PRH 7 4000091
Wednesday, November 1, 1972
The Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddon—Cave, today described the Companies (Amendment) Bill 1972 as "probably one of the most up-to-date pieces of legislation on prospectuses in the world"#
He said other bills to follow in due course for the protection of investors will deal with securities which, among other things, will include the regulation of the operations of stock exchanges; unit trusts and mutual funds; and take-over bids, and they are now in an advanced stage of preparation#
He was speaking in this afternoon’s Legislative Council meeting while moving the second reading of the Bill.
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The Rill, he said, aims at requiring more and better information to be given in prospectuses and laying down penalties for giving false or misleading information and for other offences by promoters.
To that extent, it will provide greater protection for the investing public, he added#
However, the Financial Secretary pointed out it will bb up to the public themselves to take advantage of the provisions in this Bill by reading prospectuses carefully and, where they feel this is necessary, by taking professional advice.
/"It is not .....
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, November 1, 1972
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"It is not the purpose of the Bill to establish any form of government vetting machinery over new issues, but only to make sure that adequate and accurate information is given in prospectuses.
"If companies whose prospects are not particularly sound come to
the market, this should be revealed in the prospectuses and it will be up to
the public and the Press to form their own judgements as to their worth," he said.
Earlier in his speech before dealing with the Bill itself, Mr. Haddon-
Cave made three preliminary points.
First, he said, he makes no apology for the fact that the Bill is being introduced into the Council more than a year after the finalisation of the Report of the Companies Law Revision Committee to which, in part, it seeks to give effect.
He explained: "The Hong Kong economy is one which thrives on free enterprise and when the Government makes proposals which interfere with the operations of the market mechanism, it behoves us to ensure that what we are proposing is in the broader public interest; and that the rules laid down will improve, and not simply impede, the way in which the market mechanism operates." Secondly, he said, contrary to what some less responsible critics have tried to claim, it is not a simple task to consider all the recommendations in the Report, and, where they are acceptable, to translate then into the precise language of legislation.
"It is, in fact, a difficult and time consuming task and it is important to avoid making mistakes," he added.
Fi nally, the Financial Secretary stressed that the Bill and the others to follow are not being introduced in any sense of panic, but are being brought forward after careful and dispassionate consideration.
/Re continued: ••••••
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He continued: ”Hong Kong’s financial sector is essentially healthy, buoyed up as it is by the strength of our economy as a whole and the confidence it engenders in local and overseas investors.
’’But the process of growth, particularly rapid growth, brings in its train its own problems and we are starting this afternoon on a programme designed to bring more order and efficiency into the conduct of trading in securities of all kinds, thereby providing greater protection for the interests of the investing public.”
Mr. Haddon-Cave said the present Companies Ordinance is based largely on the United Kingdom Companies Act of 1929*
The amending Bill, he said, includes most of the provisions or recommend-ations on prospectuses contained in the 19^8 Companies Act and the Jenkins Committee Report, ’’together with a number of points which we have added ourselves as a result of our own experience.”
The main features of the Bill include the follovzing provisions:—
* The existing definition of ’’prospectus” will be extended to include documents which do not actually offer shares or debentures but are calculated to invite offers from the public.
* Every prospectus is to be in English, and is to contain a Chinese translation, and it should include the information specified in the Third Schedule.
* Prospectuses will have to contain a notice advising potential investors, if they are in any doubt, to consult a professional adviser.
* The publication of an abridged prospectus will be prohibited, but this provision is not intended to place restrictions on Press comments on a prospectus and the use of extracts provided these are not in the nature of advertisements.
It will be ••••••
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It will be prohibited to include in a prospectus an expert’s statement - that is the statement of an accountant, valuer, engineer and so on - unless he has consented in writing.
A prospectus must be registered with the Registrar of Companies and he can refuse such registration, in which case, the prospectus cannot be published as it would not comply in all respects with the statutory requirements. If a prospectus is accepted for registration, this will merely mean that it has met all the statutory requirements for publication.
In order to give potential investors an opportunity to digest the information in a prospectus and seek professional advice if they wish, at least two days must elapse between the issue of a prospectus and the opening of the subscription lists.
Criminal sanctions and civil liability will attach to anyone including experts, responsible for mis-statements in prospectuses.
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Unofficial Members of the Legislative Council consider it their duty to help the Government in every possible way to devise the most suitable laws, policies and methods of administration for Hong Kong, the Hon. P.C. Woo said today.
Mr. Woo was speaking in the Legislative Council this afternoon on a motion of thanks for the Governor’s address at the opening session on October 18.
This was the first occasion on which Mr. Woo spoke in an opening debateas the Senior Unofficial Member of the Council.
He said Unofficials did not regard themselves as being ”an opposition to the Government.”
The Unofficials, he said, did take note of public opinion on new legislation and matters of topical public concern and where appropriate, make representations in the Council.
”In doing so it is from time to time necessary for us to comment upon and where necessary to criticize both draft legislation and government policies and administration,” Mr. Woo said.
It fell to the Unofficials to prod the Official Members by means of questions and through other forms of parliamentary procedure ”to keep the Government on its toes”.
Mr. Woo noted that this function of the Unofficials appeared largely to have lapsed during the 1950’s when only 12 questions were asked during a lO-year period.
/Again .......
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Again in the period i960 to 19671 a comparatively small number of 125 questions were asked — an average of 16 a year.
Mr. Woo said that since then there had been a "gradual awakening."
The number of questions asked by Unofficials in 1968 was 64 and it rose to 165 in the 1971-72 session.
Mr. Woo said that there had been a similar increase in activity as regards speeches on bills and adjournment debates.
"This," he said, "is part of the Unofficials• contribution to closing what has been called the gnp between the Government and the people. It is one of the steps which the Unofficials have taken to put themselves more closely in touch with the ordinary people of Hong Kong."
Unofficials were now aided in their task by the emergence of the UMELCO office, Mr. Woo said.
He described it as "the place where attention can be focused not only on individual complaints brought to the Office by ordinary citizens but also on more general complaints and topics of public concern raised in the press or by public bodies."
Mr. Woo said that although there had been a substantial increase in the utilisation of the UMELCO Office, many members of the public sti 11 did not use its facilities.
"We are always ready to see members of the public," he said.
/Referring •••••.
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Referring to procedural matters, Mr. Woo said the Unofficials considered it preferable that consideration of bills be spread over three meetings.
When it is necessary that a bill be passed through all its stages in two meetings, the Unofficials consider that there should always be a period of at least a fortnight between the moving of the second reading and the vote on the second reading.
This should be the standard procedure and should apply even if the measure is not controversial.
’•The point is,” Mr. Woo said, ’’that such a practice would provide a further opportunity for the Unofficials to consider the mover’s speech as well as representations which inevitably tend to reach us at the last moment.”
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The Hon. Wilfred Wong said today the combatting of crimes of murder and robbery was still Hong Kong’s top priority and he suggested the introduction of legislative deterrents more in line with the eastern concept rather than the western.
He said the eastern concept is simply that harsh crimes must be curbed by severe penalties.
A recent sample survey among 500 people showed that 75 per cent considered the streets in Hong Kong as unsafe to walk alone at night, he said.
Mr. Wong was speaking in the Legislative Council in support of motion to thank the Governor for his address given last month at the opening of the Council’s new session.
He said most people would agree that the first requisite in a civilised society is law and order.
In Hong Kong, he said, crime in the form of robbery by knife is becoming a pattern for young thugs and he pointed out that crime, like a virus, is contagious and spreads quickly unless contained.
’’While the long term measures are legislative deterrents, education and community involvement, immediate short-term measures to counter it are urgently required,” he said.
Mr. Wong said he has been told that many robberies are not reported, and following his own investigations, he has concluded that only one out of five are reported to the police because of fears of intimidation.
/”I am
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”1 ara absolutely convinced that even with additional recruitment which the police and auxiliaries are carrying out, a neighbourhood watch system as could be provided by residents’ associations or street ‘tenant patrols is the solution*
’’This is the traditional Chinese po kak - a district watch force. It is not a private army”, he said.
Crime of this nature and magnitude cannot be curbed without community involvement, of which Hong Kong has a fine heritage, he said. ’’Let us not lose it in the face of pressure.”
Referring to the cost of living, Mr. Wong sa"id it is second in importance to lav/ and order for the common people, and rent is the most important componento ’’With the creeping inflation that we are facing, rent and the imposition of new rates need special watching and a holding action as part of an overall economic policy,” he said.
He said there were loopholes to be plugged in the existing rent control legislation although it was working out fairly well for premises with a rateable value of under 31,500 per month.
The basis of reasonable rents, he said, is adequate housing, and housing is the most important government undertaking in Hong Kong.
He said 60 per cent of the population should be housed in government or government-aided housing if such ah undertaking stabilised the cost of living and therefore the labour content of the cost of production of the local manufacturers •
At present, he said, 40 per cent is housed in this type of accommodation, the rest living in private housing.
/However, • ......
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However, private housing is not producing as it should and statistics show that the proportion of new domestic accommodation units below $30,000 had dropped. This made low-priced flats further beyond the reach of factory workers or office clerks, he said.
Mr. Wong pointed out that the basic reason for the pressure of housing is the low production of resettlement since 1968, when it was 24,100 units. The number of units had since dropped to less than 10,000 a year on average.
”Apd domestic units completed for government low-cost housing in the urban areas and New Territories failed to increase in the four years preceding 1972*"
He continued: ’’Low-cost housing is for the quick relief of people’s housing problems and we must appreciate their sufferings and anxiety. It must not be allowed to be bogged down in the mire of indecision and bureaucracy.”
On income eligibility for government low-cost housing, Mr. Wong said the $500 maximum income limit has been removed and replaced with a new scale commencing with $500 per month for four people and below to $1,000 per month for a household of 14 people.
’’Although this scale removes somewhat the anomaly of discriminating against large families, it nevertheless fails to raise the lower limit from $500 to $600”.
”It is unrealistic to assume that a family of 4 people can live on an income of $500 per month nowadays, he said.
Mr. Wong welcomed the Governor’s proposal for the unification and consolidation of housing policy and administration.
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Turning to the economic front, he said there must be stabilisation of the cost of living and in costs of production. He called for determined efforts to solve housing costs where ’’the core of the problem lies’5#
He said land prices in Hong Kong are too high. For example, the cost of land is 50 times that of Malaysia. This should lead to a review of land policy and point to a special policy in opening up the New Territories for industrial land.
Again, he said the cost of water and electricity in Hong Kong are higher than in Malaysia and warned that in the long run, inspite of Hong Kong’s high productivity, these factors will affect the Colony’s eventual position in world markets#
On share investment, Mr. Wong pointed to the wild and unrestrained behaviour on the local stock market and said that, apart from investment, ’’this gambling atmosphere is detrimental to the economy if not the culture of Hong Kong#”
He called for imminent legislation to protect the investing public and added that there is evidence that certain shares are ’’being manipulated”. Control of the stock exchanges now becomes a necessity, he said#
On future planning, Mr. Wong said we should plan our social, community and economic services on a population of six million by the end of the century.
On civil servants’ retirement age, Mr. Wong said it should be raised from 55 years to 60 years to stop what he called a ’’terrible waste of manpower and experience.” ------------------------------------0----------
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People who have enjoyed the privilege of subsidised housing for more than 10 years and prospered as a result should move to private housing so as to leave more room for others who need housing desperately*
The Hon. Mrs. Ellen Li said this today when she spoke in the Legislative Council on a motion of thanks for the Governor’s address two weeks ago.
She called for a fresh look at a proposal she made years ago that another means test should be taken at housing estates 10 years old or over.
Other proposals she made for the consideration of the new Housing Department include:
* smaller sites for smaller communities should be favoured from the point of easier control and warmer community sense of belonging;
* smaller units for smaller families should be provided to cater for the young generation;
* facilities should be reserved for nurseries and hostels for young working single people and the elderly;
* there should be some form of housing scheme for retired civil servants especially those in uniform who had been provided with quarters during their term of service.
On the last proposal, Mrs. Li said: ’’Housing is the most tangible form of security in the minds of all Chinese families. Pension is only half of the sad story.”
/She added: ..........
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She added: ’’Unless we come up with a practical policy in housing for all civil servants, the problems of recruitment and corruption will be with us for a long time.”
Speaking on gambling, Mrs. Li said that the proposal to legalise off-course betting by the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club might find ’’some sympathetic ears among the Chinese community.”
But, she added, there will be stiff opposition from the Chinese community to the legalisation of all forms of gambling.
The arguments for legalised gambling were ’’entirely against the Chinese philosophy and way of thinking and have never been accepted as valid by the Chinese community,” she said.
It was true, she said, that many people were ’’born gamblers.” But it was ’’undignified and objectionable” to suggest that the Government exploit the people’s weakness as a source of revenue.
Our finance is so strong that there is no need for this, she added.
Referring to arguments that legalised gambling would remove or reduce corruption, Mrs. Li said this was ’’wishful thinking and being naive.”
Illegal gambling would continue where more profit could be made through tax evasion, resulting in more corruption and more strongly organised crimes.
Moreover, there was the socio-economic effect on those members of society who could not afford to gamble away their entire housekeeping money and so would have to resort to stealing and robbery on the streets.
”To encourage the population to gamble openly is to invite trouble in more ways than one,” she declared.
• /She asked.............
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She asked the Government "to think twice on this subject."
Commenting on the White Paper on Social Welfare, which had her full support, Mrs. Li said perhaps the most heartening feature was the fact that "Government accepts the ultimate responsibility to provide satisfactory social welfare services as fast as staff and other resources permit."
She welcomed the emphasis on helping those members of the community who were least able to help themselves, particularly the disabled and the elderly.
She also welcomed the proposed Institute for Social Work Training.
She believed that there was a need for more openings for school leavers who were not academically suited to university studies but who, following more practical training, could play an important part in providing services for the people of Hong Kong.
Mrs. Li expressed disappointment at the "small percentage of increase" in the total amount of subvention to voluntary agencies.
It was high time, she said, that they be encouraged to employ more qualified staff.
"Most agencies," she said, "spend from 50 per cent to 80 per cent of their total expenditure on salaries and if these could be adequately subsidised, it will go a long way in upkeeping the standard of service in this field."
Turning to education, Mrs. Li called for a "very clear cut and wholesome" policy for Hong Kong.
Education, she said, must be planned as a whole and not in a piecemeal and disjointed manner "the way we are doing up to now."
/For instance,
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For instance, she said, we need to aim at secondary education for all.
Once a policy was formulated, then a practical system could be devised to implement it step by step.
She said the present aim was to provide enough subsidised places for all primary graduates to enjoy three years post-primary education, "but beyond that there is no plan yet."
"So by the time we are ready to remove the secondary school entrance examinations at Primary 6 level, it will be time to introduce another such exami nation for entry into Form 4, because unless we plan for our second phase now, we are creating another bottleneck there."
The agenda and the procedure of the Board of Education were at fault.
She therefore welcomed the proposal to reconstitute the Board for more effective function.
On family planning, Mrs. Li welcomed plans for direct participation of the Medical Department in this field.
She urged the Government to "formulate a population policy and to review and amend all government regulations to conform with this policy."
She knew of many regulations working at cross purposes, such as paid maternity leave and the number of children required to qualify for married quarters, housing estates, decantation, personal tax exemption and so on.
/Referring to ..........
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Referring to the problem of crime and punishment, Mrs. Li said that the ’’soft approach towards criminals” did not serve as an incentive to the prosecution and reporting of crimes.
She said ’’the policeman who risks his life to apprehend a criminal and the victim or the passerby who takes the trouble to appear in court as witness would not be too happy to see the criminal get away with just a warning, or suspended sentence, a bond for good behaviour, or put on probation.”
Dealing with the problem of police recruitment, Mrs. Li said that the provision of adequate housing not only during service but more permanently on retirement would ”go a long way as an extra and perhaps the most important inducement for recruitment purposes.”
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The Hon. Wilson T.S. Wang today called for the "mobilisation of responsible citizens" in each neighbourhood to tackle the wide range of local problems.
Speaking in the Legislative Council this afternoon, Mr. Wang said a good example of this approach was the 7^ area committees embracing some 40,000 voluntary workers in the "Clean Hong Kong" campaign.
"There should be a similar approach to the question of local community involvement in many other matters such as crime, 'traffic, firefighting, environmental hygiene and even the problem of schooling and other social services," he said.
For each of these activities, it would be helpful to have a committee for each area, consisting mainly of local people.
The area committee- system would have to be matched by a delegation of officers from their respective departments who would be able to sit around the same table to discuss ways and means of improving their service in each field and neighbourhood.
"What is needed," Mr. Wang said, "is some arrangement whereby the views and needs of the people in the neighbourhood can be translated into action through their own involvement."
By these means people would acquire a sense of participation and a greater sense of belonging.
"Involvement must replace apathy and action against irregularities must replace the passive acceptance of things which are wrong," he added.
/Speaking on .........
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Speaking on primary education, Mr. Wang said the present bisessional system was here to stay.
He suggested that it might be wiser to ’’concentrate all our efforts on exploring ways of improving and supplementing the functions of existing schools,” such as more practical training and extra-curricular activities.
’’Greater effort and encouragement by way of financial assistance plus the provision of staff would go a long way to help each school to attain its goal," he said.
Referring to the secondary school entrance examination Mr. Wang said: “The sooner we can do away with it, the sooner we shall be able to improve primary education to a really significant extent and make life easier for all — the parents, the pupils and the teachers.
’’This alone underlines, the need to provide sufficient places in post-primary schools for all our primary school leavers.”
Mr. Wang said that 184,000 places in Forms 1 to J are needed, in addition to those now available, and more places in the upper forms and other education institutions are also urgently needed. .
There was no alternative but to extend the bisessional system to secondary schools and to technical and pre-vocational training.
”It would not be in line with social justice,” he said, ’’for half of these children to be kept out of school merely for the reason that it would be better for the other half to have full day sessions.”
/Mr. Wang..........
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Mr. Wang believed priority should be given to the building of schools for technical and pre-vocational training to meet the demand for these places.
On medical services, Mr. Wang called for the development of an extensive network of clinics for the convenience of residents and workers in each district, as one way of improving and consolidating the quality of services provided.
He also hoped that the government would become more involved in the field of training dentists — if not by providing courses in the universities then by greatly increasing the number of scholarships or bursaries available for study abroad.
Mr. Wang supported the proposals contained in the White Paper on social welfare, particularly with regard to expanding the present community and youth officer scheme, and the network of community centres. He described them as practical and useful ways of helping to improve the quality of life in our communities.
He said it was right that the proposed disability and infirmity allowance scheme should operate without a means test. Besides being inflexible and tedious, and time and money consuming, the test could have a damaging and depressing effect on the people it aimed to cheer up.
Mr. Wang also believed that a disabled or elderly person still capable of working should not be discouraged from so doing and whatever money he earned should become a bonus over and above the public assistance he received.
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The Hon- H.J.C. Browne today suggested the setting up of a properly staffed Organisation and Methods Department to examine the work done by government departments and to review their existing establishments.
This would be in addition to the studies that are carried out by the present 0 and M section when a department asks for additional staff.
He said that with the high capital and recurrent expenditure facing Hong Kong in the future, "there is even more need for economy in government spending"•
He hoped that by decentralising and streamlining, the load at the top could be better spread and that a determined and sustained effort will he made in all government departments to increase productivity.
However, he made it clear that Hong Kong was very well served by the public service, "but the total cost is such a large slice of our annual expenditure that we must introduce modern techniques to try to keep its size and its cost down".
Mr. Browne said he was in favour of going ahead with all the major proposals put forward by the Governor two weeks ago and no doubt the Financial Secretary would be looking for ways to increase revenue.
"But in my view we cannot afford to introduce fiscal measures that will disturb the climate that has enabled our economy to develop and thrive, and made Hong Kong into an important international industrial and commercial centre," he said.
/On the..#......
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On the question of housing, he said that it was wrong for the Government to be housing, for a rent of just a few dollars a month, people who now owned their own flat somewhere else, while genuinely • deserving cases were still on the waiting list.
Turning to pollution, Mr. Browne said some extremists would like to stop the smoke rising from every factory chimmey. "Pollution may be a dirty word; but so is poverty," he added.
Mr. Browne supported the "commonsense approach to this problem that the Government is adopting, and let none of the enthusiasts forget that we are a big industrial complex operating in a competitive world."
Because of this he was in favour of the setting up of an oil refinery subject to the necessary arrangements to control pollution.
On social welfare, he hoped that the Government would "nurture" the voluntary organisations which "sometimes feel frustrated due to red tape, occasional lack of Government response and a very real worry about their financial position."
He described these organisations as a unique and priceless asset and said the enthusiasm and dedication of so many individuals who give up their time without charge cannot be assessed in financial terms.
Mr. Browne called on the Government to formulate a comprehensive "population policy" to make widely available family planning services; to amend restrictive legislation; to allow family life education, including sex education, and general preparation for marital and parental responsibilities to be included in the appropriate school curricula; and to make family planning and population education part of the training courses for nurses, teachers, social workers and others.
/On the ...........
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On the question of the ’’interface” between the Government and the people, Mr. Browne said that he hoped under Mr. Cater’s direction things will further improve and that departments will try to do more to project themselves, and their work, to the community.
’’There is room, too, for improvement on the part of the press, for some of us have met reporters who are ignorant of government policy and who* on occasions, have not bothered to do their homework.”
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Dr. the Hon. S.Y. Chung today rated ’’high on the list” of social security the issue of redundancy pay for workers, and he urged the Government to give higher priority to legislation on redundancy compensation.
This is one aspect of labour rights which Hong Kong has so far not attempted seriously to legislate, he said.
Dr. Chung was speaking in the Legislative Council in support of a motion thanking the Governor’s address given at the recent opening of the Council’s new session. He also spoke on housing, the economy and technical education.
He said it is only fair to compensate a worker who has worked for an employer for several years and who is fired through no fault of his own.
At present, he said, there is no legislation specifying the amount of redundancy pay which is fair to both employers and employees. The present liability of the employer is to give only one month’s notice or one month’s pay in lieu of notice. This often leads to confrontation.
’’Since there is in Hong Kong no effective union organisation genuinely working for the general good of labour, it is a prime responsibility of Government and this Council to see that labour rights and entitlement would not be infringed and that labour’s weakness would not be exploited by some unscrupulous employers,” Dr. Chung said.
Turning to housing, he described it as ’’one of the most pressing problems in Hong Kong” and hailed the 10-year housing plan announced by the Governor.
/He made ...........
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He made three points for consideration by the Government, The first concerns the standard of accommodation of 35 square feet per person being used in low-cost and the latest resettlement housing.
In a city of rising standards and expectations, he said it is important to improve this standard of accommodation from time to time in order to avoid what some experts have called the mass production of future slums.
Secondly, Dr. Chung said the present method of allocation of housing on a ’’first come first served” basis has a ’’great inherent drawback” of not relating location of work with that of residence.
”A major improvement would be achieved if allocation of housing could be made by matching location of work with location of housing for the applicants.
’’This approach will not only minimise the reluctance of potential inhabitants and potential factories to move out to new townships in the New Territories but will also reduce demand for the already over-taxed public transport particularly during rush hours,” he said.
The last point concerns productivity in Hong Kong’s building construction industry. Dr. Chung said during the past five years, building construction costs had nearly doubled whilst there had been little or no progress in labour productivity in the building industry.
Compared to the export manufacturing industries, mechanisation in the building industry has been minimal during the past decade, he said.
/•’This unsatisfactory
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’’This unsatisfactory situation should not be allowed to continue.
The Government must be able to find means to check such inefficient utilisation of public money.”
As regards economic development, Dr. Chung shared the Governor’s view that ”our prospects for social progress depend on our ability to maintain a high rate of economic expansion.”
He described foreign trade as Hong Kong’s ’’life-blood” and stressed that ways and means must be found to keep the world markets open to local goods•
He said ”we must impress upon the British Ministers who handle our foreign affairs that as far as trade relations are concerned, first, they should use their good offices to ensure that Hong Kong be treated fairly and justly by our trading partners, and, secondly, the U.K, Government should not set any bad examples of its own for other governments to follow to the detriment of Hong Kong’s economic progress.”
Dr. Chung said we are facing a rapid wage spiral and accelerating cost inflation in industry. For export-oriented factories, there are only three alternatives.
’’One is to bow out of competition. The second is to offset the rise of labour costs through improvement of labour. The third is to avoid direct competition with low cost products by trading up the quality and technology ladder”«
/Both the
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Both the last two approaches require technical manpower, he pointed out. Therefore the need for technical education and industrial training was evident.
He welcomed the Government’s plan for the expansion of technical education at various levels, but he envisaged that at this stage, the major hurdle in the development of the Polytechnic and technical institutes would be the recruitment of technical teachers.
He said it would be necessary to recruit around 1,400 qualified teachers specialised in various branches of technology, business study and management science. Industrial training and technical education were complementary to each other, but were two separate things.
’’Many people in commerce and industry were rather surprised not .' ■' ■• • • ■
to hear anything about industrial training.” he said, referring to the Governor’s speech.
”1 therefore urge the Government to seriously consider the various industrial training proposals made in the final report of the Industrial Training Advisory Committee,” he concluded.
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The Building Authority can, under an amending bill, order remedial works to be carried out to remove dangerous or potentially dangerous conditions in building works.
In moving the second reading of the Buildings (Amendment)(No. 2) Bill, the Director of Public Works, the Hon. J.J. Robson, said that failure to comply with such an order would give the Authority power to do the work and to recover the costs from the person on whom the order had been served.
Mr. Robson said, the maximum penalty imposed so far had been of little "deterrent value in disciplining errant contractors".
The bill will substitute for the present fine of $2,000 and imprisonment for six months a "realistic" fine of $50,000 and imprisonment for two years, upon conviction of those offences which are considered grave.
These offences include the incorporation of defective materials in building works, the divergence from approved plans, and failure to notify contravention of regulations.
In addition, Mr. Robson said, any person who failed to comply with an order for remedial works might face "a continuing penalty of $10,OCX) per day."
A provision of the bill will restore the position whereby the Building Authority has to deal with applications for occupation or temporary occupation permits within 14 days of receipt.
/The 14-day time ........
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The 14-day time limit was removed as an emergency measure by the Buildings (Amendment) Ordinance 1972.
Another provision substitutes 60 days for the period of 28 days after which approval of plans submitted to the Building Authority may be considered to have been granted by default.
Mr. Robson pointed out that the period during which the Building Authority had to either consent to or refuse the commencement of building works remained unaltered at 28 days.
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A motion to approve the allocation of 12 grants from the Lotteries Fund for social welfare services and projects was carried at this afternoon’s Legislative Council meeting.
Moving the motion, the Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddon-Cave, said these grants had been recommended by the Social Welfare Advisory Committee and the total sum involved was 34,112,838.
The grants are for the purchase and replacement of equipment, capital works and an experimental project of a limited duration.
These have been approved by the Governor as being worthy of assistance from the Lotteries Fund, Mr. Haddon-Cave said.
The 12 organisations receiving the grants include the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, the Hong Kong Red Cross Society, Tz’u Te Home for the Aged, the Hong Kong Society for the Blind and the Salvation Army.
The Financial Secretary told the Council: ”If this resolution is passed, the balance remaining in the Lotteries Fund will be approximately 36.6 million, compared with the present balance of 310.7 million.”
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Wednesday, November 1, 1972
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The death sentence on a 19-year old youth, Chan Yun-ki, has been commuted to a term of 25 years imprisonment*
This decision was made by the Governor after taking into consideration the advice of the Executive Council*
Chan Yun-ki and another 17-year old youth, Tsui Wing-kwong were found guilty of the murder of Wong Yuk-kay.
. The incident took place in the Shatin Pass Road Low Cost Housing Estate on December 26, 1971 f.
Chan Yun-ki was sentenced to death on May 18, 1972, and Tsui Wing-kwong was detained in a training centre*
Z51 .........
Wednesday, November 1, 1972
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A delegation of five experts in various fields is representing Hong Kong at the Second Asian Population Conference which begins in Tokyo today.
The delegation, headed by Mr. K.W.J. Topley, Commissioner for Census and Statistics, comprises Professor Gordon King and Mr. K.C. Chan of the Hong Kong Family Planning Association; Dr. C.Y. Choi of the Chinese University of Hong Kong; and Mr. Benjamin Mok Ni-hung, Senior Statistician of the Census and Statistics Department.
Among the topics to be discussed at the conference will be the role of population in development; means of influencing population trends and patterns; labour and employment; and human resources.
The conference, which has been organised by ECAFE, will continue until November 13-
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Wednesday, November 1, 1972
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The Building Authority today declared No. 24? Reclamation Street, Kowloon to be in a dangerous condition and ordered demolition.
The Principal Government Building Surveyor said that this four storey pre-war building was inspected following a complaint from one of the tenants that pieces of concrete had fallen from the second floor balcony exposing the steel reinforcing.
Sections of the structure were subsequently opened up for inspection and it was revealed that the projecting balconies over both Reclamation Street and Kami]ton Street were in such a defective condition that there is danger of collapse•
Due to fractures in the rear and flank walls of the building it is not considered possible to remove them without endangering the rest of the building. .
As there is a risk of collapse a notice of intention to apply for a closure order in Kowloon District Court at 9«3O a.m. on December 7 was posted today.
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Wednesday, November 1, 1972
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Four Bills received their third reading and were passed by the Legislative Council this afternoon.
They were the Urban Council (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1972, the Television (Amendment) Bill 1972, the Peak Tramway (Amendment) Bill 1972 and the Bills of Exchange (Amendment) Bill 1972.
Four Bills were read for the first and second time.
They were the Magistrates (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1972, the Probate and Administration (Amendment) Bill 1972, the Companies (Amendment) Bill 1972, and the Buildings (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1972.
Debate on the Companies (Amendment) Bill 1972 and the Buildings (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1972 was adjourned.
Two sessional papers were tabled in the Council. They were the Housing Board Report 1971 and the Annual Report by the Director of Civil Aviation for the year 1971 - 72.
The Legislative Council will meet again tomorrow (Thursday) when two more Unofficial members will speak in Chinese.
The first speaker will be Mr. Q.W. Lee. Joining him in Chinese will be Mr. James Wu, who will wind up for the Unofficials. Incidentally, Mr. Wu will be making his maiden speech.
Speeches in English will be made by Mr. Oswald Cheung, Mr. T.K. Ann, Mr. R.H. Lobo, Mrs. Joyce Symons and Mr. P.G. Williams.
Release time: 9«0Q p.m.
PRH 7 4000091
A delay in drawing up development plans for new towns ’’has laid a dead hand on the development of the New Territories.”
Speaking in the Legislative Council on a motion of thanks for the Governor’s address, the Hon. Q.W. Lee, said that these delays had inhibited the growth which might well have taken place had decisions on such plans been made at an earlier date.
He said it was important for a master plan to be drawn up, to prescribe the specific dates by which plans for each of the new towns would be ready and also indicating the dates when the various public services such as drainage, water and roads would be made available.
Referring to the new town in Sha Tin, Mr. Lee said he had been told there was only one development plan which was produced in 19&7 and ”is still being revised in the light of changing conditions.”
”1 have been informed that the only development plan which has been decided is what is known as Stage One Phase One for Sha Tin and that concerns only an area to be developed primarily for public housing.
”What is needed is the speedy drawing up of an overall development plan to which public and private development alike can be geared,” he said.
There was also a vital need for development plan for the new towns in Tsuen Wan, Sam Tseng, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, Fanling, Shek Wu Hui and Tai Po.
/To enable ..... •
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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To enable the private sector to contribute to the solution of the housing problem, Mr. Lee called on the government to speed up the development and sale of land in these areas.
He suggested that land for private development should in future be sold even before it was fully formed and certainly well before the date when the basic services were provided. This would be on the understanding that these services were to be provided within a certain period of time.
"If the title to the land is sold in advance then developers could proceed with their plans and get to the stage when the architects have done their work and the Buildings Ordinance Office has given its approval. They may even begin to proceed with some of the foundation work.
"If this service of work could be expedited, the entire process of development may be telescoped by as much as 12 to 18 months," Mr. Lee said.
Mr. Lee described the White Paper on Social Welfare as "an important milestone" and he firmly believed the proposals would be implemented in the near future.
"I am in complete agreement with the principles laid down by it in the direction of promoting social welfare," he said.
Regarding the proposal that public assistance be given to orphans, widowed, disabled and aged without a means test, Mr. Lee said that such a scheme may not cost more than one based on a means test.
/"The majority ........
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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“The majority of the members of Hong Kong’s community are Chinese who strongly uphold the virtue of filial love. As long as they are capable of supporting their parents, they will not ask for help from other people.” “Those who do come forward to seek assistance must be those who are desperate,” he added.
Turning to the City District Officer scheme, Mr. Lee said the time had now come for the government to consider giving the C.D.O.’s some executive authority.
"In view of the fact that all C.D.O.’s are better acquainted with what is going on in their districts than most other gov rament departments, it is beyond doubt that if they were given a limited but appropriate executive authority, their effectiveness would be further enhanced," he added.
At the same time, he hoped the government would give priority to appointing more experienced staff to the scheme to enable its further development for the benefit of the entire community. In recent years, he said, some of the administrative officers recruited to serve as C.D.O.’s had only one or two years experience in the government.
Mr. Lee also called on the Financial Secretary "to inform us of recent developments over the sterling guarantee and to assure us that our reserves are well protected" in view of the uncertainty overhanging the future of the Guarantee and in particular the recent weakness of the pound.
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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The Hon. Oswald Cheung, speaking on Government’s policy on the development of the New Territories today called for the early implementation of the decisions that had already been made.
He told the Legislative Council that it was comparatively easy to make decisions, but it was extremely difficult to get them carried out.
He welcomed the Governor’s outline of the policy, which he said was indicative of ’’far reaching and fundmental changes.”
Referring to land resumption, he said there had been ’’general satisfaction” in the New Territories with the Letter B Scheme whereby the Government agreed to give land in exchange for land resumed.
But, he said, there had been ’’fairly acute dissatisfaction” in cases to which this scheme did not apply, and in particular where land outside a layout area was resumed.
In these cases, the landowner either sells by private treaty to the Crown, or he takes his case for assessment of compensation before a land Resumption Tribunal.
In either case, he gets compensation that is worth much less than ! ■ a Letter B.
Mr. Cheung described it as ’’illogical” to give different treatment to land resumed within a layout area and land resumed outside; in both cases the land is required for a public purpose.
/Hr. Cheung .........
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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Mr. Cheung said it might be that the provisions of the Land
Resumption Ordinance as regards the basis on which land was valued for compensation, were defective.
He would like to see consideration given to whether the Ordinance could be amended.
’’However,” he said, ’’perhaps other equitable methods can be devised
to deal with land resumption.”
He applauded the policy of making Lantau and other parts of the
New Territories accessible for recreation and tourism. f f -----------------------------------o--------- I
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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The Hon. T.K. Ann today spoke of what he termed as a ’’vicious” circle that was leading to more robberies and, in particular, to more knifing crimes, and said this cycle must be broken up in order to reduce the growing crime rate.
He said one way to do this is for local mass media not to report for a while those crimes where the criminals cannot be caught red-handed, but to emphasise on news of criminals being arrested and sentenced by the courts.
Mr. Ann was speaking in the Legislative Council in support of a motion of thanks for the Governor’s address given earlier this month at the opening of the Council’s new session.
He explained that the "vicious” circle begins with many bloody robbery cases being given full publicity by the mass media, causing fears among the general public of getting involved in cases of other people being robbed.
As a result, he said, victims are singled out and, also because the police are understaffed, robbers often get away with it easily.
Constant reports of these may serve to encourage would-be criminals to take a chance and lead to yet more crimes.
Mr. Ann said silence will ”terroriese the guilty still at large" when the mass media voluntarily refrain from reporting knifing crimes, although this suggestion-"may seem shocking to a society enjoying freedom of speech".
/He said
Thursday., November 2, 1972
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He said this will cut off information which is of benefit to those who may plan making an audacious attempt. It will also cut off some ’’association of ideas” to would-be criminals, as human thinking process and the resultant action are generally guided by ’’association of ideas”, he added.
These tatics, he said, fall in line with the first general observation made by the Governor on combating crimes — deterrence by ’’fear of detection”*
Mr. Ann said he is convinced that knifing crimes do have bearing on robberies and he posed a number of questions which ’’may be properly asked”
He asked why knife killings are always so fatal; whether the criminals are trained killers; where they are trained; and where they get their early and first impression of thrusting a knife into a human body.
In the United Kingdom, he said, any immigrant bringing with him a knife longer than six inches has to declare it to the customs, and he
asked: ”Do we have a watch on knife imports and distribution?”
The other questions are: ”Where do the robbers sell their plunder when it is not cash? Where do they spend their easy money? There are plenty
of jobs in Hong Kong, why must they steal or rob instead of finding a job?”
Mr. Ann said: ”If we tried to answer these questions, I believe the rate of crime detection could improve. And if we can only break one of the links of this vicious circle, I believe the crime rate will recede.”
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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However, he said, the most effective counter-measure is to bring the police force up to strength which the Governor has already given the order to put into effect.
"I think Government needs to treat this upsurge of knife robbery as an exception,” he said, pointing out that a knife is a cheap, convenient but effective weapon to terrorize unarmed singled-out individuals.
Too often, he said, the knife is pointed at the victim suddenly at close range, rendering him helpless and scaring away other people who may want to cone to his aid.
Mr. Ann therefore suggested that tougher laws be introduced against people carrying dangerous knives on the street without valid reason, as well os offenders convicted of crimes of knifing or killing with triangular files, razors, scissors or broken bottles.
"Thus far I have omitted mention of other arms not because I have no respect for firearms, but because I feel, for the moment, there is dire need to place special emphasis on knifing crimes in our circumstances," he said.
He said he would wholeheartedly join Council members in support of other new measures, whether on an experimental basis or otherwise, even though such new measures incur more increases in the annual expenditure.
"We all understand that law and order is of first importance to Hong Kong’s continuing prosperity, and in all probability, it has to be bought at a higher price," he said.
/Mr. Ann ••••••
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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Mr. Ann foresaw that Government’s set policy of improving education, housing and social welfare for the less fortunate, and of raising people's living standard must bring bonus and reduce crime.
He said hitherto there is not enough education opportunity for youngsters aged between 12 and 14, and therefore many of the youths in this age group are living in a ’’social limbo”, neither studying nor working, and become the raw materials for moulding into future criminals.
”The issue we encounter today must be in some way due to our inability to tackle these young people in the past. Educational programmes tailored for them must be hastened. We cannot afford to v/ait too long,” he said, adding that the Governor has rightly pressed for an accelerated programme.
In addition to education, he said measures such as the elimination of bad influences on youths might be required and he fully supports the sound policy of a good neighbourhood.
He felt it is also necessary to pay special attention towards strengthening family ties which can still be counted upon as a ’’bulwark” to social stability.
”To tackle local problems, in my belief, traditional thinking should not be completely ignored. We shall be on the wrong track if Western thinking is adopted too rigidly in social field-work or reformative undertaking.”
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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The proposals contained in the white paper on social welfare should not be ’’watered down” in any way as it would be a great disservice to Hong Kong.
Speaking in the Legislative Council on a motion of thanks for the Governor’s address at the opening session, the Honourable R.H. Lobo, said the proposals were put forward as a complete programme and any arbitrary cut would certainly reduce their total impact and ’’might well undermine them altogether.”
’’They will not transform social welfare in Hong Kong overnight. Nor do they constitute all that those concerned with social welfare would like to see done. But they do represent, in my view, a realistic minimum in terms of what can be done with the available staff and resources,” he added.
Mr. Lobo said it was right that the effort should be concentrated on helping those least able to help themselves, and to improve community and social facilities through the extension of community centres and through the appointment of community and youth officers.
He said there was a need for such officers to work in each district to provide channels of advice, information and practical help at the ’’grass-roots” level which, at the moment, is unfortunately not being touched by the government.
The officers should be leaders who can encourage participation and involvement in district activities to create a sense of belonging. But, he warned, ”it would be a great pity if they were to be regarded as ’little officials”.
/Mr. Lobo •••••••
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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Mr. Lobo welcomed the fact that the white paper was in draft form to allow the views of the community to be expressed before final decisions were taken, and added that this might be regarded as a model for other areas of forward planning. ’- ' -
He also expressed concern at the number of ’’hats being exchanged" in regard to the post of Director of Social Welfare. "In the past nine years there have been four substantive holders of the position".
Continuity in this post, and in many heads of department postings, was essential and he urged that the incumbent should remain in office for at least four years*
On the subject of the supply of recreational equipment, Mr. Lobo suggested that consideration be given to setting up a central pool from where voluntary agencies could borrow equipment until other plans materialised.
The government and philanthropic bodies could buy and maintain the equipment.
He also called for the integration of all recreation — cultural as well as physical — in one department which would be responsible for organising all activities through district centres and schools.
To help solve the employment problem faced by young school leavers, Mr. Lobo called for the setting up of a Youth Employment Agency to specifically help those "who cannot find work at all".
He envisaged an agency which would do a great deal more than the Labour Department’s Youth Employment Advisory Service. "It would cover actual placement of jobs."
/It would ........
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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It would try to ensure that those people seeking work would be put to the best available use in business, industry or such other employment which was availableT The agency would endeavour to match the output of students to the availability of jobs#
Statistics built up by such a service would also be of immense help in planning the future development of Hong Kong’s educational services and determining the best courses to be provided in the various institutions. It should also help to reduce labour turnover and wastage.,
’ Half of Hong Kong’s population is under 25 and this vast reservoir of ’’idealism, enthusiasm and energy” must be harnessed if the quality of life is to be improved.
