Daily Information Bulletin - 1970s - 1973 - SEP - ENG


Saturday, September 1, 1973


Page No,

Statement by Secretary of Security on the use of Morse Park ....... 1

Governor speaks at launching ceremony in Glasgow .................. 2

Female employees’ role in non-industrial employment .........•••••• 4

Flyover and access roads in Kwai Chung .........................• • • 5

Additional shipment of cotton gloves for U.S....................  • 6

Retirement of Assistant Registrar.................................  7

Hr. Lee ceases to be temporary Executive Council member.......... 7

Cards to be issued to warn against drug trafficking................ 8

Urban Councillor to present awards to candidates of learn-to-swim

courses.....................................................    9

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Saturday, September 1, 1973



The Secretary for Security, Mr. Peter Lloyd, said today there were very sound reasons for rejecting an application to hold a public meeting at Morse Park tomorrow (Sunday).

Morse Park was immediately adjacent to a densely populated area where a large public gathering would cause traffic congestion, pose serious problems of crowd control and result in grave inconvenience to residents.

"Moreover, experience has shown there is always a danger that, in such circumstances, demonstrations can lead to disturbances, regardless of the intentions of the organisers," he added.

"This is why Morse Park is not a designated area for public meetings -and why permission cannot be given.

"However, we have offered the organisers an alternative by suggesting that the mooting be held at the Boundary Street Stadium.

"Wo have four other sites available for public meetings of this kind, including the Victoria Park grounds which provided the venue last Sunday.

"Their motives in rejecting these authorised sites are difficult to understand.

"The reasons for the demonstration are fully understood; corruption is a matter of public interest and concern. The government has constantly stressed its determination to eradicate this problem. It is ironical that those intent on demonstrating against someone who is alleged to have broken the law are prepared, to break it themselves."

Mr. Lloyd expressed the hope that good sense would prevail and that the organisers would accept the alternative site at Boundary Street which, even at this late stage, was still available to them.

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Saturday, September 1, 1973

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The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, has attributed Hong Kong’s achievement to its people, whom he described as magnificient, and to the sheer energy and dynamism of the place.

He was speaking during the launching by Lady MacLehose of a bulk carrier, Golden Oriole, in Glasgow earlier this week.

The 26,000-ton vessel is built for Worldwide Shipping Group, Hong Kong, by Govan Shipbuilders Limited of Scotland.

Sir Murray pointed out that many stories printed about Hong Kong were so often about things that were bad, such as the increase in crime rate and the decline of the stock market.

’’But this is not Hong Kong,” said Sir Murray.

Hong Kong, he said, is one of the most beautiful as well as one of the greatest cities in the world — a centre of manufacture, commerce, of finance and communications and of tourism.

”It has achieved this not through aid, but from its own resources — a superb natural harbour and its people of all races,” he said.

The Governor stressed that it is the population, the capacity for hard work, for commercial enterprise, for resilience and determination to survive that has made Hong Kong one of the largest trading units in the world.

Sir Murray went on to say that though Hong Kong is well known in the United Kingdom for its manufacture it i$ not yet so well known for its shipping.


Saturday, September 1, 1973

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However, he said, the tonnage owned by Hong Kong is in fact extraordinary, now amounting to a rough estimate of about 25 million tons afloat or ordered.

This, said Sir Murray, is a comparatively new phenomenon and is the result of the skill, acumen and sheer courage of a very few men in the shipping industry and their financial backers.

The Governor said the significance of this concentration of ownership in Hong Kong must progressively be recognised in the years ahead, so that the owners of so great a fleet may have a commensurate voice in international shipping circles.

In her speech during the launching ceremony, Lady MacLehose said to launch a ship and see it take the water is a thrilling and moving experience.

She said she hoped that this feminine privilege would never be removed by the progress of women’s lib.

Lady MacLehose said: "It is an added pleasure that the owners are of Hong Kong, the city of our adoption, and the builders are of Glasgow, the city of our home country.”



Saturday, September 1, 1973

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Female employees are playing a significant role in non-industrial employment in Hong Kong.

This was the finding of a survey, conducted in May by the Census and Statistics Department, on employment in selected trades in the private non-industrial sector.

The survey showed that of the 271,431 persons employed in 13>578 establishments covered by the survey, 87,533 or 31 per cent were female.

There were 74,429 persons employed in restaurants, cafes and bars, 45,281 in import and export businesses, 44,804 in education services, 36,085 in ocean and coastal water transport, 22,040 in banks and money changers, 15,233 in hotels and boarding houses and 14,331 in medical and health services.

The main increases in employment, as compared with November last year, were 2,573 in restaurants and cafes, 1,652 in import and export businesses and 1,076 in banks.

A spokesman for the department said that department stores, solicitors’ firms, accounting and auditing firms and advertising companies and agencies were included in the survey for the first time.

The respective work force of these four trades were 8,998, 2,227, 2,705 and 1,432.

The spokesman said a total of 3,264 vancancies were reported from the establishments surveyed.


Saturday, September 1, 1973

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Of these, restaurants and cafes accounted for 679» import and export businesses 627» medical and health services 625 and accounting and auditing firms 268.

During the survey it was found that 4,869 employees were under the age of 18. Of these, 3,074 worked in restaurants and cafes.

The spokesman said the survey had succeeded in getting response from 99 • 9 per cent of the establishments covered.

He described the response rate as encouraging and thanked the managements concerned for their assistance and co-operation.



The Commissioner for Transport announced today that the access roads and the two-way flyover connecting Kwai Chung Container Terminal and Kwai Chung Road will be officially opened to pedestrian and vaMcpl ar traffic at 10 a.n. on Tuesday (September 4).

The flyover will enable vehicles to travel to and from the Container Terminal.

Appropriate traffic signs will be erected to guide motorists.



Saturday, September 1, 1973

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The United States has agreed to an additional shipment of 75jOOO dozen pairs of cotton gloves during the remainder of the current textile year which ends on September 50. ft

Announcing this today, the Director of Commerce and Industry said that the agreement was reached after consultations between the Hong Kong and American governments.

The quantity will be made available to all comers between September 6 and 29.

The detailed arrangements are set out in Notice to Exporters: Series 2 (U.S.A.) No. 2^/75 issued today.

Trade associations and exporters on the Department’s mailing list for Notice to Exporters will receive copies of the above notice shortly.

Anyone wishing to seek further information is invited to contact the following officers of the Commerce and Industry Department

Miss C.Ii.Y. Chung - Assistant Trade Officer

Tel. No. 5-257791

Mr. Y.K. Tong - Industry Assistant

Tel. No. 5-259625.



Saturday, September 1, 1973

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Mr. Liu Tsu-yen, Assistant Registrar Class I in the Registrar General’s Department, is retiring after more than 22 years service in the government.

He joined the civil service in 1951 as a Certificated Master in the Education Department and became Assistant Master in 1956.

In 1962, he joined the Registrar General’s Department as Assistant Registrar Class II.

Six years later he was promoted to Assistant Registrar Class I, a post he held until his retirement.

To mark his retirement, a farewell presentation will be made by the Acting Registrar General on Monday (September 3)•

The presentation will be held at the departmental conference room, Central Government Offices (West Wing), 13th floor.

Note to Editors: You are invited to have the ceremony covered.

It will begin at 4.30 p.m.

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The Hon. Lee Que-wei, an Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council ceased to be temporarily an Unofficial Member of the Executive Council, with effect from August 30, 1973, on the return to Hong Kong of

the Hon. Szeto Wai.

Saturday, September 1, 1973

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A small, red and white card that will be seen by more than three million people each year could help stem the flow of dangerous drugs into Hong Kong.

The card, printed in Chinese and English, warns that people who attempt to traffick in drugs such as heroin, morphine and opium risk a maximum penalty of life imprisonment and a HK$100,000 fine.

A spokesman for the Action Committee Against Narcotics, which devised the warning, said today that Immigration Department officials would begin issuing the card on Monday, September 3, to travellers entering the territory through Hong Kong International Airport and the Macau Ferry Terminal.

More than 2.8 million people passed through these two immigration control points last year.

The spokesman said the warning cards also would be given to the crews of ships and planes entering Hong Kong.

Note to Editors: Copies of a picture of the government’s message

to drug traffickers will be distributed separately in the press boxes this afternoon.



Saturday, September 1, 1975

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The second and last series of learn-to-swim courses, organised by the Urban Council this summer, has ended.

A presentation of proficiency awards will be held at Kowloon Tsai Swimming Pool tomorrow (Sunday).

Mr. Ambrose K.C. Choi, Member of the Entertainment and Advertising Select Committee of the Urban Council, will present the awards to successful candidates.

Attendance certificates will also be issued to all those who completed the courses.

The presentation will be followed by swimming competitions among advance and intermediate course trainees and beginners.

There will also be a demonstration of four swimming strokes — the crawl, breast stroke, back stroke and butterfly.

Prizes will be presented to the winners after the competition.

Note to Editors: You are invited to have the ceremony covered.

It will begin at 6 p.m. tomorrow (Sunday).

Release Time: 5*00 p.m.



GlS| |«E


Monday, September 3, 1973


Page Ho, Talks open on proposed oil refinery at Lama Island..... 1

Works on two new technical institutes to start shortly. J

Nearly 150 new building plans were approved in July.... 5

Emergency closure orders sought for certain blocks of Mid-Level building ....................................... g

■^700,000 grant from Sir David Trench Fund for community projects .................................................. 7 Free concerts and operas for residents in urban and rural areas .................................................. 8 Water interruption in Causeway Bay................ 8

Closing ceremony for summer youth programmes in Tsuen Wan ••. 9

New maternal and child health centre opens in Yau Tong •••••• 9

New Commissioner of Labour visits factories in Tokwawan and Cheung Sha 'Jan •••••••••............................... 10

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Monday, September 3, 1973

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The government began discussions today with representatives of the Toa 051 Company Limited of Japan and Hong Kong’s Textile Alliance Limited about the environmental aspects of their joint application for a petroleum refinery and petrochemical complex on Lamma Island.

Representatives of Messrs Cremer and Warner, who have been commissioned by the government to report on the environmental aspects of the proposed project, were also present.

At the meeting, the applicants raised the possibility of proceeding on a site which included Tung 0 Bay on the southern coast of east Lamma. This suggestion will be evaluated by the consultants in the same manner as that for the northern part of the island.

In the meantime, it is proposed to proceed with the publication of the consultants’ report on the environmental impact of the Shell refinery and the report of the government group which visited refineries in Singapore and Australia.

It is expected that these will be available towards the end of this month.

Further meetings will be held during the week. These will be followed by a visit to Japan by Mr. David Akers—Jones, Principal Assistant Colonial Secretary (Lands), and Mr. Nip Kam-fun, Government Civil Engineer (Consultants Management), together with representatives of Messrs Cremer and Warner.


Monday, September 3, 1973


During the visit, the party will inspect refineries and petrochemical works in Japan and it is hoped to hold discussions with officials in the Japanese Federal Environmental Agency and the provincial environmental bureaus.

A government spokesman recalled that the application had been announced by Mr. Akers-Jones in the Legislative Council on August 1.

It would be necessary, the spokesman said, to examine the project closely to determine the environmental impact on Hong Kong as a whole and on the local scene at Lamma.


Monday, September 3, 1973

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Conetruction of the Kwai Chung Technical Institute — the first of seven being planned to expand technical education in Hong Kong — will begin in two months time.

At the same time, work is expected to start on a third institute at Kwung Tong towards the end of the year. Both should be ready at the start of the 1975/76 academic year.

To be built on a 73,400 square foot site between Kwai Shing and Kwai Fong estates, the Kwai Chung institute will comprise three different buildings — a four-storey administrative block; an assembly hall block with a covered playground, a canteen and minor staff quarters; and a five-storey teaching block housing 46 classrooms and workshops. They will be linked together by covered corridors.

When completed in 1975, it will be administered through five different departments — garment making, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, textiles and business studies.

It will provide 1,300 full-time equivalent places in a wide range of courses at both elementary and intermediate level. Part-time day release courses and evening classes will also be run to allow maximum use of its facilities.

The new institute should be able to take in its first batch of students at the start of the 1975/76 academic year.

/Together .....

Monday, September 3, 3-973


Together with the Kwun Tong institute, it should help ease the immense pressure on the Morrison Hill Technical Institute.

In the meantime, an additional floor of 6,000 square feet will be added to the workshop wing of the Morrison Hill Technical Institute to expand and improve existing facilities.

The new floor will house three workshops — including one to provide much-needed facilities for technical teacher and workshop instructor training.

The other two new workshops will be for electrical installation and mechanical fitting.

Extensive improvements and alterations will also be carried out in other workshops and laboratories — including the textile mechanics workshop, the power and machines laboratory, the welding section, the air-conditioning workshop, and the vehicle repair and engine-testing workshop — so that maximum use could be made of these facilities.

These works should be completed by the start of the 1974/75 academic year.

Meanwhile, the planning for building and equipping a third technical institute in Kwun Tong is nearing completion and construction should begin at the end of the year. It will be fully operational at the start of the 1975/76 academic year together with the Kwai Chung Institute.

Planning work for the Cheung Sha Wan and San Po Kong technical institutes is also progressing smoothly, and they are scheduled to come into operation in 1976 and 1977 respectively.

These, together with a further three institutes being tentatively planned for new towns such as Sha Tin, Tsuen Wan and Tuen Mun, should go a long way towards meeting the increasing demand for skilled craftsmen and teclinicians in industry.


Monday, September 5, 1973

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A total of 148 new building plans was approved by the Buildings Ord-j nance Office in July this year — nearly four times the number for the corresponding month last year.

The figure was only 15 short of the record of 165 reached in June.

More than half of the new plans approved were for residential or for combined apartment/commercial buildings. These included a 29-storey apartment/commercial building at the junction of Victoria Road and Cadogan Street, a similar 27-storey building in King’s Road, and two blocks of 26-storey apartment/commercial buildings in Kai Yuen Terrace and Wun Sha Street respectively.

At the same time, plans were also approved for a 28-storey commercial building in Connaught Road Central, a 26-storey factory building in Ma Kok Street, Tsuen Wan, and a 9-storey sports centre in Caroline Hill Road.

Buildings certified for occupation during the month included seven for domestic use, 15 for non—domestic use, and 5^ for combined domestic/non-domestic use. The declared construction cost of these buildings amounted to over 3151 million.

In addition, the Building Authority gave permission for 71 building projects to commence work — 26 on the Island, 12 in Kowloon and 53 in the Nev/ Territories.



Monday, September 3, 1973

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The Building Authority this (Monday) afternoon applied for emergency closure orders for Blocks A, B and C Grenville House, Magazine Gap Road, as a pre-cautionary move following yesterday’s landslide which blocked May Road.

The decision was taken on the advice of consulting engineers who this morning carried out close investigations of the slope where the landslide occurred.

At the same time, the Building Authority confirmed that the ground floor, lower ground floor and the bottom five domestic storeys, of the remaining blocks of Grenville House should remain unoccupied and appropriate closure orders were being sought. The occupants of flats on these five storeys were advised to leave yesterday.

A st mil ar closure order was also being sought for the Chatham English School on Chatham Path whose occupants were also advised to quit the premises yesterday.

In the meantime, work has started on the task of completing the demolition of the remainder of Thorpe Manor, No. 1 May Road, immediately below which the landslide occurred yesterday. This operation has to be conducted with great care, to ensure that the remains of this structure are brought down in the direction of the hillside and do not fall outwards down the slope.

As this work proceeds, and given no recurrence of heavy rain, so will the danger recede, and it is hoped to reopen some of these premises as soon as possible.



Monday, September J, 1973

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A sum of 5697,900 will be granted this year from the Sir David Trench Fund for Recreation to various organisations for the provision of more recreational programmes for the community.

The grants, approved by the Acting Governor, Sir Hugh Norman-./alker, represent an increase of more than 100 per cent over the amount of 5332,000 given out last year.

The number oi organisations receiving the grants is also increased by 39 to 103.

The grants made are mostly for the provision of recreational facilities, library books and sports equipmentc

Individual applicants for grants from the fund will be informed of the Acting Governor’s decision by letter.

The Sir David Trench Fund for Recreation was set up in 1970 for the provision of facilities for recreation, sports, cultural and social activities, and related p "poses with special emphasis on encouraging the purposeful use of leisure by young people.

Monday, September J, 1973

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A series of Chinese band concerts and operas will be held this month in various playgrounds throughout Hong Kong for the entertainment of residents in the urban and rural areas.

The shows are being organised by the Urban Council in conjunction with the Urban Services Department and Radio Hong Kong. They will start at 8 p.m. and last for about two and a half hours. Admission will be free.

The first will be held on Thursday (September 6) in Southern Hay ground at Hennessy Road in Wan Chai. Others are scheduled for Sham Shui Po, Yau Ma Tei, Yuen Long and Wong Tai Sin.




Water supply to a number of premises in Causeway Bay will be interrupted for five hours starting from 1 a.m. on Thursday (September 6).

The temporary stoppage is to allow staff of the Waterworks Office to conduct a leakage test in the area.

The area affected is bounded by Sugar Street, the north side of Yee Wo Street, Great George Street, Paterson Street, Kingston Street and Cleveland Street.



Monday, September 3, 1973

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Note to Editors: The closing ceremony of the Princess

Alexandra Community Centre’s summer youth programme will be held on Wednesday (September 5) at 8.30 p.m.

Presentation of prizes to winners of the junior ping pong tournament and the Chinese chess competition will also be held.

Officiating will be Mr. So Cherk-ming, chairman of the Tsuen Wan Recreation Committee; Mr. Lo Yan-shing, chairman of the Tsuen Wan District Sub-Committee of City North; and Mr. Alexander Fung, Warden of the Centre.

You are welcome to have the event covered.

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A new maternal and child health centre opened today in the Yau Tong Housing Estate, Ko Chiu Road, Kowloon.

The centre is the 36th clinic to be set up by the Medical and

Health Department for maternal and child health services.

The new health centre will operate from 9 a.m. to 5 p*m* on

Monday to Friday, and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday.



Monday, September 3, 1975

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Hong Kong’s new Commissioner of Labour, Mr. I.R. Price, marked his first full-day in office today by visiting a Tokwawan knitwear factory to discuss with management and workers the importance of good labour relations.

Hr. Price - accompanied by the head of the Labour Relations Service, Mr. T.F. Tsui, and the Labour Department’s Principal Information Officer, Hr. Barry Walsh - spent more than an hour at the factory, Wintex Knitwear Co. Ltd. in Tokwawan Road.

He chatted with workers, asking them if they felt they had easy access to management to discuss their grievances. He also spoke with the factory’s director, Mr. James Cheng Hok-lai, about setting up joint consultation machinery in the firm.

’’There is no doubt that good labour relations make for good management and good business," said Mr. Price. "Everyone appreciates that severe industrial trouble such as strikes and go-slows costs management money. But even general discontent among workers can affect production -and that hits the management in the pocket.

"Industrial trouble hurts workers too, of course. Being out of work means being out of pocket. On the other hand, an efficient and happily operating company means good, secure jobs for workers.

"So good relations between management and workers benefit both -and benefit Hong Kong as a whole,’’ he said.

/Mr. Price

Monday, September J, 1973

Mr. Price said Wintex appeared to be a good example of employer and employees working together. Representatives of the firm’s 160 workers -roughly 60 per cent of whom are women - have regular informal meetings with the management to talk over their problems.

”We have found that in this way we can stop trouble before it starts,” said the firm’s director, Mr. James Cheng Hok-lai, ”so we have only had a couple of problems here in the last few years - and because we knew each other, we were able to talk those out sensibly and find a solution. V/e know each other and we talk to each other, so there is no communication gap,” he said.

”In fact it seems to be working so well that I am now looking at tho possibility of setting up formal joint consultation machinery along the lines suggested by the Labour Department’s Labour Relations Service.” Workers representative Miss Wong Tam-tie, a linking worker who is one of the workers’ representatives, said she felt the regular discussions between the workers and the management were the reasons for the happy working atmosphere in the factory.

”We always have a chance to air our complaints,” she said. ”We have a workers’ representative on each floor and whenever we encounter any problem, the representatives will take up the matter with the management.” ’•There is not so great a gap between us and the management that we feel we have to take drastic steps straight away. And because management gets a chance to understand our problems, we find they meet us half way without our having to threaten industrial trouble.

/”The management •••••

Monday, September 3» 1973

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”The management is now experimenting with an ’employee welfare’ scheme which provides severance pay and medical and other benefits for us,” she said.

After leaving Wintex, Mr. Price paid a surprise visit to the Cheung Sha Wan factory estate where he chatted with proprietors and workers.

Note to Editors: Copies of a photograph of Mr. Price’s visit

to Wintex are boxed for collection.


Release Time: 8.00 p«m



Tuesday, September 4, 1973


Page No.

Secretary for Home Affairs calls for reappraisal of soci al values q

Estate residents evacuated from Tsz Wan Shan block as precautionary measure ................................••••••• 3

Four additional incineration plants underway to cope with increasing volume of refuse ••••••••••.................... 5

New midwifery training school will be built at Queen Elizabeth

Hospital ••••••••••••............• ••••..................... 7

Construction of a temporary market a Mongkok starting soon •• 8

Number of students joining School Medical Scheme has doubled ............................................................. 9

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Tuesday, September 4, 1973

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The people of Hong Kong were today urged to shed "mistaken values’’ based on outdated traditions and to aim for ’’sensible goals” concerned with the needs of living rather than the preservation of appearances.

The appeal was made by Mr. Jack Cater, Secretary for Home Affairs, in his opening address to the Fifth Asian Regional Credit Union Training Conference being held at the University of Hong Kong.

Mr. Cater said credit unions in Hong Kong were flourishing, ”but problems often arise because of the mistaken values which cloud some people’s judgment when it comes to determining the goal of their aspirations." They might be handicapped in this regard, he said, by the need to preserve ’face* — an inheritance from the past which they accepted without question.

It was not uncommon to hear of families reduced to poverty because of excessive funeral expenses of a departed breadwinner, and of newly weds spending their hard earned savings, which might give them a valuable start in life, on exorbitant wedding feasts as is often demanded by custom.

"Needless to say. there are much cheaper and more realistic alternatives, no less reverent and dignified, but these are discarded because they do not comply with alleged traditional proprieties," he said.

He noted that other societies had managed to reappraise their traditions and social customs and adjusted accordingly.

/"It is

Tuesday, September 4, 1973

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”It is time we in Hong Kong began to question ours,” he said. ’’Surely we are all concerned with the need to improve the quality of life, to set ourselves sensible goals concerned with the needs of living rather than the preservation of appearances.”

deferring to the credit unions movement in Hong Kong, Mr. Cater said it had broken ground in two ways. Members were mainly wage earners and the unions basically lend not for ’productive’ but for ’provident’ purposes — a method of anticipating savings and then making those savings virtually compulsory by earmarking them as the service of a loan.

There were now 50 credit unions with a total membership of 8,200 while share capital was over 52 million. Loans granted since the inception of the credit union movement totalled 58 million.

Mr. Cater believed that the credit unions movement could identify itself with the Mutual Aid Committee scheme, as they were both pronroted by similar motives and considerations.

He felt certain that in these neighbourhood associations they would find the potential for new membership and a wider interest in their activities.



Tuesday, September 4, 1973

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The Housing Department is helping J6 families, comprising 1J5 people, to move out from Block 51 Tsz Wan Shan Estate as a precautionary measure.

The families are living in units of the block facing the hill slope where a landslide occurred shortly before 6 a.m. thi^C Tuesday) morning.

Four shops on the ground floor of the block have also been closed but the shop tenants already have alternative units in the same estate and so no temporary accommodation is required for them.

Estate office staff and labourers are helping 45 people to move into Block 28, and 90 people into Block 53 of the same estate.

The Deputy Director of Estate Management, Mr. Ralph Husband, said that the landslide was posing a threat to the tenants’ safety although it caused no damage to the structure of the block.

"The 12 families living in the lower four floors of the block will have to move into Block 28 on a permanent basis or at least for a period of a few months when work on strengthening the end wall of the column block is carried out,” he said.

"Families living on the upper floors will be able to move back in about a vzeek or two,” he added.

/No immediate •»••••

Tuesday, September 4, 1973

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No immediate repair work to the slope is possible until a full inspection of it has been made by Housing Department technical staff in conjunction with consultant and P.W.D. highway engineers.

Meanwhile, a close watch is being kept on the landslide site near Block 4j which occurred last Sunday.

Remedial work on the slope will be carried out as soon as a full inspection and assessment has been made by the parties concerned,



Tuesday, September 4, 1973

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Four more major incineration plants will be built in Hong Kong to cope with the overflow from the existing incinerators and to further improve environmental hygiene.

One of the new plants is already under construction at Lai Chi Kok and a second is about to be built at Kwai Chung.

Planning for the other two plants, one on the island and the other in the Sha Tin Valley, New Territories, are now at an advanced stage.

Consulting engineers have been appointed by the government to carry out intensive investigations into the best sites for the fifth and the sixth plants.

The new plants, when fully operational by the end of this decade, will play an important role in the disposal of the large volume of daily refuse.

At present, the daily refuse collection averages 2,600 tons in the urban areas — 800 tons on the island and 1,800 tons in Kowloon.

About 1,200 tons of the total are taken care of by the two incineration plants in Kennedy Town and Lai Chi Kok while the remainder is disposed of in Gin Drinker’s Bay Refuse Dump and other controlled dumping areas.

Commenting on the new Lai Chi Kok plant, a government spokesman said that the construction of the incinerator proper at a site adjacent to the existing plant was progressing well.

/Work ••••••••

Tuesday, September H-, 1975

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Work on the 300-foot chimney, which will provide better disposal of fumes and reduce the possibility of air pollution, began a few months ago and is expected to be completed later this year.

The chimney is 100 feet higher than the normal maximum height of any building allowed in the area under the Hong Kong Airport (Control of Obstructions) Ordinance.

In the meantime, erection of machinery and equipment of the 4>41 million plant is also going smoothly.

This new plant will have four incinerator units of similar design as,those al ready in operation at Kennedy Town and Lai Chi Kok. It will be able to dispose of 750 tons of refuse per day.

In Kwai Chung, site formation for an incineration plant on reclaimed land immediately to the North Pillar Island in the Rambler Channel is.in full swing, the spokesman said.

Dredging for the seawall foundation has been completed and casting of seawall blocks is in progress.

This plant will dispose of 900 or more tons of refuse per day• It will be the first of its kind in the New Town in the New Territories.

Apart from the new projects to be built, a $13*75 million expansion programme is now being carried out at the present Kennedy Town Plant to cope with the increasing volume of refuse collection on the island.

One more 250 tons/day unit with large grab crane will be put to the existing four-unit plant • It is expected that the new unit will come into operation by the end of 1975-



Tuesday, September 4, 1973

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A midwifery training school is to be built on the roof of Queen Elizabeth Hospital to provide better facilities for the training of student nurses•

At present, midwifery training is carried out in the dining/sitting room area of the sisters quarters, which is divided into two temporary classrooms by movable partitions.

The new training school will have four classrooms with accommodation for 140 students, a practical demonstration room, a library, a pantry, and three tutorial staff offices. It will cover a total floor area of 4,400 square feet on the roof over ward A-11 of the hospital.

It will provide proper accommodation for student nurses to undergo a 12-week training period in obstetric nursing, which will be included in the general nursing syllabus to ensure that locally trained nurses will qualify for training as sister tutors in England and Australia.

Besides initial courses, the new school will also run refresher courses for practising midwives once every five years, and provide other refresher courses, for sisters and senior nursing staff to keep them abreast with the latest developments in general and midwifery nursing.

Work on the conversion of the roof is expected to begin early next year and should take about six months to complete.

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Tuesday, September 4, 1973

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Work will start next month on a temporary market to accommodate present stallholders in the Mongkok Market which is to be rebuilt as part of the Urban Council’s programme to provide better market facilities in urban areas.

The temporary market will occupy a 27,000-square-foot site at the junction of Mongkok Road and Shanghai Street, and will provide covered spaces for 87 stalls for the sale of meat, fish vegetables and poultry.

An office, ice stalls and a scalding room are also envisaged.

In addition, there will be an open hawker bazaar comprising space for more than 200 sites of standard size for the sale of grocery and sundry goods. A loading and unloading bay will cater for both the market place and the hawker bazaar.

The works are expected to be completed towards the end of March next year.

The reconstruction of Mongkok Market will involve the building of a two-storey structure to house the existing stallholders and about 100 additional hawkers in the vicinity.

