Tuesday, May 1, 1973
Page No*
Maintenance depot for mass transit railway to be built on the Kowloon Bay Reclamation ............................................
Reported dismissal of teachers at three primary schools unfounded .. 5
Britain’s Minister for Trade and Consumer Affairs says Hong Kong is an important market for Britain ...................................
Water interruption in Tai Kok Tsui ............................... &
Nearly 500 textile factories involved in manpower survey ........... 7
*8 million unclaimed prize money from lotteries .................. 9
Lady Howe and Mrs. Li Fook-kow visit welfare agencies...............10
Two press conferences tomorrow ................................. 11
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, May 1, 1973
- 1 -
The main maintenance depot for the Mass Transit Railway and admini strati, ve buildings for the whole system will be built on the Kowloon Bay reclamation opposite the Ngau Tau Kok Public Housing Estate.
The whole complex will cover 28 acres. Work on site formation must begin in July if the railway system is to be built on schedule.
The completed project will include the central marshalling yard for the Mass Transit Railway, accommodation for administration offices, maintenance sheds, storage and workshop areas, as well as the Kowloon Bay Station.
A government spokesman said today that the first part of the complex would be in use by the second half of 1975* This vital part of the system could provide facilities for assembling and testing trains, training drivers and other staff, and welding railway track. It would ultimately be the nerve centre of the entire system.
To provide this site, apart from land reclamation, the area along the stretch of Kwun Tong Road, opposite the Ngau Tau Kok Public Housing Estate will have to be cleared.
Nearly 140 industrial undertakings and about *+0 shops in the area occupy sites previously held on Crown Land permits which were cancelled last year on three months notice. (The last of these permits expired on September 1, last year). About 500 people live on the site.
/Clearance ..........
Tuesday, May 1, 1973
- 2 -
Clearance notices were issued to all occupiers on March 15 this year asking them to move out by June 12.
Some 50 factory owners will be offered government flatted factory units at Kwai Chung. About *+00 domestic residents will get accommodation at tiie Lam Tin Public Housing Estate and 10 shopkeepers will get cash compensation.
Ten factories whose operations cover more than 5,000 square feet are not eligible for rehabilitation.
Forty-four operators whose structures were built after 1966 are also not eligible. However, some 100 domestic residents who do not qualify for rehousing will be offered a licensed area site. Borderline cases for eligibility are being investigated by the clearance staff of the Housing Department*
Officers of the Labour Department are available now at the Government Offices, Kwun Tong to assist the workers employed in the area to find alternative employment•
The Housing Department will open a temporary office at the Ngau Tau
Kok Resettlement Kaifong Association on the ground floor of Block 8 of the estate in mid-May, well before the date that the clearance begins. A Labour Department officer will also be available.
Officers from both the Housing Department and the City District Office (Kwun Tong) have been visiting individual factories to advise them on removal and other problems.
Tuesday, May 1, 1973
- 3 -
No teachers at the Pope Pious XII, Wanchai Kaifong and the Immaculate Heart of Mary primary schools have been dismissed from their teaching posts.
This was stated by the Assistant Director of Education (Primary), Mr. K.S. Yeung, following investigations into newspaper reports today that nine teachers had received notices of dismissal.
Mr. Yeung confirmed, however, that four teachers had been informed by the supervisor of the Pope Pious XII Primary School that their services might not be required in the next academic year because of anticipated falling enrolments. However, every effort would be made to find jobs for them in other schools•
The supervisor pointed out that it was not a letter of dismissal and the four teachers concerned were given this notice in good time in case enrolments continued to drop in September when classes might have to be reduced.
"This action by the supervisor of the Pope Pious XII Primary School has no connection whatsoever with the recent boycott action by certificated masters," Mr. Yeung emphasized.
He said the supervisor of the Wanchai Kaifong Primary School denied that any teachers had been informed either verbally or in writing that their services would not be required in the next school year.
Mr. Yeung said that the supervisor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Primary School in Shatin had also denied serving notice on a teacher of his school.
The General Secretary of the Joint Secretariat of 13 Educational Bodies Mr. Szeto Wah, who had been in touch with Mr. Yeung, was informed about the results of the investigations by the Assistant Director.
Tuesday, May 1, 1973
- 4 -
The visiting British Minister for Trade and Consumer Affairs, Sir Geoffrey Howe, today said he would direct British exporters ”to pay very special attention to Hong Kong.”
At the same time, he assured local importers that he would report to British industry every single complaint made to him during his visit here about Britain’s export performance in Hong Kong.
Sir Geoffrey gave the assurance in an address to the Foreign Correspondents Club.
He said his visit was not simply to boost the quality of competitiveness of British goods but ”to listen as well.”
There had been some anxiety about the failure of some British goods to arrive on time, he said, and he was glad to have learned the explanation of that anxiety.
However, complaints about Britain’s exports, he said, should be kept in perspective.
”1 sometimes think that those of us who have lived and worked together over many years as members of the same Commonwealth, occasionally tend to be over critical of each other,” he said.
He stressed that he was concerned to promote the esteem with which British goods were regarded in this important market ’’for Britain does indeed recognise Hong Kong as its shop window for Asia.”
/Sir Geoffrey
Tuesday, May 1, 1973
- 5 -
Sir Geoffrey said he was continuously engaged in improving the high quality of British goods ’’directly for the sake of consumers in Rrjtan n but indirectly to the advantage of all our customers around the world.”
’’And among those customers,” he added, ”1 stress the importance of Hong Kong.”
While Britain was looking hard at the importance of the large European market and those in Asia — including the Japanese and Chinese markets ____ Hong
Kong would not be overlooked, he said.
In this regard, he said he would be urging British exporters to visit Hong Kong more often, to stay Lender and ”to sell harder.”
He predicted that the number of British business missions to Hong Kong would treble this year.
Noting the success of the British Industrial Exhibition held in Hong Kong last October, Sir Geoffrey revealed that consideration was being given to staging another major exhibition of British products in the comparatively near future.
Turning to international trade, Sir Geoffrey said he had every Reason to believe that trade throughout Asia, and indeed the world, would continue to expand.
During his visit to Japan, one of the subjects of his discussions had been ’’sustained, but not immoderate” trade expansion.
In the light of these discussions, he was ’’reasonably hopeful” of the prospects for the forthcoming multi-lateral round of negotiations in GATT which are to begin later this year.
/"For I .........
Tuesday, May 1, 1973
- G -
"For I believe that each one of the major trading groups — U.S.A., E.E.C. and Japan — is conscious of the need to ’keep its cool* in the approach of those negotiations," he said.
"If we are able to proceed in this way, with all our eyes on the need to maintain a reasonably liberal framework of rules for international trade, then I am confident that we can look forward to a continued growth of prosperity for Hong Kong and for Britain — and for further expansion of our trading relationships together."
Note to Editors: The full text of the speech is
distributed separately in the GIS press boxes.
-------0 --------
A number of premises in Tai Kok Tsui will be without water supply
from 10 p»mt tomorrow (Wednesday) to 6 a.m. the following morning.
The temporary stoppage is to allow the Waterworks Department to
make a fresh water connection in the area.
The premises affected are 3-47 Li Tak Street, 2-42 Fuk Chak Street,
2-16 and 25-37 Kok Cheung'Street and 55-85A Tai Kok Tsui Road.
Tuesday, May 1, 1973
- 7 -
Almost 500 textile factories throughout Hong Kong will be involved in a manpower survey of the textile industry to be carried out from May 16 to June 12 this year.
The survey — the second of its kind for the industry — will be conducted by the Textile Industrial Committee with the assistance of the Labour Department and the Census and Statistics Department.
Questionnaire forms and explanatory letters in English and Chinese will be sent to 469 factories tomorrow (Wednesday).
During the period of the survey, seven Survey Interviewing Officers from the Census and Statistics Department will visit the factories concerned to help employers complete the forms.
The Secretary of the Committee, Mr. Au-Yeung Man-tak, said today that the first manpower survey of the textile industry was conducted in March 19$7i and all factories approached willingly supplied the information required.
,rNo doubt the coming survey will meet with equal response,0 ho said.
The information obtained in the 19&7 survey was compiled and analysed by the committee whose findings were subsequently published in a manpower survey report. Some of its recommendations have already been implemented by the government.
/Mr. Au-Yeung ••••••
Tuesday, May 1, 1973
- 8 -
Mr. Au-Yeung said, "At the time of the first manpower survey, the employment statistics published by the Labour Department showed that 92,871 manual workers were employed in 1,401 registered and recorded factories.
"In September 1972, however, the corresponding figures were 107,953 and 3,112 respectively.
"In view of these substantial changes, the Textile Industrial Committee decided to conduct a second survey with a view to updating the information on training requirements in the field,"
The information which employers will be asked to supply will include:
(i) the number of workers employed;
(ii) the number of workers under training;
(iii) the number of existing vacancies; and
(iv) an estimate of the total number of workers required by May 1974.
Mr. Au-Young stressed that the information collected would be handled in strict confidence and would only be published in the form of statistical summaries without reference to any individual factory.
Employers who have queries about the questionnaire should contact the Employment Statistics Section of the Census and Statistics Department by telephoning 5-282596.
Tuesday, May 1, 1973
- 9 -
More than one hundred people in Hong Kong could be thousands of dollars richer if they still hold winning tickets from government lotteries drawn up to two years ago.
A spokesman for the Government Lotteries Management Committee revealed today that over $1.8 million in prize money from lotteries held in 1971 and last year had still not been claimed.
He said that more than 3,680 people had failed to collect their prizes. Of these 122 held either first, second or third prize winning tickets.
Another 3,564 special prizes are awaiting to be collected.
The spokesman drew the attention of the public to the lav/ that the government has set down a waiting period of two years for a winner to produce the correct lottery ticket and claim his prize.
Any prize money unclaimed two years after the publication of winning numbers in the Government Gazette will be credited to the Lotteries Fund for social welfare purposes.
"In his own interests any one who has not yet checked lottery tickets which fall within the last two years should do so now," the spokesman urged.
A full list of winning lottery numbers is available at the office of the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club at the Star Ferry concourse on Hong Kong Island.
Since 1962 a total of $4.3 million in unclaimed prize money has been forfeited to the Lotteries Fund.
/10 .......
Tuesday, May 1, 1973
- 10 -
Lady Howe, wife of the visiting Minister for Trade and Consumer Affairs, and Mrs. Li Fook-kow, wife of the Director of Social Welfare, will visit two welfare agencies in Hong Kong tomorrow (Wednesday).
Lady Howe will be touring the Social Therapy Centre of the Hong Kong Discharged Prisoners’ Aid Society at 12 noon.
The society, a member-agency of the Community Chest, is located in Block 9 of the Tung Tau Resettlement Estate.
She will be accompanied by Mr. Ho Sai-chu, Acting Chairman of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service; Mrs. Sally Leung, Director of the Community Chest; Miss Susan Hume, Social Secretary of Government House;
and Mr. Colin Morrison, Executive Director of the Community Chest.
Mrs. Li Fook-kow will visit the Girl Guides Association at Wong Nei Chung Road at 3 p.m.
She will be accompanied by Mr. Henry Au Kwong-man, Principal Social Welfare Officer.
On arrival, Mrs. Li will be met by Mrs. L.W. Gordon, Colony Commissioner of the Association.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send reporters and/or photographers
to cover the visits.
For Lady Howe's visit, two nine-seater vans will be waiting in Battery Path outside Victoria District Court at 10.a.m. to take the press to Tung Tau Centre. Staff from the Community Chest and G.I.S. will be on hand to assist.
Mrs. Li will arrive at the Girl Guides Association in Wong Nei Chung Road at 3 p.m.
Tuesday, May 1, 1973
- 11 -
Note to Editors: Two separate press conferences will be held
in the GIS 35 mm theatre tomorrow (Wednesday).
The first at 10.15 a.m. will be given by the Commissioner for Television and Films, Mr. N.J.V. Watt, when he will present new guidelines to be applied in film censorship. These will have particular reference to violence on the screen.
Mr. Watt will also introduce his panel of nine new film censors and television monitors.
The second press conference, beginning at 5.15 p.m. will be given by Britain’s Minister for Trade and Consumer Affairs, Sir Geoffrey Howe, QC, MP.
Representatives of the press, radio and television are invited to cover both conferences.
Television cameramen are reminded that they should arrive half an hour earlier to allow them to set up their equipment.
Release time: 7.30 p.m.
Wednesday, May 2, 1973
Page No,
Stricter standards of film censorship to be imposed, particularly with reference to violence on the screen z|
Hong Kong's trade figures for the first three months of the year described as ’most encouraging* ••••••••••••••••••«•
More workers become trade union members
Holiday-makers advised to keep away from streams and low-lying areas in the New Territories after heavy downpours ............. 6
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, May 2, 1973
- 1 -
The Commissioner for Television and Films, Mr. N.J.V. Watt, today presented to the public new standards to be applied in film censorship, with particular reference to violence on the screen.
These standards are contained in guidance notes, published in both English and Chinese. They have a threefold purpose — to guide censors in fulfilling their statutory duties, to assist film producers and distributors in making and selecting films suitable for Hong Kong audiences, and to inform the general public of the principles on which censorship is based.
In presenting this publication, Mr. Watt said there had been a tightening up on the interpretation by the censors of standards relating to violence and incitement to crime. He expressed the hope that, by being provided with a definition of these standards, people in the film industry would have a clearer idea of what would, and would not, be considered acceptable in Hong Kong.
Copies of the publication, together with an explanatory letter, will be sent within the next few days to every film producer, distributor and theatre manager in Hong Kong.
Mr. Watt said he would welcome comments from them, and from members of the public, since it was his intention to keep censorhsip standards under regular review.
/He pointed ••••••
Wednesday, May 2, 1973
- 2 -
He pointed out that "what may seem relatively harmless by western standards can be objectionable to Chinese audiences, and vice versa." "Each film should be considered as a whole when judging the possible effects of individual scenes or items of commentary," Mr. Watt said On the question of screen violence, the guidance notes state that it is generally undesirable to release films showing an excessive amount of calculated and realistic violence or depravity, in ways likely to encourage impressionable youth to identify with, and imitate, tough or sadistic characters on the screen.
In this respect, films are likely to be cut or banned if they: demonstrate techniques of crime so as to invite imitation; offer incitement to crime, violence, or anti-social behaviour;
deride or otherwise discredit the law and its enforcement, or significant social institutions; or
display in unnecessary detail, or at unnecessary length, any- form of violence or brutality.
The Commissioner also introduced his panel of nine new fil m censors and television monitors, of whom seven are aged 30 or under. He expressed the hope that this young and academically well qualified team would bring a balanced interpretation and new ideas to bear on the problems of film censorship and television standards.
Note to Editors: A more detailed statement on the censorship
guidelines is distributed separately in the GIS Press Boxes tonight.
0 - -
Wednesday, May 2, 1973
- 3 -
Hong Kong’s trade figures for the first three months of this year were today described as ’’most encouraging” by a spokesman for the Commerce and Industry Department.
During this period, he said, domestic exports increased by 13•9 per cent, while re-exports and imports rose by 34.6 per cent and 19.5 per cent respectively over the same period last year.
According to provisional figures released by the Census and Statistics Department for the month of March, the most significant increase was in re-exports which showed a record rise of 4-9.1 per cent over the same month last year.
In dollar terms, this represented an increase of 3150 million to 3456 million.
During the same month, domestic exports amounted to 31,310 million — a rise of 3253 million or 24.0 per cent over March 1972.
The total value of imports amounted to 31,934 million, up 3258 million or 15»4 per cent over the same period last year.
Details of the figures are:
lERCHANDISE: Domestic Exports : 31,310 rri 111on
Imports : 31,934 million
Re-exports : 3 456 million
Wednesday, May 2, 1973
- 4 -
March _22Z2 4 Mn. March _12ZL. 5 Mn. Increase or decrease
3 Mn. zy
Domestic Exports 1,310 1,057 + 253 + 24.0
Imports 1,934 1,675 + 258 + 15.4
Re-exports 456 306 + 150 + 49.1
Jan.-Mar. 1973 Jan.-Mar. 1972 Increase or decrease
S Mn. i Mn. 3 Mn. %
Domestic Exports 3,770 3,311 + 459 + 13.9
Imports 5,708 4,774 + 933 +19.5
Re-exports 1,177 875 + 502 + 34.6
- 0----------
Wednesday, May 2, 1973
- 5 -
More than 251,700 workers were members of the 280 registered employees trade unions in Hong Kong at the end of last year, according to figures released today by the Registrar of Trade Unions.
This was 31,116 more than the 1971 figure.
The declared membership of the 46 employers unions stood at 5,130 — up by 111 — while that of the 12 mixed unions was down by 560 to 5,693.
The total number of registered trade unions at the end of 1972 was 558 with a total declared membership of 262,552.
During the first three months of this year, six employers unions were added to the register while three were struck off.
The six new trade unions registered were the Hospital & Clinic Nurses Association; the Hong Kong Commercial Aviation Association; the Union of Employees of Housing Division, U.S.D.• the Government School Non-Graduate Teachers’ Union; the Housing Assistants Association and the Housing Management Staff Union.
The three removed from the register were the Hong Kong and Kowloon Shop-Fitting and Furnishing Workers General Union; the Civil & Public Services Association, C.S.O.S. Hong Kong Branch; and the Hong Kong & Kowloon "Tung-Shing” Can Iking Trade Free Workers Union.
Wednesday, May 2, 1973
- 6 -
Holiday-makers are being advised to keep away from streams and low-lying areas in the New Territories immediately after heavy downpours in the interests of safety.
An official spokesman reminded the public today that fatal accidents have occurred in the past as a result of sudden torrents and floods washing away people and property.
Many areas and picnic spots in the New Territories are exposed to those conditions and the ones most likely to be affected are normal ly associated with stream courses running down valleys and low-lying fields.
The situation is especially dangerous for tourists and visitors who often have no detailed knowledge of the geographical location of the areas they are visiting.
The holiday resorts in the valleys and water courses at Tseng Lan Shue, Tseung Kwan 0, Tai Long and Sai Wan on the Sai Kung Peninsula are areas likely to be affected by sudden downpours, the official stressed.
"However, it is often difficult to predict exactly where this type of flooding may occur and for safety reasons, picnickers and villagers are strongly advised to keep away from areas associated with stream courses and valleys when it begins to rain,” he said.
/If the ......
Wednesday, May 2, 1973
- 7 -
If the weather outlook is not good, picnickers are advised to listen to weather forcast announcements as another precautionary measure before they set out.
The Royal Observatory issues thunderstorm and heavy rain warnings to the public whenever these conditions are likely to develop.
Sometimes these warnings may be issued as short as one hour or even less before thunderstorms and heavy rains affect Hong Kong.
Release time: 7*00 P.m.
Thursday, May 3, 1973
First auction of ’lucky* number plates to be held next Wednesday.........••••••...................................... 1
Unauthorised structures on two buildings in King’s Road to be removed ••••••••••............. ••••••........ • •.......•••••• 2
Mr. G.E. Lyth to be the new Director of Audit........3
More than 8.28 million travellers entered or left Hong Kong in 1972-75 ........................................................... 4
The Governor to see the Bun Festival on Cheung Chau on Sunday ••• 5
Three more playgrounds to be built in the Sau Mau Ping public housing estate ................................................. 7
Preventive Service passing^-out parade to be held on Saturday •••• 7
More land at Mui Wo on Lantau Island for sale ................... 3
Building in Aldrich Village declared dangerous .................. 9
Another ’Meet the Media’ session to be held tomorrow •...•••••••• 9
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, May 5, 1975
Car owners who have been waiting to obtain ’’lucky” number plates will be able to make a bid when the first auction of special vehicle registration numbers is held next Wednesday (May 9)•
Fifty "lucky” numbers will be put up for sale by the Transport Department with the proceeds to be used for charitable purposes*
The numbers to be auctioned are:
307 309 315 3/*9 356
359 366 374 AR1 AR2
AR? AR8 AR9 AR10 ARto
AR50 ar6o AR70 AR11 AR22
AR33 AR88 AR99 AR100 ARtoO
AR500 ar6oo AR700 AR111 AR222
AR333 AR888 AR999 AR1000 ARtoOO
AR5000 AR6000 AR7000 AR1111 AR2222
AR3333 AR8888 AR9999 AR 123 AR 234
AR 3^5 AR 456 AR 567 AR 678 AR 789
The number will be assigned only to a vehicle registered in the name of the successful bidder within 12 months from the date of auction.
Successful bidders will be required to pay in cash or cheque immediately after the auction, and proceeds will be paid to the Government Lotteries Fund.
The auction will be held at 5*30 p.m. in the Canteen, Central Government Offices (West Wing), 7th floor. The auctioneer will be Mr. I.L. Stanton, the Principal Government Land Agent.
A second auction will be held in.about two weeks.
Thursday, May 3, 1973
- 2 -
Officers of the Buildings Ordinance Office today visited two buildings in Quarry Bay to make arrangements for reinstating them to their former condition, by removing many unauthorised structures.
The premises concerned are Hoi King and Hoi Sang buildings at 1026-10^3 King’s Road.
The unauthorised additions include balconies, swing doors and other obstructions which form the subject of notices under the Buildings Ordinance•
These structures were to have been removed by yesterday, but since this, with a few exceptions, has not been done, it is the intention of the government to carry out the work on behalf of the owners and to charge them with the costs in due course.
Beginning tomorrow, the Fire Services Department will be instituting legal proceedings with regard to summonses issued under the Fire Hazard Abatement Ordinance.
Thursday, May 3> 1973
- 3 -
Hong Kong’s new Director of Audit will be Mr. G.E. Lyth.
He will succeed Mr. P.T. Warr, who will be going on leave prior to retirement in August this year.
Mr. Lyth, currently the Deputy Director of Audit, is 51. He joined the Inland Revneue Department of the United Kingdom Civil Service in 1938. During the war, he served in the Middle East as a Major in the Royal Artillery and in Eritrea in the Sudan Camel Corps.
After the war he was transferred to the Overseas Audit Service and worked in Malaya and Kenya before being posted to Hong Kong in 1961. He was made Assistant Director of Audit in 1965 and promoted to his present post in 1970.
Mr. Lyth, whose appointment has been approved by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, was made an official Justice of the Peace in 1969* He is married with no children.
Mr. J.C. Hobbs will succeed Mr. Lyth as Deputy Director.
Thursday, May 3, 1973
- 4 -
A record number of more than 8.28 million travellers entered or left Hong Kong during the financial year ending March 1973, according to provisional figures released today by the Director of Immigration.
This was more than 1.48 million over the corresponding figure in the previous year and represented an increase of 21.8 per cent in land, air and sea traffic.
The figures do not include transients or people refused permission to land.
During the year, 4,152,472 people were recorded as having legally arrived in Hong Kong, while 4,139,399 left.
The number of people travelling by land between Hong Kong and China was up by 264,242 to 1,417,487.
Arrivals and departures by air numbered 2,877,774, an increase of 561,344 over 1971/72, while the number of people arriving or departing by sea was 3,992,610 - 659i336 more than in the previous year.
Commenting on the increases, a spokesman for the Immigration Department said they were part of a general worldwide trend which had been noted in recent years.
The fact that more people were travelling, he said, pointed to greater affluence.
He added that there had also been a considerable increase in package tours coming to Hong Kong.
-------0 --------
Thursday, May 3, 1973
- 5 -
The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, will watch the grand parade of the annual Bun Festival at Cheung Chau on Sunday (May 6).
He will be met on arrival at Cheung Chau by the District Officer, Islands, Hr. Mayer Ng, and his Liaison Officer, Mr. J. Pun Hong-sing.
The Vice-Chairman of the Cheung Chau Rural Committee f Mr. Fung Pak-choy, the Director of the Festival Organising Committee, Mr. Kwong Ping-yau and other officials of the committees will also greet the Governor.
The Bun Festival, commonly known as "Ta Chiu" , is one of Hong Kong’s most colourful pageants.
It is held by residents of Cheung Chau to placate the avenging spirits of people tortured and murdered by pirates on the island many decades ago.
According to legend, these spirits are responsible for Cheung Chau’s calamities. Buddhist priests are therefore called in for the religious ceremony of "Ta Chiu" to-pacify the spirits.
The festival begins tomorrow and will last until next Monday (May 7) • During this time residents of Cheung Chau may eat only vegetarian, food- - — r ...
As it is a festival of gods and spirtis, all the principal idols from the nine temples on the island will be assembled beside the bun towers.
After the procession, the idols_will be returned to their temples.
/The grand ••••••
Thursday, May 3, 1973
- 6 -
The grand procession will take place on Sunday (May 6) at 2:30 p.m, It will last about an hour. Before the procession, a military band will play interlude music.
The f,Ta Chiu” religious ceremony will be held at noon on the same day.
During the five days of festivities, Cantonese operas will be performed nightly.
On Saturday at 3 p*m,, the District Officer, Islands, Mr. Mayer Ng, will perform the eye-dotting ceremonies for unicorns and lions in the forecourt of the Pak Tai Temple.
The highlight of the festival will be the traditional bun tower "scramble" which will take place near the temple at midnight on Sunday. The islanders believe that the buns will bring them good luck for the rest of the year. On Monday, there will be a. repeat of the procession, so that more visitors may have the opportunity to see this colourful event.
Note to Editors: The Cheung Chau Rural Committee is making
all the arrangement for Press coverage of the parade.
Sir Richard Ward will arrive at Cheung Chau at 2,30 p,m.’ on Friday.
-------0 - < > -
Thursday, May 3, 1973
- 7 -
Three playgrounds will be built in the Sau Mau Ping public housing estate to provide more recreational facilities for the residents.
They will cover a total area of two acres.
The work involves the provision of playground equipment, a shelter, flower beds and garden seats.
Recreational facilities will comprise 5 basketball courts, cabin slides, an ocean wave, a jungle gym, swings and a hopscotch court•
The playgrounds will be located at the west of Block 4, north of Block 3 and south of Block 3* Construction is expected to begin’ in mid-Jundc and should be completed by September.
Note to Editors: The Preventive Service will be holding a passing-
out parade on Saturday (May 5) at the Royal Hong Kong Regiment Headquarters, Sports Road, Happy Valley. One-hundred-and-fifty officers will take part, 70 of whom will be pas sing-out.
The Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr. D.C.C. Luddington, will take the salute at the parade.
You are invited to cover the ceremony which will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday. Copies of Mr. Luddington’s speech will be distributed separately in the G.I.S. press boxes on that day.
Thursday, May 3, 1973
- 8 -
Another piece of Crown Land at Mui Wo on Lantau Island is being put up for auction.
The lot, covering an area of 2,500 square feet is for non-industrial purposes. The upset price is 3500,000.
An adjacent lot in Mui Wo with the same area was sold last month for 3870,000, or about 8350 per square foot.
Full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from and sale plans inspected at the New Territories Administration, North Kowloon Magistracy, Tai Po Road, and at the District Offices of Yuen Long, Tsuen Wan, Tai Po, Sai Kung and Islands.
Thursday, May 5, 1973
- 9 -
The Building Authority today declared No. 28 Aldrich Village, Hong Kong to be in a dangerous condition.
The Principal Government Building Surveyor said that this 2-storey pre-war building was inspected as the result of an emergency call by the police and it was found that a portion of the wall of the kitchen block had collapsed.
As there is danger of further collapse an Emergency Closure Order was applied for at 4.JO p.m. yesterday (May 2) and granted by the District Judge.
**** it** *
Note to Editors: Another "meet the media" session will be
held tomorrow (Friday) at J p.m. in the JJmm theatre in G.I.S., Beaconsfield House- Jth floor.
Attending the meeting will be Mr. G.J. Bell, Director of the Royal Observatory.
You are invited to have the meeting covered. Television crews are advised to arrive early so that they will have ample time to set up their equipment.
Release time: 7.00 p.m.
Friday, May 1973
Page No.
A 37 million punping station for the High Island Reservoir
......................................... *................. 1
Students to take part in a water pollution survey of about 100 freshwater streams ........................................ 2
A new market for Mong Kong residents .........••••••••«•••••• J
77«3 per cent of Hong Kong’s industrial disputes settled with the help of the Labour Department •.•••••••••................... 4
Exhibition on ’Graphic Art in Germany Today’ .................... 5
Tsing Yi Islanders to celebrate the Tin Hau Festival ............ 6
Government plans to improve the Ma Liu Shui pier ......•••••• 7
The Deputy Director of Social Welfare urges a greater understanding of youth in Hong Kong ................................. 8
Special ferries for Cheung Chau Bun Festival ................... 9
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Friday, May 1973
- 1 -
A 37 million pumping station — an integral part of the 31300 million High Island Water Scheme — is to be built at Yuen Ng Fan on the Sai Kung Peninsula.
It will be the main pumping station for the High Island Reservoir, and will. be able to pump up to 120 million gallons of fresh water to the recently extended Sha Tin Treatment Works,during period of low water level.
From Sha Tin, the water will be channelled into the supply to meet Hong Kong’s ever increasing demand for water.
The station will be 14 metres high and will consist of two sections. The substructure will house five diesel driven pumps while all the annjl1 ary equipment required for the operation and maintenance of the pumps be contained in the superstructure on top.
An annex to the superstructure will contain a workshop, office, mess room and control room for the use of the operating staff.
Tenders for the project are invited in a notice published in today’s Gazette. The closing date is 12 noon on Friday, June 8.
An interesting feature of the contract is that all drawings and documents have been prepared in metric units, in accordance with the government’s programme for metrication.
Further contracts are to be awarded for a mechanical plant as construction proceeds so that sufficient elements of the scheme can be commissioned to enable water to be channelled into the supply at the earliest possible date.
-------0--------- /2........................
Friday, May 4, 1973
- 2 -
More than 16,700 pupils from 130 secondary schools will soon take part in a water pollution survey of about 100 freshwater streams in
Hong Kong, Kowloon and the. New Territories. u •* ••
The Science Teachers’ Association and the Conservancy /issociation have produced simple testing kits comprising chemicals, small test tubes and diagrams as well as booklets in Chinese and English for free distribution to the teams of students participating in the survey.
The first priority is to get students involved in practical studies in integrated science and an awareness of the social responsibility of science.
Data collected will be analysed by students under the direction of the two Associations. It is hoped that the whole project will provide new information on the state of Hong Kong’s streams. Each test will take about 15 to 20 minutes.
A seminar on the organisation and conduct of the survey for teachers leading the school survey teams will be held in the Chemistry Lecture Theatre, University of Hong Kong next Wednesday morning.
Mr. Terry Allsop, a science educator, and Dr. J. Hodgkiss^a biologist, both of the University, will give an illustrated talk on how the survey should be conducted.
A representative of Caltex will also address the seminar. Caltox contributed 310,000 towards the cost of the kits and the printing of the booklets which will be distributed at the seminar to the teachers by members of the Science Inspectorate of the Education Department.
Friday, May 4, 197 J
- 3 -
Tlie existing Mong Kok market at the junction of Argyle Street and Canton Road will be reconstructed by the Urban Council to cater for the increasing population of the district.
It forms part of the council•s programme to provide better marl ret facilities in urban areas. This programme calls for the construction of more new markets and the reprovisioning of existing ones.
During the redevelopment of the Mong Kok market a temporary one will be set up in a nearby area to serve the residents and to accommodate the stallholders.
Tenders are now being called for the clearance of the site for the temporary market at the junction of Shanghai Street and Mong Kok Road.
Fencing and demolition of structures within the 27,210 square feet site will take place on June 22. Work is expected to be completed in three months.
The new Mong Kok market — a two-storey building — will have
an area of 13,000 square feet. It is expected to cost 32,750,000.
Marketing facilities will be provided on both floors. It will house the existing stallholders and about 100 additional hawkers from the surrounding streets.
Office facilities, a rooftop playground and quarters for the market staff will be situated on top of the compound.
Reconstruction is anticipated to begin in April, 1974 and will be completed in September, 1975. -----------------------------------0---------
Friday, May 4, 1973
The Labour Relations Service of the Labour Department has helped to settle 77•? per cent of the industrial disputes in which its help was sought during the first quarter of this year.
Out of a total of 1,165 disputes, the service helped to settle 900.
’•This rate is high considering the fact that all cases brought to the service were taken up in the first instance irrespective of the rights and wrongs of the parties,” the head of the Labour Relations Service, Mr. T.F. Tsui said today.
As a result of settlements reached, a total of 51,877,24-5 was paid to 3,646 workers as arrears of wages, payment in lieu of notice under the Employment Ordinance, or as ex-gratia severance pay.
Hr. Tsui said that most labour problems arose out of disagreement over wage rates, changes in conditions of employment, dismissals, prolonged lay-off, redundancies, insolvency of the., employer, or simply mutual misunderstanding.
”In settling 32 of the 37 major labour disputes which occurred during the quarter” Mr. Tsui said, ’’officers of the Labour Relations Service conducted a total of 79 joint meetings lasting an average of nearly three hours each and made 23 visits to the sites of these disputes.”
Mr. Tsui said that a large proportion of the major disputes had arisen from demands for wage increases. ”They would have deteriorated or remained unsolved had it not been for the tremendous patience, determjnatj.on and conciliation skill of the officers of the "service,•’ he said.
/During ••••••
Friday, May 4, 1973
- 5 -
During the three months from January to March, the service also responded to 5>O6O consultations and enquiries.
Mr. Tsui said officers of the service had visited 4^ industrial and commercial establishments to encourage managements to introduce joint consultative arrangements, to prepare written contracts of employment, and to work out grievance procedures in order to maintain industrial
. ' . . . r t . >
r..,. ... ;r
- •----0----------
An exhibition entitled "Graphic Art in Germany Today" opens tomorrow (Saturday) at the City Museum and Art Gallery.
The exhibition consists of 130 original prints by contemporary German artists selected from the collection of Lufthansa Airline.
A spokesman for the City Museum and Art Gallery said today the prints vividly reflect the current art scene in Germany. A number of internationally known modern masters such as Hans Arp, Marx Max Ernst and Josef Albers are represented.
The exhibition, which is a joint presentation of the Urban Council and Lufthansa, also includes many artists of the "new generation."
It will remain open to the public until May 20.
Note to Editors: A review of the exhibition will be held today
^Friday) at 5«3O p.m. You are invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to attend.
