister of the Inner Council,
and acting governor of the two Kwang,-kneeling presents this
respectful memorial,-setting forth, how that the English foreigners
have dispatched a person to Chekeang province to deliver back
Tinghae, -how that they have restored to us the forts of Shakok
and Taikok, in the province of Kwantung, along with the vessels
of war and salt-junks which they had previously captured, all
which have been duly received back- and how that the war- ships
of these foreigners have already retired to the outer waters, -all
these facts, along with his observations upon the military position
of the country, its means of offence and defence, the quality of
its soldiery, and the disposition of its people, observations result-
ing from personal investigation- he now lays before your im-
perial majesty, praying that a sacred glance may be bestowed upon
the same.
Previously to the receipt of your majesty's sovereign com-
mand, your slave had, with a view to preserve the territory and
the lives of the people, ventured- rashly and forgetful of his
ignorance to make certain conditional concessions to the English
foreigners, promising that he would earnestly implore in their
behalf a gracious manifestation of imperial goodness . Yet, having
done this, he repeatedly laid before your majesty the acknow-
ledgment of his offence, for which he desired to receive severe
punishment. It was subsequently thereto, on the 20th of January,
1841 , that he received through the general council, the following-
imperial edict . I
Keshen has handed up to Us, a report on the measures he is
taking in regard to the English foreigners, under the present
condition of circumstances . As these foreigners have shown
themselves so unreasonable that all our commands are lost upon-
them, it behoves us immediately to make of them a most dread-
ful example of severity. Orders have now been given that, with
the utmost speed, there be furnished from the several provinces
of Hoonan, Szecheun, and Kweichow, 4,000 troops, to repair
without loss of time to Canton, and there to hold themselves
under orders for service. Let Keshen, availing himself of the
assistance of Lin Tsihseu, and Tang Tingching, take the necessary
measures for the due furtherance of the object in view. And if
these rebellious foreigners dare to approach the shores of our
rivers, let him adopt such measures as circumstances shall point
out for their extermination .'
"Again on the 26th of January, your majesty's slave received
the following imperial edict, sent him direct from the cabinet :-- :
' Keshen has presented a report regarding the measures he
is pursuing against the English foreigners : which We have perused
and on the substance of which We are fully informed. In con-
formity with our previous commands, let a large body of troops
be assembled, and let an awful display of celestial vengeance be
made. Whatever may be required for the expenses of such
military operations, may be drawn equally from the duties arising
from commerce, and the revenues derivable from the land-tax,
the drafts being made after due consideration , and a correct state-
ment being drawn out of the expenditure. If these united sources
do not afford a sufficient amount, let it be so reported to us, and
our further pleasure awaited."'
" With respect, your slave, humbly upon his knees, has heard
these commands. He would remark, that, while he has indeed
made certain conditional concessions to the English, these amounted
to nothing more than that he would lay their case before your
majesty ; and thus, in the article of trade, though it was expressly
said that they desired the trade to be opened within the first de-
cade of the first month of this year, (23rd Jan. to 1st Feb.) he
still has not up to this time ventured to declare it open. Yet
have these foreigners, nevertheless, sent a letter, in which they
restore to us the forts of Shakok and Taikok, along with all the
vessels of war, and the salt-junks which they had previously
captured ; and at one and the same time, they have dispatched a
foreign officer by sea to Chekeäng, to cause the withdrawal of
their troops, and have given to your slave a foreign document
which he has forwarded to Elepoo, at the rate of 600 le a day, by
virtue whereof he may receive back Tinghae ; -conduct this,
which on their part shows a more meek and compliant disposi
tion than they have evinced before . But alas ! your slave is a
man of dull understanding and poor capacity, and in his arrange-
ment of these things, he has not had the happiness to meet the
sacred wishes of his sovereign . Trembling from limb to limb,
how shall he find words to express himself ! He humbly re-
members that in his own person he has received the imperial
bounty. Nor is his conscience hardened . How then should he,
while engaged in the important work of curbing these unruly
foreigners, presume to shrink from danger or to court unlawful
repose ! So far from thus acting, he has from the moment he
arrived in Canton until now, been harassed by the perverse
craftiness of these presuming foreigners, who have shown them-
selves every way obstinate and impracticable, -yea, till head has
ached, and heart has rent with pain, and with the anxiety, ere
even a morning meal, quickly to exterminate these rebels. Had
he but the smallest point whereon to maintain his ground in con-
test with them , he would immediately report it, and under the
imperial auspices make known to them the vengeance of heaven.
But circumstances are, alas ! opposed to the wishes of his heart.
This condition of circumstance he has repeatedly brought before
the imperial eye, in a series of successive memorials.
" Now, after that these said foreigners had dispatched a per-
son to Chekeäng to restore Tinghae, -and had delivered up all
that had been captured by them in the province of Kwangtung,
after, too, their ships of war had all retired to the outer waters,
it so happened that Elliot solicited an interview ; and as your
slave had not yet inspected the entrances of the port, and the
fortifications of the Bocca Tigris, as also the troops ordered from
the several provinces had not yet arrived, it did not seem prudent
to show anything that might cause suspicion on the part of the
foreigners, and so to bring on at once a commencement of troubles
and collision from their side. Therefore the occasion of visiting,
for inspection, the Bocca Tigris, was taken advantage of to grant
an interview.
" Having left Canton for this purpose on the 25th of January,
your slave had to pass by the Szetsze waters (the Reach from
First to Second Bar) : and here he was met by Elliot, who came
in a steam-vessel, desiring that he might see him. His retinue
did not exceed a few tens of persons, he brought with him no
ships of war,-and his language and demeanour upon that occa-
sion were most respectful . He presented a rough draft of several
articles on which he desired to deliberate, the major part having
regard to the troublesome minutiae of commerce ; and he agreed
that for the future, in any cases of the smuggling of opium, or of
other contraband traffic or evasion of duties, both ship and cargo
should be confiscated . Among the number of his proposals, were
some highly objectionable, which were at the moment pointed out
and refused, upon which the said foreigner begged that emenda-
tions should be offered and considered of. It has now accordingly
been granted him, that alterations and emendations be made, and
when these shall be determined on and agreed to , the whole shall
be presented for your majesty's inspection.- Your slave then
parted with Elliot.
" He now found that the Szetsze waters were yet distant from
the Bocca Tigris about 60 le (or nearly 30 miles) , Even there
the sea is vast and wide, with boisterous waves and foaming billows,
lashed up into fury by fierce winds- majestically grand ! How
widely different the outer seas are from our inland river-waters !
Having changed his boat for a sea-going vessel, your slave stood
out for the Bocca Tigris ; and there arrived, he made a most
careful inspection of every fort and battery in the place.
" Such forts as did not stand completely isolated in the midst
of the sea, he yet found to have channels, affording ready water
communication behind the hills on which they were situated .
So that it were easy to go round and strictly blockade them ;
nor would it in that case be even possible to introduce provisions
for the garrison. After this careful inspection of the place, the
depth of water in the river, beginning here and proceeding all
the way to the very city, was next ascertained ; and the soundings
taken at high water, were found to be irregular, from one chang
(or two fathoms) and upwards, to three and even four chang.
Hence then it has become known to all, that the reputation of
the Bocca Tigris as a defence has been acquired ,-first, by the
circumstance that merchant-vessels require a somewhat greater
depth of water ; and secondly, because that in ordinary times,
when the foreigners observe our laws and restraints, they naturally
do not venture to avoid the forts by passing through circuitous
courses. But when they bring troops to resist and oppose rather
than to obey, they may sneak in at every hole and corner, and are
under no necessity of passing by the forts to enter the river, and
so can easily proceed straight up to the provincial metropolis .
For as soon as they may have in any way got beyond the Bocca
Tigris, there are communications open to them in every direction.
It is then clear that we have no defences worthy to be called
such. This is in truth the local character of the country, that
there is no important point of defence by which the whole may be
" In reference to the guns mounted in the forts, their whole
number does not exceed some two hundred and odd, hardly
enough to fortify the fronts alone, while the sides are altogether
unfurnished . Moreover, those guns that are in good order, ready
for use, are not many. The original model has been bad, and they
have been made without any due regard to principles of con-
struction : thus the body of the gun is very large, while the bore
is very small ; and the sea being at that place extremely wide, the
shot will not carry above half way. As regards then their num-
ber, they are not so many as are those which the foreign ships
7 carry, and in point of quality they are no less inferior to those on
board the foreign vessels. Again, the embrasures in which they
are placed are as large as doors, wide enough almost to allow
people to pass in and out : from a sustained fire from the enemy,
they would afford no shelter at all to our people ; and they may
then at once be said, to be utterly ineffective . A founder of can-
non has recently presented himself, who has already given in a
model, and is about to make some experimental pieces of artillery .
But should he really succeed in casting good cannon, yet can he
only do so as a preparation for the future, and in no way can he
be in time for the business we have now in hand . These are the
proofs of the inefficiency of our military armament, which is such
that no reliance can be placed upon it.
" Further, with reference to the quality of our troops ; we find
that the only way to repel the foreigners is by fighting them at
sea, but to fight at sea it is necessary to have a good marine force.
Now, we have at present to acknowledge the forethought and care
of your majesty, in dispatching land-forces from the several pro-
vinces to Canton : but these troops, before they can meet the fo-
reigners in battle, will require to embark in ships of war, and pro-
ceed to the outer waters. Though the objection be not maintained,
that, being unaccustomed to the seas and waves, they needs must
meet with disaster and overthrow ; yet, seeing that the conduct
and management of the vessels is a thing with which they are quite
unacquainted, the services of the naval force still cannot at all be
dispensed with. The recruits to the naval force of this province are,
however, all supplied by its own sea-coast, by encouraged enlist-
ment ; and their quality is very irregular. Your slave had heard
a report that, after the battle upon the 7th of January, all these
men went to their tetuh (or commander- in- chief) , demanding of
him money, under threats that they would otherwise immediately
disband. The other day, therefore, when on the spot, your slave
made inquiries of the tetuh on the matter, -when he answered,
that the report was perfectly true, and that he, having no other
remedy at hand, was obliged to pawn his clothes and other things,
by which means he was enabled to give each of them a bonus of
two dollars, and thus only could get them to remain until now at
their posts . Hereby may be seen, in a great measure, the cha-
racter of the Canton soldiery. And, supposing when we had
joined battle, just at the most critical moment, these marine forces
were not to stand firm, the consequences would be most disastrous.
For although we should have our veteran troops serving with them,
yet these would have no opportunity of bringing their skill into
play. Still further, our ships of war are not large and strong, and
it is difficult to mount heavy guns on board them. By these ob-
servations, it is evident, that our force here as a guard and defence
against the foreigners is utterly insufficient.
" Your slave has also made personal observation of the cha
racter and disposition of the people of this province. He has
found them ungrateful and avaricious . Putting out of view
those who are actual traitors, and of whom, therefore, it is un-
necessary to say anything, the rest dwell indiscriminately with
foreigners, they are accustomed to see them day by day, and
after living many years together, the utmost intimacy has grown
up between them. They are widely different from the people of
Tinghae, who, having had no previous intercourse with foreigners,
felt at once that they were of another race. Let us reverse the
circumstances, and suppose that the English had craftily dis-
tributed their gifts and favours, and set at work the whole
machinery of their tricks, here as at Chusan : and it might
verily be feared, that the people whole would have been seduced
from their allegiance ; they would certainly not have shown the
same unbending obstinacy that the people of Tinghae did .
These plain evidences of the want of firmness on the part of the
people here, give us still more cause for anxiety.
"We find, on turning over the records of the past, that when
operations were being carried on against the pirates of this pro-
vince, although these were only so many thieves and robbers, with
native vessels and guns of native casting, yet the affair was length-
ened out for several years ; and was only put an end to by invita
tions to lay down their arms under promise of security . And it is
much to be feared, that the wasp's sting is far more poisonous
now than then.
" Your slave has again and again resolved the matter in his an-
xious mind. The consequences, in so far as they relate to his own
person, are trifling ; but as they regard the stability of the govern-
ment, and the lives of the people, they are vast, and extend to dis-
tant posterity. Should he incur guilt in giving battle when unable
to command a victory, or should he be criminal in making such
arrangements as do not meet the gracious approbation of his so-
vereign, he must equally bear his offence ; and, for his life, what
is it, that he should be cared for or pitied !
" But if it be in not acting so as to meet the gracious approba-
tion of his sovereign that he becomes guilty,-the province and
the people have yet their sacred sovereign to look to, and rely upon
for happiness, protection, justice, and peace. Whereas, if his guilt
should lie in giving battle when unable to command a victory,
then will the celestial dignity of the throne be sullied, the lives of
the people sacrificed, and for further proceedings and arrangements
it will be, in an increased degree, impossible to find resource.
" Entertaining these views, a council has been held of all the
officers in the city ; namely, the general and lieutenant-generals
of the garrison, the lieutenant-governor, the literary chancellor,
and the commissioners, intendants, prefects, and magistrates, as
also the late governors, Lin, Tsihseu, and Tang Tingching ; all of
whom agree, that our defences are such as it is impossible to trust
to, and that our troops would not hold their ground on the field of
battle. Moreover, the troops ordered from the different provinces
by your majesty having yet a long journey to come, time is still ne-
cessary for their arrival ; nór can they all arrive together. The
assemblage of a large body of troops, too , is a thing not to be ef-
fected without sundry rumours flying about, -our native traitors
are sure to give information ; and the said foreigners will previous-
ly let loose their contumacious and violent dispositions. Your slave
is so worried by grief and vexation, that he loathes his food, and
sleep has forsaken his eyelids. But, for the above- cited reasons,
he does not shrink from the heavy responsibility he is incurring,
in submitting all these facts, the results of personal investigation,
to your celestial majesty. And, at the same time, he presents for
perusal the letter of the said foreigners, wherein they make the
various restorations before enumerated. He humbly hopes his
sacred sovereign will with pity look down upon the blackhaired
flock -his people, —and will be graciously pleased to grant favours
beyond measure, by acceding to the requests now made . Thus
shall we be spared the calamity of having our people and land
burned to ashes, and thus shall we lay the foundation of victory, by
binding and curbing the foreigners now, while preparing to have the
power of cutting them off at some future period.
" It is humbly hoped that your sacred majesty will condescend
to inquire regarding the meeting in council, and state of circum-
stances, here reported . And your slave begs, that a minister of
eminence may be specially dispatched hither, to re-investigate mat-
ters . Your slave has been actuated entirely by a regard to the
safety of the land, and the people. He is not swayed by the smal-
lest particle of fear. And still less dare he use false pretexts, or
glozing statements. For the real purposes herein declared , he
humbly makes this report (which he forwards by express at the rate
of 600 le a day) , - in the hope that it may be honoured with a
sacred glance.-A . most respectful memorial."
The Emperor, in commenting on the foregoing report, says :-
“ Keshen has handed up to us a report. As these foreigners have
shewn themselves so unreasonable, that all our commands are lost
upon them, it behoves us to make of them a dreadful example of
severity." His Majesty then proceeds with orders for troops to
be collected from several provinces, and adds that "if these re-
bellious foreigners dare to approach our rivers, let such measures
be taken as will exterminate them, The expenses to be drawn
equally from the duties arising from commerce, and the revenues
derivable from the land-tax ; if these sources do not amount to a
sufficient sum, let it be so reported to us."
In the beginning of February, the Chinese government thus
announced the renewal of war ; the document was not, however,
known to us for some time.
Proclamation by the Governor and Lieutenant-governor of Canton .
"Keshen, imperial commissioner and acting governor of the
two Kwang provinces, E, lieutenant-governor of Canton, &c. , pro-
claim for the full information of all the inhabitants of the provin-
cial city and suburbs :-
" It is known that the audacity and contumacy of the English
rebels daily increase, until at last they have dared to enter the
Tiger's gate and take possession of the forts, and they have also
brought their war-ships into the river : this really makes the hair
stand on end with indignation. At present all the dangerous
passes are perfectly well and closely watched and guarded ; and of
the different difficult approaches to the city there are none at
which guards are not planted ; and if the rebellious foreigners still
dare to cause disorderly disturbances- we, the governor and lieu-
tenant-governor, will in person lead on the celestial troops, and
foremost in the van of battle, with strenuous efforts, will sweep
them away- and thus dissipate the anger and grief of the people.
Troops are collecting from all the provinces like clouds . The im-
perially appointed pacificator of the rebels and generalissimo,
Yihshan, and his colleagues Lungwan and Yangfang will arrive
immediately in Canton, and will unite to exterminate (the Eng-
lish) . This proclamation is issued on this account, and for the full
information of you all ; let each of you remain quiet and follow
his occupation :-there is not the least necessity for any alarm, nor
do you circulate reports causing uneasiness and doubt. Oppose
not. A special proclamation. 2nd moon , 8th day, (February) ."
Notwithstanding the crafty efforts of Keshen, he was denounced
in an imperial proclamation as " weak, cowardly, and destitute
of ability ."
February the 19th.-Hostile movements on the part of the
Chinese became so conspicuous, that Commodore Bremer, deter-
mined to return to the Bogue, which probably saved the lives of
every Englishman in China.
February 26th.- This day was made public a proclamation , is-
sued by Eleang, the successor and friend of Lin, offering large
rewards for the heads of Englishmen, dead or alive ; this document
is an exact copy of Lin's former one, with the exception that a
larger bounty is offered ; viz.: 500 dollars for every Englishman
alive, and 300 dollars for every one killed , provided their heads
are brought in.
It should be borne in mind, that previous to this, Hong Kong
was surrendered to us, and the indemnity guaranteed or paid, and
nothing remained but the terms of future intercourse to regulate.
Proclamation ofthe Lieutenant- Governor of Canton, offering rewards
for the capture of Her Majesty's ships, and the heads of Eng-
lishmen, &c.
" E, lieutenant-governor, &c., issues the following scale of re-
wards ::-
1st. Ifthe native traitors can repent of their crimes and quit
the service ofthe foreigners, (English) come before the magistrates
and confess, their offences will be forgiven ; and those who are
able to seize alive the rebellious foreigners, and bring them before
the magistrates, as well as those who offer up the foreigners' heads,
will be severally rewarded according to the following scale.
2nd. " The capture of one of their line-of-battle ships, the ship
and guns will be confiscated, but all that the ship contains, as clothes,
goods, and money, shall be the reward of the captors, with an ad-
ditional reward of 100,000 dollars ; those who burn , or break to
pieces, or bore holes through a line-of-battle- ship's bottom, so that
she sinks, upon the facts being substantiated shall be rewarded
with 30,000 dollars ; for ships of the second and third class, the
rewards will be proportionably decreased .
3rd. " The capture of one of the large steamers shall be re-
warded with 50,000 dollars ; for the smaller, one half.
" Those among the brave who are foremost in seizing men and
ships, and who distinguish themselves by their daring courage,
besides receiving the above money rewards, shall have buttons (offi-
cial rank) conferred upon them, and be reported for appointments
in the public service.
4th. " Fifty thousand dollars shall be given to those who seize
either Elliott, Morrison, or Bremer, alive ; and those who bring
either of their heads- on the fact being ascertained -shall get
30,000 dollars . Y
5th. "Ten thousand dollars shall be given to those who seize
an officer alive, and 5,000 dollars for each officer's head.
6th . " Five hundred dollars shall be given for every English-
man seized alive ; if any are killed and their heads brought in,
three hundred dollars will be given.
7th . " One hundred dollars will be given for every sepoy or
lascar taken alive, and fifty for their heads .
8th . " Those among you who in their efforts to seize the Eng-
lish rebels may lose their lives, on examination and proof of the
facts, a reward of three hundred dollars shall be given to your
9th. " The foreigners of every other country are respectful and
obedient, and do not (like the English) cause commotions ; it is not
permitted to seize and annoy them- thus will the good and virtu-
ous remain in tranquillity.
" 2nd moon, 7th day, (Febuary 27, 1841 ) .
Imperial Edicts.
" On the 10th day of the 2d moon , (March 2nd , 1841 ) , at mid-
night, a dispatch from the great military council addressed to the
imperial envoy and acting governor of the two Kwang provinces,
Keshen; the general commanding in the district of Kwangchow,
Ho; the lieutenant-governor of Canton, E ; the admiral command-
ing-in-chief, Kwan ; the general, Ko ; the adjutant general of the
left division, Yu ; and adjutant-general of the right division , Ying.
" On the 25th of the first moon (February 16th) , the imperial
orders were received .
"Keshen this month with haste reported that the English ships
had retired to the outer seas, and that he was about to follow to
examine and manage .
" The English barbarians have many times rebelled, being
wavering and inconstant ; when they delivered up Shakeo, Chusan,
&c., they made it a pretence for more irregularities in seeking for
schemes of coercion.
" I have before sent down my imperial will in edicts, to attack
them with increased vigour and utterly exterminate them . I have
moreover, ordered Yihshan and his colleagues, to hasten together
on their journey, proclaim the crimes (of the English) and reduce
them to subjection ; only, should the troops not be soon assembled,
it will be difficult to be assured the said rebels will not again give
loose to their rebellious disobedience . I order that it be the
special duty of Keshen to establish precautionary regulations, and
plant soldiers to guard and keep (the passes) . But if he remains
pertinaciously stupid without arousing himself, until he suffers
more defeats, I shall hold him only responsible ; the nation's
laws are already prepared, and decidedly there shall not be the
least favour shown to him .
" I moreover order Ho Kihtsing (the general) and Ho Eleang
(the lieutenant-governor,) to respectfully obey my former orders,
and with united strength and one mind, to give strict orders at
the different entrances, and to be faithful and true in guarding
and watching, and let there be no thought of shirking their duty,
nor carelessness . Further, issue perspicuous orders to the army
and people, with one mind to guard against deceivers, and not
subject themselves to the delusions of the traitorous foreigners :
obey with awe, be careful- of the orders. Send these orders on at
the rate of 600 le a day to Keshen, &c. , for their full information.
Respect this, and obey respectfully the imperial will, as formerly
"To day the privy council have again received the imperial
" Formerly, because the English barbarians, after returning to
Canton from Chekeang, again rebelled, and attacked the batte-
ries. I especially appointed Yihshan to be the pacificator of the
rebels and generalissimo, and Lungwan and Yangfang to be his
coadjutors, and collecting the choicest troops from all quarters,
they are to proclaim the crimes, (of the English) and reduce them
to subjection. It is now authenticated that Keshen has reported
that the English barbarians have gone forth of and given up the
fort at Shakeo, and have sent orders to the province of Chekeang
to restore the city of Tinghae, and he earnestly requests that I
will condescend to grant that which they pray for, and in the
meantime not to deal too harshly with or destroy them, & c.
" On reading the report, how could I repress my indignation,
detestation and grief. I did not calculate that Keshen was so
weak and cowardly, and destitute of ability, that he could at once
go to such an extreme as this . Twice have the English barba-
rians rebelled, in the provinces of Chekeang and Canton ; attacked
the district cities, forts, and wounded my soldiers and great
officers ; contact with them is as bitter poison to my people ; they
have frightened and troubled my cities, -which is great and most
unreasonable rebellion ; and neither all that heaven canopies, nor
all that earth contains will bear with them . As to their surrender
of Tinghae and the forts, I shall not talk about it, for no credit
can be placed in their words : for even should they retreat and
restore the old possessions of the empire, still the officers and
soldiers who have been injured, and the people who have been
involved in calamities, gnash their teeth in united hostility : and
both men and gods are indignant and detest them. If we do not
inflict on them utter destruction and extermination, how will the
just vengeance of Heaven be exemplified, and the majesty of the
empire be manifested ?
"Therefore I have ordered Yihshan and Lungwan to travel to-
gether, and hasten with the utmost speed to Canton ; and to
draw up in battle array our soldiers of righteousness (soldiers
who execute the righteous decrees of Heaven,) and to exterminate
the detestable brood ; you must endeavour to seize and send both
the leaders and abettors, and the rebellious barbarians and trai-
torous Chinese to Peking, that they may be punished with the
utmost rigour of the law.
" The generals and lieutenant-governors of the maritime pro-
vinces ought to increase the rigour of their guard ; if they come,
attack them instantly ; you must not permit even a shred of their
sails to return and your merit (in taking prisoners ) will be duly
" As for Keshen, who has been entrusted with a very important
charge ; and has been incapable of exhibiting the great principles
of justice, and did not reject with scorn their absurd requests ;
but on the contrary, has subjected himself to the insults of these
rebellious barbarians : a proceeding exceeding the bounds of
reason he has repeatedly received my directions, which did not
permit him to receive letters from the rebellious barbarians ; now
he dares even to transmit a paper in which he supplicates for
them ! Now with what intentions can he be influenced ?
" According to his report, the general, lieutenant-general,
lieutenant-governor, literary chancellor, the judge, treasurer, su-
perintendent of the grain department, the foo and heen magis-
trates, have conjointly held a consultation ; but how does it
happen that the said officers have not joined with him in his
memorial? There is evidently some difference of opinion. I
hereby order that Keshen be degraded from his office of cabinet.
minister, his peacock's feather be plucked from his cap, and he
be delivered over to the board of punishments to stand his trial."
February 25th . -The time having expired for the ratification of
the treaty agreed on with Keshen, and it being well known to the
British authorities that the Chinese had acted upon the Emperor's
instruction, this day was occupied in preparing for the struggle ;
a landing was effected on South Wangtung of three howitzers, and
about 150 men . The Nemesis proved most serviceable in the
operation ; after towing the troop-boats ashore, she took a good
sheltered position, nearly shut in from the fire of Anunghoy, and
another fort on the western side of the river ; she then attacked
Anunghoy with her bow-gun, and the western fort with her
stern. The British force on landing were perfectly protected from
the enemy's fire.
On the 26th, at day-light, the three howitzers opened (from the
sand-bag battery raised on the previous night on South Wang-
tung) upon the Chinese fortifications on the northern island . The
firing was kept up with great spirit, and the shells told with great
precision on the wooden huts under the walls of the custom-house,
which were speedily on fire. These defences were exceedingly well
covered with sand-bag batteries, and if efficiently served would
have caused a severe struggle to take or demolish them.
The attack was not simultaneous, owing to a perfect calm and
a strong ebb-tide, but in the meantime the enemy were to all ap-
pearance ready for action, posted at commanding points, covered
with sand-bags.
Near eleven o'clock, A.M., the Queen steamer commenced the ac-
tion . The Chinese instantly returned the fire from the sand-
batteries which they had lately erected towards Anson's Bay. The
Blenheim, although attacked, did not return fire until she got
within about 600 yards of Anunghoy, when she opened her broad-
side. The Melville took a good position within about 400 yards
of the fort, and like the Blenheim chose a close position before
opening her fire, then gave her starboard broadside, and did great
damage to the fort ; the object being to destroy the sand-batteries
and forts, not the people at the guns. After a few broadsides the
enemy was seen flying from the fort up the hill.
Sir F. Le Senhouse then landed with about 300 men, sweeping
all before them. The British flag was flying on the batteries
shortly after one o'clock, P.M.
At the same time, the Caliope opened the action on the western
side of Wangtung, also the Samarang, Herald, and Alligator, the
advanced squadron, took a position north of the island ; while the
Wellesley, Druid, and Modeste attacked the western defences .
Some idea may be formed of the position of the enemy, when seven
men- of-war were arrayed against them, independent of the howitzers
which had been battering them several hours ; the defenders could
not quit the fort, being shut in on every side by the river. The
Chinese fire ceased about twelve o'clock, and the gallant Major
Pratt landed with detachments of the 26th and 49th, followed by
the marines under Captain Ellis, and the 37th M. N. I. under
Captains Duff and Mee.
The fall of the forts was announced by a circular to Her Ma-
jesty's subjects thus :-
"A Chinese force of upwards of 2,000 troops of élite (strongly
entrenched on the left bank of the river, and defended by upwards
of 100 pieces of artillery), was entirely routed this afternoon, after
The can-
an obstinate resistance, attended with great loss of life.
non was rendered unserviceable, the encampment and ammunition
destroyed, and the late British ship Cambridge blown up, she hav-
ing previously taken part in the action. This signal service was
achieved by the advanced squadron under the command of Captain
Herbert. The casualties on the side of Her Majesty's forces have
been inconsiderable.
Whampoa, 27th February . " C. ELLIOT, H. M. P."
Hostilities being at an end, the attention of the commanders
was directed to assisting and saving the lives of the unfortunate
enemy. To attain this object, boats were sent to pick them up out
of the water, where they were floating. So ignorant were they of
the characteristic humanity that distinguishes true valour, that
many drowned themselves on the approach of the boats ; but a
great many were saved, and being brought on board, resuscitated
and kindly treated, and in a few hours liberated without any con-
The Emperor was furious on hearing of the fall of the forts, and
issued the following edict, ordering Keshen and all his family to
be put to death on arriving at Peking, whither he was to be sent in
chains and bare-headed.
Imperial edict, ordering Keshen to be put to death on the day he
arrives in Peking.
" On the 4th day of the 3rd moon (March 26th) an imperial
edict was received .
" It is authenticated that before Keshen reported that the *san-
keang chin, Chin-leenshing, having lost his forces through losing
opportunities, cut his throat and died.
" But now it is authenticated that general Ho and the seunfoo
E. have reported that the sankeang chin, Chin-leenshing, was faith-
ful, valiant, and a good tactician. That he had requested governor
Keshen to block up the mouth of the river, and also requested the
issue of five thousand catties of gunpowder : but Keshen would not
allow the river to be blocked up, and only issued one thousand
catties of powder, with which, moreover, was mixed up a good deal
of sand and mud , which rendered the guns useless ; and both father
and son perished fighting in the ranks : a fate highly to be com-
miserated !
" Further. E. has reported that on the 6th day the Tiger's gate
was laid in ruins : which intelligence has riven my very heart and
liver ! I did not deem that Keshen, from his common-place talent,
could sell his country, and still have talent sufficient to gloss over
his treason a crime for which even death is not a sufficient pu-
nishment : I order that the yulinkeun (the Emperor's own troops,
some of his guards, we presume), with the utmost rigour, to seal
and lock up the temple of his ancestors and those of his relations.
" I further order Hokih (a Tartar) to proceed to Canton, and
bring Kesken to Peking ; and the rebellious minister and his whole
family are to be put to death on the very day of his arrival.
" But since the Tiger's gate has been laid in ruins, the provincial
city must be in danger. You, E- Leang, should, in conjunction
with the imperial envoy, Yangfang, exert yourself to keep the city
" Heretofore, the rebellious foreigners dreaded the former go-
vernor and minister, Lin ; but I, the Emperor, was deceived into
listening to the rebellious minister's deceptive schemes, even so far
as to deprive Lin of his office. Now the ruling ministers have de-
livered a statement, requesting me to restore Lin to his original
office. But imperial orders have already been given to the go-
vernor Kelung to succeed ; and it is not required to make a further
change ; but I confer upon Lin the first degree of the second rank ;
and join him with E. and his colleagues to consult on military plans
(for the defence of the province). Respect this."
Eight Accusations against Keshen, presented at Court by E.
Lieutenant-governor of Canton.
1st. " He held interviews with and received documents from
Elliot, on equal terms.
2nd. " After his arrival at Canton, he did not choose out and
* Province of three rivers. A military title.
depute either literary or military mandarins to go to Elliot, to
speak about affairs, but only employed in his office a traitorous
Han (Chinese) named Paoupang.
3rd. " The admiral (Kwan) took the troops, and proceeded out
to sea to guard and watch the public interests, but nothing what-
ever would Keshen communicate to him, and when he (the admiral)
requested definite instructions, he was forthwith met with angry
railing, and it became impossible for the admiral himself to adjust
these affairs of more or less importance.
4th. " He issued orders to each of the forts, that it would not
be allowed to those who might be covetous of merit to ruin matters
by opening fire with their musketry and great guns of their own
accord, and consequently these forts and the military stations were
all lost on the same day.
5th. " He constrained Lekeen, the adjutant-general, to pre-
pare an official despatch for him, acknowledging his (Keshen's)
offences, forcing him to affix his (Lekeen's) seals to the same, and
to present it to Elliot .
6th . " He changed every measure for the worse, made vague
and incoherent representations to the court, and brought disaster
upon the admiral (who fell at the taking of the Bocca Tigris) .
7th. " At the offing of Szetsze (on the river above the Bocca
Tigris) he fired salutes and went to receive Elliot, and also dis-
patched messengers to deliver his commands to each of the forts,
that they were to observe the same arrangement, and receive Elliot
in like manner .
8th. " He affixed his seal to a document dismembering a por-
tion of our territory, and delivering it over to these barbarian men
for a place of residence.
I, E., the Lieutenant- governor of Kwangtung, lay these accusa-
tions before the court.
" Macao, April 8th, 1841."
The following inventory of the confiscated property of Keshen,
is translated from a Chinese paper :-
" Account of property seized by the imperial government in Kes-
hen's houses ;-Gold, 270,000 taels weight ; sycee silver, 3,400,000
taels weight; foreign money, 2,000,000 taels weight ; land cultivated,
thirty-nine king—a king contains 100 mow, or Chinese acres, equal
to about one-third of an English acre ; pawnshops in the province of
Pechele, four ; pawn-shops at Shingking or Moukden, two ; bank-
ing (or shroff) shops, eighty-four ; large pearls, ninety-four ; strings
of pearls, fourteen ; pearl lamps , eight ; arrow thumb-rings, made
of the feathers of the fei tsuy bird, thirty-four ; pieces of coral,
eighteen ; ginseng, catties, twenty-four ; deers' horns, catties,
twenty-five ; lengths of silk, 420 ; broad cloth and English camlet,
thirty pieces ; striking clocks, eighteen in number ; gold watches,
ten ; fur garments, twenty-four ; images of horses, made of pre-
cious stones, two ; images of lions, made of precious stones, two ;
chrystal wash-hand -basins, twenty-eight ; tortoise-shell bedstead,
one ; chariots, four ; female slaves, 168."
March 3rd, 1841.- Hostilities were resumed on the part of the
Chinese, from a masked battery situated on the north-east end of
Whampoa. About twenty Chinese were killed, and upwards of
twenty guns destroyed ; her Majesty's plenipotentiary was shortly
afterwards visited by the Kwang-chow-foo, (Mayor of Canton) , under
a flag of true hostilities when ceased .
On the 7th, the armistice granted to the Chinese having expired,
the works in advance of Howqua's fort were occupied, and Captain
Elliot issued an address to the people of Canton, to show forbear-
ance to the last :-
" Your city is spared, because the gracious Sovereign of Great
Britain has commanded her high officers to remember that the
good and peaceful people must be tenderly considered . But if the
high officers of the Celestial Court offer obstruction to the British
forces in their present stations, then it will be necessary to answer
force by force. And if the merchants be prevented from buying
and selling freely with the British merchants, then the whole trade
must be stopped. The high officers of the English nation have
used their best efforts to prevent the miseries of war ; and the re-
sponsibility of the actual state of things must rest on the heads of
the bad advisers of the Emperor."
March the 13th. The Chinese fort at Macao passage, which
had been lately strengthened and supported by flanking field-
works, was taken by Captain Herbert; the enemy having displayed
some spirit and energy.
The Nemesis (Captain Hall) with the boats of the Samarang,
and Atalanta proceeded from Macao towards Canton by the inner
passage. This small force destroyed seven small batteries, with 105
pieces of cannon, together with nine sail of men-of-war junks.
The wonderful exertions of Captain Hall throughout the whole
Chinese war, deserve the highest honours which can be conferred
on him. His two volumes on the " Nemesis" are even a faint
tribute to his gallant, energetic, and skilful conduct.
19th. A flag of truce having been fired on, the remaining de-
fences in Macao passage, the Dutch folly, and a large flotilla of
boats were taken and destroyed ; the city of Canton placed under
the guns of the squadron, and the foreign factories occupied by the
British troops .
20th. A suspension of hostilities was agreed upon between the
new imperial commissioner Yang, and Captain Elliot. Pending
the final settlement, ships -of-war were to remain near the neigh-
bourhood of the English factories. The port was opened to the
ships of all nations.
While this armistice was in force, the three commissioners at
Canton, Yih, Lung, and Yang, issued the following address to the
Captain Elliot, who was with the advanced squadron in
enabled Lord Gough to make such preparations as
his taking possession of the city on the following day.
ot dispatched an officer as soon as his terms were com-
the messenger missed his way, wandering about all
nly reached his commander a few minutes before the
to have commenced . One of the arrangements en-
vas, that the Tartar troops were to evacuate the city,
to a distance of sixty miles, which was accordingly
Two days after the city was ransomed, large bodies of
re discovered upon the heights about three miles to the
he head-quarters. Lord Gough, after providing for a
tch to be kept on the city, (thinking this a ruse) attacked
, which amounted at different times to 10,000 or 15,000
I totally routed them . The destruction of life on the side
Chinese was very great ; some say 1,500 killed and 5,000
1. The loss on our side was 14 killed in action, and about
nded. The heat was fearful, and our troops suffered on
count severely. Had they stormed Canton, the slaughter
have been terrific.
1841 , May the 31st.-The sum of 500,000 dollars was
y paid, and the troops left the heights above Canton, and
ed to their ships ; the British authorities a second time ex-
ng magnanimity and forbearance unparalleled in history.
gust the 10th .- Sir H. Pottinger arrived as sole plenipoten-
and minister to the court of Peking ; anextract from his address
e British merchants, will best illustrate the state of affairs,
nearly two months truce.
Macao, August 12th, 1841 .
Sir H. Pottinger had intimated to the provincial government
Canton, that he was willing to respect the existing truce, but
at the slightest infraction of its terms, will lead to an instant re-
wal of hostilities : an event highly probable from the well- known
erfidy and bad faith of the provincial officers. Sir H. Pottinger
cautions Her Majesty's subjects, and all other foreigners, against
putting their lives or properties in their power."
August the 26th. -A circular from Sir H. Pottinger of this date,
announced the capture of Amoy, after a short defence. Five
hundred pieces of cannon were rendered useless, together with
immense magazines full of munitions of war.
A.D. 1841 , October the 2nd . -Eight months had elapsed since the
evacuation of Chusan, when a circular from Sir H. Pottinger an-
nounced the re-capture of Tinghai, the capital of the Chusan group.
The exertions made during the cessation of hostilities must have
been extraordinary, for nearly two miles facing the city, was on
continued line of embankments with openings for guns. From
strange soldiers took place from distant provinces . May the 20th.
The natives who were in the secret, were discovered to have left
the city in thousands, notwithstanding a proclamation issued by
the Prefect, calming their fears. Copies of this document were
served on the foreign merchants . An abstract will suffice. " And
you, the said foreign merchants, ought also to remain quiet in your
lawful pursuits,
"2 continuing your trade as usual, without alarm or
21st .-Captain Elliot issued a circular, recommending all British
merchants to leave Canton before sunset, which they accordingly
did, excepting parties belonging to American houses. About
ten o'clock P.M. , the Chinese commenced the attack with fire-rafts
against the British vessels, which continued throughout the whole
night, but without doing any damage.
22nd. A boat belonging to the American ship Morison, with
four seamen, an officer, and three passengers, sailed for Whampoa,
with a " chop " written in large characters ; they were all taken
prisoners, and more or less wounded . At day-light, the Nemesis,
Modeste, Pylades, and Algerine, having completed the destruction
of the fire-rafts, moved towards the western fort at Shameen, and
silenced them in a few minutes.
The Nemesis pushed towards a flotilla of war-junks, sinking
thirty-nine with an equal number of fire-boats and fishing-smacks .
In the midst of this flotilla, the Chinese had a floating battery
furnished with heavy guns, which if properly served would have
done great damage.
While these scenes were going on, Yihshan the Chinese com-
mander dispatched 2,000 of his troops to the British factories in
search of arms ; indiscriminate plunder commenced, and not a par-
ticle of property was left.
Monday the 25th May.-The British forces under the command
of Sir Hugh (now Lord) Gough, arrived in the Macao passage about
two miles from the city, and it was three o'clock P.M. before every-
thing was ready for attack. The Chinese now opened their fire
upon the ships, at the same time they put in motion some fire ves-
sels, which drifted across the river, and set fire to the suburbs.
The enemy continued firing from the city walls for the remainder
of the day. To the eastward of the forts, was a hill with a fort-
ress upon the top of it. This was soon occupied by a detachment
ofthe 49th. To the eastward of this hill in low ground, and close to
the suburbs, was a village filled with Chinese troops, number-
ing not less than 4,000 men, between it and an entrenched camp
with which it communicated. The camp and village were soon
cleared, under Major-general Burrell, with the 18th and 49th .
Night approaching, the assault on the city was deferred for the
following day. The first thing they observed before ten o'clock
A.M., was a white flag displayed from the walls. A mandarin now
visited General Gough, wishing to propose terms of peace, but was
referred to Captain Elliot, who was with the advanced squadron in
the river.
The truce enabled Lord Gough to make such preparations as
would secure his taking possession of the city on the following day.
Captain Elliot dispatched an officer as soon as his terms were com-
plied with, the messenger missed his way, wandering about -all
night, and only reached his commander a few minutes before the
assault was to have commenced. One of the arrangements en-
tered into was, that the Tartar troops were to evacuate the city,
and retire to a distance of sixty miles, which was accordingly
29th. Two days after the city was ransomed, large bodies of
troops were discovered upon the heights about three miles to the
rear of the head-quarters. Lord Gough, after providing for a
strict watch to be kept on the city, (thinking this a ruse) attacked
this body, which amounted at different times to 10,000 or 15,000
men, and totally routed them. The destruction of life on the side
of the Chinese was very great ; some say 1,500 killed and 5,000
wounded . The loss on our side was 14 killed in action, and about
120 wounded. The heat was fearful, and our troops suffered on
that account severely. Had they stormed Canton, the slaughter
would have been terrific.
A.D. 1841, May the 31st.-The sum of 500,000 dollars was
this day paid, and the troops left the heights above Canton, and
returned to their ships ; the British authorities a second time ex-
hibiting magnanimity and forbearance unparalleled in history.
August the 10th. - Sir H. Pottinger arrived as sole plenipoten-
tiary and minister to the court of Peking; anextract from his address
to the British merchants, will best illustrate the state of affairs,
after nearly two months truce.
Macao, August 12th, 1841.
" Sir H. Pottinger had intimated to the provincial government
of Canton, that he was willing to respect the existing truce, but
that the slightest infraction of its terms, will lead to an instant re-
newal of hostilities : an event highly probable from the well-known
perfidy and bad faith of the provincial officers. Sir H. Pottinger
cautions Her Majesty's subjects, and all other foreigners, against
putting their lives or properties in their power. "
August the 26th. -A circular from Sir H. Pottinger of this date,
announced the capture of Amoy, after a short defence. Five
hundred pieces of cannon were rendered useless, together with
immense magazines full of munitions of war.
A.D. 1841 , October the 2nd.- Eight months had elapsed since the
evacuation of Chusan, when a circular from Sir H. Pottinger an-
nounced the re-capture of Tinghai, the capital of the Chusan group.
The exertions made during the cessation of hostilities must have
been extraordinary, for nearly two miles facing the city, was one
continued line of embankments with openings for guns. From
cious stones, two ; images of lions, made of precious stones, two ;
chrystal wash-hand -basins, twenty-eight ; tortoise-shell bedstead,
one ; chariots, four ; female slaves, 168."
March 3rd, 1841.-Hostilities were resumed on the part of the
Chinese, from a masked battery situated on the north-east end of
Whampoa. About twenty Chinese were killed, and upwards of
twenty guns destroyed ; her Majesty's plenipotentiary was shortly
afterwards visited by the Kwang- chow-foo, (Mayor of Canton), under
a flag of true hostilities when ceased.
On the 7th, the armistice granted to the Chinese having expired,
the works in advance of Howqua's fort were occupied, and Captain
Elliot issued an address to the people of Canton, to show forbear-
ance to the last :-
" Your city is spared, because the gracious Sovereign of Great
Britain has commanded her high officers to remember that the
good and peaceful people must be tenderly considered . But if the
high officers of the Celestial Court offer obstruction to the British
forces in their present stations, then it will be necessary to answer
force by force. And if the merchants be prevented from buying
and selling freely with the British merchants, then the whole trade
must be stopped. The high officers of the English nation have
used their best efforts to prevent the miseries of war ; and the re-
sponsibility of the actual state of things must rest on the heads of
the bad advisers of the Emperor."
March the 13th. The Chinese fort at Macao passage, which
had been lately strengthened and supported by flanking field-
works, was taken by Captain Herbert; the enemy having displayed
some spirit and energy.
The Nemesis (Captain Hall) with the boats of the Samarang,
and Atalanta proceeded from Macao towards Canton by the inner
passage . This small force destroyed seven small batteries, with 105
pieces of cannon, together with nine sail of men- of-war junks .
The wonderful exertions of Captain Hall throughout the whole
Chinese war, deserve the highest honours which can be conferred
on him. His two volumes on the " Nemesis" are even a faint
tribute to his gallant, energetic, and skilful conduct.
19th . A flag of truce having been fired on, the remaining de-
fences in Macao passage, the Dutch folly, and a large flotilla of
boats were taken and destroyed ; the city of Canton placed under
the guns of the squadron, and the foreign factories occupied by the
British troops .
20th. A suspension of hostilities was agreed upon between the
new imperial commissioner Yang, and Captain Elliot. Pending
the final settlement, ships-of-war were to remain near the neigh-
bourhood of the English factories. The port was opened to the
ships of all nations.
While this armistice was in force, the three commissioners at
Canton, Yih, Lung, and Yang, issued the following address to the
people at Canton ; it is another added to many existing proofs,
how erroneous has been the estimate of good faith on the part of
officials in China.
"It is well known the tiger's gate of the province of Canton, is
a fortified pass of the utmost importance ; now the said rebellious
barbarians, seeking and making causes of quarrel and war, the
forts have already been subjected to their attacks ; and we, the
said leaders, troops having been already prepared at all points,
have received the imperial orders to head the grand army to the
attack and extermination (of the said barbarians) ; and when we
fix on an early day to commence operations, the rebellious barba-
rians either make false professions of their wishes to submit, or in
fear slink off : in either case we cannot fix them.
"The turning, inconstancy, and tergiversation of the rebellious
barbarians have reached the extreme, and the supreme ruler, in
his glorious and sublime majesty, trembles with indignation, and
has commanded us to lead on our armies, and decidedly not again
allow them to beg for reconciliation, If any make pretexts, and
do not hasten to have all prepared, until they even sink into neg-
lect and remissness, all the officers at the maritime entrances and
military stations shall be held responsible.
Further, the imperial will has been received imperatively to
take the leaders of the rebels, and send them in cages to the im-
perial city, there to suffer the utmost extremity of the law. And
if they are not seized and firmly retained , or ordered out of the
port and to go far away, this also shall be imputed as a crime to
the defensive military ; the military code is ready, and decidedly
there shall be no indulgence.
"It is proper that we hasten to issue a proclamation according
to the late state of affairs (i . e . war not peace, separation not har-
mony.) We therefore invite all brave and hardy sailors to enter
immediately ; those who distinguish themselves shall be reported
for rewards thus great favours and severe punishments, are both
within their own choice. Especially obey it, be attentive to it.
Oppose not. A special proclamation . 3rd moon, 15th day."
May the 10th.- Since the truce of the 20th March, every faci-
lity had been given to British commerce, and friendly intercourse
had taken place between the four new commissioners, sent to Can-
ton to arrange the demands of the British government, and Her
Majesty's plenipotentiary.
Captain Elliot had an interview with the Prefect of Canton, and
having been perfectly satisfied that a plot was hatched for the des-
truction of the British forces and merchants, hastily returned to
Hong Kong. On the previous day, summary punishment had
been inflicted upon a native in the public streets, for daring to
recommend peace . New cannon were cast in large quantities, and
numerous batteries completed and manned along the banks of the
river, both above and below the factories ; an immense influx of
strange soldiers took place from distant provinces. May the 20th.
The natives who were in the secret, were discovered to have left
the city in thousands, notwithstanding a proclamation issued by
the Prefect, calming their fears . Copies of this document were
served on the foreign merchants . An abstract will suffice. " And
you, the said foreign merchants, ought also to remain quiet in your
lawful pursuits, continuing your trade as usual, without alarm or
21st.-Captain Elliot issued a circular, recommending all British
merchants to leave Canton before sunset, which they accordingly
did, excepting parties belonging to American houses. About
ten o'clock P.M., the Chinese commenced the attack with fire-rafts
against the British vessels, which continued throughout the whole
night, but without doing any damage.
22nd .-A boat belonging to the American ship Morison, with
four seamen, an officer, and three passengers, sailed for Whampoa,
with a " chop " written in large characters ; they were all taken
prisoners, and more or less wounded . At day-light, the Nemesis,
Modeste, Pylades, and Algerine, having completed the destruction
of the fire-rafts, moved towards the western fort at Shameen, and
silenced them in a few minutes .
The Nemesis pushed towards a flotilla of war-junks, sinking
thirty-nine with an equal number of fire-boats and fishing-smacks.
In the midst of this flotilla, the Chinese had a floating battery
furnished with heavy guns, which if properly served would have
done great damage.
While these scenes were going on, Yihshan the Chinese com-
mander dispatched 2,000 of his troops to the British factories in
search of arms ; indiscriminate plunder commenced, and not a par-
ticle of property was left.
Monday the 25th May. -The British forces under the command
of Sir Hugh (now Lord) Gough, arrived in the Macao passage about
two miles from the city, and it was three o'clock P.M. before every-
thing was ready for attack. The Chinese now opened their fire
upon the ships, at the same time they put in motion some fire ves-
sels, which drifted across the river, and set fire to the suburbs .
The enemy continued firing from the city walls for the remainder
of the day. To the eastward of the forts, was a hill with a fort-
ress upon the top of it . This was soon occupied by a detachment
ofthe 49th. To the eastward of this hill in low ground, and close to
the suburbs, was a village filled with Chinese troops, number-
ing not less than 4,000 men, between it and an entrenched camp
with which it communicated . The camp and village were soon
cleared, under Major-general Burrell, with the 18th and 49th .
Night approaching, the assault on the city was deferred for the
following day. The first thing they observed before ten o'clock
A.M., was a white flag displayed from the walls . A mandarin now
visited General Gough , wishing to propose terms of peace, but was
referred to Captain Elliot, who was with the advanced squadron in
the river.
The truce enabled Lord Gough to make such preparations as
would secure his taking possession of the city on the following day.
Captain Elliot dispatched an officer as soon as his terms were com-
plied with, the messenger missed his way, wandering about all
night, and only reached his commander a few minutes before the
assault was to have commenced . One of the arrangements en-
tered into was, that the Tartar troops were to evacuate the city,
and retire to a distance of sixty miles, which was accordingly
29th.- Two days after the city was ransomed , large bodies of
troops were discovered upon the heights about three miles to the
rear of the head-quarters. Lord Gough, after providing for a
strict watch to be kept on the city, (thinking this a ruse) attacked
this body, which amounted at different times to 10,000 or 15,000
men, and totally routed them. The destruction of life on the side
of the Chinese was very great ; some say 1,500 killed and 5,000
wounded. The loss on our side was 14 killed in action, and about
120 wounded. The heat was fearful, and our troops suffered on
that account severely. Had they stormed Canton, the slaughter
would have been terrific.
A.D. 1841 , May the 31st.- The sum of 500,000 dollars was
this day paid, and the troops left the heights above Canton, and
returned to their ships ; the British authorities a second time ex-
hibiting magnanimity and forbearance unparalleled in history.
August the 10th.- Sir H. Pottinger arrived as sole plenipoten-
tiaryand minister to the court of Peking; anextract from his address
to the British merchants, will best illustrate the state of affairs,
after nearly two months truce.
" Macao, August 12th, 1841 .
" Sir H. Pottinger had intimated to the provincial government
of Canton, that he was willing to respect the existing truce, but
that the slightest infraction of its terms, will lead to an instant re-
newal of hostilities : an event highly probable from the well- known
perfidy and bad faith of the provincial officers. Sir H. Pottinger
cautions Her Majesty's subjects, and all other foreigners, against
putting their lives or properties in their power."
August the 26th.-A circular from Sir H. Pottinger of this date,
announced the capture of Amoy, after a short defence. Five
hundred pieces of cannon were rendered useless, together with
immense magazines full of munitions of war.
A.D. 1841 , October the 2nd.- Eight months had elapsed since the
evacuation of Chusan, when a circular from Sir H. Pottinger an-
nounced the re-capture of Tinghai, the capital of the Chusan group.
The exertions made during the cessation of hostilities must have
been extraordinary, for nearly two miles facing the city, was one
continued line of embankments with openings for guns. From
the munitions and great stores of provisions found, the batteries
must have been considered unimpregnable.
Among other illustrations of the truth of the statement fre-
quently advanced, that the Chinese officials misrepresented to
their government at Peking, the true record of facts, I give the
following report of Yukeen to the Emperor, after the capture of
Chusan, (Tinghae is the chief town) in October 1841. It is
scarcely necessary to add, that the blowing-up of the steamer, the
destruction and flight of our troops, are entirely unfounded in
"A rough, or original, report—or sketch-of the imperial envoy
and great minister, Yu.
" I report the loss of Tinghae, through the great disturbances
caused by the disorderly and rebellious barbarians ; this despatch
is forwarded at the rate of 600 le a-day.
" I report, looking up, praying for the imperial glance on the
" Your slave humbly begs to state, that on the 15th day of the
8th moon (September 2nd,) the rebellious barbarians stole into
Tinghae ; but on being attacked they immediately retreated : I now
proceed to state the circumstances in a duly prepared report.
" About the shin period- 3 to 5 p.m. - onthe 18th day (October
2) , a military flying despatch announced, that on the 13th at noon
(September 27) thirteen sail of barbarian ships had arrived on the
look-out in the harbour (of Tinghae) , and when they had reached
beyond Chah Shanmun, they were anchored unobserved . After-
wards, three steam-vessels and one three-masted ship, came into
Chuhshan mun (bamboo-hill bay, or roads) . General Koyan, &c.
led on his troops and opened fire, and shot away the mainmast of
the barbarian ship, which then rat-like run away.
" On the 16th day they first passed to Keihseangmun and at-
tacked Tungkeangpoo, but our troops successively opening their fire,
the rebels did not dare to advance.
" On the 17th day,-in the chow period - 1 to 3 a.m.-the rebel
steamers attacked the city of Tinghae. The Chintae Ko fired off
guns with his own hand and good aim, set fire to the powder on
the steamer's deck, and blew her to atoms.
Afterwards the teenshe of Tinghae, Tangkin, under the care of
the naval officer commanding, and the deputed Tungche, Wang-
Wekeih, arrived at the encampment (at Chinhae), bringing 900
taels of silver, and the official seals of the heen district of Tinghae.
" On questioning Wang Wekeih, he reported that on the 17th
day (October 1) during the we period-1 to 3 p.m. , the city of
Tinghae was lost."
October the 10th .- The city Chinhae, the key of Ningpo, yielded
to our spirited attack. One hundred and fifty pieces of brass ord-
nance were taken, exclusive of iron cannon, and many hundred
gingalls. Many of the Chinese high officers ran away or com-
mitted suicide, but some of their soldiers stood their ground, and
were forced from their guns by the bayonet.
13th . The commander having sailed for Ningpo, the Chinese
soldiers laid down their arms, and actually refused to fight, the
consequence was that their officers fled, and the squadron anchored
within 100 yards of the walls of the city, and our troops took up
their quarters in the city.
The following official report from the general commanding in
Chekeang province, on the capture of Chinhae (at the river Ning-
po entrance) and of Ningpo, shews the utterly defenceless state in
which we found this vast and unwieldy empire, and how com-
pletely panic and disaffection had incapacitated the people from
making any resistance to our arms.
Report from the Tetuh, or general, of the province of Chekeang, on
the loss of Chinhae and Ningpo.
" Your slave, Yu Pooyun, kneeling, reports (as follows) :
" On account of the district of Ningpo being unoccupied or
deserted (by the Chinese troops) , it is now necessary to establish
regulations for its defence and safety, and looking up, I pray for
the imperial glance on the affair.
“ I, your slave, humbly state, that on the 26th day of the 8th
moon (Oct. 10, 1841 ) , because of the loss of Chinhae, I retreated
on Ningpo, to defend it ; I then took a hasty view of matters, and
forwarded a post-haste dispatch at the rate of 600 le a-day : this is
on record. And I immediately headed and led on officers and
troops, whom I distributed and appointed for the particular and
stricter defence of the sixth gate of Ningpo ; but it was of no
avail, as the walls were broad, and twenty le in compass ; and the
regular garrison in the city before did not amount to 4000 men ;
and these, besides, were distributed to guard the different military
stations and encampments ; and there hardly remained 700 and
odd men in the town, and although the troops who had been de-
feated at Tinghae and Chinhae, hastened to return with all speed,
still out of every ten men not more than one or two returned, and
these, moreover, were frightened, and had lost their nerve, and it
was difficult by any influence to prevail on them to keep their
" Yukeen, from the 26th day of the moon, when he retreated
from Chinhae, and entered Ningpo on the same day, during the
such period- from seven to nine p.m.— and escorted by Fung
Shintae and others, with some hundreds of soldiers of the province
of Keangnan, retreated night and day to Yuyao and Chaouhing.
The officers and troops who were in the neighbourhood merely
pretended to accompany and guard him (Yukeen) :-but it was the
name only, not the reality- and generally they did not enter and
keep the city (Yuyao) ; and as they ( Yukeen and his escort) passed
through the district, all the people were in a great fright, and ran
away, hiding themselves, crowding on the road, and trampling
each other down ; and the sound of weeping and wailing spread
all over the country ; and a starving, helpless class of vagabonds
seized the opportunity of combining with banditti, and to plunder
the people of their wealth and goods ; I, your slave, met in con-
sultation the chefoo of Ningpo district, Tang Tingtsae, and we
directed the civil and military officers who were in the city to
examine and seize (the robbers) and immediately to repress and
punish ; but when the city had become in a slight degree tranquil,
unexpectedly the steamers and barbarian ships came right in upon
Ningpo, on the north-east side below the city, sounding the depth
of water. The guns belonging to the city had been sent in the
6th moon of last year to Tinghae and Chinhae ; so we were at the
time unprovided with any guns to fire off ; and men's hearts were
excessively agitated . Connecting all these matters, and consider-
ing that I, your slave, have been to this time the general of the
province of Chekeang, and constantly living in camps, there are
very many of the gentry of the city district whom I have not seen ,
I depended wholly on the district magistrate, Tang, who possessed
the people's entire confidence, to issue official orders to fill the
ranks, and guard and defend (the country) ; and as to the former
orders (to defend the city), only the third and sixth gates of the
city overlooked the river, but as there was no artillery, and also
the fire from the barbarian ships, and their fire-arrows- rockets-
being murderously destructive, I became fearful that we had no-
thing to rely on (for opposition or defence) . Every place in the
whole province of Chekeang is of the last importance ; and at pre-
sent there are no troops to be distributed (for its defence). I,
your slave, alone have utterly exhausted my mind and strength,
in heading and leading on the civil and military officers, and in
devising and establishing means of maintaining fast hold (of the
province) ; at the same time, I have summoned the defeated troops
to collect, together with the stout and brave villagers, and called
them to the rescue ; and also sent flying summonses to the officers
and troops of each province to also hasten for the safety (of Che-
keang) . I look up for help and support from Heaven's dread
majesty (the Emperor) ; altogether hoping that if the city is pre-
served, all the inhabitants will be preserved .
" I have thus, in a flying despatch, respectfully stated the de-
serted and unoccupied state of the district of Ningpo, the power
and authority of which is in the most imminent danger ; and the
circumstances of establishing means and regulations for its guard
and safety ; and, prostrate, I beg for the imperial glance of the
great Emperor, and instructions how to act.
" A respectful report . 21st year, 8th moon, 26th day.
" (Oct. 10, 1841.)"
In a report from Yihking to the Emperor, it was stated that the
Chinese " braves" had killed Sir H. Pottinger, and that there were
"five ship-loads of dead bodies of the barbarians taken back to Ting-
hae " (Chusan) the Emperor thus adverts to the subject.
" Yihking, has sent up a document, relative to attacking and
capturing traitorous natives. It has also been represented, that
the rebel leader, Pottinger, attacked Tinghae, but was killed by a
gun ; but it is now said that this is false. It still appears that
there was a barbarian chief killed, called Pa . (?) Two other bar-
barian chiefs received severe wounds . There were five ship-loads of
the dead bodies of the barbarians taken back to Tinghae. Besides
the above report states, that a barbarian chief was caught, and
many traitorous natives. Let there be no remissness or delay,
until the rebels are swept from the land. Respect this."
The Chinese authorities entertained an idea, that by seductive
promises, they could induce the British soldiers and their follow-
ers to desert.
An abstract of the proclamation from the imperial commissioner
Yihking, on the 30th January, 1842, states that " there are many
natives amongst the black barbarians who have been taken cap-
tives by the English rebels, who grievously oppress them, and in
the day of battle will place them in front, where they will have to
stand the whole brunt of the conflict.
" If in the day of battle, either red or black barbarians will cast
away their arms, and refuse to fire ; they shall in all cases be
spared alive . Any who shall deliver up a barbarian chief, shall be
rewarded with a high dignity ; any who shall take the common
" demons," (privates) shall have a large sum of money ; and any
who shall give up a foreign vessel, shall have all the goods it
contains ." Our troops and fleet wintered at Ningpo and
A.D. 1842. March the 10th. - Ever since the capture of Ning-
po in October, vigorous efforts had been making all over the
empire, to exterminate the barbarians ; but until this date, nothing
of a serious nature occurred . At daylight a number of Chinese
troops, estimated at from 10,000 to 12,000, advanced upon the
south and west gate of Ningpo, got over the walls and penetrated
to the market place, here they were met by the British troops, and
the slaughter was dreadful.
In the meantime a vast number of fire-boats lashed together,
were floated down the river, but did no damage. There were
exactly similar attempts made on Chinhae, but on a smaller scale,
with similar success . Tsz-ke about ten miles from Ningpo, had
been making extensive preparations ; which was well known to the
commander of the British forces.
March 15th. The repulses at Ningpo and Chinhae, had fright-
ened the imperial troops at Tsz-ke, and before a retrogade move-
ment could be completed, they were totally routed, and upwards
of 1,000 killed. The troops here were in appearance and bodily
strength, superior to any hitherto met with, and numbered from
8,000 to 10,000. The admirable position chosen, shewed consider-
able military skill in their generals, and they held their ground
with some obstinacy.
May the 21st.- A circular from Admiral Parker of this date,
announced the capture of Chapu. By the indefatigable exertions
of Commanders Kellett and Collinson, two officers of first-rate
talent in their noble profession, and distinguished for their
scientific energy and enterprize in surveying and sounding, the
Cornwallis, Blonde, and Modeste were enabled to take up a good
position against the sea-batteries, consisting of two works mount-
ing twelve guns, about one-third the way up a steep hill, and
crowned with a Joss house, which was occupied by the enemy.
There were three other masked batteries mounting thirty guns.
The Chinese force was estimated at 8,000 regulars, 1700 of whom
were Tartars. There were from 1200 to 1500 of the enemy
buried, and but few prisoners taken . The preparations for war-
fare were on a very large scale, such as a gun foundry, gunpowder
manufactory, and extensive arsenals, vast quantity of gingals,
matchlocks, bows and arrows ; all of which were destroyed.
A severe typhoon (hurricane) occurred in the neighbourhood of
Canton in 1841 ; the effects of which were greatly magnified in the
report made to Peking, whereupon the following imperial edict
was issued, which shews the tone and feelings of the Emperor
towards the English at that time.
"Yihshan and his colleagues have reported that the ocean has been
agitated by typhoons, and the public offices and landing places of
the English barbarians entirely destroyed, and one shipwrecked.
" By the report it is authenticated, that on the 4th day of 6th
moon (July 21) between the hours of 3 and 5 p.m. a typhoon com-
menced which forced the waves to run mountains high, and at the
same time torrents of rain descended . The large and small bar-
barian vessels anchored in Tseenshakeo (the Typa) were sunk by the
waves, and the great and small " flower" boats belonging to native
traitors, were either entirely destroyed, or driven out to sea ; of
these that have escaped, large and small, the number exceeds
forty. The masts of all the ships were carried away, and of the
barbarian banditti and native traitors, the number drowned exceeds
calculation ; all the tents and mat- sheds were blown away by the
wind, none were saved. The new-built landing places were swept
clean away, and nothing left but an empty space, and the sea was
covered with floating corpses. Such is the report.
" I, the Emperor, having turned over and looked at the rest, feel
most grateful for Heaven's favours ; but while thus rejoicing in
happiness, I should entertain a wholesome dread of Heaven's awful
majesty (rejoice with trembling) . The cup of the iniquities of
the said barbarians is full ; their disorderly and illegal conduct
has destroyed the people ; long and much have they travelled in
unrighteous paths ; but at last they must bow their heads to
heaven's extermination. All this has been accorded by secret,
silent influences : the intelligent gods aid and protect in silence .
The murderous influences are swept clean away, and the boun-
daries of ocean are established in quiet. It is proper that we
should with sincerity burn incense, to offer up our righteous
thoughts. I order Yihshan and his colleagues to go in person to
all the temples, and reverently announce my thanksgivings ; and
on the 29th day of the moon, to fast and sleep within the city ;
and on the 30th day to perform all the ceremonies in the different
temples. I further order the Teachangking, to reverently attend
to all the preparations . Respect this." 1841 .
1842, June the 16th. The whole British forces arrived safe in
the Yangtzekang river, at a point where it joins the Woosung.
So confident were the Chinese of defending this important en-
trance, that they hailed the enemy with cheers. At daylight our
squadron weighed anchor, and the enemy opened fire, which conti-
nued on both sides for two hours ; when that ofthe Chinese began to
slacken, and the marines and'seamen werelanded . 253 guns, ofwhich
forty-two were brass, were taken in the batteries. The whole were
mounted on pivot carriages. The British naval force had two killed ,
and twenty-five wounded, the land forces sustained no injury. The
Blonde frigate and Sesostris steamer had twenty-five shots in their
hull, the first fourteen and the other eleven. On the 17th some
of the lighter vessels advanced up the Woosung river, and destroyed
a deserted battery, mounting fifty-five guns, of which seventeen
were brass .
On the 19th two batteries, close to the city of Shanghai, opened
their guns on the advanced division, but on receiving a couple of
broadsides the enemy fled ; the batteries, which contained forty-
eight guns (seventeen brass) were instantly occupied, and the
troops took possession of the city, in which were extensive grana-
ries belonging to the government . These were opened and freely
given to the people . The next day the Admiral proceeded up the
river Woosung about fifty miles, and met with other field-works,
which he destroyed. The total number of ordnance captured on
these encounters was 364, of which seventy-six were brass lately
east, with devices and characters which signified that they were
intended to subdue the barbarians.
Shanghai was captured, after scarcely a momentary resistance,
on the 19th. The garrison fled . The expedition was detained at
Woosung until the 6th of July, when it advanced up the Yangtze-
kang, and on the 11th reached a military position, mounting
thirteen guns, which opened fire on the leading ships, but were
soon silenced, and the guns, batteries, and military buildings de-
stroyed. At this place the main body of the fleet was retarded
by adverse winds for nearly a week .
On the 20th the whole force, amounting to seventy sail of vessels,
arrived and anchored abreast of the city of Cheakiang. At a dis-
tance of three miles from the city was a camp, with a large force.
The troops in this camp only fired a few volleys and dispersed, but
were prevented from approaching the city. The Tartar troops in
the city opened a heavy and incessant fire of cannon , gingals, wall
pieces and matchlocks. The wall was gallantly escaladed under a
heavy fire from the Tartar troops, who disputed the ramparts, and
prolonged the contest for some hours, and it was late in the
evening before they disappeared. The city is rather more than
four miles in circumference, the works were admirably constructed,
so that nothing but cannon could have made any impression on it,
being pierced with narrow embrazures and loopholes, and flanked
with transverse walls . The enemy was not less than 3,000, of whom
full 1,000 were killed, with about forty officers. The Tartar general
seeing the city taken , retired to his house, made his servants set
fire to it, and sat in his chair till he was burned to death.
There were various exaggerated official statements of the
" determined resistance" offered to our troops by the Chinese
arms. This in fact was but a part of the whole tone of amplifi-
cation with which everything was purposely magnified. The
following detail of our loss, in at least fifteen actions, will show the
worthlessness of the Chinese army, and how incapable it was to
resist the daring gallantry of our troops and seamen .
British and Chinese loss, killed and wounded, during the war,
from July 5th, 1840, to July 21st, 1842, according to the offi-
cial despatches from the Commanders-in- chief of our army and
navy. The killed in battle include soldiers, seamen, marines,
sepoys, and camp-followers. The wounded ditto, and the slight-
est scratch was called a wound.
and Indian force.
Date. Name of Action .
July 5 Tinghae, Chusan 91 None None None Unknown
. ne
Jan. 7 Chuenpee fort ( 1) - 66
War junks (1) - 82 38 Immense.
Tycocktow forts (2) 25
Carried forward
It is impossible to give the actual loss in killed and wounded of the Chinese.
The official reports frequently advert tothe "great loss," " dreadful slaughter," &c.,
of the enemy. The numbers here given are those mentioned in the British state-
ments. After a careful examination, in China and in England, of various data, and
from eye-witnesses of the engagements, I cannot estimate the Chinese loss at less than
18,000 or 20,000 killed and wounded. Most ofthe wounded perished, unless where
kindly attended to by the truly Christian spirit that ever pervades our medical officers
in the army and navy,
British and Chinese loss, &c.- (continued. )
and Indian force. Chinese.
Date. Name of Action.
1841 Brought forward - 264 38 38
Feb. 25 Anunghoy batteries about None 5 5 500 very
and many
N. Wantong forts
Feb.27 Cambridge and war 98 1 8 300
9 ditto ditto
junks about
Mar.18 Defences of Canton 123 None 6 6 400 ditto ditto
about about
May25 City and heights ofdo. 106 14 112 126 1500 5000 6500
Aug.26 Amoy and defences 550 None 9 9 Very se vere
Oct. 1 Chusan 136 2 400 to 27 500 29
Oct. 10 Chinghaî citadel 150 3 16 19 150 Many.
1842 about
Mar. 9 Ningpo, night attack - 1 5 500 Very great.
Mar.10 Chinghai, ditto None None None 32 Many.
Mar.15 Tsekee ( Segoan) · 3 25 800 to 1000
May18 Chapoo 92 13 52 65 1000 to 1500
June16 Woosung batteries 250 2 27 25 200 to 250
June 19 Shanghai ·- 49 None None None Unknown.
July21 Chinkeanfoo 30 126 156 Slaughter
terrific, 1000.
Total 2118 69 451 520 Estimated at
18,000 to 20,000
REMARKS . (1 and 2. ) The general tone of the despatches
during the war may be illustrated by the following words from the
official reports on the actions : "The Chinese have suffered se-
verely ; their loss, including that on board the war junks, cannot
be estimated at less than 500 to 600, out of a force calculated at
2000 men. Ths slaughter in the lower fort, when carried by
storm, was considerable." * * * "The loss of the enemy,
from the number of killed lying in every direction, must have been
most severe.' * * * " The service has been performed with
trifling loss on the part of Her Majesty's forces ." * * * " The
loss on our side has been small, and would have been less but for
the explosion of an expense magazine in the fort, after capture."
- (General Orders, Fort William, February 24th, 1841 ; and Sir
Gordon Bremer's despatches,)
Thus it will be seen that the British forces, army and navy,
had not one man killed , and but for the magazine explosion, which
was accidental, there would not have been a dozen wounded, even
slightly. The killed alone of the Chinese is supposed to have been
at least five hundred men in this action ! This may be viewed as a
fair sample of the whole Chinese war,
The following is a return of Her Majesty's ships on the coast of
China, in 1840, 1841 , and 1842.
August, No of Guns. Men. Sept. 1, 1842 No. of Guns . Men.
July, 1840 No. of
Ships Guns. Men. 1841. Ships. At Nankin. Ships.
2225 ∞ 2
Third rates 2 144 1080 Third rates 144 1080 Third rates 2 144 1240
Fifth rates 86 570 Fifth rates 86 570 Fourth ... 1 50 500
Sixth rates 106 700 Sixth .... 54 350 Fifth 4 164 1360
Sloops .... 88 615 Sloops 86 615 Sixth.. 4 90 750
Brig 10 55 Brigs 30 165 Sloops 14 232 1835
Troop ship 2 44 Surveying 10 138 Steam ves- 2 8 290
vessels .. sels...
15 436 3064 Troop ship 1 2 44 Brigs .. 3 30 180
Surveying 1 2 30
17 412 2962 vessel
Hospital 1 20 310
ship .
Troop ships' 5 44 574
37 784 7069
The additional force was about 5,000 British troops, and nearly
7,000 Indian troops, together with seamen and marines, making a
total of upwards of 19,000 men.
Our whole contest with the Chinese, resembled the war which
might have been expected between the Brobdignags and Lilliputians .
In page 147, will be found instructions to soldiers, but their ar-
ticles of war are calculated to strike terror, thus : " When an
enemy advances," says the penal code, " he who shrinks , or whis-
pers to his comrade, shall be decapitated."
Having succeeded in breaking the spirit of their soldiers by this
mode, they adopted a pretty similar one with the barbarians. In
front of the mouths of their cannon, or hanging over the walls of a
fort, might be seen the picture of a tiger's head suspended, with
streaks of red, resembling blood, intended to frighten our troops.
The Chinese were ordered to advance, clashing two swords, for the
same purpose .
Commander J. Elliot, in his interesting narrative of the expe-
dition , says : " The appearance of the ship ( Conway,') created a
great sensation, and the natives were apparently busy throwing up
fortifications, which being examined by the telescope, proved
nothing but mats extended on poles, with painted ports, to give
them the appearance of forts."
Referring to the period of the dispute with Lord Napier, the
commander proceeds, "C our countrymen at Canton were
morning astonished at seeing the shore apparently bristling with
cannon, but on examining them with their glasses, they had put
up in the front of a mat-fort a range of earthen jars, with their
open end pointed towards the river. We found that it was a com-
mon practice to stick a large round piece of wood into the muzzle
of a three-pounder painted white, with a black spot, as large as
the bore of a thirty-two pounder, and as the white muzzle was
continued along the line ofguns, it became very difficult by merely
looking at them to discover the deception ."
Lord Jocelyn says : " The description of some of the Chinese
forts, hastily thrown up, on the approach of the ships, was ludi-
crous ; many consisting of bamboo mats, pierced as if for guns to
astound the barbarians, for little did they imagine, that through
the glasses from the ship, this childish deception was easily dis-
covered .
"The Algerine, a ten-gun brig, commanded by Lieutenant
Mason, came into harbour ; in passing a town called Chapoo, a
place of great trade with Japan, he had been fired upon by a strong
fort, mounting a great number of guns. He immediately ranged
his little vessel up under the batteries, but for three hours the
Chinese kept up a steady fire, when, with nearly the last remain-
ing charge, the little brig silenced the batteries ; then anchoring
her close under, Lieutenant Mason waited an hour to see if they
wished a renewal, and then took his departure to join the squad-
An eye-witness at Chuenpe and Tykokto, in 1841 , says : " We
do not expect to find in the construction of Chinese forts any ex-
hibition of engineering skill ; they have not had a Vauban. It ap-
pears, however, that the materials they use for the upper part of
their works, is a composition of chunam, upon which our shot
made little impression . Most of their guns were of small calibre,
the iron wretched, a single blow of a hammer being sufficient to
knock off the trunnions. The stockades were well built, but the
situation badly chosen, being commanded by the neighbouring
hills . From their freshness they could only have been a few days
built-just at the time the British authorities were negotiating,
î. e., being bamboozled ."
The rapidity of our successes is thus seen : Amoy, 26th August,
1841 ; Chusan, 3rd October, 1841 ; Ningpo and Ching-hae, 10th
March, 1842 ; Repulse of enemy at Ching-hae, 10th March, 1842 ;
Chapoo, 18th May, 1842 ; Woo- sung, 16th June, 1842 ; Shang-hae,
18th June, 1842 ; Chin-kiang-foo, 21st July, 1842 ; peace at Nan-
kin, 29th August, 1842 .
During this short period, notwithstanding adverse weather,
eleven fortified cities and encampments fell into our hands, on an
unknown line of coast of nearly one thousand miles in extent .
Had we proceeded at once to Nanking, instead of thus wasting our
strength and resources, peace would have been immediately ob-
To proceed with the close of the narrative.
August 1842. Arrangements were made for placing a strong
British garrison at Chin Kiang, as it commands the entrance to the
grand canal.
The remainder of the expedition sailed for Nanking on the
3rd of August, which is situated about forty miles distant, and
three miles from the Yangtzekang ; but connected by a variety
of canals .
On the 11th every thing being ready for an attack, a white flag.
was displayed, several friendly conferences ensued, ending on the
29th by formally signing and sealing a treaty of peace.
It is understood that the Chinese government had at length be-
come really aware of its own weakness and of our strength ; that
the Emperor had made preparations for flight into Mantchouria,
and that the three commissioners sent to Nanking to procure peace
were instructed to obtain it on any terms which might be asked.
Instead, however, of forming a treaty in accordance with our
position and adequate to our wants, the old treaty framed by the
late Mr. Poulett Thompson in 1840, -on the suggestion of Sir
George Larpent and others (see page 40) -which had been
printed at the Foreign Office in Downing Street, and sent out as
a rough outline for the guidance of Captain Elliott in 1841 , with a
blank after the words " the cession of the islands of
and with another blank after the words " Indemnity
money " this old draft of a treaty was sent on
shore by Sir Henry Pottinger with s struck out of the word
"islands," and the word " Hong Kong" alone left there ; for rea-
sons some of which will be explained in the last chapter of this
work. The terms of peace having been read, Elepoo the senior
commissioner paused, expecting something more, and at length
said " is that all ?" Mr. Morrison inquired of Lieutenant- colonel
Malcolm if there were anything else, and being answered in the
negative, Elepoo immediately and with great tact closed the nego-
tiation by saying, " all shall be granted- it is settled - it is
finished." Such were the preliminary negotiations of the follow-
ing treaty-
" Her Majesty, the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Ireland , and His Majesty the Emperor of China, being
desirous of putting an end to the misunderstandings and conse-
quent hostilities which have arisen between the two countries,
have resolved to conclude a treaty for that purpose, and have
therefore named as their plenipotentiaries, that is to say : Her
Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Sir Henry
Pottinger, Bart., a Major-general in the service of the East India
Company, &c. &c. And his Imperial Majesty the Emperor of
China, the high commissioners Kíying, a member of the Imperial
House, a guardian of the Crown Prince, and general of the gar-
rison of Canton ; and I'lípú, of the Imperial Kindred, graciously
permitted to wear the insigna of the first rank, and the distinc-
tion of a peacock's feather, lately minister and governor-general,
& c., and now lieutenant-general commanding at Chápú :-who,
after having communicated to each other their respective full
powers, and found them to be in good and due form, have agreed
upon and concluded the following Articles :-
1st. "There shall henceforward be peace and friendship between
Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Ireland, and His Majesty the Emperor of China, and between
their respective subjects, who shall enjoy full security and protec-
tion for their persons and property within the dominions of the
2nd. " His Majesty the Emperor of China agrees, that British
subjects, with their families and establishments, shall be allowed
to reside, for the purpose of carrying on their mercantile pursuits,
without molestation or restraint, at the cities and towns of Can-
ton, Amoy, Fuhchoo-fú, Ningpo, and Shánghái ; and Her Majesty
the Queen of Great Britain, &c., will appoint superintendents,
or consular officers, to reside at each of the above-named cities or
towns, to be the medium of communication between the Chinese
authorities and the said merchants, and to see that the just duties
and other dues of the Chinese government, as hereafter provided
for, are duly discharged by Her Britannic Majesty's subjects.
3rd. " It being obviously necessary and desirable that British
subjects should have some port whereat they may careen and refit
their ships when required, and keep stores for that purpose, His
Majesty the Emperor of China cedes to Her Majesty the Queen
of Great Britain, &c., the island of Hong Kong, to be possessed
in perpetuity by Her Britannic Majesty, her heirs and successors,
and to be governed by such laws and regulations as Her Majesty
the Queen of Great Britain, &c. , shall see fit to direct.
4th . " The Emperor of China agrees to pay the sum of six mil-
lions of dollars, as the value of the opium which was delivered up
at Canton in the month of March, 1839, as a ransom for the lives
of Her Britanic Majesty's superintendent and subjects, who had
been imprisoned and threatened with death by the Chinese high
officers .
5th. "The government of China having compelled the British
merchants trading at Canton to deal exclusively with certain
Chinese merchants, called Hong-merchants (or co-hong), who had
been licensed by the Chinese government for that purpose, the
Emperor of China agrees to abolish that practice in future at all
ports where British merchants may reside, and to permit them to
carry on their mercantile transactions with whatever persons they
please ; and His Imperial Majesty further agrees to pay to the
British government the sum of three millions of dollars, on ac-
count of debts due to British subjects by some of the Hong
merchants, or co-hong, who have become insolvent, and who owe
very large sums of money to subjects of Her Britannic Majesty.
6th. " The government of Her Britannic Majesty having been
obliged to send out an expedition to demand and obtain redress
for the violent and unjust proceedings of the Chinese high
authorities towards Her Britannic Majesty's officer and subjects,
the Emperor of China agrees to pay the sum of twelve millions of
dollars, on account of the expenses incurred ; and Her Britannic
Majesty's plenipotentiary voluntarily agrees, on behalf of Her
Majesty, to deduct from the said amount of twelve millions of
dollars, any sums which may have been received by Her Majesty's
combined forces, as ransom for cities and towns in China, subse-
quent to the 1st day of August, 1841 .
7th. " It is agreed, that the total amount of twenty-one mil-
lions of dollars, described in the three preceding articles, shall be
paid as follows :--
" Six millions immediately. Six millions in 1843 ; that is, three
millions on or before the 30th of the month of June, and three
millions on or before the 31st of December. Five millions in
1844 ; that is , two millions and a half on or before the 30th of
June, and two millions and a half on or before the 31st of Decem-
ber. Four millions in 1845 ; that is, two millions on or before
the 30th of June, and two millions on or before the 31st of De-
" And it is further stipulated, that interest, at the rate of five
per cent. per annum, shall be paid by the government of China on
any portion of the above sums that are not punctually discharged
at the periods fixed.
8th. " The Emperor of China agrees to release, uncondition-
ally, all subjects of Her Britannic Majesty (whether natives of
Europe or India) , who may be in confinement at this moment in
any part of the Chinese Empire.
9th. " The Emperor of China agrees to publish and promulgate,
under His Imperial Sign Manual and Seal, a full and entire
amnesty and act of indemnity to all subjects of China, on account
of their having resided under, or having had dealings and inter-
course with, or having entered the service of, Her Britannic Ma-
jesty, or of Her Majesty's officers ; and His Imperial Majesty
further engages to release all Chinese subjects who may be at this
moment in confinement for similar reasons .
10th. " His Majesty the Emperor of China agrees to establish
at all the ports which are, by the second article of this Treaty, to
be thrown open for the resort of British merchants, a fair and re-
gular tariff of export and import customs and other dues, which
tariff shall be publicly notified and promulgated for general in-
formation ; and the Emperor further engages, that when British mer-
chandise shall have once paid at anyof the ports the regulated customs
and dues, agreeable to the Tariff to be hereafter fixed, such mer-
chandize may be conveyed by Chinese merchants to any province
or city in the interior of the Empire of China, on paying a further
amount as transit duties , which shall not exceed per* cent. on
the tariff value of such goods.
11th. " It is agreed, that Her Britannic Majesty's chief high
officer in China shall correspond with the Chinese high officers,
both at the capital and in the provinces, under the term " com-
munication ; ' the subordinate British officers and Chinese high
officers in the provinces, under the term ' statement,' on the part
of the former, and on the part of the latter, ' declaration ; ' and
the subordinates of both countries on a footing of perfect equality ;
merchants and others not holding official situations, and therefore
not included in the above, on both sides, to use the term ' repre-
sentations ' in all papers addressed to, or intended for the notice
of the respective governments.
12th. " On the assent of the Emperor of China to this Treaty
being_received, and the discharge of the first instalment money,
Her Britannic Majesty's forces will retire from Nanking and the
Grand Canal, and will no longer molest or stop the trade of China.
The military post at Chinhai will also be withdrawn ; but the
islands of Kulang-su and that of Chusan will continue to be held
by Her Majesty's forces until the money payments, and the ar、
rangements for opening the ports to British merchants, be com-
13th . " The ratification of this treaty by Her Majesty the
Queen of Britain, &c., and His Majesty the Emperor of China,
shall be exchanged as soon as the great distance which separates
England from China will admit ; but, in the meantime, counter-
part copies of it, signed and sealed by the plenipotentiaries on be-
half of their respective sovereigns, shall be mutually delivered, and
all its provisions and arrangements shall take effect.
" Done at Nanking, and signed and sealed by the plenipoten-
tiaries on board Her Britannic Majesty's ship Cornwallis,' this
twenty-ninth day of August, 1842 ; corresponding with the Chi-
nese date, twenty-fourth day of the seventh month, in the twenty-
second year of Taoukwang .
(L.S.) KIYING (in Tartar) .
(L.S.) I'LIPU (in Tartar) .
Approved and ratified by the Emperor on the 24th day of the
9th month, in the 22nd year of his reign, (Oct. 27th, 1842.)
Note. This treaty was ratified by Her Majesty, and the great
seal affixed, on the 31st of December, 1842. The ratifications
were exchanged at Hong Kong, June 26th, 1843."
This treaty was sufficiently restrictive, but under its first clause
Englishmen could have gone to and resided in any part of China,
although trading residence would be confined to five ports. But the
wily Tartar Keying took measures to counteract even this small
advantage, and, at the same time, craftily devised a plan of isolat-
ing Hong Kong from freedom of intercourse with the opened ports.
This was done by the following " supplemental treaty," on which
further comment is reserved for the discussion on our present posi-
tion in China.
Supplementary Treaty.
"Whereas a treaty of perpetual peace and friendship between
Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Ireland, and His Majesty the Emperor of China, was concluded
at Nanking, and signed on board Her said Majesty's ship Corn-
wallis on the 29th day of August, A.D. 1842, corresponding with the
Chinese date of the 24th day of the 7th month of the 22nd year
of Taoukwang, of which said treaty of perpetual peace and friend-
ship the ratifications under the respective seals and signs manual
of the Queen of Great Britain, &c., and the Emperor of China
were duly exchanged at Hong Kong, on the 26th day of June,
A.D. 1843, corresponding with the Chinese date the 29th day of
the fifth month, in the 23rd year of Taoukwang ; and whereas in
the said treaty it was provided (amongst other things) that the five
ports of Canton, Foochow-foo, Amoy, Ningpo, and Shanghai
should be thrown open for the resort and residence of British mer-
chants, and that a fair and regular tariff of export and import
duties and other dues should be established at such ports ; and
whereas various other matters of detail connected with, and bear-
ing relation to, the said treaty of perpetual peace and friendship,
have been since under the mutual discussion and consideration of
the Plenipotentiary and accredited Commissioners of the high
contracting parties, and the said tariff and details having been now
finally examined into, adjusted and agreed upon, it has been
determined to arrange and record them in the form of a supple-
mentary treaty of (seventeen) Articles, which articles shall be held
to be as binding and of the same efficacy as though they had been
inserted in the original treaty of perpetual peace and friendship .
1st. " The tariff of export and import duties which is hereunto
attached under the seals and signatures of the respective plenipo-
tentiary and commissioners, shall henceforward be in force at the
five ports of Canton, Fuhchoo-foo, Amoy, Ningpo, and Shanghai.
2nd. " The general regulations of trade which are hereunto
attached under the seals and signatures of the respective plenipo-
tentiary and commissioners, shall henceforward be in force at the
five aforenamed ports .
3rd. " All penalties enforced or confiscations made under
the third clause of the said general regulations of trade, shall
belong, and be appropriated, to the public service of the govern-
ment of China.
4th. " After the five ports of Canton, Foochow, Amoy, Ningpo,
and Shanghai, shall be thrown open, English merchants shall be
allowed to trade only at those five ports. Neither shall they
repair to any other port or places, nor will the Chinese people at
any other port or places be permitted to trade with them. If
English merchant vessels shall, in contravention of this agreement,
and of a proclamation to the same purport to be issued by the
British plenipotentiary, repair to any other ports or places, the
Chinese government officers shall be at liberty to seize and con-
fiscate both vessels and cargoes ; and should Chinese people be
discovered clandestinely dealing with English merchants at any
other ports or places, they shall be punished by the Chinese go-
vernment in such manner as the law may direct.
5th. "The fourth clause of the general regulations of trade on
the subject of commercial dealings and debts between English and
Chinese merchants, is to be clearly understood to be applicable to
both parties .
6th. " It is agreed that English merchants and others residing
at, or resorting to, the five ports to be opened, shall not go into the
surrounding country beyond certain short distances to be named
by the local authorities in concert with the British consul, and on
no pretence for purposes of traffic. Seamen and persons belong-
ing to the ships shall only be allowed to land under authority and
rules, which will be fixed by the consul in communication with
the local officers ; and should any persons whatever infringe
the stipulations of this article, and wander away into the country,
they shall be seized and handed over to the British consul for
suitable punishment.
7th. "The treaty of perpetual peace and friendship provides
for British subjects and their families residing at the cities and
towns of Canton, Foochow, Amoy, Ningpo, and Shanghai, without
molestation or restraint. It is accordingly determined that
ground and houses, the rent or price of which is to be fairly and
equitably arranged for, according to the rates prevailing amongst
the people, without exaction on either side, shall be set apart by
the local officers in communication with the consul, and the
number of houses built or rented will be reported annually to
the said local officers by the consul, for the information of their
respective viceroys and governors ; but the number cannot be
limited, seeing that it will be greater or less according to the resort
of merchants.
8th. " The Emperor of China having been graciously pleased
to grant to all foreign countries whose subjects or citizens have
hitherto traded at Canton, the privilege of resorting for purposes
of trade to the other four ports of Fuhchoo, Amoy, Ningpo, and
Shanghai, on the same terms as the English ; it is further agreed
that should the Emperor hereafter, from any cause whatever, be
pleased to grant additional privileges or immunities to any of the
subjects or citizens of such foreign countries, the same privileges
and immunities will be extended to and enjoyed by British
subjects ; but it is to be understood, that demands or requests are
not on this plea to be unnecessarily brought forward.
9th. " If lawless natives of China, having committed crimes or
offences against their own government, shall flee to Hong Kong,
or to the English ships of war, or English merchant ships for
refuge, they shall if discovered by the English officers be handed
over at once to the Chinese officers for trial and punishment ; or
if before such discovery be made by the English officers, it should
be ascertained or suspected by the officers of the government of
China whither such criminals and offenders have fled, a com-
munication shall be made to the proper English officer in order
that the said criminals and offenders may be rigidly searched for,
seized, and on proof or admission of their guilt delivered up. In
like manner, if any soldier or sailor, or any other person - whatever
his caste or country-who is a subject of the crown of England,
shall, from any cause, or on any pretence , desert, fly, or escape into
the Chinese terrritory, such soldier or sailor or other person shall
be apprehended and confined by the Chinese authorities, and sent
to the nearest British consular, or other government, officer. In
neither case shall concealment or refuge be afforded .
10th. " At each of the five ports to be opened to British mer-
chants , one English cruizer will be stationed to enforce good order
and discipline amongst the crews of merchant shipping, and to
support the necessary authority of the consul over British sub-
jects . The crews of such ship of war will be carefully restrained
by the officer commanding the vessel , and they will be subject to
all the rules regarding going on shore and straying into the
country, that are already laid down for the crews of merchant ves-
sels. Whenever it may be necessary to relieve such ship of war
by another, intimation of that intention will be communicated by
the consul, or by the British superintendent of trade where cir-
cumstances will permit-to the local Chinese authorities , lest the
appearance of an additional ship should excite misgivings amongst
the people , and the Chinese cruizers are to offer no hindrance to
such relieving ship , nor is she to be considered liable to any port
charges or rules laid down in the General Regulations of Trade ,
seeing that British ships of war never trade in any shape .
11th . " The posts of Chusan and Koolungsoo will be with-
drawn, as provided for in the treaty of perpetual peace and friend-
ship, the moment all the moneys stipulated for in that treaty shall
be paid ; and the British plenipotentiary distinctly and voluntarily
agrees that all dwelling-houses, storehouses, barracks, and other
buildings that the British troops or people may have occupied or
intermediately built or repaired, shall be handed over on the eva-
cuation of the posts exactly as they stand, to the Chinese autho-
rities, so as to prevent any pretence for delay, or the slightest
occasion for discussion or dispute on those points.
12th . " A fair and regular tariff of duties and other dues
having now been established, it is to be hoped that the system of
smuggling which has heretofore been carried on between English
and Chinese merchants-in many cases with the open connivance
and collusion of the Chinese custom-house officers -will entirely
cease ; and the most peremptory proclamation to all English mer-
chants has been already issued on this subject by the British ple-
nipotentiary, who will also instruct the different consuls to strictly
watch over and carefully scrutinize the conduct of all persons
being British subjects, trading under his superintendence. In any
positive instance of smuggling transactions coming to the consul's
knowledge, he will instantly apprize the Chinese authorities of
the fact, and they will proceed to seize and confiscate all goods-
whatever their value or nature-that may have been so smuggled ;
and will also be at liberty if they see fit, to prohibit the ship from
which the smuggled goods were landed from trading further, and
to send her away as soon as her accounts are adjusted and paid .
The Chinese government officers will at the same time adopt what-
ever measures they may think fit, with regard to the Chinese mer-
chants and custom-house officers who may be discovered to be con-
cerned in smuggling .
13th. " All persons, whether natives of China or otherwise,
who may wish to convey goods from one of the five ports of Can-
ton, Fuhchoo-fú, Amoy, Ningpo, and Shánghái, to Hong Kong, for
sale or consumption, shall be at full and perfect liberty to do so
on paying the duties on such goods, and obtaining a pass or port-
clearance from the Chinese custom-house at one of the said ports.
Should natives of China wish to repair to Hong Kong to purchase
goods, they shall have free and full permission to do so, and should
they require a Chinese vessel to carry away their purchases, they
must obtain a pass or port-clearance for her at the custom-house
of the port whence the vessel may sail for Hong Kong. It is
further settled, that in all cases these passes are to be returned to
the officers of the Chinese government, as soon as the trip for
which they may be granted shall be completed .*
14th . "An English officer will be appointed at Hong Kong,
one part of whose duty will be to examine the registers and passes
of all Chinese vessels, that may repair to that port to buy or sell
goods, and should such officer at any time find that any Chinese
merchant vessel has not a pass or register from one of the five
* In the Chinese this sentence follows : " At other ports in the four provinces of
Kwangtung, Fukien, Kiangsu and Chekiang, such as Chapu and other places, which
are not open marts, Chinese merchants are not to presume to ask permits to go to
and from Hong Kong. And if they do thus, the magistrate of Kanlung and the
English officers, are jointly at the time to make investigation and report."
ports, she is to be considered as an unauthorised or smuggling
vessel, and is not to be allowed to trade, whilst a report of the cir-
cumstance is to be made to the Chinese authorities . By this ar-
rangement it is to be hoped that piracy and illegal traffic will be
effectually prevented.
15th. Should natives of China who may repair to Hong Kong
to trade, incur debts there, the recovery of such debts must be ar-
ranged for by the English courts of justice on the spot ; but if the
Chinese debtor shall abscond and be known to have property, real
or personal, within the Chinese territory, the rule laid down in the
4th clause of the General Regulations for Trade, shall be applied
to the case ; and it will be the duty of the Chinese authorities, on
application, by and in concert with the British consuls, to do their
utmost to see justice done between the parties . On the same prin-
ciple, should a British merchant incur debts at any ofthe five ports
and fly to Hong Kong, the British authorities will, on receiving an
application from the Chinese government officers, accompanied by
statements, and full proofs of the debts , institute an investigation
into the claims, and when established, oblige the defaulter or
debtor to settle them to the utmost of his means.
16th . " It is agreed that the custom-house officers at the five
ports, shall make a monthly return to Canton of the passes grant-
ed to vessels proceeding to Hong Kong, together with the nature of
their cargoes ; and a copy of these returns will be embodied in one
return, and communicated once a month to the proper Eng-
lish officer at Hong Kong. The said English officer will on his
part make a similar return or communication to the Chinese au-
thorities at Canton, showing the names of Chinese vessels arrived
at Hong Kong or departed from that port, with the nature of their
cargoes ; and the Canton authorities will apprize the custom-houses
at the five ports, in order that by these arrangements and precau-
tions all clandestine and illegal trade under the cover of passes
may be averted .
17th. " Or Additional Articles relating to British small Craft.
Various small vessels, belonging to the English nation, called
schooners, cutters, lorchas, &c., have not hitherto been chargeable
with tonnage dues. It is now agreed in relation to this class of
vessels, which ply between Hong Kong and the city, and the city
and Macao, that ifthey only carry passengers, letters, and baggage,
they shall as heretofore pay no tonnage dues. But ifthese small craft
carry any dutyable articles, no matter how small the quantity may
be, they ought in principal to pay their full tonnage dues . But this
class of small craft are not like the large ships which are engaged in
foreign trade, they are constantly coming and going, they make
several trips a month, and are not like the large foreign ships,
which on entering the port cast anchor at Whampoa. If we were
to place them on the same footing as the large foreign ships, the
charge would fall unequally ; therefore, after this, the smallest of
these craft shall be rated at seventy-five tons, and the largest not
to exceed one hundred and fifty tons ; whenever they enter the
port (or leave the port with cargo) , they shall pay tonnage dues at
the rate of one mace per ton register. If not so large as seventy-
five tons, they shall still be considered and charged as of seventy-
five tons, and if they exceed one hundred and fifty tons they shall
be considered as large foreign ships, and like them charged ton-
nage dues at the rate of five mace per register ton. Fuhchoo and
the other ports having none of this kind of intercourse, and none
of this kind of small craft, it would be unnecessary to make any
arrangement as regards them.
" The following are the rules by which they are to be regulated :
1st. " Every British schooner, cutter, lorcha, &c. , shall have a
sailing letter, or register, in Chinese and English, under the seal
and signature of the chief superintendent of trade, describing her
appearance, burden, &c., &c.
2nd. " Every schooner, lorcha, and such vessel, shall report her-
self, as large vessels are required to do, at the Bocca Tigris ; and
when she carries cargo, she shall also report herself at Whampoa,
and shall on reaching Canton, deliver up her sailing-letter, or
register, to the British consul, who will obtain permission from
the hoppo for her to discharge her cargo, which she is not to do
without such permission, under the forfeiture of the penaltie slaid
down in the third clause of the General Regulations of Trade.
3rd . " When the inward cargo is discharged, and an outward
one (if intended) taken on board, and the duties on both arranged
and paid, the consul will restore the register, or sailing-letter, and
allow the vessel to depart.
" This Supplementary Treaty to be attached to the original
Treaty of Peace, consisting of sixteen articles, and one additional
article relating to small vessels, is now written out, forming, with
its accompaniments, four pamphlets, and is formally signed and
sealed by their excellencies, the British plenipotentiary and the
Chinese imperial commissioner ; who in the first instance, take two
copies each and exchange them, that their provisions may be im-
mediately carried into effect. At the same time, each of these
high functionaries having taken his two copies, shall duly me-
morialize the sovereign of his nation, but the two countries are
differently situated as respects distance, so that the will of the one
sovereign can be known sooner than the will of the other. It is
now, therefore, agreed, that on receiving the gracious assent of
the Emperor, in the vermilion pencil, the imperial commissioner
will deliver the very document containing it into the hands of his
excellency, Hwang, judge of Canton, who will proceed (to such
place as the plenipotentiary may appoint) and deliver it to the
English plenipotentiary to have and to hold. Afterwards, the
sign manual of the sovereign of England having been received at
Hong Kong, likewise graciously assenting to and confirming the
treaty, the English plenipotentiary will dispatch a specially ap-
pointed officer to Canton, who will deliver the copy containing the
royal sign manual to his excellency, Hwang, who will forward it
to the imperial commissioner as a rule and a guide to both nations
for ever, and as a solemn confirmation of our peace and friendship .
A most important Supplementary Treaty.
" Signed and sealed at Hoomunchai, on the 8th day of October,
1842 corresponding with the Chinese date of 15th day of the 8th
moon of the 23rd year of Taoukwang.
Plenipotentiary. (Signed)
H. E. the Imperial (Signed) KEYING,-in Tartar."
On the 7th December, 1842, after the declaration of peace, and
four months after the treaty was signed, the minds of the people
of Canton were excited by inflammatory placards posted on their
factory walls and directed against the English. In the early part
of that day a dispute commenced between some Chinese and Las-
cars, and the latter being pursued took shelter in the " Creek
Hong." The mob first attacked a brick wall on the western side
of the company's garden, by which they obtained entrance into
Mr. Murrow's house ; this they quickly plundered of its contents.
They next set fire to the British flag-staff, factory, &c.
Intimation was forwarded to Howqua before night came on,
but no efficient force was sent ; even the fire engines that arrived
were not allowed to be worked . The mob were in undisputed pos-
session of the place for twenty-four hours, when 200 troops dis-
persed them.
The following correspondence then took place ; and it illustrates
the policy then commenced, and since persevered in, of endeavour-
ing to force the British merchants to quit Canton, and reside at
Hong Kong. For this reason they have ever since been refused
the protection of a British ship of war, at Canton, to which they
were entitled by the treaty of Nanking.
Eight British merchants addressed a memorial to Sir Hugh
(now Lord) Gough, stating that it was their opinion the recent
attack was premeditated, and praying that he would allow
the Honourable Company's small steamer, " Proserpine," to re-
main in front of the factories, as the local authorities were unable
to quell the riot, until life and property were sacrificed.
In answer to this, Lord Gough, with a promptitude and manly
British feeling becoming his high character and station , permitted
the small steamer to remain at Canton, until such time as he could
communicate with Sir Henry Pottinger.
December 13th.- Seventeen British and East India merchants
waited on Sir Henry Pottinger, with a copy of their address to
Lord Gough, and his Lordship's answer, together with the following
additional remarks, in the hopes of prevailing on his Excellency to
grant them some security for their lives and property ;-the
grounds were :—
1st. " That there appeared no doubt of the fact, that the attack
on the foreign factories had been determined on for some time pre-
viously to its occurrence, and that the parties employed in it were
regularly organized .
2nd. " That although an affray between some Lascars and
Chinese, was the ostensible cause of its commencement at that par-
ticular time, the attack would have taken place sooner or later,
had no such circumstance occurred.
3rd . " That the local authorities were unable or unwilling to
afford sufficient protection, in time to prevent a considerable sacri-
fice of life and property, and the causes which occasioned such a
result, are liable at any moment to recur.
4th. "That there is a spirit of hostility to the English, very
general among certain orders in Canton, and that the common
people are guided and influenced by parties who have means and
ability of giving effect to their operations, in a more systematic
manner than could be expected from an ordinary mob."
Sir H. Pottinger, on 16th December, 1842 , replied at conside-
rable length to these fair statements of the British merchants, -
rated them in no measured terms for presuming to ask protection
for their lives and property,—to a certain extent justified the Chinese
mob, ordered the small steamer to be withdrawn from Canton,
and thus announced his intentions for the future :
" I must, at once finally, most explicitly and candidly acquaint
you, that no conceivable circumstances should induce me to place
Her Majesty's government in so false and undignified a posture,
as I should consider it to be placed in, were I to send troops and
ships of war to Canton, in opposition to the request and wishes of
the local government, in order that you might carry on your trade
under the protection of such troops and ships of war."
Not content with this rebuke, Sir Henry Pottinger told the Bri-
tish merchants in China, that " they had not in any single iota or
circumstance striven to aid him in his arrangements," that they
had " thrown serious difficulties and obstacles, if not positive risk,
in the way of his arrangements," &c.
The British merchants, in a letter of 23rd December, 1842, to
Sir Henry Pottinger, respectfully deprecated the " severe public
censure " thus cast on them, and declared that for the past sixteen
months they had peaceably and unobtrusively carried on their
trade at Canton, without any protection or control on the part of
the British authorities. Had the protection then properly sought
been granted, the outbreaks that have since occurred , would pro-
bably have been prevented : but I shall avail myself of the last
chapter to discuss this point, and to endeavour to do justice to the
British merchants in China, whose character and conduct have
been unfairly represented to the Home authorities.
From time to time there have been outbreaks since at Canton,
indeed, life and property are now far less secure than they were
before the war.
In July, 1844, our merchants there owed their protection to
an American brig of war, the St. Louis, which went to their assist-
ance from Whampoa. At this very period there were three regi-
ments, six pennants, (including a seventy-four and two frigates) a
general, an admiral, and a plenipotentiary at Hong Kong. But for
any assistance they could render in time to Canton, they might as
well have been at the Sandwich Islands. On 18th March, 1845,
the colonial treasurer, vice consul, and chaplain, were attacked and
plundered while peaceably walking outside the city walls of Can-
ton. In July, 1845, the consular officers were pelted with mud
and stones within a few hundred yards of the Canton consulate.
On 8th July, 1846, another disturbance commenced at Canton,
the mob endeavoured to burn and destroy the British factories.
Our countrymen being without any military or naval assistance,
armed themselves, shot several of the assailants, and restored tran-
quillity. Still, a ship of war was refused to protect British lives
and property. It is understood that Lord Palmerston has ordered
a vessel of war to be stationed at Canton .
It would be humiliating to our national character, to place on
record the correspondence which has passed relative to the de-
fenceless and degrading position of the British residents at Canton.
It has been studiously endeavoured to force the merchants to re-
side at Hong Kong ; and to accomplish this, they have been left
exposed to a furious mob, which the Chinese authorities acknow-
ledge they are unable to control. The merchants, with proper
spirit, have organized themselves into a military body, and ordered
three hundred stand of arms and accoutrements from England.
The Canton authorities seeing this determined spirit, and aware of
their utter powerlessness, have, it is stated, applied to Governor
Davis for a British ship of war to be stationed at Canton. Even
this has been but partially complied with-for instead of sending
one of our smart frigates, like the " Iris," (26), a small half-armed
steamer belonging to the East India Company, has been despatch-
ed to protect the lives and property of Englishmen . On a recent
occasion, last year, Captain Steenbille, of the Danish frigate Gala-
thea, opportunely sent his marines from Whampoa to Canton, for
the protection of our countrymen .
These proceedings fully attest the imperfections of the treaty of
Nanking, which has been so erroneously lauded, and they evince
the worthlessness of Hong Kong, even for the last remaining plea
in its favour, that it is a protection to the trade of Canton .
The Chinese repository for September, 1846, alludes to further
assaults thus : " On the 25th ult. a murderous attack was made
on a small party of foreigners . They were in a hong-boat, return-
ing from a short excursion on Honam, when, as they were passing
through a creek, gangs of ruffians furiously assailed them with
brickbats and stones. The foreign devils have killed our people,
and we will kill you to revenge their death ;' these and many similar
words they used ; and, suiting the action to the language, they
tried hard to effect their deadly purpose, heedless of remonstrances
on the part of the boatmen and the foreigners. When the boat
passed under the stone bridge (the Machung-kiau) they threw
down a shower of heavy stones, quite enough to have sunk the
boat and destroyed the whole party in it. But in their fury most
of them missed their aim. The boat, however, when it had passed
the bridge was almost a wreck, and only two of the seven boat-
men were at their posts, all of them having been hit, and one re-
ceived a deep gash in the forehead by a sharp tile . One stone,
brought off, weighed eighty-five and one-third pounds.
" Two things should be noted particularly in judging of this at-
tack : the party in the boat had not been into the village, and had
given no offence ; the assailants only knew that they were foreign-
ers, and as such determined to kill them to revenge what had been
done at another time and in another place.
" Most of the Chinese soldiers have been withdrawn from the
vicinity of the factories ; and all manner of hucksters are congre-
gating, and filth and vermin accumulating in the adjacent streets
-just as they were before the late riot !"
The general impression now is, that England will be again in-
volved in war with the Government of China. The Tartars stimu-
late the mob, and cause the most violent placards to be posted on
and around the English factories. By the last mail it is stated,
that "the patriots posted another violent chop on the 16th, stating
that they were determined to have the heads of twenty foreigners in
satisfaction of the lives lost during the attack on the factories in
" A circular was immediately issued by the chairman of the
protective committee, advising the community to be prepared to
defend the factories, should their destruction be attempted, and a
letter sent to Her Majesty's consul informing him of the posting of
the placard, the translation of which, as follows , may be relied on
as correct.
" By the latest accounts, all was quiet : the Nemesis had been
ordered to resume her position opposite the factories, and the pros-
pect of immediate assistance, in the event of another riot, must be
very encouraging to the protective committee.
PLACARD . 1st . " The rules of proceeding, and established laws
of our great Emperor, in every way exceed those of the preceding
dynasty, in regarding the lives of the people as of paramount
importance. Where local officers, in any case of loss of life, give
decision even in a slight degree at variance with the truth, or not
corresponding with the testimony of the deceased's relations, the
immediate degradation and dismissal of such officers, may be
deemed a proof of the importance attached, and the attention paid
to human life : as for the loss of the life of one Chinaman, those of
two foreigners are required to make good the loss . The laws of His
Majesty are most clear, and from the obedience rendered to them
all, by all classes of people whatever, does it result that those above
have been for a long time past, on good terms with those below. In
the fifth moon of this year, however, there were upwards of twenty
Chinese slain by foreigners, their bodies thrown into the water,
and buried in the fishes' bellies ; but our high officers have treated
the matter, as though they heard it not ; have regarded the Fank-
wei as though they were gods ; have held the Chinese as the flesh
of fish, and have despised the lives of men as the hair of the head :
they persisted in making no representation to the throne, neither
did they settle the matter as they ought . The myriad people la-
mented and were indignant : woe entered the marrow of their
bones ; in the public halls, although their hearts were set on im-
parting to each other their resentful feelings, yet had they no
available counsel to follow. They have no resource left, but to
appoint a day, when, amongst those present at the general consul-
tation, certain may come forth, and concerning all these (slain
men) demand of Pwanáfáh of the Chungwo hong (Minqua) among
the foreign hongs, if he will point out the leaders and followers of
the Fánkwei who were engaged in the fight, that they may be
ready to light a fire that shall burn without restraint, or devise
means to lay their hands upon them, that there be left not a sin-
gle life of a Chinaman without its substitute. Thus to give rise to
the excesses of the Fánkwei, is indeed much to the loss of the res-
pectability of the empire. Should Pwanáfàh, audaciously main-
taining his design of aiming at profit, shelter or assist the Fánkwei,
and refuse to give straightforward testimony, then will we take
his flesh to eat, his skin to sleep upon, to make glad the hearts of
men, ere we stop .
" [The respectful declaration of all the colleges, or public deba-
ting rooms in the city of Canton.]
"(Posted on the north wall of the Factories on the night of the
15th September .)
2nd. " Upon the land of Hong kong are the residences of those
who go to and fro, trading up to Canton, and down to Macao.
Now since the Fánkwei have settled thereon, those who dwell
around, have suffered no slight hurt their wives have endured
their licentiousness , their honest men all obey their call (as
servants.) The string of their iniquities is completed, the villagers
gnash their teeth, the myriad people are intensely indignant.
Alas ! they petition their rulers, but they do them not justice ;
whence it comes that the protracted stream of evil influence,
deepens the more, the longer it continues. There are withal cer-
tain native traitors, who in their covetous plotting and scheming
after gain, have so slight a respect for propriety, principle, thrift
and modesty, as to have established, on behalf of the Fánkwei,
boats to carry passengers and freight between Hong Kong and
the city : thus giving outlet to numerous offences, they are ever
secretly carrying foreign letters . All our countrymen who travel
back and forward know it well ; calamity, growing freely, is as the
hair of our head in number. Furthermore, if the Fánkwei here-
after pretend that the sailing and freighting of these boats is, by
its long existence, law, should we wish to put an end thereto we
shall not be able ; if we deal with them (or serve them) it will be
difficult afterwards to attack them : what is there like arresting
the calamity, ere it shall have budded ? we, of all the assembly
halls, if in twenty days from the circulation of this paper, the said
passage boats shall not have ceased to ply, should again dare to
carry foreigners to and fro, fattening themselves to the prejudice
of men's families, to the ruin of their houses, upon ascertaining
the facts, will, with united hearts and with all our strength, des-
troy and exterminate these passage boatsmen ; assuredly, shall they
not leave injury everywhere behind them. May prosperity thus
have a means of returning to us !"
For the past two years Her Majesty's government have been
urged to provide against this state of things, and advised to open
negotiations for another and better Treaty. It was stated that
if the island of Chusan were evacuated, without Canton city being
opened conformably to the treaty of Nankin, bloodshed, disturb-
ance, and another war would ensue. Nevertheless, Chusan was
evacuated, although the treaty of Nankin was not fulfilled in
the spirit or in the letter, and Canton was not opened, although
distinctly promised by the treaty.
The following proclamation, by Keying, the Chinese Plenipo-
tentiary, acknowledges on paper the right of the British to a re-
sidence in the city of Canton ; but the actual power is still denied,
and a mere promise held forth that as soon as the Emperor can con-
trol his subjects, the English will receive admission into Canton.
Yet, on the faith of this futile promise, Chusan was evacuated,
although its return was in fact the only means of preserving peace
with China :-
' Keying, High Imperial Commissioner and Governor-general
of the two Kwang, &c., &c ., &c. , and Hwang, Lieutenant-governor
of Kwantung, &c., &c ., &c., hereby proclaim to the entire body of
gentry and common people, the manifestation of the Imperial
" Whereas Canton is the general resort of merchants from every
country beyond the seas, yet since the accession of the present
Dynasty, for upwards of two centuries, foreigners have never en-
tered the city ; on which account the British Envoy, having year
after year, repeatedly intimated the desire for admission to the city,
H 2
we, the Governor-general and Lieutenant-governor, have each time
directed the local authorities to urge it upon the gentry and com-
mon people ; but the popular feeling has proved averse to the mea-
sure, so as to cause its execution to be deferred .
" Now, the English Envoy having reverted to this subject of the
former negotiations, we, the Governor-general and Lieutenant-
governor, addressed our joint admonitions to the gentry, through
them to be transmitted to the inhabitants. From the statement
under the signature of the said gentry, it appeared that the inha-
bitants of the city and suburbs displayed equal unwillingness to
foreigners entering the city. There were, moreover, inflammatory
placards stuck up in all places.
Whereupon we, the Governor-general and Lieutenant-governor,
in our reply to the Envoy, minutely detailed the state of affairs.
The British Envoy, in his dispatch to us, insisted that as at the
Commercial Emporium of Foo-chow, and at all the others, free
entrance is permitted into the cities, the same should be allowed
at Canton, &c.
" Ye gentry and people must consider, that since amicable rela-
tions are established between the two countries, the Emperor ex-
tends his kind regards equally towards foreigners and natives.
Moreover, at the other ports where trade is carried on, such as
Foo-chow, Ningpo, and Shanghae, (with the single exception of
Amoy, which has neither walled city or suburbs,) the English are
admitted within the walls without having given rise to any disturb-
ance. Only at Canton do there exist difficulties, and (the proposal)
is objected to.
" We can but suppose that you, the gentry and people, are not
conversant with the facts and difficulties of the case ; and hence a
great variety of public opinion has arisen . But it is likely that
there be men fond of disturbance , who make this a pretext for ex-
citing commotions . Wherefore , we now issue this proclamation to
the gentry and people, within and without the city , for their in-
formation . You must each and all break down the barriers of
separation, and set aside jealousies and animosities , no longer as
hitherto offering vexatious opposition . For the due preservance of
harmony, we, the Governor -general and Lieutenant -governor, in
connection with the English envoy, will place affairs on a sure ,
good , and permanent footing . Let all reverently obey , and not
oppose this special proclamation .
Taoukwang, 25th year, 12th month, 16th day.
(13th January, 1846) ."
This proclamation acknowledges an inability to control the
people, or an unwillingness to comply with the treaty. Our ex-
clusion from Canton city, induces the people still to treat us as
" outside barbarians," -hence the present disturbances .
as !
and United States
and of Fran
India. America.
£ £ £
3,451,312 529,938 7,3
3,883,828 1,448,671 8,0
7,335,140 1,978,609 15,3
orts 2,321,692 536,910 1,8
ports 4,492,370 1,728,975 20,1
Total . 6,814,062 2,265,885 21,9
Consular Ports :
Shanghae, Imports . 501,335
دو Exports . 487,528
Amoy, Imports 80,650
دو Exports 12,612
Ningpo, Imports Unknown.
دو Exports
Fuh-choo, Imports .
دو Exports .
Shanghae, Imports . 1,082,207
دو Exports . 1,259,091
Amoy, Imports 147,494
دو Exports 15,478
Ningpo, Imports 10,398
دو Exports 17.495
Fuh-choo, Imports . 4,537 11,513
دو Exports . 683 776
Total for 1844 8,417,265 1,978,609 15,3
Total for 1845 9,351,445 2,278,174 21,9
The total shipping inwards of the port of Canton was in 1844, vessels 306 ; tonnag
The French imports were entirely from Manilla, and the greater part of the export
Danish with Singapore and Copenhagen. German with Singapore and Hamburgh.
-the greater part of which was in piece goods, re- shipped or never landed for wa
trade of Amoy. So also with other ports. The object has been to give ifpossible a
dollars, at 4s. 4d. per dollar, which makes £255,273 ; and the exports 6,593,881 dolla
Ir is difficult to convey in a succinct form, and without the aid
of tabular statements, a clear view of the commerce of China,
internal and maritime. Our knowledge of the former is very
limited, and excepting Shanghai, almost the whole trade with
Europe, America, and the East Indies, centres still in Canton, at
the extremity and in one of the most barren provinces of the em-
pire . In order to lay a foundation for further observations and
future comparisons, an endeavour will be made to explain the exist-
ing commerce of China, beginning with the
INLAND TRADE - China possesses a greater variety of produc-
tions, than any country in the world. Whilst at its southern
extremity the cocoa-nut still flourishes, its borders on the river
Amoor furnish the fur-animals in equal proportion to any obtained
in Siberia. The marshy soil and plains of the extensive delta
between the Yellow River and Yangtzekang possess all the
advantages of the Netherlands and Egypt, whilst Kweichoo,
Kokoner, and part of Yunnan vie with Switzerland in towering
mountains, and in mineral treasures with the Cordilleras. There
is a transition from the most barren soil, worse than the Desert
of Saharah, to the most fertile spots in all Asia, and as an allwise
Providence allotted to each peculiar riches, the most opposite ones
are met in China together. An idea that domestic animals ought
never to encroach upon the food of man, has rendered the bul-
lock scarce, and the sheep scanty ; and confined the riches of the
husbandman to a pig, which lives on refuse, and to a lean goat,
browsing on a barren mountain . The jealousy of the government
has chased the horse from the plough and waggon, because its
subjects might employ the animal in war, and man is compelled
to do the labour of the beast. Were it not on that account,
China would have rich meadows, large droves of cattle, and wool,
as well as hides, for exportation. An all-absorbing desire to
possess always grain, and especially rice, in abundance, has made
the Chinese husbandman bestow all his care upon this one subject,
to the neglect of kitchen vegetables and fruit trees. A perhaps
well-founded fear of the mandarins, that if the mines of the
country were generally opened, the attention of the people would
be withdrawn from more useful pursuits, has rendered them very
strict, in merely permitting the working of a very few, and those
only to a certain amount. Were it otherwise, the south -western
provinces would export gold, silver and copper, as they did for-
merly tutenague. But there are the labourers, of an enterprizing,
greedy and patient nation, who only require an impulse to
fulfil its great destiny in procuring the greatest diversity of pro-
ductions that can possibly be collected in any single empire.
From the most ancient times, the great use of water communica-
tion was discovered ; and the nation has for more than two thou-
sand years been endeavouring to make canals, wherever natural
obstacles did not prove insurmountable. Thence arose the inland
communication between the Yangtzse and Canton, and the ex-
tensive hydraulic works which connect the capital with every
province. Though the primary object by digging them, was to
furnish irrigation for the fields, still there is throughout the whole
breadth ofthe land, not asingle important point to which canals do not
diverge ; there is not a city, except in the high mountains, without
being intersected by them ; and there is moreover not the smallest
one, on which boats do not ply, whilst some on the great channels
of intercourse are covered with vessels of every description . The
avenues of the inland trade are therefore open and practicable in
every direction. But careful as the Chinese are in this respect,
they are equally indifferent about roads, which are almost un-
known . Hence the rude state of the mountainous parts, and
uncivilized condition of north- western China, where few canals
If we examine the character of the nation at large, their gain-
seeking propensities are prominent, and in the steady pursuit of
lucre, no matter what the means are, they challenge a compeer.
Pedling, trafficking, and trading are therefore instinctive with
them, and a child which has scarcely learnt to speak, will lay out
a few cash to buy sugar- cane or cakes, and retail them by the
roadside ; a penny thus gained, is more esteemed than a pound
obtained without cheating or bargaining. The first thing an
infant learns is " to lisp in numbers ;" the first enterprize of the
urchin is to cypher ; and it is a rarity to find a man not versed in
this science, for the very coolie and clown keep their accounts.
China exhibits one grand mart of traders, everything is purchas-
able, everybody vendable ; the Emperor trades, his ministers' traffic
in everything, and where such examples are given we must
expect to find myriads of imitators . We ought therefore not to
wonder at the ingenuity which converts all substances into articles
of commerce, nor at the fertility of genius to discover the best
market ; where such a spirit prevails, we may easily suppose, that
the inland trade will be flourishing.
Notwithstanding, however, this practical commercial tendency
of the nation, the government has adopted a different theory.
Considering agriculture the only source of permanent riches, and
trade often hostile to the pursuit of such a laborious profession,
various laws have been issued to check its growth. The merchant,
by being constantly on the move, contracts ideas which are not
very much in accordance with the orthodox policy of the ruling
authorities, and hence the adoption of what is termed a salutary
restraint. Thus there are laws and by-laws without end, hin-
drances, prohibitions, regulations, filling pondrous volumes, to
abridge the liberty of the subject in disposing of his goods and
chattels to the best advantage, and to try the cunning of the sub-
ject, how to circumvent and to evade. The supreme government
pretends to look upon all trade with utter contempt, and hence
has never burdened it with heavy duties, leaving its minions to
oppress it by exactions, fees and grinding, so as to render smug-
gling inevitable, and a custom officer's situation the most lucrative
office in the gift of the crown, and the proper position of a Mantchoo
When taking, however, the whole of the despotic nature of
the government into consideration , the restrictions upon the
inland trade have not been so severe, as from its grasping
character might have been expected . One sound principle of the
autocratism of China is never to oppose public opinion if too
powerful, but to reserve for itself the privilege of making pro-
hibitions ; not to punish the many of transgressors, for that would
endanger its very existence, but to choose a few individuals and
make them the scapegoats for the whole. Thus have the Na-
tives overcome the repugnance of their rulers, and their endless
annoyance in confining traffic in a narrow sphere, by their num-
bers and determination, accompanied by a willingness to offer
up occasionally a holocaust to appease the wrath of the Mandarins .
Every country, as thickly populated as China, has an immense
pressure upon its resources, but the very circumstance of over
population calls forth a spirit of invention in those who are pressed
for a bare subsistence to prolong life, and has most powerfully
operated upon commerce, not only in discovering the articles of
trade, but also in lowering the profits by incessant vigorous com-
petition. The princes of China were early taught to issue the
least valuable metal coin in existence, to make it divisable in
endless fractions, because the individual share amongst the
majority of the nation in the riches of the country, was so very
trifling, as to render a silver piece for the very few only available.
This being the medium of small transactions, the shareholders in
every speculation are necessarily numerous, and where a capital of
one hundred dollars is required, there are perhaps ten partners.
Even where a capitalist stands at the head, and furnishes all the
cash, his people prefer having a small share, however trifling soever,
in the concern, to receiving a settled sum of monthly or annual
wages ; for the gains by traffic, how great the difficuities soever,
are more precious to a Chinaman, than money obtained directly
without barter and bargaining .
Amongst the myriads of petty traffickers and pedlars, there is
however a considerable spirit of combination, so that even small
traders have their meetings, where resolutions are passed, and mea-
sures conjointly adopted, for successfully carrying their designs
into effect, and insuring a flourishing commerce . Of the extent
and capital of such unions there are numberless gradations, from
petty hucksters to large established companies, who however with
the exception of the salt merchants, are not as such privileged, or
under a charter of government. The Mandarins have wisely refused
to interfere forcibly with the proceedings and enterprize or com-
binations by which money is realized , and merely content them-
selves either with sharing in or swallowing up the profits.
A few general remarks on these associations may be useful.
1st . Shopkeepers who trade in similar goods form themselves
into bodies, not so much for mutual assistance, but for selling
their articles at a certain rate, or for stopping trading altogether, if
either the public or the Mandarins will not accede to their propo-
sitions. In enforcing these obligations upon all the members,
they are very strict, and whosoever clandestinely evades their rules,
is sure to be persecuted with inveterate vengeance.
2nd. People that trade to certain parts of the empire form
themselves into sureties for mutual protection, assistance and ad-
ministration , and thus ensure a better treatment of their persons,
and security to their trade. The most celebrated associations of
this description are the Shanse merchants, who with their cara-
vans traverse the whole breadth of the empire, and journey in far
greater numbers than even Mohomedan pilgrims, over Arabia, the
deserts now tributary to China, as well as Mongolia, Mantchouria,
Turkestan, and Tibet, until they arrive at the confines of Bokhara
and Siberia. They are men of large capital, and their investments
are considerable. In this spirit of enterprize, cheerful endurance
of fatigues for the sake of gain, perseverance and patience, they
are perhaps unsurpassed.
3rd. In each large empire, where a number of merchants from
a certain province or large city trade, there are large, commodious,
and neat houses erected by the countrymen, known under the name
of Hwuykwan, to which generally a temple or some garden is at-
tached ; and here the merchants assemble at stated times, hold
deliberations, propose and reject measures, and act in many respects
as a company. These are very respectable institutions, command
considerable capital, and act frequently with much unanimity and
4th . Monopolists.-The Chinese government having prohibited
the unlimited use of some articles, such as saltpetre, sulphur, iron,
and horses, looks to trustworthy men, that they shall deal in them
only in such quantities as will render them harmless, and sell to
government at a prescribed rate, generally under the actual value.
According to law, none can buy from them, except he bring a cer-
tificate from the authorities ; and this must be retained by the mer-
chant to account for the quantity of his imports and sales. We
may call them " licensed monopolists," who form themselves into
companies to carry on their business with greater effect, and levy
the largest possible tax upon the public. Still, we cannot view them
in the same light as our commercial privileged companies.
The self-constituted monopolists are a race of merchants, that
combine with each other for better or worse, and defy laws, regula-
tions, and prohibitions with great tenacity and perseverance.
The most formidable among them are the corn monopolists, men of
iron nerve, unmoved by sufferings, who, with infinite tact, raise
and lower the price of rice in concert, or withdraw it for some time
altogether from the market. They are rather numerous, and
have more than once defied government ; for their large profits
permit them to bribe the underlings richly. There is no other
bond amongst the members but self-interest, this is strong enough
to hold the associations together . As an instance of this descrip-
tion, the cotton monopoly at Canton may be mentioned : a num-
ber of Fokeen merchants had there agreed to export exclusively
the foreign article to their homes and to Formosa, under certain
conditions, agreed upon amongst themselves . This prerogative
they maintained in spite of competition and capital, and most suc-
cessfully defeated, during many years, all the plans for interfering
in their business .
The only company of privileged merchants are the salt monopo-
lists, who may be found throughout the vast empire. The bar-
gain between them and the government is, that they should buy
the salt at a certain price from the manufacturer, and sell it, like-
wise, at a fixed rate to the consumer, and for this privilege they
pay a sum of money into the hands of an inspector. The money
thus furnished by these traders amounts to more than seven mil-
lion taels per annum . This, however, is merely a direct tax ; to
the mandarins, and even the Emperor, it remains to make, from
time to time, application, either in their own personal behalf, or
for public exigencies : in this respect, they are not much better
off than the Hong merchants of yore. But they have, also, the
means of revenging themselves upon the common people, by rais-
ing their prices, the government faithfully assisting them in driv-
ing intruders from the market, and seizing smugglers . The latter,
however, especially on the sea-coast, where immense quantities of
salt are manufactured, are too strong to be suppressed, and carry
on lucrative illicit trade in the commodity. There are not many
instances of these companies becoming bankrupt, and individuals
who have a share in the salt concern are, from that circumstance,
considered rich . Several mandarins are appointed to examine
their ledgers, to assist in the transportation, and to take effectual
measures to prevent any want of this necessary article.
It may be proper to mention pawnbrokers, for though these are
not strictly merchants, they are, nevertheless, monopolists, and
form companies, not merely confining themselves to take articles
in pawn, but speculating to a considerable amount in everything
which promises profit. So great is their influence upon the
people at large, that when they stop their business, there is a
stagnation of all trade (see description of pawnshops at page
96) . The government fully recognises their establishments and
companies, exacts for this a trifling direct tax, but looks upon
them as a never-failing source of supplies whenever any wants are
felt . There exists, generally, the best understanding between
them and the authorities, who find it a decided advantage to assist
them, and thus render the poorer classes obedient to their rule.
Rich officers often become partners, though nominal only, and
even public money on high interest is entrusted to their care.
The populace, however, bear pawnbrokers a never- dying grudge ;
and after their having acquired considerable capital, the lower
classes frequently, with one accord, plunder their whole property,
without the civil powers being able to rescue them from the ruth-
less hands of the rabble. Yet, though they are the source of
much woe and grinding oppression, they still deserve the credit
of keeping the wheels of commerce revolving by seasonable sup-
plies, by their semi-banking operations.
We may now proceed to an examination of the particulars of
the inland trade. This may conveniently be divided into northern,
central, and southern.
1st. The Northern. We are accustomed in Europe , to find
amongst the nations of a colder clime more manufactural indus-
try than in the south ; there are more wants, and, therefore, a
great many ready devices to supply them. Such, however, is not
the case in China. Little mechanical skill exists there to work
up the raw produce of the land, and to heighten the natural riches
of the country, by adapting the same to general use : up to the
present moment, the majority of the peasantry still wear sheeps'
skins, dress themselves in cottons imported from the other pro-
vinces, and scarcely even manufacture from hemp or wool the
coarsest stuffs for their own consumption . The same awkward-
ness is also perceived in their workmanship of metal, which is of
the rudest description . Their dwellings are comparatively miser-
able, for they do not well understand to bake and burn the clay,
and are content to live in filth and misery . Peking is the largest
capital in Asia, it contains , in its walls, the wealth of Eastern and
Central Asia. From the wide Chinese Empire, with all its tribu-
tary states, the most opulent princes, officers , merchants , and in-
triguants , make the court alternately their home, and spend their
substance. One would, therefore, expect that the inhabitants
would, by their ingenuity, administer to the various wants created
by luxury, and excel all others in manufacturing skill. Instead of
this, however, Peking imports almost every article, and though
the Empress breeds silkworms, and weaves herself, to encourage
this branch of industry, there are no others to imitate her example.
Second-rate cities in the southern provinces, exhibit a far greater
variety of trades, and ingenuity of execution, than is evinced in
the huge assemblage of buildings with which the imperial court
is surrounded.
There is, in fact, little commerce at Peking beyond the imme-
diate wants of the inhabitants .
De Lange, the Russian minister at the court of Peking, accounts
for merchants and other traders not wishing to come to the capi-
tal from different and distant provinces. He states, that the
great lords oppress the merchants (strangers) to such a degree,
and take their goods from them upon any frivolous pretence ; and
for payment, there is not the least hope held out.
For this reason, all merchants of any standing in Peking, put
themselves under the protection of some of the princes of the
blood, or high ministers ; and by this means, with the aid of a
large sum of money paid annually, they are able to escape the ex-
tortions of the mandarins, and common Tartar soldiers . Without
such protection, no merchant could stand the unjust calls made
on him ; where every one in office thinks he has a right and fair
claim on people who live by trade. As to looking for redress, it
is useless, as the goods are ordered to be brought to the tribunal
of justice ; and he is reckoned a clever fellow that will ever see
them again.
One reason of the inconsiderable trade of the north, is the
want of roads, since the nature of the soil admits of very few
canals. Goods must, therefore, be transported on the backs of
men, and although wages are very low, and there are plenty of
men to engage in the work, still transportation becomes, in this
manner, expensive.
The sundry disadvantages, however, under which the inland
commerce labours, are greatly obviated by the industry, enterprize,
and money- seeking disposition of the inhabitants of Shanse pro-
vince. To say that they are the Jews of northern China, would be
a very faint description of their restless desire after gain. They
will convert every article which can be found, how unseemly
soever, into merchandize, and laugh at dangers and fatigues, if
they can realise some cash. The consequence is, that there are
great capitalists amongst them, that banking establishments must
have a Shanse partner, and that the caravans are almost exclu-
sively composed of this race.
Chihle is the most sterile province of the empire, but the esta-
blishment of the court within its jurisdiction, is some compensa-
tion for its natural defects. It has, however, scarcely any exports,
excepting a very inferior kind of date, and some kind of agate
stone, and salt. The latter article, when obtained at the sea- side,
is piled up along the Peiho river, opposite to Teéntsin, in large
mounds, to the number of 400 or 500, containing no less than from
4,000 to 10,000 peculs, and then overlaid with earth until there is
a demand for it. The vessels that carry it up into the country,
amounting to no less than one thousand in number, ply without
cessation. Teentsin supplying this necessary of life not only to
its own province, but all the north-western parts of territory be-
longing to the empire, has in the manufacture and transporta-
tion of this article, a very flourishing trade. The salt merchants,
natives of Shanse, who engage also largely in banking, are
looked upon as the most wealthy individuals in the neighbourhood,
and as the arbitrators of the whole trade. The moment they com-
mence carrying away their saline stores, all is bustle, every branch .
of industry thrives, and the whole populace is employed ; but as
soon as they stop, scarcely any merchant dares to speculate. The
trade varies very much, and humid weather, as well as encroach-
ments of the sea upon the salt-beds, make great havoc upon this
perishable commodity. The fixed sum paid to government is at
present 430,000 taels, allowing this to be the twentieth part of
the actual trade, the amount of capital employed in this branch
would be 8,600,000 taels ; a very considerable sum . There has
latterly been a great increase, so that the revenue, as it stands
above, has been almost doubled.
The inland trade of this province, is considerably increased by the
rendezvous of about 6000 grain junks from all parts of the empire,
carrying no less than 2,561,000 shih of rice. Although this enor-
mous quantity is stored up in the granaries of the capital, and
given to the officers, Mantchoos and Mongouls, still a great deal
is sold, and causes no trifling speculation at Teéntsin, where the
grain market, in August, is one of the largest in the whole world.
But this is not the only source of traffic. To all the sailors and
captains of these boats a certain quantity of stowage is allowed,
on their own account, and their articles pass free of custom-
house duties. Teentsin, therefore, resembles on their arrival in
July and August a great fair, presenting every imaginable article
for sale, and judging from the number of speculators , there is a
great trade, though divided amongst thousands of shareholders.
It is impossible to speak of the actual amount ; but it is not over-
rating the amount of capital employed in it, if making it equiva-
lent to the quantity of grain carried by the junks.
Chihle has another article of exportation, in coals, of rather an
inferior description, obtained on the spot, and sent to the southern
districts, where fuel is extremely scarce.
On the eastern frontier of this province at Shanhoek wan is the
great thoroughfare for the cattle, which come from Mantchoo
Tartary. This traffic has however lately greatly decreased, and
last year the whole of the duties realized was only 28,000 taels,
about one-tenth of the former revenue. One thirtieth upon the
prime cost is the average duty raised, and this would give a fair
estimate of this branch of trade.
Shense. The sterile mountainous nature of this province
sharpens the intellect of the inhabitants, and drives them from
their homes to seek somewhere else a subsistence. They are,
however, notwithstanding these defects, as much attached to their
country as the Swiss ; and never fail to return as soon as they
have amassed sufficiently to spend their future days with ease, or
even to support for a year or more their relatives in affluence, after
which they resume their toils in a distant station .
The principal articles of exportation are iron, porphyry, jasper
and other stones ; also musk, for the deer abounds in the moun-
tain recesses and dells . The gin distilled in the province is very
famous, and an article of considerable exportation . Shense ex-
ports some rudely made agricultural implements, swords and cut-
lery, felt, ready-made clothing, and a few simples. It also carries
on a small trade in flour and other provisions.
Shantung by its internal navigation enjoys very great advan-
tages, from the circumstance of the great canal traversing its
whole breadth, and no less than five flourishing cities are situated
on its banks. But it is merely a transit barter, greatly favoured
by the Chinese government, because besides a single custom-
house-Lintsing, the fixed annual receipts of which are 19,000
taels - it places no other obstacles in the way of this commerce, which
from time immemorial has been in a flourishing condition . Shan-
tung produces a great variety of drugs, known only in the Chinese
pharmacopeia . It also provides the south with pears and cale, a
delicious vegetable ; the value of the export not being less than
one million taels, as it is much sought after. The principal
manufactures are felt, -the caps worn by the Chinese in winter
coming invariably from this province ; and this is a very import-
ant branch of trade, employing several millions of capital . The
inhabitants weave also tolerable carpets, and moreover, manufac-
ture a kind of silky hemp-cloth, much worn by the lower orders,
as a general article of dress. The merchants, however, are not
natives of the province ; and the people therein do not make good
Shense has iron, copper, and gold mines, and carries on its trade
in those articles, which are principally found in the south. To
the north, there are several extensive fertile plains, where millet
grows to great perfection, and forms a considerable article of ex-
portation to Mongolia.
Kansuh has in its southern mountain-range gold and mercury
for exportation, and also musk. Its tobacco is celebrated through-
out China, and several millions worth of this commodity are an-
nually exported. The principal trade is carried on with Turkestan,
though foreigners have usurped it. To prohibit the intercourse,
government levies no duties, and everybody, as long as he remains
within the confines of China, is at full liberty to pursue whatever
branch of commerce he may choose, without any fear of being
The eastern provinces constituting this part of the empire, are
richly watered, have extensive plains, produce grain in abundance,
maintain a large and thriving population, and will at no distant
time, exercise a paramount influence upon all Asia. Including in
this division, Chekeang, Keangse, Keangsoo, Ganhwuy, Honan,
Hoonan, and Hoopih, we have an arena of 414,261 square miles ;
cultivated fields paying to government taxes 3,640,313 king,
84 mow, and inhabitants equal in number to all Europe, namely
197,755,099 ; and these not enervated, but a hale strong peo-
ple . Add to this, that the water communication by rivers and
lakes is always open , so that all parts enjoy the most unfettered
mutual communication with each other, the inland trade must
therefore be of great magnitude. A more mature examination of
the subject, however, is interesting . There is a great and healthy
mass of human beings, athletic and industrious, without caste,
religious prejudices, or political restraint upon its enormous and
unwearied industry, and yet the withering influence of the Confu-
cian automaton system, and a well arranged, thoroughly digested
code for crushing all enterprize out of the beaten track, presents
the majority of them, in a low state of indigence, and barely
able to maintain life. The isolated efforts therefore of indi-
viduals, so capable to extract from the soil the largest possible
quantity of nourishment, is lost for every other grand effort which
requires combined strength, and some more elevated views of future
advantage. A man, who would for instance propose to change
into pasturage some of the rice fields between the Yellow river and
the Yangtsze, which on account of their lowness are frequently
inundated, so that the crop rots in the ground, would be decried as
the worst enemy of the country, anxious to introduce starvation.