The roof of the building will be used as a playground for children living in the neighbourhood.

Construction of the building is expected to commence in April next year for completion in 1975*



Tuesday, September 4, 1973

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The number of pupils who took part in the School Medical Service last year passed the 70,000 mark — nearly doublet that of the previous year.

A spokesman for the School Medical Service Board said that the increase was mainly due to the support given to the scheme by headmasters of various schools throughout the Colony.

This also indicates that the pupils now have more knowledge about the objective of the medical scheme.

The spokesman expressed the hope that headmasters would continue to give their support by encouraging the pupils to join the scheme.

The School Medical Service is a scheme designed to provide economical medical treatment among normally healthy children.

f,The procedures are very simple and pupils can join the scheme any time,11 he added.

By paying 35, the spokesman said, the participant is allowed to pay an unlimited of visits to a doctor.

As the schools may be very busy at the beginning of the new term anyone who wishes to obtain a list of doctors practising in the area of the school is asked to direct his enquiries to tel. No. 5-76^765•


Release Time: 7*30 p.m.



Wednesday, September 5, 1975


Page No.

Precautionary measures taken to avert further landslides at Tsz Wan Shan Estate...........................................    1

Unofficial member of Exco resumes office on return to Hong Kong ••••••••••......• •••................• ••................... 2

Students may again apply for financial assistance to meet travel expenses •••••••••••••••........................•........  3

Hong Kong will be represented at GATT meeting in Tokyo........ 4

Next Wednesday is a statutory holiday for industrial workers.. 5

Six lots of Crown land in the New Territories for sale....... 7

Certificates to bo awarded to volunteers of summer youth programmes.......••••••................................••••••• 8

New mini-bus terminus in Central to improve traffic flow...... 10

Morrison Hill swimming pool to close temporarily for competitions

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Wednesday, September 5» 1973


At Tsz Wan Shan Estate


Shoring is being put up on the first four floors inside the rear portion of Dlock 5^ Tsz Wan Shan Estate as a precautionary measure in case of further landslips.

Mr. F.S. Fraser, Senior Maintenance Surveyor of the Housing Department, said the temporary shoring would take the pressure of debris if a large quantity of soil and rock fell against the end wall of the block*

”The end wall as well as the structure of the block is perfectly sound and the measure now being taken will strengthen the load bearing of the end wall,” he said. ”The shoring will be removed once permanent rereadnal work has been completed to the damaged slope.0

Meanwhile, the Housing Department is awaiting the findings of the consultant engineers who are currently conducting a survey and study of the slope.

’Termanent repair work will be put in hand once the recommendations are submitted, probably in the next two or three weeks,” Mr. Fraser said.

He added that it might be necessary to trim the slope back a little to make it less steep.

In addition to shoring up the rear block and keeping a close watch on the slope, contractor labourers are removing the silt which might block the flow of rainv/ater into the drains.

/"The debris

Wednesday, September 5» 1973

- 2 -

,fThe debris resulting from the recent slide will be left as it is until permanent repair is in hand because it would help to minimise the effect of any further slip,” Mr. Fraser added.

Of the 36 families affected, nine - comprising about 35 people • have moved into accommodation in Block 28 while 14 families - comprising about 70 people moved into Block 53* The others opted to stay with friends and relatives.

Eight shops have been closed temporarily pending the completion of repair works to the slope.




Hr. G.R. Ross has resumed his seat as an Unofficial Member of the Executive Council following his return to Hong Kong.

Hr. P.G. Williams, who was appointed as a temporary Unofficial Member of Exco during the absence of Mr. Ross, has ceased to be a member of the council.



Wednesday, September 5, 1973

- 3 -



Secondary and primary school students over the age of 12 who travel to school by bus or tram will again receive financial assistance to meet travelling costs.

A government spokesman said today student fares would continue to be subsidised as part and parcel of the government’s overal1 policy of assistance towards the cost of education.

Under the scheme, the government reimburses the bus and tramway companies according to the concessions granted to students.

The estimated total subsidy towards student fares for the last academic year amounts to approximately $12.5 million.

All schools have been informed of the procedures for application and students may now apply to their school heads to obtain concession tickets or passes from the bus or tram companies.

The subsidy scheme applies to all bus and tram routes except cross-harbour routes.

However, no student may apply simultaneously for a Cl IB bus concession ticket and tramway card.

Students living in Kowloon and attending school on Hong Kong Island, may apply for both KMB and Tramway tickets.

Concession tickets must be returned to the company for cancellation when the student leaves school.



Wednesday, September 5» 1973



Note to Editors: Hong Kong will be represented at the

forthcoming GATT meeting in Tokyo, by Mr. D.H, Jordan, Director of Commerce and Industry.

He will be accompanied by Mr. G.L. Pearson, Counsellor for Hong Kong Affairs at the U.K. Mission in Geneva.

The three-day meeting starts on September 12 to launch a new round of multi-lateral trade negotiations.

A press conference will be held at the G.I.S. theatre in Beaconsfield House at J p.m. tomorrow (Thursday) when Mr. Jordan will discuss various aspects related to the meeting.

Also present will be Mr. Pearson and Mr. W. Dorward, Deputy Director (Commercial Relations) of the Commerce ' and Industry Department.

You are invited to have the conference covered.

Television crews are requested to arrive early so that they will have ample time to set up their equipment.



Wednesday, September 5, 1973

- 5 -



The Commissioner of Labour, Mr. I.R, Price, today reminded employers that Wednesday, September 12, the day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, is,one of the six statutory holidays to which industrial workers are entitled under the Industrial Employment (Holidays with Pay and Sickness Allowance) Ordinance.

Mr# Price said that with few exceptions, all manual workers in industrial undertakings paid on a monthly, daily or piece-rate basis must be given a holiday on September 12 < Non-manual workers in industrial

undertakings earning not more than $700 a month have the same right.

To qualify for this paid holiday, which is in addition to the compulsory four rest days a month under the Employment Ordinance, a worker must have worked at least 170 days during a period of 12 months, and at least 20 days in the 28 days preceding September 12.

A worker who does not qualify must also be given a holiday but has no statutory entitlement to be paid although an employer may voluntarily agree to do so.

"An employer may grant a holiday cn another day instead of September 12 but he must do so within 60 days after that date and must post a notice of his intention at least 48 hours in advance,” Mr. Price said.

He said that an employer who granted more than six paid holidays a year was still required to comply with the ordinance but, by agreement with a worker, he could designate one of the paid holidays as a substitute for the statutory holiday.

/Mr. Price •••••

Wednesday, September 1973

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Mr. Price added that the provisions for the Industrial Employment (Holidays with pay and Sickness Allowance) Ordinance had been extended and incorporated in the Employment Ordinance. The revised provisions for holidays with pay will become operative on January 1, 197^»

’’Any worker or employer who is in doubt about his rights or obligations regarding statutory holidays or holiday pay may obtain the advice of the Senior Labour Inspector in charge of the Women and Young Persons Unit at various branch offices of the Labour Department ,J: he said.


Wednesday, September 5j 1973



Six lots of Crown xand in the Nev/ Territories with a total area of over 142,000 square feet will be put up for auction later this month.

Four of them, located in the Kwai Chung and Tsing Lung Tau areas, will be offered for sale in the Princess Alexandra Community Centre in Tsuen Wan on September 17 at 11 a.m.

The biggest lot, measuring about 57>00C square feet, is in Tsing Lung Tau and is for private residential development. The building covenant is 82,300,000.

The remaining three lots are ail in Kwai Chung. Two of them, with a total area of about 26,000 square feet, are for cinema and/or stage theatre purposes. Their building covenants are 8860,000 and $630,000 respectively.

The remaining 34,430-square-fcot site is earmarked for a multistorey car park. The building covenant is 82 million.

Two other lots i. luo,. Mvr r< aur/uioned ir. the Yuen Long Town

Hall on September 24 at 2.30 p.m.

Both are for industrial or godown purposes. One has an area of 10,000 square feet and a building covenant of 8700,000, while the other measures 14,800 square feet with a building covenant of 81 million.

Full particulars and conditions of these sales may be inspected at the New Territories Administration, North Kowloon Magistracy, Taipo Hoad; and at the Distri :*• "ff ,< f y-. .. ’ rg. Tsuen Wan, Taipo, Sai Kung and Islands.

-------0------------ /8......................

Wednesday, September 5, 1973

- 8 -


Volunteers and people who assisted in running this year’s summer youth programme organised by the Social Welfare Department will receive certificates and banners at a ceremony to be held at the City Hall tomorrow (Thursday).

Mr. David Lai Ka-wah, Principal Assistant Colonial Secretary, has been invited to address the 1,400 guests who will comprise people who had been active in organising and running the programmes. Mrs. Lai will present certificates to the volunteers and souvenir banners to others.

Opening remarks will be made by Miss Annie Chan, Assistant Director (Social Work), Social Welfare Department.

Following the ceremony, which begins at 8 p.m., there will be a special performance of modern interpretive dancing. This will be staged by 150 staff from the department, volunteers, and others from different organisations active in the summer youth programme.

Entitled ’’Rhythm of Youth”, it will show how the summer youth programme acts as an outlet for the vibrant energies of young people. Other entertainment will be provided by folk groups, a brass band and a Chinese music group.

This year, the Social Welfare Department through its Group and Community Work Division, organised some 421 different events under six categories, namely, community services, training, indoor group activities, outdoor group activities, mass recreation and community study.

/’’One •••••••.

Wednesday, September 5» 1973

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"One hundred thousand young people between eight and 25 years of age took part in our programmes," said Mr. Antonio Chu, officer-in-charge of the Division’s Youth Work Unit.

"The response and interest in the programmes can be illustrated by the fact that we had more applications to participate in the different events than we had places. The success of the venture is due also to the fact that we had 2,500 volunteers both groups and individuals to help to run the activities," he said.

Note to Editors: You are invited to cover the ceremony tomorrow

(Thursday) evening at the City Hall Concert Hall at 8 p.m.

Row A, the first row on the left side of the auditorium facing the stage, has been reserved for reporters, and the left promenade will be for use by photographers•

Cameramen wishing to photograph the stage performances can also do so earlier at the full dress rehearsal which takes place in the Concert Hall between 4 and 6 p.m.

Staff from the Social Welfare Department will be on hand to assist press representatives.



Wednesday, September 5i 1973

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Work will begin shortly on improvements to traffic flow in Connaught Road Central, including the setting up of a new public light bus terminus near the Hong Kong and Yaumati Ferry Pier.

The terminus will accommodate 20 public light buses and will help reduce congestion in the area.

The site is clear apart from two illegal makeshift structures which are being used as unlicensed restaurants. Notices to quit have been served on the occupiers under the Crown Land Ordinance.

A canteen has been built by the government at the new Central Bus Terminus nearby and leased to the China Motor Bus Company for the convenience of its staff.



Wednesday, September 5? 1973



The swimming pool complex at the Victoria Park will be closed in the afternoon tomorrow (Thursday) and on Friday to enable two organisations to hold their swimming galas.

The Auxiliary Medical Services will be using the pool between 6 and 9 p.m. tomorrow, while the Fire Services Sports and Welfare Club will be holding their competitions between 1 and 5 P*m. on Friday.

The Morrison Hill swimming pool will also be closed to the public from 6 to 10 p.m. on Friday when the Civil Aid Services will be holding its swimming gala.


Release time: 7.00 p.m.


Thursday, September 6, 1973


Page No.

Controller of Translation Services appointed to further improve translation facilities ......................•••••••• 1

Director of Commerce and Industry to attend GATT meeting in Tokyo ••«••.•••........................................  • 3

Young people showing increased interest in community affairs ...........................,..................................... 4

Public warned against paid trips on pleasure craft............ 6

Victory Avenue at Ho Man Tin district to be reconstructed • • 7

Western district factory workers service scheme ................. 8

Vessels warned to keep away from Chai Wan reclamation area.. 9

Licence plates of motorcycles must be prominently displayed. 10

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Thursday, September 6, 1973

- 1 -


Recruitment Of More Interpreters And Translators At Advanced Stag©


Two prominent Chinese scholars have been appointed to help further improve the quality of translation work in the government.

Mr. Jao Yu-wei is appointed Controller of Translation Services, and Dr. Francis K. Pan designated Adviser to the Chinese Language Authority and Controller of Translation Development.

Mr. Jao assumed his post last Saturday (September 1) while Dr.

Pan is expected to take up his new duties in early November.

The postings represent another step towards implementing the government’s policy on wider use of the Chinese language in its dealings with the public.

Recruitment to the basic rank of interpreter/translator class is also at an advanced stage, and it is expected that some 50 successful candidates will be appointed within the next few weeks.

It will be recalled that the Chinese Language Committee, in its fourth and final report, made a number of recommendations ”to advise on practical ways and means by which the use of Chinese might be further extended in the interest of good administration and for the convenience of the public.”

One of the recommendations was that there should be a rapid expansion of Chinese translation services throughout the government in terms of both quality and quantity.

/Until ••••••••

Thursday, September 6, 1973


Until his new appointment, Mr. Jao was Dean of the Arts Faculty and Professor of the English Department of the Hong Kong Baptist College.

A member of the Linguistic Society of America, he has helped organise and lectured in a number of translation courses which are currently being consolidated into a Certificate Course in Translation, sponsored by the Department of Extra-Mural Studies, University of Hong Kong.

Hr. Jao received his first degree at Tsing Hua University and his N.A. degree at the University of Edinburgh.

He is married with two children and is the author of a number of published works dealing with the problems of languages and translation techniques•

Dr. Pan is currently heading a glossary project of applied legal terms jointly sponsored by the government and the Chinese University and will assume his appointment once the project is completed.

He graduated from Tsing Hua College and obtained his Doctorate degree in Commercial Science at the Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University.

Dr. Pan has served as Director-General of many governmental institutions. He took up teaching in 1955 and for 13 years was Senior Lecturer in Economics and Management Studies with both the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University.

In March 1971, he was assigned Director, Dictionary Project supervising the editing and publication of the recently published Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage by Lin Yu-tang.

Note to Editors: Photographs of Mr. Jao and Dr. Pan are boxed for

collection together with some biographical notes. They will meet press representatives at a press conference tomorrow (Friday) at 3 p.m. in the G.I.S. theatre, 5th floor, Beaconsfield House. You are invited to have the meeting covered.


Thursday, September 6, 1973

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Hr. D.H. Jordan, Director of Commerce and Industry, will leave for Tokyo on September 11 to attend the ministerial meeting convened by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) to launch a new round of multilateral trade negotiations„

He will be accompanied by Mr. G.L. Pearson, Counsellor for Hong Kong Affairs in the UK Mission at Geneva, who looks after Hong Kong’s interests in the various international organisations, including the GATT, which arc located there.

The trade negotiations, which are expected to span over two years, are aimed at achieving expansion and further liberalization of world trade. Special consideration will be given to problems of developing countries.

A Commerce and Industry Department spokesman explained that the last round of multilateral trade negotiations, the so-called Kennedy Round, was completed in 19&7» This resulted in substantial reduction of tariffs, particularly in industrial products.

:’It is now envisaged that the coming round of negotiations will go even further in that, for the first time in such negotiations, there will be an attempt not only to reduce tariffs but also to remove or reduce the effect of non-tariff barriers to international trade, such as import restrict!'ns« These are of considerable interest to Hong Kong,1’ the spokesman said.

”Hong Kong can generally cope with reasonable import tariffs, but other restrictions can cause serious inhibition of trade.”

Mr. Jordan and Mr. Pearson are expected to return to Hong Kong on September 15.

-------0 - - - 1


Thursday, September 6, 1973



The Principal Assistant Colonial Secretary (Social Services), Mr. David Lai Ka-wah, said this (Thursday) evening criticisms that young people were not interested in their community were unfounded.

"The young people today have a different concept of value and have become increasingly interested in public affairs. This is an encouraging sign and we must seize this opportunity to further promote the aspirations of our young people,” he said.

Mr. Lai was speaking at the presentation ceremony of certificates to volunteers who participated in the Social Welfare Department’s summer youth programme. The ceremony also marked the closing of the department’s summer youth activities.

Mr. Lai said the importance of strengthening and developing youth services was fully recognised by the government and was kept under constant review by departments responsible for various aspects of youth work and by various advisory committees with relevant terms of reference.

’’Further consideration is now being given to the possibility of achieving a greater degree of co-ordination of the efforts being made by both government and the voluntary bodies.”

Most of the summer programmes for 1973, he said, had come to an end and the Central Co-ordinating Committee was now making an evaluation to be used for future planning.

”V/e do not accept the fact that because the summer programme has been an annual event in the past six years, it must therefore continue and no changes should be called for.


Thursday, September 6, 1973

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!,0n the contrary, we feel that in order to meet the changing needs of the community and to ensure the maximum return on our investment in terms of both manpower and finance, a critical examination must bo carried out as we have done in the past, on what we have achieved so that improvement, if necessary, will be made.”

He said that comments about the summer youth programme would be welcomed and asked anyone who had any views to write to the Social Welfare Department, the voluntary organisations to which they belong or directly to the Secretary of the Central Co-ordinating Committee in the Colonial Secretariat.

”1 am confident that Hong Kong holds a bright future for our young people provided we all work towards one common goal, that is to make Hong Kong a better place to live in and to ensure that everything we do, both inside and outside Government, is in the interest of the community at large.”

He thanked all those who were involved in the organising of the overall summer youth programme, including the JO,000 volunteers who, he said hud rendered invaluable assistance in the actual running of the programme, and the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club for its generous donation of over <51 million.

Also speaking at the ceremony was Miss Annie Chan, Assistant Director (Social Work), Social Welfare Department, who said that many voluntary organisations, schools, community groups, religious bodies, the British Forces and the government had put in tremendous efforts to run this meaningful programme for young people this year.

She said the summer activities provided youth with opportunities to render services to the community and to enable them to make the best use of their summer holidays.

Note to Editors: Copies of Mr. Lai’s speech in English and Chinese

are boxed for collection together with Miss Chan’s speech which is in Chinese only.



Thursday, September 6, 1973

- 6 -



The Acting Director of Marine, Mr. M.J. Alexander, today warned members of the public against paying for trips on pleasure craft because the boats were not surveyed or licensed for this purpose*

’’Pleasure vessels,” he said, ”are not subject to survey in respect of the hull, machinery and life-saving and fire-fighting appliances, as are commercially operated launches, neither are inspections made to determine the maximum number of people they may safely carry.”

He explained that for identification purposes, the name of a commercial boat, together with a number followed by the letter ”P” which shows its passenger carrying capacity, was painted on the stern and on both sides of the bow.

’’Only vessels showing a number with the letter ”P” as a suffix are licensed to carry passengers,” Mr. Alexander said.

A pleasure launch, on the other hand, will have a licence number v/ithout the letter ”P” attached. It may or may not have its name painted on each bow.



Thursday, September 6, 1973

- 7 -


The 700-foot section of Victory Avenue between Argyle Street and Waterloo Road will shortly be reconstructed to ensure greater motoring safety.

Work is expected to begin in November and will take about five months to complete.

ihe reconstruction is a part of a 3*1.3 million programme launched in May this year to improve a number of roads in Kowloon.

Other roads included in the improvement programme are: Mok Cheong Street between Yin On Street and Kowloon City Road; Ki Lung Street between Boundary Street and Cedar Street; Nelson Street between ohanghai Street and Tong Mi Road; Woo Sung Street between Bowring Street and Austin Road; Ming Po Street between Canton Road and Shanghai Street; and Sheung Tak Street between Tung Tau Tsuen Road and Ching Tak Street.



/ /8..............

Thursday, September 6, 1973

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Note to Editors: A ceremony to mark the closing of the third

stage of the Western District factory workers service scheme will be held at the hall of King’s College on Saturday (September 8) from 8 to 10 p.m.

The ceremony will include a presentation of souvenirs by Mr. Au Kwong-man, Principal Social Welfare Officer, and a speech by Mr. Rafael Hui, City District Officer (Western), as well as a programme of entertainment.

About 800 workers from factories in the district are expected to participate.

The scheme aimed at involving factory workers to serve themselves, through a committee of 16 members. It is sponsored by nine different welfare organisations in the district specifically to cater to factory workers.

You are invited to cover the closing ceremony at the hall of King’s College on Saturday at 8 p.m.


Thursday, September 6, 1973

- 9 -



Work is now in progress on a 1,70$-foot retaining seawall for the Chai Wan reclamation where the site of the proposed Mass Transport Depot will be located.

Part of the reclamation will initially be used as a works area for the construction of the immersed-tube units for the underground railway system.

Construction of the seawall is expected to be completed within 12 months at a cost of about 35•3 million.

The Marine Department has issued a notice to mariners warning al1 vessels to keep away from Lo Shue Point in Chai Wan, where the reclamation work is taking place.

0 - -


Thursday, September 6, 1973

- 10 -


A number of motor-cyclists have been summonsed because their vehicle licences were in the wrong position.

Disclosing this today, a spokesman for the Transport Department said that motor-cyclists and motorcycle dealers were apparently unaware of the legal requirement relating to the display of a motorcycle licence* "Some machines are even offered for sale with the licence holder in the wrong position," the spokesman said.

Under traffic regulations, a motorcycle licence must be displayed in a conspicuous position on the left-hand side of the vehicle in front of the driving seat.

It must not be less than 2 feet 6 inches nor more than 6 feet 6 inches from the ground level so as to be clearly visible from the front at all times in daylight, whether or not the motorcycle is in motion.

Release time: 6.^0 p.m.



Friday, September 7» 1973


Legal aid ezctended to benefit more people • • ....•.............. 1

Advance work on the first section of the Mass Transit Hailway System starts next month.......................................    4

Morrison Hill swimming pool closed tomorrow......................  5

Agreement reached on long-term financing of English-speaking schools .•••••••••••••...........................................  6

EEC Commissioner arriving tomorrow en route to GATT meeting in Tokyo ....................................................      8

Mid-Autvxm Festival party organised for elderly................... 9

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5^233191

Friday, September 7, 1973

- 1 -



More people will qualify for legal aid under the revised Legal Aid (Assessment of Contributions) Regulations, published in today’s gazette.

Basically, the amended regulations extend the scope of legal aid for civil cases to a larger number of people not previously el Sgn ble« Those whose disposable income do not exceed 3500 will pay a reduced irate of contribution, while people who own their flats will benefit by the increased allowance for the value of their dwellings.

Commenting on this aspect, the acting Director of Legal Aid, Mr. T.L. von Pokorny, said the personal allowance for an applicant’s dwelling house would be doubled to 340,000, after deducting the amount of any mortgage debt owing on the property.

For civil cases, he said, no contribution would be payable out of the first 31,500 of a person’s disposable capital, as against 31,000 before. This would have the effect of reducing contributions payable by aided persons with a disposable capital of up to 33,000. For example, before a person with 33^000 disposable capital would pay a contribution of 3700, while the new rate would be 3600.

Mr. Pokorny said the limit on a person’s monthly disposable income to qualify for exemption of contribution towards his legal costs had also been raised from 3200 to 3300.

/”This will

Friday, September 7» 1973

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,sThis will reduce the amount of contribution payable by any legally aided person who has a disposable monthly income not exceeding 35OC,” he explained.

Citing an example, Mr. Pokorny said that previously a person with a monthly disposable income of 3500 was required to pay (by instalment) a contribution of 3990 towards his legal costs.

1‘Under the new regulations he would have to pay a contribution of only 3840. Moreover, contributions are usually refunded either in whole or in part if the legally aided party wins his case and is awarded costs against the other party.f:

The new regulations also prescribe the contributions payable by legally aided persons who have a disposable income of over 3500 per month or a disposable income capital of more than 33,000.

No rates of contribution were prescribed when the financial limits for eligibility for legal aid for civil cases were raised some 12 months ago from 3500 to 700 per monthly disposable income, and disposable capital from 33>000 to 34,000.

New increased personal allowances are also prescribed for calculating the disposable income of an applicant.

Until now the personal allowance has been 325 per dependent wholly maintained by an applicant, while there was no personal allowance in respect of the aided person himself.

/The new levels .......

Friday, September 7, 1973

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■-”ie new levels of allowance follow the public assistance scales of

payment, as illustrated in the table below.

■ allowance

(a) applicant with no dependants

(b) applicant with up to

5 dependants

(c) 4th, 5th and

6th dependants

(d) 7t> and additional dependants


•J 90 each

5 70 each (in addition to allowance of 390 each under (b)).

3 55 each (in

addition to allowance of 370 each under (c) and allowance of 390 each under (b)).



Friday, September 7i 1973

- 4 -


Work on the first section of the multi-million-dollar Mass Transit Railway system will begin shortly in the north-eastern part of Kowloon.

This section, which will be 200 metres in length, will run under Kwun Tong Road and link the future Choi Hung Station in the north and the Kowloon Bay Depot in the south.

A spokesman for the Public Works Department explained that the reason for building this section at this stage was to reduce inconvenience to the public later on.

The works, designed by Freeman Fox and Partners (Far East), will be carried out in conjunction with another major road project in the area — the Kwun Tong Road Duplication Scheme.

This project involves the widening of a section of Kwun Tong Road, between the main entrance to R.A.F. Kai Tak and Choi Wan Road, from six to 12 lanes to ease the severe traffic congestion in the Kwun Tong and Choi Hung areas.

Also included in the project is the construction of an elevated road to link Kv/un Tong Road with the future Wai Yip Street Extension.

This dual two-lane road forms an integral part of the planned road network in the Kowloon Bay Reclamation.

On completion, the flyover will carry Wai Yip Street Extension traffic over Kwun Tong Road, thus allowing traffic to flow freely in both directions.


Friday, September 7i 1973

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To enable pedestrians to cross the road safely, a footbridge will be built over Kwun Tong Road near Choi Shek Lane.

The whole project, costing more than 821 million, is expected to begin towards the end of next month and will take about 26 months to complete.

Meanwhile another section of Kwun Tong Road is being widened as part of the work on the Choi Hung Interchange which is scheduled for completion in early 1975*

-------0 ----------


The swimming pool, diving pool and spectator stand of the Morrison Hill swimming pool complex will be closed to the public from 6 to 10 p.m. tomorrow (Saturday).

During this period the Hang Seng Bank will be holding a swimming gala for its staff.

On Sunday (September 9) the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Union will be holding swimming competitions in the Morse Park swimming pool between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m.



Friday, September 7, 1975

- 6 -


The government has reached agreement with the English Schools Foundation on the long-term financing arrangements to meet the cost of running English-speaking schools, a government spokesman said today.

The arrangements preserve similar fee levels in schools operated by the government and the Foundation.

"They also accord with the principle of parity of subsidy between schools for English-speaking and Chinese-speaking children as stated in the 1965 White Paper on Education and endorsed by the Select Committee appointed in November 1971 to look into the cost of running English-speaking schools,” the spokesman pointed out.

These arrangements have been embodied in a Code of Aid for schools operated by the Foundation.

To meet running costs, the fees for the eight English-speaking schools will be increased from January 1, 197^, the spokesman said. The increases, however, are less than those proposed in May 1971

The new fees are #2,530 a year for secondary and #1,330 a year for primary schools. They will apply in both Government English-speaking schools and those run by the English Schools Foundation.

/The government ••••••

Friday, September 7, 1973

•- 7 -

•The government schools concerned are King George V School, Glenealy Junior School, Kennedy Road Junior School, Kowloon Junior School, Peale School and Quarry Bay School.

The two schools run by the English Schools Foundation affected are Island School and Beacon Hill School.

Altogether about 5,000 pupils are involved.

The new fees represent increases over the present fee levels of 23-4 per cent and 15«7 per cent for secondary and primary schools respectively.

The present annual fees are 32,050 and 31,150 respectively. These were introduced temporarily from January 1, 1973 pending the determination of long-term financing arrangements for English-speaking schools.

Tlie spokesman said: ,rThese rates of increases are considered reasonable in the light of recent and anticipated increases in costs.”

As a result of the fee increases, the government will at the same time make comparable adjustment of its local education allowances for government employees.



Friday, September 7, 1973

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Note to Aditorsj Sir Christopher Soames, Commissioner of the European Economic Community, will arrive tomorrow (Saturday) on his way to Tokyo to attend the GATT ministerial meeting.

During his three-day stopover, he will be the• guest of the Acting Governor, Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, at Government House.

Sir Christopher will be accompanied by six members of the Commission. They will be met on arrival by the Acting Governor; the acting Consul General of Belgium, Mr. Denis Banneel; the Consul-General of Thailand, Hr. Thalerngchai Chartprasert; and the Director of Protocol, Brigadier R.G. Lewthwaite.

