PRH 7 ’•
Wednesday, August 1, 1973
Page Ne,
Single contract approach for first four stages of mass transit
railway.............. ...............................•......... 1
Reports published soon on Lamma oil refinery................... 4
Sweeping changes recommended in second report of Companies Law Revision Committee• •..................................... 6
Insider dealings incorporated in Securities Bill.............. 11
Prevention of Bribery Bill passed............................. 12
Stringent safety controls to protect construction workers..... 15
Five-year programme to promote awareness of industrial safety. 17
Luxury bus service proposed for Mid-Levels and Pokfulam.......19
Preliminary proposals soon for commodity exchange • ...........22
Trust fund to be set up for orphans of rainstorm disaster..... 24
Retail prices for rice considered reasonable...................26
Import, sale and use of methadone strictly controlled..........27
Current results of anti-crime campaign encouraging.............28
Review of application system for kindergartens in housing estates under consideration................................ 30
Supplementary provision for last quarter approved..............31
Grants from Lotteries Fund towards community projects......... 32
Unofficial members of Legco pay tribute to Governor............33
Tributes paid to Sir Hugh Horman-Walker and Mr. Paul Tsui.....34
Bills passed in Legco..........................................36
Director of Audit retiring.....................................37
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, August 1, 1973
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The government has decided in principle to adopt a single-contract approach in carrying out the Mass Transit Railway project.
This was announced by the Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddon-Cave, in the Legislative Council today.
In making the announcement, the Financial Secretary said:
’■Four weeks ago, when replying to a question from my honourable Friend Mr. James Wu, I said in this Council that the Mass Transit Steering Group was about to submit recommendations to Executive Council on a series of important and difficult questions concerning the Mass Transit Railway: including, first and foremost, the question whether the project should be dealt with on a single-contract or multi-contract basis.
”1 can now report to honourable Members that, having considered the Steering Group’s recommendations, the Government has decided in principle to adopt a single-contract approach: that is to say, to award a contract to one consortium, selected by competitive negotiation, for the complete construction and equipment of the first four stages of the Mass Transit Railway. I emphasise the words ’in principle’ because an acceptable contract has yet to be negotiated and concluded. And, to this end, the government has decided that the Steering Group should forthwith enter into further exchanges with the four consortia who have put forward single-contract proposals, with a view to opening up actual negotiations with them and, ultimately, to selecting one of them for the contract.
/”Now that •••••
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”Now that the process of negotiating a contract is about to begin, honourable Members will appreciate that I cannot explain in detail the reasons underlying the government’s preference for the single-contract approach, because to do so might prejudice the Steering Group’s negotiating position. But I can say that government has concluded that the singlecontract approach would be the most appropriate method of safe-guarding Hong Kong’s best interests in all respects.
’’Sir, the task which is now facing the Steering Group - the task of securing the best possible single contract for the first four stages of the Mass Transit Railway, and of assuring the financial viability of the system - is a formidable task. And as the contract is to be awarded after a negotiation and not by normal tendering procedures, it is also a delicate task which will have to be handled with extreme wariness and meticulous care.
’’Although the Government intends to conclude the contract as soon as possible, it will inevitably take some time. Meanwhile, various items of preparatory work will continue to be undertaken to ensure that no time will be lost while the negotiation of the contract is under way. The Consulting Engineers will build up their organisation further and their brief will be modified to suit the particular requirements of the single-contract approach. Soil investigations and other engineering research work will continue, as will arrangements for the acquisition or clearance of land required for the purposes of constructing the Mass Transit Railway. Planning is in hand for the establishment of a
/Mass .......
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Mass Transit Railway Corporation, as well as for the diversion of utility services and traffic routings which will need to be undertaken during the construction phase. Finally, in advance of the negotiated main contract, arrangements are being made for a contract to be let by tender for site formation and associated civil engineering works at Kowloon Bay so as to ensure that the workshops and administration building, which are critical items in the project programme, will be completed in good time.”
Note to Editors: We have been asked by the Financial Secretary to
say that his statement in the Legislative Council this afternoon concerning the Mass Transit Railway should be read in conjunction with his reply made to a question in the Council on July 4, 1973* For ease of reference, copies of the reply are being re-distributed in the press boxes this evening.
Wednesday, August 1, 1973
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The Government will shortly publish its views and reports on the environmental and pollution aspects of a proposal to set up an oil refinery on Lamma Island#
Announcing this in the Legislative Council today, the Acting Secretary for the Environment, the Hon. Dt. Akers-Jones, said these publications would include a summary of the findings by two consultant groups and by a government party.
The publication of these -reports on the economic and environmental significance of a major development of this sort on Lanma would provide an opportunity for informed public discussion before the matter was finally decided.
He assured the Council that all relevant important issues related to the subject would be debated before a decision was taken, and after the facts had been made public.
In reply to a question by- the Hon. R.II. Lobo on the pros and cons of the proposed scheme, the Acting Secretary said some people had pointed out that the establishment of a refinery raised the possibility of a related petrochemical complex.
Indeed, tentative enquiries which included such a complex had very recently been received, he said.
”It is patently desirable to reach a view from the outset on what additional environmental problems would be raised by such a petrochemical installation.”
/As a result, .......
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As a result, he said one of the two consultant groups, Cremer and
Warner, would submit an additional report covering this further aspect in about four months.
Mr, Akers-Jones went on to say that interest had been expressed
in establishing a plant to manufacture polystyrene from imported raw materials on Tsing Yi Island.
The plant would, if established, secure supplies of this vital material for local industry.
In view of the present position of the plastics industry, he said, the environmental aspects of establishing such a factory on Tsing Yi were also being examined as a matter of urgency.
"These applications raise questions much larger than whether
environmental considerations render acceptable or unacceptable the establishment on Lamma Island of an oil refinery with or without a petrochemical annex.
"They raise the question of the use to which Lamma Island should be put. Should it be industrial, residential or recreational?
"If it should be partly industrial, or residential, or partly a bit of both, what form would be in the public interest and how can that form be reconciled with, and bring benefit to, those who live on the island of Lamma as well as to the public of Hong Kong as a whole?
"If the eventual decision significantly altered the scope of Lamma
for recreation, what steps should be taken to develop and preserve alternative areas to meet the rising demand for recreation?" Mr. Akers-Jones asked.
He stressed that all these wider questions were under just as active consideration as the one Mr. Lobo had asked.
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Wednesday, August 1, 1973
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Sweeping changes are being proposed in Hong Kong’s company laws to adapt them to modern conditions and provide greater protection to investors and the business community.
The proposals are contained in the second report of the Companies Law Revision Committee which was tabled in the Legislative Council today.
In general, the Committee, under the chairmanship of Mr. W.K. Thomson, recommends that the existing Companies Ordinance should be brought into line with the United Kingdom Companies Act of 1948, and certain sections of the 1967 Act. Various modifications are however, proposed to meet local conditions and to give effect to recommendations made by the
Jonkins Committee in Britain.
It emphasizes that high priority should be accorded to the preparation of the necessary legislation along the lines of the recommendations in the 357-page report.
Those include
* Halving ’’insider dealings” and the passing on of inside information in transactions relating to shares of a company, a criminal offence with provisions for ci vi 1 liability.
* Requiring persons to disclose information in respect to any suspected dealing.
* Preventing company directors from issuing shares without the prior approval of the company.
* Allowing the issue of shares of no par value.
/♦ Requiring.......
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* Requiring all companies to provide full details of their assets and liabilities, and revenue and expenditure, largely along the lines of British law.
* Continuing the present exemption of private companies from filing annual accounts.
On "insider dealings", the Committee states that strong legislation is required to curb this practice whereby, in order to make quick profits, — unfair advantage is taken by persons with inside information, which has not been disclosed to shareholders or the public in general.
Insider dealings, and also the passing on of inside information, should therefore be made a criminal offence, it says.
The Committee further recommends that any insider who has entered into a share transaction, using inside "price-sensitive" information, should be liable to compensate a person who suffers from his action unless the information was also known to that person. The same civil liability should apply where a person makes use of inside information passed on to him by an insider.
Courts should be empowered, it says, to order persons having information with respect to suspected dealings to disclose such information.
However^ the Committee is divided on the question of compelling directors and major shareholders of quoted companies to disclose their holdings and dealings.
/The majority
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The majority of the nine-man Committee are not convinced that the advantages of compulsory disclosure are sufficiently great to justify • i
elaborate legislation imposing obligations which would be profoundly distasteful to most law-abiding people and could easily be evaded.
They were influenced in their conclusion by the deep-seated aversion of Chinese people to letting others know what property they own and by the ease of evasion through nominee companies and the use of aliases.
As for disclosure of dealings, the majority view is that routine general disclosure is not required in addition to the strong action recommended against "insider dealings" coupled with the proposed special power of the courts to order disclosure, where needed.
On the other hand, the minority are of the opinion that if Hong Kong is to take its place with other major cities as a financial centre, rules must be instituted along British lines in respect to the disclosure of holdings of directors and major shareholders.
The minority believe that disclosure of relevant shareholdings and share dealings would be. one way of giving small investors the greater protection they need.
They contend that in take-over situations, the t’law of the jungle1* should not prevail, and that disclosure is a necessity so that company directors, shareholders and employees could be made aware of a situation .where it was reasonable to suppose that a person or company might be in the process’ of buying control.
/In addition, ••••••
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In addition, they feel that a person acquiring control in a takeover without having made the appropriate disclosures, should not be allowed to retain control.
In such an event, the Registrar of Companies should be empowered to sell on the person’s behalf the necessary amount of shares to prevent him from exercising control.
•Dealing with company accounts, the Committee says private companies should continue to be ex^spted from f*2.tng their accounts annually,, The Committee believes that withdrawal of the exemption would discourage the formation of new companies and also result in a large number of companies winding up rather than disclose their accounts.
However, it suggests that all companies must in their accounts give full details of their assets, liabilities, revenue and expenditure, al png the lines of the British law, with some modifications.
Companies with subsidiaries must file consolidated balance sheets and profit or loss accounts. Moreover, companies with associated companies must in their consolidated accounts include their share of the earnings or losses of the associated companies.
Particulars should be given of subsidiaries and also of companies where 20 per cent of the equity, or shares exceeding 10 per cent of the holding company’s assets, are held.
On directors, the committee states that there should be no maxi mum age limit for directors.
/Particulars «••••••
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Particulars of the emoluments of directors and highly paid employees should not have to be disclosed, but the aggregate amount of the directors’ emoluments must be stated in the annual accounts.
By a majority, the Committee recommends that the amount of shares in which each director is interested at the beginning and end of the year need not be disclosed in the annual accounts.
The Committee further proposes that company directors should not be able to issue shares without the prior approval of the company* Such approval may, however, be given annually in the form of a general mandate.
It also recommends that the issue of shares of no par value should be allowed. Such shares would, it says, cause less confusion than shares of nominal amount.
It is also proposed that the Registrar of Companies should maintain a card index of all directors to facilitate shareholders in finding out what other directorships their company directors hold.
Hundreds of other recommendations arc made covering the whole field of company law. Among them are recommendations dealing with control of company names, lost share certificates,directors1 reports, powers of inspectors appointed to investigate a company’s affairs, appointment of auditors, priority of Crown debts in liquidations, particulars to be filed by oversea companies, and numbers of partners in partnerships.
In conclusion, the report calls for the setting up of a standing committee to advise on amendments required to the Companies Ordinance as and when experience has shown them to be necessary.
The report is available for sale from the Government Publications Centre, Star Ferry concourse, Hong Kong, at $28 per copy.
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Wednesday, August 1, 1973
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Provisions relating to "insider dealings” have already been incorporated in the Securities Bill which is expected to be introduced at the next session of the Legislative Council in October<> * »
This was announced by the Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddon-Cave, when commenting on the second report of the Companies Law Revision Committee, which was tabled in the Legislative Council today.
Mr. Haddon-Cave said the recommendations in the report would be studied carefully by the departments concerned, and he had no doubt that a further legislative programme would be put in hand.
He said he had noted the committee’s view that the drafting of a completely new Companies Ordinance would be an extremely complex undertaking and that, possibly, a piecemeal approach should be adopted so that the more urgent reforms could be dealt with first.
Consideration was now being given, he revealed, to implementing at an early date the committee’s recommendations on company accounts.
Action was also in hand, he said, on other measures stemming directly or indirectly from the recommendations in the committee’s first report on the protection of investors which was submitted in June last year.
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The Prevention of Bribery (Amendment) Bill 1973 passed all three readings in the Legislative Council today — closing certain loopholes in the existing ordinance as recommended by the Blair-Kerr Commission.
Under the bill, the Attorney General will no longer be required to notify a person that consideration is being given to his prosecution for an offence under section 10 (2), or to afford such a person an opportunity to make representations.
Explaining the circumstances in which the original clause was introduced, the acting Attorney General, the Hon. J. Hobley, told the council that the proposal to introduce the two "unique" offences under section 10(1) had provoked considerable opposition in many quarters, both in Hong Kong and elsewhere.
The suggestion that a suspect should be given an opportunity to make representations before a prosecution was instituted was therefore put forward "to reassure opponents of the proposal and others that innocent persons would not be charged unjustifiably."
This made the introduction of the section more generally acceptable, he said. "It was, in short, a compromise solution, undoubtedly engendered by an awareness of the originality and unusual nature of the offences."
Although suspects will no longer be given an opportunity to make representations before a prosecution is instituted, the Director of the Anti-Corruption Office or the Attorney General may afford the suspect with such an opportunity if it seems appropriate in any particular case.
/The consent ••••••
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The consent of the Attorney General will also continue to be required for a prosecution under section 10, but the police will be able in the first instance to arrest and charge a person and take him before a court without the Attorney General’s authority.
The existing ordinance already provides that' in such a case the accused person may not be remanded on bail or in custody for more than three days, without the Attorney General’s consent*.....
Provision is also made for a person under investigation to surrender his travel document on application to a magistrate’s court by the Director of the Anti-Corruption Office.
Failure, to surrender the travel document, in accordance with a magistrate’s notice, may result in the person’s arrest and appearance in court. If the travel document is not surrendered when he appears before the magistrate he may be committed to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 28 days.
Speaking in support of the bill, the Senior Unofficial Member, the Hon. P.C. Woo, said he and his unofficial colleagues regretted the occurrence which made its enactment necessary, but "we are glad to see that such prompt action is being taken to prevent a recurrence."
He commended Sir Alastair Blair-Kerr’s first report on the Godber case as a "competent and factual description of what had happened."
As far as the wider aspects of anti-corruption measures and the future of the Anti-Corruption Branch were concerned, he said, the Unofficial Members would withhold comment pending Sir Alastair’s second report.
/Another •••••••••
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Another speaker, Dr. the Hon. S.Y. Chung, welcomed the bill but questioned the use of police surveillance.
He suggested that in future, the authorities should not reject surveillance on an expatriate whose prosecution was in an advanced stage.
Wednesday, August 1, 1973
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The government has approved stringent safety controls to protect workers in the construction industry.
Fines of up to 810,000 can be imposed for contraventions of the regulations.
The regulations, which lay down statutory requirements in the industry to safeguard workers’ health and welfare, were passed at today’s meeting of the Legislative Council.
The Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations, 1973 - made under the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance - will apply to all construction work and all construction sites.
Details will be published in Friday’s (August 3) Government Gazette. The regulations will come into effect in nine months’ time to allow time for managements to make the necessary preparations.
Introducing the regulations before the council today, the Commissioner of Labour, Mr. Paul Tsui, said in 1972 alone there were 4,500 accidents on construction sites. Most of these accidents were caused by workers falling from heights or tripping over objects; explosions and fires; lifting machinery; electrical faults; and slides.
Mr. Tsui said the regulations would help tackle most of the causes of accidents.
The regulations make provisions for the prevention of inhalation of dust and fumes; eye protection; fencing of machinery; safe use of electrical appliances; wearing of safety helmets; prevention of falling materials; and good housekeeping.
/ilr. Tsui
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Mr. Tsui said every lifting appliance would have to be inspected regularly, and the contractor would have to ensure its stability when it was used on a site with a soft or uneven slope. Details of its safe working load would have to be clearly marked on it.
There were also provisions governing the use of cranes in bad weather, the operation of derricking jibs and general matters relating to the safe operation of cranes.
The regulations prohibit the use of chains, ropes or lifting gear unless the equipment has been examined and certified safe by a competent examiner.
All hoistways must be enclosed and access gates closed when not in use. Every hoist must be equipped with a device to prevent the platform or cage from falling in case the hoist ropes failed.
The regulations further specify special safety precautions for hoists carrying persons and lay down requirements to be observed in ensuring the secureness of loads being raised or Lowered.
Mr. Tsui said the regulations also stipulated strict precautions and inspections for excavations.
Other sections of the regulations provided for special first-aid facilities such as trained first-aiders, first-aid boxes, stretchers and splints, r
Certain welfare matters, including shelters and facilities for meals, were also provided for.
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A comprehensive five-year programme for an overall educational campaign to generate a greater awareness of safer working conditions among employers and workers in industry is now in an advanced stage of preparation.
This was revealed in the Legislative Council today by the Commissioner of Labour, the Hon.Paul Tsui.
The programme was aimed at reducing the figures of industrial accidents in Hong Kong.
Mr. Tsui said that industrial safety remained an important aspect of the work of the Labour Department, and for this reason it was planning a major safety exhibition later this year in conjunction with the annual exhibition of the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association.
He also announced that additional staff had been approved by the government so that a second team could be formed to intensify the inspection of building and engineering construction sites and to give advice on the new safety regulations.
One team of experienced factory inspectors has been operating in this field since July last year and its main task has been to advise contractors and foremen on ways and means of improving safety standards and to assist in locating areas of potential hazard to workers.
Mr. Tsui also mentioned the work of the Industrial Safety Training Centre which had organised a number of special training courses and seminars during the past year.
/Earlier, ......
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Earlier, the Hon. James Wu, speaking in support of the new Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations, said that an educational campaign on industrial safety in the nine months before their enforcement should "yield very good results".
The distribution of illustrated pamphlets, posters and permanent signs on the sites would also serve both as instruction and timely warning.
In view of the search by local contractors and builders for more sophisticated labour-saving methods and machines to combat rising wages, Mr. Wu said that the implementation of the regulations was "very timely."
Wednesday, August 1, 1973
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A better class of scheduled public transport comparable to luxury tourist or airline coaches to ease traffic congestion in the Pokfulam and Mid-Levels areas was suggested today by the Hon. James Wu.
He strongly believed that people would pay the higher fare for a better service.
nAt the present cost and parking inconvenience by going in one’s own car, a fare of -51.50 to $2 in an acceptable coach would appear to be an attractive alternative that would help discourage individual transport.
Mr. Wu was speaking in the Legislative Council during the resumed debate on the second reading of the Temporary Restriction of Buildings Development (Pokfulam and Mid-Levels) Bill 1975.
The bill seeks to temporarily restrict the approval of building plans in the two areas, pending the outcome of a detailed traffic study.
•• Mr. Wu said he supported the bill, with reluctance, because Pokfulam, which was far less steep than other areas on Hong Kong Island, was about the only area capable of extensive development to ease the acute shortage of domestic flats.
The Hon. Wilfred Wong also reluctantly supported the bill.
As an immediate solution to the traffic problem in the two areas, he proposed the construction of steel road works — temporary flyovers — similar to the one in Kowloon which could be put up in a matter of months.
/"A crash ••••••
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:;A crash programme in this respect should and must be instituted.” The traditional conci'ete roundabouts and elevated structures, he said, often took many years to complete.
/mother Councillor, the Hon. Wilson Wang said he supported the bill but not because of the traffic problems in the areas.
He noted that the bill would allow a "breathing" time for the Public Works Department to formulate some effective ways of control on any future construction work involving excavation of hill-sides so as to avoid any recurrence of landslide disasters in the area.
He felt that the present traffic conditions alone could not justify a temporary halt to further development in this area in view of the urgent demand for housing.
There were many measures by which traffic could be improved, and the construction of more roads and flyovers and the improvement of public transport service were most obvious.
In reply, the acting Director of Public Works, the Hon. A.S. Robertson said the problem now is to "build more houses as well as better homes." For this reason his department was giving close attention to the possibilities of making additional land available for private housing in the Kowloon foothills and in Sha Tin.
This was in addition to building up its effort for the more rapid completion of public housing and provision of land for private development in the new towns.
/"The new towns
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'•The new towns offer the best opportunity to provide new homes for the people of Hong Kong and every effort is being made to accelerate the rate of progress in the new towns,” he said.
Mr. Robertson added that the government had accepted in its public housing projects the need to balance quantity against quality. Similarly, for private housing, ’‘government has an obligation to ensure that the demand for new houses does not overweigh the consideration that should be given to providing a reasonable environment for existing and future residents.”
Wednesday, August 1, 1973
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The establishment of a commodity exchange in Hong Kong will not be delayed by the drafting of suitable legislation providing for proper control of such exchanges, the Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddon-Cave, told the Legislative Council today.
He gave the assurance when replying to points raised by the Hon.
P.C. Woo during the resumed debate on the second reading of the Commodity Exchanges (Prohibition) Bill 1973«
"The government is not opposed in principle to the establishment and operation of a properly conducted exchange once the case for, and viability of, an exchange has been made out/’ Mr. Haddon-Cave said.
Discussions were currently taking place between groups interested in establishing'an exchange, he said, and one comprehensive and representative group might be in a position co submit preliminary proposals for consideration as to how an exchange might be organised.
The Financial Secretary also assured council that no additional products would be added to the 20 already in the schedule of the bill in a manner that would frustrate trade contracts already entered into.
The present list includes the major commodities that might possibly have been traded in by an exchange established in Hong Kong.
In future, he said, a licensed exchange would be authorised to deal in specified commodities only and it was unlikely that a new exchange would be licensed to trade initially at least, in more than two or three commodities
/Earlier, •••••••••
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Earlier, Mr. Woo said that there were doubts standing in the way of an organiser who wished to deal ad interim in commodities other than those listed in the schedule of the bill.
Any initiative to provide such a market, he said, was likely to be considerably inhibited by one of the clauses in the bill which enables the Governor to add to the list of prohibited items by a notice in the gazette.
He pointed out that undue hardship for both the market and the traders could be caused if the government could, without advance notice, suddenly decide that trading in the futures of any unspecified commodity was no longer to be allowed.
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The Director of Social Welfare, the Hon. F.K. Li, told the Legislative Council today that a fund is to be set up for orphans of last year’s rainstorm disaster from money remaining out of public donations made to the victims.
He said that the fund will be allocated to 49 orphans or semi orphans on a variable scale, depending on age and which parent was killed in the disaster.
The money will be held in trust to be used for their maintenance, education or welfare with the balance being handed to them when they reach an appropriate age.
Mr. Li, who was tabling a statement of accounts, said that just over million had been received by his department as donations in response to appeals for aid to the victims.
To date, about 311.8 million had already been distributed among some 24,355 families.
A sum of 35»5» million plus two properties worth about 3220,000 remains•
"These sums of money were given for the victims of this particular disaster and although consideration was given to the possibility of transferring the sum by legislation to the Community Relief Trust Fund to heliD victims of future disasters, I have been advised that the sum should be expended for the purposes for which the donations were made.
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’’After considering the position carefully, the conclusion of the members of the Community Relief Trust Fund Committee, who have been acting as trustees for the donations, and of the government, is that it is right that the balance of donations should also go to victims of the June rainstorm disaster.”
After studying different alternatives, the committee decided to put 31*5 million into a rehabilitation fund and use the balance for an orphans fund, he said.
The rehabilitation fund will be used to provide additional help for families who have already received assistance but may still need it. Social Welfare Department officers will follow up their cases.
Any money left over will be transferred to the orphans fund.
Ilr. Li added that before the balance of donations is transferred to the two funds, an advertisement will be placed in the newspapers informing those victims who have not yet made any claims for payments that new claims will not be entertained after the end of August this year.
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The retail prices of rice are "reasonable in the light of current import and normal trade costs", the Director of Commerce and Industry, the Hon. E.P. Ho said in Legislative Council today.
He said that on a Hong Kong-wide basis prices ranged from 81.10 to 81.80 a catty, depending on the quality of rice offered.
Mr. Ho, who was replying to a question about rice prices from the Hon. Hilton Cheong-leen, said that his department was continuing to make random checks every day on retail rice shops in all the main population centres.
This was to ensure that price tags were displayed on the rice being offered for sale and that prices were reasonable in terms of the quality of the product.
"Only two complaints, both by telephone, were received by the Commerce and Industry Department during June and July regarding retail rice prices," Mr. Ho said.
In both cases, the callers alleged that specified retailers, one on each side of the harbour, were demanding over 82 a catty for rice.
Investigations by inspectors subsequently found that the retailers were not displaying price tags, but the retailers denied that they demanded the prices alleged.
Mr. Ho said they were asked to display price tags which they did promptly. Unannounced visits have been made since and each time tags in the 81.10 and 81.80 range have been displayed.
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The import, sale and use of methadone is stringently controlled under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, the Director of Medical and Health Services, Dr. the Hon. G.H. Choa said today.
Replying in the Legislative Council to a question by the Hon. F.W. Li about regulating methadone, Dr. Choa said he was quite satisfied that the controls provided by the legislation were quite adequate. However, if Mr. Li had any improvements to suggest he would certainly give them careful consideration.
Dr. Choa said that the ordinance required, inter alia, that the import, sale and supply of methadone may normally only be undertaken by people licensed by him to do so.
Registered doctors and dentists, and certain other professional people were, however, authorised to possess and supply methadone (and other dangerous drugs) in strictly defined circumstances. There was also limited exceptions in favour of authorised sellers of poisons, he said.
Dr. Choa added: ’’The supply of methadone and other drugs on prescription is carefully controlled.”
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The Colonial Secretary, the Hon. Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, today described the immediate results of the Fight Violent Crime Campaign as "encouraging".
He said the upward trend of robberies has been arrested. From a daily average of 25 a few months ago, the number has dropped to 15 at the present time.
"We seem to be back at least to the situation at the beginning of 1972 and public confidence in our ability to deal with crime has grown significantly," Sir Hugh added.
He said he believed there was every reason to congratulate the police on the way in which they were meeting the challenge and the Fight Violent Crime Committee.
"But," he stressed, "what we have witnessed so far is merely the opening skirmish in a prolonged battle. I know the police recognise this; and I can assure you that having grasped the initiative, they will not let it go."
Sir Hugh was replying to a question in the' Legislative Council by the Hon. P.C. Woo on the current results and future plans of the campaign.
The campaign committee had achieved community involvement by the formation of district committees, area committees and mutual aid committees.
/The committee..........
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The committee also examined the aspects of improved street lighting, expansion of the caretaker service in public housing, sinplification of reporting procedures and establishment of more police reporting centres.
A sub-committee had been formed at an early stage of the campaign to study the social causes of crime and to recommend remedies.
Sir Hugh said that a massive recruitment drive has been launched in an attempt to attract 3,000 recruits into the police force.
Increased police presence on the street has been ensured with the help of the expanded auxiliary police force. By the end of September there should be over 7,000 fully trained auxiliaries assisting the regular force.
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The Housing Authority is to give consideration to adopting a uniform system for application procedures in respect of the operation of kindergartens in public housing estates.
The Acting Secretary for Housing, the Hon. Donald Liao, disclosed this in the Legislative Council today in reply to questions by the Hon. Wilfred Wong.
At present, Mr. Liao said the procedure for the opening of kindergartens differed according to the type of public housing estate.
Kindergartens in former resettlement estates are at present let at nominal rents to non-profit making bodies nominated by the Education Department.
But those in estates managed by the former Housing Authority are advertised at fixed commercial rents on three year tenancies, and tenders are invited for the payment of a premium to secure the tenancy.
Mr. Wong also asked, in particular, about the situation in the Kwai Shing Estate.
In reply, Mr. Liao said three kindergartens had been provided in the first stage of the estate, two of which had already been let and the third would be advertised shortly.
’’The rents of the first tv/o are $1,600 and $2,900 per month, and of the third, $2,000 per month, inclusive of rates in each case.”
Z51 .........
Wednesday, August 1, 1973
- 31 -
Supplementary provision amounting to just over $114 mill ion for the final quarter of 1972-73 was approved today by the Legislative Council*
Of this sum, Public Works Non-Recurrent accounted for $64*7 million. Over $26 million of this was required as a result of more rapid progress on a number of existing projects and a further S12.4 million to meet the increases in provision under revised estimates.
The major projects included the urban renewal scheme, the new Lai Chi Kok hospital, Kai Tak airport runway extension and the Castle Peak Road dual carriageway.
Other items included S6.9 million for employing additional auxiliary police officers, and S6.5 million for meeting the increased costs of capital works and purchases for the armed services under the Defence Costs Agreement.
Wednesday, August 1, 1973
- 32 -
A sum of over 3766,000 has been granted from the Lotteries Fund towards social welfare services and projects.
In moving the resolution in the Legislative Council today, the Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddon-Cave, said that the grants resulted from recommendations by the Social Welfare Advisory Committee.
The grants will go to several welfare organisations for capital works, the purchase of equipment, redecoration and the replacement of a bus.
It also allows for a block allocation of 3300,000 to the Director of Social Welfare enabling him to approve minor capital grants not exceeding 325,000 in any one instance»
The grants have brought the uncommitted balance in the Lotteries Fund to approximately 34.6 million.
- - - - O -
Wednesday, August 1, 1973
- 33 -
• The 1972-73 Legislative Council session which ended today was a very busy and fruitful one which saw the enactment of much important legislation, the Senior Unofficial Member, the Hon. P.C. Woo, said at this afternoon’s meeting. "Perhaps more important, plans have been announced for future developments on a mammoth scale undreamt of before, which bear the stamp of Your Excellency’s own inspired vision of the future and leadership towards our future goals,” he said.
He was paying a special tribute, on behalf of his Unofficial colleagues, to the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, who will be leaving later this week with Lady MacLehose on a six-week vacation in Britain.
The great plans for housing and social welfare, the decision to go ahead with an underground railway, the mobilisation of the whole community in the Fight Violent Crime Campaign, and the McKinsey reforms of the administrative machine, all marked a session ”of unparalleled importance and progressiveness,” Mr. Woo said.
He hoped that the Unofficial Members had helped "in a small way” to further these policies and plans.
"There are problems and uncertainties too,” he added, trbut we are confident that under your guidance the problems will be met and the difficulties overcome.”
Mr. Woo wished the Governor and Lady MacLehose a pleasant and restful holiday and said the Council members looked forward to their return.
Wednesday, August 1, 1973
- 3^ -
Warm tribute was paid today to the retiring Colonial Secretary, Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, who will be leaving Hong Kong next month to assume his new post of Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man*
The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, said the contribution Sir Hugh had made to the work of the Legislative Council and to the government had been so great that a short speech could not comprise a tribute that is adequate.
"As Colonial Secretary and Acting Governor he has been the mainspring of government now for a period of over four years and these years have seen the most rapid growth and development that Hong Kong has known and this has all put a corresponding strain on administration and government."