Mr. Lobo called for the legalisation of off-course betting to help in paying for the new programmes to be introduced»
’ He said there was no need to point out the illegal benefits which had accrued to undesirable elements and added that ’’these illegalities are going to increase with the introduction of greater activities in the race course” ”It would seem not only reasonable but essential that steps be taken now to introduce legislation making off-course betting legal and the money obtainnd to be used for social welfare and other community activities,” Mr. Lobo said.
..... ?.
Turning to crime, Mr. Lobo thought the reintroduction of the whistle, which was withdrawn from public use some years ago, would help as a determent along with the proposals outlined by the Governor.
’’Many people would be only too glad to use the whistle although they would hesitate to risk tne physical dangers of intervention when they see a crime committed,” he said.
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Thursday, November 2, 1972
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Mrs. Symons is very enthusiastic and sanguine at the prospect of the development of educational facilities outlined by the Governor.
In the policy outlined on the development of three years postprimary education for all, she said, she sees a most exciting challenge which few countries or communities are called upon to attempt.
Mrs. Symons said: ’’One suspects that there has never been much philosophical thinking in the past whenever education was provided.”
Church schools and a handful of pre-war Government schools did in fact provide a good all-round education of a sort, but there was no necessity in those halcyon days to speak of the' philosophy of education.
Today, she said, we cannot afford to build, staff and run a school without really thinking about the children as children, and not as examinees.
She said each year thousands of Certificate holders enrol in matriculation courses as there are so few training facilities or job opportunities•
Then two years later the process is repeated and many upper-six leavers enter tertiary education to postpone the inevitable day of starting work.
Mrs. Symons said: ”As conditions in overseas countries change, especially the United States, fewer Hong Kong students will proceed abroad.” ”In this circumstance, even expanded enrolment at our two universities and the Polytechnic will not be enough.”
/New planning, .........
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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New planning, she said, will surely take into consideration the imbalance of academic education to vocational and technical education which is at present so characteristic of our system.
But it will take much soul-searching and much subtle persuasion to convince our parents that not all their children should proceed to university.
"All that is good and durable in the past is certainly worth extracting," she said, "but an initial first step in the rethinking of a viable education system must face this issue fairly and squarely."
Mrs, Symons welcomed the promise of bold, new ideas and the . ’ . - ‘tc • • • . ’ ...
opportunity for many to share in the new order.
She said: "It is really essential now to examine curricula being planned in the context of preparing not just Hong Kong citizens of the future, but citizens of the world."
"If the world is to be one world at peace at the end of this century, then we have an opportunity never before given any city to evolve a new pattern of education towards this aim,"
Mrs. Symons pointed out that one great drawback about the discussion of education anywhere is the abundance of self-appointed experts to provide . I '■ • ■. - . . ' 4 - - %..•••
instant and inevitably oversimplified answers to Hong Kong’s educational problems.
If anything, the situation in Hong Kong is further complicated because of the traditional love of learning so characteristic of our people, the somewhat misplaced confidence in the intrinsic value of examinations and the equally alarming insistence on academic grammar schooling both on the part of many parents and many school authorities.
/"If I have ...........
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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"If I have any misgivings about future replanning,” she said, ”it is the fear (I hope unfounded) that our youngsters will not willingly support technical institutions at the various levels, partly because of conservative opposition to blue-collar jobs and partly because of the lack of incentive in economic terms.”
The suggestion that bissessionalism may have to be reintroduced did not frighten her.
Apart from the practical aspect of providing more places initially it will be immeasurably helpful financially.
Hong Kong, she said, has always been able to improvise, and should be able to devise something new in bissessionalism at the secondary and tertiary levels.
She added that the point which must be made and made again is that children must not be simply bottled up at home.
Mrs. Symons said: ’Tartners in the upbringing of a young person must be the home, the school and society.”
Society in the context of Hong Kong imposes a heavy and natural responsibility on Government to provide facilities for extra-curricular activities like planned school visits, recreational and cultural pursuits.
She said the research to be undertaken in the study of such facilities will doubtless be tied up in social service studies.
The provision of fresh training facilities at the proposed Institute for Social Work Training and the proposed Police School are most welcome both as avenues of training for two really worthwhile careers and as necessary steps in the improvement of life.
/Mrs. Symons said •••«••
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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Mrs. Symons said it is her earnest hope that with the 1971 census figures in hand the authorities will attempt to solve the enormous puzzles of vast numbers of unschooled men and women, boys and girls in this city.
She said that Hong Kong must study the educational systems in other countries before evolving its own.
”The time is opportunity and the opportunity great to evolve a truly Hong Kong type of education,” she said.
The Building Authority today declared the two storey Industrial Building at the corner of Tong Mi Road and Nam Tau Street to be in a dangerous condition and ordered demolition.
The pre-war building was first inspected some years ago as a matter of routine and has been under observation since.
In spite of repair works carried out under order over the past two years, dete id oration of the reinforced concrete framing has progressed to the point where there is a risk of local collapse.
It is considered that the amount of repair necessary under order to put the building in a safe condition would be unreasonable, so notice of intention to apply for a Closure Order in Kowloon District Court at 9*30 a.m. on December 14 was posted today.
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Thursday, November 2, 1972
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The Hon. P.G. Williams today called for a form of legal off-course betting and suggested that as a first step the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club be permitted soon to accept certain off-course bets.
Speaking in the Legislative Council on a motion of thanks for the Governor’s speech two weeks ago, Mr. Williams said he was not advocating that all gambling should be legalised.
”1 am simply saying that for the good of the community, the gambling which is permitted in the Happy Valley Race Course should be legally permitted in other parts of Hong Kong provided it is in responsible hands and the community benefits from the profits.”
Mr. Williams noted that since the war, the Jockey Club had been the vehicle for contributing vast sums of money each year for the good of the community, both indirectly through betting duties, - and directly, by means of capital grants to community projects of every kind.
During the past 10 years, the Club itself has directly contributed some 5200 million for charitable and amenity projects.
Mrf Williams said that ”the source of this beneficence is not only threatened by the continual extension of illegal off-course betting, but also the opportunity is being lost to obtain much more for the welfare of the community by failing to legalise and control off-course betting.”
He suggested that something in the order of 5100 million had been lost in revenue from illegal betting last year alone.
/Mr. Williams
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Mr. Williams said that a large proportion of people in Hong Kong considered the present situation ’’unreasonable and inequitable.”
,rHe who can afford the time and money to go to the races, and provided he can get in, is allowed to bet,” he said. ’’Other less fortunate are denied this privilege and at present, if they wish to bet, have no alternative but to turn to illegal bookmakers.”
Mrt Williams said that if legal off-course betting were permitted, the machinery to effect this on a large scale would take some time to establish.
He suggested that as a first step, the Jockey Club be allowed soon to accept offecourse certain approved multiple bets of the tierce and jaekpot type.
He was confident that this would result in an ’’immediate and dramatic increase of monies available for the good of the community as a whole,”
Mr. Williams, who served in the Container Committee, spoke at length on containerisation, describing it as ”a monster which will not easily adapt to Hong Kong.”
”It is Hong Kong that must adapt to containerisation,” he said.
He had a feeling that some government departments did not fully understand the logic nor accept the inevitability of containerisation.
He made five recommendations:
■ X
* Government should delay formal decisions relating to containers until more experience is gained and more comprehensive data is obtained based on the vastly increased traffic which will develop in the coming year.
/Government •••••
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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* Government should study in depth the actual road congestion caused by containers as opposed to their equivalent in ordinary trucks.
• A much more thorough survey shold be made of the extra cost and the inconvenience to exporters and importers if the concept of door-to-door delivery is disallowed.
* Rather than an all-embracing ban on curbside parking, Government should investigate the possibility of selective ’’parking” and ’’non parking” areas.
* Improvement in road facilities such as the Kwai Chung Terminal access flyover should be hastened to cope with the increased vital traffic rather than attempting to curb progress by restrictions.
Referring to technical education arid industrial training, Mr.
Williams said both must have a ’’very high priority” among Hong Kongfs many pressing needs•
He said the problems and requirements of industrial training were quite different to- those of technical education and this must be kept in mind when the Board of Education was reconstituted.
He called for careful consideration of a recommendation by the Industrial Training Advisory Committee that the direction of industrial training should be in the hands of an Industrial Training Council.
Speaking on sports generally, Mr. Williams said that to raise standards, top trainers must be brought to Hong Kong and ways found for paying for this.
/’’These ••••••
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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"These in turn will train our own trainers so that a skilled training force in all sports can be built up," he said.
Participation in international competition, he said, must be encouraged and supported. But he warned that this should not be at a level where Hong Kong sportsmen were totally unable to compete unless it was token participation in a major event to ensure Hong Kong’s presence.
Mr. Williams also suggested that leading athletes from overseas be encouraged to perform here.
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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The Hon. James M.H. Wu today called for a ’’better educated and trained workforce” to meet the challenges Hong Kong now faces.
Delivering his maiden speech in the Legislative Council this afternoon, Mr. Wu said that plans for expanding the universities and particularly the Polytechnic are ’’not without justification.”
However, he said, ’’industrial training and allied technical education at lower level are equally important.”
As Hong Kong advances into growing mechanisation and sophistication, only a better educated and trained workforce can manage and produce the kind of increased productivity to counteract the competition and adversities Hong Kong faces, he added.
Mr. Wu said the technical institutes and pre-vocational schools proposed had their definite roles to play.
But, he said, ’’the specific fast changing skills can only be acquired by learning, practising and working on the shop floor.”
This, promoted in the way of properly organised apprenticeship schemes, ’’provides our youths with a eam-as-you-learn opportunity to acquire a skill and the industrialists a stable and motivated manpower source.”
In this connection, Mr. Wu expressed concern over the fact that the Labour Department’s Industrial Training Division was still ’’very much understaffed”.
/He w/s .....
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He was also concerned at the "apparent inaction" in implementing the recommendations of the Final Report of the Industrial Training Advisory Committee, including the setting up of the Hong Kong Training Council.
Mr. Wu described the Final Report as "an unprecedented achievement and excellent ground-work for planning."
It was evident, Mr. Wu said, that Hong Kong’s problem in technical education and vocational training was not money, or school bui]dings, but inexperienced teachers.
He called on the Government to consider the idea of setting up industrial fellowships to help graduates of the universities and polytechnic to spend time in selected industries to acquire practical experience and expertise to become better teachers and professionals.
On industrial development, Mr. Wu called for the promotion of the metals and light-engineering industries to "tap the high volume markets of appliances, automotive parts, and other advanced technological products."
He urged the Government to set up an industrial park exclusively for foundries, forges and other metal processing plants.
This, he said, would have a catalytic effect and would go a long way "to provide for the basic support and to attract foreign investment, thus realising a true diversification into high technology and capital intensive industries for better productivity of our labour force."
/Referring •••••
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Referring to the stock market, Mr. Wu said much wheeling-dealing was done mainly in the finance and real-estates shares to the aggravation of inflation and contributing little to the production of material wealth of the community.
In today’s circumstances, it calls for dedicated industrialists to toil for usually meagre profits with big investment on a long term basis and high risks in comparison to what appears to be easy and quick money in playing the stock market to the detriment of particularly the wage earners.
"This," Mr. Wu said, ”in my own opinion could culminate in economic disaster and grave social injustice,and I believe government and those who weild financial powers can and should redress and discourage this with means at their disposal, in addition to legislative measures^”
Commenting on housing, Mr. Wu said the present price of $200 or higher a square foot for nearly all types of newly completed buildings was becoming "prohibitive" for the overseas executive and certainly for the local low-income group.
This was why, he said, there was such a "wide acclaim" for the long range plan in public housing.
The implementation of the plan should rightly command "the highest priority," he added.
Mr. Wu said the prsent contracting and subcontracting way of
doing work provided •’little incentive for improving methods."
Thursday, November 2, 1972
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He said that people in the construction business had told him that they could use a lot more modernisation and mechanisation.
’’Clearly,” he said, ’’this is a field where architects, civil engineers, equipment makers and contractors can work together for the benefit of all.”
Turning to community involvement, Mr. Wu had reservations about the allegation that Hong Kong people were apathetic and indifferent.
He said: ”Whilst positive response is not always spontaneous (therefore the allegation), good leadership, organisation and liaison seldom fail in bringing about a resounding sucess.”
He said the Governor’s ’’pragmatic approach and unassuming attitude” had given him all the more reason to believe that much more difficult problems could be solved through community involvement.
Commenting on factory fires, Mr. Wu called for some concerted efforts to remedy the situation and avoid disasters.
He hoped that the Fire Service and insurance companies would take part in a joint committee formed by the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association and the Federation of Hong Kong Industries to tackle this problem.
On crime, Mr. Wu said this ’’vexing problem” was not likely to be solved without community involvement.
”It is important,” he said, ’’that channels for effective and fruitful consultations be created whereby the assistance of the Kaifongs can be enlisted at the neighbourhood or grass-roots level.”
He believed that more involvement with the Kaifongs was possible * '• • . s *
with the help from the Secretary for Home Affairs and the Secretary for Information.
Thursday, November 2, 1972
- 25 -
Seven thousand residents of Kat 0 Chau and Kau Lau Wan Village will have their own water supply when a 33 million scheme serving the two areas is opened on Saturday (November 4).
The scheme includes intake dams, delivery pipelines both overland and underwater, and concrete reservoirs near the villages.
The facilities will also serve the crews of fishing vessels based
at Kat 0 and Kau Lau Wan.
Special projects for these remote areas must be planned and built as water cannot be supplied from the general water supply system serving other parts of the New Territories.
Two opening ceremonies will be held on Saturday when the residents win join with officials and engineers in the celebrations marking the completion of the scheme.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter and/or
photographer to cover the opening ceremonies. A van, No. AM3274 will be waiting at 7.45 a.m. in the car park behind the Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office to take the Press to the Tai Po Kau Pier.
The Press will then board a launch for Kat 0. A light breakfast will be served on board.
/After ........
Thursday, November 2, 1972
- 26 -
After the opening ceremony at Kat 0, the Press will be conveyed by launch to cover the ceremony at Kau Lau Wan.
At about 12.45 p.m., the Press will be taken to the nearby Tap Mun Island, where a seafood lunch will be served.
After lunch, the Press will be taken back to Tai Po Kau Pier, and then by the same van back to Tsim Sha Tsui.
Highlights of the Governor’s speech at the opening of the new session of the Legislative Council on October 18 have been published in Chinese and are now being distributed by the Secretariat for Home Affairs•
The leaflet outlines the Government’s 10-year plan for housing, as well as plans for education, medical services, social welfare and law and order Copies of the leaflet are now available to the public from all City District Offices.
A limited print order of the leaflet in English is being distributed to secondary schools throughout Hong Kong.
Thursday, November 2, 1972
- 27 -
Mr. Peter Blaker, Chairman of the Anglo-Hong Kong Parliamentary Group, and Mr. Dan Jones, Joint Vice-Chairman of the Group, called on the Under Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Mr. Anthony Royle yesterday (Wednesday) for a general discussion prior to his forthcoming visit to Hong Kong. ;
According to a cable from London the Minister agreed to give the group an account of his visit on his return.
Mr. Royle will be visiting Hong Kong from November 11 to 15 during which period he will be having wide-ranging discussions with the Governor, officials and leading members of the community.
Mr. Blaker is Conservative Member of Parliament for Blackpool, South, while Mr. Jones is Labour Member for Burnley.
Thursday, November 2, 1972
- 28 -
Another building in the Kotewall Road landslide area has been reopened.
The Building Authority announced that the closure order on Block II, Emerald Gardens, No. 36 Kotewall Road was raised today.
The Principal Government Building Surveyor said now that the authorised architect, appointed by the owners, had completed certain specified works and produced satisfactory evidence regarding the stability -of the bun 1 ding, he was satisfied that it was no longer dangerous.
Release time: 8.y> p.m.
PRH 7 4000091
Friday, November 3, 1972
Government today announced details of substantial increases in pay as well as in the daily ration allowance and bounty pay for volunteer members of all the seven Auxiliary Forces.
Announcing this, a Government spokesman said these increases are back-dated to January 1 this year.
He said larger pay increases will be paid to members of the Auxiliary Police Force than the the other Auxiliary Forces in an effort to attract more recruits to the Force.
The new pay scales for the other Auxiliary Forces represent an all-round increase’ of about 20 per cent in the pay, allowance and bounty pay. This is estimated to cost the Government an extra 83-9 million this year.
The ration allowance and bounty pay increases are effected by Auxiliary Forces Pay and Allowances (Amendment) Regulations 1972, and the new pay scales for all the Auxiliary Forces are contained in a new Schedule, both published in today’s Government Gazette.
The daily rate of ration allowance for all the Forces is raised from 88 to 810. The special flying allowance for pilots in the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force is increased from 33 to 33-60 per hour.
/Bounty .....
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Friday, November 3, 1972
- 2 -
Bounty pay for members of the Auxiliary Police is raised from 3215 to $500, and for members of the other Auxiliary Forces, from 3215 to 3260. <
The pay and allowance increases affect the Royal Hong Kong Regiment* the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force* the Auxiliary Fire Services, the Auxiliary Medical Service* the Civil Aid Services and the Essential Services Corps.
-------0 • • - .
Friday, November J, 1972
- 3 -
Mr. A.S. Robertson, formerly Director of Water Supplies, has been appointed to a new post of Deputy Director of Public Works, and Mr. W.T. Knight, formerly Principal Government Water Engineer, appointed Director of Water Supplies.
Their appointments, effective from November 1, 1972, are published in today’s (Friday) Government Gazette.
Government also announced that the service of the Director of Public Works, the Hon. J.J. Robson, who would normally be retiring next year, has been extended for another two years until July, 1975-
Mr. Robertson first joined the Public Works Department in March, 1953» and had been with the Waterworks Office since then.
He was appointed Director of Water Supplies in June, 19^9» and has acted Director of Public Works on several occasions in the absence of Mr. Robson.
Mr. Knight has been with the Public Works Department for more than 20 years, and has acted on several occasions as Director of Water Supplies in the absence of Mr. Robertson.
Friday, November 1972
- 4 -
Work will start early next year on the construction of a climbing lane on the existing Tai Po Road near the Chinese University of Hong Kong in the New Territories.
The project involves the widening of about 4,800 feet of the existing 22-foot-wide dual-land carriageway in Tai Po Road into a 3^foot-wide three-lane carriageway.
Certain sharp bends along this length of the road will be improved while facilities for right-turning traffic into the Chinese University campus will also be provided.
Commenting on the project, a spokesman for the Public Works Department said: ’’The proposed road improvement will not only increase the capacity of Tai Po Road near the Chinese University, but also minimize the likelihood of accidents resulting from drivers trying to overtake slow-moving vehicles on a ’tortuous’ road.”
Construction work will start in January next year and should be completed in 18 months’ time.
The estimated cost of the project is $2.7 million.
Friday, November 3, 1972
- 5 -
The Ngong Ping Access Road, leading to the monastries on Lantau Island, reduce the existing potential hazards for drivers.
The works to be carried out involve minimal widening of the more dangerous bends, improvement to the sight lines and the provision of passing places wherever necessary.
Repairs of damaged channels and provision of cross-road drains will also be carried out. Safety barriers and warning signs are to be erected at dangerous locations.
The improvement works are only interim measures to improve the existing access road, which traverses hilly terrain and is tortuous with sharp bends and very steep gradients.
These conditions are very dangerous for vehicular traffic, and a long-term solution to the problem of providing adequate access to Ngong Ping will be studied in more detail.
The interim improvement work is expected to begin next month, and
will take about nine months to complete
Friday, November 3, 1972
- 6 -
The possibility of fires breaking out has now increased with the advent of cooler and dryer weather.
To remind residents of fire hazards, a warning system comparable to that of typhoons has been introduced by the Fire Services Department.
However, a Fire Services spokesman said residents themselves must take an active part to prevent fire outbreak.
He said some 42 per cent of the fires in Hong Kong are caused by the indiscriminate disposal of lighted cigarette ends, matches and joss sticks.
These fires can easily be prevented with a little more care, he added.
Another 18 per cent are sparked off by faults in electrical equipment and appliances, which is the second major cause of fires, and the number of such outbreaks is continually increasing.
In most cases, such faults can easily be traced - either the wires were improperly installed in the first place or incorrect fuses fitted, or they were worn out but not replaced. "Hong Kong’s climatic conditions take a hard toll on all electrical equipment”, the spokesman said.
It may also be that the wiring was altered without the advice of a qualified electrician, or the output sockets were subject to serious overloading due to several adaptors being fitted.
Fires are also caused by improper maintenance of kerosene stoves, by naked flames being exposed near inflammable substances, and by sparks from faulty engines and electric motors.
Friday, November 3, 1972
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Housewives can prevent fires by placing their cooking stoves securely in position to avoid being knocked over by children, animals or the wind.
They must never refuel their stoves while still lit. ’’Always extinguish the stove and allow it to cool down before fueling”.
In factories, workers and supervisors should always keep their equipment or machinery in good clean condition and prevent the overloading of electrical circuits.
Inflammable goods must be placed well away from sources of fire or flame and when not in use should be kept in a Dangerous Goods Store.
A fire appliance will be displayed in this year’s Agricultural Show next month where educational pamphlets on fire prevention will also be distributed to the visitors.
Should any member of the community at any time have any queries or require advice on fire prevention, they can ring the Fi~e Prevention Bureau H-222101.
The Bureau’s motto is: ’’Help us to Help You”. Its service is free and available 24 hours a day.
Friday, November 1972
- 8 -
The Resettlement Department today launched a clearance operation in Kwun Tong Resettlement Estate in which some 600 illegal hawker structures and scores of illegal shop extensions were demolished.
Apart from causing severe obstruction to tenants, these illegal structures had made cleansing work difficult and posed serious fire and health hazards.
As a result of years of misuse, the concrete surfaces on which the illegal structures stood, had deteriorated to such an extent that they have to be completely resurfaced.
All hawkers now trading in the clearance zone have been given temporary sites in a near-by bazaar to continue their trade.
Today’s operation is yet another contribution by the Resettlement Department to the "Keep Hong Kong Clean” Campaign.
Friday, November J, 1972
- 9 -
The Building Authority today declared No. 168 Sai Yeung Choi Street to be in a dangerous condition and ordered demolition.
In a statement issued this morning, the Principal Government Building Surveyor said that this three storey pre-war building was inspected following collapse of a small portion of the roof subsequent to the June rainstorm.
The floors were opened up under order for examination when it was found that the structural timbers of the roof and both floors were extensively decayed and there is a possibility of further collapse.
In addition there are signs of settlement in the party wall adjoining No. 166 and spalling of reinforced concrete in the kitchen block.
Notice of intention to apply for a Closure Order in Kowloon District Court at 9*30 a.m. on December 14, 1972, was posted today.
Friday, November 3, 1972
The Medical and Health Department’s methadone maintenance programme, originally planned to start on November 1, is being delayed because renovation of premises in Sai Ying Poon is continuing, and is now expected to begin early next month.
The programme will be carried out in the former mental hospital in High Street.
The programme will be under the supervision of Dr. T.M. Teoh, who retired from government service seven years ago as a Principal Medical Officer, and who is giving up private practice in order to accept the responsibility.
The staff will comprise seven nurses, a number of medical social workers, laboratory technicians, clerks and other junior hands.
The programme is on a trial basis expected to last three years. One hundred and fifty patients will be accepted in the first year, increasing to 200 in the second and third years, making a total of 550 for the whole trial period.
It is expected that about ten patients will be admitted to the hospital at a time. They will comprise referrals from SARDA (The Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts), the central registry of drug addicts in the Secretariat for Home Affairs, government departments, and other voluntary agencies.
/The method is .........
Friday, November 1972
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The method is to admit the patients who will stay in the hospital for a short while for clinical tests and assessments. After that, they will become out-patients, coming daily for a "blockade” dosage of methadone taken with orange juice, which is expected to block the craving for heroin.
The scheme is to cost an estimated 32.1 million, including the cost of premises renovation.
-------0 - - - -
Releage Time: 7<00 p«my
PRH 7 4000091
Saturday, November 4, 1972
Permanent water supplies for two isolated areas of Hong Kong were officially opened today, ushering in a new era for the villagers*
The schemes, one for Kat 0 Chau and the other for Kau Lau Wan on the northernmost tip of Sai Kung peninsulQ, have cost-a total of 83 million.
They provide fresh water supplies to 7,000 residents in the two areas, as well as the fishing boats which are based there*
The schemes involved the construction of a three-million-gallon dam on Kat 0, plus service reservoirs on the island as well as at Kau Lau Wan and the laying of pipelines to carry the water to the villages.
Taking part in the two opening ceremonies was the Director of Water Supplies, Mr. A.S. Robertson. For the ceremony on Kat 0 he was joined by the Chairman of the Sha Tau Kok Rural Committee, Mr. Lau Yam-man; and at Kau Lau Wan by the Chairman of the Sai Kung North Rural Committee, Mr* Wong Chun-wai* In their speeches, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Lau said they hoped the water supply scheme would also bring ’’added prosperity” to the residents in ’’developing commerce, industry and fishing”.
/Mr* Wong •••••••
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, November 4, 1972
- 2 -
Mr. Wong made various suggestions for further improvements to the water supply and in transport facilities to serve the Sai Kung area*
The two projects were the joint efforts of the Waterworks Office and the District Office, Tai Po.
The District Commissioner, New Territories, Mr. D.C. Bray and the District Officer, Tai Po, Mr. H.S. Grewal also attended the ceremonies.
Saturday, November 4, 1972
- 3 -
The Assistant Commissioner of Labour, Mr. David Lin, said today improved methods to check the age of workers have met with some success.
He was disclosing findings of the 8th and 9th campaigns against child employment in industry launched by the department during the summer holidays.
He said: ’’The department has been able to verify the age of over 90^ of the suspected children found in these two campaigns. The age verification rate in the 6th and 7th campaigns mounted in 1971 was only 7C^.n
In July, labour inspectors visited 920 industrial undertakings and found 89 children being employed in 65 of‘them.
In the August exercise, 63 of the 861 industrial concerns visited were found employing a total of 84 children.
Explaining the improved methods, Mr. Lin said the main difficulty in establishing the age of the young workers was due to the children’s identity card which did not bear any photograph or show the full name of its holder.
Under the new methods, he said, home visits to verify the age of suspected children were made on the same day when the industrial undertakings were inspected.
This enabled inspectors, if necessary, to get hold of suspected children who were found to have given false or incomplete addresses for further classification, he said.
Saturday, November U, 1972
- 4 -
A strip of land skirting the seashore on Waterfront Road on the south side of the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter is to be turned into an amenity area.
The site measuring approximately 30,000 sq. ft. offers one of the most commanding views of the harbour.
A government spokesman said today that the area would now be developed as an extensive promenade with textured paving, benches, trees, flower beds and turfed areas.
Mushroom type pavilions will be erected at appropriate intervals as sun-shade shelters. Colourful sculptured walls will further enhance the promenade as points of attraction.
Construction work will begin in mid-December and will take six months to complete.
Saturday, November 4, 1972
- 5 -
Two special stamps to commemorate the Silver Wedding anniversary of the Queen will go on sale at all post offices on November 20.
The stamps which are in horizontal format will be issued in the 10 cents and 50 cents denominations.
The main feature of the stamps is a newly engraved portrait of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, which is being used on postage stamps for the first time.
Appearing on the left of the portrait is a phoenix and on the right a dragon which were designed by the Government Information Services.
Special First Day Covers, also featuring a design by G.I.S., have been produced and these will be on sale at all post offices from Friday, November 10, at 20 cents each.
People are asked to obtained their requirements early to avoid disappointment.
Advance orders for servicing of First Day Covers will be accepted at the General Post Office, Pedder Street; Kowloon Central Post Office, Nathan Road; and Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office, Salisbury Road.
For this service, addressed First Day Covers must be handed in with an order form together with a remittance to cover the cost.
The charge will be 70 cents per cover which includes the cost of two stamps together with a service fee of 10 cents. The covers must be fully addressed by the applicant and not less than 10 covers will be accepted with each order.
/The order .........
Saturday, November 1972
- 6 -
The order forms will be available at the General Post Office, Kowloon Central Post Office and Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office on Friday, November 10.
Any person ordering serviced covers addressed to a local destination may collect them on November 21 from the office where the order was placed. Covers addressed overseas will be sent forward by ordinary post, surface mail, unless sufficient stamps are affixed to cover airmail and/or registration charges.
The latest acceptance date for advance orders of serviced covers will be noon on Thursday, November 16.
A service will be provided on Monday, November 20 at all post offices when First Day Covers will be accepted over the counter, impressed with the normal post office steel date stamp and handed back to the person presenting them.
No TIME TYPE will appear in the postmark. The special conditions for this service are:-
a) only articles bearing an indication that they are ’First Day Covers’ will be so treated.
b) the articles must be addressed to a local address.
c) the articles must not bear any other cancellation.
d) no registered items will be processed by this method.
Special posting boxes will also be available at the General Post Office, Kowloon Central Post Office and Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office on November 20 for those who wish to have first day covers carefully hand-postmarked before despatch to the address on the cover.
-------o -------- /7...................
Saturday, November 4, 1972
- 7 -
Work will begin soon on the construction of a *+00-foot section of sea wall in Aldrich Bay, Shau Kei Wan, as the first stage of the Aldrich Bay Reclamation.
When completed the wall will retain the filling material for the reclamation off the end of Aldrich Street.
The reel aimed area of about 4.5 acres will provide sites for seven boat-building yards to complement those already operating in the vicinity.
The project forms part of the overall Aldrich Bay Reclamation Scheme which aims at eliminating the unsanitary conditions in the area and to provide land required for development.
There are also plans to reclaim the adjacent seabeds for the construction of a ferry concourse, a salt water pumping station and a wholesale fish market.
Tenders are now being invited to undertake the construction of the sea wall. Work is expected to begin in January next year, and will take about 12 months to complete.
Saturday, November 4, 1972
- 8 -
More than 400 families of Shek Kip Mei Resettlement Estate are making final preparations for moving to their new homes at Pak Tin Estate.
These and another 1,400 families are the first group of people who have been offered rehousing at Pak Tin under the present phase of the Shek Kip Mei Rehousing Scheme,
At the new estate people have already begun decorating their new homes*
The Housing Manager of Pak Tin Estate, Mr. Fung Tung said* however, it was essential for them to apply before carrying out the decoration work*
’’The reason for doing this is to ensure that they conform with the required standard and in no way affect the structure of the flat,” he said*
Meanwhile, staff of the Housing Authority Estate Office at Pak Tin has already interviewed more than 600 families and granted tenancy to more than 400.
The first family is expected to move into Pak Tin within the next few days.
The Rehousing Operation Office has received 1,845 applications for Pak Tin flats representing more than 99 per cent of the total number of applications it has sent out to Shek Kip Mei tenants.
- ~ - 0 -
Saturday, November 4, 1972
Water supply to a number of premises in Aberdeen will be turned off
temporarily for five hours from 1 a.m. on Tuesday (November ?)•
This will enable the Water Works Office to carry out a leakage test The area affected is bound by Aberdeen Main Road, Tung Sing Road,
Shek Pei Wan Road, Yue Lei Street, Tin Wan Street and Tin Wan Resettlement
0 - -
Note to Editors
There will be an issue of the Daily
Information Bulletin tomorrow (Sunday). The item, dealing with the High Island Water Scheme, will be illustrated by two photographs and a map.
- 0 - -
Saturday, November 4, 1972
Two men employed by the Prisons Department are to retire soon after serving the Government for a total of 48 years.
They are Mr. Cheng Wing-pui, Assistant Officer Class I and Mr.
Yeung Chiu, Labourer.
Mr. Cheng first joined the Prisons Department as a labourer in September 1938. He was transferred to the post of Leader in July 1946, promoted to Principal Warder in April 194? and regraded as Assistant Officer Class I in December 1970.
Mr. Yeung joined the department as a labourer in December 1958.
To mark their retirement, the Commissioner of Prisons, Mr. T.G. Gamer will present souvenirs to them next Monday (November 6).
Note to Editors: You are invited to have the presentation
covered. The ceremony will be held at about 1 p.m. in the Victoria Staff Club located on the ground floor of the Prisons Department Junior Staff Quarters in Wyndham Street, Hong Kong.
Release Time; 2.^0 p.m.
PRH 7 4000091
Sunday, November 5i 1972
The construction of the $300 million tunnel system of the High Island Reservoir, situated south-east of the Sai Kung Peninsula, is now well underway.
Since the start of the project in January, more than 12 miles of access road have been built and two miles of tunnels driven*
The 800-strong labour force is working on 11 portals and 8 shafts•
An unusual aspect of the tunnel construction is the use of the Laser Beam system for survey work inside the tunnels.
The Laser forms a concentrated beam of light which is being used to pinpoint the tunnel alignment. The device is suspended from the ceiling of the tunnel and the thin red beam shines onto the face of the rock indicating the line for tunnelling.
The particular Laser used in the High Island Tunnels has a range of about 1,200 feet.
The Resident Engineer of the Eastern Tunnels, Mr. I.R.S. Robertson, said that with the use of the Laser, the speed of the tunnel work will be increased and a lot of manpower saved.
/He explained: ........
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Sunday, November 1972
- 2 -
He explained: ’’Instead of having to send a survey team to measure and mark the surface of the rock, two workers can do the job within a matter of minutes
The construction of the tunnels is being carried out by a consortium comprising Gammon (Hong Kong) Ltd; Sentab Svenska Entreprenad AB of Sweden; Hochtief Aktiengesllschaft of Germany; and Societe Francaise d’Entreprises de Dragages of France.
It involves the building of three main tunnels, a number of branch tunnels and their associated stream intakes and shafts*
One of the main tunnels will cut across the entire Sai Kung peninsula linking High Island Reservoir at the south-eastern end of the peninsula with the Sha Tin Treatment Works and further with the Lower Shing Mun Reservoir at the western end.
The other two main tunnels which are shorter, will be built north of High Island Reservoir, and will stretch northwards from Pak Tam Au to Hoi Ha and from Wong Chuk Hang to Sai Wan respectively.
The tunnel, which stretches across the Sai Kung peninsula, is divided into two sections. The section west of Tai Wan and its branch tunnels, totalling about 14 miles in length, are being built by the Public Works Department, while the other section east of Tai Wan as well as the two other shorter main tunnels, with a total length of 11 miles, are being constructed by the consortium.
The cost of these tunnels, which range from six feet to 13 feet in diameter, is equivalent to one quarter of the total cost of the High Island Water Scheme.
/Commenting •••••••
Sunday, November 5, 1972
- 3 -
Commenting on the progress of the work, Mr. Robertson said no difficulty has so far been encountered as the ground condition is quite satisfactory.
The progress of the work, he added, has been as good as hoped.
The Resident Engineer in charge of the construction of the Western Tunnel, Mr. Auyeung Young, of the Public Works Department, said that apart from the slight delay in the building of access roads due to the rain in May and June, the work, as a whole, has been proceeding very smoothly.
He said: "The two sections of the main tunnel will meet towards the end of next year and the whole project should be completed by October 1975 as planned.”
When the tunnel system is operative, water will be collected by branch tunnels from stream intakes and led into the main tunnels and then into High Island Reservoir.
Water from Plover Cove Reservoir can also be led, through its connecting system with the Lower Shing Mun Reservoir, into the High Island Reservoir, which will be able to hold 60,000 million gallons of ftesh water.
On completion, the 81,300 million water scheme will double Hong Kong’s existing water storage capacity.
If everything goes according to plan, the High Island Reservoir will start to impound water in the wet season of 1976 and contribute to Hong Kong’s water needs in the winter of 1976/77.
Release Time: 3.00 p.m.
port shelter
PRH 7 4000091
Monday, November 6, 1972
Thirty small illegal tanneries operating in the Sheung Shui area of the New Territories are to be cleared as from November 28.
The land for these and other tanneries in the area was re-entered by the Crown on January 26 this year for failure to clear the illegal tanneries from their land and to revert it to its permitted agricultural user.
A Government spokesman said today that the owners had been given repeated notice about the action to be taken to clear the tanneries, but these JO had failed to make any concrete plans for removal.
In their petition, which has been rejected by the Governor in Council, the JO owners had asked for land to be made available cheaply in Kwai Chung or at Tai San Wai in the Yuen Long District and for time to construct new factories there.
The spokesman said these owners had been given the opportunity of buying sites in the Offensive Trades Area in Kwai Chung, but failed to take up the offer.
He said the request for the relocation of their factories at Tai San Wai was not acceptable as the establishment of tanneries there would involve the discharge of effluents and other wastes into a natural watercourse.
The spokesman pointed out that the operators had been given the option of accepting flatted factory accommodation in Yuen Long together with domestic accommodation for their families at either Yuen Long, Tuen Mun or Kwai Chung. /The Labour .................................................................
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Monday, November 6, 1972
- 2 -
The Labour Department has also been prepared to assist tannery workers in finding alternative means of employment on the closure of the tanneries, but so far none of them have taken advantage of the offer.
The spokesman said that 21 other tannery operators who have formed themselves into three consortiums and have bought sites in Kwai Chung, will be allowed to continue operating at their present locations until their new factories are ready.
However, they will be subject to four conditions which are designed as far as is practicable, to minimise the problems of pollution*
The conditions are:
(a) all waste matter and refuse must be stored in proper containers to prevent the emmission of noxious or injurious effluents pending disposal;
(b) the occupier must satisfy the Director of Urban Services in regard to how and where all solid trade wastes are disposed;
(c) any part of the premises fronting a stream or watercourse must be set back from it by at least 15 feet; and
(d) the entire premises must be satisfactorily fenced in.
The tanneries to be moved to Kwai Chung will be required to adhere to a strict time-table for the planning and construction of the new factories and the demolition of the existing tanneries.
/The Government ...........
Monday, November' 6, 1972
- 3 -
The Government will ensure that in the event that any tannery operator does not conform to this time-table, the tannery will be cleared from Sheung Shui.
The spokesman said that land for the new factories in Kwai Chung will become available from April or May next year and it is estimated that the factories will take two years to complete.
The Governor in Council has decided that where landowners took positive steps to evict tanneries by court action or where the tannery operators themselves took steps to buy land in the Offensive Trades Area in Kwai Chung, the agricultural land at Sheung Shui will be returned to the original owners subject to the payment to the Government of the cost of clearing the tanneries.
Clearance costs would not, however, be necessary in the case of the tanneries voluntarily cleared by November 28. In the remaining cases the land will not be returned to its previous owners.
Monday, November 6, 1972
- 4 -
The Director of Public Works, Mr. J.J. Robson, said today it was evident that, in the light of the June landslides, soils engineers must play a far greater part in the formation of building sites on hillslopes than in the past.
He said there is obviously a ’’pressing need” to apply the latest techniques and knowledge of soils engineering to the situation in Hong Kong and to seek a code of practice that will give effective results.
Mr. Robson was speaking at the opening ceremony of the 3rd South-East Asian Conference on Soils Engineering at the City Hall.
He praised the efforts of the organisers and told the delegates that ”it is essential that your knowledge is made freely available to all civil engineers, since the pressures of today place increasingly difficult tasks on the shoulders of the average engineer and now require of him the solution of problems that were previously only tackled by specialists.”
The general quality of these problems, he said, have not changed so very much with the passage of time, though they have gained daily in sophi sti cati on.
Referring to Hong Kong, Mr. Robson said: ”Our problem is made acute by our very high growth rate and the lack of suitable building land.”
This situation necessitates the quick construction of high-rise buildings utilising every inch of space, he added.
/”Unless we pause .........
Monday, November 6, 1972
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"Unless we pause at this stage, and introduce sensible legislation based on the best information that soil engineering affords us, hazardous situations will continue to arise, to the detriment of the community," he warned.
He continued: "But I would much rather see law enforcement taking a secondary place to education, and I believe that there is a real need to encourage developers to understand the fact that the use of qualified civil engineers, experienced in soil engineering will contribute greatly to the solution of their problems."
Mr. Robson considered that this contribution would not only decrease day-to-day hazards, but also show a real saving in the costs of many buildings.
He said his department is now giving active attention to this problem and a special unit of suitably qualified engineers has been set up to check development proposals.
Their job is to verify that these proposals will not endanger the lives of workmen engaged in site formation, nor the stability of the surrounding areas, he said.
In some cases, he added, developers are now required to present very comprehensive investigations and supporting calculations to prove beyond reasonable doubt that they have based their proposals on valid engineering assumptions.
Mr. Robson stressed that "this unit is not restricting its investigations to individual developments alone, since the combined effect of several high-rise buildings as a group exert an altogether different condition on a hillside."
/He said the ...........
Monday, November 6, 1972
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He said the effectiveness of such a unit and the measure of cooperation they obtain from developers, clearly depends largely on their ability to skilfully decide when a problem exists and how far the investigations should be taken.
"Too conservative an approach will not only increase development costs unnecessarily, but also undesirably slow down progress."
The Port Health Authority announced today that quarantine restrictions have been lifted against arrivals from Dacca, excluding the airport.
The restrictions had been imposed because of an outbreak of cholera.
Monday, November 6, 1972
The Information Secretary, Mr. J. Cater today (Monday) complimented the Chinese Language Press Institute for its achievements in research work.
These will enable the Hong Kong Chinese newspapers to more effectively help the Government in the important task of "communicating with the people of Hong Kong."
He said he was particularly impressed by the research on the * most frequently used Chinese characters and on the mechanical transmission of Chinese news items.
Mr. Cater was speaking at the Fifth Annual Meeting and Assembly of the Institute.
