Thursday, March 1, 1973
Page No*
More staff for the Public Service will be recruited in the next financial year •••••••••••••«•••••••••..................... 1
The Government is to boost aid to voluntary welfare agencies . .................................................................. 3
Five publications related to the 1973-7^ budget have been published ............................................. ••••• 4
Provisional trade figures for January have been announced • •• 7
The Social Welfare Department’s Youth Representative Council will hold an inauguration ceremony on Saturday................... 9
Several buildings in Yu Chau Street have been declared dangerous ............................................................. 10
Water supply to certain areas in Western will be cut this weekend ...............................• ••••................ 10
Effects of the changes in the stamp duty on contract notes in resnect of share transactions have been outlined •••••••«•••• 11
The Governor visits Wong Tai Sin Police station •*••••••«••* 1^
A series of graphs and tables has been prepared to illustrate the lower effective rates of tax.............................. 16
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, liar oh 1, 1973
Over 104,000 Employees For New Fiscal Year
The Government will be recruiting more staff for the Public Service in the coming financial year.
If the Draft Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure are approved by the Legislative Council, the Public Service will have posts for over 104,000 employees in its various departments.
The Report of the Establishment Sub-Committee of the Finance Committee, tabled at yesterday’s meeting of- the Legislative Council, says this represents an increase of 6.54 per cent over last year, in the net total of posts in the Public Service.
Salaries, excluding pensions, will amount to an estimated 81,370 million in the coning financial year as against the original estimate of 01,186 million in the current year — an increase of about 8184 million.
This increase includes provision for salaries of posts provided during the current year, as well as for posts proposed with Estimates.
The Report says the highest expansion rates and the largest establishments continue to be in departments providing direct services to the public, such as the Police and Urban Services.
/The largest ••••
Thursday, March 1, 1973
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The largest department in the Government is still the Royal Hong Kong Police Force which will have a permanent establishment of 18,034, representing 17*11 per cent of the total number of permanent posts in the Public Service.
Following closely behind is the Urban Services Department with 17,374.
Other departments in order of the number of staff are the Public Works, Medical and Health, Resettlement, Education, Fire Services and the Post Office.
The remainder is divided among the other 33 departments in the Government.
The Members of the Committee are the Hon. H.J.C. Browne (Chairman), the Hon. T.K. Ann, the Hon. P.G. Williams, the Hon. James M.H. Wu, Mr. S.T. Kidd (Establishment Secretary) and Mr. D.G. Jeaffreson (Deputy Financial Secretary).
Thursday, March 1, 1973
- 3 -
Government will provide a 25 per cent boost in financial aid for voluntary social welfare agencies during 1973-74.
The total amount for subventions is more than 325 million — a 35 million increase on the figure for the present financial year.
The higher subventions follow detailed -consideration of recommendations put forward by the Social Welfare Advisory Committee.
The Director of Social Welfare, Mr. F.K. Li, who is chairman of the Committeet said today that subventions would be paid to 76 local voluntary agencies — seven more than in the present financial year.
”The increased subventions reflect Government’s recognition of the valuable work performed by voluntary agencies,” he said.
"Financial aid paid out by government to these agencies has increased very significantly in recent years. We have more than doubled the subventions allocated in 19&9-70, when the total was in the region of 311.6 million.”
Mr. Li said that further detailed financial study by the Social Welfare Department and the Social Welfare Advisory.Qommittee was required of some.of the subvention recommendations put forward for 1973-74, and close consultations would take place with the agencies concerned.
- - - - 0 -------.
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Thursday, March 1, 1973
- 4 -
One Of Five Booklets On The Budget
The Government’s first-ever Estimates of Gross Domestic Product was one of five publications tabled at yesterday’s Legislative Council meeting, all of them related to the 1973-74 budget.
The estimates show that the total gross domestic product, at market prices, rose from 310,890 million in 1966 to 319,597 million in 1971, showing an average increase of 13 per cent per annum over the six-year period.
During the same period the per capita gross domestic product rose from 33,000 to 34,844, indicating an average annual increase of 10.1 per cent*
Compiled by the Census and Statistics Department-, the estimates and appendices run to more than 30 pages and include analyses of personal consumption expenditure on food, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, clothing and personal effects, rent, rates, water, housing maintenance charges, fuel and light, furniture, health expenses, transport, recreation and entertainment.
They also cover expenditure on fixed capital formation, defined as the gross value of investment in land, buildings and construction, plant, machinery and equipment.
In its introduction the report points out that reliable national income accounts cannot be produced without an adequate set of economic statistics* In Hong Kong these statistics are not yet well developed.
However, preliminary estimates of gross domestic product were derived from expenditure, using only information readily-available for this purpose*
/Another .........
Thursday, March 1, 1973
- 5 -
Another publication tabled yesterday was an Economic Background to the Budget, which comments upon the gross domestic product, explores Hong Kong’s trade figures, discusses investment, employment and the money market and explains our external reserves.
This report points out that although it is not yet possible to measure the price increases involved in every component of the gross domestic product, it seems likely that if the money veil were removed, a considerable part — possibly rather more than half — of the increase in G.D.P. would represent real growth.
Increasing Prosperity
An indication of this is provided by the index of real average daily wages for industrial workers, which shows that the labour force has enjoyed increasing prosperity as a consequence of a higher real G.D.P. in every year except 1968.
Gross domestic product per capita in Hong Kong is estimated at $5i616 for 1972. The report adds that this is not, all available for consumption by the population at large. Some has to be spent on investment in new capital and some on government services.
"Furthermore, national income aggregates do not measure every dimension of a society’s achievement," it remarks. "They do not take into account the distribution of incomes and only partly take into account the ravages of pollution, the costs of congestion, the benefits of law and order and the cultural enrichment of education.
/"But ..........
Thursday, March 1, 1973
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"But these social costs and benefits can be respectively minimised and maximized in a society which has a sufficiently high G.D.P. per capita with which to do so. There is no real conflict between a rising G.D.P. and a rising quality of life. On the contrary, the one provides the means which permits the achievement of the other."
Two further publications tabled yesterday, to accompany the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the year ending March }1, 197^, were an Extract of the Supporting Financial Statements and Statistical Appendices and a Graphic Guide to the Budget.
The latter provides seven key charts, attractively presented and illustrated to show the main sources of revenue and expenditure, their growth over the past 10 years and a breakdown of how public money is spent on general, social, community and economic services.
Thursday, March 1, 1973
- 7 -
Nearly Six Per Cent Increase Shown In Exports
The value of Hong Kong’s domestic exports for the month of January was 8*1,214 million — an increase of 367 million or 5*8 per cent over the same month last year.
Provisional trade figures released today by the Census and Statistics Department showed that imports were worth 31,859 million, a rise of 21.4 per cent or 3327 million. . *
Re-exports also rose to 3358 million, up 3?0 million or 24.4 per cent compared with January 1972.
A spokesman for the Commerce and Industry Department said that during the three-month period from November 1972 to January 1973, domestic exports totalled 83,770 million imports 35,757 million and re-exports 1,164 r.iTl 5 on. Cornpar led. with the corresponding period.* in. the previous year, these figures represented increases of 10.1 per cent, 14.2 per cent and 27 per cent respectively.
The provisional trade figures for January are as follows:
Thursday, March 1, 1975
- 8 -
MERCHANDISE: Domestic Exports: 51,214 million
Imports : 31,859 million
Re-exports : 3 358 million
January January Increase or
1973 _ 1972 decrease
5 Mri. 3 Mn. 3 Mn. %
Domestic Exports 1,214 1,147 + 67 + 5.8
Imports 1,859 1,531 + 327 + 21.4
Re-exports 358 287 + 70 + 24.4
Nov. 1972 Nov. 1971
to to Increase or
Jan. 1973 Jan. 1972 decrease
Mn. 3 Mn. 3 Mn. %
Domestic Exports 3,770 3,425 + 544 + 10.1
Imports 5.757 5,042 + 715 + 14.2
Re-exports 1.164 917 + 248 + 27.0
• • ♦ * • - - - - 0
Thursday, March 1, 1973
- 9 -
The third inauguration ceremony of the Social Welfare Department’s Youth Representative Council will be held on Saturday (March 3)«
After the ceremony, there will be an annual Youth Ball for the Department’s youth representatives.
The Senior Principal Welfare Officer, Mr. Stephen Law Chi-kin, will address the gathering. The Principal Social Welfare Officer, Mr. Kwok Ka-chi, will officiate at the swearing-in and Mr. Alexander Fung of the Youth Work Unit will distribute certificates of appointment to council members«
The Youth Representative Council consists of JO elected committee members from eight Community, Social and Youth Centres. It works closely with the Social Welfare Department’s group work staff.
The Council’s aims are to promote co-operation and mutual understanding among youth workers, to explore their needs and to liaise with other youth organisations.
Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to send a reporter/
photographer to cover the inauguration ceremony, which will take place at the Hong Kong Polytechnic at 8 p.m. on Saturday.
Thursday, March 1, 1973
- 10 -
The But!ding Authority today declared the kitchen blocks of Nos. 91, 93, 95 and 97 Yu Chau Street to be in a dangerous condition.
In a statement issued this morning, the Principal Government Building Surveyor said that these four-storey pre-war buildings were inspected during a routine survey of the area when it was found that the reinforced concrete columns to the kitchen blocks were seriously spal 1 ed and the steel reinforcement badly corroded.
The condition of these is such that there is risk of collapse and accordingly notices of intention to apply for Closure Orders of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors of the kitchen blocks in Kowloon District Court at 9.30 a.m., on March 30, 1973 were posted today.
Water supply to certain areas in the Western District will be interrupted from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. on Saturday (March 3)•
This is to allow a night leakage test to be carried out.
The area affected is bounded by Smithfield from Lung Wah Street to Forbes Street; Forbes Street, the west side of Cadogan Street; and Victoria Road from Cadogan Street to No. 406, including Ka Wai Man Road.
Thursday, March 1, 1973
- 11 -
Effects Of Changes Outlined
The Commissioner of Inland Revenue, Mr, F.E. Rainbow, today explained the effects of the changes in the Stamp Duty on contract notes, in respoct of share transactions and on transfers relating to gift of shares or marketable securities.
These changes were announced by the Financial Secretary in his budget speech yesterday.
Contract note duty, he explained, was defined as that payable on contract notes which were required by the Stamp Ordinance to be made and executed for or by both buyer and seller whenever Hong Kong-registered shares or marketable securities were bought or sold.
Until yesterday (Wednesday), the rate of duty was effectively 0.2 per cent, so that duty totalling 0.4 per cent was payable on every purchase and sale of shares.
In presenting his Budget estimates yesterday, the Financial Secretary doubled the rate for both buyer and seller to 0.4 per cent.
This meant, Mr. Rainbow explained, that duty totalling 0.8 per cent would now be payable whenever Hong Kong-registered shares or marketable securities were bought and sold.
/The change ••••••
Thursday, March 1, 1973
- 12 -
The change of rate is effective immediately, and duty on the new rate will be payable on all contract notes which are required to be made in connection with transactions entered into from today.
As regards contract notes which may still have to be stamped in connection with transactions entered into before today, the old rate of duty will apply, the Commissioner said.
Mr. Rainbow said that until now, the basic unit of contract note duty had been 20 cents — that amount being chargeable on every 8100 or part thereof of the price.
The new unit of duty is 34, to be paid on every 31,000 or part thereof.
New Duty
"This means that the new duty will be slightly greater than twice the old duty in cases where the price includes a fraction of 31,000," said Mr. Rainbow.
Citing an example, he said that when shares were sold for. 313,240, the buyer and seller each paid duty of 326.60. But in future each would pay 336.
The largest part of contract note duty, he went on, was paid for their clients by members of the four recognised stock, exchanges, using adhesive revenue stamps which they bought for the purpose from the Stamp Duty Office.
Until yesterday, the highest available denomination of stamps was 350. However,, .stamps of 3100 and 3200 value were made available today and stamps of 313 have also been added to the range.
/The number •••••
Thursday, March 1, 1973
- 13 -
The number of adhesive stamps which brokers will require to buy and account for, said Mr. Rainbow, will be substantially reduced as a result of these changes.
He said the stock exchanges had been asked to recommend to their members that they should use up their stocks of small denomination adhesive stamps, as far as possible, in making up the multiples of 34 which will now be required.
’’Requests for the repurchase or exchange of large numbers of small value stamps,” he added, ’’would cause serious delays in the Stamp Office as well as unnecessary work and inconvenience for all concerned.”
On transfer duty, the Commissioner said there would be no change in the fixed duty of 25 payable on instruments of transfer relating to shares or marketable securities.
Gifts Of Shares
But, as announced by the Financial Secretary yesterday, the ad valorem element in the duty payable on transfers relating to gifts of shares or marketable securities has been doubled.
Until yesterday, the duty payable on these ’’gift” transfers was 35 plus 40 cents for every 3100 or part thereof of the value of the shares or marketable securities (the duty on such a transfer being the same as the total duty paid in the case of a sale, that is on two contract notes and a transfer).
Following the Budget, the duty on a ’’gift” transfer will still be the same as the total duty on a sale, namely 35 plus 38 per 31,000 or part thereof of the value of the shares or marketable securities.
The change of rate will affect gifts of shares or marketable securities made today or later.
-------0__________ .....................
Thursday, March 1, 1975
- 14 -
To See Police Work At Ground Level
The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, visited Wong Tai Sin Police Station this afternoon to study the problems facing the policemen at ground level.
It was the third in a series of visits made by Sir Murray who has shown keen interest in the work of the police.
He arrived at the station at 2.40 p.m. and immediately went to the Report Room where he spoke to rank and file policemen on duty.
The Governor enquired in detail how they conducted their daily work and looked through some of the report books and other documents.
Sir Murray also watched a policeman taking down a statement from a man who was reporting a case at that time.
He then inspected the cells,communications room and other facilities at the station.
This was followed by a series of conversations between the Governor and the various section heads of the station.
The Governor was particularly interested in the v/ork of the Criminal Investigation Department and had lengthy discussions with the Divisional Detective Inspector, Mr. B.F. Gravener.
/The outgoing •••••••
Thursday, March 1, 1973
- 15 -
The outgoing Divisional Superintendent, Mr. G.B. Jones, and Mr. Yu Pun-chak who will take over from Mr. Jones from tomorrow (Friday), and the Sub-Divisional Inspector, Mr. I.N.C. Cutler, also briefed the Governor on the daily routines of the station which is located in the densely populated area of Wong Tai Sin.
At the end of the tour, a long discussion was held between the Governor and the officers together with the Commissioner of Police, Mr. C.P. Sutcliffe^ and the Deputy District Police Commander, Kowloon, Mr. Peter Godbere
Thursday, March 1, 1973
- 16 -
LOWER EFFECTIVE RATES OF TAX Graphs And Tables Produced To Give Illustrations • • •. *»«*»***
The Commissioner of Inland Revenue, Mr. F.E. Rainbow, today presented .. •• *
a series of graphs and tables prepared by his department to illustrate the generally lower effective rates of tax introduced under the 1973-7^ budget.
The graphs show how the tax curve for the coming year of assessment lies below that for last year, and the tables present a comparative breakdown of how the new concessions affect a wide range of incomes, according to the marital status of the income earner.
Explaining the tables, Mr. Rainbow said that the income figure in the first column is, in effect, the gross income less expenses and allowable charitable donations.
The next three columns respectively show the tax payable last year, this year and next year at the various levels of income. Here, in the case of single man, the 1973-7/+ column shows a lower tax levy at every level of income from 315,000 to $69,000,
From 370,000 onwards the single man starts paying the standard rate of 15 per cent, placing him beyond the reach of the new concessions. Mr. Rainbow pointed out, however, that under the previous system he would have reached this 15 per cent maximum much lower down the scale, around the $61,500 mark.
’•The beneficial range of the new concessions varies of course, according to maid.tai status,” he added. ’’When he marries, and has children, this range rises up the income scale until, in the case of a married man with six children, the 15 per cent standard rate only applies to incomes in excess of $108,000.
/”Whatever ••••••••
Thursday, March 1, 1973
- 17 -
"Whatever his marital status, the taxpayer will find that he is spared assessment at the 15 per cent standard rate until he reaches a much higher level of income than has applied previously."
The fifth column shows the effective rate of the new tax, in relation to gross income, and how this percentage progresses until the 15 per cent maximum is reached.
The sixth column shows the actual amount of tax reduction afforded under the new concessions at each level of income, while the seventh column shows the cumulative effect of both this reduction and the reduction applicable under the 1972-73 budget.
The last column indicates, in each case, the additional income a taxpayer would have to earn before he would become liable for the same tax he would have paid in 1971-72.
"It is also against these figures that one should judge the effect of the loss of selective allowances referred to by the Financial Secretary." If the allowances lost as a result of the budget proposals are less than the appropriate figure in this column the taxpayer is better off; if they are higher he is worse off.
Note to Editors: Copies of photographs of the graphs are
distributed separately in the G.I.S. press boxes.
87,000 197>4_ }10i000
Chargeable Income (before deduction of 1971-2 1972-3 Perconal Tax Tax allowances) 1973-z Tax Effec- I- tive Rate of Tax 1973-4 Tax Reduction 1975-4 Budget Total Tax Reduction 1972-3 and 1973-4 Budgets Equivalent to tax at 1973-4 rates on Additional Income
8 8 8 8 % 8 8 3of
+.15,400 170 155 170 1.3 (-15) —. —
15,000 302 275 250 1.7 25 52 # 1,040
18,000 495 450 400 2.2 50 95 1,900
24,000 1,045 950 900 3.8 50 145 1,450
30,000 1,795 1,625 1,500 5.0 125 295 1,967
36,000 2,755 2,475 2,400 6.6 75 355 2,367
42,000 3,925 3,500 3,400 8.1 100 525 2,625
48,000 5,335 4,725 4,600 9.6 125 735 3,340
54,000 6,975 6,125 6,000 11.1 125 975 3,900
60,000 8,775 7,700 7,500 12.5 200 1,275 4,250
* 61,500 ' 9,225 8,112 7,950 12.9 162 1,275 4,250
66,000 9,900 9,450 9,300 14.1 150 600 2,000
/ 63,000 10,350 10,350 10,200 14.8 150 150 500
70,000 10,500 10,500 10,500 15.0 — — —
— Tax on Gross Income @ 15% — •
Key — Level at which 15% on Gross i Income applied 1971-2
/ Level at which 15% on Gross Income applied 1972-3
// These are the amounts which indicate as closely as feasible the quantum of the effective compensation for the withdrawn allowances.
+ Below this Gross Income point the effective rate of tax is increased as compared with 1971-2 because the increased personal allowance does not fully set off the effect of the low income relief now cancelled.
- 19 -
PERSONAL & WIFE ALLOWANCE - 1971-2) 1972-5)" 314,000 1975-4 - 320,000
Chargeable Income (before deduction of personal allowances) 3 1971-2 Tax 3 ’ 1972-5 Tax 3 1975-4 Tax 3 Effective Rate of Tax 1975-4 % Tax Reduction 1975-4 Budget 3 Total Tax Reduction 1972-3 and 1975-4 Budgets 3 Equivalent to tax at 1973-4 rates on Additional Income of 3
18,000 22 20 — — 20 22 - •
24,000 412 575 200 0.8 175 212 # 4,240
30,000 955 850 500 1.7 550 455 4,550
36,000 1,655 1,500 1,100 5.1 400 555 5,053
42,000 2,585 2,525 1,800 4.5 525 785 5,235
48,000 5,725 5,525 2,700 5.6' 625 1,025 5,625
54,000 5,075 4,500 5,800 7.0 700 1,275 6,500
60,000 6,675 5,875 5,000 8.5 875 1,675 6,700
66,000 8,475 7,425 6,500 9.8 925 1,975 7,250
72,000 10,275 9,125' 8,100 11.2 1,025 2,175 7,250
* 75,500 11,525 10,200 . 9,150 12.1 1,050 2,175 7,250
78,000 11,700 10,950 9,900 12.7 1,050 1,800 6,000
83,000 12,450 12,450 ■'1,400 15.7 1,050 1,050 5,500
84,000 12,600 12,600 11,700 15.9 900 900 3,000
90,000 15,500 15,500 15,500 15.0 - -
Ta> : on Gross Income @ 1% — ••
Key ♦ Level at which 1f$ on Gross Income applied 1971-2.
Level at which 15# on Gross Income applied • 1972-5. •
# These are the amounts which indicate as closely as feasible the quantum of the effective compensation for the withdrawn
1971-2) 1972-3)" 316,000 1973-74 - 323,000
Chargeable Income (before deduction of personal 1971-2 1972-3 1973-4 Effective Rate of Tax Tax Reduction 1973-4 Total Tax Reduction Equivalent to tax at 1973-4
allowances) Tax Tax Tax 1973-4 Budget 1972-3 rates on
s s s s % s and 1973-4 Budgets 3 Additional Income of
24,000 302 275 50 0.2 225 252 # 5,040
30,000 742 675 350 1.1 325 392 5,420
36,000 1,375 1,250 800 2.2 450 575 5,750
42,000 2,245 2,025 1,400 3.3 625 845 5,966
48,000 3,325 2,975 2,250 4.7 725 1,075 6,625
54,000 4,615 4,100 3,200 5-9 900 1,415 7,075
60,000 6,115 5,400 4,400 7.3 1,000 1,715 7,460
66,000 7,875 6,875 5,750 8.7 1,125 2,125 8,250
72,000 9,675 8,550 7,250 10.1 1,300 2,425 8,250
78,000 11,475 10,350 9,000 11.5 1,350 2,475 8,250
* 79,500 11,925 10,800 9,450 11.9 1,350 2,475 8,250
84,000 12,600 12,150 10,800 12.9 1,350 1,800 6,000
/ 87,000 13,050 13,050 11,700 13.4 1,350 1,350 4,500
90,000 13,500 13,500 12,600 14.0 900 900 5,000
96,000 14,400 14,400 14,400 15.0 - - -
Tax on Gross Income
@19% —
* Level at which 15% on Gross Income applied 1971-72.
/ Level at which 15% on Gross Income applied 1972-75•
# These are the amounts which indicate as closely as feasible the quantum of the effective compensation for the withdrawn allowances.
PERSONAL, WIFE & CHILD ALLOWANCES — 1971-2) 1972-3)““ $18’°°° 1973-74 - 325,000
Total Equiv- Tax al ent Charegeable Effec- Tax Reduc- to tax Income (before tive Reduc- tion at
deduction personal allowance) of 1971-2 1972-3 1973-4 Rate tion 1972-73 1973-4 of Tax 1973-4 and rates 1973-4 Budget Budgets on Addi- tional Income Of
s <73 & &
24,000 132 120 - - 120 132
30,000 577 525 250 0.8 275 327 # 5,770
36,000 1,155 1,050 600 1.7 450 555 5,550
42,000 1,935 1,750 1,200 2.9 550 735 5,900
48,000 2,925 2,625 1,950 4.1 675 975 6,500
54,000 4,155 3,700 2,850 5-3 850 1,305 6,775
60,000 5,595 4,950 4,000 6.7 950 1,595 7,380
66,000 7,275 6,375 5,250 8.0 1,125 2,025 8,100
72,000 9,075 7,975 6,750 9.4 1,225 2,325 8,250
78,000 10,875 9,750 8,400 10.8 1,350 2,475 8,250
* 83,500 12,525 11,400 10,050 12.0 1,350 2,475 8,250
84,000 12,600 11,550 10,200 12.1 1,350 2,400 8,000
90,000 13,500 13,350 12,000 13.3 1,350 1,500 5,000
/ 91,000 13,650 13,650 12,300 -3.5 1,350 1,350 4,500
96,000 14,400 14,400 13,800 14.4 600 600 2,000
100,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15.0 - - — Tax on Gross Income @ 15% —
Key — * Level at which 15% on Gross Income applied 1971-72. / Level at which 15% on Gross Income applied 1972-73-
jr These are the amounts which indicate as closely as feasible the quantum of the effective compensation for withdrawn allowances.
PERSONAL, WIFE & CHILDREN ALLOWANCES - $22,000 1973-^ - 529,000
Chargeable Effec- Tax Total Equiv-
Income (before tive Reduc- Tax alent
deduction of Rate tion Reduc- to tax at
personal 1971-2 1972-3 1975-'+ of Tax 1973-^ tion 1975-'+
allowances) Tax Tax Tax 1975-'+ Budget 1972-5 Rates on
and Addi-
1975-'+ tional
Budgets Income of
8 8 8 8 % 8 8 8
30,000 302 275 50 0.2 252 252 # 5,040
36,000 742 675 550 1.0 325 392 5,420
42,000 1,375 1,250 800 1.9 450 575 5,750
48,000 2,245 2,025 1,^ 2.9 625 845 5,966
54,000 3,525 2,975 2,250 4.2 725 1,075 6,625
60,000 4,615 4,100 3,200 5.5 900 1,415 7,075
66,000 6,115 5,400 4,400 6.7 1,000 1,715 7,460
72,000 7,875 6,875 5,750 8.0 1,125 2,125 8,250
78,000 9,675 8,550 7,250 9-5 1,500 2,425 8,250
84,000 11,475 10,350 9,000 10.7 1,550 2,475 8,250
90,000 15,275 12,150 10,800 12.0 1,350 2,475 8,250
* 911500 13,725 12,600 11,250 12.3 1,550 2,475 8,250
96,000 14,400 13,950 12,600 15.1 1,550 1,800 6,000
/ 99,000 14,850 14,850 15,500 15.6 1,350 1,550 4,500
102,000 15,300 15,500 14,400 14.1 900 900 3,000
108,000 16,200 16.200 16,200 15.0 -
- Tax on Gross Income
@ 15%
* Level at which 15# on Gross Income applied 1971-72.
/ Level at which 15# on Gross Income applied 1972-73•
# These are the amounts which indicate as closely as feasible the quantum of the effective compensation for the withdrawn allowances•
1 tel ease time; g.OQ p.m.
Friday, March 2, 1973
Page No.
Spending on education is estimated at more than $800 million in the new financial year ....................•••«••••••••••• 1
A census of industrial production is to be undertaken •••••• 2
Work on the plant foundation for the desalter is expected to start shortly ................... 3
Applications are invited for a technical teacher training course at the Morrison Hill Technical Institute ................ 4
More piers for Jumbo jets are to be built at Kai Tak Airport ................................................................ 5
The Government plans to reclaim land in Sham Shui Po for a new ferry pier ............................. •••••••»•••••• 6
Two senior Education Officers have raised nearly 390,000 for the Community Chest ............................... • 7
A number of buildings in Bonham Strand have been declared dangerous •••••••••<••••........................................ 8
Shipmasters are warned against navigating too close to piers ................................................................ 9
Factory owners have been warned against bogus Labour Officers ..............•............,................................... 10
Money Order services have been suspended ••••••••••••••••••• 11
A minimum paid up capital has been fixed for companies offering shares publicly ...........• • • •............................. 12
The Chinese version of the report on teachers’ pay has been published ..................................................... 13
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Friday, March 2, 1973
- 1 -
-****««** *
The Government’s spending on Hong Kong’s expanding educational system is estimated at 3816 million in the next financial year beginning on April 1.
This is 363 million more than the present year’s revised expenditure.
It is also 3229 million more than the actual expenditure of over 3587 million on education during the year 1971-72.
Of the 3816 million education bill, grants, refunds and assistance for various types of schools account for 3506 million.
This represents an increase of 3119 million on the approved estimate for 1972-73 and of 3191 million on actual expenditure in 1971-72.
The 3506 million include annual grants, capital grants and refunds under the Grant and Subsidy Codes for Anglo-Chinese primary schools, for schools and classes providing special education, for secondary grammar schools, secondary technical schools, pre-vocational schools and secondary modern schools.
Also included are grants to the English Schools Foundation, and approved recurrent and capital assistance for private secondary schools and for subsidies for miscellaneous educational activities.
The estimate of the amount required in 1973-7*+ for recurrent and capital grants to the two Universities and to the Polytechnic, for student grants, for the salaries and expenses of the Secretariat of the Universities and Polytechnic Grants Committee, and for the expenses of the Committee itself is more than 8132 million.
This represents a decrease of over 313 million on the approved estimate for 1972-73 and of more than 310 million on actual expenditure in 1971-72.
Friday, March 2, 1975
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INDUSTRIAL CENSUS TO BE UNDERTAKEN Results Should Be Of Value To Manufacturers ***********
The Census and Statistics Department will carry out a comprehensive census of industrial production in Hong Kong.
The Census Order 1973, published in today’s Gazette for general information, stipulates that the particulars obtained from the census will be in relation to the year 1973-
All types of manufacturing, mining and quarrying, as well as the supply of electricity, gas and water would be covered by the census, a spokesman for the Department said.
Questions would be asked relating to employment, costs of raw materials, services and wages, value of stocks and sales of finished products, and capital expenditure.
"This information will enable an estimate to be made of the contribution of the manufacturing section to the Hong Kong economy," the spokesman said.
Consultations with manufacturers’ associations and with individual factories had already started, he added, and it appeared that the information required could be provided by the major industrial persons in Hong Kong.
When published, the results of this census would be of considerable value to manufacturers in enabling them to make comparisons of production efficiency with other firms in the same industry or in other industries, he added. "It will also show the productive potential of the various manufacturing sections in Hong Kong.
/"This will •••••••
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“This will demonstrate the opportunities for local investment and facilitate commercial negotiations with other trading countries.” The Census Order defines industrial establishments as well as industrial production.
It also specifies the census period as one of 12 consecutive months within the period of July 1, 1972 and June 30, 1974 and contains a schedule of the items on which information will be sought in the census.
Morrison Hill Technical Institute
Applications For Technical Teacher Training Course Invited
The Morrison Hill Technical Institute is inviting applications for its one-year full-time technical teacher training course which starts in September of this year.
Applicants must have had at least one year’s industrial experience in the field of either electrical or mechanical engineering or building/ construction or commerce.
They must also have either a technicians’ diploma of the Technical Institute; an ordinary diploma of the Hong Kong Technical College; a one-year full-time Commercial/Secretarial Certificate of the Technical Institute/Technical College or an equivalent part-time qualification.
The closing date for applications is March 21.
Further details may be obtained from the Head of the Department of Technical Teacher and Workshop Instructor Training, Morrison Hill Technical Institute, Tel. No. H-745321 Ext. 49.
Friday, March 2, 1973
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Work To Start Next Month
Work on the plant foundation and site buildings for the desalting plant in Castle Peak is expected to begin in April.
The work includes tho construction of six evaporator bases, an auxiliary plant building, boiler foundations, an intake screen building, and a chemical building.
Completion of the various buildings will be phased to fit in with the installation of the evaporators and associated electrical and mechanical plants.
The desalting plant is expected to become fully operational in January 1976, when it will have a daily output of 40 million gallons of fresh water.
It will consist of six units, each complete with steam boilers and evaporators.
The first of these units is expected to be commissioned in December next year. The remaining units will come into operation thereafter at three-month intervals.
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Friday, March 2, 1973
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Two 747 nose-in piers and three bus docks will be built at Kai Tak Airport shortly.
The principal work of this project will be carried out at bays 3 and 4 on the apron side of the Terminal Building.
On completion, the total ntunber of 7^7 nose-in piers will increase to five.
Three apron bus docks will also be built to provide better transfer facilities to speed up the movement of passengers between the Terminal Building and aircraft parked at the outer stands.
Docks will be three storeys high with escalators for inter-floor connection. • •
Work on the project is expected to begin in April and will take
about eleven months to complete
Friday, March 2, 1973
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The Government proposes to reclaim about 50 acres of land in Sham Shui Po to provide more spaces for a new ferry pier and other community facilities.
The proposed reclamation is situated to the north of the existing Sham Shui Po Ferry Pier and will extend about 1,000 feet from the present seawall along Tung Chau Street.
The new passenger ferry pier will have a substantial concourse area. It will replace the old existing pier.
Sites will also be available for Government, institutional and community uses. A sewage treatment plant and a cargo handling basin will be provided for on the reclamation.
The boundaries of the proposed reclamation are fully described in a notice published in today’s Gazette.
People having any objections to the proposed reclamation or any claims of private right in the matter should submit them in writing to the Director of Public Works within two months of the date of the notice.
The notice, both in Chinese and English, can also be seen on notice boards posted on the site.
Friday, March 2, 1973
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NEARLY 890,000 RAISED BY 2 SENIOR EDUCATION OFFICERS For Community Chest *********
Two Senior Education Officers who serve schools in the New Territories raised more than 889,200 as a result of their participation in last Sunday’s Walk for a Million.
They are Mr. David Leung and Mr. Tang Yan. Mr. Leung, who is responsible for the western area of the New Territories, was sponsored for over 847^150 while Mr. Taug. who looks after the eastern area, was backed for nearly 842,100.
The pledges for these amounts have been received. Money for a small number of outstanding pledges is still coming in.
The sponsors of these two officers were supervisors, head teachers and students from more than 200 schools as well as prominent leaders in the New Territories.
Mr. Leung and Mr. Tang walked the full distance of 22 miles in the fund**raising drive on behalf of the Community Chest. They were joined by at lease 30 headmasters and headmistresses of New Territories schools who walked part of the full distance.
The walk by these two officers was sparked off by a challenge from Mr® Cheung Chi-fan, Chairman of the New Territories Schools Sports Association® Although Mr. Cheung himself did not join in, he supported
the two officers
Friday, March 2, 1973
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The Building Authority today declared Nos. 8, 10 and 12 Bonham Strand to be in a dangerous condition and Nos. 6 and 14 Bonham Strand liable to become dangerous.
In a statement issued this morning, the Principal Government Building Surveyor said that No. 8 w$s inspected in the course of a routine inspection in connection with an application to demolish an adjoining building.
This inspection revealed that the rear walls of the building were badly fractured and bulged while the chimney stack and wall above the kitchen roof were in such a condition that there is risk of collapse.
The adjoining buildings at Nos. 10, 12 and 14 Bonham Strand were also inspected and extensive fracturing of the party wall between Nos. 10 and 12 was observed together with extensive decay to timber work, indicating the risk of a collapse.
No. 6 and No. 14 Bonham Strand are considered to be liable to become dangerous during or after the demolition of adjoining buildings due to fractures in party walls.
Notices of intention to apply for Closure Orders in Victoria District Court at 9*50 a.m. on April J, 1973 were posted today.
No Closure Order is required for Nos. 6 and 10 Bonham Strand as these buildings have already been vacated and sealed.
Friday, March 2, 1973
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The Director of Marine, Mr. A. Fletcher, today warned shipmasters, pilots and coxswains against navigating too close to ferry piers, government piers and public piers.
In a public notice, he said "this practice is both imprudent and dangerous and has resulted in loss of life."
He said shipmasters, pilots, and coxswains must give all these piers "as wide a berth as is commensurate with other navigational commitments and with the regulations of the port."
People in charge of small vessels, whether powered or under sail must pass these piers at a distance of not less than JOO feet.
"This precaution is particularly important during the morning and evening rush hours when additional ’Star* ferries will be using both the west and east arms of the ferry piers at Tsim Sha Tsui and Edinburgh Place," Mr. Fletcher said.
In another public notice, the Director of Marine also drew the attention of shipmasters and operators of motor boats, speedboats and pleasure craft to the speed limits in ports of Hong Kong.
Friday, March 2, '1973
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Factory proprietors were today warned against bogus Labour Department officers who sought money for advertisements in a departmental publication, ’’Guide to Workmen’s Compensation Legislation”.
The Assistant Commissioner of Labour, Mr. David Lin, said that in the past few weeks two proprietors had complained to the department that a man claiming to be a member of the Labour Department had sought money for that purpose.
”No Labour Department officer is authorised to solicit money for any purpose whatsoever”, he stressed.
Mr. Lin advised that any proprietor who was approached by anyone purporting to be a member of the Labour Department should immediately report the matter either to the nearest police station or to the Senior Labour Officer (Industry) at Tel. No. 3-688842.
The ’’Guide to Workmen’s Compensation Legislation”, he pointed out, was available free of charge at the offices of the Labour Department.
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Friday, March 2, 1973
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Note to Editors: The full text of the Financial Secretary’s
speech at the Insurance Institute dinner tonight is contained in a supplement to the Daily Information Bulletin. The speech should not be published or broadcast until 10.15 p.m. tonight.
Money order and postal order services have been suspended until further notice, the Post Office announced today.
Friday, March 2, 1973
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For Purpose Of Public Offer Or Placement
At their meeting held yesterday, the Securities Advisory Council proposed to the Financial Secretary that as from today, companies whose shares are to be offered publicly should have a minimum paid up capital of 350 mil ion, and those companies for which there is to be a placement should have a minimum paid up capital of 320 million.
In each case the figure of paid up capital should include any capital to be issued for the purpose of the public offer or placement.
The Financial Secretary accepted these proposals and the Commissioner for Securities spoke accordingly to the Chairmen of the four stock exchanges this afternoon.
The provisions previously announced relating to the minimum proportion of share capital to be made available will therefore be simplified as
Public Offers - 25 per cent of paid up share capital.
Placements - paid up share capital proportion
820 m. and up to 825 m. 40 per cent
825 m. ” ” " 830 m. 35 per cent
830 m. " " " 335 m. 30 per cent
335 m- and over. 25 per cent
. . . . । 0
Friday, March 2, 1973
, - 13 -
The Chinese language version of the report on salary scales for Certificated Masters was published today and copies will be distributed to all government primary and secondary schools and the subsidised school councils. They will also be on sale at the Government Publications Centre at the Star Ferry Concourse.
When the report was tabled in Legislative Council last month, the Colonial Secretary, Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, said that the government would welcome comments from civil service associations and other interested persons, or groups of persons.
He added that any comments received before March 14 would be carefully considered before a decision is taken on the recommendations contained in the report.
A government spokesman said today that it was hoped the appearance of the Chinese version would help to clarify certain misconceptions with regard to the position of the Working Group responsible for the study.
He stressed that the group was a completely independent review body appointed, only after the Senior Civil Service Council had failed to reach agreement on scales for Certificated Masters.
Its members had previously served on the larger Salaries Commission, which met in 1971 to consider salaries in the middle ranks of the public service.
The spokesman recalled, that the question of teachers* pay had been expressly excluded - at the request of the Staff Side - from the Commission’s work, as the matter was then still under negotiation by the Senior Civil Service Council.
The Council
Friday, March 2, 1973
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The Council subsequently agreed upon all aspects of teachers’ pay, with the exception of the scales for Certificated Masters. The Government offered a scale of 31,175 to $1,75O> to replace the original scale of 31,044 to $1,598. But the staff side rejected the offer and insisted on a scale of $1,250 to $1,950.
When the talks ended in deadlock, in August last year, it was felt that, to be fair to teachers, independent advice should be obtained from among the people who in 1971 had reviewed salaries of the middle ranks of the civil service.
Accordingly, three members of the 1971 Salaries Commission were invited to reassemble so that their advice could be sought on this issue, having regard to the best interests of the teaching profession as a whole.
Arrears Of Pay
Meanwhile, to save teachers from having to wait any longer for their arrears of pay, a salary scale of 31,100 to 31,750 per month was introduced with effect from April 1, 1971 pending a decision on the recommendations of the Working Group.
”When the Working Group of the 1971 Salaries Commission, as it became known, reconvened last November, every opportunity ’was taken to ascertain the views of all parties concerned,” the spokesman pointed out. ’’Submissions were invited from interested bodies, and the suggestions forthcoming were given very careful consideration.”
/’’in fact......
Friday, March 2, 1973
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"In fact the process has not stopped there. Now that the Working Group’s report is available, interested parties are being given a further opportunity to comment on its proposals. A number of useful and constructive comments have already been received.”
f,The government does not propose to arrive at any decision on the recommendations of the Working Group until all these views have been obtained* There is still time for further submissions to be received*”
The following tablet expressed in dollars per month, compares the original scale, the interim award back-dated to April 1, 1971, the Working Group’s recommendations and the teachers1 proposals, indicating, in each case, the percentage increases over the original salaries.
pre-1st April 1971 As implemented by Government with effect from 1st April 1971 Morgan’s Recommendations Teachers1 proposals
Bottom of scale 1044 1100 (5.4%) 1175 (12.5 %) 1250 (19.7%)
Top of 1598 1750 (9.5%) 1750 (9.5 %) 1950 (22.0&)
scale followed by three additional increments to 1975.
Release time: 9*00 p*m*
PR 34 4000039
Friday, March 2, 1973
EMBARGO NOTE: This item should not be broadcast
or published before 10.15 p.m. tonight.
The Financial Secretary, Mr. C.P. Haddon-Cave, this evening outlined some of the guidelines the Government was following in the review now being made of existing insurance legislation in Hong Kong.
”Whilst the Government seeks to protect policy holders it does, at the same time, wish to leave the insurance industry as free as possible from constraints,11 he said.
He was speaking at the annual dinner of the Insurance Institute at the Peninsular Hotel.
Mr. Haddon-Cave also explained the considerations underlying his Budget proposals regarding the abolition of the selective allowance of insurance relief.
The following is the full text of the Financial Secretary’s speech:
”Mr. President, Gentlemen,
’'•Government and the Insurance Industry’ can hardly be described as a spine-tingling subject for an after-dinner speech so I hope you all feel slightly anaesthetised by the excellence of your Institute’s arrangements for this evening’s dinner.
/’•Legislation ••••••
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House. Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Friday, March 2, 1975
- 2
’’Legislation in Hong Kong dealing with insurance matters dates back to the beginning of the century. The first piece of legislation - the Fire Insurance Companies Ordinance - was enacted on February 7, 1908. The 1ast was completed in 19&1 by the codification of the law relating to marine insurance* In the intervening years there were five other ordinances ranging from the Life Insurance Companies Ordinance which has seen some 20 amendments since its enactment in 1908 to the Motor Vehicles Insurance (Third Party Risks) which became law in 1951*
”A feature common to the Fire and Marine Insurance Companies Deposit Ordinance, the Life Insurance Companies Ordinance and the Motor Vehicles insurance Ordinance is that each contains a provision for deposits to be made by bodies wishing to transact the insurance business to which they apply. Fire and Marine Insurance Companies are required to deposit $100,p00 in cash or acceptable securities in respect of each class of business; Life Insurance Companies 5200,000; and Motor Vehicle Insurance Company may be required to deposit up to $400,000. In addition, Life Insurance Companies are required to ensure that their assets are never less than the aggregate of their liabilities and the amount they are required to deposit.
”As the law now stands Fire, Marine and Life Insurance Companies which can show compliance with British insurance legislation and, in certain .cases, Commonwealth deposit requirements need not make the deposits specified in the ordinances and the Governor in Council has discretion to exempt Motor Vehicle Insurers from making deposits. In the case of Motor Vehicle Insurers, however, the legislation requires registration of such insurers to be authorised only after their financial stability has been established.
Friday, March 2, 1973
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"The several ordinances seek in differing degrees to establish procedures for the submission of financial statements whereby a check can be kept on the financial viability of the companies. Provision is made in some cases for the appointment if inspectors, and for the methods of applying for companies to be wound up. The circumstances in which companies may be struck off the register are also specified in some, while others allow authorisation to transact insurance businesss to be withdrawn by notice in the Gazette. Penalties for contravening the provisions of the various ordinances are laid down in the various ordinances, but these differ as between similar infringements. In short, therefore, there is little uniformity of approach to the requirements that should be met for insurance business to operate on a coherent and sound footing in Hong Kong.
"In formulating comprehensive legislation covering the field of insurance as a whole, other countries have often found it best to deal with life business separately from general business because of the basic difference between the two. However, Britain has been moving in the direction of a compact, but all embracing measure to cover all insurance and a new bill lias recently been published which seeks to do just this. In Hong Kong there would appear to be a general wish for the content of insurance legislation to accord with the principles that have been adopted in British legislation, especially between the years 1958 and 1967.
/”The proposed ••••••...
I z 9 Friday, March 2, 1973
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”The proposed British Act will give stronger and more flexible powers to the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry to control the operations of insurance companies. It includes special provisions to improve the security of long term policy holders. More frequent financial statements are required from insurance companies. The Secretary of State’s powers of intervention are to be extended, and he is to have power to vary the existing statutory minima of initial share capital and free reserves and the general business solvency margin and he is to be empowered to make rules regarding the valuation of assets and liabilities.
Insurance Legislation
"Now, as you are aware I made an announcement recently in the Legislative Council to the effect that the Government is presently undertaking a comprehensive review of our existing insurance legislation and I would like to give you some indication of our thinking.
"Whilst the Government seeks to protect policy holders it does, at the same time, wish to leave the insurance industry as free as possible from constraints. Events of recent years in Britain have shown 'that the existing controls provide insufficient protection in some cases. The problem is to devise a way of avoiding these dangers without harming the activities of the vast majority of companies whose activities are beyond question. I think in Hong Kong we should attempt to work towards either a single ordinance, or a co-ordinated body of legislation, which would enshrine general principles for the industry as a whole- Since we do not have legislation covering certain branches of insurance business - such as accident insurance, general liability insurance and property insurance (apart from the Fire Insurance Companies Ordinance) - it would seem proper for these areas of activity to be covered. Finally, the
Friday, March 2, 1973
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penalties for contravening those sections dealing with the financial conduct of an insurance company could well be brought into line with the recommendations of the Companies Law Revision Committee for infringement of similar requirements in future companies legislation.
"So much for our future legislative intentions. I had better turn now to the insurance industry and Wednesday’s budget speech. If I had written the budget speech when Tony Bennett telephoned me about this function several months ago I would have politely declined the invitation, but here I am, regrettably You, or rather your policy holders, have gained to the extent that stamp duty in respect of insurance policies has been abolished, at a cost to the revenue of some 32.7 million per annum.
”But you, or rather your policy holders, have lost by the abolition of insurance relief, one of the four selective allowances abolished in my budget proposals for the reform of our system of salaries tax at a net cost to the revenue of 315# mn. Now apart from my general dislike of selective allowances in the context of our low tax system, I think I should make four points to you. First, the original object of giving life assurance relief and the whole premise of subsequent legislation beginning at the end of the 18th century was to encourage thrift. Hong Kong simply inherited this type of all allowance as one of the established forms of allowance without too much thought being given to local circumstances and conditions. It was simply a traditional type of allowance found in a British-type taxing system. A feature of this allowance, peculiar to Hong Kong in the past, has been that the allowance was in the form of a straight deduction from income to reduce assessable income and so the allowance had the effect of giving immediate benefit at whatever particular scheduler rate of tax was last effective on an individual taxpayer.
. ....... /Secondly •••••••
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"Secondly, saving and providing for one’s family is a matter of personal choice, purely private or domestic expenditure only ranking for deduction if legislation so specifically provided. In modem society, saving can be accomplished in many ways and these ways are open now to the majority of taxpayers who perhaps 50 or 100 years ago would have had neither the means nor the opportunity to participate in such methods. Indeed, the life assurance companies themselves by extension of their business into linked unit investment schemes have recognised this too and, in many cases, have entered into areas where investment precedes insurance. Contributions to these schemes, althou^i accepted as qualifying for relief in Britain, are not always deductible under Hong Kong law. Taxpayers in Hong Kong have often found it difficult to appreciate the distinction between insurance premia and such annual contributions to linked schemes which only have a modicum of life cover linked with them.
’Thirdly, schemes linking life assurance and investment have also posed considerable problems for the Commissioner of Inland Revenue. He has found it difficult to identify whether the policies were predominantly for investment or insurance. In addition, where satisfaction was given as to the life insurance element, he had difficulty in identifying the capital sum assured. Another problem lay in the fact that many of the premiums were paid in currencies other than the Hong Kong dollar and payments had to be made on specified dates which could be annually, quarterly or monthly. If taxpayers showed their actual Hong Kong dollar cost of purchasing foreign currency then this was the figure allowed, but in many cases the taxpayers simply reported the amount of foreign currency paid leaving the job of conversion to the Inland Revenue Department giving rise to subsequent arguments as to the actual rate used for the calculations. In fact, it was often doubtful if premia were paid out of Hong Kong income at all.
Friday, March 2, 1973
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’’Finally, considerable paper work was involved in that claims for relief were required to be supported by proof of payment. Members of the Life Assurance Association of Hong Kong co-operated fully in supplying forms to their policy holders to ascertain details. However, the bulk of life assurance business is written by non-resident corporations and most of the investment schemes are run by these corporations which resulted in delay in the processing of claims.
