Sessional Papers - 1926


Table of Contents

1. Bathing Beaches Committee

Report of the

2. Bonham Road School

7th Quarterly Report Ending 30th June, 1926

3. Estimates of Expenditure

Abstract Showing the Differences Between the approved Estimates for 1926 and the Estimates for 1927

4. Fire Fighting Organization of the Colony

Report of the Committee appointed to Consider Suggestions for the Improvement of the

5. Fire Station Building

5th Quarterly Report Ending 31st December, 1925

6. Fire Station Building

6th Quarterly Report Ending 31st March, 1926

7. Fire Station Building

7th Quarterly Report Ending 30th June, 1926

8. Government Hospitals

Charges for Medical Treatment to First and Second Class Private Patents in, as from 1st January, 1927

9. Jurors

List for 1926

10. New Saiyingpun School

5th Quarterly Report Ending 31st December, 1925

11. New Saiyingpun School

6th Quarterly Report Ending 31st March, 1926

12. Settlement of Chinese-British Disputes in the Liang-Kuang Provinces

Communiques and Statements in Connection With the Conference for

13. Settlement of the Boycott

Correspondence in Connection With the Negotiations for the

14. Sun Fo, Mr., Mayor of Canton and Member of the Central Executive Council of the Government of Canton

Correspondence in Connection With a Speech Reported in the Man Kwok Yat Po to Have Been Made on the 27th august, 1926, By

15. Uglow, W. L., M.A., M.S., Ph.D.

Geology and Mineral Resources of the Colony of Hong Kong By



No. 1926




1. We have been asked by Government to report upon the existing facilities, sanita- tion, and scavenging at the bathing beaches generally and in particular at Repulse Bay and at Castle Peak, and upon the feasibility of inaugurating additional public bathing beaches, and to make recommendations as to the lines on which the future policy of the Government with respect to bathing beaches should be framed.

2. As regards bathing facilities we have confined our remarks to beaches (other than Stonecutters Island) which can be reached by land, as launch trips would open up a very wide field.


3. We have had under consideration the following bathing places :-

1. North Point.

2. Kennedy Town.

3. Stonecutters Island.

4. Hung Hom.

5. Tai Wan.

6. Repulse Bay.

7. Castle Peak Bay with small bay adjacent (beach D in P. W. D. plan).

8. Stanley Bay.

9. Island Bay, Shek O.

10. Ch'eung Sha Bay, near Castle Peak.

11. Big Wave Bay.

12. Deep Water Bay.

4. We have also had before us some 93 replies to an advertisement which we caused to be inserted in the Public Press asking for certain information from the owners of mat- sheds and inviting suggestions from them and from the general public. The text of the notice was as follows:-

"Will holders of bathing matshed permits kindly send in to the undersigned, "on or before the 23rd day of June, 1926, answers to the following "questions:-

"(a.) What is the licence number of your bathing matshed and where is it


"(b.) To what extent is your matshed used?

"(c.) If you have more than one matshed, please fill in answers to the

"above questions in regard to each of your matsheds.

"Would members of the public kindly favour the Bathing Beaches Committee "with any suggestions they may have to offer for the improvement of bathing "facilities in the Colony at existing bathing beaches?

"Will they also suggest additional bathing beaches and any schemes for develop- "ing the same?"

5. It is convenient to divide public bathing beaches into two classes, namely:

Class A Those which are used solely for bathing purposes and

Class B-Those which are used partly for bathing and partly for picnic purposes.


6. At Class A beaches all facilities are provided by Government. They are:-

(a) The North Point Beach which is largely used. 21,525 persons made use of

it in 1924. The facilities provided are adequate.


(b) The Kennedy Town Beach which was used by 15,371 persons in 1924.

beach is somewhat cramped and we recommend that additional accommoda- tion be provided by extension in a westerly direction, and that a fresh-water service be provided.

(c) Stonecutters Island which was used by 3,458 persons in 1924. We consider that the accommodation is sufficient. We consider that urinals should be provided at the above beaches, and at Stonecutters a latrine also if practicable.

At the above beaches adequate life saving appliances are provided.

We consider that it is very desirable that similar bathing facilities be provided at Kowloon. We visited-


Hung Hom-this is unsuitable as deep water comes up to the sea wall and bathing here would be dangerous for non-swimmers, and also the sea water here is apt to be fouled by oil.

Tai Wan this beach is undoubtedly capable of development for bathing pur- poses, and we gather that the Kowloon Residents Association is formulating a scheme for presentation to Government on the subject.

7. At Class B beaches bathing is mostly from matsheds which are structures erected by private persons on sites licensed by Government, a charge being made for the licence.


Little or no accommodation has hitherto been provided for those who have not the use of a matshed, and we recommend that this be remedied.

8. We agree that matsheds are not beautiful but we consider that they are per se free from objection on sanitary grounds.

We are satisfied that they afford a very considerable amount of pleasure and health- ful recreation in fresh air to a large number of people including children. Being used as they are not only for bathing but also for picnic purposes they could not be adequately re- placed by any form of bathing boxes, tents, or machines.

From information we have received we find that the large majority of matsheds are in almost daily use either by the owner and his family or by friends.

We therefore consider that there is no call whatever to abolish bathing matsheds or to forbid the erection of structures of that type in future.

9. The principal Class B beaches are Repulse Bay and Castle Peak Bay. We re- commend that the following beaches be developed on similar lines :—

Stanley Bay.

Island Bay, Shek O.

Cheung Sha Bay.

10. We consider it essential that there be provided at all beaches of Class B :-

(a) Sanitary conveniences. We attach the greatest importance to this. It is the custom for owners of matsheds and their friends to spend long hours on the beaches and indeed not infrequently the whole day, taking meals in the mat- sheds.

(b) Life Saving Appliances. These are already supplied at the Class A beaches.

and at Repulse Bay.



(c) Adequate arrangements for collection and disposal of refuse.

(d) Adequate staff for upkeep.

11. Passing to the consideration of the B Class bathing beaches individually:

I.-Repulse Bay.

(a) There are at present 120 licensed matsheds at Repulse Bay, the area available is congested and we recommend that no further licences in this Bay be issued. (b) We recommend that 2 sets of sanitary conveniences, each set containing ac- commodation for both sexes, be provided at or near two spots equidistant from the eastern and western ends of the part of the beach where matsheds are and from each other. We also recommend that sanitary conveniences for care- takers be provided.

(c) The facilities for bathing for persons not having the use of matsheds are at present confined to a few small canvas tents belonging to the Repulse Bay Hotel, for the use of which a charge of 50 cents is made; they are insufficient in number for the purpose they are meant to serve. We recommend that faci- lities be provided by the erection of two matsheds, one for the use of men, the other for women and children, divided each into 16 cubicles, at spots on which the Committee have agreed and which are known to the representative of the P.W.D. on the Committee, Mr. Carpenter. Should this public accom- modation prove insufficient, it should be extended.

(d) We recommend that the rocks and boulders which at present entirely spoil the Eastern half of the beach be removed if possible, and that in any event two clear passages be made through them and that these be marked by posts. Further, we recommend that the western end of the beach be kept clear of boulders as much as possible.

(e) We recommend that undergrowth surrounding the matsheds which is at present at a considerable height and capable of hiding refuse be cut forthwith and kept cut.

(f) We recommend that fresh water taps for drinking water be erected at suitable

intervals, also showerbaths if possible.

(g) We recommend that the stagnant pool of water at the West end of the Bay be drained and that the Hotel authorities be required to cease from dumping ashes at this spot.

(h) We recommend that the stream running down the middle of the beach be

channelled down to low water mark.

(i) We recommend that the question of the danger of fire be considered by the pro-

per authorities.

II.-Castle Peak Bay.

There are 28 private matsheds here. We recommend

(a) That a raft be anchored out as at Repulse Bay

(b) That life saving appliances be provided.

(c) That sanitary conveniences for men and women be provided.

(d) That licences be issued to erect matsheds at the small bay immediately to the

South East of Castle Peak Pier.

(e) That a fresh water service be provided if practicable.

We do not recommend that facilities for the public be made at Castle Peak but we suggest that provision be made for these at Cheung Sha Bay (see below).

III.-Stanley Bay.

There are at present 5 matsheds at Stanley. It is considered that there is room for

22 and it is recommended that licences be granted up to this number.


For general improvements we recommend

(a) That the approach road be improved.

(b) That stones be cleared away.

(c). That brushwood at the edge of the beach be cut back.

(d) That bathing cubicles be provided on Crown Land nearby for 8 persons of each sex, the number being increased later if necessary; there being ample available space for expansion.

(e) That the pool on the beach be drained.

IV.--Island Bay, Shek O.

There are neither private matsheds nor other facilities here. We recommend :-

(a) That public facilities be provided immediately to the west of the approach road to the Bay by the erection of two matsheds, one for men, the other for women and children, each divided into 16 cubicles.

(b) That a permanent structure be erected for use as a shelter and provided with


(c) That due provision having been made for extension of (a) above, the re- mainder of the west end of the beach be laid out as sites for private sheds. (d) That sanitary conveniences be provided.

(e) That life saving apparatus be provided.

(f) That due provision be made for scavenging.

(g) That a fresh water service be provided if possible.

V. Ch'eung Sha Bay.

There are neither private matsheds nor other facilities here. We recommend

(a) That the greater part of this beach be reserved to provide facilities for the public and that as a commencement two structures, one for men and the other for women and children, each divided into 16 cubicles be erected.

(b) That a permanent structure be erected for use as a shelter and provided with


(c) That a small portion of the Eastern end of the beach be laid out as sites for

private matsheds.

(d) That sanitary conveniences be provided.

(e) That suitable arrangements be made for the collection and disposal of rubbish. (f) That life saving apparatus be provided.

(g) That rafts be anchored out.

(h) That a fresh water service be provided if possible.

Omnibus services to the two last named beaches would much facilitate their development as public bathing places.

12. Big Wave Buy.

We recommend that Big Wave Bay be not developed at present, as it is not con- sidered safe for general public bathing on account of the heavy surf.

Deep Water Bay.

We do not consider that this Bay is suitable on account of the steep nature of the beach and the lack of suitable space for matsheds or other structures between high water mark and the motor road.



13. We recommend that in future the superficial area

area of ground licensed for private matsheds or other private structures on any beach do not exceed 400 sq. ft. (20′ x 20'), and that this be made to apply to any matsheds exceeding these dimensions which require reconstruction.

14. We recommend that hereafter whenever a licence holder on a B beach wishes to surrender or transfer his licence the option of taking it up be first given by the Licensing Authority to those on any waiting list which may exist.

15. We may add that we do not regard the beaches in which a few matsheds have been put up, in the Tsun Wan channel and its neighbourhood, as being public bathing beaches which would require Government's attention, both because of their smallness and their unsuitability for public bathing owing to dangerous currents.

16. We are informed that certain applications to erect matsheds at Stanley and Repulse Bays have been received, but are held up pending this report: and we recom- mend that such applications be dealt with forthwith, in the case of those who wish to put up matsheds for this present bathing season, by allowing such applicants to erect matsheds at Stanley Bay without waiting for the general improvements which we have recommended to be carried out there.

17. We consider that the bathing season should be from May 1 to September 30, and that Government supervision and facilities need only be provided between those dates.

18. Lastly, as we find that the fees for matshed sites of the same area at Repulse Bay and at Castle Peak are very different, we suggest that permit fees for such matsheds be standardised throughout the Colony.

19. We regret that owing to his absence from the Colony Sir Henry Pollock is unable to sign the report. The final amendments to the completed draft were however principally framed by him, and we are authorised to state that the report as it stands meets with his full agreement.

(Signed) J. B. ADDISON,







17th July, 1926.






No. 1926



CONTRACT No. 49 of 1923.


7th Quarterly Report ending 30th June, 1926.

Satisfactory progress has been made during this quarter and the building is now almost completed.

The open playground has been paved, the granite portico to front entrance is nearly completed and work in connection with the widening of Bonham Road is well advanced. The instalment of water supply to the swimming pool is in hand and the lay-out of the masters garden has been commenced.

The fittings to latrine block have been installed, lights and fans throughout the school are being fixed, also the locks and fastenings etc., to doors and windows.

Furniture contracts have been let.

A portion of the building on the Bonham Road side is now occupied and in use.

28th July, 1926.


Director of Public Works.




No. 1926



Laid before the Legislative Council by Command of His Excellency


the Governor, on the 15th October, 1926.



Head 1. His Excellency the Governor.

Personal Emoluments.

New Posts ...


Good Conduct Allowances

1,092 1

Good Conduct Allowances



Rent Allowances






Conveyance Allowances Coal

Electric Fans and Light Furniture

Incidental Expenses... Upkeep of Motor Cars


Other Charges.

90 200










Total Decrease



...$ 7,215

Total Increase Deduct Decrease

Net Increase

Stipulated Increments

New Posts ...

Total Increase

Head 2.-Cadet Service.

$$3 4,077


Reduction on New Appointments ...S 33,513 Abolition of Posts




Total Decrease Deduct Increase




Net Decrease




Head 3.-Senior Clerical and Accounting Staff.

Transferred from Departments

.$ 155,248


...$ 155,248


Stipulated Increments


Head 4.-Junior Clerical Service.


Increase of Salaries...

28,327 2,800

Overtime Allowances




New Posts ..


Personal and Shorthand Allowances


Total Increase .... .$



Deduct Decrease



Total Decrease



Net Increase



Head 5.-Colonial Secretary's Office and Legislature.

Personal Emoluments.

Stipulated Increments

New Posts




Transferred to Senior Clerical and

Accounting Staff


Good Conduct Allowances







Other Charges.

Gas, electric light and fans Incidental Expenses...





Special Expenditure.

Despatch Boxes...


Total Increase



Total Decrease Deduct Increase

Net Decrease






Head 6.--Secretariat for Chinese Affairs.

Personal Emoluments.

Increase of Salaries


Good Conduct Allowances



Uniform Allowance








Other Charges.

Grant to District Watchmen's fund $

Total Increase

Deduct Decrease

Net Increase





Total Decrease



...$ 2,331


New Posts...



Head 7.-Treasury.

Transferred to Senior Clerical and

Personal Emoluments.





Accounting Staff

Abolition of Post


Good Conduct Allowance

Other Charges.








Incidental Expenses...








Total Increase



Total Decrease Deduct Increase

Net Decrease







Head 8.-Audit Department.

Personal Emoluments.

Stipulated Increments New Posts...

Good Conduct Allowance

238 4,800

Transferred to Senior Clerical and

Accounting Staff









Other Charges.

Conveyance Allowances.



Share of Home Expenditure

. 780



Total Increase Deduct Decrease



6,362 5,800

Total Decrease


Net Increase



Stipulated Increments

New Posts ...

Good Conduct Allowances Language Allowances

Conveyance Allowances

Total Increase

Head 9.-District Office, North.



Personal Emoluments.










Other Charges.




Stipulated Increments

Good Conduct Allowance

Local Public Works...

Total Increase

New Posts...

Stipulated Increments


Good Conduct Allowances Rent Allowances

Overtime Allowances

Total Increase


Head 10.-District Office, South.


Personal Emoluments.





Other Charges.

...$ 1,500


Head 11.-Post Office.


Personal Emoluments.

881 8,400

Language Allowances


Transferred to Senior Clerical and


Accounting Staff




Transferred to Harbour Master's







Other Charges.

Carriage of Mails

Total Decrease Deduct Increase




Net Decrease



...$ 110,487


...S 99,102


300 3,588

Stipulated Increments

Increase of Salaries

New Posts ...

Good Conduct Allowances

Language Allowances

Rent Allowances

Head 12.-Imports and Exports Office.



Reduction on New Appointments ...$ Abolition of Posts

Personal Emoluments.



Good Conduct Allowances



Rent Allowances



Transferred to Harbour Master's








Other Charges.

Conveyance Allowances Uniforms


Liquor Labels



Purchase of Raw Opium


Punkah Coolies...






Special Expenditure.

Revenue Locks ...



Total Increase

... $


Total Decrease Deduct Increase




Net Decrease








Head 13.-Harbour Master's Department.


Personal Emoluments.

Stipulated increments



New posts ...


Reduction on New appointments ...$ Abolition of posts



Transferred from other departments.


Transferred to Senior Clerical and

Good Conduct Allowances


Accounting Staff


Language Allowance


Transferred to P. W. D.


Rent Allowance...


Special Allowance






Other Charges.

Conveyance Allowances



Coal & Oil fuel for launches




Incidental Expenses...


Mooring for harbour craft, & rock

& fairway buoys


Stores for launches & boats


Stores for lighthouse & W/T plant.. Sundry stores






Special Expenditure.

Gig Dinghy



Renewing buoys & chains &

moorings for launches



Launch to replace "Victoria " Renewal of rock buoys & moorings... Reversible buoys


New motors for Nos. 10 & 11 Police





Integrator for G.M.S, office




Total Increase Deduct Decrease

$ 112,134

Net Increase




Total. Decrease



Head 14.-Royal Observatory.

Personal Emoluments.

Stipulated increments



Increase of Salaries ...


Good Conduct Allowances




Other Charges.




Maintenance of magnetometers





Special Expenditure.

Magnetic instruments



Total Increase


Total Decrease Deduct Increase




Net Decrease





Stipulated increments

New posts

Language Allowances

Rent Allowances

Rations for Indian driver


Conveyance Allowance

Incidental expenses

Repairs to floating engines




Head 15.-Fire Brigade.


Personal Emoluments.


Reduction on new appointments



Abolition of posts

223 2,718


Good Conduct Allowances







Other Charges.


Rent of stations





$35 4,830

Special Expenditure.



2 Light motor pumps

$ 21,000

Chemical extincteurs




2 Motor cycles ....


$ 24,670

Total Increase

Deduct Decrease

Net Increase






Total Decrease




Head 16. Supreme Court.

Personal Emoluments.

Stipulated Increments


1,080 Good Conduct Allowances



New Posts ...


Good Conduct Allowances






Conveyance Allowances Incidental Expenses, Watchmen

Total Increase Deduct. Decrease

Net Increase

Other Charges.






22.618 54

Total Decrease





Increase of Salaries

Good Conduct Allowances

Total Increase



Head 17. Attorney General.

12 10


Stipulated Increments

Personal Allowance..

Head 18. Crown Solicitor.


New Post



Total Increase



Stipulated Increments New Post

Head 19.-Official Receiver.

600 8.400

Total Increase



Head 20.-Land Officer.

Stipulated increments



Total Increase


Vehicle Hire



Head 21.-Magistracy, Hong Kong.

Personal Emoluments.


Transferred to Senior Clerical &

Accounting Staff

Other Charges.






Special Expenditure.

Law Books...

Total Decrease Deduct Increase

Net Decrease

Total Increase













Head 22.-Magistracy, Kowloon.


Personal Emoluments.

Transferred to Senior Clerical &

Accounting Staff



Other Charges.

Vehicle Hire





Fees for Interpretation






Special Expenditure.

Law Books...



Total Decrease


Total Increase


Deduct Increase


Net Decrease


Head 23.-Police Force.

Personal Emoluments.

Stipulated increments

Increase of salaries


10,294 Reduction on new appointments

Abolition of posts



New posts


Good Conduct Allowances


Good Conduct Allowances


Language Allowances


Language Allowances


Rent Allowances


Rent Allowances


Separation Allowances


Drill instructors allowances


Detective Allowances


Transferred to Senior Clerical &

Accounting Staff


Error in 1926 Estimates


Transferred to P.W.D.






Other Charges.


Conveyance Allowances

Coolie hire...

Incidental expenses

Interpretation fees

Electric light and fans Rations for Indian police...


Secret Service

Subsistence of prisoners Transport


Cleansing materials and washing







Furniture, repairs and renewals



Rent of Stations




4,000 24,600

200 8,000

500 2,000.

$ 46,640

Rent of married quarters... Telegrams...




Special Expenditure.

Purchase of arms

Verey light, pistols and cartridges... Expenses of convoy system



Motor cycles






Motor vehicle plates.


Motor car


Parts for rifles






Total Increase

Deduct Decrease

.$ 148,648


Net Decrease




Net Increase







Stipulated Increments

Good Conduct Allowances Language Allowances

Personal Allowances




Other Charges.




Incidental Expenses...


Materials for Repairs and Renewals

Rent of Quarters for European


Head 24.-Prisons.

Personal Emoluments.

6,193 41 120

Reduction on New Appointments


Transferred to Harbour Master's





Clothing for Prisoners



Gratuities to Prisoners


Subsistence of Prisoners






Special Expenditure.

Wire-Stitching Machine

800 Camera and Appliances

Total Decrease

Total Increase



Deduct Increase



Net Decrease














Stipulated Increments

New Posts...

Good Conduct Allowances

Rent Allowances

Overtime Allowances

Head 25.-Medical Department.

Personal Emoluments.


Reduction on New Appointment



Abolition of Posts

287 8,481


Good Conduct Allowances



Rent Allowances



Transferred to Harbour Master's







Other Charges.

Conveyance Allowances



Bedding and Clothing


Motor Car Hire...



Dental Treatment


Grant to Alice Memorial Hospital


Books and Journals


Upkeep of Piano


Cleansing Materials ...


Fuel and Light...


Furniture and Repairs


Incidental Expenses...


Medical Comforts


Provisions for Patients


Upkeep of X-ray Apparatus






Preparing Vaccines etc.






X-Ray Plant


Special Expenditure.


Repairs to Microscope

Steam Launch

600 30,000

Motor Cycle and Side Car


Machinery for Laboratory


Surgical Dressings


Equipment for Victoria and Kow-

loon Hospitals


Pharmaceutical Apparatus




Total Increase Deduct Decrease

$ 105,102 93,022

Total Decrease


Net Increase






Head 26-Sanitary Department.


Personal Emoluments.

. Stipulated increments

New posts

Good Conduct Allowances Language Allowances

Rent Allowances



Reduction on new appointments Good Conduct allowances





Transferred to Senior Clerical and


Accounting Staff



Transferred to Harbour Master's







Other Charges.

Baskets, buckets & shovels



Ambulances, Coffins, etc....



Brooms, brushes & hats


Conveyance Allowances.




Bamboo poles & rope

Bath houses

Disinfecting & cleansing apparatus


General cleansing, Chinese New

Dust & water carts



Exhumation recurrent


Head stones


Furniture in official quarters

Incidental expenses


Light Central Market

Official quarters


Nightsoil receptacles

Motor lorries & vans, running

Purchase & maintenance of bullocks



Rats poison & traps



Scavenging gear, Kowloon


Street watering...






















Special Expenditure.

2 Motor refuse lorries Seal






Total Increase Deduct Decrease




Total Decrease


Net Increase



Stipulated increments

New posts ...

Head 27.-Botanical and Forestry Department.

Personal Emoluments.

Good Conduct allowances..

Rent allowances

Personal allowances

602 264

Reduction or new appointments Good Conduct allowances











Other Charges.








Field allowances

Forestry reserve, Taipo

Maintenance of gardens & grounds





Total Increase Deduct Decrease

$ 3,566 577

Total Decrease



Net Increase

...$ 2.989






Head 28.-Education Department.

Personal Emoluments.

Stipulated increments


New Posts ...

53,255 91,667

Reduction on new appointments



Abolition of posts


Good Conduct Allowances


Good Conduct Allowances


Rent Allowances



Rent Allowances


Personal Allowances...


$ 146,773



Books ...

lectric fans and light

Incidental expenses


University examination fees

Cookery classes...


Grants :-

Capitation grants...

Grants in aid of Rent

Subsidies to Schools in N.T.


Subsidies to Elementary Venacular


University examination grants Grant to Hok Hoi Library

Building grants

Equipment of Schools

Furniture for Queen's College

Total Increase

Deduct Decrease

Net Increase

Other Charges.


Conveyance Allowances



Students in Training, Hong Kong


University :-








Physics and Chemistry grants





Total Decreasc









Special Expenditure.

$ 100,000

Staff Library and Furniture




Equipment of Vernacular Middle



Furniture and Books, Normal

School, Taipo


$ 105,000



$ 285,267 49,829

Total Decrease



$ 235,438




Head 29.-Public Works Department.


Personal Emoluments.

Stipulated increments Increase of Salaries

New Posts ...

Good Conduct Allowances

Rent Allowances

Personal Allowances...



Reduction on new appointments




Abolition of l'osts



Good Conduct Allowances



Rent Allowances





Personal Allowances...



Overtime Allowances


Overtime Allowances


Transferred to Senior Clerical and

Transferred from departments


Accounting Staff


$ 113,417

$ 138,140

Other Charges.

Electric fans and light



Conveyance Allowance


Lifts maintenance


Drawing Materials




Incidental expenses



Radio Telegraph Branch :--

Surveying instruments and con-

Incidental expenses




Repairs and Stores




Upkeep and running expenses of

Upkeep of Quarry plant




Upkeep of garages


Upkeep of motor and steam-

Error in 1926 Estimates.








Special Expenditure.


Equipment of garages and work-

3 Motor cars

Office Equipment



$ 3,000 8.250

$$ 11,250

Total Decrease Deduct Increase

Net Decrease

...$ 183,134






Total Increase

...$ 141,602

Hong Kong:-

Head 30.-Public Works, Recurrent.


.$ 70,000

Hong Kong :–






Kowloon :-



Typhoon and Rainstorm Damages


Water Works...


New Territories :--

Kowloon :



Water Works...


2,500 1,500






Typhoon and Rainstorın Damages


New Kowloon :--









Typhoon and Rainstorm Damages


New Territories:-





Typhoon and Rainstorm Damages

Total Increase

Deduct Decrease


$ 356,100


Total Decrease


Net Increase

$ 340,700







Head 31.-Public Works Extraordinary.


Stipulated Increments

Increase of Salaries

New Posts

Good Conduct Allowances

Rent Allowances

Overtime Allowances


Net Decrease


Head 32.-Kowloon-Canton Railway.

Personal Emoluments.


Reduction on New Appointments



Abolition of Posts



Good Conduct Allowances



Rent Allowances



Special Allowance






Other Charges

Conveyance Allowances









Carriage Repairs


Formation and Line Protection


Goods Wagons Repairs


Locomotive Repairs


Minor Works




Nightsoil Disposal


Rails and Fastenings




Stations, Buildings, etc




Tools and Plant




Motor Cars and Lorries, Running






Special Expenditure.

Office for Chief Mechanical Engi-

Concrete Channels at Cuttings ...$





New Roofing to Workshops


Loco Shed, etc., for Fanling Branch.


Fencing for Stations


Booking Office, Taipo Pier


Extension to Platform Awning, Kow-

Alteration to Booking Office, Kow-





New Water Tank and Tower, Kow-

Alteration to Taipo Market Station...




New Motor Trolley


Machinery for Workshops


New Carriages ...



Spares for Locomotives


$ 59,800



Total Increase

Deduct Decrease

$ 91.006 71,866

Total Decrease


Net Increase




Stipulated Increments New Post

Good Conduct Allowance...


Head 33.-Defence.



Personal Emoluments.







Other Charges.

Armoured Car & M/T section...`




Equipments for Engineer Co... Rifle Ranges expenses


Camp Expenses








W/T Lorry

2 D. P. Machine guns


Total Increase Deduct Decrease

Net Increase










Special Expenditure.

3,200 250

Machine & Lewis guns



4 W/T masts...










Total Decrease









Contribution to Imperial Govern-






Head 34.-Miscellaneous Services.


Bonuses for Interpreters


Coal for offices




Bungalows' caretaker



Entertainment of foreign sailors


Colonial Advisory Medical and Sani-

tary Committee...

Geological Survey




British Empire Leprosy Association.



League of Nations Health Organisa-


School of Oriental Studies

Newspapers & periodicals

Purchase & upkeep of typewriters......

Rent allowances

Rent of public telephones

Lower exchange

Cancer Research fund



Imperial Bureau of Entomology



Imperial Institute





S. P. C. A....



Printing and binding



Rent of offices






Bathing beaches




Furniture for offices...

District Watchmen's fund Hok Hoi library

Motor cars and lorries






Purchase of motor cars


Total Increase

.$ 19,772

Total Decrease Deduct Increase


$ 102,887


Net Decrease



Allowances granted, allocated...

Allowances granted, unallocated

Head 35.-Charitable Services.



Allowances ceased Strangers Home for Asiatics


3,943 97

Lower Exchange


Total Increase



Deduct Decrease


Total Decrease



Net Increase



Lower Exchange

Total Increase


Head 36.-Public Debt.



Head 37.-Pensions.

Civil Pensions

Police Pensions...




Widows' and Orphans' Pensions


Lower Exchange


Total Increase






Total Estimate for 1926

Total Estimate for 1927

Total Decrease



.$ 1,475,913


Personal Emoluments:

Personal Emoluments :-

Stipulated Increments


Reduction on New Appointments... $


Increase of Salaries


Abolition of Posts..


New Posts


Good Conduct Allowances


Good Conduct Allowances


Language Allowances...


Language Allowances


Rent Allowances


Rent Allowances


Personal and Other Allowances


Personal and Other Allowances


Error in 1926 Estimates



Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve


Other Charges


Other Charges


Special Expenditure


Special Expenditure.....


Public Works Extraordinary


Public Works Recurrent......


Military Contribution


Charitable Services


Miscellaneous Services


Charge on Account of Public Debt...




Total Increase

...$ 1,699,706

Total Decrease

Deduct Increase

Net Decrease

... $3,175,619


...$ 1,475,913




6 No. 1926


Laid before the Legislative Council by Command of His Excellency the Governor on the 27th May, 1926.

1. The Committee have considered the recommendations of the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade submitted to them by the Government and have the honour to present their report upon those steps to improve the fire fighting organization of the Colony which in their opinion should be undertaken. They would however point out that the time at their disposal precluded in most cases an exhaustive examination of minute detail. This report refers solely to urban and sub-urban districts, and does not consider the rural districts, such as Repulse Bay, although in such localities fire fighting organi- zation must receive consideration in the future.

The subject appears to fall into four broad sections, - Personnel, Equipment, Con- struction, and Legislation,--but, as all these points are to a large extent interdepen- dent, in any new measure of improvement, the closest co-relation must be maintained. between the various branches of work.


2. The Committee are of the opinion that the most vital requirements to be served and the most immediate measures to be taken are in connection with Personnel. In their opinion an immediate increase is desirable both of European and Chinese staff, as at present not only are the conditions of service rendered too irksome by the shortage, but a great deal of really necessary work cannot be carried out at all.

(a) As regards the European contingent,--and herein the recommendations only consider the existence of appliances and accommodation at present available,—the Committee advise the further engagements of 1 Inspection Officer, at an initial salary of £320 and 3 Sub-Officers at an initial salary of £220. As soon as accommodation is available, yet another additional officer should be engaged-if possible, a retired Naval rating-whose duties should be primarily on the fire floats.

(b) As regards the Chinese staff, the Committee are of opinion that the present shortage of recruits is due almost entirely to the conditions of service and they are confident, that, with the introduction of the "shift" system with its consequent increase of leave, the Chinese personnel can be raised to its proper number. This they consider to be 120 firemen, and they should be engaged as soon as accommodation is available. At present it is understood that only 100 men can be accommodated, and this number should be obtained at once. This increase will enable the shift system, already referred to, to be instituted. It should moreover be clearly understood that any firemen, loaned permanently to such buildings as hotels and theatres, should be recruited in addition to the above figures, which are regarded as the minimum required. These supernumeraries should be paid through the Fire Brigade office by the persons employing them. No particular recommendations are made as regards Firemen's pay, but it is strongly considered that all engagements should be on a three years agreement to avoid constant changes in personnel.

(c) As regards the position of the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade, it is considered that an officer should be engaged who would be able to take over complete adminis- trative and technical control of the Brigade, and it is suggested that an Ex-Naval Officer


with fire fighting experience should, if possible, be appointed at a salary of £700 to £900. Until this can be arranged, the present conditions should continue, save that it should be clearly understood that at a fire the Superintendent must be in entire control of the fire-fighting. With regard to this latter officer's salary, no recommenda- tions are made except that his increments should be fixed hereafter at £20 annually.


3.-(a) Generally the Committee are satisfied with the present Equipment, but they consider that a fully qualified European mechanical engineer should be engaged to look after the valuable machinery and equipment of the Fire Brigade.

(b) Hongkong and Kowloon should be regarded as entirely separate districts. It should however be kept in mind, if and when provision of a trans-harbour vehicular Ferry is being considered, that in cases of urgency, it might be desirable to bring appliances from one side to the other.

(c) The No. 2 Fire Float should at present be retained, but the possibility of acquir- ing a Motor Float in the place of this should be kept in view.

(d) The No. 1 Tender in Hongkong and the No. 2 Pump in Kowloon should be replaced at once, and two A. J. S. Machines, with the usual first-aid and fire appliances, should forthwith be supplied for use on the Peak.

(e) When the increase of station accommodation becomes an accomplished fact, it is considered absolutely necessary that each Main Station should house at least two appliances and each Sub-station at least one.


4. The question of Construction, which includes not only the erection of Stations, but the provision and control of Mains, and the system of fire installations in private buildings, was considered by a technical sub-committee consisting of the Hon. Director of Public Works, the Hon. Mr. H. W. Bird, and Major Wyncoll. Their report is so detailed and informative that the Committee think it advisable to include it in full as Enclosure 1 to the general report, and recommend that it should be used as a basis for consideration when work of this description is actually taken in hand.

(a) The following broad principles, which clearly emerge, should however be stressed. The increase in the European personnel will only be effective if it provides an officer or officers with ample time, not only to inspect and test from time to time all private" installations, but also to devote attention to the staffs thereof, (where they are in any measure permanent), in efficient operating. This officer should also be available. for the inspection of the actual installation of fire fighting appliances.

(b) In view of the fact that buildings erected previously to the passing of the Public Health and Buildings Ordinance cannot at present legally be controlled in this respect, the utmost care should be taken to consider this question of private installations in all its bearings in connection with any future Legislation. That is to say, the report of the Construction" sub-committee and the report of the "Legislation" sub-committee, hereinafter given, should be read together for future guidance.

Generally the London County Council regulations should, as far as possible, be made to refer to all large new buildings in Hongkong and Kowloon, even to large Chinese Stores, where a considerable number of the Staff sleep on the premises. It is not considered economically practicable that they should be made to apply to Chinese tenement houses, but in these every effort should be made to encourage the erection of concrete staircases rather than the present wooden ones which are a serious source of danger in case of fire

(e) All Ship-building yards and Oil Installations should be required to have private fire-fighting systems, and the regulations existing for the construction of Oil Installations should be strictly carried out.

(d) The immediate erection of a Main Station and Headquarters in Kowloon at the junction of Prince Edward Road and Coronation Road is recommended. If this is not



practicable, this site should be ear-marked for the purpose. The erection of two sub- stations in Victoria is also recommended, one near the Lee Garden and one in the Western District, if possible near the Sailors' Home. A small sub-station near the Tai Koo Dock at Shaukiwan is also recommended.

(e) With regard to Mains, the Committee consider it vital that the installation of the new 15" mains should be pressed on with all speed, and that all mains of less than 6" diameter should be at once replaced by 6" mains. This will, in all probability, render unnecessary the large and costly scheme of salt water fire mains at present adumbrated : but attention is drawn to the more economical scheme suggested by Mr. Henderson, Public Works Department (see Enclosure I). The Committee are however informed that the annual consumption of fresh water for fire purposes is less than one thirtieth of a normal day's consumption. They also stress the vital importance of close co-operation between the Fire Brigade and the Water Works sub-department of the Public Works Department.

(f) Attention is drawn also to the desirability of the erection of further pedestal hydrants and the installation of additional fire alarms. It is also recommended that the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade should be in possession of daily information as to roads. and mains under repair or unavailable.


5. The question of Legislation has been dealt with by a Sub-Committee consisting of the Hon. Sir Henry E. Pollock, K.c. and Hon. Mr. R. H. Kotewall, LL.D. The necessity of the provision of legislation to compel the proper installation of the fire systems in private buildings of certain classes is stressed. Existing regulations also need tightening up and being made more precise. The sub-committee's report is very detailed, and is shown in full as Enclosure II.

C. C. LUARD, Chairman.











Enclosure I.

Report of the Sub-Committee appointed to consider paragraphs 6, 8 and 11 of the Report of the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade dated 30th March, 1926.

I.-Inspection of Premises.

With regard to paragraph 6-Inspection of Premises-the Sub-Committee confines itself to advising on steps to be taken to ensure a more thorough and satisfactory inspection of all fire installations.

Under section 149 of the Public Health and Buildings Ordinance (Ordinance No. 1 of 1903) every building must be provided on every storey, the floor of which is more.


than 40 feet above the level of the street, with such means of escape in cases of fire as the Building Authority may reasonably require, and any means of escape so provided must be maintained by the owner to the satisfaction of the Building Authority.

The requirements of this section are carried out. When building plans are received, if there are storeys more than 40 feet above the level of the street, the plans are referred to the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade, who in addition to the fire escape requirements under section 149 of the Public Health and Buildings Ordinance, advises on further precautions, if any, which-in view of the nature of the building and the use to which it is to be put-should be insisted on, such as rising mains, and, if necessary, force pumps when the pressure would otherwise not be sufficient on the upper floors.

The Sub-Committee considers that, when officers are available, efforts should be made to instruct the staffs of large buildings in the use of the Fire appliances in those buildings. The difficulty is that in most large business blocks there is no permanent staff. The buildings are rented as offices to a large number of firms, and staffs are continually being changed. In buildings such as Banks and Clubs where there are permanent staffs, it has been found possible to give some kind of training in the use of fire appliances.

Outside connections for rising mains should be required where the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade considers such connections necessary, so that the Fire Brigade engines may be available to increase the pressure of these mains.

It is recommended that the London County Council Regulations should as far as possible be made to apply to all large new buildings in Hongkong and Kowloon. It is not proposed that they be applied to Chinese tenement houses, but large Chinese Stores where a considerable number of the staff sleep on the premises should be made to comply with those regulations as far as they were applicable.

The conditions which are attached to all Fire Service Installations are put up as Appendix "A" to this Report.

It is strongly recommended that a special officer be appointed to deal with the inspection of Fire Installations on new premises and the examination of existing instal- lations.

It is recommended that all shipbuilding yards and oil installations should be required to have private Fire Services.

A reservoir formed by surrounding walls is at present required to be provided around each oil tank, but each tank in some of the installations is not at present separated from the other tanks by a wall. We recommend that this requirement be enforced in these cases.

The oil companies have been asked to provide "Saform" and water sprinkler installations. The Police Department is refusing to issue licences under the Dangerous Goods Ordinance until these installations are provided.

The London County Council Regulations governing fire precautions in cinemas are enforced in the Colony as far as possible. The Hongkong regulations are attached to this Report as Appendix "B". *

In many new Chinese houses, even of recent construction, only one wooden staircase is provided for two houses. This greatly increases the danger in case of fire. The question of wooden staircases in Chinese tenement houses is one which should be seriously considered. The Sub-Committee is informed that most of the lives lost at fires are to be attributed to collapses of wooden staircases. Attempts have been made to introduce concrete staircases: there are some is new houses at Yaumati and in the Taikoo Chinese Quarters at Quarry Bay.

The Sub-Committee recommends that the construction of concrete staircases be encouraged.

* Not printed.



The Sub-Committee recommends the immediate erection of a Central Station at the junction of Prince Edward Road and Coronation Road. This is a most central location for Shamshuipo, Mong Kok and Yaumati, and if the station is not to be erected at pre- sent, this site should be reserved for this purpose. The erection of a sub-station at Hung Hom is also recommended.

With reference to the proposed Sub-stations on the Hongkong side, the Sub-Com- mittee considers that a Sub-station at East Point would for the present be more conve- nient than one at Bay View. The Chief Officer, Fire Brigade, agrees and it is recom- mended that two sub-stations be erected in Hongkong, one near the Lee Garden at East Point and one in the Western District, if possible somewhere near the Sailors Home. A small station is also required at Shaukiwan, near the Taikoo Dock.


In the case of large fires when additional pressure is required, the Brigade is entirely dependent on the Turncocks of the Waterworks Department. There is a European Officer of the Waterworks Department who is responsible for seeing that these Turn- cocks carry out their duties efficiently, but he is not always available as he has other duties to perform. It is recommended that two officers be detailed for this work, so that they could arrange for one to be always available, and that the allowance for such work be considerably increased. Direct telephone communication should be provided from the Central Fire Station to the Overseers' Quarters, both in Hongkong and Kow- loon.

The Sub-Committee further recommends that, when the new Fire Brigade men arrive, they should receive instruction under the Waterworks Sub-department so as to be able to assist in this work in case of emergency. In the meantime, a closer contact should be established between the Brigade and the Waterworks Sub-department, the details to be considered by officers of both branches.

The Sub-Committee would strongly urge on the Government the necessity for pressing on with the installation of the new 15" mains, and the replacing of all branch mains of less than 6" diameter by 6" pipes. This would obviate the necessity for a separate and very costly salt water supply for fire fighting purposes. Incidentally, it should be mentioned that the annual consumption of water for fire purposes is less than one-thirtieth of a normal day's total consumption. When the new mains are completed there should be ample pressure, and the service of Turn-cocks could be largely dispensed with.

With reference to the Chief Officer's recommendations for the installation of a special salt water main between the Central Market and the Naval Yard, in the event of the enlargement of the mains above referred to requiring further augmentation the Sub-Committee recommends the consideration of a suggestion by Mr. Henderson that connections be fitted along the Praya Wall, at say every alternate street, connecting with salt water mains to be laid as far as Queen's Road. The Fire Float could be used to pump the salt water into these mains, and, if necessary, the pressure could still be further increased by putting on the Fire engine pumps at the delivery end.

The Sub-Committee recommends that in addition to the work on the new mains, the erection of further pedestal hydrants and the installation of additional Fire Alarms be expedited.

A revised list of Public Works Department officers of the Buildings Ordinance, Waterworks, and Electrical Sub-departments, and the Shoring Contractors, with addresses and telephone numbers or nearest telephones is forwarded quarterly to the Hon. Captain Superintendent of Police for notification to all Police Stations, to be used in any case of emergency. It is recommended that two copies of this list be supplied quarterly to the Superintendent, Fire Brigade, for Hongkong and Kowloon.


The Sub-Committee further recommends that the Chief Officer and Superintendent of the Fire Brigade be furnished daily with a list of roads under repair, or in which trenches are open, and a list of water mains which are being relayed, or are temporarily out of action.

4th May, 1926.




Appendix "A" to Enclosure I.

Conditions attached to Fire Service Installations.

(a) Any valves enabling water to be drawn from the fire service to be sealed by the Water Authority. Any such seal to be broken only in case of an outbreak of fire within the......

(b) The breaking of any such seal to be immediately reported to the Water Works Department.

(c) Any future alterations required in the fire service to be made by the Waterworks Department and any accessories which the Water Authority may consider necessary to be provided. The entire cost of such alterations and accessories to be defrayed by you and to be paid into the Treasury on demand.

(d) The cost of any repairs which may from time to time in the opinion of the Water Authority, be necessary to maintain the service, etc., in an efficient condition to be similarly defrayed by you.

(e) The sum of $.

per annum to be paid in advance into the Treasury

in respect of permission to retain the service.

(ƒ) The service to be subject to disconnection from the mains in the event of your .not complying with any one of the foregoing conditions or ceasing to occupy the building. No refund or compensation to be paid in the event of the service being disconnected.

Appendix "B" to Enclosure I.

Public Entertainment Regulations Ordinance, 1919, (No. 22 of 1919), and the following Regulations thereunder :-

Gazette of 7th November, 1919, Government Notification No. 518.

19th February, 1920,





21st January,






27th May,





Enclosure II.

Report of the Sub-Committee of Legislation.

I. We have had specially referred to us paragraph 16 of the minute of the Chief Officer, Fire Brigade.

II. As regards the first point which he raises, namely the amendment of section 4 (1) of Ordinance 20 of 1923, we concur generally that legislation should be made suffi- ciently strict to ensure the adequate maintenance of discipline.

III. As regards the further legislation suggested by the Chief Officer, Fire Brigade, we quite agree that the owners of high buildings, five storeys and over, owe a duty not only to themselves but also to the owners of adjacent buildings in regard to the provision of adequate fire-fighting apparatus.

We agree also that measures regarding fire-escapes, auxiliary pumps, general fire service, and outside connections (to enable Fire Brigade appliances to increase the pres- sure in the fire-mains in a building by attaching the motor-pumps to the connections outside the building) should be made compulsory by legislation, and that such legislation should be made applicable, as far as practicable, to old as well as to new buildings.

IV. The provision of adequate systems of fire-alarms also seems to require attention.

V. Whilst dealing with the subject of legislation relating to Fires, we have deemed it advisable to go through Mr. Dyer Ball's new edition of the Regulations of Hongkong, for the purpose of seeing whether we would detect any deficiencies in the existing regu lations; the following comments occur to us :—

(1) It is useless to require hoses, etc., to be supplied unless they are inspected and tested at regular intervals by some competent officer of the Fire Brigade to show, for instance, not merely that such hoses are apparently in good order, but also that they are strong enough to bear water being forced through them at a high pressure in order to get to the top of a high building.

(2) We understand that, in fact, certain fire-fighting appliances have been installed in certain buildings with the approval of the Authorities, and sealed up. Unless the seals are at specified intervals broken, subject to the approval of the Chief Officer, Fire Brigade, and the apparatus subjected to full testing to the satisfaction of the Chief Officer, or his deputy, just as if there were an actual fire in the building, it may be found that when a fire occurs such apparatus is defective, with disastrous results not only to the building in question, but also to the adjacent buildings. We therefore suggest that legislation to cover (1) and (2) might be conveniently inserted in the Fire Brigade Ordi- nance, 1923.

(3) It has occurred to us that legislation may be desirable to deal with risks of

fires in restaurants or in chemists' stores.

(4) Another point which seems to be worth inquiring into is in connection with oil-tanks, namely, whether the Regulations (in Part VII at pages 50 to 56 of Mr. Dyer Ball's Edition) are sufficient in all respects. In this connection the following comments occur to us:-

(i) Regulation 5 reads as follows:--

"An efficient fire service to the satisfaction of the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade shall be provided in each installation, and the employees shall be instructed periodically in the use of the various appliances."

What is meant by "periodically"? And by whom are such employees to be instructed? Ought not such instructions to be given by such an officer as is referred to in Regulation 11?


(ii) Regulation 6 reads as follows:--

'An adequate supply of sand or dry earth shall always be kept ready for immediate use in an installation or storage shed for the purpose of extinguishing fire."

What is meant by "adequate ", and who is to judge of the adequacy, and at what intervals of time? Are there not other fire-extin- guishing substances, such as "Foamite", which ought to be taken into consideration?

(iii) In Regulation 11, ought not "either of them" to be substituted for


(iv) Regulation 18 reads as follows:---

"Each tank or group of tanks shall be surrounded by a wall or embankment of substantial construction, or shall be partially sunk in an excavation."

Are the words "substantial construction" precise enough, and who

is to be the judge of such substantiality?

Are the words "partially sunk" sufficiently precise, c.g., would a sinking of 6 inches be considered sufficient? Such a sinking would seem to comply with the strict letter of the law.

It is suggested that some words be added to Regulation 18 to ensure that the above matters be carried out subject to the satisfaction of some Government Authority.

(v) The Mixed Explosives Regulation (see Dyer Ball at pages 71 to 75)

also seems to invite some comment :-

(a) In the first place there seems to be no definition of "mixed explosives" either in Ordinance 1 of 1873 or in those Regulations.

(b) Regulation 19 reads as follows:-

"Explosives liable to deterioration shall be period- ically inspected, and any damaged material shall be at once removed from the store, and destroyed by some safe and suitable method."

What is meant by explosives "liable to deterioration"? What is meant by "periodically"? Who is to inspect? Who is to remove? Who is to destroy?

(c) Regulation 20 begins as follows:-

"The licensee must note that lighting fires or smoking

near the store is prohibited."


The above words "must note obviously require amend-


ment, and the word "near seems too vague.

VI. The Shanghai Municipal Council Regulations contains valuable suggestions. For instance, Regulation 19 (on page 14) contains a precedent which could easily be adapted for the purpose of the legislation suggested in paragraph III supra. Also it includes a provision for the putting of a storage tank or tanks on buildings exceeding 75 feet in height.

VII. Another point occurs to us, namely, that legislation appears to be required in regard to the careless storing in offices or domestic tenements of cinema-films seeing that such films are of a highly inflammable nature, as is proved by 41 (2) of the Places of Public Entertainment Regulations (see Dyer Ball at page 778) which provides that, when cinematograph displays are being given, "the films shall be rolled off metal spools, and shall be kept in metal cases, and where the light used for projecting the pictures on the screen is other than electric-light, such light shall be ignited with an electric ignition with an electric ignition apparatus."

VIII. Generally, we suggest, that legislation be passed to give the Governor in Council power to make Regulations in regard to the prevention of, escape from, aud extinction of, fires.




No. 192





5th Quarterly Report ending 31st December, 1925.

CONTRACT No. 47 or 1922.

Laid before the Legislative Council by Command of His Excellency the Governor on the 26th February, 1926.

The Contractors for the New Fire Brigade Station have made satisfactory progress with the work during this quarter.

The whole of the concrete work is now complete with the exception of the ground floor, courtyard and one or two minor items such as channels to verandahs, etc.

Brickwork to all upper floors is practically complete and all the necessary bricks are on the site in readiness to complete the ground floor walls.

The stonework is now nearing completion and the masons are at present engaged in laying the last course round the building.

The door and window frames are being built in as the work proceeds and all window sashes and doors are at present stored on the job but cannot be hung until the Iron- mongery arrives from England.

The non-delivery of this Indent which was forwarded more than six months ago is very definitely and seriously retarding the progress of the work and therefore delaying the date of completion of the Contract, which cannot now, under any circumstances, be completed within the stipulated time.

The joiners are in readiness to lay the wood block floors to all offices but cannot do so until adequate protection can be obtained and all doors and windows shut.

As stated above this cannot be provided until the Ironmongery arrives from England.

30th January, 1926.


Director of Public Works.



5 1926




6th Quarterly Report ending 31st March, 1926.

CONTRACT No. 47 of 1924.

