4000035 P.R. 33
Friday, October 15, 1971
Visit Of Her Royal Highness The Princess Anne October 26th Tp November 1st, 1971
Press arrangements for the week-long visit of Her Royal Highness The Princess Anne, from October 26th to November 1st, have now been completed.
In planning press facilities, the needs of all interested parties, have been taken into account. The policy adopted by the Information Services Department is to obtain maximum exposure through the mass media, thus enabling as many people as possible to share in the occasion.
This must be done with the minimum of inconvenience to Her Royal Highness and all press arrangements have been organised in such a way that open press facilities have been provided whenever possible. Unfortunately, the provision of facilities for photographers presents - as always in Hong Kong - a very real problem. This is partly on account of the restricted space available in public and private buildings and other sites. It is therefore inevitable that a rota or pool system must operate for photographers at certain functions. Photographs taken by G.I.S. photographers or by pool photographers will be equally available to all newspapers, news
agencies and periodicals. Photographs issued by this department will be available free of charge. No exclusive facilities will be given to individual pressmen.
Editors are advised that the use of flashlights should be avoided wherever possible. Flashlights must never be used closer than twelve to fifteen feet from Her Royal Highness. For most outdoor functions, the use of fae»t film will give adequate results. Still photographers and cinecameramen should be briefed that they must not photograph Her Royal Highness when she is eating or drinking. In certain cases, the use of fast film without flash at indoor engagements will be required.
Every effort has been made to avoid imposing restrictions on the numbers of reporters attending any function but, if the number of pressmen attending any given function exceeds manageable proportions, the Information Services Department reserves the right to reduce these numbers by refusing accreditation to:
(a) the second reporting representative of any publishing house which publishes both morning and afternoon newspapers; and
(b) newspapers and periodicals (magazines) which do not normally cover official events. The reporting staff of most foreign and local news agencies will, however, be given the same priority as representatives of morning newspapers.
All members of the press (which, for the purpose of the Royal Visit includes reporters, photographers, newsreel cameramen, broadcast commentators, etc.) will be accredited specially for the Royal Visit. Ordinary newspaper identification cards or passes or other identification documents will not be recognised.
Identification of press representatives will be by means of coloured lapel badges. The appropriate lapel badge for each individual function must be worn by press representatives. The purpose of the lapel badges is solely to assist in the rapid identification of press representatives accredited for the Royal Visit and to ensure that they receive every possible facility to carry out their work. Wearing of these lapel badges is, therefore, essential. Any press representative who fails to wear the appropriate lapel badge may find himself treated as an ordinary spectator. TRANSPORT
For most official functions, the Information Services Department will provide official transport in the form of buses, nine-seater vans or cars. All official transport will be clearly identified as Royal Visit Press Transport. To enable press transport to arrive at appointed destination in good time, editors are advised that the departure times of press transport stated in the detailed press arrangements, which follow, will be strictly adhered to and press transport cannot wait for late arrivals.
For convenience, Royal Visit press transport for Kowloon and New Territories functions will leave from Kowloon Public Pier and return to the same place afterwards. Transport for functions on Hong Kong Island will leave from Queen’s Pier and return there afterwards. APPLICATION FORMS
Application forms for each different Royal Visit function are attached. Nominations by newspaper editors do not necessarily mean that lapel badges will be issued to each and every applicant as the numbers permitted to attend each function must depend on the space available.
/Editors .....
k -
Editors are advised to complete these application forms and return them to the Royal Visit Press Officer, Information Services Department, Beaconsfield House, top floor, Queen’s Road Central by £ja.m. on Wednesday, October 20 at the latest.
Editors are also advised to retain the summary of press arrangements and also the set of sketch plans enclosed for briefing of their reporters and photographers assigned to cover the various engagements. Further copies of these press arrangement summaries and sketch plans are available from the Press Room on the sixth floor of Beaconsfield House.
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* Summary of Press Arrangements (subject to changes in timings, etc)
Serial No. Date Function Time Press Arrangemc.'.ts
1 Tuesday, October 26 Arrival at Kai Tak 3.00 p.m. OPEN PRESS
2 - do - Arrival at Queen’s Pier 3.35 p.m. - 3.45 p.m. OPEN PRESS
3 - do - Government House Dinner 8.13 p.m. NO PRESS
4 Wednesday, October 27 New Lai Chi Kok Hospital 10,43 a.m. - 11.25 a.m.OPEN PRESS
5 - do - Wong Tai Sin A.C.F. Rehabilitation Centre 11.40 a.m. - 12 noon OPEN PRESS
6 do Chuk Yuen Reception Centre 12.03 p.m. - 12.15 p.m.OPEN PRESS
7 - do - Government House Lunch 1.00 p.m. NO PRESS
8 do Po Leung Kuk 2.20 p.ra. - 2.35 p.n. OPEN PRESS
9 - do - Tung Wah Hospital 2.30 p.m. - 3.03 p.m. OPEN PRESS
10 - do - Man Mo Temple J.10 p.nu - 3.20 p.m. OPEN PRESS
11 - do - Government House Flypast 4.30 p.m<. NO PRESS
12 do D. I. S. Cocktail Reception for the Press 6.00 p.m. - 6.45 p.m. BY INVITATION
13 - do - Government House Dinner 8.13 p.m. NO PRESS
14 Thursday, October 28 Sham Shui Po Camp Pier 9.43 Jura. OPEN PRESS
15 do - Sek Kong Parade 10.22 a.m. - 10.33 a.m.OPEN PRESS
16 - do - Brigade Officers’ Mess 10.35 a.m. - 11.10 a.m.NO PRESS
17 do Ha Tsuen Range 11.35 a.m. - 12.25 p.m.OPEN PRESS
18 - do - Lunch at Brigade Officers’ Mess 12.50 p.ra. - 2.30 p.m. NO PRESS
19 - do l4th/20th King’s Hussars 2.30 p.m. - 3.30 p.m. OPEN PRESS
20 - do - Squadron Garden Party 3.30 p.m. - 4.30 p.m. OPEN PRESS
21 - do - Dinner with l4th/20th King’s Hussars 8.00 p.m. NO PRESS
22 Friday, Hang Hau Town 10.10 a.m. - 11.00 a.m.0PEN PRESS
October 29
Serial No.
Press Arrangements
23 Friday, October 29 H.M.S. Tamar 11.40 a.m. - 12.10 p.m. OPEN PRESS
24 - do — Flagstaff House Lunch 12.JO p.m. - 1.J0 p.m. NO PRESS
25 - do - S.C.F. Day Care Centre at Chai Wan 2.QJ p.m. - 2.25 p.m. OPEN PRESS
26 - do — S.C.F. Homes in Hing Wah Estate 2.J5 p.m. - 2.45 p.m. OPEN PRESS
27 - do - Aberdeen Police Training School Beating Retreat 6.25 p.m. • -8.15 p.m. BY INVITATION
28 - do — Aberdeen Police Training School Reception NO PRESS
29 - do - Private Dinner 8.15 p.m. NO PRESS
30 Saturday, October JO p.A.F., Kai Tak 10.00 a.m. - 10.25 a.m. OPEN PRESS
31 - do - Kwun Tong Swimming Pools 10.JO a.m. - 11.20 a.m. OPEN PRESS
32 - do — Launch Picnic 11.25 a.m. - 5.45 p.m. NO PRESS
33 - do - Government House Buffet Supper 8.00 p.m. NO PRESS
34 Sunday, October 31 Sek Kong Garrison Church 11.00 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. OPEN PRESS
35 - do — Sergeants* Mess 11.JO a.m. - 12.20 p.m. NO PRESS
36 - do - Fanling Lodge Barbecue Lunch 12.45 p.m. NO PRESS
37 - do - Horse-riding in N.T. 2.15 p.m. - 3.55 p.m. OPEN PRESS
38 - do - City Hall Dinner 8.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. OPEN PRESS
39 Monday, November 1 Stanley Earth Satellite Station 9.35 a.m. - 10.25 a.m. OPEN PRESS
40 - do — Government House Lunch 1.00 p.m. NO PRESS
41 - do — Government House Inspection of Guard of Honour 4.1J p.m. OPEN PRESS
42 - do - Queen’s Pier Departure 4.25 p.m. - 4.JO p.m. OPEN PRESS
zt-3 - do — Departure from Kai Tak 5.Q5 p.m. OPEN PRESS
Note: Full details of press arrangements follow:-
Tuesday, October 26th, 1971
KAI TAK ARRIVAL - 3.00 p.m.
Press representatives should assemble outside the Press Room of the Kai Tak Airport Terminal Building NOT LATER THAN 2.JO p.m. They will be met by G.I.S. liaison officers and conducted to the press positions -see Sketch Plan.
There will be three press positions at the airport. Position "A” is reserved for photographers and cine-cameramen using hand-held cameras. Reporters will be accommodated in Position ”B” while broadcasting commentators and cine-cameramen using cameras on tripods will be accommodated in Position "C” which is on the roof of the western passenger finger.
NOTE: The above press positions are static. It is not possible for press representatives to move from one position to another. No ROYAL VISIT press transport will be provided.
Accredited press reporters, photographers, newsreel cameramen and broadcasters must be in position NOT LATER THAN J.00 p.m. See Sketch Plan of Queen’s Pier and concourse.
Position ”A” is a tiered stand reserved exclusively for photographers and those using hand-held cine-cameras. This position gives good pictures of H.R.H. The Princess Anne ascending the steps on arrival at Queen’s Pier.
Position ”B” is a general position for reporters, photographers and broadcasters. This position will also give good pictures of H.R.H. inspecting the Guard of Honour.
Position ”C” is a general position but priority will be given to photographers who can photograph the presentations.
Position ”D”, on the flank of the Guard of Honour, is reserved for photographers and those using hand-held cine-cameras. This position is the ma-in one for photographing the inspection of the Guard of Honour •
/Position ”E”,
Position ’rE”, on the City Hall elevated walk, is reserved primarily for photographers and newsreel teams using cameras with tripods. Reporters may be accommodated if space is available.
NOTE: All the above press positions are static. It is not
possible for press representatives to move from one position to another.
Wednesday, October 27th, 1971
MEW LAI CHI KOK HOSPITAL - 10.45 a.m. to 11.25 a.m.
It will be necessary for all invited guests and press representatives to arrive at the site of the foundation stone laying ceremony well in advance.
Press positions for coverage of the foundation stone laying ceremony of the New Lai Chi Kok Hospital arc shown on the sketch plan. Photographers will be accommodated in a roped-off position next to the dais. From this position they will be able to obtain pictures of H.R.H. The Princess Anne laying the foundation stone and also inspecting the model and meeting the people to be presented to her.
