4000035 P.R. 33
Wednesday, December 8, 19&5
The following is the list of citations at today’s (Wednesday) ceremony of Presentation of Insignia at Government House:
Mr. Fung Ping-fan has continued to render outstanding service to Hong Kong and is at present an unofficial member of Exocutivo Council after long service in Legislative Council, where his advice has been most valuable. He has also continued to give very freely of his time to charitable and social welfare projects, especially to those connected with youth work, and is a Director of the Chinese Y.M.C.A., Chairman of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (Hong Kong) and is a Council member of both the University of Hong Kong and of the Chinese University.
FIR. B.A. BERNACCHI, 0.3.E, (Civil) » Besides devoting a great deal of his time to social welfare activities in Hong Kong, chief among which has been his continuous support for the Hong Kong Sea School since it was started largely on his initiative in 19^6, Mr. Bemacchi’s principal public service has been with the Urban Council, on which he has served with distinction since 1952. He is the senior Unofficial Member and, as the doyen of the Council, he shows a keen regard for the propriety of its proceedings and for its reputation.
Mr. Fung Hbn-chu is an Unofficial Justice of the Peace and has served as an appointed member of the Urban Council since I960 and as an appointed Unofficial I4ember of the Legislative Council since 196U. He served on the
/Board ......
Board of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals for a period of four years and in 1951 as Chairman of the Board was energetic in raising funds and carrying out reforms and improvements in the hospitals* Mr. Fung is a member of the Housing Authority, the General Committee of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, The Advisory Council of the Red Cross, the Council of St, John and the Hong Kong Management Association and has also done much for the Scuth China Athletic Association having served as Chairman and President, THE HON. S.S, GORDON, O.B.E^. (Civil)
During his 18 years residence in the Colony Mrt Gordon has involved himself deeply in the affairs of Hong Kong, As a member of the Finance Committee of The Chinese University of Hong Kong he did much to facilitate its establishment. He is also a member of the Ccurt of the University of Hong Kong. From 1965 tc 1964 Mr, Gordon was Chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and is at present a Committee member of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries. He is an Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council and had served as a temporary Member of -the Council on several occasions, before his substantive appointment t* that Council.
DR. WOO PAK-FOO, O,B.E. (Civil)
Dr. Woo Pak-fco is the fourth senior Unofficial Member of the Council on which he serves as a representative of the Hong Kong Civic Association. He takes an active part in the work of the Council and also of the Housing Authority, to which he devotes a considerable amount tf his own time. Dr. Woo also gives unstintingly of his advice and time to many other projects of value to the community of Hong Kong. MR. TSANG FOR-PIU, 1.3,0.
On his retirement in July this year Mr. Tsang For-piu had completed more than 55 years service with the Hong Kong Government. The performance of his duties as Head Clerk in the District Office at Tai Po has been exemplary and he has gained the deep respect, not «ly of his colleagues but -of a wide /section ...................................................................
section of the public* He has an intimate knowledge of the Tai Po area and visiting scholars in social research have turned to him for guidance. His organising ability and advice have been of great value to the New Territories Administration.
Mr. Wan Kam-fan joined the Government in 1931 and throughout his 33 years of service shewed himself to be a competent and meticulous clerical officer. Courteous in manner and of great integrity of character he has been an example to his juniors and of particular service to three Directors of Marine in the capacity of Assistant Registrar of Shipping, from which post he retired in July this year. MR. WATT HOI-KEE, KS.O.
Mr. Watt Hoi-kee joined the Technical College in 1937 and was appointed Principal in 1963 from which post he retired earlier this year. Hiring his term as Principal he played a leading part in the reorganisation and extension of technical training which was required to meet the rapidly developing needs of Hong Kong industry. Mr. Watt has also made significant contribution to the development of Methodist Church Schools. MAJOR L.A.H. NAPIER, M„B.F. (Military)
For almost two years, Major Napier was responsible in Singapore for Operation CONCORD - a scheme to maintain good relations between the three Services and the population of Singapore. He gave help to numerous welfare organisations for poor children, youth leaders and philanthropic agencies and in addition arranged several building projects. In times of disturbance Major Napier acted as an excellent liaison officer with the Malaysian Army and Police, and throughout his tour of duty exhibited marked qualities of enthusiasm, leadership and devotion to duty.
