The " HONGKONG ALMANACK " is submitted to the public with much
diffidence. It has been wholly compiled in hours apart from business, with
all the difficulty which naturally attends the want of a practice, ready to the
Professor of Marine Science, Meteorology, or Astronomy, to whom the
work ofpreparing the Tables, would have been comparatively easy. So far as
observations and matériel could be adapted, the London Pictorial
Almanack for this year has been taken as a model. The times of the
rising and setting of the Sun are calculated exclusive of refraction.
Owing to variations in the atmosphere, it follows, that the duration of time
for correction is not always the same in this case, but in the last and first
months of the year, when the sun rises and sets with most obliquity to the
horizon, the rising will be found to be about two minutes earlier, and the
setting as much later than the times given.
The times of high water on each day have been computed simply by the
rules in general use among nautical men, and are therefore only to be looked
upon as approximations. These Tables will however afford a ready refer-
ence to any one disposed to work out for himself the Tide Problem in the
Harbour. The time of high water at full and change of the Moon , as
given by Capt. Sir E. Belcher, is 10h. 15m. with a mean rise of 4 ft. 9 in.
It may be observed, that at the anchorages off the mouth of the Canton
River, the night tides are said to be the highest in the N. E. , and the
day tides in the S. W. Monsoon, and the same phenomena will doubtless
prevail here ; but from Barometrical observations it may be assumed, that
the tides are highest generally in the S. W. Monsoon.
The Weather tables are the mean of a register kept during the last four
years. The Barometer, with Thermometer attached, for a considerable
portion of that time has been stationed in a jalousied anteroom, with a
northerly aspect, about 55 feet above mean level of the sea. It will be
observed that in December the Barometer carries a high range, decreasing
regularly from that month until August, when it again commences to rise
as regularly.
The following Table is interesting, in the exhibition of the different
temperatures of Hongkong, Macao, and Canton. The means of the Macao
and Canton observations have been extracted from a Register, published in
the late Mr Slade's Kalendar, and extended over periods of 10 and 11 years.
Hongkong 73 51 62 78 50 63 80 48 66
Macao 72 631/2 71 49 59 77 55 67
Canton 74 29 57 78 53 44 66
Hongkong 87 49 71 68 78 92 75 83
Macao 74 71 78 74 83
Canton 86 55 721 64 75 90 74 83
Hongkong 92 80 85 92 78 831 90 76 821
Macao 92 90 79 83/2 76 824
Canton 94 79 84 90 75 81 70 79
Hongkong 90 66 80 85 61 72,6 77 51 63,6
Macao 761 80 57 66 70 57 63/1
Canton 85 57 73 80 40 62 70 45 57
A remarkable fact is gleaned by examination of these Tables ; it will be
seen, that in the months of October and November, (hitherto so fatal to
valetudinarians in this Colony) the weather is considerably cooler and less
fluctuating in Macao than here, and would indicate the former place as
the sanatarium immediately on the change of the Monsoon.
Of the Winds, or more properly currents of air, prevalent in the Harbour,
it will be perceived that during four-fifths of the year they prevail from the
eastward and northward, and but very little from the south. In the month
of June vessels are generally berthed on the opposite shore, remaining there
until October : but since the severe Typhoons in 1841 , when the Harbour
was crowded with transports and men-of-war, there has been little or no
necessity for shifting positions.
Sufficient notations of a Rain Gauge have not yet been obtained, to place
in comparison with a Macao Register. The average number of rainy days,
however, has exceeded by one-third the number observed at Macao.
Circumstances over which there has been no control must plead as an
apology for the lateness of the publication of this Almanack .
W. T.
Victoria, Hongkong, 5th March, 1846.
[From the London Geographical Journal, Vol. XIV.]
The Island of Hongkong, seen from a distance at sea, is, like all the islands on this
Coast of China, precipitous and uninviting. Its high hills often terminate in sharp peaks,
and are thickly strewed with masses of black rock of primitive formation, frequently piled
upon one another in a most remarkable and sometimes fantastic manner, with here and
there two or three lower hills covered with gravel and sand. From the summit to the
water's edge there are few or no trees ; and, except in the months of May, June, July,
and August, when these islands look green, they might be supposed to be quite barren.
On landing and examining the island of Hongkong, the N. and N. E. side is found to
be separated from the S. and S. W. by one continued range of hills, in no place less than
500, in most parts upwards of 1000, and on more than one pinnacle 1744 feet above the
level of the sea, by barometrical observation. When to this is added that the utmost
breadth of the island does not exceed four or five miles, it may easily be imagined that
the descent to the sea on either side is very abrupt.
The eastern end of the island is divided from the centre by two deep ravines, both
running from the same eminence- the one in a S. E. direction, which terminates it Tai-
tam Bay ; and the other in a northerly direction, and terminating in the small Valley of
Wong-nai-chung. The western part of the island is likewise divided from the centre by
two ravines, both running from the same eminence- the one to the south terminating in a
small undulating piece of country, on which the village of Pok-foo-lum is situated ; and
the other to the north, where it spreads out and forms Government Hill and the small
flat beneath. Small streams run down all these ravines, and they quickly swell into
torrents when rain falls ; but, what is remarkable, they never fail to furnish water in the
driest season of the year. There are also other smaller rivulets which furnish a good sup-
ply of water at all seasons.
A coarse kind of grass is found on all the hills, but on those with a northerly and
north-easterly exposure it is generally choked by ferns and stunted brush-wood ; while on
the face of the hills fronting the south it grows in clumps unchecked, except when
burnt by the natives.
There are no towns on the island, excepting the flourishing one of Victoria, which was
founded by the English in 1841 , and formally ceded to the British Crown under the
Nankin Treaty. This town is fast springing into importance, and a fifty-foot road runs
through it for more than three miles to the valley of Wong-nai-chung, where it becomes
narrower, and, diverging, crosses over the range of hills by the ravines already described,
to Tai-tam Bay, and from thence to Chek-choo on the south side of the island.
The village of Chek-choo is the largest and most important one on the island ; and a
large detachment of European troops are stationed there. The population of this village
amounts to 800, ofwhich 500 are men, about 100 women, and the rest children. There are
180 houses and shops at this place, and the average value of a house is 400 dollars. The
people are employed in trading, in farming, and in curing fish. There are about 60
mowst of land under cultivation, which the owners value at $40 a mow of rice ground,
and $ 15 a mow of land for the cultivation of vegetables. The people of the place
cure about 150 pekuls‡ of fish a-month, for which purpose they use in the sametime from
* This Account has reference to the beginning of 1843.
Sir George Staunton roughly estimates the Chinese mow at 1000 square yards of our measure.
NOTE. -Chinese statists differ as to the content of a mow. The standard in use at the Land-office
assumes 1651,87 square yards as the content of a mow of 100 covits square. -W. T.
A pekul is equal to 1334 lbs. of our measure.
30 to 40 pekuls of salt, which they buy at one Spanish dollar for five pekuls : 350 boats,
large and small, traffic with the place, but not more than 30 are owned by the people
there ; most of their boats are used for fishing in the vicinity, and the fish, when cured,
is exchanged at Canton and other nearer places for the necessaries of life.
The houses at Chek-choo are very inferior to those in an ordinary Chinese town on
the mainland of China, although, on the other hand, some of them are much superior to
houses in any ofthe other villages of Hongkong ; but the quality of land under cultivation,
as well as the quantity, is not equal to that in Heong-kong, Wong-nai-chung, Soo-kun-poo,
and Pok-foo-lum, which are places that may be strictly denominated agricultural villages.
I should estimate the whole land under cultivation on the island at less than 1500
mows ; and about two-thirds of that are under rice cultivation. Allowing, as a liberal
price, $45 a mow for the rice-land, and $ 15 for every other description, the value of the
whole land under cultivation may be estimated at $52,500.*
The other villages on the island, besides Chek-choo, are,-
1st, Heong-kong, from whence the island derives its name. This village is prettily
embowered in trees, and has a good deal of cultivated land about it. Its population does
not exceed 200.
2d. Tai-tam is situated at the head of a deep bay, where a good deal of flat land may
be reclaimed, and a good boat harbour formed. A few ships may find protection from the
weather in particular parts of the Bay of Tai-tam ; but, as a whole, this bay is much
exposed to both monsoons. The inhabitants of the village do not exceed 50.
3d and 4th. Wong-nai-chung and Soo-kun-poo. These are both pretty villages, in the
midst of fruit-trees and surrounded by cultivated land. In their vicinity, as at Tai-tam,
a considerable extent of land could be reclaimed from the sea, and it shortly will be much
required for building purposes. The united population of the two villages amounts to
about 350.
5th. Pok-foo-lum is situated about 500 feet above the level of the sea, and commands
an extensive view of all the islands to the south and west as far as Macao.
There are, besides the villages enumerated, many hamlets on the east coast of the
island, where the magnificent granite of Hongkong is principally quarried ; and at one of
them, called Sai-wan, a detachment of soldiers is stationed.
The place, however, of the most prospective importance on the island, with the excep-
tion of the town of Victoria, is a village called Shek-pai- wan, which appears to have been
once the principal sea-port of the island, and to have been a more flourishing place than it
now is. This port, although small, is nearly land-locked ; and, having both a western
and a southern entrance, it is pretty easy of ingress and egress at all times. An island of
about two miles in circumference, called Tap-lee-chow, protects this anchorage on the one
side, as the Island of Hongkong does on the other. There is here abundance of water
for a line-of-battle ship to lie at anchor, and its only drawback is in being too small as an
anchorage for a large number of European vessels, although 15 or 20 might lie here if
necessary. On first visiting this place, in 1841 , I was struck with its appearance ; and
it is probable the time will come when this anchorage will be much in use for repairing
vesssels, should it not be appropriated by the navy for a dock-yard, for which it certainly
seems well suited. The island of Tap-lee-chow would be a good place for a hospital,
work-shops, patent slips, &c.; but, in the event of the navy taking it, it would of course
require to be fortified.
No public buildings were found on any part of the Island of Hongkong when it was
first occupied by the English, except a small tumble- down Chinese house at Chek-choo,
and another at Shek-pie-wan, where the petty mandarins stopped occasionally, and three
Chinese temples, one at Chek-choo, one near Soo-kun-poo, and the third and finest at
Shek-pai-wan, situated on a little island not exceeding an acre in extent, and covered
* At 4s. 6d. a dollar, $52,500 would be equal to £11,812 10s.
NOTE.- Exclusive of the Wong-nai-chong and Soo-kun-poo Vallies, there are at present upwards
of 800 mows ofland under cultivation. The price paid by Government to the natives for the Wong-nai-
chung and Soo- kun-poo Vallies, (upwards of 300 mows) has been at the rate of $30 per mow.-W. T.
with trees. The existence of this last temple, with the ruins of many houses in the same
vicinity, gives rise to the impression that Shek-pai-wan has seen better days ; and it is
known to have been one of the principal resorts of the pirates when they infested this coast
of China many years ago ; and that it would again lately have been so, had the island of
Hongkong not been occupied by the English, is more than probable.
According to the Admiralty Chart, Point Albert, Victoria Bay, on the north coast of
the island, is in 22° 16′ 27″ N. lat., and 114° 40′ 48″ E. long.
The climate is not essentially different from that of Macao ; although of course, par-
ticular sheltered localities are more hot, while on the other hand those that are exposed to
the monsoons are cooler. Indeed the description of the climate of Macao by the late Dr
Pearson, who was for many years the medical attendrnt on the Company's establishment
there, applies with equal propriety to that of Hongkong. The most prevalent diseases
are intermittent and remittent fevers and dysentery : intermittent fever is very common
about the equinoxes and in the cold weather ; remittent fevers prevail during the hot
season especially ; dysentery is common during the whole year, but particularly after
sudden changes of weather. The natives appear to suffer from these complaints as well as
Europeans, but they have no remedies of their own, except counter irritation produced by
pinching and rubbing with the fingers and with copper cash, in fevers. Vaccination has
been introduced by Europeans since the occupation of the island.
The only animals found on the island are a few small deer, a sort of armadillo, and a
land-tortoise. There are several sorts of snakes, but no one has yet been found to suffer
from their bite.
Among the fruits and vegetables produced on the island, are the mango, lichee, longan,
orange, pear, rice, sweet potatoes, and yams ; a small quantity of flax is grown, and pre-
pared for household uses by the villagers. Since the occupation of the island by the
English, the potato of Europe and the fruits of Canton and Macao have been introduced ;
and lately a great many European seeds have been brought out by the agent of the Horti-
cultural Society of London, and distributed.
Specimens of the zoology and botany of Hongkong are being gradually sent home, and
a list of these productions will be furnished before long.
The rock of Hongkong and of the surrounding islands is granite in all its stages---
that having the quartz, mica, and felspar well mixed, and suited for the best sorts of
building purposes, with that wherein these three ingredients vary in proportion, and are
not so closely mixed, and consequently only adapted for foundations, dykes, and the other
rougher sorts of masonry. Besides granite suitable for building, varieties of this rock are
found in places where dykes of quartz intersect it in various directions, and where the
quartz preponderates over the other two ingredients. It is also found in the state that
French call " maladie du granite. "* The principal soil of the island is decomposed granite,
and hills of 200, 300, and even 400 feet high are found entirely composed of it. The
felspar, and in some instances the mica, seem to have been affected by some gas which
converts it into a sort of clay or pulp, which is either infiltrated along with the rain
through the soil thus composed and lodged beneath its surface, or is washed away, leaving
the quartz scattered about in grains and fragments, almost in the shape of coarse sand.
Where part of the clay or pulp is found still mixed with the soil described, it binds it
together well and makes excellent roads ; but where there is a large proportion of clay to
the other soils, it cracks in dry weather, and forms into little hard lumps, which is very
trying to the horses' feet, and does not answer well for roads.
In some places close to the sea I have found veins of trap, of a dark slate-colour, vary-
ing from 6 inches to 14 foot in thickness. On the south and west sides of the island the
rock differs from the generality of that on the opposite side, and assumes the appearance
of thick flag-stone, breaking into large crystalized pieces, which it likewise does on the
pinnacle of the highest hills, and from time to time falls down and spreads over the foot of
* The state here alluded to is that in which there is a want of coherence of the materials forming the
rock, without any visible signs of decomposition. The rock looks fresh, but the slightest blow is
sufficient to reduce it to the state of sand, in which all the ingredients are distinct.- ED,
the hill. These large stones are very numerous in particular localities, but, owing to their
excessive hardness, the Chinese have not yet got into the way of cutting them for use.
Occasionally, something like sandstone is found in small pieces, but not of sufficient size
to be used for building.
The decomposed granite of which I have spoken is not unfrequently found covered with
vegetable mould from six inches to two feet deep, of a pretty good quality, particularly in
the deep ravines, where the ferns and grass have grown, died, and rotted, through distant
periods of time. With this exception, there is no other soil, except what has been artifi-
cially made, as at those places where rice and other vegetables are cultivated.
The agriculturists of Hongkong use the common Chinese wooden plough, drawn by
bullocks or buffaloes ; and their other agricultural implements are like those used on the
mainland. Their threshing floor is made on the first convenient spot outside their farm-
house ; the ground being smoothed, is afterwards covered with lime, and beaten flat. The
grain is sometimes trodden out by cattle, and at others threshed with a flail, quite like
our own, except that one piece revolves on a pin with a head, which is fastened into the side
of the other. Some of the labouring women wear a hat like the usual Chinese one, but it
has a blue nankin curtain of five or six inches deep, sewn round the edge of the rim to
keep off the glare from the face.
A small winnowing machine, turned by the hand, on the same principle as our own, is
used for clearing the grain of its husk after it has been threshed.
JANUARY , 1846 .
Phases of the Moon.
d h m
d h m
First Quarter 4 22 01 New Moon 27 16 59
Full Moon 12 21 37.7 Apogee 13 2 36
Last Quarter 20 23 27 Perigee 26 22 36
Chinese English
Rises Sets AM PM
12 3
hm hm hm h m
12 4 1 Th. Circumcision. 6.43 5.25 0.05 The following
5 2 F.A.D. 1837. Canton Chamber of tables shew the
Commerce published regulations 6.43 5.25 0.27 0.38 average character
f3 S. B.C. 107. Cicero born. 6.44 5.26 1.09 1.37 of the weather in
2.25 Hongkong since
6.44 5.26 1.53
74 S. Second Sunday after Christmas.
our occupation of
8 5 M. A.D. 1841. Br. Armament attack
Bogue Forts. 6.44 5.27 2.25 3.26 the Island, and
consequently in-
9 6 Tu. Twelfth day Old Christmas. A.D. dicate what may
1843. Lorcha " Enterprize be expected du-
attacked by Chinese. 6.45 5.28 3.47 4.46 ring the month.
10 7 W. A.D. 1715. Fenelon died. 6.45 5.28 5.08 5.58
118 Th. A.D. 1258. Tartars take Bagdad. 6.45 5.29 6.19 7.03
12 9 F. A.D. 1806. Cape of G. Hope ceded.
and Nelson's Funeral solemnized . 6.45 5.29 7.24 7.52 Barometer.
w 1310 S. 6.46 5.30 8.15 8.35
~ 1411 S. 1844. Maj. Gen. D'Aguilar pro- Mean heit. 29.97
claimed Lt.-Govr.of Hongkong. 6.46 5.30 8.57 9.14 highest 30.28
15 12 M. Plough Monday. 6.46 5.30 9.36 9.42 lowest 29.71
1613 Tu. Cambridge Lent Term begins. 6.45 5.33 10.14 10.27
1714 W. A.D. 1843. 1st No. of" A Aurora
Macaense " published. 6.45 5.33 10.49 10.58
1815 Th. A.D. 1823. Royal Library pre-
sented to British Museum. 6.46 5.34 11.21 11.29 Thermometer.
1916 F. A.D. 1803. French tricolor hoisted
at Canton. 6.46 5.34 11.52 Mean temprt. 62
2017 S. A.D. 1826. Bhurtpore captured. highest
6.46 5.34 0.26 0.36 lowest 73
2118 S. A.D. 1830. Memorial of Select
Committee to the Emperor of
China presented at the Gate
of Canton. 6.46 5.37 0.48 1.-
22 19 M. A.D. 1741. Halley died. 6.45 5.37 1.11 1.35 No.ofrainy days.
: :
23 20 Tu. A.D. 1841. I. C. Keshen cedes
Hongkong to the British. 5
1788. Australia first colonized. 6.45 5.37 1.52 2.16
2421 W. A.D. 1844. Jamieson & How's
Godowns attacked by Pirates. 6.45 5.37 2.46 3.10
25 22 Th. A.D. 1844. First Land Sale in
Hongkong after Ratification of Tab. ofthe winds.
Treaty. 6.44 5.40 3.58 4.22
26 23 F. A.D. 1841. H.C.Str. " Enterprize" N.
left China with news of cession
of Hongkong. 6.44 5.40 5.26 5.50 N.E. 41
2724 S. A.D. 1844. 1st Ordinance of Le-
gislative Council of Hongkong. 6.44 5.40 6.57 7.11 E. 101
28 25 S. Conversion of St Paul. 6.44 5.40 8.09 8.13
S.E. 6
} }
29 26 M. A.D. 1841. Flag planted, and pos-
session taken of Hongkong. 6.44 5.43 8.38 9.02
6.43 5.43 9.26 9.51 İS.
1 127 Tu. Chinese New Year.
228 W. A.D. 1832. Mr (now Sir J. F.) S.W. 1
Davis appointed President of
the Select Committee in China. 6.43 5.4310.15 10.29 w. 61
329 Th. A.D. 1820. George III. died. 6.43 5.43 10.51 11.06
430 F. A.D. 1844. Departure of Lord N.W. 3
Saltoun with an instalment of
$3,000,000 of Ransom Money. 6.4 5.45
5131 S. 6.42 5.46 0.19
FEBRUARY, 1846 .
Phases of the Moon.
d h m d h m
First Quarter 3 12 47 New Moon 26 3 08
Full Moon 11 16 48 Apogee .. 9 4 36
Last Quarter 19 12 20 Perigee 24 9 36
Chinese English
Rises Sets AM P M
hm hm hm hm
The following
61S . A.D. 1814. Eruption of the Vol-
cano of Albay in Luçonia. 6.42 5.46 0.36 0.58 tables shew the
✔ 7 2 M. Scotch Quarter day. 6.42 5.46 1.22 1.45 average character
of the weather in
83 Tu. A.D. 1684. Fair on the Thames. 6.42 5.46 2.09 2.42 Hongkong since
~ 9 4 W. A.D. 1693. Great Earthquake in our occupation of
Sicily. 6.41 5.47 3.06 3.47 the Island , and
10 E Th. A.D. 1788. Sir Robt. Peel born. consequently in-
Martyrs of China. 6.41 5.47 4.11 5.05 dicate what may
11 6 F. A.D. 1555. Muscovy Company. 6.41 5.47 5.29 6.16 be expected du-
12 7 S. A.D. 1843. " Celestial " 1st teak ring the month.
built vessel Hongkong,launched 6.49 5.48 6.40 7.14
13 8 S. Septuagesima. 6.39 5.49 7.38 8.02
14 9 M. A.D. 1816. Lord Amherst sailed
for China in the " Alceste." 6.39 5.50 8.26 8.43
1510 Tu. A.D. 1840. Queen Victoria mar-
6.38 5.51 9.07 9.19 Mean heit. 29 99
1611 W. A.D. 1845. The Govr. of Hong- highest 30.29
lowest 29.66
kong assaulted at Macao.
A.D. 1843. " Omega " arrived
with a cargo of Ice in H.kong. 6.37 5.51 9.43 9.55
17 12 Th. A.D. 1843. Lady Jane Grey be-
headed. 6.37 5.52 10.19 10.25 Thermometer.
1813 F. A.D. 1661. Civil Government of
Jamaica instituted. 6.36 5.52 10.49 10.58 Mean temprt. 63
" 1914 S. A.D. 1831. Br. Merchants not highest 78
permitted to reside at Macao lowest 50
without previous permit from
Court of Lisbon. 6.35 5.53 11.22 11.31
2015 S. Sexagesima. A.D.1805.A.Linois re-
pulsed by homeward bd. Fleet. 6.35 5.53 11.55
21 16 M. A.D. 1842. Sir Henry Pottinger No. ofrainy days
proclaimed Hongkong a Free
Port pending H. M. pleasure. 6.34 5.54 0.29 0.14 4
22 17 Tu. A.D. 1773. Lights similar to Au-
rora Borealis observed in Shu-
thern Ocean. 6.34 5.54-38 0,59
23 18 W. A.D. 1546. Luther died. 6.33 5.55 1.23 1.46
6.32 5.56 2.00 2.56 Tab. ofthe winds.
? ? ?
24 19 Th. A.D. 1564. Galileo born.
2 20 F.A.D. 1845. The 1st No. of the
" China Mail " published. 6.32 5.56 3.20 4.30 N. 13
2621 S. A.D. 1437. James 1. of Scotland
murdered. 6.32 5.57 4.54 6.09 N. E, 4)
27 22 S. Quinquagesima. A.D. 1784. "Em-
press " sailed for China. 1st E. 161
ship from United States. 6.81 5.58 6.33 7.26 S.E. 0
28 23 M. A.D. 1844. White's Bungalow in
Gage Street attacked by an S.
armed Body. 6.30 5.58 7.50 8.19
29 24 Tu. Shrove Tuesday. 6.29 5.59 8.43 9.04 S.W.
30 25 W. A.D. 1842. Br, Consular Agency
established at Macao. 6.28 5.59 9.28 9.53 w.
2 126 Th A.D. 1574. An Earthquake in
Yorkshire. 6.28 5.59 10.15 10.37 N.W.
227 F. A.D. 1809. Peace with Burmah. 6.27 6.00 11 11.09
28 S. A.D. 1759. The Pope permits
translation of Bible. 6.26 6.0111.33| 11.42 |
MARCH , 1846 .
Phases ofthe Moon.
d h m d h m
First Quarter 5 3 08 New Moon 27 13 26
Full Moon 13 10 25 Apogee 8 14 36
Last Quarter .. 20 21 34 Perigee 24 14 36
Chinese English
Rises Sets A M P M
h m hm h m h m
2 41 S. St David's day. Bristol fair. 6.24 6.02 0.06 The following
~ 2 M. A.D. 1841. Sir H. Gough arrived tables shew the
at Whampoa. 6.23 6.01 0.20 average
the weather in
~ 3 Tu. 6.23 6.01 0.44 1.-
: :
74 W. A.D. 1844. The 1st sittings of Hongkong since
the 1st Crim, and Admiralty our occupation of
the, Island and
Court at Hongkong. 6.22 6.02 1.24 1.36 consequently in-
85 Th. 6.22 6.02 2.00 2.42 dicate what may
: :
96 F. A.D. 1521. Ladrone Islands dis- be expected du-
covered. 6.21 6.03 3.16 3.46 ring the month.
10 7 S. 1841. Sir H.Gough invests Canton. 6.20 6.03 4.40 5.17
11 8 S. A.D. 1750. Earthquake in Lon-
don. 6.19 6.04 5.01 6.10
12 9 M.
6.18 6.04 6.34 7.02
1310 Tu. A.D. 1842. Chinese endeavour to Barometer.
retake Ningpo . 6.17 6.05 7.26 7.51
1411 W.A.D. 1669. Eruption of Mount Mean heit. 29.95
Etna. 6.16 6.05 8.15 8.22 lowesthighest 30.19
m 15 12 Th. A.D. 1682. Chelsea Hospital 29.66
founded. 6.15 6.05 8.46 9.10
m 16 13 F. A.D. 1781. Planet " Herschel "
discovered. 6 15 6.05 9.34 9.43
1714 S. Cambridge Lent Term ends. 6.14 6.05 10.07 10.15 Thermometer.
? ? ?
1815 S. Oxford Lent Term ends. 6.13 6.06 10.42 10.53
1916 M. A.D. 1843. Col. Malcolm arrived
Mean temprt. 66
in China with ratified Treaty. 6.12 6.06 11.17 11.23 high est 80
2017 Tu. A.D. 1842. 1st No. of " Friend of lowest 48
China " published .
St Patrick's day. 6.11 6.06 11.47
21 18 W. A.D. 1668. Bombay transferred to
Company. 6.10 6.06-04-17
22 19 Th. B.C. 721. 1st Eclipse of Moon on No. ofrainy days
6.9 6.07 0.41 1.34
w 23 20 F. A.D. 1727. Sir I. Newton died. 6.8 6.08 1.28 2.07 111
} }
2421 S. A.D. 1839. Mr L. Dent invited
to meet Chinese Commissioners. 6.6 6.09 2.31 3.21
❤ 25 22 S. A.D. 1834. " Sarah " 1st Ship in
Free Trade from China. 6.5 6.09 3.45 5.01 Tab. ofthe winds
✔ 26 23 M. A.D. 1845. Kolungsoo evacuated
according to Treaty. 6.5 6.09 5.25 6.32 N. 2
✔ 27 24 Tu. A.D. 1839. Capt. Elliot forced his
way to Canton . 6.4 6.09 6.56 7.36 N.E.
✔ 28 25 W. 6.3 6.09 7.00 8.24
E. 21
} {
29 26 Th. A.D. 1819. Prince George of
Cambridge born. 6.3 6.10 8.48 9.12 S.E.
3 127 F. A.D. 1839. Cap. Elliott requires 0
British owned Opium to be S. 0
given up. 6.2 6.10 9.36 10.00
228 S. A.D. 1802. Planet Pallas disco- S.W. 1
vered. 6.1 6.10 10.15 10.10
✔ 329 S. A.D. 1772. Emanuel Swedenborg W. 6
died. 6.1 6.11 10.43 11.04
430 M. A.D. 1814. Capture of Paris. 6.00 6.11 11.28 11.39 N.W. 1
531 Tu. A.D. 1767. Jesuits expelled Ma-
drid. 5.59 6.11
APRIL, 1846.