"These then were the considerations underlying my decision to propose in the budget speech that the selective allowance of insurance relief should be abolished, but as part of a package deal, so very few taxpayers indeed will be worse off. The fact is that it is questionable whether insurance relief has a place in any tax system for I do not see why fiscal help should be given to sell a particular form of savings. This is particularly so where the scheduler rates and the low standard rate provide ample incentive for thrift anyway. "
Saturday, March 3, 1973
Page No«
The Western Dangerous Goods Anchorage is to be reopened next Tuesday .................................................. 1
A section of Wong Chuk Hang Road is to be widened .......... 2
The Bowling Green at Victoria Park will be closed temporarily ............................................................... 2
A Registration of Persons team will visit Sheung Shui next week .........................„. .............................. 5
A collection of Chinese musical instruments is now on display in the main foyer of the City Hall ............................ 4
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, March 5? 1973
- 1 -
The Western Dangerous Goods Anchorage, which was closed on February 20 after a number of cases of explosives were accidentally dropped in the area, will be reopened from noon next Tuesday (March 6).
In reaching this decision, the Director of Marine said he had considered all aspects of the situation.
"Since the accident occurred," he said, "research has been undertaken to ascertain as far as possible the spot where the explosives fell into the water."
The buoyancy factors relating to the cases, possible directions in which the explosives might have drifted before settling on the seabed and the nature of the seabed itself had all been taken into account, he added.
The operations on these aspects were carried out by Marine Department officers and a Royal Navy diving team.
After four days of diving and searching the seabed, no cases were found but the Director said he was confident "the cases had lost buoyancy and sunk into those parts of the seabed where soft.niud was present."
Practical tests carried out by officers of the Mines Department had shown that it would take explosives in similar cases not more than 14 days to become ineffective, he said.
The Director expressed his thanks to all those involved in the exercise.
In particular, he thanked the Commodore, Hong Kong, for offering the services of naval divers from H.M.S. Tamar and HMS Mohawk. He also thanked
the divers themselves for their unstinted efforts.
Saturday, March 3, 1973
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A section of Wong Chuk Hang Road between the Aberdeen Technical School and the Aberdeen Fire Station will be widened to provide a dual three lane carriageway, road*
A footbridge will be built at its junction with Nam Long Shan Road to facilitate pedestrian movement*.
The project also includes the laying of a trunk sewer to cater for the rapid development in the area.
Work is expected to begin in May this year and will take about 18 months to completet
The bowling green at Victoria Park is to be closed for six weeks starting on Monday (March 5)•
A spokesman for the Urban Services Department said the temporary closure was to facilitate renovation work on the green. "It will be re-opened on April 16," he said.
/3 ........
Saturday, March 3, 1973
- 3
Staff from the Registration of Persons Department will visit Sheung Shui Po Nga Shan Fong next week to register people for identity cards.
They will be there from Thursday (March 8) to Friday (March 16), excluding Saturday and Sunday (fiarch 10 and 11).
The visit is to enable parents to register their children for juvenile identity cards.
Young people 17 years of age and over and holding juvenile identity cards, can register for adult identity cards.
Residents of the area are reminded of their responsibility to register themselves and their children for identity cards.
They r.inRt report to the Registration of Persons Department any changes in employment, residential address or any other particulars since registering for their identity cards.
Saturday, March 5, 1975
- 4 -
During the period of the Hong Kong Arts Festival, visitors attending the performances at the City Hall will find an extra attraction in the Main Foyer - a neat and informative display of Chinese musical instruments.
The display is a contribution by the Urban Council to the Hong Kong Arts Festival and the instruments are from the collection of the City Museum and Art Gallery.
There are altogether over 40 Chinese musical instruments displayed, including stringed, wind and percussion instruments.
/□.though they are not rare items, the collection illustrates all the main types of instruments now in use in performances and the opera.
It is of special interest to students and visitors who would like to have a quick visual introduction to Chinese musical instruments, and to see the variety of instruments well dispalyed.
The dispaly will last until March 24, 1973.
Note to Editors: There will be an issue of the Daily Information
Bulletin tomorrow (Sunday). Copies (in English and Chinese) will be available for collection from the G.I.S. press room from 3 p.m.
Release time: 2.50 p.m
Sunday, March 4, 1973
Over 140 Addicts Nov; Receiving Daily Doses
Since the two methadone maintenance pilot schemes started three months ago, there has been an encouraging response from drug addicts, according to officials conducting the studies.
One scheme is operated by the Medical and Health Department on Hong Kong Island and the other is run by the Discharged Prisoners Aid Society in Kowloon.
Up to now, a total of 143 drug addicts have volunteered for and completed treatment and are receiving daily doses of methadone.
The programmes involve the controlled use of methadone to help drug addicts give up heroin, thus allowing them to return to normal social, family and work life.
As the two schemes are study programmes, only male addicts are admitted. Women addicts are not included because their numbers are relatively small in proportion to male addicts. Also the effects of methadone on women, particularly those who are pregnant, are not known for certain.
Studies of the effect of methadone on pregnant women have been carried out in different countries but the results of methadone on the unborn fetus are still inconclusive and opinions differ.
/While .......
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Sunday, March 4, 1973
- 2
While other countries, like Canada and the United States, already had methadone maintenance programmes for heroin addicts, there was none in Hong Kong. The two pilot schemes then are being conducted to study if it will prove useful or helpful in treating heroin addicts here.
Methadone is a synthetic drug discovered during the Second World War• Its advantages over heroin are that it does not produce the euphoric feeling experienced from heroin, blocks the craving for heroin and has a longer lasting effect.
Also methadone use does not lead to tolerance so it is not necessary to increase the dosage to maintain the same effect.
Steady Employment
A drug addict, after undergoing methadone treatment, will have a chance, with social and rehabilitative counselling, to obtain steady employment since he would not need to take heroin every four or five hours. It follows from this that he can then readjust himself to live a normal life, having only to call once a day at any convenient time for his methadone.
There is also the possibility that onoe on methadone, a patient may find he no longer needs to take a dosage daily and in this way, with determination, may even give it up altogether in the long run.
Unlike some overseas programmes, participants in the Hong Kong programmes are not given methadone to take home, They have to call daily at the centre of treatment for their dosage. Urine screening is carried out to see if they have reverted to heroin.
Sunday, March 4, 1973
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After admission addicts are given a maintenance dose and this is adjusted to a stabilising level on discharge.
The experimental scheme run by the Medical and Health Department operates from the former mental hospital premises in western district. It is a self-contained unit where patients are hospitalised, usually for about 10 days, and then checked out to return daily for their methadone.
The average age and years of addiction of addicts who have been treated so far are 30 years and 10 years respectively.
"From the response it would appear that the scheme is proving popular with those addicts who really want to get rid of their heroin addiction," said a spokesman.
Voluntary Participation
"Of course, there are a few who have tried but did not have the courage and determination to see it through."
The unit now has 10 in hospital and a list of 100 waiting to be admitted into the scheme.
Participation is entirely voluntary and treatment is free. During the three-year study, the unit expects to treat 550 addicts. The cost to government will be 52.1 million.
The scheme in Kowloon operates on a smaller scale and its study will be confined to 100 addicts. The centre is in the Tung Tau Resettlement estate and the medical unit in a nearby hospital.
/So far
Sunday, March 4, 1973
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So far D.P.A.S. has treated 25 addicts and has eight under hospitalisation. Another eleven are being processed. The average age and years of addiction of their patients are more or less similar tb those of the Hong Kong scheme.
Treatment is again free and being a voluntary agency. A sum of 352*1135° has been allocated from the Lotteries Fund for the study which will also be conducted over three years.
A medical spokesman for the Society said that it was too early to assess whether methadone would be useful in treating heroin addicts here. « •
Another voluntary agency, the Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts (SARDA) is also using methadone to relieve withdrawal symptoms during hospitalieation.
-------0 --------
Sunday, March 4, 1973
- 5 -
For More Accurate Weather Forecasts
The Royal Observatory will soon install a new computer which will assist in the production of weather forecasts.
When fully operational, it will make Hong Kong the second place in the Far East, next to Japan, to use computer techniques in weather forecasting.
The computer will process and analyse all incoming communication circuits and available meteorological data quickly, so that more accurate and timely forecasts can be prepared at more frequent intervals.
It should prove particularly useful in preparing tropical cyclone and severe rainstorm warnings quickly, so as to minimise damage to property, loss of lives and interruption to economic activities.
The computer will also be able to analyse weather information over a much wider area and higher altitude, thereby increasing the reliability of weather forecasts for aviation and marine purposes.
It can also be used to prepare special analyses of meteorological data and forecasts which are essential for the planning of major development projects such as the extension of the airport runway, the design of the High Island Water Scheme and the construction of the rapid transit system.
At present, all these are done manually by using relatively simple techniques and it takes many man-hours to analyse all available information and prepare a forecast,
/With the
Sunday, March 4, 1973
- 6 -
With the help of the computer, a large amount of time will be saved and this will enable the Royal Observatory to open new venues in developing, testing and improving forecasting techniques as well as passing on more weather infomration, particularly during typhoons, to neighbouring countries in Southeast Asia.
An order for the computer had already been placed and it is expected that part of it will be installed this year for preliminary investigations and the complete installation will become operational in early 19?4.
Release time: 3*00 p.m.
Monday, March 5, 1973
Page No.
More playgrounds are to be built on top of service reservoirs ............................................................... 1
The Fire Prevention Bureau is moving into new premises this week ........................................................ 2
A social centre will be set up in the Castle Peak Resettlement
Estate .................. .........................•........... 3
The second phase of the 1973 anti-polio campaign is now in full swing................................... ................ 3
The category of ’’seaman” has been redefined ••••••.....• ••• 4
A number of buildings in Mau Lam Street have been declared dangerous.................................................... 6
Certain buildings in Mong Kok and Sham Shui Po will be without water on Wednesday and Thursday.........•••••••••••••••••.•• 7
The Governor will open a pier on Lantao Island on Wednesday ............................................................... 7
A simple guide on where to vote in the Urban Council elections has been produced 8
Press Arrangements for the Urban Council elections have been announced ................................................
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Monday, March 5* 1973
- 1 -
Two More Under Construction
Most people may not have noticed, but many of Hong Kong’s recreational areas and playgrounds are built on top of service reservoirs in the urban districts.
More and more service reservoirs have been built in recent years to cope with the high rate of water consumption.
The scarcity of land and the rapid growth of the population'have, for long, given rise to the problem of finding sufficient and suitable sites for recreational areas.
And the service reservoirs have solved, at least in part, this particular problem.
There are, at present, 12 service reservoir playgrounds on both sides of the harbour - three on the Island and nine in Kowloon - occupying well over 30 acres of land.
In addition, two such playgrounds in the Lok Fu area of Kowloon and in Kennedy Town on the Island are now under construction.
These two, each of about two acres in size, will be open to the public in two months’ time.
Another playground in the Yau Tong area has also been proposed.
Of the -12 existing playgrounds, the one in Shau Kei Wan was completed only recently. Although an official opening ceremony will be held in the near future, it has already been opened to the public.
Monday, March 5, 1973
- 2 -
Taking up about 1.7 acres of land near the Holy Cross Path Village, this is the largest recreation centre in the district.
A typical playground of its kind, it has a turfed soccer pitch and a hard-surfaced basketball court together with changing room and shower facilities
The other existing playgrounds are located at Conduit Road, North Point, Yau Ma Tei, Shek Kip Mei, Lam Tin, Ma Tau Wai, Lion Rock Hill, Tsz Wan Shan, Wong Tai Sin and Ho Man Tin.
Part of the historical Botanical Gardens is built above a service reservoir.
-------0--------- ’ -
The Fire Prevention Bureau will be moving into new premises in Wan Chai on Thursday (March 8)•
All correspondence can be sent either to the new address at Asian House, 10th floor, No. 1 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong, or to P.O. Box 20192, Hong Kong.
The new telephone number of the Bureau is 5-281122.
Monday, March 5, 1973
- > -
A social centre will be set up in the Castle Peak Resettlement Estate by the Young Women’s Christian Association to meet the urgent need for social service and community facilities in the area.
A capital grant of #150,000 has been allocated from the Lotteries Fund to the Association for furniture and equipment.
The centre is capable of accommodating 200-500 people each day.
It will provide a library, study rooms, and facilities for group and recreational activities and other community programmes.
The centre is expected to be open at the end of this month.
-------0 - - - -
The second phase of the 1973 anti-polio campaign is now in operation, and parents are urged to bring their children for inoculation.
A spokesman for the Medical and Health Department’ said that children who had received the first inoculation should now come forward for the second.
More than 28,000 children received polio immunisation during the first phase of the campaign. ---
Polio vaccine is available free of charge from all inoculation centres and maternity and child health centres.
The .second phase of the campaign will last until March J1.
• • • 4'
------0---------- ..........................
Monday, March 5, 1973
- 4 -
The category of "seaman" has been redefined to include all persons comprising the complement of a sea-going ship other than master, certificated mate, engineer and ship’s doctor.
The new definition is contained in the Merchant Shipping (Recruiting of Seaman) (Amendment) Ordinance 1973 which was enacted on February 2.
Certain other categories of persons have also been excluded from the provisions of the Ordinance by the Director of Marine, in his capacity as Seaman’s Recruiting Authority, following consultations with the Seamen’s Recruiting Advisory Board.
These include certificated masters, chief engineers, first mates and radio officers; nurses and musicians; and wives and children of ship’s officer personnel properly signed on ship’s Article of Agreement as supernumeraries.
All Hong Kong domiciled officers, other than those mentioned above, who wish to register with the Seamen’s Recruiting Office should produce their Hong Kong Seamen’s Discharge Book together with their Identity Card and Certificate of Service/Competence, if any.
These officers will be subject to the provisions of the Ordinance if they are engaged in the following capacities:
Deck Department . Engine Department
2nd Officer/Mate 2nd Engineer Officer
3rd Officer/Mate 3rd Engineer Officer
4th Officer/Mate 4th Engineer Officer
/Junior ..•••••••
Monday, March 5, 1973
- 5 -
Deck Department Engine Department
Junior Officer/teate 5th Engineer Officer
Deck Cadet or Apprentice 6th Engineer Officer
Assistant Radio Officer 7th Engineer Officer
Radio Cadet Junior Cadet Electrical Officer Assistant Electrical Officer
Catering Department Miscellaneous Cate gear/
Purser Shop Assistant
Assistant Pursei Barber
Assistant Writer
0 /6
Monday, March 5, 1973
The Building Authority today declared Nos. 7, 9 and 11 Mau Lam Street, Kowloon to be in a dangerous condition. No. 5 Mau Lam Street was declared liable to become dangerous.
In a statement issued this morning, the Principal Government Building Surveyor said that these three-storey pre-war buildings were found to be in a dilapidated condition during a routine inspection.
A detailed survey revealed that the brick rear walls of all four buildings had moved out causing fractures to open at the junction with the party walls.
The timber staircases and structural roof and floor timbers of No. 7, 9 and 11 were in such a condition that notices had already been served requiring the owner to provide temporary support.
The condition of Nos. 7, 9 and 11 is such that there is a risk of collapse.
It is further considered that due to the weakness at the junction of the rear wall and party wall between Nos. 5 and 7, No. 5 is liable to become dangerous during or after the demolition of Nos. 7, 9 and 11.
No. 11 would also be affected by the demolition of No. 13* already recommended for closure and demolition.
Notices of intention to apply for Closure Orders in Kowloon District Court at 9»3O a.m. on April 13, 1973 were posted today.
- - 0
Monday, March 5t 1975
- 7 -
A number of premises in Mong Kok will be without water for five hours on Wednesday (March 7) starting from 1 a.m.
Buildings within the area bounded by Prince Edward Road, Nathan
Road, Argyle Street and Tung Choi Street will be affected.
Water supply to a number of buildings in Sham Shui Po will be cut off for five hours on Thursday (March 8) starting from 1 a.m.
Premises within the area bounded by Lai Chi Kok Road, Kiu Kiang Street, Cheung Sha Wan Road and Kweilin Street will be affected.
The stoppages are to enable Waterworks Office staff to carry out leakage tests. -----------------------------------0-----------
Note to Editors: The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose,
will officiate at the opening of the Sha Lo Wan Pier and Footpath on Lantao Island on Wednesday (March 7) at 12.20 p.m.
A launch will be provided to take press representatives to Lantao. It will leave Queen*s Pier at 10.40 a.m. Press representatives will be taken back after the ceremony.
Members of the press who wish to have the ceremony covered should contact the District Secretary, District Office, Islands, Mr. Ting Ping, at Tel. No. 5-446412.
As space on the launch is limited, nominations from the press will be taken on a first-come-first-served basis.
-------C--------- /8 ..........
Monday, March 5» 1973
- 8 -
Simple Guide Issued
A simple guide to the location of the ten polling stations for
Wednesday’s Urban Council elections has been produced by the Government
Information Services•
Each candidate has been given copies for distribution, and spare
copies are available to registered electors at City District Offices*
The polling stations are:
Hong Kong Island:
A. King’s College Polling Station, No. 65A, Bonham Road, at the junction of Western Street and Bonham Road.
B. City Hall Polling Station, Edinburgh Place, east of the Star Ferry Hong Kong Concourse.
C. Hennessy Road Government Primary School Polling Station (Entrance at Thomson Road) No. 169, Thomson Road west of Wallace Harper Co., Ltd. rear entrance on Johnston Road.
D. North Point Government Primary School Polling Station, No. 888 King’s Road between Mansion Street and Mount Parker Road.
E. Kowloon Public Pier Polling Station, next to Tsim Sha Tsui Railway Station.
F. Queen Elizabeth School Polling Station, No. 152 Sai Yee Street, at the junction of Prince Edward Road and Sai Yee Street.
G. Kowloon Technical School Polling Station, No. 532 Cheung Sha Wan Road, between Camp Street and Tonkin Street•
/H. Perth ..........
Monday, March 1973
- 9 -
H. Perth Street Government Primary Sohool Polling Station, No. 6 Perth Street, between Princess Margaret Road and Shek Ku Street.
I. San Po Kong Government Primary School Polling Station, No. 17, Tseuk Luk Street, between Choi Hung Road and Tai Yau Street.
J. Kwun Tong Government Primary School Polling Station, No. 2*4-0, Ngau Tau Kok Road, between Ting On Street and Elegance Road, opposite Kwun Tong Garden Estate.
Monday, March 5, 1973
- 10 -
Note to Editors: Members of the press who wish to visit any of
of the ten polling stations or to be present at the counting of the votes on March 7 (Wednesday), Urban Council Election Day, must complete Form 20 - Declaration of Secrecy - before a Justice of the Peace, a Presiding Officer or the Returning Officer.
They should have the forms with them when they call at any of the polling stations.
Copies of these forms are now available in the press room, Government Information Services.
For the convenience of representatives nominated by you to cover the election, arrangements have been made for them to see the Returning OfficerMr. Donald Tsang, who will be pleasod to administer the declaration during office hours tomorrow. Nominees are advised to ring H-955^ to make an appointment. Alternatively this declaration can be administered by any Justice of the Peace.
To make recognition • easier for staff at the polling stations, special lapel badges have been prepared. These will be distributed to press representatives at the same time when they collect the "Declaration of secrecy” forms. However, the completed declaration form must be produced for admission.
The attention of press representatives is drawn to Regulation 29 of the Urban Council Elections (Procedure) Regulations under which it is an offence inter alia to speak to any elector or take any photograph within the boundaries of any polling station.
/Regulation ••••••
Monday, March 5, 1973
- 11 -
Regulation 29 states:
29. (1) Any person other than -
(A) The Returning Officer or an Assistant Returning Officer;
(B) The Presiding Officer or an Assistant Presiding Officer;
(C) Members of the staff of the Presiding Officer;
(D) Police on duty at any polling station;
(E) A companion of a blind voter acting in accordance with Regulation
who speaks to any elector within the boundaries of any polling station shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction therefor to a fine of five hundred dollars.
(2) Any person who -
(A) takes any photographs;
(B) canvasses; or
(C) displays any poster,
within the boundaries of any polling station shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction therefor to a fine of five hundred dollars.
(3) Any elector who -
(A) takes any ballot paper, whether marked or unmarked, out of the polling station; or
(B) deposits in the ballot box any paper other than the ballot paper given to him by the poll clerk,
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction therefor to a fine of five hundred dollars and to imprisonment for six months.
Release Time: 7.00 p.m.
Tuesday, March 6, 1973
Page Nq«
A new valuation list will come into effect on April 1 ............ 1
Work on the Hung Hom Indoor Stadium is progressing smoothly • • • • 4
This year’s Urban Council Flower Show will be held later this month .......................................................... g
Mr. H.J.C. Browne has ceased to be temporary member of the Executive Council ..................,........................... 2
The second of a series of ”Meet the Media” sessions will take place on Thursday ................................................ 8
A technical education expert will meet the press tomorrow ........ 9
A section of Tong Shui Road will be closed for four weeks as from Thursday................................................... 9
A village will be built on Lantao Island with a land grant from the Government ................................................. 10
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, March 6, 1973
- 1 -
Available For Inspection At Treasury
A new valuation list, effective from April 1, has been completed and will be officially declared this Friday, the Commissioner of Rating and Valuation, Mr. R.A. Fry, announced today.
Addressing a Rotary Club luncheon, he said the list would be available for inspection at the Treasury for three weeks during which any aggrieved person could appeal to the District Court against the new assessments.
The Commissioner advised, however, that anyone contemplating an appeal should first speak to the area valuer concerned and find out just how he or she stood.
"It can be a complicated and expensive business, and any person making an appeal should understand fully what is involved,” he said.
The new valuation list will contain just over 310,000 tenements having an assessed annual value of S3,250 million, compared with S2,15O million a year ago.
"This increase is not, of course, entirely due to the revaluation, for the list is growing all the time as new assessments are added year by year," Mr. Fry explained.
He envisaged that revenue from rates was likely to increase from 33$^ million this year to 35^2 million in 1973/7^.
/This would
Tuesday, March 6, 1973
- 2 -
This would make his department the second biggest revenue earner, although nearly two-fifths of the expected revenue from rates in the new financial year would go to the Urban Council to cover the cost of most of the services it would provide.
Mr. Fry said that although rates had been criticized because of their association with rents, and the fear that increased assessments would mean increased rents, "they are a very sure tax, easy and cheap to administer and very difficult to avoid."
"Bating assessments are based on rents and generally follow the trend of rents, so that they do not in themselves provide a lead to increased rents," he explained.
If assessments were low, he added, a landlord gained by the greater profit he could take out of the premises. "There is no good reason, therefore, for landlords’ attempting to use increased assessments as an excuse for increasing rents this year."
Referring to the average overall increase in rateable values of just over 40 per cent as a result of the valuation, the Commissioner said this figure had been disclosed "merely to indicate the overall trend."
Ratepayers, he stressed, should not try to apply it to previous assessments as a factor by which to measure the proper level of the new rateable values.
"In regard to the lower-rental domestic accommodation," he said, "average increases in rateable values have generally been in the order of JO to JJ per cent and up to Gj to 70 per cent for large flats, while the assessments for many houses have doubled," he said.
/’increases •••••••..
Tuesday, March 6, 1973
- 3 -
"Increases for offices, and shops in the prime tourist areas have also doubled in many cases, whereas for factories increases on average are closer to 50 per cent.”
In the case of low-cost housing, increases were also substantial in percentage terms.
The Commissioner noted, however, that there had been no revaluation since 1968, "and rentals at that time were, in many cases, below the levels of the early Sixties."
"As a matter of fact, a number of the new assessments are no higher than they were in the 1964 valuation list, that is, nine years ago," he said.
Moreover, the reduced rate charge of 17 per cent to 15 per cent in the urban areas would cushion to some extent the effect of increased assessments, and in some eases ratepayers would actually pay less, he added.
Tuesday, March 6, 1975
- 4 -
Got Holding Sports Events And Exhibitions
Work on the foundation for the 860 million Hung Hom Indoor Stadium Complex is progressing smoothly.
The works include piling and the construction of caissons and caps for a large podium slab which will support the indoor stadiuih.
They also include foundation works for minor buildings in the complex, a spokesman for the Public Works Department said today.
The stadium will be fully air-conditioned and is designed to seat 15?000 spectators. But the maximum seating capacity may be increased to 17,000 by the addition of temporary seats on part of the arena.
The spokesman said that the number of seats could also be reduced to suit smaller gatherings by means of curtain partitions.
The arena of the stadium can be used for sports events such as basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, boxing, weigh lifting, fencing, and gymnastics.
The arena will accommodate eight badminton courts at one time, or two courts for tennis, basketball, or volleyball matches.
It will also be used extensively for a variety of non-sports functions, such as skating, singing, dancing and variety shows, as well as theatrical and circus performances.
/In addition, ••••••
Tuesday, March 6, 1973
- 5 -
In addition, the planning of the project allows for the arena to be used for large and medium scale exhibitions and conventions.
In the building complex, there will be five meeting rooms, each catering for gatherings for up to 50 people.
Additional meeting space can be obtained by conversion of the 200-seat restaurant.
Round the stadium, there will be 200,000 square feet of open space where open-air exhibitions can conveniently be staged.
f,The stadium is expected to be fully utilised throughout the year," the spokesman said.
-----0 -----------
Tuesday, March 6, 1973
- 6 -
This year’s Urban Council FLower Show will take place on the 23rd of this month, and will last three days.
It will be opened by Mrs. Hilton Cheong-Leen, wife of a senior Urban Councillor, at the City Hall at 2.30 p.m. on March 23.
Competitions, open to all, will be run in seven sections of the display.
These sections are entitled: Cut Flowers, Pot Plants, Orchids, Bonsai-type Plants, FL oral Arrangement by adults and Floral Arrangement by children.
Mrs. Huang, wife of Dr. Denny Huang, Urban Councillor, will present prizes at the end of the show. .....
Closing date for entries is March 13, 1973.
A special event, ”U.S.D. Garden Competition,” will be run for members of the Urban Services Department’s Recreation and Amenities Division.
A number of societies , clubs and a government department, the Agriculture and Fisheries Department, will also have display at the show.
Many of the flowers which will be on exhibition are being flown in from different countries by the airlines of those countries.
Tuesday, March 6, 1973
There will also be a demonstration of flower arrangement (Ikebana) by Mrs. Janice Ding, Director of the Hong Kong branch of Sogetsu Teachers’ Association in the City Hall Theatre on the last day of the show (Sunday, March 25) from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Admission is free
The Hon. H.J.C. Browne, an Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council, ceased to be temporarily an Unofficial Member of the Executive Council with effect from March 1973» on the return to Hong Kong of the Hon. G.R. Ross, a Government spokesman announced today.
Tuesday, March 6, 1973
- 8 -
The second of a series of ”Meet the Media” sessions arranged for members of the press by the Government Information Services will be held on Thursday (March 8).
The Director of Urban Services, Mr. D.R.W. Alexander, and three of his Assistant Directors — Mr. Augustine Kam Chui (Abattoirs, Hawkers and Markets); Mr. R. Oblitas (Cultural Services); and Mr. David Lan (New Territories) — will be present for this session.
During these ”Meet the Media” sessions, newsmen have an opportunity to meet senior Government officers and question them directly about the work of their departments.
The meetings are on the record and T.V. and radio coverage facilities are provided.
Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to send a reporter
and/or photographer to cover the press conference, which will be held at 12 noon in the G.I.S. 35 mm theatre on the 5th floor of Beaconsfield House.
Television stations covering this session are requested to be there early so that they will have ample time to set up their equipment.
Tuesday, March 6, 1973
- 9 -
Note to Editors: Mr. K.G. Lavender, Principal of Wandsworth
Technical College, will be meeting the press at 3 p»m. tomorrow (Wednesday) in the Conference Room of the Education Department, third floor, Lee Gardens.
Mr. Lavender is currently on a three-week visit to pre-vocational and secondary technical schools in Hong Kong.
He will make a report to the Director of Education on the development of pre-vocational and secondary technical schools.
Mr. Lavender’s visit is sponsored by the British Council at the request of the Director of Education.
He arrived in Hong Kong on February 17 and will be returning to London on March 10.
The western section of Tong Shui Road will be closed to traffic for about four weeks starting from Thursday (March 8) because of road reconstruction.
This section of Tong Shui Road runs from Chun Yeung Street to King’s Road
The operation of trams will not be affected./ •.
Traffic from Chun Yeung Street will be able to proceed north along
Tong Shui Road to Java Road.
Appropriate traffic signs will be put up to guide motorists.
Tuesday, March 6, 1973
- 10 -
With Land Grant From Government ********★
The Association of Round Tables in Hong Kong is to build a village at Mui Wo on Lantao Island, for squatters with a piece of land granted by the Government,
The village will be situated in a four-acre area near the water treatment works.
The Government will build footpaths and carry out drainage works for the village.
A contract for site formation works was signed this morning in the Island District Office between the Association and the contractor.
When completed, the 31 million village will have 82 flats in eight single-storey blocks. It will provide homes for more than 400 people.
So far, the Association has collected donations amounting to 3620,000 locally and from associations overseas.
Site formation is expected to be completed in June. The whole village will be ready for occupation a year later.
Release Time: 7.00 p«m
Wednesday, March 7, 1973
Page No.
The Governor visits Lantao Island .............................. 1
Death sentences passed on two men last July for murder have been commuted ••••••••••••••.••............................... 2
Government House will be open to the public on Sunday •••••• 3
The new Kwai Chung Fire Station will be opened on Saturday.. 4
An open ballot will be held on Friday to allocate beach houses ......... . c
Lady MacLchose will open an exhibition of paintings and sculpture tomorrow .........................................
The wife of the Director of Social Welfare will visit two training centres tomorrow...................................
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, March 7, 1973
- 1 -
GOVERNOR PAYS FIRST VISIT TO LANTAO ISLAND To Meet Rural Leaders And Open New Ferry Pier * * * ♦ ♦ ♦ * * ♦ *
The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, spent today visiting Lantao Island and meeting rural leaders. It was Sir Murray’s first official visit to the island.
Accompanied by the District Commissioner, New Territories, Mr. D.C. Bray, and the District Officer, Islands, Mr. Mayer NG, Sir Murray started off the visit by flying in a helicopter to Ngong Ping for a walk through the village and the Monastery.
He then went down the meandering Ngon Ping Access Road for Tai 0 in a landrover.
During his stay there, he was met by the Chairman and members of the Tai 0 Rural Committee. The party inspected the site reserved for a proposed low cost housing project. It is one of the first seven Government estates planned for the people in the New Territories. When completed, the scheme will house about 3,000 people.
Sir hurray concluded his visit to Tai 0 by going on a water tour of Tai 0 Creek by boat.
The Lady Maurine took the party from Tai 0 to Sha Lo Wan, a village on the northern shore of Lantao Island, where Sir Murray officiated at the opening ceremony of the ferry pier and footpath of the village recently completed by the Public Works Department.
/After ......
Wednesday, March 7? 1973
- 2 -
After lunching on board the Lady Maurine, the Governor landed at Tung Chung ferry pier and walked through Ma Wan Chung, accompanied by the Chai rman and members of the Tung Chung Rural Committee. Sir Murray visited the Tung Chung Fort before he left by landrover for South Lantao.
During the trip from Tung Chung to South Lantao, the Governor stopped at several vantage points to look over the villages. Later he was met by the Chairman and members of the South Lantao Rural Committee, and together, they inspected the Community Centre.
Before he ended the island tour, Sir Murray visited Mui Wo. He inspected the Round Table Fishermen’s Village under construction and inspected the squatter area at Chung Hau with the Chairman and members of the Mui Wo Rural Committee.
He returned to Hong Kong by helicopter.
The Governor, after taking into consideration the advice of the Executive Council, has decided that the death sentences passed on July 24, 1972 on LI Wai-leung and Hassan Solueman, alias So Man, should each be commuted to a term of 25 years imprisonment.
LI Wai-leung and Hassan Solueman were found guilty of the murder of CHENG Chi-aang.
Wednesday, March 7, 1973
3 .
The people of Hong Kong can see the azaleas in full bloom at Government House this Sunday (March 11).
The grounds of the Government House will be open to the public from
i 10 a.m. to 5 p*m. on that day.
It is expected that family groups, young people and photography fans will tour the gardens, and enjoy themselves among the beautiful flowers.
Visitors are requested to enter the garden by the main gate, and leave by the east gate, so that all can enjoy the scenery without causing inconvenience to themselves and others.
Scouts and policemen will be present, and visitors are asked to co-operate with them to avoid overcrowding.
Only the grounds will be opened to the public, and visitors should not enter the House itself.
- - 0 - -
Wednesday, March 7» 1973
The Chairman of the Tsuen Wan Rural Committee, Mr. Chan Po~fong, will perform the official opening ceremony of the Kwai Chung Fire Station on Saturday (March 10).
A Fire Services spokesman said that Kwai Chung, with its numerous factoriesT container berths and oil installations, would play a vital part in Hong Kong’s prosperity in the future.
”The opening of the new fire station,” he said, ’’will ensure speedy response by the Fire Services to calls in the area.”
The spokesman described the station as ideally located to meet the needs of the district.
Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to send a report
and/or photographer to cover the opening ceremony, which begins at 10.30 a.m. on Saturday.
The new station is at the junction of Kwai On Road and Tai Lin Pai Road.
Wednesday, March 7, 1973
- 5
A total of 22 J applications has been received by the Urban Services Department for the rental of bathing sheds at beaches along Castle Peak Road in the Nev; Territories.
Ten club bathing sheds and 42 private bathing sheds have been put up for rental, and allocations will be decided by an open ballot.
lir. Chan Po-fong, Chairman of the Urban Services Department Sub-committee of the Heung Yee Kuk and Chairman of the Tsuen Wan Rural Committee, will conduct the ballot at 11 a.m. on Friday (March 9) •
It will be held in the Lecture Room on the 4th floor of the Urban Services Department Depot at Sai Yee Street, Kowloon.
Members of the public, especially those who have submitted applications for the sheds, are invited to attend.
Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to send a reporter
and/or photographer to cover the ballot.
Wednesday, March 7» 1973
- 6 -
An exhibtion featuring paintings and sculpture by local artists will be opened tomorrow (Thursday) to raise funds for the Girl Guides.
Lady MacLehose will be performing the opening ceremony at 12 noon on the seventh floor of the City Hall High Block.
The works on display are all for sale, and the commission will help the Guides in the purchase of additional camping equipment.
There is a growing interest among the girls for camp outings, and the Government has provided more camp sites in the New Territories for their use.
The four-day exhibition will end on March 11 (Sunday) at 5
About 70 artists have contributed to the exhibition, including Douglas Bland, Dirce Cavalcanti, Hon Chi Fun, Father Zeller and Rosamund Brown.
Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to send a reporter
and/or photographer to cover the opening ceremony and the exhibition.
Wednesday, March 7, ^^75
- 7 -
Two training centres operated in Kowloon by voluntary welfare agencies will be visited tomorrow (Thursday) by Mrs* Li Fook-kow, wife of the Director of Social Welfare*
She will be accompanied by Mr. Ku Choon-keong, Acting Principal Social Welfare Officer (Rehabilitation) •
Mrs* Li will be making a visit at 10: ’X) a.m. to the Sau Mau Ping Training Centre of the Spastics Association of Hong Kong. The centre was opened at Block 25, San Mau Ping Resettlement Estate in January this year*
It operates as a day training centre for up to 80 children in two half-day sessions* The children are trained in self—care, taught to socialise and prepared for further special education o> vocational training*
At 11:20 a*m*, Mrs* Li will visit the Margaret Trench Medical Rehabilitation Centre, No* 25^+ Kwun Tong Road* Operated by the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, the centre caters for 80 physi carl ly disabled patients*
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter/
photographer to cover Mrs. Li’s visits.
( -------------------0-------•
Release time: 7.00 p.m.
Thursday, March 8, 1973
Page No.
Lantao Island is to be developed as a holiday resort ......... 1
The second phase of the first dividend payment to creditors of the Ming Tak Bank will start next Monday .................... J
A new clinic and maternity home is to be built in Tsz Wan Shan ................................................................ 5
Four non-industrial Crown land lots will be offered for sale by auction later this month ...........•........................ 6
Temporary collection centres for water charges will be set up in Sheung Shui and Fanling ••••••............................. 7
Applications are now invited for a Government scholarship in
Audiology .................................,.................. 8
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, March 8, 1973
Government To Appoint Consultants To Plan Developments ****«♦«
Lantao Island will become a holiday resort for both overseas tourists and local visitors within the next few years after substantial improvements in sea, land and air transport to the island have been made.
Hr. Ng Chak-lara, the District Officer, Islands, described Lantau as a "goldmine" of many untapped tourist attractions.
"It is the policy of the Government to develop the island principally for recreational purposes," Mr; Ng said.
The Government intends to appoint a firm of consultants to map out suitable locations for various developments.
It is hoped that a report will be forwarded to the Government by the end of this year.
Meanwhile, a site south of Mui Wo has been earmarked for a "country park" in a preliminary development plan. Mr* Ng said the park, located at Pak Fu Tin, will have recreational facilities under proper management.
Hr. Ng also disclosed that an 80,000 sq. ft. site behind the Silver Hine Bay beach had been recently granted to a private developer who plans to build an "economy class hotel" there.
It is understood that the hotel will cater mainly for local visitors during weekends and holidays.
Work on the liui V/o Reclamation has been completed and the reclaimed land is now ready for development. A bus terminus and access road will be built next year# A number of sites will be available for private development. •
/The Chung
Thursday, March 8, 1973
The Chung Hau Reclamation is being planned. 'Then completed, a site will be reserved for a Government Low Cost Housing Estate to provide homes for local villagers.
In the meantime, the Government and two private developers are studying the feasibility of developing riviera-type resorts at Cheung Sha and Yi Long in the Chi I-ia Wan Peninsula.
If the project at Yi Long, which fronts a lovely beach, is finalised and approved, the uninhabited coast line will be turned into a popular holiday resort with hotels and apartments, swimming pools and other recreational facilities.
The complex will be mainly for overseas tourists who want to enjoy the sunshine and the open air.
At present, there are about 13 miles of motorable roads on Lantau and Mui Wo serving as the gateway to other parts of the island.
Plans to widen the road from Cheung Sha to Keung Shan will be studied by the Public Works Department.
Before the completion of this improvement programme, roads on the island will not be opened to vehicles coming from Hong Kong by vehicular ferries.
Mr. Ng said improvement work on the South Lantao Road would begin as soon as the Public Works Department had finished its studies and it was hoped that public transport on the island would be adequate to meet the weekend demand in the late 1970’s,
Recently, a commercial helicopter service started between Hong Kong and the Silver Line Bay.
Ferry services to the island are also expected to be improved in the foreseeable future, - - - - 0 ---------------------------------- /3...................
Thursday, March 8, 1973
- 3. -
Second Phase Of First Dividend Payment Announced ««****»
The Official Receiver Hr. ’-7. Hume, announced today that the second phase of the payment of a first dividend of 25 per cent to creditors of the Hing Tai: Dani: will commence on March 12 and will be completed on March 26.
Mr. Hume recalled that in the first phase, between January 22 and February 1, payment was made to depositors and holders of gift coupons who could produce their account books or the gift coupons.
’’The second phase,” said Hr. Hume, "relates to creditors other than depositors who were eligible to be paid under the first phase".
Included in the creditors to be paid during the second phase are those who have already submitted proofs of debt.
Notices of payment have been sent to such creditors whose claims have been admitted, and they are requested to attend at the Official Receiver’s Office, 10th floor, Sutherland House, 3 Chater Road, on the dates stated in the notices.
Any creditor who has submitted a proof of debt but not received a notice of payment should contact the Official Receiver’s Office immediately, unless he has already been notified that his claim has not been admitted or that he is required to submit further evidence in support of his claim.
/Mr. Hume ......
Thursday, March 8, 1973
- 4 -
Mr. Hume added that if a creditor is unable to attend in person he can authorise payment to a representative by completing a form of Authority for Payment of Dividend. Copies of the form are available during normal office hours from today onwards at the Official Receiver’s Office. <
Arrangements for payment to creditors who are unable to attend in person or by duly authorised representative will be announced later.
Depositors and holders of gift coupons who cannot produce their account books or the gift coupons, and who were therefore not included in the first phase, are now invited to call at the Official Receiver’s Office as soon as possible after March 11 to complete the forms necessary for processing their claims.
Thursday, March 8, 1973
- 5 -
Residents of the Tsz Wan Shan Resettlement Estate will have their own clinic and maternity hdme later this year.
Structural work on the clinic building has already been completed. Internal work is now being carried out and is expected to be finished sometime in October.
The clinic is designed to serve the 140,000 people living in the Tsz Wan Shan area.
it is situated to the west of Sheung Fung Street, next to the Resettlement Department staff quarters.
The three-storey clinic, when completed, will have consultation rooms, a dispensary, a demonstration room, a laboratory, a minor-operation room and staff quarters.
There will be a general out-patients department on the ground floor• The first and second floors will be used as a child health centre and a 24—bed maternity home respectively.
/6 .......
Thursday, March 8, 1973
6 -
Four lots of non-industrial Crown land, with a total upset price of close to 34 million, will be put on sale by auction on March 30*
The auction will be held at 2.30 p.m. in the Lecture Room on
the 8th floor of the City Hall.
Of the four lots, one is for supermarket as well as non-industrial purposes.
Particulars of the lots are as follows:
1. Kowloon Inland Lot No. 10135, No. 405 Shanghai Street (with existing building) Area: 1,046 square feet For non-industrial purposes Upset Price: 3800,000.
2. Kowloon Inland Lot No. 10136, Nos. 137-139 Shanghai Street (with existing buildings) Area: 1,318 square feet For non^-industrial purposes Upset Price: 31,600,000.
3. Kowloon Inland Lot No. 10137, No. 14 Battery Street (with existing building) Area: 734 square feet For non-industrial purposes Upset Price: 3200,000.
4. Rural Building Lot No. 915» Chung Hom Kok Road Area: 13>000 square feet
For supermarket and non-industrial purposes Upset Price: 31,300,000.
Thursday, March 8, 1973
- 7 -
Full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the Public Enquiry Sub-office, Central Government Offices (West Wing), Ground floor, Hong Kong and at the Crown Lands and Survey Office, Kowloon Government Offices, No. 405, Nathan Road, 10th floor, Kowloon.
Sale plans may also be inspected at these offices.
Meanwhile, an auction sale of two Crown land lots in Kowloon, to have been held on March 16, has been cancelled.
Temporary collection centres will be set up by the District Office, Tai Po in Sheung Shui and Fanling for the collection of water charges for the third period of 1972.
The Sheung Shui collection centre will be located at the Sheung Shui Police Station and will operate on March 12 and 13.
The Fanling collection centre will be at the Fanling Rural Committee Office, Luen Wo Hui and will operate on March 14.
The centres will be open from 9 ato 2 p.m.
Thursday, March 8, 1973
- 8 -
Applications Invited
The Government intends to award a scholarship, tenable in Britain, to enable a suitably qualified applicant to undertake a one-year course in audiology.
Candidates should be between 18 and 26 years of age, unmarried, and be either Hong Kong-born or have resided in Hong Kong for not less than seven years.
They should also speak fluent English and have at least three passes at ordinary level in the Hong Kong University Ordinary Level Examination, or three subjects at Grade C or above in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education (English), or an equivalent qualification.
The subjects should preferably include English, Physics, Mathematics and Biology.
Promising candidates will be attached to the Audiology subdepartment of the Medical and Health Department for a one-week period of evaluation, which will also provide them an opportunity to gain an insight into the requirements of the profession.
During this period, candidates will receive a personal allowance of #120 per week.
The successful candidate will be required to give a written undertaking to return to Hong Kong on completion of his or her studies and to engage in audiology technician duties for at least three years in the Medical and Health Department.
/The scholarship .•••••
Thursday, March 8, 1973
- 9 -
The scholarship will include a return economy class air passage, course and examination fees* travelling expenses, a book, allowance, a warm-clothing allowance and a monthly subsistence allowance to meet the cost of board and lodging as well as essential expenses.
At the same time, the Government plans to award a number of scholarships to suitably qualified female applicants to undertake a t three-year Diploma Course in Occupational Therapy.
Candidates for these scholarships must have at least two passes at Advanced Level, in Physics, Biology or Chemistry in the Hong Kong University Advanced Level Examination, together with three further subjects including English at Grade C or above in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education (English), or an equivalent qualification.
The successful candidates, in this case, will have to sign an undertaking to return to Hong Kong on completion of their studies and to engage in occupational therapy duties for a period not less than five years in the Medical and Health Department.
Copies of application forms can be obtained from the Government Training Division (Tel. H-767201), 2nd floor, Lee Gardens, West Wing, Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
Completed forms, in duplicate, should be returned to the Division not later than March 23, 1973-
• - - - 0--------
Release Time; 7.15 P«m
Friday, March % 1973
Page No.
More fully trained teachers are to be provided under the Government’s vastly increased in-service teacher training programme ...................................... •.............. 1
Plans are in hand to improve the traffic situation at the junction of Robinson Road and Castle Road..........•.............. 3
The 1973-72* valuation list has been declared ................ 5
Two priority lists will be maintained for draft company prospectuses • • •..............................•••••••••................ 6
The law on the conveyance of dangerous goods is to be clarified .................................................................. 7
Work will begin shortly on the Lek Yuen Government Low Cost Housing Estate in Sha Tin....................................... 8
A number of buildings on both sides of the harbour have been declared dangerous •....................,..........•.............. 9
Improvement work will soon be carried out in the Jordan Road vehicular ferry pier...................................... 10
Project Concern opens new chest clinic at Sau Mau Ping........... 11
The Government accounts for December 1972 show a surplus of more than 8260 million ........................................... 13
Youth groups attached to the Youth Work Unit of the Social Welfare Department will hold a sports meeting on Sunday.................. 14
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Friday, Karch 9» 1973
- 1 -
To Provide Lore Fully Trained Teachers
The Government’s new post-primary education policy has made it possible to increase the proposed intake next September for the ’’In-Service Course of Training for Secondary School Teachers using English as the Medium of Instruction.”
The Director of Education, Nr. J. Canning, said today: ’’The Government’s intention to provide support at secondary level for greatly increased numbers of children carries with it an obligation to ensure that teachers are fully trained.
:jIn order to provide an opportunity for serving teachers to achieve trained status, Government has embarked on a vastly increased in-service training programme, and has re-designed some courses to fit the needs of secondary teachers in particular.”
Of these, the In-Service Course of Training for Secondary School Teachers using English as the Medium of Instruction has been re-planned and expanded.
In a general schools circular, Mr. Canning drew the attention of such teachers to these new opportunities offered from September 1973-”In the developing secondary field, training will become increasingly important and serving teachers are advised to apply for a place in the two-year in-service course, which is free of charge,” Mr. Canning said.
/All applicants •••••
Friday, March 9, 1975
- 2 -
All applicants should be full-time teachers in Government-aided or private schools. Certificates of Qualified Teacher status will be awarded to those who are successful.
The course is held at the Grantham College of Education for teachers in schools in the New Territories and Kowloon, and at the Northcote College of Education for teachers in Hong Kong and Kowloon Schools,
Application forms for this course are available from the Education Department, Lee Gardens* Hysan Avenue, Hong Kong; the Northcote College of Education, Sassoon Road, Hong Kong; and the Grantham College of Education, Gascoigne Road, Kowloon.
Applicants must have had at least two years approved teaching experience by August 1975 and they should normally be teaching all classes in the medium of English.
Applications should be completed in duplicate together with letters of recommendation from Heads of schools. All completed forms must be sent to the college of education to which admission is sought by March 51*
0 - - - w
Friday, March 9, 1973
Two Flyovers For Robinson Road/Castle Road Junction
The Government is to embark on a project to improve traffic movement at the Robinson Road/Castle Road junction - a key crossroad in the iiid-levele and for long an accident black spot.
The improvement scheme,estimated to cost 34.5 million, includes two flyovers providing some 400 feet of elevated roadway.
One of the flyovers will carry eastbound traffic on Robinson Road on a new alignment over the southbound portion of Castle Road.
The other will provide grade-separation for northbound traffic on Castle Road to the eastbound lane of Robinson Road.
The flyovers will reduce traffic conflict and accident hazards by grade separation of the existing four-way ground level junction.
The central area of the new junction will be used as a public carpark, with spaces for about 40 vehicles. It will also serve as a pickup point for parents collecting children from the Ying 'a Girls’ School and so alleviate congestion on Robinson Road.
The very sharp and narrow S-bend on Robinson Road will also be straightened and widened. As Robinson Road runs parallel to Caine Road, improvement to it will help relieve Caine Road which is already taxed to capacity.
Caine Road is being widened as re-development permits, but substantial improvement to it is not practicable.
/At the •••••
Friday, March 9, 1973
At the same time, the very steep gradient and tortuous alignment on the upper section of Castle Road will be substantially improved, Castle Road being an important link between Caine Road and Robinson Road,
The whole junction improvement scheme is of great importance in serving rapid and intensive developments in the Conduit Road, Seymour Road, Park Road, Robinson Road and Kotewall Road area.