Lt. do Witt was commissioned in Hong Kong and immediately afterwards ms posted to a new Joint Communications Centre in East Malaysia. There he
/worked •••••.
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worked with vigour and determination at many tasks connected with this untried communications system and his responsibility for its maintenance often required him to work for very long hours at a time. Lt. de Witt’s efforts were maintained throughout his tour, his hard work and high sense of responsibility playing a vital part in the development of operational communications in Malaysia*
Mr. Chung Kam-chuen contributed outstandingly to the medical and educational welfare of the people of Hong Kong during his term as a Director of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and later as Chairman. He played a major part in the complete redevelopment of the Kwong Wah Hospital and helped greatly in expanding and developing the Tung Wah Hospitals’ school services. Mr. Chung has also promoted recreational outlets for youth through support of the Kaifong movement and through local associations of his fellow Hakka countrymen.
Since her appointment in 1956 as Matron of the Grantham Hospital, Miss lu’s sound professional knowledge and administrative ability have contributed significantly to the overall anti-tuberculosis programme in the Colony. She has served as a member of the Nursing Board since 1961 and her contribution to the training of nurses and the distinction she has brought to the nursing profession have been widely acknowledged both locally and overseas. MRS. KWAN KO SIU-WAH, M.B.E, (Civil)
Mrs. Kwan has a long record of service in the field of social welfare, particularly in group work for girls. She became the General Secretary of the I.W.C.A. in 1962 and has been an active Committee Member of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service since 1959. She has shewn much initiative in varied fields and particularly in stimulating the production of books and pamphlets in Chinese for young people.
MR. LIU PING-PUI, M.B.E. (Civil)
Mr. Liu Ping-pui, who joined the Hong Kong Government in 1947, has for the last six years been responsible for controlling and co-ordinating the work
/of all ......
of all computers at the Royal Observatory, and for the issue of all factual meteorological information in English and in Chinese for the public and for shipping. In 1964 his devotion to duty ensured the continued functioning of the storm warning service in very difficult conditions and contributed greatly to the safety of life at sea and ashore.
Mrs. da Rosa joined the Government immediately after the war and has served continuously in the Secretariat as Secretary/Stenographer to a variety of senior officers. Her efficiency and loyalty have been of the greatest assistance to all the officers for whom she has worked and by whom she has always been highly regarded.
Mr. Chak Sing-tsik joined the Fire Services Department in 1932 as a Sub-Officer and is now a Senior Divisional Officer* His work has been of a high standard and the example which he has set has been an inspiration to his colleagues. In addition to his normal duties he has for ten years voluntarily undertaken the essential duties of Fire Service Welfare Officer.
Mr. Ma Kam-ming has served Hong Kong in many fields including the Board of Directors of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and the Po Leung Kuk Committee. His work for the Po Leung Kuk was particularly notable for the very considerable administrative reforms which he introduced. He has also worked for the public good through his connections with the Confucian Hall, the Chung Sing Society and various Hong Kong Chiu Chow associations, amongst others.
Before his retirement on August 1 this year Mr. Tang was chiefly concerned with the Subsidised Schools Section of the Education Department and as senior officer in this section he worked with exceptional energy and
/ initiative.......
initiative. He established a most cordial relationship between the Department and the Subsidised Schools and the steady progress of the schools owes much to his vjisdom and advice.
Mr. Tseng Cheung gave outstanding service firstly as a Director and then as Principal Director and latterly as Chairman of the Tung Wali Croup of Hospitals for a period of five years from 1959 <> In the Tung Wah tradition he made, for these five years, great sacrifices in his business interests so as to devote more than half his time to the successful discharge of his Tung Wali work. Since that time Mr. Tseng has served for another year on the Tung Wah Advisory Board and has taken an active interest in kaifong work and in his Clansmen’s Association.