Laid before the Legislative Council by Command of His Excellency the Governor on the 22nd April, 1926.

The Contractors have made satisfactory progress, but the work has been seriously delayed as the ironmongery and sanitary goods did not arrive from England until the end of March.

The whole of the brickwork is now complete with the exception of several partitions on the ground floor.

The doors and sashes have been fixed to the three upper floors of the Des Vœux Road portion of the building and painterwork has been commenced.

Plasterwork has been carried out to the offices on the four upper floors to Connaught Road, joinerwork has been fixed and wood block floors are being laid. Painterwork has been commenced on the two upper floors.

The iron railings are being fixed to the courtyard and Connaught Road verandahs.

The granitework has been completed but still requires to be dressed down.

The soil and rain water goods are being fixed and this will allow work to proceed with the external plasterwork.

Owing to the adverse circumstances prevailing during the latter part of 1925, and the non-delivery of Indents from England, it has been impossible to complete the build- ing by 25th February which is the contract date for completion.

12th April, 1926.


Director of Public Works.





No. 1






7th Quarterly Report ending 30th June, 1926.

CONTRACT No. 47 of 1924.

The contractors have made fairly satisfactory progress with the work during this quarter.

The Des Voeux Road portion of the building is well advanced, and work is proceed- ing with the fittings in the native kitchens and sanitary blocks.

All the upper storeys to the Connaught Road portion of the building have been plastered, joinerwork fixed including glazing and ironmongery, floor tiles laid to the corridors, and work is being carried out on laying the wood block flooring, plumberwork, and fixing of sanitary goods.

l'ainterwork is being executed wherever possible as the various trades complete their work.

Concrete work is proceeding to the floors of the motor rooms over the lift wells, but the completion of the building is being delayed, as the lifts have not yet arrived from England.

The external plasterwork is nearing completion and work is being carried out on the fixing of rain water goods, cleaning the face brickwork and dressing down the granite work..

Tenders were received and a contract was let on 11th May to Messrs. Kin Lee & Co., to supply furniture and the special fittings for the laboratorics, while further tenders were received and were under consideration at the end of June, to supply furniture for the Offices of the various Departments to be accommodated in the building.

28th July, 1926.


Director of Public Works.




15 No. 1926


In 1920 the local branch of the British Medical Association raised the question of the fees charged in Government hospitals. Government replied that it did not propose to increase the fees.

In 1923 three local firms of medical practitioners again took up the matter stating that they considered that local doctors were subjected to unfair competition by the low rates charged in Government hospitals and more particularly by the fact that surgical operations were performed free in those hospitals. The matter was referred to the Secretary of State, who replied that "it appears to be the general practice in the Colonies for Government Civil Hospitals to afford treatment to the general public on the payment of certain fees,

These fees however are clearly intended to cover only the cost of maintenance, nursing attendance, etc., and are paid into the Government Chest as revenue derived from the Medical department, and no special effort seems to be made to avoid competition with private practitioners.

In view of this reply the Government informed the three firms that it was not prepared to establish a scale of special fees for operations in Government hospitals.

The matter was then taken up by the British Medical Association, London, and a copy of the following letter from the British Medical Association was forwarded by the Secretary of State for consideration.



429, STRAND,


22nd October, 1924.


I am instructed by the Dominions Committee of this Association to bring to your notice certain circumstances in connection with the Hospital Medical Service under the Hong Kong Government.

It is understood that the Hospital Medical Service is maintained by the Hong Kong Government for the purpose of supplying the medical needs of Government servants and the poor and that those Hospitals are staffed by Medical Officers employed by the Government, and that private practitioners are debarred from attending or operating on their own patients in the Hospitals. Other patients, however, who do not belong to the Government Service and who are not in need of financial assistance to defray their medical expenses are also admitted for treatment and it happens that in many cases those admitted are not even residents of the Colony. The fees charged are :—

$8.00 per day for the 1st class.

$5.00 per day for the 2nd class.

$2.00 or $1.00 per day for the 3rd class.


These fees include not only Hospital maintenance but also medical, surgical and obstetric treatment, and drugs, whilst at the same time other Hospitals available in the Colony for the patients of private practitioners charge similar fees for maintenance only.

The result is that regardless of the financial position of the patient anyone, whether resident, transient or tourist, of whatever nationality, is admitted into the Government Hospital, and simply on payment of the approximate cost of board and lodging according to the class of room taken, receives free, all medical treatment, and anything that may be required in the way of operation, X-ray or obstetrical work, etc. In other words there is a considerable class of patients receiving from the Government medical and surgical treatment as a charity to which they are in no way entitled.

The Dominions Committee is therefore of the opinion that the private practitioners in the Colony are at a disadvantage in that their patients are freely admitted and treated by operation or otherwise in Government Hospitals by Government Medical Officers, or in other words that there is unfair competition.

The Committee would be glad if the Secretary of State would approach the Hong Kong Government in order to ascertain if it would not be possible for the Government Hospitals to charge fees for medical and surgical consultations and treatment given by the medical staff to all persons admitted to the hospital except those Government Ser- vants who are entitled by their contracts to free medical service and those members of the community who have not the means to pay for such services. Such fees should, of course, be approximately on the same scale as the fees charged by private practitioners. It is understood that arrangements on these lines are at present in force at the Govern- ment Hospitals in Singapore and the Dominions Committee sees no reason why a similar arrangement should not be set up in Hong Kong.

I am, etc.,



Deputy Medical Secretary.

Under Secretary of State for the Colonies,

Colonial Office,

Whitehall, S.W. 1.

In reply the following despatch was addressed to the Secretary of State.

No. 102.



HONG KONG, 11th March, 1925.

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch No. 359 of the 15th November with regard to the terms on which patients are admitted to Government Hospital in this Colony.

2. After careful consideration I have come to the conclusion that it would not be possible to work such a system as is suggested in the letter from the British Medical Association of the 22nd October, unless this Government definitely adopted the principle of allowing all medical officers the right of private practice. There is something to be said for the adoption of this principle as competition would reduce the very high fees charged by private practitioners here, but I do not think that the proposal would be regarded as satisfactory by the existing medical firms.

I have, etc.,

The Right Honourable

Lieutenant-Colonel L. C. M. S. AMERY, M.P.,




R. E. STUBBS, Governor, &c.




Copy of a further letter from the British Medical Association, London received from the Secretary of State.


British Medical Association House,


Tavistock Square, London, W.C. 1.

15th December, 1925.

I am instructed by the Dominions Committee of the British Medical Association to advert to my letters of the 22nd October, 1924, and 9th February last and Mr. Grindle's reply of May 5th (Reference No. 17833/25).

The Committee is advised that Sir R. Stubbs refused to receive a deputation from the general practitioners of Hong Kong who desired to explain their position and has never given them any facilities for laying their case before him. In these circum- stances the Committee is unable to concur in the statement that the matter has been carefully considered by the Colonial administration, and would request, in view of the recent change of Governor, that the question may be re-opened.

I am to emphasize the fact that the proposition with regard to the imposition of fees for medical and surgical consultations and treatment at the Government Hospitals to persons not entitled by their contracts to free medical service and unable to pay for such service was not necessarily meant to imply that such fees should pass to the Government medical officers concerned. The point would be fully met if they were credited to the ordinary revenue of the Hospitals.

As regards Sir R. Stubb's remark upon "the very high fees charged by private practitioners in the Colony" I am to add that the Committee has been advised of the ordinary level of fees in the Colony. It would appear that these fees are actually lower than those actually charged in Shanghai and Singapore and that in general they do not appear to be unduly high, having regard to the general level of fees in this country and the relative expenses of medical practice in Hong Kong and elsewhere.

I am, etc.,



Deputy Medical Secretary.

The Under Secretary of State for the Colonies,

Colonial Office, S.W. 1.

The whole matter was reconsidered by the Government and on 22nd October, 1926, the following despatch was sent in reply to the Secretary of State.

No. 435.


HONG KONG, 22nd October, 1926.


With reference to your despatch No. 462 of 28th December, 1925, on the subject of the terms on which patients are admitted to Government hospitals, I have the honour to state that the matter has been fully reconsidered since my predecessor's despatch No. 102 of 11th March, 1925, was written.


2. After consultation with the Principal Civil Medical Officer I have come to the conclusion that there is force in the contention of the British Medical Association that private medical practitioners in this. Colony are subjected to unfair competition in that a person would ordinarily prefer to enter a hospital, such as a Government hospital, where charges for maintenance only and not for medical treatment could be made rather than a private hospital where charges both for maintenance and for medical treatment by a private medical practitioner would be made.

3. It has therefore been decided that a new scale of charges, as set out in the Enclosure 1. enclosed copy of Government Notification No. 556 of 8th October, 1926, shall be substi- tuted for the present scale of charges which is shown in the enclosed copy of Govern- Enclosure 2. ment Notification No. 820 of 24th December, 1909, as from 1st January, 1927.

4. The chief points of difference between the present and the new scales are:-

(1) the charges for medical attendance at a rate of one-third of the maintenance rate in the case of 1st and 2nd class private patients: the Principal Civil Medical Officer is of opinion that this charge approximately equals the charge that private medical practitioners would make in ordinary cases;

(2) the fees charged for surgical operations and maternity cases.

5. It is considered that the Principal Civil Medical Officer should have discretionary power to waive the extra fees, in view of the fact that there is a class of person, who, whilst they can afford to pay 1st or 2nd class rates for maintenance, cannot afford to pay extra charges for medical attendance, surgical operations or maternity cases.

6. All fees with the exception of the consultants' fees will be paid into the ordinary revenue of the Colony.

7. The Government consultants referred to in the notification are the Professors of Surgery, Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Hong Kong. These professors have always been connected with the Government hospitals, though hitherto their exact status has not been clearly defined. The matter was discussed with the Vice- Chancellor who concurs in the present proposals affecting these professors.

8. The rates for maintenance at the Peak Hospital will remain the same as they are at present, namely $10 per diem for 1st class and $5 per diem for 2nd class patients. Patients at this hospital are attended at their own charges by their own doctors.

The Right Honourable

I have, etc.,

Lieutenant-Colonel L. C. M. S. AMERY, M.P.,






Governor, &c.,

Enclosures 1 and 2 in this despatch are appended below.



Enclosure No. 1.


No. 556. The scale of charges for medical treatment in the Government hos- pitals and asylums published in the Gazette on the 24th day of December, 1909, as Notification No. 820 is hereby cancelled and the following scales are substituted therefor, with effect from the 1st January, 1927.


Naval small-pox Patients.

Naval officers and men treated in Kennedy Town Hospital are charged $2 a day.

Other naval and military patients are charged in accordance with the following scale for other patients.

Private patients...




Scale of Charges.

(Asiatic on European diet)

(Asiatic not on European diet)..

European lunatics, landed from ships on consular or

ship's agent's guarantee

Asiatic lunatics, landed from ships on consular or ship's

agent's guarantee :-

(a) on European diet

(b) not on European diet...

Lunatics sent in by Board of Trade :---

(a) European and American..

(b) Asiatic





















Children under twelve years of age are charged at half the foregoing rates in each

Private patients other than Government or naval or military patients charged 1st or 2nd class daily rates for maintenance will be subject to the following additional charges:-

(1) For medical attendance, a charge at the rate of one third of the rate for



For surgical operations, such charge, not exceeding $300, as the Principal Civil Medical Officer shall think fit having regard to the nature of the operation.

(3) For maternity cases, charges of $100 and $75 respectively, in lieu of the

above charge for medical attendance.

(4) The Principal Civil Medical Officer will have discretionary power to waive ·

the additional fees.

Private patients in Government hospitals (other than the Peak Hospital) will be attended by Government Medical Officers.

If in the case of a private patient charged 1st or 2nd class daily rates a Government consultant is called in, either at the request of the patient or by arrangement between the patient and the Medical Officer, the amount of the consultant's fee shall be a matter for arrangement between the patient and the consultant.

Where an operation is performed by a consultant no charge will be made by the Government in respect of the operation.

Where a consultant is called in the usual charge for medical attendance by members of the hospital staff will in all cases be made.

Where in the opinion of the Principal Civil Medical Officer the patient's means are such that he is unable to pay the consultant's fee the consultant will take no charge.

Certificates.-A charge of $5 is made for all certificates in connection with the fitness or unfitness of patients or others to perform their duty and for invaliding certi- ficates, and $10 for certificates required by insurance companies, etc.











Private patients


Children under twelve years of age are charged at half the foregoing rates in each

Patients to make their own arrangements for medical attendance.

8th October, 1926.


Colonial Secretary.

(Extract from the Hong Kong Government Gazette No. 42 of the 8th October, 1926.)


Enclosure No. 2.


No. 820.-The scale of charges for medical treatment in the Government Hospi- tals and Asylums published in Government Notification No. 775 of the 3rd December, 1909, is hereby cancelled and the following scale is substituted therefor, with effect from 1st October, 1909.



Civil Officers, their Wives and Children.







Under $240 a year

From $240 to $420 a year




$480 to $660 a year


$720 to $900 a year


$960 to $1,200, (£96 to £130) a year.....





$1,320 to $1,560, (£131 to £160) a year

$1,680 to $2,040, (£161 to £200) a year





$2,160 to $2,700, (£201 to £270) a year




$2,701 to $2,990, (£271 to £299) a year




$3,000 and over, (£300 and over) a year.




European Police Inspectors who entered Government Service prior to 1st January, 1895, and their wives

Sanitary Inspectors who entered Government Service prior to

1st January, 1895, and their wives....

Indian Police, wives and children

.2nd Class, 70 Cents.

2nd Class, 70 Cents.

.3rd Class, 25 Cents.

Chinese Police

3rd Class, 14 Cents.

Children under 12 half price in each class.


Army Patients.

European Officers, their Wives and Children are charged in accordance with the scale for Civil Officers, etc.

European N.C.O. (rank of Sergeant and above)....3rd Class 80 cents.



(rank of Lance-Sergeant and

below) and Privates




Indian Officers.











Navy Patients.

Naval Officers and Men treated in Kennedy Town Hospital are charged $1.50 a day.

Private Patients



Other Patients.

(Asiatic on European diet).

(Asiatic not on European diet).

Seamen (European and American).

,, (Asiatic, sent in by Board of Trade)

















European lunatics landed from ships on Consular or ship's agents' guarantee are charged as 2nd class patients. Asiatic lunatics are charged as 3rd class patients in accordance with the foregoing scale.

Lunatics sent in by Board of Trade are charged in accordance with the rates for seamen given above.

Children under twelve years of age, half price in each class.

Patients are charged for all wines, spirits and malt liquors consumed, with the exception of brandy administered medicinally.

Certificates. A charge of $5 is made for all certificates in connection with fitness or unfitness of patients or others to perform their duty, and for invaliding certificates and $10 for certificates required by Insurance Companies, etc.


24th December, 1909.

F. H. MAY,

Colonial Secretary..








No. 1926


Laid before the Legislative Council by Command of His Excellency

the Governor, 8th March, 1926.






1. Jose Miguel Arnon, Tahn

Arthur, Thomɑ.


Austin, Reginald Bell, William Henry Bennett, Harold Sydney Bernard, Dallas Gerald


Birkett, Henry

Bonnar, John Whyte Cooper... Braga, José Pedro

Brayfield, Thomas Henry


Cameron, Allan

Cameron, Duncan Haywood... Compton, Albert Henry Coppin, Alan Griffiths Cousland, Alexander Stark

Dalglish Dowley, Walter Arthur. Dyer, Robert Morton.......

Ellis, Oswald Isaac Ferguson, Archibald Hill Fleming, John

Goggin, William George Grimble, Charles Frederick


Merchant, J. M. Alves & Co... On premises. Secretary, HK., C. & M. Steamboat Co.,


Marine Surveyor, Goddard and Douglas. Merchant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. Merchant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Manager, HK. Telephone Co., Ld................

Merchant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Broker, Moxon & Taylor....... Bill & Bullion Broker Reuter's Agent .............

Marine Surveyor, Carmichael & Clarke,


Oriental Manager, Canadian Pacific S.S.,


General Manager, Standard Oil Co.

Manager, D. Sassoon & Co., Ld... Exchange Broker


Manager, Alex. Ross & Co............. Exchange Broker

Chief Manager, HK. & Whampoa Dock


Manager, S. J. David & Co., Ld. Manager, Chartered Bank

Chartered Accountant, Lowe, Bingham &


Manager, Bank Line, Ld.

Ship Broker, George Grimble & Co.

.....Manager, E. D. Sassoon & Co.

Gubbay, Aaron Sassoon Hall, Frederick Charles................... Hancock, Herbert Richard


Rockhill, Sassoon Road, Pokfulum, ́ 71 The Peak. 351 The Peak.

Belvedere, The Peak. 118 The Peak.

117 The Peak. On premises. Hongkong Club. 37 Robinson Road.

Flywheel, Tai Po.

262 The Peak. Altadena, The Peak. Overbays, Repulse Bay.

4a Des Voeux Road Central.

Peak Hotel. Hongkong Hotel.

On premises.

6 Peak Road.

Charter House, 17 Peak Road.

171 The Peak.

163 The Peak.

10 Branksome Towers,

9 Macdonuell Road.

Merchant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... 507 The Peak.

Broker, Stewart Bros.

Cheltondale, 286 The Peak.




Ho Kom-tong Hogg, George.........

Hughes, John Owen Humphreys, Henry Hynes, Arthur Cecil Joseph, Joseph Edgar

Lammert, Herbert Alexander. Lauder, Paul

Little, Colbourne

Logan, William

Marsh, Francis Richard. Miskin, Geoffrey Pang Siu-hang

Parkinson, Harold Edgar

Pattenden, Walter Leslie Pearce, Thomas Ernest........ Perry, Frederick Arthur Plummer, John Archibald........ Pui Tso-yi (T. Y. Pei)... Rocha, João Maria da Rodgers, Robert.... Russell, Donald Oscar Seth, John Hennessey.

Sheppard, John Oram

Silva-Netto, Antonio Ferreira

Batalha Sutherland, Robert

Taggart, James Harper... Templeton, David Tester, Percy .... Weall, Thomas Graham Wong Kam-fuk.............. Wong Kwong-tin..

Young, George Macdonald


Manager, International Banking Corpora-


Principal, Harry Wicking & Co. Merchant, J. D. Humphreys & Son Manager, HK. & Shanghai Bank Merchant, J. E. Joseph

Stock Broker, Geo. & H. A. Lammert General Manager, Union Ince, Socty. of

Canton, Ld.

Principal, Little, Adams & Wood Broker, W. Logan & Co.

Electrical Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Director, Gilman & Co., Ld.

Managing Director, Gande, Price & Co.


Departmental Manager, British American

Tobacco Co.

Merchant, W. R. Loxley & Co. Merchant, J. D. Hutchison & Co.

7 Caine Road.

408 Severn Road, The Peak. 175 The Peak. Alexandra Buildings. On premises. Hongkong Hotel. Repulse Bay Hotel.

On premises.

14 Humphreys Building, Kowloon. Peak Hotel. 253 The Peak. On premises.

8 Queen's Road.

250 The Peak.

7 Mountain View. 299 The Peak.

515 The Peak. On premises.

Merchant, British American Tobacco Co. 250 The Peak. Merchant, Bradley & Co., Ld. Manager, Bank of China, Ld...... Merchant, J. M. da Rocha & Co. Exchange Broker..

Merchant, W. R. Loxley & Co.

Incorporated Accountant, Percy Smith,

Seth & Fleming

Struthers & Barry

Merchant, Silva-Netto & Co.

Shipping Manager, Jardine, Matheson

& Co., Ld.


Managing Director, Hongkong Hotel Manager, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Share Broker, Tester & Abraham Merchant, Dodwell & Co., Ld............ Compradore, HK. & K. W. & G. Co., Ld, Secretary, Kai Tak Land Investment

Co., Ld.....

Manager, Butterfield & Swire...

3 Robinson Road. 137 The Peak. 371 The Peak.

2 Peak Road.

7 Queen's Gardens.

63 Robinson Road.

368 The Peak.

On premises.

On premises.

9 Stewart Terrace, Peak. 301 The Peak.

11 Arbuthnot Road.

38 Robinson Road.

350 The Peak.








Abbas, Abbib ........ Abbas, Abdul Hamid Abbas, Abdul Rahim.. Abbas, Sherriff. Abbas, Yacub..... Abbey, Douglas Abbott, Albert Stanley Abesser, Peter Ablong, Alfred Ernest Ablong, Arthur John..... Abraham, Albert Abraham, Edgar Shooker......

Abraham, Ezra

Abraham, Jon Macoyer.. Abraham, Reuben Ackber, John

Adal, Mohammed Yakub. Adam, James

Adams, Josiah Logan Adey, Frederic Stanworth..

Agabeg, Filomeno José......... Ahwec, George Alexander Ahwee, Henry William.......

Ainslie, Ernest James Alabaster, James Wilfred......

Alarakia, Ismail Mohamed Alarakia, Rhamatulla

Mahomed.......... Albarda, Hendrik Theodoor... Allan, David Joseph ................... Allemão, Henrique Maria...... Allen, Henry Alexander ......

Allison, Alfred

Allison, Alfred John

Alltree, Ernest

Clerk, Lowe, Bingham and Matthews... Secretary, Hongkong Club

Asst., HK. & K'loon W. & G. Co., Ld.... Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Godown Supt., Texas Co. Chartered Acct., Butterfield & Swire Manager, Kelly & Walsh, Ld Assistant, Transmarina Trading Co. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Overseer, HK. Electric Co., Ld.... Chief Clerk, HK. & China Gas Co. Exchange Broker, Grossman, Abraham

& Greensmith....

Broker, Tester & Abraham Head Foreman, Brossard Mopin & Co. Share Broker, Tester & Abraham Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co. Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Shipwright, HK. Whampoa Dock Co Civil Architect, Butterfield & Swire Assistant Manager, Holt's Wharf


Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Assistant, Der A. Wing & Co. (1923) Ld. Merchant, Colonial Commercial Engineer-

ing Co., Ld..................

Assistant, Lane, Crawford & Co. Asst., Union Ince. Society of Canton,


Clerk, Chartered Bank

Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co...... Accountant, Java-China-Japan Lijn Storekeeper, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Overseer, HK. Electric Co., Ld......... Reception Clerk, Hongkong & Shanghai

Hotels, Ltd.

Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld., Assistant, China Provident Loan and

Mortgage Co., Ld.

Asst., Dairy Farm I. & C. S. Co., Ld. Almeida, Apolinario Antonio d' Assistant, Fumigating & Disinfecting

Almeida, Carlos d'.. Almeida, Julio Hyndman d' Alvares, José Augusto de


Alves, Alberto Eduardo de


Alves, Alvaro Alvares Alves, Arthur Alvaro ...... Alves, Carlos Francisco Xavier Alves, Carlos Martinho de

Selavisa Alves, Darius Caesar Selavisa. Alves, Henrique Jose Alves, John Antonio Selavisa. Alves, Jose Lourenco..... Amery, Samuel Chant Paddon Andel, Alexander Willem Van Anderson, Charles Graham Anderson, Charles Peake Anderson, David Anderson, George Anderson, John Edgar Anderson, John Fraser


Bureau, Ld......

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.... Assistant, Standard Oil Co........

Clerk, HK. Development, Building and

Savings Society, Ld.

Assistant, Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Broker, Alvaro Alvares Alves Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Clerk, HK, & Shanghai Bank

Assist., Alvaro Alvares Alves Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Share Broker, H. Alves. Per pro., Hughes & Hough, Ld. Assistant Bookkeeper, Bradley & Co., Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard............. Manager, Holland China Trading Co. Assistant, Little Adams & Wood Architect, Palmer & Turner.......... Engineer, HK. & Whampoa Dock Co., Marine Surveyor, Anderson & Ashe Director, Anderson Music Co., Ld. Assistant Engineer, China Sugar Refining

Co., Ld.

59 Wanchai Road. 59 & 61 Wanchai Road. 10 Yiu Wah Street. 14 Leighton Hill Road. Gin Drinker's Bay. Hongkong Club. Hongkong Hotel.

4 Tung Hing Road, Kowloon. On premises.

49 Praya East, 2nd Floor. Gas Works, Hongkong.

86B Nathan Road, Kowloon. 55 Granville Road, Kowloon. On premises.

8 Torres Buildings, Kowloon. 28 Leighton Hill Road.

12 Jardine's Bazaar, 1st Floor. Kowloon Docks.

6 Branksome Towers, May Road. Windsor Lodge, Austin Avenue,


22 Staunton Street. 60 Des Vœux Road.

3B Orient Buildings. On premises.

On premises.

1 Cochrane Street.

21 Cochrane Street.

3 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon. Kowloon Docks.

48 Haiphong Road, 1st Floor.

4 Percival Street, Hongkong. 50cD Whitfield Road.

18 Armand Building, Kimberly Road. 2 Lower Albert Road.

Hulk Aldecoa, Yaumati Bay. 14 Cameron Road, Kowloon. 14 Salisbury Avenue, Kowloon.

21 Ashley Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

11 Macdonnell Road. Union Building. On premises.

91 Wong Nei Cheong Road.

13 Humphreys Avenue.

1 Carnarvon Building, Kowloon.

13 Humphreys Avenue, Kowloon.


8 Mosque Junction.

Quarry Bay.


Repulse Bay Hotel.

23 Kai Tack Bund.


Hongkong Hotel.


On premises.


8 Humphrey Buildings, Kowloon. 926 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

1 Moreton Terrace, Causeway Bay.






Anderson, Paul M.... Anderson, Thomas.... Anderson, William.....

Andrews, Arthur Albert Antioquia, Jose Bernabe. Antonio, Ernesto Antonio, Luiz Vietor.. Antoofieff, Innokenty


Arab, Abdul Rahman Mahomed Archbutt, Geoffrey Samuel Arculli, Abdul Kader el.......................] Arculli, Ebrahim el

Arculli, Omar el. Armstrong, William Arnaulphy, Carlos... Arnold, George Henry Arnold-Jones, Victor.. Arnold, Morris Hadrian Arnott, Thomas..

Arthur, George Duncan

MacPherson Arthur, George Duncan.... Arthur, William Gordohme Assumpção, Carlos d' Jr. Atkins, Albert Edward Atkinson, Clark Atwell, Richard

Au Kun-cho

Au Man-kwai Au Sui-min

Austin, David

Austin, Frank

Austin, Noel John.

Austin, William

* Avenell, George William Aziz, Abdul

American Milk Products Corporation...... Assistant, Union Trading Co., Ld. Managing Director, Anderson Music Co.,


Inspector, Peak Tramway & Co., Ld. Asst., HK. & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld.... Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld. Asst., HK, & Shanghai Bank..

Manager, The Asiatic Trading Corpn., Ld

Steno-typist, Toyo Kisen Kaisha Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld.. Merchant, Arculli & Sons Cashier, HK. Development, Building and

Savings Society, Ld.. Merchant, Arculli Bros. Engineer, China Light & Power. Asst., Gerin, Drevard & Co. Chief Accountant, Vacuum Oil Co. Asst., Arnhold & Co., Ltd.................... Electrical Engr., HK. Electric Co. Ld. Works Manager, Green Island Cement

Co., Ld.

Asst., Carmichael & Clarke......

Marine Surveyor, Carmichael & Clarke .... Thomas Cook & Son

Assistant, Botelho Bros.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Shipwright, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld. Manager, A Tack & Co.

Compradore, Leyseco China Co., Ld. Clerk, Holts Wharf

Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co....... Manager, S. J. David & Co., Ld....... Sub-Manager, Chartered Bank of I., A. & C. Engineer, Green Island Cement Asst., Lane, Crawford Ld. Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld.

On premises.

35 D'Aguilar Street, 2nd Floor.

Empress Lodge, Kowloon. Peak Tram Terminus. Kowloon Docks.

37 Granville Road, Kowloon. On premises.

Astor House Hotel. 5 Irving Street. Union Building.

3 Minden Avenue, Kowloon.

20 Leighton Hill Road. Ellenbud, Pokfulum. On premises. On premises.

7 Middle Road, Kowloon. Kingsclere, Kowloon. 120 Whitfield Road.

Cement Works, Kowloon.

10 Carnarvon Bldg, Kowloon. 11 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon. Nathan Road, Kowloon.

7 Hankow Road, Kowloon. On premises. Kowloon Docks.

On premises.

26 Des Voeux Road Cential. 16 Bonham Strand East.

25 Parkes St., Kowloon, 1st Floor. On premises. Peak Hotel. 376 The Peak.

33 Granville Road, Kowloon, Y. M. C. A., Kowloon.

5/2 Punjab Regt., Kowloon.


Backett, Sydney Harold Ernest. Backhouse, James Herbert ... Bagot, Frederick

Bagram, John Theophilus.... Baines, Leonard Baker, Albert John

Baker, George Henry

Baker, Samuel

Bakker, Andries......

Ballantyne, Donald Lindsay


Banner, Douglas Halbeard


Bannerman, George Henry


Baptista, Cezar Octavino Baptista, Joaquim.

Baptista, Marciano Francisco

de Paula

Assistant, Lane, Crawford & Co...... Director, J. H. Backhouse, Ld. Engineer, Green Island Cement Co., Ld... Broker

Manager, Russo-Asiatic Bank. Asst., W. R. Loxley & Co...... Secretary, Davis & Co.

Chief Engineer, China Sugar Refining

Co., Là.

Assistant, Transmarina Trading Co. ...... Assistant Manager, Equitable Eastern

Banking Corporation Asst., Butterfield & Swire

Electrical Engineer, Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, HK. & S'hai Bank Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld...

Assistant, Green Island Cement Co., Ld...

5 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon. Tregunter Mansions. Kingsclere Hotel, Kowloon. Marble Hall, Conduit Road. 402 The Peak,

13 Chatham Road, Kowloon. Prat Building, 2 Hart Avenue,


On premises. On premises.

2 Carnarvon Building, Kowloon. 31 Humphreys Buildings, Kowloon,

12 Tregunter Mansions. On premises.

4 St. Joseph's Terrace.

8 Caine Road.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.







Baptista, Rodolpho Deogenes.. Barber, Norman Charles Barbey, Gaston Charles

Barclay, Thomas Charles Baring, Ben

Barker, Paul England Barnes, Francis Henry Barradas, Arthur Oscar. Barradas, Duarte Augusto... Barradas, Fernando Augusto... Barradas, Vasco Maria Barrett, Ralph Garnier Browell Barretto, Alberto Demée Barretto, Frederico Alberto



Barretto, Frederico Francisco Barretto, José Conde....... Barretto, Julio Cecilio, Barros, Antão Vasques Barros, José Francisco d'Assis Barrow, John Edward

Barry, Frederick Charles Barry, Thomas Andrew...

Barton, Alan Lawson Berton, John Árnold.


Bassett, Leonard Basto, Antonio Hermenegildo. Basto, Carlos Henrique... Bateman, Robert Wallace Bateman, Thomas Baxter, William....... Baylis, Frank......

Beale, Norman Graville...

Beardall, Charles Henry Beck, Ernest Jacobsen Beck, Thomas........... Becker, Anicet .. Beliar, Jack

Bell, Edgar Charles

Bell, Robert Barr

Bell, William Denny Bellamy, Leonard Charles


Beltran, Maximiano Antonio... Beltrão, Manuel Roza Benjamin, Vivian.

Benson, Charles Henry... Benson, Oscar Rowan Bentley, Charles

Berg, Sverre

Bernardo, Joaquim Natividade Berry, Frank Claude Bestram, Albert Edward

Beten, Joseph ....

Beveridge, William

Bewick, Charles Wilkinson Biertz, Curs

Biggar, David MacDonald

Clerk, HK. & S'hai Bank Assistant, Bradley & Co., Ld..... Overseer, HK. Engineering & Construc-

tion Co., Ld.

Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Ld.' Manager, J. R. Michael & Co. Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld. Chief Clerk, Singer Sewing Machine Co.. Clerk, HK. & S'hai Bank Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. ... Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Clerk, Nederlandsch Indische Handelsbank Timekeeper, HK. & Whampoa Dock Co. Merchant, J. M, da Rocha & Co.

Clerk, Nederlandsch Indische


| Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co.

Broker, J. C. Barretto Clerk, Botelho Bros Bookkeeper, Bradley & Co., Ld. Cargo Supt.. Admiral Orient Line Assistant Engineer, China Light & Power

Co., Ld.

Accountant, HK. & Shanghai Hotels Ld.. Clerk, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth

& Co., Lư.


Assistant. Arnhold Bros. & Co., Ltd.. Asst. Butterfield & Swire Merchant, R. Basa Assistant, Wm. Powell, Ld. Architect, Raven & Basto Principal, Little, Adams & Wood Architect, Little Adams & Wood Storekeeper, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Consulting Engineer, D. A. Purves & Co. Superintendent, Sailors' Home Manager, General Electric Co., of

China, Ld.

Assistant, Mackintosh & Co., Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Assistant, T. E. Griffith, Ld. Assistant, Arnhold & Co, Ld

Partner, Odell & Behar.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld.......... Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard...

General Manager, HK. Tramways, Ld. Clerk, Green Island Cement Co., Ld............. Clerk, Messageries Maritimes Manager, J. R. Michael & Co. Manager, American Express Co. Manager, Carroll & Co.

Mercantile Assistant, Alex Ross & Co. Dept. Manager, Thoresen & Co. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Surveyor, Trollope & Colls (Far East) Ld. Butcher, Dairy Farm I. & C. S. Co., Ld... China Light & Power Co., (1918), Ld..... Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Asst., Lane, Crawford Ld....... Partner, Friedr. Wilh. Stosberg Erben Manager, Equitable Eastern Banking



On premises.

Lauriston, Bowen Road.

456 Nathan Road. On premises. Hongkong Hotel. 103 The Peak.

3. Lycemoon Villas, Kowloon. On premises. On premises. On premises.

St. Joseph Mansion. Kowloon Docks.

16 Chatham Road, Kowloon.

4 West View, Coronation Road.

4 West View, Kowloon.

2 St. Joseph's Mansion.

37 Mohsin Building, Kowloon. 2 Caine Road.

2 Coronation Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

18 Conduit Road.

26 West Terrace, Kowloon Docks. Hillcrest, 114 The Peak. Peak Hotel.

7 Queen's Road.

On premises.

28 Mody Road, Kowloon.

47 Granville Road.

16A Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises.

Y.M.C.A. Salisbury Road, Kowloon. Sailors' Home, West Point.

Hongkong Hotel.

School Quarters, Gordon Road. On premises.

6 Queen's Road Central.

21 Leighton Hill Road. King Edward Hotel. On premises. Quarry Bay. Quarry Bay.

358 Peak.

8 Fife Street, Mongkok, Kowloon. 7 Salisbury Avenue, Kowloon. Hongkong Hotel.

On premises.

7 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon. 22 Ashly Road, Kowloon. 12 Conduit Road.

6 Morrison Gap Road.

7 Jordon Road, Kowloon. 2 Lower Albert Road. Ou premises.

On premises.

229 Nathan Road, Kowloon. Astor House.







Billinghurst, Lewis Rhodes Bird, Alfred John Bird, George

Bitting, Samuel Tilden Black, Colin Charters

Black, Ernest David Blackburn, Leslie James Blackley, John

Blackmore, Ernest Wilfrid Blackwell, Philip William.. Blain, George

Blair, Kenneth George Blaker, Brian Oscar Blaker, Cedric Blakeslee, Austin Blankevoort, Jobannes

Blason, Charles Henry

Bliss, Arthur William Blansden, William James Blyth, Harry Henry Bond, Charles Bond, Charles Percy Bonnaud, Artisde Bonnerman, Paul Henri Borges, Jose Antonio..

Asst., Butterfield & Swire

Enidville Repulse Bay.

Sub-Acct., Chartered Bank of I., A. & C. Chartered Bank Mess.

Watchman, Taikoo Dockyard

Acct., International Bank

Member of Local Board, Furness

(Far East) Ld.

Asst., HK. & Shanghai Bauk

Engineer, HK. & China Gas Co.,

Quarry Bay. HK. Club.

Repulse Bay Hotel.

On premises.

Gas Works, Hongkong.

Butcher, Dairy Farm I. & C. S. Co., Ld. 2 Lower Albert Road.

Manager, Brossard, Mopin & Co. Asst., Butterfield & Swire

General Foreman, Trollope & Colls (Far

East), Ld.

Merchant, Messrs. Blair & Co....... Chartered Accountant, Thomson & Co.... Director, Gilman & Co.

Sub-Acct., International Bank

Overseer, Netherlands Harbour Works


Chartered Accountant, Butterfield &


Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Baker, Café Wiseman

Overseer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Manager, Gande, Price & Co., Ld. Pansman, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Accountant, Banque De L'Indo-Chine Cashier, Netherlands Handel Maatschappy Clerk, China Provident Loan and

Mortgage Co., Ld. ....

Assistant, John Manners & Co., Ld. ...Assistant, HK. Rope Mfg. Co., Ld.

Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Principal, Botelho Bros.

Botalor, Augustus Thomas Botelho, Alfredo Apollonio Botelho, Alvaro Alberto Botelho, Antonio Alexandrinho


Botelho, Augusto Cesar.......

Botelho, Eliseu Decio

Acting Secretary, Fumigating and Disin-

fecting Bureau, Ld.

Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank.

Botelho, Julio Cecilio de Sousa Assistant, Botelho Bros.

Botelho, Noe Ulysses

Bougon, Eloi

Boulton, Sydney

Bourne, John Philip

Bousfield, John Keith


Bowes-Smith, Aubrey Maurice

Bowker, Arthur Cecil Irvine] Boyle, Frauk.... Bradbury, Bertram Walter Bradford, George Preston.... Braga, Clement Albert Braga, Noel

Brameld, Thomas Brandel, Noach

Bratt, Charles Henry. Braun, Carl Luderig

Brearley, Alfred .................. Bredin, Walter Henry Brennan, Alfred Francis Bridger, John Petts Bridger, Richard Leslie.. Brister, John Henry Broadberry, Ernest Brockman, Allen Clark. Brodie, Edward Aitken.. Brook, Joshua

Brooks, Robert

Brostedt, Augustus

Assistant, Standard Oil Co.

Assistant. Banque De L'Indo-Chine Storekeeper, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Superintendent, HK. & Shanghai Hotels. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld....... Exchange Broker, A. M. Bowes-Smith... Assistant, Dodwell & Co.

Pansman, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Ld. Supt., Dairy Farm I. & C. S. Co., Ld. Agent, Struthers & Barry

Assistant, Holyoak Massey & Co. ...... Assistant, Shewan Tomes & Co. Principal, Little, Adams & Wood Secretary, Kino Brothers & Co., Ld. Assistant, Texas Co.

Asst., China Provident, Loan & Mortgage

Co., Ltd .


7 Broadwood Road. Peak Hotel.

Peninsular Hotel,

15A Macdonell Road. 172 The Peak. On premises. Hotel Metropole.

Tsat Sze Mui, North Point.

Shek O.

Kowloon Docks.

7 Jordon Road.

Ming Yneu Quarters.

5 Aimai Villas, Kowloon. On premises.

13A Macdonell Road. On premises.

2 Mosque Junction.

7 Queen's Road Central.

31 Granville Road, Kowloon.

I Saifee Terrace, Top Floor, K'loon. 35 Granville Road, Kowloon.

93 Wong Nei Chong Road. On premises.

339 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 1 St. Joseph's Terrace.

41 Humphreys Buildings, Hanoi Rd. On premises. On premises. On premises.

Prince's Buildings, 2nd Floor.

2 King's Park Building, Kowloon. On premises.

2 Lower Albert Road.

20 Humphreys Building, Kowloon. 37 Robinson Road. 37 Robinson Road. On premises On premises. Hongkong Club.

3 West View Bldg., Cornoration Rd.

On premises.

Accountant, Chartered Bank of I., A. & C. 360 The Peak. Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Asst., HK. Telephone Co., Ld.................. Asst., Com'cial Union Assee. Co., Ld. ... Managing Director, Lane, Crawford, Ld.. J. H. Brister

Asst., Wm. Powell, Ld. Sub-Acet.. International Bauk

Asst., Union Inee. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Marine Representative, Vacuum Oil Co... Asst., American Express Co.

Agent, Canadian National Railways

Knutsford Hotel, Kowloon. Hotel Metropole, Hongkong. On premises.

20 Peak Road.

On premises.

4 Stewart Terrace, Peak. On premises. 14 Shaukiwan Road. On premises. On premises.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.







* Brown, Andrew Walton Brown, Charles Bernard Brown, Charles William Brown, Edward Francis Brown, Capt. Frank Leader Brown, George Ernest Brown, James Walter Brown, John Coghill... Brown, Patrick

Brown, Raymond Arthur * Brown, William

Brown, William Herbert Brown, William Joseph. Brown, Wilson


Browne, Henry Davenport Browning, Douglas Meachan... * Bruce, Douglas Gordon...... Brun, Theodor

Buck, Arthur William....

Assistant, Lane, Crawford & Co., Ld....... Chartered Accountant, Linstead & Davis Assistant Manager, Taikoo Dockyard Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co....... Assistant, H. Skott & Co.

Boilermaker, HK. Whampoa Dock Co.... Assistant, Loxley & Co.

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire.... Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard

Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Hotels Ld. Acct., China Light & Power Co., Ld........ Coppersmith Joiner, HK. & Whampoa

Dock Co., Ld.......... Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co........ Asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.) Ld... Foreman, China Sugar Refining Co., Ld. Asst., China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld.....

Buckberrough, William Ross... Passenger Agent, Canadian Pacific S.S.

Budden, Albert George

Buh, Terence Christopher


Bulloch, James


Bungey, Alexander Philip Bunje, Carl.......................... Bunje, Henry Ferdinand Burgess, Herbert Charles...... Burling, William John Burn, George Andrew

Burns, Henry George


Bursley, Allan John Burton, Arthur Louis Lovelace

Burton, Edmund Merceron Bustard, Thomas Stokes. Butler, Richard

Butlin, Strathmore Tatham Butt, Abdullah

Butterfield, William Arthur Bux, Ali Mahomed

Bux, Noor Mahomed

Bux, Shick Elias

Bux, Sheik Omar

* Buxton, Henry Thomas.. Buys, Adriaan

Byrd, Benton Cole......


Tunnel Foreman, Sir W. G. Armstrong,

Whitworth & Co., Ld.

Asst., T. E. Griffith, Ld.......


Assistant, Dairy Farm I. & C. S. Co., Ld. Merchant, British American Tobacco Co. Assistant, H.M.H. Nemazee Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Acting Agent, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld.... Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Hotels Ld.... Wharfinger, Taikoo Sugar Refinery


Assistant, Butterfield & Swire................. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Wharfinger, HK. & K'loon W. & G. Co.,


Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Chartered Accountant, Thomas & Co. Assistant, HK. Amusements, Ld......

Chartered Accountant, Linstead & Davis. Assistant, Getz South China Trading Co. Chief Engineer, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Manager, Victoria Printing Press Clerk, International Bank Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, W. A. Hannibal & Co. Manager, Transmarina Trading Co. Manager, S. C. Development Syndicate...


4 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon. 176 The Peak. Quarry Bay.

331 Tavri Buildings, Kowloon. 16 Bowen Road. On premises.

6 Queen's Garden. Kowloon Docks.

Chinese Y. M. C. A.

St. George's House, Kennedy Road. Quarry Bay.

Ön premises.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

2 Great George Street.

Hongkong Club.

Kowloon Hotel.

Lai Muk Sui.

On premises.

Pokfulam Road.

300 The Peak.

22 Ice House Street. On premises. Peak Hotel.

Wild Dell, Wood Road, Kowloon. On premises.

Lauriston, 1 Bowen Road. On premises.

6 Aimai Villas, Kowloon. 31 Humphreys Buildings, Kowloon. 4A Des Voeux Road.

c/o H. W. Ray, lв East View

Buildings, Kowloon.

7 Prat Avenue, Kowloon. 99A High Street, West Point. On premises.

48 Praya East, 2nd floor. 177 Wanchai Road.

55 Jardine Bazaar.

55 Jardine's Bazaar, 1st Floor. Knutsford Hotel.

On premises.

13A Macdonnell Road.


Caird, Norman Andrew.

Cameron, Colin Shaw

Cameron, John James

Cameron, Ronald Vallance

Cameroo, Miya Ahmed

Camidge, Reginald Albert......

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard

Engineer, Green Island Cement Co., Ld.. Asst. Supt. Engr., Butterfield & Swire Assistant, Transmarina Trading Co. Sub-Accountant, Chartered Bank

12 Conduit Road. Quarry Bay.

2 Jordan Road, Kowloon. 16 Broadwood Road.

56 Nathan Road. Kowloon. Taipo.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Campbell, Neil

Campos, Henrique Maria Cappleman, Daniel Edwin Cario, Maurice Carlos, Cesar Villa.. Carmichael, Alexander Carroll, Anthony Henry Carroll, Francis George

Carroll, William Joseph Carson, Henry Laird Carvalho, Beltrão Lucas de Carvalho, Duarte Euterio de... Carvalho, Fernão Henrique de Carvalho, Guilherme Augusto


Carvalho, Gustavo Adolpho de Carvalho, Marcus Antonio de Carvalho, Octavio Arthur de Cassidy, Philip Stanley.... Castro, Albert Edward


Castro, Alfred Bonaparte


Castro, Autoine Piu

Castro, Egydio Maria


Castro, Frederick Augustine...

Castro, Henry Armando

Castro, Joaquim Telles

d'Almada e

Castro, José Francisco

Chalmers, James Calder

Chan Cham...

Chan Chee

Pansman, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co, Ld. Clerk, Chartered Bank of I. A. & C. Assistant, Standard Oil Co............ Assistant, Odell & Behar.... Clerk, Far East Oxygen Co., Ld. Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Broker, Carroll Bros.

Accountant, Sub-Manager, HK, & ·

Shanghai Bank Broker, Carroll Bros.

Asst., Davie, Boag & Co., Ld................ Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Clerk, P. M. N. da Silva..... Shipping Clerk, Andersen, Meyer & Co....

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Assistant, Botelho Bros. Assistant, Botelho Bros. Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank Merchant, J. D. Hutchison & Co.

On premises.

2 Prat Buildings, Kowloon. Hongkong Hotel.

14 Seymour Terrace.

107 Belchers Street, Kennedy Town. On premises.

49 Conduit Road.

On premises.

49 Conduit Road.

On premises.

339 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 33 Granville Road, Kowloon. 10 Ashley Road, Kowloon.

7 Austin Avenue, Kowloon. 14 Orient Building, Nathan Rd., K. 14 Orient Building, Nathan Rd., K., On premises.

30 The Peak.

Asst., Nederlandsch Indische Maatschappy On premises.

Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co.

Assistant, Standard Oil Co......

Assistant, HK. Rope Factory

Kowloon Docks.

44 Elgin Street.

44 Elgin Street.

Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... On premises. Assistant, Sander Wieler & Co.

Clerk, International Banking Corporation Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld.

Castro, José Maria d'Almada e¦ Assistant, The Bauk Line Lu.

Chan Chee-him Chan Chenk-ting

Chan Chew..... Chan Chi-fan

Chan Chi-keung.. Chan Chi-mau Chau Chiu-ting Chan Chuen-tso

Chan Chun-sang

Chan Chung-wai Chan Cou-ting Chan Fook

Chan Fook-chun.... Chan Fook-hong.

Chan, George David Chan Harr Chan Hongkey Chan Hung-ching

Chan Hung-yau

Chan Ip-man Chan Iu-key Chan Keng.... Chan, Kenneth Chan Ki-soon Chan Kwei-pun

Chan Kwok-cheong Chan Kwok-leung Chan Lap-chiu Chan Ling-hon Chan Man-kai..... Chan Mau-ping

Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard.......... Clerk, Kitting & Co..... Clerk, Gande, Price & Co., Ld Clerk, U. Rumjahn & Co.

Compradore, Nederlandsch Indische

Handels Bank

Merchant, Himly & Co.

Draftsman, Netherlands Harbour Works,


Assistant Store-keeper, Pathé Orient. Clerk, American Express Co. Assistant, A. G. Pile

Clerk, S. Moutrie & Co., Ld.

[Top floor.

10в Orient Buildings, Kowloon,

I Lyeemoon Villas. Kowloon On Fremises.

1 Lyeemoon Villas, Kowi..... Quarry Bay.

On premises.

3 Hollywood Road, 2nd floor. 2 Lower Mosque Terrace.

On premises.

32 Connaught Road Central.

68, Praya East, Ground floor.

48 Wellington Street, Top floor. On premises.

On premises.

6 Pilgrim Street, Kowloon.

Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Union Building.

Store-keeper, Pathe Orient

Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld.

Clerk, J. M. da Rocha & Co.

15 Tai Wong Street East, Top floor. 10в Kennedy Street.

13 St. Fraucis Yard.

Broker, General Electric Co., of China Ld. 250 Queen's Road West.

Clerk, Oriental Commercial Co. Assistant, Java-China-Japan Lijn Merchant, Sincere Co., Ld.

Manager, Oriental Overseas Co., Ld. ......

Asst., Union Tuce. Socty, of Canton, Ld... Clerk, Mackinnon Mackenzie & Co. Clerk, E. M. Hazeland & Gonella

Clerk, Admiral Orieut Liue................

Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Assistant, Bank of East Asia, Ld. Bookkeeper, American Express Co. Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Shipping Clerk, Texas Co......

Assistant, Trausmarina Trading Co., Ld. Accountant, Texas Co. Clerk, Connell Bros. Co.

Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co.

Asst. Compradore, Asia Banking Corpu..

66 Percival Street, 2nd floor.

75 High Street.

1 St. Stephen's Lane.

4 Rednaxela Terrace. Union Building.

On premises.

6 Elgin Street, 1st floor. 48 Wellington Street. 62A Bonhan Road. On premises. On premises. Union Building.

12 Wellington Street. St. Joseph's Buildings. 73 Wyndham Street.

16 Bonham Strand, West.

9 Wing Kut Street.

47 Robinson Road.








Chan Man-shing. Chan Man-sing

Chan On (Frances) Chan, Owen....

Chan Pin-shu Chan Ping-fai Chan Ping-san Chan Pui....... Chan Sek-yan

Chan Shin-tsuń Chan Shui-wa Chan Sum

Chan Tung-ting Chan Wai-chung Chan Wai-kuen Chan Wang-sang Chan Yat-fung

Chan Yat-san

Chan Yin-san

Chan Yu-sang Chan Yuk-kai...


