Tuesday, January 1, 197^
NOTE TO EDITORS OF NEWSPAPERS, The following announcement
NEl/S AGENCIES, BROADCASTING regarding the New Year Honours List STATIONS: is being made simultaneously in London
at 2J59 hours G.M.T. on January 1.
Publication is permitted in
Hong Kong newspapers tomorrow (Wednesday) f Jan. 2, but no news agency or overseas radio transmission of the announcement may carry the information without the embargo qualification. ... The news may be broadcast from
7.00 a.m. onwards over the local radio and television stations on Wednesday
On NO account should any of the recipients of Honours be contacted for interviews or for information relative to their careers or be approached in any way in connection with their awards before these have been publicly announced.
/NEW YEAR .........
Issued by Government Information Serv'zei, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Tuesdays J<^nusiry 1, 197^
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K.B. (Ihiight Bachelor)
The Honourable Mr. Justice Geoffrey Gould Briggs, Q.C.
Mr. Justice Briggs has been Chief Justice of Hong Kong since May, 1973.
He was bom in 191^ and was educated at Sherborne and Christ Church, Oxford. Later he was called to the Bar of Gray’s Inn.
He served in the Army during the Second World War, and joined the Colonial Service in Nigeria as a Crown Counsel in 19^7.
• * * X •
His distinguished service included appointments as Attorney General, Eastern Region, Nigeria; Puisne Judge in Sarawak, "North Borneo and Brunei; and Chief Justice of the Western Pacific, before he came to Hong Kong in 1965 as Puisne Judge. He was appointed a Queen’s Counsel in 1955. K.B. (Knight Bachelor) ' '•
Dr. Lawrence Kadoorie, C.B.E.- Knight (Associate), Order St. John; LL.D.; J.P.
Dr. Kadoorie was born in Hong Kong and is well known for his charitable and welfare work, in particular in advancing the standards of agriculture in the Nev/ Territories.
As Chairman of the China Light & Power Co. Ltd., he has been responsible for the imaginative expansion of the company in anticipation of industrial growth. Besides being Chairman of the family finance firm, he is also Chairman of nine other major companies and Director of a number of trading, banicing, insurance and other companies, including the Cross-Harbour Tunnel Company.
/He has .......
Tuesday, January 1, 197^
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He has been concerned with the welfare of the people of the New Territories and is co-founder with his brother of the Kadoorie Agricultural Loan Fund and of the Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Association--a philanthropic organisation which provides financial and material aid to farmers.
Dr, Kadoorie has served on many government committees, including the Legislative Council as a provisional member, and has received a number of foreign honours.
C.M.G. (Companion of the Order of St. Michael & St. George)
Hr. Ian MacDonald Lightbody, J.P.
Mr. Lightbody has been with the local administrative service since 19^6*
He has served in a number of responsible posts in various government departments and was Establishment Officer in 19o2, District Commissioner, New Territories in 19&6, Commissioner for Transport in 19&7? and Defence Secretary in 1968. He acted as Deputy Colonial Secretary in 1969-70 and took over the post of Commissioner for Resettlement in 1971•
In November 1972, he assumed the responsibility of overseeing the government’s ambitious housing programme as Secretary for Housing.
lie was appointed official Justice of the Peace in 19^8.
Tuesday, January 1, 1974
C.B.E. (Commander Order of the British Empire)
Mrs. Ellen Li Shu Pui. O.B.E.; J.P.
Mrs. Li was the first woman to be appointed to the Legislative Council and is respected as a leading exponent of equal rights for women in Hong Kong.
Much of her time has been devoted to social work, especially in the field of family planning and education.
She has served on a host of committees and voluntary organisations, including the Family Planning Association, the Board of Education, the Y.W.C.A., the Court of the Hong Kong University, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong Council. She was also a member of the Urban Council.
In 1958? she was awarded the M.B.E. and received the O.B.E. in 1964.
The Hon. Szeto Wai, O.B.E ; J.P.
Mr. Szeto has been an Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council since 1965 and an Unofficial Member of the Executive Council since 1972.
He has given valuable advice on a number of official boards and committees, in particular on the Transport Advisory Committee, of which he is Chairman; the Public Works Sub-committee; the Town Planning Board; and the Finance Committee.
A consulting civil and structural engineer, he is honorary architect to a number of voluntary organisations.
He was awarded the O.B.E. in 1967•
• * Tuesday, January 1, 197'+
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O.B.E, (Officer Order of the British Empire)
Ijj-P-5-Aw.Sian, Associate Serving Sister, Order St. John; J.P..
Miss Avz is Chairman of the Sing Tao Newspapers Ltd., and has worked enthusiastically to improve press standards.
She was the main organiser for the International Press Institute’s Assembly in Hong Kong in 1970, and as World Chairman of the Institute for the year 1970/71? she won considerable honour both for herself and for Hong Kong. She is also Chairman of the Executive Board of the Chinese Language Press Institute.
She is active in promoting the work of the St. John Ambulance Association and her work in charities include the establishment of the annual Standard-Sing Tao Fat Choy Drive.
Ilr. Eric Byron Cumine, J.P.
Mr. Cumine is a prominent architect. Among his more well-known buildings in Hong Kong are the Grayburn Wing of the Matilda and War Memorial Hospital and the North Point Housing Estate. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects in 1929-
His public service includes membership of the Tenancy Tribunal Panel, the Committees of Review Panel (Buildings), the Town Planning Board, and the Commission of Inquiry into the Rainstorm Disasters in June, 1972.
lie was elected a Steward of the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club in 1972.
Mr. Cyril .«••••
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llr. Cyril Reginald James Donnithorne
Mr. Donnithorne has recently retired as Director of Building Development of the Public Works Department.
During the early part of his career, he designed the first (Mark I) type of resettlement flats at Shek Kip Mei and was closely concerned with the resettlement programme. For this service, he was honoured with a minuted tribute from the Urban Council in 1958.
He took charge of the Architectural and Buildings Ordinance Offices of the F.V/.D. in 1971 as Director of Building Development.
Mr» .Hugh Moss Gerald Forsgate, J.P.
Mr. Forsgate has been a member of the Urban Council since 19&5* He has contributed much to the Council’s work, especially in the environmental field.
He serves on a number of select committees of the Council and the ”Keep Hong Kong Clean” Campaign Committee, in addition to being a member of the newly re-organised Advisory Committee on Environmental Pollution.
He was the last Chairman of the Executive Committee of the old Housing Authority and is a member of the reconstituted Authority.
/Mr. Geoffrey .....
Tuesday, January 1, 1974
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jir. jep_-XrPy Marsh Tingle
Mr. Tingle retired as Director of Urban Services in 1963 and was re-employed as Assistant Director of Medical and Health the next year.
As Assistant Director, he helped the department to solve a number of difficult administrative problems, including the re-organisation of the training and administration of the health visiting service.
He was also secretary of the Medical Development Advisory Committee. 1,3.0. (Imperial Service Order)
Mr. Harold Miller
Mr. Miller retired as Government Quantity Surveyor in June 1973 from the Public Works Department where he has given invaluable service for some 18 years.
He served on the government Metrication Committee and was Chairman to the Committee’s Building Construction and Civil Engineering Sub-Committee.
Mr. Miller is active in the local cultural scene, and has helped with the production of many amateur dramatic and musical groups.
Arthur Michael Tinson
Hr. Tinson recently retired as Secretary to the Urban Council, a post he had held since 19&5-
In this important post, he rendered invaluable service to various Chairmen and individual members of the Council.
He first joined the government service in 1943 and served in several departments, including the Commerce and Industry Department, the Colonial Secretariat, Radio Hong Kong, Registration of Persons Office, and the Housing Authority, before being posted to the Urban Council.
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M.B.E. (liember Order of the British Empire)
Mrs. Li Chan King Sau
Mrs. Li is a Liaison Officer with the Home Affairs Department Women's Section.
In the past twenty years, she has been actively engaged in the promotion of women’s activities, and has given guidance in setting up a number of women’s organizations and clubs.
Mr. Li Yun Gun
Mr. Li has been with the Post Office for 57 years and is at present a Senior Controller of Posts.
He lias displayed outstanding ability and through his capable management of ivork, has helped the Post Office to handle the ever increasing volume of mail efficiently.
Mr. Liu Yun Sum, J.P.
Mr. Liu is a keen promotor of community services in the New Territories.
He has been Chairman of the Sheung Shui Rural Committee since C$x56 and is playing an important role in the organisation of the scout movement in the Nev; Territories.
He helped to raise funds for the extension of the Fung Kai Middle School and lias recently been appointed to the Board of Education.
He lias been Vice-Chairman of the Keep Hong Kong Clean New Territories Co-ordinating Committee.
/Mr. Hector ••«•••
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lir. Rector Hudson Ross
Mr. Ross, who joined government service in 195^» was appointed Co-ordinator of the ’Keep Hong Kong Clean’ Campaign in 197'1-
In this position, he contributed greatly to the success of the campaign by mobilising the efforts of both the government and public.
Previously, he was with the Colonial Secretariat, the Urban Services Department and the Immigration Department.
Cecilia Fox Dempster Stark
Mrs. Stark has been Personal Assistant to five successive Directors of Commerce and Industry over a period of 19 years.
With a thorough knowledge of the work of the department and an ability to help others she has been invaluable not only to the Director but also to the department at a time when it was under heavy work pressure.
Miss Audrey Ada Unthank, Commander (Sister), Order St. Jolin
Miss Unthank was largely responsible for the expansion of the Hong Kong Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
She first joined the Society’s Executive Committee in 195^i and during the 19 years since then, she has devoted her time to expending the work of the Society in the care and protection of animals.
/M.B.E(H) ........
Tuesday, Janu .ry 1, 197^
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M.B.E. (H) (Member Order of the British Empire) (Honorary)
ijr. Chiu Kan Yee
Mr. Chiu retired from the government service as Interpreter/ Translator Class I last February.
He lias rendered distinguished service with the New Territories Administration and the ease with which he translated contracts and large volumes of correspondence during the construction of the Shek Pik Reservoir greatly helped the project proceed smoothly.
He performed similar work in connection with the High Island Water Scheme during his last two years of service.
B.E.I-M (British Empire Medal)
Mr. Chan Kam Tong
Hr. Chan is a Class I Clerk in the Tai Po District Office. Throughout his 25 years of service in the Office, he has been regarded as a model junior officer and has been of invaluable help to his colleagues and senior officers and members of ^he public.
lir. Chan Yee King
Mr. Chan joined the government service in 1959 and has been with the Personnel Registry of Police Headquarters for a number of years.
Tlie Registry provides personnel information on a vast number of officers. Through Mr. Chan’s painstaking efforts the records are being maintained in a high state of accuracy and reliability.
/Mr. Chui ••••••
Tuesday, January 1, 1974
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Mr. Chui Hon
Mr. Chui, who is due to retire in June 1974, has been with the Government Supplies Department for 39 years.
He first joined as an apprentice in the Furniture Workshop in 1934 and is at present Foreman Class I, responsible for the maintenance of furniture in government offices and quarters.
He has been active in improving staff welfare in the department outside his official duties.
Mr. Malcolm ~Ge or ge Gill
Mr. Gill served for more than 25 years with the Armed Services where he qualified as a specialist in the repair and maintenance of weapons.
He took over a civilian post of Force Armourer with the Police in 19^2, and was later promoted to Senior Force Armourer ,in charge of the Armoury. lie efficiently re-organised the Armoury, and has done much to improve administration of and training in weapon care.
Before joining the Police, he was awarded the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (Army) in 1948 and Medal for Meritorious Service (Army)in 1956*
/Mr• Henry ••••••
Tuesday, January 1, 197^
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Mr. Henry Guy ffammal
Mr. Hammal has been responsible for the efficient maintenance and operation of the Marine Police Fleet of vessels.
He helped to ensure that the largest number of police launches could be operative at all times and trained his staff to high professional standards.
Mr. Lam Shing Fong
Mr. Lam is a Class I Police Interpreter. He first joined the government in 19^0 as a clerk before he transferred to the interpreter grade.
During the eight years he was attached to the Kowloon C.I.D. Headquarters, his dedication and administrative ability helped to ensure the smooth and efficient running of the office.
Mr. Lau Chi Chuen
Mr. Lau was one of the most senior clerical officers in the government. He retired recently as a Senior Clerk after years of service. For many years lie was attached to the Marine Department where his work and personal qualities have been exemplary to his colleagues. He also contributed much to the department’s staff welfare work, being an active member of Several staff organisations.
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Q.P.h. (QuejnJs Police Medal)
1 Ir. Charlos Leonard Scobeli, C.P.K.
Hr. Scobell is Deputy Director of Special Branch. He first joined the Royal Hong Kong Police Force in 1951 and has been with the Special Branch since except for a period from i960 to 1968, when he was a Divisional Superintendent and second in command of Hong Kong Island District. He has made exceptional contribution to the work of Special Branch with his professional skill and able leadership, and was awarded the Colonial Police Medal in 1968.
Ijr»_ John Dyson Hirst, C.P.h.
Mr. Hirst is Chief Superintendent of the Communications and Transport Branch of the Police Force. He first joined the Colonial Police in 1953 and served in the Uganda Police Force before transferring to Hong Kong in 1961. Being a highly qualified telecommunications engineer, his skill and personal energy have been invaluable to the efficient operation of the Hong Kong Police in the field of communications and transport.
lie was awarded the Colonial Police Medal in 1966.
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Q.F.S.H. (Queen1s FireServices Medal) Mr. jlobert Holmes, C.P.M.
Mr. Holmes is Chief Fire Officer of the Fire Services Command
Headquarters based in Hong Kong Island. During his 16 years of service with the Department,he has maintained high standards of professional profioiency and personal integrity and has proved himself an able commander in operational fields.
He was awarded the Colonial Police Medal for Meritorious Service in 1970.
Mr. Fred Jackson, C.P.M.
Mr. Jackson,who has been with the Fire Services for 16 years,is Chief Fire Officer of Command Headquarters in the New Territories. He was awarded the Colonial Police Medal for Meritorious Service in 19&9 and since then lias further distinguished himself as a competent commander in fire fighting and rescue operations. His resourcefulness has been invaluable to the department and in particular to the development of his command. C.P.M. (Colonial Police Medal)
lir. Au Chi Wo
Mr. Au has been an Ambulance Dresser since 19^7) first with the
Medical and Health Department and since 1953 with the Fire Services Department.
He sustained severe burns at an incident in 1959 which resulted in permanent disfiguration and partial disability. Despite this, he continued to be an enthusiastic and dedicated Ambulance Dresser, contributing to the smooth re-organisation of the Ambulance Service in recent yoars.
/Mr. George ••••••
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Il_r. George James Batts, C.P.L.S.M.
Mr. Batts joined the Police in 1952 as a Sub-Inspector and after working in various ranks, was appointed acting Senior Superintendent in 1968,
He has received several Commissioner commendations for excellent work in difficult police cases and was awarded the Colonial Police Long Service Medal in 1971*
Mr. Cheung Shu Shing
Mr. Cheung first joined the Fire Services in 195^ and is at present a Divisional Officer. He has consistently maintained the highest standard of endeavour gaining the respect and confidence of all ranks within the department by his willingness and ability to help. For many years, he has been an honorary A.D.C. to the Governor.
IIr. Ian Peter Hyde, G.M.; C.P.L.S.M.
Mr. Hyde is Divisional Superintendent of Kwun Tong. He first joined the Force in 1957 and was commended by the Governor for good work in natural disaster in 19^0 and by the Commissioner of Police in 19&5 for zeal in investigation of complicated corruption cases.
He was awarded the George Medal for gallantry in 1952 and the Colonial Police Long Service Medal in 1971-
Sergeant Ip Sun, C.P.L.S.M.
Sergeant Ip is with the Police Kwun Tong Division, taking up Uniform Branch duties.
lie has served in all three land Districts of the Force and has proved himself to be loyal, efficient and hardworking.
He was awarded the Colonial Police Long Service Medal in 1967* /Sergeant ......................................................
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Sergeant Lau Cheong Wa, C.P.L.S^M. '
Sergeant Lau joined the Police Force in 1951 and was promoted to Station Sergeant in 1972.
Throughout his 22 years of service he has shown a high standard of leadership and loyalty, and his ability as a detective has earned him praises from Judges, Magistrates, the Police Commissioner and Commanding Officers.
Ilr. Lee Cho Yau
Ur. Lee is an experienced fireman and at present holds the rank of Station Officer. In 19&7i he was commended by the Director of Fire Services for initiative and ability in rescuing a person trapped on an upper floor of a building involved in a fire.
Mr. Li Kent Tak
Mr. Li has served as an Ambulance Dresser for 26 years.
He lias demonstrated exemplary conduct throughout his service, devoting himself to his work faithfully and cheerfully.
Sergeant Lo Pak Sau, C.P.L.S.M,
Sergeant Lo, who was born in the New Territories, has spent his entire police service in New Territories formations. In the early part of his career he received one Governor’s Commendation and three commendations by the Police Commissioner for excellent work in operations against gangs of armed robbers and marauders.
He was awarded the Colonial Police Long Service Medal in 19&5-
/Sergeant Lo •••••
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Sergeant Lo Wai Chiu; C..P.L»S M.
Sergeant Lo has served continuously in the Marine Police sinoe he joined the Force in 19^8. He was promoted to Station Sergeant in 1972.
His work and conduct have ccnstributed to the high standard of the Marine PaLioe over a long period. His abilities have won Mw •ommendations from the Commissioner of Police and his Commanding Officer»
He was awarded the Colonial Police Long Service Medal in 1964 and the 1st Clasp to the Medal in 1971.
Mr. Ng Kwan, C.S.C.M.
Mr. Ng is an Auxiliary Senior Inspector of Police, and has served with distinction in a number of posts.
Recently he did much voluntary work for the Auxiliary Police Recruiting Campaign. He was awarded the Colonial Special Constabulary Medal in 1969.
MrSo Wing Sum t C.S.C.M.
Mr. So recently revived from the Auxiliary Police Force as Sergeant.
Throughout his career with the Auxiliary Force, Mr. So lias always carried out his duties with diligence and enthusiasm.
He was awarded the Colonial Special Constabulary Medal in 1962.
/Mr. Tam ••••••
Tuesday; January 1, 1974
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Iir. Tam Kai Tai, C.P.L.S.M.
Sergeant Tam joined the Force in 1946 and was promoted to his present rank in 1955* Since 1948, he has served continuously in the Special Branch and lias performed his duties in an exemplary manner.
Iio was awarded the Colonial Police Long Service Medal in 1964 and the 1st Clasp in 1971*
Mr. Un Man Wai, C. S. C. M. *
,Mr. Un first joined the Police Reserve in 1935? and was promoted to Corporal in the Auxiliary Police in 1955- The post was regraded to Sergeant in 15)72.
He has served with distinction in Shamshuipo Division for the past 20 years and has set a good example to officers under his command.
He was a regular volunteer for special crime prevention duties in 1972 and 1973« In 1936, he was awarded the Colonial Special Constabulary Medal. lir, Keith Woodrow, C.P.L.S.M.
Mr. Woodrow is Superintendent of Police currently working as Liaison Officer attached to the Public Works Department.
In this position, he is responsible for presenting police views on traffic engineering matters, and the cordination of work between the police and the P.'./.D.
He has been commended on three occasions by the Commissioner of Police for his high standard of leadership and work. He was awarded the Colonial Police Long Service Medal and the 1st Clasp in 1971*
Release 5.00 p.m.
Wednesday, January 2, 1974
Page No.
Kowloon Tsai fire victims start moving into their new homes tomorrow • •.................................................... *1
Special ’’switch off” stickers being distributed in save fuel drive......................................................... . J
Mail express service introduced to U.S.A......................, 4
More immigration facilities to be provided in New Territories • 5
Local officers on study tour of Southeast Asia ................ 6
Special Education Centre opening tomorrow..........,....... 7
Temporary water interruption in Kowloon City .................. 7
December 1973 —- driest on record ..........•••••••••••........ 8
Daily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
Release time: 7.00 p.m.
issued by Government Inform&tton Sfrrvic-js. Beaconsfield Home. Hong Kong Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, January 2, 197^
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Processing for intake into public housing or licensed areas for the Kowloon Tsai squatter fire victims has been completed and the first ten families will be able to move into either Kwai Fong or Lam Tin Estate tomorrow.
These families originally lived in the Man Heung Yuen Area, which had been screened for clearance. The other 257 families from the Man San Lane and Sai Man Lane Areas who are also eligible for public housing will move into the same estates from Monday (January 7)•
Licensed area sites will be allocated to another 39 families in the next two or three days.
Cash allowances from the Emergency Relief Fund will be paid out to the victims tomorrow and on Friday at the Squatter Control Office at Li Cheng Uk Estate.
Families who have been offered public housing will get the reequipment grant at the new rate of 3100 per person.
Families to be allocated licensed area sites will each get a basic re-accommodation grant of 31,250 in addition to the re-equipment allowance.
Meanwhile, Housing Department staff are processing the Ma Tsai Hang firo victims for rehousing.
Of the 9^ families affected by the fire, 87 families - comprising 376 people who were genuine licencees of the area - will be offered public housing.
/The remaining........ •
Wednesday, January 2, 1974
Hie remaining seven families, comprising 27 people, will be offered licensed area accommodation if they are genuinely homeless.
At present, about 120 victims of the fire are staying at the Yan Oi .transit Centre for temporary shelter, the other are staying with relatives or friends.
Staff of the Housing Department are also screening the vi cfri ms of the squatter fire which broke out on the hillside near Lam Tin Estate last Monday# All 40 structures destroyed in the fire were unsupypyed and illegal.
The 16 families comprising 60 people affected will be offered licensed area accommodation.
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Wednesday, January 2, 197^
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More than 200,00^ special ’’switch off” stickers are being distributed by the government to various organisations and firms throughout Hong Kong as part of its continuing drive to economise on the use of fuel.
The stickers, in English and Chinese, are designed to be placed beside electric light and power switches to remind people of the need to save fuel.
They are being distributed to many commercial and industrial undertakings, factories, mutual aid and area committees and all government departments.
The sticker - an inch square - exhorts people in both languages to switch off and save.
Twenty-five thousand posters also carrying the theme of saving fuel now for later, are being distributed throughout Hong Kong.
A government spokesman said today that the current drive to save fuel will continue to encourage people to play their part in making voluntary restraints, no matter how small.
”The more we save now,” he said, ’’the less chance there is of mandatory restrictions being imposed at a later stage.”
The spokesman said it was estimated that the overall savings achieved so far - both voluntary and mandatory - amounted to some five per cent with another one per cent to come from daylight saving. But the anticipated shortfall in fuel supplies to Hong Kong in the first quarter is 10 per cent.
The difference, he said, would still have to be made good and for this reason ’’economy must be the watchword”.
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Wednesday, January 2, 197^
A speedpost service has been introduced between Hong Kong and the United States, with the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation being the first customer.
According to a Post Office spokesman, items posted in Hong Kong by 9*50 a.m. are expected to be delivered before noon the next day in major cities in the United States.
The cost of the service, which will be arranged on a contract basis, is $100 basic plus 320 for each pound in weight.
Speedpost was first introduced in September last year between Hong Kong and the United Kingdom and has proved successful.
Times of collection and delivery are specified and agreed with the customer utilising pre-determined flights and special facilities afforded by the postal administration delivering the packages.
Those wishing to make use of these facilities may contact the General Post Office on telephone No. 5-237^1 •
Wednesday, January 2, 197^
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A long-term programme is being prepared for the provision of more immigration offices, particularly in the New Territories where considerable development is envisaged in the next few years.
Disclosing this today, the Director of Immigration, Mr. W.E. Collard, said branch offices would be opened in due course in Sha Tin and Tuen Mun as part of the department’s continuing policy to provide convenient immigration facilities to residents in their own neighbourhood.