Sir Hugh has been a "tower of strength , a fund of cizporicnce and wisdom and a person of massive and imperturbable reliability", the Governor said. "My personal debt to him is enormous."
"Hong Kong and the government cf Hong Kong has good reason to be grateful for the good work that he has done here and if I might say so without presumption I think he has very good reason to be proud of it."
The Senior Unofficial Member, the Hon. P.C. Woo, described Sir Hugh as "a distinguished leader and wise statesman" who would be remembered with gratitude by the many members of the community who had come to realise the extent of his contribution to public affairs.
Mr. Woo said it had been clear Hong Kong had gained an administrator of outstanding ability when Sir Hugh first assumed his post in March 19$9*
/The fact ........
Wednesday, August 1, 1973
- 35 -
The fact that he had stepped down as Governor to become Hong Kong’s Colonial Secretary ”is a mark of his decision and his high ideal of service which has alvzays been plain to see,” he added.
Tribute was also paid to the Commissioner of Labour, llr. Paul Tsui, who is retiring after 28 years of public service and after three years as a member of the Legislative Council.
The Governor said that Mr. Tsui was distinguished for many things, ”in particular for his high principles, his personal courage, his real knowledge, but above all for his devotion to the interests of the people of Hong Kong.”
’’The public service will find great difficulty in filling the gap left by the departure of such a distinguished public servant,” Sir Murray added.
On behalf of the Unofficial, Mr. Woo said that Hr. Tsui was the first local officer to become a staff grade administration officer ”a rare distinction reflecting the energy and enthusiasm with which ho has tackled his important assignments in the public service.”
Referring to Mr. Tsui’s ’’unblemished personal life and high degree of integrity,” Mr. Woo said, he had demonstrated independence of mind and the ability to adhere to his own conviction of what is right.
”He has shown a disregard for his personal safety and has been fearless in the face of threats.”
Wednesday, August 1, 1973
- 36 -
Eight bills passed their third and final readings in the Legislative Council today.
They were: The Prevention of Bribery (Amendment) Bill 1973, the Commodity Exchanges (Prohibition) Bill 1973, the Telecommunication (Amendment) Bill 1973, the Public Health and Urban Services (Amendment) (No. J) Bill 1973, the Buildings (Amendment) Bill 1973, Klo Temporary Restriction of Building Development (Pok Fu Lam and Mid-Levels) Bill 1973, the Gambling (^.uondmont) Bill 1973, and the Stamp (Anendmont) (No. 2) Bill 1973<
Two reports were- tabled at the meeting. These were the Second Report of the Companies Law Revision Committee and the First Report of the Commission of Inquiry under Sir Alastair Blair-Kerr.
Wednesday, August 1, 19?3
- 37 -
Mr* P*T. Warr, the Director of Audit, is retiring after nearly 15 years of government service.
To mark his retirement, the staff of the Audit Department will be presenting him with a memento in a ceremony to be held on Friday (August 3) at 4.15 p.m.
Mr. Warr, 55» had served in several auditing posts in London, the Gold Coast (now Ghana), Mauritius and Nigeria before coming to Hong Kong in 1958.
His first appointment was Principal Auditor, a post subsequently regraded to Assistant Director of Audit.
In September, 1965, he was promoted to Deputy Director after acting in the post on several occasions. He was promoted to Director in August, 1970.
Mr. Warr is married with one son.
Note to Editors; You are invited to send a reporter
and/or photographer to cover the presentation ceremony. It will be held in the Audit Department headquarters, Central Government Offices, 15th floor, West Wing. Mr. G.E. Lyth, Deputy Director of Audit, will present the retirement gift to Mr. Warr.
Release Time; 8.30 p*m
Thursday, August 2, 1973
Page No,
Eight per cent pay increase for 60,000 civil servants •••• 1 New techniques in street lighting under investigation •••• 3
Companies Law Revision Committee gives advice to directors ............................................................. 6
Hatted factory accommodation in Kwun Tong ............... 8
Legislative Councillors to visit summer youth projects ••• 10
Dangerous buildings in Kowloon • ••••.................... 12
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5’233191
Thursday, August 2, 1973
- 1 -
The government announced today an 8 per cent pay rise for some 60,000 of its staff paid on the Master Pay Scale and disciplined scales, and other related scales. It will be back-dated to April 1 this year.
The increase is granted in response to a pay claim submitted by the three main staff associations in May this year, on the basis of an increase of 7*9 per cent in the Modified Consumer Price Index since April 1, 1972.
In addition to the 8 per cent increase, officers in the Construction Class will get a 3 per cent increase, which will be payable for the period April 1, 1972 to March J1, 1973* This 3 per cent increase was approved for staff in other classes in the civil service earlier this year.
The pay increases were approved by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council at its meeting yesterday (Wednesday)•
A government spokesman explained that the increases were not based on the reports of the Pay Investigation Unit and would be taken into account in any subsequent pay reviews which may arise from Pay Investigation Unit Reports.
Most officers will receive their new salaries in August and the remainder in September. Arrears will be paid as soon as possible thereafter.
Thursday, August 2, 1973
2 -
The spokes.uan said that the overall cost of making these pay awards and other connected payments, is estimated to be $116 million a year.
Staff on Model Scale 1 already receive a cost of living allowance which reflects the C.P.I. movements in any particular quarter, in addition to their normal wages. This now represents more than 8 per cent above their April 1972 Salary.
A survey of their pay is also currently in hand by the Pay Investigation Unit. The review is expected to be completed in September and a decision on it should be reached soon afterwards. A further announcement on the pay of Model Scale 1 staff will be made in due course.
The spokesman added that the Standing Committee on Superscale Salaries is considering whether any consequential adjustment to superscale salaries is required.
Thursday, August 2, 1973
- 3 -
New techniques in lighting are being studied by traffic engineers in an effort to improve the standard of street lighting in Hong Kong.
One of the aspects under consideration is a technique known as high mast lighting. This involves the use of clusters of powerful lights, similar to flood lighting, suspended from poles up to 90 feet above the road surface.
At present the maximum height for the mounting of street lighting in Hong Kong is 35 feet.
A spokesman for the Public Works Department said today that high mast lighting is more effective in illuminating intersections where an even intensity of light is required.
To keep abreast of latest developments, a lighting engineer with the P.'.’.D., Mr. Chow Ping-wai, has been sent on a nine-month attachment to the City of Glasgow Corporation to study now public lighting techniques.
The corporation has one of the biggest street lighting departments in Europe.
The spokesman said that other measures which are now being implemented to facilitate both road traffic safety and public security, include the installation of improved mercury and sodium vapour lamps.
These arc being installed along all major traffic routes and • •
at road junctions in the urban areas.
In rural areas, the sodium lamp, which has a high light output without producing glare characteristics, is more widely used.
Thursday, August 2, 1973
- 4 -
Other roads are also being illuminated by appropriate lamps to ensure a higher standard of lighting.
During the past five years, about 8J0 million has been spent on the street lighting programme.
Tliis financial year 87*3 million has been allocated by the government for the programme to keep pace with road development. Last year the figure was 87*0 million.
The P.V/.D. spokesman said that priority for the installation of street lights is given to new roads and interchanges, and roads requiring complete reconstruction. Streets in the urban areas without any lighting are also given high priority.
"Cable ducts are laid when new roads are under construction, and lighting is provided in phase with the progress of the development in the vicinity. . This ensures minimum inconvenience to road users when street lighting is installed,11 he said.
Commenting on the lighting programme in rural areas, the spokesman pointed out that street lights had already been installed in the main towns — Tusen Wan, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, Sha Tin, Tai Po, Fanling and Sheung Shui. Other small places in the New Territories are being provided with public lighting under an expanding programme.
/"Traffic ••••••
Thursday, August 2, 1973
- 5 -
,fTraffic routes in the New Territories are lit if there are special reasons, for instance places which carry relatively heavy pedestrian traffic; where accident potential is high; or for reasons of security.
At present there are some 22,000 street lamps, against 20,000 last year. More than 6,800 are on Hong Kong Island, 11,000 in Kowloon and 4,200 in the New Territories.
Note to Editors: Copies of a photograph showing contrasts
in lighting are boxed today.
Thursday, August 2, 1973
- 6 ~
Directors of all companies, especially those of public companies, should acquaint themselves with the principal requirements of the Companies Ordinance and the standards of ethical conduct followed by the best companies.
The Companies Law Revision Committee emphasises the importance of this in its second report published yesterday.
In Britain, advice to directors on how they should deal with the normal problems that arise in running a company is given by the Institute of Directors in their book ’Standard Boardroom Practice*.
The committee regards the advice contained in the book as vitally important. It has,therefore, not only arranged for copies to be sent to Hong Kong but also for a Chinese version to be prepared by its Secretary, Mr. Charles Y.K. Lee.
In its opinion every director who wishes to conform to the best directorial practice should obtain a copy of the book or Chinese version.
For directors who wish to acquire some basic legal knowledge of their functions, the committee recommends another book ’The Company Director1, also prepared under the authority of the Institute of Directors.
/No Chinese .......
Thursday, August 2, 1975
- 7 -
No Chinese version of this has been made. However, at the end of its report the committee expresses the hope that some enterprising, suitably qualified person will undertake the task of writing a simple guide in Chinese to company law. If necessary, the government should commission someone to write the guide, it says.
Copies of ’Standard Boardroom Practice’, the Chinese version, and ’The Company Director’ may be obtained at the Government Publications Centret Star Ferry Concourse, Hong Kong, at 312, and 355 respectively.
Thursday, August 2, 1973
- 8 -
flatted factory accommodation in kwun tong
The Housing Department has warned 27 operators in Housing Authority flatted factory units in the Kwun Tong Estate that they must vacate by November 15 the additional premises let to them on temporary terms.
The operators are among 63 proprietors who in 1968 were granted extra units for manufacturing or storage purposes when there was a surplus of flatted factory space.
They rented the extra units on the clear understanding that the tenancy was temporary on a month-to-month basis and that the units had to be given back at one month’s notice if they were needed.
In 1970, as pressure on available government flatted factory space grew, the units were needed for other factories that had to be cleared and notices to quit were served on all the operators who rented extra units on temporary terms.
But they refused to go and started a round of petitions to UMELCO and to the Governor.
To assist the operators, the deadline was extended several times and the majority of them subsequently moved out. The 27 who remain have now been served with a letter from the Housing Department naming November 15 as the date by which they must vacate.
/Mr. R. Husband,
Thursday, August 2, 1973
- 9 -
Mr. R. Husband, Deputy Director of Estate Management said today: "These temporary occupants have enjoyed an excessively long stay already. They have shown no signs of co-operation with the department, in contrast to the other operators who moved out of their premises.
"These people have now been given a reasonable period in which to vacate. They, after all, had notice to quit three years ago and for all this time they have deprived other factory owners of their rights to a Housing Authority flatted unit."
Thursday, August 2, 1973
- 10 -
Two unofficial members of the Legislative Council, Mr. Wilson Wang and Mr. James N.H. Wu, will visit summer youth projects sponsored by the Social Welfare Department in the New Territories on Saturday, (August 4).
In the morning, Mr. Wang will visit a group of young people learning about village life at Shui Lau Tin in the Yuen Long district.
Members of the group are from the rural observation and service society, one of the self-programming bodies of the Social Welfare Department’s Youth Work Unit.
The began their programme today (Thursday) and will spend five days in the village.
The group, whose ages range from 17 to 25 will also have a chance to try their hands at farming. In the evenings, they will arrange entertainment for the village children and hold discussions with the people there.
This is the third year in which this particular self-programming group has been active in the New Territories. In the past, it has rendered service to different villages organising fun fairs and talcing village children to visit the city. At present, the group has about 100 registered members half of whom are students, most of them attending post-secondary schools.
/Mr. Wu’s
Thursday, August 2, 1973
- 11 -
Mr. ’Ju’s visit will take place in the afternoon when he will pnl 1 at the volunteers’ training camp at Strafford House in Tai Po Kau.
The two-day camp is intended to arouse the participants’ sense of responsibility towards the community and to explore together ways and means by which it can be interpreted into action.
Note to Editors: You are invited to cover the two visits.
Transport will be provided on both occasions.
For the morning visit by Mr. Wang, transport will leave the Kowloon sub-pool behind the Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office at 9«15 a.m.
In the afternoon, transport for Mr. Wu’s visit will leave at 2.45 p.m. from the same place.
Thursday, August 2, 1973
- 12 -
The Building Authority today declared two buildings in Kowloon to be in a dangerous condition. They are No. 1 West 5th Lane, Diamond Hill and No. 20 Ping Yeung New Village.
Both are single storey pre-war buildings with roof additions and were inspected following reports.
In the case of the building in West 5th Lane, it was found that the main roof had failed and there was a danger of further collapse affecting both the roof addition and the main building.
The inspection of the other building revealed that part of an external wall had failed and the materials used in its construction were of such quality that further failures could occur.
A notice of intention to apply for a closure order for this building in Kowloon District Court at 9*30 a.m. on August 16 was posted today. For the building at West 5th Lane, the application will be heard in the same court on August 10.
Release time: 7.00 p.m.
Friday, August J, 1973
Page No,
Sinking of shafts for mass transit trial tunnels to begin ••••••••• 1
Deficit of 815 million in government accounts for April ............... 2
No legalised off-course betting for coming racing season •••••••••• 3
Reclamation of 40 acres for Sha Tin new town.......................... 4
Stamp bill becomes law.............................................. 5
Sub-office for Inland Revenue in Tsuen Wan ••••••••••••••••««•••••• 7
Public light bus restriction in Mong Kok.................... «•»•. 8
Governor and Lady MacLehose going on leave............................. 9
Dangerous buildings in Kowloon.......... • ...... 10
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Friday, August 3, 1975
Work on the excavation of four trial tunnels for the “lass transit railway has reached the stage where the sinking of shafts can now begin.
A spokesman for Charles Haswell and Partners, the engineering consultants for these tunnels, said today that the specialised equipment needed for horizontal boring was now being shipped from Britain.
The trial tunnels are being sunk to identify and solvo the technical
problems which will arise in the course of construction of the mass transit railway. They will also help train Hong Kong construction workers in soft ground tunnelling techniques.
The spokesman said: ”We started taking over and clearing the
sites in early June. We have now reached the stage where shaft sinking can begin in earnest.”
”’7e are already in a position to install and operate the equipment once it arrives in Hong Kong.”
The four tunnel sites are: an area of the former naval dockyard off Harcourt Road, known as the Admiralty site; an area to the south of Salisbury Road, the Tsim Sha Tsui site; an open area opposite Lok Fu housing estate in Kowloon City, the Lok Fu site; and the Lai Chi Kok site which is off Castle Peak Road.
Note to Editors: The Public Works Department has arranged for
a tour of inspection of two of the sites — Admiralty and Tsim Sha Tsui — to take place on the morning of Thursday, August 9» You are invited to nominate a reporter and/or photographer to participate.
Representatives should be at G.I.S. 16 mm theatre, 5th floor, Beaconsfield House at 9 a*ra. for an initial talk by Mr. Brian Honan of the consultants. This will be followed by a tour of the two sites and then return to GIS for a question-and-answer session. The list for nominations will close at midday on Tuesday, August 7* Nominations should be given to the duty officer, press room, GIS.
0 -
Friday, August 1973
- 2 -
A deficit of $15 million has been recorded in the Hong Kong Government accounts for April — the first month of the new financial year.
This compares with a surplus of $12 million in April 1972.
Total revenue for the month was $294 million — an increase of $33 million over the previous April. Expenditure amounted to $309 million which was an increase of $60 million over the same month last year.
A government spokesman said today that the expenditure included the payment of some $46 million to the Urban Council which was the yield from the Urban Council Rate for April 1973.
• •’. ; • h •* »• ' ••• . i* ■.. “ . 1 1 <••• ' •
Friday, August 3, 1973
- 3 -
A government spokesman said today there was no prospect of legalised off-course betting being implemented in Hong Kong in time for the coming racing season in October.
Commenting on newspaper reports, he said: "It is not envisaged that legalised off-course betting will begin before the 1974-75 racing season, which opens in October next year."
The spokesman added that the Royal Hongkong Jockey Club was being extremely helpful and co-operative on every aspect of the deliberations on off-course betting by the working party.
"The question of extending an off-course betting scheme to cover dog racing in Macau is being considered, but a decision has yet to be reached on this aspect," he said.
It is likely that any system of off-course betting would be under Jockey Club management."
The spokesman recalled that the working party was appointed to examine specific aspects of a report submitted to the Executive Council in April this year, reviewing the present government policy on gambling generally, with particular reference to problems related to illegal gambling.
When completed, the working party’s report would be submitted to the Executive Council for consideration, and any legislative action would have to be put to the Legislative Council. Since the latter would not be reconvened until October there was no prospect of any imminent change in the law.
Friday, August 3, 1973
- 4 ->
More than 40 acres of land at Sha Tin will be reclaimed to provide more space for development of the new town.
The area to be formed is located north of the existing reclamation.
There will be space for a public housing estate, a temporary sewage treatment works, and other community uses.
To accocmodate households affected by clearance for the development of the town, a further two acres of land will also be formed at Tung Lo Wan.
About 1.5 million cubic yards of earth will be required for the overall project and this will be obtained from a borrow area near the Sha Tin portal of the Lion Rock Tunnel.
To avoid traffic congestion, construction vehicles using public roads will be restricted at weekends.
The site formation, including ancillary drainage work, is expected to take 24 months to complete.
Friday, August 3, 1973
- 5 -
The Stamp (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1973 has become lav/ after its final passage through the Legislative Council on Wednesday.
A notice published in today’s Government Gazette said the amending ordinance will come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Governor.
The main object of the bill is to make statutory provision for relief from stamp duty on contract notes in respect of purchases and sales of shares by a broker on his own account when he is performing a jobbing function.
During the second reading of the bill, the Senior Unofficial Member, Ur. P.C. Woo said the Unofficial Members felt that it would be premature to grant the concession in respect of a type of business which is not yet provided for or identified by legislation: the business of jobbers and jobbing should first of all be fully legislated for and controlled by the Securities legislation and then stamp duty concessions granted by making regulations under the Stamp Ordinance.
Mr. Woo also voiced disagreement to the proposal by the Financial Secretary when moving the second reading that, apart from odd lots, the proposed relief should be confined to transactions involving overseas clients.
’’That,” he said, ’’seems to me to be wrong in principle as transactions involving local clients should similarly acquire the benefit of the concession.”
However, he said he would not wish to go so far as to suggest that these provisions be removed from the ordinance since the exemption could not become effective until regulations were made.
/Mr. Woo added •••••••
Friday, August 3, 1973
- 6 -
It* Woo added that if the government would give an assurance that such regulations would not be made under the Stamp Ordinance until after the Securities Bill had itself become law and had come into operation, the Unofficial Members would have no objection to the bill.
In reply, the Financial Secretary, Mr. Philip Haddon-Cave, explained that (as he told the council when moving the second reading of the bill), the reason why the government’s immediate proposal was that relief from stamp duty should be confined to transactions involving either overseas clients or odd lots, was that these were the only areas to which the extension of relief was practical and desirable at the present time.
Any further extensions of relief would depend on the initiative of the stock exchanges.
The Financial Secretary also said that he proposed to include provisions in the Securities Bill to allow the type of dealer that might be classified as a jobber, and the manner of his transactions, to be determined by way of regulation.
In conclusion Mr. Haddon-Cave said: ’’But as Honourable Members feel that, were I to seek Regulations for relief in the limited areas of jobbing concerned with odd lots and overseas transactions before the passing of the Securities Bill I would be putting the cart before the horse, I am willing to give the assurance my Honourable Friend, Mr. P.C. Woo requires.”
This means that, although enabling legislation has been passed, no further steps will be taken to grant stamp duty relief for jobbing transactions until after the Securities Bill has become lav/ and has come into operation.
Friday, August 3, 1973
- 7 -
A sub-office of the Inland Revenue Department is to be opened in Tsuen Wan on Tuesday (August 7)•
It will provide a revenue collecting point for the taxpayers in the Hew Territories, particularly those in the Tsuen Wan area.
All taxes assessed under the Inland Revenue Ordinance, including Salaries Tax, Profits Tax and HotelAccommodation Tax will be collected at the new sub-office. However, Property Tax will be excluded.
It will also serve as a Business Registration and Stamp Suboffice, but the Tsuen Wan District Office will continue to undertake the stamping of documents relating to land and buildings which require to be registered with the Land Registry.
The sub-office, in the On Yue Building, Tsuen Wan Market Street, will be opened to the public from 8.45 a.m. to 12.30 p.ra. and from 1.30 p.ra to 4 p.m. Mondays to Fridays; and 8.45 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturdays.
The telephone number for general enquiries is 12-4269%.
Friday, August 3, 1973
- 8 -
Restrictions on the operation of public light buses in a section of Mong Kok will come into force on Tuesday (August ?)•
From 10 a.m. on that day, public light buses will not be permitted to pick up or set down passengers in the section of Bute Street between Nathan Road and Portland Street from 7 a.m. to midnight daily.
These arrangements are intended to reduce obstruction to through traffic at the junction of Nathan Road with Bute Street.
Friday, August 3, 1973
- 9 -
Note to Editors: The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, and
Lady MacLehose will leave Hong Kong by air tomorrow for a holiday in the U.K.
They will be returning to Hong Kong in mid September.
During the absence of Sir Murray, the Colonial Secretary, Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, will be acting Governor, Mr. Denys Roberts will act as Colonial Secretary.
Sir Murray will not be holding a press conference at the airport. Photographers who wish to take pictures of the departure of the Governor are requested to assemble at the airport press room not later than 9>3O a.m. tomorrow (Saturday).
Sir Murray and Lady MacLehose will leave by BA 931, E.T.D. 10 a.m.
Friday, August J, 1973
- 10 -
The Building Authority today declared 14 and 15 Tseng Lan Shue on Clearwater Bay Road to be in a dangerous condition. Two other buildings, 16A and 16, in the same village are liable to become dangerous.
The Principal Government Building Surveyor said that these two storey pre-war buildings were inspected subsequent to a report of a collapse.
It was found that the party wall between 14 and 15, which was constructed of mud and straw blocks, had collapsed together with the roofs of both buildings causing damage to the adjoining party walla.
Numbers 16A and 16 are similarly constructed and are liable to become dangerous during or after the demolition of the adjoining buildings.
Notices of intention to apply for closure orders in Kowloon District Court at 9*30 a.m. on August 24 were posted today.
Release Time: 7*00 p.m.
Saturday, August 4, 1973
Page No.
A number of foreign companies seek joint ventures in Hong Kong •••• 1
Mobile service provides summer activities for young people in the Now Territories................................................. 4
Legal Aid offices moving to new address............................. 5
Thirteen old buildings to make way for flyover project ••••••••»••• 6
New section of Lung Cheung Road to open on Tuesday •••••••••••••••• 7
Results of fourth government lottery ................................ 8
Twenty-one handicapped people found employment in June •••••••••••• 9
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, August 4, 197?
- 1 -
Some 20 foreign companies are seeking industrial joint ventures or licensing arrangements with Hong Kong industrialists.
Disclosing this today, a spokesman for the Commerce and Industry Department said that these active enquiries are being processed by the Industrial Promotion Branch.
Most of the enquiries have come from the United States and Britain while the others are from West Germany, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, India and Belgium.
The interests of these foreign companies ranges from the manufacture of food products and pollution-control equipment to the production of suitcases and good quality watch parts.
In addition to these joint ventures and licensing possibilities, the branch is dealing directly with a number of foreign companies epeci fi cal ly interested in setting up wholly owned subsidiaries in Hong Kong.
"Some of these projects are heavily capital intensive and represent advanced technology," the spokesman said.
In the meantime, he said, almost 90 enquiries dealt with in the past few months might hopefully lead to the establishment of manufacturing operations in Hong Kong.
Anyone, who is interested in possible joint ventures and licensing arrangements with the foreign firms, is welcome to contact the branch in writing.
/The following........
Saturday, August 4, 1973
2 -
The following is a list of foreign companies seeking joint venture and licensing arrangements with local industrialists:
Origin Interest Mature
1. USA Product licence and technological exchange Joint venture
2. USA Production of lithium dry-cells Joint venture
3. USA Manufacture of food products Joint venture
4. USA Manufacture of pollution-control equipment Joint venture
USA Production of telephone equipment Licensing arrangement
6. USA Manufacture of lighting products and wiring devices Joint venture or subcontracting
7. USA Production of polystyrene foam cups and containers Joint venture
8. UK Production of stainless steel food containers Subc ontract ing
9. UK Production of roller-blinds and associated parts Joint venture
10. UK Production of suitcases and attaches Joint venture or licensing arrangement
11. UK Production of fusaole interlinings for garments Joint venture or licensing arrangement
12. Germany F.R. Production of cranes Licensing arrangement
13• Germany F.R. Production of prefabricated parts for pumps Subcontracting
14. Germany F.R. Surface refinement of steel by hot-dip galvanizing process Joint venture
13« Belgium Production of good quality watch parts Joint venture
16. Australia Manufacture of billiard tables Joint venture
/17« New Zealand ..........
Saturday, August 4, 1973
- 3 -
Origin Interest Nature
17. New Zealand Manufacture of knitted woollen garments Joint venture
18. Japan Manufacture of foundation Joint venture
garments and lingeries
19> Japan Manufacture of printed circuit boards Joint venture
20. India Manufacture of bi-axially oriented polystyrene and polypropylene films Joint venture
- 0 -------
Saturday, August 4, 197J
- 4 -
A mobile service for the rural areas of Hong Kong operated by the Social Welfare Department is helping to make life more enjoyable this summer for hundreds of children living in the more remote areas of the New Territories.
The special service comes into its own by taking to these areas facilities which the young people would otherwise miss out on because they live too far away from the more established centres where facilities are provided by the Group and Community Work Division.
The Rural Mobile Service Unit operates three mobile lending libraries for children in the New Territories and these ’’make the rounds” of the various towns each week.
In addition, the unit also arranges programmes of activities for the young people.
During the current summer youth programme, the unit has organised some 15 different activities for those living in such places as Tai Po Chai, Lain Chuen, Castle Peak, Wai Tau, Hung Shui Kiu, and Ho Sheung Heung.
Some of the activities already conducted have been a sight-seeing trip to the Peak and Botanic Gardens, a visit to a local newspaper, picnics and a three-day summer camp.
Others to come this month will include visits to H.M.S. Tamar, and a police station and a beach party which will emphasise the continuation of the Keep Hong Kong Clean Campaign.
Saturday, August 4, 1975
- 5 -
"Many of the young people living in the New Territories are unable * to take advantage of the activities provided in the urban areas, so we arrange something for them,” said Mr. Nelson Tsang, Supervisor of the rural mobile service•
”In our programmes, we try to provide for children from os many areas in the Nev; Territories as possible,” he said.
On top of all this the unit also runs two recreation clubs at the Lan Chuen Youth Centre and at the Nam Chung Youth Recreation Centre in Sha Tau Kok.
Part of the headquarters offices of the Legal Aid Department, at present situated on the top floor of the Victoria District Court, and the whole of its branch office at DfAguilar Place, are moving to the Sincere Company Building.
These offices will resume business in the new premises on Tuesday (August 7).
The telephone number will be 5-^57036.
Saturday, August 4, 1973
- 6 -
Thirteen disused pre-war buildings in the Yau Ma Tei area will soon be demolished to make way for the construction of an elevated road running from Gascoigne Road across Nathan Road to the Yau Ma Tei multistorey carpark*
These buildings, mostly two and three storey structures, are at 591-399 Nathan Road, 11.5-121 Battery Street and 63O-6J6 Canton Road.
The five buildings in Nathan Road stand in the path of the proposed flyover and the others in Battery Street and Canton Road will either be directly affected by,or so close to, the later extension of the project that their demolition is necessary«
Work on demolishing them is expected to start in early September and will take about seven weeks to complete*
Construction of che flyover, from the Gascoigne Road and near Wylie Road, will begin at the sane time. This is scheduled for completion in two years•
This section of elevated road will form the first phase of the West Kowloon Corridor project to distribute traffic in this part of the peninsula and provide a direct link from the cross harbour tunnel to Kwai Chung and Tsuen Wan.
Saturday, August 4, 197J
- 7 -
A new eastbound section of the dual carriageway now under construction
along Lung Cheung Road will be open to traffic from 10 a.m. on Tuesday (August 7).
The section, measuring about three-quarters of a mile, is part of I .
the Lung Cheung Road widening scheme. It runs from the junction with Nam
Cheong Street to a point about 200 yards west of the Lion Rock Tunnel Road.
In another move-to improve traffic flow, the Transport Department announced today that a number of traffic re-routings will be made in the Tai Kok Tsui area.
From 10 a.m. on Wednesday (August 8), the section of Kok Cheung
Street (extension) between Fuk Chak Street and Pok Man Street will be routed one-way southbound.
At the same time, the section of Pok Man Street between Kok Cheung
Street (extension) and house No. 22 Pok Man Street will be open to one-way eastbound traffic only.
Appropriate signs will be posted to guide motorists.
Saturday, August 1973
- 8 -
The first prize of $755,200 for the fourth government lottery this year was won by ticket No. 200833•
This and other winning numbers were drawn this morning at the Concert Hall of the City Hall by four Commercial Radio personalities — Kiss Leung Siu-yung, Miss Yan Wai-yee, Miss Conita Chan Hoi-see, and Miss Wan Fong-ling.
The second prize of $188,300 went to ticket No. 820J89.
Ticket Nos. 164697, 18^902, 25M56, 380854, and 777295 won the five third prizes of $18,880 each.
Winning numbers for the 50 special prizes of $1,888 each are as follows:
17490 158525 396839 534971 739639
23345 168725 401994 553240 791559
52921 186472 406604 556176 797299
54112 190916 415569 579644 808254
87833 215306 432959 610571 841991
105824 230419 435576 611578 852526
110243 267454 445548 611599 877211
151306 316456 451367 644326 884123
153923 364165 523152 678754 892073
156466 386170 525322 733824 917574
Saturday, August 4, 1973
- 9 -
A total of 21 handicapped people were placed in jobs by the Social Welfare Department in June. This was six fewer than in the previous months
Mr. Chan Shui-wing, officer-in-charge of the Job Placement Unit, attributed the drop to employers taking on summer student workers in jobs which could otherwise have been given to some of the handicapped.
Those placed in employment were engaged in open industry in jobs as machine sewing workers, assemblers, packers, labourers and general workers.
Release Time: 2,^0 p.m<
Tuesday, August 7,1975
Page No.
Financial Secretary in London for talks with U.K. government on monetary matters ................................................ 1
Three-year study to eliminate bird hazard at Kai Tak................ 2
Seven buildings condemned on Hong Kong Island and in the New
Territories •••••.••••............................................ 4
Water cut in Tsim Sha Tsui and Fanling............................. 5
Public urged to support Government Lotteries ...................... 6
Two temporary appointments to Executive Council.................... 7
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, August 7i 1973
- 1 -
The Financial Secretary, Mr. C.P. Haddon-Cave, left for London last (Monday) night to hold discussions with officials of the U.K. government on monetary matters. He was accompanied by the Accountant General, Mr. D.W.A. Blye.