These studies will help the Chinese newspapers as well as the Government to pass "accurate information speedily to the public", he said.
Mr. Cater said that tenders have already been called for the supply and maintenance of transmitting and receiving machines for a facsimile network to be operated by the Government Information Services and it was hoped everything would be ready by the end of next March.
With the launching of the new service "we are confident that we will have more up-to-the-minute news to meet the deadlines of the morning, noon and afternoon Chinese newspapers and, thereby, contribute to the improved running of your newspapers," he added.
Monday, November 6, 1972
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A new road will be built to provide access to nreas being reclaimed for the future expansion of Hong Kong Airport.
To be named Eastern Road, the project comprises the construction of 2,100 feet of two-lane roadway alongside the eastern airport boundary together with a security fence and a new sliding palisade gate across an aircraft taxiway.
On completion, the road will serve as an alternative access route for construction traffic which will then be able to avoid increasingly congested areas within the airport.
It will also serve eventually as a permanent service road linking the passenger terminal and apron services areas with the future air cargo complex.
Work on the project is expected to commence next January and will take about six months to complete.
The Public Works Department plans to install a series of 24 dolphins in the Yau Ma Tei Typhoon Shelter to provide better mooring facilities for vessels during typhoons.
The dolphins will be built according to a special pattern to help delineate the fairways in the shelter.
Construction of the first four dolphins in the series is expected to
begin next month,. and will take about five months to complete.
Monday, November 6, 1972
- 9 -
Water supply to a number of premises in Mong Kok, Kowloon will be turned off temporarily for five hours from 1 a.m. on Wednesday (November 8)*
This is to enable the Waterworks Office to carry out a leakage test* The area affected is bounded by Canton Road, Shan Tung Street, Nathan Road, Argyle Street and Tong Mei Road.
Mr. Lee Quo-wei, an Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council, ceased to be a temporary member of the Executive Council, from November J on the return to Hong Kong of Mr. Szeto Wai.
-------0 --------
Release time: 6.^0 p.m.
PRH 7 4000091
Tuesday, November 7, 1972
The Government has accepted the recommendations contained in the interim report of the Commission of Inquiry into the June rainstorm disasters and urgent action by the Public Works Department has been taken to implement them.
The interim report, which deals almost entirely with the landslip disaster at Sau Mau Ping in which 71 people were killed and 6p others injured, concludes that ’’the landslip was due primarily to softening of the fill material caused by infiltration of rainwater mainly, through the sloping face, as a result of an exceptionally long and intense rainstorm.”
Members of the Commission feel at this stage, that they are not in a position to make firm recommendations as to how similar landslips can be avoided in the future without prejudging issues relative to other landslips.
They do, however, recommend certain immediate precautions which should be taken with respect to other embankments similar to that at Sau Mau Ping.
These precautions include:
(1) All such embankment slopes should be checked and particular attention paid to underground water conditions, effectiveness of drainage and checks made for visible cracks. Inspections should preferably be carried out shortly after heavy rain.
/(2) Should •........
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, November 7> 1972
2 -
(2) Should undue water seepage or soil dampness be discovered immediate steps should be taken to lower the groundwater level by the following means:
(i) sealing the surface.
(ii) installation of horizontal drains into the slope•
(iii) installation of cut-off drains above the slope.
"The method to be adopted,” the Commission says, ’’depends on the
nature and location of the particular trouble spots as well as the characteristics of the embankment itself and its surrounding terrain.”
The interim report, which is to be published in both English and Chinese shortly, sets out the history of the Sau Mau Ping licensed area, and describes
■ in detail the circumstances in which the landslip occurred and the course of the rescue work.
It also examines the engineering and technical considerations involved in establishing the cause of the disaster.
Commenting on the interim report, a Government spokesman said today
that the Public Works Department each year carries out various measures to minimise the risk of danger from landslips.
Steps taken before the beginning of each wet season include:
(a) Thorough inspection of all drainage systems.
(b) Checking of all government works in progress for possible damage in the event of rainstorms.
(c) Checking of private formation works and warning authorised architects and developers to take necessary precautions against washouts, landslides, blockage of drains and collapse of scaffoldings and hoard ings, etc.
/(d) The maintenance ••••••
Tuesday, November 7» 1972
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(d) The maintenance contractor’s arrangements for dealing with emergencies are carefully examined and his responsibilities explained to him by a chief engineer*
(e) All outdoor staff are briefed on their duties in the event of typhoons or other emergencies.
During each wet season these measures are repeated, as necessary, after periods of heavy rain. Special attention is also paid to areas known
• . * ' • l‘ ;.f' . ;
to be subject to slips, and road inspections are carried out at regular . »*. * ■ • • . • • - i •
intervals throughout the year.
The spokesman said these measures were carried out this year as usual.
Moreover, since the rainstorms, special attention has b$eh~paid ~to slopes, embankments and drainage conditions in the vicinity of certain licensed and squatter areas.
A report was made to the Resettlement Department advising where it was considered that a definite danger jpf.landslide.or flood existed.
The spokesman said that most of these areas have been or are being evacuated.
Some 22,000 people affected by the June rainstorms have been given public housing' In Kowloon and are now moving into their new homes.
The spokesman said there were some sites where, although a visual inspection indicated no immediate danger, there remains some degree of risk, the magnitude of which can only be determined from a detailed site investigation of ground conditions and consulting engineers have been appointed for this work.
/The spokesman .......
Tuesday, November 7, 1972
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The spokesman emphasised however that in the areas to be investigated there is no immediate danger.
"In addition," he said, "investigations of a general nature of all locations where it is felt there may be a danger to life or property are in hand and will continue until all these areas have been examined*"
He said that the aim was to complete all these investigations as soon as possible with a view to carrying out any measures found to be neeessary in time for the next wet season.
Note to Editors: Stencilled copies of the interim report
in English and Chinese are distributed separately in the GIS press boxes this evening*
- 0 - -
/5 ».......
Tuesday, November 7» 1972
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The Director of Public Works, Mr. J.J. Robson, left for China early this afternoon at the invitation of the Chief of the Hydro-Electric Bureau of Kwangtung Province.
While in China, he will visit the East River-Shum Chun Water Scheme.
Mr. Robson is accompanied by five senior officers of the Public Works Department. They are Mr. Wilfred Knight, Director of Water Supplies, Mr. T.H. Tomlinson, Principal Government Water Engineer, Mr. Li Chuen, Senior Mechanical Engineer, Mr. Ng Lin-hing, Chief Engineer (Supply), and Mr. Wong Mang-ki, Chief Engineer.
They are expected to return to Hong Kong on November 14.
A Government spokesman, commenting on the visit, said that the matter of water supply from China to Hong Kong may come up during the visit ’’and, if so, it will obviously be discussed”.
He pointed out that there was no question of ’’demanding” water from China as was reported in a morning newspaper today, and Mr. Robson would not bring up for discussion general communication problems such as roads, railways and airlinks as suggested in the newspaper report.
Tuesday, November 7, 1972
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More than half a million dollars is to be spent on the installation of three emergency generators at the Royal Observatory headquarters and at two of its other weather stations — King’s Park and Tate’s Cairn.
The observatory’s headquarters in Tsim Sha Tsui houses a great variety of electronic equipment for measuring time, earthquakes, wind speeds and receiving and despatching weather data.
”If we are to have an accurate picture of the weather conditions at all times, it is essential that all the instruments should operate without any interruption,” a spokesman for the Royal Observatory said.
He recalled that during the blackout of the Kowloon peninsula during Typhoon Rose in 1971» officers of the department had to work under inadequate lighting, while the air conditioning, which helps to maintain a constant temperature for certain instruments, had to be turned off because of a need to conserve electricity.
’•This was due mainly to the limited power capacity of the existing emergency generator, which was installed some 13 years ago,” he said.
”The installation of a 150 KW stand-by generator at the headquarters means that disruption to our work during power failures will be cut to a minimum.”
Tuesday, November 7, 1972
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At Tate’s Cairn, where there is a radar station capable of supplying information on the movement of typhoons and associated rain bands, the installation of a more efficient generator will reduce the risk of a break-down in communications with the Central Forecasting Office.
At present, this information is relayed to the Observatory headquarters by means of micro-wave radio with the help of a small radio transmitter.
"Because of its exposed position, the power lines at Tate’s Cairn are particularly vulnerable to damage by lightning and high winds during heavy rainstorms and typhoons, when the information the station supplies is particularly valuable for the preparation of thunderstorm warnings and forecasts," the spokesman added.
At the King’s Park Meteorological Station, where no generating facilities exist, the installation of an emergency generator will ensure that data from satellites orbiting the earth can be received under all kinds of weather conditions.
The spokesman pointed out that at present, the King’s Park station is the only one operated by the Observatory in Hong Kong which is capable of picking up signals from the satellites and at which upper air soundings are made.
"The installation of these generators will guarantee a continuous flow of weather information from both local and regional sources," the spokesman said.
The generators are expected to be ready for use before the onset of the next typhoon season.
Tuesday, November 7, 1972
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The first tenants of the new Pak Tin Estate — an elderly couple have moved from the Shek Kip Mei Resettlement Estate.
They are among nearly 11,000 people offered rehousing at Pak Tin under the current phase of the Shek Kip Mei Rehousing Scheme.
Another 400 to 500 families will be moving into the estate in the next few weeks. -
The elderly couple, Mr. Tsui Ting-yan, 70, and his wife Mrs. Tsui, 64, moved into their new home immediately after the completion of its initial decoration.
The couple’s livelihood depends largely on a meagre income of about $100 earned by Mr. Tsui who operates a small stall in Portland Street and writes letters for other people.
Mrs. Tsui does some needlework at home which adds another $20 to $30 to their income. But this is not enough to support a family and so the couple applied to the Social Welfare Department last month for Public Assistance. They are now receiving a grant of $98 a month from the department.
Mr. and Mrs. Tsui were among the first group of people resettled into the Shek Kip Mei Estate 18 years ago. They did not have any furniture in their home apart from an old wooden table, two or three chairs and a make-shift bed.
/To help ..........
Tuesday, November 7, 1972
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To help make the couple happy, Mrs. Tsui’s five nephews recently saved up and bought a new bunk, a cupboard and a small refrigerator for them.
When the neighbours learnt a few days ago of their intention to move into Pak Tin Estate, they volunteered to help in the removal which was carried out in less than a day.
Mr. and Mrs. Tsui said they were very grateful for the help they received from their neighbours.
They were extremely pleased with their new home and praised the Government for the Shek Kip Mei Rehousing Scheme.
Tuesday, November 7t 1972
- 10 -
During the week ending on October 28, a total of 15»757 doses of the combined anti-diphtheria and tetanus vaccine was administered, according to statistics released today by the Medical and Health Department.
Of these, 1,245 doses were administered on the Island, 6,527 in Kowloon, and 7,9^5 in the New Territories.
In the three weeks since the routine campaign began on October 9» a total of 51»00J doses has been administered.
The campaign will continue for the rest of the year. Free vaccine is available at all government maternal and child health centres and clinics.
Twelve physiotherapy students will receive their certificates at a graduation ceremony in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital on Thursday (November 9)•
Dr. Harry Fang, Chairman of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, will address the gathering, and Mrs. Fang will distribute the certificates.
The ceremony will begin at 3:30 p.m. in the gymnasium of the Physiotherapy Department, Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Note to Editors: You are invited to have the ceremony
Tuesday, November 71 1972
- 11 -
*«*»«««« —
The section of Water Street between Queen*s Road West and Second
Street in Sai Ying Pun on Hong Kong Island will be temporarily closed to through-vehicular traffic with effect from Thursday (November 9)•
The temporary closure is to enable reconstruction work to
be carried out on Queen’s Road West at its junction with Water Street.
Single lane traffic will also be imposed on Queen’s Road
'West during the period of reconstruction, which is expected to last for about six weeks.
The bus stop for route numbers 5, 5A, 5B and 101 in front of
No. 411 Queen’s Road V/est will be temporarily resited eastward to
No. 398.
Appropriate signs will be erected to guide motorists.
Tuesday, November 7i 1972
- 12 -
The Building Authority today declared 79 and 81 Third Street in Western District on Hong Kong Island to be in a dangerous condition and said No. 77, which shares an access staircase with No. 79,was liable to become dangerous.
The Principal Government Building Surveyor said that the three four-storey pre-war buildings were surveyed in the course of routine inspections earlier this year and in August notices were served on the owners to carry out extensive repairs.
These notices have not been complied with and further inspections carried out since then revealed deterioration of the load bearing party wall between Nos. 79 and 81 and of the reinforced concrete beams supporting the front wall and balcony.
There are also signs of failure of the reinforced concrete frame supporting the staircase to No. 81.
As there is a possibility of collapse, notices of intention to apply for closure orders in Victoria District Court at 9*30 a*m. on December 19 were posted today.
Release time: 7.00 p.m.
PRH 7 4000091
Wednesday, November 8, 1972
The 1970s will witness more changes in the world economy than has any decade in history, and Hong Kong will have to rely more than any other economy on its ability to react to and to take advantage of these changes.
The reason is that Hong Kong depends for its prosperity wholly on its trading and financial relationships with the rest of the world.
This was stated today by the Financial Secretary, Mr. C.P. Haddon-Cave, in a taped message played at the opening of the conference on "Business Environment in the 70’s" at the City Hall Theatre.
In his message, he declared open the conference organised by the Hong Kong Management Association.
Mr. Haddon-Cave said the changes to be witnessed are in monetary and trading relationships, technology, the rates of growth and competitiveness of different economies and in political alignments.
"To face the challenges of the 1970s, we must be ready to adapt, to learn new skills and to develop old ones.
,TFor example, we must invest in new equipment, and we must train more technicians and technologists; and we must improve our management performance and the flexibility of our responses,” he said.
/The Financial ...........
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, November 8, 1972
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The Financial Secretary said the Hong Kong Management Association must continue to play a key role, and he welcomed the conference as an indication of the association’s intention to do so.
He told the gathering: ’’The conference will help all those participating to widen their understanding of the international environment in which they operate; for I am sure the eminent speakers who will be addressing you will have much to say to stimulate thought and discussion.”
A bus terminus is to be built under the Lai Chi Kok Bridge near the Mei Foo Sun Chuen housing complex in Lai Chi Kok,
When completed, it will replace the existing on-street bus terminus in Cheung Sha Wan Road.
The work mainly involves the construction of six bus lanes with waiting spaces to accommodate about 20 buses.
A canteen and regulator’s office for the bus company’s employees will also be provided at the terminus.
The terminus should be ready about August nex± year. No major traffic diversions will be required during its construction.
Wednesday, November 8, 1972
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The Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Mr. Anthony Royle, will arrive in Hong Kong on Saturday evening on a four-day visit.
He will be accompanied by Mrs. Royle and Mr. D.B.C. Logan, his private secretary. Mr. K.M. Wilford, Assistant Under Secretary of State, who is travelling independently, will be present throughout the visit.
On arrival at Kai Tak, Mr. and Mrs. Royle will be met by the Governor and Lady MacLehose.
During his stay here, Mr. Royle will have discussions with the Governor, the Colonial Secretary and other senior Government officials, Unofficial Members of Executive, Legislative and Urban Councils, the Chairman and vice Chairmen of the Heung Yee Kuk and' the British Senior Trade Commissioner
Mr. and Mrs. Royle will leave Hong Kong for Bangkok on November 15 when they will be seen off by the Governor and Lady MacLehose.
Note to Editors: Mr. and Mrs. Royle will arrive at Kai Tak
by B.O.A.C. Flight BA 81JA, a Boeing 747 ’’jumbo’1 jet, E.T.A. 6.45 p.m. on Saturday, November 11. Press photographers and cameramen with hand-held cameras will be conducted by G.I.S. officers to a position near the foot of the stairs leading down from the passenger bridge.
Wednesday, November 8, 1972
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At 11.4-5 a.m. on November 15 (Wednesday), Mr. Royle will give a 30-minute press conference in the G.I.S. Theatre, Beaconsfield House, 5th floor. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
Mr. and Mrs. Royle are due to leave Hong Kong for Bangkok at 1.30 p.m. the same day by Singapore Airlines Flight SQ 632. There will be the usual facilities for photography on the tarmac.
Special lapel badges will be issued to photographers and cameramen covering the arrival and departure. Editors are requested to complete the attached application form and send in their nominations to tne Press Officer, Government Information Services, not later than 5 p»m. on November 9 (Thursday). Lapel badges will be ready for collection the following day from the Press Room, G.I.S.
Wednesday, November 8, 1972
- 5 -
Special Remembrance Day ceremonies will be held thoughout Hong Kong on Sunday to honour all those who died for their fellow man in the two world wars.
The main memorial service will again be held at the Cenotaph in Statue Square. Those attending will include the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, the Colonial Secretary, Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, the three Service Commanders led by the Commander, British Forces, Lt.-General Sir Richard Ward, the Chief Justice, members of the Executive and Legislative Councils, the chairman of the Commanding Officers’ Committee, a representative of the Merchant Navy, Commonwealth Commissioners and Trade Commissioners, the Doyen of the Consular Corps and representatives of the British Legion and ex-servicemen’s associations.
Two honour guards will be provided by the Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers) and the First Battalion Irish Guards. The Regimental Band of the Irish Guards will also be in attendance.
The four Cenotaph sentries will consist of one guard each from the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force, the Army and the Royal Hong Kong Regiment.
The ceremony will begin with the arrival of the Governor at • • •
10.58 a.m. Following the playing of the National Anthem and the sounding of the Last Post, a two-minute silence will be observed at 11 a.m. The beginning and end will be signalled by the firing if a gun from H.M.S. tamar.
/During ......
Wednesday, November 8, 1972
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During this period, all shipowners, shipmasters and people in charge of small craft ore requested to co-operate in reducing to the minimum the sounding of whistles, horns or sirens in the vicinity of the Cenotaph.
Later the Governor will attend a Remembrance Day service in St. John’s Cathedral.
Members of the public and all service officers, apart from those officially invited, who wish to lay wreaths at the Cenotaph may do so after the Service departments have moved away from the Statue Square area.
Before the Cenotaph tribute, a short ceremony will be held at the Chinese War Memorial in the Botanic Gardens where the Governor and the Commander, British Forces, will lay wreaths. This will take place at 10 a.m.
Simultaneously with the Statue Square service, units of the 48 Gurkha Infantry Brigade will be taking part in a Drumhead Service outside St. Martin’s Church, Sek Kong.
Over 200 troops will be involved from B Squadron 14/20 King’s Hussars, 47 Light Regiment Royal Artillery, 656 Aviation Squadron and 50 Command Workshop Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Detachment, Sek Kong. Music will be provided by the Band of the 2nd Gurkha Rifles.
At Stanley, the annual service of remembrance will be held at the Stanley Club at 10.45 a.m. After the service, wreaths will be laid on the graves of the fallen in StarJey Military Cemetery. The Band of the Cape Collinson Training Centre will be in attendance.
/For the •••••••.
Wednesday, November 8, 1972
- 7 -
Note to Editors: For the Cenotaph ceremony, there will be limited
accomodation for newspaper reporters and photographers at the western end of the first floor balcony of the Supreme Court•
There will be no special Press position within the Statue Square perimeter.
For their part, Press representatives are requested to observe the solemnity of the occasion, and not talk unnecessarily during the service, particularly during the two minutes* silence. w—
Newspapers wishing to station representatives on the Supreme Court balcony, should supply their names to the Duty Officers, Government Information Services, by noon on Friday (November 10).
In view of the limited space available on the Supreme Court balcony, it may be necessary to restrict accommodation to photographers only. Special lapel badges will be issued on Friday afternoon. G.I.S. officers will be on hand to assist Press representatives.
Chinese War Memorial Ceremony:
Editors are advised that Press reporters and photographers will not be allowed inside the rope cordon around the Chinese War Memorial in the Botanic Gardens.
Press representatives will stand either on the east or west side of the rope cordon. They will not be able to stand on the south side of the Memorial Arch.
Press representatives are particularly requested, in view of tho limited accommodation, to observe the direction of police officers on duty.
Wednesday, November 8, 1972
- 8 -
Service at Stanley:
The Press are invited to cover the service, but photographers will not be allowed to take pictures inside the Club during the service.
Press representatives wishing to attend are advised that the approach road to Stanley Prison will be closed to motor traffic after 10«J0 a«m»
Service at Sek Kong:
Open press.
0 ------
Wednesday, November 8, 1972
- 9 -
More recreational facilities will be provided for the residents of the Ngau Tau Kok area with the construction of a new playground covering 143,000 square feet.
It will be located near Fook Wah Tsuen, west of the Ngau
Tau Kok Cottage Resettlement Area.
The northernmost part of the area will be turned into a children’s playground with swings and see-saws, slides and other playthings, and the large central terrace will be turned into two miniature soccer pitches. The southern terrace will comprise two basketball'cum volley-ball courts, three badminton courts and a volley-ball court.
The remaining space on the eastern side will be developed into a sitting out area with raised flower beds and a number of park benches.
The new playground is expected to be ready early next year.
Wednesday, November 8, 1972
- 10 -
Two buildings in Kowloon — 72 and 7^ Ki Lung Street — have been declared dangerous by the Building Authority and a third — 70 Ki Lung Street — is likely to become dangerous.
The Principal Government Building Surveyor said today that these three four-storey buildings were built before the war with a common reinforced concrete frame.
During a recent routine inspection, it was found that the reinforced concrete of the framing of the kitchen blocks and the rear of the main building of Nos. 72 and 7^t was in an advanced state of deterioration and was beyond reasonable repair.
It is considered that No. 70, which also shares a common staircase with No. 72, is liable to become dangerous during or after the demolition of 72 and 7^.
As there is a risk of collapse notices of intention to apply for closure orders in Kowloon District Court at 9-30 a.m. on December 20 were posted today.
/11 ..........
Wednesday, November 8, 1972
- 11 -
Water supply to a number of premises in Kwun Tong will be temporarily turned off for five hours from 1 a.m. on Friday (November 10).
This is to enable the Waterworks Office to carry out a leakage test.
The area affected is bounded by Ngau Tau Kok Road, west of the Jordan Valley Nullah and Kwun Tong Road.
The section of Plantation Road from the access road to house No. 37 to the junction with Gough Hill Road, will be reopened to traffic on Friday (November 10).
The road has been closed since a heavy rainstorm in August washed away part of an embankment.
Release time: 6.30 p.m.
November 11-15, 1972
Application Form For Lapel Badges
To: The Press Officer, Information Services Department, Beaconsfield House, Queen’s Road, Central, HONG KONG.
We wish to nominate the following representatives to cover the
visit of the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Foreign and
Commonwealth Affairs, Mr. Anthony Royle, between November 11 and 15, 1972:
(For photographers and cine-cameramen using hand-held cameras)
(For photographers and cine-cameramen using hand-held cameras)
Capacity on newspapers, news agency, etc. ______
Hong Kong.
PRH 7 4000091
Thursday, November 9, 1972
The Commissioner of Labour, Mr. Paul Tsui, said today (Thursday) industrial employment in the third quarter of this year had shown a moderate increase over the previous two quarters. • ■
He was disclosing the results of the quarterly employment statistical survey conducted by the Labour Department in September this year.
Compared with the previous quarter, Mr. Tsui said, the number of industrial undertakings has increased by 546 to 20,954, and the number of employees by 8,003 to 616,724.
’’Employment continued to expand in the garments, electronics and metal products industries/’ he said.
However, he added, employment in the wig industry continued to drop for the nineth successive quarter from its peak figure of June, 1970.
According to the survey, the more significant changes in employment over the previous quarter were increases of 5,410, 4,659 and 1,568 employees in the garments, electronics and metal products industries respectively, and decreases of 3,892, 784 and 532 employees in the wigs, plastic toys and shipyards industries respectively.
/The survey..........
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, November 9? 1972
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The survey showed that, in terms of employment, the four largest industries were the manufacture of textiles and made-up textile goods (264,647), the manufacture of plastic products (72,5&5), the manufacture of electrical machinery, apparatus appliances and supplies (59, $39), and the manufacture of fabricated metal products other than machinery (48,850).
The survey also recorded 18,841 vacancies over a wide range of industries — a drop of 1,051 from the figure for the previous quarter.
The main vacancies were in the electronics industry (4,607), garments (4,577), plastics (1,705), metal products (1,409), and cotton spinning and weaving industry (1,217).
Thursday, November 9? 1972
A ”place of refuge" will be provided in the Aberdeen Rehabilitation
Centre for the training and care of delinquent children who are mentally defective and aggressive, and who are considered not suitable for confinement in a correctional institution.
At present, some of these retarded children who come before the
Courts, and who have an unsuitable home environment, have to be placed in
correctional institutions.
However, because of cheir low intelligence, they are not able to
fit into the more normal training programme, and their behaviour poses a serious threat to discipline.
It is considered more appropriate for these children to be placed in a special "place of refuge" where they will be cared for and trained.
The provision of a "place of refuge" in the Aberdeen Rehabilitation Centre will involve conversion and fitting-out work to be carried out shortly in several rooms on the first floor of the Centre’s reception block.
Three rooms will be turned into one big meeting place for the children.
It will be equipped with folding partitions in case separate rooms are required.
A six-foot wide covered concrete ramp with railings on both sides will also be constructed so that wheelchair cases can travel under proper shelter between dormitories.
Construction and conversion works will start next month and should take about three months to complete.
- 0 - -
Thursday, November 9i 1972
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The Commissioner of Registration today appealed to people who have lost their Hong Kong Identity Cards to come forward and collect them.
Owners of lost cards can now collect them in person at the Registration of Persons Office on the 4th floor of the Causeway Bay Magistracy Building.
Found Identity Cards will be cancelled if they remain unclaimed by their owners after a period of over three months.
Lists containing the names and numbers of the unclaimed cards can be inspected at all City District Offices in the urban areas and District Offices in the New Territories.
The Commissioner emphasised that if everyone notified his office of their changes of previously registered particulars, it would be much । •
easier for lofct identity cards to be returned to their owners.
Thursday, November % 1972
- 5 -
The northen end of Tai Yip Street in Kwun Tong will be extended to provide access to the new Ngau Tau Kok police station now under construction, and to enable the land on both sides of the extended section to be developed.
The extension work involves the construction of about £,**00 feet of road up to the police station in Kowloon Bay Reclamation, with a carriageway width of }4 feet and a nine-foot-wide footpath on each side of the road.
The project will also include the construction of associated drainage works. The cost of the whole project is estimated at 81.5 million.
Work is expected to start in January next year, and should take about 12 months to complete.
The work has been designed, and construction will be supervised, by the Highways (Kowloon) Division of the Highways Office, Public Works Department.
Thursday, November 9, 1972
- 6 -
A new playground will be built in Kennedy Town on Hong Kong Island to provide additional recreational facilities for residents living in the area.
A site covering an area of about 90,000 square feet to the south of Kwun Loong Lau Estate has been earmarked for the project.
Works include the conversion of the decked surface of the Kennedy Town Service Reservoir within the site into a playground, with two basketball courts and a mini-soccer pitch.
The rest of the site is to be left for turfing and planting. Park benches will be provided at suitable localities.
Construction work is expected to start by early January next year, and should take two months to complete.
/7 .........
Thursday, November 9» 1972
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The Education Department today (Thursday) announced changes in the scale of fees for entry for the 1973 G.C.E. Examinations of both the Associated Examining Board and University of London.
A department spokesman said the initial entry fee has been revised from $32 to $3&; the ’O’ level subject fee from $24 to $29, and •A* level subject fee from $44 to $51*
"These revisions are due to increases in fees charged by the University of London and the Associated Examining Board," the spokesman explained.
Apart from the changes in fees, the arrangements for registering entries for the 1973 summer G.C.E. Examinations are similar to those in recent years.
’Details of these arrangement will be given in notices which will appear in local newspapers on November 11 and 13, 1972," he added.
Thursday, November 9, 1972
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The Building Authority today declared Nos. 220 and 222 Queen’s Road West to be in a dangerous condition, and No. 224 Queen’s Road West liable to become dangerous, and ordered demolition.
In a statement issued this morning, the Principal Government Building Surveyor said that in the course of routine inspections of these three three-storey pre-war buildings, fractures were found in the brick work of the load bearing party wall between Nos. 220 and 222.
There are also signs of disturbance in the brickwalls of the rear kitchen blocks of both these buildings, he said.
Much of the structural timber of the floors and roofs is extensively decayed, he added.
It is considered that No. 224, which stands at the corner of Eastern Street and Queen’s Road West, is liable to become dangerous during or after the demolition of Nos. 220 & 222.
Notices of intention to apply for Closure Orders in Victoria District Court at 9-30 a.m. on December 19, 1972 were posted today.
Thursday, November 9» 1972
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The Deputy Director of Social Welfare, Mr. Thomas C.Y. Lee, will be among five members of a panel discussing his department’s draft white paper on the way ahead in social welfare policy on a Radio Hong Kong programme this weekend.
The panel discussion is expected to be centred around future work among the disabled, the proposed severe disability allowances without a means test, Hong Kong’s plan to cope with the growing problem of geriatrics, and the provision of more recreational and communal facilities for the young.
Other members of the panel will be Mrs. Peter Choy, the Director of the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society; Mr. Peter C.K. Chan, Urban Councillor; Miss Ko Siu-wah, Chairman of the Children and Youth Division of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, and Mr. Lo Shiu-kwong, Division Officer of the Council’s Rehabilitation Division.
The panel will sit for the discussion in the ’’Talking Point” programme on Radio Hong Kong’s Chinese channel, to be broadcast on Saturday (November 11), at 6.15 p.m. and repeated the next day at 10 a.m.
Thursday, November 9, 1972
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A series of training courses for youth group leaders is being organised by the Social Welfare Department’s Youth Work Unit for the next few months.
The courses aim at promoting their knowledge, skills and interest in taking up their roles as group leaders to develop youth groups in Hong Kong.
Trainees will learn about,among other things, group relationship and communication, how a youth group works, programme planning, the development and characteristics of adolescence and probation and correctional service.
The number of participants for each course will be 60. People aged between 18 and 26 with at least secondary education level are eligible to apply for attendance.
Application forms and full particulars of the courses can be obtained at the offices of the Youth Work Unit at Room 908, Causeway Bay Magistracy Building, Hong Kong; and at the Kowloon Government Offices Building, 405 Nathan Road, top floor, Kowloon.
The courses, to be held twice a week, will start on November 28.
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Thursday, November 9, 1972
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The Middle Road Playground in Tsim Sha Tsui has now been closed, and the Orsmanthus Road Garden in Yau Yat Chuen will also be closed as from Sunday (November 12) for the installation of park lightings*
The installation work in the Middle Road Playground is expected to take about three weeks to complete, while in the Orsmanthus Road Garden, about a month*
Release Time: 7<3O p*m*
PRH 7 4000091
Friday, November 10, 1972
The Financial Secretary, Mr. C.P. Haddon-Cave, will visit London and Tokyo shortly to discuss the proposed mass transit railway.
Commenting on these visits Mr. Haddon-Cave said; "The Government has received a number of responses to the invitation, issued in July, for interested groups to submit proposals for the financing of the mass transit railway.”
"The Mass Transit Steering Group, of which I am chairman, is still in the process of examining these proposals which must obviously remain confidential at this stage,” he said. "The discussions which we will be holding in London and Tokyo over the next few weeks, will be strictly exploratory.”
Mr. Haddon-Cave said that discussions had already been held in Hong Kong with interested parties and that these would continue during the next three to four weeks.
A spokesman for the Steering Group recalled that the Financial Secretary announced in the Legislative Council last June that the decision to proceed with the construction of the full mass transit railway was subject to satisfactory arrangements being made for financing it and for letting contracts.
/"All these .......
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Friday, November 10, 1972
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"All these discussions will enable a comprehensive assessment of the different proposals to be made so that a final decision can be reached in the near future as to whether actual negotiations should be entered into with a particular group or groups,” the spokesman added.
? i • • 1 । J j: / ' • ' **• T
Mr. Haddon-Cave is expected to leave for London on November 15 and will visit Japan later in the month. He will be accompanied by Mr. M.G.R. Sandberg, General Manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, who is a member of the Steering Group.
An amending bill to empower the Governor-in-Council to regulate further the sale of special registration marks already assigned to motor vehicles is published in today’s gazette.
At present, it is doubtful whether the regulation-making power, effected by the Road Traffic (Amendment) Ordinance 1972 enacted in July this year, would entitle the Govemor-in-Council to do this.
The Road Traffic (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1972, to be introduced into the Legislative Council shortly, proposes to make it clear that the regulations may apply to numbers which were assigned to motor vehicles owned by members of the public before February 1, 1975 — the proposed date of commencement of the bill — as well as to numbers assigned after that date.
/5 ..........
Friday, November 10, 1972
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The Government has decided to hold another Festival of Hong Kong towards the end of 1973 to provide once again entertainment and enjoyment for the people. The first was held in 19691 and was followed by one late last year.
The next Festival will be held from Saturday, November 24 to Sunday, December 2, 1973» both days inclusive.
A Steering Committee, under the chairmanship of Sir Yuet-keung Kan, lias been formed to start planning for the event, and one of its first decisions was to set the dates for the Festival.
Other members of the Committee are Dr. S.Y. Chung; Mr. T.K* ANN;
Mr. P.G. Williams; Mr. A. de 0. Sales; Mr. H.W. Lee; the Secretary for Home Affairs or his deputy; the Secretary for Information; the Commissioner of Police; the Festival Co-ordinator; a representative of the Hong Kong Tourist Association; and a representative of the Services.
Mr. Sales has again accepted the chairmanship of the Festival’s Executive Committee, which will be responsible for the planning and preparation of entertainment programmes.
The terms of reference of the Steering Committee are:-
* To decide on the date, theme and scope of the 1973 Festival taking into account as far as possible the points that (i) the next Festival should be broadly speaking on the same lines as the previous one;
Friday, November 10, 1972
(ii) subject to the approval of the necessary funds by the Legislative Council’s Finance Committee, the Festival Office should be reconstituted to consist of a permanent nucleus to carry out advance planning and be suitably expanded in time to organize the 1973 Festival; and (iii) the next Festival should cover a period of nine days and should end on a Sunday;
♦ To co-ordinate and exercise general control over the Festival programme;
* To appoint working committees to undertake detailed programme planning;
♦ To advise on the provision of public funds and raising of revenue from other sources;
* To decide on the extent to which commercial and industrial organisation should be invited to participate in the Festival; and
* To submit a report to Government on the Festival and to make recommendations on the date of the next Festival, its organisation, planning and financing.
Friday, November 10, 1972
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Tenders are now being called for the construction of the multimillion dollar Waterloo Road/Prince Edward Road/Boundary Street grade separated interchange.
During peak hours, this area is choked with traffic and the new interchange should help in easing the flow of vehicles.
An elevated road spanning the intersections of Waterloo Road with Prince Edward Road and Boundary Street will provide a dual two-lane carriageway for through traffic along Waterloo Road.
A system of scissors ramps will provide east to south movement for traffic from Boundary Street to Waterloo Road; and south to west movement for traffic from Waterloo Road to Prince Edward Road.
On completion of the main flyovers, the existing temporary flyover along Prince Edward Road will be dismantled. It will be replaced by a vehicle underpass which will take westbound through traffic beneath Waterloo Road.
The temporary flyover can be re-used as required at other traffic ’’black spots’^ as either a three-lane or a two-lane flyover.
Work on the interchange complex is expected to begin early next year, and will take about two and a half years to complete.
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Friday, November 10, 1972
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Construction of the dual-purpose Second Lion Rock Tunnel will begin soon as tenders are now being called for the project.
It is an enlarged waterworks tunnel required for the High Island Water Scheme to convey increased water output from Sha Tin to the urban areas.
The tunnel will also handle the incre’asing volume of traffic travelling to the New Territories. This is expected to further increase with the development of Sha Tin new town and the construction of a new race course.
The Second Lion Rock Tunnel, about a mile long, will be similar to the existing one with internal dimensions of JO’ 4” by 29’ 6”• Two 60-inch diameter water mains will be laid in the tunnel.
Construction work consists of tunnel driving, concrete lining, portal works, the laying of mains, formation of approach roads and associated drainage works.
The project is expected to start by the end of this year and will take about JO months to complete.
A spokesman for the Public Works Department said: ’’Although the works are unlikely to cause nuisance to residents nearby, noise level will be kept to a minimum.”
On completion, the lined tunnel will be handed over to the Highways Office to provide the road slab, ventilation, lighting and other ancillary works for the road tunnel. • -
Friday, November 10, 1972
The Urban Services Department will stop issuing new Pedlar Hawker Licences in the New Territories from February 1 next year.
Announcing this today, a spokesman for the department said: "This will discontinue the present policy of unrestricted issue of licences. The move is in line with the policy already adopted by the Urban Council in the urban areas."
Pedlar Hawker Licences for the New Territories will still be obtainable on or before January 31« 1973 at the District Offices of Tsuen ’.Van, Yuen Long and Tai Po, and the Post Offices at Sai Kung, Peng Chau, Tai 0, Mui Wo and Cheung Chau. Applicants should bring along two photographs and $10 for the licence fee.
Renewal of existing valid licences will continue as before and will not be affected.
,rPedlar Hawker Licences entitle the holders to trade only on an itinerant basis," the spokesman said, "all bona fide hawkers who have failed to obtain a licence or to renew expired licences are urged to obtain them before February 1."
"It is proposed to introduce new regulations shortly under which hawking without a licence will lead to mandatory forfeiture of goods and equipment," the spokesman stressed.
Friday, November 10, 1972
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The Government plans to include Chinese porcupines on the list of protected wild life in an endeavour to preserve the species.
Amending legislation will be introduced in the Legislative Council soon which will have the effect of prohibiting the hunting and trapping of the porcupine as well as a number of marine mammals including dolphins, whales and dugongs.
A spokesman for the Agriculture and Fisheries Department said today the Chinese porcupine, indigenous to Hong Kong, represents a unique group of rodents and is of special zoological interest.
He said that for one reason or another, most of the south-east Asian countries where the species is also found arc relatively inaccessible.
"Hong Kong is therefore one of the few places where the species can be studied in its natural habitat • ”
The spokesman said the Chinese porcupine is the only remaining animal in Hong Kong which can still be legally trapped. But the traps are of such a size that they could just as used for catching a variety of other species, such as civet cats and monkeys — a practice which has long been illegal.
At the same time, the use by New Territories villages of dangerous and cruel gin traps, some of which are capable of breaking a man’s leg, present a growing hazard to the increasing numbers of people using the countryside for recreation.
/Tn an...........
Friday, November 10, 1972
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In an effort to improve the enforcement of the protection of wild life in Hong Kong, the bill also seeks to confer on police officers the authority to inspect game licences, arrest people and seize items such as nets, gins and snares used for the trapping and killing of wild birds and mammals. At present only justices of the peace and game wardens have these powers.
Details of the amending legislation, known as the Wild Birds and Wild Mammals Protection (Amendment) Bill 1972, are published in today’s gazette.
Friday, November 10, 1972
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Further development of the site for the new railway terminus at Hung Hom will take place soon.
The work will include the construction of a reinforced concrete podium, six buildings at track level, a footbridge and some ancillary works.
The podium will be 51 feet above ground level and will cover an area of over 250,000 square feet. This will be the site for the new railway station building,a multi-storey car park and a bus station, all to be built at a later stage.
The six ground level buildings will have a floor area of approximately 40,000 square feet. Two of them will be used as dangerous goods stores and the others as a stores and signal cabin, a transit check block, a way and works block and a transport firms block.
The work is expected to begin next February and take about 15 months to complete.
Friday, November 10, 1972
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The existing requirement that some types of contract must satisfy formalities if they are to be enforceable is done away with under an amending bill to be introduced into the Legislative Council shortly.
The bill seeks to repeal a section in the principal Ordinance which provides that no action may be brought to enforce these contracts unless there is a note or memorandum in writing evidencing the agreement signed by the person to be charged.
It is the Law Amendment and Reform (Consolidation) (Amendment) Bill 1972, published in today’s Government Gazette for general information.
A Government spokesman said that over the years, in England and in Hong Kong, formal requirements of proof have been relaxed in many branches of the law, and now most contracts may be proved by a variety of types of evidence.
”The retention of this section in the law of Hong Kong, which imposes formal requirements on four dissmilar types of contract, is thus no longer necessary. With one exception, the comparable provisions were repealed in England some years ago,” he said.
The four types of contract concerned are (i) on a special promise by an executor or administrator to answer damages out of his own estates; (ii) on a special promise to answer for the debt, default or miscarriage of another; (iii) upon an agreement made in consideration of marriage; and (iv) upon an agreement that is not to be performed within one year of the making thereof.
/The amending ••••••
Friday, November 10, 1972
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The amending legislation also seeks to empower the court to award damages where a contract has been part performed, but the circumstances of the case render it impossible for the court to decree specific performance.
At present, the court can only award damages in a case where specific performance could also be ordered.
Another building in Conduit Road, which was closed as a result of the June rainstorm, was re-opened today.
It is Mirror Marina at No. 47 Conduit Road.
The Principal Government Building Surveyor said that certain specified works had been completed under the supervision of an authorised architect and ho was now satisfied that the building was no longer dangerous.
A notice of the expiry of the closure order was posted on the premises at 3 p.m. today.
Release time: 7*00 p.m
PR^ 7 4000091
Saturday, November 11, 1972
The Urban Council will hold its annual conventional debate next week and in December in the Council Chamber.
During the Debate sessions, simultaneous interpretation will be introduced for the first time into the Council. Members may use either Cantonese or English in Council proceedings.