It might even be reasonably expected, that the grazing of cattle
would afford far greater profits than a precarious crop. If
anybody in good earnest suggested, that the declivity of the
hills of Ganhwuy, instead of being drawn up in terraces and sown
with some vegetable, or a very indifferent crop of rice, should be
covered with mulberry trees, to encourage the production of raw
silk, both for home consumption as well as for exportation, he
would be punished as a traitor, ready to take the bread out of the
mouths of his fellow-citizens. Referring to a smaller spot better
known to us viz. Chusan, if there some innovator should propose,
that instead of rearing the miserable dwarf fir on the hills, the tea
shrub might be generally substituted, and many hands now
almost starving in cultivating small fields, turn their attention to
preparing the leaf ; the simple answer would be, that the people
must have fuel for cooking their rice, and that to curtail them this
necessary of life, would be teaching them to commit suicide. The
consequence of this all-pervading principle is, that the greater part
of the trade is confined to the necessaries of life, and that free
and active commercial speculations, very soon find their level,
and exhaust themselves in paltry efforts. The nation has still to
learn , that it is not exactly the cultivation of rice and sweet pota-
toes which ensures the best prospect of a maintenance, but rather
such a crop, whatever be its name or nature, which yields the
largest return.
The above may perhaps account for our magnificent ideas res-
pecting the inexhaustible resources of commerce in a country like
central China, not being realized . Take in Europe an equal arena,
with a third of the population, with trifling advantages of water
carriage, and still the inland trade will on a fair average amount to
ten times the amount, which we find in the most flourishing pro-
vinces of China. We must not be led into error by the numerous
boats and junks, many of which carry bulky and very valueless
articles ; one of our moderately laden ships, would be an equi-
valent for a hundred of the largest vessels.
Another very remarkable circumstance is, that some agricultural
productions capable to be reared to a large extent, are just con-
fined to a few spots. Two instances may suffice : raw silk, an
article of so general consuption, is up to the present moment only
produced at Hoo -choo-foo , in a very considerable quantity.
Again, tea which grows in great perfection in numerous places of
Chekeang, is nevertheless confined to a few mountains of Ganh-
wuy. The best description of gunpowder tea, is produced on a
miserably cragged mountain in Taichoo. The same remark also
applies to manufactures. It is perhaps almost incredible, that
there are two districts only where the silks with which all China
is provided, are manufactured, and these are Soochoo and Hoochoo .
Nanking furnishes satin, and nothing else ; some district in
Keangse the porcelain ; and another the grass cloth : and whatever
is made beyond these, is of the most wretched description, barely
adequate to furnish a house-wife with the article for common wear.
Canton makes in this instance an exception ; but it was not the
Chinaman, but the foreigner, that called forth so much ingenuity,
and the imitative power of the populace, so as to emulate their
countrymen. If this is once fairly displayed in other parts, the
result may be the same, and perhaps on a larger scale, for there
are unbounded stores of untouched treasures, which the minds of
enterprizing foreigners will discover. If they be permitted to
traverse the country without let or hindrance, a few years will
suffice to prove the correctness of the above assertion .
The commerce of Chekeang, the northern part of which pro-
vince is in the most civilized condition, has inland water com-
munication, and under the Sung dynasty was the capital, but
the southern districts are mountainous, and possess no local advan-
tages. The grand mart of the inland trade is Hangchoo, very
much celebrated for its crape manufactures, which in vividness of
colour, and beauty of texture, are not exceeded in any part of the
world. It likewise furnishes large quantities of embroidery ; the
amount of both articles, with various other silks, exported an-
nually, is estimated at 12,000,000 taels . The value of raw silk
furnished is still more considerable . In Shaouking, moreover, is a
kind of fermented liquor made, with which the empire is supplied,
and the whole exportation is not under 6,000,000 taels per annum
in value. Hams cured at Kimhwa, and in far greater quantities
than even the Westphalian in Europe, are vended in the other pro-
vinces ; it also exports much raw cotton . The imports are rice for
Keangsoo, on the great canal, cotton manufactures, felt from Shan-
tung -sugar- pulse, &c. The two custom houses of Piksinkwan,
and Nansinkwan, pay annually 384,160 taels, a large sum consider-
ing the low duties, and other circumstances ; which proves without
doubt, that the transit must be very considerable.
Kangsoo is fertile, well watered, has throughout a very easy
water communication, and is rich in produce. Suchan is the centre
of the trade, and the largest manufacturing city in the empire,
if not also the most populous ; it exports more raw silk than any
other place, and may be said to provide all Northern China with this
article. It moreover furnishes a great many small fashionable
articles for the use of females, and is in this respect the Paris of
China. On a very moderate calculation, the manufactured goods .
of this metropolis and the environs are not under sixteen million
taels per annum. The satin of Nanking is valued at three mil-
lions. In other parts of this province the famous cloth " nankeen"
is fabricated, which though having lost his purchasers in the
foreign market, still finds many consumers at home, for it is
durable and wears well. The average amount of this article
would be about five million taels worth per annum. Keangsoo
supplies the southern provinces with grain in dry years, and re-
ceives a quantity of raw produce, such as pulse and flour, iron,
copper, and tin, in return. The trade is always active, and employs
a large capital, at all the cities along the grand canal, but Chin-
keang and Yang-choo are the greatest traffic mart . This place
is remarkable for carrying on a slave trade in beautiful women.
The Chinese government permits parents to sell their children in
time of need, and winks at this abuse of dealing in human flesh .
Weichoo-foo has a very large trade, the citizens being famed for
their cunning and versatile commercial genius, and their great
art in employing capital to advantage.
The following custom-houses tariff, with the annual sums derived
from them, show the extent of the transit trade :-
Henshoo, 191,149 taels ; Yangchoo, 55,723 taels ; Kwaigni,
7,661 taels ; Hwaegan, 201,960 taels ; The Woohoo, 190,042
taels ; Fungyang, 79,820 taels .
Ganhwuy has one great staple article with which it supplies
China and the foreign market, viz.- green teas, to the extent of
six or eight million taels worth annually. It produces, moreover,
the best varnish, an article of general consumption throughout
Central China. Ink is very much in request, and no where is the
article made to equal it in quality. The exportation is not under
under two millions taels annually. The province imports a great
variety of wrought and raw goods. There is no transit custom-
house. The principal trading town is the metropolis of the pro-
vince, Gan-king- foo on the Yangtzekang. The internal canal com-
munication is by no means first- rate, and most of the commerce
of this province is carried on in the waters of that river.
Keangsi has a very bustling and gain-seeking population . The
country though mountainous, especially in the south, has never-
theless very good water communication by means of the Kan
river, which flows through its whole length, and also participates
in the advantages of the mighty Yangtsze stream . Keangsi has
rich mines of gold, iron, tin and lead, the greater part of which
are clandestinely worked, as the government do not appoint officers
to superintend them, but to curb the propensity of the inhabitants
in extracting hidden treasures . Keangsi abounds in excellent
hemp, its grass cloth is the finest, in great demand, and not at
all equalled by the Canton imitation stuffs. There is much
trade in drugs, a very multifarious article, since the Chinese phar-
macopeia admits of the utmost variety, and no nation is so fond
as the Chinese to avail itself of every herb for medical purposes .
Of all the branches of commerce, this is one of the most
flourishing, and the mountains which produce them are more
valuable than if they contained a gold mine. The Keangsinese have
successfully transplanted the Fokeen black tea, and recently ex-
ported about one or one and a-half million of taels worth for the
foreign market . But the grand staple article is the porcelain,
made at Kinkinching, which provides all China with this article,
as it is the only place where it is made in such perfection ; hence
the immense exportation of eight million taels worth, to all parts .
The largest emporium is at Nanchang-foo, and next to it Kew-
keang-foo, both of which have a large transit trade. At Kootang
the duties are 173,880 taels ; and at Kanchow 46,471 . It is at
these stations where most of the goods destined for the south,
for the north, and vice versa pass, but the duties are very mode-
Hunan and Hoopih are very rich provinces in themselves, and
carry on a great trade in raw produce. There is a large commerce
in coals, with which the junks belonging to these provinces prc-
vide all the country along the great canal. Several minerals, such
as iron, lead, and copper, abound . Both provinces export grain in
considerable quantity, and also tobacco. The only manufacture
for foreign consumption is paper, which is sold in other provinces
to great advantage. Though many junks are employed in the
carrying trade, the value of this export though bulky is small,
and of the imports in comparison considerable. Both countries
furnish horses and asses for exportation. Woochang-foo is a con-
siderable trading town, at the confluence of the Honkeang and
Yangtsze, and the inhabitants own a great many river craft.
Yuk-choo-foo is celebrated for its exportation of grain. The
mountains furnish a variety of drugs . All along the banks of the
Yangtsze, which forms the boundary between the two provinces,
may be observed a continuation of junks, of rather grotesque
build, resembling very much the Roman galleys, beautifully
varnished ; some instead of being coppered have a layer of small
pieces of Chinaware, like mosaic work on their bottom .
Hunan is by excellence an agricultural country, furnishing
grain in abundance, whenever the Yellow River, as frequently
happens, does not destroy its dykes . This is the grand staple
article of export to the north-western provinces, and to Mongolia
via the Yellow River, its principal high road of commerce. It ex-
ports rhubarb and musk ; but not one manufactured article.
There is no custom -house to levy transit duties, so that it is im-
possible to arrive even at an approximation of the existing inter-
nal commerce . The fruits, such as almonds and walnuts, find a
market in other provinces .
VINCES OF CHINA . Under the former is comprized Szechuen and
Kweichoo, the latter the Switzerland of China, both contain-
ing some uncultivated ground, and grand mountain scenery.
The population however compared with other parts of China, is
scanty ; Szechuen having on 166,800 square miles, about
21,435,000 inhabitants ; and Kweichoo, 64,554 square miles,
5,288,219 . There are still the unsubdued tribes, which maintain
their own rule, undisturbed in the mountain fastnesses, and though
thorns in the side of the Chinese government, they still set all
the power of the Celestial Empire at defiance. The northern parts
of Szechuen are well watered by the various tributary streams of
the Yangtsze, and therefore allow the husbandman not only to
cultivate for his own use, but also for exportation to Kokonor.
But the rivers are mostly very rapid, aud though light boats can
descend, it is almost impossible to ascend, so that after having
arrived at the place of their destination the boats are broken up.
The navigation, therefore, on the Yangtsze is by no means so
flourishing as further down, where the inhabitants possess
greater skill in managing their river craft, and are also more en-
terprizing, whilst the Szechuenzenese rarely for any length of
time leave their country . They have no manufactures, and what
they sell to their neighbouring wild tribes comes from the western
provinces . The south abounds in medical herbs, and amongst
other things in rhubarb, the best in all China. This is the prin-
cipal branch of inland trade, which the country possesses, and on
the most moderate calculation it exports no less than three mil-
lion taels worth to other parts of China. The musk deer is like-
wise found in the southern mountain ridge, and is sold in con-
siderable quantities . The gold of its mines finds even its way to
Canton, and the northern provinces of India. Brass is also made,
but the copper and zinc mines are clandestinely worked, though
the exportation of the former article is so large, as to provide the
greater part of China with the metal ; hence we may draw a con-
clusion as to the amount. Every other manufacture for the use
of the people at large is imported.
Kweichoo very much resembles the southern part of Szechuen ,
both in production above the ground, as well as metallic riches .
It has silver to pay for the want of grain, which cannot be produced
in sufficient quantity. Its mines supply at the present moment
nearly all the mercury used in the manufacture of vermillion , and
become richer, the more they are dug. It has also iron in abundance .
There are few streams and canals for the transportation of goods,
and the irrigation of fields, and the natives are still on a very
low scale of civilization ; so that every thing they consume in the
shape of manufactures, must come from abroad. • Its iron and
gold mines possess very great celebrity, but it is impossible to
form an estimate of the annual produce. There is very little
internal trade, because the roads during the greater part of the
year are almost impassable ; and the inhabitants are too fond of
their homes to undertake distant journeys.
Fokeen is mountainous, and in many parts a very barren pro-
vince. It has very little inland communication, the busy scene
of its enterprize being the wide ocean. It supplies the greater
part of the best black tea consumed in China.
This has to be transported over the high hills, which form the
boundary of Che-keang, and thence by a tedious and expensive
land carriage to all China, and to the frontiers of Siberia. The
camphor tree is in perfection . With sugar it supplies the far west
and north, though mostly by way of sea, and the best sugar-candy
is made within its territory ; it has, likewise, iron in abundance,
tobacco of the best kind, principally in demand in central China,
but a great want of grain, so that its importation constitutes a
principal branch of the trade ; its indigo is likewise in demand, so
also its alum. Of manufactures it has very few ; the most con-
siderable are grass-cloth, umbrellas, and coarse China ware. These
nake up, especially the latter, very bulky cargoes ; but it has to
import many necessaries of life, and most manufactures .
A French mathematician, Le Comte, who " ran over all China
in five years, from city to city," in 1687, says "that the provinces
I 2
of Honan, Foo-keen, and Kwang-tung, are more barren than the
other provinces, though their mountains are not wholly useless, as
they bear all sorts of trees, suitable for ship-building . The inha-
bitants cut off the boughs, tie eighty or one hundred together, and
make floats (rafts), of them, of nearly a mile long, and drag them
along the rivers and canals, till they have sold them all. These
timber merchants, build temporary houses upon these floats, in
which themselves and family reside during the voyage, which lasts
three or four months .
Kwang-tung has excellent inland communication by water, and
possesses both manufactures, as well as raw produce for the home
trade. The staple article is sugar, and latterly, also an inferior
kind of green tea, which was transplanted with success from the
northern provinces, and is principally manufactured for American
consumption. Kwang-tung also produces cassia and betel nut,
and has very productive iron mines. But the manufacturing in-
dustry, principally engendered and extended by foreign intercourse,
has greatly multiplied the exports to the interior, so that no city
in the empire has superior skill to the Cantonese. There are
the Canton silks, cotton, and grass-cloth manufactures, cheaper,
although not as durable as those of other provinces, and lacquered
ware better than anywhere else ; jewellery of the best descrip-
tion ; stone cutting of various kinds, and in every shape, and a
great variety of knick-knacks, such as mirrors, toilets for ladies, pic-
tures, &c ., for which Canton has no rival in China, and with which
it provides the whole empire. The industry, however, is concen-
trated in the metropolis, and only a few cities, such as Fuh-chow,
participate in the same skill of working up rude materials. When
one takes the multitude of articles into consideration, which Can-
ton sends forth to the other provinces, the amount cannot be far
below the whole of the foreign trade. Whenever articles are met
with handsome and neat, it will be found on enquiry that they
were made at Canton. Canton provides nearly the whole empire
with glass-ware. The whole duty on exports and imports, how-
ever, was only 96,000 taels, which shows at once that the duties
must be very moderate. Canton does not trade to one part of the
empire, but is a general mart for all the provinces, and there is not
a city of any commercial importance, which has not its merchants
established at Canton, and sends some of its productions to the
place . However, the exports exceed by far the imports, the latter
being scarcely two-thirds in value, when compared with the former.
Canton has everywhere its agents, and its corresponding houses,
much capital is lodged there for the sake of a profitable return,
and a disturbance in the trade of this emporium is felt to the very
borders of Siberia and Tibet.
Kwang-si is just the opposite to the former. A great part of the
country is still in a state of nature, or inhabited by aborigines.
There are splendid forests, which supply the Canton market with
timber ; the cassia obtained here is the best in all China, and the
exportation not under three to four million taels worth per annum.
It is also rich in grain, which mostly finds its way to the neigh-
bouring populous metropolis . The navigation on the Chookeang,
which disembogues itself at Canton, is free, and has no custom-
houses, so that the most bulky articles may be carried with very
little cost westward. Kwangsi, however, is almost wholly res-
tricted in its commerce to Kwang-tung, having only very trifling
dealings with Yunnan.
This province is rich in metallic stores, produces and exports
some of the articles which are found in India, but not in great
quantity, and has also precious stones. With other districts little
commerce exists, and the Yuanese buy most of their manufactures
for gold and silver bullion, at the Canton market .
The trade carried on by land between China and the regions
around must be very great, but it is only possible to give some
scattered details. The commerce with Russia will be described
when treating of Kiachta, where it is conducted on the frontiers of
the two empires . With the nature and extent of the trade with
Corea, we are unacquainted, so also with that of Mongolia and
Fung -hwang, on the confines of Mantchooria, is said to be the
only place where the Koreans are permitted to trade. There are
two fairs held annually, with such restrictions on both sides as exist
at Nagasaki (Japan) . But on these and other places, connected with
the trade of millions of people, we are in a state of lamentable and
injurious ignorance .
A considerable trade is carried on between Chinese Tartary and
Kumaon ; the goods exported from Almora, over the Himalayas,
into the Chinese territories, between October, 1840, and May, 1844,
amounted in rupees, to 79,375 . The largest item is 17,000 for
broad cloth ; and for coarse cloth 14,000 rupees ; mole-skin, 4,000 ;
grain, 24,000; and tobacco, 3,000 ; the remaining items consist of
various drugs, spices, &c.
The imports from Chinese Tartary during the above period,
amounted in rupees to 155,700 . The principal articles were,
tincal or borax, 85,000 rupees ; salt, 20,000 ; woollens, 3,000 ;
kuldar rupees, 15,000 .
The imports are purchased by the Almora merchants, from the
Booteans, who reside on this side of the Snowy Range, they are the
carriers between the two countries, and have a monopoly of the
trade, which is a great obstacle to its extension . It is said the
Almora merchants proposed to enter into a bond to pay our govern-
ment 40,000 rupees annually, if they would abolish the Bootia
monopoly, which is a self arrogated one, strictly maintained .
The Bootians profess to be subjects of China, although they prin-
cipally reside in the British territories, and allege that they have
the sanction of that government for continuing the monopoly, which
is not improbable.
The goods sold to the Bootians, are rarely paid for in cash, and
bonds are taken, made payable in cash and goods, at the season of
return traffic. The Kuldar rupees are the only cash return in
India coinage .
It would be desirable to make further examination relative to
this trade, and to ascertain the means for its extension. If we can
establish a regular commercial intercourse with China, through the
north-west provinces of our Indian empire, it would be a great be-
nefit to both countries .
TIBET AND CHINA.-The chief trade of Tibet, is with China.
The caravan, which reaches Lassa in October, sets out for China
in June, and employs eight months on its route to Peking. About
500 men travel together. The principal imports to Lassa, are coarse
silk, piece goods, canvass, European broad cloth, silver bullion,
pearls, coral, chinaware, and a large quantity of tea. The exports
are coarse woollens, gold bullion, Hindostan cotton manufactures,
shells, rhinoceros horns, and peacock feathers . The Tibetans
carry on a trade with Assam, in silver bullion, and rock salt, silks,
rice, and cotton goods. Nepaul serves as an entrepôt ; there are
upwards of 3,000 Nepaulese residing at Lassa, where they act as
gold and silver smiths, and retail dealers in coarse woollen cloth.
More than 130 Cashmerians reside at Lassa, who import shawls
and woollen cloth, and export bullion and teas in great quantities.
In Bootan, the Deb Rajah, sends annually a caravan with Bengal
produce to Tibet . The importation into Bengal consists of gold
bullion in exchange for cotton manufactures . Their coin resem-
bles the sicca rupee.
It is said that the Tibetans are adverse to dealing with Euro-
peans ; such is not the fact, for during Major Turner's embassy,
they applied for leave to build a Tibetan monastery in Calcutta,
and would have done so but for the Chinese at Lassa, who put a
stop to their intercourse with us. They have many articles of
great commercial value, and are rich in various productions ; many
more would probably be found if an intercourse were well esta-
blished, and supply created by demand and by the temptation of
new comforts and luxuries . Under these circumstances, it were
well if we could establish a consul there, for trade with Tibet
would be very likely to extend into the northern provinces of
China. As it is a cold climate, woollen cloths are an almost indis-
pensible necessary ; if the trade could be established, the indepen-
dant tribes of the Great Khano country, a bold, hardy, and highly
industrious race of customers and merchants, and who care no-
thing for China, would soon drive the trade into the province of
Szehuen .
Among the productions are gold, which is found in the rivers ;
silver, copper, iron, and lead ; the lapis lazuli, and the finest borax ;
white and red salt. Wheat, barley, peas, and various vegetables
are abundant. The district of Lassa produces sheep, hogs, horses,
mules, asses, buffaloes, wild sheep, and fowls in great quantities.
Much rice is cultivated in the environs of Lassa. The Tibetans
manufacture silks, cloth , and camlet, which find a ready market
in India. Any thing made in the country is esteemed simply be-
cause it is the residence of the Dalai Lama, and consequently the
stronghold of the religion of Budha.
A large traffic is conducted with the Mohamedan countries west
of China. The country westward of Tibet is Ladakh ; the rajah of
which, a Mohammedan, has been placed under the control of the
Chinese resident at Lassa, in order to restrain the incursions of
his subjects in Tibet . This country borders also upon the Sikh
states. Iskardo or Beldestan, is said to be eight marches north-
east from the city of Cashmere. A high road leads from Iskardo to
Yarkand, in Chinese Turkestan, over which merchants travel in
caravans. Bokhara and Kokan may be said to include all Turkes-
tan (not Chinese) . The rulers of these countries, and the chief
portion of their subjects, are Usbecks and Mohammedans of the
Sunite sect. The connexion of Bokhara with China is friendly.
The bazars of Bokhara are supplied with European merchandize
by the caravans from Russia, and with some British fabrics by the
native merchants from India. A considerable trade is carried on
from Bokhara to Cashgar and Yarkand, where European goods
find their way in exchange for teas.
The natives of Budakshan are on the best terms with the Chi-
nese. The duty charged by China is one in thirty on all traders,
except the Cashmerians, who pay one in forty, as their commerce
is extensive.
A caravan from Yarkand to Peking will occupy better than four
months in the journey. This is occasioned by the Chinese govern-
ment compelling them to travel one road, which is a great round :
on the way there is a most difficult pass which is guarded : but no
obstruction whatever is given to the Natives going to Peking, or
remaining there. The military posts throughout the journey are
very numerous, and the centinels are composed of Usbecks and
Chinese. The trade in raw silk and cattle, is extensive : the goods
taken from Peking are chiefly tea, and various manufactures .
From Yarkand, Ladak (i.e. Little Tibet) may be reached in
about sixteen days. Thence to Cashmeer, a caravan will take
twenty-five days ; a quick rate of travelling in fourteen days.
Yarkand to Oksu is about twenty days journey, the country be-
ing very woody.
There is a considerable traffic with Ava : Grosier, the Jesuit
missionary, in his description of China, early in the seventeenth
century, states that at Pou- eul, a village in the province of Yun-
nan, which is on the frontiers of Assam, Ava, and Laos, people col-
leet from the adjacent country ; but that the entrance is forbidden
to foreigners, who are only permitted to approach as far as the
bottom of the mountains, where an exchange of commodities takes
place ; the chief article from China is cha (tea) , which is rolled up
like tobacco. According to Arrians Periplus, this trade was carried
on much after the same form sixteen hundred years ago ; the peo-
ple are described as men of short stature, with large foreheads
and flat noses, called Sefatae or Bafadae. These come every year
to the frontiers, not being permitted to enter the country. They
make baskets of leaves, which they sew together with the fibres of
bamboo, and fill them with the leaves of a certain plant (tea) , rolled
up into balls, which are of three sorts, depending on the size and
quality of the leaves ; and denominated balls of the larger, middle,
and smaller size ; these are carried all over the country.
The Singphos of Assam are separated from the Singphos of Bur-
mah by the Palkoi Chain of mountains. The Chinese carry on a
considerable trade with these Singphos, and through the medium
of their country with Assam.
The Chinese province of Yunnan is separated from a navigable
channel of the Irrawadi only by a mountain chain. The mer-
chants, by a short journey across the mountains, arrive at a place
called Catmow, on the banks of that river.
Boats are here procurable for conveying goods ; and dropping
down the Irrawadi, due south, in three or four days, anchor at
the mouth of a river called Nan-yang. They ascend this river in
a north-west direction, and in five or six days they reach Ming-
kung, the chief depôt of the Chinese trade. This town is about
twenty days' journey from Assam .
The following remarks on the principal articles of trade, may be
recorded as useful for reference :
EXPORTS .-Alum is exported in large quantities to India, price
about one and a half dollar per pecul ; the market is well supplied,
but it is often found adulterated . The consumption in China is
considerable for the purification of water, and sizing bamboo-paper
for foreign printing . The Parsees are the principal exporters.
Aniseed stars are sent chiefly to India ; the price about eight and
a half dollars a pecul. Oil of anisced goes to Europe and the
United States ; the average export is about 200 peculs , at 110 dol-
lars per pecul.
Arsenic, obtained by sublimation from the native sulphurit of
arsenic or hartall, is sent almost all to India, where it is exten-
sively used as a medicine .
Bamboo and bamboo ware. There is scarcely a domestic article
in which the bamboo is not a whole or component part, from the
cradle to the coffin . The export is large, but no account is kept.
Clothes sent to South America, made of nankeen and grass -cloth ;
no returns ofthe amount. i
Cassia is exported to all parts of the world from China ; it is set
down at 36,000 peculs, price about nine dollars per pecul ; it was
formerly all smuggled . The Ceylon and Malabar cassia is report-
ed to be much inferior to the Chinese. The wood, bark, leaves,
and oil, of the cassia tree, are in request : the cassia oil is rated at
150 dollars a pecul ; the trade in the article is about 250,000 dol-
lars annually .
China-ware when first introduced to Europe, brought an enor-
mous price ; comparatively little is now exported, and that of an
inferior sort ; a table set of 276 pieces, sells from twelve to seventy
taels ; breakfast set, twenty pieces, three taels ; tea set, 100 pieces,
thirteen taels. The amount of export 50,000 dollars.
Cubebs are chiefly shipped to India, and are valued at eighteen
dollars a pecul ; 18,500 pounds, were sent to England in 1830 ;
but the Dutch carry on a large trade, as the best are obtained in
Furniture. Mostly shipped to private orders ; cabinet work is
good , but the veneering is poor, owing probably to inferior glue.
Curiosities. These include the various fancy articles made in
China, viz : screens, cups, fans, vases, lacquer-ware, ivory, and
curiosities of every device and shape. Fans are an article of large
export to South America ; in 1836-37,170,000 fans were shipped
to America at one and a half dollar per thousand.
Gamboge, is found in China and Siam, and used as a pigment
and medicine. It is largely exported from China and Singapore ;
price ranges about fifty dollars per pecul.
Glass beads. Twenty years ago, the Chinese were large im-
porters of glass, but they now export it. In 1836 there were 1,345
boxes shipped, at eighteen dollars per box.
Glue. - The Chinese glue is inferior to the British ; cow-hide
glue is exported to India, and fish glue made from the noses and
sounds of fish is used in cooking as a jelly.
Grass-cloth. This beautiful fabric, the linen of China, is made
from the fibres of the sida, and is universally used by the Chinese,
and dyed of various colours ; the exports are chiefly to South Ame-
rica and India.
Hartall or Orpiment. - Chiefly exported to India for the Moham-
medans. Six hundred and twenty peculs sent in 1836, at fourteen
dollars per pecul.
Kitty solls, or paper parasols, are exported to India and the
Straits, in boxes of 100 each, and are put down at nine dollars per
Lead, white and red, is manufactured by the Chinese in great
quantities, and chiefly for home use. Captains of ships supply
themselves for painting ; the export is insignificant ; the quality
very inferior to European paint.
Marble slabs . This article was prohibited from export, but sent
to India, Sydney, and America. The prohibition is now taken off.
The colours are red and blue, and the slabs , which are about a foot
square, make a handsome pavement for halls. Ten slabs go to a
pecul, and sell for twenty-five dollars per 100.
Mats are exported from China to all parts of the world ; but
principally to India, America, and Australasia. Table mats are
very beautiful ; the demand has increased for them, and conse-
quently augmented the importation of rattans. Thousands of peo-
ple are employed in the manufacture of mats for boat sails ; fifty
mats of six feet by four, go to a bundle, or 100 catties ; price fif-
teen dollars per bundle. There is a large exportation from Chusan.
The annual exportation to the United States is upwards of 10,000
rolls of forty yards each, at four dollars a roll.
Mother o'Pearl sent to South America, and elsewhere, in small
Nankeens. So named from Nanking, where it was originally
made. There are many imitations, but the Chinese excel in it
still. The prices vary from forty-five dollars to ninety dollars
per hundred pieces . It is extensively worn by the natives ; the
exportation is trifling.
Pictures.-There are many shops in Canton and Macao, where
oil paintings are for sale, and where portraits are taken ; no duty
has ever been levied on them . Rice paper pictures are largely ex-
ported to South America ; the elegant colouring of them is well
known . The paper is improperly called " rice paper," as no rice
is used in its manufacture, it is simply the pith of a plant that is
Pearls.-False pearls are made in China in immense quantities,
for the use of the Chinese, and for export to India, where they are
much worn as ornaments. They are packed in boxes of 100,000
in each box, which is about one pecul ; and they are valued at fif-
teen dollars per box.
Paper. The export of coloured paper is very considerable to,
India, as the climate does not injure it, and foreign paper sized
with glue, does not so well stand the tropical heat and moisture ;
the consumption is great. With the exception of a fine paper,
called Nankin, (which is made from cotton wool), all other paper
is made from bamboo . When strong paper is required, two, three,
or four sheets are joined together, for ledgers and account books.
Preserves.-The Chinese candy almost everything eatable, such
as millet-seeds, bamboo -shoots, ginger, &c., which are hawked
about the streets, and exported to all countries, particularly to
India, the United States and South America. The total is about
10,000 boxes, valued at 50,000 dollars. A box is twenty-five cat-
Rhubarb grows in China and Tartary ; the price varies from
thirty-eight dollars per pecul upwards. About 1,500 peculs are
exported at an average of fifty dollars per pecul . The Chinese
is inferior to the Russian or Turkey rhubarb.
Silk organzine or silk thread, is used in weaving piece goods .
Silk-thread, ribbons, and piece goods are largely exported to Ame-
rica ; silk piece goods are exported in large quantities to Mexico,
Peru, and Chili.
Silk. The mulberry is cultivated all over China, except in the
most northerly regions. The best is called Nankin raw silk, and
chiefly exported to England. In 1833-34, the price was from
300 dollars to 350 dollars per pecul. The annual exportation was
14,000 bales ; in 1836-37, upwards of 20,000 peculs, at 500 dol-
lars per pecul ; and since that period the exportation has greatly
increased .
Shoes -Chinese shoes are seldom exported, except a few em-
broidered pairs ; little or no calf skin is used ; horse, cow, and
buffalo hides are tanned with saltpetre and urine : the leather is
porous and bad. The price varies from fifty cents to one dollar per
pair. Considerable quantities are shipped for South America.
Soy.- This well- known sauce is made from the Dolichos bean,
which grows in China and Japan ; the beans are boiled soft with
wheat or barley of equal quantities, and left for three months to
ferment ; salt and water are then added, when the liquor is pressed
and strained. Good soy is agreeable when a few years old ; the
Japan soy is superior to the Chinese. Large quantities are ship-
ped for England and America.
Silver ware and gold ware.- The shops in Canton make display
of gold and silver ware of an elegant style of chased workmanship.
Sydney and South America are the best markets.
Sugar-candy, made by chrystalising raw sugar ; the best comes
from Fookeen, called " Chinchew," from which district, especially
from the port of Amoy, the exportation is likely to increase ; for-
merly large shipments went to America, now the export is chiefly
to India.
Sugar was probably first cultivated in China, where its proper-
ties were known long before its introduction to Europe. The cul-
tivation of sugar is scarcely sufficient to supply the China market.
The varieties of the cane are numerous, and the process of manu-
facture simple ; but all performed by manual labour. The sugar in
use with the Chinese is about five dollars per pecul . It is very ex-
tensively consumed in every part of China.
Tobacco is almost wholly exported to the Eastern Archipelago ;
it is much weaker than the American ; the quantity sent is not
Tea. The total exportation of tea by sea from China, is upwards
of seventy-five million pounds, viz .: England 50,000,000 ; United
States 20,000,000 lbs.; and all other countries 5,000,000 lbs .
which, at twenty taels per pecul, amounts to 11,280,000 taels of
silver at eighty pence the tael, £3,760,000 . The present duty of
two taels five mace does not include shipping and other charges ;
the old duty was five taels, and included all charges paid the Hong
Turmeric. The root of an herbaceous plant, less in use as dye
than as a spice in making curries ; price from five to seven dollars
a pecul.
Tortoise-shell ware -Made into various fancy articles ; exporta-
tion considerable to all parts of the world.
IMPORTS . Agar-agar.- The Malay name for a jelly or glue,
made from a marine fucus ; it is brought from the Eastern
Archipelago. The bamboo lattice work for lanterns is covered with
paper, which when saturated with this gum is semi-transparent.
It is used also in the manufacture of silk and paper, and is prefer-
able to flour for making paste, as insects avoid it. When boiled
with sugar, it forms a sweet jelly. and much resembles our calves-
foot jelly. Its cheapness and admirable qualities, render it worthy
of attention in other countries. It is obtained in New Holland,
New Guinea, and other adjacent islands. It is found extensively
in Ireland, and called " Irish moss." From 450 to 500 peculs are
imported annually by the Chinese, at prime cost of one and a half
to two dollars per pecul.
Amber. This fossil is found on the shores of the Indian Archipe-
lago, and in small quantities on the coast of China ; the greatest por-
tion of amber comes from the eastern coast of Africa ; its value for-
merly was very great as an incense, and for ornaments. Transparent
yellow pieces are the best ; the price is from eight to fourteen dol-
lars per catty, according to size and quality.
Ambergris - Is a substance found in the intestines of the sper-
maceti whale ; 362 ounces have been found in a single whale. A
great portion of it is picked up after strong winds on the shores of
the Indian and Pacific Ocean. The best kind is solid, opaque, ash-
coloured, fatty, inflammable, resembling wax, and gives off an agree-
able odour when heated. It has no taste or smell when cold . The
pure white is bad.
Arrack. A spirituous liquor distilled from different substances
in different countries ; in Ceylon it is made from the juice of the
cocoa-nut ; in Java from rice chiefly. The rice is first boiled, and
when cool, a quantity of yeast is added, and the whole pressed into
baskets, and placed over tubs for eight days ; during this time the
liquor flows from the rice, which is then distilled, mixed with sixty-
two parts of molasses, and three parts of toddy, and then left
to ferment for a week ; when the fermentation is over, the arrack
is distilled two or three times, according to the strength required.
Java arrack is sold at forty cents a gallon, and some for thirty cents .
Assafoetida is the concrete juice of the ferula assafoetida tree,
which grows in Persia ; it is brought to this market from Bombay,
and ranks high in the Materia Medica of the Chinese physician.
The vessels employed to carry it are so imbued with the odour,
that they spoil most other goods : it is an unimportant article of
Bees-wax has been introduced by foreigners from India and
Europe, though the Chinese collect it largely themselves. The
islands of Timor and Timorlaut send 20,000 peculs annually to
China and India, at a prime cost of five dollars per pecul ; the
consumption is small in the eastern parts of China ; wax is only
employed to incase the tallow, which from the heat of the climate
in the southern districts never becomes hard.
Betel-nut.— Is a large article of import ; 25,000 peculs is the
amount returned, but there is an immense quantity imported in
Chinese junks from Hainan, of which we have no account. The
leaf of the betel pepper, and the nut of the arica palm , (Arica-cate-
chu), together constitute this article, which is improperly called
It is used as a masticatory throughout the east, but as an article
of commerce, the nut is sold separately, under the name betel- nut ,
because it is always used with the leaf of the betel pepper. The
areca-nut resembles the nutmeg in shape and colour, but is larger
and harder. The produce of a single tree is about fourteen pounds,
and the cultivators sell it at half a dollar a pecul. The betel pep-
per is the vine from which the leaf is obtained, and for which alone
it is cultivated . The flavour is peculiar, between a herbaceous and
an aromatic taste : it is cultivated throughout the south of China.
When prepared for use, the nut is cut into slices and wrapped
in the fresh leaves, together with a quantity of quick -lime, to give
it a flavour. All classes, male and female, chew it ; they say it
sweetens the breath, strengthens the stomach, and preserves the
teeth, to which it gives a reddish hue : there is probably less objec-
tion to its use than tobacco, and its taste is more pleasant.
Most of the betel-nut imported in China, comes from Java, Sin-
gapore, and Penang. Betel-nut is not so generally used in the
south of China as among the southern islanders, and in the north
of China it is a luxury, as the pepper does not grow freely there.
Beche-de-Mer.-A sea slug, which forms an important article of
commerce between the islands of the Indian Archipelago and
China . It is found on all the islands from New Holland to Suma-
tra : its common length is about ten inches . It is smoked and
dried . The Chinese use it by itself, or as ingredient in other
dishes ; they consume large quantities under the belief that it is
aphrodisiac . The varieties are divided into thirty in number, and
vary in price from eighty dollars down to one and a half dollars
per pecul. That from Macassar sells at sixty-four dollars per
Birds'-nests . —Are principally brought from Java and Sumatra,
and are usually divided into seven classes or qualities, of which
four are clean and three unclean . The nest is made by a small
bird ( Hirundo esculenta), and is like isinglass, of a white colour
inclining to red . The weight of the nest is about half an ounce, and
in size it is larger than a goose egg ; when dry, white, and clean, it is
most valuable : the quality varies according to situation and time
of taking ; if procured before the birds are fledged or with eggs,
they are then clean and more valuable : if the birds have left them,
they are valueless, being dirty and streaked with blood and feathers .
The nests are procurable twice a year ; the best are found in deep,
damp caves, which gave the idea that they are composed of the
spawn of fish or of beche- de-mer . The quality of birds-nests de-
pends on the proportion of which the white, gelatinous substance
bears to the red fleshy part ; feathers and other extraneous matter
are mixed up with the texture . Best kind from Cochin China,
and called the " highest snow-white swallow's nest ;" wholesale
price fifty dollars per catty ; retail price sixty- six dollars per catty.
The inner part of the swallow's nest is a beautiful net-work, and is
said to be spun from the body of the bird, as that of the caterpillar,
spider, &c. The entrance into the principal organ of digestion is
furnished with a ring of peculiar vessels, which secrete the mate-
rial of which the nest is formed.
The method of procuring this extraordinary article of commerce,
is solely confined to those accustomed from their youth to the
trade, the nest being only approachable by descent many hundred
feet perpendicular by bamboo ladders over a surging sea : the ex-
travagant prices given for the nest induces many to peril their
lives for its obtainment. The Chinese are the only people that
use them. The best, or white kind , bring nearly thrice their weight
in silver ; the second quality 1,200 dollars, and the third or dirty
kind about 200 dollars . The principal part of the best kind is sent
to Peking for the court use. The Japanese make no use of them.
In preparing them for use, great labour is bestowed to remove
every stick or feather : they are then stewed into a jelly. The sale
of birds' -nests is a monopoly with all the governments in whose
dominions they are found ; it is estimated that about 244,000
pounds, at a value of 1,263,570 dollars, are annually sent from the
Eastern Archipelago to China. Java alone sends 27,000 pounds,
valued at 60,000 dollars.
Camphor.-The camphor brought to China is from Sumatra and
Borneo. In Sumatra the best is obtained in a district called Barus,
and all good camphor bears that name. It appears that the tree
is cut down to obtain the gum, and that in not one-tenth of the
trees is it found : as they are not cultivated . Barus camphor is
getting scarce the tree must be destroyed before it is ascertained
whether it is productive or not. About 800 peculs are annually
brought to China ; the proportion between Malay and Chinese
camphor is as eighteen to one ; the former is more fragrant, and
not so pungent as the latter .
Cloves are the flower of a large tree, which grows in the Molucca
Islands, at Penang and Singapore, and to some extent at Sumatra.
There are four varieties of cloves ; the best, large and heavy, have
an acid taste, and oily feel. The clove trade is chiefly in the hands
ofthe Dutch. The Molucca cloves, in the Canton market, bring from
twenty dollars to thirty dollars per pecul ; Malay between twelve
dollars and fifteen dollars. The annual importation is more than
400 peculs. Mother cloves, and an inferior description, price from
ten dollars to twelve dollars per pecul ; the average production of
a tree is about ten pounds : the Chinese use them sparingly.
Clocks. - Under this article, clocks, watches, hard-ware, and
fancy cutlery are imported , to the extent of 130,000 dollars, of
which one-half may be calculated as of British make ; the other
half, French and Swiss manufacture. Twenty years ago, half a
million dollars of these goods were imported . The Chinese now
make clocks for their own use.
Canvass. This article is confined to the foreign shipping, but
matting not being so flexible, it is sometimes used for junks. I have
seen canvass sails in some of the Chinese vessels of war. If a good
and cheap sail cloth could be exported, there ought to be a large
demand in China.
Cochineal. About 300 peculs of this article are imported at 100
dollars per pecul. Attempts have been made without success to
raise it in Java, Spain, and India. The climate of Japan and
China being similar to Mexico, it is likely to be introduced, as it is
an indispensable article for dying silks, of scarlet and crimson
colours . The Americans bring it in a purer state than what
comes direct from Mexico by Manilla.
Coral is brought from all the islands of the Indian Archipelago
in native vessels, and is wrought into ornaments ; it was formerly
a large article of import, and came in the East India Company's
vessels from the Mediterranean ; it sells from forty dollars to sixty
dollars a pecul.
Cotton. The importation from India has been considerable .
There were delivered in 1843, 818,600 peculs, of which 578,775
were Bombay ; 89,200 Bengal ; 141,860 Madras ; and 8,832 Ame-
rican . The average of all kinds is about 750,000 peculs at nine
and a-half dollars per pecul, giving a total of 7,125,000 dollars.
The Bombay and Madras cotton has slightly increased , the Bengal
decreased, and the American is increasing.
Cotton manufactures.-The British white long cloths still com-
mand the market ; eight years ago the price was five dollars per
piece, and now two to three dollars . The grey long cloths are
chiefly British. Shipments are now from the United States . In
domestics we cannot compete with the Americans ; the following
statement will give some idea of the imports in 1844 : -
White long cloths 438,647 piecess amounting in value to
1,623,192 dollars ; grey long cloth 671,249 pieces, amounting in
value to 2,109,540 dollars ; grey sheeting and drilling 500,000
pieces at 2-25 dollars amounting to 1,125,000 dollars. I have seen
Russian cottons at Canton.
Cambricks. In this article trials have been made : chintzes were
formerly smuggled, but now enter at two mace per piece. Swiss
and French are preferred to English. Goods should be selected
that are covered with large flowers and leaves, on a green ground ;
but no formal figures nor Chinese representations will sell.
Cotton yarn and cotton thread. This article is nearly all
English and is much in favour. In 1843-44-1,500 bales were im-
ported, the total importation is 40,000 peculs, at an average value of
twenty-five dollars per pecul. Nos. eighteen to thirty-two are the
most saleable. On its first introduction great complaints were
made by the native spinners of their distress in consequence of its.
introduction : water and mule yarn are both used.
Cutch, or Terra Japanica.-This article was supposed to be an
earth, and obtained from the natives of Japan ; but it is now ascer-
tained to be a gummy resin which is extracted from a tree growing
in Persia ; it is imported from Bombay and Bengal, and used for
dying red. Valued at four dollars to five dollars per pecul.
Elephants' teeth. -The exquisite workmanship of the Chinese
in carved work, will always keep this article in ready demand :
from three pounds of ivory the Chinese will make a tray that
will sell for 100 dollars . The ivory imported is re-exported in
carved work, such as miniature boats, chessmen, fans, and boxes,
which as specimens of carving are unequalled in the world. China
is principally supplied from Siam ; the largest teeth are valued at
120 dollars per pecul ; the usual range is from fifty dollars to
eighty dollars per pecul.
Fish maws are the stomachs of fishes, and are a great luxury
to the Chinese : they are chiefly brought in junks from the
Indian islands. Supposed to have strengthening and aphrodisiac
Flints, uncut, are imported as ballast at fifty cents per pecul ;
they are used in tinder boxes and in glass manufactories.
Glass and glass-ware.- Forty years ago broken glass-ware was
an important item in the trade, but the Chinese are making their
own glass, and improving rapidly. In Canton alone there are a
great number of small establishments ; it is only elegant chrystal
ware that is saleable at Canton. 10,000 dollars is the nearest
estimate can be given of the annual importation . Window-glass
ought to sell well in the northern ports.
Ginseng.-The root of a tree, as an article of trade is confined
to the Americans. The paternal estate of the Emperor in Tar-
tary furnishes a supply to the market, which he allows his subjects
to buy at its weight in gold ; the Co-hong were compelled to pur-
chase annually 140,000 dollars worth, and for that sum were
presented with a few catties : the Chinese esteem it a cure for
allills. In 1842-43, the quantity imported was 3,000 peculs,
and the price forty-eight dollars per pecul. It is an uncertain
fluctuating trade . When first introduced from America the profit
was enormous.
Gold and silver thread : large quantities are brought in from
England and Holland ; the Dutch is the best in embroidering
dresses, caps and shoes ; it is in constant demand .
Benzoin or Benjiman, the concrete juice of a small tree which
grows in Borneo ; but unlike the camphor tree it is cultivated .
The different varieties bear a high proportion to their goodness,
the finest quality from fifty dollars to 100 dollars per pecul ; it
is the frankincense of the East, and has been used for incense in
the Roman Catholic, the Hindoo, Mohammedan, and Budhistic
temples, and probably in the Israelitish worship. Wealthy Chinese
fumigate their houses with its grateful odour. The Parsees are
the only foreigners who import benzoin ; the price has declined
of late years .
Olibanum.-A gum resin which grows in Arabia and India, and
is in similar use as benzoin as a perfume, but in more general use
from its cheapness : the price is three dollars ; the best is as high
as ten dollars per pecul.
Dragons' blood is the juice of the calamus rolang or rattan, and
grows wild in Borneo : its uses are various in medicine, varnishes ,
and painting ; the Chinese esteem the gum highly : the price after
purifying it, is about eighty dollars or ninety dollars per pecul.
Horns and bones, chiefly from the neighbourhood of the Persian
gulf. Buffaloes' horns are worked into lanterns of the most beau-
tiful kind ; also into buttons and boxes of an elegant finish ; 500
peculs have been imported into Canton in one year.
Rhinoceros' horns.-The best come from Cochin-China, and
sometimes sell for 300 dollars a piece : the worst come from
India, which are sold for thirty dollars a piece. The Chinese work
the finest into elegant cups and other articles ; but its chief use is
in medicine : it is also an article of commerce between China and
Linen is almost entirely purchased by the foreign community :
the Chinese wear no under garments, strictly speaking, and their
own linen cloth is cheaper than ours .
Metals.-The consumption of metals from foreign countries de-
pends on the price ; if high, the Chinese use their own . There
are in China mines of lead, tin, quicksilver, calamine, &c.
Copper is found in Borneo, Japan, Sumatra, and Timor. The
copper found in Japan contains gold in alloy : it is brought to
market in bars six inches long, weighing four or five pounds : it is
the most valuable found in Asia. The Dutch and Chinese export
from Japan more than 2,000 tons annually. There is an alloy
found in China called white copper ; it has superseded English
copper from the bright silver-like appearance when polished.
Dish covers, plates, candlesticks, and various ornamental and
domestic articles are made of this " white copper."
Iron is an article of importance in China, where it can be im-
ported at a low figure. It is seldom brought in pigs ; bar-iron
from one to three inches wide, rod of half inch and less : bar is
1-80 dollars to two dollars per pecul ; and rod three dollars to
3-50 dollars ; and scrap about 2-50 dollars per pecul . When the
price in England rises above this, the Chinese fall back on
their own mines, which are numerous : the average import is
about 23,000 peculs.
Lead. The market price for pig and sheet lead is from four
dollars to five dollars per pecul ; China is supplied from England
and America : the English had all the trade at one time, but the
Missouri mines furnish it so much cheaper that English lead is
completely excluded . About 40,000 peculs is the amount im-
ported . There is a great consumption in lining tea chests, and
camphor boxes . The Chinese melt it into sheets in an ingenious
manner. The latest return shows 120,000 dollars which may all
be considered as American.
Spelter. This was formerly monopolised, so that no foreigners
could buy or sell it .
Tin. This metal is found pure and abundant in the island of
Banca, price about fifteen dollars to seventeen dollars per pecul ;
the whole importation does not exceed 5,000 peculs. Tin plates
are brought from England and the United States, and sell for
ten dollars per box of 112 pounds, containing from 80 to 120 plates.
The most current article is marked J. C. , and each 112 pound box
contains 225 sheets..
Quicksilver.This formerly amounted to 3,000 peculs, but the
rise in the price of it in Europe led the Chinese to work their own
mines. A great part is converted into vermillion by oxydization,
and used for painting on porcelain ; the price ranges from 80
dollars to 130 dollars a pecul.
Steel. Swedish and English steel was a large article of com-
merce, but has declined ; the Chinese are not skilled in working
it, and their attempts at cutlery are very imperfect : they esti-
mate steel merely as iron of a good quality, and are unwilling to
give a good price for the metal.
Rattans are made up in bundles of 100, and sold as low as six
cents a bundle by the natives in Borneo, where the principal
quantity is obtained ; they are imported to the extent of 20,000
peculs annually in foreign bottoms, besides an immense quantity
in native vessels. The Chinese use them for mats, chairs, baskets,
and beds ; and they build houses or sheds in the south of China
of them for five dollars each house.
Rice. This is the only article the Chinese ever offer a bounty
for ; the price fluctuates according to the seasons from one and
three quarter dollars to eight dollars per pecul. Siam and the
Indian Islands, particularly Bali and Lombock, supply large quan-
tities .
Saltpetre was prohibited, and none could be entered through
the custom-house. The Chinese had an idea foreigners imported
it to make gunpowder. It comes from Sumatra by Singapore,
and it used to sell for thirty dollars per pecul .
Sharks' fins.- These are sought for in every direction for the
market ; the Chinese esteem them highly as a stimulant, and
tonic ; about 500 pieces are in a pecul, and sell for six dollars to
eight dollars a pecul. The very best sells for 125 dollars a pecul ;
the difference is owing to the age and species of the shark.
Soap. This article so essential to cleanliness, is increasing in
consumption : the Chinese make none : some is brought from
Bengal of a coarse gritty substance.
Sea-horse' teeth.-Imported through Macao, and brought from
California, and Western America ; used in the same manner as
ivory and in good demand, as are also the teeth and tusks of the
Wine, beer, and spirits. — With the exception of a little cherry-
brandy and what is consumed by the officials, all attempts to in-
troduce these liquors have as yet failed . A free intercourse with
China would probably promote the consumption.
Woods, ebony and sandal. - Of ebony, Mauritius' is the best, and
sells for three dollars a pecul ; Ceylon' two dollars ; and Manilla
one a-half dollars . The Chinese forests supply them with a large
quantity of beautiful woods . The Portuguese bring seven dif-
ferent kinds of sandal-wood principally from the island of Timor ;
price from two dollars to fourteen dollars per pecul .
Woollen goods.-The Dutch blankets are preferred to English,
and sell as high as twelve dollars a pair ; a large quantity of Saxon
and Belgium ladies-cloth, imitation of English, sold much cheaper,
which is the inducement with the Chinese to buy, in everything.
Longells (scarlet) is the prevailing colour, and may be quoted eight
dollars to nine dollars a piece. Dutch camlets sell for double the
price of English : they were formerly all smuggled ; broad cloth
Spanish stripes 30,000 pieces, 600,000 yards, at one and a quarter
dollar per yard 750,000 dollars ; longells, 50,000 pieces at 7-50
per piece 375,000 dollars ; English camlets 10,000 pieces at twenty-
two dollars per piece 220,000 dollars ; Dutch camlets 1,000 pieces
at thirty dollars per piece 30,000 dollars. The woollen trade has
not increased, and the Russian barter trade has driven the
English out ; Belgian and Saxon cloths are interfering with us.
Rich Chinese wear silks wadded with cotton which look better
and wear longer.
COASTING TRADE OF CHINA.- The Chinese, as shown at page
194, were probably the first who invented the compass, and were
navigators of the sea at a very early period . This is however the
only improvement of which they can boast ; quadrants, sextants,
and chronometers, are entirely unknown to their mariners. What
they did a thousand years ago, they do now, creeping along the
coast, if possible in sight of land, thereby obtaining a very accu-
rate knowledge of the landmarks, and becoming versed in cur-
rents, tides, and the shifting of winds. But a Chinese sailor is
hopelessly lost in the high seas, and celebrates the day on which
he again beholds the land, with the fervour of a discoverer. This
may in part account for the otherwise inexplicable circumstance,
that a nation so devoted to the sea and having so many excellent
sailors, has not latterly ventured beyond the nearest port in Japan,
and the west coast of Formosa, and even carry on no trade with the
Koreans . And yet they are not people that fear a heavy sea, but
have served on board of our ships and men-of-war with far greater
credit than Lascars.
The government has not latterly been favourable to marine
trade, because those engaged in it were beyond its immediate
control, and in many instances braved the whole force of the
Celestial Empire .
There are only two provinces extensively engaged in maritime
commerce, whilst the sailors of the other parts confine themselves
to short voyages, and never go beyond the beaten track. These
are Kwangtung and Fookeen , the great carriers of every kind of
produce by sea.
Commencing with the south, the island of Haenan has a great
variety of articles for the northern market. Its sugar, areca nuts,
rose and eagle woods, are taken in Chaou-choo junks to Shang-
hai and Teëntsin, and give invariably a profitable return . The
exportation of the former is not under 600,000 peculs per annum.
The natives do not engage in these distant voyages, but prefer a
trip to the southern ports of the Asiatic continent in search of
grain, of which on account of their arid plains they stand very
much in want. Between Haenan and Canton, there is a mere
coasting trade in small craft, not extending beyond the metro-
polis. The boats bring thither their surplus produce, some of
which is the same as that imported from the Indian Archipelago ;
but the staples are sugar and cotton, which are mostly re-exported
from Canton to other provinces.
Canton itself has a very flourishing marine trade to Teëntsin
and Shanghai . All its manufactures, its abundance of sugar, its
accumulated stores of cotton, indigo, cassia, aniseed, and a
variety of smaller articles, fill hundreds of junks bound for the
north; and its exports are not below eight millions of dollars
per annum. In return for these articles, the junks bring back
considerable sums of bullion, drugs from Shantung, and Leou-
tung, felt, fruits,-such as dates, pears, and grapes ; and mutton.
This is one of the most profitable branches of commerce which the
city possesses .
From Canton to Chaou-choo on the eastern extremity, the
natives are not at all in the habit of going beyond the coast of
this province. There is at Tanshwuy not far from Hong Kong, a
very large exportation of salt, greatly to the detriment of the
gabelle, since it is smuggled into the interior. To every settle-
ment 10,000 peculs per month is the allotted average, for Canton
perhaps ten times the quantity. Haehong is another commercial
place rich in resources, and principally engaged with Canton to
barter their goods. All along the coast, sugar, an article always
in demand, is produced . This is collected by the Chaou-choo
(Teachoo) junks, which throughout the year with a number of
smaller articles go to Kaonchoo in Shantung, to Shanghae, and
Teëntsin, the average tonnage being no less than twenty million
peculs per annum.
Fookeen has far more extensive relations, and whilst its craft
crowd in every harbour of that province, there is not a single Can-
ton junk seen in them. The maritime enterprise, however, is con-
fined to the coast south-west of Fuhchoo ; beyond that, the inha-
bitants merely ply in small coasting vessels , from city to city,
without venturing to Chekeang or any other province.
The southernmost trading place is Chaonan, a very flourishing
port, not far from Namoa. In the neighbourhood large quantities
of alum are obtained, and hundreds of junks, principally for the
Canton and foreign markets, are freighted with this article. Sugar
is likewise found here, and taken to the north, whilst other junks
go in ballast to Haenan, and thence proceed to Teentsin.
Cheopo, a little higher up, is principally connected with Formosa,
but the country produces, likewise, sugar of very superior quality,
and also some camphor. The junks by becoming partly the car-
riers of Taewan (Formosa) produce, such as rice, sugar, camphor,
and oil- cakes, the latter a very important article for manuring the
land, in Fookeen, maintain a constant intercourse with Canton,
whilst visiting Ningpo and Shanghai.
Amoy was once the most flourishing emporium of China, and
even now yields as much money in customs as the whole of the
province taken together. There are some manufactures which are
exported for the surrounding region, viz.: coarse China-ware, fine
grass-cloth, paper, and umbrellas, articles much in demand, and a
great variety of smaller ones, suited to the tastes of the Formosa
settlers, and the people in the Indian Archipelago. Several kinds of
fruits, dried as well as fresh, are likewise sent to other markets.
But Amoy stands in want of almost every other thing, which have
to be imported from Formosa, Canton, and in fact from all the har-
bours of the extensive coast .
About four millions of taels may be considered as the annual
average exports and imports, but the principal and most lucrative
branch, is the carrying trade, in which hundreds of Amoy junks
are engaged, which go from harbour to harbour, and return home
perhaps once a-year.
Amoy has sent forth myriads of emigrants, who are settled in all
parts of the Indian Archipelago, and constitute the most thriving
commercial community in these regions ; they are in possession of
large capital, and are the bankers of all the native tribes .
Tsuen-choo (Chin -choo) , has its principal relation with Formosa,
engaging very largely in the exportation of grain, and hemp, and
oil-cakes, and trading like the former ports, to the north. It is
from this district that the great mass of the colonists of that island
have sprung, and imported all the turbulence and low habits which
characterize the parental stock. There is a regular slave-trade
carried on with the mainland, the victims being, however, not pri-
soners of war, but poor starving creatures, who either sell them.
selves to pay off debts, or leave a sum of money to their parents, or
are sold by their relations. They remain, however, only a short
time in bondage, and many then work as free labourers, at their
Hwugan is another sugar emporium. Fuhchoo is rich in home
produce, timber, bamboos, and tobacco ; its exports of these arti-
cles to almost every part of the north, are very large. The city is,
therefore, wealthy, and the merchants have credit, so that their
paper constitutes a currency, and the bullion is hoarded up in cof+
fers. The average of the Foochoo trade is annually five to six
million taels. An extraordinary circumstance showing how much
policy distorted and inappropriate, interferes with the natural
course of things, we mention here, that this metropolis , though the
natural place for exporting the black teas, which grow in its neigh-
bourhood, has never enjoyed this traffic, and merely supplied For-
mosa with a few hundred peculs of an inferior article ; and even
now, since the commerce is open, it has become a matter of great
doubt, whether it ever will become an emporium.
The province of Fookeen stands in want of many necessaries of
life, so that the balance of trade, in the various acceptations of the
word, is against it. From the north, pulse, drugs, salted and
corned meat, fruit, and silk-piece goods, are the principal articles of
import. Formosa, an inexhaustible source of production, supplies
grain, hemp, and oil. This island is an invaluable acquisition,
and were it not a part of China, the Fookeenese would suffer from
starvation, and find no outlet for their overflowing population.
The emigrants give themselves up entirely to agricultural pursuits,
and leave the trade to their countrymen, so that the colony owns
no junks, and the inhabitants born on the soil remain attached to
it, and seldom approach the sea, That about ten millions of taels
worth could be produced on the west coast of the island, the east-
coast being still unreclaimed from the aborigines, is only to be
explained by the iron industry of Chinese settlers, the best in the
world for bringing waste soil under cultivation . Formosa employs
about nine hundred sugar junks, varying from 1,000 to 5,000
peculs tonnage, about double the number of rice junks, and 100
with camphor, hemp, and sardines ; the rice junks make the voyage
two or three times annually.
The southern parts of Che-keang, carry on a coasting trade in
small craft, for Woosung, Taechoo, and a number of other places,
and bring the home produce to Ningpo, Shih- po, &c. This
consists of cotton, some kinds of very fine green teas, and various
provisions. The only emporium of any consequence is Ningpo,
and next to it, Sohapoo ; the metropolis Hangchoo, being on account
of the immense rapadity of the Tseentong river debarred from this
privilege. The former emporium supplies silks, raw and wrought,
drugs in large quantity, and cotton ; the latter of the best quality,
and bearing a far higher price than the Indian. Its imports are
sugar, with southern productions ; the trade for such a city, with
no large island communication ; is considerable. It sends its
junks to Mantchoo Tartary, to Teentsin, and Kavuchoo ; to the
latter place in very large numbers, to convey felt and skins ; to the
former, pulse and wheat, of the best description . Amidst all its
disadvantages, Ningpo has capital, and the markets, especially
those of Tseki, have a spirit of enterprise, which leads them to
Canton, and to the frontiers of Siberia.
Chapoo is a small emporium, only remarkable for its intercourse
with Japan. It has, however, much intercourse with Fuhchoo, and
as the emporium of Hangchoo may be considered as of some impor-
tance, since such a large metropolis consumes very much, and sup-
plies with its manufactures, the maritime districts.
It is extraordinary, that such a fertile province as Kangsoo ,
should only have one harbour, viz.: Shanghai, where its trade is
carried on . Jealousy, and fear that seafaring vessels would soon
appear in crowds, and thus interrupt the island commerce, confined
the junks to this single port, and up to the present moment, the
difficult and tedious progress through the great canal is preferred
to the more easy and safe navigation of the sea.
Shanghai, however, is a great emporium, not in itself, but on
account of the large number of merchants who are crowding there
to make purchases, and these come from the most distant parts of
Central Asia. Shanghai exports largely, and more than any other
emporium in China, manufactures to Teentsin , where the river is
covered with its junks . These vessels making two or three voyages
annually to Leaoutung, bring back a great deal of flour, meat ,
pulse, and rhubarb, as well as sheep-skins, the common winter
dress of the poorer classes . Trade appears to be in a flourishing
condition, the inhabitants of Tsungming island join in it, and fit
out crafts for that purpose. It is said a thousand large- sized junks
pass in and out of the harbour of Shanghai weekly.
To the north of Shanghai, the coast of Kangsoo is very flat,
and there are very few boats issuing from those quarters, because
the navigation, on account of the tides and banks, is very dan-
The inhabitants of Shantung are by no means a very enterprizing
commercial race ; their principal trade is along the great canal.
Beyond this they have few coasters, whilst they expect in their
principal emporium, Kaouchoo, the arrival of the junks from the
south, without sending a single craft of their own in that direc-
tion. There is a tolerable traffic in this emporium, or rather bar-
ter, for the merchants are entirely destitute of capital. From
Foochoo, on the east coast, a very strong tide of emigration has
been setting in towards Leaoutung, and the inhabitants possess a
number of small craft to visit that adjacent coast. Thither they
take their coarse manufactures, in return for the hard earnings of
the colonists' wheat, cotton, and drugs. Compared with other
provinces, however, this is a trifling trade, and the mariners do not
venture beyond the limit prescribed by the gulph of Chih-le.
The province of the same name has one single harbour, Teentsin,
which, notwithstanding its shallow river, congregates a larger
marine fleet in August and September, than any other Chinese
harbour. The reason is obvious ; the country is very poor, and
has to buy raw produce as well as manufactures from the south.
And since the court resides in the neighbourhood, and there is
much ready capital at the command of the merchants, commerce
is brisk, and gives always a very good return. It would be very
difficult to form an annual estimate of the imports, which can,
however, not be below 10,000,000 taels, comprising in themselves,
almost every article mentioned above.
Leaoutung has very indifferent harbours, which are, however,
visited on account of the rich produce of the country around,
already mentioned, and judging of the large exportation of pulse,
flour, frozen bacon and mutton, cotton, drugs, and sardines, from
Kaechoo, Kinchoo, and other smaller harbours, the average value
is not below seven million taels per annum. For this the mer-
chants import principally bullion, and a small amount of Nankeen
The coast of Kirin, has, as far as our navigators have ascertained,
no harbours, nor do the Mantchoos venture on the high seas .
Maritime trade, therefore, is almost entirely unknown.
The Chinese junks are of the same unwieldy form that they were
centuries ago . Lately there have been two or three vessels built
by the Chinese, after European models, which have been put in
commission. The Canton-built man-of-war, on her first trip lost
her fore-top-gallant mast and the head of her fore-top mast. She
was built by Amoon, a pupil of Mr. Hamilton of Macao, and is
very swift in the water ; her sails seemed well trimmed. There
are several junks which mount twenty guns, some of which have
their hull after the European model, but the usual rig is that of a
junk. Many may be seen coppered, with rudders of foreign shape
and hung in foreign fashion. The Cochin Chinese, however, many
years ago adopted this custom. Some of the coasting junks are
of enormous size, from 1,800 to 2,000 tons burthen. The main-
mast of one seen at Chusan was thirteen feet in circumference, in-
cluding the " cheeks ;" it was larger than the mainmast of Her
Majesty's ship Wellesley, of seventy-four guns. Under freedom of
European intercourse, the coasting craft of China would be greatly
The ordinary or lowest freight from Manilla to Amoy, in Chinese
junks, is one dollar per pecul for sugar, not worth more than two
dollars per pecul . Sometimes the freight of sugar from Manilla
to Nankin, in Chinese junks, is two and a half dollars per pecul.
Sixteen peculs are equal to twenty cwt. of sugar or rice, therefore
the lowest freight is £3 6s. 8d. per ton, and this only available for
one period of the year.
Junks are divided into seven or more different compartments,
watertight, and belonging to different persons on board for the
voyage. Sometimes two or more persons have a compartment
for their speculations .
The greatest period of activity for the coasting trade of China,
is about a month or six weeks before and after the change of the
monsoon, when vessels occupy least time in going up and down
the coast.
The Chinese carry on a considerable traffic with adjacent coun-
tries. It is estimated that no less than 222 junks or vessels are
so employed, viz.: to Japan, 20 ; Borneo, 13 ; Malay Ports, 6 ;
Manilla, &c. 13 ; Sumatra, 10 ; Cochin China, 20 ; Sooloo Islands,
4 ; Singapore, 8 ; Campodia, 9 ; Celebes, 2 ; Rhio, 1 ; Tonquin,
20 ; Java, 7 ; and Siam, 89. This does not include a number of
smaller junks belonging to the island of Hainan, which carry on a
trade with Tonquin, Cochin China, Cambodia, Siam, and Singa-
pore. The vessels belong principally to the provinces of Fokien
and Kwangtung, though there are many also in the more northern
provinces of Chekeang and Keangsoo . The following is an enu-
meration of the coasting junks trading or touching at Macao and
Keang Mun in 1831. From Amoy, in Fokien, 80 ; from Chang-
choo-foo, in Fokien, 150 ; from Hway-chou-foo and Chao-chou-
foo, in Kwang-tung, 300 ; trading between Keang-mun and Fuh-
keen, &c. 300 ; from Canton to Teentsing, and Mantchou, or
Leaotung coast, 16. The last of these are large junks belonging
to Fokien. The others are smaller junks, varying from a few
hundred to 3,000 or 4,000 peculs. Mr. Crawford estimates the
foreign shipping of China at 70,000 tons, and that of Hainan Isle
at 10,000 tons.
The junks of largest size go to Singapore, Siam, Cochin China,
Sooloo Islands , Celebes, Batavia, Borneo, Amboina, Kalentung,
Tringano, and formerly to Manilla. These junks start generally
from Amoy with emigrants, or from Shanghai, Ningpo, and
Canton, with China produce and manufactures.
Junk trade between Siam and China. It is stated, that about
seventy to eighty junks leave Siam in May, June, and July,
with grain, sugar, sopar-wood, betel-nut, &c., averaging each
nearly 300 tons, usually built in Siam, owned by Chinese and
Siamese at Bankock, and navigated by Chaou-choo men, from
the east district of Canton. They have a captain, or supercargo : *
a pilot (Hochang) to watch all the coasts ; a helmsman (Toking)
who manages the sailing of the vessel ; a comprador to purchase
provisions ; two clerks to keep the accounts ; also a priest to
attend the idols, and burn gold and silver paper every morning. 6
The sailors are divided into two classes ; one has charge of sails,
anchors , &c. , the other performs the heavy work, hauling ropes,
heaving anchor, &c.: every one, except the menials (Hoke) , is ' a
shareholder, and has something for trade at any port they may
touch at. The cabins, or rather holes, into which they creep, it is
difficult to stretch in at full length . There is no discipline , no mu-
tual interest, no attempt at cleanliness or decency. The compass A
is almost the sole guide : Captain Collinson, R.N. , informed me
he found rude charts in use among some, but the land was badly
laid down .
The exports from Siam to China consist chiefly of sugar, rice,
ivory, sapan-wood, gamboge, and a variety of tropical products ,
for the use of the northern provinces, where the junks obtain
flour, grain, peas, cured mutton, and other provisions.
Two to four junks, of 500 to 700 tons burthen, visit the gold
mines near Pantianak, Banjer-massing, and Sambas, where a
Chinese republic of 60,000 individuals has been established for
some years. Gold, ebony, and tin, are taken to China. To Palem-
bang and Banka there are several junks ; also to Samarang and
Rhio . Birds'- nests, beche-de-mer, agar-agar, &c. are brought from
the straits ; also pepper, which is in great demand in China. The
Canton trade with the straits employs about 6,000,000 dollars .
The Emperor Keenlung, at the commencement of his reign ,
allowed his subjects to visit foreign parts, expecting to buy rice ;
but now a merchant on returning from abroad may be brought
before a court of justice, and be ordered to be beheaded as a traitor
for having had commercial intercourse with foreigners.
The number of Chinese junks that arrived at Singapore during
the season of 1844-5, in thirteen months, was thirty-four, whose
tonnage is computed at 7,478.
The number of Chinese emigrants during this period was 6,883 .
The number the two previous years was, respectively, 1,600 and
7,000 ; but the year 1845 fully 9,000 was expected . They dis-
perse through the Straits' settlements, and the Dutch colony of
The trade carried on at Singapore in Chinese junks was, in
value of imports from China, in 1839-40, 1,109,264 dollars ; in
1840-41 , 2,149,604 dollars .
The exports to China from Singapore, in Chinese junks, has
considerably increased. In cotton, and cotton goods, upwards of
20,000 bales of the former, and 40,000 pieces of the latter, have
been carried. The value of the exports was, in 1839-40, 1,499,139
dollars ; in 1840-41 , 2,892,872 . The number of junks, in 1840,
was 148, with a tonnage of 14,446 .
I have previously adverted (page 356,) to the important trade
that might be established with Cochin China, a country of which
so little is known, although we formerly had a factory there. I
avail myself of this occasion to give an abstract of a valuable re-
port by M. Isidore Hedde, a distinguished member of the recent
French mission to China, who visited Turon Bay, in Cochin
China, in May, 1844, in the French corvette ' Alcmene.' The ship
anchored off a small island called " Mo- Koie," in lat . 16° 07′
N., long. 108° 12′ E. of Greenwich. M. Hedde says :-
" The entrance of the bay is defended by two small forts called
Panghaie, at a distance each from the other of three miles. En-
tering the bay by a channel in the form of a spiral, we are then
in a dock of an elliptical form, whose greatest axis may be of eight
miles, and the smallest, six miles . This natural dock is sur-
rounded at the east, north, and west by the high mountains on
the way to Fouhué, the capital of the kingdom, and whose angular
tops, of primitive formation, rise up in several places to the height
of 6,000 feet, or more, from the level of the sea. On the south-
east side, the bay is separated from the sea only by a large sandy
ground, in which is a large village, surrounded by some trees, and
which borders on the Turon river.
" The small town of Turon, rather a large village, is at the most
remote side of the bay towards the south, at about six miles from
the common anchorage, on the left side of a broad channel, which
is said to communicate with the sea, and into which the river from
Sayfo empties itself. The place was formerly very mercantile, and
several European nations had establishments there.
" Turon consists of several groups of villages on each side of the
channel, the principal of which has about 500 mean habitations of
bamboo, and 2,500 inhabitants.
" The west side of the bay is flat and sandy. The principal arti-
cles cultivated are rice and maize. They have also some mulberry
trees (morus allea) , whose leaves they sell to Sayfo people, who rear
silkworms. Cotton is also cultivated, but it is employed in a very
costly manner. Country people, especially women, have looms
in which they weave cotton ; their looms are disposed in the
Chinese manner, i.e. they have two treddles, or a pair of treddles,
and their reed is inclined, and pushed by itself from the back
of the loom . Their cotton goods are very common , of one foot
broad ; some are dyed red, with sapan-wood, blue with native
indigo, black with different kinds of leaves and iron water. All
round the bay are found different kinds of fish and fine shells.
" During all our stay, twelve days, we lost no one of our crew,
and had only twenty men sick. No rain fell, and the thermome
ter continued at 90° Farenheit, on board and in the shade.
" The kingdom of Cochin China, or Anàm, is now composed of :
1st .-Tonquin, which contains according to M. Chaiquean, the
ancient French mandarin, 18,000,000 of inhabitants. That is the
richest part of the Anamitic country. There are in the interior
two principal towns, Ketchen and Vihouang. The population of
each is reckoned at 100,000 or 150,000 inhabitants, and 220,000
Roman Catholics are supposed to be spread over all the country.
In Upper Cochin China, wherein is Fouhue, or rather Kiguh, resi-
dence of the king and capital of the kingdom. This place is upon
an island, formed by two channels of the river. It is remarkable
for its fortifications made on the European system, which were
erected by the French and Irish engineers, who in 1799 accompa-
nied the bishop of Adran . It is a town whose streets are said to
be paved, gravelled and bordered with trees. Houses are made of
stone and bricks after the European manner. There are ramparts
defended by numerous artillery, and stone houses and arsenals
well furnished with guns, and everything necessary in case of a
war for 100,000 soldiers . The surface of the town is about five or
six miles in circumference, and its population consists of about
60,000 inhabitants. 3rd.- Lower Cochin China, whose principal
town is Shaigoene, another town fortified after the European
system, and sea-port at the mouth of a river of the same name,
which must be an arm of the Great Camboja River. There was,
according to Horsburgh, a manufactory for the casting of cannon,
and houses and stocks for the building of ships . According to
different travellers this town was very mercantile, for the conve-
nience of the harbour and depth of water. But since the great in-
surrection in 1833, a great part of its fortifications have been put
down, its commerce driven away, and almost all the population
perished. Those two ports of Cochin China are said to contain
according to the same aforesaid mandarin, 1,000,000 inhabitants,
amongst whom are 80,000 Roman Catholics. 4th. - Camboja,
whose principal town is Penonben, or Kalompe, with a population
of 30,000 inhabitants. The frontiers of that part which separates
the Anamitic empire from the Siamese, or from the uncivilized
tribes which are supposed to belong to the Siamese kingdom, are
determined exactly; but they are frequently crossed by parties of
warriors, and occupied sometimes by the one and afterwards by
the other, according to the chances of war, which has long been
carried on by the one government against the other. The popula-
tion of that fourth part of the Anamitic empire is about 1,000,000
inhabitants, amongst whom are very few Christians.
"The country is very fertile, especially in Lower Cochin China.
There are mines, especially one of gold at Phuyenn, and another
at Shuongreek in the department of Kouannam . But govern-
ment, which is afraid of foreign cupidity, forbids to touch them or
even speak of them, under a penalty of death.
"The king has taken to himself all the monopoly of trade . He
buys goods from his subjects at the price he appoints, and sends
his ships to sell them at foreign ports . He employs in trade five
square-rigged ships and steamers which have been constructed in
the country. He sends them to Canton, to Singapore, to Batavia,
and sometimes to Calcutta. He sends to Singapore indigenous
and Chinese silks, also green teas, nankeens, cinnamon, rhinoceros'
horns, cardamoms, rice, sugar, salt, ivory, buffaloes' skins, precious
wood and treasure. He receives camlets, common long ells, red,
blue and yellow, for the use of his soldiers, tin, opium, fire- arms,
and some Indian goods. He receives from Batavia, cloves, nut-
megs, pepper, black and blue silks, green velvets, and glass ware
of every kind. To give an idea of the manner in which the trade
is carried on, we may mention, that the last year the king sent to
Canton two ships and twelve officers to sell his goods and to buy
others in exchange. On their return, not being satisfied with
their success, he degraded them, putting them in prison and in
fetters, and confiscating all their property. And they are still be-
wailing their miserable condition, the reward of their ill success as
merchants . The junks which trade from Cochin China, are under
private authorisation or managed by fraud. A statement is here
presented of the commerce between Singapore and Cochin China.
Imported to Singapore. Exported from Singapore.
1839-176,261 dollars. 1839-173,447 dollars.
1840-166,479 .. 1840-200,304
1841-245,521 · 1841-292,686
1842-208,484 • 1842-248,324
1843-244,785 1843-227,848
1844-177,606 1844-229,413
" The scale of duties for anchorage is as follows :-
At Fouhue 54 kouan for a thnoc (15,944 in .)
At Shaigoene 102 99 99
At Turon 72 دو وو
" But the last place only is open to foreign trade. Very few
ships come to trade. They have deserted on account of the arbi-
trary practices of the king, who has the entire monopoly of the
trade, and because there are no fixed regulations for its manage-
" Cochin China coins have been explained in Morrison's Com-
mercial Guide, according to the statements given by the late J. L.
Taberd, bishop of Isauropolis, in his valuable Anamitic dictionary.
They are well made both in gold and silver, and are as follows :-
1 gold ingot or ' loaf ' , weight 10 taels, Spanish dollars 238 .
دو 5 دو "" 119 .
1 golden nail or ' ding vang ', I "" "" 24.
"" "" "" 12 .
4 99 6.
10 golden nails make one golden loaf, so called.
1 silver ingot or loaf ' nen bac', weight 10 taels - dollars 14.
" Its specific weight is 95 parts pure silver and 5 alloy, or 100
parts. The value of 17 silver loaves is equal to that of 1 golden
1 silver nail ordinh bac', weight 1 tael, dollars 1.40.
"" "" "" "" 70.
دو وو "" "" 35.
10 silver nails are equivalent to 1 silver loaf.
" Besides the native coin the late King Ming Ming issued a
coinage of gold and silver dollars, and the reigning King Thieu-fri
adopted the same. The weight and value are here presented.
1 gold dollar, weight 1.039 ounces troy, dollars 12 .
0.519 "" 6.50.
"" "" 0.259 دو دو 3.25 .
1 silver dollar "" 0.860 "" "" 0.70.
"" وو 0.431 "" "" 0.35 .
4 "2 "" 0.215 "" "" 0.17.
" The specific weight is 190 parts of pure metals, and 80 of
copper or alloy. One side bears the face of the Cochin China
dragon, and the other side the king's name in Chinese characters,
some Ming Ming's, and others that of Thieu-fri . Some are like
common dollars and have a hole in the middle, while others are
broader and not so thick.
"The only popular coin is the ' cash,' made of pure zinc. Its form
is circular, and is 0.87 inch in diameter. It has, like the Chinese
cash, a square hole in the middle, of 0.16 inch each side, for the
convenience of stringing a number together. It is not coined, but
cast. The Chinese characters are intended to represent the name
of the king. Six hundred of them strung together in this manner
form what is called a kouan, (kwan) or a string. Each kouan
makes 10 heaps or tiens, each of 60 cash. The value of the cash
varies in different sections, or according to the value attributed to
gold and silver. In Turon, and in Upper Cochin China, one
Spanish dollar is worth only three or four kouan. In Shaigoene,
or in Lower Cochin China, one Spanish dollar is worth five or six
kouan. So in taking the dollar at an average value of four kouan
we shall have→→
1 (sápek) cash worth Spanish dollar 0.0004166 . "
10 وو ور 0.00416.
, 』,, * £
60 0.025 .
600 0.25. ##
2600 " 1.
{ ་ avoird. p.
1'kan,' or catty of 16 ' luongs' or taels, 1 ounce each 1.378
10 "" one yen "" وو 13.78
50 "" one binh دو دو دو 68.90
100 one ta "" "3 دو 137.1
500 "" one kouan "" "9 "9 689.
" There is no exactly determined legal measure of length .
Thuoc is the generic name. Its divisions will be here presented.
10 phans- 1 tak or inch.
10 tak 1 thuoc, or foot, or ell.
5 thuoc —1 ngou, or fathom .
4 ngou - 1 soa, or rod .
10 soa -1 moa, or rood.
" The generic measure thuoc (the Chinese chih, cubit, or foot, ) is
very different according to circumstances. Those more commonly
employed are here presented .
Thuoc, used for measuring ships for the service of ports 0.405 metre.
Thuoc, used for wood at Turon 0.425
Thuoc , mentioned by Taberd . 0.48726
Thuoc, used by the king for measuring silks and
other cloths in his transactions with a Frenchman 0.594
Thuoc, used by natives in the Turon market • 0.61
Thuoc, used according to Morrison . 0.64968
1 ly- 144 metres.
2 ly- 1 dam- 888 metres .
10 ly-5 dam- 4444 metres.
1 mao–10 soa– 165 thuoc– 80.3979 metres .
The muo is what a man may cultivate in one day.
1 hao • 28 litres.
2 hao- 1 shita- 1 tao in weight - 56 litres.
The hao is a measure of rice required for a month's subsistence.
It is given by the king to his soldiers.
" Hens' and ducks' eggs ( 10) 1 kouan ; fowl or duck (1 ) 2 tien ;
pork ( 1 catty) 4 tien ; rice (a kan) 1 to 2 kouan ; beef (a catty) 3
tien ; plantains (a set) 1 tien ; pine apples ( 10) 83 kouan ; oranges
(10) 5 tien ; maize (a han) 5 to 10 tien ; small lemons (10) 1 tien ;
flour of millet (a catty) 2 kouan ; salt (a catty) 3 tien ; veal (a catty)
4 tien ; buffalo (a catty) 3 tien ; small onions (a catty) 1 tien ; sweet
potatoes (a catty) 1 tien ; beans (a catty) 2 tien ; yams (a catty)
90 sapeks ; small pigeons ( 1 ) 90 sapeks ; geese (1) 4 tien ; oysters
(100) 1 kouan ; turnips (a catty) 1 tien ; cakes made of eggs and
flour (1) kouan ; cocoa-nut (10) 3 tien ; oil (a catty) 2 kouan ;
fish, all kinds, (a catty) 2 tien ; tobacco (a catty) 13 tien ; paper,
white leaves, made of bamboo, ( 100) 8 kouan ; sugar (a catty) 1
tien ; candy (a catty) 3 tien ; cucumbers (10) 3 tien ; ginger, sweet
meat of (a jar) 7 tien ; mango ( 10) 5 tien ; tack ( 1 ) 2 tien ; cassia
(a catty) 2 kouan ; black pepper (a catty) 1 tien ; green tea from
Hue, (a catty) 3 tien ; wood for fire (a ta) 3 kouan ; ebony from
Kouannam (a ta) 10 tien ; eagle wood (a ta) 10 tsen ; red copper
(a ta) 50 kouan ; morfit (a catty) 1 kouan ; horns of rhinoceros (a
catty) 10 kouan ; mats, best kind, (a pair) 8 kouan ; green indigo
(a catty) 1 kouan ; bees'-wax (a catty) 14 kouan ; cotton (a catty)
1 to 2 kouan ; raw silk (a catty) 3 to 4 kouan ; cotton cloth, a piece
of 24 thuoc, 7 kouan ; coat for a man ( 1 ) 6 kouan ; trousers (1 )
5 kouan ; turban of silk or cotton crape, 8 kouan.
Day's work in Upper Cochin China, (besides rice) 30 to 40 sapeks .
دو Lower Cochin China, 2 tien .
Mason, carpenter, and other mechanical trades in Upper Cochin
China, 1 tien .
Mason, carpenter, and other mechanical trades in Lower Cochin
China, 2 to 3 tien .
"These several prices indicate the variety and cheapness of local
productions . But it is not to be inferred that these prices are by
any means constant, inasmuch as the king has monopolised com-
merce . For instance, silk may be generally obtained from 2 to 4
kouan, which is very cheap. But if it be for exportation, the price
may be increased to 6, or 8, or 10 kouan, according to the king's
It would be very advisable for our government to send a com-
mercial mission to Cochin China.
There is an increasing trade between China and Java, where
many Chinese are established . "
The following are stated to be the exports of birds' nests from
Java to China for six years inclusive.
Year. Peculs. lbs. Value in florins. Year. Pecul. lbs. Value in florins.
1829 260 34,666 435,622 1832 244 32,533 408,355
1830 261 34,800 448,419 1833 333 44,400 559,492
1831 255 34,000 334,760 1834 200 27,200 350,032
This article of commerce is a governmental monopoly in Bata-
via, which produces on an average 200,000 Spanish dollars annu-
ally. Great care is taken, by the government, of the rocks which
harbour these birds, at the proper season the caverns are cleansed
out by smoking them with sulphur : they are gathered twice a
year, and made up into three classes. The best are cream white
and semi-translucent, and in shape like the fourth part of an
orange, This muco-albuminous substance, will sell for as much
as 40 dollars a catty, that is twenty ounces avoirdupois . Rice is
also a large article of export from Java to China,
From an early period the Chinese traded with foreign countrie
One hundred and twenty-one years before the Christian era, th
Emperor of China sent " able ambassadors to different mercanti
countries, where they obtained bright pearls, gems, and precious
stones, yellow gold, and various other commodities ." -Dr. Morrison.
A.D. 176. Foreigners came by southern sea to Canton for trade.
A.D. 600. During the Suy dynasty, ambassadors were sent
from China to surrounding nations.
A.D. 700. Canton was made a regular commercial port of the
Chinese empire, and houses were built, A.D. 1400, for the accom-
modation of foreigners coming to trade . During the Tang Sung
and Ming dynasties , and partly under the Mongol, that is from the
commencement of the Tang, A.D., 619, to Kublai -khan, the Mon-
gol, 1280, and from the Ming dynasty in 1368, to the Tartar in
1644, the Chinese shewed considerable commercial and maritime
enterprise . Kublai -khan sent an expedition under the command
of Marco Polo, to survey the Indian Archipelago .
During the sixteenth century, the Portuguese, (A.D. 1516) Span-
ish, and Dutch, carried on a lucrative trade with the different ports
in China, at Canton, Amoy, Ningpo, and Chusan .
Marco Polo, speaking of the trade of Malabar, says, " the ships
from China brought copper, gold, brocades, silks, gauzes, gold and
silver bullion, and many kind of drugs, not produced in India."
He adds, " that the merchants made great profits by their import
and return cargoes ."
England commenced trade with China at the beginning of the
seventeenth century . In 1670, the English East India Company
had a factory at the island of Formosa, and carried on trade with
the opposite province of Fokien .
In 1676, the English had a factory at Amoy, from which they
retired, in 1680, on the contests between the Mantchoos and
Chinese, but were permitted to return in 1684.
In 1700 the English had a factory at Chusan. The Emperor
Kanghe, (who died, A.D. 1722) , in the twenty- third year of his
reign, allowed a free trade to his own subjects, and to foreigners,
which continued for about thirty years, but was stopped on the
ground that it would impoverish the country.
But the policy of the Tartar conquerors, was really directed
towards the exclusion of all other foreigners, or if that were not
possible, to restrict them to the most distant southern port of the
empire-Canton. This was accordingly done, and in consequence
of our trade being a monopoly in the hands of the East India Com-
pany, no efforts were made to abolish the exclusive system set up by
the Tartars, for the more effectual maintenance of their usurpation .
The history of the trade at Canton is, therefore, the history of
the whole foreign European and American trade with China, until
146 TONNAGE AT CANTON, 1844 AND 1845 .
the years 1844-45, and little more is now necessary, than to place
on record a few data, illustrative of the present period, which may
serve for future comparison .
In 1747, the European ships in China were, 8 English ; 6
Dutch ; 4 Swedish ; and 2 Danish ; total 20. The war between
France and England prevented any French vessels being then
sent to China.
In 1789, the distribution of ships in China, was : English East
India Company, 21 ; British India ships, 40 ; United States of
America, 15 ; Dutch, 5 ; Portuguese, 3 ; French, 1 ; Danes, 1 ;
total, 86.
It must be remembered that the ships belonging to, or char-
tered by the East India Company, were large vessels , seldom less
than 1,000 tons burthen : and that the British India, or 66 coun-
try" ships, were also of large burthen.
In 1834, the number of foreign ships which arrived at Canton,
for the year ending 30th June, was : English East India Company,
24 ; Do. , from India and Singapore, 77 ; American, 70 ; Spanish,
37 ; Portuguese, 23 ; French, 6 ; Dutch, 6 ; Danish, 5 ; Ham-
burgh, 3 ; Swedish, 1 ; Mexican, 1 : Total, 253. In this year the
exclusive privileges of the English East India Company ceased .
The number and tonnage of merchant vessels which arrived at the
port of Canton, during the years ending the 31st December,
1844, and 1845, were :
1844 1845
Number of Number of
Vessels. Tonnage Vessels. Tonnage
British .. 228 111,350 182 86,087
American 57 23,273 83 38,658
French .. 2 751 3 799
Dutch 11 3,878 11 2,972
Belgian 2 1,151
Danish .. 2 591 948
Swedish 581 2,066
Austrian 567
Hamburg 230 1,484
Bremen .. 294 520
Spanish 1,406
Columbian and Peruvian .. 243
Siam 1,100
Total 306 142,099 302 136,850
Comparing the year 1845 with 1844, there appears to be a dimi-
nution on the total tonnage of 3,249 tons. On the English ton-
nage there was a diminution to the extent of 25,263 tons, while the
Americans increased by 5,395 tons. It is probable that the returns
for the year 1846, will present a similar result of the British ton-
nage arriving at Canton ; in 1845, the " country," (Indian) , vessels
were in number, 64; tonnage, 35,888.
The whole British tonnage in China, during the years 1844 and
1845 , was :
1844. 1845 .
Canton, 228 Ships 111,350 tons. Canton, 182 Ships, 86,087 tons.
Shanghai, No return. Shanghai 62 do . 15,971 do .
Amoy do . do . Amoy 33 do. 6,655 do.
Ningpo do. do . Ningpo "" do. 962 do.
Foo-chow do. do . Foo-chow 5 do. دوdo.
228 Ships, 111,350 228 Ships, 109,675
That our tonnage trade has increased in China, is shown by the
number and tonnage of British ships, to and from Great Britain
and Hong Kong, trading with the ports of Canton, Shanghai,
and Amoy, during the year 1845, as compared with those to
and from Great Britain, engaged in the China trade, on an
average of ten years, from 1833 to 1842.
Years Ships Tonnage Years Ships Tonnage
1845 213 72,825 1845 223 82,549
Average of ten
years , from 38 18,333 Average 54 30,462
1833 to 1842 .
Increase in 1845 175 54,492 182 52,087
In this table, so far as Canton is concerned , are included only
ships from Great Britain, which have entered that port during the
year ; but as there is no distinction made in the Shanghai and
Amoy tables between English and country ships bearing the Bri-
tish flag, which have entered either of these two latter ports, it is
impossible to separate them.
An examination of the numerous official tables before me, leaves
no doubt of the augmentation of our shipping in China ; from the
year 1793 to 1831 , the British tonnage from China to England,
did not average 20,000 tons yearly, and at the close of the East
We may
India Company's charter, did not exceed 27,000 tons.
therefore fairly conclude, that the tonnage from England has
doubled within the last ten years .
. xclusive
Trade 148
1844 .
. 1838
. Total Total
. OCanton Dollars
. ther
.Canton . ther
Ports .4d
Imp orts 15,506,240
10,480,067 10.392,934
,, ts 17,925,360
13,152,924 26,700,609
dollars 11,711,055
sale of our manufactures.
Cotton 6,816,382
4,500,000 4,727,834
163,011 4,922,723
goods 792.158
200,000 1,552,101 ,519,438
Ditto 14,000
684,688 335,176
Woollens 2,878,966
1,900,000 2,646,851
. s 413,914
235.393 285,468
50,075 42,095
74,200 116,295
&ngland 13,432,958
9,000,000 318,992
r, aw 6,082,538
manufactured 200,925
400,842 575,094
Cloths 41,500
32,765 5,112 37,877 12,756
640,384 1,002,981
Exported 6,102,14
Opium- 11,243,496
13,554,030 returns
and China, and by impoverishing the Chinese, it has prevented the
for opium, has without doubt, checked our trade between England
It is difficult to show the progress of our trade in value or in
quantities with China, for a series of years. The drain of silver
On a general view of the foregoing, it will be seen that there
has been, in 1844 and 1845, an augmentation in some branches
of our trade with China since 1828, and a diminution in other
branches. How far it has been a better paying trade during the
latter period, is another question ; the general impression is, that
during 1844 and 1845 commerce has been forced to an extent be-
yond remuneration ; and it is said that the years 1846 and 1847 will
exhibit a very great falling off in our exports to China.
The following is an abstract of Trade under British flags at the
Ports of Canton and Shanghai in 1845, as compared with 1844 .
1845 . 1844. 1845. 1844. IMPORTS. EXPORTS IMPORTS. EXPORTS.
Canton, 10,392,934 15,506,240 20,734,018 17,925,360 2,808,658 5,113,306)
Shanghai 5,822,494 2,313,873 5,838,882 2,267,430 2,708,621 3,571,445
16,215,428 17,820,113 26,572,900 20,192,790 2,708,621 6,380,103 5,113,306
The trade of the other three consular ports is scarcely worth
notice, and would not affect the general results . It is a curious
feature in our intercourse, that the exports from China have in-
creased in a far greater proportion than the imports ; indeed, in
1845, at Canton the exports were double the amount of the
imports .
The export of raw cotton from India to China is decreasing in
consequence of the augmenting supply from the United States.
It is a clear indication of our erroneous fiscal and general policy in
British India, where there is abundance of land, cheap labour, and
near communication with China, and yet the American cotton now
undersells the Anglo- Indian cotton in Canton . Our cotton goods
have largely increased, but so also have the Americans, and in a
more rapid ratio than our Manchester manufactures.
In woollens our trade has decreased . In a memorial to Her
Majesty's government, in December, 1846, from certain cloth
manufacturers and others, it is stated that during the period of the
East India Company's exclusive trade with China, the yearly
average number of pieces of all sorts of woollens shipped was
157,165, value £320,924 ; whereas, since the " opening of the
trade," the average number has been only 99,684, value 191,531 .
The memorialists further declare that "the recent treaty with
China has not yielded them any advantage." An examination of
the manner in which we allowed ourselves to be bound and fet-
tered by that treaty will fully explain the reason, without urging
the tea duties as a cause. We have voluntarily excluded ourselves
from the north of China, where the climate requires woollen goods,
and where the people are well supplied with Russian and Prussian
woollen cloths ! If we had studiously endeavoured to injure our
commerce with the north of China, and prevent our freedom of in-
tercourse and extended traffic, we could not have more effectually
accomplished the purpose than by the " Treaty of Nankin," and
its still more injurious supplement of 8th of October, 1842 , (see
page 85, vol. ii.)
The comparative British trade of Canton and Shanghai is shown
in the following statement for the past two years :—
1844. IMPORTS . 1845.
£3,451,312 Canton • £2,301,692
501,335 Shanghai 1,082,207
110,000 [estimated] Amoy 147,494
10,000 [ estimated] Ningpo 10,398
Foo-chow-foo £72,147
Deduct, goods carried
£4,072,647 to Shanghai "" 67,820
3,566,318 4,527
£ 406,329 Decrease in imports. £3,566,318
In exports, tea has risen from the value of £2,979,589 to
£3,895,718 - increase on the year, 916,121 . Silk from £827,075
to 1,226,745 , showing an addition to what was considered the
large shipments of 1844 of £399,670 in value. Sugar and sugar-
candy from £ 138,101 to £217,334 .
1844 . EXPORTS. 1845 .
£3,883,828 Canton £4,492,370
487,528 Shanghai 1,259,091
Amoy • 15,478
70,000 [ estimated] { Ningpo
Foo-chow-foo . 683
Increase in exports £ 1,443,761
The relative position of our great staples will be seen at the two
ports thus . It is right, however, to premise that there have been
heavy losses by the shipments to Shanghai in 1845 .
1844 . IMPORTS . 1845.
Woollens. Woollens .
Canton £628,087 Canton £406,133
Shanghai 106,767 Shanghai 167,417
1844 £ 734,854 1845 £573,530
DETAILS OF TRADE , 1844 AND 1845 . 151
I 1844 . IMPORTS. 1845.
Cotton. Cotton.
Canton • £ 1,476,882 Canton £ 1,024,364
Shanghai . 321 Shanghai
Amoy [ estimated] 35,000 Amoy 42,227
1844 e £1,512,215 1845 £ 1,066,591
Cotton Goods. Cotton Goods.
Canton £875,156 Canton · £530,937
Shanghai 336,290 Shanghai 881,618
1844 £ 1,211,446 1845 £ 1,412,555
Cotton Yarns. Cotton Yarns.
Canton £ 148,120 Canton £63,830
Shanghai · 550 Shanghai 4,820
1844 · £ 148,670 1845 £68,650
1844 . EXPORTS. 1845 .
Tea. Tea.
Canton £2,910,474 Canton £3,429,790
Shanghai · 67,115 Shanghai 462,746
Ningpo 2,000 Amoy 544
Ningpo 2,000
Foo-chow-foo 638
1844 · £2,979,589 1845 £3,895,718
Silk. Silk.
Canton • £409,862 Canton • £434,256
Shanghai 417,213 Shanghai 792,489
1844 £827,075 1845 . £1,226,645
Sugar and Sugar-candy.
Canton in 1844 £138,101
Ditto "" 1845 217,334
It would be much too costly to print here the numerous
tables of the whole trade of China for series of years, with different
countries, which I laid before the Board of Trade . The commerce
of the Western Nations, excepting the United States, is small,
and may be said to be confined to Canton,
The following is an abstract of the Amount of Trade under British
and Foreign flags, at the port of Canton, during the year 1845,
as compared with that of 1844.
IN 1845.
1845. 1844 . 1845. 1844. IMPORTS. EXPORTS. IMPORTS.
decrea se
British 10,392,943 15,596,240 20,734,016 17,925,360 2,808,658 5,112,306
American 2,478,468 1,320,170 7,979,864 6,686,171 1,157,878 1,293,693
French 8,318 33,823 93,010 37,136 55,880 25,505
Dutch 77,751 231,708 635,533 572,188 63,345 153,957
Danish 19,871 51,990 141,129 141,129 32,119
Swedish 114,817 18,234 179,615 153,688 96,583 25,927
German 123,530 5,743 419,973 122,888 117,767 297,085
Lorchas 825,060 614,824 219,596 7,522 210,236 212,074
Others 22,482 60,517 163,688 9,002 154,686 38,035
Total, dollars
at 48. 4d. 14,062,811 17,843,249 30,566,426 25,513,946 1,582,484 5,052,477 5,362,922
It would be interesting to trace the steady, onward progress of
the American trade with China ; but it would be somewhat irrela-
tive to the object in view, in reference to our own trade and its
restrictions. The accompanying table will give a general idea of the
foreign commerce of China. The tariff of duties levied at the sea
ports and the inland custom houses, will be given in the Appendix
to the ensuing part, along with other useful documents .
[As furnished in a report to Her Majesty's government from
China, in 1845, and lodged in the Colonial Office, and at the
Board of Trade. The numerous tables sent home are not
printed, on account of the expense.-R. M. M.]
THE traffic in an innutritious herb, grown almost solely in one
district of Asia, and in a country hitherto isolated from the western
nations, is one of the most remarkable illustrations of the enter-
prise and energy of modern commerce. A trade involving British
capital to the extent of about £ 10,000,000 sterling, furnishing
regular employment to about 60,000 tons of first class English-built
1771 :
If S
shipping ; contributing nearly £5,000,000 sterling of revenue an-
nually to the exchequer, deserves investigation in detail, as regards
its rise and progress .
The tea plant, although found in different parts of the eastern
hemisphere, is probably indigenous to China or Japan, in both of
which countries it is extensively cultivated . The earliest record to
be found of the use of tea, is in the journals of the Moorish histo-
rians and travellers, about the end of the eighth century, at which
period the Mohammedans had free ingress and residence in China,
subject to very few restrictions. Ibu Batuta, (A.D. 1323) , men-
tions that the Emperor received the revenues from salt ; that paper
money bearing the government stamp was current in the country,
and that the general drink of the people was prepared by immers-
ing the leaves of a small plant in hot water, which was used me-
dicinally as well as for correcting the bad properties of the water.
Soliman, an Arabian merchant, who visited China, A.D. 850, de-
scribes "sah," (tea), as the usual beverage of the people.
Texeria," a Spaniard , in 1600, saw dried leaves (of tea) at
Malacca, which were in use among the Chinese. "Olearius," in
1633, found the use of tea pretty general among the Persians, who
procured it from China, by means of the Usbeck Tartars. The Rus-
sian ambassador (Stawkan) , to the court of the Mogul, Shan
Attyn, partook of tea, and at his departure he was offered it for the
Czar Michael Romanoff, but refused the offer, not knowing of
what use it would be in Russia.
Of the first introduction of tea into Europe, we know but little .
In 1517, Emanuel, king of Portugal, sent a fleet of eight ships to
China, and an ambassador to Peking, but it was not until after
the formation of the Dutch East India Company, in 1602, that
the use of tea became known on the continent, and although the
enterprising Hollanders paid considerable attention to it, as an ar-
ticle of commerce, the consumption increased but little, for in 1670
it was unknown in Dort. The Dutch, in their second voyage to
China, bought a good deal of tea, at from 8d. to 10d. per pound,
(the price at the present day), which, although of a middling qua-
lity, sold for thirty livres a pound : for some years the best Japan-
ese tea, esteemed in preference to that of China, brought from 100
to 200 livres per pound in France, until the use of coffee and
chocolate became fashionable and general.
The first authentic notice to be found of tea in England, is an
act of parliament, ( 12 Car. II, c . 23), a.d. 1660, by which a duty of
eightpence per gallon was laid on all tea made and sold in coffee
houses, and by an act framed in the same year, the duties of excise
on malt liquors, cyder, perry, mead, spirits, and strong waters, cof-
fee, tea, sherbet and chocolate, were settled on the king for life.
In the diary of Mr. Pepys, secretary of the Admiralty, there is
found, under date September 25th, 1661 , the following memoran-
dum . I sent for a cup of tea, a Chinese drink , of which I had
never drunk before ." In 1662 , Charles the Second married the
Princess Catherine of Portugal, who, it is said, was fond of tea,
having been accustomed to it in her own country , hence it became
fashionable in England . Waller, in a birth-day ode to Her Ma-
jesty, describes the introduction of the herb to the Queen in the
following lines :----
"The best of queens and best of herbs we owe ,
To that bold nation, who the way did shew
To the fair region, where the sun doth rise,
Whose rich productions we so justly prize."
The same poet attributes an inspiring power to the Chinese leaf :
"The Muses' friend , Tea, does our fancy aid,
Repress those vapours which the head invade."
In 1660, tea was sold in England at three guineas per pound.
In 1666, Lords Arlington and Ossory brought a quantity of tea
from Holland ; its price in England then was sixty shillings per
About this period, the East India Company being desirous of
presenting a rarity to His Majesty, procured twenty-two pounds
of tea, which was thought a valuable offering to royalty.
The following copy of an advertisement in 1680, shews the price
of the leaf, and the mode of vending it to the public :
"These are to give notice to persons of quality, that a small
parcel of most excellent tea, is by accident fallen into the hands of
a private person to be sold ; but that none may be disappointed,
the lowest price is thirty shillings a pound, and not any to be sold
under a pound weight, for which they are desired to bring a con-
venient box. Enquire at Mr. Thomas Eagle's, at the King's
Head, in Saint James market . " -London Gazette, Dec. 16th, 1680.
Heretofore the small quantity used in England, was obtained
from the Continent, for in 1634, some English ships having visited
Canton, a rupture took place between our seamen and the Chinese,
and trade was for some time interdicted ; but in 1668, the Court
of Directors in a dispatch to their factories at Bantam in Java,
ordered them to send home by their ships one hundred pounds
weight of the best tea they could get ; and accordingly, in 1669,
the first invoice of tea was received, amounting to two cannisters of
143 pounds. Such was the commencement of a trade, which by
the most judicious management, has now risen to an importation
of upwards of fifty million pounds weight.
In 1678 , the East India Company imported 4,713 pounds of tea,
but this then large quantity completely glutted the market, for the
imports of tea, during the ensuing six years, amounted in all to
only 318 pounds.
In 1680, the Company opened a direct trade with China.
In 1689, the old mode of levying the duty on tea, viz.: by the
quantity made in the coffee-houses, being found very uncertain, as
well as vexatious, an act of William and Mary, sess, 2, c. 6, fixed a
custom duty of five shillings a pound, together with the former
sum of five per cent. on the value.
During the years 1697, 1698, and 1699, the East India Com-
pany imported on an average, 20,000 pounds of tea annually. In
1700, the importation was augmented to 60,000 pounds a year,
the average price of tea was then sixteen shillings per pound .
In 1721, the importation of tea into England, exceeded for the
first time 1,000,000 pounds, and at the September sale in 1728,
the quantity put up for sale was 769,104 pounds, the duty on
which amounted to £ 153,820 sterling . The bill of cargo of the
" Cæsar," which arrived from China, 17th May, 1726, has entered in
it 358,100 pounds of tea, the duty on which was, £71,620 sterling.
Since the commencement of the present century, the annual con-
sumption of tea in the United Kingdom, has increased upwards of
twenty million pounds, while its use during the same period
has been decreasing in Europe and America, where the duty has
been nominal. In the space of one hundred years, from 1710 to
1810, there were sold at the East India Company's sales,
750,219,016 pounds of tea, the value of which was £129,804,595
sterling ; of this quantity of tea 116,470,675 pounds were re-ex-
ported . Since the commencement of the present century, about
1,385,949,566 pounds of tea have been sold in England, and there
has been paid into the British exchequer about £ 167,643,702
sterling, on the above-mentioned quantity of tea.
The appended table will explain at one view the rise and pro-
gress of the British tea trade, in reference to the quantity of tea
annually exported ; from 1669 to 1845, the quantity sold or re-
tained for consumption, the rate of duty levied thereon, the amount
of revenue paid yearly into the British exchequer, the price per
pound, &c.
It is impossible to examine this table without perceiving how
judiciously the trade in teas has been managed, and how dangerous
it would be to tamper with this large branch of commerce, and
important source of public revenue, to the extent of about
£5,000,000 per annum. The commutation act of 1784, which is
relied on as an argument in favour of the reduced duty- had for
its object the suppression, full one half of the previous consump-
tion having been smuggled into the country.
The following return, prepared by those highly respected and in-
telligent brokers, Messrs. William James Thompson and Sons,
ofMincing Lane, shows the total imports of tea into the United
Kingdom since 1842 , under its various designations. Of course,
this table was not in this report when sent from China to Her
Majesty's government in July 1845 .
1846 1845 1844 1843 1842
lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. If
Bohea, Canton .. 72,000 134,000 767,000
Do. Fokien . 107,000
Congou 36,442,000 34,293,000 35,328,000 33,739,000 26,252,000
Pouchong.. 51,000 113,000 764,000 2,493,000 1,801,000
Caper . 1,529,000 1,176,000|| 434,000 352,000 299,000
Souchong 2,374,000 1,282,000 1,350,000 1,085,000 825,000
Flowery and Black 722,000 769,000 538,000 759,000 818,000
Leaf Pekoe
Orange Pekoe 2,515,000 1,638,000 995 000 855,000 744,000
Twankay 3,517,000 3,071,000 3,543,000 3,431,000 3,868,000|
Hyson Skin 193,000 328,000 505,000 316,000 384,000
Hyson 1,572,000 2,072,000 1,460,000 1,545,000 2,147,000
Young Hyson 3,340,000 2,840,000 1,332,000 860,000 1,212,000
Imperial and Gun- 3,671,000 3,355,000 1,827,000 1,141,000 1,918,000 |
Sorts and Assam Tea. 572,000 371,000 203,000 141,000 203,000
For Exportation only. 5,000 42,000 2,000 299,000
Total .... 56,503,000 51,308,000 48,393,000 46,853,000 41,644,000
Black 44,017,000 39,518,000 39,644,000 39,513,000 31,915,000|
Green 12,486,000 11,790,000 8,749,000 7,340,000 9,729,000|
Total delivered ... 50,991,000 48,427,000 46,677,000 44,297,000 43,304,000
Exported 3,457,000 4,300,000 5,501,000 4,395,000 5,750,000
Home Consumption .. 47,534,000 44,127,000 41,176,000 39,902,000 37,554,000|
The distribution of tea to different parts of the United Kingdom
is thus shown for 1844 :
London, sixty vessels, containing 33,436,887 pounds ; Liverpool,
twenty-five vessels, containing 110,188,552 pounds ; Dublin, four
vessels, containing 1,143,471 pounds ; Clyde, four vessels, contain-
ing 1,716,142 pounds ; Bristol, two vessels, containing 1,060,978
pounds ; Leith, two vessels, containing 478,089 pounds ; Hull,
one vessel, containing 423,143 pounds ; Belfast, one vessel, con-
taining 252,000 pounds.
Ireland was formerly largely supplied from Liverpool, but Dub-
lin now imports direct from China, nearly one-third of the quan-
tity of tea used in Ireland .
While the East India Company had the monopoly of the tea
trade, their shipments were made at one period of the year, viz.:
November, December, January, and February, and latterly the
Select Committee at Canton purchased, during the spring, at low
prices, the teas which were left unsold at the usual period, and
which were termed " winter teas." This, however, was only done to
a limited extent, lest an inferior article should be imported . Now
the trade is more equally diffused over the whole year, although the
best seasons for sailing from China to England, are from November
to February, during which period also, the bulk of the teas arrive
inCanton, and command the largest exports .
The Stocks oftea on hand on the 30th of November, 1845 and 1846,
were : (This statement recently added.)
Stock on hand, 31st December.
1846. 1845 . 1844. 1843.
Bohea ¡224,000 272,000 437,000 526,000
Congou.. 31,021,000 30,454,000 29,823,000 27,777,000
Pouchong 212,000 425,000 1,096,000 1,758,000
Caper .........
1,142,000 855,000 282,000 255,000
Campoi .
Souchong. 2,061,000 1,373,000 1,376,000 970,000
Flowery and Black leaf Pekoe 785,000 508.000 349,000 534 000
Orange Pekoe 2,045,000 875,000 378,000 379,000
Twankay 2,863,000 1,929,000 2,390,000 2,587,000
Hyson skin .. 321,000 325,000 423,000 297,000
Hyson 1,565,000 1,517,000 878,000 1,026,000
Young Hyson 2,734,000 1,817,000 529,000 522,000
Imperial and Gunpowder 3,153,000 2,192,000 806,000 435,000
Sorts and Assam Tea 345,000 368,000 230,000 145,000
For exportation only 56,000 78,000 110,000 180,000
Total..... 48,500,000 42,988,000 39,107,000 37,391,000
Black lbs. 37,759,000 35,061,000 33,968,000 32,416,000
Green lbs. 10,741,000 7,927,000 5,139,000 4,975,000
Thus there may be considered a sufficiency for the consumption
of one year on hand, and for another year on its way from China.
The tea trade of Canton in 1841-42 was not interrupted by the
war which we were waging against the Chinese government in
the north of China, although we had destroyed the forts of the
Bocca Tigris in the Canton River 7th January ; captured the
defences of Canton city on 19th March ; and compelled the city
of Canton to capitulate, and pay 6,000,000 dollars on 25th and
30th of May, 1841. Amoy was stormed and taken on the 26th
August, 1841. On 1st October, 1841 , Tinghae the capital of
Chusan was captured after an assault of two hours. Ningpo
and Chinhai were next taken, and during the winters of 1841-42,
* The cargoes of sundry vessels arrived, amounting to 824,517 pounds, not in-
cluded in this stock.
forcibly retained in our possession ; Chapoo 16th May, 1842 ;
Shanghai 19th June 1842. Yet during these proceedings
36,789,954 pounds of tea were shipped from Canton for the
United Kingdom, in 29,300 tons of British shipping divided as
equally as in the other seasons over the different months of the
year, as shown in a return printed in the Friend of China and
Hong Kong Gazette, No. 11 , and No. 17, of 14th July 1842. This
return is a complete answer to the erroneous allegation, that the
possession of Hong Kong by England is essential to a steady
prosecution of the tea trade at Canton. Even during the block-
ade of Canton, and before we had any settlement at Hong Kong,
the tea trade was carried on nearly as extensively as ever, by con-
veying the tea to the outer anchorages in the Canton waters in a
few ships under Danish and other foreign colours, temporarily
used for the purpose .
Between 1st July, 1840, and 30th June, 1841 , there were
shipped from Canton for England, black tea 23,694,159 pounds ;
green tea 4,992,825 pounds ; total 28,686,984 pounds ; and to the
United States, black tea 1,524,244 pounds ; green tea 6,030,103
pounds ; total 7,554,347 pounds . A considerable portion of tea
was shipped in the month of May 1841 , a few days previous to
the storming of Canton, and a large portion in June, 1841 , im-
mediately after the capture and ransom of that city.
The quantity of tea consumed in Europe must formerly have
been considerable, as it is stated that the quantity of tea exported
from China to Europe in 1666, was seventeen million pounds ;
and that in nine years preceding 1780 there were 118,000,000
pounds of tea imported into the continent. The average of teas
exported from China to Europe in foreign ships for nine years,
viz. from March 1772 to 1780 (says another authority) was
13,191,201 pounds, the average number of vessels, twelve .
In 1785 the importation into the continent was nineteen mil-
lion pounds, but in 1796, it had decreased to little more than
2,500,000 pounds. The importation into the continent from 1782
to 1794, was 129,852,480 pounds ; and from 1795 to 1807,
32,732,756 pounds, shewing a decrease in thirteen years of
97,119,724 pounds .
In 1808, 1809, &c., I find no account of tea exported from Can-
ton to Europe ; the amount having I suppose become so small
for each country, the Americans became the chief carriers of tea
and eastern produce during the latter years of our war with France,
and this trade they still in some degree possess .
Of the Portuguese tea trade I have been unable to get any data,
the demand is so trifling that we know nothing of the amount, al-
though Macao, their settlement at the entrance of the Canton
River, has long been the residence of the English tea merchants.
The Dutch tea trade, at an early period, was considerable. The
exportations from Canton, from 1784 to 1794, was 43,649,760
pounds ; and for the ensuing ten years, only 1,449,599 pounds.
After the restoration of the House of Nassau, in 1815, a Dutch
company was formed to carry on the tea trade ; the royal proclama-
tion announcing that it was to prevent the trade falling into the
hands of foreigners. In 1817 the company was dissolved, and the
Americans and Dutch entered freely into competition for the sup-
ply of Holland and Belgium with tea, "the duties (as Mr.
Masterson, the vice consul at Rotterdam, says) being so low, that
on importations by Dutch and foreign flags, it is only about an Eng-
lish penny on the lower prices, and on the higher prices nothing."
Mr. Masterson delivered into the House of Commons a table, which
demonstrated that although there was the greatest competition,
the greatest abundance, and the lowest possible price, lower even,
sometimes, than it could be bought at Canton, yet the consump-
tion of tea did not increase ; although, according to theory, it ought
to have done so. Let it be remembered that this trade has not
only been carried on without profit, but at considerable loss ; that
of the Dutch being two million of florins within four years.
By comparing the first three years, with the last three years of
the Dutch trade, the decrease will be found to amount to 122,834
quarter chests ; and in 1830 there were no ships sent to China.
The Dutch consul, in an address to the governor of Canton , in
1829, (when there were the following ships in China : the " Peter
and Karl " of 300 tons ; the " Teemanshop ; " the " Charlotte " of
150 tons ; and the " Experiment " of 188 tons, trading to Java ;
while, so long ago as 1747, there were six large Dutch vessels at
Canton ; and in 1789 there were five, all of large burthen) , says,
" For many years the trade of Holland, with the empire of China,
was considerable, many ships annually came, bringing goods from
Holland, or its colonies, but the principal object was always to pur-
chase cargoes entirely the production of China ; and I am happy
to say that no difficulties have ever existed between the two coun-
tries. Formerly, our connexion was advantageous to both parties,
but since the expenses, and the duties which are demanded on our
ships and our merchandise, whether imports or exports, have con-
siderably increased, the Cohong has not preserved the merchants
which the government had fixed, from whence it results that com-
merce has become limited, and its advantages less ; and insensibly
that of Holland has so much diminished that it has become almost
The Dutch are now trying to cultivate tea in Java, and by an
official return the export of Java tea to Holland, for the year end-
ing June, 1846, is 992,500 pounds. I was told at Java last year
that the plantations are in fine order and being increased, but the
tea is said to be of inferior quality, and grown and manufactured
at considerable expense.
Denmark next presents itself to observation, as the Danes have
been consumers of tea since the commencement of the last century ;
at one time they exported a large quantity of tea from Canton,
viz. from 1767 to 1786, 64,305,812 pounds, and from 1787 to
1806, 21,042,101 pounds ; decrease on twenty years 42,884,711 .
The duty is extremely low, viz.: two per cent. ad valorem, and the
sale price according to Mr. Consul Fenwick's report, dated Elsinore,
December, 1828, was, for bohea, 20d.; congou, 28d. to 30d.; and
souchong, 30d. to 32d. per pound . Here, also, we do not find the
consumption to have at all increased, but the very contrary :-
In April, 1825, the stock of teas of different kinds
on hand in Denmark was . 484,000
In 1827, there was a direct supply of · 717,000
Total • · 1,201,000
In September, 1828, after the sale which supplied
the market until the ensuing spring, there was
on hand . 685,000
The consumption, therefore, for four years was 516,000
Or yearly • 129,000
There was consequently, in 1828, sufficient tea in Denmark for
nearly five years' consumption. It is a marked indication of the
indispensable necessity of carefully attending to the importation
of a foreign, and indeed an artificial article, such as that of tea,
that in some countries in Europe the use of tea was formerly
considerable, even when its price was great, and the difficulty in
procuring it enhanced ; but now when freight, insurance, &c., is
low, and tea exceedingly cheap, the importation is so extra-
ordinarily lessened . Sweden offers a confirmation of this remark.
The Swedish exports of tea from Canton, from 1767 to 1786, were
60,960,475 pounds ; from 1787 to 1806, 21,208,423 pounds ; de-
crease on twenty years, 39,752,052 pounds. At present, I believe,
there is very little tea imported . The Swedes, perhaps, thought
as the poet did in the two concluding lines of the following extract
from the " Dessert," a poem published in 1819 :—
" Enlivening, mild, and sociable tea,-
Scandal- compelling green, pekoe, bohea ;
Without thee once philosophy could write,
And wisdom's page the moral pen indite ;
Without thee Thamosthetes their laws enacted,
Without thee thought and taught, and dreamt and acted ;
With this celestial gift, how strange that we
Should neither better eat nor drink, nor think nor see.'
At Trieste the latter part of the last century, there was compara-
tively a large importation of tea from Canton, viz .: from 1779 to
1783, 6,449,170 pounds.
The British consul at Trieste, writing in 1828 to the foreign de-
partment, relative to the consumption of tea there, says :-
" The consumption of tea in this government is so insignificant
as to warrant the assertion that it is scarcely to be considered as
an object of trade . It is used more as a medicine than as a neces-
sary article of subsistence, or an agreeable beverage, except by the
English families here resident and a few others in the higher
" The importation in British vessels is limited to small parcels
brought by masters of ships, and I am credibly informed has not
amounted to 1,000 pounds during the last nine years, the period
I have been in office. A more considerable quantity (about 3,000
pounds) was imported some years ago in an American ship, and
left in commission with an English house here ; but the greater
part, notwithstanding the extreme lowness of the prices, still re-
mains unsold, and I am assured that it is very doubtful whether
wholesale buyers could be found for it at a reduction of thirty per
In the city and liberties of Trieste, which is a free port, and also
in Istria, as being beyond the line of custom-houses, there are no
duties on tea or any other articles of merchandise. There was,
indeed, till lately, a duty of one-half per cent. ad valorem, which
has now ceased, the object for which it was levied, viz. to pay the
debts contracted by the municipality during the war, being accom-
plished .*
The consul at Leghorn states that the consumption of tea in
Tuscany is chiefly confined to foreigners who reside in Florence
and Leghorn, the natives only using it medicinally. In Genoa
the consumption is a few hundred pounds weight ; in Mr. Money,
the consul-general's return, I find the following statement of the
total importation into the Austrian ports of the Adriatic.†
Towns. Quantities of tea imported.
" Venice ." -Have not averaged more than two cwt. per annum in
the last ten years.
" Trieste."-About five cwt. per annum, being little in use except
by British residents .
" Fuime."-Do not exceed from 100 to 150 lbs . per year.
Ragusa. "-Very inconsiderable.
In the foregoing mentioned States tea is cheap, there are little
or no duties . From Palermo, the consul-general writes, "the
consumption of tea in the Island of Sicily is very trifling, about
twenty chests per annum, the Sicilians seldom make use of it,
except in illness as a medicine, and that of a very inferior quality.
It is chiefly imported from the United States of America.
In the kingdom of Naples, it appears from the two years' re-
* Consular returns, House of Lords Select Committee, Appendix B. page 1259.
+ Select Committee House of Lords, Appendix B. page 1245.
turns forwarded by the consul-general, there was a decrease in
1827 of 3,419 lbs. against 5,961 lbs . in 1826 .
The quantity of tea exported from Canton by the Prussians, was,
in 1783, 3,329,800 lbs . ; yearly diminishing until 1803, when it
was only 1,073,733 lbs . After 1803 there is no further regular
account of exportations, and I only find casual shipments, decrea-
sing in quantity. In 1829 the consul-general at Dantzic regrets
it is not in his power to get any information of the tea trade there
or in Berlin, that in fact there is no wholesale trade in teas.
At Frankfort, the consul-general observes, " the quantity of tea
cannot exactly be ascertained, as no consumption duty is levied,
tenpence per cwt. not deserving that denomination."
In 1817 the consumption was 380 cwt. , and in 1826, 112 cwt .*
The consul thinks that about 100 cwt. of tea is consumed by a
population of 70,000 inhabitants in Frankfort, but he adds, this
valuation cannot serve as a general basis for Germany, as in some
parts of it no tea is drunk ' and in others very little, the people
being in the habit of drinking coffee for breakfast, and beer or
wine at other meals.
It might be supposed that the temperament of the French na-
tion would have made them extensive consumers of tea. Formerly,
the taste in this particular was improving and extending, and at
one time tea found its best market in France. From 1783 to 1793
the French exports of tea from Canton amounted to 15,122,130 lbs.
and for the ensuing ten years to only 353,333 lbs. , a decrease of
14,768,797 lbs .
At a later period we do not find that peace, and the increasing
prosperity of the people, induced them to drink tea extensively,
although the duties on importation scarcely differed on a foreign
or native ship, viz .: about twopence per pound.
The tea imported into France from 1820 to 1824, ranged from
80,000 to 70,000 killogrammest a year. At present the consump-
tion is almost confined to the English residents in France.
The consul at Bremen states, " that the consumption of tea is
inconsiderable there, occupying a small portion of shiproom."
At Lubeck "there is no wholesale trade in tea, and but a very
irregular one in the retail line ." (consul's report. ) The commerce
of Russia with China will be given in the description of Kiachta.
Sir Daniel Bayley, the consul -general at St. Petersburgh, in his
despatch to government, 18th December, 1828, states that, " from
the most authentic sources of information he has had access to, it
appears that the importation of tea into the Russian empire has
been, from 1824 to 1827, poods 580,231 , of which the exports were
poods 3,843. The average annual imports were poods 144,097."
English 5,187,496 lbs . , value £248,346.
The only two years given in the consular return.
A killogramme is 15,434 grains avoirdupois.
The export of tea from Canton, in United States' vessels, was, in
1843-44, of green tea 10,131,837 lbs ., of black tea 4,125,527 lbs.
= 14,257,364 . In 1844-45 the export rose to 20,751,583 lbs . The
duty levied for some years in America has been nominal, but the
consumption of tea has not been increased.
The average annual consumption of China tea in different coun-
tries, as nearly as can be ascertained, is now, in round numbers,
thus :- lbs.
Great Britain and Ireland 45,000,000
British North America and West Indies 2,500,000
Australasia, Cape of Good Hope, & c . 2,500,000
British India and Eastern Islands 2,000,000
Total in the British empire 52,000,000
United States of North America 7,000,000
Russia 10,000,000
France and Colonies . 500,000
Hanse Towns, &c. 150,000
Holland and its Colonies • 1,000,000
Belgium 200,000
Denmark, Sweden and Norway 250,000
The German States 500,000
Spain and Portugal 100,000
Italian States · 50,000
South American States 500,000
Total consumption in foreign countries 20,250,000
Thus, the English consume more than twice the quantity of
tea that is consumed by all the other countries, excepting China
and Japan. It will be seen, on referring generally to the Canton
Price Currents, that the cost price of tea has increased in Canton
since the abolition of the East India Company, and not until
February and March 1845, did prices fall. An increased demand
in China has always caused an enhanced price.
The large amount of tea consumed in Europe and America, is
chiefly grown south of the Great Yangtzekang River ; the whole
region lying between the 27th and 31st degrees of north latitude,
and from the sea-coast inland for five to six hundred miles, may be
considered capable of producing tea ; but the most favoured region
is the generally sterile hilly province of Fokein, and the provinces
of Keang-soo and Che-keang, between the 25th and 31st degrees
of north latitude. This territory, which extends over 350 to 400
square miles, is composed principally of the debris of a coarse
granite and of a ferruginous sandstone, crumbling into decay, but
when well comminuted and irrigated, yielding sufficient nutriment
M 2
for the hardy tea plant, (a camellia,) whose qualities, like that of
the vine, are elicited by the nature of the soil, the elevation, the
climate, and the solar aspect to which the shrub is subjected.
It is generally stated that green and black tea are produced
from the shrubs of the same species, with a slight variety ; the leaf
of the green being larger and broader than that of the black--the
former leaf is rounded- the latter elliptic, flatter and more coria-
ceous. The cultivation in different soils, the picking of the leaves
at different stages of expansion, and the subjecting them to a
greater or less degree of heat and manipulation in drying, is the
cause of considerable variety ; probably the same difference exists
as between the red and white grape, or the black and white cur-
The shrub is cultivated with great care from seeds, then planted
in quincunx rows, in beds, chiefly along the sides of hills with a
southern aspect, and on a poor gravelly soil, among the debris of
decayed granite and disintegrated sandstone, and where nothing
else will grow, and it is used for hedge-rows or boundaries.*
The height varies from three to seven feet, and it is very leafy.
The flower resembles the wild rose or briar flower, common in
English hedges in autumn ; the seed vessel is a nut of the size of
a small hazel, or rather like the castor-oil nut, but rounder ;
three red kernels are in each nut, divided by capsules, and from
these a quantity of oil, termed " tea oil," is extracted and used for
common purposes by the Chinese. Six or seven seeds are put into
each hole when planting ; in twelve or eighteen months transplan-
tation takes place, and about the third year the leaves are first
plucked ; at seven years of age the top is cut almost down to the
stem, (as gardeners do with old currant trees,) and a more leafy
set of shoots spring up the ensuing year. The age of the tree is
unknown, it has a duration of probably fifteen or twenty years.
It is an evergreen, and blossoms from the end of autumn through-
vout the winter until ) the spring. The leaves are dried by placing
them first in flat baskets and exposing them to the air, and a
moderate degree of sun. They are then further dried , " tatched, "
in thin pans of iron, heated by a small furnace of charcoal, the
leaves being kept constantly turned round by the hand, and rolled
or rubbed between the fingers to give the leaf a rounded form ;
when sufficiently fired it is picked , and packed for Canton in
chops," of 100 to 1000 chests each chop, having marked on it
the name of the maker, the district where the tea is grown, its
quality, date, &c.
A visitor to the tea districts says, "that the worst tea is found
in earth of a yellow colour ; but care must be taken to have the
shrub always face the south ; it then acquires vigour and bears
I found the tea shrub in several parts of China, planted as hedge rows, or fences
to fields and vegetable gardens, but not capable of producing a tea which would be
drunk in England.
three years after it is planted. The root resembles much that of
the peach- tree ; and its flowers resemble the white wild rose. The
average height is about five feet . Several branches join toge-
ther, and separate towards their upper extremities ; it is not unlike
the myrtle-tree in Europe. In autumn the tea-shrub produces a
kind of fruit. The young and tender branches produce soft
berries of a green colour filled with yellow grains. On other
branches this fruit is as large as a Windsor bean. The outer rind,
which encloses this fruit or seed, is green, smooth and thick.
Under the second, which is white and thinner, is a third pellicle,
exceedingly fine, that covers a kind of nut adhering to the rind by
a small fibre, from which it derives its nourishment. When this
fruit is young its taste is rather bitter ; but in two or three days
after it has been gathered , it lengthens, changes to a yellow colour,
appears like a decayed filbert, becomes oily and extremely bitter.
The chief portion of fruit found on the tea-shrub are called female
fruit, which have no germ. Those that have a germ, if they are
sown will produce trees ; but the Chinese make use of slips for
raising plants."
Copper is not used in the preparation of any description of tea ;
iron pans are solely employed. I visited a " tea manufactory " a
few miles north of Canton, where about 500 men, women, and
children were engaged in converting coarse-looking, refuse leaves,
into several sorts of green tea. A series of large flat iron pans
were placed over a range of furnaces, heated by charcoal in various
degrees. The leaves which had been previously picked and sorted,
were then placed successively in these pans, by men who each
rolled them to a certain extent. After passing four or five pans, a
small quanty of turmeric was sprinkled over the leaves, in a pan
highly heated, and in the next pan, a blue powder composed of
prussian blue and gypsum was added, which gave a delicate green
bloom to the leaf, which formerly had been of a dingy black sør
brown hue. The tea was then gradually cooled in large shallow
baskets, then placed in a winnowing machine and sifted into dif-
ferent sizes, the smaller being packed and sold as gunpowder or
pearl tea. Thus the greatest refuse of tea, or the leaves which had
passed through the tea pots of the Chinese, were converted into
gunpowder, hyson," and other teas for exportation, as the Chi-
nese never drink green tea. The proprietor of the manufactory
told me, that the green tea thus prepared was sold to the Ameri-
cans, who consume but little black tea. It is said to be difficult to
detect this coloured tea from the pure, and as the Americans have
good tea-tasters at Canton, the English probably receive their
share of the adulterated manufacture.
The names of teas are a very imperfect criterion of their quality,
formerly bohea was the principal tea in use, now the title desig-
nates the lowest description of black tea. It may be useful to in-
dicate the designation of the names in general use.
Bohea is an English corruption of the words " Woo-e" " Voo-yu"
and " Bo-yu," some hills of that name about twelve miles in cir-
cumference in Fokein, on the borders of Canton province, yielding
a common tea of that name, which is gathered three times a year ;
it is called by the Chinese, tacha, (large tea.)
Congo from Congfoo, " labourer," is of a better quality than
bohea, less dusty and with a rougher and more astringent flavour.
Wo-ping teas are so called from a district of that name in Can-
ton province, and when mixed with bohea form Canton bohea.
Ankoi, a coarse tea from a district of that name. Campoi from
Kiempor, " selected ;" it is a stronger tea than congo.
Souche or Caper, from Swangche, " double preparation ," or
" Choolan" fragrant pearls.
Souchong from Seaore-chong, " scarce or small- good thing," it
is carefully made from trees three years old, grown in good soil ;
older trees in a similar situation produce congo ; older still bohea,
and other inferior teas. There are different sorts of Souchong, and
it is not easy to get this tea pure and good in England . The leaf
has an agreeable fragrancy somewhat like new-made hay ; the leaf
is crisp, of a glossy black colour, and when subjected to boiling
water of a rich red hue, the liquid is an amber brown.
Peko or Peho from " Pih," has white petals or hair, so called
from being made of young leaves, gathered in when the blossom-
ing is over spring, when there is a whitish hair or down on the
leaf. The tea flowers are fragrant mixed with the leaf, and give a
fine odour and flavour to the tea.
Twankay from Tunkay, a district where the tea is generally
made ; in green teas it corresponds in quality to congo among
black teas.
Singlo from " Sunglo" a mountain in Ganhwuy ; both these teas
have large flat leaves, and are not much rolled.
Hyson from He- chuen, " genial spring or first crop," when the
young leaves are gathered.
Hyson skin, Puha, " tea skin." In Chinese, " skin" signifies the
refuse ; it is formed of the leaves rejected in the preparation of
hyson. The dealers in London give it the name of " bloom tea."
Young hyson from Yu-tseen, " before the rains." It is a very
small leaf.
Gunpowder is the picked small, well-rounded hyson, like shot ;
it is also called pearl, or imperial tea.
The different teas are prepared roughly by the tea farmers, and
then taken to the manufacturers who " tatche" and sort the teas,
according to the districts in which they are grown, the variety
and age of the tree, the size and quality of the leaf, &c.
leaves are passed through sieves of sizes , before their quality is
determined. The judgment of the manufacturer in selecting and
sorting, and the skill of his workmen, in firing or " tatching"
the leaf, is of the first consequence . The better quality teas are
more frequently roasted, and each leaf separately rolled. The
finest descriptions do not reach England ; the Mandarins pay high
prices for those teas, their flavour is delicate and stimulant. The
production of tea for the use of the Chinese higher and middle
classes must be considerable, as it is used at every meal ; it is,
however, generally of an inferior quality.
" Brick tea" used throughout western Asia, is made in Fokein
chiefly ; dirty, damaged tea-leaves and stalks, are mixed with a glu-
tinous substance, pressed into moulds and dried in ovens . It is
drunk by the Tartars by pounding and mixing it with salt and
milk ; and sometimes made into broth with flour, or fried in oil.
The tea found in Russia, conveyed by land and river carriage
thither, is said to be superior to the tea generally used in England .
This may be owing to the leaf being less fired . Many of the
finest teas drunk in China, would not bear five or six months
stowage in the hot and humid atmosphere of the hold of a ship,
and therefore the teas conveyed to Europe by sea, are required to
be dried and fired, to a degree which must injure their quality.
Teas that I drank at Foochoo, Ningpo, and Shanghai, were
not highly dried, and had a very delicate flavour when drank in
the Chinese way, without milk or sugar, but these teas could not
be preserved more than a few months. The Chinese say, that the
high-dried superior black teas improve in flavour, by being closely
packed in air-tight leaden cases for one or two years. Some of
the finest teas in China, scarcely colour the water, and the prepa-
ration consists solely in pouring boiling water on a small quantity
of the leaves placed in a tea-cup, fitted with a close cover. Among
the highest classes, a silver strainer is placed at the bottom of the
tea-cup. Tea made up into balls, or compressed into the form of
bricks or flat cakes, is exported to Tartary, Tibet, Burmah, & c.,
and boiled with milk, constitutes an agreeable and stimulating
The constituent properties of tea are,
Black. Green.
Tannin 40.6 34.6
Vegetable albumen 6.4 5.7
Mucilage 6.3 5.9
Insoluble fibre 44.8 51.3
Loss . • 2.0 2.5
The tannin blackens salts of iron. The proportions of tannin
must vary with the quality of the tea. A salifiable base named
" theine," in regular colourless crystals, has been obtained from
The ashes of black and green teas, yield silex, carbonate of lime,
magnesia, and chloruret of potash. In distillation, tea yields a
volatile oil, and according to some, a small quantity of resin solu-
ble in alcohol, and possessing the odour of tea. The effects of tea
on the human system are first stimulant, and then narcotic,
according to the strength of the beverage. In moderation, tea is
an excellent diluent, it promotes digestion and stimulates the re-
nal glands . The constant use of tea, however, in large quantities,
especially by persons living on a poor vegetable diet, is not favour-
able to physical strength or nervous energy ; and to persons en-
gaged in sedentary employments, and imperfectly alimented, the
frequent imbibing of " tannin" has a decided and manifest perni-
cious effect . How far the excessive use of strong tea in China, by
alternately elevating and depressing the nervous system, may have
led to the craving desire for opium as a counter stimulant, is de-
serving of consideration . Certain it is, that strong coffee (coffeine)
among the Turks and Persians ; and strong tea, (theine) are simi-
lar in their elementary qualities ; and among the Chinese are
followed or preceded by the use of opium, or similar delete-
rious stimulating narcotics. It is stated that in the manufactur-
ing districts of Great Britain, where tea is very largely consumed
at all meals, opium is now being introduced.
A statesman is bound to watch apparently minute and remote
causes in their operating influence on the character of a nation,
and to look more to the preservation of the physical strength and
moral power of a people, than to any imaginary increase of revenue
or trade from one branch of commerce. Since the commencement
of the present century, tea has increased in consumption per head
in Great Britain more than sugar, wine, tobacco, malt, &c. , and it
now amounts to more than two pounds per annum for each person
capable of using the leaf. Twenty-eight million people in the United
Kingdom consume double the quantity of tea that is used by the
whole population of Europe, (including Russia) North and South
America, Africa, and Asia, (exclusive of China and Japan) although
the duties in those countries are lower, or as in the United States
nil. It is asserted that if the government reduced the duty on
tea, a diminution of price would follow, and cause still larger con-
sumption of tea in England. But low prices, if such be desired,
would probably not be obtained by any reduction of the govern-
ment revenue ; other causes will operate in the reduction of price.
Competition among the European merchants at Canton, and the
necessity for selling cotton goods and other manufactures, for
which tea is received in barter, has tended to maintain for that
commodity high prices, but it is expected that the opening of ports
contiguous to the tea districts will materially reduce the prime
cost. Mr. Consul Alcock informed me at Foochoo, that he ascer-
tained tea could be shipped from that port at 20 per cent. less
than the Canton prices. Some tea has been shipped from Ningpo
and several cargoes from Shanghai direct for England . The ship-
ments from the latter named port, will probably increase, in
return for the large quantities of British manufactures sent
thither. Competition will thus take place with the Cantonese, and
the sale-price be lowered materially. Considerable efforts have
been made bythe Chinese and former Hong merchants at Canton,
to confine the foreign tea trade to that city, and in this they have
been aided not only by the possession of large capital, enabling
them to make contracts with and advances to the tea cultivators
and manufacturers, but also by an extensive credit, which assists them
to take off and dispose of a considerable quantity of our manu-
factures, by the routine of old established channels of business
which are not easily changed, and also by the promulgation of offi-
cial documents and edicts, arising partly from the imperial policy
of keeping foreigners at the extremity of the empire, and partly
from a fear of losing the transit and other duties which tea pays,
during its conveyance from Fokien and Chekeang to Canton.
Tea will ultimately be shipped from the most convenient port,
near to the place of growth, when our merchants are permitted to
carry on a free and unrestricted intercourse with China, which
would be far more beneficial for the Chinese than for ourselves.
Chusan produces considerable quantities of superior tea, which is
sent unmanufactured to Ningpo and other places, for the use of
the Mandarins. Were Chusan or some contiguous island a
British possession, tea would be brought from different parts of
the adjacent tea coast, and there shipped for England at a reduced
cost. It is not policy or interest to maintain the tea trade at Can-
ton, on the contrary we ought to prosecute this valuable commerce
in the northern ports.
There have latterly been considerable fluctuations in the price of
tea, in consequence of extravagant speculations . About the
month of June 1839 , when the intelligence reached England of
Commissioner Lin having issued prohibitory edicts against opium
smuggling, speculation began in tea, and was principally sustained
by the operations of a wealthy retired opium dealer ; congou rose
from 1s. to 1s. 5d. per pound, and this description of tea became
the regulating price for all other teas. On the 1st August, news
of trade being stopped at Canton reached London, and congou ad-
vanced to 1s. 8d.; in October to 2s. , in consequence of Captain
Elliot's order, that no British ship should go up the river to Can-
ton. On the 2nd December congou rose to 28. 7d., it being known
that hostile measures were to be forthwith adopted towards China.