Chancery, Charles Chang, Clifton Tse.... Chapman, James Brand... Chappell, Richard Hope Chatterton, Jesse

Chau Chiu-ngok Chau In-min Chau Kam-wing... Chau Kin-fan Chau Man-chi... Chau Man-hai....... Chau Ngan-ting Chau Pin-nan..... Chau Yick-kung. Chau Yue-teng Chen Chiu-wu Chen Tso-hsuen

Cheng Ching-po................

Cheng Chung........

Cheng Kwong

Cheng Lok-sang.

Cheng Ling

Cheng, Ramsay

Cheng Ton

Cheong Tak-chiu

Clerk, Mackinnon Mackenzie & Co. Clerk, China Provident Loan & Mortgage Co., Ld.................... Assistant, J. Ring Clerk, Snowman & Co.

Clerk, Sun Life Insce. Co., Ld. .................. Assist., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Chief Clerk, HK. Taxicab Co., Ld... Draftsman, Netherlands Harbour

Works, Ld................

Assistant, China Underwriters Ld........... Clerk, Adoll & Asfer

Compradore, Leyseco China Co., Ld...... Clerk, Mackinnon Mackenzie & Co. Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Clerk, Melchers & Co........ Assistant, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld. Broker, Ellis & Co.

Clerk, Reuter, Brockelmann & Co...... Assistant, N. Lazarus & Co. Foreman Optician, N. Lazarus Assistant, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld.

Assistant, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld............. Manager, Colonial Commercial Co. Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard Assistant, HK. & S'hai Bank. Asst. Acct., P. & O. Banking Corporation

Director, H. A. Castro & Co., Ld. Assistant, Raven & Basto

On premises.

6 Robinson Road.

12 Star Street, 2nd floor. 2 Mosque Terrace.

26 Lee Tung Street, 2nd floor. 33 Cooke Street, Hunghom. Un premises.

35 Des Voeux Road, Central.

76 Praya East, 2nd floor.

63 Des Voeux Road Central. 22 Whitfield Road, Causeway Bay. 14 Lee Tung Street, Wanchi. On premises. On premises.

255 Queen's Road, West.

26 Upper Spring Garden Street. 2 Moreton Terrace.

29 Wellington Street, 2nd floor. 218 Hollywood Road. 40 Pottinger Street.

26 Upper Spring Garden Street,

1st floor.

2 Lower Mosque Terrace. 166 Coronation Road, Kowloon. Quarry Bay. On premises.

European Y.M.C.A., Salisbury

Road, Kowloon,

10 Chiu Loong Street. 1 Hing Hon Road.

Freight Clerk, Struthers & Barry S.S. Ld. 30 Praya East.

Clerk, H. A. Castro & Co., Ld. Assistant, Chau Yue Teng Assistant, Chau Yue Teng

Compradore, P. & O. Banking Corpn. Draughtsman, John Moraes Clerk, Leyseco China Co. Proprietor

Clerk, Connell Bros. Co.

Assistant Manager, Industrial & Com-

mercial Bank

Shroff, Hongkong C. & M. Steamboat

Co., Ld.

Acting Sub-Acct., Ho Hong Bank, Ld....

Assitant, Furness (Far East), Ld. Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Assistant, Bank of East Asia, I. Clerk, Texas Co.

Clerk, Davie, Boag & Co., Ld. Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co.


Chesterton, Arthur James..... | Electric Engineer, The Marconi Interna-

Cheuk Kai-yeung

Cheung Chung-sing Cheung, Garch Cheung Hing-ying.. Cheung Hing-sang. Cheung Hok-chau Cheung Kam-sing

Cheung Kin-wai Cheung Li-cho Cheung Oil-man.... Cheung Ping-yuen..

tional Marine Communication Co., Ld. Clerk, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews Clerk, China Export-Import & Bank Co. Accountant, Dragon Motor Car Co. Assistant Broker, M. P. Lo...... Clerk, Connell Bros. Co. Assistant, Fung Tang.

Clerk, Passenger Dept., Canadian Pacific

Steamships, Ld.

Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld. Compradore, Arnhold & Co., Ld. Clerk, Mackinnon Mackenzie & Co. General Assist. Compradore Dept., The Asiatic Trading Corporation, Ld.

10 Chiu Long Street, 2nd floor.

33 Seymour Road.

19 Swatow Street.

2 Coronation Terrace.

48 Lascar Row, Lower, ground floor.

165 Shanghai Street.

33 Seymour Road.

67 Tsung Sau Tung Street.

46 Caine Road.

24 Peel Street.

5 Prince's Terrace (Ho Hong Bank


8 Shing Wong Street.

7 Lee Tung Street.

On premises.

312 Nathan Road.

On premises.

29 Gage Street.

1 Queen's Gardens. 38 Elgin Street. 11 Po Hing Fong.

20 Queen's Road, East. 36 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 57 Connaught Road, West. 8A Queen's Road Central.

125 Woosung Street, Kowloon. 44 Des Voeux Road Central. 20 Wellington Street. On premises.

10 Victoria Street, 1st floor.







Cheung Tat-chieu Cheung Ting-chiu Cheung Wing-po Cheung Wing-shing Cheung Yu-ming

Chichgar, Peshoton Rustom... Chi lu-tack

Childe, Edgar Ronald

Chin Fu-sun

Ching Hi-kwong..

Chin Keay

Chin Kwok-hing Chịu Chung

Chiu Kwan-chi Chiu Sik-kay Cho Chik-san Choa Man-chan

Choa Man-ping

Choa Po-yew

Chow Chi-nam Chow Kang-yan

Chow Ping-un Choy Sai-piu Christensen, Engelhardt Christoppes, Tenace Chu Po-yan.. Chuan, Yeo....

Chubb, Stanford Frank Chui Tack-nan

Chun Wing-kue. Chung Chi-nam

Chung Chun-sing Chung, Kenneth William Chung Kwok-king.. Chung Leong-cheun Chung, Wing Tso.... Chung Yau-lim Chung Ying-chui Chung Yiu-kwan

Church, Basil Hampden Church, Samuel Schriver Churn, Samuel Macomber... Claason, Hermaun

Clark, Douglas Edward. Clark, Frank Clark, John Caer Clark, Richard Ferguson

* Clark, Sydney Herbert

Clark, Walter Charles Clark, William George

Clarke, A. de Forrest

Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co. Asst. Compradore, Keller, Kern & Co., Ld. Assistant Cashier, Bank of Canton, Ld.... Assistant, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld. Assistant, Donnelly & Whyte.... Manager, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld... Accountant, H. A. Castro & Co. Ld.... Asst., China Underwriters, Ld. Broker, China Export-Import & Bank Co. Clerk, Reuter, Brockelmann & Co. Assistant Compradore, Admiral Line Clerk, M. P. Lo

Asst., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Assistant, A. G. Hewlitt & Sui..... Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Clerk, P. & O. Banking Corporation. Asst. Compradore, Netherlands India

Commercial Bank

Compradore, Equitable Eastern Banking


Compradore, Nederlandish Indische Com-

mercial Bank

Assistant, Bank of East Asia, Ld. Compradore, Getz South China Trading Co. Assistant, Pittendrigh Rumjahn & Co.... Asst., China Underwriters, Ld. Assistant, Chas E. Richardson Assistant, T. E. Griffith, Ld. Assistant, A. C. Franklin

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. Engineer, Shewan, Tomes & Co....... Assistant, Keller, Kern & Co., Ld...... Compradore, Douglas S.S. Co. Compradore, HK. Excavation, Pile

Driving & Construction Co., Ld................ Clerk, South British Ince. Co., Ld. Stenographer, Admiral Line Clerk, Pat hé-Orient

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld. Compradore, Keller, Kern & Co., Ld. Clerk, P. &. O. Banking Corporation... Clerk, Keller, Kern & Co., Ld..................... Draughtsman, John Moraes.... Draughtsman, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Sub-Accountant, International Bank Merchant, Union Trading Co., Ld. Assistant, Siemssen & Co.

Merchant, J. D. Humphreys & Son Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard Architect

Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refinery



Asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.), Ld. Asst. Engineer, HK. Telephone Co., Ld. Storekeeper, Taikoo Dockyard Sub-Manager, Repulse Bay Hotel

Clarke, Donald Clifton de F... Merchant, British America Tobacco

Clarke, Ernest Blears

Cleese, Reginald Francis

* Cleland, Henry Rennie

McPhail Clelland, James

Clemo, Alfred Bertram

Clemo, Frederick Charles......

Clerk, Walter James

Co., Ld..

Mercantile Asst., Jardine, Matheson &

Co., Ld.

Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld..

Accountant, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews Shipwright, HK. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ed.

Book-keeper, China Light & Power Co... Superintendent, China Light & Power

Co., Là.

Assistant, HK, & Shanghai Bank


29 Gage Street. 8 Staunton Street. 35 Robinson Road.

6 Polo Street, Tai Hang. 73 Belcher St., Kennedy Town. Hongkong Hotel. On premises.

Lauriston, Bowen Road. 10 Tung Street, 1st floor.

26 Possession Street, 2nd floor.

2 Burrows St., 1st floor, Wanchai, 59, Hollywood Road,

10 Peel Street, 2nd floor.

6 Park Road, Ground floor. On premises.

4 Gresson Street,

On premises.

47 Robinson Road.

21 Seymour Road, On premises.

13 Shelly Street.

9 Tai Ping Shan Street.

50 Queen's Road East, 1st floor. 1 Kimberley Villas, Kowloon. On premises.

8 Arbuthnot Road.

5 Prince Terrace, 2nd floor. On premises.

1 Lee Tung Street.

14, 16, 18 D'Aguilar Street.

315 Queen's Road Central, 2nd floor. On premises.

34 Ice House Street.

4 Robinson Road.

On premises. Wanchai.

15 Praya East.

3 Ship Street.

501 Shanghai St., Yaumati, 2nd fl. Kowloon Docks.

4 Queen's Gardens.

53 Conduit Road.

7 Felix Villas, Mount Davis Road. Alexandra Buildings. Quarry Bay.

Chatham Path, May Road.

On premises.

On premises.

1 Fung Tai Terrace,

Quarry Bay.

On premises.

Metropole Hotel.

369 The Peak, On premises.

Peak Hotel.

Kowloon Docks. On premises.

On premises. On premises.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Clewes, Frank

Clow, Donald

Coates, Alfred Edward

Cobb, Arthur Henry Kingston Cock, Edward.....

Cockey, Charles Edwin.. Cockram, William

Coelho, Alvaro José

Cole, Walter

Coleman, Frederick Charles

Collaço, Francisco Cecilio

Collaco, Maximiamo Antonio Collasius, Walter


* Collis, John Richard Collison, Benjamin Noel Comrie, Richard Conrad Conant, Harold Abbott Rand. Concannon, Michael Patrick... Conceição, Valeriano Conraad, Adriaan Cook, James Henderson Cook, Sidney Courtney

Cooke, Cyril Ian............... Cooke, Edmund James Cooke, Frank Lewis Cooke, Gordon Maurice.. Cooper, Arthur John ................ Cooper, Dossabhoy Hormasjee Cooper, Hugh Glen Cooper, Ralph Allan Cordeiro, Luiz Gonzaga Cordeiro, Procopio Antonio Corley, John Robert Fulton Cornaby, William Basil Cornell, William Arthur Corver, John Henry Cossart, Louis Auguste

Costa, Isidoro Maria

Costa, Lourenço Antonio da ... Cotton, Charles Henry Courtney, Frank McDougall... Cousins, Ralph Hutchison Cox, Albert Rowland Cox, William Mitchell Coxon, Raymond Ernest Craig, Archibald Craig, Charles Hubert Crapnell, Frederick Harry

Crawford, Alexander..... Crawford, Frank Malcolm. Crawford, John Douglas


Crichton, William Crofton, Christopher

Crookdake, Jonathan...... Crossley, Frederick Joseph

Croucher, Noel Victor Amor...

Crowley, Bernard

Crush, Frank Charles

Cruz, João Maria

Architect, Leigh & Orange Inspector, HK. Tramways Co., Ld. Clerk, HK. Tramway Co., Lil. Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Asst. Manager, HK. Whampoa Dock Co.. Sub-Acct., International Banking Corpn. Draughtsman, HK. Whampoa Dock Co.. Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, Davie, Boag & Co., Ld............. Electrician, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank........... Interpreter, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld. Assistant, Bornemann & Co. Assistant, Bank Line, Ld,


On premises.

Homeville, Wanchai Road. 2A Orient Building, Kowloon. On premises. Kowloon Docks. Hotel Metropole. Kowloon Docks.

23 Ming Yuen Quarters. On premises.

Kowloon Docks.

On premises.

14 Tung Hing Street, Kowloon. 180 The Peak.

Hongkong Club.

514 The Peak.

14 Kennedy Road. On premises. York Building,

Accountant, HK. & China Gas Co., Ld... Gas Works, Hongkong. Assistant, Standard Oil Co........ Asst., Standard Oil Co., of New York Assistant, Holyoak, Massey & Co., Ld.... Assistant, Transmarina Trading Co. Assistant, Java-China-Japan Lijn Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Secretary, HK. Engineering & Construc-

tion Co.

Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Broker, Carroll Bros.

Proprietor, Kowloon Hotel Manager, Kowloon Hotel

Asst. Cashier, American Express Co..... Broker, M. J. Patell......

Shipbuilder, HK, Whampoa Dock Co. Manager, N. Lazarus & Co. Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank. Clerk, Palmer & Turner

Sub-Acct., Chartered Bank of I., A. & C. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. . Architect, Palmer & Turner Engineer, HK. Excavation Co., Ld.

Chief Accountant, Asiatic Petroleum

Co., Ld.

1B Armand Building, Kowloon. On premises.

265 The Peak. On premises.

5 Lyttelton Road.

On premises.

On premises. On premises.

38 Queen's Road Central. Kowloon Docks.

9 Wild Dell, Wood Road, Wanchai. On premises.

70 Parke Street. Peak Hotel. 106 The Peak. Peak Hotel.

2 Mody Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

2 Salisbury Avenue, Kowloon. 2 Salisbury Avenue, Kowloon.

274 The Peak. Quarry Bay.

Assistant, Dodwell & Co., La. Assistant, Standard Oil Co...... Reception Clerk, HK. & S'hai Hotels, Ld. 7 Blue Buildings. Sub-Manager, International Bank Asst. Manager, Taikoo Dockyard Electrical Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Sub-Acct., Chartered Bank of I., A. & C. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard... Manager, Davie Robert Senr. (HK.) Ld.. Acting Secretary & Manager, HK. &

Kowloon W. & G. Co., Ld.

Asst. Supt. Engr., Butterfield & Swire... Managing Director, Lane, Crawford & Co.

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire.... Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard. Assistant Engineer, China Light & Power

Co., Ld.

Engineer, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Timekeeper, Sir W. G. Armstrong

Whitworth & Co., Ld.

Sharebroker, Benjamin & Potts Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

Store-keeper, HK. Telephone Co., Ld. Assistant, E. D. Shanks

4 Felix Villas, Pokfulam. 1 May Road. 8 The Peak. Quarry Bay.

On premises.

Gomes Villas, 1 Chatham Road,


Empress Lodge, Kowloon. On premises.

Woodside, Mount Parker Road. Quarry Bay.

On premises. Kowloon Docks.

Lai Muk Shed.

P. & O. Building, Top floor. Hongkong Club.

Metropole Hotel.

24 Wing Fung Street.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Cruz, Saturnino Maria da......

Cubey, Edwin Banfield. Culver, Arthur

Cunha, Antonio Francisco

Vieira da....... Cunha, Bernardino Maria

Cardoso da

Cunha, Frederico Nathalio da. Cunningham, Albert Laing Cunningham, William Curreem, Abdul.

Currie, Norman MeInroy Cutting, Sidney Charles Mead

Assistant, Fumigating & Disinfecting

Bureau, Ld........ Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard

Civil Engineer, Sir W. G. Armstrong

Whitworth & Co., Ld.

Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank........

Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Clerk, Chartered Bank.

Freight Clerk, Struthers & Barry S.S. Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard... Assistant, Arculli & Sons General Manager, David Boag & Co., Ld. Engineer, HK. Engineering Construction


18 Arbuthnot Road, Ground floor. Quarry Bay.

Lai Muk Shed.

On premises

On premises.

St. Joseph's Mansion. 14в Robinson Road. Quarry Bay.

22 Kennedy Road. On premises.

19 Humphrey Building, Kowloon.


Dacres Smith, Frank. Dai Hong

Daley, Wilfrid Thomas

Dalgety, George Mackay Dallah, Abraham Rayman D'Almeida, Carlos

D'Almeida, João Augusto D'Almeida, Joao Hyndman D'Almeida, Jose Maria.... D'Almeida, Joseph Maria. Danby, James Denison Dand, Arthur Anderson... Danenberg, Emilio........ Danenberg, Reinaldo Silva-


Dangerfield, Lewis Andrew


519 The Peak. .... On premises.

Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Clerk, Mackinnon Mackenzie & Co. Stenographer, Passenger Dept., Canadian

Pacific S.S., Ld....... Assistant, HK. & S'hai Bank Asst., Union Ince. Socty, of Canton, Ld. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. Assistant, Shewan Tomes & Co., Asst., HK. Rope Manufacturing Co., Ld. Assistant, P. & O. Banking Corporation. Assistant, China Sugar Refining Co. ...... Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

Draughtsman, W. S. Bailey & Co., Ld.... Professor of Music

Meter Assistant, China Light & Power

Co., Ld.

Accountant, P. M. Pinguet & Co.

D'Aquino, Eneas Goulartt....Chief Clerk, Netherlandsche Indische

D'Aquino, Jose Goulart Darch, Oswald Wallwyn

'D'Assis, Arsenio Feliciano

Davidson, Albert Willie


Davidson, Alexander......... Davidson, Gerald

Davie, Reginald Robert.. Davies, Arthur Reginald Protheroe.............

Davies, Leonard John

Davies, Stanley Howard.

Davies, Wallace McGregor Davis, Harry Davis, John Pearson

Augustine. Davis, Lewis Eleazer Davison, Arthur Wellesley Davison, Roland Margeson Daynes, Joseph

D'Azevedo, Alexandre


Commercial Bank

Clerk, C. E. Warren & Co., Ld. ................ Assistant Manager, Asiatic Petroleum

Co., Lủ.

Assistant, T. E. Griffith

Store-keeper, China Light & Power Co.,

(1918), Ld...

Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard Architect, Palmer & Turner Cutter, Mackintosh & Co., Ld.

Assistant, Wm. Powell, Ld. Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld. Acct., Trollope & Colls (Far East), Ld... Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld....... Chemist, Green Island Cement Co., Ld.

Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. ...... Sub-Accountant, International Bank Marine Supt., Canadian Pacific S.S., Ld. Assist., Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ld. Tunnel Foreman, Sir W. G. Armstrong,

Whitworth & Co., Ld.

Assistant, Nederlandsche Handel Maats-


40 Nathan Road. On premises. On premises.

14 Cameron Road, Kowloon. 14 Cameron Road, Kowloon. 14 Cameron Road.

6A Nanking Road, Kowloou. 1 Cambay Buildings, Kowloon. Peak Hotel.

2 Carnavon Villas.

1 The Albany, Garden Road,

On premises.

10 Chatham Road, Kowloon.

3 Salisbury Avenue, Kowloon.

2 Minden Avenue, Kowloon.

501 The Peak.

On premises.

On premises.

Quarry Bay. 154 Peak.

63 Wong Nei Cheong Road,

Powell's Building.

364 The Peak. On premises.

78B Nathan Road, Kowloon, Cement Works.

2 Naval Terrace, Queen's Road. 6 Minden Avenue, Kowloon, 9 Magazine Gap Road. 9 Magazine Gap Road.

Lai Muk Sui.

Netherlands Trading Society.






D'Azevedo, Antonio D'Azevedo, Victor Felix Deacon, Stuart Deans, William D'Eca, Alberto Maria D'Eca, Jose Maria... De Cruz, Florencio Maria De Kent, Pieter Julius

De Rome, Louis Dekker, Adriaan Jan Hendrik

van Der Myll.

Delcourt, Armand Hippolyte... Delgado, Argippino Francisco

Demee, Arnold

Desai, Rustom E.

De Sousa, Duarte Eleuterio Deursen, Louis William van

Dick, James Gold Dick, John

Dickie, Frederick John Dickie, James Dugald Dickson, William

Dijkstra, Rients

Dineley, Herbert Dineley, Josiah

Dinguet, Henry Marcel... Dinnen, Hugh....

Dixey, William John....

Dixon, Philip Albert Dixon, Robert James..

Dixon, Walter Sydney

Docherty, Edward,....

Dodwell, Lewis Gordon Selwyn Doig, Michael................. Donnithorne, James Henry

Dorabjee, William Ernest Dorf, Frantz

Dorsser, Cornelio Willem Otto


Dos Santos, Hermilho Prisco.

Douglas, James Angus Douglas, Robert Hinde Douglas, William Ewart * Doyle, Thomas Wilfred.. Drake, William Stanley Dransfield, Albert Dreward, Michel... Dreyer, Holger

Drollette, George Washington Drude, Robert........ Dryden, David Duncan Duce, William Alfred

Shipping Clerk, Admiral Line Clerk, Canadian Pacific Steamship, Ld.... Electrical Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, Dairy Farm I. & C. S. Co., Ld.. Authorised Clerk, Benjamin & Potts Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank.... Clerk, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Acct., Netherlandsche Indische

Commercial Bank...

Elect. Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld....

Assistant, Netherlandsche Indische

Handel Bank

Manager, Compagnie Optorg Clerk, Nederlandsche Indische Handel

Bank .......

Engr., Engine Room, HK. & Shanghai

Hotels, Ld.

Manager, V. Mody Co..... Clerk, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Sub-Accountant, Nederlandsche Handel


Sawmiller, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Assistant, Sander, Wieler & Co.. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co. Assistant, Chartered Bank

Assistant, Transmarina Trading Co.

Timekeeper, Taikoo Dockyard

Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard

Asia Petroleum Co.

Foreman, Taikoo Sugar Refinery

Assistant, Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., Ld. Manager, T. E. Griffith, Ld. Boilermaker, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Underwriter, Liverpool, London & Globe

Ince. Co., Ld................

Shipwright, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Works Manager, China Light & Power

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Union Trading Co. Assistant, John Manners & Co.

Financial Manager, Netherlands Harbour

Works, Ld

| Clerk, Netherlandsche Indische

Commercial Bank.

Sugar Boiler, China Sugar Refining Co. Marine Surveyor, Goddard & Douglas Engineer, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld.............. Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Wm. Powell, Ld....... Storekeeper, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Partner, Gerin, Drevard & Co. Assistant, Shewan Tomes & Co....... Supervisor, Singer Sewing Machine Co. Assistant, Standard Oil Co.

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

Sugar Boiler, China Sugar Refining Co.,


Duckworth, Ferdinand Farrant Electrical Engineer, Electric Co., Ld.................

Duclos, Gordon

Duffy, Michael

Duggan, Edward Wilfred

* Drummond, Neil......

Agent, Singer Sewing Machine Co. Assistant, Standard Oil Co. of N.Y. Manager, American Express Co.

11 Mosque Junction. 36 Jordan, Road, Kowloon. 21 Broadwood Road. Dairy Farm, Pokfulam..

2 Minden Avenue, Kowloon. On premises.

St. Joseph's Mansion.

6 Aimai Villas, Kowloon. 5 Felix Villas, Pokfulam.

On premises. On premises.

24 Davies Street.

5 Cambay Building, Kowloon. 2 Queen's Road.

2 Lyeemoon Villas, Kowloon.

Netherlands Trading Society. Kowloon Docks.

12 Conduit Road.

Y.M.C.A. Building, Kowloon. A.P.C. Installation, Taikok Tsui. On premises.

21 Leighton Hill Road.

Quarry Bay.

Quarry Bay.

10 Chatham Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises. Kowloon Docks.

182 Peak.

Kowloon Docks. 528 The Peak. Anzac House, Kowloon.

On premises.

10 Mosque Street.

7 Queen's Road Central.

29A Kennedy Road.

5 Blue Building, Praya East. East Point Terrace. Hongkong Club. On premises. On premises. On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

7 Cameron Road.

7 Queen's Gardens.

92 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

31 Humphreys Building, Kowloon.

4 Great George Street. 10 East Point Terrace.

14 Peak Road.

Socony, Laichikok Installation. On premises.

Pansman, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Ld. On premises.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Dunbar, John Campion....... Dunbar, Lambert

Dunbar, William Geddes


Duncan, Ernest Clare

Duncan, George

Duncan, Robert Kirkwood Dunlevy, Robert John Dunlop, Robert Paterson Dunn, Arthur Noel..... Dunn, James

Dunnett, Bertram Felix Owen Durrschmidt, Henry Charles... Dutton, Sydney Hardy Dye, William Taylor-

Assistant, HK. Electric Co., Ld... Flour Broker, Dunbar Bros. Co., Ld..

Assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co... Manager, Insurance Department,

Holyoak Massey & Co., Ld...... Copper Smith, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard.. Timekeeper, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Electric Engineer, HK, Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, D. Sassoon & Co. Sub-Accountant, HK. & Shanghai Bank. Clerk, Holt's Wharf.

Assistant, Standard Oil Co.... Merchant, A. & S. Henry Co., Ld............. Manager, Trollope & Colls (Far East),


Kingsclere Hotel, Kowloon. 2 May Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

Peak Hotel. Kowloon Docks. Quarry Bay. On premises. St. George's House. 14 Seymour Road, On premises.

5A Orient Buildings, Kowloon. 25 Lugard Road. Hongkong Club.

Mountview, Pokfulum Road.

Eager, Oscar


Eagle, Albert Edward Easterbrook, Frederick James

Eastman, Alfred William Eça, Alberto Maria d' Eça, José Maria d'

Eça da Silva, José Filomeno. Eddie, David Silas..

Ede, Bertram Montague * Edgar, Joseph Edgeumbe, Clifford

Edward, Frederick.....

Edwards, Charles Layard Edwards, Frank..... Edwards, George Richard

Edwards, Henry Ernest...... Edwards, Perey Edwards, Sid

Edwards, William James Egge, Walter Egmond, Gerrit Van

Eguchi, Shingo Eldridge, William James Elias, Isaac Ezekiel Elias, Reuben Sassoon Elkins, Charles Henry Ellams, George Ernest Elliott, George Herbert.. Ellis, Arthur Sassoon Ellis, Emanuel Ezekiel Ellis, Felix Maurice Ellis, Frederick .....

Ellis, Nathaniel Solomon

Ellis, Overton Gentry, Jr. Elms, Paul Andrew

Endert, Carel Johan Engel, Gustav

Eustace, William Albert Evans, David Evan .


Asst., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Assistant Manager, T. E. Griffith Assist., HK. Engineering & Construction

Co., Ld...

Acet., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Authorised Clerk, Moxon & Taylor Assistant, HK, & S'hai Bank Broker, China Underwriters, Ld. Assistant, E. D. Sassoon & Co, Ld. Engineer, HK. Excavation Co., Ld. Assistant, D. Sassoon & Co. Broker.

Filmer, Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Milk Co. Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Ld. Secretary, United Asbestos Oriental

Agency Co., Ld...................

Broker, M. A. Razack Broker, M. A. Razack Foreman, Hongkong Excavation, Pile


Driving and Construction Co., Ld. Foreman, W. S. Bailey & Co., Ld... Assistant, Wm. Meyerink & Co........ Sub-Accountant, Netherlandsche Handel


Assistant, Tsurutani & Co., Ld. Storekeeper, Taikoo Dockyard Assistant, Arnhold & Co., Ld............ Assistant, S. J. David & Co., Ld. Assistant Wharfinger, Holt's Wharf Acct., HK. C. & M. Steamboat Co., Ld. Manager, Com'cial Union Ins. Co., Ld. Broker, Ellis & Co. Broker, Ellis & Co.

Stockbroker, Ellis & Co.

Managing Director, HK. Development

Building & Savings Society, Ld.


Asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.), Ld... Cashier, American Express Co. Assistant, Loxley & Co.

Asst., Netherlands India Commercial Bank Partner and Manager, Wm. Meyerink &


Managing Director, Lane, Crawford & Co. Assistant, Mustard & Co.

Kingsclere Hotel, Kowloon. On premises.

1 Pratt Building, Kowloon. 4 Carnavon Building, Kowloon. 5 Rose Terrace, Kowloon. On premises.

9 Austin Avenue. Wyndham Hotel.

3 & 4 Bowen Road. 6 Broadwood Terrace. King Edward Hotel. 7 Morrison Gap. On premises. On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

11 Seymour Road.

4 Observatory Villas, Kowloon. 19 Chatham Road, Kowloon.

Netherlands Trading Society. 92 Park Road, Kowloon. Quarry Bay.

38D Robinson Road, 1st floor. 38p Robinson Road.

4 Cambay Bldgs., Nathan Road. Hongkong Hotel.

456 The Peak.

6 Broadwood Terrace.

6 Broadwood Terrace.

455 Barker Road, The Peak.

Anfred, Stubbs Road.

On premises.

On premises.

St. Joseph's Building, Top floor. 4 The Peak.

114 Orient Building, Kowloon, Peak Hotel.

16 & 17 Connaught Road Central.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Evans, Janus

Eveleigh, Grahame Tom Everett, Arthur George.... Exell, Arnold Scott Ezra, Edward

Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld.... Architect, Leigh & Orange Electric Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Sub-Accountant, Chartered Bank Sub-Manager, D. Sassoon & Co., Ld.

9 Ying Wah Terrace, West Point. 19 Humphreys Building, Kowloon, On premises.

1 May Road.

7. Humphreys Avenue, Kowloon.


Fafart, Georges Fan Kwok-hong

Faria, Francisco Xavier

Lobato de

Farid, Mahomed. *Farmer, Clarence Leimpster Farne, Francis Henry Farquharson, Alexander Farrant, Roydon.... Farrell, Peter

Farrell, Robert Emmet Faulkner, James William Fawcett, Herbert

Felshow, William Charles. Feltz, Baron van der Louis


Ferdes, Victor João Fergusson, James Carson Ferguson, John Fergusson, Thomas

Fernandes, Francisco Ernesto.


Fernandez, Menino..................... Ferreira, Alberto Francisco Ferres, John

Fetterly, Kenneth Melford


Fielder, Bert Ernest Field, Walter Stanley Figueiredo, Eduardo José de... Figueiredo, Henrique Alberto Figueiredo, Henrique João

Melchiades de................................. Figueiredo, Manuel Augusto... Figueiredo, Francisco Maria

Xavier de

Filmer, Frederick Edward...... Fincher, Eric Charles Finnie, John

Fisher, George Francis Fitzgerald, Desmond Southwell Floatber, Ernest...... Focken, Frederick John


Fok Hoi-weng Fok Wing-kai....

Fomin, Alexander Ivanavich... Fonseca, José Maria

Forbes, Alexander Rodger....


Forbes, Donald Forbes, Robert Fraser

Ford, Edward Stephen Ford, William Falconer, Jr.

Forder, George

Sub-Acct., Banque De L'Indo-Chine...... Hongkong Hotel. Assistant, Donnelly & Whyte ..............

Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Asst., Union Ince. Socty, of Canton, Ld.. Assistant, Douglas S. S. Co., Ld. Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Sub-Acct., P. & O. Banking Corporation Manager, China Underwriters Ld..........

Electrician, HK. Telephone Co., Ld Engineer, General Electric Co., Ld. Overseer, Butterfield & Swire..... Architect, HK. Realty Trust Co., Ld.

Shipping Clerk, Java-China-Japan Lijn... Typist, Banque De L'Indo-Chine Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard

Foreman, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Cargo Supt., HK. & K'loon W. & G. Co.,


Clerk, Admiral Orient Line

Share Broker, M. Fernandez Engineer Foreman, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, E. D. Sassoon & Co., Ld. Asst., Freight Dept., Canadian Pacific

S.S. Ld.

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Passenger Agent, Admiral Line

35 Elgin Street, 3rd floor.

On premises. On premises. 533 The Peak. Union Building.

2 Humphrey's Buildings, Kowloon. 517 The Peak.

King Edward Hotel. Repulse Bay Hotel.

64A Nathan Road, Kowloon. 5 Humphrey's Buildings, Kowloon, 22 Ashley Road, Kowloon.

St. George's House.

25 Sharp Street East, 1st floor. Quarry Bay.

On premises.

15 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon.

42 Hau Wo Street, Kennedy Town. Fernandez Bungalow, K'loon Tong. 126 Praya East, Top floor. 1 Austin Avenue, Kowloon.

1 Macdonnell Road, 6 The Peak.

34 Humphreys Building

Managing Director, Hughes & Hough Ld. 2 Hankow Road, Kowloon.

Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld.

3 Liberty Avenue, Kowloon.

3 Liberty Avenue, Ho Mun Tin.

Assistant, Arnhold Bros. & Co., Ld. Bookkeeper, Green Island Cement Co. ... 1 Peace Avenue, Ho Mun Tin.

6 Caine Road.

7 Morrison Gap Road.

On premises. Quarry Bay.

Clerk, Holland Pacific Trading Co. Manager, Economical Trading Co... Employee, Gilman & Co., Ld.... Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard Partner, Gerin, Drevard & Co. Asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.), Ld. On premises. Assistant, S. Moutrie & Co.

Mercantile Assistant, Alex. Ross & Co.,

(China), Ld.

Clerk, Oriental Commercial Co. Clerk, Gande, Price & Co., Ld..

On premises.

5 Victoria Gardens, Kowloon.

304 The Peak.

4 Hillier Street.

48 Bonham Road.

Overseer, Netherland Harbour Works, Ld. Tsat Sze Mui.

Assistant, Standard Oil Co.... Chief Foreman, China Sugar Refining

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Bank Line, Ld.

Saleman, HK. Excavation Co., Ld..... Asst., HK. & Kloon W. & G. Co., Ld. Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Assistant, Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co.

3 St. Joseph's Mansion.

East Point Terrace. Peak Hotel.

Aimai Villa, Kowloon.

4 & 5 Ashley Road, Kowloon. Hongkong Office.


On premises.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.







Forrest, Leslie.......

Foster, Thomas Leslie


Forsyth, Alan....................

Forsyth, Alexander Smith.... * Forsyth, Henry Russell... Forsyth, James Shaw Forsyth, William

* Foster-Turner, Frederick


Fothergill, Archibald Fountain, Herbert John.... Fowle, Churchhill Tucker. Fowler, George ... Fox, Henry Leslie. Fox, William

Franco, Carlos Alberto Franco, Carlos Frederico Franco, Edward Michael. Franco, Francisco Maria, Franco, Luiz Maria

Franco, Viriato

Frank, Arthur Jenner Franklin, Arthur Cawte

Fraser, Archibald Dick Fraser, Joseph

French, Ernest Malcolm Frost, Leon Henry... Frost, Richard Yarworth Fuertes, Pedro Nolasco.....

Fulcher, Charles Augustine Fung Chow-lum...... Fung, Edward Mow Fung Fuk-tin.

Fung Ho-po

Fung Kai-lung

Fung Lai-sang

Fung Lok-chi ... Fung Man-sui... Fung Man-yee Fung Pui-ying Fung Siu-wa Fung Tat-hang Fung, Wai Sun Fung Yuk-shan

Fung Yun-chi..


Clerk, China Light & Powers Co. (1918)


On premises.

Electric Engineer, HK. Electric Co, Ld. | 50 C & D Whitfield Road. Assistant, Gibb, Livington & Co.

103 The Peak.

4 Inverness Terrace, Kowloon Dock. Chartered Acct., Butterfield & Swire...... 31 Humphreys Building, Kowloon. Asst. Acct., P. & O. Banking Corporation 2 Humphreys Buildings. Engineer, HK. Whampoa Dock Co.

Architect, HK. Excavation, Pile Driving

and Construction Co., Ld.............. Assistant, Standard Oil Co.... Piano Tuner, Anderson Music Co., Ld. Assistant Manager, Vacuum Oil Co. Foreman, China Sugar Refining Co., Ld... Assistant, H. Skott & Co. Assistant, A. Abdoolrahim Clerk, HK. Electric Co. Assistant, Roza Bros.

Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank. Clerk, Messageries Maritimes Bookeeper, K. Excavation Pile Driving

& Construction Co., Ld. Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Analyst, A. C. Franklin Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard

Shop Foreman, W. S. Bailey & Co., Ld. Asst. Marine Supt., Butterfield & Swire... District Accountant, Texas Co. ....... Asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.), Ld. Clerk, Nederlandsch Indische Handels-


Assistant, Moxon & Taylor Clerk, S. Moutrie & Co., Ld.

Kowloon Docks.

24 Ashley Road, Kowloon. 101 Austin Road.

Y.M.C.A., Kowloon,

2 Thorpe Manor, May Road.

1 Grent George Street.

70 Peel Street.

34 Queen's Road Central.

8 Tung Hing Road, Kowloon. 14 Tung Hing Road. On premises.

Gunpowder Depot, (Green Island).

21 Jordan Road, 1st floor.

177 Wanchai Road, 3rd floor. 7 Torres Building, Kowloon. 21 Cheung Chau Road Quarry Bay.

90 Nathan Road, Kowloon. Hongkong Hotel. Carleton Hotel. On premises.

51 Haiphong Road, Kowloon. On premises.

14 Queen Victoria Street.

Manager, Der A Wing & Co. (1923), Ld. 60 Des Voeux Road.

Manager, Kwong Sang Hong Asst. Acct., Texas Co....... Assistant, Java-China-Japan Lijn Broker, Reuter Brockelmann & Co. Assistant, Bank of East Asia, Ld. Asst. Secretary, Bank of Canton, Ld. Clerk, Reuter, Brockelmann & Co........ Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Assistant, H. Skott & Co. Compradore, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld. Assistant, Bank of East Asia, Ld. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Compradore, Reuter, Brockelmann & Co..

On premises.

9 St. Francis Yard.

6 Ladder Terrace.

74A Hollywood Road. On premises.

2A High Street, West Point. 29 Graham Street, 2nd floor. 228 Third Street, West Point. 4 West End Terrace. On premises. On premises. On premises.

30 Front Row, Tai Hang.

Gaan, Martin Jose...........

Gace, Algernon Langley Gahagan, Cyril Gain, Louis.....

Gall, Algernon Langly Galloway, William... Galluzzi, Ugo Cesare.....

Garcia, Alexander Garcia, Francisco Maria Garcia, Rufino Francisco

Acct., British-American Tobacco Co., Ld. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Electric Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Manager, HK. Engineering & Construc-

tion Co., Ld.

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ship Broker, Geo. Grimble & Co. ...

Shipping Clerk, Admiral Orient Line....! Clerk, Admiral Orient Line.......

Freight Clerk, The Admiral Line Pacific

Steamship Co.

Gardner, George Frederic...... Representing, Crittal Manf. Co., Ld.,

Bradley & Co., Ld.

4 Minden Avenue, Kowloon. 292 The Peak.

50 C & D Whitfield Road.

51 Granville Road, Kowloon. 100 The Peak. 194 The Peak. Fung Shui, Plantation Road,

The Peak.

14 Cameron Road,

6 Ningpo Road, Kowloon.

5A Orient Building, Kowloon.

Lauriston, Bowen Road.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Gardner, Harold Edwin.... Gardner, Hugh Geary Gardner, John

Gardner, Joseph.

Gardner, Lois.....

Gardner, William Frederick Geldart, John H. Gerrard, William George Garraway, James Graham Geare, Iltyd Henry Gennep Luhrs, Jan Hendrik


Sub-Acct., P. & O. Bangking Corpn...... 3 Minden Avenue, Kowloon. Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld.. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard. Asst., Union Ince, Socty. of Canton, Ld... Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Secretary, Y.M.C.A.

Asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.), Ld... Engineer, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. General Manager, Vacuum Oil Co......

Managing Director, Holland Pacific

Trading Co., Ld......

Geoffrey, Henri Edmond Jean. Manager, Far East O. & A. Co., Ld.

Gerrard, George.... Gibb, Hugh Millar..

Gibbins, Frederick William...

Gibson, Adna Wallac Gibson, Gordon Hugh Gibson, John ...

Gibson, Walter Campbell Gillard, Arthur Gillespie, James....... Gillingham, Arthur Henry Girardot, Marcel Gittins, Henry Glanville, Herbert

Glass, Francis...

Glen, Jaines.

Glover, Alfred Ernest

Glover, Francis Harry Goetz, Carl Henry Gob Bak Yang

Goldenberg, Charles Archibald

Goldenberg, Henry Goldenberg, Isaac Levy. Goldenberg, William Gomes, Augusto Conceição Gomes, Francis

Gomes, Francisco Xavier Gomes,


Gomes, José

Gomes, José Hyppolito. Gomes, Joseph Vicente. Gomes, Luiz Braz

Gomes, Luiz Maria.......

Gomes, Maximiano Antonio... Gomeze, Abbest Martin............. Gompertz, Geoffrey Gonella, Ugo

Goncalves, Julio Augusto da


Gonsalves, Verissimo Claudio Gonzales, Joseph Goodall, Donald MacGregor... Goodfellow, William Douglas


* Goodman, Frederick Charles Goodman, Reginald James ...

Goodwin, David Alexander Goodwin, Frauk........

Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

Manager, Wilkinson, Heywood & Clark,


Assistant, Standard Oil Co. of N.Y. Broker, W. Logan & Co...

Engineer, Green Island Cement Co., Ld... Junior Sub-Acct., International Bank Chief Traffic Asst., HK. Tramways, Ld. Shipwright, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. ... Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Manager, Pathe Orient

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. Asst.,' Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Electrical Engr., HK. Electric Co., L.... Asst. Engr., China Sugar Refg. Co., Ld. Manager, Kelly & Walsh, Ld......

Chief Asst. Engineer, HK. Tramways, Ld Garage Engineer, Alex, Ross & Co. Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld.


On premises. Quarry Bay. Union Building. Union Building. Union Building. On premises. On premises. Kowloon Docks. 55 The Peak,

Mountain View, 32 The Peak. To Kwa Wan. Quarry Bay.

Lauriston, Bowen Road.

Peak Hotel. Mount Kellet.

Hongkong Club. On premises.

519 The Peak.

11 Leighton Hill Road. Kowloon Docks.

11 Thorpe Manor, May Road. 239 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 14 Ashley Road, Kowloon. Union Building.

120 Whitfield Road. East Point Terrace. Fanling.

4 Broadwood Road,

147A Praya East. 32 Bridges Street.

Foreman, China Sugar Refining Co., Ld. East Point Terrace.

4 Cameron Road, Kowloon. 2 Prat Building.

94 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

5 Ashley Road, Kowloon. Astor House Hotel.

2 Saifee Terrace.

67 Queen's Road East, 1st floor. 79 Wong Nei Cheong Road. Kowloon Docks.

Assistant, N. S. Moses & Co. Assistant, Standard Oil Co.... Merchant, N. S. Moses & Co. Assistant, D. Sassoon & Co....... Assistant, Nippon Yusen Kaisha Clerk, Banque de l'Indo-Chine Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, Arnhold & Co., Ld. Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Storekeeper, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Acct., General Electric Co. of China Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co..... Assistant, J. D. Hutchison & Co. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... 410 The Peak. Architect, Hazeland & Gonella

Assistant, Botelho Bros. Assistant, D. Sassoon & Co., Lu, Overseer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Manager, Wiseman Cafe


... Kowloon Docks.

Engineer, HK. & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld. Supt. Storekeeper, HK. Whampoa Dock


Asst. Manager, W. S. Bailey & Co., Ld.. Manager, Kowloon Branch, HK. &

China Gas Co., Ld.

Goor, Derk Lambertus Van ... Sub-Accountant, Netherlandsche Handel

Gordon, Alan Grant

Gordon, Harry



Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Burner, Green Island Cement Co., Ld.

5 Victory Avenue, Homuntin. 5 Chatham Road, Kowloon. 6 Ashley Road, Kowloon. 136 Queen's Road East.

209 Wanchai Road.

6 Jordan Road, Gr. floor, Kowloon. 27 Jordan Road, Kowloon. 71 Austin Road, Kowloon. 86 Bonham Road.

Peak Hotel. On premises.

Kowloon Docks.

9 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon,

Gas Works, Kowloon.

Netherlands Trading Society. 8 The Peak.

4 Jordon Road, Kowloon.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Gordon, Huntley

Gordon, James Miller

Gordon, John Donald

Asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.), Ld. Shipping Agent, Furness (Far East), Ld. Assistant, Moutrie & Co.

Gosamkee, Eric Eugene Roy... Assistant Runner, American Empress Co.

Gosse, Raymond J. Goulborn, Vernon

Gourdin, Frederick O'Driscoll. Gourlay, Adam

Gow, David Grimmond Graça, Francisco Maria Paula


Graça, José Athanasio

Maria de

Grady, John

Graeffe, Dr. Edwin Otto Graham-Brown, A. W. Grant, Peter Strachan Gray, Herbert Castell Gray, Robert

Gray, Samuel..

Gray, Waiter

* Green, Douglas Samuel.... Green, George


Green, Robert Anthony * Green, Samuel Ebenezer Greene, Philip Weston Greenhalgh, William Robert... * Greenhill, Leslie Solbé Greensmith, Reginald Eustace.

Greenway, Albert Edward Greenwood, Harry. Gregoriev, Sergey Sergievich.. Gregory, Haik Matthews Gregory, Stanley Oswald Gregory, Tigran Matthews * Grieg, William Griffin, Herbert

Grimble, Eric George Norton Grimes, Thomas.... Grimes, Thomas Edward Grimshaw,


Grimstone, Sydney Ernest Groot, Adrianus Theodorus


Grose, John Francis Groskamp, Willem Hendrik...

Grossman, Edward....................................

Groundwater, Richard Gerrie.. * Groves, Archie Cyril... Groves, Walter Montgomerie. Grunsell. Stuart


Gubbay, David Sassoon....... Guerineau, Jean....

Guimgan, James Cecil Gumley, Franc Stewart.... Guterres, Augusto Arthur...... Guterres, José Candido......

Guterres, Luiz Esperança

Gutierres, Luis Augustus


Cashier, Banque de l'Indo-Chine..... Assistant, HK. Rope Mfg. Co., Ld. Assistant, Bank Line Ld... Shipbuilder, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Chief Clerk, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. ...

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld..

Assistant, Lammert Bros.

Asst. Engineer, China Light & Power

Co. (1918), Ld.

Assistant, Reuter, Brockelmann & Co. Architect,

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

Asst., Union Ince. Soety, of Canton, Ld... Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard Engineer, H.K. Whampoa Dock Co. Mercantile Asst., Dodwell & Co., Ld. Asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.), Ld. Butcher, Dairy Farm I. & C. S. Co., Ld. Assistant, H.K. & Shanghai Bank.... Assistant, Lepack Co., Ld. Assistant, Little Adams & Wood Assistant, Butterfield & Swire.............. Secretary, HK. Land I. & A. Co., Ld. Exchange Broker, Groosman Abraham

& Greensmith....


Overseer, Butterfield & Swire... Chartered Accountant, Linstead & Davis Overseer, HK. Excavation Co., Ld. Manager, T. M. Gregory & Co. Bookseller, Kelly & Walsh, Ld. Merchant, T. M. Gregory & Co....... Shipwright, HK, Whampoa Dock Co., Ld. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Ship Broker, Geo. Grimble & Co. Overseer, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Overseer, Butterfield & Swire Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard...

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Sub-Accountant, Nederlandsche Handel


Stockbroker, J. F. Grose..

Manager, Nederlandsche Handel Maats-


Exchange Broker, Groosman Abraham

& Greensmith

Master Mariner, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank ......... Asst., HK. & K'loon W. & G. Co., Ld.... Assistant Wharf Manager, Holt's Wharf.

Assistant, E. D. Sassoon & Co. Engineer, HK. Engineering & Construction Co., Ld.

Assistant, E. D. Sassoon & Co., Ld. Overseer, Butterfield & Swire.. Principal, Basto & Co........ Assistant, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld.......

Clerk, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld.....


On premises. King's Building. Victoria View, Kowloon. On premises.

2A East View Building, Kowloon. 3B Armand Buildings, Kowloon, 60A Nathan Road, Kowloon. Kowloon Docks. Kowloon Docks.

61 Nathan Road.

12 Lochiel Terrace, Kowloon.

On premises.

13 Hankow Road, Kowloon. 12 Pedder Street. Hongkong Club. Union Building. Quarry Bay. Kowloon Docks. Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon. On premises.

2 Lower Albert Road, Ou premises.

la Orient Building, Kowloon.

261 The Peak.

12 Conduit Road.

298 The Peak.

113 The Peak.

Anzac House, Kowloon.

7 Prat Avenue, Kowloon. Victoria Gardens.

3 Humphreys Building, Kowloon. Y.M.C.A., Kowloon.

King Edward Hotel. On premises.

169 The Peak.

108 The Peak.

On premises.

Club Chambers, Quarry Bay. Quarry Bay. Ewo Mess.

On premises.

55 Conduit Road.

Nederlands Trading Society.

1 Branksome Towers, May Road. Kowloon Docks. On premises.

621⁄2 Nathan Road.

Windsor Lodge, Austin Avenue,


The Den, Castle Steps.

39 Bonham Road.

1 Wild Dell, Wood Road. Y.M.C.A., Kowloon.

Woodberry, 4 Hankow Road, K'lcon.

22 Granville Road, Kowloon.

7 Ashley Road, Kowloon.

Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Union Building.

Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Gutierrez, Alvaro Eugenio...... Gutierrez, Gregorio Maria...... Gutierrez, João Baptista Gutierrez, Joao Maria

Gutierrez, John Joseph.

Gutierrez, Jorge

Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. ..... Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank............. Clerk, W. A. Hannibal & Co. Assistant, H. M. H. Nemazee Bookkeeper, The Bank Line, Ld. Clerk, Holts Wharf

Kowloon Docks. On premises.

3 Saifee Terrace, Kowloon. 32/34 Pilkem Street. 337 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 12 Morrison Hill Road.

Gutierrez, Reginaldo Maria ... Asst., HK. & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld.... Kowloon Docks.


Haeley, Guy... Haguenaner, Marcel Haig, David Hailey, Guy

Hale, William Eric Hall, David....