Friday, May 4, 1973
- 6 -
A colourful parade featuring dragon and lion dances will mark
Tin Hau Festival on Tsing Yi Island tomorrow (Saturday).
Mr. D.C. Bray, District Commissioner, New Territories, will officiate
in the drawing of ballots for the 9& ”Fa Bao” - a bamboo floral structure elaborately decorated with lanterns, ribbons and paper figures representing historical personalities.
Tin Hau, the ’’Goddess of Heaven”, is believed by fishermen to have control over the sea.
Three dragons, four unicorns and lions will dance in tomorrow’s parade which is expected to be watched by more than 30,000 people.
After the parade, Mr. Bray will meet some of the fishermen on the island and also visit a paper produces factory.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter
and/or photographer to cover the event. A special launch has been arranged to take members of the Press to Tsing Yi tomorrow. The launch will leave Tsuen Wan Ferry Pier at 10.20 a.m.
Friday, May 4, 1973
- 7 -
The existing Ma Liu Shui temporary pier near the Chinese University is to be converted into a permanent public pier.
The government intends to take over the pier, which at present is held by permit, and then plans to improve it to bring it up to the standard of other government public piers.
A spokesman pointed out today that over the past few years this pier has been used by a growing number of people, particularly at weekends and public holidays.
After renovation, the pier will also be used as a landing place for the existing ferry services between Ma On Shan and Ho Tung Lau.
The Ho Tung Lau pier will soon be absorbed in reclamation works associated with the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club’s second rececourse in Sha Tin.
In a public notice in the Gazette today, the Director of Public Works draws the attention of the public to the proposed conversion and stipulates that any person having any objection or any claims of private right in the matter, should submit such objections or claims in writing to him within two months.
Notices in English and Chinese, have also been posted on notice boards near the pier. ....
/8 •««••••••
Friday, May 4, 1973
- 8 -
The Deputy Director of Social Welfare today urged a greater understanding of youth in Hong Kong.
Ilr. Thomas C.Y. Lee said it was unfortunate that people very often regarded youth as a problem and took a pessimistic viewpoint when talking about young people.
He was addressing the Union of Confucian Societies on the occasion of Mencius’ birthday.
He said that when people talk about the generation gap they usually put the blame on youth, without realising that parents also have to make efforts to understand their children.
It should be realised that youth is a great asset to the community and should be looked upon as such. Their contributions to society should not be overlooked, he said.
Mr. Lee also went on to explain the services provided by his Department for young people, and said that these would be further expanded later this year when the department implements the community and youth officer scheme. .1’. -
Note to ibditors: Copies of Mr. Lee’s speech (in Chinese only) are
distributed separately in the G.I.S. Press boxes this evening.
Friday, May 4, 1973
- 9 -
The grand parade of the Cheung Chau Bun Festival, which began today, will take place on Sunday and will be repeated the following day.
To cope with the big crowds expected, the Hong Kong and Yaumati Ferry Company will provide special ferry services to the island on these two days.
However, as the programmes on Sunday and Monday are identi cal people are asked not to flock to the island on the Sunday. Those who can, should endeavour to see the procession on Monday to avoid congestion on the island.
On Sunday, ferries will leave the Outlying Districts Pier direct for Cheung Chau every 20 minutes from 7 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Ferry services will be suspended from 12.45 p*m. to 3 p.m. when the grand parade is on.
All normal sailings to Cheung Chau will resume at 3 p.m.
On Monday, ferry service arrangements will be the same as Sunday except sailings between Hong Kong Island and Cheung Chau will not operate from 1 p.m. to 3»3O p.m. when the parade is repeated.
Visitors wishing to watch the parades are advised to arrive at the Outlying Districts Services Pier not later than 11 a.m. or they are liable to miss the processions on Cheung Chau.
Release time: 7.00 p.m.
0 - -
Saturday, May 5, 1973
Pa Ke No.
Preventive Service praised for its constant hard work and recent successes •••••••••••••.•••••......................... 1
A 31.3 million road improvement programme to be carried out in Kowloon.............,...................................... 2
Student study rooms to open everyday until the end of June... 3
Issue of Daily Information Bulletin tomorrow .................. 3
The government officers retiring after more than 30 years service.................................................... 4
Winners of the recent Schools Dance Festival to give special concerts •••••••.............................................. $
Two G.I.S. direct lines for Press enquiries.................... 7
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, May 5, 1973
- 1 -
The Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr. D.C.C. Luddington, today commended the Preventive Service for its constant hard work and recent successes.
He was speaking at a passing-out parade of new officers of the service this (Saturday) morning at the Royal Hong Kong Regiment Headquarters in Happy Valley.
He impressed on the new officers that "illegal imports can be prevented only by constant vigilance, unremitting effort and absolute integrity,” and that the public expected a high standard in their performance.
One hundred and fifty officers took part in the parade, of whom 70 were passing-out.
Note to Editors: Copies of the full text of Mr. Luddington’s
speech are distributed separately in the GIS Press boxes•
Saturday, May 5, 1973
- 2 -
A million programme will be launched shortly to reconstruct and improve a number of roads in Kowloon.
The work will be carried out during the next few months.
The roads to be reconstructed are: Mok Cheong Street between
Yi On Street and Kowloon City Road; Ki Lung Street between Boundary Street and Cedar Street; Melson Street between Shanghai Street and Tong Mi Road; Woo Soung Street between Bowring Street and Austin Road; Ning Po Street between Canton Road and Shanghai Street; Sheung Tak Street between Tung Tau Tsuen Road and Ching Tak Street; and Victory Avenue between Argyle Street and Waterloo Road.
A similar programme will be drawn up later this year, subject to the availability of necessary funds.
Saturday, May 5, 1973
- 3 -
Student study rooms in all the Urban Council libraries will be open everyday from Monday until the end of June to help students prepare for their final exams.
This means that on Thursdays when the City Hall, the Waterloo Road and the Ping Shek libraries are normally closed, the reading rooms there will open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The study rooms in the Yau Ma Tei and Aberdeen/Pok Fu Lam libraries will remain open on Monday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and from 12.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. respectively. However, the libraries will be closed as usual.
The opening hours on other days and for sections other than the student study rooms will remain unchanged.
Note to Editors: Copies of a Sunday edition of the Daily
Information Bulletin will be available for collection from the G.I.S. press room, 6th floor, Beaconsfield House after 2.30 p.m. tomorrow (6.5*73)*
-------0 - - ~ -
Saturday, May 5, 1975
- 4 -
* * 4> ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ *
Two senior government officers are retiring next week after a total of more than 50 years service.
I \
They are Mr. C.R.J. Donnithorne, Director of Building Development, and Mr. Henry Sun-hong, Senior Assistant Manager, City Hall.
To mark their retirements, separate presentation ceremonies will be held on Monday (May 7)•
Mr. Donnithorne, who is 55, first joined the Public Works Department as an architect in 1954.
He then served in a number of more senior posts until 1971 when he was promoted to the present-post of Director of Building Development.
During his service, Mr. Donnithorne has also been an active member of the Town Planning Board, the Land Development and Planning Committee, the Housing Board and six other committees and societies.
Mr. Sun has served the government since 1962, just two weeks before the opening of the City Hall.
He worked his way up in the City Hall from Supervisor to his present rank of Senior Assistant Manager in 1968.
In his 11 years’ service, Mr. Sun was particularly commended for his performances during the typhoon disasters in 1962 and 4964, his good work during the visit of Princess Margaret in 1966 and the running of the Festival of Music and Fine Arts in 1967.
/On Monday ••••••
Saturday, May 5, 1973
- 5 -
On Monday a presentation will be made by Mr. D.R.W. Alexander, Director of Urban Services, on behalf of Mr. Sun’s friends and colleagues.
Note to Editors: The presentation ceremony for Mr. Donnithome
will take place at 4. JO p.m. in the Public Works Department’s conference room, 21st floor, Murray Building.
The ceremony for- Mr*- Henry Sun will be held in the Urban Council Chamber at 4.00 p.m.
You are invited to send reporters and/or photographers to cover both presentations.
• - - - 0 -------
Saturday, May 5, 1973
- 6 -
Winners in the recent Ninth Schools Dance Festival will give five concerts next week at the City.Hall Concert Hall.
Four will be hold in the evening from 7 p.m. to 9*30 p.m. on May 9i 10, 11 and 12. One matinee performance will be given on Saturday (May 12) from 2.JO p.m. to 4. JO p.m.
Note to Editors: You are invited to have the concerts covered.
Press badges are now available for collection from the Duty Officer, G.I.S. Press Room.
However, only 15 badges are available for each of the five concerts, and they will be distributed on a first—come first-served basis.
The badges are for press photographers or cameramen only. Press photographers are requested to stay in the press position during the performances, but they will be allowed to move up to take photographs during presentations.
Officers from the Physical Education Section of the Education Department will be on hand to assist the press.
Saturday, May 5» 1973
With effect from Monday (May 7), all press enquiries for the Government Information Services should be directed to two telephone lines: 5-227662 and 5-232721.
These two direct lines are manned by information officers round the clock.
The Government Information Services main number, 5-233191, will not be in use from 7 p»m. to 8 a.m. as the main exchange will be switched off during this period.
Note to Editors: With effect from Monday (May 7), press
representatives are advised not to use the G.I.S. main exchange number 5-233191 outside office hours as the main switch will not be manned at night time after that date.
All press enquiries should be made on the two direct telephone lines recently installed. The two lines are manned by G.I.S. officers round the clock.
The numbers for the two direct lines are 5-227662 and 5-232721.
Release time: 2.30 P»m.
Sunday, May 6, 1973
Another step has been taken by the Education Department to re-introduce whole day schooling from next September in six more government primary schools in areas where there are sufficient primary places.
The Assistant Director of Education (Primary), Mr. K.S. Yeung, said today that five of the schools are on Hong Kong Island and one in Kowloon.
**They bring to seven the total number of government primary schools with whole day sessions,** Mr. Yeung said.
The existing whole day school is the Pokfulam Government Primary School. The others going into single session are: Arsenal Street Police Primary School, Eastern Hospital Road Government Primary School, Hollywood Road Government Primary School, Morrison Hill Government Primary School and the Yu To Sang Memorial School all on Hong Kong Island and the Tai • > ...
Hang Tung Government Primary School in Kowloon.
Parents or guardians who wish to seek admission for their children to Primary 1 in these seven schools and other bi-sessional government primary schools can do so between May 10 and 26 when application forms will bo available from these schools in Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories.
Only children born between September 2, 19^5 and September 1, 1967 will be considered for admission. In other words, they must be six years of age or under eight by western reckoning on September 1, 1973-
/”Birth ••••••
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Sunday, May 6, 1973
- 2 -
”Birth certificates should be produced when parents or guardians go to the schools to obtain application forms,” Mr. Yeung said.
All completed forms should be returned to the school named as the first choice on the form on or before May J1.
Selected candidates will be informed by letter on or before June 22 and interviewed on a date specified by the school heads.
Mr. Yeung said: ’’Children will normally be admitted to schools serving the district in which they live according to the zoning system used in previous years, unless the places in a particular school have all been taken up.
’’Care will be taken so that children from the same family are not separated.”
He pointed out that places in police primary schools would also be available to children whose parents were not members of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force.
The Assistant Director advised the public that ’’application forms are free, no entrance fee is charged for admission to any government school and no tuition fee is charged in any government Chinese primary school;*«
Mr. Yeung said he would be making a further announcement shortly about the admission of pupils to primary 2 to 6 in government primary schools. Parents should not apply for places for their children in these classes until the announcement was made.
-------0 ---------
Sunday, May 6, 1973
- 3 -
********* . . • • J..r.
Tens of thousands of children between the age of six months and five years are susceptible to measles because their parents fail to appreciate the danger of the disease.
A spokesman for the Medical and Health Department said many parents still think that every child should be made to go through an attack of measles.
;■ • i h-.V . '• ■ •
f,In fact measles, like smallpox, is infectious and can be prevented by vaccination,” the spokesman said.
During the past 10 years, over 23,000 children have been notified as suffering from the disease. Just under 2,200 died as a result.
Since the introduction of measles immunisation in 1968 the incidence of the disease has declined and deaths have nearly been eliminated, the spokesman said.
The vaccine itself is safe and effective. Only one injection is required and the child will be protected for at least five years.
Referring to the current annual anti-measles campaign, the spokesman said the response had been very poor during the first three weeks.
,fIt appears that parents still fail to recognise measles as a potentially serious disease," he said.
The danger of measles lies in the fact that complications, such as bronchitis, pneumonia and middle ear infection may arise.
/Some of •••••
Sunday, May 6, 1973
- 4 -
Some of the measles victims may become deaf or-mentally retarded as a result of damage to the ear-drum and the brain. In more serious cases, death may result.
Although an epidemic is unlikely at present, the spokesman stressed that it could not be ruled out.
He estimated that an least 60 per cent of susceptible children had to be immunised to prevent the occurrence of an epidemic.
Daring the current campaign, free measles vaccine is available f
at all maternal and child health centres as well as at 25 fixed centres which have been set up in housing estates — health offices, government
* clinics, dispensaries and hospitals.
The campaign ends on May 30*
Release time:
Monday, May 7, 1973
Page No*
Community activities help develop Hong Kong’s southernmost point -
the island of Po Toi............................................. 1
The Prisons Department simplifies recruiting procedures to attract more recruits .................... ............................. 3
Two temporary appointments to Legislative Council .................. 5
New jury list being posted at the Supreme Court ................... 5
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Monday, May 7j 1973
- 1 -
The feasibility of building a fishermen’s village or government low cost housing estate on Po Toi is being studied by the government as yet another step to further develop the remote island.
Revealing this today, Mr. Mayer Ng, the District Officer, Islands, said the living conditions of the residents there will be greatly improved if the project is implemented. At present, houses on the island are generally old wooden huts.
The population of Po Toi is about 200. Most of them are elders and children as many of the young people have gone to ’the city’ for work.
In the past few years, Po Toi, the southernmost part of Hong Kong has seen many changes, especially in community activities.
The island was ’adopted’ by the Royal Air Force in 1968. Since then RAF rural patrols have visited the island at frequent intervals and have done a lot of community work for the residents.
A generator and power lines have been installed, bringing not only light but also television programmes to the homes of the islanders.
”The construction of a community centre early this year is one of the good examples of the combined efforts of the RAF and the government,” Mr. Ng said.
It is the only concrete building on the island and can also be used as a shelter for the villagers during typhoons.
/The RAF
Monday, May 7, 1973
- 2 -
The RAF members are now building a concrete podium in front of the community centre as an open-air theatre-cum-children’s playground#
They are also rebuilding a small bridge which was damaged some time ago. Fit. Lt. Jack Larner of the RAF Kai Tak Station is in charge of the project and construction work will be completed within the next few months.
The government is building a village-type incinerator to solve the problem of refuse disposal and keep the island clean.
A micro-wave telephone will also be installed soon to improve communications between Po Toi and other parts of Hong Kong.
At the same time, the island is becoming more popular with urban people who flock there during weekends and holidays. On these occasions, ’visitors’ always outnumber the local population.
In view of this, the District Office, Islands, is considering the possibility of extending the present jetty or building a new dual purpose pier at Tai Wan Bay.
A dual purpose pier will facilitate the landing of ferry passengers and serve as a breakwater to shelter the fishing fleet from strong winds and rough seas.
- -----o---------
Monday, May 7, 1973
- 3 -
The Prisons Department is again looking for young man to join the service.
In order to attract more recruits, the department has simplified its recruiting procedures.
The Commissioner of Prisons, Mr. T.G. Gamer said today that the prisons service is offering better than ever promotion prospects to young people of good calibre.
"Vacancies in the upper grades are generally filled by officers who start from the bottom rank,” Mr. Garner said.
He recalled that when he took the salute at a recent passing^-out parade, ho found that the turn-out was the largest ever in any one parade.
He said the fact that so many came forward to serve in the deportment indicated public confidence in a progressive service which offers a sound career to Hong Kong’s youth.
Candidates for the post of Assistant Officer Class II (Male) should have a minimum of primary six education. The starting salary is 5570, but those who possess a Certificate of Education may join at a higher entry point.
Successful candidates can now be engaged on day-to-day terms at full pay within four weeks of posting their application forms.
Apart from discharging the custodial aspect of their duties to protect the community, officers must also be ready to play an effective part in the treatment and rehabilitation of the offenders.
/To prepare •••••..
Monday, May 7, 1973
- 4 -
To prepare then for their work, all new recruits are required to undergo a six-month induction training course in the Prisons Department.
Once in the prisons service, staff oenbers can enjoy all the benefits provided for civil servants, including housing, free medical treatment and holidays.
There are also other departmental benefits such as welfare funds and free sports facilities.
Monday, May 7, 1973
- 5 -
Mr. H.M.G. Forsgate has been appointed a temporary Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council during the absence of Mr. G.M. Sayer•
The appointment is effective from last Friday (May until about June 10.
Mr. I.F.C. Macpherson has been appointed a temporary Official Member from tomorrow (Tuesday) until about mid-August during the absence of Mr. D.C. Bray.
A list of new jurors is to be posted in the Supreme Court from next Monday (May 14).
The list will remain there for 14 days during which time any person can apply in writing to the Supreme Court Registrar seeking the removal or posting of his name or the name of some other person.
It will then be left to the discretion of the Registrar whether the list will be altered.
The jury list will be posted on the notice board near the lift inside the south-west entrance to the Supreme Court building.
Release Time: 7«0Q p.m
Tuesday, May 8, 1973
Page No,
Government announces modified pay scale for Certificated Masters ... 1
Special instruments to be installed as warning system in landslide areas ••••••••••••.......• ••••...• ••••............•••••••••••••••• 5
Applications for Mini-bus driving tests will not be accepted fi?om tomorrow ••••••••.................................................... 7
Urban Council Chairman sets out guidelines for the new-look council ...................................................................... 8
Shipping channel near Tsing Yi Island being improved to facilitate
the movement of container ships • •••....................•••••••••••• 9
Leading architect to give talk on contemporary German graphics •
Urban Councillor to open new playground in Wong Tai Sin.•••••••••••• 12
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, May 8, 1973
- 1 -
Following the successful holding of the Secondary School Entrance Examination the Governor has had more talks with Biship Baker, Bishop Hsu and Rev. Dr. Wong. As a result the Government has accepted proposals made by the Church leaders for a modified pay scale for Certificated Masters.
The Government has also decided to set up a small commission to examine and report on the underlying causes of the dispute and to suggest ways of preventing similar problems arising again.
The new scale will man from 31,250 per month to 31,750 per month by annual stages; thereafter an "extra-scale" will apply, providing 31,850 after three years and then 31,950 and 32,050 by 2-yearly intervals.
The scale which has been approved by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council will be backdated to 1 April 1971.
The new starting point of 31,250 will apply to new entrants and serving teachers alike. Masters who have not yet reached the top of the basic scale of 31,750 will benefit by an increase of one increment and those who have already reached the top of the basic scale will also benefit by having to wait one year less before going on to the first point of the extra scale at 31,850.
The modified arrangements reduce the overall time taken to reach the maximum of $2,050 from 18 to 15 years.
/The salary ••••••
Tuesday, May 8, 1973
2 -
The salary points will be increased by from 1 April 1972 in line with the general increase in Government salaries already announced. The basic scale from that date will therefore range from 31,295 to 31,815, and the extra scale from 31,915 to 32,115.
Announcing the establishment of a small commission, a Government spokesman said that the Governor was anxious that the underlying causes should be identified and any lessons learnt. Its terms of Reference would be as follows:
1. To examine the underlying causes of the dispute which has arisen between the Certificated Masters in Government and aided-schods and the Government, including existing channels of communication and promotion prospects.
2. To advise on what measures, apart from the newly announced salary scales, should be taken to obviate a recurrence of such a dispute affecting teachers employed in Government and aided schools.
Commenting on the amendments to the pay scale a Government spokesman recalled that the Morgan Working Group had urged that a starting sal ary of 1,250 should be considered if the educational qualifications for entrants to the training colleges were raised and the standard of the Teachers Certificate accordingly improved.
f,This proposal was accepted in principle in March this year” the spokesman said, ’’.and an interim scheme was announced proposing an addi tional increment to teachers graduating with credit from the training Colleges" he added.
/The Morgan ••••••
Tuesday, May 8, 1973
- 3 -
The Morgan report noted that since 1970 the qualifications of all students entering the colleges had been well above the minimum requirement. But research has revealed that this has been the case for many years. This point was emphasised by the Church leaders who pointed out tnat as a result of this trend the higher standards envisaged in the Morgan report had already been achieved by teachers graduating from the colleges.
’It has been agreed therefore that it would be now justifiable to introduce the 31,250 starting point”, the Government spokesman said.
Extra Scale
Turning to the position at the top of the scale the spokesman said that the Morgan working group, in recommending the extra scale, had recognised the unique position of a large number of Certificated Masters at the top of the scale.
The Working Group proposed an extra scale for such teachers from $1,750 to <11,975 over a period of 11 years. This recommendation was accepted in March this year but the points on this extra scale were brought onto the master pay scale, raising the maximum to -32,050.
The Church leaders pointed out that although the promotion prospects for Certificated Masters had improved considerably, the majority of tnem would nevertheless move onto this extra scale and would have to wait 11 years to reach the top of it. The Church leaders advised that in their opinion the wait was too long and insistence on it could well have an adverse effect on the morale of this grade of teachers which was the largest in the profession.
/This could ••••••
Tuesday, May 8, 1973
ihis could in turn adversely affect primary education as a whole at a time when all agreed that an improvement in the quality of education was needed.
"In the light of representations made by Church leaders on this point it has been decided that it would be consistent with the principles set out in the Morgan report to reduce the length of the extra scale from 11 years to 7 years", the spokesman concluded.
Tuesday, May 8, 1973
- 5 -
An "early warning system" is to be set up at various hillside sites as part of the intensive precautionary measures being taken against landslides in advance of the rainy season.
The system will involve the use of instruments which will be -installed at various levels in the hillsides to gauge the water pressure and to detect any earth movement in the slopes.
One is the piezometer, a bulb-shaped instrument buried within the ground and which makes a reading on a meter whenever pressure is exerted on the sides of the bulb.
A much more sophisticated instrument is the inclinometer, or slopeindicator.
This is a tube-like electronic device sunk at various levels within the ground. The tube is mounted on runners on all its four sides and any movement in any direction will be detected and recorded by a small computer.
The depth and angle of movement of the tube are also recorded to give comprehensive information on soil movement.
Periodic readings of these instruments will be taken and will presage any precautionary action to be taken.
Drilling works for the placement of these instruments are well advanced at sites in Sau Mau Ping and Ching.Cheung Road and it is hoped that they can be put into position later this week or sometime next week.
At the Po Shan Road site, it is expected that some 50 piezometers and at least 10 inclinometers will be installed.
/On Thursday, •••••••
Tuesday, May 8, 1973
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On Thursday, two one-and-a-half-ton drilling rigs will be lifted by helicopter to the top of the landslide area. Later the drills will be lowered progressively down the slope for similar work, again by helicopter.
A spokesman for the Public Works Department explained that the use of helicopters to transport the drills was the most convenient way, as ordinary methods to position them would involve cutting down trees which might disturb the geography of the area.
Special clearance has been obtained from the Department of Civil Aviation for the airlift.
The whole operation xs expected to last several weeks, although the airlifts will only take a few minutes each time.
A constant watch will be maintained at the sites so that advance warning can be given in the event of danger and to enable necessary safety measures to be taken.
A number of other sites throughout Hong Kong are being investigated but some of these concern only flooding, such as low-lying areas in the New Territories.
Many of these do not need the instrumentation, and the investigations are in the form of surveys and calculations on the possibility of flooding.
Tuesday, May 8, 1975
- 7 -
The Transport Department today announced that no more applications for driving tests for public light buses will be accepted as from tomorrow (Wednesday) •
’^Thore is already a backlog of 12,000 candidates for this test and it will take some years to work through them at the present rate of testing/' a spokesman explained.
Since there were 11 licensed drivers for every registered public light bus, he said, there could be no shortage of these drivers.
"The Transport Department's resources for testing should be concentrated on other categories of vehicle for which there is a more pressing need," he said.
Tuesday, May 8, 1973
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The Chairman of the Urban Council, Mr. A. de 0. Sales, today spoke of a proper start for the new-look council.
”1 have reviewed our practices and procedures so that they may be adapted to the new circumstances,” he said.
The new Chairman was speaking at the council’s second monthly meeting since its inauguration.
He said he had always attached the greatest importance to the council’s select committees of which there were 13.
’’Even more so now that direct responsibility devolves on them to ensure that their respective assignments are carried out adequately to best public advantage,” he said.
Mr. de Sales went on to say that it was necessary to exercise close control over the implementation of policies and decisions and to ensure that committee projects and programmes were carried out in the way intended by the council.
”In other words,” the Chairman continued, ’’nothing should be overlooked or forgotten so that no worthwhile proposal is lost by default.
’’Each year the council adopts a Statement of Aims. Evidently, it is not enough to do so. The aims must be achieved, at least as far as it is practicable to do so.
/’’Thus, .........
Tuesday, May 8, 1973
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’’Thus, I have asked our select committees to examine their respective targets in detail so as to relate them to our resources in terms of both money and manpower. Their practicability has to be clearly established just as it is essential to determine the priority to be given to their attainment,” Mr. de Sales added.
The Chairman assured his colleagues that he would do all he could to assist them as much as possible in this endeavour. He said he had attended all committee meetings, numbering 12 since the Council met in mid-April and had read all their committee papers.
”It has been a very stimulating experience to see so much thought and action on the part of the select committees al1 working very earnestly in their respective spheres of responsibilities.
”1 will try to continue attending such meetings as far as possible. But, there are other aspects of council work to be done and responsibility to be discharged. They will also require my attention. Therefore a shift of emphasis may be necessary in time to come,” Mr. de Sales said.
Tuesday, May 8, 1973
The shipping channel between the wreck of the "Seawise University" and Tsing Yi Island is being widened to facilitate the passage of container ships moving to the Kwai Chung terminal.
The channel will be widened to 1,000 feet and dredged to a depth of 40 feet to enable easy passage and to accommodate ships of 59?000 tons gross and 950 feet in length.
A spokesman for the Marine Department said today that at present container ships find it rather difficult to manoeuvre along the shallower east eoast of Tsing Yi Island and the red marking buoys of the wreck.
This is possible during<daylight hours, but the operation becomes more difficult at night, he said.
The dredging began a few days ago and is expected to be completed by the middle of October.
A notice to mariners has been issued by the Marine Department to alert them of the work.
Tuesday, May 8, 1973
- 11 -
The City Museum and Art Gallery has invited a leading Hong Kong architect, Mr. Tao Ho, to give a gallery talk on the development of contemporary German graphics.
The talk will be held in conjunction with an exhibition currently on display in the gallery entitled "Graphic Art in Germany Today”.
Mr. Tao Ho recently returned from a tour arranged by the German government to study aspects of German art. During his visit he met some of the artists represented in the exhibition.
His talk, to be held in the art gallery at p.m. on Friday (May 11), will use some of the exhibits as examples. It will be open to all interested people.
The exhibition consists of 130 original prints by German artists from the last two decades and provides a characteristic cross-section of the current art scene in West Germany.
Tuesday, May 8, 1973
- 12 -
Urban Councillor, Miss Cecilia L.Y. Yeung, will formally open a
Jl^-acre playground in Wong Tai Sin tomorrow (May 9)•
Named the Heng Lam Street Playground, this latest Urban Council amenity has been built at a cost of #200,000.
It comprises two mini-soccer pitches and a garden with turfing and attractive greenery, benches and paths.
An exhibition football match will be played tomorrow to mark the opening and there will also be band music.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter
and/or photographer to cover the event.
Transport will be provided and will leave the car park next to the Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office at 2.50 pom. The opening is at 3.30
Release time: 7.00_p.m.
Wednesday, May 9, 1973
Page No.
The Acting Financial Secretary speaks on the cost of living in
Hong Kong ............................•......•.«••••••••••••• 1
No excuse for employers to raise prices because of new labour legislation ................................................• • 5
No one needs to beg for a living in Hong Kong •••••••••••••• 7
"Let’s Clean Our Buildings" campaign to start in August • ••• 8
Compensation to property owners along Ching Fung Street being assessed •••••.••••........................................... 9
Motorists reminded to report changes of vehicle ownership • • 10
Little preferential treatment given to H.K. products last year ••••«..•••••••••••..................................... 11
196 prosecutions in three months for possession of offensive weapons in public places ..............................•...... 12
Licences for mass marriage ceremonies unlikely to be granted ....................................................:......... 13
Tsing Yi industrial site sold for 31-65 million............... 14
Dangerous bonds in Queensway will be removed by mid-1975 ••• 15
Measures to reduce accidents on trains •............••••••••• 16
Admission to the Prisons Department’s psychiatric centre in Siu Lam to be expanded .•••••................................. 18
Names of mid-wives will be published once yearly ••••••••••• 19
Proceedings in Legislative Council........••••••••••••••••••• 20
Health Exhibition at City Hall • ••••.....•.......••••••••••• 21
Five buildings in Western District declared dangerous •••••• 22
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, May 9, 1973
- 1 -
******** • ?
The cost of living in Hong Kong rose more rapidly during the past financial year but generally was on par with the 1970/71 increase of ’ 7.3 por cent, the Acting Financial Secretary, the Hon. D.J.C. Jones, told the Legislative Council today.
After allowing for seasonal fluctuations, he said, an increase Of some 7*9 per cent was shown for 1972/73 over the previous twelve months when an increase of just over three per cent was recorded.
Using the same basis of ironing out seasonal fluctuationsj the increase for the first three months this year was about 2.8 per cent.
This figure compared with an increase of about 71/ per cent as measured by the General Consumer Price Index which rose by 11 points between ।
January and March.
Mr. Jones stressed, however, that the figure given by the index was "very misleading.11
"As it stands it conveys undertones of a highly inflationary situation." But the reality, he added, "is considerably less frightening.."
Mr. Jones emphasised that he was not attempting to "paint a rosy picture," but he pointed out that the figures given .by the index-should not be token at face value as the index was heavily influenced by the price of food which in turn was affected by seasonal variations in demand.
f,This is important, because it means that it can be very misleading to read too much into the rise or fall of the index in a particular month or even a particular quarter.”
/In attempting ......
Wednesday, May 9, 1975
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In attempting to measure cost of living increases, he explained, "It is the basic underlying trend in consumer prices that matters."
The best way to determine this was to iron out seasonal fluctuations by comparing the average figure for the index over different 12 month periods. "In other words, once we make allowances for seasonal influences,” he said, "the increase in our cost of living during the first quarter of this year — as measured by the Consumer Price Index — was not much more than a third of the unadjusted and misleading increase in the index over this three month period#"
Mr. Jones explained that food prices had in recent years been rather higher in January and February during Chinese New Year than in the preceding December.
"In some years also these price rises have continued into March. This happened to a modest extent in 1969 and to a greater degree in 1970 and it happened again this year," he said.
As three quarters of the food consumed by Hong Kong was imported, he noted, "we are subject to the prices charged by our suppliers."
He added, however, "there is no real evidence to suggest that either wholesale or retail margins on the sale of food in Hong Kong have ’increased#"
The price of food „ he said, had been increasing on the world market and Rong Kong could not insulate itself from this trend.
While prices of foodstuffs imported from China had also gone up in line with the world trend, "there is no sign that they have risen inordinately."
"In fact, they have increased less than prices from other sources and for the most part are still significantly lower than are prices of si mil nr foodstuffs from other countries."
/In general, #•#••••
Wednesday, Kay 9, 1973
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In general, Mr. Jones said, Hong Kong people still had greater access to a greater variety of food at cheaper prices than elsewhere.
Mr. Jones also rejected arguments that alleged inflation generated in Hong Long itself was a major factor pushing up prices and the cost of living.
”1 do not deny that there is inflation in Hong Kong but would submit that it is caused largely by external influences operating on our economy,” he said.
”If there were no inflation in the countries from which we obtain our imports and those in which we sell our exports there would be no inflation in Hong Kong.”
Mr. Jones conceded that there were two areas in which some degree of inflationary pressure had been generated from within Hong Kong in recent years.
These were the bottleneck in the construction industry and the very large inccease in the supply of credit over the past year Or so over and above that generated by inflows of funds from abroad.
”Both these factors are, however, being ironed out by natural economic processes and the inflationary forces they have exerted are beginning to die away,” he said.
The construction industry which had been hard hit by the banking crisis of 19&5 snd the events of 19&7, he said, was also now employing more labour and was beginning to use labour more productively with more capital intensive operations.
There were also signs that bank loans and deposits, and with them the money supply, were beginning to level off following the considerable increase in bank lending last year and in the first few months of this year.
/”So, the •••.•
Wednesday, Hay 9i 1973
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KSo, the two inflationary elements that have been present in the internal Hong Kong economy are now operating much less strongly and the underlying reality is beginning once more to reassert itself,” he said.
This reality, he went on, was the continuing growth in Hong Kong’s national income and underpinning it a continuing expansion in its external trade.
Mr. Jones said that to the extent xhat Hong Kong’s rising living costs were imported from the outside world ’’there is very little we can do about it with our open economy.”
But the government had taken "practical action” which had helped the situation.
These included: maintaining a stable exchange rate for the Bong
( Kong dollar; maintaining a free market with no restrictions (this had enabled Hong Kong to obtain its imports from the cheapest available sources); maintaining "buffer stocks" of rice (which helped smooth out prices in times of shortages); and instituting expanded public housing and social welfare programmes.
He noted that in the first quarter of this year, Hong Kong’s domestic exports were up 13.9 per cent over the same period last year. Imports liad rioen by 19.5 per cent during the same period, while a "phenomenal growth” of 34.6 per cent was recorded in Hong Kong’s re-export trade.
Invisible earnings from tourism, shipping, finance and commerce were also continuing to increase while record profits were being recorded by companies throughout Hong Kong.
"This is not a picture of a stagnating economy pricing itself out of world markets but of a dynamic expanding economy sustained by high investment and a growing demand for its products and services.”
-------0--------- /5...........................