Construction is expected to begin in May and should take about 13 months to complete.
Friday, March 9, 1973
- 5 -
Over 300,000 Assessments Made
The valuation list for 1973-74 was today declared by the Commissioner of Rating and Valuation, Mr. R.A. Fry, before the Deputy Colonial Secretary, Mr. G.P. Lloyd, at the department’s offices at No. 1 Garden Road.
The occasion was a historic one in that it is the last time that this annual ceremony will take place as, under the new Rating Ordinance, which will come into effect on April 1, the declaration procedure has been much simplified.
The Financial Secretary, Mr. C.P. Haddon-Cave, also took this opportunity to inspect the valuation list and meet senior officers of the Rating and Valuation Department.
The valuation list for 1973-74 is the largest ever, comprising 134 volumes containing about 313,000 separate assessments with a total rateable value of nearly 33,277 million, as compared with some 32,150 million a year ago.
Following the declaration, the 1973-74 list was delivered to the Accountant General, Mr. D.W.A. Blye, whose responsibility it is to collect the rates so assessed.
As Collector of Rates, Mr. Blye, will also now be responsible for paying to the Urban Council its share of the urban rate, which for 1973-74 has been set at six per cent.
The deposited list will be open for inspection during office hours at the offices of the Accountant General, Central Government Offices, West Wing, 2nd Floor, Ice House Street, Hong Kong, for a period of 21 days until March 30.
During this period any person who is aggrieved concerning a valuation shown in the list may lodge notice of appeal at the District Court. However, people intending so to do are invited first to get in touch with the Rating and Valuation Department, where advice will gladly be given.
-------0 -------- /6.......................
Friday, March 9, 1973
The Registrar of Companies, Mr. W. Hume, referred today to a statement made by him on February 15, when he said that draft prospectuses received by the Companies Registry would be given serial numbers and would be examined in strict numerical order.
Commenting on this statement, Mr. Hume said that representations have recently been made to the Commissioner for Securities by the chairmen of the stock exchanges, who are concerned lest public offers for which dates have been booked well in advance by the stock exchanges may be held up because of the large number of private placements now in the course of preparation.
’•The question was discussed by the Securities Advisory Council yesterday morning”, said Mr. Hume, ’’and I have accepted a recommendation of the Council that I should in future maintain two separate priority lists, one for draft prospectuses relating to public offers for which dates have been reserved by the stock exchanges under an agreement reached with the Exchange Banks Association and one for draft prospectuses relating to any other public offers and all private placements.
’’Any draft prospectus on the first of these lists will take priority over draft prospectuses on the second list.”
’•This means”, added Mr. Hume, ’’that provided draft prospectuses relating to public offers falling within the scope of the agreement mentioned above do not exceed one in every 10 days, which it is understood will be the case, and provided the conditions set out in my statement of February 15 are satisfied, it should not take more than a few days to clear a draft prospectus relating to such a public offer.”
Friday, March 9, 1973
- 7 -
Law To Be Clarified
Amending legislation is to be introduced shortly to clarify the lan regarding the conveyance of dangerous goods, in particular L.P. gas, within Hong Kong.
The Dangerous Goods (Amendment) Bill 1973 makes it clear that a licence is required for transporting dangerous goods within Hong Kong.
The existing Ordinance specifies that a licence to convey is needed for all dangerous goods. However, at the same time, it provides that no licence is required to convey dangerous goods "while in the course of transit as cargo in any vessel, aircraft or vehicle."
Thus all dangerous goods being transported in Hong Kong could be regarded as in the course of transit and hence exempt from the provisions of the Ordinance.
The amending bill defines the word "transit" to make it clear that the expression "in the course of transit as cargo" does not relate to dangerous goods while in the ordinary course of conveyance within Hong Kong.
A separate amendment seeks to give to certain members of the Preventive Service the same powers as are presently conferred on Police officers and officers of the Fire Services and i ines Department.
Commenting on the proposed changes, the Director of Fire Services said he had always considered the conveyance of liquefied petroleum gases in vehicles not equipped for the purpose to be "dangerous."
/"There ••••••
Friday, March 9, 1973
- 8 -
"There has been a number of fires arising from the use of unsuitable vehicles," he said. "Many dangerous practices are committed by vehicles, such as the decanting of inflammable liquids in the street and the overnight parking (in residential areas) of vehicles loaded with inflammable liquids."
Construction of the first blocks of the Lek Yuen Government Low Cost Housing Estate in Sha Tin will begin shortly.
Two 13-storey domestic blocks and an estate primary school will be built.
The two blocks will provide 1,144 flats for families of 5, 7 and 9.
An ambulance depot and two kindergartens will be accommodated in the ground floor spaces.
Work is expected to begin in April and will take about a year and a half to complete.
The S&3 million estate, to be built on reclaimed land, is initially designed to accommodate 231000 people. On completion, it will have seven domestic blocks.
The project is part of the Sha Tin New Town development plan.
Friday, March 9j 1973
- 9 -
The Building Authority today declared Nos. 1 and 5 Mau Lam Street, Kowloon, liable to become dangerous.
In a statement issued this morning, the Principal Government Building Surveyor said that these three-storey pre-war buildings were found to be in a dilapidated condition during a routine inspection.
A detailed survey revealed that the common timber staircase between Nos. 3 and 5 Mau Lam Street and the timber staircase serving No. 1, Mau Lam Street were in such a condition that notices have already been served requiring the owners to provide temporary supports.
Notices of intention to close and demolish Nos. 5-11 Mau Lam Street were served on March 5-
Owing to the weakness at the junction of the rear walls and party walls in these terrace buildings, and the poor condition of certain structural timbers and the staircases, that Nos. 1 and J Mau Lam Street are liable to become dangerous during or after the demolition of the adjoining properties at Nos. 5-11 Mau Lam Street.
Notices of intention to apply for Closure Orders in Kowloon District • :
Court at 9*30 a.m. on April 1J were posted today.
In another statement today, the Building Authority declared No. 197 Hollywood Road and Nos. J6, 38 and 40 Upper Lascar Row to be in a dangerous condition.
Aos. 189, ......
Friday, March % 1973
Nos. 189, 191, 193 and 195 Hollywood Road and No. 34 Upper Lascar
Row were declared liable to become dangerous.
The Principal Government Building Surveyor said that these three and four-storey pre-war buildings have been under observation for several years, and adjoining buildings were declared dangerous and demolished some time ago.
Recent movement and deterioration has been detected in the brick load-bearing walls of some of the buildings and a collapse could occur.
The remaining buildings would not withstand removal of those adjoining
Accordingly, notices of intention to apply for Closure Orders in
Victoria District Court at 9.30 a.m. on April 10 were posted today.
Improvement work will soon be carried out in the Jordan Road vehicular ferry pier to provide better facilities for passengers.
More spacious waiting areas will be provided in the ferry berth, and a second ferry berth will be built outside the northern arm of the pier.
This second berth will replace the temporary one now in use. A small area of land will be reclaimed for this purpose.
A notification in today’s Gazette fully describes the boundaries of the area of foreshore and seabed involved in the improvement scheme.
The notification can also be seen on a notice board posted near the siLe. People having objections to the proposed work or claims to private rights
should submit them to the Director of Public Works within two months of the date of notification.
- - 0 - -
Friday, March 9» 1973
- 11 -
Dr. Choa Opens New Service In Sau Mau Ping
Project Concern is an example of the part played by voluntary agencies in the provision of social services in Hong Kong, and the ’’excellent results” already achieved are clear for all to see.
Dr. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services, said this today at the opening ceremony of Project Concern’s new chest clinic at Sau Mau Ping.
’HHie establishment of a chest clinic is not a new venture for Project Concern, as their doctors have always been interested in tuberculosis,” Dr. Choa told a large gathering of invited guests.
”In 1969, a part-time tuberculosis clinic was in operation in the Project Concern’s floating clinic in Kowloon Bay, and during that year, a rinse ^ifli-radiograph survey was carried out for the floating population in that area, ’^he suggestion that Project Concern could start a full-time chest clinic in the east Kowloon area, where there will not be a government chest clinic until two years later, came last year, and I gladly accepted this kind offer. It gives me much pleasure to have the opportunity today to thank Project Concern for helping the Medical and Health Department fill the gap.”
Dr. Choa said the procedure adopted in government chest ini os would be observed by the Project Concern Clinic in Sau Mau Ping as there would be close liaison between Project Concern and the Government’s Chest Services.
/In his ••••••••••
Friday, March % *1973
- 12 -
In his view, although much progress had already been made in Hong Kong’s fight against tuberculosis, there was still a lot of work to be done.
The department’s policy now was to treat as many patients as possible in out-patient clinic. What was more significant was that the department was presently in a position to go out to find new cases.
"We hope we will have enough facilities, because, in our overall plan to extend medical and health services to all newly-developed areas, chest clinics will continue to be included,” Dr. Choa said.
He praised Project Concern as an organisation with an international flavour because it received contributions from people abroad, mainly from Australia and New Zealand. The organisation was also receiving assistance from the Community Chest of Hong Kong.
The clinic was an example of Project Concern’s internationality. The facilities were paid by the people of New Zealand, including an X-ray machine. The people of the city of Edmunton, in Canada, were paying the expenses of the doctor in charge.
Dr. Choa recalled that Project Concern aimed at providing medical relief wherever this was needed. Its first project in Hong- Kong was set up in the Walled City, followed by a floating clinie moored at such vantage points in the harbour as Lyemun Pass, the Yau Ma Tei Typhoon Shelter and Kowloon Bay.
At a time when there was great demand for out-patient clinic services o *
by the general public, the service provided by Project Concern was much appreciated
-------0 - - w -
Friday, March % 1973
- 13 -
The Hong Kong Government accounts for the month of December 1972 show a surplus of $263 million compared with a surplus of $178 million in December 1971*
This has resulted in a total surplus of $559 million for the first nine months of this financial year.
Total revenue for the month at $579 million was $167 million more than in December 1971*
The total revenue for the first’nine months of the financial year at $3,232 million was $773 million more than the same period in the preceding year.
Expenditure amounted to $316 million, an increase of $82 million over the same month in the preceding year.
This brings the total expenditure for the first nine months of the financial year to $2,673 million, which was $668 million more than the same period in the preceding year.
Friday, March 9, 1973
- 14 -
The fourth annual inter-group sports meeting for youth groups attached to the Youth Work Unit of the Social Welfare Department will take place on Sunday (March 11) at Perth Street Sports Ground, Homantin, Kowloon.
Three hundred youth group members will take part in the meeting, which begins at 9 a.m. There will be 24 track and field events, including an invitation mixed relay for young people from the department’s community, social and youth centres.
Mr. Alexander Fung, officer in charge of the Youth Work Unit, will give an address and present prizes at 4 p.m.
Note to Editors: You are invited to cover this sports
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Release Time; 7»3Q P»m.
Saturday, March 10, 1973
Page No.
The Board of Education is calling for public represantatn ons
on proposals for expanding secondary education in Hong Kong •••••••• 1
Work will start shortly on the final stage of the Lei Mule Shue Estate............................................................... 2
Lady MacLehose will visit two Community Chest agencies on Monday.............................................................. 5
A rare collection of miniature Indian paintings is now on di splay at the City Hall Museum .......................................... 4
There will be an issue of the D.I.B. tomorrow ..........••••••••••• 4
The Immigration Department’s fourth branch office in Kowloon opens on Monday.......................................................... 5
A registration team will operate next week in the Hing Wah Estate for the convenience of residents there............................ 6
Metered parking spaces at the Wanchai ferry pier will be temporarily suspended as from Monday ........................................... 6
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, March 10, 1973
On Proposals For Expansion Of Secondary Education
The Board of Education is calling for written representations from educational and other interested members of the public on proposals for expansion of secondary education in Hong Kong.
These views should be sent to the Secretary, Board of Education, Lee Gardens, 3rd Floor, Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
People who wish to make representations are advised to confine their views to the Board's terms of reference which are as follows.
Having regard to the Government’s objective of providing three years secondary education for all in the 12-14 year age group and doubling the percentage of places in the secondary schools for the full 3-year course leading to a Certificate of Education examination, to consider:-
(1) any changes that should be introduced into the present type of secondary education offered;
(2) the proportion of academic to vocational secondary education appropriate in the circumstances of Hong Kong;
(3) any changes in the present examination system that should be introduced:
(4) the time scale in which it would be practical and desirable to implement the Government’s policy, with particular reference to:
(a) the expansion of facilities for the training of teacners;
(b) the secondary school building programme in the urban areas, new towns and New Territories;
(c) the degree of bisessionalism that the Board considers appropriate in both the short and long term in secondary schools and teacher training colleges;
(5) to what extent in the circumstances of Hong Kong secondary education should be provided free of charge.
Saturday, March 10, 1973
Work To Begin Next Month
Construction of the final stage of the $76 million Lei Muk Shue
Government Low Cost Housing Estate in Kwai Chung will start next month to provide homes for some 18,800 people.
Seven multi-storey blocks of the estate were completed more than a year ago and have been taken up by about 36,000 residents.
The final stage includes two 22-storey, one 15-storey and three seven-storey domestic blocks.
Work is expected to be completed in two and a half years.
Included in this stage will be a commercial centre with a department
store and a restaurant. The building will be so constructed as to allow shopkeepers to instal their own air-conditioners. The roof will be used for social activities.
A modular market with more than 60 stalls will be provided. The rooftop of the market will be turned into a sitting-out area.
Social facilities will include a day nursery and a multi-purpose welfare hall. A site within the estate has been reserved for a cinema.
In addition, more than four acres of land has been set aside for recreation grounds. Eight basketball courts and a soccer pitch will be provided.
Three primary schools will be built and three adjacent sites have been set aside for secondary schools.
Two bus termini have been planned and there will be about 300 parking spaces for private cars, of which 170 will be covered.
- - 0 - -
Saturday, March 10, 1973
- 3 -
Lady liacLehose, President of the Community Chest of Hong
Kong, will visit another two member agencies of the Chest in Wong
Tai Sin and Junk Bay on Monday (March 12).
Lady liacLehose visited three such member agencies last
November and another two last month.
The two agencies she will visit on Monday are the Practical
Training Centre of the Churches in the Wong Tai Sin Community Centre and the Haven of Hope Tuberculosis Sanitorium of the Junk Bay liedical Relief Council.
Lady MacLehose will be accompanied on the visits by her
Social Secretary, Miss Jennifer Boyle, and the Executive Director of the Community Chest, Mr. Colin W. Morrison.
Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the visit to Wong Tai Sin. Transport will be provided to take press representatives from Tsim Sha Tsui to Wong Tai Sin and back. They are requested to assemble at the Kowloon Sub-pool behind the Tsim Sha Tsui Railway Station NOT LATER than 2.30 p.m. on Monday.
Mr. Dennis Leung of the Government Information Services will be present to assist the Press.
After her visit to Wong Tai Sin, Lady liacLehose will fly by helicopter to Junk Bay.
Saturday, March 10, 1973
- 4 -
An exhibition of a rare collection of 100 Indian miniature paintings opens at the City Museum and Art Gallery today.
The paintings are from the National Museum of India.
They represent almost all the schools and styles of Indian paintings from early 15th to mid 19th centuries.
They originate from many regions of the sub-continent - from Kashmir in the north to Kerala in the south, from Rejasthan in the west to Orissa in the east.
The paintings represent the prevalent art and culture, costumes, ethnic types, flora and fauna of India during these periods.
This exhibition, which will be on display until March 25, is part of the Urban Council*s contribution to the Hong Kong Arts Festival.
It is presented in collaboration with the Indian High Commission as part of their celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Indian Independence.
Note to Editors: An issue of the Sunday (March 11) Daily
Information Bulletin will be available for collection tomorrow at 5.50 p.m. at the G.I.S. Press room, Beaconsfield House, 6th Floor.
-----0 - -
Saturday, March 10, 1973
- 5 -
Fourth To Open In Kowloon
People living in the north-east part of Kowloon are to have an immigration department branch office in their own neighbourhood.
The new office, situated at J8-4O '.’/an Hon Street, ground floor, Kwun Tong, opens for business on Monday morning (March 12).
It will be the fourth branch office the Immigration Department has in Kowloon.
Except for naturalization and the issue of Macau visit permits, this new branch office will provide all other immigration services that are already available at similar branch offices elsewhere in Kowloon.
The opening ceremony will be officiated by Mr. Jack Teng, president of Kwun Tong Kaifong Welfare Association.
Mr. V/.E. Collard, Director of Immigration, will personally issue the first document after the opening.
Note to Editors; You are cordially invited to cover the opening of this new immigration branch office on Monday, March 12.
Copies of speeches by Mr. Teng and Mr. Collard will be available.
A 9-seat er van (All 2093) will leave the Kowloon transport sub-pool behind the Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office, at 8.45 to take reporters and photographers to the new office for the ceremony. A representative from the Immigration Department will be on hand to assist them.
Saturday, March 10, 1973 .
- 6 -
A mobile team from the Registration of Persons Department will visit the Hing Wah Resettlement Estate between March 12 (Monday) and March 15 (Thursday).
The team will operate at the Estate Office from 9«5O a.m. to 4.JO p.m. during the visit to register people for identity cards.
When registering children, parents or guardians must produce their own identity cards for inspection.
Young people registering for adult cards must surrender their juvenile identity cards and produce their parents* identity cards for inspection.
They are required to produce a Hong Kong Birth Certificate or evidence of their residence in Hong Kong during the past two years.
Those who do not possess any of these documents must register at one of the Registration of Persons Branch Offices in Causeway Bay, Yau Ma Tei and Tsuen Wan.
For Australian Industrial Display
Metered car parking spaces at Wan Chai Ferry Pier will be temporarily suspended from 1 p.m. to midnight on Monday (March 12)•
This arrangement is to reserve parking spaces for guests attending the opening ceremony of the Australian Industrial Display.
Parking at the ferry pier will be limited after midnight on Monday when J6 metered car parking spaces will be temporarily suspended.
The suspension will last until midnight on March 17.
Release Time: P«m>
Sunday, March 11, 1973
Applications Invited
The Social Welfare Department announced today (Sunday) that applications can now be submitted for the Government’s new disability and infirmity allowances, which become effective on April 1.
Applicants can claim the allowances by writing to the social security field unit closest to where they live and a home visit will then be made to obtain full particulars.
Starting tomorrow (Monday) widespread publicity in Chinese will be given to the allowances through the use of radio slogans, short films on television and newspaper advertising.
Residents qualifying as severely disabled, or who are 75 or over, are eligible for one of the allowances, regardless of other income or financial resources•
People who have queries about the allowances can obtain assistance by telephoning the Social Security Division at S.W.D. headquarters. The number to call is H-77^327.
"The Government is putting the scheme into effect quickly - only two months after its approval - so that those qualifying for an allowance get the benefit as soon as possible ’* commented Mr. T.S. Heppell, Assistant Director (General) of the Social Welfare Department.
/:,Processing .......
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5*233191
Sunday, March 11, 1973
- 2 -
"Processing of cases will inevitably take time, especially where medical examinations of the disabled are required. But the applicants will not lose any money on this account as payments will be backdated to April 1 or the date of application, whichever is the later," he added.
The severe disability allowance will be $110 per month, with the qualifying conditions limited to the claimant’s having lived in Hong Kong for at least one year immediately before applying, and not being in residential care, such as a hospital or nursing home. There is no age limit.
A severely disabled person is defined as a resident severely physically injured or blind, or suffering from a severe physically or mentally disabling condition, or who requires constant attendance.
The Medical and Health Department will be responsible for certifying that an applicant is severely disabled.
The infirmity allowance of $55 per month will go to any resident of 75 years or over with the qualifying conditions limited to the claimant having lived in Hong Kong for at least five years immediately before applying and not being in residential care at a hospital or home for the aged.
Both allowances will be paid irrespective of whether applicants are already receiving public assistance.
Applications may be made by the disabled or the infirm themselves or by a third party, if they are unable to do so.
In the case of a disabled child, the application should normally be made on his behalf by his mother or, if this is not possible, by his father or guardian.
Recipients of the allowances will receive a book of vouchers for cashing each month one at a time at the nearest post or treasury office. The books will be renewable every six months, provided there is no change in the claimant’s circumstances.
Sunday, March 11, 1973
- 3 -
Phased Out In Three Stages
The Urban Council has announced plans for phasing out Eong Kong1s illegal food caterers.
A spokesman for the Council's Food and Food Premises Select Committee said today that the phase-out would take place in three stages over a period of one year.
The first phase starts immediately, and letters have been sent to everyone affected by it.
The spokesman said that the decision was made after exhaustive investigations into all aspects of the problem.
He said that the unhygenic condition of the illegal kitchens, the serious and grossly unfair nuisances they cause their neighbours in domestic buildings coupled with the grave fire dangers and health hazards to which they expose them, were factors which could not be overlooked.
The spokesman said that the Council was aware that many people, particularly junior office workers, relied on the low-price meals the caterers provided.
He said that the Council never lost sight of this fact in all its deliberations, and that was why the Council was very pleased to learn from its investigations that lunch box manufacturers were stepping up greatly their output of the quick and inexpensive meals.
/The Urban ........
Sunday, March 11, 1973
- 4 -
The Urban Council study also revealed that more packaged-meal factories were opening, and that at least one of these was looking for space in the Central District to run 15 more sales counters, doubling the present number already in business there.
These new counters could provide initially 5»000 to 10,000 meals a day, and, if necessary, could increase output to 100,000 meals daily.
The study also showed that there were enough vacancies in restaurants and other legal food catering establishments to absorb all of the workers who might be affected by the phase-out.
The Council spokesman urged these workers to start making enquiries about jobs in those establishments.
The first stage of the phase-out affects unlicensed food caterers operating on rooftops, scavenging lanes, yards and common parts of buildings and open spaces.
Phase two affects unlicensed food caterers operating in domestic premises with co-tenants or sub-tenants or where other kinds of businesses are run in the same flat.
Phase three concerns those unlicensed caterers in domestic buildings who do not share their flats with anyone or with any other businesses.
Release Time; p»m
Monday, March 12, 1973
Page No*
Four Sheung Shui tanneries have had their Crown Land licences cancelled ............................................................ 1
Trainee teachers are to undertake a study of conservation problems.* 3
A building in Queen’s Road Central has been declared dangerous .*••• 4
Weather information plays an important part in Hong Kong’s economy.* 5
Response to a social welfare youth project competition is good •••«* 6
Tsuen Wan is to have a new rest garden............................... 7
Phase Two of the 1972-73 swing scheme for cotton textile exports to the U.S* begins today...................*.........................• •• 8
A new Immigration branch office opens in Kwun Tong...........•••••••• 9
A labour dispute involving 80 towel weavers has been settled with the help of the Labour Department................................. 10
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Monday, March 12, 1973
- 1 -
CROWN LAND LICENCES FOR TANNERIES CANCELLED For Breach Of Conditions To Keep Area Clean *******
The District Office, Tai Po today (Monday) cancelled the Crown Land licences for four tanneries in the Sheung Shui district of the Now Territories.
The four tanneries concerned were Wing Cheong, Sun Cheong, Tai Cheong and Hung Hing Wing Lee, all situated near the Fanling railway crossing.
Mr. A.M. Savage, District Officer, Tai Po said that the action was necessary because of the failure of the tanneries to comply with some special conditions attached to the licences to make their area less polluted and less filthy.
These special conditions, which were designed as far as practicable to minimise the problems of pollution, were agreed with the tannery operators towards the end of last year, prior to the issue of the licences.
At a meeting with the District Officer more than one month ago on February 1, the tannery operators were asked to comply with only some very simple requirements as a first step during February.
The requirements were: (1) To clean their tanneries thoroughly and dig up and remove sill the rubbish and leather trimmings deposited on the ground; and (2) To erect corner posts at least seven feet high at each point on their boundaries where there is a corner or change in direction.
One of the operators concerned has not only failed to clean up his area to an acceptable standard, but has in fact erected an additional large structure in flagrant breach of the regulations.
/A structure
Monday, March 12, 1973
- 2 -
A structure on this site was demolished not long ago by the District Office Squatter Control staff, and the operator was well aware of the consequence of attempting to rebuild.
When serving the licence cancellation notices today, Mr. Savage told the operators that he would consider issuing new licences only if the conditions were met and that to this end tannery workers would be allowed access to the premises over the next few days only to clean up and demarcate their boundaries.
The District Office Squatter Control Unit staff were present today to pull down illegal drying racks on Crown Land, near the tanneries. About six lorry-loads of rubbish were cleared and removed by employees of the Urban Services Department.
The Director of Marine, Mr. A. Fletcher, has reminded masters and operators of local craft that the internationally recognised sound signal in the event of a man falling overboard is three prolonged blasts.
In a public notice, the Director said that in a recent colli si on between two local craft, a man fell overboard and was drowned but the sound si gna.l indicating that such an accident had occurred was not made.
”As a result,” he added, ”no vessels other than the two involved in the accident, assisted in searching for the lost man.”
0 - -
Monday, March 12, 1973
- 3 -
In Conjunction With Tree Planting And Tending
During the next seven weeks 610 students of the three colleges of education will study conservation problems caused by fire, erosion and litter.
This study is included in the programme arranged jointly by the Agriculture and Fisheries Department and the Education Department.
The programme, designed to give students a keener appreciation of the values of the countryside, will give the students an opportunity to spend a day on the hills at the top of Route TWISK to carry out tree planting and tending operations.
For tree planting, the students will work in the morning in parties of mixed groups of 12, each under the direction of experienced foresters.
In the afternoon, the girls will do the weeding and fertilizing of last year’s plantation while the boys will do the pruning and thinning at Chuen Lung.
Before going on their outings, the students will attend illustrated talks on ’’countryside management” given by officers of the Conservation and Forests Division of the Agriculture and Fisheries Department.
Tomorrow (Tuesday), 170 first year students of the Grantham College will listen to the talks which will be repeated on March 21 for 200 Sir Robert Black College students, and oh April 10 for 240 Northcote College students.
/The date
Monday, March 12, 1973
The date of the outing for the Grantham College students is Friday, March 16. Students from the Sir Robert Black College will go on March 22 while the Northcote College students will be taken to the area on April 27•
Note to Editors: You are invited to send representatives
to cover both the illustrated talks at the three Colleges and the outings to the Route TWISK area near the Forest Post. Officers from the Education and the Agriculture and Fisheries Departments will be present to assist the press.
The Building Authority today declared the front verandah structure
of No. 297 Queen’s Road Central Hong Kong to be in a dangerous condition*
The Principal Government Building Surveyor said today recent inspection had revealed evidence of considerable movement of the front verandah structure and there was a danger of failure leading to collapse.
The three-storey pre-war building had been under observation for five years.
Notice of intention to apply for a Closure Order in Victoria District
Court at 9»3O a.m. on April 11 was posted today.
Monday, March 12, 1973
- 5 -
In Hong Kong’s Economy
Weather information plays an important role in Hong Kong’s economy.
According to Dr. P.O. Chin, Senior Scientific Officer of the Royal Observatory, the Observatory provides Government departments and private organisations with the necessary weather material upon requests.
”For example,” Dr. Chin said , "before the decision was made to build the reservoir at Plover Cove, we had been consulted on rainfall in several districts, and on how tropical cyclones and waves were likely to affect the dams.”
In the planning of the cross harbour tunnel, special note was taken of possible earth tremors in Victoria harbour.
When installing the tunnel ventilation system, engineers also took into account possible changes in the atmospheric conditions inside tunnel.
Weather conditions also play an important part in the selection of suitable building sites for various major projects, including the extension of the Kai Tak runway, the Kwai Chung container port, the mass transit system, incinerators and the desalination plant in Castle Peak.
The two electric companies are provided with special daily forecasts to enable them to make an estimate of the consumption rate.
Monday, March 12, 1973
- 6 -
Many Entries Expected
Keen interest is being shown in a youth project competition which aims at fostering a greater awareness of social welfare services in Hong Kong.
The competition is sponsored by the Social Welfare Department in co-operation with the Education Department and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service.
Mr. Stephen Lav/ Chi-kin, Senior Principal’ Social Welfare Officer and chairman of the organising committee, said today that about 1,500- application forms had been circulated to secondary schools, social welfare centres and voluntary agencies.
”We are receiving numerous inquiries,” he said, "and the organising committee is expecting a substantial number of entries."
Application forms must be returned before March 16 to the Youth Work Unit, Kowloon Government Offices Building, Top Floor, ^5 Nathan Road.
Entries are required to illustrate in exhibit form any aspect of social services in Hong Kong covered by the recently-published white paper.
- - - - 0--------' n '-I. - f
Monday, March 12, 1973
- 7
The Government is to build a rest garden in Tsuen Wan at a cost of 563,000.
It will be situated between the seafront and Chai Wan Kok Street. A feature of the garden will be the conservation of existing trees and shrubs.
Most of the area will be turfed and planted, and served by a network of concrete footpaths.
A number of park benches will be placed under trees and amid flowers.
When completed, the garden will provide a scenic sitting-out area for residents of the township.
Construction is expected to begin towards the end of next month for completion in July.
- - 0 - -
Monday, March 12, 1973
- 8 -
Second Phase Of 1972/73 Swing Scheme Begins Today
Phase two of the 1972/73 swing scheme for exports of cotton, man-made fibre and wool textiles to the United States starts today.
This was announced by the Director of Commerce and Industry in a Notice to Exporters: Series 2 (U.S.A.), No. 7/73 dated March 10, 1973*
Phase two of the swing scheme will be operated on a similar basis as Phase one except that the percentage limitations will be replaced by absolute quantities avail-able for swing set out in the Notice to Exporters•
Copies of this notice will be sent to trade associations and companies on the Commerce and Industry Department’s mailing list for Notice to Exporters: Series 2 (U.S.A.).
They can also be obtained from the Department’s reception counter on the ground floor, Fire Brigade Building, Hong Kong.
Anyone wishing to know the details of the notice is invited to contact one of the following officers of the Commerce and Industry Department:
Mr. Y.K. Tong - Industry Assistant
Tel. No. >239625
Mr. L. Chung - Industry Assistant
Tel. No. 5-448686
Mrs. L.M. Yam - Licensing Officer
Tel. No. 5-223219
Monday, March 12, 1973
- 9 -
Seventh Opened In Past Six Years
The Immigration Department began another year of expansion today with the opening of a new branch office in Kwun Tong to provide services for people living in the northeastern part of Kowloon.
The new branch office is situated on the ground floor of Morning Star Mansion at Nos. 38-40 Wan Hon Street and will provide immigration services which are already available at similar branch offices elsewhere in Kowloon.
At the formal opening ceremony this morning, the Director of Immigration, Mr. W.E. Collard, said this new branch office was the seventh the department had opened during the past six years in conformance with its policy of providing the public with adequate and convenient immigration facilities in various parts of Hong Kong.
Speaking on future developments, he revealed that arrangements were already in hand to open similar offices at Kennedy Town on the Island and at Yuen Long in the New Territories.
"We are also looking for suitable premises to reopen our office at Sham Shui Po, which had to be closed in July 1972 when the lease expired and could not be renewed.
"In addition, approval has been given to establish a new branch office at Shau Kei Wan and a suitable site is being sought. We are also currently examjning the need to open offices in other parts of the Colony," Mr. Collard said.
•/Kr. Jack Teng, ...........
Monday, March 12, 1973
- 10 -
Mr. Jack Teng, President of the Kwun Tong Kaifong Welfare Association, who officiated said that with the opening of this new office he was confident residents of Kwun Tong, Ngau Tau Kok, Lam Tin,Yau Tong, Lyemun and the surrounding areas would find it much more convenient for them to transact their immigration business than before.
Note to Editors: Copies of speeches by Mr. Collard
and Mr. Teng are distributed separately in the Press Boxes, G.I.S., this evening.
------- 0--------
The dispute at the Hang Tai Cotton Weaving Factory over the question of sickness allowance and statutory holiday pay has been settled.
Representatives of some 80 towel weavers at the factory held a second meeting with the management at the Tsuen Wan office of the Labour Relations Service on March 10.
An agreement was reached allowing workers a sickness allowance, an agreed rate of statutory holiday pay and maternity leave.
The workers had earlier stopped work for"five days in support of their requests but they accepted the advice of the Labour Department to resume work pending conciliation meetings.
-------0 --------
Release Time: 7.00 p.m«
Tuesday, March 13, 1973
Page No,
Six Policemen and Firemen are honoured for bravery in Jumbo fire ...................................................... 1
The budget debate will be resumed in the Legislative Council tomorrow ............................................••••••• 3
A new public housing estate will be built in Cheung Chau ••• 4
A dispute in a wig factory in Sham Shui Po has been settled with the help of the Labour Department .................... 5
Immigration clearances last month reached a record high .•• 6
Yiu Wali Street will be made one-way this week .......... 6
A number of buildings in Queen’s Road West have been condemned ............................................................... 7
Death sentences on two people have been commuted by the Governor .................................• •................. 8
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, March 13, 1973
- 1 -
Embargo Note to Editors: The following announcement is being
made simultaneously in London tonight* Publication is permitted in Hong Kong newspapers tomorrow (Wednesday) morning but no news agencies or overseas radio transmissions of the announcement may carry the information without the embargo qualification.
The news may be broadcast from
7 a.m. onwards over the local radio and TV stations tomorrow.
On no account should the recipients be contacted for interviews or for information relative to his career or be approached in any way in connection with the award before this has been publicly announced.
In Saving People In 11 Jumbo” Fire
Six members of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force and the Fire Services are awarded the Colonial Police Medal for Gallantry for the part they played in rescuing a number of people from the Jumbo Floating Restaurant fire in Aberdeen in October 1971*
They are Inspector Peter Michael Mullens, Inspector Leslie Burton, Police Sergeant Lun Kam-yat, Senior Fireman Choy Fut-po, and Firemen Chiu Yu-chip and Yau Shou-kit.
/Another ........
Tuesday, March 13, 1973
- 2 -
Another member of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force, Police Constable Luk Kai-lau, also received the Colonial Police Medal for Gallantry•
The award was in connection with an armed robbery at the Johnston Road branch of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank on March 17,
On the day of the Jumbo Restaurant fire, both Inspector Mullens and Inspector Burton were in the Officers Mess of the Aberdeen Police Station#
Upon learning the fire, they rushed to the Marine Police Base where they boarded a speedboat and headed for the scene#
However, the heat was so intense that they had to enter water about 50 yards from the blazing hull.
In subsequent trips, Inspector Mullens rescued three men and a woman while Inspector Burton managed to bring two men and a woman to safety.
Sergeant Lun, who was off-duty in Aberdeen at the time of the fire, dashed to the Aberdeen Police Station and volunteered for rescue duties when he saw the blaze.
He was taken to the scene in a speedboat and managed to rescue three victims, two of whom were injured.
The three firemen were stationed at the Aberdeen Fire Station at the time of the fire.
On receiving the fire call, they raced to the Aberdeen waterfront where they took a sampan out#
Senior Fireman Choy rescued three people with the help of a colleague of his while Firemen Chiu and Yau together brought a man and a woman to safety#
-------0 - - • -
Tuesday» March 1J, 1973
- 3 -
The debate on the Appropriate Bill 1973 will be resumed in the Legislative Council on Wednesday and Thursday (March 14 and 15) when 15 Unofficial Members will speak on the budget proposals for the new financial year.
Seven Unofficial Members will speak on Wednesday. The order of speakers will be as follows: The Hon. P.C. Woo, the Hon. Szeto Wai, the Hon. Wilfred S.B. Wong, the Hon. Mrs. Ellen Li, the Hon. Wilson T.S. Wang, the Hon. H.J.C. Browne and Dr. the Hon. S.Y. Chung.
On Thursday, eight Unofficial Members will speak. The older of speakers will be as follows: the Hon. Q.W. Lee, the Hon. Oswald Cheung, the Hon. T.K. Ann, the Hon. R.H. Lobo, the Hon. Mrs. Joyce Symons, the Hon. P.G. Williams and the Hon. James Wu.
The Official Members will reply to points raised by their Unofficial colleagues on Wednesday, March 28.
The Council will then consider the Bill in committee stage, to be followed by the formal third reading of the Appropriate Bill.
• - • - 0--------
Tuesday, March 13, 1973
- 4 -
A public housing estate will be built in Kwai Tsai Wan on Cheung Chau to accommodate 5,000 people.
Dumping material derived from the project will be used for a massive reclamation scheme.
It is expected that an area of 200,000 square feet will be reclaimed in Kwai Tsai Wan for the development of light industry, which will also provide employment for local villagers and estate residents.
At present, industries on Cheung Chau include fishing craft repairs and garment manufacturing. . .
The Cheung Chau Ferry Pier will be meet the rapid economic and social developments on the island, and to cater for the increasing number of visitors on weekends and holidays.
The pier will be fitted with lifts aijd ramps which can be raised or lowered to suit the tide levels.
Its berths have been designed to accommodate three-deck ferry boats.
Cost for the extension work is estimated at S1 million.
Tuesday, March 13, 1973
- 5 -
With the help of the Labour Department, an amicable settlement has been reached in a dispute involving 45 piece-rated female workers of the Woo Kee Company, a wig factory in Sham Shui Po.
The dispute, which began on March 2, arose over the termination of employment of these 43 workers when negotiations on wage increases came to a deadlock.
Officers of the Labour Relations Service made two visits to the factory and managed to bring both parties to the conference table.
Three lengthy conciliation meetings lasting a total of ten hours were subsequently held at the San Po Kong Office of the Labour Relations Service.
Final agreement was reached on March 6, when it was agreed that the workers would each receive seven days1 wages in lieu of notice for termination of employment.
Payment was made yesterday (Monday) at the San Po Kong Office of the Labour Department. The total amount involved, including arrears of wages, is about 310,500.
------- 0 - -- -
Tuesday, March 15, 1973
- 6 -
A total of 984,906 sea, land and air travellers received immigration clearance last month.
A spokesman for the Immigration Department said this was the highest figure ever recorded in any one month since the department was formed in 1961.
The previous highest monthly figure was 907,019 recorded in February, 1972.
With effect from 10 a.m. on Thursday (March 15), Yiu Wali Street will be made one-way eastbound.
The section of Matheson Street between Yiu Wah Street and Leighton Road will be made one-way southbound.
Appropriate signs will be erected to guide motorists.
Tuesday, March 13, 1973
- 7 -
The Building Authority today declared Nos. 91-97 Queen’s Road West to be in a dangerous condition.
In a statement issued this morning, the Principal Government Building Surveyor said that these three-storey pre-war buildings were inspected after buildings damaged by fire earlier this year had been demolished.
The kitchen block of No. 91 was found to be in a dangerous condition and fractures were observed both in the exposed party wall., which is constructed of soft blue brick, and in the front verandah.
The inspection of the adjoining buildings at Nos. 93-97 Queen’s Road West revealed that the party walls were badly fractured and there was a considerable amount of defective timber to the roofs.
It is considered that the condition of the buildings is such that there is a risk of failure leading to collapse.
Accordingly notices of intention to apply for closure orders in Victoria District Court at 9-30 a.m. on April 12 were posted today.
A closure order has already been granted for No. 91 Queen’s Road West.
Tuesday, March 13, 1973
- 8 -
The Governor, after taking into consideration the advice of the Executive Council, has decided that the death sentences passed on February 25, 1972 on Mui Wai-ming and Wan Po-wah should each be commuted to a term of 18 years imprisonment.
Mui and Wan were found guilty of the murder of Fung Yum-yue.
Release time: 6.30 n.m,
Wednesday, March 14, 1973
Page No.
Speed-up in land sales is suggested to stave off excessive rent increases •••••••••••••••.................................. 1
Spending on urban renewal is described as inadequate ........ 5
The Government is urged to take action to curb inflation • • • • 8
Tax relief for dependent parents and insurance should be retained......................................................
Abolition of Lion Rock tunnel toll and stamp duty on cheques are suggested ...............................................
Tighter cost control is needed within the Government ........ 20
The Government should build residential townships in suburban areas •................................................ • • • • 22
A resolution to set up a Mass Transit Fund is tabled in Legco ............................................................... 26
The June rainstorm report is expected to come out shortly •••. 27
There is no shortage of rice in Hong Kong...................... 28
The wife of the Director of Social Welfare will visit two welfare establishments tomorrow • ••........................... 29
A clerk in the Rating and Valuation Department is retiring after 26 years in Government • ................................ 30
Two bills become law in today’s Legco meeting.................. 31
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, March 14, 1973
- 1 -
SPEED-UP IN LAND SALES CALLED FCR To Curb Excessive Rent Increases
Top priority must be given to speeding up land sales so as to alleviate the shortage of domestic accommodation and stave off further excessive rent increases, the Hon. P.C. Woo said today.
’’Not only are rents for the middle and lower income groups a cause for concern, but spiralling land prices will also in the long run affect the cost of production of goods for export on which the whole health of the Hong Kong economy depends,” he warned.
Mr. Woo was speaking at the annual Budget debate in the Legislative Council•
He described thd new budget as a memorable one which had ’’the hallmark of success.” It not only reflected the great strides of the economy, but Hong Kong’s high hopes and aspirations for the future as well, he said.
However, not everyone was satisfied, he added, particularly those in the lower and middle income range who did not benefit from subsidised housing and who had to spend an increasing proportion of their income on spiralling rents.
While the Financial Secretary might decry any suggestion of inflation, said Mr. Woo, ’’nevertheless there does seem to be a danger that prices might shortly start to increase as rapidly or more rapidly than production if no steps are taken to prevent excessive profiteering in key areas, of which rent is the most important.”
/He urged ••••••
Wednesday, March 14, 1973
- 2 -
He urged the Government to reflect carefully on the need to prevent further exorbitant increases and advocated ”a measure of control” to stop rises of unjustified proportions.
In his opinion, the key to a solution to this particular problem was to speed up land sales.
Turning to transport, Mr. Woo called for a complete reorganisation of the Transport Department along the lines of a high-powered Transport Authority.
He suggested that the Authority should be headed by a very senior officer who should be appointed at the highest level in Government not only to coordinate ”but to initiate, direct and enforce the massive effort which has to be made in this sphere of Government activity®”
Transport Problems
"So far as the improvement of our increasingly chaotic traffic and transport problems are concerned,” he said, ”it is not only a question of staff but also of vastly improving the present organisation within Government for dealing with these matters.”
He added: ”The Transport Department is quite inadequate as a control instrument due both to lack of adequate top class managerial staff and also due to lack of powers.”
”It can devise but has no authority to enforce measures of control which will be effective.”
Mr• Woo singled out several other areas in vzhich ’’grossly inadequate staff” were provided to undertake unfinished tasks and cal1ed for a very special effort to fill the gaps.
/The most ••••••
Wednesday, March 14, 1973
- 3 -
The most important of these was the police force where ”a massive new effort” was required to bring the force up to strength, he said, adding ’’this will almost certainly entail a further upward revision of basic salaries•”
He said he would ask the Government for a statement on the present position and future plans regarding hawker control by the Urban Services Department which, he said, had almost come to a halt due to the gradual disintegration of the Hawker Control Force.
The Buildings Ordinance Office, he went on, also needed additional manpower to cope with the vast task ahead of curbing the increasing numbers illegal alterations made to buildings after occupation permits had been issued.
He said he looked forward to a statement as to when work on this could start.
On taxation, Mr. Woo objected to the proposed abolition of the dependent parents allowance and asked for a fuller explanation of the Financial Secretary’s statement that this allowance was ’’difficult to administer and open to abuse.”
’’Unless these reasons are particularly strong, I would urge that the allowance should continue, particularly as it is in accordance with Chinese tradition that children should look after their parents in old age,” he said.
Mr. Woo also questioned whether the cost of admini sterjng estate duty warranted the retention of this tax.
/He again ••••••
Wednesday, March 14, 1973
- 4 -
He again called for a review and contended that the abolition of this particular tax would further stimulate capital investment in Hong Kong. At any rate, it would be comparatively easy to devise an alternative source of revenue should there by any serious outfall arising from the abolition, he added.
He also stressed the desirability of further measures to cool down the stock market and urged the Government to announce its intentions in this regard as soon as possible.
Referring to the employment of consultants to advise on the reorganisation of Government administration and administrative procedures, Mr. Woo said the Unofficial Members strongly supported the move.
"Antiquated Set-Up11
The consultants would advise what steps should be taken to update the "antiquated set up", particularly in the Colonial Secretariat, which was no longer able to keep up with the severe strains made upon it.
"Above all," said Hr. Woo, "there has to be a devolution of responsibilities away from the Colony Secretariat and the Financial Secretary and the creation of ’ministries’ headed by high-powered officers with ultimate responsibility."
Touching on the estimated expenditure for the coming financial year, he asked for an assurance that funds would be made available as and when required in order to attain the aims in the medical, education, housing and social welfare fields.
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Wednesday, March 14, 1973
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Move To Increase Cost Of Becoming A Motorist Supported
The Hon. Szeto Wai today expressed disappointment at the 3^40 million budgetted by the Financial Secretary for expenditure on urban renewal*
Speaking at the annual Budget debate, Mr. Szeto said the amount was "rather inadequate,"
The estimated cost of resumption compensation for improving the old parts of Yau Ma Tei, Wan Chai and Western District and for creating an Urban Renewal Pilot Scheme amounted to no less than 3120 million, he said.
"Although expenditure on this count may reach the two-thirds mark by March 197^> it will be many more years before the environments of these areas are improved."
He pointed out that the Urban Renewal Pilot Scheme was proposed by the Slum Clearance Working Party over seven years ago.
As for Yau Ma Tei, Wan Chai and the Urban Renewal District in Western, private redevelopment of affected land in these areas had been frozen for a number of years, causing hardship to many owners.
Commenting on the revenue estimates, Mr. Szeto said the new budget showed a scale-down of 360 million in stamp duties despite doubling the duty on shares transaction while revenue from land sales and re-grant premia was slashed by 50 per cent (3501 million).
Another area which appeared unrealistic, he said, was motor vehicles taxes and licences - a mere four-per-cent increase was budgetted as against the 15 per cent vehicle growth.
/On the ......* • •
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On the other hand, he said the Financial Secretary had shown an ’•unexpected optimism” in taxi concession as it was doubtful that 1,000 new licences would bring in $85 million premia in the present climate of the brides
In Mr. Szeto’s view, unless there was a considerable climb down in the stock market or some urgent measures to arrest or even repress the soaring land prices, the growth of revenue in 1973—74 should attain a higher rate than three per cent over the revised estimate for 1972-73*
He went on to say that there was pressing need for residential land and this need had directed developers to search in the rural areas near the new towns, and Sha Tin had become a focus with its prospect of improved transportation in the very near future.
Civil Service
He proposed that perhaps present circumstances would warrant a reexamination of the approved Sha Tin town plan with a view to expanding its capacity as a dormitory town by pushing back the green belt.
Referring to the rising cost of the civil service, Mr. Szeto was of the opinion that recent years’ accelerated tempo of development justified a reasonable expansion, but unreasonable increase must be rejected.
The proposed 109,495-strong public service establishment for 1973~7% consisting 97,042 permanent posts and 12,453 supernumerary, exceeds the 1972-73 total 98,459 by 6.7 per cent.
He hoped that the Establishment Sub-Committee of the Legislative Council would keep a vigilant watch on ’’any symptoms of Parkinson Disease and nip the ambition of any Government department aspiring the role of an octopus”.
An all
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In all his years on the Finance Committee, Mr. Szeto said, he had grown accustomed to the requests for supernumerary posts, but was never once called upon to deal with redundancy nor had there been any proposal for axing the ’’dead woods.”
In this respect, the report and recommendations of the efficiency consultants commissioned to look into the working of the Administration was keenly awaited, he added.
Commenting on the tax changes, Mr. Szeto said the Financial Secretary’s proposed boost to personal allowances was generally welcomed by the public, but the abolition of life insurance allowance had ’’stirred up the hornets’ nest.”
Retrograde Step
”In the context of Hong Kong where social security provisions are badly lacking, it is a retrograde step to withdraw this relief which has been made available since 19^7.
”Even in countries with comprehensive social security arrangements, tax relief for life insurance is available.”
He disagreed with the Financial Secretary that road congestion could be solved by increasing three to four-fold the cost of becoming a motorist.
However, he supported this idea as a practical means to avert the tide of aspirant motorists ’’who are flooding the Transport Department.”
The revenue increase of 338 million in 1973-7^, resulting from making it more expensive to become a licensed did.ver, would be a ”handsome amount,” Mr. Szeto said.
He hoped that it would be used to ’’speed up the construction of multistorey carparks and automatic vehicles inspection centres.”
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Increase In Interest Rate And New Taxes Suggested
The Government was today urged to take immediate and positive action to curb the dangerous inflationary trends in Hong Kong.
The appeal came from the Hon. Wilfred Wong during the annual Budget debate.