The delegation will join two other members of the Commission, Mr. Michel Lehembre and Mr. Benedict Meynell, who arrived here earlier in the week.

During their stay here, the group will hold discussions with the Acting Governor and senior government officials at Government House.

They will also meet Hong Kong representatives of "DJC countries and lunch with Unofficial Members of the Executive and Legislative Councils.

Before flying to TokJ^o on Monday (September 10), Sir Christopher will hold a press conference in the airport V.I.P. room at J.20 p.m.

You are invited to have the conference covered.

-------O - ------

Friday, September 7> 1973

- 9 -


A party to celebrate the coming Mid-Autumn Festival will be held on Sunday (September 9) for some 60 elderly people living in the V/anchai district.

The party will be held at the premises of the Epworth Village Community Centre’s Hing Wah Division in Chai Wan.

It will include performances of a stage play and songs, games and the presentation of gifts to the guests. The party is being organised by the V/anchai Youth Social Service Team and sponsored by the Wanchai District Community Office of the Social Welfare Department.

Hr. Ko Kai-man, District Community Officer (Wanchai), said this is the first service project organised by the Wanchai Youth Social Service Team following the end of their summer programmes.

”In addition to providing recreational activities for the elderly people to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, this function is also intended to give young people a chance to meet the elderly so that they may gain a better understanding of their way of life and help promote more services for them,” he said. ♦


Release time: 6.30 p.m.



Saturday, September 8, 1973


Page No.

Hong Kong to attend 19th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference.. 1 Sales promotion for the Sixth Government Lottery •••••••»••••••• 2

K.C.R* to operate special passenger trains during Mid-Autumn Festival .......................................................... J

Public urged to help prevent mosquito nuisance..................

City Hall holiday opening hours ................................ 5

Traffic arrangements to be introduced during Mid-Autumn Festival

................................................................ 6

Readjustment of clearway restriction hours ..................... 7

Auxiliary Medical Service to hold its first swimming gala •••••• 7

Crown land for sale . .......................................... 8

Temporary appointment to Executive Council ...............•••••

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Saturday, September 8, 1973

- 1 -


Mr. P.O. .7oo, Unofficial Member of the Executive and Legislative Councils, left this (Saturday) morning to represent Kong Kong at the 19th Conference of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, which epens in London on Wednesday (September 12)...

The 10-day conference to be attended by Ministers and Members of Parliament together with more than 200 secretaries to delegations from some 90 Commonwealth parliaments and legislatures.

A number of prominent Kong Kong residents, including Sir Sidney Gordon and Lady Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Cheung, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Ann, are expected to attend the opening ceremony.

It will be an occasion of special significance, being the first Conference of Co: imonwoalth Parliamentarians since Britain’s accession to the European Economic Community.

A wide range of topics will be discussed including the future of the Commonwealth and relations between member nations, as well as world security, economic and social problems, monetary reforms, tourism, and protection of the environment.

The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association provides t/e sole machinery for regular consultation and exchange of information between Commonwealth parliamentarians. Its president is Sir Alec Douglas-Home, Secretary cf State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.

The \uoon will onen the conference in .’Westminster Hall on Wednesday. After the opening ceremony, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will attend >«

a reception in the Whitehall Banqueting House to be given by the Gener i Council of the Association. Senior Commonwealth Parliamentarians will bo present.

-------0--------- /2....................

Saturday, September 8, 1973



Four popular Radio Hong Kong entertainers will soil government lottery tickets at a temporary ticket selling booth at Statue Squ re on Monday (September 50) between 5 p»m. and 6 p.n.

Talcing part in the promotion campaign for the sixth government lottery of the year will be Mr. Lau Yat-fan, Mr. Hung Tak-shing, Miss Kimmy Got Kam-eking and Miss Catherine Tsang Lai-chun.

At the same time, another group of artistes will give a ’live1 hour-long variety show and Cantonese opera on an open-air stage near the ticket booth.

The winning numbeisfor this lottery will be drawn by the four entertainers on September 15 at the City Hall Concert Hall.

By 12.00 noon today (Saturday) a total of 510,000 tickets had been

sold. Ticket soles will close at 9 p.m. on Friday (September 14) at the

Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club ticket selling borth at the Star Ferry Concourse and all Kong Kong and Yaumati Ferry piers.

Note to Editors: You are invited tc send n reporter md/or

photographer to cover the event or. Monday afternoon at Statue Square at the corner opposite to the Chartered Bank and Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.


Saturday, Septei?.ber 8, 1973

• • u- " ----- 7 - - - -- 3 -

-A 5

• • .... -\



The Kowloon-Canton Railway is to operate special passenger trains on Wednesday (September 12), a general holiday, to cope with an expected increase in the number of people using the railway during the Eiid-autur.in festival.

A spokesman for K.C.R. said that additional trains would leave the Tsin Sha Tsui railway station for Tai Po Market at 7.59 a.n., 8.58 a.m., 9.49 a.n., 10.57 a.m., 12.05 p.m. and 2.07 p.m.

They will pass through the Mong Kok, Sha Tin, Chinese University and Tai Po Kau stations to arrive at Tai Po Market at 8.40 a.m., 9-50 a.m., 10.39 a.ri., 11.48 a.m., 12.54 p.m. and 2.49 p.m.

Three additional down trains will leave Tai Po Market at 3.05 p.m., 4.12 p.m. and 5.27 p.m. Two would leave at 6.30 p.m. and 10.11 p.m. from the Chinese University and Lowu stations respectively.

The spokesman said that these trains would pick up passengers on the way and more additional trains would be put into service late in the evening if necessary.



Saturday, September 8, 1975

- 4 -



An Urban Council spokesman appealed today to thei public to help it prevent a big mosquito menace from occurring as a result of the heavy rainfall of the post few weeks.

The spokesman said that while the Urban Services department had stepped-up its inspection and mosquito prevention operations, householders and caretakers of building sites could help greatly by themselves also che cling on possible breeding places such as roofs, backyards, balconies, canonios, disused hotties, tins and other receptacles loft in the open.

The spokesman explained th?.t it took seven days for a mosquito to form.

”It was important, therefore, that stagnant water K removed before this seven-dry period expired,11 he said.

Other likely mosquito-breeding places are choked drains and gutters.

He urged building contractors to drain away all stagnant water on their building sites or spray diesel oil on the water.

Ue pointed out that allowing mosquitoes to breed on private property is an offence and a person could be fined up to 51,000 for it.



Saturday, September S, 1973

- 5 -



The Director of Urban Services Department announced today that the City Holl, including the restaurants, will remain open ?.s usual on Wcdr.csday (September 12), a general holiday.

Tho opening hours for the City Museum and Art Gallery are from

1 p.n. to 6 p>m», and for the Lei Cheng Uk Museum from. 12 loon to 7 p.m*

The City Hall libro.ry and tho branch librr.ri s at >.turloo Toad, Ping Shch and Yau Ma Tei will be open from. 9 a.u. to 1 p. ;. The Aberdeen/ Pokfulnn branch library v/ill ix open from 1 p.n. to 5 p.m.

However, the Kowloon Park Students’ Study Roon will be closed.

At tho same tine, the Director of harir announced th t Port Control, Entry and Clearance, and Marine Licensing offices will open frori 9 a.m. to 11 a.ri. All other divisions of the department will bo closed.

Thore v/ill bo no mail delivery on that day, and all post offices will be closed.


Saturday, September 3, 1973

- 6 -


Special traffic arrangements will be introduced in the Peak nror. during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Announcing this today, the Commissioner for Transport said that private car and motorcycle parking places at the Upper and Lower Peak Tram Terminus Car Parks would be suspended from 10 a.n. on Monday (September 10) to 2 a<n. on Thursday, September 1J.

Only public omnibuses, private omnibuses, public light buses and taxis will be permitted to wait in these car porks.

Durin- the same period, no vehicles except residents’ cars will be allowed into Mount Austin Road from Peak Road.

Traffic proceeding to and from the Peak Area will be diverted from Peak Road into the Upper Peak Tram Terminus. Car. Park as and when required by police officers on duty.

Diversions in Peak Road and Magazine Gap Road will be instituted at any time during the Mid-Autumn Festival period on the directions of Police officer without any prior notification to motorists.

Motorists are warned that illegally parked vehicles may be removed by Police without prior notice.

In view of the limited parking facilities in the Peak area, members of the public are urged to use public transport wherever possible.


Saturday, September 8, 1973

- 7 -


Clearway restriction hours on certain roads in Central District will be readjusted to further improve traffic flow in the area.

Affected by the rc—arrangement are Jubilee Street (west side), Queen Victoria Street (east side) and the section of Queen’s Road Central between Queen Victoria Street and Jubilee Street.

With effect from Tuesday (September 11) the restriction hours in these areas will be daily between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m., and from b.JO p«m. to 6.J0 p.n. instead of 7»3O a<ft. to 9*30 a.m., and from 5 p»ra. to 7 p»m.

Appropriate traffic signs will be erected to guide motorists.




The Auxiliary Medical Service will be holding its first swinging gala at Victoria Pari: Swimming Pool on Monday (September 10) at 6.30 p.n.

About 200 members of the Service will participate in various events, including life saving races and a water tug-of-war.

A spokesman for A.M.S. said: "More than 500 members have been trained as qualified life savers, and they often perform life guard duties at public beaches to augment the regular U.S.D. life guard service/1

0 -


Saturday, September 8, 1975

- 8 -



A piece of Crown land at Chai Wan district on Hong Kong Island will be put up for auction at the City Hall later this month.

The site, which has an area of 6,686 square feet, is for industrial and/or godown purposes.

The auction will be held on Friday, September 28 at 2.50 p«n< in the lecture room, on the eighth floor of the High Block.

Full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained froi.; and sole plans inspected at the Public Enquiry Sub-office, Central Government Offices ( .’ost Wing), ground floor; and at the Crown Lands and Survey Office, Kowloon Government Offices, A05 Nathan Road, 10th floor




iir. owv/. Lee has been appointed temporary member of the Executive Council with effect from today during the absence of lir. P.C. Woo.

Release Time:

2<5Q p.n.

-------0--------. -


Monday, September 10, 1373


Page No.

’Speedpost1 comes to Hong Kong - Contract signed between Post Office and Chartered Bank........................................ 1

High priority being given to western approach roads to Kaitak airport tunnel .................................................. 3

EEC commissioner describes his trade talks in Hong Kong as '•useful11...................................................     5

More disabled people find jobs ............................... 6

New legal year opens on Thursday...............................  7

Section of May Road closed for two months ......................  7

Registration team to visit Nev; Territories ...................   8

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Monday, September 10, 1973

- 1 -



The postal service in Hong Kong entered a new era today with the formal introduction of 1 Speedpost1 — a fast door-to-door collection and delivery service serving large firms and organisations on an international basis.

The first firm to use ’ Speedpost ’ is the Chartered Baric whose first dispatch left Hong Kong for London at 5-30 p.m. today. It is expected to reach the bank’s London office by tomorrow afternoon.

The contract for the new' service was signed today at the Chartered Bank building by the acting Postmaster General, Mr. D.J.K. Bamford, on behalf of the Post Office, and by Mr. D.L. Millar, Chief Manager of the Chartered Bank.

The Bank has a contract for five collections a week, excluding Fridays and Sundays.

For the time being, the service will only operate between Hong Kong and Britain, but plans are in hand to expand it to the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, and Singapore, a spokesman for the Post Office said.

Chcirges will be open to negotiation with individual customers, ho said, but the basic scale to the United Kingdom would be ^100 for the first pound and iJ15 for every pound thereafter.

Iio ma:m.mum weight limit will be set for each consignment, but individual packages should not exceed 10 pounds to ensure easy transportation and speedy delivery.

/So far, •••«••

I'ionday, September 10, 1973

So for, some JO firms — representing a wide range of business concerns — have expressed an interest in the new service. Another 25 have asked for more details.

The main features of the new system, according to the spokesman, are its speed and reliability. Each consignment, he said, was expected to read- its destination within 24 hours.

Speodpost, he added, was designed to meet the needs of the modern age where there is a requirement for information and data to be conveyed regularly and urgently.

Those who will benefit from the advantages of the new service will include banks, insurance companies, department stores, shipping linos, importers and exporters.


Monday, September 10, 1973

- 3 -



A 3,600-foot-long elevated road, with an interchange on each end, is to be built along Chatham Road and Kowloon City Road to link the CrossHarbour Tunnel connections at Hung Hom with the western portal of the airport tunnel, now under construction.

Work on the project will be divided into three sections.

The first section involves the widening of Chatham Road and the construction of an interchange in the vicinity of the Fat Kwong Street Bridge and V/uhu Street, in Hung Hom.

It will provide connections with Fat Kwong Street and through I7uhu Street to Hung Hom.

Pedestrian movements in the Chatham Road area will be improved by a pedestrian overpass at Chatham Road and Wuhu Street and a pedestrian subway behind the oast abutment of Fat Kwong Street Bridge.

Section Two of the project consists mainly of the construction of an elevated roadway along Chatham Road north of Fat Kwong Street and Kowloon City Road to San Shan Road where a second interchange — the San Shan Interchange — will be built.

The third section includes the construction of a depressed section of road starting immediately north of San Shan Road and leading to the western portal of the airport tunnel.

The depressed roadway will be a maximum of 32 feet below the road surface•

/It will

Monday, September 10, 1973

It will be partially roofed at the sides to provide ground level roads in Kowloon City Road for frontage access and connection with Sung Wong Toi Road.

The remaining central strip will be left open, except at cross streets, for ventilation.

A spokesman for the Public Works Department said the highest priority” was being given to section three of the project because the airport tunnel could not operate until this section of road was completed.

This section will allow traffic to use the tunnel with access through the Can Shan Interchange.

Equally high priority was being given to the Wuhu Interchange, the spokesnr n said.

To minimise disruption to traffic the Wuhu Interchange should be completed before the construction of the elevated road.


Monday, September 10, 1973

- 5 -



Sir Christopher Soames, Commissioner of the European Economic Community, had ”usoful talks” with government officials and members of the Executive and Legislative Councils before flying to Tokyo today (Monday) for the GATT Ministerial meeting.

Sir Christopher told a press conference before leaving after a three-day stay: ,!Hong Kong is an important trading entity, and also an important beneficiary under the Community’s generalised preference scheme. :rIn view of the Community’s responsibility in the trade policy field it was useful therefore to have some understanding on Hong Kong’s views on a number of matters.”

Asked why Hong Kong textiles and footwear were excluded fror.i the generalised preference scheme, Sir Christopher said this had been part of the agreement when Britain joined the EEC.

When it was pointed out that South Korea enjoyed preference for its textiles and footwear, he replied that ”a lot of Hong Kong textiles already go into the U.K.” and also Hong Kong was number two of the many countries benefitting from the scheme.

He said the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) ministerial meeting in Tokyo was to set the guidelines for further liberalisation of trade among industrialised and developing countries.

The Tokyo talks, starting on Wednesday, will be just a preliminary, and the actual negotiations could last at least three years.

Note to Editors: A picture of Sir Christopher addressing the press

conference at Kaitak will be boxed this evening.

(This item is not included in the Chinese D.I.B.)

Monday, September 10, 1973

- 6 -/



There \/?.s r. slight improvement in the number of disabled people who were employed during the month of August, when eight more were given jobs than in the previous month.

Mr. Chan Shiu-wing, officer-in-charge of the Social Welfare Dep:.rtment ’ Job Placement Unit, said this was encouraging and he hoped the position would be even better in September.

For the month under review, the Unit placed 2^ disabled people in jobs in open industry, firms and within government.

They comprised two mentally retarded, three cured TB patients, throe blind, five formerly mentally ill patients and 11 cripples.

One was given a job as a quality controller, one as a watchman, one as a ix?.c'.ine-sewing vzorker, one as a sales representative, one a;? a TV recair man, one as a clerk, one as a thread-cutter, one as an office attendant, one as an inspection worker, two as messengers, two as packers, two as telephone operators, two as deliverymen, two as assemblers and five as cleansing workers.


Monday, September 10, 1973

7 -



A church service to mark the opening of the new legal year will be held at St. Jolin’s Cathedral on Thursday (September 13) at 9-30 a.m.

The sermon will be preached by the Rev. R.A. Howe,Dean-designate of the Cathedral.

The Chief Justice will head the congregation of Judges, Queen’s Counsels, Magistrates, members of the Bar and of the Law Society, who will be present at the service.

The courts will resume sitting at 11.JO a.m. on that day.




A section of May Road in front of Thorpe Manor has been closed for two months to facilitate repair works.

The temporary closure was made under the Streets (Alteration) Ordinance and applies from September 2. The closed section is about 500 feet in length.

Appropriate traffic signs have been set up to guide motorists.



Monday, September 10, 1973

- 8 -



A temporary registration station will be set up at Takuling in the Mow Territories later this week for the convenience of residents there.

The station will be operating for two days starting on Thursday (September 13) between 9 a.m. and 5 p*m. to enable parents or guardians to register their children between six and 17 years for juvenile identity cards.

Those over 17 years of age and holding juvenile identity cards will be able to register for adult identity cards. An opportunity will also be afforded for residents to report changes in their registered particulars.

telease time: 7*30 p.m.



Tuesday, September 11, 1973


Page Ho.

Final dividend payment proposed for Ming Tak Bank creditors .... 1

Immigration staff to get new quarters ......................... 2

Japanese government offers language scholarship to Hong Kong student......•...................................................... 3

City Hall exhibition of works by famous Chinese artist .......... 4

Thirty more ’lucky" car numbers to be auctioned on Saturday ••••• 5

New restrictions on PLBs operating in Central ••••••••............ 6

Temporary water stoppage in Wong Tai Sin.......................... 6

Three swimming pools will be closed on Thursday and Friday •••••• 7

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House. Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Tuesday, September 11, 1973



The acting Official Receiver, Mr. P. Jacobs, today proposed to pay a second uind final dividend of 75 per cent to all unsecured creditors of the Ming Tak Bank before the end of this year, provided the necessary arrangement can be made in time.

Mr. P. Jacobs, who is the Trustee in Bankruptcy of the bank, said the intended dividend - together with the first dividend of 25 per cent already paid - would mean that creditors would have their admitted claims paid in full.

”This happy result has been due to the successful sales of most of the remaining properties of the bankrupt’s estate at favourable prices during the course of the past few months,” he said.

Creditors are not required to take any action at the present tine in connection with the proposed payments. Notices will be published in newspapers nearer the time informing creditors what they must do to receive their dividend.

Tuesday ,

September 11, 1575




Uniformed staff of the Immigration Department will soon be provided with new quarters at Chatham Road to meet operational requirements. Sub-structure work on the 18,500-square-foot site opposite the Hung Hom police station has been completed, and work on the super-structure will start next month.

The new quarters will comprise two separate blocks, one 12 storeys and the other eight storeys high. Together they will provide 4-0 flats, each with two or three bedrooms.

Parking spaces for 46 cars will also be provided.

Commenting on the project, a spokesman for the Immigration Department said it was necessary to provide quarters in the urban area to accommodate disciplined staff for operational reasons.

At present, only a few officers at the outlying posts of Lowu and Sheung Shui arc provided with quarters.

’With the completion of the new quarters, a nucleus of uniformed staff can be called on quickly and conveniently when sudden needs arise for additional manpower,n he said.

It is expected that the new quarters will be completed and ready for occupation at the beginning of 1975-

Tuesday, September 11, 1973



One scholarship to study the Japanese Language at the Tokyo University

of Foreign Studios as an undergraduate student is being offered by the Japanese Government to a student from Hong Kong under the Membusho Scholarship Programme for the 197^ academic year.

The Director of Education has been asked to recommend a maximum of 20 suitable candidates for this scholarship.

Applicants must be over 18 and below 22 years of age on April 1, 197A.

They must be willing to receive university education in the Japanese language.

Students who have completed Form Lower Six on or before June 30, 1973 or possess higher qualifications are eligible to apply.

Application forms and further particulars regarding this scholarship and university courses are available from the Overseas Students and Scholarships Section, Education Department Branch Office, Bonaventure House, 2nd floor, 91 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

All completed forms and supporting documents must be returned to the Section by September 19-

The Director of the Japan Information and Cultural Office, Consulate-General of Japan will consider applications recommended by the Director of Education.

The Consulate-General of Japan will conduct a preliminary selection on October 6 through written tests on English, Japanese, Mathematics and 'S’orld history to be followed by an interview a week later for recommendation to Tokyo.

- - 0 - -


Tuesday, September 11, 1973



Hong Kong art lovers are in for a rare treat later this week when

a comprehensive selection of works by the renowned Chinese artist, Ch'i

Pai-shih, will be displayed at the City Museum and Art Gallery.

The tlirce-wcek exhibition, which is being organised by the Urban

Council, will be one of the biggest of the works of the Chinese master.

It will be opened by Dr. Rayson Lisung Huang, Vice-Chancellor of

the University of Hong Kong, and will be open to public viewing thereafter.

The exhibits will include the paintings executed in the various

stages of Ch'i-Pai-shih’s life from his thirties to his nineties, with examples of the different styles of his calligraphy, his seals and seal prints.

Host of the exhibits are selected from the various collections of local collectors to present a comprehensive survey of the artistic achievement of the artist.

Sono of thorn have been exhibited before in Nk-w York and Tokyo but

the majority of them are to be displayed in Hong Kong for the first time.

During the exhibition, a fully illustrated catalogue, published by

Urban Council, will be available at the City Museum and Art Gallery.

Note to Editors: You are invited to have the opening ceremony

covered. It will take place at the City Museum and Art Gallery, top floor, City Hall, on Thursday (September 1?) at 6 p.m,

-------0--------- /5.....................

Tuesday, September 11, 1973

- 5 -



Another 30 spacial vehicle registration numbers will be put up for public auction on Saturday (September 15) in the City Hall concert hall following the draw for the sixth government lottery of the year.

Tho proceeds of the auction will go to the Government Lotteries Fund for charitable purposes.

The numbers to be auctioned are:

XX 2 xx 909 XX1000 XX5555 XX8888

AY 1 AY 2 AY 5 AY 7 AY 8

AY 11 AY 50 AY 66 AY 99 AY 200

AY 533 AY 500 AY 666 AY 888 AY1111

AY1234 AY2828 AY5000 AY4000 AYA455

AY4567 AY6000 AY6622 AY7777 AY9999

Successful bidders at the auction will be required to pay in

cash or by cheque immediately after the bidding.

A total of about 31.6 million has been raised in the past seven auctions, .'mother will be held in about three weeks time.

- - 0-----------


Tuesday, September 11, 1973

_ 6 - •



New restrictions will be imposed on Friday (September 14) on the operation of public light buses in Central to improve traffic flow in the area.

With effect from 10 a.m. on that day, all public light buses will not be allowed to enter the access road to the new Central Bus Station from Connaught Road Central.

At the same time, they will not be permitted to pick up or set down passengers in the access road to the north of the new Central Bus Station from the Vehicular Ferry Pier to the Pedder Street extension.

Appropriate traffic signs will be put up in the area.




Water supply to a number of premises' in Wong Tai Sin will be stopped for five hours starting at 1 a.m. on Friday (September 14) to enable a leakage test to be carried out in the area.

The area affected is bounded by Junction Road, Wang Tau Hom East Road, Fu ilei Street, and Wang Tau Hom Estate Block 14-16 and Block 21-26.

0 - -


Tuesday, September 11, 1973



Three swimming pools will be closed to the public for several hours or. Thursday and Friday (September 15 and 14) when various schools and sport associations will be holding swimming competitions.

The Loi Cheng Uk pool complex vzill be closed from 1.45 p.m. to 5-15 on both days for the Hong Kong Police Sport Association swimming gala.

On Thursday, the St. Paul’s College and La Salle College will be using the Victoria Park and Morse Park swimming pools from 7.4p a.ra. to 12.15 p.m. and from 8.45 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. respectively.

Victoria Park swimming pool will also be closed between 6.45 p.m. and 9*15 p*ni. on Thursday and Friday when the Hong Kong Amateur Swimming Association will be holding its swimming gala.


Release time: 5*00 p.m.


Thursday, September 1J, 1973


Page No,

British mission coming to Hong Kong to study arrangements for proposed separate Hong Kong shipping register ................... 1

New traffic arrangements introduced in Mid-Levels ............... 2

Construction work on Hung Hom Railway Terminus progressing smoothly ••••••••............................................. 3

Transport survey interviews start on Monday...................... 5

Better facilities for ferry passengers underway ...............   6

Church services to mark Education Sunday ...».................... 7

Sau Mau Ping estate residents to get additional recreation ground.........................................................   8

New post office opening in Yau Tong next week...................  8

Australian folk group to give charity performance in Hong Kong ................................................................. 9

Temporary stoppage of water supply to Choi Hung Estate ...... 9

Centro for disabled celebrating fifth anniversary tomorrow ,. 10

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Thursday, September 1J, 1973


EMBARGOED EEWE ITZii - The following item is embargoed until

1.30 a-m. tomorrow (Friday). A similar announcement will be made in London at about the same time.



An official British delegation is to visit Hong Kong shortly to study arrangements for a proposed separate register of shipping in Hong Kong.

Announcing this, the Minister for Aerospace and Shipping, Mr. Michael Heseltine, said that the team comprised officials from the Marine Division of the Department of Trade and Industry.

No date for the visit has yet been fixed.

However, Mr. Heseltine said that the team would study in detail, with the Director of Marine and his staff, the feasibility of setting up a separate register of shipping in Hong Kong.

It is expected to complete its stuuy by the end of the year.

This will be followed by further consultations with both sides of the industry before a decision is taken, in the light of these consultations, on the team’s report and the amount of tonnage which Hong Kong shipowners agree to bring on to a separate register if established.

The Hong Kong government and shipowners have expressed the wish to establish a separate register under the red ensign with standards equivalent to those attached to the United Kingdom register but with greater flexibility in order to reflect the situation in Hong Kong as regards availability of personnel, materials and safety equipment.

/This may ......

Thursday, September 13, 1975

2 -

This nay result in Hong Kong shipowners registering a much bigger proportion of their tonnage in Hong Kong.

The British government is sympathetic to this aim provided there are effective safeguards which would ensure that the resulting standards of safety and manning would be equivalent.




Special traffic arrangements have been introduced in the Lid-Levels

District following the temporary closure of part of May Hoad in front of Thorpe iianor.

In order to maintain vehicular access to premises in the area, Tregunter Path has been temporarily re-routed one-way eastbound from Old Peak Joad to Lay koad.

Appropriate traffic signs have been set up to guide motorists.



Thursday, September 13, 1973

- 3 -



The giant concrete podium which will form the base of the multi-r.iilliondoll ar Railway Terminus complex at Hung Hom is gradually taking shape.

At a later stage, the railway terminal building, a multi-storey carpark, a bus terminus and an indoor stadium will be built on it.

Mr. 3. Grunberg, Chief Engineer of the Railway Division, Public Works Department, explained today that construction of the podium was divided into two stages.

The first stage consists of building that section of the podium which will support the railway station proper, the multi-storey carpark and the bus terminus. Foundation works of this section have been completed and about one quarter of the podium has been built.

:,Tiie whole of stage one is expected to be completed is- spring next year.K he said.

The second stage comprises the building of the podium which will support the indoor stadium and its surrounding area. Work on laying the foundation for this section has already begun and is progressing smoothly.

The whole podium deck, when completed, will be 51 feet above ground level and will have a total floor area of about 600,000 square feet. Six platforms will be built at ground level directly beneath it.

Other associated works connected with the podium and the railway terminus is also progressing on schedule.

/Most ••••••••

Thursday, September 13, 1973

Most of the necessary tracks and sidings, totalling about eight miles, have been laid. They will eventually link up with the existing alignment of the railway at the Princess Margaret Road tunnel.

Building of pedestrian and vehicle access ramps to the podium is also well underway. A dual carriageway flyover linking the northern part of the podium to Gillies Avenue has nearly been completed. Work on another flyover, linking the podium to the Cross Harbour Tunnel approach roads, has also started.

Throe elevated pedestrian footbridges .will connect the podium to its surrounding areas. Work on two of these, joining the podium with the Polytechnic and Chatham Road respectively, is already at an advanced stage. Work on a third footbridge, linking the podium with the Hung Hom Ferry pier, will start in the near future.

Earlier, new service facilities including a shed for repairing locomotives, turntable and oil storage tanks were completed to serve both the present terminus at Tsim Sha Tsui and the future Hung Hom terminus.