Wednesday, May 9, 1973
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There is absolutely no excuse for employers to raise prices of their products and services as a result of proposed new legislation which will enable workers to obtain better fringe benefits under more lenient conditions*
Dr. the Hon. S.Y. Chung said this today during the resumed debate on the Employment (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1973, which extends sickness allowance and holiday pay to all manual workers irrespective of their earnings, and to non-manual workers whose monthly earnings do not exceed ${1,500.
He said the bill would impose an additional maximum financial liability of about two per cent on the average annual wage payroll for industrial employers and of about six per cent for non-industrial employers.
”However, these are only theoretical maximums and, according to information available to me, the actual payout in industry for sickness allowance is very much lower than the maximum liability,” Dr. Chung said.
Furthermore, he added, many non-industrial employers were already paying their employees by the month ’’and this bill should not cause these employers any additional financial burden.”
As he saw it, the bill had two major aims — to remove the discrimination against employees in non-industrial undertakings, such as retail shops and restaurants, and to enable workers to obtain better fringe benefits under more lenient conditions.
At present, said Dr. Chung, an industrial employee had to work for the same employer for not less than six months before he became entitled to claim holidays with pay and sickness allowance.
/”He cannot ........
Wednesday! May 9, 1973
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nHe cannot also carry over his entitlement for sickness allowance, if not exercised from one calendar year to another.n
Dr. Chung noted that if the bill was passed, the qualification period would be reduced to three months and any unclaimed sickness allowance could be carried over from one year to another up to a maximum limit of 24 paid sickness days.
In reply, the Commissioner of Labour, the Hon. Paul Tsui, said he shared Dr. Chung’s view that there was no case for any employer to use the bill as an excuse to raise prices.
Wednesday, May 9, 1973
Thore is absolutely no need for anyone in Hong Kong to beg for a living in the streets.
The Director of Social Welfare, the Hon. F.K. Li, said that this was because basic needs are adequately met by public assistance, by the recently introduced disability and infirmity allowance scheme and by a variety of welfare services provided by government and voluntary organisations.
Mr. Li was speaking in the Legislative Council in reply to a question by the Hon. Wilson Wang.
He said that government is already enforcing laws prohibiting begging whenever this comes to notice and will continue to do so in future.
Mr• Li said that while the number of beggars seen in the streets has definitely decreased in recent years, some have persisted in begging and when detected have been prosecuted in court.
During 1972, the police prosecuted 455 cases of vagrancy, the majority of which involved begging.
Mr. Li said his department is particularly concerned with cases where children are exploited by irresponsible adults.
He said that when such a case becomes known to the department a full investigation is carried out and appropriate action taken for tho protection of the child. This includes, if necessary, an application to the court for the removal of the child from the irresponsible parents -
In reply to a question from the Hon. S.B. Wong, the Director of Medical and Health Services, Dr. the Hon. G.H. Choa, said existing legal provisions for mentally sick persons, including beggars and vagrants, was considered adequate and it was not thought necessary to introduce new legislation. ---------------------------------o--------- /8........
Wednesday, May 9, 1973
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A ”Let*s Clean Our Buildings” campaign is being planned as a follow up to the massive ”Keep Hong Kong Clean” drive.
Disclosing this at the Legislative Council meeting today, the Director of Urban Services, the Hon. D.R.W. Alexander, said the new campaign would take place between mid-August and mid-October.
However, he told the Council in reply to a question from the Hon. T.K. Ann that residents were reverting to their old habit of discarding refuse indiscriminately.
”Now that the campaign publicity is no longer constantly reminding people to observe good litter habits, there is undoubtedly some backsliding, particularly at night in the more heavily populated districts,” he said.
Steps were being taken to recruit 50 more anti-litter squads to deal with this problem.
Mr• Alexander said the ’’Keep Hong Kong Clean” campaign was seen as a continuing effort between the government and the community.
Wednesday, May 9, 1973
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An investigation is being made to determine the extent of reductions in rent levels along Ching Fung Street in North Point as a result of the newly-completed flyover in the area, the Director of Public Works, the Hon. J.J. Robson, said today.
’’Quite a lot of research has been done and it is hoped to start negotiations with the owners about the middle of this year,” he told the Legislative Council.
He was replying to a question by the Hon. Szeto Wai who asked for the reasons behind the ’’long delay” in the settlement of compensation to the property owners whose premises had been adversely affected by the routing of the flyover.
Mr. Robson said $11,OCX) compensation had been paid to each of the owners of Nos. 10, 12, 18 and 20 Ching Fung Street for the removal of their balconies to allow for the construction of the flyover.
He added, however, that there could still be outstanding claims for ’'injurious affection” to the premises themselves caused by the operations of the flyover.
The owners, he said, were informed that this compensation could not be assessed until the flyover had been in use for some time.
Mr. Robson advised those owners who were in doubt about their legal rights to get in touch with the Public Works Department. Some owners, he added, had already done so and were aware of the situation.
-------0--------- - /10.......
Wednesday, May 9» 1973
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The Transport Department today reminded motorists that changes of vehicle ownership must be reported without delay.
A spokesman said that on transfer of ownership, both the new and old owners were required by law to deliver a notice of transfer on the prescribed form to the Commissioner for Transport within 72 hours of the transfer*
Any person who fails to comply with this requirement is liable on conviction to a maximum fine of #1,000 and six months imprisonment.
The spokesman stressed that the form must reach the Commissioner within 72 hours after the transfer, and strongly advised the owners to deliver the form by hand unless it was posted early.
In future, he warned, no reminder would be sent to a defaulter before prosecution.
He also reminded vehicle owners of their legal obligation to notify the Commissioner of any change of address.
The notice must be made on the prescribed form and submitted together with the registration book within 72 hours of the change.
Failure to do so renders a defaulter liable on conviction to a maximum fine of #1,000 and imprisonment for six months.
Forms for transfer of vehicle ownership and for notifying changes of address may be obtained free of charge from the licensing offices at Rumsey Street Reclamation, Hong Kong, and Pui Ching Road, Kowloon, or at City District Offices.
- - 0 - -
Wednesday, May 9, 1973
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About three per cent of Hong Kong’s total domestic exports last year were given preferential treatment, the Director of Commerce and Industry, the Hon. E.P. Ho, told the Legislative Council today.
The value of these goods amounted to about 3400 million while that of the total domestic exports for the year was 315,245 million* Certificates issued by the Commerce and Industry Department under the various Generalised System of Preference schemes in operation during the year totalled 83,881, and the value of goods thus certified amounted to about 3658 million.
The first five major export items, said Mr. Ho, were toys (valued at 391 million), leather work gloves (363 million), dolls (348 million), travel goods (346 million), and plastic products (332 mill inn).
Tlie top five importing markets and the values of goods exported to them under claims to GS? in 1972 were the European Economic Community (3451 million), the United Kingdom (3104 million), Sweden (343 million), Switzerland (340 million), and Japan(312 million).
Mr. Ho explained that the figures given for the E.E.C. were for the original six member states of the community.
As the tariff quotas had been exhausted, he said, goods worth some 3250 million did not receive preferential treatment, representing 55 per oent of the value of items exported under cover of GSP certificates to the community.
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Wednesday, May 9, 1975
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Since the introduction five months’ ago of mandatory sentences against the possession of offensive weapons in public places, a total of 196 cases were prosecuted for this offence between mid-December and mid-March.
Reporting this to the Legislative Council today, the Acting Attorney General, the Hon. G.C. Thornton, said that although no precise figures were yet available as to the number of persons convicted in these cases, consultations with the Director of Criminal Investigation and the Director of Public Prosecutions suggested that all but a few were convicted.
Of the cases prosecuted, were on Hong Kong Island, 141 in Kowloon and 12 in the New Territories.
llr. Thornton said all police officers were made fully aware of the provisions of the section constituting the offence so that "this offence is certainly in the minds of police officers when they are in the course of a ’stop and search’ operation or when, on the beat or patrol, their attention may be attracted by some person’s suspicious behaviour."
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Wednesday, May 9, 1975
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The Acting Attorney General,the Hon. G.C. Thornton said today that a mass marriage ceremony would be invalid without a special licence and such a licence is ’unlikely to be granted’.
Mr. Thornton was replying to a question by the Hon. Mrs. Ellen Li in the Legislative Council meeting this afternoon.
Mrs. Li had asked whether a mass marriage ceremony held in a night club had any legal validity.
"Under the Marriage Ordinance," Mr. Thornton said, "a marriage may be contracted before the Registrar of Marriage or a Deputy Registrar or alternatively may be contracted at a place of public worship licensed by the Governor."
There are at present 15 full-time Marriage Registries and 14 part-time registries in the New Territories.
"If a number of couples should wish to marry on the same day or at the same registry, then, so long as he is given adequate notice, the Registrar will do his best to make satisfactory arrangements," he added.
Wednesday, May 9, 1973
- 14 -
The price paid by the successful tenderer for the five-acre industrial site on Tsing Yi Island was 31,650,000, representing about 37*10 per square foot for the unformed land.
The tender was awarded to the American company, Outboard Marine Corporation International S.A. — the largest manufacturer in the world of outboard marine engines — which submitted the only tender received for the site.
Details of the tender were announced in the Legislative Council today by the Acting Financial Secretary, the Hon. D.J.C. Jones, in reply to a question from the Hon. Dr. S.Y. Chung.
Mr. Jones stressed that in considering the price paid for the site "it must be emphasised that the land involved is at present under the sea." The works required to reclaim and form it, he added, would be "extensive."
Estimates provided by a reputable local construction firm with extensive experience in this type of work, he told Council, indicated that the formed cost would probably amount to about 347.50 per square foot.
”The conditions of the tender provided that the use of the land should be restricted to the automotive manufacturing industry, including the manufacture of internal combustion engines," he explained.
He added: "It must also be borne in mind that the nature of this particular industry restricts development largely to one—storey bin 1 di ---------------------------------0--------- /15..........................
Wednesday, May 9, 1973
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Hoad improvement works to eliminate the dangerous bends in Queensway are expected to start towards the end of this year.
This was indicated today in the Legislative Council by the Director of Public Works, the Hon, J. J. Robson, when replying to a question by the Hon. P.C. Woo.
Mr* Robson said alternative accommodation had already been found for the Government departments occupying some of the old buildings at the CQ_d Naval Dockyard adjoining Queensway which had to be demolished to allow for the widening of the road.
Demolition of these buildings would start in June for completion in September.
’’Road works will commence shortly thereafter and it is estimated that they will be completed by mid-1975," said Mr. Robson.
He added, however, that it should be possible to bring the new eastern carriageway into operation towards the end of 197^ ’’thereby eliminating the. dangerous bends in one direction by that date.”
The Director explained that it had not been possible to launch the project in 1972, as originally envisaged, because of some ’’unavoidable delay" in finding alternative accommodation for the departments occupying the Cid Naval Dockyard buildings.
Wednesday, May 9, 1973
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The overcrowding of trains during holidays and at peak hours on weekdays is partly due to the shortage of rolling stock and the limited capacity of the single track line.
Because of this some passengers had to ride on steps and on other dangerous parts of carriages• ...
This was stated by the Acting Financial Secretary, the Hon. D.J.C.
Jones, in reply to a question by the Hon. Wilson Wang who had asked what the government was doing to prevent fatal accidents as the result of passengers falling off crowded trains, "Additional passenger carriages have been ordered and plans are
in hand to double track the line from Hung Hom to Shat in. A further extension of the double line to Tai Po Market is also under consiteration," Mr, Jones said.
Apart from the long-term remedies to the situation, he also listed some short-term restrictive measures to be taken at times when trains were overcrowded♦
These measures included the discontinuation of the issue of return tickets; the restricted sale of single tickets and frequent warnings to passengers against riding on carriage platforms and on steps.
Consideration is also being given to the erection of fences or other barriers to prevent access to platforms, other than through controlled entrances or via the railway track, and railway personnel will be stationed by the track to prevent unauthorised entry.
/Part-time • ••....
Wednesday, May 9, 1973
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Part-time guards may also be employed at stations to control crowds during public holidays.
Mr. Jones pointed out that not all accidents happened on crowded trains. At least a half of the people who fell off trains during the past 12 months were travelling on trains where ample room was available in the carriages.
These were mostly older school children who rode on the steps or who tried to board or alight from moving trains.
"The Education Department issues annual circulars to heads of schools requesting them to caution students against misbehaviour on trains, but there are still many who disregard these warnings”, he added.
Wednesday, May 9> 1973
- 18 -
Adult males detained for observation at the psychiatric observation unit in the Victoria Remand Centre are now being admitted to the Prisons Department’s Psychiatric Centre in Siu Lam.
But a provision of the Mental Health (Amendment) Bill 1973 introduced into the Legislative Council today by Dr. the Hon. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services, seeks to extend the category of admissions.
This new psychiatric centre is not to be confused with the Medical and Health Department’s Siu Lam Hospital for the severely mentally retarded, which shares the same hill in the general area of the Tai Lam Chung Reservoir.
The Prisons Department Centre was completed in November 1972 as a permanent replacement for the psychiatric observation unit set up on a temporary basis in 1961.
The new centre will in future not only admit men now detained at the Victoria Remand Centre but also men who, because of their violent or criminal tendencies, require treatment under conditions of special security.
’’They include certain patients presently detained in the Castle Peak Hospital,” Dr. Choa said.
The present Mental Health Ordinance did not provide for the admission and detention of such persons at the new centre, and the bill was designed to enable them to be admitted.
But it was not intended to include convicted persons who had been acquitted by the Full Court on appeal, and who were suffering from mental disorder. These people would be sent to the Castle Peak Hospital along with women and young people under 14. /19.....................................................................
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Wednesday, May 9j 1975
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Dr. the Hon. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services, told the Legislative Council today that in future details of registered midwives would be published only once a year in the Gazette instead of twice.
lie was moving the second reading of the Midwives Registration (Amendment) Bill which sought to revise the Midwives Registration Ordinance in order to authorise the change.
Dr. Choa explained that as of now, the ordinance required the Midwives Board to publish in the Gazette, as soon as possible after January 1 each year, a list containing the names, addresses and dates of registration, or re-registration, of every woman whose name was on the register on the first day of that year.
In addition, the Board was required to publish a further list in the Gazette during the second half of the year, containing additions to, or deletions from, the register between January 1 and July 1.
’’Since there are now in Hong Kong more than 4,700 midwives on the register, and the number is increasing each year, the process of producing these lists of registered midwives for gazetting twice a year is becoming progressively more onerous,” Dr. Choa said.
Other amendments concerned the admissibility of a sealed certificate signed by the chairman or secretary of the Midwives Board as evidence of registration for court purposes, and the recovery of costs.
Wednesday, May 9i 1973
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Three bills passed their committee stage and third readings in the Legislative Council this afternoon and became law.
They were the Inland Revenue (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1973, the- Marine Fish (Marketing) (Amendment) Bill 1973 and the Employment (Amendment) Bill 1973*
The Mental Health (Amendment) Bill 1973 and the Midwives Registration (Amendment) Bill 1973 had their first and second readings.
Debate on the second readings of four other bills was resumed. They were the Registration of Persons (Amendment) Bill 1973? the Inland Revenue (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1973, the Marine Fish (Marketing) (Amendment) Bill 1973 and the Employment (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1973. Two sessional papers were also tabled in the council today.
They were the Annual Report by the Secretary for Home Affairs for the year 1971/72 and the Annual Report by the Community Relief Trust Fund Trustee for the year 1971/72. • . • • • -----------------------------------o---------
Wednesday, May 9, 1973
A four-day exhibition designed to create greater awareness in public health and hygiene will be opened at the City Hall, Low Block, tomorrow (May 10, Thursday at 2.30 p.m.)
Dr. Denny M.H. Huang, Chairman of the Environmental Hygiene Select Committee of the Urban Council, will officiate at the ceremony.
Exhibits from at lecst 1k schools will be on display, including prize-winning entries from a recent school competition organised by the Urban Council and the Education Department.
The displays range from models, posters, photographs to graphs and paintings.
Dr. Denny Huang will also be presenting prizes to the winners of the School Health Education Contest held recently.
This year’s first price (a cash award of 31,500) goes to the Ho Man Tin Government Middle School whose theme was "What We Should Do To Prevent Uy Nuisance".
0 - -
Wednesday, May 9» 1973
- 22 -
Five buildings in Western District on Hong Kong Island were today declared dangerous by the Building Authority. They are at 26-3^ High Street.
The Principal Government Building Surveyor said that these five 4-storey pre-war buildings were surveyed during routine inspections. It was found that the reinforced concrete frame to the kitchen blocks and to the rear part of the main structures- was in an advanced state of deterioration.
In addition, the structural timbers forming the roof of Nos. 30 and J2 High Street were severely decayed.
He said it was considered that the condition of these buildings was such that there was a risk of failure leading to collapse.
Notices of intention to apply -for closure orders in Victoria District Court at 9*30 a.m. on June 6 were posted today.
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Release Time: 8.00 ppm.
Thursday, May 10, 1973
Page No>
Members of the Commission to study the Certificated Masters1 dispute announced ............................................. 1
A new colourful set of stamps to be issued to replace the existing series •••••........................................••••••••••••••••• 3
The government continues with plans to remove illegal structures of the two buildings in Quarry Bay ..............•••••••••••••••••••• 5
Playground for residents of Lam Tin estate ..•..................... 8
Speed limit of 30 miles an hour to be imposed on Lung Cheung Road ..8 Five lots of Crown land to be put on sale *n May 25 and 28 ••••••••• 9 41 groups selected for youth project competition on social welfare..10 Notice on procedures for export licensing ••••••.••••••.••••••••••••11
Labour dispute settled ..................••••••••••••........•••••••12
Details of 1973 Government Lotteries ........................•••••••12
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, May 10, 1973
- 1 -
The Government today announced the composition of the commission to examine and report on the underlying causes of the Certificated Masters’ dispute and to suggest ways of preventing similar problems arising again.
The Chairman of the commission is Mr. T.K. Ann and the two members are Bishop Francis Hsu and Miss Bobbie M. Kotewall.
Mr. T.K. Ann is well-known as a leading industrialist and has wide experience in the educational field.
Ke is the Deputy Chairman of the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee and is also the Manager of the Kiangsu-Chekiang College and the Kingpo C oilege•
Hr. Ann, a Legislative Councillor, was appointed an unofficial Justice of the Peace in 1969 and awarded the O.B.E. in 1970.
Bishop Francis Hsu, a member of the Board of Education, was educated at St. John’s University, Shanghai and Merton College, Oxford.
He was a lecturer of English at the Fu Tan University in Chungking and then professor of English at the Central University of Nanking.
Bishop Hsu was ordained a priest in 1959 and became the Director of the Catholic Centre in 1961. He was consecrated the. Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Hong Kong in 1967.
The Diocese manages almost 180 Catholic primary and secondary schools with an enrolment of about. 240,000 students.
/Miss Kotewall .....
Thursday, May 10, 1973
- 2 -
Miss Kotewall is a prominent Hong Kong educationalist, who is well-known for her highly independent views on educational matters.
She was appointed Principal of the St. Paul’s Co-educational College in 1952 and the high reputation which her school has gained is due largely to her leadership.
She is supervisor of a number of schools and is a member of the School Medical Service Board; the Senate and Convocation of the Hong Kong University; the Grant Schools Council on Secondary Entrance Exam nation Committee; the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination Board and Executive Committee and the Hong Kong University Advance Level Board.
Miss Kotewall was born in Hong Kong, educated at the Hong Kong University and later received a Diploma in Education from Oxford University. She has taught in a number of schools in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom.
She was awarded the M.B.E. in 1963.
The terms of reference of the commission are:
To examine the underlying causes of the dispute which has arisen between the Certificated Masters in government and aided-schools and the government, including existing channels of* communication and promotion propects: and
To advise on what measures, apart from the newly announced salary scales, should be taken to obviate a recurrence of such a dispute affecting teachers.employed in government and aided schools.
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Thursday, May 10, 1973
- 3 -
A new colourful set of Hong Kong stamps is to be issued on June 12 to replace the existing definitive set which has been in use for the past 1J years.
A Post Office spokesman said today that the current set was introduced in 1962 and, except for the issue in 1968 of two replacement stamps for the 65 cent and $1 denominations, has remained unchanged.
The main design feature of the new stamps is a plaster cast of the head of the Queen by Arnold Machin. Another feature will be a panel of flowers freely adapted from a Chinese carved brown lacquer tray from the 17th century or earlier. This panel will run up the left side of the stamps•
Tlie spokesman pointed out that although the Machin head was previously used for the Cross Harbour Tunnel stamp and has also been used in silhouette on various stamp issues of other countries, it is the first time that it has been made the main feature on a stamp.
The background colour of the new stamps will also run from perforation to perforation, instead of being enclosed in a white border as at present.
There will be 14 denominations in the new issue, one less than in the current series, due to the elimination of the five cent stamp.
The nine values up to and including 31 are monochrome and the five remaining higher values are in two colours. All the stamps will be in the vertical format.
/Their exact ......
Thursday, May 10, 1973
- 4 -
Their exact colours are: 10c reddish orange; 15c dull yellow green; 20c deep mauve; 25c red brown; 30c ultramarine; 40c turquoise blue; 50c Vermillion; 65c ochre; 31 blackish olive; 31.30 reddish violet and greenish yellow; 32 reddish brown and emerald; 35 royal blue and orange Vermillion; 310 black olive and crimson; and 320 brownish black and magenta.
The public is invited to see the new definitive stamps at an exhibition to be held in the General Post Office for three days beginning on Monday (May 14). The exhibition, on the first floor landing, will be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily.
Thursday, May 10, 1975
- 5 -
There have been encouraging signs this week that some owners and occupiers of flats and other premises at Nos. 1026-1048, King’s Road, Quarry Bay, have been taking action on their own initiative to remove unauthorised and potentially dangerous structures.
Mr. James C. Howlett, a Chief Building Surveyor of the Buildings Ordinance Office, said today: ”We know for certain that there has been some response. Only a few owners are taking this action, and it’s impossible to give a reliable figure at the moment, but we are heartened by the trend and hope it will spread.”
”In fact, we think that more and more people may be coming to appreciate the basic reason for preventing the occupants of new hui 1 dnngs from making these unauthorised alterations - the reason being the need to uphold essential standards of safety and public health,” he added.
In the meantime, work on erecting scaffolding on the two buildings where notices have been served has been proceeding throughout the week. In cases where owners have not complied with the requirement to demolish the illegal structures, government contractors are expected to start work on demolition next week. The cost, including a supervision fee, will be charged to the individual owners.
Mr. Howlett said: ”We hope very much that owners will save themselves some of the cost by getting on with the work themselves. This sort of assignment gives us in the Buildings Ordinance Office no pl easurn whatsoever — we would much prefer that people should be spared the expense.”
/To reinforce ••••••
Thursday, May 10, 1973
- 6 -
To reinforce this point, a government spokesman today reiterated previous warnings and appeals made to owners of premises throughout Hong Kong. "The moral of the King’s Road operation is clear”, he said.
"Firstly, people moving into new premises should refrain from putting up unauthorised structures at the outset. Secondly, owners and occupiers who have put up these structures should now be taking action to remove them.
"It is distressing, and unnecessary, that those who have put up such structures and are doing nothing about them are now facing the liability of a double expense first the cost of having put the structures up; then the cost of removal, which could in some cases be more than the cost of construction.
"Even though the government contractor will do the work as cheaply as possible, the supervision involved will have to be paid for," the spokesman pointed out.
It was also disclosed todgy’that the Building Authority, together with the Fire Services Department which is taking complementary action on these buildings, is refraining, out of consideration for the owners and occupiers, from enforcing the utmost letter of the law;
Some appeals have been allowed against demolition orders in cases where other occupiers are not affected. This means that for the time being various kinds of alterations are being tolerated, including: sliding security doors; cocliofts within units; swing doors that do not obstruct common escape routes; and some structures on roof terraces.
/The government •••••
Thursday, May 10, 1973
The government spokesman commented: "V/e want to avoid being harsh, but we’ve got to be firm. Ultimately it is a question of communal safety as well as public health, and the community has a right to insist on being protected. That is why we hope that good sense and social sense will prevail and that action will be taken by co-operation rather than through enforcement."
A total of 863 notices has been served so far on owners of premises in the two buildings - Hoi King and Hoi Sang Mansions. In addition the Fire Services Department has issued a large number of summonses for'the removal of hinged steel gates and other structures.
More than 400 units - most of them flats, but including some shops and other premises - are affected.
Thursday, May 10, 1975
- 8 -
A group of open spaces in the Lam Tin public housing estate is to be converted into a combined playground covering an area of more than two acres#
It will be the first playground to be built in area "BM of the estate and will be located between Blocks 17, 19 and 20.
A mini soccer pitch, a basketball court, two badminton courts, merry-go-rounds, swings and slides, flower beds and garden seats will be installed on the playground.
Work is expected to start in mid June and will take about four months.
A speed limit of 30 miles an hour is to be imposed on virtually the entire length of Lung Cheung Road.
At present this is a derestricted road, but the new limit will come into force from 10 a.m. on Saturday (May 12).
The section of Lung Cheung Road covered by the restriction is from its junction with Fung Mo Street in Wong Tai Sin to the Nam Cheong Street junction.
At the same time, the section of Waterloo Road from Cornwall Street to Lung Cheung Road will also be made a restricted road with a speed limit of 30 miles an hour.
Thursday, May 10, 1973
- 9 -
Five lots of Crown land, three located in the urban areas and two in the Nev/ Territories, will be put on sale by auction on May 25 and 28.
The auctions will be held separately at 2.30 p.m. in the Lecture
Room on the 8th floor of the City Hall and the Yuen Long Town Hall in Yuen Long.
Of the five lots of Crown land, four are for non-industrial purposes and one is classified as suitable for industrial or godown usage.
The particulars of the lots are:
1. New Kowloon Inland Lot No. 5^62, King Lam Street
Area: 30,750 square feet
For industrial and/or godown purposes
2. Shau Kei Wan Inland Lot No. 7&9, Shau Kei Wan Road
Area: 1,05P square feet
For non-industrial purposes
3* Aberdeen Inland Lot No. 378, Tsung Man Street
Area; 2,5^2 square feet
For non-industrial purposes
The two lots in the New Territories are:
1. Castle Peak Town Lot No. 62, Tuen Mun Area 10B
Area: 3,370 square feet
For non-industrial purposes
2. Yuen Long Town Lot No. 177, Kau Yuk Road, Yuen Long
Central Area
Area: 3,265 square feet
For non-industrial purposes.
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Thursday, May 10, 1973
- 10 -
A total of 41 groups from schools, youth organisations and voluntary welfare agencies have been selected to participate in the forthcoming youth project competition on social welfare in Hong Kong.
Draws for the allocation of booths for the display were held at a recent meeting of representatives of these groups.
At the meeting at the Lady Trench Training Centre in Wanchai the group representatives were also briefed on other details connected with the exhibition.
Sone of the themes chosen include public assistance, probation services, services for the elderly, community work, training, and employment • • •
placement services for the disabled. The projects will go on display for three days at the Ocean Terminal beginning on the afternoon of Friday, May 18 The competition is organised by the Social Welfare Department
in co-operation with the Education Department and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service.
/11 .........
Thursday, May 10, 1973
- 11 -
Licence applications for the shipment of processed and manufactured foodstuffs and electrical products powered by mains supply will be accepted by the Commerce and Industry Department starting from May 25.
A spokesman for the department pointed out to exporters that separate licences would be required for the different items under licensing control as well as for exports and re-exports.
He said that shipping and airline companies had also been reminded of their obligation under the Import and Export Ordinance not to accept ’licensable cargo” without a valid export licence.
The reminders follow a recent announcement that all exports and re-exports of these products will be brought under licensing control with effect from June 1.
Thursday, May 10, 1973
- 12 -
A dispute involving some 120 retrenched employees of the Optimum Electronics Corporation Limited in Kwun Tong has been settled.
All monthly-paid and daily-paid employees today each received a month’s wages in lieu of notice and ten days’ wages in lieu of notice respectively. The total amount involved was about $47,500.
The factory dismissed all its monthly-paid and daily-paid employees last Thursday (Mayj). A series of conciliation meetings were subsequently held at the Kwun Tong Office of the Labour Relations Service of the Labour^ Department. As a result, agreement was reached on Tuesday.
******** • * / Note to Editors: The Chairman of the Government Lotteries
Management Committee, Mr. Kai-yin Chau, will give a press conference in the G.I.S. 16 mm theatre at 12 noon tomorrow (Friday).
He will announce details of the plan for the 1973 Government Lotteries.
A film produced by G.I.S. for the committee will also be shown.
........v Following the press conference a lunch party will be given by the committee at the City Hall Restaurant at 12.45 p.m.
Representatives of the press are cordially invited to attend.
Release Time: 7«3O p»m.
Friday, May 11, 1973
Page No,
New legislation to be introduced to help fight violent crime •••••• 1 Winners of 1973 Government Lotteries will get more prize money •••• 4 Three tenders for licences to operate new wireless TV stations • • • • 6 A new committee set up to study trade documents and procedures •••• 7 Sir Hugh Norman-Walker appointed Lt. Governor of Isle of Man •••••• 9 ’Keep Your Beaches Clean1 spectacular at Repulse Bay on Sunday •••• 9 Conference on accident prevention in the construction industry •••• 10 Austin Road to be extended to the Hung Hom Reclamation •••••••••••• 12 Legislation introduced to control employment agencies ............. 13 Tenders invited for the supply of sand .............................. 14
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Friday, May 11, 1973
A series Ox new measures to deal with criminals is to be introduced as part of the government’s effort to reduce violent crime in Hong Kong.
The new measures are contained in proposed new legislation, published in today’s gazette, and include wider powers of punishment for District Judges and certain Magistrates and a new type of sentence designed is to isolate habitual criminals for long periods from society.
Under a system of preventive detention envisaged in the Cri mi nnl Procedures (Amendment) Bill 1973» a person convicted of serious crimes on four or more occasions may, on the application of the Attorney General, be confined in a special institution for a period between five and 14 years
Tne length of sentence will be decided by the Supreme Court or the District Court. The persons liable to preventive detention under this system ore those who:-
* are not less than 25 years of age
* are convicted of an offence punishable with at least two years jail • •
* have been convicted on at least three previous occasions since the age of 17 of offences punishable with such a sentence
* were sentenced to a custodial sentence on at least two of those three previous occasions; and
* wore on one or more of the three previous occasions sentenced to not less than three years total imprisonment.
/The aim ........
Friday, May 11, 1973
- 2 -
The aim of these conditions is to make it clear that preventive detention will only be used as a last resort, when all other forms of punishment have failed to protect society against a person who has, in effect, become a professional criminal.
The Bill provides that a sentence of preventive detention will be in addition to any sentence imposed for the offence of which the accused has last been convicted.
In order to reduce the very large number of cases being tried by the Supreme Court and District Court, it is also proposed to arrange for more indictable offences to be tried summarily before magistrates* courts.
Provisions for this are made in the Magistrates (Amendment) Rill ^973 which seeks to empower the Chief Justice to appoint permanent magistrates as Principal Magistrates.
Inese will be magistrates of considerable experience and who wi11 have greater power of punishment.
Under this Billf they will be able to impose a maximum sentence of four years* imprisonment and a fine of $10,000, as against the two years* imprisonment and $10,000 fine which can be meted out by a permanent magistrate.
Tlie maximum aggregate total of consecutive sentences that can be imposed, waich is at present three years for permanent magistrates, will be increased to five years for Principal Magistrates.
It is also intended that some of the more serious cases presently tried in the Supreme Court should be tried in the District Court.
/To enable ......
Friday, May 11, 1973
- 3 -
To enable the District Court to deal adequately with such cases, the District Court (Amendment) Bill 1973 raises, from five to seven years the maximum sentence which may be imposed by a District Judge.
Another Bill, the Public Order (Amendment) Bill 1973? repeals and replaces the section in the ordinance dealing with the offence of possession of an offensive weapon in a public place, and widens the scope of the powers of punishment available to the courts when dealing with persons convicted under this section.
The main changes are:
* To permit a person over 13 but under 17 years to be » > • sentenced to corporal punishment or to detention in a training centre, if there is no room for him in a detention centre, as alternatives to imprisonment or a detention centre order.
* To allow persons aged 17 or over to be sentenced to corporal punishment, as an alternative to imprisonment or a detention order.
• • •
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Friday, May 14, 1973
- 4 -
Winners of the 1973 Government Lotteries will get more money this year* A new prize structure has been adopted to encourage more people to buy lottery tickets.
The Chairman of the Government Lotteries Management Committee, Mr. Chau Kaiwyin announced today that under the new system, the first prize will amount to 40 percent of the total income, 10 per cent higher than that of last year.
TThis means that if one million tickets are sold, the winner will get 3800f000t or 3200,000 more than last year,” he said.
There will be one second prize of 10 per cent of the total amount, compared with last year’s two per cent. On the sale of one million tickets, this winner would get 3200,000.
There will be five third prizes with each winner getting one percent of the total receipts.
In addition, 50 tickets will be drawn for special prizes, Each winner will get 0.1 per cent of the total income or 32,000, assuming again that one million tickets are sold.
”The ratio between prize value and proceeds to the Lottery Fund will remain unchanged/’ Mr. Chau said, ’’sixty per cent prizes and 40 per cent for proceeds.
Friday, May 11, 1973
- 5 -
Tickets for the first lottery are now available at banks and they will be on sale at the Royal Hong Kong Kockey Club offices from May 21.
The draw for the first lottery will be held on June 1 at the HK-TVB studio to be partly televised in the ’Enjoy Yourself Tonight* show.
Four HK-TVB personalities, Tam Bing-man, Lydia Shum, Yu Ming and Wong Oi-raing will draw the lucky numbers.
Friday, May 11, 1973
- 6 -
When tenders for licences to operate new wireless television stations in Hong Kong closed at noon today, three tenders had been received.
One of these was for the new dual channel service and two for the new single channel service.
The licences will run for a period of 15 years, subject to renewal on December 51 j 1980.
A government spokesman said today that in accordance with section
8 of the Television Ordinance, the Governor has appointed a committee to examine the tenders and make recommendations.