Phases ofthe Moon.
d h m d h m
4 0 48 New Moon 26 0 34
First Quarter 5
Full Moon 12 1 31 Apogee 8 36
Last Quarter 19 4 Perigee 20 18 36
Chinese English HIGH
Rises Sets A M P M
hm hm hm hm
5.58 6.10 0.20 0.44 The following
1 W. All Fool's Day.
7 2 Th. 5.56 6.11 1.08 1.29 tables shew the
average character
3 F. A.D. 1840. Royal Declaration au- ofthe weather in
thorizing capture of Chinese Hongkong since
vessels. 5.55 6.12 1.53 2.19 our occupation of
~ 9 4 S. A.D. 1819. Donna Maria Queen the Island, and
of Portugal born. 5.54 6.13 2.43 3.19 consequently in-
10 5 S. Palm Sunday. 5.53 6.13 3.43 4.24 dicate what may
} {
11 6 M. A.D. 1637. Date of the oldest be expected du-
record of the E. I. Company in ring the month.
Canton. 5.53 6.13 4.48 5.34
127 Tu. A.D. 1506. Francis Xavier born 5.52 6.13 5.58 6.37
5.51 6.13 7.01 7.28
3 } } } }
138 W. A.D. 1626. Lord Bacon died.
14 9 Th. Maundy Thursday. 5.50 6.14 7.52 8.11
1510 F. Good Friday. A.D. 1842. Keying
appointed Imp. Commissioner. 5.49 6.14 8.35 9- Mean heit. 29.88
1611 S. A.D. 1837. H. M. Mission re-
turned to Canton. 5.48 6.14 9.10 9.26 highest 30.04
lowest 29.65
17 12 S. Easter Sunday. 5.47 6.15 9.50 10.15
: : :
1813 M. A.D. 1839. Candahar taken. 5.46 6.15 10.31 10.40
1914 Tu. A.D. 1845. China branch of the
Bank of Western India esta-
blished in Hongkong. 5.45 6.15 11.- 11.21 Thermometer.
2015 W. Easter term begins. 5.45 6.16 11.45)
0.22 Mean temprt. 71
? ? ?
2116 Th. A.D. 1820. Arthur Young died. 5.44 6.16
22 17 F. A.D. 1808. Regent Street Hör- highest 87
ticultural Society incorporated. 5.44 6.16-46 1.04 lowest 49
m 2318 S. 5.43 6.17 1.28 2.05
~ 24 19 S. Low Sunday. A.D. 1830. Arrival
of the " Forbes " first British
Steamer in China. 5.42 6.17 2.29 3.50
25 20 M. A.D. 686. Christianity established No. ofrainy days
on Isle of Wight. 5.41 6.17 4.14 5—
26 21 Tu. A.D. 1657. Spanish Armada des- |9
troyed. 5.40 6.18 5.30 6.24
✔ 27 22 W. A.D. 1834. E. India Company's
Charter expired. 5.39 6.18 6.48 7.23
28 23 Th. St George's Day. 5.38 6.18 7.47 8.05
5.37 6.19 8.29 8.53 Tab. ofthe winds
: : :
29 24 F. A.D. 1500. Brazil discovered.
30 25 S. Eclipse of Sun invisible in 0
China. 5.37 6.19 9.17 9.41 N.
4 126 S. A.D. 1843. Robbery at Govern- 4
ment House. 5.36 6.19 10.05 10.15 N.E.
227 M. A.D. 1843. Sir Henry Pottinger's 18
Currency Proclamation. 5.35 6.20 10.39 10.59 E.
328 Tu. A.D. 1843. Dent's, Jardine's and S.E. 1
Gillespie's Houses robbed on the
same night. 5.34 6.20 11.10 11.32 1
429 W. The festival of Onesiphorus see 2
Tim 1. 5.33 6.22 11.56 s W. 1
530 Th. A.D. 1789. The 1st President of
United States inaugurated.- W. 4
A.D. 1841. The 1st Magistrate
of Hongkong nominated. 5.32 6.21 0.25 N.W . 0
MAY, 1846.
Phases ofthe Moon.
d h m
d h m New Moon 25 12 20
First Quarter 3 19 27.7 Apogee
3 3 36
Full Moon
11 13 42 Perigee 15 14 36
Last Quarter 18 9 02 Apogee 30 22 36
Chinese English
Rises Sets AM PM
hm hm hm hm
F. A.D. 1845. Proclamation establish- The following
ing the dollar in Government tables shew the
transactions at 4/2. 5.32 6.22 0.52 1.29 average character
72 S. 1601. British Squadron sail for of the weather in
Sumatra. 5.32 6.22 1.52 2.16 Hongkong since
83 S. Third Sunday after East. 5.31 6.23 2.41 3.07 our occupation of
the Island, and
94 M. 1799. Storming of Seringapatam
Tippoo Saib killed. consequen
5.30 6.23 3.35 4.03 dicate what tly in-
10 5 Tu. 1821. Napoleon died. 5.30 6.24 4.31 5. - be expected du-
11 6 W. 5.29 6.24 5.30 6.14 ring the month.
12 7 Th. 1844. H. E. J. F. Davis, Esq.
and suite arrive at Hongkong. 5.28 6.24 6.40 7.14
13 8 F. 1845. Destructive thunder-storm
at Hongkong. 5.28 6.24 7.39 8.04 Barometer.
14 9 S. 1843. Morrison Institution attack-
ed by robbers. 5.27 6.25 8.27 8.50 Mean heit. 29.76
1510 S. 1844. H. M. commissions to J. F. highest 29.92
Davis Esq. as Plenipotentiary lowest 29.60
&c. published. 5.26 6.25 9.14 9.39
1611 M. 1843. Keying and Hwang visit
Hongkong. 5.26 6.26 9.56 10.15
17 12 Tu. 1837. Foreigners forbidden to
walk on Honan Island. 5.26 6.26 10.37 10.59 Thermometer.
1813 W. 1845. China Medico-Chirurgical
Society established . 5.25 6.27 11.18 11.38 Mean temprt.78)
~ 19 14 Th. 1841. Date of H.M. Commissions highest 88
5.24 6.27 11.49 lowest 68
to Sir H. Pottinger.
2015 F. 1791. 1st Battle of Seringapatam. 5.24 6.28 0.42
? ? ? ?
21 16 S. 5.24 6.28 1.04 1.26
22 17 S. Rogation Sunday. 5.23 6.29 1.46 2.07
2318 M. 1842. Storming of the City of
Chapoo. 5.23 6.29 2.51 3.35 No.ofrainydays.
24 19 Tu. 1839.Captain Elliot warns British 17
Subjects against entering the
Port of Canton. 5.23 6.30 4.14 4.58
25 20 W. 1843. Sir H. Pottinger invested
with the order of G. C. B. 5.22 6.30 5.38 6.24
26 21 Th. 1839. Br. Subjects warned to Tab. ofthe winds.
leave the Factories at Canton. 5.22 6.31 6.46 7.19
27 22 F. 1839. Chinese break in and pillage N. 0
the Factories. 5.22 6.31 7.40 8.01
2823 S. 1845. The first Ord. (2 of 1845) N.E. 11
for levying Taxes (a police rate)
in Hongkong. 5.21 6.32 8.26 9.02 E. 22
29 24 S. 1819. Queen Victoria born. 5.21 6.32 9.27 10.-
5 125 M. 1841. Heights of Canton carried. 5.21 6.33 10.15 10.39| S. E. 11
226 Tu. 5.20 6.33 10.50 11.01 S.
} } } } }
327 W. 1841. Armistice of Canton. 5.20 6.3411.2011.36
428 Th. 5.20 6.3411.50 S.W. 1
29 F. 1453. Turks take Constantinople. 5.19 6.35 26
630 S. 1814. Peace of Paris. 5.19 6.35 0.45 1.05 w. 42
Whit Sunday. 1832. 1st No. of
w 731 S. Chinese Repository published. 5.19 6.35 1.23 1.45 N. w. 0
Calm 0
JUNE , 1846.
Phases ofthe Moon.
d h m d h
21 1 237
2 13 06 New Moon
First Quarter
11 20 36
Full Moon 9 23 12 Apogee
Last Quarter 16 14 14 Perigee 27 15 36
Chinese English HIGH
Rises Sets A M P M
hm hm hm hm
5.19 6.35 1.56 2.12 The following
10 :
81 M. tables shew the
92 Th. A.D. 1754. Great Earthquake at average character
Cairo. 5.20 6.36 2.29 2.47 ofthe weather in
~ 10 3 W. 1770. Port-au-Prince destroyed Hongkong since
by an Earthquake. 5.20 6.36 3.13 3.43 our occupation of
11 4 Th. 1690. Glasgow chartered as a the Island, and
Royal Burgh. 5.20 6.36 4.13 4.49 consequently in-
12 5 F. 5.20 6.37 5.24 5.58 dicate what may
: : :
13 6 S. 5.20 6.37 6.31 7.05 be expected du-
14 7 S. Trinity Sunday. 1841. Hongkong ring the month.
first proclaimed a Free Port. 5.20 6.37 7.32 7.59
15 8 M. 5.20 6.38 8.34 8.51
16 9 Tu. 5.20 6.38 9.13 9.35
1710 W. 1667. Dutch Fleet enter River
Medway. 5.20 6.38 9.55'10.16 Barometer.
1811 Th. 1798. Buonaparte seizes Malta. 5.20 6.38 10.35 10.55 Mean heit. 29.65
? ? ?
19 12 F. 1418. The Massacre of Paris. 5.20 6.38 11.17 11.36 highest 29.88
2013 S. 1844. Sir H. Pottinger and Mr lowest 29.46
Davis meet Keying at Hoo-
mun-shai. 5.21 6.39 11.50
21 14 S. 1841. First Sale of Lands at
Hongkong. 5.21 6.39 -39
22 15 M. 1794. Memorable Eruption of Thermometer.
Mount Vesuvius at 10 P. M. 5.21 6.39 1.05 .32
23 16 Tu. 1842. Woosung mounting 250 Mean temprt.83
guns taken. 5.21 6.39 2.05 2.28 highest 92
24 17 W. 1761. The Bridgwater Canal lowest 75
opened. 5.21 6.39 3.00 3.50
✔ 25 18 Th. 1815. Battle of Waterloo. 5.22 6.40 4.25 5.03
~ 26 19 F. 1844. Sir H. Pottinger embarked
for England. 5.22 6.40 5.35 6.21 No.ofrainy days.
✔ 27 20 S. 1837..Accession of Queen Victoria. 5.22 6.40 6.49 7.17
~ 28 21 S. Second Sunday after Trinity. 5.22 6.40 7.39 8.02
~ 29 22 M. 1841. A. R. Johnston, Esq.
takes charge of the Government
of Hongkong. 5.23 6.41 8.22 8.45 Tab. ofthe winds
30 23 Tu. 1843. Keying arrived in Hong- N.
kong. 5.23 6.41 9.00 9.25
5 124 W. 1497. Newfoundland discovered. 5.23 6.41 9.45 10.15' N.E. 11
225 Th. 5.23 6.41 10.32 10.49 ,
✔ 326 F. 1843. Hongkong proclaimed a Br. E. 11
Colony. 44 Justices of the
Peace appointed. 5.23 6.41 11.05 11.21 S.E. 2
427 S. 5.23 6.42 11.39 11.57
2 528 S. 1838. Coronation of Q. Victoria. 5.24 6.42 S. 11
629 M. St Peter. 5.24 6.42 -39 s W. 3
730 Tu. 1696. Greenwich Hospital founded. 5.24 6.42 1.00 1.17 w. 83
N.W. 11
JULY, 1846.
Phases ofthe Moon.
d h
d h m New Moon 23 15 39
First Quarter 2 4 595 First Quarter 31 18 39
Full Moon 96 47 Apogee 25 2 36
Last Quarter 15 21 - Perigee 9 23 36
Chinese English
Rises Sets A M P M
hm hm hm hm
10 ?
5 81 W. A.D. 1815. Capitulation of Paris 5.24 6.42 1.36 1.56 The following
92 Th. 1800. Royal assent given to Bill tables shew the
for Union of G. Britain and average character
Ireland. of the weather in
5.25 6.43 2.20 2.44
Hongkong since
10 3 F. 1844. United States Treaty with our occupation of
China signed at Wanghia. 5.25 6.43 3.13 3.42 the Island, and
11 4 S. 1840. Chusan invested by the Br. 5.25 6.43 4.22 5.02 consequently in-
: : : : : :
12 ES. Fourth Sunday after Trinity. 5.25 6.43 5.45 6.29 dicate what may
13 6 M. Old Midsummer Day. 5.25 6.43 7.00 7.31 be expected du-
14 7 Tu. 1560. French evacuate Leith. 5.25 6.43 8.02 8.34 ring the month.
15 8 W. 1497. V. de Gama sailed for India. 5.26 6.44 8.59 9.25
16 9 Th. 1844. Second Sale of Crown
Leases in Hongkong. 5.27 6.44 9.43 10.01
" 1710 F. 1845. Queen's Counsel's Opinion Barometer.
on Colonial Taxation. 5.27 6.44 10.21 10.40
Mean heit.29 64,2
1811 S. 1843. French Consul Ratti-menton
arrived in China. 5.27 6.44 11.02 11.24 highest 29.85
lowest 29.35
1912 S. 1816. Lord Amherst arrived off
Macao. 5.27 6.44 11.41 11.59
2013 M. 1377. French plunder Isle of
Wight. 5.27 6.44 0.14 Thermometer.
21 14 Tu. 1789. French Revolution com-
menced. 5.27 6.44 0.51 1.06 Mean temprt. 85
22 15 W. 1834. L. Napier arrived off Macao. 5.28 6.44 1.31 1.57 highest 92
23 16 Th. 1815. Bonaparte went on board lowest 80
the " Bellerophon." 5.29 6.43 2.29 3.01
2417 F. 5.30 6.42 3.42 4.37
} }
25 18 S. 1844. Streets ofHongkong order-
ed to be lit. 5.30 6.42 5.01 5.38 No. ofrainydays
: :
26 19 S. Six Sunday after Trinity. 5.30 6.42 6.11 6.45
27 20 M. 1841. Typhoon, vortex between 17
Hongkong and Macao ; six
vessels totally lost. 5.30 6.41 7.10 7.36
" 2821 Tu. 1702. Union of the rival E. I.
Companies. 5.31 6.41 7.58 8.21 Depth of Rain in
29 22 W. 5.32 6.40 8.45 9.09 1845, In 7,565.
6 123 Th. 1841. Commodore Bremer and
Capt. Elliot land at Macao after Tab. ofthe winds.
being wrecked in the " Louisa." 5.32 6.40 9.20 9.37
✔ 224 F. 5.32 6.40 9.57 10.20 N. 0
❤ 325 S. 1834. Lord Napier arrived at
Canton. 5.32 6.40 10.38 10.57 N.E. 01
426 S. 1834. Royal Communication to E.
Lord Napier, W. C. Plowden, 143
and J. F. Davis, Esqs. published
at Canton. 5.33 6.39 11.12 11.28 S.E. 14
~ 5 27 M. 1843. The new Chinese Tariff
S. 21
came into operation. 5.33 6.39 11.46 11.57
" 628 Tu. 1816. Lord Amherst's embassy S.W. 1
reached Pechelee. 5.34 6.38 0.09
✔ 729 W. 1843. Military Committee of W. 8
enquiry as to causes of
sickness in Hongkong. 5.34 6.38 0.24 0.39 N.W.
~ 830 Th. 5.35 6.37 0.50 1.21
" 931 F. 1841. Harbour-Master's office es- Calm 2
tablished in Hongkong. 5.36 6.36 1.46 2.12]
AUGUST, 1846.
Phases ofthe Moon.
d h m h m
Full Moon 7 13 35.5 First Quarter 30 5 54,5
Last Quarter 14 6 27.9 Perigee 8 36
New Moon 22 7 01.8 Apogee 20 22
Chinese English
Rises Sets A M P M
hm hm h m h m
IS. A.D. 1834. Dr Morrison died. 5.36 6.36 2.28 2.55 The following
11 2 S. Eighth Sunday after Trinity. 5.36 6.36 3.35 4.15 tables shew the
12 3 M. 1732. Bank of England founded. 5.37 6.35 4.59 5.43 average character
of the weather in
13 4 Tu 1792. P. B. Shelley born. 5.38 6.34 6.27 7.12 Hongkong since
14 5 W.1844. P. I. Stirling Esq., notified our occupation of
Attorney General. 5.38 6.34 7.44 8.16 the, Island and
15 6 Th. 1840. The abduction of Mr consequently in-
Staunton by the Chinese. 5.38 6.34 8.40 9.05 dicate what may
~ 16 7 F. 1830. Phillipe elected King of be expected du-
the French . 5.39 6.33 9.26 9.47 ring the month.
~ 178 S. 1811. English take Batavia. 5.39 6.32 10.06 10.26
18 9 S. 1841. H. E. Sir Henry Pottinger
arrived in China. 5.39 6.32 10.46 11.07
1910 M. 1840. British Armament anchor Barometer.
off mouth of Pei-ho. 5.39 6.31 11.24 11.42
20 i1 Tu. 1834. Lord Napier called a mee- Mean heit. 29.615
ting of British Merchants at highest 29.81
Canton. 5.40 6.30 0.20 lowest 29.27
21 12 W. 1839. Captain Elliot held a Court
of Criminal Jurisdition on
board Ship . 5.40 6.30 0.31 0.41
22 13 Th. 1845. Arrival of the " Lady M.
Wood " 1st of the P. & O. Thermometer.
China Line. 5.40 6.29 1.08 0.36 Mean temprt
23 14 F. 1797. Antonio Pereira de Figue- .83
highes 92
reido died at Lisbon. 5.41 6.28 2.04 2.33 lowestt 78
~ 24 15 S. 1769 Bonaparte born. 1771. Sir
W. Scott born. 5.41 6.27 3.12 3.51
25 16 S. 1834. Lord Napier suggests the
establishment of a Chamber of
Commerce at Canton. 5.42 6.27 4.21 5.11 No ofrainy days
~ 26 17 M. 1842. Sir H. Pottinger announces
the suspension of hostilities. 5.43 6.20 5.45 6.19 21
27 18 Tu. 1502. St Helena discovered. 5.43 6.25 6.45 7.11
? ? ? ?
2819 W. 1840. Attack of Macao Barrier. 5.43 6.24 7.33 7.55 Depth of Rain in
29 20 Th. 5.43 6.24 8.14 8.33 1845 14 in,
3021 F. 1841. Sir H.Pottinger first landed
at Hongkong. 5.43 6.23 8.45 8.75 Tab, ofthe winds
8 122 S. 1841. Sir H. Pottinger proceeds
to the north. 5.43 6.23 9.19 9.44 N. 01
223 S. Eleventh Sunday after Trinity. 5.43 6.22 10.10 10.32
5.44 6.21 10.49 11.06 N.E.
? ? ? ?
324 M. 1841. Captain Elliot left China 31
425 Tu. 5.44 6.2 11.21 11.37
526 W.1819. Prince Albert born. 1841 E. 144
Amoy taken 5.45 6.18 0.06 S.E.
627 Th. 1839. Captain Elliot assumed 32
Mil. and Civil Superintendence S. 32
of merchant Fleet in H.kong. 5.45 6.17 0.11 0.17
728 F. 1840. Keshen at Tien-tsin re- S.W. 14
quests an interview with Capt.
Elliot. 5.45 6.17 0.37.58 w.
829 S. 1843. Hon. J. R. Morrison died. 44
1842. Treaty signed at Nankin . 5.46 6.16 1.18 1.39 N.W. ૦૩
930 S. 1843. Date of payment by H. M
Government for Opium Scrip. 5.46 6.16 2.12 2.45 Calm 0
~ 31 M. 1843. Much sickness in H.kong. 5.46 6.15 3,16]. 3.48 )
Phases ofthe Moon.
d h m d k m
Full Moon 5 20 52.4 First Quarter 28 15 02.5
Last Quarter 12 19 18 Perigee .. 4 18 36
New Moon 20 23 09.7 Apogee 17 10 36
Chinese English
Rises Sets A M P M
hm hm hm hm
7111 Tu. A.D. 1843. Dr Gutzlaff appoint- The following
ed Chinese Secretary. 5.47 6.13 4.37 5.26 tables shew the
..12 2 W. 1820. Emperor Kea-King died. averag character
5.47 6.13 6.07 6.59 of the eweathe r in
" 133 Th. 1752. New Style introduced in Hongkong since
8.06 our occupa tion of
England. 5.47 6.12 7.32 the Island, and
~ 14 4 F. 1808. Dr Morrison arrived in consequently in-
China. 1843. Howqua died. 5.48 6.11 8.32 8.58 dicate what may
15 5 S. 5.48 6.10 9.17 9.37 be expected du-
16 6 S. Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity. 5.48 6.09 9.55 10.14 ring the month.
17 7 M. 1834. " Imogene " and " Andro-
mache" engage the Bogue Forts. 5.49 6.08
10.33 10.53
11.10 11.28 Barometer.
2 2 2 2 2
18 8 Tu. Nativity ofthe Blessed Virgin. 5.50 6.07
19 9 W. 1737. Hurricane at St Domingo. 5.50 11.52
00.10 0.30 Mean heit. 29.77
2010 Th. 1771. Mungo Park killed. 5.50 6.05
| 21| 11 | F. 1838. Blockade of Canton notifi- highest 29.94
ed. lowest 29.10
5.51 6.04 00.54 1.19
22 12 S. 1840. Suspension of Hostilities
in China. 5.51 6.03 1.49 2.19
23 13 S. Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity. 5.51 6.02 2.57 3.25 Thermometer.
24 14 M. H. M. Patent of Baronetcy for Mean temp. 82
H. E. J. F. Davis, arrived. 5.51 6.01 4.03 4.42 highest 90
lowest 76
25 15 Tu. 1840. " Kite " Transport lost
near Chusan. 5.51 6.00 5.16 5.51]
2616 W. 1840. Seizure of Capt. Anstruther
by the Chinese. 5.51 6.00 6.19 6.47 No.ofrainy days.
27 17 Th. 5.51 5.59 7.09 7.32
" 2818 F. 1714. George I. landed in England. 5.51 5.58 7.47 8.03 14
~ 29 19 S. 1779. Henry Lord Brougham
born. 5.51 5.57 8.25 8.47
8 120 S. Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. 5.51 5.56 9.11 9.35 Depth of Rain in
1845, 7 inches.
221 M. 1808. British Troops land at
Macao. 5.51 5.55 9.59 10.13 Tab. ofthe winds
322 Tu. Sun enters Libra. 5.51 5.54 10.39 10.46 N. 02
423 W. 1803. Battle of Assaye. 5.52 5.53 11.03 11.20 N.E. 31
524 Th. 5.53 5.52 11.35 11.51
625 F. 1660. Tea mentioned by Pepys as E. 15
a beverage in England. 5.54 5.51 0.14'S.E. 1
726 S. 5.54 5.50 0.29 0.44
827 S. Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. 5.55 5.49 1.06 1.28's. 02/2
928 M. 1836. Morrison Education Society S.W. 11
Instituted. 5.55 5.48 1.58 2.27
10 29 Tu. Michaelmas Day. 5.55 5.46 3.04 3.42 w. 42
1130 W. 1845. British Consular Establish-
ment at Macao abolished. 5.55 5.45 4.09 5.37 N.W. 1
Calm 1}
OCTOBER, 1846 .
Phases ofthe Moon.
d h m
d h m First Quarter 27 22 46
Full Moon 5 5 42.2 Perigee 2 36
Last Quarter 12 11 44 Apogee 15 1 36
New Moon 20 15 19.7 Perigee 30 23 36
Chinese English
Rises Sets AM P M
h m hm hm hm
8 12 1 Th. A.D. 1845. Act for the naturali- The following
zation of Aliens in Hongkong. 5.55 5.45 6.28 6.52 tables shew the
average character
of the weather in
2 13 2 F. 1844. 1st Criminal Sessions of a
Hongkong since
Supreme Court in Hongkong. 5.55 5.44 7.24 7.56 our occupation of
14 3 S. 1843. Don Jose G. Pegado the Island, and
installed Governor of Macao. 5.55 5.43 8.20 8.44 consequently in-
15 4 S. Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. 5.56 5.42 9.10 9.36 dicate what may
16 M. 5.56 5.41 9.49 10.02 be expected du-
17 6 Tu. 1841. Proclamation to People of ring the month.
Chusan. 5.57 5.40 10.23 10.44
ތތ18 7 W.1793 . Zimmerman died. 5.57 5.39 11.01 11.19
19 8 Th. 1843. Supplementary Treaty sign-
ed at the Bogue. 5.57 5.38 11.36 11.56 Barometer.
20 9 F. 1843. A Typhoon of 3 days in
0.17 Mean heit. 29 86
China Seas. 5.58 5.37
highest 30.16
21 10 S. 1841. Chin-hae taken. 5.58 5.37 0.42 1.07 lowest 29.63
? ? ?
21 S. 1834. Lord Napier died at Macao. 5.58 5.36 1.32 1.57
23 12 M. 1835. Halley's comet observed (by
the compiler) at Cum-sing-moon. 5.58 5.36 2.27 2.57
~ 24 13 Tu. 1841. British occupy Ningpo. 5.59 5.35 3.32 4.08 Thermometer.
25 14 W. 5.59 5.34 4.42 5.16 Mean temprt. 80
? :
26 15 Th. 1841.Land in Hongkong proposed highest 90
to be let on Quit Rents. 5.59 5.33 5.46 6.16 lowest 67
27 16 F. 1586 Sir Philip Sidney died. 5.59 5.32 6.45 7.06
? ?
28 17 S. 6.00 5.31 7.30 7.47
2 29 18 S. 1844. A Typhoon (also of 3 days) No. ofrainy days
in China Seas. 6.01 5.30 8.07 8.28
" 30 19 M. An Eclipse of the Sun visible in
China Seas. 6.01 5.29 8.43 8.59
9 120 Tu. 1814. Sir G. Staunton, Sir T.Met-
calfe and Mr Davis deputed by
Select Committee to negotiate Depth ofRain in
the opening of Trade in Canton. 6.01 5.28 9.20 9.42 1845,13 20.inches
221 W. 1805. Battle of Trafalgar. 6.02 5.27 10.05 10.25
? ? ? ?
322 Th. 1726. Hurricane at Jamaica. 6.02 5.26 10.49 11.05 Tab. ofthe winds.
423 F. 1667. Royal Exchange founded. 6.03 5.25 11.22 11.40
N. 13
24 S. 1844. French Treaty with China
signed at Huanpu. 6.04 5.24 11.57
~ 625 S. 1844. Br. Consul Farren arrived N.E. 91
at Manila. 6.04 5.24 0.15 0.34
E. 11
" 726 M. 1843. Extensive Fire in Canton. 6.04 5.24 1.03 1.22
S.E. 1
~ 827 Tu. 1492. Cuba discovered. 6.05 5.23 1.48 2.15
İS. 1
928 W. 1844. Plans for a Church in Hong-
kong advertised for. 6.05 5.23 2.55 3.24 s.w.