’’Investigations are also being carried out into the feasibility of providing a weekly service on Cheung Chau, and the possible establishment of a branch office at Tai Po,” he said,
He was speaking at the opening of the department’s latest branch office in Yuen Long, the fourth to be opened in the past twelve months.
The new branch office is located at A-B, Wah Cheung Building, ground floor, Castle Peak Road, and will provide the same full range services as other branch offices.
Mr. Collard said fitting-out of another office at Sham Shui Po would start fairly soon, and a new office in Kowloon City would be set up in April to replace the existing one in the area.
The Yuen Long branch office was officially declared open by Mr.
Chan Yat-san, Chairman of the Heung Yee Kuk.
Mr. Chan said the new office reflected the rapid development of various districts and the increase in industrial, commercial and tourist activities in the Nev/ Territories.
• • ' . ?** f • • • ••••••It
Note to Editors: Copies of the full text of Mr. Collard’s speech
are boxed for collection together with copies of Mr.
Chan Yat—san’s address.
- o - -
Wednesday, January 2, 197^ - 6 -
Fourteen officers from the Home Affairs Department and the New Territories Administration, including four women, leave today (Wednesday) on a three-week study tour of Southeast Asia.
The tour, the third in a series of annual study visits to Southeast Asia, will be concentrated primarily in Malaysia and Singapore. Its purpose is to provide officers of the two departments with the opportunity to compare their approaches to problems and their work methods with those of other governments.
Leading the group is Mr. David T.K. Wong, Deputy Director for Home Affairs.
Other members are:
Mrs. Ophelia Rahmin, City District Officer, (C.D.O., Central);
Mr. Victor Yung Chuk-hung, Assistant District Officer, (D.O., Sai Kung);
Mr. Wong Nai-pang, Liaison Officer Class I, (D.O., Tsuen Wan);
Mr. Ken Tang Kam-yan, Acting Senior Land Assistant, (D.O., Tsuen Wan);
Mr. Wong Yiu-wing, Acting Senior Executive Officer, (City District Commissioner, Hong Kong Office);
Mr. James Kwan Kin-cheung, Assistant City District Officer, (C.D.O., Kwun Tong);
Mr. Parrish Kwan Kang-kwan, Assistant City District Officer, (Tai Kok Tsui, Sub-office);
Mrs. Wei Kwok Chun-yue, Executive Officer, (C.D.O., Kowloon City);
Mrs. Tang Tsang Bik-ying, Executive Officer, (C.D.O., Eastern);
Miss Carrie Yau Sheung-mui, Executive Officer, (C.D.O., Wong Tai Sin);
Mr. Tam Sik-lim, Liaison Officer, (C.D.O., Wanchai);
Mr. U Cheuk-leun, Assistant Mediation Officer, (H.A.D.); and Mr. Sin Hon-bun, Liaison Assistant, (C.D.O., Shamshuipo).
The party is expected to return to Hong Kong on January 22.
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Wednesday, January 2, 1974
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The Director of Education, Mr. J. Canning, will open the Special Education Services Centre at 10.00 a.m. tomorrow (Thursday).
The Centre is on the second floor of Sir Ellis Kadoorie Government Primary School (Western), Hospital Road, Hong Kong.
It provides diagnostic and remedial services for children with learning difficulties, and is manned by officers of the Education Department’s Special Education Section.
A three-day exhibition of special teaching aids will also be opened at the same time. Among the exhibits are remedial and specially adapted materials designed for children with learning problems related to visual, auditory, physical and speech handicaps and school failures.
The exhibition will be held at the adjacent Sai Ying Pun Government Primary School.
Note to Editors: Reporters and photographers are invited to
cover the opening ceremony and the exhibition.
Water supply to a number of premises in Kowloon City will be interrupted for five hours starting from 1 a.m. on Saturday (January 5) to enable a leakage tost to be carried out in the area.
The affected area is bounded by Prince Edward Road, Junction Road, Carpenter Road and Nga Tsin Long Road.
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Wednesday, January 2, 197^
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Last month was the driest December ever recorded by the Royal Observatory, with the mean relative humidity dropping to 5^ per cent - nearly 20 per cent below normal.
This winter season has been exceptionally dry because the continental anticyclone over China was stronger and more persistent than usual, according to Dr. P.O. Chin, Senior Scientific Officer of the Royal Observatory.
It resulted in a sustained period of cold air streams from the north, he said. Such static condition in pressure distribution is known in meteorological terms as a ’blocking situation'.
At this time of the year, anticyclones over China usually move eastward into the Pacific, said Dr. Chin ;this would bring to Hong Kong more humid and warmer weather. However, there is at present little indication that there would be changes in the situation for the next few days, he added.
The dry condition in December has brought with it extreme fire hazards. The fire warning signal was on throughout the month except for a short period of 11 hours on December 12.
/During .....
Wednesday, January 2, 1974
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During the last 11 days of December, the fire warning signal continued to be red. The mean relative humidity for those days was 32 per cent, while during the same period in 1972, the average recording was as high as 82 per cent.
The humidity reading of 14 per cent at 1 p.m. on December 31 was a record low for December, equalled only by a December reading in 1898.
The lowest humidity reading ever recorded by the Royal Observatory was 10 per cent, recorded on January 16, 1959-
No rain was recorded last month, though we can usually expect five days of rain in December.
Last month was also the sunniest December in 35 years, with a total of 268.4 hours of sunlight. It also was the December with the clearest sky since 1898, with an average cloud amount of 23 per cent, against the normal of 55 per cent for the month.
Wednesdt y, January 2, 1974
Daily Guide To Wholesale Market Prices and Supplies
The following prices were realised today (Wednesday) at sales under the Race Control Scheme and at the Vegetable Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market and the Fish Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market at Cheung Sha Wen, Kowloon:
Supplies and WholesaTe Pi ices ox Rice
■ —•• Availability Wholesale Price
of Supply (S/catty)
On ilia Rice • Average
o „ - old crop See Mew * Good i.a
- new crop 1e?2
S ,C«,Jien - old crop Good 1*58
Pc Ngai Good 1.42
Chu Clio Good 1.22
Thai Rice
1C0% Whole Good -1.52
10-15$ Brokens Good 1.50
A1 Super Extra Good 1,45
A1 Super Good
Whole Glutinous Limited 1.52
UaS. Rice Good 1,62
Australian Rice Good 1.52
Pakistan j&qfi Good 1.42
Taiwan Rice Good 1.42
/Supplies and
Wednesday, January 2, 197/j,
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Marine Fish •
4* . Species • Availability of Supply Wholesale Price (fi/catty)
Rich —i J if Low * Avorajra
Golden Thread Normal 5.50 3.50 4.80
Big-Eyes Good 2.50 0.60 1.80
Squid Limited 6.80 3.00 4.50
Hair-Tails . Normal 2.60 1.50 2.20
Lizard Fishes Limited 3,40 1.00 2.40
Croakers Normal 2.60 0.70 1.60
Conger-Pike-Eels Limited 3.40 2.60 2.80
• Melon Coat Normal 3.30 1.40 3.00
Breams Limited 4.80 3.50 4.50
Yellow Belly Good 1.40 0.75 1.00
Mackerels •-* Normal 5.00 3.20 4.50
Rod Coat Fish Good 2.80 0.70 2.00
Fork-Tail Good . 1.60 1.00 1.20
Horse-Hoad Limited 6.50 4.00 5.00
Melon Seed Normal 3.00. 1.40 2.60
Porrfrets Scarce 10.00 8.00 9.00
Garoupas Normal 6.50 5.20 6.00
Yellow Croaker Scarce 8.00 6.00 7.00
/Supplies and
Wednesday, January 2, 197^
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Locally Produced Vegetables
Type Availability of Supply Wholesale Price (S/catty)
Hi£i Low Average
Flowering cabbage Limited 3.0 1.2 2.4
White cabbage Limited 1.6 0.8 1.2
Chinese Lottuco Normal 1.4 0.5 1.0
Chinese Kale Limited 1.7 0.6 1.0
Spring onion Limited 1.6 0.7 1.2
Spinach e Limited 2.2 0.8 1.6
Water cross ; Limited 1.8 0.8 1.4
Loaf mustard cabbage Scarce 1.5 0.5 1.0
Tomato Limited 1.8 1.0 1.4
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Pork (Live weight)
Availability of Supply
Wholesale Price (8/ picul)
Thursday, January J, 1974
Page No.
New transport arrangements for commuters in Central to start
this Sunday • • • •........................................... 1
Preventive Service had busy time last year................• • • 4
Special education centre for handicapped children opened •••• 6
First phase of 1974 anti-polio campaign launched................ 8
Fund raising concert tomorrow by Wong Tai Sin children’s choir • • • •...............................................
Kowloon Tsai fire victims receive 855»000 allowance ........... 10
Finding jobs for disabled difficult ••••••.................... 11
Controller of Posts retires after 37 years service ............ 12
Daily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
Release tine: 7.. 5°
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, January 3, 197^
- 1 -
New public transport arrangements will be introduced in Central from Sunday (January 6) under the second stage of a scheme to improve traffic flow in the district.
Basically, the scheme involves re-routing of various bus routes and shifting of public light bus stands to less congested areas in an effort to keep traffic moving in heavily used roads in Central, while at the same time providing adequate and convenient pick-up points for commuters.
At the same time, goods vehicles will also be prohibited from loading and unloading in Pottinger Street during the peak hours of 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to 7 p*m.
Under the new arrangements for public light buses, commuters travelling to Kennedy Town, Wah Fu and Aberdeen should board either at the PL3 terminus at the Jubilee Street Ferry Concourse or at the piclfr-up points at Wellington Street and Stanley Street.
Those going to Causeway Bay, North Point, Quarry Bay, Shau Kei Wan and Chai Wan, should board at the PLB terminus at Central Reclamation (between Star Ferry and Central Bus Station), or at the pick-up points at Des Voeux Road at Statue Square.
The existing public light bus stand at Wing Lok Street, between Des VoeuxRoad Central and Rumsey Street, will be cancelled, and public light buses will not be permitted to pick up or set down passengers between 7 a.m. and midnight on the following sections of roads:-
/Queensway .......
Thursday, January 5> 197^
- 2 -
Queensway between Cotton Tree Drive and Garden Road; Queen’s Road Central between Garden Road and On Wo Lane; Stanley Street between D’Aguilar Street and House No. 18A; Wellington Street between Wyndham Street and Cochrane Street; Murray Road between Chater Road and Quecnsway; Jackson Road between Connaught Road Central and Des Voeux Road Central; Redder Street between Connaught Road Central and Queen’s Road Central; and D’Aguilar Street between Queen’s Road Central and Wellington Street.
Public light buses will also be prohibited from entering
Des Voeux Road Central between Jackson Road and Morrison Street, except for the eastbound carriageway between Jackson Road and Redder Street; Jervois Street between Cleverly Street and Morrison Street; Club Street; Ice House Street between Connaught Road Central and Chater Road;
Douglas Street; Pottinger Street between Connaught Road Central and Queen’s Road Central; Man Wah Lane between Connaught Road Central and Wing Lok Street; Hillier Street between Connaught Road Central and Wing Lok Street; Cleverly Street between Connaught Road Central and Wing Lok Street; Morrison Street between Connaught Road Central and Queen’s Road Central; and Wing Lok Street between Des Voeux Road Central. and Rumsey Street.
Meanwhile, the China Motor Bus Company will bo starting five new bus routes in Central from Sunday.
These are: Route 10A running between Central Bus Station and North Point Station at five-minute intervals during peak hours; route 20A from Pottinger Street (North) to Quarry Bay at five-minute intervals during peak hours; route 25 from Central Bus Station to Tin Hau Temple Road every 10-15 minutes; route 25A running from Central Bus Station to Causeway Bay at 1O-minute intervals during peak hours, and route 20 operating between Pottinger Street (South) and Shau Kei Wan. ......
/The fares •••••••
Thursday, January 3, 1974
- 3 -
The faros on all these new routes will be JO cents.
At the same time, westbound CMB routes JB and 10 will be re-routed via Des Voeux Road Central, instead of Queen’s Road Central between Garden Road and Jubilee Street.
Comr.iuters from Central also have a ehoice of travelling to their destinations by boarding trams along Des Voeux Road Central.
Other traffic re-arrangements coming into force on Sunday include the re-routing of the section of Pottinger Street, between Des Voeux Road Central and Connaught Road Central, to one-way for southbound traffic. At the junction of Pottinger Street and Des Voeux Road Central, no right turn or left turn traffic movement from Pottinger Street into Des Voeux Road will be permitted.
Goods vehicles will be prohibited from loading or unloading in the sections of Pottinger Street, between Queen’s Road Central and Connaught Road Central, from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. daily.
Thursday, January 3, 1974
- 4 -
Nearly 36 million worth of dangerous drugs were seized by officers of the Preventive Service in 1973 and more than 3,800 people were arrested in connection with narcotics offences.
The quantity of drugs seized and confiscated during the year totalled 584.6 kilograms of raw and prepared opium, heroin, cannabis, and barbitone, and 215 litres of opium solution.
Of the 3,857 people arrested, 3,671 were connected with smoking or trafficking in narcotics.
One of the more noteworthy seizures occurred on January 16 when Preventive Officers smashed a highly organised drugs storage and distribution centre inside the Walled City.
On that occasion, the officers were forced to fire at a mob which attempted to retrieve the large quantities of opium and heroin seized and to rescue tvzo female traffickers.
The two women were subsequently sentenced to 18 and 12 months’ imprisonment and fined $20,000 each, or 12 months’ jail.
Two days later, on January 18, officers surrounded the Luen Shan Farm at Yuen Long and after a search located one of the largest heroin manufacturies ever discovered. A large quantity of No. 4 heroin undergoing the various refining processes, barbitone and manufacturing equipment were seized.
The manufacturer was arrested at the scene and subsequently sentenced in the Supreme Court to 10 years in prison.
/In actions
Thursday, January 3, 1974
- 5 -
In actions taken to protect revenue, 116 people were arrested for various offences against the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance while a further 550 people were summonsed for licensing infringements.
Sixty-one illicit stills were discovered in rural and suburdan areas and 2,750 gallons of Chinese type spirit and alcohol were subsequently confiscated.
Adulterated brandy, whisky and gin amounting to the equivalent of 1,512 quart bottles were also seized with 13 arrests made for offences relating to adulteration.
Kid-1973 saw a sudden upsurge in the smuggling of gold and 39 arriving passengers at Kai Tak airport were arrested for illegal carrying of gold. Three others, including a local businessman, were also arrested for the same offence.
In all, a total of 108.55 Kg. of gold with an estimated value of 32 million was confiscated during the year by Preventive Service Officers.
Significant seizures, were also made by officers engaged in harbour operations. They found 61 tons of rice, worth about 3210,000, on board four freighters from Bangkok.
On another occasion, they seized more than 4,000 watches and watch movements - all cheap imitations of some famous brands - on board a Dutch vessel•
Thursday, January 3? 1974
- 6 -
For Children With Learning Difficulties
Children with learning difficulties can receive a comprehensive educational assessment at the Education Department’s Special Education Services Centre at Sai Ying Pun on Hong Kong Island.
They will not have to travel to various centres as a wide range of services is now provided at the Centre which was opened this morning by the Director of Education, Mr. J. Canning.
”This is a great help to busy parents,” Mr. Canning said in his opening address. 1'’Furthermore, educational specialists concerned with the child can meet together without difficulty to discuss all aspects of the child’s problem and to plan appropriate measures to help the child. This ensures that the best of advice is readily available.”
The Director said that plans were already in hand to open a second Centre providing a similar range of services in Kowloon.
He urged parents, schools and all those who have dealings with children suspected of handicap or learning difficulties to refer them to the nev/ljr opened Centre.
During 1973 over 19,000 children were screened and about 4,000 children were assessed individually by the Department’s Special Education Section.
/He said ••••••
Thursday, January 3, 1974
- 7 -
He said that the ultimate aim under the Second Development Programme for Special Education was to provide assessment and remedial services for 175>000 children a year.
Under the programme, provision has been made for 14,400 additional places for children in need of special education treatment.
’’This will bring the total number of such places to 18*4OO by the end of March 1977• It is intended that 4,000 of these places wj-V be in special schools for the severely handicapped, the blind* the deaf* the physically handicapped and the slow-learning.
’’Another 10,000 places will be in special classes for the less severely handicapped and 400 places will be in classes operated in hospitals for physically handicapped children undergoing treatment,” Mr. Canning said.
t Jie stressed that ”in order to ensure that proper use is made of these places and that handicapped children are integrated with ordinary children whenever possible, it is essential that children with learning difficulties should be properly assessed.”
In developing the Department’s Special Education Services, Mr. Canning said, ”we are very glad to have the co-operation of the Medical and Health Department specialist clinics and of the Social Welfare Department
The Director mentioned two important gifts from the. community - a donation in 19&7 of 840,000 from the Rotary Club Island West to meet the cost of a sound proof test chamber for audiological testing at the Centre and today’s donation of two sets of group hearing aids from Philips Hong Kong Limited for use in the Centre. • * * • .
/In thanking • • •. •
Thursday, January 3, 197^
- 8 -
In thanking the company for this generous and public-spirited donation, Mr. Canning said that the "co-operation of the business community of Hong Kong in all aspects of rehabilitation is necessary if handjcapped people are to get the chance in life they so badly need." * »•
Note to Editors: Copies of the full text of Mr. Canning's
w ’ speech are boxed for collection. ---------------------------0----------
******* » •
The Medical and Health Department’s annual immunisation campaign against poliomyelitis began on January 2, and will last until February
A spokesman explained today that this was merely the first phase of the annual drive. The second phase will begin-on March 18, and will continue until the end of April.
Anti-polio vaccine is available free to infants throughout the year at all the department’s maternal and child health centres, and the annual campaigns are "intended to remind mothers of the availability of this service, and to take advantage of it." ■ - c ‘
Thursday, January J, 1974
- 9 -
A fund raising concert by the Wong Tai Sin District Children’s Choir will be held tomorrow (Friday) at the City Hall Concert Hall. The money raised will be used for the choir’s operating expenses. The choir was established by the Wong Tai Sin Community Centre’s Cultural and Recreational Committee a year ago.
’’The idea of forming this choir was to promote and strengthen co-operation and liaison among cultural and welfare agencies in the district,” «aid Mr. Chan Fu-sai of Wong Tai Sin Community Centre.
”It also gives children a chance to develop their talent, interest and knowledge in music,” he added.
Officiating at the concert, which will last from 8 p.m. to 10 p.mw, will be Mr. K.W.J. Topley, Director of Social Welfare.
Tickets at 8100, 850, 810, 85 and 83 will be available at the ticketing office of City Hall from 5 p-»m. to 9 p.m. tomorrow and from the Wong Tai Sin Community Centre, 104 Ching Tak Street, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon.
Children in the area who want to join the choir should contact its office at the Wong Tai Sin Community Centre in person or telephone either 3-210914 or 3-211313 during office hours.
Note to Editors: You are cordially invited to attend this concert.
Thursday, January 5, 197^
- 10 -
Cash allowance totalling 855,000 was paid out today (Thursday) to 550 victims of the Christmas Day fire at the Kowloon Tsai Squatter Area, who have been offered public housing units at either Kwai Fong or Lam Tin Estate.
The grants, $5100 for each person, were given out from the Emergency Relief Fund to enable them to re-equip their new homes.
Another 700 people who have also been offered public housing will receive their share tomorrow at the Squatter Control Office at Li Cheng Uk Estate.
Payments of re-accommodation and re-equipment grants will also be' made at the same office to 159 people who are only eligible for licensed area sites. Site allocation for them will be carried out on Tuesday (January 8).
Today, same of the families who have been offered public housing moved into Lam Tin and Kwai Fong Estates. Others will move into the two estates next week when intake commences on Monday.
Meanwhile, Housing Department staff are processing the claims of the victims of the Ma Tsai Hang fire last Tuesday.
Screening of the 576 victims for intake into public housing will begin next Monday• Another 27 people who are eligible for resite accommodation will be allowed to re-erect their huts on the site when it has been cleared.
Cash allowance from the Emergency Relief Fund will be paid out to them in the middle of next week.
0 - -
Thursday, January 3, 197^
- 11 -
Applications from disabled people for job assistance went up again in November last year when the Job Placement Unit of Social Welfare Department received 66 applications.
However, the unit is still encountering difficulties in finding jobs for them, according to Mr. Chan Shiu-wing, Officer-in-charge of the Unit. While job openings for unskilled disabled persons were rather limited, there was still a need for skilled workers in some trades such as trained machine sewing workers, he said.
Through its rehabilitation centres the department can provide vocational training to disabled persons to give them a better chance of getting employment, he said, and he urged.disabled people to take advantage of this.
For the month under review, the unit successfully found open employments for 25 disabled persons.
They comprised 12 crippled, eight deaf, four cured mentally ill patients and one mentally retarded.
They were engaged as a junior clerk, a painter, apprentices, a watchman, cleansing workers, machine sewing workers, assemblers, thread trimmers, packers and general factory workers.
Thursday, January 3, 197^
- 12 -
Mr. Li Yun-gun, Senior Controller of Posts, will be retiring shortly after more than 37 years with the Post Office.
On behalf of his colleagues, the Postmaster General, Mr. M.
Addi, will present him with a gift on Sunday (January 6) at the Post Office Recreation Club in Caroline Hill.
Mr. Li first joined the Post Office as a Postal Clerk in 1936.
He was promoted to Superintendent of Mails in 1952, Assistant Controller of Posts in 1957, and Controller of Posts in 19&&* He assumed his present post of Senior Controller in 1970. In 1959, he won a government merit trip to U.K.
He was awarded the M.B.E. in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List.
Note to Editors: You are invited to have the presentation
covered. It will take place at 11 a.m. on Sunday at the Post Office Recreation Club.
-------0 --------
Thursday, January 5, 197^
Daily Guide To Wholesale Market Prices And Supplies
The following prices were realised today (Thursday) at sales under the Rice Control Scheme and at the Vegetable Marketing Organi satn nn Wholesale Market and the Fish Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market at Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon:
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Rice
Grade Availability of Supply 9 9 Wholesale Price ($/catty)
China Rice Average
« „ old crop See Mew * Good 1.64
- new crop 1.72
S.C.Jien - new crop Good 1.66
Po Ngai Good 1.42
Chu Cho Good 1.22
Thai Rice
10C^ Whole Good 1.52
10-1# Broke ns Good 1.50
A1 Super Extra Good 1.45
A1 Super Good 1.37
Whole Glutinous Good 1.52
U.S, Rice Good 1.62
Australian Rice Good 1.52
Pakistan .Rice Good 1.42
Taiwan Rice Good
/Supplies and •••»•••
"n-,.-,. - Thursday, January 3, ^97^
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Marine Fish
•Availability Wholesale Price
Species of Supply ’ j-*. **; ' • (S/catty)
* J • Low Average
Golden Thread. Good 4.5 5.5 5.8
Big-Pyes Good 2.9 0,6 2.0
Squid ~ * ♦ Limited 6.5 5.0 4.5 f
Hair-Tails , . » Limited 2.5 1.2 2.1
Lizqrd Fishe^ •« Limited 5.4 1,0 2.0
Croakers Normal 2.5 0,9 1.8
Conger-Pike-Eels • * Normal 5-2 2.4 5.0
Melon Coat Limited 2.8 2,0 2.5
Breams Limited 4.5 5.4 4.0
Yellow Belly. Good 1.5 0.75 1.2
Mackerels Normal 4.5 5.0 5.6
Red Goat Fish Good 1.85 0.6 1.4
Fork-Tail Normal • * 1.5 0,7 1.1
Horse-Head Normal 5.5 5.5 4.5
Melon Seed Limited 5.0 1,4 2.4
Pomfrets Scarce 8.0 7.5 7.8
Garoupas Normal 7.5 5.8 6.5
/Supplies and •
Thursday, January J, 1974
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of . -.... ~
Locally Produced Vegetables
Type Availability of Supply Wholesale Price (S/catty)
High Low A voyage
Flowering cabbage Limited 3.0 1.2 2.2
White cabbage Limited 1.6 0.7 1.2
Chinese lettuce Normal 1.4 0.4 '• 1.-«
Chinese kale Limited 1.6 0.6 ■••1.0
Spring onion Limited 2.0 1.0 1.5
Spinach Limited 2.2 0.8 1.6
Water cress Limited 1.8 0.8 1.2
Leaf mustard oabbage Scarce 1.6 0.5 1.0
Tomato Limited 1.8 1.0 1.4
and Wholesale Prices of Pork (Live wei -£ht>
Availability of Supply
Wholesale Price (S/picul)
-------0 - -
Friday, January 4, 1974
Page No,
Industrial accidents reach record high ......................... 1
Nearly S50 million deficit in government September accounts...................................................... j
Government quarters and offices contribute to save-fuel campaign ....................................................... 4
Kowloon Tsai fire victims receive nearly 3190,000 cash aid ... 5
General holidays for 1974 and 1975 published................... 6
More government clinics providing family planning services ... 8
Transport Department gets new Chinese name and new premises • • 10 New controller of Radio Hong Kong’s Television Unit arrives •• 12 *******
Daily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
Release time; .7*00 p.m.