The chairman of the committee is the Secretary for Information
Mr. Jack Cater. The other members are the Deputy Financial Secretary,
Mr. D.G. Jeaffreson, who is vice chairman; the Director of Social Welfare,
Mr. F.K. Li; the Commissioner for Chinese Language, Mr. Christopher Wong;
Mr.B.G.. Jenney from the Colonial Secretariat; and Assistant District Commissioner, New Territories, Mrs. A. Chan. The Secretary is Mr. E.C. Whitby from the Colonial Secretariat.
The Committee members have been appointed on a personal basis and not as representatives of their departments.
The government’s technical experts in the telecommunications field will be consulted freely and the committee members will call on the Television Authority, Mr. Nigel Watt, and the Television Advisory Board for advice.
They will also consult other government departments on technical aspects of the tenders.
The spokesman said it was hoped to announce the names of the new licensees during August. Q
Friday, May 11, 1973
- 7 -
A new committee has been set up to study trade documents and procedures with a view to proposing improvements to help facilitate the flow of Hong Kong’s international trade.
Known as the Trade Facilitation Committee, it comprises representatives from a wide selection of export and manufacturing associations as well as from chambers of commerce, airline, shipping and banking organisations and government departments.
The Committee is chaared by Mr. I.R. Tomlin of the Hong Kong Exporters’ Association, with Mr. R.T. Griffiths of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce as the vice-chairman.
The secretary is Mr. Michael Wu, Assistant Trade Officer of the Commerce and Industry Department.
The new committee replaces the ad hoc committee known as the
Hong Kong Working Party on Simpler Trade Documents which was sot up six years ago under the sponsorship of the Trade Development Council.
At the Committee’s inaugural meeting on April 25, the Deputy Director of Commerce and Industry, Mr. J.D. McGregor, stressed the growing significance internationally of simplification and standardisation of • • • • • % trade documents and trade procedures.
He noted that almost all trading nations were cooperating through international agencies, such as the United Nations and the GATT, to bring about alignment of trade documents, and to simplify and standarise trade procedures.
/As far
Friday, May 11, 1973
- 8 -
As far as Hong Kong .concerned, he said, part of the work in this field necessarily involved .government participation at the international level and encourage/hent at the national level.
Mr. McGregor stressed that the increasing complexity of international trade merited the ’’closest consideration”, not only of documents, but also of the procedures which govern the conduct of trade.
Trade controls had tended to increase in recent years and these, together with the development of new port working techniques (in particular containerisation) made it necessary for trade procedures affecting imports and exports to be kept under continuous scrutiny by a properly authorised
and expert body
Friday, May 11, 197?
- 9 -
The Queen, on the recommendation of the Home Secretary, has approved the appointment of Sir Hugh Norman—Walker KCMG, OBE, as Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man in succession to Sir Peter Stallard KCMG, CVO, MBE.
The appointment will take effect towards the end of this year.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter and a
photographer to cover the launching of the Keep Your Beaches.Clean Campaign - part of the Clean Hong Kong Campaign - to be held at Repulse Bay on Sunday (May 13) at 11 a.m.
The launching will take the form of a variety show on the beach with a programme of singing and dancing by TVB artistes,as well as the reappearance of Lap Sap Chung.
Other attractions will include a helicopter "skyshout".
After the show, slogan-bearing beaoh balls, bags and caps will be distributed free.
Friday, May 11, 1975
- 10 -
Safety on Hong Kong building sites — or the lack of it — will be the subject of a special conference next Wednesday (May 16) being organised jointly by the Labour Department’s Industrial Safety Training Centre and Jardine Insurance.
About ^0 management representatives from leading Hong Kong construction companies will attend the day-long conference, which will be held in the Canton Road Government Offices, Kowloon.
The conference will be officially opened at 9*30 a.m. by Mr. Szeto Wai, Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council and one of Hong Kong’s best-known architects and engineers.
The agenda will include a series of papers, films, and discussion sessions specifically designed to illustrate different aspects of accident prevention on construction sites.
Mr. A.H. Carter, the Labour Department’s Industrial Safety Training Officer, will present the first paper, and Mr. David Lin, Assistant Commissioner of Labour, will conclude the conference with a paper entitled ’’Building Construction, Safety and The Law”.
4 ■ ,b • > • '
The conference is the first joint venture of its kind between the Labour Department and a major insurance company.
”We are delighted that Jardine Insurance has joined us in sponsoring this project,” Mr. Carter said today.
/’’Insurance •••••••••
Friday, May 11, 1973
- 11 -
”Insurance companies can play a very worthwhile role in the promotion of accident prevention in Hong Kong. By stressing the importance of industrial safety to their clients, and by encouraging them to take effective safety measures, insurance companies can not only help prevent deaths and injuries, but also make considerable financial savings both for their clients and for themselves.” . *•. /
Mr. T.T. Harley, Manager of Jardine Insurance, who is one of the speakers at the conference, said: "Most accidents on construction sites are* caused by carelessness, ignorance of hazards, and a lack of common-sense precautions.”
’’The toll in injuries and deaths is frightening. Last year 65 people were killed and 4,^35 injured - a very great number of them just for want of basic safety measures.
"The Industrial Safety Training Centre provides excellent facilities for instructing site supervisors in accident prevention methods and we hope this conference will persuade many construction companies to take advantage of these courses,” he said.
------ 0 --------' "
...................................................... /12........
Friday, May 11, 1973
- 12 -
A project has been designed to provide road access’'from Austin Road to the new railway terminus complex, the polytechnic and other development on the Hung Hom Reclamation.
A road bridge will be built-across the harbour tunnel toll plaza and will connect to the podium above the new .railway terminus now under construction,
Another road vzill extend westwards from the bridge to the junction of Austin Road and Chatham Road. Slip roads serving a loop road around the- tunnel toll plaza will also be constructed to form part of the Salisbury Road Extension. ..
Chatham Road at its junction with- Austin Road’ will be widened to improve the traffic flow.
The estimated cost of the project is 410,5 million. Work will commence in July and take about 18 months to complete.
• • - - 0 -------
Friday, May 11, 1973
- 13 -
The Employment (Amendment) Bill 1973 > which repeals part VII of the Employment Ordinance dealing with the registration of employment agencies, has been passed by the Legislative Council and was published in the gazette today. It will become effective in six months.
The Assistant Commissioner of Labour, Mrs. Soo Mok Sau-ha, said today that as from November 8 every employment agency which fell within the scope of the legislation would have to obtain a licence from the Commissioner of Labour.
"A non-profit-making agency may apply for a certificate of exemption, but it will still be governed by certain regulations," she said.
The legislation excludes certain types of employment agencies. In particular it excludes those dealing solely with domestic servants.
Mrs. Soo said that the fees chargeable by an agency from a job-seeker on first registration - and on subsequent registrations - would be limited to HK$3«00 per registration. The commission chargeable from a job-seeker on successful placement would be limited to 10 per cent of his first month’s wages.
The legislation also limits the fees chargeable by an agency from an employer for obtaining an employee, while tha commission chargeable from an employer on successfully obtaining for him an employee will be a matter of agreement between the employer and the agency.
Regulations under the legislation .are being made by the Executive Council.
Friday, May 11, 1975
- 14 -
Tenders are being invited for the supply of sand to the government from waters not adjacent to the coastline of Hong Kong.
The contract will be for a period of three years starting in July.
A spokesman for the Public Works Department explained today that sand for building purposes was only in exceptional cases taken from waters adjacent to Hong Kong’s coastline and then only from carefully selected sites.
"The reason for this is to preserve the amenities of Hong Kong’s coastline,” he said.
,fTo supply the large quantities of sand required to meet the demand,” he added, ”the successful contractor has therefore to have made prior arrangements with the appropriate Chinese authorities to dredge sand from deposits in waters not adjacent to the Hong Kong coastline®”
Building sand used in Hong Kong is mostly that dredged from the seabed by a contractor operating under a government contract.
The sand is sold to the public through the Sand Monopoly by the Public Works Department which has sand issuing depots on Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories.
Last year, 1.2 million cubic yards of sand was sold in this way.
The closing date for tenders is 12 noon on Friday, June 1.
Release Time: 8.00 p.n.
Saturday, Hay 12, 1973
Page No,
Kowloon will soon have its first all-weather swimming pool ••••«•••• 1
Jill premises in Shiu Fai Terrace will be without water for nine hours on Monday ....................................................... 2
Clearance work in connection with the straightening of the dangerous bends at Queensway starts next month ................................ 3
Hong Kong’s February accounts show a S174 million surplus.............. 4
Special housing office being set up to speed up Ngau Tau Kok clearance ......................... c
.................................•••••••••• >
The next ’’Meet the Media’’ session on Monday will focus on the Fight Violent Crime Campaign......................................... $
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, May 12, 1973
More Swimming Pod Complexes To Be Built
The first all-weather swimming pool in Kowloon will be built in Hung Hom.
The Finance Committee of the Legislative Council has approved funds of about 310 million to build the complex on a 3.6 acre site adjoining Hong Kong and Whampoa Docks in Tai Wan Road.
Part of the’ site has been reserved for development as a park.
The complex of standard design will consist of two major pools — designed in accordance with Olympic competitive standards — three teaching pools, a diving pool, a children’s pool and a paddling pool.
The main pool will be heated during winter months and its surroundin enclosed.
Like its counterpart at Morrison Hill, the temperature of the heated pool will be adjusted in accordance with air temperatures.
A spokesman for the Urban Council said the Morrison Hill pool complex had proved to be very popular since its opening last November.
’The average attendance is over 25,500 a month and this is increasing steadily,” he added.
The Tai Wan pool complex can accommodate 5,000 swimmers at any one time. It will have the usual facilities .such as changing rooms, showers, toilets, a refreshment cafe and a grandstand for 800 spectators.
In addition, it will have a separate entrance to facilitate handicapped swimmers.
/The.spokesman ••••••
Saturday, May 12, 1973
- 2 -
The spokesman said more swimming pool complexes, including some heated ones, were now being planned.
"When ready for the swimming season in 1976, the Tai Wan pool will be the ninth of its kind under the management of the Urban Council., We hope that by 1979 we will have about 15 separate public swimming pools and installations in total.”
He said the ultimate aim of the Council was to provide standardised pool installations in every district which had a population of about 250,000.
-------0 -------
All premises in the Shiu Fai Terrace and the Freni Memorial Convalescent Home on Stubbs Road will be without water for nine hours starting from 9 a.m< on Monday (May 14).
The interruption is to enable staff of the Waterworks Office to carry out works at Shiu Fai Terrace,
- - 0 - -
Saturday, May 12, 1973
- 3 -
The only remaining buildings standing in the way of the Cueensway realignment scheme will soon be demolished as part of the process to eliminate the dangerous road bends.
Demolition of the twelve buildings in the Old Naval Dockyard is expected to begin in the middle of next month and will take about three months to complete. Alterations will also be made to two adjacent structures.
Road improvement works, which include realignment of the tram tracks, will commence shortly thereafter for completion in mid-1975«
A spokesman for the Public Works Department said the buildings, formerly occupied by various government departments, were beyond economic repair and their demolition was a necessary part of the S5 million Queensway widening and realignment scheme.
Last June, two buildings near the Naval Terrace were pulled down and the site of one of them will be used to widen the road.
Saturday, May 12, 1973
- 4 -
The Hong Kong Government accounts for the month of February 1973 show a surplus of $174 million compared with a surplus of 8100 mil 1 ion in February last year.
This has resulted in a total surplus of $1,076 million for the first eleven months of the 1972-73 financial year.
Total revenue for the month at $493 million was $149 million more than in February 1972.
The total revenue foi* the first eleven months of the financial year 1972-73 at $4,438 million was $1,159 million more than the same period last year.
Total expenditure amounted to $321 million, an increase of 875 million over the same month last year-
This brings the total expenditure for the first eleven months of the financial year to $3,362 million, which was $823 million more than the same period last year,
0 - -
Saturday, May 12, 1973
- 5 -
The Housing Department will open a temporary office in Ngau Tau Kok Kaifong Welfare Association building on Monday (May 14) to speed up"'the' intake of residents from land to be cleared along Kwun Tong Road, into Lam Tin Public Housing Estate.
Housing Department staff.will also process factory owners from the area who are eligible for Government flatted factories and advise those who are not eligible on their removal problems»
Officers of the Labour Department will be there to help workers find alternative employment.
Clearance of the land is due to start on June 12 to make way for the construction of the main maintenance depot and administrative buildings of the Mass Transit Railway,
All 500 people who live in the area will be given accommodation. Those who do not qualify for public housing will be offered a licensed area site or transit accommccation,.
About 50 factory owners have been offered tenancies in the government « • * flatted factory at Kwai Chung and 10 shopkeepers will be paid an ex-gratia cash allowance up to 520,000.
Clearance notices were issued to occupiers on the site in March this year, but Crown Land permits in the area were cancelled overa long period.
The last cancellation took effect in September last year, and all undertakings were screened by Housing Department officers.
/6 --------
Saturday, May 12, 1973
- 6 -
Note to Editors: A ’Meet the Media’ session in connection
with the Fight Violent Crime campaign will be held in the G.I.S. theatre 5th floor, Beaconsfield House on Monday (May 14).
It will commence at 3*15 p.m. with a briefing by the Chief Police Information Officer, Mr. Ted Thomas, who will present a display of all the publicity material produced to date in connection with the campaign. After this, a panel composed of the following will answer questions:
Mr* Jack Cater, Secretary for Information;
Mr. P.C. Woo, Senior Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council;
Mr. C.P. Sutcliffe, Commissioner of Police;
Mr. I.F.C. Macpherson, District Commissioner, New Territories; Mr. J.M. Rowlands, Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs; and Mr. G.C. Thornton, Solicitor General.
You are invited to send your representatives to attend both Mr. Thomas’s briefing and the question and answer session by the panel. They should be in the theatre shortly before 3»15 p*nu
Release Time; 2.30 p.m.
Monday, May 14, 1973
Page No.
Macau ferry terminal to be air conditioned and improved as short term measure. Long term development envisages new complex ...................................................... 1
Urban Council health inspectors to pay more attention to perishable foodstuff with the onset of the hot weather •••• J
Tsuen Wan becomes Hong Kong’s fourth smoke control area from tomorrow ................................................ 4
Figures released today reflect the extremely poor response to the current anti-measles campaign ............... ......... 5
Simple precautionary measures could eliminate many building accidents and reduce the high number of casulties......... 6
Director of Commerce and Industry to visit two factories in
Kwun Tong on Wednesday...................................... 7
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Monday, May 14, 1973
- 1 -
Short term measures to improve conditions at the Macau Ferry terminal in Central will begin later this year, r
The work, costing about $1 million, will involve the provision of more comfortable facilities for passengers and more spacious office accommodation within the existing building.
At the same time, the covered way from the arrival-departure hall to the hydrofoil waiting area will be extended, and various offices on the landward side of the hall will be removed.
Air conditioning and toilet facilities for the passenger processing areas will be installed and a new transformer house will be built to meet the increased demand for electricity.
The reprovisioning of the office accommodation will provide a total covered area of about 16,000 square feet for passengers waiting to enter the terminal.
The work should begin in September and take about 12 months to complete.
However, preliminary proposals are already under consideration to replace the existing terminal with a modern complex to solve accommodation and passenger movement problems on a long term basis.
The proposal envisages a new building on the existing site to cater for all requirements well into the 1980*s with the present type of ferry transport -
It takes into consideration the possible annual passenger traffic of 5.5 million by 1977.
/Departments .........
Monday, May 14, 1973
- 2 -
Departments involved are now drawing up their requirements and it is hoped that the proposals can be submitted to the Public Works Sub-Committee in August this year.
However, it is anticipated that a new terminal complex will not be completed until 1976 or 1977 and the improvements, which will start this year, will be necessary to ease the present conditions.
•------0 - - - -
Monday, May 14, 1973
- 3 -
Health Inspectors of the Urban Council are to make more frequent inspections of foodstuff in licensed food premises with the onset of the hot weather.
A spokesman for the council pointed out today that the inspectors had to work harder to protect public health as food was easily spoilt in the not and humid weather.
Last year regular visits were made to over 10,000 licensed restaurants, food factories and fresh provision shops in Hong Kong to ensure that the premises were kept to the required health standards.
Proprietors who violated the regulations were first given a warning. If this was ignored they were then prosecuted.
Samples of milk, frozen confection and other foodstuff were also taken away for bacteriological examination and chemical analysis.
’’Sub-standard food and drinks are destroyed. About 270 tons of food unfit for human consumption were destroyed last year,” the spokesman added.
Monday, May 14, 1973
Tsuen Wan tomorrow (May 15) becomes Hong Kong’s fourth Smoke Control Area. It was gazetted as such on March 16.
Members of the public were given 21 days to make recommendations or objections to the declaration, but according to Mr. K. Higginson, Smoke Abatement Adviser of the Labour Department, no objections had been received.
He said he had already advised fuel users in Tsuen Wan of the declaration and the necessary precautions to make.
"Beginning tomorrow, Smoke Inspectors will be out patrolling Tsuen Wan to make sure everyone complies with the law," he said.
"Under the law, an occupier of any premises within a smoke control area who operates any furnace, oven or chimney which emits dark smoke for more than six minutes in any period of four hours, or for more than three minutes continuously at any one time, is liable to a $2,000 fine, plus a $50 fine for every 15 minutes during the whole or any part of which the offence continues," he said<
Mr. Higginson pointed out that the emission of smoke darker than the legal level was a result of incomplete combustion.
"Anyone who wants free technical advice on how to avoid the problem can contact officers of my unit by ringing 5-688924 or 5-688954 during office hours," he said.
^hree other areas have already been gazetted as smoke control areas -Kwun Tong in 1960, Sha Tin in 1962 and North Point in 1964.
Monday, May 14, 1973
- 5 -
Only 1,182 doses of vaccine were administered to children during the fifth week of the current anti-measles campaign.
This compares with over 1,600 doses administered during the fifth week of a similar campaign last year and shows poor response from parents who fail to appreciate the danger of the disease.
A spokesman for the Medical and Health Department said many parents still think that an attack of measles is inevitable to every chiid„ r,In fact measles, like smallpox, is infectious and can be prevented by vaccination," the spokesman said.
In the five weeks to May 5 since the current campaign began, a total of only 3,996 doses has been given. At this stage in last year’s campaign the total was more than double, at 8,375 and that campaign was not considered successful.
"Parents must recognise that measles is a potentially fatal disease," the spokesman said.
Over 23,000 children between the ages of six months and five years were reported to have suffered from the disease during the past 10 years and just under 2,200 died as a result.
During the current campaign, free measles vaccine is available at all maternal and child health centres as well as at 25 fixed centres set up in housing estates, health offices, government clinics, dispensaries and hospitals.
The vaccine itself is safe and effective. Only one injection is required and it will give protection to the child for at least five years.
" °-------- /6..................
Monday, May 14, 1973
- 6 -
Two workers were killed and 32? injured last month in accidents on construction sites, according to figures released today by the Labour Department.
Nearly half the victims were injured when tripping over objects, falling from heights or being struck by falling objects.
The Industrial Safety Training Officer of the Labour Department, Mr. A.H. Carter, said that most of the accidents could have been avoided had managements taken some elementary precautionary measures.
’’All worksites must have adequate and safe means of access,” he said.
’’Waste and rubbish should never be allowed to accumulate. Items left lying loosely on working platforms are posing a constant danger to the workers and must either be removed or safely secured.”
Mr. Carter stressed that management should put more emphasis on accident prevention which would not only help to reduce the number of accidents but also help to increase productivity.
As part of its drive to increase awareness of the need for safety precautions on building sites, the Labour Department, in conjunction with Jardine Insurance, will hold a safety conference on Wednesday (May 16) at the Industrial Safety Training Centre in Canton Road Government Offices Building, Kowloon, for 40 management representatives from leading Hong Kong construction firms.
Mr. Carter said that proper safety training was of the utmost importance in helping workers to identify and remove the prevailing hazards in industry, especially on construction sites.
”Managements should encourage their employees to take advantage of the training courses offered free of charge by the Industrial Safety Training Centre,” he said.
- - 0 -
Monday, May 14, 1973
- 7 -
Note to Editors: Mr. E.P. Ho, Director of Commerce and
Industry, will be visiting two factories in Kvnm Tong on Wednesday (May 16).
This is the first in a series of visits by Mr. Ho to observe actual day-to-day work in the factories.
He will arrive at the Chuang’s Cutlery (Holdings) Ltd. at 10.15 a.m., where he will be received by Dr. Chuang Chung-wen, the Managing Director, and taken on a tour of the factory.
This will be followed by a visit to the Hollywood Knitwear Factory Ltd.
Your are invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the visits. Chuang’s Cutlery (Holdings) Ltd. is located at 49-51 Hung To Road, and the Hollywood Knitwear Factory Ltd. at 174 Wai Yip Street, 4th floor, Blocks A and B.
Release time: 7«0Q p.m.
Tuesday, riay 15, 1973
Page No<
Irrigation systems in parts of Tai Po and Sai Kung being improved in connection with the High Island Water Scheme ..................... 1
Temporary water stoppage in Causeway Bay on Thursday .............• 2
Expert to give advice on the use of computers for simplifying trade procedures and documents ............................................ 3
Two new flyovers to be built over the Garden Road roundabout ••••••• 4
Copper-ware workers to receive higher wages......................... 5
Tsan Yuk Social Centre to hold functions in celebration of anniversary and change of name ................................................. 6
New traffic arrangements to be introduced in Connaught Road Central to facilitate traffic flow.................................... .... 7
Conference on accident prevention in the construction industry to be opened tomorrow.................................................. 8
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, May 15, 1973
- 1 -
A comprehensive programme is now being carried out in connection with the High Island Water Scheme to improve irrigation systems in parts of the Tai Po and Sai Kung Districts.
The programme involves the building and reconstruction of a large network of diversion dams, irrigation channels and pipe-lines to convey water to some 1,100 acres of agricultural land.
Before commencement of the various intake works for the HIWS programme, an extensive survey of land and water sources was carried out in the farm areas in order to reserve an adequate amount of water according to the existing acreage, land use pattern and potential development.
Considerable effort was then devoted to planning, design work, cost estimating and programming for the introduction of improved irrigation facility es.
Mr. P.Y. Tang, engineer of the Agriculture and Fisheries Department said the improved irrigation systems will ensure a more economical use and even distribution of water by minimising the chances of leakage and the resultant loss of water.
The programme, which began in 1971, is expected to be completed in 1975*
The cost of the whole project is estimated at $6.9 million. So far, $1,221,000 has already been spent on irrigation works in Tai Mong Tsai, Sha Kok Mei,Shatin Wai, Ngau Pei Shan and Siu Lek Yuen.
. • - /In Siu.........
Tuesday, May 15, 1973 - 2 -
In Siu Lek Yuen, for example, ?6 diversion dams, 18,000 feet of irrigation channels and 10,000 feet of irrigation pipeline will be built at a cost of about $760,000.
Diversion dams, built across rivers, will raise the water level enabling the water to flow into the fields along channels or through pipelines.
The dams are equipped with check gates and floodways to regulate the flow of water to meet the varying irrigation needs throughout the year.
Each irrigation system consists of a diversion dam, a channel and a pipeline or simply a pipeline on its own. The dams and the channels are built in concrete and the pipelines consist of galvanized iron piping.
Surveys are continuing for further irrigation improvements for other areas in the two districts.
A number of premises in the Causeway Bay area will be without a water supply for five hours from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. on Thursday (May 17).
The temporary stoppage is to allow staff of the Waterworks Office to carry out a leakage test in the area.
The area affected will be bounded by Link Road, Hoi Ping Road, Hysan Avenue, Yun Ping Road, Pennington Street, Irving Street, Keswick Street, Leighton Road from Yee Wo Street to Caroline Hill Road, Haven Street, Caroline Hill Road and part of Eastern Hospital Road including Tung Wah Eastern Hospital and the Hong Kong Stadium.
....... .......0---------
Tuesday, May 15, 1973
- 3 -
A British expert in the use of computers for simplifying trade procedures and documents will arrive in Hong Kong on Thursday (May 17) to familiarise businessmen and officials on the latest developments in this field.
He is Mr. Don Trafford, the Electronic Data Processing Manager of the U.K. Simplification Of International Trade Procedures Board (SITPRO).
A spokesman for the newly-formed Hong Kong Trade Facilitation Committee said today that Sitpro had already done a great deal of work on computer applications in trade facilitation.
During his briefings — to be attended by businessmen, representatives of trade associations and government officials — Mr. Trafford will present a "demonstration package” of a computer processing Scheme developed for the London Airport.
It was considered that the expansion of cargo movement through the airport would, in time, force an unacceptable slowing down in the handling of airfreight and the system was introduced as a means of overcoming the limitations imposed by conventional paper systems.
Mr. Ian Tomlin, the chairman of the Hong Kong Trade Facilitation Committee,•today•welcomed Mr. Trafford’s visit and said that the application of automatic data processing and advanced data transmission techniques ”to information flows in international trade” was assuming a growing significance.
Because of this, he said, it was important that Hong Kong, being so dependent on trade, should keep fully abreast of all developments in this area.
-------o--------- /4.........
Tuesday, Hay 15 j 1973
- 4 -
Two new flyovers will be built over the Garden Road roundabout to cater for the increasing volume of traffic in the Mid-Levels area.
One of the flyovers will carry eastbound traffic from Robinson Road over the roundabout to Magazine Gap Road, and the other will take northbound traffic from Magazine Gap Road to Garden Road.
The carriageways will have a standard width of 12 feet providing single lane traffic.
Ground level roads in the vicinity will also be widened as a part of the improvement scheme.
Construction of the two flyovers is expected to begin towards the end of the year. The estimated cost is 84 million.
Tuesday, May 15 j 1973
- 5 -
Workers in the copper-ware trade are to receive wage increases of between 15 and 18 per cent.
Representatives of the Hong Kong and Kowloon Copper-ware Union * and the Hong Kong and Kowloon Copper-ware Merchants Association today signed a collective agreement on wage increases in the presence of officers of the
Labour Department.
This agreement, retrospective to April 16, provides for new piece rates for some JOO items of copper-ware.
Union demands for a wage increase of from 20 to 25 per cent were first put forward in early March.
The Labour Relations Service of the Labour Department was called in to conciliate in the dispute in early April when direct negotiation failed to bring about a compromise.
Two meetings between the parties concerned were subsequently held at the office of the Labour Relations Service.
Settlement was reached on April 12 whereby it was agreed that a collective agreement giving effect to the terms of settlement should be drawn up this month, i ------------------------------------o--------- . ... - • •
Tuesday, May 15, 1973
- 6 -
The Tsan Yuk Social Centre is to be renamed the Western District Community Centre later this week.
A special ceremony to mark the occasion will be held on Thursday (May 17) to coincide with the 12th anniversary of the centre.
Presentations of certificates of commendation to volunteers and prizes to winners of the Western District Drawing Competition will also be held.
Officials from different organisations in the district and the Social Welfare Department will officiate.
The programme will include an exhibition on the work of the centre which members of the public may be able to see any time from 3 to 10 p.m. that day.
The young members of the Tsan Yuk Social Centre have also organised three functions for Saturday, May 19* as part of the anniversary celebrations. These are a fun-fair for 5^ children, a party for 120 senior residents of the district and a variety show and youth ball for 150 young people.
The centre is one of the community/social centres run by the Social Welfare Department and is situated in Western Street, Sai Ying Poon.
At the moment, it has a total membership of 760 and is used daily by an average of about 1,300 people.
Noto to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter and/or
photographer to cover the celebrations which begin at 3 p.m. on Thursday, May 17, 1973.
-------0--------- /7 .......................
Tuesday, May 15, 1973
New arrangements for both motorists and pedestrians will come into operation in Connaught Road Central on Friday (May 18) morning with the introduction of traffic signals at the junction of Connaught Road and Pedder Street*
Westbound traffic on Connaught Road Central turning into Edinburgh Place will be diverted further westwards to make a U-turn at the new traffic signals and then by a left turn into Edinburgh Place via the eastbound lanes of Connaught Road.
The present gap in the central divider of Connaught Road opposite Edinburgh Place will be closed.
Pedestrians wanting to cross Connaught Road Central at Edinburgh Place will have to go by the subway to the east of the Mandarin Hotel. The pedestrian signals and crossing at Edinburgh Place will be removed.
The new arrangements, which will improve the flow of traffic in the area, will come into force at 10.30 a.m. on Friday.
Tuesday, May 15, 1973
- 8 -
Note to editors: At 9«3O tomorrow morning (Wednesday,
May 16) Mr. Szeto Wai, will officially open a special one-day conference on "Accident Prevention in the Construction Industry" at the Industrial Safety Training Centre of the Labour Department in Canton Road Government Offices, 3rd floor, Kowloon.
The conference, jointly organised by the Training Centre and Jardine Insurance, is the first such effort between private enterprise and the department, and follows recent sharp rises in accidents in the construction industry.
You are invited to send a reporter/ photographer to cover the occasion.
Release time: 7.00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 16, 1973
Page No.
The Governor expresses intense interest in the provision of proper housing for the people of Hong Kong and encourages residents to confront crine ..................................................... 1
Industrial accidents cost Hong Kong industry nearly $150 million annual1y • e 4
Australian prison expert to speak about his impressions of Hong Kong’s prison system................................................. 6
Volunteer social workers in Sau Mau Ping to inform residents of good neighbour project ............................................. y
The Government Lotteries Management Committee chairman to visit the Mary Stanton Centre for girls .................................. 8
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, May 16, 1973
The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, said today that the way to ’’master crime” was to confront it not be dismayed by it.
”To have ease of mind you must feel safe. Therefore I urge you to participate to the full in the anti-crime campaign,” he said.
Sir Murray, who made the remarks during a visit to the Shek Kip Mei rehousing scheme, also expressed his ’’intense interest” in the provision of proper housing for the people of Hong Kong.
’’Redevelopment of the old resettlement estates is a part of this programme, and a part that involves many complex, technical and administrative and above all personal problems,” he said.
The first stage of the Shek Kip Mei redevelopment was the first time these problems had to be faced in this form.
Since October last year, nearly 11,000 domestic tenants and kk shopkeepers have been transferred from six blocks of the old estate to the nearby Pak Tin estate to complete this first stage.
Units in the vacated blocks will be converted into self-contained flats, and it was one of the first to be converted that Sir Murray saw today.
The Governor said that at present there were about 500,000 people living in old estates in need of redevelopment.
Although this scheme only rehouses 10,000 people, many lessons have been learnt that will be of great help in the later stages of the Shek Kip Mei rehousing scheme and in similar schemes elsewhere, he said.
/”I am here ••••••
Wednesday, May 16, 1973
- 2 -
"I am here to express my personal interest in this programme and to confirm for myself that the problems have been solved,” Sir Murray added«
Earlier, the Secretary for Housing, Mr. I.M. Lightbody, said that when Sir Murray last visited Shek Kip Mei in December 1971 the rehousing scheme was a paper concept and was explained to the Governor by means of a J • I , ) ( I • 1 • 1 •'
scale model.
”At that time”, he said, ”the problem of how to get people, deeply rooted in Shek Kip Mei, to move into Pak Tin reception estate stood huge and unresolved ahead of us.”
’’Today, 18 months later, I am glad to say that that problem is far behind us”.
There has already been an overwhelmingly favourable response from the 4,800 tenants from blocks 3 and k in the current phase of the rehousing scheme. ’’This happy result is much better than expected and it raises our hopes for rapid progress in similar schemes to redevelop other old estates,” Mr. Lightbody said.
The following is the full text of the Governor’s speech;
’’Thank you. I am indeed intensely interested in the provision of proper housing for the people of Hong Kong, and you know the programme that has been prepared.
’’Redevelopment of the old resettlement estates is a part of this r programme, and a part that involves many complex, technical and administratis and above all personal problems.
/’’The first
Wednesday, May 16, 1973
"The first stage of the Shek Kip Mei redevelopment is the first time these problems have had to be faced in this form.
"There are at present about 500»000 people living in old estates in need of redevelopment. This scheme which only rehouses 10,000 people is thus only the first step in 50. But you know the Chinese saying that with all endeavours it is the beginning that is difficult.
"I am sure that in making this beginning you have learnt many lessons. These will be of great help in the later stages of the Shek Kip Mei rehousing scheme and in similar schemes elsewhere.
"I am here to express my personal interest in this programme, and to confirm for myself that the problems have been solved. I congratulate you all on their solution, and I say this equally to the staff of the Housing Department, the Kaifong Welfare Association, the tenants themselves and to all the others involved.
"There is now a prospect for a better life for everyone in this fine new building. To have ease of mind you must feel safe. Therefore I urge you to participate to the full in the anti-crime campaign. Do not be dismayed by crime, but confront it. This is the way to master it. The campaign managers will explain to you how to do this, and I look for your full support. You can certainly rely cn mine."
Wednesday, May 16, 1973
- 4 -
$150 MILLION - ACCIDENT BILL FOR HK INDUSTRY * ♦ ♦ « ♦ * * ♦ * * *
Hong Kong’s construction industry can no longer afford to pay the tremendous cost in life, injuries and hard cash of its soaring accident rate, Mr. Szeto Wai said today.
He said that last year 65 people were killed on construction sites — a 51 per cent increase over the 1971 figures. Another 4,435 were injured, 15 per cent more than in the previous year.
Accidents in the industry were now accounting for a quarter of all industrial accidents throughout Hong Kong, he said.
Last year they cost the construction industry some 130,000 man-days, and it was estimated that the total bill was in the region of 340 million.
Mr. Szeto, Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council and one of Hong Kong’s best—lenown architects and engineers, was officially opening a one-day conference on Accident Prevention in the Construction Industry at the Labour Department’s Industrial Safety Training Centre in Canton Road Government Offices Building, Kowloon.
The conference — the first of its kind jointly sponsored by the Labour Department and a major insurance company — was arranged by the Industrial Safety Training Centre and Jardine Insurance.
About 40 senior management representatives from leading Hong Kong construction companies took part.
Mr. Szeto said the conference aimed at encouraging the management of construction companies to reduce the accident toll by implementing strict safety measures on worksites.
/He pointed .......
Wednesday, May 16, 1973
He pointed out that last year’s compensation bill was expected to exceed the 34 million paid out to injured workers in 1971* But this was only the tip of the iceberg.