10 29 Th. 1839. 29 War Junks destroyed
by" Volage "and " Hyacinth. " 6.06 5.22 4.11 4.56 w. 3
1130 F. 1844. 3000 Chinese left Hongkong
in one day. 6.07 5.21 5.41 6.2 N.W. 21
" 1231 S. All Hallows Eve. 6.07 5.21 6.59 7.32
Calm 1
Phases ofthe Moon.
d m d h m
Full Moon 3 16 47.3 First Quarter 26 6 07
Last Quarter 11 7 20 Apogee 11 21 36
New Moon .. 19 6 36 Perigee 25 17 36
Chinese English HIGH
Rises Sets AM PM
hm hm hm hm
9 13 1S. A.D. 1843. Severe Typhoon in The following
China Seas. 6.07 5.21 7.58 8.25 tables shew the
average character
14 2 M. Michaelmas Term begins. 6.08 5.20 8.40 8.56 of the weather in
Hongkong since
6.09 5.19 9.20 9.44 the our occupation of
15 3 Tu. 1839. Battle of Chuen-pi. Island , and
164 W. 6.09 5.19 10.01 10.27 consequently in-
17 5Th. 1605. Gunpowder Plot. 6.10 5.18 10.45 11.03 | dicate what may
be expected du-
18 6 F. 1799. Earthquake at Guernsey. 6.11 5.17 11.22 11.41 ring the month.
19 7 S. 1843. Lieut. Col. Knowles died. 6.11 5.17 0.22
" 20 8 S. Twenty-second SundayafterTrinity 6.12 5.16 0.31 0.43
Mean heit. 29.99
M. 1841. Albert Prince of Wales born. 6.12 5.16 1.10 1.22 highest 30.14
21 9
lowest 29.90
22 10 Tu. 1835. Sir A. Ljungzstedt died at
Macao. 6.12 5.16 1.49 2.16
2311 W. 1818. A. C. College at Malacca
commenced. 6.13 5.15 2.43 3.10 Thermometer.
24 12 Th. 1716. Leibnitz died. 6.14 5.14 3.44 4.18
32 23
25 13 F. 6.14 5.14 4.52 5.26 Mean temp. 72.6
highest 85
26 14 S. 1738. Herschel born at Hanover. 6.15 5.14 5.54| 6.22 | lowest 63
27 15 S. 1843. Eldred Pottinger the Cabul
Hero died at Hongkong. 6.16 5.14 6.46 7.11
" 28 16 M. 1771. Eruption of Solway Moss. 6.17 5.14 7.34 7.57
No.ofrainy days.
" 29 17 Tu. 1843. Port of Shanghae opened. 6.17 5.14 8.21 8.37
" 30 18 W. 1824. Hurricane on the Coast of
England. 6.17 5.14 9.00 9.25
16 119 Th. 1810. Sweden proclaimed war Depth of Rain in
against G. Britain. 6.18 5.14 9.48 10.12 1845, 1.60 inches.
220 F. 1845. Keying and suite visit
Sir J. F. Davis at Hongkong. 6.19 5.12 10.36 10.50
" 321 S. 1840. Princess Royal born. 6.20 5.12 11.09 11.28
Tab. ofthe winds.
422 S. Twenty-fourthSunday afterTrinity 6.20 5.12 11.48 N. 2
" 5 23 M. 1835. Fire in Canton. 6.21 5.12 0.08 0.29 N.E.
624 Tu. 1713. Sterne born. 6.22 5.12 0.43 1.05 E. 91
7 25 W. 6.23 5.11 1.31 1.57
8 26 Th. 1748. Dr Watts died. 6.23 5.11 2.19 3.02 S. E. fo
~ 927 F. 1844. H.E. M.Lagrené and Suite S. 0
visit Hongkong. 6.24 5.11 3.40 4.18
1028 S. 1841. Keshen arrived at Canton. 6.25 5.11 5.00 5.43 S.W. 0
" 1129 S. Advent. 6.26 5.11 6.20 6.57 w. 24
✔ 12 30 M. St Andrew. 6.27 5.11 7.27 7.57 N.w. 2
Calin 03
Phases ofthe Moon.
d h m d h
Full Moon 3 6 22.4 First Quarter 25 14 12.2
Last Quarter 11 4 52.1 Apogee 9 18 36
New Moon 18 20 18.3 Perigee .. 21 11 36
Chinese English
Rises Sets A M P M
hm hm h m h m
10 13 1 Tu. B.C. 562. Confucius born. 6.27 5.11 8.18 8.40 tablesThe following
shew the
~ 14 2 W.A.D. 1823. London Mechanic's average character
Institution commenced building. 6.28 5.12 9.00 9.21 of the weather
Hongkong since in
~ 15 3 Th. 1838. Seizure of Opium at Can- our occupation of
ton. 6.28 5.12 9.41 10.01 the, Island and
~ 16 4 F. 6,28 5.12 10.22 10.43 consequently in-
✔ 17 5 S. 1492. Hispaniola discovered. 6.29 5.13 11.00 11.17 dicate what may
be expected du-
✔ 18 6 S. Second Sunday in Advent. 6.30 5.13 11.37 11.57 ring the month.
19 7 M. 1845. Union Chapel in Holly-
wood Road opened. 6.31 5.13 0.08
20 8 Tu. Conception of the Virgin Mary. 6.31 5.13 0.34 1.01
Mean heit. 30.03
~ 21 9 W. 1608. Milton born. 6.32 5.14 1.13 1.27 highest 30.25
lowest 29.80
22 10 Th. 1825. Commercial Panic in En-
gland. 6.32 5.14 1.49 2.12
23 11 F. 6.33 5.14 2.39 3.06
: :
24 12 S. 1838. Riot in Canton. 6.33 5.15 3.37 4.08 Thermometer.
25 13 S. 1642. New Zealand discovered. 6.33 5.15 4.41 5.14 Mean temp . 63.6
highest 77
~ 26 14 M. 1841. Second Proclamation at lowest 51
Chusan. 6.34 5.16 5.47 6.21
27 15 Tu. 1821. " Topaz's " Boat's Crew
attacked at Lintin. 6.34 5.16 6.50 7.19
28 16 W.O Sapientia ! 6.35 5.17 7.42 8.06
{ {
2917 Th. 6.35 5.17 8.31 8.55 No. ofrainy days
11 118 F. 1778. Sir H. Davy born. 6.36 5.18 9.15 9.40
219 S. 1586. Tycho Brahe born. 6.36 5.1810.05 10.25 4
{ {
~ 320 S. 1845. Keying declares toleration
of Protestantism . 6.37 5.19 10.45 11.07 Depth of Rain in
421 M. Sun enters Capricorn. 6.37 5.19 1.33 11.48 1845, 0.65 inches,
5 22 Tu. 1843. Rev. V. J. Stanton 1st
Colonial Chaplain arrived. 6.38 5.20 11.55 0.22 Tab. ofthe winds
623 W. 6.38 5.20 0.27 0.36
724 Th. Christmas Eve. 6.39 5.21 1.01 1.26 N. 21
~ 825 F. 1642. Sir Isaac Newton born. 6.39 5.21 1.51 2.17 N.E. 11
926 S. 1845. H. M. assent to Police As- E. 5
sessment in Hongkong notified . 6.40 5.22 2.51 3.25 S.E.
1027 S. 1840. Mr Stanton released by
the Chinese. 6.40 5.22 3.56 4.28 S. 0
1128 M. Innocents. 6.41 5.23 5.09 6.11
? ?
1229 Tu. 1758. Commodore Keppell takes S.W. 0
Goree. 6.41 5.23 6.43 7.15
1330 W.1710. Flamstead died at Green- W.
wich. 43
6.42 5.24 7.41 8.08
1431 Th. 1600. First charter of E. I. Com- N.W. 43
pany. 6,42 5.24 8.30 8.53
Calm 21
DER IN CHIEF. Francis Spring, Clerk.
His Excellency Sir John Francis
Davis, Baronet. AUDIT OFFICE .
J. Ready, Chief Clerk and Accoun-
Major General George d'Aguilar. S. Appleton, 2d Clerk.
The Hon., John Walter Hulme. Alexander T. Gordon, Surveyor
ATTORNEY GENERAL . General, absent.
The Hon., Paul Ivy Sterling. Charles St.George Cleverly, Assistant
(Acting), Surveyor General.
COLONIAL SECRETARY. John Pope, Clerk of Works and Civil
The Hon. F. W. A. Bruce. Engineer.
William Tarrant, Clerk of (Deed)
COLONIAL TREASURER. Registry Office and Keeper of
W. T. Mercer, Esq, (Acting.) the Leases and Records.
AUDITOR GENERAL. J. C. Power, Book-keeper.
G. E. Harrison, Clerk.
Adolphus E. Shelley, Esq. Keoketch, ( Clerk) Chinese.
COLONIAL CHAPLAIN. Murdoch Bruce, Overseer ofRoads,
Rev. V. J. Stanton . and Superintendent of Convict
AID-DE-CAMP TO H. E. THE J. Crawford, Overseer ofMasonry.
GOVERNOR AND COM- T. Kinnaird, Time- keeper.
Captain Sargent H. M. 18th R. I. SUPREME COURT.
Hon . J. Walter Hulme , ChiefJustice .
H. E. the Governor. Hon . P.I. Stirling , Attorney General.
Robert Dundas Cay, Registrar.
The Hon. the ChiefJustice. Lieutenant Wade, Interpreter.
The Hon. the Attorney General. F. Smith, Deputy Registrar.
The Hon. the Major General Com-
W. Alexander, Clerk of Court.
G. A. Trotter, Clerk to ChiefJustice.
John Brooksbank, Usher.
H. E. the Governor. CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S
The Hon. the Major General Com- OFFICE.
The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Hon. Major W. Caine, Chief Ma-
The Hon. the ChiefMagistrate. gistrate.
Charles B. Hillier, Assistant Ma-
Adolphus E. Shelley, Esq. D. R. Caldwell , Chinese & Malay
COLONIAL OFFICE. João de Jesus, Portuguese Inter-
L. de Almada e Castro, Chief Clerk. preter.
Jozé de Almada e Castro, 2d do. W. H. Miles, Chief Clerk.
H. J. Hance, 3d do. C. G. Holdforth, 2d do.
A. Grandpré, 4th do. J. Collins, Goaler.
J. G. Comelate, Cashier. OFFICE.
Robert Rienaecker, Book-keeper. Lt. W. Pedder.
James Collins, Clerk, W. H. Fittock, Clerk.
OFFICE . Francis Dill.
Lieut. William Pedder, R. N. , Har-
bour Master. POST OFFICE .
Alexander Lena, Assistant. Thomas Hyland, Post Master.
E. R. Michell, Clerk. B. H. Crackenthorp, Chief Clerk
Samuel Miles, 2d do.
SHERIFF'S OFFICE. J. B. dos Remedios, 3d do.
Hon. Major W. Caine, Sheriff. CORONER.
C. G. Holdforth, Deputy Sheriff. C. G. Holdforth.
Charles May, Superintendent.
Samuel Fearon , absent. H. M'Gregor, Inspector.
A. L. Inglis, Officiating Registrar T. Smithers,
James Stevenson, Clerk. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.
Hon. F. W. Bruce.
POLICE RATE ASSESSMENT Adolphus E. Shelley, Esq.
OFFICE. J. T. Edger Esq.
John Pope, Joint Assessors A. Fletcher Esq. (absent.)
William Tarrant, and Collectors. G. Smith Esq.
F. de Noronha, Sub-collector. D. Matheson Esq.
His Excellency, Sir John Francis S H. M. Plenipotentiary and Chief
Davis, Baronet, &c., &c., & c. Superintendent of British Trade.
Alexander R. Johnstou, Esq. Secretary.
Adam W. Elmslie, Esq. Assistant Secretary.
Rev. Charles Gutzlaff, Chinese Secretary.
Martin. C. Morrison, Esq. Assistant Chinese Secretary.
Alexander Bird, Esq., Acting ChiefAssistant.
Mr William Connor,
Mr Horace Oakley, } Assistants .
Francis C. McGregor, Esq., Consul.
Richard Belgrave Jackson, Esq., Vice-Consul.
Thomas Taylor Meadows, Esq., Interpreter.
Mr John Backhouse, Senior Assistant.
Mr Edward Fry Giles, Junior Assistant.
Mr G. de St Croix , دو
N. de St Croix, Esq., Consular Agent, Whampoa .
Temple Hilliard Layton, Esq., Officiating Consul.
George G. Sullivan , Esq., Vice- Consul.
R. Gingell, Esq., Acting Interpreter.
Mr F. L. Hertslett, Acting Senior Assistant.
Junior Assistant and Medical
Mr C. A. Winchester, Attendant.
Rutherford Alcock , Esq., Consul.
Mr Harry S. Parkes, Interpreter.
Mr James T. Walker, Senior Assistant.
Mr Ch. Tyrrell Watkins, Acting Junior Assistant.
Mr W. S. Meredith, Junior Assistant (absent.)
Robert Thom, Esq., Consul.
C. A. Sinclair, Esq., Acting Interpreter.
Mr Patrick Hague, Acting Senior Assistant,
Mr F. Parish, Senior Assistant ( absent.)
Capt. George Balfour Mad. Art., Consul.
Daniel Brooke Robertson, Esq., Vice- Consul.
Walter Henry Medhurst, jr. Esq., Interpreter.
Mr Frederick Howe Hale, Senior Assist. and Med. Attend.
Mr Frederick Harvey, Second Assistant.
Mr F. Robertson, Acting Junior Assistant.
A. Boone, Dr., S.
Adnams, J., Saddler, Stanley Street. Bowden, William, London Tavern,
Aga Meerza Bozrog Sheerazee, C. Chinam's-Hong .
Aga Meerza Mahomed Sheerazee. Bovet Brothers & Co. , C.
Agassiz, Arthur, C. L. Bovet.
Arthur Agassiz. F. Bovet.
Edmund Moller. A. Bugnon .
AMMERODEEN & SHAIK DAVOOD . C. Bowra, C. W., Storekeeper, Queen's
Shumsoodeen Abdoollatiff. Road.
Jafurbhoy Budroodeen. W. A. Bowra.
Shaik Hussun Shaikammed . W. Stevenit.
Nuzmoodeen Sojatully. J. C. Buchanan .
Shurrufully Chandabhoy. E. Thompson.
Shaik Munsoor Nejamully. H. Rutherford.
Anderson, D., Blacksmith and Far- Boulle, N., H.
rier, Queen's Road. Brown, Rev. S. R., Morrison
Anderson, James, S. , C. Institution .
Anderson, John, S. Brown, Rev. Hugh, ( American Pres-
B. byterian Mission ) A.
Badenoch, P., Shipwright, Queen's Bridgman, Rev. Dr., C.
Road. Bull, Isaac M., C.
William Burgess . P. Dyer Vinton.
Balfour, Dr. Burd, Lange, & Co. , H.
Ball, Rev. Dr. , C. John Burd.
Barnet, George, C. D. L. Procter , Jun.
William Barnet. W. F. Ross.
H. Weltshire. Burjorjee Pestonjee, C.
Barnes, R. T., Livery Stables, Byramjee Rustomjee, C.
Queen's Road. Byramjee Muncherjee Bhundara C.
Barradas, D. J., Post-Office, M. Maneckjee Bomanjee.
Barreto, Luiz, Clerk, " Bomanjee Cursetjee Eduljee.
Hormusjee"-H. Harbour. Bush & Co., H.
Bell & Co., H. and C. F. T. Bush.
William Bell, E, W. S. Robinson
Sir G. G. de H. Larpent, Bart. E. R. Rangel.
Alfred Wilkinson. H. H. Abercrombie.
J. Mackrill Smith.
Archibald Melville. C.
T. Dale. Cachi Giovarni, Golden Tavern, Tai-
Richard Gibbs.
Francis Wilkinson. Calder, Alexander, S.
Birley, Francis B., C. Campbell, Charles, Baker, C.
George J. Bennet. Carlin, Arthur, Plumber and Glazier,
H. F. Edwards.
Boustead & Co. H. and S. Stanley Street.
Cairns, John, Newspaper Proprietor
Edward Boustead. and Printer, Queen's Road.
Benjamin Butler, Manila. Antonio H. Carvalho.
Gustav C. Schwabe, E. Joze H. Carvalho.
Adam Sykes, Singapore. Cypriano do Rozario
R. Aspinall, jun., S. Cawasjee Shapoorjee Taback &
Martin Wilhelmy. Co. C.
W. Hitchinson, S. Cawasjee Shopoorjee.
W. C. Farquhar, S. Dadabhoy Pestonjee.
Bonney, S. W., Morrison Institution. Mamuckjee Pestonjee.
Boone, Right Rev. Bishop, S. Pestonjee Byramjee.
Carr, John, Newspaper Propietor and | Cursehjee Pestonjee Camah, C.
Printer, Gough Street. Burjorjee Hormusjee Harda.
Joze P. Souza, Book-Keeper. Cowasjee Soraljee Patell.
Luiz M. de Azevedo. D.
Antonio de Azevedo. Dadabhoy Burjorjee, C.
Antonio R. Vidigal. Muncherjee Shapoorjee.
Roque R. Vidigal. Dhunjeebhoy Dadabhoy.
Cawasjee Pallanjee , C. Sorabjee Byramjee Colah.
Cooverjee Bomanjee. Dadabhoy Nusserwanjee Mody &
Cawasjee Framjee . Co., C.
Sapoorjee Bomanjee. Nusserwanjee Bomanjee Mody.
Chalmers & Co., C. Burjorjee Framjee.
Patrick Chalmers. Muncherjee Nusserwanjee Mody.
James D. Parke. Rustomjee Dadabhoy Camajee .
China Mail Office, (see SHORTREDE,) Dhunjeebhoy Hormusjee H.
Pottinger Street. Dajeebhoy Muncherjee, C.
Chisholm, Daniel, Storekeeper, Dallas & Co., C.
Queen's Road. William Dallas , E.
Christopher L. C. Refreshment Gregory Coles, E.
Rooms and Store- Keeper. Stephen Ponder, ab.
Clarke, R. "John Barry" H. Harbour, F. Chapman.
Clerjon, N. M., Medical Practitio- John Butt.
ner, Queen's Road Delmas, J., Storekeeper, Queen's
Cockerell, J. T., Commercial Inn, Road.
Queen's Road. Dent & Co., H. and C.
Coates, "Bomanjee Hormusjee," H. Lancelot Dent, E.
Harbour. George T. Braine. ab.
Cole E., Printer, ( American Pres- William Leslie, C.
byterian Mission), N. Wilkinson Dent.
Collier C., Merchant, D'Aguilar F. C. Drummond, ab.
Street. John Dent, ab.
Compton, C. S. and Co. C. Edward Pereira.
C. S. Compton, U. S. Henry Dickinson.
Edward M. Daniell, E. M. W. Pitcher, ab.
William Dickinson . J. Caldecott Smith, C.
Charles Sanders. G. H. Schumacher.
A. E. H. Campbell . James Trabshaw.
Comstock, S. W. Joaquim Caldas, C.
Costa, M. D., Rainbow Tavern, Dent, Beale, & Co., S.
D'Aguilar Street T. C. Beale.
Cowasjee Shapoorjee Lungrana, C. James Bowman.
Cowasjee Shapoorjee L. Deosandrew, Fiddler, Britannia Ta-
Nesserwanjee Dorabjee Mehta. vern, Queen's Road W.
Pestonjee Byramjee Colah. Devan, Rev. Dr, ( American Baptist
Framjee Shapoorjee Lungrana. Mission) C.
Pestonjee Jamsetjee Motiwalla. Dirom, Gray, & Co., C. and S.
Rustomjee Pestonjee Motiwalla. R. Dirom., E.
Dossabhoy Hormusjee. W. F. Gray. E.
Ruttunjee Framjee. W. W. Dale.
Dadabhoy Jemsetjee, W. F. Hunter, B.
Ruttunjee Dossabhoy Modie. T. F. Gray, B.
Marewanjee Eduljee. D. Potter, S.
Framjee Hormusjee. W. Ellis.
Hormusjee Jamsetjee Nauders. C. Ryder.
Dajeebhoy Muncherjee, G. Umson.
Crooke, James, & Massey, H. and C. J. Hodgson, S.
James Crooke, absent. D. Sillar, S.
George Massey. Dosabhoy Hormusjee Dolawkhow.
W. R. Snodgrass. Ruttonjee Framjee.
Dadabhoy Jamsetjee.
Culbertson, Rev. , ( American Pres- Drinker& Heyl, Auctioneers, Queen's
byterian Mission, ) N. Road.
Cunningham, J. , Builder, Welling- W. Drinker.
ton Street. W. S. Heyl.
Duddell, George, Contractor,Circular Gemmell, W. & T., & Co.
Buildings, W. William Gemmell, E.
Dupuig, C., Tailor and Clothier, Henry Robert Harker.
Wellington Street. W. F. Bevan .
Durran , J. A. jun ., M. E. Warden.
Adhemar Durran . George Napier.
Duus, Rawle, & Co. , S. Gibb, Livingston, & Co., H. and S.
E. Thomas A. Gibb, C.
Edwards, J. Pastry Cook, Queen's W. Potter Livingston, E.
Road . Joseph G. Livingston.
Edwards, Robert, M. J. Skinner.
Thomas Jones.
Eduljee Framjee Son & Co., C.
Bomonjee Eduljee. George Gibb, S.
Dadabhoy Eduljee. W. H. Wardley.
Emery & Fraser, Shipbuilders, J. D. Gibb, S.
Queen's Road, E. Gilbert, J., Surgeon, Queen's Road.
George Fraser . Antonio da Silva.
George R. Winslow. Gilman & Co., H. C. and S.
George Perkins. R. J. Gilman, C.
Amos Chapman. J. Jarvie,
Emery, W., Sail Maker, Phoenix A. Johnson, C.
Inn, Queen's Road. L. Josephs, C.
W. H. Vacher, C.
F. J. Williams, C.
Farncomb, Edward, Notary Public, A. J. Young, C.
Solicitor and Attorney, Queen's A. Hudson,
Road. A. Bowman , S.
Apolinario Gutieres, Clerk. S. Compton, S.
Fearon, C. A., Wellington Street. J. Wildman, S.
Miguel de Souza, Clerk. Gillespie, Rev.William (London Mis-
Fischer, Willis, & Co., C. sionary Society.)
Maximilian Fischer. Gillespie, Č. V., C.
Joseph Bates, jun. , E. Goddard, W. H. , Solicitor and Attor-
Daniel Willis. ney, Stanley Street.
W. A. Meuf ing . G. Durnford, Clerk.
Edward Reimers . Graham, Rev. --- S.
Stephen K. Brabner. Griswold, John N. Alsop, C.
Fitzpatrick, John , C.
Fletcher & Co., Queen's Road. H.
Angus Fletcher, E.
Duncan Fletcher. Hart, C. H., M.
George Findlay. Hastings & Co. C.
A. M. Cortella. Joseph Sleains, E.
Ford, M. & Co., H. Thomas Rowley, E.
Martin Ford. William Hastings .
Alfred Ford. J. Whittall.
Framjee Jamsetjee, Queen's Road, E. Hawkins, John D., Contractor, Circu-
John Tyson. lar Buildings, West Point.
Franklyn, W. H., Commission Agent Heard, Augustine, & Co. C.
and Auctioneer, Queen's Road. Augustine Heard, U.S.
Dennis G. Jones. Geo. B. Dixwell.
John Tulloch . John Heard.
Henry Thompson. Joseph L. Roberts.
Friend of China Office, (see CARR) Oliver E. Roberts.
Gough Street. John S. Bruen.
Funck, F., Storekeeper.
D. Steevens. Heerjeebhoy Rustomjee Patell, M.
A. Guichard. Framjee Heerajee.
Furdoonjee, A. & D. , C. Shavuckshaw Rustomjee.
Ardaseer Furdoonjee. Framjee Nowrojee.
Jalbhoy Cursetjee. Heerjeebhoy Ardaseer & Co. C.
· G. Heerjeebhoy Hormusjee.
Gabriel, M., British Hotel, Graham Ardaseer Rustomjee.
Cursetjee Hosungjee.
Hegan & Co, H. and C. J.
Joseph Hegan, E. Jamieson, How, & Co., H. and C.
William Gilman, E. J. F. Edger.
Augustus Carter . G. Jamieson, E.
William Ward Brown. John Gifford, Calcutta.
Ferdinand Blass . Melrose.
John T. Cuvellier. Alexander Walker.
Robert Ker. Richard Rothwell.
Samuel Hill. William Henry .
Henderson, Watson, & Co. R. B. Shephard.
C. P. Henderson, E. Jardine, Matheson, & Co., H. and S.
J. P. Watson. Alexander Matheson , E.
S. Mackenzie. Donald Matheson.
Holmes & Bigham, Storekeepers, David Jardine , C.
William Stewart.
Queen's Road.
Joseph Jardine.
Holmes, John, Spirit dealer, Queen's A Grant Dallas, S.
B. A Baretto, M.
Holliday, Wise, & Co. H. C. and J. A. Baretto .
Manila. J. C. Bowring .
John Holliday, E. J. B. Compton .
John Wise. John Currie.
R. J. Farbridge, E. Duncan Forbes, A.
J. Shepard . John Goddard.
Thomas Kirby. James Grant.
R. Bremridge. Augustus Howell.
Wm. Pyke, S. Gervas Humpston .
Charles Waters, S. John Jackson .
Thomas Pyke. William W. McIvor.
T. D. Kershaw. Alex. W. Macpherson .
Holgate, Henry, Surgeon. W. F. S. Matheson .
Hongkong Dispensary, Queen's John T. Mounsey .
Road, H. and in C. Joze M. d'Outeiro .
Peter Young. Floriano A. Rangel.
Samuel Marjoribanks, C. R. H. Rolfe.
K. M. Kennedy. Albino P. Silveira.
James H. Young. C. F. Still, absent.
Juzino da Roza. Charles Wills , S.
Florencio de Souza. Jarrom, Rev. W., (English General
Athanazio de Souza, C. Baptist Mission), N.
Hongkong Register Office, (see Jones, R., Livery Stables, H.
CAIRNS,) Queen's Road. Just, L., Senior, Watchand Chrono-
meter Maker, Queen's Road.
Hormusjee Framjee, C. Just, L., Junior, Watch and Chrono-
Rustomjee Byramjee. meter Maker, D'Aguilar Street.
Cursetjee Rustomjee Daver.
Douglas Lapraik.
Pestonjee Dinshawjee.
George Saunders.
Rustomjee Ruttunjee. K.
Hormusjee Cawasjee, M. Kennedy McGregor & Co., C.
Hudson Rev. Y. N. (English Ge- David Kennedy, E.
neral Baptist Mission,) N. A. C. McGregor.
Hughesdon & Co., H. and C. G. C. Bruce .
Charles Hughesdon. Henry R. Hardie.
Henry Rutter . Kenny, B., Surgeon, C.
William Rutter. Kilner, J. M., Contractor,
Humphreys & Co., Merchants. Kirk & Irons, Medical Practitioners,
Alfred Humphreys. S. and W.
A. H. Fryer. Thomas Kirk.
A. L. de Encarnasão. James Irons.
I. Lane, Rowland, & Co., Ship Chan-
dlers, Queen's Road.
Ignacio Pedro, Shipper of Manila Thomas Ash Lane.
Seamen, &c. Thomas H. Rowland.
Lane, William, M. Morrison, John G., Queen's Road.
Lamont, John Shipbuilder and Car- Mœur, F. B., Merchant, Queen's Road
penter, East Point. Moul, Henry & Co, C.
William Ross. Henry Moul, E.
George McAlister. John Silverlock.
La Montais, Andrew, Neptune Ta- George Moul.
vern, Lower Bazaar. Murrow & Co,, H. and C.
Lattey & Co., Watchmakers, Queen's D. C. Mackey, Calcutta.
Road. Y. J. Murrow , C.
Lindsay & Co. , H. and C. Johannes Leffler.
H. H. Lindsay, E. Charles W. Murray.
Crawford Kerr. W. N. Piccope .
Walter Davidson. C. G. Clarke. C.