He warned that the inflation whipped up by the sensational rise in share and land prices would have ’’serious consequences” in raising production costs and would eventually tend to price Hong Kong products out of the world markets.
”The vicious cycle has already begun,” he declared. ’’Therefore, the cooling down of the economy and the dampening of money supply can no longer be delayed.”
Mr. Wong suggested a number of courses which the Government could take to remedy the situation.
As the doubling of stamp duty on the transfer of shares practically had had no cooling effect on the stock market, he said, consideration should now be given to further raising the rate ”as the present situation looks dangerous.”
”The only other way left open is for the Government to exercise its influence on the bankers, to lead to a gradual but firm restriction of credit,” he added.
This, he explained, could be done by increasing the interest rate and by reducing the margin for loans on stocks and land.
/In addition, •••••
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In addition, he urged the Government to consider invoking a business profit tax.
"Why should a salaried teacher or technologist pay tax and another person, a share operator, be exempt from profit tax?” he asked.
When a person made a few investments in a year, he or she was not in business but when that person regularly and habitually bought and sold shares, he said, the persons was clearly making a profit arising out of such a business.
Moreover, when certain amahs were making more in a few months than a whole year’s earnings of technologists and teachers, "it is demoralising to the professionals and will have far-reaching effects on the productivity of Hong Kong," he added.
Stricter Control
The frenzied speculation by both large and small investors, he continued, had created an atmosphere of "wholesale gambling" in Hong Kong with the result that the attention of workers — from domestic servants to company managers — was being diverted from productive facilities in industry and business.
"A stricter control of the stock market operations is imperative," he stressed, "and therefore the enactment and passing of the Securities Bill is now a matter of urgency."
Mr. Wong also called for a high transfer tax to be levied on land transactions to dampen the land market.
/"Many land
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"Many land transactions are pure speculation without any intention of development and there is a tendency among certain groups to ’buy up’ all the land they can lay their hands on,” he said.
Turning to the rents situation, Mr. Wong outlined short and long term plans to stop the rents spiral in domestic premises.
The short term plan envisaged:
Extending the security of tenure and rent control to include those of three-year leases.
Extending rateable value flats from $15,000 per year to a higher ceiling of possibly $25,000.
Implementing a limited increase per annum rather than by allowing me Kent Advisory Committee of the Rating and Valuation Department to allow rent increases of 15 per cent or more per year, and
Considering rent control for business premises limiting increases to not more than 10 per cent a year, as small shops and small firms were being forced out of business by landlords.
Mr. Wong anticipated that such a move was bound to result in the usual outcry that any action to control rents would stunt building development.
But he pointed out that new buildings which had not been completed would not be subject to rent control and he regarded an annual 10 per cent increase in rentals ’’more than generous.”
In the long term, Mr. Wong advocated a new land policy involving
an opening up of the New Territories based on the maximum use of land, even by diverting agricultural land on the assumption that China would be
the main supplier of Hong Kong’s agricultural products.
Wednesday, March 14, 197?
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Accompanying this would be a crash programme for Government housing.
Referring to the Financial Secretary’s prediction that rent levels for domestic premises would stabilise this year, Mr. Wong said this was being ’’somewhat optimistic.”
Although 30,000 flats were to be completed this year, he said, the number of new families had increased considerably and there was a tendency to hoard flats as indicated by the fact that over 4,200 flats were vacant at the end of 1972 when 20,000 flats were completed.
Mr. Wong said Hong Kong’s economy appeared to have reached its peak.
The Gross Domestic Product for 1972, he noted, was 323,000 million or 35,750 per capita, while the public debt was still 316.50 on a capita basis.
Bank deposits at the end of last year were 324,613 million while loans and advances were 317,726 million.
’’Therefore, the ultimate criterion is not the amount of reserves but the taxibility of the economy,” he said. ’’General reserves are desirable but not necessary.”
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For Dependent Parents And Insurance
The Hon. Mrs. Ellen Li today joined force with a number of other Legislative Councillors in urging the Financial Secretary to drop his proposal to abolish tax relief for dependent parents and life insurance.
The tax system as proposed, she said, gave the general public the unfavourable impression that the Government favoured more spending for pleasure on drinks and films but discouraged provision through insurance for protection of families and support of dependent parents.
Speaking in the budget debate, she said it was ’’unwise in principle” to abolish tax relief on insurance at this juncture.
She described insurance as one of the few practical forms of protection for a young family to provide against emergencies such as unemployment, sudden illness and untimely death.
”In lieu of a practicable social security system, I would have thought that our Government would and should encourage the working public to save for a rainy day for themselves and their families, rather than to let them become a public Charge on society.
’’Government provides insurance for the families of civil servants by making contributions to the Widows and Orphans Fund compulsory; I do not see the logic of taking away the incentive from the public,” Mrs. Li said.
She also proposed that the Government should consider raising tax-free interest rate for savings accounts.
/She described •••••
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She described this as a gesture to encourage a healthy saving habit for small investors, and to draw them away from the dangerous game of the "gold fish bowls’* where they might one day get drowned.
Abolition of tax relief for dependent parents, she said, brought disappointment to a large proportion of the Chinese community and provoked a great deal of criticism.
Mrs. Li pointed out that in the first place it was Chinese tradition for the sons to look after their parents. Secondly, the increased personal allowances would benefit only those who did not support their parents and who did not take out insurance.
**Until the time when the present generation of parents die off and the next generation have made enough money in the share markets during these few years to be entirely financially independent of support from their children in 20 years’ time, I urge Government to re-instate this important allowance in our tax system, for the sake of principle if nothing else.”
Touching on housing, Mrs. Li said there still existed a lack of a sense of identity and a sense of belonging among those living in public housing estates.
”It is difficult to expect them to develop any sense of identity or belonging because only possession can give one a sense of satisfaction and pride•”
/Most of ••••.
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Most of the Estate units were designed for large families with five to 12 members, and young married couples had to sacrifice their privacy by squeezing themselves into the already crowded family unit or pay impossible rent for a cubicle in another crowded tenement.
‘■Perhaps it is about time for us to re-consider our housing policy to provide small units for young married couples and a home-ownership scheme on a large scale.”
Referring to the present housing loan scheme, she said if the rate of interest could be calculated at six or six-and-a-half per cent, and the length of payment dates stretched to 20 or 25 years, it would go a long way to beat the current rent crisis.
Medical Services
On medical services, Mrs. Li said the Financial Secretary’s mention of a future proposal to raise fees in Government hospitals would meet with some objection in principle from the public.
“It may be reasonable and less objectionable or even desirable if the fees are raised for priv*<e rooms, special foods, or other specialised charges only.”
She felt that the number of beds for special groups like mentally handicapped children and elderly infirm patients were grossly inadequate. The new Siu Lam Hospital for only 200 severely retarded children still fell short of the need for such facilities and services.
/On the •••••••
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On the problem of the aged, she said there was no mention in the budget of any provision of hospital beds for geriatric care. She asked the Director of Medical and Health Services to enlighten the Council on this subject.
She also asked for information on the progress of the Government playing a more active role in providing family planning services within the Government’s medical and health framework.
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The Hon. Wilson Wang today called for the abolition of both the 50 cents toll for the Lion Rock Tunnel and the stamp duty on cheques
He said in the Budget debate that the tunnel toll was "timewasting and irksome” and did not appear to serve any fiscal or policy objective.
"When one considers the high cost of numerous bridges and flyovers that are free from toll tax, the retention of this tunnel toll does appear somewhat unjust,” he said.
He pointed out that the estimated revenue from the toll this year amounted to only S3 million, without taking into account the expenditure involved in its collection.
Supporting a suggestion for abolishing stamp duty on cheques, Mr. Wang noted that more and more low-wage earners were opening current accounts.
Commenting on the Financial Secretary’s proposal to exclude allowances for dependent parents, Mr. Wang conceded that the allowance was open to abuse, but at the same time he noted there were fears its abolition might discourage the virtue of supporting parents.
To eliminate the risk of abuse and the cost of administering this allowance, he suggested that a dependent parent should be made to apply for a certificate from a social welfare officer to establish his or her need.
/The certificate
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The certificate could then be used for tax allowance or for public assistance, he explained.
As regards the proposed abolition of tax on cinema admission charges, Mr. ’Jang felt that this concession should apply only to tickets for films classified as ’’suitable for children.”
On the other hand, he thought that it might be extended to other categories of films ”if the cinemas concerned are prepared to restrict their audiences in careful compliance with the ruling of the censors.”
However, Mr. Wang said he could see ”no good reason" why life insurance should be singled out for relief.
To encourage individual saving and at the same time enhance Hong Kong’s development projects, he urged the Government to consider some scheme of utilising the vast wealth of surplus money in the middle income group.
"Such schemes," he explained, "may take the form of social security, pensions or gratuities, medical and health benefits or just simple savings bonds."
He added he would favour tax relief for a person participating in such a Government-sponsored scheme.
Turning to fiscal and administrative policies, Mr. Wang said Hong Kong was lagging too far behind in the provision of social and community services.
/These services, .......
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These services, he stressed, would enhance Hong Kong’s prosperity and ensure a healthy growth of the public purse which, in turn, would enable the implementation of further development.
,rIn view of the vulnerable position of the money we hold in reserve and the loss we have suffered in all these years, can we not be convinced that no investment is safer and more profitable than investment on our own soil?” he asked.
On the civil service, Mr. Wang believed that a close examination of its productivity was in order.
In this context, he questioned whether sufficient provisions were being made for refresher courses and in-service training, and other opportunities to improve the standards and qualifications of present serving civil servants.
He also wondered whether enough was being done to provide apprenticeship training and career guidance for undergraduates and senior school students so that new recruits could have a better knowledge of what their new jobs demanded of them.
Commenting on the surpluses, Mr. Wang felt that improvements could be made in the provision of more up-to-date information on Hong Kong’s financial position.
This would assist all those in a position to decide or to suggest, or even to criticise on matters involving finance in the administration, he said.
It appeared, he added that "there are advantages in decentralising control in certain special fields of services for more efficient administration and progressive development."
/"To say •••••
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”’To say the least, their achievements and costing would be more easily assessible," he said.
The bottleneck in the Secretariat, caused by the tremendous amount of work, he went on, would go from bad to worse if the principle of delegation was not applied to a greater extent.
He felt certain that the granting of financial independence to the Urban Council was a step in the right direction, and the same applied to the newly constituted Housing Department.
"I sincerely believe that the department will receive more sympathetic support from taxpayers in general, and its tenants in particular, if everyone has a better knowledge of the actual cost of building and maintaining each individual estate," he said.
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The Hon. H.J.C. Browne today stressed the need for tightening up the cost control systems within the Government and asked what was being done in this regard.
’’Government now has over 100,000 on the staff and in any organisation of this size there is bound to be some waste and room for economy,” he said at the annual Budget debate.
He wanted to know whether the Government was satisfied with the present cost control arrangements, and with the progress being made in streamlining procedures and improving the cost effectiveness and performance of the public service.
In his opinion, there was a need for an expert and suitably high-powered team to provide advice and help with management services, in addition to the present Organisation and Methods Group in the Finance Branch.
Mr. Browne said he accepted the need for budgeting for a surplus in the next financial year in view of the extremely heavy and increasing expenditure in the fields of education, social welfare and medical among others.
On education, Mr. Browne said he was particularly concerned with the high costs of the two universities.
/”I believe ••••«•
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;|I believe the cost per student in our universities is among the highest in Asia,” he said.
While he appreciated the efforts of the universities to contain costs, he felt that "a sustained effort should be made to. stretch the grant from Government so that it covers more ground.”
More opportunities for higher education could be made available to young people in Hong Kong at a lower cost per student, he added, by maximising the use of the facilities and resources of the two universities.
He expressed the hope that the Government and the Grants Committee would encourage the universities in this so that they could produce the right type, number and quality of graduates at a cost that the community could afford.
Lantau Island
Mr. Browne also urged the Government to consider taking ”a new look” at the future of Lantau Island to see if it could and should be developed to provide for housing, industry and recreation.
He felt that if Lantau was to be opened up, the key would be improved communications, a proper road system, a vehicular ferry service and, in due course, a tunnel or bridge over Ma Wan Island to link Lantau with Castle Peak Road.
He stressed that the proposed tunnel or bridge should be available by about 1977*
The scheme, he added, was worthy of serious study as a means of relieving congestion in Kowloon and the New Territories.
Wednesday, March 14, 1973
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More Land Made Available Will Solve Rent Situation
Dr. the Hon. S.Y. Chung today urged the Government to develop sub-urban areas into residential townships to curb the current rent spiral in private domestic accommodation.
Speaking at the annual budget debate, he said the cause for such high rents was shortage of land for the development of residential accommodation.
The basic solution to the problem would, therefore, be making more land available.
"Land in the urban area is limited, but there is still plenty of land available (though not readily usable) in nearby sub-urban areas such as Sha Tin, Kwai Chung, Sai Kung and Yau Tong."
Dr. Chung asked the Government to urgently look into his proposal of developing sub-urban areas.
’•The key points in this proposal are, first, nearby urban areas; secondly, efficient road communication between these sub-urban districts and the main urban areas; and thirdly, provision of adequate infra-structure and community services within each sub-urban residential district.”
Referring to the Financial Secretary’s proposal to raise fees in Government hospitals nearer to those charged in subvented hospitals in order to make maximum use of subsidised beds, Dr. Chung noted that many poor people could not even afford to enter subsidised hospitals.
/If people ••••••••
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If people were reluctant to use subsidised hospitals for this reason, he said, the Government would be taking a retrograde step in its social development by raising its hospital fees.
"I do not object to the increase of fees in the first and second class wards, but I do feel strongly, like many people do, that fees in the third class ward in Government hospitals should not be raised.
"In fact, I would like to see the present charge for the third class removed so that we in Hong Kong will be able to claim the provision of free but good medical services to those less fortunate section of our community.
"It is wrong in the modern concept of social development for Government to reduce taxation on the one hand and increase charges on medical services on the other."
On taxation, Dr. Chung asked the Financial Secretary to explain the reasons for adopting a policy of growing dependence on direct as against indirect taxation.
"After all, what is the target ratio between direct and indirect taxation in the Government policy and how is this target ratio derived?" he asked•
Dr. Chung went on to say that he supported the views of his fellow Councillors that the allowance for dependent parents should be retained.
On the proposed abolition of life insurance relief, he said: "With due respect, I think the Honourable Financial Secretary has overlooked one very important aspect of life insurance.
/The prime ........
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,wThe prime objective of insuring one's own life is primarily not saving for old age but to safeguard against premature death or sudden disability.
"In a society like Hong Kong where social security is minimal, there is no or negligible financial assistance to widows, orphans and dependents when a family suddenly lost its bread-earner.
"Government has, in the first instance, failed to provide any meaningful social security for these unfortunate people and now even tries to penalise those responsible families which wish to insure themselves against financial and social disaster in case of calamity."
Dr. Chung emphasised that the Government was doing the public a disservice if such tax relief was abolished "because considerable paper work is involved or difficulty encountered by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue in handling schemes linking life insurance and investment."
He also spoke on Hong Kong's manufacturing industry which had contributed in 1972 the largest portion amounting to $6,319 million or over 32 per cent in the Net Domestic Product, and offered the greatest proportion of employment (about 50 per cent) of the total working population.
"The export of our manufactured goods is still and will continue to be, for a long time to come, the main pillar in our economy without which the whole Hong Kong economy will, I regret to say, be in jeopardy.
"It is therefore in the overall interest for the Government to ensure that the manufacturing sector continues to succeed in the world markets." - rp
/At the........
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At the same time, Dr. Chung also expressed his concern on the declining growth rate of exports of manufactured products, when a reduction of 50 per cent was experienced between 19&9 and 1971•
The declining growth rate on the real value of domestic exports was even more severe, he added. It dropped from 16 per cent in 19^8 to only four per cent in both 1971 and 1972 - a reduction of 75 per cent in growth.
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A resolution to establish a special fund for the Mass Transit system was moved by the Financial Secretary in the Legislative Council today.
The motion stipulates that the Fund should bo administered by the Financial Secretary who, with the prior approval of the Governor, might from time to time expend from the Fund monies for the purposes of or in connection with the system.
After tabling the motion, Mr. Haddon—Cave proposed that it be adjourned.
In moving the motion for the Mass Transit Fund, Mr. C.P. Haddon-Cave, said the resolution was couched in fairly general terms.
"This is deliberately so because, at this stage, consideration has yet to be given to a number of details regarding the use of the Fund and the treatment of interest, dividends and other accruals to the Fund.11
When presenting his 1973-7^ Budget a fortnight ago, Mr. Haddon-Cave gave notice of his intention to invite the Finance Committee to appropriate 3500 million, under a new special expenditure subhead entitled "Mass Transit Railway Corporation: Equity Contribution".
This sum was to be credited to the special fund established by resolution of the Council.
An item seeking the creation of the new special expenditure subhead, together with supplementary provision of 3500 million, had been included in the agenda for the meeting of Finance Committee later this afternoon.
Mr. Haddon-Cave said it was intended that the Fund would appear as a liability in the Hong Kong’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities.
/Withdrawals .......
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Withdrawals would be made from the Fund for equity investment in the Mass Transit Railway Corporation which was to be set up by Ordinance in due course.
■Until the Fund is exhausted and has disappeared from the Statement of Assets and Liabilities, it is intended that interest on the matching balance would accrue to General Revenue, as would any cash dividends from the equity investment in the Mass Transit Railway Corporation.”
The Commission of Inquiry into the June rainstorm in 1972 is expected to publish its Final Report at the end of this month or in early April*
The Colonial Secretary Sir Hugh Norman-Walker said today that a statement about action being taken or proposed would be made at the time of publication.
He was replying to a question by the Hon. Mrs. Joyce Symons in the Legislative Council.
The Commission has just published its Interim Report together with a Chinese translation.
Wednesday, March 14, 1973
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Rice Control Scheme Helps Keep Prices Down
There is no shortage of rice in Hong Kong nor grounds for consumer fears on that account, the Director of Commerce and Industry, the Hon. David Jordan, said today.
Mr. Jordan was replying to a question by the Hon. Wilfred Wong whether the Government had any plans to stabilise the price of rice which had risen sharply during recent weeks.
He said that the Government could not stabilise the price of rice in the face of rising world prices.
But he added that the Rice Control Scheme, administered by his Department, could damp down the impact of higher prices and ensure adequate local supplies at times of international short-term supply difficulties.
"Provided adequate supplies are available and are offered for sale, normal market forces will usually determine what the consumer actual 1 y has to pay,” he said.
Mr. Jordan recalled that shortly after the Lunar New Year, rising prices and reported shortages on overseas markets, and fears regarding the adequacy of local supplies, caused some speculative stockpiling by wholesalers, retailers and consumers.
/The Commerce .....
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The Commerce and Industry Department intervened when some elements in the trade started to exploit the situation.
As a result of a meeting with importers and representatives the wholesalers, Mr. Jordan said, the wholesale price of 100 per *ent whole Thai rice had been brought down to today’s $10^ per picul from $126 on February 26.
However, he pointed out that it would inevitably take ”a little time for such reductions to work their way through to the retail price.”
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By Directors Wife
Mrs. Li Fook-kow, wife of the Director of Social Welfare, will' „ be making the third of a series of weekly visits to voluntary social • welfare establishments tomorrow (Thursday)•
At 10.J0 a.m. she will tour the Tokwawan Workshop for the
Blind operated by the Hong Kong Society for the Blind at No. 19 Mok Cheong Street, Tokwawan, Kowloon.
Mrs. Li will be met on arrival by the Rev. K.L. Stumpf* chairman of the Society, and Mrs. Ina Chan, the Workshop Superintendent.
The workshop provides on the job training and sheltered employment for 160 blind workers and 40 who are partially sighted.
At 11.20 a.m. Mrs. Li will be visiting the Hong Kong School for the Deaf, where she will be met by the Principal, Miss S.W. Bow.
The school is situated at Hammer Hill Road, Diamond Hill, Kowloon. It trains deaf children to speak and lip-read Cantonese* There are 208 students at the school, which is the only one of its kind in Hong Kong.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter and photographer
to cover Mrs. Li’s visits tomorrow.
/31 .........
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A clerk in the Rating and Valuation Department, Mr. Ng Yat-nam, '/ill be retiring after working in the Government for more than 26 ye sirs.
During his service, he had also worked in the Public Works Department and the Government Supplies Department.
To mark his retirement, Mr. R.A. Fry, Commissioner of Rating and Valuation, will be presenting him with a gift on behalf of his colleagues in a ceremony to be held on Friday (March 16).
Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the presentation ceremony. It v/ill be held at the Rating and Valuation Department headquarters at No. 1 Garden Road at 4.30 p.m. on Friday.
Wednesday, March 1^, 1973
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The Labour Tribunal (Amendment) Bill 1973 and the Housing Bill 1973
passed their committee stage and third readings in Legislative Council this afternoon and became law.
Four bills had their first and second readings.
They were the Dangerous Goods (Amendment) Bill 1973; the Fixed
Penalty (Traffic Contraventions) (Amendment) Bill 1973; the Entertainments
Tax (Amendment) Bill 1973; and the Public Health and Urban Services (Amendment)
(No. 2) Bill 1973- Debate on them was adjourned.
The debate on the Appropriate Bill 1973 was resumed in the Council today when seven Unofficial Members spoke on the budget proposals for the new financial year. Another seven Unofficial Members will speak in tomorrow’s sitting.
Two sessional papers - the Accounts and Statements of the Grantham
Scholarships Fund .for the year ended August J1, 1972, and the 1971-72 Departmental Report by the Commissioner for Resettlement - were also tabled.
Note to Editors; This afternoon’s proceedings in the
Legislative Council have been recorded. Press representatives are welcome to consult the tapes in the G.I.S. press room.
Release ti...o: 3.^0 p.rn
Thursday, March 15» 1973
Page No*
Britain should guarantee Hong Kong’s sterling assets ............. 1
A comprehensive rent control scheme is called for to stop excessive rent increases .................................................... 4
The Government is urged to prepare for the worst in overseas trading competition . • •......................................... 7
The expansion of secondary education in Hong Kong is overdue ... 11
More direct representation of Hong Kong’s interests with Common Market countries is called for.................................. 14
Government should set up special council for industrial promotion .................................................................. 16
Land shortage is the root cause of Hong Kong’s economic ills ... 20
Tsuen Wan is to be declared a smoke control area ................. 22
The Government is stepping up its drive to publicise the new disability allowance scheme ............»......................... 24
New Crown land licences have been issued to three tanneries in
Sheung Shui ..................................................... 26
Preliminary work connected with the airport expansion will be carried out soon.................................................. 27
Licence holders in certain trades are asked to renew their licences before the end of this month ................................... 28
Hong Kong and Norway have signed a memorandum of understanding on garment exports to Norway ..................................... 29
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, March 15, 1973
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BRITAIN URGED TO GUARANTEE H.K. STERLING ASSETS Proposal To Develop Foreign Currency Market Welcomed *********
The Government was today urged to ask the British Government to guarantee all or at least a substantial part of Hong Kong’s Sterling assets in terms of Hong Kong Dollar or in gold.
The proposal was made by the Hon. Q.W. Lee at the annual Budget Debate.
He recalled that Hong Kong’s external assets had been depleted twice in recent months.
Despite this, Hong Kong Dollar was still faced with the dilemma of further uncertainties because of the current international monetary problems.
Tne urgent question now confronting Hong Kong, he said, was how best “to protect the value of our reserves.”
He said: ”It is contrary to economic sense for a territory with a sound economy such as ours to hold most of its reserves in the currency of a country such as Britain whose economy is full of uncertainties and problems.
nIf for any reason we still have to keep a greater part of our reserves in Sterling, we must be given more effective protection by the British Government against future weakness of the Pound.”
Otherwise, he said, there seemed to be ”no other solution except for us to run down the bulk of our Sterling holdings and to seek diversification into other forms of investments.”
/Mr. Lee ......
Thursday, March 15, 1973
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Mr. Lee welcomed the proposal to develop Hong Kong as a major market for foreign currencies.
He agreed with the Financial Secretary that if such a market could be established in Hong Kong it would broaden the range of facilities which banking and other financial institutions could offer.
But he listed some of the possible risks to which the Hong Kong economy might be exposed if the proposed international currencies market were to include Hong Kong Dollar.
One of the risks, he said, was that the interest payable on Hong Kong Dollar facilities must, as a consequence, move up towards international levels, and this would affect all borrowers, both local and foreign.
Mr. Lee said there was justification for the claim that the 15 per cent interest tax was inhibiting the development of international currency money market in Hong Kong and should therefore be relaxed.
In his view the easing of interest tax would attract an even larger inflow of money into Hong Kong.
The possible consequences, he said, would be inflationary as well as an artificial increase in the exchange value of Hong Kong Dollar and hence making it ’’more difficult to export our goods.”
On the contrary, if for any unforeseen reasons there should be a sudden repatriation of funds out of Hong Kong, the result would be credit squeeze, deflation and cheap Hong Kong Dollar.
’’Neither of these would be good for Hong Kong,” he said.
/Referring .......
Thursday, March 15, 1975
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Referring to stamp duty on bills of exchange and remittances, Mr. Lee suggested that it be abolished so as to enable the proposed market to be operated competitively.
He also suggested that the 20 cents stamp duty on cheques be dispensed with as it was no longer levied in most other countries.
Earlier, Mr. Lee joined other Unofficial Councillors to compliment the Financial Secretary for his "most acceptable budget."
He pointed out that since Mr. Haddon-Cave took office 21 months ago "the world has seen many important economical, political and financial changes all of which have in one way or another affected Hong Kong."
But Mr. Lee said he must compliment the Financial Secretary for still being able to maintain a sound economic position with strong reserves for Hong Kong.
Thursday, March 15 > 1973
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WARNING ON LOSING OUT IN TRADE COMPETITION Government Urged To Prepare For The Worst ********
Hong Kong products are becoming increasingly expensive on overseas markets and less attractive to buyers, the Hon. T.K. Ann said during the annual Budget debate in the Legislative Council today.
He said that the Hong Kong dollar had been made dearer to foreign clients who paid in American currency.
What was disappointing, said Mr. Ann, was that the Financial Secretary had practically said nothing about the external relationship of the Hong Kong dollar when he presented his Budget Estimates for the new financial year.
”1 have further found that little has been mentioned about the future of our manufacturing industry, or the effect his budget will have on this aspect of our economic activities apart from some tax relief proposals/* he added.
Although Hong Kong had fared better than others, said Mr. Ann, ’’the accelerated inflationary trend in the economies of our trading partners in the past two years has much camouflaged our failure to achieve comparable growth in our export performance.”
He emphasised that whenever there was a change in the external value of the Hong Kong dollar, local manufacturers and exporters were forced to suffer the loss, unless their buyers agreed to a corresponding increase in price.
The argument that the nature of Hong Kong’s economy prevented costs and prices outrunning those of its export markets was no longer valid, he said, sine*-overseas buyers, especially in the United States, were ’’resolutely resisting our new prices which are to be based on the new exchange rate of HK#5*O8.”
Thursday, March 15, 1973
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’’Losing out in international competition will in due course cause the industry to wither, not to speak of expansion to offer more employment to the upcoming young generation,” he warned.
The fiscal policy guiding Hong Kong’s socio-economic development, he believed, must be such that it must reward largely ’’the bread earners of Hong Kong.”
He expressed the hope that the Financial Secretary would bear this in mind when he was again forced to make important decisions on the Hong Kong dollar.
Trade War
Mr. Ann also urged the Government to consider a fiscal policy that would prepare Hong Kong for any possible monetary or trade war.
”While I am still optimistic that the worst may not happen,” he said, ”1 believe that we must think ahead.”
Turning to the question of rising land prices and rents, Mr. Ann said it was questionable whether the economy could bear the after effects of these inflationary factors.
A review of the land policy was way overdue, he said, adding: ”1 think it is high time for the Government to do some deep thinking on this matter.” ”The fragmentation of land leasehold ownership via the stock markets, thus financially liquefying the solid lands, and the possibility of seeing every piece of property in Hong Kong float on the stock exchanges,” he went on, ’’really warrants immediate soul-searching on the part of the Government.”
/Because ........
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Because of the skyrocketing land prices, said Mr. Ann, rent levels of ordinary acceptable commercial flats had now far exceeded that which the middle class citizens could afford.
’Treasure for higher increase of salaries and wages is looming on the horizon and will eventually further aggravated the inflationary trend of our economy,” he warned.
Mr. Ann disagreed with the Financial Secretary’s estimate that the rate of rent increases for flatted industrial factories during 1972 was 3.5 per cent.
Rent Increases
”A more realistic appraisal of offical statistics on rent increases gives a figure of 27 per cent on average, which is closer to the experience of manufacturers who estimate rises in the region of 30 to ^10 per cent on average,” he said.
Mr. Ann accused the Government of overemphasising the possibilities of increases in foodstuffs, in relation to repegging the Hong Kong dollar, and said that if food price rises could induce a chain reaction then so could rents.
He viewed with concern the dwindling of savings deposits which in January this year had dropped by about $1,000 million from $8,306 million and predicted that the February figure might be even more alarming.
”There is evidence,” he said, ’’that from January this year these savings deposits are now moving out into current accounts, ready for plunge into the stock market or to be consumed in more extravagant living.”
/Referring •.......
Thursday, March 15, 1975
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Referring to the estimated $1,265 million revenue from earnings,and profits tax in the coming financial year, Mr. Ann said he wondered whether the Government could actually realise such a large amount.
Although many more people were liable to tax, he said, it was questionable whether the percentage of business profit margin for 1972 had really improved that much from the 1971 base.
Thursday, March 15» 1973
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To Protect All Premises From Unreasonable Rent Increases
The Hon. R.H. Lobo today called for a comprehensive rent control system to protect all premises, whether old or new, from exorbitant rent increases.
Speaking at the resumed Budget debate, he suggested that there should be one control system along the lines of the Rent Increases (Domestic Premises) Control Ordinance for premises in all rental brackets.
While the Government was endeavouring to provide better accommodation and build more homes, he said, "this current unchecked rent increase is creating a new type of hardpressed and frustrated residents."
Through force of circumstances, he added, these people had to lower their standards of living by paying almost 50 per cent of their earnings on rent instead of improving their quality of life.
He suggested that the new legislation should provide for rent control over a period of several years ahead.
"The landlord should not be able to charge his tenant any increase of more than five per cent to eight per cent per annum," he said.
"The tenant would have the protection of a statutory lease which would safeguard him from having to pay his landlord an exorbitant rent if he chooses to remain where he is."
At the same time, said Mr. Lobo, the landlord would receive a fair return on his investment, despite the fact that the residual value of the property would also increase.
/tar. Lobo •••••••••
Thursday, Karch 15 j 1973
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Mr. Lobo expressed "disappointment” with the Financial Secretary’s proposal to abolish tax on admission charges to cinemas.
He said he would have been much happier if there was to be no tax ’’only on those films which are acceptable for universal viewing - that is, for the whole family - thus serving more than one purpose.”
He hoped that consideration would be given to this in view of the current and future campaigns to stamp out excessive sex and violence on the screens•
Turning to social welfare, Mr. Lobo said that while Government spending in this field had gone up remarkably in recent years, ”we have still got a long way to go in expanding and improving our social welfare services.”
Social Welfare
Quoting statistics in the Budget Estimates, Mr. Lobo noted that social welfare expenditure in 1962-63 amounted to only 815 million, as compared with a projected total of S102 million for the new financial year.
He pointed out, however, that Hong Kong was only now taking over the financial burden., whereas ten years ago it relied substantially on overseas aid provided to social welfare agencies operating here.
”In other words, while we have undoubtedly progressed in these 10 years, we have not progressed quite as far as the figures given in the graphic guide appear to show,” he said.
He said he expected social welfare expenditure to rise sharply in the next few years and he wondered whether the projected estimate for 1973-7was not ’’somewhat underestimated.”
/In particular,
Thursday, March 15, 1973
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In particular, he added, it was not clear how far allowance was made for the many proposals in the draft White Paper on Social Welfare in Hong Kong.
While he appreciated that the cost of the disability and infirmity allowance scheme would be met by supplementary estimate, Mr. Lobo said the amount of $12 million mentioned by the Financial Secretary in his Budget speech nfa11s well short of the estimated costs of the scheme when in full operation, which could be over $50 million a year."
Thursday, March 15, 1973
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EXPANSION OF SECONDARY EDUCATION IS OVERDUE Saving In One Sector Of Education To Be Used In Another **********
The Hon. Mrs. Joyce Symons today laid special emphasis on the development of secondary education when she spoke at the budget debate.
Hong Kong, she said, had hopelessly failed in the provision of educational facilities in the last quarter of a century.
’•The situation is now improving, but I must warn the Honourable Financial Secretary to brace his nerve in the years ahead.
,rWe have been singularly fortunate in the buoyancy of our economy year after year; but if recession should set in, how heavily will the axe fall on the educational sector?”
Mrs. Symons stressed that the quality of education must be promoted, conserved and even improved as new plans for the future were forged. She also proposed that savings in one sector of education be used in another sector without it being lost in general revenue.
f,When universal primary education was provided, we held our heads up high. I think we were carried away and lost our head in the clouds when we made it free.
'Provided the poor parent, and I mean poor, pays nothing, I suspect about half a million out of 700,000 would be willing and able to pay about ;J10 a month (with ten payments a year) for his child attending a primary school, if the money is earmarked for the provision of a secondary school place.
/"What .......
Thursday, March 15, 1973
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"What people want are good secondary places and not necessarily free primary ones.
f,The development of secondary education will be certainly expensive as envisaged by the Honourable Financial Secretary; but we all look forward to this expansion which is overdue," she added.
At the tertiary level, Mrs. Symons said: "We will be spending vast sums on our two universities and the polytechnic.
"Very careful vetting of this account must be constantly undertaken if we are to avoid prohibitive costs which even now are heavy for this part of the world and in comparison with costs in the United Kingdom."
Anti-Crime Campaign
Speaking on the proposed anti-crime campaign, she said: "We would need even more dedicated leadership, full co-operation, sustained effort and funds. I for one will gladly vote any extra funds needed.
,!In this connection I assume the estimates for the Royal Hong Kong Police and Auxiliary Police Forces can be supplemented at a later date if the recruitment drive is more successful.
tn.Ve need more policemen and if we are not getting them there must be urgent revision of the conditions of service. Law and order are too important to be maintained on the cheap," she said.
Like several other Councillors, Mrs. Symons was critical of the Financial Secretary’s proposal to abolish the tax relief on insurance.
/"One attribute .....
Thursday, March 15, 1973
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"One attribute of wise housekeeping is thrift and the provision of some savings for the future. I was therefore surprised and disappointed to find that the Honourable Financial Secretary promises to abolish tax relief on life insurance policies."
She continued that there were many middle-class workers and professional men and women who would not benefit from pension contributions or realistically sound provident fund contributions even after working a life-time.
She stressed that every encouragement should be given to these people to save for the future.
:,I am sure that there will be a greater interest in the purchase of with-profits policies and mortgage protection policies as many young couples aspire to buy their own homes, however small, in the years ahead."
She further suggested: ,rWe should not forget the salaries tax-payer (of whom there will be about 75,000) who bear so heavy a share of direct tax.
"It is for such that I urge more recognition, and a fine start would be in the retention of the present tax relief on life insurance and other payments."
Thursday, March 15, 1973
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Mr. Williams Is Not Pessimistic
Mr. P.G. Williams was not pessimistic about Hong Kong's overseas trading prospects despite some clouds of concern.
The intractable attitude of France and the revised quota arrangements with West Germany were problems in the S.E.C. which now takes one third of our domestic export.
He hoped ways could be found to develop channels of more direct representation of Hong Kong's interests with E.E.C. countries.
Mr. Williams was speaking at the annual budget debate in the Legislative Council today.
Exports to Japan had declined and the bitter reaction every-where to this country1s extremely selfish trading policies could not be in Japan’s long term interest, he said.
Japan must be urged to return some of the favours she has enjoyed from Hong Kong for so long.
Other markets are opening up and he believes the Financial Secretary's predictions of our exports and imports in 1973 would be near the mark.
Whilst much has been said about crime recently, not much attention had been paid to what happened to the criminal when he went to prison and later cane out of it.
/We have ......
Thursday, March 15j 1973
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We have an excellent prison service which has received many compliments from overseas experts and they have an important role to play in reducing crime.
Yet, whereas 0.93 per cent of expenditure went in the Prisons Department in 1970-71, in the current estimates this was reduced to 0*68 per cent.
Mr. Williams wanted an assurance that the needs of the Prisons Department were not being denied on financial grounds.
He considered the new detention centres as money well spent, but regretted that only persons between the ages of 14 and 18 could 'be accommodated owing to lack of room.
He considered it wrong that older persons must be sent to prison for six months which becomes four months with remission for good behaviour and they would be better sent to a training centre for a longer period, for it is deprivation of liberty which hurts a young person most.
Mr. Williams supported recreational and sports facilities as a means for arousing local pride and would like to see multi-purpose games halls throughout Hong Kong and a Sports Centre in Causeway Bay and in Kowloon.
He concluded by pointing out Hong Kong was swimming in money, but we must not let our apparent wealth blind us to the immensely difficult task ahead of getting-the most out of real, and not over-plentiful, resources.
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.... /16........
Thursday, March 15, 1973
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Industrial Scene In 1973 Difficult
The Hon. James Wu today called on the Government to establish a high«power Industrial Development Council to co-ordinate the functions of departments and institutions responsible for land, manpower development, technology and applied research facilities, finance, and export promotion.
He said this Council would effectively implement the Governor’s guidance that, "in the final analysis our competitive position in export markets, and the rate of investment in our industries must always receive priority. It is on these that all depends."
Speaking at the resumed Budget debate, Mr. Wu said the industrial scene in 1973 had certainly been difficult, perhaps the most in history.
(,The recent international monetary crisis has dealt us with double-barrel blows.
"Apart from short term exchange losses, our exports are costing our largest customer, the U.S.A., which takes over 40 per cent of our domestic exports, a minimum of 11 per cent more, reducing our competitive advantage with U.S. industrialists and countries whose currencies follow more or less with dollar devaluation."
Hong Kong’s material supplies from Japan were, on the other hand, costing more because of the yen appreciation and because of export controls of certain items.
/Because of •••«,
Thursday, March 15, 1975
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Bec&use of the monetary situation and stock market frenzy, he said there was a credit squeeze for supply of materials to smaller factories.
Mr. Wu said that local or foreign investors would find it difficult to invest or re-invest for a viable industry at this moment.
"Taking the case of industrial land, this is at times provided on a basis of expediency, as there appeared to be no industrial land policy."
He noted that some land was controlled by the Director of Public Works, and land in the New Territories by the District Commissioner, New Territories.
Industrial Training
On industrial training, Mr. Wu said he had been assured by the Commissioner of Labour that substantial increase in numbers of high level officers would be provided to serve the Hong Kong Training Council.
He also stressed that it was important for technical teachers to be given assistance and opportunities for continuous development and self improvement by the provision of scholarships and study leaves in Hong Kong or overseas institutions or factories.
On the issue of spiralling rentals, Mr. Wu said it was high time that the Government hold its promised review of the Trade and Industry Advisory Board recommendation for a Fair Rent Tribunal.
As a long term measure, he proposed that there must be a stepping up of the sale of Crown lands to reduce congestion and stabilise prices.
Thursday, March 151 1973
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"More funds and manpower must be allocated to expedite the planning and preparation work for the sale of areas in Old Naval Yard, Wan Chai and Kowloon Bay reclamations, Yau Tong, Sha Tin reclamation, and areas in Castle Peak or even the Kam Tin valley in the Nev; Territories.1'
The lack of or inadequate control in rents, he said, had contributed to Hong Kong having the highest rents in the world. "It has also created a virtual monopoly of key business premises where the demands for exorbitant rents arc pace-setting."
Mr. Wu pointed out that contrasting the 3^ per cent increase in 1972 as mentioned by the Financial Secretary, the rental of flatted factories had gone up from 40 to 50 cents per sq. ft. in early 1972 to 80 to 90 cents a sq. ft. for upper floor premises in late 1972 and early 1973 - an annual increase of nearly 100 per cent.
He also cited examples of land prices which had gone up tremendously within a short period of time recently.
He said a large part of industry and commerce and unfortunate domestic tenants would be saddled with exceedingly and increasingly burdensome rents which no increase in productivity could alleviate without substantial price or wage increases, thereby perpetrating and aggravating the vicious cycle.
On transport problems, Mr. Wu said he was rather concerned that the immediate and constant improvement of road works should be overshadowed or even jeopardised by the mass transit scheme.
/At the
Thursday, March 15, 1973
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At the present rate of increase in car registration, the surface traffic might come to a complete halt before the underground railway is utilisable in five years’ time.
"Private cars are here to stay and to increase, with or without the Underground. The introduction of a system of elevated expressways as in Tokyo should go a long way in speeding up traffic flow,” Mr. Wu said.
On tax reformst he said the Financial Secretary was treading on very dangerous ground when he proposed 'no deductions for dependent parent’s relief and for life insurance and similar payments.
He believed it would be very wrong for the Government to be seemingly trading off the two traditionally Chinese virtues of filial piety and thrift for a mere total of million per year, particularly at a time when the system of providing for social security had hardly gotten off the ground.
Thursday, March 15, 1973
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N.T. Should Provide Land H.K. Needs
The Hon. O.V. Cheung said today that the shortage of building land was the ’’root cause of most of our economic ills.”
Speaking at the annual Budget Debate, he shared the views of other Unofficial Councillors that such a shortage would lead to a rising cost of living.
In addition, it would also lead to loss of ”our competitiveness in the international markets for our exports, and to the possible stagnation and ruin of our economy.”
”If we lose our export trade, there would be Armageddon and the end of all our hopes for a better life for our citizens,” he said.
Mr. Cheung expressed concern at a statement by the Financial Secretary that only 15 acres of land would be made available for sale in the next financial year. «M • •• M. •• ••
This, he said, would be enough, taking an optimistic view, for no more than 15,000 persons, or on a more realistic view, 10,000.
Mr. Cheung said: ’’There is not the slightest doubt that with minor though important exceptions, only the New Territories can provide the land we need.”
He urged the Government to strengthen the staff of the New Territories Administration so as to enable the District Commissioner, New Territories, to perform the massive task whieh planning, housing schemes and new towns required.
/”The whole •••••••
Thursday, March 15, 1975
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”The whole question of land, at this time in our history, is one that merits consideration in depth at the highest levels,” he added.
Earlier, Mr. Cheung joined his Unofficial colleagues in congratulating the Financial Secretary for ’’the lucid way in which he expounded his budget proposals.”
He acknowledged the promptness and sympathy with which Mr. Haddon-Cave had acted on his proposal for relief to parents of incapacitated children.
However, he expressed the wish that the proposal to abolish deductions for life insurance premia had never seen the light of day.
Thursday, March 15, 1973
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Tsuen Wan will become a Smoke Control Area with effect from
May 15.
The Colonial Secretary will make a declaration to this effect under Section 7 of the Clean Air Ordinance in the Gazette tomorrow (Friday).
Members of the public will have 21 days to make recommendations or objections regarding the declaration.
Commenting on the declaration, Mr. K. Higginson, Smoke Abatement Adviser of the Labour Department, said: ’This will be the fourth Smoke Control Area of the Colony.
’The other three areas - which were gazetted in 19$0, 19$2 and 1964 respectively - are Kwun Tong, Sha Tin and North Point.
”An occupier of any premises within these areas who operates any furnace, oven or chimney which emits dark smoke for more than six minutes in any period of four hours, or for more than three minutes continuously at any one time, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine of <52,000.” Mr. Higginson pointed out that the emission of smoke darker than the legally permitted level was a result of faulty and wasteful combustion techniques "It is hoped," he said, "that the declaration will lead to the adoption of improved methods of combustion thus reducing operating costs as well as air pollution in Tsuen Wan, which is one of the worst areas as far as dark smoke is concerned.
/’TFuture •••«•••
Thursday, March 15 j 1973
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"Future declarations will be made in respect of other areas as and when appropriate," he said.
Referring to the work of the Air Pollution Control Unit of the
Labour Department, Mr. Higginson said that the Unit offered free constructive advice to proprietors on the efficient use of fuel, the reduction of smoke emission from their plants and the design of chimneys, ovens and furnaces.
Those who wish to seek technical advice should make enquiries to officers of the Unit at telephone numbers 3-688924 or 3-688954 during office hours.
Thursday, March 15, 1973
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The Social Welfare Department is stepping up its drive to publicise the government’s new disability and infirmity allowances which become effective on April 1.
Forty thousand copies of a Chinese leaflet explaining the scheme will be circulated in the next few days to SWD social security offices, City District Offices and voluntary welfare agencies.
Applicants can claim the allowances by writing to the social security field unit closest to where they live, and a home visit will then be made to obtain full particulars.
With the opening this week of a Wong Tai Sin field unit, there are now 18 social security offices in operation.
They are responsible for processing claims for both public assistance and the new allowances for the severely disabled and edlerly infirm.
The Wong Tai Sin unit is being accommodated on a temporary basis in ground floor premises at Block 13, Tung Tau resettlement estate. The unit’s telephone numbers are 3-837318 , 3-837^2 and 3-837168.
It has taken over from the Tsz Wan Shan unit all cases from the west side of Sha Tin Pass Road, covering the areas of Wong Tai Sin resettlement and low-cost housing estate, Ping Yeung village, Chuk Yuent Yan Oi and Yan Yee.
/Cases ......
Thursday, March 15, 1973
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Cases in Tung Tau area will continue to be handled by the San Po Kong Field Unit until improved arrangements can be made.
Note to Editors: Copies of the Chinese leaflet explaining
the Disability and Infirmity Allowance Scheme will be distributed in the G.I.S. Press Boxes this evening, together with an up-to-date list of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of S.W.D. social security field units. It is hoped newspapers will be able to find space to publish this list to give people full information on where to submit claims for the new allowances.
Thursday, March 1$i 1973
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New Crown Land licences were issued this (Thursday) morning to three of the four tanneries near the Fanling railway crossing, whoso premises were closed earlier this week.
Mr. A.N. Savage, District Officer, Tai Po said that this followed determined efforts from the part of the operators to clean up their areas and demarcate their boundaries as required.
The three tanneries concerned are the Sun Cheong, Tai Cheong and Wing Cheong.
Clearance on Crown Land of waste and rubbish by employees of the Urban Services Department continued today in areas adjacent to the tanneries.
Thursday, March 15, 1973
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New Fire Station To Be Built On Reclamation
Construction of certain major drainage works in the reclamation planned for the future expansion of the Kai Tak Airport will begin shortly.
The works involve the construction of a 500 ft. twin box culvert, a reinforced concrete bridge across Kai Tak nullah and the extension of the nullah by about 1500 feet.
The project, to be undertaken by a consortium of private firms with limited Government participation, is essential to the completion of the future Air Cargo Complex.
Work is expected to begin in May and will take about 15 months to complete.
At the same time, about 700 feet of seawall and about 400 feet of temporary embankment will be built at the northeastern side of the airport runway.
A new airport fire station will be built on the reclamation behind the seawall. It will be linked to the runway by a slip road to be constructed soon.
Work will begin in June and will take about eight months to complete.
Thursday, March 15» 1973
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Licence holders in certain trades on Hong Kong Island and in
Kowloon are reminded that their licences should be renewed on or before March 31•
The category of licensees includes traders of Chinese herb tea, frozen confections, milk, non-bottled drinks; and operators of commercial bathhouses, laundries, laundry depots, Hsiu mei and lo mei” shops, swimming pools and fresh provision shops.
Their current licences will expire at the end of this month, and they should obtain their new licences for the period April 1, 1973 to March 31, 1974 on or before the expiry date.
The Urban Council may refuse to renew a licence which is not collected by the due date.
Licence holders on Hong Kong Island should obtain their new licences at the Treasury Revenue Branch in the West Wing of the Central Government Offices.
Kowloon licensees should go to the Kowloon Sub-Treasury on the 4th floor of the Kowloon Central Post Office Building at No. 405 Nathan Road. .
They are requested to produce their current licences for identification purposes.
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Thursday, March 15? 1973
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Memorandum Of Understanding Signed «4c4t«****
The Director of Commerce and Industry, Mr. D.H. Jordan, and the Norwegian Consul General, Mr. Nic A. Fougner, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding covering the export of certain garments to Norway in the period March 1, 1973 to June 30? 1974.
The Memorandum covers most the products which are currently under restraint on export to Norway•
Some new items have been added to the restraint list including cotton trousers and slacks, cotton dress shirts and blouses and jumpers of cotton or discontinuous synthetic fibres.