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5'233191
Friday, January 4, 1974
- 1 -
The number of accidents at work reached a new peak last year, bringing the total toll to 504 dead and JO,214 injured.
Releasing these figures today, the Commissioner of Labour, Mr.
I .R. Price said he was gravely concerned about the effects of such accidents on Hong Kong’s work force and economy. ”A conservative estimate of the amount of workmen’s compensation involved was $20 million, while the. number of man-days lost, was about 520,000.”
Mr. Price said occupational a cidents were costing the economy hundreds of millions of dollars a year, ”If Hong Kong is to maintain its competitiveness in international markets, such damaging accidents must be reduced.”
However even more disturbing than the econ mic waste is the painful and irreparable human suffering resulting from these accidents.
As in previous years, the majority of accidents occurred in industrial undertakings and of these about 25 per cent occurred in the construction industry which was responsible for the largest number of accidents, killing more than 500 workers and injuring 30,000 during the past 10 years.
However, Mr. Price expected a considerable improvement in the situation after the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations become effective in May this year. These regulations imp'>se- stringent requirements to ensure tho safety and welfare of workers engaged in that industry,
/Mr., Price «...
Friday, January 4, 197^
- 2 -
Mr. Price said the Labour Department this year would continue to prescribe minimum safety standards, advise and assist employers to improve general working conditions at all workplaces, and offer more intensive safety training to people in industry.
In 1975 the Industrial Safety Training Centre had organised % ■
102 training courses, free of charge, for 2,089 people from 9^ establishmenta. ”1 hope that the present high accident rate will serve as an
impetus to employers to take more advantage of these training facilities,” Mr. Price said. "This year we plan to increase the number of safety courses by 50 per cent and to arrange for 150 interested groups to visit the Industrial Safety Training Centre where safety equipment and properly guarded machinery are on permanent display."
He added: "The present industrial safety exhibition at the CMA Exhibition reflects the government’s determination to promote industrial safety."
The exhibition, which closes on January 9, has received excellent response from the public, attracting some 860,000 visitors.
Hr. Price strongly advised those who had not yet visited it not to miss tills opportunity.
Friday, January 4, 1974
The government accounts for the month of September 1973 show a deficit of $49 million compared with a surplus of $14 million in September 1972.
This has resulted in a total deficit of $1?4 million for the first six months of this financial year.
Total revenue for the month was $315 million, $10 million more than in September 1972. The total revenue for the first six months of the financial year at $1,972 million was $304 million more than in the same period the previous year.
Expenditure amounted to $363 million - an increase of $72 million over September 1972.
This brings the total expenditure for the first six months of the financial year to $2,126 million, which is $4^4 million more than the same period in the last financial year.
Friday, January 197^
- 4 -
Public lighting in government residential quarters has been reduced as part of the drive to save fuel.
An order has gone out to caretakers that all public light are to be switched on 30 minutes later than usual in the evenings and switched off 30 minutes earlier in the mornings.
In addition, public lights in quarters which are not strictly necessary for safety are not being turned on at all.
The Public Works Department, which issued the order, said that wherever possible light bulbs of lower wattage have been installed as another measure to reduce power consumption.
A spokesman for the department said today that checks were carried out to ensure that these measures did not reduce the degree of security in the buildings.
In office buildings shared by the government and other organisations, instructions have been issued that lights in public areas, including lift lobbies and staircases which have adequate natural lighting, are not to be switched on at all except during bad weather. This, of course, does not apply to lights in main entrance halls.
These measures have already been introduced in all government 4
offices, and the savings in electricity consumption have been quite significant A spokesman said that there is a genuine effort in all government
office buildings to save fuel. Lights are being switched off wherever possible and are not turned on unless absolutely necessary.
Friday, January 4, 1974
- 5 -
Nearly $1901000 has so far been paid out to victims of the recent Kowloon Tsai squatter fire.
Payments from the Emergency Relief Fund amounting to some $130,000 were made to over 800 victims today (Friday) at the Squatter Control Office of the Housing Department at Li Cheng Uk Estate. Yesterday (Thursday), a total of $55i000 was distributed to 550 victims.
Thirty-nine families comprising 139 people who are only eligible for sites at Cheung Sha Wan Licensed Area were each given a basic grant of $1,250 for building hew huts.
An additional $100 was given to each member of the family for equiping their home.
Another 1,247 people, who have been offered or who had already taken up public housing at Lam Tin or Kwai Fong Estate, were each given $100 re-equipment grant.
The victims of the fire at Ma Tsai Hang Licensed Area last Tuesday will be given the cash allowance next Thursday (January 'IC*. Payments will be made to them at the Yan Oi Transit Centre.
Screening for intake into public housing of the 37& victims will begin next Monday. .
Seven families comprising 27 people who are not eligible to public housing have been given permission to re-erect their huts on the original site.
Friday, January 4, 1974
- 6 -
Two lists of general holidays for 1974 and 1975 are published
in today's gazette.
The Lunar New Year holidays this year fall on January 23 until January 25, In April, there are five holidays apart from Sundays.
Tlie following is the list of general holidays for 1974:
Every Sunday ...................................
The first week-day in January ................... Tuesday, 1st January
Lunar Mew Year's Day ............................Wednesday,23rd January
The second.day of Lunar New Year ................ Thursday, 24th January
The third day of Lunar New Year ................. Friday, 25th .Tammry
Ching Ming Festival ............................. Friday, 5th April
Good Friday ..................................... Friday, 12th April
Tlie day following Good Friday ..................Saturday, 13th-' April
Easter Monday ...................................Monday, 15th April
The Birthday of Her Majesty the Queen «••••.••... Thursday,25th April
Tuen Ng (Dragon Boat) Festival.................... Monday, 24th June
The first week-day in July 9..................... Monday, 1st July r •
The first Monday in August........................Monday, 5th August
The last Monday in August, which shall be Liberation Day...........................................Monday,26th August
The day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival .........................................
Chung Yeung Festival .............................
Christmas Day ••••................................
The first week-day after Christmas Day ...........
Tuesday,1st October
Wednesday, 23rd October
Wednesday,25th December
Thursday ,26th December
Friday, January 4, 1974
7 -
Every Sunday..................................
The first week-day in January ••••••..........
Lunar New Year’s Day . • •.....................
The second day of Lunar New Year ..............
The third day of Lunar New Year • *...........
Good Friday ...................................
The day following Good Friday ................
Easter Monday.............•....................
Ching Ming Festival............................
The Birthday of Her Majesty the Queen .........
Tuen Ng (Dragon Boat) Festival ................
The first week-day in July ....................
The first Monday in August ....................
The last Monday in August, which shall be Liberation Day ................................
The second day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival ................................
Wednesday, 1st January
Tuesday, 11th February
Wednesday, 12th February
Thursday, 1Jth February
Friday, 28th March
Saturday, 29th March
Monday, 51st March
Saturday, 5th April
Monday, 21st April
Saturday, 14th June
Tuesday, 1st July
Monday, 4th August
Monday, 25th August
Monday, 22nd September
Chung Yeung Festival
Monday, 15th October
Christmas Day ...............,................
Thursday, 25th December
The first week-day after Christmas Day .......
Friday, 26th December
- - - - 0------------
Friday, January 4, 1974
- 8 -
The Medical and Health Department has launched the second phase of a plan to integrate family planning services into its maternal and child health programme.
With the implementation of this phase, which began last Wednesday, a total of 10 clinics are now operating. This is an increase of six from the four government clinics which began to offer family planning services last October.
A spokesman for the department said today the 10 clinics would be followed by others until all family planning clinics now operated by the Family Planning Association in government institutions were completely integrated into the government’s maternal and child health programme.
But the F.P.A. would continue to play an active role in family planning in areas not served by the government.
Eligible mothers may make use of the family planning services in the 10 clinics. The cost is only $1 a visit.
The spokesman said work in connection with the integration had proceeded smoothly since October, thanks to the devotion and enthusiasm of the staff.
This could be seen by the fact that new cases, old cases and total attendances had all shown increasing trends between October 1 - when the first four family planning clinics in the maternal and child health centres in Central, Kennedy Town, Chai Wan and Kowloon City were opened to the public - and December 31» when the first phase of the integration programme was completed, /In that ......
Friday, January 4, 1974
- 9 -
In that time, a total of more than 4,500 attendances was recorded. "These figures are most encouraging," the spokesman said.
The 10 maternal and child health clinics offering family planning services are : The Central Dispensary, Kau Yu Fong, Kennedy Town Jockey Club Clinic, Tang Shiu Kin Hospital, and Chai Wan Clinic, on Hong Kong Island; the Yau Ha Tei Jockey Club Clinic, Kowloon City Lions Club Maternal and Child Health Centre, and Yau Tong Maternal and Child Health Centre, in Kowloon; and the North Kwai Chung Clinic, South Kwai Chung Jockey Club Polyclinic,and Maureen Grantham Health Centre, Tsuen Wan, in the Hew Territories.
Friday, January 4, 1974
- 10 -
The Transport Department Headquarters is moving to new premises in the Murray Road Multi-storey Car Park in Central on Monday (January 7) •
It will occupy the 9th floor. The new telephone number for the offices will be 5-260121.
At the same time, the Transport Department will take on a new Chinese name. It will be known as "Woo Soo Chew". The name change is to avoid confusion between the department and the Police Traffic Branch, which is known in Chinese as "Gau Tung Bo".
Later this month, the Hong Kong Licensing Office of the department will also move from its present offices at Rumsey Street Reclamation to the ground and mezzanine floors of the multi-storey car park complex at No. 2 Murray Road.
The move to larger premises marks a further step in the rapid development of the Transport Department, which began with a staff of 23 as a branch of the Colonial Secretariat in December 1965.
A year later, it took over from the Police the registration and licensing of vehicles and drivers, and most of the powers concerned with the regulation of road traffic.
It thus became a sizeable executive unit of the government and was established as a department, separate from the Colonial Secretariat, in December 1968.
/Since then.........
Friday, January 4, 1974 - 11 -
Since then, the department has continued to expand as a result of the rapid increase in the number of vehicles and drivers, and the need to regulate road traffic and to co-ordinate public transport services.
With its ever-increasing work load the department’s present accommodations at Blake Block, Queensway, have become insufficient and new and larger premises have been made available in the Murray Road Multi-storey Car Park, t ----------------------------------0---------
Friday, January 4, 1974
12 -
Mr. Donald Kerr, the new Controller of Radio Hong Kong’s Television Unit, arrived from England today to take up his post.
Mr. Kerr, 41, is seconded from the BBC where he was the Regional Television Manager for Northeast England.
He will be mainly responsible for all output of RHK television, programme policy and standards, and management and training of staff*
Married with two children, Mr. Kerr began his career on the Buxton Herald as a junior reporter, and later with the Evening Mail, Borrow-in-Furness. He also worked for the Evening Argus, Brighton, The Times and Granada before joining the BBC in 1961 when television started in Plymouth. He became the BBC News Editor in Bristol three years later.
The Deputy Director of Broadcasting, Mr. T. Duffy, described Mr. Kerr’s appointment as "timely and import?int" as colour output by RHE-TV was being planned at present.
He said Mr. Kerr would also have an important role to play in future productions of RHK-TV public affair programmes, including the popular "Viewpoint."
According to a recent survey, Viewpoint enjoys almost as wide an audience as that for news programmes particularly among young people. It is very popular, particularly in squatter areas and public housing estates.
Mr. Duffy noted that the most marked measure of a programme’s success was the degree to which people could recall its content. "And the survey shows that 96 per cent of the people who had seen Viewpoint the previous day were able, when interviewed, to recall the content of the programme. This is a very high rate of recall indeed."
/He continued • • •••
Friday, January 4, 1974
- 15 -
He continued that a number of suggestions came up during the survey, one of which was to lengthen the five-minute programme.
f17e view this as a compliment to us. However , we think that five minutes is just right for this type of programme. The survey demonstrates that we are on the right line, people are interested in public affairs and they want to see more programmes of this kind.
’•With the advent of Mr. Kerr and his journalistic backgroundt we shall be looking into the possibility of producing more public affairs programmes which will, if possible, even be better than our current onost" he said.
The; survey also showed that Viewpoint had maintained a "fair and balanced stance."
Most of the people interviewed during the survey expressed their liking for the critical and analytical approach of the programme, Mr. Duffy said.
Note to Editors: Copies of Mr. Kerr's photographs are boxed for collection.
0 - -
Friday, January 4, 197^
Daily Guide To Wholesale Market Prices And Supplies
The following prices were realised today (Friday) at sales under the Rice Control Scheme and at the Vegetable Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market and the Fish Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market at Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon:
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Rice
♦ Grade Availability of Supply Wholesale Price ($/catty)
China Rice Average
.. - old crop See Mew Good -1.64
- new crop 1.72
S.C.Jien - old crop Good 1.58
Po Ngai Good 1.42
Chu Cho Good -
Thai Rice 100$ Whole Good 1.52
10-Brokens Good 1.50
A1 Super Extra Good 1.45
A1 Super Good 1.37
Whole Glutinous Good 1.52
U.S. Rice Good 1.62
Australian Rice Good -
Pakistan Rice Good —
Taiwan Rice Good
/Supplies and .......
Friday, January 4, 1974
Supplies, and Wholesale Prices of Marine Fish
Availability Wholesale Price
Species of Supply ($/catty)
/ * ’ ...
. • - •• • High Low Average
Golden Thread Good 4.0 2.8 3.5
Big-Eyes Good 2.7 0.6 1.7
Squid Limited 6.8 2.5 5.0
• Hair-Tails Good 2.5 1.1 1.8
Lizard Fishes •» Normal 3.5 1.0 2.5
Croakers Normal 2.5 0.8 1.8
Conger-Pike-Eels Good 3.1 2.5 3.0
Melon Coat Limited 2.8 2.0 2.5
Breams Normal » •.-■ ■. • 4.75 3.3 4.0
Yellow Belly Normal 0.8 1.6
Mackerels Good 4.1 3.2 3.5
Red Goat Fish Normal 3.0 0.7 2.0
Fork-Tail Normal 1.5 1.0 1,2
Horse-Head Normal 5.8 3.2 4.0
Melon Seed Normal 3.2 2.0 2.8
Pomfrets Scarce 9.5 7.0 8.0
Garoupas Normal 7.5 5.0 6.5
/Supplies and........
Friday, January 4, 197k
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of
Locally Produced Vegetables
Tjrpe Availability of Supply Wholesale Price (8/catty)
High Low Average
Flowering cabbage Limited 3.0 1.2 2.2
White cabbage Limited 1.5 0.6 1.0
Chinese lettuce Normal 1.2 0.3 0,8
Chinese kale Limited 1.8 0.7 1.2
Spring onion Limited 2.4 1.2 1.8
Spinach Limited 2.2 0.8 1.5
Water cress Normal 1.6 0.5 1.0
Leaf mustard cabbage Scarce 1.5 0.5 1.0
Tomato Limited 1.8 1.0 1.4
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Pork (Live weight)
Availability Wholesale Price
of Supply (S/picul)
Pork Normal 285
z -------0----------
Saturday, January 1974
Page No.
Two uncovered elevated walkways at the Central Reclamation
to be opened for public use shortly ....................... 1
Lord Mountbatten to pay a private visit to China later this month •................................................... 3
Modern signalling system for Kowloon-Canton Railway ........... 4
Director of Medical and Health Services to attend Macau ceremony .................................................... 5
Release time: 2,^0 p.m.
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, January 197^
- 1 -
Linking Blake Pier and Vehicular Ferry Pier
Two uncovered elevated walkways, with a total length of 880 feet, will be opened for public use towards the end of this month as part of the Central elevated walkway system.
One of the walkways, measuring 800 feet, links the Vehicular Ferry Pier and the existing covered footbridge across Connaught Road Central near the new Post Office site.
The other one branches out from the middle of the new walkway, providing access to the Central Bus Terminus.
They will provide uninterrupted pedestrian traffic from Union House or the General Post Office to the northern side of Connaught Road Central, a spokesman for the Public Works Department explained*
’’This means that, before long, people in that part of Central District wanting to go the Central Bus Terminus or the Vehicular Ferry Pier can reach their destinations without actually walking across the road,” he said. ’’This should result in better traffic flow in Central.”
Meanwhile, financial approval has been given to build further extension of the elevated walkway system.
After staged completion of this scheme a covered elevated walkway will run continuously along the northern side of Connaught Road Central from Gilman Street junction to link up with the existing footbridge west of the Connaught Centre.
Saturday, January 5? 197^
- 2 -
Additional crossings of Connaught Road Central will be provided
near Gilman Street and Jubilee Street, and a further link will be made
to the recently completed works across the Bus Terminus#
Work on these new footbridges is scheduled to commence in the middle of next year and is expected to take about 12 months to complete.
Note to Editors: Copies of a sketch of the new uncovered
elevated walkways will be distributed separately in the press boxes this afternoon.
Saturday, January 5, 197^
- 3 -
A Government spokesman today confirmed a report that Lord Mountbatten is to pay a seven-day visit to China later this month.
The visit - a private one at the invitation of the Chinese Government - will be in his capacity as President of the International Council of the United World Colleges.
Lord Mountbatten will arrive in Hong Kong by air on January 2^, staying overnight with the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose. He will be accompanied by his daughters and their husbands , Lord and Lady Brabourne and Mr. David and Lady Pamela Hicks.
Lady Pamela is a member of the International Council of the United World Colleges and Lord Brabourne is a governor of the United World College of the Atlantic at St. Donut’s Castle.
On January 25, the party will travel by train to China, returning to Hong Kong on February 1. During their brief stopover in Hong Kong, Lord Mountbatten will meet the Hong Kong National Committee of the United World Colleges, together with their chairman, Sir Kenneth Pin^-fan Fung.
He will also lunch with the Commander,British Forces, Lieut. General Sir Edwin Bramall, who at one time served on his staff.
- - - - 0--------
Saturday, January 5» 197^
- 4 -
The Kowloon-Canton Railway is to install a modern electrical signalling system between Tai Po Kau and Lnwu stations to replace the existing mechanically-operated system.
The new system will be complemented by two similar ones to be installed between Hung Hom and Sha Tin.
Financial approval has been given to the project which is estimated to cost about 5^ million.
Tenders will be invited shortly through the Crown Agents in Britain for the supply and installation of the equipment.
The new signalling system, called Central Traffic Control, is to be conveniently operated at a central switch-board which is connected to all signals along the railway line.
It employs colour light signals in place of semaphore signals presently used.
Commenting on the new signalling system, a spokesman for the Kowloon-Canton Railway said: ”By co-ordinating the signals at the switch-board, train services will be better regulated and delay of trains
will be reduced to a minimum.”
Saturday, January 5, 1971*
- 5 -
The Director of Medical and Health Services, Dr, G.H. Choa, will attend a celebration in Macau tomorrow (Sunday) to mark the first centenary of the Portuguese province’s Central Hospital.
He will be accompanied by Dr. K.L» Thong, Deputy Director of Medical and Health Services (Health).
Dr. Choa and Dr. Thong were invited to attend the function by Dr. Antonio Joaquim Paulino, Director of Macau’s Health Services.
The Central Hospital bears the Portuguese name of Sao Januario.
It has served the people of the province for 100 years.
Although constantly modernised it has remained on the same central site in all that time.
Monday, January 7, 1974
Page No.
Traffio-free shopping zones to be main feature in urban renewal pilot scheme.......................................... 1
Mr. Peter P.K. Ng appointed new Chairman of Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme......................•.........•................... 4
Factory proprietors warned against bogus labour officers ... 5
Two buildings in Shau Kei Wan declared dangerous •.. • •........ 6
Apprenticeship training programme in printing factory praised ••••••••••••••••••...........................».......... 7
New recruits to The Volunteers on parade tomorrow........... 8
Governor opens inaugural meeting of reconstituted ACAN ..... 9
Daily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
Release tine: 7<15
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Monday, January 7» 197*+
Under Urban Renewal Pilot Scheme
Hong Kong will soon benefit from a new concept in modern city planning — Pedestrian Shopping Precincts.
The idea is to pedestrianise the streets and turn them into shopping precincts where no vehicular movement will be permitted.
Such precincts will become the most significant feature in the 12.8 acres of land which is now undergoing a face-lift programme under the Urban Renewal Pilot Scheme.
When the entire district - partly located in Central and jjartly in Western - is properly re-developed in accordance with the planned layout of the scheme, all. but two streets in the area will be pedestrianised.
The two streets, Lower Lascar Row and Possession Street, will be widened and altered in such a manner that vehicles will have adequate access to all shops in the area.
I-Ir. II.C. Tam, the Senior Estate Surveyor of the Public Works Department responsible for the Pilot Scheme, noted that segregating pedestrians from vehicles would make it safer for people on the roads.
"All people will need to worry about ite bumping into each other when they concentrate on the items displayed in the show windows. Children will be able to walk and run freely around and across the streets without fear of being hit by speeding cars," he said.
/Unlike the ......
Monday, January ?, 19?^
- 2 -
Unlike the present pedestrian precinct in Chater Road, which operates only during weekends and holidays, the pedestrian shopping precincts within the pilot scheme will be a permanent feature.
Hr. Tam said Lower Lascar Row and Possession Street would be retained for vehicular traffic, linking Hollywood Road and Queen’s Road Central, and would be renamed Lascar Road.
The two vehicular routes will be substantially realigned and widened, and routed one-way to provide convenient access to shops and premises in the area.
In addition, adequate loading and unloading bays will be provided for lorries so that goods can easily be delivered to all shops.
Another ’’safety” feature, Mr. Tam said,would be the construction of pedestrian bridges over these two streets.
lie pointed out that the changes and new arrangements were so designed to ensure smooth traffic flow both inside and outside the area.
Commenting on the progress of the urban renewal scheme which started in 1971} Mr. Tam said the government had so far acquired about two-thirds of the properties in the district and demolition of these old buildings is well in progress.
When the acquisition and demolition of the remaining properties has been completed, two new schools and a new public open space at the eastern end of the area will be constructed.
/In addition,
Monday, January 7> 197^
— 3 -
In addition, the existing Possession Point Playground will be re-developed incorporating an underground car park capable of a neommodati ng over 200 cars4
There will also be a large hawker bazaar site at the western end of the area and public baths and latrines are also to be provided*
The remaining cleared sites will be amalgamated into larger sites and will be offered for sale to the public for commercial and residential development•
Special conditions will be imposed on the developers to ensure that future development will be in accordance with the plnnned layout and completed within a stipulated period.
Noto to Editors: Copies of a photograph showing the affected
area are boxed for collection together with a picture of the model.
Monday, January 7? 1974
4 -
Tlie Governor has appointed Mr. Peter P.K. Ng to be the new
Chairman of the
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme for three years as
from January 1,
Mr. Ng
succeeds Mr. Wilson T.S. Wang, who has been Chairman since
1968. Both of them
and Mr. Ng has been
have been associated with the scheme for many years, an active member of the Award Committee since 19&5*
Mr. Wang’s
association with the scheme goes back to 1961, when
it was first introduced
in Hong Kong.