Experience showed the total cost of accidents was as much as 10 times the amount paid out in compensation — taking into account such factors as loss of output by both the injured workers and other workers; the time taken for investigation; administrative time taken to deal with the matter; possible recruitment of new staff, and so forth.
And apart from accidents which involved injuries, there were the huge number of accidents — many of them never reported to the management — which damaged plant, equipment and property, raw materials and semi-finished or finished work.
Mr. Szeto said managements were still inclined to think that the responsibility for accident prevention rested solely with the government•
But, he stressed, from both a moral and a business standpoint,* it was obviously a major management function.
,TThe total accident bill per year for the construction industry will be in the region of #40 million", he said.
’Tor Hong Kong industry as a whole, the bill escalates to nearly 3150 million. And I must stress that this is a price we cannot afford to pay. "
Wednesday, May 16, 1975
- 6 -
Note to Editors: The Commissioner of Corrective Services of
New South Wales, Australia, Mr. W.R. McGeechan, is currently visiting Hong Kong at the invitation of the Commissioner of Prisons, Mr. T. Gamer.
During his stay, Mr. McGeechan has been touring a number of Hong Kong’s correctional facilities, including Stanley Prison, the Staff Training Institute, the Victoria Detention Centre, and the Tai Lam Addiction Treatment Centre.
Mr. McGeechan, who is also in charge of probation and parole in New South Wales, has visited Hong Kong once before. His current visit is part of a European tour and is in answer to an invitation extended to him by Mr. Garner during the latter’s visit to New South Wales last September.
Mr. McGeechan will be holding a Press conference at 12 noon tomorrow (Thursday) when he will talk of his observations here.
You are cordially invited to send representatives to attend the conference which will be held in the G.I.S theatre on the fifth floor of Beaconsfield House.
Television cameramen are requested to arrive early to set up their equipment.
-------0 --------
Wednesday, May 16, 1973
- 7 -
Volunteer social workers in Sau Mau Ping (South) are to begin an experimental project from June 1 to keep residents informed of social services provided in the estate welfare building there*
Block 22 of Sau Mau Ping (South) has been chosen for the experiment. A number of voluntary workers who live there will be meeting the residents and explaining to them what type of services are available.
The project has been planned by the Management Committee of Sau Mau Ping (South) Estate Welfare Building.
On Friday (May 18) a ceremony will be held in the welfare building to inaugurate the project which forms part of the first anniversary celebrations of the building. In addition, there will be a variety show and distribution of certificates to volunteers.
An invitation football match between Kowloon Motor Bus and Sau Mau Ping United Team has also been arranged as part of the celebrations. This will be held in the estatefs football pitch on Saturday evening (May 19)•
Noty to. Editors: You are invited to cover the inauguration
ceremony and celebrations which begin at 8 p.m. on Friday (May 18) at the hall of the Sau Mau Ping (South) Estate Welfare Building.
Wednesday, May 16, 1973
- 8 -
*♦♦ ♦♦♦»♦
Note to Editors: The chairman of the Government Lotteries
Management Committee and the Mother Superior of the Mary Stanton Centre for Girls have extended a joint invitation to the Press to visit the Mary Stanton Centre for Girls at j>07, Mam Long Shan Road, Aberdeen on Friday (May 18).
The centre, run by the Good Shepherd Sisters, has received a grant of over $1 million from the Lotteries Fund.
The visit is part of the current drive to promote government lotteries.
Photographers will be permitted to take pictures at the centre but they are asked to co-operate by not taking full face photographs of the girls or publish any photograph which may reveal their identity.
Transport will be provided. Your representatives should assemble at Queen’s Pier not later than 9.50 a.m. A GIS officer will be present to assist.
Release, t ime: 7.00 p. m.
Thursday, May 1?, 1973
Page No*
A group of six water experts from the Kwangtung Water Authority to visit Hong Kong next week ....................................... 1
Cost of living last month remains stable, according to the General Consumer Price Index................................................ 2
Special measures being adopted by the Buildings Ordinance Office to clear backlog of building applications ........................ 3
Inland Revenue Commissioner denies report that drastic action is being taken to tax the profits of habitual traders on Hong Kong’s stock exchanges ...........................................*•••*•••• 5
The Commission looking into the Certificated Masters dispute seeking information from interested parties *....................... 6
More ’’lucky” car numbers to be auctioned next Wednesday *.......... 7
The Director of Social Welfare to open youth project exhibition ••• 8
Three residential sites in the New Territories to be put up for sale............................................................... 10
Temporary water cuts in Mid-Levels and Western District •••••••*••* 11
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, May 17, 1973
- 1 -
Six senior officials of the Kwangtung Water Authority will arrive
in Hong Kong on Monday (May 21) for a seven-day visit as guests of the Director of Public Works, Mr. James Robson, who invited them here on behalf of the Hong Kong Government.
Mr. Robson said today that the visit was in reciprocation for his week’s stay in Canton in November last year.
”1 am delighted that the have now been made final1’, he commented, ”V/e’re looking forward to showing these visiting colleagues some of our main installations and projects and to a further exchange of technical information.”
The six men will be led by Mr. Wang Yung, the Director of the
East River-Shumchun Water Supply Project Administration Bureau of Kwangtung
The other five members of the party are: Mr. TANG Te-chun,
Principal Water Engineer of the Bureau of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Kwangtung Province; Mr. MA En-yao, Engineer of the same Bureau;
Mr. BI xe-lzuang, Engineer of the East River-Shumchun Water Supply Project Administration Bureau; Mr. YUAN Liu, Engineer of the East River-Shumchun Bureau; and Mr. CHANG Chingsping, Secretary and Interpreter.
The programme of the visit will include tours of the Plover Cove Reservoir, the desalter site at Luk On Pai and other Waterworks undertakings•
The group will also pay visits to other engineering projects and provision has been made to enable them to meet leading figures in the community in the course of private entertainment during the social side of their visit.
0 - -
Thursday, May 17, 1973
2 -
The cost of living in Hong Kong remained fairly stable last month, according to the latest General Consumer Price Index.
The index for April was 15^-, the same as that for the previous month.
Decreases of one point each were recorded in the indexes for foodstuffs and services. On the other hand, there was a rise of six points in the index for durable goods -
Increases of one point each were recorded in the index for housing and the index for alcoholic drink and tobacco, while movements in other sections of commodity were insignificant.
Compared with March 1973, the average retail price of rice, fish, beef, poultry and fresh fruits dropped. But there were increases in the prices of fresh vegetables, other meat and eggs.
The increase in housing charges pushed up the index for housing by one point and a similar increase was recorded in the alcoholic drink and tobacco index brought about by a revision in the prices of Chinese wines.
The index for durable goods rose by six points mainly as a result of higher prices for wooden furniture and the drop in the index for services followed the abolition of the entertainment tax, resulting in a lowering of charges at cinemas.
The Modified Consumer Price Index for April was 159, the same as that for the previous month, and 23 points higher than for the corresponding month last year.
-------o--------- /5.........
Thursday, May 17, 1973
- 3 -
M******** ♦
Special measures are being introduced to clear the backlog of building applications in the Buildings Ordinance Office.
The Building Authority announced today that for a period of about six weeks, starting from now, the B.0.0. will be inspecting plans on the basis of a general rather than a detailed examination.
A spokesman for the Office emphasised that the temporary speed-up of procedures will in no way affect the rigorous checking of all plans to ensure structural stability and hillside site stability which is being carried out now; ’’safety factors will continue to be regarded as the first priority".
In fact, he said, it is proposed to strengthen the resources of the team of engineers now engaged on this work within the Buildings Ordinance Office by taking on consultants to supplement their efforts.
In addition, the systematic checking and inspection of construction work on site, and the testing of materials as and when necessary, will continue, the spokesman said<
The usual practice of a physical inspection before an Occupation Permit is issued will not be affected.
AU authorised architects have been informed of this^temporary variation in procedures in a circular letter from the Building Authority (the Director of Public Works, Mr. J.J. Robson).
/The letter.......
Thursday, May 17, 1973
- 4 -
The letter points out that the temporary measures will have the effect of emphasising the duties and responsibilities of architects.
Ur. Robson adds: ’’All buildings under construction are subject to rigorous checks by officers of the B.0.0. and I cannot stress too highly the importance I attach to the role of the authorised architect in not only ensuring that no contraventions of the Buildings Ordinance occur during construction but also in ensuring that he, himself, has sought and obtained all relevant information to ensure the viability of the project.”
Thursday, May 1?, 1973
- 5 -
The Cormnissioner of Inland Revenue, Mr. F.E. Rainbow, today denied a newspaper report, attributed to his department, alleging that drastic action would be taken to tax the profits of habitual traders on Hong Kong’s four stock exchanges.
Commenting on the report, he recalled that the Financial Secretary, Mr. C.P. Haddon-Cave, had referred in his budget speech to the appointment of Inland Revenue staff to ’’make inquiries into the activities of hahi tual dealers with a view to establishing that they are carrying on businesses or ’adventures in the nature of trade’, thereby bringing their rewards into charge for profits tax”.
”We have already taken steps to establish a section to deal with such cases,” Mr. Rainbow said. ’’But naturally we cannot disclose our sources of information.
’’Certainly we have no team of inspectors extracting information from stockbrokers, as alleged.
’’The team of inspectors assigned to stockbrokers’ offices are there solely to check on stamp duty.
”We have taken steps, yes, but to suggest that these are drastic may create unnecessary misgiving that we are resorting to extreme and unprecedented measures.
’’The steps we are taking are the normal ones wo would take to identify and assess any person carrying on any kind of trade or business,” Mr. Rainbow stressed.
Thursday, May 17, 1973
- 6 -
The special Commission appointed by the Governor to examine and report on the underlying causes of the Certificated Masters dispute would like to contact interested parties including organisations and individuals. In an advertisement published in local English and Chinese language newspapers, the Commission says it is anxious to hear from any person interested in these matters, either by letter or at a meeting to be mutually-arranged.
The Commission, which held its first meeting on Tuesday (May 15) will meet regularly until its work is complete.
The Chairman is Mr. T.K. Ann, a member of the Legislative Council and a leading industrialist. Its members are Bishop Francis Hsu, the Catholic Bishop of Hong Kong, and Miss B.M, Kotewall, the Headmistress of St. Paul’s Co-Educational College.
The terms of reference of the Commission are:
To examine the underlying causes of the dispute which has arisen between the Certificated Masters in Government and aided schools and the Government, including existing channels of communication and promotion prospects; and To advise on what measures, apart from the newly announced salary scales, should be taken to obviate a recurrence of such a dispute affecting teachers employed in government and aided schools.
Any person interested in these matters are invited to contact Miss Yuk, Secretary to Mr. Ann, by phoning 5-228396 to arrange a meeting, or write to P.O. Box 6128, Tsim Sha Tsui.
-------0 - - - -
Thursday, May 17, 1973
7 -
The second public auction of ’’lucky’* car numbers will be held on Wednesday (May 23) when 30 of the special vehicle registration numbers will be offered for sale.
The auction will start at 5-30 p.m. in the canteen of the Central Government Offices (West Wing), 7th floor, Lower Albert Road, Hong Kong. Successful bidders will be required to pay in cash or by cheque immediately after the bidding. Proceeds of the auction will be paid to the Government Lotteries Fund for charitable purposes.
More than $300,000 was raised at the first auction on May 9 when 50 “lucky” numbers were sold, and a third auction is scheduled to be held in about a fortnight’s time.
On Wednesday, the following registration numbers will be on sale?
826 834 861 875 894
AS 1 AS 2 AS 3 AS 4 AS 11
AS 33 AS 55 AS 77 AS 80 AS 90
AS100 AS200 AS222 AS567 AS666
AS 777 AS789 AS888 AS999 AS1234
AS23/t5 AS3333 AS4567 AS6000 AS9000
The vehicle registration mark will be assigned only to a vehicle which is registered in the name of the successful bidder within 12 months from the date of the auction.
Thursday, May 17, 1975
- 8 -
The Director of Social Welfare, Mr. F.K. Li, will officially open an exhibition of the youth project competition on social welfare tomorrow (Friday) afternoon.
Judging of the displays will take place prior to the opening. This will be done by a panel of four judges, comprising Miss Monica Yu of the Hong Kong Social. Workers Association; Mr. Y.F. Hui, of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service; Mr. G.W. Parry of the Education Department, and Miss Annie Chan of the Social Welfare Department.
Ur. Leo Lee, Managing Director of the Tung Tai Trading Corporation, has donated $3,000 towards the co£t of educational or recreational equipment as prizes.
The first prize will be equipment worth $1,000, the second, $600 and the third, $400. In addition, there vzill be 10 consolation prizes of equipment worth $100 each.
The exhibition is sponsored jointly by the Social Welfare Department, the Education Department, and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and will be held in the Ocean Terminal.
The aim of the competition was to arouse young people’s interest in local, social, and community affairs, to help them gain a better understandin of social welfare services and to encourage them to contribute towards the community.
/The exhibition .......
Thursday, May 17, 1973
- 9 -
The exhibition will last until Sunday.
Note to Editors: You are invited to cover the opening ceremony
tomorrow (Friday) at 4*30 p»m. Mr. James Marshall, Public Relations Officer, Social Welfare Departmentf will be on hand to assist the press.
Copies of Mr. Li’s speech in English and Chinese • will be available at the ceremony and also in the G.I.S, press boxes later that evening.
- - - - 0 -------
Thursday, May 17, 1973
- 10 -
Three lots of Crown land in the New Territories will be put up for auction on June 4.
Of the three lots, two are on Clear Water Bay Road — one at Silver Strand the other at Ta Kwu Ling — with an area of 17,600 sq. ft. and 17,000 sq* ft. respectively.
The other lot, covering 10,000 sq. ft., is at Tai Mong Tsai, Sai Kung* All three are for private residential purposes*
The auction will be held at 2.30 p.m. in the Sai Kung District Office, San Po Kong Government Offices, Kowloon.
Thursday, May 17, 1973
- 11 -
A number of premises in the Mid-levels area and Western District on Hong Kong Island will be without water for five hours from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. on Saturday (May 19)•
The temporary stoppage is to allow Waterworks staff to carry out leakage tests in both areas.
The area affected in Mid-levels is bounded by Old Peak Road, Robinson Road from Glenealy to Albany Road, Conduit Road from Old Peak Road to Conduit Apartment.
The area affected in Western District is bounded by Pokfulam Road, First Street, Second Street, Third Street, High Street, Eastern Street and Western Street.
Release time: 7.30 p.m.
Friday, May 18, 1973
Page No,
Unusual elevated road system to be built from Gascoigne Road to the Yau Ma Tei typhoon anchorage ••••••••.••••••••••••••.. 1
Securities Chairman to visit Australia •••••••••••••••••••••. 3
More flats in the Kotewall Road landslip area re-opened today ................................................................. 4
Latest labour survey shows an increase in the number of industrial undertakings ..................................... 5
Housing Department recruiting more architects to meet the target of the 10-year housing programme 6
The Director of Social Welfare stresses the importance of community support in social services ......................... 7
The Wu Kwai Sha Pier to be converted into a permanent public pier............................................................. 8
Masters of fishing vessels warned about blocking fairways in Aberdeen Harbour ............................................. 9
Eye-dotting ceremony for new dragon boat at Tai Po •••••........ 10
Deputy Commissioner of Labour to attend international conference
in Geneva •••••••.............................................
Issued by Government
Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Friday, May 18, 1973
Work on a 2,200-foot long elevated road running from Gascoigne Road to the Yau Ma Tei typhoon anchorage is expected to start later this year.
The project represents the first stage of the massive West Kowloon Corridor scheme which will provide a major road route, to distribute traffic in the urban areas of western Kowloon and connecting these areas with Tsuen Wan and Kwai Chung to the north.
The elevated road will start from Gascoigne Road near its junction with Wylie Road, then continue along Gascoigne Road and Kansu Street to the reclamation in Yau Ma Tei typhoon anchorage near Tung Kun Street.
A novel feature of the road is that it will run right through the Yau Ma Tei Multi-storey car park extension.
It is believed that it will be the first major roadway in Hong Kong to pass through a car park.
When completed by 1976, it will form a direct link for the crossharbour tunnel with the proposed Tong Mi Road extension through the typhoon anchorage.
Sufficient reclamation for the road works at the typhoon anchorage is likely to be completed in about six weeks.
A spokesman for the Public Works Department said today that tenders for the elevated road project would be called next month.
/The government, ......
Friday, May 18, 1973
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ihe government, he said, had prepared its own design for this work but would allow contractors to submit tenders based on their own methods of construction, and availability of plant and equipment for the substructure.
A preliminary notice to this effect is published in today’s gazette.
Meanwhile, a report on the feasibility study for the second stage of the West Kowloon Corridor scheme is being prepared by consultant engineers•
This stage primarily deals with the construction of a distributor road Uniting Yau Ma Tei with Lai Chi Kok.
Friday, May 18, 1973
- 3 -
Mr. Y.H. Kan, Chairman of the Securities Advisory Council, and Mr. D.E. Berry of the Attorney General’s Chambers, will leave Hong Kong tomorrow (Saturday) night for a short visit to Australia.
Mr. Berry is responsible for drafting the Securities Bill, now in its final stages, and other bills concerned with investments.
During their stay in Australia, they will discuss with government officials, stock exchange representatives and businessmen various aspects of the Australian legislation on trading in securities. This will include matters of drafting and problems arising from the operation of the legislation since it was enacted about three years ago.
.1 >
Friday, May 18, 1973
- 4 -
More flats in the Kotewall Road landslip area have been declared safe for re-occupation - almost one year after their closure.
The Building Authority announced today that a closure order imposed on the B Flats of Block 1 Emerald Gardens, No. 36 Kotewall Road had now been lifted*
The Principal Government Building Surveyor said that the reconstruction work on this building, which was damaged in the landslide last June, has progressed to the stage where it is now possible to safely re-occupy the flats on the eastern side of the building.
Repair work on the remaining portion is continuing and it is anticipated that the entire building will be re-opened in about one month when closure orders on the A Flats are raised.
Friday, May 18, 1973
- 5 -
There are now 21,759 registered and recorded industrial undertakings in Hong Kong.
The latest survey carried out in March by the Labour Department showed an increase of 409 over the number of industrial undertakings recorded at the previous survey last December.
The four largest industries in terms of employment still are the manufacture of textile and textile made-up goods (265,861 or 43 per cent of total employment); plastic products (72,009 or 12 per cent); electrical machinery, apparatus, appliances and supplies (60,838 or 10 per cent); and fabricated metal products other than machinery (49,117 or 8 per cent). In releasing the results of the survey today, the Commissioner of Labour, Mr. Paul Tsui, said that industrial employment stood at 616,609. This was a slight decrease of 3,075 (0.5 per cent) over the December figures, a pattern similar to that of the corresponding quarter last year (January-March, 1972).
’’However, there was a three per cent increase compared with the figures for March last year - somewhat larger than the 0.9 por cent increase of the March 1972 figures over the March 1971 figures,” he said.
Mr. Tsui said the survey recorded a total of 21,832 vacancies over a wide range of industries - an increase of 2,000 places over the December figures.
The main vacancies fell within the following industries:- electronics (5,664) (26 per cent), garments (5,108) (23 per cent), plastics (2,099) (10 per cent), metal products (1,240) (6 per cent) and cotton spinning and weaving (1,147) (5 per cent).
Friday, May 18, 1973
- 6 -
The new Housing Department is substantially expanding its architectural division to tackle the 1O-year housing programme.
It will be advertising locally tomorrow (Saturday) for architects, structural engineers and building servicing engineers to join its team.
At present, most public housing projects which are beyond the planning stage are being tackled by the Public Works Department.
Future projects will be planned and built by the.Housing Department, the executive arm of the new Housing Authority.
The 10-year housing plan involves building homes for 1,800,000 people.
Mr. Donald Liao, Deputy Head of the Housing Department and Vice-Chairman of the Housing Authority said today: "This is a very challenging job for energetic architects and engineers.
"They will be directly involved in helping to solve the housing problem in Hong Kong. At the same time, it will give them a rare opportunity to exercise their professional skill and knowledge in the planning, design, construction and building of a large number of estates.
"They will, in fact, be helping to build new towns and creating a new and improved environment for. the future of Hong Kong," Mr. Liao said.
Friday, May 18, 1973
- 7 -
The Director of Social Welfare today stressed the importance of the community’s support and understanding, particularly by young people, in the field of social welfare services.
Mr. Li Fook-kow, who was opening an exhibition of the youth project competition in the Ocean Terminal, said the competition was a joint effort of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, his Department, the Education Department and many teachers and youth workers. • •
”It is, in fact, a project for youth and by youth with wide community involvement."
Mr. Li said that youth today are more conscious of the environment and social conditions and are more willing to contribute towards the community.
The exhibition, he said, wat an illustration of their co-operative efforts and the interest developed in the field of social welfare services.
He would like to see more projects of this kind with direct participation by Hong Kong’s youth.
Note to Editors: Copies of Mr. Li’s speech in English
and Chinese are distributed separately in the G.I.S. press boxes this evening.
Friday, May 18, 1973
- 8 -
The existing ferry pier at Wu Kwai Sha on the shores of Tdo Harbour will bo taken over by the government and converted into a permanent public pier.
The pier was formerly held on a Crown Land permit by the Chinese Y.M.C.A. but this was cancelled in 1972 by the District Office Tai Po.
In view of its increasing use by holiday-makers, particularly at weekends and on public holidays, the government intends to improve it and to bring it up to the standard of other government public piers.
Earlier this month the government announced that it was talcing over the Ma Liu Shui pier near the Chinese University and it will also be improved.
After renovations, both piers will be used as landing places for the existing ferry services between Ma On Shan and Ho Tung Lau.
In a notice in the gazette today, the Director of Public Works draws the attention of the public to the proposed conversion and stipulates that any person having any objection or any claims of private right in the matter should submit such objections or claims in writing to him within two months.
Friday, May 18, 1973
- 9 -
The Marine Department today warned masters of fishing vessels in Aberdeen Harbour that they were liable to be prosecuted if their boats obstructed the fairways there.
Aside from the inconvenience caused to pleasure craft and commercial vessels proceeding through the harbour, the blockage of fairways constituted a grave danger in the event of fire or other emergency•
A spokesman for the department said that repeated advice and warnings had been given on the importance of keeping the fairways clear9 and some masters of fishing vessels had been fined up to 8J00 for causing obstruction.
The spokesman noted that there had been some improvement in the situation recently, but stressed that control officers would not relax their efforts to keep the harbour clear and safe.
Friday, May 18, 1975
Note to Editors; An eye-dotting ceremony for a new
dragon boat which will participate in this year’s dragon boat races at Yuen Chau Chai on June will be held at the Island House compound, Yuen Chau Chai, Tai Po, on Monday (May 21) at 11 a.m.
Mr. I,F.C. Macpherson, District Commissioner, New Territories, Mr. A.N. Savage, District Officer, Tai Po and Mr. J. Thompson, Assistant Director (Fisheries) will jointly officiate at the traditional ceremony.
You are welcome to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the ceremony. A government van AM21J2 will be at the Tsim Sha Tsui sub-pool at 10,00 a.m. sharp to take representatives to Yuen Chau Chai and return at about noon.
Friday, May 18, 1973
- 11 -
The Deputy Commissioner of Labour, Mr. I.R. Price, vrt,11 leave Hong Kong on Sunday (May 20) to attend the 53th International Labour Conference in Geneva as an adviser to the U.K. Government delegation.
He will travel to Geneva via London, where he will attend a preliminary briefing.
The agenda of the conference includes items of interest to Hong Kong such as the minimum age for employment and social repercussions of new methods of cargo handling on the waterfront.
Mr* Price will return to Hong Kong on June 29*
-------0 --------
Release time: 7*30 p.m.
Saturday, May 19, 1973
Page No,
The mean temperature for April 1973 highest on record for that month..........•.............................................• • • • • 1
Wo Hop Shek Cemetery will be expanded to provide additional urn burial spaces ................................................
Certain buildings in To Kwa Wan will be without water for five hours ......• ••..................................................
Government Structural Engineer retiring after more than 25 years service •••••••...................................................
Lost identity cards waiting to be reclaimed • •................... 6
Result of sixth week in the 1973 Antx-Measles Campaign ••••••••••• 6
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, May 19, 1973
The abnormally warm weather during February and March continued intq>April and the mean temperature 24°C was the highest on record for April.
The Royal Observatory said this figure had been equalled only once before in April 1964.
The mean maximum temperature (26.8°C) and the mean minimum (21.8°C) were both the third hi.-host bn 'record for the month.
At the beginning of April, Hong Kong was in a southerly airstream and the weather was cloudy and warm.
Late on April 3, a cold front passed Hong Kong and scattered showers were reported. Winds strengthened from the north and the Strong Monsoon Signal was hoisted that evening and lowered the next morning*
The sky cleared rapidly after the cold front and the mean relative humidity fell to 60 per cent on April 4 and 5 when a Red Fire Danger Warning was issued.
However, the next two days were cloudy and some rain and isolated thunderstorms were reported.
lYom April 7 to 11, a trough of low pressure remained almost stationary along the south China coast and showers and isolated thunderstorms were reported on each day throughout the entire period.
A hailstorm with hailstones as big as garden peas occurred over the northwestern part of the New Territories on April 7. The following day the southwest monsoon intensified over the South China Sea and the Strong Monsoon Signal was hoisted for about nine hours.
/The weather ......
Saturday, May 1% 1973
- 2 -
The weather remained cloudy with light rain or drizzle patches until April 14 when a warm and humid airstream arrived from the southeast.
Continuous fog or mist was reported around Waglan Island from the night of April 14 to the morning of April 16 and during this time the lowest visibility recorded was 200 metres.
Elsewhere the weather was fine apart from morning mist or fog patches. Late on April 17 » winds freshened from the east again and conditions became cloudy with light rain and showers. Isolated thunderstorms were al so reported on April 20.
On April 22, an active upper-air disturbance brought widespread thunderstorms to south China and at the Royal Observatory, 43.3 millimetres of rain was recorded in 24 hours. The maximum instantaneous intensity of rainfall recorded at the King’s Park Meteorological Station was 199 millimetres per hour.
After this disturbance, the Pacific ridge began to extend westwards to west China and the following five days were fine apart from morning mist or fog patches. The maximum temperature of the month, 31.3°C, occurred on April 26 and was the highest recorded so far this year.
On April 27, pressure rose over China and strong easterly winds blew for several hours in Hong Kong. The Strong Monsoon Signal was hoisted for the third time in the month. The weather improved towards the end of the month with long sunny periods on April 30.
/Twenty-three .....
Saturday, May 19? 1975
- 3 -
Twenty-three aircraft were diverted due to adverse weather conditions during the month.
Nine thunderstorm or heavy rain warnings were issued during April.
The month*s figures and departures from normal were:
Sunshine 86.1 hours; 28.5 hours below normal
Rainfall 104.3 nun > 31.5 mm below normal
Cloudiness 83% • 3% above normal
Relative Humidity 87 • 2% above normal
Mean Maximum Temperature 26.8°C 2.9°C above normal
Mean Temperature 24.0°C 2.7°C above normal
Mean Minimum Temperature 21.8°C 2.3°C above normal
Mean Dev/ Point ru • o° 2.7°C above normal
Total Evaporation 97*0 mm » 27.5 mm below normal
Maximum Temperature of J1.3°C was recorded on April 26.
Minimum Temperature of 15»2°C was recorded on April 4.
Saturday, May 19, 1975
The Wo Hop Shek cemetery in Fanling will have about 6,000 more urn burial spaces by April next year.
These additional spaces are provided to meet the yearly additional requirement of some 5»000 burial spaces.
Annual expansion has been carried out since 1966 and the latest project should begin in July.
Terraces for the 6,000 urns and a 1,100 ft. access road will be constructed.
The road will have a 20 ft. wide carriageway and the entire plan involves earth excavation and filling, construction of retaining walls, drainage works and road surfacing.
The project is estimated to cost $1 million.
- 0 - -
Water supply to a number of premises in To Kwa Wan will be interrupted for five hours from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. on Tuesday (May 22).
The temporary stoppage is to enable Waterworks Office staff to carry out leakage tests.
The area affected is bounded by Lok Shan Road, Kowloon City Road, • • A
Ma Tau Wei Road, Bailey Street, the seafront, Ngan Hon Street and To Kwa Wan Road.
- 0 - -
Saturday, May 19, 1973
- 5 -
A senior officer with the Public Works Department, Mr. Au Sik-ling, is retiring from government service after working in the department for over 25 years.
Mr. Au, who holds the post of Government Structural Engineer, will be presented with an electronic calculator to mark his retirement.
The presentation will be made by the Director of Public Works, Mr. J.J. Robson, on Tuesday (May 22).
Mr. Au was first appointed Assistant Structural Engineer in 1947, and promoted to Structural Engineer in 1954. In i960 he was promoted to Senior Structural Engineer and again to his present post in 1965.
Note to Editors; You are invited to flend a reporter and/or photographer to cover the presentation ceremony. It will be held at 4.4^ p.m. in the P.W.D. Conference Room, Murray Building 21st floor.
Saturday, May 19» 1973
- 6 -
More than 400 lost identity cards are now lying at the Registration of Persons Office waiting to be reclaimed.
The Registration of Persons Department stressed today that these could easily have been returned if the owners had notified the office of changes in their registered particulars.
A list of cards, with names and numbers, are now being displayed at City District Offices. Lists with only card numbers are also available for inspection at Kai Fong Associations.
Owners may collect their lost cards in person at the head office of the department on the 4th floor of the Causeway Bay Magistracy.
Identity cards unclaimed after a period of over three months will be cancelled.
ANTI-MEASLES CAMPAIGN 1973 )* 9* * 9* *
A total of 1,033 doses of anti-measles vaccine was administered during the week ending May 12.
Of these, 215 doses were given to children on Hong Kong Island, 590 doses in Kowloon and 228 in the New Territories.
Since the beginning of the campaign on April 2, a total of 5jO29 doses of the vaccine has been administered.
Free vaccine is available on a year-round basis at all government maternal and child health centres.
Release Time: 2.30 p«m.
Monday, May 21, 1973
Page No.
The use of computers in additional spheres of government work being actively considered ............*................ 1
Preparations in hand far construct!*^ the main depot of the Mass Transit Bailway ...............„......e................ j
Senior officials of the Kwnngtung Water Authority begin seven dry visit to Hong Kong.......•.. t, •. • ................... 5
Deputy Director of Social Welfare to open new centre for mentally handicapped children .............................. 7
Lifeguards again manning the beach at Silver Mine Bay....... 9
Government Lottery tickets on sale throughout Hong Kong • • • • 10
Unioof Executive Board chairman leaves after three—day visit. 11
More multi-storey Building plans approved in March ............................................................... 12
Temporary water cuts in Hung Hom on Wednesday •••••••••••••• 12
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Monday, May 21, 1973
- 1 -
Plans are in hand to use computers in processing driving licences and driving offence records to eliminate excessive paper work and time delays for maximum efficiency•
A preliminary study on the proposed scheme has already been completed by the Data Processing Division, the Police Traffic Branch and the Transport Department and is now under active consideration.
Basically, the scheme will involve feeding punched cards, containing relevant vehicle and driver information, into the computer to form a comprehensive file.
One of the many advantages would-be that information about vehicles and their drivers would be made available within seconds to police, magistrates and Transport Department officials thereby improving operational efficiency.
The computer would maintain the registers and be responsible for all decisions concerning such matters as renewals and transfers and would print the appropriate documents.
Rough estimates provided by the Data Processing Division show that the computer system could result in savings of millions of dollars annually over the present manual system.
Current estimates of the initial cost of establishing the system come to about $1.5 million, with an additional $950,000 required later on to convert the system to an "on-line” operation.
/Basically, ........
Monday, May 21, 1973
- 2 -
Basically, this means that it will then be possible to obtain information instantly, without the use of punch cards, by means of a keyboard system thus saving time and labour.
At the same time, it is also intended to computerise various activities of the Public Works Department to ease the heavy workload' in these sections.
Consultants will be engaged to make a comprehensive study of the department’s operational needs to determine specific fields which could benefit from computerisation. The consultants will supplement the government’s data processing division.
It is envisaged that the first three priority applications would be waterworks billing and associated statistical work, structural design calculations, and land surveying calculations.
Monday, May 21, 1973
- 3 -
Extensive site preparation at Kowloon Bay is required before work can begin on constructing the main depot of the mass transit railway, which v/ill serve thousands of daily commuters on both sides of the harbour.
This must be completed within six months from now if work on the depot is to start on schedule at the beginning of next year.
Facilities at the depot will include train sidings, an administration centre, workshops and maintenance facilities.
The Director of Mass Transit Studies, Mr. A.H. Wilkins, said that the 28-acre site at Kowloon Bay will become the nerve centre for the entire mass transit system.
A traffic control centre will be accommodated in the administration building, and the depot will provide centralised facilities to meet repair, storage and maintenance requirements,
"It is essential to begin work early so that a major depot can be laid out where trains can be assembled, tested and maintained, and where training facilities can be provided for railway staff," Mr, Wilkins said.
"Training of staff will have to begin almost immediately after January 1 next year."
The Kowloon Bay depot will be linked with the initial phase of the mass transit network.
Track will be laid first from the depot to the link with the Kowloon-Canton railway near Kowloon Tong as it is anticipated that rolling stock will be delivered from ships to the depot via this route.
/This first ..•••••
Monday, May 21, 1973
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This first section of the line will enable operating experience to be gained before it is opened to public use.
Site preparation at Kowloon Bay will involve reclamation work, construction of culverts and raising the land level by several feet.
Vacation of the site by its present occupiers is due by mid-June so that preparatory formation work can begin on schedule.
Mr, Wilkins said that the mass transit planners had faced great difficulties in deciding where the main depot should be situated due to the scarcity of suitably shaped areas of level ground.
"If it had been at all possible an unoccupied site would have been chosen," he said.
"However, extensive surveys made it clear that Kowloon Bay was the only suitable area for the main depot and even this site imposes limitations on the space available for the development of the depot."
Inevitably the mass transit scheme will involve some clearance operations, he said, but these will only be undertaken when there is no alternative "Taking into account the tremendous size of the project, and the many thousands of people who will benefit, there will be relatively few clearances, and this can be regarded as a significant achievement," Mr. Wilkins added.