The stock of tea on hand in England 31st December, 1839, was
52,500,000 pounds, and the quantity delivered for 1839 was
32,366,412. On the 16th January, 1840, the speech from the
throne announced that Her Majesty's government considered the
dispute with China national ; and the price of congou rose to 3s. 2d.
per pound. The rumour of a treaty being arranged by Captain
Elliot, brought down prices to 28. 9d., but on the refusal of Lin
to ratify it, they rose to 3s. 2d.; on the arrival of tea taken
out of American ships at Hong Kong, and permission to land it,
price fell to 2s . 8d. , but rose on the 11th March, 1840, to 3s. 2d.
on rumours that a declaration of war against China had been
170 FEARFUL GAMBLING IN TEA, 1839, 1840, AND 1841 .
issued by the Governor-general of India, in the name of the Bri-
tish government . When it was known that no declaration of war
had been issued, prices fell to 28. Thus the fluctuation proceeded ,
affected by every true intelligence , or false reports artfully pro-
mulgated. At the close of 1840, the stock on hand was 46,500,000
pounds, and the quantity delivered for home consumption during
the year, was 35,136,232 pounds ; the highest prices during the
year 3s. 3d., lowest ls. 11d. per pound . Throughout the year
1841 the speculations were continued ; almost every day producing
a new rumour , and a rise or fall. On the 17th August a dated let-
ter was inserted in the second edition of the Herald and Chronicle ,
which was said to have been received from a man, on the 27th
April, and put on board the Bombay steamer, after the mail and
other despatches had been embarked. In this letter it was as-
serted, that the Emperor had ordered the destruction of all teas,
and that the order was rigidly obeyed, that hostilities had recom-
menced, and that not 1,000 chests of tea had found their way to
the outercoasters by smuggling . The fraud raised prices imme-
diately, but they fell again on the discovery of the forgery. On
the 31st August the stock in the United Kingdom was reduced to
29,000,000 pounds, the lowest which had taken place, and this
aided the rage for speculation . The siege of Canton, its surrender,
the local truce, indemnity of 6,000,000, &c. caused large operations
in what were termed " time bargains :" a gambling called " puts
and calls" arose ; one person purchasing from another the right of
buying or selling to him at a certain price a defined quantity of
tea on a given day. The announcement that although we were
at war on the east and north coasts of China , the truce was to exist
with Canton, and trade to proceed as usual, almost entirely
checked the speculation in November and December 1841. On
the 31st December 1841 , the stock on hand was 36,000,000 pounds ,
and the quantity delivered for home consumption was 32,262,905
pounds. Prices ranged for congou from 18. 44d. to 2s. 9d., during
1842 ; speculation was slow and cautious, but the market nearly
resumed its usual steady operations , and prices fell to 18. 5d. , on
the arrival on the 22nd November of the Treaty of Nankin . The
quantity consumed for the year was about 36,000,000 pounds, and
the stock on hand was 34,000,000, the range of prices was 1s. 5d.
to 28. per pound for congou .
Probably, at no period since the celebrated Mississippi scheme, was
there ever greater and more prolonged speculation in one article.
Expresses were established between Marseilles and London ; large
sums paid for early official information ; newspapers feed for pro-
mulgating false intelligence ; at Garraways the speculators con-
tinued their gambling in tea throughout the evening, and for a
part of the night ; the monied interest was transferred from the
Stock Exchange to the Jerusalem Coffee-house and to Garraways'
mart ; the mania spread into the country among wholesale and retail
dealers in tea, and fortunes were lost and made with marvellous
rapidity. The usual results ensued ; the steady pursuit of trade
was abandoned for the wildest gambling, men who rose wealthy
in the morning were beggars at night ; and suicide, bankruptcy,
and ruin to many a hearth and home closed the sum.
It behoves government to avoid interfering with the routine into
which the trade has now subsided ; some persons still hold inferior
teas, almost rubbish, that were purchased at enormously high
prices during the speculation . Their only prospect of sale is a re-
duction of the duty, and an alteration in the mode of lowering the
duty, by admitting inferior teas at a lower customs -rate. These
persons and their agents , are therefore very clamorous for an alter-
ation in the duty to suit their purposes. But government can
look only to the public interests, and these were considered as best
served by an uniform rate of duty, on all teas entered after the
1st July, 1836.
It was attempted in 1834, when the trade with China was
thrown open by the abolition of the monopoly of the East India
Company, to levy an ad valorem duty of 1s . 6d. per pound on bohea ;
28. 2d. per pound on congou ; 3s. per pound on souchong, &c.
This was deemed preferable to the mode adopted previous to 1834,
viz., ninety-six per cent. on all teas sold at or under 2s. per pound ;
and 100 per cent. on all teas sold above 2s. per pound. But the
very discriminating duty on bohea, congou, & c. , was after two
years' trial found impracticable ; and in 1836 the uniform rate
of 2s. 1d. per pound on all descriptions of tea was levied, which
with the additional five per cent. imposed in 1840, makes the total
duty now levied per pound, 2s. 2d. and a fraction. #
The present system of an uniform duty on all teas, was adopted
at the urgent request of the tea-brokers and tea- dealers in
England, and it is impossible to examine impartially the evidence
taken before the Select Committee of Parliament appointed 6th
May, 1834, to inquire into the expediency of establishing one fixed
rate of duty, without seeing the justice of such a proceeding, no
less for the interest of the public than for the advantage of the
revenue. Sir George Staunton, who was on the Committee and
possessed the largest information, truly observed that he believed
the present system of a rated duty had not the support of a
single individual who ever was in China. Moreover, any rated
duty as to quality or price, would exceedingly disturb the simpli-
city with which the tea trade is now conducted at Canton, where
the merchant is unfettered in his purchases by any other con-
sideration than the intrinsic goodness of the leaf he is buying.
If two or more rates of duty were levied in England, inferior
qualities of tea would be produced, whereas when the duty is alike
on all teas good or bad, the merchant finds it his interest to ex-
port only the good.
The consumption of tea in the United Kingdom is estimated at
172 DIVISION OF PROFITS ON £ 10,000,000 TEA .
45,000,000 pounds yearly ; and sold at an average price to the
consumer of 48. 6d. per pound, the money expended for tea is
nearly ten millions sterling.
The expenditure of this sum is distributed as follows, in round
numbers :- £
Net cost of 45,000,000 pounds, average 1s. per pound 2,250,000
Export duty in China 3-47 dollars per pecul, or 1d.
per pound, about • 280,000
Shipping charges, &c . in China 25,000
Freight, &c. China to England, about 2d. per pound 375,000
Insurance a half-penny per pound 93,000
Commission about one farthing per pound 46,000
Tasting charges, & c. about one-eighth of a penny per
pound · 23,000
Interest for six months on 3,000,000 at five per
cent. 75,000
Total outlay in China £3,167,000
Profit to exporters in China (about 12 per cent.) 300,000
Landing charges, &c . in England 33,000
Cost price in bond in England £3,500,000
Duty received by government at 2s . 24d . per pound
about 4,920,000
Profit divided among tea-brokers, wholesale and re-
tail dealers, &c. upwards of 40 per cent. 1,580,000
Total outlay by British public for tea, at 4s . 6d. per lb. £ 10,000,000
It is more than probable that tea has now reached the limit of
consumption in England, and that any reduction of taxation , (even
if such reduction went not into the pockets of the tea merchants
and tea dealers ,) would not augment the use of this innutritious
A financier knows that there are some articles, viz . , salt,
pepper, &c ., which cannot be increased in use beyond a given ex-
tent by any fiscal diminution ; and tea, which must be used alone,
and which cannot like sugar and other articles be mixed with
various substances, is in this category.
A reduction of the tea duties from 2s. to ls. as proposed, would
therefore diminish the revenue one-half, without any perceptible
corresponding advantage to the consumer ; and unless the state is
in a condition to give up about two million sterling of income,
or disposed to levy this amount on some other article, there can be
no justifiable grounds for the proposed reduction. But it is also
worthy of note that the use of tea as a beverage is a factitious
taste, which may decline (as has been the case throughout Europe)
as rapidly as it has arisen ; that the rate of duty levied shuts out
tea of a very inferior quality ; and that the glutting of the market
with a worthless or injuriously adulterated herb, might produce
a national distaste, especially among the labouring classes, with
whom coffee is a preferable stimulant, and cocoa a more nutritious
The idea that by reducing the price of teas in England a largely
increased consumption would take place, which would be paid for
in British manufactures, is I think fallacious, and it is wiser to
wait and see the effects which importing teas direct from Shang-
hai and other northern ports in China may have in reducing the cost
price, and which as before observed, may it is said be done to the
extent of nearly twenty per cent,, as compared with the present
Canton prices. If this reduction take place in the prime cost
at the port of shipment, the government will be enabled to ascer-
tain how far such reduction will benefit the consumer or extend
the consumption at home. On a mature and impartial consi-
deration of the whole subject, it does not appear politic, or
advisable, to make at present any alterations in the duties,
neither as regards the vital interests of the state, which cannot afford
to jeopardize five million sterling of annual revenue, steadily and
economically paid into the British exchequer, nor as affects the
great bulk of the nation, who as consumers would derive little or
no benefit in the price of an article supplied by only one foreign
country, and who may as well pay their necessary quota of tax-
ation on tea as on any other article subject to custom or excise
duties. (Signed) R. M. MARTIN, H.M. Treasurer.
China, July, 1845 .
I give the preceding report on tea as transmitted to Her
Majesty's Government from China, in July, 1845 ; excepting
numerous tabular statements in support of my views, which,
however, it would be too expensive for me to print. Nothing that
I have since heard has induced me to alter the opinions I formed
in China on this subject-the result of careful examination, un-
biassed by any personal advantages for or against a reduction of
the duty. My work on the " Taxation of the British Empire,"
and the evidence given before select committees of Parliament,
show that for the past fifteen years I have strenuously advocated as
an act of justice as well as sound policy, the reduction of taxation
on articles of nutriment or necessity, which enter largely into the
consumption of the great mass of the people. I allude more
particularly to sugar, malt, soap, &e. Tea is neither a nutriment
nor a necessary of life, its use does not improve the physical
stamina of the people ; in fact, it acts the very reverse, by its in-
jurious effects on the nervous system-unless when accompanied
by a full diet of animal food, and fermented liquors. Again-the
position, soil, and climate adapted for the growth of tea in China, is
limited, and no large quantity of drinkable tea could be suddenly
obtained in China ; any reduction of duty would therefore not
lessen the price of tea to the consumer, it would go to the
benefit of the Chinese and European dealers in the article.
Furthermore, there would be no inconsiderable risk of turning the
public taste from tea, if an inferior article were largely intro-
duced, as has been the case on the continent of Europe.
The true remedy for our deficient trade with China, is not to be
found in the reduction of one or two million sterling of tea
duties, but in a perfect freedom of intercourse with China ; in
facilities of access to the interior of that vast country, and in the
abolition of the pernicious opium traffic, which absorbs the money
(£4,000,000 sterling,) that would otherwise be devoted to the pur-
chase ofBritish manufactures. If Her Majesty's Government could
afford to give up £2,000,000 of annual revenue- well and good ;-
I for one should be rejoiced to hear that our merchants in China
had received some portion of this advantage . But taking all the
circumstances of the case into consideration, but most especially
the precarious state of the imperial revenues, and the absolute
necessity of preserving faith with the public creditor, especially in
the present critical period of financial and commercial transition-
it seems extremely injudicious for the Chancellor of the Exchequer
to attempt at present any alteration in the duty levied on tea.
THE Consumption of the intoxicating and pernicious drug called
opium, is so large in China, so entirely contraband, and so strongly
denounced by the imperial government, that a brief notice of the
events that arose out of the desire of the Chinese government to
suppress the traffic will be necessary, in order that the present
state of the trade may be fully understood ; for the question is by
no means a settled one with the cabinet at Peking, and it is far
from improbable, that the opium traffic may again lead to a war
between China and England .
Opium was first used in China medicinally, and a small quantity
was grown in the southern province of Yunnan. It is probable,
that, subsequent to the Tartar conquest (A.D. 1644) , a great de-
terioration of morals took place throughout the empire, and the
complete subjugation and despotism exercised by the conquerors
destroyed public energy and private enterprise, leaving to the
wealthier classes no other source of enjoyment than what may be
temporarily, but dearly, obtained from sensual indulgence . This
is also manifest in the opium-consuming countries of Turkey and
Persia ; indeed, wherever the vital and ennobling springs of human
action are subdued, baneful passions take root, and among a
materialist-people like the Chinese, almost devoid of religion, and
without hope of the future, every species of present enjoyment
necessarily ensues. The fatally delicious intoxication of opium
offered, therefore, a transient pleasure and oblivion of woes, which
it was difficult to resist.
Previous to 1767, the importation of the drug from India (which
country, and Turkey, are almost the only countries where it is ex-
tensively grown) into China, did not exceed 200 chests a year.
This increased to 1000 chests yearly, the trade being chiefly in the
hands of the Portuguese. In 1773, the East India Company
made a small venture of opium to China. In 1780, the English
entered into the trade, and established two small depôt vessels in
" Larks, or Blackbutter Bay," southward of Macao, where the
opium, worth in Bengal 500 rupees a chest, was sold to the Chi-
nese for 500 dollars.
In 1781 , the Bengal government freighted an armed vessel with
opium, the proceeds of which were paid into the East India Com-
pany's treasury at Canton .
In 1794, the English stationed a large vessel laden with opium
at Whampoa, where she remained fifteen months unmolested.
The consumption in the year 1800 was probably about 2,000
chests, when the importation was prohibited by the Emperor ; who
also interdicted the cultivation of the poppy in Yunnan. Subse-
quently, a general order was issued to all governors and deputy
governors throughout the empire, to exert themselves in suppress-
ing the use of opium, and directing them to send in their opinions
on the best mode of doing so. The Emperor peremptorily in-
structed the governor of Yunnan not to use " empty words," but
to put the people in fear, prevent the production of opium, and at
the end of every year report progress to His Majesty. Death,
transportation, and confiscation of property, were decreed to be the
punishments due to those who smoked, retailed , or cultivated
Notwithstanding these severe prohibitions, the consumption of
opium increased rapidly in China ; and armed depôt vessels be-
longing to several private English merchants, were stationed under
shelter of the island of Lintin, in the Canton river, during the
N.E. monsoon, and in the adjacent harbour of Capsingmoon, at
the entrance of the Canton river, during the summer months.
The smuggling boats were fast sailers, well armed, manned with.
forty to fifty stout rowers, and ready to fight when attacked by
the Chinese government revenue cruisers-which was not unfre-
quently the case. The opium was purchased for cash in Canton
from the English owner or consignee by Chinese brokers, who then
received an order on the captain of the depôt or receiving ship at
Lintin, to deliver so many chests to the bearer. These deliveries
were generally made at night, to elude the mandarin cruisers .
As the trade increased, English receiving vessels were stationed
at eligible places along the east and north coasts of China. The
consumption of Indian opium (independent of Turkey opium)
was, in
Patna &Benares. Value. Malwa. Value. Total. Value.
Chests. Dollars. Chests. Dollars. Chests. Dollars.
1816-17 2,610 3,132,000 600 525,000 3,210 3,657,000
1826-27 3,661 3,668,565 6,308 5,941,520 9,969 9,610,085
1832-33 8,290 6,570,72915,403 8,781,700 23,693 15,352,429
1837 about 40,000 chests, valued at.. 25,000,000
Thus, in twenty years, the consumption of this fearfully perni-
cious drug had more than ten-fold increased, and, according to the
then exchangeable value of the dollar, an annual drain of the pre-
cious metals amounting to about four million pounds sterling
ensued, although the exportation thereof was prohibited by the
government of China. The dissoluteness and destruction caused
by this extensive use of opium ; the corruption consequent on the
large bribes paid to the mandarins by the Chinese smugglers of
the drug ; and the constant, open, and universal defiance of the
imperial laws, gave much alarm and disquietude at Peking .
The imperial government discussed the subject in three points
of view :-1st . Moral, in relation to the health and virtue of the
people ; 2d . Financial, on account of the constant and heavy drain
of gold and silver from China ; and, 3rd . Political, by means of the
effects produced from the two previous arguments : viz ., destroy-
ing the people, and diminishing the means of resistance against
foreigners, who were now visiting every part of the coast of
The number of smokers, at three candareens = 17 % grains
per man daily, was about three million, and as it was a very expen-
sive vice, and could only be indulged in by the wealthy classes,
and those high in the employ of government, the demoralizing
effect produced on the nation generally may be readily conceived.
No language would convey a description of the sufferings of
those to whom opium has become a necessary of existence ; no
picture could impress the fearful misery which the inmates of an
opium smoking shop exhibit. These dens of human suffering are
attended by unfortunate women-as opium in the early use is an
aphrodisiac, and as such prized by the Chinese. In few, but very
few, instances, if indeed in any, moderation in opium is exercised ;
once fairly begun, there is no cessation, until poverty and death
ensue ; and when digestion has nearly ceased, and deglutition
even become painful, the utmost effect of the drug is merely to
mitigate the horrors of existence.
One of the fallacies put forth to palliate the enormity of this
crime, is that the vice of opium smoking is not worse than that of
gin drinking ; but this is on a par with another fallacy, that if
Englishmen did not supply the Chinese with opium, another
nation would. How sunken must be the morals of an individual,
when crime is measured by crime ! How dead must be the sense
of national responsibility, when the plea is put forth that wholesale
destruction may be committed, because, if not done by us, others
will or may probably perpetrate the crime, and receive its hireling
reward ! Yet these are the justifications of professing Christians-
in a nominally Christian country—in the middle of the nineteenth
century !
On the second of these poor and flimsy subterfuges we have no
need to comment, nor will the allegation bear discussion : as well
might the murderer, Thurtell, justify his plunder and slaying of
Mr. Weare, on the plea that if he did not Probert would, as Eng-
land attempt to screen herself from the condemnation, so justly
her due, for poisoning the Chinese. But the first plea is more
specious, and its fallacy not so readily exposed ; although it is at
once apparent, that the perpetration of one offence can be no pal-
liation for another. But independent of this argument, there is
no comparison whatever between gin and opium, as regards their
rapid and fatal effects. In adducing testimony on this point, I
shall state, first, the effects of opium as I witnessed them in the
Opium affects primarily the nervous system, and is not, like
beer, wine, or spirits , received into the digestive system previous
to its action on the nerves. It is smoked by the Chinese after
preparation by boiling to concentrate the narcotic principle. As
a medicine, like all other poisons, it is of great value. It dimi-
nishes pain, soothes irritation, and often procures repose for the
sufferers when other means have failed . In large doses it almost
instantly destroys life by the destruction of the nervous energy,
which is indispensable to the circulation of the blood . Unless
when taken for the relief of disease, and even then administered
with the greatest caution, the continued action of opium, as a
sensual stimulant, tends rapidly to the wasting of youth, health,
strength, and beauty. Those who begin its use at twenty may
expect to die at thirty years of age : the countenance becomes
pallid ; the eyes assume a wild brightness, the memory fails, the
gait totters, mental exertion and moral courage sink, and a fright-
ful marasmus or atrophy reduces the victim to a ghastly spectacle,
who has ceased to live before he has ceased to exist. There is no
slavery so complete as that of the opium-taker ; once habituated
to his dose as a factitious stimulant, everything will be endured
rather than the privation ; and the unhappy being endures all the
mortification of a consciousness of his own degraded state, while
ready to sell wife and children, body and soul, for the continu-
ance of his wretched and transient delight ; transient indeed - for
at length the utmost effect produced is a temporary suspension of
agony, and finally, no dose of the drug will remove or relieve a
state of suffering which it is utterly impossible to describe. The
pleasurable sensations and imaginative ideas arising at first, soon
pass away ; they become fainter and fainter, and at last entirely give
place to horrid dreams and appalling pictures of death : spectres
of fearful visage haunt the mind- the light which once seemed to
emanate from heaven is converted into the gloom of hell- sleep,
balmy sleep has fled for ever- night succeeds day only to be clothed
with never-ending horrors ;-incessant sickness, vomiting, diarrhoea,
and total cessation of the digestive functions, ensue ; and death
at length brings, with its annihilation of the corporeal structure,
the sole relief to the victim of sensual and criminal indulgence .
The opium shops which I visited in the East were perfect types
of hell upon earth.
An exemplary missionary, the Rev. Mr. Medhurst- now in China
(at Shanghai) and intimately acquainted with the Chinese lan-
guage, says, " those who have not seen the effects of opium-
smoking in the eastern world, can hardly form any conception of
its injurious results on the health, energies and lives of those who
indulge in it. The debilitating of the constitution, and the
shortening of life, are sure to follow, in a few years after the
practice has been commenced. The dealers in opium are little
aware how much harm they are the instruments of doing, by car-
rying on this demoralizing and destructive traffic ; but the dif-
ference between the increase of the Chinese people, before and
after the introduction of opium, ought to open their eyes, and lead
them to ask themselves whether they are not accountable for the
diseases and deaths of all those who have suffered by its introduc-
tion. And if it be true that the Chinese increased at the rate of
three per cent. per annum, before the commencement of the
traffic, and at the rate of one per cent. per annum since, it would
be well for them to consider whether the deficiency is not to be
attributed, in some degree, to opium, and the guilt to be laid at the
door ofthose who are instrumental in introducing it ." -Medhurst's
China, p. 56.
A late memorial from one of the censors to the Emperor of
China, laid open the evil in all its deformity. " I have learned,"
says he, " that those who smoke opium, and eventually become its
victims, have a periodical longing for it, which can only be assuaged
by the application of the drug at the regular time. If they cannot
obtain it when the daily period arrives, their limbs become debili-
tated, a discharge of rheum takes place from the eyes and nose,
and they are altogether unequal to any exertion ; but with a few
whiffs, their spirits and strength are immediately restored in a
surprising manner. Thus opium becomes to opium-smokers their
very life ; and, when they are seized and brought before magis-
trates, they will sooner suffer a severe chastisement than inform
against those who sell it ."-The Chinese. By Sir J. F. Davis.
vol. ii. , p. 454.
In the " Philosophical Transactions," Mr. Russell states, that
opium " impairs the digestive organs, consequently the vigour of
the whole body, and destroys also gradually the mental energies .
The memories of those who take it soon fail, they become prema-
turely old, and then sink into the grave, objects of scorn and pity.
Mustapha Shatoor, an opium-eater in Smyrna, took daily three
drachms of crude opium. The visible effects at the time were the
sparkling of his eyes, and great exhilaration of spirits. He found
the desire of increasing his dose growing upon him. He seemed
twenty years older than he really was ; his complexion was very
sallow, his legs small, his gums eaten away, and his teeth laid bare
to the sockets. He could not rise without first swallowing half a
drachm of opium." Dr. Madden, in his " Travels in Turkey," in
describing some opium eaters, remarks : " Their gestures were
frightful ; those who were completely under the influence of the
opium talked incoherently, their features were flushed, their eyes
had an unnatural brilliancy, and the general expression of their
countenances was horribly wild. · The debility, both
moral and physical, attendant on its excitement is terrible ; the
appetite is soon destroyed, every fibre in the body trembles, the
nerves of the neck become affected, and the muscles get rigid :
several of these I have seen in this place, at various times, who had
wry necks, and contracted fingers ; but still they cannot abandon
the custom : they are miserable till the hour arrives for taking
their daily dose." M. de Ponqueville, in his " Travels in the
Morea," observes : " He who begins taking opium habitually at
twenty, can scarcely expect to live longer than to the age of thirty,
or from that age to thirty-six ; the later is the utmost age that
for the most part they attain. After some years they take doses
of a drachm each ; then comes on a frightful pallidness of coun-
tenance, and the victim wastes away in a kind of marasmus that
can be compared to nothing but itself : alopecia and a total loss of
memory, with rickets, are the never-failing consequences of this
deplorable habit. · Always beside themselves, the theriakis
are incapable of work, they seem no more to belong to society.
Toward the end of their career they, however, experience violent
pains, and are devoured by constant hunger ; nor can their pare-
goric in any way relieve their sufferings ; they are hideous to be-
hold, deprived of their teeth, their eyes sunk in their heads, in
a constant tremor, they cease to live long before they cease to
exist. "
Mr. Majoribanks, president of the select committee at Canton,
observed, in reference to its use by the Chinese : " Opium can
only be regarded, except the small quantities required for the pur-
poses of medicine, as a pernicious poision . Το any friend
of humanity, it is a painful subject of contemplation, that we
should continue to pour this black and envenomed poison into the
sources of human happiness - the misery and demoralization are
almost beyond belief. Any man who has witnessed its frightful
ravages and demoralizing effects in China, must feel deeply on
this subject ."
It is truly stated by a British merchant, in an essay on the
opium trade : " There is but one point of difference between the
intoxication of ardent spirits and that of opium, deserving of par-
ticular attention here ; and that is, the tenfold force with which
enery argument against the former applies to the latter. There is
no slavery on earth to name with the bondage into which opium casts
its victim. There is scarcely one known instance of escape from its
toils, when once they have fairly enveloped a man."
Colonel James Tod, late political agent to the western Rajpoot,
states, in his " Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan," says, "this per-
nicious plant has robbed the Rajpoot of half his virtues ; and while
it obscures these, it heightens his vices ; giving to his natural
bravery a character of insane ferocity, and to the countenance,
which would otherwise beam with intelligence, an air of imbecility.
Like all stimulants, its effects are magical for a time, but the re-
action is not less certain ; and the faded form or amorphous bulk,
too often attest the debilitating influence of a drug which alike
debases body and mind." He afterwards terms it " an execrable
and demoralizing plant."
Mr. Henry St. George Tucker, the present deputy-chairman of
the East India Company, protested against the whole of this
traffic, in a dissent dated October, 1839, and he uses these words :
" By promoting the growth of the poppy throughout Central
India, as we have done ; paying high prices, and giving the native
chiefs an interest in producing, rather than restricting the culti-
vation, we become accessory to the probable extension of a perni-
cious habit among a race of men, whose well-being ought never to
be an object of indifference to us. By encouraging and extending
the growth of the poppy in our own provinces, and becoming the
retail vendors of the drug, we shall promote the introduction or ex-
tension of the same pernicious habit, which is calculated to debase
our native subjects."
On the 14th May, 1841 , Mr. Tucker again recorded a dissent,
from which the following is an extract :-" Ever since I have had
the honour of being a member of this court, I have uniformly
and steadily opposed the encouragement given to the extension
of the manufacture of opium ; but of late years we have pushed
it to the utmost height, and disproportionate prices were given
for the article in Malwah . We contracted burthensome trea-
ties with the Rajpoot States, to introduce and extend the cul-
tivation of the poppy. We introduced the article into our own
districts where it had not been cultivated before, or where the cul-
tivation was abandoned ; and we gave our revenue officers an in-
terest in extending the cultivation in preference to other produce
much more valuable and deserving of encouragement . Finally,
we established retail shops, which brought it home to every man's
" How different was the policy of Lord Cornwallis, Lord Teign-
mouth, Lord Wellesley, and Lord Minto, who circumscribed the
produce within the narrowest limits, confining the cultivation of
the poppy to two of our provinces, and actually eradicating it from
districts where it had been previously cultivated . How fatal have
been the consequences of a departure from this wise and humane
policy. Is there any man still so blind as not to perceive that it
has had a most injurious effect upon our national reputation ? Can
any man be found so hardy, or perverse, as to deny that it has led
to the total derangement of our trade with China, which was here-
tofore the source of wealth and prosperity both to India and to the
mother country. If a revenue cannot be drawn from such an arti-
cle as opium, otherwise than by quadrupling the supply, by promot-
ing the general use of the drug, and by placing it within the reach
of the lower classes of the people, no fiscal consideration can justify
our inflicting upon the Malays and Chinese so grievous an evil.”
In a " Report on the Tea Plantations in Assam," by Mr. C. A.
Bruce, formerly in the service of the East India Company, and now
superintendent of tea culture in Assam, it is stated, " I might here
observe, that the British government would confer a lasting bles-
sing on the Assamese and the new settlers, if immediate and active
measures were taken to put down the cultivation of opium in
Assam, and afterwards to stop its importation . If something of
this kind is not done, and done quickly too, the thousands that
are about to emigrate from the plains into Assam, will soon be in-
fected with the opium mania-that dreadful plague which has
depopulated this beautiful country, turned it into a land of wild
beasts, with which it is overrun, and has degenerated the Assamese
from a fine race of people, to the most abject, servile, crafty, and
demoralised race in India . This vile drug has kept, and does now
keep down the population ; the women have fewer children com-
pared with those of other countries, and the children seldom live
to become old men, but in general die at manhood ; very few old
men being seen in this unfortunate country in comparison with
others. But those who have resided long in this unhappy land,
know the dreadful and immoral effects which the use of opium
produces on the native. He will steal, sell his property, his chil-
dren, the mother of his children, and, finally, even commit murder
for it ! Would it not be the highest of blessings, if our humane
and enlightened government would stop these evils by a single
dash of the pen, and save Assam, and all those who are about to
emigrate into it as tea cultivators, from the dreadful results attend-
ant on the habitual use of opium ? We should in the end be
richly rewarded by having a fine healthy race of men growing up
for our plantations, to fell our forests, to clear the land from jungle
and wild beasts, and to plant and cultivate the luxury of the
world. This can never be effected by the enfeebled
وو opium-eaters of
Assam, who are more effeminate than women.'
The Pekin Gazette of 7th September, 1823, says :-" Opium is
an article whose flowing poison spreads like flames." A Chinese
minister, addressing Sir Henry Pottinger, 27th July, 1842, says :
"We have been united, by a friendly commercial intercourse,
for two hundred years . How then, at this time, are our old rela-
tions so suddenly changed, so as to be the cause of a national
quarrel ? It arose, most assuredly, from the spreading opium
poison. Opium is neither pulse nor grain, yet multitudes of our
Chinese subjects consume it, wasting their property and destroying
their lives ; and the calamities arising therefrom are unutterable !
How is it possible to refrain from forbidding our people to use it ?"
A far-seeing statesman, Sir Stamford Raffles, thus recorded
his opinion respecting this poison in Java : " The use of opium,
it must be confessed and lamented, has struck deep into the
habits, and extended its malignant influence to the morals of
the people, and is likely to perpetuate its power in degrading
their character and enervating their energies, as long as the Euro-
pean government, overlooking every consideration of policy and
humanity, shall allow a paltry addition to their finances to outweigh
all regard to the ultimate happiness and prosperity of the country.
The effects of this poison on the human frame are so well describ-
ed by the Dutch Commissioners, who, much to their honour, de-
clared, that no consideration of pecuniary advantage ought to
weigh with the European government in allowing its use ; that,
together with the opinion of Mr. Hogendorp, who concurred with
them, I shall insert their statement.- Sir Stamford Raffles' History
ofJava, vol. i. p . 102 .
" The English in Bengal have assumed an exclusive right to col-
lect the same, and they dispose of a considerable number of chests
containing that article annually at Calcutta by public auction. It
is much in demand on the Malay coast, at Sumatra, Java, and all
the islands towards the east and north, and particularly in China.
The effect which it produces on the constitution is different, and
depends on the quantity that is taken, or on other circumstances.
If used with moderation, it causes a pleasant, yet always somewhat
intoxicating sensation , which absorbs all care and anxiety. If a
large quantity is taken, it produces a kind of madness, of which the
effects are dreadful, especially when the mind is troubled by jea-
lousy, or inflamed with a desire of vengeance, or other violent
passions. At all times it leaves a slow poison, which undermines the
faculties of the soul, and the constitution of the body, and renders a
person unfit for all kinds of labour, and an image of the brute
creation. The use of opium is so much more dangerous, because a
person who is once addicted to it can never leave it off. To satisfy
that inclination, he will sacrifice every thing, his own welfare, the
subsistence of his wife and children, and neglect his work. Poverty
is the natural consequence, and then it becomes indifferent to him
by what means he may content his insatiable desire after opium ;
so that at last he no longer respects either the property or life of
his fellow-creatures ."
" Opium," says Mr. Hogendorp, " is a slow though certain poi-
son, which the Company, in order to gain money, sells the poor
Javans. Any one who is once enslaved to it, cannot, it is true,
give it up without great difficulty ; and if its use were entirely pro-
hibited, some few persons would probably die for want of it, who
would otherwise, languish on a little longer : but how many would
by that means be saved for the future ? Most of the crimes, par-
ticularly murders, that are now committed, may be imputed to opium
asthe general cause."
Captain John Shepperd, recently chairman of the East India
Company, who has been in China often, says : " The smoking of
opium has the most demoralising effects. To a certain extent it
destroys their reason and faculties, and shortens life. A confirmed
opium smoker is never fit to conduct business, and generally unfit
for the social intercourse with his friends and family. You may
tell him by his inflamed eyes and haggard countenance."
Sir R. Inglis, in the debate, April 4th, 1843, stated that : " He
held in his hand a statement which had appeared in a Batavian
Gazette, being an account of an individual who had visited one of
the houses where the opium was consumed. He might be told
that equal horrors might be found in some of the gin palaces of
England ; but he believed that no such horrors could be found in
the worst parts of the worst towns of England . The individual
said I visited one of the opium houses, and shall I tell you what
I saw in this ante-chamber of hell ? I thought it impossible to
find any thing worse than the results of drinking ardent spirits,
but I have succeeded in finding something far worse.' He said
he saw Malays, Chinese, men and women, old and young, in one
mass, in one common herd, wallowing in their filth ; beastly,
sensual, devilish, and this under the eyes of a Christian govern-
Lord Jocelyn, who visited the opium shops in the east, stated in
the same debate, that " He must acknowledge that the noble Lord
(Ashley) had called to his recollection scenes which he had witness-
ed of the lawless character of the trade, and in all that he had
stated as to the moral, political, and physical evils he concurred."
The Honourable Court of Directors of the East India Company,
in a letter to the Governor-general, October 24th, 1817, acknow-
ledge the evil thus :-" Were it possible to prevent the use of the
drug altogether, except for the purpose of medicine, we would gladly
do it in compassion to mankind."
W. Hamilton Lindsay, Esq. M.P. says, " As it is, nothing can be
more injurious to the British character than the mode in which
the opium trade is at present conducted . It is now real smuggling,
accompanied by all its worst features of violence, and must fre-
quently be attended with bloodshed and sacrifice of life. * All the
respectable mercantile houses in China have pledged their honour
against any further connection with it under present circum-
stances. [Most of them have, however, since resumed the traffic ;
Mr. Lanceolet Dent and Messrs. Wetmore & Co. are honourable
exceptions. ]
Captain Elliot, late Her Majesty's superintendent in China, says,
" After the most deliberate reconsideration of this course of traffic
(which he heartily hopes has ceased for ever), the chief superin-
tendent will once more declare his own opinion, that in its general
effects it was intensely mischievous to every branch of trade ; that it
was rapidly staining the British character with deep disgrace ; and,
finally, that it exposed the vast public and private interests involved
in the peaceful maintenance of our regular commercial intercourse
with this empire, to imminent jeopardy." Again, in a letter to Lord
Palmerston, he says, "if my private feelings were of the least conse-
quence upon questions of a public and important nature, assuredly
I might justly say, that no man entertains a deeper detestation ofthe
disgrace and sin of this forced traffic on the coast of China, than the
humble individual who signs this despatch. I see little to choose be-
tween it and piracy ; and in my place, as a public officer, I have
steadily discountenanced it by all the lawful means in my power,
and at the total sacrifice of my private comfort in the society in
which I have lived for some years past."
Sir John Hobhouse, in the debate on Lord Ashley's motion,
observed, that " it was the opium question which had given rise
to many of the difficulties with which they had now to contend,
and he agreed with the noble Lord ( Sandon) that it was to that
question that government ought to direct their attention . And
although he did not agree with the noble lord that they deserved
any censure now for having neglected that question, still he ad-
mitted that it became any persons to whom the administration
of the affairs of this great empire was entrusted , to turn their im-
* I have forborne recording cases of piracy and murder on the coast of China, be-
cause I am unwilling to blame a whole class by reason of the misconduct of some
individuals .
mediate and serious attention to it." And in the subsequent part
of his speech, Sir John Hobhouse said :-" Far be it from him to
wish to say anything less than was deserved of the unfortunate re-
sults of that traffic, or to palliate them. He could not but deprecate
it as a vice, for a great vice it was."
Lord Sandon said, " it is a disgrace to a Chistian country to
carry on the opium trade as we have done."
The Canton Circular, 1846, observes, " Considering that the prime
cost of opium in Bengal is about 250 rupees per chest, and that it is
now sold by auction at 1,200 or 1,600, we need not ask the ques-
tion, -who have been chiefly benefited by the war in China, justly
termed the Opium War ? With respect to the opium trade as at
present conducted, it is certainly a great evil, and indirectly injures
the sale of other merchandise."
Lord Ashley, in the opium debate, truly said, " Let us come to the
first and highest consideration of all; the consideration of the effects
derived from the imperial sanction of this trade on everything that
is of sterling value, —on the progress of society, the civilization of
man, and the advancement of the Gospel. I remember well, for I
much admired, the language of the right honourable gentleman,
the member for Edinburgh, in the debate on the Gates of Som-
nauth. Every act,' said the right honourable gentleman, ' which
tended to bring Christianity into contempt, was high treason against
the civilization of the human race .' I heartily concurred in that
sentiment, and I proved my sincerity by voting for the motion ,
and with the right honourable gentleman. I hope that the right
honourable gentleman will do the same for himself, and prove his
sincerity by voting with me ; because I can show from the testi-
mony of thinking men, that opium and the Bible cannot enter
China together . What said Mr. Medhurst ? He said, ' it has
been told, and it shall be rung in the ears of the British public
again and again, that opium is demoralizing China, and becomes
the greatest barrier to the introduction of Christianity which can
be conceived of. But the difficulty of convincing others of the
truth of Christianity, and of the sincere intentions of Christians,
is greater in proportion to the extent of the opium trade to China.
Almost the first word uttered by a native, when urged to believe in
Christ, is-and this I beg the House to consider well - ' Why do
Christians bring us opium, and bring it directly in defiance of our
laws ? That vile drug has poisoned my son, has ruined my brother,
and well-nigh led me to beggar my wife and children. Surely,
those who import such a deleterious substance, and injure me for
the sake of gain, cannot wish me well, or be in possession of a re-
ligion that is better than my own. Go first, and persuade your
own countrymen to relinquish this nefarious traffic, and give me a
prescription to correct this vile habit, and then I will listen to your
exhortations on the subject of Christianity ' .... Should the Chi-
nese,' he adds, ' ever determine on stopping the trade, it will be
from a far different motive than a wish to exclude the gospel. The
determined perseverence and the audacious daring with which the
opium traffic is pushed forward, to the real injury of his people, as
well as the defiance of his authority, exasperates the Emperor a
great deal more than the distribution of tracts along the coast.'
What, too, says Mr. Squire, who has resided for several years in
China, as an agent of the Church Missionary Society ? Speaking
of the opium shops in Canton, he says, ' Never, perhaps, was there
a nearer approach to hell upon earth , than within the precincts of
these vile hovels, where gaming is likewise carried on to a great
extent. Here every gradation of excitement and depression may
be witnessed.' He adds, ' Truly it is an engine in Satan's hand,
and a powerful one ; but let it never be forgotten that a nation
professing Christianity supplies the means ; and further, that that
nation is England, through her possessions in Hindostan.' Again,
the Rev. Howard Malcolm , of the United States, said the same
thing ; and I wish much to impress it on the house ' The great blat
on foreigners at Canton, though not all, is the opium trade. That
men of correct moral sensibilities and enlightened minds should be
so blinded by custom, or desire of gain, as to engage in this busi-
ness, is amazing ....We have little reason, he continues, ' to wonder
at the reluctance of China to extend her intercourse with foreign-
ers ; nearly the whole of such intercourse brings upon her pesti-
lence, poverty, crime, and disturbance. No person can describe
the horrors of the opium trade .... That the government of British
India should be the prime abettors of this abominable traffic, is
one of the great wonders of the nineteenth century. The proud
escutcheon of the nation that declaims against the slave trade, is
thus made to bear a blot broader and darker than any other in the
Christian world ."
Sir Charles Forbes, a name venerated in India and in England,
one whose love of justice is only equalled by his ever merciful con-
sideration for the poor, the afflicted, and the oppressed ; who knows
no distinction of caste, colour, or creed, when his powerful voice,
his sound judgment, and his liberal heart are required for the mi- 1
tigation of human misery ; this truly good man in Parliament and
out of Parliament, in public and private life, has ever urged the
abolition of this damning vice. When sitting on the parliamentary
committee, in 1832-33, relative to India and China, he was pre-
vented, by the committee, putting questions to Captain Shephard,
relative to the demoralizing effects of opium. But there is no need
to multiply opinions on this truly awful subject. And yet with all
this evidence before Her Majesty's government-with these unde-
niable facts, forcing conviction on the most prejudiced, callous,
or selfish minds-what has been the conduct of the govern-
ment of this Christian country in the year 1844 ? Twenty
opium-smoking shops have been licensed in Hong Kong- within
gun-shot of the Chinese Empire- where such an offence is death !
Hong Kong has now, therefore, been made the lawful opium
smoking shop, where the most sensual, dissolute, degraded, and de-
praved of the Chinese may securely perpetrate crimes which de-
grade men far below the level of the brute- and revel in a vice,
which destroys body and soul,-which has no parallel in its fasci-
nating seduction,-in its inexpressible misery-or in its appalling
When the governor proposed the conversion of Hong Kong
into a legalized opium shop, under the assumed license of our most
gracious and religious sovereign, I felt bound as a sworn member
of Her Majesty's council in China, to endeavour to dissuade him
from this great crime; but no reasoning would induce him to follow
the noble example of the Emperor of China- who when urged
to derive a revenue from the importation of opium, -thus right-
eously recorded his sentiments in 1844, in an answer which would
have been worthy of a Christian monarch :-
But money was deemed of more consequence in Hong Kong than
morality; it was determined in the name of Her Majesty to sell the
permission to the highest bidder by public auction, of the exclusive
right to poison the Chinese in Hong Kong-and to open a given
number of opium smoking shops -under the protection of the police,
for the commission of this appalling vice. It only remained for me,
in accordance with my oath, to advise Her Majesty to the best
of my ability, and in unison with all my past life, to place on
record the following dissent in council on the subject ; it will
now be the duty of the Christian public in England, to say whether
this dissent has been unavailingly made.
Dissent in Council-on the proposition for licensing the retail con-
sumption of Opium in this Colony, on the following grounds :—
1st. " Because the consumption of opium is not necessary to
the subsistence or health of man, and is therefore a vicious indul-
2nd. " Because the use of opium is not only a vice in itself,
but the parent of many other vices ; and whoever indulges in
opium never ceases its use until poverty and death ensue.
3rd. " Because it is no justification to say that, as gin, beer,
wine, and other fermented liquors are stimulants attended with
pernicious consequences, when used continuously in excess , that
therefore the use of opium may also be licensed by government.
The experience of civilized nations has shown that fermented
liquors are advantageous to the healthful energy of man ; * but no
No nation has advanced in civilization without using fermented liquors ; those
that have used opium have decayed and perished.
experience has shown that opium is beneficial to the body or mind
of man, individually or collectively.
4th . " Because no Government ought to make private vice a
source ofpublic revenue.
5th. " Because independent of the foregoing and of other
considerations, the peculiar position in which England at present
stands towards the Chinese government on this subject, -the
strong feeling entertained by a very large and influential portion
of the community at home respecting the sale of opium in China,
-and the risk which his Excellency incurs of creating an unfavour-
aule impression against his government, without any correspond-
ing fiscal advantage to the state, renders it inadvisable to license
the consumption of opium in this colony.
" Desirous of earnestly and faithfully advising his Excellency,
these remarks are offered for the governor's consideration with
great respect.
" Council Room, R. M. MARTIN .
"Hong Kong, November, 26, 1844."
In order that this extraordinary proceeding by the representative
of our sovereign in China may be more clearly seen, the following
abstract is given of the official.
" Regulations for the sale of opium by retail, made by his ex-
cellency the governor of Hong Kong, with the advice of the
executive council thereof, on the 8th February, 1845, in pur-
suance of ordinance, No. 21 of 1844, entitled " An ordinance for
licensing the sale of opium, &c. within the colony of Hong
1st. " If any person not being duly licensed by government,
shall within the limits of the said Island of Hong Kong and its
dependencies, or the water thereof, sell or retail opium for con-
sumption in smaller quantities than one chest, such person shall
be liable on a conviction before a police magistrate to the follow-
ing fines and punishments, viz . for the first offence to a fine of
100 dollars ; for the second offence to a fine of 250 dollars ; and
for every subsequent offence to a fine of 500 dollars ; the said
penalties respectively to be recovered in a summary manner before
any magistrate of police.
2nd. " The number of houses to be appropriated for retailing
opium in smaller quantities than one chest, or for smoking the same
within the said Island and its dependencies, shall be determined by
his excellency the governor in council, or by such public officer as
may be duly authorized by him for that purpose. Such houses
shall adjoin the street, and may be open from daylight until ten
o'clock at night, during each day except Sunday, on which day
they shall be closed . Such houses shall not be kept open, nor
shall any opium be sold therein between the hours of ten o'clock
at night and day-light, or at any time during Sunday, under a
penalty of fifty dollars, recoverable from the holder of any such
house on conviction before a police magistrate ; and all persons
who may be found smoking opium after the hour of ten o'clock
at night, in any other house or place ( save and except their usual
place of abode), shall on conviction before a magistrate be liable
to a penalty of twenty dollars, and the holder of the said house or
place shall be further liable in the like sum ; and no place shall
be licensed for the sale of opium in smaller quantities than one
chest, or for smoking opium within the island of Hong Kong
and its dependencies , or the waters thereof, other than the houses
so appropriated as aforesaid.
3rd. " Holders of the said houses so appropriated as aforesaid,
shall not sell or dispose of opium except for money, under a
penalty of twenty-five dollars, to be paid by the holder on convic-
tion before a police magistrate .
4th . " No person shall be admitted into any house so appro-
priated as aforesaid, with any kind of arms, weapons, or edged
tools, under a penalty of fifty dollars, to be paid by the holder of
the house on proof of the same before a police magistrate.
" If any person or persons are found riotous or quarrel-
some in any such house, the holder thereof shall apply to a police
officer, and deliver such person or persons into his charge, to be
dealt with as the law directs .
6th . 66 Every person duly licensed to retail opiu as afore
m said,
shall be at liberty to go on board any vessel at anchor in any
harbour within the said island of Hong Kong and its dependen-
cies, or in the waters thereof, for the purpose of searching for
opium illicitly retailed , contrary to the provisions of these regu-
lations , on obtaining a search warrant from a magistrate, to be
issued on the oath of the person licensed, that to the best of his
knowledge and belief such opium is being retailed on board the
said vessel for consumption.
7th. " If any person not being duly licensed as aforesaid, shall
within the limits of the said Island of Hong Kong and its depen-
dencies, or the waters thereof, sell tye, chandoo, or opium dross,
mixed with opium, he or she shall on conviction before a police
magistrate be subject to all the fines, forfeitures and penalties im-
posed in section No. 1 of these regulations .
9th . " All persons in charge of houses appropriated wholly or
in part to the smoking of opium , or to the retail of the same in
smaller quantities than one chest, shall take out and hold a per-
mit from the person duly licensed as aforesaid, and in default
thereof shall be liable to the fines and punishments prescribed by
section No. 1 of these regulations . Provided always, that the
said licensed person so granting the said permit, shall have re-
gard to the power retained under the 2nd section of these regu-
lations by the said governor, for determining the number of houses
to be appropriated to the retailing and smoking of opium.
10th. " And it is further declared and ruled that in all cases
not above provided for and where any penalty is imposed, the
said penalty shall in the first instance be levied by distress as be-
fore mentioned ; and that if there be no sufficient distress the
offender shall be liable to imprisonment for any period not exceed-
ing six calendar month, and that the presiding magistrate or
magistrates, before whom any person shall be tried and convicted
for any breach of the foregoing regulations, or any of them, shall
have in his or their discretion power to commute the amount of
any of the aforesaid pecuniary penalties, or to shorten the re-
spective periods of imprisonment hereinbefore prescribed.
" J. F. DAVIS.
" Passed the executive council of Hong Kong,
this 8th day of February, 1845.
Clerk of Councils."
It is the solemn and sacred of duty of both Houses of Parlia-
ment immediately to cause an inquiry into all the circumstances
of this transaction . Was this act of the plenipotentiary of the
Queen of England to the Emperor of China confirmed by Her
Majesty's government ? Would we have acted thus towards
France or Russia, and established a smuggling depôt on their
shores in a prohibited article and terrific poison ? We dare not.
Why, then, should we legalize and protect this dreadful traffic on
an island given to us by the government of China as a residence,
and for commercial intercourse.
Let us hear the opinions of the Chinese themselves on this
" Foreign opium, a poison : illustrated in ten paragraphs, written
by Koo Kingshan, a literary gentleman of Keangning, in the pro-
vince of Keangsoo . September, 1836.
" Opium is a poisonous drug brought from foreign countries.
To the question, what are its virtues ? The answer is, it raises the
animal spirits, and prevents lassitude, &c. hence the Chinese con-
tinually run into its toils. At first they merely strive to follow
the fashion of the day ; but in the sequel the poison takes effect,
the habit becomes fixed, and the sleeping smokers are like corpses
-lean and haggard as demons . Such are the injuries which it
does to life. Moreover, the drug maintains an exorbitant price,
and cannot be obtained except for the pure metal. Smoking
opium, in its first stages, impedes business ; and when the practice
is continued for any considerable length of time, it throws whole
families into ruin, dissipates every kind of property, and destroys
man himself. There cannot be a greater evil than this. In com-
parison with arsenic, I pronounce it tenfold the greater poison.
One swallows arsenic, because he has lost his reputation, and is so
involved that he cannot extricate himself. Thus driven to despe-
ration, he takes the dose and is destroyed at once ; but those who
smoke the drug are injured in many ways.
1st. It exhausts the animal spirits. When the smoker com-
mences the practice, he seems to imagine that his spirits are there-
by augmented, but he ought to know that this appearance is ficti-
tious-a mere process of excitement. It may be compared to
raising the wick of a lamp, which, while it increases the light,
hastens the exhaustion of the oil, and the extinction of the light.
Hence, the youth who smoke will shorten their own days, and cut
off all hope of posterity, leaving their fathers and mothers, and
wives, without any one on whom to depend ; and those in middle
and advanced life, who smoke, will accelerate the termination of
their years. These are consequences which may well be deplored !
2nd. " It impedes the regular performance of business. Those in
places of trust, who smoke, fail to attend personally, even to their
most important offices. Merchants, who smoke, fail to keep their
appointments, and all their concerns fall behindhand. For the
wasting of time and the destruction of business, the pipe is un-
rivalled. The wealthy Hong merchants who became bankrupts at
Canton, were nearly all opium smokers .
3rd. "It wastes the flesh and blood. From the robust, who
smoke, flesh is gradually consumed and worn away ; and their
skin hangs down like bags. The faces of the weak, who smoke,
are cadaverous and black ; and their bones naked as billets of
4th. " It dissipates every kind ofproperty. The rich, who smoke,
will inevitably waste their patrimony. It is the usual practice, in
smoking, for two persons to lie down (on the same platform) facing
each other, (with their opium and apparatus between them,) in-
dulging freely in conversation, they are soon in Elysian Fields : and
by a daily expenditure for purchasing the noxious drug, and for
the entertainment of their friends, who are also confirmed smokers
of opium, the wasteful consumption of property is very great.
5th. "It renders the person ill-favoured. Those who have been
long habituated to smoking, dose for whole days over their pipes,
without appetite for food, finding it difficult to observe even the
common civilities of life : when the desire for opium comes on,
they cannot resist its impulse . Mucus flows from their nostrils,
and tears from their eyes. Their very bodies are rotten and
6th. "It promotes obscenity. When men have long continued
the practice of smoking opium, their wives and children learn to
imitate them ; and when it is carried to great excess, no distinc-
tion is preserved between the inner and outer apartments ; no
difference between night and day ! Hence spring dark confu-
sions ; of which it is a shame to speak openly.
7th. "It discovers secrets. The smokers, whether honourable
or mean, all recline on the same platform, where the secrets of their
hearts are honestly divulged . 'Where there is much talking,
there must be some slander,' is an old proverb. Now, what the
honest man hears in their scenes of dissipation, may not lead to
any evil consequences ; but from what enters the ears of the dis-
honest, it will be difficult to prevent disastrous results .
8th. "It violates the laws. Both in purchasing and in smoking
the drug, one is ever liable to meet with worthless vagabonds, who
under various pretences, for the purpose of extortion, will raise
difficulties and cause the transgressor of the laws to be prosecuted
and punished . Those who open shops for the sale of the drug are
liable to the severe punishments of strangulation and decapitation ;
for those who buy and smoke, the punishment is banishment.
Why expose yourselves to these penalties of the laws ?
9th. "It attacks the vitals . By a long continuance of the habit,
worms are generated in the abdomen ; and in the confirmed
smokers the baneful influences attack the intestines, and great
injury is the consequence -injury which even the most celebrated
physicians can never avert. Look at suicides. They swallow the
crude opium, and instantly their intestines swell ; the blood flows
from their ears, eyes, mouth and nose ; the whole body becomes
red and bloated ; when death ensues. There is no relief. Hence,
may be seen the virulence of the drug . Once, when on a journey,
it happened that a fellow-passenger, who was a smoker, had used
up all his opium ; the periodical desire for it came on ; but finding
no means to gratify his appetite, he strove to take away his own
life . By mistake he swallowed a cup of oil, which induced exces-
sive vomiting ; when he threw up a collection of noxious worms,
partly coloured, with red heads, and hairy skin, which crawled
upon the ground, to the great astonishment of the spectators .
10th. "It destroys life. The poor smoker, who has pawned every
article in his possession, still remains idle and inactive ; and when
he has no means of borrowing money, and the periodical thirst re-
turns hard upon him, he will pawn his wives and sell his daughters :
such are the inevitable consequences ! In the provinces of Ngan-
hwuy, I once saw a man, named Chin, who being childless, pur-
chased a concubine ; afterwards, when his money was expended
and all other means failed him, being unable to resist the desire
for the pipe, he sold this same concubine, and received for her
several tens of dollars. This money being expended, he went and
hung himself. Alas, how painful was his end !"
I brought with me from China, a series of pictures, painted at
Canton, by a Chinese artist, to illustrate the results of opium smok-
ing, and which would form an excellent accompaniment to
Hogarth's " Rake's Progress .'
A Chinese artist has given the following description of these
faithful exhibitions of suicidal crime and suffering :-
1st. "The son of a gentleman of fortune, his father dying while
he was yet but a youth, comes into possession of the whole family.
estate. The young man, having no inclination for business or
books, gives himself up to smoking opium, and profligacy. In a
little time his whole patrimony is squandered, and he becomes en-
tirely dependent on the labour of his wife and child for his daily
food. Their poverty and misery are extreme.
No. 1. " This picture represents the young man at home,
richly attired, in perfect health and vigour of youth . An elegant
foreign clock stands on a marble table behind. On his right is a
chest of treasure, gold and silver ; and on the left, close by his side,
is his personal servant, and at a little distance, a man whom he
keeps constantly in his employ, preparing the drug for use from
the crude article, purchased and brought to the house.
No. 2. " In this he is reclining on a superb sofa with a pipe
in his mouth, surrounded by courtesans, two of whom are young,
in the character of musicians . His money now goes without any
regard to its amount.
No. 3. " After no very long period of indulgence, his appetite
for the drug is insatiable, and his countenance sallow and haggard.
Emaciated, shoulders high, teeth naked, face black, dozing from
morning till night, he becomes utterly inactive. In this state he
sits moping, on a very ordinary couch, with his pipe and other ap-
paratus for smoking lying by his side. At this moment, his wives
-or a wife and a concubine- come in ; the first finding the chest
emptied of its treasure, stands frowning with astonishment, while
the second gazes with wonder at what she sees spread upon the
No. 4. " His lands and his houses are now all gone ; his couch
exchanged for some rough boards, and a ragged mattress ; his shoes
are off his feet, and his face half awry, as he sits bending forwards,
breathing with great difficulty. His wife and child stand before
him, poverty stricken, suffering with hunger ; the one in anger,
having dashed on the floor all his apparatus for smoking, while
the little son, unconscious of any harm, is clapping his hands and
laughing at the sport ! But he heeds not either the one or the
No. 5. " His pove
rty and distress are now extreme , though his
appetite grows stronger than ever ; he is as a dead man ! In this
plight he scrapes together a few copper cash, and hurries away to
one of the smoking houses , to buy a little of the scrapings from the
pipe of another smoker, to allay his insatiable cravings .
No. 6. " Here his character is fixed ; a sot. Seated on a bam-
boo chair, he is continually swallowing the foeces of the drug, so
foul, that tea is required to wash them down his throat. His wife
and child are seated near him, with skeins of silk stretched on
bamboo reels, from which they are winding it off into balls ; thus
earning a mere pittance for his and their own support, and drag-
ging out from day to day a miserable existence."
There are two other drawings, showing the progress of the
opium smuggler, and terminating in public strangulation for the
offence .
The progress of the evil will be more fully seen by the following
statement ofthe opium exported from Calcutta to China, &c.
s n
. ern
1795-96 1,070 4,103 10 5,183 1815-16 2,723 1,120 5 3,848
1796-97 2,387 3,247 5,644 1816-17 3,376 947 2 4,325
1797-98 1,985 1,514 3,503 1817-18 2,911 794 3 3,708
1798-99 1,718 1,624 3,342 1818-19 3,575 724 4,299
1799-1800 1,867 2,059 3,926 1819-20 1 741 1,345 3,091
1800-1 3,224 1,539 25 4,788 1820-21 3,591 1,556 5,147
1801-2 1,744 1,723 3,467 1821-22 1,936 655 2,591
1802-3 2,033 1,035 3,068 1822-23 3,207 893 4,100
1803-4 2,116 937 3,053 1823 24 3,923 1,286 5,209
1804-5 2,322 1,026 3,358 1824-25 5,365 1,710 7,076
1805-6 2,131 1,526 3,657 1825-26 4,627 536 5,165
1806-7 2,607 1,777 4,384 1826-27 5,861 707 6,568
1807.8 3,084 1,171 4,255 1827-28 7,341 562 7,903
1808-9 3 223 1,416 4,639 1828-29 4,903 1,651 6,554
1809-10 3,074 1,172 4,246 1829-30 7,443 2,335 9,678
1810-11 3,592 1,317 4,909 1830-31 5,672 7,069
1811-12 2,788 1,887 38 4,713 1831-32 6,815 7,427
1812-13 3,328 1,504 4,832 1832-33 7,598 9,408
1813-14 3,213 1,059 4,272 1833-34 7,808 9,518
1814-15 2,999 868 5 3,872 1834-35 10,207 10,107
Chests. Value Rupees . Chests. Value Rupees.
1835-36 14,851 18,834,822 1840-41 17,356 11,390,313
1836 37 12,606 18,015,422 1841-42 19,172 14,001,281
1837 38 19,600 21,292,386 1842 43 16,670 17,277,532
1838-39 18,212 14,490,478 1843-44 17,774 23,383,054
1839 40 18,965 7,973,980 1844-45 18,792 24,394,292
Theprogressive increase of the Malwa opium, is shown by the ex-
portations from Bombay and Damaun to China, since 1821 .
Total t
1821 1,600 678 2,278 1834 8,985 2,693 11,678
1822 1,600 2,255 3,855 1835 7,337 5,596 12,933
1823 1,500 1,535 5,535 1836 8,224 3,500 11,724
1824 1,500 2,063 6,063 1837
1825 2,500 1,563 5,563 1838
1826 2,500 2,605 5,565 1839
1827 2,980 1,524 4,504 1840
1828 2,820 3,889 7,709 1841
1829 3,502 4,597 8,099 1842
1830 3,720 9,136 12,856 1843 18,321
1831 4,700 4,633 9,333 1844
1832 11,000 3,007 14,007 1845
1833 11,715
The quantity of opium made and sold in the Bengal Presidency
by the British government, is annually increasing. The opium is
sold by auction at Calcutta at stated intervals . The sales for the
year 1845 were announced thus :-
Patna. Benares. Chests.
1st sale on the 6th January 4,000 1,800 5,800
2nd do. do. 10th February 1,800 850 2,650
3rd do. do. 21st April 3,600 1,500 5,100
4th do. do . 26th May 1,800 850 2,650
5th do. do. 29th June 3,685 1,641 5,326
The Bombay trade in Malwa opium for 1844 is thus stated :—
Passes granted at Indore under the proclamation of 1843-44,
from 27th October, 1843, to the 27th July last. Chests 13,325
Ditto at Bombay from the 17th October, 1843, to
the 30th September, 1844 · 798
Ditto from the 1st to the 2nd instant, 190
Chests 14,313
Imported under the passes granted previous to the
1st October, 1843, • Chests 3,744
Ditto the proclamation of 1843-44, from the 1st
October, 1843, to the 24th ultimo, Chests 13,839
Chests 17,583
Exported from the 1st October, 1843, to the 25th
ultimo. Chests 18,321
H. H. GLASS, Opium Agent.
Bombay, 25th September, 1844.
Thus 21,526 chests from Bengal, and 18,321 chests from Bom-
bay, give 39,847 chests, as the total production for one year,
exported from British India, for the destruction of the human
Great gambling is carried on in India in the drug, some spe-
culate for a rise in price, others for a fall, -similar to stock ex-
change gambling here. The opium sale at Calcutta on the 30th of
November was stopped by two natives bidding against each other,
until the price rose, it is said, to 130,995 rupees per chest ! Such
is the Christian government we have in India.
e stimating
1820 2,850
285,000 143,700
228,000,000 4,287
172,440,000 365,699
400,440,000 4,548,900
1823 2,594
259,400 2,479
274,900 297,480,000
5,073 461,187
505,000,000 8,234,778
1826 3,002 545,000
300,200 654,000,000
8,452 816,584
894,160,000 7,913,310
1829 6,160
4,920 10,856,058
1832 907,400 12,154,334
744,880,000 19,769,111
w expensive
each nd
in he
-will ice
It is not surprising that the Chinese government became exceed-
ing anxious to put a stop to a pestilence which, in the emphatic
language of Mr. Lay, Her Majesty's consul in China, was " ham-
stringing the nation ." The Emperor, by his denouncements in
1800, induced the East India Company's supercargoes at Canton,
to recommend strongly to the Court of Directors in London, to
take measures for preventing the shipment of any opium from
Bengal, or from England, to China . In 1809, in the fourteenth
year of the reign of the Emperor Keaking, the governor of Canton
required the Hong merchants to give bonds of security that all
ships, wishing to discharge cargo at Whampoa, had no opium on
board . In 1815, Governor Tseang made a report to the Emperor
against traitorous natives who dealt in opium at Macao, and re-
ceived the imperial commands, rigorously to enforce the laws against
them .
In 1820 (5th of April) Governor Yuen issued a prohibitory pro-
clamation against the drug .
In 1830, the Emperor issued an edict declaring that the " injury
done by the influx of opium, and by the increase of those who in-
hale it, is nearly equal to that of a conflagration," that " the waste
of property and the hurt done to human beings, is every day greater
than the preceding ;" and that "from south to north in all the pro-
vinces, the appearance of things is as if they were their own ruling
rut," [rut of a wheel] .
In 1831 , the Peking Gazette contained further laws against
opium, and inflicted 100 blows and three years transportation, on
those who refused to point out the seller of opium. Every governor,
Fooyuen, &c., were commanded to require of all persons employed
in his office a bond that they never use opium .
In 1832 , February 9th, Le, governor of Canton province, issued
a stringent chop (proclamation or order) against the importation
of the " opium dirt," declaring it " a spreading poison, inexhausti-
ble, and in its injurious effects extreme.”
The following is a copy of the document :-
Le, cabinet minister, governor, &c. to the Hong merchants re-
quiring them to inform themselves fully of the following order :
" Opium is a spreading poison,-inexhaustible ; -its injurions
effects are extreme . Often has it been severely interdicted, as
appears on record ; but of late the various ships of barbarians,
which bring opium, all anchor and linger about at Lintin, in the
outer ocean, and exclusive of cargo ships, there are appointed bar-
barian ships in which opium is deposited and accumulated, and
there it is sold by stealth. That place is in the midst of the great
ocean, and to it there are four passages and eight communications,
(i. e. it is accessible from every quarter.) Not only do traitorous
banditti of this province go thither, and in boats make clandestine
purchases, but, from many places, in various provinces, vessels
come by sea, under pretence of trading to Lintin ; and in the dark
buy opium dirt, which they set sail with, and carry off : as, for
example, from Kiámun, (or Amoy,) in Fokien ; Ningpo, in Chè-
kiáng ; and Tientsin, in Chihli, provinces, &c. And there are na-
tives, vagabonds, who clandestinely open opium furnaces ; then
traitorous merchants from outside, (or other provinces, ) first go to
Canton shops, and secretly agree about the price ; next make out
a bond and buy ; proceedings which are direct and gross violations
of existing prohibitions.
" At present, some one in the capital has represented the affair
to the Emperor, and strict orders have been respectfully received
from His Majesty, to investigate, consult, and exterminate ; by
cutting off the source of the evil. I, the cabinet minister and
governor, have met and consulted with the lieutenant-governor,
and we have, with veneration, reported our sentiments to the
Emperor. We have, besides, written to the governments of Chihli
and the other provinces, that they may search and prosecute, as is
on record.
Uniting the above, an order is hereby issued to the Hong
merchants, that they may forthwith obey accordingly. They are
commanded to expostulate with earnestness, and persuade the
barbarians of the several nations, telling them that, hereafter,
when coming to Canton to trade, they must not, on any account,
bring opium concealed in the ship's holds, nor appoint vessels to
be opium depôts at Lintin, in the outside ocean, hoping thereby
to sell it by stealth . If they dare, intentionally, to disobey, the
moment it is discovered, positively shall the said barbarian ships
have their hatches sealed,-their selling and buying put a stop to,
and an expulsion inflicted, driving them away to their own coun-
try ; and for ever after shall they be disallowed to come to trade ;
that thereby punishment may be manifested . On this affair, a
strict interdict has been respectfully received from imperial autho-
rity and the Hong merchants must honestly exert their utmost
efforts, to persuade to a total cutting off of the clandestine intro-
duction of opium dirt. Let there not be the least trifling or care-
lessness, for, if opium be again allowed to enter the interior, it will
involve them in serious criminality. Oppose not ! These are the
commands ."
In 1834, November 3rd, there was another similar edict from
the Imperial Cabinet at Peking.
In 1836, (June 12th,) a member of the imperial government
addressed a representation to the Emperor, suggesting that opium
should be admitted, as its smuggled introduction could not be pre-
" The memorial of Hui-Mu-Chi, member of the Council of
Rites, humbly sheweth, that the more rigorous the prohibitions
have been against the introduction of opium, the more widely has
the poison been spread. It appears needful, therefore, that these
circumstances should receive earnest attention ; and your memo-
rialist humbly beseeches your Majesty to order a secret enquiry
into the whole state of this matter.
" Opium is in truth, a medicine ; used properly it animates,
purifies the breath, and dispels noxious vapours. Its nature is
very clearly explained in the work of Lina-chin : he calls this herb
'the internal support.'
"Opium is inhaled, and when the habit becomes inveterate, it is
necessary to smoke it at certain fixed hours : it is then well called
xam-bi, (desire) . Time is consumed, men's duties are forgotten,
and they can no longer live without this poison . Its symptoms
are difficulty of breathing, chalky paleness, discoloured teeth, and
a withered skin. People perceive that it hurries them to des-
truction ; but it leaves them without spirit to desist. When have
prohibitions sufficed to destroy deeply-rooted evil practices ?
" There are three kinds of opium : the first is called campan,
(Patna,) this is of a black colour, and is therefore called black
earth : it comes from Bengal. The second is called papi, (Mahia,)
and comes from Bombay. The name of the third kind is Pe, (old
skin,) and comes from Madras. All these places belong to the
" In the time of the Emperor Kien-lung, a tariff was published
including opium. The duty was three taels upon a hundred cat-
ties, and two taels, four mace, and five candareens, as emoluments
or fees. In the first year of Kea-king, (1796,) it was declared a
crime to smoke opium, and the offence was punishable with cange
and bambooing. Notwithstanding severe penalties, imprisonment,
temporary banishment, and even death, the number of those who
smoke opium has multiplied exceedingly, and it is to be feared
that the practice will become general throughout the empire.
"In the time of the Emperor Keen-lung, the opium was entered
at the Custom-house, paid duties, and was delivered to the Hong
merchants like other merchandise, in barter for teas or other com-
modities. But now that the laws against its introduction are rigor-
ous, dealers purchase the drug secretly with money. In the
reign of Kea-king, it was computed that several hundreds of chests
were imported in each year ; but now the quantity introduced
exceeds 20,000 chests : each chest contains 100 catties . The
superior or blue kind is valued at 800 dollars : the second quality
(pa-pin,) at about 600 dollars, and the inferior sort (hum-pin, ) at
about 400 dollars. The whole value amounts to more than ten
millions of taels. In former times the foreign merchants brought
money to purchase goods, and the coast provinces gave but a little
and gained much ; but now the foreign merchants secretly sell
their opium for money : thus, the silver and bullion go out and
none return.
" This empire has enjoyed peace for thousands of years, and its
riches have ever flowed. At present gold and opium are at par.
The exchange for sycee silver was formerly 1000 cash for one tael :
now it is 1200 or 1300 cash to the tael . The price of sycee is still
on the increase. Now the salt and other merchants receive cash
in payment for their goods, and pay silver into the treasury for
their duties, hereby suffering great loss : consequently, several
branches of trade are languid and indeed decaying.
"To stop the foreign trade, it has been said, would arrest the
evil at its source . It is true that the Celestial Empire will not
feel the loss of several millions in the revenue, but it is not just
that the Portuguese and other foreigners, who have traded for
several hundreds of years, should suffer on account of the English,
and they alone bring opium. If the English and the other
foreigners are expelled, how can they live ? So many thousands of
men from the distant places of the earth, who are supported alone
by trade ? These foreigners too, may each select a spot on the
eastern shores of the empire, for their nation, to which your
Majesty's merchant vessels will resort, and it will not be possible to
prevent them.
" Foreign ships have visited the coasts of Fokien, Chekeang,
Keangnan, Shantung, Teintsin , with the intention of selling opium.
They have, indeed, been immediately expelled by the local govern-
ments, but it is certain that a considerable quantity of opium has
been since clandestinely introduced at the outports . Although
then the general trade at Canton were stopped, it would not be
possible to prevent smuggling.
" Officers are commanded to proceed to the coasts and examine :
the duty is performed coldly, and each day more opium is intro-
duced . The laws and edicts have been a pretext for needy and
corrupt officers of the lower ranks to exact gain. The more rigid
the prohibitions have been, the larger and the more frequent are
the bribes, and the more adroit are the schemes of the knaves who
deal in opium . In the first year of your Imperial Majesty, the
viceroy, Tuen-puen, proceeded vigorously against " a
smuggler, at Macao, and the foreign merchants being no longer
secure in their opium trade at that place, betook themselves to
Lintin. This place is in the centre of the district, and is free of
access on every side. There remain at Lintin the whole year
several large ships for the deposit of opium : in the city there are
shops specially devoted to the selling of opium, they are called (the
furnace mouths,) from these the price of the opium is conveyed to
the foreign factories : an order, in writing, is delivered to these
traders, with which they repair to the ships at Lintin . There are
boats called rapid lizard,' and also boats known by the term of
long dragon.' These are strongly manned with ruffians, and
armed with large guns and other weapons. They proceed with
great speed, and the people at the watch-houses are all bribed . If
they meet with the Imperial cruisers, and an attempt is made to
apprehend them, they have the boldness to resist, and many per-
sons have been killed and wounded in their encounters .
" In pursuance of the command from the late viceroy, the vice-
admiral and the magistrate of Hiang-kan apprehended
and several opium boats. Some of the crews were seized and
severely punished ; many were killed, and the opium (more than
14,000 catties) was confiscated and destroyed.
" Most vigorous proceedings have at various times taken place.
But the habit cannot be prevented and the respect of the people for
the laws is grievously shaken . Great mischief has occurred too from
thepretence ofvillains in the inner waters, that they were government
cruizers ; thus taking occasion to plunder and disturb the peace-
ful. During the time that your Majesty's humble memoralist was
at the head of the magistracy at Canton, many cases of this kind
came under his cognizance, in which good people had suffered .
These and many other desperate evils take their source from these
vigorous, but inadequate prohibitions .
" The population of this vast empire has increased from year to
year ; but now this evil practice is spreading widely. All men
smoke, the high and the low, the old, and the young, and life is
degraded and shortened- the subsistence of families is wasted,
and the wealth of the land is passing away. It is meet, therefore,
that a well-founded plan should provide remedies for this evil.
Let the custom-houses no longer be closed , or impotent laws be
kept alive. Let it be declared that the foreign merchants shall
levy a duty for opium, as for a drug.
drug . Let it be delivered to the
Hong merchants, and let them be commanded to barter goods for
it ; but not to purchase it with money or bullion . The exporta-
tion of sycee and dollars should be strictly prohibited, and when
transgressors in this respect are apprehended let the opium be
burnt, and the silver be divided amongst the officers who seize it.
" Let the civil and military authorities and all persons in this
employment of the government be forbidden to participate in this
vice, so that they may perform these duties and preserve their
time. If the laws are to be rigorously enforced these officers must
co-operate heartily together.
" Should any public authority smoke opium, let his crime in-
deed be pardoned, but let him be dismissed . Being pardoned he
may repent, and amend. It is fit that the heads of departments,
and those immediately under them, should be thus punished ; but
let the lower classes of the people buy and sell, and smoke with-
out restraint or punishment.
"No prohibitions should remain in force except any against the
officers of the government .
" All men know that a dissolute life leads to death, and that
tinlin and utan are of the most pernicious tendency. And yet
from the remotest antiquity these evils have existed. Prohibi-
tions have been enforced only against the ignorant and the poor,
but not against the authorities and the military.
"When goods are exchanged for goods, the government will no
longer suffer loss ; nay, their mines of silver will be spared to the
Empire. But there must be no trifling, or it is to be feared not
only that the smoking of opium will never be extinct, but that
other great mischief will grow past remedy.
" In future times when the people shall be exhausted, and the
riches of the country vanished, plans may indeed be set on foot.
Repentance mends not things passed .
" Your memorialist (an unworthy censor of the privy council,
and through your Majesty's unbounded favour elevated above the
other officers), was for ten years chief justice at Canton, and
believes that he is acquainted with the great advantages of that
fine province ; and also with the cause of the great defalcation of
revenue. He has seen that these evils are produced by the pro-
hibitions of the opium, and that they are increasing daily.
Others have not dared to lay this truth at your Majesty's feet.
" Your memorialist now humbly prays that your Imperial
Majesty will be graciously pleased to order your ministers at Can-
ton to deliberate, and report to your Majesty. Would to God,
that the means your memorialist has proposed may be found suf-
ficient to give prosperity to the Empire, and to arrest the defal-
cations of revenue .
" In humility all this is humbly submitted.
The answer of the Emperor was :-
"In the memorial of Hui minister of the council of rites, it is
set forth, that the more vigorous the prohibitions have been
against opium, the more has the poison been spread . In these last
few years nobody indeed has been audacious enough to purchase it
openly from the foreigners in exchange for goods, but clandestinely
it has been purchased in great quantities with silver, occasioning
an annual loss to the Empire, of more than ten million of taels .
"The memorialist Hui, therefore, prays that this article may
be taken in exchange for goods, in like manner with all other
merchandize .
" I, the Emperor, therefore, order the viceroy of Canton to
assemble his council to deliberate hereupon, and to report to me.
Let this memorial of Hui be transmitted to the ministers at
Canton." (12 June, 1836.)
The specious fallacies in the preceding document were well
answered by a memorial of Choo-tsun on opium ; on the character
of the trade in it, impolicy of sanctioning its introduction, its
baneful effects on the property, and on the physical and moral
character of the people, dated October, 1836.
" Choo-tsun, member of the council and of the board of rites,
kneeling, presents the following memorial, wherein he suggests
the propriety of increasing the severity of certain prohibitory en-
actments, with a view to maintain the dignity of the laws, and to
remove a great evil from among the people : to this end he res-
pectfully states his views on the subject, and earnestly entreats his
sacred Majesty to cast a glance thereon .
" I would humbly point out, that wherever an evil exists it
should be at once removed, and that the laws should never be suf-
fered to fall into disuetude. Our government having received
from heaven the gift of peace, has transmitted it for two centuries ;
this has afforded opportunity for the removal of evils from among
the people. For governing the central nation, and for holding in
submission all the surrounding barbarians, rules exist perfect in
their nature, and well fitted to attain their end . And in regard to
opium, special enactments were passed for the prohibition of its use
in the first year of Keaking, ( 1796) and since then, memorials pre-
sented at various successive periods, have given rise to additional
prohibitions, all which have been inserted in the code and the se-
veral tariffs . The laws, then, relating thereto, are not wanting in
severity, but there are those in office, who for want of energy, fail
to carry them into execution. Hence the people's minds gradually
become callous, and base desires springing up among them, in-
crease day by day and month by month, till their rank luxuriance
has spread over the whole empire. These noisome weeds, having
been long neglected, it has become impossible to eradicate. And
those to whom this duty is intrusted are, as if hand-bound, wholly
at a loss what to do.
"When the foreign ships convey opium to the coast, it is impos-
sible for them to sell it by retail. Hence there are at Canton, in
the provincial city brokers, named melters. These engage money-
changers to arrange the price with the foreigners, and to obtain
orders for them ; with which orders they proceed to the receiving
ships, and there the vile drug is delivered to them. This part of
the transaction is notorious, and the actors in it are easily dis-
coverable. The boats which carry the drug, and which are called
' fast crabs' and ' scrambling dragons,' are all well furnished with
guns and other weapons, and ply their oars as swiftly as though
they were wings .
" Their crews have all the overbearing assumption and audacity
of pirates ; shall such men be suffered to navigate the surrounding
seas, according to their own will ? and shall such conduct be
passed over without investigation ? The late governor Loo having
on one occasion sent the commodore Tsin Yuchang to co-operate
with Teen Poo, the magistrate of Heang-shan, those officers seized
a vessel belonging to Leang Heennee, which was carrying opium,
and out of her they took 14,000 catties of the drug. Punishment
also was inflicted on the criminals Yaoukew and Owkwan, both of
them opium brokers . Hence it is apparent, that if the great offi-
cers in charge of the provinces do in truth show an example to
their civil and military subordinates, and if these do in sincerity
search for the drug, and faithfully seize it when found, apprehend-
ing the most criminal, and inflicting upon them severe punishment,
it is, in this case, not impossible to attain the desired end. And if
the officers are indeed active and strenuous in their exertions, and
make a point of inflicting punishment on offenders , will the people,
however perverse and obstinate they may be, really continue fear-
less of the laws ? No, the thing to be lamented is, instability in
maintaining the laws, the vigorous execution thereof being often
and suddenly exchanged for indolent laxity .
" It has been represented that advantage is taken of the laws
against opium, by extortionate underlings and worthless vagrants,
to benefit themselves. Is it not known, then, that where the
government enacts a law, there is necessary an infraction of that
law ? And though the law should sometimes be relaxed and
become ineffectual, yet surely it should not on that account be
abolished ; any more than we would altogether cease to eat
because of diseased stoppage of the throat. When have not pros-
titution, gambling, treason, robbery, and such-like infractions of
the laws, afforded occasions for extortionate underlings and worth-
less vagrants, to benefit themselves, and by falsehood and bribery
to amass wealth. Of these there have been frequent instances ;
and as any instance is discovered, punishment is inflicted . But
none surely would contend, that the law, because in such instances
rendered ineffectual, should therefore be abrogated . The laws
that forbid the people to do wrong, may be likened to the dykes
which prevent the overflowing of water. If any one, then, urging
that the dykes are very old, and therefore useless, we should have
them thrown down, what words could express the consequences of
the impetuous rush and all- destroying overflow : yet the provincials,
when discussing the subject of opium, being perplexed and bewil-
dered by it, think that a prohibition which does not utterly prohi-
bit, is better than one which does not effectually prevent the im-
portation of the drug. Day and night I have meditated on this,
and can in truth see no wisdom in the opinion.
" It is said that the opium should be admitted, subject to a
duty, the importers being required to give it into the hands of the
Hong merchants, in barter only for merchandise, without being
allowed to sell it for money ; and this is proposed as a means of
preventing money from secretly oozing out of the country. But
the English, by whom opium is sold, have been driven out to Lin-
tin so long since as the first year of Taoukwang ( 1821 ) , when the
then governor of Kwangtung and Kwange discovered and punished
the warehousers of opium ; so long have they been expelled, nor
have they ever since imported it into Macao. Having once sup-
pressed the trade, and driven them away, shall we now again call
upon them and invite them to return ? This would be, indeed,
a derogation from the true dignity of government. As to the pro-
position to give tea in exchange, and entirely to prohibit the ex-
portation of even foreign silver, I apprehend that, if the tea should
not be found sufficient, money will still be given in exchange for
the drug. Besides, if it is in our power to prevent the exportation
of dollars, why not also to prevent the importation of opium? And
if we can but prevent the importation of opium, the exportation of
dollars will then cease of itself, and the two offences will both at
once be stopped . Moreover, is it not better, by continuing the old
enactments , to find even a partial remedy for the evil, than by a
change of the laws to increase the importation still further ? As
to levying a duty on opium, the thing sounds so awkwardly, and
reads so unbeseemingly, that such a duty ought surely not to be
" Again, it is said that the prohibitions against the planting of
the poppy by natives should be relaxed ; and that the direct con-
sequence will be, daily diminution of the profits of foreigners,
and, in course of time, the entire cessation of the trade, without
the aid of prohibitions . It is then forgotten that it is natural to
the common people to prize things heard of only by the ear, and
to undervalue those which are before their eyes- to pass by those
things which are near to hand, and to seek after those which are
afar off-and, though they have a thing in their own land, yet
to esteem more highly such as come to them from beyond the
seas ? Thus, in Keangsoo, Chekeang, Fookein, and Kwangtung,
they will not quietly be guided by the laws of the empire, but
must needs make use of foreign money ; and this foreign money,
though of an inferior standard , is nevertheless exchanged by them
at a higher rate than the native sycee silver, which is pure . And,
although money is cast in China after exactly the same pattern,
under the names of Keangsoo pieces , Fookein pieces, and native,
or Canton pieces, yet this money has not been able to gain cur-
rency among the people. Thus, also, the silk and cotton goods of
China are not insufficient in quantity, and yet the broad- cloths,
and camlets, and cotton goods of the barbarians from beyond the
pale of the empire, are in constant request . Taking men gene-
rally, the minds of all are equally unenlightened in this respect, so
that all men prize what is strange, and undervalue whatever is in
ordinary use.
" From Fookein, Kwangtung, Chekeang, Shantung, Yunnan, and
Kweichow, memorials have been presented by the censors and
other officers, requesting that prohibitions should be enacted
against the cultivation of the poppy, and against the preparation of
opium ; but while nominally prohibited, the cultivation of it has
not been really stopped in those places . Of any of those provinces,
except Yunnan, I do not presume to speak, but of that portion of
the country I have it in my power to say, that the poppy is culti-
vated all over the hills and the open campaign, and that the
quantity of opium annually produced there cannot be less than
several thousand chests . And yet we do not observe any diminu-
tion in the quantity of silver exported, as compared with any pre-
vious period ; while, on the other hand, the lack of the metal in
Yunnan is double, in degree what it formerly was. To what
cause is this to be ascribed ? To what but that the consumers of
the drug are very many, and that those who are choice and dainty
with regard to its quality, prefer always the foreign article.
" Those of your majesty's advisers who compare the drug to
the dried leaf of the tobacco plant, are in error . The tobacco leaf
does not destroy the human constitution . The profit, too, arising
from the sale of tobacco is small, while that arising from opium is
large. Besides, tobacco may be cultivated on bare and barren
ground, while the poppy needs a rich and fertile soil. If all the
rich and fertile ground be used for planting the poppy ; and if the
people, hoping for a large profit therefrom, madly engage in its
cultivation ; where will flax and the mulberry-tree be cultivated,
or wheat and rye be planted ? To draw off in this way the
waters of the great fountain, requisite for the production of food
and raiment, and to lavish them upon the root whence calamity
and disaster spring forth, is an error which may be compared to
that of a physician who, when treating a mere external disease,
should drive it inwards to the heart and centre of the body. It
may in such a case be found impossible even to preserve life. And
shall the fine fields of Kwangtung, that produce their three crops
every year, be given up for the cultivation of this noxious weed
those fields, in comparison with which the unequal soil of all other
parts of the empire is not even to be mentioned ?
" To sum up the matter ; the wide-spreading and baneful in-
fluence of opium, when regarded simply as injurious to property,
is of inferior importance ; but when regarded as hurtful to the
people, it demands most anxious consideration ; for in the people
lies the very foundation of the empire. Property, it is true, is that
on which the subsistence of the people depends . Yet a deficiency
of it may be supplied, and an impoverished people improved ;
whereas it is beyond the power of any artificial means to save a
people enervated by luxury. In the history of Formosa we find
the following passage : " Opium was first produced in Kaoutsinne,
which by some is said to be the same as Kalapa (or Batavia) . The
natives of this place were at the first sprightly and active, and
being good soldiers, were always successful in battle. But the
people called Kung-maou (red-haired) come thither, and having
manufactured opium, reduced some of the natives into the habit of
smoking it ; from thence the mania for it rapidly spread through-
out the whole nation ; so that, in process of time, the natives be-
came feeble and enervated, submitted to the foreign rule, and,
ultimately, were completely subjugated." Now the English are
of the race of foreigners called Kung-maou. In introducing opium
into this country, their purpose has been to weaken and enfeeble
the central empire. If not early aroused to a sense of our danger,
we shall find ourselves, ere long, on the last step towards ruin.
" The repeated instances, within a few years, of the barbarians
in question having assumed an attitude of outrageous disobedience,
and the stealthy entrance of their ships into the provinces of Foo-
keen, Chekeang, Keangnan, and Shantung, and even to Tientsin ;
to what motive are these to be attributed ? I am truly unable to
answer the inquiry. But, reverently perusing the sacred instruc-
tions of your majesty's all-wise progenitor, surnamed the Benevo-
lent (Kanghe) , I find the remark by him dated the tenth month
of the fifty-fifth year of his reign (1717) : There is cause for
apprehension, lest in centuries or milleniums to come, China may
be endangered by collision with the various nations of the west,
who come hither from beyond the seas .' I look upwards, and ad-
miringly contemplate the gracious considerations of that all- wise
progenitor, in taking thought for the concerns of barbarians be-
yond the empire, and giving the distant future a place in his
divine and all-pervading foresight. And now, within a period
of two centuries, we actually see the commencement of that dan-
ger which he apprehended . Though it is not practicable to put a
sudden and entire stop to their commercial intercourse ; yet the
danger should be duly considered and provided against : the ports
of the several provinces should be guarded with all strictness ; and
some chastisement should be administered, as a warning and fore-
taste of what may be anticipated . Under date of the 23rd year
of Keaking ( 1818), your majesty's benevolent predecessor sur-
named the Profound, directing the governor of Canton to adopt
measures to control and restrain the barbarians, addressed him
in the following terms : The Emperor, in ruling and restraining
the barbarians beyond its boundaries, gives to them always fixed
rules and regulations : upon those who are obedient, it lavishes its
rich favours ; but to the rebellious and disobedient, it displays its
terrors. Respecting the English trade at Canton, and the anchor-
age ground of their merchant ships, and of their naval convoys,
regulations have long since been made.'
" If the people aforesaid will not obey these regulations, and will
persist in opposition to the prohibitory enactments, the first step
to be taken is, to impress earnestly upon them the plain commands
of government, and to display before them alike both the favours
and the terrors of the empire, in order to eradicate from their
minds all their covetous and ambitious schemes. If notwithstand-
ing they dare to continue in violent and outrageous opposition,
and presume to pass over the allotted bounds, forbearance must
then cease, and a thundering fire from our cannon must be opened
upon them, to make them quake before the terror of our arms. In
short, the principal on which the far- travelled strangers are to be
cherished is this always in the first instance, to employ reason as
the weapon whereby the conquer them, and on no account to as-
sume a violent and vehement deportment towards them ; but
when ultimately it becomes necessary to resort to military force,
then, on the other hand, never to employ it in a weak and inde-
cisive manner, lest those towards whom it is exercised should see
therein no cause for fear or dread .
" How clear and luminous are these admonitions, well fitted to
become a rule to all generations .
" Since your Majesty's accession to the throne, the maxim ofyour
illustrious house, that horsemanship and archery are the founda-
tions of its existence, has ever been carefully remembered. And
hence the governors, the lieutenant-governors, the commanders of
the forces and their subordinates, have again and again been di-
rected to pay the strictest attention to the discipline and exercises
of the troops, and of the naval forces, and have been urged and re-
quired to create_by their exertions strong and powerful legions .
With admiration I contemplate my sacred sovereign's anxious wishes
for imparting a military as well as a civil education, prompted as
this anxiety is by the desire to establish on a firm basis the founda-
tions of the empire, and to hold in awe the barbarians on every
side. But while the stream of importation of opium is not turned
aside, it is impossible to attain any certainty that none within the
camp do ever secretly inhale the drug. And if the camp be once
contaminated by it, the baneful influence will work its way, and
the habit will be contracted beyond the power of reform . When
the periodical times of desire for it come round, how can the vic-
tims-their legs tottering-their hands trembling - their eyes flow-
ing with child-like tears- be able, in any way, to attend to their
proper exercises ? or how can such men form strong and powerful
legions. Under these circumstances, the military will become alike
unfit to advance to the fight, or in a retreat to defend their posts.
Of this there is clear proof in the instances of the campaign against
the Taou rebels, in the twelfth year of our sovereign's reign (1832).
In the army sent to Lienchow, on that occasion, great numbers of
the soldiers were opium-smokers ; so that, although their numeri-
cal force was large, there was hardly any strength to be found
among them .
" It is said, indeed, that when repealing the prohibitions , the peo-
ple only are to be allowed to deal in and smoke the drug ; and
that none of the officers, the scholars, and the military, are to be
allowed this liberty. But this is bad casuistry. It is equal tothe
popular proverb, shut a woman's ears before you steal her ear-
rings ' an absurdity ! The officers, with all the scholars and the
military, do not amount in number to more than one-tenth of the
whole population of the empire ; and the other nine-tenths are all
the common people. The great majority of those who at present
smoke opium are the relatives and dependents of the officers of
government, whose example has extended the practice to the mer-
cantile classes, and has gradually contaminated the inferior officers,
the military, and the scholars . Those who do not smoke are the
common people of the villages and hamlets. If, then, the officers,
the scholars, and the military, alone be prohibited smoking opium,
while all the people are permitted to deal in and smoke it, this will
be to give a full license to those of the people who already indulge
in it, and to induce those who have never yet indulged in the habit
to do so. And if it is even now to be feared that some will con-
tinue smokers in spite of all prohibitions, is it to be hoped that
any will refrain when they are actually induced by the govern-
ment to indulge in it ? Besides, if the people be at liberty to smoke
opium, how shall the officers, the scholars, and the military, be
prevented ? What ! of the officers, the scholars, and the military,
are there any that are born in civil or military situations , or that
are born scholars or soldiers ? All certainly are raised up from the
level of the common people. To take an instance, let a vacancy
occur in a body of soldiers, it must necessarily be filled up by re-
cruits from among the people . But the great majority of recruits
are men of no character or respectability, and if while they were
among the common people they were smokers of opium, by what
bond of law shall they be restrained when they become soldiers ,
after the habit has been already contracted , and has so taken hold
of them that it is beyond their power to break it off? such a policy
was that referred to by Mencius, when he spoke of ' intrapping the
people.' And if the officers, the scholars, and the military, smoke
the drug in the quiet of their own families, by what means is this
to be discovered or prevented ? Should an officer be unable to re-
strain himself, shall then his clerks, his followers, his domestic
servants, have it in their power to make his failing their plaything,
and by the knowledge of his secret to hold his situation at their
disposal ? We dread falsehood and bribery, and yet we would thus
widen the door to admit them ; we are anxious to prevent the
amassing of wealth by unlawful means, and yet by this policy we
would ourselves increase opportunities for doing so . A father in
such a case would no longer be able to reprove his son, an elder
brother to restrain his junior, nor a master to rule his own house-
hold. Will not this policy then be every way calculated to stir up
strife ? Or if happily the thing should not run to this extreme,
the consequences will yet be equally bad ; secret enticements and
mutual connivance will ensue, until the very commonness of the
practice shall render it no longer a subject of surprise. From
this I conclude, that to permit the people to deal in the drug and
smoke it, at the same time that the officers, the scholars, and the
military are to be prohibited the use of it, will be found to be
fraught with difficulties. At the present moment, throughout the
empire, the minds of men are in imminent danger ; the more
foolish being seduced by teachers of false doctrines, are sunk in
vain superstitions, and cannot be aroused ; and the more intelli-
gent, being intoxicated by opium, are carried away as by a whirl-
pool, and are beyond recovery. Most thoughtfully have I sought
for some plan by which to arouse and awaken all, but in vain.
While, however, the empire preserves and maintains its laws,
the plain and honest rustic will see what he has to fear, and will
be deterred from evil ; and the man of intelligence and cultivated
habits will learn what is wrong in himself and will refrain from it.
And thus, though the laws be declared by some to be but waste
paper, yet these their unseen effects will be of no trifling nature.
If, on the other hand, the prohibitions be suddenly repealed, and
the action which was a crime, be no longer counted such by the
government, how shall the dull clown , and the mean among the
people, know that the action is still in itself wrong ?
" In open day and with unblushing front, they will continue to
use opium, till they shall become so accustomed to it, that even-
tually they will find it as indispensable as their daily meat and
drink, and will inhale the noxious drug with perfect indifference.
When shame shall thus be entirely destroyed, and fear removed
wholly out of the way, the evil consequences that will result to
morality and to the minds of men, will assuredly be neither few
nor unimportant. As your Majesty's minister, I know that the
laws of the empire, being, in their existing state, well fitted to effect
their end, will not for any slight cause be changed. But the pro-
posal to alter the law on this subject having been made and discuss-
ed in the provinces, the instant effect has been, that crafty thieves
and villains have on all hands begun to raise their heads and open
their eyes, gazing about and pointing the finger, under the notion
that, when once these prohibitions are repealed, thenceforth and
for ever they may regard themselves free from every restraint, and
from every cause of fear.
" Though possessing very poor abilities, I have, nevertheless, had
the happiness to enjoy the favour of your sacred Majesty, and have,
within a space of but few years, been raised through the several
grades of the censorate, and the presidency of various courts in the
metropolis, to the high elevation of a seat in the Inner Council ;
I have been copiously imbued with the rich dew of favour; yet
have been unable to offer the feeblest token of gratitude ; but if
there is aught within the compass of my knowledge, I dare not to
pass it by unnoticed . I feel it my duty to request that your Ma-
jesty's commands may be proclaimed to the governor and lieute-
nant-governors of all provinces, requiring them to direct the local
officers to redouble their efforts for the inforcement of the existing
prohibition (against opium) ; and to impress on every one in the
plainest and strictest manner, that all who are already contaminated
by the vile habit, must return and become new men-that if any
continue to walk in their former courses, strangers to repentance,
and to reformation, they shall assuredly be subjected to the full
penalty of the law, and shall not meet with the least indulgence-
and that on any found guilty of storing up, or selling opium to the
amount of 1000 catties or upwards, the most severe punishment
shall be inflicted . Thus happily, the minds of men may be impress-
ed with fear, and the report thereof, spreading over the seas,
(among foreigners) may even there, produce reformation . Sub-
mitting to my sovereign my feeble and obscure views, I prostrate
implore your sacred Majesty to cast a glance on this, my respectful
This able document was followed by a proclamation from the
governor, &c., of Canton, communicating an imperial edict in refer-
ence to the opium-receiving ships at Lintin, 4th August, 1837.
" Tang, governor of Kwangtung and Kwangse, and Ke, lieute-
nant-governor of Kwangtung, command the Hong merchants to
render themselves acquainted herewith .
" On the 3rd instant, an express from the Board of war arrived,
conveying a dispatch from the grand council, addressed : To Tang,
governor, &c., and Ke, lieutenant-governor, to be enjoined also by
them on Wan, the superintendent of maritime customs. -An im-
perial edict, issued on the 14th of July, 1837.
Imperial edict.-In consequence of the exportation of pure
silver, from ports and anchorages, on all parts of the maritime
coast, and in contemplation of the very important results of such
exportations, as regards the national resources, and the livelihocd
of the people,-We have, in often repeated instances, declared our
pleasure to the governors and lieutenant -governors of the pro-
vinces, requiring them to investigate and to act on their investiga-
tions with faithfulness .
" Yet to-day, again, a memorial has been laid before us, from
the sub-censor Le Panlew, to this effect : " That from the English
nation, there are upwards of ten warehousing ships, which have
remained since the year 1821 , when they first entered Kapshuy
moon, until now ; having in the year 1833, changed their anchor-
age to the Kumsing moon ; that the importation of opium and the
exportation of silver are supported by the continuance in China of
these warehousing-ships, which form a sink for the absconders
from justice, that scoundrels in the fast crab-like boats, are out
morn and night, and always succeed in clandestinely making their
way into every creek and inlet ; and that while the nefarious mer-
chants who support establishments for preparing opium, receive
and supply wholesale quantities ;-the shopmen dealing in foreign
goods at Canton, are also secretly engaged in smuggling, under the
false show of selling and buying other commodities, and are nowise
different from the large brokers .
" For foreign vessels there is, surely, a fixed place of anchorage.
Why then is it, that whereas before the year 1821 , no < ware-
housing ships' were ever heard of, they have of late years been
suffered to remain at anchor in the surrounding seas, throughout
whole years ; thus giving occasion to the depraved among the peo-
ple to combine with them in the unrestrained practice of smuggling ?
" Let the governor of Kwangtung and his colleagues be made
P 2
responsible ; and let them issue strict orders to the Hong mer-
chants, to enjoin commands on the resident foreigners of the said
nation, authoritatively urging the departure for their own coun-
try of all the warehousing ships that are now remaining at anchor.
They must not be allowed, upon any excuse, to loiter about. Let
also the dens of the opium-brokers be faithfully searched for, and
let all, without exception, be dealt with as they deserve. Let there
not be the slightest overstrained indulgence. Thus the source
whence these illegalities spring forth may be closed up, and the
spirit of degeneracy may be stayed .
" Let a copy of the memorial be sent for perusal, and with these
instructions be made known to Tang and Ke, who are also to
enjoin our commands on Wan . Respect this .
" This having, in obedience to the imperial pleasure, been, by
despatch of the grand council, communicated to us, We, the
governor and lieutenant-governor forthwith reverently copy it,
and command obedience to it. When our commands reach the
Hong merchants, let them also pay respectful obedience, and
forthwith commence examination . Let them make it clearly
known, that by the established enactments of the celestial empire,
no foreign ship of any nation is permitted to remain at anchor, in
the outer seas. And let them enjoin our commands on the
foreigner directing the said nation's affairs, that he speedily give
directions to the warehousing ships anchored in the various
offings, requiring them within ten days, one and all to depart for
their country. They cannot be permitted, upon any excuse, to
continue loitering about. If any dare to resist and refuse to
leave, the said merchant alone shall be held answerable.
"Let them also report the reasons why the foreign ships, anchored
in the several offings, have not for so long a time returned to
their country. that we may thoroughly examine the matter. Let
there be no glossing excuses, lest criminality be incurred. With
earnest haste - with anxious celerity-execute these commands.
“ Taoukwang, 17th year, 7th month , 4th day, (4th August 1837.) ”
[Translated from the Chinese, ROBERT MORRISON, Chinese
Secretary and Interpreter. ]
The injunctions from Pekin became more urgent, and another
proclamation was issued from the governor, &c . enforcing their
former edict against the opium receiving ships. 17th August,
" Tang, governor of Kwangtung, and Kwangse, and Ke, lieu-
tenant-governor of Kwangtung, issue these commands, requiring
the senior Hong merchants to be acquainted therewith .
" On the 3rd instant a despatch arrived from the grand council
of state, communicating the subjoined imperial edict, issued on the
14th of July :--
[ A translation of this edict is given in the former document
from the governor. ]
" This having, in obedience to the imperial pleasure been com-
municated to us, We, the governor and lieutenant-governor, did
forthwith issue orders in respectful obedience to it, requiring the
said senior merchants to enjoin our commands on the resident
foreigners, that they speedily give directions to the warehousing
ships anchored in the various offings , urging them one and all to
depart, within ten days, for their country. This is on record.
" Still, however, no report of the warehousing vessels, anchored
at Lintin and other offings, having sailed, or refused to sail, has
yet appeared from the said senior merchants. Such conduct is
indeed extremely remiss and dilatory .
" The said nation's superintendent Elliot, having come to Canton
to direct affairs as regards merchants and seamen, and all the
minor details, even of disorder on the part of foreign merchants,
commanders of ships, and seamen, are in all respects under his
authority and control. Far more then, as regards these ware-
housing vessels, which have so long anchored in the various seas,
seeking to twist aside the laws, and to serve only their own
private interests, being not alone offenders against the prohibitory
laws of the celestial empire, but furthermore transgressors of the
instructions received in their own country, far more is it his duty,
as regards them, to exert himself in commanding their departure,
and sending them back again. By so doing only will he avoid dis-
gracing his office.
"It should be borne in mind, that the favors of the great Emperor
flow through all regions, without as well as within the Empire ;
and that his benevolence pervades the whole circle of the sea.
When, however, it is desired to put a stop to nefarious combina-
tions on the part of scoundrels within, it becomes necessary to
extirpate all exciting causes among depraved foreigners. The
sacred injunctions now given are strict and explicit ; and it is a
matter of bounden duty faithfully to investigate, and act ac-
cordingly .
" We, the governor and lieutenant-governor, having fears lest the
said senior merchants should have failed in enjoining our com-
mands with earnestness and zeal, or with sufficient clearness,
proceed again to declare our commands. When these reach the
said senior merchants, let them immediately enjoin the same on
the said superintendent. Let him instantly pay respectful obedi-
ence to the declared imperial pleasure ; and send back to their
country all the warehousing ships anchored in the offings of
Lintin and other places ; let him not allow them as before, to
continue loitering there at anchor ; hereafter let only such
merchant ships as are trading in dutyable articles come hither,
and let no contraband goods, such as opium, and the like, be
shipped for transportation over the wide seas. Thus the source
of the evil will be dammed up ; and the authority of the laws will
be gloriously displayed .
" In the ports of Kwangtung, the celestial court graciously per-
mits a general commercial intercourse, for the sale and purchase
of goods ; and truly it is the crown of all seaports . The foreign
merchants of the various nations, who cross from afar, over numer-
ous seas, should in reason make it their especial care to preserve a
correct line of conduct in trade. If they, in opposition to the pro-
hibitions form schemes for obtaining profits, indulging unrestrain-
ed desires, and loitering continually about, they will learn that the
great Emperor's awful majesty can be displayed and put in opera-
tion, equally with his tender regard, and they will occasion by
their own acts an entire stoppage of the nowopen road of com-
mercial intercourse. The said superintendent is not void of intel-
ligence in business ; and will assuredly consider this with anxious.
forethought. Let him be very careful not to be a passive specta-
tor of ungrateful and perverse transgression and resistance of the
laws, on the part of the warehousing ships.
" Furthermore, let the said senior merchants report for our inves-
tigation the periods of departure for their country, of the several
warehousing ships, in order to enable us to report to the throne.
"Let each one tremblingly obey. Hasten earnestly- earnestly
speed-to execute these commands.
" Taoukwang, 17th year, 7th month, 17th day, (August 7, 1837.) "
[ Translated from the Chinese, Robert Morrison, Chinese Secre-
tary and Interpreter. ]
The next state document on the subject is a singular memorial
from the governor, lieutenant-governor, and the hoppo, to the Em-
peror, regarding the existing state of contraband trade, &c.
The governor, lieutenant-governor, and hoppo, forwarded on the
30th December, 1837, a joint memorial to the Emperor, respecting
the measures adopted against the receiving ships, their actual con-
dition, and the repeated seizures made of sycee and opium, and of
the boats which supply the ships with provisions, in answer to the
imperial commands. They entreat his Majesty, graciously to con-
descend to examine these subjects.
We received, in the month of October, an imperial decree
thorough the grand Council of State, of the following tenor :
Tang, and the others, (the lieutenant-governor and the hoppo),
have sent in a report, from which it appears, that they had given
orders to drive the receiving ships away, and adopted measures to
seize the opium dealers and smugglers.
" The English receiving ships and merchantmen, with those of
other nations, under pretence of seeking shelter against storms,
have, of late years, sailed into the inner seas . The Hong mer-
chants were, therefore, ordered to enjoin it upon the superintendent
of the said nation, that he should make all the receiving ships, an-
chored at Lintin, and other places, return to their country, and
should not permit them as formerly to remain at anchor and loiter
about. As soon as the receiving ships had gotten under weigh,
to return to their country, the Hong merchants had orders to
report the same.
" It is found, on examination, that an entire clearance of the
fort-boats, (a class of smuggling boats) has been made, but the
various classes of vessels still engaged in smuggling, are yet numer-
ous, and their nefarious practices as well as those of the opium
dealers, are such as cannot be permitted to go on ; therefore, orders
have been issued to the civil, as well as naval authorities, diligently
to direct the cruizers under their command, in making careful
search, and seizing all such offenders .
" One of the greatest evils under which the province of Canton
groans, is, that barbarian vessels anchoring in the inner seas form
connections for smuggling . The governor, and the others, ought
to investigate carefully, whether the said foreign superintendent
has indeed obeyed their injunctions, and the receiving ships have
now sailed or not ; and they must, by all means, compel them all
to return home, without delay. If they, however, dare to com-
promise this matter, and I, the Emperor, should afterwards, upon
enquiry, hear of it, or any one should bring an accusation to that
effect, I shall only hold the said governor and his colleagues respon-
" The most severe measures must be adopted against the smug-
gling craft, and that their seizure may be effected ; and my expec-
tation is, that they be extirpated, root and branch . Having made
an occasional seizure, do not say immediately, that you have anni-
hilated the whole ; and so leave room for continued illegalities and
crime .
" Acquaint with these orders Tang and Ke, and let them trans-
mit the same to Wan, (the hoppo) . Respect this."
(Here ends the extract from the imperial order recently received,
to which the authorities make the following reply) :
" Your ministers read this in a kneeling posture, with the deep-
est veneration, admiring the care your Majesty bestows upon a
corner of the sea ; and the earnest desire shown to remove with
energy the existing evils .
Having carefully examined the charts of the inner and outer
seas, we find that the Ladrone islands constitute their boundaries .
Beyond them is the wide and boundless ocean, the black water of
the foreign seas, which are not under the control of the central
territory. Inside of them, at the offings, for instance, of Lintin,
the Nine Islands, and other places, are the outer seas,' which are
under the jurisdiction of Canton. Where the sea washes the shores
of the interior districts, it is called the ' inner sea,' and of such
inlets Kamsingmoon is an instance . Barbarian ships, since 1830,
under pretence of seeking shelter against the winds, sailed fre-
quently into Kamsingmoon, during the fourth and fifth months,
and remained at anchor until the ninth. As soon as the north
wind had set in, they removed again to Lintin, and anchored
there. In the winter of last year, we prohibited this most severely.
and also erected a battery at the entrance, while we stationed there
a naval squadron, to prevent most strenuously the ingress of the
ships. No barbarian craft therefore entered, but they continued
to anchor at Lintin and the adjoining places. Whilst, thus, no
receiving ship now remains in the inner seas, it is nevertheless a
fact, that they still exist in the outer seas .
Formerly, in regard to the receiving ships anchored in the
outer seas, the commanders of the cruisers always stated, that their
coming and going were so uncertain, that their actual number
could not be ascertained . We, your ministers, however, conceiv-
ing that the names and numbers of the receiving ships were gene-
rally known , and that it was requisite to obtain accurate informa-
tion regarding them, before adopting measures against them,
would not admit them thus to conceal these facts and not speak
out freely, thus to close the ear while the ear-rings were being
stolen ! We, therefore, last year, gave orders to all the naval
cruisers to ascertain their exact number, and whether or not there
were any from time to time coming or going away, and present
reports every ten days. They communicated the result of their
investigation, having found after due examination , that there were,
indeed, altogether 25 sail, which had stayed there for a long time.
The greater number were English country ships, and there were
besides vessels under the American, French, Dutch, Manilla, and
Danish flags, of each from one or two, to three or four. Some
came and others went, but their aggregate number never exceeded
this. These then are the facts as to the existing number of the
receiving ships .
"When, in obedience to the Imperial orders, we had issued, this
year, our strict injunctions to the said Hong merchants and the
Superintendent Elliot, to send these ships back to their country ;
a naval captain, subsequently to this, reported, in September, that
only one single Dutch ship, the Lihteaychin, (?) had lifted her
anchors and sailed out beyond the Ladrone ; this is also a fact, the
truth of which we have upon enquiry ascertained . Since, how-
ever, only one vessel had left, your ministers could not then report
the circumstance, for all the remainder, though they had also
hoisted their sails, and lifted their anchors, yet moving, some to
the east, and others to the west, they none of them proceeded
beyond the Ladrone Islands. Though unwilling to offer contuma-
cious disobedience, yet they cannot refrain from lingering about,
indulging hopes and anticipations . For these are not matters of
one year alone, nor are the vessels from one country only, and
though the opium is contraband, yet to them it is a property
highly valuable ; and these vicious barbarians, only hankering
after gain, are therefore unwilling to throw this commodity away,
and use every possible expedient and means, in hopes of obtaining
some temporary respite. This is the truc cause why it is yet a
fact that all the receiving ships have not within the prescribed
time sailed away .
"We, your ministers, are under the highest obligations, for
having obtained the great and high favour of being entrusted with
the command of the sea-coast ; and our duty is to eradicate every
depraved and vicious practice. We received previously the expres-
sion of your majesty's pleasure, enjoining us to issue severe orders
to the Hong merchants, in regard to the sending home of the
receiving ships . We have now again received a proof of your
majesty's condescension in investigating these matters, and, burn-
ing with the deepest anxiety, we fear and tremble . Having again
issued severe orders to the Hong merchants, Howqua and the
others, to command the instant departure of these vessels, they
reported to us, that the said Superintendent Elliot would not give
them precise and true answers to this demand, and in reply to
their enquiries, addressed to the foreign merchants, they were told
that the receiving ships were not their own property, and that it
was out of their power to drive them away. Thus they make
excuses on all sides, and again seek for delay.
"We, your ministers, have found on examination, that, accord-
ing to law, whenever foreigners proved refractory the trade ought
to be stopped, in order to give them a fair warning and merited
punishment. As they are thus determinate in pursuit of gain,
and can come to no resolution (to sending away the ships,) there
ought to be a temporary stoppage of the trade, in order to cut off
their expectations. Yet so many nations participate in this com-
merce, while the receiving ships belong only to a few states, that
due investigation ought to be made, so as to distinguish between
them, and to prevent good foreigners from suffering by this mea-
sure .
" We have therefore ordered the Hong merchants to enquire,
how many nations have hitherto had commercial intercourse, how
many amongst them have traded honestly and had no receiving
ships, and how many there have really been possessed of such
receiving ships . We directed them to send in a distinct and clear
statement of these matters, for our guidance in adopting measures .
"We, at the same time, gave the strictest orders, that they should
again enjoin your majesty's severe commands upon the resident
foreign merchants, not permitting them to make excuses to obtain
delay and extricate themselves from this dilemma ; but threaten-
ing them, if they again should prove dilatory and still should nou-
rish hopes, that the hatches shall be immediately closed, and a
stoppage of the trade ensue. We desired those foreign merchants
to consider, whether it be better that they suffer the existence of
these receiving ships-thereby turning aside the laws to serve
their own private ends, or that they should still continue to reap,
eternally, the advantages of a free (legal) commerce ; to weigh well
which of these two things will be the gain, and which the loss ;
we desired that they should carefully make their election, and that
they should no longer persevere in their blindness, without once
awakening, and thus, of their own accord, bring upon themselves
cause for bitter repentance.
" We find on examination, that every nation earns a subsistence
by this trade. All the merchants run together, bringing hither
their goods to exchange for our commodities. They will certainly
not consent to throw away their property, by waiting here at
a ruinous loss of time. The rhubarb, the teas, the porcelain,
the silks, and other articles, &c. of this country, moreover are
necessary to those nations. On account of disturbances created
by barbarians, in 1808, and in 1834, the hatches were closed ;
and afterwards they earnestly supplicated to have them reopened.
Thus it appears, as past events fully prove, that the various nations
cannot cease to look up to the flowery, central land . If they
are now intimidated therefore by the stoppage of trade, they
will probably no longer allow the receiving ships to remain, by
such contumacious conduct, effectually damaging their means
of livelihood . If in this way they be indeed aroused and awakened,
and the vessels be sent away, then matters will fall into their
former quiet course, and there will be no need to take any further
measures . But if, with inveterate obstinacy, they still offer open
defiance to the laws, it will then be for us to adopt new expedients,
and propose to the court other measures for their punishment.
"We have, while suggesting this course, written at the same
time to the naval commander-in-chief of the province, that he
may in concert with the captains of the cruisers himself adopt
means for expelling the receiving ships ; and have earnestly desired
him to watch carefully their movements, and to instill into them
a wholesome terror and dread ; not to allow any to be careless
and neglectful of their public duty ; yet, at the same time not
to commit such blunders, as may give rise to affrays and strife.
It is our confident expectation that these steps will be attended
with advantage .
" We calling to mind that the receiving ships anchored in the
outer seas, need a daily supply of the necessaries of life, for
which they are dependent on our country, worthless vagabonds
from the coast are accustomed to embark in small boats, pre-
tending to go out fishing, whilst they put a variety of provisions
and other articles on board, and go, in fact, to the ships to sell
them : they are called bumboats. The vicious barbarians while
they can look to these for supplies, are thereby enabled to
prolong their stay ; yet if these supplies were cut off, we might
succeed in getting rid of them.
"We, your ministers, have for some time past made seizure of
opium-dealers and smugglers of every description, without mercy,
in order to prevent the exportation of sycee silver, aud the
importation of opium, and thus to put a stop to this contraband
traffic. We have since also given orders to capture these bum-
boats, and not to permit them to have communication with the
ships on the high seas, in order to cut off the supplies of those
vicious men. The said barbarians will then have nothing to hope
for, their expectations will be groundless, matters will come to
extremes, and circumstances will then necessarily be changed,
and thus the fountain may be purified, the stream of impurity
being also arrested . According to the reports forwarded by the
officers of the Ta-pang and Heang- chan stations , four of these
bumboats, with some cargo, and twenty-eight vagabonds in them,
had been taken and committed for trial to the provincial city,
where they will meet with a most severe judgment.
" Lew Tszelin, Chin Auox, and Ting Asan, together with other
scoundrels, formerly taken with sycee silver and opium, have been
repeatedly examined and their sentence has been forwarded for
the imperial approval . During the present year, according to
the report transmitted by the military and civil authorities and
other official persons, they have made, from the beginning of thǝ
spring until the close of December, thirty seizures, taking in all,
144 offenders of silver, 866 taels in sycee, and 3027 taels in
foreign money ; and of opium to the amount of 3842 catties.
" These criminals were all severally judged, the money was given
as a reward to the captors, and the opium was burnt. The haunts
of opium dealers have also been found out, and after investigation
the public seal was placed upon them , while orders were issued for
their apprehension of the persons frequenting them . The above
is all authenticated by entries on the records.
" Your ministers have now been earnestly engaged in these mea-
sures for one year ; they dare not yet say that their efforts have had
the full and desired effect. But, with relation to the existing state
of things in the provincial city, we would observe, that the price of
sycee is at present very low ; and opium, one ball of which on board
the foreign ships formerly cost the traitorous natives about thirty
dollars, can now only fetch from sixteen to eighteen dollars. Of
the smuggled silver, too, that has been seized, a large portion has
been foreign money, which would seem to imply, that to export
sycee silver is now comparatively difficult. The proofs of the fo-
reigners having to sell at reduced prices, and of their receiving
payment in foreign money, being thus clear, the course that has
been adopted, if pursued with vigour and firmness for a long period,
and if followed up by the seizure of sycee silver and the capture of
the bumboats, as measures of the first importance, will greatly
tend towards increasing the wealth of the port, and doing away
with abuses, and will thus prove extremely beneficial.
" But there being many crafty and cunning devices which fail of
success, numerous complaints have hence arisen, proceeding from
malicious tongues, that these failures are brought on by the mea-
sures now adopted. Some there are, with rumour- spreading
tongues, who represent that we your ministers, if besought by
those who bring rich offerings in their hands, are not unwilling to
accept gifts.
"Others, speculating men of ruined fortunes, declare that the
civilians, and the military officers, when bribed, liberate, and ap-
prehend offenders only when unfeed ; that in searching for con-
traband articles, they try only to annoy the honest merchants, and
that when they have made seizures, they represent that the goods
have been sunk and lost. There are others, again, anxious, fear-
ful-minded men, who lament these proceedings, saying that since
these urgently preventive measures have been taken, the foreign
merchant vessels that have come hither, have been but few ; that
the teas and silk have come into a dull market ; and that the cir-
culation of capital and sale of goods have been far from brisk ; so
that the merchants cannot preserve themselves from overwhelming
embarrassments, and that the port of Canton province must be
reduced to wretchedness ; further, that since search is in every
place made after idle vagrants, in order to seize them, many of the
boat-people are in consequence thrown out of employment, and it
may justly be feared that they will be driven to plunder, and that
robberies will daily be multiplied .
"These and many similar rumours are confidently circulated ;
but they are all the slandering assertions of the credulous or the
malicious, intended to confuse and trouble the hearts of your
ministers, and to disturb our hearing and confuse our vision .
Though we presume not to be wholly wedded to our own
opinions, nor to act as if we heard nothing, and though, therefore,
we seek to examine with the greatest impartiality into well-founded
rumours, and well-authenticated accusations of abuses, with the
hope of preserving all free from taint or imperfections- yet will
we not give way to apprehensions which would make us fear to
begin, or hesitate to proceed to an end, and would reduce us to
the condition of the man who would leave off eating, because of a
" We shall faithfully, with our whole heart and soul, discharge
our duty in managing these affairs, and allow in ourselves no re-
missness in the issuing of orders to that effect . Having received
such great and abundant favours from your Majesty, we dare not
screen ourselves from the malice of rancorous slander, and never
will we incur the guilt of acting deceitfully or ungratefully.
Thus we would hope to meet your Sacred Majesty's most earnest
wish, that we should make truth our motto .
" We have thus minutely represented matters to your Majesty,
and united in preparing this memorial in reply to your Majesty's
In February 1838, a Chinaman was ordered to be strangled in
front of the English factories at Canton , for being engaged in the
opium trade. The edict declared the offence thus :-
" Second moon. 2nd day. (February 25th, 1838.) The im-
perial will has been received .
" 1 order that Kwo - Se-ping be immediately strangled . This
criminal has audaciously dared to form connexions with the out-
side foreigners at the important passes of the sea frontier . He
opened a shop, stored it with opium , and seduced people to buy and
smoke it. He has been known to be engaged in this way for five
years ; but the former governors and lieutenant -governors have
been negligent , and not one of them has examined and managed
this affair with a regard to truth . But Tang-tingching ordered his
officers to seize strictly, and he was immediately taken . It may,
therefore, be seen that when pursuit and prosecution are managed
with a regard to truth , the effects are evident . I order that Tang
and Ke be referred to the proper board , for their merits to be taken
into consideration ; and hereafter , with reference to the offences of
buying and selling opium , and opening smoking houses , if in these
instances criminals are guilty, they must be seized at all times and
all places, and punished ; they must not be suffered to escape out
of the net : thus they will be a warning to others . Respect this."
The punishment for the crime of smoking opium or dealing in
it, was changed to its present severity by Taoukwang in the 10th
year of his reign .
Those who deal in opium shall be punished according to the
law against those who trade in prohibited goods, (gunpowder, salt-
petre, nitre, sulphur, military weapons .) The principal shall wear
the collar one moon , and be banished to the army at a near fron-
tier. The accomplices shall be punished with 100 blows and
banished from the province.
He who clandestinely opens an opium smoking shop, and seduces
the sons and younger brothers of respectable families to smoke opium,
shall be punished according to the law against those who delude the
multitude by depraved doctrines. The principal, when his crime is
proved, shall be strangled after his term of imprisonment ; the ac-
complices shall be punished with 100 blows, and banished 3,000
le. And the boat -people, constables, and neighbours shall all
receive 100 blows, and be banished from the province for three
The following are the penalties for buying and smoking
opium .
If an officer of government buys and smokes opium, he is to
be dismissed the service, to wear the collar for two months, and be
beaten with 100 blows ; soldiers and the people are to be punished
with 100 blows and wear the collar for one month . Eunuchs in
the imperial palaces are to wear the collar for two months, and be
sent to the most distant frontiers, as slaves to the soldiers .
In the first year of Taoukwang (1820-21 , ) a native named
Yih-hang-soo, was the great agent for opium at Macao. When he
fell under the notice of government, he was only banished as a
slave to the army ; and we are told that he is living in comfort in
some of the distant provinces, where he carries on a flourishing
trade, and is supposed to be rich.
The earnest attention of different high officers continued to be
given to the subject, and about November 1838, the following
close-reasoning memorial was presented to the Emperor :
" HWANG TSEOTSZE, president of the Sacrificial Court, upon his
knees addresses the throne, soliciting the adoption of severe mea-
sures to prevent a continual draining of the country, in the hope
of enhancing thereby the national resources .
"When your minister observes the nightly watchings, and the
late meals, to which, in your diligent and anxious care to provide
for the interests of the empire for thousands of future generations,
your august majesty is subjected- and when he sees, nevertheless,
that the national resources are inadequate, that very few among
the people enjoy affluence, and that this condition of things is
gradually growing worse, each year falling behind its precursor,-
to what cause, he is induced to ask, is this attributable ? In the
reign of your majesty's progenitor, surnamed the Pure,' (Kien-
lung, ) how many were the demands for the settlement of the
frontier ! How great the changes incurred on imperial progresses !
How extensive the public works and improvements ! And yet
abundance prevailed amid high and low, and the nation attained
to the pinnacle of wealth. In the time of Keaking, too, riches
and affluence yet lingered among us, insomuch that the families of
the scholars and people, as well as the great merchants and large
traders, acquired habits of luxury and prodigal expenditure.
Shall we compare those times with the present ? Heaven and
earth can better bear comparison ! How is it, that the greater
extravagance was then attended with more affluence, and that now
the greater frugality is followed but by increasing scarcity ?
" It seems to your minister, that the present enhanced value of
silver, of a tael of which the cost has recently exceeded 1600 cash,
arises not from the waste of silver bullion within the country, but
from its outflow into foreign regions.
"From the moment of opium first gaining an influx into China,
your majesty's benevolent progenitor, surnamed the ' Wise,' (Kea-
king, ) foresaw the injury that it would produce, and therefore he
earnestly warned and cautioned men against it, and passed a law
plainly interdicting it. But at that time his ministers did not
imagine that its poisonous effects would ever pervade the empire
to the present extent. Had they sooner been awake to this, they
would have awarded the severest penalties and the heaviest punish-
ments, in order to have nipped the evil in the bud.
" There is a regulation by which every foreign vessel, upon
reaching the coast of Canton, has to obtain the suretyship of a
Hong merchant, who is required to bind himself under sureties,
that the ship has no opium on board, nor until this is done can
any vessel enter the port. But this suretyship, though it is still
required, has in process of time come to be regarded as an empty
form ; and it has been found impossible to prevent opium from
being brought in the ships. From this cause, before even the
third year of Taoukwang, (1823 ,) the annual draining of silver had
already amounted to several millions of taels.
" In the first instance, the use of opium was confined to the
pampered sons of fortune, with whom it was an idle luxury, but
still used with moderation and under the power of restraint.
Since then, its use has extended upwards to the officers and belted
gentry, and downwards to the labourer and the tradesman, to the
traveller, and even to women, monks, nuns, and priests. In every
place its inhalers are to be found . And the implements required
for smoking it are sold publicly in the face of day. Even Mouk-
den, the important soil whence our empire springs, has become
infected by its progressive prevalence.
"The importation of opium from abroad is constantly on the
increase. There are vessels for the specific purpose of storing up
opium, which do not enter the Bocca Tigris, but remain anchored
off Lintin, and off the Grand Ladrone and Lantao, islands in the
open sea. Depraved merchants of Kwangtung form illicit con-
nexions with the militia and its officers appointed to cruise on the
sea-coasts, and, using boats designated ' scrambling dragons,' ' fast
crabs,' &c., they carry silver out to sea, and bring in the opium in
return . In this way, between the third and eleventh years of
Taoukwang, (1823-31,) the country was drained to the annual
amount of from seventeen to eighteen millions of taels ; between
the eleventh and fourteenth years, it was drained to the annual
amount of more than twenty millions ; and between the fourteenth
year and this time, to the yearly amount of thirty millions and
upwards. In addition to this, too, from the coasts of Fuhkein,
Chekeang, Shantung, and from the port of Tientsin, there has
been a total efflux of many millions of taels . This outpouring of
the useful wealth of China into the insatiable depths of trans-
marine regions-in exchange, too, for an article so baneful- has
thus become a grievous malady, still increasing, day by day, and
year by year : nor can your minister see where it is to end.
" The land and capitation taxes, and the contributions for sup-
ply of grain, are paid, for the most part, in all the provinces and
districts, in copper cash . When the sums collected are accounted
for to government, these copper cash have to be exchanged for
silver. The loss now experienced upon this exchange is so very
heavy, that, in consequence of it, the officers have everywhere to
supply deficiencies in the revenue, whereas formerly there was in
general an overplus. * The salt merchants of the several provinces
* An allowance is made for loss in the exchange, which formerly more than covered,
but now (according to the memorialist,) does not equal, the actual loss experienced.—
always sell the salt for copper coin, while they are invariably re-
quired to pay the gabel in silver ; and, hence, the business of a
salt merchant, a business formerly contended for as affording cer-
tain profit, is, under existing circumstances, looked upon as a pur-
suit surrounded with risks. If this state of things continue a few
years longer, the price of silver will become so enhanced, that it
will be a question how the revenue collected can possibly be ac-
counted for, or the gabel paid up . And, should any unanticipated
cause of expenditure arise, it will become a question, how it can
by possibility be met. Whenever your minister reflects on these
things, the anxious thoughts they occasion wholly deprive him of
sleep .
"Throughout the empire, it is now universally acknowledged,
that the draining of the country's resources is the consequence of
the introduction of opium : and many are the suggestions and
propositions for staying the evil . By one it is proposed to guard
strictly the maritime ports, and so block up the paths of outlet
and admission ; but it is not considered that the officers who must
be appointed to this preventive guard, cannot always be depended
upon as upright and public spirited men ; and that the annual
trade in opium, amounting to some tens of millions, will yield
these officers, at the rate of one-tenth or one-hundredth only, as
their share, [the price of their connivance, ] not less than some
millions of taels . Where such pecuniary advantage is to be
acquired, who will faithfully watch or act against the traffic ?
Hence, the instances of seizure that do sometimes occur are few
and far between. Besides, along a maritime coast of thousands of
miles, places of outlet and admission abound everywhere. These
considerations make it clear, that this, for one, is not practicable
as a preventive of the national draining.
" Others say, ' put an entire stop to foreign commercial inter-
course, and so wholly eradicate the origin of the evil.' These, it
would scem, are not aware, that the woollens, and the clocks and
watches imported by the foreigners from beyond sea, together with
the tea, rhubarb, and silk, exported by them, constituting the
body of the legitimate trade, cannot be valued at ten millions of
taels . The profit therefore enjoyed from this trade, does not ex-
ceed a few millions, and is at the same time but a barter of one
commodity for another. Its value is not a tenth or twentieth part
of that of the opium traffic ; and, consequently, the chief interest
of the foreign merchants is in the latter, and not in the former.
Though, therefore, it should be determined to set aside the revenue
derived from the maritime customs of Canton, and to forbid com-
mercial intercourse ; yet, sceing that the opium vessels do not
even now enter the port, they will no doubt continue to anchor
outside, in the open seas, there waiting for high prices ; and the
native consumers of opium, unable to bear a moment's delay of
smoking, will still find depraved people ready to go thither and
convey it to them. Hence the difficulty of prevention is not as
regards the foreign merchants, but as regards the depraved natives .
This, too, must plainly, then, be ineffectual as a preventive of the
national draining.
" Others again propose to search for and arrest all who deal in
opium, and severely to punish them, as well as all who keep
houses for smoking it, maintaining that thus, though we may fail
to purify the source, yet it will be possible to arrest the stream.
Are these persons ignorant, that, since the enactment of the laws
against opium, the punishment awarded to dealers therein has
been enslavement to the military at a distant frontier district ,
and that awarded to the keepers of smoking houses has been
strangulation, or one degree beyond the punishment of those who
by false doctrines deceive the people and honest families ? Not-
withstanding this, how incalculably numerous are the dealers in
opium and the keepers of smoking houses ! and how exceedingly
few the cases, in any of the provinces, in which these penalties are
inflicted ! For in the province of Kwang tung, the wholesale
dealers in opium having established large stores, maintain a good
understanding with the custom house officers along the various
routes from that to the other provinces. The opium dealers in
the several provinces, if possessed of capital, obtain the protection
of these wholesale men ; and the corrupt officers of the places of
customs and toll consequently connive, and suffer them to pass ;
while, on the other hand, legitimate traders, passing to and fro,
are, under pretence of searching for opium, vexatiously detained
and subjected to extortion. The keepers of smoking houses, too,
in all the departments and districts, are depraved and crafty
under-officers, police-runners, and such like. These, acting in
base concert with worthless young men of large families pos-
sessed of a name and influence, collect together, under the
protection of many doors, and in retired alleys , parties of people
to inhale the drug ; and the private officers and attendants of
the local magistrates, being one half of them sunk into this
vicious habit, are induced always to shield these their friends and
abettors. From these causes, we find this measure also ineffectual
as a preventative of the national draining.
" There is yet another proposal, to remove the prohibitions
against the planting of the poppy, and to suffer the preparation
of opium within the country, by which it is hoped to stay the
increasingly ruinous effects of foreign importation, to stop the
efflux of silver. Are the proposers of such a measure altogether
ignorant, that the home-prepared opium, when smoked, does
not yield the needed stimulus, that it is merely used by the
dealers to mix up with the foreign opium, with the view of
increasing their profits ? No, this measure, should it be adopted,
and the planting of the poppy no longer prohibited , will also
be found effectual as a preventive of the national draining.
" The injury inflicted by opium, is it then altogether past
prevention ? Your minister would fain think that to prevent it
is not impossible, but only that the true means of so doing
have not yet been discovered .
" Now the great waste of silver arises from the abundant sale of
opium, and this abundant sale is caused by the largeness of the
consumption . Were the consumption of it to cease, there would
of course be no sale, and did the sale of it fail, the importation of
it by foreigners from abroad would necessarily cease also. If
then it be desired to increase the severity of punishments, it is
against the consumers of the opium that this increased severity
must be directed .
" Your minister would therefore solicit your august Majesty to
declare by severe edicts your imperial pleasure, that, from such
a month and day of this year, to such a month and day of next
year, a period of one year will be granted, in which to overcome
the practice of using opium . Within this period of time, it
cannot be impossible for those even with whom the habit is most
confirmed to overcome it altogether. If, then, after the period
of a year any continue to smoke opium, they may be regarded
as lawless and incorrigible, and none will hesitate to admit the
justice of subjecting them to the heaviest penalties . I find that
the existing laws against opium smokers, award no more severe
punishments than the wearing of the wooden collar, the bastinado,
and, in case of refusing to point out the dealer, a chastisement of a
hundred blows, with transportation for three years . Thus the
utmost severity of punishment stops short of death, and the pain
of breaking off the habit of using opium is greater than that of
the punishments, the cangue, the bastinado, and transportation.
Of this, crafty and hardened breakers of the law are well aware,
and they do not therefore strive to overcome the vile habit . But,
were the offence made capital, the bitter anguish of the approach-
ing punishment would be found more trying than the protracted
languor of breaking off the habit ; and your minister feels assured ,
that men would prefer to die in their families, in the endeavour
to refrain from opium, rather than to die in the market place,
under the hands of the executioner.
" In considering what may be the clear and thoughtful views of
your Majesty, in regard to such punishments, an apprehension
may be presumed to exist in the imperial breast, lest, if the laws
be rendered somewhat too severe, they may become, in the hands
of evil men, instruments for drawing down penalties upon the
guiltless . But an habitual smoker of opium can always be so
readily distinguished when brought before a magistrate for trial,
that one who is not such a smoker, but a good orderly subject,
cannot be hurt by false accusations, though instigated by the
greatest animosity and the most implacable hatred ; while one
who is really a smoker will not by any means be able to gloss
over or conceal the fact. Though such severe punishments,
therefore, be had recourse to, there can no evil flow therefrom .
"In the history of Formosa, written by Yu Wanee, your minister
finds it mentioned, that the inhabitants of Java were originally
nimble, light-bodied, and expert in war ; but when the [ European]
red-haired race* appeared, these prepared opium and seduced them
into the use of it ; whereupon they were subdued , brought into
subjection, and their land taken possession of. Among the red-
haired race, the law regarding those who daily make use of opium
is, to assemble all their race as spectators, while the criminal is
bound to a stake, and shot from a gun into the sea. Hence
among the red-haired race, none is found so daring as to make
use of it. The opium which is now imported into China is from
the English and other nations, where are found preparers of it
alone, but not one consumer of it. Your minister has heard
moreover, that the foreign ships coming to Canton pass on their
way, the frontiers of Cochin China, and that at the first they se-
duced the Cochin Chinese into the use of opium ; but that these,
discovering the covert scheme laid for them, instantly interdicted
the drug under the most severe penalties, making the use of it a
capital crime, without chance of pardon. Now, if it is in the
power of barbarians out of the bounds of the empire, to put a stop
by prohibitions to the consumption of opium, how much more can
our august Sovereign, whose terrors are as the thunderbolts and
vivid lightnings of heaven, render his anger so terrible that even
the most stupid, perverse, and long-besotted, shall be made to
open their blind eyes and dull ears !
" The great measures affecting the interests of the empire, it is
not within the compass of ordinary minds to comprehend. The
sacred intelligence, and heaven -derived decisiveness, of the
Sovereign may however, unaided determine, and need not the co-
operation of every mind . Yet it may be, that men of fearful dis-
positions, unwilling to bear reproach for the sake of their country,
will, though well aware that none but severe punishments can stay
the evil, pretend nevertheless, that the number of those who
smoke opium is so great as to give cause for apprehending, that
precipitate measures will drive them into a calamitous outbreak .
To meet these fears it is, that the indulgent measure is suggested,
of extending to the smokers one year wherein to repent . The
point of greatest importance is, that at the first declaration of the
imperial pleasure, the commands issued should be of an earnest
and urgent character ; for if the Sovereign's pleasure be forcibly
expressed, then the officers who are to enforce it will be pro-
foundly attentive ; and if these officers be attentive, the breakers
of the law will be struck with terror. Thus in the course of a
* This term, originally applied to the Dutch and northern nations, was afterwards
extended to the English, of whom it has latterly become the exclusive patronymic.-
year, even before punishments shall have been inflicted , eight or
nine out of every ten will have learned to refrain. In this manner,
the consumers of opium will in fact owe to the protection of the
laws the preservation of their lives ; and those who have not been
smokers will be indebted to the restraint and cautions of the laws,
for their salvation from impending danger. Such is the vast
power of your august Majesty, for the staying of evil. Such
your Majesty's opportunities of exhibiting abundant goodness,
and wide-spreading philanthropy.
Once more your minister solicits that commands may be issued
to all the governors and lieutenant-governors of provinces, to pub-
lish earnest and urgent proclamations for the general information
of the people, and to give wide promulgation to prescriptions for
the cure of the habit of smoking opium, that these high func-
tionaries may be required to suffer no smoking beyond the allotted
period of forbearance . And that, at the same time, they may be
directed strictly to command the prefects of departments and
magistrates of districts, to examine and set in order the tithings
and hundreds, giving beforehand clear instructions in regard to
the future enforcement of the new law. The people, after the year
of sufferance shall have elapsed, should be made to give bonds- a
common bond from every five adjoining houses, and if any one con-
tinues to transgress, it should be required of all to inform against
him, that he may be brought to justice, and to this end liberal re-
wards should be accorded to the informers ; while, should a trans-
gression be concealed and the offender shielded , not only should
the transgressor, upon discovery, be in accordance with the pro-
posed new law executed, but all those mutually bound with him,
should also be punished . With regard to general marts and large
towns, where people are assembled from all parts, seeing that the
merchants there are ever passing to and fro, and not remaining in
one place, it would be found difficult, should their neighbours be
made answerable for them, to observe their conduct . The keepers
of shops and lodging-houses, should, therefore, be held responsible,
and should be made punishable for sheltering opium-smokers, in
the same manner as for harbouring and concealing thieves. If any
officer, high or low, actually in office, continue to smoke after the
year of sufferance shall have elapsed, he, having become a trans-
gressor of those very laws which it is his duty to maintain , should be
punished in a higher degree than ordinary offenders, by the ex-
clusion of his children and grandchildren from the public examina-
tions, in addition to the penalty of death attaching to himself.
Any local officers who, after the period of sufferance shall have
elapsed, shall with true-heartedness fulfil their duty, and shall show
the same by the apprehension of any considerable number of of-
fenders, should be, upon application for the imperial consideration
of their merits, entitled to a commensurate reward, according to
the provisions of the law relating to the apprehension of thieves.
If any relations, literary friends, or personal attendants of officers,
continue, while residing with such officers, to smoke opium, in ad-
dition to the punishment falling upon themselves, the officers
under whose direction they may be, should also be subjected to
severe inquiry and censure. As to the military, both of the Tartar
and the Chinese forces, each officer should be required to take from
the men under his immediate command a bond similar to those of
the tithing-men . And their superior officers, in case of failing to
observe any transgression , should be dealt with in the same man-
ner as has been suggested in relation to civil officers failing to ob-
serve the conduct of those residing with them.
" Thus it may be hoped that both the military and the people—
those of low, as well as those of high degree, —will be made to fear
and to shun transgression .
" Such regulations [if adopted ] will need to be promulgated and
clearly made known everywhere, even in decayed villages and way-
side hamlets, that the whole empire may be made acquainted with
our august Sovereign's regard of, and anxiety for, the people and
their welfare, and his extreme desire to preserve their lives from
danger. Every opium-smoker who hears thereof, cannot but be
aroused, by dread of punishment, and by gratitude for the good-
ness extended to him, to change his face and cleanse his heart.
And thus the continual draining of the nation will be stayed, and
the price of silver will cease to be enhanced . And this being the
case, plans may then be discussed for the cultivation of our re-
sources. This will in truth be a fountain of happiness to the rulers
and the ruled in ten thousand ages to come.
" Your servant's obscure and imperfect views are thus laid before
your August Majesty, with the humble prayer that a sacred glance
may be vouchsafed that their fitness or unfitness may be deter-
mined. A respectful memorial."
The Emperor's pleasure in this matter was recorded as follows ::--
Hwang Tsestsze has presented a memorial, soliciting the adop-
tion of measures to stay the continual draining of the country,
with the hope of enhancing thereby the national resources. Let
the commanders-in -chief in the provinces of Mookden, Kirin, and
Tsitsihar, and the governors and lieutenant-governors of all the
other provinces, express, in the form of regulations, their own
several views on the subject, and lay the same speedily before the
throne. To this end let the memorial be sent to them herewith .
Respect this."