During this time, he has played a
significant part in the
setting up of
new operating authorities, providing
leadership, and showing
keen interest
in promoting youth activities.
The scheme was
initiated by the Duke of Edinburgh in 1956 as a
means by which young people can test their ability and show their skill
in various directions.
The scheme for boys was introduced to Hong Kong in March 1961 and
that for girls in August 1983* Five years later, the two were merged to
form a joint scheme.
In Hong Kong, an Award Committee appointed by the Governor
administers tlie scheme and is concerned basically with policy-making,
financing and staffing. It also licenses operating authorities of which
there are novz ten, with over 8,000 participants
Besides the Chairman, there are 12 members on the committee. They
are: Mr. Alex Wu, Mr. Michael S.H. Chan, Mrs. J.
Gibson, Mrs. D.B. Leitch,
Mr. F.K. Wu, Mr. H.C. Ma, Mrs. L.W. Gordon, Mrs.
Sally Leung and the
representatives of the Commander British Forces,
Hong Kong, the Director of
Education, the Commissioner of Labour, and the Director of Social Welfare
0 - -
Monday, January 7, 1974
The Assistant Commissioner of Labour, Mr. David Lin today warned factory proprietors to be on their guard against bogus Labour Department officials who solicit money for advertisements in departmental publications.
He emphasised that no Labour Department publications carried advertisement and that no departmental staff was authorised to solicit money for any purpose whatsoever. "However/’ he said, ’’despite my repeated appeals there are still cases m which proprietors are deceived by such impersonators/1
Mr. Lin said he was very concerned about the considerable increase in the number of such illegal practices recently. He urged proprietors who were approached by persons purporting to be Labour Department staff to immediately report the case to the Police or to the Senior Labour Officer of the Labour Department at Tel. No. 3-688842.
”It is only with the co-operation of factory proprietors that these illegal practices can be eliminated,” he stressed. "Records show that the police succeeded in some cases to arrest the impersonators because of the proprietors’ prompt action."
Monday, January 7y 197^
- 6 -
The Building Authority today declared two partially-occupied stone buildings in the abandoned quarry behind the Shaukiwan Police Station liable to become dangerous.
- i ■ .
The Principal Government Building Surveyor said that during assessments being made in connection with phase one of the landslide 9
study, the consultants observed that the rock face above these two bin Id Ings was in a highly dangerous condition.
"It is considered that any deterioration could result in a large rock fall which would endanger the squatters living in the premises," he said.
Notices of intention to apply for closure orders of the two buildings were posted today. The application will be heard in Victoria District Court at 9«3O a.m. on February 1.
Monday, January 7« 197*+
- 7 -
The Commissioner of Labour, Mr. I.R. Price today commended the management of a Kwai Chung factory for its*initiative and efforts in training apprentices to help overcome the shortage of skilled manpower in industry.
"An adequate supply of skilled workers will enable Hong Kong to improve the quality of its products,1’ he said during a visit to the Continental Printing Co. Ltd. The tour was part of a series of factory visits to enable him to obtain first-hand information on general workn ng conditions in industry.
Accompanied by the Senior Training Officer (Apprenticeship)
14r• H.R. Knight, Mr. Price toured the shopfloor and spoke to some apprentices. He urged them to make full use of their four years’ training with the company to improve their technical skill and theoretical knowledge.
The Continental Printing Co. Ltd. was among the first group of printing establishments to take advantage of the modern apprenticeship training scheme sponsored by the Labour Department. The factory engaged six apprentices in 1972 and another seven in 1973.
Apprentices in the factory have to undergo planned practical training and attend, on a day—release basis, complementary theoretical instruction at the Morrison Hill Technical Institute.
/’’So far.......
Monday, January 7, 1974
- 8 -
!tSo far about 170 industrial establishments have adopted the Labour Department’s recommended training scheme and more than 3,000 apprentices are being trained to become technicians or craftsmen in the major industries,” Mr. Price said.
’’However more remains to be done and the government has very recently approved 13 new technical posts for a much expanded Industrial Training Branch of the Labour Department," he added.
-------0 - - - -
Note to Editors: The Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers)
will be holding a passing off parade for more than 60 recruits tomorrow (Tuesday) evening. During the ceremony, the Secretary for Security, Mr. G.P. Lloyd, will inspect the parade and make a short speech.
You arc invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the event. A member of the Royal Hong Kong Regiment will be at the main gate at 6.30 p.m. to meet and assist your representative. Mr. Lloyd is due to arrive at 6.45 p»m. The Royal Hong Kong Regiment is in Sports Road, Happy Valley.
Monday, January 7, 197^
- 9 -
Real progress in reducing the problem of narcotics addiction in Hong Kong hinged on success in four inter-connected fields, the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, said today.
He told the inaugural meeting of the recently reconstituted Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN) that success was needed ins
♦ Reducing the amount of opium grewn in producing countries;
* Interdicting shipments of opium and its derivatives smuggled into Hong Kong from these countries;
* Interdicting distribution of these drugs in Hong Kong; and
* Preventing and curing drug addiction in Hong Kong.
"We can do something in the first two fields, but clearly our main effort must be in the last two, which are within our jurisdiction," Sir Murray said.
Nevertheless, al1 are inter-dependent. Success in interdiction vH 11 be shortlived and even might have serious._sociaX consequences if not coupled with adequate facilities for cure. X
"Facilities ftr cure will not be much used if cheap and abundant supplies of drugs are available."
/Sir Murray
Monday, January 7, 197^
- 10 -
Sir Murray said there was a need for a treatment and after-care programme that could be applied en masse with a minimum of confinement or hospitalisation*
"The (methadone) experiments now being conducted principally by the Medical and Health Department and the Discharged'Prisoners1 Aid Society appear crucial in this respect," he said.
Sir Murray said that under its new terms of reference, ACAN would be the sole channel of advice to the government on policies to combat drug abuse and on the allocation of resources to government and voluntary agencies implementing these policies.
ACAN also had been strengthened in two ways.
"Firstly, with the creation of a new narcotics division in the Department of Medical and Health, ACAN will have for the first time * official technical advice.
"Secondly, it has a secretariat to give iit administrative muscle and follow-up capacity."
Note to Editors: Copies of a photograph of the meeting
are boxed for collection.
Monday, January ?< 197^
Daily Guido To Wholesale Market Prices fed Supplies . er<«o*oa
Tbn foil owing.prices were renlinod today (Monday) nt salon under the Rice Control Scheme and at the Vegetable Marketing Organisation I7i“ '/'e.':nlc Market .end tho Fish Marketing Organisation Wholccalo Haricot r.t ; • 'h»x *'••.71007.1
Snn-Aieo and Wholesale prices of Pice
Crrdo Zivailatki'J ity of Supply Wholesale Price (fs/catty)
China Rico Avcrago
,t .. old crop Soo Mew . • ’ ,\oT7 cron Good ■ ■ 1o6i> 1o72
S«C.Jion - old crop. Coed r»
Po Vna-t Good 1.lf2
fyu’. Cho Good
Thai Pice Good 1.52
icb;? Wioio
*10-155® Brokpns Good 1o50
Zd Super Ibctra Good
ZZ Super Good ^^7
Fholo GIntinouo Good 1.52
• n.S. Rice • Good 1.62
Anatralian Rice Good —
Pa^lotaa Rico Good
Taiwan Pico %,—r -. • — —*— Good . t r»
/Supplies end aooaoo
• Monday, January 7t 1972*
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Marine Fish
Availability Wholesale Price
Species t . of Supply (8/catty) ,
• High Low • Average..
Golden Thread Good 4.00 3.00 3.50
Big-Eyes Good • 2.50 0.80 1.80
Squid Normal 6.50 2.00 5.50
Hair-Tails Normal 2.45 1.00 1.80
Lizard Fishes Limited 3.10 1.00 2.60
Croakers Good 2.60 0.50 1.90
Con/jer-Pike-Eels Normal 2.80 2.20 2.50
• Melon Coat Limited 2.50 1.80 2.00
• • Breams Normal 4.50 3.80 4.00
Yellow Bolly .... Good •• * 2.30 0.75 1.80
Mackerels Normal 3.50 2.80 3.00
Rod Goat Fish Good 2.90 0.60 1.60
Fork-Tail Normal 1.60 1.10 1.40
Horse-Head Normal 4.50 3.50 4.00
Melon Seed Normal 3.20 • 1.50 2.80-
Ponfrets Limited 9.00 8.00 8.50
Garoupas * Normal 7.00 5.00 6.50
Yellow Croaker •—
/Supplies and •••••••
Monday, January 7, 1974
Sffis *• Locally Produced Vegetables Availability of Supply __ Wholesale Price (S/catty) ___
High Low Average
Flowering cabbage Limited 2.6 1.0 1.8
White cabbage Limited 1.6 0.5 1.0
Chinese Lettuce Normal 1.0 0.2 o,6
Chinese Kale Normal 1.6’ 0.5 1.0
Spring onion Limited 2.2 0.8 1.5
Spinach . Normal 2.0 0.7 1.4
Water cross Limited T.6 0.5 1.0
Loaf mustard cabbage Scarce 1.4 0.5 1.0
Tomato Limited 1.8 1.0 1.4
SuTTolios r>nd Whnlnaalo Prices of Pork (Live. weight) ♦
Availability Wholesale Price
• of Supply ( 8/ picul1 (Average)
Pork Good • 285
Tuesday, January 8, 197^
Page No.
Legco to consider proposed revision of telephone charges tomorrow
................•......•............................................. 1
Employers urged to release more staff for training with The Volunteers •••••••••••••......................................... 2
C.A.S. to have its own camping ground soon............••••••......... 4
Flood control project in Fanling •................................ 6
Display of welfare services in Sau Mau Ping area ................... 7
Leading social work educator visiting Hong Kong •••••............... 8
Three lots of Crown land to be offered for auction next month ... 9
Death sentence commuted ••••••••................................. 9
Interim allowance for aided teachers and staff ••••••••.......• ••• 10
Daily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
Release tine: 7*30 p.m.
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, January 8, 197^
A wide range of subjects affecting the public vzill be discussed at the resumed sitting of the Legislative Council tomorrow.
Unofficial Members will be asking 15 questions relating to transport, public assistance, taxi fares, shipping register for Hong Kong, land for housing and recreation, banking, and trade among others.
The Financial Secretary will also be moving a motion to amend the Telephone Ordinance. It is preposed to increase the annual charges for business linos from $550 to 3410, and those for residential lines from $255 to $280.
Debate will resume on the Securities Bill and Protection of Investors Bill with four Unofficial Members giving their views.
Five new bills vzill be introduced in the Legislative Council for the first time. Those are: The District Court (Amendment) Bill, the Magistrates (Amendment) Bill, the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) (Transitional Provisions) Bill 197^-j the Training Centres (Amendment) Bill, and the Drug Addiction Treatment Centres (/amendment) Bill.
In addition, two annual reports by the Commissioner for Transport and by the Commissioner of Police will be tabled.
Note to Editors: The full agenda for tomorrow’s Legco meeting
is boxed for collection this evening.
Tuesday, January 8, 197^
2 - f t
The Secretary for Security, Mr. G.P. Lloyd, today urged employers to release their staff for training with the Royal Hong Kong Regimeht (The Volunteers) both for the benefit of the community and of themselves.
Addressing a passing out parade for about 60 recruits at the
Royal Hong Kong Regiment in Sports Road, Mr. Lloyd said the Regiment had built up, over more than one hundred years, a fine tradition of service in the preservation of security and stability in times of emergency or civil disorder.
,fIn Hong Kong, individuals can and do do a great deal for the community, "he told the recruits. "When you joined the Royal Hong Kong Regiment you showed your willingness to contribute something."
Though the main purpose of the Regiment is to serve the community, Mr. Lloyd emphasised that one should not overlook what it does for the individuals serving in it — for they are all provided with a most valuable opportunity to improve and develop their own characters.
The following is the full text of Mr. Lloyd’s speech:
"I welcome the opportunity to speak to you this evening. liny I start by congratulating all concerned on your fine turnout and bearing on parade. You can take much credit for this. But it reflects the training you have received from the staff of the Regular Army. They too can thus be justly proud of the results achieved.
/In Hong Kong •••••
Tuesday, January 8, 1972*
- 3 -
"In Hong Kong individuals can and do do a great~xleaX_fon--the^community* Life here would be far poorer without the voluntary work done in many different fields by members of the public. When you joined the Royal Hong Kong Regiment you showed your willingness to contribute something. Your contribution is being made in a field where it will be particularly useful: the preservation of security and stability in times of emergency or civil disorder.
"The Regiment has built up over more than one hundred years a fine tradition of service in this field. I am confident that you will stand ready to maintain this. The recruit training programme which you have just completed qualifies you to do so. But I am told that if you had been hoping for a respite on its completion - you should hope no more. You arc at the beginning, just ready to be trained for operations with the Regiment.
,FPhe main purpose of a body like the Hong Kong Regiment is to serve the community. But we should not overlook what it does for the individuals serving in it. For you are all provided with a most valuable opportunity to improve and develop your own characters. Your training should offer further opportunities. Opportunities to build up qualities of leadership and seif-reliance; to improve your physical fitness; to broaden your outlook; to meet people from all walks of life in Hong Kong; and to help develop a sense of citizenship.
,rIf a volunteer can achieve this, then his employer will stand to gain too. And I can say confidently that many have gained. Volunteers have so benofitted from their training in the Regiment that they have improved their performance in their civilian occupations. I should like to stress how greatly this should encourage employers to release their staff for training in everybody’s interests.
"Finally, may I compliment you on the completion of your recruit training, And may I also wish all of you, and your families, a very Happy New Year.”
-------c---------- /4.........
Tuesday, January 8, 197^
- 4 -
• • ’ . • ■ * r
• • • i ' •
The Civil Aid Services will soon have its own permanent camping area in the Nev/ Territories.
The government has granted a 5O-aore site at Yuen Tun in Tsuen Wan and funds of about 51 million for the project have been approved by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council. I
The Civil Aid Services Cadet Corps has been using military camps made available by the British Forces in Hong Kong since its formation in 1968. Today it has 20 units with an establishment of 2,000 boys, mainly from public housing estates, squatter area and tenement blocks.
The aim of the Corps is to provide indoor and outdoor activities for boys between 14 and 18 so as to develop them into healthy and civio-minded citizens.
They are given a wide variety of training and activities, including leadership, citizenship, first aid, drill, life-saving, sports and games, hiking, and camping, among others.
Their new camp site in Tsuen Wan will be developed in three phases. The British Forces in Hong Kong has agreed to undertake the first phase which involves site formation and construction of a water tank.
A 2,500 foot concrete road, leading from the Forestry track above the Tsing Lung Tau Road to the site, is being built by Royal Engineers from the United Kingdom. It is expected to be finished by the end of next month.
/As the ••••••
Tuesday, January 8, 197^
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As the site is located within a waterworks gathering ground, the questions of pollution as well as the conservation of countryside were very carefully considered when planning the camp site layout.
The construction of the main buildings comes under Phase II which is expected to start in April this year. Work will include tho building of an administration block, shower blocks, food preparation areas and toilets.
A C.A.S. spokesman said that as the cadets were trained to be self-reliant *they would play an active part in the project. They will construct paths, drains, level paddy fields and renovate the old village houses.
The improvement, maintenance and upkeep of the camp, which forms the last stage of the project, will be undertaken by C.A.S. adult-members ---- — ----
and cadets using the site.
’"With the completion of the camp," the spokesman said, "young people will be provided with an additional outlet for their physical and mental developncnt.
"They vn 11 also be given more opportunity to obtain a better perspective of life so as to evolve a sense of civic responsibility•"
The camp site will be used for about 260 days throughout the year by the C.A.S. For the remainder of the year it will be made available for use by other organised youth bodies.
Tuesday, January 8, 197^
- 6 -
The drainage system in the On Lok Tsuen area of Fanling is to be improved to reduce the risk of flooding in the area during the rainy season.
The work, due to start in March this year, mainly involves the training of parts of the existing stream courses by forming about 1,500 feet to open nhannals, and dredging work to an existing moat.
Ancillary engineering work will include the construction of a road culvert and several vehi ular and pedestrian bridge crossings ever the open conduits.
The project will provide an adequate open channel system for the conveyance of surface water run-off from the surrounding areas.
The new channel system will also provide a proper outlet to the *
moat, which will be rendered self-draining, thus eliminating the nuisance problem that has occurred in the moat as a result of stagnation.
The project is expected to be completed in March next year.,
Tuesday, January 8, 197^
- 7 -
The Sau Mau Ping South and Central Estate Community Work Offices of the Social Welfare Department have organized a display of the welfare services available in the area.
For the past two. days the display has been set up in the ball of the Sau Mau Ping South Estate Welfare Building. It closes tonight at 9 p*m.
The display will be mounted again on Thursday (January 10) in the Sau Mau Ping Central Estate Welfare Building for another two days opening at 10 a.m. daily.
"This display is to publicize the welfare services of Sau Mau Ping area and to provide residents with up-to-date information,” said Mr. Wong King-tong, Warden of Kwun Tong Community Centre.
. During the display, picJ-ures, charts, photos and models will bo shown to project the Welfare Services to the residents. There will also be a film show.
About JO organisations including government departments, welfare • agencies, school nurseries, health centres, and training centres for the handicapped are participating. • ...
Tuesday, January 8, 19?4
- 8 -
An internationally known social work educator, Professor Helen H. Perlman, is at present in Hong Kong on a 10-week lecturing visit.
A Professor of Social Work at the University of Chicago, Mrs. Perlman is here at the joint invitation of the two universities, the Hong Kong Social Workers Association and the Social Welfare Department.
Her visit, which will last until March 15, is supported by the Social Work Training Fund.
Professor Perlman will be conducting a series of seminars and public lectures for social workers and social work students: in Hong Kong...
For this month, Professor Perlman will be conducting three lectures and two seminars for staff of the Social Welfare Department as well as the training officers and teaching staff of the recently established Institute For Social Work Training.
The topics are'’’Reaching out Approach in Social Work”, ’’Supervision and Administration in Social Work", "Understanding and Use of Self", "Skills in Intervention" and "Casework within Social Work."
On Thursday (January 10) the Director of Social Welfare, Mr. K.W.J. Topley and Mrs. Topley, will be hosting a cocktail reception for Professor Perlman to meet people active in the field of social work in Hong Kong.
Note to Editors: Your representatives are welcome to cover the
cocktail reception on Thursday. It will be held at the Reception Hall on the 1st floor of the Central Government Offices (East Wing), beginning at 6 p.m.
Tuesday, January 8, 1974
- 9 -
Three lots of Crown land in Kowloon with a combined area of about 45,000 square feet wi11 be put up for auction early next month for industrial or godown development.
Two of them are located between Cheung Sha Wan Road and Lai
Chi Kok Road, while the third is off Lai Chi Kok Road.
The auction takes place at 2.JO p.m. on February 8 in the
City Hall Lecture Room.
Full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained the Public Enquiry Sub-office, Central Government Offices (West Wing), ground floor, Hong Kong, or from the Crown Lands and Survey Office, Kowloon Government Offices, 4oj Nathan 10th floor, Kowloon*
The Governor, after taking into consideration the advice of the Executive Council, has decided that the death sentence passed on Leung Ping*-fat on January 22 last year should be commuted to a term of JO years1 imprisonment.
Leung was found guilty of the murder of Kwok Chiu.
Tuesday, January 8, 197^
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Both qualified and unqualified teachers in aided schools who receive salaries of up to 54,359 aonth are being paid the interim allowance, a spokesman for the Education Department said today.
The spokesman said the allowance also applied to teachers employed on a temporary basis, Workshop Instructors and Laboratory Assistants/Technicians as well as Clerical staff in aided schools.
Tlie allowance in the male scale ranges from 575 a month to 5200 a month.
The spokesman said: nA circular was issued to schools in the aided sector last month authorising payment where possible in December.
nAU those eligible to receive this allowance should be paid not later than January 1974. ,f
Tuesday, January 8, 197^
Daily Guido To Wholesale Market Prices And Supplies
. oooeoo
Tho following prices were real iced today (Tuesday) at calcs under tho Rice Control Scheme and at tho Vegetable Marketing Organisation Wholesale Marlcot and tho Fich Marketing Organisation Wholesale Markot nt Choung Sha Wan, Kowloon:
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Rice
Grado Availability of Supply Wholesale Price (8/catty)
China Rico Average
,, old cron Seo Mew Good 1o72
- pew crop
S.C.Jion ~ old crop
Po Jlgai Good 1.42
Chu Cho a , •»»
Thai Rico
lO^Tl'/holo Good 1o5E
10-15# Brokens ei M
A1 Super Extra Good 1.45
A1 Supor Good • 1 °p7
Whole Glutinous Good 1o52
ILS,, Rice ‘ Good 1.62
Australian Ripe
Pakistan Rico
Taiwan Rico
/Supplies end ••••••a
Tuesdayt January 8f 1974
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Marine Fish 9 •
Availability Wholesale Price
Species. of Supply (8/catty)
• High Low • Average
Golden Thread Good 4.2 3.0 5.5
Big-Eyes Good 2.4 0.5 1.6
Squid Limited 6.3 3.0 5.0
Hair-Tails Good 2.4 1.1 2.0
Lizard Fishes Normal 2.85 0.9 1.8
Croakers Normal • 2.2 0.6 1.5
Conger-Pike-Eels Good 2.8 2.3 2.6
Melon Coat Limited 2.8 1.0 2.5
Breams Normal 4.5 5.0 4.0
Yellow Belly Good 1.4 O.85 1.2
Mackerels Good 3.8 3.2 5.6
Rod Goat Fish Good 1.6 0.7 1.2
Fork-Tail Normal 1.5 0.9 1.2
Horse-Hoad Normal 5.5 3.0 4.0
Melon Seed Normal 3.0 . 1.8 2.8
Ponfrets Scarce 8.5 7.5 8.2
Garoupas Limited 6.2 5.5 5.3
Yellow Croaker «*• ••
/Supplies and
Tuesday, January 8, 197^
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of
Locally Produced Vegetables Availability of Supply _ Wholesale Price (8/catty)
Lon, Average
Flonering cabbage Limited 2.5 0.8 1.6
White cabbage Limited 1.5 0.5 1.0
Chinese Lettuce Normal. 1,0 0.2 0J5
Chinese Kale Normal 1.4 * 0.4 0.9
Spring onion Normal 2*0 0.7 1<A
Spinach . Normal 2.0 0.7
Water cross Normal 1.6 0.5 1.°
leaf austard cabbage Scarce 1.2 o©4 0.8
Tomato Limited 1.8 1o0 1<A
Euunlios end mhAlesnle Prices of Pork (live weight)
Availability of Supply . Wholesale Price ( 8/ picul)_ (Average)
Pork • Good. • . 285
Page No,
Business and residential telephones to cost more from January 15 .................................................... 1
Unofficial Legco members support Securities Bill .......... J
New legislation soon to protect depositors ................... 6
Prompt payment is made to those requiring urgent public assistance .................................................. p
Headway being made on separate shipping register for Hong Kong....................................................... 9
Princess Margaret Hospital will open early next year ......... 11
Kowloon taxi fare proposals to be put to Exco shortly ........ 1J
Compilation system of trade statistics explained ............. 1^
Exco to consider Transport Green Paper soon .................. 15
Young drug offenders to be given second chance under new bill ......................................................... 16
Need for stricter discipline in training centres underlined.................................................. 18
New Appeals Tribunal may be set up .......................... 19
PAF officers1 mess at Kai Tak to be rebuilt .................. 20
More police women to assume traffic duty...................... 20
PUD to study ways of improving television arrangements at Legco chamber ............................................. 21
Colonial Secretary explains Co-Op Housing rules .............. 22
Working Party set up to consider accommodation for university students •....................................... 23
Transport Commissioner clarifies aim of new traffic arrangements in Central District ............................. 25
Daily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, January 9» 1974
- 1 -
The Legislative Council today approved an application by the Hong Kong Telephone Company to raise its telephone charges with effect from January 15*
The revision is the first in about 10 years. The charges for a business line are increased from 535° to $410 per annum, and those for a residential line from $235 to $280 per annum.