The discussions, concerned primarily with the future security of Hong Kong’s sterling balances, were arranged at Hong Kong’s instigation.
They will be held with a Minister and senior officials of the U.K. Treasury and are expected to last three days, commencing tomorrow (Wednesday).
Mr. Haddon-Cave will be in touch with the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, during the course of the talks and Sir Murray is expected to interrupt his holiday in Scotland in order to fly down to London on Thursday to join the discussions.
Asked whether Hong Kong would be putting forward specific proposals, a Hong Kong Government spokesman said: "Her Majesty’s Government is well aware of our views on the security and management of our external reserves. Until the discussions are completed, further details cannot be given."
He pointed out that the Hong Kong Government had been in close touch with Her Majesty’s Government, and these discussions follow as a natural development.
The Financial Secretary is expected to return to Hong Kong at the weekend.
Tuesday, August 7j 1973
- 2 -
A major study is to be made of the behaviour pattern and feeding habits of certain local birds which are a potential hazard to ai^crnft at Hong Kong International Airport.
The study, which will take about three years, is part of a long term programme to eliminate the risk of birdstrikes on aircraft and the attendant danger to airliners and their passengers.
An ornithologist is currently being recruited by the Agriculture and Fisheries Department to conduct the study as recommended in a recent report by a senior British ornithologist.
According to a spokesman for the Civil Aviation Department, the problem of birdstrikes was a universal one and basically was a phenomenon of the jet age.
”It is a significant problem,” he said, ’’and a number of short-term measures are being taken to contain it as far as possible until a more permanent solution is found.”
Special bird patrols had been introduced, he explained, to discourage birds from frequenting the runway and marksmen from the Fire Services Department were sent out from time to time to shoot them, under special suspension of bird protection regulations.
More comprehensive statistics are also being compiled on birdstrikes and the bodies of dead birds collected from the runway are sent to the Agriculture and Fisheries Department for biological examination.
/Between .........
Tuesday, August 7? 1973
- 3 -
Between September 1968 and December 1972, there were a total of 33 known collisions between birds and aircraft in the immediate vicinity of Kai Tak — eight of which resulted in damage requiring repair*
Known birdstrikes in the four years prior to 1968 numbered 24, with damage caused in five cases• Only one case was recorded so far this year and no damage was reported.
In nearly all recorded cases, the bird involved belonged to a species commonly known as the black-eared kite, a large bird which does not appear to show any fear of aircraft and about which very little is known.
Initial studies indicate that birdstrikes appear more frequent during landing than take-off, and from limited information available it seems that the majority of strikes occur during the landing run and within 100 feet of the runway.
While the number of collisions is fairly constant throughout the year, more occur in October and November than any other month.
This would appear to be consistent with an increase in bird numbers brought about by the autumn immigration of kites as local ornithologists believe.
However, not much is known of the kite’s migration habits or territorial behaviour and this will be one of the aspects that will be studied.
Apart from the black-eared kite, which is the major "problem” bird, a number of others, such as seagulls and migrating waders will also be studied as they are likely to constitute a problem in the future.
Tuesday, August 7, 1973
- 4 -
Two pre-war buildings on Hong Kong Island and five village buildings in Tseng Lan Shue in the New Territories were today (Tuesday) declared dangerous by the Building Authority.
In a statement, the Principal Government Building Surveyor said the old village buildings were inspected after a collapse had been reported subsequent to Typhoon Dot.
The single-storey buildings were constructed of blocks made of mud and straw which, when subjected to heavy water penetration, resulted in their failure and the collapse of an internal wall.
■’The condition of these buildings, all of which exhibit fractures and bulges in the walls is dangerous and although careful consideration has been given to their preservation, particularly in the case of the Ancestral Hall, no method of repair other than virtual rebuilding in a stable material would be satisfactory.”
Notices of intention to apply for closure orders in Kowloon District Court were posted today. Hearing will start at $.J0 a.m. on August 24.
On Hong Kong Island, No. 13 In Ku Lane in Western District was declared dangerous while the rear portion of the riding floor over In Ku Lane was liable to become dangerous.
Detailed examination revealed extensive decay in a large number of roof and floor timbers together with principal members of a truss supporting the roof.
/As demolition ......
Tuesday, August 7, 1973
- 5 -
As demolition of this building would remove support to a small extension to a riding floor over In Ku Lane, this was therefore liable to become dangerous.
The other building declared dangerous is No. 3 Shepherd Street where many areas of bulged and defective walls together with seriously decayed timbers were found.
Water supply to a number of premises in Tsiin Sha Tsui will be interrupted for five hours starting from 1 a.m. on Friday (August 10) to allow leakage tests to be carried out in the area.
The area affected is bounded by Austin Road, Chatham Road, Austin Avenue., Hilltfbod Road, and Nathan Road between Haiphong Road and Austin Road.
Beginning at . - same , sutler supply to certain
premises in Fanling, New Territories, will be cut off until 6 a.m. the next morning. The temporary stoppage is to enable staff of the Waterworks Office
to make a fresh vzater connection in Jockey Club Road.
Premises along Jockey Club Road between Fanling Cross Road and b •' I
Fanling Hospital will be affected. These includd the Fanling Hospital, Ling Hill, Fanling Police Headquarter and the Commerce and Industry Department at Fanling Lau.
o - -
Tuesday, August 7, 1973
- 6 -
Members of the public were today urged to support social welfare projects by buying tickets in the fifth government lottery this year.
At a press conference this morning, Mr. Kai-yin Chau, chairman of the Government Lotteries Management Committee, said not only would they help in charity work but they also stood the chance of winning a considerable sum of prize money.
He said the committee hoped that more than one million tickets would be sold in this lottery which will be drawn at 10 a.m. on August 25 in the City Hall Concert Hall by four popular HK-TVB girl artistes, Lee Heung-kam, Lisa Wang, Sum Sum, and Margaret Miller.
Immediately after the draw, a half-hour entertainment programme will be provided by HK-TVB artistes. This will be followed by a public auction of TTluc!jyu car numbers, the proceeds of which will go to the Lotteries Fund.
As part of a promotion programme, the four artistes will next Monday (August 15) visit the Ma Tau Chung Centre of the Hong Kong Association for the Potection of Children, which is aided by the Lotteries Fund.
On August 20, they will help sell tickets at a special selling booth in Statue Square.
Tuesday, August 7, 1973
Mr. Q.W. Lee and Mr. G.M. Sayer have been appointed temporarily to the Executive Council during the absence of Mr. Szeto Wai and Sir Albert Rodrigues.
Mr. Lee’s appointment will continue until the end of the month, and Mr. Sayer’s until September 27.
Release time: 7 *00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 8, 1973
Page No.
Government to participate in family planning.............• 1
Retirement of senior clerk in Marine Department ............. J
Number of registered vehicles reaches 200,000 mark .......... 4
Expatriate residents urged to participate more in community affairs •••••••••••............................................. 5
’’Reaching-out programmes” to serve residents of Tai Hang Tung estate .................................................... 7
Five-year scholarships in dental studies offered ............ 9
Full-time technical teacher training course at Morrison Hill
Institute • • • •.............................................. 10
Temporary closure of Victoria Park swimming pool ••••••••••• 11
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, August 8, 1973
Finance Committee Approves 32.4 Million Expenditure
Direct government participation in family planning is to begin on a phased basis from October 1 this year, with the gradual integration of family planning services in government clinics.
Family planning will then become available within the maternal and child health service of the Medical and Health Department.
The Finance Committee of the Legislative Council recently approved a sum of 32.4 million to cover the cost of this participation between October this year and the end of March 1975*
The overall aim is the Medical and Health Department’s assumption of full responsibility for the family planning clinics in 28 government clinics now being run by the Family Planning Association.
But the Association and other voluntary agencies in the field of family planning will continue to have a significant role to play by concentrating their clinical, educational and research efforts in housing estates and other areas, where they are most needed, particularly in the Nev/ Territories, not served by the Medical and Health Department.
The government’s direct participation in family planning was foreshadowed by the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, on October 13 last year when he told the Legislative Council that it was ’’clearly in the public interest and family health, having regard to the pressure generated by people on services such as housing and education, that the blessing of children should be bestovzed at a rate that is planned and not profligate.”
/Since •••••••••
Wednesday, August 8, 1973
- 2
Since the middle of the 1950s, the government has supported family planning mainly by subventions to the Family Planning Association and the Catholic Marriage Advisory Council. During the past decade, the decline in Hong Kong’s birthrate has been significant, falling from kO per 1,000 of the population in 1962 to 19A in 1971 *
The level of financial support to the Family Planning Association has increased over the years from $5,000 in 1955/56 to $1.5 million this year. All the evidence available suggests that the Association’s work has been beneficial to the community, and that its services have met a real demand.
The need for direct government involvement in family planning falls under three main heads:-
* The number of women in the most fertile age group, aged between 25 and 29, will increase from 951^*00 in 1971 to about 220,000 by 1981 and 260,000 by 1991. The total number of births and the crude birth rate will inevitably rise, and the present downward trend in the population growth will not be maintained unless there is a steady decline in fertility over the period.
* The Family Planning Association feels it should not carry the main burden of a problem that should properly be a government concern. It has requested the development of a government family planning programme because it holds the view that only ' together with the Government can it work effectively towards the development of a comprehensive service suited to the needs of the Hong Kong community.
♦ Family planning is not only a means of population control, but also a community health and welfare measure. By making it possible to plan family size, it is possible to lower perinatal, infant and childhood mortality, to safeguard the health of both mother and child, and to secure various other improvements.
/The government........
Wednesday, August 8, 1973
- 3 -
The government programme is in three phases, beginning this October© In the first phase, four part-time Association clinics will become the direct responsibility of the Medical and Health Department, The second phase will begin in January covering four Association full-time clinics.
The third phase, involving the remainder of Association clinics in the urban areas and those in government clinics in the New Territories, will begin in April next year and should be completed by the end of 197^«
• ■ • --------o---------
Mr. Lau Chi-chuen, senior clerical officer of the Marine Department, will retire shortly after 33 years of service in the government.
To mark the occasion, the Director of Marine, Mr. A. Fletcher, will present him with a gift on behalf of his colleagues at a ceremony on Friday (August 10).
Mr. Lau first joined the public service in 19^0 as a Clerk Class III. lie was promoted to Clerk Class II in 19^9. In 1953 he was transferred from the New Territories Administration to the Marine Department where he has been serving for the past 20 years.
He was promoted to his present rank in 1970.
Note to Editors: You are invited to have the presentation
ceremony covered. It will be held at 10.30 a.m. on Friday in the Director of Marine’s office at 102 Connaught Road Central, 1st floor.
Wednesday, August 8, 1973
A station wagon today became the 200,000th vehicle to be registered in Hong Kong. The licence was issued at 2.30 p.m. at the Transport Department’s Vehicle Registration Office at Rumsey Street»
There are now just over 300 vehicles for every mile of road — giving Hong Kong one of the highest traffic densities in the world.
Commenting on this record, the Commissioner for Transport, Mr. B.D. Wilson said: ”We are heading for a crisis on our roads much quicker than many people realise and measures to restrain the use of private transport and to improve public transport facilities must be introduced as a matter of urgency.”
He said that since the present registration system was introduced immediately after the Second World War, 21 years had gone by before the number of vehicles reached the first 100,000 mark.
’’But from 1967, it has taken only six years to reach the second 100,000,” he said.
Over the past few years, vehicle registrations have been increasing at a rate of about 14 per cent compound per year, ’’and there is no sign so far of any slackening in this rate of increase,” the Commissioner said.
The first vehicle registered in Hong Kong was in July 1909 and a total of five motor vehicles were registered in that year.
The registration fee at that time was S24 per annum.
It is believed that one of the first vehicles on the roads in Hong Kong belonged to a Dr. Noble in 190^« -----------------------------------0---------
Wednesday, August 8, 1973
- 5 -
Tiie Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr. Jack Cater, today called on expatriates living in Hong Kong to become more involved in community affairs.
A number of expatriates, including Americans, were already serving on mutual aid committees, ’’but I should like to see a great many more — people who by helping themselves in this way would also be helping the community and the government,” he said.
Addressing members of the American Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon meeting, Mr. Cater said the people of Hong Kong were rapidly gaining ”a new awareness1'* of how things were done locally.
TrJe are beginning to take a critical look at the machinery of our administration, scrutinising its methods, questioning its objectives, and pronouncing judgment.”
There were signs too that the public was once again beginning to act and react as a community outside emergency situations, he added.
Hr. Cater emphasised that the term ’community1 meant everyone living in Hong Kong, including citizens from the United States.
He said that considering their long association with Hong Kong, he found the actual physical presence of American expatriates ’’surprisingly low-key. ”
/’’It is...........
Wednesday, August 8, 1973
- 6 -
"It is time we got rid of the idea that Hong Kong is some kind of stopover on an interrupted journey to other places," he said.
Americans were welcome in Hong Kong which owed a great debt of gratitude to the American missionary bodies and other voluntary agencies who had done so much in the field of social welfare.
I-Ir. Cater stressed, however, that in addition to the rights and privileges Americans enjoyed in Hong Kong, they also have "certain responsibilities to Hong Kong."
"It is a personal choice, there can of course be no coercion," he said.
Wednesday, August 8, 1973
- 7 -
One feature of this year’s summer activities organised by the Tai Hang Tung Community Centre is its ”reaching-out programmes” aimed at providing various types of services for people in the estate.
’’The concept behind these programmes, as the name suggests, is to reach out to those who live in the estate,” said Miss Lilian Wong, Warden of the Tai Hang Tung Community Centre, one of the five which the Social Welfare Department operates.
’’While the community centre serves a large part of the community, the fact is that there are still some people who could benefit from the services provided but are not doing so because these are unknown to them or for other reasons. It is in this connection then that we have designed the reaching out programmes to bring the services to these people,” she said.
Miss Wong explained that youth volunteers from different parts of Hong Kong would help in these programmes. Their involvement would include direct services to people living in the blocks and stimulating residents to help their neighbours.
She said the reaching out programmes will be carried out on an experimental basis in some of the blocks in the estate to test the possibility of adopting such an approach on a wider scale.
Two schemes to be conducted will be a mobile children service and a block work service.
/The mobile • • • • ..
Wednesday, August 8, 1973
- 8 -
The mobile children service will consist of a group of young volunteers who will plan a three week project for children in three of the 14 blocks in the estate.
This group hopes to recruit another 25 young people from the estate to help run the programme from August 13 to J1.
The programmes will take, place in the afternoons during week days with the overall theme on ’’child development”. This will include points on cleanliness, getting to know Hong Kong, mutual co-operation and developing creative talents.
For the block work service, an earlier survey showed that certain types of services involving children, family and the elderly were much needed. Consequently, the group of volunteers who are arranging this block work service are considering ways to meet this need.
Some of the events they plan will be evening programmes for family entertainment and picnics for families.
One already organised was a picnic for 70 residents and another will be a social evening on August 18 for some 400 people living in block 10 of the estate. ?
"The emphasis will be on keeping the family as an integral unit by developing relationships between children and their parents,” Miss Wong said. ’’Volunteers are also planning services for the elderly in oo-operation with the Salvation Army as another part of their service.”
Wednesday, August 8, 1973
- 9
Scholarships for five-year dental courses are being offered to local residents under the age of 35-
The courses, to be undertaken either at the University of Otaga in New Zealand or the University of Sydney, will begin early next year leading to the degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery.
Scholarships will be at the rate of 38,400 a year, with an additional allowance of $3,750 towards the cost of books and instruments. Out-going and return air passages will also be provided.
Applicants should have a pass in physics, chemistry and biology (or zoology) at advanced level in the Hong Kong University Advanced Level Examination, and at grade "C" or above in English in the school certificate examination, or their equivalent.
Successful applicants will undergo a medical examination. They must also sign an agreement to return to Hong Kong for at least four years after graduation, with a requirement of serving as a government dan tai officer,
Application forms may be obtained from the General Registry, Medical and Health Department, Lee Gardens, 4th floor, Hong Kong, and must be completed and’returned by August 25.
0 - -
Wednesday, August 8, 1975
- 10
There are about 20 places in the two-year full-time technical
teacher training course which begins in late September at the Morrison Hill Technical Institute.
Young men and women who wish to enrol for the course can do so
by going to the Institute to obtain application forms. The course for women is chiefly in the commercial studies field.
All applications must be returned to the Institute by August 24.
The minimum entry qualifications are:
* A Hong Kong Certificate of Education (English) with Grade E or above in English, Mathematics, Technical Drawing and either Woodwork, Metalwork or Practical Electricity; or
* A Hong Kong Certificate of Education (English) with Grade E or above in at least five subjects including English, Mathematics, and Principle of Accounts or Shorthand and Typing.
The Acting Vice Principal of the Morrison Hill Technical Institute, Mr. P.S. Chiu said today that prospects for those who completed the course are bright.
. "They will be able to apply for employment as technical teachers in technical institutes, secondary technical, pre-vocational and vneatn oral schools as well as in grammar schools where they will teach technical subjects.
Wednesday, August 8, 1973
During their training, the students will be attached to industrial establishments for three to five weeks in the summer of the first year.
The tuition fee is 3400 a year payable in ten monthly instalments as well as a welfare fund of 315 a year.
’’Students can apply for interest-free loans of up to 31,200 a year,” Mr. Chiu said.
”IIeedy students can also apply for a maintenance grant of up to
31,600 a year. But this is repayable if the applicant does not take up a teaching post approved by the Director of Education on completion of the course,” he added.
The Victoria Park swimming pool will be closed for two days, starting tomorrow (Thursday), between the hours of 6.45 p.m. and 9*15 p*m«
The temporary closure is to facilitate the Hong Kong Amateur Swimming Association’s swimming gala.
Release Time: 7.00 p.m.
Thursday, August 9t 197?
Page Not
U.K.’s industrial labour force reaches record high ••«•••••••••••«
Kaitak airport parking apron closed to press photographers for security reasons ••••••••........................•••••••••••••••••• J
Resident associations urged to help in fight against crime ••••••> 4
Applications for taxi driving licences re-open ......••••••••••••«• 5
Hore caretakers to improve management of housing estates 6
Members of Urbco and U.S.D. will meet the Press tomorrow J
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, August 9, 1973
- 1 -
Hong Kong’s industrial work force reached an all-time high of 625j087 in June this year, according to an industrial employment survey carried out by the Census and Statistics Department on behalf of the Labour Department*
This represents an increase of 8,478 or 1.4 per cent over the figure for the previous quarter ending March J1.
At the same time, a record number of 22,108 industrial establishments were recorded — an increase of 313- Compared to June last year, this represents a rise of 8.3 per cent.
Commenting on the findings of the survey, a spokesman for the Labour Department said the figures clearly showed that both the employment situation and the number of industrial establishments ’’are in a very healthy state”, contrary to some recent reports.
While the percentage increase in the industrial labour force appeared small, it more than made up for the three per cent down turn recorded in the previous January-March quarter, he said.
The biggest expansion in employment occurred in the electronics industry which went up by 5,134. The next highest was the plastics industry with an increase of 2,303, followed by metal products, up by 1,496, and cotton weaving, up by 1,014.
/however, • ........
Thursday, August 9? 1973
- 2 -
However, the rubber footwear and wigs industries continued to decline, registering decreases in manpower of 2,037 and 1,970, respectively.
The four largest industries, in terms of employment, remained the manufacture of textiles and textile made-ups (266,330)? plastic products (74,312), electrical products and machinery (66,960), and metal products other than machinery (30,613)•
During the survey, a total of 13?368 vacancies were recorded in 1,147 establishments. Ihe main vacancies fell within the garments industry (4,390), electronics (3,2^6), plastics (1,333) and cotton spinning and weaving (793).
Thursday, August 9, 1973
- 3 -
Note to Editors: The Airport Security Committee has advised
the Director of Civil Aviation that access to the aircraft parking apron should be restricted only to those people who are essential to the operation of aircraft, carriage of freight, passengers and mail, etc., and to no others. This recommendation has been accepted.
It follows from this that press photographers will no longer be allowed onto the tarmac or in any other restricted areas of Kai Tak Airport, and the two G.I.S. officers who have been posted to Kai Tak will now be withdrawn.
Some committee members of the Hong Kong Journalist Association have already been informed of this decision and the reasons for it have been explained to them. Any inconvenience this may cause to journalists is much regretted but the whole question of airport security is, of course, of paramount importance.
Special arrangements will, of course, be made for special circumstances, but as a general rule it will be no longer possible for photographers to cover arrivals or departures in any restricted part of the airport.
Thursday, August % 1973
Resident associations can play a special role in the fight against crime, the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr. Jack Cater, said this (Thursday) evening.
With their experience in self-help, he said, they could be of "great assistance in spreading the idea of mutual aid aS a safeguard against criminal elements."
Mr. Cater was speaking at the inauguration of the new board of directors of the Kiangsu and Chekiang (Hong Kong) Residents Association in the Kiangsu-Chekiang College.
He again underlined the importance of good neighbourliness and urged the people of Hong Kong to use their "strong and tenacious tradition of mutual enterprise" and apply it to new problems and situations to meet the challenge of "our new society."
In this connection, he cited as an example the mutual aid committee and neighbourhood associations which brought together people of varying backgrounds to discuss common problems and possible solutions.
"Crime, and what to do about preventing it, is their main concern at the moment. And rightly so," he said. ,rBut there is so much more they can achieve from this beginning — not least of all the comfort gained from trust and from friendship itself."
Note to Editors.:. Copies of the full text of Mr. Cater’s speech are available for collection in the G.I.S. press boxes.
Thursday, August 9, 1973
- 5 -
The Transport Department will again accept applications for taxi driving licences as from August 15, after a break of nearly a year.
No application had been accepted since October 23 last year because the waiting list was overlong and there was no point in adding to it,.a spokesman explained.
Since then, however, additional premises have become available in Kowloon and the testing rate has been increased.
Appointments are now made for about 276 applicants a day, but some fail to appear for appointments.
About 1o0 applicants a day pass the test and receive taxi driving licences-
Thursday, August 9, 1973
- 6 -
Management of Hong Kong’s older public housing estates will be much improved when the caretaker system presently adopted by the newer estates is expanded.
About 450 estate caretakers are to be recruited in the next few months to strengthen the present force of 220.
At present, only former Housing Authority estates, government low-cost estates and the newer resettlement estates adopt the caretaker system.
It will be extended to all former Mark III to VI resettlement blocks and enable a 24-hour service when the caretaker force is expanded.
Mr. Frank Carroll, Director of Estates Management, today described the move as a big step forward in bringing the management of older and newer public housing estates to the same level.
"Experience teaches that estates could be more efficiently managed and tenants better looked after with caretakers attached to housing blocks,” he said.
"At the same time, the introduction of caretakers to older estates would considerably improve the level of security and should have a deterrent effect on criminals.”
The duty of estate caretakers is to keep their estate in order. They are required to patrol their estates and deal with emergencies, such as lift breakdowns. They are especially useful outside office hours when the estate offices are closed.
Mr. Carroll said tenants could report to caretakers at any hour of the day and immediate action would be taken.
Thursday, August % 1973
Note to Editors: Another session of the **Meet the Media*1
series will be held tomorrow (Friday) at 12 noon.
The panel will comprise Mr. A. de 0. Sales, Chairman of the Urban Council; Mr. Hilton Cheong-leen, Vice-Chairman, Mr. D.R.W. Alexander, Director of the Urban Services Department; and Mr. H.H. Ross, Secretary of the Urban Council.
You are invited to send representatives to attend the meeting, which will be held in the G.I.S. 35 nim theatre, 5th floor, Beaconsfield House.
Television crews are requested to have their equipment set up before the start of the meeting.
Release time: 7.00 p.m.
Friday, August 10, 1973
Page No.
Two new licences for wireless television stations . • • •.......... 1
Hr. F.K. Li appointed acting Secretary for Social Services ........ 3
Five lots of Crown land in the New Territories put on sale »•»••• 4
New ambulance depot to be built at Smithfield Road 0.5 Building in Central declared dangerous ................ 6
Licensing date for expert of restrained textiles to Canada ......... 7
Health visitors in Chai Wan Estate to prevent spread of disease.. 8
Stanley Prison officers uncover escape plot 9
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Friday, August 10, 1973
- 1 -
The government is to grant two new licences to operate wireless television stations in Hong Kong.
Rediffusion Television Limited will be offered a licence for a dual channel station broadcasting in Chinese and English - Commercial Television Limited a licence for a single channel station broadcasting in Chinese.
Both licences will run for a period of 15 years subject to renewal on December 31, 1980.
The dual language station will provide viewers with an alternative, fully commercial television service, providing entertainment, information and education on two channels as does the present licensee.
The third licensee, the single channel service, will provide a further choice of television programmes in Chinese, only part of which will contain commercial advertising.
From Monday to Friday each week from 9»3O p.m. to 11.30 p.m. the licensee will provide a series of home studies or minority interest broadcasts which will not include any commercial advertising. The final form of these programmes is subject to further discussion between the government and the licensee.
Subject to good progress with the necessary building work and technical problems, the new dual channel service is expected to come on air within the next few months, and hopefully before the end of this year. The new single channel service is expected to start transmissions about mid-1975»
/A government
Friday, August 10, 1973
- 2 -
A government spokesman said that the decision to award the licences follows the recommendations of a special government committee under the chairmanship of Mr. Jack Cater. This committee examined three tenders, one for the dual channel and two for the single channel service. The tenders closed on May 11, 1973-
Commenting on the government decision, the Secretary to the selection committee said that the committee had taken advice from.government departments and the Television Advisory Board. They had also interviewed the applicant companies to give them an opportunity to elaborate on their proposals with the committee.
The committee had considered the ownership, organization, financial resources and technical engineering proposals of the three applicant companies. They had also paid particular attention to the types of programmes the companies had proposed and their ability to maintain the services offered.
He added that the committee had had a difficult task, especially with the two applications for the single channel (Chinese language) service. Both of these applications were well thought out and skilfully presented.
In all their deliberations, the committee’s first consideration had been which proposals would best serve the public interest.
------ 0---------
Friday, August 10, 1973
- 3 -
Two senior government appointments were announced today.
Hr. F.K. Li is appointed acting Secretary for Social Services, one of the new secretary posts recommended in the McKinsey Report, and Mr. K.j.J. Topley is appointed Director of Social Welfare. Both appointments come into effect at the end of this month.
In his new post, Mr. Li will be responsible for policy and programmes covering education, medical and health services, social welfare, charities, labour and recreation.
Mr. Li, who is 51» has had a distinguished career with the Hong Kong Government serving in a number of departments as deputy head, including Labour and Hines Departments, Commerce and Industry Department and the Secretariat for Home Affairs. He was Deputy Financial Secretary on two occasions and acted as Financial Secretary for a brief period in 1967.
During the course of his career he attended the Administration Staff College at Henley and the Imperial Defence College in London. Hr. Li holds a Master of Science degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Hr. Topley, 50, joined the government as a Cadet Officer in 1955*
He was promoted to Senior Administrative Officer in 1959 and became Assistant Commissioner for Resettlement in the same year.
In 1963 he was appointed Assistant Colonial Secretary and the following year became Deputy Commissioner of Labour. He joined the Census and Statistics Department in 19^7 as Deputy Commissioner and was appointed Commissioner three years later.
Note to Editors: Photographs of Mr. Li and Mr. Topley will
be boxed for collection this evening.
-------0--------- A.......................
Friday, August 10, 1973
- 4 -
Five lots of Crown land in the New Territories with a total area of about 86,000 square feet will be put up for auction later this month.
Three of them, located in the Tsuen Wan and Kwai Chung area, will be offered for sale in the Princess Alexandra Community Centre on August 20 at 11 a.m.
The Tsuen Wan lot measures about 11,700 square feet and is for industrial or godown purposes. One of the lots at Kwai Chung is about 6,200 square feet and is for offensive trade operations, while the other lot, covering an area of 57j4OO square feet, is earmarked for a multi-storey car park.
The two remaining lots are located in Tuen Mun (Castle Peak) and will be auctioned in the Yuen Long Town Hall on August 28 at 2.50 p.m.
Both are for industrial or godown development* One has an area of about 14,800 square feet while the other measures about 10,000 square feet.
-------0 - - -
Friday, August 10, 1973
- 5 -
A new ambulance depot is to be built shortly at Smithfield Road to meet the increasing demand for ambulance service in the Pokfulam and Mid-Level areas.
Known as the Mount Davis Ambulance Depot, it will be 10 storeys high with accommodation for four to six ambulances on the ground floor. Living quarters, recreational and dining facilities will be provided on the upper floors.
Construction work is expected to start in October this year and will take about 16 months to complete, at an estimated cost of more than 32.5 million.
The new depot will be the fifth of its type in Hong Kong, and will be similar to those at Morrison Hill, Ma Tau Chung, Waterloo Road and at Pat Heung in the New Territories.
Plans are also in hand to build another nine at strategically situated points throughout Hong Kong, including four in public housing estates, so as to further reduce the time for conveying patients or victims from the scene of an accident to hospital.
Friday, August 10, 1973
- 6 -
The Building Authority today declared No. 30 Queen Street, Hong Kong, to be in a dangerous condition and Nos. 24-28 liable to become dangerous.
In a statement, the Principal Government Building Surveyor said frequent inspections of the four-storey pre-war buildings during the last few months showed continuing movement in the exposed flank wall of No. 30.
Thisf coupled with the presence of a severe bulge and fracture in the kitchen block, could give rise to a collapse, he said.
There were also fractures on the cross walls at the front and rear of Nos. 24-30, and Nos. 24—28 vzere liable to become dangerous during or after the demolition of No. 30.
Notices of intention to apply for closure orders were posted on the buildings today. Hearing will be in Victoria District Court at 9«3O a.m. on September 14.
0 -
Friday, August 10, 1973
- 7 -
The Director of Commerce and Industry announced today that exports of restrained textiles to Canada must be licensed on or before September 4 for shipment by the end of next month.
A special shipment scheme will be operated from September 6
to September 29-
Under the scheme, all quotas not committed by September 4 will be made available to all applicants whether or not they are quota holders, against export licence applications.
Full details are announced in Notice to Exporters: Series 4 (Canada) No. 13/73 which was issued today.
Trade associations and companies on the Commerce and Industry Department’s mailing list for Notice to Exporters Series 4 will receive copies of the notices shortly.
Anyone wishing to seek further information is invited to contact the following officers of the Commerce and Industry Department:
Hr. D.L.S. Ip - Assistant Trade Officer
Tel. No. 5-247317
Hr. C.K. Lai - Industry Assistant
Tel. No. 5-445666
0 - -
Friday, August 10, 1973
- 8 -
During the month of July, three cases of meningococcal meningitis, were diagnosed; all three were traced back to Chai Wan Estate, the Director of Medical and Health Services, Dr. G.H. Choa, said today.