On retirement from the Education Department in 1959? where he served most efficiently for over 35 years, Mr. Wong Kwok-fong was appointed Principal of the Buddhist Wong Fong ling Middle School, in which post he has played an important part in the development of education in the New Territories. Mr. Wong is a member of the Board of Education and of the Subsidised Schools Council where his wide experience and sound judgment have been of the greatest value.
List Qf Recipients^ And Supporters
Hon. Fung Ping-fan, C.B.E.
lir. B.A. Bemacchi, O.B.E., Q.C.
Hon. Fung Hon-chu, O.B.E.
Hon. S.S. Gordon, O.B.E.
Dr. the Hon. A.M. Rodrigues, C.B.E., E.D. Hon. Kwan Cho-yiu C.B.E.
Hon. Kan Yuet-keung, O.B.E.
Mr. F.A. Nixon, O.B.E.
Hon. Sir Sik-nin, Chau, C.B.E.
Mr. 3hum Wai-.yau, O.B.E., J.P.
Hon. J.D. Clague, C.B.E., M.C.
Dr. the Hon. A.2a. Rodrigues, C.B.E., E.D.
/Dr. ’Woo.......
Dr. Woo Pak-foo, O.B.E.
Mr. Tsang For-piu, I.S.C.
Mr. Wan Kam-fan, I.S.O.
Mr. Watt Hoi-kee, 1.3.0.
Major L.A.H. Napier, M.C., M.B.E. (Military)
Lt. V. de Witt, M.B.E. (Military)
Mr. Chung Kam-chuen, M.B.E.
Miss S. lu Sui-tong, M.B.E.
Mrs. Kiran Ko Siu-vrah, M.B.E.
Hr. Liu Ping-pui, M.B.E.
Mrs. I.M. de L. Soares da Rosa, M.B.E.
Mr. Chak Shing-tsik, M.B.E. (Hon.)
Mr. Ma Kam-ming, M.B.E. (Hon.)
Mr. Tang Chi-keung, M.B.E. (Hon.)
Mr. Tseng Cheng, M.B.E. (Hon.)
Mr. Wong Kwok-fong, M.B.E. (Hon.)
Dr. the Hon. P.H. Teng, O.B.E.
Hon. Li. Fook-shu, O.B.E.
Lt. Col. R.E. Kiddle, M.B.E.
Major C.E. Case, M.B.E.
Lt. Col. R.E. Kiddle, M.B.E.
Major C.E. Case, M.B.E.
Mr. Paul K.C. Tsui, M.B.E.
Mr. Cheong Wai-fung, M.B.E.
Mr. Lee lu-cheung, C.B.E.
Dr. tlie Hon. P.H. Teng, O.B.E.
Mrs. Li Shu>-pui, O.B.E.
Miss Shin Tak-hing, M.B.E., J.P.
Mr. J. Cater, M.B.E.
Mr. Wu Wai-k ay, M.B.E.
Dr. the Hon. A.M. Rodrigues, C.B.E.
Col. H.A. de Barros Botelho, M.B.E.
Mr. Yeung Him, M.B.E.
Mr. Wong Wai-tsoi, M.B.E.
Hon. Sir Sik-nin Chau, C.B.E.
Hon. Fung Ping-fan, C.B.E.
Mr. Paul K.C. Tsui, M.B.E.
Mr. Leung Fung-ki, M.B.E.
Sir Shiu-kin Tang, C.B.E.
Hon. Kan Yuet-keung, O.B.E.
Mr. Paul K.C. Tsui, M.B.E.
Mr. Leung Fung-ki, M.B.E.
Mr. Fung So, B.E.M.
Mr, Yuen Chiu-kwong, B.E.M.
Mr. Yeung Lan-tai, I.S.M.
Mr. A.S. Henderson, Q.F.S.M.
Mr. A.E.E. Wood, Q.F.S.M.
Principal Fireman Hung Hing, C.P.M. (Fire)
Mr. H. J. Jones, C.P.M. (Fire)
Principal Fireman Yau Lo C.P.M. (Fire) Mr. R.R. Garside, O.St.J.
Lt. Col. Hilda C. Thayer, Q.A.R.A.N.C., O.St.J.
Release Time: 11.30 a.m.