For a private wire, the charges will go up frc©1$200 to $300 per annum for a cable pair not exceeding one mile in distance, and from $10 to $15 per annum for each additional 220 yards.
In explaining the increases, the Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddoi>-Cave said they were necessary to provide the company with an adequate return on its capital and thus enable it to raise funds in the capital market to provide for the required expansion in the telephone system.
The installation of new telephone lines had grown at a rapid rate in recent years, and this had required substantial increases in capital investment by the company in recent years, from an average of $79 million each year between 19&5 and 19&7 to an average of $164 million each year between 1970 and 1972. \
To continue to meet expenditure of this magnitude, the company was obliged to raise funds in thp capital market.
With the approved increases, Mr. Haddonr-Cave anticipated that the return to the company on average capital employed would not exceed 11 per cent after tax in any year - that is beltyw the permitted annual 12-per-cont maximum return. \
He further pointed out that these increases had been accepted by the i government on the advice of the Advisory Committee on Telephone Services.
\ /In tendering •»••••
Wednesday, January 197*>
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In tendering its advice, the Committee made it clear that it intended to pursue with the telephone company the steps that could be taken to enable even more funds to be generated internally for increased capital expenditure in order to reduce the waiting list for telephones which presently stood at about 3% 000*
"The committee is also looking into the company’s maintenance programme which has tended to be inadequate at times as the cacophony of noise interference sometimes heard in the middle of telephone conversations bears out.
"The government has taken note cf this intention and has decided to revievz the position when, the Advisory Committee’s report on its discussion with the Telephone Company is available,” he said.
Dr. the Hon. S.Y. Chung also spoke in support of the motion. He noted that with the increased rental charges the company should be able to do very much in its expansion programme.
"As the company is operating under a franchise of monopoly, the government lias a responsibility to ensure that the Hong Kong community has efficient and adequate telephone services.
"I therefore urge that the government should exert greater pressures on the company with particular respect to the adequacy of its overall development programme in mooting the increasing needs of Hong Kong people whether they are residing in urban, sub-urban or rural areas," he said.
Dr. Chung said that due to "depreciation of money and appreciation of telephone value" the company should be permitted to raise the rental charges so as to maintain a reasonable annual return of around 10 to 11 percent on average capital employed.
However, he felt that improvements should be made by the company in respect of supply and demand of telephones, and the services it provided in the New Territories and outlying islands where telephone communication was badly needed.
Wednesday, January 9, 197^
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Unofficial Members of the Legislative Council spoke out in support of the Securities Bill today but made it clear that a number of amendments were necessary before it could be passed into law,
While they did not accept parts of the bill in its present form, the general feeling was that with suitable amendments the draft legislation would be an invaluable boon to orderly market trading and for the protection of investors as well as strengthening Hong Kong’s position as a financial centre.
Some 230 amendments to the bill have been suggested, about half of which are acceptable to the government.
Speaking on behrlf of his colleagues, the Senior Unofficial Member, the Hon. P»C. Woo, said that the unofficial members did accept the need for legislation along the general lines of the bill.
Such legislation, he added,wae ’^entirely necessary to ensure adequate control of stock exchange transactions, to avoid malpractices and to put the whole business of transactions in securities on a thoroughly sound framework.”
But although it was important to get the legislation on the statute book, "it is equally important to allow adequate time to ensure that the amendments are practicable and workable by those concerned."
Referring to the setting up of a compensation fund as provided in the present bill, Mr, Woo said the amended proposal was that the cash fund should be $25 million with a further $25 million in bank guarantees.
/"Although this........
Wednesday, January, 1974
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,fAlthough "this sum still exceeds the amount which the stock exchanges said they wore prepared to subscribe, a fund of this size is, in the view of the unofficial members, necessary to demonstrate internationally that Hong Kong has provided a realistic safeguard against the possibility of default by dealers,’’ he said.
Welcoming the additional protection provided to investors, the Hon. Wilson Wang expressed the hope that legislation covering mutual funds would by passed in due course.
By providing protection to innocent investors, the bill would make Hong Kong exchanges safe institutions and, in the long run, strengthen the financial structure of Hong Kong, he added.
Had it been introduced one year earlier when laissez fairs really prevailed ’’the debacle of the Hong Kong stock market in 1973 which cost the majority of investors, salaries and wage earners alike, two-thirds of their fortunes and savings, would have been averted,” he said.
Another sneaker- the Hon. G.M. Sayer noted that the old laissez faire methods of marketing securities were no longer suitable and needed to be brought up to date to cope with the different circumstances prevailing today.
’’The bill provides one aspect of what is needed and the stock exchanges can help by encouraging their members to become technically competent in selling their services and handling the needs of their constituents, he said. Thore is no place for amateurs anymore.”
It was also important, he stressed^that the operations of the stock exchanges should be the responsibility of the members themselves. ’’Free enterprise should be seen to work, but also be seen to be accompanied by self-discipline.”
In his opinion, the bill ^i-evided safeguards without imposing unreasonable restrictions.
The Hon. Hilton Cheong-Leen suggested that after the bill was passed, a simpler, non-legal version should be compiled in both English and Chinese so that stockbrokers and investors alike could be made aware of their rights and cLligatuons« /In reply .....................................................................
Wednesday, January 9t 197^
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In replyf the Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P<> Haddon-Cave, said he was grateful for the warm support the Unofficials had afforded the bill and, in particular, for the very thorough and conscientious study undertaken by the Ad Hoc group of Unofficial Members.
The group had studied in detail the representations of the four stock exchanges submitted direct to them and which contained most of the recommended amendments directly affecting the stock exchanges.
The Financial Secretary shared Mr. Woo’s concern that adequate time be afforded for a thorough examination of the proposed amendments.
In fact, he said a list of the proposed amendments to be moved on January 30 at the Committee Stage had already been made available to members of the Council so they could have adequate time to study them.
He also assured Mr. Woo that the clause relating to insider trading would not be brought into operation without the council having an opportunity to debate it. He added that there would be no procedural difficulty in arranging this.
- - 0 - -
Wednesday. January 9 1974
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New legislation specifying the minimum size of deposits which finance companies can accept from the general public is expected to be introduced soon, the Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddon—Cave, disclosed today.
Replying to u question from the Hon. G.M. Sayer, the Financial Secretary said that while he was not dissatisfied with the operating standards of reputable companies accepting deposits in Hong Kong, he recognised that there was a possibility of less reputable companies operating to lower standards thus providing some risk for depositors.
However, under the proposed new bill the deposit-taking activities of finance companies would be confined to a fairly restricted clientele by specifying a minimum figure below which only licensed banks will be permitted to accept deposits, he said.
In answer to another question, Mr. Haddon-Cave said he remained convinced that licensed banks had the means at their command to compete on equal terms with the finance companies.
"It is true that licensed banks have to meet capital and liquidity provisions set by the Banking Ordinance and to this extent they may feel that they are unfairly restricted.
"But the facts do not match this feeling. Banking licences continue to be much sought after and there are many concerns, both overseas and local, which have expressed a wish for a banking licence,” he said.
Only a few finance companies had established local business, he noted, and the majority did not compete directly with the local banks because their business was directed to the supply of credit for current liabilities and capital projects elsewhere in the Far East.
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Wednesday, January 9» 1974
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Public assistance payments in urgent cases are usually made on the day of application, cr at the latest within 48 hours, the Secretary for Social Welfare, the Hon. F.K. Li, said today.
• ' - <
About 100 such payments are made every week.
In the majority of cases, however, where no immediate serious hardship was likely to arise, applications were dealt with in the normal turn, ho told the Legislative Council.
The processing procedure, he explained, consisted of a home visit to chock facts about the applicant and to ascertain the circumstances of 4
the case, calculation of the amounc of allowance, and authorisation and issue of a cash order book.
"The natural desire for prompt payment must not be allowed to override the need to exercise proper control over public funds which includes ensuring that applicants receive their proper entitlement.”
The enquiry stage normally took up to two weeks, although this could vary depending.cn the complexity of the case and whether there was difficulty in locating the applicant, Mr. Li said. About 700 applications were under enquiry at any given time.
Calcul at5 nn and issue of a cash order book normally took a week to complete, ho went on, and about 2,000 cases were awaiting payment at the moment.
/For those ••••••
Wednesday, January 9> 1974
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For those applying for Infirmity and Disability Allowances, Mr. Li said, an additional medical assessment was required for those whose medical history was unknown to the Medical and Health Department.
A medical examination could normally be arranged within two to four weeks for a physically disabled patient, he said ^However some difficulty was experienced with mental patients due to a shortage of psychiatric doctors and the failure of the patients to keep appointments. A total of 45,000 applications for Infirmity and Disability Allowances have been received since the scheme started in April last year.
The final stage of authorisation and payment at present takes about one month, Mr. Li said. "However, with the steady reduction of the back-log of work being handled by the Social Welfare Department, this can soon be expected to come down to a normal period of about one week." Existing staff were working substantial amounts of overtime, and staff wore diverted from other duties to help clear application back-log, he said.
"Procedures for processing applications are kept under constant review but they will be examined with particular care in connection with long-term staff proposals.
’’Every effort is being made and will continue to be made to reduce and finally eliminate any back-log of work," he emphasised.
Wednesday, January 9, 197^
9 -
Considerable progress has been made in clarifying difficulties which would bo involved in the establishment of a separate Hong Kong Shipping Register and in defining the attitudes of the British and Hong Kong governments to the issues involved, the Financial Secretary, the Hon. C.P. Haddon?-Cave, told council today.
"These relate essentially to the employment of certain non-British qualified officers and the acceptability of certain types of safety equipment of non?-British manufacturers on Hong Kong-owned ships," he said.
Close liaison was also being maintained with the Hong Kong Shipowners’ Association and the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.
The report was now being awaited of the British team which recently conducted an in-depth study of the local shipping industry.
lir. Haddor>-Cave envisaged that after the report had been received and studied, further discussions would be necessary with the Department of Trade and Industry in order to reach an agreed view on the conditions for the establishment of a separate shipping register.
This view, he said, would have to strike a balance between the U.K. government’s desire not to permit any lowering of essential standards of ships flying the Red Bnsign, and the Hong Kong shipowners’insistence that the associated conditions should be such that the viability of their operations would not be jeopardised in any way.
/In reply
Wednesday, January 9» 197^
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In reply to a supplementary question from the Hon. P.C.V/oo, the Financial Secretary said the government was aware of the comments made in the recent debate in the House of Commons on the Merchant Shipping Bill.
’’Some of the comments made were inaccurate and others offensive and are to be deplored,” Mr. Haddon-Cave said. ’’And I can categorically deny the charge that the Hong Kong government is seeking to establish a Hong Kong Register with standards which are lower than those applicable to British registered ships.”
Wednesday, January 9, 197^
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The general wing of the new Princess Margaret Hospital in Lai
Chi Kok will open in the early part of 1975-
Dr. the Hon. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services, said this today in the Legislative Council in reply to a question by the Hon. Wilfred Wong.
The Director told the Council that work on this portion of the whole hospital complex was progressing satisfactorily, and he anticipated that it would be handed over to his department by the Public Works Department during June this year.
He explained that the complex consisted of the general wing, the combined staff quarters, and the psychiatric wing.
The last was in Category A of the public works programme, with the completion date presently expected in 1977* The combined staff quarters were under construction, with completion expected in November this year.
Dr. Choa did not expect that the general wing could be opened until one month after the handing over of the combined staff quarters.
Intake of patients after that date was planned to be phased over a period of three months, ending with the opening of the casualty section
/By that .....
Wednesday, January 9» 197^
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By that date, all supporting and clinical sections would be operational, and specialised units of clinical sections would be added progressively as the necessary staff became available.
In a reference to the major approach road to the hospital, Dr. Choa felt that since the new Lai Chi Kok Hospital Interchange roadworks were not expected to be completed until February 1975 f this could affect the access of ambulances and other transport to the hospital, and consequently the intake of patients.
The Couth Kwai Chung Polyclinic Stage II, which would be the specialist clinic for the Princess Margaret Hospital, was presently out to tender , and its completion date was not expected until the middle of 1975* But Dr. Choa assured members that it was proposed to run a temporary specialist clinic in consulting rooms situated in the present Stage I South Kwai Chung Clinic.
Wednesday, January 9, 197^
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The question of integrating taxi operations on both sides of the harbour will be put to the Executive Council shortly together with proposals regarding Kowloon taxi fares, the Secretary for the Environment, the Hon. J.J. Robson, said today.
Replying to questions by the Hon. P.C. Woo and the Hon. Dr.
S.Y. Chung, Mr. Robson said the advice of the Transport Advisory Committee had already been received on both matters.
The two issues had been under active consideration for some tnme, he said, and if the Executive Council approved the proposals regarding the Kowloon taxi fares, they could be implemented with little delay.
* < *
* Wednesday, January 9j 1974
- 14 -
Statistics of Hong Kong’s trade published in respect of any A particular month do not relate to all shipments actually made during that '
month, nor only to shipments made during that month, the Director of Commerce and Industry, the Hon. David Jordan, told the Legislative Council today.
’’The reason for this is that full details about all shipments do not come to hand in time,” he said, ’’and if we waited until all the information was available there would be an unacceptable delay in publication of any figures at all.” * Mr. Jordan, who was replying to a question from the Hon. Dr. S.Y.
Chung, said that, generally speaking, provisional trade figures for a given month are published four weeks after the end of that month.
They are based on trade declarations covering shipments made in
that month and lodged by the 10th of the succeeding month, and on declarations covering trade in previous months and lodged between that day and the 11th day of the preceding month.
”0n average, this system results in published figures for a given month covering about 70 per cent of shipments actually made during that month, but of course the 30 per cent not recorded then is made up for by declarations relating to trade in previous months,” said Mr. Jordan.
’’The Census and Statistics Department’s experience has shown that the offsets cancel each other out to a high degree.”
/Mr. Jordan •••••••
Wednesday, January 9, 197^
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Mr. Jordan said that there was usually a six months’ lapse before final figures could be obtained, and the latest month for which they were available was July, 1973-
These showed that the difference between published trade figures for that month and the final figures was only about one and a half per cent.
The draft Green Paper on transport will be published for public comment as soon as Executive Council approval has been obtained.
Speaking in the Legislative Council today, the Secretary for the Environment, the Hon. J.J. Robson, explained that the Green Paper was discussed only yesterday (Tuesday) by the Tmasport Advisory Committee and their views were now awaited.
”As most of the material in the Green Paper is based on matters previously discussed and agreed by members of the TAC, I am hopeful that they were able to agree the basic principles involved,” he said.
”The next step,” he added, ‘’will be to amend the draft as necessary and then put it to Executive Council for approval to publish.”
Mr. Robson was replying to a question by the H^n. James Wu who ranted to know whether the government would fix deadline dates for the publication and adoption of the Green Paper.
Wednesday, January 9» 197^
- 16 -
Offenders sentenced to treatment in a drug addiction treatment centre will have no conviction recorded against them unless this is ordered by the court.
This is one of the main changes proposed in the Drug Addiction Treatment (Amendment) Bill 197^+ which aims at introducing a number of procedural improvements.
In moving the second reading of the Bill in the Legislative Council today, the Secretary for Security, the Hon. G.P. Lloyd, explained that treatment was medical rather than cure. ^Rehabilitation is more likely to succeed if offenders, particularly young and first offenders, can return to normal life with clean sheets.”
The bill also enables the Commissioner of Prisons to recall to a centre for further treatment a person who fails to comply with a supervision order, thus dispensing with the present need for an additional appearance before a magistrate.
Under the present ordinance, a detention order lapses and treatment or supervision ceases on a sentence of imprisonment for however short a’ period.
Mr. Lloyd said this was unsatisfactory, and the bill would provide that a detention, or supervision or recall order would lapse only upon a prison term of more than two years or upon the making of a new detention order.
/If the ......
Wednesday, January 9, 197^
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If the imprisonment was for less than two years, he said, the original order would merely be suspended during it.
The bill also provides that inmates who are considered to bo a bad influence may bo transferred to a prison by order of the Governor without the court appearance now necessary.
Finally, it enables the transfer of a prisoner who is a drug
addict from a prison to a treatment centre during the last 18 months of his sentence, also by order of the Governor.
Mr. Lloyd explained that this provision was designed to cover
cases in which both the individuals and the public interest would be best served by a period of suitable treatment immediately before release.
0 - -
Wednesday, January 9, 197^
- 18 -
Tougher measures are necessary in training centres to deal effectively with young and less responsive offenders, the Secretary for Security, the Hon, G.F. Lloyd, told the Legislative Council today.
’’Experience has shown that in these centres there is now a need for a sharper regime with stricter discipline. This should be most effective for an increasing number of the younger and less amenable offenders there,” he said when moving the second reading of the Training Centres (Amendment) Bill 1972*.
The bill aims to clarify and strengthen existing legislation governing training centres.
It makes clear that courts should not remand unsuitable persons for detention in training centres, and reduces from nine to six months the minimum period of detention so that those who respond to short,sharp treatment need not be detained longer than necessary.
In the case of a detainee who is at large, the bill provides for a declaration to be made declaring that detainee ’’incorrigible.” The balance of his sentence may then be commuted to imprisonment. This already applies to detainees actually in training centres.
The bill also reduces the period of supervision following a detainee’s release, from four to three years from the date of sentence. This is to remove an exisitng anomaly whereby a detainee released early, because of good response to training, is supervised for a longer period than one who did not respond• /Under the .........................................................
Wednesday, January 9, 197^
- 19 -
Under the bill, failure to observe the requirements of supervisory notices will be punishable by a fine of $5,000 and 12 months' in prison.
Provision is also made to cover cases in which a new sentence is imposed on a person detained in a training centre. If the new sentence is another detention sentence or one for more than two years, then the original r
sentence (or supervision notice nr recall order) will cease to have effect.
If the new sentence is for a shorter period of imprisonment, then the original one (or supervision notice or recall order) will merely be suspended during the period of imprisonment.
Active consideration is being given to setting up an Administrative Appeals Tribunal so as to improve arrangements for dealing with statutory appeals.
This was disclosed today vy the Attorney General, the Hon. J.W.D. Hobley, in answer to a question raised in the Legislative Council by the Hon. O.V. Cheung.
At present, statutory appeals can only be made by way of petition.
Wednesday, January 9? 197^
- 20 -
Proposals are in hand to rebuild the RAF officers’ mess within the boundaries of Kai Tak so as to release the land it now occupies on the opposite side of Kwun Tong Road., the Colonial Secretary, the Hon. D.T.E. Roberts, said today.
He was speaking in the Legislative Council in reply to a question from the Hon. Hilton Cheong-Leen who asked whether the government could negotiate for the return of the land occupied by the RAF adjacent to Kai Tak airport in Ngau Chi Wan for public development.
The Colonial Secretary said it was not practical for the RAF to move from its present location, but the Force had given every assistance in making boundary adjustments to promote the widening of Kwun Tong Road and to help in the construction of the underground railway.
The number of women police officers on traffic control is to be increased from 70 to 280 within two years, the Secretary for Security, the Hon. G.P. Lloyd, said today.
It was also intended, he added, to recruit more women for a range of other work, although new posts in the. Force could be f ilied by either men or women* The planned increase is from about 700 tO 1,200.
Mr. Lloyd noted that the recent improvement in police rank and file pay had encouraged many young women to apply to join, and nearly 250 have been initially accepted during the latest recruitment campaign.
-------0--------- /21.....................................
Wednesday, January 9, 197^
- 21
Tho Colonial Secretary, the Hon. D.T.E. Roberts, said today that investigations will be made as to the possibility to improve arrangements for televising Legislative Council proceedings.
It was not satisfactory, he said, that only the backs cf certain speakers were revealed to television audiences, and the Director of Public Works would assess whether improvements at a reasonable cost could be made.
He «noted, however, that better television coverage presented problems since it could only be achieved by the location of remote control cameras at different places in the Legislative Council chamber. It would also be necessary tt extend the control booths along the north wall to house the necessary additional controls, probably at the expense of the public seating area.
Mr. Roberts was replying tc a question raised by the Hon. P.C. Woo who also asked about the possible extension of the chamber so as to increase seating accommodation both for council members and members of the public.
The Colonial Secretary said this would involve substantial alterations which would bp very costly. It would also mean that the chamber would have to bo closed for server'll months.
- - - - 0 -
/22 .......
Wednesday, January 9, 197^
- 22 -
The Colonial Secretary, the Hon. D.T.E. Roberts, told the Legislative Council today that the by-laws which govern Government Servants’ Co-operative Building Societies flats have ensured that such-flats are well occupied at all times.
In reply to a question from Mr. Lee Fook-wo, he said that if a member of such a society is required to occupy a departmental quarter, or is transferred to another part of Hong Kong where he would be unable to mako use of his flat, he may with the consent of the Committee of the Society under-lease his flat to another civil servant for one year.
”A member may also, with the prior written approval of the Committee, leave his flat in the care of a ’caretaker1 for a period not exceeding six months,” he added.
In either case, the Governor’s permission was required if the periods exceeded the stipulated length of time.
Hr. Roberts explained that a ’caretaker' make any payment to the member for his occupation necessarily bp a government servant.
is not permitted to
of the flat and need not
Wednesday, January 9, 197^
- 25 -
A Working Party has been appointed by the Governor, on the recommendation of the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee, to consider whether additional accommodation should be provided from public funds for students of the two universities.
The Working Party will be chaired by The Hon. Oswald Cheung, a local member of the UPGC.
The government recently released funds through the UPGC enabling the Chinese University of Hong Kong to erect Romney huts providing temporary hostel space for about 400 students.
The Working Party will now examine the further student accommodation needs, both residential and non-residential, of both the Chinese University and the University of Hong Kong.
A government spokesman said today that the accommodation problem was causing concern to the government, the university authorities and to student bodies alike.
,rThc problem of hostel accommodation is a difficult one for Hong Kong students, many of whom live in crowded home conditions not conducive to study,” ho said.
”Studcnts not accommodated by the universities may have to travel considerable distances each day. .
”At the Chinese University, the problem has-naturally been aggravated by the fact that, for the first time since the establishment of the university 10 years ago, the three constituent colleges are all together at Sha Tin.”
/The terms
Wednesday, January -9, 1974
- 24 -
The terras of reference for the ’Jerking Party are: To recommend whether further residential or non-residential accommodation for students should be provided at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong, during the next 10 years and, if so, the extent to which public funds should be made available for those purposes.
The Working Party is asked to take into account the fol 1 own ng factors:
* the amount of public transport serving, and that which could be arranged to serve, the universities;
* the availability of existing and further accommodation outside, but within reasonable distance of, the universities;
* the minimum standards for residential accommodation for students•
In addition to the Hon. Oswald Cheung, the other members of the Working Party are The Hon. Sir Kenneth Ping-fan Fung, Professor D.M.E. Evans, Mr. Chong- Tung Choy, Mr. S.E. Alleyne and Mr. Yeung Kai Yin.
The spokesman said that, in complying with the terms of reference, it was necessary for the Working Party to collect data on transport and accommodation from the appropriate government departments.
The views of the universities and students will be considered in its aelioerations and members of the public are welcome to subm*t suggestions to the Secretary of the Working Party, U.P.G*C. Secretariat, Chiu Lung Building, 2nd floor, 1>-25 Chiu Lung Street, Hong Kong.
0 - -
Wednesday, January 9, 197b
- 25 -
The Commissioner for Transport, Mr. Brian Wilson, today made it clear that the new Central District traffic arrangements, which were introduced last weekend, were not part of a campaign to phase out Public Light Buses.