Council members will speak on a motion on the Statement of Aims setting out Urban Council policy in various fields for 1973*
The debate will be held on November 14 and 16, and on December 12 starting at 2.30 p.m. each day.
Unofficial members will speak on the first two days, and Official Members will reply to points raised by them on December 12.
Nine unofficial members will speak on November 14 in the following order: Mr. A. de 0. Sales; Mr. Hilton Cheong-Leen; Mr. R.H. Lobo; Mrs. Elsie Elliott; Mr. Kenneth T.C. Lo; Mr. Henry H.L. Hu; Mr. Peter P.K. Ng; Dr. Denny Huang and Peter P.F. Chan.
On the second day, another eight unofficial members will speak, in the following order: Mr. Raymond Y.K. Kan; Mr. Lo Tak-shing; Mr. Peter C.K. Chan; Mr. John MacKenzie; Mr. Henry Wong; Mr. Charles C.C. Sin; Miss Cecilia Yeung and Mr. Brook Bernacchi.
Note to Editors: Copies of the Urban Council’s Statement of Aims
for 1973, in Chinese and English, are distributed separately in the G.I.S. Press Boxes this afternoon.
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, November 11, 1972
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The Shek Kip Mei rehousing scheme, which was put into action exactly one month ago, is progressing smoothly, a Resettlement Department spokesman said today.
He said a number of families have already moved from their overcrowded homes at Shek Kip Mei into Pak Tin Estate - the latest government public housing scheme.
It is estimated that between 700 and 800 families would be living in the estate by the end of this month, he added.
The Housing Authority which manages Pak Tin has already offered tenancies to 690 families and interviewed another 250.
"It is hoped that all 1,856 families affected by the first phase of the rehousing scheme would have moved into the estate by the end of the year,” the spokesman said.
Meanwhile the Social Welfare Department is providing a "reaching-out service" to the 120 families claiming to have difficulties.
A Social Welfare Officer attached to the rehousing unit has been paying home visits to these families in an effort to find out their real needs and to offer appropriate assistance including rehabilitation and counselling service.
The enqiiT ry centre especially set up at Block six of Shek Kip Mei • . I • . »
Resettlement Estate is providing a very useful service to tenants of the estate.
Nearly 2,500 people have approached the centre for information about the rehousing project.
/The Shek Kip Mei .......
Saturday, November 11, 1972
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The Shek Kip Mei rehousing scheme which will be carried out in five stages is aimed at providing radical improvement in the living condition of the 62,000 tenants of the oldest estate.
It is also the first major scheme launched by government to improve the living condition of 240 old Mark I and II resettlement blocks housing over half a million people.
Projects as such, however, would require careful study and planning, including their priority and timing. Details will be announced as soon as they have been finalised.
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A submarine outfall will be built off the seawall of Wan Chai to diffuse and dilute screened sewage discharged into the harbour, and to give an increased capacity to sewers in the Wan Chai district.
Work will involve the construction of a twin 48-inch diameter pipe, one about 1,6^0 feet and the other 2,000 feet, laid in a foundation trench dredged at about right angles to the seawall in the seabed and the associated 1. .» I- •
connecting sewers on land.
Construction work is expected to start in January next year and should take about 18 months to complete.
Saturday, November 11, 1972
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******* 4c
A total of 13,529 doses of the combined anti-diphtheria and tetanus vaccine was administered during the week ended November 4, according to statistics released today by the Medical and Health Department.
Of these, 1,134 doses were administered on the Island, J,547 in Kowloon, and. 8>84B in the New Territories.
In the four weeks since the routine- campaign -began on October 9> a total, of 64,552 doses has been administered.
The campaign will continue for the rest of the year. Free vaccine is available at all government matemal-and. child heal th centres and-cl
A new playground has been built in Ngau Tau Kok area in Kowloon to provide additional recreational facilities for residents living in the area.
An area of about 10,000 square feet, located at the junction of Ngau Tau Kok Road and Chun Wah Road, has been developed into a junim* 11 court and a recreation area with park benehes and flower beds*
The area was formerly the old Ngau Tau Kok Market. The playground, built at a cost of $100,000, has already been opened to puhlic use.
Saturday, November 11, 1972
A section of Po Kong Village Road in Tze Wan Shan is to be widened
early next year to provide a smoother flow of traffic there*
The section, to be widened into a four-lane carriageway of feet wide, is about 900 feet long, starting 300 feet north of the road’s junction
with Fung Tak Road to a point near Block 2 of the Tze Wan Shan Resettlement
Works will also involve the construction of footways of nine feet
and 12 feet wide. The existing drainage system will be improved and provision will be made for bus bays and amenity planting.
Construction work is expected to start in January next year, and should be completed in about six months’ time.
Work on the construction of the Po Kong Interchange to the south of this section of road is now underway.
The existing Boys’ and Girls’ Club Association library at Kowloon Tsai
Park will have its size doubled to cope with the increasing needs of the children in Kowloon Tsai area.
The expansion project involves the conversion of the existing covered
shelter of the park into a library and the conversion of the existing library into a table tennis area.
Work is expected to start in the middle of next month and should be completed in three months’ time.
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Saturday, November 11, 1972
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’’The Government has not departed in any way from the terms of the agreement with the three main staff associations in setting up the Working Group to consider the appropriate salary scale for Certificated Masters.”
This was stated by a Government spokesman today who denied a statement by Chinese Civil Servants Association published this morning.
”0n the contrary”, the spokesman said, ’’the agreement clearly laid down the matters which were not referable to a committee of enquiry. The Government was thus perfectly free to set up the Working Group to deal with the grading of Certificated Masters just as it had set up the original 1971 Salaries Commission to look at the main salary structure of the Civil Service.”
The spokesman repeated the Governor’s hope, already conveyed by letter to the C.C.S.A., that in the interests of its own members involved, it would still change its mind and make representations to the Working Group which was still prepared to receive representations.
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Note to Editors: There will be an issue of the Daily
Information Bulletin tomorrow (Sunday).
Copies of the Sunday D.I.B., in Chinese and English, will be available for collection as from J p.m. tomorrow at the G.I.S. Press Room, sixth floor, Beaconsfield House.
Release Time : 2.00 p.m.
PRH 7 4000091
Registered hawkers now trading at Sau Mau Ping Estate Stage II will be moving into the Resettlement Department’s modular markets later this month to ply their trade.
The modular markets, built inside the estate oompound,are aimed at giving these hawkers a clean and sanitary trading centre.
There are about 460 eligible hawkers at Sau Mau Ping and they will be given a stall either through a ballot or an auction.
Sixty-six stalls earmarked for meat, fish, poultry and cooked food trades will be auctioned and rents for each of these stalls will be 3200 a month. The rest of the stalls, which have been designated for general trades, will be put up for balloting. Rents for the general stalls will be between 3JO and 360 a month.
The auction will take place on Tuesday (November 14) and the balloting will follow two days later.
Only registered hawkers are eligible for the auction or ballot and there are enough stalls for all of them.
A Resettlement Department spokesman said that the replacement of hawker stalls by these modular markets will improve greatly the appearance as well as the sanitation of the estate.
Modular markets have also been built in estates at Yau Tong and Castle Peak in Kowloon and Hing Wah on Hong Kong Island.
The dates when these markets will be made available to hawkers have not yet been announced.
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Sunday, November 12, 1972
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With the onset of dry weather, the danger of hill fires is again threatening the landscape of Hong Kong’s countryside.
Worse than that, these fires, by killing the vegetative cover, expose the soil to erosion and destroy the natural habitats of wild animals and birds.
To combat hill fires, the Conservation and Forests Division of the Agriculture and Fisheries Department has recently started to employ a ’’controlled burning” technique by which means, fire barriers are economically created.
This is done by burning away grass and other dry vegetation at the end of summer under controlled and carefully supervised conditions.
The roots of the vegetation are unharmed, and the plants grow again the next spring.
A hill fire starting within such an area will not spread because it is confined by the fire barriers of non-combustible material.
A spokesman of the Agriculture and Fisheries Department said that in most cases, hill fires are started by the carelessness of men - hikers, motorists and villagers.
People from urban areas on a country visit, driving along the road or camping out in the open, should remember not to discard either lighted cigarette ends or matches.
Those who intend to light a picnic or camp fire ought to stay well away from grass or wood patches, never leave the fire unattended, and be sure to completely put out the fire before they leave the area.
/If the ........
Sunday, November 12, 1972
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If the grass or leaves should accidentally catch fire, then the immediate action must be to stamp or beat the fire out,, The broken off branch of a leafy tree makes a good beater.
Should the fire get out of hand, don’t panic but quickly send for help; ask other parties of visitors to help; go to the nearest Forestry Post or fire lookout cabin; telephone the Conservation and Forests Division on 3-688523 (during office hours) or 3-781211 (after office hours), or dial 999 and report to the Fire Services Department.
• In the case of villagers or farmers wanting to burn off weeds, they
should do so only when the day is not windy, and when there is no risk of the fire spreading.
In the 1971-72 hill fire season,' over 800 fires were reported to the Agriculture and Fisheries Department•and some 1,800 acres were destroyed or damaged. About 20 per cent of that land was within forest plantation areas. ** About 300,000 trees were lost, and that estimate does not include the
extensive damage to village woodlands.
Some 320 of the total 800 fires broke out during weekends and public holidays, showing how responsibility fell heavily on visitors from the city.
The combination of dry weather and festivals involving ancestor worship, with the burning of ritual papers and joss sticks at gravesides, also has a rerious adverse effect on the incidence of fires.
To remind people of the danger of fire when the weather is dry, the Royal Observatory has recently started using a new warning system, comparable to the typhoon signal service.
/A yellow
Sunday4 November 12, 1972
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A yellow fire danger warning means everything which will burn is dried out, and any outbreak of fire will spread rapidly.
A red fire danger warning will only be issued when the situation is even worse and the danger is extreme, when a mere spark will start a blaze which will spread with the speed of lightning.
The Conservation and Forests Division of the Agriculture and Fisheries Department is concerned about hill fires, and is responsible for fighting such fires.
The Division operates seven fire protection posts, and throughout the hill fire season 12 teams of fire-fighters, each consisting of 12 to 20 men, are stationed in strategic locations.
These teams are equipped with landrovers, portable pumps and other light-weight fire fighting equipment so that they can cover hilly terrain quickly.
Release Time; 3*00 p«m.
PRH 7 4000091
Monday, November 13, 1972
A grant of £500,000 (HK&6.6 million) is to be made available by the
British Government to assist in the development of the Hong Kong Polytechnic.
: This was announced today by the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
for Foreign and Commonwealth Affiars, Mr. Anthony Royle, who is on a five day
visit to Hong Kong.
He said the money is in addition to a further £400,000 (HK$5-3 mil-lion) • •
which his government has made available to help finance the construction of
the new technical institutes, including £100,000 (HK81.J million) for the
Morrison Hill Institute.
Mr. Royle said the overall amount, totalling nearly £1 million (HKS13.J million), indicated the importance the British Government attached to the development of technical education and to the contribution it can make to industrial and social progress in Hong Kong.
’Details of how the £500,000 will be spent will be worked out with the Board of the Polytechnic,” he said.
Commenting on the announcement the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, said he was ’’delimited” by the response of the British Government and thanked Mr. Royle for his efforts in making the grant possible.
/”It clearly ..........
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Monday, November 13, ^972
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"It clearly illustrates the interest and support being shown by Britain for this vitally important subject," he added.
The Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Polytechnic* Dr. S.Y. Chung, welcomed the "generous grant" and said "this will help us educate our technical manpower, so greatly needed by our industries, "At this stage of the development of Hong Kong industry we need all the help we can get in promoting high level techniibal educationf" he added.
Dr. Chung expressed the hope that more industyj alj sts mi ght al so contribute to this important project,
- - - - 0--------
Monday, November 13? 1972
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A leading Hong Kong social worker, Mrs. Mary Wong Wing-cheung, has been appointed to the Legislative Council to fill an existing vacancy for an Unofficial Member with effect from tomorrow until June 30? 1974.
Mr. D.H. Jordan, Director of Commerce and Industry, has also been appointed to the Council for the same period to fill a vacancy for an Official Member.
The Government also announced the appointment of Mr. Li Fook-kow, Director of Social Welfare, Designate as an Official Member of the Legislative Council with effect from November 16 to June 30, 1974, and Dr. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services, as an Official Member of the Executive Council for the same period. Mr. Li is to succeed Mr. G.T. Rowe as Director on November 16.
The appointments of Mrs. Wong and Mr. Jordan are to fill the remaining two additional seats in the Council - one Unofficial and one Official - provided by the Hong Kong Additional Instructions 1972, which were approved by the Queen on June 28 this year and published in the gazette on July 14,
Hrs* Wong is now the Chairman of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. She is also the Chairman of the Heep Hong Club for Handicapped Children.
She was born in Hong Kong, and received her early education at St. Paul’s Convent School, and later at the Hong Kong University.
She was awarded the M.B.E. in 1946 and became Justice of the Peace in July this year* She is also associated with a number of other voluntary agencies.
Monday, November 13, 1972
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#»*«***** *
A member of the scientific staff of Britain’s Medical Research Council is convinced, after a recent official visit to Hong Kong, that the tubercle ham 11us, the germ responsible for tuberculosis, will be controlled, and the disease progressively eliminated.
He is Dr. David Girling, of the Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases Unit of Eromp ton Hospital* London.
He left last Saturday (November 11) after a two-week visit in connection with controlled clinical trials on the treatment of tuberculosis in various types of patients that the MRC is carrying out with the Medical and Health Department, the Grantham Hospital, the Ruttonjee Sanatorium, and the Haven of Hope Sanatorium.
While in Hong Kong, he had discussions with Dr. G.H. Choa, the Director of Medical and Health Services; Dr. J.K. Craig, the Deputy Director; Dr. W.G.L. Allan, Specialist in charge of Tuberculosis and the Chest Service; and other *. officers.
He visited the seven government chest clinics in Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Yau Ma Tei, Wanchai*, Shau Kei Wan, Sai Ying Pun and Kwai Chung.
/He made a point........
Monday, November 1J, 1972
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He made a point of calling on a number of TB patients in their own homes, toured the Wong Tai Sin Infirmary, called at the Buttonjee Sanatorium, and inspected the facilities in the New Territories.
’•The reasons for my visit have been to discuss with the doctors concerned the progress and interim results of the Hong Kong studies,” Dr« Girling said.
"It was felt that I could perhaps help to try and sort out any problems that have arisen, to discuss the lines along which future studies might develop^ and through informal lectures and discussions, consider recent advances in the treatment of tuberculosis, both in Hong Kong and elsewhere."
He felt that Hong Kong clearly had its problems, but they were being dealt with "efficiently and with good humour."
He described tuberculosis as "undoubtedly a major problem."
"I have been very impressed, during my visit, with the high standard of treatment and patient supervision which is being achieved in the various
• »
hospitals and clinics I have visited," he commented.
"I am sure that one day, the tubercle bacillus will suffer the same dreadful fate in Hong Kong as the odious Lap Sap Chung."
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Monday, November 13, 1972
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The Labour Department and the local leading printing firms are joining forces to improve the training and provision of manpower at the craftsman and technician levels in the printing industry.
The firms are starting an apprenticeship training scheme and the department is giving them every possible assistance in overcoming any operational difficulties.
The Pri nti ng Industrial Committee of the Industrial Training Advisory Committee, in conjunction with the department and the Hong Kong Printers Association, will shortly call a second meeting to discuss such difficulties.
Mr. Alex Wu, chairman of the P.I.C., today called on all printing firms to attend and be prepared to bring up their problems for discussion at the meeting.
In a first meeting held recently, he said, the Senior Training Officer (Apprenticeship) of the department outlined a proposed apprenticeship training scheme for the various sectors of the printing industry.
He said one of its main features is the award of a certificate to apprentices who have completed training, thus giving the industry a yardstick of competency.
’’Ever since the meeting, a number of printing firms have either * * • • * • • • started or reorganised their training along the lines of the proposed scheme,” he said.
/Mr. Wu said
Monday, November 13, 1972
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Mr. Wu said his committee had conducted a manpower survey and later published a report in 1971, in which it was recommended to the Government that technical education facilities in printing be urgently provided. The report also recommended that industry should set up a training scheme.
"Government has accepted this recommendation and a printing department will be set up in the new technical institute in Kwun Tong which is expected to be operational by 1975•
"The primary purpose of the department will be to run courses for apprentices in the printing industry," he said.
Mr. Wu said that in view of the time gap between now and 1975, his committee had recently further recommended the establishment of a teaching workshop to be administered by the Morrison Hill Technical Institute in temporary premises. This recommendation was receiving urgent consideration by the Government, he added.
The 1971 report, he said, described the training in the industry as "limited, out-dated, haphazard and of low standard", and showed that the annual additional need of craftsmen and technicians at the time of the survey and in the immediate future was no less than 1,125 and 125 respectively.
According to that survey, the trades where the shortage of manpower was most acute included hand compositors, letterpress and litho-offset pressmen, bench workers and book-binders.
Mr. Wu stressed the importance for printing industrialists to seriously consider playing their role in the training of skilled manpower to meet the needs of the industry.
Monday, November 15, 1972
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Traffic through the Lion Rock Tunnel has more than doubled since its opening five years ago from a daily average of 5,596 in 19$7 to 11,200 so far this year.
On days with particularly heavy traffic, over 20,000 vehicles travelling between Kowloon and Sha Tin pass through this mile-long tunnel which operates on a round-the-clock basis.
With the development of the Sha Tin valley and the projected new race course at Sha Tin, it is estimated that traffic will rise to a daily average of 25,000 vehicles by 1977•
Mr. F.W. May, who has been Superintendent of the Lion Rock Tunnel since its opening, said that the main operational problem was "the rapid turnover in staff which resulted in many of the Tunnel Control Officers working long hours of overtime."
The officers are responsible for detecting and preventing speeding offences and overtaking inside the tunnel.
Mr. May added that due to construction work for a flyover at the junction of Waterloo Road and Lung Cheung Road, there was also a problem of temporary delays to south bound traffic at weekends.
He said the delays often resulted in the stopping of traffic at the Sha Tin entrance to avoid having stationary traffic inside the tunnel.
/With a mile
Monday, November 13 j 1972
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With a mile long line of stopped traffic, the atmosphere in the tunnel would become stifling in spite of the ventilation system, Mr. May explained.
When plans for the Lion Rock Tunnel were first conceived, it was intended to be an economical route for conveying water from the Sha Tin filters of the Plover Cove Water Supply Scheme to the urban areas of Kowloon.
In 1960, it was decided that the proposed tunnel cross-section should be enlarged to provide space for an additional road link between Kowloon and Sha Tin.
The tunnel is 4,677 feet long, with a minimum head-room of fifteen-and-a-half feet capable of accommodating double-deck buses and other heavy commercial vehicles.
Traffic warning signs, carbon monoxide detectors, visibility meters, fire fighting equipment and emergency telephones have also been installed in the tunnel.
The tunnel was opened by Sir David Trench on November 14, 19&7 at a ceremony held at the tunnel’s Administrative Building.
To commerorate the fifth anniversary of the Lion Rock Tunnel, the staff will be holding a small dinner party in the Administrative Building tomorrow (Tuesday) evening.
Monday, November 13* 1972
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The Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Mr- Anthony Royle, will visit a number of Asian countries after leaving Hong Kong on November 15-
His first stop will be Thailand where he will have an audience with the King and hold talks with his ministers.
In Nepal he will have discussions with ministers and will open a section of road which was built with the aid of British funds.
After leaving Nepal, Mr. Royle will visit India for talks with the Indian Foreign Minister.
He is due back in London on November 23-
Monday, November 13, 1972
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The Commerce and Industry Department’s trade documents receipt and issue office at Kai Tak will be closed down at the end of December.
A spokesman for the department said today that the office, which was opened in October 1971« had been so little used by the public that there was no justification for it remaining open.
However, companies wishing to submit certificate and licence applications in Kowloon will still be able to do so at the department’s Mong Kok and Tsim Sha Tsui offices.
Monday, November 13» 1972
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The section of Princess Margaret Road from its junction with Wylie Road to the Pui Ching Road flyover will be temporarily closed for six hours to both north and south bound traffic beginning tomorrow (Tuesday) at 11.55 p»nu
The temporary closure will enable contractors to place in position precast concrete deck beams for a footbridge across Princess Margaret Road.
North bound traffic to Mong Kok ahd Kowloon Tong will be diverted via Wylie Road; and south bound traffic to Tsim Sha Tsui via Fat Kwong Street and Chatham Road.
Normal traffic will be resumed at 6 a.m. on Wednesday (November 15)• Traffic signs will be posted to guide motorists during the closure.
Monday, November 1J, 1972
Mr. P.A. Rull, Senior Land Bailiff of the Crown Lands and Survey Office, Public Works Department, is to retire soon after serving the Government for 27 years.
Mr. Rull first joined the civil service as an inspector of junks in the Marine Department in 19^5i and was promoted to Assistant Marine Officer in January 1947*
He was transferred to the Public Works Department as Land Bailiff
in 1950 and was promoted to the rank of Senior Land Bailiff in November 1964.
To mark his retirement, the Director of Lands and Survey, Mr. W.L.T.
Crunden will present him with a memento at a farewell ceremony tomorrow (November 14).
Note to Editors: You are invited to have the presentation
ceremony covered.
It will be held at 4.45 p«nu tomorrow in the conference room of the Public Works Department Headquarters on the 21st floor, Murray Building, Garden Road, Hong Kong.
Release Time: 7>00 p»m.
PRH 7 ' 4000091
Tuesday, November 14,*1972
A new radar system will be installed at the Hong Kong Airport to ■ ' • '■ ’ *.! cv •< :.wv. >•••••
ensure continued efficient and safe handling of all the air traffic expected T’* ■ ' • . । ’• ‘ •" - .i . .. ■
in the foreseeable future.
Called the Secondary Surveillance Radar, this new system is introduced as the final phase of a three-stage development plan.
•f* ’ •" • • . • • #. • * •. ,
The first stage involved mainly the rationalization of the workload of
the air traffic controllers and improvement of their working conditions and has now been in operation for several months.
The second stage provides for new radio navigational aids and improvements to the existing primary surveillance radar to expand the capability of the present air traffic control system.
Three of the projects of this stage have already been completed and the remaining two are currently in hand.
With the installation of the Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) and the
.. if* • • • - . . • • .
equipping of the new Air Traffic Control Centre in the final stage, air traffic controllers will be able to handle more safely a greater number of aircraft and obtain more accurate information on the radar position of aircraft at ranges up to and in excess of 200 miles.
' ‘T ' '
/The SSR system ........
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, November 14, 1972
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The SSR system operates by sending out an interrogation signal from the ground radar to be received by the aircraft radar beacon, known as a transponder.
The aircraft, in reply, transmits a series of pulses in a number of combinations according to the information required on the ground.
The ground system receives the signals transmitted and automatically decodes them.
Thus the ground controller knows not only the range and bearing of the aircraft, which is supplemented with the help of the existing primary radars, but also additional information on its identity and altitude.
A 1971 survey of 27 airlines operating scheduled services through Hong Kong showed that at legist 97 per cent of the aircraft flying in and out during busy periods in the afternoon were equipped with these transponders.
The existing primary radars will have to be retained to provide information on aircraft which either fail to respond to the ground radar, or are not equipped with transponders.
New equipment to be installed will include interrogation and decoding equipment, which will be located on Mount Parker, and processing equipment, which will register information obtained by the new radar with the three existing primary radars.
The cost and installation of this radar system is estimated to be around 85*5 million.
In order to study the system in actual operation and to foresee any problems that might arise, two officers from the Civil Aviation Department visited a number of manufacturers in May this year, and made recommendations as to the final choice of equipment.
It is expected that the new radar system will be operational by mid-197**>
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Tuesday, November 14, 1972
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The Director of the Royal Observatory, Mr. G.J. Bell, and the Senior Scientific Officer, Dr. P.O. Chin, left today for Bangkok to attend the 5th Session of the ECAFE - World Meteorological Organisation Typhoon Committee.
The six-day session which begins tomorrow will be attended by meteorological and hydrological experts from many countries including Australia, Germany, the United States and the Soviet Union.
Among the important items to be discussed will be disaster planning and community preparedness. It is probable the delegates from the Philippines and America will outline their plans for modifying typhoons during the 1973 session.
The Committee will also study the existing the warning of tropical cyclones and consider steps to accelerate the provision of basic meteorological and telecommunication facilities for the dissemination of information in some countries in the region.
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Tuesday, November 14, 1972
Delegates from Japan, the Philippines and Singapore will attend a sports conference organised by the Amateur Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong in the City Hall on Saturday (November 18) afternoon.
The conference will deal with sports facilities now available in Hong Kong and the uses to which they are put, including sports and recreation programmes which are now carried out for the benefit of the public.
In connection with the conference, the Urban Services Department will stage a small Recreation and Amenities Exhibition in the City Hall Low Block.
The Chief Justice, Sir Ivo Rigby, will officially open the exhibition which will be on display to the public free of charge from 11 a.m, to 7 P»m. of the same day.
A spokesman for the Urban Services Department said today: f,The purpose of the exhibition is to give people some idea of the range of sports facilities administered by the Recreation and Amenities Division.” There will be photographs of existing sports facilities, together with a chart illustrating their growth over the past years.
nIn addition,” he continued, ”there will be models of future projects such as the Kai Tak East Indoor Games Hall, the Kowloon Indoor • • ♦ •.
Stadium^ the Ho Man Tin Stadium, the Causeway Bay Sports Training Centre and Valodrome and the Kowloon Park Chinese Garden."
/There •••••••
Tuesday, November 14, 1972
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There will also be a model of the Hoi Sum Park and photographs of the Morrison Hill heated swimming pool, the first of its kind in Hong Kong.
The spokesman added that last year alone 324 million was spent in the urban areas on building new recreational facilities.
It was also announced today that an exhibition of books on sports will be held at the adult lending library of the City Hall from Friday (November 17) till November 29.
Containing some 100 books, the exhibition covers a wide variety of sports and Olympic events.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter and
photographer to cover the opening ceremony by Sir Ivo Rigby which will take place at 10.30 a.mft on Saturday (November 18).
Tuesday, November 14, 1972
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The Labour Relations Service of the Labour Department helped employers and employees settle 248 labour problems in October.
As a result of agreements reached, 1,285 employees received a total $663,987»
Of this total 86 per cent was paid by employers as outstanding wages, payment in lieu of notice, statutory holiday pay and bonuses of a contractual nature under the Employment Ordinance and the Industrial Employment (Holidays with Pay and Sickness Allowance) Ordinance respectively«
The remaining 14 per cent or 892,602 was paid, apart from legal entitlements, as severance pay and other ex gratia payments to employees*
Fresh nominal claims made by employees in the same month amounted to $1,405,222.
Officers of various district branches of the Labour Relations Service also handled 1,609 consultations and enquiries about labour laws4 industrial relations and personnel management. They visited 22 establishments to help employers introduce joint consultative machinery to strengthen communication between labour and management.
Tuesday, November 14, 1972
The Director of Commerce and Industry announced today that the
High Hong Kong Cost Content Schemes for finished piece goods and for made-ups and garments to Britain has been suspended for the rest of the year.
In its place, an Export Authorisation Scheme has been introduced to make up the uncommitted balances available to all comers.
Trade associations and companies on the Commerce and Industry Department’s notice to exporters, series one (Britain) will receive copies of the notice shortly.
However, people who want advance information are asked to contact Mr. H.T.W. Lau, telephone number H-4JO719 or Mr. C.K. Ng, H-446?89.
Thirteen official members of the Legislative Council will speak
tomorrow (November 15) when the debate resumes on the motion of thanks for the Governor’s address on October 18.
The order of speakers is as follows: Mr. D.R.W. Alexander, Mr. D.C. Bray.
Mr. J. Canning, Mr. J. Cater, Mr. D.H. Jordan, Mr. I.M. Lightbody, Mr. J.J. Robson, Mr. G.T. Rowe, Mr. Paul K.C. Tsui, the Secretary for Home Affairs, the Attorney General, the Financial Secretary and the Colonial Secretary.
The day’s business includes the committee stage and third reading
of the three bills — Accountants Bill 1972, Magistrates (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1972 and the Probate and Administration (Amendment) Bill 1972.
----- O----
Tuesday, November 14, 1972
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Water supply to a number of premises in Mong Kok will be turned off temporarily for five hours from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. on Thursday (November 16)•
This is to enable the Water Works Office to carry out a leakage test.
The area affected is bounded by Canton Road, Shan Tung Street, Nathan Road, Argyle Street and Tong Mei Road.
The Port Health Authority announced today that quarantine restrictions have been imposed against arrivals from Bahrain (excluding airport) and Butuan (port), Philippines, because of cholera.
At the sane time, quarantine restrictions against arrivals from Delhi (excluding airport), India, because of smallpox have been removed.
- w - - 0---
Release time: 6.j0 p.n.
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
*♦♦♦ ♦*♦ ♦ *
The Attorney General, the Hon D.T.E. Roberts, announced today
that the Government proposes to adopt a number of tougher measures to combat
the substantial growth of violent crime in Hong Kong*
He said the time had come "for us to take a harsher view" and
the proposed measures will make it clear that the Government is as gravely
concerned with the present level of violent crime as the community at large.
He was speaking in the Legislative Council on a motion of thanks
for the Governor’s address given last month at the opening of the Council’s new session.
The proposed measures are:
* To provide a mandatory sentence of at least six months imprisonment or a detention order for people found guilty of possessing offensive weapons in public places illegally or without reasonable excuse;
* To increase tjie maximum sentence for such an offence from two years to three years;
* To empower any police officer to stop and search any person for offensive weapons in a public place at any time; and
* To set up a scheme for the compensation of victims of violent crimes. . • ■
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
/The Government •••••••
Wednesday, November 155 1972
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The Government will also consider instituting other measures.
These include:
♦ The re-introduction of a form of rigorous imprisonment for people convicted of violent crimes;
* To introduce a preventive detention system to remove "habitual criminals" from society for long periods;
* To introduce compulsory corporal punishment for specified offences; and
• To introduce minimum sentences for robbery or serious assaults•
Mr, Robearts said these proposed measures showed the part the Government was taking to deal with the problem. "But we cannot do it alone — crime cannot be kept within acceptable bounds unless every member of the community is prepared to do what he can to help."
A person has a public duty to report a crime, even if it might be inconvenient and take a lot of time, if he wishes to see crime contained, he said.
The Attorney General said the Commissioner of Police was re-examining the procedures in force in his stations in an effort to reduce the inconvenience to people who attend to report crime, "but there will always be a measure of inconvenience remaining".
Mr. Roberts pointed out that during the past generation "we in Hong Kong have prided ourselves on an increasingly liberal and humane attitude towards the treatment of wrongdoers,"
/More •••••••
Wednesday, November 15» 1972
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More and more emphasis, he said, was put on the needs and the rehabilitation of the offender, rather than on the legitimate protection of the interests of the community.
Mr. Roberts continued: ,fIt is a matter of regret that the time has come for us to take a harsher view.
,fI have no doubt that the confidence of the public is more important than the rehabilitation and the personal circumstances of a particular offender.”
Mr. Roberts said the mandatory sentence or detention order, as well as the stop-and-search power, will be provided in amending legislation to be submitted in the near future to the Governor in Council for approval.
In addition, he said, it is proposed to move a resolution so as to add the offence of possession of an offensive weapon to those in relation to which a sentence of imprisonment may not be suspended.
The object of the amendment is to try to prevent the carrying of offensive weapons, but if it fails in this, it may be necessary to consider introducing minimum sentences also for robbery or serious assaults.
He said the possible re-introduction of rigorous imprisonment for people convicted of crimes involving violence aims at bringing about a tougher and more exacting prison regime than is applicable to other prisoners, but it depends mainly on the availability of buildings and prison officers.
Referring to the system of preventive detention, Mr. Roberts said detention of this nature was in force in the United Kingdom for nearly 20 years after the war, providing that a person who had at least three previous convictions on a serious offence and who had undergone at least two custodial sentences, could be ordered to be detained as ”habitual criminal” for between five and 14 years.
/The proposed •••••
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
The proposed compensation scheme has been approved in principle by the Governor in Council, and it covers people injured by the criminal or by the police who are acting in the execution of their duty, he said.
Details of the actual scale of payments to be made to people qualifying under the scheme may be announced in the near future, he added.
On compulsory corporal punishment, he said this may be seriously considered by the Government if the present trend of violence continues.
As regards public criticism directed at the police and the courts, he said this is largely unjustified, and he assured the Council that the courts are fully alive to the public views concerning adequate punishment of offenders.
He cited figures in the last two years which showed an increase of about 10 per cent in the proportion of people convicted of robbery in the Supreme Court or the District Court and sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment or more.
Other figures he cited also showed general increases in the average length of sentences imposed in the Supreme Court, the Distract Court and the magistracies, as well as increases in the proportion of convicts sentenced by the courts.
On police strength, Mr. Roberts said a vigorous campaign has just been launched in an effort to recruit large numbers of men into the police force, and the size of the Auxiliary police force is being substantially augmented.
”If this is achieved, it is the Government’s intention to seek further increases in strength to the limit of the needs of the community and the ability of the regular police to make use of auxiliaries,” he said.
Wednesday, November 15« 1972
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The following is the full text of the reply by the Financial Secretary to a question on stock exchanges by the Hon. P.C. Woo in Legislative Council today:
"The Government cannot at present prevent the establishment of any more stock exchanges in Hong Kong. The fact is no statutory powers exist to forbid the formation and operation of stock exchanges, but only to withhold recognition under Section 2A of the Companies Ordinance.
’Hinder the Bill dealing with securities, which I hope to introduce into this Council within a few months, only those stock exchanges -approved by the Financial Secretary will be allowed to operate in Hong Kong after the Bill goes into force. I intend to approve only those which are recognized for the purposes of Section 2A of the Companies Ordinance. It follows that any exchange which is not recognized cannot continue to operate; and any new stock exchange which may be established between now and the date of the enactment of the Securities Bill will not be recognized. In other words, it is our intention to restrict the number of exchanges allowed to operate and tjiis will be coupled with a system of registration of all dealers.
"Having said this and lest .there be any misunderstanding, may I conclude by reaffirming the Government’s view that there is scope for improving the organisational arrangements and procedures of the existing stock exchanges.
"The Securities Bill is designed, among other things, to achieve this”.
Wednesday, November 15? 1972
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The newly appointed Secretary for Information, the Hon. Jack Cater, is to set in motion plans to encourage government departments to deal more directly with the news media.
Speaking in Legislative Council today, he said that he had held several meetings with representatives from the press, television and radio stations to hear at first hand their comments on the Government’s public relations organisation and effort.
The main criticisms he has heard so far centred on difficulties encountered in making direct contact with government departments to obtain information.
Mr. Cater said: "As a result, G.I.S. often acts as agent for journalists in obtaining information from departments. Inevitably, if GIS finds it difficult to obtain that information, it comes in for criticism by some sections of the media as being ’obstructive’ or ’protective’.”
In addition, he said, some government officers reluctant to deal with the press, encourage journalists to submit requests through GIS to avoid direct confrontation with the media.
"It is easy to see, therefore, how some journalists may gain the impression that GIS is hindering them in their legitimate quest for information," he added.
/However, ....... ...
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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However, he accepted that there was room for some improvement in the work of G.I.S. and Radio Hong Kong, although the main criticisms he had heard since taking over the appointment was the one dealing with the difficulties in making direct contact with the departments.
Mr. Cater said he intended in the near future to propose suitable ways for making this possible and then he hoped GIS would be able to spend more time on the important aspect of its work of advising government officers on the presentation of information.
The criticism, he said, did not apply to all departments and some had very good relationships with the media.
’’Journalists tell me that the situation seems to be better in departments which have their own public relations officers, seconded from GIS. By January 1 next year, nine major departments will have their own public relations officers and the number will be increased during the course of the year,” he added.
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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The year 1973 will see an average of a new secondary school completed every fortnight, and the Government will thus be able to provide aided secondary education to an even greater proportion of primary school leavers.
The Director of Education, the Hon. J. Canning, told the Legislative Council today that this year, it was possible to allocate places in government and aided schools and places purchased in private schools to 44 per cent of the pupils who entered the Secondary Schools Entrance Examination.
tfWe shall do even better next year as we can reasonably expect that 26 new secondary schools will be completed in 1975," he said.
He said he has every confidence that it will be possible to achieve the interim target of three years post-primary education for 50 per cent of all children in the 12-14 age group by 1976.
Mr• Canning said urgent steps are being taken to reconstitute the Board of Education, and it is hoped that a full and detailed paper will soon be presented to the Board outlining the programme for secondary expansion.
The targets which the Government is setting itself would need huge capital and recurrent expenditures and it will be necessary for voluntary agencies engaged in education to extend their efforts considerably if the great tasks lying ahead are to be accomplished, he added.
/On the
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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On the question of abolishing the Secondary School Entrance Examination, Mr. Canning said it remains "the fairest method of selection" even in the tremendously expanded secondary education system which is envisaged.
The proposed increase in secondary education will, however, take "much of the heat" out of this examination to the benefit of all concerned, he added.
As regards the Certificate of Education examination, he said he has already taken steps to make it less of a hurdle - by doing away with the branding of failure or pass, and by combining the Chinese and the English examinations into one.
He said any suggestion to abandon this examination would be a "retrograde step" because it is valued by employers, local and overseas universities, professional institutions and others concerned.
The Director described as "unfair and untrue" some of the comments made about schools here, and said the quality of education provided and the standards achieved are very high and compare favourably with state-supported schools abroad.
"We are, however, dedicated to the proposition that our schools can be made better, and to that end have established curriculum renewal and development teams to survey the whole content of primary and secondary education." Mr. Canning agreed that there is the need to encourage a fuller range of activities in schools and said schools are being actively urged to do this in order to broaden the interests of pupils.
Wednesday, November 15? 1972
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The conclusions of a study carried out by the Government on illegal gambling will soon be considered by the Governor in Council.
The Secretary for Home Affairs, the Hon. D.C.C. Luddington, told the Legislative Council today that a lot of thought had been given to the subject and the Government does not intend to encourage the people to gamble.
The study into gambling has taken into account the practical facts about illegal gambling today, what police effort has been devoted to control it and to what effect.
"The issues are not only moral issues of good and evil but practical issues of what is and is not feasible," he said.
Mr. Luddington recalled the Governor’s referrence to the "Keep Hong Kong Clean" Campaign as an "experiment in the mobilisation of responsible citizenship for the benefit of each neighbourhood", and that Unofficial members had suggested that a similar technique might be applied to many other problems.
He assured the Council that he and his staff have already been considering other problems which might be tackled in a similar manner.
"Crime, fire prevention, traffic and environmental hygiene were all mentioned. Each one would involve different departments and different techniques, but all would require a special effort by the Secretary for Information and all the mass media which have co-operated so readily in the current Clean Hong Kong Campaign," he said.
/Mr. Luddington
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
Mr. Luddington said young people are concerned about their city, neighbours and environment, and City District Officers and others have for some time been making use of this youthful enthusiasm on which many different voluntary services rely.
”More could certainly be done to co-ordinate such voluntary effort i
on a regional basis and I will look into this.”
On the question of executive duties for C.D.Os, Mr. Luddington emphasised that although they do not have any executive powers now, they do have an ever widening task to improve and maintain the relationships between the people and the executive departments of Government.
He said he was not against C.D.Os assuming executive duties, but he was concerned that they should not be given such duties which “could only be carried out at the expense of their present work.” The staff of the C.D.Os. are already working long hours to meet their present commitments, he added.
“New campaigns and new duties without further staff and 'further accommodation would endanger the contacts which we have established and the services we do now provide,1’ he said.
Mr. Luddington agreed with Unofficial members dn the need for experienced officers to be posted as C.D.Os. but said the C.D.O. scheme is not an end in itself.
’’Other departments responsible for achieving practical targets in housing, social welfare, sanitation and recreation must have their share of the relatively small pool of experience,” he said.
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Wednesday। November 15j 1972
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The Commissioner for Resettlement, the Hon# I.M# Lightbody, described as a ’’sound and attractive idea in principle” the suggestion that wealthy families living in public housing should move to the private sector.
However, he stressed that it could only be applied to manifestly weLL-off families who were able to afford a self-contained unit in the private sector ”at a probable minimum rent of around $600.”
’’The problem is to define what constitutes a level of family income that would justify moving them on; and then to find out which families are earning more than the accepted limit,” he eaid.
As to checking on family income, Mr. Lightbody said it was in effect a kind of means test and making continuing checks of this kind on such a scale, because of the vast numbers in public housing, did not appear to be a practical proposition.
It would need an ’’army” of inspectors who would be exposed to ’’endless temptations”.
However, Mr. Lightbody added that it would be one of the many questions which the new Housing Authority would be asked to consider.
On the subject of the present certified square footage in the housing units, the Commissioner said that it was already the subject of frequent review and discussion.
As always the problem faced was of striking a balance between ’’the numbers we can house, housing standards and the availability of funds”. At the same time, he said, lower densities required more land.
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
The draft white paper on social welfare policy has laid the foundation for translating community concern into practical social-?welfare programmes of which the people of Hong Kong can be proud.
’’The important thing is to sustain the impetus for progress,” the retiring Director of Social Welfare, the Hon. G.T. Rowe, told the Legislative Council today.
"I believe the joint planning machinery — between the Social Welfare Department and the voluntary agencies — that has been established will provide an effective means of doing so.”
He was speaking at the resumed debate on Hong Kong affairs, taking the occasion to reply to points raised by unofficial members, six of whom had referred to the white paper in their speeches two weeks ago.