Hall, Grey Martel



Hall, Robert John

Hall, William

Hamblin, Frederick

Hamer, Robert

Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld........... Assistant, Ullmann & Co. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard...

Electric Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire.....

5 Felix Villas, Pokfulam. On premises. Quarry Bay.

5 Felix Villas, Pokfulam. 1 Kings Park, Kowloon. Quarters at B. & S. Office.

Sub-Acct., Jardine, Matheson & Co, Ld. 172 The Peak.

Assistant, HK & Shanghai Bank Merchant, T. E. Griffith, Ld. Architect, Abdoolrahim & Co.....

Ham, Charles Rutherford Chun Assistant, S. T. Williamson....

Hamid, Sheik Abdool Hamilton, James Baxter

Hammond, Clark

Hammond, Herbert William... Han Liang-huang

* Hancock, James Edgar......

Hand, Suyle

Hannibal, Walter Albert Hansammam, Ernest ............. Hanscomb, Eric Charles Hansen, James Ernest Harber, Stanley Haroon, Suleyman Harper, Andrew.............. Harris, Frederic Thomas

Harris, John Walter.... Harris, Richard Victorio Harrison, Cyril George Harrison, Frank Seymour

Harteam, Hasim..

Hartley, Thomas William.. Harvey, David

Haskell, David

Haslam, Gordon Fabian

Haslett, William Benjamin

Hassan, Ali........

Hassan, Dollot

Hassan, Isbaat

Hast, Victor

Hatch, Henry

Hatt, Charles Hausmann, Emile

Haverkamp, Jan Pieter....

District Engineer, China Light & Power

Co. (1918), Ld.

Asst. Wharfinger, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Co., Ld.

Clerk, Admiral Line Co.

Chief Draughtsman, HK. Whampoa Dock


Auditor, American Express Co.

Traffic Inspector, HK. Tramway Co., Ld.. Manager, The Ho Hong Bank, Ld. Chief Draughtsman, HK. & Whampoa

Dock Co.

Book-seller, Kelly Sayce Merchant, W. A. Hannibal & Co. Merchant, Keller, Kern & Co., Ld.. Assistant, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard...

On premises.

168 The Peak.

34 Queen's Road Central.

9 Stanley Street

On premises.

On premises. Percival Street.

Kowloon Docks. On premises.

2 Fung Fai Terrace, Top floor. Lee Building, Kennedy Road.

Kowloon Docks.

14 Beaconsfield Arcade. Hongkong Hotel. Hongkong Hotel. Peak Hotel. Quarry Bay.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum & Co., Ld... Taikoktsui Installation. Broker's Assistant, Carroll Bros. Ford Dealer

Cargo Assistant., HK. Kowloon Wharf

& Godown Co., Ld.......................... Store-keeper, HK. Whampoa Dock Co.... Assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co... Assistant, S. Moutrie & Co......... Insurance Manager, South British

Insurance Co., Ld. .................

Clerk, International Bank

Engineer, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Assistant Supt., United Asbestos

Oriental Agency.... Merchant, D. Haskell & Co.

Manager, Brunner, Mond & Co., (China)


Mechanical Engineer, Sir W. G.

Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Ld.

Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, H. Wicking & Co. Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld.

4 Morrison Hill Road.

55 Austin Road, Kowloon.

4 Banoo Building. Kowloon Docks. On premises.

5 Victoria Gardens, Kowloon.

On premises.

13 Fung Wong Terrace. Kowloon Docks.

4 Aimai Villa, Kowloon. Ice House Street.

Repulse Bay.

Lai Muh Sui.

122 Wanchai Road, 1st floor. 121 Praya East.

39 Sharp Street East, Ground floor. On premises.

Ming Yuen Buildings.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld............. Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld........... Tel. Engineer, HK. Telephone Co., Ld... Managing Partner, Hausmann, Kern & Co. On premises. Manager, Transmarina Trading Co....... 12 Conduit Road.

4 Peking Road, Kowloon.

*Exempt at present from jury service nnder section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Hawker, James Bentley Hawker, Walter John Hay, Arthur Charles.. Hayes, George Brine... Hayes, Sidney George Hayward, Allen William

Hazel, David

Hazeland, Ernest Manning Hedley, William Pattinson Hee Tai-chan

Hegarty, Herbert George Heintzen, Gerdt Hendrik

Heitmazer, Horst Hemsworth, Garrett Henderson, Archibald Kerr

Henderson, Charles Ernest Henderson, George

Henderson, James

* Henderson, James William Henderson, John

Henderson, John Melville Henderson, Maurice James Henderson, Reid...

Hendriksen, Hendrikus Mar-


Herbschleb, Marinus Johannes

Heron, Arthur William

Herridge, Frank George Hersee, Alfred Stanley .... Hervy, Raymond Ambroise Hessing, Albert Daniel Hevey, Arthur.

Hewett, Harry Walter. Hewkin, Samuel... Hewlitt, Arthur George:

Hickling, Clement Chinery Hidden, Stanley. Hill, David Smith Hill, Harold Stretton.. Hill, Thomas William Hill, Walter Joseph Hille, Max Felix

* Hillier, Wilfred Samuel......] Hills, Herbert Stuart..... Hines, Thomas Austin. Hinzmann, Albert Heinrick


Hirst, William Walter Hjelt, Hjalmar ...

Ho Chenk-sau

Ho Choo-yam

Ho Chung-chow. Ho Chung-ming.

Ho Chung-ting Ho Iu

Ho Kwong



Asst. Manager, HK. & S'hai Hotels, Ld. Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Assistant, Dairy Farm & Co., Ld. Dunlop Rubber Co.

Mercantile Assistant, Alex. Ross & Co.

(China), Ld.

Butcher, Dairy Farm I. & C. S. Co., Ld.. Architect, E. M. Hazeland & Gonella Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Cashier, Pacific Trading Co. Assistant, HK & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Netherlandsche Indische

Commercial Bank......

Assistant, Friedr. Wilh. Stosberg Erben.. Agent, Canadian National Railways...... Asst. General Manager, HK. Tramway

Co., Ltd.

Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Carpenter, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Engineer, Green Island Cement Co., Ld.. Assistant, Wm. Powell Co., Ld. Lane, Crawford & Co.

Clerk, Canadian Pacific S.S. Co.

Peak Hotel. Peak Hotel. Union Building.

Dairy Farm, Pokfulam.

4 Tregunter Mansions. 2 Lower Albert Road. 10 Queen's Gardens. Kowloon Docks. 9 Bonham Road. On premises.

10 Mody Road.

Station Hotel, Kowloon. On premises.

359 Peak.

On premises. Kowloon Docks.

5 Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises.

On premises.

3 Torres Buildings.

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.... 33 Humphreys Buildings, Kowloon. Assistant Manager, Holts Wharf

Assistant, Oriental Tobacco Manufactory. Manager, Netherlandsche Handel


Craft Supt., HK. & K'loon W. & G.

Co., Lủ.

Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co. Accountant, D. Sassoon & Co. Chief Acet., Banque de l'Indo-Chine Acct., Netherlands I. Com'cial Bank Assistant, Fitting Department, HK. &

China Gas Co., Ld.

Asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.), Ld. Merchant, Mustard & Co. Architect

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Assistant, John Manners & Co. Electrical Engr., HK. Electric Co., Ld.... Acct., Percy Smith, Seth & Fleming...... Merchant, Bradley & Co.

Chief Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refinery... Clerk, China Export-Import & Bank Co.

Assistant, Lane, Crawford & Co................... Broker, Layton & Co.

General Auditor, American Express Co...

Clerk, China Export-Import & Bank Co.

Manager, Steam Laundry Co., Ld. Mechanician, Netherlands Harbour

Works, Ld.

Interpreter.... Compradore, Pathe Orient

Clerk, International Bank

Guarantor for Compradore of Canton

Branch Office, China Export-Import & Bank Co...

Treasurer, The Hon Shing Mercantile Co. Compradore, Mercantile Bank of India Compradore, E. D. Sassoon & Co.

Windsor Lodge, Austin Avenue,


On premises.

On premises.

29 Humphreys Buildings. Kowloon Hotel, Kowloon. Hongkong Hotel.

10 Chatham Road, Kowloon. Des Voeux Road Central.

Gas Works.

On premises.

16 & 17 Connaught Road Central. Mount View, Victoria Road,


3 Branksome Towers, May Road. 7 Queen's Road Central. 12 Conduit Road. Stewart Terrace.

103 The Peak. On premises.

6 Felix Villas, Mount Davis Road,


13 Chatham Road. Prince's Building. On premises.

6 Felix Villas, Mount Davis Road,


3 West View,

Tsat Sze Mui.


53 Shanghai Street.

14 Lan Kwei Fong, 2nd floor.

6 Staunton Street.

19 Lee Yuen Street, West.

22 Bonham Road.

6 Macdonnell Road. 7 Macdonnell Road.

Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






* Ho Leung Ho Man-ching Ho Man-kai

Ho Man-kam

Ho Ming-hui..

Ho Pak-cheong Ho Ping-nam

Horgs, Charles Ho Sai-iu Ho Shai-wa Ho Shun-ting Ho Sing-chu Ho Tai-san Ho Tin-nam Ho Tung-shun Ho Wing.... Ho Wing-cheun Ho Yew-wing Ho Yue-ming

Hoare, Charles Hector. Hoare, Robert Edward Hoather, Ernest Hobbs, Frank

Hodge, Lewis Edwin Sotheron Hofstede, Johan.... Holm, Julius

Hoog, Josephus Johannes

Wierink de Hooper, Joseph Hope, Stewart Hopkins, Leonard Egbert Horder, Arnold Morley Horuby, James

Hornell, Edward Brooking


Hosie, Edward Lumsden Howard, Henry John Howard, William James *Howell, Arthur Cyril... Howell, Eric Alexander Howell, James Lloyd........ Hoy, Alfred William John Hoyem, Ola John Marius

Hoyle, William Frederick...... Hu Shing-shin Hudson, Eric Carew Hudson, Freak Arthur

Hughes, Arthur William Hughes, George Victor Hughes, Henry Owen Hui Kwok-pue Hui Wai-paug Huisman, Derk Kornelis Humphrey, Sydney Gordon Humphreys, Arthur David Humphreys, John David Hund, Jean..... Hung Chak-wa

Hung Chow-lum

Hung Chuen-wah..

Hung Hing-fat

Hung, Joseph Sam

Compradore, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. 15 Kennedy Road.

Clerk, Texas Co.

Clerk, R. H. Kotewall & Co. Godownman, Holts Wharf

Clerk, Pathé Orient

Asst., S. China Development Syndicate Chief Clerk, The Marconi International

Marine Communication Co., Ld. Manager, HK. Amusements Co., Ld.. Compradore, Mercantile Bank of India Assistant, HK, Mercantile Co., Ld. Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Cashier, Genl. Electric Co. of China, Ld. Assistant, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld. Asst., Franco-Chinese Trading Co., Ld.... Clerk, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld....... Compradore, HK. & Shanghai Bank... Compradore, Banque de l'Indo-Chine.. Draughtsman, J. Ring ...................... Agent for the Hanyang Iron Works Assistant, Dragon Motor Car Co, Ld. Engineer, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Tuner, Moutrie & Co.

Assistant, Furness (Far East), Ld. Auctioneer, L. E. S. Hodge Accountant, Java-China-Japan Lijn Asst., Union Ince, Socty. of Canton, Ld...

Assistant, Holland China Trading Co. ... Acct., HK. & K'loon W. & G. Co., Ld. Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard.. Manager, P. & O. Banking Corporaticn... Manager, Connell Bros..

Work Supt., HK. & China Gas Co., Ld.

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Secretary, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Assistant, Standard Oil Co. Stenographer, Canadian Pacific S.S. Co. Secretary, Wm. Powell, Ld.

Electrican, Taikoo Sugar Rfg. Co., Ld. Engineer, HK. & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld. Engineer, Holt's Wharf

Building Inspector, Asiatic Petroleum

Co, Lử.

Storekeeper, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Clerk, Netherlands Harbour Works, Ld... Asst., Union Ince. Soety. of Canton, Ld... Assistant, China Provident Loan and

Mortgage Co.

4 High Street.

10 Lok Hing Lane.

180 Ng Chung Street, 1st floor... 29 Parkes Street, 2nd floor, K'loon. 6 Lan Kwai Fong.

249 Queen's Road West. Star Theatre, Kowloon. 6 Macdonald Road. 7 Lower Castle Road. 18 New Street. 15 Hing Hon Road.

46 Stanley Street, 2nd floor. 4 Queen's Building. 24 Gage Street.

62 Bonham Road. On premises.

8 Shelly Street, 2nd floor. On premises.

6 Koon Ma Terrace. Kowloon Docks.

5 Victoria Gardens, Kowloon. 11 Hankow Road, Kowloon. Jordan Road, Kowloon. On premises. On premises.


Saifee Terrace, Kowloon. Kingsclere, Kowloon. Quarry Bay. 407 The Peak. 269 The Peak. Gas Works.

304 The Peak. Kowloon Docks.

4 Yee Kwong Terrace. 124 Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises.

On premises. Kowloon Docks.

Windsor Lodge, Austin Avenue, K.

41 Laichikok Road. On premises.

28 Shaukiwan Road, 1st floor. On premises.

Seamen's Institute.

Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... On premises. Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co. Assistant, H. Wicking & Co.

Clerk, Renter, Brockelmann & Co........ Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Sub-Acct., Netherlands Trading Co. Accountant, Getz Bros. & Co. Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld............. Merchant, J. D. Humphreys & Son Steward, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld. ... Head Agent, Western Casualty Co., Ld... Clerk, S. Moutrie & Co., Ld. Clerk, S. Moutrie & Co., Ld. Assistant Compradore, HK. & Kowloon

W. & G. Co., Ld.

Assistant, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld...................

7 Humphreys Building, Kowloon. 175 The Peak.

7 Kowloon City Road, 1st floor. On premises.

Queen's Road.

4 Victoria View, Kowloon. 2 Queen's Gardens. Alexandra Buildings. On premises.

75 Wnhu Street,

14 Queen Victoria Street. 21 Ship Street, 1st floor.

2 Prospect Place, Bonham Road.

138 Belcher Street, Top floor.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Hunt, Herbert Cunningham Hunt, Herbert James

Hunt, Jobu Herbert. Hunter, Henry James Hunter, James

Hunter, Reginald Ċyril Hunter, Robert

Hussain, Sheik Altaf.. Hutchison, Robert Huysser, Henri Hyde, James

* Hyde, William .

Hyder, Golam.... Hyder, William

Hyndman, Edgar Oscar Peter Hyndman, Edward Robert Hyndman, Emile Victor Hyndman, Henrique Antonio. Hyndman, Henry Hyndman, Luiz Schellas Hyndman, Rafael Emmanuel...

Assistant, Moxon & Taylor.....

Engineer, Green Island Cement Co., Ld.... 1B Orient Building, Kowloon.

Assistant Secretary, Y.M.C.A: Engineer, Bradley & Co., Ld. Distribution Supt., HK. & China Gas

Co., Ld. .....

Assistant, Lane, Crawford & Co. Engineer, Macdonald & Hunter Clerk, Percy Smith, Seth & Fleming.. Assistant, Central Agency, Ed. Merchant, G. E. Huygen...

Clerk of Works, HK. & K'loon W. & G.

Co., Ld.

Chief Draughtsman, HK & Whampoa

Dock Co., Ld......

Chief Assistant, Thos. Cook & Son Stenographer, Andersen, Meyer & Co.,


Clerk, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Clerk, Banque De L'Indo-Chine Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank..... Clerk, Holland Pacific Trading Co., Ed. . Assistant, Holland Pacific Trading Co.

On premises.

On premises.

Y. M. C. A., Kowloon.

Gas Works. On-premises.

12 Humphreys Building, Kowloon, 190 Praya East.

5A East View Building, Kowloon. 8 Mody Road, Kowloon.

3 Kimberley Villas, Kowloon.

Kowloon Docks.

2 Morrison Hill Road.

2 Morrison Hill Road. 6'Peace Avenue. Hongkong Office.

498 Nathan Road, Top floor, K'loon. 26 Jordan' Road, 1st floor. On-premises.

1 Granville Road.

4 Peace Avenue, Homuntin.

Ignatieff, Vadim Loavich

Ildefonso, Lucio Rivera..


Ingram, Archibald William Ip, Event

Ip Fook-ling.

Ip Kau-ko.

Ip King-fan

lp Ping-iu.. Ip Yuk-leung

Ireland, Hurbert Upshon. Ironside, William Ismail, Abdul Somath

Ismail, Omar

Ismail, Sheik Akbar. Ismail, Sheik Dawood

Ismail, Sheik Ebrahim

Ismail, Sheik Hassan.... Ismail, Sheik Rumjahn Ismail, Usuf

Iu Kew

Iu Key-chan

Iu Nim-sik

Ju Po-tong

Iu Tak-chung.

Store-keeper, Netherlands Harbour

Works, Ld.

Clerk & Stenographer, American Express


Overseer, HK. Excavation Co., Ld.. Tally Clerk, Kowloon Tong and New

Territories Development Co., Ld... Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld.. Clerk, Bank of Canton, Ld. Compradore, Melchers & Co.. Clerk, P. & O. Banking Corporation Assistant, Ip Tak & Co. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Asst. Manager, Butterfield & Swire Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, International Bank Assistant, Odell & Behar.... Import Assistant, Andersen, Meyer &

Co., Ld..

Merchant, HK. Import & China Produce


Clerk, International Bank

Tsat Sze Muï.

On premises.

1 Kimberley Terrace, 1st floor.

484 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 10 On Wo Lanë.

197 Wanchai Road; 2nd floor. 27 Robinson Road. 120 Praya East. 51 Conduit Road. Repulse Hotel.

363 The Peak.

69 Queen's Road Central. 43 Sharp Street East. 10 Leighton Hill Road.

9A Morrison Hill Road, 3rd floor.

41 Wongneichong Road, 9A Morrison Hill Road.

Asst., HK. & K'loon W. & G. Co., Ld.......... 9A Morrison Hill Road. Clerk, HK, Electric Co., Ld.

Clerk, South British Ince. Co., Ld... Transhipping Clerk, Admiral Line. Clerk, International Banking Corpn. Assistant, Mustard & Co..

Civil Engineer, J. Caer Clark...

13 Sharp Street East, 1st floor. On premises.

48 Wellington Street.

24 Lyndhurst Terrace, 2nd floor. 16 & 17 Connaught Road Central. 11 Kennedy Street.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Jack, James

Jack, Lawrence

Jack, Richard Maxwell. Jacobs, Albert M. James, Alexander Lam. James, Charles Patrick

Fitz Gerald

James, Frederick William....

James, Porter...........


Jamie, William Dallas

*Jarvis, Stanley

Jason, Henry Frederick.. Jat Min-tan.

Jeffreys, Arthur Charles Jemchorjin, Boris Jenkins, Thomas Livesey Jenkinson, Robert White

Jenner, Frederick James Henry

Jennings, Percival John Jessop, Herbert Jesus, Arthur Gregorio De Jex, Starling .... Joanilho, Faustino Arango

Johannes, Theodorus de Vries Johnson, John

Johnson, Leicester Grafton Johnson, Marcus Theodore Johnson, Percival


Johnston, George Jeremiah ... Johnston, William Jackson Johnston, William Murray

Johnstone, Alan Colville... Johnstone, James Johnstone, James Robert Johnstone, Roderick Jones, Francis Reynolds

Jones, Harold Arthur ..... Jones, Hugh Campbell Hodge Jones, Milford Philipps......

Jones, Thomas Everitt Jones, Victor Reginald Jones, Walter Ernest.. Jordan, Eric Granville Jorge, Francisco José Vicente Jorge, Gustav Christopher ... Jorge, Heitor Telles... Joseph, Edward Menashib Joseph, Ellis Meyer ........ Joseph, Felix Alexander Joseph, Harry Bernard... Joseph, Matthews Kailey Joseph, Tam Hung

Joseph, Walter Gordon,.. Joy, Herbert Thomas

Joyner, James Noah

Judah, Fred..

Acct., Dairy Farm I. & C. S. Co., Ld. Assistant, Standard Oil Co........

Palace Hotel.

1 Canton Villas, Kowloon.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld ..... North Point Installation.

General Manager, Davis Co., Ld. Assistant, Java-China-Japan Lijn

Chief. Freight Dept., Admiral Orient



Supt. Engineer, Butterfield & Swire Prihter, Kelly & Walsh, Ld. Acct., Jardine, Matheson & Coi, Ld................... Accountant, HK. Electric Co., Ld....... Steno-typist, Williamson & Co. Assistant, Davis Co., Ld.

Inspector, HK. Telephone Co., Ld. Engineer, Green Island Cement Co., Ld. Assistant, J. D. Hutchison & Co. Travel Representative, American

Express Co..

Yard Boatswain, HK. Whampoa Dock


Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard.

Engineer, Green Island Cement Co., Ld... Stenographer, American Express Co....... Assistant, Union Trading Co., Ed....... Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld.

Assistant, Holland China Trading Co. ... Store-keeper, Taikoo Dockyard Assistant, South British Ince. Co., Ld. Per Pro., Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co.... General Foreman, Trollope & Colls (Far

East), Ld.

Acct., International Banking Corporation Store-keeper, Taikoo Dockyard Head Timekeeper, HK. Whampoa Dock


Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ed... Mercantile Asst., Dodwell Co., Ld. Assistant, Douglas S.S. Co..... Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Manager, Reuter's Commercial and

Financial Service ...... Manager, S. Moutrie & Co., Ld........ Sub-Accountant, International Bank Sub-Agent, Sir W. G. Armstrong

Whitworth & Co., Ld. Assistant, Lane, Crawford & Co. Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Engineer, HK. Electric Co........ Assistant, Carroll & Co. Assistant, Carroll & Co. Assistant, Wm. Meyerink & Co.. Manager, Astor House Hotel Merchant, Joseph Brothers... Clerk, Odell & Behar Broker, F. A. Joseph Assistant, Vernon & Smyth.....


Asst., HK. & K'loon W. & G. Co., Ld.... Asst., C. Provident Loan & Mortgage Co. Manager, J. R. Michael & Co. Merchant, British-American Tobacco

Co., Ld.

Manager, British American Tobacco Co.. Clerk, HK. Development, Building and

Savings Society, Ld.

3 Robinson Road.

124 Nathan Road, Kowloon,

4 Albany, Peak. Hongkong Club. Wyndham Hotel.

8 The Peak.

Lauriston, Bowen Road. 34 Ice House Street.

3 Caine Road.

22 Ashley Road. 46 Nathan Road. Peak Hotel.

On premises.

Kowloon Docks. Quarry Bay. Hok Un Works. On premises.

3 King's Park Building, Kowloon. Ming Yuen Workmen's Quarters,

Hongkong Electric Co. 42A Nathan Road, Kowloon. Quarry Bay.

31 The Peak. On premises.

Y.M.C.A., Kowloon. Hongkong Hotel. Quarry Bay.

Kowloon Docks.

Cheriton, Minden Row; Kowloon. 4 Minden Row, Kowloon. Empress Lodge, Kowloon. Cosmopolitan Dock, Kowloon.

13 Macdonald Road.

15 Humphreys Buildings, Kowloon. Carlton Hetel.

12A Mody Road.

4 Knutsford Terrace. On premises.

12 Conduit Road.

7 Knutsford Terrace.

6 Leung Fee Terrace.

3 Saifee Terrace, Kowloon. 2 Saifee Terrace, Kowloon. Hongkong Hotel.

On premises.

39 Conduit Road. Astor House Hotel. 77 Austin Road.

6 Mosque Junction.

12 Tregunter Mansions, May Road,

Metropole Hotel.

Banoo Building, Kowloon.

6 Lyeemoon Villas, Kowloon.

Judah, Frederick Ralph......... Assistant, E. D. Sassoon & Co., Ld....... 6 Lyeemoon Villas, Kowloon.


*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Judah, James Jacob Judah, Raphael Salmon. Judd, Edwin Lech...... Jue, Dune H. Juman, Sheik

Jun Kee-choy

June, James Kim Fook......... Jungeling, Hirman Hendrik...

Juster, Andrew William

Assistant, D. S. Gubbay

Assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co... Manager, Brunner, Mond & Co....... Clerk, Bank of Canton, Ld.. Assistant, HK. & K'loon W. & G. Co., Ld. Vice-President, Industrial & Commercial

Bank, Ld.

Hongkong Hotel.

22 Des Voeux Road Central. Hongkong Club.

2 Wyndham Street, 3rd floor. 43 Sharp Street.

15 Shelley Street.

Assistant, HK. & K'loon W. & G. Co., Ld. 2 & 3 Ashley Road, Kowloon. Book-keeper, Netherlands Harbour

Works, Ld................... Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard

4 Victoria Gardens, Kowloon. Quarry Bay.


Kai, Wang Shu Kailey, William Kammerer, Ernst Kan Ho-ching

Kan Sui-tsung

Kan Tong-po... Kaspersen, Henry Olsen Kastmann, Karl

Kay, George Albert Lloyd

Kearney, Graham Keenehan, Martin


Kei Chan-mark Keith, Allan

Keith, David Luckie Keith, James Smith Kelly, George............

Kempton, John Keng Ti-yap Kennedy, Arthur Cecil

Kennedy, James Fitzgerald Kennett, Alfred Charles Kent, Herbert Wade Kenyon, J. Lang

Keown, Richard McArthur Kerley, Victor George

Kern, Ernest

Kerr, Walter Baird

Kerr, William.....

Kershaw, Louis

Kew, Arthur James Kew, Cecil

Kew, Charles Herbert Whiteley Kewley, Rigby Henry Parry...

Key, Maurice Frederick Khai Tiong-yap

Khan, Abbas

Khan, Juman

Khan, Zerif.. Khoy Loy Kilburn, Frank Kin York-lee

King, Dudley Leonard

King, Marion Bailey

Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, Standard Oil Co.... Engineer, Siemssen & Co. Shipping Clerk, Compradore Department,

Admiral Line

Shroff, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co....... Banker, Bank of East Asia, Ld. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Assistant, John Manners & Co. Wharfinger, HK. & K'loon W. & G. Co.,


Manager, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld.

Assistant, Standard Oil Co........ Assistant, P. & O. Banking Corporation. Secretary, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Shipwright, HK. & Whampoa Dock Co.... Shipwright, HK. & Whampoa Dock Co.... Stenographer, Freight Department,

Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ld....... Electrician, HK. & W'poa Dock Co., Ld. Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld. Asst. Marine Superintendent, Jardine,

Matheson & Co., Ll. ...

Asst., South British Insurance Co., Ld.... Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Shipping Manager, Butterfield & Swire Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard..... Electrical Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Merchant, Keller Kern & Co.

Assistant, Lane, Crawford & Co., Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard ..... Engineering Asst., A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Assistant, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld.... Stenographer, American Express Co....... Managing Director, Rudolf Wolff & Kew. Insurance Manager, Liverpool & London

& Globe Insurance Co., Ld. Secretary, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews... Clerk, Chinese Y.M.C.A. Assistant, Arculli & Sons

14 Fat Hing Street, 2nd floor. Socony, Laichikok Instaln. Carbon, Pokfulum Road.

53 Wanchai Road, Top floor. On premises. On premises. On premises.

7 Queen's Road Central.

40A Nathan Road, Kowloon. 194 The Peak.


17, Cheung On Street, K'loon City. 172 The Peak. Kowloon Docks. Kowloon Docks.

20 Staunton Street. Kowloon Docks.

Chinese Y.M.C.A., Bridges Street..

Kowloon Hotel. On premises. On premises. 76 The Peak.

53 Connaught Road Central. Quarry Bay.

2 Felix Villas, Pokfulum. 12B Mody Road. On premises. Quarry Bay.

Soda Water Factory, North Point. 333 Nathan Road. On premises. 8 Castle Road.

Hongkong Hotel. Peak Hotel.

72 Bridges Street.

11 Austin Road, Kowloon.

Assistant, HK. & K. W. & G. Co., Ld.... 32 Shanghai Street, Kowloon.

Assistant, Arculli & Sons

Director, Bank of East Asia

Foreman, Trollope & Colls (Far East), Ld. Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Manager, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld..... Secretary, Dragon Motor Car Co., Ld.

11 Austin Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

1 Armand Buildings, Kowloon. On premises.

Repulse Bay Hotel.

6 Koon Ma Terrace, Happy Valley.






King, Thomas Henry William. Kinghorn, John Richard Kinnaird, John Daniel Kishi, Masasuke.. Kitchell, Omar Kizu, Bunroku

Knight, Albert Edward John. Knight, Charles Crosby. Kni, ht, John Stephen Knight, Thomas Leonard Knopp, Joseph............................... Knottnerus, Hendrik Johannes

Ko Leong-hoe...... Ko Leung-pui...

Ko Sik-on

Ko Tsung-cheuk Ko Yau-cheong Ko Yau-heung Koehler, Carl Edward Komor, Henry Solan Kong Chuen-on Kong Hoo-cheung Kong Ko-woon

Koot, Hendrikus Adrianus

Koozeman, Johan Leendert Korwin, Alexander

Kranen, John Nicolas George

Van Jaack

Assist., HK. & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld. Asst. Supt. Engr., Butterfield & Swire Manager, Davie Boag Co., Ld. Manager, Bank of Taiwan Stock Broker, Kitchell & Co. Bank Staff, Bank of Taiwan Manager, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld.... Assistant Manager, Butterfield & Swire... Freight Clerk, Toyo Kisen Kaisha.... Assistant, American Express Co. Engineer, HK. Excavation Co., Ld. Assistant, Netherlandsche Indische

Commercial Bank

Managing Director, Ho Hong Bank, Ld.. Clerk, John Moraes

Typist, Ault & Wiborg China Co....... Godown Clerk, Davie, Boag & Co., Ld... Stenographer, Holyoak Massey & Co.... Assistant, P. & O. Banking Corporation. Manager, Swedish Trading Co., Ld. Motor Expert, Motor Cycle Exchange Clerk, Admiral Orient Line....... Assistant, Oriental Overseas Co. Asst., Union Ince. Socty, of Canton, Ld... Supt. of Works, Netherlands Harbour

Works, Ld.

Shipping Clerk, Java-China-Japan Lijn. Sub-Manager, Banque de l'Indo-Chine

Assistant, Holland Pacific Trading Co. Krimpen, Cornelis Roeland van Assistant, Transmarina Trading Co. Kristofersen, Proitz

Krogh-Moe, J.

Kruythoff, Gerardus Cornelis Johannes Tielenius

Kwan Sit-kwan

Kwok Chuen

Kwok Hing-wan

Kwok Kai-hing

Kwok, Peter Kingston Kwok Woon-sun Kwong Ko-woon

Kwong Loong Kwong Tse-sang Kylling, William Henry

Assistant, Thoresen & Co., Ld. Superintendent, Thoresen & Co., Ld..

Assistant Technical Manager, Nether-

lands Harbour Works, Ld. Clerk, Operating Department, Canadian

Pacific Steamships, Ld.. General Manager, Wing On Co.. Clerk, Texas Co.


Treasurer, S. C. Development Syndicate. Merchant, Bank of East Asia, Ld. Assistant, Tsurutani & Co., Ld.............. Asst., Union Insurance Society of

Canton, Ld.

Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Assistant, Oriental Overseas Co. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld.

Kowloon Docks. 4 Lyttelton Road. On premises.

19 Conduit Road.

34 Leighton Hill Road. On premises. Repulse Bay Hotel. 183 The Peak.

60 Kai Yan Road, Kowloon City. On premises.

Nathan House, Kowloon.

10 Mody Road.

5 Moreton Terrace.

39 Queen's Road Central. 8 Bridges Street. On premises. 21A High Street.

11 Hill Road, 2nd floor.

37 Humphreys Building, Kowloon. Armand Buildings, Kowloon. 11 Hill Road.

18 Jubilee Street. On premises.

Tsat Sze Mui, North Point. 3 Hart Avenue, Kowloon. Chater Road.

14 Macdonnell Road. Peak Hotel.

14 Conduit Road. Peak Hotel.

176 The Peak.

41 Pelkin Street, Kowloon. 30 Glenealy.

37 Pottinger Street. 2 Chuk Kui Terrace. 7 Arbuthnot Road.

12 Wing Wah Lane.

On premises. On premises.

19 On Lan Street.

186 Portland Street, Yaumati.


Labrousse, Ernest Denys Labrum, George Beresford Labrum, Victor Charles. Lacon, Bernard John......

Lafleur, Franciscus Hubertus

Joseph Alphonsus

Lai Ben-woo

Lai Hi-in

Lai Im-to

Lai Im-tong

Lai Sang-pang Lai Shui-ning Lai Siu-chau Lai Yat-chun

Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Secretary, Ye Olde Printerie, Ld. Printer, Ye Olde Printerie, Ld.

Hongkong Club.

22A Nathan Road, Kowloon. 22A Nathan Road, Kowloon.

Engineer, Jardine Engineering Corpn., Ld. Hongkong Club.

Assistant, Holland China Trading Co. ... I Saifee Terrace, Kowloon. Advertising Clerk, Nestle & Anglo

Swiss Condensed Milk Co.

Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co..... Manager, Oriental Commercial Co. Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Asst., American Milk Products Corpn. ... Assistant, W. L. Weaser, Architect Clerk, International Bank

145 Queen's Road West. On premises.

12 Arbuthnot Road, Ground floor. Union Building.

31 D'Aguilar Street.

44 Peel Street.

139 Queen's Road, West.

Compradore, Robertson, Wilson & Co., Ld. 67/69 Des Voeux Road Central.


L- Continued.




Lai Yim

Laing, John Laiyee Sin-yung Lam Chi-lok

Lam Chun-shang Lam Fong Lam, Fred

Lan Hew-cho...

Lam Hing-sang

Lam, James Alexander Lam Kwong-sik

Lam Man-chi

Lam Ming-fau

Lam Tit-hong

Lam Woon-ki....

Lamarche, Henry Pinkney. Lamb, Francis Robert Lamb, Harry James Lammert, Edwin George Lammert, Frank....

Lammert, Geoffrey Philip Jr.. Lammert, Lionel Eugene Landolt, John .... Landolt, Joseph Savage.. Landsbert, Albert

Lane, Alfred J. Lanepart, H. E.

Langley, Charles William Langston, Arthur Golden Langston, Selwyn Henry

Lap Chiu-chan

Lapsley, Robert


Larcina, Angelo Maria Large, Milford Henry Larsen, Charles Martin Lau Chi-cheung

Lau, George Anthony

Lau Hon-ying

Lau, José Antonio

Lan Man-yan

Lau Shin-chuen

Lau Shuk-wai................

Lau Sin-meng.. Lau Tat-ting

Lau Wai-kin Lau Wai-ling Lau Yam-shan Lau Yuk-wan. Laugier, Louis Laurel, Francisco Lauritsen, Christen

Law Chung-ping Law, Henry

Law, John Baptist Law Kow

Lawrence, Frank Edward Lawrence, George Alfred

* Lawrence, John Henry.... Lawson, William Graham....

Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard Assistant, N. Lazarus & Co. Assistant, Donnelly & Whyte Salesman, Alex. Ross & Co.... Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co. Chinese Interpreter & Clerk, Lowe

Bingham & Matthews

Assistant, Union Trading Co., Ld........ Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Asst. Accountant, Java-China-Japan Lijn Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Asst., Union Ince. Socty, of Canton, Ld... Salesman, Texas Co........ Chief Clerk, Sun Life Ince. Co. Clerk, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld................ Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Representative, Arthur & Co.

Hongkong Hotel. Quarry Bay.

7 Wing Wah Lane. 6 Shelley Street. 17 Landale Street.

3 Victoria Street, 1st floor.

3 On Lan Street, 3rd floor. 7 Canton Road, Kowloon. Union Building.

124 Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises. On premises.

8 Mongkok Road.

12 Anton Street, 1st floor.

138 Whitfield Road, 1st floor. 14A Macdonnell Road,

On premises.

16A Macdonnell Road.

6 Orient Buildings, Kowloon. Deep Water Bay.

Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Union Building. Assistant, Lammert Bros. Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co. Auctioneer & Surveyor, Lammert Bros.... Assistant, Keller Kern & Co., Ld. Stenographer, Canadian Pacific S.S. Ld. Assistant, Holyoak Massey & Co.

Architect, China Building

Assistant, Dairy Farm & Co., Ld. Assistant, Central Agency Co.

11 Carnarvon Buildings, Kowloon. 11 Orient Buildings, Kowloou. 118 Orient Building, Kowloon. 4в Leys Buildings, Nathan Road,

Kowloon. Pokfulam Road.

On premises.

1 Felix Villas, Mount Davis.

Electrical Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Quarters, North Point Station.

Assistant, Nestlé & Anglo-Swiss

Condensed Milk Co.

Accountant, Texas Co.

Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co.

Engineer, HK. & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld. Assistant, Standard Oil Co......... Clerk, Texas Co.

Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Compradore, C. M. Wilson

Clerk, Holland China Trading Co...... Clerk, Kelly & Walsh, Ld.

HK. & Shanghai Hotels. 12 On Lan Street.

Kowloon Docks. Nanking Street, Kowloon. Kowloon Docks. Laichikok.

76 Nathan Road.

4 Yong Chow Street, Kowloon.

6 Wing Lok Street.

66 Peel Street.

31, Kelung Street, Shamsuipo.

Asst. Manager, Hongkong Trading Co... On premises.

Accountant, Connell Bros. Co, Assistant, John Manners & Co...... Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Compradore, S. Moutrie & Co. Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Assistant, A. G. Hewlitt & Sin

Manager, Magazine General Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Managing Director, Dragon Motor Car

Co., Ld.

Asst. Book-keeper, American Express Co. Tunnel Foreman, Sir W. G. Armstrong

Whitworth & Co., Ld............ Clerk, Lloyd's Register

Chief Operator of Cinema, Pathé Orient.

Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. ...... Manager, S. W. Factory, A. S. Watson

& Co.

Storekeeper, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. ... Assistant, Standard Oil Co....

15 Luen Fat Street, Wauchai. On premises.

On premises.

16 Bonham Road, On premises.

2 Loong On Street, 1st floor, Houg Ling Insurance Co. 21 Leighton Hill Road,

8 Tung Hing Road, Kowloon.

Hongkong Hotel. Ou premises.

Lai Muk Sui.

72 Des Vœux Road Central. 4 St. Francis Street, Ground floor,


Soda Water Factory, North Point.

Soda Water Factory, North Point. Kowloon Docks. Socony, West Point.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.







Lay, Alexander Hyde

Lay Kam-fat

Manufacturer's Representative, A.

Hyde Lay

Assistant Manager, Bank of Canton, Ld..

* Layton, Geoffrey Bendyshe Broker, Layton & Co.

Leach, Arthur

Lecot, Alphonse

Lee Boo-lau

Lee Chin-fen

Lee, Charles

Lee Fat-cheung

Lee, Francis

Lee, George

Lee, George Lee Hau-shing

Lee, Henry Spencer Lee Hoong-cheong.. Lee, Joseph William Lee, Koon Kang Lee Kwai-leung.. Lee Mui-chi Lee, Peter

Lee Ping-lum

* Lee, Ralph Wallace. Lce, Ralph William Lee, Rodney

Lee Wah-chue

Lee Wai-chong

Lee Wan-kum... Lee Yuet-chor

* Lee-Jones, Reginald Wynne

Lees, Egbert Anthony Leeuw, Leonard de Lei Ping alias Lei Sui-kam Leitao, Eduardo Ignacio Leite, Luiz Antonio Pitter

Lekovich, Basil Ivanovitch Lely, Jacques Van Der......... Lenfestey, Frederick Percival. Leon, Cezar Augusto........ Leon, Luiz Francisco.. Leonard, Francis Daniel Leong, Alfred.....

Leong, Ernest.....

Leong Yu-sang Lepicard, Maxime

Lessen, Dick Herman Michael


Leung Chenk-pan

Leung Chi-kwong

Leung Chi-ling

Leung Chi-ping

Leung, Henry Gutrie..

Leung Hew-fung

Leung Hin-ming..

Leung Ho-kin Leung Ho-tat Leung Kam-yin Leung Kei-ho............

Lenug Kung-cho

Leung Ngan-wan

Leung Pak-lim

Assistant Accountant, Vacuum Oil Co.... Manager, Banque de l'Indo-Chine Compradore, The Asiatic Trading

Corporation, Ld..............

Assistant, HK. & K'loon W. & G. Co., Ld.. Assistant, Ho Hong Bank, Ld. Managing Director, The Hon Shing

Mercantile Co.

Steno-typist, General Electric Co. of

China, Ld.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Assistant, Ho Hong Bank, Ld. Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Assistant, P. & O. Banking Corporation.| Assistant, Donnelly & Whyte........ Assistant, Java-China-Japan Lijn. Sub-Accountant, Bank of East Asia Assistant, Donnelly & Whyte Compradore, China Auction Rooms Clerk, Lloyd's Register of Shipping Assistant, Alfred J. Lane

Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Foreman, China Sugar Refining Co., Ld. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Clerk, J. D. Humphreys & Son ..... Secretary, A. B. Moulder & Co., Ld. Clerk, American Express Co...... Assistant, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld.


Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Shipping Clerk, Java-China-Japan Lijn. Contractor, Wing Tai, 10 High Street Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld. Book-keeper, Dairy Farm I. & C. S.

Con Lê.

Overseer, HK. Excavation Co., Ld. Foreman, China Sugar Refining Co., Ld. Broker, Carroll Bros. Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank. Clerk, HK, & Shanghai Bank Overseer, Palmer & Turner... Assistant Engineer, Jardine Engineering

Corporation, Ld.........

Clerk, International Banking Corporation Asst., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Manager, Pathe Orient

Employee, Nederlandsch Indische

Handels Bank

165 The Peak. 16 Mosque Street. 100 The Peak. Kingsclere Hotel, Kowloon. 8 Kennedy Road.

30 Hillier Street,

496 Nathan Road, Kowloon, 33 Robinson Road.

2 Leung Fee Terrace.

11 Sau Wali Fong. On premises.

13 Robinson Road. On premises.

17 Connaught Road West. 9 Li Shing Street. On premises.

On premises.

12 Wing Fung Street.

4 Kwai Heung Street, 2nd floor. 82 Queen's Road East, Top floor. 32 Gage Street. On premises. East Point Terrace. On premises. 36 Elgin Street. Alexander Building. 48 Hollywood Road. On premises.

Peak Hotel. Union Building.

52 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

68 Bouham Road.

154 Coronation Road, Kowloon,

4 Saifee Terrace, Kowloon. 512 Nathan Road, Top floor. 20 Ewo Street. Carlton Hotel. On premises. On premises.

S3 Wong Nei Chung Road.

2 D'Aguilar Street. 4 Prospect Place.

2 Lan Kwai Fong, 2nd floor. 2 East View Building, Kowloon.

On premises.

Compradore, China Mining Metal Co., Ld. 24 Lun Fat Street.

Salesman, Mustard & Co.

Freight Clerk, Struthers & Barry Compradore, Canadian Trading Co. Compradore, North West Trading Co. Compradore, Anderson & Ashe. Clerk, Melchers & Co.

Clerk, Shewan, Tomes & Co.

Asst. Compradore, Connell Bros. Co.. Cashier, HK. Amusements, Ld.

Compradore, B. Reif..... Assistant, Banker & Co., Ld.

Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.

On premises.

68 Peel Street.

33 Queen's Road Central. Union Building.

16 Wyndham Street, 2nd floor. 24 Lun Fat Street.

2 Sing Wong Street.

27 Old Bailey Street, Top floor. 201 Temple Street, Yaumati. c/o Compradore, Shewau Tomes &

Co., Ld.

1 Orient Building, Kowloon. 14 Victoria Street, 2nd floor. On premises.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.





L- Continued.

Leung Po-hin.......

Leung Po-shan Leung Pui-yim Leung Shuk-fong Leung Sik-kai Leung Ting-kan.

Leung Tsai

Leung Yau-cheong.. Levenspiel, Abraham. Li Chiu-lung Li Fook-shun

Li Hin-leung Li Hoi-tung Li Jow-son Li Kai-ping Li Koon-chun Li Ming-wai Li Pao-lau

Li Po-tin......

Li Shu-fong Li Sui-wing

Li Tung

Li Tung

Li Yat-choi

Li Yu-fau

Liang Cho-yu.........

Liang Koon-lau Liang, W. Paul

Liang Wah.... Lickley, Frederick.

Liddon-Cole, Charles Walter Lightburn, Walter Bolton...

Linaker, John........ Lincher, Edward Charles

* Lindsay, James Alexander... Ling Man-lai

Ling Shu-ping Linninnen, Frederick Littlejohn, Norman Kemp.. Litton, John Letablere Liu Chung-hang....... Liu Wa-sun

Lloyd, Claude Fitzroy

Lloyd, Lionel Malcolm Snape. Lo Chak-ki....

Lo Chung-wan

Lo Fung-cheung....

Lo Ilo-yeung Lo Kai-hong

Lo Kan Lo Kau

Lo Kung-ying. Lo Kwan-wai Lo Man-pan Lo Nai-ho

Lo Po-iyn

Lo Pun-wai...

Clerk, The Asiatic Trading Corporation,


Clerk, Lane, Crawford, Ld.

Clerk, China Overseas Trading Co. Assistant, Wm. Powell, Ld.

Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Shipping Clerk, Texas Co.

Manager, Banker & Co., Ld. ... Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Engineer, HK. Realty Trust Co., Ld...... Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Clerk, P. & O. Banking Corporation...... Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Managing Director, Banker & Co., Ld.... Director, A. B. Moulder & Co., Ld. Translator, Texas Co.

Merchant, Bank of East Asia, Ld. Clerk, P. & O. Banking Corporation Accountant, Industrial & Commercial


Cashier, Bank of East Asia, Ld.......... Sub-Accountant, Bank of Canton, Ld. Assistant, Davie Boag & Co.

Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Sub-Accountant, Bank of East Asia, Ld. Manager, Lay & Co...... Broker, Blair & Co.

Draftsman, HK. Excavation, Pile

Driving & Construction Co., Ld. Assistant, Bank of East Asia, Ld. President & Manager, Canadian Trading


Shroff, Compagnie Optorg

Asst. Engineer, China Light & Power

Co. (1918), L.

Assistant, HK, Whampoa Dock.. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., North


Assistant Official Measurer Assistant, Gilman & Co., Ld. Coppersmith, HK. & Whampoa Dock Co. Assistant, Bank of East Asia, Ld. Clerk, Mackiunon, Mackenzie & Co....... Assistant, Dairy Farm I. & C. S. Co., Ld. Civil Engineer, Leigh & Orange Assistant, Benjamin & Potts. Secretary, Bank of Canton, Ld. Clerk, Bank of Canton, Ld. Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co. Clerk and Storekeeper, Far East Oxygen

& Acetylene Co., Ld. Compradore, Nederlandsche Handel


Clerk, American Express Co........ Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. Compradore, HK. C. & M. Steamboat

Co., L

Manager, HK. Amusements Co. Assistant, Thos. Cook & Co., Ld. Freight Clerk, Admiral Line Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Share Broker, M. P. Lo

Clerk, Admiral Orient Line..................

Business Manager, Bank of China, Ld. Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld.

11 Wing Wa Lane, 1st floor. 25 Hollywood Road.

173 Queen's Road East. On premises.

On premises.

On Cheung Timber Yard, Public

Square Street.

11 Peel Street. Union Building. St. George's House. On premises. 21 Graham Street. On premises.

9 Babington Path.

41 Austin Road, Kowloon. Chinese Y.M.C.A., Bridges Street. 81 Wing Lok Street.

81 Parkes Street, 2nd floor.

36 St. Francis Street, 3rd floor,


On premises.

2 Tramway Path. On premises. Union Building. On premises.

12 St. Francis Yard. On premises.

Chinese Y.M.C.A. On premises.

9A Orient Building, Kowloon.

5 Lee Yuen Street West.

On premises. Kowloon Docks.

North Point Installation. 5A Armand Buildings, Kowloon. On premises. Kowloon Docks. On premises. On premises. On premises.

On premises.

21 Ashley Road, Kowloon. 303 Des Vœux Road Central.

303 Des Vœux Road Central,

5 Minden Villa, Kowloon. On premises.

883 Canton Road, Yaumati, Top floor.

Netherlands Trading Society. On premises.

3 Mui Foug Street.

9 Chancery Lane.

11 Ice House Street, 2nd floor. 196 Queen's Road Central. 45 Caine Road,

222 Queen's Road East.

3 Excelsior Terrace.

48 Wellington Street.

4 Seymour Road.

222 Queen's Road East.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Lo Shing..... Lo Shiu-wai

Lo Suen-wing Lo Tsak-mau

Lo Tsung-ko

Lo Wai-yuen Lo Yin-kai Lo Yu-man Lobal, Frank

Logan, Colin Roberts Loire, Andre Amedee.... Loug, Edwin Artbur

Long, Joseph Cecil Longfield, Stuart

Look Man-lau...............

Look Poon-shau.

Lopes, Arthur dos Anjos Lopes, Carlos Angusto Lopes, Dellano Pedro Jesus.... Lopes, Delano Vicente Lopes, Lucas Lindouro

Lopes, Secondino Antonio.. Lo Tsun-wing Louey Po-sang Louis, Kai Hing.. Loureiro, Francisco José



Loureiro, Francisco Alpoim Love, Herbert Jack Low, Harry....

Low, Thomas

Low, Victor Thomas

Low, William Ab..........

Lowrie, John

Loy Chang.... Luby, James Francis. Lucey, Ambrose Noel Ludin, Gunnar

Luhrs, Jan Hendrik van


Lui Chung-sun

Lui In-tso

Lui Kwer-sbing

Luke Kang-ching

Luke, Owen Lukyao, Heury

Lum Lee-nam Lum Sow-yne..

Lund, Ernst Lung Shun-yeu

Lunny, James Francis

Luttrell, John Alexander Luz, Alvaro Augusto da Luz, Arthur da

Luz, Eduardo Guilherme da... Luz, Francisco José da ........ Luz, Frederico Gustavo da

Broker, Blair & Co.

Asst., Union Ince. Socty, of Canton, Ld... Compradore, Hausmann, Kern & Co.... Shroff, Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed

Milk Co.