Consequent on the foregoing the following imperial edict was
issued : " In reference to a memorial laid before us by Hwang
Tsestsze, the vice-president of the sacrificial court, it has now been
represented to us, by the sub- censor, Tau Szelin , that the governors
and lieutenant-governors of the provinces having been more strict
in the seizure of opium, a brighter spirit has recently been exhi-
bited throughout the provinces. It thus appears that the repre-
sentations before made by Hwang Tsestsze were all right : but
that all the officers have, with one consent, mismanaged the mat-
ter. When, perchance, they have made seizures, these have been
so few and far between, that it cannot be that they have all acted
with uprightness and public spirit . Hwang Tsestsze and those
with him have, however, apprehended and punished with true pur-
pose of heart, and he has represented his views with plainness and
perspicuity : he may well be called a servant useful and devoted to
us. Let, therefore, the board of office consider of his merits liber.
ally, in order that we may, by rewarding him, encourage like con-
" Henceforth, let the governors and lieutenant-governors of the
provinces, with severity and earnestness, make known their com-
mands to the people. And let them, at the same time, send out
officers with military retinues to make search, imperatively requir
ing that the depraved merchants who deal in opium, and those
people who open houses for smoking it, shall, without fail, be
apprehended and brought to trial ; and these, after a period of
three months shall have elapsed, shall, according to a new law, be
condemned to death, and so punished. The consumers of opium
throughout the provinces must be imperatively required, within
the space of three months, to throw off the habit of using it. If
any should continue its use after the lapse of this period, such
persons must be regarded as unruly people, fearless of the laws,
and shall also be condemned, in accordance with the new law, to
the penalty of death.
" The governors and lieutenant-governors of the provinces must
utterly root out the evil, and must allow no guilty persons to es-
cape through the meshes of the net. If any officers dare to con-
nive at, pass over, or fail to discover, acts of disobedience, besides
receiving in their own persons the penalties prescribed by the
new law, their sons and grandsons, also, shall be excluded from
the public examinations. Such local officers as may with all their
hearts fulfil their duty, shall, in accordance with the new law, be,
upon fitting representation, rewarded conformably to their merits.
Let these commands be generally made known to the governors
and lieutenant-governors of all the provinces. Respect this."
(Without date. True translation . )
" Chinese Secretary's Interpreter."
Captain Elliot, Her Majesty's Superintendent of Trade in China,
who was averse to the opium trade, and foresaw the evil effects
which must inevitably result from its continuance and open pro-
secution, issued a public notice on the subject.
" I, CHARLES ELLIOT, Chief Superintendent of the Trade of
British subjects in China, moved by urgent considerations imme-
diately affecting the safety of the lives and property of all Her
Majesty's subjects engaged in the trade at Canton, do hereby
formally give notice, and require, that all British owned schooners,
cutters, and otherwise-rigged small craft, either habitually or occa-
sionally engaged in the illicit opium traffic within the Bocca
Tigris, should proceed forth of the same within the space of three
days from the date of these presents, and not return within the
said Bocca Tigris, being engaged in the said illicit opium traffic.
" And I, the said chief superintendent, do further give notice,
and warn all her majesty's subjects engaged in the aforesaid illicit
opium traffic, within the Bocca Tigris, in such schooners, cutters,
or otherwise-rigged small craft, that if any native of the Chinese
empire shall come by his or her death by any wound feloniously
inflicted by any British subject or subjects, any such British subject
or subjects being convicted thereof, are liable to capital punishment,
as if the crime had been committed within the jurisdiction of Her
Majesty's court at Westminster.
" And I, the said chief superintendent, do further give notice,
and warn all British subjects being owners of such schooners, cut-
ters, or otherwise-rigged small craft, engaged in the same illicit
opium traffic within the Bocca Tigris, that Her Majesty's govern-
ment will in no way interpose if the Chinese government shall
think fit to seize and confiscate the same.
" And I, the said chief superintendent, do further give notice,
and warn all British subjects employed in the said schooners, cut-
ters, and otherwise-rigged small craft, engaged in the illicit traffic
in opium within the Bocca Tigris, that the forcible resisting of the
officers of the Chinese government in the duty of searching and
seizing, is a lawless act, and that they are liable to consequences
and penalties in the same manner as if the aforesaid forcible re-
sistance were opposed to the officers of their own, or any other
government, in their own, or in any foreign country.
" Given under my hand and seal of office, at Canton, this
eighteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and thirty-eight .
" Chief Superintendent of the Trade of
British subjects in China."
The Chinese government also issued several strigent and severe
proclamations and edicts against the importation and use of opium ;
but, as the naval and military forces of China were unable to
contest with the armed English opium vessels, the traffic increased
with fearful rapidity.
The Emperor and cabinet at Peking, finding all further procla-
mations and injunctions futile, resolved to depute an imperial
commissioner to Canton, with the highest powers and authority
which could be conferred on a subject. The officer chosen for
this purpose was named Lin, a man about fifty-five years of age,
of high repute as a scholar, born and bred in one of the maritime
provinces, of stern demeanour, and possessed of qualities which in
any country would have made him distinguished. He was con-
sidered a true patriot ; of incorruptible honesty, and stood high in
the favour of the Emperor, from whom it is said the commissioner
received his instructions in person, to whom also the Emperor
narrated his " deep sense of the evils that had long afflicted his
children by means of the flowing poison ;" and adverting to the
future, his majesty paused, wept, and said, " how, alas ! can I die
and go to the shades of my imperial father and ancestors until
these direful evils are removed ."
The powers thus vested in Commissioner Lin have only been
thrice delegated by the monarch of the present dynasty. The
appointment of his excellency was thus announced by the authori-
ties at Canton :-
Injunction from the governor and Lieutenant- governor, to the
territorial commissioner and others, in reference to the anticipated
arrival of the imperial commissioner.
" On the 23rd of January, 1839, a despatch was received from
the board of war, giving conveyance to the subjoined imperial edict,
delivered to the inner council on the 31st December, 1838.
' Let Lin Tsihsen, governor of Hookwang, and ex- officio direc-
tor of the board of war, be invested with the powers and privileges
of an imperial commissioner ; and let him, with all speed, proceed
to Kwangtung to make inquiry, and to act in regard to the affairs
of the sea-ports . Let also the whole naval force of the province,
be placed under his control . Respect this.'
" On the same day (23rd January, ) arrived also a communica-
tion from the general council, of the following address and tenor.
To the governors of the two Kwang, Tang, and the Lieu-
tenant-governor of Kwang tung, E. On the 3rd of January, we
received the annexed imperial edict.
The daily increasing prevalence of the use of opium, and the
continually augmenting loss arising from the removal of pure sil-
ver beyond the seas, have of late years repeatedly caused us to
declare to the governors and others, our desire and command, that
they should with true purpose of heart, make enquiry and act in
this matter. But an evil practice, so long and deeply rooted, is
not, it must be feared, to be at once wholly eradicated . If the
source of the evil be not clearly ascertained, how can we hope that
the stream of pernicious consequences shall be stayed?
' We recently expressed it to be our pleasure, that Lin Tsihsin
the governor of Hookwang, should repair with speed to the pro-
vince of Kwangtung, to make enquiry and to act in regard to the
affairs of the sea-ports ; and that he should be invested with the
powers and privileges of an imperial commissioner, and should have
the whole naval force of the province placed under his control.
Lin Tsihsen on his arrival at Canton, will of course exert his
utmost strength in inquiring and acting in obedience to our ex-
pressed pleasure, with the view of thoroughly removing the source
of this evil.
' But the buildings in which the opium undergoes preparation,
the smuggling vessels in which it is conveyed, and the shops opened
for its sale, or for indulgence in the use of it, with all such- like
evil and pernicious establishments, will need to be thoroughly
uprooted as they shall, from time to time, and in one place after
another, be brought to light. Let Tang Tinching, and Eleang
arouse, then all their energies, and persevere in the work of in-
vestigating and putting measures in operation to attain this end.
Let them not in any degree become remiss, neither let them en-
tertain any vain anticipations of ease, nor still less harbour any
reserve to evade or to transfer their duties .
Tang Tingching holding, however, the entire sway over the
two provinces, a multitude of affairs must press upon him.
Should the special responsibility of making inquiry and adopting
measures to arrest the importation of opium, and the exportation
of pure silver, be also laid on him, it may be feared that in
giving attention to one duty, he may be distracted from others ;
and that he will thus be prevented from applying his whole mind
and strength to the extirpation of this evil. It is for this reason
We have commissioned Lin Tsihsen to go and take on him the
special management of the matter.
' It will be the duty of all to apply their efforts, with increas-
ing diligence and ardour, to cast down every wall of separation,
fulfilling with earnestness each his own particular duties, and
uniting together in whatever requires combination of counsel and
action, reporting conjointly to us. Let them henceforth embrace
every practicable measure, vigorously to redeem their foregone
negligence. It is our full hope, that the long-indulged habit will
be for ever laid aside, and every root and germ of it entirely era-
dicated . We would fain think that our ministers will be enabled
to substantiate our wishes, and so to remove from China the dire
calamity. Let these our commands be made known to those con-
cerned. Respect this.
'In obedience to these imperial desires, we the ministers of the
council, address to you this communication .'
" The above documents having been received by us, the gover-
nor and lieutenant- governor, -while, on the one hand, we forward
copies of them to the several commanders of divisions of the
naval forces, to be made known by them- while also we direct
the Hong merchants, Woo Shaouyung and his fellows, to pay re-
spectful obedience, and while further we instruct the colonels in
command of the central regiments of our own respective batta-
lions, to consult together immediately, and within three days,
without fail, to present to us lists of the number of military
seunpoo (or aides -de- camp) and koshiha (or orderlies) , who shall
be appointed to attend (on the imperial commissioner), together
with their names, -while effecting these several objects, we at the
same time, forward a copy to the territorial and financial com-
missioner, that he may act in accordance with the sovereign com-
mands, and may in concert with the judicial commissioner, the
commissioner of the gabel, and the commissary, make the same
generally known , for the obedience of all . And in reference to
the approaching visit of the high imperial commissioner to Can-
ton, to make inquiry and act in regard to the affairs of the sea-
ports, let these officers give their immediate attention to the fol
lowing questions, viz .: what shall be the place allotted for his.
public residence at Canton ? In case he should require to go in
person to view the three divisions - central, eastern, and western
of the naval force on the coast ; what portions are of most im-
portance ? And in what naval vessels will it be fitting for him to
embark ? What number of attendant officers, civil, seunpoo, and
clerks, should be appointed to form his suite ; and from what
officers should they be chosen ? Let them consider these ques-
tions jointly, and within three days present, for our revisal, lists,
comprising the names of such officers as should be so appointed."
Preparatory to the arrival of Commissioner Lin, the annexed
warning to the people was posted in printed placards in all the
streets of Canton. It is supposed to have been written by Com-
missioner Lin himself. The translator says :-" It is beautifully
composed, and would be no discredit to the first scholar of the
land. We have taken a good deal of pains to translate it, but
confess that we have not done justice to the beauty of the origi-
nal, nor indeed is it in our power to do it justice. No language
on earth, for pith, brevity, terseness, harmony of style, and ap-
posite expressions, can be compared to the classic language of
China. We must, therefore, beg our readers not to judge of the
merits of the original, by the poverty of the translation ."
This remarkable document is well deserving a thoughtful perusal.
" Of all the evils that afflict mankind, the greatest are those
which he perversely brings upon himself. In his life, he not only
builds up a line of conduct, that leads him to a miserable death,
but contentedly sinks down to the lowest of his species, and be-
comes an object of hatred and scorn to his fellow-men. Having
perversely brought these evils upon himself, which lead him to a
miserable death : when he dies, no man pities him ! contentedly
sinking down to the lowest of his species, and becoming an object
of hatred and contempt to his fellow-men, he is pleased with his
depravity, which is not the original nature of man : to be not of
the original nature of man then, and to die unpitied , is what be-
longs to reptiles, wild beasts , dogs, and swine ; certainly not to the
human species !
" Why do I thus express myself ? reptiles and wild beasts possess
no knowledge, they are not aware of the infelicity of a miserable
death, and they take no steps to guard against it ! Dogs and swine
never heard of the expressions, right and wrong, glory and dis-
grace : they quietly receive the kicks and curses of man, and they
remember not his insults with a blush of shame ! Therefore it is,
that men who by their own act have reduced themselves to a similar
footing, are upbraided with being as reptiles, wild beasts, dogs,
and swine ; and though they may be unwilling to submit to such
degrading epithets, yet are they unable to shake off these appella-
tions which have been so happily applied to them ! But there are
men still more brutish than the brutes ! Reptiles, wild beasts, dogs,
and swine, do not corrupt the morals of the age so as to cause one
anxious thought to spring up in the breast of our gracious sove
reign : now, however, there are men who do so, who consequently
are beneath reptiles, wild beasts, dogs, and swine ; and these men
are the smokers of opium !
" It is worthy of remark that opium smoking commenced by
one or two careless, worthless fellows, who mutually instigated each
other to this vicious indulgence, simply by way of amusement !
When people begin to smoke, they at first observe no evil effects
produced by it ; when they have smoked for some time, they then
require what is call renovation ; when the time for renovating comes,
if they do not smoke, then the hands and feet become weak and
palsied, the mouth drops, the eyes become glazed, rheum flows
from the one, and saliva from the other ; they are subject to com-
plaints which resemble phlegm, asthma, and convulsive fits : when
they arrive at this stage of the disease, every atom of human rea-
son appears to have left them . You may beat them, scold them,
curse them, and insult them, yet will they not get up to give you
any rejoinder ! This is the first view, showing how baneful opium
is to human life !
" And having smoked it still longer, the constitution begins to
give way, the interior gradually decays, thousands of worms and
maggots gnaw the intestines, their faces become discolored , their
teeth black, their appearance like charcoal, their shoulders rise to
their ears, their necks shrink in, the thrapple protrudes, and their
whole frame is hateful as that of a ghost or devil (which is the rea-
son why they are called A peen kwei or opium smoking devils) , and
in fine, they insensibly hug their bane, till death overtakes them
in the very act ! This is the second view that I present of the
horrors of opium !
Further, people who are in the habit of smoking opium, require
the most costly viands to nourish them, and of these costly viands,
the renovating item is the most costly of all ! Day by day it goes
on increasing from one and two mace, to five and six mace ; there
is no certain rule, but they reckon a mace of opium as among their
necessaries of life. A man's wealth, as well as his strength, has
its bounds : even a rich man may not always be able to fill or re-
plenish this leak in the cup, how much less then a poor man ? The
evil habit thus leads to one cruelly neglecting the comfort of his
father and mother, and leads to his unfeelingly exposing his wife
and children to cold and want ; he cares not for his morning or
evening meal, but to do without his opium, were impossible ! This
then is the third view that I present of the evils of opium !
" Moreover, opium smokers, by indulging chiefly in their bane-
ful habit at night-time, waste many candles and consume much
oil. Till morning they do not sleep, and while the sun shines upon
the world, and other men rise to go to work, the opium smoker
alone is still in his slumbers ! Thus by not getting up till midday
in constant succession, the employed neglects his public duties,
the scholar flings aside his book, the workman's occupation goes
to ruin, the merchant drains his substance, the soldier and officer
become slothful and impotent, and the servant lazy in obeying his
master's commands : thus then, by it, time is mispent, duty neg-
lected, wealth dissipated, life lost, and families overtaken by de-
struction ! This is the fourth view that I present of the pernicious
effects of opium .
Now, in reference to these four points of view in which I have
shown opium to be a great calamity, it is not that people don't see
it, it is not that people don't know it ; but still, such is the fact, that
with all this staring them in the face, they mutually hasten, they
mutually urge each other to their bane, and contentedly yield up
their lives to its noxious influence ! As the waters of the great
river flow to the east, and day by day roll on without ceasing ; so
we find of this evil habit, when it first began, that those who
smoked, avoided the gaze of other men, they kept their shame
secret and feared to avow it ; now, however, it is taken in public,
and even served up as a treat to guests and strangers ! At first,
none but slaves and the vilest of the vile smoked it ; now , how-
ever, it has infected the capped and gowned gentry of the land !
At first, it was merely used by the people of Canton and Fokien ,
and those parts which border on the sea ; now, however, it has gone
east and west, it has crossed the frontiers into Tartary, nor is
there a province of the empire where it has not found its way !
At first, none but a few depraved wretches of the male sex used it,
and now we find that even Bonzes , Taou priests, married women,
and young girls are addicted to the life- destroying drug. In every
item ! in every respect ! is the evil becoming daily more grave,
more deeply rooted than before ! so much so, that its baneful in-
fluence seems to threaten little by little to degrade the whole po-
pulation of the Celestial Empire to a level with reptiles, wild beasts,
dogs, and swine ! When the people of our empire shall have been
degraded to this brutish level, then the three relations will be anni-
hilated, the nine laws or punishments will cease to act, the five
businesses of life will be utterly neglected, man's reason at an end
for ever, and unnumbered woes will arise ! From the time that
The three relations, (or bonds), viz.: prince and people, father and son, hus-
band and wife.
there ever was people until now, never, never, was there a calam-
ity, which, in its first beginnings so bland, so bewitching, threaten-
ed to consume all things with its blaze, like as this fearful drug !
66 Above, our sovereign, and his virtuous ministers brood over this
national misfortune, and lament the havoc it has made : below, all
good men, and all disinterested employers, exert themselves to
counteract its effects : yet are they unable to arrest its progress !
When one reflects on all these things , even granting that the final
sentence of the law should be awarded to those men who have
caused such disasters, who is there that may lift up his voice and
say, 'it would not be right so to do ?" Nor does the evil stop here.
Those foreigners by means of their poison dupe and befool the
natives of China ! It is not only that year by year they abstract
thereby many millions of our money, but the direful appearances
seem to indicate a wish on their part, utterly to root out and ex-
tinguish us as a people !* I repeat, that from the time of our be-
coming a nation until now, never did any evil, at first so bland, so
enticing, blaze so fearfully as does this dreadful poison !
" My countrymen of China well know the dangerous position
they stand in, yet they contentedly hug their bane, which brings
on them ruin and death ! Thus it is, that by land and by water,
in the public markets and in the mountain passes, those who sell
opium, are to be met with by hundreds and by thousands at a
time ! These are all so many cut-throat ruffians, as careless of
their own lives, as of those of others ; they go about, with their
swords and spears all prepared, in order to prosecute with violence
their illegal calling : equally depraved are the police and soldiery,
for they, in order to turn their employment to good account, pre-
tend that they are searching for the prohibited drug, and under
this excuse turn the baggage of the lawful traveller upside down,
and subject good people to every species of annoyance. These
evils and abuses day by day become more wide- spreading, more
deeply-rooted, and they are entirely brought on by the smokers of
opium ! When I reflect upon this, it seems to me, that, though
every one of these said opium- smokers should be exterminated , yet
would not their death be sufficient to atone for the crimes they
have committed, for the evils they have brought about !
" Now I have heard that our gracious Emperor, after mature
consultation, is about to take this abandoned class of his subjects,
and utterly cut them off ! the necessity of the case imperiously
calls for it, and reason strongly justifies the measure ! Why is it
that I thus express myself? Why, because a crime committed
against an individual, against his property, or against a fraction of
the community, is a small matter compared with one which threa-
tens to put the whole empire in a blaze ! and amidst a calamity
* Many Chinese are under the impression that it is our object to take their coun-
try by means of opium.
which thus affects the country from one end to another, is our so-
vereign lord to sit quietly looking on and see it raging, without
putting forth the rod of his power to punish and repress ? More.
over, such are the dictates of reason that guide mankind : where
there are those who degrade themselves to a level with reptiles,
wild beasts, dogs, and swine, their fellow men despise them :
where their fellow-men despise them, they also reject and cast
them off : thus misery is superadded to misery, and looking upon
them like birds of prey, we may hunt them down, or as herbs,
we may root them up, without the least feeling of pity or com-
punction ! it is only they who have brought this woe upon them-
selves !
" Now, although happiness is built upon a foundation, misery
has also a source from which it springs, and amidst the discord of
those warring principles, it belongs to those above to seize the op-
portunity of bringing forth good out of evil ! In reference to
this, Chin-tung-foo has said. When the bulk of the people are
joyfully hastening to their ruin, and when it is not in the power
of gods or devils to change their course, man can do it ! and if it be
asked me, how can man change their course ? I reply, by killing
in order to stay killing !' (i. e. by putting a few to death, as an
example and warning to others) . Now, therefore, in reference to
opium smokers , if we do not impose those laws upon them, they
will die from the pernicious properties of the drug :-if we do im-
pose those laws upon them, then will they die under the hand of
the executioner :-but it seems better that a few should perish
under the hand of the executioner, with the prospect of being able
to arrest the evil, than that they should die from opium and our
race become exterminated .
Again, there are appearances in nature as if heaven* and earth
at times repent of unnecessary severity ; moreover, the holiest of
men trembles while punishing wickedness, if he has not distinctly
warned the parties beforehand . Obscure individual that I am,
not being in the situation of the high officers of government, I
cannot presume to know or regulate their plans, and for me thus
to obtrude my impertinent advice, may justly be reckoned unto
me as a crime ! But I look upon ye all as of the same species
with myself, as my brethren of the human race : in the midst of
my retirement I have thought of your situation with grief and
pain and I deeply pity you, seeing the terrors of the law about to
take hold of you ! I have, therefore, composed a short discourse,
which with the kindest bowels of compassion , I offer up for your
perusal, earnestly hoping that my brethren will give good heed to
" Heaven " is said to repent of severity by the Chinese ; e. g. supposing heaven to
have visited the land with long drought, when the refreshing rain falls, this is said to
be a proof of heaven repenting, and vice versa. The meaning of the author is, that
as "heaven " has been cruel in permitting the opium poison to rage over the land,
perhaps He will relent, and bless the vigorous measures we are now taking to put a
stop to it.
the faithfulness of my intentions , and deeply ponder upon my
words ! It is to the following effect :
Every man who is endowed with the gift of reason, knows
to prize his life above all things : from the time our feeble body is
scarce a cubit high, if it be wounded, we mourn and weep ! In
childhood, when traversing a dangerous road at dead midnight, we
tremble and mutually warn each other to beware ; whatever en-
ticement may be held out, we reject it with suspicion and feel
alarmed to proceed : this is, because we fear to die ! And when
grown to man's estate, whatever is noxious to our persons, we en-
deavour to avoid with the utmost anxiety ; if we cannot succeed in
avoiding it, we feel sorrowful and perhaps repair to a temple to
implore divine aid . From childhood till old age, without distin-
guishing between the virtuous and the depraved, the noble and the
base, the object of all our active exertions by night and by day,
the object for which we rack our minds with the most intense
anxiety, is merely to obtain what will benefit us, and avoid what
will injure us to follow after happiness, to shun misery, and no-
thing more. If we are overcome by dangers or sickness, we are
sad : if informed that we are about to die, we are sorrowful : such
is the nature of man, and opium smokers offer the only exception !
These run after their death ! these sit contentedly on the brink of
danger ! even as the silly moth, which keeps fluttering round the
candle which consumes him ! Among men, there is no one who
does not like the idea of making his name famous or honourable :
if you upbraid a man with being depraved, he gets angry : if you
still further insult him, by telling him that his heart is cruel as
that of a wild beast or bird of prey, that he is deficient of know-
ledge as the reptile that crawls on the ground, and that he cannot
be classed as one of the human species : methinks that at language
of this kind, his eyes must like stars start from their spheres !
and each particular hair must stand on end like quills upon the
fretful porcupine !'* He must put himself in a posture of defiance,
and hurl back the reproach with a curse ! But opium smokers
are alone different in this respect ! They, it is true, do not wish
to receive such insults, but not wishing to receive the name, and
doing that which induces the appellation, is very much the same
as sitting down contentedly under the reproach. Therefore it is,
that they who smoke opium and clearly know that it is destroying
their life, are guilty of folly : they who smoke opium, and know
that while they do so, it is sullying their name and reputation, are
lost to every sense of shame ! and those who associate with the
lowest of the low, the vilest of the vile, and who in the company of
such, turn day into night, have forgotten every rule of decency and
propriety ! To smoke opium, and not to look after the comfort of
your parents, is to play the part of an undutiful child ! to smoke
opium and give no heed to the instruction of your son, is not ful-
filling your duty as a father ! to smoke opium and care not though
* This expresses somewhat the meaning of the writer.
your wife suffer cold and want, is what no kind husband would
do to corrupt the manners and customs of the age, and entail
calamities upon posterity, is to be a robber of the world : to violate
the laws, to break through the regulations, and not to repent of
your crime, is the conduct of a rebel : to take the intelligent and
educated mind of a Chinese, and prostitute it so as to be duped by
distant foreigners, with their corroding poison, to heap up unnum-
bered crimes, to refuse to awake from your delusion, and to die
with it in your embrace, shows that ye know not reason, and that
your hearts are like those of the brutes !
" Now then ye who smoke opium ! look at the nine foregoing
crimes that ye commit ! and when ye take up the opium pipe to
smoke, do one and all of you put the hand upon the heart, and ask
yourselves : Do I deserve death, or not ? ought I to leave off this
hateful vice, or not ? People who have rebelled against high
heaven, who have injured their fellow-men, who have opposed rea-
son, who have trampled on the five relations of mankind, who
have set at defiance every rule of decency and propriety : methinks
that though our sovereign's laws may not slay them, yet that
heaven and earth, gods and spirits, must exterminate them with
their avenging lightning ! And though you may escape our
human punishments, think you that you can escape the punish-
ment of heaven ? although you have human faces and dress like
men, though your houses may overflow with wealth, and you may
fare on dainties every day, yet loaded as you are with every species
of guilt, I can find no difference between you and reptiles, wild
beasts, dogs and swine ! Can ye hear a reproach of this kind, with-
out starting with horror ! without the cold sweat trickling down
your foreheads !
" Before I finish, a word to you who are mandarins, and em-
ployers in government offices. It belongs to you to rule the
people ! You try their crimes, and you award their punishments !
Let me ask of you, supposing you were called upon to judge your
own crimes in this respect, pray by what law or statute would you
judge them ? And ye who are scholars and learned men ! Ye
have already studied a great many works ! Ye know what pro-
priety is ! Let me then ask of you, supposing you were called
upon to give an opinion of your own conduct in this respect, pray
under what standard of propriety would you class it ? For the
operative, for the merchant, and for every class and description of
the people, are there laws made and punishments annexed, —but
for you !" .
The authorities at Canton, in order to deter, if possible, the Eng-
lish from prosecuting the opium traffic, executed a Chinese, on
27th February, 1839, who had been found with opium, opposite
the British factories.
The following is a description of the mode in which the punish-
ment of death is inflicted for dealing in opium . The execution
here referred to, took place outside the wall of Macao, and was
also intended as a warning to foreigners . About five o'clock a
large number of Chinese, together with some foreigners, assembled
outside the wall, near the Saint Antonio gate. The Tso- tang of
Macao arrived, and with him from fifty to sixty police runners.
A few minutes afterwards the Yew -foo, military officers from Casa
Branca, the Fleang-shan- teen, district magistrate of Fleang- shan, and
Keun-min - foo, of Casa Branca, came in rotation, followed by
the unfortunate culprit, in a bamboo cage, borne by the two execu-
tioners, and guarded by about one hundred of the imperial infan-
try, armed with boarding pikes, and other formidable weapons of
war. There were two bamboo matted sheds built up for this oc-
casion, the distance between them being from thirty-five to forty
yards ; one of these sheds was furnished with chairs and tables,
where the mandarins seated themselves after having exchanged the
customary civilities one with the other ; the other was the place
for the execution , and contained merely a slight wooden cross,
about six feet in height, with a hole in the upper part, immedi-
ately above the horizontal cross -piece . Three guns were fired as a
signal to prepare for the execution of the culprit. With his arms
and legs heavily loaded with shackles of iron, he was literally
shaken out of the cage, a most pitiable looking object, covered with
filth, and so emaciated from an existence of about four months in
a Chinese prison, as to seem more dead than alive . He was
dragged to the place of execution, and placed standing on a piece of
brick, touching the cross with his back . The executioners com-
menced by lashing a rope round his legs, under the arms, and
then through a hole in the upper part of the cross ; after which it
was placed several times round his neck, and again through the
hole. They then made use of a stick, resembling a long arrow,
about five feet in length, which was passed through the loops of
the cord, and twisted round several times, for the purpose of
tightening the rope, so as to effect strangulation . No apparent
signal, other than the removal of the piece of brick from under the
feet, was given for the fatal turning of the stick. The expression
of the poor man's countenance did not change, nor was he per-
ceived to make any struggle. The manner in which his arms and
legs were tied must account for the latter circumstance . When
the unfortunate victim of our cupidity had been dead about ten
minutes , the mandarins departed under a salute of three guns,
and shortly afterwards the executioners followed, but not until they
had fully assured themselves, by examining the mouth and eyes of
the culprit, that he was quite dead . They left him still fastened
to the cross, but removed from his hands and feet the shackles,
with which up to this time they had been bound . The body was
ordered to continue hanging on the cross for three days, as a spec-
tacle and warning to all dealers in opium and others ; after which
period his friends would have permission to remove the body, on
their application for the same. The name ofthe unfortunate man was
Kwok-pung ; he kept a small shop for twenty years, at Shaleton, a
village on the eastern side of the inner harbour of Macao, in the
neighbourhood of the place of execution. He bore an excellent
character among all those who had any dealings with him, and
was seized on for having sold only a few balls or cakes of opium,
on account of another party.
Kwok-pung was about forty-five years of age, he left three wives,
several children, and a numerous circle of connexions to lament
his untimely end.
About the middle of March 1839 , a remarkable letter was
addressed by Commissioner Lin to the Queen of England, and
His Excellency expressed an anxious desire to know how he
should convey his missive to Her Majesty. The Hong merchants
at Canton obtained the annexed copy of the letter in question :
Letter to the Queen ofEngland from the Imperial Commissioner, &c.
" Lin, high imperial commissioner, a director of the Board of
War, and governor of the two Hoo,-Tang, a director of the
Board of War, and governor of the two Kwang,-and E. , a
vice-director of the Board of War, and lieutenant-governor of
Kwang-tung, - conjointly address this communication to the
sovereign of the English nation, for the purpose of requiring the
interdiction of opium.
"That in the ways of Heaven no partiality exists, and no
sanction is allowed to the injuring of others for the advantage
of one's self,-that in men's natural desires there is not any great
diversity, (for where is he who does not abhor death and seek
life ?)-these are universally acknowledged principles ;—and
your honourable nation, though beyond the wide ocean, at a
distance of twenty thousand miles, acknowledges the same ways
of Heaven, the same human nature, and has the like perception
of the distinctions between life and death, benefit and injury.
" Our heavenly court has for its family all that is within the
four seas ; the great Emperor's Heaven-like benevolence- there
is none whom it does not overshadow : even regions remote,
desert, and disconnected, have a part in the general care of life
and of wellbeing.
" In Kwangtung, since the removal of the interdicts upon
maritime communication, there has been a constantly flowing
stream of commercial intercourse. The people of the land, and
those who come from abroad in foreign ships, have reposed
together in the enjoyment of its advantages, for tens of years
past, even until this time. And as regards the rhubarb, teas,
raw silk, and similar rich and valuable products of China,
should foreign nations be deprived of these, they would be
without the means of continuing life. So that the Heavenly
court, by granting, in the oneness of its common benevolence, per-
mission for the sale and exportation thereof, -and that without
stint and grudge, —has indeed extended its favours to the utmost
circuit [of the nations] , making its heart one with the core of
Heaven and earth .
" But there is a tribe of depraved and barbarous people, who
having manufactured opium for smoking, bring it hither for sale,
and seduce and lead astray the simple folk, to the destruction
of their persons, and the draining of their resources . Formerly
the smokers thereof were few, but of late, from each to other
the practice has spread its contagion, and daily do its baneful
effects more deeply pervade the central source-its rich, fruitful,
and flourishing population . It is not to be denied that the simple
folk, inasmuch as they indulge their appetite at the expense of
their lives, are indeed themselves the authors of their miseries :
and why then should they be pitied ? Yet, in the universal
empire under the sway of the great and pure dynasty, it is of
essential import, for the right direction of men's minds, that their
customs and manners should be formed to correctness . How can
it be borne that the living souls that dwell within these seas,
should be left wilfully to take a deadly poison ! Hence it is ,
that those who deal in opium, or who inhale its fumes, within this
land , are all now to be subjected to severest punishment, and that
a perpetual interdict is to be placed on the practice so extensively
prevailing .
“ We have reflected , that this poisonous article is the clan-
destine manufacture of artful schemers and depraved people of
various tribes under the dominion of your honourable nation .
Doubtless, you, the honourable sovereign of that nation, have
not commanded the manufacture and sale of it. But amid
the various nations there are a few only that make this opium ;
it is by no means the case that all the nations are herein alike .
And we have heard that in your honorable nation, too, the people
are not permitted to inhale the drug, and that offenders in this
particular expose themselves to sure punishment . It is clearly
from a knowledge of its injurious effects on man, that you have
directed severe prohibitions against it . But what is the prohi-
bition of its use, in comparison with the prohibition of its being
sold-of its being manufactured, -as a means of thoroughly
purifying the source ?
" Though not making use of it one's self, to venture nevertheless
on the manufacture and sale of it, and with it to seduce the
simple folk of this land, is, to seek one's own livelihood by the
exposure of others to death, to seek one's own advantage by other
men's injury. And such acts are bitterly abhorrent to the nature
of man--are utterly opposed to the ways of Heaven. To the
vigorous sway exercised by the celestial court over both the civil-
R 2
ized and the barbarous, what difficulty presents itself to hinder
the immediate taking of life ? But as we contemplate and give
substantial being to the fullness and vastness of the sacred intel-
ligence, it befits us to adopt first the course of admonition. And
not having as yet sent any communication to your honourable
sovereignty, - should severest measures of interdiction be all at
once enforced, it might be said, in excuse, that no previous know-
ledge thereof had been possessed.
"We would now, then, concert with your honorable sovereignty,
means to bring to a perpetual end this opium, so hurtful to man-
kind : we in this land forbidding the use of it, and you, in the
nations under your dominion, forbidding its manufacture. As
regards what has been already made, we would have your honourable
nation issue mandates for the collection thereof, that the whole
may be cast into the depths of the sea. We would thus prevent
the longer existence between these Heavens and this Earth, of any
portion of the hurtful thing . Not only then will the people of
this land be relieved from its pernicious influence : but the people
of your honorable nation too (for as they make, how know we
that they do not also smoke it ?) will, when the manufacture is in-
deed forbidden, be likewise relieved from the danger of its use.
Will not the result of this be the enjoyment by each of a felicitous
condition of peace ? For your honorable nation's sense of duty
being thus devout, shows a clear apprehension of celestial prin-
ciples, and the supreme Heavens will ward off from you all
calamities . It is also in perfect accordance with human nature,
and must surely meet the approbation of sages.
" Besides all this, the opium being so severely prohibited in
this land, that there will be none found to smoke it, should
your nation continue its manufacture, it will be discovered after
all that no place will afford opportunity for selling it, that
no profits will be attainable. Is it not far better to turn and
seek other occupation than vainly to labour in the pursuit of a
losing employment ?
" And furthermore, whatever opium can be discovered in this
land is entirely committed to the flames, and consumed . If any
be again introduced in foreign vessels, it too must be subjected
to a like process of destruction. It may well be feared, lest
other commodities imported in such vessels should meet a com-
mon fate the gem and the pebble not being distinguished .
Under these circumstances, gain being no longer acquirable,
and hurt having assumed a visible form, such as desire the
injury of others will find that they themselves are the first to he
injured .
" The powerful instrumentality whereby the celestial court
holds in subjection all nations, is truly divine and awe - inspiring
beyond the power of computation . Let it not be said that early
warning of this has not been given.
"When your majesty receives this document, let us have a
speedy communication in reply, advertising us of the measures
you adopt for the entire cutting off the opium in every seaport.
Earnestly reflect hereon. Earnestly observe these things.
"Taoukwang, 19th year, 2d month, day. Communication
sent to the Sovereign of the English nation ."
It is presumed that this beautiful and convincing letter never
reached the Queen of England .
The commissioner arrived in Canton the beginning of March
1839, and on the 18th issued an edict to foreigners of all nations.
Lin, high imperial commissioner of the Celestial Court, a direc-
tor of the Board of War, and governor of Hookwang, issues his
commands to the foreigners of every nation, requiring of all full
acquaintance with the tenor thereof. It is known that the foreign
vessels which come for a reciprocal trade to Kwangtung , have
derived from that trade very large profits. This is evidenced by
the facts, that, whereas the vessels annually resorting hither were
formerly reckoned hardly by tens, their number has of late years
amounted to a hundred and several times ten ; that whatever com-
modities they may have brought, none have failed to find a full
consumption ; and whatever they may have sought to purchase,
never have they been unable readily to do so. Let them but ask
themselves whether between heaven and earth, any place affording
so advantageous a commercial mart is elsewhere to be found. It
is because our great emperors, in their universal benevolence, have
granted you commercial privileges, that you have been favoured
with these advantages. Let our port once be closed against you,
and for what profits can your several nations any longer look ?
Yet more our tea and our rhubarb- sceing that, should you
foreigners be deprived of them, you therein lose the means of pre-
serving life are without stint or grudge granted to you for expor-
tation, year by year, beyond the seas. Favours never have been
greater ! Are you grateful for these favours ? You must then
fear the laws, and in seeking profit for yourselves, must not do
hurt to others . Why do you bring to our land the opium, which in
your own lands is not made use of, by it defrauding men of their
property, and causing injury to their lives ? I find that with this
thing you have seduced and deluded the people of China for tens
of years past, and countless are the unjust hoards that you have
thus acquired. Such conduct rouses indignation in every human
heart, and is utterly inexcusable in the eye of Celestial reason .
" The prohibitions formerly enacted by the Celestial Court against
opium were comparatively lax, and it was yet possible to smuggle
the drug into the various ports. Of this the great Emperor having
now heard, his wrath has been fearfully aroused, nor will it rest
till the evil be utterly extirpated ? Whoever among the people of
this inner land deal in opium, or establish houses for the smok-
ing of it, shall be instantly visited with the extreme penalty of the
laws ; and it is in contemplation to render capital also the crime
of smoking the drug. And you, having come into the territory of
the Celestial Court, should pay obedience to its laws and statutes,
equally with the natives of the land.
" I, the high commissioner, having my home in the maritime
province of Fookien, and consequently having early had intimate
acquaintance with all the arts and shifts of the outer foreigners ,
have for this reason been honoured by the great Emperor with the
full powers and privileges of a high imperial commissioner, who
having repeatedly performed meritorious services, is sent to settle
the affairs of the outer frontier : should I search closely into the
offences of these foreigners, in forcing for a number of years the
sale of opium, they would be found already beyond the bounds of
indulgence ; but, reflecting that they are men from distant lands,
and that they have not before been aware, that the prohibition of
opium is so severe, I cannot bear, in the present plain enforce-
ment of the laws and restrictions, to cut them off without instruc-
tive monition . I find that on board the warehousing vessels,
which you now have lying at anchor in the Lintin and other off-
ings, there are stored up several times ten thousand chests of
opium, which it is your purpose and desire illicitly to dispose of
by sale . You do not consider, however, the present severity of
the measures in operation, for seizure of it at the ports. Where
will you again find any that will dare to give it escort ? And
similar measures for the seizure of it are in operation also in every
province . Where else then will you yet find opportunity of dis-
posing of it ? At the present time the dealings in opium are
brought utterly to a stand, and all men are convinced that it is a
nauseous poison . Why will you be at the pains then of laying it
up on board your foreign store- ships, and of keeping them long
anchored on the face of the open sea, not only expending to no
purpose your labour and your wealth, but exposed also to unfore-
seen dangers from storms or from fire. I proceed to issue my
commands. When these commands reach the said foreign mer-
chants, let them with all haste pay obedience thereto. Let them
deliver up to government every particle of the opium on board
their store-ships. Let it be ascertained by the Hong merchants,
who are the parties so delivering it up, and what number of chests
is delivered up under each name, and what is the total quantity in
catties and taels. Let these particulars be brought together in a
clear tabular form, and be presented to government, in order that
the opium may all be received in plain conformity thereto, that it
may be burnt and destroyed, and that thus the evil may be en-
tirely extirpated . There must not be the smallest atom concealed
or withheld. At the same time let these foreigners give a bond,
written jointly in the foreign and Chinese languages, making a
declaration of this effect : That their vessels, which shall hereafter
resort hither, will never again dare to bring opium with them :
and that should any be brought, as soon as discovery shall be
made of it, the goods shall be forfeited to government, and the
parties shall suffer the extreme penalties of the law : and that such
punishment will be willingly submitted to. I have heard that you
foreigners are used to attach great importance to the word ' good
faith.' If then you will really do as I, the high commissioner,
have commanded, --will deliver up every particle of the opium that
is already here, and will stay altogether its future introduction , as
this will prove also that you are capable of feeling contrition for
your offences, and of entertaining a salutary dread of punishment,
the past may yet be left unnoticed . I, the high commissioner,
will, in that case, in conjunction with the governor and lieutenant-
governor, address the throne, imploring the great Emperor to
vouchsafe extraordinary favour, and not alone to remit the punish-
ment of your past errors, but also - as we will further request-to
devise some mode of bestowing on you his imperial rewards, as an
encouragement of the spirit of contrition and wholesome dread
thus manifested by you. After this, you will continue to enjoy
the advantages of commercial intercourse ; and, as you will not
lose the character of being good foreigners, and will be enabled to
acquire profits and get wealth by an honest trade, will you not
indeed stand in a most honourable position ?
" If, however, you obstinately adhere to your folly and refuse to
awake-if you think to make up a sale covering over your illicit
dealings -or to set up as a pretext, that the opium is brought by
foreign seamen, and the foreign merchants have nothing to do
with it- or to pretend, craftily, that you will carry it back to your
countries, or will throw it into the sea-or to take occasion to go
to other provinces in search of a door of consumption— or to stifle
inquiry, by delivering up only one or two -tenths of the whole
quantity ; in any of these cases it will be evident that you retain a
spirit of contumacy and disobedience, that you uphold vice and
will not reform . Then, although it is the maxim of the Celestial
Court to treat with tenderness and great mildness men from afar,
yet, as it cannot suffer them to indulge in scornful and con-
temptuous trifling with it, it will become requisite to compre-
hend you also in the severe course of punishment prescribed by
the new law.
" On this occasion, I, the high commissioner, having come from
the capital, have personally received the sacred commands : that
wherever a law exists, it is to be fully enforced. And as I have
brought these full powers and privileges, enabling me to perform
whatever seems to me right ; powers with which those ordinarily
given, for inquiring and acting in regard to other matters, are by
no means comparable ; so long as the opium traffic remains unex-
terminated, so long will I delay my return . I swear that I will
progress with this matter from its beginning to its ending, and
that not a thought of stopping half- way shall for a moment be in-
dulged .
" Furthermore, observing the present condition of the popular
mind, I find so universal a spirit of indignation aroused, that
should you foreigners remain dead to a sense of contrition and
amendment, and continue to make gain your sole object, there
will not only be arrayed against you the martial terrors and power-
ful energies of our naval and military forces ; it will be but neces-
sary to call on the able-bodied of the people, (the militia), and
these alone will be more than adequate to the placing all your
lives within my power. Besides, either by the temporary stoppage
of your trade, or by the permanent closing of the ports against
you, what difficulty can there be in effectually cutting off your in-
tercourse ? Our central empire, comprising a territory of many
thousands of miles, and possessing in rich abundance all the pro-
ducts of the ground, has no benefit to derive from the purchase of
your foreign commodities, and you may, therefore, well fear, that
from the moment such measures are taken, the livelihood of your
several nations must come to an end. You, who have travelled so
far, to conduct your commercial business, how is it that you are
not yet alive to the great difference between the condition of
vigorous exertions, and that of easy repose-the wide distance
between the power of the few and the power of the many? As to
those crafty foreigners, who, residing in the foreign factories, have
been in the habit of dealing in opium, I, the high commissioner,
have early been provided with a list of them by name. At the
same time, those good foreigners, who have not sold opium, must
also not fail to be distinguished . Such of them as will point out
their depraved fellow-foreigners, will compel them to deliver up
their opium, and will step forth amongst the foremost to give the
required bonds - these shall be regarded as the good foreigners.
And I, the high commissioner, will at once, for their encourage-
ment, reward them liberally. It rests with yourselves alone to
choose whether you will have weal or woe, honour or disgrace.
" I am now about to command the Hong merchants to proceed to
your factories, to instrust and admonish you. A term of three
days is prescribed for an address to be sent in reply to me. And
at the same time let your duly attested and faithful bonds be given,
waiting for me, in conjunction with the governor and lieutenant-
governor, to appoint a time for the opium to be delivered up . Do
not indulge in idle expectations, or seek to postpone matters, de-
ferring to repent, until its lateness render it ineffectual. A spe-
cial edict. Taoukwang, 19th year, 2nd month, 4th day, (March
18th , 1839) .
(True translation ). J. ROBERT MORRISON ,
"Chinese Secretary , and Interpreter to
the Superintendent of British Trade
in China."
Along with the above, the Hong merchants received, while on
their knees before the commissioner, an address to themselves—
several of whom, as well as a number of the linguists and a com-
pradors of the foreigners, he had previously examined.
On 19th March, the High Commissioner ordered that no leave
or passes be given to foreigners to proceed from Canton to Macao.
The next step of his Excellency was to stop all commercial inter-
course, to prevent communication with the shipping at Whampoa ;
troops were collected around Canton, and armed cruisers were
stationed in front of the foreign factories. When the three days
elapsed, on which the opium was ordered to be surrendered, he
threatened to take off the heads of two of the Hong mer-
chants ; viz. Howqua and Mowqua, who were deprived of their
official buttons, and brought before the high commissioner at the
Cohong, or public exchange room of the Hong merchants, with
chains round their necks. The British and other foreign resi-
dents held a meeting, at their chamber of commerce, at Canton,
and sent a deputation to the Hong merchants, with a copy of a
resolution of the chamber, declaring that there was " an almost
unanimous feeling in the community, of the absolute necessity of
the foreign residents at Canton, having no communication with
the opium traffic ."
(Signed) W. S. WETMORE, Chairman.
To this the Hong merchants replied, that unless some opium
was given up, two of their number would be beheaded in the morn-
ing. Several of the foreign traders there, stated they would give
up 1,037 chests. This was rejected by the commissioner as in-
sufficient. On 24th March, Captain Elliot, then Her Majesty's
superintendent of trade, arrived from Macao at Canton, with a
view of protecting Her Majesty's subjects. On his arrival a cor-
don of guards and boats was closely drawn around the factories,
in which there were more than two hundred foreigners . Rafts
were laid across the river, to prevent boats arriving from Macao
or Whampoa, all letters were prevented being sent from the fac-
tories ; the Chinese servants were forced to leave them, and the
foreign residents were compelled to attend on themselves, and per-
form all household duties .
On 26th March, Commissioner Lin issued the following edict :
Proclamation from his excellency, the high commissioner Lin, de-
siring foreigners speedily to deliver up their Opium, underfour
heads, or four reasons :—
Firstly. Ye ought to make haste and deliver it up, by virtue of
that reason which Heaven hath implanted in all of us. I find that
during the last several tens of years, the money out of which you
have duped our people by means of your destructive drug,
amounts I know not to how many tens of thousands of myriads .
Thus, while you have been scheming after private advantage, with
minds solely bent on profit, our people have been wasting their
substance, and losing their lives ; and if the reason of Heaven be
just, think you that there will be no retribution ? If, however,
ye will now repent and deliver up your opium, by a well-timed
repentance, ye may yet avert judgment and calamities : if not,
then your wickedness being greater, the consequences of that
wickedness will fall more fearfully upon you ! Ye are distant from
your homes many tens of thousand miles ; your ships, in coming and
going cross a vast and trackless ocean ; in it ye are exposed to the
visitations of thunder and lightning, and raging storms, to the
dangers of being swallowed up by monsters of the deep ; and
under such perils, fear ye not the retributive vengeance of Heaven ?
Now our great Emperor, being actuated by the exalted virtue of
Heaven itself, wishes to cut off this deluge of opium, which is the
plainest proof that such is the intention of high Heaven ! It is
then a traffic on which Heaven looks with disgust ; and who is he
that may oppose its will ? Thus, in the instance of the English
chief Roberts who violated our laws ; he endeavoured to get pos-
session of Macao by force, and at Macao he died ! Again, in the
14th year of Taoukwang ( 1834) , Lord Napier bolted through the
Bocca Tigris, but being overwhelmed with grief and fear he
almost immediately died ; and Morrison, who had been darkly
deceiving him , died that very year also ! Besides these, every one
of those who have not observed our laws, have either on their re-
turn to their own country been overtaken by the judgments of Hea-
ven, or silently cut off ere they could return thither ! Thus then it
is manifest that the heavenly dynasty may not be opposed ! And
still, oh, ye foreigners, do you refuse to fear and tremble
thereat ?
" Secondly. You ought to make immediate delivery of this
opium, in order to comply with the law of your own countries,
which prohibits the smoking of opium, and he who uses it is
adjudged to death ! Thus plainly showing that ye yourselves
know it to be an article destructive to human life. If then, your
laws forbid it to be consumed by yourselves, and yet permit it to
be sold that it may be consumed by others, this is not in con-
formity with the principle of doing unto others what you would
that they should do unto you : if on the other hand, your laws
prohibit its being sold, and ye yet continue to sell it by stealth,
then are ye sporting with the laws of your own countries ! And,
moreover, the laws of our Chinese empire look upon the seller as
guilty of a crime of a deeper dye, than the mere smoker of
opium . Now you foreigners, although ye were born in an outer
country, yet for your property and maintenance do you depend
entirely upon our Chinese Empire ; and in our central land ye
pass the greater part of your lives, and the lesser portion of your
lives is passed at home ; the food that ye eat every day, not less
than the vast fortunes ye amass, proceed from nought but the
goodness of our Emperor ; which is showered upon you in far greater
profusion than upon our own people. And how is it then, that
ye alone know not to tremble and obey before the sacred majesty
of your laws ! In former times, although opium was prohibited,
yet the penalty attached thereto, did not amount to a very severe
punishment, this arose from the extreme mildness of our govern-
ment ; and therefore it was that your clandestine dealings in the
drug were not scrutinized with any extraordinary rigor. Now,
however, our great emperor looks upon the opium trade with the
most intense loathing, and burns to have it cut off for ever ; so
that henceforward, not only is he who sells it adjudged to death,
but he who does not more than smoke it must also undergo the
same penalty of the laws ! Now try and reflect for one moment .
If ye did not bring this opium to China how should the people of
our inner land be able either to sell or smoke it ? The lives of
our people which are forfeited to the laws, are taken from them by
your unrighteous procedure ; then what reason is there that the
lives of our own people should be thus sacrificed, and that ye
alone should escape the awful penalty ? Now I, the high com-
missioner, looking up to the great Emperor, and feeling in my own
person his sacred desire to love and cherish the men from afar,
do mercifully spare you your lives. I wish nothing more than
that ye deliver up all the opium you have got, and forthwith write
out a duly prepared bond, to the effect, that you will henceforth
never more bring opium to China, and should you bring it, agreeing
that the cargo be confiscated, and the people who bring it put to
death . This is pardoning what is past, and taking preventive
measures against the future : why any longer cherish a foolish in-
discriminate generosity ! Moreover, without discussing about the
opium which ye have sold in bygone years, and adding up its
immense amounts ; let us only speak about that quantity which
during the last years ye have clandestinely sold, which I presume
was no small matter, hardly equal to the quantity which ye have
now stored up in your receiving ships, and which I desire may be
entirely surrendered to the mutual advantage of all . Where is
there the slightest chance or prospect that after this you will be
permitted to dupe our deluded people out of their money, or in-
veigle them to do an act in which destruction overtakes them ?
I have with deep respect examined the statutes of this the Ta
Tsing dynasty, and upon these statutes I find it recorded, ' If a
Chinese or a foreigner break the laws they shall be judged and
condemned by the same statutes ;' and words to that effect. Now
upon former occasions we have condemned foreigners to death, as
in the case of having killed our people, they require to give life
for life, of which we have instances recorded . Now think for a
little depriving an individual of his life is a crime committed in
a moment, and still the perpetrator of it must forfeit his own life
in return. But he who sells opium has laid a plot to swindle a
man out of his money, as well as to deprive him of his life ; and
how can one say that it is only a single individual, or a single
family that the opium seller thus dupes and entangles in destruc-
tion ! And for a crime of this magnitude, ought one to die or not
to die ? And still will ye refuse to deliver up your opium ?
Which is the way to preserve your lives ? Oh, ye foreigners, do ye
deeply ponder upon this !
" Thirdly. You ought to make immediate delivery of this
opium, by reason of your feelings as men . Ye come to this mar-
ket of Canton to trade, and ye profit thereby full threefold . Every
article of commerce that ye bring with you, no matter whether it
be coarse or fine, in whole pieces or in small, there is not one iota
of it that is not sold off and consumed ; and of the produce of our
country, whether it be for feeding you, for clothing you, for any
kind of use, or for mere sale, there is not a description that we do
not permit you to take away with you : so that not only do you
reap the profit of the inner land by the goods which you bring,
but moreover by means of the produce of our central land, do you
gather gold from every country to which you transport it. Sup-
posing that you cut off and cast away your traffic in the single
article of opium, then the other business which you do will be
much increased , you will thereon reap your threefold profit com-
fortably ; and you may, as previously, go on acquiring wealth in
abundance thus neither violating the laws, nor laying up store
for after misery. What happiness , what delight will be yours.
But if on the other hand, ye will persist in carrying on the opium
traffic, then such a course of conduct must infallibly lead to the
cutting off of your general trade. I would like to ask of you, if
under the whole heaven ye have such an excellent market as this
is ? Then without discussion about tea and rhubarb, things
which you could not exist without ; and every kind and descrip-
tion of silk, a thing which you could not carry on your manu-
facture without, there are under the head of eatable articles ,
white sugar-candy, cassia, cassia buds, &c. , &c.; and under the
head of articles for use, vermillion , gamboge , alum, camphor , &c.:
how can your countries do without these ? And yet our central
land is heaped up and overflowing with every kind of commodity ;
and has not the slightest occasion for any of your importations
from abroad. If on account of opium, the port be closed against
you, and it is no longer in your power to trade more, will it not be
yourselves, who have brought it upon yourselves ? Nay, further,
as regards the article of opium, there is now no man who dares to
buy it, and yet ye store it up in your receiving ships, where you have
so much to pay per month for rent ; day and night ye must have
labouring men to watch and guard . And why all this useless and
enormous expense ? A single typhoon, or one blaze of fire, and
they are forthwith overwhelmed by the billows, or they sink amid
the consuming element ! These are all things very likely to hap-
pen ! What better plan then, than at once to deliver up your
opium, and to reap enjoyments and rewards by so doing ?
" Fourthly. You ought to make a speedy delivery of your
opium by reason of the necessity of the case. Ye foreigners from
afar, in coming hither to trade, have passed over an unbounded
ocean ; your prospect for doing business depends entirely on your
living on terms of harmony with your fellow-men, and keeping
your own station in peace and quietness. Thus may you reap
solid advantage, and avoid misfortune ! But if you will persist in
selling your opium, and will go on involving the lives of our
foolish people in your toils, there is not a good or upright man
whose head and heart will not burn with indignation at your
conduct ; they must look upon the lives of those who have suf-
fered for smoking , and selling the drug as sacrificed by you ; the
simple country folks and the common people must feel anything
but well pleased, and the wrath of a whole country is not a thing
easily restrained : these are circumstances about which ye cannot
but feel anxious ! The men who go abroad are said to adhere
bigotedly to a sense of honour. Now our officers are every one of
them appealing to your sense of honour, and on the contrary we
find (to our amazement) that ye have not the slightest particle of
honour about you ! Are ye quite tranquil and composed at this ?
And will ye yet acknowledge the necessity of the case or not ?
Moreover, viewing it as an article which ought never to be sold at
all, and more especially considering that it is not permitted to be
sold at this present moment, what difficulty should you make
about the matter ? why feelthe smallest regret to part with it ?
Still further, as ye do not consume it in your own country, why
bootlessly take it back ? If you do not now deliver it up to the
government , pray what will be the use of keeping it on hand !
After having once made the delivery of it, your trade will go
on flourishing more abundantly than ever ! Tokens of our
regard will be heaped on you to overflowing. I, the high com-
missioner, as well as the governor , and lieutenant-governor, can-
not bear the idea of being unnecessarily harsh and severe, therefore,
it is that, though I thus weary my mouth, as it were, entreating and
exhorting you, yet do I not shrink from the task ! Happiness ,
and misery, glory and disgrace, are in your own hand ! Say not
that I did not give you early warning thereof ! A special procla-
mation, to be stuck up before the foreign factories ."
" Taoukwan, 19th year, 2nd month, 12th day. [ March 26th,
1839. ] "
Commissioner Lin might as well have preached to the winds,
as to the opium smugglers voluntarily to give up the drug.
At six o'clock in the morning of the day following this edict
(27th March, 1839) , Captain Elliot issued a public notice, calling
on all British subjects to surrender the whole of the opium in their
possession into his hands, to be delivered over to the Chinese go-
vernment, holding himself responsible on the behalf of Her Ma-
jesty's government. This demand was promptly answered by the
surrender of 20,283 chests of opium, or rather the orders to re-
ceive the same from the different receiving vessels outside or near
to the coast. Indeed, the efforts of Commissioner Lin had been
so stringent, and his orders so efficiently obeyed, that the traffic in
the drug had almost ceased ; along the east coast it was found im-
possible to sell a chest, or even to procure any of the usual sup-
plies of provisions from the natives . The compradors or linguists
of the different vessels, whenever they attempted to land, were seized
and sent in chains to Canton. It was, therefore, a wise policy of
the opium owners to surrender it at once to Commissioner Lin.
It is not necessary to discuss here the right of the Chinese Impe-
rial High Commissioner to shut up the Europeans in their factories,
in order to obtain possession of the opium which they had under their
control, although it was in their vessels off Lintin in the Canton
river, but assuredly as much within the legal jurisdiction of the
Empire of China, as the Nore is within the limits of the British
Empire. The commissioner waited until the opium was delivered
up to him, and so accurate was his information, that he not only
knew the number and names of the vessels containing the opium,
but also the quantity on board each vessel.
Although the commissioner had received the written promise
that 20,283 chests of opium should be delivered up, he was un-
willing to relax entirely his hold over its owners, until he had the
opium in his possession, lest the vessels should sail away with the
drug from Lintin ; on the 2nd of April, he therefore notified to
Captain Elliot that the servants should be restored after one fourth
of the whole be delivered, the passage-boats be permitted to run
after one-half be delivered, the trade opened after three fourths be
delivered, and everything to proceed as usual after the whole be
delivered . Breach of faith to be visited, after three days of loose
performance of engagements, with the cutting off of supplies of
fresh water ; after three days more, with the stoppage of food ; and
after three days more, with the last degree of severity on Captain
Elliot himself.
But for these measures Commissioner Lin would never have re-
ceived the opium . On the 3rd of April, Mr. Johnston, the deputy
superintendent of trade, accompanied by an escort of Chinese
officers, Hong merchants, &c., proceeded down the river, without
the Bogue forts, to receive the opium for H. E. Commissioner
On the 5th of April, the commissioner required the owners of
the opium to enter into a bond, that " they would not again intro-
duce any opium into the inner land ; that if such be done the vessel
and cargo containing the opium should be confiscated to the use
of government ; and that the parties offending would readily sub-
mit to suffer death at the hands of the Celestial Court ." The
merchants declared that they " hereby bound themselves for ever to
cease from opium," and that they " united together in this plain
declaration , that this their full and earnest bond is true."
It is not very creditable to several who signed this bond, to state
that it was very quickly violated . Mr. Lancelot Dent, I Í under-
stand, honourably adhered to his bond, so also the respected Ameri-
can firm of S. Wetmore and Co.
On 10th of April, Commissioner Lin, and the governor of Can-
ton, proceeded to the Bogue to witness the delivery of the opium
in person. On the 12th there were rumours that the parties out-
side the Bogue had resumed the opium traffic, whereupon Captain
Elliot addressed an earnest remonstrance to Her Majesty's sub-
jects to abstain from the traffic, for the lives of those detained at
Canton might be sacrificed . Owing to the tardiness of the receiv-
ing ships in coming to the Bogue, the whole of the opium was not
delivered up until the 4th of May, and on the following day the
trade was re-opened and affairs resumed their usual course.
The war which followed these proceedings is detailed in the pre-
ceding pages.
The account of this memorable transaction, would be incomplete
without describing the final destruction of the 20,238 chests of this
pernicious drug (valued at 6,000,000 dollars) , which the Chinese
government were unwilling to cast into the river, lest the fish should
be thereby poisoned . My estimable friend, the late Mr. King, an
American merchant at Canton, was permitted with others to be
present at the destruction of the opium . Mr. King and his amiable
wife were treated with great and marked kindness by Commis-
sioner Lin, by reason of his having always abstained from the
opium trade.
It was the express command of the Emperor that the opium
should be destroyed near Canton, where the natives and foreigners
might " both alike hear of it and see it." The place of destruc-
tion was at Chunhow (Chinkow) , near the Bogue forts, about five
miles from Chuenpe.
A large area was surrounded by a strong palisade with gates
on each side, where sentinels were stationed , and no person was
allowed to enter without a ticket . On going out of the place,
every one was examined . The number of workmen was said to be
about five hundred . The number of officers, civil and military,
could not have been less than sixty or eighty . All these officers
were employed as inspectors and overseers. A part of them were
on elevated seats, under mat sheds, to watch all the movements,
in every part of the enclosure ; and their position was such that
nothing could escape their notice . By alternation , some of these
were kept always at their posts, day and night. Another part of
the officers superintended the delivery of the opium from the chests,
which had been stored up in small enclosures within the large one.
Special care was taken to see if each chest and parcel now corre-
sponded to what it was marked down, when taken from the store-
ships .
On the west side of the enclosure, just within the palisades,
were three large vats or trenches, running from east to west, say
one hundred and fifty feet long, seventy-five feet broad, and seven
deep, flagged with stone, and lined along the sides with heavy
timbers. Each of these three had its own fence, with entrances
only on one side.
The process to which the drug was subjected, was briefly this.
In the first place a trench was filled two feet deep, more or less,
with fresh water, from the brow of the hill. The first trench was
in this state, having just been filled with fresh water. Over the
second, in which the people were at work, forms, with planks on
them, were arranged a few feet apart. The opium in baskets was
delivered into the hands of coolies, who going on the planks carried
it to every part of the trench. The balls were then taken out one
by one, and thrown down on the planks, stamped on with the heel
till broken in pieces, and then kicked into the water. At the same
time, other coolies were employed in the trenches, with hoes and
broad spatulas, busily engaged in beating and turning up the
opium from the bottom of the vat. Other coolies were employed
in bringing salt and lime, and spreading them profusely over the
whole surface of the trench. The third was about half-filled, stand-
ing like a distiller's vat, not in a state of active fermentation, but
of slow decomposition,and was nearly ready to be drawn off. This
was to be done through a narrow sluice, opened between the trench
and the creek. This sluice was two feet wide, and somewhat deeper
than the floor of the trench . It was furnished with a screen, made
fine like a sieve, so as to prevent any large masses of the drug from
finding their way into the creek. The destruction of the opium ,
which commenced on the 3rd, was completed by the 23rd . Not
less than 1000 chests per day were worked off.
Byhalf-past 11 o'clock, Mr. King had examined, and re-examined,
every part of the process of destruction . The degree of care and
fidelity, with which the whole work was conducted , was remark-
able ; no business could be more faithfully executed. The watch
was apparently much stricter, on every side, than it was during the
detention of foreigners in Canton. One poor man, at Chunhow,
for only attempting to carry off some small pieces of opium about
his person, was, on detention, almost instantly visited with the ex-
treme penalty of the law. If any was pilfered, it must have been
in very small quantities, and at the most imminent hazard of life.
H. E. Commissioner Lin, superintended this extraordinary scene.
Mr. King, after witnessing the destruction of the opium , was
honoured by Commissioner Lin with an interview. H. E. made
very particular inquiries respecting the intentions of the English
in withdrawing from the port, and also as to the best mode of con-
veying communications to the Queen of England and other Euro-
pean sovereigns, in order to secure their co-operation for the sup-
pression of the traffic in opium. Inquiries were made for maps,
geographies, and other foreign books ; and particularly for a com-
plete copy of Morrison's Dictionary. Mr. King says, that from
the whole drift of the conversation and inquiries during the
interview, it seemed very evident that the sole object of the
commissioner was to do away the traffic in opium, and to protect
and preserve that which is legitimate and honorable. Both in the
manner and matter of his conversation, he appeared well ; betray-
ing, indeed, now and then, more or less of Chinese partiality for his
own country and sovereign. Throughout, he was bland and viva-
cious, and exhibited nothing that was " barbarous or savage." He
appeared to be not more than forty-five years of age ; short, rather
stout ; with a smooth, full round face, a slender black beard, and
a keen dark eye . His voice was clear, and his tones distinct. His
countenance indicated a mind habituated to care and thoughtful-
ness. Once only he smiled . The accounts given him of British
naval power- especially of steam vessels - seemed rather unpalat-
able, and once or twice raised a frown on his brow. This remark-
able man, to whom justice has not been done by the British nation,
is now governor-general of the province of Kweichoo, and has
recently published an extraordinary work on different subjects,
scientific and political.
After taking leave of the commissioner, a large collection of pre-
sents was sent to Mr. King and others.
The commissioner had in his service four natives, all of whom
have made some progress in the English tongue. The first a young
man, educated at Penang and Malacca, and for several years em-
ployed by the Chinese government at Peking. The second an
old man, educated at Serampore . The third a young man, who
was once at the school at Cornwall, Conn. , U. S. A. The fourth a
young lad, educated in China, and able to read and translate
papers on common subjects, with much ease and correctness .
A few further explanatory remarks, on this extraordinary traffic,
which is now being carried on to a greater extent than it has ever
been, will be desirable.
The purchasers of the drug in India, are principally native mer-
chants- Parsees and Hindoos. Agents for large houses, such as
Jardine, Matheson & Co. , give these merchants an advance of
from two- thirds to three-fourths of the invoice amount, at the rate
of 210 rupees per 100 Spanish dollars ; the dollars payable in China
from the proceeds. The opium is shipped in a clipper, belonging
to the agents in China ; pays a very high rate of freight, and is,
probably, insured in an office where they are the principal partners.
The agents' profit, apart from freight and insur-
ance, supposing the drug to be sold, at 700 dol-
lars per chest , is commission, 3% . 21 dollars .
Premium on Spanish dollars exchanged for
Mexican 5 % 35
Profit on the purchase of bills on India, at the
rate of 225 rupees per 100 dollars per chest. • 50
Remitting commission 1 % . . 7 23
Per chest 113 dollars .
The agent's connection with the drug, does not cease when it is
nominally passed through his sales' book, and account sales ren-
dered the shipper. It is commonly taken over at a certain price,
and shipped to the coast of China, where, in a few weeks, it is
actually sold on his (the agents' ) account, at an advance of 100
dollars per chest, or more, payment being made in sycee, which
is sold at a premium of 2 or 3% . It will be seen from the fore-
going :-
1st . The bona fide purchasers and shippers, very rarely make a
profit, if shipped under advance.
2nd. The rich agent, with a capital to make advances, cannot
fail to clear a large sum in the transaction .
3rd. Strong temptations are afforded the agent, who, being
himself the buyer, cannot be anxious to see the market high any-
where, except on the coast of China .
4th. The fact of one house (Jardine, Matheson & Co. , ) sharing
among the partners a profit of three millions sterling in twenty
years, when we consider the nature of the trade they were engaged
in, is no longer a mystery. Much the larger portion of the sum
was amassed within the last ten years, and the profits of that house
now, far exceed those of any former period.
The profits of this iniquitous traffic are divided among a few in-
dividuals in China and India, and the mercantile interests of Eng-
land suffer materially, in purse as well as in character, by the
smuggling. When I enquired of the Toutai, (chief Chinese offi-
cer at Shanghai) , how trade could best be promoted, he imme-
diately, and with great sternness, instantly answered : " Cease
sending us millions' worth of opium, and then our people will have
more money to purchase your manufactures.”
This reply solves the case, why our exports have not increased to
China ; a few opium smugglers are draining and impoverishing
the people of China, and then our manufacturers at Manchester,
Glasgow, Leeds, Halifax, and Sheffield, wonder why they cannot
find purchasers for their wares in China !
There are a number of vessels engaged in the opium trade.
Jardine & Company have the following opium vessels stationed
at Amoy, one ; Namoa, one ; Chimmo Bay, one ; Fuhchoo,
one ; Shanghai or Woosung, one ; Macao, one ; Whampoa, one ;
and four or five always plying between Hong Kong and the coast
of China.
About five vessels are employed conveying opium between India
and China, and a large receiving ship of 700 tons, is moored all the
year round at Hong Kong. Dent & Company have nearly as many
vessels as Jardine & Company, but of a smaller class . Burn ,
Macvicar & Company, about four on the coast, and two between
India and China. Gilman & Company, three on the coast. Pyver,
two on the coast with India. A Parsee firm, Rustomjee & Com-
pany, two on the coast. An American firm, Russell & Company,
four on the coast, and three between India and China, under the
American flag.
Altogether there are about fifty vessels of various sizes, gene-
rally well-manned and armed, and fast sailers, engaged in the
opium traffic. The Mazeppa, a schooner, of only 130 tons, convey-
ed on one occasion half-a-million dollars from the north-east coast
of China to Hong Kong, the proceeds of opium sold on the coast .
The vessels conveying the drug from India to China are probably
the finest boats in the world. The Lanrick of 283 tons register,
built at Liverpool, cost £ 13,000, belonging to Jardine & Co. , is
superior in sailing on a wind to any man-of-war. I made a voyage
in her down the China Seas to Java in 1845, in the teeth of the
monsoon, when she was under the command of one of the most
skilful and daring seamen that ever sailed . Frequently we were
running eight and nine knots close hauled, and carrying royals,
when a frigate would have had reefed topsails and courses. In one
of her voyages the Lanrick carried 1,250 chests of Bengal opium ,
valued at £200,000 sterling.
The Lanrick, like the other vessels of her class, was fully armed
with long nine-pounders, musketry, &c. These vessels give a good
idea of the buccaneers,' which frequented the Spanish Main.
Their commanders are generally educated men, of gentlemanly
manners, very hospitable, of generous dispositions, well skilled in
seamanship, and of a courage and boldness unsurpassed .
It is painful to see qualities so useful, directed to such pernici-
ous purposes. A similar remark may be made with reference to
those engaged in the opium trade in China ; they have several ex-
cellent characteristics, are prompt in kindly acts, and imbued with
strong national feelings. The late Mr. Jardine was a good exam-
ple of his class : originally a naval surgeon, his quick and calcula-
ting mind led him early to perceive the great wealth that might
be made in China from opium. To this object he devoted all his
time and singular energies for about twenty years, and then re-
turned to England , with a fortune of more than a million sterling.
He lived but a short period for its enjoyment- died from a most
excruciating and lingering disease- and bequeathed his vast wealth
in an equitable manner among his nephews and nieces. While in
China many meritorious young men, who had no claims on him,
but seemed deserving of encouragement, were advanced in life by
Mr. Jardine. By the Chinese, as well as by the English at Can-
ton, he was respected for his active habits, his intelligent mind,
and hospitable disposition . Steady and ardent as a friend, equally
steady and implacable as a foe ; he devoted himself to the opium
trade, totally divested of all consideration as to its moral conse-
quences, unscrupulous of the means employed, and regardless of
the saying, which in China has almost become a proverb, that " ill
luck and misfortune sooner or later overtake all engaged in the
opium trade " But the blame ought not to be cast solely on the
individuals engaged in this dreadful traffic ; it rests chiefly on the
government of our Gracious Sovereign, and on that of the East
India Company. To dwell more on this distressing theme would
be unnecessary ; if the facts herein stated will not awaken the
minds of those who call themselves Christians in England-neither
would they hear, " although one came from the dead ." It would be
contrary to the admitted order of Divine Providence, to suppose
that such a career of iniquity as we have been pursuing in China,
can bring with it any blessing . If there be a Supreme Being-
the Creator of the Universe and of man- if He be a God ofjustice,
and have any regard for the creatures He has made, it is not pos-
sible to contend that He can view with indifference the commis-
sion of crimes, such as the previous pages incontestibly establish .
The grossest idolater admits and practically recognises the truth
of this principle . Those who have the slightest belief in the
Jewish and Christian Testaments, must, at least with their lips,
acknowledge that the Creator and Preserver of mankind, has by
example and precept established most conclusively the retributive
decree, that as a nation sows, so it must reap. Can England rea-
sonably expect peace and plenty at home, when she is scattering
poison and pestilence abroad ? Can she without hypocrisy conse-
crate churches and ordain ministers of a Christian faith, while her
rulers and governors are licensing opium-hells, and appointing
supervisors to extract the largest amount of profit from the ini-
quity therein perpetrated ?
Is Christianity a name, or is it a principle ? What an abomina-
tion it must be in the sight of a great and good Deity, to behold
national prayers offered to Him to avert dispensations of calamity,
while that very nation that is offering them is daily inflicting desti-
tution and death on more than three millions of our fellow creatures ?
Thus impiously seeking relief from its own suffering, while reck-
lessly spreading sorrow, vice, and crime among myriads of man-
kind !
The records of wickedness since the world was created , furnish
no parallel to the wholesale murders which the British nation have
been, and still are, hourly committing in China . Neither are they
committing this awful destruction of human beings in ignorance.
There never was a question on which our Parliament concurred
more unanimously than on the iniquities of the opium trade ; no
senator ventured to say that that good man Lord Ashley had ex-
aggerated in the slightest degree the magnitude of the evils which
his lordship implored, with an eloquence heightened by piety, the
legislature to correct. On the contrary, the assembled representa-
tives of the nation, men of all parties- ministers and ex-ministers
concurred with the noble lord in the enormity of the crime we
were perpetrating, deplored its continued existence, and promised
its correction.
What has been done since on the subject ? Have we simply re-
mained passive, and allowed the crimes and the murders caused
by the opium trade to go on silently, unnoticed and unapproved by
Her Majesty's government ? We cannot even allege the poor miser-
able plea of winking as a government against a crime which it is
pretended could not be checked. On the contrary, the representa-
tive of Queen Victoria has recently converted the small barren
rock which we occupy on the coast of China, into a vast " opium
smoking shop ;" he has made it the " Gehenna of the waters ,'
where iniquity, which it is a pollution to name, can not only be
perpetrated with impunity, but it is absolutely licensed in the name
of our gracious Sovereign, and protected by the titled representa-
tive of Her Majesty !
Better -far better-infinitely better- abjure the name of Chris-
tianity ; call ourselves heathens- idolaters of the " golden calf ".
worshippers of the " evil one."
Let us do this, and we have then a principle for our guide ; the
acquisition of money at any cost-at any sacrifice. Why the
"slave trade" was merciful compared to the " opium trade." We
did not destroy the bodies of the Africans, for it was our imme-
diate interest to keep them alive ; —we did not debase their natures,
corrupt their minds,-nor destroy their souls. But the opium
seller slays the body after he has corrupted, degraded, and anni-
hilated the moral being of unhappy sinners, -while every hour is
bringing new victims to a Moloch which knows no satiety- and
where the English murderer and the Chinese suicide vie with each
other in offerings at his shrine.
No blessing can be vouchsafed to England while this national
crime is daily calling to Heaven for vengeance ; -none of the
millions of mere nominal Christians who throng our churches, one
day in the week, can expect to prosper in their worldly callings,
while they are silently abetting an awful crime, which no sophistry
can palliate, no ingenuity refute.
We stand convicted before the nations of the world, as well as
before an Omniscient Deity from whom nothing can be hidden, as a
government and people actively and legally engaged in the perpe-
tration of murder and desolation, on a scale of such magnitude as to
defy calculation . Disguise it as we may, this is the naked truth,-
this is the damning fact which no water will obliterate.
We are all involved in the guilt, and participants, even by our
silence, in a sin- which if not rooted out- must ere long bring on
us that Divine vengeance which though slow, is sure, and never
invoked in vain !
Even those whose thoughts are chiefly occupied with the acqui-
sition of wealth, with adding house to house, and field to field, too
often heedless of the means used for such acquisition, and who
are alas-ready to overleap every law, human or Divine, which
may interfere with their rapid accumulation of gain,-if they
peruse the annexed report on the opium traffic laid before Her
Majesty's government, must admit that it is a painful record of
national guilt, and of human suffering.
To the bishops of the Anglican church who are placed in the
highest legislative tribunal, to watch over the morals of the nation,
this report is specially commended .
It is primarily their sacred duty to bring the whole subject
under the immediate and serious deliberation of the exalted as-
sembly in which they sit ; if this duty be neglected, then they
become as much participants in the crime as if they themselves
were engaged smuggling opium on the coast of China.
Next, to the clergy of all denominations in the United King-
dom this report is presented ; if they also continue passive, when
ignorance can no longer be pleaded as a justification for their
silence, their hebdomadal prayers to a just Being, whose laws we
are daily outraging, become a mockery. To the laity- Protestant,
Presbyterian, Romanist or Sectarian, -these pages are also sub-
mitted. We have abolished slavery, mitigated our sanguinary
code, purified our prisons, and ministered relief to suffering
humanity everywhere. If our collective opinion be pronounced
on the crime developed in these pages, no government nor indivi-
dual can longer continue in its perpetration.
Finally this report is dedicated, (by gracious permission) to
the Sovereign of the British nation, with an earnest prayer that
the Almighty- by whose authority-" kings reign and princes
decree justice,"-may influence the councils of Her Majesty to
do that which is right in the sight of Him who declareth, that
"they who set their heart on their iniquity will have the reward of
their doings ."
By the treaty of Nankin it was stipulated and agreed that
"British subjects, with their families and establishments shall be
allowed to reside, for the purpose of carrying on their mercantile
pursuits, without molestation or restraint, at the cities and towns
of Canton, Amoy, Fuh-choo, Ningpo, and Shanghai ; and Her
Majesty, the Queen of Great Britain, will appoint superintendents
or consular officers, to reside at each of the above-named cities
and towns," &c.
By this clause of the treaty, the British consuls are not merely
to be the medium of communication between the Chinese authori-
ties and the said merchants ; but they are "to see that the just
duties and other dues of the Chinese government, as hereafter pro-
vided, are duly discharged by Her Britannic Majesty's subjects."
The five ports opened , extend over a line of coast of about 800
miles in length, from Hong Kong, near the Canton River, to
Shanghai, near the Yang-tze River, in about the following direc-
tions : -The course from Hong Kong to Amoy, is about north-
east by east, rounding the coast ; distance about 270 miles ;
from Amoy to Foo-choo, north-east by north, distance about 150
miles ; from Foo - choo to Ningpo, north by east, distance about
300 miles ; from Ningpo to Shanghai, north by west, across Hang-
choo bay, distance about 100 miles, or half a-day's run by a
steamer ; whole distance from the two extreme ports, about 820
miles, five days steaming, or about four days direct from Hong
Kong to Shanghai."
The edicts and ordinances under which commerce is conducted
and regulated, will be found in the Appendix .
Canton city is situated in the province of Kwantung, which is
bounded on the north-east by that of Fookien, on the north by
Kiangsi, on the west by Kwangse, and Tungking ; the rest is
bounded by the sea. The province is divided into ten districts, con-
taining ten cities of the first class, and eighty-four of the second class,
exclusive of forts and military stations. The physical aspect is
mountainous, but there is a good deal of low land, cropped with
rice. It furnishes gold, precious stones, pewter, quicksilver, cop-
per, iron, silk, pearls, saltpetre, many valuable kinds of wood, and
various kinds of fruit and useful vegetables . The sea-coast which
has several excellent harbours, abounds in fish. The population
is stated to be 19,000,000 . Canton is styled by native geogra-
phers " Kwangtung- Sang-ching," or the capital of the province .
It is in 23° 7′ 10″ north latitude, 113° 14′ 30″ longitude, east of
Greenwich, and about 3° 30′ west of Peking.
The city is built on the north bank of the Choo-keang or Pearl
River ; distant sixty miles from the Bogue, or Bocca Tigris, which
is considered the mouth of the river, and entrance tothe innerwaters.
The country immediately contiguous to the city is flat, and richly
cultivated, and becomes hilly and mountainous to the north and
north-east . To the southward, the surface of the country is covered
with rivers, canals, and broad ditches, in which innumerable boats
carry on active intercourse and traffic. The city of Canton (pro-
perly so called) , is surrounded by a wall, built nearly in the form
of a square, and divided into two unequal parts, by another wall
running from east to west, as shewn in the accompanying plan .
On the south side the wall runs nearly due east and west, parallel
to the river, but curves on the north, where the city rests on the
brow of the hill, about 250 feet above the river.
The walls are composed of sand-stone, and brick ; the former is
placed in the foundations, and in the arches of the gates. The
walls are thirty to forty feet thick, and in height twenty or
twenty-five feet, except on the north side, where they are higher
and more substantial ; there is no fossen or ditch, and no bastions.
A line of battlements, with embrasures at intervals of a few feet,
are raised on the top of the wall, all around the city ; the Chinese
call these " ching-jin," which is translated city-men ; the gates
are sixteen in number, four of these lead through the wall which
separates the old from the new city ; there are twelve outer
gates a few soldiers are placed on the gates day and night; the
night-watches are strictly kept, and a gratuity must be given to
pass them after a certain hour. There are several canals, the
largest extends along the east side of the city ; there is another on
the west side ; these are connected by a third, which runs contiguous
to the wall which separates the new from the old city, so that,
boats with goods and passengers, have free ingress and egress from
the east and west ends of the suburbs. There are several other
canals in the eastern and western suburbs ; and one in the
southern . The Chinese call them "the veins of the city," which,
together with the river, supply the inhabitants with water ; but rain
water is also used, and preferred . Natural springs abound within
and without the city. There are several bridges built of stone
over the canals, some formed with high arches- others, as is ge-
nerally the case in China, made with large slabs laid horizontally
on stone buttresses .
The streets of Canton are more than 600 in number : among
which are, the Dragon-street ; the Golden - street ; and the Golden
Flower-street ; and many other descriptive terms . The streets
are generally short, slightly curved, and varying in width from six to
sixteen feet, but are, generally speaking, from six to eight feet
wide, and all flagged with granite. During the hours of business,
the streets are crowded with half-naked porters carrying heavy
loads of merchandise, suspended from either end of a pole, borne
on the shoulders ; by pedlars and itinerant barbers, carpenters,
&c., by sedans of every description, and by numerous wild-looking
beggars and strolling idlers . The shops are in many instances
equal to those in some European cities - considering the difference
of climate They are commodious, well stocked with goods, and
are associated together, very much according to their respective
trades. Neat and gaudily-painted signs and names are placed on
long boards, affixed longitudinally to the door-way, and by their
bright colours, they give a gay appearance to the narrow streets .
Few of the houses or temples at Canton have more than one
story, the walls of which are the whole height of the fabric, without
any concealment of the beams or rafters of the roof. Terraces are
often built above the roofs, which afford in the cool of the evening
a pleasant retreat, and good prospect.
Europeans that have seen the city, were struck with the differ-
ence that existed in the various buildings, - although this diversity,
as in Europe, does by no means exhibit the relative condition and
circumstances of the people. There are very few of what may be
called wealthy inhabitants, and they make no exhibition of it in
the external appearance of their dwellings.
Judging from the aspect of the greater part of the dwellings,
there must be a large number of very poor people in the city,
as they exhibit abundant evidence of the absence of the common
comforts of life.
In the style of their houses, as in many of their customs,
(already noticed) there is a striking coincidence with those met
with in the Sacred Scriptures .
Professor Jahn, in his Biblical Archæology, speaking of the
Jewish habitations, says : "the gates not only of the houses, but
of cities, were customarily adorned with an inscription, which
was to be extracted from the law of Moses ; a practice in which
may be found the origin of the modern Mezuzaw, or piece of
parchment inscribed with sacred texts, and fastened to the door
posts. The gates were always shut, and one of the servants acted
the part of a porter. The space inside the gate is called the porch,
is square, and on one side of it is erected a seat, for the accom-
modation of those strangers, who are not to be admitted into the
interior of the house.
T 2
" From the porch we are introduced through a second door, into
a court, which is commonly paved with marble, and surrounded
on all sides ; sometimes, however, only on one, with a peristyle or
covered walk, over which, if the house have more than one story,
there is a gallery of the same dimensions, supported by columns,
and protected by a balustrade. In this court large companies are
received, at nuptials , & c .
" On such occasions, a large veil of thick cloth, is extended by
ropes, over the whole court, to exclude the heat of the sun. The
back part of the house is allotted to the women, and is called in
Arabic, the harem, and in Hebrew, by way of eminence, the
palace. In the smaller houses, the females occupy the upper
story. This is the place assigned them also by Homer in the
Iliad and Odyssey ."
This is the best description that could be given of the buildings
of the Chinese, as regards all I have seen, and fully agrees with
Sir William Chambers in his elaborate description of Chinese
The nearest approximation to the total number of inhabitants
in the city of Canton, including Nanhae and a part of Pwangu, is
by the following estimate, viz .: 50,000 people engaged in the
manufacture of cloth ; 7,300 barbers ; 41,300 shoemakers : these
three callings employ 61,500 individuals, and are not more than
one-fourth of the artificers of the city ; allowing this as fact,
the number is probably 246,000 ; there are also 84,000 boats, and
allowing three to each boat, this will make a total 252,000 ; add
four times the number of mechanics, and there will be a total
estimate of 1,236,000 as the population of Canton . The people
were formerly classified as scholars, husbandmen, mechanics, and
merchants, which still exists to a certain extent. But there are
also two classes styled elders and gentry. The first includes all the
old men, sixty years of age and upwards. The " gentry" are the
managers of all local affairs which are not in the hands of the
government officers. The proportion of males and females is un-
known ; the opinion is prevalent that ninety-five of the men are
married of every hundred . Polygamy is more or less practised.
The population of Canton have the reputation of being the most
licentious and troublesome people in the empire. Whenever an
opportunity occurs, they eagerly evince their dislike and hatred to
foreigners ; their local government have encouraged this feeling
for many years by opprobrious edicts against foreigners - on whom
all sorts of contumelious epithets have been heaped . Canton is
also said to be the favourite retreat of all the most turbulent and
worst portion of the Chinese. It is said there is an organized
band of 20,000 robbers in and around Canton.
The character of the Cantonese is thus given in an official pro-
clamation :-" Chow, by imperial command criminal judge of Can-
ton, hereby prohibits the putting away of wives for slight causes,
husbands conniving at the wife's adultery, or selling her to
another man . The relation of husband and wife is the first of the
five social bonds. Husband and wife should respect each other,
and live in harmony .
" For vile practices of this, and every kind, there is no place so
bad as Canton. Some sell their wives to sing and play, and submit
to the embraces of others . Some invite profligate men to their
own houses, and give up their wives to prostitution . Such prac-
tices inflict a deadly wound on the public morals, and, therefore,
Chow issues this order to prevent them. Even in deep poverty,
still submit tranquilly to Heaven's decree. If ye, adulterers and
adultresses, persist in and reform not, it is resolved to prosecute
you to the utmost rigour of the law. Under the luminous heaven
and renovating sun of his majesty's reign, it is impossible to
endure you, ye wounders and destroyers of the public morals.
Let each tremblingly obey this mandate.
" January, 1828."
Dr. Bridgeman, a profound Chinese scholar, who has long re-
sided at Canton, and whose writings breathe true Christian charity,
says : " Intelligent natives admit that more luxury, dissipation ,
and crime exist here than in any other part of the empire ; at the
same time, they maintain that more enterprise, more enlarged
views, and more general information prevail among the higher
classes of the inhabitants of Canton, than are found in most of
the other large cities ; these bad qualities are the result of a thrifty
commerce acting on those who are not guided by high moral prin-
ciples ; the good, which exists in a very limited degree, results from
an intercourse with distant barbarians .' The contempt and
hatred which the Chinese authorities have often exhibited towards
foreigners, and the indifference and disdain with which the nation
generally has looked down upon everything not their own, aught
to be strongly reprobated ; on the other hand, the feeling which
foreigners have often cherished, and the disposition and conduct
which they have too frequently manifested towards this people ,
are such as should never have existed ; still, notwithstanding all
these disadvantages, we think that the intercourse between the
inhabitants of the western world and the Chinese, has been benefi-
cial to the latter. Hitherto this intercourse has been purely com-
mercial ; and science, literature, and all friendly and social offices,
have been disregarded."
Of the whole population of Canton, it is said, that not more
than one-half are able to read. Probably not one boy out of ten
is left entirely destitute of education ; and yet of the other sex
not one in ten is ever instructed. There is scarcely a school for
girls in the city.
Public opinion and immemorial usage is against the education
of the females. If an argument were required against the philoso-
phy of their sages, there is an unanswerable one, in the degrada-
tion of the fairest half of the human species.
The majority of the schools in Canton are only designed to pre-
pare youth for the ordinary duties of private life. These schools,
as well as those of a higher class, are all private establishments .
The government provides teachers and inspectors for every dis-
trict in the empire, yet there are no public or charity schools to
educate the great mass of the people. To provide for this culpable
defect in the government, several families unite, and hire a teacher
to instruct their children . The payment awarded to the teachers
varies according to the class of scholars, as in Europe, but the
payment is guaranteed for one year certain, whether the child
attends or not. These payments range from two to twenty dollars
per annum.
Every school- room is supplied with a tablet, on which is written
in conspicuous figures the name of Confucius, the patron of learn-
ing ; a small altar is placed before it, upon which incense and
candles are kept continually burning . The moment the scholar
enters the room he bows, first before the tablet, and then to his
teacher ; the former is not merely a tribute of respect, but an act
of worship .
The school hours are from six to six, with the exception of meal
times, The scholars all study aloud, and the only emulation
amongst them is which will raise his voice the loudest.
Chastisement on the idle and disobedient is applied with un-
usual severity, by the application of the rattan. The dunce is
compelled to go upon his knees ; whilst the most incorrigible are
made to kneel on gravel. The three-character classic is the first
book taught. Though written expressly for infant minds, it is
scarcely better suited for them than the propositions of Euclid
would be were they thrown into rhyme. But, "it is not to be
understood " at first ; and the tyro, when he can rehearse it cor-
rectly, takes up the Four Books, and masters them after the same
manner. This, and having to write a few characters, finishes the
education of all those who are not destined for the literary class.
The high schools and colleges are numerous ; but none of them
are richly endowed, or well suited for the purposes of education .
There are thirty colleges ; most of which were founded many cen-
turies ago. Several of them are now deserted and falling to ruins.
Three of the largest have each about two hundred scholars, and
like all the others only one or two professors. Information has
been sought for in vain, as to the discipline and government of
these establishments, and the probability is, that they have none,
or, if they had, have become obsolete, with the general declension
of the nation for the past two centuries.
Canton is the oldest city in the south of China, and since the
foundation has undergone many changes. More than 4,000 years,
according to the Chinese classics, Yaou commanded one of his
ministers to govern Nankeaou, called Mingtoo, the splendid capi-
tal and the surrounding country. Nankeaou then included the
site of the present city of Canton, and belonged to the southern
regions of Yang, which formed one of the twelve states into which
the whole world (China) was divided . These southern regions
seem to have been large, as they were afterwards known by dif-
ferent names, and are still known, in official documents of the
present day, to designate the province of Canton . During the
Shang dynasty, 1123 B.C., the inhabitants of these regions first
paid tribute to the Emperor of China .
On the accession of the next dynasty (Chow) the empire was
greatly extended ; and great attention was paid to agriculture,
and when the 66 son of heaven received tribute from the four
quarters of the earth," some of the tribes of Keaouchow (which
included Canton) brought crabs and frogs, and others snakes and
crickets. The historians say they are able to trace their city to
the time of Nanwang, who reigned 2,000 years ago, it was then
called Nan-Wooching "the martial city of the south," and was sur-
rounded by a stockade made of bamboo and mud . One of its
earliest names and which is still used in its books was Yang-
Ching, "the city of rams," from the legend that five genii
clothed in garments of five different colours, and riding on rams
of different colours, met at the capital ; each of the rams bearing
in his mouth a stalk of corn having six ears, which were pre-
sented to the people by the genii, who thus spoke : " May famine
and dearth never visit your markets ;" the genii then disappeared,
and the rams were changed into stones . Canton is also called the
" city of genii," and the " city of grain " one of the temples is
named the temple of the five genii, and in it the five stone rams
are to be seen to this day. There are many similar legends con-
nected with the history of the city. During the reign of Tsin-
Chehwangte, about two centuries before the Christian era , it is
stated that the people of the south rose in rebellion against the
Emperor, who sent 500,000 soldiers against them. After three
years' contest, provisions failing, the people overcame the invaders.
and the slaughter is represented as awful. These tribes sub-
mitted to the Han dynasty, two centuries before the Christian
A.D. 210. The territory which now includes Canton was
named by the Emperor Keéngan - Kwanchoo , during the reign of
Teenkein or Woote . A.D. 543 , the people of Canton sent a piece
of fine cloth as tribute to the Emperor ; who was so displeased
with this approach to finery, that he forbid any more to be made
thereof. Canton from an early period had intercourse with India .
A.D. 620- during the Tang dynasty, foreign commerce was es-
tablished at Canton , and an imperial officer appointed to receive
the duties . A.D. 705 - a pass was cut through the Meiling ridge
of mountains to connect Canton with the northern parts of the
empire. In A.D. 795 - in consequence it is supposed of extortions,
foreign merchants removed to Cochin China, the people of which
place subsequently made war against Canton, and reduced the
city to great straits . The Tang dynasty ceased A.D. 906 ; in the
succeeding fifty years five families reigned and fell . The people
of Canton are represented as liberal in their tributes, consisting
of gold, silver, and various commodities, to the amount of five
million taels of silver. Native historians are not likely to paint
their own history in the worst light, but it is painful to read their
own description of the cruelty and oppression practised ; " crimi-
nals were boiled, and roasted , flayed and thrown on spikes, or
forced to fight with tigers and elephants." The Sung dynasty
commencing A.D. 960, gave much attention to the city of Canton,
whose inhabitants lived in a barbarous state ; witches and sorcery
were prohibited, and all the superstitious temples were de-
molished by order of the Emperor, who prohibited the people
" to kill men to sacrifice to demons." Dispensaries were estab-
lished ; all ornaments of dress, gold and pearls were strictly pro-
hibited. A.D. 1067 - Canton was enclosed by a wall about two
English miles in circumference at an expense of 50,000 taels.
This defence was intended as a protection against the Cochin
Chinese, who frequently plundered Canton. During the Mongol
dynasty A.D. 1279, Canton became the scene of frightful slaughter,
which put an end for a time to commerce ; towns and villages it is
stated were literally ruined by those who became masters of the
throne ; and such was the destruction of life that the " blood
flowed in sounding torrents ." Commerce was subsequently re-
stored, and in the year 1300 a great number of ships came to
Canton. Subsequently Chekeang and Fookein were opened to
foreign ships. Fernao Peres de Andriade is said to the first com-
mercial European adventurer that reached Canton , about 1518,
when peace and contentment were then universal under the Ming
or native dynasty. English, Spanish, and Dutch traders next
visited China, and the ports of Canton ; Amoy, Macao, Chusan,
and Ningpo are represented as having been then large commer-
cial markets. On the accession of the present Tartar family to
the throne, divisions and dissensions interrupted the trade and
prosperity of Canton ; Yung-lueh, endeavoured to restore the
Ming dynasty ; troops were dispatched from Peking, and Canton
was the last city to surrender. Relying on its own resources, the
inhabitants resisted the Tartars eleven months, and repulsed them
frequently with great slaughter, and not until the walls were
battered down with cannon could the inhabitants be prevailed on
to surrender. Treachery is said to have caused their defeat on the
24th November, from which date according to the Jesuit, Martin
Martini, to the 5th December, indiscriminate butchery of men,
women and children was commanded, with the exception of a few
artificers, whom the Tartars judged necessary to preserve the arts.
On the 6th December the slaughter ceased, after the destruction in
various ways of 100,000 people. According to native manuscripts
the number slain was not under 700,000, and " every house was
left desolate." The Tartars took up their residence in the old
city, where their descendants still live, and where it is said one
old house still remains standing. To this day it is not an uncom-
mon thing to discover treasures sunk in the earth near old
temples and houses, hidden by the inhabitants during the siege.
Canton has now risen to its present extent, and state of com-
mercial prosperity ; but the natives are not free from pirates and
from bands of robbers, who are a continual source of trouble .
To its foreign trade Canton owes its present affluence.
Until the recent allotment of some additional building ground,
the European factories facing the river had a frontage of about eight
hundred feet . Each factory (of which there are thirteen) extends
backwards about 130 yards into a long narrow lane, on each side
of which, as over arches that cross it, are the confined abodes of
the English, Americans, and others. To the east of the fac-
tories is a narrow inlet from the river, a fetid ditch, which serves to
surround a portion of the city wall, as well as to drain that part
of the city. This is crossed with a single arch, by a narrow
street at the rear of the factories, that leads to the warehouses of
the several Hong merchants, all of them communicating with the
river stairs, from which the merchandise is shipped.
The space occupied by the foreign factories, is crossed by China
Street, and Hog Lane. The former contains the shops of small
dealers, and the latter is not easy to describe by any standard of
comparison, as nothing so narrow or so filthy exists in any
European town. The hovels by which it is lined are occupied by
abandoned Chinese, who decoy sailors, drug them, and then rob
and ill use them .
This pandemonium has been the chief cause of disagreement
between the English and Chinese government, and it is to be
hoped, that the degrading and comfortless position of our mer-
chants will be altered, and that we shall be permitted freedom of
access to, and residence in the city, to which we are entitled by
the treaty of Nankin .
LOCAL GOVERNMENT OF CANTON . -Canton, like every other
part of the wide dominions of this vast empire, receives her
rulers from the alleged " son of heaven," the sovereign of men,
who says that statesmen and nobles are his children ; and the
people are the children of the nobles and rulers, and should
never neglect to look up to and obey them as such. These
principles are strictly enjoined in writing as guides for the con-
duct of the government. To carry out these views, a palace is
dedicated to the Emperor in the capital of every province of
the empire, and is distinguished by being painted the imperial
colour, yellow ; it is called Wanshaw-keeng, and annually, three
days before and after his birthday, the officers of government,
civil and military, must attend with the respectable inhabit-
ants, and there offer devotion and adoration as if the Emperor
were present. No seats are allowed in that sacred place, - so that
every votary brings with him a cushion, to sit on the ground.
The governor and general director of Kwantung and Kwangse
provinces (- - ) is entrusted with the power of life and death,
but he usually acts with other high functionaries deputed from
Peking (for instance with the Fooyuen) on important occasions. The
supervision of all affairs of the two provinces rest with him, he can-
not originate any new law without the consent of the Emperor,
and must act according to statutes and precedents . He proposes
all new regulations, but they must have the sanction of the
Emperor before they become law. The governor- general is ex-
officio president of the board of war at Peking, and frequently has
a seat in the cabinet. His orders have the force of law, and he
is held accountable to his Majesty, for the peace and prosperity of
the two provinces, (Kwantung and Kwangse) . Every calamity
that befals the provinces he must report minutely on pain of
dismissal and degradation.
A most disastrous fire occurred in the western suburbs of Can-
ton in the month of October 1843 , by which, about one thousand
Chinese buildings, and three of the foreign hongs, were destroyed.
The fire was said to be accidental, and spread with frightful rapidity.
The Chinese police did their utmost to protect property, but the
chief protection to the property of foreigners was afforded by the
marines of Her Majesty's ship, " Dido," commanded by the
Honorable Captain Keppel, and the seamen from the merchant
ships. When a fire occurs in Canton , exertions are chiefly
directed to saving property, and not to extinguishing the fire. The
plunderers are so daring at fires here, that both British and Chi-
nese are compelled to fire on the miscreants. On this occasion
it is said more than one life was sacrificed before the robbers would
The 25th December 1844, a large theatre which had been
erected near the hall for public examinations in Canton, was
consumed by fire ; and 2,300 persons, men, women, and children,
perished in the flames. About thirty buildings , were also des-
troyed. The Arabian travellers who visited China in A.D. 850
speak of fires being frequent in Canton . The most disastrous
was in 1822, when all the foreign factories were consumed ; but
ever since, fire engines and a constant watch, prevent them being
very destructive.
The late governor Le, for a most unforeseen affair, was degraded
and sent in chains into banishment . In case of fires, it is the
law that when more than ten houses are consumed, the governor
is deprived of nine months' salary ; if more than thirty are des-
troyed, one year's allowance is mulcted, and if three hundred are
burnt he loses one degree or grade of his rank. Suburban fires
involve no penalty. The penalties may be remitted by the Em-
peror. All complaints are made by petition personally to the
governor on the 3rd, 8th, 13th, 18th, 23rd, and 28th days of each
month, and if redress is not granted, appeal may be made to
Peking. The governor's house is situated in the new city ; and
is in every way suitable to his rank. His salary is 15,000 taels
annually, but by the most moderate calculations, his emoluments
are estimated annually at ten times more than his salary. Cor-
ruption is prohibited by edicts . and maxims, without however
producing the desired result. The second official in rank is styled
(Fooyuen) and he is usually addressed by foreigners as the lieu-
tenant-governor ; his jurisdiction is confined to this province.
Though nominally second in command, in many affairs he acts inde-
pendent of the governor, his titles are honorary vice-president of
the board of war, member of the court of universal examiners or
censorate, universal controller of the province of Kwantung, a
director of military affairs and of the taxes. He holds the Em-
peror's order, or " death warrant" for the immediate execution
of criminals. The third officer in authority is called Tseang- keun ;
or more properly the Tartar general. He has command of the
Tartar troops and is charged with the defence of the city. He is
a member of the provincial council, and acts independent in many
instances of the two preceding functionaries. Subordinate to him
are two foo-tootings or generals, and various inferior officers, who
all reside in the old city with their general and the Tartar troops.
The fourth officer is styled the superintendent of maritime cus-
toms, and is addressed as the " grand hoppo of the port of
Canton ; " like the others he receives his appointment from the
Emperor, and is solely connected with the maritime commerce ;
he is a commissioner of customs, and is usually an officer of the
imperial househeld . The fifth in rank is the Heyaun, or literary
chancellor of Canton, and his influence and duties are extremely
onerous, as he is judge of the qualifications of all the students of
the province, and of all ranks seeking preferment. He has also
charge of all schools, colleges, and examinations . The sixth is
named Poochingsze, or treasurer, who is under the Fooyuen, the
controller of the civil government and financier of the province ;
he has the appointment of all the subordinate officers of the local
government. The seventh or Gancha-sze is the criminal judge ;
he generally sits alone, unless where life is involved, when he is
assisted by some of the higher officers of the province, the Szego,
or keeper of the provincial prisons, is under his control. Eighth
the Yenyun-sze who superintends the salt department, the duties
of which form a most important item in the imperial revenue, the
salt trade being a government monopoly, and as there are only a
few persons licensed to trade in it, large fortunes are acquired.
Ninth the Tuhleang- taon, who has charge of the public granaries,
and who is also responsible, in times of scarcity, to supply the
public with food. There are fourteen granaries belonging to the
city of Canton, at all times full.
Tenth, the Kwang chow foo, or prefect of the department ;
his duty is to be well acquainted with every portion of the ter-
ritory, over which he is placed, and subordinate to him is a szeyo
or superintendent of all the prisons in his department. It is
difficult to determine the exact limits of these numerous function-
aries . All the officers are general officers, and their authority
extends all over the province, as well as over the city ; there are
two commanders-in-chief of the land and naval forces, who act alone
in many cases, and sometimes in concert with the other general
The government is despotic, and is so constructed that those
who form the provincial government shall, while they enjoy a
degree of independence, serve as mutual checks ; and each superior
officer is held responsible for those who are subordinate and
accountable to himself. The distribution of these officers shows
a desire to preserve a balance of power. In the disposition of the
troops the same principle is observable. The land and naval force
of the province is estimated nominally at 100,000, all of which is
under the control of the governor ; he has however only the im-
mediate command of 5000 soldiers, and these are stationed at a
distance from the city on most occasions he is escorted by a
detachment from the Kwangchoo (chief military officer) which
in the absence of his own troops, serves him for a body-guard,
and constitutes at the same time a part of the police of the city.
The Fooyuen has only 2,000 men at his command, while the
Tseang-keun has 5,000 which would enable him to master the city.
The proper seat of the governor is several miles from the
city, westward ; he is allowed to reside at Canton, but cannot
have his troops there, lest in conjunction with the Fooyuen, they
might be an over-match for the Tartar general commandant and
his 5,000 men. This jealousy of power is further manifested by
the order that no individual can hold an office in any province, or
district of the empire, that includes the place of his nativity, or
within several hundred miles of it. The number of soldiers that
are generally quartered in the city is about 7,000 men. In the
vicinity of Canton there are two forts on the heights, north of the
city, which completely command it, and were taken by our troops
during the war in 1841. Generally speaking, the soldiers are badly
equipped and worse disciplined ; their arms consist of bows and
arrows, short swords and matchlocks, all ill suited for attack or
defence. Desertion is punished by beating, and banishment, and
extends to the relations of the deserter. The police of the city is
considered inefficient, and the inhabitants make arrangements with
each other for their mutual protection . Each street is enclosed by
gates at night with a guard-house at the entrance of each. Watch-
houses are erected in winter, in the form of towers, and being
higher than the houses, give the watchman an advantage in early
discovering a fire ; these are called double watch-houses, and have
bells to give alarm .
Not one half the thieves are ever discovered, and it frequently
happens that justice is administered in one hour, the culprit pu-
nished, and at liberty the next hour, to commit fresh crime. There
are no forms of trials, the criminal kneels before the judge, who
hears the witnesses, and very little evidence is necessary to insure
conviction. Sentence of death is passed, or he is remanded to
jail, according to the nature of the crime. Very few that are
caught, escape punishment ; hundreds are annually executed
without the southern gates. When brought to the fatal spot, they
kneel with their faces towards the Emperor's court, and bending for-
ward in an attitude of submission and thanksgiving, they perish
beneath the axe or rope of the executioner.
The "9jail is commonly called Te-yo- hell-or literally " earth's
prison . In the city of Canton there are six jails ; five of them
occupy more than five mow, (6 mow, or Chinese acres, are equal
to one English acre) , and are capable of holding upwards of 500
prisoners ; the sixth jail occupies an area of more than seven mow,
and will contain more than one thousand prisoners. The inner
wall of each jail is twenty-one Chinese feet high, which is sur-
rounded by a second wall the same height, leaving between the
two a space of seven feet ; in this space a nightly watch is kept,
beyond the outer wall a guard is kept night and day. The inter-
nal arrangements are all equally precautionary, the prisoners are
kept in irons, with rings upon their wrists, and secured by an iron
rod, a chain round their necks, and fastened to the handcuffs.
During the day, one hand is released, to allow the prisoner to pre-
pare his food. Formerly the stocks were in general use, but now
only in some of the neighbouring districts ; the number of deaths
under this system are very numerous. The jail of the commis-
sioner of justice, is still more severe, and is regulated according to
their strength, and ability to bear the additional weight of chains,
also with reference to the class of crime for which the culprits are
imprisoned ; according to law, each prisoner should daily receive
one catty and a half of rice, and twelve cash, to purchase fuel and
other necessaries. The jailors seldom give them more than three
fourths of their allowance, and not more than two or three cash.
In warm weather a supply of tea is provided, and in winter a cup
of congee (boiled rice) made into jelly.
Clothing of a warm description is provided in winter, also a
blanket . Trousers and a jacket are sometimes given, and in sum-
mer a fan. The law makes no provision for these extra things,
and hence they are considered as favours bestowed on them, by the
officers of the prison . Usage has made it common to confer
favours, on occasion of the birth of a son, in the imperial family ;
on those occasions flesh, fish, and wine, are distributed liberally.
Extortion and cruelty are practised on the prisoners to a frightful
extent, with impunity ; each fresh prisoner must give money to the
headman, and the cruelties practised to extort it are very dreadful.
There is published in Canton, annually, a catalogue of all the
government officers, attached to the city and province, not unlike
our court guide. It forms a volume of about one hundred leaves,
and contains the names and official history of every officer. Each
leaf is divided by red lines, into eighteen columns, separated into
an upper and lower part. In the upper part are given the gene-
alogies of the officers, from their great grandfathers to their great
grandsons, and the names of their wives are also included , with
the names of such male relatives of their wives, as have been or
are persons of distinction. In the lower part of the page are given
the officers' own names, the time of their birth, the year in which
they became Siutsai, which answers to our B.A. , and Kin-jin , to
our M.A. There are 158 names in this book, as officers, the re-
mainder are ancestors and offspring.
There was published at Canton a narrative of the birth, parent-
age, and literary qualifications acquired by the celebrated Commis-
sioner Lin, whose remarkable proceedings for the suppression of
the opium trade are detailed in Chapter IV., which prove him to
be a man of no ordinary ability.
The religious institutions of Canton, as a matter of course,
are numerous, where three separate degrading systems of
idolatry are practised . The one I visited, presented a dark and
melancholy picture for contemplation . In beholding " the three
precious Budhas," in the temple of Honan, I was forcibly struck
with the idea that, as the devotees believe them to represent the
past, the present, and future Budha, they may have originated
this type of the Blessed Trinity, in the primitive ages, in a sincere
belief and true faith .
From a translation by Dr. Bridgman, of the history of these
temples, (124 in number) , the most ancient is the middle of the
third century of our era, which strongly favours the belief, that
Christianity was not only taught, but practised in China, from an
early period.
The number of priests and nuns in these temples of vice, is said
to be about 3,000, of which the latter are reckoned at one third
that number. The estimated expense is computed at 500,000 dol-
lars or £ 108,333 .
The charitable institutions of Canton, as compared with temples,
in number or support, exhibit a sad contrast .
The foundling hospital, founded in A.D. 1698, is situated outside
the city, has accommodation for two or three hundred children,
and is maintained at an annual expense of 2,500 taels . The
retreat for the aged, infirm, and blind, is allowed 5,100 taels .
The above sums are raised from a tax levied on all rice ships ,
which enter the port of Canton , viz . , 620 taels on each . It is
stated that 17,360 taels have been collected in one year, but what
became of the balance , 9,738 taels, is not known . The hospital
for lepers , contains upwards of 300 patients, who are supported at
an expense of 300 taels per annum . The condition of the above
mis-called hospitals, is represented as wretched in the extreme ;
the first is supplied with children that have been exposed by their
parents, and when grown up (see page 48, vol . i . ) are sold, and
not unfrequently for the worst purposes .
The manufactories at Canton are numerous, but much of the
goods required are made at Fuh-shan, a large town a few miles
west of Canton. There is no machinery, but the quantity ofgoods
sent to market is very considerable. There are at least 17,000,
men, women, and children, engaged in weaving silk ; the loom is
very simple, and the work neatly executed. The number engaged
in weaving cloth is over 50,000 ; they occupy 2,500 shops, averag-
ing twenty in each shop ; the females earn at embroidery, about
twenty dollars a month ; shoemakers are a numerous class, about
4,250. Those who work in stone, brass, and iron, are numerous,
and each trade or calling are united into guilds for mutual
protection and support, and have rules and laws for regulating
their business. The printing and book trade is very consider-
able ; but accurate returns are unavailable to shew its extent.
The barbers of Canton are numerous ; strict regulations for their
protection are enforced, and each must have a license from the
headman of his own craft. The barbers in number are returned
at 7,300 at the present time. There are about 2,000 medical
practitioners ; the Chinese apothecaries hold themselves a distinct
class from the physicians. Surgery is really unknown . The dis-
tinguishing mark of medical men, and of the literati, are the length
of their nails, which show they do no manual labour.
One of their prescriptions will illustrate their erroneous views,
and prove how much they stand in need of enlightment on this
subject .
"The jinseng and foo liquid. To regulate the breath and blood
of the Yin and Yang,' let a dose of the jinseng and foo (a medi-
cinal herb) be taken, prepared with boiling water."
The commentary on this is as follows. The former part of the
body when produced is called the prior heaven ; the latter the
subsequent heaven . The constitution of the first depends upon
the kidneys, which are the gift of the father and mother ; the
constitution of the second depends upon the stomach, which
is renovated by water and grain . The prior heaven' is
the substance of the primary substance in nature preeminent for
repose, and therefore the child enwrapped within the womb depends
upon its mother's quietness for nourishment, and then in its
living breath, the divine concealment and secret springs of life will
be tranquil . The ' subsequent heaven's' breath is the use of the
primary principles in nature, which is carried out in motion ;
therefore after the nourishment of figure, water and grain are
administered to it ; and in the production of the body, the divine
impulse is set in motion and begins to circulate ; heaven and man
unite their virtues. The two substrata, that is motion and rest,
are in mutual operation, whence the latter heaven's breath,"
having obtained the former heaven's breath,' there is life, and
when there is life there is no repose ; but if the former heaven's
breath obtains the latter, renovation commences ; where there is
renovation, there is no exhaustion. If in motion or at rest, the
kidneys are injured by want of care, the former heaven's breath'
will be empty ; if eating and drinking be immoderate, the stomach
will be injured, and the latter heaven's breath be empty. Now to
supply this latter deficiency, there is nothing equal to the draught
made from the two ingredients, jinseng and foo."
If the viscera be much weakened, these medicines are
teemed of the first importance for quickly restoring the system to
its wonted strength . These and some astrological opinions on the
influence of the elements, like the Ethers and Elements' of
Heraclitus, occupy the place of the well- established principles of
physiology and chemistry known amongst us.
A further proof of the defective state of medical knowledge in
China, may be judged of, by their native doctors administering
the pounded bones of the tiger, made into pills, in all cases of
general debility, on the supposition that as the animal was strong,
his bones must be efficacious . To alleviate human suffering, and
establish some sound principles of medical science, an American
missionary, Dr. Parker, established an hospital at Canton, which
has been eminently useful .
I gladly bear testimony to the praiseworthy exertions of Dr.
Parker, by whose perseverance in travelling through Europe and
America, to collect subscriptions for its support, this excellent
and truly Christian institution has still been maintained .
Since the commencement in 1838 to 1842, I ascertained from
its well-regulated books and regularly published reports , that
upwards of 20,000 persons have been relieved of their sufferings .
And when it is recollected that during the greater portion of the
period there was nothing but war and strife, and a Native to be
seen in company with an European, endangered his life or liberty,
if such an amount of good has been rendered to our fellow-beings
during this ever-to-be-lamented period, by one gifted Christian,
what may be expected from perfect freedom of intercourse.
In 1805 - Surgeon Alexander Pierson, who was attached to
the Honourable East India Company's factory, successfully intro-
duced the art of vaccination, which has ever since been extended
over the whole empire. The late Dr. Morrison and Dr. Living-
ston, opened an infirmary for some poor Chinese in 1820, which
was sustained for a short time, and alleviated much suffering.
1827. Mr. T. R. Colledge, surgeon to the East India Company,
opened an eye infirmary at Macao, and during the three years of
its continuance, afforded relief to 4000 patients, among whom
were persons of different ranks, and from distant parts of the
empire, from whom he received many, and unequivocal tokens of
Professor Kidd, whose experience at Canton qualified him to
judge, says cutaneous eruptions of the severest kind are very
common. Leprosy, at least that species of it which I have seen,
is of pure white very common, and not, as far as I remember of
the copper - coloured spots usually referred to in European treatises,
as symptomatic of this disease. From the heat of the climate
and the irritation generated by other causes, it is no uncommon
thing for limbs to be destroyed, and other parts of the body
essentially injured by cutaneous diseases, which ere long terminate
in death. There have been principally four eminent writers on the
art of medicine in China ; one lived in the third century of this era.
He was the originator of prescriptions, but erred in giving im-
moderately large doses of medicine. The circulation of the blood
was recognized at an early period in China ; but almost all works
are introduced by reflections on the system of nature, and hence
the difficulty of separating what is fanciful from what has some
foundation in the nature of things, and in the analogies subsist-
ing between them ." These medical facts are stated to shew what
good may be done at Canton by European medical skill.
The prices of the principal articles of food depend very much
on the seasons, and various other causes, such as inundations and
extortions of the local officers. The wages of a field labourer is
about fourteen cents. per day ; and the hundreds or thousands em-
ployed on the river do not exceed one mace : clerks, compradors,
and such like, have five to ten dollars per month ; female servants
are frequently glad to obtain food and clothing for their services.
The rent of houses averages 100 dollars per annum, and a house
at that price will accommodate ten or twelve people, and contain
six rooms a similar one in the country may be rented at fifty
dollars, including ground-rent to government. A house with two
rooms rates at 1 % dollar per month : hovels and boats constitute
the residence of the poorest class .
From thirty to sixty people are known to inhabit a single house,
which of course reduces the rent to each. A family of ten per-
sons can get house accommodation and provisions for about 400
dollars per annum, and this includes clothing as well as food .
Cotton garments cost from four to eighteen dollars , and silk
dresses from ten to twenty each. A labourer can live for about
two dollars or two and a-half per month, including clothes and
T. M. C. C. T. M. C. C.
Beefper catty .. 0090 Turnips دو 0010
Buffalo .. 0 0 5 0 Oranges "" 0044
Tongues, each .. 0 1 0 O Water chesnuts 0 0 1 0
Mutton per catty 0 2
0 2 4 0 Irish potatoes, per
Kid's flesh وو 0 1 2 0 pecul 3000
Pork 99 0 1 0 0 Taro or sweet pota-
Sausages "" 0 5 0 toes 1 000
Hams "" 0 1 8 0 Yams per catty .. 0030
Pig's feet رو 0 0 9 0 Rice per pecul 1 to 3 000
Hens وو 0 0 6 8 Wheaten flour per
Capons 0 1 1 0 catty 0050
Ducks "" 0 0 6 8 Bread, small loaves,
Geese 23 0080 per loaf .. .. 0025
Turkies, each .. 3 0 0 0 Eggs , each .. .. 0 007
Partridges ,, .. 0 1 2 0 Salt per catty 2 to
Pigeons per catty 0 1 0 0 4 candareen .. 0 040
Pheasants, each 0 300 Tobacco per catty 0 040
Teal وو 001 6 Sugar candy "9 0 1 0 0
Sole fish per catty 0 1 0 0 Pingfa وو 0030
White rice fish "" 0 0 6 0 Charcoal per pecul 1 000
Oysters "" 0 0 5 0 Wood 0180
Salted fish وو 0 1 6 0 Fossil coal".. .. 0 240
The money terms in the foregoing table are taels, mace, canda-
reens, and cash ; the taél is equivalent in English money to five
shillings, the mace to six pence, the candareen one penny ; the
cash is about one- seventh of a farthing. The weights or measures
are peculs, and catties ; the pecul is equal to 133 pounds, one
pound avoirdupois is equal to three-fourths of a catty.
The cost of a fast boat from Canton to Macao is thirty- six
dollars for a foreigner, and for the same a native will be only
charged nine dollars . Postage one mace per letter, while a native
gives less than three candareens.
Notwithstanding the abolition of the Hong monopoly, by which
all classes of natives are at liberty to trade, commerce still retains
many of its former features, and dealers in particular articles still
keep up their old branches of trade. The former Hong mer-
chants are still the largest dealers in tea and silk goods, and
caution is necessary in dealing with petty dealers who have com-
menced business . A large proportion of foreign trade with China
will remain at Canton for some years, owing to the acquaintance
subsisting between the native and foreign merchants, and the
nnmerous artizans at Canton who find a market for their labour.
The geographical position of Canton, its fine river and harbour at
Whampoa, and the policy of the Chinese government in driving
foreign commerce to the extremity of the empire, have contri-
buted to render it the scene of an active, domestic, and foreign
trade- where productions of every part of China may be ex-
changed for those of other regions.
Kwangtung (or Canton) province sends to the city silks, rice,
fish, salt, fruits, vegetables, and various kinds of fancy wood,
silver, iron, pearls, cassia, and betel nut. From Fookein are im-
ported nearly all the black teas, camphor, sugar, indigo, tobacco,
paper, lacquered ware, grass-cloth, minerals, woollen and cotton
cloths of various kinds.
Chekeang province sends to Canton the best silks, paper, fans,
wines, dates, golden flowered hams, and a most expensive tea
called lung-tsing- cha. Keangnan, now divided into two pro-
vinces, Ganhwuy and Kangsoo, with a population of seventy-two
millions, although at a great distance from Canton , sends a large
quantity of green teas and silks, which obtain high prices. From
Shantung, come fruits, drugs, wines, which are brought down the
coast to Canton, and paid for in a coarse description of clothing,
as the inhabitants are very poor. From Chihle, dates, ginsing,
raisins, skins, wines, venison, drugs and tobacco are sent to
Canton, and cloths, clocks, watches, and sundry other articles of
foreign imports are returned . Shanse sends skins, wines, ardent
spirits and musk. Shense, with a population of ten millions, sup-
ports a large trade with Canton, and sends brass, iron, precious
stones, and drugs ; and takes in return cotton and woollen cloths,
books, and wines. Kansuh sends gold, quicksilver, musk, and
tobacco. Szechuen sends gold, iron, tin, musk, and a great quan-
tity of drugs. Yunnan supplies the shops of Canton with iron,
brass, peacocks' feathers ; and receives cotton and woollen cloths,
books and tobacco.
Kwangsi has a population of seven million, and supplies rice
in large quantities, and takes both native and foreign productions .
Kweichoo the central province, sends gold, lead, tobacco and drugs.
Hoonan and Hoopih, two provinces, supply large quantities of
rhubarb, hemp, honey, tobacco and a great variety of singing
birds. Kiangsi sends coarse cloth, hemp, China-ware, drugs, &c.
The productions of Hoonan are nearly similar to those of the
former named province.
Whampoa, the anchorage for foreign shipping, is in 23° 6.30
north latitude, about fourteen miles east of Canton . It is a large
safe anchorage, land locked, surrounded by picturesque scenery, `
and abounds in supplies of meat, poultry, fish, vegetables and fruits .
U 2
The geology of the country, between the city and the ocean,
partakes of a primitive character, and the usual accompaniments of
the presence of such rocks are seen in the insulated and barren
peaks which line the coast. On the north side of the river the
country rises into hills, which are formed of a compact graywacke,
probably belonging to the lower secondary class of rocks. It is
fine grained, and contains a large proportion of quartz . Lying
beneath the graywacke, is the old red sandstone. This stratum
is found varying from a bright red, fine grained rock, to a coarse
conglomerate, full of large pebbles of quartz.
It is seen outcropping in the middle of the river, a short distance
below the factories, and from thence it extends southward for many
miles. This stratum also extends eastward, and most of the hills
between Canton and Whampoa, have this rock for a substratum,
with the graywacke above. Below the sandstone is found the
granite. This rock outcrops more and more as the river descends
towards the sea, until, below the Bogue, it is the only stratum.
The subspecies are numerous, and in some places it passes into
gneiss and hornblend. The usual variety, however, is a dark
coloured fine grained rock, somewhat fissile. At the mouth of the
river, the granite is found raising up into peaks, ranging in height
from 1,200 to 2,000 feet.
The minerals as yet discovered in these different strata, are in-
considerable, consisting only of crystals of felspar, quartz, and
pyrites, which occur sparingly in the granite.
Coal is plentiful and extensively used, (see vol. i. p. 100) .
The soil in the neighbourhood of Canton is mostly alluvial, but
on the declivity of the hills, it is decomposed sandstone, and of a
red colour. On ascending the hills, the soil is found more nearly
primitive, and consists mostly of the decomposed rock underneath.
The number of islands which have been formed by depositions, is
said to amount to several hundreds. On these islands, great num-
bers of erratic blocks of rocks are found, weighing several tons.
The climate of Canton, taking it all the year, with the excep-
tion of oppressive heats from June to September, is not unfavour-
able to health, especially when it is recollected that the position
is in latitude 20° 7′ north. It is found that the mean annual
temperature of Canton, is what more generally prevails in the 30th
parallel. Europeans who have long resided at Canton and Macao,
state that the cold in winter is most invigorating. Snow fell one
winter, a few years ago ; it being an unusual occurrence, the Can-
tonese, as usual, prognosticated some evil would follow. The
longevity of the inhabitants is not great, but this may partly arise
from their excessive sensuality, and the extreme destitution they
are subject to in seasons of distress, inundations, &c.
The following table shews the range of the thermometer and
barometer for ten years, at Canton.
1829 to 1838
. .
. Mean Thermom
. eter
Winds Mean Mean of
S. of of night
. .
night .
noon and
HN oon
Rainy days.
Rainy days .
January 521/1
30.24 25.6 6 50 59 544 39 • 73
12th 1st 30.21
. 55 30.17 18.10 7 55 61 .58 32 8th
72 3rd 30.20
March 621/1 30.11 17.14 11 61 68 64
호 46 14
05 30.05 10
April 70 29.96 12.18 12 67 72 69 50 85
9th 25th 29.96 15
May 77 29.89 10.21 16 76 83 79 67 89
4th 30th 29.88 19
81 29.87 4.26 14 78 85 81 72 92
13th 29th 29.83 20
June• ·
July 83 29.80 6.25 16 81 89 85 76 96
11th , 8th
116 7 29.80 17
• • •
August 82 29.80 10.21 14 80 89 843 77 ,29th
94 7,4th 29.83 11
September 80.033 29.82 17-12 10 77 85 81 72 ,25th
93 17th 29.84 14
October 734 30.03 211.9 41 % 67 78 72 60 86
11th 5th 29.79 1
November 651 30.17
0· 33
% 3,800 59 층
70 65 ,27th
78 30-19
,8th 2
December 57.134 30.20 251 67 531 631 58.14532 18th
72 2,87th 30.22 7
thermometer and barometer, for the year 1831 . The averages
were taken at Canton and Macao.
Table 1st. Table 2nd. Table 3rd Table 4th.
Thermome- Thermome- Barometer at Barometer at
ter at ter at Canton. Macao.
Canton. Macao.
January. 6450 75 29 62 65 72 53 30 22 30 50 3000 30 26 30 503005
February 57 49 78 38 59 59 71 49 30 13 30 50 29 60 30 13 30 40 29 97
March 72 60 82 44 66 69 77 55 30 17 30 50 2995 30 20 30 4830 05
April. 77 68 86 55 73 75 83 66 30 03 30 25 29 85 3008 30 27 29 93
May . 78 72 88 64 77 78 85 71 29 92 30 10 29 80 29 95 |30| 06|29| 85]
June . 85 79 90 74 82 84 8974 29 88 30 00 29 75 29 92 30 0029 85
July 88 81 94 79 84 88 9281 29 83 30 00 2960 2987 30012960
August . 85 78 90 75 82 85 90 79 29 85 3000 29 55 29 88 30 02 29 56
September. 83 76 88 70 81 84 88 76 2991 30 10 29 70 2991 30 052935
October. 77 69 85 57 75 78 86 61 30 01 30 20 29 50 30 03 30 1929 45
November . 67 57 80 40 65 68 80 57 30 16 30 55 2995 30 14 30 36 2995
December . 62 52 70 45 62 65 70 57 30 23 30 35 30 15 30 23 30 31 30 15
The average of rain is the mean of its fall at Macao, during
sixteen years, from an account by Mr. Beale. The number of
rainy days, and continuance of winds, are the mean offour
years, at Canton, taken from the diary of the Canton Register.
Table 5th . Table 6th. Table 7th.
Hygrometer Rain at Continuance of winds at Canton,
Canton. themean of four years.
at Macao.
. E.
. s.
. s
. . s
. ys
January . 76 95 46 0.62 24 7
February 82 96 70 1.7 121 54 62
March 78 97 30 2.1 83 12 34 10 01/
April . 81 95 50 5.6 10 5 4 143 0
May 81 95 57 118 15 4 24 316 12 04 04
June 80 95 70 11.1 9 13 0 2 211 3 0
July 83 97 70 7.7 10 14 1 1421 3 13 0
August 84 97 70 9.9 12 3 2 318 11 0 0
September 8495 50 10-9 10 10 4 380 2
October 7595 20 5:5 5 12 34 35 1100층 5월
November 61 95 20 2.4 23 01 02 12 12
December 7190 30 0-9 3 18 27 27 20 0 3
The restrictions on foreigners at Canton now confine them to
the " Hongs," that is, to a few feet on the banks of the river, com-
pared with which the filthiest part of Wapping would be respect-
able and bearable . This is shewn by the following recent procla-
mation from
" The acting district magistrate of Nan-hae, raised ten steps, re-
corded ten times, bearing by imperial authority the title of sub-
prefect, and promoted to the prefecture of Lo-ting-chow, hereby
issues his orders and prohibitions.
"Whereas, of the foreigners who come to Yue (Canton) to trade,
only the head-merchants and their assistants are permitted to come
to the Hongs, the others, sailors, &c. , are all not allowed to
come on shore ; and even the head-merchants and their assistants
may not presume to go to other places.
"As the triennial military examinations are now at hand, and as
it is to be apprehended that the foreigners may, without ceremony,
go to the eastern parade-ground to look at the horse and foot
archery ; and that, there being a great crowd, they may at once
madly and fiercely have recourse to blows and wound the people ;
or that when the trials in archery are going on, that the foreigners,
not being skilled in evading them, may be wounded by the arrows ;
it is therefore fitting that a prohibitory proclamation be issued.
“ For this reason, I now issue my commands to the Hong-mer-
chants, linguists, and the various Te-poos, to the boat-people, and
the chair-bearers . Let all, acting in obedience hereto, and main-
taining the laws, transmit my commands to the foreigners, and
not allow them to repair to the eastern Parade-ground to view the
archery. If any one should dare to offer a wilful opposition, I
shall certainly have the Hong-merchants and linguists brought
before me, prosecuted, and punished . The boat-people and chair-
bearers are also not allowed presumptuously to carry the foreigners
to the place, to look on. If any of them should disobey, they will,
as soon as they are found out, be immediately apprehended and
severely dealt with. Let all yield a reverential obedience. Do not
oppose this especial edict."
25th October, 1846.
A true translation of a proclamation posted on the 13th Novem-
ber, in front of the Consoo House.
Public Translator.
Such are the modes in which the Treaty of Nankin is violated.
Our merchants are now, in fact, in a worse position than they were
before the war.
The trade of Canton is given at page 149. The consular regu-
lations will be found in the Appendix.
AMOY is the principal emporium of the province of Foo-kein.
The harbour is in the south-western corner of a considerable
bay, in which are two large and many small islands. The largest
and westernmost island, named Amoy, forms the northern limit
of the harbour, which is sheltered on the east by the smaller
of the two principal islands, while the mainland shelters it on the
west and south. The town of Amoy (Heamun) is situated at the
south end of the larger island, and the anchorage is immediately
in front of the houses. The bay and harbour will easily accom-
modate from 70 to 100 vessels, the access and egress is easy. The
entrance to the inner harbour is by a channel, 675 to 840 yards
across, from Amoy to Kulangsu . On approaching Amoy from the
southward, Chapel Island, called by the Chinese Tungting, and
situated in latitude 24° 10′ 3″ north, and longitude 118° 13′ 5″
east, or 9′ 44″ east of the south-west point of Kulang-su, may be
seen from four to five leagues ; it has an even surface, is about
200 feet high, and its circumference three cables . It is perforated
at its south- east extreme, which shows when it bears E., N.E. , or
W., S.W. When in its neighbourhood, a pagoda will be seen,
which is elevated 1,720 feet above the sea, and is a good mark for
the entrance.
city of Amoy is situated in latitude 24° 10′ 3″ north, and longitude
118° 13′ 5″ east, or 9′ 44″ east of the south-west point of Kulang-su,
and may be seen by vessels five leagues distance. It is built at
the mouth of two rivers, the one on the south-west side communi-
cating with the large and wealthy city of Tchang-chaw- foo, thirty
miles distant only ; that in the north side flows through a very
populous district.
A ridge of hills about 600 feet high, skirt the city with broken
and abrupt eminences, covered with boulder stones. The houses
are built on a declivity, sloping to the harbour. The outer town
is divided from the city by a chain of rocks, with a paved pass to
a covered gateway at the summit, and skirted by the outer har-
bour ; the city is bounded by the inner harbour and an estuary,
which deeply indents the island . The city, including the outer
town and north-east suburb, is supposed to be about nine miles in
circumference. The citadel which commands the inner town and
suburb, is about a mile in circumference ; the walls castellated ;
fifteen to thirty feet high, according to the inequality of the ground,
and with an inner rampart all the way around, except where the
houses are close to the wall. There are four gates, with, as usual,
to each, an exterior gate at right angles to the inner gate as an out-
work. The citadel is commanded by hills about a mile distant.
The district is governed by the Taoutai, who is the Intendant of
a circuit comprising three large cities ; he resides chiefly at Amoy,
and is a shrewd and intelligent Tartar, of the second order of the
Blue Button ; his salary is about £ 1,300 sterling per annum .
The police is under the Hai- Fang (magistrate), his salary is un-
certain, (the present official paid 12,000 dollars for his appointment) ,
but he is purveyor of provisions for the troops.
The customs are superintended by the Hai Keon, who is generally
a military officer ; and remains only six months in office ; the entire
of the business is generally attended to by old officials ; but the
present Hai-Keon is stated to be a very intelligent, obliging
The Chinese naval force of Amoy is governed by an admiral who
is of the first order of the Red Button ; and his force consists of
about twenty junks, mounting from six to fourteen guns each,
these vessels are built at Fuh- choo-foo ; for Chinese war-vessels
they are well equipped , some having their guns mounted on slides .
The admiral frequently, on returning from his periodical cruises,
reports that he had great encounters with pirates, but they do not
appear to fear his prowess, as they are a most formidable and
numerous gang.
The military force is commanded by the Chamfoo ; it consists
of 5,000 men ; a muster takes place twice a year, when they are
exercised : the force is divided into five battalions, viz.—
The centre commanded by the Chamfoo or Colonel ; 1st rear
battalion by the lieutenant- colonel ; 2nd ditto, by ditto ; two wings
each by ditto. Each battalion has one captain, two lieutenants,
350 matchlockmen, 350 bowmen, 240 spearmen, and 40 gunners .
The colonel receives 120 dollars per month ; lieutenant-colonel
80 dollars ; captain 60 dollars ; and lieutenant 40 dollars . The
privates have very small pay, and receive one pound and a quarter
of rice per diem, and one jacket per annum. When not required
for duty, the privates are allowed to attend to their own business.
The municipal government is weak and inefficient, and may be
styled one of fraud ; and, in individual cases, of force. The autho-
rities could not quell a riot, and conflicts occur in the streets at-
tended with bloodshed . The strongest party receive bribes to re-
main quiet. A great difficulty presents itself in bringing the
authorities to a proper sense of their duty towards foreigners.
Amoy contains about 250,000 souls, the greater part of whom
are engaged in the coasting trade ; it is admirably situated for both
the foreign and native trade, having deep water within fifty yards
of the houses ; the junks lie in tiers, and extend for more than a
mile off the town. The streets are narrow, and in many places
filthy, and the houses indicate a place falling to decay. Mr. T.
Lay, Her Majesty's consul, said, that opium was ruining the city,
and " hamstringing the whole nation." The buildings at Amoy,
called Hachong, forming the establishment of the sub-prefect,
were so spacious as to furnish ample quarters for the whole of Her
Majesty's 65th regiment. The commandant's office near the
southern gate, was occupied by the sappers and miners ; the Admi-
ral's office in the citadel is an immense building, and was more than
sufficient for the 18th regiment and staff ; and near this was the
residence of the Rear Admiral of Formosa, a titular guardian and
Duke of the empire. Outside the fort is the intendant's office, and
near it a foundry. Large quantities of timber were seen in the
navy yard.
On our taking possession of Amoy, on the south side of the
island, upon which the city of Amoy stands, was a battery more
than 1,100 yards long, with a wall fourteen feet at the base,
mounting ninety guns : opposite this was another fort and battery
of forty-two guns ; and westward were several others. The long
battery was found to be a masterly piece of work, and would do
credit to European engineers. There were five arsenals with
large quantities of powder, and materials for making more ; a con-
siderable stock of gingals, matchlocks, varieties of fire-arms,
swords, bows and arrows, spears, shields, and military clothing.
There was also a foundry with moulds and materials for casting
ordnance. The guns captured by us on the 26th August, 1841,
without any nameable loss on our side, were on Amoy island 211,
on Kulungsoo 76, batteries south west side of bay 41 , Little
Gouve 15 .
Total mounted 343
Total not mounted 157
Of these 4 were 86 pounders, 2 of 48 lbs . , 6 of 34 lbs ., and one
24 pounder.
THE REVENUE AND TAXES OF AMOY.- The houses of the city
of Amoy are divided into eighteen districts, and over each is a
Tepoo, or head man, who registers the inhabitants, and is entrusted
with the peace and good order of his district ; the gates of each
street are shut at night. The houses are divided into three
classes ; the first class pay annually two dollars and a half, second
class one dollar and a half, third class one dollar : this tax is col-
lected by the Tepoos, and handed over to the Hai Fong. The recog
nized taxes are a house, poll and a land tax. The authorities
privately derive an income from many sources, which are most op-
pressive and extortionate, opium houses, gambling houses, and
licenses to foreign junks, or junks trading abroad ; the perversion
of justice is said to be one of the perquisites of office . The Chi-
nese always expressed the greatest astonishment, that no presents
were received after the recovery of their debts from English
AMOY.-Captain Gribble, the late consul, states, the morals ofthe
people are at the lowest possible ebb ; murder, robbery, and child-
murder, are most frequent, the latter fearfully so ; great pains
have been taken to ascertain the amount of child-murder per
annum, and from the best sources it appears to amount to 40 per
cent. of the females which are destroyed immediately after birth.
The common price of a girl of fourteen years of age, is from 80 to
120 dollars.
Dr. Gutzlaff, Chinese Secretary to the British Government, and
one of the best Chinese scholars, thus speaks of Amoy. " I was
shocked at the spectacle of a new-born babe, which shortly before
had been killed, and in answer to a question, the bystanders an-
swered ' it is only a girl." " On our occupation of Amoy, we
observed a house called a foundling hospital, and near it a pond
green with duck weed, in which were discovered the bodies of seve-
ral infants, sewed up in mats, which had been recently drowned.
It is a general custom in this district to drown female infants
immediately after birth ; even respectable families seldom take the
trouble, as they express themselves, to rear these useless girls :
the numerous emigration of the male population renders it proba-
ble, that their daughters would not be married, if permitted to
live ; they therefore select this as the shortest way to avoid rear-
ing them. The unnatural crime is so common among them, that
it is perpetrated without either feeling or remorse . Neither the
government, nor the moral sayings of their sages, have put a stop
to this infamous system. The birth of a boy is considered a most
fortunate event in a family, and no care is too great for him ; the
traffic in females is too disgusting to detail, the facts are revolting
to humanity.
Kulangsu is situated opposite to, and commands the town of
Amoy. The island is of an irregular oval form, stretching nearly
east and west, and is about two miles long, and nearly four in
circumference. It is naturally barren, but in several places care-
fully cultivated, and good water is procurable by digging only a
few feet from the surface. The geological formation is similar to
that of Hong Kong, viz., rotten granite, and red sandstone ; the
former predominating, and crumbling to the touch . The north-
east and eastern sides of the island are represented at all times most
unhealthy, but particularly during the south-west monsoon ; fever
and cholera prevail to an alarming extent. The only production
is the sweet potatoe . The inhabitants of Amoy and Kulangsu
are dependent on the neighbouring island of Formosa, for almost
all the necessaries of life. There is, however, an active native com-
merce ; no portion of China, of the same extent, can surpass the
natives, in wealth and enterprise . Their junks, which are distin-
guished from the junks of all other provinces by being painted
green at the bow, and are termed green heads, (the Canton junks
are called red-heads,) may be met with all along the coast of China.