Seats for reporters arc shown on plan, while television and newsreel teams using cameras on tripods will be accommodated on elevated stands, as shown. Thore is no objection to photographers equipped with telephoto lens using these elevated stands. If they chose to do so, they will not be accommodated in the photographers7 position next to the dais. It is not possible for photographers to move around the area nor can they move from one position to another.
Official transport will be provided. The Royal Visit bus will leave the Kowloon Public Pier at 8.15 a.m. SHARP as all guests have been invited to be present at the New Lai Chi Kok Hospital before 9*30 a.m. The bus will park in the car park outside the Lai Chi Kok Amusement Park and a shuttle service will be provided from this car park to the hospital site. Pressmen using their cars will not be able to reach the hospital site.
After the ceremony, the Royal Visit bus will return to the Kowloon Public Pier, arriving there shortly after 12 noon.
//VONG TAI.........
WONG TAI SIN S.C.F. CENTRE - 11.40 a.m. to 12 noon After laying the foundation stone of the Now Lai Chi Kok Hospital, Her Royal Highness The Princess Anne will proceed by car to the Save the Children Fund Rehabilitation Centre at the Wong Tai Sin Resettlement Estate.
OPEN PRESS facilities will be provided in the open space and corridors of the hostel. Photographers will be able to obtain good pictures from doorways. It is not possible for photographers to operate inside the premises.
Official transport will be provided. The Royal Visit bus for Wong Tai Sin will leave the Kowloon Public Pier at 10.45 a.m. sharp.
CHUK YUEN CHILDREN'S RECEPTION CENTRE - 12.05 p.m. to 12.15 p.m.
After leaving the Save the Children Fund’s Rehabilitation Centre at Wong Tai Sin, Her Royal Highness will proceed by car to the Social Welfare Department’s Children’s Reception Centre at Chuk Yuen. The Princess Anne will tour the centre and see children there. This function is mainly of interest to photographers, who will be operating in the garden.
Coverage of this function will be handled by the press party at Wong Tai Sin, who will board the Royal Visit press bus at Wong Tai Sin to follow the Royal car to Chuk Yuen. In the event of the press party from Wong Tai Sin not being able to arrive at the Chuk Yuen Centre in time, G.I.S. photographers will be present at Chuk Yuen and official photographs will be freely available as soon as possible afterwards. The press bus, on leaving Chuk Yuen, will proceed to Tsim Sha Tsui and unload all passengers in Canton Road, outside the Hong Kong Hotel shortly before 1 p.m.
VISIT TO PO LEUNG KUK - 2.20 p.m. to 2.55 P-m*
After her lunch at Government House, H.R.H. The Princess Anne will visit the Po Leung Kuk in Leighton Road. At the Po Leung Kuk, Princess Anne will be greeted and will meet the members of the Po Leung Kuk Committee and a group photograph will be taken.
Press reporters and photographers will operate freely in the forecourt and photographers will also be able to take group photographs. No Royal Visit Press Transport will be provided for this function.
/VISIT ......
VISIT TC TUNG WAH HOSPITAL - 2.30 p.m. to 3»Q> p.m.
From the Po Leung Kuk, Her Royal Highness will proceed by car to the Tung Wah Hospital in Po Yan Street. At the Tung V/ah Hospital, she will be greeted by the Secretary for Home Affairs, who will present the Chairman of the Board of Directors. She will then be escorted into the Ceremonial Hall to meet members of the Board and a group photograph will be taken.
Press photographers will operate in the courtyard facing the main entrance to the Ceremonial Hall. Press positions are shown on Sketch Plan. From those positions, they will be able to take pictures of the greetings as well as the group photograph inside the Hall. No Royal Visit press transport will be provided for this function.
MAN MO TEMPLE - 3.10 p.m. to 3.20 p.m.
On leaving the Tung Wah Hospital, Her Royal Highness will drive to the nearby Man Mo Temple in Hollywood Road. She will spent
10 minutes inside the temple, accompanied by the Chairman of the Tung Wah Hospital Board of Directors and the First Vice-Chairman of the Board.
Reporters and photographers will have to operate in the courtyard facing the entrance to the temple courtyard, from where they will be able to take photographs of Her Royal Highness inside the temple. An official G.I.S. photographer will operate inside the temple and official pictures will be freely available afterwards. The Chairman of the Board, Mr. Philip K.H. Wong, will see reporters afterwards to give an account of his conversation with the Princess. No Royal Visit Press Transport will be provided for coverage of this function.
On her return to Government House, Her Royal Highness will watch a fly-past of Royal Naval fixed wing aircraft of H.M.S. Eagle from the lawn of Government House. There will be no press facilities inside Government House grounds. Photographers using tele-photo lens can take good photographs of H.R.H. on the lawns of Government House from nearby high-rise buildings, such as Club Lusitano and the West Wing of the Central Government Offices.
/Those .....
Those wishing to use the Club roof are requested to obtain permission from the Club management while photographers wishing to use the roof of the ’Vest Wing can do so. Please see application form.
Photographs taken by official photographers inside Government House will be available afterwards.
The Director of Information Services will give a cocktail reception primarily for representatives of the local and foreign press, radio, television and newsreel organisations to give them an opportunity of meeting Her Royal Highness at the start of her visit to Hong Kong. The function is purely a social occasion, and not a press conference. Attendance at the reception, therefore, is by invitation only. Pictures taken by official photographers inside the Reception Room will be issued afterwards.
There is no objection to photographers taking pictures at the main entrance to the Colonial Secretariat for the arrival of Her Royal Highness.
Thursday, 28th October, 1971
Press arrangements for the Royal functions on Thursday, 28th October 1971 have been made by the Joint Services Public Relations Office. The Information Services Department will have staff assisting JSPR personnel.
SHAN shui PO CAMP - 9.45 a.m.
OPEN PRESS facilities will be available inside the Sham Shui Po Camp. School children will be present when H.R.H. passes through. No Royal Visit press transport will be provided but see Sketch Plan for assistance in getting to the Camp.
Press representatives accredited for entry into the Camp must report to the Guard Room, shown on sketch plan, NOT LATER THAN 9 a.m.
/SEK KONG ......
SEK KONG PARADE - 10.22 a.m. to 10.55 a.m.
OPEN PRESS facilities will be available at Sek Kong for the parade. Royal Visit Press transport will leave the Kowloon Public Pier at 8.30 a.m. SHARP. This press bus will leave Sek Kong at 11 a.m. to return to Kowloon Public Pier by about 12.15 p.m.
BRIGADE OFFICERS1 MESS - 10.55 a.m. to 11.10 a.m.
NO PRESS facilities will be provided, but official JSPR pictures will be issued through the Government Information Services afterwards.
HA TSUEN FIRING RANGE - 11.35 a.m. to 12.25 p.m.
After taking the salute at the parade of ”B” Squadron, 14th/20th King’s Hussars, Her Royal Highness will drive to the Ha Tsuen firing range where she will take part in firing the armament of a Saladin armoured car followed by a field demonstration.
OPEN PRESS facilities will be provided. The Royal Visit press transport for Ha Tsuen will leave Kowloon Public Pier at 9.30 a.m. SHARP. After covering the Ha Tsuen Range activities, the press party will be taken by press transport to Sek Kong, where lunch will be provided.
BRIGADE OFFICERS’ MESS LUNCH - 12.50 p.m. to 2.30 p.m.
There will be NO PRESS facilities while Her Royal Highness is having lunch in the Brigade Officers' Mess. Pictures taken by JSPR photographers will be made available as soon as possible in the afternoon.
14th/20th KING’S HUSSARS - 2.30 p.m. to 3*30 p.m.
After lunch, Princess Anne, who is Colonel-in-Chief of the 14th/ 20th King’s Hussars, will visit unmarried soldiers of the Squadron at their place^ork in the vehicle park. OPEN PRESS facilities will be available.
SQUADRON GARDEN PARTY - 3*30 P*n. to 4.JO p.m.
After leaving the vehicle park, H.R.H. will drive to the Officers’ Mess to attend a Squadron Garden Party for married Corporals and Troopers and their families. OPI24 PRESS facilities will be provided. On the departure of H.R.H., the Royal Visit press transport will leave Sek Kong at 4.JO p.m. to return to Tsim Sha Tsui, arriving back at the Kowloon Public Pier at about 6.00 p.m.
DINNER WITH 14th/20th KING’S HUSSARS ■ 8 p.m.
Her Royal Highness will dine with the Officers of her Regiment. NO PRESS facilities will be provided.
Friday, October 29th, 1971
On Friday, October 29th, Her Royal Highness will spend most of the day, in her capacity as President of the Save the Children Fund, visiting Save the Children Fund sponsored families. In the morning, she will travel by launch to the fishing village of Hang Hau, in Junk Bay where she will visit two S.C.F. families living there.
HANG HAU TOWN - 10.10 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.
Open press facilities will be provided but static press positions will be arranged in such a way as to cover her entire route through the village.
Her Royal Highness will arrive at Hang Hau at 10.10 a.m. and board a sampan of a fisherwoman whose family is sponsored by the Fund. she will be rowed ashore to the newly completed jetty and walk through the village to visit the fisherwoman’s home. On her way, she will visit the Hang Hau Fishermen’s Children’s School, which has received assistance, in the form of equipment, from the Fund. After visiting the fisherwoman’s home, The Princess will then be rowed across the bay to the floating home of another fisherwoman whose alsj family i$/sponsored by the Fund. After leaving the house-boat, Her Royal Highness will be ferried to a waiting mine-hunter, the H.M.S. Kirkliston, which will take her to H.M.S. Tamar.
/£ress •••••
Press positions are shown on the Sketch Plan.
Press Position ”A” is on the pier-head. Photographers will have priority. From this position, they can take pictures of H.R.H. being rowed ashore. After Her Royal Highness has walked down the jetty towards the village, press representatives using Position "A" will board a waiting junk, which will then stand off the houseboat.
Press Position ”B" is primarily for photographers. From this static position, they will get pictures of the Princess walking down the narrow village road.
Press Position ”C’\ also a static position, is sited outside the Fishermen’s Children’s School. There will be children in the area. Her Royal Highness will enter the school for a few minutes. An official G.I.S. photographer will be inside the premises and photographs taken will be freely available as soon as possible afterwards. The Headmaster of the School, Mr. Yau will be available to brief reporters on his conversation with the Princess.
After leaving the school, Her Royal Highness will walk along a very narrow road to the home of the fisherwoman. It is regretted that pressmen will not be permitted to be present, due to limited space inside the hut and the awkward terrain. Official reporting and photography inside the hut will be undertaken by G.I.S. staff and official pictures will be issued afterwards.
Reporters and photographers using Press Position ”C” will also be able to see and photograph H.R.H. getting into the sampan which will ferry her to the house-boat. Photographers will also obtain excellent pictures of the moving sampan with the huts on stilts in the background.
Photographers may find it useful to bring along telephoto lens if they are choosing Press Positions ”A” or nC”.