Accounts Clerk, HK. Engineering and

Construction Co., Ld... Clerk, A. Hyde Lay

Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Clerical Asst., Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ld. Assistant, E, D. Sassoon & Co., Ld. Assistant, HK. & Whampoa Dock Co. Asst., Import & Export, Lapicque & Co.. Assistant, HK. Development, Building

and Savings Society, Ld. Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Electrical Engineer, Electric Co., Ld.. Asst. Secretary, Bank of Canton, Ld. Chief Manager, Bank of Canton, Ld. Stock Broker, A. A. Lopes Assistant, Bank Line, Ld. Broker, P. M. N. da Silva Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Chief Clerk, HK. Tramway Co., Ld.. Compradore, Gerin, Drevard & Co. Compradore, Struthers & Barry Clerk, Kelly & Walsh, Ld.

Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank...... Wireless Instructor, Butterfield & Swire. Director, Franco-Chinese Trading Co., Ld. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Civil Engineer, Palmer & Turner Managing Director, Franco-Chinese

Trading Co., Ld.

Office Gunner, Mackinnon, Mackenzie

& Co.

Assistant Manager, Bauk of China, Ld.. Assistant, Canadian Pacific S.S., Ld...................[ Civil Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Manager, A. B. Swedish Trading Co.......

Holland Pacific Trading Co. Assistant, J. M. Alves & Co. Assistant, Sander Wieler & Co. Draftsman, W. L. Weaser Engineer, Sir W. G. Armstrong

Whitworth & Co., Ld. Assistant, Holyoak, Massey & Co....... Mechanic, HK. Engineering & Construc

tion Co., Ld.


Broker, Asiatic Trading Corporation, Ld. Broker, China Export-Import & Bank


Manager, Siemssen & Co.

Electrician, China Light & Power Co.

(1918), Ld.

Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld.......... Wharfinger, Holts Wharf.... Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Arnhold & Co., Ld.. Asst, Uuion Ince. Socty, of Canton, Ld.. Assistant, Union Trading Co., Ld. Clerk, P. & O. Banking Corporation......

On premises. On premises.

1 Po Wah Street.

2 Landale Street, 2nd floor.

98 Yee Kuk Street, Shamshuipo. 17 Cheung Lok Street, Yaumati. 238 Queen's Road East. 12 Landale Street, 2nd floor. On premises. Cosmopolitan Docks. 18 Conduit Road.

6 King's Terrace, Kowloon. Y.M.C.A., Kowloon.

86 Bonham Road.

6 Western Terrace, Caine Road. 6 Western Terrace, Caine Road. 3 Prat Building, Kowloon. 9 Hankow Road, Kowloon. 42 Nathan Road, Kowloon. Ou premises.

5 Ashley Terrace, Kowloon. 53 Granville Road, Kowloon. 4 Po Wah Street.

287 Des Voeux Road Central. IA Eastern Street.

On premises. On premises.

13 Broadwood Road. 1 West Terrace.

2 Humphrey's Building, Kowloon. Jordan Hou e, Jordan Rd., Yaumati.

1 West Terrace.

On premises.

1 Broadwood Terrace. 22 Ashley Road, Kowloon. Enidville, Repulse Bay. Hongkong Club.

On premises.

47 Caine Road, 2nd floor.

242 Reclamation Street, Yaumati. 19 Peel Street.

4 Hau Fung Lane, 24 Lee Tung Street.

20 Tung Hing Street, Mongkok. 2 Stanley Street, Top floor.

21 Hillier Street. Repulse Bay Hotel,

On premises.

On premises.

Holts Wharf, Kowloon. On premises.

2 Peace Avenue, Homuntin. Ou premises.

7 Liberty Avenue, Kowloon. 2 Peace Avenue, Homuntin,







Luz, Henrique da

Luz, José Maria Lourdes da Luz, José Maria de Lourdes... Lyle, David.....

Lynott, George Herring Lyon, David

Clerk, Pacific Mail S.S. Co. Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank. Assistant, Standard Oil Co.. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard.. Manager, Davis & Co.

Macdonnell Road, Waterford. On premises.

4 Saifee Terrace, Kowloon, Quarry Bay. Hongkong Hotel.

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. 6 Cox's Path, Kowloon.


Ma Shui-tsun

Ma Wai-luen

Ma Wai-man

Maas, Martin Mortimer. Maassen, Johan Cornelis

MacArthur, Neil........

* Macaskill, Kenneth Roderick MacCrae, Donald Macintyre, Robert Macdonald, James Robert Macdougall, Robert Ernest Macfarlane, William

Machado, Francisco Antonio.

MacIndoe, Andrew..

Mackay, Charles

Mackenzie, Alexander Mackenzie, Alexander Mackenzie, Allan Mackenzie, Andrew Neilson...

Mackenzie, Charles William... Mackenzie, David.. Mackenzie, George Mackenzie, James Edward Mackenzie, John Mackenzie, William Watson... Mackichan, Alexander


Mackinnon, Thomas Buchanan Mackintosh, Frederick

Alexander Mackintosh, Vincent MacLachlan, James Ball MacReynolds, Thomas

Naughten Mahamed, Din

Maher, Antonio Sebastian.. Maher, Antonio Paulo Mahmin, Abdul Hamid...

Mahomed, Gunni Mahomed, Moosa Mahr, Charles

Mai, Tso Hung


Mair, Andrew

Major, Eric William

Major, James Marquis

Mak Kam-yuk

Mak Shiu

Mak Tin-kuen.....

Makeham, Charles

Maltby, Cyril Fort....

Assistant Manager, China Overseas

Trading Co.

Secretary, A. B. Moulder & Co., Ld............. Insurance Agent, Sun Life luce. Co. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Acct., Netherlandsch Hendel Maats-


Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard.................. Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Engineer, Dairy Farm I. & C. S. Co., Ld. Assistant, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage & Co., Ld. Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard. Timekeeper, Taikoo Dockyard Assistant, Standard Oil Co........... Asst. Supt. Engr., Butterfield & Swire. Clerk, Dairy Farm I. & C. S. Co., Ld............... Assistant Engineer, HK. & Kowloon

Wharf & Godown Co., Ld. Driver, Taikoo Dockyard... Engineer, HK. & K'loon W. & G. Co., Ld Engineer, Green Island Cement Co.

................ Engineer, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld... Stockbroker, J. F. Grose Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.......

Civil Engineer, Leigh & Orange. | Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co.

Manager, Mackintosh & Co., Ld. Sales Supt., China Light & Power Co., Ld. Foreman, W. S. Bailey & Co., Ld.........


Assistaut, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld...... Assistant, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld. Storekeeper, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Engineer, K. Electric Co., Li Overseer, HK. Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld.

Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, Douglas S.S. Co. Clerk, Gibbs & Co.

Manager, Industrial & Commercial Bank. Shipbuilder, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Assistant, Dairy Farm 1. & C. S. Co. Accountant, Admiral Orient Line Clerk, International Bank

Clerk, International Banking Corporation Clerk, International Banking Corporation Asst., Dairy Farm I. & C. S. Co., Ld. Sub-Acct., Chartered Bank of I. A. &. C.

64 Caine Road.

154 Coronation Road, Kowloon. 42 Yiu Wah Street. 113 The Peak.

On premises. Quarry Bay. Kowloon Docks. On premises. Quarry Bay.

1 Connaught Road Central. 193 The Peak.

2 Lower Albert Road.

2 Ashley Terrace, 2nd floor, K’loon. Quarry Bay.

Quarry Bay, Station Hotel.

4 Cambay Buildings, Kowloon. On premises.

15 Cameron Road, Quarry Bay.

15 Cameron Road, 1st floor, K'loon. 2 Saifee Terrace, Kowloon. On premises.

5 South View Building. 465 The Peak.

On premises. Kowloon Docks.

270 The Peak. On premises.

2 Kimberly Villas, Kowloon.

On premises.

5 Holland Street. Kowloon Docks.

13 Sau Wa Fong, Top floor.

6 Ashley Road.

5 Warren Street, 1st floor. 28 Leighton Hill Road. 151 Woo Sung Street. 46 Caine Road. Kowloon Docks. Wyndham Hotel,

34 Humphrey's Buildings, Kowloon. 29 Second Street, Top floor. 4 Po Hing Fong. 29 Second Street. Dairy Farm, Pokfulam.

Bauk Mess, 3 Queen's Road Central.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Man, George Emile

Notthenius de

Mangin, Gilbert

Mann, Jan Gustave Raeburn... Manners, Charles Manners

Manners, John

Manning, Ernest...

Mansfield, William Robert de

Courcy Stanley

* Manton, Alfred Joseph Manuk, Malcolm

Marçal, Henrique Oscar.......

Marcel, Charles Patrick................. Mark, Charles Vernon Mark Kei-chan

Markar, Cassim Gaful Marks, Pieter

Marques, Carlos Evaristo Marques, Francisco Luiz Marques, José Daniel Marques, Luiz Zeferino Marshall, Alexander Gray Marshall, Janes Gray Marshall, Walter Leonard Marskell, George Robert Marteam, Hasim............. Martin, Alfred Edgcumbe...... Martin, Alfred Jolin James Martin, Austiu

Martin, Thomas Archdale......

Mason, Kenneth Augustus Mason, Valentine Atherton Mason, William Morris Matcham, George Daniel Matchin, Williain James Matheson, Herbert. Mathias, Alfonso Crescencio... Mathias, Claudio *Mathieson, Neil Matsui, Seiji

Matteson, Ernest Leroy Matthews, Charles Buchan Matthews, John William

Mattos, Eduardo Augusto.............. Mattos, José de Oliveira Maurice, Matthew Stephen Maurin, Louis Joseph Mavor, Albert John Maxwell, Alex. Herbert Maxwell, John Jex

May, Ernest Alfred George.. May, George Thomas Mayes, Stanley Maurice

Mayger, William McBean, Francis Thorn McBride, John Murray. McCarr, Thomas James McCarty, Albert Edward McClay, Arthur..

Sub-Accountant, Nederlandsch Indische

Handels Bank

Engineer, Far East Oxygen & Acetylene

Co., Ld.

Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Chief Clerk, HK. Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld.

Merchant, John Manners & Co., Ld. Assistant, J. D. Hutchison & Co.

Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Traffic Inspector, HK. Tramways, Ld. ... Secretary, Dairy Farm I. & C. S. Co., Ld. Clerk, Netherlandsch Indische

Commercial Bank Merchant, Pentreath & Co. Assistant, Holyoak Massey & Co. Clerk, P. & O. Banking Corporation Clerk, Holland-China Trading Co... Manager, Netherlands-India Commercial


Assistant, Standard Oil Co.

Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld....... Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Clerk, Chartered Bank of I. A. & C. Assistant, Lane, Crawford & Co., Ld... Assistant, Loxley & Co. Attorney, Standard Oil Co....... Timekeeper, HK. Electric Co. Clerk, International Bank Assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co... Accountant, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews Assistant, Lane, Crawford & Co., Ld. Incorporated Accountant, Lowe, Bingham

& Matthews

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bauk Assist., HK. & K'loon W. & G. Co., Ld. Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Cv. Engineer, HK. Whampoa Dock Co...... Sub-Manager, Chartered Bank Assistant, Admiral Line Pacific S.S. Co. Asst., HK. Rope Manufacturing Co., Ld. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Assistant, Donnelly & Whyte...... General Agent, Admiral Orient Line Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Chief Draughtsman, HK. Whampoa

Dock Co.

Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Stenographer, American Express Co. Manager, Compagnie Optorg Electrical Engineer, Butterfield & Swire. Pansman, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Co., Ld. Asst., HK. & K'loon W. & G. Co., Ld. | Sub-Manager, Dodwell & Co., Ld.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Merchant, British-American Tobacco

Co., Ld.

District Manager, Texas Co.

Passenger Agent, Toyo Kisen Kaisha Sugar Boiler, China Sugar Rfg. Co., Ld. Timekeeper, Taikoo Dockyard Diver, Taikoo Dockyard ........... Manager, Publicity Bureau...

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

25 Ashley Road, 1st floor. 7 Queen's Road Central. 23 Bonham Road.

Union Building.

21 Percival Street, 2nd floor. 2 Lower Albert Road.

60 Park Street, Yaumati. On premises.

519 The Peak.

17 Cheung On Street, Kowloon City. 60 Bowrington Canal East, Top Floor.

2 Tregunter Mansions.

15 Hankow Road, Kowloon. On premises.

Kowloon Docks.

16 Observation Point.

27 Morrison Hill Road.

29 Morrison Hill Road, 1st floor. 8 May Road,

Ming Yuen Workmen's Quarters. 13 Fung Wong Terrace. On premises.

4 A. O. D. Quarters, Kennedy Road. 8 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon.

7 Branksome Terrace. 92 Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises

229 Nathan Road, Top floor, K'loon. Kowloon Docks. Kowloon Docks. 136 The Peak. 5 Blue Buildings.

6 Kee Chong Street, Top floor. Branksome Towers, May Road. 118 Praya East.

21 Humphreys Building, Kowloon. On premises.

Kowloon Docks.

On premises. On premises. On premises. Astor House.

3 Stanley Terrace, Quarry Bay. On premises.

1 Ashley Road, Kowloon. 167 The Peak.

On premises.

3 Leys Buildings, Kowloon. Caerleen, Pokfulam Road. 8A Grauville Road.

4 Great George Street. Quarry Bay.

Quarry Bay.

16 Conduit Road.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






McCormack, John .... McCubbin, John McDonald, Allister McDonell, Alister K. McFerran, David McGilliway, William. McGregor, Robert

McHachlan, George Henry

* McHutchon, James Maitland] McIntosh, James Stuart

McIntyre, John

McIntyre, Kenneth

McKechnie, Hugh


McKellar, John McKellar, Robert McKelvie, John.. McKenzie, William Walker McLaggan, James Ormiston... McLaren, Duncan

McLennan, Kenneth Campbell. McLeod, George..... McMaster, Dugan Hugo Fisher McMurray, David

McNeary, Henry George

James McNeillie, David McNicoll, Leslie Douglas McPartland, James McPhedran, Alexander C......

McPherson, John Livingston.

* McTavish, Hector McEwan. Mealing, Charles Edward

Mecke, William Herman

Mecklenburgh, Horace Leslie. Meester, Titus De Meffan, Norman Dunn Mehal, Haq. Nawaz,

Mehal, Wali Mohammed

Meijer, Sjonke Meldrum, Robert Mellis, George Mendes, Antonio José

Francisco Xavier Nogueira Mendes, Francisco Xavier...... Mendham, Conrad Field Menkoff, Alexander Efimavich Merrick, George... Meyer, Carl..... Meyer, Clarence Earle Meyer, Joseph George Michael, Sidney. Middleton, Henry Miles, Charles Henry

Millar, Andrew William Millar, Robert....... * Millard, Cyril Edwin Miller, Francis Claude Miller, Harry George

Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard

Foreman, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld. Engineer, Dairy Farm I. & C. S. Co., Ld. Representative, Arthur & Co. (Export), Ld. Secretary, Butterfield & Swire Accountant, Texas Co.............. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Chief Draughtsman, HK. Whampoa

Dock Co......


Foreman, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Sugar Boiler, China Sugar Rfg. Co., Ld. Sugar Boiler, China Sugar kfg. Co., Ld. Boilermaker, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Assistant, Alex. Ross & Co. Draughtsman, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Assistant Davie, Boag & Co., Ld. Draughtsmau, Taikoo Dockyard. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard..... Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld.................... Supt. Engineer, Jardine, Matheson & Co.,


Manager, Hogg, Karanjia & Co., Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard Manager, China Soap Co., Ld. Overseer, Raven & Basto..... Draughtsman, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Co., Ld.

General Secretary, Young Men's Christian


Chemist, China Sugar Refiuing Co., Ld... Tunnel Foreman, Sir W. G. Armstrong,

Whitworth & Co., Ld.

Asst., Nederandsche Indische Handels


Quarry Bay.

On premises.

24B Nathan Road, Kowloon. Soda Water Factory, North Point. On premises. On premises. Peak Hotel. On premises. 523 The Peak,

Kowloon Docks. On premises.

Cambay Buildings, Kowloon, On premises.

| East Point Terrace. East Point Terrace. Kowloon Docks.

16A Macdonnell Road. Kowloon Docks. On premises. Quarry Bay. Quarry Bay. 182 The Peak,

Peak Hotel.

1 & 3 Conduit Road. Quarry Bay.

172 The Peak.

10 Mongkok Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

Salisbury Road, Kowloon. East Point Terrace.

Shek Lai Pui.

6 Mody Road.

Merchant, British-American Tobacco Co. 309 The Peak.

Manager, Java Chin-Japan Lijn Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard......

Clerk, HK, Electric Co., Ld.

Clerk, Banque de l'Indo-Chine

Assistant, Transmarina Trading Co. Coal Overseer, Butterfield & Swire Jeweller, Falconer & Co., Ld.


Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co....... Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Assistant, W. S. Bailey & Co. Overseer, Netherlaud Harbour Works, Ld. Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co, Ld. Manager, Friedr. Wilh. Stosberg Erben... Attorney, Standard Oil Co.......... Assistant, Mackintosh & Co. Principal, J. R. Michael & Co. ... Asst. Manager, China Sugar Refining Co. Meter Inspector, China Light & Power

Co. (1919), L. ....

Clerk of Works, Leigh & Orange Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Storekeeper, HK. Whampoa Dock Co,... Assistant, Caldbeck Macgregor & Co. Asst. Engineer, K. Telephone Co., Ld.

Stewart Terrace, The Peak. Quarry Bay.

72-74 Shanghai Street, 1st floor,


72-74 Shanghai Street, Kowloon, 3 E Block, Kennedy Road. Y.M.C.A., Kowloon. 16A Macdonnell Road,

Kowloon Docks. Cosmopolitan Dock. Station Hotel. Tsat Sze Mui. On premises.

Ellenlered, Sassoon Road, Pokfulum. 18 Peak Road.

1 Prat Building, Kowloon.

4 Century Crescent, 14 Kennedy Rd. East Point Terrace,

On premises. Ou premises. Peak Hotel. Kowloon Docks.

15 Queen's Road.

17 Cameron Road, Kowloon.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Engineer, Bradley & Co., Ld. Banker, Chartered Bank

Miller, John Finlay Miller, Joseph...... Milles, Herbert Gordon Lennon Millett, Herbert Claude........Assistant, Mills, Percy Walter Frederick Milne, Jeffrey Brown....... Mimmack, Ernest Ewart * Minhinett, John Deuniford.

Minney, Maurice. Minu, Abdul Karim Miollis, Charles Remy Mistry, Kharshidgi Dhunjibhoy Mitchel, Michael John Edward * Mitchell, Eric John Roderick Mitchell, John

Mitchell, Thomas Mordey......

Mo Kung-ting Mo Sik-kan

Mockett, Walter James.. Mohammed, Dawood Mohammed, Gunni.... Mok Ching-kong Mok, Henry

Mok Hing

Mok Hing-yue

Mok Kon-sang

Mok Tat-huen

Mok Ti-pan Mok Ting-fong Mok Yew-cho........ Monaghan, Thomas. Christopher

*Moncrieff, Robert Lucian Monroe, Sheldon McKinley Montalto, Joseph Eduardos... Montargis, Maurice ....... Monteiro, Francisco Xavier ·


Moodie, Robert Park... Mooney, Philip Charles.. Moore, Brinsley John de Moore, Edward Moore, John Bernard... Moors, Leonard Paul.. Moosa, Shiek

Moosa, Shiek Mohomed Moosdeen, Ebrahim Moosdeen, Emam Ali Moracs, John Sousa Morales, Luiz Gonzaga Mori, Riotarǝ

Morris, Joseph Wheeler Morrison, George ... Morrison, John Alexander-


* Morrison, Kenneth Sinclair. Morton, Harmou le Grand.............. Mow Fung, Frederick Charles Mugford, John Fleming. Muir, David

Muir, John Greig

Peak Hotel.

On premises.

On premises. Kowloon Hotel. Ou premises. Peak Hotel.

Sub-Acct., Chartered Bank of I., A. & C. | Branksome Towers, 10 May Road.

Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld... Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Asst. Acet., Mercantile Bank of India Overseer, HK. Kowloon Wharf & Godown

Co., L.

Assistant, E. D. Sassoon & Co., Ld. Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, Messageries Maritimes Secretary, Hogg, Karanjia & Co.. Sub-Manager, King Edward Hotel Mercantile Assistant, Bradley & Co., Ld. Chief Foreman, Taikoo Sugar Refinery... Assistant Engineer, China Light & Power

.: Co. (1918), Ld.

Compradore, J. M. Rocha & Co. Clerk, International Banking Corporation Printing Manager, Kelly & Walsh, Ld.... Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Merchant, Bank of East Asia, Ld. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Broker, Snowman & Co.

Compradore, Dickson, Parker & Co., Ld. Compradore, Butterfield & Swire Manager, Chau Yue Teng Compradore, Holt's Wharf

Assistant Compradore, Holt's Wharf.... Asst., Union Ince. Socty of Canton, Ld.

Catering Supt., Canadian Pacific S.S., Ld.' Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Sub-Accountant, International Bank Clerk, Robertson, Wilson & Co., Ld... Bill & Bullion Broker

Assistant, Botelho Bros.

Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, J. D. Hutchison & Co. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard

Wireless Supt., Butterfield & Swire Sub-Manager, Russo-Asiatic Bank Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, H. M. H. Nemazee..... Assistant, Holland China Trading Co. Bookkeeper, Thoresen & Co. Architect, John Moraes Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, Bank of Taiwan....

Asst. Pass. Agent, Admiral Oricut Line Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard

Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Merchant, Bradley & Co., Ld.................. Sub-Acet., International Banking Corpu. Assistant, Banker & Co., Ld. Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Assistant, Fitting Dept., Gas Co. Pansman, Taikoo Sugar Refinery

624 Canton Road, Kowloon. 3A Banoo Building, Kowloon. 7 Lamonts Lane, 1st Floor. 3 Percival Street.

2 Chater Road. On premises.

6 Tregunter Mansions. On premises.

On premises.

11 Elgin Street. 2 Wah Ling Lane.

41 Humphreys Buildings, Kowloon, 8 Jardine's Bazaar, 1st Floor. 5 Warren Street, ground floor. 20 Shelley Street.

25 Old Bailey Street, Top Floor. 24 Caine Road.

1 Kennedy Street, Wanchai. On premises.

5 Stanley Street, Ground Floor, 4 Wood Road.

4 Wood Road. Union Building.

5 Queen's Gardens, On premises. 450 Peak.

3 Duddell St.

7 Peak Road.

146 Coronation Rd., K'loon, Top Fl.

On premises.

324 Nathan Road, Kowloon,

On premises.

Quarry Bay.

13 Broadwood Road.

22 Humphreys Building, Kowloon:

20 Percival St., 1st Floor.

33A Queen's Road East.

3 Heard Street.

3 Sing. Woo Road, Happy Valley.

I College View.

8 St. Francis Yard, Wanchai, On premises.

Empress Lodge, Kowloon. Quarry Bay.

On premises. 460 The Peak, 4 Stewart Terrace.

82 Sai Tau, Kowloon City. 4 Woo Sung Street, Yaumati. Gas Works.

On premises.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Muirhead, John

Munford, Frederick


Munn, Fredrick Edwin


Munro, Donald

Munton, Douglas William.. Murdoch, Arthur

Murdock, William Nugent


Murer, Frederik Murray, David M..... Murray, Gilbert Ramsay

Murray, Granville

Murray, Malcoln McLean. Murray,


Murray, Robert Dolman

Muskett, William Herbert Basil Mylo, Arthur

Foreman, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Secretary, Kowloon Tong and New

Territories Development Co., Ld.......

Assistant, Aruhold & Co., Ld........................... Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard. Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld..

Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co....... Assistaut, Thoresen & Co. Engineer, Indo-China S. N. Co... Meter Foreman, China Light & Power

Co. (1918), Ld.

Electrical Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Asst. Supt. Engineer, Butterfield & Swire Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard

Sub-Accountant, Chartered Bank Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld.

On premises.

Kowloon Hotel.

12 Nathan Road, Kowloon. Quarry Bay. The Albany. 192 The Peak.

Peak Hotel. 14 Conduit Road. Redhill, 121 The Peak.

On premises. 287 The Peak.

506 Stubbs Road, Peak. Quarry Bay.

1 Minden Avenue, Kowloon, 980 Wanchai Road.

Draughtsman, HK. Realty Trust Co., Ld. | On premises.

Naaf, Walter Naess, Birger


Nair, Kurugeedil Govind Nakajima, Tadashi..... Nazarm, Razee Neaser, Wm. Lionel · Neave, Cecil Neave, Etienne Hugh

Neilson, David Scott ..... Neilson, Donald McLaren Neill, Thomas Charles Nelson, Charles Cowley Nemazee, Ahmed Nemazee, Mohamed

Nemazee, Mohamed Khalil Nettleton, John

Neves, Florindo José....

Neves, George Albert Neves, João Maria.............. Neves, Victor E.

Neves, Virgilio Antonio. Newman, Percy Ingham Ngan Fook ....... Ng, James Ernest Ng Hak-ng Ng Kai-chi.

Ng Kim-chau

Ng Kwong-chiu

Ng Lee

Ng Man-hoi

Ng Pak-king Ng Sze-kwong Ng Wai-yan Ng Yuk-hing.

Nicholas, Joseph

Assistant, Arnhold & Co., Ld. Assistant, Larsen & Co.

Clerk, Keller Kern & Co., Lal............... Assistant Manager, Bank of Taiwan Assistant, Harry Wicking & Co. Architect

Assist., HK. & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld. Wharfinger, HK. & Kowloon W. & G.

Co., L.

Shipbuilder, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Boilermaker, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard

Assistant Engineer, Taikoo Dockyard Merchant, H. M. H. Nemazee.. Merchant, H. M. H. Nemazee Assistant, H. M. H. Nemazee. Assistant, Standard Oil Co. of N.Y.

Clerk, Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ld.... Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, Chartered Bank....... Assistant, J. P. Vieira Remedios Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Manager, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld.... Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Clerk, Williamson & Co.

Shroff, China Export-Import & Bank Co. Merchant, Oriental Trading Co.

Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Clerk, Gibbs & Co.

Assistant, T. M. Gregory & Co.... Clerk, Messageries Maritimes Clerk, South British Ince. Co., Ld.. Assistant, Man Hing Cheung Typist, American Express Co. Wages Clerk, HK. Engineering and

Construction Co., Ld.

Acct., Trollope & Colls (Far East), Ld... Nicholls, Robert Edward ...... Mains Superintendent, China Light &

*Nicholson, Donald Evelyn


Power Co., Ld.

50B Nathan Road. 570 Magazine Gap.

6 Ashley Road.

55 Conduit Road.

13 Matheson Street. 48 Nathan Road, Kowloon Docks.

86 Nathan Road, Kowloon. Kowloon Doeks.

Kowloon Docks. Quarry Bay. Quarry Bay.

5 Conduit Road.

5 Conduit Road.

3 Conduit Road.

27 Humphreys Building. St. Joseph's Building. 48 Praya East, 3rd floor. 14 Sauwafong, Wanchai, On premises.

14 Sau Wa Fong, 1st & 2nd floors. Hongkong Hotel.

On premises.

35 Nathan Road, Kowloon. | 56 Wellington Street. Chinese Y. M. C. A. On premises.

33 Mosque Junction, 27 Hollywood Road, 16 Lan Kwai Fong. On premises.

119 Caine Road, On premises.

36 D'Aguilar Street, 2nd Floor. Hotel Metropole.

Ou premises.

Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank ......... On premises. Nightingale, Peter Shore ...... Electrical Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. 5 Felix Villas, Pokfulum.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.







Nikkels, Johan Marie


Nilson, Joel Anker Nisbet, George Nish, Hugh.... Nissim, Archibald

Noble, Frederick Handy Nocht, Helmert E. B. Noll, Maurice George Nomblot, Jean Normington, Fred. Noronha, Eduardo Antonio Noronha, Fernando Noronha, José Maria...

Noronha, Libanio Joaquim Noronha, Ricardo Luiz Duarte Norrie, James Marshall..... Norton, Robert H. Nowers, William Arthur Nyew Choon-chiaw

Manager, Nederlandsch Indische Handels


Assistant, Thoresen & Co. Storekeeper, Taikoo Dockyard Assistant Official Measurer Broker, Moxon & Taylor... Assistant, Standard Oil Co. of N.Y. Assistant, Melchers & Co. Civil Engineer, Leigh & Orange.. Cook, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld. Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld...... Clerk, Green Island Cement Co., Ld....... Asst., HK. Rope Manufacturing Co., Ld. Secretary, Crédit Foncier d'Extrême-



On premises.

14 Conduit Road.

Quarry Bay.

5A Armand Buildings, Kowloon. On premises.

195 The Peak.

19 Chatham Road, Kowloon. On premises. Hongkong Hotel.

Humphreys Building, Kowloon.

8 Gordon Terrace, Kowloon. 38 Jordan Road, 2nd floor,

23 Ashley Road, Kowloon.

488 Coronation Road, Kowloon.

31 Nathan Road, Kowloon. Chartered Bank Mess. On premises.

Assistant, Transmarina Trading Co. Assistant, Little Adams & Wood Sub-Acct., Chartered Bank of I., A. & C. Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Ld. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld...... 4 Queen's Gardens. Clerk, Equitable Eastern Banking Corpn. 93 Connaught Road.



O'Brien, John Henry... Odell, Harry Oscar Offersen, Carl............. Ogden, Henry Gouverneur Ogden, William Normau Ogilvie, Alexander........ Ogilvie, Arthur George

Wright Ogley, Wilfred Clarence O'Hoy, Kim Louey O'Hoy, Sheow Loney Olaes, Alberto Ambrosio Oliphant, Charles Laurence Oliveira Oscar Mirandolino

dos Sontos Oliver, George Kenneth......... Oliver, Peter

Oliver, Roland Edward Henry Ollerton, Joseph Edward Olson, Charles William Omar, Rumjhan Mahomed Omar, Usuff Mahomed Orchard, William Edwin Ormiston, James Ortlepp, Friederick Osborne, Alfred Richard Osborne, Patrick William O'Shea, Stephen John

Osmund, Alberto José Osmund, Arthur Frederick Osmund, Cesar Henry Osmund, Ernest Edgar Osmund, George Vincent Osmund, Luiz Augusto... Ost, Reginald Emil Oswald, William Robert Overy, Hubert

Accountant, Davis & Co.......

Partner, Odell & Behar Assistant, Jebsen & Co. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Assistant, Genl. Electric Co. of China, Ld. Storekeeper, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. ...

Carroll Brothers

Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Compradore, Admiral Line ................... Accountant, Struthers & Barry. Assist., Jardine Matheson & Co., Ld. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld..

Clerk, Green Island Cement Co., Ld............. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire..... Moulder, HK. Whampoa Dock C............................ Merchant, Caldbeck MacGregor & Co. Manager, Montgomery Ollerton & Co. Broker, C. W. Olson & Co................... Assistant, Moxon & Taylor. Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Hotels


9 Orient Building, Kowloon.

13 St. Stephens Lane. Mount Davis Road.

3 Carnarvon Road, Kowloon. Peak Hotel. Kowloon Docks.

Hongkong Club.

12 Parkes Street, Yaumati. 39 Sand Street, Kennedy Town. 39 Sand Street, Kennedy Town. 32 Ice House Street. 8 The Peak.

19 Ashley Road, Kowloon.

2 Branksome Towers, May Road. Kowloon Docks.

15 Queen's Road. Peak Hotel.

13 Broadwood Road,

On premises.

145A & B Praya East.

Electrican, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld... 2 Prat Building, Kowloon,

Engineer, Holyoak Massey & Co. Merchant, Borneman & Co........ Timekeeper, Taikoo Dockyard Typist, Osaka Shosen Kaisha... Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld.

Assistant, Standard Oil Co... Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld........] Assistant, Green Island Cement Co., Ld. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Manager, Arnhold & Co., Ld. Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard Assistant, Wm, Powell, Ld...


King Edward Hotel.

180 The Peak.

Quarry Bay.

On premises.

50c & D Whitfield Road, Ground &

2nd Floors.

3 St. Joseph's Mansion,

1 Liberty Avenue, Kowloou. 2 West View, Kowloon.

1 Liberty Avenue, Kowloon,

10 Orient Bldgs., Kowloon, 1st Fl. Union Building.

Mount Davis Road, Pokfulum, Quarry Bay. Powell's Building.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Owen, James Colin O'Young, Jung Ozorio, Duarte Diniz Ozorio, Eurico Maria.. Ozorio, Fausto Maria.. Ozorio, José de Graça

Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co....... Assistant, P. & O. Banking Corporatisu. Clerk, Holyoak Massey & Co... Clerk, Chartered Bank...

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co.

Kowloon Docks.

37 Kennedy Road, 2nd floor. St. Joseph's Building. St. Joseph's Mansion, On premises. Kowloon Docks. ·


* Padgett, George Thomas Page, Harry W.

Palmer, Henry Thomas...... Palmer, Percy Frederick Panazzi, Joseph Vincent Pang Chun-kung Paug Kok-sui

Pang Pan-sang

Pank Kwok-fatt... Pape, Glenn Ernest.

Parker, Herman Vearncombe. Parker, Lewis Arthur Parker, Philo Woodworth.. Parren, Joseph Lee Parsons, Howard

Parsons, Reginald John Webbre Parsons, Thomas Riddle Pasco, Boris

Pass, Brian Alfred de ....... Paterson, Robert Jardine Paterson, Thomas Garner Pau, Charles

Pau Man-cheuk

Pau Man-lok

Paul, Alfred Frank. Paye, Robert James Pearman, Harry

Pearson, Harold Aubrey Pearson, Richard William


Peat, Donald Brookewell ... Peel, Charles Alfred ......... Pendered, Thomas Dent Elliot. Penny, Henry... Peoples, David Pepperell, Edmund Percy, Thomas Rogers

Pereira, Carlos José Maria Pereira, Fermino Maria... Pereira, Jr., Francis Roza Pereira, Hermenegildo E'd


Pereira, João Patricio Pereira, Stanley

Pereira, Thomas Maria Perera, Lianage Stanley Peres, Luiz Antonio Perrie, Robert

Perrin, Norman James

Perry, Silas Shalome......

Electric Engineer, Electric Co., Ld. Shipping Supt., Dairy Farm I. & C. S.

Co., Lạ.

120 Whitfield Road.

2 Lower Albert Road.

Foreman, China Sugar Refining Co., Ld.. East Point Terrace. Manager, J. T. Shaw

Asst., Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., Ld. Manager, Oriental Overseas Co.

Ship Broker, George, Grimble & Co... Clerk, South British Ince. Co., Ld. Assistant, Grimble & Co. Marketing Assistant, Texas Co........ Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Technical Manager, Vacuum Oil Co....... Asst. Gen. Manager, Standard Oil Co. Assistant, Standard Oil Co........ Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Assistant, Arnold & Co., Ld. ..........

22 Ashley Road.

On premises.

104 Wellington Street.

13 Wong Nei Chung Road. On premises.

7 Wong Nei Chung Road.

6 Aimai Villas, Kowloon.

On premises.

On premises.

Mount Kellet.

35 Humphrey's Building, Kowloon. Kowloon Station Hotel. Kingsclere Hotel, Kowloon.

Garage Manager, HK. & S'hai Hotels Ld. Happy Valley Garage, Stubbs Road. Bookseller, Brewer & Co., Ld.......... Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

Merchant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Marine Surveyor, Anderson & Ashe Assistant Bookkeeper, Admiral Line Assistant, Bank of East Asia, Ld. Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld:

Electrical Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, W. S. Bailey & Co., Ld. .......... Manufacturers Representative, Pearman

& Jenkins

Assistant, China Soap Co., Ld. Storekeeper, Sir W. G. Armstrong,

Whitworth & Co., Ld.

Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld.....

1 Felix Villas.

1 Chater Road.

529 The Peak. On premises. 46 Praya East. On premises.

48 Old Bailey Street. 8 East Point Terrace.

6 Dock Street, 2nd Floor, Hunghom.

Hongkong Hotel. Hongkong Club.

Kowloon Hotel. On premises. Hongkong Club.

Asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.), Ld... On premises. Assistant, Kelly & Walsh, Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard Hongkong Hotel.

General Agent, Passenger Departmeut,

Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ld....... Assistant, Caldbeck, MacGregor & Co. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Bookkeeper, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld.

Storekeeping Clerk, Kowloon Tong and

New Territories Development Co., Ld. Mercantile Asst.,. Shewan, Tomes & Co... Clerk, China Light & Power Co. (1918),


Clerk, International Banking Corpn. Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co.

13 Chatham Road, Kowloon. Quarry Bay.

2 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon.

Hongkong Hotel.

2 Reduaxela Terrace. 215 Wanchai Road,

24 Cameron Road, Kowloon.

601 Shanghai Street, Top Floor. 1 Rednaxela Terrace.

On premises.

40 Humphreys Building.

69 Queen's Road Central.

Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld.

Pansman, Taikoo Sugar Refinery ...... Agent, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld.

10 Tung Hing Rd., K'loon, 1st Floor. On premises.


On premises.

7 The Peak,

Bill & Exchange Broker, S. S. Perry...

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Perry, William Harold Pestonji, Rustom Peters, William

Peters, William Henry Peterson, Thomas Mcquoid Pethick, Harry Hathaway..... Petrie, J ames

Petroff, Sergei Nicolaevich Peuster, Paul Oscar Philips, Alexander Roy


Phillips, William Stanley Pidgeon, John Henry Piercy, Arthur Piguet, Xavier

Pile, Arthur George Pilger, Gerard Jacobus Pilgrim, Arthur James


Pinguet, Ernest Lewis Pinguet, Henry Marcel Pinguet, Paul Maurice

Pinna, Carlos

Manager, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld.... Share Broker, Benjamin & Potts Time-keeper, HK. Whampoa Dock Co.... Stenographer, Canadian Pacific S.S., Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard.... Attorney, Standard Oil Co...... Assistant, Davie Boag & Co., Ld. Diver, Netherlands Harbour Works, Ld Assistant, John Manners & Co.

Chemist, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Broker, Carroll Bros.

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld...| Cashier, Banque de l'Indo-Chine.... Manager, A. G. Pile.......... Accountant, Java-China-Japan Lijn Assistant, Pittendrigh Rumjahm & Co.... Manager, American Milk Products Corp. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Merchant, P. M. Pinguet & Co. Clerk, Chartered Bank..

Pinna, Germano Augusto de... Clerk, Netherlandsche Handel

Pinna, José Mathias

Pinna, Luis Gonzaga.. Pinna, Mario Francisco Pinna, Sebastião de Pintos, Cecilio Paulo... Piper, Kenneth Frederick Piquet, Paul Armand Xavier Pittendrigh, William McKenzie Placé, Abelardo Antonio Platt, J. W.

Plew, William Lewes Plummer, John Archibald


Po Ying-lo

Poa Man-cheuk

Pollock, Frederick Arthur.. Pomeroy, Henry William Pomeroy, John Bernard Pong Liu-kum

Pooh, Charles Ah

Pooly, Henry Junior

Poon Hau-chi ...................

Poon Lai-fung

Poon Ping-kong Postma, Gijs

Potts, Alexander Hutton Potts, Patrick Cumming Pragnell, Charles Frederick

Prata, Fernando Augusto Prata, Henrique José..... Prata, Pedro Fernando de Cruz

Price, Walter Ernest Prior, Alfred Quint Prisnall, A......

Prossor, Harold Kemp Provan, James Doig Prowse, Harold Short

Pryce, Charles Puncheon, George. Pun Kwong-yin

Pun Yun-hoi


Clerk, Chartered Bank.

Hongkong Hotel.

8 Humphreys Building, Kowloon. Kowloon Docks.

8B Orient Buildings. Quarry Bay.

Friston Cottage, May Road. On premises.

4 Banoo Buildings, Kowloon, 7 Queen's Road Central,

On premises.

293 The Peak. 15 Bowen Road. 369 The Peak. Chater Road. On premises.

6 Mountain View.

1 Canton Villas, Kowloon. 10 Chatham Road, Kowloon. On premises.

10 Chatham Road, Kowloon. 70 Parkes Street, Kowloon.

On premises.

18 Tung Hing Road, Kowloon.

Asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.), Ld... On premises. Assistant, Yvanovich & Co. Assistant, Harry Wicking & Co. Clerk, Holland-China Trading Co.

Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Accountant, Banque de l'Indo-Chine Merchant, Pittendrigh & Co. Storekeeper, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld Manager, Dickson Parker & Co., Ld.......

Assistant, Bradley & Co., Ld....... Business Manager, Bank of China Assistant, Bank of East Asia, Ld. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Clerk, Percy Smith, Seth & Fleming..... Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Inspector, Peak Tramway Co.

Assistant Works Manager, Green Island

Cement Co., Ld........................

Assistant, Bank of East Asia, Ld. Assistant, Alfred J. Lane

Asst., Union Ince. Soety, of Canton, Ld... Book-keeper, Transmarina Trading Co.... Assistant, Benjamin & Potts Share Broker, Benjamin & Potts Time-keeper, Sir W. G. Armstrong,

Whitworth & Co., Ld. Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, A. A. Lopes................. Clerk, Green Island Cement Co., Ld.. Overseer, Butterfield & Swire Assistant, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld... Engineer, HK, & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld. Installation Foreman, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Accountant, Canadian Pacific S.S., Ld... Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Clerk, P. & O. Banking Corporation Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.


6 Barrow Terrace, Kowloon. 29 Jordan Road, Kowloon.

22 Tung Hung Rd., K'loon, 2nd Fl. On premises.

2B Jordan Road, 161 The Peak. Kowloon Docks. On premises.


1 Bungalow, North Point.

515 The Peak. 4 Seymour Road. On premises. Hongkong Club. 5 Percival Street. 8 Gap Road.

On premises.

41 Public Street, Kowloon.

On premises.

On premises.

53 Wong Nei Chong Road. Union Building. Empress Lodge.

The Tower, Queen's Building. Sheung-shui, New Territory.

26 Shantung Street. On premises.

Eastern House, Kowloon,

8 Hart Avenue, Kowloon.

120 Whitfield Road, Causeway Bay.

13 MacDonnell Road.

On premises.

On premises. Kowloon Docks.

On premises.

Basilea, 2 Lyttelton Road.

6 Waverley Terrace.

5 Upper Ladder St., 1st Floor. On premises.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Purser, Oscar John

Purslow, Frederick Charles

Purves, David Aitchison * Purves, David John * Pyburn, Thomas... Pym, John Frederick.

Accountant, Sir W. G. Armstrong,

Whitworth & Co., Ld.

Distribution Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.

Engineer & Surveyor, D. & A. Purves...

Kowloon Hotel.

On premises.

2 Torres Building, Kowloon.

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... 2 Torres Building, Kowloon. Stenographer, Canadian Pacific S.S., Ld. | 40 Nathan Road, Kowloon. Assistant Engineer, China Light &

Power Co. (1918), Ld..

On premises.


Quan Shu John

Quark, Francis William Quarles van Ufford, Charles

François Jean....

Quievrecourt, Louis

Toussaint de-

Chief Accountant, Bank of Canton, Ld. . Asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.), Ld ..

Manager, Java-China-Japan Lijn

Sub-Manager, Banque de l'Indo-Chine

65 Caine Road, 2nd floor. Ou premises.

87 The Peak,

10 Conduit Road.


Rafeek, Mohomed Rahumed, Abdul Kadir. Railton, Eric Wilfred.... Railton, Manning Leonard Ralph, Dallas Lush

* Ralph, Leslie Philip Ralston, George Govan... Ramage, Lesile George Edgar. Ramos, Adolpho dos Ramsay, Allen Barrie Ramsay, Frederick Stuart......

Ramsay, John Harris... Ramsay, Joseph Marshall * Ramsay, Joseph Victor


Ramsay, Peter Walter


Ramsay, Robert Albert

Ramsay, Thomas

Ramsey, Alfred William


Randall, Benjamin Cutler Jr... Randall, Herbert Wells... Ranger, Frederick Ernest Rankin, Garnet

Ransom, Carter Saunders Rapp, Christian Frederick... Rapp, Gustav.... Rapp, Henry

Rasker, Arnoldus Geuchien

Rasmussen, John Agner Rattey, William James

Raven, Arthur Robert Fenton Raven, Oscar Boultbee Rawlinson, Ronald James.. Ray, Edward Henry * Ray, Herbert Wallace Raymond, Edward Benjamin

Assistant, Osaka Shosen Kaisha Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank. Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Assistant, Arnhold & Co., Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard. Building Supt., Kowloon Tong and New Territories Development Co., Lil. Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Supt. Shipbuilder, HK. W'poa Dock Co.. Chief Draughtsman, HK. Whampoa

Dock Co

Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard..... Engineer, HK. Whampoa Dock Co.. Manager, S. T. Williamson Co.

118 Hollywood Road,

8 Lamont's Lane, 1st floor. On premises.

3 Prat Building, Kowloon. 519 Magazine Gap, The Peak. On premises. On premises. On premises.

2 St. Francis Street. Quarry Bay.

631 Shanghai Street, Mongkok. On premises. Kowloon Docks.

Kowloon Docks.

Quarry Bay.

Kowloon Docks.

9 Humphreys Building, Kowloon.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld.... 2 Prat Building, Hart Avenue.

Assistant, Benjamin & Potts Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Assistant, D. Sassoon & Co., Ld. Assistant, Little Adam & Wood Sub-Acct., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.


Secretary, J. D. Humphreys & Sou Assistant, Carroll Bros. Sub-Accountant, Netherlandsche Handel


Asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.C.), Ld... Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co.

| Architect, Raven & Basto

Architect, Raven & Basto Assistant, Butterfield & Swire Ship Broker

Manager, HK. Amusements, Ld..

Secretary, HK. Development, Building

& Savings Society, Ld.....

33D Robinson Road.

Prospect Place, Bonham Road.

56 The Peak.

24 Ashley Road, Kowloon. 267 The Peak.

18 Robinson Road.

On premises.

14 Conduit Road.

Netherlands Trading Society. On premises.

Kowloon Docks.

29A Kennedy Road.

2A Cambay Building, Kowloon. Lauriston, Bowen Road. Alexandra Building.

1B East View Buildings, Kowloon.

11 Humphreys Building, Kowloon.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.







Raymond, Edward Maurice Razack, Ahmed Abdool Razack, Moosa Abdool Razavet, George Raymond

Reed, Robert Cyril

Reid, Alexander Napier Reid, Douglas

Reid, William...

Reimers, Stephanies Beech Reis, José Manuel.... Remedios, Alberto Maria


Remedios, Alfredo Frederico


Remedios, Antonio Alvaro Remedios, Arthur Reginaldo.. Remedios, Carlos Antonio


Remedios, Carlos Augusto dos Remedios, Carlos Eugenio...... Remedios, Carlos Henrique'


Remedios, Carlos Savard ... Remedios, Edmundo Alberto


Remedios, Edward Manuel dos Remedios, Ernesto Agostinho


Remedios, Evaristo Euzebio


Remedios,Fernando: Eduardo


Remedios, Fernando Jose dos.. Remedios, Francisco Xavier


Remedios, Francisco Xavier dos Remedios, Francisco Xavier


Broker, Moxon & Taylor. Assistant, M. A. Razack General Broker, M. A Razack Stenographer, Marine Dept., Canadian

Pacific S.S., Ld.

Clerk, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld.

Assistant, Lever Bros. (China), Ld. Sub-Acct., Chartered Bank Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

On premises.

On premises. On premises.

1 Moreton Terrace, Causeway Bay.

8 Broadwood Road.

St. George's House, Kennedy Road.

I Humphreys Buildings, Kowloon. Kowloon Hotel.

On premises.

Manager, Melchers & Co.

Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank..

On premises.

Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

On premises.

Clerk, HK, & Shanghai Bank. Clerk, HK. & China Gas Co., Ld. Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank

Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Clerk, Holland-China Trading Co..... Chief Clerk, Russo-Asiatic Bank

22 Robinson Road, Top Floor. 22 Queen's Road.

On premises.

Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank.... Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., L... 9 Humphreys Avenue, Kowloon.

Clerk, Kelly & Walsh, Ld. .... Assistant, HK. & Whampoa Dock Co....

Assistant, HK. & Whampoa Dock Co.....

Assistant, Holyoak Massey & Co.

Asst., Union Trading Co.

On premises. Kowloon Docks,

Kowloon Docks.

316 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

6 Peace Avenne,

Asst., Union Insce. Society of Canton Ld. On premises.

Assistant, Union Trading Co., Ld. Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank......

Assistant, Caldbeck Macgregor & Co.

Remedios, Hector Santiago dos Clerk, Banque de l'Indo-Chine

Remedios, Hermillo


Remedios, Honor S. dos

Remedios, J. P. Vieira

Remedios, João Joaquim

Vandenberg...... Remedios, Jorge Maria Ozorio. Remedios, José Candido dos... Remedios, José Julita dos Remedios, José Maria


Remedios, José Victor dos Remedios, Luiz Antonosio dos Remedios, Luiz Augusto


Remedios, Luiz Eugenio Remedios, Luiz Gonzaga Remedios, Maximiano Antonio


Remedios, Paulo Maria Remedios, Romualdo Jacob Remedios, Vasco Luiz dos........ Remington, Harold Rupert Renton, Eric George.... Resker, Herbert Charles Rew, Tommy James

Clerk, Russo Asiatic Bank Assistant, Arnold Bros. & Co., Ld. Merchant, J. P. Vieira Remedios

Clerk, International Banking Corpn. Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld.... Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank.... Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank..

Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Clerk, P. & O. Banking Corporation | Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank

Asst., The Marconi International Marine

Communication Co., Ld.

Clerk, Banque Franco-Chinoise Assistant, Standard Oil Co.

Merchant, Maxim & Co. Assistant, B. Reif.........

Chief Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld. Asst., Union Ince. Socty, of Canton, Ld..] Assistant, Harry Wicking & Co. Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co. Sub-Manager, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India

On premises.

On premises.

488 Coronation Road, Ground Floor. Kathleen Villa, Fanling.

The Hut, Castle Road.

4 Peace Avenue, Kowloon. On premises.

The Hut, Upper Castle Road.

24 Jordan Road, 2nd Floor, Kowloon. On premises.

On premises.