It was Mr. Rowe’s last speech and appearanc.e in the Council before departing from Hong Kong on leave prior to retirement. He described his four years as Director of Social Welfare as ’’exciting and challenging,” and he thanked members for the support they had always given him, and the interest they had expressed in social welfare matters.
He said he had been ’’particularly glad” that the production of the white paper had involved the voluntary agencies, because they-had had, and would continue to have, ”a vital role to play in the provision of social welfare services in Hong Kong.”
/The joint ........
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The joint planning already undertaken, and now established as a permanent feature, would go a long way to meet the worries of agencies about ’’red tape, occasional lack of government response, and a real worry about their financial position.”
Mr. Rowe believed that the projected rate of increase of 50 per cent in subvention for the agencies over the five years from April 1973 would be adequate to sustain the continued improvement in the quality of social welfare service that everyone wished to see.
He was sure the agencies themselves, who had subscribed to the proposals in the white paper, also regarded it as realistic.
In addition, the proposed rate of increase had to be seen against a background of recent rapid increases in social welfare subventions — which had risen by 500 per cent between 19&5 and 1972.
He said the rate of development required differed with the agencies, according to their activities. Some agencies would be ’’positively encouraged to double their activities in the five-year period.”
On the proposed disability and infirmity allowance scheme, Mr. Rowe said he had noted the views of members on whether some form of means test should be included. Although he could not anticipate the decision of the Governor in Council, the views expressed would be taken into account when the decision was reached.
About the proposed Institute for Social Work Training, he gave members the assurance that every effort would be made to get it into operation as quickly as possible.
*...... /But.........................................................
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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But in the meantime, the implementation of the proposals in the white paper would not be delayed because there were not enough trained staff to fill all the posts — the Department would do the best it could with the resources it had,
Mr. Rowe believed the Institute would provide a "valuable area of training” for those who were not particularly academically minded, but who wanted to serve the community in a skilled and professional way.
Local exports of woven trousers to the European Economic Community (EEC) are to be controlled by the use of a new conversion factor of 3,184 pieces per metric ton, the Director of Commerce and Industry, Mr. D.H. Jordan, announced today.
The new conversion factor is necessary because it has been found that the existing ones have resulted in shipments of woven trousers exceeding the limits in metric tons as provided in the HK/EEC Agreement on Cotton Textiles.
Further information is obtainable from the following officers:
Mr. P.C. Leung - Assistant Trade Officer (Tel. No. 5-229777)
Mr. H.K. Chan - Industry Assistant (Tel. No. 5-228513)
Mr. S.Y. Chiu - Industry Assistant (Tel. No. 5-228513)
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Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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The Commissioner of Labour, the Hon. Paul Tsui, has expressed concern at the apparent lack of interest by employers in the promotion of industrial safety, which he described as ”an essential function of good management”.
Speaking in the Legislative Council today, he said there were 6j8 fatal accidents from among 51,000 people injured at work during 1970 and 1971*
”To me these figures are worrying, but I regret to say that they do not seem to be a matter of concern to the employers at large, as reflected by the rather discouraging response to the safety training courses offered by the Industrial Safety Training Centre of the Labour Department,” Mr. Tsui said.
He appealed to all directors and managers to take a positive interest in the safety and health of their workers.
The Commissioner emphasised that it was only the boardrooms which had ”the influence, power and resources” to take the initiative in producing firm policy-statements regarding safety objectives and to see that they are carried out.
If the boards of all companies and firms in Hong Kong had done this, ”we would have advanced further along the road of promoting industrial safety”.
Mr. Tsui also had a word for the workers and said that they had a part to play in accident prevention, particularly by observing working rules and safe practices.
/He also called ........
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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He also called on industry to accept and implement one of the most important recommendations of the Industrial Training Advisory Committee’s recommendations — the need for industry-wide apprentice training.
Referring to severance pay on redundancy, the Commissioner said the problems involved are complex, and have been tackled in various ways in different countries.
"We have now completed an examination of these and the outlines of a possible scheme for Hong Kong have emerged. If one proves generally feasible and acceptable, legislation will be introduced,” he said.
Water supplies to a number of premises in Mong Kok will be interrupted for five hours from 1 a.m. on Friday (November 17)*
The temporary stoppage is to enable the Water-works Office to carry out a leakage test in the area.
The area affected is bounded by Pitt Street, Dundas Street, Shanghai
Street, Nelson Street and the seafront. ... • , . • -i
Wednesday, November 15» *1972
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The Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddon-Cave, said today he shared the concern expressed by the Hon. Q.W, Lee about the future security of Hong Kong’s sterling reserves, and promised to make a full statement soon after his return from his forthcoming visit to London.
Speaking in the Legislative Council, he said it would not be in the best interests of a satisfactory settlement for him to make a statement at this time ”as representations have recently been made to H.M. Government at the highest level and as I shall be following up these representations while in London this week and next.”
At present, he said, about half of Hong Kong’s sterling reserves are owned by the Government, and half by the banks against their Hong Kong dollar liabilities.
Referring to the Hon. Wilfred Wong’s remarks about estimates of the Gross National Product, the Financial Secretary assured him that he considered estimates of various national income aggregates as being ’’useful tools for the understanding of even an economy as externally oriented as ours.”
He said the Census and Statistics Department has prepared ’’very preliminary” estimates of the Gross Domestic Product going back for several years.
The Gross Domestic Product, he said, is a slightly different aggregate from the Gross National Product in that it does not include net earnings from inves’Unents abroad but is less difficult to calculate in local circumstances.
/Furthermore, ..........
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Furthermore, the Gross Domestic Product estimates have only been calculated on the so-called expenditure side and could therefore be subject to a wide margin of error, he added.
Mr. Haddon-Cave said efforts are now being made to prepare an alternative estimate based on incomes, that is wages, salaries, profits and so on, with the help of an experienced national income statistician from the United Kingdom who will be visiting Hong Kong later this month.
’’This will enable a check to be made on the original expenditure estimates and will mean, more likely than not, that adjustments will have to be made,” he said.
He said in due course when progress has been made with the forthcoming census of production, a third estimate will be attempted from the production side.
When more work has been done on refining the figures, he said it is the Government’s intention to publish the results and this, he hoped, can be done in the course of the next 12 months.
”Meanwhile, I shall be using the present estimates in framing the 1973-7/+ budget,” he said.
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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The Director of Commerce and Industry, the Hon David Jordan, is optimistic about Hong Kong’s trading prospects for 1973 and said there are already signs that ’’demand is picking up again”.
Speaking in the Legislative'Council, he said Hong Kong should expect to achieve an average annual growth in exports of 12 to 15 pet cent over the year.
”We may not reach this rate in 1972, but I think that if this happens, it will be due as much to unfavourable geheral conditions in some of our main markets as it will be to increased competition from other suppliers,” Mr. Jordan said.
He agreed that industry must seek every way open to it to increase its productivity and to expand and improve its range of products.
”1 also accept that the Government must do all it can to persuade other countries not to apply discriminatory restrictions against Hong Kong products and to have these removed where they exist.”
He described French restrictions on many Hong Kong products as ’’certainly discriminatory and unjustifiable and we will continue to press for their removal”.
Mr. Jordan admitted that Hong Kong still had a relatively narrow industrial base, with over 50 per cent of export earnings coming from textiles and garments.
/”It seems ••••••
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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"It seems economically desirable that our industrial base should be widened further so as to provide opportunities for developing new
• . . . . ! markets and, by developing new skills and investment in more sophisticated processes, to increase our productivity and earning power," he added.
To this end the Commerce and Industry Department has for some years actively promoted overseas investment in Hong Kong industry, with some encouraging results.
Mr. Jordan also revealed that the Government was considering the selling of land for specific industries under restricted user conditions, to facilitate the establishment of new and more sophisticated industries.
It was possible, he said, that at least one site may be offered for sale under these conditions within the next few months and he hoped that this would result in an industry completely new to Hong Kong being established here.
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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Recommendations made by the management consultants on how to make the best use of Government’s staff resources are still in the form of ’’discussion drafts” but Government is already implementing some of them in selected areas.
This was stated today by the Colonial Secretary, the Hon, Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, in the Legislative Council.
Sir Hugh said: ’’This procedure, of trying out recommendations in pilot test areas as we go along, is of basic importance - we must make sure that the existing machinery which has served its purpose well can take the input of a higher voltage without complete rewiring.”
He hoped the results of the exercise would be visible before the exercise itself is completed.
’’The Government is a large and complex organisation, and complete implementation of all the recommendations may take up to three or four years,” he said.
He said the consultants’ recommendations fall into four main categories -first, the improvement of existing procedures; second, the adoption of entirely new procedures based on management by measurement of objectives and output; third, improvements in the recruitment and development of manpower resources; and fourth, a number of long term suggestions..
The first three categories are either being or will be experimented.
The fourth part consisting of long term recommendations has only reached the stage of preliminary discussion, he said.
/On medical .........
Wednesday, November 15? 1972
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On medical and health services, Sir Hugh said work is already in hand on making careful study regarding the proposal that a population policy be formulated.
At the same time, he said, the Director of Medical and Health Services has prepared a five-year forecast of expected developments in the medical and health fields, and will in due course explain the proposals to Council members.
These proposals include the expansion of clinical services and the future of a dental service, he added.
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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The Colonial Secretary, the Hon. Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, today tabled in the Legislative Council the Third and Fourth Reports of the Standing Committee on Superscale Salaries.
He told the Council that the Third Report was almost entirely concerned with the grading of superscale posts as distinct from any question of salaries.
The Fourth Report, Sir Hugh said, dealt principally with superscale salariest and flowed from the accepted recommendations of the overall salaries review by the 1971 Salaries Commission.
The following is the full text of the Colonial Secretary’s speech:-”1 laid on the table this afternoon the Third and Fourth Reports of the Standing Committee on Superscale Salaries.
”The Third Report was almost entirely concerned with the grading of superscale posts as distinct from any question of salaries. The Committee’s review of gradings was comprehensive, and I must express my gratitude# All their recommendations have already been accepted by the Finance Committee of this Council and have been put into effect. Certain recommendations regarding superscale conditions of service overlapped with more generalized conditions of service and of course had to await the results of the 1971 Salaries Commission.
’’The Fourth Report dealt principally with superscale salaries, and flowed from the accepted recommendations of the overall salaries review by the 1971 Salaries Commission. So far as the Committee’s recommendations
/on salaries
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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on salaries are concerned they have been accepted by you, Sir, in Council and by the Finance Committee of this Council. But the Fourth Report deals also with a number of matters affecting officers in the superscale, some of which have service wide implications, and on some of which the further advice of the Committee may have to be sought. As regards salaries the functions of the Standing Committee on Superscale Salaries is to ensure that the remuneration of senior officers does not fall seriously behind salaries in the private sector, and remains consonant with the salaries of the time-scale officers. Thus, as usual, the senior officers are being dealt with not first, but last.
”It is not necessary that Heads of Government Departments and other senior officers should be remunerated exactly on a par with the heads and senior executives of major business enterprises, but it is vital, as I have said, that the rewards should not be too much out of line with those in the private sector, but taking into account the greater security of tenure of the civil servants, and the lack of flexibility in Government salaries. In the private sector individual salaries may be adjusted by. bonuses, which also reflect the profitability from time to time of a particular business enterprise. A balance must therefore be struck, and the Committee, who, I am &Lad to see, paid special attention to bonuses on this occasion, have produced their judgement of Solomon.
HI think it is opportune to remind the .public why superscale salaries are considered by this independent Committee, which is composed entirely of Unofficials, and to place on record my assurance that no intervention is made by senior officials in the Committee’s deliberations on salaries, and that the recommendations made by the Committee are not in any way
/prejudiced •••••
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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prejudiced by official views. As in the United Kingdom where there is a similar Committee under Lord Boyle we consider that senior civil servants should have no part in adjudicating on their own remuneration - not only would this be improper but it would be most embarrassing for the officers concerned if this obligation were laid upon them.
"Finally, because of the dating of this Fourth Report of the Committee it might be represented that this is the first in another round of civil service pay awards. Far from this being the case it is in fact the last of the awards made as a result of the 1971 Salaries Commission, and dates back not to April 1971 but only to April of this year - although certain minor adjustments to superscale salaries were made in January this year which principally related to the new method of calculating rent payments introduced in April 1971•
"The Standing Committee was set up in 1963, and the first and second reviews were made in 1964 and 19^9. As the revision now accepted by the Finance Committee of this Council was based on a review of the position in the private sector as of April 1 this year, it was agreed that only this degree of retrospectivity was equible in the circumstances-
"In conclusion I should like to express my gratitude to Mr. G.R. Ross as Chairman of the Committee and the Members for the thorough review which they have carried out and for their conclusions which Government accepts as being both fair to the officers concerned and to the public whom they serve."
Wednesday, November 15i 1972
The present compensation scheme for land in the New Territories required for public purposes is a reasonable one.
Speaking in the Legislative Council today, the District Commissioner, New Territories, the Hon. D.C. Bray, said that the scheme was a "quite incredibly complicated web of logic, law, administrative practice and plain common sense.”
An example was cited that when the Crown required from a lessee a lease which entitled him to cultivate land, it was only logical that the Crown should offer no more in compensation than what the wording justified.
Similarly, when a new lease entitling the lessee to build on the land replaces the old lease, a premium equal to the difference between the two types of leases should be paid.
Mr. Bray admitted, however, that the present system did have its shortcomings, and siad he had been holding discussions with the Heung Yee Kuk to seek a satisfactory and practical solution.
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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Certain priority is given to non-profit making organisations in balloting for the City Hall and its facilities for performances.
This was stated by the Director of Urban Services, the Hon. D.R.W. Alexander, this afternoon during the resumed debate in the Legislative Council on a motion of thanks for the Governor’s address last month.
He said that at present the City Hall is very heavily booked and it is impossible to satisfy all the demands for the use of its facilities for performances, much less rehearsals.
Even if a decision could be reached soon on the proposed Kowloon cultural centre, it would take several years for such an extensive project to be completed.
Mr. Alexander said that special attention is paid to organisations such as the Music Festival, the Hong Kong Youth Orchestra and the Children’s Choir along with other deserving non-profit-making societies.
In view of the shortage of practice facilities, he said, the Hong Kong Youth Orchestra had been granted the use of part of a building in Kowloon Park, where the members can also store their instruments.
Mr. Alexander also expressed the belief that the Hong Kong Arts Centre will assist with the development and progress of local culture, especially in the fields of music, drama and dancing.
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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Temporary traffic diversions will be imposed on Connaught Road Central for about two months with effect from 10 a.m* tomorrow (Thursday)*
The series of diversions will enable work to be carried out on widening the section of road in front of the Fire Brigade Rih 1 ding,.
Eastbound traffic on Connaught Road Central wishing to turn right into Queen Victoria Street will be diverted further eastwards to make a U-turn in front of the General Post Office Building* From there motorists can turn left into Queen Victoria Street via the westbound lanes on Connaught Road Central*
Traffic wishing to turn right from Jubilee Street into Connaught Road Central will be diverted westwards to make a U-turn in front of International Building and turn into Connaught Road Central via eastbound lanes*
Route 12A buses from Jubilee Street will proceed westwards on Connaught Road Central to make the U-turn in front of International Building.
Appropriate traffic signs will be erected.
Wednesday, November 15» 1972
The newly completed hospitals laundry in Chai Wan, which is costing
some 88.4 million, will be officially handed over to the Medical and Health
Department on Thursday (November 16).
In a brief ceretfiony on the site Mr. C.R.J. Donnithorne, the Director of Building Development, will hand over the building to Dr. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services.
The two-storey factory-type laundry building, the first of its type in Hong Kong, has a total floor area of about 40,500 square feet. It will be able to handle about one million pounds of hospital laundry a month.
The upper floor will house the laundry proper, the linen exchange, and administrative offices, and the ground floor will accommodate a boiler plant, store rooms and staff facilities. Cars and trucks will carry laundry directly to the upper floor via a slipway.
A spokesman for the Public Works Department said the layout of the work area in the building was based on a full study of ’’work flow” principles as applied to laundries, and particular attention had been given to the problem of heat disposal.
The roof over the work areas had been specially designed for efficient natural lighting conditions, and a proper dispersion of heat associated with largescale laundry installations.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter and
photographer to cover the handing over ceremony which will take place at 5»3O p.m. on Thursday. The laundry is in Chai Wan Road near its junction with Tytam Road.
$ Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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Special teams are to be set up to take over the planning and •onstruction of the new towns in the New Territories.
The Director of Public Works, the Hon. J.J. Robson, told Legislative Council today that these teams would produce comprehensive and detailed plans for the most appropriate disposition of facilities and for the timing of the development of the towns.
He said that if the target of housing 1.8 million people in 10 years was to be met, there was an obvious need for comprehensive development plans "For it is new towns which must be built at Sha Tin, Tuen Mun and Tsuen Wan/Kwai Chung, not simply government housing.”
He said the Public Works Department must take up the new burden of accelerated planning and construction of the new towns to provide all the formed land which will be required, the roads, the utility services and all the public buildings.
Secondly, he continued, "we must facilitate the contribution private developers have to make to the housing programme by accelerating land sales in the Nev; Territories."
The third was "the need to encourage efficiency and reduce costs in the building industry by fostering mechanisation and increased labour productivity." Government has, in the past tested the economics of "system building" and will continue to do so to see how successful it vri 11 be in saving time and money.
/Referring •••••••
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
Referring to permitting street-side parking of containers for
the purpose of ’stuffing’ and ’unstuffing’, Mr. Robson said that the streets of Hong Kong must be reserved primarily to serve the needs of moving traffic.
”The larger manufacturer, who has sufficient goods to fill
complete containers, should do his stuffing within his own premises,” he continued, ’’the smaller manufacturer should make use of godowns which have been specifically designed to provide this service.”
Nevertheless, he was prepared to discuss the matter further
with representatives of the Container Lines Committee, the General Chamber of Commerce and other bodies primarily affected provided that there were some alternative proposals on how to deal with the problem of road congestion.
Turning to the movement of containers, he assured that forward
planning and present construction of roadworks have taken full account of the needs of container traffic.
t •
”We have in hand over S71 million worth of roadworks in northern
Kowloon which will help to provide speedy access to and from the Kwai
Chung container terminals.”
0 -
Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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Legislation to impose stricter control over motor vehicle exhaust fumes is being drafted.
This was disclosed today by the Colonial Secretary, the Hon. Sir
Hugh Norman-Walker, in reply to a question by the Hon. P.C. Woo at the Legislative Council meeting.
He said that when a police officer sees a vehicle emitting excessive exhaust smoke, a report is made to the Traffic Division which decides whether to prosecute under Regulation 106 of the Road Traffic .(Construction and Use) Regulations, or to call the vehicle up for inspection under Regulation 167.
The Colonial Secretary also said that there.were separate proposals for a new mechanical inspection centre at which a wider range of vehicles could be inspected annually before their licences were renewed.
Sir Hugh said that in September and October this year, 878 notices were served by the police, requiring owners to produce vehicles for inspection because of excessive smoke.
’’These notices related to 348 public transport vehicles, 324 private cars and 206 goods vehicles.”
He also added that during the same period, there were 77 prosecutions for this offence.
The Colonial Secretary went on to explain that' most WflpTairits about excessive smoke related to diesel-engined vehicles ’’because they often produce black smoke and an unpleasant smell, and their exhaust fumes are therefore more obvious”.
’’But according to the Report on Air Pollution, fumes of this sort are not toxic. In fact, the most dangerous pollutant emitted by vehicles is the less visible carbon monoxide, of which only a low level is produced by diesel engines,” Sir Hugh said.
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Wednesday, November 15, 1972
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The Pensions (Amendment) Regulations 1972, was approved by the Legislative Council this afternoon.
Three Bills received their third reading.
They were the Professional Accountants Bill 1972 which was passed with amendments, and the Magistrate (Amendment) (No. 2) Rill 1972 and the Probate and Administration (Amendment) Bill 1972 which were passed vzithout amendment#
Four sessional papers were tabled in the Council. They were the Annual Reports by the Director of Government Supplies, the Chairman of the Public Services Commission, the Commissioner for Census and Statistics and that of the Hong Kong War Memorial Fund Committee for the year 1971 •
The Legislative Council will meet again on Wednesdayt November 29.
Release time: 9<QQ p,m
PRH 7 4000091
Thursday, November 16, 1972
Twenty-eight disabled people were assisted by the Social Welfare Department’s Liaison and Placement Unit into commercially-competitive jobs during October.
The group included seven blind, 10 crippled, four deaf, three mentally, retarded, two former psychiatric patients, and two cured tuberculosis patients
They were accepted into ’’open” industry — as opposed to sheltered workshops — as unskilled and semi-skilled workers, assemblers, sewers, packers, cleaners, watchmen, gardeners, and bell-boys.
Heading the list of industrial organisations taking on the disabled during the month was the Rover Electronics Limited, who accepted 10 people — seven of them were blind and three crippled.
All were engaged as assembly workers, and reports indicate that they all are doing well.
’’Indeed,” says Mr. Paul Leung, Officer in charge of the Unit, ’’the employment of seven blind people for assembly work by this company proves that those who have lost their sight are still able to compete with the able-bodied provided they are placed in an appropriate job after suitable training.”
He understands from the management of the Rover Electronics Limited that they have confidence in the blind for assembly work ’’because they are capable, efficient, and remain at their jobs as a stabilising influence in the face of a great turnover among the able-bodies in the electronics industry.”
/Mr. Leung .......
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, November 16, 1972
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Mr. Leung recalls that there are at least 35 blind people working in this field with the Carter Semiconductor Limited, the Fairchild Semiconductor (HK) Limited, the Senior Electronics Limited, and a photography products manufacturing company.
Records show that they are "steady at their work, and have inspired confidence among managements who had not previously ’thought that a blind person could be engaged in a factory’s production line."
As a result of this success, he hoped that other managements in the electronics industry will consider trained blind workers for assembly work. They can get in touch with him at the World Rehabilitation Fund Day Centre, Kwun Tong, telephone K-419221, extension 12 and 20.
Thursday, November 16, 1972
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Two workmen were killed and 251 .injured on building construction sites during October, according to reports received by the Labour Department.
Of the total, 59 were the result of "stepping on or striking against objects".
The Industrial Safety Training .Officer of the Labour Department
Mr. A.H. Carter that this type of accident was nearly always the result of "poor standards of housekeeping on.the site1?.
,TIf management, supervisory staff and workers as a team got to grips with this problem, we would see a reduction in these accidents. A little time spent on removing the protruding nails and stacking the planks in an orderly manner, would save many a foot injury," he said.
Mr. Carter stressed that poor standards seen on so many construction sites were the biggest contributory cause not only to accident^ resulting from stepping on or striking against objects, but also to accidents generally.
,!Not only do high standards of housekeeping: lead to a reduction of accidents but also results in greater efficiency and thereby financial savings."
•* • -------o---------
Thursday, November 16, 1972
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Five lots of Crown land, three of which are for private residential development will be put up for sale by auction at the City Hall early next month•
Two of the residential lots are in the ’’Broadcasting City” area of Kowloon. One in Fessenden Road, with an upset price of $5 million, covers 16,830 sq. ft, and the other in Marconi Road has an area of 21,6*10 sq. ft. Its upset price is $6 million.
The one on Hong Kong Island is a 13,000 sq. ft. site off Chung Hom Kok Road. The upset price is 3500,000.
The last two lots to be auctioned are in Kowloon. One for industrial and/or godown purposes is at the junction of Shung Shun Street and Sze Shan Street in Sam Ka Tsuen. It covers 26,500 sq. ft. and has an upset price at $1.5 million.
The other one is for non-industrial purposes. It is located at the junction of Ma Tau Chung Road and Mok Cheong Street with a site area of 15,270 sq. ft, and an upset price of $6 million.
The public auction will be held at 2.30 p.m. on Friday, December 8, in the Lecture Room, eighth floor, City Hall.
Thursday, November 16, 1972
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A series of new traffic routings will be imposed in Kowloon Tong and Ho Man Tin to facilitate road work and to ensure the smooth flow of traffic.
Traffic in Kowloon Tong will be temporarily interrupted for four days beginning from 8 a.m. on Saturday (November 18).
Westbound through traffic from Lancashire Road to Essex Crescent, and also that wishing to turn right into Waterloo Road, will be prohibited. But motorists wishing to turn left into Waterloo Road may still do so.
Westbound traffic from Lancashire Road will be diverted to Cumberland Road via Oxford Road or Cambridge Road, Durham Road and Rutland Quadrant.
These temporary measures have been imposed to enable piling work for the decking of the nullah along Waterloo Road.
At the same time, all on-road parking along Oxford Road and Cambridge Road will be temporarily suspended.
The above diversions will be in force until 7 a.m. next Wednesday (November 22)•
With effect from 10 a.m. on Tuesday (November 21) the section of Ho Man Tin Hill Road between No. 19 Ho Man Tin Hill Road and Princess Margaret Road will be permanently closed.
The closure is to ensure that there is no interruption to the smooth flow of traffic along the main thoroughfare of Princess Margaret Road.
Alternative access is now provided from Wylie Road.
Thursday, November 16, 1972
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******** in
Swings, slides and roundabouts will be installed in a new playground for the children of the Tsz Wan Shan Resettlement Estate.
A basketball court is also included in the plan. Flower beds and benches will be installed to provide sitting-out areas.
The playground is the twentieth to be built in the areat and will be located at the existing paved area east and south of Block Two of the estate.
Due to the uneven landscape of the site, the playground is to be built on three levels, with a total area of about 9*000 square feet.
Construction work is expected to begin in mid-January next year, and will take about five months to complete. •
-------0 - - - -
Release time: 6.y) p.m
PRH 7 4000091
Friday, November 17, 1972
Nev/ measures to eliminate problems over the use of the Ha Tsuen Range were announced today when the Hong Kong Government confirmed that the live-firing range must continue to be used.
Fundamental to the new measures will be the building of a new access road and gun positions by British Army engineers. Completion of this new project will take about one year.
As a result more than 600 acres of land at present within the gazetted area of the range will be excluded when the new gazetted boundaries of the range are drawn up. This includes the private agricultural land v/est of Ha Tsuen Village. The new high velocity gun positions will also be 2,000 metres or more further away from the Ha Tsuen villages, thus considerably reducing noise nuisance and inconvenience to the public.
Announcing the new measures today a Government spokesman reiterated that it had always been the Government’s and the Army’s policy to minimise such inconvenience to the villagers of Ha Tsuen as far as was possible. But the spokesman stressed that the range firing facilities are essential to the British Services in Hong Kong if their proper efficiency is to be maintained.
/’’The Ha Tsuen Range
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Friday, November 17, 1972
- 2 -
"The Ha Tsuen Range has been in use as a properly gazetted range for more than 20 years. There is no suitable alternative. Without it, the professional standards of the Services would suffer.”
Today’s Government announcement outlined the measures to be introduced.
In addition to the new road and firing positions there is to be a clear demarcation of range boundaries. Offers will be made as soon as possible to all owners of private land within the new boundaries to lease their land at a considerably increased rent. Existing arrangements for compensating cultivators for loss of crops due to firing practice will continue until the new range boundaries are brought into use, which will be done as soon as the new access road and gun positions are completed.
Compensation will also be paid to clear all cultivation and structures within the new range boundaries. As a result of these measures and the renting of all the private land within the range, there will be no reason for members of the public to be within the range boundaries while firing is taking place. No cultivation or structures within the range will be permitted in future.
The new range boundaries will also exclude some illegal structures which have been built within the range area during the past few years. These structures were tolerated because they were sufficiently close to the maximum limits of the theoretical danger zone to be subject to minimal hazard.
Recent experience, however, demonstrates that even this very low risk is unsatisfactory and the Government, in the future, cannot allow the building of any further illegal structures anywhere within the range.
Friday, November 17i 1972
- 3 -
With immediate effect — and until the new gun positions are brought into use — the Army authorities have decided to discontinue training with high-velocity, flat-trajectory weapons other than small arms, except under occasional and specially-controlled circumstances.
The likelihood of ricochets while firing heavy-calibre, flat-trajectory guns is technically higher than for other types of weapon. It was this characteristic which led to the freak accident on October 9 when a building, situated within the gazetted boundary, near the village of Pak Nai, was struck by a ricochetting practice»shell fired from the 76mm high-velocity main armament of a Saladin armoured ear.
Army experts are satisfied that existing safety arrangements are completely adequate for the continued use of, on the one hand, small arms and, on the other, angled-trajectory weapons such as artillery and mortars.
At the same time, night firing exercises are to be limited to the minimum essential to maintain night operational efficiency.
A review is being carried out of authorised gun positions and certain firing points will not be used again.
These restrictions on night firing and discontinuing the use of some firing points should go a long way towards meeting current local objections until the new gun positions are ready for use next year, commented the Government spokesman.
Army Engineers have already begun preparatory work for the new range facilities, he disclosed.
The new range boundaries will be clearly marked, and notices and flags erected to warn members of the public against entering the range while firing is in progress.
Friday, November 17, 1972
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The Information Secretary, Mr- Jack Cater, believes his most exacting task will be to communicate with "Young Hong Kong in whose hands the future of our great city belongs".
Mr. Cater, who was speaking at a Lions Club of Hong Kong luncheon today, said another major task would be to ensure, as far as is practicable and reasonable, that there is improved confidence between the Government and the media, and that "any gaps which may exist are narrowed, if not completely eliminated".
He said a great deal was heard these days about the gap between the generation, "but in Hong Kong this is especially important, for the great majority of us, those under 25, were either born here or came here at a very early age".
"These young people look upon Hong Kong as their home, and quite naturally have different views and attitudes from those other and older generations," Mr. Cater said.
Communicating with the young was part of his job of "collecting, collating and assessing" community information - the promotion of a two-way flow of information between the government and the people.
Mr. Cater said that many government departments had extensive day-to-day contacts with the public and he believed that this was a source of valuable but raw material "which if properly and painstakingly assessed, will be of inestimable help, and an important factor in the decision-taking processes of the Government".
Friday, November 17, 1972
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The new Director of Social Welfare, Mr. F.K. Li, today reminded young people graduating from school of their duty, as citizens, to make "a personal contribution to welfare work in our community.”
He told pupils of Wah Yan College, Hong Kong, on the occasion of their Speech Day : ”It is your obligation, as members of our society, to involve yourselves in welfare work, and I urge you to honour that obligation.”
It was Mr. Li’s first public address as Director of Social Welfare. He said it gave him great joy to return to the school from where he had graduated J1 years ago.
The Hong Kong of that time was a very different place from the Hong Kong of today, and he was proud of the achievements that had transformed it into a modern industrial city with a standard of living second to none in Asia — with the exception perhaps of the major cities in Japan.
He described the success of Hong Kong as the result of "a mixture of the East and the West, not only in commerce and industry but also in government administration and education.”
In his view, this mixture was no less evident in the welfare field, where traditional institutions such as the Tung Wah group of hospitals and the Po Leung Kuk, after responding to the growing needs and challenges of the community, were working alongside new welfare agencies for the common good.
/•’Social welfare
Friday, November 17, 1972
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"Social welfare work in Hong Kong cannot advance without adequate financial support," Mr. Li told the gathering. "But financial support cannot fulfil our needs. Success cannot be measured in terms of the amount of money that has been expended alone.
"What is equally important is personal involvement and a genuine feeling of compassion in the plight of the less fortunate members of our society — such as the old, the orphans, the blind, the deaf and the mentally and physically handicapped."
He put it to his listeners that without this personal involvement, social welfare work could not be satisfactory. Without this compassion and personal concern, social welfare work could not be complete.
Friday, November 17, 1972
- 7 -
The 44 shop tenants involved in the first phase of the Shek Kip Mei rehousing scheme will be given more time to apply for shops or shop stores at Pak Tin Estate.
The Resettlement Department has decided to extend the date for applications and a new date will be announced later.
Originally, the affected shop tenants were to have lodged their applications by the end of this month.
A spokesman for the department said the decision was made after individual interviews with the 44 shop tenants by staff of the Rehousing Unit. The extension was to give the shop keepers more time to think of their own arrangements and to give his department more time to study a letter from some of them seeking permission to remain ’in situ’ after the re-development of the Shek Kip Mei estate.
He added that he would look into the reprovisioning scheme again in the light of the points raised by the shop tenants to see if there were any way of making the arrangements more convenient to them.
An interim reply to the letter has already been given.
So far, five applications for reprovisioning have been received from the shop tenants.
Seven out of *11 workshop operators have balloted for and have been provided with temporary workshop space at Pak Tin Resettlement Estate.
/The Shek Kip Mei
Friday, November 17, 1972
- 8 -
The Shek Kip Mei rehousing scheme, which is aimed at giving the 62,000 tenants of the old estate a radical improvement in their living condition has been warmly received.
Only 11 application forms out of a total of 1,8% the Resettlement Department sent out to domestic tenants have not been returned.
The Housing Authority has already offered tenancy to nearly 900 families and interviewed another 300.
Many families have already moved into their pew homes in Pak Tin and others are having theirs decorated.
An experienced Social Welfare Officer from the Social Welfare Department is on full-time attachment to the operation and is continuing his contact with tenants claiming to have problems arising from the transfer.
Friday, November 17, 1972
- 9 -
The Marine Department is stepping up its efforts to crack down on ships which do not have on board sufficient number of crew to ensure its safety while in port.
A spokesman said that vessels, depending on their size, were expected to have on board a specified number of crew, including competent officers, in case of emergencies such as fire or the vessel dragging her anchor onto other vessels or port facilities.
He pointed out that in a recent court case, the master of a ship was fined S800 for failing to have on board enough members of the crew capable of carrying out duties to ensure the ship's safety.
In fact, the spokesman continued, on an inspection by the Marine Department Harbour Service patrol officers, it was found that no officer or crew were on board at all.
"The only people on board were four fitters employed from a shore contractor to carry out minor repairs.’’
The magistrate hearing the case, commented that the maximum fine of Si,000 under the Merchant Shipping Ordinance appeared "insufficient for offences of this nature’.’.
Friday, November 17» 1972
- 10 -
New machinery to facilitate vocational training courses will be installed in the Tang King Po School in Kowloon through a grant from the Lotteries Fund.
Additional printing equipment has been purchased to enable the school to offer courses in modern printing techniques.
The school had previously been granted a sum of $165jOOO from the Lotteries Fund in March last year to buy an offset printing-machine. But to fully implement the project the additional equipment is now required.
The expansion will also necessitate certain alterations to the existing accommodation to provide a photographic room, storage space and a lecture room,
A number of new sewing machines will be installed in the tailoring section to help students acquire knowledge in the handling of sophisticated machinery used by commercial garment manufacturers.
A total sum of over $60,000 has been granted to meet the cost of the machinery and renovations.
-------0 - - ~ -
Friday, November 17, 1972
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A modern-design modular market complex with hawker stalls and a restaurant will soon be built in the Sau Mau Ping Resettlement Estate.
The complex will consist of a two-storey building to be constructed near Blocks One and Two of the estate. At the same time a series of 24 vegetable stalls and five cooked food stalls will be built nearby.
A total of 8? stalls for the sale of vegetables, fish and meat are gathered on the ground floor of the two-storey building.
The first floor will be taken over by the restaurant which will have an area of Je800 square feet.
Construction work is expected to begin in mid-January next year, and will take about six months to complete.
Friday, November 171 1972
- 12 -
The Building Authority today declared the ground floor, single storey, back addition at No. 1 Fuk Wah Street, Kowloon to be in a dangerous condition.
The Principal Government Building Surveyor said that the building is already under statutory notice to repair and the works required to the rear addition necessitate the closure of this'portion to avoid risk of injury to the occupiers during the works.
The closure order will be raised on completion of the works.
Notice of intention to apply for the closure order in Kowloon District Court at 9.30 a.m. on November 27 was posted today.
• •*
Release Time: 6*30y*m*
PRH 7 4000001
Saturday, November 18, 1972
Parking charges are to be introduced at the Hong Kong Stadium car parks whenever a function is held in the stadium. The new arrangement will come into force on Wednesday (November 22)•
The Manager of the stadium, Mr. G. Rees, said today the fee for a parking space will be $5 for a half day between 8 a.m. and 3 or from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. For a whole day, from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., the charge will be $10.
Parking tickets will be on the shroff’s office of the Star Ferry Car Park three days in advance of any function.
"If a function is cancelled, the fee paid for a parking space will be reimbursed,” he said.
For the football match to be held on Wednesday, parking tickets will be on sale between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. from Monday (November 20) for Car Park Nos. 1, 2 and 5-
Mr. Rees added that attendants will be on duty in the car parks to assist motorists.
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, November 18, 1972
- 2 -
BUSY LINES * * ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ★ ♦
Hong Kong’s international telephone service has been making substantial progress with an ever increasing number of overseas calls originating from Hong Kong.
Statistics show that the number of calls in 1971 exceeded that of the previous year by more than 2J per cent.
The total duration of overseas telephone calls last year reached nearly 12 mi 11 ion minutes, indicating a closer link between Hong Kong and various parts of the world both in terms of private and commercial rtommuni cati ons•
At present, overseas telephone services in Hong Kong are provided jointly by the Hong Kong Telephone Co. Ltd. and Cable and Wireless Ltd. Local operators have direct dialling access to overseas subscribers in 19 countries.
At the same time, the domestic telephone network has continued to expand rapidly.
More than 713»1OO telephones were in service at the end of March this year — an increase of 105,700 over the figure a year ago.
This represented a penetration factor of about 17*5 telephones per 100 population — the highest in Asia after Japan.
Saturday, November 18, 1972
- 3 -
During the week ending on November 11, a total of 11,989 doses of the combined anti-diphtheria and tetanus vaccine was administered, according to statistics released today by the Medical and Health Department.
Of these, 982 doses were administered on the Island, 2,9^7 in Kowloon, and 8,060 in the New Territories.
In the five weeks since this routine campaign began on October 9, a total of 76,521 doses has been administered.
The campaign will continue for the rest of the year. Free vaccine is available at all government maternal and child health centres and clinics.
In a move to improve the flow of traffic in Kennedy Town a number of streets will be re-routed from 10 a.m. on Monday (November 20).
Holland Street will be re-routed one-way northbound, Sai Cheung Street one-way southbound, Collinson Street one-way northbound and Queen’s Road West between Kennedy Town Praya and Belcher’s Street will be turned into a two-way thoroughfare.
Traffic signs will be placed to guide motorists.
Saturday, November 18, 1972
- 4 -
The weather during last month was warmer and drier than usual and the mean maximum temperature of 28.6°C was the fifth highest on record for October. The total rainfall for the month was 63 per cent below average.
The weather in Hong Kong was generally fine at the beginning of the month. On October 1, tropical depression Lorna developed in the South China Sea about 330 miles south of Hong Kong and intensified rnpidiy to a tropical storm on the same day.
It moved rapidly west-northwestwards and brought scattered showers on October 2. Lorna crossed Hainan Island that evening and dissipated over North Vietnam the following day.
On October 3, pressure rose over China and a cold front passed through Hong Kong in the morning, resulting in a freshening of winds from th^- north.
The Strong Monsoon Signal was hoisted at 9.00 p.m. on the same day and lowered at 6.30 a.m. the next morning. On October 4 the relative humidity fell to 36 per cent , the minimum recorded for the month.
From October 4 to 9, the weather was fine and warm but another surge of cold air arrived from the north early on October 11, causing cooler conditions and light rain during the next three days.
/There was
Saturday, November 18, 1972
- ..5 -
There was some temporary improvement on October 15 as a ridge of high pressure from the Pacific extended westwards across south China. However, the skies became cloudy again on October 16 as an uppeivair disturbance moved from west to east across Hong Kong and showers were reported until October 17.
During the period October 18 to 21, Hong Kong was under the influence of an easterly airstream from the Pacific and conditions were sunny and humid with slowly rising temperatures. The hottest day of the month occurred on October 20 when a maximum temperature of 3O.9°C was recorded.
On October 21, a cold front passed through Hong Kong and the air temperature fell rapidly to a minimum of 21.1°C during the following night. The relative humidity also dropped to below 65 per cent and a Yellow Fire Warning was issued on October 21.
This was the first warning issued since the introduction of the new fire warning system earlier in the month.
Winds over Hong Kong were fresh to strong and the Strong Monsoon Signal was hoisted at 7.15 p.m. on October 21 and lowered at l.JO p.m. the next day. The werther improved after the passage of the cold front and the last six days of the month were fine with long periods of sunshine.
During the month, severe tropical storm ’Kathy’, typhoon ’Marie’, typhoon ’Nancy’ and typhoon ’Olga’ reported over the Pacific but they did not affect Hong Kong.
/The month’s ......
Saturday, November 18, 1972
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The month’s figures and departures from normal were:
Sunshine 188.6 hours; 30.3 hours below normal
Rainfall 36.4 mm; 62.8 mm below normal
Cloudiness 56 %; 3% above normal
Relative Humidity 78%; 6% above normal
Mean Maximum Temperature 28.6 °C; 1.3 °C above normal
Mean Temperature 25.6 °C; 1.0 °C above normal
Mean Minimum Temperature 23.7 °C; 1.2 °C above normal
Mean Dew Point 21.2 °C; 1.9 °C above normal
Total Evaporation 136.5 mm; 43.1 mm below normal
Maximum Temperature of 30.9 °C was recorded on October 20.
Minimum Temperature 0 of 21.1 C was recorded on October 22.
- 0 SUNDAY D.I.B. *********
Note to Editors: There will be an issue of the Daily
Information Bulletin tomorrow (Sunday)• Two photographs will be issued at the same time.