He said they were implemented simply to move the minibuses to the outslzirts of the heavily congested Central area in an effort to improve traffic flow. The arrangements not only affect minibuses, but also goods vehicles and even the private motor! '
Although there has only been two clear days1 operation to test the new arrangements, the indications are that they are working satisfactorily. Mr. Wilson added that they were not something new as similar restrictions had been brought in during the past few years and no doubt further ones will be introduced as the need arises.
Referring to the strike by minibus drivers, the Commissioner said that the action was totally unnecessary and could only have a more harmful effect on themselves. Apart from slightly longer delays, the China Motor Bus Company and the Hongkong Tramways were able to cope with the increased load*
Figures supplied to the Transport Department today by the companies indicate that CaM,B. on Tuesday carried an additional 188,000 passengers,the trams an extra 90j000 and the Kowloon Motor Bus Company 15,000 extra people on its cross-harbour service. At the same time, the Hongkong and Yaumati Ferry Company introduced two new ferry services along the north shore line to help ease the situation, and these are expected to continue operating after the strike is over*
However, Mr, Wilson reiterated that the mini-bus did have a role to play in the overall public transport field, particularly along feeder routes and to areas which could not be served by larger buses.
0 - -
Wednesday, January 9 9 197^
Daily Guide To Wholesale Market Prices And Supplies
The following prices were realised today (Wednesday) at sales under the Rice Control Scheme and at the Vegetable Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market and the Fish Marketing Organisation Wholesale Harkot at Choung Sha Wan, Kowloon:
► Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Rice
• Availability Wholesale Price
Grade of Supply (3/catty)
China Rico Average
_ .. old crop See Men * - new crop Good 1.72
S.C.Jion - old crop Good
Po Ilgai Good 1.42
Chu Clio Good ’ , ••
Thad Rice locjnsble Good 1.52
10-15# Brokens Good .
A1 Super Extra Good 1o4s
A1 Super Good . . %37
Wholo Glutinous Good 1.52
U.S. Rice Good • 1.62
Australian Rioo Good «=»
Pakistan. Rictf Good «=»
Taiwan Rico Good . 1.42
• • •
Wednesday, January 9, 197^
' Sullies and Wholesale Prices of Marine Fish
Species Availability of Supply Wholesale Price ($/catty) .
High Low • Average
Golden thread Normal 3.0 4.0
Big-Eyes Good 2.5 0.8 1.8
Squid Normal 6.7 3.0 5.0
Hair-Tails Good 1.8 1.0 1.5
Lizard Fishes Normal 2.8 1.0 2.0
Croal^rs Normal 2.2 0.5 1.5
Conger-Pike-Eels Good 2.8 2.3 2.5
Melon Coat Limited 2.6 2.0 2.4
Breons Normal 4.6 3.2 4.0
Yellow Belly Good 1.4 0.8 1.2
Mackerels • Normal 3.5 3.0 3.3
Red Goat Fish Good • 3.2 0.7 2.0
Fork-Tail Normal 1.5 1.0 1 3
Norse-Hoad Normal 4.8 3.0 4.0
Melon Seed Normal 3.3 . 1.4 2.8
Pozrfrcta Limited 8.5 8.0 8.2
Gcroupaa Normal 7.5 5.5 6.5
Yollow Croaker •» «• m
and M...«.
r Ucdnosdcy, Jnuunvy % 197^ £vppl *P.n..?rir\ Pigeon c<- ? v - VnMThhlon Avail/: *':y VhcZeadla frico <v . _ . 6Vc^ty>
ridborins cabbago Li: libod 0t.8 %6
. tCulto r.abb ?.;•;□ a'. j/:ol 1o2 Oc8
Chlnaso Zattaao’ %0 Ot-2 0c6
Chinoso K?.ln Gr.< 1 1oO * 0v3 Oo6
Spring onion Noap.?! O.-.7 %4
Sp’naoh Ik:-??* A Uo8 0o5
Pator orosd ; Jio-i-nial 1o5 Oo^J* %0
Xea£ fa?>f/.ai*d cabhago £cr• •? :a 'i'.o Or J Or.6
Fcdato 1oS %0 *2o4
gnrnlios arid Wholonale Pricen of Pork (live v/olrht')
r f Avail lab5.? it. v VJholesalG Prico
( C/ pict’l) -r. . ■..•w.-w-<-<Sva
• • (xVv’01?Mg)
Pork Coed »• • 285
Md W&R pM
Thursday, January 10, 1974
Page No.
Hong Kong makes big strides in product design .................. 1
Br. D.W. McDonald appointed Director of Public Works .... 4
New sale of land on Tsing Yi to promote industrial development ............••••••••.••••......................... 5
Two-way traffic resumes along Electric Road.................... 6
Special stamps to commemorate Hong Kong Arts Festival.... 7
Morning primary schools advised to start classes 15 minutes later............................................... 9
Correction ••••••••............................................. 9
Daily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
Release time: 7<00 p.m.
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, January 10, 197^
- 1 -
Hong Kong industrialists are moving rapidly into a stage of developing and working to their own designs, much to the benefit of local industry, the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, said today.
Speaking at the presentation of the Governor’s Award for Hong Kong Design at Government House, Sir Murray said he was certain that our growing design capability would steadily increase in importance.
"We have all the necessary ingredients for success in the development of good product design," he said pointing to Hong Kong’s technical and business skaIls, the increasing knowledge of overseas markets and consumers, and the growing readiness to allocate resources to product development.
Certainly, he added, Hong Kong lacked nothing in imagination and the institutional framework for the promotion of good design was also improving.
The Governor’s Award went to Ampex Ferrotec Limited for the second year running. Their winning product is a portable memory exerciser — a new product which, the Governor said, "displays in its design and construction a high degree of original innovation."
The following is the full text of the Governor’s speech:
"The external judges were pleasantly surprised by the quality of design in many of the products submitted for judging, and some were up to international standards. This was no surprise to me.
"The fact is that our industralists are moving rapidly into a stage of developing and working to their own designs, and Hong Kong industry is the stronger for it.
/In spite of .......
Thursday, January 10, 1974
- 2 -
” In spite of unusual difficulties in 1973» Hong Kong’s exports continued to increase at a satisfactory rate. I believe that this has been due to superior capacity to adjust quickly to new conditions. In this I believe our growing design capability, with the ability it provides to innovate and create, has played a part. And I am sure its importance will steadily increase. We have all the necessary ingredients for success in the development of good product design. We have the technical .and business skills; we have an increasing knowledge of overseas markets and consumer preferences; there is a growing readiness to allocate resources to product developin'? a1-: and we ~ercainly lack nothing in imagination.
”l7e have also an improving institutional framework for the promotion of good design. The Education Department is paying increasing attention to the early development of creative talent. The Hong Kong Polytechnic provides specialist courses in industrial design, and I am very pleased to note that virtually the entire class who qualified in 1973 have secured jobs in industry. The Hong Kong Training Council, under the guidance of Mr. Ann, should also be able to exert a beneficial influence on the training of potential designers. The recent establishment of the Designers1 Association should encourage the interchange of ideas between qualified designers. And, of course, the work of the Industrial Design Council itself, and-its coordinating influence, is important to the development of design consciousness and skills in Hong Kong.
”Dut real progress, of course, lies in the hands of our industrialists themselves. You have, Mr. Ann, already announced the winners of all but one of the awards to be presented this evening.
/”I congratulate •••.•
Thursday, January 10, 197^
- 3 -
"I congratulate all of them on their achievements, and on the contribution they have made to the development of industrial design in Hong Kong. I am sure they can count on ample material reward, because good designs mean good products, and good products mean more orders and profits.
"Turning to the Governor’s Award for Hong Kong Design 197^• the winner, for the second year in succession, is Ampex Ferrotec Limited, and the winning product is a portable memory exerciser - a new product which displays in its design and construction a high degree of original technical innovation. I am particularly pleased that, once again, Ampex Ferrotec have come up with a product which has been developed to meet the specific needs of local industry.
"Ampex Ferrotec’s designers have also won for their company the Federation of Hong Kong Industries’ Award for Components for a digital cassette tape drive. It is an outstanding example of the type of sophisticated component for which Hong Kong has excellent design capability. I congratulate Ampex Ferrotec and their designers on their consistently high standards of performance in this annual competition. I am sure that their efforts, and those of the other award-winning companies, will help to impress on their fellow industrialists the benefits that accrue from high standard of design. • •
"And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have great pleasure in calling on the representative of Ampex Ferrotec. to. come forward to receive the trophy." ----------------------------------0---------
Thursday, January 10, 1974
Mr. D4W. McDonald, Director of Building Development, has been appointed the new Director of Public Works with effect from January 26, 197^.
His promotion was approved by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs following Mr. A.S. Robertson’s decision last October to take up a new job as Chief Executive of the Northumbrian Water Authority in England.
Mr. McDonald, 46, obtained the Diploma in Architecture with distinction in June 1955 and was elected an Associate of the Royal InetxtnUf of British Architects and Associate of the Royal Incorpoi'ation of Architects of Scotland in 1954.
He was employed with a firm of Chartered Architects in Dundee until he joined the Hong Kong governement as an Architect in Avgust 1955-He was promoted to Senior Architect in April 1964, Chief Architect in February 19$7j Government Architect in April 1970, Principal Government Architect in February 1972 and Director of Building Development in May, 1973-He has since then acted as Director of Public Works and Deputy Director of Public Works.
Mr. McDonald is married with two children. He will be going to the forthcoming Commonwealth Games to be held in Christchurch, New Zealand, from January 12 to February 4, as Coach and Manager of the Hong Kong Swimming Team.
He vrill assume duty as Director of Public Works on his return.
Note to Editors? Copies of Mr. McDonald’s photograph are boxed for
Thursday, January 10, 19?^
- 5 -
An additional five-acre site on Tsing Yi Island is to be sold by the government to the Outboard Marine Corporation for the construction of an expanded outboard engine manufacturing plant.
The new piece of land adjoins the five-acre site which the company bought by restricted tender last April.
A Commerce and Industry Department spokesman said today that the O.M.C. project will introduce new technology to Hong Kong and a wide range of training in technical skills for workers.
”A high proportion of the O.M.C. workforce will be male workers he said.
The company’s project on the 10-acre site involves an estimated total investment of 8100 million. This is nearly double the original investment envisaged.
It is anticipated that the expanded production plant will employ 1,000 workers, twice the number which development on a five-acre site would have permitted.
The value of Hong Kong content in the engines manufactured will rise from an originally estimated 817 million annually to a new figure of 850 million.
This results from a greater production of high technology components and parts.
/The spokesman •••••••
Thursday, January 10, 197^
- 6 -
The spokesman said that the company’s expanded plans gave a major boost to the government’s efforts to attract technologically advanced industries to Hong Kong.
’’This is a further indication of the new impetus which is being given to industrial development in Hong Kong under the government’s modified land policy permitting grants of land on special terms for selected industries unsuitable for high-rise buildings,” he added.
Approval in principle, has already been given for a 10-acre site on Tsing Yi Island to be made available for the construction of a ®100 million plastics manufacturing plant, which will be the largest of its type in the world.
An application for a site to be granted for the manufacture of polyester - an important raw material for Hong Kong’s textile industry -is now under discussion.
The section of Electric Road between Watson Road and North Point Road has been reverted bapk to two-way traffic following the completion of trench works in the area.
GMB buses No. 23 will resume their journeys on Electric Road.
Thursday, January 10, 197^
Three special stamps to commemorate the 197^ Hong Kong Festival of Arts will go on sale at all post offices as from February 1, together with a souvenir sheet which incorporates the stamps and descriptions of their themes in both English and Chinese.
The three stamps, of 10-cent, 31 and 32 denominations, depict a selection of Chinese opera masks which symbolise the theme of the Festival.
They are in vertical format, measuring 1.1 in. by 1.75 in., and were printed by Joh. Enschede en Zonen of Holland, using the photogravure process.
The stamps’ designer, Mr. Robert Hookham of Hong Kong, has also produced a special first day cover which will be on sale at 20 cents each from next Thursday (January 17)*
A spokesman for the Post Office advised members of the public to obtain their requirements early to avoid disappointment.
Advance orders for servicing first day covers will be accepted at the General Post Office in Pedder Street, the Kowloon Central Post Office in Nathan Road, and the Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office in Salisbury Road.
The addressed first Jay covers, should be handed in with an order form together with a 33*20 remittance for each cover. This charge includes the cost of the stamps and a service fee of 10 cents. Not less than 10 covers will be accepted with each order,and the cover must be fully addressed by the.applicant.
/Order •••••«
Thursday, January 10, 197^
- 8 -
Order •forms will be available at the three post offices next Thursday# The latest date for accepting the orders will be noon on January 29 • Any person ordering serviced covers addressed to a local destination may collect them on February 2 from the office where the order was placed.
Covers addressed overseas will be sent forward by ordinary post, surface mail, unless there arc sufficient stamps to cover airmail or registration charges.
On the day of issue of the new Arts Festival .stamps, first any covers will be accepted over the counter at all post offices.
• ' These will bo impressed with the normal post office date stamp, and handed back to the person presenting them. However, no time type will appear in the post mark and there will be special conditions for this service that day.
Only articles bearing an indication that they.are first day covers will be accepted. They must be addressed to a local address and must not bear any other cancellation. In addition, no registered items will be accepted for this special service.
Special posting boxes will be available Qt the General Post Office, the Kowloon Central Post Office and the Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office on February 1 for those who wish to have first day covers carefully hand-postmarked before despatch to the address on the cover.
Note to Editors: A- photograph- of the three stamps i6 boxed for collection.
Thursday, January 10, 197^
- 9 -
The headmasters of government primary schools have been advised by the Director of Education, Mr. J. Canning, that, if they wish, they may make adjustments in school hours so that minimum inconvenience to school children is caused following the introduction of summer time since December 50, 1973*
In a circular to the headmasters today, the Director reiterated that he had no objection to them making such adjustments and he suggested that A.M. schools begin classes 15 minutes later, that is from 8.O a.m. with immediate effect.
Mr. Canning said that this temporary measure should remain in force in government primary A.M. schools until the latter part of February when the situation will reviewed.
♦ ♦
Four Unofficial Members of the Legislative Council spoke on the Securities Bill at yesterday’s council meeting.
They were: The Hon. P.C. Woo, the Hon. Wilfred S.B. Wong, the Hon. Hilton Cheong-Loen, and the Hon. G.M. Sayer.
The Hon. Wilson Wang did not speak on the bill as reported in yesterday’s Daily Information Bulletin. The remarks attributed to Mr. Wang were, in fact, made by Mr. Wilfred 'Wong.
The error is regretted.
Thursday ,'January 10, 197^
Daily Guido To Wholesale Market Priceo And Supplies , OO0QOO
The following prices were realised today (Thursday) at sales under tho Rice Control Schemo end at the Vegetable Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market and the Fish Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market at
Choung Sha V/an, Kowloon:
Supplies nnd Wholesale Priceo ert Availability Grado of Supply Rice Wholesale Prico (fl/catty)
Chinn Rico Average
- - old crop Seo Mon x - new crop Good 1o72 •
S.C.Jion - old crop Good
Po Ilgai Good 1.42
Chu Cho Good r-*
Thai Rice lOpfH/holc Good 1.52
10-155® Brokens Good . 1.50
A1 Super Extra Good 1.45
A1 Super Good 1.37 • ■ *
Whole Glutinous Good 1.52
• n«Se Rice • Good 1.62
Australian Rice Good e-» •
Pakistan Rico Good r» •
Taiwan Rico Good
• /Supplies and ooaoooo
Thursday, January 10 3 F197^
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Marine Fish
Availability Wholesale Price
Species of Supply (g/catty)
Low • Average
Golden Thread Normal 5.0 3.3 -^rwO
Big-Eyes Good 3.2 0.5 2.4
Squid •- Normal 6.5 3.0
Hair-Tails Good 2.0 1.1 1.7
Lizard Fishes Limited 2.7 0.9 1.7
Croalcers Good 2.4 0.75 1.2
Conger-Pike-Eels Normal 2.8 2.1 2.5
Melon Coat Limited 3.0 2.2 2.5
• • • Breams Normal 4.5 3.8 4.0
Yellow Belly Good 2.7 0.7 1.5
Mackerels Normal 4.5 3.2 4.2
Ped Goat Fish Good 3.0 0.7 2.2
Fork-Tail Good 1.4 1.0 1.2
Horse-Head Normal 6.2 4.2 5.8
Melon Seed Normal 2.5. 1.8 2.2
PomSrets Scarce 11.5 7.5 9.0
Garoupas Normal 6.8 5.2 5.7
Yellow Croaker ■i • *•
/Supplies and ....
Thursday, January 10, 1974 «•
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of
Locally Produced Vegetable
ftype Availability of Supply Wholesale Prico (S/catty).
UlCh Low Average.
Honoring cabbage Limited 2.0 0.6 1.4
White cabbage Hormal 1.0 0.3 0.8
Chinese Lottuoe Normal. 0.8 0.2 0.5
Chinese Kale Good 0.7 0.2 0.4
Spring onion Limited 2.2 0.8 1.6
1 Spinach Normal 1 5 0(9> 1.2
Water or. a Normal 1.4 0.3 0 3
Loaf nus ard cab ago Scarce 1.0 0.2 0.5
Teaato Normal 1o8 '.8 1.2
Supplies and Wholer jale I ’ - ’ of F (Livo • eight) •
Availability Wholesale Price
of Supply (8/ picul)
• • (Average)
Perk Gocd • 285
lYiday, January 11, 1974
Page No,
Chinese to be made an official language of Hong Kong • • • • • 1
Director of Home Affairs appointed as new Chinese Language Authority ••»•••••••••••«•••••«•••.............. ........» 3
New application forms introduced for cornupterised driving licence records ............................ 4
Frequent travellers can get large-size passports......... 5
Preventive service officers given new power of arrest •••• 6
Lions Youth Centre in Tai Po to open on Sunday ••••••••••• 7
Fire Services information officer appointed...........• 7
Housing Department explains renewal of tenancy agreements for North Point Estate shops ....................... • • • • 8
Daily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
Release time: 7<^ P»n*
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Friday, January 11, 197^
- 1
Chinese and English are to be formally made official languages of Hong Kong under new legislation which will shortly be introduced into the Legislative Council.
Both will have equal status and will be the official languages in communications between the government and the public.
The Official Languages Bill 197^, published in today’s gazette also makes it possible for Chinese, besides English, to be used in Magistrates’ and Juvenile Courts, in Labour Tribunals and Tenancy Tribunals, and in any inquiry by a coroner.
Commenting on the Bill, a government spokesman said today it embodied the final and main recommendation of the Chinese Language Committee *-to confirm by law the equal status of English and Chinese.
”Tho recommendation has been under consideration since the report of the Committee was published but it was felt inappropriate to change the lav/ until a pool of trained interpreters and translators was more readily available to take up the important work,” the spokesman said.
’’Since last April when the Home Affairs Department took over the administration of government translation and interpretation services, a new division — the Development, Training and Research Division — has been set up to improve translation standards, over and above a big expansion cf the Translation Services Division itself.
”Tcn new senior Interpre ter/Transl at or and ?.8 additional Interpreter/ Translator posts have been created and two prominent scholars have joined to head the two translation and interpretation Divisions.
/”The use .....
Friday, January 11, 1974
~ 2 -
"The use of Chinese will continue to be extensively adopted in government business,” he added.
"The Official Languages Bill, in addition to confirming the status of the Chinese language, provides as far as practicable for its use in judicial proceedings/' the c; okes: <*■ continued-.
?’Under the provisions of tie new Bill, ordinances of Hong Kong will continue to be published ana enacted in the English language, but Chinese words or terms may be used in any ordinance and a Chinese translation of the ordinance may also be published.
Proceedings in a Magistrates’ Court, a Juvenile Court, a coroner’s inquiry or a Labour or Tenancy Tribunal may be conducted in either English or Chinese at the discretion of the court. Other courts may be included in the list by an order of the Governor on the advice of Executive Council.”
Friday, January 11, 197^
- 3 -
The Director of Home Affairs has been appointed as the Chinese Language Authority in place of the Secretary for Heme Affairs, it was announced in today’s gazette.
This is because the functions of the Chinese Language Authority, which are executive in nature, have remained with the Home Affairs Department, rather than with the Secretary for Home Affairs, after the incorporation of the latters’ post into the Colonial Secretariat.
Mr. Augustine Chui Kam has been appointed as Deputy Director of
Home Affairs (Special Duties), in addition to his appointment as Principal Assistant Colonial Secretary (Public Affairs), with effect from January 8, 197^.
Mr. Chui’s principal task is to obtain and assess public views and reactions to Government policies and plans.
Amongst his other duties, he will be responsible fcr the management of the Chinese Language Branch and for ensuring that Government’s declared intention of using the Chinese language as widely as possible in official \ business is implemented.
Mr. Chui will work in the Some Affairs Department headquarters in
International Building.
He will be assisted by Mrs. Katherine Fok, who has been appointed \
Assistant Director of Heme Affairs. Mrs. Fok was City District Officer (Mong Kok) before her present appointment.
Friday, January 11, 197^
- 4 -
New driving licence application forms will be introduced by the Transport Department from next Monday (January 14) in preparation for the coming computerisation of all licensing records.
The forms will be for the initial issue and renewal of driving licences (except provisional driving licences and instructor’s licences), the issue of duplicate licences,and for notifying changes of particulars.
Any applications presented on the old form after Sunday (January 1?) will not be accepted by the department. This is to ensure that all future licensing information can be immediately transferred to the computer data processing system.
Copies of the new forms are available from any City District Office, the Hong Kong or Kowloon Licensing Offices of the Transport Department, or major post offices.
The notes printed on the reverse, side of the forms explain how they are to be’^completed. In addition, specimens of completed forms will be posted in the Hong Kong and Kowloon Licensing Offices to assist those who attend in person.
Applications should continue to be sent to the Hong Kong Licensing Office at its present address at Rumsey Street Reclamation until January 19, when the office is expected to move to new accommodation at No. 2, Murray Road.
/5 .......
Friday, January 11, 197^
5 -
larger passports for frequent travellers
New large-size passports will scon be made available to Hong Kong residents who travel very frequently, to reduce inconvenience caused by having to renew standard-size passports at short intervals.
These large-size passports will have 9^ pages, compared with 30 pages on the standard-size ones. They will cost $120 each while the old ones will still cost $60.
Regulations precribing the fee for these large-size passports are published under the Immigration (Amendment) Regulations 197^ in today’s Gazette.
Explaining the new provision, a spokesman for the Immigration Department aftld this was based on the recent introduction of similar passports in the United Kingdom on a limited and experimental basis.
He made it clear that the large-size Hong Kong passports wil1 0R1y be issued to people who can establish a genuine need. Others will still •w
be issued with the old standard-size passports.
"Both types will conform with the standard format of United
Kingdomtypo passports," he added.
Five’ thousand of the large-size passports have been ordered and the shipment is expected to arrive next month, after which they will bo ready for issue immediately.
Friday, January 11, 197^
- 6 -
Officers of the Preventive Service can now arrest a person suspected of committing an offence under the Copyright Ordinance and the Dangerous Goods Ordinance.
Preventive Service officers are already empowered to arrest people suspected of offences under nine other ordinances listed in the Preventive Service Ordinance.
The Preventive Service (Amendment of Second Schedule) Order 197^ gazetted today adds to the list the Copyright Ordinance and the Dangerous Goods Ordinance.
Explaining the order, a government spokesman said that many of the offences under the Copyright Ordinance were committed by petty smugglers, seamen and vendors who traded in pirated tapes.
"It is essential," he said, "that the raiding and search parties have power to arrest an offender before he absconds.?
At present, Preventive Service officers who conduct raids and searches for goods that infringe copyright and dangerous goods do not have the power to arrest. So the chances of bringing an offender before a court is often lost.
The order is made to remedy the situation.