W. Fryer. James Marshall.
H. Dundas. Maclean, Dearie , & Co. , C.
T. Buxton. R. H. Hunter.
W. Hogg. Robert Eglinton , E.
Angelo V, Barradas . Charles Deane, E.
Lockhart, William, M. D. A. C. Maclean, C.
Lloyd, Rev. John, (American Pres- H. MacEwen, C.
byterian Mission) N. Frank Duncan , B.
Loomis, Rev.- -,(American Pres- H. C. Read.
byterian Mission) N. R. Thorburn.
Lowrie, Rev. W., ( American Pres- Jehenjeer Framjee.
byterian Mission) N. Marciano de Silva.
Lowrie, Robert, Tavern and Store- Macvicar & Co. H. S. and C.
keeper, Queen's Road. John Macvicar, E.
D. L. Burn, E.
M. Gilbert Smith.
Mackay & Co., Store - Keepers, Thomas D. Neave, C.
Queen's Road. Henry Fessenden.
Charles Milne.
Hugh Mackay.
Andrew Dixson. T. C. Piccope, C.
Frederick Cooper. T. S. Smith.
MacEwen & Co., Storekeepers and H. H. Kennedy, S.
Auctioneers, Queen's Road. J. de Campos.
Alexander Wilson . MacKnight Thomas, Naval Store-
Robert Wallace. Keeper, West Point.
W. D. Lewis. George Dewar, 1st Clerk.
MacEwen, Rev. Dr, (American Bap- William Hickson, 2d Clerk.
tist Mission) N. Macmurray & Co. , Bakers, and Store
MacCartie, Rev. Dr, (American Bap- Keepers, Queen's Road.
tist Mission) N. James Macmurray.
MacSwyney P. C., Barrister at law Frederick Woods.
Queen's Road. Henry Burney.
W. Fruer, Clerk. Charles Archibald.
MacKenzie, K. R., S. William Whiting.
Charles MacKenzie. Muir, J. H., Circular Buildings, W.
W. G. Aspinall . Mulholland, Thomas, Wellington Inn,
Macdonald, James, S. Circular Buildings .
Manokjee Bomonjee, C.
Cursetjee Eduljee.
Marçal J. C., M. Nanabhoy, D. & C., C.
Markwick, Charles, Auctioneer, Pot- Pestonjee Dhunjeebhoy.
tinger Street. Dhunjeebhoy Dossabhoy.
George Norris. Dadabhoy Sorabjee.
Martin, Henry, Shipper ofMerchant Napper, Rev. A. P., ( American Pres-
Seamen, Queen's Road. byterian Mission) M.
Medhurst, Rev. Dr, (London Mis- Nesserwanjee Byramjee Fakeerajee.
sionary Society), S. Nesserwanjee Framjee.
Mitchell, W. H., Å. Aspendearjee Tamoojee.
Miller, James, Baker, Queen's Road. Newman, Edward,Auctioneer, Queen's
Moosdeen, Shaik, Licensed Ghaut Road.
Serang, Queen's Road. Noor Mahomet Dhatoobhoy, C.
Nusserwanjee Cama, P. & D, C. Platt, Hargreaves, & Co., S.
Pestonjee Nowrojee Poochajee. Thomas Platt.
Dorabjee Nesserwanjee Cam. William Thorburn.
Pallunjee Dorabjee Lallcaca. Hargreaves.
Dadabhoy Dorabjee Lallcaca. Edward Hinley.
Ardaseer Dhunjeebhoy Wadea. Pope, John, Civil Engineer, Aberdeen
Hormusjee Messerwanjee Pooc. Street.
Nye, Parkin & Co., C. Pohlman, Rev. W. J., A.
Gideon Nye, Jun ., absent. Pustau, William, Merchant, Welling-
William W. Parkin. ton Street.
Clement D. Nye.
Thomas S. H. Nye. R.
Henry M. Olmsted . Rawle, Duus, & Co.
Timothy J. Durrell, S. B. Rawle.
J. Kreyhenagen . N. Duus.
J. P. Van Loffelt. John Willaume.
J. de Encarnação. F. T. Derkheim.
J. W. Scheveman. I. P. Pereira.
0. J. A. de Jesus.
Olyphant & Co., C. Rathbones, Worthington, & Co., C.
W. H. Morss, absent. William Rathbone, Jun. E.
A. A. Ritchie. S. G. Rathbone, (absent.)
James A. Bancker. James Worthington.
F. A. King. Thomas Moncreiff.
R. H. Douglas . F. Duval.
D. O. King. C. Maltby.
Oriental Bank, D. P. Simoens.
James Sinclair, Joint managers Rees, Rowland, Architect, Pottinger
James MacEwen, S Street.
Archd. Dunlop, Accountant. Reiss & Co., Hollywood Road.
F. J. Anjier. Reynvaan & Co., M.
José M. de Noronha. H. G. Reynvaan .
Oswald, R. & Co., H. Ripley, Smith, & Co., H. and S.
Richard Oswald, E. Philip W. Ripley.
Henry Lind . H. H. Smith.
P. Marcussen. Captain T. Smith.
P. Ripley Thomas & Co. , H. and S.
Patullo, S. C., C. Thomas Ripley, E.
R. MacGregor. Charles Shaw, S.
Parker, Rev. Dr., C. R. P. Saul.
Peninsular. and Oriental Steam Na- J. H. Winch , S.
vigation Company's Office, Queen's J. Bland, S.
Road. J. Lomax .
J. A. Olding, Agent. Q. A. Gutierres.
Edward N. Burgess. Rickett, John, East Point.
Pestonjee, D. & M., C. Roberts, Thomas, Britannia Tavern,
Dadabhoy Pestonjee. Queen's Road, West.
Manockjee Pestonjee. Roberts, Rev. I. J., ( American Bap-
Manockjee Cowasjee. tist Mission , ) C.
Pestonjee Framjee Cama & Co. Robertson, Alexander, Caledonian
Manackjee Nanabhoy. Tavern.
Rustomjee Framjee. Robertson George, Prince of Wales
Bomanjee Mancherjee. Tavern, Graham Street.
Limjeebhoy Jamsetjee. Rodrick, Anthony, Eagle Tavern
Cowasjee Pestonjee. Queen's Road.
Pestonjee Rustomjee Huckimjee. Roskelly, Thomas, Hongkong Inn &
Pestonjee Cursetjee Jam. Mody. Boarding House, Queen's Road.
Hormusjee Pestonjee. Russel M., Cabinet Maker, Queen's
Jamsetjee Cursetjee. Road, East.
Phillips, Moore, & Co., H. and S. Russell, & Co., C.
J. Phillips. Warren Delano, jun.
E. Cohen. Paul S. Forbes.
J. Samson. Edward Delano.
A. Lewis, S. W. H. King.
S. J. Hallam . M. de Souza.
George Parkins . Braz de Almeida.
W. P. Pierce. Onorio Marçal.
E. A. Low. Stewart, Patrick, M.
Robert S. Sturgis . Stone, L.A.,Ice Agent Gough Street.
F. Reiche. Stanton, Rev. V. J. , Col. Chaplain.
F. A. Hillard. Stronach, Rev. J. , (London Missio-
S. Rangel. nary Society) A.
Q. da Silva. Strachan, George, Architect.
P. J. Loureiro, jun. Strachan, Robert.
Rustomjee & Co., D. & M., C. Sturgis, J. P., M.
Dadabhoy Rustomjee, absent. Sword & Co., C.
Maneckjee Rustomjee, absent. John D. Sword.
Merwanjee Jejeebhoy, absent, John B. Trott.
Dhunjeebhoy Byramjee. Edward Cunningham .
Dadabhoy Byramjee. Syme, F. D., A.
Jamoojee Nusserwanjee.
Cursetjee Dhunjeebhoy.
Jamsetjee Eduljee. Thomson, Henry, & Co.,
Manchejee Eduljee. Tiers, Bourne & Co. , C.
Dadabhoy Hosunjee. C. H. Tiers.
Nusserwanjee Pallunjee Patell. H. F. Bourne.
Fortunato F. Marques. R. P. de Silva.
Ruttonjee Hormusjee Camajee & Co. Turner & Co. , H. and C.
Pestonjee Hormusjee Camajee. Thom. W. L. Mackean.
Ruttonjee Hormusjee Camajee. Patrick Dudgeon .
Sorabjee Framjee Cracau. John Stewart.
Monockjee Cooverjee. A. M'Culloch, S.
Rutherfurd, Robert, Store-keeper, John H. Cannan.
Queen's Road. Duncan J. Kay.
S. Craven Wilson, S.
Robert Laing.
Sage William, British Queen Tavern E. H. Levin .
Queen's Road. Alexander Small.
Sassoon , Eliaoo D. W. Walkinshaw.
Moses Dahood. Edmund N. Snow.
A. de Miranda. J. de Jesus.
Scott, William, & Co., H.
William Scott, absent. ས.
Adam Scott. Van Basel, M. J. Senn , M. and C.
Candido Gutierres. L. Wysman.
Seare, Benjamin & Co., E. W. T. H. Van Ryck.
Benjamin Seare. A. T. Tromp .
James Lawrence Man.
D. T. Bulsing .
Shavuchseaw Rustonjee , C. T. B. Rodrigues.
Shortrede, A., NewspaperProprietor Vander Burg Romswinckel & Co.,
and Printer, Pottinger Street. M. and C.
Andrew Dixson, Overseer .
P. Tiedeman, Jr.
J. W. Warren, Book-keeper. L. C. Delmarle, absent.
George Barmore. F. H. Tiedeman.
Joze M. de Silva.
Manoel L. Roza Pereira. Vaucher , Edward.
Vesey, S. L., Builder, Queen's Road,
Francisco C. Barradas.
Vicente F. Barradas. Victoria Dispensary, H. and M.
Thomas Hunter, M.
J. B. Garçon. George K. Barton .
Simam V. Roza.
qui m a João Braga.
Joa de Silv .
Simeon, David, Crown and Anchor Miguel de Rozario .
Jozé Leǎo.
Tavern, Queen's Road.
Smith & Brimelow. Y.
James Smith.
James Brimelow. Young, Rev. W., ( Lon . Mis. Soc.) A.
Joseph Thomas Glew. Younghusband & Co., Ship Builders
Smith , John, M. East.
John Younghusband. William Moore.
Alexander Morrison. G. H. Lampson.
Joseph Templeton. Stephen T. Baldwin.
W. Joseph C. Anthon .
Watson, T. Boswall, M. D., M. William H. Gilman.
Waterhouse, B. & Co. , S. J. C. Rogers.
J. Thistlethwaite. Florencio Gutierres.
Waterhouse. Arnaldo Botelho.
Way, Rev. ( Amer. Presb. Mis. ) N. White, James, & Co. , S.
Weiss, Charles, Watch and Chrono- James White.
meter Maker, Queen's Road. White, J., Spirit Dealer, Queen's
Welch & Stocker, Druggists, Queen's Road.
Road. Wolcott, Bates, & Co., S.
James Welch . Henry Griswold Wolcott.
Charles Robert Stocker. Edward Whipple Bates, C.
Wetmore & Co., C. John Hetherington .
Samuel Wetmore, Jun. Robert B. Ullett.
Nathaniel Kinsman , M. J. B. Ross.
E. England.- C. Canton.- S. Shanghae.- A. Amoy.-M. Macao.
BAMBOO WORKERS..........3 Broughtforward,.. .53
Lower Bazaar, Sunkee Tapingshan, Sun-kee
29 Hop-lee "" Ton-chong
Queen's Road, Yie-chow 99 Hip-sum
BAKERS... 99 Ye-woe
Lower Bazaar, Ee- woe 99 Ye-hop
99 Chang-eng "9 Wo- chong
Tapingshan, Mam-che 99 Sun-lee
"9 Cum-yow 99 Ayok
99 Toong- chong
Lower Bazaar, Sam-ling CARVER........…………………………….1
Tapingshan, Sun-kee Lower Bazaar, Yung-wah
99 Yee-toey
"" Chun-sing CHANDLERS ( Chinese Varieties. ) 40
99 Ah-tong
99 Tie-choong Queen's Road, E., Hung-loo
Ah-cum 99 Haw-liet
Morgan's Bazaar, Foong-wah
BIRD DEALER………………………………….1 29 Lei-sy-quong
Lower Bazaar, Lune-cheong Canton Bazaar, Ah-lum
Duus' Row, Yek- lung
BLACKSMITHS……………………………...3 Webst er's Alley , Psy-che
Lower Bazaar, Chow-lee "" Sam-yek
Tapingshan, Ye-yuin 99 Cong- ek
99 Lim -quong D'Aguilar Street, Man-ek
Wellington Stret, Chaong- loong
BOOKBINDERS... .4 Lyndhurst Terrace, Pan-Aoan
Canton Bazaar, Manseng Chinam's Row, Til- loong
Macqueen's Row, Toong- sing 99 Quen - chong
99 Kwang-cheong 99 Man-lee
Lower Bazaar, Cum-heong White's Range, Coong -loong
99 See- chaong
BONNET MAKER............. ] Lower Bazaar, Tie-guin
Queen's Road, W., Pankee 99 Son-tie
99 See- chaong
CABINET MAKERS .......... 11 99
Queen's Road, E., Avan Toong- sing
Sung- tie
Ouchterlony Row, Ayek 99 See- loong
99 Assung 99 Sam-sing
Morgan's Bazaar, Ancing 99 Man-lee
99 Allam
Tapingshan, Sie-shing
Wellington Street, Tie-loey 99 Chow-Aoan
99 Achaow Sze-shun
99 Cong-lee 99 Sun-kee
99 Wing-hap 99 Can-yung
99 Ching-yen 99 Sam-yuin
Lower Bazaar, Hap-kee 99 Tung-yee
CARPENTERS.... .....19 99 Achoey
"" Hang-chun
Queen's Road, E., Chun-Avan "9 Sam- chaong
Ouchterlony Row, Asing Yuen- hop
Wellington Street, Achew 99 Sun-manle
99 Awing "" Ahtong
Lyndhurst Terrace, He-lee "9
Graham Street, Amow Chon -hop
Queen's Road, W., Awing Chung- sei
Lower Bazaar, Choong-lee CIGAR MAKER………………………………….1
99 He-lee Queen's Road, W., Yeong-hop
Carried forward,...……………………………………….53 Carried forward,…………………………….
Brought forward, .95
Broughtforward,.. ..142
Lower Bazaar, Hing-lan Morgan's Bazaar, Amoon
99 King-loong Chinam's Row, Ching- lee
99 Me-lan 99 Cum-ling
99 Ting-chaong Chinam's Row, Man- sung
99 Yuen-sing
COMPRADORS ...........2 Macqueen's Row, Hung- cheong
Queen's Road, Acow & Co. Kwang- cheong
Tapingshan, Wing-woe 99 Ta-cheong
White's Range, Ahoy
COPPER SMITH.. 29 Mun-ling
Lower Bazaar, Hib-nam وو Wan-cheong
Lower Bazaar, Sing-lie
COW KEEPERS.............6 FIREWORK SELLER.......... 1
Hollywood Road, Ateem Tapingshan, Hun-loey
Tapingshan, Pakkee
99 Tuh-woe FRUITERERS.............
99 Hap-sing Tapingshan, Hon-sing
99 Foong-ching 99 Tong-hue
99 Alan "" Yulu-hek
Lower Bazaar, Whe- seng Ouchterlony's Bazaar, Wong-ching- long
99 Lins-ing Lower Bazaar, Ah-chung
99 Ah-chew
• وو Cung-wah
DRUGGISTS (Medicinal, )......18 Hop-woe
Morgan's Bazaar, Ye-sow وو
Canton Bazaar, Sum-hing Lung- yuen
99 Mie-wan
Cochrane Street, Fook-ling-tong
Lower Bazaar, Ayow Tapingshan, Yee-hop
99 Chim -wo-tong GLAZIERS...
"9 Man-chi-tong Wellington Staeet, Ayow
99 Tien-wo-tong Graham Street, Chun- ke
99 Toong-chi-tong Lower Bazaar, Choey-chaong
99 Tuk-sow-tong
99 Yan-wo-tong GRASSCLOTH DEALERS........2
Tapingshan, Chin-yin-hoey Lower Bazaar, Tien-kee
99 Quone-sing 29 Wing-shing
99 Paon-quo-tong
99 GREEN GROCERS.............2
Toong- ling-tong
"" Toong-wo -tong Webster's Alley, Chee- sin
39 Toong-chi-tong 99 Chun-ly
99 Po-sing- tong GROCERS..... ……………….. ...4
99 Wing-chi-tong Webster's Alley, Che- hop
DYER ..................... 1 Macqueen's Row, Sun-lee
Lower Bazaar, Nam-ling
Lower Bazaar, 99 Sun-woe
DEALERS................... 7 Tapingshan, Ateem
Lower Bazaar, Fok-lung
29 Oan-shun IRON MONGERS.............5
Sam-woe Webster's Alley, Acheong
99 Tie-sing Canton Bazaar, Chow-chun
99 Yik-chaong Lower Bazaar, Tuk-leong
" Lune-cheong (Painter) 99 Wing-lee
Tapingshan, Heen-loey 99 Wing-yun
Canton Bazaar, Lun-shong
Webster's Range, Punchaong
Lower Bazaar, "" Sun-shing
Tapingshan, Lin-shing JAPANNER…………………..... ..1
99 Toong-chun Ouchterlony's Bazaar, Assung
"" Nam-chee
ENGRAVER................ 1 Canton Bazaar, Sim- shong
Canton Bazaar, Choundy " Sim-shing
Carriedforward,…………………………………………..142 Carried forward.......... 188
Brought forward,. .188 Broughtforward... ..241
Lower Bazaar, Tie-chaong Ataye (Crown farmer)
Lower Bazaar, Pun-woe
LODGING HOUSE KEEPERS....30 وو Sam-chaong
Tapingsh , Ah-cow 99 Teen-wa
وو Ah-look Lower Bazaar, Lie-woe
99 Ah-toong 99 Wo-hop
"" Choe-kok دو Wo-sing
99 Chung-see 99 Wing-woe
99 Hoey-hu-tong 99 Ye-yuen
99 Li-chak
Tapingshan , Coong- en
"" Lim-sing-tong 99 Coong- yin
99 Ming-kee PAWN BROKERS.............5
"9 Oh-neau-lin Cochrane Streets, Foong- ling
وو Se-sun-tong Lower Bazaar, Chin-woe
99 Toong-si-tong Cun-woe
99 Aqui 99 Toong-tie
99 Ah-see-soo
Tapingshan, Sue-chaong
وو Ah-shaop
99 Choong-ling-tong PEWTERER.……………………………………. 1
دو Ching-hu-tong Lower Bazaar, Hung-chaong
29 Hui-lin-tong
22 Hop-ching-tong PRINTER. (Chinese Block)...... 1
99 Qui-eng-tong Lower Bazaar, Ho-sin
99 Shap-paad-chi
99 Shong-qui-tong POULTERERS............
99 Sze-sun- tong Lower Bazaar, Tung- sing
99 Tukh-sing-toe Tung-yek
وو Ye-eng-tong
Yee-hop-tong RICE DEALERS. ..........3
99 Yee-wo-tong Lower Bazaar, Toong-sook
Willin-tong دو Ang-oon
99 Wing-ling-tong 99 Sim-se-loong
White's Range, Wo-loong Duus' Row, Hon-sing
29 Yat-loong Chinam's Row, Sunqua
Lower Bazaar, Ching hung
"" Tie-loong ROPE MAKER…………………………………..1
29 Tae-loong
99 Toong-woh Queen's Road, W. Apping
99 Sumg-toong SAM-SHEW VENDERS- (Licensed. )15
"" Wing-loong Canton Bazaar, Wing-loong
MAT SELLER............... 1 99 Yik-loong
Graham Street, Leong-kie D'Aguilar Street, Man-yek
Lower Bazaar, Kong-loong
MAT-HOUSES BUILDERS.......3 99 Nam -foong.
Queen's Road, E., Appun "" Chuen-yik
"" Achow "" Sam-shing
" Lun-chow Market, Ee-ke
MATTRASS MAKER...……………….] 99 Chaong-yik
Canton Bazaar, Sow- cheong 99 Sam-yik
Tapingshan, Moü-lee
MONEY CHANGERS..........3 29 Hang-wo
Lower Bazaar, Coong-eng 99 Sze-shun
99 Toong-aoan 99 Hang-shun
Tapingshan, San-se-eng כל Toong-hing
OLD CLOTHES DEALER.......1 TEA DEALERS............... 1
Lower Bazaar, Wo-hing Tapingshan , Tie-woe
OPIUM DEALERS, (Crude)…………..5 SAIL MAKER…………………………………..1
Morgan's Bazaar, Ping-quan Queen's Road, W., Apping
Lower Bazaar, Chung-eng
99 Sing-lee SCALE MAKERS...........2
99 Sun-kow Lower Bazaar, Am-cheong
99 Ying-kee 29 Tei-chaong
Carriedforward,........ Carriedforward………………………………………….. 286
286 Brought forward,... ..349
Brought forward,....
SHOE (European) MAKERS......10 Lower Bazaar, Hok-sun
Canton Bazaar, Ahing 99 Ye-hop
99 Ah-lum Tapingshan, Cum-seng
99 Appow 99 Hoey-lee
99 Tung-sing 99 Hok-sem
Webster's Alley, Ould Tag 99 Tuny-lee
White's Range, Heep-sing 99 Yee-hoong
99 Yeong-hop 99 Ye-woe
99 Achai 99 Son-lee
99 Hoby
Tapingshan, Lo-yow TAILORS. (Chinese)............2
Lower Bazaar, Hog-mow
SHOES (Chinese) SELLERS....... 4 99 Tie-hing
Lower Bazaar, Oak-woe
Wing-shing TIMBER STAINER............1
99 Yik-chaong Morgan's Bazaar, Allunı
" Kim-wa
TIMBER DEALERS............8
SLOP (Lascar) SELLERS........2 Queen's Road, E., Afay
Lower Bazaar, Hoplee 99 Asing
99 Kon-cheong 99 Asew
99 Asee
SILVERSMITHS............. 13 Acum
Canton Bazaar, Chaundy 99
99 Aloong
99 Sun-shing 99 Awye
Chinam's Row, Tong-sing Yune-chong
White's Range, Chuk-chaong 99
99 Lee-choo TINSEL PAPER SELLERS...... 1
Queen's Road, W. Kong-chaong Lower Bazaar, Laok-sing
Lower Bazaar, Foo-klung
Tong- sing TINSMITHS................5
"" Ing-woe Webster's Range, Sze-sung
99 Tie-guin Graham Street, Yeo-lee
99 You-sun Lower Bazaar,
Hone-woe Ak-hop
Tapingshan, 99 Cheong-sem
99 San- se-eng Queen's Road, W. , Pang-kie
SILK DEALERS............. 11 TOY SELLER…………………………………..1
Lower Bazaar, Cum-cheong Lower Bazaar, Forguin
99 Een-chaong
99 Hung-tie TURNER.. ........ 1
99 Heep-loong Lower Bazaar, Torg-lee
99 Hing-lan
99 Hoo-nin UMBRELLA MAKERS .........2
99 King-loong Duus' Row, Hong-sing
99 Ting-chaong Lower Bazaar, Lin-chun
99 Too-taye
99 Me-lan WASHERMEN............. 16
99 Ouk-woe Canton Bazaar, Acow
SHEEP DEALERS………………………...2 99 Atiem
Lower Bazaar, Tie-loey 99 Wing-tye
Wun-cat Lower Bazaar, Ee-tong
Tapingshan, Ching-lee
SWEETMEAT DEALER......... 1 "" Chow-kih
Canton Bazaar, Lin-shing 99 Cum-sing
99 Home-tie
TAILORS. (European)........20 99 Hip-kee
Canton Bazaar, Ahing "" Hong-hop- shing
99 Pon-sing 99 Kew- sing
Sow-cheong 99 Lin-hup
Macqueen's Row, Sun-lee 99 Sie-woe
White's Range, Achai 99 Aquan
Aming "9 Achup
99 Nim-chung Pody "9 Shoe-sun
99 Mun-sang
Queen's Road, Apping WATCH MAKERS.............2
99 Eng-lan Lower Bazaar, Hung-tie
Lower Bazaar, Mu-ling "" Pun-woe
Carried forward,...………………………………….. 349 Total,.........388
WHEREAS, on the 29th day of March, 1842, a Proclamation was issued at
Hongkong by Sir Henry Pottinger, Baronet, Our Plenipotentiary and Chief Superin-
tendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, in the terms following, that is to say,-
"With reference to the desirable object of preventing disputes and laying down
66 some defined system regarding the Circulating Medium in this settlement, His Ex-
"cellency Sir Henry Pottinger, Bart, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Chief Super-
" intendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, is pleased to promulgate the fol-
"lowing brief Rules, which are to be considered applicable to all common Bazaar
" Purchases, and Barter, Hire, &c., &c., but not to interfere with, or affect, what may be,
66" pending
termed Mercantile Transactions, and are to be in force on the Island of Hongkong
the Gracious Pleasure of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain.
" 1st, The following Coins are to be deemed legal Tenders :-Spanish, Mexican, and
"other Dollars and their component parts, Company's Rupees and their component parts,
66 Cash, or the Copper Coin current in China.
66 2d, Dollars of whatever denomination or device, and whether whole or chopped, are
" to circulate at par with reference to each other, always providing that they be of the
66 proper weight and standard.
" 3d, Two and one quarter Company's Rupees shall be considered equal to one
" Dollar.
" One Rupee and two Annas (or half a quarter) equal to half a Dollar, and three-
66 quarters of a Rupee (or twelve Annas) equal to one quarter of a Dollar.
4th, Twelve hundred Cash ( 1200) Copper Coin shall be equal to one Dollar.
" Six hundred (600) to half a Dollar.
" Three hundred (300) to quarter of a Dollar.
"Five hundred and thirty-three (533) to one Company's Rupee.
Two hundred and sixty-six (266) to half a Rupee.
" One hundred and thirty-three ( 133) to one quarter of a Rupee.
66 " 5th, Any other Coins, whether British or Foreign, not enumerated in the preced-
ing Rules, are not to be deemed a legal Tender, but they can of course be sold or other-
" wise bartered in the Bazaar, according to their intrinsic value.
" 6th, Cash Copper Coin at the rate laid down in the 4th Rule, will be sold to any indi-
" vidual requiring it in sums of not less than fifty Dollars, on application to the
" Treasurer and Secretary to Her Britannic Majesty's Superintendent of Trade.
" God save the Queen."
And Whereas, on 27th day of April, 1842, a further Proclamation was issued by Our
said Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China,
in the terms following that is to say:-
"The Letter, of which a Copy is hereunto annexed, having been addressed to me by
"the Mercantile Firms who have signed it, on behalf of themselves and others, I do
hereby direct and proclaim, in conformity with their application, that pending the
"gracious pleasure of the Queen of England, the Mexican and other Republican Dollars
" shall be taken as, and considered to be, the Standard, in all Government and Mercantile
"transactions at Hongkong and other places in China in the occupation of Her Majesty's
" Forces, unless at the time of such transactions taking place it should be expressly
66 specified to the contrary.
"And I do further announce, that the present Proclamation is not to be taken in any
way or shape as affecting the provisions of the one which I promulgated on the 29th day
"of last month, relative to the Circulating Medium in the Island of Hongkong.
" God save the Queen."
And Whereas, by our Letters Patent, bearing date the 5th day of April, in the Sixth
Year of our Reign, we did erect and constitute our Island of Hongkong and its Depen-
dencies into a separate Colony, to be known and designated as the Colony of Hongkong ;
and by Our Instructions to Our Governor of the said Colony, we did then direct and
ordain that he should not propose or assent to any Legislative Ordinance whatever,
whereby any " Bills of Credit or any other Paper Currency, or any Coin, save only the
66 legal Coin of the Realm, may
be made or declared to be a legal Tender, without special
"permission from us in that behalf first obtained."