Release time: 2.00 p.m
PRH 7 4000091
Sunday, November 19, 1972 - * . f
** " % . ’ . NEED TO PREVENT FIRES ♦♦♦♦♦♦
Not counting the damage to the ’Seawise University’, fires in Hong
Kong in the year 1971-72 cost some $85 million, an increase of 160 per cent over the previous year, or 250 per cent over the average of the previous five years#
A total of 99 people died and 523 others were injured, many seriously, during these fires. This again is a huge increase over the previous year in which 35 people died and 467 others were injured because of fires#
A spokesman for the Fire Services said that of the total $85 million lost, 82 per cent was borne by factories and domestic workshops although the r number of fires in these places was only some six per cent of the total number •r< ,
Over and above this direct financial loss was the amount of work disruption, lost employment, lost plant, damaged premises, loss of important export orders and goodwill. This is difficult to account for but represented an even more serious set-back to the economy, to.say nothing of the untold grief and misery where people lost their lives.
Whilst industrial supervisors, workers and especially management have their important part to play in fire prevention, the Fire Prevention Bureau of the Fire Services Department helps by inspecting premises and ensuring that the standard of fire safety in places of. work is..maintained, especially in regard to means of escape and fire fighting equipment.
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Sunday, November 191 1972
- 2 -
He said that during 1971-72, over 150,000 such inspections were made in different types of premises many of which were used for industrial undertakings. A lot of these resulted in court prosecutions.
All building plans must be submitted to the New Projects Section of the Bureau for scrutiny, and construction work can only begin if the fire protection and fire fighting facilities are considered adequate.
Very often, however, fires are indirectly caused or aggravated not so much by the lay-out of the premises but by the improper use of the building, the spokesman added.
Domestic buildings are not suitable for use as factories or workshops, and in industrial buildings, the internal fire resisting partitions should only be altered or removed if prior permission has been given by the Building Authority.
More often than not due to a shortage of usable space or a complete failure to provide storage areas, goods and raw materials are stacked in corridors, staiyoases, smoke lobbies and exite, in some cases close to electrical equipment.
He said this malpractice leads to the setting up of obvious death traps, but still it continues either because of total ignorance or the complete disregard for the safety of human lives.
"Now is the time for management to take a long hard look at their fire protection and prevention failings and to seek advice from the Fire Prevention Bureau on H-222101. The information is fi*ee and who knows tomorrow it may save a life, an export order or even the business,” the spokesman concluded.
-------0 - ------
Sunday, November 19, 1972
- 3 -
Hong Kong’s uniqueness is given added dimension by the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force which stands as possibly the world’s only unarmed air force.
Operating a fleet of six serving aircraft - a new twin-engined Islander, two light aircraft and three helicopters - the force performs a variety of tasks ranging from emergency operations to goodwill missions.
It operates, among other things, a ’’flying doctor” and ’-’flying dentist” helicopter service for outlying village communities in the more inaccessiable parts of the New Territories. ’ -
The force plays a vital role in casualty evacuations and search—and—rescue operations in and around Hong Kong. These include the lifting of seriously ill patients to hospitals from remote islands, and dawn searches for lost or injured * • ' • • • hikers and climbers.
Its helicopter service is always available to various government departments.
The police, in particular, engage the helicopters for a variety of tasks including air-lifting of patrols in the New Territories, traffic survey, and surveillance of suspected illegal activities such as narcotic smuggling.
The spearhead of the force is the twin-engined Islanderits latest acquisition.
/The aircraft ........
Sunday, November 19i 1972
- 4 -
The aircraft is used in storm reconnaissance by flying near or into the weaker tropical cyclones threatening Hong Kong to obtain useful information* The first experiment was made with tropical storm ’’Susan” in July this year*
Together with the British armed forces, it also carries out a posttyphoon reconnaissance service which is designed to pin-point areas in need of help*
Equipped with a sophisticated aerial survey camera, the Islander can undertake aerial photography and surveying of Hong Kong’s landscape, thereby enabling up-to-date mapping of the region*
At present, the force consists of about 40 full-time civil servants responsible for the day-to-day running of the force, including the daily flying for government departments, maintenance and administration*
The staff includes three personnel seconded from the R.A.F. They are responsible for maintaining standards of servicing and flying* In addition there are more than 100 volunteers, who represent a wide cross-section of the community*
’’The local team of auxiliary officers and members forming the force is vital not only because they offer an economical pool of experienced pilots on call but because they have a unique understanding of both the environment and local conditions,” said the Commanding Officer of the force, Wing Commander Simon Ellis*
Release time: 3-00 p.m.
PRH 7 4000091
Monday, November 20, 1972
A sophisticated flight information display system is to be introduced at Hong Kong Airport to provide more accurate information and guidance to all airport users.
The new system, estimated to cost $2 million, will replace the existing outdated and overloaded one.
A spokesman for the Civil Aviation Department said today: "The efficient running of an airport requires the rapid dissemination of certain essential information to airlines, their passengers, visitors, and associated technical agencies. The system proposed is planned to implement this."
The system, run from one central control room, will be made up of electronic display boards, guidance signs, information input terminals, and a monitor and communication network.
Display boards and signs will be "strategically positioned" throughout the Airport Terminal Complex. Television display monitors will be used in areas not served by the indicator boards to display the same information.
A public address system will serve as an additional passenger information system as well as enable special broadcasts to be made•
” ............................................. /Data will ........
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Monday, November 20, 1972
- 2 -
Data will be constantly updated and fully comprehensive, providing such details as aircraft flight numbers, parking bay numbers, estimated times of arrival and departure, baggage distribution numbers, and flight delays and diversions of aircraft.
The spokesman described the period between the arrival and departure of passenger aircraft as Hone of intense activity by many agencies.”
Prior to arrival, these agencies plan how their equipment and personnel will be allocated to facilitate a rapid unloading of the aircraft. Planes must be ready for departure usually in less than one hour after their arrival, he added.
The aircraft must be checked by engineers, cleared, refuelled, provided with food and other consumable items before it can be loaded with passengers and cargo. *xx.-
’’All the .necessary .co-ordination involved is currently carried out through the airport telephone system. This has now proved to be not only time consuming, but totally inadequate for the volume of traffic,11 he said.
.The system has remained basically the same since the original Terminal Building came into operation in 1962, with a handling capacity of 720 passengers an hour^ ••
The size of the building has recently been- expanded under stage ill of the Airport Development Plan to handle 2,250 passengers an hour. It is expected that the; new system will be capable of meeting the needs of the airport, when Stage IV developments are completed, when it will be possible to handle 3,200 passengers an hour.
Monday, November 20, 1972
- 3 -
The licensee of a taxi, public light bus or public car who wants to replace his vehicle will have to present a new vehicle for registration and licensing from January 1 next year.
’’Secondhand vehicles will no longer be accepted,” a spokesman for the Transport Department said today.
He explained that these types of vehicles covered a high daily mileage and it was unsatisfactory that they should begin their life on public roads in less than new mechanical condition.
’’Secondhand vehicles which may pass an initial mechanical inspection before licensing are likely to deteriorate rapidly, resulting in the emission of excessive exhaust smoke,” the spokesman said.
Monday, November 20, 1972
- 4 -
A new mechanised chain conveyor system, designed to facilitate the transfer of bagged mail, has recently been put into operation at the General Post Office.
The chain conveyor which runs through a steel bridge above Connaught Poad Central links the GPO and the central compound across Connaught Road.
The conveyor, which is equipped with a number of hooks, automatically distributes mail at four dxfferent processing points around the building.
Bagged mail which is loaded in the GPO is discharged at the loading point in the compound for distribution.
The chain conveyor can travel at a speed of 60 feet per minute and it takes just over eight minutes for a mail bag to reach the farthest point in the GPO building from the central compound.
The system was installed to alleviate the considerable operational problems which the reconstruction and widening of Connaught Road Central posed to the Post Office in the transfer of mail between the GPO and its vehicles and harbour launches.
Commenting on the system a spokesman for the Post Office said: ”The conveyor goes a long way towards speeding up the flow of mail into and out of the General Post Office and considerably eases the workload for the staff involved.”
/He added ............
Monday, November 20, 1972
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He added that the system was expected to remain in operation for four to five years until the completion of the projected new General Post Office on the Central Reclamation.
The cost of the conveyor was about 8400,000.
Water supply to a number of premises in Sham Shui Po, will be interrupted for seven hours from 11 p.m. on Wednesday (November 22) evening to 6 a.m. on Thursday (November 23) morning.
The temporary stoppage is to enable the Waterworks Office to carry out fire hydrant conversion work.
The premises affected include Nos. 483-487 and 580-684 Castle
Peak Road, Nos. 1002-1010 Tai Nam Street, the Shell Filling Station in Tung Chau Street and the section of Cheung Sha Wan Road between Tai Nam Street and Tung Chau Street, including house Nos. 778-888.
/6 ........
Monday, November 20, 1972
- 6 -
The Chest Service of the Medical and Health Department begins a 10-day publicity campaign against tuberculosis today with particular emphasis on early detection and preventive measures.
The theme of the drive, being conducted in the newspapers, on radio, TV, posters and cinema slides, is that "if you have had a cough for two weeks, go to the nearest tuberculosis clinic for a check-up,"
The target audience comprise elderly men, unemployed, and socially alone, and young women between 20 and 30.
The message being put to them is that the disease is almost 100 per cent curable today, provided the treatment is regular and conscientious, and it pays, when in doubt over a lingering cough, to visit a clinic to see what exactly is wrong.
The publicity also makes the point that some people might be hesitant about going to a clinic. For them, leaflets and advertisements during the campaign are containing a tear-off slip which they may use for seeking information in confidence.
The general message says in nearly every case at present, tuberculosis treatment is now on an out-patient basis.
This means that a tuberculosis sufferer can carry on a perfectly normal life, working and relaxing regularly. • • • • •
Basically, all treatment is with drugs, and the most modern and effective service is available free at government tuberculosis clinics.
/In addition, •«••••
Monday, November 20, 1972
- 7 -
In addition, medical social workers are on hand to see if financial help is required.
During the 10-day drive, X-ray mobile vans of the Chest Service and the Hong Kong Anti-Tuberculosis and Thoracic Diseases Association are being stationed at various locations fpr the convenience of the public.
These locations include Tsip Sha Tsui (entrance to the Ocean Terminal for pedestrians); the Jordan Road and Ferry Street junction; the Sham Shui Po Ferry pier; the Hung Hom ferry concourse; the Kwun Tong ferry concourse; Chater Road; Outlying Islands pier; Connaught Road West; North Point pier;, and the Wanchai Pier.
The hours are from about noon to 7 p.ra.
Monday, November 20, 1972
- 8 -
The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, has sent a message of congratulations to the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh on the occasion of their Silver Wedding Anniversary.
The message sent through the Secretary of State conveys the good wishes of the people of Hong Kong*
The message reads: ”0n the occasion of the Silver Wedding Anniversary of Her Majesty the Queen I should be grateful if you would submit to Her Majesty and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh with my humble duty the good wishes of the people of Hong Kong.”
W • - - 0 -------
Release Time: 6,30 p,mt
PRH 7 4000091
Tuesday, November 21, 1972
Hong Kong was described today as having one of the worst,"if not the worst"fopiate drug addiction problems in the world.
The Commissioner for Narcotics, Mr. Norman Rolph, making his first public address since assuming his new office three months ago, said criminal 'statistics revealed that there must be at least one drug dependent person in the community for every 70 people.
"The true figure is probably rather more depressing than this, but what it is we will not know until the product of the new Central Registry (of Drug Addicts) becomes available," he said.
Mr. Rolph described it as a "horrifying figure" and said it was a "stain on the fair name of Hong Kong" for which each and everyone of us must bear a share of the responsibility.
"That the illegal narcotics trade flourishes in Hong Kong is only because the people of Hong Kong permit it to flourish."
He said it was the civic duty of all "right minded" people in Hong Kong to report to the law enforcement agencies the existence of any illicit drug activities they may know about or reasonably suspect.
"To do otherwise is to stab your community in the back by default."
/Mr. Rolph ••••••••
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, November 21, 1972
- 2 -
Mr. Rolph said people could report by letter if they did not want to do it in person and he urged everyone to give their support and co-operation so that together "we can and will master and defeat the narcotics problem".
The Commissioner for Narcotics also spoke about the use of cannabis and man-made stimulant and depressant drugs and said this abuse was the "product of the permissive society and is the subject of more muddled and wrong thinking than most topics which have come my way".
Fortunately the consumption in Hong Kong of these drugs was very small when compared to the opiates. But the position could change when opium and heroin become more difficult amd much more expensive to obtain, he said.
For this reason, the situation would need to be watched closely in the years ahead.
Mr. Rolph added that scientific research completed so far under the auspices of the United Nations clearly indicated that as a regular habit "the consumption of cannabis is harmful to the human body and in the long term lends to both mental and physical deterioration. The abuse of man-made drugs is equally harmful and anti-social".
Tuesday, November 21, 1972
- 3 -
A drop of three points was recorded in the General Consumer Price Index during October and at the end of the month the index stood at 140.
This was mainly brought about by a drop of eight points in the index for food.
On the other hand, there was an increase of four points in the index for services and rises of one point each in the index for clothing and footwear and the index for miscellaneous goods.
Changes in the other sections of commodity were described by the Census and Statistics Department as ’’insignificant”.
The spokesman said that compared with September, there was a significant drop in the average retail price of fresh vegetables, generally as a result of an increase in supplies locally and from China.
Lower average prices were also recorded for poultry, fresh water fish and ftesh fruit. However, retail prices for rice and salt water fish rose.
For non-food items, increases were recorded in fees charged by private schools and prices of text books, which caused the index for ’’education, including the purchase of text books” to move upwards.
The Modified Consumer Price Index for October was 144 — four points lower than September’s figure and nine points higher than that for the corresponding month last year.
Tuesday, November 21, 1972
- 4 -
The Resettlement Department has again warned members of the public that resettlement flats are not for sale.
The warning was issued today following the discovery of a suspected swindle in which a family was cheated of $2,700 by a man who "offered” for sale a room in the Sau Mau Ping Estate,
The empty room had already been allocated to ‘a squatter family from a clearance operation. The suspected swindle dhme to light when the unauthorised family arrived at the estate office to pay their rent,
A Resettlement Department spokesman said today that people, when they are approached with such a sale offer, should not' only ignore it, but should report the matter to the police.
The spokesman said that the case involving the family in Sau Mau Ping Estate had been referred to the police who are''how making inquiries.
Tuesday, November 21, 1972
- 5 -
New regulations covering the export of restrained cotton, man-made fibre and wool textiles to the United States will come into force from
December 1. .
From that date, these exports must be covered by Certificates of Hong Kong.Origin issued by the Commerce and Industry Department.
The certificates will bear a.-"textile export visa" signed by ' an officer authorised by the department to issue such visas.
The Director of Commerce and Industry said today that the United States Customs will soon require for entry purposes the production of • visaed certificates of origin by American importers in respect -of ail-restrained textiles from Hong Kong. . •
The responsibility for transmission of the visaed certificates to the
U.S. importer lies with the local exporters or manufacturers concerned, he said Exemptions from the certificate of origin will be exports of unrestrained textiles to the United-States; bona, fide samples; or postal packets not exceeding Si,000 f.o.b., being gifts, personal effects or items not intended for sale. » " *
Tuesday, November 21, 1972
- 6 -
The Immigration Department has had another record-breaking year.
Travellers receiving immigration clearance at the three points of entry to Hong Kong (Kai Tak, the harbour, and the land border with China at Lowu) reached a new high level of over 61/a million.
New records in the amount of business conducted were also set in most sections of the Documents Division, and in the branch offices, which collectively dealt with over one million applications for travel documents.
In the 12 months to the end of last March, 3,344,916 people arrived in Hong Kong and another 3,397,326 left, making a total of 6,742,242 authorised movements*
In 1970-71, the respective arrival and departure figures were 2,965,064 and 2,936,169, a total of 5,901,233.
In the last quarter of the year authorised movements totalled 2,221,587, and was the highest number ever recorded in any three-monthly period. It also represented an increase of 31 per cent over the equivalent period of 1971 *
In all, there was a 14.25 per cent increase in traffic this year. But it was in traffic over the land border at Lowu that the most spectacular increase of 76 per cent occurred.
Tuesday, November 21, 1972
- 7 -
I.:1 • r. •’ :
The Assistant Registrar General, Mr. J.A.H. Tilley is to retire > ’ * • • ’ . • • ■' • f
soon after serving the Government for more than 12 years.
Mr. .Tilley came to Hong Kong in May I960 as a Solicitor in the »
Registrar General’s Department after having served for four years as
Assistant Land Officer in Tanganyika (now Tanzania) in East Africa.
He was promoted to Senior TSolicit<5r' iff April 1962 and Assistant
Registrar General (Official Receiver) in December 1964.
To mark his retirement, the Registrar General,* Mr.: W. Hume., will make a presentation to Mr. Tilley on behalf of his colleagues on Friday (November 24).
The vacancy created by Mr. Tilley’s retirement will be filled by
Mr. J.L.G. McLean, Senior Solicitor in the Registrar General’s Department.
Note to Editors: You are invited to have the presentation ceremony
covered. It will be held at 6 p.m. in the Central Government Offices, East Wing, First Floor, Hong Kong.
Tuesday, November 21, 1972
- 8 -
The Port Health Authority announced today that quarantine restrictions imposed on arrivals from Dacca (excluding the airport) and Karachi (also excluding the airport) have now been lifted.
The restrictions had been in force because of an outbreak of soallpco^
Release Time: 7*00 P*m»
PRH 7 4000091
Wednesday, November 22, 1972
A three-year methadone maintenance pilot scheme sponsored by the Hong Kong Discharged Prisoners’ Aid Society will begin soon.
The aim is to discover with what success methadone maintenance can achieve withdrawal from heroin and to determine whether its application is useful in the rehabilitation of drug addicts in Hong Kong.
The scheme will be run in consultation with a supervisory committee appointed by the Action Committee Against Narcotics. It is headed by Dr. P.H. Teng, Professor of Preventive and Social Medicine at the University of Hong Kong, and consists of representatives of professional associations and government departments.
The programme will treat 100 volunteer male addicts, aged between 25 and 50, using different doses of methadone. Cases will be hospitalised for two weeks initially to allow detoxification from heroin and induction to methadone.
After this they will attend daily at an out-patient centre where they will take their methadone under supervision. No methadone will be dispensed for home use.
/Former prisoners, .......
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, November 22, 1972
- 2 -
Former prisoners, especially those living in the vicinity of the Tung Tau area where the scheme’s out-patient centre will be located, who wish to be considered for admission should apply to the Society’s intake office at Tung Tau Resettlement Estate, Block 9, Ground Floor, Kowloon.
During the course of the programme and at the end of three years, the data collected will be analysed. A final assessment will be made and published.
Methadone (sometimes called Physeptone) has been used in Hong Kong for some years as a heroin substitute, but has not been used in any long term maintenance treatment programme.
A spokesman for the Discharged Prisoners’ Aid Society said today the methadone maintenance treatment has been used overseas, especially in the United States, with considerable success in helping to bring about social rehabilitation for heroin addicts. ’’The object of this clinical trial is to assess its applicability to Hong Kong.”
The ultimate objective of methadone maintenance, as with other programmes, he said, is to help addicts to regain their self-respect and confidence so that they will become responsible citizens freed from the bondage of destructive heroin abuse.
A larger programme, run by the Medical and Health Department and involving a total of 550 patients over a period of three years ,is expected to begin early next month.
V/ednesday, November 22, 1972
- 3 -
About 20 sites have been selected for new fire stations and ambulance depots in various parts of Hong Kong under a 10-year development programme drawn up by the Fire Services Department.
The programme is aimed at strengthening the cover provided by the department.
The plan to build these new stations was prepared after taking into consideration the future development of Hong Kong and its implications in respect of the Fire Services Department.
The aim is to reduce to a minimum, the time between the receipt of a call for help and the time a fire appliance or an ambulance arrives at the scene of the fire or accident.
A spokesman for the Fire Services said today the expansion will help in no small way to reduce the loss of life and property.
The largest project envisaged is the construction of the Hong Kong Command Headquarters, Principal Fire Scation and Fire Prevention Bureau Headquarters in about four years’ time.
Two new fire stations were completed earlier this year in Waterloo Road and Cheung Sha Wan. This brings to 3^ the total number of stations in all parts of Hong Kong.
An additional three are now well under construction — in Kwai Chung, Fanling and Yau Tong. They are expected to be completed shortly and in operation before the Chinese New Year.
/A number.............
Wednesday, November 22, 1972
- 4 -
A number of other new stations are planned for Wong Tai Sin, Shek Kip Mei and Kowloon Bay in Kowloon; Quarry Bay, Kotewall Road, Chung Hom Kok, Causeway Bay and the Peak on Hong Kong Island; and Castle Peak, Sha Tin and Sai Kung in the New Territories.
In addition, consideration is also being given to the construction of new ambulance depots in Yuen Long, Quarry Bay, Mount Davis and Kwai Chung.
At present, there are seven such depots throughout Hong Kong and sites have been earmarked for another five. The last one was recently completed in Waterloo Road and replaces the old Mongkok Depot.
The equipment in use by the Fire Services is among the most up to date in the world. It has 11 turntable ladders, 96 pumps of all types, two hydraulic platforms (snorkels), three foam tenders, two breathing apparatus tenders, 28 pump and rescue escapes and some 60 ambulances plus 10 temporary vehicles. Further new ambulances will be arriving shortly.
In addition, there are six fireboats. The largest of these is the '•‘Alexander Grantham,” which is capable of delivering water at the rate of 10,000 gallons a minute and can also make foam.
These boats are invaluable not only in fires which break out on ships in the harbour but also operating as base booster pumps to supplement water supplies at fires within reach of the shore line.
Wednesday, November 22, 1972
- 5 -
The Social Welfare Department’s rehabilitation section, formerly part of the Family Services Division, has been reorganised into a separate division under its own Senior Principal Social Welfare Officer.
This reconstitution and elevation of the section recognises that rehabilitation services for all categories of the disabled will continue to expand.
In the words of the draft white paper on social welfare development in the 1970’s, ’’there will be a major push to develop more facilities for the disabled” with ”the greatest growth in services for the mentally retarded.”
The white paper says: ”For the disabled in general, training centres, vocational training, sheltered workshops and hostel facilities will double in number during the five-year plan.
’’The aim will be to establish comprehensive services to meet the known needs of the disabled in the fields of training, employment and housing. So far as possible, these services will help them to reach maximum self fulfilment and to be integrated fully into the community. The community in turn must respond by assisting the disabled, for example, in employing them.”
The head of the new division is Mr. T.P. Khoo, formerly Senior Principal Social Welfare Officer in charge of the Family Services Division.
He says: ’’The change reflects the welcome emphasis being placed by the Government on the status of the disabled in relation to the able-bodied in the community.
/’’After all, ......
Wednesday, November 22, 1972
- 6 -
"After all, the humanity of a society is measured by the treatment it accords to its less fortunate members."
The Social Welfare Department’s first rehabilitation centre was opened in 19^4 in Aberdeen and a year later was catering for 300 disabled.
By 1972, facilities provided both by the Government and the voluntary agencies for the disabled totalled more than 1,100 places.
Vocational and pre-vocational training for the disabled has become much more sophisticated since 19&5 in order to keep pace with trents in industry.
Only a few months ago, the Liaison and Placement Unit celebrated its 1,000th successful placement of a trainee in "open" employment, and on an average, about 25 trainees a month are assisted into jobs.
Wednesday, November 22, 1972
- 7 -
Work is expected to begin in the next few days on putting the finishing touches to the Government’s pavilion at this year’s Chinese Manufacturers’ Association Exhibition.
The circular shaped building, which covers an area of almost 9,000 square feet, is being built at a cost of $280,000.
The theme this year will be ’’the next 10 years” and it will feature photographs, models, sculptures and graphics illustrating the Government’s major plans in housing, education and social welfare during the decade.
The building has been designed with a walk-around area where the three-dimensional displays are mounted. In the centre will be a permanent cinema showing films of general interest about Hong Kong.
As part of the display, the Education Department has organised an art competition for primary school children aged between 9 and 12. They have been asked to give their impression of what Hong Kong will look like 10 years from now.
Hundreds of entries have been received and these have been reduced to a ’’long list” of 200. The final selection will be made next week and these will be exhibited in a special section of the pavilion.
The pavilion will be manned at all times by government officers who will be available to answer questions about the exhibition.
It is estimated that more than one million people will pass through the government pavilion this year.
/The C.M.A. Ebchibition........
Wednesday, November 22, 1972
- 8 -
The C.M.A. Exhibition will be held on the Wan Chai Reclamation and will be officially opened by the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, on December 7
Note to Editors: Photographs of a model of the pavilion are
distributed separately in the GIS press boxes this evening.
Note to Editors: The final judging of the Schools Garden
Competition, held in support of the forthcoming Agricultural Show, will take place at the R.T.C.A.A. (San Hui) and Tuen Mun Primary School (Tuen Mun) on November 25-25•
You are invited to cover the final judging on Friday (November 24).
Press transport (Agriculture and Fisheries Department mini bus AM2101) will leave the Kowloon Sub-pool, behind the Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office, at 8.50 a.m. sharp.
Details of the Schools Garden Competition are contained in a press release which is distributed separately in the G.I.S. press boxes this evening.
Wednesday, November 22, 1972
- 9 -
Hundreds of members of the Social Welfare Department’s Sham Shui Po Youth Centre will celebrate its eighth anniversary on Friday (November 24).
The centre was set up by the department’s Group and Community Work-Division in 1964 to provide constructive and creative opportunities for young people in the area. It has a membership of more than 800.
There are opportunities for the pursuit of interests such as tailoring, Chinese painting, singing, folk dancing, judo, and a variety of sports. Emphasis is placed on the development of the personality through group experience.
The centre encourages community services by young volunteers, and acts as a focal point for district youngsters. Here, they make friendships, and learn how to use their leisure constructively.
It also looks after the interests and needs of young factory workers, and a number of weekend camps in the Nev; Territories were organised for their benefit during the year.
A number of events has been planned in conjunction with the anniversary celebrations, including a judo competition.
The finale of the competition, and presentation of prizes, will be held at 7:30 on I>iday (November 24) in the Maple Street Playground, adjacent to the centre.
The inauguration ceremony of the 1973 Centre Members’ Council, comprising leaders from youth groups in the centre, will also take place during the erening. The council provides an opportunity for youth members to develop leadership.
/Officiating .......
Wednesday, November 22, 1972
- 10 -
Officiating will be Mr. Wong Shiu-cheuk, Chairman of the Sham Shui
Po Kaifeng Welfare Association; Mr. C.W.B. Oxley, City District Officer, Sham Shui Po; Mr. K.H. Lomas, Divisional Superintendent of Police, Sham Shui Po; Mr. Law Chi-kin, Senior Principal Social Welfare Officer, and Mr. Kwok Ka-chi, Principal Social Welfare Officer.
Lion and folk dances will follow the speeches and distribution of prizes.
Note to Editors: You are invited to attend the anniversary
celebrations at the Maple Street Playground on Friday, November 24 at 7:30 p.m.
Water supply to a number of premises in Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, will be interrupted for five hours from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. on Friday (November 24).
The temporary stoppage is to enable the Waterworks Office to carry out a leakage test.
The area affected is bounded by Junction Road, Wang Tau Hom East • t ' - *•
Road, Fu Mou Street, Heng Lam Street and Lok Fu Resettlement Estate.
. . • • *••• •'
/11 .........
Page No*
Methadone maintenance programme by Discharged Prisoners’ Aid Society to begin soon...................................... • • • • 1
Fire Services 10-year development programme for greater efficiency...............................................
Expansion of rehabilitation services for the disabled ••••••• 5
Government pavilion at C.M.A. fair nearing completion ••••••• 7
Anniversary celebrations for Sham Shui Po Youth Centre •••••• 9
Water Interruption in Wong Tai Sin.....................••••••• 10
Release Time:
PRH*7 4000091
Thursday, November 23, 1972
The trial period for the boat-to-boat refuse collection service and the general scavenging service in the harbour is to be extended for another six months, with a further expansion to the existing harbour cleansing fleet.
At the same time, a roving'scavenging service will be set up in the central harbour area in a concerted drive to clear drifting timber and refuse.
A Marine Department spokesman said today that floating timber is often found littering the central harbour area, the entrances to the two main commercial dockyards at Hung Hom and Quarry Bay, and the entrance to the Government Dockyard at Yau Ma Tei.
This presents a hazard to small craft travelling in the harbour area, especially at night.
Since the initial expansion of the cleansing service last May, approximately 35 tons of rubbish have been collected from the water each day; 25 tons from the harbour, five from the Yau Ma Tei and Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelters, and five from Aberdeen.
But, the spokesman said, the figure represents less than half the total amount of rubbish thrown into the water.
/Ti an acceptable .........
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, November 23, 1972
- 2 -
If an acceptable standard of cleanliness is to be maintained in the harbour, the existing cleansing fleet must be expanded, he said.
The Director of Marine has, therefore, recommended the addition of four units to the existing fleet for a trial period of six months, comprising four mechanised cargo boats and 12 sampans.
The total amount of refuse collected can then be measured to make a more accurate assessment of the needs to maintain the harbour in a reasonable state of cleanliness.
The Marine Department is also launching a big cleansing operation, as part of the "Clean Hong Kong" campaign, to deal with refuse accumulating i in 12 major areas in Hong Kong and Kowloon.
The existing harbour cleansing fleet can only cope with four of these areas each day and the new units will assist with the remainder.
Of the 12 areas, five are regarded as litter "black spots" which require more attention: the area from Hok Yuen to Lei Yue Mun; from Blake Pier to Wan Chai Ferry Pier; from Wan Chai Ferry Pier to the western entrance to the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter; and from the entrance to the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter to Shau Kei Wan.
"These five areas are always very dirty, and should be cleansed daily. This is where the extra units can help," the spokesman said.
The estimated cost of the expansion to the fleet is $250,000. The vessels will be hired on a contract basis, the same as the existing arrangement.
The Marine Department will also employ additional staff to provide
the necessary supervision for the cleansing service.
Thursday, November 23, 1972
- 3 -
The Mobile Blood Collection Unit of the Red Cross of Hong Kong will be strengthened with the addition of a well-equipped and sophisticated vehicle from West Germany early next year.
The Lotteries Fund has given capital grant of $371,000 to the Red Cross Society to meet the cost of the vehicle.
The vehicle will have special equipment, including a blood refrigerator capable of taking up to 250 units at a time. There will also be a blood donation cabin with eight beds — four fixed and four hammock type — a refreshment area and a toilet.
A spokesman for the Red Cross described the vehicle as a "self-contained and sophisticated blood collection centre in miniature".
"Acting as the spearhead of the Mobile Blood Collection Unit, the vehicle is expected to go a long way towards increasing the number of donors. It will be easier for the Unit to reach the more distant areas in the New Territories and various resettlement estates throughout Hong Kong," he said.
The spokesman added that the present inadequacy both in terms of manpower and well-equipped and self-contained vehicles resulted in a loss of efficiency in the operation of the the Mobile Unit.
Meanwhile, the demand for blood from hospitals in Hong Kong has been increasing and the Red Cross hoped to collect 36,000 units in 1972-73 — an increase of 6,700 units over the previous year.
At present, the Red Cross collects an average of 3,000 units a month.
Thursday, November 23, 1972
- 4 -
Improvements are to be made to the Prince Edward Road temporary flyover which was erected over Waterloo Road at the end of August*
Semi-permanent lighting is to be installed over the flyover to replace the existing system which relies on a series of four floodlights erected on an adjacent building.
China Light and Power Co. Ltd. is to run a power cable along the flyover and erect five standard lamps which, according to the consulting engineers, will provide a more even distribution of lighting over the roadway.
At the same time, the road surface will be improved to eliminate any uneven spots which may have developed since the temporary structure was put into position.
To enable the work to be carried out the flyover will be closed for six hours from midnight on Saturday to six a.m. on Sunday (November 26).
During this period east bound traffic along Prince Edward Road will be diverted via Knight Street, Boundary Street and Earl Street. Westbound traffic will Le reduced to one lane on the flyover on Sunday until the work is completed.
Thursday, November 23, 1972
The head of the newly-created Rehabilitation Division of the
Social Welfare Department, Mr. T.P. Khoo, today appealed to employers in Hong Kong to engage trained blind staff for certain telephone and typing jobs.
He said the Hong Kong Society for the Blind’s Rotary Training
Centre in Shau Kei Wan had trained a number of blind for these tasks since it began to function some years ago.
The training has included the operation of a telephone switch-
board, especially adapted to suit the blind, normal business conversation in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin, and typing from a dictaphone.
Mr. Khoo said the Division’s Liaison and Placement Unit had
assisted many of the centre’s graduate trainees into jobs in hospitals, voluntary agencies, government departments, commercial firms and factories where they had proved to be ’’efficient, reliable and conscientious,” and where they had ’’earned a good reputation for themselves and other trained blind.”
But of a group of five young blind graduates from a recent training
class, only two had so far been assisted into appropriate jobs, and the other three are still waiting for employment.
Mr. Khoo urged employers to come forward and help in the employment of blind workers.
Prospective employers should get in touch, in the first place, with
Mr. Paul Leung, Officer in charge of the Liaison and Placement Unit, telephone K-419221, or H-707878.
0 - -
Thursday, November 2J, 1972
- 6 -
There was a slight rise in the notifications of infectious diseases in October, a total of 801 compared with September’s 786, according to statistics released today by the Medical and Health Department.
Of the 123 deaths recorded, 122 were from tuberculosis, and one from typhoid.
The incidence of bacillary dysentery dropped from to 28 cases, and there were no notifications of cerebrospinal meningitis, diphtheria or poliomyelitis.
While gasterointestinal diseases such as typhoid and bacillary dysentery continued to be notified during the month, the trend in their incidence was one of decrease compared with previous years.
’’But their occurrence .indicates the need for-constant vigilance, in regard to personal hygiene,” said Dr. J.K. Craig, Deputy Director of Medical and Health Services (Health).
’’The 122 deaths from tuberculosis emphasise the importance of early prevention and diagnosis, presently being highlighted by an anti-tuberculosis publicity campaign.”
During October, Hong Kong remained free from cholera and other quarantinable diseases.
-------0 - - - -
Thursday, November 23, 1972
- 7 -
Two officers of the Government Supplies Department are to retire soon after serving a total of 32 years with the government.
They are Mr. Edward Hancock, Chief Supplies Officer and Mr. Wu Ka-lau, Supplies Officer.
Mr. Hancock first joined the government as a stores officer in the
Stores Department in November, 1952. He had also served in the Public Works, Medical and Health, and Marine Departments.
He was promoted to Senior Supplies Officer in April 1, 19&5 and to his present rank in 19$9«
As Chief Supplies Officer (Mainland) Mr. Hancock has been in charge of all government storage depots and supplies administration in Kowloon and the New Territories.
Mr. Wu Ka-lau first joined the government as a Workshop Supervisor
in the Stores Department in February 19$0, and was promoted to Supplies Officer in February 19&5*
He has been in charge of the manufacture and maintenance of furniture used in government offices and quarters since his appointment.
To mark their retirement, the Director of Government Supplies,
Mr. F.J. Young, will make a presentation to them on behalf of their colleagues on Monday (November 27)•
Note to Editors: You are invited to have the presentation
ceremony covered. It will be held at 4.30 p.m. on Monday (November 27) at the Government Supplies Department Recreation Club located on the top floor of the department’s headquarters in Oil Street, North Point.
-------o--------- * /&..........
Thursday, November 23, 1972
- 8 -
Lady MacLehose said today that a good school should not simply be one that is well run, produces good examination results, and organises academic and extra-curricular activities.
Speaking at the annual speech day of St. Paul’s Convent School, she said: ’’The essence of a good school, to my mind lies in its capacity for producing students of good character, fitted for any role which their future life may call on them to play.”
The following is the full text of Lady MacLehose’s speech:
”It is a great pleasure and privilege for me to be here with you today on the happy occasion of your school’s annual Speech Day, and I thank Sister Isabel for her kind invitation.
"In the Inauguration Ceremony of St. Paul’s School at Lam Tin on the second of May this year, I praised the fine work the Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres have done in Hong Kong, particularly in the field of education. The Lam Tin School is a new venture, but with all the experience gained here at St. Paul’s Convent School and the St. Paul’s Secondary School in Ventris Road, I am sure that the "junior sister" will soon be establishing the same high reputation as her elder sisters.
"I am, as I am sure you all will be, looking forward enormously to listening to the St. Paul’s Choir this evening. Their performances have always been outstanding, and I know you will agree with me when I say that they are more than just a school choir.
/"In the past, .......
Thursday, November 23, 1972
- 9 -
"In the past, during my association with St. Paul’s Convent School what impressed me most was the helpful friendliness between the staff and students, and I am glad to see that this still flourishes, and truly exemplifies the Paulinian spirit.
"A good school is not simply one that is well run, produces good examination results, and organises academic and extra-curricular activities. The essence of a good school, to my mind lies in its capacity for producing students of good character, fitted for any role which their future life may call on them to play, and certainly St. Paul’s possesses this rare and valuable qnality^.
"On every Speech Day it is always the graduates who are in the limelight. They receive their certificates and are soon to leave school and take their place in the world. To those of you who have won prizes, I offer my warmest congratulations and I wish you all continued success and happiness in the future."
10 -
Page No,
New drive to clean up the harbour leads to expansion of
harbour cleansing fleet • • •..................«••••••• 1
The Red Cross Society to receive modern vehicle to assist in blood collection..................................... 3
Improvements to the Prince Edward Road temporary flyover ...................•..................• •••............. 4
Employers asked to take on more trained blind workers.. 5
A slight increase has been recorded in the number of infectious diseases ....................................... 6
Government supplies officers to retire soon .................... 7
Lady MacLehose addresses pupils of St. Paul’s Convent School ....................••••................................ 8
Release Time: 7*00 P«m
PRH 7 4000091
Friday, November 24, 1972
The first piece of proposed legislation designed to put into effect the government’s plan to crack down on the increasing incidence of violent crime will be introduced into the Legislative Council on Wednesday (November 29).
The bill seeks to impose a mandatory minimum sentence of six months imprisonment or a detention order for people convicted of possessing an offensive weapon in a public place.
It also raises from two years to three years, the maximum punishment for this offence.
The Attorney General, Mr. D.T.E. Roberts, said today that the imposition of a mandatory minimum sentence was a departure from tradition. "Nevertheless, it is considered that the measure is justified, in order to deal with the growing habit of gangs of young men carrying offensive weapons in a public place and of using them for attack, or in the course of robbery."
The bill, known as the Public Order (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, also seeks to give power to a police officer to stop and search people to ascertain whether or not they are carrying offensive weapons.
At present a police officer can do this only if he reasonably suspects that the person is carrying a weapon.
/Mr. Roberts ........
Issued by.Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Friday, November 24, 1972
- 2 -
Mr. Roberts said that the proposed new regulation would, for example, enable an area to be cordoned off and everyone in it searched for weapons.
In his speech to the Legislative Council almost two weeks ago, the Attorney General said that the proposed measures showed the part the government was taking to deal with the rising crime problem. ’’But we cannot do it alone — crime cannot be kept within acceptable bounds unless every member of the community is prepared to do what he can to help,”
Mr. Roberts also announced that the government was considering the re-introduction of a form of rigorous imprisonment for people convicted of violent crime and the institution of a preventive detention system to remove ,rhabitual criminals” from society for long periods.
Friday, November 24, 1972
- 3 -
A well-known social worker, Mrs. Kwan Ko Siu-wah has been appointed by the Governor to serve as a member of the Urban Council.
Her appointment, with effect from next Friday (December 1) until March 311 1976, is to fill the seat vacated by Mrs. C.J. Symons at the beginning of last month.
Mrs. Kwan is at present the General Secretary of the Young Women’s Christian Association, Chairman of the Christian Council, President of the Soroptimist Club and Chairman of the Children and Youth Division of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service.
She also serves on a number of religious and welfare councils, committees and associations including the Social Welfare Planning Committee and the Social Welfare Advisory Committee.
Born in Indonesia , Mrs. Kwan received her education at the Yenching University in China where she acquired a Bachelor Degree in Social Work and Sociology.
She was awarded the M.B.E. in 1965 and became a justice of the peace in 1969- .....
Her main interest lies in social welfare work, especially youth welfare, women’s welfare and community development.
Friday, November 24, 1972
- 4 -
The Town Planning Board has proposed amendments to the draft outline zoning plan for Wan Chai which was first exhibited for public inspection in February 1971*
Under the amendments, published in today’s gazette, no residential development is now proposed for the Wan Chai reclamation.
One zone of about 2.J acres between the ferry concourse and Gloucester Road, shown previously for commercial-residential development, has been rezoned for use as open space.
Two other commercial-residential zones nearby, with a total area of about 3*4 acres, have been restricted to commercial use only.
An amended note on the draft zoning plan also limits the extent to which other uses may be permitted in land zoned ’’Residential”, which occupies about 37*5 acres in the southwest part of the area.
A government spokesman said these changes have been proposed in order to provide more open space, to maintain the present size of the population in Wan Chai, and to provide an opportunity for the development of a satellite commercial centre to ease the demand for commercial space in Central.
The plan which covers a total of some 312 acres aims at providing a statutory land use pattern and major road framework for the use and development of land in the District.
/The amendments ........