It is expected that the railway terminus will be open to traffic in the summer of 1975*

Note to Editors: Copies of a photograph showing the giant

’podium under construction are boxed for collection.



Thursday, September 13, 1975

- 5 -


The updating of facts and figures about patterns of travel and transport in Hong Kong takes a new step forward on Monday(September 17)with the commencement of household and roadside interviews designed to produce detailed information about people’s travelling habits and requirements.

The surveys, are part of the Comprehensive Transport Study which is being conducted on behalf of the government by the consultant firm of Wilbur Smith & Associates in liaison with the Traffic and Transport Survey Division of P.W.D.’s Highways Office.

Note to Editors: To give a fuller picture of the scope and

purpose of the interviews, and of how they will be conducted, a press conference will be held tomorrow (JYiday), to which you are invited to send a representative•

The conference will start at P»ra. in the G.I.S. 16mm theatre on the 5th floor of Beaconsfield House. It will be chaired by Mr Gordon Sapstead, Principal Government Highway Engineer. Also speaking, and available to answer questions, will be Mr Gerry Wood of V/ilbur Smith & Associates and Mr Pang Hau-chung, a Senior Engineer of the Traffic and Transport Survey Division.



Thursday, September 13, 1973

- 6 -



Facilities at the Outlying District Services Pier in Central will shortly be improved for the convenience of passengers.

Approval has been given to building an extra deck on the pier to provide extra waiting space and other facilities for passengers going to Lantau, Cheung Chau and Ping Chau.

'./ork on the first stage, involving piling work to strengthen the pier structure, will begin on Monday (September 17) for completion in about two months tine.

During the work, one side of the pier will be closed but islands services will continue to use the other side.

Temporary arrangements have also been made for the Hong Kong and Yauraati Ferry Company services between Kwun Tong and Central to use the eastern berth of the Star Ferry Pier at Edinburgh Place.

The arrangements come into effect on Monday. Notices will be posted at the piers to guide passengers.

Commenting on reports that the islands services were to be permanently transferred to Kowloon, the acting Commissioner for Transport said those rumours were :,quite untrue.n

Before the arrangements to use the Star Ferry Pier were made, it was planned to move the services to Tai Kok Tsui as a temporary measure only. But this was no longer necessary, he said.

The Commissioner added that although there would be some inconvenience to passengers this would only be for a short period and people travelling to the islands could look forward to much better facilities at the outlying districts pier.


0 - -

Thursday, September 13, 1973


Special church services will be held at St. John’s Cathedral, the Roman Catholic Cathedral, St. Teresa’s Church and All Saints’ Church at 11.00 a.m. on September 15 — Education Sunday — to mark the beginning of the new academic yerr.

All teachers and pupils are welcome to attend these services which are held to encourage the:, in the tasks that lie ahead in the current school year.

The services at St. John’s Cathedral and St. Teresa’s Church will be conducted in English while the service at the Roman Catholic Cathedral will be in both -English and Cantonese. The service at Zill Saints’ Church will be conducted in Cantonese only.

Mr. J. Canning, Director of Education, will attend the service at the Roman Catholic Ca.thcdral. Other Education Department representatives attending these special Education Sunday services include Mr. N.M. Ho, Deputy Director of Education (Professional), at St. Teresa’s Church;

Mr. A.G. Brown, Assistant Director of Education (Chief Inspector of Schools), at St. John’s Cathedral; and Mr. William Cheng, Principal of Queen’s College, at Zill Saints* Church. • • 4 .

At St. John’s Cathedral, Mr. A.G. Brown will read a lesson while Mrs. Joyce Symons, Headmistress of Diocesan Girls’ School, will give the address.

Thursday, September 13, 1973

- 8 -


Children in the Sau Mau Ping Estate will have another play area early nc:± year when an additional playground is built at Sau Ming Road.

The new playground will be located on a site to the north of the estate administration building. The site is partly paved, and has an area of 15,000 square feet.

Swings, see-saws and slides are to be installed in the playground.

A pavilion will be built to provide a sheltered rest area.

This is the twelfth playground to be built by the Urban Council in the Shau Mau Ping Estate. Construction is expected to begin in mid-Octobcr, and will take about three months to complete.




A new post office will start operating in Ko Chiu Road Estate at 9 a.ti. oh Monday (September 17) to serve residents of Yau Tong.

Located at Block 1A of the estate, the Yau Tong post office will conduct tho full range of post office business, but will not accept insured letters and boxes.

Business hours will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p*n. on weekdays, and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays.

A stamp vending machine has been installed to ensure that 10-Cent stamps are available at all hours.

The Yau Tong post office brings to 66 the total number of post offices, including a mobile one operated in the New Territories.

------0 --- - - /9........

Thursday, September 13, 1975

- 9 -



Young people of Hong Kong will have an opportunity to see and hear the popular Australian folk group, The Young World Singers, at an open-air concert to be hold on September 23 at the Mong Kok Stadium in Kowloon,

The group comprises about 40 boys and girls and is currently on a

Southeast Asian tour.

Tao thcne of the concert will be "Let's Sing '73” and proceeds will be donated to a charitable organisation.

The concert is being staged by the Urban Council and the Hong Kong Youth for Christ, and is sponsored by the Kowloon City District Office.

Tickets arc now on sale at the City Hall booking office, the Entertainment Section Office, Kowloon Park, and the Kowloon City District





Residents of Choi Hung Estate in Wong Tai Sin will be without water for five hours starting from 1 a.m. on Saturday (September 15)•

The temporary stoppage is to enable staff of the Waterworks Office to carry out a leakage test in the area.

- - 0 - -


Thursday, September 13, 1973

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The World Rehabilitation Fund Day Centre, run by the Social Welfare Department in Kwun Tong, celebrates its fifth anniversary tomorrow (Friday).

To mark the occasion, staff of the Centre will be holding a party for the trainees and workers in the afternoon. The programme will include fun fairs, games, and presentation of souvenirs to the’ trainees.

The Centre was built in 1968 with a generous grant from the World Rehabilitation Fund. Its objective is to provide specialised services and training facilities to help disabled people to help themselves.

Mr. Ko Ki-chung, Superintendent of the Centre said that over the past five years, some 300 disabled people had obtained gainful employment after completing training at the Centre.

1’Plans are also underway to expand our sheltered work facilities to meet the increasing needs of those disabled people who have real difficulty in obtaining jobs in open industry for one reason or another,” he said.


Release time: 7«3Q p.m.



Friday, September 14, 1973


Page No.

More students will receive scholarships under proposed legislation ............................................. i

Quarantine restrictions against Lucknow arrivals lifted •• 2

Village housing estate for fishing families affected by High Island Water Scheme ................................. J

The Governor lias had wide-ranging talks with Chinese traders in London ••••••••........................................ 4

Four members re-appointed to Advisory Committee on Telephone

Services •«••••••................................... 5

July issue of Monthly Digest of Statistics published ..... 5

Financial Secretary returning from Tokyo talks tomorrow • • 6

Mayor of Tucson sends plaque to Urban Council •••••••••••• 7

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Friday, September 14, 1973

- T -



Hore students will be awarded scholarships under the Education Scholarships Fund, a spokesman for the Education Department said today.

"The number of scholarships is expected to reach 99 during the current academic year compared with 77 in 1970/71•

"As a result 237 students will benefit from the scholarships in 1973/7^ compared with 196 in 1970/71he said.

The Director of Education, Mr. J. Canning, who is the Trustee of the Fund, lias taken steps seeking to amend the Education Scholarships Ordinance (Chapter 1085) so that even more pupils may benefit from these annual scholarships.

To achieve this, amending legislation seeking to increase the number of scholarships administered under the Education Scholarships Fund Ordinance will be introduced into the Legislative Council next month.

The Education Scholarships Fund (Amendment) Bill 19731 published in today’s Government Gazette, also seeks to provide increased powers for the Fund Committee in the management of the scholarships.

Under the committee’s direction, the Trustee will be empowered to use more flexibility in the disposal of excess of income and reserve funds in respect of the scholarships.

/"The assets

Friday, September 14, 1973

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•'The assets of the Education Scholarships Fund have increased significantly since the first meeting of the Fund Committee in March 1956," the spokesman said. ,fihen the amending legislation is passed into law it will be possible to make more awards to students.”

He pointed out that anyone who wished to donate funds to establish a scholarship could do so subject to the approval of the Committee.

”Money donated to the Fund for this purpose is generally kept in a separate account and is in most cases sufficient when placed on fixed deposit in a bank to cover, for example, the payment of a student’s school fees for one year,” he said.

A Register of Scholarships showing the names and the conditions of award of each scholarship is maintained by the Secretary of the Fund. The Register is kept in the Education Department.




The Port Health Authority announced today that quarantine restrictions imposed against arrivals from Lucknow India, on account of cholera have been withdrawn.


Friday, September 14, 1973

- 3 -


Fishing families who are seriously affected by the construction of the High Island Jatcr Scheme will be provided with housing by the government in about 10 months.

Work is to begin in November on the first stage development of the government village bousing estate at Tui Min Hoi, Sai Kung, to provide accommodaticr for these families. It will take about eight months to complete. *

The work involves the construction of 30 two-storey houses of 500 square feet each.

These houses will be built at an attractive site at Tui Min Hoi overlooking the Sai Kung Harbour. For many years, this area has been popular with fishermen seeking space for a home ashore.

Commenting on the project, the District Officer, Sai Kung, Mr. C. Oxley, said: "About 260 people from 2^ families, who are seriously affected by the construction of the High Island Water Scheme, will be accommodated in those houses when they are completed.:

Referring to Stage Two of the government’s plan to provide housing for the affected fishermen, he said, it would aim at housing more than 1,100 fishermen who wore partially affected by the Water Scheme which is expected to be completed in 1975*


Friday, September 14, 1973



The Governor, Sir Murray IlacLehose, who is holidaying in Britain, has had a frank and informal discussion in London with members of the Chamber of Chinese Traders on a wide range of matters, including the U.K. immigration restrictions on restaurant workers from Hong Kong.

The discussion took place on Wednesday (September 12) during a reception at the inauguration of the Chamber’s sixth term office-bearers.

Sir Murray was told of the problem facing the restaurant trade in Britain caused by the acute shortage of workers coming from Hong Kong. Other matters discussod included the Mew Territories development and the Fight-Violent Crime Campaign in Hong Kong.

The Governor said he was very sympathetic to tneir problems and assured them that the Hong Kong Government would assist in every possible way.

During the inauguration ceremony, the Hong Kong Commissioner, Mr. Michael Wright, urged the Chamber to take more active steps to represent Chinese busines.. an in Britain, particularly those in the restaurant business, in discussions with the authorities on a wide range of matters.

He said the London office of the Hong Kong Government was always prepared to assist the; in making the necessary official contacts and presenting their case but it must rely on them to collect facts on which the case was to be based.

Friday, September 14, 1973

- 5 -

’ ■ T . - ’ '• - ’ •



Mr. P.O. Woo, Senior Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council, has boon ro-appointed chairman of the Advisory Committee on Telephone Services for another three years with effect from September 1, 1973-

Three other members, Mr. Szeto Wai, Dr. S.Y. Chung, and ---------

Professor S.Y. King have also been re-appointed for a further three-year term as from September 18.

Those four members have been serving on the committee since its establishment nearly 10 years ago.

Other members of the committee are Mr. R.S. Sheldon, the Postmaster General or his representative, and the Deputy Economic Secretary or his representative.




Note to Editors: The July issue of the Monthly Digest of Statistics

published today contains a special review article on the ’’Socio-Economic Characteristics of Low Income Households".

This contains information derived from a special tabulation of the 1971 Population Census data and shows the differences in terms of household size, marriage and fertility, education, occupation, hours worked and housing, between households who reported low incomes, compared with those who reported higher incomes.

Copies of the digest are now on sale at per copy at the Government Publications Centre, Star Ferry Concourse, Hong Kong. -------------------0---------


Friday, September 1^, 1975

- G -


Note to Editors: The Financial Secretary, Mr. C.P. Haddon-Cave, will

be returning from Tokyo tomorrow (Saturday) following his tallcs with the Japanese consortium on the Mass Transit Railway System.

ITe is due to arrive at about 2.30 p.m. on flight

JAL 731. Mr. Haddon-Cave will be meeting the Press in the airport VIP lounge.

Arriving on the same flight will be Mr. D.H. Jordan,

Director of Commerce and Industry, and Mr. G.L. Pearson, Counsellor for Hong Kong Affairs in the UK Mission at Geneva, who attended the GaTT ministerial meeting in Tokyo.

They will also be available for answering questions

directly after the Financial Secretary.

You are invited to have the occasion covered.




Friday, September 1^, 1975

- 7 -



A plaque, from the Mayor of Tucson, was today presented to the Urban Council by two visiting Arizonians, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Cerf.

The ’'eramissaries”, are members of Hospitality International, an American organisation which promotes friendly relations with peoples

outside or visiting the United States.

The copper plaque (Arizona is the biggest copper producing state in America) contains greetings and an invitation from Mayor L.C. Murphy to visit Tucson.

Mr. Julian Cerf explained that a number of communities in the

United States have launched a programme designed to make it possible for visitors to his country to meet Americans in their homes.

”You do not have to be a ’sponsored’ or ’official’ visitor

to participate in ’Americans-at-Home’. The programme was planned to give those visitors without sponsorship an opportunity of meeting an American family,” Mr. Cerf said.

Note to Editors: Copies of a photograph of the presentation

are boxed for collection.


Release time: 7



Saturday, September 15, 1973


Page No.

Fire Services facing growing problem of deliberate false reports of fire ....................................

The Governor is returning tomorrow from holiday in Britain.t 2

New restrictions to be imposed on PLBs operating in Wanchai ............................................................... 3

Results of sixth government lottery draw ................. 4

Princess ilargaret Road flyover to close temporarily *••••*.. 5

Bowen Road tennis courts to be resurfaced..................    5

Registration team to operate in Sha Tau Kok next week ...... 6

There will be a DIB issue tomorrow .....................

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Saturday, September 15? 1973

- 1 -


Pranksters are making life extremely difficult for Fire Services personnel and are indirectly posing a threat to public safety by deliberately sending firemen on wild goose chases.

According to a Fire Services spokesman, a record total of 722 malicious false fire alarms were made and attended to during the 197^/73 financial year — nearly 200 more than in 1971/72.

”What these people don’t realise is that besides the inconvenience caused, malicious reports might seriously affect the availability of men and fire appliances in the case of a real fire breaking out when firemen are out looking for a fire that doesn’t exist,” he said.

He added that in the interest of public safety the Fire Services could not risk not responding to calls received, real or false. ”Every report must be attended to, regardless.”

The spokesman noted that there had been a steady increase in the number of malicious false reports during the past five years.

During the 1968/69 financial year, 206 such calls were received, in 1969/70 there were 352, in 1970/71 there were 378, and in 1971/72 there were 531.

An average of 10 man-minutes was wasted to attend to each false report, the spokesman said.

,r./hen you consider the total time and manpower wasted on the 2,189 malicious reports attended to during the past five years, the waste is staggering,” he said.

ile emphasised that anyone intentionally making a false report of fire is committing an offence which carries a maximum penalty of 51,000 and six months’ impri sonnont.


0 - -

Saturday, September 15, 1973


Note to Editors: The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, and Lady MacLehose

will return to Hong Kong tomorrow after a six-week holiday in Britain .

They will arrive at Kai Tak airport on flight BA 802.

The cstii:ctod tine of arrival is 5»15 p.m.

During their stay in Britain, Sir Murray and Lady ilacLohose tool: time off to attend the launching ceremony of a bull-: carrier owned by Hong Kong’s Worldwide Shipping Group in Glasgow.

Sir Hurray also interrupted his holiday to attend discussions hold in London on the security of Hong Kong’s sterling balances.

Last Wednesday, he had infernal discussions in London with members of the Chamber of Chinese Traders there.

Tomorrow afternoon, Sir Murray and Lady MacLehose will be met on arrival by the Acting Governor, Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, the Commander British Forces, Sir Richard Ward, the Acting Colonial Secretary, Mr. Denys Roberts, the Director of Protocol, Brig. R.C. Lewthwaite, the Hon. Sir Sidney Gordon and the Hon. Sncto Wai.

The Governor will meet the press in the V.I.P. press roor? before returning to Government House.

Press representatives should assemble in the airport press room, half an hour before the scheduled time of arrival.

-------o---------- /3.........

Saturday, September 15, 1973



Certain public light bus restriction zones have been listed in the Leighton Road/Canal Road/Morrision Hill Road area to inprove traffic flow.

With effect from 10 a.m. on Monday (September 17) public light buses will not be permitted to pick up or set down passengers in these zones.

These are: The section of Wanchai Road east of its junction with

On Lok Lane; the section of Morrison Hill Road north of its junction with the unnamed road adjacent to Caravelle Hotel; Tin Lok Lane; Sharp Street West;

Leighton Road between Morrison Hill Road and Matheson Street; Canal Road East between Sharp Street East and Leighton Road; and, Canal Road West between Leighton Road and the up ramp of the Canal Road Flyover.

A new public light bus stand has been set up in Lockhart Road near the tunnel flyover to enable PLBs on the cross harbour service to pick up and set down passengers.

Appropriate traffic signs will be put up to indicate the restricted zone.

Saturday, September 15, 1973



The luclsy holder of ticket number 511451 became richer by <1753,600 today when the first prize of the sixth government lottery of this year was drawn in the City Hall Concert Hall.

The second prize of $188,400 went to ticket no. 180437- The five-third prizes of §1u,84O each were won by holders of ticket numbers 151349, 189385, 197816, 679779 and 781029.

The winning numbers were drawn by four Radio Hong Kong entertainers — Mr. Lau Yat-fan, Hr. Hung Tak-shing, Miss Kimmy Got Kim-ching and Miss Catherina Tsang Lai-chun.

Winning numbers for the 50 special prizes of $1,884 each are:

701.6 38033 87433 93246 137519

138251 1716 99 205882 230674 246950

254997 271959 293884 295795 304866

310453 420198 434959 458506 468309

430263 507435 516260 518967 542500

55246? 561073 565134 580056 587933

588393 633120 644559 645108 647921

655028 677960 678424 690399 721304

742678 747694 749513 754921 756466

770294 336212 875196 878923 879906

Saturday, September 15, 1973


The Princess Margaret Road flyover in Kowloon will be closed to all

traffic for three successive mornings next week to facilitate maintenance works•

The closure hours wi 11 be from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday

and Wednesday (September 17, .18 and 19)•

Both northbound and southbound traffic will be diverted to the ground level roads.

Appropriate traffic signs will be posted to guide motorists.

- - 0 - -



The Bowen P.oad tennis courts will be closed for four months as from September 24 for resurfacing.

A spokesman for the Urban Services Department explained today that the courts had been heavily used since they were opened in 19&7 and now needed to be completely resurfaced.

- - o - -


Saturday, September 151 1973


♦ ♦♦**

A temporary registration station will be set up at Sha Tau Kok in the New Territories next week for the convenience of residents there.

The station will be operating at the Sha Tau Kok Government School for three days beginning on Wednesday (September 12) between 9 a.m. and 5 to enable parents end guardians to register their children between six and 17 years for juvenile identity cards.

Those ovei* 17 years of age and holding juvenile identity cards will

be able to register for adult identity cards. An opportunity will also be afforded for residents to report changes in their registered particulars.

0 - -


Note to "IditorG

There will be an issue of the Daily Information

Bulletin tomorrow (Sunday). Copies will be available for collection at 12 noon from the G.I.S. press room, 6th floor, Beaconsfield House.

- - 0 - -

tele -e time- 2.50 p.m.


Sunday, September 16, 1973

CRITICISM OF GOVERNMENT AN "OCCUPATIONAL HAZARD" Dr. Choa Defends Freedom Of Speech At AMS Passing Out Parade *««*«***

The Director of Medical and Health Services, Dr. G.H. Choa, today defended Hong Kong’s democratic system of government which allowed every institution or unit of the Medical and Health Department to be subject to public criticism.

"This is a very good phenomenon which shows that we have freedom of speech. This is a very special privilege which we should value," he said.

Ho was speaking as Controller of the Auxiliary Medical Service at a passing out parade at the end of a foot-drill instructor course examination. Fifty-three candidates had sat, 35 passed, and 17 qual-ified as instructors. He described the results as "very satisfactory,"sand he congratulated them all.

Dr. Choa defined constructive criticism as a device which would • - V help the AMS to improve its working efficiency and administrative machinery. The Service welcomed it, and were glad to accept it.

But when the AMS, or the Medical and Health Department, was criticised for no valid reason at all, "although we may feel bad about it, we should be patient and keep cool."

/He told ....

Issued by Government Information Services, t :aconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191


Sunday, September 16, 1973

2 -

lie told the recruits that when they v/ent about their business, they must be sure to try their best to fulfil their task.

lie reminded them that when they braved typhoons, rainstorms and other difficult conditions to help take care of casualty cases, they might not get any special mention or praise afterwards — but their comrades and he would always remember their "exemplary efforts in the Kotewall Road, Daimaru and Lantao disasters, among others."

On the other hand, if they made a slip — no matter how small — they night immediately come under fire.. For this reason, he hoped all AMS members would always be on the alert.

He concluded: "While I do not want you to become complacent should you got a pat on your shoulder, I would also urge you not to be demoralised by adverse criticism. This is our occupational hazard. We would be much worse off without any freedom of speech at all."

-------0 - - - -

/ 3 • 0 9

Sunday, September 16, 1973

- 3 -



Tickets for the seventh and last government lottery of 1973 are now on sale at 32 each.

This will be the last opportunity this year for members of the public to win a considerable cash prize and at the same time make a small contribution to charity by buying tickets.

There will be a total of 57 prizes comprising one first prize, one second prize, five third prizes and 50 special prizes.

The first prize will make up 40 per cent of the total proceeds, and the second prize 10 per cent. Each of the five third prizes amount to one per cent of the total proceeds while the other 50 special prizes amount to 0.1 per cent each.

Winning numbers will be drawn at 10 p.m. on October 6 in R.T.V. Television House, Broadcast Drive.

Tickets can be obtained at all Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club selling booths and at the Hong Kong and Yaumati ferry piers. They are also avail able at about 280 banks as well as two money changers.

All prizes of this lottery must be claimed before October 8, 1975-

0 - -

Release time: 2.50 p.m



Monday, September 17, 1973


Page No,

Mr. Bray appointed Secretary for Home Affairs .................... 1

Hong Kong to attend World Mental Health Congress in Australia • • • 2

Water Interruption in Kwun Tong ..••••••........................ 3

Clearance operation in Chai ’Wan postponed ••••••••••••••......... 4

Industrial employment survey for the third quarter being conducted 5

Tickets for the last Government lottery of the year now on sale.. 6

Record number of travellers given inmigration clearance last month........................................................... 7

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Monday, September 17, 1973





It was announced today that Mr. Denis Bray will be the new Secretary for Horae Affairs* He will succeed Mr. Jack Cater, who is retiring from government service, on November 15, 1973.

lir» Bray, who is 47 years of age, joined the Hong Kong Government in 1950. lie has previously worked in the Colonial Secretariat, the Social Welfare Department, the Urban Services Department, the New Territories Administration, the Transport Department and the Secretariat for Horae Affairs.

lie was Comics ioner of Transport from 1965 to 1966, Deputy Secretary for Lone Affairs from 1968 to 1970, and acting Secretary for Home Affairs from July, 1S70 to January, 1971. He is at present District Commissioner, New Territories.

Mr* Sray will be succeeded as District Commissioner, New Territories by ilr. David Akers-Jones. Mr. Akers-Jones is 46 years of age, and joined the Hong F.ong Govern; lent in 19%, having previously served in the Malayan Civil Service.

He has worked in the Commerce and Industry Department, the New Territories Administration, the Secretariat for Horae Affairs and the Colonial Secretariat. He was Deputy District Commissioner, New Territories from 1967 to 1969, and since 1970 he has been Principal Assistant Colonial Secretary (Lands) in the Colonial Secretariat.

Note to Editors> Copies of photographs of Hr. Bray and Ilr. Akers-Jones will be distributed separately in the press boxes this evening.



Monday, September 17, 1973

- 2 -



A AO-iaember delegation from Hong Kong will be leaving for Sydney next month to attend the congress of the World Federation for Mental Health.

The meeting, marking the 25th anniversary of the Federation, will be held from October 8 to 12.

Hong Kong’s participation is being organised by the local affiliate, the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong delegation will be made up of people from both inside and outside government and will include social workers, psychiatrists, educationalists, cental health workers and other interested individuals.

The delegation will be led by Mr. Thomas C.Y. Lee, Deputy Director of Social Welfare end leaves Hong Kong on Friday, October 5 returning on Sunday, October 14.

The Social Work Training Fund is making available the sum of $55,000 for 25 of the group to help them defray the cost of attending the meeting.

The main there of this year is ’’Cultures in Collision”. There will be a number of plenary and technical sessions in which such interesting and varied subjects as "Family and Community”, "Mass Community and Social Stress”, "Migration and Mobility", and "Law and Mental Health” will be discussed.

There will be prominent speakers from every part of the world while other functions oi the meeting include film shows, operas and social gatherings.

/The .......

Monday, September 17, 1975

- 3 -

The World Federation for Mental Health is an international organise-tion in official relationship with the United Nations and the World Health Organisation. It holds its meetings in different big cities all over the world and Hong hong hosted the last meeting in November 1971.

Note to Editors: The Eong Kong Delegation will be leaving by

Japan Airlines, Flight JL 771 ETD 9-30 p.m. on 'Friday, October 5«




Water supply to ti number of premises in Kwun Tong will be interrupted for five hours starting from 1 a.m. on Wednesday (September 19) •

The temporary stoppage is to enable Waterworks Office staff to carry out a leakage test.

The area which will be affected is bounded by Ngau Tau Kok Road, the nullah in Jordan Valley, Kwun Tong Road and Shing Shun Road, including Blocks 8-14 of the Loner Hgau Tau Kok Estate.

--------0---------- A.........................

Monday,September 17, 1973



The clecrcT.co operation at the Chai Wan licensed area, which was originally scheduled for later this month, has now been postponed to early November,

A Housing Department spokesman said this was necessary because the new licensed area which is being built to take in the illegal squatters .. involved in the clearance would not be ready until some time next month.

The clearance involves some 780 structures, of which about 230 are illegal.

About 400 eligible families, comprising more than 2,100 people, have been offered public housing accommodation.

"Many of them have already moved to their new homes in Ho Man Tin, Sau Mau Ping or Lam Tin estates,’1 the spokesman said.

About 1,100 others, many of them fishermen, who have been squatting illegally on t e outskirts of the Chai Wan licensed area, will be accommodated in the new licensed area being built in the vicinity.

The clearance will make available land for building a public housing estate which will provide homes for 16,000 people upon its completionin 1976.



Monday, September 17, 1973

- 5 -


A survey of industrial employment and vacancies for the third quarter of this year is now in progress.

It is organized by the Census and Statistics Department on behalf of the Labour Department, and is the continuation of a series of regular employment surveys covering registered industrial establishments.

The survey began last Monday (September 10) when printed employment return cards were sent to managements of industrial establishments with a request that they accurately provide the information sought as at September 14 and return the cards to the Census and Statistics Department on or before Wednesday (September 19).

Information sought from managements includes employment and existing vacancies, classified by sex, for managerial and clerical workers as well as manual workers. This information, on thorough analysis, will give useful indications on the levels and trend of industrial employment.

A spokesman of the Census and Statistics Department appealed to all recipients for cooperation in filling the cards fully and accurately and returning them promptly. "During the last survey conducted in June 1973» the response from the large industrial establishments was 100 per cent, but the overall response rate was only 62 per cent,” he said.

This, the spokesman stressed, could be further improved if all establishments, particularly the smaller ones, would respond promptly to the survey The spokesman said that the information provided on the cards would be kept strictly confidential and only statistical summaries would be released to the public.

"The cards will be destroyed under supervision when the relevant data are extracted and summarised,” he added.

- - - - 0 - - - - /6........

Monday, September 17, 1973

- 6 -



Members of the public were today urged to support social welfare projects by buying tickets of the seventh government lottery of the year.

Speaking at a press conference, Mr. David Wu Chung-shing, member of the Government Lotteries Management Committee, said: ’’This is the last chance to win a prize of the government lottery this year.”

He expressed the hope that the sales of tickets will top the one million mark.