One item, men’s and boys* nightgarments, has been deleted from the list
The cunrent restraint levels have been increased by 5 per cent in the new arrangements.
Details of the control arrangements and of the principles governing allocation of quotas etc. have already been published in Notices to Esqoorters Nos. 5/73, 6/73 and 7/73.
Copies of these can be obtained from the Textiles Licensing Branch of the Commerce and Industry Department, No. 46, Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong.
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Release time: 3_.J0 p.m.
Friday, March 16, 1973
Page No.
Property Review 1973 forecasts fairly good year for supply of domestic accommodation • ••••................................. 1
The Lion Rock cable car system moves one step forward with the calling of tenders .............................................. 5
A number of buildings in Hollywood Road have been condemned.. 6
Land is to be reclaimed in Sha Tin for the second race course ................................................................. 7
Increases in fees for driving licences and test forms are explained .................... ..............................
The revised Cheung Sha Wan Zoning Plan has been published ... 10
The Labour Department is conducting a survey of industrial vacancies ...................................................... 12
An Assistant Director of the Medical Department is leaving Hong Kong shortly on early retirement .......................... 13
The new Import and Export (Fees) Regulations have been published ................................................................ 14
Wider control over ’’dead ships" is provided in new regulations ................................................................ 13
The CoLinissioner of Rating and Valuation is leaving for New Zealand tomorrow to attend a conference on surveying ........... 16
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Friday, March 16, 1973
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1973 Property Review Forecasts Fairly Good Year
The number of domestic units completed in the private sector during 1972 was 20,589, an increase of some 8,300 or 68 per cent over the 1971 figure.
• In his 1973 Property Review released today, the Commissioner of
Rating and Valuation, Mr. R.A. Fry, said that although the number of completions was higher than that for any of the previous five years, the demand for domestic accommodation was still very strong and did not appear to have eased to any appreciable extent.
The forecast of completions for 1973 is 29,759 units, a very encouraging figure, which should go some way towards easing pressure on rentals.
In the public sector, the number of units completed (13,770) was well below the published programme, but a much better supply (nearly 24,000) is forecast for 1973*
In January 1973, there were 7,012 unoccupied domestic units in the private sector, but nearly 4,100 of these were in buildings certified for occupation during the last three months of the year.
This has tended to exaggerate the position compared with last year’s total vacancy figure of 4,203.
The number of new units expected to be completed in the private sector, together with vacancies, should provide an average of just over 3,000 units each month for sale or renting during 1973.
With an improved supply in the public sector, it all adds up to 1973 being a fairly good year for the supply of domestic accommodation.
/The bulk .......
Friday, March 16, 1973
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The bulk (95 per cent) of new private domestic accommodation continues to be built for sale in the first instance with much of it (63 per cent) eventually being occupied by the new owners.
Sale prices continued to advance during 1972 and this is illustrated by the fact that of the premises built for sale, only 2.26 per cent were priced in the "$40,000 and below" bracket, compared with 24.4 per cent last year® Nearly 40 per cent of the premises built in 1972 were priced at over $100,000*
Domestic rentals continued to move upwards and the department’s rental index rose by nearly 10 per cent over the year (46.66 per cent since December 1968).
Overall Increase
Where rentals of existing tenancies actually increased during the year the overall average increase was some 27 per cent, but large and medium flats suffered the worst in this respect with average increases of roughly 42 per cent and 39 per cent respectively.
Even these figures do not provide the full rental picture for the rents of many existing tenancies are subject to the restraining influence of the Rent Increases (Domestic Premises) Control Ordinance.
For premises not covered by the Ordinance, tenants seeking accommodation will have to pay at least J44O per month for a small tenement floor whilst those looking for accommodation in the "luxury" class must expect to pay a monthly rental of over 331500 per month.
Some 928,500 square feet of trading accommodation was built during 1972 and this was significantly more (about 20 per cent) than the amount of space actually taken up during the year - some 780,000 square feet.
/Around ........
Friday, March 16, 1973
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Around 1.65 million square feet is expected to be completed in 1973, with 1.4 million to follow in 1974 which, it is thought, should adequately satisfy the demand for this type of accommodation.
However, it should be noted that much of what is now available, or to become available in 1973 and 1974, is not in the prime trading areas*
The department’s rental index for shops showed an average increase over the year of 16.56 per cent and an average rental rate per month per square foot of S3.22.
The amount of new office accommodation completed during 1972 (nearly 600,000 square feet) was considerably less than that estimated previously due primarily to work having been delayed on several projects which should now be completed this year.
This shortfall in expectations, together with a heavy demand for office accommodation, has reduced the amount of space vacant at the end of 1972 to one half of the vacancy figure of a year ago.
The amount of space estimated to be available in 1973 should average about 130,000 square feet, per month, and the forecast for 1974 is some 3*3 million square feet.
However, much of what is expected to be built will be outside the Central District of Hong Kong Island.
Office rentals continued to rise during the year with an average increase of some 15 per cent; however, it must be noted that this is an overall average figure and that for first class accommodation in central positions the increase was generally rather higher.
/A total ........
Friday, March 16, 1973
A total of 7.5 million square feet of flatted factory space was completed during 1972.
In 1973 a further 5K million square feet is expected to be completed and this, together with the 3.2 million square feet presently vacant, should satisfy demand for this type of accommodation during the year.
Much of this development and that for the immediate future (4.4 mi 11inn square feet in 1974) will be in the Tsuen Wan/Kwai Chung area.
The department’s rental index for factories rose only by some 3*34 per cent. There are clear indications that the rise in factory rentals has eased off to a very considerable extent.
Friday, March 16, 1973
- 5 -
Tenders For Franchise Invited
Tenders are invited in today’s Government Gazette for a franchise for the operation of an aerial ropeway (suspended cable car system) running from Sha Tin Pass Road to a peak to the east of Lion Rock.
The successful tenderer will be granted the lease of a lot comprising an upper station of 64,000 sq.ft, and a lower station of 72,000 sq.ft, with a wayleave for a ropeway between these two station.
Both stations will have restaurants and shops to provide facilities for the public. Parking will be provided at the lower station to cater for cars, buses and taxis.
Enquiries may be made and full tender documents and conditions obtained from the Crown Lands and Survey Office, Murray Building, 19th floor, Garden Road, Hong Kong and from the Crown Lands and Survey Office, Kowloon Government Offices, No. 405 Nathan Road, 10th floor, Kowloon. 4
A Government spokesman said that this aerial ropeway,the first of its kind in Hong Kong, would provide an added tourist attraction and also further recreational activities for the public in general.
Care has been taken in the choice of the route and the location of the upper station to protect the environment of the hillsides and the famous Lion Rock itself.
/The ropeway ••••»..
Friday, March 16, 1973
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The ropeway will provide excellent panoramic views of the harbour area of Kowloon and Hong Kong and the Shatin Valley and will open fine hillside walks.
The Government also plans to improve the existing footpaths linking the upper station of the Lion Rock itself and the neighbouring hillsides and the footpaths to Shatin Valley and Shatin Pass Road.
The Building Authority today declared Nos. 24>-5 and 247 Hollywood Road to be in a dangerous condition.
In a statement issued this morning, the Principal Government Building Surveyor said that these three-storey pre-war buildings had been under observation for some time, and pronounced fractures were now apparent in the brickwork.
Further, the brickwork at the rear of No. 247 is badly deteriorated and decay is apparent in some of the roof and balcony timbers.
These conditions could precipitate a collapse and accordingly notices of intention to apply for Closure Orders in Victoria District Court at 9.30 a.m. on April 25 were posted today.
Friday, March 16, 1973
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An area of 230 acres will be reclaimed in Tide Cove off Ho Tung Lau in Sha Tin for the construction of a second race course.
It is proposed that the land will be granted to the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club, who will be undertaking the reclamation work.
When completed, the race course will have a seating capacity of 35»OOO to 50,000, and the tracks will be built to international standards.
Construction work will include ancillary buildings and a car park, and the centre of the course will provide spacious playgrounds and sports facilities.
The proposed land grant also stipulates that the Jockey Club should reclaim an additional site adjacent to the race course site, and this is to be reserved for Government projects, including a public road and a pump house.
It is estimated that 16 million cubic yards of filling material will be required for the major reclamation.
The material will be taken from borrow areas which will later bo developed as part of the Sha Tin New Town development.
In deciding on the locations of borrow areas, precautions will be taken to preserve the landscape so that local scenery will not be disfigured by the ’’borrowing”.
A notification of the proposed reclamations is published in today’s Gazette, and will also be posted near the site.
People having any objections or claims of private right should submit them to the Director of Public Works within two months of the notification.
-------0 --------
Friday, March 16, 1973
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To Clear Backlog And Cut /aiting Time *******
It appears that the public has misunderstood the purpose of the recent increase in fees for test forms, provisional licences and driving licences, a Transport Department spokesman said today.
’’People criticise it as an ineffective measure to relieve road congestion, but that is not its main purpose,” he said.
As the Financial Secretary stated in his Budget speech on February 28, the primary object of the increases was to discourage *’ the large numbers of applicants for driving licences who are overloading ' the machinery for conducting driving tests.
Despite an accelerated driving programme that started late last year with about 900 appointments a day, ’’there is still a backlog of 75»OOO applicants,” the spokesman said,” and more are coming forward at a rate of 6,000 a month. The faster they are tested, the more come forward.”
Some of the applicants had no immediate need for a driving licence and were applying for one either as a status symbol or because it might be useful in future, he said.
This operates unfairly against applicants who have- a genuine and immediate need for a licence.’ It means that the waiting time for the written and road tests is unnecessarily prolonged. t
/At present, .....
Friday, liar ch 16, 1973
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At present, for a private car driving licence, the waiting time for the written test is 11 months in Hong Kong and 16 months in Kowloon.
The waiting time for a private car road test is about three months, but this is likely to lengthen when the accelerated testing prograi.ime finishes at the end of this month.
For applicants for road tests for goods vehicles and public omnibuses, the delay is considerably longer.
The spokesman said it was inappropriate that the total period to get a private car driving licence should be well over one year and for other categories of vehicles much longer.
"The main reason for this delay," he said, "lies in the large numbers of applicants who have no real need for a licence and are simply lengthening the queue.
,rIt is too early to assess results properly, but the first indications are that the increase in fees from Karch 1 may have reduced the number of applications by nearly a half."
Friday, March 16, 1973
- -0 -
CHEUNG SHA WAN OUTLINE ZONING PLAN REVISED Industrial Complex And Wholesale Market Cantre Planned * ♦ * * * * * ♦
The revised Cheung Sha Wan Outline Zoning Plan has been approved by the Governor-in-Council.
The object of the plan is to provide statutory land use pattern and major road framework within which development may be legally controlled.
The plan illustrates only the broad principles of development within the area to provide guidance for detailed planning.
Implementation of the plan so far as new public works are concerned will require the provision of funds by the Legislative Council.
The plan covers a total area of 780 acres and largely confirms existing land uses. The north-eastern part of the area is predominantly residential, including several housing estates, and commercial/residential development.
There is a concentration of industrial development at the western end of the planning area. It is intended to reserve space for cooked food stalls to serve the industrial workers. This will be either within the zone or in adjoining zones where space will be reserved in multi-purpose buildings that will include market and car-parking facilities.
A small commercial zone to provide such facilities as banks, offices and restaurants to serve the industrial complex is located on the south side of Cheung Sha Wan Road, west of Tai Nan Street.
/Three .......
Friday, March 16, 1973
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Three large areas have been zoned for open space between Cheung Sha Wan Road and Lai Chi Kok Road. To some extent these provide a desirable break between the industrial zone in the west and the residential and commercial/ residential zones, in which there are other small areas of open space zoning.
Government, institution and community uses are concentrated mainly in the northern parts of the area and also in the central southern part, south of Cheung Sha Wan Road.
In the north, a strip of Government land along Wing Hong Street terminating at the junction with Yu Chau Street has been zoned for this purpose to facilitate the provision of community uses.
This was the subject of a number of objections that were lodged when the draft plan was exhibited for public inspection in 1971*
In the area south of Cheung Sha Wan Road the land is only partly developed and sites have been reserved for facilities which include a sewage treatment plant, a police station, a retail market and civic or community centre.
In addition, there is major reservation for new wholesale markets for imported vegetables, fruit and poultry on the land lying between the existing abattoir and vegetable wholesale market and the waterfront. It is intended that this area will become the main wholesale centre in Kowloon for these commodities.
The south-east comer of the planning area is occupied mainly by the Sham Shui Po army camp and part of this area may later become available for further Government, institution and community uses when the military requirements have been re-assessed.
Friday, March 16, 1973
- 12 -
The Labour Department is conducting a survey of employment and vacancies in industrial establishments for the first quarter of 1973.
On March 9i cards were sent to managements of all registered and recorded industrial establishments requesting them to provide information regarding employment and vacancies as at March 15, 1973.
They were requested to return the cards in reply-paid envelopes on or before March 19-
From the information collected, statistics of employment and vacancies in the various main industries can be compiled. These statistics provide an indication of employment trends over the years.
The Commissioner of Labour, Mr. Paul Tsui, said that during the last survey, conducted in December, 1972, a 100 per cent response was obtained from the larger industrial establishments. s
But the overall response rate stood at only 63 per cent.
This could be greatly improved if the smaller establishments would respond promptly to the survey.
Mr. Tsui stressed that the information provided from establishments would be kept strictly confidential and would only be used for the preparation of statistical summary tables.
”It is not intended for the enforcement of labour legislation. The cards will be destroyed under supervision when the relevant information has been extracted and summarised,” he added.
Friday, March 16, 1973
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Returning To Ireland After 19 Years In Hong Kong
Dr. E.N.F. Browne, Assistant Director of Medical and Health (Health), is leaving Hong Kong for Ireland on early retirement on Wednesday (March 26) after serving the people of Hong Kong for 19 years.
At a luncheon in his honour this week, Dr. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services, thanked Dr. Browne for his many years of • • devoted service, and presented him with a salver on behalf of friends and colleagues in the department.
In a statement today, Dr. Browne said: "I have been very happy in Hong Kong, and it has given me great pleasure to play my part in the development of medical and health services here.
nI plan to take up some health work on my return to Britain.”
Dr. Browne, 45, arrived in Hong Kong from Ireland in April 195^ to take up a post in the Medical and Health Department. In 1959? he was appointed Senior Health Officer in Kowloon. He became a Principal Medical Officer in the headquarters in 19$5. Four years later, he was appointed Assistant Director (Health).
During his years in Hong Kong, he was involved in work in connection with the registration of clinics, and in combatting the cholera "scaresn of 196% 1962, 1966, and 1969.'
He is married, with a son and a daughter.
Friday, March 16, 1973
- 14 -
Commenting on the new Import and Export (Fees) Regulations published in today’s Government Gazette, a spokesman for the Commerce and Industry Department said that the date of commencement of the Regulations had not yet been decided, but the trade would be given plenty of advance notice of their coming into operation.
The main change relates to certification fees and these will be raised from $10 to $15 per applicau^w..
This increase is necessary in order that the rising costs of providing the certification service may be covered. The fees were last revised in 19&0.
The spokesman went on to explain that, with effect from the introduction of the new fees, applicants would also have to start typing their own certificates.
At present the Department did this for them in the case of standard certificates of origin.
However, the costs of this service had increased substantially over the years and it was no longer economically possible to continue to provide it.
Applicants already typed their own Generalised and Commonwealth Preference certificates, and the addition of standard certificates should not cause undue difficulties.
Also, a new certificate of origin form aligned to the master documents drawn up by the Hong Kong Working Party for Simpler Trade Documents would shortly be introduced and this would reduce the typing burden for those firms using the ’’one-run system” for their export documentation.
The spokesman added that the decision to increase fees had been made with the concurrence of members of the Certification Co-ordination Committee, and the approved non-Government issuing bodies would also be raising their charges for certificate applications.
-------0--------- /15..................
Friday, March 16, 1973
New Regulations Provide For Heavy Penalty For Offenders
It is now an offence to anchor a dead ship in Hong Kong waters, or to carry out repairs to a vessel of more than 500 net register tons without the permission of the Director of Marine.
This is provided in the Merchant Shipping (Control of Ports) (Amendment) Regulations 1973 published in the Gazette today.
The new regulations, however, do not apply to a dead ship or other vessel which is anchored, moored or secured in, or within the precincts of, a dockyard or a floating dry-dock.
The regulations provide that no repairs should be undertaken on any dead ship without the permission of the Director of Marine.
The Director is empowered to declare a ship to be a dead ship whether its owners approve or not.
A ship, if it is not to be declared a dead ship, should be capable of being effectively propelled and manoeuvred within a period decided by the Director.
A penalty of $4,000 and six months imprisonment is provided for any contravention of the Regulations.
A right of appeal to the Governor is provided.
The new regulations were made at the recommendation of the Marine Court of Inquiry investigating the fire on board the "Seawise University" and the Commissioners in the inquiry into the "Jumbo" fire.
Both the Court and the Commissioners recommended that the Director of Marine be given overall control of operations relating to the repair, renovation and refitting of shipping in Hong Kong waters.
The amending regulations were made as an interim measure in view of the fact that the enactment of legislation to implement this recommendation and the recruitment and training of the necessary inspectorate staff would require considerable time. n /16.......
Friday, March 16, 1973
- 16 -
Mr. R.A. Fry, Commissioner of Rating and Valuation, will be leaving for Wellington, Nev/ Zealand tomorrow (March 17) to attend the second General Assembly of the Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy.
He will be attending the Assembly as the delegate from the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, of which he is the current Vice-Chairman.
Delegates from JO societies representing 22 countries will be attending the meeting.
In addition, Mr. Fry will attend a seminar on Surveying and Land Economy in the Pacific.
He will also be investigating recruitment prospects in Wellington for Rating and Valuation Surveyors.
The Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy v/as set up in 19&9 to strengthen professional links between Commonwealth countries.
It aims to improve facilities for professional education and training, and to foster reciprocal recognition of professional qualification in surveying and mapping, quantity and building surveying, and land economy.
Note to Editors: Mr. Fry will be leaving for Sydney by Flight
Q.F 279, E.T.D. 2130 hours tomorrow.
Releas e time: 7•30 p»m.
Saturday, March 17, 1973
Page No.
The new Urban Council is to get a grant of 320 million from the Government ................................................... 1
Ching Cheung Road is to be extended ............................... J
Cornwall Street will be opened to two-way traffic on Monday •••• 4
The second phase of the current anti-polio campaign ends in two weeks ............................................................. 5
Big cash prizes will be awarded to winning schools in the Health Education Project competition.................................... 6
Temporary traffic arrangements will be introduced in Des Voeux
Road Central next week to facilitate drainage repair work •••••• 7
Registration of Persons teams will visit Aplichau and Fanling next week....................................................... 8
The Lion Rock Tunnel will be closed for four hours on Monday ... 8
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, March 17, 1973
EMBARGO NOTE TO EDITORS: The following item is embargoed until
• 6 p.m. today. On no account should radio and television stations broadcast it before that time.
GRANT OF 320 MILLION TO NEW URBAN COUNCIL Government Agrees To Complete Outstanding Urbco Projects mm******
The newly constituted Urban Council is to receive from the Government a once-for-all grant of 320 million, additional to the annual rate income which will finance its anticipated recurrent and capital expenditure. Explaining the purpose behind the grant, which was promised in the Government’s White Paper on the Urban Council, a Government spokesman said today that the rate income, which included an element of 310 million a year for capital works, had been calculated on the basis of actual requirements. This income would amount to $240 million in 1973-74•
”The additional grant of 320 million is intended to give the Council substantial reserves at the outset, thereby improving upon the healthy financial position which the rate yield has already ensured,” he said.
He pointed out that the Government had also agreed to complete, at no expense to the Urban Council, all Urban Council projects which were already under construction, or upon which work would start in the next few months. Including ’’last minute” additions, such as improvements to Victoria Park, a new playground at Pok Fu Lam Road, and a swimming pool at Tai Wan, Hung Hom, this would involve Government expenditure of some 340 million.
/Furthermore, .......
Saturday, March 17, 1973
- 2 -- * • * »»• • •*
Furthermore, the Government would continue to meet, from its own revenue, the cost of major items such as civic centres, stadia, abattoirs and museums.
"The onee-for-all grant is for the Council to spend as they see fit,” the spokesman remarked. "They may choose to spend it on capital projects or use it to pay for an expansion of their services.”
Saturday, March 17, 1975
- 3 -
CHING CHEUNG ROAD TO BE EXTENDED Part Of The Kowloon Foothills Corridor Route
Ching Cheung Road, which is at present being widened to a dual two-lane carriageway, is soon to be extended.
The extension will run from its junction with Castle Peak Road to join Kwai Chung Road near the western end of Lai Chi Kok Bay Bridge.
Costing 921 million, the new road will be provided with footpaths for pedestrian movements. It will include an overpass section to carry traffic over Lai Wan Road and a section on embankment across the head of Lai Chi Kok Bay.
The present grade-separated interchange joining Ching Cheung Road with Castle Peak Road will be modified to allow for the movement of all major traffic routes and the uninterrupted flow along the two roads.
At the other end of the new road, a section of Kwai Chung Road itself will be widened to provide a collector-distributor road on each side.
When completed, the new road will form the westernmost section of the Kowloon Foothills Corridor Route at present under construction. This route runs across nortnern Kowloon, linking Kwai Chung in the west to the industrial centre of Kwun Tong in the east and is due for completion by 1975.
A notification in yesterday’s Government Gazette under the Public Reclamations and Works Ordinance fully describes the boundaries of a proposed reclamation in connection with the road extension.
/It stipulates ••••.
Saturday, March 17, 1973
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It stipulates that people having any objection to the proposed reclamation or any claims of private right should submit them in writing to the Director of Public Works within two months of the date of notification. The notification, in English and Chinese, can also be seen on notice boards posted near the site.
From 10a.m. on Monday (March 19), the section of Cornwall Street between Beacon Hill Road and Nam Cheong Street will be opened to two-way traffic.
This will provide an alternative route linking Waterloo Road and Lung Cheung Road.
The bus terminus for KMB Route No. 7 will be temporarily resited to Dorset Crescent.
Appropriate direction signs will be positioned to guide motorists.
Saturday, March 17, 1973
- 5 -
Second Phase Of Annual Drive Ending In Two Weeks
Dr. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services, today urged parents whose children had not yet been immunised against poliomyelitis to do so "as quickly as possible.”
In particular, he advised them that now was the time to bring their children for the second dose of the anti-poliomyelitis vaccine if the first dose had already been administered earlier in the year.
He was speaking as the second phase of the annual anti-poliomyelitis campaign reached the half-way mark. The campaign, with two more weeks to go, will end on March 31*
Anti-poliomyelitis vaccine is available free at all Medical and Health Department inoculation and maternity and child health centres.
"After the campaign, intended to draw public attention to the need for inoculation, the vaccine will continue to be available to all maternal and child health centres on a year-round basis," Dr. Choa said.
Since the second phase of the campaign began on February 26. a total of 11,9^0 children has been immunised against the disease.
In the meantime, in connection with the annual campaign against smallpox, the latest figures show that up to February 24, a total of 113>379 doses has been administered.
Saturday, March 17, 1975
In Health Education Project Competition
♦ ♦«*♦**
A prize of 31,500 will be awarded by the Urban Council to the school which put up the best project in the coming Health Education Project Competition.
A number of other prizes, amounting to 3500, 3500 and 3200 respectively, will also be awarded.
Organised jointly by the Urban Council and the Education Department, this annual competition is open to all secondary schools in Hong Kong.
The aim is to arouse the interest of school children in public health and to make them more aware of health education.
School entering the competition is required to put up a display on a floor area of 10 feet by 10 feet on one of five designated themes.
Pictures, photographs, models, and feature articles may be used to illustrate the theme chosen.
The display must be in Chinese or English and Chinese
Entry forms and circular letters are being sent out to schools. Entry
will close on March 51•
A joint display of the prize-winning group projects will be held at the City Hall from May 10 to 15»
- - 0 -
Saturday, March 17, 1973
Temporary Traffic Arrangements To Be Introduced
Temporary traffic arrangements will be introduced next week to allow urgent drainage repair work to be carried out in the southern carriageway of Des Voeux Road Central between Li Yuen Street West and Pottinger Street.
One traffic lane will be closed for about one month#
To facilitate work, starting from 8 a.m. on Monday (March 19) ♦ northbound vehicles from Pottinger Street will not be allowed to turn right into Des Voeux Road Central#
Heavy traffic congestion is expected and motorists are advised to keep away from this area if their journeys are not essential or to use alternative routes#
In North Point, with effect from 10 a.m. on Tuesday (March 20), public light buses will not be permitted to pick up or set down passengers at Shu Kuk Street between King’s Road and the North Point Passenger Ferry Concourse.
This restriction is necessary to improve traffic flow in the North
Point area.
In the New Territories, a section of Castle Peak Road in Hung Shui Kiu will be restricted to a driving speed of 30 miles per hour with effect from Tuesday (March 20).
Appropriate traffic signs will be put up to guide motorists#
Saturday, March 17, 1975
- 8 -
Teams from the Registration of Persons Department will carry out registration at the Aplichau Kai Fong Welfare Association Office and the Fanling Rural Committee Office from Monday to Friday (March 19 to. 23).
Residents in the areas should make use of the teams’ visits to register themselves and their children for identity cards, a spokesman for the department said.
They should also report to the teams any changes in address and other particulars.
Young people 17 years of age and over and holding juvenile identity cards should register for adult identity cards.
The teams’ business hours are between 9.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. at Aplichau, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p*m. at Fanling.
The Lion Rock Tunnel will be closed to all traffic between 10 a.m.
and 2 p.m. on Monday (March 19)*
This closure is necessary to permit the China Light and Power Company to carry out essential work.
Release Time; 2.30 p.m.
Monday, March 19, 1973
Page No.
The consumer price index last month showed higher food prices ... 1
The Immigration Department’s British Passport Section is moving into new and larger premises ...................................... 3
The Governor calls the late Mrs. Mary Wong a social worker of pre-eminence ....................................... •••.••••••• 4
Overcrowding is most serious in public housing...............• • • • 5
The Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children has been given a capital grant from the Lotteries Fund ..........•.......... 6
Hong Kong’s non-industrial workforce increased by more than 8,000 in the last half of 1972 ...............................•.......... 7
Certain buildings in Mong Kok will be without water on Thursday.. 8
The rice import quota for the second quarter of this year has been announced ........................................................ 9
One fatal case of polio was reported in January .........•••••••• 10
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Monday, March 19, 1973
- 1 -
CONSUMER PRICE INDEX FOR FEBRUARY Higher Prices For Foodstuffs Shown »«***«**
Higher prices for foodstuffs, durable goods, alcoholic drink and tobacco, as well as for services, have forced up the General Consumer Price index for February, by eight points to 152.
Announcing this today, a spokesman for the Census and Statistics Department said that the index for foodstuffs increased by 14 points, that for durable goods by four, while the index for alcoholic drink and tobacco went up by three points. A two-point increase was recorded for services.
Compared with January, the average retail prices of rice, bread and cakes, fresh water fish, pork, beef, poultry, fresh vegetables and fruits, and other meat had increased considerably, he said, as a result of generally reduced supplies and heavier demand during the Lunar New Year Festival period.
The only exception were eggs, the average retail price of which dropped due to adequate supplies from China and other countries.
He said the average retail prices of rice and fresh vegetables had risen by 18 per cent, while those for poultry and pork had increased by 17 per cent and 10 per cent respectively.
These increases were due to an upward movement in the wholesale prices of rice caused by higher import prices and importers’ speculation on future supplies from the major rice-producing countries.
Supplies of fresh vegetables from China and local sources went down by 31 per cent and 21 per cent respectively compared with the supply figures for January.
Monday, March 19? 1973
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Poultry prices went up as supplies from China dropped by 19 per cent and demand increased during the Festival period. There was also a drop of 33 per cent in the total supply of live pigs.
"Many restaurants also put up their menu prices, resulting in a rise of seven per cent in the average price of meals bought away from home," he added.
Commenting on the increase in the index for alcoholic drink and tobacco, the spokesman drew attention to the fact that prices of some brands of locally made cigarettes had been revised upwards.
"The increase in the index for services", he explained, "was mainly attributable to higher charges for cinema entertainment."
The G.C.P.I. for February also showed increases of one point each for clothing and footwear and for miscellaneous goods, but movements in the indexes for other commodity sections were insignificant.
For non-food items, increases were recorded in the prices of locally manufactured wooden furniture, and crockery and earthenware of China origin.
The Modified Consumer Price Index for February was 1%, eight points higher than that for the previous month and 16 points above that for the corresponding month in 1972.
Monday, March 19, 1973
- 3 -
To Cope With Increased Demand
The Immigration Department’s British Passport Section will be moving at the weekend into new and enlarged premises.
This is another step by the department to provide better services to the public.
At present the British Passport Section is situated on the 11th floor of International Building.
But because of an increasing demand for passports, the offices have become inadequate and are generally unsatisfactory.
Consequently the department has acquired additional space on the 5th floor of the same building and the Section will be moving in after work on outfitting the new office is completed.
The new office will open for business at 8.45 a.m. on Monday (March 26). Besides a much larger public waiting area, there will also be more office and records space for the staff.
Commenting on the move, a spokesman said the demand for British passports had been increasing steadily over the years to the extent that the existing premises no longer provided sufficient space for the proper public accommodation of passport applicants.
In the first two months of 1973, a total of 5,381 passports were issued as compared to 3,762 in the same period last year.
’’And for the first 17 days of March we have already issued 2,016 passports and received another 3,191 applications.”
/In the
Monday, March 19, 1973
In the financial year 1971-72 the Section issued 28,804 passports. The figure for the first six months of 1972-73 totals 19,650 surpassing the number of passports issued in 19'^7—68 •
The spokesman attributed the increased demand for passports to the rising standards of living and cheaper travel costs.
:;V/e have also made it easier to get a passport by doing away with the need for a recommender and the requirement of a confirmed booking,1, he said.
Note to Editors: A tour of both the old and new offices of the British Passport Section has been arranged for tomorrow, Tuesday (March 20) at 3 p-m.
You are cordially invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the tour. Officers of the Section will be on hand to answer questions.
Press representatives are asked to meet the Department’s Public Relations Officer, Mr. J. Marshall at Room 1201, on the 12th floor of International Building in Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.
The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, today sent a message of condolence to the family of the late Mrs. Mary Wong.
Ke said: "I am greatly shocked to learn the tragic news of Mrs. :-ary Wong’s death. A social worker of pre-eminence and devotion and a sympathetic personality, she was a much loved and highly regarded leader of the community: Hong Kong will be a poorer place for the passing of this very fine lady.”
Monday, March 19, 1973
- 5 -
ft*44* /
The problem of overcrowded living conditions in Hong Kong is most serious in public housing.
The problem is less intense in private tenements and least of all in private flats.
This is stated in a special review article in the January issue of the Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics just published by the Census and Statistics Department.
The article reports on the overcrowding and sharing of housing accommodation in Hong Kong based on the 1971 Census Hain Report.
The 1971 Census showed that there were a total of 654,810 occupied living quarters of all kinds. Of this total, private housing accounted for about 50 per cent, with public housing and temporary housing amounting to 40 per cent and 10 per cent respectively.
The article reveals that sharing of accommodation is most common in private tenements, and very seldom in public housing.
Sharing of acconmodation is measured by the number of households in each living quarter.
The review contains two charts and five tables which rank urban districts with respect to overcrowding and sharing. They show the distribution of these two characteristics by type of housing.
Monday, March 19, 1973
- 6 -
A capital grant of &80,000 has been allocated from the Lotteries Fund to the Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children for laundry equipment.
The Society operates eight creches throughout Hong Kong with a total capacity of more than 500 places.
The daily laundry load of diapers, towels and linen is very heavy and the existing equipment is quite inadequate.
In order to handle the heavy load more efficiently, 17 new washing, drying and extractor machines were installed in these creches last month.
These machines should promote efficient operation and ease staff problems.
-------0 --------
Monday, March 19, 1973
Over 70,000 Employed In Restaurants And Cafes
Employment in certain selected trades and services in the private non-industrial sector increased by 8,64? to 266,142 in the last half of 1972.
This was shown by a Labour Department survey conducted last November.
But the number of establishments engaged in these trades and services remained practically unchanged at 13,547-
Among the trades and services selected, the largest ones, in terms of employment, were restaurants and cafes (70,542); import and export businesses (43,629); day schools (40,065); ocean and coastal water transport (35,005); banks (20,342); hotels (12,706); and hospitals (8,732)•
The main changes in employment between May and November, 1972 were: restaurants and cafes (-*4,912); air freight forwarding agencies and travel agencies (+2,004); banks (+1,434); hotels (+1,014) 5 and import and export businesses (-1,969)•
Women accounted for about 30 per cent of the workforce in this sector. Of the 79,836 women, 25,439 were employed in education services; 15,276 in restaurants and cafes; 11,808 in import and export businesses; 10,579 in medical and health services; and 6,278 in banks.
In addition, 4,920 young persons under the age of 18 were recorded in the survey. Of these, 3,248 worked in restaurants and cafes.
/A total........
Monday, March 19j 1973
- 8 -
A total of 2,570 vacancies were reported from the establishments surveyed. The main vacancies were: 640 in restaurants and cafes; 613 in import and export businesses; 492 in medical and health services; and 242 in hotels.
The Commissioner of Labour, Mr. Paul Tsui, praised the managements involved in the survey for their remarkably high rate of response to the department’s inquiries.
He said 99*8 per cent of managements responded, as compared with 97-5 per cent for the previous survey.
WATER STOPPAGES * ♦ * * ♦ ♦ 4c
Water supply to premises at Nos. 15 to 39, Belcher’s Street, Hong Kong Island, will be cut off for eight hours on Tuesday (March 20) starting from 10 p.m.
The temporary stoppage is to enable Waterworks Office staff to connect water mains in the area.
At the same time, a number of buildings in Mongkok will also have their water supply cut for five hours on Thursday (March 22) to allow leakage test to be carried out. The stoppage starts at 1 a.m..
Premises within the area bounded by Tung Chau Street, Tong Mei Road, Fuk Tsuen Street and Walnut Street will be affected.
Monday, March 19, 1973
9 -
The Commerce and Industry Department today announced that the rice import quota for the second quarter of 1975 had been provisionally fixed at 99,000 metric tons.
This was 12.5 per cent above the basic .quota 88,000 metric tons.
Commenting on the quota, a spokesman fop? the Department said that offtakes of rice in recent months had been higher than usual. ,fThe increase in the quota takes account of this and also provides for a slightly larger stock for Hong Kong as a whole," he said.
The Department would keep developments in the rice trade under close review, and might issue a supplementary quo.ta during the quarter should circumstances so warrant, the spokesman added.
In the first two months of this year, Hong Kong imported 5^,223.8 m/tons of rice. Of this amount, Thailand supplied 63 per cent and China J1.8 per cent. The remainder came mainly from Australia, the United States and Burma.
Monday, March 19? 1973
- 10 -
One Fatal Case Of Poliomyelitis Reported
A total of 761 cases of notifiable diseases was reported during January, according to the health report for that month issued by the Medical and Health Department today.
Of the 1M deaths, 1?8 were caused by tuberculosis, one by amoebiasis, one by bacillary dysentery, and one by poliomyelitis.
The notifications of measles rose slightly from 14 in December to 21 in January, but there were no reports of cerebrospinal meningitis or diphtheria.
A Medical and Health Department spokesman said: "Compared with the corresponding month of 1972, the incidence of typhoid fever shows a drop from 52 to 12 cases."
A notable drop was also observed in the notifications of chickenpox, from 91 to 15 cases.
The spokesman said there were only minor variations in the incidence of other infectious diseases.
Hong Kong remained free from cholera and other quarantinable diseases during the month.
Release Time: 7.00
Tuesday, March 20, 1973
Page No,
Air pollution in Hong Kong has dropped dramatically............. 1
The stamp duty concessions announced last month by the Financial Secretary will come into effect on April 1 .................... 3
A computerised study is being made of the Urban Services Department’s refuse collecting services ........................ 6
Signing of the contract for the Castle Peak desalting plant will take place tomorrow...................................... 7
Money and postal order services at the Post Office resumed today.......................................................... 8
A 837»million contract for road improvement works in Kowloon is to be signed tomorrow....................................... 9
All Government swimming pools have been opened in advance of the summer season ............................................ 10
Eighty nine buildings were certified for occupation in January .............................................................. 11
The Urban Council’s annual flower show opens at the City Hall on Friday..................................................... 12
More than twenty disabled persons found employment last month with help from the Social Welfare Department • •.............. 12
The wife of the Director of Social Welfare is to continue her visits to voluntary welfare agencies this week ••••••••••••••• 13
New traffic arrangements will be introduced in North Kowloon as from Thursday........• ••......................•••••••••••» 1*+
The Labour Relations Service last month helped settle more than 23° labour disputes .......................................... 13
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, March 20, 1973
- 1 -
Industrialists Now More Aware Of Problem
There has been a dramatic drop in air pollution throughout Hong Kong, according to Mr. K. Higginson, the Smoke Abatement Advisor of the Labour Department.
Figures just released by the department’s Air Pollution Control Unit show that sulphur dioxide concentrations and smoke densities in the atmosphere have fallen by as much as 80 per cent since the beginning of 1970, when the Unit went into full operation.
Mr. Higginson said the Unit’s figures were based on moving 12 months averages, to make allowance for the effects of weather conditions.
He said readings of sulphur dioxide concentrations at the Hung Hom monitoring station had shown a steady improvement frori a count of 1,429 micrograms per cubic meter in January, 1970 to 279 micrograms per cubic meter in December 1972 - a drop of more than 80 per cent.
At the Queen Elizabeth Hospital monitoring station, there had been a fall of 48 per cent in the same period.
Mr. Higginson said much of the credit for these two improvements should go to the China Light and Power Company for its use of low-sulphur fuels during adverse wind conditions.
The monitoring stations at Sham Shui Po and at Central Market had shown a gradual climb in sulphur dioxide readings to a peak in the early half of 1972. Since then there had been a gradual fall in readings.
Tuesday, March 20, 1975
- 2 -
At Sham Shui Po the readings had fallen by 27 per cent in the past eight months. At the Central Market monitoring station, the fall had been 36 per cent in eleven months.
Mr. Higginson said there had also been dramatic falls in smoke pollution in Hong Kong during the period.
During 1972, the monitoring station at Queen Elizabeth Hospital had shown a fall of some 45 per cent in smoke readings.
The readings in Central, after remaining steady for more than two years, had now shown a 40 per cent improvement in 12 months.
At Hung Hom there was a fall of 27 per cent last year.
But Sham Shui Po had shown little change in smoke pollution readings in the past three years. ”There is unlikely to be any real change in this situation until the area is declared a smoke control area,” said Mr. Higginson.
Mr. Higginson attributed the improvement in the air pollution situation to increased awareness of the problem among industrialists as a result of the work of the Air Pollution Control Unit.
The Unit gives free technical advice to fuel users on the most effective and economical way to operate furnaces, ovens and chimneys.
•’It seems we’ve succeeded in converting a lot of former offenders into law-abiding citizens without too many prosecutions,” he said.
/3 ........
Tuesday, March 20, 1973
- 3 -
STAMP DUTY CONCESSIONS COME INTO EFFECT ON APRIL 1 Budget Proposal To Be Implemented ********
Certain stamp duties will be abolished or reduced from April-1.
These stamp duty changes were announced by the Financial Secretary in his budget speech on February 28.
The Governor has made an order^under Section 2 of the Public Revenue Protection Ordinance, to implement these concessions.
Among the heads of charge to be abolished are the 33 fixed duty on Affidavit, Statutory Declaration or Declaration in writing on Oath or Affirmation; and the 15 cents stamp duty on receipts for amounts exceeding 320.
The duties on insurance policies are also to be abolished as follows: life policies — 25 cents for every 31,000 or part thereof insured; all other policies and renewals — fixed duty of 50 cents; life policies, renewal receipts for amounts exceeding 320 — fixed duty of 15 cents.
The remaining items on the abolition list are:
Agreement, or any Memorandum of Agreement made under hand only, not otherwise specifically charged with duty (33); agreement or contract for hire-purchase (35); bill of lading (15 cents or 40 cents);
Attested copy of any instrument chargeable with duty (33); Charter Party (320); Godown Warrant (20 cents); Letter of Hypothecation (83 or 36);
Note of Protest of a bill of exchange or promissory
note (31); Notarial Act (33); and Shippers Books '
(Chinese) and other receipts for goods shipped where bills of lading are not used (15 cents or 40 cents). . ‘
/Documents ........
Tuesday, March 20, 1975
- 4 -
Documents of the above classes made or executed on or after April 1 will accordingly be exempt from all duty under the heads of charge referred to.
Letters of Renunciation are to be exempted from the 15 cents fixed duty. However, they will continue to attract ad valorem duty.
The public will no longer be able to rely on the provisions of the Stamp Ordinance when they ask to be given receipts for sums paid of over <520. But their rights against those to whom they pay the money will otherwise remain unaffected.
The largest part of receipt duty is paid by the 15-cent Receipt Stamps obtained from Post Offices. An announcement will be made at a later date regarding re funds for unused Receipt Stamps.
Refund Claims
Pre-stamped documents of the above classes which remain unused when the abolitions take effect may be the subject of claims for refund just as they are under present arrangements, that is, on surrender to the Stamp Office.
The duty on certain Conveyances on Sale of Land and Buildings will be reduced.
The full rate .of duty chargeable is two per cent.
But under present arrangements this is restricted to fixed duty of 520 where the value of the consideration given does not exceed <520,000 and to one per cent where it lies between 520,000 and 540,000, with marginal duty for eases where the consideration is slightly in excess of 320,000 and 340,000 respectively.
/The budget •••••••.
Tuesday, March 20, 1973
- 5 -
The budget will restrict duty to 320 in cases where the value of the consideration does not exceed 375,000 and to one per cent where it lies between 375,000 and 3150,000, with marginal duty for cases where the consideration is slightly in excess of 375,000 and 3150,000 respectively.
As a result, Conveyance on Sale Duty will be reduced for all land and buildings in the range of values lying between 320,000 and ->151,500.
Also to be reduced will be the Duty on certain Voluntary Dispositions of Land and Buildings.
The full rate of duty chargeable is two per cent.
But under present arrangements there are reliefs for properties which do not exceed 320,000 in value, and for those with values between 320,000 and $*+0,000.
The budget raises the limits set for the reliefs in voluntary disposition cases from $20,000 and $*+0,000 to the new limits set for relief in the case of sales, that is, to $75,000 and $150,000.
Note to Editors; A statement listing in detail the
stamp duty changes will be distributed separately in the G.I.S. press boxes this evening.
Tuesday, March 20, 1973
- 6 -
To Further Increase Efficiency In Rubbish Collection And Disposal
A computerised study is being made into the refuse collecting services of the Urban Services Department to determine the future development of refuse collection and disposal in Hong Kong.
Preliminary data on available resources and methods of operation are now being collected by a team of Australian consultants, who are expected to submit a report within two months.
The information gathered will be processed by computer and used to predict as near as possible, the probable vehicle requirements in the new financial year.
At the same time, forecasts — based on present trends — will also be provided of the provisional requirements for each year up to 1978.
The Director of Urban Services will be supplied with a forecasting and planning model with which to update the provisional forecasts each year.
At present, estimates of vehicle requirements are based on past experience and the expected growth in the quantity of refuse.
However, a spokesman for the Urban Services Department said that this method was no longer practicable in view of the increasing volume of refuse collected daily.
"The survey," he added, ’’will give us a better defined plan for maximising the use of our existing fleet and an accurate system for estimating the additional vehicles required to meet increasing needs.”
The department’s cleansing fleet presently comprises 626 vehicles, of which 413 are refuse collecting vehicles.
“------o--------- /7........
Tuesday, March 20, 1973
- 7 -
Will Be Signed Tomorrow
A 3^9*8 million contract for the plant foundations and site buildings for the Single Purpose Desalter at Lok On Pai, Castle Peak, will be signed tomorrow (Wednesday) in the Waterworks Office of the Public Works Department#
Signing for the contractors will be Mr. J.E. Ward, Managing Director of Gammon (Hong Kong) Ltd.fMr. Li Hin-wing, Chief Engineer, Construction & Planning, Waterworks Office, will sign on behalf of the Government.
When completed, the Lok On Pai desalting plant will be the largest in the world, producing 40 million gallons of fresh water per day to supplement Hong Kong’s existing water supplies.
Consulting engineers for the project are Binnie & Partners (Hong Kong). The maj n evaporator and boiler plant is.being.supplied by the Sasakura Engineering Company of Osaka under separate contract.
Preparatory work at the site is already well advanced. Gammon (Hong Kong) Ltd. are at present undertaking the >25-million site formation and marine works.
The new contract will involve the construction of foundations and reinforced concrete sub-structures for six evaporator/boiler units, which will rest on 270 cast-in-situ concrete piles.
The construction of the auxiliary plant building will involve the placing of about 30,000 cubic yards of reinforced concrete. About 1,800 tons of structural steelwork and cladding will be used in erecting its superstructure.
• • • S » rt
Tuesday, March 20, 1973
- 8 -
Other works included in the contract will be a seawater intake screen building, a chemical house and a fuel control building.
Two chimneys will be constructed - each 400 feet high - to operate in conjunction with the boilers.
The fresh water produced by the plant will be pumped under pressure to the existing Tai Lam Chung reservoir through steel pipelines, and a mile-long tunnel, which are also being constructed by Gammon.
Work on the new contract has already begun, and the major part will be completed during the first 15 months of the projected months completion time.
The first evaporator unit at the plant is scheduled to begin trial
operations in December, 1975-
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter/
photographer to cover these signing, which will take place at 2.30 p»m. in Room M2, Fourth floor, Murray Building.
The Post Office today resumed its money order and postal order
services which were temporarily suspended on March 2.
- - - 0 -----------
Tuesday, March 20, 1973
- 9 -
To Be Signed Tomorrow
The contract for the construction of a $37»/+ million elevated road
link designed to speed traffic flow along Waterloo Road and connected roads will be signed tomorrow (Wednesday, March 21)•
The scheme provides for a system of improved links between Waterloo
Road, Prince Edward Road and Boundary Street by means of a flyover and ramps which will replace the existing intersections.
The signing will take place in the Public Works Department Headquarters in Murray Building. Mr. B.H. Newman, of the Public Works Department*s Highways Office, will sign on behalf of the Government while the contractor^ Gammon (Hong Kong) Ltd., will be represented by Mr. John Ward.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter/
photographer to cover the signing, which will take place at 10.00 a.m. in the Public Works Department Headquarters Conference Room on the 21st floor of Murray Building.
/10 ..........
Tuesday, March 20, 1973
- 10 -
■ ith the approach of the summer season, all Government swimming pools are now open to the public.
These are the Victoria Park, Kowloon Tsai, Morse Park, Kwun Tong, Lei Cheng Uk and the Morrison Hill Swimming Pools.
They were closed from December 1 to February 28 during the winter season, with the exception of the heated pools at Morrison Hill.
This heated pool complex has proved to be very popular since its opening last November.
Attendance for the last four months totalled over 102,CW, an average of over 2,530 a morth.
The heated pools are open throughout the year for three periods every day --- from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m.; from 12 noon to 5 p.m.;
and from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Like the Morrison Hill complex, all other government swimming pools will be open for three periods a day between April 1 and October 31.
xn the months of March and November, they will be open for two sessions a day only --- from 7 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 p.m. to
6 p.m.
Tuesday, March 20, 1973
- 11 -
The six-storey library building of The Chinese University of Hong Kong was among the 89 buildings which were certified for occupation by the Building Authority in January.
The total declared construction cost of these buildings was more than $108 million.
At the same time, 64 plans for new buildings were approved, including that for a seven-storey school building in Aberdeen.
The Building Authority also gave permission for work to start on 53 building projects. One of these projects on Lantao Island, was for a commercial building with a cinema.
A total of 56 buildings was approved for demolition. Nine had been declared dangerous.
Tuesday, Karch 20, 1973
- 12 -
• Members of the public will have a chance to see flowers from all over the world at the annual Urban Council flower show opening at the City Hall on Friday (March 23)•
The three-day show will be opened by Mrs. Hilton Cheong-Leen, wife of the elected Urban Councillor,at 2:30 p*m. on Friday.
Trophies will be presented to winners of the flower show competition
by Mrs. Denny M.H. Huang at 5-30 p.m. after the opening ceremony.
Note to Editors: You are invited to have the opening
ceremony and the presentation of trophies covered. Press badges will be available for collection from the G.I.S. Press Room.
Twenty one disabled persons were helped to find employment last month by the Social Welfare Department’s Job Placement Unit.