VISIT TO H.M.S. TAMAR - 11.40 a.m. to 12.10 p.m.
H.M.S. Kirkliston, with Her Royal Highness on board, will arrive at H.M.S. Tamar at 11.40 a.m. OPEN PRESS facilities will be available. Accredited press representatives should report to the Guard Room, in Edinburgh Place, NOT LATER THAI] 11.15 a.m.
/CHAIWAN .....
CHAIWAN S.C.F. DAY CARE CENTRE - 2.05 p.m. to 2.25 p.m.
After lunch at Flagstaff House, Her Royal Highness will travel by car to Chai Wan, where she will visit the Save the Children Fund day care centre in Block 22. OPEN PRESS facilities will be provided in the playground, from where photographers can obtain satisfactory pictures of H.R.H. inside the classrooms. It is not possible for photographers to operate inside the premises.
Official transport will be provided. The Royal Visit press transport will leave Queen’s Pier at 1.15 p.m, SHARP.
S.C.F. HOMES IN HING WAH ESTATE - 2.55 P«m. to 2.^5 P>m.
When she leaves the S.C.F. day care centre in Block 22, Her Royal Highness will proceed, on foot, to the nearby Hing Wah Estate, where she will visit a Fund sponsored family living in one of the flats in Block 2.
OPEN PRESS facilities for reporters and photographers will be available in the open ground of the two estates. It is regretted that press representatives cannot be present inside the flat. Pool reporting and photography will be carried out by G.I.S. staff. A pool report of her visit to the flat will be issued on the G.I.S. teleprinter and official pictures will be available as soon as possible afterwards.
The Royal Visit press transport will move from Chai Wan Block 22 to the Hing Wah Estate to pick up the press at Hing Wah after the Princess’ departure. The press transport is expected to be back at Queen’s Pier before 5*50 p.m.
Saturday, October 50th, 1971
ROYAL AIR FORCE, KAI TAK - 10,00 a.m. to 10.25 a.m.
OPEN PRESS facilities will be provided. Royal Visit press transport will be provided and will leave Kowloon Public Pier at 9*00 a.m. SHARP and return to the Pier at about 11.00 a.m.
/KWUN .....
KWUN TONG SWIMMING POOLS - 10.30 a.m. to 11,20 a.n.
OPEN PRESS facilities will be provided. Reporters will be seated in the Covered Stand as shown by ”R” on Sketch Plan. There will be four static photographers* positions shown marked ”A”, ”B”, ”C” and ’*D*’ on Sketch Plan. It is not possible for press representatives to move freely in the area whilst Her Royal Highness is making a tour of the grounds. It is also not possible for photographers to move from one position to another. Because of the layout of the area, telephoto lens will be required.
Royal Visit press transport will be provided. It will leave the Kowloon Public Pier at 9 a.m. for the Kwun Tong Swimming Pools. Press transport will leave Kwun Tong at 11.30 a.m. to return to the Kowloon. Public Pier by about 12.20 p.m.
LAUNCH PICNIC - 11,23 a.m. to 3-^3 p.m.
After opening the Kwun Tong Swimming Pools and Recreation Grounds, Her Royal Highness will go by car to the Kwun Tong Public Pier, where she will board "The Lady Mauri ne’’ for a cruise in Colony waters with the 14th/20th King’s Hussars. No special facilities for photographers will be provided at the Kwun Tong Public Pier.
Sunday, October 31st, 1971
On Sunday, Her Royal Highness will attend Divine Service at St. Martin’s Church at Sek Kong.
GARRISON CHURCH - 11 a.m, to 11.30 a.m.
OPEN PRESS facilities will be available to reporters and photographers outside the Church. No photography is allowed inside the Church. Royal Visit Press Transport will leave Kowloon Public Pier at 9*30 a.m, SHARP for Sek Kong, and return at about 12 noon to Tsim Sha Tsui, arriving at the Kowloon Public Pier at about 1 p.m.
HORSE-RIDING IN MEW TERRITORIES - 2.15 p.m. to 3.35 p.m.
OPEN PRESS facilities will be provided. Royal Visit press transport will leave the Kowloon Public Pier at 11.45 a.m. SI RP for the Mew Territories. Early departure is necessary as a shuttle service by Army landrovers along difficult terrain will be provided to the place where Her Royal Highness will mount her horse. Press representatives will have to bring along light refreshments. Official pictures taken by Joint Services Public Relations photographers will be freely available afterwards. Press transport is expected to return to Kowloon Public Pier by about 4 p.m.
CITY HALL DINNER - 8.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m.
Her Royal Highness will attend a dinner at the City Hall Restaurant given by the Hong Kong Government on behalf of the people of Hong Kong. OPEN PRESS reporting and photographic facilities will be available. See Sketch Plan. Photographs can only be taken during the first few minutes.
Monday, November 1st, 1971
STANLEY EARTH SATELLITE STATION - 9*35 a.m. to 10.25 a.m.
Her Royal Highness will inaugurate Cable & Wireless’ second earth satellite station at Stanley by making the first direct full colour telecast from Hong Kong to Britain. She will arrive at the earth satellite station, inside Stanley Fort, at 9»55 a.m. The telecast will be broadcast ’’live” from Stanley by the television stations. Radio Hong Kong will also be broadcasting a commentary from Stanley. See Sketch Plans attached.
OPEN PRESS facilities outside buildings at the earth satellite station will be provided. Royal Visit press transport will leave Queen’s Pier at 8.15 a.m. SHARP for Stanley Fort.
It is regretted that press representatives will not be able to enter the aerial tower. Cable & Wireless will undertake reporting and photographic coverage inside the aerial tower. Photographs will be freely available from the Government Information Services. Her Royal Highness will appear on the balcony, from where she can be photographed by press stationed at Press Position ”A”.
/On leaving
On leaving the aerial tower, Her Royal Highness will walk to the Station Building, where she will make the telecast to Britain. Again, due to restricted space inside the station building it will be necessary for coverage to be undertaken by a reporting and photographic pool.
Whilst the Princess is inside the aerial tower, photographers will be conducted to the microwave tower, from the platform of which they can take pictures of Her Royal Highness walking down the road to the station building. Reporters will be conducted to Press Position ”B”, which is the covered car park. Television monitor screens and extra telephones will be installed by Cable & Wireless and reporters will see and hear Her Royal Highness making the telecast. Press transport will leave Stanley at about 10.30 a.m.
Before leaving Government House for Queen’s Pier, Her Royal Highness will inspect the Government House Guard and the armoured car escort found by 14th/20th King’s Hussars. OPEN PRESS facilities. Reporters and photographers are requested to report to the Guard Room of Government House by 4.00 p.m. AT THE LATEST.
QUEEN’S PIER DEPARTURE - 4.23 p.m, to 4.30 p.n.
On arrival at Queen’s Pier, Her Royal Highness will say goodbye to a number of people assembled inside Queen’s Pier. There will be no inspection of Guard of Honour. OPEN PRESS arrangements similar for the arrival except that Press Position ”D” will not be formed. See Sketch Plan.
As the launch leaves Queen’s Pier for the promontory pier at Kai Tak, escorted by H.M.S. Kirkliston and H.M.S. Beachampton and other craft, a 21-gun salute will be fired by H.M.S. Tamar and 47 Light Regiment, Royal Artillery. On completion of the gun salute, helicopters will fly past.
Accredited press representatives must be in their respective positions by 4.00 p.m. AT THE LATEST.
/KAI TAK .....
On arrival at Kai Tak Airport, Her Royal Highness will say goodbye to a small number of Government officials before boarding her aircraft, which will take off at 5.05 p.m.
Similar press arrangements for the arrival at Kai Tak will apply. There will be a photographic position below the aircraft steps while reporters will be accommodated in a position alongside the apron access road. Television and newsreel teams using cameras on tripods will be accommodated on the roof of the western passenger finger. Sec Sketch Plan.
NOTE: Attached is an application form. Please complete this and return it to the Royal Visit Press Officer by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, October 20 at the latest.
-kf(j JE 6 ft
<//-$ XX /X
26th October, 1971
, His Excellency\
. Commander British Forces
. Commander Royal 'Air Force
. Mrs. Godwin \ \
. Director of Civil'Aviation
. Mrs. Thomson
. Airport General Manager
. Mrs. Morgan
. Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police, Kowloon
. Colonel, 14th/20th King’s Hussars
Royal Car Airport
General Manager’s Car
Roof Of Passenger Finger For TV & Newsreel Teams Using Cameras On Tripods
•1 < t
i *.
27th October, 1971
To Airport
2?th October, 1971
° 'b
4 < /X
27th October, 19?1
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28th October, 197-1
To Kowloon
Guard Room
To Tsuen wan
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29th October^ 1971
X %'fi
29th October, 1971
29th October, 1971
7% X to
M & $ 4 _______________________________> KAILIM R0AD_____________
JOth October, 1971
1st November, 1971
1st November, 1971
H.R.H. The Princess Anne Inaugurates Cable & Wireless’ Second Earth Satellite Station At Stanley By Making First Direct Live Colour Telecast To London
PRESS POSITION "B" COVERED CAR PARK With Closed Circuit T.V. Monitor Screens For Live Telecast tL^^,
October 26 - November 1, 19?1
Application *orm For Lapel Badges
To: The Royal Visit tress Officer, Information Services Department Beaconsfield Bouse, Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.
We wish to nominate the following representatives to cover the Royal visit
between 26th October and 1st November, 19712
Position A (for photographers and cine-cameramen using hand held cameras)
---------- ---------------------------------------— - - ____ - .
Position B (for reporters)
1 osition C (for radio commentators & oine-cameramen using cameras on tripods)
Position A (for photographers & cine-cameramen)
Position B (for reporters, photographers & radio commentators)
Position C (for photographers)
■ Position D (for photographers & cine-cameramen)
Position E (for reporters, photographers & newsreel teams)
- 2
NEW LAI CHI KOK HOSPITAL REPORTER ___________________________
Radi©/Television _
REPORTER ___________________
REPORTER ___________________
PHOTOGRAPHER _______________
REPORTER ___________________
PHOTOGRAPHER _______________
PHOTOGRAPHER _______________
REPORTER ____________
REPORTER _______
REPORTER ______________________________ __________________________________
PHOTOGRAPHER ............................................