Kowloon Docks.

2 Victory Avenue, Homuutin. On premises.

37 Granville Road, Kowloon.

St. Joseph's Building, Middle Block. St. Joseph's Building.

3 Carnarvon Villa, Kowloon.

493 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

Wanchai Road.


On premises.

On premises.

Empress Lodge, Kowloon.

On premises. 98 Praya East.






Ribeiro, Albert Ribeiro, Angelo Cecilio... Ribeiro, Antao Emmanuel. Ribeiro, Augusto Henrique Ribeiro, Augusto Illidios...... Ribeiro, Augusto José Vieira. Ribeiro, Carlos Alberto de

Jesus Vieira Ribeiro, Carlos de Monte

Carmelo da Costa Vieira Ribeiro, Constantino Filomeno

Vieira Ribeiro, Daniel

Ribeiro, Fernando Alfredo


Ribeiro, Francisco Raul.......

Ribeiro, Francisco Vicente


Ribeiro, Francisco Xavier


Ribeiro, Frederico Francisco...

Ribeiro, Frederico Guilherme. Ribeiro, Guilherme Alfredo Ribeiro, João Chrysostomo


Ribeiro, João Francisco Vieira. Ribeiro, Jorge Alberto Vieira Ribeiro, Jorge Alberto Vieira. Ribeiro, Jose Antonio da

Costa Vieira

Ribeiro, Juanario

Ribeiro, Julio Carmo Vieira ... Ribeiro, Lucio Maria Vieira... Ribeiro, Luiz Antonio Vieira...

Ribeiro, Luiz Gonsaga Ribeiro, Oscar Francisco Jr.... Ribeiro, Oscar Francisco * Ribeiro, Venceslau Francisco


Richmond, John...

HK, Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Assistant, Standard Oil Co........ Assistant, Lane, Crawford & Co.......... Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld.

12 Salisbury Avenue. On premises.

24 Robinson Road, 24 Robinson Road. 49 Praya East, 3rd Floor. Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld. ... 3 Granville Road, Kowloon.

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson &.Co., Ld... 11 Morrison Gap Road.

6 Carnarvon Villas.

Assistant, Standard Oil Co.......

Bookkeeper, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld. 8 Morrison. Gap Road. Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld.

24 Ming Yuen Quarters.

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Assistant, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co.

Assistant, Ribeiro Son & Co.

Stockbroker, J. F. Grose

Clerk, HK. Excavation, Pile Driving &

Construction Co., Ld........

Sharebroker, H. Alves

12 Salisbury Avenue, Kowloon.

4 St. Joseph's Terrace.

5 Lyeemoon Villas, Chatham Road,

I Carnarvon Villas, Kowloon.

14 Cameron Road, Kowloon. 47 Granville Road, Kowloon.

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... 15 Hankow Road, Kowloon.

Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank. Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank Merchant, Maxim & Co. Clerk, Maxim & Co.

Asst., Reuter, Brockelmann & Co. Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Merchant, Maxim & Co. Clerk, P. & O. Banking Corporation.. Accountant, Nestlé & Anglo-Swiss

Condensed Milk Co.

Assistant, J. M. da Rocha & Co...... Assistant, Lane, Crawford & Co., Ld. Manager, Oscar F. Ribeiro

Merchant, Ribeiro, Son & Co....

Ribeiro, Vicente Rogerio Vieira Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld.

Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co., Ld. Manager, Reuter, Brockelmann & Co. ...

Riedler, Vincenz

Riggs, Charles Butler Ring, Julius

* Ritchie, Archibald

Robarts, Christino Arthur...... Roberts, Archibald Hynes...... * Roberts, Arthur William

Robertson, William

Robson, Arthur Walker.

Robson, John James


Wharf Manager, Holt's Wharf Architect & Civil Engineer, J. Ring Chartered Acct., Lowe, Bingham &


Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Proprietor, Victoria Printing Press.. Assistant, Lane, Crawford & Co., Ld. Timekeeper, Taikoo Dockyard


Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld... Engineer, HK, & Whampoa Dock Co., I.d.

Robson, William Henry Carr Draughtsman, HK. & Whampoa Dock

Rocca, Jean

Rocha, Alvaro Gustavo da

Rocha, Antonio Maria Barros


Manager, F. E. Oxygen & Acetylene

Co., Ld.

Co., Ld. Auctioneer

Clerk, HK, Tramway Co., Ld.

Rocha, Antonio José da Cruz Asst., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

Rocha, Claudio Lisola

Rocha, Claudio Lisola

Rocha, Epiphanio Maria da

Asst., Trollope, Colls (Far East), Ld. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Mercantile Asst., Shewan, Tomes & Co...

On premises.

On premises.

15 Hankow Road, Kowloon. 15 Hankow Road, Kowloon.

5 Carnarvon Villas, Kowloon. On premises.

4 Gordon Terrace, Kowloon. 24 Robinson Road.

7 Morrison Gap Road.

7 Gordon Terrace, Kowloon.

6 Gordon Terrace, Kowloon. 115 Praya East, Top floor.

5 Lyeemoon Villas, Kowloon. Union Building. On premises.

8 Felix Villas, Mount Davis Road,


Highlands, Austin Avenue, K'ioon. 3 Fair View, Nathan Road.

Peak Hotel.

12 Salisbury Ave., Kowloon, Mosque Street.

On premises.

Quarry Bay.

& The Peak.

Kowloon Docks.

Kowloon Docks.

On premises.

2A D'Aguilar Street.

6 Ningpo Street, Kowloon. 10 Shing Wong Street. 30 Ashley Road. 32 Ice House Street. 100в Wanchai Road.

* Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887,






Rocha, Ignacio Loyola da...... Rocha, Isaias Francisco da Rocha, José Maria Estevão da. Rocha, Luiz Antonio da Rocha, Ruy Marcos da Rocha, Vicente Caetano da Rock, Edward Clark Rodenfuser, Raoul Rodger, George Sinclair Rodger, John

Rodgers, Herbert Austin Rodrigues, Alberto Antonio


Rodrigues, Antonio José Maria Rodrigues, Carlos Augusto

de Carvalho...... Rodrigues, Carlos Henrique... * Rodrigues, José Simão Roestenburg, Jobannes Cor-

nelio Anthonine ...

Rogers, Bertram Sidney

Rohn, Helmuth

Rollin, Adolphe

Rombout, Arie Machiel

Rome, Louis de

Rosa, Antonio Sena da Rosa, Crispiniano Inacio da Rosa, Francisco Xavier da Rosario, Antonio Manuel da


Rosario, Augusto Frederico Rosario, Fernando Antonio


Rosario, Luiz Gonzaga Rosario, José Maria da Silva... Rosario, Luiz Alberto Rosario, Polycarpo Antonio Rose, Louis Augustus Rose, Victor

Ross, Cecil Philip

Ross, David Malcolm. *Ross, Frederick White

Thomson Ross, James Ian....

* Ross, John Black

Ross, Sydney Hampden...

Rosselet, Chas. S. Rowe, Albert Henry Rowe, Ernest

Rowson, Hector Charles Roza, Alfred William da Roza, Antonio Sena da Roza, Carlos Augusto da Roza, Carlos Vicenti Ferrer da Roza, Edmundo Duarte da

Clerk, British-American Tobacco Co., Ld. Assistant, A. B. Swedish Trading Co. Clerk, British-American Tobacco Co., Ld. Book-keeper, J. M. da Rocha & Co. Assistant, J. M. da Rocha & Co.,


2 Cameron Road, Kowloon. 2 Mosque Street.

2 Cameron Road, Kowloon. 3 Robinson Road.

Fair View, Robinson Road.

Asst., Union Ince. Soety, of Canton, Ld. On premises. Manager, Jockey Club Stables Agent, Messageries Maritimes

Asst., Car Shed Supt., HK. Tramways Ld. Acting Manager, Central Agency Ld. ... Accountant, HK, Land Investment Co.

Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton. Ld... Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld......!

Assistant, Ellis & Co. Clerk, Chartered Bank... Clerk, Admiral Orient Line.....

Supt. of Works, Netherlands Harbour

Works Ld.

Assistant, Lane, Crawford & Co. Ld.. Assistant, P. M. Pinquet & Co. Manager, Banque Franco-Chinoise.. Assistant, Transmarina Trading Co. Electrical Engr., HK. Electric Co., Asst., Transmarina Trading Co. Clerk, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Assistant, Getz Bros.

Clerk, J. M. da Rocha & Co. Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India


Causeway Bay. 262 The Peak.

50c Whitfield Terrace.

3 Kimberley Villas, Kowloon, 7 Queen's Gardens.

Union Building. On premises.

6 Liberty Avenue, Homuntiu. 1 St. Joseph's Mansion. 10 Robinson Road.

51 Wong Nei Chong Road. 19 Humphrey's Building.

1 Carnavon Road, Kowloon. 7 Peak Road.

13A Macdonnell Road. 5 Felix Villas, Pokfulam. 488 Coronation Road.

1 Saifee Terrace, Kowloon. 10 Gresson Street.

4 Austin Avenue, Kowloon. 29 Parker Street, Kowloon.

17 Jordan Road, Kowloon, Gr. floor.

11 Hart Avenue, Kowloon.

Clerk, 11K. Electric Co., Ld. Claims Clerk, Admiral Orient Liue Accountant, Bradley & Co., Ld........ Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co....... Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld... Architect, Louis A. Rose... Assistant, Arnhold & Co., Ld.. Assistant, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co... On premises. Merchant, Alex. Ross & Co.

Jeweller, G. Falconer & Co., Ld. Assistant, Astor House Hotel..... Manager, Mercantile Bank of India Chartered Accountant, Percy Smith, Seth

& Fleming

Manager, Gerin Drevard & Co. Director, HK. & K'loon Taxicab Co., Ld. Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld

Asst., British-American Tobacco Co..... Exchange Broker, Roza Bros....... Assistant, Transmarina Trading Co. Exchange Broker, Roza Bros...... Clerk, Chartered Bank.. Incorporated Accountant, Lowe, Bingham

& Matthews

Clerk, Chartered Bank of I., A, & C..............] Assistant, J. M. da Rocha & Co................. Clerk, Chartered Bank of I., A. & C.............. Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank ..... Clerk, International Banking Corpn.

Assistant, Botelho Bros.

Roza, Gregorio Francisco da... Roza, Gustavo Uriel da.......... Roza, Julio Henrique da Roza, Luiz Alvaro da Rozario, Arthur Cornelio Rozario, Daniel Anthero Rozario, Eduardo Jose Maria do Rozario, Emerico Izedoro do...

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld.. Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank.

12 Austin Avenue, Kowloon. 25 Jordan Road, Kowloon. St. Joseph's Building. 16 Des Voeux Road. Repulse Bay Hotel.

Peak Hotel.

2 Aimai Vilias.

15 Queen's Road Central. 302 The Peak.

516 Peak.

141 Wongneichong Road. Hongkong Hotel.

The Albany, Peak Road. Peak Hotel.

2 Minden Villas, Kowloon, 488 Coronation Road. Valverde, May Road.

7 Ladder Street, Upper Terrace.

8 Liberty Avenue, Kowloon, 138 Caine Road.

3 Robinson Road. 138 Caine Road. Ou premises.

St. Joseph's Building. 2 St. Joseph's Building. On premise.

On premises.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Rozario, Feliberto Alvaro...... Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld.

Rozario, Joao Francisco


Rozario, Vito Antonio Rull, Marcelino Joseph Rumjahn, Abdul Hamid Rumjahn, Dawood Rumjahn, Usuf

Rushton, Douglas Alfred.... Russakoff, Victor Vassilievich,

Russell, Harry Gordon Russell, John .......... Russell, William Douglas

Ruttonjee, Jehangir Hormusjee Ryan, Lionel Ernest Norwood

Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistaut, Bradley Co., Ld.... Assistant, D. Sassoon & Co...... Assistant, M, P. Lo......

Bookkeeper, Gaude, Price & Co., Ld.

Merchant, Rumjahn & Co.

14 Camberley Road, Kowloon.

179 Wanchai Road, 2nd floor. 10 Chi Woo Street, Yaumati.

335 Nathan Road.

3 Arbuthnot Road.

171 Wongneichong Road. 3 Arbuthnot Road.

Asst., Union Ince. Socty, of Canton, Ld. On premises. Overseer, Netherlands Harbour

Works, Ld.....

Asst., HK, & Shangbai Bank. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard. Chartered Accountant, Lowe, Bingham

& Matthews

Merchant, H. Ruttonjee & Son Assistant, Canadian Pacific S.S., Ld.......

Tsat Sze Mui.

On premises. Quarry Bay.

On premises.

1 Wyndham Street. Hongkong Hotel.


Sacuger, Willy Sadick, Ramju Sahmet, Ernest

Saines, Conrad

Salleh, Mahamed Ali

* Salter, Alfred Walter


Salter, Sidney Charles Salzani, Louris Henri... Samad, Mohamad Abdol. Sample, Edward Frederick


Samway, Frederick George Samy, Abdool Rahman


Samy, Arthur

Samy, Arthur Poonoo

Samy, Atta Mahomet

San, Trinh Ngọc

Sanderson, William

Sanger, Richard Sanh, Joseph Antoine. Santiago, Sixto Coates Santos, Delfino Edwardo dos. Santos, Vicente Paulo ....... Sarrazolla, Luiz Oliveira...... Saundercook, Lorne Leslie...

* Saunderson, Thomas

Perkins Saunders, William Savage, Oliver Frederick Sayce, Kelly Schade, Werner Schindler, Jean Phillippe Schlotake, Julius

Assistant, Keller, Kern & Co., Ld....... Assistant, Douglas Lapraik & Co. ...... Correspondence Clerk, HK. Engineer-

ing & Construction Co., Ld." Assistant, Butterfield & Swire... Clerk, Hodgson & Co.

Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Assistant, Messageries Maritimes Clerk, Netherlands Harbour Works, Ld.

Architect, Denison, Ram & Gibbs Foreman, China Sugar Refining Co., Ld.

Meter Foreman, China Light & Power

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co... Architect, A. P. Samy

Inspector, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, Banque de l'Indo-Chine

Acting Asst. Supt. Engineer, Jardine,

Matheson & Co., Ld. Assistant, Standard Oil Co. Assistant, Dickson Parker & Co., Ld.... Freight Clerk, Admiral Line Clerk, Pacific Mail S.S. Co................ Clerk, Linstead & Davis Overseer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Asst, Operating Dept., Canadian

Pacific Steamships, Ld..................

Assistant, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Assistant, Little Adams & Wood.... Book-seller, Sayce & Co.

Asst., Reuter, Brockelmann & Co. Accountant, Banque de l'Indo Chine Asst. Engineer, HK. Engineering &

Construction Co., Ld. Schmidt, Ernest Adalbert... Assistant, Melchers & Co..... Schmohl, Hendritus Jacobus Asst., Transmarina Trading Co Schofield, Alfred ................... Agent, Struthers & Barry S.S. Ld.. Schou-Sorensen, Arne......... Manager, Thoresen & Co.

6 Minden Avenue, Kowloon. 175 Praya East, Top floor.

118 Hollywood Road. Empress Lodge, Kowloon. On premises.

26 Ashely Road, Kowloon. 26 Ashley Road, Kowloon. 52 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 9 Chinese Street, 2nd floor.

4 The Albany, Peak Road. East Point Terrace.

On premises. 88 Bonham Road. 88 Bonham Road.

1 Warren Street.

50 Queen's Road East, 3rd floor.

5 Pratt Buildings, Kowloon. 375 Plantation Road.

5 Saifee Terrace, Kowloon. 341 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 5 Blue Buildings, Praya East. 27 Mosque Street.

1 Granville Road.

Empress Lodge, Kowloon.

Kingsclere Hotel. On premises.

2A Armand Building, Kowloon. On premises.

Station Hotel, Kowloon. 241 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

83 Austin Road, Kowloon. 19 Chatham Road, Kowloon. 6 Aimai Villas, Kowloon. 20 Humphrey's Buildings. Bicton, 127 The Peak.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.



- 47




Schulz, Alexander Schwob, Rudolf

Scott, Andrew Blackwood

Scott, Douglas Stewart Scott, Henry Hodge...... Scott, Leonard Gordon Scriven, Henry Ernest Seater, Charles........

Seath, William Petrie ...... * Sellars, George Washington

Sen Kon-chi ... Sepher, Sheik Abdool

Sequeira, Augusto Dario Sequeira, Carlos Maria Sequeira, Francisco Paulo ... Sequeria, Henrique Ramijio.. Sequeira, Pedro Nolasco...... Seth, Harold.....

* Sewell, George William Shank, Carl Bradley

Shank, Charles Le Roy

Shank, Edward Dean

Shaw, George Morison Shaw, John Archibald Shaw, Joseph Hilton

She Chung-yee.. Shea, Edward

Shea, John Frederick ........ Sheepshanks, Richard David


Shek Pui-ki Shen Peng-fei

Sherman, Douglas Earnest... Sherman, Douglas Mcleod

Hasted Sherry, John Patrick

Sherwell, Frederick John Shewan, Ian Winchester......! Shi Ju-jak

Shi Kam-kwai Shi Yu-man ... Shick, Elias Bux Shields, Andrew Lusk Shik Yan-chung Shima, Kin Nosuke.. Shimada Saichi Shimidzu, Masayaki Shiner, Walter Charles

Shortland, Wilfrid Reginald

Accountant, Rosso-Asiatic Bank Representative, Siemens China Co....... Acting Manager, Mercantile Bank of


Marketing Assistant, Texas Co. Engineer, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Superintendent, Peak Tramway Co., Ld. Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld. Time-keeper, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Co., Ld.....

Foreman, Taikoo Sugar Refinery.. Chartered Accountant, Mackinnon,

Mackenzie & Co.

Interpreter, Moxon & Taylor....

Astor House.

Station Hotel, Kowloon.

On premises 174 Pokfulam. Kowloon Docks. Tram Terminus. 864 Nathan Road.

On premises. On premises.

On premises.

St. Joseph's Building.

Asst., HK. & K'loon. W. & G. Co., Ld. | 14 Koon Ma Terrace, Wong-nei-

Assistant, Standard Oil Co. Assistant, Standard Oil Co. Clerk, British American Tobacco Co. Broker, J. C. Barretto & Co. Assistant, Standard Oil Co. Passage Broker, H. Seth

Merchant, Robertson Wilson & Co. Manager, HK. Excavation, Pile Driving

& Construction Co., Ld...... Superintendent, HK. Excavation, Pile

Driving & Construction Co., Ld. Architect, HK. Excavation, Pile

Driving & Construction Co., Ld. Manager, China Sugar Refining Co., Ld. Assistant, Standard Oil Co. Meter Foreman, China Light & Power

Co., Ld.......

Clerk, John Moraes Steno-typist, HK. Excavation, Pile

Driving & Construction Co., Ld. Assistant, Lepack Co., Ld.

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire..... Assistant, Bank of East Asia, Ld Secretary, Industrial & Commercial Bank Storekeeper, Taikoo Dockyard


4 West View, Coronation Road.

6 Mosque Street.

St. Joseph's Building.

1 Rednaxela Terrace. 16 Davis Street.

Norman Cattage, 2 Peak Road. Peak Hotel.

Hongkong Hotel, Room 506,

14 Humphrey's Building, Kowloon

9 Orient Buildings, Kowloon. On premises Hongkong Hotel.

On premises.

9 Tai On Terrace.

7 Seymour Terrace.

7 Seymour Terrace.

1 Connaught Road Central.

On premises. On premises. Quarry Bay.

Asst., HK. C. & M. Steamboat Co, Ld. Hongkong Hotel. Assistant Manager, HK. Telephone

Co., Ld....

Assistant Manager, Taikoo Dockyard... Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Accountant, H. A. Castro & Co., Ld. Clerk, HK. & China Gas Co., Ld. Interpreter, Benjamin & Potts Clerk, International Banking Corpn. ... Merchant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co. Manager, Osaka Shosen Kaisha Bank Staff, Bank of Taiwan.... Assistant, Tsurutani & Co.. Ld. Superintendent, United Asbestos

Co., Ld......

Assistant, Lane, Crawford & Co..... Short, Richard Habberfield.. Assistant, Canadian Pacific S.S. Co. Shoshine, Nicolai Valeriwich. Timekeeper, Netherlands Harbour

Works, Ld.

Shroff, Framroz Pestonji...... Assistant, S. J David & Co., Ld.

Shrubsole, Henry Christopher Manager, Nestlé Anglo Swiss

Condensed Milk Co.

119 The Peak.

Quarry Bay. 22 Peak Road. On premises. Gas Works.

5 Seymour Terrace. 55 Jardine Bazaar. 16 Peak Road. 41 Sand Street.

18 Macdonell Road.

On premises. 92 Park Street.

173 The Peak.

4 Felix Villas, Pokfulum.

8 Wild Dell, Wood Road, Wanchai.

Tsat Sze Mui.

IB D'Aguilar Street.

Hongkong Club.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.







Sieling, Herman Jens

Andreas. Sigveland, Ivar Sih, Victor

Silas, Arthur David..... Silva, Alberto Augusto Silva, Ambrosio Cezar Silva, Antonio Francisco

Paulo da

Silva, Armando Maria da Silva, Arnaldo Heitor Silva, Arthur Luiz da.. Silva, Carlos Germano de Silva, Daniel Oswald

Abilver de.................. Silva, Francisco Xaxier

Maria da

Silva, Francis Britto Silva, Francisco Filomeno

Eça da

Silva, Francisco Maria Silva, Francisco Xavier Silva, Francisco Xavier

Maria de


Silva, Frederico Eugenio Silva, Frederico Norberto Silva, George Honorio da ... Silva, Henrique Arnaldo da.. Silva, Henrique José Silva, Henrique Mario.. Silva, Julio Maria da Silva, Joao Maria da Silva, John M.

Silva, Jorge Alberto Britto... Silva, Ladislau Severino da.. Silva, Lucas Leonardo da Silva, Luiz João da....... Silva, Marciano Antonio da... Silva, Mario Maria da Silva, Reginaldo Maria


Silva, Ricardo Crescencio da. Sim, Edwin Lionel ..... ...... Simmonds, Ernest William...

Simmons, John Henry Simmons, William Frederick Simões, Manuel Augusto Simon, Edwin Alexander


*Simpson, Alan Grant ...... Simpson, Andrew Macfarlane

Simpson, James

Simpson, William Philip Sin Man-tai Siu Ho-ming.... Skeet, Charles William Skinner, Donald

* Skinner, Osmond... Sleigh, Edward Mason

Manager, Oriental Tobacco Manufactory. Superintendent, Thoresen & Co. Asst., Trollope & Colls (Far East), Ld... Assistant, Moxon & Taylor Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Asst., Jardine Matheson & Co., Ld.......

Book-keeper, General Electric Co. of

China, Id.

Asst., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Clerk, Linstead & Davis

Clerk, Chartered Bank of I., A. & C. Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld.

Agent, Sun Life Insurance Co.

Asst., Netherlands Trading Society Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank


Assistant, D. Sassoon & Co., Ld.......... Assistant, Union Trading Co., Ld....... Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld.

Assistant, Nederlandsche Handel



Assistant, Green Island Cement Co. Store-keeper, HK. Whampoa Dock Co... Engineer, Electric Light Co., Ld. Clerk, Chartered Bank Clerk, Dodwell & Co., Ld.

On premises. Hongkong Hotel. 13 Tei Peh Terrace. On premises. On premises.

3 Coronation Road.

4 Ning Po Street, Kowloon, 1st floor. 2 Coronation Road, Kowloon. 3 Duddell Street, 1st floor. 13 Salisbury Avenue, Kowloon.. 5 Cambay Buildings, Kowloon.

23 Humphrey's Building, Kowloon.

On premises. On premises.

Fanling, New Territories. 3 Duddell Street. Union Building.

Netherlands Trading Society. 2 Chee Wo Street. Kowloon Docks.

22 Carnarvon Road, Kowloon. 26 Carnarvon Road.

6 Salisbury Avenue, Kowloon.

On premises.

1 Gordon Terrace.

10 Belilios Terrace, Robinson Road.

1 Austin Avenue, Kowloon.

Clerk, Chartered Bank of I., A, & C. ... 15 Belilios Terrace. Asst., HK. & Shanghai Bank Clerk, Banque Franco-Chinoise Clerk, Asia Banking Corporation Assistant, E. D. Sassoon & Co., Ld. Clerk, Banque de l'Indo-Chine Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Holyoak & Massey Asst., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.. Assistant, De Sousa & Co., Ld.

Asst., Jardine, Matheson & Co., ' Ld. Assistant, H.M.H. Nemazee Exchange Broker, A. S. Hancock Asst., Distribution Supt., HK. & China

Gas Co., Ld......

Traffic Inspector, HK. Tramways, Ld... Secretary, HK, Tramways, Ld. Assistant, Standard Oil Co. Asst. Engineer, Jardine, Matheson &

Co., Ld...

Sub-Acct., Chartered Bank Shipbuilder, HK. & Whampoa Dock

Co., Ld......

Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard Tailor, Simpson & Co. .... Assistant, Vernon & Smyth Architect, A. G. Hewlitt & Siu..

34 Jordan Road, 2nd Floor, K'loon. On premises.

4 Minden Avenue, Kowloon. 5 Ashley Road, Kowloon. 26 Carnarvon Road, Kowloon.

9 Liberty Avenue.

12 Chi Wo Street, Yaumati. 12 The Peak.

On premises.

13 Whitfield Road. Peak Hotel.

4 Saifee Terrace, Kowloon.

8 The Peak. 170 The Peak.

Kowloon Dock. Quarry Bay. 53 Kennedy Road. 7 Robinson Road. 11 Peace Avenue.

Asst., Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ld. Empress Lodge, Kowloon. Acting Assistant Marine Supt.,

Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Superintendent Engineer, Holts Wharf

10 Carnarvon Buildings, Kowlcon. On premises.

Glenthorne, Kimberley Road, K'loon.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.







Sling, Harry Hong

Skipper, George Bruce

Sloan, James... Sloan, John

Smith, Arthur William

Smith, Aubrey Maurice Bowes

Smith, Albert James Victor...

Smith, David Tally

Smith, Edward Ernest James Smith, Eric Grant Smith, Francis Harland Smith, George John

Smith, Herbert Edwin

Smith, Inglis Sydney Smith, James

Smith, John Sanderson Smith, Joseph

Smith, Octavius Arthur Smith, Raymond Walter...... Smith, William Cadsow Smith, William Lithgow Smyth, Frank Ronald Snowman, Albert Washington So Tso Shing Soares, Charles Maria. Soares, Francisco Xavier Soares, Joaunes Alves de


Soares, Joaquim Rocque...... Soares, José Maria Soares, Pedro Pantaleão Sommerfelt, Allister Soo Chung-wing

Soo Lo-yau

Soonderam, Ramasainy Sorby, Vincent Dare

Sousa, Carlos Eugenio Maria


Sousa, Duarte Eleuterio de... Sousa, Eduardo Valerio

Maria Botelho de ......... Sousa, Eduardo Valerio Maria Ricci de Sousa, Lino Vicente de...

Sousa, Wilhelmino Inno José Sousae, Wilhelinino Manuel Soutar, Francis

Souza, Alvaro Miguel de...... Souza, Antonio José de


Souza, Casimiro Marcelino de Souza, Eduardo Paulo.........

Souza, Eusebio João de Deus

Souza, Francisco Xavier


Assistant Compradore, Toyo Kisen


Wharfinger, HK, & Kowloon Wharf &

Godown Co., Ld

l'ausman, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Foreman, Taikoo Sugar hefinery Purchasing Manager, HK. & Shanghai

Hotels Co., Ld.

Acting Manager, David Sasson & Co.,


District Engineer, China Light & Power Co. (1918), Ld.............. Clerk, Kowloon Tong & N. T. Develop-

ment Co., Ld.

Cutter, William Powell, Ld.............. Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Merchant, Frank Smith & Co. Watchinan, Taikoo Dockyard Sub-Manager, Chartered Bank.... Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refinery

19 Tse Lan Terrace, Kennedy Town.

40A Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises. On premises.

36 Humphreys Building, Kowloon.

16 Conduit Road.

On premises.

85 Taipo Rd. K'loon Tong Village,K. On premises. Hongkong Club.

456 Nathan Road, Kowloon. Quarry Bay.

136 The Peak. On premises.

Assistant, Dairy Farm 1. & C. S. Co., Ld. 12 Conduit Road. Exporter, Station Hotel

Engineer, Taikoo Sugar Refining

Co., Ld..........

Manager, Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co.... Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld....... Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Asst., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. ... Broker, Vernon & Smyth ... Broker, Snowman & Co.

Assistant, Asiatic Petroleumn Co., Ld.... Clerk, Percy Smith, Seth & Fleming Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank ................

Assistant, Roza Bros. Clerk, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, HK. Cigar Store

On premises.

On premises. On premises. Metropole Hotel. Cosmopolitan Docks. 8 The Peak.

3 Tregunter Mansions, Union Building.

57 Hight Street, 1st Floor. 27 Jordon Road, Kowloon. On premises.

2 Liberty Avenue, Kowloon. 11 Beaconsfield Arcade.

On premises.

18 Arbuthnot Road.

271 Portland Street.

223 Portland Street, Mongkok. 133 Queen's Road East.

Asst., Union Ince. Socity, of Canton, Ld. On premises. Asst., Java-China-Japan Lijn Assistant, Java-China-Japan Lijn ...... Clerk, HK, & Shanghai Hotels Ld....... Electrical Engineer, HK. Electric Co.,


Asst., HK. & Shanghai Bank Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld.

530 The Peak-

On premises.

2 Lyeemun Villas, Kowloon.

Manager. De Sousa & Co., Ld......................... Manager. De Sousa & Co., Ld............. 1 Aimai Villas, Kowloon,


Auctioneer, China Auction Rooms Overseer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. .........

Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. ..... Asst., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld...... Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard Clerk, Chartered Bank..

Freight Clerk, Pacific Mail S.S. Co. Clerk, Chartered Bank of I., A. & C........ Clerk, Netherlandsch Indische

Handelsbank.. Timekeeper, HK. Whampoa Dock Co.,


Foreinan, Humphreys Estate &

Finance Co., Ld......

1 Aimai Villas, Kowloon. Ming Yuen Workmen's Quarters,

HK. Electric Co. 23 Praya East.

23 Praya East, Ground Floor. Quarry Bay.

49 Haiphong Road, Kowloon.

10 Chi Woo Street, Kowloon 1 Ashley Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

Kowloon Docks.

31 Yik Kee Building, Nathan Road,







Souza, Jorge Carlos de Souza, José Francisco de Souza, José Thomas de Souza, Luiz Carlos Rozario Souza, Marcus Antonio


Speirs, Duncan Campbell Speth, Hans

Spicer, Henry

Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank ...Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co.......

Assistant, S. J. David & Co. del Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank...

Spit, Hendrikus Martinus *Spradbery, Ernest Joseph. Spurgeon, Stanley Evan...... Squire, Sydney John ..... Stainfield, Herbert Langham. Stalker, Archibald Stalker, John Standon, Edward.. Stanesby, Sydney John


Stanton, William Tellinghast Stanton, John Regmals


Star, Willem Johannes van


Stark, Charles Crawford.... Starling, Robert Archibald... Steel, David

Stephens, Walter Alfred..

Stephenson, Norman

Stevens, Montague White Stevenson, Allan ..... Stevenson, Hubert James

Valentine Knight....... Stewart, Charles Edward Stewart, Edward Francis Stewart, Gilbert Hugh Stewart, Peter

Stewart, John Henry Stewart, James... Stewart, Sutherland.......... Stewart, William Alfred.. Stock, Robert Stock, Arthur James

Stoddart, Robert William Stone, Edward

Stone, Frederick


Stopani, William Alexander.

Storm, Odd Gustav Stott, Robert.......................

Stout, Herbert Alden Strafford, Cecil.............

Strahan, Frank

Stuart, Charles............

Asst., Union Ince. Socty, of Canton, Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard.... Manager, Netherlands Harbour Works,


Assistant, Butterfield & Swire.. per pro. Java-China-Japau Lijn Asst., HK. Rope Manufacturing Co., Ld. Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld.

Ld............................ Draughtsman, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, Mustard & Co. Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard Sub-Manager, Bank Line, Ld. Engineer, Dairy Farm & Co., Ld.

Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Flour Broker

Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld.......

Assistant, Holland Pacific Trading Co... Local Manager, Vacuum Oil Co. Elect. Engineer, HK. Electic Co., Ld.... Shipwright, HK. Whampoa Dock Co.... Manager, Nestlè Anglo-Swiss

Condensed Milk Co...

Chief Draughtsman, HK. Whampoa

Dock Co.

Secretary, HK. Amusements, Ld. Manager, Dairy Farm 1. & C. S. Co., Ld.

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co...... Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard

Pansman, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co.,


Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard

Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard

Foreman, Taikoo Surgar Refinery Assistant, Davie Boag Co.... Assistant, Alex, Ross & Co. Marine Superintendent, Williamson

& Co.......


Architect, Butterfield & Swire General Passenger Agent, Canadian

Pacific S.S. Line Assistant, S. Moutrie & Co., Ld. Clerk, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld.

On premises.

34 Ice House Street. 335 Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises.

Union Building. Quarry Bay.

109 The Peak,

Woodside, Mount Parker Road. Stewart Terrace, The Peak. 12 Peace Avenue, Homuntin. Ventris Road, Happy Valley. 2 Watson Road. On premises. Quarry Bay.

14 Conduit Road. On premises.

Kingsclere Hotel, Kowloon. 519 The Peak.

7 Torres Bldgs.

14 Macdonnell Road. Peak Hotel.

9A Salisbury Avenue, Kowloon. Kowloon Docks.

16 Humphreys Building, Kowloon,

Kowloon Docks.

6 Orient Building, Kowloon. Dairy Farm, Pokfulum,

8. The Peak. Kowloon Docks. On premises. Quarry Bay.

On premises. Quarry Bay. Quarry Bay. On premises. On premises.

Room 26 Hongkong Club Aunexe.

On premises.

Enidville Repulse Bay.

On premises.

Nathan House, Kowloon.

Metropole Hotel.

Assistant, Holland Pacific Trading Co. 15 Austin Road, Kowloon.

Harbour Representative, HK. &

Shanghai Hotels, Ld.

Enginer, HK. Excavation Co., Ld..... Assistant Works Manager, China Light

& Power Co., Ld......

Assistant, Drug Dept., Anderson,

Meyer & Co., La....

Assistant, Wm. Powell Ld.

31 Leighton Hill Rd.,


3 King's Park Bldgs.

On premises.

Station Hotel, Kowloon.

Powell's Bldgs. Des Voeux Rd. C.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Stubbs, Archibald Thomas... Sturt, Herbert Rothsay Suckling, Percy Herbert... Sue, Thomas........... Suffiad, Abdul Gaffoor

Suh, Turnee Christopher


Sui Ho-ming...... Sullivan, Chas, Des Voeux... Summers, Alexander William * Summers, Charles Henry * Summers, Vernon Herbert Summers, John Adam...... Sun Tze-ying Sung Ying-hsueh..

Sutherland, Percy Duffus

Sutherland, Robert Oakman.. Sutcliff, James Harvey.... Swan, George Swan, Thomas Symes, Glascott Henry Szeto, Kwong

Sze Pak-kin

Assistant, Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld. Secretary, China Underwriters, Ld...... Secretary, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld. Acct., Anderson, Meyer & Co., Ld. Clerk, British-American Tobacco Co.,Ld.

Assistant, T. E. Griffith. Architect, A. G. Hewlett Foreman, Taikoo Sugar Refinery. Assistant, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld. Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Sub.-Acct., Chartered Bank

Clerk, William C. Jack & Co., Ld.. General Manager, Industrial & Com-

mercial Bank

Passenger Agent, Canadian Pacific

Steamship, Ld......

Architect, Palmer & Turner.. Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Draughtsman, W. S. Bailey & Co., Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard Assistant, Gilman & Co. Assistant, HK. Trading Co.

Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld.

Metropole Hotel. 293 The Peak' Peak Hotel.

3 Lan Kwai Fong, 2nd Floor. 3 Moreton Terrace.

Hongkong Club.

11 Peace Avenue, Homuntin, K'loon. On premises.

7 Aimai Villas. Quarry Bay.

12 Conduit Road. On premises.

6 Yee Wo St., 1st Floor, East Point.

32A Caine Road.

Hongkong Club. 368 Peak. On premises.

| Empress Lodge, Mody Road, K'loon.

Quarry Bay.

8A Des Voeux Road Central.

On premises.

80 Queen's Road Central,


Tackey, Mirza Mohamed..

Tagami, Muneo.

Tai Kim-ying

Tai Ming-tak

Tait, James Henry

Talip, Tarhel.......

Tam Chuen-chiu

Tam Hung, Joseph

Tam, John Baptiste..... Tam, Joseph Charles Tam, King-hun Tam Mon-yin

Tam Pak-shiu

Tam Sik-ling

Tam Sik-yan..

Tam Sui-yu Tam Tak-chuen Tam Wing-kwong Tam Woon-tong Tan Eng-hooi

Tanaka, Seüchiro.. Tang Fook....... Tang Kin-cheung...

Tang Lai-shang Tang Man-yan

Tang Shiu-lam.

Tang Tak-hi... Tang Tak-chiu

Tang Tze-lam


per pro. H.M.H. Nemazee

Bank of Taiwan, Ld.

3 Conduit Road. On premises.

Clerk, South British Insurance Co., Ld. On premises. Compradore, Banque Franco-Chinoise... 28 Robinson Road. Telephone Engineer, HK. Telephone

Co., Ld.....

Assistant, Sander Wieler & Co. ... Assistant, General Commercial Co., Ld. Clerk, China Provident Loan &

Mortgage Co., Ld.

Typist, Banque de l'Indo-Chine Assistant, General Commercial Co., Ld. Asst. Manager, Ault & Wiborg China Co. Assistant, Oriental Overseas Co. Compradore, Alex Ross & Co., China Ld. Draughtsman, John Moraes Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co...... No. 1 Shroff, Java-China-Japan Lijn... Clerk, China Export-Import & Bank Co. Manager, Ip Tak & Co.

Clerk, International Banking Corpn. ... Acting Acct, The Ho Hong Bank, Ld...]

Manager, Tsurutani & Co., Ld. Assistant, Lane, Crawford, Ld.

22 Ashley Road.

11 Heard Street, 3rd floor. 96 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

19 Mosque Junction. 21 Shelly Street, 1st floor. 96 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 2 Percival Street, 2nd floor. 35 Sharp Street East. 22 Caine Road.

41 Queen's Road East, On premises.

286 Des Voeux Road Central. 32 D'Aguilar Street. On premises.

141 Queen's Road West.

5 Prince's Terrace, Ho Hong Bank

Mess. Chitose Hotel.

24 Pottinger Street.

Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co...... On premises. Asst., American Milk Products Corpn... Director, Lepack Co., Ld.

Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co...... Clerk, Kelly & Walsh, Ld.

Mail Clerk, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld....... Clerk, P. & O. Banking Corporation

67 Wellington Street. 30 Morrison Hill Road, On premises.

1 Kwong Hou Terrace. 18 Wing Wa Lane. 22 Aberdeen Street.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Tang Yau-ting Taquet, Marcel... Tarrant, George John .... Tarrant, John Arthur Tavares, Alfredo Augusto

Tavares, Arthur Richard.............. Tavares, Augusto Maria Tavares, Carlos Eugenio Tavares, Fernando José Tavares, José Filippe Tavares, José Maria Placé Taylor, David Taylor, Frank Taylor, Fred

Taylor, John Cameron. Taylor, Robert

Taylor, William

Clerk, Banque Franco-Chinoise Cashier, Banque Franco-Chinoise Manager, HK. Telephone Co., Ld. Secretary, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld........... Assistant, Nederlandsche Handels


Clerk, Dodwell & Co., Ld.. Assistant, Bradley & Co, Ld. Clerk, Holland China Trading Co. Asst., HK. Rope Manufacturing Co., Ld. Assistant, Holyoak, Massey & Co.... Book keeper, Alex Ross & Co. Mercantile Asst., Dodwell & Co., Ld.... Inspector, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld.... Merchant, John Manners & Co..... Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Chief Engineer, Green Island Cement

Co., Ld...

Assistant Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., Ld.............

Taylor, William Alfred James Assistant, Lane, Crawford & Co., Ld.

Teale, Harry

Teh Lin-lew

Telfer, William Frederick Terry, Charles Edward Tetzel, Charles.....

Thayer, John...

Thesing, Lee.

Thom Ly-yeung Thom, William.. Thomason, Fred Thompson, Edgar Thompson, Harry.... Thomson, George Gorau Thomson, Jack Claude....... Thomson, James Downie..

Thwaites, Charles...

Tillery, William Campbell... Tinson, Arthur Cecil

Tiran, George

.་་ ་་་

Tjon Poen-gim (Jacques)


To Lai-on....

Tod, Peter...

Todd, Francis Charles

Tofte, Andreas Christian

Victor..... Tollan, Duncan.

Tong Cum

Teng Gong Tong Pak-pui Tong Poi

Tong Shau-yan.. Tong Shiu-lun Tong Sik-ming. Tong Tsung-po.. Tong Tze-sau

Wharfinger, Holts Wharf........

Office Assistant, Netherlands Harbour

Works, Ld.

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

Asst., HK. & K'loon W. & G. Co, Ld... Clerk, International Banking Corpn. Assistant, Butterfield & Swire. Engineer, Bornemann & Co.... Clerk, International Banking Corpn.... Architect, William Thom

Asst, HK. C. & M. Steamboat Co., Ld. Elect. Engineer, HK. Electric Co. Ld... Representative, W. R. Flatow Elect. Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld... Asst. HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant Secretary, Dairy Farm

I. & C. S. Co., Ld. Oriental Auditor, Canadian Pacific

S.S. Ld.

Engineer, HK. Whampoa Dock Co....... Assistant Engineer, China Light &

Power Co., (1918) Ld................................................ Technical Engineer, Far East Oxygen

Co., Ld.....

Clerk, Nederlandsche Indische

Commercial Bank

Typist, American Express Co......... Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ld. Manager, Wine Dept. A. S. Watson &

Co., Ld.

Manager, Andersen, Meyer & Co...... Telephone Engineer, HK. Telephone

Co., Ld.....

Assistant, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld.................... Compradore, Leyesco China, Co., Ld.... Clerk, Leyseco China, Co., Ld. Assistant, Dodwell Co., Ld. Runner, American Express Co. Compradore, T. M. Gregory & Co. ...... Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Assistant Cashier, Thos. Cook & Son ... Secretary, Tung On Fire Insurance Co.

82 Stanley Street, Top floor. 241 Nathan Road, Kowloon. Repulse Bay Hotel.

8 Aimai Villas, Kowloon.

Netherlands Trading Society. 4 Caine Road.

4 Caine Road.

2 St. Joseph's Terrace, 1st floor. 1 Woodland Terrace.

44 Rose Terrace, Kowloon. 4 Caine Road.

2 Kings Terrace, Kowloon. North Point Installation. 7 Queen's Road Central. 193 The Peak.

10A Mody Road, Kowloon,

On premises.

13 Chatham Road.

16 Jordan Road, Yaumati.

24 Kennedy Street, 3rd floor. 31 Humphreys Building, Kowloon. 17 Jordan Rd. Top Floor, Kowloon. 5 & 7 Warren Street. Hongkong Club.

20 Humphreys Building. 117 Whitfield Road.

491 Nathan Road, K'loon, 1st Fl. | 12 Conduit Road.

56 Kennedy Road. 18 Conduit Road. 21 Broadwood Road. Empress Lodge.

On premises.

Peak Hotel.

Kowloon Docks.

On premises.

To Kwa Wan.

12 Orient Buildings. On premises. 303 The Peak.

664 Nathan Road, Kowloon.

55 Granville Road, Kowloon,

Durbar House, Cameron Road, K. 88 Stone Nullah Lane, gd. floor. 16 Bonham Strand East, 1st floor. 16 Bonham Strand East, 1st floor. On premises. On premises. 180 Queen's Road Central, On premises. 15 Staunton Street. On premises,







Towns, George Ernest... Townend, Lawrence Francis Toppin, James ..... Tottenham, John Percy Tracy, Fred Dillingham Travers, Frank Travers, Gilbert Tranibitzty, Likolar Tremoulet, Pierre Tsai Chen

Tsai Shing-wu

Tsang Fuk-yu

Tsang Ize-chun..

Tsang Lai-po...

Tsang, Kwong Lok

Tsang, Stephen K. L.....

Tsao Ding-hau

Tse Sheung-yan

Tse Sing-ho

Tse, William Sheung-lun

* Tse-Yan-pak Tse Yik-son

Tse Yu-chuen

Tso Chak-chün. Tso Chak-kan Tso Kong * Tsoi Kai Tsreuger, Willy, Tsü Ho-tsueng Tsui Ngok-wai

Tsui Tsun

Tully, John

Tuong, Louis

Tyson, Frederick Hunter

Actg. Acct., HK. & Shanghai Bank Asst., Union Ince. Socety of Canton, Ld. Asst., HK. Rope Manufacturing Co., Ld. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld.... Attorney, Standard Oil Co. Passenger Agent, Toyo Kisen Kaisha... Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Salesman, Keller Kern & Co., Ld. Acct., Banque Franco-Chinoise Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld...... Asst. General Manager, Industrial &

Commercial Bank, Ld. Clerk, Lane, Crawford & Co. Chief of Store Dept., Pathe Orient Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Assistant, Franco-Chinese Trading

Co., Ld.

Assistant, Franco-Chinese Trading

Co., Ld.....

Compradore, Anderson, Meyer & Co.,


Timekeeper, Kowloon Tong and New

Territories Development Co., Ld.... Draughtsman, John Moraes & Co. Chief Tally Clerk, Kowloon Tong and

N.T. Development Co., Ld. Assistant, Dodwell Co., Ld. Clerk, Kelly & Walsh, Ld. Clerk, Melchers & Co. Acct., Connell Bros. Co.

Assistant, Gerin Drevard & Co. Asst., Lane, Crawford Ld. Clerk, Pentreath & Co. Merchant, Kern & Co. Clerk, Gande, Price & Co., Ld. Compradore, General Electric Co. of

China, Ld.

Shroff, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld.... Chinese Agent, Toyo Kisen Kaisha..... Attorney, Standard Oil Co. of N.Y..

On premises. On premises.

7 Peace Avenue, Ho Mun Tin. On premises. On premises. Queen's Gardens. On premises. On premises.

239 Nathan Road.

Chinese Y.M.C.A., Bridges Street.

46 Caine Road.

On premises.

48 Wellington Street, 2nd Floor. On premises.

4 Queen's Building.

7 Wo On Lane, 3rd floor.

51 Peel Street,

7 Yunnan Lane, 2nd fl., Yaumati. 68 Hollywood Road, 1st floor.

7 Yunnan Lane, 2nd fl., Yaumati. 96 Wanchai Road.

23 Stanley Street.

31 Wellington Street.

10 Kwong Hon Terrace, 1st floor. 34 Staunton Street.

7 Victoria Street.

51 Queen's Road East, 1st floor. On premises.

32 Sau Wah Fong, 2nd floor.

141 Yu Kuk Street, Shamshuipo. On premises. On premises.

33 Connaught Road West. 8 Branksoine Towers.


Ü Kitting Un Chan-fai Un Kan-fan Upesjosup, Alfred Urquhart, Duncan David.... Urquhart, John Alexander... U Sui-tao

U Sz-wing... To-ting U Tung-pak

Manager, Kitting & Co................ Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co... Surveyer, Raven & Basto

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Assistant, Dodwell Co., Ld.

Clerk, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Compradore, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Assistant, Kitting & Co. Marketing Assistant, Texas Co.

46в Bonham Road.

30 Leighton Hill Road. 21 Water Street, 1st floor. Sailors Home, West Point. 1 Pokfulam Road.

On premises.

10 Des Voeux Road, West. 46 Wyndham Street. 45 Ship Street.

15 Lundhurst Terrace,


Vallack, George Robert

Vandenberg, Francisco

Valeriano Van-Der-Lely

Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

10 Kennedy Road.

Assistant, Holyoak Massey & Co.......... 12 Humphreys Avenue, Kowloon. Foreman, China Sugar Refining Co., Ld. 19 Morrison Hill Road.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Van Der Myll Dekker,

Adriaan Jan Hendrik

Van, der Star Johannes Van Houten, Hermanus


Van Lessen, Dirk Herman


Van Sung-ngo

Vas, Antonio Felipe.... Vas, George Augusto * Veer, Constant Henry de Verner, William Miller Vernon, Mark Charles Vickers, Gilbert

Victor, John Thomé Vieira, Bernardino

Vieira, Francisco Xavier......

Vieira, Dionysio Maria. Vieira, Henrique Emilio Vieira, José Maria......... Vieira, José Maria Eleuterio... Vilas, George Warren Vint, Robert Ivo

Vise, Christopher Munro Volkoff, Nicolas

Vries, Johannes Theodore de.

Sub-Accountant, Netherlandsche

Indische Commercial Bank Asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.C.) Ld.

Shipping Clerk, Java-China-Japan Liju

Employee, Netherlandsche Indische

Commercial Bank Compradore, Trollope & Colls

(Far East), Ld..

Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India, Ld. ... Assistant, Yokohama Specie Bank, Ld. Sub-Acct., Netherlands Trading Society Assistant, Holyoak, Massey & Co., Ld... Manager, New Zealand Ins. Co., Ld.... Elect. Engineer, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Bank Asst., United Asbestos Oriental

Agency, Ld.

Stock & Share Broker, J. F. Grose &


Clerk, Robertson Wilson & Co. Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, Ribeiro Son & Co. Clerk, Ribeiro Son & Co. Chief Clerk, Admiral Line Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Assistant, Butterfield & Świre Assistant, Standard Oil Co.

14 Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises.

4 Peking Road, Kowloon.

On premises.

227 Wing Lok Street.

St. Joseph's Villas, Robinson Road. 315 Nathan Rd., K'loon, Gr. Floor. On premises. On premises. 171 The Peak.

50 C. D. Whitfield Road. On premises.

23в Cameron Road, Kowloon.