And Whereas it hath been represented to Us, by the Lords Commissioners of Our
Treasury, that doubts have arisen with reference to the terms of the said hereinb fore
recited Proclamations of the 29th day of March, and the 27th day of April, 1842 ,
respecting the legal sufficiency of Tenders of Payment within Our said Island and its
Dependencies, in British Coins ; and it is expedient that such doubts should be removed ,
and that the Regulations regarding Standards of Value and Tenders of Payment within
Our said Island should be assimilated to those of Our other Possessions abroad.
Now, therefore, We, by the advice of Our Privy Council, have thought fit to declare
and ordain, and by the advice aforesaid, We do hereby declare and ordain, that from and
after the date of the publication in the said Island of Hongkong of this Our Proclamation,
the said hereinbefore recited Proclamations issued on the 29th day of March, and 27th
day of April, in the Year 1842, as aforesaid, shall be revoked and annulled.
And We do further declare and ordain, that from and after the date of the Publication,
as aforesaid, of this Our Proclamation, the several Coins hereinafter specified, being
perfect Coins, and of full and proper weight and value, shall, in like manner as the Gold,
Silver, and Copper Coins of the United Kingdom, be and constitute a legal Tender of
Payment within Our said Island of Hongkong and its Dependencies, at the several
respective rates, and as equivalent to the values undermentioned, that is to say,-
The Gold Mohur of the East India Company's Territory, coined since the 1st day of
September, 1835, at the rate of Twenty-nine shillings and two pence Sterling Money of
the United Kingdom .
The Dollar of Spain, Mexico, or the South American States, at the rate of Four
shillings and Two pence Sterling.
The Rupee ofthe East India Company's Territory, coined since the 1st day of Septem-
ber, 1835, at the rate of One shilling and Ten pence Sterling ; and the Half Rupee,
Quarter Rupee, and Eighth of Rupee pieces, in proportion.
The Cash, or Copper Coin, Current in China, at the rate of Two hundred and eighty-
eight Cash, for One Shilling Sterling.
And We do hereby further declare and ordain, that Tenders of Payment in the said
Coins, being, as aforesaid, perfect Coins, and of full aud proper weight and value, as well
as in the Gold, Silver, or Copper Coins of the United Kingdom, or any or either of them,
according to the several relative rates and values hereinbefore specified , shall be deemed and
taken within Our said Island of Hongkong and its Dependencies, to be a sufficient and lawful
Tender, in satisfaction and discharge of all Debts, Contracts, and Engagements what-
soever for the payment of money : Provided always nevertheless, and We do further
ordain and declare, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed or taken to render it
compulsory on any person to accept at any one payment a larger Amount in Silver Coins
of the United Kingdom of lower denomination than One shilling, or in the Half, Quarter,
or Eighth Rupee pieces hereinbefore mentioned , than the equivalent to Twenty Shillings
Sterling Money ; or a larger Amount in Copper Coins of the United Kingdom , or in the
Chinese Copper Coins before-mentioned, than the equivalent to One Shilling Sterling
By Her Majesty's Command,
Dollars Sterling Dollars Sterling Dollar Sterling Dollars Sterling
£ S. d. £ S. d. S. d. £ S. d.
1 0 4 2 29 6 10 57 11 17 6 85 14 2
2 8 4 30 6 5 0 58 12 1 8 86 17 18 4
3 0 12 6 31 6 9 2 59 12 5 10 87 18 2 6
4 0 16 8 32 6 4 60 12 10 0 88 18 6 8
5 1 0 10 33 6 17 6 61 12 14 2 89 18 10 10
6 1 5 0 34 1 8 62 12 18 4 90 18 15 0
7 9 2 35 7 10 63 13 2 6 91 18 19 2
8 13 36 10 0 64 13 6 8 92 19 3 4
9 17 6 37 7 14 65 13 10 10 93 19 7 6
10 2 1 8 38 7 18 4 66 13 15 0 94 19 11 8
11 10 39 8 6 67 13 19 2 95 19 15 10
12 10 0 40 ୫ 8 68 14 3 96 20 0 0
13 14 2 41 8 10 10 69 14 7 6 97 20 4 2
14 2 18 4 42 8 15 0 70 14 11 8 93 20 8 4
15 3 2 6 43 8 19 71 14 15 10 99 20 12 6
16 3 6 8 44 9 3 4 72 15 0 0 100 20 16 8
17 3 10 10 45 9 7 6 73 15 4 2 200 41 13 4
18 3 15 0 46 9 11 8 74 15 8 4 300 62 10 0
19 3 19 2 47 9 15 10 75 15 12 6 400 83 6 8
20 4 3 4 48 10 0 0 76 15 16 8 500 104 3 4
21 4 7 6 49 10 4 77 16 0 10 600 125 0 0
4 11 8 50 10 4 16 5
22 78 0 700 145 16 8
23 4 15 10 51 10 12 6 79 16 9 2 800 166 13 4
24 0 52 10 16 8 80 16 13 4 900 187 10 0
25 4 2 53 11 0 10 81 16 17 6 1,000 208 6 8
26 8 4 54 11 5 0 82 17 1 8 5,000 1,041 13 4
27 12 6 55 11 2 83 17 5 10 10,000 2,083 6 8
28 5 16 8 56 11 13 4 84 17 10 0 100,000 20,833 6 8
Dirs. Rps. Mace Cash Dlrs.' Rps. Mace Cash Dlrs. Rps. Mace Cash Dirs. Rps. Mace Cash
11/08 36 27 614 60 56 1274 12 85 193 96
1 72 28 63 722 57 1291 24 86 1954 1 8
11 8 29 65 84 58 1312 36 87 1971 1 20
+ -
96 59 134 48 88 200
12 30 68
2 42 24 31701 1 8 60 1361 60 89 2024 12
3 69249 36 32721 1 20 61 138 72 90 2041 24
4 9 48 33 75 62 1408 84 91 2063 36
511 60 34 771 12 63 143 96 92 209 48
6 13 72 35 79 24 64 1451 1 8 93 2114 60
7 15 84 36 812 36 65 1474 20 94 2134 72
18 96 37 84 48 66 150 95 215 84
9 20 8 38 86 60 67 1521 12 96 218 96
10 221 1 20 39 88 72 68 154 24 97 2204 1
11 25 40 90 84 69 156 36 98 2224 1 20
12 27 12 41 93 96 70 159 48 99 225
13 29 24 42 95 1 8 71 1614 GO 100 227 12
14 31 36 43 97 1 20 72 1631 72 200 4544 24
15 34 48 44 100 73 165 84 300 6813 36
16 36 60 45 1024 12 74 168 96 400 909 48
17 38 72 46 104 24 75 1701 1 8 500 1,1361 GO
18 40 84 47 106 36 76 1721/ 1 20 600 1,363 72
19 43 96 48 109 48 77 175 700 1,590 84
20 45 1 49 11114 60 78 1771 12 800 1,818 96
21 47 1 20 50 113 72 79 1791 24 900 2,0451 1 8
22 50 51 115 84 80 1813 36 1,000 2,272 1 20
23 524 12 52 118 96 81 184 48 5,000 11,363 72
24 54 24 53 120 1 8 82 1861 60 0.00022,727 12
25 56 36 54 122 20 83 1884 72 100,000 227,272 20
26 59 48 55 125 84 1903 84
R £ S. d. S. d. R S. d. Ꭱ £ S. d.
R £
4 0 0 54 31 2 16 10 64 5 4 97 8 17 10
14 11 32 2 18 8 65 5 19 2 98 8 19
0 4. 33 3 0 6 66 6 99 9 6
1 0 1 10 34 3 2 4 67 6 10 100 9 3 4
2 0 8 35 3 4 2 68 6 4 8 200 18 6 8
3 0 6 36 3 7 6 0 69 6 6 6 300 27 10 0
4 0 7 4 37 3 10 70 6 8 4 400 36 13 4
5 0 38 3 9 71 6 10 2 500 45 16 8
6 0 11 0 39 3 11 6 72 6 12 0 600 55 0
7 0 12 10 40 13 4 73 6 13 10 700 64 3 4
8 0 14 8 41 2 74 6 15 8 800 73 6 8
9 0 16 6 42 3 17 0 75 17 6 900 82 10 0
10 0 18 4 43 18 10 76 6 19 4 1,000 91 13 4
11 2 44 4 0 8 77 2 2,000 183 8
12 0 45 4 6 78 7 3 0 3,000 275 0 0
13 3 10 46 4 4 79 7 4 10 4,000 366 13 4
14 8 47 4 80 7 6 8 5,000 458 6 8
15 1 7 6 48 4 81 7 8 6 6,000 550 0 0
16 9 4 49 4 9 10 82 7 10 4 7,000 641 13 4
17 1 11 2 50 4 11 8 83 7 12 2 8,000 733 6 8
18 1 13 0 51 13 6 84 7 14 0 9,000 825 0 0
19 1 14 10 52 4 15 4 85 7 15 10 13 4
10,000 | 916
20 1 16 8 53 17 2 86 17 8 11,000 1,008 6 8
212 1 18 6 54 19 0 87 7 19 6 12,000 1,100 0 0
2 0 4 1
55 0 10 88 8 4 13,000 1,191 13 4
2 2 2 56 5 2 89 8 3 2 14,000 1,283 6 8
co co .co8
24 2 4 0 57 5 4 6 90 8 15,000 1,375 0 0
25 2 5 10 58 6 4 91 6 10 16,000 1,466 13 4
26 2 7 8 59 5 8 2 92 8 17,000 1,558 6
27 2 9 6 60 5 10 0 93 8 10 6 18,000 1,650 0 0
28 2 11 4 61 5 11 10 94 8 4 19,000 1,741 13 4
2 13 2 62 5 13 95 8 14 2 20,000 1,833 6 8
30 15 0 63 5 15 6 96 8 16 0 100,000 9,166 13 4
The Gold Mohur Coined 1st September, 1845, is £ 1 9/2 Sterling- Spanish, Mexican, or South
American Dollar 4/2 Sterling- Co.'s Rupee 1/10 Sterling- 288 Cash 1/0 Sterling.
PARTICULARS of an Assay of sundry Foreign Coins by the Shroff, or Native
Banking House,"廣 恒 Kwanghang, which took place at the Spanish Factory
(Messers Turner & Co's. Hong) Canton, on the day and in the presence of the persons
hereinafter specified.
ཙྩ ༔ ཚུ
1. Twenty New Rupees weighed before being melted,.. 6 2
Weighed after being melted, remelted, and cast into a shoe of
pure sycee silver,…………………… 5 6 5 0
Loss of weight ,……….. 0 5 3
Thus 100 Taels of Rupees, are equal to pure sycee,. 91 5
Making a difference per centum of,…………… 8 5
And in order to pay 100 Taels of pure sycee in Rupees, it would
be necessary to pay,.. 109 7 9 0
2. Five New Peruvian Dollars weighed before being melted,. 0
After being melted, remelted, &c., as above,……………. 2 0
Loss of weight,...………………. 0 3
Thus 100 Taels of Peruvian Dollars are equal to pure sycee,..... 89 7 2 25
Making a difference per centum of,……………………….. 10 2 7 71
And in order to pay 100 Taels of pure sycee in Peruvian Dollars,
it would be necessary to pay,.. 111 4 5 5
3. Five New Mexican Dollars, weighed before being melted,....
5 5
After being melted, remelted, &c, as above,..... 5 3
Loss of weight,..........
0 3 8 0
Thus 100 Taels Mexican Dollars are equal to pure sycee,…….
89 3
Making a difference per centum of,…………. 10 6
And in order to pay 100 Taels of pure sycee in Mexican Dollars,
it would be necessary to pay,……………………. 111 9 0
4. Five New Bolivian Dollars weighed before being melted,... 0
After being melted , remelted, &c., as a above,....... 1 0
Loss of weight,.………………………. 0 3 9 0
Thus 100 Taels of Bolivian Dollars are equal to pure sycee,......
89 1
Making a difference per centum of,……………………. 10 8
And in order to pay 100 Taels of pure sycee in Bolivian Dollars,
it would be necessary to pay,………. 112 1 5 0
♡d ad3
5. Five New Chilian Dollars weighed before being melted,.. 3 5 9 5
After being melted, remelted, &c., as above,.. 9 5
Loss of weight,. 0 4 0 0
Thus 100 Taels of Chilian Dollars are equal to pure sycee,...
88 8 0
Making a differeuce per centum of, 11 3 0
And in order to pay 100 Taels of pure sycee in Chilian Dollars
it would be necessary to pay,... 112 5 2 0
6. Five Dollars in Broken Money (such as is paid away at Canton
by weight and called by the Chinese yin)
碎銀 suy
0 0
weighed before being melted,.....
After being melted, remelted, &c., as above,……………….. 0
Loss of weight,.….
………. 04 2
Thus 100 Taels of Broken Silver are equal to pure sycee,.... 88 4
Making a difference per centum of,……………… 11
And in order to pay 100 Taels of pure sycee in Broken Dollars,
it would be necessary to pay,…………. 113 2 0 7
Most necessary to be borne in mind.
N. B. 1. These monies were weighed by the Shroff's' weights, and the Hoppo's weights
are 4 mace 5 cans. per 100 taels, or per cent heavier very nearly.
2. In addition to the above, which merely shews the difference between the money
and pure silver, will be the expense of melting, remelting, &c., &c., It. 2m.
per 100 Taels or 1 per cent.
Taoukwàng, 23d year 6th moon and 16th days, ( 13th of July 1843.)
In the presence of
Tseen Yenee, an officer of the 5th Rank, attached to the Im-
錢燕 貽
Hea Wanhway, Trea-
perial Commisioner, 耆英Keying,厦 文匯
surer to the grand Hoppo of Canton,文豐 Wan Fung.
Cap. G. BALFour.
Assist. Trans. and Interpreter, to H, M's. Comm. in China
ounce b, setter
mRate ust
Rate on Rate on a
a,in of
a Letter Newspaper
S. d.
.case +shis
3 2 Letter Rate
of 4d
in 8the
Portugal 2 7 99
Madeira 2 7 99
The Azores 2 7 99
The Canary Islands 2 8
Brazil 3 7
Buenos Ayres and Monte Video 3 5 99
nd the scale
United States of America ... 2 0 99
Panama, Chili, Peru, and Honduras 2 29
Foreign West Indies, viz., Guadaloupe, Martinique, Hayti,
Porto Rico, St Croix, St Eustatius, St Martin, and 99
St Thomas ... 99
105 10∞
Mexico, New Granada, and Cuba ... ... ... 99
Venezuela ... ... ... Free
Austria and the Austrian Dominions
Sardinia and Southern Italy British 1 5 1 10
Foreign 99
Gibraltar ... ... 2 0
Malta, Alexandria, and the Ionian Islands ...
Canada, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova
Scotia, (Port and Town of Halifax excepted) 2 2 Free
Newfoundland, Bermuda, and Port and Town of Halifax in
2 0
Nova Scotia ... ...
British West Indies, viz., Antigua, Barbadoes , Bahamas,
Demerara, Dominica, Essequibo, Granada, Mont-
serrat, Nevis, St Lucia, St Kitts, St Vincent, 2 0
Tobago, Tortola, Trinidad, and the Port and Town
of Kingston, in Jamaica ... ...
Jamaica, (Port and Town of Kingston excepted) and Berbice 2 2
Heligoland 2 0 39
Hamburg, Lubec, and the Duchy of Oldenburg 1 6 Letter Rate
Bremen ... 1 8 99
Holland 2 Free
Denmark, Russia, Prussia, Baden, Wurtemberg, and Bavaria 2 8 Letter Rate
Belgium+... ... ... 2 0 Free
France ... ... British § 1 5 1 10 وو
Hanover, and the Duchy of Brunswick ... 1 9 ld.
Charge upon a Letter not exceeding Ounce... 1 0 Free
Do. do. do. 1 Ounce ... 2 0 99
. ide
(And so on in proportion, according to weight.)
December, 1845.
(From the Friend of China. )
The Governor of the Province of Macao, Timor, and Solor in Council directs the
following :-
Whereas it is expedient, by virtue of the Act No. 362 of the Competent Ministry
dated the 20th of November last, that the Decree of the same date should be published
for general information ; be it known that this Royal Determination shall be in full vigor
and operation from the 1st of April next, according to the 2d article of the same Decree ;
and that the Table, Regulations, and Instructions therein contained, for the more easy and
regular performance of its enactments, shall be published in proper anticipation. The
Authorities to whom the knowledge thereof may relate, have it thus so understood and
Government Office, Macao, 28th Feb., 1846.
Decree to which the above Notification refers.
The opening of some of the Ports of the Empire of China to the commerce and
navigation of all Nations, having put a stop to the propitious circumstances which
favoured the Commerce of the city of Macao, notwithstanding the restrictions imposed
thereon, and it being of rigorous necessity, in consequence of the altered circumstances in
which that event has placed the said city, to devise means by which the restrictive
system hitherto followed may be modified, and, by making use of the advantageous
geographical position of that city, its Commerce may be cherished and developed ; I
hereby, availing myself of the authority conferred by the 1st article of the law of 2d
May 1843, and having heard the Council of Ministers and that of the State, Decree
the following,-
Art. 1st. The ports of the city of Macao, both the inner of the River, and the outer of
the Typa, and of the Roads, are declared Free Ports to the Commerce of all Nations, and
therein shall be admitted for consumption, deposit, and re-exportation, every article of
Merchandize and Commerce of whatever nature they may be.
Art. 2d. All the articles and merchandize imported into the said port, under any flag,
are to become quite free of entry duties Thirty days after this Decree is made public in
the city of Macao.
Art. 3d. The importation of cannon,—projectiles—incendiary mixtures,—gunpowder,
-tobacco of any quality,-snuff,-soap,—and orchell weed, are however absolutely pro-
Art. 4th. The importation ofthe following articles of Portuguese production and industry,
shall only be admitted in Portuguese Vessels proceeding from Portuguese Ports, for the
purpose of enjoying exemption from duties, viz : Arms and fire-arms,-Betelnut,-
Towelings, Muslins,-Hats of every description,-Olive oil,-Cocoanut, and Palm oil,—
Bacon,-ready made Clothes and Shoes,-Linen cloth,-Salt,—Medicines,-Sandal wood,
-Spirits of Wine and of Cocoanut juice,-Wines, Liqueurs, and Vinegars of wine and of
Cocoanut juice.
Art. 5th. The same articles mentioned in the preceding article, whether of Portuguese
or foreign production or industry, may be imported by Portuguese or foreign Vessels, from
foreign ports, upon paying 20 per cent ad valorem.
Art. 6th. The said article, though excepted from the general inımunity for consumption,
may however be received into depot at the city of Macao, under condition of being
re-exported within the term of one year, with those cautions and guarantees usual in such
cases, by paying only one per cent ad valorem of deposit and wharfage, besides the
warehouse rent and Coolie labour.
§ Note. All the articles received in deposit, not being re-exported within the term of
one year, shall be subject to payment of the consumption duty stated in article 5th.
Art. 7th. Every other article which is admitted free for consumption or re-exportation,
shall only be subject to the payment of Coolie hire, according to a table of rates to be fixed
by the Governor in Council, after hearing the Director of the Custom- house, and which
rates are not to exceed the prices heretofore established.
Art. 8th. The goods mentioned in the 4th, 5th, and 6th articles, shall be received into
the Government Warehouses, to be subject to the overseeing of the Custom-house until
they are cleared. As to every other article comprised in the generality of the privilege, it
will be free to the Proprietors to store them in the Custom-house Warehouses, or in
private ones, as may be most convenient to them.
Art. 9th. For the payment of Ware-house rent, there shall be also a table fixed by the
Governor in Council, after hearing the Director of the Customhouse, regulating it as much
as possible by what it is customary to pay for private warehouses.
Art. 10th. To facilitate the landing of more bulky articles of merchandise, the Govern-
ment shall cause Cranes to be set up on the most convenient localities, or the most fre-
quented Wharfs ; and the Governor in Council shall determine the rates to be paid for the
use of them.
Art. 11th. The Governor in Council is also authorized, after obtaining the necessary
information, to establish a Table of Anchorage, calculated on such a moderate Scale, that
the port expenses which Ships will have to pay in Macao may invite both the national
and foreign Commerce.
Art. 12th. Every Act contrary to the tenor of the present Decree, is hereby repealed.
The Counsellor of State, Minister Extraordinary, and Secretary of State for the Marine
and Ultramarine Commerce, are to take the proper steps for having this understood and
carried into effect.
Court of Belem, 20th November, 1845 .
True Copy,
By His Excellency Sir JOHN FRANCIS DAVIS, Baronet, Governor and Comman-
der-in-Chief ofthe Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies, Her Majesty's Plenipo-
tentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the
advice of the Legislative Council of Hongkong.
Title. An Ordinance for thefurther Regulation of the Harbour of Hongkong, and to
repeal Ordinance No. 19 of 1844.
[6th October, 1845. ]
I. WHEREAS by a certain Ordinance made and passed on the 26th day of November,
Preamble. in the Year of Our Lord 1844, intituled " An Ordinance for the better
regulation of the Harbour and surrounding Waters of the Island of Hongkong," it was
provided, That it should be lawful for the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of
the Executive Council thereof, to publish and declare Laws and Rules for the Regulation
of the said Harbour ; And whereas certain Regulations were made thereunder, and duly
published in pursuance thereof ; And whereas it is deemed advisable that such regulations
should be the subject matter of Legislative Enactment, and that the aforesaid Ordinance
should be repealed : Be it therefore enacted and ordained by the Governor of Hongkong,
with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, That the said Ordinance No. 19 of
1844 shall be, and the same is hereby repealed.
II. And be it further enacted and ordained, That all Masters and others in charge of
Masters ofMer- Merchant Vessels, shall hoist their Numbers on entering the Port of
chant Vessels to Victoria, on demand being made from the Harbour-Master's Office by
hoisttheir Signals the usual signal for that purpose.
on entering the
Port of Victoria.
III. And be it further enacted, That all such Masters and other persons shall, within
Shall on arrival Twenty-four Hours of their arrival at the said Port, report themselves
produce or deli- at the Harbour-Master's Office, and produce Ship's Articles, List of
ver certain docu- Passengers, and Manifest of Cargo, and deposit the Ship's Register, and
ments. a true copy of the said Manifest if required, under a penalty not
exceeding Two Hundred Dollars, on refusal or neglect of the Master or other person in
charge so to do.
IV. And it is hereby further enacted and ordained, That in the event of the Death of
And report to any of the Crew, Passengers, or other persons occurring on board any
the Harbour-Mas- Merchant Vessel whilst in the Port, or in case of the Desertion or
ter all Deaths or Removal of any of the Crew, the Master or other person in charge of
Desertions occur- such Vessel shall forthwith report the same in writing to the Harbour-
ring on board. Master, under a penalty of Twenty-five Dollars for every Death,
Desertion, or Removal which he shall so neglect to report.
V. And it is hereby enacted and ordained, That no Master or other person shall
No Seaman to wilfully or negligently leave behind him in this Colony any Seaman
be left behind brought to it on board his Vessel, unless on a Certificate from the
without Certifi- Harbour- Master or other person appointed to grant the same ; and if
cate of Harbour- any Seaman shall wilfully or negligently remain in the Colony after
Master. the departure of the Vessel which brought him to it, without permis-
sion of the Harbour-Master or other person appointed to grant the same, such Seaman
shall, on conviction before the Marine Magistrate, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding
Twenty-five Dollars, or in default of payment thereof, be liable to arrest as a vagrant,
and be dealt with accordingly.
VI. And it is hereby further enacted and ordained, That all Seamen permitted to land
Merchant Sea- from Merchant Vessels on liberty, are to be furnished with a Ticket of
men coming on Leave, under the hand of the Master or person in charge ofthe Vessel
shore to be fur- to which such Seaman may belong, in default of which they shall be
nished with Ticket liable to the penalties imposed by Ordinance No. 18 of 1844 :
in Leave, cases.
of certain except Provided always, that this regulation is not to be considered applicable
to men who may come on shore for a time not exceeding Six Hours
on duty or business.
VII. And it is hereby further enacted and ordained , That every such Master or
Provisions for other person in charge of a Merchant Vessel arriving at the said Port,
the Berthing of shall take up the Berth pointed out by the Harbour-Master, and shall
Vessels in the not remove from it to take up any other Berth without his permission,
Harbour. except in case of necessity, under a penalty of One Hundred Dollars ;
and he shall also remove his Vessel to any new Berth pointed out by the Harbour-
Master, under a fine of Twenty Dollars for every hour that the Vessel shall remain in her
old Berth after a notice, demand, or order to shift by the Harbour-Master shall have
been given on board of her.
VIII. And it is hereby further enacted and ordained, That all Masters or other
Management of persons in charge of Vessels are immediately to strike their Top-gallant
Vessels according Yards and Masts, to have their Jib and Spanker Booms rigged close
to directions ofthe in, and moor, or clear hawse when called upon by the Harbour- Master
Harbour-Master. to do so, and are generally to follow such directions as the state of the
weather, the crowded condition of the Port, or other circumstances may render necessary
or expedient in the judgment of the Harbour- Master, with a view to the safety of the
whole shipping ; and any Master or other persons in charge of Vessels disobeying or
neglecting this regulation, will subject themselves to a fine not exceeding Two Hundred
Dollars : Provided, however, that all Transports entitled to carry pendants shall be
always berthed by their own Agents ; and the Harbour-Master shall make application to
the Senior Naval Officer on the spot, respecting any movement connected with such
transport that he may judge necessary for the general safety ofthe shipping in the said Port.
IX. And it is hereby enacted and ordained, That all Masters or other persons in charge
Masters to give of Vessels about to proceed to Sea, shall and are hereby required to give
notice of the in- notice thereof in writing to the Harbour-Master, and hoist a Blue Peter
tended departure at least Twenty-four Hours before the time of intended departure, under
oftheirVessels. a penalty not exceeding Fifty Dollars, unless the Harbour-Master shall
think fit from a sufficient cause to dispense with the observance of this regulation ; and it
is hereby declared, that no Vessel will be allowed to depart, if the Master or other person
in charge of it shall not have previously paid any fines or expenses awarded or incurred
for breach of these regulations.
X. And it is hereby enacted and ordained, That the Harbour-Master of the said Port
Harbour-Mas- shall henceforth furnish to all Ships Port Clearances or Certificates,
ter to furnish agreeable to a form to be deposited in his Office, and shall likewise
Port Clearances. attest their Manifests, (duplicates whereof are to be left with the said
Harbour-Master) ; and every Vessel neglecting to obtain these Papers previous to her
departure, will do so at her own risk of being detained at Sea or in other Ports for want
of her proper Papers.
XI. And be it further enacted and ordained, That all Passage- Boats, Lorchas, or other
Passage-Boats small Vessels, plying between Hongkong and Macao or Canton, shall
togivetwo Hours' and are hereby required to make known their intended departure two
notice oftheir in- Hours before they start by hoisting a Blue Peter.
tended departure.
XII. And be it enacted and ordained, That Seamen or other persons dying on board
No dead Bodies any Ship, shall not be thrown overboard within the limits of the said
or Ballast to be port, under a penalty of Twenty-five Dollars, to be paid by the Master
cast into the Har- or other person in charge of the vessel on board of which such Seaman
bour, or other person died : And that no such Masters or other persons in
charge of vessels, boats, or any other craft, shall throw overboard any stone or other
ballast within the limits of the said Port, under a penalty not exceeding Two Hundred
Dollars, to be paid by the master or other person in charge thereof, without having pre-
viously obtained leave in writing from the Harbour- Master for that purpose.