REPORTER ________________________________________________________________
PHOTOGRAPHER ___________________________________________________
14th/20th KING'S HUSSARS
REPORTER ____________________________________________ '__________________
PHOTOGRAPHER ____________________________. ___________________________
REPORTER ________________________________________________________________
PHOTOGRAi HER ____________________. _____________________________
Position A (for reporters & photographers)
Position B (for photographers)
Position C (for reporters & photographers)
REPORTER _________________________________________________________________
PHOTOGRAPHER ___________________________________________________________
PHOTOGRAPHER ___________________________________________________________
Position A (for photographers only) - - - - • - - - * - —< ■'...............................-- ..........-
Position B (for photographers only)
Position C (for photographers only)
Position D (for photographers only)
Position R ( for reporters)
PHOTOGRAPHER _________________________ . _________________
REPORTER ________________________________________________________________
PHOTOGRAPHER ____________________________________________________________
REPORTER ________________________________________________________________
RADIO COMMENTATOR _______________________________________________________
PHOTOGRAPHER ________________________________________________
Note: REPORTING & PHOTOGRAPHIC POOL inside Station Building
REPORTER___________________________________________, ____________
Position A (for photographers & cine-cameramen)
Position B (for reporters, photographers & radio commentators)
Position C (for photographers)
Position "V” will not be used as there will not be an inspection of a Guard of Honour.
Position E (for photographers & newsreel teams)
Position A (for photographers and cine-cameramen using hand held cameras)
Position B (for reporters)
Position C (for radio commentators & cine-cameramen using cameras on tripods)
Capacity on newspaper, news agency, etc#
4000091 P.R.H. 7
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
H.R.H. THE PRINCESS ANNE’S FIRST DAY OF OFFICIAL ACTIVITIES Includes Visit To New Hospital And Children’s Centre Chance For Thousands To See Her enroute *********
Thousands of people will be able to see Her Royal Highness The Princess Anne tomorrow when she starts her first day of official activities in Hong Kong.
They will see the Princess when she visits various places, and along the routes she will travel by on Hong Kong island and in Kowloon.
In the morning, H.R.H. The Princess Anne will lay the foundation stone at the new Lai Chi Kok Hospital, and visit the Save the Children Fund Wong Tai Sin Rehabilitation Centre in Wong Tai Sin Resettlement Estate; the Social Welfare Department’s Children’s Reception Centre at Lung Fung Street, Chuk Yuen. In the afternoon, she will visit the Po Leung Kuk at Leighton Road; the Tung Wah Hospital at Po Yan Street; and the Man Mo Temple at Hollywood Road.
Her Royal Highness will leave Government House for Queen’s Pier at 10.10 a.m. She will travel along Upper Albert Road, slip road to Garden Road Jackson Poad, Chater Road, Club Street, Connaught Road Central (U-turn), Connaught Road Central and Murray Road.
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
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At Queen’s Pier, the Princess will board the ’’Tin Hau” and leave for Lai Chi Kok. She will go ashore at the Mei Foo Sun Chuen jetty and then proceed by car to the new Lai Chi Kok Hospital site at about 10.40 a.m. The motorcade will go along Mei Foo Sun Chuen jetty and through Lai Chi Kok Amusement Park parking area to the site.
After the foundation-stone laying ceremony, Princess Anne will leave the hospital site at 11.25 a.m. for Save the Children ^und Rehabilitation Centre at Wong Tai Sin. She will travel along Lai Chi Kok Beach Road, Castle Peak Road, Ching Cheung Road, Taipo Road, Lung Cheung Road, Fung Mo Street, Tung Tau Tsuen Read, and Tai Shing Street.
Leave Fer Chuk Yuen
From Wong Tai Sin, she will leave at noon for the Social Welfare Department’s Children’s Reception Centre at Chuk Yuen. She will travel along Tai Shing Street, Tung Tau Tsuen Road, Shatin Pass Road and Lung Fung Street.
After visiting the Centre, the Princess will leave at 12.15 p»m. for Kowloon Public Pier. The motorcade will go along Lung Fung Street, Sheung Fung Street, Fung Tak Road, Shatin Pass Road, Lung Cheung Road, Waterloo Road, Princess Margaret Road, Chatham Road, and Salisbury Road.
From the pier, she will cross the harbour aboard ’’The Lady Maurine” to Queen’s Pier, where she will depart at 12.40 p.m. for Government House. She will travel along Murray Road, Harcourt Road, Cotton Tree Drive, Kennedy Road, and Upper Albert Road.
/At 2.10 p.m.,...••••
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
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At 2.10 p.m. Her Royal Highness will leave Government House for the Po Leung Kuk. The motorcade will go along Upper Albert Road, slip road to Garden Road, slip road to Kennedy Road, Queen’s Road East, Morrison Hill Road, Wongneichong Road, Broadwood Road, and Link Road.
The Princess will leave the Po Leung Kuk for the Tung Wah Hospital at 2.J5 p.m., travelling along Link Road, Broadwood Road, Wongneichong Road, Queen’s Road East, Kennedy Road, Macdonnell Road, Garden Road, Queen’s Road Central, Hollywood Road and Po Yan Street.
She will leave the hospital at 3-05 p.m. and drive to the Man Mo Temple via Po Yan Street and Hollywood Road.
Sightseeing •
After visiting the Temple,and sightseeing, she will drive to Government House at 4 p.m. via Hollywood Road, Arbuthnot Road and Upper Albert Road.
On the lawn of Government House, Princess Anne will watch a fly past of Royal Naval fixed wing aircraft of H.M.S. Eagle at 4.30 p.m.
She will leave Government House at 6 p.m. for the Central Government Offices to attend a reception for the Press. She will travel along Upper Albert Road and Lower Albert Road.
At 6.45 p.m., the Princess will drive back to Government House via Lower Albert Road, Wyndham Street, Glenealy and Upper Albert Road.
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
ROYAL VISIT — PRESS COVERAGE Transport Arrangements *««***«
. otc To Editors:
Transport will be provided for press representatives accredited to cover the visit tomorrow (October 27) of H.R.H. The Princess Anne to the Lew Lai Chi Kok Hospital; the Wong Tai Sin Save The Children Fund Rehabilitation Centre; and to Chuk Yuen Children’s Reception Centre.
Royal Visit Press buses will leave Kowloon Public Pier as follows
For Nev/ Lai Chi Kok Hospital .........at 9.00 a.m.
For Wong Tai Sin Save the
Children Fund Rehabilitation Centre ... at 10.45 a.m.
Transport will also be available at '.Vong Tai Sin to take press representatives to Chuk Yuen Children’s Reception Centre. Press buses will follow the Royal Car when it leaves Wong Tai Sin.
The bus will leave punctually at the times stated above.
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
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Press Arrangements
Tomorrow - at 4.50 p.m. - Her Royal Highness The Princess Anne will be watching a fly-past of Royal Naval fixed wing aircraft of H.M.S. Eagle from the lawns of Government House. There will be no press facilities inside Government House, but photographers using tele-photo lens can take good photographs of H.R.H. on the lawns of Government House from nearby high-rise buildings such as Club Lusitano and the West Wing of the Central Government Offices. Admission to the roof of the Central Government Offices will be by badges issued by the Information Services Department. These may be obtained from the Press Room. Those wishing to use the roof of Club Lusitano are requested to obtain permission from the Club management.
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
Official Programme For Wednesday, 27-10.71
Note to Editors; The following is the Royal Visit Programme
for Wednesday, 27th October, 1971s-
9-30 a.rn. Miss Jean Atkins, Field Director of Save the Children Fund, will call on H.R.H. at Government House.
10.10 a.m. H.R.H. will leave Government House for Queen’s Pier accompanied by Mrs. Fisher.
10.15 a.m. Leave Queen’s Pier for Lai Chi Kok aboard the ’Tin Hau’. H.E. will travel to Lai Chi Kok by helicopter arriving at the site of the ceremony at 10.42 a.m.
Ne' Lai Chi Kok Hospital
10.45 a.m. H.R.H. will be received by H.E. at the site of the ceremony.
H.E. after presenting
The Director of Public Works, The Hon. J.J. Robson,
The Director of Medical & Health Services, Dr. The Hon. G.H. Choa,
will escort H.R.H. to the dais where the following, already
on the dais, will be presented to H.R.H. before being seated:
The Acting Colonial Secretary, The Hon.
M.D.A. Clinton, C.M.G., G.M. and Mrs. Clinton.
Mrs. Robson.
Mrs. Choat
The Project Architect, Mr. Edwin Wong and Mrs. Wong.
/The National ........
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
- 7
The National Anthem will be played by the Band of The Royal Welch Fusiliers.
The Acting Governor will make a short speech. (The speech will be translated into Cantonese).
H.R.H. will speak. (The speech will be translated into Cantonese).
H.R.H. accompanied by H.E., the Director of Public Works, the Director of Medical & Health Services and the Project Architect will proceed to the Foundation Stone at the west side of the dais.
Mr. Edwin Wong, Project Architect, will present H.R.H. with a maul and trowel.
H.R.H. will lay the Foundation Stone, assisted by the Clerk of Works, Mr. Fung Yuk-wah.
H.R.H. will be invited by the Acting Governor to view the model of the full development of the hospital site, accompanied by the Director of Public Works, the Director of Medical & Health Services and the Project Architect. While H.R.H. is inspecting the model, the following persons concerned with the planning and construction of the hospital will assemble in line east of the dais for presentation by the Director of Public Works:
Mr. C.R.J. Donnithome, Director of Building Development.
Mr. W.E. Levie, Principal Government Architect.
Mr. Johnson Lau Yu, Site Architect.
Mr. K.M. Chan, Project Structural Engineer.
Mr. A.C. Milne, Project Quantity Surveyor.
Mr. David Yeung, Project Building Services Engineer.
Mr. Fung Yuk-wah, Clerk of Works.
Mr. Raymond Sung, General Contractor.
Mr. C.F. Sung, General Contractor.
/by the Director ........
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
- 8 -
by the Director of Medical & Health Services:
Dr. C.O. Lee, Deputy Director of Medical & Health Services (Medical).
* Dr. J.K. Craig, M.B.E., Deputy Director of
Medical & Health Services (Health).
Dr. S.H. Lee, Principal Medical & Health Officer (Planning).
Miss K.J. Veevers, Principal Nursing Officer.
Mr. A.E. Starling, Chief Hospital Secretary.
H.R.H. accompanied by H.E. will return to the car.
New Lai Chi Kok Hospital, Seating Plan For Dais
Mr. Miss A.D.C.
Bryant Equerry Dawnay to H.E.
Mrs. Mrs. Dr. Mrs. Mr. H.R.H. H.E. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Wong Robson Choa Clinton Robson Fisher Clinton Choa Wong
11.25 a.m. H.R.H. will enter the car and leave for Wong Tai Sin via Ching Cheung Road and Lung Cheung Road accompanied by Mrs. Fisher.
Wong Tai Sin
11.40 a.m. Arrive at the Save the Children Fund Wong Tai Sin Rehabilitation Centre, Block 25, Wong Tai Sin Resettlement Estate. H.R.H.
will leave the car and will be welcomed by Miss Atkins, Field Director, who will present:
Mrs. D.K. Newbigging, Chairman of Hong Kong Committee, S.C.F.