”IIeningococcal meningitis occurs sporadically in Hong Kong. Last year, between January and the beginning of August, there were ten cases of the disease? and five deaths. This year, during the corresponding period, there were eight cases and three deaths.
’Because, last July, the three cases were from the same Estate, certain measures were considered necessary to ensure that the disease does not spread to more people, especially children.
’•Health visitors were therefore sent to Chai Wan to find out whether there were any sick children with symptoms of meningitis in the area. In addition, health visitors also gave lectures in health education on how to avoid contact with possible meningitis cases.
’•These measures at this time are considered important because the new school term is due to begin in two or three weeks, and any suspected case must be diagnosed and treated early so that when the new school term starts, sick children, or carriers of the disease, will not spread it.
’•This explains the presence of health visitors in the Estate. It should not be misconstrued. Despite intensified surveillance, no fresh
case of the disease has been discovered since the end of July.”
Friday, August 10, 1973
- 9 -
Six inmates at Stanley Prison are being questioned in connection with an escape plot#
The plot was uncovered during a search today in one of the halls where souo to inmates are kept, all of whom are appealing against their sentence.
During the search, prison officers discovered that in two eeli.$
a bar nad been sawn through. A rope, made from strips of canvas was also found together with a piece of metal that had been fashioned into a hook that could have been used to scale the prison walIs.
They also seized a number of unauthorised weapons, consisting of pieces of waste metal.
The six inmates, aged between 21 and 3^, are serving sentences ranging from five to 10 years for offences of robbery, burglary among others.
The police have been informed and investigations are in progress. Commenting on the incident, a spokesman for the Prisons Department commended the prisons staff for their ’’constant vigilance and devotion to duty.”
’’They prevented what could have been a serious incident,” he said.
-------0 --------
Release time: 7*00 p.m.
Saturday, August 11, 1973
Page No.
Victims of last year’s rainstorm disasters urged to apply for assistance before August J1 ...........................................1
Major cleansing operation at Chai Wan Estate.......................... J
Guidance scheme set up for primary school graduates •••••••••••.•.• 4
Reception to introduce medical services at Yan Chai Hospital ......... 6
Two temporary appointments to Executive Council...................... 7
Press visit to Ma Tau Chung Centre ................................... 8
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5'233191
Saturday, August 11, 1973
- 1 -
Victims of the June 1972 rainstorm disasters who have not yet applied for assistance from the money donated by the public, are urged to do so now.
They can still apply in writing to the Director of Social Welfare, but no claims for assistance will be considered after August 31 this year.
The members of the Community Relief Trust Fund Committee, who have been acting as trustees for the donations, have decided to use the balance — amounting to about 55 • 5 million — of the donations still held to establish two funds to assist registered victims of the disasters.
It is proposed to use 51.5 million for a rehabilitation fund and the rest for an orphans1 fund.
Earlier this month, the Director of Social Welfare, Hr. F.K. Li, told the Legislative Council that the rehabilitation fund would be used to provide additional help for families who had already received assistance but who may still need it. Their cases will be followed up by officers from the Social Welfare Department.
He said that the orphans’ fund would be allocated to 49 orphans or semi-orphans on a variable scale, depending on age and which parent was killed in the disaster.
The money would be held in trust to be used for their maintenance, education or welfare with the balance being handed to them when they reached an appropriate age.
Saturday, August 11, 1973
- 2 -
,;After considering the position carefully, the conclusion of the members of the Community Relief Trust Fund Committee ••••• is that it is right that the balance of donations should also go to victims of the June rainstorm disasters,” Mr. Li said.
Donations received from the public amounted to just over #17«3 million, of which #11.8 million had been distributed to 24,355 families.
A public notice will be published in Monday’s newspapers informing those victims who have not yet made any claims for payments that new claims will not be entertained after August 31 this year.
-------0 - - - -
Saturday, August 11, 1973
- 3 -
A massive tidy-up and hawker resiting operation is to be launched next week at Chai Wan Estate to make it a better and healthier place to live in.
The first phase of the operation involving blocks 16 and 19 and the areas around them will begin on Monday (August 13).
Over 100 illegal structures in the area will be demolished. Illegal extensions such as oversized sunshades protruding from ground floor shops will also be removed.
About 40 hawkers trading in the vicinity will be moved into a temporary resite area at block 17.
The ground between block 16 and 19 will then be resurfaced. All eligible hawkers will move back to the original trading area in about six weeks when it has been properly marked out into a hawker bazaar.
Hr. Lo Chi-yuen, District Estate Manager (South) of the Housing Department said the operation was aimed at improving the living condition of the tenants of the old estates.
’’Apart from causing obstructions to tenants, the illegal hawker stalls and other structures have made cleansing work difficult and at the same time they pose a serious fire and health hazard to the estate tenants,” he said.
”The estate would be turned into a slum area if no determined action was taken in time.”
Saturday, August 11, 1973
- 4 -
A guidance scheme for primary school graduates in West Kowloon district is to be inaugurated on Sunday (August 12).
The scheme is one of the projects organised by the recently established Children and Youth Guidance Council in the area, which represents 76 schools, church groups and organisations in Tai Hang Tung, Tai Hang Sai, Shek Kip Mei and Yau Yat Chuen.
According to Miss Lilian Wong, Warden of the Social Welfare Department’s Tai Hang Tung Community Centre from where the scheme will operate, 300 primary school graduates have registered to participate.
Explaining the objectives of the Scheme, Miss Wong said the aim was to help those students who could not get a place in aided schools and who were too young for jobs.
"If any wanted to continue studying they would be helped with scholarships and advice on the best ways of going about it,” she said.
For those who do not, the scheme will provide counselling on questions of employment such as pre-vocational or apprenticeship training.
Another group for which help will be provided is those students who will be going into English secondary schools from Chinese primary schools.
"These children will have to adjust to a new environment and the scheme will help them to overcome any problems they may face,” Miss V/ong said.
/Tied in .....
Saturday, August 11, 1973
- 5 -
Tied in with all this will be the development of group life through stimulating their interests in other activities.
The first phase of the scheme will begin after the inauguration ceremony on Sunday and will last until the end of the year. The second phase will start after an evaluation of the programmes of the first phase.
A group of 70 youth volunteers of Form 4 standard and above have been trained by the community centre to conduct the scheme. They will be closely supervised and guided by the executive committee of the council.
Note to Editors; You are invited to cover the inauguration ceremony on Sunday (August 12) at the Tai Hang Tung Community Centre, Kowloon. The event begins at 2.30 p.m.
Saturday, August 11, 1973
- 6 -
Note to Editors: A luncheon reception will be held on Tuesday (August 14) at the Yan Chai Hospital, Yan Chai Street, Tsuen Wan to introduce to the press and local residents the medical services provided by this general hospital.
Mr. I.F.C. Macpherson, District Commissioner, N.T., Dr. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services and Mr. Beacon Chiu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yan Chai Hospital will be present.
Your representatives are welcome to attend. Reporters and photographers assigned to cover the function should assemble, not later than 12.15 p.m., at the Tsim Sha Tsui Ferry Pier (near the railway station) where a bus will be waiting to transport them to the hospital and back.
The hospital is expected to open later this year. Initially it will provide 100 beds for inpatients, a casualty ward and an out-patient clinic.
The building costs amounted to some 33.5 million. The government contributed about 31.7 million while the rest came from a group of Tsuen Wan community leaders.
0 - -
Saturday, August 11, 1973
- 7 -
Two members of the Legislative Council have been appointed on a temporary basis to the Executive Council.
Ilr. Wilson Wang Tze-sam, whose appointment took effect on August 8, will serve as an Unofficial Member until about September 15 during the absence of Sir Yuet-keung Kan.
Mr. P.G. Williams1 appointment was effective from August 9« He will serve as an Unofficial Member until September 4 during the absence of Mr. G.R. Ross.
Saturday, August 11, 1973
- 8 -
Note to Editors: The Chairman of the Government Lotteries
lianagement Committee and the President of the Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children, have organised a press visit to the HKSPC’s Ma Tau Chung Centre on Monday (August 1J). t
Four well-known HKTVB personalities, Miss Lee Heng Kam, Miss Lisa Wang, Miss Sum-Sum and Miss Margaret Miller, will also join the press party.
Press representatives assigned to cover the event are requested to assemble at Queen’s Pier, Hong Kong, not later than 10.50 a.m. on Monday. Transport will be provided.
The Centre which is located at 107 Ma Tau Chung Road, Kov/loon City, provides accommodation to children suffering from malnutrition and day care service to babies whose mothers have to work to help support their families.
A grant from the Lotteries Fund has been approved to the HKSPC towards the purchase and installation of laundry equipment for the centre in November last year.
Release Time: p.m.
Monday, August 13, 1973
Page No.
Seven more technical institutes planned for Hong Kong ........ 1
Development of fire services in New Territories............... 4
Urbco organises seminar for restaurant workers ......•••••..< 5
Record number of British passports issued in second quarter.. 6
Most labour disputes in July settled amicably ................ 7
New traffic arrangements for Kowloon Tong..................... 8
Change in tomorrow’s arrangements for press visit to Yan Chai Hospital .........................
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Monday, August 13, 1973
Technical education in Hong Kong will receive a much-needed boost with the completion in 1975 of two new technical institutes which will go a long way towards meeting the increasing demand for skilled craftsmen and technicians in industry.
The two institutes •• one to be built in Kwai Chung and the other in Kwun Tong — are among seven being planned or considered for major industrial areas, which together with the institute at Morrison Hill will make a total of eight.
Planning for building and equipping the first two institutes is already in an advanced stage and sub-structure work is expected to start within the next few months according to Mr. Dan Waters, Principal of the Morrison Hill Technical Institute who has been seconded to the Education Department Headquarters to work on the planning.
,rBoth should be ready at the start of the 1975/6 academic year,” said Mr. Waters, ’’and two more are scheduled to come into operation one in Cheung Sha Wan and one San Po Kong - in 1976 and 1977 respectively.”
Plans and locations for the other three are being studied by the government. It was likely, said Mr. Waters, that they would be built within new towns such as Sha Tin, Tsuen Wan and Tuen Mun so that they could serve industry there.
A decision on these three institutes will be made at a later date after a review of future requirements.
/Mr. Waters .......
Monday, August 13, 1973
- 2 -
Mr. V/aters said the need for additional technical education facilities at this stage had become more pressing. The Morrison Hi!1 Technical Institute, he said, was "bursting at the seams" after only three years in operation in the new building.
"However, the situation will be greatly improved once the new institutes are completed," he said. Each of these will provide 1,300 full-time equivalent places in a wide variety of courses. Evening classes will also be run to allow maximum use of the institutes’ facilities.
In the meantime, day and evening classes at the Morrison Hill Technical Institute have been extended to meet present needs and facilities there are also to be expanded. An extra floor will be added to the workshop wing. Important Role
i/hen fully developed, each of the new institutes will, on average, provide for 500 full-time and 1,300 part-time students a year.
Mr. Waters emphasized that industry had an important role to play in the training of skilled manpower by releasing their staff one day a week to attend part-time day-release courses to supplement their on-the-job practical training.
Both institutes to be completed in 1973 will offer courses at craft and technician level in such fields as mechanical and electrical engineering, textiles, and garment making, on a full-time and part-time day-release basis.
/The Kwai Chung •••••••
Monday, August 1?, 1973
- 3 -
The Kwai Chung Institute will also offer commercial courses, v/hile a highly specialised printing department is proposed for the Kwun Tong Institute. This department is being established on a temporary basis, at the Morrison Hill Institute until it is transferred to Kwun Tong in 1975.
Mr. '.Vaters disclosed that an overseas consultant would be engaged to advise on the accommodation, layout and the curriculum of the printing department.
’’Forward planning is also in hand for courses in a hotel and catering department in the Cheung Sha Wan Institute scheduled for 1976,” he added.
Turning to staffing requirements, Mr. Waters said there had been a shortage of teachers for the expanding technical education programme but positive steps were being taken to overcome this.
Teachers College
”A technical teachers college will be opened as soon as practicable. Because of the urgent need this college will be in temporary premises in the first instance,” he said.
”Uj>-dating and refresher courses will also be offered. In the meantime the department of technical teacher training at the Morrison Hill Technical Institute is being expanded,” he added.
Inr-sorvice technical teachers were also being sent overseas to attend training courses, not now available in Hong Kong, as part of the staff training programme.
Hr. Waters said it was the government’s practice to recruit and train local technical teachers whenever possible, since a large percentage of the courses offered were at craftsman level and had to be taught in Cantonese•
Monday, August 13» 197J>
- 4 -
The Fire Services Department is forging ahead with plans to further improve its fire fighting capability in the Now Territories for the safety of rural residents, Mr• F. Jackson, Chief Fire Officer of the New Territories Command Firo Headquarters, said today.
"Wo in the service are fully conscious of the need for an efficient fire fighting and rescue force in the New Territories, and the present station, appliance, ambulance and fulltime personnel cover is an indication that wo do not intend being left behind in the development programme," he told members of the Rotary Club, N.T.
In addition to the various ’satellite’ stations in the rural areas, largo divisional stations were being planned in newly developed areas such as Sha Tin and Tuon Mun, and top priority was being given to more ambulance depots in Yuen Long and Kwai Chung, he said.
Water supply for fire fighting was also being increased, ho added, and more than 300 fire hydrants had been installed during the past few months.
Now appliances were being made available to provide round-the-clock protection against fires, as well as to deal with other emergencies such as traffic accidents, swimming tragedies, and hilltop searches and rescues. Helicopters wore also being used for the more distant areas to reduce travelling times for patients in serious condition.
Mr. Jackson emphasised, however, that residents too had a vital role to play in helping to prevent fires and protecting their property.
/’’Fire prevention......
Monday, August 1J, 1973
- 5 -
"Firo prevention is the responsibility of each and every one of us and if we all play our part fires can be reduced, lives can be saved and many of those badly claimed each year would not so suffer,” he said.
He added: ”The service has always enjoyed excellent relations with the various committees and bodies, but I consider that even more can be done to foster this liaison.”
Note to Editors: Copies of the full text of Mr. Jackson’s
speech are boxed for collection this evening.
* ****** A * 4>
Tho Urban Council is to hold a seminar for restaurant and factory workers on the need to keep food premises clean.
The programme will include a series of about 20 talks with film and other visual illustrations.
The seminar will be formally launched on Wednesday (August 15) by
Mr. Charles C.C. Sin, Chairman of the Urban Council’s Food Hygiene Select Committee.
The talks coincide with the Urban Council’s current ’’Clean Our
Buildings” campaign.
Wednesday’s ceremony will take place in the lecture room on the
top floor of Central Market at 11 a.m.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter and /or
photographer to cover the event.
-------0--------- /6.......................
Monday, August 1J, 1973
- 6 -
A record number of 1J,264 British passports was issued by the Immigration Department during the three-month period from April to June this year.
A total of 5passports was issued in June alone, the highest ever for any one month.
In addition, 21,006 Certificates of Identity were issued to local residents, compared with 14,957 in the same period of 1972, showing an upward trend in the demand for travel documents.
Out of the 21,006 Certificates of Identity issued during the quarter, the branch offices issued 11,304, representing an increase of 35 per cent over last year’s figure.
”This confirms the impression that more and more local residents are taking advantage of cheap charter flights for overseas holidays”, a spokesman for the Immigration Department said.
Monday, August 13, 1973
- 7 -
There were 375 labour disputes in Hong Kong during the month of July • four fewer than in the same month last year.
The Labour Relations Service of the Labour Department helped employers and workers to settle 281 of the disputes within the month.
The head of the Service, Mr. T.F. Tsui, said today that as a result of agreements reached at eoneiiliation meetings conducted by his officers during the month* 2,302 employees had received a total of 31,072,071.
Of this total, 14.7 per cent was paid by employers as outstanding wages, payment in lieu of notice, statutory holiday pay and bonuses.
The other 85.3 per cent - some 3914,000 - was paid as severance pay and other ex-gratia payments.
Mr. Tsui said that last month his staff handled 1,461 consultations and enquiries about labour laws, industrial relations and personnel management. ”We also visited 14 more factories and offices to help employers and employees set up joint consultative machinery to strengthen communications between labour and management”, he said.
’’This sort of machinery gives workers and management a chance to discuss their problems and iron out their difficulties before they get to the
stage of industrial trouble”
Monday, August 15, 1973
- 8 -
Temporary traffic arrangements will be introduced in Lancashire Road and Essex Crescent from 10 a.m. on Wednesday (August 15) to facilitate road works on Waterloo Road between Flint Road and York Road.
All westbound vehicles on Lancashire Road at its junction with ' • • • •
Waterloo Road will be permitted to turn left into Waterloo Road only.
Vehicles on Lancashire Road wishing to go to Essex Crescent will be diverted through Oxford Road, Durham Road, Rutland Quadrant and Stafford Road. • •
Traffic lights will be put up at the junction of Durham Road/ Waterloo Road/Rutland Quadrant to control traffic.
At the same time, all parking spaces on Durham Road between Waterloo Road and Cambridge Road will be suspended to ensure a smooth flow of traffic.
These temporary arrangements will last until 10 a.m. on September 12, 1973« Appropriate traffic signs will be put up to guide motorists.
-------0 - - - -
Monday, August 13» 1973
- 9 -
Note to Editors: There has been a minor change in the arrangements
for tomorrow’s (Tuesday’s) press visit to the Yan Chai Hospital luncheon reception.
Reporters and photographers assigned to cover-the event should assemble, not later than 12.15 P«m., at the corner of Hankow Road (between the Peninsula Hotel and the YMCA) where a special bus will be on hand to transport them to the hospital and back.
Because of existing traffic arrangements at the Tsim Sha Tsui Ferry Pier it will not be possible for the bus to pick up press representatives at the railway station as stated earlier.
The luncheon reception is being arranged to introduce to the press and local residents the medical services to be provided by the Yan Chai Hospital when it opens later this year.
Attending will be Mr. I.F.C. Macpherson, District Commissioner, N.T.; Dr. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services; and Mr. Deacon Chiu, chairman of the Board of Directors of Yan Chai Hospital.
Release time: 7,00 p.m.
Tuesday, August 14, 1973
Pago No,
Hong Kong will continue to press for fair deal on textile and footwear exports to EEC ,.............................., 1
New phases for Kowloon Foothill Corridor scheme ...........• 2
Urbco appoints public relations consultant ................• • 4
Building in Central declared dangerous ..................... 5
New training course to promote industrial safety............ 6
Export ban on cotton denims to Australia lifted ............ 7
Local barrister appointed Queen’s Counsel ............8
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, August 14, 1973
- 1 -
Tho Hong Kong Government will continue to press for the removal of tho discrimination against Hong Kong’s textiles and footwear exports to the enlarged European Economic Community.
This assurance was given today by a spokesman for the Commerce and Industry Department in connection with a petition sent to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs by local trade and industrial associations.
Referring to the petition, which was forwarded through the Acting Governor, the spokesman said: ”It clearly shows the concern which is being felt over the erosion of Hong Kong’s competitive position in the enlarged EEC as far as textiles and footwear are concerned.”
He said it was too early to forecast what decision might be taken on tho issue raised in the petition, but he emphasised that the Hong Kong Government would continue to press for the discrimination against Hong Kong to be lifted.
The United Kingdom, he noted, was the second largest market for Hong Kong textiles, with last year’s exports amounting to 81,457 million.
Tho United Kingdom was the largest market .for Hong Kong footwear, he added, and last year exports were valued at 8121 million.
The value of exports of textiles and footwear to the nine EEC countries was 82,970 million and 8183 million respectively.
Tuesday, August 14, 1973
- 2 -
Work will start shortly on three more projects of the Sl4O million Kowloon Foothills Corridor scheme which will provide a fast direct route between the industrial centres of Kwun Tong in the east and Kwai Chung in the west.
Tenders are at present being called for one of these — the construction of Ching Cheung Road extension.
This new road will run from the west end of Lai Chi Kok Bay bridge around Lai Chi Kok to join the existing interchange at the junction of Castle Peak Road and Ching Cheung Road.
Tenders have already been received for the other two projects which involve the construction of Fung Mo Street bridge over Lung Cheung Road, and the construction of Nam Cheong Interchange at the junction of Lung Cheung Road and Nara Cheong Street.
The present route formed by Lung Cheung Road, Tai Po Road and Ching Cheung Road, is also being generally widened to a two-lane dual carriageway.
At the same time, all major intersections along this route are being improved by the construction of interchanges with linked pedestrian facilities.
/Work on .......
Tuesday, August 14, 1973
- 3
Work on the 11 projects on this route started towards the end of 1971 with the Lion Rock Interchange which is now nearing completion.
Since then, a further six projects have begun and sections of the new road have already been opened to the public.
Traffic flow is expected to improve in the coming months with the opening of the Lion Rock Interchange and additional carriageways of Lung Cheung Road and Ching Cheung Road.
Note to Editors: Copies of a sketch plan of the road improvement
scheme are boxed for collection this evening.
Tuesday, August 14, 1973
The Urban Council has appointed a consultant company to advise on certain aspects of the council’s public relations programmes and to carry out and supervise some publicity projects for the council.
Mr. A. de 0. Sales, chairman of the council, said to-day that the public relations policy of the council would remain firmly in the council’s own hands. ”V/e have not hired someone to tell us what to do”, said Mr. de Sales. ”We know what we want to do. We have sought advice on how to do it more effectively”.
”The council’s public relations objectives are to increase public understanding of the work of the council and councillors in the various fields of the public service for which they are responsible. This means a full programme of information on the day-to-day work of the council and its committees, and of the Urban Services Department which is the council’s executive arm.
”Thc council and the department are responsible for action in many areas which affect the quality of life for nearly everyone in Hong Kong. These activities must be understood and appreciated by the public as much as possible. This is particularly important in view of the council’s new status,” Mr. de Sales said.
The contract for public relations consultancy services has been awarded to Michael Stevenson Ltd.
/The council .......
Tuesday, August 14, 1973
- 5 -
The council and the Urban Services Department emphasise that the role of the consultant company is to advise and to perform certain technical functions. The official contacts of the council and the department will still be conducted through the information officers seconded from the Government Information Services Department and where appropriate and required, by direct interview with councillors and department officials.
A three-storey pre-war building at No. 7 Chancery Lane in Central was today declared to be in a dangerous condition by the Building Authority.
The building has a four-storey kitchen block which was inspected at the request of a member of the public.
Fractured and crushing brickwork was found in several places in the ground floor of the kitchen block. In addition, bulged and fractured brickwork was observed in the upper walls of the kitchen block and to the rear wall of the main building. Further fractures were also observed internally.
Notices of intention to apply for a closure order were posted on the building today. Hearing will be in Victoria District Court at 9*30 a.m. on September 11. ---------------------------------0---------
Tuesday, August 14, 1973
- 6 -
Some 120 safety training courses are being offered by the Labour Department in an effort to reduce the number of industrial deaths and injuries.
The courses, which began last month, aim at encouraging both employers and workers to take up various working safety measures.
A spokesman for the Industrial Undertakings Unit of the Labour Department said that last year 121 industrial workers were killed and about 19,000 accidents involving bodily injuries were reported.
Ho urged managements of industrial undertakings to pay more attention to their legal responsibility towards industrial safety within their working places.
By the end of June this year, about 2,400 people attended various courses conducted by the Unit, but more assistance from the management level is needed in order to promote industrial safety.
”Top management involvement is essential if any accident prevention programme is to succeed,” the spokesman stressed.
The courses are mainly conducted in Cantonese and supplemented by short films and practical demonstrations.
Subjects vary from ’working in confined spaces’ to ’basic accident prevention’, and may last from one day to six weeks.
Tuesday, August 14, 1973
- 7 -
Advanced courses are mainly designed for the level of foreman upwards, while the basic courses are for general workers so as to suit the need of different participants.
The Industrial Safety Training Centre located at Canton Road Government Offices comprises four lecture rooms, each of which can accommodate up to 30 people.
There is also a show room displaying a wide range of adequately guarded machinery and a comprehensive selection of personal protective equipment.
The Director of Commerce and Industry announced today that the restraint on exports to Australia of certain cotton denims has been lifted with immediate effect.
The lift followed recent consultations between the Australian and Hong Kong governments.
The restraint, imposed last September, involved cotton denims, grey and other than grey, of six to 15 ounces by weight per square yard.
•Exports of such denims from Hong Kong to Australia will from now on be subject to an export authorisation scheme,” Mr. Ho said.
Details of the export authorisation scheme are set out in Notice to Exporters: Series 5 (Mise.) (Australia) No.4/75 issued today.
-------0--------- /8.....................
Tuesday, August 14, 1973
- 8 -
Mr. Archibald Zimmern, a prominent Hong Kong barrister, has been appointed a Queen’s Counsel.
Mr. Zimnern was born in Hong Kong and was educated at the DioaeeaxL Boyer* School, Kowloon . He was called to the English Bar by the Inner Temple in November, 1958 and was admitted as a barrister in Hong Kong in January 1959* He has practised here ever since.
Mr. Zimnern has sat as a Commissioner of the Supreme Court on more than one occasion.
--------0 --------
Release Time: 7»00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 15» 1973
Page No,
Standard tuition fees to be extended to more aided secondary schools next year 1
Large crowds queue up for applications for taxi driving licences ...................•................................. 4
Mid-year estimate of population .................................. 5
Two lots of rural land put up for sale............................ 6
District choir formed in Wong Tai Sin........•................. 7
Rest garden to be built in Wong Tai Sin district •••••••••••••«• 8
Further award for Sgt Cheung's family •••••••••••••••••••.......... 8
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, August 15, 1973
- 1 -
More Students To Benefit From Fee Remission
The government has decided to introduce from January 1 next year the existing standard tuition fees into 59 fully aided secondary schools which are still charging pre-19$5 fees.
At the same time the fee remission rates in the schools concerned will be increased by five per cent, thus enabling about 2,000 more pupils to apply for free places.
In the urban areas, the existing annual fee in government and other aided secondary schools is $400 for Forms 1 to 5 and $450 for Form 6. Fees in rural areas are half the urban fees.
The pre-1965 old standard rate of tuition fee is 3520 a year for Forms 1 to 5 and $>5&0 a year for Form 6 in urban aided secondary schools while the old rural standard annual tuition fee is $160 and §18O respectively.
An Education Department spokesman said today: ’’The government’s decision to adjust the fees follows implementation in April 1973 of the Unified Code of Aid for Secondary Schools which was drawn up in consultation with the 65-raember Subsidised Secondary Schools Council and the 22-member Grant Schools / Council.”
He pointed out that 54 urban, and five rural aided secondary schools were involved as compared with 62 government and aided secondary schools where pupils were already paying the existing standard tuition fees.
/’’In line ........
Wednesday, August 15, 1975
- 2 -
”In line with this change," the spokesman said, "the standard fee payable by pupils occupying five-year bought places in private secondary schools will also be adjusted from $520 to $400 in urban schools and $16O to $1200 in rural schools."
He said the parents concerned were being given a term’s notice regarding the regularisation of the fees as recommended by the 1965 White Paper on Education Policy.
The spokesman said that with the standardisation of tuition fees, the fee remission rates for needy pupils in the schools concerned would be increased from 40 to 45 per cent for Forms 1 to 5 and from 45 to 50 per cent for Form 6 to bring them into line with the rates existing in government and other aided secondary schools.
"With effect from January 1, 1974 the tuition fees for part-time evening courses at the Morrison Hill Technical Institute, the Evening School of Higher Chinese Studies and the Adult Education Centres will be increased slightly", the spokesman said.
The increases range from $10 to $40 annually. They are being revised following the payment of increased rates to lecturers.
But, the spokesman said, this would not affect fees already paid for the 1973/74 session of evening classes run by the Technical Institute.
The spokesman pointed out that the fees for some courses - rural literacy classes and general background education classes - remained unchanged.
"The groups which come together for practical background education in such activities as homecraft will find that there is no change in their fee either.
/The community ........
Wednesday, August 151 1973
’’The community service courses at the adult education and recreation centres are not affected and remain free of all official charges,” he said.
The following table gives a comparison of the existing and revised
fees for the courses affected:
Type of Course Existing Annual Fee Revised Annual Fee
Morrison Hill Technical Institute
Part-time Evening:
Elementary Intermediate Senior Advanced 840 50 60 70 850 60 75 100
Evening Institute/Adult Education Centres
Middle School (Adults) Secondary School (English and Chinese Sections) 160 160 200 200
Urban English Course (Elementary) *’ ” ’* (Intermediate) ” ” ” (Senior) Rural ” ” (Elementary) ” ” ” (Intermediate) 60 75 90 30 40 75 95 115 40 50
Post-Primary Extension 70 80
Teachers* Courses 90 115
Evening School of Higher Chinese Studies
3-year General Arts Course 400 425
0 /4
Wednesday, August 15, 1973
- 4 -
The Transport Department today advised would-be taxi drivers that there was no need to rush in their applications for driving licences.
A spokesman stressed that there was no time limit for the acceptance of applications for taxi driving licences, and applicants should not waste time in waiting in long queues.
He gave the advice after large crowds appeared outside the licensing offices on both sides of the harbour today when applications resumed after a break of about 10 months.
In Kowloon, the queue at the Pui Ching Road licensing office extended all the way to the Good Dates Restaurant in Waterloo Road,
The crowd at the licensing offices on the Island was smaller, but some of the applicants climbed up the counter inside the office in an attempt to be served first. Three window panes at the counter were broken.
Police had to be called in before order was restored.
The Transport Department stopped accepting applications for taxi driving licences on October 23 last year because of the long waiting list.
Since then, additional premises have become available in Kowloon and the backlog was cleared earlier than expected.
Wednesday, August 15, 1973
- 5 - '
Hong Kong’s estimated population at the end of June this year was 4,159,900 — an increase of 55,660 over the December 1972 estimate, according to figures released today by the Census and Statistics Department .
This increase compares with 15,000 in the same period last year and was due mainly to the positive balance of migration in January-June when total arrivals exceeded departures by 28,400.
The total number of births for January-June this year was • »
57,346 — an increase of 1,578 over the same period last year.
Total deaths recorded in the first half of.this year numbered 10,077 — 1,028 less than in the corresponding period.last year.-
Wednesday, August 15, 1973
- 6 -
Two lots of Crown land in the New Territories will be offered for sale by auction early next month.
Both lots are located at.Silver Strand, Clear Water Bay Road, and are for private residential development.
One measures square feet and has a building covenant of
$25OtOOO. The other covers an area of 15,800 square feet. The building covenant is $240,000,
The auction will be held at 2.50 p.m, on September 5 in the Sai Kung District Office, San Po Kong Government Offices, 692 Prince Edward Road, 1st floor, Kowloon.