Kulangsu is distinguished by a pile of rocks, forming its sum-
mit, of immense size and completely disintegrated . The most
remarkable things met with on the island are the tombstones of
some Englishmen, who appear to have been interred there upwards
of 150 years ago, the well-known characteristic custom of the Chi-
nese in paying respect to the dead, is here strikingly developed,
as the stones were a few years ago replaced, and their present ap-
pearance shews they are still attended to. An English captain of
one of the vessels at Amoy, received the epithet of " Old Mortality,"
from his praiseworthy endeavours to re-engrave the almost worn-
out inscriptions on these tombstones, and thus to preserve the
names of our enterprising countrymen, who perished in a foreign
a large entrepôt, and likely to continue so. The Native imports
from sea are :-Rice from Formosa in large quantities ; sugar
from ditto ; camphor from ditto ; and from Fuh-chow, alum and
cotton from Shanghai ; which is finer than the Indian ; the staple
is short, and the Bengal cotton is required to mix with it, although
in the north the native is preferred . The cotton arrives in
November and December ; grain, pulse, oil- cake, and a coarse
description of cotton goods are imported from the northern ports.
The foreign imports are, Bengal and Bombay cotton, (Bengal
preferred) English cotton goods of every description ; cotton yarn,
iron, lead, steel, betelnut ; liquid indigo from Manilla, pepper,
rattans, rice, and grain, beche-de-mer, sharks' fins, buffalo horns,
deers' ditto .
THE NATIVE EXPORTS OF AMOY, are camphor, sugar in tubs
from Formosa, and also from the large sugar district of Tehang
chow-foo, conveyed hence to Shanghai and the gulf of Ptche le.
Sugar candy of the finest quality and much cheaper than at Can-
ton. Earthenware to the straits of Malacca. Paper umbrellas
(25,000 in one ship) paper, joss paper, joss stick, &c. and a great
variety of sundries for the consumption of the Chinese settled at
other ports.
Amoy is within fifteen days porterage of the large congou tea
country, and is therefore well adapted for exporting that very ex-
tensive article of commerce.
Circulating medium. -doubloons, guilders, and many Spanish
and Dutch coins are in frequent use. The Spanish and Mexican
dollars, with the rupee, are the current coins.
The native superintendent of trade at Amoy made the following
representation to his government in July, 1844. "Amoy has
hitherto paid 90,000 taels per annum in Customs, which is one-
half of all the receipts throughout the whole province. But on
account of the disturbance of the barbarians, this sum has for
two years not been collected . It is therefore thought necessary,
notwithstanding the presence of the alien craft, under the present
financial pressure, to have the stipulated quota raised . The island
of Kulangsu is close to Amoy, and there is much intercourse with
the barbarians—if the barbarian eye does not restrain them, the
mandarins cannot remain in those places. The custom-house
that formerly existed at Kulangsu was removed, as it was appre-
hended, that traitorous natives would have commercial intercourse
with the barbarians and defraud the revenue ; since that time
matters have gone on well.
"Most of the large establishments have been ruined on account
of the war, and merchants who come from other provinces to Amoy,
cannot on account of the presence of the barbarians throw away
their fears, and this is the reason why the duties last year only
amounted to 34,000 taels. As Kulangsu will be restored to us, we
will make arrangements for levying the customs in the same man-
ner as of old.
" Paouchang, Tartar general of the Fuhchoo garrison and super-
intendent of customs, makes this representation to the Emperor."
Captain Gribble, one of the most intelligent and able consuls
we have had in China, and to whom I am indebted for a great
part of the preceding remarks, has also favoured me with the fol-
lowing observations. " There are a few causes which still interfere
with the English trade at the port of Amoy. The merchants there,
and at other places near it, have partners resident at Canton ;
these have established hongs or companies, and their known
stability enables them to obtain credit from the wealthy merchants
at Canton, who allow them to hypothecate goods, chargeable with
a small rate of interest per mensem, from to 1 per cent ; goods
are thus easily obtained ; the transit is moderate, and the Canton
merchant, who has advanced either the goods or the money to
purchase them, has his partner also on the coast, who retains the
lien till the advance is repaid. By the distribution of goods at a
greater number of ports, this system will eventually be superseded,
as the goods will be laid down cheaper than they can be procured
from Canton, and the Chinese merchant has only to turn his
capital in a new direction, to those vast territories which lie at a
distance from the great thoroughfare, and to the westward of the
Yangtzekang .
Secondly-the two great staples, tea and silk, are the principal
mode of remittance for English and foreign manufactures, and we
require a more intimate acquaintance with the Chinese, and to
penetrate farther into their country to investigate their internal
resources, and to procure some equivalent for manufactures which
are largely sought for, and which can be put into their hands at
a cheaper rate than their native products. This is very applicable
to Canton, Amoy, and Shanghai, which have the large manufac-
turing districts of Fahshan, Tchang chow foo, and Soochaw foo
at a short distance. Opium is taken in barter for tea at Canton,
and silk at Shanghai ; and it is sold in every part of Amoy ; the
boats ply as commonly as the ferry boats. It is carried through
the streets, and it is reported that the mandarins receive about
5d. sterling per ball. At Amoy the consumption is 150 chests
per month, at an average of £ 170 sterling per chest, and all is
purchased with ready money .
" There are two stations north of Amoy, one eighty miles distant,
Chin Chew from whence Fuh choo foo is supplied with cotton,
and cotton goods, and Chimmo forty miles to the south. The
demand at these stations for opium is larger than at Amoy. At
present there appears to be a drain for the money and silver from
Amoy to pay for opium."
THE province of Fookein, originally called the Ban country, is
bounded on the E., by the sea ; on the N., by the departments of
Funning and Kienning ; on the W., by Yungchun ; on the S., by
Hinghwa. It is the smallest, but most industrious, and, perhaps,
wealthy province in the empire ; being famed for its trade, fish-
eries, and navigation . The air is warm, pure, and healthy ; its
principal productions are, black tea, musk, precious stones, quick-
silver, iron, tin, silk, hemp, various fruits, including oranges, which
have the delicious flavour of Muscat grapes. The city of Fuhchoo,
the capital of the province, and of the department, stands about
thirty-five miles from the sea, on the banks of the river Min, in
lat. 26° 02′ 24″ N., E. long. 119° 25' . Five miles westward is
Pagoda Island, where the river re-unites with a branch that had
separated from it several miles above the city. There is a range
of hills and mountains, forming nearly an amphitheatre, distant
about four miles from the city, running from 1,000 to 5,000 feet,
highest range ; N.N.E. the river flows along the base of hills W.
to S. The plain around the city is about four miles wide, covered
with rice fields, and picturesquely interspersed with groves of trees
and farmhouses.
The city is about nine to ten miles in circumference, with a
castellated wall and gates, as at Amoy. The suburbs are as large
as the city, and both are commanded by a fortified hill in the city,
about 500 feet in elevation, with a watch-tower distant about one
mile from the hill, on which the British consul resides . The cele-
brated bridge of Fuhchoo bears from the consulate E.N.E. It is
erected on granite pillars across the river, where an island occurs ;
on one side the island there are thirty- six openings, and on the
other, nine. They cannot be called arches, being formed of huge
slabs laid from pillar to pillar, clamped together by bars of iron.
One half the bridge is covered with shops, somewhat after the
manner seen in pictures of Old London Bridge . The view from
this spot, of the city of Fuhchoo, with its varied elevations and
fantastic structures - the bold outline of mountains and wooded
heights -the winding river covered with numerous and gaily-
painted junks- the green rice fields, and the busy swarming popu-
lation, is probably not to be paralleled in any part of China.
The city within the walls is not inferior to any other I have
seen in China : it is very superior to Amoy ; has larger shops and
finer streets than Shanghai, and its main street, leading to the
residence of the viceroy, is better than any thoroughfare in Ningpo.
The houses are all good, comparatively, but the dwellings of the
high functionaries, although spacious, appear dirty, and much
The streets in the suburbs are narrow and dirty ; the houses one
and two stories high ; and crowded streets are filled with stalls, cook-
ing utensils, &c. The city is approached from the bridge through
a winding street of about two miles in length, along which there is
a constant stream of busy commerce. The shops of each trade,
as in other Chinese towns, are generally congregated ; not unfre-
quently ten or twelve may be seen in succession ; they are well
stocked with goods. There are few manufactures ; most of the
commodities dealt in being brought from Soochoo, Canton, and
other places .
Our consulate in the city, bears from our anchorage near the
bridge N. by W., about three miles distant, on a hill 400 feet high,
wooded, and commanding a view of the city, and of a plain four
miles wide, which extends from W. to S. The plain is covered with
rice, dotted with umbrageous trees, and occasionally a few houses ;
the centre of the hill commanding the city, is distant from the
consular hill about 1000 yards, S.S.W., and distant from the river
above bridge the same distance. Within the city is another lofty
hill, with a watch-tower, and the city wall along its slope, distant
about one mile, and bearing N.N.W. The city walls appear to be
six or seven miles in circumference. There is a range of moun-
tains and hills, forming nearly an amphitheatre, distant three to
five miles from the city, ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 feet, highest
range N.N.E.; river running along base of hills W. to S. The
lofty table-looking land, about 4000 feet high, distant at least ten
miles, bears from Consulate Hill, S.E. These notes of the bear-
ings were taken with a compass, furnished me by the hospitable
and intelligent British consul, Mr. Alcock.
The streets in the city are rather wider and better than those in
the suburbs ; one street of about a mile in length, leading from a
gate near the consulate to the viceroy's residence, is the widest street
I have seen in China ; the shops large and varied-with the usual
long sign-board in red or black lettering on gold or purple ground,
with an emblem of the shopkeeper painted at top or bottom of
board, such as a cap, boot, &c. As usual, several trades are found
together. There are more women in the streets than I have seen
elsewhere, and, from infancy to extreme age, the head is tastefully
decorated with various flowers . The dress of the peasant girls
who ply with vegetables, fruit, flowers, and water, is very neat ;
the hair is gathered in a knot on the top, adorned with flowers,
sometimes worn only on one side of the head, sometimes on both,
sometimes on the crown. White and red preferred . Large ear-
rings ; a small collar ; a close tunic, of blue, with short tucked- up
sleeves ; a small white apron, and short trousers nearly reach-
ing to the knee, to which the tunic does not reach. The girdle
at the waist tight drawn, and giving a good form to the body.
The countenance olive- coloured, frank, and expressive of indepen-
dence, certainly prettier than any other I have seen in China ;
their gait bold and free ; large feet and well-formed legs, with
stout calves. Teeth good, and a laughing face : altogether they
are pretty, buxom, interesting wenches, and, if white, would be
admired in any town in England. I saw no men who could be
considered the counterpart of these women ; the shop-keepers are
of a pale, flabby appearance ; the peasants are short, stout, bronzed ,
and rough-looking.
The river Min is bounded by high and bold hills on each side,
and has been not inaptly termed the Switzerland of China. The
anchorage is in lat. 26° 6' N. , long. 119° 53′ E. Westward is
Pagoda Island, beyond which the river reunites with a branch that
had separated from it several miles above the city. The branches
extend over half the province . As much interest is felt with re-
gard to Fuhchoo, and our reception there, the following remarks
are transcribed from my rough note-book, as written on the spot
during my visit to the city in May, 1845 .
Wednesday, 28th May, 1845. -Hon . Co.'s steamer, Medusa,
Lieut. Hewitt, at nine A.M., in sight of the island of " Ocksew."-
Up at four A.M. enjoying the freshness of the morning.-Passed
several fishing vessels, their masts down, and their frail barks at
anchor, ten to fifteen miles from land, in twenty fathoms, fishing
by line and trawl.-Temperature delightful : fresh breeze all day.
At 11.30 P.M. , anchored off the Dog Islands, within twenty
miles of the entrance of the Min River, leading to Fuh-choo .
Found here Her Majesty's ship, " Iris," Captain Rodney Munday,
having on board the Honourable General D'Aguilar, Lord Coch-
rane, and Captain Charles D'Aguilar, returning from Chusan.-
Snug anchorage off White Dog Islands, in the north-east monsoon.
Thursday, 29th May, 1845. -Eight A.M., up steam with Gene-
ral D'Aguilar, Lord Cochrane, Captain Munday, and Captain
D'Aguilar, for the Min river. An extensive bank runs off the
Min, to the White Dog Islands. The land is high, rugged, with
but little verdure. Here and there patches of cultivation and
clumps of fir trees. There are two entrances to the Min, one is
said to be only adapted for boats. Tide strong against us. At
11.30 A.M. entered the Min : banks high-ranging from 500 to
3000 feet. About five miles from the embouchure, twenty miles
from " White Dogs," Wou-fou-mun pass narrows with an elbow to
about 550 yards, with seventeen fathoms of water, in other places
river one to one and a half mile wide. From Wou-fou-mun pass
to Pagoda reach about fifteen miles, three to twenty fathoms- river
winding. One rock has only two and a quarter fathoms ; fifty
-vessels might lie at anchor off Pagoda. The left bank more lofty
and precipitous than the right, a range of hills gradually in-
creasing into mountains rising along the river bank, sometimes
close to the water, and as we approached Fuhchoo, at a distance of
one to two miles, with an intervening slip of alluvial ground, appa-
rently recovered from the river, and covered with rice. Several
forts, but nearly all in ruins, crown different crests and heights .
They are principally situated on the left bank, and if properly
constructed and manned, would render the passage of the Min
impassable. The soundings are very varied, frequently and sud-
denly ranging from two feet to two fathoms. The " Medusa"
although only drawing 4 feet was several times aground, but
backed off, sounded for deeper water and again pushed ahead,
under her excellent commander, Lieutenant Hewett, Indian
Navy. As we ascended the stream, the mountains on either shore
became more lofty and precipitous ; assuming the form of gigantic
walls with buttresses, and deeply serrated. One remarkable moun-
tain about 3000 feet on the right bank, has a tabular form with
three deeply-crested ridges .
Cultivation in the proper season appears to be carried by
terraces some distance up the mountains ; which are generally bare,
with a crumpled face, a piebald, or white and brown hue, present-
ing a rude and somewhat barbarous, uninviting aspect.
Several half fishing, half agricultural villages along the river
bank, but by no means thickly populated . The people everywhere
stared with astonishment.
About midday, low water, seabreeze set in strong.
After grounding several times, but never for more than a
few minutes, anchored off the long bridge at Fuhchoo in three
fathoms at 5 P.M. Not many junks in the river. Most of them
laden with Chinese wood and timber piled on the vessels, and
lashed in large rafts on either side.
Fired a gun to announce our arrival to Mr. Consul Alcock , whose
residence is on a wooded hill in the city. Small wooden shed on
the river bank, where Mr. Consul Lay resided, opposite our an-
chorage. Most discreditable that any British functionary, how-
ever low his rank, would allow himself to be located in such a
wretched spot. Such proceedings are calculated to affect our
character with the Chinese.
A canoe with four Loochoo men came alongside to satisfy their
curiosity. They are a different looking people from the Chinese,
have more of an aboriginal or untamed appearance. The cheek-
bones high, the head better formed, and the complexion darker
than the Chinese. They do not shave their foreheads like the
Chinese, but tie their stiff, wiry, black hair in a knot on the top
of the head, where it is secured by long gold pins, like bodkins.
They have no beard or whiskers, a few scattered hairs on the chin.
Their astonishment was very great. Many boats around us for
curiosity -all the women, young and old, have artificial flowers
in their hair. They are fairer than the people of Canton, and a
little more expression in their countenances. The people do not
understand a word of the Canton dialect, but as the written cha-
racter is the same throughout China, and as every person, however
poor or ragged, reads and writes, we communicated by writing
through our Canton domestics.
At 6 P.M. General D'Aguilar and suite went on shore to pro-
ceed to British consulate, three miles distant. Mr. Alcock had sent
four chairs to the wharf, but no interpreter or official messenger.
On arriving at the city gates it was past sun-set, and the Tartar
officer refused to open the gates ; after remaining there in their
chairs nearly two hours, General D'Aguilar and suite returned to the
" Medusa." When the General and suite were at the city gates,
great crowds collected round them, some leaped on the chairs,
others tried to expose the persons inside to their view by opening
the hanging fronts, there was not the slighest respect or decency
of demeanour in the people. It was rude and uncivil in the
Friday, 30th of May, 1845. - General and suite went on shore
at daylight to the consulate. At noon Lieutenant Hewitt, Dr.
Bankhead of the " Iris," Mr. Glenn a merchant, and myself,
went on shore to the consulate. Chairs were plying for hire on
the bridge. I got into one ; my companions walked before me.
Crowds came out of their shops to see us, many followed through
the streets, shouting " fanyoung," which seems a substitute for the
"fanqui " (white devil) of Canton. Apiece of brick fell off Lieutenant
Hewitt's umbrella, which had been thrown at him. The sun was in-
tensely hot. After three miles walk reached the consulate on a hill.
On returning in the evening (Dr. Bankhead, Mr. Glenn, and
myself) , crowds followed us, pushing against us- exceedingly rude
-very ready for mischief-one of them tore a button from my
coat, and then escaped among the crowd.
When Lieutenant Hewitt was returning about half past seven
home along the bridge, a man leaped on his shoulders, and grasped
his epaulet ; Lieutenant Hewitt shook him off, dealt him a severe
blow, recovered his cap, which had fallen off in the scuffle, and then
made his way to the ship, which he was within sight, and hail.
The ruffian tore away some of the bullion from the epaulet.
When the officers of the " Iris " were passing peaceably through
the streets last week they were pelted and mobbed ; and about a
fortnight since, when Mr. Harry Parkes, the interpreter, was out
walking, he was met by a number of Tartars, who insulted him,
pushed some of their comrades violently against him, although he
is a boy in size and appearance, but probably by his being enabled
to address them in their own language he was enabled to return
unmolested . Lieutenant Hewitt's cockswain, a steady man, was pro-
ceeding to-day to the consulate in charge of 4,000 dollars, and on
getting out of the chair he was in, to look after the money, mud
and stones were flung at him, by some of which he was struck on
the face and head.
The day Mr. Alcock landed and occupied the consulate, crowds
collected round the house, and commenced pelting stones ; Mr.
Alcock sent for the prefect of the city, and the magistrates having
brought some police, cleared the grounds of the mob.
Saturday, May 31.- Accompanied the General and suite, and
Mr. Alcock, to-day, on ceremonial visits to Lew-yun-ko, viceroy of
Fokien, and of the adjacent province, to King-muh, the Tartar ge-
neral of the province, and to Sew-ke-yu, late treasurer, but now
officiating governor ofthe province .
On arriving at viceroy's, we were purposely stopped at the outer
court, and had to walk some distance through the rabble, and in
the sun, to get to the residence, which has the appearance of a large
barn, with rudely painted roofs, and a few paper and silk lanterns
hanging around. We were first ushered into a mean looking
waiting room, where no one received us, and thence to another
equally mean apartment, with but one window, no matting, car-
petting, or adornment of any kind. The viceroy's manner was as
usual studied . He did not sit on the " dais," or elevated seat,
with the general beside him, but on a chair at the opposite side of
the room, which was as hot as an oven, and soon obliged the vice-
roy and three official mandarins to use fans, but none were offered
to us.
The viceroy is fifty-one years of age, of large frame, and with
some Tartar blood manifested in his countenance. High cheek-
bones, well fleshed, large head, with the upper part or coronal
sloping to a ridge.* In order to show the footing on which we were
received, his dress was of the plainest character ; large black satin
boots, a long white garment, reaching the knees, then another of
drab silk, and then another of dark coloured silk. No insignia of
The personal appearance of a mandarin named Woo, at Canton, will serve for
many other officials in China. I noted the following while sitting opposite to him.
Stature, five feet eight inches ; form, bulky, and without any defined outline ; age,
about forty ; head, large ; neck, bull-shaped ; face, sensual ; forehead, high and narrow ;
comparative organ , full ; causation, small ; form and locality, marked ; pride, well deve-
loped ; animal region, excessive ; eyes, small, black, and inward angularity ; eyebrows,
high on the forehead and close ; cheek-bones, high and well fleshed ; ears, long, thick,
and pendulous ; nose, fat, shapeless, and truncated ; mouth, formless ; lips, thick ; chin,
round and beardless ; no whiskers ; hands, moderate in size, and fatty ; voice coarse ;
manners cold, and occasionally abrupt, or guardedly contemptuous.
x 2
rank whatever. In this manner the Chinese mark the esteem or
respect they have for their guests. Whenever they wish to receive
a guest with honour, they dress themselves in their official cos-
tumes, or in handsome flowered garments . After a few questions
from the general, the viceroy was made acquainted with the insults
we had received. He professed astonishment, and enquired whe-
ther it was at Canton or at Foochoo . This was a ruse, or else two
of the city magistrates of rank, there seated with us, and who had
visited the consulate yesterday, and were made acquainted with the
transaction by the consul, had never reported it to the viceroy.
When the viceroy found that we were not disposed to take in-
sult and outrage quietly-and that his endeavours to " pooh,
pooh" it were ineffectual, he assumed a serious aspect, spoke to
the city magistrate then present- and turning to the consul,
said " If your people land without our knowledge we cannot be
answerable ; but if you will give notice whenever any English-
men wish to land , I will cause them to be attended by police."
This was contrary to the treaty, as we were to have perfect security
and free ingress, without being guarded and watched by police spies.
The viceroy said he would issue a proclamation to the people
calling on them to respect us, and not to annoy or molest us
when walking through the streets-that we were now at peace and
ought to be one people. He said he would be glad to see trade
established, for while other viceroys were sending custom duties to
Peking, he had none to remit. He admired the general's cocked
hat and feathers,-examined the aigulet worn on the right
shoulder, and evinced considerable curiosity. He then wished
us to proceed into another apartment, where an entertainment
was spread for us . To this we objected, lest he would not
have accompanied us. The general said he was pressed for time,
as he had two more visits to make. The viceroy then hoped we
would take a cup of wine with him. To this we could not object.
Hot " samshoo" was then brought in- with two small saucers for
each person, one containing thin fried slices of bacon, the other a
sweet, like candied citron. Healths were pledged around, some ofthe
mandarins held also a piece of bacon out on the small two pronged
silver forks towards us-after the manner they do their wine
cups, and which is an invitation to eat. Apparently great cor-
diality prevailed, and the stiff constrained manner at first mani-
fest, was diminished . The viceroy was invited to visit the
steamer. He said, had we been stopping a few days he would
do so with great pleasure, but at present as we were leaving to-
morrow morning it would be impossible,-he being then very
busy, but on the next occasion of a steamer coming up, he
would avail himself of our polite offer. We then retired , -the
viceroy accompanying us farther from his chamber than the place at
which he received us, -the chairs were removed to the inner court,
so that we had not so far to walk in the sun. The dwelling of the
viceroy is a wretched building. No art or taste displayed,-it is
filthy, gloomy-looking-and the grass growing in the court yard
(if it can be dignified with that name), while rubbish and filth
abound. Several large trees still form part of a fine avenue.
We next proceeded to the Tartar general or commander of the
forces, distant about a mile from the viceroy's- in another quarter
of the city. When approaching-a large gong was struck by
some person in our rear. The Tartar residence as usual had a
pallisading and gates-in three successive courts,-within each of
which there were some rude looking wooden buildings-as dwel-
lings for the Tartars. The yards were paved, and grass growing
up through the paving. A few large trees imperfectly imitated
an avenue. On arriving at the principal gate it was closed pur-
posely, and our chairs were stopped outside, and we were obliged
to walk on foot through a side gate. No guns of salute were
fired,—(as when I visited the Toutie at Shanghai) , and only a few
domestics received us. While walking up the long yard in the sun
I mentioned to the General and to Mr. Parkes that our reception
was insulting. At the residence we were shown into a sort of
porter's lodge- and there saw two Mandarins of inferior rank-
whom the General had met at Amoy, and whose personal beha-
viour was civil ; they were apparently glad at seeing us. We
were then led up a side passage to the hall- but instead of being
shown into a central apartment, we were conducted into a narrow,
mean-looking, small apartment, where the Tartar general received
us . At first he would not sit down with us until he saw we re-
fused to sit and then with an ill grace he sat down. He is a
man about fifty-eight years of age, rather short stature, feeble ex-
pression of countenance, small, cunning eyes, and a disagreeable
tout ensemble. His dress was as mean as possible-in order to
mark his appreciation of us . On being seated-instead of addres-
sing himself to the general, he looked towards Mr. Alcock and
said in a sneering tone, and with a malicious manner, "I suppose
you have nothing to do, for I hear you are engaged in drawing .”
This or any other accomplishment is not esteemed as a gentle-
manly art, and the design of the observation was evident. Mr.
Alcock, who draws or rather pencils with good taste, had been re-
cently making some sketches of some of the inferior Mandarins.
The Tartar at first scarcely deigned to reply to any observations.
The General put several questions, to which the Tartar replied that
there were about 2,000 Tartar soldiers-that they assembled at
stated periods for drill,—that their next meeting would be in half
a moon- and that if we were here then we might see them.
There was a table in the centre of the room , and while the conver-
sation was going on, there were placed with some taste several
sorts of sweetmeats, fruits, and cakes. These we were invited to par-
take of and I asked, would not the Tartar general do so ? This he
declined, and said he hoped we would excuse his retiring. General
D'Aguilar was about to sit down, and had taken a nut or small
fruit off one of the piled heaps, which he commenced eating,
when I begged him not to sit down or partake of anything what-
ever, as the Tartar general was designedly insulting us by re-
fusing to sit down with us. The General and Mr. Alcock then
refused to sit down, said they were pressed for time, and begged
to be excused taking anything. We then retired, and had to pass
out at the side entrances, the sun pouring nearly vertical rays on
General D'Aguilar and the consul, who behaved with great courtesy
and kindness-which were not at all appreciated.
We departed, as we came, without any mark of respect. We
next proceeded to the lieutenant-governor's, which is in the neigh-
bourhood of the viceroy's. Here also we were obliged to get out
of our chairs outside the dwelling, and pass through side en-
trances, walking in a burning sun.
At this mansion we were shown into a better apartment than
at either of the other dwellings ; but still a mere side office of the
residence. After a few compliments, and refusal to partake of an
entertainment laid out in another room, we retired . Several
women and children were in one of the courts gazing at us. As
we passed through the streets of the city, they were everywhere
lined two to four deep gazing at us, with staring eyes, mouths
wide open- and with all possible varieties of astonished counte-
nances . No language would convey the wonderment which these
usually automaton faces manifested . There were seven palanquins
each at a little distance from the other, and the people had time
to make their remarks.
Mr. Alcock says he thinks, and has indeed satisfied himself, that
"tea may be procured here twenty-five per cent cheaper than at
Canton"-that " there is no bullion to pay for British goods, but
any quantity of tea may be obtained"-that the " Mandarins treat
everything with nonchalance"-that " every junk meeting another
weaker than itself, becomes a pirate" -and that " Fuhchoo is no
use as a political station." " It is a timber port."
Mr. Harry Parkes, who is intelligent far beyond his years, says,
"there are no manufactures-banking system general,-bank
notes from 400 cash upwards, some bankers deal on credit,
issue more notes than they can meet with bullion, and fail.'
He says the " Mandarins pretend friendship, but hate us,-
they use all sorts of duplicity-and not a word they say
can be believed . Does not agree in the high opinion ex-
pressed of Keying-thinks him very artful. In state papers
transmitted to Peking, the truth regarding us is never stated ;
they seem to take a delight in deception ; and the people would
treat us well but for their instigation. The Fokiens hate the
Cantonese, (whose language they do not understand) ; if a Fokien
be struck, he will say, ' two can play at that game.'
There are no beasts of burthen to convey goods to market from
the interior, but multitudes of men and women crowd every
thoroughfare leading to the city, with their ponderous burthens of
fish and vegetables, consisting of sweet potatoes, cucumbers, (nearly
two feet in length), water melons, french beans, (with pods from
ten to sixteen inches long) , garlic, onions, turnips (very large), car-
rots, sea kale, cabbage, (in immense quantities) , peas, lupins, (very
large) radishes white and red, &c. The supply of fish is large in
quantity, but there are few varieties of delicate fish ; the turtle
is plentiful, and much esteemed ; crabs are of prodigious size :
the climate compels the pickling of fish, so that the markets are
not well supplied with fresh-caught fish.
Flesh is very little consumed by the working classes ; beef is
inferior, goat-flesh very common and in general use ; pork excel-
lent, and in great abundance ; dogs or cats, as eatable commo-
dities, do not appear in the public markets. Of fruits the quantity
is very great, and a large trade is carried on in them preserved.
Fuhchoo is celebrated for " lichees ;" grapes are very abund-
ant, but inferior to those of the Cape of Good Hope, owing pro-
bably to the want of care in the training and cultivation. The
neglect of enclosing their gardens " and the great aptitude the
Chinese have of gratifying their taste at their neighbour's ex-
pense," prevents many fruits being left to ripen on the trees.
Fuhchoo-foo possesses some valuable hot sulphureous springs,
which are represented to be equal to those of Aix la Chapelle ;
one nearly at boiling heat, is without taste or odour. It has been
remarked that the natives are more free from cutaneous disorders
than in most other parts of China. The hot spring is made use of
to wash clothes, for which it is well adapted, and the very ex-
pensive price of fuel, in Fuhchoo, compels the poor to take advan-
tage of the hot springs.
The neighbourhood is celebrated for the manufacture of China-
ware, five hundred ovens may be seen constantly at work. No
place in China can produce such good specimens of ware, although
it is made in Fokien and Kwang-tung, (Canton), but they have
failed to rival the productions of Fuhchoo, which are however of
higher price. The wood used in burning the ware is brought
upwards of 300 miles, and both labour and provisions are ex-
tremely dear, so that other places more advantageously situated,
in this respect, have become successful rivals by supplying it at a
lower price .
The cotton of Fokien and of China generally is very fine, but
that which is met with at Fuhchoo is particularly good . Their
fabrics are coarser than those imported, but they wear much
longer ; and the brilliancy of their blue dye is well known . On
these accounts the poorer classes prefer their own manufacture,
though the want of machinery makes it dearer.
Money is said to be at some periods very scarce, as the notes
issued do not circulate beyond the district, and are only for small
sums. The average sale of opium is said to be three chests per
day, at an average price of 800 dollars a chest, which is always
paid for in silver. This proves, however , that there must be a
floating capital to no small amount ; the more that is paid for a
luxury the less there will be for necessary articles .
Her Majesty's consul at Fuhchoo thought it possible to procure
teas direct from the Bohea Hills, instead of bringing them over-
land to Canton. The consul thus writes, " I have assurance from
more than one source, that tea can be sent here from the districts
where it is grown, with so great facility and a moderate degree of
risk, as to remove the apprehension of either difficulty or danger,
offering any serious impediment, and at a cost altogether trifling,
compared with the expense of carriage of its transport to Canton.
The difference in the expense of carriage is of itself sufficient to
make a large diminution in the price of tea to the English mer-
chant. As to the feelings of the first producers, and the tea mer-
chants in the interior, my informant expresses not only the
anxious desire of his own firm, but that of the tea growers, to ob-
tain a market here in preference to Canton."
According to Mr. Lindsey, the principal trade at this port ap-
pears to be carried on withthe neighbouring province of Che-
keang. Wood and timber of every description constitute the
principal articles of trade. Tobacco is exported in large quanti-
ties : Mr. Lindsay, with some difficulty, ascertained the shop
prices of cotton and woollen goods :-
Camlets • per chang, 4 and 5 dollars ;
Superfine broad- cloths دو 9 19 10 "9
Calicoes . per piece, 9 "" 12 ""
Long ells "" 10 "" 14 دو
Iron . per pecul, 2 وو
English camlets per piece , 56 ""
Dutch ditto "" 70
Public expectation was disposed to think rather favourably of
Fuhchoo-foo, the capital of a province containing nearly as many
inhabitants as Great Britain, and occupying a larger territory,—a
port which the Chinese authorities had opened with great reluct-
ance to foreigners, and as it is in the immediate vicinity of the
black-tea district, many were led to anticipate that the foreign
commerce would find a ready market ; these hopes have not
hitherto been realized . It is difficult to be accounted for : some
say the artificial wants of the Chinese are not numerous, nor have
they yet appreciated many of the enjoyments or amusements of
social life, which at all times tend to create and multiply real or
imaginary wants ; but our exclusion from the interior, and our
restricted intercourse with the people, constitute one of the most
formidable barriers to an extended commerce. But, amongst a
population of nearly half a million of people, in an industrious and
well situated city, nine miles in circumference, which has a large
trade with the northern and southern coast and the interior,
failure of trade can never arise from the deficiency of the ele-
ments which constitute the true basis of commerce, as the returns
are on the spot.
It has been truly remarked, that Fuhchoo-foo, of all the five
ports, should be least dependant upon silver as a return for English
goods . There is on the spot the great staple article of export, and
the only one for which the demand is steady and regular- Tea.
About seventy miles from the city, is the central depôt of the
great black-tea, or Bohea, hills, from whence the tea can be sent
down to the ship's-side in four days, at an expense considerably
less than that which is now paid for its transit to Canton ; proba-
bly twenty-five per cent. cheaper. Sugar is grown in the neigh-
bourhood of Fuhchoo for home consumption, but the refining pro-
cess is not well understood. Within six miles of the city, are
extensive lead mines ; the price, per pecul of eighty pounds, was
last year only five dollars.
In Straits produce, including the Indian Archipelago, much
trade might be done, as there is a large and increasing consump-
tion of their products, and our freights are considerably lower than
that of the Chinese junks. The trade with Loochoo is annually
increasing ; numerous junks come every year, with 5,000 to
10,000 dollars in gold, to purchase foreign goods, which are princi-
pally for Japan. The best proof that can be given of the proba-
bility of a trade existing, is that there are not less than 1,000
junks annually engaged in trade.
Freight- Fuhchoo to Amoy costs 13 dollars a pecul : sixteen
peculs to a ton ; hemp, 10 dollars a pecul ; round buttons, 20 cash
each ; sugar, 5 dollars a pecul ; pork, per pound, 100 cash, or to
of a tael ; rice, per stone, seldom costs less than 2 taels.
The following prices were noted in 1844 at Fuhchoo : the im-
port prices refers to the purchase or sale of one or two pieces, and
not to bales .
Long cloth, bleached 4, 25 dollars,
دو grey 3,75
American drills, grey 4,
دو domestics 3, 50
Chintz . 3, 50
Long ells . 8, 25
Cotton twist, N. 18 to 32 30, -
Pepper · 6, 50
Rattans 4, 20
T. M. C.
TEA, No. 1- Pah-koo . • 120 0 0
"" "" 1-Ming Choong • • 80 0 0
دو1- Seu Poi . 27 5 0
T. M. C.
TEA, No. 1 - Hong Mooey • 18 5 0
99 99 2- Ditto . 18 5 0
Tae-pooey 20 0 0
Hong-foo 17 0 0
Sook -lay 8 4 0
SUGAR, No. 1, 5 3 0
دو "" 4 4 0
"" "" 3, 4 3 0
"" 39 4, • 4 2 5
وو ,, 5. 4 2 0
Alum, 1 50 dollars,
Camphor, 18 dollars.
Captain Rodney Mundy, of Her Majesty's Ship " Iris," in order
to test the facilities for inland conveyance, sent a letter from Fuh-
choo to our consul at Ningpo, by a special courier, who performed
the journey in ten days-of which he travelled eight by land, and
two by water- and for which he received 10,000 cash. The same
returned to Fuhchoo in twelve days. Letters are sent by the
consul at Fuhchoo to Amoy in four days by special courier at a
charge of 1,800 cash ( 1,300 cash to the dollar) for the journey.
They may be sent cheaper by not requiring so short an interval of
Ningpo, in latitude 29° 54° north, longitude 121 ° 52′ 30″ east,
is situated on the banks of the river Takia, the principal of the
rivers, which have here their confluence with the sea. The chan-
nel for entering this river is between some small islands on the
eastern point, having on the bar from three to three and a half
fathoms of water, and at the anchorage from five to six. The
mouth of the river is only nine leagues distant from Chusan har-
bour. Ningpo is one of the first-class cities of the province of
Chekeang, which reckons eighty-nine cities and large towns ; its
population is 26,256,784, with an area of 25,056,000 English acres,
or 536 individuals to the square mile.
The present appearance of Ningpo proves that it was formerly
an extensive place of commerce, and had probably a large trade
with the Spaniards ; when we took possession of it the people
called our sepoys , " Manilla men .'"" The city is encompassed
within a wall six miles in circumference, but in a wretched state
for defence ; it is entered by six gates, and is incapable of any re-
sistance to an European army. Some of the streets are well laid
out with good shops, and at night look well when lit with large
The vast plain of Ningpo is a magnificent amphitheatre, stretch-
ing for nearly sixteen miles on the one side to the base of the
distant hills, and on the other to the verge of the ocean. To the
north west, south, and south-east, are seen innumerable canals and
water-courses, every patch of ground cultivated, comfortable farm-
houses, family residences, villages, and tombs. On the opposite
direction the land-scenery is similar to that described , but the
river appears to be literally covered with boats and human
The height of the city walls is about twenty-five feet, exclusive of
the parapet, which is nearly five feet ; the width at the top is fif-
teen feet, and the base twenty-two. The materials of the wall ap-
pear to be solid, and where not dilapidated is very substantial ma-
sonry. There are six gates in the wall ; five are situated at the four
cardinal points, there being two on the eastern face. In addition to
these principal gates, there is near the south and west gates, a
water-gate, or small sally port, used for the ingress and egress of
boats, that ply about the city canals . Bridge- gate, so called from
a floating bridge, about two-hundred yards long, and nearly six
yards broad, is formed of timber lashed together and laid upon
lighters, of which there are seventeen linked close together with
iron chains it is the only communication with a populous suburb.
The six principal gates are double, and each inner gate is sup-
ported by an outer one, which is twenty-five yards distant from it .
The line of wall that runs off from the one side of the inner gate
towards the outer, is the leading wall, which having described a
section of a parallelogram, meets the inner gate at the other side.
Over each gateway, whether inner or outer, a guard-house is
raised, and generally two stories high. At present these stations
are unoccupied : from the wall the scenery is good. There is a
moat of considerable extent, which almost encircles the city. It is
calculated at 2142 chang, which is about three miles long, some
parts very deep, and varies in width from thirty to forty yards, is
well supplied with water, and is daily navigated by small boats.
Chinhoe citadel and town is at the entrance of the Ningpo river,
and about thirteen miles from the city ; it is on a commanding
height, was well protected by forts, walls, cannon, and possessed
several large armouries, foundries, &c. , filled with guns, musketry,
swords, pikes, powder, &c. ; yet its garrison of 15,000 men was
routed in a few hours by our troops and seamen, amounting to
about 1,500 men.
The situation is very beautiful, and the scenery around charm-
ing. Along the river-banks are ice-houses of a lofty size, with high
gable roofs, lightly thatched to permit ventilation. From these
ice ware-houses, the fishing junks are largely and economically
There are some large buildings at Ningpo ; an hexagonal
tower 150 feet high, and one temple in particular of vast size,
with numerous columns and splendid ceilings varnished in gold
and silver hues . An elegant arch or screen of exquisitely carved
style, attracted my notice. The elephants engraved thereon were
well executed, but the art displayed was said not now to be mani-
fested in China ; the date was about 400 years old. The city is
said to contain 200,000 or 300,000 inhabitants.
At Ningpo an attempt has been made to collect some informa-
tion on population . The heads of 293 families had 660 children
living, of whom 357 were boys, and 303 were girls ; 369 persons
had 637 brothers, and 427 sisters. Of 300 men above twenty
years of age, 36 were unmarried, and only two of those were prac-
tical polygamists ; these enquiries were made amongst the poorest
classes . It is seldom that families have more than four children,
the largest in the list had six. There appears to be less mortality
among children in China, than in England or the United States.
The people of Ningpo are very indignant at being charged with
infanticide, yet with one voice charge the crime on the people of
Fookien, and the inhabitants of the northern part of the Canton
The Missionaries, English and American, at Ningpo, as well as
in other parts of China have done great good. An English lady-
a Miss Aldersey- has settled for life at Ningpo as a missionary, and
is doing much good.
The missionary hospital at Ningpo was opened in November
1843. During the first three months 650 patients received sur-
gical treatment. The building, which is in the business part of
the city, was freely given for that purpose by a native merchant.
It has daily gained confidence and esteem from the inhabitants.
It was at first only attended by the poor, but in a few months the
hospital was surrounded with grandees in their sedans. The
missionaries only profess to cure complaints of the eyes, which
are very general, particularly entropium, or turning in of the lid
so as to rub the cornea, which is thought to proceed frompoor diet,
as some wholly live on fish and green vegetables. Next to ophthal-
mic complaints, those of the skin are most frequent, and by no
means confined to the poor.
EARLY FOREIGN TRADE AT NINGPO.-A native work published
by imperial authority about fifty years ago, gives a brief sketch
of foreign intercourse, both at Tinghai and Ningpo . The writer
of this history purposes to give the transactions of the period 1695,
and states that the grace and dignity of imperial majesty having
diffused itself far and wide, the ships of foreigners arrived in a
line of unbroken succession : that foreign goods were lightly taxed,
to encourage them . It was then decreed that the annual tax from
English imports should amount to 10,000 taels of silver. The
writer states that the Hungmaw is the Yingkweili (English nation) ;
its people are of two species, white and black. The white consti-
tutes the honourable class, the black the inferior. Their ships
are built of double plank, they are different from Chinese boats,
and they sail against the wind.
All efforts failed this year to open a custom house at Tinghai,
for the accommodation of foreigners, and the board of revenue or-
dered that deputies do attend then from Ningpo, to collect the
duties. In the 37th of the same Emperor's reign, A.D. 1699, the
hoppo reported that the " bay of Tinghae (Chusan) was much
better suited for foreign trade than Ningpo ;" and it appears that
consent was obtained from the board of revenue to open trade ; in
1701 two English ships arrived, and in the eighth month two more
ships. It appears trade was going on most prosperously, but the
Ningpo people got jealous of their neighbours, and squabbling
with each other constantly, when the trade was checked, and the
factory was dissolved in 1703.
The commerce of Ningpo is now very active among the
Chinese themselves. About 670 junks come annually to this
port from Shantung, and Leautung, which bring oil of teuss (peas)
green and yellow ; brandy, pears, chesnuts, felt caps, cloth and
cordage of different kinds, hams, salt meat, vegetables, stag horns,
medicine and drugs, wheat, flour, oil, and sauce of humps, paste
of green peas, nuts, barley, seeds of the water melon, oil of the
fruit tree kin, (black) oil of the pea of Suchoo, a fruit called the
fleshy date, a grain known as paomi, horns of animals, rice, a
species of silk called kin chou, and the grain of the nuan-mi,
kanliang, &c. From Fookein and Hainan, about 560 junks arrive
with sugar, alum, pepper, black tea, iron, wood, indigo (both dry
and liquid) salt fish, rice, dye woods and fruits : from Canton about
twenty-five junks with sugar candy, cotton, and articles as above.
From the straits of Malacca, and the adjacent isles of Jolo,
some ships come annually with cargoes of Straits produce, which
is the same as that of the Phillipines : these are called ships of
the west, some years as many as ten, in other years only one or
two : during the year 1844 none arrived.
From the interior, by rivers and canals nearly 4,000 small ves-
sels arrive annually ; from Ningpo, large quantities of wood and
charcoal are sent to Shanghai, which return a profit of 25 per
cent ; it is said that in the Archipelago of Chusan, distance only
twenty-four miles from Chinho, more than 20,000 people are
employed catching and preserving fish. The vessels thus employed
belong to natives of Ningpo, and are generally the property of
a family, or small company, ten or fifteen persons uniting to
purchase the cargo.
The trade of Shantung and Leautung, which supports Ningpo,
is annually on the decline-and well informed parties attribute
the decline to the increasing prosperity of Singapore, which being
a free port, has at all times a large stock of European
goods, and the products of the Red and Persian Seas, the Straits
of Malacca, and other adjoining countries. There is an annual
increase of the vessels, which come from Teintsin and other ports
of the empire, to supply themselves from first hands. The vast
exportation of silver, which is constantly made from the northern
provinces to meet the imports of opium, diminishes they say the
demand for various articles of luxury, as well as the capability
of purchasing many of the conveniencies and necessaries of life.
The native productions of Ningpo have been sensibly affected
since the opening of the ports ; a piece of white long cloth
(called Nankin) which six years ago sold for six dollars, can
now be purchased for three dollars and a half. So that the
direct importation of similar goods to their own manufactures
has already thrown many looms idle. Besides the importation
here, and still more into Shanghai, of Straits' produce in Euro-
pean ships, direct from Java and Manilla, Singapore, must have a
tendency to reduce Ningpo from the character of an emporium.
Ningpo can maintain its position by becoming a port for the
export of tea, and import of silks. It is also within several
days' journey less to the green-tea country than Shanghai, avoid-
ing one inland custom house, by which there would be a saving
of one tael of silver or more per pecul.
The vessels of the N. E. coast carry to Shantung, Leautung,
&c. , tobacco, porcelain of Fookien and Canton, preserved oranges,
honey, wood for building, cane, roots, sugar candy, white and
brown sugar, alum, European goods, opium, native cotton, cloth
(white and blue), wax, white lead, sapan wood, chop - sticks, silver
and gilt paper for burning in the temples, white and yellow paper,
vermilion, an article of food called Tao foo, canes to serve for
building materials, wine made in Siaosing, wooden covers for pots,
canes for coolies, brooms, and all the articles known as Straits' pro-
duce. Calculating the 650 vessels of the N.E. at an average of
2,500 peculs ; 550 of Formosa, and Fookien at 1,500 ; twenty
of Canton and Macao at 2,500 ; and five of the Straits of Malacca
at 10,000 ; the quantity is about 2,556,000 peculs, (or 159,360
tons) of goods exclusive of opium imported in Chinese vessels,
and calculating the value of the imports, one with another, at
three dollars per pecul, the sum of 7,650,000 dollars. A similar
sum, either more or less, may be calculated as the value of the
exports ; notwithstanding that a great part of the goods which
are exported to the N.E. are the same that have been imported
from the S.E. Thus it appears that Ningpo, like Shanghai, is a
port where articles of commerce are exchanged between the
S.E. and N.E. shores of the empire. This proves that its own
imports and exports are inconsiderable, as in the natural order
of events, it ought only to provide foreign goods, and serve
for an outlet to the province of Chekiang of which it forms
a part ; or at most to the neighbouring cities of Anjui and
The prices of cotton cloth (Native), first quality, white and even,
each piece twenty-four feet by sixteen inches, is 600 catties . Fine
bleached Nanking, straw-colour, eighteen feet by twelve inches, 600
catties. Ditto, natural colour, same quality, 400 catties. Sheep are
in abundance, at an average of three and a half dollars each. Alum
is procured from the mines of Uenchu in this province, and is
exported from Pignian, a port on the coast nearer to Fuh-choo-
foo than Ningpo, but not so distant from that city as from
Amoy. The total value of alum exported from Ningpo since the
opening of the port to January, 1845, was 30,000 dollars. The
article of rhubarb is sold here much cheaper than at Canton ; first
quality thirty-five dollars, second seventeen dollars per pecul of
100 lb.
ported into Ningpo ; it is a long, strong fibre, similar to what is
usually imported from Manilla, and sells from nine to ten dollars
per Ningpo pecul (100 lb.) ; however desirable to obtain return
cargoes, this article can never be one : on the contrary, it is more
likely to be an article of import.
Cotton, raw, is an article of export. It is a fair, long staple,
well cleansed and a pure white ; price of the Native production
twenty dollars per pecul. The manufacturers prefer the Manilla
As for the lower qualities of American and Bombay, they
are almost unsaleable at any price.
Rice varies from two to three dollars per pecul, and the rice
pecul is 145 catties. At any period it is a doubtful article of im-
port : Bengal Moonghy finds a slow sale at two dollars per bag.
Timber. -The quality in most general use is soft pine, not
squared ; the large junks are chiefly employed in carrying this
bulky article ; it averages twenty dollars per load of fifty cubit feet ;
planks thirty-seven dollars per load.
Sugar. The cane is abundant, but entirely used as an edible ;
the supply of sugar is from Formosa and Fookien ; the cheapest
is from six to seven dollars per pecul ; white, and a good grain, nine
dollars ; best candy eleven to twelve dollars.
Pepper (black) selling from nine to twelve dollars per pecul.
Birds' -nests. First quality eighty dollars per catty ; second
quality sixty dollars, and third forty dollars.
Sandal wood. The demand is trifling, as the Chinese do not
appear to properly estimate the excellent qualities which are at-
tached to hard woods. Ningpo prices from thirteen to fifteen dol-
lars per pecul.
Lead.- Pig lead selling from seven dollars fifty cents.
Woollen cloth.-Russian has hitherto been in very general use,
which is sold at extremely low prices ; a serviceable cloth is sold
from 180 cash to one dollar per cubit ; breadth four and a half
cubits. (See Kiachta and Russian trade).
Tobacco (leaf) very mild, much inferior to American, seven dollars
per pecul.
Hides (cow and bullock's) ten dollars per pecul dressed ; un-
dressed from seven dollars up.
White lead ranges from fourteen to fifteen dollars per pecul.
Used as a cosmetic chiefly.
Castor oil (indigenous) ranges from six dollars per pecul, used
for varnishes, and unknown as a medicine.
The black teas offered here are of inferior quality, and ill-suited
to the home market, and sell from twenty-five to sixty-seven
dollars per pecul.
Green teas. This article appears to suit foreigners much better
than the black teas, only the leaf is rather too large ; prices from
twenty-seven to seventy-eight dollars per pecul.
Silks. The manufactured silks are much similar to the Canton
goods ; the average is about seventeen dollars per roll (twenty
yards) ; the raw materials range from 410 to 450 dollars. Hang-
choo-foo silks are sold by weight, and average about forty-four
cents per ounce.
The produce of a Chinese acre of land, and the expense of living
at Ningpo, are thus stated :-
One mow (Chinese acre) will produce on an average four bags of
paddy (unhusked rice) . One bag of paddy is equal to one tan, or
pecul, or to 100 kin of paddy by weight, to nearly nine tan by mea
sure, or equal in weight to sixty-five kin of rice ready for cooking,
or in measure to five tan, or fifty shing of the same. On an average?
one man eats one shing per day, or four bowls of rice. Field la-
bourers eat one shing or four bowls at a sitting, and as they eat
three times a day, consume three shing daily, or twelve bowls of
rice, besides vegetables and fish . The rate of living is very mode
rate. In Ningpo a man can live on forty cash each meal, that is
120 cash daily. Three persons can procure at a cook-shop a dinner
for the small sum of 120 cash, which is about one-ninth of a dollar.
Six or seven rooms can be had for about ten dollars per month.
The foregoing statements are given as a stimulus to further
Shanghai, the principal maritime port of the province of Kang-
soo, it situated on the right bank of the Woo-sung River, about
fourteen miles from the sea. The anchorage at the mouth of the
river is in latitude 31 ° 25′ north, longitude 121 ° 1′ 30″ east. The
Woo-sung disembogues into the great Yangtzekang, which is
aptly called the main artery of China. The Woo- sung river main-
tains a uniform breadth of half a mile or more, and has about five
fathoms in mid-channel ; the entrance is through a maze of sand
banks, without a mark ; the country is very flat, indeed a dead
level on both sides of the river, and highly cultivated.
The river Woo- sung, on which the city of Shanghai is situated,
comes out of the Ta-hoo (great lake) , Chang-keaow-kow, and then
traverses the Yun-ho, or great canal, and thus communicates with
the Yang-tsze-keang, the Yellow river, and Peking ; from the
Yun-ho it enters the Pang-shan lake, and flows by the beautiful
city of Suchow, the capital of the southern part of Kang-soo, the
most commercial, wealthy, and luxurious cities of the empire.
From this place numerous navigable rivers communicate, and tra-
verse each other in every direction. This river enables the inha-
bitants to trade and communicate with the remotest parts of the
empire, from Peking to Yunnan, and from the eastern coasts to the
centre of the deserts in Tartary.
The Woo- sung river, at its junction with the Yangtze-
kang, is flat, with scattered trees ; but on ascending the river,
although the banks continue low, hills of 400 feet appear on the
left bank, at five miles from the river. On the right bank there is
also some elevation ; villages are scattered in every direction, but
most numerous on the left bank.
Two forts are at the entrance of the Woo-sung, bearing north-
west and south- east, distant three quarters of a mile. On the left
bank is a quay, three miles long ; two batteries, one near the west-
ern corner of the quay, the other at the entrance.
In the river of Woo-sung, high water, full and change about
one hour thirty minutes, rise fifteen to eighteen feet ; stream from
south-east round by east and north. Blows at full and change
with rain. July, barometer, 29.74 ; thermometer, 78 ; winds
south- easterly. August ; barometer, 29.78 ; thermometer, 81 .
September ; barometer, 29.90 ; thermometer, 77 ; winds more
variable ; barometer, as in other parts of China, rises with northerly
winds, and falls with west and southerly.
The heat is very great in July, August, and September, but at
other periods the temperature is very agreeable ; and snow falls in
winter, remaining on the ground some days.
The city of Shanghai, has a rampart or wall, with a circuit of
about five miles . It has many embrasures, where cannon might
be pointed, but is rather narrow in some places. The wall is
without bastions, exterior defences, and ditches ; the houses of the
suburbs are built quite close to the wall. It has five entrances,
each consisting of two gates, but no drawbridges, or defences .
The streets are narrow and filthy, but the number of shops is
amazing, and bustling trade and commerce everywhere evident.
On entering the river, the forest of shipping and masts, indicates
it a place of commercial importance ; it is said, that in the month
of January, it is not an uncommon sight to behold 3,000 junks in
the river, opposite the city. The population is said to be about
120,000. It is only 150 miles by the river from Su-chow, (of
which Shanghai is the port), the most delightful city in all China,
hence called Paradise. In buildings, appearance, and opulence,
Shanghai is inferior to Ningpo.
Shanghai is connected by water communications with one third
of China ; and there is, therefore, considerable internal as well as
external trade. The coasting trade is very large ; junks arriving
from Singapore, Java, Penang, Malacca, Sumatra, Borneo, &c.,
which are entered at the custom-house as coming from Fookien,
or Canton, bring European goods of all kinds ; opium, flints, pep-
per, sharks'-fins, deers' -horns, cochineal, hides, nails, nutmegs,
liquid, and dried indigo, biche-de-mer, birds-nests, mother-
o' -pearl, shells, tortoiseshell, ivory, buffaloes humps, sugar-lead,
gold-thread, and all kinds of wood for spars, ornamental and fra-
grant, as well as materials for dying ; medicines from the Red Sea,
Persian, Indian, &c. There come annually to Shanghai, by the
Yangtzekang, and its branches, vessels from various ports,
amounting in all to 5,400 . These never put out to sea, but con-
vey into the interior, the goods brought by vessels from the south
and north, as well as transport from the interior, the goods to be
despatched by these vessels. In addition to the vessels employed
in the inland navigation, and those which go to sea, amounting to
7,000, there are also at Shanghai, innumerable boats and barges
employed in fishing, and in conveying passengers and goods.
Shanghai is not only a port of great trade in imports and exports,
but an emporium where there is an exchange of national and
foreign commodities, between the southern and northern parts of
the empire. There are annually imported into Shanghai, 520,000
peculs of sugar, 128,000 peculs of sapan wood ; an equal quantity of
dye stuffs ; from 3,000 to 4,000 of canes, 1,960 biche-de-mer,
1700 of sharks ' - fins, and 1,500 birds' - nests . These latter articles
are well known to be smuggled to a very large extent. Sugar has
always been charged a small duty, about 100 cash per pecul .
The ships of the north, those which return to Quan-tung, Shen-
sing, and Lean-tung, Shensi, and Lea-wung, carry away cotton,
tea, paper, silks, and cotton stuffs from Nanking and Suchow ;
European goods and flints, opium, and a great part of the sugar,
pepper, biche-de-mer, and birds'-nests, &c . , which the vessels, pass-
ing under the name of Fookein and Canton bring to Shanghai.
These last mentioned vessels return with cargoes of cotton, earthen-
ware, (principally from Formosa) pork salted, green tea, raw and
manufactured silks, native cotton cloths, blankets, hemp, fruits, &c.
There is also an interchange of a vast number of articles connected
with the coasting trade, such as baskets , charcoal, shoes, coal, wood,
pipes, tobacco, gypsum, varnish, umbrellas, mats, lanterns, sponges,
sacks, vegetables, fruits, &c.
The vessels which arrive at Shanghai are known at the custom
house as those of the north, of Fookien and Canton. The vessels
of Quantung, Leaoutung, and Teintsin, at the mouth of the
Pei-ho, the river which passes Peking and the province of Shan-
tung . The vessels of Quantung and Leaoutung are the same as
those of Teintsin . Those from Shantung proceed from the dif-
ferent ports of that province. Both are known under the name
of vessels of the north ; and the number which arrive annually is
about 930 at the commencement of the N.E. monsoon .
From Fookien nearly 300 come annually, but the greater por-
tion of that number from Hainan or Formosa, also from Manilla,
Bali, and other ports. About 400 come from Canton, the chief
part from Singapore, Penang, Sulo, Sumatra, Siam, and other
places. A coasting trade in English brigs and schooners is now
commencing at Shanghai. The junks, therefore, of the outer sea,
which come to Shanghai annually are 1,600 ; occasionally they
have amounted to 1,800 ; taking them on an average of 200 tons,
there will appear to be an importation of 300,000 tons . The ves-
sels of the north are 900, and those of the south only 700, these
latter have a greater total amount : among the former are many
of upwards of sixty tons. The vessels of the north bring a great
quantity of dry paste (tauping) , salted meat, oil, hams, wine, timber
for ship building, wheat, chestnuts, pears, and greens. From Foo-
kien, sugar, indigo, (liquid and dried, ) sweet potatoes, fish, black
tea, paper, and soap . From Canton, sugar, cinnamon, Canton
cloth, fruits, glass and chrystal, perfumes, soap, and white lead .
Shanghai being a cotton district, does not abound in rice. It
is the port of many great cities .
Sugar. The whole exports from the Philippines is insufficient
to supply the wants of Shanghai. This article rises sometimes to
a very extravagant price, as failures of the crops in Formosa are
Cotton. The consumption is very great ; large quantities ex-
ported to Formosa and the north. Its price, when over supplied,
is about 15 dollars a pecul ; some periods it is known to rise to
23 and 24 dollars.
Hemp. The native article is a most excellent quality , but
ranges high- from eight to nine dollars per pecul. Coir, and
other inferior materials, are substituted. 7,000 vessels, besides
boats and barges, must consume a vast quantity of cordage.
Cocoa Nut Oil. - The oil for burning that is made in China, is
very inferior in quality ; a better article is likely to be in demand
in the wealthy and fashionable Suchan.
Sapan Wood maintains, at all times, a high price, from two- and-
a-half to three dollars per pecul.
Bird's Nests, Biche de Mer, Shark's Fins, Deer's Horns, Canes.-
These articles arrive from the southern part of the country.
Hides, for making glue.-No glue appears to be made in this
Sulphur.- Private persons cannot buy it, and government use
the native produce.
Molave, Red Wood, Ebony.- These woods are here accounted a
good branch of commerce.
Lead.-The Americans supply it cheaper than any other country.
Wheat can be bought, when there is no scarcity, at one-and-a-
half dollar per pecul of 100 catties. Flour, in favourable seasons,
can be bought at two and two-and-a-half dollars.
Silks. For superior textures of silk, this is a better market than
Canton ; sewing silk of every kind, in colours, is prepared in Han-
chew and Nanking. The crapes made in this district are superior
to what are generally seen in Canton.
Nankin. The yellow cotton cloth known under this name ; 100
pieces may be procured for forty dollars of 213 chi.
Tea- Green, may be purchased here nearly twenty per cent.
cheaper than at Canton.
Rhubarb-may be obtained at Shanghai full as cheap as at
Hams, of a good quality may be had of the weight of five catties.
for one dollar.
Excellent sheep, five dollars each.
Fat, though small, bullocks eleven to fifteen dollars each.
Pheasants, large and good, one shilling each.
Hares, wild geese, and wild ducks, abundant.
Bread, sweet, well made, and cheap .
In addition to teas and silks, among the articles procurable at
Shanghai, are camphor, china root, cassia, the best porcelain.
Articles are also brought here from Japan, Siam, Cochin China,
and Tonquin, such as copper, sugar, gamboge, raw silk, stick-lac,
liquid indigo, and plumbago, good hemp, and a superior descrip-
tion of fine flax.
Coal is abundant in Shanghai,-it is burned in our steamers,
and appears like the description termed " kennel coal ;" it is ap-
parently worked near the surface, and a better sort would most
probably be obtained by mining. The Chinese prefer charcoal for
cooking ; and dried reedy grass is always used, where procurable,
for boiling rice ; the heat thus produced being very great and
Nearly the staple article of Shanghai is a large white pea, which
is ground in a mill, and then pressed in a complicated piece of
machinery to extract the oil , which is used for eating and burning
-principally the latter purpose ; the cake is then made up in the
shape of a Gloucester cheese, or good- sized grinding- stone. The
quantity which leaves Shanghai is enormous, according to Mr.
Thom, Her Majesty's Consul at Ningpo, this article is distributed
throughout China, from Shanghai alone, to the annual amount of
ten million dollars, or nearly two-and-a-half millions sterling.
It is used as food for pigs and buffaloes, and as manure, for which
latter purpose it is highly esteemed.
The Chinese merchants, it is said, were anxious to obtain mus-
ters of the different kinds of silk suited to the English market.
Most of the fabric made in Shanghai are with thrown silk. The
skill of the workmen in this district, together with the well-known
enterprise of the manufacturers, have established the character of
their goods throughout the empire . The chief articles manu-
factured are damasks, satins, mazarines, and crapes, also figured
and plain heavy serges. The safest article of export is the Hang-
chow and Nanking plain white, and the Tong-pa and Ching- tong
yellow Pongees. If purchased in the gum, and not boiled off, the
purchaser will not be so liable to be cheated, as they are frequently
increased in the weight, and improved in their apparent quality
with congee (rice paste) .
In the Wusung custom-house a register is kept of all the native
vessels which enter and leave the river. While the British forces
were in possession of it, Mr. Lay obtained several volumes of this
record, from which it appears the pages of these books are
divided into ten columns : in the margin is the day of the month,
while the year is marked on the outside of each volume ; at the
head of each column is set down the name of the place to which
the vessel belongs ; the owners ' name, her cargo, and lastly where
she is bound for. The articles mentioned in the exports are
paper, cotton, cloth, coarse drugs, ginger, ink, stones, damaged ends
of cotton, tubular cap stands, spirits, confections, sugar, cottons,
leeks, grass -cloth, silkworm cases, choice wood, ornamented cloth,
woollen rugs and blankets, hemp thread, needles, alum, earthen-
ware, timber, artificial flowers, glass, summer cloth, or muslin, and
chop sticks. Many vessels from Canton are freighted with cakes
made of the external coverings, or testa of beans, in other words
the refuse that remains after the pulse cheese has been squeezed
through a cloth. These vessels are represented as on their way
back, having disposed of their cargo. Cakes thus prepared are
given to swine for fodder, and also used as manure. Vessels from
the island of Tsungming, whose staple is cotton, bear a large pro-
portion among the entries. Rice is not cultivated in sufficient
quantity to maintain the inhabitants : according to the statement
of a Native, the land tax is not, as is usually the case, paid part
money and part rice ; but entirely in money. The average rate
per "man" which is an area of about 248 square poles or rods, is
from three to four hundred cash, about 1s. 5d.
Vessels freighted with tea, paper, cloth, sugar, artificial flowers,
drugs and timber, proceed to the coast of Shantung, and Chihle,
from whence they return laden with all kinds of pulse. This can-
not, however, meet the valuable cargoes they take, part must be
paid in money. Vessels returning empty are those from Canton
and the coast of Fookien, which having sold their sugar, pulsc
cakes, &c., are on their way home. Cotton cultivation is consider-
able in the vicinity of Shanghai, a number of vessels belonging to
those places are filled with cloth, thread, paper, and artificial
flowers, all bound for Chihle and Shantung.
The accounts here given, are done with a view to stimulate fur-
ther inquiry. Each consulate should furnish a report on the topo-
graphy, prices, staples, &c., of the station.
The small amount of trade at Amoy, Foochoo, and Ningpoo,
is shown at page 150 * and there is but little prospect of increase.
* In the Table at p. 101 , the value of the tea exported from Shanghai, Ningpo,
Fuhchoo, and Amoy was omitted. It amounted to £465,928 ,
The expenditure, therefore, requires revision : even if we keep
open the ports of Ningpo, Fuhchoo, and Amoy, the consulate and
superintendent of trade department charges may, with advantage to
the public service, be reduced from about £30,000 a-year, to £ 15,000
per annum.
It would be necessary to retain at Shanghai a consul, but at the
other three ports a vice-consul at each would be sufficient, and
the superintendency of the trade department ought to be abolished,
as its duties would be more efficiently done by a consul-general at
Canton, with a supervising control. The consular salaries would
be defrayed by bills drawn on the Lords of the Treasury. All
correspondence would be direct between the Foreign Office and
consul-general. At Ningpo, for instance, where no English ves-
sel has traded during the years 1844-45, and there is not one
European merchant we had during the year, a consul, a vice-con-
sul, an interpreter (although the consul is a superior Chinese
scholar), a surgeon, first and second consul assistant, &c. At
Foochoo, where there is no trade, we have a consul, ( a vice-con-
sul is named to proceed there,) an interpreter, no surgeon (the
consul being a surgeon), and two consular assistants, & c.
At Amoy we have a consul, a vice-consul, a surgeon, consular
assistants, &c. One efficient vice-consul would fulfil the duties, if
there were ten times the amount of the present trade at Amoy.
The following scale of consular establishment would be amply
sufficient for our present trade and position in China :-
CANTON : -Consul-general £2000 ; vice-consul £900 ; inter-
preter £500 ; two assistants at £400 and £300 each, £700 ; con-
tingencies, ordinary and extraordinary, £900- £5,000.
SHANGHAI :-Consul £ 1,500 ; interpreter and first assistant
£450 ; second assistant £250 ; contingencies, ordinary and ex-
traordinary, £800—£3,000.
NINGPO -Vice-consul, to be acquainted with Chinese language
£800 ; assistant £300 ; contingencies, ordinary and extraordinary
£400 £1,500. Foochoo, as Ningpo £1,500 ; Amoy, ditto
£ 1,500-£12,500.
House-rent, &c., for each consulate £500 a-year each £2,500 ;
total consular and trade department £ 15,000 .
If the soundness and justice of these views and opinions be
denied on reasoning and facts entitled to consideration, it is sug
gested that a commission of three disinterested men be appointed
to report on the whole question.
The expense of this commission would be trifling and temporary,
compared with the large and permanent expenditure now being
incurred from the British Treasury on the coast of China.
[ The above is embodied in a minute of " Points submitted for
the consideration of Her Majesty's Government on the British
Position in China," dated 3rd of September, 1845.]
[This report, with a very few corroborative remarks, is given
verbatim as furnished to Governor Davis in July, 1844. * Every
statement herein made has since been amply confirmed ; yet for
making this report the writer was censured by the governor, who
wrote home that he " entertained a confident expectation Hong
Kong would supersede Canton." He might as well have said that
Heligoland would supersede London. Even to the present mo-
ment, interested persons are endeavouring to maintain the delusion
respecting Hong Kong. ]
Hong Kong, which in the Chinese language signifies " red har-
bour" is in north latitude 22° 16′ 27″, east longitude 114° 14′ 48″,
distant about forty miles east from Macao. It forms one of a
numerous but scattered group of lofty islands termed the " La-
drones," which vary in size and height, but agree in their arid and
rugged features. The length of the island, from east to west, is
about eight miles, with a breadth of two to four miles ; it is sepa-
rated from the mainland of China by a strait or inlet of the sea,
varying in breadth from about half a mile to three miles ; one en-
trance, the Lymoon Pass, is less than a mile wide.
* To His Excellency J. F. Davis, Governor ofHong Kong.
"At sea, latitude 27 N., East coast of China,
" SIR, "July 24, 1844, on board ' Syed Khan.'
" I have the honour to lay before your Excellency the accompanying report
on the Island of Hong Kong, which I had just completed when I was seized with the
recent severe attack of illness which obliged me to proceed to sea.
" The documentary appendix will not be ready until after my return to Hong Kong.
The facts contained in the report are, however, sufficiently conclusive for the forma-
tion of a judgment on the present or prospective value of the colony ; and I have to
solicit the favour of your Excellency transmitting the report to the Secretary of State
for the Colonies, as I believe no report on Hong Kong has yet been laid before Her Ma-
jesty's Government.
" Having devoted twenty years to the personal examination and study of the colo-
nies of England, France, Spain, Portugal, and Holland, my mind has been prepared
for an investigation of Hong Kong ; and I trust I may not be deemed presumptuous
in having thus early formed my conclusions on the existing value and future prospects
of the colony.
" I have, & c.,
" Colonial Treasurer."
PHYSICAL ASPECT.-The island consists of a broken ridge, or
" hog's back " of mountainous hills, running from W.N.W. to
E.S.E., at an average height of about 1,000 feet ; but from this
ridge and its spurs, various conical mountains are elevated to the
height of 1500 to 2000 feet above the sea and very precipitous.
The whole island, indeed, rises abruptly from the ocean, particu.
larly on the north face ; there are a few narrow valleys and deep
ravines, through which the sea occasionally bursts, or which serve
as conduits for the mountain torrents ; but on the north side of
the island, especially where the town of Victoria is built, the rocky
ridge approaches close to the sea, and it was only by hewing
through this ridge, that a street or road could be made to connect
the straggling town of Victoria, which stretches along the water
edge for nearly four miles, although only comprising about sixty
European houses, and several Chinese huts and bazaars. Here and
there, on the tops of some isolated hills, or along the precipitous
slopes of the mountains, some houses have been constructed, but
the rugged, broken, and abrupt precipices and deep rocky ravines,
will ever effectually prevent the formation at Victoria of any con-
centrated town, adapted for mutual protection, cleanliness, and
comfort. Hong Kong cannot be said to possess any vegetation ; a
few goats with difficulty find pasturage. After the heavy rains of
May, June, July, and August, the hills assume somewhat of a
greenish hue, but the whity-brown or red streaked ridges with
the scattered masses of black rocks, give a most uninviting and
desolate aspect to the island, which is unrelieved by the adjacent
mainland, whose physical features are precisely similar to that of
Hong Kong .
Dr. McPherson, in his work " Two Years in China," expresses
the following opinion respecting Hong Kong :-
" In other respects (that is, excepting its harbour), this new
colony possesses but few advantages. Its northern side is formed
by a connected ridge of mountains, the highest of which is about
2000 feet above the level of the sea. Except in a few spots, these
mountains are barren and uncultivated ; formed by black project-
ing masses of granite, the intervals giving shelter to herbage and
brushwood. There are no trees of any size ; and unlike the gene-
rality of mountainous districts, it possesses but a few valleys, and
these not of any extent. The mountains, for the most part, fall
perpendicularly into the sea, thus leaving but little space for building
at their base.
" The appearance of Hong Kong is anything but prepossessing,
and to those who have hitherto resided upon it, the climate has
proved far from salubrious. There is a good deal of rank vegeta-
tion on the face of the hill ; the ground on which, after a heavy
fall of rain, becomes elastic and boggy. On the Cowloon side of
the bay (in the Chinese territory), the atmosphere is at all times
more pure, and the changes of temperature less sudden ; indeed ,
altogether it appears a far more likely and preferable spot to form
a settlement than on the Hong Kong side."
GEOLOGY.- There is no igneous formation in Hong Kong ; the
island partakes of the same geological character as the whole south
coast of China, excepting that it seems of older formation. The
structure may be briefly described as consisting of decomposed,
coarse granite, intermixed with strata of a red disintegrating sand-
stone, crumbling into a stiff ferruginous-looking clay. Here and
there huge boulder stones, which gunpowder will not blast, may be
seen embedded in a stiff, pudding earth, or they are strewed over
the tops and sides of the mountains. Gneis and felspar are found
in fragments. That the granite is rotten, and passing, like dead
animal and vegetable substances, into a putrescent state, is evidenced
from the crumbling of the apparently solid rock beneath the touch,
and from the noxious vapour, carbonic acid gas, or nitrogen which it
yields when the sun strikes fervidly on it after rain . On examin-
ing the sites of houses in Victoria, whose foundations were being ex-
C cavated in the sides of the hills, the strata appeared like a richly pre-
pared compost, emitting a fetid odour of the most sickening nature,
and which at night must prove a deadly poison . This strata quickly
absorbs any quantity of rain, which it returns to the surface in the
nature of a pestiferous mineral gas. The position of the town of
Victoria, which may be likened to the bottom of a crater with a
lake, prevents the dissipation of this gas, while the geological
formation favours the retention of a morbific poison on the surface,
to be occasionally called into deadly activity.
Lyell, in his " Principles of Geology," vol i., page 317, says,
the disintegration of granite is a striking feature of large districts
in Auvergne, especially in the neighbourhood of Clermont. This
decay was called by Dolomieu " la maladie du granit," and the
rock may with propriety be said to have the rot, for it crumbles to
pieces in the hand. The phenomenon may without doubt be as-
cribed to the continual disengagement of carbonic acid gas from
numerous fissures ; it is this gas which is evolved at the Grotto del
Cane near Naples, and which is so pernicious to animal life. It is
disengaged at Limagna d'Auvergne in France, in quantities- a
lighted cantle or other burning body is extinguished by the gas.
Water materially aids, by its solvent power, the operation of car-
bonic acid gas in the decomposition of rocks. This gas is invisible,
and destitute of smell, much heavier than common air ; owing to
its specific gravity, it may be poured from one vessel to another ;
may be collected over water, which largely absorbes it, and is
highly deleterious to animals . It is discharged from the surface
of the water of some natural springs, and from deep and narrow
vallies. Other gases are evolved from the earth. Dolomieu states
that he ascertained the presence of sulphureous acid, muriatic acid,
hepatic gas or sulphuretted hydrogen, and inflammable air or
hydrogen, as well as carbonic acid. The most abundant of the
gases extricated from the bowels of the earth, next to carbonic
acid gas, is probably carburetted hydrogen, which is so rapidly
destructive of life in coal-mines ; it is also sometimes emitted from
the surface of the soil, or of springs and wells ; M. de la Beche de-
scribes the manner in which the disintegration of rocks takes place
owing to the protracted action of the atmospheric moisture. The
feldspar contained in granite is often easily decomposed . Some
trap rocks, from the presence of feldspar, are liable to decomposi-
tion, as in some parts of Jamaica . The main parts of granite are
quartz, feldspar and mica. Some qualities of this primitive rock
contain only feldspar and mica : this is generally the case in
Hong Kong, where the feldspar is large, the chrystals looking like a
quartzose gravel. The sound granite of Hong Kong is in isolated
blocks. No drainage can ever render Hong Kong salubrious ; and
it is very desirable that this fallacy should be exploded, as the only
effect is to drain money from the British treasury.
If further proof be wanting of this, it is to be found in the
following most valuable facts, adduced by Dr. Heyne of the Madras
artillery, and which I did not see until after my report on the cause
of sickness at Hong Kong was written.
The remarks of Dr. Heyne ought to be carefully attended to in
the formation of colonies, sites of towns, garrisons, stations, en-
campments, &c. &c .
Dr. Heyne observes, " that the ordinarily received opinion as to
vegetable or marshy origin offevers,will not holdin the south of India,
for that the hills are not more woody than in other healthy places ;
some, indeed, where the epidemic of 1808 and 1810, as well as the en-
demic, were most destructive, are quite naked of trees, as Diudigul,
Madura, and the rocks west of Seringapatam. Now, if it should
be found that fever exists constantly, and invariably, among certain
description of hills, when others of a different composition are as
constantly free from the same, would it not become reasonable to
suppose that the nature or composition of the rock itself must
furnish the cause of the calamity ? The hills, where it is found
to prevail, appear, at first view, to be quite harmless, as they are
granite, which is the most common kind of rock on the globe. They
contain, however, quartz, besides feldspar and mica, a great pro-
portion of ferruginous hornblende, which by its disintegration or
separation from the rock, becomes highly magnetic, and in which
I suppose the cause resides which produces this fever, besides a
great train of other disorders . This iron hornblende occurs in such
quantity, that all rivulets, public roads, indeed all hollows along
these hills, are filled with its sand, from which, also, all the iron in
this part of the country is manufactured. This granite is remark-
able for its disintegration, as it is not only separates during the hot
scason in large masses of many tons, but crumbles as easily into
its composing particles, and is found as sand in great abundance ;
not only near every rock, but near every stone, from whence it is
carried by the torrents during the rains to the lower parts of the
country, and thus forms the particular mark by which these hills
may be distinguished from all others. It is not generally attracted
by the magnet when united to the mass, even when it occurs, as
in the hornblende state, or greenstone, in the greatest abundance ;
but after it has been separated it is attracted as much as any iron
filing. This may be owing to the incipient state of oxydation,
or more likely to the developement of magnetism by the high
temperature to which it has been exposed in the hot season, which
also may have weakened the cohesion of the rock, and caused its
disintegration in the mass . Hills of this description form the
range of the Ghauts, as far at least as the Godavery ; they pre-
dominate also among the smaller, and in single hills and rocks in
the low country, so that they may be taken as the exclusive rock
formation of this country. Fortunately this is not quite the case.
They are easily recognised at a distance by their very rugged
and abruptly pointed appearance, and great steepness of their tops .
The ranges of this formation are also very interrupted, and gene-
rally consist of rows of single hills, although to the southward I
have found them also connected at their bases, and in triple and
quadruple ranges."
Dr. Heyne then gives an excellent topographic description of
the hills which have rendered themselves known to Europeans for
the malignity of the fever ; and after that, of such as are con-
stantly free from the hill-fever. The hills where the fever is to-
tally unknown, Dr. Heyne describes as primitive trap, which con-
sists of quartz, feldspar, and real hornblende . He then adds
that the epidemic fever of 1808, stopped short at a range of hills
of this latter composition, in the Coimbatore district-a remark-
able fact. These two ranges of trap proceed with very little or
no admixture of ironstone, through the whole Baramahal from
Namcul to Darampory and Vellore ; the rocks are sometimes com-
pact hornblende and greenstone, or basalt, all belonging to the
same formation ; but here and there hills appear among them of
iron granite, which stand in connexion with other ranges of that
description in the province both east and west of that valley, which
have the hill-fever as virulent as in other parts of the country,
where whole ranges of these hills occur. A most remarkable in-
stance illustrative of the above facts and ofmy deductions therefrom ,
I found at Tripataor, which lies in the above valley, close to a large
table-land, the rock of which is sandstone. I asked there a respec-
table Native, whether any such disorders as fevers were frequent in
the country, but received in answer, No, thank God ; not within
ten miles ofthis place ; at Javadmalle, a hill fort, where no man can
live two days without getting it;' a Peon was dispatched to bring two
or three stones from the rock of the hill, and some sand that might be
found on the road ; and returned with pieces of a rock composed of
* That excellent man, Sir George Arthur, informed me that our troops suffer much
at Colaba, Bombay, owing probably to its geology. There is no marsh.
red feldspar, quartz, and plenty of ferruginous hornblende, and the
sand of the road consisted of magnetic sand and particles of feldspar.
I must name now the Pulicat Hills, among which, as far as they ex-
tend to the southward (Chettour), the hill fever is totally unknown ;
I was most particular in my inquiries on this subject, in the begin-
ning of this year, when among them. They consist entirely of flint
slate, and are as bare in some places as they are woody in others,
and as low as the granite hills. I came now to a sand hill, where
I have lived myself for some years, the Cuddapah district. It is
divided from Gurrumcondah on the south, and from iron granite
and the hill fever, by a range of flinty slate. The same bends there
to the northward, where the ranges thicken as they advance, and
leave narrow valleys as far as Cummuur ; and further up the river
Kishna, the whole or most of these hills belong to the clay-slate
formation : some are calcareous, all are, however, free of the hill
fever. Other fevers may occasionally be seen, such as simple in-
termittents and bilious remittents, but they do not, like the hill fever,
run into a typhus, and the cautious may easily guard against, and
get rid of them . This is the largest extent of inland country which
I know to be free of the hill fever, namely, from Cuddapah to .
Kishna, near Chintapilly, a place that has been at all times dread-
ed for its fevers. There the iron granite hills prevail again .. To
the westward of Cuddapah, the healthiness of the country extends
to Gangecottah hills, which belong to the flaetz trap formation,
consisting of sandstone, limestone, jasper, and hornstone pebbles
cemented together, and which are perfectly free of magnetic iron-
Bababudden is another range of hills, remarkably free of hill
fevers, although it lies between places of notoriety for such, as
Seringapatam to south-west, Chittlidroog to the north-west, and
Naggry to the west, an unwholesome country amongst the Ghauts.
It belongs to the clay-slate formation, and active magnets are
found in large depositions on them. It rains on them for six
months in the year continually, when plants keep fresh and alive
in the open air for many days after they have been taken out of
the ground, or broken off the stem ; in fact, my observation, viz . :
that the hill fever on this coasts exists exclusively among the hills
of the granite formation, or where iron stone is found in large
quantities, will be confirmed the more it is brought to the test.
Dr. Gilchrist, inspector general of hospitals, informs me that he
fully concurs in the foregoing reasoning, and that it explains the
cause of disease in several places where marsh miasm is unknown.
Mr. Davidson, in his recent work of " Trade and Travels in the
East," justly says, with reference to Victoria, " A more awkward
place on which to erect a town could not have been fixed upon ;
and its northern aspect adds, I suspect, to the unhealthiness of the
place, as it exposes the town to the cold winds of winter, and com-
pletely shuts out the southerly breezes of summer, which are so
much wanted to refresh the worn-out colonist."
There is no extent of marsh on the island capable of generating
miasm, but the heavy rains are annually washing large portions of
the mountains through deep ravines into the bay, and thus con-
tinually exposing a fresh rotten surface to the sun's rays, and pre-
serving a focus of disease, which will ultimately become endemic .
Vast quantities of the silt from the hills are being deposited along
the shores of the harbour. Owing to this circumstance, and to the
rapid receding of the tides from the coast, the bay is becoming
shoaler every day. The average depth is only from four to five
fathoms, except in the stream, where it is six to seven fathoms .
In no great interval of time, the harbour of Hong Kong will be too
shoal in many places for large vessels.
CLIMATE. It is difficult to convey by thermometrical registers,
an accurate idea of the climate of any place. The range of the
thermometer will not indicate the pressure of the atmosphere ; the
barometer in or near the tropics is of little utility as an index ; the
hygrometer imperfectly shews the quantity of rain which is in solu-
tion ; while the height of the surrounding land,—its configura-
tion, the nature of the soil,-the extent and quantity of the ve-
getation, the exposure to the sea,—and the prevailing winds, all
influence what is comprised under the word " Climate." In some
respects the whole coast of China partakes of the climatic charac-
teristics of the opposite coast of the American continent, particu-
larly as regards the extremes of temperature and its depressing
influence on mental or bodily exertion .
For six months in the year, April to September, the heat varies
from 80° to 90° F.; but occasionally during the other six months,
the heat is also very great, the thermometer having been known
to stand at 80° F. on Christmas Day. The island being on the
verge of the tropics, is subject to the extremes of the torrid and
temperate zones ; even on the same day the range of mercury in
the thermometer is very great, and the vicissitudes are exceedingly
trying to the European constitution .
But neither the range from heat to cold, nor the quantity of
moisture in the atmosphere, will adequately convey an idea of the
effects which this climate produces on the human frame. The
rainy season causes great damage.
The " Hong Kong Register" of 13th May, 1845 , thus describes
the effect of one of the usual heavy rain-falls, which took place 7th
May, 1845, and lasted only a few hours :-" The damage was very
great, both to the recently-formed roads, and to many buildings in
the course of erection ; and had the violence of the rain continued
an hour or two longer, many houses must have been undermined
and destroyed . As it was, much individual inconvenience has
been sustained. About 5 o'oclock, the whole of the Queen's-road,
from the entrance to the large bazaar to the market-place, was
completely flooded, to the depth of from two to four feet. All the
streets leading upwards to the hill served as feeders to this lake.
In Peel-street, particularly, the torrent rushed along, bearing
everything before it, and the street still resembles a dried-up water-
course, covered with stones and wrecks of buildings. The passages
from the Queen's-road to the sea were all full. The one leading
through Chunam's Hong, for hours presented the appearance of a
rapid river, and many of the houses on each side were only saved
from the flood by mud walls hastily raised. About 6 o'clock the
rain moderated, but for some time after the road was quite im-
passable. A Coolie, attempting to ford the stream rushing down
D'Aguilar-street, was borne off his feet, but saved himself by com-
ing against the frame of a mat- shed . The drain lately formed
could not nearly receive the supply of water, which committed
great devastation, flooding a new house in its vicinity to the depth
of nearly three feet, and carrying away some new walls . All the
open drains in the upper streets have suffered ; many are entirely
destroyed, leaving scarcely a trace of the street. A stream from a
distant watercourse flowed along the road above the bungalow oc-
cupied by the Attorney-general, and descending with great fury
upon the roof of one of his out-offices, carried away a great part of
In many places the Queen's-road has been covered with soil,
sand, &c., to the depth of more than two feet, and nearly all the
cross-drains are choked up . The bridge at the Commissariat has
been carried away, and that in the Wong-nai-chung has also dis-
appeared . Several lives were lost by the fall of a house in which
some Chinese resided ; and it is said the stream at Pokfowlum
burst upon a mat hut, in which were a number of Coolies employed
upon the new road ; three saved themselves in a tree, "but many
more are missing, and supposed to be carried out to sea.'
Quantity of Rain falling in Hong Kong.
Days Days
Months. of Inches. Months. of Inches.
rain. rain.
July .. 1845 17 7,565 February 1846 5 705
August 99 20 14,000 March 99 18 7,925
September 99 19 7,000 April 99 8 3,700
October 12 13,200 May 14 12,925
November 99 4 1,600 June 99 17 *21,680
December 99 65 July 99 19 11,850
January 1846 2 25 August 23 15,700
Thus, in one year there, fell 118 inches, i.e. nearly ten feet in
depth of rain, during 182 days, or half the entire year !
During April and part of May, when the sun is approaching
rapidly from the equator, there is a dry burning heat, with a
cloudless sky ; but towards the end of May, and throughout June,
July, August, September, and part of October, the rain descends in
torrents, with a force and continuance such as I have never seen in
India, Africa, Australasia, or any other part of the world ; (in the
month of June, twenty-one inches fell.) The clouds pour down
one vast sheet of water, washing away hills and rocks, furrowing
the island with deep ravines, and saturating the soft, porous, pu-
trescent strata, to the extent of many feet, with daily renewed
moisture. In the intervals of rain, a nearly vertical sun acts with
an intense evaporating power, and a noxious steam or vapour
rises from the fetid soil, yielding a gas of a most sickly and dele-
terious nature, exactly such as I experienced on the coast of Africa
in 1824, when I was seized with an " earth fever" while in His
Majesty's service, from the effects of which I with great difficulty
recovered, but of which most of my brother officers perished.
The morbific gas does not arise from vegetable or animal decom-
position. There is none on the island of any extent, but decom-
posed MINERAL substances yield an aeriform poison, under some
circumstances of a more deadly description, than either of the
other kingdoms of nature. This gas does not rise more than a few
feet from the earth ; it slowly mingles with the surrounding atmo-
sphere, and when not causing immediate illness, produces a de-
pressing effect on mind and body, which undermines and des-
troys the strongest constitutions.
Military and naval men who have served in Africa and India,
feel the effects of the sun in Hong Kong, in a manner never before
experienced. Even at Macao, only forty miles west of Hong Kong,
Europeans may walk about the whole day in the month of July,
when to do so at Hong Kong, would be attended with almost cer-
tain death . Neither the Indian Sepoys, Malays, or Chinese, can
endure the climate so well as Europeans ; whose stamina they do
not possess . The Chinese deem it a dangerous experiment to pro-
long their abode in the island, beyond a certain time ; they have
ever viewed Hong Kong as injurious to health, and fatal to life.
The Europeans who survive a brief residence in this climate, gene-
rally get a lassitude of frame, and an irritability of fibre, which
destroys the spring of existence. A malign influence operates on
the system in a most distressing manner, which is not removed by
a return to Europe ; on the contrary, the sufferers frequently die in
England shortly after their arrival there.
DISEASES AND MORTALITY.-The prevailing disease of Hong
Kong is a fever, combining the character of the African and West
Indian fevers. It was at first supposed to be epidemic, but it has
now become endemic, and may be assumed to be the fixed malady
of the island. Diarrhoea and dysentery, form the next most im-
mediately fatal class of diseases, but intermittent fever or ague,
destroys health gradually. Last year, the strength per annum of
the European and Native troops, was 1526, and the number who
passed through the hospital in the year, amounted to 7893 : thus,
on an average EACH MAN went through the hospital more than five
times in the year !
Strength per annum.
.. gso
Remained, 31st December, 1842.
Pulmonic affections.
Dropsical affections.
Rheumatism .
Other diseases.
Total sick per annnm.
373 མི ཆ ། Diarrhoea.
4 Dysentery.
137 Cholera.
Pulmonic affections.
Dropsical affections.
Other diseases.
Total deaths per annum.
། ཆེ
Discharged per annum.
Transferred per annum.
82..16 4155
On sick leave per annum.
| Received 31st December, 1843.
Ratio per annum of sick to strength.
Ratio per annum of deaths to strength. of
Of the diseases with which they were afflicted, 4,059 were
fevers, 762 diarrhoeas, 497 dysenteries, and 180 were pulmonic
complaints. The total number of deaths, out of 1,526 men ,
was, 440 or 1 in 3. The fatal fever cases were, 155 ; ditto
diarrhoea, 80 ; ditto, dysentery, 137. The destruction of life since
our occupation of Hong Kong, has been enormous. Last year,
the deaths among the troops in the island, amounted to one in 33 ;
at Chusan, to one in 29 ; and at Koo -lung-soo, to one in 12 .
Her Majesty's 98th regiment lost at Hong Kong, in twenty-
one months, 257 men, by death ; but in this and other regiments,
it is not merely the deaths which indicate disease and pernicious
climate, it is the great number of men invalided and constantly
unfit for duty. One half the men of a company are frequently
unable to attend parade ; out of 100 men, there are sometimes not
more than fifteen or sixteen men fit for active duty. The Royal
Artillery, the finest military corps in the world, out of 135 men
and officers, lost in two years, fifty-one by death (of whom thirty-
five died at Hong Kong during the last six months of 1843) , and
forty-five by invaliding. That Hong Kong was the cause of their
death, will be seen from the fact that Colonel Knowles' detach-
ment of Royal Artillery, went through the whole of the war, at
Canton, and in the Yangtzekang river ; the detachment was out
here three years ; it never landed at Hong Kong ; one man was
killed, another died of dropsy, but the whole of the remainder of
the detachment returned to England, except the commanding offi-
cer,-Lieutenant Colonel Knowles, who landed at Hong Kong
and died of fever. The officers of the Royal Artillery died in the
same proportion as the men ; out of nine officers who came out
with the original detachments, but one escaped disease or death .
Last year there were severe losses in the ships of war. Her Ma-
jesty's ship " Agincourt" lost, during the sickly season of 1843,
sixty men, of whom twenty were marines, and forty men were in-
valided home, of whom few would recover. Since leaving England,
in May 1842, the " Agincourt" has been obliged to enter 160 sea-
men from merchant-ships. The cause assigned for the severe
illness of the marines and seamen of last year, was owing to their
being obliged to land guards to protect stores at West Point.
This year the " Agincourt" sends no men on shore, or on night
duty, and out of 600 men there are only twenty three, including
slight hurts, on the sick list. A fact which tests the insalubrity of
the shore.
The deaths in the naval force at Hong Kong and Whampoa, for
the six sickly months, ending October, 1843, were four-and-a-half
per cent ; while for the same period on shore, the deaths among
the troops averaged twenty -four per cent ; and even among the
European civilians, the estimate was ten per cent. In May, 1843,
the left wing of Her Majesty's 55th regiment, had fifteen officers
and 491 men in Hong Kong ; from thence to November, two offi-
cers and 218 men died, and the lives of the remainder were only
saved by the prompt, judicious, and humane conduct of General
D'Aguilar, in immediately embarking the men for England.
The mortality as yet (July 17) during the present year has not
been so great, but the sickness is equally destructive of the effi-
ciency of the troops. Chuck-chew, on the south side of Hong
Kong, it was hoped would be a healthy station . On 30th June ,
1844, out of 400 men of Her Majesty's 98th at Chuck-chew there
were 109 in hospital : out of 80 Lascars at the same station there
were 30 in hospital.
During the year 1845, Chuck-chew-which is almost entirely
composed of rotten granite- proved as unhealthy as Victoria. By
the last accounts Her Majesty's 18th were dying there rapidly ;
but every effort is made to suppress such information by those
who wish to maintain the delusion at home. The overland
" Friend of China" of the 31st December, 1845, states, that the
mortality of the 18th Royal Irish, from the 1st March to
December, 1845 , at Chuck - chew, has been " nearly twenty-three
per cent. The whole of the Europeans have now been removed from
this wretched and useless spot, and placed on board the ship ' Sir
R. Sale,' in the harbour of Hong Kong, on the Chinese shore ; but,"
adds the journal, " there has been no improvement from the
change, and it is probable that they will sail for England." This
very regiment did not lose three per cent . per annum last year at
Chusan ; now they are almost entirely unfit for immediate active
It was supposed that Saiwan, on the south east side of Hong
Kong, would afford a healthy station for the troops . Government
expended about 30,000 dollars in preparing and building a fine
set of barracks of two stories with every view to comfort and
health . The officers of the Royal Engineers having reported the
barracks habitable, the general commanding sent a medical
board to examine the building and station. The board reported
that the station at Saiwan appeared healthy, that there was no
apparent cause for disease, and that it was eligible for troops .
The general resolved to begin with a small detachment, and
twenty Europeans were sent to Saiwan : no sentry was to be
mounted during the day, and but one at night. In five weeks,
five of the soldiers were dead ; three more were in a dangerous
state, and four were convalescent : one European woman and child
were also dangerously ill.
The remaining men were withdrawn ; and a small detachment
of native troops are now (July 17th, 1844) being sent thither, in
order to ascertain whether the climate will suit them . On the
17th July, 1844, only four men out of the twenty Europeans who
had been to Saiwan, were reported fit for duty.
The returns made to the army and navy medical board, will fur-
nish full information on the sufferings of the soldiers and sailors in
Her Majesty's service in this colony.
D of
1 840
Assistant Surgeons.
Native Officers.
Rank and File.
Second Dresser.
, 844- Two
Dut y t3 818.30
8 rather
· 4
1350 8 1 1 1 inickly
Sick 111
3 53 selected
z 2
.. as
Total 38291
503 1
13 head
, 844-
1st .
for nt
Duty 18
8 354 1
94 1 o
· 1 one
. 1 1| 1
7 141 1 addition
૭ 3 1 the
, here
a onvales-
sick nd
Total 3 38 495
· 1 1 1 1 .
Mr. Keith Stewart Mackensie, Military Secretary to the Com-
mander- in-chief, says in his Narrative of the Second Campaign
in China,' published in London, April, 1842, that when he was at
Hong Kong, "there were as many as 1,100 men in hospital ; and
in the 27th Madras regiment of 560 men, only fifty were fit for
duty. Many men and officers were obliged to be invalided .""
The Indian troops bear the insalubrity of the climate worse
than the Europeans. In the cantonments at the west end of
Victoria, the 39th Madras Native Infantry, and 37th Madras
Native Infantry, lost nearly half their men in 1842. In May,
1844, a wing of the 4th regiment Madras Native Infantry landed
at Hong Kong 450 men in perfect health, and 53 sick, after a
long voyage. There have been already many deaths in the can-
tonment at the east end of Victoria, and in June, 1844, there
were 160 men sick, and the list was daily increasing. From 15th
April to 2nd July, 1844, there died at Hong Kong out of the
small force here, 52 European and 42 Native soldiers .
The " Friend of China" of 27th February, 1846, says, "the re-
turns of death and invalids for the past year must be very large.
We hear that Her Majesty's 18th Regiment have lost about two hun-
dred men . The 42nd Madras Native Infantry have also suffered
severely." The 18th Royal Irish arrived from Chusan in perfect
health, now the regiment is almost cut up.
General D'Aguilar reported to Lord Fitzroy Somerset, that the
maintenance of an European garrison at Hong Kong would cost
the crown one regiment every three years. Estimating each
soldier as having cost government £100, this would be a severe
economical loss, and worthy the consideration of those who will
not reflect on the humanity of the subject. To keep 700 effective
fire-locks in Hong Kong it is necessary to maintain 1400 men !
Hong Kong is not less fatal to the Chinese, of whom there are
on an average about 600 sick and dying monthly. Dr. Gutzlaff
says of " one hundred coolies with whom I was acquainted, there
died between 20th May, and 15th June, 1844, ten men ; and
thirty left the place diseased." I understand that the whole of
these 100 strong men from the north east coast, were obliged to leave
the colony from sickness. There is no large town or extensive
population on the mainland of China adjacent to Hong Kong,
which indicates the native opinion of this part of China.
Dr. Gutzlaff says, " many Chinese have fallen victims in Hong
Kong to a malignant fever, which not only deranges the whole
system, but hastens the death of the patient ." He adds, "there
exists amongst the doctors not one dissentient voice about the fatal
tendency af diseases contracted here."-Nor is it during only one
period of the year that the island is unhealthy. In the cold season
there are agues, low continued fever, diarrhoea, pulmonary com-
plaints, dropsy, rheumatism, and various other diseases arising
from general debility of the system and the poisoned atmosphere.
On 25th August, 1843, the surveyor general of the colony re-
ported to government that " the number of interments had been
so great (in the European graveyard) that the inclosure was
almost quite full ; and the hill behind so rocky that it was impos-
sible to dig into it, therefore, ere long it would be necessary to
provide another place." The surveyor general further stated it
would be a difficult thing to select another graveyard, on account
of the rocky and uneven nature of the island.
During the year 1844, from May to December, the civil ser-
vice of the government of Hong Kong shows the following details :
Governor Davis ill in August and went to Chusan ; colonial trea-
surer ill in July, went on sick leave to Chusan ; colonial secretary
very ill, went on sick leave to Macao ; surveyor-general very ill,
went on sick leave to Europe ; officiating surveyor-general ill, went
on sick leave to Macao ; colonial engineer twice ill, went on sick
leave to Macao ; auditor- general very ill, went on sick leave to
Macao ; chief justice very ill, given over, slowly convalescing (his
eldest daughter died, his son obliged to go to England) ; colonial
chaplain very ill, went to Manilla ; colonial surgeon ill, and re-
signed ; of twelve European ladies, three died, or 25 per cent.
Two chief clerks in the treasury dead : most of the clerks ill in
succession. By my notes I find that, in March, 1845, the harbour-
master and marine magistrate went on sick leave to England, his
successor proceeded on sick leave to Macao (since to England) ; and
the two European clerks in his office are very ill. The governor,
colonial secretary, chief magistrate, and treasurer, are unwell, and
occasionally unable to attend office.
In 1846, the colonial secretary, the Honourable F. W. A. Bruce,
left Hong Kong on eighteen months' sick leave ; so also the attor-
ney-general. The colonial surgeon died ; and other officials were
very ill.
Captain White, of the " Omega," enumerated to me the follow-
ing, among his own acquaintance, in a brief period :-Captain
McCarthy, æt. 36, never previously ill, sailor, captain of ship ;
Captain Morgan, captain of ship ; Mr. Henry Pybus, æt . 32, strong
healthy man ; Messrs. Elsworthy, Dyer, and Scott, æt. about 24,
healthy men ; Mr. Mercer, merchant ; Mr. Langer, architect ;
two Mr. Hights, brothers, one captain of ship, and the other mer-
chant, both young men ; Mr. Cropper, merchant ; Mr. Stevenson,
builder, had been five years resident in Sierra Leone, and three
years in New Orleans ; Mr. McEwan, general dealer ; Mr. Disandt,
æt. 37, long resident in India. Fully one-third of those he knew
in Hong Kong, intimately, during the first eighteen months, died
in Hong Kong.
Let it be not said that the dreadful mortality and sickness of
Hong Kong is the result of the newness of the colony, and that
all young scttlements suffer proportionably. The assertion, if
made, is at variance with fact : new colonies, even in the Tropics,
have not been originally unhealthy. When the West India
Islands were first colonized, they were perfectly healthy, as is
proved by the large European population who resorted thither,
and remained there many years. Calcutta and Bombay are re-
ported to have been formerly much healthier than they are at
present. The Australian colonies were perfectly healthy when
founded ; so also the Mauritius and St. Helena. I cannot name
a single colony that was originally unhealthy, and that subse-
quently became salubrious. Soldiers, sailors, and civilians ; Euro-
peans and natives ; women as well as men, residing in every part
of Hong Kong, have fallen victims to the climate, and at all
seasons of the year.
An extensive study of the subject, and no inconsiderable ex-
perience in different climates, induces me to concur in the opinion
of Dr. Thompson, the respected head of the medical depart-
ment of Hong Kong, that the island never will be healthy. Its
geological character ; the immense quantity of rain ; and the
circumvallation of hills surrounding the town and island, render
it a hot-bed of disease, which may be more mitigated one year
than another, but which will ever and anon recur with increased
violence. No drainage can obviate this destructive miasm ;
independent of new roads or buildings, the rain will every year
keep the surface continually saturated with moisture, and also
uncover large portions of the hills, washing the putrifying sub-
stance down the deep ravines, towards the sea, thus generating a
fruitful crop of diseases.
We shall have to consider, in a subsequent part of this report,
whether the objects sought, or to be obtained, by the possession
of Hong Kong, are worth the dreadful sacrifice of life which the
maintenance of the present establishments entails.
POPULATION AND PROGRESS . -Hong Kong was " ceded to the
British Crown under the seal of the Imperial Minister and High
Commissioner, Keshen," in January, 1841 -see Captain Elliot's
proclamation, dated Hong Kong, 29th January, 1841 , promising
" full security and protection to all British subjects and foreigners
residing in or resorting to the island, so long as they shall con-
tinue to conform to the authority of Her Majesty's government
hereby duly constituted and proclaimed in and over Hong Kong,"
&c. By the same proclamation natives of China were invited to
settle in the island, by promising them that they should be
" governed according to the laws and customs of China- every
description of torture excepted." And, by another proclamation
dated Hong Kong, Jan. 1841 , issued by Sir Gordon Bremer, com-
mander-in-chief, and Captain Elliot, Her Majesty's plenipotentiary,
it is declared, that " the island of Hong Kong has now become a
part of the dominions of the Queen of England, by clear public
agreement between the high officers of the Celestial and British
courts ; and the Chinese are hereby promised protection in Her
Majesty's gracious name against all enemies whatever ; and they
are further secured in the free exercise of their religious rites,
ceremonies, and social customs, and in the enjoyment of their
lawful private property and interests : Chinese ships, and mer-
chants resorting to the port of Hong Kong for the purposes of
trade, are exempt, in the name of the Queen of England, from
charge or duty of any kind to the British government ." The re-
mainder of the proclamation consists of further inducements for
the Chinese to settle in and trade with Hong Kong.
A form of government was organized : a chief magistrate and a
harbour master, &c., were appointed ; fifty lots of land were sold
in June, 1841 , to Messrs. Jardine, Matheson, and Co.; Dent and
Co.; MacVicar and Co .; Fox, Rawson, and Co .; Turner and Co .;
Lindsey and Co., and various other persons ; the annual rental of
which amounted to £3,224 . Each lot was required to have a
building erected within six months, of the appraised value of 1,000
dollars ; and a deposit of 500 dollars was required to be lodged
with the treasurer as a security for the performance of this engage-
ment. Building commenced with great spirit : the government
spent very large sums of money on the island, and the harbour
was filled with ships of war and transports. The island has now
had a fair trial of more than three- and-a- half (at present six) years,
we shall examine what progress it has made in civilized population .
On taking possession of Hong Kong, it was found to contain
about 7,500 inhabitants scattered over twenty fishing hamlets and
villages . The requirements of the fleet and troops, the demands
for labourers to make roads and houses, and the servants of Euro-
peans, increased the number of inhabitants, and in March, 1842 ,
they were numbered at 12,361 . In April, 1844, the number of
Chinese on the island is computed at 19,000 - of whom not more
than 1,000 are women and children . In the census are included
ninety-seven women slaves and females attendant on thirty -one
brothels, eight gambling houses, and twenty opium shops. It is
literally true that after three years and a half (six) uninterrupted set-
tlement, there is not one respectable Chinese inhabitant on the island.
The merchants of China, in a memorial to Lord Stanley, of 13th
August, 1845, say : " there are no Chinese merchants, nor even
shopkeepers, with the smallest pretension to property."
One man of reputed wealth, named Chinam, who had been
engaged in the opium trade, came to Hong Kong, built a good
house and freighted a ship . He soon returned to Canton, and
died there of a fever and cold contracted at Hong Kong. It was
understood, however, that had he lived he would have been prohi-
bited returning to Hong Kong, as it is the policy of the manda-
rins on the adjacent coast to prevent all respectable Chinese from
settling at Hong Kong, and, in consequence of the hold which
they possess on their families and relatives, this can be done most
effectually ; at the same time, I believe, that they encourage and
promote the deportation of every thief, pirate, and idle or worth-
less vagabond from the mainland to Hong Kong.
The Rev. Dr. Gutzlaff, who has been engaged in making a
census of the population in Hong Kong, referring to the fishermen,
who formed the greater part of the population of the island on
our arrival, says : " they are a roving set of beings, floating on the
wide face of the ocean with their families, and committing de
predations whenever it can be done with impunity. The stone.
cutters have been working here for many years before our arrival ;
the majority of these men are unprincipled ; they cannot be con-
sidered as domesticated, and are in the habit of going and coming
according to the state of trade. The most numerous class who
have since our arrival fixed themselves on the island, are from
Whampoa ; many of them are of the worst character, and are ready
to commit any atrocity. The capital of the shopkeepers is very
small ; the most of them live from hand to mouth, and lead a life
of expedients, without principle and self-control.
" It is very natural that depraved, idle, and bad characters from
the adjacent main and islands should flock to the colony where
some money can be made."
Dr. Gutzlaff, whose prepossessions are strongly in favour of the
Chinese, concludes this portion of the memorandum with which
he has favoured me, as follows : " The moral standard of the people
congregated in this place (Hong Kong) is ofthe lowest description."
This observation is fully borne out by the numerous murders,
piracies, burglaries, and robberies of every description, which have
taken place during the last three (six) years, and with almost perfect
impunity ; for the Chinese are formed into secret societies for
mutual protection, and no man dare inform against another.
A writer in the London " Times " of 17th December, 1844,
speaking of his experience at Hong Kong, says, "The community
is migratory, property most insecure, and life often in danger, from
the bands of piratical robbers that infest this and the neighbour-
ing islands. The place has nothing to recommend it, if we except
its excellent harbour. The site of the new town of Victoria is
most objectionable, there being scarcely level ground enough for
the requisite buildings ; and the high hills which overhang the
locality shut out the southerly winds, and render the place exceed-
ingly hot, close, and unhealthy. Many of the worst description
of Chinese resort there, and I have seen during one evening at
Victoria, more open scenes of vice and debauchery than I had ob-
scrved during my three years' stay in the north of China. So
much for the boasted march of civilization." Recently, the police
magistrate at Victoria publicly warned the inhabitants not to go
outside the precincts of the town without fire-arms. And as
regards the waters around Hong Kong, they are in possession of
the pirates, unless a well-armed vessel with Europeans gives con-
voy to any coasting craft.
It must not be inferred, however, from the various trades carried
ried on at Hong Kong by the Chinese, that there is an honest,
peaceful population .
At this moment, (July, 1844), the European inhabitants
are obliged to sleep with loaded pistols under their pillows ;
frequently to turn out of their beds at midnight to protect
their lives and property from gangs of armed robbers, who are ready
to sacrifice a few of their number if they can obtain a large plun-
The Hong Kong newspapers teem with descriptions of robberies
almost nightly. To this is now added incendiarism. The follow-
ing extract from the " Hong Kong register," is a fair specimen of
the daring character of the attacks :-
"" About half-past one this (Monday) morning a room in the
hospital was broken into, and money and goods to a considerable
value carried away. The thieves in this, as in most of the robber-
ies that have occurred, must have been well acquainted with the
premises. Mr. Cowan, the assistant, was awakened by the crash
of the venetians being wrenched off : after which fire-balls were
thrown in to illuminate the room , which was immediately filled
with robbers, and stripped of everything portable, after which they
made off, without disturbing the adjoining apartments. On mak-
ing his escape, Mr. Cowan endeavoured in vain to attract the at-
tention of the sentinel stationed at the foot of the hill ; and fail-
ling in this, gave the alarm at Dr. Anderson's ; but so expeditious
were the parties, that by this time all trace of them was lost. The
watchman at Dr. Hobson's, saw about fifty take to a boat on the
small piece of beach lying between the two hills.
"The almost nightly occurrence of such events, calls loudly for a
more efficient system of police. One of the first requisites of a
Government is to afford protection to the life and property of the
subjects. No lengthened dissertation is required to show how
completely, in this latter respect, we are here left unprotected.
We should like to know how many Europeans on the island, sleep
every night without loaded fire-arms either under their pillow or
within their immediate reach- and the answer, if obtained, would
prove sufficiently the degree of confidence placed in our police-
men ."
The " China Mail," dated Hong Kong, 27th August, 1846,
a paper which has hitherto supported the local government, and
whose proprietor and editor invested, in 1844, some property in
the island, makes the following admission :
" It is, and will continue, a subject of wonder, why, where so
wide a choice was open, our negotiators should have selected such
a sterile and wild unlovely land as Hong Kong.
" The number of lawless ruffians has lately been on the increase,
and scarcely a week passes unmarked by some instances of murder,
stabbing, and other aggravated assaults, chiefly committed by the
Since this was printed, the insecurity has increased, and persons
are carried off by force from the island in open day : while the
pirates, who congregate like hungry wolves in the outer waters,
are ready to seize on any unarmed or even half-armed vessel, that
quits the protection of our guns. Every mail that arrives from
China, confirms the accuracy of these statements.
This state of things was long ago predicted . In the " Canton
Register," of 23rd February, 1841, it was stated : “ Hong Kong
will be the resort and rendezvous of all the Chinese smugglers ;
opium smoking shops and gambling houses will soon spread ; to
those haunts will flock all the discontented and bad spirits of the
empire ; the island will be surrounded by " shameens," (name of
a dissolute place at Canton) , and become a gehenna of the waters."
Three (six) years have completely fulfilled this prediction , and neither
time nor circumstances will now ever alter the character of the
place . No Chinese of the humbler class will ever bring their
wives and children to the colony. He must be sanguinely vision-
ary who expects that Hong Kong will ever contain a numerous
and respectable Chinese population . And as regards the present
inhabitants, if a migratory race who are constantly changing,
deserve that epithet, their diminution by one half would be satis-
factory, for then a control by registration might be exercised, and
life and property be rendered in some degree secure."
The daring character of the population , and its worthlessness
for all useful civil purposes in the formation of a colony, will be
seen in the following incident :-
On the 27th September, 1843, the Honourable Major Caine, the
chief magistrate, issued a proclamation for putting down some
mat-sheds, which harboured a gang of ruffians, who were nightly
engaged in plundering the town. In the beginning of October,
1843, the Chinese robbers posted a counter proclamation on the
gate of number one, market place, in the chief thoroughfare, de-
claring that if they left the island themselves, they would " compel
others to do so , taking with them their merchandise and pro-
perty ; and warning people to be cautious how they ventured out
after dark, lest they meet with some unexpected harm." At the
same time, the government coal depôts were set on fire ; the mat-
barracks of 41st regiment, and the market place, number one,
were attempted to be burned ; and at noon, a number of Chinamen
armed with knives, entered the market, threatened all around,
wounded an European policeman, and then walked away un-
molested . The number of prisoners in the jail of Hong Kong,
averaged, during 1843-44, from sixty to ninety a month ; nearly
every prisoner was Chinese. and the crimes with which they were
charged, were invariably piracy, murder, burglary, robbery, &c.
There has been no diminution of crime ; the number of prisoners
in the jail has increased ; and the nightly robberies are nearly as
frequent as they were three years ago. The shopkeepers do not
remain more than a few months on the island, when another set
takes their place. There is, in fact, a continual shifting of a
Bedouin sort of population, whose migratory, predatory, gambling,
and dissolute habits, utterly unfit for them for continuous indus-
try, and render them not only useless, but highly injurious sub-
jects in the attempt to form a new colony.
There cannot be said to be any other coloured race in the
colony, a few Lascars seek employment in ships. The European
inhabitants, independent of those in the employ of government,
consist of the members of about twelve mercantile houses, and their
clerks, together with several European shopkeepers. A few per-
sons have arrived here from New South Wales, to try and better
their fortune, many of whom would be glad to return thither.
The principal mercantile firms are those engaged in the opium
trade, and who have removed thither from Macao, as a safer posi-
tion for an opium depôt, and which they frankly admit is the only
trade Hong Kong will ever possess. The opium belonging to the
two principal firms is not however . lodged on shore, it is kept in
" receiving ships ;" the " Hormanjee Romanjee" belonging to
Jardine, Matheson, & Co.; and the " John Barry" belonging to
Dent & Co. Even the money in use by those firms is not en-
trusted on shore, but is kept in the " receiving ships ." These
firms and the three or four others partially engaged in the opium
trade, carry on the business in Hong Hong ; the tea trade is car-
ried on distinctly at Canton, by members of the firms resident
there. Excepting the six firms engaged in the opium trade, the
other six houses are small, and are principally agents for manu-
facturers, &c., in Great Britain. The expense of establishments,
the high rate of interest of money, and the want of trade, will it
is said probably ere long compel the removal or breaking up of
several of the small houses. There is scarcely a firm in the
island, but would I understand be glad to get back half the money
they have expended in the colony, and retire from the place.
[ Since this was written in July 1844, many of the mercantile
firms have quitted Hong Kong- and others are preparing to
follow their example.]
The "Friend of China" of 11th July, 1846, states, " afewfacts
for the consideration of his Excellency Governor Davis :-
"Marine lot No. 64 was offered for sale at Mr. Franklyn's
rooms yesterday. This lot has 200 feet water frontage, with a sea
wall and other improvements, which cost 3,000 dollars- it adjoins
some of the principal mercantile establishments, and for mer-
cantile premises is a most eligible site. There was not a single
bid, and the lot and improvements will probably be allowed to
lapse to the crown. Less than a year ago Mr. Franklyn sold a
less valuable lot for 3,080 dollars ; and two years age 6,000 dol-
lars would have been given for lot 64, which now cannot find a
" There are upwards of twenty unoccupied houses in Hong
Kong, either of which two years ago would have commanded an
annual rent of one thousand dollars.
"There is not a single Chinese merchant resident in Hong Kong.
Of Britishfirms eight have abandoned the colony since the arrival
of his Excellency .
"The commerce which existed when his Excellency arrived, has
disappeared- parties who purchased, and improved lots, are aban-
doning them the land rent is diminishing, and upwards of 200
Ladrones are known to be resident on the island."
A sort of hallucination seems to have seized those who built
houses here. They thought that Hong Kong would " rapidly out-
rival Singapore," and become the Tyre or Carthage of the " eastern
hemisphere." Three (six) years' residence, and the experience
thence derived, have materially sobered some of the views enter-
tained . Unfortunately the government of the colony fostered the
delusion respecting the colony. The leading government-officers
bought land, built houses or bazaars, which they rented out at high
rates, and the public money was lavished in the most extraordinary
manner, building up and pulling down temporary structures ;
making zig-zag bridle paths over hills and mountains, and forming
"the Queen's road" of three to four miles long on which about
80,000 dollars have been expended, but which is not passable for
half the year. The straggling settlement called Victoria, built
along " the Queen's Road" was dignified with the name of " City,”
and it was declared on the highest authority that Hong Kong
would contain a population " equal to that of Ancient Rome."
The surveyor general, in an official report to his relative and
patron, Sir Henry Pottinger, of twenty-two pages, dated 6th July,
1843, proposed building an entirely new town or " city" in the
Wooni-chung valley (which may be aptly called the valley of death)
with a grand canal and many branch canals , &c. &c.
" Two ranges of terraces of houses, &c., courts of law and
various other offices ;" " acclimatizing barracks ;" " additions to the
present government house for the secretaries and personal staff of
the governor, isolated from all other buildings ;" a space of land
to be reclaimed from the sea for a public landing place, with
an esplanade, or public walk ;" " a magnificent promenade offour
miles" to be made on ground now covered by the sea, which was
to be excluded by a sea wall " at a cost of thirty-five dollars per
lineal yard, exclusive of filling in," &c.; a circular road over hills
and ravines round the entire island, &c. &c . adapted for carriages
and for moving troops with speed and facility to any part of the
island, where they may happen to be required for the protection of
the different villages !" (these villages, be it remembered, containing
nothing but a few hundreds of a thieving, piratical population)
-I refer to the government archives for full details of these and
other most ridiculous projects, involving a vast expenditure of
public money, which none but the wildest theorists, or self-
interested persons, could have projected or entertained.
On 17th December, 1843, the surveyor-general laid before Sir
Henry Pottinger the elevation of a building for a government
office, &c. " with a front of 360 feet in length by 50 feet in depth,
and which would probably cost £30,000 sterling." There seemed
to be the greatest possible desire to spend a large part of the
Chinese indemnity money on this wretched, barren, unhealthy,
and useless rock, which the whole wealth, energy, and talent of
England would never render habitable, or creditable as a colony
to the British name.
In illustration of the mode in which the public money was pro-
posed to be spent, I give the following, which is a portion of the
estimate of public works in Hong Kong for 1844, and which Sir
H. Pottinger transmitted to England for approval ; if sanctioned,
of course, the surveyor-general would be no loser by this large
expenditure of cash among Chinese contractors.
Completion of Queen's Roads from West Point, to
the east side of Woongnichung valley 28,000
Ditto to Godowns of Jardine & Co. 15,000
New street formation in Victoria 35,000
Sewers in Victoria 100,000
Value of houses to be removed from upper bazaar
and other places 25,000
Drainage of Woongnichung valley 7,000
Bridle path to Saiwan • 3,000
New church 35,000
Government house, with suitable office, & c. 70,000
House for judge • 24,000
Ditto for advocate general 20,000
Ditto for Queen's solicitor general 20,000
Ditto for colonial secretary 20,000
Ditto for chief magistrate 20,000
Ditto for treasurer • 18,000
Ditto for land officer 18,000
Ditto for clerk of colonial council . 16,000
Ditto for colonial surgeon · 16,000
Ditto for the chaplain 16,000
Buildings for advocate general , Queen's solicitor, &c. 100,000
Prison, with house for jailer, Hong Kong · 45,000
Carried forward 651,000
Brought forward • 651,000
Debtors' jail, Hong Kong 20,000
House of Correction , Hong Kong 15,000
Two police stations north side of Island 10,000
Two smaller ditto 4,000
Police station at Chuckchoo • 8,000
Ditto at Saiwan 3,000
Ditto at Pok-foolum 3,000
Keeping in repair Chuk-chooroad . 1,500
Contingencies of five per cent. 35,775
Consulate at Canton 45,000
Total 796,275
Land office, 10th of February, 1844. A. F. Gordon,
Victoria. Land officer.
This is but a small portion of the contemplated expenditure ; it
does not include the formation of streets and roads in Hong Kong,
which (on account of the mountainous nature of the island) would
cost about £100,000 sterling. It does not include barracks, stores,
forts, arsenals, dockyards, wharfs, &c., all projected, and which
would cost several millions sterling before they would be com-
pleted !
By a Parliamentary Return (No. 264, of May 4, 1846), it appears
that the total revenue . raised in Hong Kong from January 29,
1841 (when British possession was taken by Captain Elliot), to
September 30, 1845, amounted to £29,436 ; that is, for nearly five
years at the rate of less than 6,000 a-year. Of the total sum of
£29,436, the amount received as rent of land for building was
£ 16,208, leaving only £13,228 from all other sources .
The mere civil colonial expenditure, as far as it can be gathered
from the above imperfect return, amounted for the period quoted ,
to £ 161,634, thus showing a deficit for civil expenses alone, of
£ 132,198 . The military and naval expenditure, military works,
charges, &c., for the same period at Hong Kong, has not been less
than, on an average, £200,000 per annum. Thus this barren,
useless island has cost England already more than a million and a
quarter sterling to the present date ; while the Americans carry on
a trade with China equal to half the commerce of England with
China, at a cost of about £ 1,000 a-year ! A mercantile Consul at
Canton, and the occasional presence of a ship of war at Canton,
affords all the required aid of the United States' commerce with
China, while we are uselessly squandering life and treasure at
Hong Kong. According to the ordnance estimates, ordered to be
printed, February 16th, 1846, it would appear that Her Majesty's
Ministers are still unacquainted with the real nature of Hong
Kong, or they would not sanction the continuance of enormous
expenditure on an utterly useless barren rock :-
For 1845-46. For 1846-47.
Ordnance establishments £1,900 £6,604
Barrack ditto 2,522 1,861
Clerk of works , & c.. 949 931
Labourers' wages • 1,654 1,843
New works and barracks 113,000
What the past ordnance expenditure has been, it is difficult, if
not impossible, to say ; but it is very desirable that the vote for
the above sum of £ 124,239, for only one branch of service, be sus-
pended until an impartial inquiry be made. The officer command-
ing the troops at Hong Kong, and the officer in charge of the
engineers, who are now causing and recommending this expendi-
ture, both formerly declared that Hong Kong was valueless to
England ; and the respected heads of ordnance, artillery, and
commissariat, have in vain protested against this waste of the
public money : for this meritorious conduct Colonel Chesney, of the
Royal Artillery, and Mr. Pitt, of the Ordnance, have been disgraced
and punished by General d'Aguilar !
Some of the useless military expenditure is as follows :-
The General's House. Dollars.
Original estimate . 22,000
Two additional estimates 1,346
Two supplementary ditto 4,500
Materials bought in addition to the estimates, -
timber, lead, marble, glass, bricks, and lime. 10,000
Retaining wall, bridge, and road • 10,000
Coach-house, stables, cook-house, and out- offices,
covered way to ditto 8,000
Paid on the spot 55,846
Fixtures and fittings demanded from England £3,000 15,000
Besides laying out ground, planting grass plots, and other ex-
penses still going on.
70,000 dollars, at twelve per cent. per annum, only 8,520 dol-
lars per annum of rent, paid to accommodate Major-general
D'Aguilar, equal to about £ 1,836 sterling per annum.
Officers' Quarters. Dollars.
Original estimate 61,680
In addition, materials 4,000
Ditto, lead • 300
Supplementary estimate £3,400 17,000
Further sum for material-timber, bricks, tiles, lime,
glass, & c. & c. 9,800
To which must be added the expenses of the mess-
room, not known as yet ·
Also the cook-house, stables, privies, drains, bath
rooms, formation of grounds, &c. &c. • • ·
Fixtures from England for both items 18,000
Total Dollars 110,780
The quarters accommodate twenty-two officers, being 5,000 dol-
lars for each officer, who has for his personal accommodation a
single ill-ventilated room, twenty feet by eighteen. For this sum
a good six room house can be built, suitable to officers, with veran-
dahs, and every comfort which the climate renders essential ; but of
course without a massive entablature of granite Ionic columns and
capitals, the volutes elaborately carved in the same material.
twelve per cent. each officer's little room costs 600 dollars per an-
num, or fifty dollars per month, for which a comfortable house
might be obtained.
I am ready to prove that the conduct of General D'Aguilar, and
particularly of Major Aldrich, of the Engineers, deserves the
strongest censure, for their waste of the public money, at Hong
Hospital with two wings, original estimate 90,000
Two wings of barracks in the rear of the officers'
quarters 35,000
Add for drains, hillock, &c. • 26,000
Add sea wall to hospital • 13,000
Materials purchased. 23,000
Exclusive of out -buildings of every description, fixtures of all
kinds demanded from England, and a variety of expenses inserted
in 1847 estimate.
Colonel Chesney, of the Bengal artillery, an officer of forty years
distinguished service, of high intellectual attainments, and truly
Christian principles, saw the inutility of Hong Kong, and endea-
voured to check the wasteful expenditure of the public money, as
is the bounden duty of a servant of the crown- -whether civil or
military. For thus acting, Colonel Chesney has been shamefully
persecuted by those who are interested personally and pecuniarily
in maintaining the delusion. It is to be hoped that justice is not
dead in England, and that Colonel Chesney, on his return home,
will obtain it at the hands of the Commander-in-chief, and the
Master-general of the ordnance.
It is unnecessary to pursue this branch of the subject farther ;
sufficient has been said to shew the absurd and ruinous projects
which were entertained, and the utter failure of the colony in re-
gard to the nature and extent of its population .
The merchants and British residents in Hong Kong, in a me-
morial to Lord Stanley, dated 13th August, 1845 , (after I had
quitted the island) , fully verify this observation : they say, " there
is at this moment, after four years occupation of the island,
scarcely one foreign resident, except government officers, and
those British merchants and traders who commenced building
before the enforcement of the leases ; there are no Chinese mer-
chants, or even shopkeepers, with any pretension to property."
COMMERCE. -There is no trade of any noticeable extent in Hong
Kong ; vessels occasionally touch here on their way to Canton, or
on their return from thence, when laden and about to proceed to
Europe for orders. Vessels also proceeding to or coming from the
ports to the northward, sometimes touch here for instructions from
the owners or consignees, but very few " break bulk" at Hong Kong.
A large British fleet of merchant-men yearly load at Canton with
tea ; not one of these vessels touch at Hong Kong, they are per-
fectly independent of the island and of its harbour. The place is
indeed shunned by the tea ships. There is a considerable business
done in opium, Messrs . Jardine, Matheson, and Co., have a large
opium " receiving ship," the " Homanjee Bomanjee," moored the
whole year round in this harbour ; Messrs . Dent and Co. , have also
a large vessel, the " John Barry," for a similar purpose . These
receiving ships contain the opium brought from India, whence it
is transhipped to smaller vessels, and sent up the coast . Messrs.
McVicar, Burn, and Co. , and a few smaller houses, also deal to the
extent of their means in the opium trade, which requires a large
ready money capital. The smaller houses who have no vessels of
their own, consign opium to agents at the consular ports, but it is
kept on board the receiving ships moored off or near those ports,
until the agents sell the opium to some Chinese broker, at Shang-
hai for instance, who then receives an order for the delivery of the
opium, from the " receiving ship" at Woosung.
There are no native junks trading here from the coast of China ;
there are none belonging to the port, and a few fishing, stone, pro-
vision, and passage boats, many of which form a safe asylum for
Ladrones and vagabonds of every description, constitute the na-
tive craft of Hong Kong. Even if the natural impediments did
not exist to the establishment of a native coasting trade, the arti-
cles 13, 14, and 16, in the supplementary treaty, would effectually
prevent any Chinese junks, resorting to Hong Kong ; not only are
the junks prevented proceeding thither from any places but the
five consular ports, but they must also obtain special passports for
a voyage to Hong Kong, and when arrived there, the British go-
vernment are to act the part of spies for the Chinese government,
and to report every vessel, the name of her proprietor, the nature
of her cargo, &c. , to the authorities at Canton. It is now well
understood what was the object of these clauses ; no passes will be
readily granted, and junks that might proceed to Hong Kong,
would probably be punished by the Chinese authorities, who are
exceedingly jealous that any thing should occur for the advantage
of Hong Kong. These and other circumstances together with the
fear of pirates, the want of a Chinese commercial community, the
dearness of provisions, and the absence or high price of any trad-
ing commodities, will be sufficient to prevent any coasting trade at
Hong Kong.
Dr. Gutzlaff, whose knowledge of the Chinese character and pro-
ceedings is certainly unsurpassed, says, " so long as the trade is
maintained in the respective ports on an excellent footing, no ves-
sels will visit this colony to buy articles at the same price which
they can more easily get nearer to them, nor will they bring goods
to Hong Kong for which there is an advantageous market in their
own neighbourhood . When ships find it more profitable to pro-
ceed direct to the northern ports, the chances of Hong Kong be-
coming an emporium are very trifling. Whatever native or
foreign trade will be carried on here, must be brought to the
colony by adventitious circumstances, and will last or cease ac-
cording to accident ; for notwithstanding the excellent harbour,
Hong Kong has nothing in its position or relationship to the
other ports to concentrate commerce."
Since August 1841 , proclamations and regulations have been
issued respecting commerce and shipping, for their encourage-
ment and protection . No duties of any kind whatever have
been levied, no inquiries have been made as to the cargoes of
vessels ; ships might enter and depart at pleasure ; but all in vain,
commerce cannot be created where no materials for it exist.
A table of the shipping which entered the harbour of Hong
Kong for three years, shews that it consisted principally of trans-
ports conveying troops, and vessels calling for orders or seek-
ing freight. Ample trial has been given to the place without any
satisfactory result. Nearly four (six) years residence on or occu-
pation of the Island, and an immense expenditure, has failed to
produce any commercial operation . Every month the shipping
entering the harbour are diminishing in number, and the imposi-
tion of a tonnage duty, would it is said, cause a still further de-
Since this was written the Colonial Journals contain the follow-
ing statements :-
" We have no native merchants settled in the colony ; neither
is produce imported, nor goods exported, to any of the five ports,
except it be on British account ; and all mercantile transactions
are concluded at those ports, whilst the harbour of Hong Kong is
completely deserted . Not an anchor of a junk is dropped in the
bay of Hong Kong ; they flee from it as man would from a pesti-
lence. * * * * * Hong Kong, a free port,
is deprived of all trade further than the transhipment of goods,
and a supply of articles for local consumption, the commissions
upon which would barely pay the expenses of a first class mercan-
tile establishment.- (Extract from editorial article in the Friend
of China, and Hong Kong Gazette,' No. 185 , for November
1844. )
" The respectable Parsee firm whose extensive premises near
Messrs . Dent and Co., are now nearly finished, have determined
not to remove to Hong Kong ; others, who contemplated settling
here, have changed their minds and remain at Macao. Three Eng-
lish firms, within three months, have abandoned the island, con-
fining their operations to Canton ; and of the several new firms
established within the past six months, none of them has even an
office in Hong Kong. *** There is now positively less actual
trade than we had two years ago, and the little that exists is de-
creasing."— " Friend of China," editorial article, Hong Kong,
18th June, 1845.)
" It is much to be feared that unless very different measures
are speedily adopted, this colony, as a place of commerce, will be
utterly ruined ." — (Ibid . )
On 17th January, 1846, the same journal announces, that
" since the first of the month, two firms have given up their es-
tablishments in the colony, other two of old standing have also
determined to leave the island, and others are about to follow the
" Friend of China," edited 15th May, 1845, says, " when Hong
Kong was ceded to Her Majesty, most of the British merchants
resident in China, were induced to build houses and stores on the
island, in the reasonable expectation that a large junk trade would
immediately spring up, similar to that the Chinese carry on with
the comparatively distant ports of Batavia and Singapore. They
have been disappointed, however, and their expensive establish-
ments are only valuable as points, from whence they correspond
with their constituents ."
" Not a native vessel nor a native merchant can come to Hong
Kong. We see junks passing through the harbour on their pas-
sage to and from Macao ; we also know that large fleets of them
visit the Indian islands for articles of traffic, which they could bet-
ter obtain here without the danger and delay of a long voyage,
but here they do not come. The much lauded treaty made by
Sir Henry Pottinger, completely checks the slightest approach to
that description of commerce, which might almost have been cal-
culated on. The Chinese evidently will not grant permits to their
traders wishing to visit us, and without such permits we have
agreed to seize inoffensive men and deliver them over to torture
and death. It was this malignant clause of the treaty which
deeply injured the colony, and disappointed those who vested
largely in the hopes that Hong Kong would be a place of com-
mercial importance ." (" Friend of China," Hong Kong, 15th
May, 1845.")
The following opinions shew the value of the settlement in the
estimation of even the merchants who unfortunately settled at
Hong Kong ::-
"We hesitate not to assert, that with the exception of two or
three houses, who have a large coasting trade (this refers to the
opium trade) , nearly every merchant in the place would cheerfully
dispose of his property at cost price, and abandon this island ; and
even the exceptions we have made, could manage their business
equally well at Macao. " (" Friend of China," Hong Kong, 26th
July, 1845. )
An official gentleman of rank, in a letter dated Hong Kong,
25th July, 1846, says, " no change is more apparent than the
tone of the merchants. No one whom I have met or heard of has
the slightest hope of maintaining this as a place of commerce ;
the game is now to lay out nothing, and lose as little as possible
of what they have expended . The military reductions, and the
constant departures, will complete the downfall of Hong Hong."
The London " Times" of July, 1846, says, " the prospects of Hong
Kong as a commercial colony are not good ; account for it as we
will, -disguise as we may, the truth is becoming more plain and
undeniable every day ; it might perhaps be ووwell dispensed with
for any value it is of now to our commerce.'
" There is at this moment, after four years occupation of the
island, scarcely one foreign resident except government officers,
and those British merchants who commenced building before the
enforcement of the leases ; there are no Chinese merchants or even
shop-keepers with any pretence to property ; there is neither an im-
port or export trade of any kind ; and as will be seen by the public
papers, even now when many private dwellings are temporarily
occupied by the civil and military officers of government, pending
the completion of the public buildings, several houses have been
untenanted for months past, and the value of all property is daily
on the decrease.
" The island of Hong Kong has no natural productions, and is
even dependent for its daily supply offood on the mainland.
" Hong Kong cannot be expected under any circumstances to
possess an extensive trade, or to afford any considerable revenue
towards the payment of its expenses.
[Memorial to Lord Stanley, of Jardine, Matheson and Co. ,
Dent and Co., and other British merchants, &c ., who have resi-
dences in Hong Kong, dated, " Victoria, 13th August, 1845." ]
" The Americans and all other foreigners remain in Canton, and
Macao, notwithstanding all the boasted advantages of Hong Kong
as a free port. [Letter of above parties in reply to Governor
Davis' letter of 25th August, 1845, and dated, " Victoria, 29th
August, 1845."]
" Although Hong Kong has been nearly four years in existence,
the commencement of new houses of any magnitude, can no where be
seen, a state of matters, we believe without a parallel in the history
of the British colonies. (Ibid.)
" While the place continues the seat of government, and the
head-quarters of steam communication, many English mercantile
houses may find it necessary to keep up establishments here, and a
small Chinese population will remain with them ; but when the
present government and other buildings, (long since commenced , )
are finished, a large portion of the present inhabitants must
emigrate from a place where from the absence of trade they can
have no occupation . (Ibid.)
" The reported increase of tonnage, shews nothing more than
the number of ships that have anchored in Hong Kong bay
on their way to other ports. All, or nearly all, the cotton ships
from India, have stopped a few hours in Hong Kong, before pro-
ceeding to Canton, but not a single bale of their cargoes has been
landed or sold here ; and the same remark may generally apply to
the ships from England : but it would be as erroneous to infer from
the number of inward vessels, that there is an increase of trade, or
indeed any trade at all, as to suppose because all the English tea-
laden ships from Canton call here for their despatches, that Hong
Kong is the centre of the tea-trade. (Ibid.)
" With regard to the report of Dr. Gutzlaff that 120,000
pieces of cotton goods have been taken away by thirteen junks
this year.' We submit that some doubt may be entertained of the
authenticity of mercantile statements, which appear to have eluded
the observation of the whole mercantile community. We are quite
satisfied Dr. Gutzlaff must have been convinced that such a trade
really existed, but as we cannot find that his information has been
derived from any of the British merchants, we are apprehensive
that he has relied on the report of the Chinese junk people, a class
by no means - remarkable for strict adherence to correctness in
questions of statistical detail . Supposing however the reports to
be correct, it by no means follows that such deliveries of cotton
cloth can be deemed part of the trade of Hong Kong, for nothing
is of more common occurrence than for the junk owners to pur-
chase goods in Canton, deliverable outside the port at Macao,
Hong Kong or elsewhere ; and if this place did not exist, the busi-
ness would be carried on at other convenient anchorages. Giving
however the fullest measure of credit both to Dr. Gutzlaff's in-
formants, and the inference that His Excellency the governor in
council appears to deduce from the report, we venture to remark,
that if after four years occupation of the colony, the only trade
which can be found to exist after apparently the most diligent en-
quiry, is an export of 120,000 pieces of cloth, in a place possessing
all the advantages of a free port, so pointedly enumerated in your
letter now under reply, there is scarcely yet sufficient business
transacted or likely soon to be transacted in the colony, to justify
heavy taxation . (Ibid. )
" Assuming (what, as above stated, we do not think it would be
correct to admit) that the 120,000 pieces of cotton cloths belong
to the trade of this place, the following statement taken from of-
ficial returns, will shew the position of the question more accu-
rately. Canton imports for the year 1844, £3,883,828 ; Shanghai
imports for only half a year ending June 1845, £442,757 ; Hong
Kong for whole year ending 30th June, 1845 , say 120,000 pieces
of cotton cloths at 10s . each £60,000. [ Letter from British mer-
chants at Hong Kong to Official Secretary Caine, " Victoria, 29th
August, 1845."
There does not appear the slightest probability, that under any
circumstance Hong Kong will ever become a place of trade. The
overland " Friend of China," of 27th February, 1846, adverts to
the " retrograding and ruin of the colony," to the " merchants and
others who were led to invest money in building, by hopes that
have never been realized,” and that it is not a matter of astonish-
ment, that Europeans and Chinese are alike desirous to realize,
and abandon the island. The island produces nothing whatever ;
its geographical position as regard the Chinese coast generally, or
Canton in particular, is bad. For the trade of the coast of China
it is too far to the southward of a territory which extends upwards
of 2,000 miles, and if it were practicable to remove the foreign
trade of Canton, the removal would be either to some of the open
ports to the northward, in the neighbourhood of the tea districts,
or to some island or place in the Canton river. Among other de-
lusions that have been promulgated, is the allegation that Hong
Kong is a protection to the British commerce at Canton, and es-
pecially to the tea trade. With reference to the latter it should
be remembered, that the Chinese are as eager to sell us tea, as we
are to buy it ; that the cessation of the trade would be a greater
injury to them than to the British nation ; that there was no dif-
ficulty in procuring tea during the war ; that nothing would pre-
vent the Chinese supplying our annual demand for tea, and of
course receiving in return English manufactures.
The tea trade is in fact as independent of Hong Kong as it
would be of our occupation of the Sandwich Islands. Canton,
however, has no intrinsic advantages to make it the seat of
foreign commerce : so long as the Emperor restricted all
foreigners to the most distant southerly port in the empire, tea,
silk, or any other exportable produce was obliged to be conveyed
thither, however distant the place of production or manufacture ;
but the case is now totally different ; when the northern ports in
the immediate vicinity of the tea and silk provinces are equally
with Canton open to British commerce . Several vessels have
already laden with tea for England, in the northern ports : this
may be increased, and the trade of Canton would then be pro-
portionally diminished , thus rendering Hong Kong (admitting for
for the sake of argument its reputed value as a protection to the
trade of Canton), every year less and less useful to British in-
terests in China. It is for the advantage of England that our
trade with China be carried on with the northern ports. In the
central districts of China along the Yangtzekang, and other
great rivers and canals, the people are more civilized , more
wealthy, and (now that they are becoming acquainted with the
English) , more disposed to friendly and commercial intercourse.