Friday, January 11, 197^-
- 7 -
Note to Editors: The Lions Youth Centre in Tai Po will
be officially opened by the District Commissioner, New Territories, Mr, David Akers-Jones at 3 p*m. on Sunday.
The centre will be presented to Mr. K.C. Lim, Chairman of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, by Mr. Raymond Y.K. Kan, Deputy District Governor, Lions International, District 303.
Members of the press and TV and radio stations are cordially invited to cover the presentation and opening ceremony. Transport will be provided. A Government van AM 2132 will leave from behind the Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office (E 8c M sub-pool) at 1.35 p.m.
Note to Editors: Mr. Donald Strange, Senior Information
Officer, has been seconded from the Government Information Services to the Fire Services Department to handle its press and public relations.
His office is at the Fire Services Headquarters at 323 Java Road, North Point. His telephone number, is 5*612211, ext. 21.6.
. --------•«. 0 - - - -
Friday, January 11, 197^
- 8 -
Commenting on a newspaper report today that shop-tenants of
North Point Estate have expressed dissatisfaction over the new tenancy agreement the Housing Authority has asked them to sign, Mr. Frank Carroll; Deputy Director of the Housing Department, said that the tenants appeared to have either misunderstood the intentions of the Authority or its policy.
Mr. Carroll said: ”It has always been the policy of the Housing Authority to have tenancy agreements for shops in all ’Group A: estates renewed once every three years on the rpiry of the agreements. >
”In the case of the shop tenants of North Point Estate, their existing agreement is due to expire on March 31, 197^, and therefore vzo informed them on December 31, 1975 that they would have to renew those tenancy agreements with a reasonable rent adjustments.”
Mr. Carroll stressed that they were only asked to renew thoir tenancy agreement and were not asked to sign a different tenancy agreement end there were no changes to its terms except the rent adjustments which wore assessed and oonsideredreasonable by the Commissioner for Rating and Valuation.
The new rent of about $2 per square foot or less is about 60 to 80 per cent higher than the existing rate, which is very much belnvr-tli^- p-rrnm-i-! yig market rent in that area.
’’Tenants had been allowed to transfer their tenancy to members of their family in appropriate dases in the past and this will continue to be the case when they have taken up their new tenancy,” Mr. Carroll said.
/’’They will
Friday, January 11, 197^
- 9 -
"They will also be allowed to change their trade under appropriate circumstances as they have enjoyed in the past. However they had never been permitted in the past to transfer their shops and this will continue to be the case."
Mi'. Carroll went on: "It has now been decided to extend the date given to shop tenants to indicate their willingness to renew their tenancy to February 15 since many of them have indicated that they could not make their decision by January 15, the date originally given in a notice dated December J1 last year."
A notice informing them of the extension will be delivered to them at the earliest.
Friday, January 11, 1974 •u
Daily Guido To Wholesale Market Prices And Supplies
The following prices were realised today (Friday) at sales under tho Rice Control Scheme and at the Vegetable Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market and tho Fish Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market at Choung Sha Wan, Kowloon:
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Rice
Availability Wholesale Price
Grade of Supply (8/catty)
China Rico Average
See Men “ old croP Good •
- new crop 1.72
S.C.Jion - old crop Good «■
Po Ilgai Good 1.42
Chu Cho Good «■
Thai Rico
lOOfH'hole Good 1.52
10-15# Brokens Good 1.50
A1 Super Extra Good 1.45
A1 Super Good 1.37
Whole Glutinous Good 1.52
U.S, Rico Good 1.62
Australian Rioo Good
Pakistan Rice Good •M
Taiwan Rice Good .
( • /Supplies and •••••«•
Friday t January 111' 1974
Supplies and Wholesale Trices of Marine Fish
Species Golden Thread • Availabi ity of Supply Limited Qiolesale Price (8/catty)
6.2 Lo w - 3.5 Average 4.7
Big-Eyes Good 2.7 0.6 2o0
Squid Normal 6.5 3.5 5.0
Hair-Tails Good 2.4 1.8 2.0
Lizard Fishes Normal 2.8 0,9 2.0
Croalzers Good 2.2 1.1 1.5
Conger-Pike-Eels Normal 2.9 2.1 2.4
Melon Coat Limited 3.2 1.8 2.4
Breams Normal 4.7 4.1 4.5
Yellow Belly Good 1.5 0.8 1.2
Mackerels Normal 4.8 3.5 4.0
Red Goat Fish Good 2.7 0.65 1.5
Fork-Tail Good 1.5 0.8 1.2
IIorsc-Hoad Scarce 7.2 4.2 5.2
Melon Seed Normal 3.5 . 1.6 5.0
Poof rets Scarce 12.0 9.0 9.5
Garoupaa Normal 6.8 5.0 5.3
YoUow Croaker C3 • n> ■
/Supplies and
Friday , January 11 f 197^
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Locally Produced Vegetables
Type Availability of Supply Wholesale Price (8/catty)
High Low Average
Flowering cabbage Normal r * 1.8 0.6 1.4
■White cabbage Normal 1.1 0.3 0.8
Chinese Lettuce Normal- 0.8 0.2 0.5
Chinese Kale Good 0.7' 0.2 0.4
Spring onion Limited 2.2 0.8 1.8
, Spinach . Normal 1.5 0.5 1.0
Hater orcss Normal 1.5 0.35 1.0
Leaf mustard cabbage Scarce 0.8 0.3 0.5
Tomato Limited 1.8 0.8 1.2
Surrnlios and Wholesale Prices of Pork (Live weight) •
• Availability of Supply Wholesale Price ( 8/picul), (Average)
Pork Good . 285
Saturday, January 12, 197^
Page No.
Special study room for students in Tsz Wan Shan Estate •••••••••• 1
Government House fuel economy shows good result ................... 2
Prisons Department moving to new premises next month ............. 2
Special passenger trains will run during Chinese New Year holidays • •...................................................
More clearways to be introduced in Central tcmoxxow~<•*•••••••••• Tak Yan Street to be closed for roadworks.....................
Release time: 2. JO p.m«
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, January 12, 197^
- 1 -
With the crowded living conditions one of the main worries of parents is that their children have no place in which they could go to study or do their school work.
This concern was expressed recently by some parents in the Tsz Wan Shan Housing Estate who approached welfare associations to see if they could help provide some solution.
One organisation which the parents called on was the Tsz Wan Shan Estate Community Work Office of the Social Welfare Department.
”The parents said their children could not study properly because they did not have anywhere quiet to go. The confined areas of their homes and the noisy environment was a handicap to their children’s mood of study," said Mrs. Siu Law Gook-fong, Officer-in-charge of the community work office.
"To provide an immediate solution to this problem, we have turned the assembly hall of the Tsz Wan Shan Estate Welfare Building into a study room for the students," she said.
This study room is open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and again from 2 p.m. to 5 p«m. daily each week day. With accommodation for more than one hundred students, it is divided into sections for secondary and primary students.
"This study room provides them with a quiet atmosphere in which they can study and concentrate on their school work. Volunteers help the students*providing guidance not only in their studies but in their behaviour and other matters," Mrs. Siu said.
"By doing this, we hope that eventually the older students would also play an active part and guide the younger ones developing the spirit of co-operative relationship while at the same time helping in their character development,"she added
- - 0 - -
Saturday, January 12, 1974
2 -
The example set by the Governor and Lady MacLehose, in economising on the use of fuel, has led to a 67 per cent reduction in electricity for Government House since the start of the current economy drive.
The latest figures show that the 47 per cent reduction achieved in November was improved by a further 20 per cent last month.
Government House’s petrol consumption also showed a further drop last month, adding another eight per cent reduction to the j4 per cent saved the previous month.
The Governor’s launch, the Lady Maurine, has been retired from service for the duration of the fuel crisis and will only be: tried out once a month to keep the engines operational.
-------0 - - - -
The Prisons Department Headquarters will move from Arbuthnot Road to new premises at Murray Road as from February 8.
It will occupy the 10th floor of Murray Road Multi-Storey Car Park at No. 2 Hurray Road, Hong Kong. The new telephone number will be 5-260071.
-------0--------- /?....................
Saturday, January 12, 197^
- 3 -
Special passenger train services will be operated during the three-day • *
Chinese New Year holiday period starting from January 2 J to cope with the expected increase in commuters.
Eleven uj>»trains will be running from Tsim Sha Tsui to various destinations in the Nev/ Territories between 8.j4 a.m. and 9.40 p.m., while twelve dowi>-trains will be operating between 10.26 a.m. and 10.JO p.m.
The special up-trains will be operating from Tsim Sha Tsui Station and will not stop at Mong Kok Station. The normal schedule up-trains will also bypass Mong Kok Station between 6.JO a.m. and J.JO p.m.
During this period, passengers normally boarding at Mong Kok Station should use Tsim Sha Tsui Station. Holders of season or monthly tickets will be allowed to board at Tsim Sha Tsui without extra charge.
A spokesman for the Kcwloon-Canton Railway said that during the holiday period additional night trains would be arranged if necessary*
He said all up-trains from Kowloon to the New Territories were expected to be full between 6 a.m. and J p.m., while down-trains would probably be full between J p.m. and 9 p»mo
0 - -
Saturday, January 12, 1974
* t * * * 4 * * *
Three roads in Central will be turned into clearways as from 4 p«nu tomorrow (Sunday) to improve traffic flow in the district.
The clearway along the unr-named access road at the north of the Central Bus Station, between Vehicular Ferry Pier and Pedder Street, will apply 24 hours a day and no vehicle will be allowed to stop along this section. Both the section of Stanley Street between D’Aguilar Street and House No. 18A, and the section of D’Aguilar Street between Queen’s Road Central and Wellington Street, will be clearways from seven to ten o’clock in the mornings and from four to seven o’clock in the evenings.
Traffic signs will be posted to guide motorists.
Meanwhile in Kowloon, Tak Shing Street between Cox’s Road and Tak Hing Street will bc-routed to one-way westbound traffic as from Monday (January 14).
Motorists are advised that Tak Yan Street in Wan Chai will be closed for three days as from 8 a.m. next Tuesday (January 15) to facilitate roadworks in the area.
The street is expected to reopen at 6 p.m. on January 17« During this period parking will be suspended in Tak Yan Street.
Traffic signs will be posted to indicate the closure of the street.
0 - -
Monday, January 14, 197^
Pg£Q No*
Export quota controls imposed on polypropyiene.....................1
New estate in Chai Wan will provide homes for 16,000 people ... 2
1973 was the wettest year on record.............................. 3
Housing Department says rent adjustments for estate shops are fair ....................................................... 8
Manual and non-manual workers entitled to holidays during Chinese
New Year • •.....•••.•••••••••••.............................. 9
Seminar to be hold on Shek Kip Mei re-development................ 10
Multi-million dollar housing contract to be signed tomorrow ... 10
Temporary water cuts in New Territories ...........••••••........ 11
Traffic re-arrangements in To Kwa Wan ••••••••••................ 11
Warning against racketeers selling illegal huts..........••••••• 12
Daily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
Release time 7*3.c
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Monday, January 14, 197^
- 1 -v
Export quota controls are to be introduced by the Cnmmerce and Industry Department regulating the export and re-export of polypropylene -one of the basic raw materials used in the plastics industry.
A department spokesman said tcday that polypropylene was among the 55 items of plastic raw materials which were made subject to export licensing as a precautionary measure on January 1 this year.
’Mhe object of licensing is to enable the department to monitor the export and re-export of plastic raw materials in view of the potential threat to our supplies caused by reduced oil production.
”In case of polypropylene, which is used extensively in the manufacture of household plastic products, the quantities licensed for export since January 1 are substantially in excess of the monthly average for 1973.
nWe arc introducing export quota controls for this item^ therefore in order to retain the traditional pattern of supplies for use in the local plastics industry
The spokesman said that details of the quota system would be
circulated to the trade in the next few days. In the meantime the issue of export licences for polypropylene has been suspended with effect from today.
Export quotas will he based on shipment returns for 1972 and
1973 already suppliodby exporters to the Commerce and Industry Department.
Monday, January 14, 1974
- 2 -
Piling work for the first phase of the S51-million public housing estate in Chai Wan, which will eventually house 16,000 people, is expected to start in April this year.
Site investigation is now in progress and tenders for the piling contract will be invited sometime in March, a spokesman for the Public Works Department said today.
The first phase of the project, which involves the construction of three seven-storey domestic blocks, is expected to be completed in 1975? providing homes for 5,700 people.
The second phase, which involves the construction of a 22-storey block and a commercial/marke ting/parking complex, is expected to be completed about a year later and will provide accommodation for another 10,JOO people.
• • • - • ■
The estate will have a total of 2,240 flats equipped with all the basic facilities essential for a self-contained community, a Housing Department spokesman said.
* There will be a market complex with 4?6 market stalls, 20 cooked food stalls, a public library and J18 covered parking spaces*
Thirty-eight shops will be provided on the ground floor of two adjacent blocks, thus centralising shopping facilities.
Other facilities will‘include a post office, a welfare bujl Hi ng, an administrative block, an inoculation centre, two schools and a two—storey restaurant.
There'will also be J. 7 acres of recreational grounds.
-------O - ----- -
Monday, January 14, 1974
- 3 -
Hong Kong experienced its wettest year on record last year when total rainfall reached 3100.4 mm - more than 40 per cent above average.
The year was also much warmer than usual with the second highest mean temperature on record.
Twenty-two tropical cyclones were reported over the western North Pacific and the South China Sea during the months July to November and this was the first occasion since 1917 when tropical cyclones were completely absent over the region during the first half of the year• Of the nine typhoons and tropical storms which affected Hong Kong during the year, only Typhoon ’Dot’ cane sufficiently close to cause gales and damage.
January was slightly warmer and more cloudy than usual with rainfall more than 80 per cent above average. Most of the month’s rain fell during January 17-23 when a succession of upper air disturbances affected the south Cliina coast. The Strong Monsoon Signal was hoisted on three occasions as a result of the intensification of the winter monsoon. Dry northerly air also affected Hong Kong during the month and necessitated the issuance of the Fire Danger Warnings on seven days.
February was the mildest on record with only half the average amount of rainfall. Both the mean dew point and the mean minimum temperature were the highest on record for February. Relatively weak surges of the winter monsoon affected Hong Kong during the month and the Strong Monsoon Signal was hoisted only once for nine hours on February 20. During February 21-23, widespread coastal fog and low visibility caused 17 aircraft to divert from Hong Kong Airport.
/The abnormally
Monday, January 14, 1974
The abnormally warm weather of February continued during March• The main temperature as well as the mean maximum and minimum temperatures for the month were all second highest on record for March, while the maximum temperature of 30.1 degrees Celsius, recorded on the last day of the month, was the highest ever recorded in any March. The month was dry with a total rainfall of only 13*3 mm. The Strong Monsoon Signal was hoisted twice as a result of the arrival of two monsoon surges. For the first half of the month, Hong Kong was under the influence of a warm and moist airstream from the South China Sea and the weather was mainly cloudy and humid with light rain patches and coastal fog. However, drier air from the north affected Hong Kong during the remainder of the month and Fire Danger Warnings were issued on two occasions during thi» jieriod.
April was also warm and dry. The mean temperature of 24 degrees Celsius wus the highest on record for the month and was equalled only once before in April 1964. The Strong Monsoon Signal ras hoisted on throe occasions, twice to warn of strong northeast winds and once to warn of strong southwestcrlies. Thunderstorms were reported on several days and a hailstorm occurred over the northwestern part of the New Territories on April 7. Warm and humid air from the southeast caused mist and fog patches over Hong Kong for eight days and resulted in the diversion of 23 aircraft.
May was wetter and hotter than usual with rainfall more than 75 per cent above average. During the month there were only two days on which no rainfall was recorded at the Royal Observatory. Cold fronts from the north and troughs over the South China Sea brought heavy rain and widespread thunderstorms and Thunderstorm and/or Heavy Rain V/arnings were issued on ten days.
/In June, •••••
Monday, January 14, 1972*
- 5 -
In June, both the rainfall and air temperature were close to average. However, there was no tropical cyclone during the month and the rain was mostly associated with passages of active troughs from the north.
Six tropical cyclones formed over the western North Pacific and the South China Sea in July. Of these only Typhoon ’Dot* and Tropical Storm ,V7ildal necessitated the hoisting of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals in Hong Kong.
The first tropical cyclone for the year was Tropical Stein ’Wilda’ which passed about 200 miles east of Hong Kong on July J. Typhoon ’Dot1 formed in the South China Sea on July 14 and passed about 12 miles to the east of the Royal Observatory early on July 17« Gales and heavy showers were experienced during the passage of ’Dot’ and some flooding was also reported in low-lying areas. This typhoon contributed about one-third of the month’s total rainfall which was nearly 90 per cent above average.
During August, seven tropical cyclones formed over the western North Pacific and the South China Sea, but only three, Typhoon ’Georgia’ and Tropical Storms ’Joan’ and ’Kate* affected Hong Kong. They all passed within 180 miles to the south of Hong Kong and caused periods of strong winds and heavy rain. The rainfall for the month was more than double the average figure and was the second highest on record for August. The total rainfall from May to August and from January to August were both the highest ever recorded. On August JO, the Strong Monsoon Signal was hoisted for four hours to warn of strong easterly winds.
/The abnormally
Monday, January 14, 1974
- 6 -
The abnormally wet weather of July and August continued during September. The rainfall recorded was more than 70 per cent above average while the accumulated total from January 1 up to the end of September exceeded the annual rainfall of the wettest year, 1889. During the month.. Typhoon ’Marge*and Severe Tropical Storm ’Louise’ were the only two tropical cyclones reported in the western North Pacific and the South China Sea# Both formed in the vicinity of north Luzon and moved westwards.across the South China Sea causing freshening of winds over Hong Kong. Two surges of the winter monsoon passed through Hong Kong and necessitated the hoisting of the Strong Monsoon Signal on September 24 and 27-28.
October was much drier than normal. Only 4.7 mm of rainfall, were recorded during the month, representing less than five per cent of the average amount for October. On October 28, the relative humidity fpn to a minimum of 2*1 per cent which was the lowest on record for October and was equalled once previously in 'October 1968.
Four typhoons were reported in the month but only Typhoons ’Nora* and ’Ruth* came sufficiently close to affect Hong Kong. The Strong Monsoon Signal was hoisted on three occasions during outbreaks of cold air from the north.
No measurable rainfall was recorded during the first 24 days of November and the month’s total rainfall amounted to only 9«3 mm against the average value of 43.1 mm. During the month, two tropical cyclones were reported over the South China Sea and one near the Philippines but none affected Hong Kong. Due to dry weather conditions, Fire Danger Warnings were in operation on 25 days of the month.
/An intense
Monday, January 14, 1974
- 7 -
An intense and persistent continental anticyclone dominated China and the neighbouring seas during December and resulted in exceptionally dry and clear weather in Hong Kong. The month was the sunniest December since 1959 and the mean relative humidity and dew point for the month were both the lowest on record for December. On December 31, the relative humidity fell to a minimum of 14 per cent which was the lowest ever expereinccd for the month. No measurable rainfall was recorded during December and a Fire Danger Warning was in force every day throughout the month. The Strong Monsoon Signal was hoisted on three occasions during the intensification of the northeast monsoon.
On December 25 and 26, the minimum temperature recorded at the Royal Observatory was 7*0 degrees Celsius. This made December 25, 1973 the coldest Christmas Day on record and December 26, 1973 the coldest Boxing Day since 1926.
This year will be remembered for the exceptionally wet and cloudy summer and the unusually persistent clear and fine weather in November and December.
Monday, January 14, 1974
- 8 -
The Deputy Director of Housing, Mr. Frank Carroll, said today the rent adjustments for shops in North Point Estate were no greater than those for shops in other estates, and in some cases even less.
Commenting on recent moves taken by shop tenants in the estate in protest against the rent increases which come into effect on April 1, Mr# Carroll emphasise!that the new rates were based on fair adjustments.
,rRents for shops’ in the estate have previously been substantially below the full market value and the shop tenants have enjoyed this advantage which their counterparts in the private sector did not have," Mr. Carroll said.
"The Housing Authority is required by the Housing Ordinance to make both ends meet and it is the intention of the Authority to let its shops in public housing estates at the commercial rent level to assist its general finances with particular reference to the provision of new housing estates/1 ho added.
The shop tenants would also enjoy a rent freeze for at least three years until their tenancies are due for renewal again, Mr. Carroll said.
The new rents, ranging from about $1.50 to $2.50 per square foot, were considered by the Commissioner for Rating and Valuation as fair and reasonable.
As to the tenants' request for transfer of their tenancies to members of their families, Mr. Carroll said such applications would be considered and approval given to appropriate cases as the Authority had done in the past.
'’They will also be permitted to change their trades in appropriate circumstances as they have previously," he added.
Monday, January l4f 1974
- 9 -
The Commissioner of Labour, Mr. I.R. Price, today reminded employers that the first and second days of the Lunar New Year, which fall on January 23 and 24, are two of the six statutory holidays to which al] non-manual employees earning not more than $1,500 a month and all manual employees irrespective of the amount of their earnings arc entitled under the Employing Ordinance.
"The ora5nance does not make any distinction between industrial and non-industrial workers. Furthermore, the statutory holidays are in add5bion to the four rest days a month provided under the s<une ordinance," Mr. Price said.
An employee is qualified for pay on a statutory holiday if he has been employed continuously by his employer for three months or more immediately preceding the statutory holiday. An employee who is not so qualified is still entitled to the holiday and his employer may voluntarily agree to pay him.
"Tf the employer and employee agree, any day within 30 days of a statutory holiday may be taken by the employee as a substituted holiday,” he said.
Any employer or employee who is in doubt about his rights or obligations regarding statutory holidays or holiday pay may consult officers of the nearest branch office of the Labour Relations Service. The telephone numbers are for Kowloon East, 3-205638? Kowloon West, 3~2O1652, Kxvun Tong, 3-898520; Tsuen Wan, 12-422096; and Hong Kong Island, 5-282523 Ext. 60.
/10 .......
Monday, January 14, 1974
- 10 -
A seminar will be held tomorrow (Tuesday) to discuss the proposed re-development of the Shek Kip Mei and Tai Hang Tung areas.
It will be held from 3 to 5 p»nu at the Tai Hang Tung Community
Centre of the Social Welfare Departments The seminar is jointly organised by the West Kowloon Youth Guidance Council and Tai Hang Tung Community Centre•
nTho purpose is to stimulate the concern of community leaders in the districts and to get their opinions and suggestions on the outline zoning plan,” said Mr. Sit Sui-lum, Warden of the Community Centre.
Mr. Sit said it was hoped the seminar would also help to enhance communications between the government and the people in the district.
Some 70 members of the council who are principals of schools, or in charge of voluntary welfare agencies and church organisations, vn 11 be attending. It is also hoped to have representative from various government departments concerned, including the Public Works Department.
------- 0--------
Note to Editors: A contract for the building of the first
four blocks of the new public housing complex for the new town of Tuen Mun will be signed at 3 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday) in the conference room of the P.W.D.’s Architectural 0ff5.ee, 12th floor, Murray Building.
The contract, valued at $82.4 million, will be the largest in financial terms ever put out by the Architectural Office.
You are invited to send a reporter and/or photographer to cover the signing.
-------0------- - .......
Monday, January 1^, 197^
- 11 -
Water supply to a number of premises in Yuen Long and Fanling will be interrupted for eight hours on Wednesday and Thursday to facilitate water mains connections in Castle Peak Road and Shataukok Road.
The Temporary stoppage in Yuen Long will come into effect from
10 p«m* on Wednesday (January 16) and will affect au.1 premises in Castle Peak along Castle Peak Road between the 16 and 20 milestones, as well as Tai Ham Chung Tsuen, Siu Lam Tsuen, Gordon Camp, Psychiatric Centre, Siu Lam Hospital, Dragon Inn, Ching Wah Lane and Tseng Tau Wai Tsuen.
