4«pO(>3S P.R. 33
Wednesday, January 7, 1970
The following is the list of recipients at today’s (Wednesday) ceremony of Presentation of Insignia at Government House: -
Mr# Holmes first joined the Hong Kong Government in the Administrative Grade in 1938. Ho re joined Government Service in 19^5 after a distinguished period of war service and has since then hold many senior Government posts, including those of Director of Social Welfare, Commissioner for Resettlement, Commissioner for the Now Territories and Director of Commerce and Industry. Ho has also acted as Colonial Secretary, throughout his career showing outstanding ability and gaining the full confidence and admiration of al 1 sections of the community.
Colonel Ward-Booth commanded the 3rd Battalion The Parachute Regiment for over two years, and during this time he not only brought the battalion to a high state of efficiency and morale, but also by his outstanding qualities of leadership and administrative ability brought about excellent relations between it and the local population when it was stationed outside the United Kingdom.
KoK<A._BARiWv 0..&E.
Mr. Barnett has in the course of his thirty-five years service in the Government of Hong Kong served in a variety of senior posts. In particular ho was responsible for the meticulous planning and execution of the 1961 census and subsequent by-consus. In his present post as Commissioner of Census and Statistical Planning ho has played a major part in providing a statistical framework for Hong Kong.
Dr. Fang has gained a world-wide reputation as an orthopaedic surgeon and a teacher of his speciality. Ho has interested himself particularly in physically handicapped children and others in Hong Kong and has actively fostered good relations between the Medical and Health Department and private practitioners.
Mr. Loo has served on the Trade and Industry Advisory Board since 196^ and has represented Hong Kong abroad at a number of important trade mootings. Ho has given generously of his time and ability to service on many Government, University and charitable committees and organisations. His competence in his special field of banking and international finance has boon of particular value to Hong Kong.
Since his appointment to the post of Principal Magistrate in 1966, Mr. Stratton has discharged the onerous duties of that post in a most commendable manner. Ho faced a particularly difficult period during 1967, when ho balanced restraint with firmness to overcome a difficult situation in the courts. Throughout his service Mr. Stratton has exhibited the greatest dotonnination in maintaining high standards in tho administration of tho magistrates courts. /lt. col. .............................................................
Throughout his eighteen years service with the Volunteers, Lt. Colonel Daniel has sot an inspiring example of service to the Regiment. Ho has boon Second-in-Command and the senior volunteer officer since May 1967. His personal example and ability have contributed greatly to the present high morale and training standards of tho regiment.
In 1968 tho Disasters Emergency Committee of tho British Rod Cross Society appealed to tho Army Modical Services for help in tho erection of a tented hospital at Gonabad, in Iran. Warrant Officer Smith agreed to undertake the task and was personally responsible for tho siting and erection of a 300-bedded field hospital. His cheerful, friendly and resourceful personality ensured tho success of tho enterprise in tho face of difficulties of language and deficient equipment, and ho greatly enhanced the reputation of the British forces in Iran.
During her 18 years in tho District Office, Tai Po, Mrs. Barretto has worked as personal secretary to various District Officers. Throughout this time hor conscientiousness and efficiency have won tho respect of all her colleagues. In addition, as a resident of tho Tai Po area, and through hor deep knowledge of local conditions and people, sho has won tho confidence of all who have come to know hor.
Mr. Chan has served for 28 years in tho Education Department, being one of those responsible for tho ro-ostablishmont of Physical Education after tho war. Ho played a major part in sotting up tho Hong Kong Schools Sports
/Association ....
Association and has concerned himself with tho provision of sport and recreation at tho primary level. His achievements in his field have gained him tho highest esteem in educational circles.
Mr. Currocm has retired from Government service after 26 years in tho Executive Grado. Ho rejoined Government service after tho war, and, apart from a short timo in tho Establishment Branch, spent most of tho rest of his sorvico in tho Public Works Department where his loyalty, conscientiousness and efficiency gained him a high reputation with all with whom ho camo in touch.
Sinco joining tho Special Constabulary 19 yoars ago, Mr. Gotfriod has served in a variety of posts including that of Senior Staff Officer in charge of Headquarters Administration. Ho is now Assistant Commissioner of Police (Auxiliary) and has throughout his service sot a vory fine example of keenness, competence and enthusiasm to his follow members in tho Force.
Mr. Ho has boon a public figure in Tsu on Wan since his election as Chairman of tho Rural Committee in 1953• Ho has boon active in tho affairs
of tho Heung Yoe Kuk and its Building Sub-Committee, and in tho Tsu on Wan Branch of tho Y.M.C.A. Ho has given long and valuable sorvico to tho people of tho Now Territories*
Mr. Ho enrolled as an Air Raid Warden in 1939 and served as a Deputy Divisional Warden during tho hostilities in Hong Kong. Ho enrolled in tho Civil Aid Services in 1952, and has since then sot a fine example to his brother officers in tho development, maintenance and improvement of tho
/Warden •••••••
Warden Service on Hong Kong Island. Ho has also played a loading part in welfare activities for members of tho Civil Aid Services.
Mr. Leung has boon working in tho courts in Hong Kong, latterly as Deputy Registrar, Victoria District Court, since 1953* His quick intelligence and constant industry combined with personal tact have throughout boon of tho greatest value. Ho was in administrative control in the Kowlo on District Court during a difficult period in 196?, when his firmness, determination, competence and resilience contributed greatly to maintaining confidence.