XIII. And it is hereby enacted and ordained, That except in self-defence, no musket
Provisions as to or small arm of any description, shall be discharged within the limits of
the discharge of the said Harbour from any Merchant vessel or boat, between the hours
guns andfire-arms of 6 P. M. and gun-fire in the morning ; neither shall any great gun be
within the Har- discharged at any time from any Merchant Vessel or boat within the
bour. limits of the said Harbour, nor any musket or other small arm loaded
with ball or shot, under a penalty not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars.
XIV. And be it further enacted and ordained, That the limits of the Harbour of
Harbour Limits Victoria are hereby declared to be defined for the purposes of this
defined. Ordinance, as follows, " On the West by a straight line drawn from the
westernmost point of Hongkong to the westernmost point of Stone Cutters' Island, con-
tinued to the Mainland of China ; on the East by a straight line drawn from Burn's
Point to the nearest part of the Mainland of China, and to include all the Waters com-
prehended between these two lines."
XV. And be it further enacted and ordained, That no boat shall move about the
Regulations as Harbour between the hour of 9 P. M. and gun-fire in the morning,
to boats moving under a penalty not exceeding Fifty Dollars, except as hereinafter pro-
about the Har- vided for, or unless furnished with a Pass from the Harbour- Master.
bour during night That is to say, The Harbour-Master is hereby empowered to grant
time, and with re- Licenses for Twenty Boats to ply for hire within the Harbour till the
ing those ply-
hour of 12 o'clock night, the fare after 9 P. M. to be one Rupee per
trip or per hour, at the option of the person hiring the Boat ; and the
person obtaining such License shall enter into a Bond together with a good Surety, in
a Penalty of One Hundred Dollars, conditioned for the observance of all Harbour Regula-
tions : And that every Licensed Boat shall after 9 P. M. carry a lantern in a conspicuous
place, with the number of the License painted on it in large characters ; and if the person
in charge of the Boat demands more than his fare, or uses abusive language to passengers,
or neglects to carry a light as required, or refuses without sufficient cause to take a pas-
senger at the fare hereby established, the party offending, or in his absence, the person to
whom the License for the Boat was granted, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding
Twenty-five Dollars, and on conviction of the third offence against these Regulations, the
License shall be forfeited, and the penalty in the bond enforced against him or his surety :
Provided always, that boats kept by private persons, and not plying for hire, shall be
permitted to move about the Harbour at any time with a European or American on board,
or without such European or American, provided they have a pass for the night signed by
the Owner ; and that all Boats, whether private or not, may and shall be subject to be
stopped and examined by the Guard Boats ; and if the person in charge of any boat does
not heave to on being hailed by a Guard Boat, or uses abusive language to the Officer or
persons on board of her in the execution of their duty, he shall be liable to be detained in
custody until he can be brought before a Magistrate, and on conviction be liable to a fine
not exceeding Twenty-five Dollars.
XVI. And be it further enacted and ordained, That where no Penalty is attached by
Cases arising un- this Ordinance for the breach or infringement of any provisions therein
der this Ordinance contained , the penalty in such cases shall be a sum in the discretion of
to be tried by the the presiding Magistrate, not exceeding Twenty-five Dollars ; and that
Marine Magistra-
te, who shall have all cases occurring under such Ordinance shall be tried by, and adjudi-
power to enforce cated upon before the Marine Magistrate for the time being, to whom
penalties by impri- it shall be lawful, on conviction, to enforce payment of all or any ofthe
sonment for a pe- foregoing penalties when necessary, by imprisonment for a period not
riod not exceed exceeding one calendar month.
ing one calendar
Governor, &c. &c.
Passed the Legislative Council of Hongkong,
this 6th day of October, 1845.
Clerk ofCouncils.
By His Excellency Sir JOHN FRANCIS DAVIS,
Baronet, Governor and Commander-in- Chief of the Colony
of Hongkong and its Dependencies, Her Majesty's Plenipo-
tentiary and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British
Subjects in China, with the advice of the Legislative Council
of Hongkong.
ENTITLED, " AN ORDINANCEe for the preservation of Good
[28th December, 1845.]
Preamble. I. WHEREAS it is expedient to repeal Ordinance No. 5
of 1844, entitled, " An Ordinance for the preservation of
Good Order and Cleanliness within the Colony of Hongkong
Ordinance and its Dependencies," and to make other provisions in lieu
No. 5 of 1844 thereof: Be it therefore enacted and ordained by His Ex-
repealed. cellency the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
Legislative Council thereof, that from and after the passing
of this Ordinance the said recited Ordinance shall be, and
the same is hereby repealed .
Prohibiting II. And be it further enacted and ordained, That every
nuisances in person shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding Five Pounds,
ho roughfares. who, within the Colony of Hongkong, shall, in any thorough-
fare or public place, or adjacent thereto, commit any of the
ollowing offences ; that is to say :—
1. Every person who shall throw or lay, or cause, or
knowingly permit to be thrown or laid, any carrion , dirt,
soil, straw, or dung, or any other filth , rubbish , or noisome
or offensive matter whatsoever, on any of the roads,
streets, ways, or public passages, or into any well, stream,
or watercourse, ford, or reservoir for water, any of the
drains or sewers made or to be made within the said
Colony ; or shall permit or suffer any such noisome or
offensive substance as aforesaid to remain exposed in any
drain, sewer, or elsewhere, opposite to, or within the
immediate neighbourhood of his house, or shall allow any
accumulation of filth or offensive substances within the
premises occupied by him, to the annoyance of the in-
habitants or passengers, or shall in any manner defile
or pollute any well, or stream, or watercourse used by
any of the inhabitants of the town of Victoria, or for the
supplying with water of ships resorting to the harbour
of the said Colony.
2. Every person who shall commit any nuisance in the
neighbourhood of any house or place of public passage.
3. Every person who shall set out or leave, or cause
to be set out or left, any scaffolding, bricks, lime, barrels,
bales or cases of merchandise, or any other matter or thing
which shall or may obstruct, incommode, or endanger any
person or carriage in any public road or thoroughfare.
4. Every person who shall expose any thing for sale
in or upon, or so as to hang over any carriage-way or
foot-way, or on the outside of any house or shop, or who
shall set up, or continue any pole, blind, awning, line, or
any other projection from any window, parapet, or other
part of any house, shop , or other building, so as to cause
any annoyance or obstruction in any thoroughfare.
5. Every person who shall encroach on any public
way or Crown land, by erecting any building, either on,
or projecting over the same, or shall construct any spout
which shall project the rain water thereon.
6. Every occupier or owner of any house, building, or
other erection who shall neglect to repair or remove the
same when in a ruinous or unsafe state, and which shall
or may endanger the passengers in any thoroughfare.
7. Every person who shall ride or drive on any foot-
path without obvious necessity ; or shall ride or drive in
a furious manner, or so as to endanger the life or limb of
any person, or to the common danger of the passengers
in any public road or thoroughfare ; or who, passing or
meeting another horse or carriage, shall not keep to the
customary side of the road .
8. Every person who shall lead or ride any horse or
other animal, or draw or drive any cart or carriage,
sledge, truck, or barrow upon any footway, or fasten any
horse or other animal so that it can stand across or upon
any footway, or shall turn loose any horse or cattle upon
the public road or thoroughfare.
9. Every person who shall, in any thoroughfare or
public place, to the annoyance of the inhabitants or pas-
sengers, kill or slaughter, or expose for show or sale,
(except in a market lawfully appointed for that purpose)
or feed or fodder any horse or other animal, or shoe,
bleed, or farry any horse or animal ( except in cases of
accident), or turn loose, clean, dress, exercise, train, or
break any horse or animal, or clean, make, or repair any
part of any cart or carriage, except in cases of accident
where repair on the spot is necessary.
10. Every person who shall keep any dog accustomed
to annoy passengers by barking or otherwise, or suffer
to be at large any unmuzzled ferocious dog or other
animal belonging to him, or set on or urge any dog or
other animal to attack, worry, or put in fear any person,
horse, or other animal.
11. Every person who, upon any public footway, shall
roll or carry any barrel, cask, butt, or other thing calculat-
ed to annoy or incommode the passengers thereon, ex-
cept for the purpose of housing them or of loading any
cart or carriage on the other side of the footway.
12. Every person who in, near, or adjoining any public
road or thoroughfare, shall wantonly or unnecessarily
blow any horn, beat any gong or drum, or make any
other noise calculated to annoy or alarm any person, or
to frighten any horse or other animal : Provided
always that nothing herein contained shall be construed
and extend to any religious procession or festival, for
the due celebration of which the consent of the Chief
Magistrate of Police has been obtained.
13. Every person who shall wantonly discharge any
fire-arms, or throw or discharge any stone or other
missile, or make any bonfire, or throw or set fire to any
firework, to the damage or danger of any person.
14. Every person who shall wilfully and wantonly
disturb any inhabitant by pulling or ringing any door-
bell, or by knocking or striking at any door without
lawful excuse, or who shall wilfully and unlawfully ex-
tinguish the light of any lamp.
15. Every person who shall play at any game or pas-
time to the annoyance of the inhabitants or passengers.
16. Every person who shall play at any game in any
public passage or road so as to obstruct the same, or
create a noisy assembly therein.
17. Every person who shall beg, or expose any sore
or infirmity to view for the purpose of exciting com-
passion and obtaining alms, or shall lewdly or indecently
expose his person by bathing or otherwise near any
public road or dwelling- house.
And it shall be lawful for any constable belonging to
the Police Force to take into custody without warrant
any person who shall commit any such offence within
view of any such constable ; or if such offence shall not
have been committed within view of such constable, then
upon the complaint of the party who shall have been
injured or annoyed by, or been witness to, the commission
of any such offence ; and in the absence of any such
constable, it shall be lawful for the party so injured or
annoyed, or who shall have seen the offence committed,
to seize and detain the offender until he can be given into
the custody of such constable, or until he can be taken
before a Magistrate.
Prohibiting III. And be it further enacted and ordained, That every
other nuisances, person who shall within the said Colony be guilty of any of
&c. the following offences shall be liable to a penalty not exceed-
ing Five Pounds :
1. Every person who shall erect any shed or house of
matting or other inflammable material so as in case of
fire to endanger any neighbouring building.
2. Every person who, without the consent of the
owner or occupier, shall affix any Posting-bill or other
paper against or upon any building, wall, fence, or pale,
or write upon, soil, deface, or mark any such building,
wall, fence, or pale with chalk or paint, or in any other
way whatsoever, or wilfully break, destroy, or damage
any part of any such building, wall, fence, or pale, or any
fixture or appendage thereunto.
3. Every person employed as a domestic servant who
shall neglect or without just cause absent himself from
his duty without the leave of his employer, or shall leave
his employer's service without giving reasonable notice
to the said employer, or shall wilfully disobey his em-
ployer's lawful and reasonable orders, or use any abusive
or insulting language or behaviour to his employer, or
be guilty of riotous and disorderly conduct.
4. Every person who shall neglect to affix to his house,
and keep alight during the night, such lamp or lanthorn
as may be required and approved of by the Superintendent
of Police.
5. Every person who shall keep a house or other
building for the occupation or resort of public prostitutes,
to the annoyance of any person inhabiting or residing
near thereto.
6. All persons assembling together in the night time
without lawful excuse ; and every person seeing any such
illegal assemblage, or knowing, or having reason to
suspect that such assemblage had taken place or was
about to take place, who shall not give immediate
notice thereof to the nearest guard house or police
station, or to some constable belonging to the Police
7. Every person employed as a private guard or watch-
man who shall sleep on his post, or be negligent, remiss,
or cowardly in the execution of his duty.
8. Every owner, headman, or other person in charge of
any boat which shall be found alongside of any public wharf
or landing place (unless while taking on board or landing
passengers or cargo, ) or lying off the same so as to pre-
vent the free access of other boats thereto, and the owner,
headman, or other person in charge of any boat which
shall be moored or at anchor at a distance of less
than one hundred and fifty yards from low water mark,
between the hours of 9 o'clock at night and gunfire in
the morning : Provided always, that nothing herein con-
tained shall be construed to extend to any boat moored
or at anchor alongside of any private wharf with the
consent of the owner thereof.
9. Every person who shall cast or throw any ballast,
rubbish, or other substance, either from the shore or from
any vessel, into the harbour of the said Colony, so as to
create a nuisance or obstruction therein, or shall neglect
within a reasonable time to remove any sunken vessel
in the said harbour belonging to him or in his charge or
10. Every person who shall wantonly or cruelly
mutilate or otherwise ill-use any horse, mule, dog, or
other animal.
And it shall be lawful for any Constable belonging to
the Police force to take into custody without warrant any
person who shall commit any such offence within view
of any such Constable ; or if such offence shall not have
been committed within view of such Constable, then upon
the complaint of the party who shall have been injured or
annoyed by, or been witness tothe commission of any such
offence ; and in the absence of any such Constable it shall
be lawful for the party so injured or annoyed, or who
shall have seen the offence committed, to seize and
detain the offender until he can be given into the
custody of such Constable, or until he can be taken
before a Magistrate.
IV. And be it further enacted and ordained, That it shall Dogs mad or
be lawful for any Constable belonging to the Police-force to straying, &c.
destroy any Dog or other animal reasonably suspected to be
in a rabid state, or which has been bitten by any dog or ani-
mal reasonably suspected to be in a rabid state and the
owner of any such dog or animal who shall permit the same
to go at large after having information or reasonable ground
for believing it to be in a rabid state, or to have been bitten
by any dog or other animal in a rabid state, shall be liable to a
penalty of not more than Ten Pounds : And it is hereby
further enacted and ordained, that it shall be lawful for any
Constable belonging to the Police force to destroy any dog
which shall be found straying or wandering about during the
day time without any owner, and not wearing a collar with
the name and residence of the owner inscribed thereon ; and
such constable is hereby further authorised to destroy any dog
which shall be found straying or wandering about between
the hours of ten o'clock at night and gunfire in the morning.
Cannon &c. V. And be it further enacted and ordained , That no person
not to be fired other than persons acting in obedience to lawful authority,
near dwelling- shall discharge any cannon or other fire-arm of greater calibre
houses. than a common fowling-piece within three hundred yards of
any dwelling house within the said Colony to the annoyance
of any inhabitant thereof ; and every person who, after being
warned of the annoyance by any inhabitant, shall discharge
any such fire-arm, shall be liable to a penalty of not more
than Ten Pounds.
Prohibiting VI. And be it further enacted and ordained, That every
Offences in the person who within the said Colony, or the harbour or waters
Colony or Har- thereof, shall commit any of the following offences, shall be
bour of Hong- liable to a Penalty not more than Ten Pounds, or in the discre-
kong. tion of the convicting Magistrate to be imprisoned for any
term not exceeding Fourteen Days.
1. Every person who shall knowingly take in ex-
change from any seaman or other person, not being the
owner or master of any vessel, anything belonging to any
vessel lying in the harbour or waters aforesaid, or any
part ofthe cargo of such vessel, or any stores or articles
in charge of the owner or master of any such vessel.
2. Every person who shall unlawfully cut, damage, or
destroy any of the ropes, cables, cordage, tackle, headfasts,
or other furniture of or belonging to any ship, boat, or
vessel lying in the Harbour or waters aforesaid, with
intent to steal or otherwise unlawfully obtain the same
or any part thereof.
3. Every person who for the purpose of preventing
the seizure or discovery of any materials, furniture,
stores, or merchandise belonging to or having been part of
the cargo ofany ship, boat, or vessel lying in the Harbour
or waters aforesaid, or of any other articles unlawfully
obtained from any such ship or vessel, shall wilfully let
fall or throw into the Harbour or waters aforesaid, or in
any other manner convey away from any ship, boat, or
vessel, wharf, quay, or landing place any such article, or
who shall be accessory to any such offence ; and it shall
be lawful for any Constable to take any such offender
into custody, and to seize and detain any boat in which
such person shall be found, or out of which any article
shall be so let fall, thrown, or conveyed away.
4. Every person who for the purpose of protecting or
preventing any thing whatsoever from being lawfully
seized within the said Colony or in the Harbour or waters
thereof, on suspicion of its being stolen or otherwise
unlawfully obtained, or of preventing the same from being
produced or made to serve as evidence concerning any
felony or misdemeanour committed or supposed to have
been committed within the said Colony or in the waters
thereof, shall frame or cause to be framed any Bill of
Parcels containing any false statement in regard to the
name or abode of any alleged vendor, the quantity or
quality ofany such thing, the place whence or the convey-
ance by which the same was furnished, the price agreed
upon or charged for the same, or any other particular,
knowing such statement to be false, or who shall frau-
dulently produce such Bill of Parcels, knowing the same
to have been fraudulently framed.
5. Every person who shall within the said Colony or
in the Harbour or waters thereof bore, pierce, break, cut
open, or otherwise injure any cask, box, or package
containing wine, spirits, or other liquors on board any
ship, boat, or vessel, or in or upon any warehouse, wharf,
quay, or bank, with intent feloniously to steal or other-
wise unlawfully obtain any part of the contents thereof,
or who shall unlawfully drink or wilfully spill or allow
to run to waste any part of the contents thereof.
6. Every person who shall within the said Colony or
in the Harbour or waters thereof wilfully cause to be
broken, pierced, started, cut, torn , or otherwise injured,
any cask, chest, bag, or other package containing any
goods while on board of any barge, lighter, or other craft,
lying in the Harbour or waters aforesaid, or any quay,
creek, wharf, or landing place adjacent to the same, or
on the way to or from any warehouse, with intent that
the contents of such package or any part thereof may be
spilled or dropped from such package. Superinten-
VII. And be it further enacted and ordained, That any
Superintendent or Inspector belonging to the Police-force dents and In-
shall have power by virtue of his office to enter at all times, board
spectors may
with such Constables as he shall think necessary, as well by
night as by day, into and upon every ship, boat, or other
vessel (not being then actually employed in Her Majesty's
service) lying in the Harbour or waters aforesaid, and into
every part of such vessel, for the purpose of inspecting and
upon occasion directing the conduct of any Constable who
may be stationed on board of any such vessel, and of inspect-
ing and observing the conduct of all other persons who shall
be employed on board of any such vessel in or about the
lading or unlading thereof, as the case may be, and for the
purpose of taking all such measures as may be necessary for
providing against fire or other accidents, and preserving
peace and good order on board of any such vessel, and for
the effectual prevention or detection of any felonies or misde-
VIII. And be it further enacted and ordained, That it shall Superinten-
be lawful for every Superintendent, Inspector, or Sergeant dent, & c., hav-
belonging to the Police-force, having just cause to suspect ing just cause
that any Felony has been or is about to be committed in or on to suspect Fe-
board of any ship, boat, or other vessel lying in the Harbour lony, may enter
on board ves-
or waters aforesaid, to enter at all times, as well by night as sels , and take
by day, into and upon every such ship, boat, or other vessel, up suspected
and therein to take all necessary measures for the effectual persons .
prevention or detection of all Felonies which he has just
cause to suspect to have been or to be about to be committed
in or upon the Harbour or waters aforesaid, and to take into
custody all persons suspected of being concerned in such
Felonies, and also to take charge of all property so suspected
to be stolen.
IX. And be it further enacted and ordained, That every Removing
person who shall remove or carry away any stone or stake Landmarks.
driven into the ground as a Land-mark or for the purpose of
defining or marking the boundaries of any Lot or parcel of
ground, shall be liable to a Penalty of not more than Five
Pounds, or at the discretion of the convicting Magistrate to be
imprisoned for any time not exceeding Seven Days.
X. And be it further enacted and ordained, That every Wantonly
person who shall wilfully cut, break, damage, injure, or breaking or in-
destroy any Tree, Shrub, or Underwood,whether the property juring trees,fen-
of the Crown or of any private individual, or shall wilfully ces, &c.
damage, break or destroy any fence, or any wall, bridge, or
embankment, shall be liable to a Penalty of not more than Ten
Pounds, or in the discretion of the convicting Magistrate to
be imprisoned for any term not exceeding Fourteen Days.
Exposing for XI. And be it further enacted and ordained, That every
sale unwhole person who shall expose or proffer for sale in any market or
some food, &c. elsewhere any liquor, meat, fish, vegetable, or other article of
food in a tainted, noxious, adulterated, or unwholesome state,
shall be liable to a penalty of not more than Five Pounds, or
in the discretion of the presiding Magistrate to be imprisoned
for any term not more than Seven Days.
Unlawfully XII. And be it further enacted and ordained, That every
possessing of person who shall have in his possession any spear, bludgeon,
fensive weapons or other offensive weapon, or any crowbar, picklock, skeleton
key, or other instrument fit for unlawful purposes, with in-
tent to use the same for any such unlawful purpose, or who
shall be unable to give a satisfactory account of his possession
thereof,shall beliable to a Penalty of not more than Ten Pounds
or in the discretion of the presiding Magistrate to be impri-
soned for any term not exceeding Fourteen Days.
Behaving riot- XIII. And be it further enacted and ordained, That every
ously,orprovok- person who shall behave in a riotous, noisy, or disorderly
ing pe
th breach of manner, or shall use any profane or indecent language,
e ace.
or any threatening, abusive, or insulting words or beha-
viour with intent to provoke a breach of the peace, or
whereby a breach of the peace may be occasioned , shall be
liable to a Penalty of not more than Five Pounds, or in the dis-
cretion of the convicting Magistrate to be imprisoned for a
term not exceeding Seven Days.
Improperly XIV. And be it further enacted and ordained, That every
possessing the person, not being a Constable of the Police Force, who shall
arms or clothing have in his possession any article being part of the Clothing,
or assumingthe
character of a Accoutrements , or Appointments supplied to any such Con-
policeman, &c. stable, and who shall not be able satisfactorily to account for
his possession thereof, or who shall put on the Dress or take
the Name, Designation, or Character of any person appointed
as such Constable, for the purpose of thereby obtaining ad-
mission into any house or other place, or of doing or procuring
to be done any act which such person would not be entitled
to do or procure to be done of his own authority, or for any
other unlawful purpose, shall, in addition to any other punish-
ment to which he may be liable for such offence, be liable to a
Penalty of not more than Ten Pounds.
Constables XV. And be it further enacted and ordained, That it shall
may apprehend be lawful for any Constable belonging to the Police Force,
any offender and for all persons whom he shall call to his assistance, to take
name of
and residence into Custody
any without ashall
such Constable warrant anyinperson
offend who within
any manner againstview
are not known.
Ordinance, and whose name and residence shall be unknown
to such Constable, and cannot be ascertained by such Constable.
Constables XVI. And be it further enacted and ordained , That it shall
may apprehend
without War- to lawful
be take into any Constable
for Custody belonging
without to all
a warrant the Police-Force
loose, idle, and
rant in certain disorderly persons whom he shall find disturbing the public
peace, or whom he shall have good cause to suspect of having
committed or being about to commit any Felony, Misdemea-
nour, or breach of the peace, and all persons whom he shall
find between sunset and the hour of six in the morning lying
or loitering in any highway, yard, or other place, and who
cannot give a satisfactory account of themselves.
Power to Po-
XVII. And be it further enacted and ordained, That any
lice Constables
and persons ag- person found committing any offence punishable either upon
summary conviction
grieved to ap- Indictment or as a Misdemeanour,beupon taken into Custody with-
prehend certain by virtue of this Ordinance, may
offenders. out a warrant, by any Constable, or may be apprehended by
the Owner of the property on or with respect to which the
offence shall be committed , or by his servant or any person
authorised by him, and may be detained until he can be
delivered into the Custody of a Constable, to be dealt with,
according to law ; and every such Constable may also stop
search, and detain any vessel, boat, cart, or carriage, in or upon
which there shall be reason to suspect that any thing stolen
or unlawfully obtained may be found, and also any person
who may be reasonably suspected of having or conveying in
any manner any thing stolen or unlawfully obtained ; and
any person to whom any property shall be offered to be sold,
pawned, or delivered, if he shall have reasonable cause to
suspect that any such offence has been committed with
respect to such property, or that the same or any part thereof
has been stolen or otherwise unlawfully obtained, is hereby
authorised, and if in his power is required to apprehend and
detain, and as soon as may be to deliver such offender into the
Custody of a Constable, together with such property, to be
dealt with according to law.
XVIII . And be it further enacted and ordained, That it shall Removing
be lawful for any Constable to stop and detain until due enquiry Furniture to
can be made all persons whom and all horses, carts, and carriages evade Rent.
or any other animal or thing which he shall find employed in
removing the Furniture of any House or Lodging between
the hours of Eight in the evening and Six in the following
morning, or whenever the Constable shall have good grounds
for believing that such removal is made for the purpose of
evading the payment of Rent.
XIX. And be it further enacted and ordained, That it shall Persons charg-
be lawful for any Constable belonging to the Police- Force to ed with recent
take into custody without a Warrant any person who shall be assaults may be
charged by any other person with committing any aggravated apprehended
assault, in every case in which such Constable shall have good without War-
reason to believe that such assault has been committed, although rant.
not within view of such Constable, and that by reason of the
recent commission of the offence a Warrant could not have
been obtained for the apprehension of the offender.
XX. And be it further enacted and ordained, That when- Horses, Car-
ever any person having charge of any horse, cart, carriage, or riages, & c., of
boat, or any other animal or thing, shall be taken into custody offenders may
of any Constable under the provisions of this Ordinance, it be detained.
shall be lawful for any Constable to take charge of such horse,
cart, carriage, or boat, or such other animal or thing, and to
deposit the same in some place of safe custody as a security
for payment of any Penalty to which the person having had
charge thereof may become liable, and for payment of any
expenses which may have been necessarily incurred for taking
charge of and keeping the same ; and it shall be lawful for
any Magistrate before whom the case shall have been heard
to order such horse, cart, carriage, or boat, or such other ani-
mal or thing, to be sold for the purpose of satisfying such
penalty, and reasonable expenses, in default of payment thereof,
in like manner as if the same had been subject to be distrained
and had been distrained for the payment of such penalty and
reasonable expenses .
XXI. And be it further enacted and ordained , That every Persons ap-
person taken into custody by any Constable belonging to the prehended with
Police Force without a Warrant, except persons detained for out Warrant to
the mere purpose of ascertaining their name or residence, shall be taken to the
be forthwith delivered into the custody of the Constable in Station- house.
charge of the nearest station house, in order that such person
be secured until he can be brought before a Magistrate to be
dealt with according to Law, or may give bail for his appear-
ance before a Magistrate, if the Constable in charge shall
deem it prudent to take Bail in the manner hereinafter men-
Power to take XXII. And be it further enacted and ordained, That when-
recognizances at ever any person charged with any offence of which he is
station houses liable to be summarily convicted before a Magistrate, or with
on petty charges. having carelessly done any hurt or damage, shall be without
the Warrant of a Magistrate in the custody of any Constable
of the Police-Force in charge of any station house, during the
time when the Police-courts or Magistrates' offices shall be
shut, it shall be lawful for such Constable, if he shall deem it
prudent, to take the Recognizance of such person, with or
without sureties, conditioned as hereinafter mentioned .
Power to bind XXIII. And be it further enacted and ordained, That when-
over persons ever any person charged with any Felony or any Misdemea-
makingcharges. nour punishable by transportation, or any other grave misdemea-
nour, shall be, without the Warrant of a Magistrate in the cus-
tody ofany Constable of the Police- Force at any Station-house
during the time when the Police-Courts or Magistrates' offices
shall be shut, it shall be lawful for the Constable in charge ofthe
Station-house to require the person making such charge to enter
into a recognizance conditioned as hereinafter mentioned, and
upon his or her refusal so to do, it shall be lawful for such Con-
stable, if he shall deem it prudent, to discharge from custody
the person so charged upon his or her own recognizance ,
with or without sureties, conditioned as hereinafter mentioned .