1 Carnarvon Villas. 2 West View.

32 Jordon Road, 3rd Floor. 1 St. Joseph's Mansion. 1 St. Joseph's Mansion.

4 Granville Road, Kowloon.

2 King's Park Buildings, Kowloon. 1 Charter Road,

Lai Chi Kok.

Assistant, Holland China Trading Co... 3 Knutsford Terrace.


Waddington, William


Wahab, Yahaya Abdul Wai Pi-wat Waid, John

Wakefield, Francis John.. Wakeham, William Ernest... Walch, Lion David Walker, James..... Walker, James McLellan..

Walker, Vernon

Wallace, Charles

Wallace, Ian Scrimgeour. Wallace, James H. Wallace, Milo Harrison Wallace, Robert Cooper Wallace, William.... Walle, Izaak Jacobus


* Waller, Lionel Alfred ...... Waller, Stephen Richard Walmsley, David Couper Walsh, Walter Bernard ... Walter, Campbell Gibson, Jr.

Acct., P. & O. Banking Corpn. Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Clerk, South British Insurance Co., Pansman, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Assistant, Butterfield & Swire.. Sworn Measurer

Manager, J. Ullmann & Co...... Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Accountant, Chartered Bank of

I. A. & C. ....................... Workshop Supt., HK. Tramway

Co., Lư.

Room 19 Kingsclere, Kowloon.

6 Percival Street, 1st Floor.


15 Wing Wa Lane, 1st Floor. On premises.

Manager, Central Agency Co., Ld..... Assistant, Butterfield & Swire.. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Electrician, Taikoo Sugar Refining Co. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard Assistant, Butterfield & Swire

St. Georges House.

Peak Hotel.

On premises. On premises.

On premises.

1 Russell Street.

12 Knutsford Terrace. Y. M. C. A., Kowloon. On premises. On premises. Quarry Bay.

1 Connaught Road Central.

Assistant, Holland China Trading Co. Prat Bldg., 1 Prat Avenue, K'loon.

Assistant, Thoresen & Co. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co. Ld. Draughtsman, Taikoo Dockyard ......... Passenger Agent, The Admiral Line... Sub-Accountant, International Banking


Ground Floor.

4 Morrison Gap Road. On premises. Quarry Bay.

Chater Bungalow, Kowloon.

2 Queen's Gardens.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Walter, Friederick Wilhelm


Wang Yue-ng Warning, Johannes Herman Warnock, William Oliver Warren, Leslie Beal

Warren, Philip Ridsdale......

Washington, Ernest.......

Wat Lun

Wat Ming-to

Wat Po-sin

Waterhouse, Albert

Waterhouse, Joshua........

Waters, Albert L. Watkins, Henry

Watson, James Alexander... Watt, James Watt, John Watt Iu-hung

Watts, Herbert James

Watty, Lewis Thomas Way, Harry

Way, John Roy....

Weber, Gernardt

Webster, Arthur

Employee, Borneman & Co. Asst., Trollope & Colls (Far East) Ld. Shipping Clerk, Java-China-Japan Lijn Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard Managing Director, C. E. Warren &

Co. Ed.......

Manager, Sir W. G. Armstrong Whit-

worth & Co., Ld. Foreman Mechanic, W. G. Armstrong

Whitworth & Co., Ld. Clerk, South British Insurance Co., Ld. Clerk, Reuter, Brockelmann & Co. Clerk, South British Insurance Co., Ld. Tunnal Foreman, Sir W. G. Arm-

strong Whitworth & Co., Ld..... Construction Foreman, Sir W. G. Arm-

strong Whitworth & Co., Ld... Mining Supt., Chas. E. Richardson Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld.... Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Engineer, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld.... Chief Manager, The Hon Shing

Mercantile Co.

Electrical Engineer, HK. Electric

Co., Ld.

Mount Davis Manor, Pokfulam. 13 Tei Pak Terrace. Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon. Quarry Bay.

19 Broadwood Road.

29 The Peak.

Lai Muk Shed. On premises.

39 D'Aguilar Street, 1st Floor. On premises.

Lai Muk Shed.

Lai Muk Shed. On premises. On premises. Quarry Bay.

A.P.C. Installation, Taikoktsui. North Point Installation.

62A Bonham Road, 1st Floor.

12 Whitfield Road.

Sub-Acct., Chatered Bank of I., A. & C. Chatered Bank Mess.

Assistant, Abdoolrahim & Co.

Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Manager, Leyseco China Co., Ld. Electrical Engineer, HK. Electric

Co., Ld.

Wechel, Derk Herman te............ Manager, Handelmatschappy

Wehle, Karl Kleophas....

Wei Tat.......

Wei Wong-po

Weight, William Alfred

Weir, Walter

Weisel, Wiborg Ault Welch, Harold

Weller, Franklin Maximilian

Weller, Harold Russell West, Sydney Maurice * Western, Douglas Edwin... Westley, Ralph Adrian Wetton, George Ernest Wheeler, Allan.

Wheeler, Frank George Lake Whiley, William John


White, Athelstan Hall White, Claude Elsworth White, Edward William.. White, George Henry

White, Hermon John Henry White, James Sinclair....

Whiteford, Robert Hamilton.. Whiteley, William Henry

Transmarina Co................. Manager, Sander Wieler & Co. Assistant, Sir R. Ho Tung Assistant Accountant, Texas Co. Cashier, Thos. Cook & Son, Ld. Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard Manager, Ault & Wiborg China Co. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. Manager, Sun Life Assurance Co. of


Asst. Acct., Mercantile Bank of India... Assistant, Lane, Crawford & Co...... Electrical Engr., HK. Electric Co., Ld. Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld. Manager, H. Skott & Co. Assistant, Thos. Cook & Son

34 Queen's Road, Central. Kingsclere Hotel, Kowloon.

Jordan House, Kowloon.

5 Euton Terrace.

3 Peak Road.

39 Humphreys Buildings, K'loon. 4 Des Voeux Road Central. 18 Gage Street. Derrington, 8 Peak Road. Quarry Bay.

On premises.

North Point Installation.

16 Humphreys Building, Kowloon. Peak Hotel.

On premises.

63A Wong Nei Chung. Station Hotel, Kowloon. Tesla, Cheung Chau.

Durbar House, Cameron Road,


Assistant, HK. & K'loon W. & G. Co.... 40A Nathan Road, Kowloon.

Attorney, Standard Oil Co. Merchant, Douglas S.S. Co.

Salesman, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld. Assistant, Wm. Powell, Ld. Chief Draughtsman, HK. Whampoa

Dock Co.

Assistant Manager, Ritz Overseer, HK. Engineering & Con→

struction Co., Ld..

Foreman, China Sugar Rfg. Co., Ld. ... Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. ...

Hongkong Club. Prince's Building.

8 Salisbury Avenue, Kowloon. Powell's Building.

Kowloon Docks. Alexandra Builing..

14 Orient Building. East Point Terrace. On premises.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Whyte, James Jardine....... Whyte, Lionel Mountstuart... Witchell, George Bernard Wilcox, Alan Cyril Wilde, Samuel James

Wilkinson, William Robert.. Willes, John

* Willimont, Stanley John... Williams, Frederick Penno. Williams, Ithel Wynne Williams, John

Williams, William George... Williamson, Robert Wilson... Williamson, Stuart Taylor ... Wilson, Charles Mannie Wilson, Charles Robert Wilson, E. H.

Wilson, Ernest.. Wilson, George Wilson, Gordon Harold Wilson, Gordon Henry Wilson, Henry Leslie

Wilson, Herbert

Wilson, John

Witchell, James Henry Wolf, George Morton Dudley


Wong Chak-sang

Wong, Charles

Wong, Charles.

Wong Cheuk-kwong

Wong Chor-leong..

Wong Chun-un

Wong Chuk-tong..

Wong Fai-sheung

Wong, Henry Richard Wong Hong-leun

Wong, James

Wong, James Nicolas Wong, Joseph Mou-lam alias

Wong Mau-lam

Wong Ka-yu

Wong Kam-chi Wong Kam-ying Wong, Ki Kwong. Wong Kin-ho Wong King-ko.

Wong Kiu-choy Wong Kwai-yin Wong Kwok-king Wong Kwok-wing Wong Lai. Wong Lai-in Wong Lam-hing Wong Man-pan Wong Min...... Wong, Nathaniel Wong Oi-kut....

Timekeeper, Taikoo Dockyard

Quarry Bay.

Wine Merchant, Donnelly & Whyte...... Mountstuart, Cheung Chau. Engineer, W. S. Bailey & Co., Ld....... On premises. Asst., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. 8 The Peak. Foreman Machinist, W. G. Armstrong


Whitworth & Co., Ld...... Clerk, HK. Land Investment Co., Ld. Assistant, Arnhold & Co., Ld............. Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank Asst., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Warehouseman, Holt's Wharf Tunnel Foreman, Sir W. G. Armstrong,

Lai Muk Shed.

25 Praya East.

6 Lyeemun Villas, Kowloon. On premises.

86 Bonham Road. Holt's Wharf, Kowloon.

Lai Muk Sui.

4 Granville Road, Top floor.

Whitworth & Co., Ld................... Assistant, Thos. Cook & Son Asst. Chemist, China Sugar Refining Co. East Point Terrace. Principal, S. T. Williamson Merchant, C. M. Wilson

Engineer, H.K. Electric Co., Ld. Manager, W. R. Flatow, Representative

W. R. Grace & Co.

Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard Assistant, N. S. Moses & Co. Merchant, Robertson Wilson & Co....... Merchant, Robertson Wilson & Co.. Secretary, Trollope & Colls (Far East),

Timekeeper, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Clerk, HK. Electric Co., Ld. Hotel Manager, King Edward Hotel

Asiatic Petroleum Co.

Clerk, HK. & Shanghai Hotels, Ld...... Clerk, International Bank

Clerk, Bank of East Asia, Ld.

53 The Peak.

7 Broadwood Terrace. On premises.

12A Mody Road, Kowloon, Quarry Bay.

8 Park Road, Victoria. Thorlsbrook, Pokfulam. Beaconsfield Arcade.

Hotel Metropole. On premises.

Nathan Road, Kowloon. On premises.

The Peak.

On premises.

13 Fung Wong Terrace.

On premises.

Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Union Building.

Clerk, International Bank Assistant, A. G. Hewlitt

Assistant, Java-China-Japan Lijn Assistant, P. & O. Banking Corpn.

Asst. Agent, Western Casualty Co., Ld. Assistant General Manager, Industrial

& Commercial Bank

Assistant, Bank of East Asia Ld. Employee, Java-China-Japan Lijn

Manager, Chinese Department, A. S.

Watson & Co., Ld. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld.

Clerk, Leyseco China Co., Ld...........

Clerk, Bank of East Asia, Ld..... Shroff, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Salesman, Nestle & Anglo-Swiss

Condensed Milk Co. Clerk, Connell Bros. Co. Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co...... Clerk, HK. Land Investment Co. Assistant, W. Shewan & Co. Clerk, Kitting & Co.......

Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Assistant, Bank of East Asia, Ld. Assistant, China Underwriters, Ld....... Clerk, China Light & Power Co., Ld.... Assistant, Shewan, Tomes & Co.


59 High Street.

2 Loong On Street, 1st floor.

6 Robinson Road.

London Mission Church, Tai Po


75 Wuhu Street.

17 You Wah Street.

On premises.

41 Elgin Street.

Luguan Villas, Ma-Tau-Wai. 4 Tai Ning Street, Ground floor,

Sai Wan Ho.

99 Yu Cok Street, Shumshuipo.

On premises. On premises.

28 D'Aguilar Street. 31 Man Chung Terrace. On premises.

17 Landale Street, 3rd floor. 3 Lan Kwai Fong. On premises.

| 39 Whitfield Road.

On premises.

6 Ying Wah Terrace, 3rd floor. On premises.

149 Connaught Road Central.

Director, A. B. Moulder & Co., Ld....... 18 Hing Hon Road.

*Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.








Wong, Peter Wong Pik-tsun...... Wong Po-keung Wong Sai-wing Wong Sau-shak Wong Sheung-chau Wong Shu-wah.. Wong Se-ngok Wong Shun-Pok

Wong Sik-kay

Wong Sik-kwai Wong Sui-fui Wong Sung-ki

Wong Tai-cho

Wong Tak-kwong

Wong-Tape Benjamin.

Wong Tek-man

Wong, Thomas.. Wong, Thomas.. Wong Tin-po Wong Tin-tai Wong Tit-wan

Wong To-on

Wong Un-fong.


Wong Tse-kwong

Wong Tse-shun

Wong Wai....

Wong, William

Wong Weng-hong

Wong Wing-fong.. Wong Wing-yuet Wong Woon-pui Wong Yik-chee....

Wong Yin-nin


Wong Yui-chee.....

Wong Yuk-cho...... Wontman, Martinus Hendrick

Woo Pak-fook

Woo Tack-hing

Woo Ting-chang

Woo Yuk-lun

Wood, Gerald George Woods, Robert Thomas Woodhouse, Cyril John Worrall, G. C...... Worswick, James Alexander Wotherspoon, William Wragge, George Wright, J. F....... Wu, T. Y..

Wu, William Howard Wu Woon-kui

Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld....... Sub-Manager, The Bank of Canton, Ld. Manager, Asiatic Trading Co., Ld..... Assistant, Getz Bros... Clerk, Leyesco China, Ld.

Asst. Accountant, Pacific Mail S.S. Co... Clerk, P. & O. Banking Corporation Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Clerk, The Marconi International

Marine Communication Co., Ld. Asst. Compradore, Anderson, Meyer

& Co.......


Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co...... Secretary, The Hon Shing Mercantile Co. Assistant, Chau Yue-teng. Assistant, J. Ring Manager, Fung Tang.. Department Manager, Sun Life Insur-

ance Co., Ld.

Head Translator, Publicity Bureau Compradore, American Express Co. Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co...... Broker, Leyseco China Co., Ld. Assistant, W. R. Loxley & Co... Shroff, Texas Co.

Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co...... Compradore, American Express Co...... Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co.. Assistant, Little Adams & Wood. House Manager, HK. Amusements, Ld. Assistant, A. S. Watson & Co., Ld....... Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co...... Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Storekeeper, General Electric Co., Ld... Assistant, Bank of East Asia, Ld....... Clerk, Freight Dept., Canadian Pacific

S.S., Ld.

Clerk, International Banking Corpn. Accountant, Nederlandsche Handel


Assistant, Denison, Ram & Gibbs Shroff, HK. C. & M. Steamboat Co., Ld. Salesman, Nestle & Anglo-Swiss

Condensed Milk Co........ Clerk, Harry Wicking & Co. Civil Engineer, Leigh & Orange... Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co. Assistant, Dodwell & Co., Ld.... Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld.... Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Clerk, Taikoo Dockyard Merchant, E. D. Sassoon & Co., Ld.... Wright & Co.

Asst., Trollope & Colls (Far East), Ld... Draftsman, HK. Excavation Co., Ld. ... Assistant Storekeeper, General Electric

Co. of China, Ld......

38A Bonham Road. Des Voeux Road Central. 12 Robinson Road. 66 Caine Road.

99 Yee Kok Street

15 Pakhoi Street, Kowloon. 72 Peel Street, 1st floor. On premises.

34 Sai Street, 2nd floor.

10 Staunton Street, 1st floor. On premises.

2 West Terrace. 37 Stanley Street.

26 Kennedy Street, 3rd floor. SA Queen's Road Central.

Kia ora Kowloon City. 22 Hillier Street, 1st floor. 15 Po Hing Fong. 21 Old Bailey. Graham Street.

21 Old Bailey Street. 14 Wyndham Street.

On premises. On premises. On premises.

73 Wyndham Street, 2nd floor. 6 Pitt Street, Mongkok. 50 Whitfield, North Point. On premises. On premises On premises.

29 Elgin Street, 2nd floor. On premises.

60 Hollywood Road, 1st floor 159 Queen's Road West.

Netherlands Trading Society. 1 Kin Hang Terrace. 34 Kennedy Road.

4 Mallory Street, Top floor. 22 Graham Street. On premises.

On premises.

300 Nathan Road, Kowloon. Peak Hotel. Union Building. Quarry Bay. Hongkong Hotel. On premises. 12 Tei Pak Terrace. 7 Fung Tai Terrace.

29 Elgin Street.


Xavier, Antonio Francisco Xavier, Carlos Eugenio Xavier, Epiphanio Maria Xavier, Faustino Antonio Xavier, Francisco Maria

Clerk, Goddard & Douglas Clerk, HK, & Shanghai Bank Clerk, Banque de l'Indo-Chine Merchant, Xavier Bros., Ld.. Clerk, International Banking Corpn....

3 Ashley Terrace, 1st floor, K’loon. On premises.

4A Mosque Terrace.

16 Macdonnell Road.

2 St. Joseph's Mansion.







Xavier, Frederico Antonio Xavier, Gregorio Maria Xavier, Hermenegildo Maria. Xavier, Hypolito Maria


Xavier, Joaquim Pedro Xavier, Jose Lugivico.. Xavier, José Maria

Xavier, José Paulino Xavier, L. V. Xavier, Luiz Gonzaga. Xavier, Luiz Maria

Xavier, Michael Antony Xavier, Paulo Maria Xavier, Pedro Nolasco.. Xavier, Vasco da Gama

Merchant, Xavier Bros., Ld................. Clerk, HK. & China Gas Co. Clerk, HK. Tramway Co., Ld...

Clerk, Chartered Bank...

Asst., Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ld...... Merchant, Xavier Bros., Ld...

Ld........ Merchant, HK. Import & China

Produce Export Co. Chief Clerk, Chartered Bank Principal, Belo & Co........ Clerk, Banque de l'Indo-Chine Clerk, Netherlandsch Indische Com❜l.


Architect, M. A. Xavier

Clerk, C. E. Warren & Co., Ld Assistant, HK. Rope Manufacturing Co. Assistant, HK. & Shanghai Bank

16 Macdonnell Road. Gas Works.

35 St. Francis Yard.

21 Jordan Road, Kowloon. 1 Liberty Avenue.

16 Macdonnell Road.

113 Des Voeux Road Central. 6 Cameron Road, Kowloon, 333 Nathan Road.

3 Humphrey Avenue.

St. Joseph's Mansions.

16 Macdonnell Road.

29 Ashley Road, Kowloon. 1 St. Joseph's Mansion, 2nd Floor. On premises.

Yamamoto, Y. Yates, Gordon


Yates, Leonard.......

Yap Khai-tiong... Yau Hon-sai Yau Hop-kue... Yau Koon-chuen Yau Yung-sang Yeo, Cousen

Yeu Thong-leung Yeung Hon Yeung Hon-chuen Yeung Sum Yeung, Thomly Yeung Tse-ngai

Yeung U-tin

Yeung Wing-cheung Yeung Wing-fai

Yeung Wing-seck

Yew Man-kit

Yew Man-tsun

Yik Tat-ting

Yim, Francis Assis

Yim Pak-fan

Ying, Cheng-hon

Yip Bing

Yip Yen...

Young, Alfred

Young, Benjamin Alfred * Young, Charles

Young Chi-kuen

Young, Cyril Roe Muston Young, David

Young Fook-lam

Young, George Nelson

Manager, Bank of Taiwan, Ld. Shipping Agent, Furness (Far East),


Shipping Agent, Furness (Far East),


Clerk, Mercantile Bank of India. Broker, Leyseco China Co., Ld. Clerk, H. A. Castro & Co., Ld. Broker, Leyseco China Co., Ld. Manager, Henri Krebs & Co. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Clerk, Netherlands Harbour Works, Ld. Clerk, Canadian Pacific Steamship, Ld. Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ld. Clerk, International Bank.... Assistant Compradore, Anderson,

Meyer & Co., Ld....... Chinese Freight Booking Agent,

Struthers & Barry S.S., Ld. Clerk, Frank Smith & Co. Compradore, American Milk Products


Assistant, Mustard & Co. Cashier, Texas Co..... Clerk, Kitting & Co.

Clerk, HK. Excavation, Pile Driving

& Construction Co., Ld... Asst., Thos. Cook & Son Ld................. Assistant, Bank of East Asia, Ld. ...... Clerk, Admiral Orient Line Assistant Compradore, Admiral Line... Compradore, Admiral Line Assistant, HK. Whampoa Dock Co. Assistant, J. M. Alves & Co. Foreman, Taikoo Sugar Refinery Office Asst., General Electric Co., of

China Ld............................

Civil Engineer, Butterfield & Swire... Storekeeper, Taikoo Dockyard... Assistant, Java-China-Japan Ljin Assistant, Nippon Yusen Kaisha...

On premises.

King's Building.

5 Branksome Towers.

3 Po Yuen Lane, 2nd Floor. 16 Wa In Fong, Ground floor. On premises.

45 Cheung On Street, Kowloon, 3 Lower Castle Road. 37 Elgin Street, 1st Floor. 322 Shaukiwan Road, 1st floor. 4 Kai Yuen Lane, Peel Street. On premises.

27 Amoy Street, 1st Floor. 119 Whitfield Road.

57 Connaught Road Central.

23 Tai Wong Street East, 2nd Floor. 11 Queen's Road Central.

50 Bonham Road.

16 & 17 Connaught Road Central. 58 D'Aguilar Street.

35 Robinson Road.

2 Kui In Fong.

803 Kwang Tung Road, 1st floor. On premises.

30 Connaught Road. 17 Bonham Road. 31 Bonham Road, Kowloon Docks.

4 Bowling Street, Kowloon, 1st Fl. On premises.

2 Staunton Street.

549 Mount Cameron Road. Quarry Bay.

21 Sau Wah Fong Street. 26 Elgin Street.

* Exempt at present from jury service under section 4 (12) of the Jury Ordinance, 1887.






Young Iu-sai..

Young, Joseph Anthonio Young, Kenneth Philip Young Po-nam, Francis

Young Sik-kweng Young, Thomas Young, Thomas Henry. Yu Kin-pau Yu Man-tsun

Yu Po-tsez..


Yu Sung-ung Yue Man-lan Yuen Chan--fai Yuen Shiu-hong Yuen Wai-fung Yukimaru, Hidesuke Yung, Hung Chow Yung Hiu-shing Yung, Wai Bun Yvanovich, Philippe Antonio. Yvanovich, Vicente Antonio.

Merchant, R. H. Kotewall & Co. Acct., Percy Smith, Seth & Fleming Assistant, J. M. Alves & Co. Bookkeeper, Nestle & Angle-Swiss

Condensed Milk Co. Assistant, Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ld. Foreman, Taikoo Dockyard Clerk, Gibbs & Co.......... Clerk, Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Export Manager, Kitting & Co. Draftsman, Kowloon Tong and New

Territories Development Co., Ld.... Clerk, Bank of Canton, Ld................. Asst., Industrial & Commercial Bk., Ld. Assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld. ... Asst., Lane, Crowford, Ld............................ Clerk, International Banking Corpn.... Bank of Taiwan

Clerk, N. S. Moses & Co., Ld. Asst., Union Ince. Socty. of Canton, Ld. Bookkeeper, Ault & Wiborg China Co. Assistant, J, D. Hutchison & Co... Principal, Yvanovich & Co.

2 Po Wa Street.

3 St. Joseph's Terrace.

7 Po Hing Fong, Top Floor.

29 Mosque Junction.

127 Second Street, 1st Floor. Quarry Bay.

9 Man Chung Fong. On premises.

35 Robinson Road.

35 Jervois Street.

Chinese Y. M. C. A., Room No. 20. 46 Caine Road. On premises.

54 Lyndhurst Terrace. 176 Queen's Road West. On premises.

18 Wing Wah Lane, 1st Floor, On premises.

41 Lee Tung Street.

9 Hankow Road, Kowloon. 2 Kimberley Villas, Kowloon,


Zimmern, Andrew

Assistant, Benjamin & Potts

5 Seymour Terrace. 14 Arbuthnot Road.

Zimmern, George Samuel ... Assistant, Benjamin & Potts.

Registry, Supreme Court, Hongkong, 23rd February, 1926.

HUGH A. NISBET, Registrar.

- 1 -



CONTRACT No. 49 of 1923.


1 1926


5th Quarterly Report ending 31st December, 1925.

Laid before the Legislative Council by Command of His Excellency

the Governor on the 26th February, 1926.

Every endeavour has been made to recover from the delay and inconveniences occasioned by the recent unsettled labour conditions, and the building has reached a fairly satisfactory state of advancement.


All roofs are completed, and the Tower nearly so; the Shanghai Plasterwork to external columns, etc., is finished and the Latrine Block has been erected. Floor tiling to verandahs and Crush Halls is complete, also dado tiling to all class rooms. ceilings to second floor rooms have been fixed and painted, and one coat of distemper has been applied to all Class Room Walls. The Staff Entrance staircase is completed, most doors and windows are hung, and painting and staining generally is proceeding.

Plasterwork to the Assembly Hall is progressing satisfactorily, the electric wiring is fairly well advanced, water service is being installed; the erection of granite Portico to Front Entrance has been commenced and the Swimming Pool is being prepared to receive tiling. Some drains have been laid.

30th January, 1926.


Director of Public Works.




No. 1926



6th Quarterly Report ending 31st March, 1926.

Laid before the Legislative Council by Command of His Excellency the Governor on the 22nd April, 1926.


Satisfactory progress has been made during this quarter and the building is now in a fairly advanced state of completion.

The plasterwork in the Assembly Hall has been completed; the laying of floor boarding has been commenced and the panelling is ready for fixing. The paving of covered playground is completed and the paving of open playground has been com- menced. The swimming pool is almost completed, and the tiling of latrine block is in progress. Fittings to lavatories are being installed and the shower baths are fixed. The electric wiring, and installing of water service are both almost completed. The erection of granite portico to front entrance is progressing and brickwork generally is being cleaned.

The school authorities have occupied a portion of the building.

12th April, 1926.


Director of Public Works.



No. 1926





No. 1.



CANTON, June 5th, 1926.

I have the honour to inform you that my Government is ready to enter into negotia- tion with the Government of Hongkong regarding the Canton-Hongkong Strike.

My Government is prepared to appoint three Delegates with plenipotentiary powers; and it believes that the Government of Hongkong will deem it advisable to appoint the same number of Delegates with like powers to conduct the negotiations on its behalf.

I am, etc., etc., etc.,


Governor, &c., &c., &c.,


No. 2.



Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs,


HONGKONG, 14th June, 1926.


I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch forwarding a letter addressed to me on June 5th by Mr. Ch'ên Yu-jên, the Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs at Canton. In reply to the latter I shall be obliged if you will kindly inform Mr. Ch'ên that the strike in Hongkong has long been a thing of the past, but that I have appointed the Hon. Mr. J. H. Kemp and the Hon. Mr. E. R. Hallifax as representatives of the Hongkong Government to negotiate with the official representatives of the Canton Government a settlement of the anti-British boycott, and that I should be glad to learn when the negotiations can be commenced.


I have only appointed two delegates as H. M. Minister at Peking has authorised you. to be a member of the delegation.

I have the honour to be,


Your most obedient servant,



No. 3.



Governor, &c.


H. B. M. CONSULATE GENERAL, CANTON, June 16th, 1926.

I have been requested by the Governor of Hongkong to inform you, in reply to the letter addressed by you to His Excellency on June 5th, that the strike in Hongkong has long been a thing of the past, but that he has appointed the Hon. Mr. J. H. Kemp and the Hon. Mr. E. R. Hallifax as representatives of the Hongkong Government to negotiate with the official representatives of the Canton Government a settlement of the anti-British boycott.

I enclose a copy of the Governor's letter for your information, and, with reference to the last paragraph thereof, I have the honour to state that at the request of the Hong- kong Government I have been authorised by His Majesty's Minister at Peking to be a member of the delegation.

I have the honour to be,



Your obedient servant,

Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs,


No. 4.



Acting Consul-General.



I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch dated June 16th, in reply to my note addressed to the Governor of Hongkong in which I expressed the readiness of my Government to enter into negotiation with the Government of Hongkong regarding the Canton-Hongkong strike.



While it is obvious that the strike still continues to be such a considerable political and economic reality as to make any denial of its existence appear at once evasive and futile, my Government-averse from any view of your reply that may lead to a fresh impasse and desirous that the issues involved shall be frankly and resolutely faced— is prepared to authorise its delegates also to negotiate with the official representatives of the Hongkong Government or any other duly appointed representative of the British Government regarding the manner and means of settling the anti-British boycott, which has been sustained by the Chinese people in Kwangtung for precisely a year.

If the forthcoming negotiations are to be undertaken seriously, it is essential to clear up two points arising out of your reply. When handing the reply to me, you explained that a rule of the British Imperial Service debarred the Governor and Govern- ment of Hongkong from direct communication with my Government or any other foreign Government. As this rule seems to apply, a fortiori, to representatives appointed by the Governor and or Government of Hongkong, to ask you to inform me whether the representatives named in your despatch will negotiate as members of a purely Hong- kong delegation or as members of a British Imperial delegation.

The other point relates to the powers of the British delegates. In my note to the Governor of Hongkong, I stated that my Government was prepared to appoint three delegates with plenipotentiary powers and I indicated the wish of my Government that your delegates might be vested with equal powers. I am to repeat this wish with the reservation that any settlement reached by the delegates shall be subject to the usual ratification by the respective Governments.

I am, etc., etc., etc.,


H. B. M. Acting Consul-General,

The Shameen.

No. 5.



Acting Minister for Foreign Affaire.


H. B. M. CONSULATE GENERAL, CANTON, June 25th, 1926.

In reply to your letter of June 21st, I have the honour to inform you that the British delegation, which has been appointed to negotiate a settlement of the anti-British trouble arising in this province, will primarily represent the Hongkong Government, but that I have been made a member of the delegation so that the negotiations may include the anti-British boycott throughout the province, together with any other cognate questions which the Canton Government may wish to raise.

The Hongkong delegates will be sent with plenipotentiary powers as regards matters relating to the Colony, and I, in addition to my ordinary authority as Acting Consul-General, have been given by His Majesty's Government reasonable discretion in consultation with the Hongkong delegates to negotiate an agreement.

Your reservation that any settlement reached by the delegates shall be subject to the usual ratification by the respective Governments is noted and is accepted by the British authorities concerned.


I trust that the above information will clear up the doubts expressed in your letter, and I may add that it is the sincere desire of His Majesty's Government and the Hong- kong Government to reach a settlement with the Canton authorities that shall be mutually satisfactory.


I have submitted the terms of this reply to the Governor of Hongkong, who author- ises me to state that it is sent to you at his request and with his full concurrence. shall be glad therefore if you will let me know when the negotiations can begin.

I have the honour to be,


Your obedient servant,


Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs,


No. 6.



Acting Consul-General.




I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated June 25th, in reply to my note requesting information as to the precise character and the powers of your delegation.

I understand your letter to mean that your delegation as a whole. will represent both His Britannic Majesty's Government and the Government of Hongkong and will be competent to discuss and deal with all questions to arise in the course of the negotia- tions whose determination shall be necessary for a mutually satisfactory settlement of the anti-British trouble as expressed in the Canton-Hongkong strike and the anti-British boycott in the province.

In confirming my verbal statement to you that my Government has appointed Mr. T. V. Soong, Mr. K. P. Chan and myself as its delegates with full powers, I have to inform you that arrangements are being made for the negotiations to begin on July 15th at the Foreign Office here.

I am, etc., etc., etc.,


H. B. M. Acting Consul-General,

The Shameen.


CHIẾN YUJÊN, Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs.








No. 1.




The following communiqué is jointly issued by the Chinese and the British delega- tions who are negotiating the anti-British boycott and strike questions.

All the

The negotiations for the settlement of the anti-British boycott and Canton-Hong- kong strike questions opened at noon to-day at the Canton Foreign Office. members of the Chinese and British delegations were present. Mr. Eugene Chen, Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs, who is head of the Chinese delegation, opened the proceed- ings with the following speech :-

"In formally opening these negotiations to-day we wish to extend to the British representatives a friendly welcome from our Government. We wish also to ex- press the desire

the desire of those in whose name we are authorised to speak that the question which we are charged to resolve may be approached in a sense and in a spirit of realism and of determination to secure its settlement on terms which, while assuring to British nationals in the Liang-Kuang a friendly and profitable market for their goods and services, shall enable the Chinese people as represented by our Government to go on, unhindered, with the work of unifying and modernising China .and, on this new basis, to strive to build a great structure of relations with the outer


"It is manifest that striking and real real changes are taking place in this country, socially, economically and politically. These changes, generally, are a necessary conse- quence of the structural readjustment or new equilibrium which is in process of establish- ment, consciously as well as unconsciously, between the Chinese people organised as a social aggregate and the new conditions of environment resulting from their definite in- clusion in the larger system of the modern world.

"Whether these changes are good or bad for the Chinese people is mainly a question for them to decide if they are truly to be regarded and treated as an independent nation and not as a people fit and suited for the exercise of international tutelage. At any rate it is a fundamental thesis of the Chinese Nationalist Movement which is the greatest of the forces underlying and sustaining the new equilibrium-that the time has come when the Chinese people must be free to work out their own salvation. And though most of the country is unhappily to-day under the domination of leaders, mediaeval and therefore re- actionary in their outlook and methods, the dynamic section of the nation as represented by the intelligentsia, the students, the workers, the new agrarian and industrial and com- mercial groups-the classes definitely thrown up as political forces by the post-war factors in operation in our midst-are with the Nationalist Government at Canton in its assertion of this right to national independence.


"Whatever may be the immediate course of events in China, it is certain that the torch lit by the Chinese Nationalist movement shall never be extinguished, and it must therefore be recognised as an enduring reality in the internal and international politics of this country.

In these circumstances what should be the attitude of a country like Eng- land vis-à-vis this New China. There are people who insist that what England has, England must hold in China at all costs. This is what may be called the die-hard posture; and the past and all vital experience shew that it makes for resistance to change, for friction and strife and ultimately for war. And war, it is admitted, is never a real solution in modern conditions..

"Opposed to this attitude, which is rooted in a past of dead and dying conditions, is the conception of a changing China with new emerging classes of political workers who are conscious of the inherent strength and incalculable possibilities of Chinese resources and Chinese man-power under effective organisation. Such a conception demands, as a prac- tical corollary on the part of friendly Powers, a new view of the Chinese background and a new policy to establish Sino-alien relations, not on the old historic basis of treating China as a war-defeated nation of the period of 1842 but on the principle of equality which to-day underlies the relations of the smallest and the greatest members of the world-system of in- dependent states and sovereignties.

"We believe that this statement of what is called the Chinese question is not in fun- damental opposition to the real interests of any genuinely trading power in China. And, therefore, if the British are here genuinely to trade-solely to sell their goods and to buy our goods as they do when they go to other independent states-Nationalist China, and the Nationalist Government as its instrument of power and achievement, need not neces- sarily be a danger to British nationals in this country.

"If this view of the matter be sound, then mere considerations of prestige and what is known as 'face' ought not to be allowed to bar the road to a practical settlement of what is, in truth, one of the practical questions ofttimes posed by the ironic spirit in hist- ory to search out man's patience, his goodwill and his good sense.


After the transaction of some formal business, the negotiations were adjourned to Friday at 10.30 a.m. when Mr. Eugene Chen will state the Chinese case.

No. 2.




The following communiqué is jointly issued by the British and Chinese delegations who are negotiating a settlement of Chinese-British disputes in the Liang-Kuang.

The Conference resumed its sittings to-day at 10.30 a.m. when the Chinese De- legation stated their views on the origin of the anti-British boycott. They refrained from formulating any conditions of settlement pending a reply to their statement. ference then adjourned till Monday, July 19th.

The Con-



No. 3.






In accordance with what are doubtless the wishes of the British delegation, we pro- pose to begin consideration of the anti-British trouble in the Liang-Kuang by first con- centrating attention on the aspect of it which has found expression in the anti-British boycott.

What is this boycott? Ignoring mere details or purely accidental features, it consists essentially in Chinese workers refusing to load or unload British ships and in the Chinese people in our territory refusing to buy or deal in British goods, or to sell goods to the British. It is admitted that the boycott is an organised patriotic movement which has been sustained by the Chinese people in South China for more than a year.

If the anti-British boycott is to be SETTLED and not simply suppressed by force and so transformed into an enduring element in Chinese-British relations throughout China, it is necessary to find out, at least, its direct and immediate cause. In homely phrase, a malady is cured by treating its cause.

The anti-British boycott in its typical form began immediately after the events of June 23, 1925, off the Shameen. And none with a sense of causation can possibly doubt that the boycott was the first direct and immediate outcome of the killing and maiming of Chinese students and others on that fateful day. If, therefore, the anti-British boycott is to be terminated by a NEGOTIATED SETTLEMENT, we must first deal with the transaction of June 23, 1925.

Broadly speaking, the material facts of the case are not in real dispute save one, namely whether the British or the Chinese fired the fisrt shot. But even this point became of secondary importance when the entire incident is examined from the stand- point of juridical responsibility. Such an examination leads us first to a brief review of what

may be called the causal background out of which sprang the tragedy of June 23.

It is an historical fact that the Chinese people as a whole were powerfully stirred by Sergeant Evanson's order to his men "to shoot to kill' the Chinese students and others who demonstrated at Shanghai on May 30, 1925. In China, as elsewhere, school boys and girls of to-day are the rulers and workers of to-morrow, and a nation is necessarily inter- ested in its student class. There is also special reason why the Chinese people are interested in their students. A nation that is not dying must have an articulate group, and for reasons inherent in the present period of transition through which China is passing, this mark and quality of vitality in a nation is possessed by the Chinese student class. If China is to live her students must continue to voice the new economic and political needs of the Transition until a new equilibrium is established between the Chinese people and the changed environ- ment in which they find themselves after three-quarters of a century of commercial, diplomatic and social intercourse with foreigners.

This view of the Chinese student class explains the range and depth of the repercus- sion of May 30 on the nation. Along the great line of the Yangtsze--at Hankow, Kiukiang, Nanking and in the North, notably in Peking, significant manifestations of national feel- ing and a new consciousness occurred. Even to-day, more than a year after the event, the conception of Sergeant Evanson's action on May 30 as a massacre persists in the Chinese Nationalist mind. And the sense of wrong engendered is all the greater now that the bloodless. handling of a far more dangerous crowd at Shanghai on the first anniversary of May 30 proves that Evanson's action was wholly unnecessary as an application of the doctrine of the preventive massacre, i.e., the prevention of a bigger massacre by the mob, which Lieut.-Colonel Hilton-Johnson and other British witnesses at the Shanghai Judicial Enquiry swore would have taken place had Evanson not ordered firing into an unarmed crowd of students and others.


Owing to fighting in Canton which enabled the Government to destroy sundry rebel elements and to unify the province, the repe cussion of May 30 was not fully felt here before the middle of June, when the real significance and gravity of the occurrence began to be understood. In Peking and elsewhere there was already a realisation that an event had taken place which was of the order of acts that create epochs in history. As Canton is the greatest Nationalist centre in the country, it is not strange that May 30 should be en- visaged from an uncompromisingly Nationalist standpoint and seen to be a decisive expression of the struggle between the body of economic and political needs and ideas known as Chinese Nationalism, whose chief motive is the achievement of real Chinese independence, and the opposing system of ideas and forces which, deriving their sanction from the long series of treaties dating from the transaction of Nanking in 1842, is known as Foreign Imperialism.

This interpretation of May 30 would naturally find expression here in the form of patriotic demonstrations and other popular manifestations. And it was the driving neces- sity to express the Nationalist mind and feeling on a profoundly poignant act of tragedy that Canton organised the memorable demonstration of June 23. It is indisputable that the procession, which was the central feature of the demonstration, consisted largely of students and school children and was entirely unarmed save as to the Whampoa cadet section who were in ordinary parade attire.

The question as to which side fired the first shot is not a capital issue in view of the actual circumstances of the case and the grim results of the shooting. Never in its his- tory had Shameen been so completely and perfectly protected. Separated by its wide canal and sand-bagged, barbwired, equipped and garrisoned by forces armed to the teeth and supported and covered by the great guns of the foreign warships in the harbour, Shameen was impregnable and absolutely safe even on the incredible assumption that there was any real Chinese intention to capture it. There was no such intention and there could have been none, and the results of the shooting proved it. The British suffered hardly any casualties, but 50 dead and more than 100 wounded Chinese demons- trated afresh the meaning of a struggle between a fortress and a crowd. All the relevant facts of the case-support the view that, even if the Shameen firing were done in the first instance in so-called self-defence (which is categorically denied), IT WAS EXCESSIVE AND THEREFORE LEGALLY UNJUSTIFIED That Shameen was, on June 23, 1925, in the mood and temper to act violently and excessively appears from the widely advertised letter written by the then British Consul-General on June 22, but actually received by Mr. Wu Chao-chu, former Minister for Foreign Affairs, about the hour of the actual shooting, on June 23. It was sent through the post, not delivered by messenger.

After referring to a fantastic story of certain students who had cast lots for the privilege of "posing as martyrs" (which he himself had to suggest "might be the figment of a fertile imagination"), the British Consul-General went on to declare that "if, on the other hand, it have any solid foundation in fact and should action of the kind be contem- plated and take place, I have the honour solemnly to warn the Government of Kuangtung through you as their Foreign Secretary that any attempt to penetrate on the Foreign Con- cession at Shameen will be resisted by force of arms, and that for the consequences the Government will be held individually and collectively responsible." And he added that "due precautions are, however, being taken to guard against acts of mob violence, such as have occurred at Chinkiang, Kiukiang and Hankow, and should unfortunately they occur here, the blood of those who call upon crowd psychology to commit deeds of violence will be on their own head." It is plain that this is the language of one who, having envisaged the possibility, if not the certainty, of shedding the blood of Chinese on June 23, 1925, would hardly be able to restrain armed and inflamed men under his orders from doing some bloodletting on the occasion. In other words we read the letter as a frank_avowal of the British Consul-General's intention to do what Evanson had already done at Shanghai or (we say this in a purely historical sense) General Dyer at Amritsar, i.e., action based on the doctrine of the preventive massacre which specialists of strong and drastic action are wont to advise as a magical operation with "Oriental" crowds.

While there can be no doubt that June 23 is the direct and immediate cause of the anti-British boycott (and of the intensification and extension of the Hongkong strike), it is certain that the practical blockade which the Government of Hongkong instituted against Canton and the rest of the province was a powerful predisposing and, later, continuing factor in the maintenance and enforcement of the anti-British boycott. The Hongkong Governor in Council, it will be recalled, prohibited the exportation of "rice, flour, tinned


or preserved food-stuffs, gold and silver coin in amounts exceeding five dollars and gold and silver bullion, and banknotes of every description in amounts exceeding five dollars." This prohibition became known in Canton within a few hours of the tragedy of June 23, and whatever may have been its actual purpose and aim-it was then interpreted and continued so to be interpreted as a financial and economic blockade of Canton and the rest of the province which had hitherto depended on Hongkong for supplies of rice and other food-stuffs.

In a sense, it may be said that this Hongkong severance of economic relations with Canton suggested the precise form in which patriotic retaliation for June 23 should ex- press itself.

And if the anti-British boycott did not soon follow the course of other apparently similar manifestations of popular feeling in the past, one of the main reasons was that the movement came immediately to be envisaged as a means of effective defence against what Chinese Nationalists were led to understand as a British attempt, based on Hongkong, to starve and crush Canton as the centre of Nationalist doctrine and activity.

But there is a more concrete reason why the anti-British boycott has been so long sustained. It is on record that my Government made repeated attempts to have the question of June 23 settled. And in reply to one of these attempts, the then British Consul-General stated that his Government could not entertain the demands formulated for a settlement of the question. These demands were conceived and formulated in the un- usual circumstances immediately following the shooting of June 23, and they included terms which my Government, actuated by a sincere desire to arrive at a satisfactory settlement, is prepared to review in order that nothing incompatible with the real dignity and interest of Great Britain as a trading power in China shall continue to obstruct the path of settlement.

Before communicating these new terms of settlement, we wish to have the views of the British delegation on this presentation and definition of the anti-British boycott


No. 4.





The conference for the settlement of Chinese-British disputes in the Liang-Kuang resumed its sittings on Monday the 19th July, when the British delegation replied to the statement of the Chinese delegation on the origin of the anti-British boycott. The Con- ference adjourned until Wednesday the 21st July.

The conference resumed its sittings on Wednesday the 21st July, as arranged.

The Chinese delegation replied to the statement made by the British delegation at the meeting of the 19th July, and then proceeded to make two alternative proposals for the settlement of the boycott. One was the appointment of an international commis- sion of enquiry to determine the question of responsibility for the Shakee incident of the 23rd June, 1925. The alternative proposal was that the financial burden which the settle- ment of the boycott would entail on the Canton Government should be shared by the British. Translated into practical details this proposed sharing of the burden proved to be a demand for (a) compensation to the relatives of those killed at Shakee, and (b) some form of compensation to the strikers.

The British delegation immediately and emphatically rejected the demand for com- pensation to the strikers, and this refusal was treated by the Chinese delegation as dispos- ing of the whole of their second alternative proposal.


The British delegation pointed out various objections to the alternative proposal of an international commission of enquiry into the Shakee incident. These objections are re- ferred to more fully below, in the account of the subsequent meeting of Friday the 23rd July.

The British delegation put forward a loan proposal which is referred to again in the account of the meeting of the 23rd July.

The next meeting was held on Friday the 23rd July.

The British delegation made a short statement explaining why they did not reply in detail to the statement made by the Chinese delegation at the opening of the meeting of Wednesday, the 21st July. This short statement, and also the written statements made by the Chinese delegation on the 16th and 21st July and by the British delegation on the 19th July, are being published separately.

The Chinese delegation made a written statement as to the terms of the proposal for an international commission of enquiry into the Shakee incident. A copy of this statement is annexed hereto.

To this proposal the British delegation, at this meeting and at the meeting of Wednesday the 21st July, pointed out, inter alia, the following objections:-

(a) The lapse of time since the occurrence of the incident to be enquired into would make the enquiry of no value, owing to the inevitable decay in the value of human testimony as an event recedes into the past, the difficulty of tracing witnesses, and the difficulty of securing the attendance of witnesses, many being scattered and many being of non-British nationality. Some of these considerations would apply with far less force, or not at all, to the Chinese case.

(b) It might be difficult to secure the co-operation of other Powers who would be

interested or involved.

(c) The proposal would cause great delay, possibly of a year, and it offers no immediate solution of the boycott, but, at best, a long deferred solution. (d) The members of the commission of enquiry, though eminently fitted to ascer- tain facts if any reliable and complete body of testimony could be placed before them, might not be equally fitted to assume the unlimited duty of making "recommendations for the complete and final settlement" of the boycott, and could not be placed in full possession of all the political and economic considerations which might be involved.

Put very shortly, the chief objections were (1) the impossibility of a satisfactory enquiry at this late date, and (2) the fact that the proposal would defer the solution of the boycott for many months.

In spite of all the above objections the Chinese delegation pressed for the refer- ence of the proposal to the British authorities and the British delegation undertook so to refer it.

The British delegation made a written statement on the loan proposal put forward at the meeting of Wednesday the 21st July. A copy of this statement is annexed hereto. The Chinese delegation expressed their desire to refer this matter to their Government.

The Conference thereupon adjourned sine die, in order to enable the British de- legation to refer the enquiry proposal to the British authorities and the Chinese delega- tion to refer the loan proposal to their Government.


First Annexure.

The Chinese and the British delegation have, in their respective statements, defin- ed the anti-British boycott issue in terms which now necessitate resort to an impartial Commission of Enquiry for its settlement. The Chinese delegation formally propose


(a) such a Commission of Enquiry he constituted,

(b) the Commission is to be made up of a Chinese and a British Member with a Chairman to be agreed upon, whose country is not directly involved in the dispute,

(c) the Commission shall be empowered to determine the question of responsibility for the Shameen-Shakee shooting on June 23, 1925, and to make recommen- dations for the complete and final settlement of the resulting anti-British boy- cott in the Liang-Kuang,

(d) the Nationalist Government and the British (including the Hongkong) Govern- ment agree to be bound by the findings of the Commission and to carry out and enforce any and all recommendations made by it,

(e) the Commission is to be opened at the earliest possible date, and

(f) in order to meet possible difficulties of the British in the case of witnesses who have already made written statements to them on the case and who are dead or cannot be traced or otherwise cannot attend before the Commission, such statements can be submitted at the Enquiry.

Second Annexure.

The Chinese delegation have asked for a written statement on the loan proposal put forward at the meeting of July 21

The details of the necessary formal agreement would take some time to settle and would be outside the duties of this conference, but the main features of the proposal can and should be indicated now.

The proposal is made in order to show the sincere good will which Hongkong feels towards Canton, and in order that Hongkong may assist in the development of Kwang Tung in some way which may be of mutual benefit to the province and to the Colony. We realise that the prosperity of Kwong Tung and the prosperity of Hongkong are inseparably bound up together.


The object of the loan would of course have to be mutually agreed upon. have suggested a loan for the development of the port of Whampoa, because, while we think that that object would benefit Hongkong only indirectly, we are anxious to show our good will by selecting an object which we understand is favoured by the people of Canton. We are quite prepared to consider any similar object of mutual benefit which may be suggested by the Chinese delegation.

The adoption of the Whampoa proposal would be subject to both parties being satisfied that a scheme sound from the engineering point of view is possible at a reason- able cost. The amount which we have in mind is a sum of about $10,000,000.

One object of the loan, whatever main object be chosen, would have to be the con- struction of the loop line to connect the Canton-Hankow railway and the Canton-Kowloon railway.

Adequate safeguards for the proper expenditure of the funds and for the payment of interest and the repayment of capital would have to be provided.

A condition of the loan would be the complete cessation of the boycott and of all other anti-British manifestations throughout the territory controlled by the Canton Government.


No. 5.






The Chinese delegation, in putting forward their statement on the origin of the anti-British boycott in the Liang-Kuang, have asked for our views on their presentation of this issue before proceeding further with the business of the conference.

We should have preferred to have heard the Chinese delegation's whole case, in- cluding their proposals for a settlement, before being called on for a reply, for we feel that the sentiments they have now expressed and the answer which must inevitably be evoked from our side have already been set out in despatches exchanged between Bri- tish and Chinese officials, and have been fully discussed in the press of both nations, and that to continue the discussion in this manner by the exchange of statements intended for publication will only exacerbate public opinion and render difficult the amicable ad- justment of joints of difference, which it is the object of these negotations to achieve.