They included six blind who were accepted for assembly work by
Rover Electronics Ltd., which headed a list of 12 industrial and commercial a firms providing jobs for the disabled.
The others found employment comprised five who were crippled, five deaf, four formerly mentally ill and one recovered tuberculosis patient.
They were engaged for a variety of occupations, such as sweeper, lift operator, metal worker, packer, thread cutter, painting worker and labourer.
- - 0 - -
Tuesday, March 20, 1973
- 13 -
Mrs. Li Fook-kow, wife of the Director of Social Welfare, will continue her series of visits to voluntary social welfare agencies on Thursday, March 22.
At 10:15 a.m. she will be taken on a tour of St. James’ Settlement, Kennedy Road, Wanchai, by the warden, Mrs. Lee Wai-ngan.
The Settlement provides day care for children and various services for youth, mothers and the aged. A new sheltered workshop for the mentally handicapped will be brought into operation shortly.
At 11 a.m. Mrs. Li will be visiting the Women’s Welfare Club Nursery at 11 Tin Hau Temple Road, Causeway Bay. It accommodates 50 children between the ages of three and six.
On arrival, Mrs. Li will be met by the Club president, Mrs. Katie Kitchell; the chairman, Mrs. Lung Fung-sang; and the nursery superintendent, Miss Mok Sau-san.
Mote to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter
and photographer to cover Mrs. Li's visits.
Tuesday, March 20, 1973
- 14 -
The section of Waterloo Road north of Cornwall Street will be closed
to all traffic for about three months starting from 10 a.m. on Thursday (March 22)
The temporary closure is to facilitate road works in connection with the Lion Rock Interchange.
Traffic to Lion Rock Tunnel and Wong Tai Sin will be diverted via Junction Road, Fu Mei Street, Fung Mo Street and Lung Cheung Road.
Traffic to Tai Po Road will be diverted to Cornwall Street which is now open to two-way traffic.
A spokesman for the Transport Department urged motorists driving to the New Territories to travel via Tai Po Road, because the diversions were likely to result in congestion in the area.
Temporary traffic signals will be in operation at the Tunnel Approach Road.
Tuesday, March 20, 1973
- 15 -
255 LABOUR PROBLEMS IN FEBRUARY With Help Of Labour Relations Service *****»*««
The Labour Relations Service of the Labour Department helped employers and employees Bettie 255 labour problems in February.
As a result of agreements reached, 7$9 employees received a total of 5435,482.
Of this total, 28.5 per cent were paid by employers as outstanding wages, payment in lieu of notice, statutory holiday pay and bonuses of a contractual nature under either the Employment Ordinance or the Industrial Employment (Holiday with Pay and Sickness Allowance) Ordinance.
The remaining 71*5 per cent or 5311,152 were paid, apart from legal entitlements, as severance pay and other ex gratia payments to employees.
Fresh nominal claims made by employees in the same month amounted to 5704,824.
Officers of various district branches of the Labour Relations Service also handled 1,643 consultations and enquiries about labour laws, industrial relations and personnel management.
They visited seven establishments to help employers introduce joint consultative machinery to strengthen communication between labour and management.
Reiease Time: 7•00 P»m•
Wednesday, March 21, 1973
Page Not
Legal aid will be available to more people under proposed new rules ...................................................... 1
The Government is helping non-profit-making groups to provide education in outlying islands ................,......••••••••••• 2
Last month was the mildest February on record •••••••••••••••• 3
Ching Ming Festival is a statutory holiday for industrial-workers ..........................................................5
The Labour Department is seeking information on the death of a workman • ........•............................ •••••*•♦••*•• 7
The new yearbook has taken on a new look........................ 8
A series of group leaders training courses ends this week •••• 8
The Governor thanks U.S.D. workers for clean-up job •••«•••••• 9
Clearway restrictions are to be imposed in Kwun Tong .......... 13
The City Museum and Art Gallery will be presenting a lecture on Indian paintings .......................................... 15
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, March 21, 1975
- 1 -
LEGAL AID SCHEME TO BE EXPANDED To Cover Serious Crime Cases In District Court *******
Legal aid will, under some proposed new rules, be made available to people tried in the District Court for serious crimes from April 1•
The Director of Legal Aid announced today that on March 28, the Legislative Council would be asked to approve the Legal Aid in Criminal Cases (Amendment) Rules 1975-
These rules, he said, were designed to make legal aid available to those charged in the District Court with crimes which, if tried on indictment (before a judge and jury), would be punishable on conviction by imprisonment for 14 years or more.
’’Statistics indicate that this will mean that legal aid will be available for more than half of the criminal cases tried in the District Court,” he added.
Legal aid is already available for those standing trial in the Supreme Court as well as for criminal appeals from decisions of magistrates, the District Court and the Supreme Court.
During the 12 months ended January 51, 1975, legal aid was granted to a total of 185 applicants in connection with criminal trials in the Supreme Court and for 56 criminal appeals.
Applications for legal aid for criminal cases or appeals should be made by completing and lodging the prescribed forms with the Director of Legal Aid.
Application Forms are obtainable from the Legal Aid Department, at Victoria District Court, Battery Path, Hong Kong, or, if an applicant for aid is in prison custody, from the Commissioner of Prisons.
Wednesday, March 21, 1973
- 2 -
Land Granted To Non-Profit Sponsoring Groups
The Government is assisting non-profit-making organisations to provide secondary and pre-vocational education in the outlying islands of Lantau and Cheung Chau.
A spokesman of the Education Department said today that a secondary school would be built in Tai 0, the principal township on the western part of Lantau Island.
A 30,000 sq. ft. site for the school has been granted to the Hong Kong Buddhist Association together with an appropriate capital subsidy.
The Tai 0 Secondary School will be the first subsidized secondary school on Lantau Island with ten classrooms and six special rooms and a capacity of 400 pupils.
The school will not only provide secondary education to children in
Tai 0 but will also cater for the primary school leavers in the southern district of Lantau Island.
At present, there are four subsidized primary schools in Tai 0 Town with a total of 48 primary classes operating in two sessions.
In Cheung Chau, a three-year pre-vocational school sponsored by the Catholic Mission is under construction.
A site of 67,000 square feet at Peak Road, East, on the island has been granted free to the sponsoring body by the Government. Site formation is now in progress.
The completion of the pre-vocational school will provide 360 new school places in addition to the Cheung Chau Government Middle School to cater for the growing demand for secondary school places in Cheung Chau.
-------o--------- /?..........
Wednesday, March 21, 1973
- 3 -
Onset Of Spring Marked By Widespread Fog
Last month was the mildest February on record.
A Royal Observatory spokesman said today that the mean temperature for the month was 19»2°C against a normal of 15.2°C.
’*The absolute maximum temperature of 27.8°C recorded on February 27
has only been equalled once, in February 1953,” he said.
"In addition, both the mean dew point and the mean minimum temperature for the month were the highest on record for February," he added.
Only relatively weak surges of the winter monsoon affected Hong Kong during the month.
They occurred on February 6, 14, 19, and 24, and the lowest temperature recorded was 14.J°C early on February 20.
Widespread coastal fog and low visibility occurred towards the end of the month and marked the onset of Spring.
The month began with a fine spell of seven days heralding the year of the Ox.
A surge of cool northeasterly winds came through the Taiwan Strait on
February 5 and reached Hong Kong the next day.
As the winds gradually freshened from the east, weather became cloudy late on February 7 and three dull days followed with periods of light rain.
Thereafter, until February 18, conditions were very changeable with a sequence of alternating bright and cloudy days.
/On February 19,
Wednesday, March 21, 1973
On February 19, an anticyclone over China intensified and caused a cold front to move south through Hong Kong.
Temperatures fell to a minimum of 14.5°C as winds strengthened from the east and there were patches of rain during the late hours of February 19«
The Strong Monsoon Signal was hoisted between 1.15 a.m. and 10.15 a.m. on February 20.
For the next five days, a succession of disturbances in the upper westerly air flow affected the south China coast and brought 18.4 mm of rain, practically all of the month’s measurable rainfall.
From February 21 to 23 a warm and moist southeasterly airstream affected Hong Kong and resulted in low visibility and widespread coastal fog. This mild and humid weather continued until the end of the month.
Seventeen aircraft were diverted from Kai Tak due to low runway visibility during the month.
No thunderstorm or heavy rain warnings and no fire danger warnings were issued last month.
The month’s figures and departures from normal were:
Sunshine 109.1 hours; 8.9 hours above normal
Rainfall 21.7 mm ; 25•2 mm below normal
Cloudiness 71 per cent 4 per cent below normal
Relative Humidity 84 per cent 5 per cent above normal
Mean Maximum Temperature 22.1°C 4.4°C above normal
Mean Temperature 19.2°C 4.0°C above normal
Mean Minimum Temperature 17.1°C 3.9°C above normal
Mean Dew Point 16.5°C 4.6°C above normal
Total Evaporation 83.2 mm 10.0 mm below normal
Maximum Temperature of 27.8°C was recorded on February 27•
Minimum Temperature of 14.5°C was recorded on February 20.
Wednesday, March 21, 1973
- 5 -
On Day Of Ching Ming Festival
The Commissioner of Labour, Mr. Paul Tsui, today reminded employers that the day of the Ching Ming Festival, April 5» is one of the six statutory holidays to which industrial workers are entitled under the Industrial Employment (Holidays with Pay and Sickness Allowance) Ordinance.
With few exceptions, all manual workers in industrial undertaking paid on a monthly, daily, or piece-rate basis must be given a holiday on that day.
Non-manual workers in industrial undertakings earning not more than 5700 a month have the same right.
To qualify for this paid holiday • which is in addition to the compulsory four rest-days a month under the Employment Ordinance - a worker must have worked at least 180 days during a period of 12 months, and at least 20 days in the 28 days preceding April 5*
A worker who does not qualify must also be given a holiday but has no statutory entitlement to be paid although an employer may voluntarily do so.
An employer may grant a holiday on another day instead of April but he must do so within 60 days after that date and must post a notice of his intention at least 48 hours in advance#
/An employer ••••••.
Wednesday, March 21, 1975
- 6 -
An employer who grants more than six paid holidays a year is still required to comply with the ordinance. However, by agreement with a worker, he is allowed to designate one of the paid holidays as substitute for the statutory holiday on April 5.
A worker or employer who is in doubt about his rights or obligations regarding statutory holidays or holiday pay may obtain the advice of the Senior Labour Inspector in charge of the Women and Young Persons Unit at various branch offices of the Labour Department.
-------0 - - - -
Wednesday, March 21, 1973
- 7 -
To Help Process Dependents1 Claim For Compensation
******* 4c4<*
The Labour Department is anxious to find out the details of an accident on August 21 last year which led to the death of a workman.
The Labour Officer in-charge of the Workmen’s Compensation Unit of the Labour Department, Mr. TO Sau-hong; said that the workman, Mr. FUNG Kam-ming, fell into the sea from a plank whilst at work.
The accident happened along the waterfront of Tung Chau Street, Sham Shui Po. The worker was subsequently taken to Queen Elizabeth Hospital where he died on September 7•
Mr. To said: "The dependents of the worker are claiming compensation from the employer whose particulars are unknown to this department, the Police Department ar 3 the dependents themselves."
To help the processing of the claim, he said, those who had knowledge of the accident and the particulars of the employer concerned should contact office*''1’ of the Workmen’s Compensation Unit at Tel. No. 5-669014 during office hours.
Under the Workmen’s Compensation Ordinance,, an employer is liable to pay compensation to the dependents of a worker who sustains fatal injury in an accident arising out of and in the course of employment. ♦
Wednesday, March 21, 1973
- 8 -
The new yearbook "Hong Kong 1973” has taken on a new look, with an entirely new format and style.
It lias over 2f>0 pages, with an increased page size to allow for more colour illustrations.
It has 10 colour sections comprising some 85 full-colour plates which cover such subjects as the cross-harbour tunnel, the port movement, the royal visit last year and calligraphy.
"Hong Kong 1973’S at 813 a copy, is now on sale at all leading book stores and the Government Publications Centre Star Ferry Concourse.
By 240 Young People
A four part series of group leaders training courses arranged by the Youth Work Unit of the Social Welfare Department will be concluded this week.
The last course in the series, dealing with youth work and voluntary service, is being attended by 80 young people.
Consideration is now being given to organising similar courses during the summer months to meet the needs of youth group leaders.
A total of 240 young people have attended the present series, which started last November.
Wednesday, March 21, 1975
- 9 -
Governor Calls Campaign A Continuing Effort
The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, today (Wednesday) congratulated workers of the Urban Services Department for doing an excellent job in cleaning up Hong Kong.
Speaking at a tea party given by the ’’Keep Hong Kong Clean” Campaign Committee at the City Hall today, Sir Murray said that the change in the appearance of our city had been dramatic since the Campaign started last November.
”It has earned wide international acclaim, and it has given satisfaction and pride in Hong Kong because it has made life pleasanter and healthier for everyone,” he commented.
The Governor said that the clean-up was a continuing effort, and he asked the workers to brace themselves for a long and steady effort to consolidate and improve their achievements.
Dr. Denny M.H. Huang, Chairman of the Campaign Committee also expressed appreciation for the hard work the labour and supervisory force had put into the Campaign.
Dr. Huang said that improvements in our everyday environment could be seen throughout Hong Kong.
However, what we had done was only the first step towards a really clean Hong Kong, which was our final target, he said.
Dr. Huang pointed out that the second phase of the Campaign will start in the latter part of this year, and annually thereafter there will be a development of the ”Keep Hong Kong Clean” theme.
Wednesday, March 21, 1973
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In a campaign of this nature, he said, the wholehearted support from the Government and from every individual in the community must be sought.
The following is the full text of the Governor’s speech:
”1 very much welcome this opportunity to meet a representative cross-section of those responsible for actually cleaning Hong Kong during the big drive last November and since.
”1 asked to meet you because I wanted to congratulate you, all of you, on doing such an excellent job.
"The change you have achieved in the appearance of our city has been dramatic. It has earned wide international acclaim. More important, it has given satisfaction and pride in Hong Kong because it has made life pleasanter and healthier for everyone.
’•Moreover this is the first time that under the leadership of the civil service the community as a whole has joined hands to achieve an object, except in times of emergency or disaster. This too is something of significance in the life of Hong Kong and something to be proud of.
”1 have already done what I could to express my thanks and congratulations to some of the neighbourhood groups. Now I wish to do the same to you, and to assure you that the immense amount of hard work that you have put in has earned you the gratitude and admiration of the whole community of Hong Kong.
Wednesday, March 21, 1973
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“Before the campaign started I was asked whether three months would be enough to do the job. I replied that the clean-up was for ever. What lias been achieved is a dramatically successful start. In thanking you for what you have done, I should like to ask you to brace yourselves for a long and steady effort to consolidate and improve on your achievements. Much work, much organisation, much effort by the whole community will be necessary before Hong Kong is cleaned and beautified to be the place we all want it to be.”
The following is Dr. Huang’s speech:
’’Your excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen,
”1 am very happy today to have the opportunity to welcome you all and to express on behalf of the Campaign Committee our appreciation for the hard work and devotion to duty that every member of the labour and supervisory force has shown since last November, when the ’Keep Hong Kong Clean’ Campaign began.
”The improvements in our everyday environment can be seen throughout Hong Kong and these have been largely achieved by you here today, and by your colleagues who could not be present, working untiringly and dutifully in the field.
”We are most honoured today that Your Excellency has so kindly agreed to join us this afternoon. We know how dedicated you are to improving living conditions for everyone in our community, and your keen patrongage and unfailing support for the *Keep Hong Kong Clean’ Campaign is evidence enough of that dedication.
/’’As Chairman.....
Wednesday, March 21, 1973
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"As Chairman of the Campaign Committee, I confess to modest satisfaction with the progress we have made so far. However, what we have done is only the first step towards a really clean Hong Kong, which is our final target. For that, we shall work continuously and unfailingly, though it might take years to achieve. Already the Campaign Committee has started on its 1973 phase in continuing the fight against the bad and ingrained habits of indiscriminately dumping litter and refuse. This second phase is scheduled to start in the latter part of this year, and annually thereafter there will be a development of our *Xeep Hong Clean* theme. In a campaign of this nature, wholehearted support from the Government and from every individual in the community must and will be sought. I believe that just as in the recent major clean-up, we shall again be able to rely on the combined efforts of you all here today, and of your colleagues, to provide the essential backing in the field, for which I once again thank you in the name of the Campaign Committee.
"It is my pleasure now to introduce nis Excellency the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, who wishes to address the gathering."
/15 .......
Wednesday, March 21, 1973
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In Kwun Tong And Ngau Tau Kok
Clearway systems will be introduced during peak hours in Kwun Tong and Ngau Tau Kok starting from Friday (March 2?) to improve traffic flow in the areas.
Only franchised buses will be allowed to stop on certain roads in the areas from 7*30 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
During the two periods, all other motor vehicles will be prohibited from stopping to pick up and set down passengers, or to load and unload goods.
The restriction will be imposed on the following roads:
* Kwun Tong Road, in the eastbound direction from Clearwater Bay Road to Tsui Ping Road, and in the westbound direction from Tsui Ping Road to Lai Yip Street*
• Elegance Road up to Ngau Tau Kok Road•
* Hip Wo Street for a length of about 300 feet from Kwun Tong Road*
* Hoi Yuen Road for a length of about 100 feet from Kwun Tong Road.
Clearway restrictions applying cnly to public light buses will be imposed in:-
/Choi Shek
Wednesday, March 21, 1975
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* Choi Shek Lane ( north side only) ;
♦ Ngau Tau Kok Road (a 150-foot length adjacent to Kwun Tong Road between Shing Shun Road and Kwun Tong Road);
* Shing Shun Road;
* Ting Fu Street from Kwun Tong Road to Ting On Street;
♦ Hong Ning Road from Kwun Tong to Yue Man Square (oast side only).
In addition, the following traffic arrangements will be made:-
♦ The section of Choi Shek Road parallel to Kwun Tong Road will be re-routed one-way eastbound;
* Ting Fu Street between Kwun Tong Road and Ting On Street will be re-routed one-way northbound;
* Ting On Street between Ting Fu Street and Kwun Tong Road will be re-routed one-way eastbound.
Appropriate traffic signs will be posted to guide motorists.
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Wednesday, March 21, 1973
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The City Museum and Art Gallery will be presenting a public lecture in connection with the exhibition of Indian miniature paintings.
The exhibition is being held as part of the Hong Kong Arts Festival.
The lecture will be held on Friday (March 2J) at 5»3O p.m. in the Lecture Room North, City Hall. The speaker will be Mr. C.M.N. Sahay of the National Museum, Delhi, India.
An Art historian specialising in the study of Indian painting, Mr* Sahay has been invited tr Ho-g Kong by the Hong Kong Arts Festival Society and the Indian Commission to help with the exhibition at the City Museum and Art Gallery. His lecture will be illustrated with colour-slides.
A film show will be held on March 30 at 6 p.m. in the Lecture Room North, City Hall.
This will consist of a film entitled "The Sword and the Flute" produced in America, plus several other short films produced in India.
These films have been specially air-freighted to Hong Kong for this occasion.
Both the lecture and the film show are open to the public. No admission ticket will be necessary for the lecture, but free tickets have to be obtained for the film show at the museum counter of the City Museum and Art Gallery one hour before the show starts.
The exhibition itself will remain open until March 25»
Release time: 7*30 p.m.
Thursday, March 22, 1973
Page No.
The Government will take firm action against tenants who build illegal alterations to their flats .............................. 1
U.N. experts praise Hong Kong for its high standards in disaster prevention ............................................. • • 4
The second phase of the annual anti-polio campaign will end on March 31 ......................................................... 5
The Tai Hang Tung Community Centre is to celebrate its seventh anniversary tomorrow............................................. 6
The third ,rMeet the Media” session will be held tomorrow ••••••• 7
More than 3,000 children of staff of the Medical and Health
Department are to be entertained at a party on Sunday ••••••••«« 8
The Argyle Street Depot of the Waterworks Office will be expanded to improve services to consumers ................................ 9
The Commissioner of Prisons is to inspect a passing-out parade of prisons officers this weekend................................. 10
A new post office will be opened in Ho Man Tin Low Cost Housing Estate on Saturday to serve residents of the area............... 11
Tenants of resettlement estates are urged to boycott pedlar hawkers ......................................................• • 12
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, March 22, 1973
- 1 -
WARNING ON ILLEGAL ALTERATIONS TO FLATS Removal Is In Residents' Interests jt*******
Firm action will be taken against tenants who build illegal alterations to their flats, a Government spokesman warned today (Thursday).
Referring to extensive unauthorised works and alterations to five buildings at Nos. 1026-1048 King's Road, the spokesman said the Government was determined to have the buildings restored to their approved status as soon as possible.
Notices to this effect have already been sent to the tenants by the Director of Fire Services, and parallel statutory action has been taken by the Building Authority.
The spokesman pointed out that removal of the illegal alterations was in the interests of the residents themselves, as the structures constituted a fire hazard.
"These particular buildings were erected to the absolute minimum standards specified by Haw to ensure the occupants a reasonable chance of escape should fire break out," he commented.
"Since their completion, alterations have been carried out to a degree which reduces those standards still further. So much so that the buildings are now in a condition which puts at risk the lives of all who live there."
/He noted ••........
Thursday, March 22, 1973
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He noted that these unauthorised alterations included the installation of security gates to the entrance doors of many of the apartments. In many cases these obstructed the access corridors, which were already as narrow as minimum safety standards permitted.
By doing so, they could well hinder a large body of people attempting to escape in the event of an emergency of any kind - fire, of course, being the most obvious example.
Most dangerous were the hinged gates which swung outwards so that, when fully open, they completely blocked the corridor. The removal of these is an urgent priority for the safety of all occupants-
Sliding Gates
Another form was the sliding variety fitted outside the doorway so that it effectively narrowed the width of the corridor. This still posed a fire hazard, but to a lesser degree.
"The Director of Fire Services is aware that tenants are concerned for the security of their property,” said the spokesman. "Because of this he is prepared, for the time being, to tolerate the existence of this less dangerous form of sliding gate.
"Owners of this type of gate have been informed of this decision in a letter delivered today by staff of the Fire Services Department.
"All contacts with tenants in these buildings have been on this door-to-door, personal basis, because no form of management association exists there with which we can deal direct.
lpThis is a very regrettable state of affairs in buildings whose condition poses such serious implications for all of the occupants," said the spokesman.
/He added ••••••••
Thursday, March 22, 1975
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He added that, while informing them of the temporary concession, the letters delivered today urged that owners should take action themselves to remove the sliding gates, in their own interests and in the interests of their neighbours•
”We consider that the best form of security is a stout wooden door, padlocked, bolted and fitted with safety chains,” he said. "If tenants nevertheless require additional security they can obtain it by replacing the sliding gates with a less objectionable form of gate such as the metal lattice folding type which does not protrude into the corridor.
"Accordingly the Director of Fire Services has advised them in his letters to make this change, and has invited them to seek information on this from the Fire Prevention Bureau."
Meanwhile, the Buildings Ordinance Office will continue posting orders on the premises requiring removal of all other unauthorised al tearations*
The owners must commence work on this by April 2 and complete it by May 2. If this is not done, it is the intention of the Building Authority to employ a government contractor to carry out the work on behalf of the owners, who will be charged with the cost of the work.
-------0 - - • w.
Thursday, March 22, 1973
- 4 -
U.N. Experts Make Recommendations To H.K. Government
Hong Kong, with its very high standards in disaster preparedness programme and operations, should provide aid to Typhoon Committee member countries in which the system is less advanced.
This can be done either by the provision of training courses in Hong
Kong or by sending experts to other countries.
This is one of the recommendations made to the Hong Kong Government by a United Nations team of experts at the end of a week-long visit to Hong Kong from March 15 to 22.
The team comprises representatives from the League of Red Cross Societies, the World Meteorological Organisation and ECAFE.
The purpose of their visit is to explain to the Government and disaster relief agencies how they can contribute to the protection of human life and property, and to explore together ways and means of achieving an integrated pre-disaster system.
The team also recommended:
* the setting up of a 24-hour radio-meteorological station to cope with the large number of inquiries during emergency periods such as typhoons and heavy rainstorms.
* studies of the topographical conditions, geological structure and the soil mechanics as well as of the degree of resistance to flash floods and land-slides for all new development sites before construction begins to prevent possible natural disasters.
examination ••••••..
Thursday, March 22, 1975
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* examination of the staffing of all relevant Government departments to see to what extent further strengthening of the staffing at the professional level is needed to meet the additional requirements during or after natural disasters.
* investigation as to how voluntary agencies can play a broader role in the disaster preparedness system.
The team noted that a most successful campaign of public education
had been carried out by the Government and that the level of awareness of the dangers of typhoons and the action to be taken by the public was unusually high.
However, it reiterated that complacency had no place in any system of disaster preparedness.
Nearly 19,000 Doses Of Vaccine Administered So Far
A total of 18,903 doses of the anti-poliomyelitis vaccine has been
administered since the second phase of the annual campaign began on February 26.
This phase will end on March 31, a spokesman for the Medical and -
Health Department said today.
During the week ending on March 17, a total of 6,923 children was
immunised against the disease — 1,139 on the Island, 3,575 in Kowloon, and
2,209 in the New Territories.
Anti-poliomyelitis vaccine is available free at all Medical and Health
Department inoculation and maternity and child health centres throughout the year.
Thursday, March 22, 1973
- 6 -
The Tai Hang Tung Community Centre will celebrate its seventh anniversary tomorrow (Friday)•
More than ^00 members will attend a Members’ Evening at the Centre
to participate in games and performances.
Mr. Kwok Ka-chi, Principal Social Welfare Officer, will officiate at the ceremony and present prizes to winners of the Lunar New Year Picture Colouring Competition sponsored by the Centre.
Opened in March 1966, the Centre is run by the Group and Community Work Division of the Social Welfare Department to serve residents in Tai Hang Tung, Tai Hang Sai, Shek Kip Mei, Pak Tin and Yau Yat Chuen.
The Centre provides a variety of community and welfare services to local residents.
It runs a deaf club to give proper guidance to deaf children and a
nursery catering for about 200 children.
Note to Editors? You are welcome to have the Member’s
Evening covered. It will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the Centre at Tong Yan Street in the Tai Hang Tung Resettlement Estate.
- - - - 0 -------
Thursday, March 22, 1973
- 7 -
The next session in the "Meet the Media" series will be held tomorrow (Friday) at 12 noon at the Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House.
Attending the meeting will be the Commissioner of Police, Mr. C.P.
Sutcliffe; the Director of Criminal Investigation, Mr. J.B. Lees; and Senior
Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mr. E.P. Grace.
The "Meet the Media1’ sessions are arranged by the Government Information Services to enable newsmen to meet senior Government officers and question them directly about the work of their department.
The meetings are on the record and T.V. and radio coverage facilities are provided.
Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to send a
reporter and/or photographer to cover tomorrow’s session. It will be held in the G.I.S. 35 mm theatre on the 5th floor of Beaconsfield House.
Television stations covering this meeting are requested to be there early so that they will have ample time to set up their equipment.
- - 0 - -
Thursday, March 22, 1973
- 8 -
3,000 EXPECTED at medical department fete
More than 3,000 children of staff members of the Medical and Health Department are to be entertained at a party in the Indian Recreation Club,Soo Kun Poo, on Sunday (March 25)•
The three*hour fete is to begin at noon, and will be the second of such annual events organised by the department4s staff society.
A colourful programme has been arranged, including Chinese traditional dances, Chinese boxing, a magic show, a parade by the band of trainees at Cape Collinson, and a parade and concert by the band of the Auxiliary Medical Service.
The Mistress of Ceremonies will be Miss Helina Chan, singing star of HK*TVB. ...
As an added attraction, games stalls and a merry-go-round will be set up in the grounds.
Dr. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services, will present souvenirs to guest performers at the end of the party.
Note to Editors: You are invited to have the party covered.
It will be held from noon on Sunday (March 25) at the Indian Recreation Club, Soo Kun Poo, Causeway Bay.
0 -------
Thursday, March 22, 1973
- 9
* * * * * * * * ♦ ♦ ♦
The Argyle Street Depot of the Waterworks Office will be expanded to improve services to consumers in Kowloon and the New Territories.
A six-storey annex will be constructed adjacent to the main depot building to provide additional office facilities.
The ground-floor car port and storage space of the main building will also be converted into offices.
Office accommodation totalling 15,500 square feet will be provided
The additional office space will provide for the expansion of the Consumer Service Section and the maintenance division of the Waterworks Office.
Work is expected to begin next month, and will take about 14 month to complete.
• • - - 0---------
/10 ...........
Thursday, March 22, 1973
- 10 -
The Commissioner of Prisons, Mr. T.G. Garner will inspect a passing-out parade of prisons officers on Saturday (March 31)*
The parade will consist of 10 Prisons Officers and 90 Assistant
Officers Class II. They include 13 women officers.
Must e. Iqt the parade will be provided by the band of the Cape
Collinson Training Centre.
The ceremony will be held at 11.30 a.m. in the Prisons Department
Staff Training Institute in Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley.
Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to send a reporter
and/or photographer to cover the parade. A reception will be held in the gymnasium of the Institute after the ceremony.
Thursday, March 22, 1973
- 11 -
A new post office will start business in Block Seven of the Ho Man Tin Low Cost Housing Estate on Saturday (March 24) to serve residents of the area.
The full range of post office business will be transacted at the new office, with the exception of the acceptance of insured letters and boxes.
The hours of business will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2.15 P»m. to 5 p.m. on week days and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays.
A stamp vending machine has been installed so that residents can obtain 10-cent stamps at any hour of the day.
With the opening of the Ho Man Tin Post Office, the total number of post offices will be brought to 65, including a mobile post office operating in the New Territories.
Thursday, March 22, 1973
- 12 -
APPEAL to tenants of resettlement estates
To Boycott Pedlar Hawkers
The Resettlement Department has called on the tenants of Sau Mau Ping and Yau Tong estates to boycott pedlar hawkers operating outside the modular markets.
A circulation letter to this effect has recently been sent to all tenants of the two estates.. .
A spokesman for the Department said that these hawkers posed a serious management problem and greatly affected the living environment of the estates.
”In addition,” he added, ’’they are depriving the rights of the hawkers in the modular markets who obtained their stalls either by tendering or balloting.”
There are 18 modular markets comprising 457 stalls at Sau Mau Ping Estate, and two markets comprising 98 stalls at Yau Tong Estate.
Nearly all kinds of daily necessities, including groceries, meat, poultry and sundry goods are available at these markets.
Release time: 7.50 p.m
Friday, March 23, 1973
Page No.
Interests of small flat owners will be protected in future assessments of Crown rents ............................ • 1
A temporary open-air car park will be opened in Tai Kok Tsui next week ..................................................
A bill giving the Government greater control over employment agencies is to be introduced shortly........................
Five workers were kil led in accidents on construction sites last month..................................................... &
The fourth swearing-in ceremony of committee members of the
Wan Chai Youth Social Service Team will take place on Sunday 7
The Castle Peak Clinic is being renamed the Tuen Mun Clinic from next Friday ...........................................
Regulations providing for the allocation and sale by auction to the public of ’’lucky” car numbers have been published ... 9
Part of the Mai Po Marshes at Deep Bay has been declared a prohibited area for hunters ...............•................
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Friday, March 23, 1973
- 1 -
In Future Valuations Of Crown Rents
Small flat owners will be protected from the effect of the exceptional high prices prevailing in the land market in future assessments of Crown rents for renewable leases, under proposed legislation shortly to be introduced into the Legislative Council.
New legislation would also ensure that flat owners can pay a fair share of the Crown rent on the lot and will be able to discharge their individual liabilities without reference to their co-owners.
Two bills — the Crown Leases Bill 1973 and the Crown Rent and Premium (Apportionment) (Amendment) Bill 1973 — were published in the Gazette today. They will be introduced into the Legislative Council on Wednesday (March 28).
The provision, which will be of most interest to owners of property held on leases which will expire on June 30 this year, will enable the Director of Public Works to take into account the value of the ground on July 1, 1972 rather than follow the provision in these leases which stipulates that the value of the land should be determined at the date of expiry..
A Government spokesman said: "This will mean that the Director can disregard the extreme and exceptional rises in prices paid for land during the last nine months."
/In the ••••••
Friday, March 23, 1973
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In the case of leases expiring after June 30, 1973, the valuation date will be either the date one year before the date of expiry or the actual date of expiry, whichever is the most favourable to the lessee.
In order to safeguard the interests of property owners, the Crown Leases B.ill provides for expiring renewable leases to be renewed by law. This will be of particular help to the owners of flats or undivided shares in a property who may be unable to secure the agreement of all the owners to renew.
Not infrequently one or more co-owners is away from Hong Kong or cannot be traced. The Bill will ensure that the rights of owners are preserved by the enactment of this legislation.
The spokesman said the Crown Leases Bill reflected the "Government’s concern at the effect which the exceptional high prices prevailing in the land market might have on the small flat owner, and especially the ovmer/occupier.” He noted that Government had already decided in 1972 to reduce the level of renewal rents by 20 per cent and to phase them in over a period of five years.
"The effect of these concessions," he said, "would be reduced if present day values were used; on the other hand by taking into account value of the ground at July 1, 1972 property owners were being granted additional relief."
The Crown Rent Premium (Apportionment) (Amendment) Bill provides that the Land Officer may, in the case of lots or sections already developed and sold off to individual flat owners, apportion the new rents or instalments of regrant premium between the owners so that each flat owner will pay the proportion of the rent or premium instalment of the whole lot or section which the value of his flat bears to the total value of the lot or section.
/The bill
Friday, March 23, 1973
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The bill provides for the valuations for apportionment to be done by the Director of Public Works.
There is provision for objections to be made to the Land Office against any apportionment being done, so that the views of individual flat owners may be fully taken into account.
’’These amendments,” the spokesman said, ’’would ensure that each flat owner can pay a fair share of the Crown rent on the lot and will be able to discharge his individual liabilities without reference to his co-owners.”
A temporary open-air car park will be opened in Tai Kok Tsui A .
for public use from 8 a.m. on Monday (March 26)•
Thie car park, to be known as the Tai Kok Tsui Ferry Concourse Car Park, is located in an area bounded by Cherry Street, Hoi King Street and Foo Kwai Street. It will provide 113 parking spaces and will be under the control of the Urban Council.
Only private cars, private light buses, public cars and goods vehicles with an unladen weight of not exceeding two tons will be allowed to use this car park.
Friday, March 23, 1973
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LEGISLATION TO CONTROL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Licence Must Be Obtained From Labour Commissioner
Details of a proposed bill to give the Government greater control over employment agencies in Hong Kong were published in the Gazette today (Friday).
The bill itself will be introduced into the Legislative Council on April 11.
The bill, entitled the Employment (Amendment) Bill 1973> seeks to repeal part VII of the Employment Ordinance, which deals with the registration of employment agencies.
The Assistant Commissioner of Labour, Mr. M.C. Lao, said today that every employment agency which fell within the scope of the proposed legislation would have to obtain a licence from the Commissioner of Labour.
"A non-profit-making agency may apply for a certificate of exemption, but it will still be governed by certain regulations," he said.
The bill excludes certain types of employment agencies. In particular it excludes those employment agencies dealing solely with domestic servants.
Mr. Lao said that under the bill, the fees chargeable by an agency to a job-seeker on first registration - and on subsequent registrations - would be limited to HKS3*OO per registration. The commission chargeable to a job-seeker on successful placement would be limited to 10 per cent of his first month’s wages.
/The bill
Friday, March 25, 1973
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The bill also limits the fees chargeable by an agency to an employer while the commission chargeable to an employer on successfully obtaining for him an employee will be a matter of agreement between the employer and the agency.
Mr. Lao said that every employment agency which considered it might be in any way subject to the regulations of the bill should approach the following offices of the Local Employment Service of the Labour Department for guidance:-
* Nev/ Rodney Block,
No. 99 Queensway, Ground floor,
Hong Kong.
Tel. No. 5-282523.
• Canton Road Government Offices Building, 4th floor, Kowloon.
Tel. No. 3-688151.
Friday, March 23, 1973
ACCIDENTS ON CONSTRUCTION SITES Five Killed And Over 270 Hurt In February ********
Five workers were killed and 271 injured last month in accidents on construction sites, according to reports received by the Labour Department.
Two of those killed died as a result of injuries sustained while working with powder-actuated tools.
Mr. A.H. Carter, Industrial Safety Training Officer of the Labour Department, stressed that such tools were not dangerous if used in the proper manner.
Workers who use these tools should receive proper training,:i he said. "If the tools are used in the right way, they are safe and efficient.11
Commenting on the accident at the Connaught Centre on February 26 in which two workmen died when they fell from the 32nd floor, Mr. Carter said: "The accident was the result of a chain of events - namely, apparent lack of maintenance of the cradle; lack of adequate supervision; and the unsafe act of an individual.
"The latter action is the most difficult to control, because supervisors cannot possibly keep an eye on their workers all the time.
"To overcome this, adequate safety training should be provided to make workers aware of the hazards of their jobs - not only for their own personal safety, but also the safety of others."
Mr. Carter said that as in the month of January, an unusually high percentage of accidents last month resulted from people tripping on or against objects.
/In February, •••»•••••
Friday, March 23, 1973
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In February, 39 workers were injured in such accidents.
He said these accidents would keep happening until workers and management maintained a proper standard of housekeeping on work sites and created a sense of safety awareness by training and education at all levels.
The fourth swearing-in ceremony of committee members of the Wan Chai Youth Social Service Team will take place at the Lady Trench Training Centre on Sunday (March 25) at 3
Mr. Ko Kai-man, the Social Welfare Department’s District Community Officer in Wan Chai, said today that the team was made up of students and young workers who devoted much of their leisure time to organising recreational and educational activities.
Since the team was established in 19&9 its members have taken part in summer youth programmes, work camps, the Clean Hong Kong campaign and visits to homes for the aged and for children.
Their voluntary efforts have won recognition from local residents and community leaders.
Mr. Ko said that he hoped other young people would be inspired by the team’s example and join in the various activities which are arranged.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter and
photographer to cover the swearing-in ceremony.
Friday, March 23, 1973
- 8 -
The Castle Peak Clinic is being renamed the Tuen Mun Clinic from March 30 (Friday), according to a notice in the Gazette.
The change is the result of a decision by the Government that the nevz town to be built in the area is to be named Tuen Mun.
The area known to the non-Chinese community as "Castle Peak" and to most Chinese residents in the urban area as ,fTsing Shan" is known to rural folk in the New Territories as "Tuen Mun."
"Some confusion has arisen from the use of three different names for the same area, and there is an obvious advantage in the use of a single uniform name," a spokesman for the Medical and Health Department explained.
The name ,!Tuen Mun" is traditional, and believed to be of considerable antiquity. It may date back to the early Sung Dynasty when a garrison is thought to have been stationed in the area to protect merchant shipping from pirates.
It is for this reason that the new town is being called Tuen Mun.
But the mountain called "Castle Peak" or "Tsing Shan" will not be renamed, and it is also not proposed to change the name of the Castle • • • . *
Peak Hospital.
• • • v
Friday, March 25, 1973
- 9 -
First Auction Expected In May
Regulations providing for the allocation and sale by auction to the public of ’’lucky” car numbers were published for general information in the Gazette today.
Numbers which are to be regarded as ’’lucky” car numbers are also listed under the Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulations 1973-
These numbers do not include those already reserved for government vehicles.
A ’’lucky” car number is defined as any number alone or any prefix plus a number listed in the regulations.
A person to whom a ’’lucky” car number has been allocated by auction should, within 12 months of the allocation, use it on his car.
Failing to do this, the Commissioner for Transport may, without giving any notice, re-allocate the number to a new successful applicant.
The Commissioner will also re-allocate the number to a new applicant when the ownership in a motor vehicle to which a lucky car number has been assigned is transferred.
However, a lucky car number may be transferred from one vehicle to another if the vehicle is in the same ownership.
Commenting on the regulations, a spokesman for the Transport Department said that the first auction of ”lueky” ear numbers is expected to be held some time in May.
The proceeds from the auctions will be paid into the Lotteries Fund and used for charitable purposes.
----- „ 0 w - - * ..........
Friday, March 23? 1973
- 10 -
A considerable part of the Mai Po Marshes at Deep Bay, which is generally considered one of Hong Kong’s most important wetland bird habitas, has been declared a prohibited area for hunting.
An order to this effect has been made by the Governor, under the Wild Birds and Mammals Protection Ordinance, and was published in today’s Gazette.
The order has the effect of prohibiting hunting and the carrying of firearms (other than along a road) in the part of the Mai Po Marshes.
A spokesman for the Agriculture and Fisheries Department said today: ”The action is taken on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee for Recreational Development and Nature Conservation in the New Territories. It will be welcome by conservationists.”
The map showing the extent of the area concerned can be seen in any District Office in the New Territories and the Land Office, Victoria, he added. ♦
Release Time: 7.30 p.m.
PR 33 >4000039
Friday, March 23, 1973
Her Majesty The Queen has been pleased to approve the appointment of Mr. Donald Collin Cumyn Luddington, at present Secretary for Home Affairs, Hong Kong, as High Commissioner Western Pacific, in succession to Sir Michael Gass, K.C.M.G., on the expiry of his present term of office.
Mr. Luddington was bom in 1920 and educated at Dover College and St. Andrew’s University where he obtained a Master of Arts degree. He is married and has one son and one daughter.
He joined the Hong Kong Government Service in 19^9 and became District Officer, Tai Po. Since then he has served in various posts including Clerk of Councils, Administrative Secretary, Royal Hong Kong Police, Defence Secretary, Deputy Director of Commerce and Industry and District Commissioner, New Territories-He assumed his present post as Secretary for Home Affairs in May, 1971•
During the Second World War Mr. Luddington served as an officer in the King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry and Royal Armoured Corps.
A member of the Legislative Council, he is also Honorary Colonel of the Royal Hong Kong Regiment.
The date on which Mr. Luddington will take up his new appointment will be announced later.
Release time: p.m.
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House. Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, March 24, 1973
Page No,
More packaged-meal factories are opening in Central to meet the demand for quick and inexpensive meals................... 1
A registration team will operate in the New Territories next week for the convenience of residents there................... 2
Lady MacLehose will next Monday officially open the new training centre for spastic children at Sau Mau Ping........... 3
A senior officer of the Post Office is to attend a three-month course in Britain to study latest postal techniques ........... 4
New traffic arrangements will be introduced in Central District on Monday .....................•••••••....................... 5
An area in Wong Tai Sin has been declared out of bounds for Public Light Buses ....................................... 6
Residents of Pok Fu Lam are to get a new playground ••••••••• 6
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, March 24, 1973
Urban Council Canteen Under Study
Lunch box manufacturers are stepping up greatly their output of the quick and inexpensive meals.
More packaged-meal factories are also opening, and at least one is looking for space in Central District to operate 13 sales counters, doubling the number already in business there.
These moves follow a recent Urban Council decision to phase out illegal food catering on the grounds that the illegal kitchens are unhygienic and that they cause grave nuisances and dangers to people living in domestic buildings.
The phase-out takes place in three stages over a period of one year.
The first phase starts immediately and affects unlicensed food caterers operating on rooftops, scavenging lanes, yards and common parts of buildings and open spaces.
Letters have already been sent to these operators.
Phase two affects those unlicensed food caterers operating in domestic premises with co-tenants or sub-tenants or where other kinds of businesses are run in the same flat.
These people have been told to wind up their businesses on or before September this year.
Phase three concerns those unlicensed caterers in domestic buildings who do not share their flats with anyone or with any other businesses.
They will be told to wind up before March 1974.
/Meanwhile, •••••••
Saturday, March 24, 1975
- 2 -
Meanwhile, a special committee has been formed to study the fpARi hility of setting up Urban Council canteens to help fill the void which will be left by the departing food caterers.
An Urban Services Department survey also reveals that there are enough vacancies in the restaurants and other food catering establishments to absorb all of the workers affected by the phase-out.
A U.S.D. spokesman urged these workers to make enquiries about jobs in these places.
A team from the Registration of Persons Department will carry out registrations at the San Tin Rural Committee Office from Wednesday to Thursday (March 28 to 29) and at the Pat Heung Ku Miu on Friday (March JO).
Business hours at both locations will be from 9«00 a.m. to p»*a« Residents in the areas are urged to make use of the team’s visits to register themselves and their children for identity cards.
They should also report to the team any changes in address and other particulars.
Young people 17 years of age and over and holding juvenile identity cards should register for adult identity cards.
Saturday, March 24, 1973
- 3 -
To Be Opened By Lady MacLehose
Lady MacLehose will officially open a new training centre established by the Spastics Association of Hong Kong at Sau Mau Ping Resettlement Estate on Monday (March 26) at 3-15 p.m*
The centre, which provides training for spastic children in the Kwun Tong area, came into operation at Block 25 in January this year.
It caters for mentally handicapped children from four to 12 years of age. They receive training in self caic, social behaviour, informal educational activities and recreation.
The main aim is to prepare the children for further training, either in a special school or a vocational training centre.
It is expected that the present enrolment of 20 will incarease in the near future. If more than 40 are enrolled the centre will operate two sessions per day.
Grants to establish the centre were received from the Wali Kiu Yat Po (830,000), Round Table No. 6 (814,000) and the Lotteries Fund (56,000). The Kwun Tong Lions Club provided a van, and a number of private donations were received.
Recurrent expenses for the first two years of operation are being met by a grant of 3163,700 from the Lotteries Fund.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter and
photographer to cover the opening ceremony. Mr. Chong Pui-choi, from the Social Welfare Department, will be present to assist the Press.
-------0 -------- /4....................’
Saturday, March 24, 1973
- 4 -
An officer of the Post Office is to be sent to London to study the latest postal techniques.
Mr. Tam Shu-kee, Controller of Posts for Kowloon and the Mew Territories will leave on Monday (March 26) on a three-month course with the British Post Office.
The course has been specially designed to allow Mr. Tam to obtain the most up-to-date knowledge of mail-handling, post office organisation and management, and mechanisation of postal processes.
Commenting on Mr. Tam’s visit, a spokesman for the Post Office said: ”This is part of a comprehensive training programme launched by the Postmaster General to equip our staff at all levels for the rapid growth of Hong Kong’s postal service.”
The Post Office now handles almost one million letters and parcels every day.
In addition, it exchanges mail with more than 130 countries, and receives and despatches about 30 tons of air mail a week.
”The efficient handling of such large quantities of mail requires a high level of professional expertise,” the spokesman said*
”This can only be achieved by intensive'staff training and continuously updating our postal methods and procedures.”
The spokesman believed that Hong Kong*s postal service was among the best in the world.
”But we are determined to further improve it and make it worthier of our community,” he added.
Saturday, March 24, 1973
- 5 -
New traffic arrangements will be introduced in Central from 10 a.m. on Monday (March 26).
This follows the completion of road work and the installation of traffic signals at the junction of the Gilman Street extension and Connaught Road Central.
Under the new arrangements, the exit for southbound traffic from Rumsey Street extension to Connaught Road Central will be closed.
The section of the un-named road along the waterfront between Rumsey Street and Gilman Street will be made two-way for access to the premises only.
Traffic from the vehicular ferry concourse heading west will join Connaught Road Central via the Gilman Street extension.
To improve the flow of traffic in San Po Kong, the loop road off Hong Keung Street will be made one-way westbound, beginning from 10 a.m. on Monday.
Appropriate traffic signs will be put up to guide motorists.
Saturday, March 24, 1975
- 6 -
The Transport Department announced today that, with effect from 10.00 a.m. on Monday (March 26), Public Light Buses will not be allowed in the unnamed road leading from Chuk Yuen Road to '.Vong Tai Sin Temple, beyond the entrance to the parking area adjacent to the north wing of the estate.
Extra Public Light Bus stands will be provided adjacent to the north wing of the estate.
Appropriate traffic signs will be erected to indicate the prohibited area.
A large plot of open space in Pok Fu Larn is to be developed into a playground to provide additional recreational facilities for residents in the area.
The 161,000-square-foot playground will be built at the junction of Pok Fu Lam Road and Mount Davis Road at a cost of more than 8800,000.
It will consist of a mini-soccer pitch, two basketball courts, a rest garden, a pavilion and public latrines.
Park lights and floodlights will also be. installed to enable ful.l use of the facilities in the evening.
Release time: 2.^0 j).m.
Monday, March 26, 1973
Page No.