The draw will take place at 10 p.m. on October 6, in the KTV Studio at Television House, Broadcast Drive.

Four R.T.V. artistes, Miss Ginny Ng, Mr. Wu Fung, Miss Stella Chee and Mr. Cheng Kwan-min, will draw the winning numbers during the television entertainment programme ”Weekend Spectacular”.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the draw which will bo televised, live.

As part of a promotion campaign, the four artistes will visit the Ebenezer School and Home for the Blind which is aided by the Government Lotteries Fund, next Monday (September 24).

On October 1, they will sell tickets at a special selling booth in Statue Square.

Mr. Wu also disclosed that the ninth auction of special car registration numbers will take place at the City Hall Theatre after the draw • The proceeds will g° to the Govemmait Lotteries Fund for charity purposes.

A total of over #1.8 million has been raised in the last eight auctions.



Monday, September 17, 1973

- 7 "



The Immigration Department gave immigration clearance to more than one million travellers last month — a record for any single month.

A spokesman for the department said there were 533>248 arrivals and 501,140 departures, making a record total of 1,054,588•

These figures excluded travellers in transit and passengers who were refused permission to enter Hong Kong.

The previous record was set in February this year when 936,090 travellers — 51^656 arrivals and 471,454 departures — were given immigration clearance.

-------0 --------

Ilelease time: 6.50 P• m•


Tuesday, September 18, 1973


Page No.

Thirty-six lots of Crown land to be auctioned in the next six months ••••••••••.......................................... ....... 1

Restraint arrangements for cotton textiles exports to U.S.A, extended for one year...........................................  • 3

Over 450 claims heard by the Labour Tribunal....................... 4

A temporary fire station to be built at Kai Tak Airport.........  • 5

More opinions welcomed on the report on the needs of the elderly • 6

Over JOO labour disputes settled last month ....................... 8

Government scholarships for 161 secondary school students •••••••• 9

Executive Council membership.......................................9

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Tuesday, September 18, 1973




Thirty-six lots of Crown land with a total area of 665,690 square feet will be put up for sale by auction in the next six months.

This was announced today by the Director of Lands and Survey in his Land Salos Forecast for the six-month period ending March 31 next year.

”0f the 56 lots,” he said, ”20 are for industrial use, two for nonindustrial purposes, 10 for residential development and four for funeral parlours.n

All the four sites for funeral parlours are situated in Kowloon — two each at Diamond Kill and Hung Hom.

Of the total area to be auctioned, 304,300 square feet is for industrial and godown development.

The industrial sites range in area from about 5i100 square feet to 32,500 square feet. Except fcr two lots at Chai Wan, they are all located at Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon.

The land to be used for residential development totals 310,490 square feet. Two of the sites located at Ho Man Tin Road will be sold towards the end of next month.

The remaining sites are located at Braenar Hill Road, Black’s Link, Chai Wan and Tin Ilau Temple Road on Hong Kong Island.

The date of sale for each lot will be announced in advance in the gazette and advertised in English and Chinese newspapers.

At the time of advertising, detailed conditions of sale and sale plans will be nvnilc.ble to the public.

/Particulars of .....

Tuesday, September 18, 1973


Particulars of the land sales forecast together with plans showing the location of the lots may be inspected at the Crown Lands & Survey Office in Murray Building, Garden Road or nt its Kowloon branch office at the Kowloon Government Offices, Kathan Road.

They nay also bo inspected at the Public Enquiry Sub-office, Central Government Offices, West Wing; at all City District Offices; the Commerce & Industry Department at kG Connaught Road Central and at the office of the District Commissioner, Mon Territories,.North Kowloon Magistracy, Tai Po Road.

Copies of the forecast may be obtained free of charge by calling at any of the above offices or by written request to the Crown Lauds & Survey Offices.

Tuesday, September 18, 1973

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Hong Kong has agreed to an extension for one year from October 1, 1973 of the current restraint arrangements for the export to the United States of cottontextiles.

Announcing this, a spokesman for the Commerce and Industry Department said that the formal extension, signed today, followed a series of discussions in Geneva and Hong Kong.

He added that these resulted in agreement that, in addition to the five per cent annual growth rate already prescribed in the agreement, Hong Kong would be able to ship a further two per cent over the present limits.

This comes to nearly 10 million square yards equivalent and brings the limit for the year ending September 50, 197^+ to 510 million square yards equivalent.

The spokesman added that, in addition, agreement had been reached on certain technical modifications to the agreement to allow more flexible administration. These should mean that Hong Kong exporters will be able to utilise their quotas more effectively and profitably. 4

Although the extension is for one year, part of the terms of the agreement prescribe that both sides will meet to review it within ninety days of the conclusion of a new multilateral arrangement which is currently under negotiation in Geneva.

These negotiations are expected to produce an international set of rules to replace those in the so-called Cotton Textiles Arrangement, due to expire at the end of this year. It was under the terms of that Arrangement that the present Hong Kong/US cotton textiles restraint agreement was

negotiated in 1970


- O -

Tuesday, September 18, 1973

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A total of 563 claims, involving $1,079,935*61, has been filed at the Labour Tribunal during the first six months of its operation.

Of these, 452 claims have been heard and a total of 5417,587.45 has been awarded to the claimants.

Mr. Michael Wong, Presiding Officer of the Tribunal, said today that the main causes of these claims were for wages in lieu of notice and arrears of wages.

’’There are also claims for statutory holiday pay, sickness allowance, double pay, bonus, commission, rebates and recovery of deposits paid under contracts of employment,” he said.

Mr. Wong pointed out that 92 per cent of the claims filed had been referred to them by the Labour Department where attempts for reconciliation were unsuccessful.

He also noted that of the total 5&3 claims, only 16 were filed by employers. The remaining 547 claims were all filed by employees.

The Labour Tribunal first came into operation on March 1 this year. Its object is to provide a quick, simple, and inexpensive method of settling monetary claims arising from contracts of employment, the provisions of the Employment Ordinance and certain other ordinances^.

- 0---------


Tuesday, September 18, 1973

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A temporary fire station is to be built shortly at Kai Tak Airport to provide better access to areas on the tarmac and the runway in case of accidents.

To be sited on the newly reclaimed land to the east of the runway, it will replace the existing one which is gradually being cut off from the rest of the airport because of the construction of the airport tunnel.

A small fire sub-station together with an electrical sub-station will also be built near the seawall to serve both the temporary station and the future permanent station.

The temporary station will be a single-storey structure with all the usual fire station facilities. Eight fire engines and 25 firemen and officers will be stationed there round the clock, /mother four fire engines will also be accommodated at the fire sub-station.

A government spokesman explained today that it was necessary to build the temporary station because the freshly reclaimed land was not yet suitable for piling work associated with the permanent station.

"A recent site investigation shows that piling work could probably begin in about two years time,” he said.

Work on the temporary Station is expected to start next month and will take about three months to complete.

------0 - - - - /6........

Tuesday, September 18, 1973

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There are only two weeks to go before the deadline expires for receiving comments on the recommendations contained in the report of the Working Party on the Future Needs of the Elderly.

’’From the response so far, it would appear that the recommendations are generally acceptable because we have received only eight comments.

It could be people are satisfied so they feel it unnecessary to write in. However, we would still like to hear from more people,” said Mr. Bowen Leung, Administrative Officer (Planning) of the Social Welfare Department.

He said the report had been published specifically to elicit the views and comments of the community, and in particular those who were concerned with services to the elderly, so that a final draft can be prepared for presentation to the government.

"In anything of this nature, it is vital we know the community’s thinking so that their views can be taken into consideration in the overall planning and implementation of the types of services recommended in the report.

"It is, after all, something very much involving the community at all levels, so what they think is important to us," Mr. Leung said.

The report, prepared by a working party of both government and non-government members, w~s published in July.

/It makes .......

Tuesday, September 18, 1973

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It makes wide-ranging recommendations for providing much more comprehensive services for the elderly based on the concept of care in the community, which in practice, will mean in the majority of cases, care within the family rather than residential or institutional care.

So far, more than one thousand copies each of the Chinese and English versions of a summary of the report containing the main recommendations have been sent out to interested organisations and individuals, so that they may express their opinions.

Anyone wishing to obtain copies can do so, at a cost of '31 a copy, from the Government’s Publications Centre at the Star Ferry Concourse on Hong Kong Island.



Tuesday, September 18, 1973

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The Labour Relations Service of the Labour Department last month helped settle J22 disputes.

Disclosing this today, the head of the Service, Mr. T.F. Tsui said that as a result of agreements reached in meetings conducted by his conciliation officers, 1,270 employees had received a total of 3802,924.

Of this total, 41.5 per cent was paid by employers as outstanding wages, payment in lieu of notice, statutory holiday pay and bonuses.

The remaining 58.5 per cent - about 3469,484 - was paid as severance pay and other ex-gratia payments to employees.

Mr. Tsui said last month officers of the Service handled 1,600 consultations and enquiries about labour laws, industrial relations and personnel management.



Tuesday, September 18, 1973

- 9 -

161 pupils ;.w;jwed GOVERNMENT scholarships


Government External Scholarships tenable at approved Chinese or

Anglo-Chinese Secondary Grammar Schools have been awarded to 141 pupils.

Another 20 candidates have been awarded such scholarships tenable at approved secondary technical schools.

’’Those awards have been made on the results of the 1973 Secondary

School Entrance Examination,” a spokesman for the Education Department said today.

He pointed out that the awards were for the five-year secondary course and were renewable annually subject to the satisfactory progress of each pupil.

Note to Editors: Copies of a list of successful candidates and

the secondary schools allocated to them will be distributed separately in the Press Boxes, G.I.S. this evening.




Hr. P.G. Williams and Mr. Wilson Wang ceased to be temporary Unofficial Members of the Executive Council with effect from September 14 and 15 respectively, following the return to Hong Kong of Sir Sidney Gordon and Sir Yuet-keung Kan.


Time; 8.00 p,m.


Wednesday, September 19, 1975


Page No*

Hong Kong extends current control arrangements on exports of restrained textiles to EEC countries by six months . 1

Importance of psychiatric rehabilitation emphasised •••••••• 3

Housing Secretary to discuss new tenancy terms with estate shopkeepers ................................•.......... 5

New traffic arrangements being introduced in Happy Valley • • 6

Temporary water interruption in Wanchai ............... 7

Wellknown Hong Kong barrister appointed Queen’s Counsel •••• 8

Three old buildings in Western declared dangerous •••••••••• 8

Social Welfare Director advises community workers against taking on too much.................................. 9

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Wednesday, September 19, 1973

- 1 -



Hong Kong is to extend for. six months, up to the end of June 1974, the various current restraints on exports of textiles to the countries of the European Economic Community.

Announcing this today, a spokesman for the Commerce and Industry Department said that this action, which has been taken on the advice of the Textiles Advisory Board, is unilateral. No negotiations have been held with the countries concerned.

The reason for this unusual step, the spokesman explained, is that the existing arrangements are all due to expire on December 31, 1973, and in the present international situation it would be impractical to try to conclude a new bilateral agreement with the EEC.

This is because the international rules under which such an agreement would have to be negotiated are still themselves the subject of negotiation in the forum of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

The so-called Cotton Textiles Arrangement, under which many of Hong Kong’s textile restraint agreements have been negotiated, has been - >

extended only to the end of 1973.

Negotiations to replace it with a new set of rules, in which Hong Kong will continue to play an active role, are to be held in Geneva later this year.

/The Commerce ........

Wednesday, September 19, 1973

- 2 -

The Commerce and Industry Department spokesman said that although Hong Kong did not welcome restrictions, it had been decided to protract the existing controls on exports to the EEC so that trade could continue on a stable and predictable basis during the interim period of uncertainty.

Full details of the new arrangements have been issued to the trade. They affect textile exports to the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Benelux contries, Italy, Denmark and France.


Wednesday, September 19, 1973

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The Deputy Director of Social Welfare, Mr. Thomas C.Y. Lee, said today (Wednesday) ignorance about mental illness has led many people to believe it is a frightening condition.

"Ignorance," he said, "breeds misunderstanding which leads to fear, and fear again leads to ignorance. This is indeed a vicious cycle."

He said an isolated incident of a mad man in the street is too often dramatised and overshadows the many other persons, similarly afflicted yet harmless, who are just waiting to return to the community, but who are being refused by those of us who can be in a position to help.

He said the goal of psychiatric rehabilitation is the maximum development of physical, mental, social and vocational potentiality of the mentally disabled enabling them to become once again independent and productive members of society.

"Rehabilitation is especially important in the case of the mentally ill, because of the often disrupted sequelae resulting from their illness and because of the discrimination they suffer from it."

Mr. Lee said helping the mentally ill to become a member of society again was essential not just for humanitarian reasons alone "Psychiatric rehabilitation is also a sound economic investment for the community as well as for the patient and his family. The cause of mental illness weighs heavily on every member of the community.

"With psychiatric rehabilitation, a chronic schizophrenic previously left vegetating in the closed ward of a large mental hospital can now be helped to take up remunerative employment and can be useful and productive."

/Mr. Lee was...

Wednesday, September 19, 1973

Mr. Lee was speaking at the ceremony at which prizes were awarded to winners of the Christmas card design competition sponsored by the New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association.

He said in other more advanced countries where programmes in mental health and psychiatric rehabilitation are components of a well pl anned social welfare policy, multiferious programmes oriented towards community participation place much of the responsibility of rehabilitating the mental1y ill person on the authorities.

Psychiatric rehabilitation in Hong Kong, he said, is as yet at an early stage of development. However, it is becoming increasingly important as our society becomes more affluent, more advanced and more complicated.

•’Sound mental health for the citizen is regarded as one of the duties of the government.. However, participation and involvement of volunteers and voluntary agencies must operate fully in the provision of mental heal th programmes.

”In Hong Kong, a number of government departments have been working closely together to promote many aspects of mental health. The New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, as a voluntary agency, has made significant contributions,” he said.

Implementation of the new five year plan would see substantial expansion of service to the mentally ill and the Association, he said, with its ambitious plan for the future, would certainly continue to play a vitai role.


Note to Editors: Copies of Mr. Lee’s speech in English and

Chinese are distributed separately in the Press Boxes of the Government Information Services this evening.


Wednesday, September 19 > 1975

- 5 -

HOKOIS S7;CBETARI TC meet estate shop tenants

Mr. Ian Lightbody, Secretary for Housing, has invited representatives of shopkeepers in public housing estates and estate Kaifong members to meet him on Eriday (September 21) to discuss the new shop tenancy agreements proposed recently by the Housing Authority.

Mr. Roger Lobo, Chairman of the Management Committee of the Housing Authority will also attend. Nearly 11,000 shopkeepers in the older public housing estates nt present hold their premises on a month-to-month tenancy card basis. Under the new system they arc being asked to sign a long term agreement.

Since the new agreement was proposed shopkeepers and estate Kaifongs have sent representatives to the Housing Department objecting to some of its conditions.

A Housing Department spokesman said today: ”We have met representatives of several- shopkeepers groups and listened sympathetically to the points they raised* There soc!.s to be sone misapprehension that the main object to the agreement is to undermine their security of tenure.

’’This in fact is not the case. We have said repeatedly that we have no intention of terminating tenancies.”

In a letter going out to each individual shopkeeper today, Mr. Ralph Husband, Deputy Director of Estate Management, commenting on the coming meeting between Mr. Lightbody and shopkeepers representatives, says:

”1 qp sure that these discussions will help considerably to clarify the various problems which some shop tenants see in these new arrangements, and the department will then consider what can be done to meet these difficulties*”



Wednesday, September 19, 1973

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A series of new traffic arrangements will be introduced in Happy Valley from 10 a.m. on Friday (September 21) to improve traffic flow and to facilitate road works in the area.

Announcing this today, the acting Commissioner for Transport, Mr. P.F. Leeds, said the re-arrangements were necessary to accommodate the fast increasing volume of traffic at the Canal Road flyover which had become a major traffic route following the opening of the Cross Efcirbour Tunnel.

"The new arrangements will also facilitate construction works

in connection with extending the Canal Road flyover over Leighton and Morrison

Hill Roads to Queen’s Road East to eventually link with the proposed Happy Valley-Aberdeen tunnel," he added.

The new arrangements are as follows:

* The section of Sports Road between the entrance to Royal Hong Kong Defence Force Headquarters and its junction with Wongneichong Road will be re-routed one-way eastbound.

* Wongneichong Road between Village Road and Morrison Hill Road will be re-routed one-way in a clockwise direction.

* The westbound lane of Leighton Road between Wongneichong Road and Canal Road East will be converted into a "Bus Only Lane" and no other vehicles except franchised buses will be permitted to enter this section of Leighton Road. ,-j

/* Westbound ......

Wednesday, September 19, 1973

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* V/estbound traffic in Leighton Road, with the exception of franchised buses, when approaching the Wongneichong Road junction will have to turn left into Wongneichong Road.

* The existing Cross Harbour Tunnel Route 101 bus stop in Morrison Hill Road will be relocated in due course to Canal Road West adjacent to Houses No.19 and 20. The existing C.M.B. route 1 bus stop in Morrison Hill Road will be cancelled.

At the same time, Tak Hing Street in Kowloon will be re-routed one-way northbound and Tak Shing Street between Nathan Road and Tak Hing Street will be re-routed one-way eastbound to improve traffic flow.

Appropriate traffic signs will be put up to guide motorists.




Water supply to a number of premises in Chai Wan on Hong Kong Island will be interrupted for eight hours starting from 10 p.m. on Friday (September 21Juntil 6 a.m. the following morning.

The temporary stoppage is to enable staff from the Waterworks Office to install drain pipes.

The premises affected are Nos. 31-69 Chai Wan Road, the Shaukiwan Fire Station and Nos. 2-4 Ah Kung Ngam Road.



Wednesday, September 19, 1973

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Mr. Benjamin Tsz Ming Liu, a prominent Hong Kong barrister, has been appointed a Queen’s Counsel.

Mr. Liu was born in Hong Kong 193% the son of Dr. and Mrs. Liu Yan-tak, and was educated at the Wah Yan College, Hong Kong.

He was called to the English Bar in July 1957 and was admitted as a Barrister in Hong Kong in March 1959* He has practised hero ever since.

In the years 1957 and 1958 he served as a pupil in the chambers of the late Lord Justice Winn and of Mr. B.G. Burnett-Hall, Bencher of Lincoln’s Inn and one of the Conveyancing Counsel to the High Court of Justice.




The Building Authority today (Wednesday) declared Nos. 8, 12 and 14 Tsung Sau Lane West, in Western District to be in a dangerous condition.

The Principal Government Building Surveyor said: ”These three-storey pre-war buildings form part of a group inspected subsequent to a collapse at No. 10 Tsung Sau Lane West which resulted in an emergency closure order being granted.”

The brickwork in the load bearing walls, he said was fractured and bulged in addition to a considerable amount of decay in roof and floor timbers indicating there was risk of failure leading to collapse.

Notices of intention to apply for Closure Orders in Victoria District Court at 9-30 a.m. on October 19, were posted today.



Wednesday, September 1% 1973

- 9 -


When taking up a new responsibility make sure you have enough- time to do your job properly.

This is the advice the Director of Social Welfare, Mr. K.W.J.

Topley offered to the new Board Members of the Chinese Young Men’s Christian Association when he spoke at their induction ceremony this (Wednesday) evening.

Mr. Topley said: "Most committee men and office bearers in

Hong Kong are too busy and they would do a better job if they were less busy.” When one took on a new task "it is time to review one’s own responsibility to one’s family, to the work by which one earns one’s living, to others and last - to yourself,” he added.

He said in taking up a new responsibility, something else has to go - a time consuming pastime or another committee.

Another important aspect, Mr. Topley said, was the attitude of mind one brought to the job.

”How do you make your contribution? This is a big subject. In

a time V7hen youth is on the move and the middle-aged are static if uncomfortable, you must reassess yourselves and the organisation you serve.”

Note to Editors: Copies of Mr. Topley’s speech in English and Chinese

are boxed for collection.


Release time: ,7.^0 p.m.




Page No*

Parents’ disinterest concerning their children’s wrongdoings criticised •••••••••.......•••••••••...............  •••••••••••• 1

Pilot project to involve community in rehabilitation of offenders.......................................................... 3

Employers urged to establish closer consultation links with workers • •*•.................................................... 5

Importance of protective equipment for industrial workers emphasised ...........•••••••••••••••••.......................... 8

Temporary water interruption in Kowloon City................ 3

Rice import quota for fourth quarter of this year.........•••••••• 10

General Consumer Price Index for August shows six-point increase 11

Last month was the wettest August in 50 years ...............•••• 12

Commonwealth scholarships for 197^ being offered to promising

Hong Kong students ..••••••••••................. 13

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Thursday, September 20, 1973



Parents’ Uncaring Attitude Criticised


Hong Kong is breeding a different type of criminal which must and will be catered for, the Commissioner of Prisons, Mr. T<G. Garner, said today.

In a speech to the Rotary Club of Kowloon, he also criticised selfish and irresponsible parents of many young offenders.

He said young criminals in Hong Kong today ganged together and acted in a manner ’’which surpasses all norms even in the known crimnal field.”

As a result, when sent to prison these young offenders were to some extent ostracised by older prisoners because of their way of life.

He described the so-called young thugs as ’’basically weaklings,” and said they got their strength through joining gangs and quasi-triad societies.

Since 1965 the number of offenders under the age of 21 had grown from 5.21 per cent to 26.41 per cent. Of today’s 6,282 prisoners, 1,659 were under 21.

Mr. Garner said parents of young offenders often seemed unconcerned that their sons or daughters might have committed a violent crime.

”Too often they are not so much interested in what their child has done but only that he or she has been taken out of circulation and placed in confinement which has resulted in the loss of a source of income to the family,” he said.

/”The attitude •••••••

Thursday, September 20, 1973

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”The attitude adopted is often one of ’never mind how the money was obtained, only that it should continue! It reflects a lack of parental responsibility not only to the children but also to society.”

Mr. Garner agreed that crimes of violence called for ’’stiff sentences” and in some cases ’’the full penalty under the law.” But the aim within prisons must be rehabilitation, for only by working towards this could the Prison Service do its job effectively, he said.

By putting prisoners to productive work and giving them some form of training plus supporting facilities, there was some hope that some would become useful citizens on their release. He warned, however, ’’they do not become angels overnight when they enter prison.”

Mr. Garner said the ’’short, sharp shock” detention centre system set up 15 months ago. had been a success.

”The programme is designed to induce in young offenders a sense of responsibility as citizens, a sense of pride in themselves, an awareness of their neglected abilities and to teach them how to live with people and respect the rights of others,” he said.

Steady progress, he went on, was being made within the penal system of Hong Kong to effect change within prisons so that in addition to their custodial role, emphasis was also placed on reformation.

He emphasised, however, that prison reform did not mean ’’making it soft for prisoners.”

Note to Editors: Copies of the full text of Mr. Gamer’s

speech are boxed for collection.



Thursday, September 20, 1973

- 3 -



In an attempt to evoke community involvement in the treatment and rehabilitation of offenders and in the prevention of crime in Hong Kong, the Probation and Corrections Division of the Social Welfare Department is operating a small pilot project to establish the feasibility of open recruitment of volunteers.

According to Mr. Wallace Lee, Principal Probation Officer, volunteer service has become an integral part of the probation service in developed countries and has met with a reasonably good measure of success.

”The idea of our pilot project is to assess if there are any difficulties we may come across if the scheme is introduced in Hong Kong,” he said.

At present, there are five probation officers who are each supervising a volunteer for the probationers in the project.

Two of the volunteers are girls, one a student and the other a clerk. The others arc a student, an accountant and a government servant.

’’The volunteers come from different backgrounds and are sympathetic to probationers. The work they are doing with the probationers includes private tutoring, teaching them hobbies and introducing them to different social activities.

’^Dhis informal approach has so far proved to be useful in winning over the offenders to lead a better normal life. For the volunteers themselves it is an opportunity to gain a better understanding about delinquency,” said Mr. Lee.

/’•It is

Thursday, September 20, 1973

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"It is only through community involvement of this kind that the public can meet the offenders and see for themselves what makes a delinquent« The public would soon realise through the volunteers where the responsibility lies in the prevention of crime and delinquency.0

Volunteers for this type of project, he added, must be carefully chosen. Besides having good characters they should be mature and have a good knowledge of the local community as well as wide personal contacts. Above all, they must have a desire to help their fellow men.

Mr. Lee said the volunteers wore briefed about the work of the probation service before they were introduced to the probationers.

’While volunteers may be personally interested and enthusiastic about befriending and helping a probationer, it must not be taken to mean that they are taking over the work and responsibility of the probation officer who retains the ultimate and full responsibility for the supervision of those under his charge. The volunteers assist the probationers by doing something which requires no professional skills,” Mr. Lee said.

An evaluation of the pilot project will be undertaken at a

later stage when the service will be examined in the light of its practicabi1t ty in the local situation rather than being adopted blindly following the pattern of other countries.



Thursday, September 20, 1973

- 5 -



The "ostrich-like” approach to industrial relations by most Hong Kong employers had taught workers that striking paid handsome dividends, the Commissioner of Labour, Mr. I.R. Price, said today.

Employers, he added, could do well by completely overhauling their industrial relations or personnel policies.

Speccing at today’s luncheon of Island South Rotary Club, Mr. Price said that too many avoidable strikes and disputes occurred in Hong Kong because management had failed to establish a method of regular two-way communication between itself and its employees.

"Also, all too often management has chosen to disregard early signs of discontent - no doubt in the mistaken hope that the trouble will solve itself,"* he said.

"In these circumstances, management often declines to negotiate or enter into discussions until a strike, sit-in, or go-slow has occurred.

"Ultimately, refusal to meet workers to discuss grievances until after a strike has taken place nearly always puts management in the invidious position of having to sit down and talk under duress - either because the strike is still in progress or because there is a strong possibility that the strike or go-slow will be re-started at any moment."

Mr. Price added: "I also suggest that before trouble arises, employers should consult their respective associations, which should be able to offer proper advice in any industrial dispute, actual or impending -though whether employers’ associations in Hong Kong have experienced and trained staff to give such advice is another matter."

/Urging the ••••••

Thursday, September 20, 1973

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Urging the more wide-spread introduction of joint consultation procedures in Hong Kong industry, Mr. Price said that all too often management was apt to shy away from joint consultation as a ’’new concept.” But, he stressed, it was a tried and proven method of communication, accepted throughout the world by industrial relations experts as an essential element of good personnel management in any business which employed more than a handful of people.

He said management would get out of joint consultation only what it put into it. A committee set up merely for appearances, and chaired by a management representative who had neither tact, patience nor understanding, would soon die a natural death.

More Goodwill

’•Management must really believe in joint consultation, and believe that by talking to its employees it is likely to attain far more goodwill than by ignoring them until real trouble evolves,” he said.

’•Management must also believe that it is to its advantage to provide workers with advance information of changes and new methods of operation. It must encourage, and be prepared to listen to, comments and suggestions put forward by employees’ representatives,” he said.

"Management should also understand that - particularly in the context of Hong Kong, where there are few strong trade unions - it is in the very unusual position of being able to teach employees’ representatives how to put forward their case. And, if it so chooses, management can inspire in the workers’ representatives’ confidence in their own ability to contribute to the operation of the undertaking.


Thursday, September 20, 1973

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:’Management must learn to try and understand the workers’ point of view. The opposite is equally true - workers have to learn to understand management’s point of view.

”But none of this understanding is likely to come about if management does not take positive and continuing steps in the field of joint consultation.”

Mr. Price stressed that joint consultation machinery was not the same as negotiating machinery. ”1 suspect that because employees -and some managements - often do not understand the difference between these two terms, they consider that joint consultation is not really giving them anything,” he said.

Wage Rates

”It should be clearly established that joint consultative committees are not a forum in which workers can negotiate wage rates. However, in practice, particularly in the context of Hong Kong, it may be impossible to divorce entirely some discussion of wage rates from other subjects.”

Mr. Price added there was little point in trying to set up joint consultative machinery if industrial unrest was brewing. The best time to do so, he said, was when all was quiet.

lie urged employers to read the Labour Relations Service’s booklet on joint consultation, and to contact the Service for advice in setting up consultative machinery tailor-made to an individual firm’s needs.

Note to Editors: Copies of Mr. Price’s speech are boxed for




Thursday, September 20, 1973

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The correct use of personal protective equipment could go a long way towards protecting workers against some of the dangers of work in industry, the Deputy Commissioner of Labour, Mr. J.N. Henderson, said today.