If, however, the Chinese delegation feel strongly that the document read to us at the last sitting, full as it is of controversial points, calls for a reply now, an answer can and must be made.

The Chinese statement takes the causes of the boycott back to the incident of May the 30th in Shanghai. It is not within the province of this delegation to deal with affairs which have occurred in Central China, nor is it possible to do so adequately with- in the scope of a short statement, but the following are some material facts which have been omitted from the document to which this is a reply.


The Shanghai trouble arose out of labour disputes in Japanese cotton mills, with which the British were not concerned. A demonstration was held by Chinese students in the busiest streets of the International Settlement in defiance of by-laws designed to secure the preservation of order and the free circulation of traffic for residents of all nationalities. The Settlement Police, who are employees of the International Council, endeavoured to do their duty and maintain respect for the law by arresting the ringlead- This in turn led to an attack on a police station by a mob of between two and three thousand people, of whom a few of the leaders were students, but many were loafers and bad characters from the less reputable quarters of Shanghai. The handful of police on duty tried for some time to disperse the crowd by persuasion and then by baton charges, but they were driven back by increasing numbers, and finally when the inflamed mob was within six feet of the stations gates, and Inspector Everson, the officer in charge, feared that his men would be overwhelmed and the station and its armoury captured, as had occurred once before, he ordered a volley to be fired.

The resulting casualties must be deplored by all, but unless Inspector Everson was to abdicate his functions as a police officer and make a criminal surrender to the mob of the interests in his charge, which, be it remembered were mainly Chinese, it is difficult to see what else he could have done in the circumstances, and his personal conduct in the matter was' vindicated in the fullest manner by all three judges in the international judi- cial enquiry which was held subsequently. It merely clouds the issue to compare this affair with what occurred on its anniversary in 1926, when disturbances were definitely expected, and a large show of force was prepared as a result of previous experience, to deal with any trouble which might arise.

This then is the incident, which, distorted out of all semblance to the truth, was used to arouse anti-British feeling in all parts of China. Outbreaks against small and de- fenceless communities occurred in Chinkiang, Kiukiang, Chungking and a number of other places, where mobs unrestrained by the local authorities destroyed the property and menaced the lives of British subjects.



At Hankow a crowd of roughs, who had been worked up a pitch of frenzy by student agitators, made a determined attack on the foreign quarter. The small British defence force, in their desire to avoid further bloodshed, remained passive until the last possible moment, and it was only after the mob had already, in its blind fury, murdered one of the foreign residents, and was in the act of invading the quarter where the others had taken refuge, that shots were fired to repel its advance.

It has been necessary briefly to recall these events in order that the subsequent tragedy at Canton should be viewed in its proper setting. Anti-foreign feeling was run- ning high in this province by the middle of June, 1925. It was definitely stated in Chinese- circles in Canton and Hongkong on June the 22nd that an attack was to be made on Sha- meen on the following day, and prominent Chinese actually took refuge in Hongkong and made other dispositions to meet such an eventuality. Furthermore, on the morning of June the 23rd, two motor cars were distributing leaflets throughout the City signed by the Students' Union of the Military School of the Kwang-tung Army, inciting all and sundry to rise and chase out the foreigners.

The Shameen residents therefore, having in mind these facts and the events which had just befallen their compatriots in other parts of the country, had every reason to fear for their own safety, and to prepare for their defence.

In these circumstances the Canton authorities permitted on June the 23rd, a very large demonstration to be conducted on the Shakee bund facing Shameen, and this de- monstration included armed troops from the military academy. During the course of this demonstration fire was opened at Shameen from the Shakee side.

We notice that in the statement of the Chinese delegation, an attempt is made to pass lightly over the question of responsibility for the first firing. It is suggested that it is a point of "secondary importance" and "is not a capital issue" and stress is laid instead on the intensity of the fire returned by the people who found themselves thus attacked. But we consider that the question of whose act gave rise to the tragedy is of vital im- portance, and on this point we must insist that not only the evidence of British and French witnesses attest the fact that the shooting began on the Chinese side, but there are also on record written statements by the Danish and Swedish Consuls, and American citizens, who were present at the time, and assert definitely of their own knowledge that the first shots were fired from Shakee. The shots were returned in self-defence by the British and French forces on Shameen, who as explained above, had reason to believe that an attack on the island was intended, and in this one action it may be noted that the state- ment of the Chinese delegation does not attempt to explain why the British have been made the sole objects of resentment for incidents in which they were not the only foreigners concerned.

The deaths and casualties caused amongst the Chinese on June the 23rd are a matter for sincere regret, but the grave responsibility for the sacrifice of those lives must rest with those who wantonly began the attack, and with the Chinese authorities, who disregarding the folly and danger of their action, allowed inflammable material to be placed ready to the hands of agitators seeking for an opportunity to cause a conflagration.

The Chinese delegation, in their definition of the ensuing boycott of British trade, have implied that this movement is a voluntary abstention from all commercial relations with the British, and they add that the boycott has been sustained by the Chinese people for more than a year. With great respect we say most emphatically that that definition and that statement are entirely at variance with the facts.

The abstention is not a voluntary one. It is imposed on an unwilling people by a small but powerful organisation of persons who maintain the boycott by force of arms and who do not hesitate to shoot down their own fellow countrymen when the latter try to continue those normal relations which ought to exist between close and friendly neigh- bours, and which will certainly, sooner or later, burst through the artificial and econo- mically unsound barriers which prevent their free action at present. It would be easy to test the correctness of this assertion, and we are quite sure that if these barriers were removed the current of trade and friendly intercourse would flow freely again, bringing mutual benefit to Chinese and British alike.



We need scarcely say that we do not ask that any voluntary abstention should be "suppressed by force. All that we ask is that an involuntary abstention should not be maintained by force or artificial means. We do not wish to be misunderstood here. We fully realise that a year ago many Chinese believed, erroneously as we think, that they had reason for making a protest against the action of various foreign nations in connection with the incidents referred to above. If they had such reason, which we deny, they have made that protest, in various ways, but we are convinced that the great bulk of the people, always excepting those whose interest it is to maintain the boycott, would now gladly resume normal relations.

It is further alleged in the statement of the Chinese delegation that "the practical blockade which the Government of Hongkong instituted against Canton and the rest of the province was a powerful predisposing and, later continuing factor in the maintenance and enforcement of the anti-British boycott," and that "this Hongkong severance of economic relations with Canton suggested the precise form in which patriotic retaliation for June 23 should express itself." This is a good example of putting a bad construction on perfectly innocent actions. The Hongkong Government did not institute any blockade of Canton or the rest of the province. Hongkong did not sever economic relations with Canton. The prohibition of the exportation of certain foodstuffs was a measure dictated by com- mon prudence for the purpose of conserving the food supplies of the Colony. By the 22nd June the shipping strike had already begun, and no one knew how far the importation of foodstuffs into the Colony might not be interfered with. If this was a blockade by Hong- kong, it was a blockade of the whole world. The object of the prohibition was shown by the notification of the 11th August, which announced that licences would be given freely for the exportation to all destinations subject to adequate reserves being maintained in the Colony, and the embargo was wholly removed on the 9th October. The prohibition of the exportation of coin, bullion and notes was a measure of ordinary financial prudence for the protection of the currency and financial system of the Colony. Thus. purely defensive measures, imposed on Hongkong by the strike, are twisted into an attack on Canton. In fact, the statement of the Chinese delegation on this point seems to us to be a desperate attempt to find an excuse and an explanation for the institution and main- tenance of the boycott against Hongkong, a community which had not been concerned in any way with the incidents préviously described.

Finally, we take this opportunity to enter an indignant protest against the attempt which has been made by means of unscrupulous propaganda throughout the course of this unhappy trouble to throw the blame on Hongkong and on the British nation. In truth, the malady of which the Chinese delegation speak is an internal one and will not be cured by attacking the British people, who of all others are most desirous of seeing a happy, pros- perous and independent China with whom they can conduct their trade.

We fully appreciate the fact that the whole outlook of large sections of the Chinese people has changed in recent years, and we sincerely sympathise with the ambition of the Chinese nation to take that great place in the world to which its genius entitles it. The Government of Hongkong, in particular. is prepared to assist in the development of those provinces which the Colony is brought into immediate contact, in any way which may be of mutual benefit, and it is in this direction that we hope a solution of the present difficulties may be found.



No. 6.






As trustees of power on behalf of the Chinese people in the Liang-Kuang, the Nationalist Government sets the utmost value on publicity both as a means of public infor- mation and of mass education and discipline. The beneficiaries must know if we, 'as trustees, are to serve and not merely to dominate and exploit them. Is is for this large reason of policy that the Chinese Delegation cannot share the objection of the British Delegation to the immediate publication of statements embodying final, and not purely tentative, views on a question of such commanding public interest as the anti-British Boy- cott. There is also a specific reason. For more than a year the British press and publicists have exacerbated the public opinion of the world adversely to Canton which has been consistently mis-represented as a centre of senseless hostility and agitation against the British. It must surely serve the interests not only of historical truth but of this conference if fiction is replaced by fact, and public opinion is rightly informed as to the true Chinese reasons for the existing anti-British trouble in this territory. We, at any rate, believe in open diplomacy as a necessity of modern government and in publicity generally as the foe of the idols of Occidental prestige and Oriental "face" than which there are no greater obstacles in the transaction of international affairs in the Far East.

It is clearly not within the scope of this Conference to review the Shanghai shooting on May 30 in the sense of an immediate cause of the anti-British boycott in the Liang- Kuang. Reference was made to it in the Chinese statement as but one of the massive features of the "causal background' out of which sprang the tragedy off the Shameen on June 23. And it is strictly in this sense that we have to traverse the version of the incident set forth in the British statement and, referring to the so-called vindication of Inspector Evanson by the Shanghai Judicial Enquiry, to emphasize the refusal, of the Chinese people as a whole to have anything to do with the investigation. We agree that "previous ex- perience" was utilised in dealing with the anniversary crowd of May 30 at Shanghai, which conclusively proved that a Chinese crowd can be dispersed without invoking the application of the doctrine of the preventive measure. As regards what happened at Hankow the British statement is incomplete without a reference to the double fact that the Chinese crowd was unarmed save as to sticks and poles and that the British forces included British marines armed with quick-firing machine-guns.

We have stated and we repeat that the anti-British boycott has been the immediate and direct outcome of the shooting off the Shameen on June 23. This is the causa CAUSANS. If the boycott is to be ended, its cause must be dealt with. But while a con- sideration of this cause involves the question of responsibility as a vital issue, it is im- possible to accept seriously as evidence on the point the allegation that "it was definitely stated in Chinese circles in Canton and Hongkong on June 23rd that an attack was to be made on Shameen on the following day, and prominent Chinese actual- ly took refuge in Hongkong and made other dispositions to meet such an eventuality. This presumably, is a repetition of part of the then British Consul-General's disputable story of the events preceding the actual shooting on June 23. The baseless reports in "Chinese circles" and "prominent Chinese" (wealthy and therefore unduly nervous) running to Hongkong for refuge should be accepted as evidence of a plan of "attack on Shameen" is rather a sad commentary on human credibility. But this Shameen gullibility also testifies to the existence of a state and condition of the official mind on June 23 which explains why the events of the day marched to their tragic ending. To the then British Consul-General, an attack on the Shameen was an article of faith and, naturally he detected the diabolic intention in most things that came within his range of vision during the fateful hours immediately preceding the enactment of the tragedy.


In reasserting that there was not and could not have been any intention to attack Shameen, we have categorically to state that the firing on June 23 was first opened from the Shameen side. This point, of course, is of vital importance. And in view of its pre- sentation by the British delegation, it now appears necessary for the Conference to con- sider whether the question of responsibility for the Shameen-Shakee shooting should not form the subject of a properly constituted international enquiry. We have, however, to point out that it was to avoid the necessity of such an enquiry that the Chinese delegation argued in their statement that the point is of "secondary importance" and "is not a capital issue," since "all the relevant facts of the case support the view that, even if the Shameen firing were done in the first instance in so-called defence (which is categorically denied), it was EXCESSIVE AND THEREFORE LEGALLY UNJUSTIFIED.

While we are prepared to agree to the holding of an enquiry to determine the "question of whose act gave rise to the tragedy," we cannot in the meantime allow to go unchallenged the "written statements by the Danish and Swedish Consuls and American citizens who were present at the same time, and assert definitely of their own knowledge that the first shots were fired from Shakee." These men formed part of the population or of the garrison of Shameen on June 23 and they are no more disinterested witnesses than is Sir James Jamieson. In principle their testimony is just as tainted as that of the men who actually shot down Chinese students and others on the Shakee bund. Nor can we refrain from instantly repelling the attempt to fasten responsibility for the Chinese dead and wounded on the Chinese authorities who, it is alleged, "disregarding the folly and danger of their action, allowed inflammable material to be placed ready to the hands of the agitators seeking for an opportunity to cause a conflagration." There is a familiar ring in these words. It is always heard when men's folly and unwisdom plunge them into deeds of blood and a scapegoat must be tracked. But the real reply to this charge is that the Chinese Authorities did not interfere with the demonstration because, as a fact, they were absolutely satisfied that no attack would or could be made on Shameen. A host of responsible witnesses can attest to this fact.


We note that the British delegation challenge our definition of the anti-British boycott as a patriotic abstention from all commercial relations with the British and assert that "it is imposed on an unwilling people by a small but powerful organisation of per- sons who maintain the boycott by force of arms." A complete reply to this British con- tention would necessarily involve the discussion of questions which, though we are ready and prepared to discuss them, do not come within the ambit of this Conference. we have to emphasize the grave insult to the Chinese nation that is implied in the British. view. To believe that the Chinese people are incapable of mass indignation and mass ac- tion for acts of death and violence of the type enacted on the Shakee Bund is not only to- err grievously but to imply that we are a people with the stuff of slaves in us. It is doubt- less true that there have been incidents in our relations with the British, in the past, which may explain the persistence of this British belief. But great tidal waves of change have swept across the world; and men's work and action in this region of Asia are to-day inspired by ideas of freedom and human dignity which will not suffer them tamely to sub- mit to violence and injustice. Unless this is grasped and understood by the British and translated into their policy and action, the future of our relations with them will be but a repetition of the past with its misunderstandings, its riots, its tumults and its wars. We speak gravely. We are on the eve, if not already in the midst, of events that may cut out in the rocks of destiny a new road for our people. It is not our wish that we should enter on this new road with the British at variance with us. But we are in a situation in which the decision as to the future is largely theirs.

As regards the blockade by Hongkong, we have to reiterate that whatever, sub- jectively, it was intended to compass, the general prohibition was interpreted as a finan- cial and economic blockade of Canton and the rest of the province and that, objectively, it worked out in this sense, since Hongkong as the whole transhipment port in South China, was the only gateway through which supplies of food could then reach our people. This interpretation of the embargo is not affected by either its modification August 11 or its removal on October 9. By these dates it appears to have been realised that the relief measures instituted by Canton for the importation of food from other cen- tres had deprived the blockade of its effectiveness.



Finally, we have to welcome the expression of the British delegation's desire "of seeing a happy, prosperous and independent China with whom they can conduct their trade, the more so because past and recent British action have not been calculated to inspire confidence in the possibility of reconciling what have hitherto been understood to be the aims of British policy in this country with Chinese Nationalist ideals and aspira- tions. But if we are to understand the British delegation's desire as an indication of fu- true British policy in China, there is good reason to believe that its realisation will wit- ness the establishment of relations with the British that shall secure to them the good will and friendliness of Nationalist China.

No. 7.






The British delegation do not propose to prepare any written reply to the statement on behalf of the Chinese delegation at the meeting of the 21st July. They refrain from doing so because they feel that it would involve further historical discussion which would at the present stage serve no useful purpose. They prefer to discus verbally any actual proposals for the settlement of the boycott.

No. 8.



The conference for the settlement of Chinese-British disputes in the Liang-Kuang resumed its sittings yesterday morning at the Canton Foreign Office when the British delega- tion replied to the statement of the Chinese delegation on the origin of the anti-British boycott. The next sitting will be on Wednesday.


No. 9.



The Conference resumed this morning (Wednesday) at 10.30 when the Chinese de- legation replied to the British statement read at the last sitting on July 19. This was followed by the Chinese delegation outlining two proposals in the following terms:

"Since the Chinese delegation affirm that the British are in the wrong on the three points stated in our first statement, namely, (i) the Shameen-Shakee shooting, (2) the Blockade of Canton by Hongkong, and (3) the Refusal of Negotiation implied in the summary rejection of the demands formulated by the Nationalist Government immediately after the shooting, and since the British delegation deny being in the wrong, it is clear that this Conference must entrust a third party in the form of an impartial court of enquiry to decide the controversial issue involved. The Nationalist Government will abide by the findings of an impartial court of enquiry. We hope that the British delegation will take the same attitude.

"If, however, the British delegation is desirous, without waiting for further enquiry, of bringing about the resumption of normal relations between Hongkong and the ter- ritories of the Nationalist Government (Kuangtung, Kuangsi, Hunan) as quickly as possible, the Chinese delegation, likewise desirous of resuming such relations at the earliest date. propose that the burden arising from an immediate settlement of the Anti-British Boycott be shared by both parties. That burden is (1)The Chinese people who have sustained the boycott for a year must be given adequate guarantees that in the future there will be no repetition of the action of June 23, 1925. These guarantees lie in regulating the garrison- ing of the Shameen and in regulating the navigation and stationing of British gunboats on the river system of the territories of the Nationalist Government. (2) The bereaved families of the dead and the wounded on June 23, 1925, have to be consoled and compensated on the basis of full justice. And (3) the large unemployment in consequence of the break of normal relations between Hongkong and Kuangtung, which has been a serious problem and continues to be one, requires large sums of money to be raised for its solution in order to remove serious obstacles in the way of a resumption of normal relations between the Colony and the territories of the Nationalist Government.

"It is clear that if both sides are actuated by the same desire to arrive at an amicable settlement, both sides must be prepared to make serious concessions."

In reply to the first proposal for an impartial court of enquiry, the British de- legation stated that they would have to consult their Government. And as regards the second proposal for a sharing of the burden arising from an immediate settlement of the Anti-British Boycott, they rejected the same and categorically declared that no settlement involving the payment of compensation could be entertained by them.

The Chinese delegation thereupon proposed that, pending the holding of the sug- gested court of enquiry, a loan might be raised, partly through its own resources and partly by Hongkong, to enable the Nationalist Government to meet the heavy financial burden involved in an immediate settlement of the Anti-British Boycott, and that the Hongkong section of such loan would also be repaid if the court of enquiry decided in favour of the British. This proposal was also rejected by the British delegation.

The Chinese delegation then inquired if the British delegation had any proposal to make. The latter stated that they were prepared to agree to a settlement of the dispute in the form of an industrial loan for the development of the Port of Whampoa conditional on the construction of the loopline connecting the Canton-Hankow and Canton-Kowloon railways and provisions of control similar to those in the Canton-Kowloon Railway Agree-. ment regarding the employment of a British Engineer-in-chief and a British Chief- Accountant. The British delegation intimated that they were ready to consider alternative industrial enterprises like the building of a railway to Bias Bay or to Swatow. The Chinese delegation replied that they would have to take time to consider this British proposal.

Canton, July 21, 1926.


No. 10.



Canton July 23.-The Conference resumed this morning at 10.30 a.m. when the British delegation read the following statement :—

"The British delegation do not propose to prepare any written reply to the state- ment read on behalf of the Chinese delegation at the meeting on the 21st July. They refrain from doing so because they feel that it would involve further historical discussion which would at the present stage serve no useful purpose. They prefer to discuss verbally any actual proposals for the settlement of the boycott.

The Chinese delegation also read the following statement, elaborating their pro- posal for a Court or a Commission of Enquiry which was made at the last meeting on July 21:--

"The Chinese and the British delegation have, in their respective statements, de- fined the anti-British boycott issue in terms which now necessitate resort to an impartial Commission of Enquiry for its settlement. The Chinese delegation formally propose that

"(a) such a Commission of Enquiry be constituted,

"(b) the Commission is to be made up of a Chinese and a British member with a Chairman to be agreed upon, whose country is not directly involved in the dispute,


(c) the Commission shall be empowered to determine the question of respon- sibility for the Shameen-Shakee shooting on June 23, 1925 and to make recommendations for the complete and final settlement of the resulting anti-British boycott in the Liang- Kuang,

"(d) the Nationalist Government and the British (including the Hongkong) Govern- ment agree to be bound by the findings of the Commission and to carry out and enforce any and all recommendations made by it,

"(e) the Commission is to be opened at the earliest possible date and

"(f) in order to meet possible difficulties of the British in the case of witnesses who have already made written statements to them on the case and who are dead or cannot be traced or otherwise cannot attend before the Commission, such statements can be sub- mitted at the enquiry."

The British delegation raised the question of including the French in the Enquiry on the ground that it was impossible to exclude them since they took part in the shooting of June 23, 1925. The Chinese delegation replied that the question of French participation in the shooting was a Chinese-French issue which they preferred to keep separate from and not to join it with the question of British responsibility in the matter; but if the British in- sisted, the Chinese delegation had no objection to the inclusion or participation of the French in the Enquiry. In this case the British would have to take the necessary steps to secure the consent of the French to their participation in the proposed Enquiry. The Bri- tish delegation contended that such consent should be secured by the Chinese, but the Chinese delegation declined to accept this responsibility.

Besides raising other points (which the Chinese delegation replied to), the British delegation inquired whether, pending the holding of the Enquiry, the anti-British boycott was to continue. As the boycott is an organised patriotic movement which no exercise or application of mere force could successfully and finally terminate even if the Nationalist Government were to attempt its forcible suppression in total disregard of all vital nation- alist interests, the Chinese delegation therefore replied that the continuance of the anti- British boycott was inevitable in the circumstances arising from the British delegation's rejection of the Chinese proposal for a sharing of the burden involved in an immediate resumption of normal relations between the British and the Chinese people in the Liang- Kuang.



The Chinese delegation having requested the British delegation to put in writing their loan proposal made at the last meeting, the latter then read the following state- ment:

"The Chinese delegation have asked for a written statement on the loan proposal put forward at the meeting of 21st July.

"The details of the necessary formal agreement would take some time to settle and would be outside the duties of this conference, but the main features of the proposal can and should be indicated now.

"The proposal is made to show the sincere good will which Hongkong feels to- wards Canton, and in order that Hongkong may assist in the development of Kwangtung in some way which may be of mutual benefit to the province and to the Colony. We realise that the prosperity of Kwangtung and the prosperity of Hongkong are inseparably bound up together.


"The object of the loan would of course have to be mutually agreed upon. have suggested a loan for the development of the port of Whampoa, because while we think that that object would benefit Hongkong only indirectly we are anxious to show our good will by selecting an object which we understand is favoured by the people of Canton. We are quite prepared to consider any similar object of mutual benefit which may be sug- gested by the Chinese delegation.

"The adoption of the Whampoa proposal would be subject to both parties being satisfied that a scheme sound from the engineering point of view is possible at a reason- able cost. The amount which we have in mind is a sum of about $10,000,000.

"One object of the loan, whatever main object be chosen, would have to be the construction of the loop line to connect the Canton-Hankow and the Canton-Kowloon railways.

'Adequate safeguards for the proper expenditure of the funds and for repayment of capital would have to be provided.

"A condition of the loan would be the complete cessation of the boycott and of all other anti-British manifestations throughout the territory controlled by the Canton Govern- ment.'2

In reply to questions on the point, the British delegation stated that by "adequate safeguards for the proper expenditure of the funds and for repayment of capital," they had in mind the usual provisions in Railway agreements made in China regarding-in the case of British capital-a British Engineer-in-chief and a British Chief Accountant and other safeguards as well as the mortgage of the works constructed and the revenues as security.

Before the adjournment of the Conference, the Head of the British delegation ex- pressed appreciation of the courtesies that had been extended to them and of the friendly tone that had characterised the proceedings of the Conference and hoped that the same would continue to prevail until the Conference had ended its labours. The Head of the Chinese delegation reciprocated this sentiment and trusted that, as a result of the work of the Conference, a new page would be opened in the history of Chinese-British relations.

The Conference then adjourned, pending the British delegation's consultation with their Government regarding the Chinese proposal for a Commission of Enquiry and the Chinese delegation's consultation with the Nationalist Government on the subject of the British loan proposal.



No. 13



No. 205.

No. I.




HONG KONG, 2nd September, 1926.


I have the honour to forward the enclosed translation of a speech made by Mr. Sun Fo and published by the Man Kwok Yat Po on the 27th August. I shall be glad if you will be good enough to ascertain from the acting Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Canton Government whether Mr. Sun Fo did in fact make this speech, and at the same time point out to him that, if the report is correct, the present Canton Government is apparently completely identified with the outrageous acts and the still more outrageous aims of the Canton Strike Committee. In particular the Hong Kong Government desires to know whether it is or is not the policy of the present Canton Government to support "the Can- ton strikers" whether it is or is not the policy of the present Canton Government to inflict such injury as it can upon Hong Kong: and whether it is or is not the policy of the present Canton Government to "develop the anti-British boycott throughout China".

I have, &c.,




Governor, &c.




(Extract from Man Kwok Yat l'o, Canton, 27th August, 1926)


Communique of Member Sun

Opinions of our Party and Government regarding

the Sino-British negotiations.

(From the Central News Agency)

Workmen Fellow-countrymen! The tragedy of May the 30th was the first voice raised in China against the Imperialists. The Shaki Tragedy is the Chinese Anti- Imperialist overture. Certainly the Canton-Hong Kong Strike is a strong weapon of our Anti-Imperialist Chinese people. Looking back we see that the Strike, on its first out- break, was limited to a single locality, and its influence was very weak. After the establishment of the National Government, however, the Strike movements spread to Chiu Chau and Swatow in the East River region, to Pak Hoi, King-chau and Ngai-chau in the South and even throughout the whole of Kwong Tung. This shows that the Anti- Imperialist Strike has grown in extent every day, and at the same time the foundation of our Revolutionary Government has ever become stronger. In particular, when the 2 Kwongs have been unified, the progress made by the Northern Expeditionary Armies and the Revolutionary Masses, and the sound and firm footing secured by our Revolutionary Government have put the Imperialists in greater terror. The Strike has lasted for over a year, and I have no need to mention that the workmen have suffered great hardship. But taking the interest of our people and our revolution into consideration, we cannot fail to support the Strike to the end. Moreover, our National Government is one which repre- sents the people in their interests, they have still more to exert themselves to support the Strike until final victory is achieved. During the past several months, some tame dogs of the Imperialists charged the National Government with having no desire for a settle- ment, and created all sorts of rumours in order on the one hand to damage the National Government which is a kind mother of the workmen, and on the other to injure the strik- ers, who are brave sons of the National Government. To our credit, however, after official negotiations had been held by the official delegations sent by both Parties-Eugene Chen, the Foreign Minister, Sung Tsz Man, the Financial Commissioner and Ku Mang Yu, Director of the Propaganda Department under the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang, sent by our National Government, and the Attorney General, the Secretary for Chinese Affairs and the British Consul-General at Shameen, by the other Party-all-false charges of insincerity brought against us previously were withdrawn without any counter- argument on our part. The Sino-British negotiation has been held. What is the result? The British Imperialists not only have no sincere desire for a settlement, but have also taken the strike as a thing of the past, and proposed to negotiate on the Anti-British boy- colt. And this is not all: they also proposed an industrial loan, that is to say, the Im- perialists in Hong Kong desired to give a loan to the National Government for the open- ing of Whampoa on condition that a loopline is constructed to link up the Canton- Kowloon Railway and the Canton-Hankow Railway, and an English accountant and engineer are employed. Alas! the British Imperialists are indeed very clever. They know that when Whampoa has been laid out as a commercial port, Hong Kong will not only lose its economic control over Kwong Tung, but will also be turned into a useless district. Therefore they do not grudge giving an industrial loan in the hope that they may carry out their intrigues of monopolizing Whampoa and thus reducing it to a second Kow- loon. Since such devilish plots are hatched by British Imperialism to entrap us Chinese, we cannot fathom their intrigues. Thus how can we Chinese accept their proposal at the Sino-British negotiations? It teaches us that the British Imperialists have no sincere desire for a settlement, and how can we then come to any settlement with them? Thus we must combine together, and support our Anti-Imperialist van-guards, the Canton-Hong




Kong strikers, and help them to gain the final victory. All our fellow-countrymen must aim at this. Until the Hong Kong Imperialists have been brought to submission, the wrongs of the Shaki victims have been redressed, the tragedy of May 30th has been re- venged and the unequal treaties have been cancelled, we must take a solemn oath to sup- port the Strike. Several days ago, the Governor of Hong Kong, representative of the British Imperialists, in an open speech, libelled our Strike Commission and strikers as robbers and pirates, and our National Government as tools of robbers and pirates. He has not only insulted our Government and our strikers, but also the revolutionary masses of the whole of China. His hideous words are sufficient to show that the Imperialists will never treat us with sincerity, and can never come to terms with us. How shall we reply to him? We can reply to the Hong Kong Imperialists thus:--"You are robbers. are pirates. If you are not, how could you have got Hong Kong'? Therefore we must combine together, and put ourselves forward to strike the robbers and kill the pirates. In particular, we must retain all the concessions and overthrow British Imperialism. We should not allow ourselves to be deceived by the Imperialists, or hope that the British Imperialists will again send a delegation to negotiate with us, but we must develop the Anti-British boycott throughout China. One more word. If the British Imperialists do not send any delegation again to negotiate with us with sincerity, we can only hold out to the end. The final victory will be ours. Since the objects of the Strike are so momentous, we must support it to the end with unification. Victory in the Strike means successful emancipation of our Chinese race. This responsibility must be shouldered by our Revolu- tionary masses.

I-Enclosure (ii).

(Extract from Man Kiwolk Yat Po, Canton, 27th Angust, 1926.)





罷工8可是自從我國民政府派出外交部長陳友仁。% 財政部長宋子文 希圖一方面破壞工人的慈母國民政府8一方面破壞政府的健兒省港 的走狗。謂國民政府不願意解決省港罷工他們並且製出種種謠言 盡力擁護罷18使得到最後的勝利8前幾個月間有些帝國主義 非擁護罷工到底不可。况且國民政府是代表人民利益的政府。那麼 不少的痛苦。自不待言。但我們若果站在民眾利益及革命觀點上8 到帝國主義者害怕8可是罷工以來已有年餘之久。工人方面受了 別是兩廣統一北伐軍與革命民衆之發展。革命政府之鞏固8更令 罷工一天天底擴大同時革命政府基礎也一天天底鞏固起來了特 之潮汕。南路之北海瓊崖。并且普遍到全廣東78 這就是証明反帝 一隅。力量很薄。自從國民政府成立後罷工運動於是擴大到東江 國主義者最有力的武器。我們回想當着開始罷工的時候只係偏處 沙基慘案是中國人民反帝的序幕。省港罷工自然是中國人民反抗帝 (中央社)各位工友們。同胞們五世慘案是中國人民反帝的先聲。。





中央黨部宣傳部長顧孟餘。及對方的代表。。一是律政司。。一是華 港罷工 使他們得到最後的勝利。總之各界同胞應該注意。若果香 民政務司。一是沙面英領事雙方派出正式代表公開談判後則從

港帝國主義者一日不屈服沙難先烈之寃未復8五世慘案之大 前之攻擊我國民政府無誠意解決者。不攻自破矣。中英談判已開始

仇未報。不平等條約未取消。我們都應該大家一致誓死擁護罷工到 底呵oo最近數日前英帝國主義之代表香港總督在香港公開演講中 了。究竟結果怎樣呢8彼英帝國主義者不獨無誠意解決罷工。他們

已說我們罷工委員會及罷工工友通通是「土匪」「海賊」並誣指國民 英帝國主義者承認省港罷工已經成爲過去的事實。現在所談

政府是「土匪」「海賊」的工具。這不單是侮辱我政府8侮辱我罷工工 的就是中國排英的問題。不但如此他們英帝國主義者竟提其所謂

友。並且是侮辱我全國的革命民衆8香港總督此種可惡的話更足 實業借款換句話說就香港帝國主義想借一筆大欸子給國民政府 以表示帝國主義者對我們是絕無誠意的8是絕對不能與我們妥協的 做開闢黃埔商埠之用。但以廣九粵漢兩鐵路接軌爲條件並且要

我們應該怎樣回答他呢。我們可以回答香港帝國主義說。(你們 照廣九鐵路的協定須僱用英籍總工程師及總管賬各一人。唉、大

就是「海賊」你們就是「土匪」不然你們那裡可以得到香港)。因 此我們應該團結起來去打「土匪」去殺「海賊」我們尤其要收回租借 英帝國主義者眞聰明他知道假使黃埔商埠築成。香港不特不能壟

地打倒大英帝國主義所以就不應該受帝國主義之欺騙。更不可 斷廣東經濟。而且香港可以成爲無用之地。所以香港帝國主義者不

希望英帝國主義派代表再同我們開談判。並且要將排英運動擴大到 惜實行其所謂實業借歎。希圖包辦黃埔的陰謀使黃埔成爲九龍之

全國去。總之8我最後一句要對諸位說的就是假使英帝國主義不 第二——英帝國主義這種欺騙我中國人民的鬼計眞是居心不可問8

再同我開誠磋商和談判我們唯有堅持到底。最後的勝利終歸是我 既然如此。中英談判8中國人民焉有承認的道理呢?從這一點的敎 們的省港罷工之意既然這樣重嚴。故此我們更要一德一心擁護省 訓可知彼英帝國主義者既然表示無誠意解決罷工。我們又怎樣對 港罷工到底。省港罷工勝利就是中國民族解放之勝利。這個責任就 他安協呢。所以我們唯有大家一致團結起來。擁護反帝的急先鋒省 是要各界革命的民衆肩負起來。8





No. II.



September 10th, 1926.


I have honour to enclose a copy of the Man Kwok Yat Po of August 27th in which is published a speech alleged to have been made by Mr. Sun Fo, the Mayor of Canton, on the subject of the anti-British movement in this Province. An English translation of the speech is also enclosed.

I am requested by the Governor of Hong Kong to ascertain from you whether Mr. Sun Fo did in fact make this speech, and, if the report is correct, I am asked to point out to you that the present Canton Government is apparently completely identified with the outrageous acts and still more outrageous aims of the Canton Strike Committee.

In particular the Hong Kong Government desires to know whether it is or is not the policy of the present Canton Government to support "the Canton strikers", whether it is or is not the policy of the present Canton Government to inflict such injury as it can upon Hong Kong, and whether it is or is not the policy of the present Canton Government to

'develop the anti-British boycott throughout China".

I shall be glad therefore if you will favour me with replies to all the above questions at your earliest convenience.



I have the honour to be,


Your obedient Servant,

(Sd.) J. F. BRENAN. Acting Consul General.




Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs, Canton, to H.M. Consul-General,

dated September 16th, 1926.


I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 10th instant in which you ask for a reply concerning à speech of Mayor Sun published in the Min Kuo Jih Pao of August 27th.

On receipt of your letter I sent a copy to Mayor Sun for his consideration and am now awaiting his reply, but in the meantime there are some points which I wish to mention to you. No matter whether what appeared in the paper was or was not the speech of Mr. Sun (this speech was probably a rejoinder to the statements in the speech of the Governor of Hong Kong concerning "robbers and pirates'), even if Mr. Sun actually did make these statements, they are, as is quite obvious, only an expression of his personal opinions.

Regarding the remarks in the third paragraph of your letter, our Nationalist Government can on no account admit the right of the Hong Kong Government to make these officious enquiries. With a view to avoiding misunderstandings in present cir- cumstances I will reply to your questions that the answer is in the negative, and I have the honour to request that you will take note and inform the Governor of Hong Kong.

I have, &c.,





No. 1926


The following resumé of the chief facts and conclusions concerning the geology and potential mineral resources of the Colony of Hongkong is submitted by the writer as a popular summary, based on the field work of the winter of 1925-1926, and must be con- sidered as subject to much revision after fulfilment of laboratory work and collaboration with previous workers in this field.

Rock Formations.

Recent. Alluvium, Mud Flats, Deltas, Stream Flood Plains.



Tertiary or Lan Tao Formation :-Granite and Syenite porphyries.

Hongkong Formation :-Granite, with associated acidic dykes.

Late Mesozoic.

Late Mesozoic (Lower Cretaceous).

Tai Mo Shan Formation :-Quartz porphyry, rhyolite porphyry (including

Rocky Harbour Volcanics.)

Repulse Bay Formation :-Volcanic ash and breccia (including "Junk Bay formation of thinly-bedded volcanic sediments.)


Tolo Channel Formation :-Sandstone, Shale, Conglomerate.


These formations are arranged in chronological sequence from the oldest at the bottom to the youngest at the top; and the table shows that no rock formations have been discovered of older date than the middle of Mesozoic time. This means that the rocks of the Colony are relatively very young with reference to geological time, and that, with the exception of a period of time in the Lower Cretaceous when the Tolo Channel series was being deposited beneath the sea, the area comprised in the Colony has been (as far as any record is preserved) continuously part of a land mass.

A geologically recent depression or sinking of this part of the South China Coast accounts for the highly indented coast line, the large number of islands, the deltas and shallow-water borders to many of the shores, and the formation of the alluvial flats.

Lithology and Structure.

Tolo Channel Formation.This is the oldest formation known in the Colony, and only remnants of it are now exposed, particularly along Tolo Channel and in the valley northeast of Castle Peak Bay. It is probably the same formation that underlies the low hills and flats of the Canton River Valley and is so well exposed in the Bocas Tigris. It was deposited in Lower Cretaceous time beneath the sea as a flat-lying series of gravel, sand, silt and mud with streaks of carbonaceous material, derived from infalling vegeta- tion. Fossils (ammonites) were found in this formation by Dr. Heanley and were deter- mined as of lower Cretaceous age.

Following the deposition of this formation came a period of mountain building, in which the rocks were buckled and uplifted into a series of northeasterly trending hills, which no doubt extended over the entire colony.


A lorg period of weathering and erosion followed, which resulted in the wearing down and levelling of the hill tops.


This formation weathers usually to a dark brown sandy clay, and underlies the lowest hills in the Colony.

Repulse Bay Formation.--The weathering process, above mentioned, was interrupted at a considerably later point of time, by a sinking of the land surface and an extensive and long-continued period of volcanic extrusion and consequent sedimentation. Upwards of 2,000 feet of volcanic sediments, agglomerates, breccias, ash, tuffaceous sandstone, with lavas, accumulated both on the land surface and in the sea-bottom, constituting what is here called the Repulse Bay formation. It is now well exposed in the southern half of Hongkong Island, on the western part of the Lan Tao Island, and in the vicinity of Junk Bay. The series is generally nearly flat-lying.

It is of considerably later date than the Tolo Channel series, and is separated from it by a structural unconformity.

The ashy portions of this formation weather usually to a whitish soil, while other parts produce a brown earth.

Tai Mo Shan Formation.-The extrusion and accumulation of the Repulse Bay volcanic rocks were accompanied by a great deal of intrusion in the form of necks, plugs, sills, sheets and dykes, which invaded both the Tolo Channel and Repulse Bay formations. These intruded masses of lava (or magma) did not reach the surface, but came to rest at positions not far below the surface as flat sheets or walls of rock lying parallel to the bedding planes of the volcanic series, or as dykes cutting across them. The channels through which this magma travelled upwards constitute necks, or lenticular-shaped plugs.

This formation consists typically of quartz porphyry and quartz-feldspar-hornblende porphyry (rhyolite porphyry) and is now observed on the surface on account of the removal by erosion of the covering rocks under which it solidified. It is usually dark gray in colour, and weathers to brown clayey earth with hard boulders (or "nigger heads") with a dull maroon quartz-studded surface, that is very characteristic. It is best exposed in a large area surrounding Tai Mo Shan, Southeast of Tung Chung on Lan Tao Island, in the Nine Pin Islands and hills around Rocky Harbour.

This formation, and the Repulse Bay volcanics, are the most resistant to weathering, and form the high peaks of the Colony.

Hongkong Formation.-The next event of major importance in the sequence is the intrusion of the well-known Hongkong granite, a medium to coarse grained, pink to gray rock, consisting of orthoclase feldspar, quartz and mica. It intrudes all the previous formations, but its coarseness of grain indicates that it came to rest and solidified under a great thickness of cover, and is only exposed at the surface today because of the removal of this thick cover by erosion.→

It weathers to a light buff-coloured grit and is extensively exposed in the New Territories underlying the golden hills north of Kowloon and in the Central portion of Hongkong Island. Due to its coarseness and uniformity of grain it breaks down easily, and is more susceptible to decay than all other solid forinations except the Tolo Channel formation.

Lan Tao Formation.--The latest important intrusion is that of the Lan Tao granite porphyry, which intersects all the previous formations. It varies in visible character from a fine-grained rock with small crystals of pink orthoclase (Carlsbad twins) and quartz, to a medium grained grey rock with Carlsbad twins up to two inches in length, large crystals of quartz, and bundles of black hornblende. The great variation of phase which this formation exhibits is accounted for by the fact that it came much closer to the surface than the Hongkong granite before solidifying, and consequently did not have rock walls of uniform composition and temperature against which to cool.

The largest exposures are on the northwest half of Lan Tao Island from which as a centre the magma seems to have followed northeasterly-trending shear zones through the other rocks, extending across the New Territories to the vicinity of Tai Po Market.

The rock is recognised by the large lath-shaped or rectangular feldspar crystals which it contains and by its weathering to a dark brown lateritic quartz-studded clay.


Lamprophyre Dykes.-Black to gray-black lamprophyre dykes cut all previous for- mations and constitute the youngest phase of igneous activity in the Colony.

Recent: Alluvium, etc.-The flat lands in the larger agricultural valleys of the New Territories (Pat Heung, Shap Pat Heung, Lam T'suen) and along the coast line, parti- cularly in the vicinity of Deep Bay, are underlain by fine sand and clay due to the silting up of shallow bays and inlets of the sea. Here are present-day sedimentary rocks in the process of formation, with flat-lying strata, overlapping indiscriminately the eroded surfaces of all the other formations.

Economic Considerations.

The following brief notes bearing on different phases of the potential mineral resources and the application of geology to engineering problems are offered merely as a series of suggestions to further workers in this field, rather than a statement of the economic geological potentialities of the Colony.

Metalliferous deposits.-Small deposits containing lead, silver, zinc, copper, tungsten and molybdenum minerals occur in several places, but in no one place are they yet known to occur in sufficient quantity to warrant economic mining.

It is interesting to note that in nearly every case, the metalliferous deposits are found in the vicinity of bodies of Lan lao granite porphyry, which leads to the inference that this rock has been the chief metallic mineral provider in the Colony. Galena (lead sulphide) occurs in many localities in different kinds of rocks, distributed in such a fashion as to warrant the conclusion that its source is in the above-mentioned rock. That it does not occur in greater quantity seems to be due to the absence of such a formation as limestone, which would have forced the lead to deposit as it was leaving the Lan Tao porphyry at the time of solidification.

The general lack of a precipitating agency like limestone in contact with the Lan Tao porphyry in the basis for the belief that metalliferous deposits will not be found in important commercial quantities within the Colony. On the other hand, the enhanced value of the lead at the present time should direct attention to exploration for it almost wherever it is known to occur.

Non-Metallic Mineral Deposits.

Clays.-Deposits of clay, satisfactory for various purposes, occur in and near the shallow-water inlet extending easterly from Deep Bay towards Uen Long. The absence of good clay beds above sea level is due to the shortness of the drainage courses, and the relief of the land which prevent the complete separation of the clay particles from the sand particles until the sea is reached.

Sands. For a similar reason, the only clean deposits of sand will be found along beaches, where they are saturated with salt water.


Bricks. The brick industry of the Colony is founded on the shale members of the Tolo Channel formation and argillaceous portions of the Repulse Bay volcanics, and uses as its raw material the soft clayey materials that have resulted from the decomposition in place of these rocks. The geological map that will accompany the final report will outline the extent of the Tolo Channel and Repulse Bay formations, and may therefore point to areas worth investigation from this point of view. It is possible that the special report on clays may also point to localities where beds of transported clay occur of a grade suitable for the manufacture of a better grade of brick.

Soils.-Soils are rocks in the geological sense that they are the products of rock decay, both residual and transported. Both the flat alluvial valleys and many of the hills are covered with soils that are related in composition to the rocks with which they are in contact. Many of these rocks are known to be rich in potash, one of the basic constituents in fertilisation. Others contain phosphorus, some carry lime, while others again are almost barren of these three constituents.

It seems that here is an excellent field for soil research, in an attempt to classify and outline soil areas, to study their special fertility or deficiency, to encourage the adaptation of crops to the different types of soil; the inevitable outcome of such an investigation being a greater production of wealth from the New Territories.


Quartz.-Many large quartz veins, with well-formed rock crystals occur throughout the western half of the Colony. While these are of no immediate value (since they seem barren of metallic minerals), they afford a resource of high-grade silica that might be of value in the glass-making or crystal bead industries.

Building Stones. -The Colony is well supplied with three types of hard resistant building stone, all of the granite type; but is devoid of a supply of the softer and more easily worked stone, such as limestone, sandstone, marble and serpentine.

(1) Hongkong Granite. This is an excellent stone for building purposes, of high crushing and tensile strength where fresh and unaltered, and of a pleasing delicate pink and white mottled colour. It is not sufficiently tinted to be of value as an ornamental stone. Most of the quarrying is done in this rock and large blocks and lintels are derived from it. It is the most easily decomposed of the three stones, and care should always be exercised by builders in the selection of pieces that are to undergo considerable stress, in order to make sure that the pink or white feldspar constituent of the rock has not lost its lustre. This loss of lustre means rock decomposition and a great decrease in strength.

(2) Tai Mo Shan Porphyry.-This dark-coloured close grained rock has not been used extensively in building in Hongkong, except for blocks in retaining walls and foundations. It is very resistant and hard, of high crushing and tensile strength, and less subject to decomposition than the Hongkong granite. It is more difficult to work and it is not pleasing in appearance, due to its dark colour and lack of uniformity.

Lan Tao Granite Porphyry.-This rock does not seem to be used in any type of building in the Colony, as far as the writer has observed; yet it is one that has many features that highly commend it for certain purposes.

It occurs in many beautiful varieties, with several colours, and always shows white or pink rectangular Crystals set in a dark gray or mottled ground mass. It is not usually suited to the extraction of large blocks, like the Hongkong granite because its joint system is on a smaller scale, but small slabs and blocks up to three or four feet in longest dimensions can be quarried in quantity. It is the only stone in the Colony that has any merit as an ornamental stone, and when polished would produce a very pleasing effect."

It is hard, resistant, and in most cases more difficult to work than the Hongkong granite. One of its varieties is being quarried at Tai Po Market for local building pur- poses; but the ornamental varieties are best seen on the northeast part of Lan Tao Island and adjoining islands, and on the large peninsula projecting southerly from Lan Tao Island towards the Soko group.

Water Supply.--Surface water supplies, on which the Colony is dependent, are very variable from season to season, necessitating the construction of retaining dams and reservoirs. The rapid variation in the stream flow is due to several factors, among which are the following:-(1) a dry season extending from October to March, followed by a wet season during which a great deal of rain falls in intermittent downpours; (2) short drainage courses, small catchment basins and marked topographical relief, all of which mean a rapid run-off; (3) general absence of forests in the drainage basins (forests provide shade, thus reducing evaporation, slaken the velocity of flow, permitting greater seepage into the ground); (4) large areas of granite and similar igneous rocks, which are highly impervious to underground water, and therefore do not permit natural under- ground storage of water.

In connection with underground storage, the question has on several occasions been asked as to whether a supply of artesian water might be secured on the island of Hong- kong or in the New Territories. An artesian flow is dependent mainly upon three con- ditions, viz. porous strata like sandstone or volcanic ash in monoclinal or syncliual attitude, an impervious cover, usually of shale, on top of the porous beds, and the outcrop of such dipping beds at a higher elevation than that at which the water is required. Generally speaking these three conditions do not prevail within the Colony, except on a very small scale. The Island of Hongkong is devoid of all of them. In the New Territories, there are only two localities in which an artesian flow of any conse-


quence is at all possible, and even in these there are other factors that would render such a possible flow of little value except at low levels in their immediate vicinity. The localities referred to are (1) the valley north of the Pat Sin range between Fan Ling and Sha Tau Kok, and (2) the valley that forms the northerly extension of Castle Peak Bay, between Castle Peak Farm and Cheung Kong Wai. In both cases the flow, if encountered, would not be large, and could only be tapped near the valley floors, from which it would have to be transported by pumping.











Diagrammatic profile to illustrate artesian flow and the principles on which it is based.

Arrows indicate direc- tion of flow of water,

NOTE:-Water will flow freely from the well to a height less than that indicated as

"effective head."

Tunnelling, Reservoir Construction, Side-Hill Construction.

In these three, and many similar, operations, there is scope for the skilled applica- tion of geological principles. In the selection of sites, the kind of rock, its structure, fracture system, state of decomposition, uniformity or heterogeneity of grain and mineral composition, presence or absence of dykes or shear zones, are very important considera- tions from an economical standpoint. While the geologist cannot guarantee the fulfil- ment of underground forecasts or programmes that he makes, nevertheless he can, by- securing their adoption, greatly reduce unnecessary expenditure, eliminate many chances of failure, and prevent "wild cat" financial exploitation.

With reference to side-hill construction, such as large buildings and retaining walls, the geological investigation made by the writer at Po Hing Fong following the disastrous collapse of July 17, 1925, revealed the fact that such a rock as the Hongkong granite is a source of weakness rather than stability under conditions of tropical weathering, and should be so considered in the matter of foundations and heavy superstructures. Its relatively easy decomposition to a slippery buff-coloured clay permits the formation in it of planes or surfaces of slipping parallel to the hill slopes, on which landslides may readily occur.

Report and Map.-The completion and publication of the geological report and map of the Colony will portray and discuss much more thoroughly the areal distribution of the rock formations with their lithological characters, and present more complete data concerning potential mineral resources.

W. L. UGLOW, Geologist to Hongkong Government.

21st April, 1926.


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