Plans to improve Victoria Park have been announced • • • • •.. 1
The Housing Authority ends 19 years of service .............. 3
The Director of Medical and Health Services issues appeal for more blood donations.................................. 6
Lady MacLehose opens the new Spastics Association Training
Centre....•......................• •............... 7
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the new Medical Development
Advisory Committee will hold a press conference tomorrow .• • 8
There has been a sharp drop in the incidence of infectious diseases ...................................... 9
Three new members have been appointed to the expanded Urban Council................................................ 10
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Monday, March 26, 1973
- 1 -
Garden, Plaza And Children’s Library Planned
Victoria Park, serving thousands of people living in crowded buildings in the Causeway Bay and other urban areas on Hong Kong Island, will be further beautified to make it more attractive for visitors.
Many of its existing services will be improved and additional facilities will be incorporated.
This latest recreational project, costing more than 53.1 million, has been made possible following the completion of the new Waterfront Road.
It is one of the many projects which the Government will undertake at no expense to the newly constituted Urban Council.
The project includes the re-development of the whole area bounded by the Queen Victoria Statue in the east, Causeway Road in tho south, the Roxy Theatre car park in the west, and the walkway which runs through the middle of the park in the north.
The site will be converted into an ornamental ’’sunken” garden, a plaza with shelters, a children play area and a new children’s library.
The ’’sunken” garden, near the rueen Victoria Statue, will be about four feet below road level. The main feature of this garden is a large fountain with submerged colour lights and movable jet nosels. The area round it will be turfed and decorated with flower beds.
Round the garden will be a plaza with sun shelters and benches. The shelters, to be built in groups, vary in heights. It will be an ideal place for those who wish to relax in the shade during the day and to enjoy the cool breeze in the evening.
/The enlarged .........
Monday, March 26, 1975
- 2 -
The enlarged children play area is situated at the north-west corner of the site. It will provide such facilities as junglegyms, plank swings, rocking horses, joywheels, and sand pit.
At present, the children’s library is quite inadequate to meet the increasing demand.
It is proposed to build a new library to replace the existing one. On completion, the new library will consist of two study/lending rooms - one for children aged between eight and 14 and the other for those between 14 and 18.
Each room will have a floor area of about 1,000 square feet and a seating capacity for about 100 children.
Also included in the improvement scheme is the enlargement of the model boat pool near the knoll area in the Park.
This pool has proved to be a most popular spot among the model boat enthusiasts•
In view of this, a second pool of irregular shape will be added by the side of the existing one. They will be connected by a bridge in between.
Apart from these, a large sitting-out area and a new dog’s garden will also be developed on a 54,OOO-sq.-ft. site near the Excelsior Hotel in Waterfront Road.
Commenting on the scheme today, a spokesman for the Urban Services Department said: ”It has always been the Government’s policy to provide new parks and playgrounds, and to improve the existing ones, whenever opportunities arise.
”An open space, such as Victoria Park, in the centre of built-up areas will surely be welcome by everyone living there.”
Note to Editors: A sketch showing the various new facilities
in Victoria Park is attached to today’s Daily Information Bulletin.
Monday, March 26, 1973
- 3 -
The Hong Kong Housing Authority’s achievements, aspirations and frustrations were today recounted by its Vice-Chairman, Mr, J.J. Robson.
Mr. Robson was speaking at a ceremony marking the end of the 19-yeai^-old Authority which had been dissolved to make way for a newly reconstituted one to be formally installed on April, 1.
In terms of solid achievements, Mr. Robson said that the old Authority could take pride in the fact that it had provided homes at reasonable rents in good surroundings for 218,000 people, with accommodation for a further 46,000 near completion.
He said that the Authority had also taken over from the Public Works Department for management, 17 estates providing homes for 397»000 people.
Mr. Robson explained that the Authority, set up with the object of assisting in the solution of the housing shortage, was never intended to have a monopoly in this field.
At that time, it was estimated that 330,000 people needed to be rehoused from tenements alone, in order that living space of those remaining could be increased to the minimum of 33 sq.ft, per person.
This estimate, he said, took no account of the squatters who were already on the ground, and who were to spread rapidly in the ensuing years, or of the natural increase in population.
/”The fact .......
Monday, March 26, 1973
- 4 -
nThe fact that 19 years later we are still facing a tremendous housing shortage, and are still struggling to house people at the same basic standard of 35 sq. ft. per person, is not a reflection of any inadequacy on the part of the Authority,’1 Mr. Robson pointed out.
”In very great measure, it was due to the population explosion which increased the number of people in Hong Kong from an estimated two and a half million in 195^ to over four million in 1973.
”It also partly stemmed from the lack of sites for the Authority to take over and develop - which in turn restricted its expenditure so that even today we still have not taken up fully the original loan by Government of $260 million,” he said.
’’This,” he added, ’’had been the cause of much frustration among both members and staff who had all felt that, given the essentials, they could have done so much more to counter the housing shortage and raise the people’s living standards.”
Mr. Robson went on to say that since the first estate at North Point was completed in 195^, the Authority had followed a policy of continuously seeking to improve the designs and features of its estate, while, at the same time, trying to reduce the effects of an over-increasing price spiral*
He recalled that the Authority had always resisted suggestions, which were sometimes presented with some pressure, that it should lower its standards, for example, by abandoning the building of self-contained accommodation in favour of cheaper types of housing.
/Time, ••••••»•
Monday, March 26, 1973
- 5 -
Time, he said, had fully illustrated the wisdom of the Authority’s policy.
Turning to the new Authority, Mr. Robson disclosed that as long ago as 1958, a special committee on housing had recommended that a separate Housing Department should be set up and that all Government funds for public housing should be expanded under one co-ordinated programme for housing, re-housing and resettlement.
It also proposed that the activities of the Housing Department and the Resettlement Department should be co-ordinated under one Housing Authority, he said.
’’Although these particular recommendations were not adopted by the Government at that time, those who made them will be gratified to know that they have, at last, come to fruition, and that thereby the new Authority will be better equipped for its task than the old,” Mr. Robson said.
Monday, March 26, 1973
- 6 -
Dr. Choa Pinpoints Importance Of Blood Bank
The Director of Medical and Health Services, Dr. G.H. Choa, today appealed to the public for more donations of blood to enable the British Red Cross to maintain a transfusion service for Hong Kong.
He was speaking at the opening ceremony of the new Blood Collection Centre in the Ocean Terminal.
He said he was sure the public realised the importance of a blood bank — but such a bank needed blood to stock, and only the public could provide it.
He repeated this message: "The Red Cross does not ask for a donation. It only asks for a pint of blood. The few minutes you spend donating blood may save the life of a fellow human being. Also, the life you save may be your own*’1 Dr. Choa described the burden falling on the Red Cross as "heavy”, and it was only by ”sheer hard work and dedication" that it had been able to maintain a transfusion service for Hong Kong. But there were still difficulties and shortfalls.
He referred to 1972 as "a successful year” for two reasons. A total of 35,973 pints had been collected, as against 29,230 pints the year before, or an increase of 23 per cent. Also, local residents had constituted more than 72 per cent of donors, compared with 56 per cent in 1971•
”0ur aim is not only to keep a supply of blood, but an ample supply to meet all requests, so as to stop once and for all people having to buy, or sell, blood,” he said.
He firmly believed that if more people knew about the transfusion service, the Red Cross would get more donors.
Before leaving the new premises, Dr. Choa donated a pint of blood. ---------------------------0 -------- /7.....................
Monday, March 26, 1973
- 7 -
Lady MacLehose today described the new Spastics Association Training Centre in Sau Mau Ping as an attempt to provide the "optimum solution" to the "many and conflicting demands" put on agencies caring for handicapped children.
She was speaking at the opening ceremony of the Centre at Block 25 in Sau Mau Ping Resettlement Estate this afternoon.
She said there were about 50 agencies which had the care of handicapped children as a major, or indeed their sole, concern.
"These agencies, sometimes quite small, fulfil a need in providing help and expertise in certain fields."
The following is the full text of Lady MacLehose’s speech: ,fMiss Payne, Mr. Kvan, Friends of the Sau Mau Ping Centre: "Thank you for your invitation to join you this afternoon. •
For many years it has been characteristic of the social services in Hong Kong that they have been the joint responsibility of Government and voluntary agencies. There are, I believe, about thirty agencies which have the care of handicapped children as a major, of indeed their sole, concern. A few of them go back many years but most of them came into being during the last twenty years or so. These agencies, sometimes quite small, fulfil a need in providing help and expertise in certain fields.
/*?A11 those .•••••
Monday, March 26, 1973
- 8 -
"All those who have handicapped children in their care are striving to do the best they can for the children and their parents. Many and conflicting demands are put on such agencies and they have to find the optimum solution to such conflicts. The Centre we open here today is attempting one such solution, possibly a novel one, and our best wishes must go to it. The many friends who are represented here today have done so much to make it possible to reach this point and I am sure that I speak also for them in expressing my best wishes for the future work of the staff, the volunteers and the committee of this Centre.
"I now take great pleasure in declaring the Sau Mau Ping Training Centre open." ----------------------------------0---------
Note to Editors: The Chairman of the new Medical
Development Advisory Committee, Sir Albert Rodrigues, and the Vice-Chairman, Dr. G.H. Choa, will hold a press conference at noon tomorrow (Tuesday) in the G.I.S. theatre, Beaconsfield House, 5th floor. You are cordially invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the conference.
-------0 - - - -
Monday, March 26, 1973
- 9 -
Decline In Incidence Of Most Infectious Di senses
The health report for February, issued today by the Medical and Health Department, shows a marked drop in the incidence of infectious diseases compared with the corresponding month last year.
The total of notifications fell from 1,056 to 657, and the number of deaths from 126 to 92.
Reports of typhoid fever dropped from 32 to 10, chicken pox from 116 to 20, and measles from 158 to 56.
Of the 92 deaths from infectious diseases last month, tuberculosis accounted for 86. In January, the same disease caused 138 deaths.
Two deaths resulted from amoebiasis and one each from bacillary dysentery, cerebrospinal meningitis, typhoid fever, and measles.
One case of malaria was notified, but a spokesman for the Medical and Health Department described it as ”an imported case,” that is, of non-local origin.
There were no reports of diphtheria or poliomyelitis.
During the month, Hong Kong remained free from cholera or other quarantinable diseases.
Monday, March 26, 1973
- 10 -
Mr. James Wu Is Retiring On April 1
The Governor has appointed three new members to the expanded Urban Council, two of whom will fill the additional seats allowed for in the new constitution.
The three new members are Mr. Alex S.C. Wu, Mr. Hu Fat-kwong and Mr. Wong Shiu-cheuck. Mr. Wu and Mr. Hu will serve for a term of three years, and Mr. Wong for a term of one year.
Of the ten appointed members serving in the existing Council, Mr. James M.H. Wu is due to resign on April 1, when the new constitution comes into effect.
The three new appointments, also effective from that date, will therefore increase the appointed membership to 12.
Mr. Wu, aged 50, holds appointments as managing director of Dai Nippon Printing Co. (International) Ltd., partner of Fidelity Inspection Service and Director of Canadian Tools Ltd.
He has served on the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Committee, the Board of Governors of New Asia College, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Social Welfare Advisory Committee. He is also former chairman of the Government Lotteries Management Committee.
Mr. Hu, aged 49, is managing director of Ryoden Electric Engineering Co. Ltd. Widely respected for his sporting and recreational interests, he is currently chairman of the Children’s Playground Association, the Hong Kong Festival 1973 Entertainment Committee and the Hong Kong Handbn11 Association.
/A former .......
Monday, March 26, 1975
- 11 -
A former chairman and current vice president of the South China Athletic Association, Mr. Hu is also a member of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Committee.
Mr. Wong, aged 49, is business development manager of American Express International Banking Corporation.
Appointed a Justice of the Peace in 1968, he is the manager of eight subsidized schools and for the past 17 years has been a leading member of several Chinese traditional welfare organisations and other community service bodies.
-------0 --------
Release time: 7*00 p.m.
Tuesday, March 27, 1973
Page No.
A new Medical Development Advisory Committee has been appointed ................................................................ 1
Mr. Justice Briggs and Mr. D.T.E. Roberts have been appointed Chief Justice and Colonial Secretary respectively .............. 4
Mr. Clinton is to remain as Deputy Colonial Secretary for two more years ................... .........•.............••••• 5
Mr. Sales has been elected Chairman of the new Urban Council ................................................................ 6
The Chief Film Censor is retiring............................ 8
Consultants have been appointed by the Government to study transport problems ........................................... 9
A number of premises in Wong Tai Sin and Mong Kok will be without water later this week ••••••••••............................... 10
Official Members of the Legislative Council will speak in the resumed budget debate tomorrow ................................ 11
Workers of a carpet manufacturing firm have ended their strike over pay increases .....................••••••••••••••........ 11
The Labour Department has completed its investigations of recent accidents involving cartridge operated tools ............. • 12
A building in Wu Nam Street has been declared dangerous...... 13
The wife of the Director of Social Welfare will visit two homes for the aged tomorrow ........................................ 14
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, March 27, 1973
- 1 -
To Consider Plans To Improve Medical Services
A new Medical Development Advisory Committee has been appointed to consider programmes for improving and expanding the medical and health services of Hong Kong over the next 10 years.
The committee, under the chairmanship of Sir Albert Rodrigues, has been asked to report on its recommendations by July 31- The basis for its deliberations will be a working paper prepared by the Director of Medical and Health Services, Dr. G.H. Choa, who is Vice Chairman of the committee.
The committee’s recommendations will be published in the form of a green paper, providing ample opportunity for discussion by al 1 interested parties before the Government reaches any decision on its content.
Commenting on this announcement today, a Government spokesman recalled that over the past 10 years the medical services had been considerably expanded and the aims of the previous white paper, covering the period 196>-1972, had been broadly achieved.
An overall target of 4.25 hospital beds per thousand population had been attained and developments already in hand would increase this ratio to 4*5 beds per thousand.
”As a result of this expansion in the past decade, the general health of the community has greatly improved, and continues to improve,” said the spokesman. ”This is strikingly illustrated in the statistics for infant mortality, life expectancy and the incidence of communicable diseases and tuberculosis.”
/The committee’s •••••••
Tuesday, March 27, 1975
- 2 -
The committee’s terms of reference call for it to keep under continuous review, and to advise on, the development and phased implementation of medical and health services in Hong Kong, having regard to all factors which would determine the progress of expansion.
These factors include the financial implications, the rate of building construction and the availability of qualified staff.
The committee will also be expected to review, and advise on, the principles of subvention by which the Government assists the medical and health facilities provided by voluntary agencies.
Attached to the terms of reference is a remit, from the Governor, which specifies the requirement for recommendations covering the next 10 years.
Overall Needs
This seeks, among other things, the committee’s proposals for a more even use of government and government-assisted hospital beds, and asks for an estimate of both the overall needs for doctors and nurses and the supply to be expected from existing training establishments.
The provision of a schools dental care service is another aspect which the committee is required to examine. In addition, it is expected to recommend a target for the number of dentists considered appropriate to serve both the public and private sectors over the next decade, commenting on the extent to which overseas training can be expected to contribute and what training facilities should be provided locally.
/Membership of
Tuesday, March 27, 1975
3 -
Membership of the new Medical Development Advisory Committee
is as follows
* Sir Albert Rodrigues, (Chairman);
♦ Dr. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services, (Vice Chairman);
♦ Mr. D.G. Jeaffreson, Deputy Financial Secretary;
* Mr. P.B. Williams, Principal Assistant Colonial Secretary (Social Services);
* Mr. S.F. Bailey, Secretary, University and Polytechnic Grants Committee;
* Mr. R.H. Lobo, Unofficial Member of Legislative Council;
♦ Mr. TAI Kuen;
* Mr. LI Fook-wo;
♦ Sister (Dr.) M. Aquinas;
* Dr. LI Shu-pui;
* Joint Secretaries: Mr. G.M. Tingle, and Dr. S.H. Lee.
0 - -
Tuesday, March 27, 1973
- 4 -
MR. JUSTICE BRIGGS TO BE CHIEF JUSTICE Mr. Roberts Appointed Colonial Secretary *******
Two senior appointments have been announced today.
Her Majesty The Queen has been pleased to instruct that the Hon.
Mr. Justice Briggs should be appointed as Chief Justice, Hong Kong, to succeed Sir Ivo Rigby who leaves on retirement in May 1973. .
The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs has appointed Mr. Denys Tudor Emil Roberts, C.B.E., Q.C., to be Colonial Secretary to succeed Sir Hugh Norman-Walker who leaves Hong Kong at the end of the year.
Mr. Justice Briggs, who was born in 1914, is single. He has been a puisne judge in Hong Kong since November 1965- He was educated at Sherborne and Christ Church, Oxford, and was called to the bar of Gray’s Inn in 1938. During the Second World War he served in the army. He joined the Colonial Service in Nigeria as a Crown Counsel in 1947. Later he was Attorney General, Eastern Region, Nigeria and appointed a Q.C. in 1955.
He was a puisne judge in Sarawak, North Borneo and Brunei between 1958 and 1962 and was Chief Justice of the Western Pacific (1962-1964) before coming to Hong Kong in 1965.
Mr. Roberts, who was bom in 1923, is married and has two children. He was educated at Aldenham School and Wadham College, Oxford: he served in the army from 1943 to 1946.
Mr. Roberts is a Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln’s Inn (1950) and was appointed Crown Counsel in Nyasaland m 1953- He was appointed Attorney General in Gibraltar in 1960 and transferred to Hong Kong as Solicitor General in 1962. He has served as Attorney General since November 1966. He was awarded the O.B.E. in i960 and the C.B.E. in 1970. - - - - 0 -------------------------------------
Tuesday, March 27, 1973
Mr. Michael Denys Arthur Clinton, C.M.G., G.M., J.P., Deputy Colonial
Secretary, who was due to retire in October this year, has agreed to defer his retirement for a further two years and will continue to serve as Deputy Colonial Secretary.
Born in London in 1918, Mr. Clinton was educated at Beaumont College,
Windsor, and the University of London. He is married and has four daughters and one son.
During the Second World War he was commissioned in the Royal. Engineers; he was awarded the George Medal twice - first in 19^2 and again in 19^3.
Mr. Clinton joined the Hong Kong Government service in 19^6 as an Administrative Officer. Since then he has had wide experience in the Colonial Secretariat and in Government departments. He has served as Assistant Director. Commerce and Industry, Assistant Establishment Officer and Deputy Economic Secretary. He has been Deputy Financial Secretary and has acted as Financial Secretary on a number of occasions. He became Deputy Colonial Secretary in January, 1969 and was made a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George in 1971. Since last November, as Deputy Colonial Secretajry (Special Duties), he has been working with the McKinsey team of consultants.
- - 0 -
Tuesday, March 27, 1975
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Mr. Cheong-Leen To Be Vice-Chairman
At a meeting of the unofficial Members of the Urban Council hexd this morning, it was agreed that Mr. A. de 0. Sales should be elected as Chairman to the new Urban Council which will be formed on 1st .April .
It was also agreed to elect Mr. Hilton Cheong-Leen as Vice-Chairmaii The agreement was reached by a ballot when Mr. Sales, Mr. B:A.
Bernacchi and Mr. Cheong-Leen were nominated for Chairman.
Mr. Sales gained a clear majority out of the twenty-four Members present.
Mr. Bernacchi and Mr. Cheong-Leen were then nominated for Vice-Chairman and Mr. Cheong-Leen was voted in with a clear majority.
Mr. Sales was first appointed to the Urban Council on 1st April, 195r-and is now the Senior Anpointed Member.
Since his first appointment, Mr. Sales has served on most of the Council’s select committees, being most active in the fields of public housing, cultural services, recreation and public entertainment.
He was for many years the Chairman of the Cultural Affairs Select-Committee and is still the Chairman of the Recreation and Amenities Select Committee which he will give up on taking the chair of the Council.
/In addition
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In addition to his many Council and other activities, Mr. Sales is also President of the Amateur Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, and in this capacity showed great courage and initiative in gaining the release of certain members of the Hong Kong Olympic Team when the building in which they were housed was seized by terrorists at the last Games at Munich.
Mr. Cheong-Leen was first elected to the Urban Council on April 1, 1957j and is now the second Senior Unofficial Member.
He has played an extremely active part in all of the Council’s affairs and has served as chairman of many of its select committees.
He is at present the Chairman of the Council’s Hawkers Select Committee and a member of the Cultural Affairs Select Committee.
Apart from his Council activities, Mr. Cheong-Leen is Chairman of the Civic Association.
The election of Mr. Sales and Mr. Cheong-Leen as Chairman and Vice-Chairman will be formally ratified at a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Whole Council to take place on April 3.
Tuesday, March 27, 1973
- 8 -
CHIEF FIIM CENSOR TAKING LEAVE OF ABSENCE ♦ - • Two Film Censors Also Retiring Soon *******
The Commissioner for Television & Films, Mr. N.J.V. Watt, disclosed today that the Chief Film Censor, Mr. William Hung, is taking a prolonged leave of absence, and is not likely to return to film censorship in a full-time capacity.
1’However,” Mr. Watt said, ”we are hoping that we will still be able to call for advice occasionally from Mr. Hung’s great experience of film censoring in Hong Kong which extends over a period of 15 years. Mr. Hung was recently given a farewell lunch by some of his colleagues in Government and was presented with a commemorative silver bowl.”
Mr. Watt also revealed that two further members of the Panel of Film Censors will be retiring shortly and that to fill these and other vacancies on the Panel, he had offered appointment to four qualified applicants who had presented themselves during a recent recruiting exercise.
Mr. Watt said that he had taken the opportunity to select people of a considerably younger age than those customarily chosen in the past.
”It was important,” Mr. Watt said, ’’that the composition of the panel of film censors as far as possible should accurately reflect the diversed * • । t. •
ages and tastes found in our rapidly growing and developing society.”
Tuesday, March 27 j 1973
- 9 -
Consultants Appointed To Conduct Detailed Surveys
The Government has employed a consulting firm, Messrs. Wilbur Smith & Associates, to carry out a comprehensive transportation study of Hong Kong which will update the information contained in previous transportation studies.
It will involve a study of all present transportation facilities, the projection of future transportation requirements up to 1991 and the design of a balanced transportation system to best meet these requirements.
The major factors affecting studies of this type, such as population projections and distributions, planned road construction and mass transit construction programmes, transportation policies and future land-use patterns, will all be taken into consideration.
One of the major tasks of the study will be a comprehensive household interview survey which will be conducted to provide statistical information on travel characteristics and use of transportation facilities by the public.
It will be based on an average sample of three per cent which will result in about 25,000 interviews.
Starting from September 1973, trained interviewers will call on members of selected households and ask questions on the details of all the journeys each member of that household made on a particular day.
These will include trip origins and destinations, purpose and time of trips, and mode of transport used.
/In addition • •......
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In addition to the household interview, roadside interview surveys will also be conducted at strategic points on the road system.
The information to be obtained will include the location of the trip origin and destination, purpose and time of trip, vehicle occupancy, and other relevant data.
Results from these surveys will be used to supplement the findings of the household interview survey.
The end product of the study will be a recommended transportation system together with suggestions for future transportation policies to cater for Hong Kong’s internal transportation needs up to 1991*
The study project has just commenced and is expected to take 22 months to complete.
A number of premises in Wong Tai Sin and Mong Kok will be without water from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. on Thursday and Saturday (March 29 and 51) respectively.
The temporary water stoppages are to allow Waterworks Office staff to carry out leakage tests in both areas.
The area affected in Wong Tai Sin is bounded by Tsz Wan Shan Road, Wan Wah Street, Sheung Fung Street and Tsz Wan Shan Resettlement Estate Blocks 4 to 52.
The area affected in Mong Kok is bounded by Tung Chau Street, Tong Mei Road, Fuk Tsuen Street and Walnut Street.
/11 ........
Tuesday, March 27, 1973
The Budget debate will be resumed in the Legislative Council tomorrow
(Wednesday) when eight Official Members will reply to points raised by the Unofficials two weeks ago.
The order of speakers is as follows: the Hon. J. Canning, Dr. the
Hon. G.H. Choa, the Hon. D.H. Jordan, the Hon. Li Fook-kow, the Hon. I.M. Lightbody, the Hon. J.J. Robson, the Colonial Secretary, and the Financial Secretary.
The Appropriation Bill 1973 will be considered in committee stage and given its third reading on Thursday.
A strike involving some 180 workers of the hand-tufting department of the Hong Kong Carpet Manufacturer’s Ltd. has now been amicably settled.
The strike, which began early this month, arose out of the workers’ demand for a wage increase.
Officers of the Labour Relations Service (Kowloon East) visited the factory three times and subsequently conducted two conciliation meetings between representatives of the workers and management.
Under the agreement reached, all workers of the factory will receive
a 15-per-cent wage increase, retrospective to March 1, 1973» Th© management has also undertaken to review the incentive bonus scheme of the hand-tufting department•
- - 0 - -
Tuesday, March 27, 1975
ACCIDENTS INVOLVING CARTRIDGE OPERATED TOOLS Labour Department Investigation Completed **********
Tlio Labour Department has now completed its investigation of the recent accidents involving the use of cartridge operated tools.
Three workers were killed and another seriously injured in the accidents•
Commenting on the findings of the investigation, the Assistant Commissioner of Labour, Mr. David Lin, said today that the tools involved were found to be in proper working order. The safety systems built into the tools were functioning properly, but they were all dirty, dry and even rusty.
Samples of the threaded studs used in the tools had also been tested without any apparent defect being detected.
Mr. Lin said the department’s investigation had shown that in all the accidents, the operators of the tools were working in positions which did not permit them to keep the tools pressed evenly and directly against the work surfaces.
In at least two of the accidents the operators had attempted to fire fasteners into reinforced concrete in areas where the concrete was either chipped or crumbling.
The investigation also revealed that none of the operators involved had received any formal training in using this type of tool.
Mr. Lin said that although cartridge operated tools incorporate proper safety devices, these could be rendered ineffective by operators who did not follow the safety rules and instructions recommended by the manufacturers•
/”The tools .........
Tuesday, March 27, 1973
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,fThe tools should also be cleaned at regular intervals and properly oiled," he said.
He said precautions to be taken when using these tools were also included in the safety courses held regularly by the Industrial Safety Training Centre of the Labour Department. A 1b-point summary of these precautions was available both in English and Chinese, from the Centre at the Canton Road Government Offices, 4th floor.
The Industrial Safety Training Centre runs basic and advanced training courses on the prevention of industrial accidents. Those who w wish to obtain further details should contact officers of the Centre at >-66i438 during office hours.
-------0---------- • <r • •
The Building Authority today declared Nos. 12 and 13 Wu Nam Street to be in a dangerous condition.
In a statement issued this morning, the Principal Government Building Surveyor said that these three-storey pre-war buildings were recently inspected and it was found that the load-bearing brick walls were badly fractured in several places.
The roof timbers were in an advanced state of decay, indicating a risk of collapse.
Notices of intention to apply for Closure Orders in Victoria District Court at 9*30 a.m. on April 26, 1973 were posted today.
- - 0 - -
Tuesday, March 27, 1973
- 14 -
Two homes for the aged will be visited by Mrs. Li Fook-kow, wife of the Director of Social Welfare, tomorrow (Wednesday) when she continues a tour of voluntary social welfare agencies.
At 10:45 a.m. Mrs. Li will be visiting the Home of Loving Kindness at Tung Lo Wan, Sha Tin. The Home provides free food and accommodation for 100 elderly women.
On arrival Mrs. Li will be met by the superintendent, Mrs. G. Donnithorne, and the warden, Madam Woo So-wan.
The Home is operated by a missionary organisation, the West China Evangelistic Band.
At 11:45 a.m. Mrs. Li will visit the Kwong Yum Home for the Aged, at No. 122 Sha Tin Pass, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon. She will be met by the superintendent, Mr. T.K. Fung.
The home can accommodate 450 men and women, and a ten-per-cent quota is allocated to the Social Welfare Department. It is operated by the Charity Department of the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Church Union.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter
and photographer to cover Mrs. Li’s visits.
Release, time: 7.JO p«m.
Wednesday, March 28, 1975
Page No*
The Financial Secretary says the quality of life of the people of Hong Kong has always been a primary concern of the Government ................................................................... 1
The reconstituted Board of Education is considering the secondary expansion programme ................................................5
The Director of Medical and Health Services speaks of the need to reduce overcrowding in Government hospitals •••••••••••••••••• 7
The Government is moving forward in the social welfare field as quickly as practicable .......................................... 9
The sale of public housing units to the tenants is under study by the Government ............................. ••••«.••••••••• 11
A new department may be created within the Public Works Department to concentrate on the rapid development of the New Territories 1J
Minimum government interference with industry is an important factor of Hong Kong’s success in the past 20 years •.•••••••••••• 17
The Financial Secretary is confident in the state of the economy .................................................................. 19
The Government’s measures to dampen down the volume of share transactions are defended .................................. • • • 21
Supply is beginning to catch up with demand in the building industry ................................................. • • • • 24
A general debate in the Legislative Council on the mass transit railway is called for.......................................•••••• 25
New proposals on domestic rents are expected to go before the Executive Council very shortly ................................ 27
Hong Kong will press the U.K. Government for clarifications regarding the sterling guarantee arrangements ................... 30
Two more tax concessions to help the family man have been proposed .................................................................. 53
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Page No.
The Financial Secretary says measures must be taken to curb the increase in vehicles.............................. ••••••
Seven bills received their second reading at the Legislative Council meeting today ........................................... ^8
A Fight Violent Crime Committee has been formed 39
An Assistant Registrar of Shipping retires .................... 39
The out-patient department of the Fanling Hospital will close for eight days for renovation soon •••••.................... • •
v- . -.i* 1'. ■ c ■ •' iv . v• -----------------------------------------------•
A F5. t • • t :
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Wednesday, I larch 28, 1973
- 1 -
QUALITY OF LIFE IS GOVERNMENT’S MAIN CONCERN Development Possible Because Of Past Sound Policies .♦ * * 4> ♦ * * 4c
The quality of life of the people of Hong Kong has always been a primary concern of the Government, and not just in recent months as has been suggested, the Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddon-Cave, said today.
Winding up the budget debate, he said that any acceleration of development now possible was the result of sound policies in the past.
’Policies are modified in response not only to enhanced resources, but also as a result of a better understanding of people’s needs and circumstances,” he added.
However, the underlying concern remained the same and the essential continuity of policy remained.
Mr. Haddon-Cave defined ’’good’housekeeping” on the Government’s part as being concerned with two essential objectives: The provision of a stable administration and an economic -environment in which all can prosper.
Both these requirements, he felt, had been satisfied.
”In my view we have also provided for a third objective, which is the development of our services to the public and they have been provided for not simply with immediate needs in mind,” he added.
He noted that this was not a new departure but had been the Government’s objective for many years.
The test of the Government achieving its three objectives ”is whether or not there is a better than average,^and sustained, improvement in the material standard of living,” he said.
/A fuller ........
Wednesday, March 28, 1973
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A fuller and better life for the people of Hong Kong, he added, was dependent, to an unusual extent, on the attainment of a higher material standard of living.
"This in turn depends on the growth rate of the economy and on the careful and imaginative use of those resources appropriated for the public services and public works programmes.”
Mr. Haddon-Cave believed that, in general, the aim must be to allow expenditure to grow in line with the trend in rising revenue "and no faster.”
He disagreed with the contention that the growth rate of expenditure was not being maintained and pointed out that if supplementary provisions in 1973-7^ were on a similar scale as in the current financial year the budgeted increase in expenditure would be 27 per cent.
If achieved, this would be the largest increase for 20 years.
Capital Expenditure
”The reserves we are now accumulating,” he went on, ”will be available to help meet capital expenditure in future years. They will also help to ease the results of any unforeseen temporary fluctuations in revenue.”
The Financial Secretary reiterated that there was abundant evidence that Hong Kong’s developing policies would prove very expensive in future.
Taking up a plea that there should be no cuts in spending on education in the event of a recession in the economy, the Financial Secretary said the fact was that expenditure on education would continue increasingly to dominate Government spending.
”Where precisely the axe would fall must depend on the cause cf the recession in revenue and the demands of other public services," he explained.
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While recognising the importance of education, he shared the conviction that the provision of free primary education was "contrary to our basic financial policies."
"With our narrow and low tax system," he said, "I find elusive the arguments that those who can afford to contribute directly towards the inevitably very high costs of the education of their children should not do so."
The same arguments applied to an expensive medical service, he said, adding that there were strong financial reasons for raising medical fees "provided always that there is an adequate system for relieving the burden on those who generally cannot afford to pay."
Social Development
He disagreed with the contention that social development involved providing services free of charge and said he could see no virtue in raising taxes from people simply to provide the same people with free facilities.
Refuting criticism that he had under-estimated revenue for the coming financial year, Mr. Haddon-Cave pointed out that the effects of his tax proposals were not included in the figure of three per cent by which total revenue in 1973“7^ was expected to exceed the 1972-73 revised estimate.
The effects of the tax proposals, he explained, would raise revenue in the next financial year to seven per cent over the revised estimate for the current year.
"This may seem a low figure, but capital revenue is so difficult to forecast."
/He also .........
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He also denied that revenue from stamp duties would be reduced despite the doubling of the duty on share transactions. This alone, he said, would bring in an extra £300 million.
In any case, he added, there was little wisdom in assuming that the stock market was going to maintain its then level of activity.
"We cannot afford to be over-confident on share prices and turnover, as recent events have indicated," he said.
"Indeed, although revenue from stamp duty on contract notes is recurrent revenue it has an uncertainty about it similar to some items of capital revenue."
The Financial Secretary conceded that his estimated revenue from land sales might be on the conservative side but said there were too many variables to enable an exact prediction on how much land v/ould be available for sale in the second half of next year.
Wednesday, March 28, 1973
- 5 -
Director Of Education Replies To Unofficials
The reconstituted Board of Education is at present considering the secondary expansion programme and it is as much concerned about the quality as the quantity of education.
This was stated during the resumed Budget debate in Legislative Council this afternoon by the Director of Education, Mr. J. Canning, when he replied to points raised by three Unofficial Members, Mrs. Joyce Symons, Mr. H.J.C. Browne and Mr. James Wu.
Included in the Board*s terms of reference is the need to get the balance right between secondary schools offering technical and vocational courses. This is receiving close attention, he said.
Meanwhile, Mr* Canning is waiting for a report from Mr. K.G. Lavender, Principal of Wandsworth Technical College, who spent three weeks here to advise on the future development of secondary technical schools.
”1 propose to present his report to the Board of Education in order that they may have the benefit of Mr* Lavender’s advice in their deliberations,” the Director said.
On the training of teachers for mentally handicapped children, Mr. Canning said his department’s Special Education Section had been running one-year in-service training courses for teachers of slow-learning children since 1970.
He said: "To date 27 teachers in special schools and special classes in ordinary schools have been trained in these courses. The Special Education Section also gives lectures in special education treatment to teachers in training in the colleges of education."
/Mr. Canning..........
Wednesday, 1 larch 28, 1973
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Mr* Canning pointed out that at present he did not have sufficient resources to be able to offer full-time training of teachers for mentally handicapped children. But he stressed that "full-time training is our aim and courses will be established as soon as resources permit."
On the provision of scholarships and study leave for technical teachers, the Director said that 1? of them were sent overseas for professional training and attachments during the period 1971-73. Six more were expected to go in 1973-74.
Since September 1969 when the Morrison Hill Technical Institute’s * •
Technical Teachers Training Department was first established, 556 technical teachers had been trained or were undergoing training.
Wednesday, March 28, 1973
- 7 -
Dr. Choa Speaks Of Need To Reduce Overcrowding In Government Hospitals
Dr. the Hon. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services, said today that, in effect, a free medical service was already in operation in Hong Kong — and there was no intention to change this.
He was speaking in the Legislative Council during the resumed debate on the Appropriation Bill 1973-7^•
He reminded members that patients were charged 21 for attendance at a government clinic, and 52 a day in a government hospital — both charges being waived or remitted on proof of hardship.
Dr. Choa said the possibility of raising fees would be carefully considered by the newly-appointed Medical Development Advisory Committee, although, in his view, there was a case for a slight increase in the 82 daily maintenance in general wards.
Charges in a number of assisted hospitals for similar accommodation had been raised to 38 or 510 a day, with the result that their bed occupancy had declined while government hospitals were overcrowded.
He felt a slight increase would serve to narrow the gap — ’’not to force patients to shift from government to subsidised hospitals, but to relieve the congestion in government hospitals, and to make full use of vacant beds in assisted hsopitals."
For 1st and 2nd class accommodation, he described an increase in fees as "inevitable,” because the charges had fallen ’’very much behind."
/On direct ........
Wednesday, March 28, 1973
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On direct government involvement with family planning, Dr. Choa told the Council that, as a first step, it had been decided to provide family planning clinic sessions in government hospitals and clinics alongside maternal and child health clinics.
The intention was to integrate family planning work into the maternal and child health service. Despite such problems as the recruitment of trained staff and revision of schedules, the matter was being given priority in view of the expected increase in the number of women in the fertility group in the next 10 to 15 years.
On care for the aged, Dr. Choa said 300 beds in the new Princess Margaret Hospital would be set aside as acute beds for elderly patients. In addition, the department was considering a proposal to provide a number of day beds in new clinics for the elderly who needed some medical or nursing treatment, but not hospitalisation.
"An ageing population is tending to emerge in Hong Kong, and we will follow closely the ways with which other developed countries are taking care of the elderly sick,” he commented.
With regard to severely mentally retarded children, there was already accommodation at Siu Lam Hospital for 200. He hoped that, with the assistance of a subvented hospital, another 300 beds would become available in the future.
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Wednesday, March 28, 1973
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Government Moving As Fast As Practicable
The Director of Social Welfare, Mr. F.K. Li, said today that government is determined that the social welfare services in Hong Kong should match up to the various needs of the community.
He stressed that the government is moving forward in the social welfare field as quickly as practicable.
,rBut there is a limit to how fast we can expand,” Mr. Li added, ’’and once no went beyond that limit the services as a whole would suffer.
”1 believe the same is broadly true both of the Social Welfare Department and of the voluntary agencies.”
Mr. Li was speaking at today’s resumed Legislative Council budget debate in reply to points raised by Mr. Roger Lobo, an unofficial member of the council.
He noted that Mr. Lobo had wondered whether the estimate for social welfare expenditure in the budget was on the low side.
Mr. Li said the reason for this was that the draft estimates did not reflect a number of the proposals made in the draft white paper on the social services. Once these had been approved, necessary provision would be made.
/This was
Wednesday, March 28, 1973
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This was so of the proposals for community development, which include the establishment of the community and youth officer scheme, and the provision of additional community centres facilities and chi* 1 dr on and youth services.
Moreover, Mr. Li pointed out, the 1973-7^ cost of the disability and infirmity allowance scheme was assumed to be considerably less than the cost in a full year, because it was unusual for everyone eligible under a new scheme to apply at once, however extensive a publicity campaign was conducted.
If the actual numbers of applicants proved to be higher than expected it would be necessary to seek supplementary provision.
It may well be, therefore, that expenditure on social welfare for 1973-7^ niay finish up by being higher than was now estimated.
Mr. Li said he shared Mr. Lobo’s hope that some way could be found of streamlining the present system of processing social welfare subventions.
Possible changes in the system were being actively studied and as soon as the preliminary examination of these changes had been completed the proposals would be put before the Social Welfare Advisory Committee for consideration.
Wednesday, March 28, 1973
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Government Studying The Matter
The Government has, over the past few months, been studying the matter of selling public housing units, such as those being built by the present Housing Authority, to the tenants.
This was disclosed by the Secretary for Housing, the Hon. Ian Lightbody, at the resumed budget debate in the Legislative Council today in reply to points raised by the Hon. Mrs. Ellen Li.
Mr. Lightbody said that the new Housing Authority would have to take a decision on how much housing to build for the lower middle-income group, and how much for families in the bottom-income range.
He said the decision on the former would no doubt be influenced by financial considerations.
He added that ”if we can help to meet the needs of this group, and at the same time avoid locking up large capital sums, so much the better.”
While agreeing that problems are unavoidable, Mr. Lightbody saw no reason why the Government should not be able to devise some suitable scheme which would ”meet both these objectives, at prices within the means of the families who need this sort of help.”
He assured the Council that studies in this field would be pushed ahead as rapidly as possible and he expressed the hope that it would prove possible to introduce some such scheme ”fairly soon”.
/On the ..........
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On the suggestion to provide small rooms in public housing estates for young married couples, Mr. Lightbody said the plight of many such couples must command our sympathy.
But, he added that "the housing problems of the larger families are ever greater.”
Turning to the present 55 square foot design standard for public housing estates, he explained that this referred only to the main living area, and the balcony and toilet space was additional.
"Furthermore, in practice the problem of matching families to rooms of different sizes usually results in an allocation closer to 40 square feet than 35he said.
Mr. Lightbody was confident that the new Housing Authority would look closely at these standards, and at the financial and other implications of bettering them.
"A more generous space allocation would have a negligible effect on building costs, and should not require larger sites for estates,” he added.
Wednesday, March 28, 1973
- 13 -
D.P.W. Reviews Urban Renewal, Land Sales And Housing
Detailed proposals have recently been put forward for the creation of a new department within the Public Works Department to concentrate on the rapid development of the New Territories.
This was disclosed by the Director of Public Works, the Hon. J.J. Robson, at the resumed Budget Debate in the Legislative Council today.
Referring to a suggestion by the Hon. Szeto Wai that the approved town plan for Sha Tin be re-examined, Mr. Robson said a new draft plan was in fact being prepared.
It was prepared ”on the basis of less intense residential densities and improved community facilities which will reduce the ultimate planned population from one million to half a million people-”
”This is possible because the latest Colony population forecasts indicate a reduction in 1986 from 7 million to 5«3 million,” he said.
On the allocation of 330 million in the draft estimates for land resumption, survey and investigation of the mass transit railway, Mr. Robson said this related only to the investigation of the system and the acquisition of properties about to be redeveloped.
Now it had been decided to go ahead with the construction of the underground railway, ”it will be necessary to acquire a very large number of private properties and to clear large areas of Crown land both for the running line and for works areas,” he said.
/”The cost
Wednesday, March 28, 1973
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,TThe cost of all this has yet to be fully assessed but for the coming financial year alone it is proposed to seek supplementary provision of 330 million for acquisition of properties together with 310 million for clearances, demolitions, etc.”
With regard to this year’s provision of only 340 million for urban renewal, Mr. Robson said that this ’’reflects slower progress on acquisition of land than was originally foreseen.”
This was due almost wholly to the shortage and the difficulty of recruiting and retaining professional estate staff in the Crown Lands and Survey Office.
Tempo Of Development
Nevertheless, Mr. Robson said although only two third of the professional posts were filled, he managed to keep all the New Territories estate surveyor posts manned and he expressed the hope that their output could be expanded to keep pace with the increasing tempo of development in the Nev; Territories.
On the question of the need to place more land on the market as speedily as possible, Mr. Robson said as far as the urban areas are concerned, ’’every endeavour has been made to search out any residential land that can be sold without resort to clearance.”
”As regards the old Naval Yard, all that can be sold has been, the remainder will be required for a considerable period for the construction of the mass transit line or its associated works.”
/However, ......
Wednesday, March 28, 197?
However, he hoped to place one or two commercial sites on Wan Chai Reclamation in the Land Sales Programme for the second half of the coming financial year.
While agreeing with the Hon. P.O. Woo that swamping the market with land may be very desirable to bring down land costs, Mr. Robson warned that this could cause a very rapid increase in building costs, by ovex^-committing the building industry.
For the same reason, it would also cause a great increase in the cost of all public works, including that of the mass transit system.
On housing, Mr. Robson said over the next ten years private enterprise would have the opportunity of providing accommodation for 550,000 people.
These include 300,000 people to be accommodated on land made available for private development and 250,000 people in redevelopment of old property in the urban areas.
Referring to Lantau, Mr. Robson said a paper recommending that a study be made for developing not only the island, but also the Sai Kung Penins la. Ma Wan and Middle Island for recreation and tourism, had been circulated to the Public Works Suh-Committee of the Legislative Council.
In broad terms, he said, the study would consider the potential of the area for formal and informal recreational purposes*
/The market
Wednesday, March 28, 1975
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The market potential for residential development would also be examined.
"But, this study will not be allowed to delay existing plans for Lantau namely housing for the present inhabitants and road improvements he added.
Mr. Robson agreed with the Hon. P.G. Williams that more multipurpose games halls were required.
He said: "Four sites have already been reserved and sites for a further eight could be found."..
Wednesday, March 28, 1973
- 17 -
Proposal For Industrial Development Council Rejected
The policy of keeping Government interference with commercial and industrial decisions to the minimum has been an important factor of Hong Kong's success in the past 20 years, the Director of Commerce and Industry, the Hon. D.H. Jordan, said today.
Speaking at the resumed debate in the Legislative Council this afternoon, he said however that "changing circumstances will in the future make it necessary for the Government to take a bigger hand in 'planning, regulation and assistance' for industrial development."
He expressed doubts over a suggestion to set up a high-powered Industrial Development Council.
He said there were no "clear signs that the community in general or industry in particular wants the Government to abandon our traditional role and take on a more active one."
The existing Trade and Industry Advisory Board, Mr. Jordan said, had "considerable potential as a more effective link between Government and the industrial and commercial sectors."
Referring to the decline in the rate of growth in the value of Hong Kong's exports, Mr. Jordan said too much emphasis should not be put on the "exceptional" growth in the years 1968 and 19&9-
He said that Hong Kong could not expect to sustain a compound rate of growth of 25 per cent.
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’’Such a rate,” he said, ’’would create intolerable stresses in the economy.”
Mr. Jordan said that because ”we are calculating the percentage each year on the higher base figure achieved the previous year, emphasis on the percentage rate masks the actual increases.”
Last year, the reduced percentage increases masked the fact that for the first time in the past four years, the increase in the dollar value of Hong Kong’s exports was higher than in the previous year, he added.
Commenting on trading prospects, Mr. Jordan said his department would ’’continue its efforts to protect our access to our markets, while the Trade Development Council has an ambitious programme of trade promotion activities.”
Wednesday, March 28, 1973
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Inflation No Serious Threat
The Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddon—Cave, today expressed confidence in the health of the economy, which he described as "fundamental1 y sound."
He was speaking at the resumed debate on the budget in today’s Legislative Council meeting.
He noted that virtually all members viewed the economy with "varying degrees of foreboding."
They had referred to inflation generally, to land prices and rents, to the effect of changes in the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar and to the stock exchanges•
But he said "they do not seriously affect the fundamental health of our economy or require fundamental changes to our policies."
He admitted that consumer price index had increased by 3/2 per cent in 1971 and five per cent in 1972 •
Export prices rose by between six and TYz per cent, and import prices by two per cent and tys p?r cent respectively in each of these two years.
But, he said, Hong KongJs economy was still growing rapidly by any reasonable standards, and real incomes measured in terms of G.D.P. rose by as much as eight per cent in 1972.
The Financial Secretary said the Hong Kong economy was externally oriented and "we must necessarily be affected by developments in the economies of our trading partners."
/"If they ........
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"If they are suffering inflation, as most of them are - and many of them at rates faster than our own - this is bound to affect us, either in higher prices for our imports or in our exporters1 ability to obtain higher prices for their own sales overseashe said.
’’Given our very heavy dependence on external trade and commerce, the rate of inflation would have been significantly greater had we heeded the promptings of some of the exchange rate for the Hong Kong dollar.”
Mr. Haddon-Cave recalled that,two weeks ago, some Unofficial Members had argued the ’’real inflation engine” operating in Hong Kong’s economy was the ’’rising cost of land, rents and the state of stock exchanges.”
They had suggested that rising prices in these areas would filter through the entire cost/price structure and make Hong Kong uncompetitive in world market.
”1 think there are large elements of exaggeration in this picture,” the Financial Secretary said.
He believed the corrective mechanism built into Hong Kong’s economy had already begun to dampen down exceptional developments.
He said that ”as this year wears on, we shall see more and more of the exaggerated recent features of our economy ironed out by the forces of market.”
He added that ”in the Hong Kong economy, market forces exercise a corrective influence, and will continue to do so, provided we are prepared to face up to some exaggerations in the short term and provided Government intervention is designed either to replace the market mechanism completely or correct imperfections in the way it operates.”
Wednesday, March 28, 1973
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MEASURE TO COOL DOWN STOCK MARKET DEFENDED Securities Bill To Be Introduced In Early Summer **********
The Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddon-Cave, today defended the measures taken by the Government to dampen down and smooth out the volume of transactions on the stock exchanges and to restore an orderly market.
Speaking at the resumed Budget Debate in the Legislative
Council, he said it was not for Government to pass judgement on the level of share prices, but it was concerned to see that an orderly market was being maintained.
To ensure the orderliness of trading, he said the "Government must accept an obligation, where there was frenetic activity, to dampen down the volume of activity so that it could be assimilated within the market."