Mr. Henderson was officially opening a two-day Industrial Safety Seminar sponsored by John D. Hutchison and Co. Ltd. - the Hong Kong agent for Protector International Pty Ltd., manufacturers of industrial safety equipment.

The seminar - held at the Industrial Safety Training Centre of the Labour Department - is being attended by some $0 executives from the building industry, the shipbuilding and repairing industry and other utility companies.

Mr. Henderson said that, for example, 14 people were killed and 6,481 injured last year as a result of tripping over objects or being struck by falling objects.

’’The wearing of safety helmets and safety shoes might have prevented many of these accidents,” he said.

ilr. Henderson said the government was deeply concerned about the human suffering caused by industrial accidents. "Please do remember that we are talking about people, not statistics."

He said the use of protective equipment did not always appeal to workers in Hong Kong - and indeed elsewhere - for reasons of comfort. It was therefore up to the management to persuade and convince them to do so.

/in fact, .....

Thursday, September 20, 1973

- 9 -

r •


I < In fact, the use of protective equipment was mandatory in some

cases - such as the use of breathing apparatus in confined spaces.

Protective equipment for workers was only part of the department’s drive to improve industrial safety. Legislation was another means to tackle the problem.

To this end the Labour Department had already enacted a con-

siderable amount of safety legislation, and was in the process of drafting new regulations on a wide range of subjects such ns the safe use of cartridge-operated tools and lifting appliances.

However, said Mr. Henderson, without co-operation from employers and workers, legislation alone could not do the job.

’’There must be a will among employers to introduce the necessary changes, and, on the part of the employee, to make the best use of such improvements.”




Water supply to a number of premises in Kowloon City will be interrupted for five hours starting at 1 a.m. on Saturday (September 22) to facilitate a test for leakage in the area.

The area affected is bounded by Argyle Street, Princess Margaret Road, Pui Ching Road, and Soares Avenue including Waterloo Hill.



Thursday, September 20, 1973

- 10 -



The rice import quota for the fourth quarter this year (Oct-Dec) has been provisionally fixed at 81,000 metric tons — 10 per cent below the basic quota of 90,000 metric tons, the Commerce and Industry Department announced today.

’’The reduced quota takes into account the improving stock position and anticipated arrival of new crop supplies towards the close of the quarter/’ said Mr. M.D. Sargent, Assistant Director of the department.

He added that the department would continue to keep developments in the trade under close study and would issue a supplementary quota during the quarter should circumstances warrant.

Rice stocks at present, he said, amounted to just over 70,000 metric tons. In the first eight months of this year, Hong Kong imported a total of 198,000 metric tons of rice. Of this amount, China supplied 48 per cent and Thailand about 33 per cent^ The remainder was imported from the U.S.A., Australia and Pakistan.



Thursday, September 20, 1973

- 11 -



The General Consumer Price Index for August was 176 — a rise of six points over that for the previous month.

The increase was mainly due to a rise of 13 points in the index for foodstuffs. Increases of one point each were also recorded in the indexes for durable goods, miscellaneous goods, and transport and vehicles.

Movements in the indexes for other sections of commodity and service were insignificant.

Compared with the previous month, the average retail prices of bread and cakes, pork, beef, poultry, and fresh vegetables have all gone up. Many restaurants also put up their menu prices.

A spokesman for the Census and Statistics Department said the sharp increase in the retail prices of fresh vegetables was mainly caused by the rainy weather in August, which reduced the production of fresh vegetables and hastened the deterioration of cut vegetables.

On the other hand, the average retail price of salt and fresh water fish dropped because of adequate supplies.

He said the index for durable goods went up mainly because of higher prices for furniture, hardware and cutlery, and travel and sports goods. The index for miscellaneous goods also rose, mainly due to increased prices for stationery, soft furnishings and jewellery.

The index for transport and vehicles also advanced, following increased purchase prices and maintenance costs for motor vehicles.

The Modified Consumer Price Index for the month stood at 184, seven points higher than that for the previous month.

Thursday, September 20, 1973

- 12 -



Last month’s total rainfall was the highest recorded for any August in the past 50 years, according to the Royal Observatory.

A total of 826.4 mm of rain was recorded during the month — more than twice the normal amount. This was the second highest on record for August, the highest being 8?1.4 mm in 1923*

The total rainfall from January 1 to the end of August was 2610.4 mm while the total from May 1 to the end of August was 2413-3 mm — both were the highest ever recorded.

During the month, five tropical cyclones formed over the western North Pacific and South China Sea, and it was necessary to hoist tropical cyclone warning signals on three occasions. No gales or abnormally high tides were recorded.

A total of eight thunderstorms and heavy rain warnings were issued and 19 aircraft were diverted due to adverse weather conditions.

A maximum temperature of 32.9 degrees Celsius was recorded on August 3, and a minimum temperature of 23.6 degrees Celsius on August 10

Note to Editors: A full report by the Royal Observatory on

the weather of August 1973 is boxed for collection.



Thursday, September 20, 1973

- 13 -



Hong Kong students of high intellectual promise are eligible to apply for a limited number of 197^ scholarships being offered by the governments of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Nigeria.

These awards are being made under the Coipmonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan.

’’They are intended for persons who may be expected to make a significant contribution to life in their own countries on their return from study abroad,” a spokesman for the Education Department said today.

’’The scholarships are primarily available for postgraduate study or research at universities normally extending over a period of two academic years.”

Applicants should be Commonwealth citizens normally resident in Hong Kong. They should also be graduates of recognised universities or holders of equivalent qualifications.

Candidates should preferably be less than 28 years of age and in any case not more than 35 at the commencement of the scholarship.

Application forms are available from the Overseas Students and Scholarships Section, Education Department Branch Office, Bonaventure House, 2nd floor, 91, Leighton Road, Hong Kong.

All completed forms should be returned to the Section by October 20, 1973.


Release time: 7«3O P*n




Friday, September 21, 1973


Page No,

Mr, Brian Slevin has been named as the new Commissioner of Police .............................•........................... 1

Kwai Chung housing project will accommodate 27,000 people by mid-1976 ........................................................... 3

Price of sand increased by 37 as from today............•.......• • • • 4

Public comments invited on English-Chinese glossary of applied legal terms .................»............................. 5

Immigration officers commended for good work...................... 6

Insured parcel service to the Republic of South Africa starts next month ............................................... 7

Ming Tak Bank creditors advised to prove debts before October 12 • 8

Underwater sewer outlet proposed for Kwun Tong...................... 9

Five buildings in Western district found in dangerous state ....... 10

More sitting-out facilities for Tai Hang residents................ 11

Prize presentation of children’s painting and calligraphy competitions ..........................................      ...... 12

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Friday, September 21, 1973

- 1 -



Mr. Brian F.P. Slevin will succeed Mr. C.P. Sutcliffe as Commissioner of Police, it was announced today.

The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs has approved the promotion of Mr. Slevin who is currently Deputy Commissioner of Police (Administration).

He will assume his new duties in January next year when Mr. Sutcliffe leaves Hong Kong on retirement leave.

Mr. Slevin, aged 47, joined the Royal Hong Kong Police Force as a Sul>-Inspect or in 19^9 on transfer from Palestine.

He has since served in all branches of the Force and during the past two years has played a leading role in the reorganisation of the Force to equip it for the complex tasks ahead.

During hiS24 years of service, he has held a number of key posts in the Force, including those of Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police, Kowloon, and Director of Special Branch.

He was promoted to Deputy Commissioner in September 1971 and has acted as Commissioner on a number of occasions.

In 1970, he represented Hong Kong at the Interpol Conference in Brussels and at the International Symposium on Illicit Drug Traffic held in France.

Mr. Slevin is married and has one son.

/He has

Friday, September 21, 1973

of the


Note tc

- 2 -

He has been a Justice of the Peace since 1952 and is the holder Colonial Police Medal for Meritorious Service and the Queen’s Iledal.

He was awarded the Order of the British Empire earlier this year.

L Editors; Photographs of Mr. Slevin are available for collection in the GIS press boxes.

Friday, September 21, 1973

- 3 -



Work on the second and final stage of Lai King Estate in Kwai Chung, which will provide homes for a further 12,200 people, will start in two months’ time.

Costing over 322 million, this phase involves the construction of two 15-storey blocks and one 22-storey block for domestic accommodation.

A six-storey estate primary school, a kindergarten, a sub-post office, a welfare hall, and a number of ground floor shops, open car paries and recreational grounds are also included in the project.

In addition, there will be a modular market with 40 hawker stalIs. The roof of this market complex will be used as a play deck to provide additional recreational facilities.

Work on the first stage of the project, which involves the construction of one 22-storey and three 15-storey domestic blocks together with affiliated facilities such as a restaurant and two primary schools, started earlier this month.

The whole estate, when completed in mid-1976, will house 27,000 people in more than 4,000 flats. All these flats will conform to the present requirement of 55 square feet per individual unit, and will be equipped with private bathrooms and kitchens.

Special consideration has also been given to transportation requirements during the planning of the estate. Sites have been reserved for two bus sut>-termini, public light bus stands, and an underground station for the proposed mass transit system to ensure easy access to urban areas.



Friday, September 21, 1973

- 4 -



The Public Works Department announced today that the price of sand at the government sand depots has been increased from 816.50 to 823•50 a cubic yard.

The new price will apply to all sand paid on or after today (Ifriday).

A spokesman for the department explained that the price increase reflected a higher rate of compensation the Chinese authorities requested for sand from China, as well as the higher prices for a new contract for the supply of sand to government depots.

The former rate of 816.50 a cubic yard has been effective since 1970 for the duration of the previous contract which expired. "It remains the government’s policy not to recover more than the cost of buying and selling the sand," the spokesman added.

He estimated that the effect on building costs would only represent, at the most, an increase of from 0.4 per cent to 1 per cent depending on the complexity of the building.



Friday, September 21, 1973

- 5 -


The filial draft of the English-Chinese Glossary of Applied Legal Terms will be put on display for three weeks starting on Monday (September 24) to enable members of the public to give their views and comments on it.

The Glossary has 19,000 English terms and 27,000 Chinese translations, incorporating all essential legal terms, departmental subject categories together with contextual words and phrases, and appendices giving the titles of all government ordinances in English and Chinese as well as the Civil and Miscellaneous Lists.

It will be available for public inspection: until October 13 at the Special Translation Project Office, 2402 International Building, 141 Des Voeux Road Central.

The special translation project started last November when the Chinese University was commissioned to compile the Glossary for the convenience of government departments and the public as recommended in the Third Report of the Chinese Language Committee.

It went through several stages of compilation, translation, research and editing, and the first manuscript was completed in April this year. This was reviewed by a number of specialists and legal experts and a second draft was produced in August.

This was again circulated to all government departments for comments and corrections, and after further editing and an addition of supplementary entries, began to take its finished form.

After comments of the public have been taken, the completed Glossary will be submitted to the Chinese University authorities and later to the government by the end of next month*

Friday, September 21, 1973

- 6 -


Dr. Chung Sze-yuen, an Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council, today praised immigration officers for their part in creating a good image of Hong Kong.

Speaking at a passing-out parade of Assistant Immigration Officers, Dr. Chung said that Hong Kong had transformed itself from a small entrepot to a world famous industrial centre in less than 20 years.

’Today the name of Hong Kong is reaching far and received in most places with considerable respect.” he said.

Dr. Chung urged the graduating immigration officers to keep up and improve the good impression of Hong Kong already held by international travellers.

It would be unrealistic to xpect our tourist industry to continue to grow if our visitors were made to feel unwelcome with a cold and discourteous reception, he said.

Note to Editors: Copies of the full text of Dr. Chung’s

speech are boxed for collection.



Friday, September 21, 1973

- 7 -



The Postmaster General announced today that beginning from October 1, parcels for despatch by air or surface mail to the Republic of South Africa will be insurable with the Post Office.

The maximum amount of insurance acceptable is HK$1,84O at the usual rate for parcels - namely, 50 cents per $200 of the declared value in addition to the regular postage.

Insurance of a part of the total value of a parcel will be allowed but any article may not be insured for more than its value.

There will be no change in the conditions of acceptance of parcels or their admission to the Republic of South Africa, but insured parcels will need to be sealed by means of wax or lead. Certain restrictions will al so apply to the manner in which labels and stamps can be affixed to such parcels.


Friday, September 21, 1973

- 8 -

ming TZiK bank creditors urged to prove debts now ******

Creditors of the Ming Tali Bank, other than depositors and holders of gift coupons issued by the Bank, are advised to prove their debts as soon as possible if they have not already done so.

A notice published in today’s gazette stipulates that proof of the debts must be given before October 12. Creditors failing to do so . ■ will not be included in the proposed second and final dividend announced earlier this month by the Acting Official Receiver, Mr. P. Jacobs, who is the Trustee in B anlzruptcy of Ming Tak Bank.

Forms of proof will be supplied on request made either by post, telephone or in person to the Official Receiver’s Office at Sutherland House, 10th floor, 3 Chater Road, Hong Kong (Telephone No. 5-231957).

Depositors and holders of gift coupons need not take any action at present, but they should watch for future press announcements regarding the payment arrangements.



Friday, September 21, 1973

- 9 -



An underwater sewer outlet is to be built off King Yip Street in Kwun Tong to cope with the increasing sewage output of the area.

It will reach 2,500 feet into the harbour from the King Yip Street seawall to enable better dilution and dispersion of sewage effluent and to minimise pollution of in-shore waters.

The exact boundaries of the area of foreshore and sea bed required for the work are fully described in a notification in the government gazette.

Persons having any objections to the proposed works, or any claims of private right in the matter, should hand in such objections or claims in writing to the Director of Public Works within two months of the date of notification.

The notification, in English and Chinese, can also be seen on the notice board near the site.



Friday, September 21, 19?P



The Building Authority today declared Nos. 43 and 45 High Street to be in a dangerous condition and Nos. 4, 6 and 16 Tsung Sau Lane West liable to become dangerous.

In a statement, the Principal Government Building Surveyor said that following a complaint by the occupant of No. 43 High Street a detailed investigation of the roof was made. This resulted in the emergency closure of the top floor.

A subsequent report of minor collapses in No. 45 was also investigated,.and all coverings to the roof and floor joists to both Nos. 4j and 45 were removed revealing extensive and serious decay in sone places to such an extent that there is risk of failure leading to collapse.

In addition, serious deterioration of reinforced concrete was observed.

Referring to the three pre-war buildings at Nos. 4, 6 and 16 Tsung Sau Lane West, the Principal Government Building Surveyor said they formed part of a group inspected subsequent to a collapse.

An emergency closure order was granted for one and applications for closures are being made for three others on the grounds that they are dangerous.

These buildings have poor load bearing brick walls particularly at the rear and it is considered that there is risk of collapse during or after the demolition of the adjoining buildings.

Notices of intention to apply for closure orders for Nos. 45 and 45 High Street and Nos. 4, 6 and 16 Tsung Sau Lane West in Victoria District Court at 9.30 a<m. on October 5 and 19 respectively were posted today. --------------------------------0---------

/11 .......

Friday, September 21, 1973

- 11 -



An open space will be developed at Tai Hang Road on Hong Kong Island shortly by the Urban Council to provide a rest area for residents in the vicinity.

The site is located near the junction of Tai Hang Road and Tai Hang Drive, and has an area of about 19,000 square feet.

Three circular concrete platforms will be constructed on the site, and concrete benches and flower beds will be provided at each of these platforms to form pleasant sitting out areas.

Construction work is expected to begin in early November, and will trice about two months to complete.




Noto to Editors: Mr. R.H. Lobo ceased to be a temporary Unofficial

Member of the Executive Council with effect from September 19, following the return to Hong Kong of Sir Douglas Clague.



Friday, September 21, 1973

- 12 -


Some 57 winners of the painting and Chinese calligraphy competitions organised for children by the Cultural and Recreational Committee of the Wong Tai Sin Community Centre will be presented with their prizes tomorrow (Saturday)o

The prize-giving ceremony will be held at the Wong Tai Sin Community Centre at 2.50 p.m*.

The competitions were held in July at the Wong Tai Sin Catholic Primary School. Over >00 children and young people from 45 schools took part.

The Cultural and Recreational Committee was established in November 1968 by 60 schools in the district, and is under the chairmanship of the Warden of the Wong Tai Sin Community Centre.

"The Committee aims to provide healthy and educational activities for young people living in Wong Tai Sin through the joint efforts of the schools and the Community Centre," said Mrs. Henrietta Chen.

Since its founding, Mrs. Chen said, the Committee has successfully organised quite a number of activities such as fun fairs, singing contests, seminars, competitions and so on,

Note to Editors: You are invited to cover the prize-presentation

ceremony at the Wong Tai Sin Community Centre tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon.

Release Time: 7.00 p.m



Saturday, September 22, 1973


Page No,

Experimental project leads to new development in fish breeding techniques ••••••••.................................... 1

Nine-month training course for supervisors for adult education

centres ........................................ 3

Deputy Under-Secretary of State to visit Hong Kong ............. 4

Memorial lecture in honour of the late Professor P.M. Yap ... 5

The Yau Ma Tei Community Centre Playground will be closed for 30 months •••••••.•••••••••..................................    6

Temporary registration team to operate in Sheung Shui ••••••• 7

Three visiting MPs will meet Urbco Members on Monday ........... 8

There will be a.DIB issue tomorrow••••••••...................    8

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Saturday, September 22, 1973

- 1 -



Officers of the Fisheries Research Division of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries have had some success with an experimental project on fish breeding that nay lead to higher production in pond fish farming in the Mew Territories.

A 15“nan team has been working on the project for the past five years at the department’s Au Tau Research Sub-station.

The project, involving induced breeding methods is part of an extensive research programme designed to obtain scientific and economic information about the development of the fishing industry in Hong Kong.

Basically, induced breeding consists of injecting a mixture of hormbnes -made up of the pituitary body of fish and extracted hormones called chorionic gonadotrophin - into the body of mature male fish and a female fish which is about to spawn.

The two fish are then placed in a pool to complete the maturation process.

If they fail to do so, both fish are taken out when they are ready to spawn so that the eggs and milt can be collected manually for artificial fertilization.

While this method has proved successful, one difficulty has been the immediate availability of milt in sufficient quantity to fertilize eggs as soon as the latter are ovulated from the female fish. This is not always achieved due to poor production of milt by the male fish as affected by the environmental factors on the one hand and the rough handling of the fish on the other.


Saturday, September 22, 1973

- 2 -

To overcome this, the researchers developed a method whereby milt is extracted from the male fish in advance and kept in cool storage until eggs from the female are ready for fertilization.

"This has proven extremely successful," a spokesman said* "We have also found that after overcoming this time factor the fertilization percentage of eggs has been considerably raised with the result that production has increased."

Fish fry are at present sold to fish farmers at minimal prices. Until last year, the fish bred at the research station were released in the Plover Cove reservoir to restore its ecological balance and to control the water quality. Nearly a million *fingerlings1 were set free in the reservoir.

Besides being a lucrative business, fish farming is also a good way of utilising the undeveloped marsh lands in the New Territories which are not otherwise suitable for agriculture.

At present there are about 1,000 fish ponds, mostly in Yuen Long, covering a total of nearly 2,900 acres. This is about three times the figure 10 years ago.

Note to Editors: Copies of photographs showing the process of

egg collection and artificial insemination are boxed for collection.



Saturday, September 22, 1973

- 3 -


Teachers who want to be part-time supervisors at Adult Education and Recreation Centres in the evenings are invited to join a nine-month training course which begins in November.

"This course, which is free, will present concepts and techniques of adult education for teachers who wish to play their part in this community service,” Mrs. Vivian Fong, Senior Education Officer (Adult Education), said today.

She added: ,rWe are looking for about 120 teachers to be trained as supervisors. Last year, 75 completed the course.”

Applicants should be qualified teachers with an interest in organising recreational activities ana group work.

Mrs. Fong pointed out that interests in sports, art and crafts as well as cultural activities would be an advantage.

During their nine months of training, the intending supervisors will be required to attend lectures or take part in group activities for the two evenings a week.

The medium of instruction will be Cantonese.

"After completion of the course, candidates will be qualified to take up supervisory posts when vacancies arise in the 14 Adult Education and Recreation Centres, run by the Adult Education Section, in Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories,” Mrs. Fong said.

/About .......

Saturday, September 22, 1973

- 4 -

About 13?000 young men and women join various group activities at these centres in the evening.

Application forms for the supervisors training course can be obtained from the Adult Education Section, Education Department, Kowloon Sub-Office, Kowloon Government Offices, 6th floor, 405 Nathan Road.

Teachers who wish to make enquiries by telephone are requested

to contact Mrs. N. Li or Mr. C.A. Chan on Tel. 3-884111 Ext. 278.

All completed forms should be returned to the Adult Education

Section by October 8. Interviews will be held between October 17 and 19 for selected candidates.




Note to Editors: Sir Thomas Brimelow, Deputy Under-Secretary

of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, will arrive in Hong Kong tomorrow (Sunday) on a three-day familiarisation tour. He will be accompanied by Lady Brimelow.

They will be met at the airport by the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, and will stay at Government House.

During his visit, Sir Thomas will meet senior government officials and members of the Executive and Legislative Councils. He will study the local situation at first hand and will go on a helicopter tour to view developments in urban and rural areas.

Sir Thomas and Lady Brimelow will leave Hong Kong for China on Wednesday (September 26).

They are due to arrive in Hong Kong on Sunday on flight CX 600, E.T.A. 9«O5 P*m* There will be no press conference at the airport.

-------o--------- /5........

Saturday, September 22, 1973




A memorial lecture in honour of the late Professor P.M. Yap will be given on October 2 at the Mandarin Hotel by Dr. Wilfted Warren, a consultant psychiatrist and world authority on child and adolescent psychiatry.

Dr. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services, will be chairman of the lecture.

Professor Yap was a founder member of the Menatl Health Association of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Psychiatric Association. The memorial lecture is made possible by a memorial fund set up jointly by the two associations after his death.

He passed away in November, 1971, while attending the World Psychiatric Congress in Mexico City.

An eminent psychiatrist, he was one of the earliest pioneers in mental health in Hong Kong, and until 19&9, was the senior psychiatric specialist in charge of the Medical and Health Department’s mental health service.

In 1969, he left for Canada to take up a professorial appointment in Toronto before returning to Hong Kong in 1971 as the first holder of the chair in psychiatry at the University of Hong Kong, a post he was holding at the time of his death.

Professor Yap’s many articles on psychiatry published in his lifetime in journals in Hong Kong and abroad remain as permanent tributes to his memory.

/br. Warren •••••••

Saturday, September 22, 1973

- 6 -

Dr. Warren, the memorial lecturer, is at present consultant adviser in child and adolescent psychiatry in the Department of Health and Social Security in England.

He is also a physician to the Children’s and Adolescents’ departments at the Bethlem Royal and the Maudsley hospitals in London* His talk will be on Youth.

The lecture will be delivered in the Pheasant Room of the hotel at 6 p.m. Interested members of the public are invited to attend.



The Yau Ma Tei Community Centre Playground at the junction of Shanghai Street and Market Street will be closed from Monday (September 24) for a period of 30 months.

The site will be taken over by the Highways Office of the Public Worlds Department to be used as a works area in connection with the construction of the elevated road from Gascoigne Road to Tong Hei Road.



Saturday, September 22, 1973

- 7 -



A team from the Registration of Persons Department will conduct registrations at the Pok Nga Shan Fong in Sheung Shui from September 24 to 28 for the convenience of residents there.

Business hours will be from 9 a.m. to 5 P»m.

The visits will enable parents or guardians to register their children from six to 17 years of age for juvenile identity cards, and young persons 17 years of age and over to register for adult identity cards.

Children between six and 17 years of age who have Hong Kong birth certificates or valid travel documents need not attend for registration, but children who do not have birth certificates or valid travel documents must accompany their parents .Qn guardians when registering. Residents are also reminded to report any changes in their registered particulars.



Saturday, September 22, 1973

- 8 -



Note to Editors: Three visiting British Members of Parliament,

Mr. R.W. Elliott and Mr. Walter Clegg (Conservatives), and Mr. Robert Parry (Labour) will meet members of the Urban Council at 8.45 a.m. on Monday (September 24), in the Urban Council Chamber, on the 12th floor of Central Government Offices, West Wing.

The talks will be held in private, but photographers will be allowed inside the chamber to take pictures of the MPS and the Councillors before the meeting commences.

It is not known whether the MPs will make a statement afterwards. If one is made, it will be sent to you on the teleprinter. * ----------------------------o---------



There will be an issue of the Daily "nformation Bulletin tomorrow (Sunday). Copies will be available for collection in the G.I.S.

Press Room on the 6th floor of Beaconsfield House at 2 p.m.


Belease time: 2.00 p.m.



Sunday, September 23, 1973


. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ _:v..

The Urban Council’s most modern market to date, and the first of its kind built.in a densely populated public housing district, opens for business in V.'ong Tai Sin this week,. .

The 34-million building provides all the facilities necessary, for the hygienic and orderly conduct of trade.

These include properly equipped meat and fish stalls, with scalding rooms for poultry, compartments with large tiled basins for washing vegetables and fruit, ice stores, refuse rooms with disposal chutes which keep rubbish out of sight, good lifts, storerooms, and other such facilities which the hawkers, who will trade in the market, did not have previously.

' Most of the stallholders will be hawkers who used to trade on the site where the market now stands. They were moved to a nearby temporary site two years ago for construction work to take place.

The market, which will cater mainly for people living in the large resettlement complex comprising Wong Tai Sin, Wang Tau Hom end Tung Tau, and the neighbouring industrial area of San Po Kong, contains more than 3^0 stalls. -...... _ -

/These are ..•••••••

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191


These are of various sizes and designs built to suit the different types of trade.

Although only two storeys high, the building is constructed on a split-level basis thus providing four shopping levels.

These are connected by wide stairways so placed that no customer is ever far from any section of the market.

Another feature of the building is the children’s playground on the roof, equipped with swings, slides and all the playthings that help keep children occupied whilst their parents shop below.

Note to Editors: Photographs of Urban Council members inspecting

the new market are boxed for collection together with a picture of the Wong Tai Sin hawker stalls which will be moving to the modern market.




Water supply to a number of premises in Kwun Tong will be in-

terrupted for five hours on Tuesday (September 25) starting from 1 a.m.

The temporary stoppage is to facilitate a leakage test in the area.

The area affected is bounded by Mgau Tau Kok Road, Jordan

Valley west of the nullah and Kwun Tong Road, including Blocks 8-14 of the Lower Ngau Tati Kok Estate.


Sunday, September 25, 1973

- 3 -



Note to Editors: Arrangements have been made by the Government

Lotteries Management Committee for members of the Press to visit the Ebenezer School and Horae for the Blind tomorrow (Monday).

Four popular R.T.V. artistes,Miss Ginny Ng Sau-fong, Mr. Wu Fung, Miss Stella Chee and Mr. Cheng Kwan-min, will also join the press party.

Reporters and photographers assigned to cover-the visit should assemble at Queen’s Pier, Hong Kong, not later than 10.50 a.m. Transport will be provided.

The Ebenezer School and Home for the Blind provides education, training and boarding facilities for 145 blind girls and boys, and institutional care for 50 elderly blind women.

Last year, the school and home for the blind received grants totalling 3118,000 from the Government Lotteries Fund to meet the cost of renovation of its gymnasium.


Release Time: 2.00 p*m.



Monday, September 24, 1973


Page No.

Multi—million-dollar roadway in Kowloon to ease congestion on Nathan Road ............................................     *1

Operators of private rooftop schools affected by rehousing scheme to get compensation •••••••............................   3

Traffic re-routing in Kowloon Tong to facilitate construction of new flyover.................................................. 4

More protective barriers to be built at Kaitak runway .......... 5

Free public entertainment during October being organised by Urbco •••••••••••••••••....................................      6

Cholera quarantine restrictions imposed against arrivals from Bombay Port ...........................................     6

Temporary registration station in Wong Tai Sin •••••••.......... 7

American Mayor to visit Urbco tomorrow.........•••••••••••••• 8

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Monday, September 2^+, 1973

- 1 -


A major traffic route is to be built in Kowloon to serve as a relief route for traffic at present using the already congested Nathan Road.

It will also ease the traffic which will be generated by the redevelopment of Holt's Wharf and the development of the southern part of the Hung Hom Reclamation.

The project, estimated to cost some 826 million, comprises a dual three-lane carriageway from Salisbury Road to Peking Road and a dual two-lane carriageway for the elevated section over Haiphong Rood, and the remaining section through Kowloon Park to Navy Street.