"Our aim is to avoid causing any more dislocation than is necessary, in order to minimise inconvenience to those who will be affected."
******* <■
Note to Editors: Copies of a photograph showing an artist’s
impression of the depot will be boxed this evening.
- 0 - -
Monday, May 21, 1973
- 5 -
Six senior officials of the Kwangtung Water Authority arrived in Hong Kong this morning for a seven-day visit as guests of the Director of Public Works, Mr. J.J. Robson.
They crossed the border at Lowu at 10.40 a.m. and were welcomed by the Director.
Shortly after the arrival, the party, accompanied by Mr. Robson and other senior officials of the Public Works Department, left by car to visit the Muk Wu and Indus pumping stations at Sheung Shui. Later in the day they inspected the cross-harbour tunnel.
The Chinese delegation is led by Mr. Wang Yung, the Director of the East River-Shumchun Water Supply Project Administration Bureau of Kwangtung Province.
Other members of the party are: Mr. Tang Te-chun, Principal Water Engineer of the Bureau of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, Kwangtung Province; Mr. Ma En-yao, Engineer of the same Bureau; Mr. Bi Te-kuang, Engineer of the East River-Shumchun Water Supply Project Administration Bureau; Mr. Yuan Liu, Engineer of the East River-Shumchun Bureau and Mr. Chang Ching*-ping, Secretary and Interpreter.
Among the water schemes to be visited by the delegation will be the Plover Cove Reservoir and the desalter site at Luk On Pai. They will also visit other engineering projects in Hong Kong.
/The visit
Monday, May 21, 197?
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The visit is in return for Mr. Hobson’s one—week stay in Canton and parts of Kwangtung Province last November.
Note to j-jdj-AoysThe delegation from the Kwangtung Water Authority will be visiting the Plover Cove reservoir tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon. Arrangements have been made for press photographers and television cameramen to cover the visit. Two vans will leave the Kowloon sub-pool behind the Tsim Sha Tsui post office at 2 p.m. sharp. The visit is due to begin at 3.15 p.m.
Monday, May 21, 1973
- 7 -
A new centre for mentally handicapped children will be officially opened on Wednesday (May 2?) by the Deputy Director of Social Welfare, Mr. Thomas C.Y.Lee.
The centre in the growing industrial town of Kwai Chung, is already operational and at the moment has an enrolment of 31 mental1y retarded children. It has a capacity for 100 children and this is expected to be reached within a year.
The Kwai Fong Morninglight Centre, as it is called, is the sixth project to be operated by the Hong Kong Association for Mentally Handicapped Children and Young Persons Limited, and is supported by a grant from the Lotteries Fund.
The Association already operates three centres and two special schools in the Wah Fu and Yau Tong public housing estates and in Tai Po.
The Kwai Chung centre is a day centre for moderately retarded children from 6-16. Its programme includes instruction in self-help, social adjustment training and crafts. The children are also taught language, number work and speech.
The curriculum lays strong emphasis on outdoor activities both recreational and educational.
A spokesman for the Association said the centre aims to provide the children with basic training geared to their developmental stage, to develop their potential and to provide an environment which satisfies their needs for acceptance and security.
/It operates ••.••
Monday, May 21, 1973
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It operates on a three-term system and there is a school bus to provide transport for the pupils to and from their homes at a small cost. Lunch is provided by the Children’s Meals Society at a very minimal charge.
Meetings between parents and teachers are planned for the end of each term to forge better links and co-operation between the centre and the children’s families.
Note to Editors: You are invited to cover the opening of
the Kwai Fong Morninglight Centre in the Kwai Fong public housing estate, Kwai Chung, New Territories, at 2:15 p»m. on Wednesday (May 2J).
Copies of Mr. Lee’s speech in English and Chinese will be available from the GIS Press boxes, later that evening.
Monday, May 21, 1973
- 9 -
Urban Council life guards have returned to Silver Mine Bay following an incident on May 15 in which a number of them were assaulted.
The life guards stayed away from the beach yesterday (Sunday) morning but returned to the beach in the afternoon to carry out their duties.
The assault is being investigated by the police who have so far arrested six people.
A spokesman for the Urban Council said today the situation at Silver Mine Bay was now back to normal and life guards were now fully manning the beach again.
Monday, May 21, 1973
- 10 -
Tickets at 32 each for the first government lottery this year went on sale at even more centres today.
The 11 Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club selling booths on both sides of the harbour are now handling the tickets.
Since May 11, they have been on sale at 22 head offices and 238 branches of the following banks:
The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, the Chartered Bank, the Dao Heng Bank, the Hang Seng Bank, the Hong Kong Chinese Bank, the Kwong On Bank, the Shanghai Conmercial Bank, the Wing On Bank, the Bank of East Asia, the Mercantile Bank, the Banque Beige Pour L’etranger, the Banque de I’Indochine, the Hang Lung Bank, the Indian Overseas Bank, the Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation, the Hong Nin Savings Bank, the Tai Sang Bank, the Union Bank of Hong Kong, the Wing Hang Bank, the Liu Chong Hing Bank, the Commercial Bank of Hong Kong, and the Wing Lung Bank.
Tickets can also be bought at the Ngau Kee Money Changer, 66 Bonham Strand East and the Sun Cheung Kee Money Changer at 151 Connaught Road.
Prizes for the first lottery will be drawn on June 1.
------- 0--------
Monday, May 21, 1973
11 -
Note to Editors: Mr. Narcisco G. Reyes, chairman of the
Executive Board of Unicef will be leaving Hong Kong tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon for Manila after a three-day visit here.
Mr. Reyes will be flying out by Philippine Air Lines flight number PR 301 ETD 2.20 p.m.
Before taking off, he will be available for interviews and to answer reporters* questions in the airport’s V.I.P. room from 1.4J p.m. onwards•
Press representatives wishing to see Mr. Reyes should contact Mr. Kam Ying-tong, professional assistant to the Deputy Director of Social Welfare at the airport V.I.P. room.
Monday, May 21, 1973
- 12 -
Plans for a 32-storey apartment building in Cloud View Road on Hong Kong Island were among a total of 68 building plans approved in March by the Building Authority.
Among the others approved were four blocks of 3O-storey apartment/ commercial buildings in Ngau Tau Kok Road, Kowloon, a 22-storey bank/office building in Shanghai Street, a 17-storey workshop building in Queen’s Road West and a 15-storey factory building in Chai Wan.
Altogether 30 of the planned buildings are on the Island, 1? in Kowloon and 25 in the New Territories.
During the month, 53 buildings were certified for occupation. The declared total construction cost of these buildings was about S90 million.
In addition, the Building Authority gave permission for work to start on 39 building projectso
Water supply to a number of premises in Hung Hom will be interrupted on Wednesday (May 23), between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m.
This is to allow the Waterworks Office to carry out a leakage test.
The premises affected are bounded by Lok Shan Road, Kau Pui Lung Road, Chatham Road, Pak Kung Street, Hok Yuen Street, Chun Tin Street, Ma Tau Wei Road, Kowloon City Road and Pau Chung Street.
Release Time: 7<30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 22, 1973
Page No.
$130 million housing estate to provide homes for more than 46,000 people in Tuen Mun by 1977 ........................... 1
Kowloon Bay clearance must proceed as planned for the construction of the Mass Transit depot • ..... • • •.....• • • 3
The Governor to visit a hawker area in Sham Shui Po on
Thursday........•......................................... 5
Inauguration ceremony of the Wong Tai Sin District Federation of Welfare Services for the Aged ••••*«•••.................. $
Two temporary members appointed to the Executive Council • 6
Works of the Vienna School of Fantastic Realism on display in the City Hall ........................•................... 7
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, May 22, 1973
- 1 -
A new public housing estate will be built in Tuen Mun to provide accommodation for more than 46,000 people.
The estate forms part of the massive 10-year housing programme to provide self-contained public housing units to 1.5 million people.
It will have all the facilities of a modem township, providing parking areas, shops and markets, communal areas and recreation spaces.
These essential facilities are in a central position, with the pedestrian and play areas separated from vehicular traffic.
They can be reached directly from the main blocks by covered walkways, a new concept in the design of housing estates.
The basic domestic units, ranging in area from 173 to 315 sq. ft. with toilets and kitchens on the balconies, will be provided in five 30-storey cruciform or cross-shaped blocks.
More than 300 medium sized flats with balconies will also be provided in a 7-storey slab block.
The cruciform shape of the main blocks will allow better use of the open areas, and the increased number of flats in these high blocks will provide more space for recreation.
Facilities to be provided in the estate will follow closely those planned for the new Lek Yuen Estate to be built in Sha Tin.
/The central
Tuesday, May 22, 1973
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The central shopping area will have a supermarket, and it will be linked to a centralised bus terminus by a ramp serving as an arcade for JO more shops.
A two-storey restaurant will be built near the bus terminus, and a large cafe will be set up on the deck over the main shopping area.
A public light bus stand has also been included in the plans.
A total of 700 parking spaces — about one space to 10 families — has been provided and some 70 other parking spaces for lorries will be distributed throughout the estate where there is a need for delivery services.
Four secondary schools, four primary schools and four kindergartens have been provided for the children and allowance has also been made for the establishment of nursery schools in case they are needed.
The secondary schools will be built to an "inter-locking” design, sharing some common facilities.
*Hiere will be a total of 18 acres of.recreation space which is double the present recommended minimum of 0.2 acres for 1,000 people.
Accommodation for a welfare hall, study rooms, enclosed games area, an estate office, a post office, library, clinic, police ppst, ambulance depot and banking facilities have also been provided, as well as an 18,000 sq. ft. workshop area which is to be completely separate from the domestic accommodation.
The whole project is estimated to cost S130 million and is expected to be completed in 1977•
The first contract for the work is expected to be called in September this year and the first block ready for occupation in 1975*
Note to Editors; Photographs of a model of the new estate
will be boxed this evening.
Tuesday, May 22, 1973
- 3 -
A Government spokesman today said that plans for the clearance of factories and shops at present occupying the site for the mass transit depot at Kowloon Bay must proceed if construction of the railway was not to be delayed.
He confirmed that all domestic residents in the area would be accommodated and some have already moved from the area.
The position of factory-owners and shopkeepers continued to be viewed with sympathy. Whilst it was true that formal notice of the clearance was given as recently as March this year, the factory-owners and shopkeepers have been aware since early 1972 that they would have to remove their undertakings from the area.
All Crown Land permits were cancelled over a period in 1972, the last cancellation taking effect from September 1. In addition, notices intimating that clearance of the area was to proceed were posted as early as January, 1972. Subsequently the entire area was screened by officers of the Housing Department, known as the Resettlement Department at that time.
Officers of the Labour Department are available now at the Government Offices, Kwun Tong to assist the workers employed in the area to find alternative employment. It is expected that the majority of them will have no difficulty in finding other jobs in the Kwun Tong area where there are currently ample job opportunities.
/The Government
Tuesday, May 22, 1973
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The Government spokesman stressed that in accordance with government policy, only those undertakings which were established on the site before 1966 and which had then under 5,000 square feet in working area are eligible for the allocation of government factory units.
It is expected that the allocation of factory units to over ^0 eligible undertakings will be completed this week and the allocations to a further 20 eligible undertakings the following week.
Nine shopkeepers will receive ex-gratia allowance in cash and a number of others are under investigation.
Officers from the Housing Department and the staff of the City District Office (Kwun Tong) have been visiting the area and are available to give advice to factory-owners and shopkeepers on their removal problems.
♦ * • - . • i
Tuesday, May 22, 1973
- 5 -
The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, will visit the hawker area in Pei Ho Street, Sham Shui Po, on Thursday (May 24) as part of the "Keep Hong Kong Clean Campaign".
Once a congested and untidy hawker site, this street has since been transformed into a neat and clean bazaar.
The Governor has expressed the wish to see for himself how some of these places are being maintained.
Three officers of the Urban Services Department will accompany Sir Murray on the visit. They are Mr. James So Yiu-cho, Assistant Director (Abbatoirs, Hawkers and Markets); Mr. H. Martin and Mr. D.L. Smith, both Senior Hawker Liaison Officers.
Mote to Editors? You are invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the visit. A G.I.S. officer will meet members of the press at the junction of Pei Ho Street and Lai Chi Kok Road at 2.15 p.m. to assist them in their coverage of the event.
Tuesday, May 22, 1973
- 6 -
The Wong Tai Sin District Federation of Welfare Services for the Aged will hold a second inauguration ceremony on Thursday (May 24) for office bearers for the 1973-73 session.
It will take place at the Wong Tai Sin Community Centre in Kowloon.
Officials presiding at the ceremony will include the Rev. Paul Webb, Assistant Director, Hong Kong Council of Social Service; Mr. Stephen Law Chi-ldn, Senior Principal Social Welfare Officer (Group and Community Work) and Mr. Chan Hon-kwong, City District Officer, Wong Tai Sin.
A spokesman for the Federation, Mr. Basil Leung, said in the coming term it was hoped to strengthen the Federation and organise a campaign for concern for the aged. The existing services provided by its Ki Lin Centre will also be improved.
Note to Editors: You are invited to cover the inauguration
ceremony on Thursday (May 24) at the Wong Tai Sin Community Centre at 104, Ching Tak Street, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, at 4 p.m.
* ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * * * *
Two members of the Legislative Council have been appointed on a temporary basis to the Executive Council.
Mr* Q.W. Lee, whose appointment took effect yesterday (Monday), will
serve as an Unofficial Member until about June 17 during the absence of
Sir Yuet-keung Kan.
Mr. R.H. Lobo will be an Unofficial Member from today until about
August 22 while Sir Douglas Clague is absent from Hong Kong.
-------o--------- /7........
Tuesday, May 22, 1973
- 7 -
An exhibition of the drawings and prints of twelve leading artists of the Vienna School of Fantastic Realism will open this week in the City Museum and Art Gallery.
The exhibition entitled ”Vienna School of Fantastic Realism” is
a joint presentation of the Urban Council and the Austrian Consulate-General.
The School is an art movement which started shortly after the
Second World War, and its painters are concerned with themes such as war and peace, the individual and the society, civilisation’s refinement and * nature’s rawness, reason and non-reason, God and the Devil, and lovers’ bliss.
Fantastic Realists are meticulous painters and draughtsmen who seek to reveal the inner world of the human psyche. They see fantasy as a way to enhance their experience of reality.
Ilr. Karl Peterlik, the Austrian Consul-General, will open the exhibition. It will be open to the public from May 25 to June 10.
Note to Editors; There will be a preview of the exhibition on Wednesday (May 23) at 6 p.m. You are invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to attend the function. ----------------------------------0---------
Release Time: 7.00 p«m.
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
Page No.
Restrictions on night flying at Kai Tak to continue ........ 1
McKinsey report tabled in Legco recommending far-reaching changes in government machinery ............................... J
Two compensation boards set up to provide compensation for victims of violent crimes ..................................... 5
Robbery and theft statistics for 1972 ........................ 7
Four now bills introduced to help fight violent crimes ........ 8
Government considering recommendations to increase Hong Kong’s stock of fuel oil •••••••••............................... 10
Steadily increasing number of applications for British Hong Kong passports • • • •..•......................••••••••....... 11
Passing out parade of Immigration officers • •••.............. 12
Governor in Council will consider review of toll rates of cross harbour tunnel ••••••.................•....................... 1?
There will be no mandatory minimum fine for littering •••••• 14
333 reports of robbery on buses, minibuses and taxis in the past six months ....................•....................... 15
Consular officers are exempted from minor offences .......... 16
Measures will be imposed to stop drug trafficking and weapon manufacturing in prisons ..................................... 17
Extension of covered walkways at Star Ferry terminals on both sides of the harbour • •..................................... 18
Supplementary provisions for the third quarter of 1972/73 approved ••••••«*•••.••••..................................... 19
272 Labour Disputes Settled in April ...........•............. 20
Alternative sites for factories •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 21
No irregularities in the transfer of cooperative flats • •••• 22
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
The Governor-in-Council has decided to continue the restrictions on night flying at Kai Tak even when full working at the airport becomes possible at the end of July.
Announcing this at the Legislative Council meeting today, the Colonial Secretary, the Hon. Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, said that in some ways the restrictions that could now be imposed would be more beneficial to those living within the neighbourhood of the airport.
At the same time, he pointed out, there had never been a total ban on night flying at Kai Tak.
He said that with the completion of the runway extension Hong Kong would be able to resume its international obligations to aircraft in emergency and in the case of flights unavoidably delayed. These categories would have to be allowed to land.
But even in the circumstances of delayed aircraft, he went on, "no aircraft would be allowed to take off over Kowloon after midnight".
Any unavoidable landings would be made from the Lei Yue Mun direction, unless exceptional weather conditions made this hazardous to aircraft, he added.
Sir Hugh said it was impossible to foretell the number of aircraft, in these circumstances, operating after midnight. The figure would tend to be higher in summer than in winter, he said, but there would be many nights when there were no movements at all.
/Under the
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
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Under the restrictions, no operator would be permitted to programme flights to arrive or depart after 11.JO p.m. as opposed to the present midnight•
"The additional half hour restriction on scheduled flights will enable a high proportion of unavoidably delayed passenger flights to get in before midnight," Sir Hugh said.
Flights would be permitted from 6.30 a.m. although traffic really began at about 8 a.m.
In addition, Sir Hugh said, it was hoped that from the end of 1974 it would be possible to further curtail engine run-ups between 11.30 p.m. and 7 a.m. The precise date, he added, depended on the arrival of the necessary equipment.
Sir Hugh said the decision to continue the restrictions would be reviewed after the completion of a long-term study by consultants of Hong Kong’s air transport system, possibly about the middle of next year.
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
- 3 -
The Colonial Secretary, the Hon. Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, today described the McKinsey report on improving the Government’s effectiveness as ”a most valuable one” which provided Hong Kong with ’’real future benefits.”
In tabling the report in the Legislative Council today, he said that the recommendations made by the management consultants were not a single package, or set of proposals, which needed to be accepted or rejected in toto.
”They are, rather, a series of new ideas on ways of doing things, to be tried out and implemented if they are found to be workable and effective♦ ” Sir Hugh said a number of the consultants’ recommendations had already been adopted with success while others would be tried in future.
Some of the most important areas in which the new approaches were tried out were education, medical and health, police, urban services, and public works.
Taken as a whole, he said,the object of the consultants’ proposals ”is to create a smaller but highly powered central machine with a more positive role for the initiation and formulation of policies and programmes, and for the monitoring, control and co-ordination of their implementation.”
He added: ’’But an essential corollary of these proposals is to reaffirm and strengthen the authority and responsibility of heads of departments for the effective operation of their departments-, and for the formulation and implementation of department policies.”
/At the .....
Wednesday, May 2J, 1973
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At the same time, he said, the departments would continue to contribute expert opinions and ideas to the process of policy formulation, amendment and revision at the government level.
Sir Hugh said the proposals in the report were nof’finite” and would have to be modified and amended on occasions since, in Hong Kong’s circumstances^ flexibility and adaptability were as important as trade and industry.
•------0 ---------
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
- 5 -
A new scheme oame into effect today for compensating victims of violent crimes and people killed or injured while helping to prevent a crime or arresting an offender.
The scheme also provides for compensating persons killed or injured by a police officer, or other law enforcement officer, using a weapon in the execution of his duty.
The introduction of this scheme was announced in the Legislative Council this afternoon by the Acting Attorney General, the Hon. J.W.D. Hobley.
He eaid it was very opportune that he was able to announce the scheme at this time when the government, in its fight violent crime campaign, was seeking increased help from members of the community and the vi tai importance of public participation in various ways was being emphasised.
Mr. Hobley said the scheme was being introduced in two parts and would be administered by separate boards.
One of these is the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board. It vn 11 deal with claims for compensation from the victim of a violent crime or his dependants, or from persons, or their dependants, who are injured or killed in helping to prevent crime or to arrest an offender.
The Attorney General said the compensation payable in these cases vn 11 be the same as the amount payable from the Community Relief Trust Fund in respect of injury or death.
/The Board
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
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The Board can increase the amount by up to double under certain circumstances •
Compensation will not be paid where the loss of earnings is for less than seven days, and in the case where the victim and the offender live together as members of one family.
The other board is the Law Enforcement Injuries Compensation Board. It will deal with claims for compensation arising from death or injury caused by a law enforcement officer using a weapon in carrying out his duty.
Mr. Hobley said in this case the amount of compensation will be that which would be awarded as damages at law. However, there is a proviso that the award should not be less than the amount payable from the Community Relief Trust Fund in respect of injury or death.
The two boards will be composed of members of the public and Mr. Oswald Cheung has accepted the Governor’s invitation to be chairman of both.
Mr. Hobley said that there has been for many years a limited provision for the payment of compensation to anyone killed or injured in the execution of a moral or legal duty to assist in preventing crime.
”The help which law enforcement officers have received from the public in the past is reflected in the fact that this Council has made several awards of compensation under that provision in recent years.
”The government recognises that the existing provision is too limited since it does not authorise the payment of compensation either to a victim of a violent crime or to a person who is killed or injured by a law enforcement officer in the execution of his duty. They or their dependants have only their common law right of action for damages — which obviously cannot be recovered from a criminal without means,” he said.
/Mr. Hobley .......
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
7 -
Mr. Hobley said the existing provision for the award of compensation will be retained.
Note to Editors: Mr. Oswald Cheung will be holding a press
conference in the 35 theatre of GIS at 4:15 p»ra. tomorrow (Thursday).
During last year, 35 illegal immigrants were prosecuted for robbery and theft.
This was revealed by the Hon. Colonial Secretary, Sir Hugh
Norman-Walker in reply to a question by the Hon. R.H. Lobo in Legislative
Council today.
Statistics drawn up at the end of the year indicated that by then 28 cases had resulted in conviction and two in acquittals, and five were pending.
The overall figure of prosecutions for robbery and theft offences for Hong Kong as a whole in 1972 was 6,9$3« The conviction rate was 98.5 percent.
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
- 8 -
Four Bills, which seek to introduce tougher measures against criminals, were introduced in the Legislative Council today in support of the government’s effort to reduce violent crime in Hong Kong® Among other things, the Bills aim at increasing the sentencing powers of magistrates and district judges, introduce preventive detention for habitual criminals and at tightening the mandatory sentence for possession of offensive weapons in a public place#
In moving the second reading of the District Court (Amendment) Bill 19739 the Acting Attorney General, the Hon. Hobley, told Council that it was thought essential to enhance the powers of punishment of District Court judges if more serious cases, presently tried in the Supreme Court, were to be tried in the District Court*
It was therefore proposed to increase the maximum sentence of imprisonment which a District Court may impose from the present limit of five years to seven years.
Speaking on the Magistrates (Amendment) Bill 19739 Mr. Hobley said in order to relieve the pressure on the District Court, it was proposed that some of its eases should be transferred to the Magistrates’ Courts.
To enable the Magistrates’ Courts to deal adequately with such cases, the bill sought to empower the Chief Justice to appoint Principal Magistrates with enhanced power of sentence.
Initially, he said, it was intended that five such magistrates should be available to deal with more serious cases.
/These selected
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
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These selected magistrates would have the power to impose a maximum sentence of four years instead of the present two years. For consecutive sentences the maximum would be five years instead of the present three years.
Mr. Hobley said the Chief Justice had applied for the appointment of additional superscale posts of principal magistrates to ensure that the wider powers of sentencing were only exercised by magistrates of considerable experience.
On the Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill 1973i which seeks to introduce a system of preventive detention for habitual criminals, Mr. Hobley said that this system would only be used against 1’hardened criminals who were a positive menace to society.”
Before this bill could come into force, he said, special arrangements would have to be made for the reception of offenders of this kind.
Since they would not be punished for any particular offence, they would need to be provided with more recreational facilities, better accommodation and food, and less discipline than the ordinary prisoner.
Under the bill, a sentence of preventive detention would be for a term of not less than five years and not more than 14 years.
However, a sentence of preventive detention might only be passed on the application of the Attorney General and if certain prescribed conditions are met.
In moving the second reading of the Public Order (Amendment) Bill 1973, which tightens the provisions for the mandatory sentence for possession of offensive weapons in a public place, Mr. Hobley said the proposed changes would provide a wider range of penalties for use by the courts in accordance with the circumstances of the individual case ”while at the same time maintaining the principle that severe punishment is unavoidable for any person found guilty of this particular offence.”
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
- 10 -
The government is considering a recommendation of the Petrol and Oils Advisory Committee that measures should be taken to increase* Hong Kong’s stocks of fuel oil.
The Acting Financial Secretary, the Hon. D.J.C. Jones, told the Legislative Council this afternoon that in reaching a decision, the government will have to bear in mind the ’’formidable physical problems” and the financial costs, ”which would be very large”.
”But, given the importance for our economy of adequate supplies oil, these problems will be faced in a positive manner,” he stressed.
Mr. Jones said the problem would be considerably alleviated if there were an oil refinery in Hong Kong, as the project would incorporate large stocks of crude oil.
A proposal to construct a refinery is still under consideration but even if it were built it would take a number of years to complete and would not solve any immediate problems.
The Acting Financial Secretary gave an assurance that the government was concerned at the present level of stocks of fuel oil. ”We could be in difficulty in the event of a stoppage or serious curtailment of supplies.” Mr• Jones made it clear that the government kept itself informed of the progress of any talks between the oil companies and the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec).
”And consideration continues to be given, should there ever be a shortage of supplies, as to how to make the best use of such stocks of oil as are available to us in the interests of the community as a whole,” he added.
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
- 11 -
The number of applications for British (Hong Kong) passports received by the Immigration Department is rising steadily, the Colonial Secretary, the Hon Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, indicated today.
He told the Legislative Council that during the first four months of this year a total of 12,685 applications were received.
Although he was satisfied that sufficient staff were provided to deal with these applications, he snid that if this substantial upward trend continued^ he would have to approach the Finance Committee for additional staff•
During the summer months, when demand was greatest, relief staff were normally deployed from other sections of the department to help process the applications.
Processing of straight forward applications, he said, normally took 10 working days. But during the suiimer rush it could sometimes take 14 worlzing days to process an application.
In a few cases, processing could take longer when qualifying documents for the issue of a passport were not initially in order or where some doubt existed as to the applicant’s eligibility.
Even in such circumstances, however, a passport could usually be issued within six to eight weeks of application.
Sir Hugh said that if more time was taken this would be due to the applicant’s slowness or inability to produce the necessary proof to establish his eligibility*. *
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
- 12 -
But even then, he added, delays for these reasons need not prevent an applicant from travelling abroad as he could be issued with a Certificate of Identity for the purpose.
Last year, a total of 34,164 British (Hong Kong) passports were issued. This compared yrith 28,018 in 1971, 18,855 in 1970, 14,404 in 1969 and 10,756 in 1968.
Note to. Editors: Eighteen Assistant Immigration Officers,
including 11 women, will take part in a passing*out parade to be held on Friday (May 25) at the Royal Hong Kong Regiment Parade Ground in Happy Valley.
Mr. G.R. Ross, Unofficial Executive Councillor, will inspect the parade and present awards to the top recruits•
The parade will be held at 9.30 a.m. You are invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover it.
Wednesday, May 25, 1973
- 13 -
Recommendations on the review of the toll rates of the cross harbour tunnel will soon be submitted to the Governor in Council*
This was stated today by the Acting Financial Secretary, the Hon. D.J.C. Jones in the Legislative Council in reply to a question by the Hon. Dr. S.Y. Chung.
When the present tolls were approved last year, it was decided that the company should review the rates six months after the opening of the tunnel
These recommendations have already been submitted to and considered by the Transport Advisory Committee.
Mr. Jones said no information could yet be given on the subject, but a statement would be made as soon as a decision is reached.
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
- ”14 -
The government will not be amending legislation to impose a mandatory minimum fine for littering as a further deterrent in the ’’Keep Hong Kong Clean” Campaign•
The Director of Urban Services, the Hon. D.R.W1 Alexander, said today in the Legislative Council that such fines had already been considered and turned down when the law was amended in 1972.
However, Mr. Alexander said he believed "that the changes in the law which were introduced to facilitate the 'Keep Hong Kong Clean' Campaign have encouraged many members of the community to adopt a more responsible attitude towards litter,”
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
- 15 -
The police have received a total of 335 reports of robberies committed on buses, public light buses and taxis during the six months to the end of April.
The Acting Attorney General, the Hon. J. Hobley, told Legislative Council today that so far arrests had been made in connection with the offences.
Of the total reports, 33 concerned robberies on buses, 139 on public light buses and 161 related to robberies in taxis.
Mr. Hobley said that in its efforts to combat this type of crime, the police used both fixed and random road blocks and checks. These were normally manned or undertaken by uniformed police officers, but Criminal, Investigation Department officers assist at times.
Advice has also been given on ways in which the force can be helped in locating taxis involved in robberies and the steps that drivers of vehicles may take in the event of a robbery, he added.
Mr. Hobley said the force used other methods but for obvious reasons ”it would not be in the public interest to disclose the nature of these”.
Wednesday, May 23, 1975
- 16 -
The Acting Attorney General, the Hon. J. Hobley, said today that it was customary in Hong Kong, as in most other countries, not to take action against consular officers for minor breaches of the traffic laws.
Mr. Hobley, who was replying in Legislative Council to a question by the Hon. Szeto Wai, added that unlawful parking was the most common case.
However, he emphasised that this was a matter of courtesy "and if a consular officer abuses the courtesy, a different situation arises".
Mr. Hobley pointed out that with limited exceptions, members of the Consular Corps were obliged to observe local laws in the same way as any other person.
The exceptions broadly speaking afforded immunity in respect of acts performed in the exercise of consular functions, exemptions from payment of customs duties and certain taxes and exemptions from liability for public service.
Career consular officers, he said, may also not be arrested or detained except in the case of serious crimes.
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
- 17 -
The government is taking and will continue to impose every measure possible to stop the smuggling of drugs into prisons and to stamp out the clandestine manufacture of crude weapons from sharpened pieces of material used in prison workshops.
The Hon. Colonial Secretary, Sir Hugh Norman-Walker gave a further assurance in Legislative Council that this problem was a matter the Government took very seriously.
"Increased searches in recent months have resulted in the discovery of a quantity of such weapons, and additional measures have been imposed to check the movement of these materials inside the prison," he said.
He pointed out that contrary to much recent speculation, the problem of drug trafficking is confined mainly to the Victoria Reception Centre and Stanley Prison.
"There has been no case of smuggling of fire-arms into prisons for may years," Sir Hugh added.
The whole problem, in addition to several others which were highlighted by the recent prison disturbances, are at present under the closest examination by the government.
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
- 18 -
Considerable thought has been given to future development at the Star Ferry terminals on Hong Kong Island and Tsim Sha Tsui, the Director of Public Works, the Hon. J.J. Robson, told the Legislative Council today.
Feasibility studies, he said, had already been carried out to establish the alignment of a covered link between the Island terminal and the City Hall as well as further extensions to the elevated pedestrian-ways recently constructed as part of the Connaught Centre project#
’’These studies form part of a general plan for the development of pedestrian-ways through the waterfront and central areas which will be implemented piecemeal as the opportunity presents itself,” he said.
Mr. Robson explained that the elevated system would link the Star Ferry piers to areas south of Connaught Road as far apart as the new Hutchison Building to the east and the General Post Office to the west.
” Ideally, this system should be built with a modification to the Star Ferry piers so as to provide first—class entrances and exits at the elevated level,” he said.
In the case of the Tsim Sha Tsui terminal, no extension of the concourse to link the railway station had been considered since the railway terminal would be moved to Hung Hom, probably in mid-1975*
”Nevertheless, a fairly elaborate and imaginative scheme is being developed for the existing railway terminal site which envisages the provision of two—level pedestrian links to the ferry terminal,” Mr. Robson said.
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
- 19 -
The Legislative Council today approved supplementary provisions amounting to 8171 *5 million for the third quarter of the financial year 1975/73.
This included 810.5 million for the payment of backwages to teachers in government and aided schools .aS a result of the revision of salaries in 1971.
Public works non-recurrent accounted for 880 million. Of this, 829 million was required as a result of more rapid progress on a number of existing projects and a further 819 million to meet payments on clearance and repair work in respect of highways damaged by the summer rainstorms last year.
Other items included, 83-9 million for applying the pay scales for government nurses to the nursing staff of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, 81.5 million as a capital subvention towards the cost of the Yan Chai Hospital, and $2.7 million for expenses of the Keep Hong Kong Clean Campaign in 1972.
/20 ........
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
- 20 -
The Labour Relations Service of the Labour Department last month helped settle 272 disputes.
Disclosing this today, the head of the Labour Relations Service, Mr. T.F. Tsui, said that as a result of the settlements reached, 1,014 employees had received a total of $249,416.
Of this total, 75 • 5 per cent was paid by employers as outstanding wages, payment in lieu of notice, statutory holiday pay, or bonuses. The remainder - about $61,000 - was paid as severance pay or other ex gratia payments.
Mr. Tsui said: ’’Officers of the Labour Relations Service also handled 1,610 consultations and enquiries about labour laws, industrial relations and personnel management.
’’They visited 22 establishments to help employers introduce joint consultative machinery to strengthen communication between labour and management.”
-------0 --------
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
- 21 -
A special co-ordinating group has been set up by the Housing Department to assist factory operators affected by the Ngau Tau Kok clearance to find suitable alternative sites.
Disclosing this in the Legislative .Council today, the Director of Commerce and Industry, the Hon. E.P. Ho, said the group comprised representatives from the various departments concerned, including the New Territories Administration and the Commerce and Industry Department.
Eight of the 21 industries affected by the clearance, he said,’had already been allocated resettlement factory accommodation*
All those factories which were established legitimately before 1966 and which were under 5,000 square feet of working area were also being offered accommodation by the Housing. Department*- - -
However, some of these enterprises might have to change their trades as their existing operations were unsuitable for flatted factory type w accommodation, said Mr. Ho.
Steps had also been taken to inform the factory operators at Ngau Tau Kok of all known vacant commercial flatted factory space in Kowloon, and it was the belief of the Commissioner of Labour that there would be no difficulty in the workers finding alternative employment in the Kwun Tong area.
Mr. Ho said that those factories which were established more recently on land formerly leased to other factories and those which were too large for resettlement accommodation had been advised to seek land in the New Territories.