Miss Helen Chen, Administrative Assistant.
Miss Joanna Ho, Superintendent (Wang Tau Hom Training Centre).
Miss Law Wai-king, Superintendent.
/H.R.H. will tour •••••••
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
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H.R.H. will tour the Centre, Miss Atkins presenting the staff.
H.R.H. will be invited to sign the Visitors’ Book in the Play Room before leaving.
12.00 p.m. H.R.H. will enter the car and leave the Centre to drive to Chuk Yuen.
Chuk Yuen
12.05 p.m. Arrive at the Social Welfare Department’s Children’s Reception Centre, Lung Fung Street, Chuk Yuen. H.R.H. will leave the car and will be welcomed by The Hon. G.T. Rowe, Director of Social Welfare, who will escort H.R.H. up the steps and present Mrs. Lee Ng Tak-ching (Superintendent).
H.R.H, will tour the Centre, visiting the second floor and then the ground floor.
Mrs. Lee will present Mrs. Pauline Kwong (Case-worker) and senior members of the staff.
H.R.H. will be invited to sign the Visitors’ Book in the Waiting Room.
The Director of Social Welfare will escort H.R.H. to the car.
12.15 p.m. H.R.H. will enter the car, and drive to Kowloon Public Pier via Lung Cheung Road, Waterloo Road and Princess Margaret Road.
12.30 p.m. Leave Kowloon Public Pier for Queen’s Pier aboard ’The Lady Maurine1.
12.40 p.m. Arrive Queen’s Pier.
12.45 p.m. Arrive Government House.
1.00 p.m. Luncheon Party at Government House.
2.10 p.m. H.R.H. will leave Government House for the Po Leung Kuk.
Po Leung Kuk
2.20 p.m. On arrival at the Po Leung Kuk, Leighton Road, H.R.H. will be greeted by the Secretary for Home Affairs, the Hon. D.C.C. Luddington, who will present the Chairman of the Committee, Mrs. C.H. Leung. Mrs. Leung will then present the members of the Committee, and a group photograph will be taken.
/H.R.H. will leave ........
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
_ 10 _
2.^5 p.m. H.R.H. will leave the Po Leung Kuk for the Tung Wah Hospital,
Tung Wah Hospital
2.50 p.m. On arrival at the Tung Wah Hospital, Po Yan Street, H.R.H. will be greeted by the Secretary for Home Affairs, the Hen. D.C.C. Luddington, who will present the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Mr. Philip K.H. Wong, Mr. Wong will present the members of the Board and escort H.R.H. to the Ceremonial Hall where a group photograph will be taken.
3-05 p.m. Leave the Tung Wah Hospital and drive to the Man Mo Temple.
Man Mo Temple
3.10 p.m. Arrive at the Man Mo Temple, Hollywood Road. Mr. Wong and the First Vice-Chairman, Mr. Raymond Y.K. Kan will receive H.R.H. and escort her into the Temple.
3.20 p.m.. Leave the Man Mo Temple.
H.R.H. will leave the Man Mo Temple, accompanied by Miss Dawnay, and drive to Government House after sightseeing.
^.15 p.m. Arrive at Government House.
Fly Past
4.30 p.m. H.R.H., on the lawn of Government House, will watch a fly past of Royal Naval fixed wing aircraft of H.M.S. Eagle.
Press Reception
6.00 p.m. H.R.H. will leave Government House for the Central Government Offices to attend a reception for the Press.
6.45 p.m. H.R.H. will return to Government House.
8.15 p.m. Dinner Party at Government House.
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
- 11 -
RAPID EXPANSION OF PUBLIC ASSISTANCE SCHEME $5.1 Million Spent On 15,000 Families In Last Six Months *******
Thirteen thousand families received cash grants totalling $5»1 million under the Public Assistance Scheme in the last six months between April and September.
During the same period last year, only $1.7 million was spent. Also, when the Scheme was expanded this April, there were only eight field units to attend to applications, and now there are ten. In December, these will grow to 11, and by January next year to 15*
It is planned that future development of field units will continue to be on the basis of one field unit for every 1,000 cases.
Giving these figures at a luncheon meeting of the Rotary Club of Kowloon East today, Mr. Lu Yu-hua, Principal Public Assistance Social Welfare Officer in charge of Operations, said the Scheme was expanding so rapidly there was now no doubt in his view the target figure of 15,000 cases by the end of this financial year would be reached.
He based his optimism on the fact that new cases for September exceeded 1,000, and this rate of applications — judging from statistics already to hand for October — was showing no signs of falling off.
Mr. Lu assured critics of the Scheme — who had expressed fears that Government concern would gradually taper off once the target figure of 15,000 cases had been reached — such a conclusion was untrue.
"The Government’s responsibility under the Scheme is unlimited,’1 he emphasised.
/Replying .......
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
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Replying to another criticism that the eligibility criteria was "too low”, he said the Scheme was constantly under review* It had always been intended that the Scheme should be revised from time to time, taking into account variables such as the cost of living and the value of money.
He hoped that an "appropriate revision’’' of both criteria and procedure could be implemented soon on the basis of proposals that had already been made.
Mr. Lu referred to the Scheme as an exercise in "human dignity.’• By making cash available to the qualifying needy under conditions that neither smacked of charity nor the dispensation of alms, the Scheme contributed to positive social welfare.
The recipients were not humbled by acceptance of the grant.
The cash was intended to help tide them over a difficult time and to enable them to stand on their own feet again.
Note to Editors:
Copies in Chinese and English of the full text of Mr. Lu’s speech are distributed separately in the Press boxes,Government Information Services, this evening.
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
- 13 -
By Mr. T.K. Ann
Mr. T;K. Anu, Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, will present certificates on Thursday (October 28) to 20 supervisors from Government departments and private industry at the end of a course on manual lifting and handling at the Industrial Safety Training Centre of the Labour Department.
The Commissioner of Labour, Mr. Paul K.C. Tsui, will introduce Mr. Ann to members of the course.
Note to Editors:
The ceremony at the Industrial Safety Training Centre, Kowloon Regional Office, Labour Department, Canton Road Government Offices, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon is at 12.00 noon. You are welcome to send a reporter and a photographer.
The Victoria Park Swimming Pool on Hong Kong Island will be closed to public use from 9 a.m. to noon on Thursday, October 28,when Cognitio College will be using the pool for its swimming gala.
The same pool will be closed again from 8.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the following day when the Hong Kong Schools Sports Association will be using the pool.
In Kowloon, the Morse Park Swimming Pool will be closed from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, October 29, when the Kowloon Technical School will be holding its swimming gala.
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
- 14 -
The Director of Commerce & Industry today informed Hong Kong manufacturers and exporters that he has issued a notice regarding certain control arrangements for the export of grey and bleached fabrics to Italy for shipment on or before December 31, 1971*
Trade Associations and companies on the Commerce & Industry Department’s mailing list for Notice to Exporters, Series 3 (E.E.C. countries) will receive copies of the above Notice shortly but persons who wish to seek advance notice of its contents are invited to contact the following officers of the Commerce & Industry Department: Mr. J.H.Y. Lam -Industry Assistant Tel. No. H-228513; Mrs. R.H.C. Liu - Confidential Assistant Tel. No. H-228513-
Royal Observatory Warning
A Royal Observatory spokesman today warned members of the public who plan to visit the countryside tomorrow of the danger of grass fires due to the very dry weather.
He said there had been no measurable rainfall for two weeks and the relative humidity was low.
He advised people who visit the countryside to be very careful not to start any grass fires.
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
The Postmaster General announced today that the normal surface parcel service to the U.S.A, has been resumed.
This follows advice from the U.S. Post Office that it is again in a position to receive surface parcel mails now that the dock strike at United States West Coast ports has been lifted.
- - 0 - -
Note to Editors: On her arrival in Hong Kong, Her Royal Highness -■ ..... , ___ _ ____J—
The Princess Anne were a sleeveless dress with high collar and a jacket of cream silk Ottoman decorated with bands of beige lace.
0 - -
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
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Today H.R.H. The Princess Anne led a small armada of launches and small craft of every description across Hone Kong’s historic harbour at the start of her seven-day visit to the Colony.
After being met at Kai Tak airport by the Acting Governor Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, the young Princess drove the short distance to Promontory Pier, where she was received by the Director of Marine Mr. K. Milburn O.B.E. and Mrs. Milburn. Her Royal Highness then stepped aboard the Governor’s private launch, the Lady Maurine.
Promontory Pier lies two thirds of the way along the Kai Tak airport runway, which extends south for more than 3 mile into the harbour itself. At 3«10 p.m. the Lady Maurine, flanked by H.M.S. Beachampton and H.M.S. Kirkliston, left the pier accompanied by a flotilla of vessels — including the fireboat Alexander Grantham — on the brief but history-making journey to Hong Kong Island.
Princess Anne did not choose the comparative luxury of the Lady Maurine’s three staterooms or two lounges, but stayed on the open fore deck — standing all the way obviously absorbed by the view and her unique reception by sampans, junks and other vessels.
/The ........
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
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The elegant prow of the Lady Maurine cut proudly through the harbour waters. The beautiful launch was designed by the Marine Department and built, entirely in teak, some 15 years ago. It is exquisitely fitted throughout — a proud example of Hong Kong’s boatbuilding expertise and craftsmanship.
Flanking the Princess’ launch on the port side was the H.M.S. Beachampton, a 360-ton minesweeper — which had only arrived from the Persian Gulf a month previously, to take up service in Hong Kong. The 153-foot long Royal Navy ship is under the command of Lt. Commander Bracelin.
On the starboard side of Her Royal Highness was the }60-ton minehunter H.M.S. Kirkliston, under the command of Lt. Commander Robinson — a ship which featured prominently in the relief operations following the destructive passage of Typhoon Rose.
Princess Anne, dressed in light beige coloured two-piece suit with matching hat, looked from side to side of the deck, to the north she was seen pointing out the harbour tunnel prefabricating-yard west of the industrial area of Hung Hom, to the south the imposing green and mountainous slopes of Hong Kong Island. The high-rise buildings clustered along the shoreline of Shaukiwan and North Point, the busy dockyards contrasting with the clear-cut hills behind.
/After ••••••
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
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After passing Causeway Bay typhoon shelter with its hundreds of junks and yachts, the Lady Maurine cruised towards Wanchai. As the launch approached the floating cranes working on the surface above the near completed cross-harbour tunnel, Princess Anne was shown by Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, the short distance that the tunnel has yet to go, only a few hundred yards now separate Hung Hom from Wanchai on the Island — soon to be a five-minute drive away from each other.
At approximately J.30 p.m. Princess Anne was standing pointing out the Victoria Peak which had begun to loom in the middle-distance — the Central District skyscrapers growing larger and more impressive with every minute.