By purchasing tea and silk near the place of production, the
charges of land carriage, fees, &c. will be reduced, and the cost
price thus lessened by one-third to the British consumer. On
the other hand, the Chinese will be able to purchase at a cheap
rate British manufactures, when they are brought by our vessels
to their doors. These, and other considerations, render it a mat-
ter of national importance that our trade with China be diffused
over several ports, instead of being confined to Canton ; and indi-
cates that it is not desirable Hong Kong be maintained (even if
the assertion be true) as a protection to the trade of Canton.
Dr. Gutzlaff in November, 1844, wrote the following opinion
on Hong Kong, which Governor Davis forwarded to Lord Aber-
deen :-
" Hong Kong, with its fine harbour, has not yet proved a place
of trade on anticipations founded at the opening of the port, on
the previous flourishing condition of the floating colonies at Lin-
tin, Kamsingmoon, and Kapsingmoon .
" The whole state of things is now, however, materially and
radically changed . The violent prohibitions against opium have
ceased to be carried into effect, and the smuggling vessels are now
everywhere scattered on the coast. Every raw and manufactured
article may be bought nearly as cheap as at Hong Kong, at any of
the four emporiums. What should, therefore , induce the Chinese
to fetch them from a distant mart .
"The Chinchew race of mariners and merchants, have not yet made
this island their abode, and unless they commence in earnest, the
motley group now inhabiting our shores will never rise beyond the
sphere of pedlars.
In the same ratio as the northern trade expands , the limits of
the southern will be more and more narrowed, and unless matters
are replaced in their former state, which is perhaps beyond the
range of possibilities, we cannot expect that Hong Kong will
become a large emporium.
" Its only chance is that troubles might arise at Canton, and
the commerce be carried on here for security's sake ; local advan-
tages that can in the smallest degree compete with Chusan, Hong
Kong does not possess.
" If the climate continues as it has hitherto been, the sacrifice
of human life will be enormous, and the public expenditure in the
same proportion without any solid advantage.'
There are now five ports open on the coast of China to all
European, East Indian, and American vessels . There can be no
reason why foreign vessels should discharge cargo at Hong Kong
merely to change cargoes from one vessel to another ; and as the
Chinese government now allows a vessel to sell part of her cargo
at one port, and then proceed to another, and will probably ere
long form bonded warehouses at each port, there will be still less
probability of any trade being established here. It is indeed a
delusion or a deception, to talk of Hong Kong becoming a com-
mercial emporium, and to liken it to Singapore. The circum-
stances and position of Hong Kong and Singapore present no
resemblance whatever. Hong Kong is a barren rock, producing
nothing ; not leading to any place ; surrounded by no trading or
populous communities, with various commodities for barter ; and
disadvantageously situated, at the most impoverished part of a
coast line of 2,000 miles ; and which for half the year is only
readily accessible in one direction ,
Singapore is most advantageously placed at the southern point
of the rich Malayan Peninsula, and at the entrance of the Straits
of Malacca, which may be considered the high road between
Eastern and Western Asia. It is surrounded by or lies contigu-
ous to, the most fertile, wealthy and populous islands and countries
in the world ; Sumatra, Java, Borneo , Celebes, Macassar, Penang,
Siam, Cochin China, Tonquin, Birmah, &c. The harbour of
Singapore is capacious, perfectly sheltered, easy of access from
every point of the compass, and never experiencing a tempest.
The climate is very salubrious. The island is of great beauty and
fertility, with an undulating surface, and an area of 120,000 acres,
all capable of tillage, and of which 20,000 acres are now under
the luxuriant and profitable cultivation of sugar cane, nutmegs,
pepper, rice, betelnut, gambier, cocoa-nuts, & c. The sugar made
by Mr. Ballastier with a steam engine, or by Mr. Montgomerie by
water and cattle mills, is equal in quality to the produce of the
West Indies. The nutmeg trees are already yielding abun-
dantly ; the black pepper produced during the past year, amounted
to 38,000 peculs, (a pecul = 133 pounds), the gambier to 85,000
peculs, and there are 100,000 cocoa-nut trees in full bearing ;
live-stock, bread, water, and delicious fruit, and vegetables of every
kind, and at moderate prices, are at all times ready for the ship-
ping, which enjoys the advantage of a perfectly free port ; eighty-
six miles of excellent roads have been completed, and extensive
communications are in progress ; land is being sold in fee simple
at a minimum and maximum price of five to ten rupees (ten to
twenty shillings) per acre ; fifty thousand industrious and skilful
inhabitants are spreading cultivation in every direction, four com-
panies of sepoys constitute the sole military force of the island,
which has not even a fort for its defence ; the revenue in 1842
amounted to 509,087 rupees ; and the disbursements (including
165,955 rupees for troops, and 49,789 rupees for Bengal and
Madras convicts) to 49,029 rupees, leaving a suplus of income
to the extent of 15,083 rupees ; and under the able management
of the present Governor, Colonel Butterworth , it is one of the
most valuable possessions of the British crown.
The remarkably eligible position of Singapore for a commercial
emporium, led to its establishment as a British colony by Sir
Stamford Raffles in 1819, when there were but a few Malay
fishermen on the island who disputed with the tiger for their oc-
cupancy. In 1821 , the trade of the colony amounted to
1,000,000 pounds sterling : in 1824, to 3,000,000 pounds sterling
and last year, and indeed for several years the commerce of the
island has averaged 5,600,000 pounds sterling per annum.
This trade is carried on with many countries ; with Great
Britain to the extent of 3,000,000 dollars ; with Calcutta
2,800,000 dollars ; with Java 1,500,000 dollars ; with foreign
Europe, North and South America, Madras, Bombay, Arabia, Cey-
lon, Penang, Malacca, Birmah, Siam, Cochin China ; and Manilla
with Hainan , Formosa, and the whole coast of China ; with
Sumatra, Borneo, Rhio, the Moluccas, Mauritius, Australasia,
&c. Traders from all these places meet by common consent at a
central mart close to the Equator, and exchange the productions
of Asia for those of Europe and America. It is erroneously sup-
posed that Singapore has been created by its trade with China-
such is not the fact. The total import tonnage of Singapore in
1838-9, in square-rigged vessels, was 178,796 tons, of which that
from China was 32,860. The native tonnage for the same year
was 48,000 of which the Chinese vessels constitute 8,000 tons.
The " Straits produce" which the Chinese require, are brought
to Singapore by Malay or other coasting craft who would not
proceed to the northward ; and the proprietors of the Chinese
junks, with whom time is no object, and who go down the coast
to the Eastern Archipelago with one monsoon, and return with
the other, prefer the speculation with their varied cargoes, and the
visiting of their countrymen, at the different islands.
But sufficient has been stated to show that there is no analogy
whatever between Hong Kong and Singapore ; and that the
geographical, territorial, and commercial advantages which have
contributed to the prosperity of Singapore, are totally and entirely
wanting, and can never be created at Hong Kong.
FINANCIAL POINT OF VIEW.-There is no apparent prospect
of Hong Kong ever yielding any revenue adequate to more than
a very small civil government. The limited size and rocky nature
of the island ; the absence of agriculture, manufactures, or com-
merce ; and the fluctuating and predatory character of the popu
lation, forbid the hope of an income being raised to sustain a
regular government establishment, on the scale now adopted, and
which indeed is far beyond the present or prospective wants of
the island community.
The idea that the Chinese government will sanction the intro-
duction of opium into China at a moderate fixed duty, and that a
large revenue may then be raised by warehousing the drug at
Hong Kong, must, I think, be abandoned as illusory . The legal
admission of opium into China by the Emperor, according to the
best information I can obtain, is not at all probable. But even
were the traffic in opium legalized , the traders have declared they
would not pay any duty at Hong Kong. They can keep their
large receiving-ships the whole year round in Hong Kong, or in
any other harbour, or tranship the opium from the vessels which
convey the drug from Bengal and Bombay to this place, on board
the smaller vessels, which proceed along the coast to sell or deposit
it at Whampoa, Namoa, Amoy, Chimmo, Chin-chu, Chusan, or
Woosung, in the receiving-ships which lie in those bays or stations
the whole year round.
I will not discuss the question of raising a revenue in Hong
Kong from the introduction of opium for smoking in the island,
either by farming out the drug, or otherwise . Independent of the
morality or immorality of the question of government deriving an
income from a vicious indulgence, so long as the Chinese govern-
ment prohibits the introduction, and makes the use of opium a
capital offence, it would not, to say the least, be seemly of us to
encourage the use of this destructive and poisonous stimulant in
Hong Kong .
The total revenue to be expected from this colony, cannot, in
my opinion, exceed £ 12,000 per annum.
The per contra side shows an expenditure at this moment, for
mere civil establishment, salaries, and wages, at the rate of
£50,000 per annum, irrespective of the cost of any public works,
roads, and buildings, which is estimated at £50,000 per annum for
several years ; independent, also, of the consular charges of
£30,000 per annum, and of the army and navy. The whole
showing a yearly drain on the British exchequer of a quarter of a
million pounds sterling .
The following is a general estimate of the expenditure for the various
brances of the public service in China, from 1st July to 31st
December, 1844, when this report was preparing.
Pay and allowances of European and Native troops ;
pay, allowances, and contingencies of the general
staff, and of the other departments and establish-
ments of the army ; purchase of supplies ; hire of
transports and labour, and other miscellaneous
military services £90,023
Public works under the superintendence of the com-
manding royal engineer 27,830*
Royal Navy .. 20,260
Establishments and ordinary contingencies · 23,724
Special contingencies S half of the estimate 13,250
Superintendent's and consular establishments, and con-
gencies . • • 15,000
Payment to be made to Kinqua's creditors . 65,000
Total · £255,087
The sum marked down for the Royal Navy is only a small por-
tion of the charge, and refers merely to some advances from the
In order, if possible, to stop the waste of the public money, the
following, among other letters, was subsequently addressed to
C. E. Trevelyan, Esq., Assistant Secretary to the Right Honourable
the Lords Commissioners of H. M.'s Treasury.
H. M.'s Treasury, Hong Kong,
Sir, April 25, 1845.
I have the honour to transmit herewith, for the informa-
tion of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, a copy
of a ' Min
ute on the British Position and Prospects in China,'
which I laid before Governor Davis on the 9th instant, and which
has been transmitted by his Excellency to the Earl of Aberdeen ,
per 'Denia,' on the 22nd instant .
The British expenditure on the coast of China, will doubtless
be materially influenced by a just exposition of our present posi-
sion and future prospects ; and in this point of view I trust my
labours may not be deemed unacceptable to their Lordships .
I may conscientiously add, that in writing this minute, but
* This item subsequently much increased.
one object pervaded my mind,-the welfare of my country, and
the extension of her power and influence, on Christian principles,
for the advantage of China.
It is impossible to survey this vast territory, teeming with
millions of industrious, skilful, intelligent, but still semi-civilized
people, without feeling a deep interest in their advancement, and
an anxious desire that England should fulfil the important duties
so mysteriously assigned for her performance.
The opinions stated in this minute, have been expressed in
different parts of China by men of far- seeing minds, engaged in
various pursuits .
There never has been a question presented to my understand-
ing on which I have felt a stronger conviction than that the evacu-
ation of Chusan in January next, without any change in our
present negative policy, will be the prelude to great misfortune,
which we shall in vain endeavour to retrieve.
I have not spoken to one disinterested person in China- no
matter his rank, grade, or profession - on the contemplated evacu-
ation of Chusan- who has not expressed alarm or regret at such a
measure ; and none more so than the Americans, whose consul at
Canton, Mr. Forbes, stated to me that the American government
were very apprehensive of the French getting possession of Chu-
san, as it would be a prelude to political intrigue and disturbance ;
that he, Mr. Forbes, understood the French intended to settle on
Chusan soon after we gave up the island ; that he was of opinion
there were some secret negotiations going on between his excel-
lency M. Lagréné (who ranks high as a jesuit) and Keying, who
had offered the French the valuable and commanding island of
Chuenpee, near the entrance of the Bogue, thus completely com-
manding the Canton river, but which M. Lagréné rejected, in the
expectation of getting Chusan. M. Lagréné, indeed , remarked to
me, in November last, that Chusan was the only island on the
coast worthy the acceptance of the French government, and that
the English would have no right to complain of the French occu-
pying Chusan, as they might have retained that island, but that
they preferred Hong Kong for a British colony.
Daily experience has more and more confirmed the opinions,
and strengthened by corroboration the facts, contained in my
report on Hong Kong.
It is still totally devoid of European or native commerce (ex-
cepting some smuggling trade in salt and alum) . The harbour is
almost deserted by shipping, there being only a few opium vessels
in the bay ; and the merchants who have built large houses are
regretting their precipitancy . No drainage -no sanatory measures ,
can ever render Hong Kong even moderately salubrious.
It is not alone the military who die. Out of a very small
European population the civil interments during the past year
were in the Protestant burial-ground, sixty Europeans ; in the
Romanist cemetery, eighty ditto. The name, sex, age, and grade
of the deceased are given in the cemetery registers . In the public
offices it is difficult to obtain long consecutive labour from the
clerks ; and, as was aptly remarked by the head of the ordnance
department here, ' a man is but half a man at Hong Kong .'
A strata of decomposed granite and disintegrating sandstone,
porous to the depth of several hundred feet, imbibes and holds.
water like a sponge, until the fervid rays of a vertical sun raise
this moisture like a steaming vapour, dense and noxious : this
vapour, by reason of the peculiar formation of the mountain
ridge, and exclusion from the south-west monsoon, is seldom
dissipated until occasional gales of wind pervade every part of
the island.
But deadly and debilitating as is the climate of Hong Kong,
this is the least of the evil. If any great or useful object, immediate
or prospective, were depending on the maintenance of a large civil and
military establishment in Hong Kong, there is no want of patriotic
spirit to make the requisite sacrifice ; but when it is considered that,
in no one point of view-political, commercial, or social- is this
island beneficial to England, the destruction of valuable life, and the
waste ofnational resources, becomes a serious misfortune.
Were Hong Kong a healthy island, its value to Great Britain
would be in no wise enhanced, as its limited size, rugged and
rocky surface, and unfavourable geographical position, renders it
impossible ever to make the place a colony, a military post, or a
commercial emporium .
In examining, therefore, our present position and future pros-
pects in China, in a financial aspect, the above facts must be taken
into consideration, when finally sanctioning a scale of civil, mili-
tary, and naval expenditure on this coast, and will, it is to be
hoped, be deemed worthy the mature deliberation of Her Majesty's
government. I respectfully repeat my formerly-expressed opinion,
that all Hong Kong requires for its efficient military protection
and due civil administration, is :-a local corps of 500 Malays ; 200
marines afloat in the Minden,' 74 (of these, 50 to be marine artil-
lery-men) ; a commandant and governor, at £2,000 per annum,
with his military rank and pay ; a recorder, at £1,800 ; colonial
secretary and receiver-general of crown revenues, £1,000 ; assistant
ditto and collector of crown revenues, £600 ; a land officer and
surveyor, £600 ; assistant ditto, £300 ; a crown solicitor and
officiating counsel for the crown (enjoying the benefits of registrar
of the court), £600 ; a police magistrate and superintendent of
police, £600 ; assistant ditto, £300 ; -thus showing a charge for
salaries of about £9,000 per annum. To this must be added about
£3,000 per annum for clerks, servants, and ordinary contingen-
cies, making a total yearly expenditure of £ 12,000, which, in my
opinion, is the utmost amount of revenue it will be possible to col-
lect for several years in Hong Kong, without utterly crushing this
poor and struggling settlement.
The government servants, in addition to their salaries, ought
to be allowed house quarters in the extensive structures now erect-
ing by the ordnance for officers' quarters, hospitals, barracks, & c.;
the governor to have the general's house that is being at present
Thus the civil expenditure of Hong Kong may be reduced
from £50,000 a-year to about £12,000, with a perfectly sufficient
civil administration, and the military from £130,000 or £ 150,000
a-year to £30,000, without the slightest disadvantage to the public
service. In the consulates and superintendents of trade depart-
ment, a considerable saving may be made by retaining only a vice-
consul and interpreter (to act as assistant), at each of the ports of
Amoy, Foochoo, and Ningpo ; by abolishing the superintendent
of trade department, and appointing the consul at Canton consul-
general, with an efficient secretary ; a saving would thus be effected
on the consulates and superintendent or diplomatic department, of
about £ 15,000 a-year.
If in January next Chusan be evacuated, and it be the deter-
mination of Her Majesty's government to await circumstances,
and retain Hong Kong as the only British settlement in China,
then the present civil and military expenditure on this coast is
perfectly unnecessary. The establishment ought to be reduced to
the above-mentioned extent, and the existing civil officers be re-
moved to equivalent situations in other colonies.
By the early adoption of the proposed minor establishments,
and leaving Hong Kong as free as possible from legislative ordi-
nances (which frighten the Chinese, and render the Europeans
discontented) , the British government will give this island some
chance of rising above its present depression, and thus ascertain
whether, in the course of some years, it may have any trade. I
have gathered the opinions of many of the leading merchants con-
nected with the island, and they are unanimous in recommending
the reduction of the government establishments, and the abstinence
from excessive, superfluous, and constant legislation, for a small,
intrinsically poor, and hard-struggling infant colony.
In suggesting this reduction , I beg to observe, that the views
I am now expressing are in unison with the opinions expressed to
his excellency the governor of this colony, in my report on Hong
Kong, a report which has never yet been refuted or proved in-
correct, and in which I have endeavoured honestly and faithfully
to fulfil my duty as a servant of the crown, irrespective of my per-
sonal interests.
I have, &c.,
To proceed with my Report on Hong, it may be necessary to
remove an erroneous assertion, that the heavy yearly charge of
Hong Kong is only a portion of the revenue that England derives
from the China trade.
The revenue which is obtained from tea, is paid by the people of
England, who buy and consume the tea. It might as well be
said that the West Indies furnished the revenue derived by the
British exchequer, from the coffee and sugar consumed in the
United Kingdom. The incidence of taxation is on the last pur-
chaser of the taxed article. The tea merchant of London adds to
the invoice cost of the tea bought at Canton, the freight to Eng-
land, the insurance, interest of money, warehousing, customs
duty levied in England, and the fair profits of trade on every chest
of tea he may sell to the grocer ; who then regulates the price at
which he can afford to sell a pound of tea to his customer ; who
finally pays the whole charges, taxes, and profits to the several par-
ties-before he drinks his tea.
The revenue derived from the China trade is paid by the people
of England ; the merchant who carries on the trade does not pay
a shilling of it. It will be for Her Majesty's Ministers to decide
whether, on a review of the whole case, there be any justification
for spending half a million sterling annually on this coast.
As a general principle, colonies that will not pay at least the
expense of their civil government are not worth maintaining .
There does not appear any reason why Hong Kong should be an
exception to this rule. There is not, as has been fancifully sup-
posed, any analogy whatever between Hong Kong and Gibraltar.
Hong Kong commands nothing : a glance at the chart will show
that the navigation of the China seas is perfectly independent of
Hong Kong ; even the entrance of the Canton river is not con-
trolled by Hong Kong. It is not possible by any outlay of
money to make the island a fortress ; and it is commanded by the
opposite shore of the mainland. But supposing several millions
sterling were spent in fortifying Hong Kong, and half a million
annually expended for its garrison, the cui bono would constantly
recur : from a Chinese enemy the island has nothing to apprehend
even at present ; no European or American state would think of
capturing Hong Kong, for it would be valueless to them ; and if
mere glory were sought by the acquisition, they must be aware the
fame would be of short continuance, as troops and ships from
India, from Australia, and from all our stations eastward of the
Cape of Good Hope, would soon recapture the place or starve out
the garrison.
But Gibraltar is differently circumstanced ; it effectually com-
mands the narrow entrance to the Mediterranean, and, together
with the fortresses and havens of Malta and Corfu, gives England
a preponderating power in that great European sea, which is be-
coming daily of more and more value in her intercourse with the
Anglo- Eastern Empire. Moreover, Gibraltar is a valuable com-
mercial entrepôt : at one period £ 1,000,000 sterling of cotton
goods were exported through Gibraltar into Spain .
As a fortress, Gibraltar is perfect ; it is impregnable. The reve-
nue of Gibraltar is fully adequate to its civil government, and
averages upwards of £30,000 per annum. The military expenses
incurred by garrisoning Gibraltar, save the constant maintenance
of a large fleet in the Mediterranean, preserve the balance of
power, and materially help to keep the peace of Europe.
The remarks applicable to Gibraltar, are also applicable to
Malta and the Ionian Islands, both of which stations not only pay
their whole civil expenditure without one shilling charge on the
British exchequer, but also contribute a considerable sum annually
towards military defences and protection . Both of these places
are also entrepôts of a large trade.
Every colony of the British empire pays for its own civil govern-
ment, except small sums which are voted annually in part aid for
the Bahamas, Bermuda, the Falkland Islands, St. Helena, and
Heligoland, but all these places are intrinsically valuable. The
Bahamas, for the geographical position of their harbours ; Bermuda,
as a strong fortress and dock-yard in the Western Atlantic ; the
Falkland Islands, for their important position and fisheries in the
great Southern Ocean near Cape Horn ; St. Helena, as a strong
fortress and recruiting station for our numerous ships, doubling the
Cape of Good Hope in their voyages to and from India, China,
and Australasia (and in the event of war, the possession of St.
Helena would be of great value to our merchants, and save us a
large fleet in the Atlantic) ; Heligoland during the late European
war was a large commercial depôt for the Elbe and the northern
parts of Europe . Its expense is only about £500 a-year.
Numerous as are the colonies of the British empire, they are
each of some utility to England ; for their territorial extent as
emigration fields, to provide employment for a surplus population ;
for their production of sugar, coffee, corn, cotton, silk, indigo, tim-
ber, oil, wood, &c.; as maritime positions or military posts ; as
trading emporiums or fishing-stations .
I have in vain sought for one valuable quality in Hong Kong.
There are other good harbours around, and for 200 years we have
not found the want of such. I can see no justification for the Bri-
tish Governmext spending one shilling on Hong Kong.*
* This was previously stated in detail, accompanied by statements to Governor
Davis, and in the following letter to the Lords of the Treasury :-
Her Majesty's Treasury, Hong Kong, June 19, 1844.
I have the honour to transmit herewith, for the information of the Lords Com-
missioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, copies of the correspondence which I have
addressed to the Governor of Hong Kong, on the financial condition of this colony.
In my letter of the 17th June, I have expressed to his Excellency my respectful
opinion that no further avoidable expense should be incurred here, without further and
most mature consideration. Every shilling of public money spent here is a most useless
Religious and Social Influence.--The benefits derivable from our
laws, institutions, and religion, can never be conferred on the
Chinese by the colonization of Hong Kong.
We are here, in fact, almost as much isolated from China, its
people, and supreme Government, as if we were located in the
Eastern Archipelago . By the adroit policy adopted by the Chinese
authorities, a " cordon sanitaire," if I may so express it, has been
drawn round Hong Kong ; no Chinaman is permitted to come here
willingly, except he be a thief, a pirate, or a spy ; no respectable
Chinese with their families locate themselves in Hong Kong- if
they did, their relations still remaining on the mainland, would
probably be squeezed, imprisoned, tortured, and considered as
traitors to the Celestial Empire. Hong Kong is viewed by the
Chinese as a spot where adventurers and reckless characters
may make something out of the English ; and where burglars
and robbers may resort with impunity, and live upon the profits of
their villany .
I am strongly of opinion, from circumstances that have come to
my knowledge, that the mandarins view with indulgence all vaga-
bonds who propose to quit their own country and proceed to Hong
Kong ; that, in fact, direct encouragement is afforded them to do
So. It is therefore the height of improbability, to suppose that the
possession of Hong Kong will ever enable us to disseminate our
religion, language, and institutions in the Chinese Empire . For
expenditure of the resources of the British exchequer. I would most respectfully, but most
earnestly, implore their lordships to pause before they sanction any outlay for fortifications ,
roads, &c.
Hong Kong is not only valueless on political, commercial, or financial grounds,
but it is positively injurious to our interests in China, by keeping up a constant state
of excitement, with a large military and naval establishment, within cannon shot of
the mainland.
In the event of an European war, Hong Kong must fall before any strong in-
vading force, unless one million sterling be spent in fortifying the island, and half a
million sterling be annually devoted to maintaining a garrison and protective force.
But if Hong Kong be left as a free port, open to all nations, with a superintendent
and a couple of clerks, the traders established here will provide, out of their own
resources, for the police of the settlement, and the protection of life and property.
Instead, therefore, of spending from £ 50,000 to £70,000 a-year for mere civil
government, there need not be an expenditure of £5,000 a-year ; and in the event of
war, no nation would gain honor or profit by capturing a barren rock, which protects
nothing, and which is not likely ever to have much property to defend, ashore or
afloat. These opinions will, I am sure, be corroborated by the able high officers of
the line, artillery, engineers, and commissariat. As a mere port of shelter, the island
may retain the British flag, hoisted under a superintendent ; but there is not the
slightest advantage gained by maintaining a single soldier on the island. Even as
matters now stand, consider my department perfectly unnecessary ; the whole of
the colonial and consular payments may be passed through the commissariat, and my
own salary and that of the clerks, &c., may be saved.
I should be unworthy the confidence reposed in me by Her Majesty's Govern-
ment, did I not unreservedly communicate to their lordships the strong conviction of
my mind, after long and anxious thought, aided by an extensive experience in other
British colonies. I have, & c. ,
R. M. MARTIN, Treasurer.
VOL. II. 2 B
two hundred years we have had extensive and profitable inter-
course with Canton, without our missionaries and other good men
ever producing the slightest effect on the people or government..
The inhabitants of the southern districts are decidedly hostile
to us, and are daily becoming more and more filled with a
deadly animosity, which the possession of Hong Kong will not
No converts are made by our missionaries on this island ; but
were such the case, no convert from Hong Kong would be favoura
bly received by the respectable Chinese on the mainland. The
Christian converts would be considered as coming from an island
of thieves and pirates ; they would be received with a suspicion
which would check rather than advance the progress of Christian-
ity. The missionaries with whom I have conversed, take this
view ofthe subject.
They consider it hopeless to attempt the spread of Christian
doctrines in China by means of converts from Hong Kong. Thus,
in a religious aspect, Hong Kong is as valueless as it is on finan-
cial and on commercial grounds .
Were our colonial authority and establishment at some island
or position to the northward, near the central regions of China, we
should most probably obtain considerable moral influence over an
intelligent and respectable class of Chinese, who would communi-
cate their favourable ideas to other and distant parts of the em-
pire ; and by extending a knowledge of our language, pave the
way for the introduction of Christianity. An English city at
Chusan, for example, surrounded by an extensive agricultural
population (the best disposed and most orderly in China, as well as
elsewhere), and evincing all the benefits of the science and skill of
Europe, would have a remarkable effect on the Chinese, whose in-
quisitiveness and imitative powers would soon induce them to copy
those things which would conduce to their physical, and ultimately
to their moral and religious improvement .
Political point of view.- Hong Kong was occupied by our troops
and merchants in 1840-41 , at a period when our trade was driven
from Canton ; when we were in hostility to the Chinese govern-
ment ; and when the Portuguese authorities at Macao had ex-
pressed their inability to permit, as usual, British residence and
resort to that port. At this period, the views of Captain Elliot
were solely directed towards Canton . Hong Kong was then deemed
the most eligible spot for British occupation, on political and mili
tary grounds . And so it proved, as long as the operations were
being directed against Canton, and we were excluded from China.
But on our proceeding to the northward, occupying Chusan, and
ultimately making peace and opening five ports (including Canton)
for free commercial resort, English residence, and the establishment
of a ship of war at each, the political and mercantile value of Hong
Kong entirely ceased . The late war has shown us the vulnerable
point of China, namely, the Yangtzekang river, which is aptly de-
nominated by the Chinese, the " Girdle of the Empire." In the
event of any future hostilities, our force would be directed at once
towards Nankin, and other places on the Yangtzekang river, and
not against Canton. It is by interrupting the supplies of grain, and
cutting off the trade of the great artery or grand canal, that we can,
with the least expenditure of blood and treasure, terminate hostili-
ties with China. To accomplish this most desirable result, Hong
Kong is utterly valueless. Our position must be Chusan, from its
contiguity to the scene of war, from its comparative salubrity, safe
haven, and capability of supplying provisions, both from the re-
sources of the island itself, and from the contiguous coast . A fleet
of ships of war and transports may rendezvous at Chusan, and
select, at will, the most fitting period of the year for offensive ope-
rations. No attack need be apprehended from the Chinese. Coal
is abundant in the Yangtzekang for the use of steamers. Ships
from Singapore and the southward, can now, by reason of a greater
knowledge of the winds and currents, reach Chusan, even against
the monsoon, in nearly the same time they would occupy in reach-
ing Hong Kong. And, finally, the Chinese government, aware of
our position, would be the less disposed to break the peace, and
would cease to rely so much as they now do on the strength of the
forts in the Canton river. The policy of the Chinese government
is to keep foreigners at the extremity of the empire ; but the saga-
cious reasons which dictate this policy, ought to render us the more
anxious to operate in a counter direction . There are now seven
fortifications, very strong, and apparently well provided with artil-
lery, at the Bogue . With Chinese gunners these forts would prove,
even at present, formidable to an invading force ; but well manned
by European or American artillerymen, the Bogue might be made
almost as impregnable as the Dardanelles .
There are not, indeed, any fairly assignable grounds for the
political or military occupancy of Hong Kong, even if there were
no expenses attending that occupancy. The government of China
is sufficiently civilized to respect the persons and property of British
subjects at Canton before any declaration of war could take place,
which, however, is an event ofvery remote probability for many years
to come, ifwe retain Chusan ; and as the Treaty with China provides
for the stationing of a ship of war at Whampoa or Canton, a better
security is thus provided for any British residents at Canton than
Hong Kong could afford . The climate of Hong will not admit of
the island being made a garrison for our troops ; and in the event
of another war with China, an invading army must proceed from
India, unless we keep a small military and naval establishment at
Chusan. But a very small effective force can be maintained here,
unless at an enormous expense ; and the impracticability of fortify-
ing an island which is commanded by the hills around, and by any
large battery erected on the opposite shore, is now generally ac
2 B 2
knowledged, and is in further corroboration of the inutility of Hong
On a review of the whole question, and examining the island in
all aspects - making even allowance for the newness of the settle-
ment-and admitting, for argument sake, that, ultimately, there
may be some trade at Hong Kong, it appears to me very advisable,
if Hong Kong be retained as a British station or colony, that the
civil establishment of the colony be cut down to a scale commen-
surate with the resources and wants of the island ; and that the
supernumerary officers be provided for in other colonies, as vacan-
cies occur. That the European and Sepoy troops be removed, and
a portion of the 1st Ceylon regiment (Malays) be kept at Hong
Kong, in aid of the civil power. That a frigate or sloop of war be
always stationed in the harbour, with an extra complement of
marines, to be landed only in case of emergency. That the British
and other respectable inhabitants who are householders, be formed
into a municipal body, with power to assess themselves for the
police, lighting, drainage, and street-making, &c. , of Victoria ;
that the harbour be a free port, open to ships under every flag ;
and that encouragement be given for the resort to and settlement
on the island of other European nations. If this be done, a few
years will determine whether it be possible to create any trade, or
induce any resort to Hong Kong. Large government establish-
ments, and an immense outlay of the public money for the last
three (now six) years, have produced no beneficial result ; let the
inhabitants, and those who choose to resort thither, have a voice
in the management of the affairs of the colony. There can scarcely
be less general trade- less prosperity- less security to life and pro-
perty, than now exists, with a large garrison on shore and a fleet
in the harbour.
If there were any one advantage, political, commercial, finan-
cial, or religious, present or prospective, derivable to England from
the existing establishment at Hong Kong, there would be some
justification for the expense now being incurred, and for the great
annual sacrifice of life ; but when such advantages do not exist, it
is worse than folly to persist in a course begun in error, and which,
if continued, must eventually end in national loss and general dis-
China, July 24th, 1844. Colonial Treasurer.
[Every statement made in this Report has been since most fully
and amply corroborated, and I am ready to prove its correctness
by unimpeachable and disinterested testimony, but all investigation
has been denied, and my earnest entreaties for enquiry have been
studiously refused, as if error were preferable to truth.]
London, March, 1847. R. M. M.
The following memorandum on Hong Kong, in substantiation
of the foregoing report, was given to Lord Stanley on my interview
with his Lordship, 28th November, 1845 ; but his Lordship and his
successors have refused to grant an enquiry into the causes which
compelled my resignation, in order that I might personally sustain
my official reports to Governor Davis :-
1st. Hong Kong can never be a Colony.- By reason of its
limited size, rocky, barren structure ; incapability of producing any
of the necessaries of life for the consumption of even one day ; and,
' under any circumstances, it cannot be expected to afford any con-
siderable revenue towards the payment of his own expenses.'*
2nd. Hong Kong cannot be viewed as a Commercial emporium.—
By reason of its disadvantageous geographical position ; from the
far greater facilities for trade afforded by Canton, and by other
ports and places in China ; by the distance from any populous or
productive territory ; by the poverty and piratical character of the
adjacent islanders and inhabitants ; by the total absence of an im-
port or export trade of any kind,'* after nearly five (now six) years'
British occupation, and a large governmental and private expendi-
ture ; and bythe Americans, Parsees, Chinese merchants, or even
shopkeepers with the smallest pretension to property,' * avoiding
the island, which was never actually required by the British mer-
chants, and which has become even less so since the opening of
the five Chinese ports.'*
3rd. Hong Kong is unsuited for a Fortress . - By reason (a) of
the impracticability of fortifying a continuous and irregular series
of elevations and detached mountain peaks and ridges, each com-
manding another ; (b) because different parts of the island facing the
harbour and also outside the harbour, may be effectually com-
manded by cannon from the mainland, and from the high islands
in and adjacent to the harbour, which islands belong to China,
while only half the harbour belongs to England ; (c) because the
long, irregular, undulating sea-face of Hong Kong cannot be de-
fended by any isolated or connected line of fortifications, and it is
also commanded by adjacent islands not belonging to England.
4th. Hong Kong is not required as a Military or Naval Station.-
Because (a) it commands nothing-not even the entrance to the
Canton river ; ( b) it protects nothing-not even the tea trade and
commerce of Canton, which is totally independent of Hong Kong,
and infinitely better succoured or sustained by the stationing of a
frigate or steamer at Whampoa, than by any army that could be
maintained at Hong Kong,†-as exemplified by the Americans,
* Merchants' memorial to Lord Stanley, dated China, 13th August, 1845.
+ Since the Treaty of Nankin there have been repeated riots at Canton, endangering
the lives and property of all the Foreign Residents at Canton, without our occupation
of Hong Kong being the slightest preventive of such proceedings. A single ship of
war off Canton has always been the best security. This was again manifested on the
15th of January, 1846, when there was another disturbance at Canton, and the lives of
the English threatened by the Cantonese ; and in July, 1846, the European residents
were obliged, in self- defence , to arm and shoot several Chinese. No assistance reached
them from Hong Kong for several days.
who carry on a traffic equal to half the trade of England, with
merely the occasional presence of a ship of war in the Canton river ;
(c) because Hong Kong is too far distant from the scene of any
future belligerent operations (should they arise), which must be
carried on at the Yangtzekang and Peiho rivers ; (d) because any
war with China ought to be maritime not territorial- to be waged
by steamers and frigates, and not by occupying distant and scat-
tered towns and cities by our soldiery ; and, ( e ) because Whampoa
or the Canton river is a better position in every aspect for the re-
sort of our mercantile or military shipping in the South of China,
than Hong Kong can ever be, whether healthy or otherwise.
5th. Hong Kong is politically injurious. - By its too close
proximity to the mainland at the southern extremity of the Chinese
By the contempt in which we are held for establishing our-
selves in such a position, and by the constant espionage kept on
our proceedings.
6th. Hong Kong is ineffective for the dissemination of Chris-
tian civilization. - By the dissolute, marauding, unsettled character
of the inhabitants ; by its distance from the millions of intelligent,
peaceful, and semi- civilized people in the northern and central re-
gions of China ; and by the impossibility of disseminating Chris-
tianity from Hong Kong, as exemplified by the Americans and
other missionaries, who, after establishing themselves on the island,
and building commodious chapels and dwellings, have now all, in
despair, quitted Hong Kong.
7th. Hong Kong is therefore useless to England.- ( 1 ) It can
never be a colony ; (2) it is not a commercial emporium ; (3) it
cannot be a fortress ; (4) it is not required as a military or naval
station ; (5 ) it is politically injurious ; (6) and religiously ineffective.
Points founded on the foregoing, and submitted for the con-
sideration of Her Majesty's Government on the Governmental
Establishments of Hong Kong-expense and duties, &c. , of each
department, with economical remarks on reduction :-
1. ESTABLISHMENTS AND EXPENSE .- Governor of Hong Kong,
with the title of Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary, and Superintend-
ent of Trade, salary per annum, £6,000 ; house-rent, &c., averag-
ing, £ 700 ; private secretary's allowance, £300- £7,000. The
Lieutenant-governor and commander of the troops has also nearly
£4,000 a-year. Thus making a total of more than £10,000 a-year
for this petty rock.
A barren, traffickless rock, with not 150 resident Englishmen,*
* There are about sixteen mercantile firms (most of them agents or correspondents
of English houses), and their clerks : one English missionary, eight doctors, surgeons,
and apothecaries, two attorneys, three proprietors of newspapers, six to eight English
traders, four English auctioneers, two watchmakers, two bakers, about ten to twelve
publicans, and a few in nondescript positions. Of the whole not 100, scarcely fifty,
have any property at stake in Hong Kong. [ Since this was written many of the mer-
chants have quitted the place. ]
exclusive of government servants, totally devoid of agriculture,
manufactures or commerce, and with a fluctuating predatory Chi-
nese population, does not require a civil government, at least on
this scale. When the salary of £6,000 a-year was granted to the
late Lord Napier, as Her Majesty's representative in China, it was
expressly declared that this large sum was allowed in order that the
hospitality and rank of Her Majesty's representative should be
maintained. It is generally known in China, that the present
governor is not spending the interest which he derives from the
deposit of his salary in one of the large opium firms in Hong
A military or naval commandant (the latter preferably, as we
must maintain a naval force in China) with £ 1,000 a-year in ad-
dition to the pay of his rank, would be sufficient for Hong Kong,
even on its present scale of establishment.
The duties of Superintendent of Trade ought to be performed
solely by a consul-general at Canton. It seems unnecessary ac-
crediting a ministerial representative to a court where we are denied
access ; but if it be deemed necessary to retain a British plenipo-
tentiary in China, his functions and rank ought to be kept distinct
from those of trade superintendency (which the Chinese hold in
low esteem), and from the petty office of governor of a place like
Hong Kong . Most desirable is it that the representative of Brit-
ish Majesty in China, should be a man of expanded and generous
mind, imbued with true Christian feelings, trained in European
principles of politics, and known never to have been connected with
commerce. With such a representative, Englishmen might obtain
respect in China.
pense, about £1,000 .
The application of the laws of England to Hong Kong, and
the institution of a municipality for all local purposes, would re-
move the necessity of maintaining the form of these councils,
which are far beyond the necessities of the place, and produce con-
siderable discontent.
3. COLONIAL SECRETARY . - Salaries of Department per annum,
£3,000 ; contingencies, ordinary and special, about £200 ; general
department, wages, &c ., about £300–£3,500.
The present duties of the Colonial Secretary might be per-
formed by any ordinary clerk. They consist of answering yes or
no to a few official letters on trifling subjects, issuing notices in
the Colonial Gazette, and signing his name to a few papers.
If a Colonial Secretary be maintained , he might officiate (being
a barrister) as crown lawyer, save the expense of an attorney- ge-
neral, take charge of intestate estates, &c. , sit ex-officio as conjoint
magistrate in civil and criminal cases, issue licenses, and grant re-
quisitions for paying quarterly or half-yearly into the commissariat
all rents from crown lands, market dues, and fees. He would also
administer to a few intestate estates that occur, and he would sub-
mit to the home authorities the draft of any legislative enactments
deemed specially necessary for Hong Kong.
Annual expenses of establishment £2,300 ; cost of auditor and his
office £ 1,400 :- £3,700.
The whole of this sum of £3,700 to £4,000 per annum may be
saved to the British exchequer, and without any detriment to
Hong Kong.
A Commissary must be retained, and the pay of the colonial
servants may be thence issued on the requisition and certificates
of the commandant and colonial secretary, as was the case pre-
vious to my arrival in Hong Kong. The rent of crown lands,
markets, & c., and the licenses, fees, &c., due to government, may
be paid into the commissariat office, on the requisition of the colo-
nial secretary. This was also done previous to my arrival. The
disbursement of nearly £4,000 a-year from the taxes of England
may thus be avoided . I feel bound to make this statement, how-
ever much it may operate against my personal interest.
5th. SURVEYOR- GENERAL.-Average salaries, wages and con-
tingencies, from £4,000 to £5,000 a-year.
It is difficult to state the fixed annual disbursements of this de-
partment. There has been the most lavish expenditure on useless
attempts to make roads, bridges, and drain , which a few hours
rain on the precipitous hills have washed into the sea.
There are really no military communications to be maintained
at Hong Kong, and if the inhabitants think roads can be made
over and along steep mountains or through the sea (as had been
done in Hong Kong, ) let them assess themselves for the purpose.
It would be advisable to abolish this department, for so long as
any part is kept up, opportunities will be created to cause work
and expense . Anything absolutely requisite, can be done by
the military engineer it would be advisable to retain : the present
able colonial civil engineer ought to be retained to look after
the crown property, and to aid the municipality in the formation
of their streets, roads, sewers, & c.
6th. SUPREME COURT.- Average expense of salaries , contin-
gencies, special disbursements, amounting to £8,000 or £9,000..
This establishment is upon a scale quite unsuited to a position
like Hong Kong. Governor Davis said he expected the fees and
fines would defray the charges of the department ; they will not
exceed £500 or 600 a-year.
With a few exceptions the civil and criminal business of the
court has consisted of petty cases, which would be decided by the
smallest bench of magistrates, or in many instances by a single
police magistrate, in England .
The formation of a bench of unpaid magistrates to act in or-
dinary criminal matters with the chief magistrate for chairman,
and as a Court of Requests' for sums under £ 100, with the colo-
nial secretary (a barrister) as chairman, would be an ample minor
judicature for Hong Kong.
The recorder at Singapore might have Hong Kong placed
within his jurisdiction, and circuit made quarterly or half-yearly,
as necessity arose, in the large monthly mail steam-packets.
The chief population at Singapore is Chinese. Our merchants
in Canton have long been in the habit of settling their dif-
ferences by arbitration .
7th. POLICE FORCE .- Police superintendent, and chief ma-
gistrate, £9,000 to £10,000 .
The expense and management of this force ought to be trans-
ferred entirely to the inhabitants assessed to a police rate. A
bench of unpaid magistrates, aided by the chief magistrate and
colonial secretary, would of course aid in supervising the police.
It is supposed there are 1,000,000 dollars invested in buildings liable
to assessment. Many of these were constructed in the hope that
Hong Kong would become a commercial emporium ; and now that
these ideas are proved to have been visionary, the value of this
sunken property has been and will be considerably deteriorated ;
indeed, it is rumoured that some houses will be left uninhabited.
Estimating the assessable property so high as 800,000 dollars
at 5 per cent., this would yield about £8,000 a-year, for which a
large police may be maintained. Time, however, can alone deter-
mine whether any police will prevent burglary, robbery, and
piracy in Hong Kong. Judging from past experience, the count-
less ladrones of China, having numerous and almost untraceable
and inaccessible haunts on the surrounding islands and the main
land, will ever render property insecure in Hong Kong ; and now
that incendiaries are at work, and they are organizing in bands
with fire-arms, it is very probable life itself will be held in con-
stant jeopardy and alarm .*
expense, about £2,000 a-year. So long as there was a large fleet,
with transports and other vessels, rendezvous in Hong Kong dur-
ing the war, the duties of this department were onerous and well
performed. But now, when very few ships resort to Hong Kong,
and the majority merely " look in for orders," the maintenance of
an establishment on this scale is unnecessary. The duties of
marine magistrate ought, as in other colonies, to be performed by
the usual police and magisterial authority. The present harbour-
master and marine magistrate has worked hard for nearly four years,
and would make a useful officer at the Cape of Good Hope or Aus-
tralia. His assistant (Mr. Lena) is well acquainted with Hong Kong,
Canton, and the neighbourhood, and if made harbour-master, with
By late accounts to January 31st, 1846, piracies are becoming more frequent
than ever, and people are carried off in open day from Hong Kong ; persons cannot
venture outside the streets of Victoria, without fire-arms for their protection.
an efficient boat's crew, the charges might be reduced one -third
their present number.
9th. REGISTRAR - GENERAL . - Establishment about £ 1,500
per annum . This department is perfectly unnecessary. The re-
gistration of the Chinese inhabitants is a measure of police, and
by that department it ought to be performed. The yearly census.
of the fixed inhabitants may be made in one week by the police
superintendent ; registration has not checked in the slightest the
resort of all descriptions of lawless vagabonds, thieves, and pirates,
from the contiguous mainland ; neither has it tended to aid in
the discovery of criminals or of stolen property, notwithstanding
the large expenditure for police.
No fee is levied on registration . This £1,500 a-year depart-
ment ought not to have been created.
10th. COLONIAL SURGEON .- Salary, £600, contingencies,
ordinary and extraordinary, £200 ; averaging per annum, £800.
The diminution of the Government establishments would require
the abolition of this office.
The present and late colonial surgeons at Hong Kong, dearly
earned their salaries, visiting the numerous sick in a burning sun,
and at all hours.
The former surgeon resigned from ill-health, being unable to
sustain the requisite labour in such a climate ; the present excel-
lent man, (Dr. Dill) , is also much deteriorated in health, and de-
serves removal to some healthy colony. [ Since this was written he
died of fever. ]
11th. COLONIAL CHAPLAIN.-Salary, £700 ; Contingencies,
50-£750. Peculiar circumstances rendered it imperatively ne-
cessary that if any Government were established by England in
China, it should be founded and conducted on decided and mani-
fest Christian principles, and that an example at least should be
given by those placed in authority, to the nominal Christian as
well to the professed heathen . Alas ! from the very commence-
ment of the Government at Hong Kong, religion in principle or in
practice, in even its mere outward ordinary observances, has
scarcely been a matter of subordinate or secondary consideration.
The English missionary, the American baptist, the Italian
jesuit, the Indian moslem, the deistical Chinese, have each a sub-
stantial and characteristic stone structure, for the celebration of
the religion they profess ; but the Divine Service of the Church of
England is still celebrated in a mat shed, the chaplain is grudging-
ly paid a stipend of which a considerable portion is expended by
him in charity and education, a small allowance for house-rent has
been recently stopped, (it was even suggested that he should pro-
vide and pay for a clerk), candles were denied for evening service,
and, had it been possible, the pittance accorded for performing
the rites of Christianity, would have been diminished or cancelled
ording to
o atided ga
& R
A sacred responsibility devolves on England in respect her to
colonies ; they will be either the instruments of her prosperity and
pre-eminence, or of her ruin and downfall .
It is fearful to see how soon the best moral principles are
obliterated, in a colony where the Governors and those in high au-
thority and position in society pay little or no regard to religion ,
and how quickly a virtuous and rightly educated youth becomes
dead to every Christian attribute. Inordinate pursuit of gain, iso-
lation from domestic associations, and the demoralizing habits of
what is termed ' colonial life,' sap, corrupt, and finally destroy
many a gifted and guiltless mind.
Better for England to be deprived of every colony, and con-
tracted to her own insular limits, than to neglect in the outposts
of her empire those principles, and that Christian conduct, to which
alone, under the special favour of Divine Providence, she owes her
peace and happiness at home, her power and prosperity abroad,
and her dominion throughout the world.
November, 1845.
THE following report on the beautiful and to us incalculably im-
portant island of Chusan- was transmitted from China to Her
Majesty's Government by Governor Davis, and also by myself,
with the following letter to C. E. Trevelyan, Esq., Assistant
Secretary to the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Trea-
sury :-
Her Majesty's Treasury, Hong Kong, September, 20, 1844 .
I recently did myself the honour of transmitting to you, for the
information of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Trea-
sury, a copy of a report on the island of Hong Kong, which I
laid before Mr. Davis, the Governor, and which has been trans-
mitted to Lord Stanley by his Excellency.
Having been ordered for the restoration of my health, to pro
ceed to the north-east coast of China, I availed myself of the op-
portunity to visit the island of Chusan, and some of the adjacent
places on the mainland.
Although suffering from extreme debility and a nearly fatal
disease, I deemed it my duty, as a servant to the Crown, to collect
all the information in my power, on Chusan, previous to our eva-
cuation of the island in December, 1845.
Believing that this information would not be unacceptable to
Her Majesty's Ministers, 1 have framed it into a report for the
Governor of Hong Kong, with a respectful solicitation that his
Excellency would have the goodness to forward the document to
Lord Stanley.
As the future pecuniary drain on Her Majesty's Treasury in
London, for Hong Kong, and the expenditure on our Consulate
establishments in China, may probably be influenced by the course
of proceedings adopted by Her Majesty's Government with re-
gard to Chusan, I beg to forward herewith, for the information of
the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, a copy of
my report on the island of Chusan, as laid before the Governor of
Hong Kong.
With great respect, but with deep solicitude, I venture to en-
treat the early attention of their Lordships to this document, as,
in my humble judgment, the retention or evacuation of the island
of Chusan involves questions of great urgency, which are of con-
siderable importance to British interests in China.
I have, &c. ,
R. M. MARTIN, Treasurer.
N. B. [The reader will judge for himself on the comparative ad-
vantages of Chusan, and of Hong Kong. The Duke of Wellington
has (I hear) with the usual terseness characteristic of His Grace,
emphatically characterized Chusan as "the key of China." Yet
this " key" —was rejected , when it was as easy to have retained it
as Hong Kong.] The following is a copy of the report made in
August, 1844.
Chusan or Chowsan, so called in Chinese from its resemblance to
a boat, is the chief insular settlement of an archipelago of lofty
islands, varying in size and fertility, which extend upwards of
sixty miles fron north to south, and about fifty miles from east to
west,-distant from Kito Point on the mainland of China about
seven miles, and about forty miles distant from Ningpo ; Tinghae,
the capital of Chusan, is in 30° 10′ north latitude, and 122° 14'
east latitude.
The length of the island is about twenty-three miles from east
to west, and the breadth from north to south seven to eleven miles.
The circumference is about 150 miles.
The two principal bays are those of Tinghae on the southern, .
and of Singkong on the western coast of Chusan. There are,
however, several other bays and harbours- Tinghae or Chusan
bay or harbour, is land-locked, and has three good entrances,
I beat into the harbour by Deer island entrance at night : one
hundred sail of square-rigged vessels may anchor with ease in the
inner harbour of Chusan, although the adjacent anchorages are
equally safe (see maps accompanying) . The rise and fall of tide
is twelve feet six inches ; and the average depth in harbour is four
to ten fathoms.
There is a good position for docks and a dockyard, which are so
much wanting in the China seas.
Singkong Bay or Strait is six miles in length, with an average
breadth of 700 yards. There are two entrances of easy access, at
the north and south extremities of the bay, which is well-
sheltered, and affords excellent anchorage for ships of war, or for
vessels of large burthen. Good water is plentiful. There is an
admirable site for a large dockyard.
The highest elevation of the island is at its eastern extremity,
where one peak rises to 1,100 feet above the sea : the average
height of the hilly portion is from 500 to 700 feet .
Chusan consists of numerous ranges of hills, with broad inter-
vening valleys, every range connected by spurs or buttresses of
varied forms. Some of the valleys are eight to nine miles long,
and present one continuous scene of rich cultivation .
The mountains and hills, wherever there is any soil on the sur-
face, are terraced and cropped with different useful vegetables.
Wheat, tea, grass cloth plant, sweet potatoes, cotton, tobacco, and
rice may be found on the same side of a mountain, the water col-
lected on the top being permitted to descend to the different ter-
races, until it is deposited in the rice-field at the bottom of the
mountain. In some parts the mountains are planted with fir,
while the Spanish chestnut, walnut, tallow and varnish trees adorn
and enrich the lowlands. Canals some twenty feet wide are very
numerous, and kept always flowing by means of locks and of the
numerous streams of fine water which fall from the hills, some-
times in beautiful cascades. The canals are used to mark the
boundaries of property, as well as for irrigation. One large canal
southward and eastward of Tinghae, admits junks of considerable
burthen a good way into the north valley, and adjacent to the gates
of the city at the rise of the tide, which is twelve feet six inches,
(see map) . The whole island is intersected by substantial paved
or flagged roads about five to seven feet broad, slightly elevated
above the adjacent fields ; but which at little expense might be
widened to admit of wheeled carriages. At present everything
is borne on the shoulders of men ; but the unshod horse traverses
the roads with celerity.
The towns and villages are scattered pretty equally over the
whole island : in the valley of Tachin is a very large unwalled
town, with a river running through it.
The whole island is admirably irrigated ; the water which flows
from the hills is very pure, and conduits might readily be con-
structed to bring abundance of water into Tinghae, instead of re-
lying on the wells, which are said to be brackish and a cause of
One third of the island is said by Lieutenant Sargent to be
cultivated. Dr. Gingell, 2nd Madras Native Infantry, the Chinese
interpreter, says " that 135,000 mows of land are under cultiva
tion with grain. Reckoning the mow as equal to an English
rood, this would give 33,750 acres producing rice. When we
consider that two crops of rice and one of oil seed are obtained
annually from the land, (the October rice crop growing up, while
the August rice crop is being reaped) ; the amount of corn produc-
tion must be considerable. As well as I could ascertain , I am led to
conclude that the agricultural produce of the island is sufficient to
feed all its inhabitants throughout the year. The quantity of
garden vegetables grown is very great ; the soil stimulated by the
constant application of liquid manure, (of which large earthen
jars are kept at the corner of every field and garden) , increases
the size, but diminishes the flavour of the different products which
are grown in rapid succession, the earth being never allowed to lie
Mr. Bernard in his interesting work, " Narrative ofthe voyages
and services of the Nemesis," which I saw after my report was
forwarded to the governor, adverts to the hospitable, obliging,
and civil disposition he experienced among the inhabitants of
Chusan, and at vol. ii ., p . 187, thus describes the island :
" Nothing can be more striking or picturesque than the views
on every side as you approach Chusan . Much as you may have
read of the careful cultivation and economical husbandry of the
Chinese (not always so great as supposed), you are here particu-
cularly struck with the garden-like aspect of every spot of ground
you see. The country is hilly on all sides, but every hill is culti
vated with extreme care up to its very summit . It is divided into
small ridges or beds, in which various productions are raised side
by side, giving the greatest possible variety to the aspect of the
country, and pointing out the vast labour and perseverance with
which the tillage must be conducted, ' to subdue the stubborn
soil.' It is almost entirely spade husbandry, and ought rather
to be called horticulture. In the low valleys and little sheltered
nooks, you trace villages and farm-houses of neat appearance, and
every bend of the coast, every bit of low, swampy ground is em-
banked, and recovered from the sea by long thick stone walls, which
are maintained with the utmost care. Behind these the ground is
laid out in rice fields, irrigated with much ingenuity, and there is
a general appearance of well-being and industry, which indicates a
thriving and contended population.
" How different from the aspect of Hong Kong, and the other
islands to the southward !"
If Mr. Bernard had visited some of the beautiful and rich val-
leys of the interior, he would have extended his truthful descrip-
tion of Chusan .
The constant garden cropping, the deep green of the large rice
plains, and the cultivation climbing the hills, give great beauty to
the scenery ; and at early morn the singing of the birds in the
groves ; the murmuring rivulets through the valleys ; and the
fresh breeze from the mountains, enhance the charms of the land-
scape, and renovate the health of the debilitated resident of a tro-
pical climate .
Were Chusan a British colony, its hills and vales would be
adorned by charming villas, rich orchards, and luxuriant pas-
turages. An English town, with all the advantages of modern
civilization, would become an example to the Chinese, and in the
improvement of our own position, we should materially aid in the
social advancement of the imitative nation contiguous to our
Ting-hae city, in length from north to south, about 1,200 yards,
and in breadth about 1,000, is surrounded by a stone wall of two
miles and three quarters in length, nearly fifteen feet in height,
thirteen feet in thickness, surmounted by a strong brick parapet,
of four feet and a half high, and two feet thick, with small embra-
sures for matchlocks or arrows. The gateways, four in number,
east, west, north, and south, are double, and placed in zig- zag, as
in India. At intervals, around the walls, are strong square bas-
tions, well placed. At the western side of the city, the wall
ascends a steep mound, now called the " Cameronian Hill," (the
26th Regiment being encamped there after our first attack on the
island). Part of this hill, is, therefore, included within the city
bounds. A canal (see map) thirty-three feet wide, by three deep,
runs parallel to the City Wall, about thirty yards distant, except at
the " Cameronian Hill," and enters near the south gate ; the level
space at each side of the city walls, is covered with rice fields,
almost continually under water, and of difficult passage to an in-
vading force. The flat country around is a succession of rice fields,
bordered with the lofty Barbadian millet, which rises ten feet in
The city of Tinghae is extensive, and like all Chinese towns, the
streets are narrow, (about twelve to fourteen feet) , irregular, and
flagged with large slabs of different kinds of stone ; almost every
street has a covered drain, which communicates with a canal. For
a Chinese city, it is kept extremely clean. The houses are gene-
rally of one story ; but the tenements of the richer classes are very
extensive, and form three sides of a square, with a lofty wall in
front. Sometimes there are two or three inner courts. The shops
are numerous, and there is a minute division of employment. In
many respects there is a resemblance to the tradesmen of Europe.
Persons of the same trade frequently congregate in the same
street or neighbourhood ; the shops have a long and broad counter,
effectually separating the purchasers from the shopmen, with a
money till at one end ; there are neatly labelled drawers, or com-
modious shelves, and back warehouses, for the ready disposition of
the goods. A reel of twine hangs from the ceiling, close to wrap-
ping paper cut of various sizes, ready for use. In front of the
shop, or hanging partly on the outside, are varieties of such goods
as may attract the notice of customers, with the prices affixed on
labels, in some instances, in such characters as are only known to
the shopmen. Everything is sold by weight. The artizans are
extremely expert. Silversmiths in Tinghae, now make spoons,
forks, goblets, branch candlesticks, and various other articles of
domestic use. The tailors are excellent and cheap workmen, and
to the English are known by their respective cognomens of Stultz,
Nugee, &c. The supply of every article of provision, including
meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, fruit, groceries, &c. , is most abun-
dant, and not one half the price of very inferior articles at Hong
Kong, where indeed it is often impossible to get beef or mutton of any
description. Let but an European want be known in Chusan , and
it will be very extraordinary if it be not supplied by a Chinaman .
An European or Indian soldier is stationed at each gate of the
city, but no difficulty is interposed, and no tax levied on perfect
freedom of ingress or egress to or from the city. Many of the
European officers, including that distinguished officer, Brigadier
Campbell, the commandant of Chusan, reside in various parts of
the city, perfectly isolated from each other, and with as much con-
fidence and security as if they were residing in an English town.
A part ofthe Second Madras Native Infantry, are quartered in the
city, and their " place d'armes" is a remarkable temple, filled
with numerous human figures of full size, admirably carved in
wood, painted, and representing the human countenance and form
in every expression and attitude of passion and affection ; of grief
and joy, of sensibility and intelligence. I have seen nothing equal
to the artistic skill and true taste exhibited in this temple, in any
other part in China. The inhabitants do not seem to take um-
brage at its occupation by our troops, who scrupulously preserve it
from injury.
Her Majesty's 18th regiment are quartered outside the city, in
some two-storied houses, which face the sea, close to an extensive
bund or embankment, which was erected with marvellous rapidity,
during the period which intervened between our first and second
occupation of the island in 1840-1 . This bund extends for nearly
three miles along the sea front of Tinghae and Chusan harbour,
and forms a fortified earth wall, pierced at short and regular inter-
vals for cannon ; and during our second attack on the island, about
150 pieces of artillery, of various calibre, (many of them, however,
unserviceable) , were placed in the embrasures. The bund now
forms an excellent promenade for the garrison. The parade of
the 18th regiment, is large, dry, level, and in the midst of the
barracks, officers' quarters, and commissariat and naval stores.
Contiguous to the parade, our government have built an excellent
two-storied hospital, facing the sea, at an expense of about 10,000
dollars. The European artillery are quartered in comfortable bar-
racks on Joss House Hill, (see map), where a few guns command
the whole harbour, the city, and the surrounding plain .
Geology . - Chusan appears to have been upheaved by a sub-
marine convulsion, or to have been left dry by the receding ocean.
A porphyritic claystone, assuming in some places a columnar, and in
others a laminated structure, appears to constitute the main por-
tion of the island , occasionally a compact porphyritic stone of
coarse conglomerate, capable of being split into large slabs, or
formed into pillars, is found and quarried for various purposes .
The soil in the valleys is a rich, dark, alluvial mould . There is no
limestone on the island . None of the rotten granite found at Hong
Kong or Amoy, and which yields such a deleterious gas, is perceiv-
able at Chusan. About the centre of the island, and at a height of
700 feet, our surveyors found the compass to vibrate so much that
it became useless. The same vibration was observed on the high
land at the eastern extremity of Chusan.
Climate. In this respect Chusan may be said to vie with the
most favoured regions of the earth . It is the Montpelier of China.
There are only three months in the year which can be called hot ;
June, July, and August . Fires are sometimes kept up till the
middle of June, and woollen clothing is worn for nine months.
The cold weather sets in about the middle or end of September ;
but the average duration of hot weather does not exceed three
months. The remainder of the year is cold, bracing, or genial, ac-
cording to the season.
Even during the hottest season, the thermometer in a good
house, facing the harbour, ranges from 80° to 86° Fahrenheit,-
very seldom approaching 90°, and frequently descending at night
to 78°. The average about the month of August is about 83°, (see
accompanying Meteorological Register for June, July, and August,
1844, kept at Lieutenant Skead's, the harbour master) . In Sep-
tember the mercury descends to 74°, and in the early part of Oc-
tober, the cold weather season is established ;-the thermometer
stands at 49° to 59° at sunrise, towards the end of the month. In
November the north wind is piercingly cold and bracing. In De-
cember the temperature is still further reduced ; the ground is
covered with hoar frost ; ice of half an inch thick is general in the
In January the thermometer falls to 20° F., there is a clear bra-
VOL. II. 2 c
cing azure atmosphere ; snow falls frequently, and remains on the
East Peak, two feet deep for ten days.
February is like January. In March the vicissitudes are great,
thermometer 27 at night ; days hot ; hills around snow-capped.
April, easterly winds, sun breaking forth with increasing heat.
May, ditto, but fires still necessary to the European.
The climate of Chusan is far more favourable to health than
that of either Ningpo, Shanghai, or even of stations further north.
The Roman Catholic missionaries say that they are unable to stand
the climate and excessive heat of those cities, and that no Euro-
pean can remain there with impunity for a few successive years.
Our troops suffered greatly up the Yangtzekang river in 1842 :-
thirteen men of the 98th regiment dropped dead from the heat of
the sun. Fever and ague, dysentery, diarrhoea, and cholera, were
rapidly destroying our soldiers and sailors off Nankin . The whole
northern region of the Yangtzekang, of the Yellow River, and of
the Peiho, is a flat marshy country, inundated as rice fields, or
covered with water for a great part of the year, and subject to in-
tense solar heat for about five months, without any mountain or
sea breezes to temper the atmosphere. Chusan has a constant sea-
breeze at Tinghai during the summer months, from the S. W.
monsoon ; and the varied forms of its mountains and valleys pro-
duce a continued change of renovating airs. The thermometer
rises at Shanghai to 107 F. in the shade ; at Ningpo as high, and,
at Chusan, at Lieutenant Skead's, the active and intelligent har-
bour master and marine magistrate, it rarely rises to 86 F. *
Invalids from Shanghai and Ningpo, as well as from Hong
Kong, Canton, and Amoy, seek and find health at Chusan. It is
of the utmost importance to us to have a healthy station on the
coast of China, where our troops can be located and found always
ready for active service ; a regiment from Hong Kong could not
endure the fatigue and exposure of one week in the Yangtszekang
district ; a regiment from Chusan would be found as effective for
service as any regiment in the United Kingdom, and might be
marched to Peking if necessary.
An ice-house is open at Chusan from 1st June to 1st September.
The consumption in July is about 800 lbs. a-day, by the English
subscribers of five rupees each. They pay also about one farthing
a pound for the ice, which is collected in winter by a Chinaman
from the canals around, and deposited in a mud-walled house with
a high thatched roof ; conduits carry off the melted ice outside the
* It is observed in the Nautical Magazine for 1848, p. 7, that the climate of the
middle provinces of China is said to be delightful ; that of Peking agrees even with
strangers ; epidemic diseases are very rare, and the ravages ofthe plague entirely un-
known. But the province of Canton is one of the most unhealthy portions of the coun
try, and such it probably is. The writer is quite correct. The Chinese officials view
appointments to the Canton province, unless where emoluments are concerned, as a sort
of honourable banishment- as we view Sierra Leone.
building. Dry straw is thickly strewed over the ice. The Chinese
use ice extensively for preserving fish.
HEALTH OF THE TROOPS.- The state of the artillery stationed
at Chusan, compared with the dreadful mortality of the artillery
stationed at Hong Kong (see my report on Hong Kong), is very
remarkable. There landed at Chusan of the Madras European
artillery in November, 1842 , after going through the whole cam-
paign-one captain, one lieutenant, one bugler, three corporals,
four bombardiers, and forty-nine gunners ; total, sixty-two. To
these must be added three more, who rejoined from Hong Kong in
April, 1843, and six from Madras in November, 1843.
The deaths up to August, 1844, were only five, viz. , four gun-
ners and one bombardier. The mortality may be considered at
less than two per cent. per annum. The men are in the most
efficient order, and as ready for active service as if they had been
stationed at Woolwich the last two years .
Four companies of H. M.'s 18th (Royal Irish) regiment have
been stationed at Chusan since the conclusion of the war, after
being engaged in all the campaigns, and they have not lost by
death one per cent. per annum . That portion of the 18th which
returned from Amoy was very sickly.
The admissions into the Chusan hospital for Europeans, from
1st January to 31st July, 1844, were 461 (including 104 syphilitic
cases) ; of these but six died . Of sixty officers who have resided
at Chusan for the last eighteen months, not one has died.
The contrast between the men of H. M.'s 18th regiment sta-
tioned at Hong Kong, Koolungsoo (Amoy), and Chusan, is very
striking -out of 500 men of the 18th regiment stationed at Koo-
lungsoo * in 1843, there died seventy- five men and two officers ;
the remaining men were perfect skeletons and unable to shoulder
a musket : out of the same strength, and in the same period of
time, at Chusan, in 1844, the 18th regiment only lost two men !
During the year 1843, the mortality of the troops at Chusan
was only one in 29 , or about three per cent.; at Koolungsoo, one
in 123, and at Hong Kong, one in 34, or nearly thirty per cent.
The invaliding was in the same proportion at these stations. The
mortality of H. M.'s 98th regiment at Hong Kong, is on an aver-
age about one man a day !
The appearance of the troops on parade in Chusan is that of
men in robust health ; they have a colour in their cheeks, an elas-
tic and firm step, and in performing their martial evolutions there
is an alacrity and precision observable, as if the men took a plea-
sure in carrying a combined movement into operation ; this is very
differently seen in the evolutions of the troops at Hong Kong,
where the men seem to stagger under the weight of their knapsacks ,
Koolungsoo is exactly the same geological formation as Hong Kong : we have
left the bones of about a thousand gallant men at this wretched and useless island.
2 c 2
musket, and accoutrements.* The Indian troops " die like rotten
sheep " at Hong Hong ; but at Chusan their mortality is not two-
and-a-half per cent. per annum, as shewn by the following return
of a regiment which served in the Chinese campaign .
State ofthe 2nd Madras Native Infantry at Chusan in one year.
Months. 38888 Died. Months. Died.
August, 1843 867 53 none. February . 823 32 none.
September 867 33 3 March 821 35
October 834 73 April 818 30
November 865 56 May 813 35
December 833 39 2 June 681+ 34 none.
January, 1844 .. 824 29 2 July 678+ 40 1
Only twenty-one men died in one year-out of a strength of more than 800 men,
which is only about two-and-a-half per cent. ! In 1843, there was only one man in-
valided. The men look very healthy and strong.
Numerical strength of officers 26- none died.
The prevailing diseases have been mild ague and diarrhoea.
The regiment has been perfectly effective since it arrived in Chusan,
in the latter end of 1842.
It is true that the troops suffered considerably from sickness on
their first occupation of Chusan. But instead of the health which
now prevails, there would be as much sickness in 1844 as there was
in 1841, if the same system were adopted. Instead of the soldiers
being located as at present, in good Chinese two-storied houses on
the sea-shore, they were encamped in the wet plains and rice fields,
and on the side of a hill to the westward of the city. Numerous
posts and guards were established in the burning heat of August.
Her Majesty's 26th regiment, or " Cameronians," were the prin-
cipal sufferers. They were encamped on the hill to leeward of the
city and all its filth. They had no camp followers, and were obliged
to go more than a mile through the city to the commissariat for
their food, which, when obtained, consisted of Calcutta cured meat
perfectly green with putridity ; and Calcutta made biscuit, crumbled
into dust with maggots and weavils. It was impossible to eat such
food ; the dogs even rejected it. The men, worn with hunger and
thirst, and harassed with numerous guards and constant alarms,
drank profusely of the almost stagnant water in the canals that
* H. M.'s 98th regiment, which suffered so severely at Hong Kong last year, went to
Chusan, where their mortality is now less than it would be in any part of England.
+ Detachments sent to Koolungsoo, Amoy, to relieve H. M.'s 18th regiment, who
were dying fast.
flow through the rice fields around the city, and every green thing
or unripe fruit which could be obtained was eaten with avidity.
Large quantities of the fiery spirit, termed " samshu," were easily
procured ; and it is not to be wondered that dysentery (no fever
appeared) soon made dreadful ravages in the 26th regiment . The
conduct of the commanding officer, and, of those who had the
charge of issuing provisions to the troops, was most reprehensible.
There were at least thirty-five officers with the regiment, and only
one died ; a conclusive proof it was not the climate of Chusan
which killed the private soldiers of the 26th : they would have died
anywhere under similar circumstances.
Dr. McPherson, in his work " Two Years in China," at page 21 ,
adverting to the health of our troops in Chusan in 1840, says, " it
required no gifted soothsayer to prognosticate what the results
would be, when men were placed in tents pitched on low, paddy
fields, surrounded by stagnant water, putrid and stinking from
quantities of dead animal and vegetable matter. Under a sun
hotter than that ever experienced in India, the men on duty were
buckled up to the throat in their full-dress coats ; and in conse-
quence of there being so few camp followers, fatigue parties of
Europeans were daily detailed to carry provisions and stores from
the ship to the tents, and to perform all menial employments ;
which experience has long taught us they cannot stand in a tropi-
cal climate.
" The poor men , working like slaves, began to sink under the
exposure and fatigue. Bad provisions, low spirits, and despond-
ency drove them to drink . This increased their liability to sick-
ness, and in the month of November there were barely 500 effec-
tive men in the force. A sort of infatuation seemed to possess the
minds of the authorities . Medical men, as is often the case, were
put down as croakers ; their recommendations were neither listened
nor attended to . True, it was reported that the general was one
day about to visit the hospitals, but when almost at the door of
one, some pressing business called him away. Once, also, the
Admiral and Captain Elliot were known to have walked through
the hospital of Her Majesty's 26th regiment. There were at that
time upwards of 400 poor, sick, fellows on mats stretched on the
grounds. Many, alas ! never to rise from it.
" This melancholy sight called forth expressions of pity and
compassion. The surgeon was directed to spare no expense- to
procure everything he considered necessary to be unremitting
in his exertions, and to make application to the admiral if aught
was wanted . The surgeon recommended that a ship should be
laid apart as an hospital ship, and that another should be given to
take a portion of convalescents to sea for change of air. Unfor-
tunately, however, there were no ships available at that time. "
This mortality, caused by our neglect of the troops, was adroitly
turned to advantage to prejudice the government and public against
Chusan, and in favour of Hong Kong.
POPULATION, CHARACTER, & c.- The population of the island of
Chusan is stated by the Rev. Dr. Gutzlaff to be at a maximum
270,000, exclusive of the islands. Lieutenant Sargent of Her
Majesty's 18th regiment, was out four months with Captain
D'Haviland, engaged in surveying the interior of the island, and
pointed out to me one hundred thickly populated towns and villages
as marked on his map, which are stated by Lieutenant Sargent to
contain each from 1,000 to 5,000 inhabitants. He considers the
island thickly peopled , and it appeared so to me in my excursions.
The density of population may be inferred from the circumstances
of the females being equal to, if not exceeding the males in number,
and from the great abundance of children everywhere observable.
There is now before me a census of the town or city of Tinghai,
the capital of Chusan, made by the Rev. Dr. Gutzlaff in 1843 ; in
which each house is numbered, the occupation of the proprietor
stated, and the men and women, boys and girls, enumerated. Ac-
cording to this document, the inhabitants of Tinghai city are-
men 9,842, women 7,870, boys 4,961 , girls 3,477-total 26,150.
The number of houses is given at 4,556, which divided among
26,150 inhabitants, would give nearly six persons to each dwelling ;
a small average for China.
In robustness of form the men of Chusan, who are of an under-
set build, are quite equal to those of England, and they travel easily
with a weight on their shoulders slung from either end of a bam-
boo, which the strongest London porter would find it difficult to
raise from the ground. They are industrious, civil, inquisitive,
ready to supply any of our wants, &c. , imitating any thing we re-
quire to be made. The population is chiefly agricultural. There is
much apparent comfort in the farm houses ; abundance of pigs ,
poultry, and goats round every farm. The people are suitably
clothed, lodged, well fed, and housed . There is no extreme poverty;
no beggars, and few large estates ; the proprietorship of land being
very much subdivided. There is great honesty among all classes,
who are in general peaceable, orderly, and well conducted. Cap-
tain Bamfield, the magistrate of the island, to whom great credit
is due for the preservation of social order, informs me that there
has not been a case of homicide in the island since the peace in
1842, and that he does not know of any other part of the world
where there is so little crime in proportion to the population. In-
deed, the petty offences that take place are committed by strangers
to the island ; by persons from the mainland.
The police for the whole island does not cost 100 dollars a month,
and the amount ofproperty stolen and not recovered does not amount
to 150 dollars a year. There is frequently a clear jail, and of the
eighteen or twenty prisoners now there, most of them are confined
for selling shamshu (spirits) to the soldiers. In civil cases regard-
ing money or land the people cheerfully submit their suits to
Captain Bamfield's arbitration, and almost without exception the
defaulters admit the claims made on them, and readily consent to
arrangements for liquidating the debt in time according to their
means. The debts of ancestors are always recognized.
The people seem attached to our rule ; they imitate our cus-
toms, and have great confidence in our veracity. * In many parts
of Tinghai the name and designation of the shop-keeper is neatly
painted in English over his door. Our language is being acquired
very rapidly ; particularly by young people, and they take great
delight in their proficiency. Idolatry or superstition seems to
have little hold on them ; veneration for the manes of their an-
cestors, and the performance of various funereal rites at picturesque
or neatly sculptured tombs, constitute their principal religious
creed and ritual.
Although spies have been sent from the mainland by the man-
darins to watch and intimidate those who might be friendly dis-
posed towards us, yet many have not hesitated to avow their
anxiety for our retention of the island, and to express their dread
of the restoration of mandarin authority, and all its " squeezings"
and indefinable exactions.
A revenue might easily be derived from Chusan, adequate at
least to the payment of its civil government. It is stated that
during the Chinese occupation of the island the land revenue was
13,500 leangs of silver annually. The leang at Ningpo is equal to
2,000 cash. There were also paid six measures of rice at twenty-
three cash per measure, and fifteen catties of grain at sixteen
cash per catty, on each mow of cultivated land. The tax was
levied in coin and paid into the imperial treasury. Among other
taxes there was a stamp on deeds, on the registration of property,
&c. There was also a tax on the " foundation of houses," which
may be considered a ground-rent. There could be little diffi-
culty in raising a sufficient revenue, from such an extensive popu-
lation spread over a highly cultivated country.
mutton, and pork there is a regular supply at an average price of
four pence per pound. The grazing ground is good, and under
European management cattle might be cured and fattened in
great numbers. The milk and butter of the cow and of the
buffalo, are very rich, and sell at moderate prices . The flavour of
the Chusan mutton is excellent ; goats are numerous ; hams are
well cured and nearly equal in flavour to those of England ;
deer and hares are in season during the winter months beef
and pork might be cured to any extent in winter for the sup-
ply of the navy, and kept in ice-houses till required. Bul-
In a letter from Chusan, dated 30th May, 1845, from an intelligent and close
observer, who has the best means of judging of the feelings of the people, there is the
following passage :- " Nothing could exceed the peaceful and friendly disposition
evinced by the natives. Their favourable feeling is evinced by the extraordinary
number of buildings which have been erected within the last seven months in the im-
mediate vicinity of the barracks. There is now a busy town where nine months ago
you saw a mere swamp ."
locks are about forty shillings each ; salt is made in great abund-
ance on the coast of Chusan and on the neighbouring islands.
Poultry are plentiful, moderate in price, and of fine flavour.
The Chusan fowls are larger than any that are to be seen in
England ; geese are excellent ; ducks are hatched by steam, and
reared by thousands : one boy has charge of many hundreds :
they feed in the rice fields and canals ; eggs are very abundant,
usual price 150 for a dollar - three for a penny. Of game there are
pheasants, snipe, quail, woodcock, teal, duck, wild geese, (large and
good), wild swans, (very plentiful) , &c .
Bread and confectionary prepared in the English style are well
made by the Chinese ; sixteen pound loaves of excellent white
bread may be brought for a dollar ; wheat is grown on the hills,
and rice and millet in the valleys ; cauliflowers, peas and beans,
cabbage, spinach, cucumbers, onions, turnips, carrots, sweet pota-
toes, bringalls, gourds of different descriptions, French beans,
radishes, celery, &c. , are brought to market in season. European
potatoes are now being introduced, and every English vegetable
and fruit when cultivated, thrive in perfeetion . The tea plant
grows on the hills, and is sent to Ningpo and Chapoo to be manu-
factured for the beverage of the higher classes. The wild rasp-
berry and strawberry are in abundance ; melons and oranges are
excellent ; the peach, grape, apple, pear, apricot, cherry, and plum
only require careful cultivation for their improvement. (At
Shanghai the peaches are large and excellent) Walnuts and
• Spanish chestnuts come to perfection at Chusan . The tallow-tree
and varnish-tree are among the most valuable productions of the
island . From the tallow-tree a great abundance of candles of a
waxy consistence are prepared . The varnish-tree yields a wood-
oil of great use in furniture. The bamboo and dwarf oak
abound ; cotton of excellent quality is largely cultivated ; silk as
yet is of limited production . The tobacco of Chusan is much
prized ; the hop (humulus) grows on every hill.
The shores around Chusan abound with fish, some of excellent
quality, such as the pomphlat, sole, seer, salt water trout, herring,
rock cod, sturgeons, mackerell, and eel ; oysters, and crayfish are
in perfection. It is stated that forty thousand fishing vessels
arrive annually from different parts of the coast of China, and
remain three months fishing off Chusan . " The " yellow man-
darin" fishing is analagous to the herring fishery of Great Britain
or of Holland. About 300,000 dollars capital is invested in this
lucrative trade. Ice-boats attend the fishing-boats off Chusan,
and as soon as the fish are caught they are packed in ice, and
sent to the most distant parts of the empire.
merce of Chusan on our occupation of the island, consisted chiefly
of salted and dry fish, of salt, and of samshu, an ardent spirit dis-
tilled from rice, millet or other grains. There was also a con-
siderable entrepôt trade between the northern and southern coasts
of China. Now a foreign trade has commenced, which will pro-
bably increase to a very large extent if we retain the island. In
two articles of British manufacture the sales at Chusan during
the past year amounted to one million dollars, viz . :
Cotton goods to the amount of 750,000 dollars.
Woollen ditto 250,000 ditto
1,000,000 ditto
In July 1843, Captain Cleverly of the " William Hughes" sold
in four days in Chusan harbour woollen goods to the amount of
85,000 dollars . There was not so much merchandize sold at the
consular ports of Shanghai and Ningpo in nine months as was
sold at Chusan in the earlier months of 1843. The Chinese
prefer purchasing goods at Chusan ; as there is no monopoly ; and
as they have no China custom-house mark on them, they are
more readily saleable at the different ports along the coast, as
they can be transmitted into the interior of the country with-
out being subject to the transit duties which are levied on British
manufactures, even after they have paid the custom-house duties at
the consular ports. The possession of Chusan as a trading em-
porium is the more necessary by reason of the state of four of
the consular ports, which excepting Shanghai have not in any
degree realized the expectations entertained . There is little
British trade at Amoy ; the " Erin" and the " Mariane Webb"
were at Amoy during the present month, (August 1844), and could
not sell a bale of cotton goods or of any thing, although there
was no stock on hand . At Ningpo there is no resident British
Goods have been lying at Ningpo for six months unsaleable ;
the Ningpo authorities are ever throwing impediments in the way
of trade, they forbid the introduction of foreign goods in native
vessels from Chusan. I may mention the following fact ; in July
1844, the " Cornwall," an English vessel of 300 tons, arrived at
Ningpo from Singapore, with a cargo of " Straits produce," and
some British manufactures. The " Cornwall" was chartered by a
Chinaman, who is a merchant residing at Singapore ; he was born
at Malacca, and his ancestors for three generations have been
British subjects. There was a Chinaman from Singapore placed
on board as supercargo by the Malacca Chinese merchant, but the
captain of the ship and his crew were English. On the arrival of
the " Cornwall" at Ningpo, the mandarins resolved on confiscating
the ship and cargo, and it was only by the urgent representations
of the consul that she was saved ; the " Cornwall" then left
Ningpo for Shanghai, and was totally lost on one of the banks in
the Yangtzekang river, when proceeding thither. The general
policy of the Chinese government is obviously directed to the
greatest possible concentration of the foreign trade, thus rendering
it subject to a more rigid system of supervision, and more avail-
able for exaction . The Tartar government dread the extension of
our trade in the northern ports, and would gladly drive it all back
again to Canton.
Mr. Thom the consul at Ningpo who framed the new Chinese
tariff, who was the chief eulogist on the advantageous extension of
British trade with China, whose knowledge of the Chinese lan-
guage is complete, and who has married a China woman, now ac-
knowledges that all his hopes have been disappointed. He said,
(10th August, 1844,) " free trade has proved a failure in China ;
everything here runs into monopoly. Government have ap-
pointed three Hongs, who alone are permitted to sell tea at
Ningpo ; government have granted a monopoly of all iron made in
the district, to one Hong consisting of two or three individuals.
An English ship brought some iron here the other day ; the
Chinaman who brought the English iron at a dollar a pecul, below
the price at which the monopolist Hong was selling the native iron,
was cited before the mandarins, who after urgent remonstrances,
and reference to the treaty, at length, said, the monopoly was
granted for internal or home made iron, and that the Chinaman
was at liberty to complete his purchase of the English iron. But
in a short time the iron monopolist Hong, trumped up some other
charge against the purchaser of the English iron ; false witnesses
were easily procured, and the unfortunate purchaser of cheap
English iron was committed to prison. No interference of the
consul could be made, as the alleged offence had no reference to
trade ; the accused would probably be squeezed of all his property,
and feel thankful he had escaped with life ; such conduct deters
other Chinese traders from purchasing English goods, particularly
where a monopoly has been granted." Mr. Thom proceeded fur-
ther to observe, " you may lay down large and liberal principles,
but they are sure to be defeated in detail by the mandarins.
Although the duties are low on imported English goods, yet a man
prefers going over in his junk to Chusan, where he fills her with
English goods and takes them to Chapoo, Shantung, &c., where
they are readily bought ; the same goods if sold at Ningpo would
be marked at the custom-house, and fifty or sixty miles in the in-
terior the mandarins levy a heavy internal transit duty, which
effectually checks the consumption of British manufactures . I see
no prospect of a large increase of trade with China, which has
nothing but tea and silk to export, and no money. Silver is
becoming scarcer every day, 2,000 cash are now required for a
tael of silver. Opium has drained the country. Formerlythe
Chinese bought our watches, mirrors, and other articles of luxury,
now they are unable to do so, and there is evidently an increasing
national impoverishment and deterioration. This is also the
opinion of the Rev. Mr. Medhurst at Shanghai. In the Chinese
you behold a nation without truth and without morals."
The absence of trade at Ningpo and Foochoo, and our exclusion
from other ports to the northward, render the possession of Chu-
san more valuable. Already goods have been frequently purchased
there for the coast of Shantung, but probably destined for the
gulf of Potchely, and other places to the northward of the Yang-
tzekang river. Chusan would also most probably become an en-
trepôt for the valuable trade of Formosa, from which island it is
only distant 300 miles, and from whence there is an immense im-
portation of sugar into Ningpo and Shanghai, for the supply of the
rich northern and central provinces of China, where the consump-
tion is very great. The sugar would be a valuable article for
shipment to England, and would be much more advantageously
transhipped at a free port like Chusan, than under the trammels
of the custom -house arrangements at Ningpo or Shanghai, irres-
pective of the export duty levied at these ports, which on low
sugars become a heavy per centage. The Formosa junks take
back raw cotton, cotton cloths, Straits produce, &c., all of which
British merchants could supply from Chusan. The proximity of
Chapoo (the seat of the China Japanese trade) to Chusan, is of
considerable importance, as the merchants engaged in it would
doubtless prefer making their purchases of foreign goods at Chu-
san free from duty, to proceeding out of their way to Shanghai to
buy them at an enhanced cost.
The Japanese, three centuries ago, made Chusan their entrepôt.
Japan, with 80,000,000 inhabitants the finest climate in the
world, rich in various commodities, and abounding in gold and
silver, is within two or three days sail of Chusan, and accessible at
all seasons of the year. Our occupation of Chusan, would sooner
or later bring about an intercourse with that exclusive people, the
Japanese, on the ground that we had formerly a factory, in 1613,
at Firando in Japan, that we were compelled to retire, and that we
have an equal right with the Dutch to trade on free and just terms
with the Japanese.
There are several other places with which a trade might be
opened with Chusan, viz .: with Corea, which contains about
12,000,000 inhabitants ; with the Loochoo Islands, the coast of
Mantchouria, the Kurile Islands, and even with Kamstchatka, &c. In
fact, a new and large commercial world would be opened to England .
The whale fishery is now being extended into the Northern
Pacific, Chinese and Japanese seas. Driven successively from the
northern and southern Polar regions, this gigantic and useful animal
is seeking refuge in seas hitherto little frequented, from his untiring
pursuers. To the whale ships, Chusan would be an invaluable
port for recruitment.
In viewing Chusan as a commercial emporium, it is important
to bear in mind, that although the largest class of ships in the Bri-
tish navy, may with as perfect safety reach Chusan, as any other
part of the world, yet the navigation to the northward of Chusan is
difficult, even for small class vessels of 200 tons burthen . It would
be hazardous for large class ships to enter the Woo-sung River, on
which Shanghai is situated. The same remark applies to the Gulf of
Potchely, the Hwang, Ho or Yellow River, the Peiho, and the other
ports and rivers to the northward of the Yangtzekang. This cir-
cumstance would give us a great advantage, by enabling merchants
to send goods direct from England in large ships to Chusan, where
they would be transhipped direct to the English coasting craft, or
Chinese junks, without further expense. At present goods are
sent to Hong Kong or Canton, there warehoused, considerable
expense incurred , and then re-embarked in small class schooners
or brigs to the northward, thus materially enhancing the cost of
the goods, and delaying their transmission to the place of sale-
namely, the richest and most populous districts of China, which lie
contiguous to Chusan.
Ere long the worthlessness of our consular stations, except Can-
ton and Shanghai, will be fully perceived ; it will then be acknow-
ledged that the present stations were hastily and injudiciously
selected ; that other places, such as Suchoo at the head of the
Woosung river, Chinkeangfoo, near the Grand Canal, below Nan-
kin, and Tiensin, the port of the Peiho, were much better adopted
for our trade. The annual expenses of our consular establishments
on the China coast of £30,000 a-year, without any corresponding
advantage, will be severely felt, should the Chinese government
resolve to open no other ports .
The intrinsic worth of Chusan as a British port will then be
more manifest ; our possession of the island will force the Tartar
government of China to the adoption of a less exclusive system, for
the natural and apparently instinctive love of a Chinaman for
trade, would make him the conveyer of our merchandise to the
numerous ports and wealthy districts around our settlement, thus
bringing about practically a free trade with China, which ulti-
mately its government would be forced to recognise, protect, and
encourage .
MARITIME POSITION . -The navigation of the China sea up to
Chusan, is perfectly safe and easy on all occasions. The difficulty
of reaching the northern ports against the monsoon has been pur-
posely magnified by those engaged in the opium trade, who have
for several years past navigated the whole coast of China, regard-
less of the monsoon . Captains of merchant vessels declare they
would rather proceed from Hong Kong to Chusan in the north-
east monsoon, than they would pass through the English channel
in winter.
A vessel proceeding from Singapore or any southern port up th
China sea, against the monsoon, can reach Chusan as easily as
Hong Hong, and within three or four days of the time, the differ-
ence of distance being only seven hundred miles. One of the er-
roneous ideas entertained respecting Chusan, was the impractica-
bility of vessels reaching the island against the monsoon . The
monsoons only blow in the tropics, and Hong Kong is on their
verge. It is true the wind blows for a long period of the year,
(from October to May) down the Formosa channel ; and vessels at
this season go outside the channel ; but sometimes beat through ;
for instance, the " Omega," a small schooner, commanded by
Captain White, one of the most intelligent, enterprizing, and skil-
ful officers on the coast of China, left Chusan, 13th June, 1843,
went to Hong Kong and Macao, delivered her downward and re-
ceived her upward cargo, and arrived in Chusan harbour the 29th,
being somewhat under sixteen days. This was thought much of
at the time, but in June, 1844, answers to letters were received
by sailing vessels, from Hong Kong in nine days from the time
of their being written in Chusan. The China coast as far north
as Chusan, and the entrance of the Yangtzekang river, is bold,
steep, and skirted with islands, where good anchorage may always
be found.
The harbour of Chusan is superior to that of Hong Kong, more
easy of access and egress in all winds, and safer in a typhoon. No
gale can raise a sea in Chusan harbour. The holding ground is a
tenacious clay, and when the junks are driven on shore, owing to
their imperfect moorings, they drive on a mud bank, from whence
they easily get off in fine weather. Sixty sail of British vessels
have anchored in Chusan harbour at once, and the adjacent safe
and large harbour, termed " Spithead," would contain treble that
number of vessels . Excellent anchorage exists throughout the
whole Chusan Archipelago, which is accessible to vessels proceed-
ing in any direction to or from Chusan.
It is worthy of note, that throughout the whole year, Chusan is to
windward ofthe adjacent ports and mainland of China ; so that
ships of war, or transports, can at any period with certainty enter
the Yangtzekang in a few days after leaving Chusan harbour.
Naval commanders will immediately perceive the great importance
of such an advantage .
MILITARY POSITION.-A glance at the map of China, will in-
stantly demonstrate the many advantages which Chusan possesses
as a military station . Midway between the northern and southern
extremities of this immense empire ; at the entrance of the vast
Yangtzekang, which divides China into two parts, by means of
the net work of canals all centring in this river, affording a
cheap and ready water communication with Peking, and all the
richest cities and most fertile plains ; sufficiently distant from the
mainland to prevent observation, and to guard against a surprise ;
in a healthy climate, abounding in commissariat supplies, and with
the most important maritime advantages, Chusan may justly be
termed the key of China. [ Such, I hear, it has also been since
called by the Duke of Wellington. ]
Two regiments, a couple of frigates, and two steamers, would be
sufficient, if stationed at Chusan, not only to keep the whole em-
pire of China in check, but even to act on the offensive, enter the
Yangtzekang, occupy the mouth of the grand canal, and in one
week dictate terms of peace without seeking any reinforcement
from India. A flat country, thickly peopled, by an unwarlike,
effeminate, and commercial race, collected in numerous large cities,
can never resist even a small well-organized invading force. Our
occupation, would, therefore, tend to preserve peace between China
and England.
The following extracts from Dr. Gutzlaff's " Retrospect of two
years' peace" written at Hong Kong, November, 1844, after he
had seen the previous remarks, entirely confirm my remarks :-
" Chusan will hold a very prominent place in the history of our
commerce and intercourse with this country, whatever the politi
cal events may be in future. As a mere territorial possession its
advantages will be considerable. The tea that grows on the is-
land is fit for exportation, though not carefully prepared for a
foreign market, it is merely sold at Suchoo, and other places in
Keangsoo. There is space enough unoccupied by any other cul-
tivation which could be carefully planted with tea shrubs, and the
proper tea- men invited for this branch of the trade from the
Sunglho hills, about seven days distance from Ningpo. With a
small expense of capital, Chusan and the neighbouring islands
might produce instead of ten to twenty boat-loads as at present,
the same number of ship-loads of green tea.
" The silk-worm thrives in the island, but is now merely kept by
a few females, who take an interest in weaving home dresses.
People brought up from their childhood in this branch of industry
could be brought from Hangchoo, (one day's sailing distance from
“ The island is fertile, and contains a dense, industrious , agricul-
tural population, who though more than ten times the number of
the Chinese inhabitants of Hong Kong, require not one-fifth part
of the police establishment for keeping them in order.
"As a fishing station Chusan possesses great advantages.
catching of the " mandarin fish" during the spring months, is a
very extensive and lucrative business to the inhabitants, and em-
ploys a large capital, and numerous boats. For the whale fishery
Chusan presents great facilities, for during summer the fish go to
the Japanese seas, and along the coast of Korea, whither they have
never yet been pursued. Vessels, therefore, fitting out in the
island would be just in the track.
" As a commercial emporium few places in Asia can yie in point
of situation with Chusan. On the opposite main are the most
flourishing cities as respects manufactures as well as commerce.
In its neighbourhood the largest rivers of China disembogue, and
these will always be the high road of commerce. It is only two
days sail from Japan, the same from Korea, and though the
former country still remains hermetically sealed, and the other
has always kept aloof from contact with the whole world, they can-
not always maintain this exclusion of national intercourse.
Chusan is a half-way station between the northern and southern
provinces, and was as such visited by large numbers of junks
before the conquest. Inasmuch as it ought now to be an object
of our constant endeavour to open new outlets for British manu-
factures, no spot on earth presents such facilities as Chusan at the
present moment.
" As a station for European troops the climate is most favour-
able ; it is congenial to the European constitution, and the soil
would produce all the fruits and vegetables to which we are ac-
customed at home, if properly planted and cultivated . The im-
perfect attempts made for that purpose have well succeeded, and
the mountains might be clad with the vine, instead of with the
dwarf fir which now covers their sides.
" On account of the great rise and fall of tide, docks might be
constructed on " Tea island" or on the north coast of Chusan, for
the repair of vessels, and it is worthy of remark that the neigh-
bouring Korean islands produce firs and oaks of the best quality,
excellently adapted for the use of carpenters and shipwrights .
" In a political point of view Chusan appears in the most
favourable light. The great political maxim, of always as
much as possible to keep the peace with the Celestial Empire, can
never be so well attained as by retaining possession of this island.
"The neighbourhood of a British force so near the great canal,
and only about five days' sail from Peking, will always make the
great Emperor very careful to adopt any measures that may
wound the feelings of the neighbouring foreigners, and in case of
such an event, the appearance of a few steamers at Kwachoo or
Chinkeangfoo would soon change the views of the great monarch .
" In Asia the observance of treaties does not arise from any con-
viction that they are an obligation binding on both parties ; but
it springs from sheer necessity, and the moment this powerful
law is not in operation all engagements are null and void. The
best guarantee for the maintenance of our treaty will be the
British occupation of Chusan. Its possession by England will
render the mandarins more conscientious and willing in executing
the behest of their sovereign, and the great monarch more de-
sirous of conciliation, than when our fleets and armies are stationed
at the other extremity of the empire. Chusan will prove the bridle
for restraining the wild and ungovernable passions of Muhchan-
gah's party, and for keeping England free from all interference in
the political affairs of China.
" In case of an European war, Chusan would prove a very valua-
ble post for the protection of our shipping, and the expulsion of
any enemy from those seas ; and without such a station, the
northern trade, which ere long will be larger than the southern,
would be exposed to imminent dangers.
"We would look upon Chusan as another Malta, not in point of
natural strength, but of political importance for the maintenance
and undisturbed enjoyment of a commerce, which after the
opening of Japan, and Korea, and the access to Mantchouria, will
certainly rival the whole of our Mediterranean trade .
"With a fourth of the money spent on the ungrateful soil of Hong
Kong, Chusan would have exhibited a larger and more beautiful
city than we shall ever behold on the straggling hills of this colony.
"If changes occur, -if difficulties in the performance ofthe treaty
arise,—if China resumes its perfidious conduct, -if other foreign
powers strive to obtain the mastery in its councils, -if the country
is agitated, and trade must seek a safe asylum, then the permanent
occupation of Chusan will become the most salutary measure that
could be adopted for preserving British ascendancy and influence in
Eastern Asia."
Lieutenant Ochterlony, a distinguished officer, who resided some
time at Chusan, says, " as a residence for Europeans, it is unde-
niably most desirable ; with almost every article of luxury or
necessity for the table readily procurable ; with a climate, allowing
many absolutely cold months during the year ; the greater part of
the remainder temperate, and not oppressive ; with the most lovely
landscape meeting the eye wherever it rests ; with advantages of
healthful exercise, including the great essential of sea bathing,
and many others that need not be enumerated, it affords every
promise of becoming in the due course of time, and that a very
short one, one of the most popular, interesting and salubrious stations
offered to Her Majesty's troops in the Eastern Colonies ; and which
as a place of trade, should it be practicable so far to overcome the
prejudices and fears of the Chinese, as to allow of our retention of
it, (Chusan) with a fair prospect of the ports on the mainland being
opened to us, its value is undoubtedly great, presenting features
of attraction sufficient to render it, in many essential respects, as
important a fief, as has, of late years, been added to the British
In Mr. Lindsay's journal of the voyage of the Sylph up the
coast of China, in which reference is made to the insular places, he
says " superior to all is the island of Chusan : the advantages of
a central situation on the coast, communicating with the very
heart of China, of anchorages, harbours, fertility, population, cli-
mate, are here all united ; Ningpo, Hangchow, Shanghae, and
Japan, are distant only a few days sail. Among these numerous
islands, (the Chusan group) there are almost as many valuable har-
bours, or places of perfect security for ships of any burthen. This
advantage, together with that of their central situation in respect
to the eastern coast of China, and the vicinity of Corea, Japan,
Leookaoo, and Formosa, attract considerable commerce. "
These opinions of Dr. Gutzlaff, of Lieutenant Ochterlony, and
Mr. H. M. Lindsay, were not seen until after my report on Chusan
had been sent from China to England ; and since I arrived in Eng-
land, I am happy to find that all the views I formed respecting
Hong Kong and China, are entirely coincided in by a distinguish-
ed civil servant of the East India Company.
Sir James Urmston, who presided for some years over the
East India Company's affairs at Canton, in 1833 satisfactorily
pointed out the many and serious disadvantages, under which
our trade was carried on at that port, and at the same time forci-
bly illustrated the important benefits which would be bestowed on
British interests, by our permanent possession of Chusan, or, if
that could not be accomplished, the sanction of the Chinese go-
vernment to our trading at that island .
The circumstances of the war with China, the capture of, and
our occupancy of Chusan, until restored to the Chinese, afford
ample proof of the value and importance of Chusan, and fully
corroborate the accuracy of Sir James Urmston's views, opinions,
and remarks, relative to this fine island. *
Sir James Urmston rightly observes, " Chusan is not only most
advantageously placed for general trade, but is in fact, close to
those districts which are more immediately connected with the
British and other foreign trade ; that is, in the vicinity of the tea
and silk districts, and of those marts where British merchandize
and manufactures are required and diffused, as well as those arti-
cles which are exported to China from our dominions in India, and
from the settlements in the Malacca straits, and in the eastern
" Chusan is, moreover, admirably placed and adapted for offensive
and defensive naval and military operations, as well as for inter-
cepting the Chinese coasting trade, which passes up and down the
coast of China, especially near to Chusan, to an immense extent
and value ; Chusan, in fact, lays in the very track of that trade,
and of the junks which trade with Japan, Loochoo Islands, Eas-
tern Archipelago, Manilla, Borneo, Cochin China, Siam, Batavia,
Malacca, and Singapore, and other places to the southward of China.
" The harbour of Chusan is one of the finest and best sheltered in
the world, and the whole island might be defended by a very mo-
derate number of troops, and a small naval force.
" Viewing the question of a settlement on the coast of China, in
all its bearings, it is undeniable that this fine island possesses ad-
* The Hon. Frederick Bruce, late Colonial Secretary at Hong Kong, also speaks
of Chusan as a fine island.
VOL. II. 2 D
vantages, infinitely superior to any other on the whole coast of
China, whether we view it in a geographical, commercial, or politi-
cal sense ; and were we so fortunate as to possess Chusan, or be
allowed to trade there, it is doubtless, that a most flourishing and
successful trade would speedily spring up, largely benefitting the
Chinese of all classes in that quarter, and proving most important
and advantageous to British enterprise and commerce."
Since the termination of the Chinese war, Sir James Urmston
has expressed the following opinions and remarks :
"The opening of the four ports to the eastward to us, renders
that of Canton, of minor importance ; indeed, the less we have to
say or to do at that place, the better : the intolerable arrogance,
and extortionary spirit and rapacity of the local officers of govern-
ment, and the insolence of the people there, towards foreigners,
will, I suspect, remain with them ; this will arise from a violent
vindictive feeling towards us, not only in consequence of the exam-
ple we made of them during the war, and our impolitic and un-
accountable forbearance in not inflicting on them the full mea-
sure of chastisement which they so amply merited, but the opening
of the ports to the eastward to us, has materially curtailed the
British trade at Canton, deprived the Hong merchants of their
unnatural and objectionable monopoly ; and at the same time
checked to a certain, but limited extent, the cupidity of the
Chinese officers of government at that port.
Canton, moreover, is one of the worst places on the whole
coast of China, for foreign trade, for the obvious reason, that none of
the articles we export from England or India, are either required
or diffused in that quarter, but are sent to the marts of their de-
mand, in the northern and eastern provinces, and all articles of
our import from China, are conveyed by inland transit from the
above provinces to Canton.
" With regard to Hong Kong, that island never can prove of
the smallest benefit or value to us, beyond a mere rendezvous for
shipping, and that we at all times commanded and possessed,
before we took possession of this insignificant and useless island ;
and most of the neighbouring islands possess equal advantages in
this respect. It never can become an emporium, unless for opium,
if that trade continues. Any articles of commerce which British
traders might expect to find at Hong Kong, would necessarily be
brought from Canton, and would doubtless pass through the hands
of those very monopolists whom our merchants and traders now
so loudly and justly complain of, at that port. It is idle, and a
delusion, to imagine, as has been suggested in some of the public
journals of the day, that the tea and other Chinese merchants,
will convey their teas and other commodities from the provinces to
Hong Kong, direct by sea. They have hitherto invariably de-
clined so doing, in respect of Canton, having preferred the circuit-
ous and tedious route to that place by inland transit . It is very
improbable, therefore, that they will at the present day alter their
system, in favour of Hong Kong, which is double and treble the
distance, from the north-eastern ports, than Canton is ; with
the additional risk of a long sea-voyage. The Chinese merchants
in the provinces have, moreover, now infinitely less inducement to
proceed to the southward with their goods and merchandize, espe-
cially to such an out of the way place as Hong Kong, because the
opening of the ports to us to the eastward, has bestowed upon
them foreign customers at their own doors .
" British merchants, therefore, trading with China, cannot on any
reasonable or plausible grounds, expect to come in contact at Hong
Kong with Chinese tea, and other merchants from the provinces .
Let our merchants and traders in China, who are clinging to Can-
ton, withdraw entirely from that objectionable port, and direct
their commercial proceedings to the ports newly opened to us-
especially Ningpo and Shanghai, and where a fair, if not a promis-
ing field, is open to them, if they avail themselves wisely and judi-
ciously of the prospect ; but much must depend on themselves, as
well as on the Chinese, to ensure success. The Chinese in that
quarter, and at Chusan, are a superior class to the Canton people,
and are well disposed towards us . The excellent and exemplary
conduct and deportment of our troops and seamen, and of all our
countrymen, during their occupancy of Chusan, has left a very
favourable impression on the Chinese of all classes in that quarter,
and this is best proved by the regret generally and openly avowed
by them on our recent restoration of, and departure from, that
island .
"After the admirable and masterly manner, in which Admiral
Sir William Parker conducted a fleet of fifty or sixty sail of ships
of war, steamers, and transports, two hundred miles up the Yang-
tzekang, capturing (in conjunction with our gallant troops), the
extensive, strongly fortified, and important city of Chinkiangfoo,
and virtually capturing Nankin, the ancient metropolis of the em-
pire, it cannot but be a subject of surprise and regret, that we did
not stipulate for, and insist on, the free navigation of the Yangtze-
kang, as high as Nankin ; with the privilege of trading at Nankin ,
Chinkeangfoo, and the opposite port of Quachow, and for the
cession, in perpetuity to us, of the island of Chusan .
" It is undeniable, that had these points been attained by the
British government, the most important, not to say immense, ad-
vantages would have resulted to us -far surpassing the privilege,
important and valuable as it is, of trading at the four new ports
which the treaty of peace opened to us. This cannot be considered
as a mere speculative opinion : the locality and nature of the quar-
ters above mentioned are well known and understood by those
acquainted with China, or with Chinese geography, and can as-
suredly be attested by those of our countrymen who shared in the
triumphs of the Chinese war, and by those who during the cam-
2 D2
paign, or since the termination of hostilities, have visited that em-
pire, in whatever capacity ."
These valuable remarks of a practical and experienced mind,
are now generally acknowledged as a truthful exposition of what
ought to have been our policy in China, and an effort was made
in the following letters to impress the importance of Chusan on
Her Majesty's government. As another war with China is now
expected, in consequence of our past mistakes, the statements here
made may on a future occasion be useful.
To C. E. Trevelyan, Esq. , Assistant Secretary to the Lords Com-
missioners of Her Majesty's Treasury :-
Her Majesty's Treasury, Hong Kong, November 14, 1844 .
I have the honour to transmit herewith a copy of a letter
which I addressed to you on the 20th September, 1844, accom-
panying my report on the island of Chusan. The maps explana-
tory of that report, were not then copied ; and I have now the
honour to forward them in this inclosure .
The necessity for the retention of Chusan as a British colony,
is now being fully acknowledged by all persons whose judgments
are not biassed by their individual interests . Moreover, it has
been recently shown that the Chinese have the power, in twenty-
four hours, to cut off all supplies from this barren rock, and to
stop all labour here. For forty-eight hours no work was done in
Hong Kong, and the markets were empty. It was only by re-
scinding the registration ordinance (No. 16, of 21st August, 1844),
that labour was resumed, the shops re-opened, and the markets
again supplied with the daily food required by the inhabitants of
I adhere to every statement which I made in my report on
Hong Kong, which has been transmitted by Mr. Davis to Lord
There is no perceptible commerce but that of opium ; very
few vessels in the harbour, and the tea trade at Canton is as per-
fectly independent of Hong Kong as if the island did not exist.
I yesterday furnished Commissary-General Coffin with an
estimate of the sum of money which I will require from him for
the ensuing year, viz. , 150,000l .; this is independent of the ex-
pensive outlay now being incurred by Major Aldrich, of the engi-
neers, on various works. I would again respectfully intreat their
Lordships' consideration of the inutility of this large expenditure
of the public money on Hong Kong, and of the necessity of
diminishing its establishments to a scale commensurate with the
wants and circumstances of the island.
No money, talent, or energy can ever make Hong Kong
worthy the name of a British colony. Its decided insalubrity,
incapability of fortifications, precarious means of supply, distance
from the scene of any future belligerent operations (the Yang-
tzekang), and powerlessness of any efficient check and control
over the Chinese government, render the island utterly worthless
for military purposes .
The absence of trade is now beginning to make the few mer-
chants who have built houses here repent of their outlay, and some
have even said they would cheerfully undergo the loss of their
capital invested in buildings, if the seat of the British Government
were transferred to Chusan. Unfortunately, several gentlemen
who have been in China, and who are now in England, hold land
and houses here, and it is to be expected that their opinions will
be given adversely as regards the transference of the seat of the
British Government from Hong Kong to Chusan.
I am ready to prove, on the most incontrovertible evidence, to
Her Majesty's Ministers, that neither commercially, financially,
politically, or socially, can there be any justifiable grounds what-
ever for this expenditure.
Whatever public character I may possess, I am prepared to
stake it on the issue of this subject ; and should Her Majesty's
Ministers deem my views erroneous, I am also prepared to incur
the sacrifice of my position as one of Her Majesty's servants .
I cannot conscientiously continue to receive the salary
awarded to my office, and remain silent, when I perceive that a
great error has been committed, and that England is under the
delusion of being engaged in founding a colony on the frontiers
of China, which will be a permanent advantage to her trade- a
lasting credit to her character-and a powerful means of estab-
lishing and of extending her civilizing influence over one-third of
the human-race.
While viewing our trade with China as one of vast importance,
I cannot forget that there are other subjects of equal, if not of
superior, consideration .
Happily these subjects are not antagonistic, but collateral :
whatever gives political power and Christian influence to England
in China, affords the means of expanding her commerce, and of
strengthening her intercourse with the myriads of industrious and
intelligent people, on whose shores she is now irrevocably estab-
The position which England has assumed, the treaty which
she has forced on China, (which has thus been opened to all
Europe and America, ) and the shock which the late war has given
to the Tartar Government, and which may probably end in the
dismemberment, if not destruction, of the Tartar empire of
China, all indicate the great responsibility we have incurred .
England cannot remain passive in China- there, as elsewhere,
she must advance or recede ; the latter is impossible ; and the
former, if uncontrolled , will plunge her into the greatest diffi-
culties . The abandonment of Chusan, in January, 1845 , and the
retention of Hong Kong as the sole settlement of Great Britain
in China, will, ere long, by the force of peculiar circumstances,
lead to our territorial occupancy on the mainland of China ; a
measure greatly to be deprecated and condemned .
But by our retention of Chusan island, there could be no ex-
cuse for seeking a continental occupancy : it is large, fertile, salu-
brious, well peopled, and admirably situated for commercial, mili-
tary, maritime, and social purposes.
Abundant scope would thus be given for developing the ener-
gies of Great Britain, and remove all plea of necessity for estab-
lishing ourselves on the mainland .
Whether China be a foe or a friend, England, by the occupa-
tion of Chusan, would be prepared to defend or to aid, as circum-
stances might demand. Whether war or peace prevailed in
Europe, equally advantageous would be our position to resist an
enemy, or to encourage the trade of the western world.
The permanent occupation of Chusan by England involves so
many considerations of the highest importance, that I trust their
Lordships will excuse the earnestness with which I seek their im-
mediate and deep investigation of the question ; and that they
will be pleased to overlook any strong expressions which I may
have used in my reports on Hong Kong and on Chusan .
Twenty years have been devoted to an investigation of the
colonies of England, and I trust their Lordships will deem that
the long study of this vast subject, and the personal examination
of many of our transmarine possessions, have qualified me to
form and to express an early opinion on the British position in
If the sentiments I have endeavoured to convey, relative to
the utter inutility of a large governmental expenditure on Hong
Kong, and to the great importance in every point of view of per-
manently occupying Chusan, be productive of the desired result,
I shall have the satisfaction of feeling that I have endeavoured to
do my dnty, and I hope in some degree to justify the confidence.
reposed in me,
I have, & c.
Colonial Treasurer.
To the Right Hon. Sir R. Peel, Bart., First Lord of the Treasury.
Her Majesty's Treasury, Hong Kong, November 14, 1844.
I most respectfully solicit your early perusal and consideration
of two reports which I have prepared on the islands of Hong Kong
and Chusan.
Governor Davis has transmitted the " Report on Hong Kong"
to Lord Stanley, and the " Report on Chusan" to the Earl of
Aberdeen. I have transmitted copies of these reports to Mr.
Trevelyan, the Assistant Secretary to the Treasury, with an ex-
planatory letter of this date.
When Lord Stanley did me the honour of selecting me for
the duties of treasurer, I believe his Lordship expected that any
information I acquired here should be devoted solely to Her Ma-
jesty's service .
In fulfilment of what I deemed my duty, I collected all the
facts bearing on the present position and future prospects of Hong
Kong ; and while at Chusan, on sick certificate, I examined into
the value of that island .
These inquiries have produced on my mind a strong convic-
tion of the inutility of Hong Kong as a British colony, and of the
necessity of retaining Chusan, if we desire to preserve peace with
China, to secure our trade, and to extend our influence. The ex-
penditure from the British Treasury on this coast, is about half a
million sterling per annum ; and of this sum the civil expenditure
on Hong Kong alone is estimated at upwards of one hundred
thousand pounds sterling per annum . I have in vain sought for
any justifiable reason, either as regards the existing state of the
island , or any rational expectation as to the future, which can
sanction a civil expenditure on this barren, useless, unhealthy rock,
of more than 10,000l. or 15,000l. per annum .
The possession of Hong Kong is not of the slightest aid to
the tea trade at Canton. The presence of a single ship of war,
one of Her Majesty's frigates, or steam-vessels , at Whampoa , would
be a more effectual protection to the tea trade and commerce of
Canton, than any army or force that could be established at
Hong Kong, which protects nothing, produces nothing, and may
within thirty-four hours have its daily supplies of food entirely
cut off by even the Chinese resident on the island , as has been
shown during the past fortnight, when the markets were emptied,
the shops shut, and all labour stopped for forty-eight hours, until
an obnoxious government ordinance (No. 16, of 21st August, 1844)
was rescinded .
My opinion of the worthlessness of this rock, is confirmed by
the entire absence of trade, after three and a-half years continued
British occupation, and an immense expenditure for civil, military,
and naval disbursements ; by the dreadful waste of life -for, ac-
cording to Major General D'Aguilar, one European regiment will
be entirely destroyed by death within the space of three years ; by
the incapability of fortifying the island at almost any expense, if
a garrison could be kept alive, or if there were a necessity of
defending anything or commanding any point or pass of the
slightest value ; by the impossibility of raising a revenue to de-
fray one-tenth of the amount of the mere civil expenditure ; and
by the failure of all attempts to induce any class of respectable
Chinese to settle here with their families .
An examination of the map of China will show that Hong
Kong is situated at the extremity of a line of coast extending
nearly 2,000 miles ; that its geographical position is disadvanta-
geous for even commanding the wide entrance or estuary of the
Canton river ; and that the navigation of the entire China seas
from north to south, is entirely independent of Hong Kong.
The adjacent mainland, nearly as rugged, rude, and barren as
the island, is occupied by a scanty but hostile population, of preda-
tory habits, and devoid of the civilization and peaceful commercial
character of the people to the northward.
Should, unfortunately, another war take place between Eng-
land and China, the seat of belligerent operations would be the
Yangtzekang river, and not that of Canton.
The distance of Hong Kong from the Yangtzekang, and the
difficulty of proceeding thither with a large armament in the cold
and practicable season during the north-east monsoon , demonstrates
its valuelessness for military or nautical purposes .
As a commercial station, Hong Kong is a decided failure ; from
the landing of Captain Elliot here in January, 1841 , to the pre-
sent moment, there has been no Chinese trade ; no European or
native craft attracted hither for mercantile gain ; Mr. Davis is
unwilling to impose even a small tonnage or harbour duty, lest
the few European vessels that now touch here might be deterred
from entering the port. *
As regards social influence, or Christian principles, their dis-
semination in China through Hong Kong is utterly impossible.
The island is a receptacle for any thief, pirate, or robber, who can
escape from the mainland ; and in the worst penal settlement, life
and property are more secure than in this island . It was only
yesterday that an ordinance passed the legislative council, enabling
the governor to proclaim martial law in any part of the island,
with a view to the immediate destruction of bands of robbers
and pirates. Taking every point into consideration, and ex-
amining it in the most favourable aspect, I cannot discern any
one advantage which England gains by the retention of an island
which can never become a colony, a commercial port, or a fortress.
"We have no native merchants settled in the colony ; neither is produce imported,
nor goods exported, to any ofthe five ports, except it be on British account ; and all
mercantile transactions are concluded at these ports, whilst the harbour of Hong Kong
Kong ;
is completely deserted. Not an anchor of a junk is dropped in the
* * bay*of Hong Hong
they flee from it as man would from a pestilence.
Kong, a free port, is deprived of all trade, further than the transhipment of goods, and
a supply of articles for local consumption, the commissions upon which would barely
pay the expenses of a first class mercantile establishment." - Extract from Editorial
article in the " Friend of China, and Hong Kong Gazette," No. 185, for November,
If left with a superintendent, a small local corps of Malays as
a police force, a ship of war in the harbour, and with a municipal
power in the inhabitants to assess themselves for police, &c., the
British flag might remain, and time would show whether, under
the most perfect freedom, Hong Kong would be aught but an
opium depôt.
I am aware that the view here taken of Hong Kong will be
opposed by several gentlemen now in England, whose opinions how-
ever must necessarily be influenced by their being owners of houses
and building locations on this rock, from which considerable profits
are derived. Some, also, unwilling to acknowledge an error in
judgment, and others fearful of losing in position, income, or pro-
perty, will object to a transfer of the seat of Government from
Hong Kong to Chusan ; or to any reduction of the large govern-
ment expenditure on Hong Kong. But their opinions will, I doubt
not, be considered with due caution, as are those of all men whose
sentiments are guided by their immediate personal interest, or by
those motives which almost imperceptibly bias the judgment.
If a commission were appointed, I doubt not that Her Ma-
jesty's government would obtain full and impartial statements on
Hong Kong and on Chusan. My report on Chusan will, I trust,
tend to demonstrate that the qualities which are wanting to make
Hong Kong a British colony, are all to be found at Chusan.
Its geographical position at the central point and to windward
of the coast of China- opposite the great Yangtzekang river—
within twenty-four hours' communication with Nankin and the
other large cities and towns on the borders of that vast artery of
the Chinese empire, whose trade may thereby be immediately and
effectually controlled ; its proximity to the Peiho and Yellow rivers ;
its secure haven and spacious harbours around ; the ample size,
great fertility, numerous agricultural population, healthy climate,
capability of contributing a revenue to meet an adequate civil es-
tablishment, and perfect adaptation for a naval and military sta-
tion- all indicate its importance as a position by which England
can maintain peaceful relations, and at the same time develope her
trade with China, with Japan, Corea, Mantchouria, and the neigh-
bouring islands .
These, and various other considerations, all point out the ad-
vantage of our being permanently established at Chusan, whence
a single war- steamer could, in twenty-four hours, be prepared to
stop the fleet of 6,000 grain junks, bearing each 2,000 peculs of
grain, valued at two dollars per pecul, or the 24,000,000 taels of
silver, which annually pass the Yangtzekang to Pekin, and thus
avoid the grievous calamity of another war.
I have endeavoured , Sir, briefly, though I fear very imperfectly,
to bring this subject under your earnest and early examination ,
because I know of no question connected with the eastern
hemisphere which involves higher considerations for England, par-
ticularly if we reflect that the condition of one-third of the human
race is interested therein, and that a weighty and solemn responsi-
bility rests on England with regard to her position in China.
I believe it to be for the interest of China, more than even for
that of England, that Chusan were a British colony ; and that but
a brief period will elapse ere the Celestial Government, whether
Tartar or Chinese, will rejoice that they have a powerful, equitable,
and friendly nation so adjacent to their shores, -one whose main
object is peaceful and profitable commerce, -who desire no terri-
torial aggrandizement,-and whose best interests are identified with
the tranquillity, prosperity, and independence of the government
of China.
The dispatch of an Ambassador Extraordinary, of high rank
and of tried ability, to the Court of China, would (especially at the
present moment) be productive of beneficial results, and well worthy
any expense which might be incurred. The permanent cession of
Chusan to England might be one of the primary objects of such a
mission ; but to be successful, no person who has been formerly
connected with trade, either individually or on behalf of the East
India Company at Canton, should be the representative of his sove-
reign-- even if he possessed the statesman-like qualifications neces-
sary to the mission, and which it is exceedingly difficult for any man
who has been the greater part of his life at Canton, keeping re-
cords or supplying the tea trade, to possess.
By diplomatic policy, -peaceful relations, advantageous inter-
course, and a secure, profitable, and commanding position on the
coast of China, may be accomplished . But the evacuation of Chusan,
in December, 1845, will, in my opinion, be the precursor of a dis-
astrous state of affairs for British interests in China.
I am ready to undergo the expense and fatigue of a journey
overland to England, and also the sacrifice of half my salary- if
six months leave of absence be granted me-in order that I may
personally substantiate the information which I have acquired ;
and should Her Majesty's ministers deem my views erroneous, and
that I have erred in seeking this leave of absence, I am also pre-
pared to incur the loss of my official appointment .
Any suffering or degradation would be preferable to witness-
ing the pursuance of an erroneous policy, fraught with great injury
to England, but which may be averted by prompt, judicious, and
timely measures .
I have the honour to be, & c.,
The opinions of Sir H. Pottinger, and of several persons in
England who had been officially employed in China, and who had
bazaars, houses, and building allotments in Hong Kong, prevailed
against my representations ; the Government at home naturally
listened to their suggestions, not knowing the interested, pecuniary,
and personal motives which dictated those suggestions, and I was
censured by the government of Hong Kong for venturing to give
an opinion contrary to that of Sir Henry Pottinger, especially as
" Her Majesty's Government had expressed their high approbation
of the several details and representations with which they had been
furnished by Sir H. Pottinger connected with the colony " (Hong
Kong) . I, therefore, prepared a " Minute on the British position
and prospects in China," in which the whole case was calmly
examined, and transmitted it to Her Majesty's government with the
annexed vindicatory letter :-
To his Excellency J. F. Davis, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary.
H. M. Treasury, Hong Kong,
Sir, April 19, 1845 .
Anxiously solicitous for the welfare and perpetuity of the
British Empire, and accustomed for several years to examine the
policy of England with foreign states, I have been induced to pre-
pare a minute on the British Position and Prospects in China.'
This minute I have now the honour to lay before your Excel-
lency, with my respectful request that you will be pleased to trans-
mit it along with this letter to the Secretary of State.
In this minute, as well as in my reports on Hong Kong and
Chusan, I have ventured to impugn the policy pursued in China
by the predecessor of your Excellency. Whatever effect this free
comment and exposition of public acts may have on my personal
interests, is of little moment compared with the evil which, in my
opinion, a non-rectification of those acts is capable of inflicting on
Neither as a servant of the crown, nor as a private individual,
can I surrender my right of judgment on the public conduct of
any public man ; nor do I think that any personage, however
exalted, or however infallible he may be deemed, can claim an ex-
emption from that fair and open criticism which is the privilege
and advantage of a free state. I do not think that the high
character for manliness and integrity which Sir H. Pottinger is
reputed to possess, would make him wish to stifle an examination
of his policy, if the object of that examination be, as mine has
been, the advantage of the common weal.
The impartial examination and discussion of a line of public
policy, operating at a distance of 15,000 miles from the seat of
government, is essentially necessary to enable Her Majesty's
ministers to form a correct and stable judgment on the important
interests involved in the present position and future prospects of
England in China ; and if I am singular in the opinions I have
formed, and stand alone in opposition to the high approbation
which, I think, has been erroneously given to the past system of
policy, I feel regret at being compelled to differ from those who
are my superiors, and for whom, publicly and privately, I entertain
a sincere respect. With an humble yet earnest hope that your
Excellency will examine this minute, as regards its imperfections,
with an indulgent yet enlarged and generous spirit, and that,
irrespective of the past, or of individual considerations, you may
be enabled, in accordance with your own patriotic feelings, to pro-
cure for England a more permanent and secure footing, and a
more extended and beneficial intercourse, than we now enjoy in
I have, & c .,
Sir Henry Pottinger still maintained the assertion that Hong
Kong was preferable to Chusan, and assigned reasons why he con-
tinued to prefer the former to the latter. I, therefore, transmitted
to the Secretary of State, in 1845 , the following answers to Sir
H. Pottinger's four reasons, in the hope that the truth would be
established before the final evacuation of Chusan.
I. I cannot say that Hong Kong was selected by me.' [SIR H.
POTTINGER. ] - In the draft treaty sent out to China from the
Foreign Office, printed, there was a blank after the word ' islands.'
Sir Henry Pottinger had only to name the word Chusan, and
England would have obtained that valuable possession ; or he
might have written after ' islands ' Hong Kong and Chusan.
When Captain Elliot temporarily located at Hong Kong, we had
not occupied Chusan ; Sir Henry Pottinger had resided on both
islands then in our possession , and made Hong Kong his choice.
Several of Sir H. Pottinger's suite, officers, and friends had se-
lected Hong Kong, and secured the most valuable sites for build-
ing, previous to the treaty of Nankin, viz. , Lieut. -Colonel Malcolm,
his secretary, and Mr. Woosnam, his doctor ; Mr. Johnston, de-
puty superintendent and lieut. -governor ; Major Caine ; [and,
subsequently, Mr. Gordon, the relative of Sir Henry Pottinger,
and surveyor-general of Hong Kong . ] The Malcolm , Morgan,
and Ochterlony bazaars were then, and are still, the best positions
and property in Hong Kong.
II. If the two places, Hong Kong and Chusan, were at my
disposal to-morrow, I should prefer Hong Kong.'-I do not think
there is one disinterested person, who has seen both islands,
who would give the preference to a small, barren, unhealthy, traf-
fickless rock-producing nothing-commanding nothing, not even
the mouth of the Canton river- devoid of European or native
commerce- with a thieving, piratical population, and situated dis-
advantageously at the southern end of China, as compared with
a large, fertile, salubrious, healthy, and richly-cultivated island,
yielding abundance of food and produce-admirably adapted for a
commercial entrepôt with Japan, Corea, Mantchouria, Northern
and Central China, &c.-commanding the entrance of the great
Yangtzekang-contiguous to the richest and most civilized and
densely-peopled districts of China -containing a numerous, peace-
ful, civil, industrious, thriving agricultural population-and most
advantageously situate at the central part of the coast-line of an
empire 2000 miles long.
III. ' I am quite sure, to have retained Chusan would have been
a heavy expense to Great Britain .'-Chusan, if not burthened with
an unnecessarily large civil establishment, would defray all its ex-
penses the first year. 100,000 fixed agricultural and trading in-
habitants could easily contribute 2s. 6d. per annum, or even 5s.
per head-£ 12,000 to £25,000 a-year. Hong Kong has not one
respectable Chinese inhabitant, out of 15,000 to 20,000 ; they are
coolies , peddling traders, and thieves . Even with the aid of enor-
mously high land-rents from Europeans , and with an immense
government expenditure for the last four years, at least, for build-
ing, it is difficult, if not impossible, to raise £ 12,000 or £15,000
a-year revenue ; and of this, the expected rent from building-lots
constitutes more than two-thirds. The police and police magis-
trates' expenses are alone about £10,000 a-year, although there is
a large garrison, European and native, and a fleet of ships of war
in the harbour. At Chusan, the whole police expenses are not
£ 500 a-year.
The civil cost of Hong Kong alone is about £50,000 per annum,
the military about £ 150,000, and the naval about £100,000 . On
a low computation, this useless rock drains from the British exche-
quer a quarter of a million sterling, without being of the slightest
benefit to England .
IV. Chusan would have brought government into constant un-
pleasant discussion with the Chinese ; for it is needless to deny that,
though the people are quite obedient to their own mandarins, yet with
strangers they are extremely troublesome.'- The advantageous dis-
tance of Chusan from the mainland removes the possibility of col-
lision with the Chinese government ; whereas Hong Kong, being
within one mile of the mainland, is better calculated to lead to
this apprehended but very remote contingency.
The people of China are not obedient to their own mandarins,
as is supposed . In Canton and Foochoo, the mandarins acknow-
ledge they cannot control the populace ; but at Chusan, the in-
habitants are attached to our rule, anxious for its continuance, sub-
missive and civil wherever we go -and scrupulously honest . * Not
* The following is an extract from the letter of a traveller in the East, dated Octo-
ber 17, 1844 :-
" I left that pleasant spot (Chusan) with many feelings of regret. As my first
abode, there were many pleasing associations connected with it, and I shall always
look back to my long residence there as one of the most happy periods of my life.
We continued on the best possible terms with the people ; no community could be
more peaceable than that of Chusan, and nowhere could life and property be more
a homicide has been committed in the island since it has been in
our possession ; but very few petty larcenies, and the property
generally recovered ; not a row, a tumult, or the slightest symptom
of discontent or of dissatisfaction . The English residents are
much pleased with the inhabitants . At Hong Kong, robberies
and piracies are of nightly occurrence ; and after five years' resi-
dence on the island , and with the protection of a large police and
military and extensive naval force, no European retires to rest
without pistols under his pillow or on his toilet- table.
The subject is of such great importance to British interests in
China, and involves so materially the responsibility of servants of
the Crown in a distant part of the empire, by imposing on them the
duty of sacrificing their immediate personal interests to the wel-
fare of the State, when they conscientiously believe they see waste
and mismanagement of the treasures and interests of their country
that it is necessary to append the following correspondence, in
elucidation of a point not yet settled in our colonial policy, and
which involves far more than mere personal or individual consi-
To the Right Hon. Lord Stanley, Her Majesty's Secretary of State
for the Colonies.
[ Transmitted through Governor Davis to his Lordship . ]
H. M. Treasury, Hong Kong, July 8, 1845 .
I have the honour to solicit your Lordship's perusal of the
inclosed correspondence with Governor Davis, and a consideration
of the following statement.
Soon after my arrival in this island, I observed that there had
been a large and unnecessary expenditure of the public money here,
which had been greatly facilitated by the power of arresting por-
tions of the Chinese indemnity money, in its transit to the home
Perceiving that the disbursement was daily augmenting,* I
felt it to be my duty, even at the hazard of losing what I much
covet, the confidence and support of your Lordship, to state openly
my opinions to my superiors, and to substantiate them by facts,
relative to the true nature and value of Hong Kong, and to its
secure. The whole island presents one scene of honest industry, and the happiness
of well requited labour."-Times, London, 17th December, 1844.
Governor Davis declared that he was " determined to spend as much as possible
of the Chinese indemnity money, in its transit to England ; because, after that supply
ceased, the grants voted by parliament would be jejune indeed.' The necessity of the
expenditure was a subordinate consideration. The leading idea of many governors is
to create a favourable impression of having made great progress in public works, roads ,
&c. This used to be frequently done by grants from the home exchequer, and, as in
the case of Hong Kong, were totally unrequired by local circumstances
necessary concomitant-the British position and prospects in
The reports, minutes, and papers, written in support of these
opinions, were transmitted either to your Lordship, to the Secretary
of State for Foreign Affairs, or to the Lords of the Treasury, and
as I understood they were producing some effect at home, by sug-
gesting various inquiries, and causing a check to be put upon the
expenditure here, I resolved, although my health and constitution
have been much impaired by this climate, to await the result of
those inquiries, and the correction of errors which time and cir-
cumstances generally induce.
Having however, recently ascertained that Governor Davis is
proposing for your Lordship's sanction a further expenditure of
half a million of dollars for civil works here,* irrespective of the, I
think, entirely unnecessary extent of outlay incurred, and projected
in the military and ordnance departments ; believing that Her
Majesty's government must be under great misapprehension rela-
tive to Hong Kong, and to our affairs and position in China ; and
understanding that it is intended to evacuate Chusan in February
or March next, without any attempt at negotiation for the reten-
tion of that most valuable and important island (worthy of being
an Anglo-Chinese colony, ) I applied to Governor Davis for six
months' leave of absence, on public grounds, in order that I might
bring the whole subject under a complete and unbiassed investi-
gation, and thus, if possible, timely correct what are deemed pri-
mary errors of national importance .
In order to place the question on high grounds, I offered to
give up all my salary ; to incur my own expenses to England ; to
continue my bonds of pecuniary security to the Crown ; and to for-
feit my commission in Her Majesty's service, should my application
for leave of absence be disapproved of at home.
The governor refused the leave sought, on the plea that I was
not dying and requiring change of climate ; a decision, as shown
in the accompanying correspondence, contrary to the obvious
meaning of the governor's instructions (chap . iv. p . 25, ) and which,
if thus interpreted, would make every colonial servant of the Crown
an exile for life, or subject to the caprice, favouritism, or vindictive-
ness of any colonial governor.
The yet unsettled state of the British affairs in China ; the
very short time intervening for their imperatively -required better
arrangement, previous to the evacuation of Chusan, when our ex-
penditure of every description ought to undergo the most careful
revision and retrenchment ; the desire to prevent the contemplated
expenditure of half a million dollars for civil works, and of other
unnecessary projected outlays ; a conscientious belief that, as a
sworn servant of the Crown , I am bound to lay all the information
* I only ascertained this on my return from visiting the northern consulates in
June, 1845, and immediately endeavoured to check this waste of the public money.
I have collected here, before Her Majesty's Ministers, and that I
can only effectually do so, without further loss of time, in person ;
have compelled me to adopt the only alternative in my power,
namely, to place in the hands of Governor Davis my resignation as
Her Majesty's Treasurer for the colonial, consular, and diplomatic
services in China, in order that I may at once bring the whole
matter under the full and fair consideration of your Lordship, and
be on the spot in case of necessity for reference.
I will not advert to myself, personally ; to any treatment which
I have experienced, or to any misinterpretation of my motives and
conduct ; these are points of comparatively little moment. But I
do confidently hope that the newness and vast importance of our
position in China ; the still partial blending of colonial, diplomatic,
and commercial affairs here ; the possible imperfections of indivi-
dual judgment, arising from natural causes and various interests ;
and the advantages consequently derivable to the State, from a
minute examination and exposition of our affairs in the most dis-
tant, most complex, yet least understood , settlement and relations
of the British Crown, may induce your Lordship to grant, under
the peculiar circumstances of the case, and on public grounds, a
court of inquiry, previous to the acceptance by my Sovereign
of the responsible commission with which Her Majesty was gra-
ciously pleased to invest me.
I have, &c. ,
(The following is the correspondence enclosed . )
To His Excellency J. F. Davis, Governor ofHong Kong.
H. M. Treasury, Hong Kong, June 18, 1845 .
In my recent Minute on the British position and prospects
in China,' I ventured to indicate, according to the best of my
judgment, the mistakes committed during our past negotiations
with the Chinese authorities, to demonstrate the apparent defects
of our present policy, and to point out in some respects the course
which it seems advisable to pursue previous to the evacuation of
Chusan in February next.
Having devoted twenty years to an investigation of our colo-
nial and commercial relations, I believe that my opinions thereon
receive some attention at home : and that when Her Majesty's
government, unsolicitedly, selected me for office in China, it was ex-
pected that I would be enabled to collect useful information.
Desirous of justifying the confidence reposed in me, I pre-
pared and submitted several reports and documents to your Ex-
cellency ; and these, together with a commercial report, which I
am preparing for the Lords Committee of the Privy Council for
* This voluminous report has since been laid before the Board of Trade.
Trade, will, I hope, demonstrate that I have minutely examined
affairs in China.
Although several of the conclusions at which I have arrived,
after anxious investigation, may be at variance with those emana-
ting from high authority, I trust I may, without arrogance, ask a
full and fair hearing for opinions originating in integrity of motive
and a solicitude to ascertain what would be most conducive to the
trade and permanent interests of the British Empire : being there-
fore convinced that an investigation of our Anglo- Chinese policy is
of the highest importance, on general as well as on financial and
commercial considerations : aware that the sentiments I entertain
find little concurrence in England, from several gentlemen who
recently filled office in China ; and thinking that Her Majesty's
government have been acting under some erroneous impressions,
I am very desirous of personally placing before Her Majesty's
Ministers, the information collected and the opinions thence deduced,
after visiting every part of China accessible to Europeans.
For this purpose I have the honour to solicit from your Excel-
lency leave of absence for six months, on the following terms :-
1st. That I draw no salary for these six months.
2nd. That I defray my own expenses to England.
3rd. That if Her Majesty's government decide there were no
justifiable grounds for this application, that Iresign my present office.
By granting my request, no detriment whatever can accrue to
the public service. The treasury accounts are close up, the books
duly balanced, and all the required returns will be made on the
30th June .
I believe the payments on account of public works will be
comparatively small for the next six months, (or until final orders
from home ;) and I am certain that, with ordinary care, no delay
or embarrassment can arise in the colonial treasury.
Confiding in the importance of the information which I believe
it to be in my power to convey, and in the probability of its being
duly appreciated by Her Majesty's ministers, I ask permission to
forego all my salary, -to incur considerable expense, to destroy,
perhaps, my remaining health by travelling during this hot and
adverse season ; and further, I propose to risk my commission in
Her Majesty's service, in order that I may have an opportunity of
communicating personally to the authorities at home the result of
my inquiries in this country.
I have, &c. ,
R. M. MARTIN, Treasurer.
To the Hon. F. W. A. Bruce, Colonial Secretary.
H. M. Treasury, Hong Kong , June 24th, 1845 .
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of
the 19th instant, conveying to me the refusal of his Excellency the
Governor to grant my application for six months' leave of absence,
on the following grounds :-
1st. That the regulations by which the Governor is bound as
to leave of absence are clear and peremptory, confining such leave
to cases of serious indisposition, requiring change of climate.
2nd . That his Excellency does not feel justified in incurring an
act of responsibility, by the substitution of another person in my
place . And-
3rd . That by granting the leave sought, his Excellency would
materially depart from the usages of the service.
In reply, I beg to observe that, -
1st . The words of the regulations (ch. iv. p . 25) are, " Leave
of absence should be confined as much as possible to cases of seri-
ous indisposition, requiring change of climate." The regulations
then proceed to state when leave should be granted on private af-
fairs . A fortiori, leave may be granted on public affairs.
2nd. By granting the leave sought, no responsibility whatever
would be incurred by his Excellency, as my sureties would stand
good during my absence, as well as those of my locum tenens.
3rd. By the usages of the service, colonial officers frequently
obtain leave of absence to proceed to England irrespective of
But, even were the regulations clear and peremptory against
leave of absence being granted, except in cases of imminently fatal
illness, I venture to think that the novel and peculiar position of
Great Britain in China, the nature and prospects of this island as
a new settlement, and the many years which I have devoted to the
study and personal examination of other colonies, and to the inves-
tigation of the commercial and financial relations of England,
might have rendered my application an exception to the general
rule, more particularly as my temporary absence would be no de-
triment to the public service, and as I offered to take upon myself
all the responsibility of my proceedings .
I put aside entirely the question of my health, although it has
been materially shaken by my residence and mental labours here ;
life or death is of little moment, compared with the great interests
which England has at stake in China. These interests are too
vast and pressing to be affected by individual considerations, or by
the ordinary usages and proceedings of the service which are ap-...
plicable to every-day occurrences .
Whether I am right or wrong, I have endeavoured to demon-
strate in my report and minutes, that our affairs in China require
immediate and special reconsideration and revision ; that time and
experience have made manifest several mistakes, which, if not
rectified previous to the evacuation of Chusan in March or Febru-
ary next, will be a subject of deep regret and serious injury ; and
that our policy and proceedings are not productive of the extended
beneficial results which the British nation has a right to expect in
China, and not commensurate with the large expenditure incurred
on this coast.