Full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from and sale plans inspected at the New Territories Administration, North Kowloon Magistracy, Tai Po Road, and at the district offices of Yuen Long, Tsuen Wan, Tai Po, Sai Kung and Islands, International Building 4th floor, 141 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.
/7 .........
Wednesday, August 15, 1975
- 7 -
A district children’s choir has been formed in Wong Tai Sin as part of the promotion of cultural activities in the area.
The choir is made up of 100 boys and girls aged from seven to 11.
It was formed as a joint effort by more than 25 cultural organifiations in the district and is being sponsored by the Wong Tai Sin Community Centre.
’’The aim is to promote healthy extra-curricular activities for children in the district and at the same time help them to develop their interest and talents in music,” said Mr. Basil Leung, Warden of the Centre.
The choir has already given a half-hour performance in a children’s programme on television.
Tomorrow (Thursday) the entire choir, together with some 45 committee members, volunteers, workers, and teachers, will be going on an outing to Tai Mong Tsai in the New Territories.
In the afternoon, they will visit Pelletier Hall, a residential school run by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd for adolescent girls with personality and behavioural problems, to give a performance which will be followed by a tea party.
Wednesday, August 15, 1973
- 8 -
Residents in the densely populated areas of Wong Tai Sin and Chuk Yuen are to have a rest garden early next year.
The garden will be built on a 60,000-square-foot site at the slopes between V/ong Tai Sin and Chuk Yuen and will have paved footpaths, park benches and flower beds.
There will also be a roller skating rink. All existing trees within the site will be preserved.
Work on the project, which will cost an estimated 3190,000, is expected to begin by mid-September and will take about three months to complete.
-------0 --------/
The Criminal Injuries Compensation Board has approved an award of ($13,100 to the surviving family members of Sergeant Cheung Tin-lam who v/as killed in yesterday’s bank robbery in Sham Shui Po.
The money is being given to his mother, widow and three children.
A social worker from the Social Welfare Department visited the family this morning to offer other services which the department provides.
The department is also trying to find out whether the bystanders who were injured in the incident are also entitled to compensation.
Release Time: 7«3O p.m.
Thursday, August 16, 1973
Page No.
Prison officers to receive one year’s back pay •••••••••«••• 1
Plover Cove oxtension scheme virtually complete .............. 2
Record number of new building plans approved ••••••••••••••• 4
Recreation room for youths in Tai Hang Tung................. 5
Appointment of new puisne judge ............................ 6
Employment found for 16 disabled last month................. 7
Museum competition to stimulate children’s interest in art.. 9
Building in Western declared dangerous ...................... 10
Labour dispute in hosiery factory settled ................... 11
Table tennis for youth in Tsuen Wan-Kwai Chung area......... 11
Labour Department intensifies industrial safety training ... 12
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, August 16, 1973
- 1 -
Some 230 assistant prison officers class II, who wore rograded on August 1 last year from the old rank of warder, are to receive a year’s back pay*
Announcing this today, a government spokesman said that the decision would benefit those officers who had earlier been unable to show proof of their primary 6 education standard. All other officers within the grade had already been paid from the effective date of their regrading.
”Those who could not produce the required proof of educational attainment were asked to sit for a departmental examination held in May this year,” he recalled. ”The examination was designed to assess their efficiency in carrying out responsibilities within the grade • All officers who passed the examination will now have their salaries readjusted from the effective date of regrading.”
0 - -
Thursday, August 16 1973
The 837-million Plover Cove extension scheme is now virtually complete.
Launched in June 1970 as part of the government’s effort toconeure a continuous water supply for Hong Kong people, the project has increased the reservoir’s storage capacity from j8;5OO to 52,000 million gallons.
A spokesman for the Waterworks Office said today that work had proceeded smoothly, except for some minor delays due to adverse weather.
’’All that remains to be done is surfacing the road on top of the main reservoir wall and turfing the area,” he said. ’’This is expected to be completed within two months.”
“Plans are also being drawn up for landscaping the surrounding area affected by the work,” the spokesman added.
With the completion of the project Hong Kong’s total water storage capacity has gone up from 5^,000 to 67,500 million gallons.
And this will practically be doubled with the completion in 1977 of the High Island reservoir which will have a storage capacity of 60,000 million gallons.
In addition, the Castle Peak desalination plant will produce a further 40 million gallons of fresh water a day by 1976, to meet the increasing demand for water in the Seventies.
/The Plover Cove.......•
Thursday, August 16, 1973
- 3 -
The Plover Cove scheme involved the raising of the main and two subsidiary dams, the construction of a small saddle dam at the Tai Mei Tuk peninsula, and the installation of 64 concrete syphons on the existing spillway, thus increasing the maximum storage level from 27 to 44 feet.
Raising of the three dams comprised the majority of the work. The crest length of the main dam now measures 6,800 feet and that of the northern and southern subsidiary dams are 650 and 690 feet respectively.
The syphons, which work by suction to discharge excess flood water into the sea at a much higher rate than a conventional spillway, will reduce the amount of freeboard needed to contain flood water build up in the reservoir and thus reduce the cost and time of construction.
Note to Editors: Copies of a photograph of the
main dam are boxed for collection. --------------------0----------
Thursday, August 16, 1973
A total of 163 new building plans was approved by the Buildings Ordinance Office in June this year — the highest for any single month in the past 10 years.
More than half of the new plans were for residential or for combined apartment/commercial buildings, and included a 27-storey apartment block in King’s Road and a 27-storey apartment/commercial building in Queen’s Road West.
The new plans were among some 1,400 submissions and re—submissions dealt v/itxi by the office during the month. A spokesman explained that the high number of new building plans approved was the result of a new and faster checking system adopted in May this year to clear the backlog of building plans brought about by the June 1972 rainstorms, the lack of staff and the rapid growth in the building industry.
One of the aims of the new system is to clear the backlog of 1,923 plans outstanding on May 1, 1973. By the end of Juno, all but about 40 of such plans were processed. '
While the new processing method is not as rigorous as the old, strict attention is paid to the safety standards of proposed new buildings,” the spokesman said.
’’Tne safety aspects of new buildings, .are of paramount importance and no corners are being cut for the sake of speed,” he stressed.
/In addition ......
Thursday, August 16, 1973
- 5 -
In addition to the new plans approved, the Buildings Ordinance Office also certified 64 buildings for occupation. The declared construction cost of these buildings amounted to over 3162 million.
The office also gave permission for construction to start on 57 building projects.
The Tai Hang Tung Community Centre has turned one of its rooms into a rest and recreation area for young children in the estate who have nowhere to go to in the evenings.
The move is part of the self-programming activities conducted by club members of the centre under the supervision of the centre’s staff, according to Miss Lilian Wong, Warden of the Centre.
The new rest and recreation room will provide boys and girls of the estate with a place where they can relax in a pleasant atmosphere and take part in group activities such as folk songs and plays, among others.
Light music will also be provided during opening hours which is from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. every evening.
Thursday, August 16, 1973
- 6 -
Hr. Commissioner Morley-John has been appointed a Puisne Judge of tho Supreme Court.
Mr. Justice Morley-John was educated at Wycliffe College and at Bristol University where he obtained his Bachelor of Laws Degree.
He was called to the Bar in 1950 by Gray’s Inn and later practised on the Western Circuit until he joined the service of the Hong Kong Government as a Crown Counsel in July 1951*
He has acted as Deputy Registrar between 1952 and 195^ and sat as a Magistrate in 195&»
In 1961 he was appointed Principal Crown Counsel and later in the year became Director of Public Prosecutions.
He acted as Solicitor General in 19&2 and again in 1966 until his appointment as a District Judge in October 19&7-
He has also acted as a Temporary Additional Puisne Judge and a Commissioner of the Supreme Court on various occasions since 1968.
Mr. Justice Morley-John (50) is married with two children, and is the holder of the Naval Reserve Decoration.
Thursday, August 16, 1973
- 7 -
July was a disappointing month for placing handicapped people in jobs, Mr. Chan Shiu-wing, officer-in-charge of the Social Welfare Department’s Job Placement Unit, said today.
”Thero are two reasons for this. First, we faced the seasonal factor where summer student workers were again given jobs which could rightly have been filled by disabled people. Then, there was a slow down in production by some factories because of the shortage and increasing cost of raw materials,” Mr. Chan said.
During the month, his Unit was only able to place 16 disabled in jobs — a discharged mental patient, a cured tuberculosis patient, three mentally retarded, three deaf and eight crippled.
Of these, two were taken on by the government as key punch operators and another by a hotel as a storekeeper. Of the remainder, six were found jobs as machine sewers, five as general workers and two as watchmen. ............
Despite the difficulties, officers of the Unit continued their efforts to find employment for the disabled. They held discussions with the Hong. Kong Telephone Company, and following visits to its workshop, exchange building and training school, recommended 10 persons for employment with that company.
/The Unit
Thursday, August 16, 1973
- 8 -
The Unit also arranged interviews for two blind telephone operators for possible employment to fill a vacancy in a government department.
Mr. Chan said one of the most difficult problems facing his
Unit vzas still the attitude of employers towards handicapped people though it had considerably improved of late.
"Many employers think that because someone is physically disabled, he is unable to work, or to do a job properly. This is totally untrue.
In fact, many disabled persons have proven to be much better than those without any disabilities in selected placements.
fortunately, this attitude is gradually changing and I am glad to say that more employers are beginning to realise that disabled persons when fully trained and placed in a job appropriate to their training, aptitude and residential capacity can make a contribution equal to and, we like to think, at times better than an average person,"
Mr. Chan said
Thursday, August 16, 1973
- 9 -
Reproductions of famous paintings and Chinese antiquities are some of the attractive prizes to be won in the second children’s museum competition organised by the City Museum and Art Gallery.
The competition, which starts tomorrow (Friday), aims at encouraging children to visit the museum and art gallery and stimulate their interest in Chinese art.
It is open to everyone under 1? and is divided into two sections — senior for children over 1}, and junior for those aged 1J and under.
The competition will continue until September 30 and will be
held daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p*m., except Thursdays and Sundays when the museum will be closed.
Children entering the competition will be required to study the exhibits and captions in the museum, and then answer some simple questions on Chinese art and antiquities.
The questions are intended to develop their power of observation, logical thinking, imagination, and written and pictorial expression.
A list of the winners will be published on October 22.
Thursday, August 16, 1973
- 10 -
The Building Authority today declared No. 7^ Wing Lok Street in Western District to be in a dangerous condition and No. 76 liable to become dangerous.
These four-storey pre-war buildings v/ere inspected following a report of damage in the aftermath of Typhoon Dot.
Severe fractures were found in the arches spanning the rear main wall of No. 7^ at all levels. In view of the type of construction it is considered that there is a risk of failure leading to a collapse. A number of badly decayed timbers were also discovered.
The construction of No. 76 is similar and fractures were also observed in the arches at the rear. It may therefore become dangerous during or after the demolition of No. 76.
Notices of intention to apply for closure orders were posted on the buildings today. Hearing will be in the Victoria District Court at 9.J0 a.m. on September 14.
Thursday, August 16, 1973
- 11 -
Officers of the Labour Relations Service of the Labour Department today helped settle a labour dispute involving 47 redundant workers of the First Hong Kong Seamless Nylon Stockings Factory Limited.
The workers were rendered redundant on August 8.
Under the agreement, each worker will receive seven days’ wages in lieu of notice; six days ex-gratia payment; and annual bonus at the rate of 2.17 days’ wages for each month of completed service in 1973« The total amount involved is about 315,000.
The Princess Alexandra Cormunity Centre in Tsuen Wan has organ-is^ a junior team table tennis tournament for youngsters living in the area.
The competition opens tomorrow (Friday) and will be held at the centre each weekday between 2 and 5 p.n. It is open to boys and girls under the age of 14.
Applications should be made to room 21J, second floor, Princess Alexandra Community Centre, Tai Ho Road, Tsuen Wan.
►. i.'.
Thursday, August 16, 1973
- 12 -
The Labour Department’s Industrial Safety Training Centre is intensifying its training of workers and supervisory staff in accident prevention.
Mr. Chan Wing Kai, Industrial Safety Training Officer of the Labour Department, revealed this when he was addressing the Castle Peak Lion’s Club dinner this evening.
In the last financial year, he said,the Centre had organised 40 courses on basic and advanced accident prevention; 7^- on safety in specialised processes such as power press operation and woodworking; and a speed al course to train industrial safety officers for individual factories.
Officers of the Centre had also given safety talks to some 5,700 technical students during the same period.
”In the current financial year, the Centre is offering a total of 150 courses, and will give talks to an estimated 6,500 technical students," Mr. Chan said.
In addition to conducting training courses, the Centre has organised two seminars on safety in the construction industry.
Mr. Chan said the training courses and seminars not only helped participants gain a deeper understanding of industrial hazards, but also helped change some of their basic attitudes towards iindustrial safety.
/He said: •••••••
Thursday, August 16, 1973
- 13 -
He said: "All training courses are offered free of charge as part of the Labour Department’s services to industry. Course programmes have recently been sent to 3,6^8 factories inviting them to take part.”
"Apart from the comparatively minor cost of releasing the staff from work, this is a free investment for employers in i ndustrnal safety -and I am sure that the dividends will be more than handsome for both employers and workers,” Mr. Chan said.
In accident prevention, he stressed, management must take the same kind of leadership as it dops in production and marketing.
"It is only by applying to accident prevention the basic principles of management - planning, organising, directing and controlling — that there will be any reduction in the waste of human and financial resources caused each year by accidents,” Mr. Chan said.
Release Time: 7.30 p.m.
Friday, August 171 1973
Page No,
Macau Ferry Pior w£q ^e expanded to ease congestiont ••••• ••• 1
Passing-out parade of 17 assistant immigration officers 2
Hong Kong’s first conference on special education opens next week ................................................••• • •• 3
Two new commuter ferry routes to Central on trial basis 5
New regulations to keep buildings clean........................ 7
Road improvements in North Point and Shau Kei Wan 8
Archcry contest and boat-building course for youth 9
Three factories fined for emitting excessive smoke •••••••••• 10
Coffee quota allocated for re-exports •••••••••••••••••»•« t n
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Friday, August 17, 1973
- 1 -
The Macau Forry Terminal is to be expanded as an interim measure to cope with the large number of travellers using the terminal.
In the meantime, a long-term plan is being considered to ease the overcrowding at the terminal building.
In the short term development, additional bays will be constructed at the eastern end of the complex and the existing eastern section will be expanded northwards to provide additional public spaces, office aceonmnrl?15on and toilets.
The southern side of this section of the complex has also been replanned to give more covered waiting space for departing passengers, enabling them to move more rapidly through the terminal.
The passenger processing areas, where travellers await document checks, will be air-conditioned to make the wait more pleasant.
A new transformer house will also be built to cater for the increased demand in electrical loading.
Work is expected to begin in October, and will take about four months to complete.
On completion, the present overcrowding at the Macau Ferry Terminal should be relieved considerably.
/Commenting on ......
Friday, August 17, 1973
- 2 -
Commenting on the present terminal, a Marine Department spokesman said it was originally designed to cope with 500,000 passengers a year.
But the number of passengers passing through the terminal had increased from two million in 1968 to more than 3.5 million in 1972 and "it is expected that the figure will rise to as high as 5»5« million by 1977," he said.
-------0 --------
Note to Editors: Seventeen Assistant Immigration Officers
will take part in a passing-out parade to be . held at the Royal Hong Kong Regiment Parade Ground on Saturday (18th) morning.
The Secretary for Security, Mr. G.P. Lloyd, will inspect and address the parade.
You are invited to have the event covered. The parade will take place at the Royal Hong Kong Regiment Parade Ground, Sports Road, Happy Valley at 9*30 a.m.
- 0 -
Friday, August 17, 1973
- 3 -
Hong Kong’s first conference on special education opens next Tuesday (August 21) to discuss the latest trends in this field.
The conference, to be held in the Granthan College of Education, will be opened by Mr. J. Canning, Director of Education. About 500 people will attend.
’’The main aim of the conference is to make known to teachers in special schools and special classes, heads of government primary schools, doctors, social workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and staff of rehabilitation agencies the latest trends in special education,” Miss Elizabeth Rowe, Senior Education Officer (Special Education) said today.
”It will also provide an opportunity for those involved to discuss these modern trends in relation to various disciplines of rehabilitation in a local sotting," she added.
Apart from Mr. Canning and Miss Rowe, there will be five other speakers. They are Professor S.L. Kong, Professor and Director of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Mrs. Winnie M.H. Chan, Inspector (Education of Slow-Learning Children); Professor G.M. Kneebone, Professor of Paediatrics, University of Hong Kong; Mrs. Gennie Lee, Executive Secretary of the Boys and Girls Clubs Association; and Mr. N.M. Ho, Deputy Director of Education, who will give the closing address.
/The conference .......
Friday, August 17, 1973
- A -
The conference is being organised by the Special Education Section of the Education Department. At the same time, the section is holding a two-day eszhibition of special teaching aids and techniques.
Members of the public are welcome to attend the exhibition at the college whore they will see a classroom setting for slow-learning children.
The exhibits will include remedial and specially adapted material designed for children with learning problems related to visual, auditory, physical and speech handicaps.
The exhibition will also show assessment and therapeutic materials for children with learning difficulties and graded material in relation to curriculum developments in special education.
Note to Editors: You are invited to cover the conference and
exhibition on August 21 at the Grantham College of Education, Gascoigne Road, Kowloon. The conference begins at 9*30 a.m. and will last until 5 p-m.
For your information, Miss Rowe.will speak on ”Modern Trends in Special Education”, Professor Kong on ”New Developments in Educational Research”, Mrs. Chan on ’’Curriculum Development in Special Education”, Professor Kneetyone on ”Modern Trends in Paediatrics”, and Mrs. Lee on ”Problems of Youth”.
Friday, August 17, 1973
- 5 -
Hong Kong’s commuters may soon be taking to the water to escape increasing traffic congestion on land — at least that’s the plan of the Hongkong and Yaumati Ferry Company.
The Commissioner for Transport,-Mr. Brian Wilson, announced today that the company will begin a trial service ”in the next month or so” from Hei Foo Sun Chuen to Central using its new 60-foot air conditioned launches.
”A similar trial service may be provided in a few months time from Wah Fu to Central,” he added.
lir. Wilson said the Mei Foo service was likely to be very popular, but he pointed out that bigger vessels couldn’t be considered until the demand was established and proper landing berths provided.
At weekends, he said, these launches would be available for recreational services and ”we hope they can replace the junks and sampans at present improperly used in the New Territories for moving holiday-makers to outlying spots.”
A survey to determine the origin and destination of these trips is now being considered^ and will form the basis of the proposed new recreational services.
/Mr. v/ilson......
Friday, August 17, 1973
- 6 -
Mr. Wilson was speaking today at the launching of the Hongkong and Yaumati Ferry Company’s sixth triple decker ferry, the Man Chi.
He described the launching of another triple decker as a ’’substantial step towards meeting the increasing demands for passenger ferries for commuter and recreational traffic.”
The new ferry is expected to be used on the ’’booming” Central to Kwun Tong commuter service on weekdays, and provide additional capacity for the Central to Silvermine Bay or Cheung Chau services at weekends and holidays.
Mr. Wilson said a forward programme for providing new piers had been drawn up towards the end of last year — including second piers at North Point and Kwun Tong, and new ones at Bting Hom and Sam Ka Tsuen.
”Most of them are now in the public works programme but unfortunately it looks as if it won’t be possible to complete them as early as we could have wished.”
He explained that this was not through ’’lack of trying,” but rather due to the lengthy procedures involved in implementing the programme.
Note to Editors: Copies of the full text of Mr. Wilson’s
speech are boxed for collection. --------------------0----------
Friday, August 17, 1973
- 7 -
Amended regulations concerning the cleansing of litter in common parts of buildings are published in today’s gazette.
The Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances (New Territories) (Amendment) Regulations 1973 were made under the Public Health and Urban Services Ordinance in support to the current "Clean Our Buildings" Campaign.
Previously, a notice could be served on the person responsible for the management or cleansing of a building requiring him to remove litter from certain common parts of the building.
The amended regulations extend this provision to other common parts of the building, and stipulate that the notice may be served either on the person responsible for the management or cleansing of the building or on the owner or occupier.
The person on whom the notice is served will be required to clean, and keep clean for a period not exceeding 30 days, the area of the building specified in the notice.
If the' notice is not complied with, the Director of Urban Services may order the necessary work to be undertaken and recover the expenses.
The regulations also make it an offence for an owner to allow his dog to foul a common part of a building, a street or public place even though at the time of the offence his dog was in the charge of an employee or a member of his family.
Discharging of pigwash in public places is also an offence.
o - -
Friday, August 17, 1973
- 8 -
Pale Fuk Road in North Point will soon be extended by about 9OC feet to a point at the former Braemar Terrace where a large building site is being developed.
Beginning from the Chinese Methodist School, the new road will lead up to the western boundary of the site.
It will be a 24-foot-wide bituminous carriageway, with eightfoot-wide concrete footpaths on both sides.
In addition to the road work, a 12-inch diameter sewer will be extended to serve the building development. Storm water drains will also be built for surface water disposal.
Construction work is expected to begin next month, and will take about eight months to complete.
Another road on Hong Kong Island to be extended is A Kung Ngam Road in Shau Kei Wan to serve future industrial and residential development in the area.
The road will be extended northwards by about 1,200 feet to join Shau Kei Wan Main Street East near the old swimming pavilion of the South China Athletics Association.
On completion, the road will provide a carriageway of 24 to 32 feet in width. There will be footpaths of eight or nine feet in width on both sides. A drainage system will be built in conjunction with road works.
Work is expected to start in October, and take about 18 months to complete.
-------0--------- /9..........................
Friday, August 17, 1973
- 9 -
* * ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ * * ♦
Fifty teenagers aged between 11 and 14 years will take part in an archery contest on Monday (August 20)•
The contest, organised by the Tai Hang Tung Community Centre, will be held at the Royal Hong Kong Police target range at Smugglers Ridge.
Another activity the centre is conducting is a course in which young people are taught to build canoes using fibre&Lass. Two classes are being held, one in the morning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays nnd another in the evening on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
An expedition training course teaching map reading, first aid, camping techniques and other related outdoor activities has just ended.
The projects are part of the summer youth programme to give young people a choice of outdoor activities in which they can develop new skills, meet new friends and build up their confidence.
Friday, August 17, 1973
- 10 -
The proprietors of three factories were fined a total of S3,3OO in North Kowloon Magistracy today for offences under the Clean Air Ordinance.
Two of the factories - the Meyer Aluminium Limited and the Hong Kong Rolling Mills Ltd. - with two previous convictions each, were fined 31,500 and 31,200 respectively.
The other factory fined was the Atlantic Enamel Factory (HK) Ltd. of Tsuen Wan, the first offender since Tsuen Wan was declared a smoke control zone on May 15 this year. The factory was fined 3600.
All these factories were found guilty of emitting dark smoke exceeding the permitted period within a Smoke Control Area.
Under the Clean Air Ordinance, it is an offence for an occupier of any premises within a smoke control area to operate any furnace, oven, or chimney in such a manner that dark smoke is emitted for more than six minutes in any period of four hours or for more than three minutes continuously at any one time.
Friday, August 17, 1973
- 11 -
The Commerce and Industry Department announced today that it was prepared to approve applications to import coffee for re-export purposes from non-member countries of the International Coffee Agreement.
A quota of 150,000 kilograms has been allocated for this purpose for the next coffee year, starting October 197^+ •
A spokesman for the department said the quota would be allocated in consignments of 30*000 kilograms per application.
Successful applications will be ballotted for on the basis of applications received by noon on Monday, September 17.
There will be no change in the procedure in respect of coffee imported from member countries.
During the current coffee year — October 1, 1972 to September 30, *1973 — the Commerce and Industry Department had only approved applications to import coffee from non-member countries for local consumption.
The spokesman said a further announcement regarding imports of coffee from non-member countries for the coming coffee year would be made as soon as information was received.
Release time: 7*30 p.m.
Saturday, August 18, 1973
Page No,
Immigration Department’s relation with Hong Kong’s security ......... 1
Summarised report on Future Needs of Elderly sent out for public comment • ••••...................................................... 2
TVB artistes to promote sale of government lottery .,•••...•••••••• J
Christmas card design competition for mentally handicapped •••••••• 4
A Kwai Chung lot withdrawn from sale ............................... 5
Ship captains advised to use reliable buoy shackles ................ 6
Assistant Director of Marine retiring................................ 7
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, August 18, 1973
- 1 -
Officers of the Immigration Department represent the first line of defence in safeguarding Hong Kong’s security, the Secretary for Security, Mr. G.P. Lloyd, said today.
Addressing a group of Assistant Immigration Officers at a passing-out parade this (Saturday) morning, Mr. Lloyd impressed on them that it was their responsibility ”to keep out undesirables of various sorts, thus saving the police and other law enforcement agencies a great deal of time and work.”
He reminded the officers that they represented not only the Immigration Department, but the Hong Kong government in general and urged them to be always courteous to the public they served.
’’You must always be tolerant of human weakness, combining this with a sense of justice and a deep appreciation of human problems,” he said.
One of his tasks as Secretary for Security, he went on, was to keep a watching brief on the activities of the department which he described as ’’comparatively small” in Hong Kong terms.
Nevertheless, it handled an enormous volume of work, dealing with some 25,000 people on an average day.
Last year, the department issued nearly one million visas and travel documents of various sorts, and gave immigration clearance to over 8.5 million travellers.
Note to Editors: Copies of the full text of Mr. Lloyd’s
speech, in English and Chinese, are boxed for collection.
Saturday, August 18, 197J
- 2 -
More than 1,000 copies of the summary of the report by the r/orki ng party on the Future Needs of the Elderly have been sent out for public comment. «. • •
The summaries, in English and Chinese, have been sent to voluntary agencies, kaifongs, rural committees, City District Offices, schools, clinics, hospitals, churches and other organisations., Some have also been sent overseas.
Hr. Bowen Leung, Administrative Officer (Planning) said the working party in conjunction with the Social Welfare Department was now gathering comments and criticisms of the recommendations in the report from as many sources as possible, so that a final version could be prepared for presentation to the government.
lie asked people to send in their views before the end of September.
The summaries are also being sold at the Government Publications Centre at the Star Ferry Concourse on Hong Kong Island, at 31 a copy.
In its report, the working party made wide ranging recommendations for expanded services to the elderly based on the concept of "care in the community."
Note to Editors: Copies of the summary in Chinese are
being distributed tonight in the Press Boxes* The Engl.ish summary was issued following the press conference on July 18.
Saturday, August 18, 1973
- 3 -
Four popular TVB artistes will sell government lottery tickets at a temporary ticket selling booth in Statue Square on Monday (August 20) between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.
The promotion campaign for the fifth government lottery ticket of the year will be conducted, by Miss Lee Heng-kam, Miss Lisa 'Wang, Hiss Sum Sum and Miss Margaret Miller,
The winning numbers for this lottery will be'drawn by the four artistes on August 25, in the City Hall Theatre.
By 12.00 noon today (Saturday) a total of 491,000 tickets had been sold. Ticket sales will close at 9 p.m. on Friday (August 24) at the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club ticket selling booth at the Star Ferry Concourse and all Hong Kong and Yaumati Ferry piers.
Noto to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter
and/or photographer to cover the event, on Monday afternoon at Statue Square, next to • the Prince’s Building.
' -----0--------
Saturday, August 1o, 1973
- 4 -
Judging of entries for 1973/74 Christmas card design competition organised for mentally handicapped people will take place on Tuesday, August 21•
The competition is sponsored by the New Life .Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, a government subyented voluntary welfare agency, and was open to all mental or former mental patients from clinics, hospitals, and so on. The judging and selection of winning entries .will be held at the Social Welfare Department’s Lady Trench Training Centre at 44, Oi Kwan Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong,
It will be followed by a special lecture on "Painting as a Self-expression of Mental Patients" by Dr. Q.Y. Chung of Kowloon Hospital’s Psychiatric Unit,
A spokesman for the Association said the winning entries would be produced into Christmas cards which would be sold to raise money towards the Association’s multi-purpose centre in Nam Cheong Street, Kowloon.
This centre will provide half-way house, hostel and occupational rehabilitation facilities in one’ central locality on a 60,000 square foot site.
Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to cover the
selection of winning entries in the competition on Tuesday, August 21 at the Lady Trench Training Centre at 44, Oi Kwan Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. It will begin at 5zk5 p.m.
Saturday, August 1o, 1973
- 5 -
The New Territories Administration announced today that Kwai Chung Lot Mo. 261 has been withdrawn from the public auction due to be hold on Monday (August 20) at the Princess Alexandra Centre in Tsuen Wan.
The government is now unable to give possession of this particular site within a reasonable period of time.
The auction of Tsuen Wan Town Lot No. 229 and Kwai Chung Town Lot No. 264 will take place as advertised.
The lot withdrawn has an area of 6,200 square feet and was the smallest of the three being offered for sale. The Tsuen Wan lot is 11,700 square feet and the Kwai Chung lot 37^400 square feet. ♦ ----------------------------------0---------
Saturday, August 18, 1973
- 6 -
The Marine Department is advising masters of vessels to ensure the reliability of connecting shackles when they berth at government typhoon moorings within the harbour.
The advice follows an investigation into the five vessels which broke adrift from their moorings during the passage of Typhoon Dot last month
The investigation showed that several patent joining shackles parted at a time when recorded wind speed was only 20 knots.
Masters of vessles are urged to refrain from using this type of joining shackles to secure their ships to moorings when a tropical storm may affect Hong Kong.
They are reminded of their responsibility to check that buoy shackles, which are used to secure ships’ anchor cables to the moorings, are compatible with the quality and size of the cables.
A valid test certificate in respect of the compatibility of fitted shackles should also be kept on board for inspection by Marine officers.
Saturday, August 13, 1973
Mr. E.M.J.A. Bower, Assistant Director of Marine, will be retiring shortly after more than 23 years of service with the government.
±0 mark the occasion, Mr. A. Fletcher, Director of Marine, will present a souvenir to Mr. Bower on Monday on behalf of his friends and colleagues.
Mr. Bower first joined the government as a Marine Officer in May 1950. He was promoted to Senior Marine Officer in October 1934 and to his substantive post in April 1963.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter and/or
photographer to cover the ceremony which will take place at 4.30 p.m. on Monday (August 20) in the Director of Mariners office, 102 Connaught Road Central, 1st floor, Hong Kong.
Release Time: 2.30 p.m.
Monday, August 20, 1973
Pago No.
Special education facilities being extended to aided primary schools ........................................... 1
Estate shopkeepers offered improved tenancy terns .......... J
Study to assess effects of proposed new traffic light system ................................................................ 5
New Registrar of Trade Unions appointed ...................... 6
Temporary v/ater stoppage in Tsuen Wan........................ 6
Two buildings in Central declared dangerous .............. 7
Hower competition for residents of girls’ home............8
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5'233191
Monday, August 20, 1973
- 1 -
Special classes for handicapped children will be extended to aided primary schools in the new academic year which starts next month.