21-Gun Satute
As the Royal launch approached Central District, a 21-gun salute was fired from H.M.S. Eagle, H.M.S. Tamar and by the 14th/20th King’s Hussars — booming from apparently a hundred directions, as the sound echoed between mountains and the mass of buildings.
Nearing the end of the 3-mile journey, the Lady Maurine was dwarfed by the giant hull of the 43,000-ton aircraft carrier H.M.S. Eagle, with the crew dressed in white parading the lower deck. The massive flight deck sporting a brace of sophisticated weaponry, in the form cf Buccaneer, Sea Vixen and Gannet fighter planes, and its squadron of Sea-: ing helicopters.
/A further ......
Tuesday, October 26, 1971
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A further reminder of the Princess’, and the Colony’^ heritage, was another ship of the Royal Navy, the Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship Reliant. Looking resplendent, dressed overall in a blaze of multicoloured flags, the Reliant was moved alongside and partially obscuring the Princess’ view of the (Colony’s Royal Navy base H.M.S. Tamar, and the visiting frigate of the Australian Navy H.M.A.S. Derwent also dressed overall.
Princess Anne took one final look around her, to Tsimshatsui, north of the Island’s Central District and buzzing around her to the northwest a swarm of small boats, tiny passenger ’wallah-wallahs’, the famous green and white Star ferries.
Looking westward, the Princess saw dozens of cargo ships busily going about their work of loading and unloading. Not even a Royal visitor could bring this non-stop port completely to a standstill — but the young Princess certainly caught their attention, and imagination. All eyes were on the Lady Maurine as she bore her youthful passenger alongside at Queen’s Pier.
At 3.35 p.m. H.R.H. The Princess Anne stepped ashore for the first time on Hong Kong Island — adding a page to the remarkable history of this British Crown Colony, which spans more than 130 years.
Release time: 7*30 p.m
4000091 P.R.H. 7
Friday, October 29, 1971
At Hing Tah Resettiemen; Estate
By Alberto da Cruz
Her Royal Highnes The Princess Anne spent five minutes with a Chan family this afternoon in their resettlement flat in the Hing Wah Estate, but they were enough to justify nearly one month of preparation.
Mr. Chan Ming-hoi formerly a tailor but now a conductor with the Hong Kong Tramways, his wife and their four children, dressed in their Sunday best, welcomed the Princess into th< ir small home with smiles breaking through earlier nervous uncertainty.
Mrs. Chan, a housewife, was in doubt until the last minute about offering Her Royal Highness a cup of tea. She had wanted to do this as a symbol of Chinese hospitality, but there was simply no time.
Instead, she smiled her welcome, and then presented her children — two boys and two girls. The elder daughter goes to school under the sponsorship of the Save the Children Fund.
The Princess had a gracious greet-ng for them all. She said the flat was an improvement when Mrs. Chan told her that in the past, the family used to live in a squatter hut.
The Princess asked the elder daughter if she spoke English.
/•’Yes, ..........
Friday, October 29, 1^71
"Yes, a little,” the girl replied.
The ll-foot-by-22-foot room was crowded with pooled Press, radio and TV in the background, yet Her Royal Highness did not mind this at all, and surveyed the blue walls, the cement floor, a pair of double iron beds, a balcony, and a cupboard with the utmost interest.
The whole room was spotlessly clean, and Mrs. Chan said she had spent a whole morning brushing up.
'It is not every lay that a Royal Princess drops out of the blue to pay us a call,” she cor nted. "My family and I will draw a ring around this moment of time and treasure it always."
Memorable Visit
Mr. Chan, who pays a month rent for the flat on the eighth floor of Block 2 in the spanking new estate in Chai Wan, agreed that the visit was memorable.
It was not that he would be able to say from now on that a Princess had been to his home, but chat his children had had special words with her. The happiness would light up their lives for a long time, and this was his chief joy.
The children sair1 they had read about the Princess and the unattainable Royal world in which she moved. But it was wonderful to see her at last in their own home.
”1 still cannot believe it is true," the elder daughter, Wai-ling, exclaimed, when the Princess had left and the visit became a thing of which memory is composed.
But the envious stares of neighbours gave her the best proof that the impossible had indeed happened — that Princess Anne had indeed called.
O -
Friday, October 29, 1971
- 3 -
Membership Widely Representative ««**«**
Government is to establish an Advisory Committee on Environmental Pollution on land and water.
The Committee will be headed by Mr. H.M.G. Forsgate, J.P., an Unofficial Member of the Urban Council and General Manager of the Hong Kong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Company.
Other members of the Committee will be widely representative of the principal interests involved together with the heads of government departments concerned with the environment.
The Committee will have the following terms of reference:-
* to keep under review the state of the environment as regards land and water pollution in Hong Kong; and
* to advise the Governor on the measures which might broadly be taken to control such pollution.
A Government spokesman said that environmental pollution in all its forms was a matter of growing public concern throughout the world, and that in Hong Kong there was a growing awareness of the problem where it was clearly a matter of especial concern because of the size of the population and our limited land resources.
The new Committee will supplement the work of the existing advisory Committee on Air Pollution in advising Government on all matters regarding pollution on land and water.
Friday, October 29, 1971
Her Royal Highness The Princess Anne will go for a cruise with the 14th/2Oth King’s Hussars aboard ’’The Lady Maurine” tomorrow (October 30). She is Colonel-in-Chief of the Regiment.
Earlier, Princess Anne will visit R.A.F. Kai Tak and the Kwun Tong Swimming Pool and Recreation Ground. In the evening, she will attend a buffet supper at Government House.
People may see the Princess on the routes along which she will travel. The routes are as follows:-
Her Royal Highness will leave Government House for Queen’s Pier at 9*25 a.m. via Upper Albert Road, slip road to Garden Road, Jackson Road, Chater Road, Club Street, Connaught Road Central (U-turn), Connaught Road Central and Murray Road.
At Queen’s Pier, he will board ’’The Lady Maurine” and leave for Promontory Pier, Kai Tak, where she will proceed in a car to R.A.F. Kai Tak.
The Princess will leave R.A.F. Kai Tak at 10.25 a.m. for the Kwun Tong Swimming Pool and Recreation Ground. She will travel along Kwun Tong Road, Lei Yue Mun Road, Tsui Ping Road and Kai Lim Road.
From the Kwun Tong Swimming Pool and Recreation Ground, she will leave at 11.20 a.m. for Kwun Tong Public Pier via Kai Lim Road, Tsui Ping Road, Lei Yue Mun Road, Hoi Yuen Road, Wa Yip Street and Hoi Bun Road.
/At the Pier ••••••
Friday, October 29, 1971
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At the Pier, Her Royal Highness will board "The Lady Maurine" for a cruise with the l^th/2Oth King’s Hussars.
After the cruise, she will arrive at Queen’s Pier at about
P«m. and then return to Government House. The motorcade will go along Murray Road, Harcourt Road, Cotton Tree Drive, Kennedy Road and Upper Albert Road.
Note To Editors:
Transport will be provided for Press representatives accredited to cover the visit tomorrow (October 50) of Her Royal Highness The Princess Anne to R.A.F. Kai Tak and the Kwun Tong Swimming Pool and Recreation Ground.
Royal Visit Press buses will leave Kowloon Public Pier as follows:-
For R.A.F. Kai Tak........................9.00 a.m.
The bus will take Press representatives back to Kowloon Public
Pier at about 11.00 a.m.
For Kwun Tong Swimming Pool and Recreation Ground •••• 9*00 a.m.
The bus will leave Kwun Tong Swimming Pool and Recreation Ground at 11.30 a.m. and take Press representatives back to Kowloon Public Pier.
The bus will leave punctually at the times stated above.
Friday, October 29, 1971
6 -
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE (AMENDMENT) (NO. 3) BILL 1971 Joint Trial Of Two Or More Indictments *******
A Bill to enable the Attorney General to apply to the Supreme Court for an order directing the joint trial of two or more indictments where the persons charged are alleged to have committed an offence which is common to each indictment. will be shortly introduced.
The Criminal Procedure (Amendment) (No. 3) Bill 1971, published for general information in today’s Gazette, seeks to effect this public time and money saving change.
Under the existing Ordinance, if where one or more accused persons are awaiting trial on indictment and another person is later arrested and charged with participating in the commission of the same offence, two separate trials are required to dispose of a matter which, if joinder were permitted, could be disposed of in one.
Commenting on the Bill the Attorney General, Mr. D.T.E. Roberts, said today, the present method entailed considerable wastage of public money and time.
If the proposed amendment is adopted, the rights of all accused are protected in that the court may decline to make an order for the joint trial of particular indictments where it feels that a joinder would result in prejudice to any accused, he added.
The introduction of the procedure embodied in the Bill would also enable a joinder of charges in similar circumstances in the District Court.
Friday, October 29, 1971
- 7 -
Three In Castle Peak for Industrial Purposes
Seven lots of crown land will be put on sale by auction on Friday November 26, 1971, at 2.30 p.m. in the Lecture Room on the 8th floor of City Hall High Block.
Four of the land lots, on Hong Kong Island,are for private residential purposes, and the other three in Kowloon are for non-industrial purposes.
Another three lots of crown land in Castle Peak will be put on sale by auction on Tuesday, November 23, 1971, at 2.30 p»m. in the Yuen Long Town Hall, Yuen Long.
The three lots, with a total are a of 7^,24> square feet, are for industrial purposes.
Particulars of the lots are as follows:
* Rural Building Lot No. 914, off Chung Hom Kok Road, Hong Kong, are a 102,000 square feet, for private residential purposes, upset price 32,500,000.
* Rural Building Lot No. 838, Tai Tam Road, Hong Kong, area 22,500 square feet, for private residential purposes, upset price 3560,000.
* Rural Building Lot No. 839, Tai Tam Road, Hong Kong , area 19,000 square feet, for private residential purposes, upset price 3480,000.
* Rural Building Lot No. 840, Tai Tam Road, Hong Kong, area 15,220 square feet, for private residential purposes, upset price 3380,000.
* Kowloon Inland Lot No. 9892 (with existing buildings), 22-26 Portland Street, Kowloon, area 2,101 square feet, for non-industrial purposes, upset price 3315,000.
/* Kowloon
Friday, October 29, 1971
- 8 -
* Kowloon Inland Lot No. 9908 (with existing buildings), 10-12 Hillwood Road, Kowloon, area 4,755 square feet, for non-industrial purposes, upset price §1,330,000.
* Kowloon Inland Lot No. 9909, 130 Austin Road, Kowloon, area 3,016 square feet, for non-industrial purposes, upset price §820,000.
* Castle Peak Town Lot No. 43, Castle Peak Area 12, New Territories, area 40,900 square feet, for industrial purposes.
* Castle Peak Town Lot No. 44, Castle Peak Area 12, New Territories, area 23,340 square feet, for industrial purposes.