Mr. Su on has played an important part in negotiations over water supplies since i960. Ho has frequently accompanied professional and technical officers to discussions on operational matters, when his skill as a translator and his ability as a civil engineer have had much to do with tho access of negotiations and tho operation of tho scheme.
Hon. D«R. Holmes, C.M.G.
Lt. Col. J.A. Ward-Booth, O.B.E. (M)
Mr. K.M.A. Barnett, O.B.E.
Dr. H.S.Y. Fang, O.B.E.
Hon. Lee Quo-wai, O.B.E.
Hon. Sir John Ccvporthwaito, K.B.E., C.M.G.
Dr. tho Hon. Tong Pin-hui, C.M.G., O.B.E.
Lt. Col. J.F. Winn, O.B.E., M.C.
Brigadier E. J.S., Burnett, D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C.
Mr. F.A. Nixon, O.B.E. Mr. W.N.T. Tam, O.B.E.
Dr. tho Hon. Tong Pin-hui, C.M.G., O.B.E. Professor G.B. Ong, O.B.E.
Jfon. Sir Cho-yiu Kwan, C.B.E. Mr. R.C. Loo, C.B.E.
/Mr. F. do F. Stratton, O.B.E. ........
Mr. F. do F. Stratton, O.B.E.
Lt. Col. I.G. Danini9
M.B.E. (M)
W.O. E.F. Smith, M.B.E. (M)
Mrs. G. Barretto, M.B.E.
Mr. Chan Sik-tim, M.B.E.
Mr. F.A. Curroem, M.B.E.
Mr. M. Gotfriod, M.B.E.
Mr. Ho Chuon-yiu, M.B.E.
Mr. Ho Tso-kin, M.B.E.
Mr. Loung Chiu-man, M.B.E.
Mr. Suon To-hau, M.B.E. (H)
Warrant Officer John Edward
Hon. D.T.E. Roberts, C.B.E.
Colonel H.A. do B. Botelho, O.B.E
Sir Lindsay Ride, C.B.E.
Colonel H.A. do B. Botelho, O.B.E
Lt. Col. J.F. Winn, O.B.E., M.C. Brigadier E.J.S. Bumott, D.S.O.,
Colonel H.A. do B. Botelho, O.B.E Major F.V.V. Ribeiro, M.B.E.
Mr. Wong Kwok-fong, M.B.E.
Mr. Chow Koxik, M.B.E.
Mr. Tang Chi-koung9 M.B.E.
Mr. Li Chuon, M.B.E.
Hon. J.D. Claguo, C.B.E., M.C., Q, Mr. G.D. Binstoad, M.B.E.
Hon. Tso Yu-chuon, O.B.E.
Mr. P.K.C. Tsui, O.B.E.
Hon. Woo Pak-chuon, O.B.E.
Major J.P. Chuttor, M.B.E.
Mr. J.K. Blackwell, C.B.E.
Mr. P.K.C. Tsui, O.B.E.
Mr. Yu Chick-suon9 M.B.E.
Mr. Ng Jim-yun, M.B.E.
Biggs B.E.M. (Military)
Chief Potty Officer Chu Sing B.E.M. (Military)
Mr. So Tso-chung B.E.M.
Hr. Tang Kwok-loung B.R.U-
Mr. Chak Tong - Colonial Fire Brigades Modal for Meritorious Service) Sergeant Cheung Tick - Colonial Police Modal for Meritorious Service 2Ir. Chung Hing - Colonial Firo Brigades Modal for Meritorious Service Mr. John Hogarth Grieve - Colonial Police Medal for Meritorious Service Mr. Samuel Frank Harvey - Colonial Police Modal for Meritorious Service
Mr. Gulam Hyder - Colonial Police Modal for Meritorious Service
/Mr. Fred Jackson ••••
Mr. Fred Jackson - Colonial Firo Brigades Modal for Meritorious Service
Sergeant Kam Yu-lam - Colonial Police Modal for Meritorious Service
Mr. Lui Ifo - Colonial Firo Brigades Modal for Meritorious Service
Mr. David Edward William O’Brien - Colonial Police Modal for Meritorious Service
Mr. Murray Todd - Colonial Police Modal for Meritorious Service
Mr. Frank Wakefield - Colonial Police Modal for Meritorious Service
Staff Sergeant Yuen Wah - Colonial Police Modal for Meritorious Service
Colonel Henrique Alberto do Barros Botelho - Officer (Brother) of the Most Vonorablo Order of St. John of Jerusalem
Dr. Wong Wa-kwan - Officer (Brother) of the Most Vonorablo Order of St. Jolin of Jerusalem
Miss Kathloon Claro Gallagher - Serving Sister of the Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem
Miss Poon Wai-chi - Serving Sister of the Most Vonorablo Order of St. John of Jerusalem
Miss Jenny Tsui Kam-lin - Serving Sister of tho Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem
Dr. Chow Cham-lau - Serving Brother of tho Most Vonorablo Order of St. John of Jerusalem
Mr. Li Hin-lun - Serving Brother of tho Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem
Mr. Wong Shiu-kwong - Serving Brother of tho Most Vonorablo Order of St. John of Jerusalem
Dr. David Yue Pui-lam - Serving Brother of tho Most Vonorablo Order of St. John of Jerusalem
Mr. Yuen Chiu-ming - Serving Brother of tho Most Vonorablo Order of St. John of Jerusalem
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