Punishment XXIV. And be it further enacted and ordained, That every
of Persons sus recognizance so taken shall be without Fee or Reward, and
pected of hav- shall be conditioned for the appearance of the person thereby
ing or convey- bound before a Magistrate of the District in which such
ing stolen goods Station-house shall be situated, at his next sitting, and the
time and place of appearance shall be specified in the recogniz-
ance ; and the Constable shall enter in a book to be kept for
that purpose at every such Station-house, the name, residence,
and occupation of the party and his surety or sureties (if any )
entering into such recognizance, together with the condition
thereof, and the same thereby acknowledged, and shall return
every such recognizance to the Magistrate present at the time
and place when and where the party is bound to appear.
Condition of XXV. And be it further enacted and ordained, That every
Recognizance. person who shall be brought before any Magistrate charged
with having in his possession or conveying in any manner any
thing which may be reasonably suspected of being stolen or
unlawfully obtained, and who shall not give an account to the
satisfaction of such Magistrate how he came by the same,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanour, and shall be liable
to a Penalty ofnot more than Ten Pounds, or in the discretion
of such Magistrate may be imprisoned in any Gaol within the
Colony aforesaid, with or without hard labour, for any time
not exceeding Fourteen Days.
Power to grant XXVI. And be it further enacted and ordained, That if
Search War- information shall be given on Oath to any Magistrate that
rants. there is reasonable cause for suspecting that anything stolen
or unlawfully obtained is concealed or lodged in any dwelling-
house or any other place, it shall be lawful for such Magistrate
by special Warrant under his hand directed to any Constable
to cause every such Dwelling-house or other place to be
entered and searched at any time of the Day or by Night, if
power for that purpose be given by such Warrant ; and such
Magistrate, if it shall appear to him necessary, may empower
such Constable with such assistance as may be found neces-
sary (such Constable having previously made known such his
authority) to use force for the effecting such entry, whether
shall by breaking open Doors or otherwise ; and if, upon search
men thereupon made, any such thing shall be found, then to convey
the same before a Magistrate, or to guard the same on the spot
when- until the offenders are taken before a Magistrate, or otherwise
he is dispose thereof in some place of safety, and moreover to take
with into custody and carry before a Magistrate every person found
ithout in such house or place who shall appear to have been privy
stable to the deposit of any such thing knowing or having reasonable
g the cause to suspect the same to have been stolen or otherwise
allbe unlawfully obtained.
emit XXVII. And be it further enacted and ordained, That Power to exa-
ithor when any person shall be brought before any Magistrate mine party from
charged with having or conveying anything stolen or unlaw- whom stolen
vhen fully obtained, and shall declare that he received the same from goods received.
emea. some other person , or that he was employed as a carrier, agent,
emea or servant to convey the same for some other person, such
ecus- Magistrate is hereby authorized and required to cause every
such person, and also if necessary every former or pretended
Offices purchaser or other person into whose possession the same shall
ofthe have passed, to be brought before him and examined, and to
enter examine Witnesses upon Oath touching the same ; and if it
, and shall appear to such Magistrate that any person shall have
Con- had possession of such thing, and had reasonable cause to
stody believe the same to have been stolen or unlawfully obtained,
ance, every such person shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanour,
oned. and to have had possession of such thing at the time and place
Every when and where the same shall have been found and seized,
and (and the possession of a carrier, agent, or servant shall be
ereby deemed to be the possession of the person who shall have
such employed such other person to convey the same,) and shall be
the liable to a Penalty of not more than Ten Pounds, or in the
gniz discretion of the Magistrate may be imprisoned in any Gaol
t for within the Colony aforesaid with or without hard labour for
ence, any time not exceeding Three Calendar Months.
any) XXVIII. And be it further enacted and ordained, That if Power to or-
ition any goods shall be stolen or unlawfully obtained from any der delivery of
turn person, or being lawfully obtained shall be unlawfully depo- goods stolen or
time sited, pawned, pledged, sold, or exchanged, and complaint fraudulently
shall be made thereof to any Magistrate, and that such goods obtained and in
Tery are in the possession of any Broker, Dealer in Marine Stores, possession of
rged or other dealer in second-hand property, or of any person who Brokers and
other dealers in
shall have advanced money upon the credit of such goods, it second-hand
n or shall be lawful for such Magistrate to issue a Summons or
the Warrant for the appearance of such Broker or Dealer, and for property.
me, the production of such goods, to be delivered up to the owner
able thereof, either without payment, or upon payment of such
tion sum and at such a time as such Magistrate shall think fit ; and
the every Broker or Dealer who being so ordered shall refuse or
ime neglect to deliver up the goods, or who shall dispose of or
make away with the same after notice that such goods were
tif stolen or unlawfully obtained as aforesaid, shall forfeit to the
hat owner ofthe goods the full value thereof, to be determined by
len such Magistrate : Provided always, that no such order shall
ng. bar any such Broker or Dealer from recovering possession of
ate such goods by suit or action at law from the person into
ble whose possession they may come by virtue of such Magis-
be trate's order, provided that such action be commenced within
six calendar months next after such order shall be made.
ch XXIX. And be it further enacted and ordained, That it Power to or-
-er shall be lawful for any Magistrate to order that any goods der restoration
S unlawfully pawned, pledged, or exchanged, which shall be of Property un-
lawfully pawn- brought before him, and the ownership of which shall be
ed, &c. established to the satisfaction of such Magistrate, shall be
delivered up to the owner by the party with whom they
were so unlawfully pawned, pledged, or exchanged, either with-
out compensation, or with such compensation to the party in
question as the Magistrate may think fit.
Penalty on XXX. And be it further enacted and ordained, That after
Pawnbrokers the passing of this Ordinance every Pawnbroker within the
receiving Fled- said Colony, and every Agent or Servant employed by any
ges from per- such Pawn-broker, who shall purchase, or receive, or take any
age ofunder thee goods or chattels in Pawn or pledge of or from any person
Years. apparently under the age of Twelve Years shall be liable to a
penalty of not more than Ten Pounds.
Unclaimed XXXI. And be it enacted and ordained, That when any
stolen goods de- goods or money charged to be stolen or unlawfully obtained,
livered to the and of which the owner shall be unknown, shall be ordered
Superintendent by any Magistrate to be delivered to the Superintendent of
of Police may Police, it shall be lawful for such Magistrate after the expira-
be sold after tion of Twelve calendar Months during which no owner shall
have appeared to claim the same, to order such goods or
money to be sold or disposed of towards defraying the expenses
of the Police - Force.
Amends may XXXII . And whereas Informations are often laid for the
be awarded for mere sake of gain , or by parties not truly aggrieved , and the
frivolous infor- offences charged in such informations are not further prose-
cuted , or it appears upon prosecution that there was no suffi-
cient ground for making the charge ; Be it enacted and ordain-
ed, That in every case in which any Information or Complaint
of any offence shall be laid or made before any Magistrate and
shall not be further prosecuted , or in which , if further pro-
secuted , it shall appear to the Magistrate by whom the case
shall be heard that there was no sufficient ground for making
the charge , the Magistrate shall have power to award such
amends , not exceeding the sum of Ten Pounds, to be paid by
the Informer to the party informed or complained against, for
his loss of time and expenses in the matter, as to the Magis-
trate shall seem meet.
Penalty on XXXIII. And be it further enacted and ordained, That in
Common Infor- case any person shall lodge any Information before any Ma-
mers for com- gistrate for any offence alleged to have been committed, by
pounding inti-which he was not personally aggrieved, and shall afterwards
mation. directly or indirectly receive, without the permission of a Ma-
gistrate, any sum of money or other reward for compounding,
delaying, or withdrawing the information, it shall be lawful
for any Magistrate to issue his Warrant or Summons, as he
may deem best, for bringing before him the party charged
with the offence of such compounding, delay, or withdrawal ;
and if such offence be proved by the confession of the party
or by the Oath of any credible witness, such Informer shall
be liable to a penalty of not more than Ten Pounds
Second of- XXXIV. And be it further enacted and ordained , That for
fence. every second or subsequent offence under this Ordinance the
offender shall be liable at the discretion of the convicting Ma-
gistrate to a penalty in double the amount, or to be imprisoned
with or without hard labour for any length of time not more
than Fourteen Days where the pecuniary penalty imposed for
the first offence does not exceed Five Pounds, and for any
time not more than One Calendar Month where the pecuniary
penalty imposed for the first offence does not exceed Tén
XXXV. And be it further enacted and ordained , That if Power to or-
any goods or money charged to be stolen or fraudulently der delivery of
obtained shall be in the Custody of any Constable by virtue goods charged
to have been
of any Warrant of a Magistrate, or in prosecution of any stolen or frau-
charge of Felony or Misdemeanour in regard to the obtaining dulently obtain-
thereof, and the person charged with stealing or obtaining ed, and in Cus-
possession as aforesaid shall not be found, or shall have been tody of a Con-
summarily convicted or discharged, or shall have been tried stable.
and acquitted, or if such person shall have been tried and
found guilty, but the property so in Custody shall not have
been included in any Indictment or Information upon which
he shall have been found guilty, it shall be lawful for any
Magistrate to make an order for the delivery of such goods
or money to the party who shall appear to be the rightful
owner thereof, or in case the owner cannot be ascertained,
then to make such order with respect to such goods or money
as to such Magistrate shall seem meet : Provided always, that
no such order shall be any bar to the right of any person or
persons to sue the party to whom such goods or money shall
be delivered, and to recover such goods or money from him,
by action at law, provided that such action shall be commenced
within six calendar months next after such order shall be
XXXVI. And be it further enacted and ordained, Tha Power to re-
any Magistrate, if he shall think fit, may remand any person, mand or enlarge
who shall be charged before him with any Felony or Misde- Prisoners on
meanour upon his personal recognizance (with or without recognizances.
sureties,) and every such recognizance shall be conditioned
for the appearance of such person before the same or some
other Magistrate, for further examination , or to surrender
himself to take his Trial at the Supreme Court, at a day and
place to be therein mentioned, and the Magistrate shall be at
liberty from time to time to enlarge every such recognizance
to such further time as he shall appoint, and every such re-
cognizance which shall not be enlarged shall be discharged
without fee or reward, when the party shall have appeared
according to the condition thereof : Provided always that
when any Magistrate shall take the recognizance of any
person to appear at the Supreme Court, the Magistrate shall
be bound to return the Depositions taken in the case, and to
bind over the witnesses to appear and give evidence in like
manner as if he had committed the party to take his Trial at
such Court.
XXXVII. And be it further enacted and ordained , That it Expenses of
shall be lawful for the Superintendent or other Officer of removing obs-
Police to require any person whose duty it shall be to remove tructions, &c.
any filth or obstruction, or to do any other matter or thing
required to be done by this Ordinance, so to do within a
certain time to be then fixed by the said Superintendent or
other Officer, and that in default of such requisition being
complied with, the said Superintendent or other Officer shall
and may cause to be removed such filth or obstruction , or do
or cause to be done such other matter or thing as aforesaid ;
and it shall be lawful for the Magistrate before whom the
offender shall have been convicted to order and adjudge such
offender, in addition to the penalties hereinbefore imposed, to
pay such sum of money for defraying the expenses of such
removal, or of doing such other matter or thing as to such
Magistrate shall seem just and reasonable, and the sum so
ordered and adjudged shall be recoverable in the manner
hereinafter provided for the recovery of penalties imposed
by this Ordinance.
Compensation XXXVIII . And be it further enacted and ordained, That
for Hurt or Da- every person who, by committing any offence herein forbid-
mage. den within the said Colony, shall have caused any hurt or
damage to any person or property, may be apprehended with
or without any Warrant by any Coustable belonging to the
Police Force, and if he shall not, upon demand, make amends
for such hurt or damage to the satisfaction of the person
aggrieved, he shall be detained by such Constable in order to
be taken before a Magistrate, and upon conviction shall pay
such a sum, not exceeding Ten Pounds, as shall appear to
the Magistrate before whom he shall be convicted to be
reasonable amends to the person aggrieved, besides any pe-
nalty to which he may be liable for the offence, and the evi-
dence of the person aggrieved shall be admissible in proof of
the offence.
Not to pre- XXXIX. Provided always and be it further enacted and
vent Indict- ordained, That nothing herein contained shall be construed
ment or Action. to prevent any person from being indicted or being proceeded
against by indictment or information for any indictable offence
made punishable on summary conviction by this Ordinance, or
to prevent any person from being liable to be proceeded
against by action for any hurt or damage caused by him, pro-
vided nevertheless that no person be punished twice for the
same offence, and provided no compensation shall have been
awarded for such hurt or damage.
Recovery of XL. And be it further enacted and ordained, That the pe-
Penalties. nalties imposed by this Ordinance shall be recoverable in a
summary manner under and according to the provisions of an
Ordinance made and passed on the 10th day of April in the
year of our Lord 1844, and numbered 10, entitled, " An Or-
" dinance to regulate summary proceedings before Justices of
"the Peace, and to protect Justices in the execution of their
" Office."
Imprisonment XLI. And be it further enacted and ordained, That in
on Non-pay- every case of the adjudication of a pecuniary penalty or
ment of Penal- amends under this Ordinance, and nonpayment thereof, it
ties. shall be lawful for the Magistrate to imprison the offender
for a term not more than seven days where the penalty im-
posed shall not exceed Five Pounds, and not more than Four-
teen Days where the Penalty imposed shall not exceed Ten
Pounds, the imprisonment to cease on payment of the sum
Meaning of XLII . And be it further enacted and ordained, That in the
the word Ma- construction of this Ordinance, the word " Magistrate " shall
gistrate. be taken to mean and include every Assistant Magistrate,
and also every Justice of the Peace acting in and for any Dis-
trict or place within the Colony of Hongkong .
General inter- XLIII. And be it further enacted and ordained , That in
pretation clause the construction of this Ordinance, unless there be something ·
in the context repugnant thereto, any word denoting the
Singular Number and Male Sex shall be taken to extend to
any number of Persons or Things and to Both Sexes.
Governor, &c., &c.
Passed the Legislative Council of Hongkong,
this 26th day of December, 1845.
Clerk of Councils.
By His Excellency JOHN FRANCIS DAVIS, Esquire, Governor and Commander-
in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its dependencies, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary
and Chief Superintendent of the Trade of British Subjects in China, with the advice of
the Legislative Council of Hongkong.
Title. An Ordinance to raise an Assessed Rate on Houses, Lands, and Premises, within
the Colony of Hongkong, for the upholding ofthe requisite Police Force therein.
[23d May, 1845. ]
I. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and necessary that the Colony of Hongkong
Preamble. should defray the Expenses attendant on the upholding and maintaining the
Police Force thereof : Be it therefore enacted and ordained by the Governor of Hongkong,
Governor to ap- with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, that it shall and may
point valuators of be lawful to and for the said Governor, with the advice of the Executive
the lands, houses, Council, from time to time to appoint two or more persons for the pur-
and premiseswith- pose of estimating the annual value of the lands, houses, and premises
in the Island. within the said Island, or within any particular district thereof, which
shall be in the tenure or occupation of any person or persons ; and the said valuator or
valuators shall, when thereunto required, make a return in writing and on oath of such
valuation to the said Governor and Council ; and also at the time of having valued each
property respectively, he or they shall leave or cause to be left with some inmate or the
proprietor thereof, a written Notification of their having made such valuation, and of the
Amount thereof.
II. And be it further enacted and ordained, that for the purposes of this Ordinance,
Valuation may be the said Governor and Council may cause a new valuation to be made
made annually. annually.
III. And be it further enacted and ordained, that for the purpose of levying the said
Assessment to rate, a per Centage at such an amount in the hundred as may annually
be made on the be determined on by the Governor with the advice of the Executive
annual valuation Council, not exceeding such a sum as shall be equal to the expenses of
and provision for the Police establishment, shall be assessed and paid in respect of every
periods of pay occupier or owner of each parcel of ground, house,
ment, notice of such valuation by the
assessment, per- or building, within such time and times as the said Governor, with the
iod of payment, advice of the said Council, shall direct, or as is hereinafter provided.
and remedy for In the absence of such direction, and in default of the same being paid,
nonpayment. it shall be lawful for any person or persons appointed to collect the said
tax to apply to the Chief Magistrate of Police of the Island , who shall, on satisfactory
proof of the same having been duly demanded, and being due and unsatisfied, grant his
Warrant to levy the same by distress of any goods on or in the lands, houses, or premises
so rated ; and that any such rate, while unpaid, shall be a lien on the property so assessed,
or charged therewith. Provided always, that when and so often as any assessment shall
be made on any such valuation, the particulars and nature of such assessment shall be
published in one or more public newspapers of the said Colony.
IV. Provided always that all religious edifices, hospitals, cemeteries, and buildings
Charitable in strictly and exclusively appropriated to charitable purposes, and not being
stitutionsexempt- used as dwelling- houses, shall be exempted from assessment under this
ed from assess- Ordinance.
V. And be it hereby enacted and ordained, That the Governor, with the advice of the
Provisions for Executive Council, shall have power to appoint such officer or officers
the appointment as shall be deemed requisite for the collection of the Rate leviable under
of Collectors. this Ordinance, allowing him or them as remuneration for this service
such a per centage as to the Governor in Council shall seem fit.
And be it hereby enacted and ordained, That as soon after the first day of January
Collectors to in each year as may be found practicable, the officer collecting the
make annual re- assessment under this Ordinance shall prepare a detailed statement
turns and provi- exhibiting the sums collected during the preceding year, and the said
sion for their pub- statement, duly attested by the said officer, shall be inserted in some
lication. newspaper published within this Colony, and shall also be open to
general inspection at the office of such officer for one month from and after the date of its
VI . And be it hereby enacted and ordained, That the said Rate shall be payable
Rate payable quarterly in advance, unless otherwise prescribed and directed, as here-
quarterly in ad- inbefore mentioned, and that it shall be charged and chargeable on the
vance. lands, dwelling-houses, and premises respectively assessed, at the time of
such assessment.
VII. And be it hereby enacted and ordained, That the owner of any land, dwelling-
Exemption as house, or premises assessed, which may not be let to any tenant, shall
to property not be deemed the occupier thereof : Provided always, that if such owner
let, occupied, or can shew that the property has not been inhabited for a period of three
months or upwards in any year, he shall be entitled to a proportional
abatement of assessment levied on the same for the said year.
VIII. Provided always, That if any person from whom paymentof the assessment
Appeal against leviable under this Ordinance may have been demanded, and who shall
assessment after have already paid in the amount demanded of him, objects to the
payment thereof. demand on any other ground than that of valuation, it shall be competent
to such person, after payment ofthe amount demanded, to appeal against such demand to
the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at such time and place as the said Chief Justice
may be pleased to direct, or that if any person be dissatisfied, or object to any valuation
to be made under this ordinance on the ground of over-valuation, he or they may, within
the period of three Calendar months after such valuation, or when the said Chief Justice
may appoint or direct, appeal to him against such valuation and that it shall be lawful
for him, if he deem it advisable or necessary, to have any three persons taken from the
existing list of Special Jurors to assist him in ascertaining the question of value which
may arise on any such appeal.
IX. And be it further enacted and ordained, That it shall and may be lawful for the
Districts may said Governor, with the advice of the said Executive Council, to exempt
be exempted. such districts or portions of the said Island from the operation of this
act, or from the payment of the said Rates, as to him and them may seem advisable.
X. And be it hereby enacted and ordained, That no assessment made under the
Interpretation authority of this Ordinance shall be impeached or affected by reason of
clause. any mistake in the name of any person liable to assessment, or of any
thing chargeable with assessment, provided the directions of this Ordinance be in substance
and effect complied with.
And be it further enacted and ordained, That this Ordinance shall come into operation
and take effect, from and after the first day of July next ensuing.
Governor, &c., &c.
Passed the Legislative Council of Hongkong,
this 23d day of May, 1845.
Clerk ofCouncils.
DEEDS , WILLS , &c .
By His Excellency Sir HENRY POTTINGER, Baronet, Knight Grand Cross of the
most Honorable Order of the Bath, Major-General in the Service of the East India Com-
pany, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies,
and Superintendent of the Trade of Her Majesty's Subjects in China, with the advice of
the Legislative Council of Hongkong.
Title. An Ordinance to provide for the Registration of Deeds, Wills, Judgments, and
Conveyances affecting Real or Immoveable Property in Hongkong.
[28th February, 1844.]
I. WHEREAS it is expedient to prevent secret and fraudulent Conveyances in the
Preamble. Colony of Hongkong, and to provide means whereby the Title to real and
immoveable Property may be easily traced and ascertained : Be it therefore enacted by
That it is de- His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong and its Dependencies, with
sirable to facilitate the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, That from and after the
the tracing of titles passing of this Ordinance, the Land Office in the said Colony shall be
to landed property. a public office for the registration of Deeds, Conveyances, and other
Establishment of Instruments, Wills, and Judgments, in manner hereinafter mentioned :
a Registry Office. And that all Conveyances and other Deeds, Wills, and Devises, and
From the pass- other Instruments in writing, now or hereafter to be made or executed,
ing of this Ordi- and all Judgments hereafter to be obtained, by which Conveyances,
nance all Instru- Deeds, and other Instruments in writing, Wills, and Judgments, any
ments affecting parcels of Ground, Tenements, or Premises in Hongkong aforesaid or
land may be regis- its Dependencies, now are, or shall, or may hereafter be affected, may
tered within the be entered and registered in the said Office in the manner hereinafter
said office. directed.
II. And be it further enacted, That all such Judgments and Conveyances, or Instru-
SuchInstruments ments in writing, obtained, made, or executed respectively after the
tohave priorityac- passing of this Ordinance, and registered in pursuance hereof, shall
cording to theirre- have priority one over the other according to the priority of their res-
spective datesofre- pective dates of registration, and that all such Judgments, Deeds, Con-
gistration. yances, or Instruments in writing, as last aforesaid, and all future
Devises which shall not be registered in pursuance of this Ordinance, shall (as against any
subsequent bona fide purchaser or mortgagee of the same parcels of Ground, Tenements,
or Premises, for valuable consideration) be absolutely null and void to all intents and pur-
poses : Provided that nothing hereing contained shall extend to bona fide leases at rack
rent for any term not exceeding Three Years.
III. And be it enacted, That no notice whatsoever, either actual or constructive, of any
Notice of unre- prior unregistered Deed, Judgment, Will, Conveyance, or Instrument
gistered Instru- in writing, shall affect the priority of any such Instruments as aforesaid
ment not to affect
Instruments duly as shall be duly registered in pursuance of this Ordinance.
IV. And be it further enacted, That all Judgments, Deeds, Wills Conveyances, or
SuchInstrument Instruments in writing, hereafter obtained, made. or executed, which
to be registered shall be duly registered within the respective times next mentioned :
within a certain " that is to say," all Deeds, Conveyances, and other Instruments in
time after execu- writing (except Wills,) which (if execnted in Hongkong or its De-
pendencies) shall be registered within one month, or which (if executed
in any other place) shall be registered within Twelve Months afther the time of execution
thereof respectively, and all Wills which (ifthe Devisors die in Hongkong or its Depen-
dencies) shall be registered within One Month, or which (if the Devisor die in any other
place) shall be registered within Twelve Months after the decease of every Devisor re-
spectively, and all future Judgments which shall be registered within One Month after
the entry or recording thereof, shall severally be in like manner entitled to priority, and
shall take effect respectively by relation to the date thereof, only in the same manner as
if this Ordinance had never been made.
V. And be it further enacted, That the registration intended by this Ordinance shall
Mode of Regis be made in manner following : " that is to say," a Memorial containing
tration by a Me- the particulars hereinafter specified shall be delivered into the said
morial containing Land- Office, signed ( in case of Deeds, Coveyances, or other Instru-
certain particulars ments in writing, except Wills) by some or one of the parties to the
to be delivered to original Deed or Instrument, or if such parties be dead or absent from
the Land Officer: the Colony, then by one or more of the witnesses to such Deed or In-
struments, and (in case of Wills and Devises) signed by some or one of the Devisees, or
his or her guardian or trustees, and (in case of Judgments) signed by the plaintiff or
plaintiffs : And every such Memorial shall be verified by the oath of some competent
person , that the same contains a just and true account of the several particulars therein
set forth, which oath shall be taken before the Chief Magistrate of Police, or before any
Justice of the Peace of the said Colony.
VI. And be it further enacted, That every Memorial of any Judgment shall contain
Particulars which the following particulars : "that is to say." the names and additions of
it is necessary for the Plaintiffs and Defendants respectively, the sum thereby recovered
the Memorial to or secured, the time of entry or recording the same, and the sum of
contain. money bona fide due thereon ; and every Memorial of any Deed or
Conveyance, Will, or other Instrument, shall contain and set forth the date of such Deed,
Conveyance, Will, or other Instrument, and the particular nature and object thereof, the
names and additions of all the parties to such Deed, Conveyance, or Instrument, and of
the Devisor, Devisee, or Devisees of such Will, and the names and additions of all the
witnesses thereto, and shall especially particularize and express the parcels of Ground, Te-
nements, and Premises affected or intended to be affected by such Deed, Conveyance,
Will, or Instrument, and the proper and ordinary or accustomed names of the places
where the same shall be situated, and (except in cases of Wills) the pecuniary or other
consideration for the same in the form or to the effect of the form numbered 1 in the
Schedule hereunto annexed : Provided always, that when there shall be more writings
than one for perfecting the same Conveyance, Devise, or Security, affecting the same parcels
of Ground Tenements, and Promises, all such writings shall be stated in one and the same
Memorial, in which it shall be sufficient to particularize such Parcels, and Premises only
VII. And be it further enacted, That on delivery of any such Memorial as aforesaid,
Such memorial the said Land Officer shall number the same according to the order of
to be numbered by time in which it shall have been so delivered , and shall give a Receipt
the Land Officer, for the same, in which receipt shall be specified the certain day and
and a receipt to be time of day when such Memorial shall have been so delivered, and the
given for the same; proper number thereof in Register of the said Land Office ; and he
and the Land Of-
ficer shall endorse shall also in like manner immediately indorse on the back of such Me-
thereon a certifi- morial a certificate, containing the day and time of day when the same
cate ofthe dayand was so delivered, and the name and place of abode of the person ve-
hour when such rifying the same, and shall sign the said certificate when so indorsed,
memorial was de- and such certificate shall be taken and allowed as evidence of the re-
livered into his of- gistration, and time of registration, of every such Judgment, Deed,
fice-such certifi- Will, Devise, Conveyance, or other Instrument, whereof such Memorial
cate to be evidence shall be so made.
of the time of Re-
gistration of the
VIII. And be it further enacted, the every such Memorial shall, as soon after the
The Memorial to receipt thereof as practicable, be carefully registered by the Land Of-
be registered as ficer, in regular succession as received, according to its proper number,
soon as possible in in a particular book to be kept by him for that purpose, and shall af-
aproper book, and
be deposited in a terwards be deposited by him in some secure place in his Office, and
secure place in the there kept for future reference when required, and he shall also keep
Office. an Index of the parcels of Ground, Tenements, and Premises, men-
Land Officer to tioned in every such Memorial, and also a like Indexes of the names
keep an Index of of the several parties to Conveyances, and other Deeds and Instruments
places and names and of Devisors and Devisees in Wills, and of the Plaintiffs and De-
connected with the fendants in case of Judgments, with accurate references in all such
instruments so re- Indices respectively to the number and page of registry of the Memo-
gistered, with cor- rial to which any entry in such Index or Indices shall relate.
rect references to
the proper page of
the Registry book.