* Castle Peak Town Lot No. 45, Castle Peak Area 12, Nev/ Territories, area 10,000 square feet, for industrial purposes.
For the seven lots on Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon, full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from and sale plans inspected at the Central Enquiry Sub-office, Central Government Offices (West Wing), Ground Floor, Hong Kong and at the Crov/n Lands & Survey Office, Kov/loon Government Offices, 405, Nathan Road, 10th floor, Kowloon.
For the three land lots in Castle Peak, full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from and sale plans inspected at the New Territories Administration, North Kowloon Magistracy, Tai Po Road, Kowloon and at the District Offices of Yuen Long, Tsuen Wan, Tai Po, Sai Kung and Island, International Building, Central, Hong Kong.
Friday, October 29, 1971 - 9 -
VISIT OF H.R.H. THE PRINCESS ANNE Official Programme for Saturday, 30.10.71 *******
Note To Editors: The following is the Royal Visit programme for
Saturday, 30th October, 1971:-
9*25 a.m. - Her Royal Highness will leave Government House,
accompanied by Mrs. Fisher, for Queen’s Pier, where she will board ’’The Lady Maurine” for the passage across the harbour to the Promontory Pier at Kai Tak.
9.55 a.m. - On arrival at Promontory Pier, Kai Tak, Her Royal
Highness will be met by the Airport General Manager, Mr. W.J. Morgan. Her Royal Highness will enter the car and leave for R.A.F. Kai Tak.
R.A.F. Kai Tak
10.00 a.m. - Her Royal Highness will arrive by car at Green Gate,
R.A.F. Kai Tak, where an escort vehicle will lead the party to the reception area. Her Royal Highness will be greeted by the Commander, Royal Air Force Hong Kong, Air Commodore C.L. Godwin, A.F.C. and Mrs. Godwin. Air Commodore Godwin will present the Station Commander Royal Air Force Kai Tak, V/ing Commander S.E. King and Mrs. King. Wing Commander King will present the officers Commanding Squadrons who will, in turn, present members of their Squadrons with their wives.
10.25 a.m. - Her Royal Highness will enter the car and leave R.A.F.
Kai Tak by the main gate for Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong.
/Kwun Tong .•••••
Friday, October 29, 1971
- 10 -
Kwun Tong
10.30 a.m. - Her Royal Highness will arrive at Kwun Tong Swimming
Pool and Recreation Ground, v/here she will be greeted by the Hon. D.R.W. Alexander, M.D.E., Chairman of the Urban Council. Mr. Alexander will present the Chairman of the Recreation end Amenities Select Committee, Mr. A. de 0. Salos, O.B.E.; the Chairman of the Stewards of the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club, the Hon. J.A.H. Saunders, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C.; and the Director of Public Works, the Hon. J.J. Robson.
Her Royal Highness will be escorted up the steps by Mr. Alexander who will present, at the top of the steps, the Commissioner St. John Ambulance Brigade, Colonel H.A. de Barros Botelho, O.B.E., E.D.
Her Royal Highness, accompanied by Colonel Botelho, will inspect the Guard of Honour of St. John Ambulance Cadet Corps .nd then be escorted to the dais by the Chairman of the Urban Council. Mr. Alexander will present Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Sales, Mrs. Saunders and Mrs. Robson.
Her R.yal Highness will take her place on the dais and the Nations Anthem will be played by the Band of 14th/20th King’s Hussr.js.
The Cl airman of the ^rbaii Council will speak. (The speech will be translated into Cantonese). The Chairman of the Recreation and Amenities Select Committee will speak. (The speech will be translated into Cantonese)•
The Chairman of the Urban Council will then escort Her Royal Highness, followed by the Chairman of the Recreation and Amenities Select Committee, the Chairman of the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club and the Director of Public 'Works, to the plaque which Her Royal Highness will unveil.
(Her Royal Highness will say a few words which will bo translated into Cantonese.)
/1O.47 a.m
Friday, October 29, 1971
10.47 a.m. - Her Royal Highness will return to the dais and watch
a Northern Chinese Lion Dance.
10.54 a.m. - Her Royal Highness will leave the dais. The Chairman
of the Urban Council will present the Assistant Director of Urban Services (Recreation & Amenities) Mr. P. Bishop, the Senior Executive Officer (Swimming) Mr. M.C. Ho, the Senior Education Officer (Physical Education) Mr. M.C. Caswell the Project Architect Mr. Edwin Leung, and the Contractor, Mr. John H.T. Lok.
10.55 a.m. - Her Royal Highness will tour the Swimming Pools.
11.20 a.m. - Her Royal Highness will enter the car and leave for
Kwun Tong Public Pier, accompanied by Mrs. Fisher. On arrival at Kwun Tong Public Pier, Her Royal Highness will be greeted by Major M. Heyer-Lyford and escorted on board "The Lady Maurine" for a cruise with the 14th/20th King’s Hussars•
5*45 p.m. - "The Lady Maurine" will arrive at Queen’s Pier and (approx.) Her Royal Highness will return to Government House.
8.00 p.m. - Buffet Supper at Government House.
Friday, October 29, 1971
- 12 -
Linking Prince Edward Road and Argyle Street
Motorists are advised that the flyover linking Prince Edward Road (outside Kai Tak Airport) and Argyle Street will be temporarily closed to west-bound traffic on November 1 to A, 1971 for six hours daily from mid-night to 6,00 a.m. to facilitate the construction of flyovers.
Traffic from San Po Kong will be diverted to Argyle Street via the ground level road at the Kowloon City Roundabout.
Adequate signs will be posted to guide motorists during the closures.
The Postmaster General announced today that he had been advised by the Postal Administration of the Philippines that as from November 1, 1971 and until further notice, the maximum weight of parcels which may be accepted for delivery in the Philippines will be restricted to three kilogrammes (7 lbs).
In addition, the number of parcels which may be sent by one sender to the same addressee will be restricted to one parcel per week.
The Philippines administration had said that parcels not conforming to these restrictions will be returned to sender, he said.
Friday, October 29, 1971
- 13 -
Work On Mains Connection
Water supply to a number of houses in the Mid-levels on Hong Kong Island will be interrupted between 10 p.m. tomorrow (October 30) and 6 a.m. on Sunday (October }1).
This temporary stoppage of water supply is to enable the staff of the Waterworks Office to connect up fresh water mains at Robinson Road, junction of Seymour Road.
The houses affected are Nos. 11-79 and 22-70 Robinson Road;
15-31, Shelley Street; 52-88, Caine Road; 78-84, Peel Street; and all premises in Seymour Terrace, Mosque junction, Mosque Street, Leong Fee Terrace, Prince’s Terrace, Rednaxela Terrace, Chico Terrace, Ying Fai Terrace and Seymour Road.
Friday, October 29, 1971
- 14 -
Sunday’s Engagements
In view of the heavy motor traffic expected along the roads of the
New Territories on Sunday, it will be necessary for the Royal Visit press buses for Sek Kong as well as for the horse-riding event in the New Territories to leave Kowloon Public Pier half an hour in advance of the scheduled times.
Please note that the departure times from Kowloon Public Pier will
now be:
For Sek Kong - at 9 a.m. instead of 9*30 a.m.
For Horse-riding - at 11*15 a.m. instead of 11.45 a.m.
The Port Health Authorities announced today that quarantine restrictions have been imposed against arrivals from Lisbon (excluding port and airport), Portugal, on account of cholera.
Friday, October 29» 1971
Tc Family At Chai Wan
Her Royal Highness the Princess Anne paid a surprise visit to Mr. Loo Wing’s family at Chai Wan resettlement estate this (Friday) afternoon after inspecting the Save the Children Fund Day Care Centre at Chai Wan.
Mr. Loo, the father of six children, welcomed the smiling Princess into his small room on the first floor of Block 22 of the estate.
After entering, the Princess sat on a tier bunk in the room and chatted with the family. She showed great interest in their welfare.
She asked the eldest daughter, Loo Lai-kai, 18, whether she was still in school.
The girl replied that she had finished her secondary schooling and is now working as a cashier.
l*h® Princess stayed with the family for nearly ten minutes and signed her name on a red Chinese silk scarf before leaving them.
Mr. Loo later told the press that he had never had such honour before•
Mr. Loo has been associated with the Save the Children Fund for more than ten years.
Two of his children were brought up at the Fund’s Day Care Centre at Chai Wan, and all his children were once members of the Fund’s play centre until it was converted in February this year into a training centre for retarded children.
Release time; 7«3O p.m
4000091 P.R.H. 7
Saturday, October 30? 1971
500 People From All Walks Of Life To Attend
More than 500 people from many walks of life will be present at the dinner tomorrow (October 51) given by the Hong Kong Government at the City Hall on behalf of the people of Hong Kong in honour of Her Royal Highness The Princess Anne.
They include representatives.®f chamber of commerce, clansmen’s associations, residents’ associations, rural committees, kaifong associations, women’s clubs and societies, social welfare organisations and agencies, and businessmen’s clubs.
Her Royal Highness The Princess Anne, accompanied by His Excellency The Acting Governor, Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, will arrive at the City Hall at 8 p.m.
They will be received by the Chairman of the Urban Council, the Honourable D.R.W. Alexander,who will present the Manager of the City nail, Mr. Darwin Chen.
As soon as Her Royal Highness has entered the dining room, the National Anthem will be played by th Band of the Royal Hong Kong Police. Puri ng the dinner, His Excellency will propose the Loyal Toast.
/The following .......
Saturday, October JO, 1971
- 2 -
The following will be represented at the dinner:-
Persons on the Precedence List, including Members of Executive and Legislative Councils, Consul-Generals, Commonwealth Trade Commissioners, heads of Government departments, Members of the Urban Council, Justices of the Peace and persons awarded honours by the Queen, such as Commanders, Officers and Members of the Order of the British Empire.
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Po Leung Kuk
Chinese Manufacturers* Association of Hong Kong Women’s organisations and clubs New Territories General Chamber of Commerce Pok Oi Hospital Lok Sin Tong Heung Yee Kuk Hong Kong Council of Social Service St. John’s Ambulance and Brigade Scout Association of Hong Kong Girl Guides * Association Hong Kong Red Cross Kaifong Welfare Associations Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society Five Districts Business Welfare Association Kiangsu-Chekiang Residents’ Association Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce Chiu Chow Residents’ Public Association Lions Clubs Rotary Clubs Hong Kong Federation of Students and College Students Assiciation
-------0 - > - -
Saturday, October 30, 1971
- 3 -
PRINCESS TO ATTEND DIVINE SERVICE Horse Riding In New Territories *********
Hundreds of people from many walks of life will see Her Royal Highness The Princess Anne in person tomorrow (October 31) when they dine with the Princess at a dinner party at the City Hall.