Feeling strongly on these points, as of great national importance ;
believing, that however humble my situation in Her Majesty's ser-
vice, it is my bounden duty to my Sovereign to bring them under the
early serious consideration of Her Majesty's Ministers ; and deeming
that my personal attendance is indispensible to answer questions
on the spot, which, even if time permitted, could not be done by
a lengthened and tedious correspondence ; I have resolved to un-
dergo the responsibility of proceeding to England, to bring the
whole question under the immediate attention of Her Majesty's
government ; and I cannot help entertaining a confident hope,
that when the magnitude and pressing exigency of the case is fully
seen and understood , and the motives in which my conduct has
originated been explained, I may rely on the justice and liberality
of Lord Stanley and Her Majesty's Ministers.
My accounts are made up, and the moneys under my charge
ready to be transferred , on the half-year ending 30th instant, to
whomsoever his Excellency may be pleased to direct to officiate as
treasurer. I have, & c.
R. M. MARTIN, Treasurer.
The reply to this letter was a mere reference to the previous
decision of the Governor, who, I was informed, would only permit
me to proceed to England by my putting the word " resignation"
into my letter. I tried in vain to avoid this ; but each draft letter
was rejected by the Governor, to whom it was submitted by the
acting colonial secretary, who said the Governor insisted on my
resignation, and that he would appoint his relative, Mr. Mercer,
to my situation . No alternative being left but an abandonment
of my principles, or the risking of my position and prospects, the
following letter was sent in on the eve of the departure of the last
vessel of the season for Bombay.
Her Majesty's Treasury, Hong Kong, July 8, 1845 .
The decision of his Excellency the Governor on my letters of
the 19th and 24th ultimo, refusing me leave of absence for six
months on public business, and with a view to what I deem the
public good, compels me, most reluctantly, to adopt the only alter-
native of requesting his Excellency to receive my resignation as
Her Majesty's Treasurer for the colonial and diplomatic services
in China, until I can bring the subject, through the Secretary of
Statefor the Colonies, under the consideration of my Sovereign, who
was graciously pleased to appoint me to the important office and trust
which I have now the honour to place in the hands of his Excellency.
2 E2
My quarterly accounts are made up to the 30th June, 1845, de-
clared before a magistrate, and passed by the auditor.
I beg that a board may be appointed to receive from me the
moneys under my charge, and that his Excellency will state to
whom I am to transfer the accounts and books of my department,
and the vouchers for payment made by me since 30th day of June
In order that 1 may be enabled to pass my accounts in England,
and recceive for myself, and for my sureties, the exchequer quietus,
I have the honour to request that a copy of my day cash book be
furnished me from this office. have, & c.,
I hastened to England with the Report contained in these pages
in time to stop the immediate evacuation of Chusan, and to
demonstrate to Her Majesty's government, that the treaty of
Nankin and its supplement had not been fulfilled in the spirit
or in the letter ; I was assured that Chusan would not be
evacuated by us, until Canton city was opened for our residence,
conformably to the treaty. For six months after the payment of
the last instalment of the indemnity money, Chusan was retained,
and at last evacuated by our troops on the mere promise of the
wily Tartar Keying, that as soon as he could control the populace
of Canton, the city should be opened to us. No sooner was
Chusan evacuated, than the predictions made in November, 1844,
to Sir Robert Peel, (see page 369,) were manifested by the riots at
Canton, threatening destruction to the lives and property of the
English, who were obliged to shoot several Chinese in July last, at
Canton, in self defence, for Hong Kong was no more protection to
our countrymen than if it were still the nest of a few pirates and
fishermen. Such has been the unfortunate result of our proceed-
ings in China, into which all investigation has as yet been denied,
although it is for the public interest that a searching enquiry
should take place.
PORTUGAL and England are the only European nations that
have territorial settlements on the coast of China, but the Portu-
guese colony is in a far better position than that of the English .
Macao, originally called Port de Ama-cao, from a Chinese idol
called Amo, is situated in 22° 11′ 30″ north, and 11° 32′ 30″ east
of Greenwich, built on a hilly peninsula, in the Kwantung
(Canton) province, contiguous to the wide estuary of the Canton
river and separated from the large island of Hangshan by a
wall across the isthmus. The whole territory is estimated at
eight miles in circuit. The greatest length from N.E. to S.W.
is about a league, and the breadth is less than a mile. It is nearly
surrounded by water, subject to the ebb and flood of the Canton
river. Two ranges of hills form an angle, the base of which abuts
the anchorage. The town is built on a gradual'slope from the sea,
which gives a picturesque effect ; it has many shops, several ex-
cellent public buildings and a very handsome quay, called the
Praya Grande," forms a pleasant drive in the front of the
residence of the Governor and several other excellent mansions .
A campo, or plain, stretches eastward of the town.
Macao is a roadstead, but there is a good harbour called the
Typa for small vessels, in an island opposite Macao, and there is a
well-sheltered haven for vessels of 400 tons . A battery protects
the " Praya Grande," and several adjacent commanding hills
have forts and batteries, but although perfectly defensible against
any force the Chinese could bring against the place, it would soon
fall before any European invading power. There are several
Roman Catholic Churches, and a grand Cathedral has nearly been
destroyed by fire. Good water abounds. The markets are well
supplied with meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, and fruits of various
kinds . The climate, although in the same latitude as Hong Kong,
from which it is eighty miles distant, is much cooler, and indeed has
been found by European residents to be very salubrious. It is
open to the sea breeze, which varies with the changes of the
monsoon, and it is remarked that the seasons in which there are
fewest of such changes are the most salubrious , and the winters
in which there is much southerly wind are the most unfavourable.
Fall of Rain, per guage, at Macao, in 1831 .
Inches. 8ths. Inches. 8ths.
January · July 4 4-8
February .1 2-8 August 7
March • - 7 September • 11 6-8
April • · 6 5 October 9 2-8
May . .25 5-8 November 6-8
June . · 7 6-8 December
HISTORY . The Portuguese appear to have settled at Macao
about the year 1556, when it is supposed the Emperor of China
granted them permission to reside on a rock or peninsula, by their
stipulating to pay tribute or ground rent, and duties on their
merchandise. This concession is said to have been obtained in
reward for their having cleared the coast of pirates, who infested
the mouth of the Canton river.
In 1560 the Portuguese commanded the trade of India, Japan,
and China, but their conduct at Ningpo and Macao alarmed the
Chinese, and unfortunately for other nations the Chinese govern-
ment placed all the western nations on the same footing. Sub-
sequently the Chinese confined the Portuguese solely to the port
of Macao ; various efforts were made to be permitted to trade to
Canton, without success, and an edict, forbidding them to visit
Canton, or any other port in China, was delivered on the 11th
June, 1640. This however was soon set aside by bribery. The
intercourse between the Portuguese and Chinese is given in part
ii. , vol. i . , page 369.
The Portuguese now claim and exercise as complete sovereignty
over Macao as we do over Hong Kong, and have a much better
class of Chinese living at Macao, than we have in our settlement.
GOVERNMENT. - Macao is ruled by a governor aided by an
elective senate, composed of two judges, and three aldermen, who
preside alternately for a month. A procurator attends the sittings.
According to existing regulations, all matters are decided by a
plurality of votes. All documents having reference to government
must be registered at the colonial secretary's office . The gover-
nor presides in all cases civil and military, has charge of the pre-
servation of the peace in everything that concerns foreigners or
natives ; he used to be sent from Goa by the governor of that place
for three years, but is now I think nominated direct from Lisbon.
His duty is to report to Goa and Lisbon . All matters under discus-
sion, according to law ought to be decided by a majority of votes,
but this preliminary is dispensed with at Macao . When the go-
vernor and ministerial members coincide in opinion , the other
members have only to sign their names. Although the governor
has no casting vote, he may oppose any motion . Should any-
thing serious or disagreeable ensue between the senate and the
governor, the bishop (who has also a right to vote) is bound to en-
deavour to reconcile the contending parties. There is a right of
appeal to the supreme tribunal at Goa. The military force should
amount to 400 men and 16 officers . In 1834 the whole disposable
force of sepoys and youths of the city who enlisted , amounted to
240 men. A soldier receives six dollars a month, and a suit of
regimentals every two years.
In 1784 the sovereign of Portugal ordered an examination of
the accounts of the senate of Macao, and discovered a deficiency
of 320,000 taels, which had been fraudulently made away with.
It was impossible to impose a tax without destroying the settle-
ment, and the sovereign paid the debt ; under the rigorous admi-
nistration of De Silva a new order of things was established ; in
the year of 1802, the revenue amounted to 173,690 taels, ever
since it has declined, and of late years has not exceeded 40,000
taels, or £ 12,000 per annum.
REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE.-The revenue of Macao was for-
merly raised by duties on goods imported ; but the trade has been
so limited, the expenditure of late years exceeds the income, and
when I was at Macao, (July 1844) the government was in actual
want of funds to meet unavoidable expenses, although reduced to
the lowest scale, and the troops were showing symptoms of mu-
tiny. The revenue for 1834, shews the gross amount of duties
was 75,283 taels, the expenditure for the same period 89,900 taels,
leaving a balance of excess of 13,000 taels , or £3,500 sterling.
The cost of Macao is stated to be as follows : civil establishment
£4,144 ; ecclesiastical £ 1,555 ; military £8,141 ; miscellaneous
£ 1,591 : total £ 15,431 . What a contrast to the cost of Hong Kong !
POPULATION .- It is difficult to obtain accurate information con-
cerning the population of Macao. The annexed table was re-
turned bythe Roman Catholic Clergy of their parishes . It appears
from a ministerial memorandum, that no Chinese is authorised to
establish himself, or own a house, in Macao, but by permission of
the procureur of the senate.
The decline of trade for the last twenty years has compelled
many Chinese to seek employment elsewhere. Including the ad-
jacent villages and those living in boats, they amount to about
30,000 individuals. Several have embraced the Roman Catholic
Religion, but the reality of their conversion is doubted. The
Portuguese population of Macao was in 1834.
In the Parish of St. Peter, white men 660
"" "" دو "" women 1,057
In the Parish of St. Laurence, white men 547
"" "" "" دو دو women 834
In the Parish of St. Anthony, white men . 280
-99 "" "" "" women • 415
Slaves in St. Peter's Parish, male 147
99 99 99 99 female 383
Slaves in St. Laurence Parish, male . 257
"" "" "9 female 305
Slaves in St. Anthony's Parish, male 65
" "" 99 99 99 female 143
Among the population were seventy-five male Portuguese born
in Portugal, or in its colonies, (excepting those in Asia) constitu-
ting the government ; one civilian, six priests, and a few officers
and soldiers. There were only two women from Portugal.
The policy of Portugal, for more than a century, was to relieve
the kingdom from vicious subjects by sending them on board the
royal fleets to serve in India.
Many enormities were consequently perpetrated by natives of
Portugal in the east. They were smugglers, pirates, merchants,
and commanders, as opportunity suited. It was from this stock
that the first inhabitants of Macao sprung, with some others of a
better mould. Malay, Japanese, and Chinese women became
their partners in nominal wedlock. Their progeny is called mon-
grels. Next to this class are those whose forefathers were either
Malay, Chinese, or Japanese converts ; they are equal to the Por-
tuguese in free citizenship . In 1584, there were at Macao 900
Portuguese, besides slaves and children ; and at the latter part of
the seventeenth century the population amounted to 19,000 souls ;
in 1821 , there were 4,600, including slaves, Chinese converts , and
women, which amounted to 2,693, nearly one-half of the total.
PRICE OF PROVISIONS AT MACAO . -Beef, 10 catties per dollar ;
mutton, 3 ditto, ditto ; pork, 8 ditto, ditto ; fish, 10 ditto, ditto ;
vegetables, 40 ditto, ditto ; fruit, 30 ditto, ditto ; wood averages
between 6 and 7 peculs per dollar.
WAGES . -A coolie per day, dollar ; ditto, per month, 4 dol-
lars ; an artizan, per day 1 ditto ; a clerk, per month, 30 ditto.
The duties levied on commerce at Macao are now almost no-
minal, and probably by this time it is a free port, the requisite
wants of the government being provided by an income tax. Had
this been done in 1841-2, few of the English merchants would
have left Macao to build houses at Hong Kong, which they are
now abandoning. The present Governor of Macao, Senor Amaral,
has shewn a proper spirit in chastising some Chinese boatmen,
who endeavoured, as heretofore, to control the government of
Macao . In the affray, several Chinese were killed ; and when the
mandarins came to Macao to inquire into the matter, Senor
Amaral declared the sovereignty of Macao to be entirely inde-
pendent of the Government of China, that the power of life and
death was in his hands over all Chinese resident in Macao, and
that he would no more think of consulting the Chinese autho-
rities on his measures, than he would consult the English, or any
other foreign power. This decided conduct checked the Chinese
officials ; they feasted with Senor Amaral, and went away appa-
rently quite contented . If Macao continue to be administered in
this spirit, and to be made attractive to the English, Americans,
and other foreigners, it will tend to accelerate even the present
rapid downfal of Hong Kong.
THE intercourse between Russia and China has been described
in the previous pages of this work.* In conformity to the treaty
of peace between Russia and China, in the year 1728, (see vol. i .
p. 391 , ) it was stipulated that the commerce between Russia and
China should be transacted at the frontiers. Accordingly, two
places were marked out upon the confines of Siberia, where they
border upon the Mongol desert ; one near the brook Kiachta, and
the other at Zuruchaitu .
Kiachta, in the government of Irkoutsk, at the extremity of
Eastern Siberia, on the northern frontier of China, is situated in
124° 18′ longitude from the Isle of Fero, and 35 ° N. latitude ; dis-
tant from St. Petersburgh 6,500 versts ; from Moscow 3,676 versts ;
and from Peking 1,025 versts . It is a neat, regularly built town ,
situated on an elevated plain, with four hundred and fifty houses,
and four thousand inhabitants ; the brook, of its own name, serves
as the boundary of China and Russia. The Chinese stipulated
that no brick or stone buildings should be erected but the Rus-
sian church. The district is governed by a counsellor of chancery,
and a director of the customs, who conduct, between them, the
judicial, political, military, and commercial affairs.
Beyond the frontier, about 150 yards distant, is the Chinese
town of Maimatchin, the place of commerce, now called " Old
Kiachta," the residence only of the merchants ; no officer nor
stranger being permitted to sleep in it, according to an article of
the treaty. The town, " Old Kiachta," as it is called, contains a
government-house, barracks, and about forty-five dwellings, some
of which are handsome buildings ; the warehouses are crowded
with goods .
The Chinese town Maimatchin, or, as they term it, Fortiss, is
about two hundred fathoms from the old town. Captain Coch-
rane, who visited the place in 1824, says, " It is a small, ill-built,
mud town, with four narrow mud-paved streets, running at right
angles, containing, during the fair, from twelve to fifteen hundred
men ; ' no females are allowed in under any pretence." There is a
wooden screen at the opening of each street, to prevent observa-
tion . The governor is generally a disgraced mandarin, who has
been " squeezed ."
* See vol. i. p. 386.
The houses are without windows towards the streets, and are
approached by a narrow court, on each side of which are the store-
houses. In the centre of this oblong square is the residence of
the Chinese, where they eat, drink, smoke, and carry on their
business ; it is divided into two apartments. The first is appro-
priated to the sale of the goods ; the other is for the guests, and
differs from the first in having a raised boarded platform . By the
side of this raised part, there is a square brick stove with a per-
pendicular cylindrical excavation ; from the bottom of this stove
a tube descends, and is carried under the platform, and from
thence to a chimney, which opens into the street. The stove is
heated with small pieces of wood, and the warm air keeps a
moderate temperature in their houses .
There is no fortress or defence to Maimatchin , where about five
hundred persons remain in the village during the spring, summer,
and autumn. Trade continues the whole of the year ; there is no
ceremony now observed on entering the Russian or Chinese
villages by either party ; formerly it was otherwise. A merchant
from Irkoutsk - M. Siberchoff-has built a private residence at
Kiachta, which is said to have cost £20,000 . The travelling
distance from Kiachta to Peking is said to be 1500 Russian
miles, which occupies a courier ten days, and a merchant with
his goods thirty to forty days. The distance from Kiachta to the
frontier of China Proper is stated to be 1000 miles, through a
well- peopled country, and over a good road, well provided with
horses by the Mongols.
By some the distances are stated to be- From St. Petersburg
to Moscow 734 versts ; Moscow to Tobolsk 2,385 ; Tobolsk to
Irkoutsk 2,918 ; Irkoutsk to Kiachta 471 ;-6,508 versts ; or 4,338
From Irbit to Tobolsk 420 miles ; From Irkoutsk to Nershink
1,129 ; Nershink to Zurukaitu 370 ; From Okotsk to Yakutsk
972 ; From Yakutsk to Irkutsk 2,433 ; From Selenginsk to
Zurukaitu 850 ; Zurukaitu to Peking 1,588 ; Kiachta to Peking
1,533 miles.
The Chinese transport their goods to Kiachta on camels. The
journey occupies five days from Peking to the Wall of China ; and
forty days from thence across Mongolia to Kiachta.
The route between China and Russia commences by a naviga-
tion on the borders of China, passing by the Selinga to the
Baikal Lake, from thence upon the Angaira, into the Yenissey, as
far down as Yenissey ; there the merchandise is unloaded and
carried over a short track of land, and embarked on the river
Ket ; from thence down that river into the Oby ; from which it is
conveyed up the Irtish, the Tobol, and thence over-land to the
Tchussovaia, upon which river it is embarked again, and falls into
the Kama, and from the Kama into the great river Wolga. By
this conveyance it is estimated that some years upwards of twelve
million of roubles, in merchandise , are thus conveyed .
RUSSIAN TRADE WITH CHINA.-The commencement of all
connexion between Russia and China was about the year
1650, as stated in vol. i . p. 386 ; but the treaty of Kiachta, dated
14 June, 1728, is the basis of all transactions carried on between
the two countries at the present time ; it was then agreed that a
caravan might go to Peking every three years, on condition that
it should not contain more than two hundred people, and that
when it reached the frontier, notice should be sent to the Chinese
government, who would despatch an officer to meet the caravan,
and conduct it to Peking.
The traffic generally commences in the month of January, and
concludes in March. The Russian traders took, in 1841 , 80,000
chests of tea, the half of which is destined for the annual July fair
of Nishni Novogorod, and the remainder for Moscow, and other
towns in the interior. The transport gives employment to a
population of 5,000 versts of country. The goods brought to China
are woollens and camlets, and are made in Moscow ; in 1841 there
were 40,000 pieces of woollen cloth sent to Kiachta . The other
goods in request are plush stuffs, leather, and lambskins. The
average amount of Russian merchandise is about 24,000,000
rubles (ten pence each ruble sterling.) The Russians look on this
trade as an important branch of their commerce. Since the
Chinese forbid the introduction of opium, the Emperor of
Russia has issued an ukase to guard most strictly against the
transmission of any opium over the border.
A mountain which commands both towns, was demanded by
the Chinese, under the false pretence that some of their country-
men were interred there, but it was subsequently discovered that
their object was to construct a fortification , which was subsequently
The over-reaching policy of the Chinese government is developed
in the terms by which both nations have agreed to conduct their
The Chinese merchants must have partners , resident in China,
to relieve them every alternate year. These merchants generally
come from the northern provinces of China ; Nanking and Peking
chiefly, where their partners must reside as hostages .
The Russians supply cloth, peltry, and furs, which they have on
the spot. The duties paid by the Russians on furs is twenty-five
per cent. other articles twenty per cent ; with one per cent. for
deepening the river Selinga, and seven towards the custom -house.
The contraband trade is said to be very considerable . (See
tables of Russian trade for 1843, and Mr. MacGregor's valuable
Report. ) The crafty instructions from the Peking Government
to the merchants at Kiachta are given in vol . i ., page 138 of
this work.
The commerce, as it is now carried on, is entirely a trade of
barter, the Russians being prohibited to export their coin. The
Chinese merchant comes first to Kiachta, and selects the goods he
wants from the Russians, agrees for the price, and has the articles
he selects scaled up in his presence ; both parties then repair to
Maimatchin, where the Russian chooses his commodities, and
leaves a person of confidence in charge of them until they are de-
livered. Furs and peltry are the most important articles on the
side of the Russians : most of these come from Siberia and the
new discovered islands. A coarse cloth is manufactured in Russia,
bnt the fine cloth comes from England, France, and Prussia.
Camlets, calimancoes, druggets, white flannel, stuffs, velvets,
coarse linen, Russia leather, tanned hides, glass ware, cattle, hard-
ware, tin, talc, sporting dogs, provisions, and meal, are brought
by the Russians, who are supplied by the Chinese with silk, raw
and manufactured, tea, cotton, porcelain, toys, furniture, artificial
flowers, tiger and panther skins, rubies, colouring matters, canes,
rice, tobacco, candies, rhubarb, and musk. The Russians drive a
profitable trade in China, and find a ready market for their infe-
rior furs, which would not pay carriage from the coast of Siberia to
European Russia, while good furs bring a high price in China,
and are too expensive for the Russian home market ; in exchange
for their furs, they get articles which they would not be able to
obtain on as good terms from the European nations.
An effort will be made to shew the extent of the past and pre-
sent trade at Kiachta.
The exports and imports from and to Kiachta were in 1764,
Export of Russian goods, in roubles, 137,493
Duties on the whole . 12,851
Export of foreign goods to the amount, 25,586
Imported to the amount 158,236
Duties on ditto, 37,344
Balance in favour of the exports, · 55,038
The imports from China to Kiachta were in 1765,
Quality of goods. Quality of goods.
Velvet (Arsheens). 4464 4464 1053 Bohea tea (pood). 591 11819 2789
Damask (pieces). 140196 5608 1324 Brick tea (ditto). 1228 4912 1159
Dab damask (ditto). 1098 439 103 Black tea (ditto). 251 1006 237
Satin (ditto). 6213 55917 13196 Dyed silk (ditto). 34 2720 642
Gros de Taeer (ditto). 18 180 43 Raw silk (ditto). 26
Damask (ditto). 763 9919 2341 Silk gauze (pieces). 1937 4842 1143
Chintz (ditto). 14638 58554 13819 Tobacco (ditto). 127 508
Plain chintz (ditto). 2002 1402 3307
Silk stuffs (ditto). 1844 9221 2176 231447 58106
Single silk stuffs (ditto). 43009 43009 10150 Total amount of imports, 58106
Half satin (ditto). 130 780. 184
Esoff, a silk (ditto). 914 5484 1294 173341
Paper, various (sheets). 21260 213 50 Total of exports, 246692
Sugar pood). 56 336 79
Gelan tea (ditto). 342 10259 2421 Balance in favour of ex- 73351
Common tea (ditto). 36 363 88 ports,
.China Foreign
Quality Roubles
paid Roubles
Quantity roubles
in Goods
Quality Quantity
.value .value
Hides 23968 34882 2918 Gilt
.) ieces r 184 511
Skins l
Squirre 468180 22500 1936 Buck
Skins 6281 26441
Ermine 36256 8589 128 Skins
Otter 513 1102
Red 3652 4793 135 Leather
.Gilt 90 180
ditto 23 600 30 Dutch
() rshuns 13521 30313
sorts 812 1772 55 Polish
do 120 240
R. 828 1406 155 Breslau
do 2852 5819
ditto 668 29607 3611 .
French 551 581
Skins 3660 2366 144 do
Spanish 50 75
Sables 65 164 5 Dantzic
do 6314 5192
Martins 11282 1312 189 Silesia 12082 11139
. kins
S.. 694 1590 257 Yorkshire 100 200
part 2858 307 76 Beaver 220 176
Sundry 2600 Beaver
Cloth 1562 1094
Lamb 12478 3353 311 English
)(pieces 3351 2631
Ditto White 180551 28583 4650 Plates
Tin do 2275 369
)(C.rshuns 15561 1534 70
.. Total
goods 86064
145958 14670 Total
w ith n
Duties 14670 duties 160628
160628 Kiachta
Total 246692
b m
Exports from China to Russia, viâ Kiachta.
Furs. Hides & Skins. R. Leather. Linens. Cottons. Woollens.
1838 740.290 116,176 101,804 16.420 87,392 14,095 53,481 8,626 123,537 19,925 801,497 129,273
1839 695,328112,149 115,442 18,672 80,503 12,983 58,916 9,502 230,065 37,107 984,200 158,742
1840 691,303 111.510 114,229 18,424 75,654 12,202 70,297 1,238 263,109 42,496 984,403 158,724
1841 1,819267 292,140 219,695 35,420 214,974 34,673 185,356 29,896 975,119 157,277 282,401 206,839
Value of all other descriptions of Chinese produce, &c. imported
by Kiachta (which is carried on by barter, and therefore shews an
equivalent) is thus estimated .
Silver Roubles, or Sterling.
1838 . 2,227,182 £ 359,223.
1839. 2,474,421 399,100.
1840 . 2,493,669 402,204.
1811 . 7,537,596 1,215,741 .
In 1845 , the trade is stated to have been equal to 13,622,000
silver roubles, or £2,156,816.
Another account gives the following as the woollens exported
from Russia to China, viâ Kiachta.
Silver Roubles. Silver Roubles.
1838. Woollens sent to 1841 . Woollens sent to
China • · 801,497 China · 3,282,401
1839. Ditto • • 984,200 1842. Ditto . • 3,300,000
1840. Ditto 2,984,403
Thus the value of woollens sent by Russia in 1842 amounted to
£522,500 sterling. During our war in 1841-42 , the Russian
China trade increased.
The foreign fur trade at Canton, for the year 1824, amounted to
nearly one million of dollars . This trade is now almost extinct,
as the supply from Russia is equal to the demand, and cheaper in
The Tea trade between China and Russia is thus shewn from
1830 to 1841 .
Silver Roubles.
1830. Total 154,554 poods
1,789,151 - £288,572
161 cases
1836. -- 169,229 poods
79,455 packages } 2,463,745
1837. -- 135,899 poods
58,161 packages 2,317,441 373,786
Value in Value in
Silver Roubles. Silver Roubles.
Tea in Tea in
1838 . 2,015,780 £325,127-
cases packages 134,238 £21,657
1839. Do. 2,295,339 370,216 Do. 100,724 16,245
1840. Do. 2,366,522 381,697 Do. 129,453 20,879
1841. Do. 7,042,776 1,135,931 Do. 359,223 57,939
The progress of the trade will be seen from the fact that the
Russian imports of tea, were in 1800, Russian pounds 2,799,900 ;
and in 1839, Russian pounds 8,071,880 . N.B. - Forty Russian
pounds are equal to thirty-six pounds avoirdupois .
The following statement was laid before the Parliamentary Com-
mittee on East India affairs in 1830, which shows the retail price
of tea at St. Petersburgh, and the value of some samples procured
and brought from thence. It will be seen that high prices have
not diminished consumption :-
Description of Tea. Price in Russia.
Broker's valuation .
S.d. S. d.
Black flower tea • 1111
Ditto 99 3 4
Black family tea 10 3 8
Ditto "" 3001/ 1층
No value named ,
Green 11 11 a quality un;
known here.
Russian tea, which I drank last year at Vienna, at the hospi-
table table of Mr. Magennis, Secretary to the British Embassy, was
superior to any tea I have tasted in England .
The Charges on a chest of tea from Kiachta are stated to be :-
Flower Tea Family Tea Family Tea
Specification of Charges. weighing weighing weighing
60 pounds. 65 pounds. 80 to 85 lbs.
Roubles. Roubles. Roubles.
Import duty and custom charges 130 138, 50 160
Commission at Kiachta 10 4, 80 6, 40
Packing in hides 3 3 3
Receiving, weighing, and cart- 10 10 10
age in Kiachta
Carriage to Nesni or Moscow 35 35 50
188 191, 30 229, 40
The silver rouble of Russia is estimated at about three shillings
and two pence ; 113 silver will purchase 345 paper roubles. The
latter are subject, however, to great depreciation, according to the
supply of specie.
The Exports of Woollen Cloth from Russia to Kiachta have been
increasing, while ours have been decreasing.
Russian Cloth. Polish Cloth.
Year Equal to
Equal to
Arshuns. pieces of 19 Arshuns pieces of 19
yards. odd yards.q
1833 447,176 18,305 325,040 13,305
1834 555,876 22,755 247,256 10,122
1835 719,221 29,442 206;301 8,445
1836 923,936 37,822 181,519 7,430
1837 789,853 32,333 26,625 1,089
1838 965,193 39,510 738 30
1839 1,218,574 49,880
1840 1,241,133 50,806
1841 1,550,477 63,470
In former years, Russia exported to China the woollen manu-
factures of Poland (as will be seen by the above table) , and still
earlier those of Prussia, in addition to her own, Previous to 1812,
a considerable quantity of English woollens were sent to Russia,
intended for the Chinese market. The cost of this cloth was at that
time from 178. to 20s . per yard, though the same cloth, in 1830,
could be had at 10s. or 12s. , or even less . This trade was stopped
by an increase of duty laid by the Russian government on Eng-
lish cloths, and a reduction of that on Prussian cloth . At present,
however, only cloths manufactured are exported . They are made
principally at Moscow and its neighbourhood, of different qualities,
similar to the English cloths, called Spanish stripes and habit cloths.
They are classed in three varieties :-1st. Mezeritsky cloths ; 2nd.
those of Masloff or Maslovia ; 3rd . Karnavoy cloth : in each variety
are four or five grades of quality.
The assortment of colours in 100 pieces of Mezeritsky, is :-
Blue, 40 pieces ; light blue, 10 pieces ; black, 20 pieces ; violet,
2 pieces ; yellow, 1 piece ; red pomegranate, 8 pieces ; brown violet,
4 pieces ; scarlet, 10 pieces ; green, 3 pieces ; and fashions of the
day, 2 pieces.
These are packed in ten bales, each having an assortment of the
different colours . The first quality of Mezeritsky cloth costs at
Moscow 150 to 165 roubles assign, per piece of twenty-five arshuns
(6s. 9d. to 78. 4d., per yard) ; and the charges from Moscow to
Kiachta amount to about 250 roubles assign, per each bale, the
measure from sixty to sixty-seven inches in width. The first quality
of Masloff cloth costs at Moscow 7 to 7 roubles assign per arshine,
(88. to 88. 6d. per yard) ; the length of the pieces forty to forty-five
arshines, or thirty-one to thirty-five yards ; breadth between the
lists sixty-seven to seventy inches. They are made up in bales of
eight pieces each ; in an export of 1,000 pieces of these two cloths,
the proportions are about 750 to 800 pieces of Mezeritsky, and
200 to 250 pieces of Maslovia.
Velveteens (plush) , a considerable quantity is annually bartered
at Kiachta . They are made in pieces of about fifty arshines in
length (39 yards) , and of two breadths, viz. : ten vershacks and
sixteen ditto, (seventeen and a half and twenty-eight inches) , the
price of the former at Moscow is about R. 1 , 40 co . to R. 1, 80 per
arshine, and of the latter R. 2 , 80.
The camlets exported to China are principally of Dutch make,
a very trifling proportion being Russian . The other principal
articles of Russian export to China are linen goods of a coarse
description ; leather, skins, and furs. Also fire-arms, cutlery,
corals, mirrors, watches, and divers articles of ornament ; the cost
of carriage from Moscow to Kiachta is about twenty-five roubles
per pood (36lbs .) English.)
In a letter from China dated December, 1842, to Mr. Mac-
gregor, one of the secretaries to the Board of Trade, and to
whom the nation is so greatly indebted for his invaluable collec-
tion of European tariffs, and the statistical illustration of the
condition of different countries, it is stated that the Russian
woollens now actively compete with English woollens in the north of
China. I found excellent Russian cloth in Chusan, Ningpo and
Mr. Macgregor's correspondent states that the cloth is called by
the Chinese Ka-la ; its consumption, in reference to English cloth,
is as five to one of the latter, and it is only within the last five
years that the article has been introduced in any quantity. The
breadth of the muster cloth exceeds that of English stripes by
four inches . The length usually is 50 to 80 cooids (19 to 30
yards) per piece ; the breadth varies from 62 to 64 inches. The
consumption at Ningpo is estimated at from 3,000 to 5,000 pieces,
and at Soo-choo 20,000 pieces. The latter is the principal mart,
and from it Ningpo gets supplied . The shopman quoted the then
rates at 27 dollars per piece of 50 cooids ( 19 yards) for black ;
32 dollars blue ; 35 dollars scarlet and purple ; say 1 dollars
per yard for black ; 1 68 dollars for blue ; and 1 dollar for
scarlet and purple.
The packages are made up of five pieces, and an assortment
should contain, according to the shopkeeper's information, 50
pieces blue (the muster sent is not a fast colour, apparently dyed
in the piece), 35 pieces black, 10 pieces scarlet, two pieces ash,
three pieces green ; this may not be correct, as neither purple nor
VOL. II. 2 F
brown is mentioned . The end of the piece seen had the maker's
name in gold letters, No. 18301. The high number of the piece
will show that it is a manufacture of some moment . In order
that a comparison might be made between the Russian cloth and
Spanish stripes, there was selected from the man's stock a piece of
Gott's manufacture, which it was said that buyers complained of
the quality being inferior to that of the same article imported
during the Company's time ; they also stated that the consump-
tion of it was decreasing. Ningpo does not take off more than
300 to 500 pieces per annum, (chiefly black and blue) ; Soo-
choo 3,000 to 5,000 pieces ; Hangchow-foo only a small quantity.
The price of a piece of 18 yards was quoted at 35 dollars purple
(1 dollar per yard) , 27 dollars blue (1 dollar per yard) , and
20 dollars for black (1 dollar per yard).
From the foregoing statements, it is quite evident, that the terms
upon which Russia can compete in the Chinese market with
England, in the article of woollens, chiefly depends upon the sale
of tea. When we consider the great reduction in prices that
woollens have undergone, it is clear that unless their tea trade was
protected as it is (notwithstanding the large profits of the Russian
imports) it would be largely participated in by the merchants of
other countries . They could not barter their goods at Kiachta, at
the nominal prices stated , nor supply China Proper with woollens,
at such competing prices. Cotton cloths called " Daba" and
" Kitaia" from China, were such favourites that nothing else was
worn in summer .
The " Daba and Kitaia," is a sort of thick callico, of different
colours, brought from China through Bucharia, into Russia, in
large quantities, and is used for the apparel of both men and
women. The Chinese Kitaia is the best, of which there are two
sorts. Daba is a strong stuff, of a beautiful red colour without
gloss ; it is narrow and not unlike our coarse calico. The other
is coarser, but more durable.
Great quantities of cotton stuffs, and calicoes, are brought from
Bucharia and Mongolia, called Seleinskaia, from a city of the
name of Selim . They are generally of gay colours, as red, green,
yellow, blue, and are made up in bundles of rolls, each 20 ells
A Russian official account states, " That formerly, Chinese
nankins, and other cotton stuffs, were amongst the most important
articles of our importation . Now Russia exports cotton goods
to China, and little by little the tissues of our fabrics have very
nearly supplanted , in this trade, those proceeding in transit from
foreign countries .
"The cotton stuffs manufactured in Russia, and exported to
China in 1826, was in value 167,199 roubles , paper-money, and
in 1840 to 920,881 paper roubles, in the succeeding year there is
a small increase on the preceding." The cotton stuffs imported
from China in 1840 were 19,670 roubles .
Report concerning the barter trade at Kiachta in 1843 .
Description of goods. Description of goods.
Cloth : Mezeritsky pieces 14,565 40,883 Furs : Squirrel 99 673,364 1,140,696
19 Masloffs 2,013 5,143 99 Otter 13,461 17,406
Karnovay 4,761 6,740 Lamb, Bucharian grey ,, 5,549 44,921
Camlets : Russian Arshines 578 177 Do. do. black "9 8,463 48,955
Dutch 25,600 45,784 Do. Ukraini white 99 155,172 646,738
Linen goods: Tcheshuyka ,, 480,733 498,736 Do. do. piebald ,, 8,580 18,344
"" Ticking 85,655 45,550 Do. do. black 2 581 28,311
Konovat "" 624 16,437 Cats skins وو99 245,006 105,847
Velveteens: 10 ver- Lynx skins Russian 97 2,181 17,220
shacks broad "9 1,074,639 1,818, 129 Do. do. American. 4,750 8,100
"" 16 ditto 29 72,499 126,630 Do. do. Musquash. 72,415 18,920
Leather Goat skins, skins. 52,665 176,095
It appears the amount of trade in the foregoing report, as
compared with that of previous years, does not exceed one-third
of the average. No cause is assigned for such a great falling off.
The foreign fur trade at Canton, twenty years ago, amounting to
a million dollars annually, is now nearly quite extinct ; on the
northern frontier there is still an extensive traffic ; and were all
the facts of the case at our command, we might find that this
traffic is annually increasing.
The Russian and Chinese commerce was very considerable in
1845. It is said to have amounted to 13,622,000 silver roubles,
at 3s . 2d. per rouble, to £2,156,816 sterling. The Russian
articles were furs and cloths .
From China there came 100,000 chests of tea from forty-five to
sixty pounds each, besides 40,000 chests of inferior qualities of tea.
The mode of transacting business at Kiachta deserves notice.
Commissioners are appointed on each side, who fix by regulations,
the price of every article of import, and of the tea to be given in
exchange for it ; the price of the tea, the proportion of each sort,
to be bartered for the different articles. Six members chosen
among the Russian merchants, and presided over by the custom-
house director, a similar number of Chinese presided over by
their governor ; these two commissioners discuss the prices, which
once determined, become the law for both nations. The tea is
classed into family and flower tea ; both which are said to consist
chiefly of Pekoe. In 1843 the Chinese brought for sale 120,000
chests ; of which 80,000 were flower tea, and 40,000 family tea.
The prices, which have been unaltered for years, are as follows :-
Rubles, sixty for one chest qudrat family tea.
Rubles, 120 for one chest 3rd. sort flower tea.
Rubles, eighty do. Polootornay family tea (1 as large)
The prices of Russian produce were raised in 1843, from those
of former years. And it was also arranged that one chest of
family, is to go along with every three chests of flower tea.
2 F 2
Regulation Fixing the Prices of Russian Goods at Kiachta,-
Flower 3 chests
Description of Goods. Against tea, Flower tea
Family tea. 3rd sort. 1st sort.
Cloths, Rs. Co. Rs. Co. Rs. Co.
Mezeritsky, 1st sort per piece 105 131 25
2nd 99 100 125
3rd 99 99 97 121 25
4th 99 93 116 25
5th "" 65 81 25
Arshines Arshines Arshines
per chest. per chest. for 4 chests.
Masloff, 1st sort 12 18 66
Explanation ,
3 chests flower tea, equal 54 archines
1 chest family tea, equal 12 ditto ..
4 chests tea, equal 66 ditto ..
13 20 73
Masloff cloth, 2nd sort 14 80
3rd 99 15 23 84
4th "" 16 24 88
Karnovoy cloths, Rs. Co. Rs. Co. Rs. Co.
1st sort, per piece ... 65 81 25
2nd 99 "" 63 78 75
3rd "9 "9 60 75
4th " 54 67 50
5th 99 "" 58 60
Camlets, 1st sort, per arshine 2 65 3 31
2nd 99 2 20 2 75
Plush (velveteens), narrow,
1st sort ( Riga) per arshine 1 05 4 31
2nd 99 99 0 98 1 22
3rd 99 (Moscow) "" 0 94 1 21
4th 99 99 "" 0 80 1
Otter skins, 1st sorts, each 20 25
2nd "9 99 18 22 50
American , 1st 99 99 10 12 50
2nd "" "9 12 13
The nature of the regulation will be better shewn by an ex-
ample of the transactions by barter. Against the second sort of
Mezeritsky cloth the Russians receive 9 chests of flower tea, at
120 rs. per chest, · • 1,080 rs.
and 3 chests of family tea, at 60 rs. per chest, B. rs. 180
Being the fixed proportions and prices named, 1,260
For which the Russians pay
1080 rs. is equal, at the regulation price of
125 rs . per piece, to · 83 pieces.
and 180 at 100 rs. per piece, to 14
1260 rs. • nearly 10 pieces cloth.
Pursuing the illustration, we will shew the result of such a
transaction in 1843.
The 10 pieces of cloth cost at Moscow in 1842,
145 rs. cash per piece, making . 1,522,50 rs.
Interest for 15 months, 15 per cent. · 228,37
Charges from Moscow to Kiachta, 250,00
Cost at Kiachta of 10 pieces cloth, 2,000,87
But the value of tea in Russia in 1843
was, 9 chests flower tea, at 555 rs . per chest,
at 12 month's credit. 4,995
3 chests family tea ,at 445 rs. per chest 1,365
Deduct 12 month's interest, 763,20 rs.
Duty and charges, . 2,265,90 3,029,10 3,330,90
Leaving a profit of 1,330,03 rs.
Woollen cloths costing 2,000 rs. are exchanged for teas estimated
at 1,260 rs. or at a loss of 37 per cent.; but the tea taken in ex-
change, the nominal cost of which is 1,260 rs., realises a profit of
2,070 rs ., being 103 per cent. on the cost, (2,000 rs .) a profit of
66 per cent.
The prices of tea at Nijori Novogorod in 1843, on 12 month's
credit, were,
Flower tea, 1st per chest, 705 rs. Weight in Russian lbs.
"" 2d. "" 655
55 58 & 60
وو 3d. 555
Qudrat family tea 455 60 @ 70
Polootorney "" 605 86 @88
دو 2d. 535 81 @ 85
Mr. MacGregor, in his Report on Russia, alluding to the Rus-
sian College at Pekin, says : " In this respect, and in the inter-
course which Russia has by Kiachta, and now by other points
with China, the former has great political and intelligent advan-
tages over the English. Add to which, a great moral superiority
with the Chinese government over the English, from the circum-
stance of Russia never having, as far as we can learn, unless to a
small extent lately, been engaged in the degrading trade in opium,
and from Chinese blood not having been shed by the Russians."
The whole subject of Russian communications with China, poli-
tical and commercial, is of great interest, and deserves serious con-
sideration, in reference to the future. The establishment of a
Russian college at Peking entitles England to have a similar estab-
lishment there. An English ambassador ought also to be
stationed at Peking.
DIVINE revelation teaches and proves, that there is no other
mode by which a nation can be perpetuated and maintained in
even its mere outward characteristics, but by its possession and
practice of a pure faith and belief in the one true and living God,
and that as it departs from this truth, such will be its temporal as
well as spiritual state. In a report, therefore, on the general con-
dition and prospects of China, it is impossible for any one but a
confirmed materialist to abstain, when examining the history and
position of such a singular country, from investigating also the
religious principles on which all durable things rest, and in so
doing, to endeavour to trace, however faintly, the cause of this
extraordinary empire being held intact for so many centuries,
when surrounding nations have sunk into the grossest idolatry,
become desolate, or have yielded to the rule of some grasping
powerful kingdom. Moreover, if it be believed that Christianity
can alone purify and preserve a nation, it is necessary to inquire
what efforts have been made by Christianized Europe for the wel-
fare of one-third of mankind, and what causes have contributed to
prevent the extension of a blessed doctrine productive of happi-
ness here and hereafter, and which is as essentially a portion of the
Divine gift of the Creator to the created, as is the physical world
on which we exist, and as is " the breath of life by which man
became a living soul."
The existence of the Chinese as a distinct and independent
nation for more than two thousand years, is a proof that its pre-
servation is owing to some extraordinary circumstance irrespec-
tive of material agencies ; and the reasoning mind must admit that
its stereotyped condition is owing either to some special Provi-
dence, or to the possession of a vital, spiritual truth, sufficient, at
least, to overcome the tendency to dissolution, which the history
of ages shews is the inevitable fate of all idolatrous societies . The
points which I propose to explain, and, if possible, prove, in this
chapter are ,
1st. The great antiquity of the Chinese as a people and a king-
dom .
2d. Their early knowledge of the only true and living God, as
illustrated by Confucius, and by the absence of idolatry.
3d. Their early intercourse with the Jews, and the existence of
various settlements of Jews in China prior and subsequent to the
Christian era.
4th. The introduction of Christianity into China by St. Tho-
mas, its promulgation and establishment by the Nestorians for
several centuries .
5th. The rise, progress, and decline of Jesuitism in China, and
the cause of the downfal of Romanism in China.
6th. The existing state of Christianity in China, its toleration
by the emperor, and also the means by which it may be benefi-
cially extended ; for I believe it to be as much (I should rather
say paramountly) the duty of England, both by its government
and people, to extend the light of the gospel to distant lands, as it
is to push its trade into those countries. Commerce is, indeed ,
sure to follow in the track of peaceful and humanizing Chris-
I have stated (vol i. p . 193) that Fohi, the earliest recorded
ruler of China, is said to have been Noah, or supposed to be his
contemporary. But whether this be correct or not, the great an-
tiquity of the Chinese people is a fact beyond a doubt. The chro-
nological chart, given in vol. i. p. 200, derived from authentic
translations of their annals, shews a record such as no existing
nation possesses. It bears internal evidence of truth, from the
absence of the improbable, and the faithful narration of vice and
virtue, without any attempt at palliation or exaggeration . Indeed,
there could have been but one motive in exhibiting such an array
of crime, namely, that its history might serve as a warning to
posterity. Their tribunal of history is as well protected against
falsification as human efforts could devise.
All occurrences, even the most trifling, are recorded during the
reign of each emperor, and deposited, without any classification,
until the succeeding reign, when , if favourable, they are digested
and published ; if otherwise, they are again placed in the archives
until the succeeding reign. There is great sagacity in this mode,
for it protects the chroniclers from falsification.
The supreme tribunal at Peking is composed of the chief minis
ters, who sit daily in the Imperial Palace. Every day there is
posted on a board, adjoining the tribunal, extracts of all cases de-
cided on the previous day, which are then copied by officers, whose
duty it is to prepare the King-paou, " Messenger of the Capital,"
known to Europeans as the Peking Gazette. All public events
and announcements are also printed in this gazette ; there is no at-
tempt at concealment, and it is probably the most faithful trans-
cript of the acts of a nation ever published. The approximation
to the Hebrews in their various laws and customs, as previously
noted, vol. i . p . 239, is also remarkable in this, that, after the
manner of the Jews, they are the only nation who possess a chro-
nological history. *
A very general opinion prevailed at one time that the Arme-
nians had a record of events to the period of Haie, who was said to
be a grandson of Japheth ; but it was discovered that their histo-
rian, Moses Chorenensis, lived in the fifth century of the Christian
era, and for the prior epochs he must have relied on tradition. *
Confucius acted very differently, for he refused to record that of
which he possessed no evidence.
If this history of Confucius be admitted, the truth of the
Chinese annals is established, not only to his own era (B.c. 550)
but to a much earlier date : his candid avowal, " for want of
evidence," he could give no account of different events and periods,
stamps him as a trustworthy historian.
Corroborative evidence of the authenticity of the Chinese
annals, to B.C. 709, will be found in vol . i. p . 201 , which correspond
with the calculations of Europeans.
An objection may be urged against this proof, that the Chinese
astronomers probably obtained the aid of the Jesuits to make
their dates correspond . But even granting this as to dates, how
did it happen that the events were recorded ? Moreover, one of
those sixteen eclipses is narrated, with the exact year, month, and
day, in an ode in a four syllable verse of the Shoo-king, the classical
book of Confucius, on which no doubt has been cast.
Their annals are in a great measure comparatively free from the
exaggerated statements found in other Asiatic histories. From
the seventh or eight century B.C., to which I think full credence
may be given, there is no account of their emperors living be-
yond the ordinary limit allowed to mankind ; no Goliaths nor
pigmies no celestial phenomenon except such are to be found in
the chronicles of every country.
The question is whether their annals for two thousand five
hundred years are worthy of credence, or whether they are (as they
have been termed) a " gross imposition .'
It is recorded that in the year 219 B.C. the Emperor of the
Tsin dynasty sent an expedition to the " Isles of the Immortals,"
to procure an herb which would confer immortality ; a supersti-
tion so gross as this could not be recorded from motives of vanity.
There was a history published of Armenia A.D. 1785 by Chamich, but he quotes
no historian of his nation of an earlier date than A.D. 386.
A few years ago some European scholars, with a view of testing
Chinese history, minutely examined Japanese annals, surmising
that the three islands which comprise that empire might turn out
to be the " Isles of the Immortals."
The translators discovered that at that period, (a discrepancy of
ten years only) * an expedition had reached the shores of Japan
from China, for such an object. Thus we find two nations
jealous of each other,-recording an event of apparently trifling
moment, but calculated to gratify the vanity of one, and to illus-
trate the ignorance of the other.
By some it has been supposed that the Chinese are of Scythian
or Tartar origin, but of these tribes there is no record until 636
B.C., when they advanced under Madyes, killed Cyaxares, and
prosecuted their victorious career until they arrived at the con-
fines of Egypt. This conqueror who is called Indothyrsus, and by
some Ogus- Khan, did certainly conquer a portion of China ; but
the portion conquered, or the race subdued, is totally unknown. It
might have been some of the patriarchal tribes- the descendants
of Fohi or Noah.
Within the last six hundred years China has been conquered by
two distinct races of foreigners, viz., by the Mongol Tartars, A.D.
1280 ; and by the Mantchou Tartars, A.D. 1644-- who displaced
the native princes, but adopted their forms of government, laws,
language, and religion ; yet, so far as we know, no doubt nor sus-
picion has been cast by the conquerors on the truth of the his-
torical records of this ancient empire. Neither have the differ-
ent sects of religionists in China disputed the authenticity of the
national annals, —although in Europe, adverse sectaries claim a
reverence for their separate systems, on the score of antiquity.
Mr. Thornton, in his valuable and elaborate work, gives full
credence to the great antiquity of the Chinese. So also the
learned Doctors Morrison, Gutzlaff, Medhurst, Bridgeman, and
Milne : all Chinese scholars, and well versed in Chinese history.
The conclusion at which Father Amiot arrived, after his long
and laborious researches respecting the origin of the Chinese,
seems, in addition to other points, to settle the question. He says,
"The Chinese are a distinct people, who have still preserved the
characteristic of their first origin ; a people whose primitive doctrine
will be found, by those who take the trouble of examining it
thoroughly, to agree in its essential parts with the doctrine of the
chosen people, before Moses, by the command of God himself, had
consigned the explanation of it to the Sacred Records ; a people
in a word, whose traditional knowledge, when freed from whatever
The learned and erudite Calmet thus accounts for the discrepancy of a few years
met with in ancient history. The conjoint reigns of two sovereigns , who may not
begin their reigns at the same time, naturally gives occasion to double dates. He
further says, falsification cannot be charged on the differences of a few years, sixteen
years might occur and both be justifiable.
the ignorance or superstition of latter ages has added to it, may be
traced back from age to age, and epoch to epoch."
I proceed now to a consideration of the second point, namely,
to investigate why the Chinese have been so long preserved
as a distinct people, and to demonstrate that it has been solely
owing to their abstinence from idolatry, and to their possession of
the knowledge of the True God, which are the sole means by
which a nation can be preserved from destruction .
Sacred Writ declares, and natural religion proves, that the
Creator made man perfect and good , endowed him with all know-
ledge, (as is shown by Adam naming, i.e. , describing the qualities
of, the animals brought unto him, Gen. ii. 19) , and gave him
dominion over all earthly things (Gen. i. 28) . Man, by his dis-
obedience, fell away from God, and in every successive generation
departed more and more from his Maker, until the whole earth
became filled with wickedness, and a general Deluge was the in-
evitable result . A remnant of purity was preserved in the family
of Noah, and the patriarchal system was maintained for the govern-
ance of mankind . All who were scattered at Babel, and who de-
parted from the plain in the land of Shinar, carried with them, and
founded their first religious codes on, the traditions and precepts
of the Patriarch ; and the more closely they approximated to their
origin, the more pure and simple was their worship, and the more
distinct and permanent their character. To this circumstance I
ascribe the peculiar history and character of the Chinese, whose
pagoda structures are typical of the tower of Babel.
It is probable that China was the last portion of the eastern
world that admitted or even tolerated idolatry, which spread slowly
among mankind. * Their love of antiquity and their isolated state,
may have caused their preservation from this first and greatest sin,
or it may have been in the wise design of Providence that the na-
tion containing so large a portion of mankind, should be maintained
for some great purpose .
From the earliest ages there has been in China a supreme court of
rites, to watch and guard the state religion with exactness, so that
it was not easy to introduce any new laws. This state religion,
which is upheld by the government and better class of Chinese, is
as ancient as the Empire itself, and is very simple, (see vol. i . p. 57) .
Reverence is prescribed to an invisible Being, dwelling in the
visible Heavens, and distributing happiness and misery among
mankind . The Emperor is priest and king, alone prays for his
people as their father, and alone offers sacrifices and propitiations.
This patriarchal creed, naturally, from time to time, became
more or less corrupt. To keep this primitive worship pure was
the great object of that extraordinary man Confucius, who was
born in the principality of Loo, B.c. 550 ; his family, Kung-tze
Eusebius alleges that idolatry took its rise in Assyria, where there was not the
appearance of an idol until long after Belus.
were descended from a family allied to royalty. When three years
old his father died, but he was brought up by his mother with great
care and atttention. The filial obedience and docile manners he
inculcated through life, he is said to have intuitively acquired, and
practised in his tender years ; this with his precocious genius
procured for him general admiration.
At the age of seventeen, he was made a subordinate magistrate,
and inspector of the sale and distribution of the government grana-
ries. The judgment he displayed in the introduction of many
useful reforms established his character.
At the age of twenty-one he was made inspector over a large
district of pasture and flocks. Here he was eminently successful ;
and by his impartial decisions, he procured the esteem of all
When twenty-three, his mother died, and he resigned his office
to mourn for her loss, which had been an ancient custom, but had
become obsolete.
He interred his mother with his father, observing, "we owe equal
duty to both our parents, and it is right that those who in life were
united by the same bond, should be undivided in death."
At this period the dead were generally placed in the nearest
waste ground. Confucius contended that it was degrading to
man, the " Lord of the earth," when the breath had departed, to
treat it like the brute ; that it was repugnant to the mutual affec-
tion which should actuate all human beings towards each other.
This respect for the dead may be called the ground-work of the
subsequent reformation which he effected . It is probable (and
consistent with the general prevalence of mankind to go to ex-
tremes) that this respect for the dead, had in after ages degene-
rated into worship, and is now a national custom in China.
After the period of mourning had subsided, Confucius was
urged to present himself at court to obtain some employment ;
he answered that he required further leisure to improve his mind.
On being frequently urged, he would say " I devote myself to
mankind in the aggregate. I dedicate my hours to study and
acquire knowledge, that I may be useful to them ; I am but in
my thirtieth year, a time of life when the mind is in all its vigour,
the body in its full strength."
B.C. 522. His house was open to all who wished to benefit by
his instructions ; but he carefully excluded all who were viciously
disposed . His fame had spread beyond the limits of his own
kingdom . The King of Tse sent an invitation to Confucius , which
he accepted .
After spending a year at this court, he found it impossible to
make any favourable impression on the rulers or people, and took
his departure.
He subsequently visited the imperial palace, but was also un-
successful, although well received ; he would, however, remain no
where unless he could mould the manners and habits of the
people to his own.
B.C. 516. Confucius returned to Loo, and was graciously
received ; but the ministers of the King dreading his presence,
nominated him to an humble office in expectancy. His admirers
urged him to refuse this office : but he remonstrated with them
how inconsistent it would be in him to refuse an humble station.
And he argued thus, " What good effect could my instructions
have, if I were supposed to be actuated by pride ?"
B.C. 510. His official duties being light, time was obtained to
revise the " Sheking," and it is said he reduced it from 3000
poems to 311 ; he also prepared an edition of the Shooking,
omitting whatever was useless, by which he reduced the number
of chapters from 100 to 50. He employed his disciples in care-
fully comparing the characters, arranging the subjects under
their separate heads, and ascertaining the authenticity of the
original, giving his reasons for the various alterations, which he
thought necessary . These celebrated books are to be found now
in the state in which he left them.
This great benefactor, like all who have succeeded him, was
treated with indifference, or calumny. He was subjected to
various trials and temptations to entrap him, but in vain. He
was a pure single-minded man, and the whole bent of his mind
was to impress on the governors the responsibility and necessity of
setting an example to the governed ; and by that means ameliorate
the condition of the people. But his failure is easily accounted
for, he relied on mere morality for salvation.
The prescribed limits of this part of the work, preclude a
detail of his chequered life. He was a great admirer of the works
of nature, and by drawing deductions therefrom, he made his
disciples think for themselves, by exercising their judgment,
observing, " I teach you nothing but what you might learn
yourselves, if you made a proper use of your faculties. All I tell
you, our ancient sages have practised before us, viz. the three
fundamental laws of relation between sovereign and subject,
father and child, husband and wife : and the five capital virtues ;
namely, universal charity, impartial justice, conformity to cere-
monies and established usages, rectitude of heart and mind, and
pure sincerity."
To a new governor, who was going to a distant province, he
said, " Be just and disinterested . Justice respects no one ; it
gives to all their due. Disinterestedness leads to equity ; when
we are biassed we cease to be just. If we take anything from our
inferiors, under whatever title, we commit a theft upon them ,
Four times a year in each season convene the people, and explain
to them in person their duties. A few words from you will be a
spur to their attention." This is done at the present day, (see
vol. I. page 164.)
In answer to the King of Tse, who wished to know if his
ancestors, to whom he paid homage, could hear him, the reply
was, " It is not necessary that I should speak explicitly on this
point. If I were to say that our ancestors are conscious of the
honours we pay them ; that they see, hear, and know what passes
on earth, it is to be feared that they who cherish a deep sense of
filial piety, would neglect their own lives, for the sake of rejoicing
in the other world, those whom they loved in this : and on the
contrary, were I to say that all knowledge of the living ceases with
life, it would encourage a neglect of filial duties, and dissolve those
sacred ties which bind the human race in social happiness . Con-
tinue, therefore to fulfil as you have hitherto done, your duties
to your progenitors ; conduct yourself as if you knew them to be
witnesses of your actions, and seek to know no more ; the time
will come when you will know all.”
On another occasion, being pressed to say who was a saint, or
perfect being, he said, " I have heard that in the western countries,
there will be a holy man, who without governing, will prevent
troubles ; who, without speaking will inspire faith ; who without
violent changes, will produce good : no man can tell his name, but
he will be the true Saint."*
In one of the discourses which the king, (Ting-kung) had
with Confucius, happening to touch upon the customs of high
antiquity, he inquired why the ancient emperors, in their sacra-
fices, had connected their ancestors with the Teen.†
The answer of the philosopher is extremely curious .
" The Teen," said he, " is the universal principle and prolific
source of all things. Our ancestors, who sprung from this source,
are themselves the source of succeeding generations. The first
duty of mankind is gratitude to Heaven ; the second, gratitude
to those from whom we sprung. It was to inculcate at the
same time this double obligation that Fuh-he (Fohi or Noah)
established the rites in honour of heaven and of ancestors, re-
quiring that immediately after sacrificing to Shang-te, homage
should be rendered to our progenitors . But as neither the one
nor the other were visible by the bodily organs, he sought em-
blems of them in the material heavens.
"The Shang-te is represented under the general emblem of the
visible firmament, as well as under the particular symbols of the
sun, the moon, and the earth, because by their means we enjoy
the gifts of the Shang-te. The sun is the source of life and light ;
the moon illuminates the world by night. By observing the
course of these luminaries, mankind are enabled to distinguish
times and seasons . The ancients, with the view of connecting
* The Ching Keaou-chin tseuen. Notices des MSS. du Roi, tom. X. P 407.
+ M. Amiot's translation from Kea-yu. Teen and Shangte, are often synonymous
and denote the Being who is above all ; Teen is used to denote the sky, or in a
sense purely material.
the act with its object, when they established the practice of
sacraficing to the Shang-te, fixed the day of the winter solstice,
because the sun, after having passed through the twelve places
assigned apparently by the Shang- te as its annual residence, began
its career anew, to distribute blessings throughout the earth.
"After evincing, in some measure, their obligations to the
Shang-te, to whom as the universal principle of existence, they
owed life and all that sustains it, the heart of the sacrificers turned,
with natural impulse, towards those by whom the life they en-
joyed had been successively transmitted to them ; and they
founded a ceremonial of respect to their honour, as the compli-
ment of the solemn worship due to the Shang-te. The Chow
Princes (dynasty) has added another rite, a sacrifice to the Shang-te,
in the spring season, to render thanks to Him for the fruits of the
earth, and to implore Him to preserve him."
Instead of the hillock, where all sacrifices were formerly offered,
under the canopy of Heaven, temples are now used in China as
elsewhere. There were two splendid temples in Peking during
the last century. They are both dedicated to Shang-te, but under
two different titles ; in the one he is adored as the eternal spirit,
in the other as the spirit that created and preserves the world.
The Emperor, as the father of his people, in their name prays
and sacrifices. The preparation is attended with, if possible, more
than Jewish outward ceremonies . No audience is granted :
marriages, funerals, and festivities of every kind are discontinued,
the tribunals shut, and all who assist must prepare themselves by
fasting, prayer and continence.
The Emperor and his train appear in the utmost pomp, and
the magnificence of everything that appears in the temple cor-
responds to that of the sovereign ; the vases, and all the utensils
employed, are of gold, and cannot be applied to any other purpose.
The pomp and grandeur of the Emperor is all laid aside previous
to his appearing as the High Priest of his people. He prostrates
himself in the dust, and speaks of himself in the most abject
manner, as does Job. (chap. xl. v. 4.) See vol. i. i . p. 65.
M. Biot, states that several odes in the She-king indicate, in
the most decisive manner, a belief in a supreme Being, the
Shang-te, or sovereign lord. This term Shang-te is represented in
the She-king as " a being perfectly just, who hates no one." M.
Biot disagrees with the opinion entertained by the missionaries,
and very generally believed by Europeans, that the Chinese never
had more than a very vague belief in a supreme Being. This
opinion is founded upon the circumstance of the term teen, ‘ heaven,'
being more frequently employed by Chinese moralists than that of
Shang-te, ' Supreme Lord.'
Father Amiot, was impressed with the idea that one of the
Chinese characters (equal angles, ) signifies strict union, har-
mony, the chief good of man, of heaven and earth ; it is the union
of the three (Tsai) which signifies principle, power, and knowledge ;
for united, they direct, create, and nourish together.
Marco Polo states that the Chinese (in A.D. 1270) paid adora-
tion to a tablet, fixed against the wall, in their houses, upon which
was inscribed the name of the High Celestial and Supreme God ;
to whose honour they burnt incense, but of whom they had no
image ; the words were three, Tein, Heaven ; Hoang- tin, Supreme
Heaven ; and Shang-te, Sovereign Lord. Polo was of opinion
that from the God whose name was on the tablet, the Chinese
only sought two things, viz ., sound intellect and bodily health.
But that they had a god of whom they had a statue or idol,
which they called Natigai, who was the god of all terrestial
things ; in fact, god the creator of the world, (inferior or subordi-
nate to the supreme being) , from whom they expect a compliance
with whatever temporal request they make, fine weather and such
like . A sort of mediator. This worship has a striking similarity
to many of the early Christian forms of worship . This apparent
idolatry may have crept in after the time of Confucius.
According to a translation by Confucius, he evidently professed
a firm belief in the Supreme God, which with the observance of
some ceremonial rites, was all that the Lord of Heaven and earth
then required, from his people.
The philosopher first impressed his followers with the beauty
and perfection of the solar system, the economy and beautiful
adaptation of the material world. On this belief he founded his
system of ethics, which is summed up in a few words, at the close
of his work Lun-yu, as follows :- " He who shall be fully per-
suaded, that the Lord of Heaven governs the universe, who shall
in all things choose moderation, who shall perfectly know his own
species, and so act among them that his life and manners may
conform to his knowledge of God and man, may be truly said to
discharge the duties of a sage, and be far exalted above the com-
mon herd of the human race ."
The extraordinary prophecy of Confucius (see vol. i. p. 239) ,
where he describes the terrestrial paradise, the fall of angels
and of man, the appearance at that moment of mercy, and the
Holy One in the west to teach and save mankind— must have
resulted from Divine inspiration.
Upon this passage Dr. Jackson, the eminent author of Jewish
Antiquities, says, " These expressions seem to be presages which
Confucius had concerning the coming of Christ, the Holy One of
God, to deliver to mankind a perfect rule of religion and virtue ;
and his saying that its appearance would be in the west, seemed
to point to Judea, the most western country of Asia in respect to
China." "Whenever God shall raise up preachers of true
Christianity amongst the people of China, they may be led to see
and be convinced that Christ is the Holy One, and that divine
teacher, whom their own prophet, so many ages before, had taught
them to expect, and this may be a means of their conversion to
the Christian faith." Antiquity and prophecy are much prized
in China.
The Creator has implanted in all mankind an earnest longing for
spiritual communion with the great author of their being.* Con-
fucius and the most celebrated Pagan philosophers have expressed
an anxiety of being enlightened by some personal revelation from
God. † Plato, who has credit for a large portion of heathen wis-
dom, told Socrates, that " Alcibiades knew not what to pray for
in a right manner ; and that it was not safe for him to pray in the
temple till God should dispell the darkness of his mind, so that
he might be in a capacity of discerning good and evil.” And
still more strongly, Socrates says, " that he thought it best to be
quiet and wait till something should come, and, by a divine teach-
ing, remove the mist from before men's eyes."‡
Confucius early learned, or was intuitively instructed, that in all
communities the chief bond of connexion is the recognition
of a Being superior to man, an upright law, giving power.
There is not on record an instance of any human legislature dis-
pensing with this recognition . It was tried for a time in France,
to act without acknowledging a Supreme Deity during the fever
of the Revolution, and the awful result is well known. Confucius
died in his 73rd year, B. c. 479, after a most useful life. In per-
son he was said to be tall, his forehead remarkably lofty, his
cheek-bones very prominent, and his eyes clear . Dr. Morrison
states, that the effigies he saw of him represent him as of a dark,
swarthy colour. The number of temples dedicated to him are
said to be upwards of 1,500 ; there is no statue or monument
that would indicate gross idolatry, such as Budha, but a simple
tablet, with this inscription : " Seat of the soul of the most re-
nowned teacher of antiquity."
It is a great error to suppose that Confucius was worshipped in
his lifetime . He never was an object of religious worship, though
modern European, professing Christians have been quite willing
to pay the homage of civil adoration to his tablet. See p. 469.
On the contrary, society must have arrived at an advanced stage of
civilization to have tolerated his austere precepts. The benefactors
of mankind in all ages have been more frequently persecuted than
adored or worshipped during their lifetime. The late Dr. Mor-
rison was of opinion that Confucius was engaged in politics all his
life ; and even his ethics dwell chiefly on those social duties which
have a political bearing. A family is the prototype of his nation
or empire ; and he made the basis of his system not the visionary
notions (which have no existence in nature) of independence and
equality, but principles of dependence and subordination ; as of
" The desire of all nations." Haggai, ch. ii. v. 7.
+ B.C. 340. + Plato, Alcib. 2. Also Leland's Divine Rev. vol. i. p. 470.
children to parents, the younger to the elder, and so on. These
principles are perpetually inculcated in the Confucian writings, as
well as embodied in solemn ceremonials, and in apparently trivial
forms of mere etiquette.
Sir John Davis says : "Confucius embodied in sententious
maxims the first principles of morals and of government ; and the
purity and excellence of some of his precepts (whatever may have
been said to the contrary by persons ignorant of the language,)
will bear a comparison with even those of the Gospel. " [ Many of
these maxims I have given in the previous volume, p. 41.]
"It is probably this feature of his doctrines that has made him
such a favorite with all the governments of China for many cen-
turies past, and down to this day. These principles and these
forms are early instilled into young minds, and form the basis of
their moral sentiments ; the elucidation and enforcement of these
principles and forms is the business of students who aspire to be
magistrates or statesmen, and of the wealthy, who desire nominal
rank in the country ; and it is, in all likelihood , owing chiefly to
the influence of these principles on the national mind and con-
science, that China holds together the largest associated popula-
tion in the world."
Mr. Thornton, who can read the Chinese language, and who
has with great zeal written the best work I have seen on the
ancient history of China, says :-" The remote age of Confucius,
the slight attention paid to Chinese literature in Europe," [he
might have said, particularly in England] a want of confidence
in the ancient records of China, and other causes, have conspired
to obscure the fame of this wonderful man, who is often regarded
almost in the light of a fabulous personage. His biography can
only be discredited upon grounds which would destroy all his-
torical evidence ; and, assuming its truth, and that the writings
and apopthegms attributed to him are genuine (and neither can be
reasonably questioned) , he must be ranked amongst the greatest
characters of antiquity. He was, perhaps, the only reformer and
legislator in early times, who did not betray the natural weakness
of aspiring to supernatural distinction ; for even Socrates had his
familiar genius .
" His persevering efforts to lead men into the path of reason
and of natural religion, were the offspring of pure philosophy,
without the least taint of ambition or of selfishness . His moral
doctrine discovers none of the ingenious subtleties and incom-
prehensible logomachies of the Hindoo schools, and its severe sim-
plicity forms a strong contrast with the ethical systems of ancient
" His maxims of conduct are of a practical, not of a speculative,
character ; applicable to all the pursuits of life, being based upon
human nature ; herein differing essentially from the mysticism of
Laou-tsze, and the sect of the Immortals .'
VOL. II . 2 G
" By disclaiming the original of the truths he taught, he ob-
viated at once the imputation of egotism, and the dread of innova-
tion, and they could not be better enforced than by the rectitude
and blamelessness of his own life. The superiority of his senti-
ments over those of the heathen moralists, which have been so
highly extolled, has seldom been properly appreciated ; they bear
the impress of sincerity, and of practical utility, whereas the
sounding aphorisms of the Greek and Roman writers wear the
complexion of mere sportive speculation."
He divided his scholars into four gradations ; to the first he
taught morals ; to the second, rhetoric ; to the third, political
knowledge ; and to the fourth, the art of elegant writing, in which
the Hebrew scribes excelled, especially Ezra.
His system was to commence at the foundation and form the
mind ; this was the primary introduction to all the others, and by
this means, he cleared the intellect from the fanaticisms and ob
scurities which prevent the mind from distinguishing truth from
This he illustrates by the husbandman , clearing out the noxious
weeds, before he commits the good seed to the ground.
The doctrines of Confucius have been differently represented by
several who have examined his character. Martini says that his
morality is truly worthy of respect and admiration ; for instance,
" that the greatest good attainable by man, is the improvement of
himself and others," and again, in another text, he says, "the per-
fection of man consists in keeping the light, afforded to every one
by nature, bright and burning, so that he may never err against the
law of nature, or lose sight of the precepts implanted by nature in
his bosom." هر
According to Kempfer, the Confucian system, as practised in
Japan, was highly applauded by the Emperor and his nobility,
until the time that that jealous nation excluded Christianity. Their
contempt for idolatry, and probably, their moral doctrines, made
the government suspect the Confucians of a secret leaning towards
Christianity; the followers of his system were closely watched , and a
resolution to eradicate it, as well as Christianity, was determined on,
when its followers complied with some outward forms of their own
system, by which means it was allowed to be practised. In Kemp-
fer's time it had been declining rapidly in Japan .
It is probable that the Mosaic and pure patriarchial system, if
restored or sustained by Confucius, in the year B.c. 530, and sub-
sequently preserved by the numerous disciples who survived and
succeeded him, has become somewhat obsolete.
Two remarkable circumstances are related in Chinese history,
connected with the prophecy of Confucius, which occurred in the
first century of our era :-
1st. The reigning Emperor's title, at the period of the birth of
Christ, was Ping- te, which signified " Prince of Peace."
2nd. In the year, A.D. 65, the Emperor Ming-te sent to the
" West," for the " Holy One ;" the envoys returned from Ceylon,
with some priests of the religion of Budha, which has ever since
been tolerated, and a portion of the people followed, (see p. 68,
vol. i.)
Budhism is an exotic,* and in no way indigenous to China ; it
has extended among the lower classes, and is probably the least
degrading of the various idolatrous systems.
Confucius was in the habit of commending just and upright
rulers, and indicated his approval by stating, that the Emperors
who ruled according to the law of reason, and example of the God
of Heaven, would have their conduct approved by " that Holy
person who is expected to come upon earth ; even though a hundred
ages should pass before his coming.”+
Couplet says, that the Chinese have a traditional account, mixed
with fable, of the creation of the world. They have an account of
the long lives of the Patriarchs, who lived before the flood, whom
they supposed to live eight or ten thousand years . These were
understood as centuries of years : and others say, the years were
lunar months, by which the Egyptians computed the years of the
reigns of their antediluvian heroes . Either computation would
agree with the Scripture history.
The next step in my argument, is to shew the existence of Jews
in China, from the earliest period, and thus to demonstrate how
China must have possessed a knowledge of God, and how remarka-
bly it has been prepared and kept ready at the fitting period for
the reception of Christianity. On the dispersion of mankind on
the plain of Shinar, it is most probable, for the reasons previously
stated, that a large portion would have settled in the fertile regions
of China. Wherever the seed of Abraham colonized, they would
have resisted idolatry, and looked anxiously forward to the Mes-
siah, whose blessed mission would ever be the theme promulgated .
The Jews may, indeed, have been preserved there to this day, as a
means whereby God designs to awaken the Chinese to a conviction
of the promise having been fulfilled in Christ.
The dispersion of the ten tribes of Israel, which took place
about the year B.C. 721 , is clearly foretold in the first book of
Kings, xiv. 15, 16. " the Lord shall scatter them beyond the river :"
in the second book of Kings, xvii. 4, 5, 6, " Israel carried away
into Assyria," and xviii . 9, 10, 11 .
* A dream, it is said, informed the Emperor A.D. 65, that the " Holy One," was
born in the West, and the native historians record that an embassy was therefore,
sent to India, to bring hither some disciples of the new born sage. In the classic
odes there was found a passage, which in indefinite terms spoke of such an event ;
this was thought sufficiently corroborative of the infallible dream of the Emperor, só
that when the Buddhist priests arrived, they were received with open arms.
+ Imo etiamsi post centum secula expectatus sanctus advenerit, non ambigit quin
eadem virtus eidem testata sit futura.-Couplet, p . 85.
Couplet's Præfat. ad Sin. Chronol. p. 5.
2 G 2
The Jews were to be scattered in all lands, to be everywhere a
living monument, a standing miracle of the truth of Divine Revela-
tion and prophecy, to convey to the most distant regions a know-
ledge of the true God, and to preserve the sacred light, which at
some period is to illumine the whole earth .
And here it is necessary to examine the remarkable prophecy of
Isaiah. " I will make all my mountains a way, and my highways
shall be exalted. Behold these shall come from far : and lo, these
from the north, and from the west ; and these from the land of
SINIM. Sing, O Heavens ; and be joyful, O Earth ; and break
forth into singing, O Mountains ; for the Lord hath comforted
his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted ." -Isaiah, ch.
xlix ., v. 11 , 12, 13. A very general opinion prevails, that China
is included in this prophecy, of the conversion of all mankind to
divine truth ; if so, it will further corroborate my reason for ascrib-
ing the perpetuation of the Chinese Empire to the providence of
God ; and as it must be pleasing and profitable to all Christians,
to search and discover the meaning of every portion of the Word of
God, an elucidation of this passage will be satisfactory.
The Septuagint translates the passage " from the land of the
Persians," in which it is followed by the Arabic . The Chaldee
paraphrase, and the Latin versions of Jerome, render it, " from the
land of the south," in which they are followed by the Spanish
translation of Bishop Miguel ; and the earliest English version,
that of Coverdale, who renders it, " and some from the south ."
The ancient Syriac, the most literal, and probably the best of all
the versions, retains the Hebrew word, merely substituting sea for
land, " and these from the sea of Sinim ."
The German of Luther, the French of Martini, the Italian of
Diodati, and the authorized English version, all retain the Hebrew
word, " and these from the land of Sinim." Dr. Bridgeman, who
has investigated this subject, in the clear and luminous style which
characterises all his writings, says : 66 this difference shows that
when these versions were made, it was still uncertain what par-
ticular country was meant." It is worthy of notice, that none of
the authors of those versions supposed their own country to be in-
The authors of the Chaldee paraphrase living eastward of Judea,
gave the preference to a " southern land ." The authors of the
Septuagint lived in Egypt, and those of the Arabic, either in Arabia
or in Babylon, and they supposed that Persia was intended.
While the versions on which we place the most reliance, leave
the particular country undetermined.
From this it would appear that neither of the above countries is
intended in the prophecy, or the authors of a version living in the
above mentioned countries would not assign the region of Sinim
to other lands.
The opinions of men who stand high as commentators, may
lead to further investigation. Jerome, Jarchi, Grotius, and
Pleffer, supposed, that by the land of Sinim is meant the peninsula
of Arabia, and particularly the desert of Sin, and the region
round about Sinai. Others prefer to understand Egypt, two of
whose cities are called in Scripture, Sin and Seyne ; many Jewish
and Christian writers maintain this opinion . Those who hold that
China is " the land of Sinim," are Manasseth ben Israel, Arias,
Montanus, Dorsch, Langles, Gesinius, Calmet, Hager, Morrison,
and others. The versions have disregarded in a great measure the
punctuation of the original, but literally translated and pointed
according to the Hebrew, it reads, Behold these : from afar they
shall come. And behold these ! from the north ; andfrom the west ;
and these ! from the land of Sinim. There is a full stop after the
clause ' from afar they shall come,' and also at the end of the
The distinguished biblical scholar, Dr. Bridgeman, has elabo-
rately comments on this remarkable passage : and first he says,
that ; " the expression in the first clause from afar,' is indefi-
nite. In three places, Jeremiah xxx. 10 ; xlvi . 27, and Hab . i . 8 ;
it seems to refer to the Chaldeans ; in one, Deut. xxviii . 49, to the
Romans ; and in one, Joel iii . 8, to the Sabeans. Yet even in
these, its definite signification arises from the context, whilst else-
where there is nothing to induce us to suppose that one part of
the world is intended to the exclusion of any other.
Thus in the passage in Isaiah xliii . 6, bring my sons from
afar, and my daughters from the ends of the earth,' the expression
is evidently to be understood as comprehending all the distant
parts of the earth ; consequently the assertion of Vitringa, by
Merahoth, the east is to be understood,' is quite gratuitous. There
is no other place in Isaiah where it has this signification, and
why should this be an exception ? By the north, in the prophe-
cies of the Old Testament, Babylon and the countries adjacent are
almost always intended ; thus in the prophecy so often repeated
by Jeremiah, I will bring evil from the north, and great destruc-
tion,' (Jeremiah iv. 6, also 1, 9-41 ,) Babylon is evidently meant.
By the west (literally from the sea, the Mediterranean sea lying
west of Judea,) is generally to be understood, all the countries
west of Canaan, particularly the maritime countries around the
Mediterranean .
In Daniel viii . 5, Alexander is predicted under the figure of a
he-goat that came from the west. The land of Sinim is the only
clause whose meaning is involved in doubt ; the word does not
occur elsewhere, so that little direct assistance is gained from
direct parallel passages. It is commonly pronounced with the
first vowel short ; the analogy of other scripture names Sidon,
Silas, Sihon, Sinai, &c. , shows that it should be long, as i in pine,
Si- nim .
The name Sinite, Gen. x . 17, and Chron. i. 15 , belongs to a
Canaanitish tribe north of Palestine, and cannot be intended here.
The only other names resembling Si-nim, are Seyne and Sin, two
cities in Egypt, and Sinai and Sin in Arabia.
The first clause of the prophecy predicts the conversion of the
world to God , under a figure drawn from the existing dispensation,
when worshippers of the true God came up to the temple at Jeru-
salem to offer their sacrifices . The person who speaks is Jehovah,
the Redeemer of Israel, and his object is to confirm his covenant
with the Son, and thus console the church mourning over her
He declares that even from the most distant nations shall his
people come to pay homage to the true God, and to the Saviour
whose appointment is so fully set forth in verses 1-12-" Behold
these ! from afar they shall come." The succeeding clauses divide
the world into three great parts, and predict the conversion of
each under the same figure.
"Pehold these ; ! from the north, and from the west ; and these : !
from the land of Sinim."
Thus there is a general declaration, " from afar," including the
parts, the north, the west, and the land of Sinim .
The interpretation of M. Henry is, that " some province of
Babylon is meant ;" this is untenable, as the whole of Babylon is
included in " the north."
Dr. Adam Clarke, says, " Sin signifies a bush, and Sinim bushes,
woods, &c. Probably this means that the land where several of
the last Jews dwell is a woodland . The Ten Tribes are gone no
one knows whither. On the slave coast of Africa some Jewish
rites appear among the people, and all the males are circumcised.
I understood that such was the case with the Caffres, and also with
the light coloured race, from Ovah, in the interior of Madagascar ;
but this merely proves that the Jews were scattered in all lands.
The whole of the south-eastern part of Africa, as it appears from
the coast, may be emphatically called " erets sinim," the land of
bushes, as it is all covered with bushes as far as the eye can reach."
The chief arguments to prove that Mount Sinai and the regions
adjacent in Egypt, are meant, are that the context requires a south-
ern country, as also the similarity of the names Sinai and Sin with
Sinim. It is assumed that " from afar " means " from the east ;
having thus the north, east, and west ; the south must also be con-
tained in the prophecy, and as the desert of Sin lies south of Judea,
it may be the land of Sinim. There would be little force in the
argument, were it certain that the four quarters of the earth are
referred to ; but this is by no means certain, and it is gratuitous
to assert that "from afar" means "from the east ;" it is equally so to
say that "the land of Sinim " must be a southern land . The second
argument is quite as weak : there is a similarity in the names but
nothing more; Sin and Sinai are not Sinim , and it is quite irrelevant
to say that Siuim is the plural of Sin, for there were not two deserts
of Sin, and why should the plural be used ? The objections against
this view are serious. 1. If the remark already made be correct,
that " from afar " is a general term, including those that follow,
K then the north, the west, and the land of Sinim must also be afar
off. But the desert of Sin was near to Jerusalem . A few days'
journey brought the Arabians to Jerusalem, and a few days' journey
carried them thence to the extreme limits of their land . 2. The
prophecy is of great things, the conversion of many nations unto
God. But Arabia, and especially the region around Sinai, has few
inhabitants, and its political importance is small, while the desert
of Sin would never have been heard of, but for its connection with
the history of Israel in their wanderings ; how then can we sup-
pose a country so insignificant to be singled out in a prophecy
whose scope is so comprehensive ? 3. Nor is it unworthy of no-
tice that this opinion has never been general in the Christian
Church ; excepting Jerome and Grotius, there are few or no names
of note in its favour. That the Chaldee and Vulgate versions
suppose a southern land to be meant (while it does not show that
even they thought Arabia to be that land) , only proves that the
authors of these versions were as ill-informed, as were the authors
of the Septuagint and Arabic versions, who decide in favour of the
II. The opinion that Egypt is meant, is more probable than the
preceding, and has the support of more eminent names ; the weight
of authority is certainly in its favour. But the arguments are
nearly the same as those just answered : -
1. The context requires a southern land . 2. Sin, in Ezek . xxx. 15 ,
which certainly is a city of Egypt, very nearly resembles Sinim ,
while Seyne, also a city of Egypt, is a cognate word. 3. Sinim
being the plural form, is used in reference to the division of Egypt
into two parts ; " from the land of Sinim," is from the land of the
two Sin ; i.e., Upper and Lower Egypt. The objection against
the previous view, that the inhabitants of Arabia are few, is not
applicable to Egypt. It does not appear, however, that the argu-
ments in favour of the position are sufficient, while the objections
are certainly strong.
That the context requires a southern country has already been
shown to be incorrect. As to the second argument, Sin
(Ezek . xxx. 15, 16) is not a name of Egypt, but simply of one of
its cities ; nor does it appear to have been often used, for we meet
it only once. Seyne is the name of a city or fortress in Egypt,
but neither of these names were ever applied to the country itself.
The remark that the plural form has reference to Upper and Lower
Egypt is merely fanciful : there were not two places named Sin in
Egypt .
A sound reasoner will not argue, that because one of the cities was
called Sin or Seyne, the country itself bore the same name, and
must be intended in the prophecy. It would be easy in this way to
prove that China is the country intended, as many of the cities,
districts, and departments are called by names resembling Sinim .
2. Granting even that Egypt was called Sin, it was not afar off. A
little more distant than Arabia, the Egyptians were the nearer neigh-
bours of the Israelites, and the latter were prone in every emer-
gency to " go down to Egypt " for help. 3. The context appears
to point in another direction. It speaks of remote nations, and
arranges them in three divisions. Egypt falls as naturally in the
western or maritime as in the southern. But if Egypt be the land
of Sinim, the division is very unequal. We shall then have the
north, the west, and the land of Egypt, but where is all the vast
population eastward and southward, from the land of Canaan ?
Nearly half the human race is thus left out of the prophecy, whose
scope includes the whole.
Isaiah lived seven centuries before the birth of Christ ; and at
that period China was a great nation ; its chronology is stated by
Dr. Jackson to be equal, if not superior, to that of the Egyptians ;
not only because it has not been corrupted by communication, in-
termixture, or accommodation with other nations ; but also be-
cause it is taken from authentic records, which are further verified
by astronomical data, (see vol. i ., p . 236, on eclipses) . According
to prophecy, the Jews became indifferent as to the place of their
habitation, and were familiarized with a roaming life; theyjourneyed
amongst the Scythians, sought a resting place in distant regions,
safe from persecution ; and the expatriated families were soon for-
gotten by their own clan. It was not long after the prophecy of
Isaiah that the Jews sought and found a resting place in China ;
and it is evident from the writings and remarkable predictions and
sayings of Confucius, B.C. 520, that he learned from the Jews
the prophecies of Isaiah and the other inspired writers, who fore-
told the existence of nations almost unborn and unnamed ; thus
the Romans were described in Leviticus, in Deut. xxviii . 49, and
in Daniel xi . Zechariah declared the overthrow of Persia- Isaiah
announced the deliverance of the Jews from the captivity in Baby-
lon by Cyrus, nearly 200 years before it occurred . It is impos-
sible to read the sublime, nervous, and poetic inspirations in this
wonderful agent of the Holy Spirit, who so clearly saw the re-
demption of mankind by the Redeemer, without giving full cre-
dence to his prophecy of the final conversion of the Gentiles.
That the Land of Sinim," as prophecied by Isaiah, means
China, I have no doubt whatever on my mind ; in a previous page,
(vol. i. p. 241 , ) I have shewn that by this name, or its nearly ana-
logous sounds, Sinae- Sinica- Sin - Chin- Sina- China, or at
least its southern part, has for ages been known.* It agrees with
When Sir William Jones made the following remarks, he was not aware that
Sinim might reasonably be supposed China ; his observations are therefore worthy of
at ention " The territory of Chin, so called by the old Hindoos, by the Persians, and
by the Chinese, (while the Greeks and Arabs were obliged, by their defective articu-
the prophecy as a distant land ; as forming a third portion of the
habitable earth, now, and probably for many centuries, containing
one-third of mankind, and as not being included in the geogra-
phical divisions mentioned by the prophet. Thus, in distance,
population, and territorial division, as well as in name, China, or
Sina, is the land described by Isaiah, and with which it is evi-
dent the Jews were acquainted as early as the year 1715 B.C. ,
for China was the only country which then produced silk.
Thus, first, (B.c. 1715) in Genesis, lxi . 42, Pharaoh arrayed
Joseph " in a vesture of fine linen " (or silk) . Cruden admits the
two translations, "fine linen or silk," so also the polyglot and
other bibles. Second, B.C. 1070, in Prov. xxxi. 22, respecting a
good wife, whose clothing is " silk and purple." Third, B.C. 594,
in Ezekiel, xvi . 13, in the terrible passage on the abominations of
Jerusalem, " I covered thee with silk." Fourth, B.C. 595 , in the
lament of the kings and merchants over the fall of Babylon . Rev.
xviii. (written A.D. 96.) Until the reign of Justinian, (A.D. 520)
when Christian missionaries penetrated into China, the silk-worm
was unknown out of that country.
Among the Chinese the same sacred numbers are found as
those among the Jews. This may be called an accident, but it is
a very singular coincidence, if the two nations were unknown to
each other. Again, among the hundreds of thousands of the fol-
lowers of Confucius, he had only seventy-two initiated ; precisely
the number of the Jewish Sanhedrim, of the Roman cardinals,
and of the chosen disciples of Christ .
lation, to miscall it Sin, ) gave its name to a race of Emperors, whose tyranny made
their memory so unpopular, that the modern inhabitants of China hold the word in
abhorrence, and speak ofthemselves as the people of a milder and more virtuous dy-
nasty ; but it is highly probable that the whole nation descended from the Chinas of
Menu, and mixing with the Tartars, by whom the plains of Honan and the more
southern provinces were thinly inhabited, formed, by degrees, the race of men who
now possess the noblest empire in Asia "
In an abridgement of the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, at Paris, dated
1714, it is stated, that the Duke of Escalona, a foreign associate, sent the Society a
map of China, drawn by a Chinese. The following observations were made by the
celebrated M. Delisle, in comparing the ancient China with the modern. He says,
" It is true that Ptolemy distinguishes Serica from the country of Sinae, which must
be the modern China; but, in the time of Ptolemy, they may have given the name of
the country of the Sinae only to the southern part of China ; so that he places at the
35th degree of latitude the limits of Serica, and of his country Sinae, which is more to
to the south ; and it is at this very degree, or within 15, that our modern observa-
tions place the limits of Nankin, which was without in the province of Sinae. Pto-
lemy further says, that it was towards the 36th degree of latitude (parallel of Rhodes, )
that they had the most observations. All other maps place Serica in Scythia, except
Ptolemy's, which must be a mistake, as Scythia (Tartary) never produced silk"
There is strong reason for believing that Siam, Cambodia, Borneo, and Java were
depending on China ; for instance, Ptolemy's island of Jabadu is certainly the island
of Java ; it extended from E. to W. , so does Java. The ten Maniole of Ptolemy are the
ten Philippines. It appears he was better acquainted with northern than southern
China, having placed the capital of the Sinae in the 3rd degree of southern latitude.
Modern observations have no part of China nearer than 18 degrees. Ptolemy's three
islands ofthe " Satyrs" must be those of Japan. Small errors are not surprising, but
we may wonder that the early writers should have such a number of just notions.
The Father of his people is a common expression in China.
The Jews call themselves sons of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Father, among the Hebrews, was a term of respect from inferiors
to rulers and elders . See 2 Kings, vi . 21 ; v. 13 ; xiii. 14 ; Job,
xxix. 16. Other analogies are shewn at vol . i . p . 239, between
the Jews and the Chinese.
It was as easy for the law of Moses to reach China as to reach
Persia. Zoroaster, B.C. 512, in concert with Hystaspes, worked a
wonderful change among the Persians ; in five years he gained
over the whole nation to his system. Some authors state that he
was a native of Palestine, and others that he was only educated
there . Dr. Hide says he became acquainted with the law of Moses
and the prophecies, and, finding there that God promised to raise
up to the Israelites a prophet like unto Moses, to whom they
should implicitly hearken, the impostor gave himself out as the
prophet, and made his hearers believe that the stars had so in-
structed him. The Persian magi confound the two, and declared
Moses was Zoroaster, to uphold their system. *
The Affghans have a tradition amongst them, by which they
call themselves the posterity of Mellic-Talut (King Saul) who
is said to be a descendant of Judah, the son of Jacob, or according
to others, the son of Benjamin, the brother of Joseph.
All the Persian historians, state that the Affghans are descended
from the Hebrews, they have traditions of such descent, their
families are distinguished by the names of Jewish tribes, but
since their conversion to Islamism, they do everything to conceal
their origin. The Pushto has a strong resemblance to the
Chaldaic. The Affghan Jews, that I have seen, bear a perfect
resemblance to the better classes of the oriental Jews ; the features
of Dost Mahommed are quite Jewish ; Mr. Masson, who is better
acquainted with Affghanistan, and Central Asia generally, than
any other living author, and whose observations are marked by
profoundness and accuracy, informs me that the celebrated
Dooranee tribe of the Affghans are Jews . From Central Asia
there has always been a constant communication with China.
The Scindian chiefs whom I saw at Poonah bore a remarkable
resemblance to the Jews. It is very probable that the Mahom-
edan religion found favor with the Jews scattered throughout Asia
and Africa ; the prohibition of idolatry, and the grafting of the
law of Moses on the Koran, by Mahomet, were well adapted for
this purpose, and it will explain the rapid progress of Mahom-
edanism. The Hebrew religion was designed for defence rather
than for conquest. Mahomed was most probably a Jewish
apostate and believed in the promised Messiah.
The Mahomedans have always found favor in China ; there is
The Chinese never worshipped the planets, although they consult them. They
have never used the hebdomadal division of time : the 1st and 15th of the month are
their marked days,-viz ., the new and the full moon.
a large mosque inside the city of Canton, and their places of
worship are numerous in the interior. They generally coalesce
with Jews, except at Jerusalem and in Syria ; I mean with those
Jews that appear to be descended from the Ten tribes. The early
establishment of Jews in China has been previously stated .
Grosier says we have unquestionable evidence of them in China
B.C. 206. They were probably there long previous.
Calmet states, that it is a most remarkable feature in the
history of the Chinese, the settlement of Jews at so early a period
as the year 73, only three years subsequent to the destruction
of Jerusalem , and only a reasonable time for them to journey so
far. Writers of undoubted veracity state that seventy Jewish
families took their route from Persia, through Khorassan and
Samarkand, and settled in China.
Paulus compared some Jewish documents found in Cochin-
China with those found in China Proper. The Jews at Cochin
had a chronological account, respecting their brothers who had
arrived in the Mogul country 187 B.C. The comparison of these
accounts with each other, has proved that both are authentic.
The following is a summary of the Sacred Writings found with
the Chinese Jews.*
The Synagogue at Kai-fung, was erected in A.D. 1163. In
the most holy place are seen thirteen rolls of parchment, con-
taining the Thorah (the law) placed on tables like tabernacles
each is provided with a covering ; twelve are placed in honour of
the twelve tribes, and one in honour of Moses . The latter is the
only one now remaining of the old copies. The others were con-
sumed in a great conflagration, which happened 200 years ago.
All the books in the synagogue perished in that disaster, except
this one copy, which was somewhat damaged. The twelve
there now, are transcribed copies from the original. The Thorah
has but fifty-two divisions or sections. The biblical books are
divided into four classes. 1st. the Pentateuch. 2nd. the Supple-
ment, viz. Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, and the Psalms . 3rd .
The Book of Ceremonies, or Ritual book ; the Prophets and the
Book of Chronicles. 4th. The historical books, Esther, Ezra, Nehe-
miah, and the two books of Maccabees, also in Hebrew. Koegler
says, " they may have more books than they acknowledge, or more
than they themselves know of, as they are exceedingly ignorant ;
neither will they suffer any one to take away any book, to
examine it ; and it is impossible to run them over singly in the
synagogue ; and they lie there in great confusion ."
It is to be hoped that further investigation will be made into this
highly important subject. New or hitherto undiscovered copies of
the Sacred Scriptures may yet be found, which will explain many
things and passages that now appear confused and improbable.
* See remarks by Murr, under the title of " Notitiae quaedam P. Ignati Koegleri
de Bibliis Judoeorum in Imperio Sinensi."
Why should not our Christian sovereign, Queen Victoria act
after the manner of Ptolemy Philadelphus, who having commenced
an extensive library, B.C. 285, employed one of his officers (Austias)
to make the selection. It came to the knowledge of the Emperor
that the Jews had an extraordinary book, which contained their
history and laws. It was mutually agreed between the Emperor
and Eleazer, the High Priest of Jerusalem, that on condition of
Ptolemy liberating the 120,000 captive Jews, that his father
Ptolemy Sotor, had taken, a copy would be given. The terms
were accepted : seventy-two men, six from each tribe, were sent
to Alexandria, and a translation made in letters of gold.
This translation served the Jews, for upwards of 400 years
afterwards, and was as much esteemed as their Hebrew copy, both
in Jerusalem and throughout Judea.
It was not until A.D. 128, that the Jews issued a new edition,
giving it a colouring that would suit the altered circumstances
which the Christian era had brought. It is said to have been
written by Acquila a convert to Judaism .
That truly great statesman, my ever lamented friend , the late
Marquis Wellesley, whose pure and noble mind was always anxious
to uphold the truth of the Bible, in which he entirely believed,
and which his Lordship caused to be translated while Governor-
general of India, was anxious to promote the full extension of
Christianity, and gave great encouragement to well disposed and
learned missionaries in India. To carry out his excellent desire
of investigating the history and literature of the Christians and
Jews of India and China, Lord Wellesley afforded to the learned
Dr. Buchanan government aid for the promotion ofthis useful object.
The Doctor travelled from Calcutta to Cape Comorin by land,
and made excursions into the interior of that extensive peninsula,
where he met with many Jewish colonies.
The learned Doctor found a manuscript on a roll of goat skins,
dyed red, in a Synagogue of the Black Jews, in the interior of
Malayala in India in 1806. The Jews could give no precise
account where they procured it ; some of them stated that it
originally came from Senna in Arabia ; others said, from Cashmere.
The Cabul Jews who travel to China annually, informed the Doctor
that in some Synagogues the law is still found written on leather,
not on vellum, which is made from goat skins. Ram's skins dyed
red, made part of the covering of the tabernacle. (See Exod.
xxvi. 14. ) Moses Pereyra a Jew, found manuscript copies of the
Hebrew text in Malabar : and accounts for it in this manner ;
having escaped from Titus, the Jews betook themselves through
Persia to the Malabar coast. There are only six Synagogue copies
of the Hebrew Pentateuch in rolls, at present known in England.*
Five are on skins, and one on vellum.
Exclusive of those in the possession of the Jews,
I proceed now to the fourth point of investigation, namely the
introduction of Christianity into China, and the spread of the
Nestorian church . It will be seen by the previous references,
that 500 years before the birth of Christ, the prediction was made
in China, that the " Holy One would be born or appear in the
west," that the Emperor Mingte, A.D. 65 , (it may have been
exactly at the Christian era) sent learned men to search for the
new religion, and that the establishment of Jewish colonies in
China, the absence of idolatry, and the probable direct descent of
the Chinese from Abraham, had prepared them to a great degree
for the reception of Christianity.
Dr. Gutzlaff says, that " Kwan-yun-chang, a celebrated Chi-
nese writer, is said to mention the birth of the Saviour in the
grotto, exposed to all the winds ; His death ; His resurrection ;
His ascension ; and the impression of the Holy feet." The
Doctor states he has not seen his work, but that, " he is ac-
quainted with the Shin-seen-tung-keen, a history of all religions
in China, where Christianity is detailed in such a way, as to leave
no doubt that it was known in China long before the entrance of
the Jesuits."
The foregoing testimony is corroborated by the Chaldean ritual,
and the epitome of the Syrian canons. In the former we read,
that " by the blessed Thomas, the Kingdom of Heaven was extended
and opened to the Chinese ;" by the latter he is denominated, " the
Apostle of the Hindoos and Chinese." These records state that
St. Thomas visited a large portion of western Asia, India, and
reached Kambalu , which according to the latest researches is the
Khaubalk of the Tartars, and the Peking of the Chinese.
Mosheim has doubts concerning St. Thomas visiting India and
China, but refers to the early period when the Christian religion
extended to the Chinese, Seres, and Tartars, and says there are
various arguments collected from learned men to shew that the
Christian faith was carried to China, if not by St. Thomas, by the
first teachers of Christianity. Annobius, writing about A.D. 300,
speaks of the Christian deeds done in India, and among the Seres,
Persians, and Medes. There is no doubt amongst those acquainted
with the geography of China, that the country of the Seres, (see
vol. i. page 1,) included the province of Shense in China, and
the mention of them by Annobius, (who died 325) is strong pre-
sumptive evidence, that previous to his time, the Gospel had been
preached there, and if so, with the success which attended all the
primitive teachers of Christianity. The destruction of the Alex-
andrian library, A.D. 637, must have caused the loss of many va-
luable documents, which would have aided the history of the early
ages of Christianity.
Marco Polo says " In the province of Malabar is the body of the
glorious martyr, St. Thomas the Apostle. It rests in a small city,
not much frequented, because not suited to commerce, but by
devout natives ; a great number of Christians and Saracens resort
thither ; the latter regard him as a great prophet ." The place here
spoken of, is situated a few miles southward of Madras ; it was for-
merly called Maliapur. By the Arabian travellers it is called
Beit- tuma, (i. e. temple of Thomas, ) who also say, " les vaisseaux
se rendent ensuite, après dix jours de navigation à un lieu appellé
Betouma, ou on fait de l'eau, si l'on veut. Dela ils passent en dix
jours a Kadrenge." Auct. Relat. p. 13-143 . The traveller Bar-
bosa, about ( A.D 1493 ,) gives an interesting account of having visited
the church of St. Thomas. When the Portuguese first visited this
coast, their primate styled himself metropolitan of India and
China. Mosheim calls the Nestorians the Christians of St.
Nestorius, the founder of the sect, was a native of Syria, and
received his education at Antioch. By his eloquence and piety,
he was appointed Bishop of Constantinople, by the Emperor
Theodosius, A.D. 429.
He enforced his opinions with great determination ; he rejected
the errors of Ebion, Paul of Samosata, and Photinus ; but main-
tained in express terms, that the Divine Word was united to the
human nature in Jesus Christ, in the strictest sense possible.
The opinions he held, no one out of the Church of Rome at
this day will controvert. Many of his followers were men of pure
faith, and holy zeal. That the blessing of God accompanied their
preaching cannot be doubted, and they certainly considerably ad-
vanced the fulfilment of the prophecy, " behold these from the
land of Sinim ."
The tenets of the Nestorians, as they were determined in several
Seleucian councils, are as follows :-1st . That in the Saviour of the
world, there were two " hypostasis," or SUBSTANCES, (not persons,
as I think erroneously translated in the Creeds, &c.) , of which the
one was Divine or the Eternal Word, and the other human, or the
Man Christ Jesus. 2nd. That these two " hypostasis " had only
one outward appearance. 3rd . That the union between the Son
of God and the Son of Man, was formed in the moment of the
Virgin's conception, and was never to be dissolved. 4th . That
this union was not of nature or person, (substance), but of will and
affection. 5th . That Christ was to be carefully distinguished from
God, who dwelt in him as in a Temple. 6th. That Mary was to be
called the Mother of Christ, and not the Mother of God.
Barsumas, who was bishop of Nisibis, A.D, 425, carried his zeal
so far as to persuade Pherazes, the Persian monarch, to extirpate
all the Christians in his dominions, who had adopted the opinions
of the Greeks ; and to receive the Nestorians in their stead.
Barsumas founded a college at Nisibis, and caused some thou-
sands of disciples of his doctrine to be educated there ; so that in
the fifth and 6th century their doctrine spread throughout Egypt,
Arabia, Syria, India, China, and Tartary. About the middle of
the tenth century, the Nestorians in Chaldea (they were frequently
called Chaldeans) , extended their doctrines beyond the Imaus, and
into Tartary .
Gibbon says, that in their progress by sea and land, the Nes-
torians entered China by the port of Canton and the northern por-
tion of the Empire . Under the reign of the Caliphs, the Nesto-
rian Church was diffused from China to Jerusalem and Cyprus ;
and their numbers, with those of the Jacobites, were computed to
surpass the Greek and Latin communities.
In the sixth century, Gibbon admits, that the Nestorians composed
a large majority of the clergy and people of Persia. Their ecclesias-
tical institutions were distinguished by liberality and good policy ;
the austerity of the cloister was relaxed, and celibacy condemned
in no measured terms, in opposition to the Latin Church. They
appear to have been actuated with the true spirit of the primitive
Christians. He says that , " in Persia they first planted the stand-
ard of natural and religious freedom, to which myriads of fugitives
resorted from all the provinces of the eastern empire ; the narrow
bigotry of Justinian was punished by the emigration of his most in-
dustrious subjects ; they transported into Persia the arts both of
peace and war.
"Notwithstanding the persecution ofthe Latins, they carried their
spiritual conquests from Persia to the north, the east, and the
south ; and the simplicity of the Gospel was carried to the Bac-
trians, the Huns, the Indians, the Persarmenians, the Medes, and
the Elamites ; the barbaric churches, from the Gulf of Persia to
the Caspian sea, were almost infinite ; and their recent faith was
conspicuous in the number and sanctity of their ministers."
Mosheim states that " nothing could exceed the zeal of the Nes-
torian Christians to spread the Christian doctrine in the east.
They gained a firm footing in Persia about A.D. 520, and esta-
blished a Patriarch or Spiritual Head of their sect at Seleucia.
Their doctrine spread with astonishing rapidity and success through
all countries that lay beyond the limit of the Roman Empire.
There are extant authentic records, from which it appears that
throughout all Persia, a great portion of China, India, Armenia,
Arabia, Syria, and other countries, there was a vast number of
Nestorian churches, subject to the jurisdiction of the Patriarch of
Seleucia. " Their system, says Mosheim, was extremely superficial
and imperfect . All that was required from the converts was an
oral profession oftheir faith in Christ, and to abstain from sacrific-
ing to false gods. It was enjoined on them to commit to memory
a certain form of doctrine ; but beyond this, no care was taken to
enrich their minds with pious sentiments, or to cultivate in their
hearts virtuous affections. The consequence was that they invari-
ably returned to their primitive barbaric manners on the with-
drawal of the priesthood.
Gieseler's Ecclesiastical History, and Moshiem's likewise, state,
" that it was about A.D. 550 that some Persian monks conveyed
silk worms (i.e. the eggs) from China. It is more than probable
that it was Nestorian Missionaries who had colleges at Edessa, and
at Nisibis, still further to the east.
Historians differ as to who founded the metropolitan sees of Sina
and Samarkand . Some state it was Silas and Achacus, others
that it was Salibazacha. Achacus was archbishop of the Chaldeans
at Seleucia, A.D. 410, and Silas was a patriarch of the Nestorians
A.D. 506.
In the reign of the Caliph Abdulmalu, which was about A.D. 680,
the Christians of India, sent to Simon , the Syrian Patriarch of
Alexandria, requesting he would send him a bishop . The inter-
course between India and China can leave no doubt that Chris-
tianity continued in the latter, while it was crushed in the former
by its frequent intercourse with Egypt, Syria, Arabia, and Persia,
where Islamism spread with great rapidity. The Christians in
those countries were so persecuted that they were no longer en-
abled to send labourers to the vineyards of India and China.
Amro, in his list of metropolitan sees which were subject to the
Nestorian Patriarch, has Sina (China) placed next in the list
with India. The antiquity of Christianity in India is not ques-
According to Ebedjesus, the sees were always placed successively
as they were founded, thus showing clearly that China or Sina was
early blessed with Christianity. Its isolation preserved it from
idolatry or Islamism.
Reference has been made in a previous part (vol . i. p. 248) to
the reception which the Christian religion met with by the favour
of the Emperor Taitsung, when Olapun and his coadjutors made
great progress.
A.D. 678. The next Emperor Kaoutsung greatly favoured the
" illustrious religion," so that it was spread in every direction,
and temples rose in one hundred cities. From 698 to 712 it suf-
fered great persecution from the Budhist priests, the literati, and
the rabble ; but notwithstanding, flourished with renewed vigour
under successive emperors . It must have been at the close ofthe
eighth century that a conspicuous monument was erected to com-
memorate its outward prosperity in one portion of the empire, (see
vol. i. p. 249) . This remarkable monument was discovered in the
year 1625, in the province of Shensi, near the city of Sin-gan on
the river Wei, latitude 34° 16" north . It was covered with rub-
bish, reported by the native workmen to the Chinese magistrate,
who caused its removal to a pagoda, where it was examined by na-
tives and foreigners-by Pagans and by the Roman Catholics, then
in China. The monument was described as a slab of marble, ten
feet long and five feet broad. On one side is the Chinese inscrip-
tion in twenty-eight lines, twenty-eight characters in each line,
besides a heading over the top in nine characters, and another on
the right side. The inscription was translated into Latin by
Kircher, who published the original at Amsterdam in his " China
Illustrated ." There is a translation by Dalquie into French, and
the following translation is by the learned Dr. Bridgeman, who
has divided the sentences into paragraphs according to the sense.
A stone tablet commemorating the diffusion of the illustrious
religion in China, with a preface, written by King Tsing, a
priestfrom the Church in Judea.
"Now verily, the unchangeably true and recondite, the eternal
cause of causes, the far-seeing and purely spiritual, the never end-
ing and incomprehensible Being, who grasping the poles created
the universe, and being more excellent than the holy ones, is the
supremely honorable. This is our mysterious Trinity, the true
eternal Lord Jehovah ! He, determining, in the form of the cross ,
to establish the four quarters of the earth, moved the primeval
Spirit, and produced all things visible and invisible. The dark
expanse was changed, and heaven and earth were unfolded . The
sun and moon revolved, and day and night began .
" As an architect, having finished the universe, he created the
first man ; endowed him with goodness and benignity ; and com-
manded him to rule the world . His original nature was entirely
pure and unsullied ; and his simple and uncorrupted heart was
wholly free from inordinate desires. But at length Satan, by
exercising dissimulation , and by throwing a gilded covering over
that pure and uncorrupted nature, took away equity and greatness
from the centre of good, and insinuated evil and darkness in their
" Hence arose a multiplicity of sects, following each other in close
succession, striving to weave their legal nets : some substituted the
creature for the Creator : some considered being as nothing, sink-
ing all things in oblivion : and some, in order to gain felicity,
made prayers and offered sacrifices. Others deceived mankind
with a show of goodness . With wisdom and solicitude they la-
bored hard ; and their anxieties and cares were unceasing. They
were bewildered and obtained nothing. Heated and scorched,
they writhed in anguish. They accumulated darkness, and lost
their way ; and, being misguided, they were irrecoverably lost .
"Thereupon our Trinity set apart the illustrious and adorable
Messiah ; who, laying aside his true dignity, came into the
world as man. Angels proclaimed the joyful tidings . A virgin
See Chinese Repository for May, 1845.
VOL. II. 2 H
gave birth to the holy child in Judea. A bright star proclaimed
the happy event Persians, seeing its brightness, came with pre-
sents. He fulfilled the ancient laws, given by the twenty-four
holy ones . He ruled families and nations with great virtue. He
instituted the new doctrine of the Trinity, pure, spiritual, and in-
explicable. Like a potter he formed good usages by the true faith.
He established the measure of the eight boundaries . He purged
away the dross, and perfected the truth. He opened the gate of
the three constant virtues, revealing life and destroying death.
He suspended the bright sun, to break open the abodes of dark-
ness, and thereby the wiles of the devil were frustrated . He put
in motion the ship of mercy, to ascend to the mansions of light,
and thereby succour was brought to confined spirits.
" His mighty work thus finished, at mid-day he ascended to his
true estate. Twenty-seven books remained . He set forth origi-
nal conversion, for the soul's deliverance ; and he instituted the
baptism of water and of the spirit, to wash away the vanity of life
and to cleanse and purify (the heart) .
"Taking the cross as a sign, (his disciples) unite together the
people of all regions without distinction . They beat the wood,
sounding out the voice of benevolence and mercy. In evangeli-
zing the east, they take the way of life and glory. They preserve
their beard for outward effect. They shave the crown of the head,
to indicate the absence of passion . They keep no slaves, but
place upon an equality the high and low. They do not hoard
goods and riches, but bestow them on the destitute. They prac-
tice abstinence in order to increase their knowledge. They watch,
in order to maintain quiet and circumspection . Seven times a-
day they offer praises to the great advantage of both the living and
the dead. Once in seven days they have divine service, in order
to cleanse their hearts, and to regain their purity.
"The true and constant doctrine is mysterious, and difficult to be
characterized . Anxious to make it clear and manifest, we can
only name it the ILLUSTRIOUS INSTRUCTION. Now with-
out holy ones, religion cannot be propagated ; nor without religion
can holy ones become great. But when the two are united the
whole world will be civilized and enlightened.
"In the reign of the civil emperor Taitsung, the illustrious and
holy founder [of the Tang dynasty] , there was in Judea a man of
superior virtue, called Olopun, who, guided by the azure clouds,
bearing the True Scriptures, and observing the laws of the winds,
made his way through dangers and difficulties. In the year 736,
A.D. , he arrived at Changngan. The Emperor instructed his mi-
nister, Duke Tang Hiuenling, to take the imperial sceptre and go
out to the western suburbs, receive the guest, and conduct him
into the palace. The Scriptures were translated in the library
of the palace. The Emperor, in his private apartments, made
inquiry regarding the religion ; and fully satisfied that it was cor-
rect and true, he gave special commands for its promulgation.
" The document, bearing date, Chingkwan, 13th year, 7th month,
(August, 639 A. D. ) runs thus :
666 Religion is without an invariable name. Saints are without
any permanent body. In whatever region they are, they give in-
struction, and privately succour the living multitudes. Olopun, a
man ofgreat virtue, belonging to the kingdom of Judea, bringing the
Scriptures and images from afar, has come and presented them at
our capital. On examining the meaning of his instruction, it is
found to be pure, mysterious, and separate from the world. On ob-
serving its origin, it is seen to have heen instituted as that which
is essential to mankind. Its language is simple, its reasonings are
attractive, and to the human race it is beneficial. As is right, let it
be promulgated throughout the empire. Let the appropriate Board
build a Judean church in the Righteous and Holy Street of the capi-
tal, and appoint thereto twenty- one priests.""
" The power of the illustrious Chau dynasty having fallen, the
green car having ascended westward, the religion of the great
Tang family became resplendent, and the illustrious spirit found
its way eastward. The appropriate officers were instructed to take
a faithful likeness of the Emperor, and place it on the wall of the
temple. The celestial figure shone in its bright colours, and its
lustre irradiated the illustrious portals. The sacred lineaments
spread felicity all around, and perpetually illuminated the indoc-
trinated regions .
" According to the maps and records of the western nations, and
the histories of the Han and Wei dynasties, Judea is bounded on
the south by the Coral Sea ; on the north, by the Shupau hills ;
on the west it stretches towards the flowery forests, and the re-
gions of the immortals ; and on the east it is conterminous with
the Dead Sea of perpetual winds . The country produces cloth
that is proof against fire, a balm that restores life, bright lunar
pearls, and night-shining gems . Theft and robbery do not exist.
The people have joy and peace. None but illustrious laws pre-
vail . None but the virtuous are placed in the magistracy. The
country is extensive, and its literature and productions are
flourishing .
" The Emperor Kautsung honoured and perpetuated (the me-
mory of) his ancestors. He supported the truth they inculcated ,
and built churches in all the departments of the empire. He
raised Olopun to the rank of high priest and national protector.
The law spread in every direction. The wealth of the state was
boundless. Churches filled all the cities ; and all the families
were rich, illustrious, and happy.
" In the year 599 A.D. the followers of Budha raised a persecu-
tion, and argued against the eastern Chau family.
" At the close of the year 713 A.D. , some base scholars raised
ridicule, and in Sikau spread abroad slanderous reports. But there
were chief priests, Lohan, Taiteh, Lieh, and others , honourable
2H 2
descendents of those from the west, distinguished and elevated in
character, who unitedly maintained the original doctrines, and
prevented their subversion .
" Hiuentsung, the most righteous Emperor, commanded five
kings, Ningkwoh and others, to go in person to the church of
Felicity, build up the altars, restore the fallen timbers, and replace
the dilapidated stones.
Tienpau, in the commencement of his reign, A.D. 742, com-
manded his general, Kaulihsz, to take the portraits of the five
sacred ones, and place them in the church, and also to present one
hundred pieces of silk, to give éclat to the same. Though their
august persons are remote, their bows and their swords can be
handled . The horns of the sun send forth their light ; and, the
celestial visages seen to be present.
" In the third year of Tienpau's reign, there was a priest , Kih-
hoh from Judea, who observing the star, sought renovation :
and seeking the sun, came to the honoured one. His majesty
commanded the priests, Lohan, Pulun, and others, seven in all,
with the eminently virtuous Kihhoh, to perform divine service in
the church of Rising Felicity. Then the celestial writing appeared
on the walls of the church, and the imperial inscriptions upon the
tablets. The precious ornaments shone brightly. The refulgent
clouds were dazzling . The intelligent edicts filled the wide ex-
panse, and their glory rose above the light of the sun . The boun-
teous gifts are comparable to the lofty mountains of the south ;
the rich benevolences deeper than the eastern seas . The righte-
ous do only what is right, and that which is fit to be named.
The holy ones can do all things, and that which they do is fit to
be commemorated !
" The Emperor Suhtsung, learned and illustrious, in five de-
partments of the empire, Lingwu, &c. , rebuilt the churches of the
illustrious religion . The original benefits were increased, and joy-
ous fortune began . Great felicity descended, and the imperial
patrimony was established .
" The civil and martial Emperor, Taitsung, enlarged the sacred
domains, and ruled without effort. On the return of his natal
day he gave celestial incense to celebrate the meritorious deeds of
his government ; and he distributed provisions from the imperial
table, in order to give honour to those in the churches . As
heaven confers its gifts, and sheds bounties on the living ; so the
sovereign, comprehending right principles, rules the world in
" Our Emperor Kienchung, holy, divine, civil and martial, ar-
ranged his form of government so as to abase the wicked and exalt
the good. He unfolded the dual system so as to give great lustre
to the imperial decrees. In the work of renovation he made
known the mysteries of reason. In his adorations he felt no
shame of heart. In all his duties he was great and good. He
was pure, and unbiassed, and forgiving. He extended abroad his
kindness, and rescued all from calamities. Living multitudes en-
joyed his favours . We strive to cultivate the great virtues, and
to advance step by step.'
" If the winds and the rains come in their season, the world
will be at rest ; men will act rightly : things will keep in their
order ; the living will have affluence, and the dead joy. Consider-
ing life's responses, and prompted by sincere feelings of regard, I,
King, have endeavoured to effect these worthy ends, the great
benefactors, their excellencies of the Kwangluh Kintsz', the tsieh-
tu fu-shi of the north, and the Shi-tien chungkien having con-
ferred on me rich robes.
" The kind and courteous priest Isaac having thoroughly stu-
died this religion, came to China from the city of the king's palace.
His science surpassed that of the three dynasties ; and he was per-
fect in the arts. From the first he labored at court, and his name
was enrolled in the royal pavilion.
" The secretary, Duke Kwoh Tsz'i, raised to royalty from the ma-
gistracy of Fanyang, first held military command in the north.
Suhtsung made him his attendant ; and, though a chamberlain,
always kept him in the military service. He was the tooth and
nail of the palace, and the ears and eyes of the army. He distri-
buted his emoluments, not laying them up at home. Western
gems he offered to his majesty. He dispersed and dispensed with
golden nets. Now he repaired the churches, and now he enlarged
the schools of the law. He adorned all the sacred edifices, mak-
ing them like the flying Hwui . Imitating the scholars of the
illustrious religion, he distributed alms. Annually he held a ge-
neral assembly of the young clergy from all the churches, and for
fifty days exercised them in pure and elevating services. To the
hungry, who came to him, he gave food ; to those suffering from
cold he gave clothes ; he cured the sick and raised them up ; and
the dead he buried and laid down to rest.
"The refined and circumspect Táhsha never heard of such noble
deeds. The white-robed and illustrious students, having seen
those men, desired to erect a monument to commemorate their
good and illustrious acts. The inscription reads thus :
" The true Lord is without beginning, silent, serene, and un-
changeable. Possessed of creative power, he raised the earth, and
set up the heavens. The divided person came into the world.
The barque of salvation was boundless. The sun arose, and dark-
ness was annihilated . All bore witness to the truth . The glori-
ous civil emperor, in reason joining all that was possessed by
former kings, seized on the occasion to restore order. Heaven and
earth were enlarged . The bright and illustrious religion visited
our Tang dynasty, which translated the scriptures, and built
churches. The ship (of mercy) was prepared for the living and
the dead. All blessings sprung into existence ; and all nations
were at peace .
" Kautsung eontinued the work of his ancestors, and repaired
the temples. The palace of Concord was greatly enlarged.
Churches filled the land and the true doctrine was clearly preached.
Masters of the law were then appointed ; the people had joy and
tranquillity, and all things were free from calamities and troubles.
" Hiuentsung displayed divine intelligence, and cultivated
truth and rectitude. The imperial tablets spread abroad their
lustre. The celestial writings were glorious . The august do-
mains were clearly defined . The inhabitants paid high respect to
their sovereign. All things were glorious and tranquil, and under
his auspices the people were prosperous.
Suhtsung restored celestial reason. Great was his dignity
as he rode in state . His splendor shone above the brightness of
the moon. Happy winds swept the night. Felicity visited the
august mansions . The autumnal vapours ceased for ever. Tran-
quillity reigned, and the empire increased.
" Táitsung was dutiful and just, in virtue according with hea-
ven and earth. By his bestowments life was sustained, and great
advantage accrued to all. With incense he made thank- offerings,
and dispensed charity in his benevolence. Brightness came from
the valley of the sun, and the veiled moon appeared in azure
" Kienchung was eminent in all things, and cultivated bright
virtues. His martial dignity spread over all seas, and his mild
serenity over all lands. His light came to human darkness ; and
in his mirror the colour of things was reflected . Throughout the
universe light of life was diffused. All nations took example (from
the emperor.)
" The true doctrine is great, and all-prevalent and pervading.
Hard it is to name the Word, to unfold the Three-Ône. The
sovereign can act, his ministers commemorate. Erect the splendid
monument ! Praise the great and the happy ! '
" Erected (A.D. 781 ) the second year of Kienchung (the ninth
emperor) of the great Tang dynasty, in the first month, and the
seventh day.
"The priest Ningshu being special law lord, and preacher to
those of the illustrious religion throughout the regions of the
"Written by Lu Siuyen, court counsellor, formerly holding
high military command in Taichau."
The Jesuits claimed this monument as a proof of the early ex-
istence of the Romish Church in China ; but there is not a sha-
dow of truth to support the assertion. It appears that about the
middle of the ninth century, the Chinese sovereign became
alarmed at the increasing numbers of the Christians.
An edict was issued by the Emperor Wutsung, 845, commanding
all the priests that belonged to the sect that came from Ta-Tsın
(Arabia and Persia) to retire to private life ; their number amounted
to 3,000 persons . The two Arabians who visited China about
870, and whose narrative is in the King of France's library, speak
of the number of Christians in China, that were killed in a civil
war that raged previous to their visit.
There is undeniable proof of the existence of Christianity in
China from the seventh to the thirteenth century, by a host of
witnesses, some of whom were anything but friendly disposed.
Gibbon as well as Mosheim who both investigated ancient history
-quote Chinese, Arabian, Latin, and Syrian evidence . Marco
Polo, in the thirteenth century was agreeably surprised to meet
with the Nestorians, i.e. heretics, as he would call them .
The chief of that large territory which borders on the north of
China, the Nestorians converted to the Christian faith, and he took
the name of John after his baptism, with the surname of Pres-
byter. His successors were all called Prester John, until the
time of Gengis Khan- who persecuted the Christians.
When Marco Polo, was in this country A.D. 1270, he found
one of the descendants of Prester John, upon the throne, who
was called George.
Marco Polo, after giving a description of the city of Kampiou,
now called Kanchew, says, " the bulk of the people worship idols,
but there are many Mohammedans and Christians . The latter
have three large and handsome churches in the city."
Gibbon acknowledges that when the Portuguese arrived in
India, they found the Christians of St. Thomas had been settled
for ages, on the coast of Malabar. The difference of colour
proved the mixture of a foreign race. In arts, arms , and moral
character, they were superior to the natives of Hindostan . They
acknowledged the Gentoo sovereign, but were governed, even in
temporal concerns, by the bishop of Angamala, as the metropo-
litan of India and China. " The Holy Office," (Inquisition), soon
discovered that these heretics, had scrupulously measured the
honours they should pay to the Virgin Mary ; whom the Portu-
gese had exalted to the rank of a goddess . When the " holy
officers presented her image to these Bible Christians, they indig-
nantly exclaimed, we are Christians, not Idolaters."" These were
evidently descendants from the primitive Christians, and were un-
acquainted with the modern ritual and practices of Rome.
These simple people, kept their first faith ;' the veneration of
the cross, and their long separation from the western world , left
them in ignorance of the corruptions which had by degrees
crept in.
It would never do to let this pestiferous doctrine spread to
Europe, where Luther and other unworthy members of Mother
Church' had already lit the torch of reformation . Christians of
the fifth century, established here for 1,000 years, permitted their
priests to marry, were in ignorance of the efficacy of images, and
claimed spiritual influence independent of the " fisherman's seal."
Gibbon, who has consulted both Catholic and Protestant autho-
rities, says, " it was the first care of the emissaries of Rome to
intercept all correspondence with the Nestorian Patiarch
several of his bishops expired in the prisons of the Holy Office.
The flock without a shepherd, was assaulted, by the power of the
Portuguese, the arts of the Jesuits, and the zeal of Alexis de
Menezes, Archbishop of Goa . The memory of Theodore and
Nestorius was condemned, and Malabar was added to the Pope's
" Sixty years of patience and hypocrisy were endured ; but as
soon as the Portuguese Empire began to crumble, by the energy
of the Dutch, the Nestorians asserted with vigour the religion of
their fathers. The Jesuits were incapable of defending the power
which they had abused : the arms of 40,000 Christians were
pointed against their falling tyrants ; and the Indian archdeacon
assumed the character of bishop, till a fresh supply of episcopal
gifts and Syriac missionaries could be obtained from the Patriarch
of Babylon.
" Since the expulsion of the Portuguese, the Nestorian creed is
freely professed on the coast of Malabar. The trading companies
of England and Holland are the friends of toleration ; but if
oppression be less mortifying than contempt, the Christians of
St. Thomas have reason to complain of the cold and silent indif-
ference of their brethren of Europe ."*
Mosheim agrees with Gibbon on the persecutions of the Nes-
torians by the Romanists in the sixteenth century ; La Craze con-
demns the cruelty adopted by Alexis towards these Christian
In fact, the Nestorians, i.e. , Chaldean Christians, from the time
of their founder, resisted the thraldom of Rome. It was not until
A.D. 1550, that a schism arose among them as to the election of a
patriarch. Through the instigation of the Jesuits, one of the can-
didates was consecrated by Julius III., and they were then divided
into two contending churches, one of which is still subject to Rome.
The other church was cruelly persecuted in India and China by
the Archbishop of Goa, as stated by Gibbon, who had the guardian-
ship of the " Holy Office," (Inquisition ) for India and China. The
" holy officers" at last succeeded in bringing over this disobedient
child by the greatest cruelties on record ; and having procured
their allegiance, permitted them to worship and follow their pe-
culiar doctrines.
The Nestorian Controversy and History is fully given in the Bib-
* Fuller details of these primitive Christians will be found in Assemannus, Bibliot.
Orient. tom. iv. v. Geddes' Church History of Malabar.
liotheca Orientialis of S. Assemannus,who was sent by Pope Clement
XI. to Egypt and Syria to collect MMS .; his dependence on
Rome is the only drawback on his work, which is extended to
956 folio pages .
A.D. 1550. Neither the Pope nor the King of Portugal, with
their united exertions, could obtain a footing for the Jesuits in
Egypt, Abyssinia, or amongst the Armenians . It was this failure
that induced these two powers to turn their attention to India and
Having traced the Nestorian Christians, I now arrive at the fifth
point of examination, namely, the rise and progress of Romanism
and Jesuitism in China, and an examination into the causes of its
inefficiency for the conversion of the " Land of Sinim."
The origin of the journey of Marco Polo to China, in A.D. 1270,
was supposed to be pleasure, but the fact was, that three mission-
aries of the Dominican Order, who were acquainted with science,
were sent from Venice at the express command of Kublia Khan,
then Emperor of China, who a few years previous had received an
embassy from the Pope. It is said that they very soon returned
to Europe, with no small degree of wealth acquired by trading.
In the year 1291 , the Pope sent John de Monte Corvino to China ;
he was kindly received by Kublai Khan, but the Nestorian Chris-
tians having at that time churches in every part of China, and
their doctrince being so diametrically opposed to the Pope's su-
premacy, and other minor points, the Pope's Legate had many
obstacles thrown in his way.
The next attempt for the Christianization of China was by the
celebrated Francis Xavier, who arrived in Macao, but was doomed
to disappointment, as the merchants feared that his success would
injure their business (probably slavery and piracy) . This zealous
missionary sank under the pressure of disappointment at the early
age of forty-seven, A.D. 1552.
In 1565, several Jesuits proceeded to China. Their number in-
creased gradually ; some of them went as Portuguese chaplains on
board their ships to Canton. The very first year one of them en-
ticed a native youth from his parents, and brought him to Macao.
The youth was restored after considerable excitement, and the
interference of the Chinese government, but a stamp of villany
was ever after attached to a set of men who could be guilty of such
a transaction.
Notwithstanding this improper act, however good the motive,
the Jesuit Ruggiero, procured the favour of an influential man-
darin, who permitted him to visit the interior of the country.
The native Chinese then ruled the empire, and always showed less
objection to foreigners than the Tartars.
To the chief Chinese officers, at Shaou-king-foo, the Jesuits pre-
sented an elegant pendulum, and a triangular prism ; they then
obtained permission to inhabit a Chinese temple. From thence
spread gradually a missionary society, which might have converted
the whole of China to their system of Christianity, * had the Popes
not interferred by sending mendicant monks and ambitious
Philip the First assigned a reasonable allowance for the support
of the Jesuit Mission in China : from 1588 to 1610, they were
paid out of the royal chest of Malacca. Valignano discovered that
the acquisition of landed property would forward their views much
better than ready money . The Jesuits were bound by a vow to
serve religion without emolument from the Roman See. Charlevaix
says : " Les Jesuites ne faisoinent autre chose que donner leur
argent et en recevoir le produit ." This was acted on, and sums
of money obtained from zealous friends were invested in the pur-
chase of land, which secured the French and Portuguese Jesuits a
regular and steady income, arising from houses and shops in Peking
and the vicinity.
The chief aim of Rome, and Portugal, in the East, was aggran-
dizement and wealth, and not the conversion of the heathen .
Scarcely had a few Portuguese adventurers been allowed to dry
their goods at Macao, and settle down in some huts, than Sebas-
tian I., King of Portugal, appointed Melchior Carnerio Bishop of
Macao, in A.D. 1568. Gregory XIII . agreed, on the condition
that the King should provide a cathedral, with suitable ornaments,
and plate, and keep the same in repair.
According to private records translated by Sir Andrew Ljung-
stedt, this diocese extended to the wall that crosses the isthmus of
the peninsula ; which comprehends, by the division of Innocent
XII. the two provinces of Kwantung and Kwangse, i . e. an area
of 156,000 square miles, (see chart) not calculating the island of
Hainan, which was also included. For more than 120 years this
diocese was presided over by what was termed, " Governors of the
Bishoprick ;" they had no power of conferring holy orders, con-
firming, or any of the other rites connected with the Roman Ca-
tholic Church, owing to the dispute with Rome.
A.D. 1593. The Senate reported to Philip I., King of Portugal,
that Macao had " a Cathedral with two parishes, a Misericordia
with two hospitals, and four religious bodies, viz. , Augustians,
Dominicans, Jesuits, and Capuchins.
Little or no progress appears to have followed the first Jesuits
who entered China, until the arrival, in 1581 , of Mathew Ricci, an
Italian, of pleasing manners and great talents, who was appointed
Superior of all the missions in China . His lectures on the exact
sciences, made a deep and favourable impression on every one who
heard him, and excited amongst the better classes a wish to be-
come acquainted with the truths of mathematics. Ricci translated
* As a proof that the pure and moral principles of Christianity had been greatly re-
laxed by the metaphysical subtilities of the Jesuits, see letters written in A.D. 1656,
by Blaise Pascal, a Provincial in the XII Satire de Boileau Despreaux.
the elements of Euclid, and a new convert, named Paul , gave them
the fullness of the Chinese idiom. This convert was a native of
Shanghai, and at the time, an officer of the highest rank and
greatest influence . He was baptized by the name of Paul, to-
gether with his daughter Candida, and by their new-born zeal
they greatly aided the Christian cause. This lady became a widow
at thirty years of age, and during the remainder of her life, for
forty years, she caused to be erected more than thirty churches in
different provinces, with houses for the residence of the priests.
Ricci was soon joined by other Jesuits, who were employed by
the government in finding the latitude of the chief cities, and re-
gulating the calendar . By this work, Ricci obtained the reputa-
tion of a savant," and such a regard, that even those who were
greater admirers of his philosophical than religious tenets, acqui-
esced in his instituting at Nankin a church, to which he appointed
Lazar Cattaneo in 1599. The position of the Jesuits was so im-
proved, that they resolved to throw off the garb hitherto worn ,
that of the bonzes, and put on the dress of the literati. In this
attire Ricci was known by the name of Sithai , and continued to
associate with men of rank, and opened a second church in the
splendid city of Soo-chow.
Ricci rightly sought admittance to Peking, and procured re-
commendations to men of high rank and reputation at court,
together with letters patent from a great magistrate, granting
him liberty to carry to the presence of the Emperor, a few
European curiosities . Accompanied by another Jesuit, Pantoja,
they set out for Peking. At Lintsin, an imperial toll on the grand
canal, a eunuch, named Mathan, tendered his services to the
The character of Mathan as given in Semeda's " Relatione
della Cina," and also by Duhalde, was that of their greatest enemy.
But Nicolas Trigould, who composed the " Christiana expeditio
apud Sinas" from the manuscript records of Ricci, represents him
as their best friend . Ricci declared to Mathan " that he desired
to have the honour and good fortune personally to present to the
Emperor the insignificent trifles which he had brought, and to
spend the rest of his days in the service of their common lord an
master." The eunuch took the priests in his own boat to Teentsin,
and lodged them in a fort, that their persons might not be exposed
to insult, nor their property to depredation . Of this Mathan in-
formed the Emperor in a memorial, to which at the end of six
months a receipt arrived, permitting the strangers to proceed to
Peking, where they arrived in A.D. 1601 .
The Emperor accepted their presents, permitted them to take a
house, and at once allowed them a fixed stipend . So many signal
favours gave credit to the two Europeans ; but their real intentions
they took pains carefully to conceal from the court. In the mean
time, other Jesuits were allowed to join them, not only at Peking,
but throughout the empire, wherever Ricci had established churches.
That the collaborateurs might work unanimously, without discre-
pancy to the advancement of the mission, Ricci drew up rules,
which he termed " the Divine Law," that was to be observed
by all the propagators of the tenets.
So long as the Jesuits had the exclusive care of Christianity in
China, (as granted them by Gregory XIII. in 1585 , ) the under-
taking went on peacefully. In 1605, only four years from their
entrance, their numbers so increased, that the society petitioned
for permission to purchase a larger house, which was granted.
Some of their neophytes became men of great influence ; and the
good will of others was bought and preserved by liberal offerings
on the altar of self-interest.
In 1610, Ricci died, aged 80 years ; and the Emperor permitted
them to purchase a garden, where he was interred ; and likewise
to build a house, where his successors resided. Ricci was extolled
by the Jesuits, as possessing every virtue ; by the Franciscans, and
others, he was spoken of in terms of censure and condemnation.
In the " Anecdotes de la Chine," tom. i. vi. and viii ., his character
is thus drawn ; and, if true, an explanation is afforded why he did
not extend Christianity in China.
" This Jesuit was active, skilful, full of schemes, and endowed
with all the talents to render him agreeable to the great, or to
gain the favour of the princes ; but so little versed in the matter
of faith, that, as the Bishop of Conon said, it was sufficient to read
his work on the True Religion, to be satisfied that he was igno-
rant of the first principles of theology. Being more a politician
than a theologian, he found the secret of remaining peacefully in
China. The kings found in him a man full of complaisance ; the
pagans, a minister who accommodated himself to their supersti-
tions ; the mandarins, a politic courtier ; and the devil, a faithful ser-
vant, who, far from destroying, established his reign among the hea-
then, and even extended it to the Christians. He preached in China
the religion of Christ, according to his own fancy ; that is to say,
he disfigured it, by a faithful mixture of pagan superstition, adopt-
ing the sacrifices offered to Confucius and ancestors, and teaching
the Christians to assist and to co-operate at the worship of idols,
provided they only addressed their devotions to a cross covered
with flowers, or secretly attached to one of the candles which were
lighted in the temples of the false gods . "
It is to be hoped that the annals of the protestant churches can-
not furnish such an expression of opinion as the above, and that
by one of their own faith . The idle boast of the universality and
undivided opinion of Roman Catholic writers, with which they
so freely taunt the Protestants, will not bear investigation. Men
that could write of their own household in such a strain, were ill
calculated to convert the heathen. But we need not go to China ;
the controversy between the Jesuits and Jansenists in Europe,
have furnished painful reflections to the true believer, and grati-
fication to the scoffer.
Ricci embraced the state religion of China, and signified that
he only came to renew some essential tenets, and that he preached
the same " Ticon," or " Shang-Te," which the old laws pointed
out ; and that, in fact, his system was the same as Confucius'.
Whoever in China neglects to do some reverence to the manes
of his ancestors , forfeits the character attached to upright men.
All who neglect the memory of Confucius forfeit all claim to
public honours and emoluments. Gabriel Daniel, in his History
of the Jesuits, tome ii., gives Ricci's reasons for allowing his
Christian converts to adore the tablet of Confucius .
"The Mohammedans (who are enemies to idolatry) perform these
honours to their ancestors, and likewise Confucius, therefore they
are not idolators . The Chinese respect neither their ancestors
nor Confucius, as deities or saints ; their reverence to their ances-
tors is only to them as persons to whom they owe their lives, and
Confucius is merely honoured as a philosopher and legislator.
Those who kill the beasts at these ceremonies, are not priests but
butchers. In 1384, the Emperor, by an edict, prohibited columns
to be erected to Confucius ; all that sort of honours to be paid
him which is usually paid by idolators to persons deceased ; that
the same honours which are paid to deceased ancestors and to Con-
fucius, are also paid to the living Emperor and the great officers of
At the time the concessions were granted by the Emperor to the
Jesuits, they were reminded of their duty, " to obey the laws of
the empire, to pray for its preservation, and for the health and
longevity of the Emperor." Everything went on prosperously,
until 1615, when a mandarin at Nankin sent a memorial to the
Emperor, in which he depicted, in strong language, the ardour
with which foreign tutors inspired their disciples with contempt
for the revered and sacred customs of their ancestors, substituting
"intolerance," by which the affections of the people were alien-
ated from the government .
In 1627, an edict was issued by the Emperor, which proscribed
" the men who preach a law which confuses the people ;" it com-
manded the mandarins to send them from the court and provinces to
Canton, that they might return to their homes. This order was
but partially obeyed, for the " persecuted," as the Jesuits termed
their priests, found shelter and protection in the families of their
The storm soon blew over, as a new convert, baptized Paul,
arrived at the dignity of Ka-lao, or minister of the first rank. Paul
and other influential natives inspired the Emperor with the hope
that, should auxiliaries be required against the Tartars, powerful
aid might be procured from Macao.
The advisers urged his Majesty to relax the imperial edict, with
the following fallacious hopes : " The Portuguese are experienced
gunners ; their priests, if admitted, will serve your Majesty with
their talents, and the soldiers with their valour, so that no enemy
shall ever succeed in making durable impression on the Empire."
The Emperor gave his assent, and a missionary was dispatched to
Macao, who raised a force of four hundred men ; they marched to
Nan-chang-foo, the capital of Kiangsi province ; but no sooner
arrived, ( 1622) than they were ordered to return . Their contemp-
tible appearance had excited disgust . In 1628, John Adam Schaal,
a German Jesuit of great abilities, arrived, and, being strongly
recommended by the convert Paul to the Emperor, was speedily
received into favour. At the same time many other Jesuits arrived
viâ Canton, as none would be permitted to arrive through Macao ;
and Canton was hitherto strictly guarded by the Jesuits, to keep out
any of the other orders. See Semedo, p. 246.