Supervised by the Special Education Section of the Education Department, these classes are designed for less severely handicapped children such as the slow learning, the partially hearing and the partially sighted*
At present, special classes are run only in government primary schools. It is planned that by the beginning of the next school year there will be a total of 86 such classes in government primary schools.
In addition, eleven such classes will be operated in four subsidised primary schools — the Po Leung Kuk Primary School, Our Lady of China Primary School in Kwun Tong, the St. John Bosco School, Ngau Tau Kok Branch, and the Holy Cross Lutheran School in Tsuen Wan.
The Special Education Section regularly runs one-year in-service training courses for teachers of blind, partially sighted, deaf, partially hearing, physically handicapped, slow learning, maladjusted and socially deprived children in special schools and classes.
The section also runs a special education service centre at Sir Ellis Kadoorie Primary School at Hospital Road in the Western District to provide diagnosti-c and remedial services.
/These services
Monday, August 20, 1973
- 2 -
These services are provided free and include psychological testing and educational assessment for handicapped children, audiometric and speech screening for primary school children, audiological testing for children with suspected hearing-impairment, speech testing for children with suspected speech defects, auditory and speech training for hearing-impaired children and individual speech therapy for children with speech defects.
Parents are urged to avail themselves of these specialists’ services to help their children if they find them slow learning, having behaviour problems or handicaps in their sense of sight, hearing or speech.
Teachers are also urged to refer pupils with such problems to the Special Education Section for specialists’ attention.
’’Early assessment and proper treatment will prevent a minor handicap from developing into a serious disability,” a spokesman of the Section said.
"Remedial measures based on specialists’ recommendations will enable children with hearing or behaviour problems to receive the correct form of education and lead a normal life."
He revealed that his section planned to set up another centre in Knowloon which would have the same comprehensive services.
In addition there are hospital schools for ehiT dren undergoing treatment or convalescing in hospitals.
Hospital school education prevents children from falling behind in their studies when they rejoin normal classes after their discharge from hospitals. It also keeps them usefully occupied xvhile they are in hospitals.
-------0---------- /3.....................
Monday, August 20, 1973
- 3 -
Shopkeepers in the older public housing estates are to get a better deal. The Housing Department is asking nearly 11,000 shopkeepers and restaurant owners who now let premises on a month-to-month basis to sign long-term tenancy agreements.
Under the old system, where premises were let on a tenancy-card *
basis, the tenancy could be terminated at any time by landlord or tenant at a month’s notice. The new tenancy agreement which shopkeepers are being asked to sign will be for two years in the first instance, renewable for another three years.
A letter is being sent to each individual shop tenant setting out the advantages of the new system. In it, the Deputy Director of Estate Management, Mr. Ralph Husband, explains that the long-term agreement will enable tenants to better plan their business.
"It does not mean that after five years* time your tenancy will be terminated and your shop recovered. Normally if a tenancy is satisfactory to both parties it will be renewed, although the terms may be varied.u
According to Mr. Husband present shop rents included a considerable subsidy which made them much lower than those in the private sector.
Under the monthly tenancy system, rents could be increased at any time but with fixed tenancies the rent can not be varied until the tenancy has expired. Once the agreements are signed, no rent readjustment will be made before December 1975-
/New tenants ••••••
Monday, August 20, 1973
Nev/ tenants of shops will have to pay a refundable deposit equal to three months’ rent but existing tenants who sign the agreement will be exempted from this condition.
The new system will correct existing anomalies. For example the policy of allowing shopkeepers to change trades will be stopped. But this has advantages for tenants.
Says Mr. Husband: ’’Superficially you may feel that you would have less liberty in this respect, but as this ruling applies to other shops also it would as a matter of fact enable you to enjoy a better business by preventing a neighbouring shop from changing to a trade competitive to your own.”
Under tenancy agreements, transfer of a shop to another tenant will not be permitted but this ruling will not affect existing tenants immediately. They will be allowed to transfer their tenancies until December 1 this year.
As a special concession, partners can be added to the tenancy before the agreement is signed. Partners were not allowed under tenancy-card agreements.
Calling for tenants’ cooperation in the new system, Mr. Husband said: ”They need have no fears about their tenancy being taken away from them. This is one of several moves the Housing Department is making to improve management as well as living conditions in the older estates.”
0 - -
Monday, August 20, 1973
- 5 -
A survey will be carried out later this week to find out whether traffic movement at road junctions can be improved by omitting the red-amber "prepare to start" light at traffic signals.
Announcing this today, the Commissioner for Transport said the amber with red lights — which denotes an impending change to green — was not respected by many drivers.
"This is a contributory factor in accidents at junctions controlled by traffic lights," he said.
The survey will start at 10 a.m. on Thursday (August 23) and will last for two months.
During this period, the red-amber light will be disconnected on traffic signals at four selected locations — Nathan Road/Austin Road junction and Nathan Road pedestrian crossing at Soy Street in Kowloon; and, Garden Road/Queensway junction and Chater Road pedestrian crossing at the subway to Star Ferry, on the Island.
The survey aims at assessing what effects the omission of the red-amber light will have on delays to traffic, pedestrians, accidents at traffic signals and drivers’ behaviour.
Monday, August 20, 1973
- 6
The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs has approved the promotion of Mr. Tsang Tat-sing to Registrar of Trade Unions.
He succeeds Mr. J.R. Allen who will be proceeding on pre-retirement leave on September 2.
Mr. Tsang, who is 5% was first appointed as a Clerk/Interpreter in 1951 • He became Assistant Registrar of Trade Unions four years later and Deputy Registrar in 19&9«
Mr. Tsang is married with no children.
Note to Editors: Copies of a photograph of Mr. Tsang are
boxed for collection.
Water supply to a number of premises in Tsuen Wan will bo interrupted for five hours starting from 1 a.n. on Wednesday (August 22).
The temporary stoppage is to enable the Waterworks Office to carry out a leakage test.
The area affected is bounded by Texaco Road, Tai Wo Hau Road, Tai
Wo Hau Estate block 1, and 12-20, and Asbury Methodist Cottage.
_______0_________ /7.....................
Monday, August 20, 1973
- 7 -
Two three-storey pre-war buildings located at Nos. 7 and 9 Wing Wo Street were today declared dangerous by the Building Authority.
In a statement issued this morning the Principal Government Building Surveyor said that these buildings were inspected subsequent to a complaint. Precautionary measures were carried out by the owners, removing the immediate danger.
"However, during the course of a subsequent inspection it was discovered that the party wall between the two buildings is now badly bulged and fractured and there is a risk of failure giving rise to a collapse,’1 he said.
Notices of intention to apply for closure orders in Victoria District Court at 9-30 a.m. on September 21 were posted today.
Monday, August 20, 1973
- 8 -
A cut-ribbon flower competition has been organised for the girls in the care of the Ma Tau Wei Girls Home of the Social Welfare Department. It will be held on Friday (August 24).
”The aim of organising this competition is to promote the girls’ skills and interest in this particular field which is one of our newly designed training courses introduced this year,” said Miss Cheung Suk-fong, superintendent of the home.
Two experts, Miss Fukuda Junko and Miss Hiroko Kito, who are instructors of the cut-ribbon flower class at the YWCA, have been invited to judge the competition. They will also give a demonstration of cut-ribbon flower arrangement.
On the occasion, Mr. Mak Wing-hong, Principal Social Welfare Officer (Correctional Institutions), has been invited to address the audience and Mrs. Mak will present prizes to winners of the competition.
Guests will include Mrs. C.B. Marr, Magistrate of the Juvenile Court, Mr. S.M. Lee, Senior Principal Social Welfare Officer (Probation), Mr. Wallace Lee, Principal Probation Officer, superintendents and staff of correctional institutions, caseworkers and probation officers.
Release time: 7<00
* IfkISm) |gis| |f Kfel
Tuesday, August 21, 1973
Pago No.
Ma Wan to bo developed into a holiday resort •••••••••••••••• 1
Chinese General Chamber of Commerce to issue certificates of origin............................................ j
General Consumer Price Index rises six points in July ••••••• h
Water interruption in Wan Chai •••••.................... 5
Hong Kong to issue stamps to commemorate Royal wedding . 6
Temporary closure of Morrison Hill Swimming Pool ....... 7
More schools for handicapped children ......... 8
Hong Kong experiences a wet July ............. 11
A training camp being organised on Lantau Island for youth .. 12
Two pre-war buildings on Hong Kong Island declared dangerous ................................................. 12
Now traffic arrangements to be introduced in Kowloon .... 13
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, August 21, 1973
- 1 -
Ma Wan, a tiny island off Tsuen Wan in the New Territories, may bo developed into a self-contained holiday resort.
An Outline Zoning Plan for Ma Wan, which has been approved by the government, allows for the possibility of turning the 215-acre island into green belt areas and other open spaces for pleasure and holiday recreational purposes.
The plan also provides for facilities such at hotels, holiday camp, amusement park, golf course, botanical and zoological gardens, and swimm jn.g beaches.
To up-date the planning for its development, a well-known American firm of consultants has been commissioned by the government to carry out an extensive study of the island.
Announcing this today, a government spokesman said a 10-year development programme cn the recreational facilities would be introduced to cope with the increasing demand of both urban residents and tourists.
nIt is expected that a full report will be in hand next year,1’ the spokesman said.
The island is still predominantly rural in character, but in recent, years has become more popular with holiday crowds which have been flocling to its scenic beaches and picnic spots.
Tuesday, August 21, 1973
- 2 -
Although there is still a lack of adequate water supplies, electricity and telephone facilities have been brought to the island in recent years. A helicopter landing pad has also been built.
At present, a ferry service operating between Hong Kong Island and Tai 0 on Lantau calls at Ma Wan daily. A 1Kai To» (walla wall a service) also plies regularly between Ma Wan and Sham Tseng in the New Territories,
-------0 --------
Tuesday, August 21, 1973
- 3 -
The Director of Commerce and Industry, Mr. D.H. Jordan, announced today that certificates of origin issued by the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, had been given legal protection under the Protection of Hon-Government Certificates of Origin Ordinance.
The government, he said, would advise the United Nations that C.G.C.C. had been designated as an organisation competent to issue certificates of origin for goods exported from Hong Kong.
The announcement was made this afternoon after a brief ceremony during which Mr. Jordan, on behalf of the government, presented the official certificate of approval to Mr. K.C. Wong, Chairman of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce.
The Commerce and Industry Department has assisted the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce to train certification staff and to set up the administrative arrangements for the issue of certificates of origin.
These arrangements conform to the standards agreed by member-organisations of the Certification Co-Ordination Committee and are designed to ensure that certificates of origin issued by the approved organisations are accepted internationally.
-------0 ----------
Tuesday, August 21, 1973
- 4 -
The General Consumer Price Index for July was 170 — a rise of six points over that for the previous month.
The increase was mainly due to a rise of 11 points in the index for foodstuffs.
The index for miscellaneous goods also rose by six points, while that for fuel and light rose by two points. Increases of one point each were also recorded in the index for alcoholic drink and tabacco and the index for clothing and footwear.
Movements in the indexes for other sections of commodity and service were insignificant.
Compared with the previous month, there were increases in the average retail prices of rice, fresh water fish, pork, fresh vegetables, edible oil and eggs.
A spokesman for the Census and Statistics Department said that the average retail price of rice had gone up as a result of an increase in the retail prices of some varieties.
He said the retail prices of vegetables had also increased sharply, mainly as a result of adverse weather conditions and the effects of Typhoon Dot which passed Hong Kong around the middle of the month.
On the other hand, the average retail price of poultry dropped.
/The rise ......
Tuesday, August 21, 1973
- 5 -
The rise in the index for miscellaneous goods was mainly brought about by increased prices for many Chinese language newspapers. The index for fuel and light also advanced, following an upward revision in the prices of kerosene and liquefied petroleum gas at the beginning of the month.
The Modified Consumer Price Index for July was 177, seven points higher than that for the previous month.
Water supply to a number of premises in Wan Chai will be turned off for eight hours from 10 p.m. on Thursday (August 23).
The temporary stoppage is to enable work on connecting a fresh water main to bo carried out in Kennedy Road and Kennedy Street.
All premises in Kennedy Street, Lung On Street, Kat On Street, Hing Wan Street, and King Sing Street and No. 64-84 Stone Nullah Lane and Iio. 187-245 Queen’s Road East will be affected.
Tuesday, August 21, 1973
- 6 -
Four new sets of commemorative stamps, comprising 10 denominations, will be put on sale in the next few months.
The new issues are to commemorate the wedding of Princess Anne, the 1973 Festival of Hong Kong, the 197^ Lunar New Year, and the 197^ Hong Kong Arts Festival.
The stamps to commemorate the royal wedding will be in 50-cent and $2 denominations and will go on sale at all post offices on November 14.
The designs have not yet been finalised, but the main features will be a portrait of Princess Anne and Lt. Mark Phillips.
To publicise the 1973 Festival of Hong Kong, three new stamps will be put on sale on November 23-
They will be issued in three denominations of 10 cents, 50 cents and $1. Each of them features a stylised version of a single Chinese character made up of a combination of festival symbols. Together they represent the three words "Hong Kong Festival".
The tiger is the main feature of the design of two new stamps to be issued to commemorate the 197^ Lunar New Year — the Year of the Tiger.
These stamps, which will be the eighth in the series of Lunar New Year stamps, will be issued in 10-cent and S1.J0 denominations. They will be put on sale on January 8 next year.
/For the .......
Tuesday, August 21, 1973
- (
For the 1974 Hong Kor.g Arts Festival, three stamps of 1O-cent, 31 and ?2 denominations will be put on sale on February 1 next year. A selection of Chinese opera masks, representing the theme of the festival, is featured on their designs.
Special first day covers for all these new stamps would be available for stamp collectors. Details of dates and prices will be announced later.
Note to Editors: -Copies of seven photographs showing the
commemorative stamps for the 1973 Festival of Hong Kong, the Year of the Tiger and the 1974 Hong Kong Arts Festival are boxed for collection. Designs of the Royal Wedding commemorative stamps have not yet been completed.
-------0 --------
The Morrison Hill Swimming Pool will be closed to public use on Thursday (August 23) from 8.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m.
During this period, the Urban Council will be using the pool for a swimming party.
Tuesday, August 21, 1973
- 8 -
liuch progress has been made to provide education for handicapped children in Hong Kong since the Education Department’s Special Education Section was established 13 years ago, the Director of Education, Mr. J. Canning said this (Tuesday) morning.
Speaking at the opening of the First Conference on Special Education at the Grantham College of Education, Mr. Canning said that at present there were 32 special schools for severely handicapped children compared with eight in 1961.
’’These are all run by religious or voluntary organisations who are the pioneers of this form of education,” he said.
The Director pointed out that in 1961 there were no special classes in ordinary primary schools for less severely handicapped children whereas today there were 5^ such classes in government primary schools — for slovz-learning children, eight for partially hearing children and two for partially sighted children.
In 1961 there were no educational assessment or remedial services.
;'Today, assessment services include audiometric screening, audiological testing, speech screening and testing, psychological testing and educational assessment.
’’Remedial services include auditory training, speech therapy and special classes.
”In the last academic year 22,000 children were dealt with by the services which are provided by the Special Education Section of the Education Department,” he said.
/Twelve •*••••••
Tuesday, August 21, 1975
- 9 -
Twelve years ago there were no local training courses provided for teachers of handicapped children.
At present there were four one-year in-service courses and six annual short courses. In addition lectures on special education were given to teachers in training in the colleges of education.
liore than 1,100 teachers participated in these courses in the last academic year and to date 168 teachers had been trained in the one-year in-service courses.
Speaking about plans for the future, Mr. Canning said that under the Second Development Programme for Special Education the first aim was to expand facilities.
’’Provision has been made for 4,000 additional places in special schools and it is anticipated that ten new special schools will be available in 1974.
• ’Provision has also been made to provide 10,000 additional places in special classes for the less-severely handicapped and plans are in hand to open 50 additional special classes in government primary schools and 22 special classes in aided primary schools in September, 1975he said.
On the programme’s second aim to increase preventive measures by providing more diagnostic and remedial services, Mr. Canning said it was intended to increase these -services to-provide for 175,000 children a year.
To achieve this the Director said it was planned to have a second Special Education Services Centre in Kowloon.
Ho urged all those who have dealings with children suspected of handicap to refer them to the Special Education Section for assessment and appropriate remedial treatment.
/The ........
Tuesday, August 21, 1973
- 10 -
The third aim of the development programme, he said, was to ensure adequate teaching standards in the education of all categories of handicapped children.
"It is intended therefore to expand and strengthen the one-year in-service training courses and to provide more short courses and seminars," the Director said.
He announced that a speech therapy training course would be started in the next academic year with a United Nations consultant giving assistance in the planning.
Hr. Canning said: "The course will be available to staff in other government departments and voluntary organisations who require staff at this level."
The Director stressed that the aim of Special Education was to develop each child to his full potential and to the fullest limits of his ability.
"Special Education is now firmly established in the school system in Hong Kong. I am certain that in the coming years it will play an ever-increasing role," Mr. Canning said.
- - - - 0 ---------
Tuesday, August 21, 1973
- 11 -
Hong Kong’s weather last month was wetter than usual with rainfall being 324.9 m above normal. This was the fifth highest recorded in any July since 1884.
The mean relative humidity was 8? per cent, which was the second highest on record for July.
During the month, six tropical cyclones formed over the western north Pacific and the South China Sea. However only two — Typhoon Dot and Tropical Storm V/ilda — necessitated the hoisting of tropical cyclone warning signals.
A total of nine thunderstorm warnings was issued during the month, and 16 aircraft were diverted due to adverse weather conditions.
Note to Editors: English copies of a full report, prepared by the Royal Observatory, on the weather for July 1973 are boxed for collection.
Tuesday, August 21, 1973
- 12 -
Two pre-war buildings at Nos. 192 and 19^ Wing Lok Street on Hong Kong Island were today declared dangerous by the Building Authority.
The buildings had been under observation for some time. Fresh movement had recently occurred in the load bearing walls causing fractures in the brickwork and giving rise to a risk of collapse. Extensive areas of decayed timber had also been detected.
Notices of intention to apply for closure orders were posted on the buildings today. Hearing will be in Victoria District Court at 9.JO a.m. on September 21.
----------0--------- THAINING CAMP FOK YOUTH
* *r * * *t *t * *
A three-day training camp is .being organised at Cheung Sha on Lantau Island for young people living in crowded Western district.
The camp will be held from August 2J to 27 and will include instruction on the proper method of tent pitching, first aid, life saving, rock climbing, swimming and cooking. A cross country race will also bo hold.
Anyone interested in joining should apply at the ’Western Community Work Office, at the Western Magistracy Building, Jrd floor, Hong Kong.
There will be a S1J fee.
Tuesday, August 21, 1973
Temporary traffic arrangement will be introduced in Tai Po Road from 10 a.m. tomorrow (Wednesday) to enable construction work to be carried out.
Under this arrangement all southbound traffic on Tai Po Road will not be permitted to turn right into Ching Cheung Road.
This arrangement will last for about three days.
Motorists travelling to Castle Peak should go by Tai Po Road and Castle Peak Road.
At the same time, the traffic signals at the junction of Waterloo Road and Cornwall Street will be switched off from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow (Wednesday) for maintenance.
During this period, Police officers will be in attendance to direct traffic.
To improve traffic circulation Kweilin Street will be re-routed one-way from Fuk Wa Street to Cheung Sha Wan Road and Fuk Wa Street will be re-routed one-way from Yan Chow Street to Kweilin Street as from 10 a.m. on Friday (August 24).
Appropriate traffic signs will be erected for the guidance of motorists.
Release time: 7.^0 P»rc»
Gisl I if 18
Wednesday, August 22, 1973
Page No,
New Preventive Service Training School in Tai Lam Chung
More "luclcy” car numbers for auction
Goods vehicles banned from Cotton Tree Drive during peak hours .......................................
Drop in number of tuberculosis cases in July •............
Chinese chess contest for residents of Tsucn Wan..........
Fun fair for children at Tsz Wan Shan
Temporary closure of two swimming pools .................
Interruption of water supply in Tsim Sha Tsui.............
Exemption rate for interest tax to be raised
Buildings closed as a precautionary measure.....•••••......• •
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, August 22, 1973
- 1 -
Work is progressing smoothly on the construction of the new Preventive Service Training School in Tai Lam Chung, Castle Peak Road.
Located on a 200,000-square-foot site near the 16 milestone, the school will provide residential training facilities for 11J trainees in all aspects of the Service’s responsibilities. Refresher as well as induction courses will be conducted.
All facilities in the existing training school in Kwun Tong will be moved into the new premises on completion. These include a museum and an archives office.
Quarters for the trainees will be provided in a four-storey residential block. Accommodation for senior and junior staff will be housed in three separate blocks. Recreational and dining areas have also been planned.
A single-storey gymnasium attached to the residential block will also serve as projection and lecture room.
In addition, a pistol range, a football pitch, a basketball court and a parade ground will be provided.
The new school, costing about $7 million, is expected to be completed in April next year.
Initial training for Preventive Service staff includes lectures and films to provide an insight into the technicalities of law, smuggling, narcotics and revenue collection. Judo, the use of fire-arms and methods of searching are also taught.
Note to Editors: Copies of a photograph of a model of the training
school will be distributed separately in the press boxes.
Wednesday, August 22, 1973
- 2 -
Another 30 special vehicle registration numbers will bo auctioned
on Saturday (August 25) in the City Hall Theatre following the draw I
for the government lottery.
It will bo the seventh such auction. The proceeds will go
to the Government Lotteries Fund for charitable purposes.
The numbers to bo auctioned are:-
HK 1 HK 2 HK 14 HK 50 AX 3
AX 5 AX 7 AX 9 AX 20 AX 22
AX 40 AX 44 AX 60 AX 66 AX 80
AX 88 AX 100 AX 111 AX 161 AX 333
AX 777 AX 919 AX 1000 AX 1315 AX 2222
AX 3000 AX 5555 AX 8118 AX 9999 AW 232
Successful bidders will be required to pay in cash or by cheque immediately after the bidding.
A total of more than 31*2 million was raised in the first six auctions.
Another auction will be held in about throe weeks.
Wednesday, August 22, 1973
- 3 - -
New traffic arrangements will be introduced in Cotton Tree Drive during peak hours on weekdays and Saturdays.
Starting from next Wednesday, all goods vehicles will be prohibited from entering the section of Cotton Tree Drive above Kennedy Road from 4.30 to 6.30 p.m.
Announcing this today, the Commissioner for Transport, Mr. B.D. Wilson, said: ’’This is one road that is suffering particularly from heavy congestion caused by slow-moving lorries crawling uphill during the afternoon peal: hours.1’
He explained that as densities increased, restrictions on vehicles which “slow down and obstruct other traffic” must be imposed.
’’Similar restrictions on other roads are being considered and are likely to come into effect later this year,” Mr. Wilson said.
-------0 ----------
Wednesday, August 22, 1973
- 4 -
There was a significant drop in notifications of tuberculosis cases in July, matched by an equally significant decline in the number of deaths from that disease.
Statistics released by the Medical and Health Department today showed that in July there were 584 tuberculosis notifications compared with 727 in June, and 80 deaths compared with 94.
During the month there were two reports of meningococcal meningitis, and one death. In June, there were four such notifications, and also one death.
In the first seven months of this year, there have been seven notifications of meningococcal meningitis, and three deaths.
July saw a slight increase in the incidence of measles, rising to 79 from the 67 cases reported in June. There was also one death. The latter brought the total number of deaths from measles this year to six, one for each month since February.
On the brighter side, July was the fourth consecutive month this year in which no case of poliomyelitis was notified. In addition, there haa been no report of diphtheria since October 1972.
Reports of typhoid fever fell from 38 cases in June to 30 in July. Five cases of malaria were reported during the month, all imported (not originating in Hong Kong)• No appreciable variation occurred in the notifications of other infectious diseases.
Hong Kong remained free from cholera and other quarantinable diseases during July.
-------0 -------- /5........................
Wednesday, August 22, 1973
- 5 -
A Chinese chess contest for residents of the Tsuen Wan district has just started.
The contest, which will last till early September, is being held in the Princess Alexandra Community Centre of the Social Welfare Department in Tsuen Wan.
Players will have to go through single knock-out matches before they qualify foi^.the finals.
The contest is one of the recreational activities in the summer programme organised by the Centre that aims at promoting healthy and creative hobbies.
"It serves to arouse the interest of local residents towards traditional art,1' said Mr. Alexander Fung, Warden of the Centre.
Prizes will be awarded to winners in the contest.
-------0 ----------
Wednesday, August 22, 1973
- 6 -
The Tsz Wan Shan Estate Community Work Office of the Social Welfare Department in conjunction with Zion Youth Centre and Evangel Youth Centre, will hold a fun fair for children living in Tsz Wan Shan.
This will take place at the Tsz Wan Shan Estate Welfare Buil di ng on Friday, August 24, from 1.J0 p.m. to 6 p.m.
'The fair is being organised for 500 children from 9 to 14 years of age," said Mrs. Siu Law Gook-fong, officer-in-charge of the Tsz Wan Shan Estate Community Work Office.
She said that volunteers from three sponsoring offices had formed a committee to plan, design, decorate, and run the fun fair, which besides providing healthy recreational activities for children would also help to develop the spirit of voluntary services.
"It is indeed a pleasure to see these volunteers coming from different places in Hong Kong to work together to provide these types of services to the community, because by doing so, they will obtain a better appreciation of themselves and the community as a whole," Mrs. Siu said.
Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to cover the fun
fair which will take place at the Tsz Wan Shan Estate Welfare Building on Friday from 1.J0 to 6 p.m.
Wednesday, August 22, 1973
- 7 -
The Victoria Park Swimming Pool will be closed to public use on Friday (August 24) from 6.45 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.
During this period, the Police Training School will be using the pool for their swimming gala.
On the same day, the Morrison Hill Swimming Pool will be closed for public use from 5.45 p.m. to 10.15 p.m. when the Civil Aid Services will be using the pool for their swimming gala.
Water supply to a number of premises in Tsim Sha Tsui will be interrupted for five hours starting from 1 a.m. on Friday (August 24).
The temporary stoppage is to allow the Waterworks Office to carry out leakage tests.
All premises affected are in the area bounded by Austin Road* Chatham Road, Austin Avenue, Hillwood Road and Nathan Road.
Wednesday, August 22, 1973
- 8 -
The government announced today that the rate which is exempted from interest tax will be raised from J/s per cent to four per cent with effect from September 1.
At the same time, the Exchange Banks1 Association confirmed x ;
that the rate of interest on savings accounts will also be raised from yk per cent to four per cent with effect from the same date.
Wednesday, August 22, 1973
- 9 -
Two houses in Monmouth Terrace, near Kennedy Road, were today closed on an emergency application by the Building Authority as a precautionary measure since the possibility of a landslip in this area could not be ruled out.
This action was taken on the advice of consulting engineers who, as part of the early warning measures instituted by Public Works Department following last summer’s landslides, had been keeping a careful watch on the slope below these two houses. There was a slip on the same slope during the June rains last year, though it caused no damage or casualties.
A spokesman for the Buildings Ordinance Office said that it was not certain that a further landslide was either imminent or inevitable. ”But as a result of the recent heavy rains, there is a possible risk of a sudden collapse, and this makes it necessary for residents to move out without delay,” he said.
The two houses are Nos. 5 & 7 Monmouth Terrace. Further investigations are necessary to decide whether they will have to be demolished.
Release time: 7*30 p.m.
Thursday, August 23, 1973
Report on geological survey of Hong Kong published.........
Drive to recruit more police inspectors from Britain ... 7
•••••••a >
Public urged to choose TV programmes thoughtfully ............
Dr. Choa to attend conference in New Zealand .................. g
SWD social security field unit moves to new address ........... 7
One delivery of nail on Monday .............................. 7
J!'"'*1 ,
More offices to be built at Cheung Sha Wan abattoir ........... 10
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, August 23, 1973
- 1 -
The study of Hong Kong’s geology is given a new dimension with the recent publication of a comprehensive report together with a detailed geological map.
Entitled the Report on the Geological Survey of Hong Kong, 1967-9, the report seeks to present a precise panoramic view of Hong Kong’s geology. It also carries a larger-scale geological map of Hong Kong at a scale of 1:50,000.
The report is the outcome of a joint research effort by two geologists - Dr. E.A. Stephens and Dr. P.M. Allen - seconded to the Crown Lands and Survey Office of the Public Works Department from the Overseas Division of the Institute of Geological Sciences in London between 1967-69.
A spokesman for the Crown Lands and Survey Office said today that in terms of geological mapping of Hong Kong, the map that went with the report represented a significant achievement.
”This is because at the time of the survey the only then existing geological map of Hong Kong, published in 1936, was considerably generalised and its accuracy opened to expert criticism,” the spokesman added.
He described the publication of the report as ’’opportune” in view of the recent interest displayed in landslides and geological information of Hong Kong.
The geological survey was arranged in 1966 as a technical assistance project between the British Ministry of Overseas Development and the Hong Kong Government.
/The Crown •••••••
Thursday, August 2J, 1973
- 2 -
The Crown Lands and Survey Office, among others, extended support during the survey and preparation stages of the report and the map by putting its various facilities and labour at the disposal of the authors. The base-map of Hong Kong used in the report was designed and produced by the cartographic staff of the Survey Branch of the Crown Lands and Survey Office.
The geological information was then added by the Directorate of Overseas Surveys in England under the guidance of the geologists from the Institute of Geological Sciences and the multi-coloured map was finally printed by the Ordnance Survey department. In the meantime the report was being printed in Hong Kong by the Government Printer.
"The whole exercise was a good example of technical co-operation between the Hong Kong and British Governments," the spokesman commented.
He further pointed out that the report stood in its own right as a substantial contribution to the study of the geology of Hong Kong.
It will be distributed to various academic institutions, universities, libraries and national organisations throughout the world.
The report - including the map which is in two sheets - is now on sale for 830 in Hong Kong. The unfolded map can be purchased separately for 88.
Copies of the report are available at the following places: the Crown Lands and Survey Office, 19th Floor, Murray Building; its Kowloon Office located on 11th Floor, Kowloon Government Offices, Nathan Road and the Government Publications Centre, Star Ferry Concourse.
Thursday, August 23, 1973
- 3 -
A report setting out guidelines for a campaign to recruit more Inspectors in Britain for the Royal Hong Kong Police Force is now being prepared for submission to the Hong Kong Government.
The report is being compiled by Mr. Alan Hamilton, a consultant appointed by the Crown Agents, to handle all recruiting needs in Britain on behalf of the Hong Kong Government.
Hr. Hamilton has just returned to Britain after spending a week in Hong Kong, studying specific requirements for the 200 Police Inspectors which it is hoped to recruit in Britain during a forthcoming campaign to commence in October.
During his stay in Hong Kong, Mr. Hamilton was fully briefed by the Police, the Establishment Branch of the Colonial Secretariat and Government Information Services.