Earlier in the day, Her P.cyal Highness will attend a Divine Service at Sek Kong Garrison Church of Saint Martin, lunch at Fanling Lodge and enjoy horse-riding in the New Territories.
The following are the routes the motorcade will go along:-
Princess Anne will leave Government House at 9.45 a.m. for Queen’s Pier via Upper Albert Road, slip road to Garden Road, Jackson Road, Chater Road, Club Street, Connaught Road Central (U-turn), Connaught Road Central and Murray Road.
At the pier, she will board ’’The Lady Maurine” leaving for Sham Shui Po Camp jetty, where she will leave by car for Sek Kong Camp. The motorcade will go along Lai Chi Kok Road, Lai Chi Kok Bridge, Kwai Chung Road, Castle Peak Road, Route Twisk and Kam Tin Road•
From Sek Kong Camp, Her Royal Highness will go to Fanling Lodge at 12.20 p.m., travelling along Kam Tin Road, Route II (Fan Kam Road), Sheung Shui Cross Roads and Castle Peak Road.
The Princess will leave Fanling Lodge at 2.15 p.m. for Robins Nest Area, via Castle Peak Road, Sheung Shui Cross Roads, Tai Po Road, Fanling Roundabout, Sha Tau Kok Road and Robins Nest Access Road (Lin Tong Wu).
Saturday, October JO, 1971
- 4 -
From Robins Nest Area, Her Royal Highness will drive to Tai Lam Chung Marine Police Pier via Robins Nest Access Road (Lin Tong Wu), Sha Tau Kok Road, Fanling Roundabout, Tai Po Road, Sheung Shui Cross Road?, Castle Peak Road, Ku Tung and Dills Corner, Au Tau Cross Roads, Castle Peak Road, Yuen Long Western Roundabout, Yuen Long Main Road, Yuen Long Eastern Roundabout and Castle Peak Road.
At the pier, the Princess will leave for Queen’s Pier at about 4.40 p.m. aboard a police launch.
Drive Back
She will drive back to Government House after arriving at Queen’s Pier at J.20 p.m. The motorcade will go along Murray Road, Harcourt Road, Cotton Tree Drive, Kennedy Road and Upper Albert Road.
In the evening, Her Royal Highness will leave Government House at 7.55 p.m. for City Hall where she will attend a dinner party. She will travel along Upper Albert Road, slip road to Garden Road, Jackson Road, Chater Road, Club Street, Connaught Road Central (U-turn), Connaught Road Central and Murray Road.
After the dinner, the Princess will leave City Hall at about 10.10 p.m. for Government House, travelling along Murray Road, Harcourt Road, Cotton Tree Drive, Kennedy Road, and Upper Albert Road.
Saturday, October JO, 1971
Note to Editors:
Transport will be provided for Press representatives accredited to cover H.R.H. The Princess Anne’s visit to Sek Kong and horse-riding tomorrow (October 31).
Royal Visit Press buses will leave Kowloon Public Pier as follows:-
For Sek Kong..............................at 9 a.m.
For horse-riding..........................at 11.15 a.m.
The bus will leave punctually at the times stated above.
- - 0 - -
Her Royal Highness The Princess Anne left Government House this morning (October 30) wearing a jacket and skirt in French Navy blue silk and linen with silk braid loop edging around the jacket, worn with a finely tucked sleeveless blouse with wing collar.
She wore a blue cap with white brim and a white flower at the top.
- - 0---------
Saturday, October 30, 1971
Official Programme For Sunday, J1.10.71
Note to Editors: The following is the Royal Visit programme
for Sunday, October J1» 1971: -
9*45 a.m. H.R.H. will leave Government House accompanied by Miss Dawnay for Queen’s Pier.
9*50 a.m. Leave Queen's Pier for Sham Shui Po Camp on 'The Lady Maurine'.
10.20 a.m. On arrival at Sham Shui Po Camp jetty, H.R.H. will disembark first and will be greeted on the jetty by Lieutenant Colonel D.B.H. Colley, M.B.E. H.R.H. will enter the car and leave for Sek Kong Camp. Sek Kong
10.55 a.m. H.R.H. will arrive at Sek Kong Garrison Church of Saint Martin where she will be greeted by H.E. who will present the Reverend M.C. Prescott, Q.H.C., C.F. The Quarter Guard of 47 Light Regiment Royal Artillery will present arms. H.R.H. will not stop. H.E., Mrs. Fisher and Lieutenant Fisher will arrive by helicopter.
11.00 a.m. H.R.H. will attend Divine Service. After the service Brigadier B.G. Hickey, O.B.E., M.C. will present Mrs. Hickey, Mrs. Prescott and the Reverend J.S. Davidson, C.F, and Mrs. Davidson.
/H.R.H. will ........
Saturday, October 30, 1971
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11.30 a.m. H.R.H. will visit the Sergeants* Mess to meet the Warrant Officers, Sergeants and their families.
12.20 p.m. H.R.H. will leave for Fanling Lodge.
Fanling Lodge
12.35 p.m. Arrive Fanling Lodge.
12.^5 p.m. Barbecue Luncheon.
2.15 p.m. Leave Fanling Lodge by landrover.
3.50 p.m. Depart by car for Tai Lam pier.
*+.4O p.m. Arrive Tai Lam pier. No ceremonial during passage.
The Director of Protocol will present the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Marine District, Mr. R.F. Smith.
Embark on Police Launch.
5.20 p.m. Arrive Queen’s Pier,
5.25 p.m. Arrive Government House,
7.55 p.m. H.R.H. will leave Government House accompanied by H.E. for a dinner given by the Hong Kong Government at the City Hall on behalf of the people of Hong Kong.
8.00 p.m. Arrive at the City Hall where H.R.H. will be received by the Chairman of the Urban Council, The Hon. D.R.W. Alexander, M.B.E., who will present the Manager of the City Hall, Mr. D. Chen. H.R.H. will be escorted by H.E. to the first floor where some of the guests will be presented.
H.R.H. will lead the procession ot the principal table.
The National Anthem will be played by the Band of the Royal Hong Kong Police.
Dinner will be served.
A gong will be sounded for silence. H.E. will propose the Loyal Tcast.
10.00 p.m. The dinner will end.
H.R.H. will lead the procession as before, descending the stairs to the main door of the City Hall.
H.R.H. will take her leave and depart accompanied by H.E.
10.15 P«m. Arrive at Government House, approx.
- - 0 - -
Saturday, October 30, 1971
- 8 -
THE FESTIVAL OF HONG KONG 1971 Commemorative Stamp Issue **********
The Postmaster General announced today that three special stamps in denominations of 10 cents, 50 cents and Si.00 to commemorate the Festival of Hong Kong will be placed on sale at all Post Offices on Tuesday, November 2, 1971.
The first set of these stamps will be purchased at 8 a.m. on that date at the General Post Office, Pedder Street, by the Honourable Sir Cho-yiu KWAN, C.B.E., J.P., Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Festival of Hong Kong.
The following restriction on public light buses on Hong Kong Island will be imposed from 10 a.m. on Tuesday, November 2, 1971,to improve traffic condition near the junction of King’s Road and Tong Shui Road.
Public Light Bues will not be permitted to pick up or set down passengers on the section of King’s Road between North Point Road and approximate 120 ft. to the east of Shu Kuk Street.
Appropriate traffic signs will be erected to indicate the restriction.
Saturday, October 30, 1971
- 9 -
A baby girl of about five months old was found abandoned outside the Fanling Baby’s Home in On Lok Village, Sheung Shui, New Territories, at 10.40 p.m. on October 22, 1971*
The baby, about one foot and eight inches tall, is of thin build, and has large eyes and ears, a small mouth and pale complexion.
She was wearing a pink and red flowered patterned, long sleeves baby gown, red plastic knickers and a white diaper and was wrapped in a red and orange coloured blanket when she was found.
Anyone who has any information which may assist in identifying this child is asked to contact the Divisional Detective Inspector, Yuen Long Police Station, Telephone No. N.T. 0760211, Extension 21, or make a report to any Police station.
Horse-Riding In New Territories /10................................................
16mm Colour Film will be available to all television and newsreel organisations interested at 8 p.m. tomorrow (Sunday) at the Universal Laboratory at Kwun Tong. This is a special sequence of Her Royal Highness riding a horse at Robin’s Nest, in the New Territories. Please make your own arrangements for collection from the laboratory.
Saturday, October 30, 1971
- 10 -
Motorists are advised that the present Kellett Island access road from Gloucester Road/7 ercival Street junction will be closed to the public as from 10.00 a.m. Monday, 1st November 1971- This access road will be replaced by a new road along the waterfront linking Kellett Island with Wan Chai Ferry Concourse. This road is two way and will be opened at the same time.
Eastbound traffic travelling along Gloucester Road will be able to reach this new road along the waterfront via Tonnochy Road Extension on the reclamation or via a one way new link road leaving Gloucester Road at Marsh Road Flyover Crossing.
Westbound traffic leaving Kellett Island will be diverted to this new road along waterfront for westbound exit at the Wan Chai Ferry Concourse via a one way link road or for eastbound exit via the two way Tonnochy Road Extension to Gloucester Roac.
Appropriate sign, will be placed for the guidance of motorists.
Saturday, October 30, 1971
- 11 -
The Victoria Park Swimming Pool will be cloned to the public from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, November 1.
The Morrison Hill Technical Institute will be holding its swimming gala during the above period.
Note to Editors:
The full text of speeches by the Chairman of the Urban Council Mr. D.R.W. Alexander, and the Chan man of the Recreation and Amenities Select Committee, Urban Council, at the opening today of the Kwun Tong Swimming Pool Complex by Her Royal Highness The Princess Anne are distrubuted separately in the G.I.S. Press Boxes this afternoon.
Saturday, October 30, 1971
- 12 -
Note to Editors:
A special issue of the Daily Information Bulletin, containing details of the menu for the dinner, will be available at 8 p.m. tomorrow (Sunday). Copies will also be available at the City Hall.
Press Arrangements
OPEN PRESS facilities will be available in the Foyer of the City Hall. Her Royal Highness The Princess Anne, accompanied by His Excellency the Acting Governor, will arrive at the City Hall at 8 p.m.
There will be OPEN PRESS facilities for reporters in the City Hall Restaurant. Reporters attending the function should be in position shortly before 8 p.m. PHOTOGRAPHIC facilities, however, will be pooled and the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong, in conjunction with the Government Information Services, will undertake pool photographic coverage (in black and white and colour) for the first few minutes of the dinner only. No speeches will be made but the Acting Governor will propose the Loyal Toast.
Black and white photographs taken by G.I.S. pool photographers will be freely available at around 10 p.m. Please send your messenger to collect from the Press Room at about that time.
Sketch plans showing press arrangements in the City Hall Feyer and inside the Restaurant are attached.
Release Time: 3.00 p.m.