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
- 22 -
There has been no evidence of irregularities in the transfer of co-operative flats from one government officer to another, the Acting Attorney General, the Hon. J.W.D. Hobley, said today.
Speakxng in the Legislative Council, he said unsubstantiated, and usually anonymoust allegations had been made that payments in excess of those required under the by-laws had been made in respect of transfer of flats, but it had not been possible to prove this.
"In these circumstances, no other action has been taken by the government, but the matter is being kept under review," he said.
- - - - 0 -------
Release Time: 8,4$ p,m.
PR 33. 4000033
Wednesday, Hay 23» 1973
Far-reaching changes to the existing central government structure
in Hong Kong, including a regrouping of secretariat branch responsibilities and wider delegation of authority, are proposed by the management consultants appointed last year by the Governor to assess the best use of staff resources.
In their final report, tabled in the Legislative Council today, the consultants suggest three basic approaches for improving the government’s capability to meet the requirements of growth in the future.
These involve:
* Strengthening the existing machinery without making radical changes.
♦ Introducing new procedures so that executive activities, which are performed mainly by the decentralised government departments, could be managed more in terms of the results they produce instead of in terms of the resources they use, and
* Improving personnel management so that skilled staff can be obtained and the potential of those already in service more fully developed.
Some of their suggestions in relation to these three approaches are already being tried in various departments.
/The report •••••••
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House. Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
- 2 -
The report states that the need for change in government machinery stems primarily from growth, and notes that the activities of the government are so important to so many people that ’’any fundamental changes in its machinery must be introduced with caution.”
From the outset, the consultants dispel any impression that the report is critical of the overall performance of the government. They point out that in the main they found staff to be hardworking and dedicated.
According to the consultants, however, a number of changes in the central government machinery would also be required if the full benefits from the recommended process changes were to be realised»
Whilst they believe that responsibility for policy formulation and for overall results must remain firmly entrenched with the central government, they contend that departments should be given the resources and authority to carry out activities within their own province without constant reference to the secretariat.
In this regard, they suggest that, initially, there should be six policy branches with general areas of responsibility and headed by senior officers with wider authority. These would take the following form:
1. ECONOMIC, with responsibility for policy and programmes covering the commercial and industrial field, monetary and foreign exchange, banking, securities and stock exchanges, primary products, public utilities such as electricity, gas and telephones, mass transit (overall control of finance and establishment of the authority), shipping, transport franchises and external aspects of civil aviation.
.... /2. ENVIRONMENT, ........
Wednesday, May 23, 1975
2. ENVIRONMENT, with responsibility for policy and programmes covering land matters, colony planning, the design, construction and timing of new towns, pollution, urban services, roads, road transport, traffic, railway, car parking, mass transit (construction, engineering aspects and land) and operational and works aspects of the airport and harbour.
3. HOME AFFAIRS, responsible for policy and programmes covering information services, public relations, broadcasting, television, information on public attitudes, cultural activities, tourism, City District Offices, and residual New Territories affairs.
4. HOUSING, responsible for policy and programmes covering housing, resettlement, flatted factories, rent control, and coordination of departmental services, such as education, health, law and order in new towns.
5. SECURITY, responsible for policy and programmes covering external security, emergencies, internal law and order, immigration, prisons, narcotics, and fire services.
6. SOCIAL SERVICES, with responsibility for policy and programmes covering education, medical and health services, social welfare, charities, labour and recreation.
Within this new framework, the existing General Branch, which covers the departments of Home Affairs, Information Services, Broadcasting, Urban Services, New Territories Administration, and Fire Service would disappear, and many of its activities would be incorporated in the new Home Affairs
/Lands .•••••••
Wednesday, May 23, 1975
- 4 -
Lands and Defence Branches would become Environment and Security respectively, but with more functions.
The responsibilities of the two resource branches, Finance and Establishment, should remain largely as at present, the report says, except that the non-financial aspects of water and the complementing and grading function should be transferred from Finance to Environment and Establishment Branches respectively later on.
The minor branches and units would also continue as they are, but some functions would be transferred from Councils Branch and a small Management Unit responsible to the Deputy Colonial Secretary would be- formed.
It is also recommended that the levels of the principal branch head posts be raised so that the heads of these branches would have sufficient authority to plan and control their own programmes and to ensure that they are effectively coordinated and implemented.
The consultants suggest that on the whole the best solution would be to place the principal branch heads at the same level as first grade heads of departments, with two exceptions.
One is the Secretary for Home Affairs who should remain at a higher level so as to reflect his existing and future position as an ex-officio member of the Executive Council and his traditional role in the community.
Under the new proposals he would also assume the responsibilities of the Secretary of Information.
/The other
Wednesday, May 23, 1973
- 5 -
The other is the Financial Secretary who would be graded immediately below the Colonial Secretary to reflect his responsibility as the government’s top adviser and executive in the highly important and expanding fields of finance and economics.
The Secretary for Home Affairs, Attorney General and Deputy Colonial Secretary would be graded at the next point and immediately above the new-style branch heads.
The report states that while the proposed new organisation is by no means perfect ”it represents the best compromise between the sometimes conflicting criteria of achieving managerial efficiency, satisfying political requirements, and remaining within the capabilities of available staff.” Introduction of the changes across the whole of government, it says, will entail a sizable additional work load over a number of years and'would have to be accomplished with the least possible disruption of government business.
The report also gives an outline of some suggested longer term changes that could be considered at a later stage.
One of these involves ”hiving off” certain sections of activity to form separate agencies managed independently by their own board and staff.
The government’s role in these'Spheres would then be limited to setting overall standards and determining key factors such as prices. —• •
The report lists the airport, the railway, waterworks and post office as potential candidates which could be turned into such separate independent entities.
/It contends........
Wednesdayl May 23, 1973
- 6 -
It contends that this would not only reduce the administrative load but also enable faster response to public needs by speeding up the decision making processes.
Note to Editors: Copies of the report in both English
and Chinese are available for collection from the G.I.S. Press room on the sixth floor of Beaconsfield House.
Three senior government officers — Mr. Jack Cater, Mr. J.J, Robson
and Mr. I.M. Lightbody — have been designated as secretaries in the new central government machine as envisaged in the McKinsey report.
Mr. Cater has been designated as Secretary for Home Affairs;-
Mr. Robson as Secretary for the Environment; and Mr. Lightbody as Secretary for Housing.
A government spokesman said this afternoon that Mr. A.S. Robertson would act as Director of Public Works once Mr. Robson assumed his new post.
Note to Editors:
Copies of photographs of the four men
will be boxed this evening.
Wednesday, Flay 23, 1973
Mote to Editors: A ’’Meet the Media” session in
connection with the McKinsey report will be held tomorrow (Thursday) at 3 p*m* in the G.I.S. theatre, 5th floor, Beaconsfield House*
It will be attended by Mr. E.I. Lee, Principal Assistant Colonial Secretary (Special Duties), and Mr. R.S. Holland, Senior Management Consultant, McKinsey and Company.
You are invited to send your representatives to attend the session. TV crews are reminded that they should arrive earlier to set up their equipment.
Thursday, May 24, 1973
Page No,
Deputy Director of Social Welfare reviews the disability and infirmity allowance scheme • •••.......................... 1
Picnickers warned to keep away from work sites of the High Island Water Scheme ••••••••••................................ 4
Farewell ceremony at Edinburgh Place for Chief Justice and
Lady Rigby •«••••••......................................... 6
More than 8220,000 raised for charity in the second public auction of lucky car numbers ................................. 8
Three smoke inspectors awarded diplomas after passing the examination in smoke control ................................. 9
Governor visits Pei Ho Street as part of Keep Hong Kong Clean Campaign ..................<................................. 10
Five consuls-general will visit Mr. A. de 0. Sales tomorrow .. .......................................................... 11
New traffic arrangements in To Kwa Wan and Kwun Tong.......• 12
Four HK-TVB stars to promote the sale of lottery tickets •• 13
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, May 24, 197J - 1 -
The Deputy Director of Social Welfare, Mr. Thomas C.Y. Lee, said today that the primary purpose of the disability and infirmity allowance is to help the severely disabled and elderly inf im to meet their extra and special needs.
He said it was never intended that the allowance was for helping with their basic needs in food and other daily necessities.
He said some people have misunderstood this and therefore have criticised the rate of payment as being too low to enable beneficiaries to subsist on it.
,TActually those beneficiaries can also apply for public assistance which is intended to help meet their basic needs,” Mr. Lee said.
Mr. Lee, who was addressing the Lions Club of Tai Ping Shan at its luncheon meeting at the Mandarin Hotel, explained that both the public assistance scheme introduced in 1971, and the disability and infirmity allowance scheme were run by his department, and were the two main forms of social security in Hong Kong.
,fUnder the public assistance scheme, cash assistance is provided for the needy on passing a means test. As to the disability and infirmity allowance, it is, however, awarded to the severely disabled and the elderly infirm without a means test.”
/Mr. Lee ........
Thursday, May 24, 1973
- 2 -
Mr. Lee described the disability and infirmity allowance scheme as a ,lhome grown” product not copied from elsewhere and said it was designed in such a way as to meet the needs of the local situation.
Receipt of the allowance did not affect the eligibility for public assistance.
As an example, Mr. Lee said an old person with no income will receive 8135 a month as public assistance plus $55 a month infi mri ty allowance bringing the total that person can receive to $190 a month. A disabled person in a similar situation, he said, will receive $245 a month.
”The disability and infirmity allowance is in fact an extra cash grant with which they can improve their living,” he said.
Mr. Lee said it was still too early to assess the impact of this scheme. ’Nonetheless, we have the impression that it has enabled those beneficiaries to nave better nutritional and recreational activities as well as personal care or to make some contributions to their families which may then regard them less as a burden,” he said.
On the eligibility requirements which he said some people felt were too strict, Mr. Lee pointed out that the criteria were intended to be used only in the initial period of implementation of the scheme. They would be reviewed after the scheme has been in operation for some time.
/Dealing with ........
Thursday, May 24, 1973
- 3 -
Dealing with the severely disabled and elderly infirm in resjdential institutional care, he said the reason for their not being covered by the scheme was to encourage more of them to receive care in the community which is a much more positive form of care and service.
He said such people who are in need of some pocket money can apply for public assistance which may help them according to their individual needs*
Reviewing the scheme’s operation so far, Mr. Lee said up to the end of April, over 21,000 applications had been received of which about 90 per cent were for the infirmity allowance.
Note to Editors: Copies of Mr. Lee’s speech in English and
Chinese will be available from the GIS Press Boxes, this evening.
Thursday, May 24, 1973
- 4 -
Consultants for the High Island Water scheme today appealed to weekend holiday makers to avoid possible danger by keeping well clear of the work site in the Straits of Kwun Mun and the private roads leading to it The Site Representative of Binnie and Partners, Mr. Tony Vail, said today that weekend visitors to the Straits had recently posed a major problem of safety.
f,There is no doubt that these visitors are endangering their own lives and limbs, as well as impeding the contractors in their work which has to meet exacting time-schedules,” he said.
He thought it was only a question of time before there was a tragic accident.
Mr. Vail pointed out that all roads which the contractors use are private ones built by themselves. ”Nobody except people working on the scheme or residents in the area is allowed to drive on these roads, and pedestrians use them at their own risk.”
He said visitors were entering the area by land and from the sea. In the latter case, sampans had been disembarking people on to the western dam construction site.
"This is extremely dangerous”, Mr. Vail said, "because of rock blasting in the area and the very large earth moving plant in daily use.”
/He added ........
Thursday, May 24, 1973
- 5 -
He added that to make sure no one was hurt he would like to see weekend hikers and others avoid the Straits of Kwun Mun altogether.
He also urged all visitors not to enter the reservoir site area by boat, and if they wished to pass through the area on foot on their way to the beaches at Sai Wan and Tai Long, to pay heed to the warning notices and keep to the paths and areas where their lives would not be at risk.
Thursday, May 24, 1973
- 6 -
A farewell ceremony will be held tomorrow (Friday) at Edinburgh Place for the retiring Chief Justice, Sir Ivo Rigby, and Lady Rigby,
Sir Ivo will leave Hong Kong on Saturday (May 26) after serving here for more than 11 years.
The ceremony will start at 3.30 p.m. and will be attended by some 200 invited guests and personal friends of the couple.
On arrival at Edinburgh Place, Sir Ivo will be met by the Director of Protocol, Brigadier R.G. Lewthwaite.
Sir Ivo will receive a salute and then inspect a Guard of Honour formed by the Royal Hong Kong Police Force. The band of the Royal Hong Kong Police will be in attendance.
After the departure of the Guard of Honour, the Chief Justice and Lady Rigby will move to Queen’s Pier where their friends will say goodbye.
Following this, the couple will board the Governor’s launch ’’The Lady Maurine” and proceed towards Kowloon escorted by a Marine Police launch. They will arrive at Kowloon Public Pier at about 4.10 p.m.
Motorists are advised that special traffic arrangements will be in force during the ceremony.
From 3 p.m. onwards, access to Edinburgh Place East from Connaught Road Central will be prohibited to all vehicular traffic other than flag cars labelled cars and official vehicles entering H.M.S. Tamar.
/The public
Thursday, May 24, 1973
- 7 -
The public light bus stand at Edinburgh Place East, adjacent to
the west gate of H.M.S. Tamar, will also be temporarily closed. These arrangements will last until about 5 P«m.
Note to Editors: Press representatives assigned to cover
the ceremony should take up their positions NOT LATER THAN 3.15 p.m.
There will be two main press positions. The first will be at the east end corner of Queen’s Pier and will be a general position for reporters, photographers and broadcasters. From this position cameramen may film the inspection of the Guard of Honour and the departure of the launch.
The second position will be on the west flank of the Guard of Honour and will be the main one for filming the inspection. This position is reserved for photographers and those using hand-held cine-cameras.
Those using this position will be allowed to move to the west end corner of the Pier, after the Guard of Honour has departed, or if they so wish to the first position on the east end corner of the Pier.
Press men may also wish to cover the event from the City Hall elevated walk, which will be open to the general public.
G.I.S. liaison officers will be on hand to assist the Press.
Thursday, May 24, 1973
- 8 -
A total of $22^,300 was raised for charity in the second public auction of 30 lucky car numbers yesterday (May 23)•
In the auction, 10 of the numbers were sold for 310,000 and over. The highest bid of the day - 316,000 - was made by Mr. Ching Kum-yuen for the number AS 3»
In the first auction two weeks ago, 30 numbers were sold for just over 3300,000.
Proceeds of the auction, less the necessary expenses, will be paid to the Lotteries Fund for charitable purposes.
A third auction will be held next month when another 30 lucky car numbers will be put up for auction.
It will be held on June 6 at 3»3O p.m. in the Canteen, Central Government Offices (West Wing), 7th floor, Lower Albert Road, Hong Kong.
Thursday, May 24, 1973
- 9 -
Three Assistant Smoke Inspectors of the Labour Department have been awarded dj pl nnn.R in air pollution control after passing the first examination of its kind held locally by the Hong Kong Examination Board of the United Kingdom Royal Society of Health.
They are Mr. Chan Mai, Mr. Chung Moon-kun and Mr. Ng Kwok-ying.
The examination included two written papers and an oral test. TJho syllabus covered a wide range of topics, including fuel technology, air pollution control and administration, and the general effect of air pollution.
Mr. K. Higginson, Smoke Abatement Adviser of the Air Pollution Control Unit of the Labour Department, said the inspectors had been working in his unit for more than two years, during which they were given intensive theoretical and practical training.
Another four smoke inspectors may sit for the examination later this year.
Smoke inspectors are responsible for the monitoring work associated with air pollution; for the giving of free and constructive advice to fuel-users on the efficient use of fuel and the reduction of smoke emission from their plants; and for the enforcement of the provisions of the Clean Air Ordinance and Regulations. ■ e ----------------------------------o---------- /10 ................................................................
Thursday, I-Iay 24, 1973
The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, spent over an hour in Pei Ho Street,
Sham Shui Po, today talking to hawker and market stall-holders and seeing for himself the great many problems confronting the Urban Services Department there.
Pei Ho Street was chosen for the visit because of the large range of
hawker stalls — from fixed pitch stalls to static stalls and unlicensed peril ar stalls — selling a great variety of goods.
And as one USD spokesman put it: ’’All the hawker problems are represented here.”
The street, long known as a hawker blackspot was also named Lap Sap Street during the early phases of the Keep Hong Kong Clean Campaign.
In February this year, a large-scale cleaning and tidying-up operation was mounted. This was followed by the cutting-back to proper size of some 700 stalls which had been extended illegally choking the entire street.
The Governor was accompanied on the inspection visit by the Assistant
Director (Abattoirs, Hawkers & Markets), Mr. James So, and two senior Hawker Liaison Officers, Mr. Harry Martin and Mr. D.L. Smith.
Sir Murray showed great interest in the trading following the tidying-up
operations there and asked both Urban Services Department officials and the hawkers many questions.
The street was picked also because it is the starting point of a Hong
Kong-wide campaign to tidy-up and cut back to size all hawker stalls, an operation named ’’Delineation” by the Urban Services Department.
This delineation drive will later on include a resiting of hawker stalls in other streets, or bazaars or in market complexes.
- - 0 - -
Thursday, May 24, 1973
- 11
Five consuls-general in Hong Kong will pay an official visit to
Mr. A. de 0. Sales, the first non-government Chairman of the Urban Council, at the City Hall tomorrow (Friday).
They are Mr. Mario F. Real-de-Azua of Uraguay; Mr. Ramon Rodriguez Benson of Mexico; Mr. Geraldo Holanda Cavalcanti of Brazil; Mr. Oscar E. Michelena of Venezuela and Mr. Jorge Zaldua-Caro of Columbo.
The Consul-General of Uraguay, Mr. Real-de-Azua, who is leaving
Hong Kong shortly to take up a new assignment, will present Mr. de Sales an oil painting of the Hoi Sum Temple, which once stood on an island of the same name off To Kwa Wan in Kowloon.
The temple was pulled down after the island was joined to Kowloon by reclamation, and turned into a park managed by the Urban Council.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter
and/or photographer to cover the event which will take place tomorrow (Friday) at 11.JO a.m. at the office of the Chairman of the Urban Council in the City Hall.
- - 0 - -
Thursday, May 24, 1973
- 12 -
New traffic arrangements will be introduced in To Kwa Wan and Kwun Tong to improve traffic conditions.
With effect from 10 a.m. tomorrow (May 25)* motorists will be prohibited from making left turns from Ma Tau Wei Road into Tin Kwong Road and from Ma Hang Chung Road into Ma Tau Wei Road.
Also from 10 a.m. on Saturday (May 26), the unnamed lane from Hoi Bun Road to How Ming Street and the section of the unnamed lane from How Ming Street to Tsun Yip Street will be routed ape-way eastbound.
Appropriate traffic signs will be posted in the areas to guide motorists.
Thursday, May 24, 1973
- 13 -
Note to Editors? Four well-known HK-TVB personal 5 ties
will be selling Government Lottery tickets at the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club selling booth at the Star Ferry concourse tomorrow (Friday) between 12.45 p.ra. and 1.15 p.m.
They are Lydia Shum. Tam Bingaman. Wong Oi-ming and Yu Ming.
The winning numbers for the first Government Lottery this year will be drawn by the four personalities on June 1. at the HK-TVB studio.
The draw will be partly televised on the same night in the "Enjoy Yourself Tonight" show.
Members of the public who want to see the draw at the TVB studio can obtain free admission ticket from the above selling booth. Tickets are given on a first-come-first-served basis.
You are invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to the selling booth to cover the event.
; time: 7*Q0 p.m.
Friday, May 25, 1973
Page No,
A section of Tai Po Road in Sha Tin will be reconstructed to improve traffic conditions ....................................,,. 1
nloctronics factory employs more blind workers as assemblers and packers.................................................... 2
11,000 people now living in Pak Tin estate......................... 4
Two flatted factories to be built in Kwun Tong..................... 5
Auxiliary Medical Service to be presented with a cheque for a new centre ....................................................... $
Result of the seventh v/eek of the 1973 Anti—measles Campaign shows improvement ................................... e 7
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Friday, May 25, 1973
- 1 -
Plans are in hand to reconstruct a section of Tai Po Road in Sha Tin to improve traffic conditions in connection with the development of Sha Tin New Town.
About one mile of the road, from Tai Wai to Fo Tan, will be widened and re-aligned and the existing level-crossing near Tai Wai will be replaced by a bridge over the railway track.
Facilities at the junction of Tai Po Road and Lion Rock Tunnel Road will also be improved.
The project, to be carried out in stages, is expected to start later this year and take about two and a half years to complete.
During the reconstruction programme temporary diversions will be provided, where necessary, to keep to a minimum any unavoidable interference with traffic.
Alternative means of access to existing properties on either side of the new road, other than those to be cleared for the works, will be provided.
The proposed project is published in today’s gazette and anyone who objects to the order authorising the undertaking must send his objection to the Director of Public Works to reach his office not later than June 25, 1973*
Any claims for compensation must be received not Later than July 25, 1973 Plans of the works are available for inspection at the Central Enquiry Sub-office on Hong Kong Island, or at the New Territories Admin is tr at i on Headquarters, North Kowloon Magistracy Building, 4th floor, Tai Po Road, or at the Tai Po District Office in Tai Po Market.
Friday, May 25, 1973
- 2 -
One factory in Hong Kong is setting an example for industry by employing a large number of disabled workers.
With 19 blind workers already on its work force, the factory, Rover Electronics Limited, took on another 16 blind men and women in April.
They were given jobs as assemblers or packers. The factory now employs a total of 35 blind workers, the highest number to be given jobs by a single factory.
”By employing these blind workers the factory management has demonstrated its sympathetic attitude towards the disabled in Hong Kong,” said Mr. Chan Shiu-wing, officer-in-charge of the Social Welfare Department’s Job Placement Unit.
"In fact, Mr. Victor Tam, the Managing Director of the Company has said he intends to employ several more blind workers this month."
Mr. Chan said that apart from being employed in factories, many blind workers also held jobs as telephone operators in hospitals, voluntary agencies, government departments, commercial firms and factories.
"They have all been highly praised by their employers as being trustworthy, reliable, and steady workers," he said.
He explained that the blind workers, before being placed in jobs as telephone operators, undergo a course of training in the Rotary Training Centre of the Hong Kong Society for the Blind.
Air. Chan
Friday, May 25, 1973
■- 3 -
Mr. Chan said that in spite of the number of blind workers who are employed as telephone operators, there are still some who had been unable to find jobs.
He appealed to more employers to consider taking such workers. Arrangements can be made by contacting his unit at the World Rehabilitation Fund Day Centre, 487 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon (telephone 3-419221 ext. 12 and 20).
Mr. Chan said that the 16 blind workers employed by Rover Electronics Limited were part of 33 disabled people who were placed in factory jobs during the month of April.
Friday, May 25, 1973
The new Pak Tin Estate is now a thriving community with nearly 11,000 people.
The residents, former tenants of the old Shek Kip Mei Estate, are among the first to benefit by the government’s ambitious re-housing project which aims at bringing about a radical improvement in the living conditions of more than 500,000 old estate tenants.
More than 50 shops or shop stalls have been opened at the estate and they are reported to be doing good business.
The second phase of the Shek Kip Mei rehousing operation which was started at the end of last month is progressing smoothly.
All 800 families affected have already applied to the rehousing unit for transfer to Pak Tin.
So far about 50 families have been offered flats and another 200 have been interviewed by staff of the Pak Tin Estate office.
It is expected that families involved in the current operation will start to move to their new homes towards the middle of next month.
Friday, May 25, 1973
- 5 -
Work will soon start on the construction of two seven-storey flatted factories at Kowloon Bay, Kwun Tong.
The site is located between the proposed Wai Yip Street extension and Hoi Bun Road extension.
When completed, the two buildings will provide a total of 840 units, each with an area of 256 square feet.
Light industries will be carried out in these units, but certain categories, such as food and chemical manufacture will be prohibited.
Lorry parking spaces and loading and unloading facilities will also be provided in the compound.
Piling work on the site is nearing completion. Construction of the two buildings is expected to begin in late July, and will take about 14 months.
Friday, May 25, 1973
- 6 -
The Rotary Club of Kowloon West will present a cheque for 353,000 to the Auxiliary Medical Service for the construction of a new centre for the AMS sub-unit at Tung Chung on Lantau Island*
In addition, the club will also present a landrover-type ambulance for use by the unit in carrying out its normal casualty duties*
The Director of Medical and Health, Dr. Gerald Choa, who is also Controller of the AMS, will receive the cheque and the key to the new ambulance from the Club’s president, Mr. Ambrose Choi, on Sunday (May 27).
The new centre for the sub-unit at Tung Chung will consist of a lecture room, duty room, dormitory for AMS staff during typhoons and emergencies, and a garage to house the ambulance.
At present, the sub-unit consists of M men and women who report automatically for duty at the Tung Chung public school when an emergency arises. The new centre will enable them to report there in future, instead of at the school.
Note Editors: You are invited to have the presentation
covered. It will take place in the west wing of the Kowloon Hospital at 11 a.m. on Sunday. The presentation will be followed by a press conference given by Mr. Ambrose Choi and Dr. Choa.
- - 0 - -
Friday, May 25, 1973
- 7 -
During the seventh week of the current anti-measles campaign, a total of 1,589 doses of vaccine was administered, according to figures released today by the Medical and Health Department.
Of the total, 5^3 doses were administered on the Island, 716 in Kowloon, and 330 in the New Territories•
fWThis is a considerable improvement on the figures for the sixth week, and is an encouraging sign,” a spokesman said.
Since the 1973 anti-measles campaign began early in April, 6,618 children have been immunised against the disease.
The campaign has two more weeks to go, and free vaccine is available at all government maternal and child health centres.
The spokesman asked parents of children aged between six months and five years to note that even after the campaign had ended, free anti-measles vaccine would continue to be available at these centres on a year-round basis.
Release Time: 6«3O p.m,
Saturday, May 26, 1973
Page No.
A major change lias been announced in the position regarding the right to drive in Hong Kong................................ 1
A sub-committee has been set up to study the social causes of crime....................................................
There will be an issue of the D.I.B. tomorrow .*••••••••••• 3
Another flyover complex is to be built in Causeway Bay •••• 4
Members of the Auxiliary Medical Service will donate blood to the Ped Cross tomorrow ••••••••••••..................... U
A new ambulance depot will be built in the Mt. Davis area.. 5
A Waterworks Inspector I is retiring after 31 years service ............................................................... 6
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, May 26, 1973
- 1 -
The Commissioner for Transport, Mr.B.D. Wilson, today announced that with effect from Monday (May 28) there will be a considerable change in the position regarding the right to drive in Hong Kong.
The change affects holders of overseas driving licences who are currently allowed to drive in Hong Kong for up to a year on the strength of that licence and who are thereafter required to pass a local test for a Hong Kong driving licence.
Mr. Wilson said legal advice now made it clear that the only persons who may drive in Hong Kong at any time on an overseas driving licence ’’are visitors who satisfy the Commissioner for Transport that they will stay in Hong Kong for less than a year.”
’’Such visitors must apply individually to the Transport Department with the necessary proof,” he added.
Holders of international driving permits are not affected and may continue to drive in Hong Kong during the validity of the permit.
To meet the difficulties that the change may cause, the Transport Department is prepared to issue a Hong Kong driving licence, without a Hong Kong test, to holders of overseas driving licences issued by Commonwealth countries and by those countries which are signatories to the 1926 and 19^9 Conventions on international circulation of motor traffic.
However, this concession will not apply in the case of international driving permits nor to persons who are unable to produce a travel document issued by a territory other than Hong Kong.
/They will ......
Saturday, May 26, 1975
- 2 -
They will still be required to pass a Hong Kong test to obtain a Hong Kong driving licence, even if they already hold an overseas driving licence.
’This distinction is drawn because eligibility for a HK driving licence in exchange for an overseas one is intended only as a means of meeting HK’s obligations for reciprocal concessions to overseas drivers under international Conventions." Mr. Wilson said.
"It is not intended as a means of making it easier for a HK resident to obtain a HK driving licence."
Eligible holders of overseas driving licences may apply at once, in person or by post, to the Transport Department licensing offices at Rumsey Street, HK, or Pui Ching Road, Kowloon, for the immediate issue of a HK driving licence.
They will be required to pay a fee of 850 for one year (or $150 for three years) and supply three passport-sized photographs and their nonHong Kong troral document.
Anyone who has any doubt may telephone 5-^32617 for information before applying.
Saturday, May 26, 1973
- 3 -
As part of the Government’s efforts to fight violent crime, a sub-committee under the chairmanship of Mr. P.B. Williams, Principal Assistant Colonial Secretary/Social Services, has been established to consider social causes of crime and long term measures to combat them.
The sub-committee, which met for the first time this morning, comprises representatives of the Education and Social Welfare Departments, the Royal Hong Kong Police Force, the Secretariat for Home Affairs and the Census & Statistics Department.
In addition to the permanent members, the sub-committee will also invite the views of organisations in the private sector.
Mr. Williams eaid that his sub-committee would submit an interim report within three months.
Note to Editors: There will be an issue of the Daily Information
Bulletin tomorrow (Sunday). Copies will be available for collection at 2. JO p.m. from the G.I.S. Press room on the 6th floor of Beaconsfield House.
Saturday, May 26, 1973
- 4 -
Plans are in hand to improve traffic conditions at the busy junction of Tai Hang Road and Tung Lo Wan Road in Causeway Bay by means of a two-way flyover.
The flyover will connect Tai Hang Road and Waterfront Road over Moreton Terrace, Causeway Road and the south-west corner of Victoria Park to provide a direct road link for through traffic.
To improve traffic circulation, access ramps will be provided in Moreton Terrace, and grade-separation for pedestrians will also be included wherever justified.
An item for the project has been included in Category B of the Public Works Programme to enable detailed designs to be drawn up.
Officers of the Auxiliary Medical Service and members of the Hong Kong Island teams will donate blood on Sunday (May 27) in support of the Red Cross Blood Bank.
More than 600 members of the AMS are blood donors and it is hoped that some 200 pints will be collected.
The blood donations will take place between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the St. Joseph’s Primary School, Wood Road, Wanchai.
Note to Editors: Photographers wishing to cover the occasion will
be made welcome.
- - 0 - -
Saturday, May 26, 1973
- 5 -
A new ambulance depot will soon be built at Smithfield Road to meet the increasing demand for ambulance service in the Pokfulam and Mid-Level areas.
Work on the project, which will cost about S3 million, is scheduled to start towards the end of this year and will take about 12 months to complete.
The depot will be 10 storeys high with accommodation for four to six ambulances on the ground floor. Offices and barrack quarters will be housed on the mezzanine and first floors.
The first floor will also contain recreational and dining facilities as well as a rest room for officers on stand-by duty.
Quarters for married officers will occupy the second and third floors while those for the rank and file will be located on the upper six floors.
The depot will be suitably equipped to cope with the rising demands for ambulances in the crowded Pokfulam and Mid-Level districts.
Saturday, May 26, 1973
- 6 -
Mr. Lau Kam-ming, Waterworks Inspector I, will be retiring shortly after 3*1 years of service.
To mark his retirement, the Director of Water Supplies, Mr. W.T. Knight, will present him with a gift on Monday (May 28) on behalf of his colleagues.
Mr. Lau, who is 55> first joined the Public Works Department as Assistant Foreman in the Waterworks Office in 1958, three years before the Japanese Occupation.
After the War, he resumed his post in the Department in 19^5 since then he served in a number of posts. In 1970 he was promoted to his present position of Waterworks Inspector I.
Mote to Editors: The presentation ceremony will take place at
11.00 a.m. in the Public Works Department’s conference room, 21st floor, Murray Building.
You are invited to send a reporter and/or
photographer to cover the presentation.
Release time: 2.50 p.m,
Sunday, May 27, 1973
All former government low cost housing and resettlement estates are to be ’mown by their names alone. This is in line with the new Housing Authority’s policy to drop the distinguishing words resettlement and low cost from the titles of all public housing estates.
To avoid confusion, the words "upper" and "lower" will be used for estates bearing similar names •
The names of the 10 estates of the former Housing Authority remain unchanged.
The full list of public housing estates with their old and new names is:
Former Name
Castle Peak Resettlement Estate
Chai Wan Resettlement Estate
Cheung Sha Wan G.L.C.H. Estate
Choi Hung Estate
Fuk Loi Estate
Hing Wah Resettlement Estate
Ho Man Tin G.L.C.H. Estate
Revised Name
Castle Peak Estate
Chai Wan Estate
Cheung Sha Wan Estate
Choi Hung Estate
Fuk Loi Estate
Hing Wah Estate
Ho Man Tin Estate
/Hung Hom ......
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Sunday, May 27, 1975
- 2
Former Name
Hung Hom Resettlement Estate
Jordan Valley Resettlement Estate
Ko Chiu Road G.L.C.H. Estate
Kwai Chung Resettlement Estate
Kwai Fong G.L.C.H. Estate
Kwai Hing G.L.C.H. Estate
Kwai Shing G.L.C.H. Estate
Kwun Tong G.L.C.H. Estate
Kwun Tong Resettlement Estate
Lam Tin Resettlement Estate
Lei Cheng Uk Resettlement Estate
Lei Muk Shu G.L.C.H. Estate
Lok Fu Resettlement Estate
Ma Tau Wai Estate
Ngau Tau Kok G.L.C.H. Estate
Ngau Tau Kok Resettlement Estate
North Point Estate
Oi Man Estate
Pak Tin Government Estate
Pak Tin Resettlement Estate
Ping Shek Estate
Sai Wan Estate
Sau Mau Ping Resettlement Estate
Revised Name
Hung Hom Estate
Jordan Valley Estate
Ko Chiu Road Estate
Kwai Chung Estate
Kwai Fong Estate
K.wai Hing Estate
Kwai Shing Estate
Kwun Tong (Li Yue Mun Road) Estate
Kwun Tong (Tsui Ping Road) Estate
Lam Tin Estate
Lei Cheng Uk Estate
Lei Muk Shu Estate
Lok Fu Estate
Ma Tau Wai Estate
Upper Ngau Tau Kok Estate
Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate
North Point Estate
Oi Man Estate
Upper Pak Tin Estate
Lower Pak Tin Estate
Ping Shek Estate
« Sai Wan Estate
Sau Mau Ping Estate
/Shatin Pass .......