Construction work is expected to start in December. The new road will be about 2,200 feet long and will branch out from the eastern side of Canton Road at a point near the Canton Road Fire Station.

It will then cut across the south-western corner of the Kowloon Park and the eastern portion of the existing Container Freight Station.

Before joining Salisbury Road near Ashley Road, it will pass to the east of the. Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station main building.

The project together with two others - Tong Mi Road Extension and Jordan Road Interchange and Ferry Concourse - will form a primary distributor road along the western side of the Kowloon peninsula.

/Commenting ........

Monday, September 24, 1973

- 2 -

Commenting on the project, a spokesman for the Public Works Department said that the establishment of container facilities on Canton Road and the build-up of traffic generated in recent years had resulted in congested conditions on Canton Road during peak traffic hours.

The volume of traffic on Canton Road will continue to increase as further development proceeds and, in particular, following the completion of Tong Mi Road Extension.

However, he added that after the completion of the new road, which would considerably relieve the traffic in the area, the existing Canton Road from Navy Street southwards would be used purely as a service road.

Note to Editors: Copies of a sketch plan of the project are

boxed for collection.


Monday, September 24, 1973

- 3 -


As a goodwill gesture, the government has decided to pay 82,000 for each rooftop wing as ox-gratia compensation to the operators of private rooftop schools which will be affected by the Lower Shek Kip Mei rehousing operation.

’’The compensation will be given to the operators by the Education Department on the. closure of the schools or before the blocks are affected in November 1975/’ a spokesman for the Department said today.

He said the Supervisors of the private schools concerned had been informed about the Government’s decision.

The school Supervisors were also told that there were over ^,500 vacant places in nearby government and aided primary schools to provide alternative accommodation for 1,400 pupils now in Shek Kip Mei rooftop , schools.

As a result, reprovisioning of the rooftop schools was not necessary on educational grounds.

But if rooftop school operators were interested in primary schools or kindergartens in other estates, except Pak Tin, they could apply to the Education Department whzbih would consider their requests together with other applications on their own merits.

The spokesman pointed out that the two estate schools which will be available in Pak Tin before 1976-77 have been committed to other sponsoring bodies.

’’The eligibility for obtaining kindergarten or subsidized school premises depends on a number of criteria including the status of the applicant body .and the operation standards of the existing school sponsored by the body,” the spokesman said.

Monday, September 24, 1973

- 4 -



New traffic arrangements will be introduced in the Waterloo Road area on Wednesday (September 26) to improve traffic flow in the vicinity during the construction of a new flyover.

Under the changes, which will come into effect at 10 a.m. on that day, right turning movement at the junction of Prince Edward Road and Waterloo Road will not be allowed.

Southbound traffic on Waterloo Road which presently turns right into Prince Edward Road westbound will turn left at Boundary Street, right into la Salle Road and right onto Prince Edward Road at the newly -installed traffic lights and make use of the Prince Edward Road temporary flyover.

Alternatively it may turn right into Essex Crescent, and proceed by way of Cumberland Road, turning right into Boundary Street.

Also affected will be traffic which at present travels along Prince Edward Road.westbound and turns right into Waterloo Road northbound.

Under the new arrangements, this traffic will take a new route -first by turning right at Embankment Road, then using Duke Street, Knight Street and Boundary Street before rejoining Waterloo Road northbound at the Boundary Street junction.

Kowloon Motor Bus Route No. }C (Tsz Wan Shan - Jordan Road Ferry) which presently turns right from Waterloo Road into Prince Edward Road will be re-routed so as to operate by way of Waterloo Road and Argyle Street.



Monday, September 24, 1973

- 5 -



Additional barriers are to be constructed near the Kai Tak Airport runway extension to prevent vessels from approaching too close to the marine prohibited area.

The construction of protective dolphins will be extended along the glide approach path to a point 1,900 feet beyond the southeast tip of the extended runway.

A government spokesman explained that vessels approaching too close to the prohibited area might affect the electronic equipment which were necessary to guide aircraft landing.

Notices in English and Chinese, outlining the boundary of the affected area have been posted near the site.

Any person who has objections to the proposal or claims of private right should present his case in writing to the Director of Public Works within two months from the date of notification.


/6 .........

Monday, September 24, 1973

- 6 -



Fans of epic swordsplay movies are in for a treat next month when the Urban Council presents ’The Dragon Gate Swordaaen for public entertainment in urban and rural areas.

A cartoon will be shown together with the film to cater for the young. The film show is part of a wide ranging entertainment programme being organised by the council for the month of October.

Chinese band concerts and operas have also been lined up in conjunction with Radio Hong Kong. In addition, a series of open air variety shows will be held in playgrounds on Hong Kong Island, in Kowloon and the Hew Territories. Admission will be free.

After each show a lucky draw will be held, using the serial numbers of admission tickets. Prizes will consist of useful articles and toys.




The Port Health Office today announced that quarantine restrictions have been imposed against arrivals from the port of Bombay, India, because of cholera.

0 - -

Monday, September 24, 1975



A team from the Registration of Persons Department will conduct registrations at the Wong Tai Sin Community Centre in Kowloon from Thursday (September 27) to October 9 for the convenience of residents in the district.

Business hours will be from 9.JO a.m. to 4.JO p.mt on weekdays, and from 9»30 a.m. to 12.JO p.m. on Saturdays.

The visits will enable parents or guardians to register their children from six to 17 years of age for juvenile identity cards, and young people 17 years of age and over to register for adult identity cards.

Children between six and 17 years of age who have Hong Kong birth certificates or valid travel documents need not attend for registration, but children who do not have birth certificates or valid travel documents

must accompany their parents or guardians when registering.

Residents are also reminded to report any changes in their registered particulars.


Monday, September 24, 1973

- 8 -



Note to Editors: The Mayor of Jacksonville, Florida will pay an

offical visit to the Urban Council Chairman, Mr. A de 0. Sales, at the City Hall tomorrow (Tuesday).

Mayor Hans G. Tanzler is with a 70-member American trade group currently visiting Hong Kong.

The meeting was arranged at the special request of the Mayor who will be presenting a memento to the Urban

• Council.

Reporters and photographers are welcome to cover the event. The visit will take place in the Urban Council Chairman’s office in the City Hall foyer at

10 a.m.


Release time: 7<00 p.m.



Tuesday, September 25, 1973


Page No.

Closure orders lifted on thirty one flats in Grenville House • *.........•••••••••••..................................... 1

New juvenile registration system comes into effect on

November 1 % •

Causeway Bay flyover to close for maintenance works .»•••••••• 3

Management and workers indifferent towards industrial safety • 4.

Interim report on social causes of crime ready •••••••••........ 5

Active participation by Hong Kong at Commonwealth education symposium 6

Prisoner^ death sentence commuted to 20 years imprisonment ••• 7

Director of Commerce and Industry to visit Kowloon factories • 8

Chinese chess competitions for Tsuen Wan residents ••••••..... 9

New variety of rose planted in Kowloon Park • ............    • 10

Thirty-mile speed limit imposed on certain Hong Kong Roads ••• 11

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Tuesday, September 25, 1973


The occupants of 31 flats at Grenville House, Magazine Gap Road, which were closed as a precautionary measure after the May Road landslide on September 2 can now return to their homes.

The Building Authority announced today that the closure orders on these flats had been lifted and notices to this effect were posted this afternoon.

A spokesman for the Building Ordinance Office pointed out, however, that 40 flats remain under closure, but he hoped that a decision on them would be taken soon.

The re-occupation of the 31 flats has been made possible by the progress of work on demolishing the remaining portion of a retaining wall above May Roa.d and on removing landslide debris from the road itself. As this work has advanced, so the potential danger to flats on some upper and middle storeys has receded.

The 31 flats comprise 21 on the 6th to the 12th storeys (inclusive) of Blocks A, B and C, and 10 flats on the 4th and 3th storeys of Blocks D,3,F,G and H.

The spokesman said that if progress on the demolition and removal work could be satisfactorily maintained, it was likely that a decision could be reached within a week on the rest of the closed flats at Grenville House.

As has been previously announced, the effect of the closure orders has already been eased by facilities allowing occupants of closed flats to have access to them during the day time.

-------0--------- /2.........................

Tuesday, September 25, 1975

- 2 -


The new registration scheme for juvenile identity cards, under which children will not be required to register until they reach the age of 11, will be introduced on November 1.

Announcing this today, a spokesman for the Registration of Persons Department said that pamphlets explaining the procedure for registering children for their new juvenile identity cards were being sent to all schools, city district offices and district offices, New Territories.

Special arrangements will be made for representatives of the department to visit schools to explain the new scheme.

"At the same time, initial application forms for registration will be made available to children for completion by their parents or guardians. The representatives will return to schools already visited and collect completed forms,” the spokesman added.

Parents or guardians will then be advised when and where to attend with their children for completion of registration formalities*

For children not attending school, parents or guardians should attend with their children at any of the Registration of Persons Department’s branch offices or sub-offices.

Under the new scheme, the age of registering for a juvenile identity card is raised from six to 11, while the age of re-registering for an adult identity card is raised from 17 to 18.

/In view of .......

Tuesday, September 25, 1973

- 3 -

In view of the very high number of children between the ages of 11 and 17 years, the spokesman said, the provision of new juvenile identity cards would take some time to complete.

At the start of the scheme, therefore, only 11-year-old children born between Ilovember 2, 19&1 and November 1, 19&2 and children between the ages of 12 and 17 years who have not yet been registered for an identity card will be registered for new identity cards.




The one-way flyover leading from the waterfront near Victoria Park to the Causeway Bay area will be closed for a few hours early this Friday morning (September 28).

The temporary closure is to facilitate maintenance works.

From 12.50 a-m. to 5 a.m. that day, eastbound traffic on Gloucester Road going to Causeway Bay will be diverted to Victoria Park Road, Wing Iling Street, Electric Road, Hing Fat Street, the slip road opposite Victoria Park Swimming Pool and the westbound carriageway of Victoria Pari: Road.

Appropriate traffic signs will be posted to guide motorists. 4



Tuesday, September 25, 1973

- 4 -


Managements and workers are still adopting an ’’indifferent attitude” towards industrial safety, Mr. A.H. Carter, Industrial Safety Training Officer of the Labour Department, said today.

’’This is indeed discouraging as it can only lead to unnecessary waste of life and limb.”

He was commenting on the number of accidents on construction sites in August when three workers were killed and 595 others injured. This compared with two deaths and 380 injuries in July.

As in previous months, one of the major causes of injury was persons falling from heights.

In one of the fatal accidents the worker fell to his death from a bamboo scaffolding when a series of cross-bars of the s<grf folding broke off.

Mr. Carter said scaffolding was not designed to support heavy loads, and heavy materials should never be stacked on it. Furthermore, scaffoldings should be regularly examined to ensure their stability.

’’One could well imagine that had the worker worn a safety belt, his life might have been saved,” he added.

Mr. Carter said another important aspect of accident prevention on construction sites was ’’good housekeeping" - general tidiness and organisation.

"A high standard of ’housekeeping1 will definitely help reduce the number of accidents caused by workers tripping over objects or being struck by falling objects," he said.

Tuesday, September 25, 1973

- 5 -



Note to Editors: A Meet the Media session will be held

tomorrow (Wednesday) when the Sub-Committee on Social Causes of Crime will introduce its interim progress report.

The Sub-Committee was set up in March this year to study the root causes of crime and recommend ways of reducing them.

Attending the meeting will be Mr. David Lai, chairman of the Sub-Committee; Mr. K.S. Yeung, Assistant Director of Education; Mr. W.M. Ross, Senior Superintendent of Police and Miss S.M. Chan, Assistant Director of Social Welfare.

The session will start at 3 p.m. in the G.I.S. theatre, Beaconsfield House, 5th floor.

You are invited to send a reporter'and/or photographer to cover the meeting. Television crews are requested to arrive early so that they will have ample time to set up their equipment.

- - 0 - -


Tuesday, September 25, 1975

- 6 -



Hong Kong took an active part in the recent Third Symposium in Fiji of the Standing Conference of Inspectors of Schools in the Far Eastern and Pacific Areas of the Commonwealth.

This was stated today by the leader of the Hong Kong delegation, Mr. J. Winfield, Acting Deputy Chief Inspector, Education Department.

The other members of the delegation were Mrs. Louise Mok, Principal Curriculum Planning Officer (Secondary), and Mr. F.C. So, Head of the Chinese Section of the Advisory Inspectorate. Attending as an observer was Dr. C.J. Su, Principal of Clementi Middle School.

The symposium’s theme was "Quality Education for National Development - the Role of the Advisor."

Mr. Winfield said: "A feature of the symposium was the presentation of reports by each delegation, recording recent progress in the field of inspection and advisory work. These enabled participants to appreciate one another’s problems and to discuss possible solutions.

"Certain problems, including the quality of teachers, the formulation of appropriate curriculum objectives, the lack of finance, buildings and equipment, appeared to be shared by delegates from several, countries."

/Apart from •«••••

Tuesday, September 25, 1973

Apart from Hong Kong, the symposium at the Nasinu Teachers’ College in Fiji was attended by delegates from Australia, the British Solomon Islands, The Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Malaysia, the New Hebrides, New Zealand, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Tonga, Western Samoa, the United Kingdom and the host nation Fiji.

The Standing Conference was established in 19&9 to meet the need of inspectors and advisors to communicate with each other periodically, to pool their experience, discuss common issues and plan future co-operation on a regional Commonwealth basis.




His Excellency the Governor, after taking into consideration the advice of the Executive Council, has decided that the death sentence passed on Dong Yu-hung on February 14, 1973 should be commuted to a term of 20yearst imprisonment. Wong was found guilty of the murder of Ho Eam-wa.



Tuesday, September 25, 1973

- 8 -



Note to Editors: The Director of Commerce and Industry,

Mr. E.P. Ho, will visit two factories in Kowloon on Thursday (September 27).

The visits are part of his regular programme of observing actual day-to-day operations in the factories.

Accompanying him will be Mr. M.D. Sargant and Mr. P.K.Y. Tsao, Assistant Directors of the department.

They will first go to the Jan Sin Mee Garments Manufacturing Co. Ltd., at 17-19, Luk Hop Street, first floor, San Po Kong, at 9*25 a.m., before proceeding to the Chung Nam Weaving Factory at 414 Kwun Tong Road.

You are invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the visits.


Tuesday, September 25, 1975

- 9 -



A Chinese Chess Tournament for players in the Tsuen Wan area has been organised by the Princess Alexandra Community Centre as part of its recreational activities to promote healthy and creative hobbies.

The tournament starts at 7.30 p.m. tomorrow (Wednesday). Spectators will be able to watch the progress of each game on a large chess board in the middle of the hall.

’’Chinese Chess goes back a long way in history and by organising such competitions we want them to serve as reminders to the people of their cultural heritage,” said Mr. Simon Ki of the Centre.

Applications should be made to Room 213, 2nd floor, Princess Alexandra Community Centre, Tai Ho Street, Tsuen Wan, New Territories or by telephone to 12-402786.

Note to Editors: Reporters and photographers are welcome to cover

the tournament.



Tuesday, September 25 i 1973

- 10 -



A new variety of red rose, christened "Amsterdam", was planted in Kowloon Park this morning by the Chairman of the Urban Council, Mr. A. de 0. Sales, during a brief ceremony attended by the Consul-General of the Netherlands, Mr. J. Kneppelhout.

The rose was presented to Mr. de Sales earlier this year by the wife of the Mayor of Amsterdam, Mrs. Samkalden-Meijers who herself bestowed the city’s name on the new rose.

The gift of ten of these rose shrubs was nurtured in an Urban Council nursery in preparation for today’s planting.

Also present at the ceremony were four representatives of the Brisbane City Council, currently visiting Hong Kong.

They are Aidermen R.D. Coutts, Aidermen W.D. Burke, and Messrs. C.F. Sharp and B.P. O’Connell.

In a brief address at the park this morning Mr. de Sales expressed the Council’s thanks for the gift from Mrs. Samkalden-Meijers.

The Urban Council Chairman said today was auspicious for the planting in that it was the birthday of Prince Johan Friso, second son of Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands.

In reply, the Netherlands Consul-General, Mr. J. Kneppelhout,. said he hoped that the roses would add to the beauty of Hong Kong and the good relations between the two cities.

Note to Editors: Copies of a photograph of the planting ceremony

are boxed for collection.

0 - -


Tuesday, September 25? 1973

- 11 -



A new speed restriction will be imposed on certain sections of roads on Hong Kong Island starting from Friday (September 28).

With effect from 10 a.m. on that day, traffic travelling on those roads will be limited to a speed of 30 nph. The new speed limit will apply to: Stubbs Road; the section of Peak Road between Wanchai Gap and the lamp pole near No. 2 Gough Hill Road; the section of Magazine Gap Road.between House No. 2 and Peak Road; the section of Mt. Davis Road between Pok-fulam Road and a point east of the St. Clare’s Girls’ School; and the section of Tai Hang Road between Stubbs Road and Blue Pool Road.

Appropriate traffic signs will be posted to guide motorists.

Release time: 8.00 p.m.


Wednesday, September 26, 1973


Page Ho.

Interim progress report on social causes of crime published .. 1

Housing Authority continues with the task of improving the estates ....................................................... 5

Dangerous goods manifests must be submitted before cargo can be unloaded •••••••••.......................................... 7

156 nev? building plans approved last month ................... 8

Five buildings in Shaukiwan Iain Street East declared dangerous 9

Temporary water cut in Yaumati and Yuen Long.................... 10

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191

Wednesday, September 26, 1973

- 1 -

INTERIM PROGRESS REPORT ON SOCIAL CAUSES OF CRIME Committee Concludes No Single Factor Wholly Responsible For Crime *********

The provision of adequate post-primary education facilities and effective social services will, in the long term, reduce the potential for crime.

This is the view of the government’s special sub-committee set up to consider the social causes of crime.

The interim progress report of the committee, which is published today, considers that children of school age who are not attending school were more open to temptation to commit crime. This is particularly the case within the 12-14 age group who fail to go on to secondary schools. "These children are debarred from working in factories under existing labour legislation and their leisure renders them more susceptible to criminal influence," the report adds.

The sub-committee also draws the government’s attention to the "important relationship" between corruption and other forms of crime.

•jit it

The report says that while the sub-committee does not endorse the "sweeping statements" made by some of the respondents from the general public, which it said were based on impressions rather than facts, the sub-committee shares their view that "corruption perpetuates the existence of vice and organised crime, erodes respect for authority and perversely J influences the minds of the young."

/The sub-committee •••••••

Wednesday, September 26, 1973

- 2 -

The sub-committee also believes that there may be a connection between crime and broken families, and it shares the general view that the community activities now provided fail to satisfy the aspirations of many young people. "Their frustrated energies may thus find expression through crime.”

Because of this the sub-committee feels the need for a ’’comprehensive and penetrating” examination of the various types of facilities and social services either already provided or included in existing government policies.

It recommends that the study - in terms of quality, quantity, method of implementation and priority - should be undertaken by a coordinating committee at the policy level, consisting of the secretaries concerned and the heads of the relevant departments.

This committee should further strengthen and develop the work already being done by

* indentifying the needs and aspirations of young people and the areas of deficiency in existing services; and

* ensuring the full utilisation of existing facilities and the maximum co-ordination of all the efforts involved.

The next task of the sub-committee will be to decide on the more common and permanent causes of violent crime and make further recommendations.

/Among the ••••••

Wednesday, September 26, 1973

- 3 -

Among the research projects will be a study of statistical analysis of records kept by the Social Welfare and Prisons Departments to find out the social background of young offenders. This study is now underway.

A second project will be a survey involving the interviewing of offenders who could be approached through the two departments, the purpose being to obtain more information on the causes which would precipitate or contribute to the incidence of crime.

As a general conclusion, the sub-committee feels that there is no single factor leading inevitably to criminal behaviour.

’’Crime is the product of a multiplicity of factors interacting with one another. Family circumstances, living environment and personal adjustment vary from individual to individual so that every case of criminal behaviour has its own story,’1 the report adds.

The following are the terms of reference of the sub-committee

(1) To examine and consider:

(a) the range and assessment of crime statistics currently available;

(b) the scope of relevant research and other authoritative material;

(c) the social causes of crime, particularly violent crime.

/Having identified

Wednesday, September 26, 1973

(2) Having identified the causes, the Committee is to recommend possible remedies.

(j) To enable the above objectives, the Committee may:


consult relevant Government and non-

Government organisations;

• , t t - - . . ’ r. \ . •.

(b) consult the opinion of persons of professional or authoritative standing in this field.

(4) The Committee is to prepare a report with recommendations. A progress report should be submitted not later than July J1, 1973-

Note to Editors:

Copies of the report are distributed

separately in the G.I.S. Press Boxes

- - 0




Wednesday, September 26, 1973

- 5 -


Residents of housing estates have an important role to play in efforts to improve their environment, Mr. Frank Carroll, Director of Estates lianagement of the Housing Department, said today.

Speaking at a Lions Club luncheon, Mr. Carroll said the newly formed Housing Authority was getting on with the task of introducing improvements to the former resettlement estates but "the difficulty of making immediate physical improvements, especially in the older estates, is very great."

He added, however, that work started by the former Resettlement Department was being continued and expanded.

"Improvements to public lighting in the corridors and public places have already been started and we are seeking to extend the caretaker system to most estates," he said. "At the same time we are going on with the demolition or removal of unauthorised structures and general tidying up of open spaces in estates to make them more useful to residents."

Mr. Carroll said the Housing Authority was particularly anxious to support the "Clean Our Buildings" campaign and a massive two-month block by block cleansing operation was being carried out to coincide with it.

In the first three weeks of the campaign 470 lorry loads of junk were removed from estates and in the older ones alone an estimated 30,000 old posters were removed.

/He pointed ......


Wednesday, September 26, 1973

- 6 -

He pointed out, however, that neither the campaign nor continuing efforts to improve estates could by themselves produce permanent results.

••These results depend on people and their recognition that rules must be laid down and accepted by all for the benefit of all," he said.

Selfishness or lack of thought for others could havo a great impact on daily life in public housing estates and this was a factor the Housing Authority had to contend with, he added.

Another factor was suspicion among estate residents about the intentions of the new Authority. This, said Mr. Carroll, was well illustrated recently by the misunderstanding over the Authority’s intentions regarding new shop tenancy agreements.

Tenants appeared to think that the Authority was out to deprive them of their security and their livelihoods when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

"Such security is a major element in the stability of Hong Kong <_nd the prosperity of everyone here," said Mr. Carroll.



Wednesday, September 26, 197 J

- 7 -



Masters of vessels entering Hong Kong with cargoes of dangerous goods are reminded of their obligation to submit a fully completed manifest to the Director of Marine.

In each case the name and full address of the consignee, and wherever possible the telephone number, should be provided in respect of each item.

A spokesman for the Marine Department said: ’’Incomplete information concerning dangerous goods, and in particular inadequate information concerning consignees, is causing difficulty in tracing the disposition t

of dangerous goods once they have been landed in Hong Kong.”

Dangerous goods manifests which do not contain adequate information will be refused, and the items may not be discharged until the necessary details have been obtained and the manifest re-submitted, he added.




Wednesday, September 26, 1975

- 8 -


A student hostel of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, together with a staff-student amenity hall and gymnasium were among 53 buildings which were certified for occupation last month.

The total declared cost of the buildings exceeded $91 million.

In the same month, 1J6 building plans on Hong Kong Island, in Kowloon and the Nev; Territories were approved, as compared with 148 in July 1973 and 57 in August 1972.

Of the plans approved, three were for multi-storey apartment blocks in Mei Foo Sun Chuen, Lai Chi Kok.

Fifty-eight projects were cleared for work to begin, including a multi-storey car park and apartment/commercial building at Canton Road and Bute Street.

Approval was also given for the demolition of 52 buildings.

--------- 0------


Wednesday, September 26, 1973

- 9 -



The Building Authority today declared nos. 97, 99, 101 and 105 Shaukiwan Main Street Bast, on Hong Kong Island, to be in a dangerous condition and no. 105 liable to become dangerous.

The Principal Government Building Serveyor said these two-storey pre-war buildings were inspected at the same time as many other buildings in the area, following a collapse which resulted in the eventual closure of four buildings.

"There is extensive decay in much of the timber to floors and roof, some portions of which have collapsed while others are close to this condition," he said.

In addition, poor brickwork in some cases bulged and fractured giving rise to further collapses.

Notices of intention to apply for closure orders were posted today. Hearing will take place at 9*30 a.m. on October 24 in the Victoria District Court.



Wednesday, September 26, 1973




Water supply to a number of premises in Yaumati and in Yuen Long will be interrupted for several hours on Friday (September 28).

In Yaumati, the stoppage will be from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. to enable a test for leakage to be made in the area. The area affected is bounded by Dundas Street, Shanghai Street, Waterloo Road and the seafront.

The temporary interruption in Yuen Long will be from 10 p.m. on Friday to 6 a.m. the following day to facilitate a water main connection at Castle Peak Road, near Lam Tei Road.

All premises from the 21 milestone to 22# milestone at Castle Peak Road will be affected, including San Hing Tsuen, Tuen Tsz Wai, Tsing Chuen Wai, Lam Tei Area, Shun Fung Wai and Bowring Car p.


Release time: 7.jO p.m.




Wednesday, September, 1973


Page No.

Kwun Tong technical institute ready for operation in 1975 •• 1

Exhibition of creative structural design by youth ............ 3

Talk on social welfare ...................................     5

Proposed draft legislation on trading in securities .......... 6

International Coffee Agreement modified ..............•....... 7

More roads and drainage for Tuen Mun industrial area......... 8

Contractors urged to help reduce accidents on building sites .................................................  • •• 9

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Thursday, September27, 1973

- 1 -


Work on a new technical institute in Kwun Tong is to start at the beginning of December.

The institute — the second to be built this year for occupation at the start of the 1975-7$ academic year — is one of seven being planned for major industrial areas in addition to the existing institute at Morrison Hill.

These new institutes will greatly promote industry in Hong Kong by providing training for craftsmen and technicians at all levels.

The site for the Kwun Tong institute — occupying an area of about 130,000 sq. ft. — is situated at the end of Hiu Ming Street immediately above Kwun Tong Estate.

It will comprise three building blocks, linked together by covered corridors.

The main five-storey block will house a total of 50 classrooms, workshops and laboratories which will have facilities for courses in electrical and mechanical engineering, electronics, textiles (knitting) and garment making.

There are also facilities for a highly specialised printing department. An overseas consultant will be advising on the setting up of this department.

/A four-storey

Thursday, September .27, 1973

- 2 -

A four-storey block generally provides for administration offices, a library, and staff and student common rooms.

Tlie remaining block has an assembly hall with a covered play area, canteen facilities on the ground floor and. minor staff quarters on the upper floor.

The design of the institute is similar to the Kwai Chung Technical Institute which will also be completed in time for the academic year beginning in 1975.

Two other technical institutes being planned - one in Cheung Sha Wan and one in San Po Kong - are scheduled to admit students in 1976 and 1977 respectively.

Plans and locations for the other three cf the seven Additional technical institutes in the expansion programme are being actively studied by the government.

Tentative proposals are for them to be built in the new towns of Sha Tin, Tuen Mun and Tsuen Wan.

l/hen fully developed, each of the new institutes, including the one in Kiran Tong, will turn out about 500 full-time and 1,300 part-time day students annually. Courses will also be run for evening students.

Thursday, September 27, 1973

- 3 -* • •


The "Young People’s World," a creative structural design exhibition organised by the Youth Work Unit of the Social Welfare Department, will be held again this year during the Festival of Hong Kong.

It will. take place at Kowloon Park from November 24 to December 1 -the third time it has been organised.

"The exhibition serves to arouse social consciousness of young people and provides them an opportunity to convey their ideals and views towards social issues and phenomena in the form of imaginative and creative structural, design" said Mr«> Antonio Chu, Officer-in-Charge of the Youth Work Unit.

"It also helps to reinforce co-operation among young people through working towards a common project," he said.

Groups of any organisations or schools, or by autonomous combination with participants of not less than seven and aged between 13-25, are invited to participate.

The participating units can select their own themes mainly focused on the expression of views and ideals towards society in the form of creative structural designs.

About JO selected works will be displayed. An initial selection will be held if entries exceed this number.

Each participating unit will be provided with a piece of land of

10 feet by 1J feet for their exhibit. Height and materials are not limited.