His report is expected to contain proposals on the methods for publicising the recruiting drive in Britain, together with the extent of coverage and the expenditure involved.
Commenting on the prospects for young Police Inspectors from Britain, Mr. Hamilton said: ”1 believe service in the Royal Hong Kong Police Force offers a young man just as much challenge as service in the British Army*
"In fact a young Police Inspector in Hong Kong can expect to exercise command far sooner than he would if he enlisted in the services back home."
Thursday, August 23, 1973
- 4 -
The Commissioner for Television and Films, Mr. Nigel Watt, today spoke about the positive role of television in Hong Kong.
Addressing the luncheon meeting of the Y’s Men’s Club at Mandarin Hotel today, he said that if used wisely by viewers and stations alike, television could be an educator, a purveyor of information and an entertainer.
In 1975, he said, Hong Kong’s three television stations would transmit a total of over 12 hours of educational programmes each day.
A further seven hours will be made available each week by each station for transmitting public affairs programmes.
In addition, Commercial Television Ltd. will devote two hours every night from Monday to Friday to vocational training or other educational programmes.
Mr. Watt praised a number of locally produced programmes for providing dramatic entertainment together with useful social comment and information on topical affairs.
However, he added that more could be done in this field.
He suggested that discussion programmes on the lines of “Meet the Press’’ and :,0n the Spot”, in which young people can participate actively, should be used more widely on the Chinese channels.
/Commenting •••••
Thursday, August 23, 1973
- 5 -
Commenting on the fact that viewers will have a choice of five channels within two years, Mr. Watt said that they, particularly the young and developing, must exercise their choice in selecting programmes i thoughtfully.
At the same time, they should also divide their time between passive viewing and active participation in other educational and recreational pursuits.
1 Mr. Watt went on to remind television producers ”to wield their 1 immense power of influence responsibly?, and urged members of the public to exercise their right of choice and opinion to effect improvements in programme standards.
’’Provided their opinion is heard, I am sure the stations and the advertisers will respond to their needs,” he said.
With three television companies operating within the next two years, Mr. Watt suggested that designs of public buildings in future should include facilities to meet the specialised needs of television reporting, which serves as the eyes and ears of the public.
Thursday, August 23, 1973
- 6 -
Dr. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services, left this (Thursday) evening for Wellington, New .Zealand., to attend the 24th annual session of the World Health Organisation’s regional committee for the Western Pacific.
The conference is due to begin on August 28, and will continue until September 5*
On his way, Dr. Choa will stay three days in Sydney to visit drug addiction treatment centres in the general area of Nev/ South Wales.
The WHO regional committee for the Western Pacific conference is an annual event designed to enable an exchange of views among stmtors of medical and health services in the area.
Dr. Choa will be attending as a member of the United Kingdom delegation, led by Dr. D.J. Kilgour, Chief Medical Adviser of Britain’s Overseas Development Administration.
-------0 --------
Thursday, August 23, 1973
- 7 -
The Chai Wan Social Security Field Unit of the Social Welfare Department, situated in the Causeway Bay Magistracy Building, wfll move to its nevz office in Shau Kei Wan tomorrow (Friday) afternoon.
It will begin operating from the new address at No. 53-55
Kam I7ah Street, ground floor, the following morning.
The telephone numbers for the new office will be 5-693623, 5-693750 and 5-693758.
To coincide with the move, the Unit vzill be appropriately renamed the Shau Kei Wan Social Security Field Unit.
However, there will be no change in its sphere of operation which covers Shau Kei Wan, Chai Wan, Shek 0 and Stanley.
The Postmaster General announced today that there will be one delivery of correspondence on Monday (August 27) which is a general public holiday.
Certain post offices will be closed on that day.
However, for the convenience of the public, 31 post offices, including the General Post Office, the Kowloon Centro! Post Office and the Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office, will be open for business from 9 a.m. to 12 noon
-------o--------- /3.........
Thursday, August 23, 1973
- 8 -
The Institution of Electrical and Electronics Technician Engineers in London has given official recognition to a number of diplomas and certificates awarded by the Morrison Hill Technical Institute to enable holders to become members or associates of the Institution.
Announcing this today, the Acting Deputy Director of Education (Technical), Mr. Norman Barnes said that holders of either the Technician Diploma in Electronic Engineering or the Final Certificate for Electrical/ Electronic Technicians issued by the Institute could apply for Technician Associate membership of the Institution.
Holders of the Electrical/Electronics Technicians’ Endorsement Certificate together with either the Technician Diploma in Electronic Engineering or the Final Certificate for Electrical or Electronic Technicians could obtain Graduate and Corporate membership.
Corporate Members and Technician Associates of the Institution are eligible for registration in the Technician Engineer and Technician Sections respectively of the Engineers Registration Board’s Composite Register in London.
Holders of these diplomas and certificates who wish to become Technician Associates or Graduate and Corporate members of I.E.E.T.E. should apply to the Secretary of the Institution, 2 Savoy Hill, London W.C.2.
/Mr. Barnes
Thursday, August 23, 1973
- 9 -
Mr. Barnes said: "These additional recognitions have further enhanced the reputation and status of the Morrison Hill Technical Institute "No doubt the recognitions will further improve the professional standing and employment of its graduates."
The I.E.E.T.E., formed in 1965, is the largest of all technician engineering organisations in the United Kingdom.
The Institution, an independent learned society and qualifying body, helps members, by practical means, to keep up-to-date with technical developments, management aspects of engineering and changes in the fields of technical education and training.
Thursday, August 23, 1973
- 10 -
Five more offices will be added to the Cheung Sha Wan Abattoir in Kowloon shortly to cope with the increase in the number of staff.
The rooms are to be built on the roof of the existing refrigeration block.
Adjoining these new offices will be a room where lockers and changing facilities will be provided.
A spokesman for the Urban Services Department said: ”V/ith the increase of workload in the slaughtering services, more health inspectors and workers have been posted at the abattoir, and expansion of office accommodation is, therefore, necessary.”
The expansion work, estimated to cost about 3145,000, is expected to begin in October and will take about five months to complete.
Relecxse time: 7«3Q p*m.
Friday, August 24, 1973
Page No.
New multi-million-dollar Police headquarters for Kowloon • • • • • 1
Another sitting-out area for Sai Ying Pun residents .......... 2
Homes for 23,000 in 863 million Lek Yuen Estate ........•••••• 3
Changes in registration system for identity cards ............ 4
Nev/ school for handicapped children.........................,, 5
Expansion of Kennedy Town incinerator ........................ 6
Another building at Monmouth Terrace declared dangerous •••••• 7
Squatter clearance operation in Anderson Road • •........ 8
Traffic arrangement in Tai Kok Tsui ............................ 9
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5*233191
Friday, August 24, 1973
A multi-million-dollar modem complex is to be built in Kowloon City to replace the existing Kowloon District Police Headquarters in Mongkok.
The new headquarters will be built on a 110,000-square-foot site at the junction of Argyle Street and Tin Kwong Road.
Costing about 322 million, the project will be carried out in two stages, with the first stage due to start in mid-October.
Stage one will consist of the site formation and the construction of a six-storey office building which will be the nerve-centre of Kowloon police.
The first floor of the building is to be used for rest and recreational purposes. It will comprise a communal dining-lounge, canteen, television room, library» storeroom and an officers emergency room which will al so serve as a gazetted officers’ mess during normal times. The overall floor area for recreational purposes will be about 10,000 square feet.
The second and third floors will house the Criminal Investigation Department and the Traffic Headquarters (Kowloon) respectively, while the fourth and top floors will provide separate accommodation for the district headquarters and government chemists. The total office area will be about 4-2,000 square feet.
When the project enters its second stage at a later date, two other blocks — one three-storey and the other four-storey — will be hullt-
/The ground .......
Friday, August 24, 1973
- 2
The ground floor of the three-storey block will be an assembly/ gymnasium hall. The first and second floors will be linked with the third and fourth floors of the adjacent office block by a bridge to provide better mutual access. These floors will be taken up by the Police/Military Control.
It is envisaged that the four-storey block will serve as barracks. The ground floor will be used as a parking area for police vehicles.
The new headquarters will also have a helicopter landing pad in the spacious compound.
Work on the construction of Stage One is expected to be completed by October next year.
Note to Editors: Copies of a photograph of a model of the new
Kowloon District Police Headquarters are boxed for collection.
Residents of the densely populated area of Sai Ying Pun will have more recreational space next spring.
This will be made possible when a 6,500-square-foot site at the north-western corner of the King George V Memorial Park will be turned into a sitting-out area, with chess tables, flower beds and trees.
Work on the project, costing about $157,000, is expected to begin in October and will take about five months to complete.
Friday, August 24, 1973
- 3 -
Homes for 15»6OO people are to be provided in the final phase of the 363 million Lek Yuen Estate in Sha Tin.
Work on this phase, consisting of five domestic blocks, will begin in October and will take two years to complete.
Facilities provided in these blocks will include a central complex, comprising a covered car park for 31^ cars, a shopping centre, marketing facilities and two restaurants.
One estate primary school and premises for welfare agencies vH 11 also be provided.
Other facilities in the estate will include a secondary school and Id ndergarten, recreational grounds, a workshop area and bus and mini-bus terminals.
The Lek Yuen Estate, occupying an area of 23 acres, is part of the Sha Tin New Town development.
Work on the first phase of the project began last April and should be completed towards the end of next year. This phase involves the hu-il di ng of two blocks which will accomodate 7»^00 people.
Friday, August 24, 1973
New regulations concerning changes in the registration system for identity cards are published in today’s gazette.
Under the Registration of Persons (Amendment) Regulations 1973j the ago of registering for a juvenile identity card is raised from six to 11, while the age of re-registering for an adult identity card is revised from 17 to 18 years.
The regulations also list modifications to the design of the juvenile identity card, making it easier for holders to identify themselves when applying for jobs or for schooling purposes.
At present, juvenile identity cards list only the holder’s surname and the identity card number of the parent or guardian.
Tlie new juvenile identity cards will bear the holder’s photograph, full personal name in English and Chinese, date and place of birth, and nationality.
It is hoped that the new type of juvenile identity card will be introduced later this year.
The design of the adult identity card will also be modified by discontinuing the present practice of having the holder’s thumbprint imposed on it.
The regulations make it clear that all existing identity cards will remain valid and present holders need not apply for new cards.
However, it is an offence under the regulations to possess a defaced identity card or to use an identity card belonging to another person.
-------0--------- /5.......................
Friday, August 24, 1973
- 5 -
A 10-classroom school for physically handicapped children will soon be opened in Kwai Fong Estate as part of the Education Department’s second five-year development plan for expanding special education for the handicapped.
The school will occupy the ground and first floors of the newly-completed school building in the estate and will be operated by the Spastics Association of Hong Kong.
It vzill provide whole day special education facilities for 200 physically handicapped children. Two special rooms and one physiotherapy room will be included.
The remaining four storeys of the estate school will be converted into 18 classrooms to provide bi-sessionalism education for 1,620 ordinary primary school students. This school will be operated by Sheng Kung Hui.
Doth schools are being built by the government and will be fully subsidised.
Tenders are being invited for the construction of an extension to the ground floor and related conversion work to the upper floors of the school building.
Work is expected to start in October this year and should take about four months to complete.
0 - -
Friday, August 24, 1973
6 -
Piling work for an extension to accommodate an additional furnace unit in the Kennedy Town incineration plant will start next month.
According to a spokesman for the Public Works Department, the plant at present consists of four furnace units, three of which are operated continuously throughout the year with one unit under maintenance by rotation.
The fifth unit to be added will be capable of disposing of 250 tons of refuse per day.
The spokesman said that the piling work was expected to be completed towards the end of November.
These works have been designed by W.V. Zinn and Associates and construction will be supervised by Maunsell Consultants Asia on hehnlf of the Public Works Department.
Construction of the building extension will take another year to complete and it will be followed by the erection of machinery and equipment.
The whole project costs about 314 million and the fifth furnace is expected to be in operation by the end of 1975. . t
Friday, August 24, 197J
- 7 -
Mi ********
The Building Authority today declared No, 1A Monmouth Terrace on Hong Kong Island to be in a dangerous condition.
In a statement, the Principal Government Building Surveyor said that this tv/o-storey building, which forms part of No. 1 Monmouth Terrace, was inspected as a result of fractures observed during the inspection of adjoining buildings.
He said there was evidence of continuing movement in the walls indicating risk of failure leading to a collapse.
"There is no evidence at this juncture that the condition of this building is connected with the slip area nearby at present under observation/' he said.
A notice of intention to apply for a closure order was posted today. The case will be heard in the Victoria District Court at 9.JO a.m. on September J.
Friday, August 24, 1973
- 8 -
Hore than 70 wooden structures in the Anderson Road squatter area were demolished this (Friday) morning by officers and men of the Housing Department.
The operation was carried out very smoothly. It was completed in half a day instead of two days as originally scheduled®
A spokesman for the Housing Department said this was largely due to the co-operation of squatters and to the policy and planning of the department.
All 150 people eligible for public housing have moved to the Sau Hau Ping estate, and a few others who were not eligible were given accommodation in a licensed area.
All eligible shopowners,pig breeders and farmers got their share of compensation at the usual rate.
"The squatters knew very well that the action was taken in the interest of their own safety because their houses were near two quarries in the area/’ the spokesman added.
Friday, August 24, 1973
- 9 -
Temporary traffic arrangements will be introduced next week in Cherry Street between Tong Mi Road and Palm Street, Tai Kok Tsui.
Starting from 10 a.m. on Monday (August 27), this section of Cherry Street will be temporarily reduced from dual to single carriageway with one lane in each direction.
The restriction is to enable re-construction work on Cherry Street to be carried out.
For the duration of the work, the right turn movement from Cherry Street into Tong Mi Road will also be prohibited.
Appropriate signs will be put up to guide motorists.
Release time: 7*30 p.m.
Saturday, August 25, 1973
Page No.
Commemoration ceremony for 28th anniversary of Hong Kong’s Liberation Day • • •.................................... • 1
Increase in the number of travellers between April and July.. 2
Principals of two government colleges retiring shortly ......... J
Special holiday issue of D.I.B. on Monday...................... 4
Legal Aid Department will open in new address next week ........ 5
Salary adjustment for senior civil servants.......••••••••«•• 5
City Hall will remain open on the coming public holiday...... 6
Birthday Party for elderly people living in Wong Tai Sin .... 7
Four-hour traffic diversion in Kowloon Tong..................... 8
Speed limit for pleasure craft imposed in the Middle Island channel .................................................... 9
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, August 25, 1975
The 28th anniversary of Hong Kong’s Liberation Day will be observed next Monday (August 27)•
At a brief ceremony to be held at the City Hall Garden of Remembrance at 11 a.m., representatives of the Hong Kong Prisoners of War Association and the Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers) will lay wreaths at the Shrine in memory of members of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps who died during the battle of December 1941 or later as prisoners of war.
This will be followed by the sounding of the Last Post by a regimental trumpeter, a two-minute silence and reveille, and the firing of three volleys of salute.
Tiie ceremony will last about 10 minutes.
In the evening, a cocktail party will be given by warrant officers and sergeants of the Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers) in Beaconsfield House for their officers and members of the Prisoners of War Association.
The acting Governor, Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, will attend.
Saturday, August 25, 1973
- 2 -
A total of 3,036,863 travellers entered or left Hong Kong during the first four months of the current financial year (April to July).
This was more than half a million over last year’s corresponding figure of 2,498,685 and represents an increase of 21.8 per cent in land, air and sea traffic.
These figures do not include transients or people refused permission to land.
Commenting on the increase, a spokesman for the Immigration Department said that it was part of a general worldwide trend which had been noted in recent years.
The fact that more and more people are travelling, he said, pointed to greater affluence.
.-------- 0 --------
Saturday, August 25, 1973
- 3 -
The Principals of Queen’s College and Grantham College of Education, Mr. Raymond Huang and Mr. Kwok Wai—man are retiring shortly.
They will each be presented with a gift from their colleagues. The Director of Education, Mr. J. Canning, will make the presentations next Wednesday.
Mr. Huang started his career in the Education Department 20 years ago when he was appointed an Assistant Education Officer.
After teaching in a government school in Yau Ma Tei, Mr. Huang was transferred to Queen’s College and was promoted to Education Officer in September 1956.
He remained at Queen’s College for five years before being posted to Sir Robert Black College of Education in September 1961.
Mr. Huang became Acting Principal in July 1967 and was confirmed to the grade of Senior Education Officer in September the same year.
He went to Queen’s College as the Principal in August 1970-
Mr. Kwok, who has nearly 24 years service, joined the Department as an Assistant Education Officer and taught for two years in a government school in Wanchai.
In 1951 he was posted to King’s College where he stayed for three and a half years before being transferred to Grantham College of Education.
Mr. Kwok became an Inspector of Schools in May 1962 and went to Leeds University in September 1964 to attend a one-year course on the Teaching of Mathematics at Upper Secondary Level.
/In July •••••••
Saturday, August 25, 1973
In July 1968 Mr. Kwok was transferred from the Inspectorate to
Grantham College of Education as Acting Principal. Ho was promoted to Senior Education Officer in September 1968.
Mr. Kwok has been Principal of the College for the last five years.
Note vo xditors: You are invited to have the presentation
ceremony covered. The ceremony will be held at
11530 a.m. on August 29 in the Education Department’s Conference Room, Lee Gardens, 3rd floor, Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
0 - -
There will be a special holiday issue of the Daily Information
Bulletin on Monday (August 27). Copies may be collected from the G.I.S. press rouj at 2.15 p.m. on that day.
0 - -
Saturday, August 25, 1973
- 5 -
The Legal Aid Department is moving to new premises in the Sincere Company Building in Central from where it will operate as from Tuesday (August 28)•
Part of the department’s headquarters on the top floor of Victoria District Court were transferred to the new premises early this month together with the branch office at D’Aguilar Place.
The remaining offices of the department will be moved over the weekend . The new address is Sincere Company Building, 18th and 19th floors, 173 Des Voeux Road Central.
-------0 ---------
flat >500 pay rise for senior government officers, who were not covered by the recent eight per cent salary increase for the majority of the public service, has been approved by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council.
Tne adjustment was recommended by the Standing Committee on Supers cr..le Lal. .ries and in terms of percentage ranges from 6.9 per cent for the lowest paid supcrscale officers to 2.9 per cent for the Iiighest paid.
0 - -
Saturday, August 25, 1973
- 6 -
Public facilities in the City Hall will remain open on Monday (August 27) which is a general holiday.
The City Museum and Art Gallery will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., and the Lei Cheng Uk Museum from 12 noon to 7 p.m.
The restaurants will open for business as usual on that day.
The City Hall Library and the branch libraries at Waterloo Road and
Ping Shek will be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and the Kowloon Park students’ study roop from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
However, the branch libraries at Yau Ma Tei and Aberdeen/Pokfulam will be closed on Monday.
Saturday, August 25, 1973
The first of a series of birthday parties for old people living in Wong Tai Sin district will be held tomorrow (Sunday).
Seven elderly members of the Ki Lin Centre, a club organised by the Wong Tai Sin District Federation of Welfare Services for the Aged, will be entertained along with other friends and members.
The party will be held from 2.50 to 5»30 p.m. in the club premises at 15 Mule Lun Street in Wong Tai Sin. It will be run by volunteers.
Mr. Basil Leung, Warden of the Wong Tai Sin Community Centre, which is sponsoring the Federation and its activities, said si mil ar parties will be held on the last Sunday of each month for members whose birthdays fall within that month.
"It gives the elderly people in the district a chance to celebrate their birthdays, demonstrating at the same time that we do care about them," he said.
Apart from these parties, the club provides a friendly atmosphere whore the elderly can meet to enjoy television, play chess, or just talk with friends.
Other activities which are arranged for them include outings, indoor activities and social gatherings.
Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to cover the celebration
party tomorrow at the Ki Lin Centre at 15 Muk Lun Street, Wong Tai Sin.
Saturday, August 25, 1$73
- 8 -
Temporary traffic re-routing will be introduced in Kowloon Tong on Tuesday (August 28) to enable resurfacing work to be carried out.
The southbound lanes of Waterloo Road, between Flint Road and
Boundary Street will be closed from 8 p.m. to midnight on that day.
During the four*-hour period, traffic will be diverted along the existing alternative route of Durham Road, La Salle Road and Prince Edward Road.
Kowloon Motor Bus routes Nos. 50, 7, 7A and 7B and 70 will be diverted along Junction Road, Prince Edward Road and Waterloo Road.
The resurfacing work to be carried out is a part of the Waterloo Road flyover project.
Saturday, August 25, 1973
- 9 -
A new speed limit has been imposed on speedboats and other craft using the narrow passage between Repulse Bay and Deep Water Bay at Middle Island.
With immediate effect, all craft proceeding through the passage will be required to reduce their speed to not more than five knots and to navigate with caution.
Tlie restriction follows complaints to the Marine Department that speedboats, some towing water skiers, travelled at high speeds thereby posing a danger to swimmers and other craft in the area.
A spokesman for the department reminded owners and operators of speedboats of their obligation to exercise caution &nd to restrict their speed when proceeding through a narrow passage anywhere in the waters of Hong Kong.
Under the Merchant Shipping Ordinance, any speedboat owner or operator who v/ilfully disobeys or fails to comply with the provision shall be liable to a fine of 32,000.
'Release Time: 5*00 p.m.
•. •••
Monday, August 27, 1973
Most accidents in cargo handling are caused by improper operation and poor maintenance of lifting equipment, according to a spokesman for the Industrial Safety Training Unit of the Labour Department.
Two workers were killed and 95 others injured during the first three months this year while handling goods on board ships arid at wharfs. ,;liany of these accidents could have been avoided if the workers had used a safe lifting method,” he said.
Commenting on accidents .occurring while goods were being lifted manually, he noted that apart from causing cuts and bruises these accidents could lead to more serious injuries like slippbd discs, hernia, and torn muscles.
In an effort to minimise such accidents, the Industrial Safety Training Unit is conducting a series of training courses on ’Manual Lifting and Handling’ to impress on workers the importance of safe lifting methods.
”The basic rule to follow is never attempt to lift anything boyond your capacity, and at'all times wear protective gear like safety helmets, footwear and gloves,” he stressed.
/On accidents.......•
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Monday, August 27, 1973
- 2
On accidents occurring during mechanical lifting of goods, the spokesman said these were mainly due to the lack of co-ordination between workers and the poor maintenance of cranes and lifting tackles.
"All lifting equipment should be well lubricated and their ’safe working load’ clearly indicated. Traffic guides and crossings should be set up in areas where fork-lift trucks are in operation.”
The spokesman said free courses in safe cargo handling practices were being run by the Industrial Safety Training Unit and factory inspectors regularly visited dockyards and wharfs to ensure that safety regulations were observed and to offer advice where necessary.
i/ater supply to a number of premises in Shek Kip Mei will be interrupted for five hours starting from 1 a.m. on Thursday (August 30).
The temporary stoppage is to enable staff from the Waterworks Office to carry out leakage tests in the area.
All premises bounded by Nam Cheong Street, WqIi Chai Street, Pal: Tin Street, Tai Po Road and Shek Kip Mei Street will be affected.
Monday, August 27, 1973
" 3 ’
The Urban Council has prepared a series of afternoon and evening entertainment programmes to be held next month in parks and playgrounds in urban areas and the New Territories.
Various Sunday afternoon band concerts will be provided by the bands of the Auxiliary Medical Service, the Royal Hong Kong Police, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police and the Royal Hong Kong Regiment.
Other programmes include film shows, variety shows, and Chinese band concerts and operas, all beginning at 8 p.m.
Films to be shown in September include a Cantonese feature entitled :?Secret Agent No. 1” and a cartoon catering for the young.
There will be a lucky draw at the end of each of the variety shows. Prizes will include toys and useful articles.
The Chinese band concerts and operas will be held in conjunction with Radio Hong Kong, and will last for about two-and-a-half hours.
Admission to all the events is free and members of the public are welcome to attend.
Release time; 2.15 P»m.
Monday, August 27, 1973
- 4 -
A new television programme has been launched to keep people who don’t read Chinese in touch with the main talking points in the Chinese newspapers.
Produced by the Radio Hong Kong Television unit, the programme is being shown in the ”Viewpoint” series at 7*30 p.m. every Wednesday on the English channels of RTV and TVB.
The script is prepared from editorial comments which appear in tho Chinese newspapers.
A government spokesman commented: ”We feel there is a great need to keep the non-Chinese reader informed of the wide range of comment on topical issues which appear in the Chinese press.
’•More than 60 Chinese language newspapers are published daily in Hong Kong, covering most shades of political opinion. It is obviously desirable that people who don’t read the language should know what those papers are saying on major matters of public interest.
!’As there is such a large number we cannot review them all individually, but what we can do is look at topics which attract most attention and summarise Press reaction.
’"Je hope that people will find the new programme an informative and useful guide to Chinese Press comment.”
0 - -
Tuesday, August 28, 1973
Page No,
Field surveys begin next month to assess Hong Kongts future transportation needs .............
Special generator vans to provide lighting for fire fighting operations at night................... . S
Winning numbers for sixth government lottery this year to be drawn on September 15 ..........
Thirty acres to be reclaimed at Shamshuipo for new ferry pier and community facilities ...............
Children's playground at Sai Yee Street to be moved to new location •................
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, August 28, 1973
- 1 -
A snail army of trained interviewers will next month begin a major survey to find out the travelling habits of thousands of people to help in the planning of future transportation requirements up to the year 1991.
Announcing this today at a luncheon meeting of the Rotary Club Island East, Mr. Pang Hau-chung, acting Senior Engineer of the Public Works Department underlined the importance of the study which, he said, would provide vital information for designing ”a comprehensive transport plan” to meet Hong Kong’s requirements.
Hr. Pang said the major factors affecting studies of this type, such as population projections and distributions, planned road construction and mass transit construction programmes, transportation policies and future land-use patterns, would all be taken into consideration.
The information of personal travel would be collected through four major interview surveys — a household interview, a roadside interview, a hotel interview and a taxi driver interview.
In order to facilitate the analysis and the presentation of the data collected, the study area had been divided into some 370 traffic zones on the basis of topography, population, land use, transport facilities and traffic conditions, he said.
Tuesday, August 28, 1975
- 2 -
The household interviews will be based on 25,000 selected households. Starting next month, interviewers will call on them and ask questions of all the journeys each member of that household made on a part 5cvlrr day. This will include trip origins and destinations, purpose and time of trips, and mode of transport used.
The roadside interviews will be conducted at selected locations on some major traffic routes. Similar questions will be put to motorists interviewed as well as questions on parking conditions.
"The informati on so collected will help the consultants to understand more about the choice of route by the motorists and tne relationship between the travel cost and travel time,” Mr. Pang explained.
He continued: ’’The hotel interview will yield information on the trips made by the tourists during their stay in Hong Kong, and hence their transport demand, while the taxi interview will reveal the characteristics of taxi trips aade in Hong Kong.”
The information collected will be processed by computers.
Hr. Pang said the recommendations arising from the study would cover all forms of transport — road, underground as well as water transport.
”In some cases, if the planned population distribution and land use will impose very difficult traffic and transport problems, then the traffic consultants may recommend early revision of the long terra town plan," he added.
’’This is in fact an iterative process which will be performed until a set of satisfactory results is obtained.”
Tuesday, August 28, 1973
The Fire Services Department is to order six high intensity lighting tenders to facilitate fire fighting and rescue operations at night.
Each tender will comprise a van equipped with a diesel generator, '• ’ f '» P f -*•••» 4 ill
an extending flood light mast, three 220-volt lighting units capable of x t ■ ■ :
generating their own electricity, and a radio telephone.
A Fire Services spokesman said that these tenders would form part of the standard attendance to incidents occurring during the night.
’’These lighting tenders are capable of illuminating a very large area and should make fire fighting and rescue operations at night much easier, especially in cases of serious fires when the power supply of a whole locality may be temporarily cut, and in cases of serious accidents in the New Territories he said.
:,They are also light in weight, about 80 pounds, and can be easily carried away from the van by two men to the most strategic spots in an emergency area.”
The new appliance should also prove useful during rescue operations in day time when a large supply of electricity is needed to operate heavy equipment like power saws, the spokesman added.
He said that designs of the new appliance had been finalised and they were expected to be placed in commission by next year’s typhoon season.
:,By then, two emergency lighting tenders will be posted at each of the Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories Fire Commands,” he said.
The total cost of the new appliances is estimated to be about ^"^80^000•
Tuesday, August 28, 1975
- 4 -
Winning numbers of the current government lottery, the sixth in this year’s series will be drawn by four popular Radio Hong Kong entertainers in the City Hall Concert Hall on September 15.
They are Mr. Lau Yat-fan, Mr. Hung Tak-shing, Miss Kimray Got Kam-ching and Miss Catherina Tsang Lai-chun.
Announcing this at a press conference today, the Chairman of the Government Lottery Management Committee, Mr. Kai-yin Chau, said this would be one of the last two opportunities this year for members of the public to buy a ticket and win a prize of over half a million dollars and at the same time make a contribution to the community welfare.
Tickets are already on sale at all Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club selling booths and more than 280 banks and ferry piers.
As part of the promotion campaign programme, the four radio entertainers will accompany the press this weekend on a visit to a welfare organisation which is aided by the Lotteries Fund.
Cn September 10, they will help sell tickets at a special selling booth in Statue Square.
Immediately after the lucky draw on September 15, there will be a one-hour Cantonese opera programme given by the Lung Cheung Dramatic Troupe•
This will be followed by a public auction of special car registration numbers held by the Transport Department. ^J.1 proceeds will go to the Lotteries Fund for charitable purposes.
Tuesday, August 28, 1973
- 5 -
An area of JO acres will be reclaimed to the north of the existing Sham Shui Po Ferry Pier to provide land for roadworks and community facilities.
The reclamation and seawall will extend about 1,000 feet from the present seawall along Tung Chau Street.
One major feature to be constructed on the future reclamation is a waterfront road which will form a part of the West Kowloon Corridor road project.
A new passenger ferry pier with a substantial concourse area will be built at a later stage to replace the existing pier.
Sites will also be reserved for government, institutional and community uses, and for the construction of a cargo handling area.
Reclamation work is expected to start in November and should be completed by mid-1975.
Tuesday, August 28, 1973
- 6- - -
The children’s playground between Prince Edward Road and Sai Yee Street will shortly be moved to the junction of Sai Yee Street and Hower liaricet Road.
The reprovisioning is to facilitate roadworks connected with the widening of Sai Yee Street to improve traffic flow in the area.
Swings, see-saws and slides will be provided in the playground. There will also be sitting-out areas, a pavilion, flower beds, trees and lawns.
Work is expected to begin towards the end of September and should be completed at the end of the year.
Release time. 7A? p.m,
Wednesday, August 29, 1973
Page No.