Friday, November 24, 1972
- 5 -
The amendments to the plan are now exhibited for public inspection during normal office hours at the Central Enquiry Sub-office, Central Government Offices, West Wing Entrance, Hong Kong; and at the Wan Chai City District Office, Tung Wah Mansion, 201 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong.
Copies of the amendments may also be purchased, at $3 per uncoloured coPy? and 5>25 per coloured copy, from the Crown Lands and Survey Office, 19th floor, Murray Building, Garden Road, Hong Kong.
Any objections to the amendments may be made in writing to the Secretary, Town Planning Board, c/o Public Works Department, Murray Building, not later than Friday, December 15, 1972.
Note to Editors: Copies of a sketch, in English and Chinese,
showing the amendments to the zoning plan, are distributed separately in the G.I.S. Press Boxes this evening.
Friday, November 24, 1972
- 6 -
The Hong Kong Government accounts for the first half of this financial year show a deficit of $3.7 million.
It is the first time for three years that the accounts have not been in surplus at the end of this period.
The total revenue during the six months was $1,668 million — $J29 million more than for the same period in 1971*
Expenditure amounted to $1,672 million which was $396 million above last year’s six monthly figure.
For the month of September this year, the accounts showed a surplus of $14 million compared with a surplus of $13 million for the same month last year. - •
The total revenue for the month was $305 million — $72 million more than in September 1971 and the total expenditure was $291 million or an increase of $71 million over the same month last year.
-------0 --------
Friday, November 24, 1972
Eighty-six-yeai>-old legislation prohibiting the sale of liquor on board ships is one of two ordinances to be repealed under a bill which vnll be introduced into the Legislative Council shortly.
The Ships (Prohibition of Sale of Liquor) Ordinance was enacted in 1886 ”to prevent the sale or conveyance of spirituous or fermented liquor on board Her Majesty’s Ships, and to prohibit the hovering near or about such ships of any persons in boats for the purpose of so doing.:I
A government spokesman said today it was considered that because of changed circumstances, the retention of the Ordinance was no longer necessary.
The Lav/ Revision (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 1972 seeks to repeal’ this* bTdinance and another which has become ’’obsolete or unnecessary”, and to make consequential amendments to enactments affected by the repeals and by new legislation enacted during the year.
The other ordinance it seeks to repeal is the Bank Notes and Certificates of Indebtedness Ordinance.
The bill, published in today’s gazette, amends the Cremation and Gardens of Remembrance Regulations, the Police Supervision Ordinance, and the Preventive Service Ordinance.
/The Bank ••••••
Friday, November 24, 1972
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The Bank Notes and Certificates of Indebtedness Ordinance was passed into law in 1946 to remove doubts as to the legal status of bank notes issued during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong and to provide for the meeting of liabilities consequent upon the status given to them#
’’The ordinance has had its effect and should be repealed,” the spokesman said#
-------0 - - - -
Friday, November 24, 1972
- 9 -
The uniformed staff of the Immigration Department will have now quarters on Chatham Road, Kowloon, at a site opposite the Hung Hom police station.
Due to operational reasons, it is necessary to provide quarters in the urban area to accommodate the disciplined Staff of the department.
At present, only a few officers at the’ outlying posts of Lowu and Sheung Shui are provided with quarters.
With the completion of the new accommodation, a nucleus of uniformed staff can be called on quickly and conveniently when sudden needs arise for additional manpower.
To be built on a site of 18,500 square feet, tne quarters yin comprise two blocks, one 12 storeys high and the other eight storeys.
Together the two blocks will provide 40 flats, each with two or three bedrooms.
There will also be parking space for 46 cars.
Work will begin soon on the sub-structure of the buildings, including site formation, sheet-piling and the construction of retaining walIs.
The sub-structure is expected to be completed in June next year, when work on the superstructure will begin.
Friday, November 24, 1972
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The Public Works Department plans to build a pedestrian footbridge over Castle Peak Road at its junction with Chung On Street in Tsuen Wan to reduce the risk of traffic accidents.
A Government spokesman said today that the junction has been the scene of a large number of accidents involving pedestrians.
As the southern staircase of the proposed footbridge lies in Chung On Street, the width of a section of the street will have to be permanently reduced from 40 feet to 18 feet.
Traffic along this narrow section, which lies between Castle Peak Road and Shiu Wo Street, will have to be routed one way, south bound.
People affected have one month to lodge an objection against the proposed footbrdige or two months to make a claim for compensation.
Friday, November 24, 1972
- 11
Residents of the Tai Hang and Jardine’s Lookout areas will soon have a much improved water supply with the laying of a new large diameter fresh water main.
The total length of mains to be laid will be about 10,000 feet, with a diameter of 15 inches. It will supply water from the Eastern Pumping Station to the service reservoirs in the area.
The project is necessary because existing mains in the area cannot cope with the rapidly increasing demand.
At the same time, an improved drainage system will be constructed in part of Tai Hang.
The work involves the construction of JOO feet of reinforced concrete stormwater box culvert in Lily Street and the laying of 290 feet of sewer in Lin Fa Kung Street West.
The extension of the sewer will form part of the system for the Lai Tak Housing Estate which is now under construction on the hillside above.
Friday, November 24, 1972
- 12 -
The Department of Commerce and Industry is to implement, from next Monday, an export authorisation scheme for the export of certain restrained textile items to Canada.
The Director, Mr. David Jordan, said today that the scheme would make available to all comers certain unallocated balances of quota for the export of restrained textiles to Canada during the current textile year.
He said that all applications must be supported by firm orders from Canadian buyers; unsubstantiated applications would be rejected.
All applications received before 5p.m. on December 6 will be considered together and, if necessary, approved on a proportionate basis.
Applications for any balances remaining after this will be approved on a first-come-first-served basis.
Full details of the scheme have already been sent to trade associations and companies concerned, but anyone wanting advance information should contact Mr. K.C. Kwong on 5-247317 or Mr. C.K. Lai on 5-445666.
Friday, November 24, 1972
The operation.of roof-top schools at Shek Kip Mei during the next
two or three years, will not be affected by the current rehousing scheme there, a spokesman for the Resettlement Department said today.
He was commenting on a.newspaper report that the livelihood of some 150 teachers would .be affected early next year when the rehousing scheme enters its second phase and that some 1,500 pupils, including many overaged ones, would have no school to attend.
The spokesman said the only roof-top school which would probably have been affected some time next year suspended its operation a few months ago and the premises have already been returned to the Resettlement Department.
”We will .inform the schools to be affected in due course and ample time will be given .them to .make the necessary arrangements before closing down. There is no need for them to worry now,” the spokesman said.
The roof-top school operators had earlier sent in requests for allocation of school premises in the Pak Tin Estate, but they had already been allocated© ’’These school operators have been told that if they wish to apply for estate schools in other areas they can send in applications which will be considered with others on their own merits,” the spokesman added.
Any pupils wanting to transfer to other schools will be given assistance by the Education Department.
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Page No,
New anti-crime bill to crack down on increase in violent crime ..........•••••••...................................... 1
Mrs. Kwan Ko Siu-wah appointed as Urban Councillor ............ J
More open space for Wan Chai in the amended Wan Chai outline zoning plan ......................................... 4
Deficit of 33*7 million in Government accounts for the first half of this financial year ........................... 6
Two oudated pieces of legislation to be repealed ••••••• 7
New quarters for uniformed staff of the Immigration Department .................................................. 9
Pedestrian footbridge to be constructed in Tsuen Wan over Castle Peak Road .......... ., -.............................. 10
Improved water supply to Tai Hang and Jardine’s Lookout areas.*,...............................................
Export authorisation scheme for certain restrained textile items to Canada............................................. 12
Roof-Top schools at Shek Kip Mei ............................ 13
Release time: 7*30 p.m.
PRH 7 4000091
Saturday, November 25, 1972
The Secretary for Information, Mr. Jack Cater, today expressed strong support for a proposal by Mr. A. de 0. Sales that government should set up an effective recreation service with District Recreation Officers working "on the ground."
"Not only would this help to involve youth in beneficial activities, ' r- **
but it would also, I believe, be a very effective means of communicating with • • 9
the young," he said.
Mr. Cater was speaking at the closing plenary session of the Sports Conference of which Mr. Sales is the President.
Commenting on his job as a communicator, Mr. Cater said,"I Have interpreted this, not in the narrow sense of merely being in contact with other adults, but in the very broadest sense possible: which inevitably means that one of my tasks - perhaps the major one - will be to reach the young."
,rNow how does one set about the challenge of communicating with our young people?
” single channel is likely to be more fruitful and rewarding
than that of the sports association and groups which you,.present here today, represent."
/Mr. Cater •••••.• TTorusroF “contents-” ;
! SEE LAST PAGE ! .......
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, November 25, 1972
- 2 -
Mr< Cater went on to say that government and other organisations had spent a great deal of money and effort this year on the summer youth activities programme which was launched "on a scale never before seen in Hong Kong."
He also outlined some of the activities made available to the youths during the summer.
The overall co-ordination of the programme was undertaken by the Central Committee for Youth Recreation.
This committee was first set up in 19&9 and comprised representatives from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and the major government departments concerned with youth recreation.
This year, the Association of Volunteers for Service was also on the committee.
"But what I think you are suggesting, Mr. President, is not simply a massive effort of this kind for a comparatively short.period, you are suggesting a massive effort all the time. A challenge to daunt all but the most stout-hearted of us.
"In giving my whole-hearted personal support to you in this great endeavour, I am confident that if anybody can succeed, it will be you, Mr. President, with the support of all the associations so strongly represented here today."
Mr. Cater also paid high tribute to the efforts in making the Sports Conference possible. "I hope that all of you will" regard the past week, not simply as a success, but a fruitful beginning: the basis from which further and greater achievements may be realised.
Note to Editors: Copies of the full text of Mr. Cater’s
speech are distributed separately in the G.I.S. Press Boxes this afternoon.
-------0--------- /3.....................
Saturday, November 25, 1972
- 3 -
The Census and Statistics Department will carry out a survey of household expenditure as from January next year to obtain material for the revision of the present Consumer Price Index.
The survey aims at getting the relative proportions of household expenditure spent on various items of commodities and services, from which weights for a new Consumer Price Index will be derived.
It will be conducted among households with monthly spending of $^♦00 to S31000, which will cover about 80 per cent of all households in Hong Kong.
Earlier this year, the Commissioner of Census and Statistics announced that the present Consumer Price Index would be completely revised in order to increase its accuracy and its capacity to reflect current conditions.
A sample of about 5,000 households has been selected for the survey from records maintained in the department.
A department spokesman today appealed to the households concerned to cooperate in the survey by maintaining daily expenditure records continuously for one calendar month.
/Letters have
Saturday, November 25, 1972
_ 4 _
Letters have been sent to the selected addresses explaining the purpose and procedure of the survey, he said.
The spokesman said the department will provide free all necessary record forms and stationery, and award each cooperating household S50 to thank them for their cooperation.
Next month, he said, fully trained survey interviewing officers of the department will visit the households with a view to seeking their cooperation in participating in the survey.
He said all information supplied will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used only for statistical purposes.
Work will begin shortly on the construction of the final block of quarters to house senior supervisory staff members engaged in the High Island Water Scheme.
The block will be four storeys high with two units on each floor, and will be built at Man Kei Terrace, Hebe Haven, Sai Kung.
Three other similar blocks have already been completed and occupied.
Tenders are being invited for the construction work, which is expected to start in January next year and take about 12 months to complete.
Saturday, November 25, 1972
- 5 -
One thousand children and 130 teachers from 14 schools operated by
the Fish Marketing Organisation will attend a joint graduation ceremony on Tuesday (November 28) next week.
Mr. Oswald Cheung, a Legislative -Councillor, will present certificates to graduates from Junior VI classes, and to Form III students of the F.M.O.’s Secondary Practical School at Aberdeen.
Certificates will also be awarded to four fishermen who have successfully completed the Agriculture and Fisheries Department’s most recent adult navigation class.
Mrs. Cheung will present prizes to pupils for "Excellent Application".
The joint ceremony will take place on Tuesday at 11.30 a.m. in the City Hall Concert Hall.
This is the third time that the F.M.O. has brought together pupils from all its widely scattered district schools to attend a single joint graduation ceremony.
The presentation ceremony will be followed by a magic show and a
"Dim Sum"-and-tea party.
Note to Editors; You are cordially invited to have the
ceremony covered. Press representatives are requested to take their seat by 11.15 a.m. on that day.
-------0--------- /6......................
Saturday, November 25, 1972
- 6 -
World-famous violinist, Eugen Prokop, will play in a recital at the City Hall Concert Hall next Monday (November 27) under the sponsorship of the Urban Council.
At the piano will be David Gwilt, Chairman of the Chung Chi College’s Music Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Eugen Prokop has also been invited by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra to play the Brahms* Concerto in their concerts on December 9 and 10.
In this recital next Monday, he will play Mozart, Bach, Debussy, Wieniawski, Suk, Sarasate and Falla. Tickets at ®1, #2 and S3 each are available daily from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the City Hall Box Office.
Eugen Prokop is an artist of the renowned Czech violin school. He studied under the Czeh master, Harcslav Kocian. Late.’, he made his home in Belgium and matured his art through constant contact with the famous Belgium school of violin playing.
Laureate of the Jan Kubelik International Violin Competition of Prague, and winner of the coveted Carl Flesch Golden Medal of London, he has made extensive tours in Europe, the Middle and Far East, Australia, and the United States and performed with many world-famous orchestras.
He initiated the Pollensa Festival, which took place every summer in a 16th century cloister of Santo Domingto, on the southern coast of Spain.
Saturday, November 25, 1972
- 7 -
Note to Editors; Three UMEICO members, Sir Sidney Gordon,
Mr. G.R. Ross and Mr. Wilson Wang, will visit Lantao and Peng Chau on Monday (November 27) to see for themselves the development on the islands.
They will be accompanied on the visit by Mr. D.C. Bray, District Commissioner, New Territories; and Mr. Ng Chak-lam, District Officer, Islands.
You are cordially invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the visit. Transport will be provided for Press representatives covering the event. The launch ’’Sir Cecil Clementi” and landrover have been arranged to take them to join the UMELCO members at Tung Chung. The launch will leave the Marine Department Pier, in Central, at 10 a.m. on Monday.
-------0--------- V
During the week ended November 18, a total of 22,07^ doses of the . J-
combined anti-diphtheria and tetanus vaccine was administered, according to statistics released by the Medical and Health Department today.
Of these, 6,080 doses were administered on Hong Kong Island, 12,107 in Kowloon, and 3,887 in the New Territories.
In the six weeks since the anti-diphtheria and tetanus campaign began on October 9, a total of 98,595 doses has been administered.
The campaign will continue for the rest of the year. Free vaccine is available at all government maternal and child health centres and clinics.
-------0--------- /8.....................
Saturday, November 25, 1972
- 8 -
The Government proposes to construct a rubble mound on the seaward side of the Shuen Wan Refuse Dump off Ting Kok Road to prevent any refuse from being washed away into the sea.
The construction of the rubble mound will also facilitate the possible future rehabili tation of the site into a recreational area or for other uses on the closure of the dump.
A Government spokesman aaid that with the growth and urbanisation of the New Territories districts and the extension of refuse collection service to villagest the amount of refuse handled by the Urban Services Department in the New Territories has increased tremendously.
At present, he said, about 10 per cent of the refuse collected in the New Territories goes to the Shuen Wan Refuse Dump, which has almost reached its ultimate dumping capacity.
The boundaries within which the proposed rubble mound will be constructed are fully described in a Notification gazetted on Friday (November 24)
The Gazette Notification also stipulates that all persons having any objections to the proposed rubble mound or any claims of private right in the matter should submit such objections and/or claims in writing to the Director of Public Works within two months of the date of the Notification.
The Notification, in English and Chinese, can also be seen on notice boards posted on the site.
Saturday, November 25, 1972
- 9 -
Note to Editors: The’ Financial Secretary*, ’ Mr.’ C.Pv Haddon-
. Cave5. will return to Hong Kong tomorrow (Sunday)
afternoon following discussions in London on the proposed mass transit railway, He left for London on November 15........
.........Mr*.* Haddon-Cave is returning by Flight BA/8O2,. E..T.A.. J...1.0. p,.m..
.........The. Fij'iajxci.aJL Secretary will not be making any statement on his return but he is prepared to meet press representatives briefly at the ai'rp’ort V.T.P.’ pfress conference room.
********* • ■ - ••• • - fl — ■ • • •
Note to Editors: There will be an issue of the Daily
Information Bulletin, in Chinese and English, tomorrow (Sunday).
Copies of the Sunday D.I.B. will be available for collection in the G.I.S. Press Room, sixth floor, Beaconsfield House, as from 3 p.m.
Saturday, November 25, 1972
- 10 -
Mr. Jack Cater supports proposal of setting up a Government
Recreation Service *................................... <
Household Expenditure Survey to start in January 1973 .;••• 3
Quarters for High Island Water Scheme Staff................
Joint Graduation Ceremony for 14 Schools ••••••••••••........
Rubble Mound proposed for Shuen Wan Refuse Dump. ..........
UMELCO Members to visit Islands ............................. 7
Anti-diphtheria and Tetanus Vaccination ««••••••••••••••••• 7
Renowned Violinist to play in City Hall next week Financial Secretary returning tomorrow ...........•«.......
Issue of Sunday D.I.B. .........
- - - - 0--------
Release time: 2.5Q PA
PRH 7 4000091
Sunday, November 26, 1972
Hong Kong is playing a leading role in the worldwide battle against the killer disease — tuberculosis.
One of the world’s top specialists on TB, Dr. Wallace Foie, in collaboration with local medical services, is using Hong Kong as a field of study for a new short-term course of treatment.
In the pasttpatients have been given drugs to take daily at hone for up to two years. This proved unsatisfactory as many sufferers took the medicine irregularly.
For nearly two years,government clinics in Hong Kong have been using a different approach to fight the disease which last year killed nearly three times the number of people that died in road accidents here.
During the first two or three months of treatment,the patient visits a clinic daily where the drug is administered under supervision. Visits are then reduced to twice a week for about 18 months.
This form of treatment has met with great success, claiming a 90 to 95 per cent cure rate.
The big disadvantage is the length of time involved and the largo quantities of drugs needed. To overcome these problems,it is now thought that a much shorter course of treatment, from six to nine months, can prove just as effective although using exactly the same drugs and dosages.
• • /But it ••••••••
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Sunday, November 26, 1972
- 2 -
But it takes up to two years of tests and observation after the treatment has stopped before the result is known.
So Hong Kong, which has an estimated 40,000 TB sufferers, has undertaken a programme to get these results. At the moment 400 volunteer patients are taking part in the project under strict control of TB specialists. It is hoped that another 300 patients will eventually take part in the programme.
All results are being fed back to Dr. Fox, a member of the British Medical Research Council in London. Results of other tests with new drugs are also being passed on to the specialist.
Advantages of the short-term treatment are obvious — reduced costs, time saving — and more patients can be treated.
Last year more than 1,000 people died from TB, mostly affecting the lungs, in Hong Kong. Many of these were over 40 and had not received recent regular treatment for the disease.
A medical spokesman said the number of deaths from TB was dropping each year. In 1961, 2,100 died of the disease, and 10 years before that, despite a smaller population, more than 4,000 were dying annually. Only five years ago TB was the most common cause of death in Hong Kong, now it is fifth with cancer the major killer.
But, he said, although significant advances had been made here the disease was still a serious threat. He advised anyone who had a cough for more than two weeks to attend a government clinic.
/He stressed
Sunday, November 26, 1972
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He stressed that treatment was completely free and most patients could continue their regular working lives. Clinics operated day and evening sessions.
In most cases a simple X-ray and examination was all that was needed to set the treatment moving. If time off work was required, help from government social services could be obtained.
He also stressed that the disease was contagious and was particularly dangerous to other members of a family living in close quarters. It could kill in under five years.
The spokesman said that although 12,000 people were being treated here for TB at the end of last year there were still a great number of people endangering their own lives, as well as their families and friends by not seeking treatment.
Most sufferers were in the older age groups as there had been a big step up in vaccinations for babies and school children^ he said.
Even so last year 1,250 people died from TB in Hong Kong — compared with the 362 who died in road accidents.
Release time: 3*00 p>m,
PRH 7 4000091
Monday, November 27, 1972
The Urban Council Public Library set up recently in the Ping Shek Estate has proved very popular with its facilities heavily used by residents in the area.
Set up only four months ago, this library already has more than 5,000 members, which shows it is meeting a growing public need for such services.
With a basic bookstock of some 26,000 volumes, the library recorded about 27,000 book issues for home reading in October alone , and another 28,000 book issues for books read or consulted within the library’s premises.
Judging from these figures, the library can be considered the third most heavily used library in Hong Kong, the other two being the City Hall Public Library and the Waterloo Road Public Library.
Mr. Oblitas, Assistant Director (Cultural Services) of the Urban Services Department said: ’’The density of population, the transport convenience as well as the large number of schools in the nearby areas account for the rapid development of the Ping Shek Public Library.”
He said that since its opening, residents in the north-east part of the Kowloon peninsula no longer had to travel to the Waterloo Road or Yau Ma Tei Public Libraries.
/Mr. Oblitas....... • •
! SEE I AST PAGE_________;
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Monday, November 27, 1972
- 2 -
Mr. Oblitas believes that in densely populated areas such as Kwun Tong, Shau Kei Wan and Sham Shui Po, it is becoming increasingly obvious that public libraries are urgently needed.
There are at present five public libraries run by the Urban Council. Altogether the Urban Council Public Libraries have a stock of 448,000 books, about 65 per cent of which are in Chinese, and some 50 per cent in English with representative collections in French, German, Japanese and Spanish.
As more and more people in search of knowledge are now using the public library services in Hong Kong, the recorded number of book issues for home reading has increased to a monthly total of 170,000.
Since the beginning of September this year all Urban Council Public Libraries have been issuing one extra library ticket to members to meet the demand for wider use of library facilities. Now, members can borrow up to three books instead of two at any one time.
This new policy has been warmly welcomed and 20,000 additional library tickets have been issued so far.
Mr. Oblitas stressed that public libraries are set up to help satisfy people’s thirst for knowledge and urged anyone with constructive ideas for the improvement of library services to bring them forward for serious consideration by the Urban Council.
Monday, November 27, 1972
- 3 -
Three of the companies participating in the British Industrial Exhibition held in Hong Kong last month have offered scholarships to suitably qualified candidates from Hong Kong.
The three scholarships form part of the Confederation of British Industry Overseas Scholarships Scheme and are tenable in the United Kingdom during 1973*
One Type ’A’ scholarship is offered by the Hawker Siddeley Electric Export Ltd. for a minimum period of twelve months for training in electrical engineering covering the manufacture of transformers, switchgear and the full range of electrical machines.
This Type ’A1 Scholarship is for recently graduated engineers and carries with it a maintenance allowance of £936 per annum with fares paid to and from Britain.
One Type 1C1 scholarship, offered by the Wadkin Ltd., is for a period of six months in 1973 for training in the manufacture of woodworking machinery and machine tools.
Another Type 1C1 scholarship is offered by the Reyrolle Parsons Ltd. for a maximum period of four months in 1973 for training in electrical engineering, electrical switchgear and protection.
The two Type ’C’ Scholarships are for more experienced engineers under 35 years of age who have been following their careers for a minimum period of five years. The maintenance allowance is at the rate of £1,140 per annum.
/Intending ••••••••
Mondey , November 27, 1972
- 4 -
Intending applicants should obtain the support and approval of their employers and successful scholars are required to pay their own passages to and from Britain.
Applicants for all the scholarships must hold a degree or diploma in engineering issued by a recognised university, college or institute.
Application forms are obtainable from the Overseas Students and
• * , > Scholarships Section, Education Department, Lee Gardens, Hysan Avenue, Hong Kong.
Completed forms and supporting documents must be returned to the same office not later than Saturday, December 9» 1972. Late applications will not be considered.
Monday, November 27, 1972
- 5 -
Lady MacLehose, President of the Community Chest of Hong Kong, will visit three member agencies in Wan Chai tomorrow (November 28) to see for herself the work of the agencies.
The member agencies are the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society’s Eastern Centre; the Canossian School and Workshop for the Visually Disabled Girls and the Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts.
Lady MacLehose will be accompanied on her visit by Mr. Lamson Kwok, Chairman of the Community Chest’s Campaign Committee; Mr. D.L. Millar, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee; Mr. G.A. Pilgrim, Deputy Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, and Mr. Colin Morrison, Executive Director of the Community Chest.
Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to send
a reporter and/or photographer to cover these visits. Transport will be provided. Press representatives are requested to assemble at Queen’s Pier at 2.30 p.m. tomorrow where Mr. Thomas Ng, Administrative Assitant of the Community Chest, will meet them. Background information of the three agencies will be provided.
Lady MacLehose is scheduled to arrive at the Eastern Centre at 3 p.m., the Canossian School at 3.30 p.m., and SARDA at 4 p.m.
Monday, November 27, 1972
- 6 -
The Director of Commerce and Industry has issued a Notice to Exporters on the subject of exports of restrained cotton textile items to the United Kingdom.
The Notice concerns licensing arrangements for these exports to the United Kingdom for the remainder of the current restraint period ending December 31, 1972, as well as the introduction of a special shipment scheme for the balances of quota remaining uncommitted as at December 5, 1972.
Trade associations and companies on the Commerce and Industry Department’s mailing list for Notice to Exporters, Series I, will receive copies of the Notice shortly.
However, persons who wish to seek advance notice of the contents are invited to contact Mr. H.T.W. Lau, Assistant Trade Officer, at Tel. No. H-4JO719; and Mr. C.K. Ng, Industry Assistant, at Tel. No. H-446789.
Monday, November 27, 1972
The Transport Department today advised motorists to take heed of the 50 m.p.h. speed restriction already imposed on the Sha Tin by-pass road and to drive cautiously particularly at weekends and on public holidays.
A department spokesman said action would be taken against those who drive at a higher speed. He sounded the warning in order to prevent further accidents.
He said a number of traffic accidents have occurred on the Sha Tin by-pass road because of motorists travelling at high speed.
In the past six months, he said, there were 22 traffic accidents on the short stretch of road causing one death, three serious injuries and nine less serious injuries.
Loading and unloading of goods by goods vehicles will be prohibited in two Kowloon streets as from Thursday (November 50) to reduce congestion caused by stationary goods vehicles blocking a lane of traffic at peak hours.
A Transport Department spokesman said the prohibition will be effective as from 10 a.m. on that day, between 7.30 a.m. and 10 a.m. and between 3 p.m. and 7 p-m. daily in Sai Yee Street, between Prince Edward Road and Argyle Street; and Yim Po Fong Street, between Waterloo Road and Argyle Street.
Appropriate signs to this effect will be erected.
Monday, November 27, 1972
- 8 -
The Resettlement Department today launched another massive clean*-up operation in the Kwun Tong Estate in which some JOO illegal hawker structures and scores of illegal shop extensions were removed.
A Resettlement Department spokesman said that these illegal structures had been causing severe obstruction to tenants of the estate.
He said it was time that this open space be returned to the tenants.
The cement surfaces on which these illegal structures stood had deteriorated to such an extent that they have to be completely re-surfaced.
Some 140 lorryloads of abandoned articles and refuse were removed during today’s operation.
All hawkers now trading in the clearance zone have been given temporary sites in a nearby bazaar to continue their trade. ----------------------------------0---------
The Immigration Department announced today that with the seasonal relaxation in the demand for passport facilities, it is now normally possible to issue British (Hong Kong) passports in a period of 10 working days.
A department spokesman said that, similarly, renewals or replacement of valid British (Hong Kong) passports can now usually be undertaken within four working days.
The replacement of British passports issued in the United Kingdom will continue to take about six weeks as replacement is effected through London, he said. /9................................................................
0 - -
Monday, November 27, 1972
- 9 -
Water supply to a number of premises in the Western district on Hong Kong Island Will be interrupted for eight hours from 10 p.m. tomorrow (November 28) to 6 a.m. on Wednesday.
The•temporary stoppage is•to•enable the Waterworks Office to connect fresh water pipes at South Lane.
The premises affected are Nos. 20-66 Hill Road; Nos. 506-562 Queen’s Road West;-and all premises at Woo Hep-Street* South Lane and Yat Fee Lane* ..............
Between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m. on Wednesday (November 29) water supply to certain premises in Central and Wong Tai Sin will also be stopped to facilitate leakage tests.
The area in Central to be affected by the temporary stoppage is bounded by Queensway, Queen’s Road Central to Zetland Street, Murray Road, Harcourt Road and the seafront. • • •
In Wong Tai Sin, the premises to be affected are Blocks 14 to 20, and Block 5 of the Tung Tau Tsuen Resettlement Estate.
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Page No,
Ping Shek Estate Public Library has proved ’’very popular” • • • • • 1
Applications being invited for British Industrial Exhibition Scholarships..................................................... J
Lady MacLehose to visit three member agencies of Community Chest tomorrow ................................................... 5
D.C. & I. has issued Notice to Exporters regarding exports of restrained cotton textiles to the U.K...................... ... 6
Motorists urged to take heed of speed restriction on Sha Tin By-Pass Road ........................................••••••••••• 7
Loading and unloading of goods to be prohibited in two Kowloon streets...................................................... . • 7
Massive clean-up operation in Kwun Tong Estate .................. 8
Processing of applications for passports will take less time •• 8
Temporary water supply interruption for certain premises •••••• 9
Release time: 7,00 p.m.
PRH 7 400009)
Tuesday, November 28, 1972
Notices of Valuation (Form 4a) are now being posted to ratepayers advising them of their new rateable values for the financial year of 1973/7^* The despatch of the notices is being phased over the next few weeks.
Announcing this today, the Commissioner of Rating and Valuation, I-Ir. R.A. Fry, said that it was the first revision to be carried out for four years.
He explained that the new rateable values, which will come into effect on April 1, 1975* are based on annual letting values.
"Because of the general increase in rental values over the past four years, there is a general increase in rateable values of around bO per cent", he said.
Mr. Fry pointed out that the effect of the increase in rateable values in the urban area of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Kowloon will be cushioned to some extent, by the proposed reduction in the rates charge from the current 17 per cent to 15 per cent per annum.
There will be no change in the present rates charge of 11 per cent for the rated portion of the New Territories.
/I’ir. Fry.................
— — — — — — — — — — — ■ I
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, November 28, 1972
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J4r. Fry said that rents of tenancies protected under the Rent Increases (Domestic Premises) Control Ordinance cannot be increased as a result of the revised rating position but, if the tenant has already agreed to be responsible for rates, he will be required to pay the increased charges.
Where premises are let on an inclusive rates basis, which is the normal letting basis for the smaller domestic flats, the landlord is responsible for rates payments.
"The Rent Increases (Domestic Premises) Control Ordinance does not apply to those tenancies entered in the valuation list declared on March 5, 1970 at a rateable value of 315,000 or more and the position will not change with the new valuation list", Mr,. Fry said.
"The 315,000 limit will continue to refer to the rateable values contained in the old valuation list declared on March 5, 1970", he added.
Mr. Fry pointed out that rates payable by tenants of resettlement domestic flats are not affected by the present review of rateable values, as the amount of rates payable in respect of such flats is specified in Resettlement Regulations.
A careful review of domestic premises owned by the Hong Kong Housing Authority and the Hong Kong Housing Society as well as domestic premises in Government low-cost housing estates and other low-cost housing estates, has resulted in substantial increases in rateable values, bringing them into line with unsubsidized private accommodation.
• f
/As domestic ••••••••
Tuesday, November 28, 1972
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As domestic premises in low--cost housing estates have block assessments, individual tenants will not receive Notices of Valuation and the authorities managing the estates will advise them in due course of any proposed rates increases.
Mr. Fry said: "Any ratepayer who feels dissatisfied with a new rateable value is asked to see the Valuer for his area, whose name and telephone number will appear on the Notice of Valuation.”
Ratepayers who have not received a Notice of Valuation by December 23 should enquire at the office of the Rating and Valuation Department at No* Garden Road, Central District (Telephone No. 5-249021)•
The new Valuation List will be on display for public inspection for 21 days in March, 1973 and any ratepayer who may be aggrieved v/ill have the opportunity of making a formal appeal to the District Court, Mr* Fry concluded.
Tuesday, November 28, 1972
The Labour Department today strongly urged building contractors to adopt precautions in regard to excavation of caisson shafts.
A department spokesman said that during August and September this year, two accidents occurred on construction sites where excavation of caisson shafts for foundation work had been carried on.
In the first accident, he said, four workers died after being *»
overcome by a high concentration of an asphyxiating gas in a shaft. Investigation revealed that there was no provision for emergency rescue on the site.
In the second accident, a worker received extensive burns on his body when he attempted to drop a lighted piece of newspaper into a caisson shaft to ascertain the presence of life supporting atmosphere. A flash •I
fire rushed up the shaft from underneath and inflicted the burns.
Investigation in this case revealed that some petrol was present on the water at the bottom of the shaft and the petrol vapours gave rise to the flash, he said.
The spokesman suggested that the following precautions be adopted:-
* before entry is made, a shaft should be sufficiently purged with forced draught to remove foul air or the possible presence of unknown gases;
* the person entering a shaft should wear a safety harness which will enable him to be lifted out vertically in case of emergency;
/* the ........
Tuesday, November 28, 1972
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* the safety harness should be attached to a life-line, the free end of which should be held by an attendant on the surface at the head of the shaft;
* the person in the shaft should have easy means of raising alarm;
* whilst a person remains inside a shaft, adequate lighting and ventilation should be maintained in the shaft;
* if presence of unknown gases is suspected, entry should not be attempted until the gases have been identified and appropriate measures taken.
He said that safe and efficient equipment for identifying the
nature and concentration of a large number of gases were available and that flames should never be used for this purpose.
’’Advice on these gas detecting equipment can be obtained from officers of the Industrial Health Division”, he added.
Tuesday, November 28, 1972
Note to Editors: The Civil Aid Services will hold its Annual
Field Day and parade of more than J, 000 officers, members and cadets at the Government Stadium on Sunday, December J, to be reviewed by His Excellency the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose.
A press conference will be held in the Demonstration Theatre, 6th floor C.A.S. Headquarters, Caroline Hill Road, Hong Kong, on Thursday, November JO, at 4 p.m. when details of the day’s programme will be announced.
The Hon. P.C. Woo, Commissioner of the C.A.S., and the Hon. R.H. Lobo, Deputy Commissioner, will be present at the conference.
You are cordially invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to attend. Light refreshments will be served after the conference.
The Transport Department announced today that with effect from 10 a.m. on November JO (Thursday), public light buses will be prohibited from using Ice House Street between Des Voeux Road, Central, and Chater Road.
Appropriate traffic signs will be erected to guide public light bus drivers.
Tuesday, November 28, 1972
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Membership of woman unionists in Hong Kong has been on the upward trend during the past 10 years, and the last three years have seen a particularly sharp increase.
The 1971-72 annual report of the Registrar of Trade Unions shows there were a total of 31,679 in employees* unions and 1,249 in employers1 unions.
This figure, compared with the previous year’s total of 27,399 including 25,891 in employees’ unions, represents an increas of 4,280.
In 1969, there were 22,853 woman members including 21,48? in employees’ unions, while in 1962, there were only 17,782 woman members in employees’ unions.
According to the 1971-72 annual report, there were altogether 336 unions with 233,113 members on the register at the end of 1971, compared with 334 unions with 208,274 members in the previous year.
Of these, 276 were employees’ unions with 221,619 members; 48 were employers’ associations with 5,441 members; and 12 were mixed unions of employees and employers with 6,053 members.
During the period under review, five new unions were registered and three voluntarily applied for cancellation of registration because of recession in the trade and decreasing membership.
-------0 --------
Tuesday, November 28, 1972
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The Transport Department today announced vehicular traffic restrictions on three roads in the New Territories in connection with the works of the High Island Water Scheme.
The department also announced that with effect from December 1, Friday, the section of Sham Wat Road between Keung Shan Road and Ngong Ping Road will be closed to all vehicles except those with closed road permits issued by the Commissioner for Transport.
A department spokesman said this is to restrict the number of •* vehicles using this narrow stretch of road.
In the New Territories, also vzith effect from December 1, the Access Road to Intake Q.A. (i.e. the road from the Tai Mong Tsai Road to Shek Hang Village); Shatin/Siu Lek Yuen Road; and Tai Wan/Ma On Shan Road will be closed to all vehicular traffic unless authorised in writing by the the Commissioner for Transport.
The spokesman said those wishing to obtain permits for the vehicular use of these three New Territories roads should apply to different offices according to the place where they live.
Those living in the Sai Kung and Tai Po districts should apply to the District Officer, Sai Kung, and the District Officer, Tai Po, respectively, who will forward the applications to the Commissioner for Transport.
/All others .........
Tuesday, November 28, 1972
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All others should apply direct to the Transport Department Headquarters, Blake Block, Queensway, Hong Kong.
He said the Sai Kung and Tai Po District Officers will be authorised to issue permits valid for one day only to motorists requiring occasional access to premises via the restricted roads.
Applications for one day permits should be addressed to the appropriate District Office, he said.
The all-weather Morrison Hill Swimming Pool will remain open to the public during the coming winter season.
The rest of the government swimming pools will be closed as from Friday (December 1) to February 28 next year.
These are the Victoria Park, Kowloon Tsai, Morse Park, Kwun Tong and Lei Cheng Uk Swimming Pools.
Tuesday, November 28, 1972
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More than 20 senior members of the Fire Services Department and the Public Works Department spent about two hours this (Tuesday) afternoon examining possible fire hazards in a newly-completed multi-storey building in Quarry Bay.
The party was led by Mr. A.E.H. Wood, Director of Fire Services;
Mr. M.K. Lane, Deputy Director; Mr. C.R.J. Donnithorne, Director of
Building Development; Mr. P.H. Rowley, Principal Government Building Surveyor; Mr. J.C. Howlett, Chief Building Surveyor; and Mr. G. Barnes of Buildings and Lands Branch.
They inspected hundreds of illegal extensions and balconies at Nos. 1026-1048, King’s Road.
They believed these illegal alterations were made with a complete disregard for the safety and health of the occupants of the building.
All these illegal extensions and balconies would make fire fighting and rescuing virtually impossible in the event of a fire, a spokesman for the Fire Services Department said.
He said these illegal structures had come to the notice of his department after a series of small fires had broken out at the building over the past two weeks.
/This ......
Tuesday, November 28, 1972*
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This led to today’s full-scale inspection which revealed that the building was in a ’’disgusting” and ’’disgraceful” condition, he added.
A spokesman for the Public Works Department said after the inspection that ’’the dreadful state of the building showed a total disregard for human safety both by the developers and the tenants”.
Officers of the Fire Services and the P.W.D. will decide what action they can take within the law to rectify the situation.
They stressed that it was in the interest of the tenants themselves that they stopped this practice immediately. They also warned that similar inspections would follow in other buildings with illegal extensions.
Note to Editors: Copies of a photograph showing today’s inspection are being distributed separately in the G.I.S. Press Boxes this evening.
Tuesday, November 28, 1972
- 12 -
Resettlement Department staff today demolished some 80 empty illegal squatter huts in Kowloon Bay which had recently been put up by racketeers for sale to members of the public.
These huts, which were built on newly reclaimed land near the airport runway are offered to the public at prices ranging from 3700 to 31,200.
A Resettlement Department spokesman said today that it must have been a lucrative trade for these racketeers because some 40 huts sprang up during c the last weekend.
Shortly after resettlement staff arrived to demolish these illegal structures this morning, a group of about seven put up a resistance by shouting and throwing stones and bottles.
One of the department’s labourers was slightly hurt by a flying bottle The Police then moved in and arrested five people.
The spokesman said that the department would continue these clearance operations if necessary, in order to safeguard the public against such racketeering and 'prevent illegal occupation of Crown land.
He warned the public not to believe stories that by purchasing an illegal hut, they may get into resettlement estates.
He said that the purchase of one would not entitle the buyer to resettlement and the only ones who would benefit are the racketeers.
Page No.
Posting of Notices of Valuation to ratepayers ........ 1
Building Contractors urged to adopt Safety Precautions ••• 4
C.A.S. to hold Annual Field Day .......................... 6
Public Light Buses to be banned from Ice House Street •••• 6
Growth of woman Membership in trade unions ••••••••••••••• 7
Vehicular traffic restriction on three N.T. roads •••••••• 8
Public swimming pools, except one, to be closed ••••••••«• 9
Illegal extensions to buildings create fire hazards •••••• 10
Empty illegal squatter huts in Kowloon demolished •••••••• 12
Release time: 7*00 p.m.
PRH 7 4000091
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
The Government will implement, as from Friday (December 1) a major review of the policy and practices on the control of small houses - or village houses - in the New Territories.
The review aims at giving people in the rural areas an opportunity to live in decent, safe, bigger and more permanent houses with improved health standards.
The new "small house" policy and practices are interim measures which will complement the major job of producing a comprehensive plan for the development of the rural New Territories.
The main features of the new policy are:-
* In the rural New Territories outside the village areas, building licences will be used rather than temporary modifications of tenancy for the const miction of small houses on private agricultural land;
* In the rural New Territories outside the village areas, leases of Crown land will be granted by private treaty for small houses in cases where there has been a structure on Crown Land Permit for at least 10 years;
/* For the .«•••••
J—— --------------,
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
* For the disposal of Crown land within village areas, to allow villagers to build small houses, the present system of closed village auction will be replaced by private treaty grants, with premium charged at two-thirds of full market value;
* All buildings of less than 25 feet in height and 700 square feet in area in the New Territories, using reinforced concrete, will be exempted from the provisions of the Building Ordinance.