However, in 1631 , some Dominicans and Franciscans did enter
China, to the great discomfiture of the Jesuits. The Anecdotes
de la Chine, p. 8, states, that it was by way of Formosa that they
stole into China. In 1631 , the convert Paul died, or, as he was
called, Siu. This man was not only a sincere believer, but a most
influential and consistent friend to the Jesuits ; but the mission-
aries were scattered, and the country much disturbed by the Tar-
Contention early commenced between the Popes of Rome and
the Kings of Portugal, as regarded the king's patronage, i.e.
" e real padreado" ; the sovereigns of Portugal claiming a
right to build churches, to govern those which existed within the
limits of their dominions, and also to assign pastors to such
churches as might be erected anywhere in the heathen world of Asia,
independent of Portugal.
From the time of Gregory XIII . to Innocent XII. these
pretensions had often been disputed, but never brought , to a
decision, until Peter II. King of Portugal, questioned the
Pope's prerogative to send " motu proprio" to any part of the
world, apostles of the Gospel.
The high road to India and China, was at this period through
Lisbon only, so the decision which of those great powers had the
right of sending the Gospel to the heathen, was submitted to the
Cardinals at Rome ; the King of Portugal, received an invitation,
and sent an ambassador A.D. 1686. This envoy adduced five
arguments, which were decided as follows. 1st. That the bulls
quoted by the ambassador, recorded no trace that the spiritual
government of all Asia ever was conceded to any sovereign of
Portugal ; they proved that the King had the right to exercise
his patronage in all those churches which he had endowed. 2nd.
To hinder priests from passing by way of the Phillipine Islands to
Asia, the Popes had commanded that none should proceed thither
without a previous license from Lisbon ; but since the Spaniards,
English, Dutch and others had settlements in India, Urban XIII .
revoked, as superfluous, the bulls of Gregory XIII . and allowed
missionaries to proceed to India and China any way most con-
venient. 3rd . It was inadmissable the king should govern
Christian churches in a heathen land. 4th . The jurisdiction of
the primate of Portugal was not infringed on by the Pope sending
missionaries to China. 5th . The archbishops and bishops, in
virtue of a decree of the congregation de Propaganda Fide, issued
the 7th March, A.D. 1633, may nominate bishops " in partibus
infidelium" to be confirmed by his holiness .
The decision arrived at by the cardinals, on this question of the
Pope's authority, was, " per deligationem vicariorum apostolicorum
non constare de aliquo prejudico juribus Regum Portugalia
illatæ," a subsequent decision was of the same import : "pratensum
and privatirum Regis Portugalio missionarios et titulares episcopos
in Indiâ designandi nulla ratione niti."
Notwithstanding the decision of the " infallible head of the
church," it was enacted in 1668, that all going to China must
pass through Lisbon, and take an oath of universal patronage ; an
order was issued from the Vatican to nullify this ; still it was found
impossible to arrive at Macao without it ; so the King was suc-
A.D. 1634. A Spanish dominican, John B. Morales, arrived
and commenced a paper war against the Jesuits, who permitted
their converts to worship their ancestors .
Morales had these ceremonies condemned by the congregation
de Propaganda Fide, and his opinions were confirmed in 1645 by
Innocent X.
On the other side, Martin Martini, proved to the entire satis-
faction of the tribunal of inquisition, that the rites and customs
were of a civil nature, and in that light they were approved of by
Pope Alexander VII. in 1656 ; but the former edict of Innocent
was not repealed . In this state of affairs each party defended their
respective opinions under the sanction and authority of two Popes .
The battle field of polemical discussion selected was Canton. The
numerical strength of the combatants at this period were, Jesuits
twenty-one, Dominicans three, Franciscans one.
Being banished from the interior until they could settle their
differences, and being confined in one house, they fraternized ,
and after many discussions, agreed to forty articles, one of which
ran thus :-
" In respect to the customs, by which the Chinese worship
Confucius and the deceased, the answer of the congregation of
the universal Inquisition, sanctioned by his Holiness ( 1656) -Alex-
ander VII . shall be invariably followed, for it is founded upon the
most probable opinion, without any evident proof to the contrary ;
and this probability being admitted, the door of salvation must
not be shut against innumerable Chinese, who would abandon
our Christian religion, were they forbidden to attend to those
things to which they may lawfully and without injury to their
faith, attend, and were forced to give up what cannot be given up
without serious consequences ."
In the first Emperor of the present dynasty, (A.D. 1644) the
missionaries found a friend. He appointed Schaal to reform the
calendar into which many errors had crept, and this work was
so ably performed, that he was made president ofthe Astronomical
Board, with the title and authority of an officer of the first rank;
the ornament he wore on his breast was a crane. By Schaal's
influence, permission was obtained for fourteen other Jesuits to
enter China, who were dispersed over various provinces.
The province of Shensi appears to have been the most successful
field for their labours.
Their mode of converting the heathen is best exhibited by an
extract from Le Comte, in his extravagant account of China, dedi-
cated to the Duchess of Burgundy. " The town of Hang-ching,
was over-run with a prodigious multitude of locusts which eat up
all the leaves of the trees, and gnawed the grass to the very roots."
The inhabitants, after exhausting all the resources of their own
superstitions and charms, applied to Father Faber, who promised
to deliver them from the plague, provided they would become
When they consented, " he marched in ceremony into the high-
ways in his stole and surplice, and sprinkled up and down holy
water, accompanying this action with the prayers of the church,
but especially with a lively faith. God heard the voice of his
servant, and the next day all the insects disappeared." But the
people refused to perform their promise, and " the plague grew
worse than before." With much contrition they came to the
Father, confessing their faults, and entreating his renewed inter-
position ; " again he sprinkled the holy water, and the insects
a second time disappeared."
While this semi-Christian religion was spreading through the
provinces, it seemed to be establishing its foundations more solid-
ly in the capital . We are told that the Emperor, laid aside his
usual state when conversing with Schaal, and in the course of two
years paid him no less than twenty visits at his own residence.
One of his birth days, when he should have received the homage 1
of his officers on his throne, was spent under the roof of the mis-
sionary. He usually called him Maffa, a term of affection and
respect, and to show his subjects how much he esteemed Schaal,
he placed a marble tablet at the door of his church, in which he
bestowed on him the highest commendations.
While Schaal favoured the Tartar invaders in the north, some of
his colleagues supported the opposing claimants, to the throne in the
south. The progress of the Tartars was arrested for some time in
the south, by two Christian Chinese officers ; who proclaimed as
Emperor, a relative of the late imperial family, and raised an army
in his defence. The mother of this prince, with his wife and eldest
son, having professed the Christian faith, were baptized by Caffler,
under the respective names of Helena, Maria and Constantine.
It was hoped that he would prove a second Constantine in truth,
and establish a Christian church in China.
Helena wrote a letter to the Pope, which was graciously an-
swered by Alexander VII .; but the hopes that depended on her
grandson were frustrated by three armies of Tartars, who scat-
tered all their enemies.
The position of the Jesuits in Peking, was favourable until the
death of the Emperor in 1662.
Kanghe, a minor, only eight years of age, was called to the
throne, and Schaal was at first appointed his tutor, but was not
long continued, as the regent who possessed the reins of government,
speedily threw him into prison, loading him with chains, together
with his other colleagues. Schall was condemned " to be cut into
ten thousand pieces ." His crime is not narrated, but he is said to
have died a natural death, in prison, in 1669. Three Domini-
cans, one Franciscan, and twenty-one Jesuits were banished to
The fears which actuated the Chinese government, at this period,
(1661 ) with regard to the ulterior objects of the Jesuits, are not
surprising, for we find that in several European Catholic countries
they had been proscribed. * The strife that existed between the
several orders in China, revealed the important secret, that the
principles of their doctrine served also the purpose of contentious
emulation for influence. The cogent argument of the regent was,
that during the time missionaries were admitted to Japan, nothing
but intrigues, schism, and civil war was heard of : calamities that
* The Jesuits were expelled from France in 1593 ; from Venice in 1606 ; from
Poland in 1607, and from Bohemia in 1619. The crimes alleged against them were
various. The character and spirit of Jesuitism were well described, and their downfall
foretold in a sermon preached by Dr. Brown, Archbishop of Dublin, in the year A.D.
1551 , just twelve years after their institution.
This extraordinary prophetic document was procured by the celebrated Ware, and
may be seen in the Harleian Miscellany, vol . v. p. 556. That part of the sermon
which relates to the Jesuits commences thus : " But there are a new fraternity of late
sprung up, who call themselves Jesuits, which will deceive many, who are much after
the Scribes and Pharisees' manner. Among the Jews they shall strive to abolish the
truth, and shall come very near to do it.
" Forthese sorts will turn themselves into forms ; with the Heathen a Heathenist,
with the Atheist an Atheist, with the Jew a Jew, with the Reformer a Reformer, pur-
posely to know your intentions, your minds, your hearts and your inclinations ; and
thereby bring you at last to be like the fool that said in his heart there was no God.
" These shall spread over the whole world, shall be admitted into the council of
Princes, and they never the wiser ; charming of them, yea, making your Princes
reveal their hearts and the secrets therein, and yet they not perceive it ; which
will happen from falling from the law of God, and by winking at their sins ; yet
in the end, God, to justify his law, shall suddenly cut off this society, even by the
hands of those who have most succoured them and made use ofthem ; so that in the end
they shall become odious to all nations. They shall be worse than Jews, having no
resting place upon earth, and then shall a Jew have more favour than a Jesuit,"
VOL. II. 2 I
might sooner or later befall China, by the criminal eagerness of
missionaries, actually spreading over the land for the sake of
" enlisting" deluded people of all classes .
The members wore distinctive badges of medals, rosaries, crosses,
&c., and were always ready to obey the call of their chiefs ; in fact,
it appeared to the Chinese government, to be similar to those
secret societies, which have long been a source of uneasiness to
them . They were, therefore, associated in the mind of the Em-
peror with political innovation.
It has always been a matter of indifference to the Chinese
government, how many forms of religion have existed, so as there
is no political object in view. The state has its own form of wor-
ship, and never interferes with the others.
Mosheim remarks respecting the Jesuits, that "the designs of
some of them were truly pious, and their character without reproach,
is unquestionably certain . But it is equally certain that they were
the fewest in number. Many of them exhibited the most turbu-
lent passions, and dishonoured the glorious cause in which they
were engaged, by their arrogance and ambition, their avarice and
cruelty they abused the power which they had received from the
Roman Pontiffs, of forming religious establishments, and instead
of gaining souls to Christ, they usurped a despotic dominion over
their obsequious proselytes, and exercised princely authority over
the countries where their ministry had been successful .”
It was the bright and glorious rays of the Reformation that
alarmed the Pope in Europe. To maintain what was then called
the universal polity of the Church, against the frequent shocks it
received in the sixteenth century, was the origin of the founda-
tion of the Jesuits, A.D. 1539.
In their attempt to convert the heathen nations, the Jesuits
carefully concealed spiritual things, but trained men to a know-
ledge of mathematics, and thus darkened their perceptions. The
French, as a nation, has had bitter experience of this mechanical
materialist philosophy. But provided good ends were sought, all
means to that end were considered lawful. Such a doctrine must
ever prove fatal to the permanent establishment of Christianity.
An astronomical defect restored the Jesuits for a time to favour.
In 1669 Kanghe dismissed the regent and assumed the supreme
control. The calendars for the year had already been prepared,
and according to custom distributed to the princes of the imperial
family, and into the provinces. Four Jesuits still remained at
Peking, among whom was Verbiest . Kanghe sent for Verbiest
and his colleagues, and proposed several questions to them on
astronomy, which were answered correctly, while the Chinese astro-
nomers were compelled to plead ignorance.
The Emperor being satisfied of the superior abilities of Verbiest,
commanded him to examine the calendar for the year, though
it had been sent out for circulation .
Verbiest soon pointed out so many errors, particularly in the
improper insertion of an intercalary month, that the authors,
who had been the bitterest enemies of the missionaries, were
filled with confusion . They were forthwith loaded with chains,
while the Jesuits were set at liberty, and Verbiest was appointed
president of the astronomical tribunal.
The first step of Verbiest was to throw out the intercalary
month, thus rendering the calendar in circulation utterly useless,
and covering with disgrace those who composed and sent it forth.
The members of the council felt this deeply, and sent their presi-
dent to beg of him in some way to spare their reputation . The
answer was, "It is not in my power to make the heavens agree
with your calendar. The useless month must be taken out." And
taken out it was, to the great astonishment of the simple celestials,
who could not conceive what could be done with it, and asked in
what place it was kept in reserve. —Du Halde, page 133 .
In 1678, Verbiest presented a work on astronomy to the Emperor.
The Emperor received it with such favour, that in a full assembly
of his counsellors, he made Verbiest an officer of the first rank, and
gave him the title of " ta jin," and at the same time ennobled all
his kindred .
The Emperor requested that a considerable number of assistants
would be procured from Europe. As Schaal had cast cannon for
the last Emperor, Verbiest was solicited to perform the same ser-
vice. In the English edition of Du Halde, vol. ii. p . 82, it is said
that, " at one time he cast 130 pieces of cannon, with wonderful
success, and in 1681 , he cast 320 pieces more, which he blessed in
a solemn manner, and gave the name of a saint to every piece of
The Emperor, on visiting several distant provinces, in 1683,
showed more favour to the Jesuits than to his own officers . " He
called them into the cabin of his own boat, and conversed familiarly
with them, when his own officers were not allowed even to approach
the imperial bark."
In 1689, important services were rendered by the Jesuits, in
contracting a treaty of peace between China and Russia, which
has ever since preserved peace, (see page 387, vol. i.) The prin-
cipal merit of this treaty seems to be due to Gerbillon.
The partiality of the Emperor Kanghe for the Jesuits, procured
for the Church all the protection it stood in need of, and promoted
its increase rapidly. Several French Jesuits arrived, who were con-
versant with the Chinese and Tartarian language, and were perfectly
skilled in mathematical learning . They soon ascertained the in-
clinations and views of the Emperor, and employed their well-
known arts in pleasing. They were at one time his instructors,
physicians, and counsellors ; they served him as painters, turners,
watchmakers, founders, astronomers, engineers, accomptants, and
masters of the ordnance department . In fact, they directed every-
thing about the court of Peking.
The familiar intercourse between the Emperor and the mission-
aries, was of daily occurrence, and nothing but their own disunion
could have caused their ultimate disgrace and banishment .
Under such auspices, it is not wonderful that Romanism out-
wardly prospered . It is recorded, that about 1692, several mis-
sionaries baptised from 1,000 to 1,500 converts annually, and the
favour of the Emperor knew no bounds. On a case of persecution
being represented to the Emperor, he, in a short time afterwards,
issued his celebrated edict, which declared, " that the Christian re-
ligion contained nothing hurtful, but was good and useful, and on
no account should be opposed or hindered."
It was the fault of the Christians themselves that they did not
permanently establish themselves in China .
The Jesuits received the greatest encouragement from the Em-
peror Kang-he, during his long reign. On 22d March, 1692, his
Majesty issued a celebrated edict in favour of Christianity, in
which, conformable to the report of the board of rites, he ordered
the temples dedicated to the " Lord of Heaven," throughout his
dominions, to be respected, and that no opposition be given to all
who choose to enter those temples, offer incense, and perform acts
of worship. This edict was issued in consequence of a violent per-
secution commenced against the Christians in the province of
Chekeang by the viceroy and inferior mandarins. In consequence
of the petitions of the Jesuits of Sciawe at Peking, the Emperor
ordered the Board of Rites to inquire into the subject, and the
Board reported that " they had seriously examined that which had
reference to the Europeans who lived in China ; and found that
they merited attention and love, for the signal services which they
had rendered in civil and foreign wars, by their continued studies
to produce useful and curious works, and by their just and sincere
affection for the public good. Moreover, that the Europeans are
very tranquil ; that they do not excite troubles in the provinces ;
that they do not cause evil or commit any bad action . Besides,
their doctrine has nothing in common with the false and dangerous
sects of the empire, and their maxims do not lead people to sedi-
tion." The report of the Board of Rites went on to state that
as the government of China did not prevent the Lamas of Tar-
tary, nor the Budhists, to have their temples, and offer incense,
neither pagodas, how much less ought the Europeans to be prevented
to have their churches, and to preach publicly their religion, as
they did nothing contrary to good laws."
It was in consequence of this excellent report, that the persecu-
tion which had commenced in China against Christianity was
suppressed by the Emperor in 1692 .
Shortly after, the Chinese physicians, having failed to cure the
Emperor Kanghe of a fever, the sovereign placed himself under
the care of the Jesuit physicians, Gerbillon and Bouvet, at Peking,
who cured him with quinine. In gratitude for his recovery, the
Emperor assigned them splendid apartments in the First Enclosure
of the palace, and which had belonged to the governor of the heir
apparent. Artizans were employed to fit the residence up in ex-
cellent style, and a mandarin to superintend the dwelling ; and
understanding that they wished to have a church attached to the
house, the Emperor caused a very handsome church to be erected
within the precincts of the palace, which required four years build-
ing, and was adorned by the Jesuit artists with great magnificence
and taste. The church was opened with great ceremony in 1702. *
The Emperor Kang-he is described by the Jesuit mission-
aries as having a lofty genius, great penetration , and a faithful
memory ; with a solid judgment, a sense of right, and a firmness
of soul ; always master of himself, and capable of forming, and of
conducting, great enterprizes. He did not repose upon favourites,
but took cognizance of all things, and regulated them himself.
He was tender towards his subjects, and never lost sight of judg-
ment and of justice . He studied and acquired the European
arts and sciences ; geometry, physics, astronomy, medicine, and
anatomy, were successively objects of his careful study. He loved
to have the learned Jesuits around him ; he esteemed their morals,
protected them and their fellow- Christians, and had given hopes
that but for his sudden death, he would have openly embraced
Christianity. When baptism was urged on him, he said it was
unnecessary, as he worshipped the same God as the Christians did .
Verbiest died in 1688, and the Emperor commanded the highest
honours allowed to subjects to be paid to his remains.
At the close of the seventeenth century, it is difficult to conceive
any body of Christian men more favourably situated than the Ro-
man Catholic missionaries who were stationed in China. Inde-
pendent of their own high position, Louis XIV. , who ruled
France, together with his ministers Colbert and Lauvais, devoted
all their energies to extend the dominion of the Pope to China.
The Chinese language was cultivated at the expense of the govern-
ment, and men of the first talents and most varied acquirements
were selected, and, on their arrival in China were graciously re-
The following royal missive was sent by the King of France to
the Emperor of China, and indicates how zealously the desire to
promote Christianity was felt in France :
" Most high, most excellent, most puissant, and most magnani-
mous prince, our dearly beloved good friend, may God increase
your grandeur with a happy end. Being informed that your ma-
jesty was desirous to have near your person, and in your dominions,
a considerable number of learned men, very much versed in the
European sciences, we resolved some years ago, to send you six
* The Emperor wrote an inscription for it, " To the only true God."
learned mathematicians, our subjects, to shew your Majesty what-
ever is most curious in sciences, and especially the astronomical
observations of the famous academy, we have established in our
good city of Paris ; but whereas, the length of the sea voyage,
which divide our territories from yours, is liable to many accidents,
and cannot be performed without much time and danger,-We
have formed the design, out of a desire to contribute towards your
Majesty's satisfaction , to send you some more of the same Father
Jesuits, who are now mathematicians, with Count Syri, by land,
which is the shortest and safest way, to the end they may be the
first near your Majesty, as so many pledges of our esteem and
friendship, and that at the return of the said Count Syri, we may
have an account of the admirable and most extraordinary actions
that are reported of your life. Whereupon we beseech God to
augment the grandeur of your Majesty, with an end altogether
" Written at Marly, the 7th August, 1688.
" Your most dear and good friend,
" LOUIS . "
The Church of Rome boasts of its universality and unanimity ;
we have no proof of the former, in the independence of Greek and
Nestorian churches, and no indication of the latter in the fierce
controversies that arose between the Jesuits and Jansenists in
Europe, and between the Jesuits, Dominicans, and Franciscans in
China, and that at a time of great outward success and prosperity.
The Dominicans and Franciscans, on their arrival in China,
demurred at once at the new mode of worship introduced by the
Jesuits, and refused to be a party to it. When they saw the new
converts headed by the Jesuits, prostrating before a tablet of Con-
fucius, they all declared against this mode of converting the
heathen. J. B. Moreles at once set out for Rome, to lay the case
before the Propaganda, who were unanimous in declaring these
" civil ceremonies," as Ricci called them, superstitious and idola-
Pope Innocent confirmed the report in September, 1645. The
Jesuits received the decree with veneration, but laid it aside with
This Concordate previously adopted, was made of no effect
through the influence of Polanco, a Dominican, who prevailed on
Clement IX. the succeeding Pope, in 1669, to confirm the previous
decrees of 1645 and 1656. The effect of this was, to set the seve-
ral orders by the ears, and the peace and harmony that reigned
for a few years, now vanished .
In 1693, open war was declared against the Jesuit practice of
idolatry in China, by a Dominican ordinance issued by Charles J.
* During the existence of the Concordate, the Emperor Kanghe having made enquiry,
and found they had settled their differences, permitted them to once more join their
separate stations in the interior.
Maigrot, doctor of Sorbonne and Archiepiscopal Vicar of Foo-
keen in China. It was as follows :-
" We command and ordain, that every one observe to express
the name of God, in the Chinese word, Teen- chu, which signifies the
Lord of Heaven, and that the word Shangte, i. e. the supreme
Emperor, be totally laid aside.
" We expressly forbid an exposure in any church of pictures,
which has an inscription on them with King-Tien, (adore the sky.)
We command them to be taken down from all churches within
two months, and all other pictures and expressions which
bear the same sense, as we cannot be persuaded but that it is
" We forbid the Jesuits upon any pretence to permit the
Christians to perform the office of a sacrificer, or to be present at
the sacrifices which are offered to Confucius, and other dead an-
cestors, twice each year.
" We command all those who put their trust in God, to endea-
vour to abolish the pictures kept by private families ; and in that
part of their houses where those pictures were exposed, that there
be an article of the Christian faith set up in their place."
Maigrot was connected with the college of foreign missions in
Paris, which was fiercely opposed to the Jesuits, and he charged
them with a secret attempt to take his life.
Pope Clement, to settle the controversy, sent out to China in
1703, De Tournon as Legate a Lateré, who was made at the same
time Patriarch of Antioch. At Pondicherry on his way to China,
De Tournon spent some months with the Jesuits . The cow is
an object of veneration with the Hindoos . De Tournon found
that the Jesuits allowed their nominal converts from Hindooism ,
to practice all their old superstitions, with this difference, that the
Jesuits always blessed the cow-dung previous to its use in
idolatrous ceremonies.
Greatly to the credit of the Pope's legate, he issued an edict,
prohibiting these anti-Christian practices, which so disconcerted
the Jesuits, that from that moment his prospects of restoring peace
were blighted, and his failure determined .
On De Tournon's arrival in 1705 at Manilla,* he deposed the
procureur of the Jesuits' society there, who had contrary to his
vow of poverty greatly enriched himself by following commerce ;
all his property was confiscated by the legate. When the legate
arrived at Peking, he found great difficulty in obtaining an audi-
ence of the Emperor, for reasons which must be manifest ; but
after a series of delays he firmly demanded a private audience,
which was granted . Just as he arrived in the presence of the
Emperor he was taken dangerously ill ; at the same time the Em-
peror exclaimed, " he is poisoned ," and commanded his own physi-
* This is his own account, and for the other matters related on this subject, see
Anecdotes sur l'Etat de la Chine, app . p . 5, 7, 10 .
cian to attend on him. De Tournon slowly recovered, but was
never admitted to an audience ; he left Peking in 1706, and
an imperial edict soon followed him to Macao , where he was im-
prisoned during the remainder of his life, during which time the
secret scenes acted to accomplish the downfall of this faithful prelate,
must have been ill calculated to make a good impression on a
heathen monarch. He died in 1710, but whether naturally or
otherwise is not related ; but previous to his death he had received
notice of his promotion to the rank of cardinal.
De Tournon stated that the Jesuits in China called their con-
vents in Fookeen, " the Christians of Jesus," to distinguish them
from the converts made by the Dominican and Franciscan monks,
who were called with contempt the Christians of " St. Peter, St.
Dominic, and St. Francis."
A.D. 1706. The state of turmoil and ill-feeling, engendered by
those two contending factions, rose to such a height, both in Pe-
king and in the provinces, that the Emperor Kanghe devised a
plan by which he would test their loyalty and allegiance .
Kanghe found on enquiry that there were two aspirants for uni-
versal dominion in his empire. The Dominicans claimed to be the
guardians of the " Holy Office," i. e. the Inquisition. The others
preached the " divine right" of the successor of St. Peter, to rule
the body and soul of all mankind, temporal and spiritual.
On the 17th December 1706, an imperial edict was issued, by
Kanghe, declaring that he would countenance those missionaries
who would preach the doctrine of Ricci, but persecute those who
followed the opinion of Maigrot, Bishop of Canon ; and that the
land might be cleared of those turbulent men, he commanded
that the missionaries should on or before the 1st July, 1707, sub-
mit to an examination . The memorial presented to the examiner
was in Latin, signed by an European and ran thus : -
" A. B. from B. , of such religion, age, nation, and came to
China years ago ; I have lived in such a place of such a province,
I have studied philosophy and theology, and have no wish to re-
turn to Europe : in the publication of the holy doctrine, I have
followed the maxims of Ricci." The questions put to those who
attended were, Have you followed the maxims of Ricci ? Will you
continue the labour of a missionary ? If the reply was negative, the
examiner received an order to depart within five days for Canton,
and embark for Europe ; if the answer was " yes," an imperial
license, in the Chinese and Tartar languages was handed to him.
The Jesuits were doubtless the authors of this examination and
sentence .
The Pope's legate had arrived in 1705, and all new comers were
compelled to proceed to Peking to be examined . De Tournon
issued two mandates, forbidding the missionaries, under pain of
excommunication, to enter with the examiner upon any discussion
on this subject.
De Tournon's mandates were supported by the " Holy Office," in
a full congregation of inquisitors, and converted into a law.
Clement XI. commanded both Jesuits and friars of every com-
munity, to obey and observe the bull, " ex illâ die."
The Pope had hitherto been led to believe, that his sway in
China was paramount, but was sadly grieved at the disrespect
shown to his legate De Tournon ; and as popery is a doctrine of
expediency, more temporizing instructions were given, in 1715, to
a second legate named Mezzabarba .
The Emperor received Mezzabarba courteously, but granted no
request. Mezzabarba found that Kanghe had resolved never to
yield to the papal court any kind of jurisdiction over his subjects ;
the legate thought proper therefore, in accordance with his instruc-
tions, and for the sake of saving the Romish religion from the dis-
grace of being banished, to concede, " eight permissions."
These only made bad worse, between the contending parties, as
the Emperor was to be the head of the church, and not the Pope.
In this state of affairs, Castorani, a monk, and vicar of the Bishop
of Peking, proceeded to Rome, and procured an abrogation of the
permissions, by a bull commencing, ex-quo singulare.
After a lapse of fourteen years, Kanghe in 1721 had the mor-
tification to find that the mandates of the papal legate, Tournon,
were reverently obeyed, whilst the edict of the Emperor command-
ing the missionaries to take out a license, was disregarded.
He discovered that the legate endeavoured to transfer from
himself to the Pope, the spiritual jurisdiction of those portions of
China, which were politically in revolt against him ; by admitting
that a foreign priest might legislate in their native country .
Kanghe was disposed to think that their apostacy originated in an
error of judgment, although it was evident their obstinacy was
grounded on a malicious design, which was not yet ripe for deve-
lopement. It was represented to him, that " to effectually clear
the corn from the tares, their roots must be carefully plucked
out." He had prepared his mind to act on this truism, when he
died on the 22nd December 1722.
Numerous as were the favors that the Emperor Kanghe had
shewn the missionaries, he was too independent a prince to suffer
them to rule his dominions ; and it was evident that he had at last
learned their true character. The Emperor tried in vain to re-
concile the different sects. On one occasion he sent for them, and
entreated that " they might have no more than one heart." He
said, " One calls himself a Franciscan, another a Dominican, ano-
ther a Jesuit, which irreconcileable disunion surprises me much ."
Their disputes were a constant source of annoyance to the govern-
ment, which tolerates all religions, in order to consolidate the
power of the Emperor.
When the survey of China was completed, he issued an edict,
forbidding any missionaries to remain without a patent from him-
self. Many of them were imprisoned during the remainder of
their lives. The Jesuits are charged by their opponents with hav-
ing procured the persecution of their brethren, in order to have
the field to themselves. They were, in fact, intoxicated with suc-
cess. Their character is thus described, in 1710, by Father Ripa,
who was thirteen years resident at Peking.
" If the European missionaries in China would conduct them-
selves with less ostentation, and accommodate their manners to
persons of all ranks and conditions, the number of converts would
be immensely increased ; for the Chinese possess excellent natural
abilities, and are both prudent and docile. But, unfortunately,
our missionaries have adopted the lofty and pompous manner,
Their gar-
known in China by the appellation of " Tti-mjen ."
ments are made of the richest materials ; they go nowhere on foot,
but always in sedans, on horseback, or in boats, and with nume-
rous attendants following them."
Yunching, who ascended the throne of China on the death of
the Emperor Kanghe in 1723, had his attention early called to the
Jesuits by the literati, who complained that the late Emperor had
shewn too much favour to them, and that they were a dangerous
class, as their converts would not be amenable to the constituted
authorities, and that in times of trouble they were governed by
them alone. Remonstrances poured in from all quarters, so that
an edict was issued in 1724, retaining those already in the govern-
ment service, but sending all others to Macao. By this decree,
more than three hundred churches were destroyed, and not less
than three hundred thousand nominal Christians were left with-
out pastors . Several noble families suffered in their persons and
property under this decree.
It was soon perceived that the tares would be rooted out. The
Emperor sent for Parennin and Kagler, and, it is said, addressed
them to the following effect :
" Vous voulez que tous les Chinois se fussent Chretiens ; votre
loi demande, je les sais bien : mais en ce cas la, que deviendrons
nous ? Les sujets de vos rois ? Les Chretiens que vous faites ne
reconnaissent que vous ; dans un tems de trouble ils n'ecouteront
point d'autre voix que la votre."
The edict of Yunching only drove the missionaries from the
provinces, but permitted them to remain at Canton, on condition
that they gave no cause of complaint. In a short period it was
discovered that out of the thirty-six exiles in Canton, sixteen had
absconded into the provinces. When this great defalcation was
discovered, the remainder were sent to Macao, with a positive in-
junction to quit the empire with the first ship.
The Jesuits on this, as on all former occasions, out- generalled
the guardians ofthe " Holy Office," and probably informed on the
Dominicans ; for we find their obedience rewarded by the Emperor,
who appointed Kagler, a German Jesuit, president of the tribunal
of Astronomy, and gave him a title of honour in 1732. Notwith-
standing persecutions and prohibitions, the Romanist missionaries
left no means to proceed to China . According to Father Ripa,
the number of missionaries that had been despatched to China
from Rome, between the years 1580 and 1708, was about five
The following extract from the Memoirs of Father Ripa, will
illustrate the schemes and falsehoods resorted to for the obtain-
ment of a passage to China. After describing the journey from
Italy, he says :
" Having arrived at the Hague, we found our companions, who,
having been discovered to be missionaries, were refused passports
for England by the English ambassador. By the assistance of the
Bishop of Munster, to whom we were recommended by the Pope, Fa-
ther Perrone, Amodie, and I succeeded in obtaining passports under
assumed names ; and on the 3rd January, 1708, we sailed for Eng-
land . Without losing any time, we went with Father Perrone, to
solicit the East India Company for a passage to China ; but as it
was strictly prohibited to take out any ecclesiastics, the Venetian
Ambassador sent to inform the Company, that we were going to
enter the service of the Emperor of China, Don Amodie as a ma-
thematician, I as a painter, and Father Perrone as a servant. It was
amusing to see Father Perrone standing before us two, hat in
hand, shewing us all the marks of respect which servants are wont
to pay their masters.
The directors, however, being wary men, did not appear satis-
fied with the account,and said they could believe that Amodie and
I were laymen, but not Father Perrone. His peculiar carriage,
his eyes cast down, his hands continually in his sleeves, and other
signs, induced them to think that he must be an ecclesiastic.
"They then asked the gentleman who came with us from the
Ambassador, whether Perrone was a Jesuit, and on his answering
that he was ready to swear to the contrary, they granted us per-
mission to sail in one of their ships."
There was no lack of labourers for the vineyard, but the diffi-
culty was introducing them, as none were admitted at Macao
without a license from Lisbon, the King of Portugal still maintain-
ing his right to appoint missionaries to Asia, without consulting the
Pope. To obviate this difficulty, a procurator of the Propaganda
Fide (G. della Torre, ) was stationed at Canton, and from thence
he clandestinely forwarded priests where they were required.
In 1736, Keenlung ascended the throne, and with great vigilance
prevented the introduction of missionaries. A governor of Foo-
keen having discovered Christians in his province, tried and con-
victed them of disobedience. It was found that they were no
sooner banished, than they found means to return . In 1747, Peter
Martyr Sanz was beheaded, " quod hominum multitudinem per-
versa religione seduxerit :" the sentence was in Chinese charac-
But it was not alone the government of Peking that was
alarmed at the Jesuits, even the semi-Christian government of Por-
tugal, with its Pagan rites, were alarmed, and in 1759, an edict was
issued against the Jesuits in Macao, by his Roman Catholic Ma-
jesty, Joseph I. , King of Portugal. It " declared the members of
the society of Jesus to be notorious rebels, traitors, and aggressors ;
and commanded that they shall be had , held, and reputed as such,
* ** that they shall be totally extinguished in all the realms
and dominions of Portugal, -that neither verbal nor written com-
munication shall be kept up with them." In obedience with this
law the Jesuits were all banished from Macao to Goa, ( 1762) and
stript of the large property they had acquired in Macao.
It is not surprising that a government like that of China, which
viewed idolatry with contempt, should have entirely mistaken the
character of Christianity, particularly as they saw it exhibited by
the Portugese at Macao.
St. Anthony, one of the numerous saints worshipped by the
Portuguese, was a soldier in their army in 1783. The celebration
of his feast lasts thirteen days. His image is laid on a litter, and
carried by four officers, accompanied by the governor, gentry and
common people.
For each of the thirteen days, a body of soldiers fire a salute at
the church dedicated to him. And on the eve of his procession
the senate sends 240 taels to his church. This is the amount of a
captain's pay, to which station he has been raised from the ranks.
He is a favourite saint with the soldiers and sailors, who pray to
him on their knees, and beat or caress according as the devotee
fancies he has interceded for him, or postponed the supplicant's
petition. Tapers and incense are burned before the image.
Again, on the Sunday ofthe Cross-" Domingo da Cruz" -the
Redeemer is represented by the image of a full-grown man, who, clad
in a purple garment, wearing on his head a crown of thorns, and
on his shoulder a heavy cross, bends one of his knees on the bot-
tom of a bier, supported by eight of the most distinguished
citizens. At this procession the whole Roman Catholic population
attend, accompanied by children in fancy dresses, to represent
angels, with muslin wings at their shoulders . This procession
perambulates the town of Macao ; and then proceeds to the con-
vent of St. Augustine .
Less than twenty years ago, on the eve of a St. John's day, the
monks and nuns celebrated the occasion, by burning in effigy a
man and woman made of paper, which represented Herod and his
daughter, by whose intreaties St. John the Baptist lost his life.
A bonfire on a grand scale was made on the following day.
The persecuting principles of popery are fully carried out at
Macao, towards the Jews, who are never allowed to settle there.
According to Moshiem, Boniface V. A.D. 620, in imitation of
the heathen custom, ordered that no one should be apprehended
in a church. This immunity was frequently taken advantage of
in Macao, by men who should have ended their days on the gal-
lows ; but if the culprits had money they found shelter in the
churches and convents there.
Timkowsky, the Russian envoy, who was at Peking in 1820,
gives a description of the Portuguese monastery he visited whilst
" He was received by Father Ribevia who was a member of the
academy of astronomy at Peking.
"The chapel is lighted by several lustres . Opposite the en-
trance is an image of the Virgin Mary, with the following inscrip-
tion in Chinese : ' She prays for the whole universe.' Near it is a
picture, the subject of which is taken from the Gospel. It repre-
sents Jesus Christ receiving the gifts of a child, dressed in the
Chinese summer costume. Among the crowd of Israelites are a
great number of Chinese,-who behold with delight this act of
condescension. To the right of the Holy Virgin is Saint Igna-
tius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits.'
" We passed through a passage on the side of which are the
cells, which appeared in a ruinous condition ."
The Jesuits are said to have persuaded the Emperor of China
(Kanghe) and the nobility, that the primitive theology of their
nation, and more particularly the doctrine of their great instructor,
(Confucius) differed in nothing important from the doctrine of the
Gospel. But Confucius was adverse to idolatry-whereas the
Romanist forms were similar to those of the Budhists ; they had
the same processions, statues, candles, perfumes, prayers for the
dead, auricular confession, monasteries for both sexes, whose
lives are devoted to abstinence, celibacy, and solitude, & c. In-
deed, the missionaries said that Budhism was a cunning invention
of the devil in order to defeat their form of Christianity.
A Jesuit named Neuville, writes thus in the year 1740. "I
have this year celebrated the canonization of Francis Regis, whom
I have chosen for the patron of our mountains : may he con-
descend to work the same miracles here as he did formerly in
France ! The whole was done very much to the edification of
those present. A great image of the saint was exposed to view ;
and the people chanted the litanies which I had composed in
honour of him." After many other idolatrous practices, which it
is painful to read, he says, " If I had the means of founding a
monastery, it would very soon be filled by fervent virgins. There
are several married people, who live like brothers and sisters.
Moreover, they do not consider these mortifications of the flesh as
sufficiently meritorious ." Here we have some clue to account for
the persecution the converts suffered, as the secrets of the mar-
riage bed had been sought after ; which in China are strictly
guarded. The Chinese with great truth designated this religion as
"" one that corrupts the mind."
The Romanists preferred to say mass in the Latin tongue, al-
though their Chinese priests could not pronounce the words
aright ; and as the Chinese are fond of sumptuous shows, and
magnificent ornaments, pompous processions, and the noise of bells,
they took extraordinary pains to provide them with all that the
church allows. Iron girdles, and other instruments of penance,
were of common use amongst them ; they not only kept the fasts
prescribed by the church, but also fasted on Wednesday, in honour
of St. Joseph, the patron saint of China ; on Friday, in honour of
the passion of our Lord ; and on Saturday in honour of the Holy
The miracles recorded by the Jesuits in China, are greater than
any narrated in Scripture.
Moses brought locusts on the land by the special interposition
of God, but Faber drove them from the land of China with holy
water. Elijah divided the river Jordan that he might pass over,
but Faber was carried over rivers, through the air.
Schaal was condemned to be cut in ten thousand pieces, " but
as often as the princes of the blood attempted to read his sentence,
a dreadful earthquake dispersed the assembly."
Surely the denunciations of the prophet Malachi must have over-
taken these " robbers of God," or where is the fruit of their
labours ?* It appears the rulers of heathen lands, Japan and
China, got an earlier insight into the machinations of Jesuitism
than those of Europe, as since their expulsion from these countries
they have been suppressed by every monarch of Europe, not ex-
cepting the Pope himself. Their name is justly associated with
deception, pious frauds, ambition , and selfishness .
It is pleasing to find any record, amidst this desecration of Chris-
tianity, whereon the mind can dwell with some degree of pleasure.
M. Dufresse was appointed Bishop of Tabraco in the year 1800,
and in a letter from the province of Sze-chuen, written to one of
his pupils in Penang, filling ten octavo pages, with the exception
of seven lines, there is scarcely a sentence that would not meet
the approbation of an orthodox Protestant. These pupils were in a
strange land, and surrounded by dangers and temptations . The
good bishop says, " be not discouraged ; Jesus Christ, who has
conquered the world and hell, and broken the sceptre of their
power, will give you the victory, if you continue faithful to his
grace, which shall never fail you ; if you persevere in the love and
fear of God, so as to give no entrance into your hearts to any mor-
tal sin ; and if you wander not from the paths he has traced for
you . He will be your consolation in tribulations and labours, your
shelter in adversity, your fortress in dangers ; the giver of strength
in labour, and of resignation in infirmity ; the author of light and
progress in your studies ; your assured defence against all the
secret assaults of your enemies, visible and invisible ; and a healing
balm to soothe the sorrows of your flesh and spirit. He will not
* Malachi, iii. 9.
suffer you to be tempted above your strength, but in the day of
your temptation, he will give you the strength necessary to over-
come. Let sin be the only object of your fear."*
During the administration of this true Apostle of the Christian
doctrine, his efforts made great progress. There were frequently
1,500 adult baptisms annually, but since that time the number
has diminished, and has never since been so great.
In the early part of his administration they enjoyed peace and
quietness, in so much, that they even held a council of the foreign
and native priests, that they might be enabled to extend their
Up to the year 1804, the Romanist priests were in comparative
peace, so far as the Chinese government was concerned ; but there
does not appear to have been any period of their history without
constant bickerings ; one usurping authority over the other. The
Portuguese and Italian missionaries at Peking had a dispute about
the extent of their separate missions. The former being licensed
by the King of Portugal, were anxious to strictly guard his
majesty's " privileges ;" and all efforts failed to arrange this impor-
tant point, without submitting the case to Rome. As a guide for his
Holiness, a map of the province of Shantung, drawn by P. Adeodat,
was sent, along with letters. The messenger who conveyed them
was seized, and the circumstance of such an instrument being sent
to a foreign power, excited suspicions in China at that time, as
would have been the case in any part of Europe.
On an explanation being sought, and strict enquiry made, it is
said, " their answers were embarrassed, their reasons weak, and
their explanations obscure."
The anger of the Chinese ministers knew no bounds. " These
men," they exclaimed, " dispute about the possession of the coun-
try already, though it belongs to our great Emperor."
The Roman Catholic mission has never recovered its position
from that time to this. The persecutions that followed were most
severe, and an effectual stop was placed on their future corres-
pondence, by having it sent through the Russian College at Pe-
king, whose members are anything but friendly disposed to the
These storms and alarming edicts were hitherto only a nine
days' wonder, but a lasting impression seemed now to have been
made on the government .
In 1811 , a Chinese priest, with letters to his superior, was
arrested, and the court, unable to distinguish between the spiritual
jurisdiction claimed by the bishops and the civil authority of a
monarch, became still more cautious and suspicious.
Their own account is, that after this affair, they all agreed to
leave China (except four), and none have ever since been allowed
in Peking.t
* Annales, vol. i. , No. 9, p. 68. † See Lett. Edif., vol. iv., p. 152-58.
On a review of the foregoing, it must be admitted that in China,
as in India, South America, and elsewhere, Jesuitism has failed .
That popery, as practised by the Jesuits, was not the popery
preached by the Franciscans in the same land in 1288, there is
abundant proof.
According to Le Compte, page 384, they translated the great
Summa of Thomas Aquinas, but found " weighty reasons for not
translating the Word of God." According to Kircher, in his
China Illustrata, page 127- they published an abstract of the moral
law, in which the second commandment was left out ; the fourth
changed into "keep holy the festivals ;" and the tenth was split
in two.
Grapes cannot be gathered from thistles, nor figs from thorns ;
their statements must be received with caution, and their miracles
rejected as frauds.
The zeal, devotion, and perseverance so much lauded, were also
claimed by the Jews, and by all the false teachers of ancient and
modern times ; it was no benefit to the former that they had “ a
zeal for God, but not according to knowledge."
Several members of the Roman mission, in its early history, were
learned men, so far as being skilled in the abstract sciences and
worldly knowledge, but " hath not God made foolish the wisdom
of this world ?" With the exception of their temporary inculca-
tion of science, which is now forgotten in China, there is little in
the history of their mission to approve.
Their historians state, and the cautious Moshiem is in the same
error, that they all arrived in China perfectly acquainted with the
The celebrated Jesuit, Ruggiero, on his arrival at Macao, en-
gaged a painter, " quem minime inaptus magister patri visus est
Sina pictor, qui, quod lingue deirat, arte suppleret, quippe, non
raro contingebat." Dr. Morrison says, "he knew personally ten
Roman missionaries in China, who had resided at court and on
the frontiers, from fourteen to thirty years, and only three of them
could read Chinese ; four of them had been many years at Peking,
and did not know a single symbol, but could speak the language ;
while some of the others could neither read nor speak it."
Their position in Peking could be nothing better than the Rus-
sians ; they were " guarded to protect them from insult."
Why an All-wise Providence has permitted the debasing errors
of the Church of Rome to enslave the most populous countries of
the globe, prior to the full manifestation of His gospel, is not
within the compass of human knowledge ; but an examination of its
effects may serve to stimulate men of a more pure and simple doc-
trine. The grievous errors detailed in these pages may be con-
sidered as beacons to indicate the rocks on which Romanism has
suffered shipwreck. It is no justification that these ambitious
men possessed untiring zeal, self-denial, and learning ; we require
the evidence that this devotion and good works were such as God
The failure of Jesuitism in China should not deter the preachers
of a purer faith, when they have the promise of succour and aid,
in every trial and temptation (Isaiah, xliii. 2 , and Matthew, v.
10-12) . That the Jesuits did good, I would fain hope, but St.
James tells us that, " where strife is, there is confusion and every
evil work." (Chap. iii. 16.)
I have now arrived at the sixth point which I proposed to inves-
tigate-namely, the existing state of Christianity in China ; the
imperial edicts issued for its toleration, and a suggestion of the
means by which the life-giving precepts of the Word of God may
be beneficially extended . The failure of Judaism, of Nestorianism ,
of Jesuitism, and of Romanism in China, for two thousand years,
ought to be a stimulus to Protestantism to bring " Sinim " within
reach of the Promised Land.
The existing state of the Roman Catholic missions in China,
has been carefully analysed from the Annales de la Foi, by Dr.
Bridgeman, in his Chinese Repository for 1839. The extent of
country over which they are spread may be judged by a reference
to the chart attached to vol. i. of this work. It will be found to
include upwards of 764,000 square miles .
PROVINCES. Native Converts.
Bishops. Priests. Priests.
Canton and Kwangsi 9 30 52,000
Honan, Hoo-pih, and Hunan 0* 40,000
Chih-le and Shantung 50,000
Che-keang and Kiangsi 0 9,000
Shanse and Hookwang 10 15 60,000
Fookein and Formosa 2 40,000
Sze-chuen 2 9 30 52,000
8 33 84 303,000
Dr. Bridgeman places little reliance on this statement, because
he thinks Papin, the apostolic missionary now in China, published
an unjust statement relating to a Protestant establishment in
Malacca. After mentioning his arrival at Malacca, the writer
adds, " we visited the famous Anglo-Chinese college there, which
the Protestants have erected at an enormous expense ; this esta-
blishment, so much vaunted in Europe, is remarkable only for its
luxury. Pompous inscriptions, sacred and profane, cover the walls
within and without ; but that is all . The school is composed of
hardly a dozen children picked up in the streets , and instructed in
English, and even these they pay, in order to secure their atten-
* In these provinces there are thirty native priests and twenty-four Europeans, the
former are of the order Lazarists.
VOL. II. 2 K
"They have also established a Chinese and Malay printing press .
The Protestant minister who governs this pretended college re-
ceived us with politeness. Having learned that the Chinese
grammar of Premare had been printed there, we wished to procure
a copy, but when we asked for it under that name, the minister
appeared astonished . He had never known the existence of Pre-
mare, nor that he was the author of the grammar, for although
their work is nothing but a literal translation of the work
of the celebrated Jesuit, the translator has modestly attributed
all the merit of it to himself." " It was thus also that the
late minister, Morrison of Canton, after having procured the
Chinese dictionary of Basil, and caused it to be printed, announced
himself to the learned world as its author."*
The description of the Protestant Anglo- Chinese college at Ma-
lacca, is doubtless overcharged , but it is a fact that that college
produced few useful results ; it was unable even to afford us inter-
preters when the recent war ( 1840) commenced in China ; its ex-
tension of Christianity I have not been able to trace.
The missionaries labouring in China are connected with societies
of various denominations in England, America, France and Italy.
The London Missionary Society, belonging to the denomination
of Protestant Dissenters, had in 1844 nine missionaries in China ;
the Church Mission two ; the American Board of Commissioners
for foreign missions, five. The American Baptist Board, four. The
American Presbyterian Board, three . The American Episcopolian
Board two. The latter has since been considerably increased.
The number of missionaries belonging to the societies of Jesus
and St. Lazarus, and to the " Congregatio de Propaganda Fide"
is so great, and they are so scattered over the empire, that it is next
to impossible to ascertain it excepting from their own records .
From a map of missions by Marchini, presented in 1810, it appears
that in that year there were six bishops, two coadjutors, twenty-
three missionaries, and eighty agents in China. Their names it
is difficult to obtain ; that of the only one I know is Comte de Besi,
a bishop, who resides in Kangsoo, and often visits Nanking,
Shanghai, and the Island of Tsungming, in the mouth of the
Yangtzekang. He is, I believe, a Jesuit.
There are two local societies established and supported by the
foreign residents in China.
The Morrison Education Society, established in 1836. And
the Medical Missionary Society established in 1838 .
The London Missionary Society, as also all the other societies,
with the single exception of those of the Catholic persuasion, did
not in the first instance send their missionaries to China, but
placed them among the islands of the Eastern Archipelago, at
* See Annales de la Propagation de la Foi, tom . viii. p. 585.
Batavia, Singapore, and Malacca, where they could have more
access to the thousands of Chinese that resort to and live at those
places, and where they could pursue their labours with far less
bigotry and opposition to contend against, than they could were
they living in China itself. The missionaries resided at those
places, some of them for many years, until the peace with China in
1842, when they were immediately directed by their Societies to
sell the different missionary premises, and repair to Hong Kong,
there to meet together and consult upon their distribution
among the five ports. In consequence of those instructions, the
mission premises at Batavia, Singapore, and Malacca have been
sold, and the missionaries who resided at those places have left
them for China. The Anglo-Chinese College, which was founded
and established by the Rev. Dr. Morrison in Malacca, has also
been transferred to Hong Kong, where ground has been pur-
chased ; and buildings are now erecting for the use of that
establishment, under the superintendence of the Rev. James Legge.
The principal, and the oldest, missionary to the Chinese in connec-
tion with the London Missionary Society, is the Rev. W. H. Med-
hurst, who came out to India in 1816 ; from thence he went to
Malacca, where he first gave his attention to the Chinese ; and in
1822 he joined the Batavian mission . After fifteen years residence
in that Island, he returned to England for his health, and came out
again in 1839. In 1830 he published an English and Japanese
and Japanese and English Vocabulary, which was lithographed at
the mission press .
In 1834 his Fookeen Dictionary appeared, in one volume 4to.
The printing of it was commenced by the East India Company
in 1831 , and unavoidably put a stop to by the expiration of their
charter in 1834, when it was carried on and finished by subscrip-
tion . In 1838 was published his work on China, in one vol. 8vo.
He has also written many other works in Chinese, and has
laboured long and hard in the revision of the Bible in that lan-
guage. He is a most exemplary Christian.
In 1843 he published his Chinese and English Dictionary, in
two vols. 8vo. ; and he is at present engaged in preparing for the
press an English and Chinese Dictionary, which will be a very full
and complete work. The other missionaries connected with that
society, have not been long enough in this country to be perfect
masters ofthe Chinese language ; but considering the opportunities
they have enjoyed, most of them have made very creditable pro-
gress, though of course more particularly in that portion of the
language connected with their peculiar avocation.
The Rev. William Milne, who went to Chusan in the month of
March 1842, succeeded in locating himself in the city of Ningpo,
after it was evacuated by Her Majesty's forces in May of that
year. After residing there several months, he left it in the dis-
2 K2
guise of a Native, accompanied by his Chinese teacher, and two
Chinese servants, pushed into the interior, and succeeded in
reaching Canton after a journey of about thirty days, without
meeting any obstacle, or exciting any attention. He travelled the
whole way, with very little exception, in sedan chairs and boats,
and from being necessitated to hire always a boat to himself, to
prevent detection, his expenses amounted to more than 200 dollars.
This is the first instance on record of a Protestant missionary
succeeding in travelling into the interior ; no effort, however, was
made to distribute tracts, or in any way to carry out his objects
in coming to this country. The only reason that such instances
have never before happened, is that Protestant missionaries do
not feel justified in practising the deception so constantly made
use of by the Catholic priests, and through which alone, they suc-
ceed so effectually in entering within the barrier, and propagating
their tenets in the face of most severe prohibitions .
Of those belonging to the American Board of Commissioners for
foreign missions, the most advanced in the Chinese language are
the Rev. Dr. Bridgeman, Rev. D. Abeel, and Mr. Williams .
The Rev. Dr. Bridgeman composed a work which he called the
' Christomathy" in 1841 , which, as its title indicates, is a work
designed to furnish a series of easy lessons, comprising simple
instruction on that which is plain and useful. It is in the Canton
dialect, and is a very well arranged easy lesson-book for learners
of that dialect .
In 1844 Mr. Williams published an English and Chinese
Vocabulary in the court dialect, which is one of the most complete
Chinese Vocabularies extant. Mr. Williams has, through study
and research, done much to bring to notice Chinese natural his-
tory, and has given especial attention to botany.
Of the missionaries connected with the Baptist Board, there is
not much to notice ; they have not been long in China, but are,
nevertheless, tolerable Chinese scholars, although their knowledge
of the colloquial exceeds that of the written language.
The Rev. J. S. Shuck built a small chapel in Hong Kong, in
1843, called the Queen's Road Chapel. The expenses of erecting
it were altogether defrayed by subscription . Although very small,
until lately it has been the only place of worship in Hong Kong.
The Morrison Education Society was established in 1836 , and
its object is " to improve and promote education in China by
schools and other means."
In 1839 the Rev. J. R. Brown arrived and opened a school,
which has been flourishing ever since, and has at the present time
many scholars. They have made great proficiency in the English
language, and do great credit to their instructors . Four of the
boys are supported by Government, on the condition that two are
constantly supplied to the Consulate of Shanghae. The two that
are now there, have made themselves very useful as linguists . A
grant of land in Hong Kong has been made by Government to
this Society, and a very commodious schoolhouse has been built on
one of the most conspicuous eminences at the east end of the
town. *
The Medical Missionary Societyt was established in the year
1838, pursuant to suggestions for its formation, published by
S. R. Colledge, Esq . Rev. J. Parker, and Rev. E. C. Bridgeman,
in December 1836. Its object is, to give assistance and informa-
tion to those who come out to China as medical missionaries,
that by these means their services may be made immediately
available, while at the same time they may be put in the way of
learning the language, for the purpose of fitting themselves for
practising in parts of the country to which foreigners have not
hitherto gained access . Hitherto it has succeeded very well, and
thousands of Chinese have been relieved in the different hospitals
connected with the Society, at Macao, Canton, Chusan, and
Shanghai. A grant of land has also been made to this Society,
and a hospital now occupies the summit of a hill adjoining that
of the Morrison Education Society hill.
The number of converts brought from Heathenism to Christianity
through the means of Protestant missionaries, is very small . It
cannot be compared with that of the Catholic converts, for the
Protestant missionaries are in general so very strict, and require
that a man shew the change in his heart, by a corresponding
change for the better in his conduct and life, while the Catholics
only require that he should outwardly profess his faith, so that
but few join the former sect, while thousands crowd to the standard
of Rome. Perhaps there are not more than twenty or thirty
Christian Protestant Chinese, while Catholicism numbers its tens
and hundreds of thousands .
The Protestant missionaries are actuated by a nobler purpose
than the Jesuits, and will not adopt secret stealthy means
to promote Christianity. They have a lively hope that when
God in his wise providence opens the door, they will enter ; and
if called on to endure trials and sorrow, the principle which
actuated their sires and the spirit of their God, will, I trust, be
found to dwell in their hearts .
The social influence of missionaries is already felt, as few
others have the privileges of familiar intercourse with the Chinese.
Few have spoken with them in their own language, and there have
been very few others from whom they could obtain information
regarding the history of other countries.
The children educated by the missionaries are better acquainted
* In the Chinese Repository, vol. v. p. 373, will be found a full account of the
establishment, objects, &c. of this society.
In the Chinese Repository, also , vol. v. p. 370, and vol. vii. p. 32, will be found ac-
counts ofits origin and objects.
with history, geography, &c. than the literati of the nation, or the
ministers of the Emperor. The person from whom Keying is
acquiring information respecting other countries, was entirely
educated by an American Protestant missionary ; and although
bearing no direct relation with religion, it is of too much import-
ance to be overlooked.
On the other hand, valuable information has been lately
procured, in regard to the internal state of China, through the
Protestant missionaries, without which the pages of this work
would in many points have been dependent on the Jesuits' writings,
which might have been faithful enough when written. The trans-
lations of Dr. Morrison, the pages of the Chinese Repository, and
the labours of Bridgeman, Medhurst, and others, have proved
valuable, because truthful expositors .
Without enumerating the numerous barriers opposed to the
introduction ofthe Gospel in China, the most fatal is the clause
in the treaty which so circumscribes the labours of the missionary ;
and prevents him gaining admission into the interior, where
instruction is more likely to be successful than in maritime towns,
in which the worst classes generally congregate.
A subject of paramount importance has of late received much
attention from Protestant missionaries (particularly American)
in China, viz. the healing art, the practice of which is not only given
gratuitously but with a cheerful and generous spirit. The object
is to open the hearts of the Chinese, and to prove to them that all
foreigners are not actuated by the same motives, " gain seeking"
as they have hitherto had too much reason to think.
The Christian missionary has a noble example for this conduct
in his Lord and Master, who went about healing the sick,
giving sight to the blind, and comforting the distressed.
The importance of the object, and the suitableness of the means
to attain it, must be obvious to every one who is alive to the blessed
effects of the law of kindness ; to the holy principle " overcome
evil with good."
In this way the deep-rooted prejudices against foreigners will
be gradually subdued, access to the country more easily procured,
and many brought under the instruction of the herald of glad
tidings, who would otherwise have had no intercourse with him.
When the agency of this really Christian Society shall be carried
into full operation (when means and teachers are supplied) it is
intended that each medical missionary shall be aided by a clerical
To a limited extent this has been already done . I know of no
means so effective for the introduction of Christianity into China,
as the extension of the Medical Missionary Society ; it is not only
the best, it is the only means by which we can hope to prose-
cute successfully this holy object.
Dr. Hobson, one of this excellent society, and a man of practical
and skilful benevolence , reports, that from June, 1843, to July,
1844, the number of Chinese relieved, was 3,924, at Hong
Kong. The large number of in-patients gave the Doctor better op-
portunities of conversing with them on religious subjects. The
Doctor is assisted by a native, of age and experience, (Ayong), who
devotes himself to the propagation of Christianity among his own
countrymen .
Since the commencement of medical missions in China, from
1838 to 1844, upwards of 30,000 have sought aid from the skill of
the " barbarians," freely submitting to whatever was directed .
Upwards of two-thirds of this number have presented themselves
for surgical treatment, within the last four years.
And here I cannot help adverting to an English lady (Miss
Aldersey) , who has devoted herself to the Chinese as a medical
missionary. Possessed of an independent property in England—
of a beautiful form-an accomplished mind, and simple winning
manners —which in any country would command esteem and ad-
miration, she deemed herself irresistibly called on by a spirit within
her to proceed to China. Her father (resident, I think, at Chig-
well, in Essex), for several years refused to part with his beloved
daughter, but at last felt compelled to yield to her overwhelming
convictions. China was not then " opened," but Miss Aldersey
proceeded to Batavia, and joined the family of the Rev. Mr. and
Mrs. Medhurst, where she commenced the study of the Chinese
language. After the war Miss Aldersey accompanied Mr. Med-
hurst to Hong Kong, but soon perceiving that rock was quite un-
suited to missionary exertions, even if untainted by the opium
poison, Miss Aldersey proceeded to Chusan. On my arrival at
that beautiful and healthy island in August, I solicited and ob-
tained the honour of waiting on Miss Aldersey ; I found her living
entirely among the Chinese, in a good Chinese family, and with
several Chinese ladies, and a few children, as her companions.
Twice a week she received all the poor, afflicted, and diseased of
both sexes, to whom she administered medicines (in the use of
which she is very skilful) , comforts, and even money where needed.
It was indeed a blessed sight to see this accomplished English.
woman dwelling among the Chinese as a " ministering angel," for
such she doubtless appeared . I was a passenger in the steamer
which conveyed Miss Aldersey to Ningpo, where she had bought
a house, and determined to end her days. She was accompanied
by several Chinese ladies of pleasing manners ; but her own sim-
plicity of character was the greatest charm. Extreme illness and
debility at the time, prevented my converse with this remarkable
woman, who is silently working a great reformation around her,
especially in her own sex, and by the education of female children.
What a contrast to us as an " opium smuggling nation !" Would
that I could see a committee of English ladies in London, to aid
the pious Miss Aldersey in her blessed labours !
When I was in China there were eight " good Samaritans,"
medical missionary gentlemen , practically inculcating Christianity.
I visited the excellent hospital of Dr. Parker at Canton, and the
dispensary of the amiable Dr. Lockhart at Shanghai.
No language that I could utter would convey the praise that is
due to these missionaries and their colleagues . From the 21st of
November, 1842 , to the 31st of December, 1843, the number of
patients who had resorted to Dr. Parker's hospital at Canton, was
3,501 ; and while Dr. Parker has been devoting much time to
their relief, he has bestowed great attention to the instructions of
the Chinese youths who have placed themselves under him. One
of them, Kwan-Tau, his senior pupil, has been found competent to
keep open the institution (during the Doctor's temporary absence
from Canton) , attending principally to the diseases of the eye, to
which he has paid most attention .
Diseases of the eye are very prevalent in China, and have been
most successfully treated by Dr. Parker.
Dr. Lockhart, soon after he settled in Shang-hai, successfully
couched many cases of cataract ; one was extracted from a native
practitioner from Suchau, a gratifying mark of the confidence that
is placed in him, and of the readiness with which the Chinese ac-
knowledge the superior skill of foreigners, at least, in this branch of
science. In a letter from him, he says, " I have already adminis-
tered medicines to 3,000 people at Shanghai, all coming to my
house." This number is now, of course, much augmented. Re-
cently, when our consul, Mr. Thom, was ill at Ningpo, our consul
at Shanghai, Captain Balfour, who gained the respect of the
Chinese authorities by his manly, just, and English-like conduct,
obtained permission to send Dr. Lockhart across the country,
through Hangchew, to visit Mr. Thom, who, however, was dead
on his arrival. The incident shews the favour in which Christian
mediciners are viewed by the Chinese authorities.
The prejudice that existed in this country against medical men
becoming missionaries, has happily subsided . In what field could
Christian philanthropy be better exercised than following the ex-
ample of our Blessed Saviour and his Apostles, who,while they taught
things that concerned the eternal interests of men, were anxiously
solicitous to relieve bodily sufferings ? What He did by Divine
Power, and they by miraculous gifts, no one can in these days pre-
tend to effect. But we are nevertheless commanded and encou-
raged to imitate them, by the use of such means as knowledge and
the exercise of a genuine charity will furnish. Education is now
estimated by every well-regulated mind ; not that education will
make a Christian, but because it is one of the modes to that end.
The same argument will hold good with regard to science, as an
instrument to uproot a degrading system of idolatry- not that
science can convert a heathen, but it is a good auxiliary in de-
monstrating his false doctrine.
Without derogating from any of the noble institutions which
this country aids for the conversion of the heathen, the Medical
Missionary Society has pre-eminent claims, both from its infant
state, and the vast field of its usefulness .
It is painful to note how little Protestant England, as a govern-
ment or people, has yet done for China. The attention of the
London Missionary Society was directed to the subject in 1807,
but their missionary, Dr. Morrison, found some difficulty in locat-
ing himself at Canton, from the East India Company ; and it was
not until his services as an interpreter were required, that counte-
nance, and an undisturbed residence, were granted him by our
The disadvantages under which he commenced were great, but
not too much for his zeal and industry ; he had neither grammars
nor dictionaries . For several years he laboured alone, devoting
his time to the study of the language, and the preparation of a
grammar and dictionary . To this object his attention had been
been specially turned by the Directors of the Missionary Society.
"Perhaps," said they in their instructions, " you may have the
honour of forming a Chinese dictionary, more comprehensive and
correct than any preceding one." This expectation has been fully
realized, and the dictionary prepared by Dr. Morrison is still, in
the opinion of the accomplished Chinese scholar, Dr. Bridgeman,
the most valuable of all the books used by the students of the
The bigotry of the Portuguese government prevented the co-
operation of Dr. Morrison's faithful fellow-labourer (Milne) con-
tinuing his services at Macao, and the head quarters of the mis-
sion had to be transferred to Malacca . Many of the obstacles
which then prevented missionary enterprise, are now, however,
happily removed.
According to Mr. Milne's retrospect of the first ten years of the
Chinese mission, the object of the society was to prepare works
that would facilitate others in the acquisition of the language ;
this Dr. Morrison nobly performed.
He then commenced holding religious services with his domes-
tics, and others who chose to attend. At this period the Chinese
government were persecuting the Roman Catholic Missionaries,
which circumstance increased the caution of the East India Com-
pany's servants.
Notwithstanding these disadvantages, his efforts were not with-
out some success ; his first convert, Tsai-Ako, who was baptized in
1814, proved faithful until his death.
All the English missionaries for China subsequent to this period,
arrived either at Penang, Malacca, Batavia, or Singapore.
The number of Chinese emigrants at these settlements, is at all
times very great ; and as they very generally return to China,
many opportunities occurred of distributing the Scriptures, among
those to whom the missionaries could not go themselves .
Schools were established at the several stations, and the preach-
ing of the Gospel regularly sustained . A blessing must always
attend such efforts, when performed with sincerity and truth ;
many have been convinced of the folly of idolatry, and a few have
given evidence of a change of heart, and were received into the
Church by baptism .
Several Baptist missionaries, located in India, have directed
their attention to the acquisition of the Chinese language, in the
hope of extending the Gospel to China. Among these, the Rev. J.
Marshman's services are well known. With the assistance of the
Rev. Mr. Lassar, an Armenian Christian, born at Macao, and
speaking and writing the Chinese language with fluency, he trans-
lated the whole of the Scriptures into Chinese in the year 1822 .
The American missions have been eminently successful in the
East, and their ministers, medical and clerical, are the deadliest
enemies to the corruptions of the Romish priesthood. The Ame-
ricans have set us an example, of which we should feel ashamed.
They have been the principal promotors and supporters of the
medical mission, and they have sent the first Protestant bishop
to China. Let us awake from our criminal apathy. It is our
solemn duty to send the Gospel to all nations ; the non-success of
it in some places does not release us from this responsibility.
Failure should merely lead to renewed exertions, to a reconsider-
ation of the best means to be employed. There appear to be two
errors with regard to the cause and effect of missions. Some
think that throwing the seed in uncultivated ground will produce
fruit ; whilst others think that orientals are stereotyped, and will
still worship the same idols.
History informs us, that all nations have undergone a change
of opinions. What were the early Britains in the second century,
when Christian missionaries came among them ? China, that was
formerly called the " great unchanged," "the middle kingdom,”
has changed, has bent, and is exhibiting at this moment unerring
symptoms of further change. There are greater promises of suc-
cess to the Christian missionary in China, than any other country
in the East. First, the great majority of the people are instructed
in principles of morality ; and secondly, their modes of supersti-
tion are comparatively modern ; the oldest or Confucian (B.c. 530)
is a code of morals. Budhism, introduced A.D. 67, although tole-
rated, is despised by the majority of the higher classes, who have
no idol worship . Let not individuals despair, when they reflect
on the single effort of the orphan of Mecca, who planted his
standards, with shouts of victory, over the ruined thrones of Con-
stantine and Chosreos.
Religious opinions are continually changing ; all systems, ex-
cept Christianity, are in a state of continuous decay. But
wherever Christianity exists, in any pure form, there is an aug-
mentation of the numbers of mankind, and a visible improvement
in their condition, so that the balance between the Christian and
Unchristian portions of mankind is undergoing a marked altera-
tion. Truly, the prophecy is now in course of fulfilment : " God
shall enlarge Japhet (Europe) , and he shall dwell in the tents of
Shem (Asia) and Canaan- Ham (Africa) shall be his servant."
[Gen. ix. 27.]
Look at the wonderful position of England in the East-in the
territories of Shem . Can we refuse the evidence before us, that
great power has been bestowed on England as a nation for some
nobler purpose than merely to sell calicoes and broadcloth, and
buy tea and sugar ? Let it not be said by the enemies of Chris-
tianity, that its precepts could not have been intended for the
world, because so many nations have been in ignorance of its
sustaining power. If the prophecy of Isaiah contemplates the
conversion of the whole earth, as it most undoubtedly does, then
it has only received as yet a very partial fulfilment. This should
encourage us to persevere, until all may rejoice with the prophet,
who follows up his prediction with such a remarkable aspiration,
as that the " heavens shall sing, and the earth be joyful, and the
very mountains shall break forth into singing."
Our Government appear ashamed of Christianity, as if its princi-
ples were poison, and its professors demons . At the treaty of
Nankin we made less mention of our religion than any heathens
would have done ; we did not require permission to erect a place of
worship at the consular ports, or even to form a Christian burial-
ground ; thanks to the French and Americans, these two points
have since been obtained. We do not appear to have given our-
selves the least trouble on the subject ; it is as well we did
not : we were far more solicitous about licensing opium smoking
shops at Hong Kong, than of building even a Protestant church
there. Even the circular to our consuls in China, from Her Ma-
jesty's government in England, was hostile to English missionaries
at the consular ports !
All honour to the government of France, whose ambassador M.
Lagrenè procured the following edict, tolerating Christianity, and
revoking the former edicts for its suppression and persecution.
" Keying, a high minister, imperial commissioner, and viceroy
of the provinces of Kwangtung and Kwangsi, respectfully presents
this duly prepared memorial to the throne. I, your minister, find
that the Christian Religion is that which the nations of the west-
ern seas venerate and worship, its tenets inculcating virtue and
goodness, and reprobating wickedness and vice. It was introduced
into, and has been propagated, in China, since the times of the
Ming dynasty, and for a period there was no prohibition against
it. Afterwards, because natives of China who professed to follow
its maxims, frequently made use of it to commit mischief, the au-
thorities made examination, and inflicted punishment, as is on
" In the reign of Kia-kin, a special clause was first enacted in
the penal code, for the punishment of this offence, and hence the
natives of China were in reality prevented from committing crime,
the prohibition not extending to the religion which the foreign
nations of the west worship.
" It now appears that the present envoy, Lagrenè, has requested
that those Chinese who follow this religion, and are in other re-
spects blameless in the eye of the law, be held free from punish-
ment for so doing ; and as this seems what may be carried into
effect, I, your minister, accordingly request that hereafter all who
profess the Christian religion be exempted from punishment, and
looking up beseech the imperial grace. If any should walk in
their former ways, or commit other offences, they will be adjudged
according to the established laws.
" With reference to the subjects of France, as well as of all
other foreign countries who follow this religion, they are to be per-
mitted to erect churches for worship only at the five ports open for
foreign trade, and they are not to presume to enter the interior, to
propagate their doctrines. If any disobey this regulation, and
rashly exceed the fixed boundaries (of the ports, ) the district au-
thorities will at once apprehend them, and deliver them over to
the nearest consul of their respective countries, to be restrained
and punished ; they are not to be precipitately punished with se-
verity, or killed. By this will tender compassion be manifested to
those from afar, as well as to the blackhaired race, the good and
the bad will not be confounded together, and by your Majesty's
gracious assent will the laws and principles of reason be displayed
with justice and sincerity ; and this is my petition, that the prac-
tice of the Christian religion may henceforth entail no punish-
ment on those who are good subjects.
" Wherefore I respectfully prepare this memorial, and looking
up I beg that imperial grace do cause it to take effect. A respect-
ful memorial.
" On the ninth day, eleventh month, twenty-fourth year of
Taukwang, the imperial reply was received, assenting (to the peti-
tion. ) Respect this.
" The above mandate was received at Suchau on the twenty-
fifth day, twelfth month, twenty-fourth year of Taukwang .
" Shanghai, 1845."
This highly important edict has been followed up by another
concession, also obtained by the French ambassador from the
Chinese government, for the protection and toleration of Christians
throughout the whole empire, and even for the restoration, where
practicable, of the temples or places of worship which they formerly
Captain Balfour, I understand, has, with commendable zeal,
obtained a piece of ground for a chapel and burial ground, at
Shanghai, and it is to be hoped that such will be the case at each
of the open ports in China. The Chinese will respect us the more,
when they see we have some form of religion ; they are par-
ticularly careful of burial grounds . I saw the grave-yard at Kul-
ang-su (Amoy) where several Englishmen were interred more
than a hundred years ago . The graves were in good preservation, but
as the names on them were being obliterated by time, an English
captain, (rightly honoured with the appellation of " Old Mor-
tality,") used to go on shore every day, with a chisel and hammer,
and re-engrave the names, characters, and virtues, as inscribed on
the head-stones of his countrymen, in a distant land. This wor-
thy appreciated the poetry of thought in the lines :-
" Go, stranger ! track the deep,
Free, free the white sail spread ;
Wind may not blow, nor billow sweep,
Where rest not England's dead."
Let us endeavour to make it living England, in every land ;
it is not the fault of the Chinese government , but of our own, if
we refuse to avail ourselves of the advantages held forth in the
following decree :-
Imperial Commissioner and Governor- General of Kwang-tung
and Kwang-se, &c. , &c. , and Kwang, Lieutenant- Governor of
Kwang-tung, &c., issue the following distinct orders, which are
respectfully recorded :-:-
" The Minister and Lieutenant-Governor duly represented to
the throne, that the profession of the religion of the Lord of Hea-
ven, being in itself excellent, no punishment ought to be attached
to it. Hereupon we received an imperial receipt on the 25th day
of the 1st month, 26th year of Taukwang. (20th February, 1846)
Keying and others transmitted a request, that virtuous people
who professed the religion of the Lord of Heaven, ought not on
that account to be subject to punishment. The places of worship
they erected, the churches where they assemble to do homage to
the Cross and to pictures, and where they recite their prayers and
preach, need not to be searched and prohibited . The whole of this
proposition was granted.
As the religion of the Lord of Heaven exhorts people to vir-
tue, it differs from other sects ; and we therefore exempt the same
from prohibitory regulations. What this time was asked, ought
entirely to be allowed.
" All the churches of the Lord of Heaven built during the reign
of Kang-he ( 1662-1772) in the various provinces, which were con-
verted into temples or dwellings for the people, ought not to be a
subject of investigation ; but if it can be sufficiently proved, that
some of the original edifices still exist, we permit them to be re-
stored to the local professors of that religion.
" If, on the receipt of this edict by the Mandarins of the various
provinces, any true professors of the religion of the Lord of Hea-
ven have been unauthoratitively seized , without being vagabonds,
we allow (the authorities) to draw a line of demarcation (in libera-
ting those imprisoned on account of their religion .)
" If any men under pretence of religion commit crime, and, as-
sembling people from distant villages, excite them to mischief, or
if any villains of other sects, under the name of the religion of the
Lord of Heaven, presume to create disturbance, they will be all
considered as having committed a treasonable crime, and be pu-
nished according to the established laws.
"No foreigners are allowed, by the regulations now established,
to go into the interior and propagate their religion, for we must
make a distinction.
" Let this be made known. Respect this.'
" Having humbly recorded the above, we address this perspicu-
ous order to the military and people for their general information
and implicit obedience. Do not oppose. A special proclamation.
" Taukwang, 26th year, 2nd month, 21st day." (18th March,
The previous records shew, that at various periods the Chinese
government were aware of the great advantages derivable from
European intercourse. It is through the Christian virtues and
Christian civilization of Europe, that this mighty empire can alone
be changed, and the introduction of men of Christian principles,
and medical and scientific skill at Peking, would probably, in a short
period remodel the government, and strengthen, by improving
even the present Tartar dynasty.
Even in a mere pecuniary point of view, we shall reap as a na-
tion, great advantages from the establishment of a pure Christian-
ity in China ; it will afford the means of promoting intercourse, of
facilitating commerce, and of extending our language and habits
among millions, by which we may pave the way to freedom of com-
munication with Central Asia.
Oh ! that our government would view this great question in all
its aspects, then the men who profess and desire to act on Christian
principles, would no longer be compelled to hide their opinions,
but would rejoicingly aid in extending peace and its concomitant
blessing Christian civilization, into the vast regions of the east ;
and the mistaken, dark, and prejudiced views, which now in-
fluence our government, would give place to that animating, purify-
ing, and abiding spirit, without which all mere human efforts are
vain, and all political arrangements, territorial aggrandizement, or
commercial advantages, but so many steps towards the ruin and
extinction of a nation.
It was intended to have given a summary of the facts contained
in the previous pages, an exposition of the past and present state
of China, and an outline of the policy which we ought to pursue,
for the benefit of China and of England ; but the length to which
the work has already extended, precludes these observations ; and
conclusions, if required, may be readily drawn from the statements
adduced . The same want of space and augmenting and unsustain-
ed expense, prevents the printing of several official and public docu-
ments in the Appendix. The work as it stands, will, however,
furnish materials for future more elaborate investigation into the
important subjects, which I have strenuously endeavoured to eluci-
date and expound.
The points to which my attention has been chiefly directed,
have been :--
1st. The great extent, topography, and divisions of China
Proper, and its dependencies of Mantchouria, Mongolia, Turkes-
tan, and Thibet
2nd. The vast population, their character, classification, and
habits ;
3rd. The varied productions- agricultural, mineral, and manu-
facturing ;
4th. The nature and form of government-imperial, provincial,
and municipal ;
5th. The ancient and modern history of this most extraordinary
Empire, and its dynasties and chronology ;
6th. The political and general intercourse, from the most re-
mote periods, with the ancient and modern nations of Asia and
Europe ; the embassies it has received or accredited, and the trea-
ties made with England, France, Russia, and the United States of
America ;
7th. The war between England and China, its origin, progress ,
and results ;
8th. The internal trade, coasting traffic , and maritime com-
merce with various nations ; its extent, nature, value, and pro-
gress ; tariffs and regulations ;
9th. The tea trade, and consumption in different countries ;
10th . The opium traffic, and the official statements of the Chi-
nese government thereon ;
11th. The banking and monetary system of China ; coins,
weights, and measures ;
12th. The State of Japan, our treaty, and the communications
of China, Russia, Portugal, Holland, and America, with that sin-
gular and isolated country ; and suggestions for its being opened ,
together with Corea, Siam, and Cochin China, to British inter-
course and trade ;
13th. Description of the consular ports for European and
American trade in China, viz .: Canton, Amoy, Foochoo, Ningpo,
and Shanghai ;
14th. Report on Hong Kong, shewing its utter worthlessness to
England in every point of view, and the necessity of reducing our
expenditure there ;
15th. A detailed exposition of the valuable island of Chusan,
"the key of China ."
16th. The condition of the Portuguese settlement at Macao,
and the Russian station at Kiachta ;
17th. An examination of the cause which has preserved the
Chinese Empire for more than two thousand years, viz.: its know-
ledge from the beginning of the only true and living God ; the
establishment of the Jews in China ; the progress of the Nestorian
Christians ; the rise and downfal of the Jesuits, and of Romanism ;
the present state of the Protestant missions ; the existing tolera-
tion and encouragement of Christianity in China, and the means
to be adopted for its judicious extension.
These have been the objects which I undertook to investigate,
as their elucidation would essentially aid Her Majesty's Govern-
ment in our relations with, and future policy towards, the govern-
ment and people of China. And if in my endeavours to demon-
strate that our diplomatic policy has been defective, and unneces-
sarily restrictive ; that we have made a most unfortunate selection
on the coast of China for a British settlement ; that we ought not
to have evacuated Chusan until the treaty of Nankin had been ful-
filled ; that we have most unnecessarily wasted, and are continuing
our waste of, blood and treasure on the coast of China ; that we are
committing a great crime against God and man by the opium
traffic ;-if in my desire to sustain these points, I have by the
adduction of facts, or by cogent expressions , given pain to indivi-
duals , or impugned the political motives of Her Majesty's Govern-
ment, of either party in the State, it has been contrary to my in-
tentions, and at variance with my feelings . Conscious of my own
imperfections, I have to claim indulgence, rather than record cen-
sure, and am bound to remember the extenuating and influencing
eircumstances of all human actions. I, therefore, crave the fair
consideration of this general Report on China in the full spirit of
that manly English liberty which encourages the freest discussion
on public men and on public measures, and entreat that this con-
sideration be in accordance with that Christian charity and tolera-
tion which characterizes the British nation.
London, March 1 , 1847.
[I transmitted to the Board of Trade, with this Report, numerous Statis-
tical Tables of Trade with India, Europe, and America, for series of
years, and various public Documents, which it would be too expensive
for me to print. - R. M. M. ]
(Signed in the English and Chinese Languages.)
" WHEREAS by the tenth Article of the Treaty between Her Majesty
the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His
Majesty the Emperor of China, concluded and signed on board Her Bri-
tannic Majesty's ship ' Cornwallis, ' at Nanking, on the 29th day of Au-
gust, 1842, corresponding with the Chinese date 24th day of the 7th
month, in the 22d year of Taoukwang, it is stipulated and agreed, that
His Majesty the Emperor of China shall establish at all the ports which
by the second Article of the said Treaty, are to be thrown open for the
resort of British merchants, a fair and regular Tariff of export and import
customs and other dues ; which Tariff shall be publicly notified and pro-
mulgated for general information ; and further, that when British mer-
chandize shall have once paid, at any of the said ports, the regulated cus-
toms and dues, agreeably to the Tariff to be hereafter fixed, such merchan-
dize may be conveyed by Chinese merchants to any province or city in the
interior of the empire of China, on paying a further amount of duty as
transit duty ;
“ And whereas the rate of transit duty to be so levied was not fixed by
the said Treaty ;
" Now, therefore, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries of Her Britannic
Majesty, and of His Majesty the Emperor of China, do hereby, on pro--
ceeding to the exchange of the Ratifications of the said Treaty, agree and
declare, that the further amount of duty to be so levied on British mer-
chandize, as transit duty, shall not exceed the present rates, which are
upon a moderate scale ; and the Ratifications of the said Treaty are ex-
changed subject to the express declaration and stipulation herein con-
tained .
VOL. II. 2 L
" In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the
present Declaration, and have affixed thereunto their respective seals.
" Done at Hong Kong, the 26th day of June, one thousand eight hundred
and forty-three ; corresponding with the Chinese date, Taoukwang twenty-
third year, fifth month, and twenty-ninth day."
and Signature
of the
Chinese Tariff of Duties leviable at the five ports of Canton, under
Treaty of 1843. Duties given in Chinese currency of taels, mace,
candareens, and cash ; in dollars and cents ; and in pounds, shillings,
and pence.
Articles of Import. New Duties.
Per T. M. C. c . c. 8. d.
Assafoetida Pecul. 1 0 1 40 5 01/2
Bees-wax . 1 40 0 5
Betel-nut . 0 21 0
First sort, black 0 0 0 1 12 040호
Second, white 0 2 0 0 0 28 0 1 0
First sort, cleaned 5 000 6 94 5 21/2
Second sort, middling 3 47 0 12 74
Third sort, uncleaned . 0 70 26
First quality, (Malay) .. Catty. 0 1 40 5 01
Second quality, refuse . Pecul. 0 0 70 2 6
Cloves, first quality .. 0 2 10 7 63
Mother cloves, second do.. 0 0 0 70 0 2 61
Clocks weighing 500 cat-
ties each, and all sizes ;
time pieces, watches
gold, other watches ; 5 per cent . ad valorem.
clocks, spy-glasses, wri-
ting desks, perfumery,
cutlery, hardware, &c...
Articles of Import. New Duties.
Per T. M. C. C. & c. £ 8. d.
Canvass , 30 to 40 yards, by Bolt . 050 0 0 70 0 0
24 to 31 inches
Cochineal .. Pecul. 5000694 1 5 21/2
Cornelians, 100-4 taels, Hun- 0.3 0
0 5000 70
stones, estimated 6 catties dred .
Beads Pecul, 10 0 0 0 13 89 2 10 43
Cotton 100catties O 4 0 0 0 56 201
Cotton manufactures.
First quality, long Cloths,
30 @ 40 yards long, Piece . 0150 0 21 0 0 103
30 @ 36 inches wide..
Third quality, gray . 1 0 0 0 14 0 0 71
Twilled white or gray 1 0 0 14 0 0 7/ 1
Cambricks, &c. . J 0 0 21 0 0 10
2 00003
Chintz and prints, of 20 to 0 0 0 0 28 0 1 0
30 yards }
Handkerchiefs, large Each . 0 5 0 02 0 0
Do. , small 0 0 0 01 0 0 02/14
Cotton yarn and thread Pecul . 1 0 0 1 40 0
Cow bezoar Catty. 1 000 1 40 0
Cutch Pecul. 0 0 0 0 42 0
Elephants ' teeth.
First quality, whole. 4 0 5 55 0 2
Second do. broken 0 0 0 2 78 0 10 0
Fishmaws.. 0 2 10 7
Flints 0 0 07
Gambier 0 0 21
Ginseng, first quality 38 0 52 77 9 11
Do. second quality 3 0 4 86 0 17
Gold and silver thread .
3300¯¯¯¯¯¯ .
First quality, or real Catty. 3 0 0 18 0 73
Second do . , or imitation . 3 0 0 04 0 19
Gums, Benjamin Pecul. 1 0 1 40 0
Do. Olibanum . 0 0 70 0
Myrrh . 0 0 70 0
Hams, buffaloes' & bullocks' 0 2 78 0 10
Do., unicorns ' & rhinoceros' 0 4 17 0 15 1층
Linen, fine, 20 to 30 yards Piece. 0 0 70 0 0
Mace, or flower of nutmeg Pecul. 1 0 1 40 0 5
Mother-o' -Pearl shells.... 0 0 0 28 0 1 0
Copper, as in slabs . 1 0 1 40 0 5 01/2
Do., manufactured sheets, 1 5 0 0 2 10 0 7
&c. }
。。 ** +
Iron, in pigs.. 0 0 0 14 0 0 6
Iron, in bar rods 0 0 0 21 0 0 9
Lead, in pigs, or sheets 0 0 0 56 0 01
Spelter .. 0 0 0 56 0
Tin I 0 1 40 0
A 2
Articles of Import. New Duties.
H030021000- O
Per T. M. C. C. 8 c. £ s. d.
Tin plates.... Pecul, or 0 4 0 0 0 56 0 201
Quicksilver 100catties 3 0 0 0 4 17 0 15 11/2
Steel Eng, or Swed 4 0 0 0 56 0 201
Unenumerated metals . 10 per cent. ad valorem.
Nutmegs, first .... 2 0 0 0 2 78 0 10 1
Do., second, uncleaned 000 1 40 050
Pepper, Malay . 0 4 0 0 0256 0 201
Putchuck ... 07 5 0 1 04 0 39
Rattans 2 0 0 0 28 0 1 0
Rose, Maloes 0 0 0 1 40 05 01/20
Salt petre, sold only to go- 0 3 0 0 0 42 0 16
vernment .. 10
Sharks ' -fins, first, white 0 0 1 40 0 5 01/
Do. second, black.. 0 0 0 70 0 2
Skins, cow and ox hides, 0 5 0 0 0261
0 70
tanned and untanned ..
1000 2 504OO2 1 0000og
Sea Otter skins Each. 0 2.10 091
Fox skins, large 0 21 0 0 103
Do. , small 07 5 0 10 0 0 5/1/20
Tiger, Leopard, skins .. 0 21 0 0 102/2
Land Otter, Racoon, and Hun-
OOOOOOO 00040oCo
0 0 2 78 0 12 0
Sharks ... } dred.
Beaver skins 0 0 6 94 1 5 0
Hare, Rabbit, Ermine 0 0 0 70 030
Smalts Pecul. 0 0 5255 1 0 2
Soap.. 0 0 0 70 0 2 61
Stock fish, &c.. 0 0 0 56 020
Sea horse teeth 0 0 2 78 0 10 1
Wine, beer, spirits, in Hun-
0 0 1 40 0 6 0
quart bottles dred.
Do. in pint bottles 0 70 0 3 0
Do. in casks .. Pecul. 0 0 0 70 0 261
Wood ebony.. 5 0 21 009
Sandal wood . 0 70 0261
Sapan, do. 0 14 0 0 6
Unenumerated, do. 10 per cent.
Blankets, all kinds Each. 0 1 0 14 0 0 7
Broad cloths, stripes, Chang of 0 1 5 0 0 21 0 0 11
habit, cloths .. 141inches
Long ells 0 0 7 0 09 0 0 5
Worley's flannel 0 7.0 0 69 0 0 5
Dutch camlets . 0 1 5 0 21 0 0 11
English, do ... 0 0 09 0 0 51
Imitation, do. . 0 0 3 0 05 0 0 2/1/20
Bunting, narrow 0 0 02 0 0 14
Unenumerated woollen
5 per cent.
goods, cotton, &c. . .,
Woollen yarn Pecul, or 3000 4 17 0 15 1
Duties chargeable on Articles of Export from China.
200500 ------- 0--0 ------
Per T. M. C. c . & c. £ s. d.
1 Alum Pecul 0 0 14 0 6
2 Aniseed stars 0 070 2 6//
Ditto oil. 0 6 94 5 21
3 Arsenic 7 5 0 1 04 3
4 Bugles, glass, amulets.. 0 0 70 26
5 Bamboo ware . 20 0 0 28 1 0
6 Brass leaf 1 5 0 2 10 076
SODNO O O LO LO LO⌁7B02-0 10 10 10 0 10
7 Building materials . Free.
8 Bone and horn ware
1 0 0 0 1 40 0 5 01/20
9 Camphor 1 5 0 2 10 0 7 63
10 Canes of all kinds Thousand O 5 0 0 70 0 3 0
11 Capaor cutchery. Pecul 0 3 0 0 42 0 1 10
12 Cassia . 7 5 0 1 04 0 3 91
Ditto buds 1 000 1 40 0 01/
Ditto oil . 0 0 6 94 1 5
13 China root 2 0 0 28 0 1
14 Ditto ware 5 0 0 0 70 0 2 61
15 Clothes, ready made .. 5 0 0 70 0 2
16 Copper ware and tin do. 5 0 0 70 0 2
17 Cands, false canal 5 0 0 70 0 2 611
18 Fireworks 0 0 1 04 0 3 91
19 Cubebs 1 5 0 0 2 10 0 7 63
20 Fans and feathers 1 0 0 1 40 0 5 01/20
- ONOOO ------- 0-0
21 Furniture, all sorts 0 0 0 28 0 1 0
22 Galengal. 1 0 0 14 0 0 6
23 Gamboge 2 0 0 0 2 78 0 10 1
24 Glass ware . 0 5 0 070 02 6
25 Glass beads 5 0 0 70 0 261
26 Glue, common 5 0 0 70 02 61
27 Grass cloth 1 0 1 40 05 01
28 Hartall or orpiment 5 0 0 70 0 2 6
29 Ivory ware, all kinds .. 0 0 6 94 I 5
30 Kitty solls or umbrellas 5 0 0 70 0 2 6
31 Lacquered ware, all sorts 1 0 1 40 0 5 02/2
32 Lead, white 0 0 35 0 1 3
33 Ditto, red 5 0 0 70 0 26
34 Marble slabs 0 0 28 0 1 0
35 Mats, straw, bamboo.. 0 0 28 0 1 0
36 Mother-o'-pearl wares . 1 0 0 1 40 0 5 01/2
37 Musk Catty 5 0 0 70 026
38 Nankeens and cotton } Pecul
Ditto, coarse Canton .. 1 40 5 01/20
39 Pictures, oil painting.. Each 0 14 0 71
Ditto, rice paper Hundred 0 0 14 0 7
40 Paper fans Pecul 0 70 2 61
Duties chargeable on Articles of Export from China—continued.
T. M. C. c. c. £ s. d.
41 Paper fans, all kinds .. Pecul 5 0 0 0 70 0261
42 Pearls, false 5 0 0 70 026
43 Preserves, sweetmeats . 5 0 0 70 026
44 Rattan work 0 0 0 28 0 1 0
45 Rhubarb 0 0 1 40 05 01 /
46 Silk, raw, Nanking 0 13 89 2 10 4
Ditto, Canton .... 0 13 89 2 10 4
Ditto, coarse refuse 2 5 0 0 3 47 0 13 7
Ditto, Organzine 0 13 89 2 10 4
Ditto, thread, all sorts. 0 13 89 2 10 4
Ditto, ribbons 0 13 89 2 10 42
Ditto, piece goods . 0 13 89 2 10 42
47 Silk and cotton and
silk and woollen 3 0 0 0 4 17 0 15 1
000055000 ¯¯¯¯
48 Boots and shoes .. 0 2 0 0 0 28 0 1 0
49 Sandal-wood ware 1 0 0 1 40 0 5 01/20
50 Soy..... 0 0.56 0 201
51 Silver and gold ware .. 10 0 13 89 2 10 49
52 Sugar, white and brown 0 2 0 0 35 0 1 3
53 Sugar candy 0 0 49 0 19
54 Tinfoil 5 0 0 70 0261
55 Tea, all kinds. 2 5 0 3 47 0 12 7
56 Tobacco, all kinds 2 0 0 28 0 10
57 Turmeric 0 0 0 28 0 1 0
58 Tortoise-shell ware. 10 0 0 13 89 2 10 4//
59 Trunks of leather 0 0 0 28 0 1 0
60 Vermilion 3 0 0 4 17 0 15 1//1
The " Friend of China," a newspaper, dated Hong Kong, January 12th,
1843, gave the following statement relative to the then Chinese Tariff, as
equivalent averages on duties.
Per cent. Per cent.
Cotton about 5 Steel about 10
,و yarn دو 3 Gold and silver thread .. 30
دو goods. "" 3 Tin .
White long cloths . "" 30 Copper
Grey domestics . . 10 to 17 Broad cloths..
Iron, bar and rod . دو 15 Spanish stripes .
Lead, pig and sheet . وو 15 Long ells
Quicksilver دو 3 Camlets.. دو
ON IMPORTS- continued.
Per cent. Per cent.
Betel nut about 15 Nutmegs about 4
Biche de Mer ,, 3 Black pepper "" 15
Cloves دو 18 White ditto "" 10
Cutch دو30 Rattans ... "" 12
Ebony 99 15 Sandal-wood دو 15
Fish- maws "" 01
Alum about 50 Nanking silk 4
Camphor. دو 7 Pongees ... 11
Cassia . دو80 Soft white sugar
China root ,, 10 Sugar candy.. 10
Galangal . "" 33 Tea
Rhubarb . 1
In addition to the Sea Customs on goods, there are also Transit Duties
paid at the Custom Houses of Kan, Taeping, and Pihsin, on goods
that are going down to Canton, or from thence transported to the
Northern Provinces. [Extracted from the Hoo-poot-sihle, 30th & 31st
volumes, published by Imperial Authority, on the Revenues of the
Empire. ]
EXPORT. Kankwan. Taepingkwan. Pihsinkwan.
T. M. C. C. T. M. C. C. T. M. C. C.
Alum 100 catties 0008 3 0027 % 0008
Aniseed 99 0042 0042 0040
Arsenic. 99 00263 0027% 0040
Bamboo ware of all kinds 29 0000 0040 0040
Camphor • · "" 0105 0364 0140
Capoor catchery 99 0000 0028 0000
Cassia 99 0035 000 0000
China root • "" 003539 027% 004
Copper and pewter ware . "" 009 0150 60
Cubebs . "" 01870 0000 0400
Galingal 99 0017 0027 40
Gamboge 99 0035 033840 13
Grass cloth piece 00590 00078 % 0002
Hartall 100 catties 0459 0256 0100
Lead, white "" 0000 0000 1360
Straw mats, bamboo 99 0 26 0117 0000
Musk catty 0 91 9 3 14 2 1360
Nankeen and cotton cloth 100 catties 00 52 0455 0025 %
Rhubarb 99 0023 00278 0040
Silk, raw, 1st quality 99 100 143 2 08579
coarse or refuse 99 0459 0364 0640
Silk piece goods 99 0919 3142 1472
Middling raw silk "" 0000 0724 0680
Silk and cotton mixtures ,
silk and woollen mix- piece 0000 0724 0012
tures, and all such goods
Soy • 100 catties 0 2 6 26 0027% 0040
Tea, coarse "" 0 0788 0042 0042
10 baskets 100 catties 100 catties
99 fine · "" 00394 0076 0000
Chekeang Teas
Vermilion . 0525 1446 1360
IMPORTS . Kankwan . Taepingkan. Pihsinkwan.
Per T. M. C. C. T. M. C. C. T. M. C. C.
Asafoetida . 100 catties 17 5 9 1446 0400
Bees'-wax 0393 0000 0000
Betel nut 0017% 0042 0040
Biche de mer 0035 % 0117 0400
Bird's-nests 1172 % 1116 1360
Camphor, Malay Catty 0920 3142 1360
Cloves . 100 catties 02348 0617 0200
Cornelian beads 0059 0000 0000
Cotton .. 0000 0000 0080
Cotton manufactures 0100 0148 00 5 5
all kinds 10 pieces piece
Cow bezoar Catty 1172 % 1116 2400
Cutch 100 catties 01404 0 18 34 0200
Elephant's teeth 02343 144 6 1000
Gold and silver thread Catty 02623 0150 0 0 2 44
Gums, Benjamin 100 catties 0148 0367 0200
Olibanum . 0000 0367 0000
Myrrh . 02348 0684 0200
Horns of all kinds 1750 1446 1360
Quicksilver 02 34 1444 1360
Nutmegs 0100 01833 02 343
Pepper . 0 351 0259 0200
Putchuck 0 2 34 0366 0200
Rattans. 0046 % 0042 0016
Rose maloes 0938 0834 0000
Shark's-fins 00580 0117 0400
Smalts . 0656 1446 0000
Ebony 00934 0000 0200
Sandal-- wood 0586 0259 0200
Sapan-wood • 0 14 0 0042 0200
Woollen goods Piece 0200 0 200 01109
Narrow woollens Chang of 0100 0100 chang
141 inches 0 1 1 09
Dutch camlets Chang 0200 0000 0 1 1 0
Camlets 0200 0000 01 10%
Woollen yarn 100 catties 3142 3 14 2 02043
General Regulations, under which the British trade is to be conducted
at the five ports of Canton, Amoy, Foochowfoo, Ningpo, and Shanghai.
" 1st. Pilots.-Whenever a British merchantman shall arrive off any
of the five ports opened to trade, viz.: Canton, Foochowfoo, Amoy,
Ningpo, or Shanghai, pilots shall be allowed to take her immediately into
port ; and in like manner, when such British ship shall have settled all
legal duties and charges, and is about to return home, pilots shall be im-
mediately granted to take her out to sea, without any stoppage or delay.
" Regarding the remuneration to be given these pilots, that will be
equitably settled by the British Consul appointed to each particular port,
who will determine it with due reference to the distance gone over, the
risk, run, &c.
" 2nd. Custom-house Guards.- The Chinese Superintendent of Cus-
toms at each port, will adopt the means that he may judge most proper to
prevent the revenue suffering by fraud or smuggling. Whenever the pilot
shall have brought any British merchantman into port, the Superintendent
of Customs will depute one or two trusty Custom-house officers, whose
duty it will be to watch against fraud on the revenue. These will either
live in a boat of their own, or stay on board the English ship, as may best
suit their convenience. Their food and expenses will be supplied them
from day to day from the Custom-house, and they may not exact any fees
whatever from either the Commander or Consignee. Should they violate
this regulation, they shall be punished proportionately to the amount so
" 3rd. Masters ofships reporting themselves on arrival.-Whenever a
British vessel shall have cast anchor at any one of the above-mentioned
ports, the Captain will, within four and twenty hours after arrival, proceed
to the British Consulate, and deposit his ship's papers, bills of lading,
manifest, &c., in the hands of the Consul ; failing to do which, he will
subject himself to a penalty of two hundred dollars.
" For presenting a false manifest, the penalty will be five hundred
dollars .
" For breaking bulk and commencing to discharge, before due permis-
sion shall be obtained, the penalty will be five hundred dollars, and con-
fiscation of the goods so discharged .
" The Consul, having taken possession of the ship's papers, will imme-
diately send a written communication to the Superintendent of Customs,
specifying the register tonnage of the ship and the particulars of the cargo
she has on board ; all of which being in due form, permission will then be
given to discharge, and the duties levied as provided for in the tariff.
"4th. Commercial dealings between English and Chinese merchants.-
It having been stipulated that English merchants may trade with what-
ever native merchants they please, -should any Chinese merchant frau-
dently abscond or incur debts which he is unable to discharge, the Chinese
authorities, upon complaint being made thereof, will of course do their
utmost to bring the offender to justice ; it must, however, be distinctly un-
derstood, that if the defaulter really cannot be found, or be dead or bank-
rupt, and there be not wherewithal to pay, the English merchants may
not appeal to the former custom of the Hong merchants paying one for
another, and can no longer expect to have their losses made good to them.
"5th. Tonnage dues. - Every English merchantman, on entering any
of the above-mentioned five ports, shall pay tonnage-dues at the rate of
five mace per register-ton, in full of all charges . The fees formerly levied
on entry and departure, of every description, are henceforth abolished .
"6th. Import and Export duties.-Goods whether imported into, or ex-
ported from any one of the above-mentioned five ports are henceforward to
be taxed according to the tariff as now fixed and agreed upon, and no fur-
ther sums are to be levied beyond those which are specified in the tariff;
all duties incurred by an English merchant vessel, whether on goods im-
ported or exported, or in the shape of tonnage dues, must first be paid up
in full ; which done, the Superintendent of Customs will grant a port
clearance, and this being shown to the British Consul, he will thereupon
return the ship's papers and permit the vessel to depart.
Examination of goods at the Custom-house. - Every English
merchant having cargo to load or discharge, must give due intimation there-
of, and hand particulars of the same to the Consul, who will immediately
dispatch a recognized linguist of his own establishment to communicate
the particulars to the Superintendent of Customs, that the goods may be
duly examined, and neither party subjected to loss . The English mer-
chant must also have a properly qualified person on the spot, to attend to
his interests when his goods are being examined for duty ; otherwise, should
there be complaints, these cannot be attended to.
" Regarding such goods as are subject by the tariff to an ad valorem
duty, if the English merchant cannot agree with the Chinese officer in
fixing a value, then each party shall call two or three merchants to look at
the goods, and the highest price at which any of these merchants would
be willing to purchase, shall be assumed as the value of the goods.
"To fix the tare on any article, such as tea, if the English merchant
cannot agree with the Custom-house officer, then each party shall choose
so many chests out of every hundred, which being first weighed in gross,
shall afterwards be tared, and the average tare upon these chests shall be
assumed as the tare upon the whole ; and, upon this principle, shall the
tare be fixed upon all other goods in packages.
" If there should still be any disputed points which cannot be settled,
the English merchant may appeal to the Consul, who will communicate the
particulars of the case to the Superintendent of Customs, that it may be
equitably arranged. But the appeal must be made on the same day, or it
will not be regarded . While such points are still open, the Superintendent
of Customs will delay to insert the same in his books, thus affording an
opportunity that the merits of the case may be duly tried and sifted.
"8th. Manner ofpaying the duties. - It is hereinbefore provided, that
every English vessel that enters any one of the five ports, shall pay all
duties and tonnage dues before she be permitted to depart. The Superin-
tendent of Customs will select certain shroffs, or banking establishments of
known stability, to whom he will give licenses, authorizing them to receive
duties from the English merchants on behalf of Government, and the receipt
of these shroffs for any moneys paid them shall be considered as a govern-
ment voucher. In the paying of these duties, different kinds of foreign
money may be made use of ; but as foreign money is not of equal purity
with sycee silver, the English Consuls appointed to the different ports will,
according to time, place, and circumstances, arrange with the Superin-
tendents of Customs at each, what coins may be taken in payment, and
what per centage may be necessary to make them equal to standard or pure
"9th. Weights and Measures.-Sets of balance-yards for the weighing
of goods, of money-weights, and of measures, prepared in exact conformity
to those hitherto in use at the Custom-house of Canton, and duly stamped
and sealed in proof thereof, will be kept in possession of the Superintendent
of Customs, and also at the British Consulate at each of the five ports, and
these shall be the standards by which all duties shall be charged, and all
sums paid to Government . In case ofany dispute arising between British
merchants and Chinese officers of Customs, regarding the weights or mea-
sures of goods, reference shall be made to these standards, and disputes
decided accordingly.
" 10th. Lighters or cargo-boats.-Whenever any English merchant
shall have to load or discharge cargo, he may hire whatever kind oflighter
or cargo-boat he pleases, and the sum to be paid for such boat can be set-
tled between the parties themselves, without the interference of Govern-
ment. The number of these boats shall not be limited, nor shall a mono-
poly of them be granted to any parties. If any smuggling take place in
them, the offenders will of course be punished according to law. Should
any of these boat-people, while engaged in conveying goods for English
merchants, frandulently abscond with the property, the Chinese authorities
will do their best to apprehend them ; but, at the same time, the Eng-
lish merchants must take every due precaution for the safety of their
goods .
" 11th. Transhipment of goods.-No English merchant ships may
tranship goods without special permission : should any urgent case happen
where transhipment is necessary, the circumstances must be first trans-
mitted to the Consul, who will give a certificate to that effect, and the
Superintendent of Customs will then send a special officer to be present at
the transhipment. If any one presumes to tranship without such permis-
sion being asked for and obtained, the whole of the goods so illicitly trans-
shipped will be confiscated .
" 12th. Subordinate Consular officers. -At any place selected for the
anchorage of the English merchant ships, there may be appointed a subor-
dinate consular officer, of approved good conduct, to exercise due control
over the seamen and others. He must exert himself to prevent quarrels
between the English seamen and natives, this being of the utmost impor-
tance. Should anything of the kind unfortunately take place, he will in a
like manner do his best to arrange it amicably. When sailors go on shore
to walk, officers shall be required to accompany them, and, should distur-
bances take place, such officers will be held responsible. The Chinese offi-
cers may not impede natives from coming alongside the ships, to sell clothes
or other necessaries to the sailors living on board.
" 13th. Disputes between British subjects and Chinese. -Whenever a
British subject has reason to complain of a Chinese, he must first proceed
to the Consulate and state his grievances ; the Consul will thereupon in-
quire into the merits of the case, and do his utmost to arrange it amicably.
In like manner, if a Chinese have reason to complain of a British subject,
he shall no less listen to his complaint, and endeavour to settle it in a
friendly manner. If an English merchant have occasion to address the
Chinese authorities, he shall send such address through the Consul, who
will see that the language is becoming ; and if otherwise, will direct it to
be changed, or will refuse to convey the address . If, unfortunately, any
disputes take place of such a nature that the Consul cannot arrange them
amicably, then he shall request the assistance of a Chinese officer, that
they may together examine into the merits of the case, and decide it
equitably. Regarding the punishment of English criminals, the English
Government will enact the laws necessary to attain that end, and the Con-
sul will be empowered to put them in force ; and, regarding the punish-
ment of Chinese criminals, these will be tried and punished by their own
laws, in the way provided for by the correspondence which took place at
Nanking after the concluding of the peace.
" 14th. British Government Cruizers anchoring within the_Ports.-
An English government cruizer will anchor within each of the five ports,
that the Consul may have the means of better restraining sailors and
others, and preventing disturbances . But these government cruizers are
not to be put on the same footing as merchant vessels , for as they bring no
merchandize and do not come to trade, they will of course pay neither
dues nor charges . The resident Consul will keep the Superintendent of
Customs duly informed of the arrival and departure of such government
cruizers that he may take his measures accordingly.
" 15th. On the security to be given for British merchant vessels.—
It has hitherto been the custom, when an English vessel entered the port
of Canton, that a Chinese Hong merchant stood security for her, and all
duties and charges were paid through such security-merchant. But these
security-merchants being now done away with, it is understood that the
British Consul will henceforth be security for all British merchant ships
entering any of the aforesaid five ports."
Tables of British Consular fees at the several open ports in China,
approved by the Earl of Aberdeen, February, 1844 :-
TABLE A. -Certificate of due landing of goods exported
from the United Kingdom . · 2 Dollars.
Signature of ship's manifest . • دو
Certificate of origin, when required.
Bill of health, when required . 2
Signature of muster roll, when required .
: ;:
Attestation of a Signature, when required 1
Administering an oath, when required
Seal of office, and signature of any other document not
specified herein, when required . دو
TABLE B.- Bottomry or arbitration bond 2 Dollars.
Noting a protest . 1 دو
Order of survey 2 29
Extending a protest or survey. وو
Registrations . دو
Visa of passport دو
Valuation of goods per cent.
Attending sales وو
Where there has been a charge for valuing ; otherwise دو
Attendance out of Consular office at a shipwreck, five dol-
lars per diem for his personal expenses, over and above
his travelling expenses .
Attendance on opening a will. 5 Dollars .
Management of property of British subjects dying intestate. 21 per cent.
" As much confusion and many mistakes, tending to the hindrance of
public business, are likely to occur from manifests being too vaguely made
out, consignees of British Vessels are hereby required to give their atten-
tion to the following rules in drawing up manifests to be presented at this
Consulate .
" 1st. Packages, contents unknown .' The consignee of the ship will
be required to ascertain from the consignees of such packages, the nature
of their contents generally (in so far as it may be practicable) before pre-
senting his manifest at this Consulate.
“ 2nd. Packages, Woollens .' These must be specified, as ‘ Broad-
cloth,' or ' Longells, ' or ' Camlets,' or · Bombazettes,' &c., &c., in accord-
ance with the classification of the Tariff, seeing that all these articles are
liable to different duties .
“ 3rd . Packages, ' Cottons .' These must in like manner be specified,
as White Longcloths,' or ' Grey Longcloths, ' or ' Cambrics,' or ' Printed
Goods,' or ' Handkerchiefs,' as the case may be.
" 4th . Packages, Fancy Goods .' Any manufactured goods not in
current consumption may be specified as ' Stuffs of Cotton only,' or ' Stuffs
of Wool only,' or of Silk and Cotton mixed,' or of Wool and Cotton
mixed,' &c., &c. , as the case may be.
" Lastly. As a general rule, where any doubt exists, let it be borne in
mind that the object in view is chiefly to ascertain the number of packages
of certain goods, which are to pay certain specified duties ; and that by
mixing up two or three kinds of goods which pay different duties under
one head, this object will be defeated .
" By bearing these few general rules in mind, a great deal of unnecces-
sary trouble will be spared this Consulate, and the consignees of ships in
the end.
" British Consulate, Canton, " G. TRADESCANT LAY,
" 28th July, 1843 . " H. M. Officiating Consul for Canton .”
British vessels entering the Port of Canton are required to make a
report, as annexed .-(There is a transcript in Chinese.)
To be used by ships when passing the Bogue Forts inward bound.
· I, Master of the Ship hereby declare that I have
arrived from with a cargo of and am now proceeding with
the same to Whampoa.
Given at the Custom-house station, island of North Wangtong, this
day of 184 , at o'clock.
[N.B.-The Master of every ship is requested to be particular in noting
down the time correctly when this report shall be handed in ; he is also
requested to procure a duplicate of the Chinese characters employed to
write his own name, and the name of his ship, in order that he may pre-
sent the same at the Consulate to prevent confusion in the English
names . ]
At the moment of going to press, the following return of the health of
the troops at Hong Kong for 1846, has been received. It has been by
far the most healthy year experienced in the island, yet less than seven
such years would entirely remove the whole of our troops by deaths and
invaliding : invalided soldiers seldom are ever again fit for duty. But the
healthiness or otherwise of Hong Kong, does not affect the question of
the utter worthlessness of the place.
1846. R.Artill. Engineers. H. M. 18th. 42nd M. N. I.
Strength 24 36 847 973
Deaths 1 52 74
Invalided 3 95 All return to India.
Sick, Dec. 21 , 1846 .. 2 9 124 92
On the above day-the most healthy period of the year-about of the
18th Royal Irish were in the hospital !-R. M. M.
[The following documents have reference to the matters referred to in
the Dedication, and in the Reports on Hong Kong, and on Chusan, in
vol. ii.]
1st May, 1846.
I believe I am acting in accordance with official usage, in solicit-
ing you, as Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department,
to lay the accompanying Petition and documents on China before the
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your most obedient servant,
To the R. M. MARTIN.
Right Hon. Sir James Graham, Bart.
H. M. Sec. of State for the Home Department .
Enclosure.- Reports on Hong Kong-on Chusan-on the British Posi-
tion and Prospects in China, &e. &c.
To the Queen's most Excellent Majesty.
The humble petition of Robert Montgomery Martin, late Her Ma-
jesty's Treasurer for the Colonial, Consular, and Diplomatic Services
in China, and a Member of Her Majesty's Legislative Council.
Humbly sheweth,
1st . That Your Majesty was graciously pleased to appoint petitioner
treasurer at Hong Kong on the 20th of January, 1844 .
2nd. That petitioner having devoted his life to an investigation of the
British colonial possessions and commercial interests, deemed that he
would be fulfilling his duty to your Majesty by examining, in all their re-
lations, our position and prospects in China.
3rd. That the accompanying public documents were, therefore, from
time to time transmitted to your Majesty's ministers, and it is respectfully
submitted they testify that petitioner acted as a faithful, industrious, and
useful servant of the crown in China.
4th. That petitioner deeming an erroneous course of policy had been
pursued, which, if not timely corrected, would be productive of great na-
tional injury ; and being desirous of checking what he considered as a
wasteful expenditure of the public money, which could only effectually be
done by his immediate return to England, was most reluctantly compelled
to tender the conditional resignation of the commission with which your
Majesty was graciously pleased to invest him, in order that he might bring
the whole state of our affairs in China under the early and serious con-
sideration of your Majesty's ministers, and be on the spot to explain per-
sonally the amendments and retrenchments which he was and is prepared
to prove were imperatively required in China.
5th. That for thus acting in accordance with what he believed to be
his duty, as an honest steward of the trust reposed in him, and for refus-
ing to remain silent and quiescent when silence and quiescence would have
been a crime ; petitioner has been deprived of his position in your Ma-
jesty's service, and all redress or enquiry has been denied him, while your
Majesty's government have derived the benefit of his information and ex-
6th. That petitioner respectfully declares he feels conscious this punish-
ment is unmerited-he is most anxious to have the fullest scrutiny into
every part of his conduct, and the most searching investigation into the
truth of his statements, and looking to your Majesty as the source of jus-
tice, petitioner earnestly prays the gracious interposition of your Majesty
to present the infliction of a wrong, which does not alone affect an humble
individual, but which, if sanctioned, destroys the moral and Christian re-
sponsibility of the servants of the crown, especially when acting conscien-
tiously in the distant provinces of this vast empire.
And your Majesty's Petitioner, as in duty bound,
Will ever pray.
London, 1st of May, 1846 .
7th May, 1846 .
I am directed by Secretary Sir James Graham to inform you,
that he has laid before the Queen, your petition, with the enclosures , pray-
ing for an investigation into the causes for which you have been deprived
of your position in Her Majesty's service, and redress or enquiry denied
to you.
And I am further to acquaint you, that the same has been referred for
the consideration of the Secretary of State for the Colonial Department, to
whom all other communications on this subject must be addressed .
I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your obedient servant ,
R. Montgomery Martin, Esq. S. M. PHILLIPPS .
29, Bloomsbury Square.
12th May, 1846 .
I am directed by Mr. Secretary Gladstone to inform you, that
the Queen has been pleased to refer to him the petition which you ad-
dressed to Her Majesty on the 1st instant, praying for an enquiry into the
truth of the several communications which you have addressed to Her Ma-
jesty's Government on the subject of Hong Kong.
I am to inform you that, for the reasons already explained to you in the
correspondence in which you have been engaged with this office, Mr. Glad-
stone has been unable to advise Her Majesty to accede to the prayer of
your petition .
I am, Sir,
Your most obedient servant,
R. Montgomery Martin, Esq. LYTTELTON ,
13th May, 1846 .
I regret to learn that you have not deemed it necessary to ad-
vise Her Majesty to accede to the prayer of my petition for an enquiry into
the truth of my several communications on the subject of Hong Kong. I
am unaware of any " reasons already explained " to me, which ought to
preclude the investigation sought. The only reason ever given for refusing
this enquiry was, that I had resigned my office ; the truth or otherwise of
my statements being deemed alike immaterial . I beg leave to observe that
I tried in vain every other mode of procuring an investigation into the
utter worthlessness of Hong Kong.
The faint hope that there was still some power in the crown to grant
that which is even conceded to a criminal, viz. enquiry, is nullified by
referring my petition to that Department which has hitherto rejected all
appeals for investigation. I respectfully submit that this can scarcely be
considered in accordance with justice, or with a desire to obtain truth.
I therefore venture to ask, even as a boon, that my petition be referred
to the Privy Council, and that I be permitted at my own expense to sub-
stantiate the truth of my statements .
I have the honour to be, &c.
To the R. M. MARTIN.
Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone,
H. M.'s Secretary of State for the Colonies, &c . &c.
18th May, 1846.
I am directed by Mr. Secretary Gladstone to acknowledge the
receipt of your letter of the 13th instant, in which you request that your
petition to the Queen may be referred to the Privy Council .
Mr. Gladstone desires me to inform you, in reply, that Her Majesty's
Executive Government must reserve to itself the responsibility for the de-
cision of a question of this nature ; and that the Queen cannot be advised
to refer the investigation of it to the Privy Council, or to any committee of
the Council.
I am, Sir,
Your most obedient servant,
R. Montgomery Martin, Esq. LYTTELTON .
Earl Grey having declined to reconsider a question on which his prede-
cessors had refused all inquiry, and deeming my resignation as final and
not " conditional," the following letter was addressed—
To the Right Hon. Lord John Russell,
First Lord of Her Majesty's Treasury.
MY LORD, 26th August, 1846 .
The Marquis Wellesley on the 17th November, 1840, ad-
dressed a letter to your Lordship, stating that he " pledged" his honour
for my integrity, ability, " honest zeal and indefatigable spirit of indus-
try ;" and my lamented and revered friend declared that he was 66 satis-
fied my active employment in the public service, would be useful to the
empire, and honourable to me and to your Lordship ."
I respectfully entreat, my Lord, that you will give me the benefit of this
declaration of one of the greatest and purest statesmen that ever shed
lustre, or conferred benefit, on England ; and that you will grant me an
enquiry into the causes which irresistibly compelled me to tender a con-
ditional resignation of my office as Her Majesty's Treasurer in China- in
order that I might be enabled to personally lay before Her Majesty's
government an exposition of our highly important interests in that vast
Empire, and procure a timely correction of what I deemed errors of deep
national importance.
The accompanying documents detail my proceedings in China ; and my
voluminous Report on the commerce, government, and relations of the
Chinese, (now under the consideration of Mr. Lefevre of the Board of
Trade), is an evidence of the industry which I gratuitously devoted to the
acquisition of information useful to Her Majesty's Government.
I simply ask a full and fair investigation into the correctness of my
statements, and a permission to support by evidence the truth of my
This request would not be refused to a criminal. I am ready to prove
that I do not deserve its rejection, -that I did my duty as an honest,
faithful and diligent servant of the Crown, and that I zealously endeavoured
to show myself worthy of the high testimony of Lord Wellesley. I ask
this enquiry as a boon in reference to myself, and as an act of justice in
reference to the public service, for I am assured your Lordship will con-
cur in thinking that a servant of the Crown, especially in a distant and im-
perfectly known station, is bound to seek the welfare of the nation in pre-
ference to his own ease or emoluments, and that he is as responsible for
acts of omission as for those of commission.
I went to China at the request of Her Majesty's Government ; broke
up my engagements here, and incurred considerable expense in my zeal to
perform services which I had hoped would have been deemed worthy of ap-
I have been more than a year without any income whatever, although
labouring hard for the public good, as testified by the Board of Trade.
My means of support, and what is of far more consequence my public
character, are dependent on the investigation I thus earnestly implore at
your Lordship's hands.
I have the honour to be,
My Lord, your faithful Servant,
(Signed) R. M. MARTIN.
[ Enclosure in the foregoing, copied from the original by Lord Edward
Howard- by the permission of Lord John Russell . ]
MY DEAR LORD, November 17, 1840 .
Your Lordship's uniform kindness and obliging attention induce
me to trouble you with a request, in the success of which I am deeply
interested, from motives of gratitude and friendship, as well as from a
sense of public duty.
Several respectable friends of the present Government, from the same
sentiments, have already expressed their concurrence in my opinion, and
have declared an anxiety equal to mine on the same subject .
VOL. II. 2 M
Our object is to see Mr. Montgomery Martin (a gentleman well known
to your Lordship and to the Public) employed in some station in which his
eminent talents, and extraordinary industry and diligence, and extensive
information, might be rendered useful to the empire.
My friendship for Mr. Martin is founded on no light basis . I en-
trusted him with the publication of the documents connected with my
administration of the British Empire in India ; a work which he has com-
pleted to my entire satisfaction .
This work necessarily involved the most confidential communication
and intercourse, by which I am enabled, with the most perfect certainty,
to pledge my honour to the integrity, ability, honest zeal, and indefatig-
able spirit of industry, by which this worthy gentleman has obtained so
high an eminence in public estimation.
Mr. Martin has made the affairs of the British Colonies, and of India,
the more especial object of his laborious studies ; but he is also better in-
formed on the interesting subject of Ireland, (more particularly on the
operation and result of her legislative union with Great Britain, ) than
any person I have ever conversed with. Generally his knowledge of sta-
tistics is most extensive and most practically useful.
My gratitude towards this gentleman renders me most anxious for his
welfare ; but I would not recommend him to your Lordship, if I were not
satisfied that his active employment in the public service would be bene-
ficial to the empire, and honourable to himself and to your Lordship .
I have the honour to be, with great respect and esteem,
My dear Lord,
Your Lordship's faithful Servant,
Right Honourable Lord John Russell,
H. M.'s Secretary of State for the Colonial Department .
The only answer to the foregoing, and to several subsequent appeals, was
the following mere acknowledgment.
SIR, 28th August, 1846 .
I am directed by Lord John Russell to acknowledge the receipt of
your letter of the 26th instant, and of the work which accompanied it.
I am, Sir,
Your obedient Servant,
R. Montgomery Martin, Esq. R. W. GREY.
It remains only to be added that my successor in China has not yet
been appointed by the Queen, and that as no member of Her Majesty's
past or present Government can have any reason for denying the enquiry
sought, I must ascribe the refusal to a misapprehension of the case, and
to want of time for its consideration, rather than to a studied objection
to do an act of justice, which involves a public principle in regard to the
moral responsibility of the servants of the Crown in the Colonies.
Alexander the Great, i . 256 —Amoy, ii . 286 - Ancient History, i . 193——
Agriculture, i . 81 -Articles of Export, ii . 120 -American Treaty, i .
416-American Commerce, ii . 146, 152 - American Intercourse, i .
411 - Anson, Commodore, ii . 15 -Ashley, Lord , ii . 141 .
Banking, i . 171 -Bokhara, ii . 119 -Burmese Treaty, i. 367 - Burmese
Intercourse, 361 – Burmese Commerce, ii . 120 .
Canton, Trade of, ii . 152- Canton, ii . 263 to 285 - Christianity, ii . 428 & 498
Chusan, ii . 369 - Climate, i . 18- Coasting Trade, ii. 131 -Confucius,
i. 59 , ii . 433 - Cochin China, i. 356, ii . 139 — Chronology of Inter-
course, i . 257- Coal Mines, 1. 103-Coinage, i . 175 - Consular Re-
gulations, Appendix .
Dedication to the Queen.-Dutch Intercourse, i . 380 - Dynasties,
i. 200- Duties of Soldiers, i . 147 - Duties of Police, i . 152- Duties
of Children, i . 43.
Eclipses in China, i . 201 - English Intercourse, ii. 1 - English Treaty, ii.
86- Commerce, ii . 148-Embassies, i. 257-Emigration, i . 79 .
Forbes, Sir Charles , ii . 186 - Formosa, i . 26 - Foreign Trade, ii . 145—
French Trade, i . 398 - French Treaty, i . 408 - French Intercourse, i.
396-Fuh-choo, ii . 292 .
Gas in China, i. 104 - Gold Mines, i . 105 , ii . 115- Government, i. 107 .
Hong Kong, ii. 317 to 410.
Imperial Income, i. 182- Imports, ii. 124- Infanticide, ii. 289, 148-
Inland Trade, ii . 107 .
Japan, i. 267 to 336- Japanese Treaty with England, i. 297-Java, ii . 144
-Jesuits, ii . 460 -Jedo, i. 273- Jews, i. 70, ii. 449 .
Kiachta, ii . 415 - Kurile islands, i . 269 .
Laws, i . 154- Language, i . 73 - Larpent, Sir G. , ii. 40 - Lindsay, Mr. ii .
390 -Lin's letter to the Queen, ii . 243 - Loochoo, i . 340 .
Macao, ii . 411 - Manilla and China, i . 378 - Map of Japan, i . 336 - Mili-
tary force, i. 118. -Missionaries ii . 448 .
Nangasaki, i . 274- Naukin, i. 9-Napier, Lord, ii . 32 - Nestorian doc-
trines, ii. 452 - Ningpo, ii . 303- Nipal, ii . 25- Nunneries, i . 69-
Number killed in the War, ii. 81 .
Official rank, i . 125- Opium , ii. 175-262 -Ochterlony, Lieutenant, ii . 390.
Parker, Dr. ii . 278, 494- Peking, i . 15- Persia and China, i . 253 - Popula-
tion, i . 28 - Poor Laws, i. 55- Price of provisions, ii . 279 - Predic-
tion of the Messiah, i. 239- Policy to Europeans, i. 137 - Portu-
guese intercourse, i . 371 - Portuguese treaty, i. 376—Property tax, i .
186 .
Raffles, Sir S., i . 285 -Revenue, i . 181 - Religion, i. 63- Ricci, Father,
ii. 466- Russian intercourse, i. 386- Russian treaty, i. 387- Rus-
sian college, i . 262 .
Sandon, Lord, ii. 185 - Shanghai, ii. 310- Sikh states , ii. 119- Singa-
pore, ii . 141 - Slavery, i. 47 - Stanton, Sir G., ii. 20- Siam, i. 360-
Sinim, land of, ii. 443- Spanish intercourse, i. 377- Syrian monu-
ment, i. 248 - Synagogues in China, ii . 449 .
Trade, Western nations, Table of, ii, 101 -Tariff, Appendix, -Tea
trade, ii. 151 -Tibetian treaty, i. 345 -Topography, i . 7—Tibet, i.
25, 355 -Tibet, trade with, ii . 118 -Ting-hae, ii . 375.
Urmston, Sir James, ii. 28.
Virgil's knowledge of China, i . 242.
Wages, i . 97- War in China, ii . 38-88-Weights and measures, i. 183, ii.
280-Ditto, Cochin-China, ii . 143- Wellesley, the Marquis, ii . 450
The rapidity with which the work has been passed through the press has
caused several unavoidable errors ; but my grateful thanks are due to the
excellent Typographers, for the admirable manner in which these volumes
have been printed.
Vol, i. p. 78, the opinions of Marco Polo and M. de Guines should have been marked as a quota-
P. 130, for " value of tael 8s.," read " 6s. 8d."
P. 12, heading, for " Hauchew," read " Hang-chew."
P. 13, heading, for " Chauchew," read " Chang -Chew."
P. 88, for " Grossius," read " Grosier."
P. 155, for Ngauhwuy province," read " Ganhwuy province."
For " Chi-li province," read " Chi-le."
Kiang-Nan province, lately divided into two, viz., Keang-soo and Ganhwuy.
Map of China to face Title Page, Vol. i.
Map ofJapan, Vol. i. p. 265.
Map of Chusan, Vol. ii. p. 369.
Population Chart, Vol. i. Preface,
Chronological Chart, Vol. i. p. 193.
Maritime Commerce of China, Vol. ii. p. 101.
Tea Table, vol. ii. p. 152.
Brewster& West, Printers , Hand Court, Dowgate.
" We have here from the pen of perhaps our ablest colonial statist, a very able
work in an admirably digested form on the subject of China. Mr. Martin , convinced
of the error this country committed in planting her footsteps on the barren rock of
Hong Kong, when the fruitful Island of Chusan was at her disposal, patriotically
sacrificed his official position and prospects, in order to proceed home and urge his
views upon Government. The Author's pains taking character and accuracy are
established. His style is clear and unembarrassed , if not brilliant, and a work under
his name cannot fail of taking rank as an authority on a subject like this ."-Tait's
Edinburgh Magazine.
" As a writer upon Statistical, Commercial, and especially Colonial subjects, Mr.
Montgomery Martin has achieved by his ability, industry, and intelligence , a very
high reputation. Appointed to a high official situation, for which his talents peculiarly
fitted him, in connexion with the Government of Hong- Kong, he made a voluntary
surrender of his office, in order to place himself in a position to be able to return to
this country, and to press personally upon the Home Government, the adoption of a
line of policy, which he believed to be essential to the maintenance and extension of
our commercial relations with the Chinese Empire. The book is extremely valuable
and interesting,—valuable because its impartiality may be relied on, and interesting
because it puts before us in a concise form, a series of facts relating to the character,
habits, resources and social position of a people, of whom, probably, less is known to
Europeans than of any other Nation in the World." -Exeter Western Luminary.
" Mr. Montgomery Martin has a loftier purpose in his labours than merely to con-
tribute to the stores of our yet very imperfect knowledge of the great Empire of China,
and its teeming population, numbering nearly one-third of the human race. He hopes
for moral results from the investigations which he has pursued with so much diligence ;
he aims at the establishment of a truly friendly intercourse between the civilizations
of the West and the East, to the incalculable advantage of both ; he thinks, even ,
that the conversion to Christianity of a large majority of the Chinese is not only
possible, but an event which, by judicious effort, might come to pass in no very dis-
tant future. But even if that brilliant vision be but a dream, still certain it is that
we know far less of China and her people than we ought to know; that our intercourse
is not placed upon the secure basis which it should boast ; that more might be ac
complished if both peoples were better informed as to each other's character, opinions ,
government, statistics, and social and political economy. It is to aid in the spreading
of such information that Mr. M. Martin , who has already contributed so largely to
home knowledge of our vast colonial empire, has availed himself of his residence in
the East, as Treasurer at Hong Kong, to collect an immense store of materials relative
to the Chinese Empire, which he has classified and arranged with unwearied diligence
and the workmanlike ability of an experienced author ; and the first part is now
before the public, teeming with a wealth of intelligence. " -The Critic, London.
" Four hundred millions ofpeople yet to be introduced into communication with the rest
of mankind ! What a prospect for the merchant, the manufacturer, and ship-owner !
But there is still a higher and holier prospect. Four hundred millions of active and
intelligent human beings have to be brought within the pale of Christianity ! Wary
stepping too it will require, to enable us to succeed in realizing either of these objects.
To assist us, an abler man for the task could not be found than the author of the work
before us."-Liverpool Standard.
" An important expose of the present state of the resources, population, &c. of the
whole of China, which must doubtless prove highly satisfactory and important to all
parties connected with the history of that yet almost unknown country. " -Sun.
"A work descriptive of the vast Empire of China , of which we know comparatively
little, will be a valuable addition to our store of national literature, and doubtless be-
neficial also in our commercial relations with the extensive field of commerce now
opened to us. The task could not have been confided to more able hands than Mr.
M. Martin."-Felix Farley's Journal, Bristol.
" A work which will be read with great interest ; it abounds in materials which
suddenly illuminate what has hitherto been a dark page in the topography of nations ;
in reading it we gain an intelligent view into the seeming chaos of that immense
social fabric which myriads of human beings have been labouring, for innumerable
ages to construct, to improve, and to mar, in pertinacious isolation from the common
family of nations. " -Journal of Commerce, London .
" No living writer is so capable of doing justice to the vast subject of China as Mr.
M. Martin. His high official situation , his previous literary training, the character of
his mind, which can grasp large facts and complicated statistics , with remarkable ease,
eminently fit him for the task he has undertaken. " -Gloucester Chronicle.
" The present undertaking embraces a vast field, and Mr. M. Martin has in the part
before us given good earnest of his talent for usefulness. We have no hesitation in
pronouncing, from what we have seen of the part before us, that this work will be
found one of the most useful books. " —Bell's Messenger, London.
" The writer of this very interesting work has evidently well qualified himself for
the task by diligent study of the subject, and by exercising his acute powers of observa-
tion whilst in China. He is not a mere dry detailer of statistics , but combines with
his important array of facts, the tact of being able to lay these facts before the
reader in a striking and agreeable point of view. The book is, from this peculiarity,
almost as entertaining as a New Novel.' Mr. M. M. is evidently an amiable man,
and is moved by a spirit of religion and humanity to deal honourably and kindly by
the immense multitudes of China." -Gloucester Journal.
" This number is worthy of Mr. Martin's high reputation , and when complete it will
be a standard work." -Exeter Flying Post.
" No one is more capable than the able writer of these pages of giving a history of
China. The laudable intention of the Author cannot fail of awakening the deepest
interest throughout the country." -Plymouth and Devonport Herald.
" The official position of the Author of this work, must have conferred upon him pe-
culiar advantages in obtaining authentic information as far as possible respecting the
internal condition of the Chinese Empire. Of these advantages, Mr. Martin appears
to have availed himself with his accustomed industry and acumen. The present part
is a satisfactory specimen of the work, comprehensive in design, and minutely exact
in detail."-Edinburgh Evening Post.
" The Author is well known as one of the most talented statistical writers of the
day, and the appearance of this work from his pen, is sure to awaken an earnest inte-
rest in this country, from our recent transactions with that extraordinary race, the
Chinese."-Mark Lane Express.
" It is with no little pleasure that we see before the public a work on the Empire of
China by a celebrated writer, undoubtedly the most important geographical and com-
mercial work that has emanated from the press during the past year. The great clear-
ness, accuracy, and fullness of the various details merit our special praise. He leaves
no field untouched, no point unsifted, but with his well-known talent in all that con-
cerns the colonial and foreign possessions and trade of this count . 7, gives us a work
that cannot fail to adorn the cabinet of the statesman as well as the library of the mer-
chant. The information it affords is immense . "-Bradford Gazette.
" Mr. M. Martin's work promises to become one of standard authority. "This part
is replete with valuable information. "-Bolton Chronicle. ༥
" The professed motive of this work is good ; it is full of interest, and abundance
of valuable information , elegantly and clearly written."-Bristol Mercury. bu
" A useful and readable work. We doubt not that it will well obtain popular counte-
nance. We have seen nothing equal to it. As a book of reference, it will be found of
considerable value."-Morning Advertiser.
Mr. Martin used the opportunity with great diligence to collect information con-
cerning the whole Chinese empire. - Economist.
" Mr. Martin takes a statesmanlike and comprehensive view of the whole of
our affairs in China, from beginning to end. By long experience he appears to have
gained the faculty of compression without confusion, in a degree which leaves him
without an equal in statistical and commercial matters, no less than in statesmanship.
His early works gave abundant evidence of this faculty ; nor is it the least impaired,
but rather improved in this his latest production. - Indian News.
" Those who wish to learn in a few words the character, employments , commerce,
customs, and religion of one-third of the human race, would do well to procure this
work, which is one of great research and much correct reasoning ." -Glasgow Examiner,
"Manifold and truly valuable as have been the services rendered by Mr. Martin to this
country, he has not accomplished one that is deserving a higher meed of praise than the
production of this work. It contains an amount of important facts and sound conclu-
sions, in reference to China and its past and present history, not to be met with else-
where. We are at issue with the writer on one or two points with respect to the effect
a reduction of the duty would have on the tea trade especially, but it would be idle to
deny the great value of the information he has collected on this and all other branches
of his subject, and unjust to withhold that praise to which his labours so fully entitle
him."-Blackburn Standard.
Certainly, the Chinese, as exhibited in these pages, are a wonderful people-won-
derful alike in their actual attainments, and in the deplorable prejudices by which they
1 have been kept stationary for ages. The subjects embraced are highly interesting.'
Bolton Chronicle.
" Mr. Martin has entitled himself to the esteem of every philanthropist, and the gra-
titude of the British public by the production of this truly interesting work. We
know no one more eminently qualified to do justice to the subject, but we confess we
were not prepared to receive even from Mr. Martin such an able selection of informa-
tion."-Wakefield Journal.
" One of the most valuable gifts which English literature has of late received. "-
Reading Mercury.
" We are glad to find that Mr. M. Martin is furnishing to his fellow-countrymen in-
formation on the political, commercial, and social peculiarities on China ." -Halifax
"As a statistician, and particularly as an expositor of the rise and progress ofthe
colonies, Mr. Martin is justly deemed to be a recognised authority. His reputation is
a guarantee for the usefulness of the present work." -Douglas Jerrold's Weekly News-
" A truly splendid magazine of every species of information on this curious coun-
try. The author is admirably qualified for the task ; the style is clear and unaffected,
and the work is an invaluable treasury for the manufacturer, merchant, scholar, philo-
sopher, statesman, and missionary ; and ought to be in the hands of all who can afford
it."-Edinburgh Weekly Register.
" A highly meritorious production, which will very considerably add to the already
distinguished reputation of the experienced author. The immense quantity of infor .
mation he has obtained, and most ably classified and arranged, renders it the most
important production in its department that has issued from the press. The amount
of advantages which it is fair and reasonable to expect, will result from this work
must be immense involving as it does the interests of individuals, the benefit of asso-
ciations, and the Welfare of the world. "-Derby and Chesterfield Reporter.
" To call this the standard History of China, is but following the unanimous opinion
of the Public Press. The concluding part crowns the author with the most deserved
and distinguished honour."-Bradford Examiner.
" Mr. Martin, from the commencement of his career, has proved himself to be a most
trustw thy writer on the commercial and social affairs of Great Britain and its colo-
niès, a... there is not one of his works which has failed to call forth the highest praise
from the most distinguished statesmen of the day. We are satisfied therefore, that
' China' which is now before us, will not be wanting in the general approbation his other
literary productions have met with ; and whether we give most attention to the high
moral feeling which prevails throughout, or the careful statistical matter with which
the book abounds, his present complete view of China will command not only much
interest, but great respect as an authority." -Carlisle Patriot.
" The matter is well digested, and has been diligently verified ; the arrangement
excellent, and the statistical details copious and important. The author's name must
inspire confidence in the accuracy of his information. " -Britannia.
" We cordially commend this work to public patronage ; the author has shown him-
self completely conversant with his subject. "-Edinburgh Express.
VOL. II. 2 N
Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1840 .
The Lines of Steam Communication embraced by the Company's
operations are as follows :-
INDIA AND CHINA ( Overland Route.)
Passengers are Conveyed to Bombay,
From the Southampton Docks, 3rd of every Month, at 2, p.m.
When the 3rd falls on Sunday, the hour of departure is 9, a.m.
From the Southampton Docks, 20th of every Month, at 2, p.m.
N.B.- When the 20th falls on Sunday, the hour of departure is 9, a.m.
From the Southampton Docks, 20th of every Month, at 2, p.m.
N.B.- When the 20th falls on Sunday, the hour of departure is 9, a.m.
From the Southampton Docks, 3rd of every Month, at 2, p.m.
N.B.-When the 3rd falls on Sunday, the hour of departure is 9, a.m.
From the Southampton Docks, 3rd and 20th of every Month, at 2, p.m.
N.B.- When the above dates fall on Sundays the hour of departure
is 9, a.m.
From the Southampton Docks, on the 7th, 17th, and 27th of every Month.
N.B.- When the above dates fall on Sundays, the Vessels start on the
For Plans of the Vessels and further particulars, and to engage Berths,
apply at the Company's Offices,