Sunday, May 27, 1973
- 3 -
Former Name
Shatin Pass G.L.C.H. Estate
Shek Kip Hei G.L.C.H. Estate
Shek Kip Hei Resettlement Estate
Shek Lei Resettlement Estate
Shek Pai Wan Resettlement Estate
Shek Yam G.L.C.H. Estate
So Uk Estate
Tai Hans Tung Resettlement Estate
Tai Wo Hau Resettlement Estate
Tin Wan Resettlement Estate
Tsz V/an Shan Resettlement Estate
Tung Tau Resettlement Estate
Un Chau Street G.L.C.H. Estate
Valley Road G.L.C.H. Estate
Wah Fu Estate
Wang Tau Hom Resettlement Estate
Wo Lok Estate
Wong Chuk Hang G.L.C.H. Estate
Wong Tai Sin G.L.C.H. Estate
Wong Tai Sin Resettlement Estate
Yau Tong Resettlement Estate
Yuen Long Resettlement Estate
• Revised Name
Shatin Pass Estate
Upper Shek Kip Mei Estate
Lower Shek Kip Mei Estate
Shek Lei Estate
Shek Pai Wan Estate
Shek Yam Estate
So Uk Estate
Tai Hang Tung Estate
Tai Wo Hau Estate
Tin Wan Estate
Tsz Wan Shan Estate
Tung Tau Estate
Un Chau Street Estate
Valley Road Estate
Wah Fu Estate
Wang Tau Hom Estate
Wo Lok Estate
Wong Chuk Hang Estate
Upper Wong Tai Sin Estate
Lov/er Wong Tai Sin Estate
Yau Tong Estate
Yuen Long Estate
Release time: ,2.^0 pan.
Monday, May 28, 1973
Page No.
Students may apply for government maintenance grants for matriculation courses......................................... 1
Experimental traffic indicator bollards to bring local traffic signs up to international standards •••••••••••••••••«.•••••• 2
Public urged to observe personal and environmental hygiene during the cholera season .......*.......... 4
First day covers for new definitive set of stamps will bo on sale on Wednesday ........................................... $
Special traffic arrangements for a reception at Government House ....................................................... g
Ping pong competition to be held in June for boys and girls in correctional centres ...................................... 9
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Monday, May 28, 1973
- 1 -
Needy and deserving pupils who have good results in this year’s Hong Long Certificate of Education Examinations (English and Chinese) can apply for government maintenance grants to enable them to take mat riculation courses•
The amount of the grant will be determined by a maintenance grants committee appointed by the Director of Education.
In recent years grants awarded have been in the region of 350 a month and are tenable for one year at any school approved by him.
nA grant shall be discontinued at any time if, in the opinion of the Director, the recipient fails to merit the award by reason of lack of progress or unsatisfactory conduct,” an Education Department spokesman said.
Application forms are obtainable from June 1 at the Education Department headquarters in Lee Gardens.
Completed forms must bo returned, through heads of schools, to the Secretary of the Maintenance Grants Committee, Education Department not later than 10 days after the publication of the results of the Certificate of Education Examinations (Chinese and English).
The spokesman said: "Heads of schools have been asked to inform pupils in upper forms and middle 5 classes about two Education Department circulars which give details on how to apply for the grants.”
During the 1972/73 academic year, 165 pupils in Chinese middle schools applied for maintenance grants. Of these, 132 were awarded grants total1 ing 345,600.
In the same period, there were 1,056 applications from pupils in upper forms in Anglo-Chinese secondary schools. Grants totalling 3241,850 were awarded to 777 pupils to study in lower and upper 6 forms f
--------0-------- /2........................
Monday, May 28, 1975
Nev/ traffic indicator bollards are being installed in urban areas in Hong Kong as an experiment to. improve and update local traffic signs to international standards.
They are known as Morrison bollards in which the traffic direction sign is indicated by a white arrow on a blue background. The sign is set in a yellow and white coloured plastic container fastened to the kerb.
At night they are completely illuminated and provide motorists with a more easily identifiable sign than the existing ones which have red flashing lights on top and the directions written in English and Chinese•
A spokesman for the Public Works Department said today the new design fits in with the concept in international traffic codes that the traffic direction should be conveyed by symbols and not words.
As the bollards are made entirely of plastic, they are more economical and durable.
The spokesman added that if the response to the experiment were favourable, the existing bollards would be replaced by the new ones.
The Morrison bollards have been imported from the United Kingdom, but the workshops of the Public Works Department have modified the design to produce plastic bollards of a slightly different shape.
/In the .....
Monday, May 28, 1973
- 3 -
In the current experiment, eight bollards of both designs will be sited at different locations on Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon: two at the junction of To Kwa Wan Hoad and Sung Wong Toi Road; two in Upper Albert Road; two at the junction of Nathan Road and Salisbury Road; one at the junction of Garden Road and Cotton Tree Drive; and one at the junction of Lower Albert Road and Garden Road%
Some of the bollards have already been set up, and it is expected that installation of all eight will soon be completed.
Note to Editors: Photographs of the Morrison bollard are
boxed this evening.
-------0 ---------
Monday, May 28, 1973
- 4 -
The Director of Medical and Health Services, Dr. G.H. Choa, advised today that with the approach of the cholera season, "personal and environmental cleanliness" were essential if Hong Kong was to remain free of the disease this year.
He warned that "primary protection during the summer months" meant ... • « clean food, clean water, the washing of hands before and after meals, and after visits to the toilet.
The public is also urged to be "extra cautious" in their choice of food and drink. .. -
improperly cooked food can cause infection, while properly cooked food cannot. If the latter is not eaten immediately, it should not be left in the open and so exposed to contamination," he said.
Dr. Choa made it perfectly clear that water coming directly from the mains in Hong Kong was pure and safe for drinking, and did not require to be boiled.
In his view, danger of impurity arose when this water left the mains for storage in tanks, drums, or buckets. As these containers were sometimes left for long periods without cleaning, or otherwise not regularly or hygienically attended to, they made possible the contamination of the water by germs.
/"In these ••••••
Monday, May 28, 1973
- 5 -
f,In these circumstances/1 Dr. Choa said, ’’stored water should be boiled before drinking. This is not a reflection on the quality of the water, but relates to storage conditions.” • -
' In a reference to personal hygiene , he explained that when
this was seriously taken into account by members of the public, it amounted to ”a protective measure not only against cholera, but also other intestinal diseases such as typhoid and dysentery.”
He emphasised that there had only been 10 cases of cholera in the last eight years, but with summer now here, it was necessary to draw attention to the need for protective measures.
”People get cholera by taking in the vibrio carried from the waste of infectious persons to exposed food and water, and flies aid in the spread of the disease,” he said.
Departmental measures being taken to prevent any outbreak of cholera in Hong Kong, and to locate carriers of the disease, include the testing of night soil and samples from all cases of diarrhoea that come to light.
Cholera vaccinations are available free at all government clinics v
and vaccination centres for intending travellers.
Monday, May 28, 1973
- 6 -
Special first day covers for Hong Kong’s new definitive set of stamps will go on sale on Wednesday (May 30) at all post offices.
The covers, costing 20 cents each, feature a design by Government Information Services•
A spokesman for the post office said today that people are asked to obtain their requirements early to avoid disappointment.
The new definitive set of stamps, comprising 14 denominations, will be put on sale from June 12.
The spokesman said that advance orders for servicing first day covers will be accepted at the General Post Office, Pedder Street; the Kowloon Central Post Office, Nathan Road; and the Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office in Salisbury Road.
For this service, addressed first day covers must be handed in with an order form together with a remittance to cover the cost.
The charges for the whole set will be 842.35 per cover which includes the cost of the whole set of stamps together with a service fee of 50 cents; charges for a limited set will be 35.35 which includes the cost of the stamps value up to 81.30 together with the 50 cent service fee.
The covers must be fully addressed by the applicant and not less than five covers will be accepted with each order. The order forms vri11 be available at the General Post Office, Kowloon Central Post Office and Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office on Wednesday (May 30)•
/Any person •••••
Monday, May 28, 1973 - 7 -
Any person ordering serviced covers addressed to a local destination may collect them on June 13 from the office where the order was placed. Covers addressed overseas will be sent forward by ordinary post, surface mail, unless sufficient stamps are affixed to cover airmail or registration charges or both.
The latest time of acceptance for advance orders of serviced covers will be noon on Thursday, June 7•
A service will be provided on June 12 at all post offices whereby first day covers will be accepted over the counter, impressed with the normal post office steel date stamp and handed back to the person presenting them.
No "time type” will appear in the postmark. The special conditions for this service are that only articles bearing an indication that they are ’first day covers’ will be handled; the articles must be addressed to a local address; and they must not bear any other cancellation. No registered items will be processed by this method.
Special posting boxes will also be available at the General
* •
Post Office; Kowloon Central Post Office and Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office on the June 12 for those who wish to have first day covers careful l.y hand-postmarked before despatch to the address on the cover.
Monday, May 28, 1973
- 8 -
About 2,000 community leaders from all walks of life involved in the fight violent crime campaign have been invited to a reception at Government House on Wednesday ( May 30).
Because of the large number of people attending, special traffic arrangements are being made to cope with the increased number of cars in the area* From 1 p.m. all metered parking spaces in Upper Albert Road and two metered spaces in Lower Albert Road at its junction with Upper Albert Road will be suspended.
Vehicles with blue parking labels may be parked in these spaces. Those with Government House labels may park within the grounds of Government House.
A special free bus service will be provided by the China Motor
Bus Company between the Star Ferry and Government House between 2 p.m. and 3 p»m. and also between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. for guests not using their private cars.
Motorists are warned that there may be traffic congestion in Garden Road and Upper Albert Road between 2 p.m. and 3«^0 p.m. and also again between 4.30 p.m. and 5»3O p.m. on that day.
P_te_ .to Editors: No press photographers other than those provided with
special passes will be admitted to Government House.
Photographers assigned to cover the ceremony are requested to assemble at the guard room of Government House not later than 2.30 p.m.
G.I.S. officers will be on liand to give assistance.
Newspapers not receiving passes will be able to obtain photographs by making arrangements forthe supply of prints’ in the ordinary way with Golden Studio, 527 Hennessey Road, Hong Kong, Telephone No. 5-777940.
-------0--------- /9......................
Monday, May 28, 1973
- 9 -
A ping pong competition is being sponsored next month for boys and girls in care centres and correctional institutions.
The competition, organised by the Society of Boys* Centres, is one of the annual series of activities held during the summer months.
It is open to boys from the Juvenile Care Centre, the Society of Boys’ Centres, the Kwun Tong Hostel, the Castle Peak Boys’ Home, the 0 Pui Shan Boys’ Home and the Begonia Road Boys’ Home and girls from the Ma Tau Wei Girls’ Home.
A spokesman for the organisers said the aim of the competition is to give the boys and girls a chance to develop their skill in the game and to allow them to foster a relationship which could be helpful in the future.
The matches will be played at the So Uk Chuen Youth Centre, So Uk Estate, Shamshuipo, and members of the public are welcome to attend. They will be held every weekend in June, beginning next Saturday (June 2), from 2 p.m. until 5 p*m.
Release time: 7.00 p.m.
Tuesday, May 29, 1973
Page No.
Encouraging increase in Hong Kong’s trade figures ••••••......• • • • 1
Civil Aid Services to celebrate 21st anniversary on Thursday • ••• 3
Social Welfare Department organising leadership training course for young people during summer..................................... 3
Water interruption in Tai Kok Tsui ................................. 6
Special train services from Kowloon to Tai Po Market for Dragon Boat Festival ................................................... 7
Dragon Boat Festival — a statutory holiday for industrial workers ........................................................... 8
Forty-two occupation pennits issued for new buildings in April ... 9
Three dangerous buildings in Queen’s Road Central to be demolished ................................................................. 10
Three visiting MPs to meet Urban Councillors .................... 11
Decision on curtailing reception at Government House tomorrow depends on the weather ........................................... 12
Wage increase agreement to be signed tomorrow..................... 12
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, May 29, 1973
- 1 -
******* /
The value of Hong Kong’s domestic exports continue to show a marked increase over that of the corresponding months last year.
Provisional trade statistics released today show that these exports last month were worth $1,298 million — an increase of 20.7 per cent or 3222 million over April 1972.
The value of imports increased by SJ68 million or 21.1 per cent to 32,109 million. However, the biggest increase — 54.9 per cent — was in re-exports which were worth $404 million,a rise of 3143 million over the corresponding month last year.
A spokesman for the Commerce and Industry Department said today the figures are most encouraging and "reflect a very satisfactory measure of growth".
The figures for the three month period, February to April 1973, showed increases over the same period, in 1972 of 18.9 per cent for domestic exports, 19.5 per cent for imports and 44.1 per cent for re-exports.
The provisional trade figures for April are:-
MERC1IANDISE: Domestic Exports : 31,298 million
Imports : $2,109 million
Re-exports : 3 4o4 million
Tuesday, May 29, 1973
- 2
COMPARATIVE FIGURES: April April Increase or
1973 8 Mn. -J272 decrease
8 Mn. 3 Mn. %
Domestic Exports 1,298 1,076 + 222 + 20.7
Imports 2,109 1,742 + 368 + 21.1
De-exports 404 26.1 + 145 + 54.9
Feb.-April Feb.-April Increase or
1973 1972 decrease
8 Mn. 3 Mn. $ Mn. %
Domestic Exports 3,853 3,240 + 614 '• + 18.9
Imports 5,958 4,985 + 974 + 19.5
De-exports 1,222 848 + 37^ +44.1
Jan.-April Jan.-April Increase or
1973 1972 decrease $ Mn.
8 Mn. $ Mn.
Domestic Exports 5,067 4,386 + 681 + 15.5
Imports 7,817 6,516 + 1*301 + 20.0
De-exports 1,580 1,136 + 444 + J9.1
Tuesday, May 29, 1973
- 3 -
The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, will be the chief guest at a Chinese dinner. paj?ty to be held by the Civil Aid Services on Thursday (May 31) to commemorate its 21st anniversary.
About 700 officers and members of C.A.S., including the Commissioner, Mr. P.C. Woo, and the. Chief Staff Officer, Mr. J.A. Fortune will attend.
Among the guests will be the Commander’British Forces, Lt. Gen.
Sir Richard Ward, Commodore J.K. Stevens of the Royal Navy, Dr. G.H. Choa, Mr, D.R. Alexander, Mr. I.M. Lightbody, Mr. C.P. Sutcliffe, Mr. D.S. Whitelegge, Mr. A.E.H. Wood, and Major G.F. Doggett of the Auxiliary Medical Service.
The Civil Aid Services was formed in 1932 during the Korean War and this year — 21 years since then — marks its ’’coming of age”.
At the time of formation it was thought that its main role was to maintain precautions against the effects of conventional air-raids.
Even then, however, it was clearly recognised that it also had an important part to play on other occasions such as during natural disasters.
Since its establishment, the C.A.S. has given invaluable service to the community in numerous typhoons, fires and floods.
In 1968, the C.A.S. expanded its strength by providing training for a Cadet Corps. It now has J,800 officers and members in its adult section and some 2.000 youths in the Cadet Corps.
/Note to Editors: .........
Tuesday, May 29, 1973
4 -
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a photographer
and/or reporter to cover the arrival of the guests at the main entrance to the City Hall Low Block, It will be possible to take photographs during the reception prior to the dinner, but the press are expected to leave the reception area immediately before 8 p.m. The Governor will arrive at about 8.10 p.m, He will be met by Mr. P.C. Woo and Mr. J,A. Fortune, Chief Staff Officer, C.A.S, After covering the arrival of the Governor, the press party is requested not to enter the reception area again.
Tuesday, May 29, 1973
5 -
The Youth Work Unit of the Social Welfare Department has arranged a leadership training programme for young people.
The programme will be in two parts and is planned to help young people develop their knowledge and skills fn leadership as well as arouse their interests in social services.
The first part — a youth leadership symposium — will be held from June 14 to July 12 and will consist of lectures on such aspects as human relations and communications, programme planning, public speaking and organising outdoor activities. There will also be a practical exercise organised by the participants themselves in the form of a practice camp.
The symposium will be held twice weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7*30 p.m. to 9»3O p.m. at the Lady Trench Training Centre, Wanchai.
The second part of the programme will concentrate on social services and will include lectures on community work, probation and correctional service, counselling service, rehabilitation service and the social security scheme. Visits to welfare agencies will also be arranged during the course.
This part of the programme will take place, again twice weekly, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from July 24 to August 21 from 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. It will be held at the Ward Memorial Methodist Church in Waterloo Road.
Certificates will be presented to those completing the course.
/Any young .........
Tuesday, May 29, 1973
- 6 -
Any young people between 17 and 25 with secondary school education or above are eligible to apply. Application forms are available from the Youth Work Unit offices of the Social Welfare Department®
Water supply to a number of premises in Tai Kok Tsui will be cut off for five hours from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. on Friday (June 1).
The temporary stoppage is to allow staff of the Waterworks Office to carry out a leakage test in the area.
The area affected is bounded by Boundary Street, Tai Kok Tsui Road, Cherry Street, sea-front and Lee Tak Street.
Tuesday, May 29, 1973
7 -
Special trains will operate between Tsim Sha Tsui and Tai Po f Market on Dragon Boat Festival Day next Tuesday (June 5) for the large crowds expected to watch the boat races at Yuen Chau Tsai, Tai Po.
The trains, which will run in addition to the scheduled services, will pick up passengers en route at the Mong Kok, Sha Tin, University and Tai Po Kau stations.
Eight special trains will run from Tsim Sha Tsui to Tai Po Market, departing at 7.59 a.m., 8.58 a.m., 9.49 a.m., 10.57 a.m., 12.05 p.m., 1.11 p.m., 2.07 p.m. and 2.55 p.m.
From Tai Po Market, 10 special trains will leave at 8.51 a.m., 9*59 a.m., 10.46 a.m., 11.54 a.m., 1.06 p.m., 1.56 p.m., 5.05 p.m*, 5«24 p.m., 4.51 p.m. and 5*27 p.m.
A spokesman for the Kowloon-Canton Railway said that additional special trains would also run in the late evening if traffic warrants.
Tuesday, May 29 j 1973
- 8 -
The Commissioner of Labour, Mr. Paul Tsui, today reminded employers that next Tuesday (June 5), the day of the Tuen Ng (Dragon Boat) Festival, is one of the six statutory holidays to which industrial workers are entitled under the Industrial Employment Ordinance.
With few exceptions, all manual workers in industrial undertakings paid on a monthly, daily, or piece-rate basis must be given a holiday on that day. Non-manual workers in industrial undertakings earning not more than $700 a month have the same right.
A worker or employer, who is in doubt about his rights or obligations regarding statutory holidays or holiday pay, may obtain the advice of the Senior Labour Inspector in charge of the Women and Young Persons Unit at various branch offices of the Labour Department.
Tuesday, Hay 29, 1973
- 9 -
Two three-storey car parks, a community centre and a gymnasium all in Mei Foo Sun Chuen were among the 42 buildings which were certified for occupation by the Building Authority in April.
The total declared construction cost of these buildings was over £1J1 million.
At the same time, 54 plans for new buildings were approved, including three blocks of 5O-storey apartment/commercial buildings in Ngau Tau Kok Road.
The Authority also gave permission for work to start on 40 building projects.
Tuesday, May 29, 1973
- 10' -
The Building Authority today ordered the demolition of three buildings in Queen’s Road Central after declaring them in a dangerous condition.
The four-storey pre-war buildings — 287, 289 and 291 Queen’s Road Central — have been under regular observation for several years. They were re-examined following the closure of adjoining buildings after a verandah collapse.
The Principal Government Building Surveyor said that cracks and weaknesses in the party walls were developing and there were decayed timbers throughout the buildings.
These conditions, he said, give rise to a risk of collapse and notices of intention to apply for closure orders in Victoria District Court at 9*30 a.n. on July 3 were posted today in respect of 287 and 289 Queen’s Road Central.
The third building, number 291, has already been closed as a precautionary measure.
Tuesday, May 29, 1973
- 11
Note to Editors: The three visiting British MPs, Mr. Nicholas Ridley,
Mr. Michael Jopling and Mr. Michael Shaw, will meet members of the Urban Council tomorrow (Wednesday) for private talks.
The meeting will take place in the Council Chamber, on the 12th floor of Central Government Offices, West Wing at 8.45 a.m.
The discussions are private and reporters/ photographers will not be allowed inside the chamber during the talks. But arrangements have been made for photographers to take pictures of the MPs, and the Councillors before the meeting commences.
It is not known whether the MPs will make a statement afterwards, but if they should, their statement or statements will be sent on the teleprinter to you so that reporters need not wait unnecessarily.
Tuesday, May 29, 1973
If the weather is bad tomorrow (Wednesday), the reception at Government House may be curtailed in view of the large number of people invited. However, a final decision will be made shortly before 11 a.m.
If those who have been invited are doubtful whether the reception will be held, they are advised to listen to Hong Kong’s broadcasting and television services between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., when an announcement will be made at intervals on whether it will take place as scheduled.
Alternatively they can telephone their City District Office or their District Office in the New Territories.
Note to Editors: At 3.00 p.m. sharp tomorrow afternoon
(Wednesday May 30), representatives of the Hong Kong and Kowloon Wood Trunk Workers Union and the Hong Kong and Kowloon Art Carved Furniture and Camphor-wood Chests Merchants Association will sign a collective agreement on wage increases for the workers of the trade in the presence of a Labour Department Officer at New Rodney Block, Queensway, Ground floor, Hong Kong.
You are invited to send a reporter/ photographer to cover the occasion.
Release time: 7.00 p.m.
Wednesday, May JO, 197J
Page No,
Consulting engineers will be engaged to study alternative traffic routes to North Point .....................................
lien Commanding Officer appointed for the Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers) • •••.............................................. 2
The Social ./elfare Department is to set up a new social security unit in Aberdeen ...............................................
Heavy fines can be imposed for mosquito breeding................... 5
oale of tickets for first lottery of the year closes tomorrow.... 6
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, May 30, 1973
A feasibility study is to be undertaken to determine the best possible means of providing additional road capacity along the eastern corridor of Hong Kong Island to relieve traffic congestion in North Point*
The study will be conducted by consultants and will cover the entire road route running from Causeway Bay through North Point and Quarry Bay to Shau Kei Wan*
The consultants will investigate broadly three alternative routes: one along the waterfront, another an inland route, and the third the doubledecking of King’s Road.
A spokesman for the Public Works Department explained today that the study was necessary to avoid any abortive detailed design work for the originally proposed elevated road along King’s Road.
A preliminary examination of the King’s Road double decking scheme, contained in the Long Term Road Study Report, indicated that serious land and environmental problems could be expected to arise due to the proximity of the elevated structure to existing buildings*
In addition, the problem was likely to be aggravated by the need to avoid conflict with the mass transit proposals along King’s Road, he added*
The study, which will take about a year to complete, will explore the merits of the three alternatives to enable a soundly based decision to be taken. Consultants are expected to be engaged in the next two months.
Wednesday, May 30? 1973
- 2 -
Note to Editors:
The following item is embargoed for release until 10,30 p.m. tonight (30-5-73)
Major John Heywood was tonight named as the new Commanding Officer of the Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers) — the first volunteer to hold the position for 22 years.
Major Heywood, who is an Assistant Director of the Urban Services Department, will take over from Lieutenant-Colonel J. Chapman at the end of October this year.
In making the announcement tonight the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, said that in the past 22 years the Regiment had been fortunate in.having a succession of "excellent" commanding officers from the regular army.
frThe Regiment", he said, "owes much to its past regular C.O.*s and in particular to Colonel Chapman, for all that they have done."
But he felt that it must be "greatly encouraging" for all Volunteers to realise that potentially they have "the C.O.’s baton in their knapsacks"..
Sir Murray said that when Major Heywood became Commanding Officer he would be supported by a Major from the regular army as second in command.
/The Governor .....
Wednesday, May 30» 1973
- 3 -
The Governor also announced the appointment of Lieutenant-Colonel Ivor Daniel to succeed Mr. Donald Luddington as Honorary Colonel of the Regiment from Friday (June 1).
Colonel Luddington will be leaving Hong Kong soon to take up appointment as High Commissioner of the Western Pacific.
Colonel Daniel, the managing director of an export company (R.H. Macy & Co. Incorporation) has been a member of the Royal Hong Kong Regiment since 1952*, was appointed second in command in 19&7 and promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel in 1969.
The Governor announced the appointments at the Regiment’s Foundation Day Dinner at the Officers’ Mess in Beaconsfield House. The dinner marked the 119th anniversary of the Regiment which was formed on May 30? 185^, as the Hong Kong Volunteer Corps.
Note to Mi tors: Photographs of Major Heywood and Colonel
Daniel are boxed tonight.
Wednesday, May 30, 1973
- 4 -
A social security field unit is to be set up in Aberdeen to provide better service for people living in the area.
The new unit, which comes into operation from Friday (June 1), is the 19th to be formed by the Social Security Division of the Social Welfare Department.
It will deal with applications for public assistance and disability and infirmity allowance from people living in Wah Fu Estate, Aberdeen, Ap Lei Chau, Wong Chuk Hang and Shek Pai Wan.
At present, applications from people in Aberdeen and surrounding areas are dealt with by the Pokfulam unit.
Mr. Tsau Tsor-yan, Senior Principal Social Welfare Officer, Social Security, said today the aim of establishing the new unit was to ease the workload of the unit at Pokfulam.
At present, he said the Pokfulam unit has an active caseload of 1,908 for public assistance and has received a total of 1,689 applications for the disability and infirmity allowance.
The Aberdeen Social Security Field Unit is expected to move into new premises at 200 Aberdeen Main Street, 4th floor sometime in late June or early July. For the time being the unit will share the same accommodation as the Pokfulam unit at the Western District Magistracy Building.
After Friday, the Pokfulam Social Security Field Unit will deal with applications from Kennedy Town, Sai Ying Poon and the offshore islands such as Hei Ling Chau, Sunshine Island, Peng Chau, Chek Lap Kok, Lamma Island and Lantau Island.
-------0 - - -
Wednesday, May 30, 1973
- 5 -
People can, and have been, fined as much as $1,000 for al1 own ng water to stagnate and breed mosquitoes.
A manager of a construction company was fined $1,000 last week when mosquito larvae were found in abandoned containers on his construction site at the junction of Sheung Shing Street and Shek Ku Street, Kowloon.
A spokesman for the Urban Council said today: 'With the recent heavy rain, mosquito nuisance will spread if steps are not taken to remove stagnant water. Mosquitoes take only seven days to breed in stagnant water.”
"While the Urban Council is taking all possible measures to prevent mosquito breeding in public places, the removal of these breeding grounds in private premises rests to a large extent on the public. People can also call us at 5-95555 if they have a mosquito problem they cannot handle,” he added.
The public is urged to check on and remove all receptacles capable of retaining rain water such as discarded tins and bottles and choked drains.
All water tanks on roofs should be properly covered and open spaces should also be kept clear of refuse and debris to prevent blockages during heavy downpours, the spokesman said.
,rThe mosquito nuisance can be prevented if we each play our part in removing all possible breeding places,” he added.
Wednesday, May JO, 1973
- 6 -
******** ,
Tomorrow (Thursday) is the last chance to buy tickets in the first Government Lottery of the year.
The tickets will be on sale up till 9 p.m. on Thursday at all
Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club selling booths. During the day they can also be obtained at banks and money changers.
Up to J p.m. today a total of Jj6,000 tickets had been sold. The draw for the lottery will be held at the HK-TVB studio on Friday (June 1) night.
Note to Editors: Details of the sale will be sent to you on
the teleprinter as soon as they are available.
On Friday, the draw for the first, second and third prizes will be held at about 10.JO p.m. during the ’’Enjoy Yourself Tonight" programme, and it will be televised.
The draw for the winning numbers of the JO special prizes will not be televised, and it will be held at the studio at about 8.JO p.m.
Results of both draws will be transmitted to you immediately. It is expected that the transmission of all winning numbers will be completed before 11 p.m.
You are invited to have the event covered. Photographers are requested not to use flash lights.
Release time: 7 >00 p.m.
Thursday, May J1t 1973
Page No.
All Ootor vehicles will be prohibited from entering Lantau
Island unless written authorisation from the Commissioner for Transport ............................................. 1
Census and Statistics Department conducting an employment survey of the non-industrial sector................................ 2
Mr. Donald Liao to study current housing development in the United Kingdom ............................................. 4
The third auction of lucky car numbers will be held next Wednesday ..................................................
The Urban Council has built a new playground in Fook Wah Tsuen......*................................................ g
Three visiting MPs to hold a news conference tomorrow •••••• 6
Two photographic displays to be featured at the City Museum and Art Gallery in June .................................... 7
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, May 3*1? 1975
- 1 -
Special measures are being introduced to restrict the number of vehicles using the limited road network on Lantau Island.
With effect from tomorrow (June 1) all motor vehicles, including motor cycles, will be prohibited from entering the island, unless authorised in writing by the Commissioner for Transport.
The new restrictions are intended to prevent overloading the roads which are generally of single-lane width and often with blind corners.
A spokesman for the Transport Department said the measure was al so partly to prevent motor cyclists from ferrying their machines to Lantau on holidays and then taking part in illegal races.
Owners of registered vehicles already in use on the island wi 11 be required to apply for a new permit. These must be prominently displayed on their vehicles ready for inspection.
Transport officers are now on Lantau issuing permits for these vehicles.
Thursday, May 31» 1973
The regular survey of employment and vacancies in the private non-industrial sector, formerly conducted by the Labour Department at half-yearly intervals, is now being taken over and administered by the Census and Statistics Department.
The department is in the process of conducting a similar survey to assess the levels and trends of employment in some of the more important trades and services of this sector.
These include import and export businesses, hotels and restaurants, banks and money changers, insurance, air and water transport and related services, education services, medical and health services, and cinemas and theatres.
Several additional trades and services such as advertising companies and agencies, solicitors’ firms, accounting and auditing firms and department stores have also been included in the survey.
Printed employment return cards were sent on May 22 to managements of all known establishments in these trades and services requesting them to provide the relevant information as it stands today (May 31) and to return the cards to the Census and Statistics Department on or before June 4.
The Commissioner for Census and Statistics, Mr. K.W.J. Topley, has appealed to all recipients, asking them to fill in the cards accurately and return them promptly in the reply-paid envelopes provided.
/During the .......
Thursday, May 3% 1973
- 3 -
During the last survey conducted by the Labour Department in November 1972, the extent of co-operation from managements was most encouraging and Mr. Topley hopes that the same response can be received for this latest survey.
’•The information provided on the cards will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used for the preparation of statistical summaries from which particulars of individual establishments cannot be identified,” Mr. Topley stressed.
,FThe cards will be destroyed under supervision when all the relevant information is extracted and summarised.”
Thursday, May 31, 1973
- 4 -
Mr. Donald Liao, deputy head of the Housing Department and Vice-chairman of the Housing Authority, leaves Hong Kong by air tomorrow (Friday) for London where he will spend three weeks as guest of the British Government.
During his stay, Mr. Liao will see current developments in building techniques and materials. He will visit new towns and see the Greater London Council Housing Project "Thamesmeade".
Mr. Liao said he also hoped to visit new towns and housing projects in Scotland.
fTI am forward to bringing myself up-to-date on developments in this field in Britain,n he said today. nIf the opportunity arises I will also try to interest architects and engineers to come and join the Hong Kong Housing Department team in the challenging job ahead.“
After his study tour, Mr. Liao will remain in England for a short holiday.
Thursday, May 31, 1973
- 5 -
Another 30 special vehicle registration numbers will be put up for auction by the Transport Department next Wednesday (June 6).
It will be the third such auction with the proceeds going to the Government Lotteries Fund for charitable purposes.
The numbers are:-
716 723 726 728 739
AT 1 AT 2 AT 6 AT 9 AT 10
AT 22 AT 33 AT 50 AT 66 AT 80
AT 88 •AT 100 AT 222 AT 300 AT 333
AT 555 AT 777 AT 800 AT2000 AT2233
AT6789 AT3388 AT5555 AT8888 AT9999
Successful bidders will be required to pay in cash or by cheque immediately after the bidding.
A total of more than 8520,000 was raised in the first two auctions. Another will be held in about two weeks.
Thursday, May 31, 1973
- 6 -
Another playground has been built in Fook Wah Tsuen, Ngau Tau Kok — the latest in the Urban Council’s programme to provide residents of Hong Kong with more recreational areas.
The playground, covering about 140,000 square feet, will cater for the Ngau Tau Kok Cottage Area and school children from neighbouring districts.
The facilities provided in this playground are two hard-surfaced mini-soccer pitches, two basketball courts, three badminton courts, one volleyball court, a children’s playground and a garden area.
The playground was built at a cost of $130,000.
Note toJEclitors» The three visiting British M.Ps - Mr. Michael
Shaw, lir• Nicholas Ridley and Mr. Michael Jopling — will hold a press conference tomorrow (Friday) at 12 noon.
It will be held in the G.I.S, 35 mm theatre, 5th floor, Beaconsfield House.
Television crews are reminded that they should arrive in time to set up their equipment before the start of the conference.
Thursday, May J1, 1973
- 7 -
The City Museum and Art Gallery will feature two photographic exhibitions during June.
The first — ’Glimpses of life in Hong Kong through the Camera’ —consists of more than 20 photographs collected by the Museum during last year’s ’Hong Kong - the Changing Scene’ Photographic Exhibition.
They are pictures of local residents at work and at leisure and will be on display from tomorrow (Friday) in the ’’Pictures of the Month” section of the Art Gallery on the top floor of the City Hall>
The next photographic exhibition will feature contemporary
French art photographs. It consists of about 80 pieces of work by Cartier-Bresson and five other contemporary masters of photography.
A apokesman for the City Museum and Art Gallery said today their simple and realistic style and the variety of subject fully illustrate their significant achievement in photography.
This exhibition will be on show from June 15 to July 17 in the Art Gallery. Admission is free.
Release time: 7*00 p*m.