IX. And be it further enacted, That in case of Mortgages and Judgments registered
In case of Mort- in pursuance of this Ordinance, if at any time afterwards such verified
gages and Judg- certificate as is hereinafter next mentioned shall be brought to the said
ments, Land Offi- Land Officer, signed by the respective Mortgagers or Mortgagees or
cer shall enter sa- Plaintiffs and Defendants, or their Agents respectively, and attested by
tisfaction for the two credible Witnesses, whereby it shall appear that the whole of the
same on receiving monies due on any such mortgage or Judgment have been fully
a verified certifi- paid, or that such Mortgage or Judgment is otherwise satisfied,
cate as after des- then the said Land Officer shall make a short entry or memorandum
thereof on the memorial and on the margin of the registry of such
Mortgage or judgment, and shall afterwards carefully register the same certificate in one of
the registry books of his office, and the Land Officer shall make an entry thereof in his
index or indices, referring accurately to the page of registry of such certificate.
X. And be it further enacted, That every such certificate shall contain the following
From the cer- particulars ; "that is to say," (in case of Judgments, the names and
tificate of satisfac- additions of the Plaintiffs and Defendants , the time of entering the
tion on a Judg- same, the sum or sums thereby recovered, the date or dates of payment
ment or Mortgage. or other satisfaction of the amount bona fide due thereon ; and in case
of Mortgages the names and additions of the original parties, the date of the Instrument,
the sum thereby secured, and the time or times of payment or other satisfaction thereof;
and every such certificate shall be verified by the oath of some competent person that the
same contains a just and true account of the several particulars therein set forth, which
oath shall be made and taken before the said Chief Magistrate or before any Justice of
the Peace of the said Colony ; and on the back of such verified certificate the Land Officer
shall immediately indorse the date when the same was received by him, and the name and
place of abode of the person verifying the same, and the said certificate shall, after being
so indorsed and entered as aforesaid, be safely kept in his Office for future reference
when required .
XI. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any person or persons what-
Any person may soever, to deposit in the said Land Office for safe custody any Con-
deposit in the said veyance, Deed, Power of Attorney, or Instrument in writing whatso-
Office any Deed, ever, or his or her last Will and Testament, of which Deeds, Wills,
Will, or other In- Conveyances, or other Instrument the said Land Officer shall (first
strument for safe giving a receipt for the same) immediately make an entry or entries in
custody. a book to be kept for that purpose, to which book he shall keep an
accurate alphabetical Index, having reference therein as well to the
Wills, when so name of the testator or parties to each such Deed or Instrument, as to
deposited for safe person or persons depositing the same, and the said Land Officer shall
custody, to be carefully and securely keep all such Deeds, Wills, or other Instruments
wrapped up in an the party or parties depositing the
envelopeunderthe in his said Office until required by Provided that every such Will or
seal of Testator or same to deliver them back again :
Testatrix. Testament shall be enclosed within a cover or envelope, sealed with the
• On the death of seal of the Testator or Testatrix, whose name shall be endorsed by the
Testator or Testa- Land Officer on such envelope or cover ; and every such Will shall,
trix, Land Officer remain in the said Office until the decease of the Testator or Testatrix,
shall deliver the unless he or she shall previously require the same to be delivered back,
Will to the first and upon the death of the Testator or Testatrix, the said Land Officer
named Executor , shall (after examining such Will) deliver the same to the Executor first
or to any person named therein, or to such other person as shall be duly authorized to
ordered to receive receive the same.
the same.
XII. And be it further enacted, That if the said Land Officer, or any other person
Penalty on Land employed in the said Land-Office, shall wilfully neglect or omit to
Officer or subordi- number, register, or enter, in manner hereinbefore directed, any Me-
nate Officers wil- morial or Certificate delivered into the said Office, he shall for every
fully neglecting such offence forfeit and be liable to pay to Her Majesty, Her Heirs,
their duty.
and Successors, for the public purposes of the said Colony, the penalty
Dollars, and be further liable in damages to
Wilful destruc- or sum of Five Hundred
tion, forgery, or if to the party injured to the extent of the loss or injury sustained : And
the said Land Officer, or any Clerk or person whatsoever, shall wil-
alteration of any
registered Instru- fully destroy, embezzle , or secrete, forge, counterfeit, raze, deface, or
ment, with intent alter any Memorial, or any part thereof, or any indorsement made
to defraud or in- thereon, or any entry or registry thereof, in any book in the said Office,
jure, punishable with intent to defraud or injure any person or persons, such Land Of
with seven or four- ficer, Clerk, or person so offending, shall be guilty of felony, and being
teen years' trans- thereof duly convicted, shall be liable to be transported beyond seas for
portation. any term not less than Seven Years, and not exceeding Fourteen Years.
XIII. And be it enacted, That all corrections by erasure, interlineation, or otherwise,
Correction to be in any Memorial of the registry of any document required to be regis-
verified by signa- tered by this Ordinance, shall be noted and set forth at length in red
ture of Land Offi- ink in the margin of the Memorial wherein they may be made, together
cer. with the reasons for making the same, and shall be attested and veri-
fied by the signature of the Land Officer for the time being.
XIV. And be it further enacted, That the several Fees or sums of money mentioned in
Fees to be taken the List numbered 2 in the said Schedule (and no higher or other Fees)
by the Land Offi- shall be demanded and paid by and to the said Land Officer for and in
cer. respect of the several matters and things to be by him performed and
done under or by virtue of this Ordinance, and the said Land Officer is hereby required to
keep an accurate account of such Fees, and to pay over the same to the Colonial Treasurer
for the public purposes of the Colony of Hongkong.
Governor, &c., &c.
Passed the Legislative Council of Hongkong,
this 28th day of February, 1844.
Clerk of the Legislative Council.
No. 1.
1. Date of Will or Instrument.
2. Nature and object thereof.
3. Names and Additions of the Parties or Devisers or Devisees.
4. Names and Additions of the Witnesses thereto.
5. Description of the Land or Premises conveyed in or affected by the
Deed or Will.
6, Name and Description of the Place, where situate.
7. Consideration, and to whom and how paid.
8. Any other particulars the case may require.
No. 2.
1. For registering every Assignment, Mortgage, or other alie- $5.00
nation, ... ... ...
2. Forregistering every Will or Judgment, or receiving any 1.00
verified certificate , ... ...
3. For receiving for safe custody any Deed, Will, or other 5.00
Instrument, ...
4. For every search, ... ... ... 1.00
5. For certificate of receipt of any document, or certifying a 2.00
copy thereof, and every other certificate, ...
6. For every uncertified copy of any Will, Deed, Memorial or 0.25
other Instrument, per folio of 80 words, ...
Her Majesty, the Queen of the United Kingkom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His
Majesty the Emperor of China, being desirous of putting an end to the misunderstandings
and consequent hostilities which have arisen between the two countries, have resolved to
conclude a treaty for that purpose, and have therefore named as their plenipotentiaries, that
is to say : Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Sir Henry Pottinger,
Bart., a Major- General in the service of the East India Company, &c., &c.; and his
Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China, the high commissioners Keying, a member ofthe
Imperial House, a guardian of the Crown Prince, and General of the garrison of Canton ;
and Ilípú, of the Imperial Kindred, graeiously permitted to wear the insignia of the first
rank, and the distinction of a peacock's feather, lately minister and Governor- General, &c.,
and now Lieutenant-General commanding at Chàpú :-Who, after having communicated
to each other their respective full powers, and found them to be in good and due form, have
agreed upon and concluded the following articles :
ART. I. There shall henceforward be peace and friendship between Her Majesty the
Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the
Emperor of China, and between their respective subjects, who shall enjoy full security and
protection for their persons and property within the dominions of each other.
ART. II. His Majesty the Emperor of China agrees, that British subjects, with their
families and establishments, shall be allowed to reside, for the purpose of carrying on their
mercantile pursuits, without molestation or restraint, at the cities and towns of Canton,
Amoy, Fuchaufú, Ningpo, and Shanghái ; and Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain,
& c., will appoint superintendents, or consular officers, to reside at each of the abovenamed
cities or towns, to be the medium of communication between the Chinese authorities and
the said merchants, and to see that the just duties and other dues of the Chinese Govern-
ment, as hereafter provided for, are duly discharged by Her Britannic Majesty's subjects.
ART. III. It being obviously necessary and desirable that British subjects should
have some port whereat they may careen and refit their ships when required, and keep
stores for that purpose, His Majesty the Emperor of China cedes to Her Majesty the
Queen of Great Britain, &c., the island of Hongkong, to be possessed in perpetuity by
Her Britannic Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, and to be governed by such laws and
regulations as Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, &c., shall see fit to direct.
ART. IV. The Emperor of China agrees to pay the sum of six millions of dollars, as
the value of the Opium which was delivered up at Canton in the month of March 1839,
as a ransom for the lives of Her Britannic Majesty's superintendent and subjects, who had
been imprisoned and threatened with death by the Chinese high officers.
ART. V. The Government of China having compelled the British merchants trading
at Canton to deal exclusively with certain Chinese merchants, called hong-merchants
( or co-hong,) who had been licensed by the Chinese Government for that purpose, the
Emperor of China agrees to abolish that practice in future at all ports where British mer-
chants may reside, and to permit them to carry on their mercantile transactions with what-
ever persons they please ; and His Imperial Majesty further agrees to pay to the British
Government the sum of three millions of dollars, on account of debts due to British
subjects by some of the said hong-merchants, or co-hong, who have become insolvent, and
who owe very large sums of money to subjects of Her Britannic Majesty.
ART. VI. The Government of Her Britannic Majesty having been obliged to send
out an expedition to demand and obtain redress for the violent and unjust proceedings of
the Chinese high authorities towards Her Britannic Majesty's officer and subjects, the
Emperor of China agrees to pay the sum of twelve millions of dollars, on account of the
expenses incurred ; and Her Britannic Majesty's plenipotentiary voluntarily agrees, on
behalf of Her Majesty, to deduct from the said amount of twelve millions of dollars, any
sums which may have been received by Her Majesty's combined forces, as ransom for
cities and towns in China, subsequent to the 1st day of August, 1841 .
ART. VII. It is agreed, that the total amount of twenty-one millions of dollars,
described in the three preceding articles, shall be paid as follows :
Six millions immediately. Six millions in 1843 ; that is, three millions on or before
the 30th of the month of June, and three millions on or before the 31st of December.
Five millions in 1844 ; that is, two millions and halfon or before the 30th of June, and
two millions and a half on before the 31st of December. Four millions in 1845, that is,
two millions on or before the 30th of June, and two millions on or before the 31st
of December.
And it is further stipulated, that interest, at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, shall be
paid by the Government of China on any portion of the above sums that are not punc-
tually discharged at the periods fixed.
ART. VIII. The Emperor of China agrees to release, unconditionally, all subjects of
Her Britannic Majesty (whether natives of Europe or India,) who may be in confinement
at this moment in any part of the Chinese Empire.
ART. IX. The Emperor of China agrees to publish and promulgate, under His
Imperial Sign Manual and Seal, a full and entire amnesty and act of indemnity to all
subjects of China, on account of their having resided under, or having had dealings and
intercourse with, or having entered the service of, Her Britannic Majesty, or of Her
Majesty's officers ; and His Imperial Majesty further engages to release all Chinese
subjects who may be at this moment in confinement for similar reasons.
ART. X. His Majesty the Emperor of China agrees to establish at all the ports which
are, by the second article of this Treaty, to be thrown open for the resort of British
merchants, a fair and regular tariff of export and import customs and other dues, which
tariff shall be publicly notified and promulgated for general information ; and the Emperor
further engages, that when British merchandise shall have once paid at any of the said
ports the regulated customs and dues, agreeable to the tariff to be hereafter fixed, such
merchandise may be conveyed by Chinese merchants to any province or city, in the
interior of the Empire of China, on paying a further amount as transit duties, which shall
not exceed per cent on the tariff value of such goods.
ART. XI. It is agreed that Her Britannic Majesty's chief high officer in China shall
correspond with the Chinese high officers, both at the capital and in the provinces, under
the term " communication ;" the subordinate British officers and Chinese high officers in the
provinces, under the terms " statement," on the part of the former, and on the part of the
latter, " declaration ;" and the subordinates of both countries on a footing of perfect
equality ; merchants and others not holding official situations, and therefore not included
in the above, on both sides, to use the term " representation " in all papers addressed to,
or intended for the notice of the respective Governments.
ART. XII. On the assent of the Emperor of China to this Treaty being received, and
the discharge of the first instalment money, Her Britannic Majesty's forces will retire
from Nanking and the Grand Canal, and will no longer molest or stop the trade of China.
The military post at Chinhái will also be withdrawn ; but the islands of Kúláng-zú and
of Chusan will continue so be held by Her Majesty's forces until the money pay-
ments, and the arrangements for opening the ports to British merchants, be completed.
ART. XIII. The ratification of this treaty by Her Majesty the Queen of Britain, &c.,
and His Majesty the Emperor of China, shall be exchanged as soon as the great distance
which separates England from China will admit ; but, in the meantime, counterpart
copies of it, signed and sealed by the plenipotentiaries on behalf of their respective
sovereigns, shall be mutually delivered, and all its provisions and arrangements shall
take effect.
Done at Nanking, and signed and sealed by the plenipotentiaries on board Her
Britannic Majesty's Ship Corwallis, this twenty-ninth day of August, 1842 ; cor-
responding with the Chinese date, twenty-fourth day of the seventh month, in the
twenty-second year of Táukwáng.
Approved and ratified by the Emperor on the 24th day of the 9th month, in the 22d
year of his reign, (October 27th, 1842.)
Note. This treaty was ratified by Her Majesty, and the great seal affixed, on the 31st
of December, 1842, The ratifications were exchanged at Hongkong, June 26th, 1843.
Whereas a Treaty of perpetual peace and friendship between Her Majesty the Queen
of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the Emperor of
China was concluded at Nanking, and signed on board Her Majesty's Ship Cornwallis on
the 29th day of August A. D. 1842, corresponding with the Chinese date of the 24th day
of the 7th month of the 22d year of Táukwáng, of which said treaty ofperpetual peace and
friendship the ratifications, under the respective seals and signs manual of the Queen of
Great Britain &c., and the Emperor of China, were duly exchanged at Hongkong on the
26th day of June A. D. 1843, corresponding with the Chinese date the 29th day of the
5th month, in the 23d year of Taukwang ; and whereas in the said treaty it was provided
(amongst otherthings) that the five ports of Canton, Fuchaufú, A moy, Ningpo, and Shanghái
should be thrown open for the resort and residence of British merchants, and that a fair
and regular tariff of export and import duties and other dues should be established at
such ports ; and whereas various other matters of detail connected with, and bearing
relation to, the said treaty of perpetual peace and friendship have been since under the
mutual discussion and consideration of the plenipotentiary and accredited commissioners
of the high contracting parties, and the said tariff and details having been now finally
examined into, adjusted and agreed upon, it has been determined to arrange and record
them in the form of a Supplementary Treaty of articles, which articles shall be
held to be as binding and of the same efficacy as though they had been inserted in the
original Treaty of perpetual peace and friendship.
ART. I. The tariff of Export and Import duties which is hereunto attached under
the seals and signatures of the respective plenipotentiary and conmissioners, shall hence-
forward be in force at the five ports of Canton, Fuchaufú, Amoy, Ningpo, and Shanghai,
ART. II. The General Regulations of Trade which are hereunto attached under, the
seals and signatures of the respective plenipotentiary and commissioners, shall hence-
forward be in force at the five aforenamed ports.
ART. III. All penalties enforced or confiscations made under the third clause of the
said General Regulations of Trade, shall belong, and be appropriated to the public service
of the Government of China.
ART. IV. After the five Ports of Canton, Fuchau, Amoy, Ningpo, and Shanghai,
shall be thrown open, English merchants shall be allowed to trade only at those five ports.
Neither shall they repair to any other ports or places, nor will the Chinese people at any
other ports or places be permitted to trade with them. If English merchant vessels shall,
in contravention of this agreement and of a proclamation to the same purport to be issued
by the British plenipotentiary, repair to any other ports or places, the Chinese Government
officers shall be at liberty to seize and confiscate both vessels and cargoes ; and should
Chinese people be discovered clandestinely dealing with English merchants at any other
ports or places, they shall be punished by the Chinese Government in such manner as the
law may direct.
ART. V. The fourth clause of the General Regulations of Trade on the subject of
commercial dealings and debts between English and Chinese merchants, is to be clearly
understood to be applicable to both parties.
ART. VI. It is agreed that English merchants and others residing at or resorting to the
five ports to be opened, shall not go into the surrounding country beyond certain short
distances to be named by the local authorities, in concert with the British consul, and on
no pretence for purposes of traffic. Seamen and persons belonging to the ships shall only
be allowed to land under authority and rules, which will be fixed by the consul in com-
munication with the local officers ; and should any persons whatever infringe the stipu-
lations of this article, and wander away into the country, they shall be seized and handed
over to the British consul for suitable punishment.
ART. VII. The Treaty of perpetual peace and friendship provides for British subjects
and their families residing at the cities and towns of Canton, Fuchau, Amoy, Ningpo, and
Shànghài, without molestation or restraint. It is accordingly determined that ground
and houses, the rent or price of which is to be fairly and equitably arranged for, according
to the rates prevailing amongst the people, without exaction on either side, shall be set
apart by the local officers in communication with the consul, and the numberof houses
built or rented will be reported annually to the said local officers by the consul for the
information of their respective viceroys and governors, but the number cannot be limited,
seeing that it will be greater or less according to the resort of merchants.
ART. VIII. The Emperor of China having been graciously pleased to grant to all
foreign countries whose subjects or citizens have hitherto traded at Canton, the privilege
of resorting for purposes of trade to the other four ports of Fuchau, Amoy, Ningpo, and
Shànghài, on the same terms as the English ; it is further agreed that should the Emperor
hereafter from any cause whatever be pleased to grant additional privileges or immunities
to any of the subjects or citizens of such foreign countries, the same privilege and im-
munities will be extended to and enjoyed by British subjects ; but it is to be understood
that demands or requests are not on this plea to be unnecessarily brought forward.
ART. IX. If lawless natives of China, having committed crimes or offences against
their own government shall flee to Hongkong, or to the English ships of war, or
English merchant ships for refuge, they shall if discovered by the English officers be
handed over at once to the Chinese officers for trial and punishment ; or if before such
discovery be made by the English officers it should be ascertained or suspected by the
officers of the government of China whither such criminals and offenders have fled, a
communication shall be made to the proper English officer in order that the said criminals
and offenders may be rigidly searched for, seized, and on proof or admission of their guilt
delivered up. In like manner, if any soldier, or sailor, or any other person-whatever his
caste or country- who is a subject of the crown of England, shall, from any cause, or
on any pretence, desert, fly or escape into the Chinese territory, such soldier or sailor or
other person shall be apprehended and confined by the Chinese authorities and sent to
the nearest British consular or other government officer. In neither case shall conceal-
ment or refuge be afforded.
ART. X. At each of the five ports to be opened to British merchants, one English
cruizer will be stationed to enforce good order and discipline amongst the crews of
merchant shipping, and to support the necessary authority of the consul over British
subjects. The crews of such ship of war will be carefully restrained by the officer com-
manding the vessel, and they will be subject to all the rules regarding going on shore and
straying into the country that are already laid down for the crews of merchant vessels.
Whenever it may be necessary to relieve such ship of war by another, intimation of that
intention will be communicated by the consul, or by the British superintendent of trade
where circumstances will permit to the local Chinese authorities, lest the appearance
of an additional ship should excite misgivings amongst the people, and the Chinese
cruizers are to offer no hindrance to such relieving ship, nor is she to be considered liable
to any port charges or other rules laid down in the General Regulations of Trade seeing
that British ships of war never trade in any shape.
ART. XI. The posts of Chusan and Kùlàngsù will be withdrawn, as provided for in the
treaty of perpetual peace and friendship, the moment all the moneys stipulated for in that
treaty shall be paid ; and the British plenipotentiary distinctly and voluntarily agrees
that all dwelling-houses, store-houses, barracks, and other buildings that the British
troops or people may have occupied or intermediately built or repaired, shall be handed
over on the evacuation of the posts exactly as they stand, to the Chinese authorities so as
to prevent any pretence for delay, or the slightest occasion for discussion or dispute on
those points.
ART. XII. A fair and regular Tariff of duties and other dues having now been esta-
blished, it is to be hoped that the system of smuggling which has heretofore been carried
on between English and Chinese merchants- in many cases with the open connivance
and collusion of the Chinese custom-house officers-will entirely cease ; and the most
peremptory proclamation to all English merchants has been already issued on this subject
by the British plenipotentiary, who will also instruct the different consuls to strictly
watch over and carefully scrutinize the conduct of all persons being British subjects
trading under his superintendence. In any positive instance of smuggling transactions
coming to the consul's knowledge, he will instantly apprize the Chinese authorities of the
fact, and they will proceed to seize and confiscate all goods- whatever their value or
nature that may have been so smuggled ; and will also be at liberty, if they see fit, to
prohibit the ship from which the smuggled goods were landed from trading further, and to
send her away as soon as her accounts are adjusted and paid . The Chinese government
officers will at the same time adopt whatever measures they may think fit with regard to
the Chinese merchants and custom-house officers who may be discovered to be concerned
in smuggling.
ART. XIII. All persons, whether natives or China or otherwise, who may wish to
convey goods from any one of the five ports of Canton, Fuchau-fù , Amoy, Ningpo, and
Shanghai, to Hongkong for sale or consumption, shall be at full and perfect liberty to do
so on paying the duties on such goods, and obtaining a pass or port-clearance from the
Chinese custom-house at one of the said ports. Should natives of China wish to repair to
Hongkong to purchase goods, they shall have free and full permission to do so, and should
they require a Chinese vessel to carry away their purchases, they must obtain a pass or
port-clearance for her at the custom-house of the port whence the vessel may sail for
Hongkong. It is further settled that in all cases these passes are to be returned to the
officers of the Chinese government as soon as the trip for which they may be granted
shall be completed.
ART. XIV. An English officer will be appointed at Hongkong, one part of whose
duty will be to examine the registers and passes of all Chinese vessels that may repair
to that port to buy or sell goods, and should such officer at any time find that any
Chinese merchant vessel has not a pass or register from one of the five ports, she is to be
considered as an unauthorized or smuggiing vessel, and is not to be allowed to trade,
whilst a report of the circumstance is to be made to the Chinese authorities. By this
arrangement, it is to be hoped that piracy and illegal traffic will be effectually prevented.
ART. XV. Should natives of China who may repair to Hongkong to trade incur
debts there, the recovery of such debts must be arranged for by the English courts of
justice on the spot ; but if the Chinese debtor shall abscond and be known to have pro-
perty real or personal within the Chinese territory, the rule laid down in the IVth clause
of the General Regulations for Trade shall be applied to the case ; and it will be the duty
of the Chinese authorities on application, by and in connection with the British consuls, to
do their utmost to see justice done between the parties. On the same principle, should a
British merchant incur debts at any of the five ports and flee to Hongkong, the British
authorities will, on receiving an application from the Chinese government officers, accom-
panied by statements, and full proofs of the debts, institute an investigation into the
claims, and when established, oblige the defaulter or debtor to settle them to the utmost
of his means.
APT. XVI. It is agreed that the custom-house officers at the five ports shall make a
monthly return to Canton of the passes granted to vessels proceeding to Hongkong,
together with the nature of their cargoes, and a copy of these returns will be embodied in
one return, and communicated once a month to the proper English officer at Hongkong.
The said English Officer will on his part make a similar return or communication to the
Chinese authorities at Canton, showing the names of Chinese vessels arrived at Hongkong or
departed from that port, with the nature of their cargoes ; and the Canton authorities will
apprize the custom-houses at the five ports, in order that by these arrangements and pre-
cautions all clandestine and illegal trade under the cover of passes may be averted.
ART. XVII, or Additional Article relating to British small craft. Various small
vessels belonging to the English nation , called schooners, cutters, lorchas, &c., have not
hitherto been chargeable with tonnage dues. It is now agreed in relation to this class of
vessels which ply between Hongkong and the city, and the city and Macao, that if they
only carry passengers, letters, and baggage, they shall as heretofore pay no tonnage dues.
But if these small craft carry any dutyable articles, no matter how small the quantity
may be, they ought in principle to pay their full tonnage dues. But this class of small
craft are not like the large ships which are engaged in foreign trade, they are constantly
coming and going, they make several trips a month, and are not like the large foreign
ships which on entering the port cast anchor at Whampoa. If we were to place them on
the same footing as the large foreign ships, the charge would fall unequally ; therefore,
after this, the smallest of these craft shall be rated at 75 tons, and the largest not to
exceed 150 tons ; whenever they enter the port (or leave the port with cargo), they shall
pay tonnage dues at the rate of one mace per ton register. If not so large as 75 tons,
they shall still be considered and charged as of 75 tons, and if they exceed 150 tons they
shall be considered as large foreign ships, and like them charged tonnage dues at the rate
of five mace per register ton. Fuchau and the other ports having none of this kind of
intercourse, and none of this kind of small craft, it would be unnecessary to make any
arrangement as regards them.
The following are the rules by which they are to be regulated.
1st.- Every British schooner, cutter, lorcha, &c., shall have a sailing letter or register
in Chinese and English under the seal and signature of the chief superintendent of
trade describing her appearance, burden, &c., &c.
2d. - Every schooner, lorcha, and such vessel, shall report herself, as large vessels are
required to do, at the Bocca Tigris ; and when she carries cargo, she shall also report
herselfat Whampoa, and shall on reaching Canton, deliver up her sailing letter
or register to the British consul, who will obtain permission from the hoppo for her to
discharge her cargo, which she is not to do without such permission, under the forfeiture
of the penalties laid down in the IIId clause of the General Regulations of Trade,
3d. When the inward cargo is discharged, and an outward one (if intended) taken on
board, and the duties on both arranged and paid, the consul will restore the
register or sailing-letter, and allow the vessel to depart.
This Supplementary Treaty- to be attached to the original Treaty of peace, consisting
of 16 articles, and one additional article relating to small vessels, is now written out,
forming with its accompaniments four pamphlets, and is formally signed and sealed by
their excellencies, the British Plenipotentiary and the Chinese imperial commissioner,
who in the first instance take two copies each and exchanges them, that their provisions
may be immediately carried into effeet. At the same time each of these high functionaries
having taken his two copies shall duly memorialize the sovereign of his nation, but the
two countries are differently situated as respects distance, so that the will of the one
sovereign can be known sooner than the will of the other. It is now therefore agreed
that on receiving the gracious assent of the Emperor in the vermilion pencil, the imperial
commissioner will deliver the very document containing it into the hands of his excellency
Hwang judge of Canton, who will proceed (to such place as the plenipotentiary may
appoint) and deliver it to the English plenipotentiary to have and to hold. Afterwards
the sign manual of the sovereign of England having been received at Hongkong likewise
graciously assenting to and confirming the Treaty, the English plenipotentiary will
despatch a specially appointed officer to Canton, who will deliver the copy containing the
royal sign manual to his excellency Hwang, who will forward it to the imperial commis-
sioner as a rule and a guide to both nations for ever, and as a solemn confirmation of our
peace and friendship .
A most important Suplementary Treaty.
Signed and sealed at Hùmun-chài on the 8th day of October, 1842 , corresponding with
the Chinese date of 15th day of the 8th moon of the 23d year of Tàoukwàng.
L. S.
H. B, M.'s (Signed) HENRY POTTINGER.
L. S.
E.the Imperial
H.Commissioner. (Signed) KEYING,-in Tartar.
True Copy , ADAM W. ELMSLIE,
Offg. sec. to H. M.'s Plenipotentiary, &c . &c.