The Government was also concerned with maintaining an orderly market in terms "of the absence of questionable practices designed to distort or influence prices to the benefit of particular traders."
The Financial Secretary referred to the "critical references made by a number of Unofficial Members to the state of the stock exchanges, and said: ,rI do not know whether, if they were speaking today, they would say the same things or whether their criticisms might have become somewhat more muted as a result of the not entirely unexpected events of the past two weeks."
/Speaking on •••••••
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Speaking on the Securities Advisory Council, which would come into being after the enactment of the proposed Securities Bill, Mr. Haddon-Cave said the Council would be provided with legal powers to curb more fundamental abuses which had the effect, in one way or smother, of rigging or distorting the market in particular securities.
"But again the Securities Bill will not give the Securities Council powers to pass judgement on the general level of prices in the stock market, which is a matter for market forces to decide," he said.
The Financial Secretary said the complicated legal drafting of the Securities Bill was well in hand and should be before the Legislative Council in the early summer. The Bill, he said, would cover all aspects of trading in securities.
Mr. Haddon-Cave said he did not believe there was any more the Government should do to control stock market operations at the present time beyond the measures he had re-stated.
"In other works, I am afraid I cannot agree with my honourable friend Mr. Wilfred Wong that there is either a short term or longer term need to increase further the rate of stamp duty on share transactions announced in the Budget Speech, and I doubt whether on reflection, he would press it today.
/"Certainly, .......
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Certainly, I am sure he would agree with me that any intervention in the market must be done in a certainty that it is necessary and timely."
The Financial Secretary recalled he had announced in his Budget Speech that the Commissioner of Inland Revenue was being given extra staff to make enquiries into the activities of the habitual buyers and sellers of shares."
Whilst waiting for the additional, the Commissioner was, in the meantime, deploying some of his existing staff in order to begin the issue of returns and enquiries immediately.
’The Commissioner will, of course, need to make extensive enquiries and I sense the feeling of this Council is that if the brokers, banks, nominee companies and so on refuse to furnish the required information, then the law should be amended to strengthen the hand of the Commissioner," the Financial Secretary said.
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Supply is beginning to catch up with demand in the building industry, the Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddon-Cave, said today.
Speaking at the resumed Budget Debate in the Legislative Council, he said the construction industry was now able to pay higher wages, thus attracting more labour.
He said ’’the rising cost of labour is also providing an incentive for greater mechanisation and capital intensive operations •”
As a result, he said, investment in buildings had increased steadily.
Mr. Haddon-Cave pointed out that the bottleneck in recent years had not been so much the availability of land as such, but rather the capacity of the construction industry to meet all the demands laid upon it, ’’demands that is which have risen at an unprecedented pace due to the buoyancy and expansion of our economy.”
Referring to the competition for scare land by productive enterprises, he said this must inevitably be reflected in the price of land to them and in their costs of production.
’’But this ensures that those enterprises which bring the greatest benefit to the economy are the ones which survive and prosper,” he said.
”It also ensures that land is developed to its maximum potential.”
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******** »*
Dr. the Hon. S.Y. Chung today said that the decision to set up a Mass Transit Fund showed that the Government was determined to get on with the construction of the mass transit railway.
He was speaking in the Legislative Council in support of a motion to establish a fund of 8500 million for the project.
Dr. Chung hoped that "before the Government makes its final decision on the award of contracts, there will be an opportunity for a goneral-debate in this Council as we did in 19&5 for the Cross Harbour Road Tunnel."
He believed that this was the largest project in term of capital cost that was ever carried out in Hong Kong.
"Assuming an inflation rate of 10 per cent per annum in the future years," he said, "the total cost for the full system will probably be close to HK815,OOO million, which will be spread over the next 12 years at an average rate of about HK$1,000 to $1,500 million each year," he said.
He added: "In order to appreciate the magnitude of the cost involved, Honourable Members may be interested to know that-it will cost about HK$90|000 per foot length of the railway and that with the same money we could build more than 20 cross-harbour road tunnels."
Dr. Chung urged the Government to look at the project from the full system point of view and not only the first four of the nine stages.
He said that the mass transit railway would not really be serving its purpose if the remaining stages were not eventually built.
/in reply ......
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In reply, the Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddon-Cave assured Dr. Chung that the Government was working with the full mass transit system very much in mind, although the Government had so far committed firmly to constructing only the first four stages.
Mr. Haddon-Cave agreed with Dr. Chung that the estimated capital cost of the full system had increased by about 15 per cent in each of the two years between mid-1970 and mid-1972.
But he described these two years as ’’somewhat unusual” and thought Dr. Chung was "a little too pessimistic” in predicting a rate of cost escalation of 10 per cent per annum over the entire construction period for the full system.
Indications from a number of sources were that it would be reasonable to assume an average five-per-eent annual increase in costs from mid-1972 levels. ”0n this basis, it is estimated that the total cost of the full system, excluding interest charges, would be in the region of 310,000 million,” he added.
The Financial Secretary said the Government had come to the conclusion that the project would be "financial viable” on the basis of this estimate and of a series of assumptions about interest rates, repayment terms, operating costs and revenue.
"It now remains to be seen whether a price is likely to be obtained for the contract or contracts to fit into our projected cash flow table," he said.
To this end, he told the Council, further consultations were currently being held with a number of consortia so that a decision could be reached as to the most appropriate contractual arrangements to be adopted.
The motion was later adopted by the Council.
Wednesday, March 28, 1973
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Examination Of Rent Situation Nearly Complete
The Colonial Secretary, Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, said today that the task of examining the whole field of domestic rents was ’’nearing completion” and he hoped to be able to put proposals before the Executive Council very shortly.
Sir Hugh Norman-Walker was speaking in the resumed Budget debate in the Legislative Council.
He said that while the examination of the problem of rents would take a considerable time, he had every confidence that the information necessary for a decision by the Governor in Council would be ready well before the expiry of the present legislation in 197^.
Referring to his recommendation, the Colonial Secretary said its objective will be ’’general measures of restraint.”
It would, he hoped, avoid the ’’disadvantages of a stop-go policy of rent control” and would not at the same time act as a ’’disincentive to our property developers”.
”In short,” he said, ”what is required is a bridging operation over the period until the forces of supply and demand can operate naturally.” He referred to a suggestion by the Hon. P.C. Woo that the key to a solution to the problem of rising rents was to speed up land sales.
He said the provision of more land for private housing development would undoubtedly help, but there was a limit to what could be done in the short term.
/Sir Hugh ........
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Sir Hugh said: "Many acres of land are being provided for our massive public housing programme and the faster we get ahead with that programme the better."
The availability of an adequate supply of decent public housing would have a restraining influence on private rents, he said.
The Colonial Secretary said that since he spoke on rent control in the Council in December 1971, the rate of building had increased dramatically.
Even more dramatic, he said, was the rise in demand for all types of residential accommodation.
"This has happened for a number of reasons — increasing prosperity; the desire for more living room, as incomes increase and customs change; the situation has been stimulated by activity on our stock exchanges; and the attraction of Hong Kong as a centre for business activity in the Far East has increased the demand for domestic premises," he added.
The Colonial Secretary also pointed out that the supply situation with regard to domestic flats had improved since he last spoke on the subject of rents.
In 1971, he said, a total of 12,242 flats were completed.
In 1972, the number rose to 20,589, an increase of 68 per cent over the 1971 figure.
The forecast for completions in 1973 is 50,000.
But, despite this improvement in supply, rents for newly completed property have moved upwards during the last two years.
/Sir Hugh agreed .......
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Sir Hugh agreed with the Hon. Janes Wu that Hong Kong had some of the highest domestic rents in the world.
But he pointed out that "we should not forget in our public housing estates in which over hO per cent of the population live, we have some of the lowest.”
Turning to business premises, Sir Hugh said that on the evidence available there was no reason to interfere in the situation regarding this type of buildings.
He said: "It is neither practical nor in our best interest to protect certain spheres of commercial activity and not others.
"The best regulator in a responsive economy such as ours is the law of supply and demand."
Wednesday, March 28, 1973
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On Sterling Guarantee Arrangements
Hong Kong will continue to press the British government for clarification of their future intentions regarding the present sterling guarantee arrangements.
This undertaking was given today by the Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddon-Cave, when winding up the resumed budget debate.
Referring to a suggestion by the Hon. Q.W. Lee, the Financial Secretary said that the British government was not prepared to guarantee all or at least a substantial part of Hong Kong’s sterling assets in terms of the Hong Kong dollar or gold.
The U.K. Government, he added, had indicated that any extension of the present guarantee arrangements must continue to be expressed in terms of the U.S. dollar, which was the only alternative reserve currency to sterling for any substantial block of assets.
”1 am afraid, therefore, that fluctuations in the value of our reserves is a price we have to pay for the instability in world currency markets, but we live also, remember, in a world of high interest rates,” he said.
The Financial Secretary said that Hong Kong had now diversified its total official external reserves up to the limit of its 10 per cent diversification facility, having regard to daily shifts in prices of various securities and relative currency values.
/This, •••••••
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This, he added, had not been an easy task ’’for many countries are unwilling to accept investments in their currencies in other than modest amounts on any reasonable terms.”
Noting the fears expressed that Hong Kong might price itself out of overseas markets as a result of rising costs, the Financial Secretary said it should not be so easily concluded that Hong Kong was ”becoming uncompetitive.”
He pointed out that despite the difficulties in 1971 and 1972, the value of Hong Kong’s exports had expanded by more than 10 per cent in both years. The Gross Domestic Product had also increased by 10 per cent in 1971 and 17 per cent in the following year while a full employment situation and a booming economy were maintained.
In his view, these were in direct ’’testimony to the strength of the Hong Kong economy over this period rather than the opposite.”
”In these circumstances, and given the overwhelming importance of external trade to our economy, the best policy for the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar is stability,” he stressed.
By this he meant stability in relation to the average of other currencies as a whole.
He explained that in these terras, Hong Kong had more or less broken even over the last two years, although the Hong Kong dollar had appreciated in relation to both the pound sterling and U.S. dollar due to their devaluations or downward floats.
/The Financial ••...
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The Financial Secretary agreed that recent Government decisions might have made things more difficult, in the short term, for Hong Kong exporters in the United States and British markets and elsewhere in relation to one or two of our competitors.
He also accepted that if internal costs, including wages and rents, were to rise unduly at the present exchange rate then Hong Kong’s exports could become less competitive abroad.
However, he did not believe that devaluation was an appropriate corrective instrument for any weakness which might appear in our a nee of payments because it would be an inefficient and inflationary corrective.
The Financial Secretary said Hong Kong’s economy was still expanding rapidly and he believed that it was flexible enough to maintain this growth.
One encouraging feature was that investment in buildings, plant and equipment was now running at 29 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product and he felt that this should produce a stimulating effect on productivity in industry as well as assist in keeping down costs.
He described as unusual the rate of expansion in Hong Kong’s money supply over the last year but said this was not a bad development because it pointed to a high and growing degree of confidence in the Hong Kong economy.
This expansion, he said, was due not so much to external factors but rather to a significant increase in bank loans and advances, particularly to increased internal demands.
’’However, it clearly cannot go beyond certain limits dictated by prudent banking practices and liquidity considerations,” he said.
-------0--------- /33.......................
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Allowance For Second And Third Child To Be Raised
Two more tax concessions to aid the family man were proposed today by the Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddon-Cave.
In addition to his tax relief package announced in his budget speech last month, he proposed to raise-by 3500 each the allowance for the second and third child to 32,500 and 31,500 respectively.
This would lift the permissible total of child allowances to 311,500.
He was speaking at the resumed Budget debate in this afternoon’s Legislative Council meeting.
These new concessions would cost the Government 31.3 million in the next financial year and bring to 316.6 million the total net cost of the tax reform package.
For the married man with two children on an annual gross income of 3^2,000, the new concessions will mean a reduction in his tax bill by a further 350 to 31,150, while a married man with three children with an annual gross income of 360,000 will save another 3200.
Mr. Haddon-Cave said he had re-examined the tax relief package in view of the concern expressed by Unofficial Members for the tax position of the family man.
He noted that he had reduced the yield from salaries tax and personal assessment this year by nearly five per cent or 39•5 million, and he was now proposing to reduce it further next year by over seven per cent or 316.8 million.
/He felt ........
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He felt that this ’’sacrifice” to the revenue could be made to bring the system back to the basic philosphy for a low tax structured economy.
’’Certainly having done this, I hope to avoid the turbulent waters of personal tax reform for some years to come,” he said.
At the same time, the Financial Secretary rejected suggestions by Unofficial Members that tax relief for life insurance and for dependent parents * • ** • ••• should be retained. ? t*
He said he had proposed to abolish the dependent parent allowance ”because of its abuse and its inequity due to territorial limitation.”
Aside from the difficulties involved in administering this allowance, he said, there had been deliberate attempts to mislead the Inland Revenue Department, including cases where claims had been made for deceased parents.
A stage had been reached, he went on, where it was impossible to judge the genuine claim from the false and he thought it better to reincorporate this allowance into a wider one for everybody.
Of the proposed abolition of life insurance relief, the Financial Secretary said ’’its subsidy effect makes it inappropriate in terms of the philosphy of the Hong Kong tax system.”
He said he had advocated its abolition in the context of a major reform of the personal tax system.
”1 consider this to be the correct moment to do this exercise because, with revenue bouyant, I can take a sympathetic approach to the question of basic allowances.”
/Mr. Haddon-Cave .....
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Mr. Haddon-Cave explained that if these two selective allowances were to be reinstated, he would have to withdraw the whole tec: relief package and redesign it.
He said it would not have been possible to do this in time to be effective in the coming financial year.
Wednesday, March 28, 1973
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ACTION MUST BE TAKEN TO CURB VEHICLE INCREASE Public Transport Companies Must Improve Service **««***$*
The Financial Secretary said today that measures must be taken to curb the increase in vehicles.
Speaking at the resumed Budget Debate in the Legislative Council, the Hon. C.P. Haddon-Cave said that with nearly 200,000 vehicles now on the roads, new vehicle registrations continued to rise at almost 15 per cent a year.
He said that ”as the most dramatic increase in recent years has been in private cars, motor cycles and goods vehicles, these categories are the ones which most need to be restrained.”
However, the Financial Secretary recognised that a condition of making ”a real dent” in this problem was the provision of adequate and efficient public transport services.
Mr. Haddon-Cave said the franchised companies ’’are not generally providing adequate services.”
He said that unless the Government received firm and enforceable undertakings from the existing companies that their services would be substantially improved, the renewal of their franchises would be seriously in doubt.
The Financial Secretary referred to a suggestion by the Hon. Szeto Wai to speed up the construction of multi-storey car parks and automatic vehicle inspection centres.
He said the proposal for an automatic vehicle inspection centre was being considered.
/On parking, .....
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On parking, Mr. Haddon-Cave said that an important way to make the most efficient use of road space was to reduce on-street parking and replace it by off-street facilities.
He was confident that the present programme for building off-street car paries was correct bearing in mind that too many would only lead to choked roads.
। The Financial Secretary rejected a suggestion by the Hon. Wilfred Weag to remove the toll charge at the Lion Hock Tunnel.
He said: ,TThe system of charging serves two purposes. First, it imposes on the user of this special facility the cost of its provision. Secondly, charges act as a restraint on the use of the tunnel which, if freely available, would be choked with traffic diverted from Tai Po Road.”
Mr. Haddon-Cave said that expenditure on roads and traffic management generally in the four years ending 197^-77 would exceed revenue at present rates by 31,000 million.
He expressed the hope that in due course a debate could be arranged in the Legislative Council on the whole range of problems connected with a viable and acceptable transport policy for the 70s and 80s.
Wednesday, March 28, 1973
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Seven bill© received their second reading at the Legislative Council meeting this (Wednesday) afternoon.
They are the Crown Leases Bill 1973, the Crown Rent and Premium (apportionment) (Amendment) Bill 1973, the Appropriation Bill 1973, the Dangerous Goods (Amendment) Bill 1973, the Entertainment Tax (Amendment) Bill 1973, the Fixed Penalty (Traffic Contraventions) (Amendment) Bill 1973, and the Public Health and Urban Services (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1975.
Debate on the first two bills was adjourned while that on the other five was resumed.
One sessional paper, the Report of the Finance Committee on the Draft Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for 1973-7*+, was table at the session.
Noto to Editors: Proceedings in this afternoon’s Legislative
Council meeting have been recorded.~ Press representatives are welcome to consult the tape in the Press Room, Government Information Services, 6th floor, Beaconsfield House.
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Headed By Secretary For Information
The Government announced today the formation of a Fight Violent
Crime Committee under the chairmanship of the Hon. Jack Cater, Secretary for Information.
The committee will coordinate the Government’s and public efforts
to assist the Police to combat crime.
It comprises senior officials from the Royal Hong Kong Police Force,
Secretariat for Home Affairs, New Territories Administration, Information
Services Department and the Colonial
Commenting on the announcement, Mr. Cater said that his committee
had already started to plan the fight crime programme, and in particular the campaign which is to start in the summer.
"The detailed proposals will be announced in early May," he added.
Mr. Ng Kui-to, Assistant Registrar of Shipping, is retiring from the
Marine Department for which he has served 27 years.
To mark the occasion, Mr. A. Fletcher, Director of Marine, will present
him with a momento on Thursday (March 29) on behalf of his friends and colleagues.
Mr. Ng first joined the department in 19^1 as a clerk. He was promoted to his present post in 19^5*
Note to Editors: You are invited to have the presentation
ceremony covered. It will take place in the Director of Marine’s office at No. 102, Connaught Road Central at 4.30 p.m.
Wednesday, March 28, 1973
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Eight-Day Closure For Renovation Following Takeover
The out-patient department of the Fanling Hospital will close for eight days for renovation after the Government takes the hospital over from the Lutheran World Federation on April 1.
The renovations are necessary to bring this department into line with the others maintained by the Medical and Health Department.
Dr. J.H. Webber, the present medical superintendent, and certain other staff, will transfer to government employ, and remain at their posts.
The hospital will be fully operational in its new role as a government institution on Monday, April 9? and it is hoped that it will be able to deal with more than the current 100 out-patients a day.
When the Government’s decision to take the hospital over was announced in February, it was explained that this was at the request of the Lutheran World Federation who thought the time had come for the Government to assume responsibility for the hospital.
The hospital was opened in i960 by the Federation, and built with funds provided by the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club and the United States.
Until 1971? the recurrent costs were met by the Federation. In that year, a subvention was requested from .the Government as the financial contribution of the Federation to its services in Hong Kong had begun to run down.
The Medical and Health Department will develop this 54-bed hospital as a district hospital. The staff will be increased so as to maintain a 24-hour duty roster. Specialist clinics are also planned.
Release time: 9*00 p.m.
Thursday, March 29, 1973
Page No.
A new pay scale has been announced for certificated masters ... 1
All public housing estates will be let by tenancy agreements as from April 1 ................................• •.........
The new Housing Department’s premises will be situated in Ma Tau Kok........................................................ 5
Siu Lam Hospital provides happy atmosphere for retarded children
Special trains will be operating during the Ching Ming Festival ............................................................... 8
Two direct exchange lines have been installed in the Labour Department’s regional office to facilitate enquiries .•••••••*• 9
The arrangements for cotton textile exports to the E.E.C. have been changed ................................................. 10
Copies of the Colonial Secretary’s speech at today’s Legco meeting are available in the G.I.S. Press boxes •••••••••••»••• 10
New traffic arrangements are to be introduced at the Nathan Road/
Jordan Road junction on Saturday..................•••••••••••••. 11
The Appropriation Bill 1973 passed its third reading in the Legislative Council today ••••.............................. 13
The Labour dispute at the High Island scheme has been settled. • 14
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, March 29, 1973
A new scale of 81,175 - 82,050 per month has been established for certificated masters, backdated to 1st April 1971• In addition the standard of the Teacher’s Certificate is to be raised, and this will be coupled with an increase in the starting salary to 81,250.
These salary points apply to the scale as at 1st April 1971• They will be increased by 5% from the 1st April 1972 in line with the general increase in Government salaries, already announced.
Announcing this today a Government spokesman.said that, as an interim measure, starting this summer, all new graduates from teacher training colleges who are awarded a Teacher’s Certificate ”with credit” will be granted an extra increment to bring them to a starting point of 81,250 on first appointment as certificated masters-- During this intervening period, other new graduates will enter at the start of the scale at 81,175 per month.
These arrangements, which are in line with the_recommendations of the Morgan Working Group, are intended as a first step towards improving the quality of the teaching service. This will be done by raising the entrance qualifications to training colleges .and improving the standard of the Teacher’s Certificate.
When this is achieved, all graduates from the "training colleges will receive a starting salary of 31,250 per month on first appointment as certificated masters.
/In the •••••••
Thursday, March 29, 1973
In the new scale normal annual increments will apply until 81,730* At that point certificated masters aged 30 or over, who have served satisfactorily for five years on 81,750, will move automatically and without prejudice to their promotion prospects to a salary point of 81,850 per month and then at three-year intervals to 81,950 and S2,O5O« Such teachers who had been at the top of the scale for five years on 1st April 1971, or became eligible at any time since then, will automatically move onto the new point of 31,850.
Commenting on the announcement, a Government spokesman said: ”The Government has largely accepted the recommendations of the Working Group appointed in November to consider salaries for certificated masters. But it has also taken into account proposals and petitions received from interested parties."
HIn reaching its decision, the Government has noted the concern shown by teachers in their comments and public statements. This concern has concentrated more on the status and dignity of the profession than on the pay scales alone."
Commenting on the role of education in Hong Kong, the spokesman said, ,lTlie expanded education programme is one of the major priorities of the Government during the next 10 years, and the quality of the teaching profession, as well as the numbers of teachers coming available, are vital factors in the success of that programme.
"The decision announced today will contribute in no small way towards that development," he said.
/The report ••••••
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The report recommended a special extra-scale for teachers who were over JO years of age and had served for five years or more at the top of the existing scale of 31,750. The recommendation envisaged further increments of $75 by three-year intervals to a maximum of 81,975* It also recommended that those accepting this scale should forego any further right to promotion prospects.
When the Working Group Report was published on 14th February, interested paarties were invited to comment and a period of four weeks was set aside for this.
In view of comments made by teachers, and the administrative problems involved in implementing the Working Group’s proposal, the Government has decided that the satisfactory teacher could enter the extra-scale automatically without forfeiting his right to promotion prospects. The salary points of the extra-scale have been adjusted to bring them onto the master pay scale at 31,950 and 82,OJO.
The majority of Certificated Masters are in aided schools. These teachers have recently benefitted by the introduction of a new structure which provides many more promotion posts. In the primary school sector promotion posts have increased from 76 to 1891, and in the secondary school sector from 88 to 2J6.
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Thursday, March 29, 1973
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On Public Housing Estates
Tenancy agreements will be used for new lettings on all public housing estates from April 1 when the new Housing Department comes into operation.
This agreement is exactly the same 3s that being used by the present Housing Authority.
Tenants taking up new lettings on public housing estates, whether they are the present Housing Authority estates, Government Low Cost Housing or Resettlement estates, will be asked to sign the document.
The new tenant is required to pay $50 refundable deposits as security against any demage to the flat.
Commenting on the new procedure, a Government spokesman said it was introduced primarily to simplify and streamline the letting process.
"In addition”, he added, "this will give the tenant legal status and protection." «« «•
Thursday, March 29, 1973
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As from April 1, the new Housing Department will operate from what was formerly the headquarters of the Urban Services Department’s Housing Division in Ma Tau Kok Road, Kowloon.
The department will provide the Secretariat for the new Housing Authority and will be its executive arm.
The officest which stand on the edge of the Ma Tau Wei Estate, will be the nerve centre for the new organization. It will accomodate the Housing Department’s directorate and its architectural division.
Other parts of the Housing Department will be situated at:
* Estates Management Division — San Po Kong Government Offices, No. 692, Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.
* Clearance Section, Squatter Control Section and Applications Section - No. 10, Middle Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon,
* Redevelopment Section - Pak Tin Administration Building, Pak Tin Estate, Kowloon.
w • w - 0 -------
Thursday, March 29, 1973
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At Siu Lam Hospital mm*
There are at present 150 children at the Siu Lam Hospital, in Tai Lam, and all are thriving as a result of their transfer from urban centres to a country hospital.
Siu Lam was formally opened last year by Sir Kenneth Ping-fan Fung as a hospital for severely mentally retarded children. The patients came from special wards in the Tung Wah Hospital, the Po Leung Kuk, and Social Welfare Department institutions where they were placed pending completion of Siu Lam.
After the hospital’s opening, the children were accepted in groups of 50 at a time to enable the staff to adjust to the special rountines required for this type of patient.
The rainstorm of last June seriously damaged the.approach road, and so delayed for some months completion of the transfer, but the hospital is now fully operational, and the maximum capacity of 200 will soon be reached.
Siu Lam was built with a large donation from the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club, and was set up on the recommendation of Dr. L.T. Hilliard, who had earlier recommended that mentally-retarded children in Hong Kong be sub-divided into three groups. • - - - • -
Children capable of being educated should be the responsibility of the Education Department, who would organise special classes for them. Children in the medium grade of retardation should be trained by the Social I/elfare Department•
/The severely
Thursday, March 29, 1973
The severely mentally retarded in the third grade should be looked after by the Medical and Health Department in a hospital created especially for them. Plans for Siu Lam were prepared immediately after the report’s acceptance by the Government, but it took some years for the hospital to be realised.
Siu Lam is in the general area of the Tai Lam Chung reservoir. It sits on a hill away from the main highway- The design lows the country atmosphere to be retained, and all the wings of the main building open onto a green courtyard.
A spokesman says: ”The change has been very good for the children, and they are thriving. The staff have got used to the problems posed by severe mental retardation, and all is well.”
The daily routine is planned to give the children as much sunshine as possible, and many hours are spent out of doors. Those who are unable to walk are carried to a patio where they rest on improvised beds in the fresh air.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a representative
on a Press tour of Siu Lam Hospital on the afternoon of Wednesday (April 4). Transport will be provided. Members of the Press, radio and TV are requested to assemble at 1.15 p*m. in the sub-pool behind the Tsim Sha Tsui post office, where one large government bus, AM5O18, will be waiting. At Siu Lam Hospital, they will be welcomed by Mr. Arthur Starling, Chief Hospital Secretary, and other officials. The tour will include all facilities at the hospital. Photographs will be allowed but in deference to the patients themselves, there should be no identifiable pictures. The Medical and Health Department’s Public Relations Officer will be at the Tsim Sha Tsui sub-pool to assist the Press.
Thursday, March 29, 1973
- 8 -
Special trains will run to and from Wo Hop Shek Station during the Ching Ming Festival on April 5 and on April 8 (Sunday).
The first special train v/ill leave Kowloon and Wo Hop Shek at 6.15 a.m., 7*34 a.m. respectively.
The last special train will depart from Kowloon and Wo Hop Shek at J.21 p.m. and 4.57 p-m. respectively.
The special trains will not pick up passengers at the Mong Kok Station.
In addition, all up and down local passenger trains will also not pick up passengers at the Mong Kok Station from 8 a.m. to 3*10 p.m. on April 5 and 8.
Passengers intending to use the special trains are asked to go to the Kowloon Station at Tsim Sha Tsui. Season and monthly ticket holders may board these trains without extra charge.
The concession return tickets for trips from Kowloon to Wo Hop Shek or Lowu will be on sale at the Kowloon Station on April 5 and 8.
A spokesman for the Kowloon Canton Railway advised the public that up trains from Kowloon to the New Territories would probably be full from 6 a.m. to 3 p-m. Down trains are expected to be full from 3 p»m. to 9 p.m.
"If traffic warrants, additional special trains will be run in the late evenings," the spokesman said.
Thursday, March 29, 1973
- 9 -
Two direct exchange lines have been installed in the offices of the Local Employment Service (5-270276) and the Workmen’s Compensation Unit (5*27OO85) of the Labour Department’s Hong Kong Regional Office at New Rodney Block, Queensway.
The main exchange 5-282525 will continue to function but to avoid congestion, members of the public who wish to make enquiries to these two Units are requested to make use of the appropriate direct exchange line.
The New Rodney Block currently houses the following services of the Labour Departments-
* Labour Relations Division
Headquarters Hong Kong Office
• Employment Division
Headquarters of the Youth Eriployment Advisory Service Headquarters of the Overseas Employment Service Hong Kong office of the Local Employment Service
* Industry Division
Hong Kong field unit of the Factory Inspectorate
Hong Kong Special Duties field unit of the Factory Inspectorate
Hong Kong field unit of the labour Inspectorate
* Industrial Training Division
Headquarters of the Industrial Training Unit Headquarters of the Apprenticeship Training Unit
♦ Industrial Health Division
Hong Kong office of the Industrial Health Division
Hong Kong office of the Workmen’s Compensation Unit - - - - 0 ----------------------- /10...........................
Thursday, March 29, 1973
- 10 -
The Director of Commerce and Industry announced this evening that after consultation with the Textiles Advisory Board, the arrangements whicfc.. had been introduced at the beginning of March whereby exports of cotton textiles to the E.E.C. were regulated on an actual weight basis, had been discontinued,.
Instead the control system would revert to that introduced in January this year ip which quotas were debited by referenc.e to conversion factors for expressing pieces in metric tons.
Full details of the changes will be set out in a notice to exporters to be issued tomorrow (Friday).
Note to Editors: Copies of the speech by the Colonial
Secretary, Sir Hugh Norman-Walker, in today’s Legislative Council meeting are distributed separately in the G.I.S. press boxes. .
/11 .........
Thursday, March 29? 1973
- 11 -
Temporary traffic arrangements will be introduced at the junction of Nathan Road and Jordan Road to facilitate drainage work to be carried out in the area.
Westbound traffic on Jordan Road will be prohibited from turning right into Nathan Road with effect from 8 a.m. on Saturday (March 3D• This will last about two weeks.
Instead, motorists can enter the north-bound lane on Nathan Road via Pilkem Street and Bowring Street.
With effect from 10 a.m. on Saturday (March 3D? Cox’s Road will be made two-way following the completion of reconstruction works.
Southbound journeys on KMB Route 2C will resume normal operation along Cox’s Road, Austin Road and Chatham Road instead of Jordan Road and Nathan Road.
Appropriate traffic signs will be posted in the areas to guide motorists.
Meanwhile, the section of Waterloo Road north of Cornwall Street has been closed to all northbound traffic for three months to allow road works to be completed at the Lion Rock Interchange.
Traffic to Lion Rock Tunnel and Wong Tai Sin are diverted via Junction Road, Fu Mei Street, Fung Mo Street and Lung Cheung Road.
Traffic to Tai Po Road are diverted to Cornwall Street which is now open to two-way traffic.
Thursday, March 29 j 1973
Traffic will not be permitted to turn right from Lung Cheung Road to
Waterloo Road but could travel via Nam Cheong Street and Cornwall Street.
Temporary traffic signals have been put up at Tunnel Approach Road.
Motorists going to the New Territories are advised to travel via Tai
Po Road to avoid the expected severe congestion there as a result of these
diversions. * •
- - 0 -
Note to Editors:
With reference to the summary of
Mr» D.H. Jordan’s speech on P. 17 of the Daily Information Bulletin yesterday (Wednesday), paragraph two should read: Speaking at the resumed debate in the Legislative Council this afternoon, he said however ”it may be that changing circumstances will in the future make it necessary for the Government to take a bigger hand in ’planning, regulation and assistance’ for industrial development.”
The error is regretted
- - 0 - -
Thursday, March 29 j 1973
- 13 -
The Appropriation Bill 1973 completed its committee stage and third reading and was passed into law at this afternoon’s sitting of the Legislative Council,
Four other bills also had their third readings and passed the committee stage to become law.
They are the Dangerous Goods (Amendment) Bill 1973? the Entertainment Tax (Amendment) Bill 1973, the Fixed Penalty (Traffic Contraventions) (Amendment) Bill 1973, and the Public Health and Urban Services (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1973•
Thursday, March 29, 1973
'• u « • . . » » «♦
- 14 -
Wide-Ranging Agreement Signed
Workers and one of the major contractors on the $1,J00 million High Island Water Scheme this afternoon signed a wide-ranging agreement following the settlement of a dispute which began on the site on Monday and ended yesterday afternoon.
The agreement — between Vianini S.P.A., the giant Italian firm handling the construction work for the dam scheme, and their employees on the site — is the first of its kind to be signed by management and workers on a major construction undertaking in Hong Kong.
It includes an undertaking to set up machinery for joint consultation, and lays down procedures to be followed in future grievance or disciplinary cases.
The agreement was signed this afternoon at the Kwun Tong office of the Labour Relations Service in the presence of Labour Department officers who helped workers and management frame the agreement.
The head of the department’s Labour Relations Service, Mr. Tsui Tio-fook, said this afternoon the agreement was regarded as a breakthrought in the construction and contracting field.
'■Management and workers have not reached such an agreement before in any scheme of this magnitude, such as the Plover Cove scheme or the Cross-Harbour Tunnel project,” he said, ’’although there has obviously been a need for it.” ”We hope ........................................................
Thursday, March 29, 1973
- 15 -
"We hope that now Vianini has led the way, other companies will follow. It’s interesting to note that Vianini was also the first in its field to employ a qualified industrial safety expert.”
Mr. Tsui said joint consultation was the process of regular discussion between management and workers on matters of joint concern. It allowed a two-way flow of ideas which enabled management and workers to discuss problems instead of resorting to drastic action.
He said the second main point of the agreement — the laying down of grievance and disciplinary procedures — would help stop situati nns such as that which gave rise to this week’s dispute.
”If good employeo>-employee relations and work efficiency are to be maintained in any field, regardless of the size of the undertaking, there must be accepted ways of dealing with grievances and appeals arising from disciplinary measures,” said Mr. Tsui.
Release time: 7.30 p.m.
Friday, March 30, 1973
Page No.
More buildings in Western are to be pulled down to make way for the urban renewal scheme ........................... ♦•«••••••••• 1
Almost 90 applications have been received to enter a youth
project competition organised by the Social Welfare Department ••• 2
A new Government secondary school is nearing completion in Sha Tin............................................................. J
Hong Kong has become a world centre for T.B. research......... 4
Two more sections of the Immigration Department are to be relocated ..................................................................... 6
Members of the new Housing Authority have been announced •••••••••
The Governor visits Tsuen Wan Police Station......................
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Friday, March 30, 1973
- 1 -
To Pave Way For Urban Renewal
The calling for tenders today for the demolition of a number of properties in Hollywood Road and Upper Lascar Row (Cat Street) marks a minor but significant milestone in the progress of urban renewal operations in Western District.
The invitation of tenders was announced in the Gazette today.
The demolition is necessary because the buildings - Nos. 191-197 Hollywood Road and Nos. 3&-38 Upper Lascar Row - have become dangerous. But these are also buildings which have reverted to the Crown for purposes of urban renewal in the District.
The properties lie within the bounds of the Urban Renewal Pilot Scheme, for which a comprehensive acquisition programme got under way in January 1971• There are four phases in this scheme, and more than half the demolitions scheduled under Phase I have now been carried out.
When the scheme is completed in about five years1 time, featuring prominently in the urban ”face-lift” given to the area will be two new primary schools for which large sites have been reserved. The area will be served by wider reconstructed roads, and shopping promenades will be among the improved facilities for pedestrians.
Provision has also been made for three recreational open spaces, one of which will cover a multi-storey underground car park. A hawker bazaar will be another feature, and four sites have been earmarked for potential
community use.
/A sum
Friday, March 30, 1973
- 2 -
A sum of 325 million has been allocated for urban renewal and improvement acquisitions in Western District during the 1973-1974 financial year. Acquisitions under the pilot scheme, among which constitutes an inner core of concentrated renewal operations within the larger framework of improvement planning in the District, are expected to take up the major part of this allocation.
Nearly 90 Applications Received
Nearly 90 applications have been received from schools, social welfare centres and voluntary agencies to enter a youth project competition to foster awareness of the social services in Hong Kong.
The competition is being organised by the Social Welfare Department in co-operation with the Education Department and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. »
Detailed plans for presenting in exhibit form a particular aspect of the social services are due to be submitted before April 6 to the S.W.D. Youth Work Unit, Kowloon Government Offices, Top Floor, 405 Nathan Road, Kowloon.
There will be a public display of 48 selected entries at the Ocean Terminal from May 18 to 20.
Prizes of educational or recreational equipment worth a total of 33,000 will be awarded for the best entries. Money for the prizes is being donated by Mr. Leo T.H. Lee, managing* director of the Tung Tai Trading Corporation.
Each entry must be tne joint effort of a group of at least five members who come within the age range of 13 to 25 • Participating groups should be sponsored by an agency, a school or an institution.
Friday, March JO, 1973
- 3 -
To Provide Places For 920 Pupils
A new Government secondary school is now nearing completion in Sha Tin.
A spokesman for the Education Department said that the building was expected to be completed by July this year.
It will start operation next term when 240 pupils, who are now temporarily accommodated in the Lung Cheung Road Government Secondary School, will be transferred to the new school in September.
It will be the first Government secondary school to open in Sha Tin.
Built on a site of over 50,000 square feet, the school will have three buildings. One of them, a six-storey building, will house 24 classrooms.
The second building, which is five storeys high, will accommodate administrative offices and rooms for various subjects.
An assembly hall and an open-sided covered playground will be provided in the third building. There will also be a basketball court and a car park with 24 spaces.
Costing about S5 million, the new school will have 920 places. Built next to the Jockey Club Clinic, it is now in its final stage of construction.
It is expected to be completed at the end of July.
Friday, March 30, 1973
- 4 -
i H I • I • 1 • • I 1 ’ '
Dr. Choa Says Incidence Of Disease Continues To Decline
Hong Kong has become a world centre for' research into tuberculosis at a time when local action against the disease continues to produce more satisfying results year by year.
Announcing this today at the annual general meeting of the Hong Kong Anti-Tuberculosis and Thoracic Diseases Association, Dr. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services and President of the Association, said the incidence of tuberculosis had declined from 9,792 cases in 1968 to 8,420 in 1972.
The death rate had also gone down, from 39 per 100,000 of the population in 1968 to 32 last year.
In the field of research, he referred to numerous projects now being undertaken by the Government, the Association, and other local agencies in partnership with the Medical Research Council of the United Kingdom.
Early in 1971, the Government had set aside $318,000 to support these projects for a further five years. One aim was to shorten the duration of tuberculosis treatment.
Dr. Choa was confident that this extensive co-operative effort would "undoubtedly produce significant results."
He attributed Hong Kong’s success in the continuing battle against the disease as due in part to the BCG programme among the newly-born, which he described as "probably one of the most comprehensive in the world."
/On the
Friday, March JO, 1973
- 5 -
On the treatment of cases, he told the meeting that emphasis on fully supervised out-patient treatment, and not hospitalisation, must remain the ’’corner stone” of policy.
Treatment of a new, uncomplicated and co-operative out-patient cost about SJOO a year, as against an average of #15,000 a year for a chronic case.
With the availability of effective, but often expensive, anti-tuberculosis drugs, every effort was being made to ensure that all new cases of tuberculosis were treated efficiently, so avoiding the production of failure cases which required increasingly expensive management and hospitalisation, Dr. Choa said.
He explained that this did not mean the "oye might doing away with all tuberculosis beds in hospitals,” but only that more attention would be paid to other chest diseases, such as chronic bronchitis, which often needed investigation and hospitatlisation.
In his view, one farther result of concentrating on out-patient treatment meant that more time could be devoted to the identification and early treatment of tuberculosis patients.
The staff of the Government Chest Service were making a greater effort at ’’case finding,” and he said existing facilities would be supplemented by more chest clinics in the future, especially in the new towns.
Friday, March JO, 1973
- 6 -
Two more sections of the Immigration Department are to be relocated A in new premises this weekend#
This time the Macao Visit Section and the Naturalisation Section
will be moving from the 12th floor of International Building to the 11th floor.
The move will take place tomorrow afternoon and on Sunday so as not to interrupt the flow of applications.
The sections will conduct business from their new premises from
Monday morning.
Note to Editors: Copies of a notice to exporters on
exports of restrained cotton textiles to the European Economic Community (EEC) concerning cancellation of the requirement to declare actual weight in export licence applications, are distributed separately in the G.I.S. press boxes.
Friday, March 30} 1973
- 7 -
Embargo Note to Editors: The following announcement is
embargoed until midnight tonight# The news may not be broadcast over local radio and TV stations until then#
On no account should the members be contacted for interviews or information relative to their careers or be approached in any way in connection with their appointment before this has been publicly announced.
A new Housing Authority has been set up to spearhead the drive for more and better housing in Hong Kong. Its main task vzill be to ensure that the 10-year public housing target to house 1,500,000 people is met by 1983.
Members of the Authority, which comes into being on April 1, were named today. They include eight Urban Councillors, five other unofficial and six official members, all appointed for two years#
The Urban Councillors, appointed on a personal basis by the Governor, are: Mr. A. de 0. Sales; Mr. Hilton Cheong-leen; Mr. B.A. Bernacchi; Mrs. Elsie-Elliott; Mr. R.H. Lobo; Mr. H.M.G. Forsgate; Mr. Kenneth Lo and Dr. Denny M.H. Huang.
The five other unofficial members are: Mr. Raymond Y.K. Kan;
Mr. R.R. Kendall; Mr. V.O. Roberts; Mr. Chan Tak-tai and Mr# Cheung Yan-lung.
/The official .......
Friday, March 30, 1973
- 8 -
The official members are: Mr. Donald Liao; Mr. J.J. Robson, Director of Public Works; Mr. D.C. Bray, District Commissioner, New Territories;
Mr. F.K. Li, Director of Social Welfare; Mr. D. Akers-Jones, Principal Assistant Colonial Secretary (Lands); and Mr. D.G. Jeaffreson, Deputy Financial Secretary.
The Chairman will be Mr. Ian Lightbody, the Secretary for Housing; and the Vice-chairman will be Mr. Donald Liao, who headed the former Housing Division of the Urban Services Department.
The new Housing Authority is charged with the responsibility for all public housing in Hong Kong. It will operate through its executive arm, the Housing Department, which also comes into being on April 1.
The Authority will be responsible for planning, building and managing estates, clearing land for development and squatter control. It will also advise the Governor on all housing policy matters.
Friday, March JO, 1973
- 9 -
The Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, today spent about two hours inspecting two proposed sites at Kwai Chung for new police stations and visiting the Tsuen Wan Police Station.
At the Tsuen Wan Police Station, the Governor inspected the report room and other facilities and was briefed on the reporting system.
He was accompanied on the visit by the Commissioner of Police, Mr. C.P. Sutcliffe.
They first arrived at the Kwai Chung container helipad where they were met by the District Police Commander, New Territories, Mr. M.C. Illingworth; and the Divisional Superintendent, Tsuen Wan, Mr. W.J. Roberts.
The Governor and the party proceeded to the proposed site at Kwai Fong where a new divisional police station may be built.
They then visited a proposed site at Sheung Kwai Chung for a sub-divisional station.
Continuing the tour, Sir Murray arrived at the Tsuen Wan Police Station where he was shown around, inspecting the report room and other facilities.
He was briefed by the Sub-divisional Inspector, Mr. Lau Yan-to on the reporting system now being used.
Release time: 7*30 p.m.
Saturday, March 31, 1973
Page No*
The Government has granted nearly two million square feet of land for charitable and welfare purposes over the past two years ••••••• 1
Lady MacLehose will lay the foundation stone for a new family planning centre in N.T. on Monday.................................... 2
More simultaneous interpreters are to be recruited by the Government ..................................................................... 3
Tsz Wan Shan children will take part in a walkathon tomorrow •••••» 4
Temporary traffic arrangements will be introduced in Robinson Road on Monday...............................................a............ 5
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, March J1, 1973
During the past two years, the Government has granted almost two million square feet of land for charitable and welfare purposes.
Last year alone, a total of 1,145,000 square feet was granted to 19 different organisations.
These grants are made by private treaty, and the premium charged varies from nil to full market value according to the purposes for which the land is to be used.
Grants have included land for schools, homes for the aged, pre-vocational training, workers housing schemes, churches and temples.
Charitable organisations have been granted land since the earliest days of Hong Kong.
Although most records were destroyed during the war, some of the oldest recipients are known to have been St. John’s Cathedral, the Po Leung Kuk and the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals.
The largest single grant recently was of 519»OOO square feet to the Board of Management of the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries for an extension to the cemetery at Cape Collinson.
Other large areas granted have included 276,000 square feet at Shuen Wan near Tai Po to the Hong Kong Sea School for a new school, and 123j6OO square feet to the Junk Bay Medical Relief Council for a preventorium.
/Most grants..........
Saturday, March 31, 1973
2 -
Most grants of this type have to be submitted to the Executive
Council for approval.
Commenting on the grants, a Government spokesman said that except for recreational leases, the urban zone Crown rent or the standard New Territories Crown rent was payable for the land.
He added that conditions were imposed to ensure adequate development of the land and that there was provision to re-enter the land if it was not properly used.
The scale of charges varies from nil premium for projects such as hospitals and homes for the aged, to one-third of makret value for housing schemes and two-thirds of market value for churches and temples.
For New Family Planning Centre
Note to Editors: Lady MacLehose will be officiating at the foundation-
stone-laying ceremony of the new Yuen Long Family Planning Centre at 11 a.m. on Monday (April 2).
You are cordially invited to send a reporter and/ or photographer to cover the ceremony. A 14-seater van of the Family Planning Association will be waiting at 9*20 a.m. on Monday at the entrance to the Kowloon-Canton Railway Station at Tsim Sha Tsui to take Press representatives to Yuen Long.
Staff from the Family Planning Association and Government Information Services will be on hand to assist the Press.
Saturday, March 51, 1975
- 5 -
Moye simultaneous interpreters are being recruited by the Government.
People who hold recognised university degrees or equivalent qualifications and who have very high standards of English and Cantonese are invited to apply for the posts.
Successful applicants will be engaged in the first instance, on a part-time basis, with the possibility of full-time employment later.
The work will chiefly involve simultaneous interpretation at public meetings of the Legislative and Urban Councils and meetings of Select Committees of the Urban Council.
Perhaps, in the future, they will also interprets for Government appointed Boards and Committees.
Remuneration for one sitting when working in a ueam of three and two is 3550 and 35^0 respectively.
Applications should be sent to the Establishment Secretary, Colonial Secretariat, not later than April 10, 1975*
-------0 - -. A ........
Saturday, March 31* 1973
- 4 -
Four hundred children living at Tsz Wan Shan resettlement estate will be taking part in a walkathon over a course about a mile long tomorrow (Sunday)•
The event has been organised for children aged from nine to 14 by the Tsz Wan Shan Estate Community Work Office of the Social Welfare Department and a number of local voluntary organisations.
Participants will set off at 2:30 p.m. from the Tsz Wan Shan Estate Welfare Building car park, and return to this point after circl jng the estate over a course which is expected to take about 30 minutes to complete•
There will bo a prize-givi.ig ceremony in the assembly hall of the estate welfare building at 3:30 p.m.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send a reporter and photographer
to cover the walkathon.
Note to Editors: There will be an issue of the Daily
Information Bulletin tomorrow (Sunday). Copies will be available for collection from the G.I.S. press room at 1 p.m.
Saturday, March 31, 1973
- 5 -
Temporary traffic arrangements will be introduced in Robinson Road and Prince Edward Road from 10 a.m. on Monday (April 2) to permit drainage work to be carried out.
All motor vehicles with an unladen weight exceeding two tons will not be allowed to use the section of Robinson Road between Park Road and Oaklands Avenue.
Drivers of heavy vehicles going to Kotewall Road should use Lyttelton Road and Oaklands Avenue.
This arrangement will last for about three weeks.
In Kowloon, the section of Prince Edward Road between Knight Street and Waterloo Road will be closed for about two months to eastbound traffic except for vehicles requiring access to premises in this section of the road.
Through traffic should use the temporary flyover, and left-turning traffic will be routed via Knight Street and Boundary Street.
In Kwun Tong, the access road parallel to Kwun Tong Road from Hong Ning Road to Tung Yan Street will be closed to all traffic for about two weeks from Tuesday (April 3) for road repairs.
The public light bus terminus will be temporarily resited to the north side of Yue Man Square between Fu Yan Street and Tung Yan Street.
The bus stop for KMB route No. 1A and the metered parking spaces on the north side of Yue Man Square will be temporarily cancelled. Route No. 1A buses will go via the bus terminus off Yue Man Square.
The section of Yue Man Square between Tung Yan Stroct and Fu Yan Street will be made one way westbound.
Appropriate traffic signs will be put up to guide motorists.
Release Time: 2.3Q p.m.