/The budget........ •

Thursday, September 27, 1973

- 4 -

The budget should not exceed $500 for each project and participating groups with financial difficulty may apply for a subsidy from the Social Welfare Department.

Applications together with sketch plans must be submitted to the Youth Work Unit not later than October 30.

Prospectus and application forms are obtainable at the Youth Work Unit of the Social Welfare Department at Room 908, Causeway Bay Magistracy Building, Causeway Day, Hong Kong (Tel. 5-712467 and 5-705516) or Kowloon Government Offices Building, 18th floor, 405 Nathan Road, Kowloon (Tel. 5-884111 ext. 551).

Thursday, September 27, 1973

- 5 -



The Director of Social Welfare, Mr. K.W.J. Topley, said today that social welfare is both an aim and a method.

"The aims of social welfare are closely bound up with the methods we use to get there,” he said.

It was significant, he said, that the same word social welfare was used both for what we do and what we are trying to ar ri ye at.

Speaking at the luncheon meeting of the 100 Club at the Hong

Kong Hilton, he said that real welfare means getting as many people involved as possible •••• ’’people with wider interest, concern for others, and world.ng with other people.”

Mr. Topley said: ”If it’s everybody’s welfare we want then all must get into the act or we will be using a very cold blueprint that does not reflect what we really want.

’Welfare isn’t just a job for the government but for all sorts of people.”

It is for this reason Mr. Topley said that the Social Welfare

Five Year Plan was worked out with the Hong Kong Council of Social Service on the widest possible basis of consultation getting as many people involved as possible.

He congratulated members of the 100 Club on recognising a need by taking up the task of helping the victims of violent crimes at about the same time that-government’s own scheme was launched.

/He suggested .......

Thursday, September 27, 1973

- 6 -

He suggested that when

this has really got off the ground,

perhaps the 100 Club could also fill

in other needs by expanding on

new initiatives such

as further plans for widows and orphans.

Note to Editors:

Copies of Mr. Topley’s speech will be

distributed separately in the G.I.S. Press

Boxes this evening.



Note to Editors: The Commissioner of Securities, Mr. J.

Selwyn, will be holding a press conference tomorrow (Friday) when he will outline proposed draft legislation relating to trading in securities.

The meeting will start at 3 p.m» in the G.I.S. 35 mm theatre on the fifth floor of Beaconsfield House.

Representatives of the media are invited to attend. Television crews are requested to arrive early so that they will have ample time to set up their equipment.

0 - -

Thursday, September 27, 1973

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The Commerce and Industry Department announced today that, as from next month, applications to import coffee into Hong Kong from member countries of the International Coffee Agreement will no longer have to be supported by certificates of origin, re-export or replacement.

Hie change follows a number of modifications to the International Coffee Agreement which will become effective on October 1.

A spokesman for the Department said, however, shipments from ICA members consigned to Hong Kong before October 1, but arriving after that date, must still be certified and the documents surrendered to the Department as previously.

As a result of the modifications, former provisions regarding export quotas will also cease to apply.

The spokesman pointed out that the revised provisions of the ICA would mean there would be no quantitative limitations on imports of coffee from countries which are not ICA members.

But he reminded importers and exporters that, despite the changes *

referred to, all imports and exports of coffee must still be covered by valid licences issued by the Commerce and Industry Department.


Thursday, September 27, 1973

- 8 -



Road and drainage works will begin soon in Tuen Mun to serve the industrial area west of the San Hui River channel.

The works will involve the formation and the surfacing of about 159000 feet of roadway, and laying of sewers and stormwater drains.

The roadway system will be linked to a causeway road in the area and lead onto Castle Peak Road.

In addition, a short- length of road will be constructed at the southern end of Sham Shing Hui in an area designed for development for the local fishermen.

The project is expected to take 20 months to complete, and will provide access and drainage facilities for factories on some 50 acres of land.



Thursday, September 27, 1973

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The Commissioner of Labour, Mr. I.R. Price, today expressed grave concern about the safety of workers in the building construction industry and urged the contractors to take positive action to reduce the present alarming accident rate.

The appeal was contained in a letter sent to some 1,824 registered contractors of the building industry to remind them of their obligations under the new Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations.

The regulations - designed to safeguard the health and improve the welfare of workers employed on construction sites - were passed by the Legislative Council on August 1, 1973, and will come into effect on May 1 next year. 9

They place considerable legal obligations upon a contractor or, where there is more than one contractor, upon the principal contractor.

In his letter, Mr. Price pointed out that in 1972, accidents on construction sites caused injury to 4,4J5 workers, and killed 65.

“All these accidents resulted in great losses in terms of workmen’s compensation, temporary stoppages of work and the services of skilled workers who are difficult and expensive to replace,” he said.

Beyond these economic losses, he added, there was the immeasurable suffering caused to the injured or to the dependants and families of deceased workers.

/Mr. Price •••••••

Thursday, September 27, 1973

- 10 -

Ilr» Price said: ’UVhile I realise that ignorance, carelessness, or perhaps indifference of workers and foremen may be major underlying causes of accidents, I must point out that supervisors and foremen, and indeed all members of amnagement, have a moral responsibility to teach the ignorant, to give firm guidance to the careless, and to instil safety consciousness in the indifferent.”

To assist contractors to train their supervisors and foremen, the Commissioner said, the Industrial Safety Training Centre of the Labour Department would run a number of training courses specifically designed to meet the needs of the construction industry.

He strongly advised those who had not applied for places on these courses - offered by the Centre free of charge - to do so without delay.

He said: ”It is in the interests of the contractors and in those of the community that they should join forces with me to achieve in 1974 a narked reduction in the appalling number of accidents occurring on construction sites.”

- - 0------

Release time: 7»OQ'p


Friday, September 28, 1973


Page No«

Heavy penalties proposed to protect investors and to curb market malpractices..........•••••••................1

New homes for villagers affected by High Island Scheme 5

Governor opens new Wong Tai Sin Temple..........••••••••••••. 7

Sir Hugh Norman-Walker leaves on Sunday ...............  • ••• 10

Community Relief Trust Fund renamed to avoid confusion ....... 11

Swimming gala for social welfare centres ................... 12

Extension of Kennedy Town Seawall .............  •••••••••••• 13

Temporary paricing area for Post Office ••••••••............• • 14

New Waterworks service centre in Sai Kung ••••••••••••••••««• 14

Visiting MPs tour public housing estates.......... ......... 15

Hong Kong to attend meeting on human environment ............ 16

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Friday, September 28, 1973

- 1 -


Basic Ground Rules Set Out To Regulate Trading In Securities


Tougher penalties, including 31 million fines and seven years’ imprisonment, will be introduced to protect investors against phoney dealings and to curb market malpractices, if proposed new legislation is accepted•

The measures are contained in the Securities Bill 1973 and in

the Protection of Investors Bill, both of which are published in today’s gazette for general information.

The Securities Bill sets out a general framework of basic principles within which all aspects of securities will be regulated, and introduces fines of 350,000 and prison sentences of two years against offences relating to market rigging, price manipulation and false markets.

Based largely on the recommendations of the Companies Law Revision Committee’s first report, published in 1971, the Securities Bill provides, among others, for:

* The establishment of a Securities Commission,(to replace the present Securities Advisory Council),and the post of Commissioner for Securities with statutory powers to deal v/ith problems arising from dealing in securities, whether on a stock market or outside. The Commission will have authority to lay down requirements to be followed by the stock exchanges.

/*The setting ••.••

Friday, September 28, 1973

- 2

* The setting up of a Federation of Stock Exchanges to bring about greater uniformity of methods and to promote better trading practices. All four exchanges will belong to the Federation, but each will retain its own identity.

* The registration of all dealers — regardless of whether they are members of a stock exchange or not — and all those who provide investment advice for payment, as well as their representatives.

* The establishment of a compensation fund for each stock exchange to recompense clients who may suffer because a broker cannot make good what he owes them. Each exchange will be required to deposit 350,000 for each member shortly after the bill is enacted and a further $50,000 some months afterwards. These amounts can be varied by the Commission.

Another important part of the bill deals with the prevention of improper practices, including ’insider dealings’ which is made a criminal offence — as recommended in the second report of the Companies Law Revision Committee.

The bill also introduces restrictions on various forms of trading, such as the short selling of securities which will be an offence punishable by a fine of $10,000 and six months’ imprisonment; and hawking securities which will carry a $5,000 fine. Option and forward trading are also forbidden.

Provision is made for inspections and investigations to be carried out where it is felt that such practices are occurring.

/The Investors •••••

Friday, September 28, 1973

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The Investors Bill seeks to provide greater protection to the investing public by making it an offence for anyone to induce investors through fraudulent and reckless means, to trade in securities or to take part in money-making schemes involving securities and other property.

A maximum penalty of a 31 million fine and seven years1 imprisonment is prescribed for this offence.

Advertisements which invite the public to participate in property schemes arc also banned, and it will be an offence for a person to have in his possession a document containing such an advertisement, if he intends to use it.

People convicted on indictment for contravening the provision about advertising ’will be liable to a fine of S500,000 and imprisonment for three years.

These provisions are based mostly on the United Kingdom Prevention of Fraud (Investments) Act of 1958.

Advertisement is widely defined, but the bill lists a number of exemptions, including the issue of prospectuses of companies, unit trusts and mutual funds, advertisements containing offers to the public made by registered dealers in securities, or by persons who buy and sell property — other than securities — in the course of their business.

Under the bill, it will also be an offence to advertise that a person is prepared to give investment advice or manage a portfolio for payment, unless he is properly registered. It will not be an offence, however if there is no payment for the services.

/Commenting • •....

Friday, September 28, 1975

Commenting on the Securities Bill, the Commissioner for Securities, Mr. James Selwyn, said a considerable amount of time and thought had gone into it. Ilany of the measures had been specially drafted for Hong Kong, although a lot of use had been made of legislation in U.K. and Australia.

hIn effect, the bill seeks to establish in one Ordinance much of what has boon built up in older markets by statute, precedent and convention over many years.

:Tl/ith a subject v/hich is not only complex, but constantly evolving, it is impossible to frame a bill to cover every contingency,” he added, ’’but the legislation can be improved in the light of experience by suitable amendment, and i^rovision is made in the bill so that this can be quickly done.” He emphasised that the government had no desire to become involved in the daily running of the exchanges ”but rather to have them self-regulating so far as this is in the public interest.”


Friday, September 28, 1973

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More than 350 million is being spent by the government on providing new homes and compensation for 96 families who will be displaced by the High Island water scheme.

Announcing this today, Mr. Clive Oxley, District Officer, Sai Kung, said that the affected villagers would be re-accommodated on a choice site at Sai Kung Town in a modern community complex specially designed to meet their specific needs.

Of the total sum involved, an estimated 359 million is being used to provide new homes, shops, schools, seven ancestral halls and a burial' ground.

In addition, 312.6 million will be paid out as compensation for the loss of buildings, farmlands and crops.

The land at present occupied by the villagers is essential for development of the High Island water scheme which will provide 60,000 million gallons of water to meet Hong Kongfs future needs.

Close consultation with the villagers has been in progress since the early planning stages of the scheme, and the importance of meeting a tight construction schedule has been strongly emphasised.

Resumption notices will be posted early next week as formal notice that the land involved will revert to the Crown on January 1 next year.

Special arrangements have been made to allow for the villagers to remove their ancestral temples to a new site near Sai Kung Town on a day which they have singled out as being particularly propitious.


Friday, September 28, 1973

6 -

Compensation terms are based on actual costs of similar nearby land and buildings. In cases of dispute, an independent arbitration board will be convened, a member of which can be nominated by the villagers. Mr. Oxley said the ex-gratia compensation includes * properly planned housing, with essential community facilities with roads, sewers and water supply,

* the basis for a source of income for this and future generations,

* allowances for decoration and occupation ($12,000 per shop or flat), maintenance ($3»5OO per person) and water.

Commenting on the actual value of the package to each family, Mr. Oxley said that, taking into account the free market value of the property being offered, the average family can look forward to receiving property or cash of the order of $300,000-$400,000.

Note to Editors: A photograph showing the housing complex at

the site on the Sai Kung reclamation area and an aerial photograph showing progress on the water scheme itself will be distributed separately in the G.I.S. press boxes this evening.



Friday, September 28, 1973

- 7 -



The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, said today that the great tradition of Chinese architecture is still alive and flourishing in Hong Kong.

One reassuring sign of this, he added, was the completion of the magnificent Wong Tai Sin New Temple in Lung Cheung Road.

Speaking at the opening of the new temple, Sir Murray said: "The vast majority of the people of Hong Kong are Chinese by race and language. But there are few buildings in our city which are distinctively Chinese.”

Referring to the Wong Tai Sin temple, he said: ”It has ministered to the spiritual needs of the people of this part of Kowloon for over half a century.

;,The population of the surrounding area has increased many times over during that period, and the temple and its grounds now provide a welcome oasis amongst the vast public housing estates which have sprung up in recent years.”

The Governor pointed out that it was indicative of the importance of the temple as a local landmark that the whole district was now known as Wong Tai Sin.

The temple, built $2 years ago, has been renovated and expanded with private donations totalling 84 million.

/Following •••••••

Friday, September 28, 1973

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Following is the full text of the Governor’s speech:

”It gives me very great pleasure indeed to be here today to open the splendid new temple building which we see before us.

’The vast majority of the people of Hong Kong are Chinese by race and language. But there are few buildings in our city which are distinctively Chinese.

"This is largely because the shortage of land has dictated that most recent development should be in the form of high-rise buildings, similar to those being constructed in many large cities throughout the world.

’’The new Wong Tai Sin Temple is therefore a reassuring sign that the great tradition of Chinese architecture is still alive and flourishing.

’’The completion of this magnificent new temple must be the cause of the greatest satisfaction to you, Mr. Chairman, and your Committee, to the architect and contractors, and to all who have played a part in its construction. I congratulate all those concerned on their achievement•

’The Wong Tai Sin temple has ministered to the spiritual needs of the people of this part of Kowloon for over half a century.

’The population of the surrounding area has increased many times over during that period, and the temple and its grounds now provide a welcome oasis amongst the vast public housing estates which have sprung up in recent years.

/’’It is

Friday, September 28, 1973

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,7It is indicative of the importance of the temple as a local landmark that tho whole district is now known as Wong Tai Sin.

”You have already reminded us, Mr. Wong, of the splendid record of service to the community by the Sik Sik Yuen, in addition to its purely religious functions.

,rIn the fields of medical services and relief the Yuen has made a very significant contribution to the welfare of the people of Hong Kong. In education too a valuable contribution has been made, both through tho Yuen’s own schools and through the support given to the schools operated by the Tung Wah Hospitals.

’’Finally, may I thank you, Mr. Chairman, and your Committee, for inviting me here today to perform this opening ceremony of your new temple building. I wish you every success in the future for all your activities.”



Friday, September 28, 1973

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The Colonial Secretary, Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, will leave Hong Kong on Sunday (September 30 ) for Britain before taking up his new appointment as Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man.

He will be seen off by prominent residents and well-wishers at H.M.S. Tamar. The Police band will be in attendance.

Sir Hugh will cross the harbour in the ,rLady Maurine”. He is travelling to the United Kingdom by ship.

Sir Hugh has been Colonial Secretary of Hong Kong since he arrived in March 19&9* He took over from Sir Michael Gass.

He will be succeeded as Colonial Secretary by Mr. Denys Roberts.

Note to Editors; You are welcome to cover the farewell for the outgoing Colonial Secretary on Sunday. Your representatives are requested to assemble at the West Gate of H.M.S. Tamar at 5 p«m. G.I.S. officers will be present to assist the press. Sir Hugh is due to arrive at 5*30 p»m. and will board the ’’Lady Maurine” at 6 p.m.


Friday, September 28, 1973

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The name of the Community Relief Trust Fund is to be changed to Emergency Relief Fund.

A bill entitled the Community Relief Trust Fund (Amendment) Bill 1973 to make this effective will go before the Legislative Council shortly. The bill is published in today’s Gazette for information.

In the past, confusion has arisen between the Community Chest of Hong Kong which holds an annual appeal for charitable and welfare purposes and the Community Relief Trust Fund for which special appeals have been made in respect of particular disasters or emergencies.

Tlie proposed amendment is designed to avoid this confusion and to describe more accurately the purpose of the Fund.



Friday, September 28, 1973

- 12 -



The Youth Representative Council of the Social Welfare Department has organised an Inter-Centre Swimming Gala on Sunday, September JO from 9*30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Morrison Hill Swimming Pool.

Hie Council is a body made up of youth representatives from the Department’s community, youth and social centres.

”It is the first time that the Council is running a swimming gal a though it has the experience of running annual sports meeting each year,” said Mr. Liu Kwong-yuen of Youth Work Unit in the Department.

”The Swimming Gala will promote co-operation among members of various units of the Group and Community Work Division,” he said.

There will be 30 events, including an inter—centre staff invitation relay. Participating will, be about 200 members from the community centres in Tsuen Wan; Wong Tai Sin: Tai Hang Tung; Kwun Tong and Western Di strict as well as from the Sheung Shui Social Centre; Fanling Rotary Youth Centre; Library and Rural Mobile Service Unit and Youth Work Unit.

Miss Ko Siu-wah, Chairman of Children and Youth Division, Hong Kong Council of Social Service , ^111 present prizes to winners at the end of the events.

Note to Editors: You are■cordially invited to cover the swimming

gala on Sunday, September JC.

It will start from 9.30 a.m. with the prizepresentation to winners at p.m. --------------------0---------


Friday, September 28, 1973




The seawall fronting the sand depot at Kennedy Town is to be extended westwards by 1,100 feet shortly.

The new seawall will enclose the second stage of the Kennedy Town reclamation.

Stage One of the Kennedy Town reclamation, on which stands an incinerator, a temporary bus terminus and sand depot, was completed a few years ago.

A spokesman for the Public Works Department said that there had been an increasing demand1for land in the Kennedy Town area.

The new reclamation, he added, would provide about 3*6 acres of land for a bus and ferry concourse, a market, anew site for the sand depot and a section of a possible future waterfront road.

Construction of the seawall, estimated to cost about 82.1 million,

is expected to begin in December and will take about nine months to complete.

The works have been designed and construction will be supervised

by the Port Worlds Division of the Civil Engineering Office, Public Works Department•

- - 0 - -


Friday, September 28, 1973




A temporary parking area will be provided for the Post Office on the Central Reclamation within a few months*

The parking lot, for about 50 vehicles, will be situated to the seaward side of the present temporary parcels office.

A spokesman explained that the new facilities were required because spaces at the existing general post office had been taken over by roadworks• He added that the site of the new general post office which had also been used for parking, would be closed for building work to proceed.

Work on the new parking area involves ground levelling and concrete surfacing, and the erection of chain link fences.

It is scheduled for completion in November this year.




A Waterworks depot will shortly be built in Sai Kung as a service centre to answer distribution and house service complaints from residents in the vicinity.

Located on a site opposite Po Lo Tse, the depot will be a singlestorey building housing an office and living quarters for the resident foreman and a room for the workmen.

Construction is expected to start in November, and will take about four months to complete.



Friday, September 28, 1973

- 15 -


The two visiting British Members of Parliament, Mr. .Walter Clegg, and Hr. R«W. Elliott, spent this (Friday) morning in Kowloon seeing for themselves how life is like in public housing estates.

Accompanied by Mr. Frank Carroll, Director of Estates Management, of Housing Department, the MPs saw the rehousing operation being carried out at Shek Kip Mei Estate and toured Ping Shek Estate.

They also had a detailed discussion with Mr. Donald Liao, Deputy Secretary for Housing, on public housing matters ,with particular reference to the Housing Authority’s intention to provide better housing at a greater speed.

Mr. Clegg and Mr. Elliott were deeply impressed with the Shek Kip Mei Rehousing Scheme after seeing the contrasting living environment of the old Lower Shek Kip Mei Estate and the new Upper Pak Tin Estate.

The MPs showed great interest in the recreational facilities provided at Ping Shek Estate and were particularly impressed with the children’s playground and basketball pitch there.

They remarked that they were surprised at the state of cleanliness maintained in the new public housing estates in view of the large number of people they accommodate.

Mr. Clegg and Mr. Elliott praised officers of the Housing Department for their enthusiasm and interest in their work.

Note to Editors: A photograph taken during the Mps tour of

Pak Tin Estate will lie distributed separately in the G.I.S. press boxes this evening.

- u-----


Friday, September 28, 1973

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Hons Kong will be represented at the meeting of Representative of Countries and Inter Governmental Bodies active in the Field of Human Environment in the E.C.A.F.E. Region to be held next week in Bangkok by Mr. G. Barnes, Assistant Colonial Secretary, Environment Branch.

Mr. Barnes, who is also the Secretary of the Advisory Committee on Environmental Pollution on Land and Water, leaves by air tonight.

The meeting will begin on Tuesday (October 2) and end on Friday (October 5)•

Commenting on the meeting, Mr. Barnes said that it was to discuss a draft Asian Plan of Action which was based on the resolutions made at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment in June, 1972.

However, he said, the meeting would also provide a very good opportunity to discuss the different methods of pollution control which were being employed in the Far East and to tell our regional neighbours what Hong Kong is trying to do in these fields.

Release time: 8.00 p.m.



Saturday, September 29, 1973


Page No,

Closure orders on Kotewall Road flats lifted ••••.••........... 1

Members of public urged to exercise caution when purchasing liquor ••••••......•••••••••••••••••••.•••••..............  ... 2

Traffic arrangements in Kwai Chung ............................ 3

New Patterns of criminal behaviour............................. 4

Chairman of the British Overseas Trade Board due here for talks .....................•................................... 5

Promotion for the Seventh Government Lottery ................ 6

Post Office self service suite opens on Monday 7

Quarantine restrictions lifted............................... 7

Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191

Saturday, September 29, 1973

- 1 -



The Building Authority has lifted the Closure Orders on the last 12 flats rer.iaining under closure as a result of the Poshan Road/Kotewall Road landslide in J1 me 1972.

The 12 dwellings are the A flats of Block 1, Kotewall Road (Emerald Gardens).

A spokesman for the Buildings Ordinance Office said: ’’The wall at the western end of this building, which suffered structural damage during the landslide, has now been satisfactorily reconstructed. The Closure Orders were lifted today,”

Of all those affected by the landslide the only building still remaining close is a house at 21 Poshan Roadt Work on stabilising this building is now nearing completion.



Saturday, September 29, 1973


Officers of the Preventive Service have seized 813 bottles of adulterated European liquor made up of various types and brands and found in various sizes, quarts, pints, half pints and even minatures during the past throe months.

A spokesman for the Preventive Service said: "This type of illegal activity is likely to become more- prevalent with the advent of cooler weather and members of the public are advised to exercise caution when purchasing liquor."

He said that experience had shown that adulterated liquor contains a proportion of the genuine brand but adulterated for the most part with cheaper end inferior brands.

Subtitution and sealing is usually done in a clever manner and the false product is not easily recognised from the genuine article.

The spokesman said: "Adulterated liquor is invariably contained in genuine bottles obtained from various sources and the lead seals, having been expertly removed and replaced after the adulterating of the liquor,are also, for the most part, genuine.

"Nevertheless, in some cases, labels are counterfeit and this is particularly true whore lead seals are used.

/In most .......

Saturday, September 29, 1973

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,rIn most cases, counterfeit labels and lead cork seals closely resemble the genuine article, but comparison between the genuine and fake bottles will disclose some discrepancies such as blurred linear outlines, uneven seal stamps, or pictorial or printing errors.”

The spokesman said that purchasers should be alerted by any offer of sale at reduced prices and purchase only from accredited sources.

Any genuine suspecion that liquor might be adulterated should be reported to any office of the Preventive Service or alternatively, in writing to the Preventive Service Post Office Box, Hong Kong 1563.




Special traffic arrangements will be introduced in Kwai Chung on Monday (October 1) to improve the traffic flow in the area.

Starting from 10 a.m. on that day, Shek Yam Street will be rerouted one-way south-eastwards, from Tung Chi Street towards Shek Yi Street•

At the same time, Shek Yi Street will be re-routed one-way westwards, from Shek Yam Street towards Wo Yi Hop Road.

Appropriate traffic signs will be placed there to guide motorists.

- 0-----------


Saturday, September 29, 1973 - 4 -

i-ct patterns cf criminal behaviour

Changing conditions in our crowded urban society have created new patterns of criminal behaviour which call for a fresh look at our penal system, the Secretary for Security, Mr. G.P. Lloyd, said today.

He was speaking at the passing-out parade of some 60 Assistant Officers of the Prisons Department.

"The particular problem we face is the growing tendency to violence among offenders, especially young offenders,” he said.

Mr. Lloyd warned that the criminal’s tendency to violence might well remain in prison, and ’’one obvious safeguard is to avoid the sort of laxity which may encourage trouble makers to create and exploit opportunities for mischief.”

However, he reminded the prison officers to temper discipline with humanity.

He said: ,rYour duty is to educate those in your charge to learn respect for a discipline that is dispensed with justice — not to arouse their resentment for authority.”

Mr. Lloyd told the prison officers that they were entrusted with a vital responsibility to discharge for the benefit of the community, and if they succeeded, by equipping their charges for a useful role in society, they would have performed a valuable service for their fellow man.

Note to Editors: Copies of Mr. Lloyd speech will be distributed

separately in the G.I.S. press boxes this afternoon.

Saturday, September 29, 1973

- 5 -


Lord Thorneycroft, Chairman of the British Overseas Trade Board, will arrive in Hong Kong tomorrow (Sunday) on his way home after attending the opening of the British Export Marketing Centre in Tokyo.

During his week-long stay, Lord Thorneycroft, in his capacity as Chairman of the U.K. Simplification of International Trade Procedures Board (SITPRO), will hold talks with the Hong Kong Trade Facilitation Committee on matters of mutual-interest.

Topics to be discussed will include coding and automatic data processing, combined transport documents and international co-operation in trade facilitation.

Also taking part in the talks will be key members of SITPRO.

Commenting on the visit of Lord Thorneycroft and his colleagues, Mr. I.R« Tomlin, Chairman of the Hong Kong TFC, said that close liaison and full co-opera.tion at international level were essential in ensuring continued progress in trade facilitation.

He added that SITPRO had a wealth of experience and expertise in this field and he was sure Hong Kong would derive great benefit from the forthcoming talks.



Saturday, September 29, 1973

- c -



Four popular R.T.V. artistes will sell government lottery tickets at a temporary ticket selling booth at Statue Square on Tuesday (October 2) between 5 p*m. and 6 p.m.

Taking part in the promotion campaign for the seventh and the last government lottery of this year will be Miss Ginny Ng, Mr. Wu Fung, Miss Stella Choe and Mr. Cheng Kwan-min.

The four artistes will also draw the winning numbers of this lottery on October 6 in the R.T.V. Ctndio at Television House, Broadcast Drive, during the live television entertainment programme ’Weekend Spectacular11 on Channel One at 10 p.nu

Members of the public are welcome to attend the draw.

By noon today (Saturday) a total of 55%000 tickets had been sold.

A spokesman for the Government Lotteries Management Committee said this was the last chance this year for tne members of the public to win for themselves a considerable sum of cash prize and also make a contribution to the community welfare by buying a lottery ticket.

Ticket sales will clsoe at 9 p.m. on Friday (October 5) at the Royal

Hong Kong Jockey Club ticket selling booth at the Star Ferry Concourse and all Hong Kong Yaumati Ferry piers.

>«•••( «...

Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reported and/or

photographer to cover the event on Tuesday afternoon at Statue Square at the corner opposite to the Chartered Bank and Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.


/7 ........

Saturday, September 29, 1973

- 7 -



Stamps and posting facilities will be available round the clock in a Post Office self service suite at the Passenger Concourse, Ocean Terminal, Tsim Sha Tsui, as from Monday (October 1).

Announcing this today, a spokesman for the Post Office said that the new suite would be brought into service at 10 a.m. on that day.

The suite is fitted with automatic vending machines for postage stamps of 10 cents, 30 cents and booklets of stamps to the value of S2.

In addition, there arc two posting boxes, one for air mail and the other for local and surface mail.

The spokesman said: "A suite of similar type, located at the entrance of the Hong Kong Parcel Office near the bus terminus on Central Reclamation opposite the General Post Office, is already in operation.”



The Director of Medical and Health announced today that cholera quarantine restrictions imposed against arrivals from Saigon (excluding port and airport) have now been removed.


Release time: 2.30 p.m.


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