Feasibility study on the construction of a bridge to link
Lantau to the mainland now in progress ••••••••••••••••••.. 1
A new marriage registry will be opened in Yuen Long next week •••••••«.........................................•••••• 3
Importers and exporters must lodge trade declarations within 14 days of transaction ........................................ 4
Two construction workers were killed in industrial accidents in July ............................................... . 5
An attractive rest garden will be provided for residents of
Tin V/an ..................................................... 6
More than 600 lost identity cards are awaiting collection.. 7
Famous Brazilian artist will present two paintings to Urbco.......................................................... 8
Mobile registration team will operate at Rennie’s Mill next week................................................... 9
Two more buildings on Monmouth Terrace to be closed.......... 10
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, August 29, 1973
1 -
A preliminary report on the feasibility study of building a bridge linking Lantau Island with the mainland in the Nev/ Territories is expected to be completed within a few weeks.
The study, which is being conducted by Wilbur Smith and Associates, also includes an investigation into possible large-scale industrial and residential development on the island, and is being conducted in conjunction with another survey into the feasibility of providing recreational facilities and conservation reserves.
The preliminary report on the proposed Lantau bridge will be studied by various government departments, but a decision will depend on the findings of the final report of the whole study which is expected to be completed within 12 months.
Disclosing this today, a spokesman for the Public Worlds Department said that the Lantau bridge study was prompted by "the pressing need for road access to substantial areas of undeveloped land."
One of the principal restrictions on the growth of Hong Kong’s economy at the moment was a lack of land attractive to developers, he said* "However, the shortage of attractive sites arises from inadequate access to suitable land rather than a lack of land itself," the spokesman emphasised.
/Previously ,•••••••
Wednesday, August 29, 1973
- 2 -
Previously the consultants were commissioned for a study aimed at assessing the best use of land for recreational and tourist development at the scenic parts of South Lantau, Ma Wan Island, Sai Kung Peninsula and Middle Island at Deep Water Bay.
"The scope of investigation is now extended to cover the bridge", the spokesman said, "and the consultants will report on the preliminary feasibility of a bridge with indications of design standards based on varying traffic projections and on engineering, marine and civil aviation constraints.
frPhey will determine the order of costs of building the bridge and the associated approaches and the building of a tunnel crossing will be investigated if the preliminary findings rule out a bridge for any reason,'5 the spokesman added.
Particular consideration will be given to the reciprocal relationship between road access to Lantau and possible large-scale proposals such as industrial development and associated residential development as well as the creation of recreational facilities and conservation areas.
The impact of a bridge or a tunnel crossing and the associated road .! ■ access will not be restricted to Lantau itself but would have a consideraole
effect on tlie pattern of development of Hong Kong as a whole.
Wednesday, August 29, 1973
- 3 -
A new marriage registry will be opened next Monday (September J) in Yuen Long to meet the increasing demand for wedding registrations in the district*
It will replace the existing combined birth and marriage registry at the Yuen Long District Office.
From Monday, notices of marriage may be given and marriage ceremonies will be performed at the new registry which features a suitably decorated marriage room and a separate waiting room for brides and bridesmaids•
The new registry will only perform registration of marriages, while registration of births will continue to be operated at the old registry at the Yuen Long District Office.
A spokesman for the Registrar General’s Department said that the separation of the two registries should greatly reduce congestion in the old offices.
He pointed out that last year, the number of registered marriages, in the New Territories had increased by 20 per cent to 2,945 from 2,444 in 1971*
’’The opening of the new Yuen Long Marriage Registry is part of the department’s efforts to meet this increasing demand,n he said.
The new registry, situated at the Yuen Long Town Hall at Tai Yuli Road, will be open to the public from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays. The registry’s telephone number is 12-764003.
-------0----------- /4................
Wednesday, August 29, 1975
- 4 -
Importers and exporters were today reminded of their obligations under the Import and Export (Registration) Regulations to lodge trade declarations and pay ad valorem charges within 14 days of transacting business on all imports and exports other than those which are exempted,
A spokesman for the Commerce and Industry Department warned that prosecutions would be initiated against those who, without reasonable excuse, fail to lodge the necessary trade declarations.
Trade declarations submitted outside the prescribed period of 14 days will be liable, without any further notice, to penalty charges which rise after two months to a maximum of $50 per declaration where the total value of articles specified does not exceed $20,000.
'.foere the value exceeds $20,000, the penalty charges rise after two months to a maximum of $100 per declaration.
Wednesday, August 29, 1973
- 5 -
Two workers were killed and 3$0 injured last month in accidents on construction sites, according to figures released today by the Labour Department.
The Industrial Safety Training Officer of the Labour Department, ilr. Chan V/ing-kai, said one worker had fallen to his death from the 17th floor of a building under construction whilst unloading a motor from a lifting appliance.
”This accident could have been prevented had suitable lifting appliances been used and proper methods of material handling employed, he said.
In the other fatal case the worker was hit on the head by a steel wedge. "A safety helmet might have saved his life,” Mr. Chan said.
He stressed that safety helmets would definitely help reduce the number of accidents caused by falling objects - which accounted for 13 per cent of accidents on construction sites last month.
The other two prevailing causes were - as in previous months -tripping over objects, and persons falling from heights.
Hr. Chan said the government was determined to cut back the present soaring accident rate.
”The Construction Site (Safety) Regulations which will come into force on May 1 next year will give the department the statutory power to enforce safety practices in the construction industry," he said.
Wednesday, August 29, 1973
- 6 -
Once the regulations become operative, he said, inspections of construction sites will be intensified to ensure compliance with the law. ’’Those who fail to toe the line will be prosecuted,” he said, adding that contravention of the regulations may lead to a fine of up to £10,000.
-------0 ---------
A strip of land at the Tin Wan reclamation that was once an illegal refuse dump will soon be turned into an attractive rest garden by the Urban Council.
The rest garden will be spread over an area of over 8,000 square feet on the northern side of the reclamation. It will command a favourable seaview and provide welcome recreational facilities to the hundreds of squatters living nearby.
The site will be paved and benches will be provided at suitable locations as well as see-saws and slides.
Railings will also be installed along the seawall for safety purposes.
Work on the project will start in mid-October and take about two months to complete.
-------0----------- /7..................
Wednesday, August 29, 1973
- 7 -
More than 600 unclaimed identity cards are now lying at the Registration of Persons Office waiting for the owners to pick them up.
A spokesman for the office said today that unless the cards were claimed within three months they would be cancelled and the owners would have to re-apply for new ones.
He stressed that the cards could easily have been returned to the owners if people notified his office of changes in their registered particulars.
Lists containing the names and numbers of the lost cards can be inspected at all City District Offices in the urban areas and at District Offices in the New Territories.
Kaifong associations and rural committees also have lists with identity card numbers for those who wish to check them.
Owners may collect their lost cards by calling in person at the head office of the Registration of Persons Department on the fourth floor of Causeway Bay Magistracy Building.
------0--------- /8.......................................
Wednesday, August 29, 1973
- 8 -
The wellknown Brazilian artist, Daja, will present two of her works to the Urban Council tomorrow (Thursday) as a memento of her ”fond memories of Hong Kong.”
The two paintings, entitled "Torn Sudary" and "Backwater", are stiffened painted cloth reliefs of great lyrical elegance.
They will be received by Mr. A. de 0. Sales, chairman of the council, and will become part of the permanent collection of the City Museum and Art Gallery. The paintings will be put on public display shortly.
Daja has been living in Hong Kong for the past four years but will be moving her studio to Germany in a few days time.
She was one of the artists invited at the Contemporary Hong Kong Art Exhibition organised last year by the City Museum and Art Gallery.
Her work has been exhibited in Geneva, Stuttgart, Rome and in the Pre-Bienal de Sao Paulo of Brazil and in the Trienal of Mew Delhi, She has also given one-man shows in New York, Taipei and Hong Kong.
Note to Editors: You are invited to have the presentation ceremony
covered. It will take place at 11.30 a.m. tomorrow in the Urban Council Chairman’s ceremonial office in the City Hall.
Wednesday, August 29, 1973
- 9 -
A team from the Registration of Persons Department will conduct registrations at Rennie’s Mill from September 4 to 7 for the convenience of residents there.
Business hours will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The visits will enable parents or guardians to register their children from six to 17 years of age for juvenile identity cards, and young persons 17 years of age and over to register for adult identity cards.
Children between six and 17 years of age who have Hong Kong birth certificates or valid travel documents need not attend for registration, but children who do not have birth certificates or valid travel documents, must accompany their parents or guardians when registering.
All persons living in the area are reminded of their responsibility to register themselves and their children for identity cards and to report to the Registration of Persons Department any changes of employment or residential address, nationality or marital status or any other particulars which have changed since registering for their Identity Cards.
Wednesday, August 29, 1975
- 10 -
The Building Authority today declared Nos. 9 and 11 Monmouth Terrace and the sub-basements of Nos. 15A and 15 liable to become dangerous. A hut in the area is also included.
In a statement, the Principal Government Building Surveyor said that these buildings had been under constant observation since the two adjoining buildings at Nos. 5 and 7 were closed earlier.
’’There is evidence,” he said, ”that situation in the area of the slip is not yet static.”
This, he added, was confirmed by additional investigations made subsequent to reports and mud penetrating the basement of No. 11 together with some increase in the cracking of the face of the slip.
”A sudden failure in the slip area would now seriously endanger Nos. 9 and 11,” he said.
He added that evidence of movement in the sub-basement of Nos. 11, 15A and 15 indicated that further movement in this area could endanger the occupants of the sub-basements ’’although it is not considered at this juncture that the main buildings of Nos. 15A and 15 Monmouth Terrace are endangered.”
The whole area will continue to be kept under observation. Meanwhile, notices of intention to apply for emergency closure orders in Victoria District Court were posted today. The hearing will take place at 9-50 a.m. tomorrow.(Thursday).
Release time: 7*50 p.m.
Thursday, August JO, 197J
Page No.
Special launch to help fight oil pollution in the harbour j Two new district officers appointed in New Territories • •••• J
Illegal parking at Kai Tak causing serious traffic problem.• 4
Results of June G.C.E. examination now available ••••••••••• 6
Two-month exhibition of a rare Neolithic pot.........••••••• 7
’’Meet the Media” session tomorrow on labour matters........ 8
Water cut in Tsuen Wan ....................................... 8
Centre for the aged in Wong Tai Sin to open tomorrow ........ 9
Press visit to Sports Association for the Handicapped ....... 11
Another labour dispute settled with the help of the Labour Relations Service .......................................... 12
Exports of restrained cotton textiles to U.K................. 12
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, August 30, 1973
- 1 -
A specially designed 70-foot launch will soon be added to the fleet of the Marine Department Oil Pollution Unit to meet emergencies related to large scale oil spillages and to enforce anti-pollution legislation more effectively.
”The prime function of the vessel will be the control of marine pollution, specifically oil, and in the event of a major oil spillage it will act as a command boat of the fleet of craft used to combat the emergency,Ir a spokesman for the Marine Department said today.
1,I t will ilso be used for inspecting tankers and other vessels, oil companies1 installations and ships’ oil record books as well as conducting bunker inspections on ships and conducting oil pollution exercises particularly in respect of training of personnel and assessment of equipment,11 he added.
At present, the fleet comprises seven tug boats, seven lighters and three fast personnel carriers to transport men and equipment.
The new launch will be equipped with oil dispersant storage tanks, spraying equipment and agitating devices, oil containment booms, a high pumping capacity for dispersing emulsifiers and lifting equipment for use in conjunction with deploying and recovering oil containment booms.
The craft will be capable of a maximum speed of about 12 knots and will carry sufficient fuel to operate for about 100 hours at half speed.
Thursday, August JO, 1973
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All propelling machinery and pumps will be controlled from the wheel house which will contain radar, echo (depth) sounder and radio (V.H.F.) equipment. Washing, messing and rest room facilities will be provided for half of the estimated 16 personnel on board during emergency ■. t • ■
Estimated to cost S1.5 million, the building work of the launch will be open to international tender.
At present the Oil Pollution Unit maintains JOO feet of oil booms to contain oil spillages and to protect such vital areas as typhoon shelters, beaches and waterfronts. A further 1,600 feet of lightweight oil booms can be obtained from local oil companies whenever necessary.
It also keeps a stock of 10,000 gallons of chemical dispersant, and another 2,000 gallons can be purchased immediately on demand plus a further JOO to 500 gallons daily.
In addition to these facilities, the Fire Services Department maintains three fire boats which are equipped to deal with oil spillages and fully manned on a 24-hour basis.
The Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force helicopters are also available for reconnaisance purposes.
Thursday, August JO, 1973
- J -
Two new District Officers have been appointed to fill posts in the Hew Territories Administration. They are Mr. Adolf Hsu and Hr. Clive Oxley who have been appointed District Officer, Islands and District Officer, Sai Kung, respectively.
Mr. Hsu, JJ, takes over from Mr. Mayer Ng who is to leave soon for study course in the United Kingdom.
As District Officer, Islands, Mr. Hsu will be responsible for the general administration of the outlying districts, including Lantau, Cheung Chau, Peng Chau and Lamma.
Since joining the public service in 1958, he has worked in a number of government departments, including the former Resettlement Department, Urban Services and Colonial Secretariat.
He is married with two children, and has just returned from an extensive course in the United Kingdom.
Mr. Oxley, who is 37, was formerly City District Officer, Sham Shui Po and Mongkok, having previously worked in the headquarters of the Secretariat for Home Affairs and in the Colonial Secretariat. lie will be talcing over the administration of the Sai Kung district from Mr. Victor Yung.
Note to Editors; Copies of photographs of Mr. Hsu and Hr. Oxley
are boxed for collection.
Thursday, August JO, 1973
Illegal parking in the airport area is posing a serious problem for the airport authority, particularly during weekends when the situation tends to get out of hand.
In some cases, motorists who can not find a space to park just abandon their cars in areas where they block the entrances and exits.
An appeal was made in June urging motorists not to take their cars to the airport during peak operating hours — from midday to 6 p.n. — on weekends. However, the appeal appears to have gone unheeded and police are forced to take more stringent measures against illegal parking in the vicinity of the airport.
During the past two months, more than 80 summonses were issued for illegal parking at the airport. In addition, several cars which caused serious obstruction were towed away.
In an effort to maintain the normal traffic flow extra policemen are deployed to the area during peak operating hours.
Motorists are once again urged not to take their cars to the airport on weekends in order to avoid unnecessary congestion. They should use public transport whenever possible.
Any vehicle found parked illegally in the area of the airport may be towed away.
/A government
Thursday, August 30, 1973
A government spokesman pointed out that the present open-air car park in front of the terminal building has space for only 330 cars and this is usually fully occupied everyday.
The situation becomes worse on weekends when some families drive their children to the airport for a day of outing or for lunch in the airport restaurant,
“This,” the spokesman added, ’Tias caused unnecessary inconvenience to the genuine users of the airport.”
A new multi-storey car park, which can hold four times as many cars, has been included in the current expansion of the airport to cater for the present and future requirements.
However, the first 800 spaces will not be available for use until 1973.
Hote to Editors:
Copies of a picture showing a long queue of
cars waiting to enter the car park are boxed for
Thursday, August 30, 1973
- 6 -
The University of London G.C.E. June 1973 ’0’ and ’A1 level results are now available.
Students who entered as school candidates should contact their schools for the results while private candidates will be notified individually by post.
Private candidates who do not receive the information by Wednesday, (September 3) should contact the External Examinations Section, Examinations Division of the Education Department by telephone No. 3-686864 or 3-688704.
The University of London has expressed regrets that the publication of the ’A1 level Chinese results has had to be delayed a little and grades in this subject are therefore omitted from the individual results notices. The pass grades will, however, be included on the final certificates to be issued during October.
Students who intend to repeat the same subjects in the coming A.E.B. November, or University of London January, G.C.E. examinations will be required to register during mid-September.
The dates and places for registration will be published on September 10 and 11 in all leading daily newspapers.
Thursday, August JO, 197J
A rare Neolithic pot recently unearthed from Lamina Island will bo put on display at the City Museum and Art Gallery for two months starting from Saturday (September 1).
The well-preserved pot, measuring 25 cm in height and JO cm in diameter, is round-shaped and is covered with lozenge and net patterns* It was accidentally discovered by workers in August last year while digging the foundation for a new house at Sha Po Tsuen, Yung Shu Wan.
The contractor later presented it to the City Museum and Art Gallery and a salvage excavation was immediately carried out at Sha Po Tsuen where some more small pieces of Neolithic pottery were unearthed.
A spokesman for the City Museum and Art Gallery said that pottery of this type was usually found along the south-east coast of China, and they had been in use over a long period from the Chou Dynasty to early Ilan.
Samples of the pottery unearthed and photographs showing the salvage excavation in progress will be put on display together with the pot to form a museum feature item.
Thursday, August 30, 1973
- 8 -
Note to Editors: A f,Meet the Media” session will be held
tomorrow (Friday) at 12 noon in the G.I.S.
35 nrni theatre, 5th floor, Beaconsfield House.
Attending the meeting will be the Commissioner of Labour, Mr. I.R. Price, and Messrs. David Lin Huc>-fu v-.nd Lao Ifcxr-chi, both Assistant Commissioners*
You are invited to have the meeting covered. Television crews are advised to arrive early so that they will have ample time to set up their equipment.
Water supply to a number of premises in Tsuen Wan will be interrupted for five hours starting at 1 a.m. on Saturday (September 1).
The temporary stoppage is to enable staff of the Waterworks
Office to carry out a leakage test in the area.
The area affected is bounded by Texaco Road, Tai Wo Hau Road, Tai Wo Hau Estate block 1 and blocks 12-20, and Ashbury Methodist Cottage Area.
-------0 ---------
Thursday, August JO, 1973
- 9 -
The official opening of the Ki Lin Centre, a club for the elderly living in the Jong Tai Sin district, will be held tomorrow (Friday) afternoon.
The ceremony will be attended by about 200 old people and more than 100 guests.
The opening will take the form of a ribbon-cutting ceremony by nine personalities and will be followed by a tea party.
Performing the ribbon-cutting will be Mr. Choi Kwok-ching, President of Ki Lin Centre; Mr. Choi Jun, Life Long President; Mr. Albert C. Wong, Wong Tai Sin City District Officer; Mr. Hui Yin-fat, Director, Hong Kong Council of Social Service; Mr. Yu Pun-chak, Divisional Superintendent, Wong Tai Sin; Lt. Col. A.S. Barr, R.A.O.C., Composite Ordnance Depot, British Forces (H.K.); Rev. Dr. Andrew Chiu, Hong Kong Lutheran Church Missouri Synod; Mr. George Li Kai-fun, President, Lions Club of Happy Valley; and Mr. Kwok Ka-chi, Senior Principal Social Welfare Officer, Social Welfare Department.
The Ki Lin Centre is a day club for old people. It is organised by the Wong Tai Sin Federation of Welfare Services for the Aged, a non-profit-making, registered welfare body of 25 organisations in the district.
The Federation was formed on the initiation of the Wong Tai Sin Community Centre which also promotes its activities.
Explaining the functions of the club, Mrs. Henrietta Chen, the Warden of Wong Tai Sin Community Centre, said membership was open to any elderly person over 60 living in the Wong Tai Sin district.
/"It is
Thursday, August 30, 1973
- 10 -
:,It is a place where they can chat with friends over a cup of tea or spend their time just watching television. The staff and volunteers also help the members with many of their problems, providing advice and assistance where necessary.”
Besides outdoor and indoor recreational activities, a social gathering for members is held every Sunday. The Centre was established in May this year and at the moment has 205 members. Volunteers either in groups or individually help to run the Centre.
The British Forces have donated a large amount of furniture including sofas, chairs and tables and the Lion Club of Happy Valley has donated $1,000 worth of electrical appliances such as fans and heaters.
Mrs. Chen said the formation of this club for elderly people has been a joint effort of many public-spirited organisations, groups and individuals. However, she would like to see more involvement by those in the V/ong Tai Sin district to foster the spirit of community care for the aged.
Note to Editors: You are invited to cover the opening ceremony
of the Ki Lin Centre tomorrow, Friday. The ceremony will start at 5 p.m. The club is situated at 13, Muk Lun St., behind the Wong Tai Sin Divisional Police Station.
0 - -
Thursday, August 30, 1973
- 11 -
Note to Editors: Arrangements have been made by the chairman
of the Government Lotteries Management Committee for members of the Press to visit the Hong Kong Sports Association for the Physically Handicapped on Saturday (September 1).
Reporters and photographers assigned to cover the visit should assemble at Queen’s Pier, Hong Kong, not later than 10.20 a.m. Transport will be provided.
The association, which formerly operated as the Rehabilitation Division of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service , is located on the ground floor of block 25, Sau Mau Ping Estate, Kowloon.
Its objective is to foster sport and physical recreation for the handicapped as an important aspect of social life in helping with the rehabilitation and integration of the handicapped in the community.
Last year, the association received grants totalling more than 5150,000 from the Lotteries Fund to meet recurrent costs and expenses in connection with the participation in the Heideburg Paralympic Games.
Thursday, August 30, 1975
- 12
******* Some 1o0 workers of the Nam Jam Factory Limited in Sham Shui Po today received a total of about Sl40,000 from the management as severance pay.
The dispute broke out on August 15 and officers of the Labour Relations Service of the Labour Department stepped in soon after direct negotiation between the management and workers reached a deadlock. Five conciliation meetings were subsequently held at the San Po Kong office of the Labour Relations Service and agreement was finally reached on August 24. ----------------------------------0---------
The Director of Commerce and Industry today issued a notice to exporters on the subject of exports of restrained cotton textile items to the United Kingdom# The notice concerns the implementation of an Export Authorisation Scheme on September 5 and 7 to dispose of unutilised cotton quotas carried over from 1972.
Trade associations and companies on the department’s mailing list for Notice to Exporters, Series 1 (Britain) will receive copies of the notice shortly.
However, persons who wish to seek advance notice of the contents are invited to obtain copies from the department’s receptionist counter on the ground floor of No. 46 Connaught Road Central, or to contact Mr. D.T.H. Lee, Assistant Trade Officer, at Tel. No. 5-43O719» and Messrs. C.K. Wong and H.K. Kwok, Industry Assistants, at Tel. No. 5-446789. -----------------------------------0---------- Release time: 7*50 p«m.
Friday, August 31, 1973
Page No.
New long term tenancy system will benefit estate shopowners •• 1
More parking facilities to be provided at Kai Tak airport •••• 3
Value of Hong Kong’s trade continued to rise in July ••••••••• 4
New Director of Social Welfare assumed duties today •••••••••• 6
TVB’s licence extended for 15 years ............................ 7
Mini »oo at Botanic Gardens is to be expanded ................. 8
Surplus of 3118 million in government accounts for May......... 9
Factory visit by new Commissioner of Labour.................... 10
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Friday, August J1, 1973
- 1 -
Tho Housing Department today assured shop tenants in public housing estates who are being asked to sign long-term tenancy agreements that the new policy is not a threat to their existence.
The new tenancy agreement which is to replace the former tenancy card system issued on a month—to—month basis, is for two years in the first instance and renewable for another three years.
Mr. Ralph Husband, Deputy Director of Estates Management, said today that some shopkeepers seemed to think that the agreement would mean immediate rent increases and an end to their tenancy after two years.
’•There is no question of tenancies being terminated,” he stressed. "We are always reluctant to end tenancies and it would have to be a consistent non-payment of rent or repeated breaking of rules that would lead us to take that sort of action.
”In the former Housing Authority and low cost housing estates there are about 800 shops which from the start have been on two or three-year agreements,” said Mr. Husband.
”The majority have occupied their shops since the estates were first opened — in some cases as long as 15 years. The same sort of thing will apply to shopkeepers in the older estates who are now being asked to sign agreements,” he said.
/On the
Friday, August 3% 1973
- 2 -
On the question of rents Mr. Husband said that in the past former Resettlement Department shop rents were adjusted each year. The last change was in April 1972. "What is now proposed," he said, "is virtually a rent freeze at this present level until December 1975 at least. t "Shop rents on estates are considerably subsidised and low 4 compared to those in the private sector and a rent freeze of two years must be a very attractive proposition to any shop tenants."
Mr. Husband went on: "As is well known, the new Housing Department was formed in April as an amalgamation of the former Resettlement Department and the Housing Division of the Urban Services Department and it is hoped that conditions in ex-resettlement estates will be eventually made similar to those found in former Housing Authority estates. This is one move in that direction."
Friday, August 31» 1973
- 3
Temporary parking facilities will be provided at Hong Kong International Airport as an interim measure pending the construction of a permanent multi-storey car park which will eventually provide 1,400 spaces.
In the short term, three car parks are to be built providing a total of 1,170 spaces. Work on the project is expected to start in October and should be completed in four months.
The scheme involves the expansion of the existing airline industry and staff car park at the western side of the terminal to provide 570 parking spaces for use by the general public.
For airline industry and staff, two small car parks — with an accommodation of 600 cars and lorries — will be built at the permit area.
The whole scheme comprises the construction of 25,000 square yards of asphalt pavement together with associated security and drainage works.
Commenting on the project, a spokesman for the Public Works Department noted that the arrangements were only temporary and said that the existing airline staff and industry car park would revert to that use once the multi-storey car park was completed.
The majority of the parking areas to be provided at the Permit area would be retained for use in association with maintenance and catering, he added.
- 0 _ _
Friday, August 51, 1975
The value of Hong Kong’s domestic exports continues to show a marked increase over that of the corresponding months last year.
According to provisional trade statistics released today, domestic exports last month were worth 21,657 million — an increase of 24.9 per cent or 2526 million over July 1972.
The value of imports increased by 2484 million or 26 per cent to 22,544 million.
However, the biggest increase — 48.8 per cent — was in re-exports which were worth 2551 million, a rise of J181 million over the corresponding month last year.
lir. M.D. Sargant, Assistant Director of the Commerce and Industry Department, said that the figures for the three-month period, May to July 1973, showed increases over the same period in 1972 of 21.4 per cent for domestic exports, 21.9 per cent for imports and 42 per cent for re-exports.
Figures for the seven-month period, January to July 1973, represented increases over the same period in 1972 of 18.5 per cent for domestic exports, 20.9 per cent for imports and 40.5 per cent for re-exports.
The provisional trade figures for July are given in the table below with comparison figures.
Friday, August 31, 1973
MERCHANDISE; : Domestic Exports : 31,637 million
Imports • 82,344 million
Re-exports • 3 551 million
1973 1972 S Mn. decrease
i Mn. $ Mn.
Domestic Exports 1,637 1,311 + 326 + 24.9
Imports 2,344 1,860 + 484 + 26.0
Re-exports 551 370 + 181 + 48.8
May-July May-July Increase or
1973 1972 decrease
$ Mn. S Mn. 8 Mn.
Domestic Exports 4,748 3,912 836 + 21.4
Imports 6,890 5,652 +1,238 + 21.9
Re-exports 1,497 1,054 + 443 + 42.0
Jan.-July Jan.-July Increase or
1973 1972 decrease
8 Mn. $ Mn. 3 Mn. %
Domestic Exports 9,815 8,298 +1,516 + 18.3
Imports 14,707 12,168 +2,539 + 20.9
Re-exports 3,077 2,190 + 887 + 40.5
Friday, August 31? 1973
- 6 -
Hr. K.W.J. Topley today assumed his new duties as Director of Social Welfare.
Mr. Topley, who is 50, has had a distinguished career with the Hong Kong government having served in a number of responsible posts.
He first joined the public service in 1950 as a Cadet Officer in the Malayan . Civil Service before transferring to Hong Kong in 1955» He was promoted to Senior Administrative Officer in 1959 and became Assistant Commissioner for Resettlement that same year.
He had served as Commissioner for Co-operative Development and Fisheries for several years. In 19$^, he was appointed Deputy Commissioner of Labour.
Mr. Topley joined the Census and Statistics Department in 1967 as Deputy Commissioner and two years later became Commissioner, a post he held until his appointment as Director of Social Welfare earlier this month.
Note to Editors: Copies of a photograph of Mr. Topley
are boxed for collection.
Friday, August 1973
The government announced today that the licence issued to Television Broadcasts Limited will be valid for a period of 15 years from the date of the coming on air of the second wireless television licensee, subject to satisfactory renewal in 19^0.
This brings the period of validity of TVB’s licence into line with the licences to be issued to the two new wireless television companies.
The 15-year term of the licences which will be issued to the two new television companies will be subject to a mid-way review at the end of 1980 and, subject to satisfactory service, the remainder of the 15-year licence term vri.ll be confirmed at that time.
TVB’s new licence will also be subject to satisfactory renewal on
the same date.
This will enable not only the individual performances of each licensee to be examined but also the overall pattern of television progress in Hong Kong to be reviewed.
Friday, August 51, 1975
- 8 -
The mini zoo at the Botanic Gardens will be reconstructed and expanded later this year to provide a more attractive display of wild mammal species.
The expansion scheme, which has been approved by the Recreation and Amenities Select Committee of the Urban Council, involves the construction of seven separate animal enclosures and a small food preparation shed on the lawn surrounding the bandstand north of the existing mammal enclosures.
Wild mammals presently displayed include various species of monkeys, black bears, deer, porcupines, squirrels and black apes, but it is envisaged that new species of gibbon and marmosets will soon be added to the collection.
According to Mr. J.D. Romer, Curator of Mammals in charge of the expansion scheme, the new enclosures would provide better and larger accommodation for the wild mammals as well as facilitate public viewing.
At present, the mammal enclosures are situated in one long structure which is divided into seven partitions.
Mr. Romer said the new cages would be big enough- to accommodate breeding groups of animals to increase both the educational and conservation value of the exhibits.
Work on the project is expected to start within a few weeks
and should be completed in three months.
Friday, August 31, 1973
- 9 -
The Hong Kong government accounts for the month of hay 1973 show a surplus of 3118 million, compared with a deficit of 313 million in May last year.
This has resulted in a total surplus of 3103 million for the first two months of this financial year.
Total revenue for the month at 34J0 million was 3200 million more than in May 1972. The total revenue for the first two months of the financial year was 3774 million - 3234 million more than the same period last year.
Total expenditure amounted to 3332 million, an increase of 370 million over the same month last year.
This brings the total expenditure for the first two months of the financial year to 3642 million, which was 3130 million more than the same period last year.
Friday, August 31, 1973
- 10 -
Note to Editors: The new Commissioner of Labour, Mr. I.R. Price,
will mark his first full day in office on Monday (September 3) by a visit to industry.
He will visit the Wintex Knitwear Company Limited at Kapok Mansion, 11th floor, 373 To Kwa Wan Road at 2.30 in the afternoon.
The theme of the visit will be improving management-worker relations, and Mr. Price intends to speak both to management and to workers on the production line.
If time allows, he may make impromptu calls at other factories after the Wintex visit.
You are invited to sent a reporter and/or photographer to cover the occasion. Press representatives should assemble at the entrance to Kapok Mansion at 2.20 p.m.
Release time: 7*30 p.m.