In all the three categories, the maximum built-over area allowed
will be 700 square feet; the maximum height of the buildings allowed will be two storeys and 25 feet.
The premium for the land in the first two categories will be
charged at full market value, assessed on an area basis and reviewed annually.
At the Legislative Council this afternoon, the District Commissioner, f:
New Territories, the Hon. D.C. Bray, spoke on the new policy when he tabled u *
the Buildings Ordinance (Application to the New Territories) (Amendment)
Regulations 1972.
He said the regulations form just the statutory part of the implementation of the major review of the "small house" policy in the New Territories.
He pointed out that they referred only to applications to erect single small houses. Multiple applications would be treated differently for they must be built in a proper village formation.
Commenting on the major job of producing a comprehensive plan for the development of the rural New Territories, Mr. Bray said this .was a much more ambitious task.
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
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,rBut until proper permanent planned development comes we must deal with the day-to-day needs of the people now living in the country. The policy dealt with today probably affects over 90 per cent of the dwellings in the rural New Territories."
Mr. Bray said the benefits from the review of the policy, which was started last year at the request of the Heung Yee Kuk, and with their close co-operation, were several.
Firstly, he said, applications from villagers to build a new house should be processed and approved much more quickly, generally within six weeks of receipt of the application.
"This will be achieved by delegating the authority to approve such applications to District officers, by doing away with the necessity to submit individual building plans and by abolishing so called restricted auctions and allowing Private Treaty Grants of sites within villages instead."
Secondly, he said more sophisticated health standards would be required in these houses in future.
These standards would be much more in keeping with modern practice and the Director of Urban Services intended to enforce them much more positively than in the past, but in a manner suited to each individual house, he said.
The regulations constitute a minor extension to the class of buildings exempt from many of the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance by allowing the use of reinforced concrete in two-storey buildings covering less than 700 sq.ft, and not exceeding 25 feet in height.
/Thirdly, ......
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
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Thirdly, Mr. Bray said, virtually no more permits for "temporary structures" would be issued.
He described the new houses which could be built under the extension as "permanent as any small house can be in this changing world"• "Not only will this give the individual concerned a decent, permanent and safe house to live in but it will also enalble him to claim full compensation for the structure should it ever have to be cleared for development in the future."
Mr. Bray also emphasised that the siting of the houses would be subject to a set of planning controls so that they would not prejudice impending urban development or disfigure unspoilt parts of the countryside.
He said, the areas where new small houses might be erected would be defined on a more logical basis, based on uniform criteria throughout the New Territories.
"The main factors affecting the zoning will be future permanent development plans, roads and other public works and areas of recreational potentials The zone boundaries will be reviewed annually just before the Tuen Ng Festival and revisions will take effect from the day of that festival," he said Fourthly, owners of existing domestic temporary structures on private agricultural land and the permittees of domestic structures would be allowed to re-develop their structures up to the maximum size permitted for a small house.
"They will at the same time be able to acquire greater security of tenure for the land on which their buildings- are erected.
/Mr. Bray
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
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Mr. Bray also dealt with two criticisms that had been made of the regulations.
On the first criticism that people would be allowed to build without conferring to the Buildings Ordinance, he said neither the architectural profession nor the authorised contractors were able to deal with numberous small buildings in outlying areas.
”To attempt to apply the Buildings Ordinance in full to all such buildings might look nice on paper but would be quite unrealistic in practice. Controls must be much simpler.’*
The second critic feared that these policies would hamper more conventional permanent development. ”1 am afraid it is precisely this sort of attitude that has prevented us dealing more realistically with small houses in outlying areas in the past.
”We oannot expect everybody else to hold their breath until full permanent development reaches them. Many temporary structures have been up for 10 or 20 years. A similar period will elapse before many more will be incorporated in urban development. It is quite unreasonable to prevent people living in these areas from building decent small houses in the mean time,” ho said.
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
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The Legislative Council today decided to delete from the Buildings (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1972 a Clause which provides for the extension from 28 days to 60 days the statutory period within which the Building Authority can disapprove submitted plans.
Moving an amendment for Clause 6 to be deleted, the Hon. Oswald Cheung told the Council that the Hong Kong Society of Architects had made representation that this proposed extension would unnecessarily delay the development of their clients’ sites.
They had requested that the proposal be reconsidered and had urged that, whilst it might be justified in the case of plans first submitted, it would generally be too long on a re-submission which corrects faults in the design which led to places being disapproved, he said.
"My Unofficial colleagues consider that there is a valid case for reexamining the proposal, and it is for that reason that we would ask that Clause 6 be deleted.”
Mr. Cheung said both the Society and Unofficial members greatly sympathised with the Buildings Ordinance Office for the burden that has been put on it as a result of both the large number of plans submitted and the rain disasters last summer* - • - - —•»•••»
”1 am therefore authorised to say that should the government wish to have the moratorium extended until March 3% 1973, my colleagues would have no objection to it,” he said.
/Earlier, ........
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
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Earlier, the Director of Public Works, the Hon. J.J. Robson, told the Council that the Building Authority had been receiving new plans at the rate of over 1,000 a month, and that the proposed extension could only be deleted on the understanding that this was accompanied by an extension of the operation of Section 3OA(2) of the Buildings Ordinance to March 31, 1973.
This means that until that time, there will be no statutory period within which the Building Authority has to disapprove plans, he said.
The Director said he understood the concern expressed by Council members about Clause 6 of the bill, but it was simply not possible even to commence examining the mass of the plans within this period.
He explained that on November 1, there were 9&7 submissions of plans which had been with the Building Authority for more than 28 days, and the number had remained at around the 1,000 mark since July 1, as compared with 350 for the first five months of the year.
"New plans have been submitted at the rate of over 1,000 a month except for the months of February and July when they were a little less, and there is no indication of any recession," he said.
Mr. Robson said it would also be obvious that there could be no real improvement in the situation unless there was either an increase in the strength of the staff of the Buildings Ordinance Office or a reduction in the number of plans submitted for approval.
As regards building site inspections by government staff, he said far more inspections are required while building work is in progress and extra staff for this purpose was approved following the publication of the Chong Hing Mansion Report.
/He said .......
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
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He said recruitment of the necessary Building Surveyors is proving difficult although requests for recruitment have been put in the hands of agencies in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
•’It has therefore been agreed that the Director of Building Development will go to England next week and see if he can obtain staff on secondment from the Ministry of the Environment or other U.K. bodies.
"He will at the same time take up the possible employment of Structural Engineers in the U.K. for processing structural calculations submitted to the Building Authority and the use of computers for this purpose," he said.
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
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A leading architect, the Hon. Szeto Wai, today described the performance of the majority of building contractors in Hong Kong as "below a satisfactory level in respect of both technical ability and organisational capacity”.
Speaking in the Legislative Council during the second reading debate on the Buildings (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, he said that to remedy the situation their standards had to be raised, in addition to heavier penalties being imposed.
He said the principal ordinance and regulations put great stress on the qualifications and discipline of authorised architects, but did not appear to have the same regard to contractors.
"Registered contractors are allowed to get away frequently with site conditions that, in addition to contributing to environmental pollution, endanger the safety of their own workmen as well as the public, quite apart from contravening building regulations,” Mr. Szeto said,
Mr. Szeto who devoted his speech to what he called "sub-standard < materials and workmanship in building works" said that much of the sut>-standard construction in recent years had been the work of the "developer*-builder-architect collaboration".
He explained that under the existing legislation an authorised architect was only required to provide periodical inspection of the building works to ensure that they were being carried out according to plan, whereas the contractor was required to give continuous supervision.
/"The danger,
Wednesday, November 2% 1972
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,fThe danger, however, lies in situations where a building owner or developer is also the builder. It is not uncommon in such situations that the architect is employed merely as a tool and a cover to process the developer’s own plans through the Building Authority and therefore plays no part and has no authority in supervision.
"To protect public safety, effective legislation is needed to stop this malpractice," Mr. Szeto warned.
He also called on the government to look urgently at the question of the existing legislation covering the registration of building contractors, which he felt should be more stringent.
Mr. Szeto pointed out that while stringent requirements were laid down for authorised architects "hardly anything in the way of his technical experience, equipment and organisation is required of a registered contractor save his bank account" and no less than 37 firms were registered in the last quarter alone.
The government should also institute more control over the standard of concrete used in all buildings to allay the widespread concern caused by the sub-standard concrete in some completed buildings, he said9
During the debate, the Hon. Q.W. Lee said it was of great importance for the government to ensure that every effort was made to reduce to an absolute minimum, the time taken for a building plan to be approved.
/He said .......
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
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He said the supply of housing had not been able to catch up with the demand and "any further delay in plans can only result in higher cost of accommodat ion•”
’’The chain reaction will be higher cost of living and higher cost of labour, which will add to the cost of our export products as well as creating further social problems.”
Mr. Lee appreciated the need for the bill and said he had considerable sympathy for the Public Works Department in view of the situation it was facing# ”1 am sure we would all like to pay a tribute to the devotion of duty shown by the Director of Public Works and his staff, particularly in the Buildings Ordinance Office for having carried out the already very heavy load of work which has now been aggravated by the June disasters”.
Mr. Lee was aware that to speed up the approval of building plans was not the sole responsibility of the P.W.D.. He suggested that urgent measures be taken to recruit ”at the soonest possible date” the extra professional staff for whom the posts have already been approved by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council.
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
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The Director of Public Works, the Hon. J.J. Robson, today announced government’s determination to act against illegal structures at newly completed buildings.
Speaking on the Buildings (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1972 in the Legislative Council this afternoon, he said experience in recent years had indicated that the building legislation required strengthening and enlarging.
He stressed that these measures were especially necessary to control the activities of those "enterprising gentlemen" who carried out wholesale to bujj dings immediately an occupation certificate was issued.
Referring to today’s press reports concerning a joint inspection at Nos. 1026*1046-, King’s Road, Mr. Robson described the scale of alterations at the premises as "incredible." "And .that is an understatement."
lie said legal opinion was being taken on the measures which could be adopted to remedy the situation at these buildings, including, if necessaryt re-entry of each and every flat which contains illegal work.
In due course, Mr. Robson said the Buildings Ordinance had to be re-written to metric standards. "I am, therefore, making a recommendation that work starts immediately on a comprehensive redrafting of all our building legislation to cover not only the needs of metrication but also to remedy the many defects and deficencies which are now apparent," he said.
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
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Unofficial members of the Legislative Council today supported the government’s first piece of legislation aimed at protecting investors.
The bill presently before the Council, the Companies (Amendment) Bill 1972, deals mainly with company prospectuses.
The senior Unofficial, the Hon. P.C. Woo said he was getting in touch with the Commissioner for Chinese Language with a view to standardising the translation of company prospectuses.
He pointed out that there had been some objections in respect of the provision in Clause 5 requiring every prospectus to contain a Chinese translation.
The objectors argued that there could be such difficulties as the availability of a sufficient number of competent translators, accuracy of the translation, and the legal liability of directors in respect of untrue statements in the translation which a director could not himself read or understand.
Mr. Woo said these difficulties had been exaggerated and he told the Council that recently several public companies had had their prospectuses translated into Chinese.
He also suggested that if the bill was passed, the effective date for this requirement should not be earlier than nekt February because of the additional time and labour needed in preparing a translation.
/Mr. Woo ......
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
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Mr. Woo went on to clarify some misapprehension of the role which the Registrar of Companies would play in the exercise of his discretion to refuse to register a prospectus.
. ”The Registrar is only concerned to see that a prospectus on the face of it has contained all the statutory information and that such information is not prima facie misleading in the form and context in which it is included.
"His acceptance of a prospectus for registration is no guarantee that it contains no misleading or inaccurate statements, much less that the shares to be issued or offered for sale are regarded in any way as a sound investment,” he said.
The Hon. Q. W. Lee, who also supported the bill, spoke at length about the ’’outstanding performance” of the Hong Kong stock market, and attributed it to an increase in the supply of money, the strength of our economy and the confidence it generates.
He said that since the beginning of January up till yesterday (November 28) the total volume of business transacted on the stock exchanges amounted to 336,477 million. During the same period a total of $1*550 million had been raised by 7J newly listed companies and 31,030 tffill inn by 15 existing listed companies.
Giving another example of the buoyancy of the economy, Mr, Lee said despite the fact that 32,585 million had been raised to finance new business in the past 11 months, bank deposits had still risen by 34,356 million to 323,141 million in the nine months to the end of October.
/Turning ......
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
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Turning to the Companies Bill and the provision for the translation of prospectuses, Mr. Lee said that if the investing public were to have the protection designed for them "they must do their part to read and understand them (prospectuses) clearly." It was only on their judgment alone that they should finally rely to make an investment.
Wednesday, November 29$ 1972
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The Legislative Council was assured today that the proposed general power for a police officer to search any member of the public in a public place for any offensive weapon will not be used indiscriminately.
Giving this assurance, the Attorney General, the Hon. D.T.E. Roberts, said that the Commissioner of Police fully agrees and he will do his best to ensure this will not occur.
Moving the second reading of the Public Order (Amendment) (No. 2)
Bill 1972, Mr. Roberts said: ’’While the public has generally supported what have been called ’stop and search’ operations in the past, I am aware that some misgivings have been expressed about this new wider power, which may cause some inconvenience to innocent members of the public going about their ordinary business.”
He said he accepted the view that this power must be used with discretion At present, he said, a police officer may properly stop and search a person in a public place if he is acting in a suspicious manner or if the police officer suspects him of having committed, or being about to commit, any offence.
’’The amendment proposed, therefore will relieve the police officer of having to form a reasonable suspicion, before he carries out a search of a member of the public and will enable areas to be cordoned off and anybody in the area searched for offensive weapons,” he said.
The bill has two other objects. Firstly, it provides for a minimum sentence of six months* imprisonment to be imposed, or a detention order made, against a person convicted of the offence of possessing an offensive weapon in a public place; and secondly, it raises the maximum punishment for this offence from two to three years.
/Mr. Roberts .......
Wednesday, November 29» 1972
- 17 -
Mr. Roberts said although the imposition of a mandatory minimum sentence is a departure from tradition, ”1 suggest it is fully justified in present circumstances in Hong Kong, where we are faced with a growing menace from gangs of young men carrying offensive weapons for use in gang attacks and a serious increase in the number of robberies in which weapons are used to threaten or attack.”
He hoped that the certainty of a custodial sentence will significantly reduce the practice of carrying offensive weapons.
The announcement that the government was considering a measure of this nature has been widely welcomed by the press and public, the great majority of which appears to give it strong support, he said.
Earlier, Mr. Roberts moved a motion to amend the Third Schedule to the Criminal Procedure Ordinance by adding to it the offence of possession of an offensive weapon in a public place, contrary to section 33 of the ordinance.
He explained that in relation to any offence listed in the schedule, two provisions of the ordinance do not operate.
The first provision was that a court shall not sentence a person over 15 and under 21 to imprisonment unless it is of the opinion that no other method of dealing with him is appropriate. The second was that a court which passes a sentence of imprisonment for a term of not more than two years can order that the sentence shall be suspended.
He said the amendment to the schedule will also ensure that there is no conflict between the ordinance and the provision in the Public Order (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1972 for a mandatory minimum sentence of imprisonment or a detention order on conviction of an offence against section 35 of the Ordinance.
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
- 18 -
The law in Hong Kong already provides adequate protection for consumers in regard to food and drugs and some other items, and very few complaints have been received from the public about these goods.
This was stated by the Director of Commerce and Industry, the Hon. David Jordan, at today’s Legislative Council meeting when replying to a question by Dr. the Hon. S.Y. Chung.
Mr. Jordan said the imposition in Hong Kong of safety and health standards would involve detailed protection legislation and an organisation of inspection and testing facilities to give practical effect to the provisions of the legislation.
"There would be substantial difficulty in determining what the standards ought to be for the many products which would have to be brought under control," he said.
Mr. Jordan said the commercial problems could also be severe and standards would have to be applied whether the goods were imported or made locally.
He was aware of increased public pressure in many countries for action to protect consumers against accidents arising from the sale of faulty products, particularly those sold for children.
But, he explained, even in these countries, very few national standards have been given legislative authority.
/"In Britain, ........
Wednesday* November 29? *>972
- 19 -
”In Britain, for instance, most complaints are investigated at the local authority level, and the standards applied may differ between these authorities.”
In Mr. Jordan’s view, the extension of local controls to toys and electrical goods and then into other fields would be "much more difficult to administer than any existing domestic control” and would involve substantial expenditure of public funds.
Water supply to a number of premises in Ngau Tau Kok will be interrupted for five hours from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. on Friday (December 1).
The temporary stoppage is to enable the Waterworks Office to carry out a leakage test.
The area affected is bounded by Ngau Tau Kok Road between Elegance Road and Chun Wah Street, including Jordan Valley Resettlement Estate Blocks 1-9 and the factory blocks.
Wednesday, November 29, *1972
- 20 -
The hunting or trapping of Chinese porcupines and a number of marine mammals will be prohibited under a bill introduced into Legislative Council today.
The Attorney General, the Hon. D.T.E. Roberts told the Council today that the government will endeavour to give maximum protection under the law to any species of wild life which are in danger of becoming extinct.
He was moving the second reading of the Wild Birds and Wild Mammal E^otection (Amendment) Bill 1972.
The Chinese porcupine, a unique group of rodents of special zoological interest, is fast declining in numbers because it is frequently trapped for human consumption, and because of the difficulty in reproduction.
In addition to the Chinese porcupine, the bill also prohibits the hunting of dolphins, whales and dugongs or "mermaids".
To improve the enforcement of the legislation, the bill seeks to empower police officers, as well as J stices of the Peace and game wardens to inspect game licences, arrest offenders, and to seize nets, gins and snares used to trap or kill wild birds or animals.
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
- 21 -
Twenty-eight people have been fined an average of about 890 each recently for allowing their vehicles to emit excessive exhaust smoke•
The Colonial Secretary, the Hon. Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, disclosed this figure at the Legislative Council this afternoon when he apologised to the Hon. P.C. Woo for having misunderstood a supplementary question raised by Mr. Woo on the subject two weeks ago.
"I understood him to have asked how many prosecutions were registered, and answered correctly to that question that the number was 77.u
In fact, Mr. Woo had asked how many convictions were registered and the correct answer at that time would have been nil, Sir Hugh said.
"In none of those prosecutions had the moment of truth then arrived.
Since that time, however, the position has developed."
Out of the 77 prosecutions, 28 cases have now been completed and all have resulted in conviction. In addition, M cases are still outstanding in court and eight cases have been dropped due to insufficient evidence.
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
- 22 -
A ’’massive report” has been submitted by the working party considering the greater use which might be made of civilian personnel in the police force, the Colonial Secretary, the Hon. Sir Hugh Norman-Walker said today.
Replying to a question by the Hon. P.C. Woo, he said he received the report one week ago and it would take some time to process.
However, Sir Hugh said he had issued directions that the report should
\ be dealt with ’’with the greatest expedition.”
’’From a preliminary examination, I hope that it will result in a substantial relief of the position in which the police find themselves - short of effective manpower engaged on the prevention and detection of crime - a matter which is very much in all our minds at the moment,” Sir Hugh said.
In reply to a question by Dr. the Hon. S.Y. Chung, the Colonial Secretary said auxiliary police recruitment at inspector level had taken place in the past.
’’But experience has shown that the present system - of appointing to the inspectorate from the lower ranks within the force - is in fact normally the best and is preferred by the auxiliary force itself,” Sir Hugh suggested.
Wednesday, November 299 1972
- 2? -
The Director of Public Works, the Hon. J.J. Robson, today disclosed a number of government and private carpark projects which were either under construction or planned for the near future.
Speaking in the Legislative Council in reply to the Hon. Szeto Wai, he said a government multi-storey carpark, now under construction at Murray Road to provide 900 spaces, should be completed in August next year.
A private multi-storey carpark to provide 800 “spaces is also being built at Great George Street, Causeway Bay, and should be ready in about two years.
In addition, he said, it is hoped that work can start shortly on Stage Two of the government Yau Ma Tei carpark to provide an additional 400 spaces in Kowloon by the end of 197^*
"It is also hoped that, in conjunction with the Cheung Sha Wan Wholesale Market, multi-storey parking can be provided for both lorries and cars•"
On Hong Kong Island, 2,000 spaces are planned for construction with the office block known as Murray Building Two which will be built between Garden Road and Cotton Tree Drive.
Other government multi-storey carpark projects to be submitted to the Council’s Finance Committee for approval are at Causeway Bay Magistracy (900 spaces); Kwun Tong Ferry Pier (900 spaces); Tsuen Wan Ferry Pier (900 spaces); and a combined market-carpark at Mong Kok Road-Fa Yeun Street.
/Mr. Robson •••••
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
- 24 -
Mr. Robson said further multi-storey carparks to be constructed by private developers outside the main commuter areas are as follow
* Oi Kwan Road, Wan Chai - site sold and should provide 500 spaces in two years’ time;
* Junction of Canton Road and Bute Street - site sold and will provide about 900 spaces;
* Dundas Street - site sold and will provide 4-50 spaces;
* Junction Road - site sold fcr a combined supermarket and multi-storey carpark with a minimum of 200 spaces.
The Director said there are also a number of tentative proposals under consideration for the development of multi-storey carparks either by the government or by private developers.
"These take a variety of forms ranging from independent parking buildings to combined market-carparks and combined petrol filling stations-garages-carparks.
”The situation is continuously under review and it seems likely that two further sites for private multi-storey carparks will be sold in the course of the next 18 months, one at Hip Woh Street, Kwun Tong and the other at Cheung Sha Wan Road,” he said.
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
- 25 -
The government hopes more can be done for proper refuse disposal arrangements in private buildings on lines similar to those in all government housing estates where refuse chambers have been provided for the past eight years.
The Director of Public Works, the Hon. J.J. Robson, said this at today’s Legislative Council meeting when replying to a question from the Hon. T.K. Ann.
However, he said there were many practical difficulties about providing these facilities in some buildings: ’’for instance, they may be so narrow as to make provision virtually impossible.”
’’Moreover, refuse chambers could be a nuisance unless standards of management were high,” he added.
For these reasons, Mr. Robson said, it has not yet been thought appropriate to introduce legislation to require refuse chambers to be provided in all new multi-storey buildings.
Nevertheless, the value of proper refuse disposal arrangements is fully recognised, and Mr. Robson gave an assurance that he is continuing to seek a solution to the problem and ”if one can be found, I will seek to introduce suitable covering legislation.”
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
- 26 -
The Public Works Department is considering, in collaboration with the Accountant General, whether water revenue can be collected at the Waterworks Office in Hong Kong and Kowloon to provide a better service for consumers.
Replying to a question by the Hon. P.G. Williams, the Director of Public Works, the Hon. J.J. Robson, told the Legislative Council today that the report is also awaited on a recently completed survey aimed at finding out whether additional Treasury cash collection offices are required in Kowloon.
At present, he said, water revenue is collected at the Treasury Main Office in Central; the Sub-Treasuries in Causeway Bay and Kowloon; at the District Offices at Tai Po, Yuen Long and Tsuen Wan; and at Resettlement Estate cash offices.
Bills may also be paid by post. In certain outlying places, the Tai Po District Office also arranges to set up temporary collection centres to serve the people there.
However, he said, water revenue collection at the Treasury and Sub-Treasuries and at Resettlement Estate cash offices are not always satisfactory because of their other functions.
/A consumer ,••••••••«••
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
- 27 -
A consumer complaints service is operated at the Waterworks Head Office in Murray Building and at the Argyle Street branch office in Kowloon, but it happens often that when a complainant, after receiving a satisfactory answer to a query about his water charges, is not then able to pay his bill on the spot, he said.
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
- 28 -
The final report of the Commission of Inquiry into the June rainstorm disasters was submitted to the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehoset today.
The report deals, among other things, with the landslips at
Po Shan Road, and Shui Fai Terrace and also the disasters at five other places — Ap Lei Chau, Belcher’s Street (Western District), Bullock Lane (Wan Chai), Chai Wan and Shau Kei Wan.
It also includes the final conclusions and recommendations of the Commission.
The Commission began its work on June 2J and finished its public hearings on October 27. It was asked to hand in its final report by the end of this month.
The interim report of the Commission, which dealt entirely with the landslip disaster at Sau Mau Ping, was made public earlier this month
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
- 29 -
A home providing free accommodation for aged and destitute people is to be built at Tai 0 Mun on Clearwater Bay Road, Sai Kung.
Sponsored by the Chamsan Monastery Ltd., the proposed Ts’u Te Home for Aged Persons will accommodate 100 male and female residents irrespective of race or religion.
Apart from the provision of dormitories and recreational areas, the home will also be equipped with a medical department to look after the health of the residents.
A spokesman for the Chamsan Monastery Ltd. stressed that liberal management measures will be introduced so that the residents will not feel enclosed or cut off from outside contacts.
The home was granted the site in Sai Kung in 1969, when the estimated construction cost was $200,000.
But with more detailed estimates, a change in plans and increases in building prices, the cost has risen to $730,000.
A sum of $200,000 has been granted from the Lotteries Fund to help meet the capital cost, while the rest is to be made up from private donations and a contribution from the Jockey Club.
Wednesday, November 29, 1972
~ 30 -
The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose will take the salute and present Colonial Prison Service Medals and Calsps to 27 prison officers at the annual inspection and ceremonial parade of the Prisons Department to be held at Stanley on Friday (December 1)•
Nine contingents■from Hong Kong’s prisons, training centres and the staff training institute will take part in the parade.
The Governor will inspect the parade, accompanied by the Commissioner of Prisons, Mr. T.G. Garner, and the Senior Superintendent of Prisons, Mr. J. Caldwell.
A march past will follow the presentation of medals and clasps.
The Cape Collinson Band, Pipes and Drums and selected instrumen-l * • I .
talists from the Tai Tam Gap Training Centre will provide the music.
Note to Editors: You are invited to cover the parade. It
will start all 4.30 p.m. on Friday at the parade ground of the Staff Training Institute at Stanley.
Press transport will be provided and leave Queen’s Pier at 3«4O p.m. sharp. Officers from the Information Services Department will be present to assist the press.
/31 ......
- 31 -
Page No,
New small- house policy announced today for the New
Territories •••••••••........................................ 1
Legislative Council amends buildings bill **••*•••••••••«•• 6
Stricter control needed to counter malpractices by some registered contractors says Szeto Wai ••••••••••............ 9
Tough measures being adopted to eliminate illegal structures on new buildings **•••••••................................. 12
Bill dealing with company prospectuses receives support from unofficial members of Legco........•*•••••••«•••••••••••«•• 13
Attorney General gives an assurance that police stop and search powers will be used with discretion •**••••••••••••• 16
Adequate protection for consumers in Hong Kong *•*••••••••• 18
Water interruption in Ngau Tau Kok •«•••**•••••••••«••••••• 19
Protection of Wild life to cover additional species *•••**• 20
Fines imposed on "smoking" cars...................... 21
Report on civilian personnel in police under consideration* 22
Car park projects to relieve on-street parking congestion** 2J
Difficulties in providing refuse chambers in multiwstorey
buildings ••••••*•••.....•.........................•••*•••••• 25
More places to pay water bills? •••*••••••••••••••••••••••• 26
Final report of rainstorm inquiry submitted to Governor 28
New home for aged in Sai Kung • .....*••***•*•••••••••••••• 29
Prisons Department ceremonial parade *•••••*•••••*••••••••• 30
Release time: 9*00 p*m*
Thursday, November 30, 1972
Page No.
New population projections being used in government’s future planning.................................................. 1
Hong Kong’s domestic exports during October show a substantial rise over the same month last year ••••••.......• ••• 2
Public opinion being sought on the government’s white paper on social welfare ...............................•••••»»» 4
Spectacular demonstration to take place during Civil Aid Services annual field day.......................................6
The Kowloon Stock Exchange recognised by the government ••«•••• 8
Hong Kong's adult education system should be expanded at all levels, says visiting expert..............................„ 9
Combined welfare and medical building to be built in Wan Chai ...................................................... 11
Employment surveys now under way in certain trades in the private non-industrial sector.................................... 12
Five lots of Crown land to be auctioned on December 22 •••••••• 13
Labour dispute settled • •....................................... 15
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, November 30, 1972
- 1 -
New population projections made by the Census and Statistics Department are now being used by the government in planning future towns, transport systems and social services.
The Commissioner for Census and Statistics, Mr. Kenneth Topley, said today that the projections are based on data collected from the 1971 population census.
"The method of projection used is known as the component method. This means that assumptions have to be made about future births, deaths and migration and recent experience is the best guide for formulating the assumptions,” he said.
”In fact,” Mr. Topley said, ”it is impossible to predict exactly the future course of population change and so three projections, high, medium and low are made based on varying assumptions.”
The population of Hong Kong is expected to fall within the range 4.7 to 5.0 million in 1981 and within the range 5.5 to 6.3 million in 1991. For planning purposes the medium projection was most frequently used.
Mr. Topley said that the details of the projections and their methodology would be published in a report which was now being prepared.
Thursday, November 30, 1972
- 2 -
The value of Hong Kong’s domestic exports for the month of October was #1,488 million — an increase of #204 million or 15»9 per cent over the same month last year.
Provisional trade figures released today by the Census and Statistics Department also show that imports were worth #1,898 million, a rise of 8.3 per cent or #145 million. Re-exports also rose to #394 million, up #56 million or 16.5 per cent compared with October 1971-
During the three-month period, August to October, domestic exports totalled #4,391 million, imports #5-697 million and re-exports #1,158 million.
Compared with the corresponding period last year, these figures represented increases of 14.4 per cent, 14.5 per cent and 28 per cent respectively.
Figures for the 10 months from January to October this year show increases over the same period in 1971 of 10.6 per cent for domestic exports, 6.7 per cent for imports and 20.2 per cent for re-exports.
The provisional trade figures for October are as follows:-MERCHANDISE: Domestic Exports: #1,488 million
Imports : #1,898 million
Re-exports : S 394 million
/COMPARATIVE .........
Thursday, November 30, 1972
- 3 -
COMPARATIVE FIGURES: October October Increase or
1972 1971 decrease
S Mn. 8 Mn. 5 Mn. %
Domestic Exports 1,488 1,284 + 204 + 15.9
Imports 1,898 1,752 + 145 + 8.3
Re-exports 394 338 +56 + 16.5
Aug.-Oct. Aug.-Oct. Increase or
1972 1971 decrease
3 Mn. 3 Mn. 3 Mn. %
Domestic Exports 4,391 3,839 + 552 + 14.4
Imports 5,697 ^,977 + 721 + 14.5
Re-exports 1,158 904 + 253 + 28.0
Jan.-Oct. Jan.-Oct. Increase or
1972 1971 decrease
S Mn. 3 Mn. 3 Mn. %
Domestic Exports 12,689 11,471 + 1,218 + 10.6
Imports 17,866 16,746 + 1,120 + 6.7
Re-exports 3,348 2,785 + 563 • + 20.2
— 0 - - _
Thursday, November 30, 1972
- 4 -
For the first time in Hong Kong, public opinion is now being sought before the publication of government policy in a White Paper.
Government departments are now collecting and collating opinion from all sectors of the community on a draft White Paper, or "Green Paper", on social welfare.
The Secretariat for Home Affairs and the Social Welfare Department are working together to obtain as wide a coverage as possible for the Green Paper — The Way Ahead.
It is the first time the Government has used this procedure although it is common practice in the United Kingdom.
The S.H.A. has in the past month sent out more than 3»5OO copies of the paper in Chinese and English, together with comprehensive questionaires. Targets were churches, kaifong associations, rural committees and ’the man in the street* through the City District Offices.
Copies of these forms are being returned to both the S.H.A. and S.W.D. In addition the S.W.D. is obtaining similar results through a programme aimed at welfare agencies, schools and universities.
It is hoped the full results will be in by mid-December when they will be used in the drafting of the final version of the White Paper.
A spokesman for the S.H.A. said that so far the response had been satisfactory.
/He said........
Thursday, November JO, 1972
- 5 -
He said that community leaders were taking the project seriously and were consulting with members of their various associations before completing the questionaires.
He also said the government proposed using the "Green Paper formula” for future policy making.
It was thought that each year, about five or six Green Papers would be published and public opinion sought through the apparatus of the S.H.A* and C.D.Os.
-------0 - - - -
Thursday, November 30, 1972
The people of Hong Kong will have an opportunity of seeing the Civil Aid Services in action during their Annual Field Day at the Government Stadium on Sunday (December J).
The day’s programme will start at 9 a.m. with a review by the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, of some J,000 officers, members and cadets drawn from various units of the Civil Aid Services.
Sir Murray, accompanied by Mr. P.C. Woo, Commissioner, C.A.S., and Mr. R.H. Lobo, Deputy Commissioner, will inspect the parade from a landrover.
This will be followed by a demonstration of various rescue techniques. The highlight of the demonstration will come when four members of the C.A.S. mountain rescue team will descend from a rope from a Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force helicopter hovering 100 feet above the stadium.
Martial and light music will be played by the band of the Royal Hong Kong Police, under the direction of Mr. C.C. Wood.
Admission will be free and all members of the public will be welcome.
The C.A.S. was formed in 1952 and its aim is to train and maintain a general purpose force of disciplined and skilled personnel to support the professional services and to give practical aid to the general public in any type of emergency or disaster.
Under the present Commissioner, the C.A.S. has expanded its scope considerably. It now has an active strength of over 5»5OO volunteer officers, members and cadets.
/It has ......
Thursday, November JO, 1972
- 7 -
It has a number of units, of which the Warden Service forms the major part. The service is divided into 21 warden zones on Hong Kong Island, in Kowloon and the New Territories. Wardens are trained in casualty handling, first aid and light rescue, and are available at all times to deal with emergencies.
Other units include the Rescue Service and the Mountain Rescue Teams which are trained to handle specialist rescue equipment and tools in rescuing people from difficult situations.
The C.A.S. Cadet Corps, formed in 1968, aims at moulding boys between the ages of 14 aid 18 into public-minded citizens and to develop their leadership. It now has an active strength of 2,000.
The C.A.S. also has-a reserve of trailed personnel ready to assist in maintaining minimum public utilities and essential services in an emergency, so that the general public will not suffer unduly.’
Note to Editors; Lapel badges for the C.A.S. Field Day will be available for collection to-morrow (Friday) in the Press Room, Information Services Department, 6th floor, Beaconsfield House, Queen’s Road, Central.
To facilitate press coverage of the review, a temporary position has been reserved for photographers and cameramen to the right of the dais to photograph the arrival of the Governor.
Photographers and cameramen should, after the first six bars of the National Anthem are played, withdraw to the front row of Stand No. 27, from where they can move to a vantage position under the stadium clock if they want to obtain a general view of the parade and demonstration.
Reporters and radio commentators will be accommodated at the back of Stand No. 28.
Press representatives are requested to be at the stadium by 9 a.m. sharp. Officers from the C.A.S. and the Information Services Department will be present to assist the press.
Thursday, November JO, 1972
- 8 -
The Governor in Council has approved an application for recognition submitted by the Kowloon Stock Exchange.
The former order made under Section 2A(1) of the Companies Ordinance to give effect to the Governor in Council’s decision will be published in the Government Gazette tomorrow (December 1).
The effective date of recognition of the Kowloon Stock Exchange is November 28 and brings the number of recognised stock exchanges in Hong Kong to four.
During a speech to the Legislative Council earlier this month, the Financial Secretary, Mr. C.P. Haddon-Cave, said that under the bill dealing with securities which he hoped to introduce into the Council within a few months, only those stock exchanges approved by the Financial Secretary would be allowed to operate in Hong Kong after the bill goes into force.
He continued: ”1 intend to approve only those which are recognised for the purposes of Section 2A of the Companies Ordinance. It follows that any exchange which is not recognised cannot continue to operate; and any new stock exchange which may be established between now and the date of the enactment of the Securities Bill will not be recognised.”
”In other words , ” Mr, Haddon-Cave said, ”it is our intention to restrict the number of exchanges allowed to operate and this will be coupled with a system of registration of all dealers.”
He then concluded by reaffirming the government’s view that there is scope for improving the organisational arrangements and procedures of the existing stock exchanges. ”The Securities Bill is designed, among other
things, to achieve this,” he said
Thursday, November 30, 1972
- 9 -
Expansion of adult education in Hong Kong should be carried out
according to a well thought-out, phased programme with maximum community involvement
This was stated today by Mr. S. Heaven, Senior Inspector of Non-Vocational and Adult Education of the Inner London Education Authority.
Mr. Heaven is at present on a six-week visit to Hong Kong to advise the Government on the future development of adult education.
He believes that the existing system in Hong Kong should be expanded at all levels to impart both skill and knowledge to participants.
’’Adult education is a powerful welding force in social integration, because in the classroom, all participants are working on an equal basis towards a common goal regardless of social standing.”
He spoke highly of the adult education and recreation centres at present operated by government and voluntary agencies in densely populated areas such as resettlement and housing estates.
The involvement and enthusiasm of the organisers and workers are also heartening, he added.
Mr. Heaven advised that an overall plan to guide their efforts into
proper channels would be ’’most rewarding.”
Subjects contained in the curricula for adult education should range from the most academic to all crafts, ’’from poetry to pottery,” he said.
/This would ........
Thursday, November JO, 1972
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’’This would entail a large number of specially trained staff, because teaching adults is quite different from teaching children, and they must be approached from a different angle.”
Mr. Heaven will submit to the government a report which is intended to form the basis of a five-year development plan for adult education.
The plan, if approved, will lead to a considerable increase of better quality provision in the existing system and development into new areas.
Thursday, November JO, 1972
- 11 -
A sum of S3 million has been allocated from the Lotteries Fund to help meet the construction cost of a 1^—storey welfare and medical building in Wan Cliai.
The building will house the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and its member agencies together with the Federation of Medical Societies to increase efficiency and co-operation among the agencies.
The 7»000 square-foot site in Wan Chai fronting Lockhart Road and Hennessy Road had been granted to the Council by government.
The ground and first floors of the building will be used for common far.-i 11hi rs, with the second floor to be used for holding seminars and conferences.
The Medical Federation and other related medical bodies will occupy the third to sixth floors. The rest of the building will be the Council’s property.
No rent will be collected for the use of the building, but a management committee will be set up to centralise management costs.
Construction cost of the building is estimated at 39 million.
Work is expected to begin early next year, and will be completed • • • before 1975*
Thursday, November JO, 1972
- 12 -
The Labour Department is now conducting a survey of employment and vacancies in certain trades in the private non-industrial sector.
These include import and export businesses, hotels and restaurants, banks and money changers, insurance, air and ocean transport and related services^ education services, medical and health services, and theatres and cinemas.
Earlier this month, printed employment return cards were sent to managements of all known establishments in these trades and services requesting them to provide the information sought as on November JO, 1972.
A department spokesman said completed cards should be returned to the Labour Department on or before December 4, 1972.
He said it is hoped that all recipients would fill in the cards fully and accurately and return them promptly in the reply-paid envelopes provided.
During the last survey, he said, the extent of cooperation from managements was most encouraging.
The information provided on the cards will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used for the preparation of statistical tables from which individual establishments cannot be identified, he said.
The cards will be destroyed under supervision when all the relevant information is extracted and summarized, he added.
Thursday, November JO, 1972
- 13 -
Five lots of Crown land will be put on sale by auction on Ii?iday, December 22 in the City Hall.
Two lots in New Kowloon and one lot off Chung Hom Kok Road on Hong Kong Island are for private residential purposes.
Another two lots, one in Battery Street and the other in Temple Street in Kowloon, are for non-industrial purposes.
The auction will take place at 2.J0 p.m. in the lecture room in the City Hall High Block, 8th floor.
Rural Building Lot No. 954, off Chung Hom Kok Road, Hong Kong, has an area of 17,000 square feet. It is for private residential purposes, with an upset price of $850,000.
New Kowloon Inland Lot No. 5427, at Ede Road/Beacon Hill Road/Alnwick Road, Kowloon, has an area of 2J,JJ0 square feet. It is for private residential purposes. The upset price is S3,400,000.
New Kowloon Inland Lot No. 4?81, at Beacon Hill Road/Alnwick Road, Kowloon, with an area of 4j,54O square feet, is for private residential purposes. The upset price is 36,000,000.
Kowloon Inland Lot No. 101J8 (with existing building) at 390 Battery Street, Kowloon,has an area of 727 square feet. It is for non-industrial purposes, with an upset price of 3230,000.
/Kowloon ..........
Thursday, November 30, 1972
- 14 -
Kowloon Inland Lot No. 10139 (with existing building), at 118 Temple Street, Kowloon, with an area of 709 square feet, is for non-industrial purposes. The upset price is 8220,000.
Full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from, and sale plans inspected, at the Public Enquiry Sub-office, Central Government Offices (West Wing), Ground Floor, Hong Kong; and at the Crown Lands and Survey Office, Kowloon Government Offices, 4O5i Nathan Road, 10th floor, Kowloon.
- - - - 0 -------
Thursday, November JO, 1972
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With the help of the Labour Department, an amicable settlement was reached in a labour dispute in the Winpull Fishing Accessories Company Limited in Kwun Tong. The dispute arose over the retrenchment of five workers employed by the company.
The agreement was reached at a joint meeting held in the Labour Relations Service of the Labour Department on Tuesday (November 28). Under the agreement, the workers received a sum of 39,l4j including severance pay and a pro-rata annual bonus.
Officers of the Labour Relations Service paid a visit to the company on November 24 and conducted a total of three joint meetings for the parties concerned.
Release time: 7«J0 p.m.