Water supply to premises along Shataukok Road between Lung Yeuk Tau and Shataukok Market will be interrupted for eight hours from 10 p.m. on Thursday (January 17) • Premises along Ping Che Road and Ta Kwu Ling will also be affected.
* * * * ¥ * 4
Motorists are advised that the section of Sheung Heung Road between Cheung Hing Street and To Kwa V'nn Road "’111 be re-routed to one-way castbound traffic as from 10 a.m. on Thursday (January 17).
The new arrangement is intended to improve traffic flow at the junction of Sheung Heung Road and To Kwa Wan Road.
Traffic signs will be posted to guide motorists.
Monday, January 14, 1974
- 12 -
Housing Department s^aif today demolished aoout 80 jllegal wooden huts in the Hong Ning Road and Wan Hon Street areas of Kwun Tong. Most of the huts were unoccupied.
A spokesman for the department said racketeers had been active in the areas, claiming to sell huts illegally built on Crown land.
The spokesman advised members of the public that it was unlawful to occupy Crown land without the proper authority, and the authorities concerned had the right to demolish the estates and property found illegally occupying such land.
He also warned the public to be on guard against racketeers selling wooden huts with promises of eligibility for public housing estates. Such claims, the spokesman stressed, were utterly false. Any person having any doubt about such offers should contact their nearest squatter control office.
”If members of the public fail to heed this warning, they will lose their money paid to racketeers trading in the sale of illegal huts,1’ the spokesman warned.
Monday, January 14, 1974
Daily Guide To Wholesale Market Prices And Supplies
The following prices were realised today (Monday) at sales under the Rice Control Scheme and at the Vegetable Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market and tho Fish Marketing Organisation Wholesale Markot at Choung Sha Wan, Kowloon:
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Rice
• Availability Wholesale Price
Grade of Supply (g/catty) _
China Rice Average
old crop Seo Mow — new crop Good yp
S.C.Jion - old crop Good * •
Po Ngai Good -
Chu Cho Good , •• * •
©iai Rico 100fFWiole 10-15/0 Brokens Good • * Good 1»50
'• A1 Super Extra A1 Super Good 1o45 Good -. . ®57
Whole Glutinous • UoS. Rice Good 1<»5- • Good ^2
Australian Rioe Good *
Pakistan Rice . Good . ’ • ~
t • Taiwan Rico. Good . . •
. Hendry, January 14,
^holonele Prices of Marina pj.sh
Snpeies Availability of Supply Chelocalo Price - (ff/cftfrfry)
Golden Thread Good 4.5 3.4 ■4.0
Big-Byes Good 2.8 0o6 2.0
Squid Normal 5©2 3©2 5.5
Hair-Tails Normal. • 2.5 %2 2.2
' Lizard Pishes Normal 3.4 1.0 2.8
Creators Normal 2.2 1o0 1.7
Conger-Pike-Eols Normal 3.4 2.7 3.0
• Melon Coat Limited 2.5 1.7 2<>0
' Breams Limited 4.5 3.5 4.2
Yellow Belly . Good 1.5 0o8 1.5
Mackerels • Normal 4.0 3.3 5.8
Ped Goat Pish • Good 2.1 on6 1.7
Fork-Tfeil Coed 1.6 1.4
Horse-Hnad Normal 6o5 3.5 5.2
Melon Seed Normal 3.7 • 2.5 .>©0
Pcrrftots Limited 10o0 9o0 9.5
Garovpoa Normal 7.0 5.5 6.0
YoHoct Croaker « • *7“» r-* m
/Supplies and flooo©^6
lionday 0 January 14', 197^
Suwlion end Wholesale Prices of
.—»— —»■ — *—•-— - ~•—•
y.oc-Sly Produced Verretablcq
x'lvail ability Choleric ?r< CO
Tyro 9wt*«UMe of Supply £2/ca<^Xl. 1 •
nil* ~^~7
Flcnoring cabbage Normal . ■ 1.8 0oB -l .4
White cabbage Normal 1.0 Oc’S Oo?
Chinese lottuoe • Norcnl. 0„8 Oo? 0.6
Chinese Kale Good 0.7 ’ 0.2 0.5
Spring onion Normal 1.8 0o? 1.4
Spinach Normal 1.»> 0q3 1o0
Enter orosn Normal 1o5 ojt 1.0
-x-onff rr?stard cabbage Sc.’Arcn 0o7 0:3 CU5
Tc'nte J drained %8 0e8 <2
Snriplios and Eholeenlo Prices of Pork (Live v;eir*t)
Availability Choice-' le Price
of Supply ( q/ ’ 4.93^1-
Good • • 285
Tuesday, January 15» 197^
Page No,
PWD using "quick build" methods to speed up construction of public housing estates •••••••••••••••••••••••.................. 1
Committee set up to review present and future requirements of Hong Kong coins ............................................. 3
Another Chinese chess tournament will be held in Tsuen Wan on
Thursday ................................................. • •••
Building plans for projects in New Territories increase .......... 5
Lion Rock Tunnel to be closed on Thursday for repair works •••• 6
Hong Kong embarking on biggest expansion of secondary education 7
Report on proposed petrochemical plant on Lamma Island being studied •••••••••••• • ••••••••• ............................. 8
Local Employment Service finds jobs for Hong Kong students studying overseas ............................................. 9
Daily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
Release time: 7.^5
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, January 15, 197^
- 1 -
Two of the latest mechanized construction methods are to be used in the construction of the first stage of the Tuen Mun (Castle Peak) Housing Estate, the contract for which was signed today in the Public Works Department,
These features represent another major step forward in the adoption of "quick-build" methods which will play an important part in attaining the 10-year target of 1,8 million to be housed by 1983 set by the Governor in late 1972.
During the past six months, the Director of Public Works, Mr. Alexander Robertson has stressed that these and similar sophisticated techniques will be needed to keep the development of the three new towns, which will house most of the 1.8 mil-ion people, on schedule; and his words have been echoed by other heads of departments.
A Public Works spokesman disclosed today that in anticipation of this need senior staff of P.W.D.’s Architectural Office several years ago begun an unofficial "missionary" information exercise designed to familiarise interested sections of Hong Kong’s building industry with the advantages of such methods.
One of the men who took a part in this campaign was Chief Architect Joseph Lei, And it was Mr. Lei who, on behalf of the government, today signed the Stage I contract for the Tuen Mun Estate.
Signing on behalf of the successful contracting firm was Mr. Lawrence Y.W. Lee, managing director of the Ear East Engineering and Construction Co. Ltd.
/This company •••••,.
Tuesday, January 15, 1974
- 2 -
This company has already gained experience of the ’’quick-build” methods in its current work on the Pak Tin and Tung Tau Estates in Kowloon, where the techniques have enabled the time spent on building to be cut from 21 days to six days per floor.
As at those two estates, the methods to be applied at Tuen Mun are the use of mechanized steel forms, instead of the traditional wooden forms, for the walls; and of the ’’Omnia” slab system for the floors. The effect at Tuen Mun is to reduce what would previously have been a normal contract period of 36 months to 28 months.
The spokesman added that as well as saving time and manpower and facilitating the speedy training of labour, the new methods result in a far better and smoother finish to the walls and floors.
The contract signed today is valued at 582.4 million. In financial terms, this makes it the biggest single contract ever put out by P.W.D*s Architectural Office. The work should be completed by the end of June 1976.
The Tuen Mun Estate will embody the most progressive features of integrated public housing, with ample social and recreational amenities built into the complex.
Overall, it will house 4-7,000 people in five 3$-storey cruciform (or cross-shaped) blocks and one 7-storey block and will include such features as primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, a welfare hall and associated facilities, a restaurant, market and shop, recreation areas, and car parking spaces.
Stage I of the project covers the construction of four of the housing blocks, the restaurant, some shops, the welfare hall, three primary schools and three kindergartens, -------------------------------------0---------
Tuesday, January 15, 197^
- 3 -
A special committee has been set up to determine present and future requirements for coinage in Hong Kong and to relate these requirements to coins currently in circulation.
The Coinage Review Committee is headed by the Accountant General, Mr. Douglas Blye, and will report its findings to the Financial Secretary.
Announcing the formation of the committee, a government spokesman said the decision to undertake the review was taken in the light of the increasing costs of maintaining an adequate supply of coins and because it was considered in some quarters that the range of coins did not meet present day needs.
It was also felt, he added, that the introduction of a 20-oent ©r 25—cent coin and perhaps S2 and S5 coins would be a convenience for the public.
"The cost of minting and of the metals used in the manufacture of Hong Kong’s coin has increased considerably in recent years and storage costs have followed a similar pattern,” the spokesman explained.
"Furthermore, in Hong Kong there are still comparatively few types of machines or meters which take coins but, judging from what has happened in other parts of the world, vending machines may soon become part of our way of life," he said citing the Mass Transit Railway as one potential user.
"Before this happens it is clearly desirable that the range of coins in circulation is as closely geared to present and future needs as possible."
/The spokesman •••••••
Tuesday, January 15, 1974
- 4 -•
The spokesman noted however that any changes to the present coinage were unlikely to be implemented before the latter part of 1975•
Members of the public, particularly operators or those with on interest in the use of coin-operated machines, are invited to offer their cements or suggestions.
They may do so either by writing to the Secretary of the CnHagp Review Committee, c/o The Treasury, Central Government Offices (West Wing), Ice House Streep, Hong Kong, or through the City District Offices.
I * •*
•1 r J ' *;'•'***. r . • • • • .• •
This month’s Chinese Chess Tournament organised by the Princess Alexandra Community Centre of the Social Welfare Department, wi 11 be held on Thursday (January 17) at 7.30 p.m.
Anyone living in Tsuen Wan who is interested in participating should apply to the Group Work Unit on the second floor of the Community Centre in Tai Ho Road, Tsuen Wan.
The tournament will be held in the Centre’s hall so that there will also be room for spectators.
Because of its popularity, the Community Centre has been organis5 ng monthly chess tournaments as part of its programme of activities for people in the town.
.-r-- ; • ’ • ’ : .
As a further development and to encourage greater interest in Chinese chess, the Centre has also organised a quiz on solving chess problems® Prizes will be awarded to the first three people who can guess the correct solutions.
, V ----------0---------
/ 5........
Tuesday, January 15» 197^
- 5 -
A Yaunati ferry water-taxi service pier off Connaught Road Central and two hotels in Silvernine Bay and in Shatin were among the 98 building plans approved by the Building Authority in November last year.
Building plans for the New Territories showed a marked rise with a total of M, compared with 31 in October 1973 and 16 in November 1972. They included a 23-stprey commercial-cum-apartment building in Tai Po, and two similar complexes in Yuen Long.
During the month„ 62 buildings with a total construction cost of more than $175 million were certified for occupation. These included twin block staff quarters in the Shatin compound of the Chinese University of Heng Kong and two school buildings in Sheung Shing Street, Kowloon.
A hospital in Dyer Avenue in Kowloon and a L*P*G. facility in Lai Chi Kok were among the 50 building projects that were given permission in November to commence work.
Approval was also given for the demolition of 7^ buildings and 17 dangerous blocks.
Tuesday, January 15, 197^
* * * Me****
‘The Lion Rock Tunnel is to be closed to all traffic between
9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Thursday (January 17). However, emergency vehicles of t'ne Fire Services and the police as well as K.M.B. buses will still be permitted to pass through the tunnel.
The closure is necessary to allow essential work by the China Light and Power Company to improve its operation and network system. This will involve cutting off power to a section of the tunnel.
A spokesman for the Transport Department explained today that it was not possible to allow the tunnel to be fully operational during times when the exhaust extractor fans are not able to function properly.
This will be the case with the power shut down on Thursday.
The.spokesman advised motorists to use the alternative route along Tai Po Road during the closure hours. Special traffic signs will be set up at various locations to guide motorists.
However, he warned that with the re-routing of traffic a certain amount of congestion is expected to occur on Tai Po Road and for this reason motorists should restrict their journeys to essential ones only.
Tuesday, January 15» 197^
- 7 -
The Board of Education will be asked, in due course, to take a view on the various comments being collated on the Education Green Paper and advise the government, the Director of Education, Mr. Jack Canning said today.
”A White Paper will then be prepared which should be a blue print for expansion of secondary education,” he said on the occasion of the foundation stone laying ceremony of the Szeto Ho Secondary School of the Five Districts Business Welfare Association.
”If the targets are approved by the government it will mean that Hong Kong will be embarking on the biggest expansion facilities in the secondary sector of education that it has ever tackled.
”It is also clear that if the targets are to be achieved they will be achieved only with the help of the responsible people of Hong Kong and the various non-profit making agencies which are now active in the field of education,” the Director said.
Hr. Canning pointed out that organisations such as the Five Districts Business Welfare Association would, through their co-operation with the government, largely determine the success of the programme.
The proposed secondary school, he said, was a solid re—assurance that the association was prepared to do its part in the expansion programme.
The association, under the leadership of Sir Kenneth Ping-fan Fung, is very actively involved in education in Hong Kong. At present it is offering education to some 10,000 students at primary and middle school level.
/The new •••••••
Tuesday, January 15j 1974
- 8 -
The new secondary school is being built on a piece of land granted free to the sponsors by the government. In addition, the government vH 11 give a capital grant towards construction costs, of up to 84 per cent of the total cost of building and equipment.
Mr< Szeto Ho and his wife made a generous donation of S2)00,000 towards the remaining portion of the costs, and Mr. Canning thanked thorn ’’for their very public spirited action.”
-------0 --------
, *♦♦♦**♦
Note to Editors:
A Government spokesman said today that no decision has been made on the building of an oil refinery and petrochemical complex on Lamma Toland n ”Tho report from Cremer and Warner on the siting of a petrochemical plant on North Lamraa is now in Government hands,” he said.
It is being studied by relevant government departments and trill be sent to the applicant" companies. At the same time its findings trill be reported to the residents of the villages -of North Lanma by the District Commissioner, Mew Territories.
" In addition, copies of the report will be sent to interested organisations and to the pres^ as soon as possible.
Tuesday, January 15, 1974 ' • • ** .
- 9 -
Two overseas university students have found jobs in Hong Kong through the ’’Special Register” of the Labour Department1 s Local Employment Service.
The special register is a complementary service to assist both local university graduates and Hong Kong graduates from universi ties overseas to obtain employment.
One graduate from an American university was placed in an admin 4 Rtrati.vft post in a leading bank with starting salary of $1,800 and the other - a United Kingdom graduate - was placed with a well-known trading company as electrical engineer at $2,000 a month.
The Senior Labour Officer in charge of the Employment Division, Mrs. SOO Mok Sau-hu said that although the register had only just been started, it had already registered 70 graduates from universities in the U.K., U.S.A., Canada, Australia as well as the two in Hong Kong. ”A number of the registrants are immediately available for interview,” she added.
The Special Register, she explained, not only provided free facilities to graduates but also served the needs of employers.
She urged employers in industrial, commercial and the service sectors to recruit professional, administrative and executive staff through the Special Register.
/’’Local employers ......
Tuesday, January 15, 1974
- 10 -
’'Local employers frequently complain of the brain-drain* The establishment of the Special Register of the Local Employment Service is a measure aimed at tackling this problem and we are now attracting Hong Kong people back from abroad,11 she said.
Graduates looking for suitable employment and prospective employers wishing to recruit graduates are welcome to contact the officer in charge of the Special Register whose office is at New Rodney Block, 99 Queensway, Hong Kong (Tel. No. >-282523 Ext. 49 and 79) •
Tuesday, January 15? 1574
Daily 'Guido To Wholesale Market Prices And Supplies
Tho following prices were realised today (Tuesday) at sales under tho Rice Control Scheme and at the Vegetable Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market and tho Fish Marketing Organisation Wholesale Marlaot at Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon:
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Rice
Grado Availability of Supply r Wholesale Price (8/catty)
China Rico Average >•
Seo Men “ old croP - now crop Good 1.72
S.C.Jion - old crop —
Po llgai w ■■i
Chu Cho ••
Thai Rico lO^H/holo ! Good 1.52
10-15# Brokens BB
A1 Super Extra Good 1.z*5
A1 Super Good 1.22 •
Wholo Glutinous •• •B
U.S. Rico ' Good 1.62
Australian Rioo V ,
Pakistan Rice. « •• •
Taiwan Rico •• , •» /Supplies and oo..o«
ft • • Tuesday , January 151 197^ r
» Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Marine Fish •
• Availability UJholesale Price
Species . of Supply (S/catty)
Hi£h Lon - Average
Golden Thread Good 4.50 3.20 4.00
Big-Eyes Good 2.50 0.80 1.50
Squid Limited 6.70 3.50 5.00
Hair-Tails Good 2.20 1.20 1.80
Lizard Fishes Normal 3.40 1.20 2.00
Croakers Good 2.00 1.20 1.60
Conger-Pike-Eels Good 3.20 2.50 2.80
• Melon Coat Good 2.30 1.60 2.00
< . . Breams Normal 4.20 3.50 4.00
Yellow Belly Good 1.50 0.90 1.20
Mackerels Normal 4.70 3.50 4.30
Rod Goat Fish Normal 2.85 0.80 2.00
Fork-Tail Normal 1.75 1.10 1.50
Normal 5.20 3.50 4.40
Melon Seed Limited 3.50 2.00 2,50
Permfrets Scarce 11.0c 8.50 9.50
GcS*mipas Limited 8.00 6.00 7.50
Ydllow Croaker 1 *11 •
* /Supplies and
• a: •
■ ’ tel ■
- • •
* •
1 •
Tuesdayt January 15« 197^
i Supplies and Wholesale Prices of
Locally Produced Vegetables
Typo Availability of Supply Wholesale Price (8/catty)
Low Average
. Flowering cabbage Normal 1.8 0.6 1.2
White cabbage Normal 0.8 0.3 0.5
Chinese Lottuoo’ Good 0.8 0.2 0.5
Chinese Kale Good 0.7 0.15 0.45
Spring onion Normal 1.8 0.6 1.2
Spinach Normal 1.2 0.3 0.8
Water cross • Normal T.4 0.3 0.8
Leaf mustard cabbage Limited 0.6 0.2 0.4
Tomato Limited 1.8 o.8 1.2
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Pork (Live weight)
• Availability of Supply Wholesale Price ( 8/ picul)
• • (Average)
Pork Good . 285
Wednesday, January 16, 197^
Pa^e No,
Deputy Director of Education calls for expansion of adult education to improve quality of life ..............• ••••...... 1
New Superintendent of Tai Laim Centre for Women appointed ... 3
New traffic arrangements in Kowloon from Friday........ • •♦ • 5
Commerce and Industry Department sets up new trade division.. 6 1973 was a busy year for Home Affairs Department.............. 7
New clinic and maternity home to open in Tsz Wan Shan .......
Postal arrangements for Lunar New Year holidays................ 9
Clerical officer retiring after J2 years public service .....
Public urged to help prevent fires.......................... 10
Dnily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
Release time,: 7«>°
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Wednesday, January 16, 197^
- 1 -
Adult Education in Hong Kong needs a large, generous expansion policy if the quality of life of the people is to be improved and if wider opportunities, educational and cultural, are to be available.
This was stated today by the Deputy Director of Education (Administration), Mr. C.J.G. Lowe, at the graduation ceremony of the Evening School of Higher Chinese Studies.
Mr. Lowe said the Evening School of Hitter-Chinese Studies remained one of the oldest, if not the oldest, of the adult education facilities provided by the Education Department.
He deliberately linked the Evening School with adult education because ’’that is its true function.”
The school operates an intensive three-year course in the evening on a part-time basis. The course is designed to provide an opportunity for post-secondary studies in Chinese Literature, philosophy, philology, English Language and Literature, Chinese Classics and Poetry.
The school has 25 lecturers, among whom are many Chinese scholars, and j80 students in 14 classes. Six of the classes are held at K-ingtg College and the other eight at the Grantham College of Education.
Many students travel long distances to attend the course. ”The attraction is the chance to study Chinese culture at a high level with well^ qualified and experienced lecturers,” Mr. Lowe said.
/lie was •••••••
Wednesday, January 16, 197^
- 2 -
He was sure that this important course would prove successful in attracting the level of support necessary to ensure its continuation.
nIt would certainly be a retrograde step if that were not to happen, particularly at a time when the real importance of Chinese is being strongly emphasized,” he said.
,fIt is ironical to note that at a time when more’emphasis is being laid on the study of Chinese that your Evening School has been quietly doing precisely this since 195V"
He hoped that the school would plan for a big occasion for its 25th anniversary in 1976* •
In urging the school to publicise and make known what it has to offer, Hr. Lowe said: ,fHong Kong is now on such a vast scale that people simply do not know wpat opportunities for self-improvement are available•"
Congratulating the graduates on their, success and thanking the lecturers for working so hard, Mr. Lowe stressed: "It must be clearly realised that education at whatever level is a co-operative process and if you wish to gain benefit from education, you must put a worthwhile contribution into it. This, I think, applies both to students and teachers and it cannot bo too strongly emphasized.”
Hrs. Lowe distributed diplomas and prizes to the graduates.
-------0--------- ’ /
Wednesday, January 16, 197^
- 3 -
An expert social worker in crime psychology and administration of correctional institutes has joined the prisons service in Hong Kong.
She is bliss K. Anne Haughton, who took up her post this week as Superintendent of the Tai Lam Centre for Women which has about 1^0 inmates at present.
A Canadian citizen, Miss Haughton was recommended to Hong Kong by the Sydney Commissioner for Corrective Services under whom she worked as Executive Assistant in charge of staff development.
She lias five years of practical experience in Canada and Australia, and holds an honours degree in psychology and sociology from McGill University, a master’s degree in correctional administration from the University of Ottawa, and a post-graduate degree in criminology from Sydney University.
While in Canada, she worked as a Classification Officer/Psyohologist in the Maximum Security Federal Prison for Women and as a Prison Officer in a male institute for alcoholics, drug addicts and sex offenders, as well as doing research for the Canadian government.
Her first impressions of Hong Kong’s small group of women offenders are that they are younger, more polite and appear to be more amenable to discipline.
”The Tai Lam Centre itself is more institutionalised, the discipline is strict and both the security and administration is good," she said.
/As a
Wednesday, January 16, 1974
- 4 -
As a prison officer of wide experience, she does not believe however that a prison should make life unpleasant for offenders. ’’They are imprisoned not in order to receive more punishment but to be guided and taught to respect the principles that guide an orderly society so that they can become useful members to the community.
”Being deprived of freedom in a prison is in itself punishment.
We must remember that the individuals kept here are people also, only they have special problems,0 she said.
Separation from society and the family, Miss Haughton went on, could be very difficult — particularly with women. ”Usually other alternatives are considered before a woman is sent to prison, and those who are admitted are usually difficult cases.”
In Tai Tom Centre, offenders were not completely removed from society, she said, because their families were- encouraged to visit them and there were facilities for young children to stay with their mothers serving time. And after an inmate left the centre, after-care officers continued to help her re-adjust to normal life.
In carrying out her responsibilities, Miss Haughton will be following three different sets of rules as the Tai Lam Centre is in fact a training centre, a drug addiction treatment centre, and a prison and remand centre all in one.
/While most ••••••••
Wednesday, January 16, 197^
- 5 -
While most of her work will be administrative, she said she would be considering some improvements where necessary. Citing an example, Miss Haughton said that while it might not be possible to bring offenders out to society during the time of their confinement, ,rit was possible to bring activities of society into the prison.”
Programmes could, for instance, be improved to introduce more vocational training inside, so that the offenders can have better job opportunities when they leave,” she said.
In the meantime, one of her first tasks will be to work on the removal of Tai Lam Centre to new premises in Stanley Training Centre in about six months1 time.
Note to Editors: Copies of Miss Haughton’s photograph are
boxed for collection.
Motorists are advised that a number of minor traffic diversions will be made at the junction of Tai Po Road and Lung Cheung Road as from Friday (January 18).
The new arrangements are to facilitate construction work on the Tai V/oh Ping interchange and will remain in force for about seven months.
Traffic signs will be posted and motorists are advised to observe them. -----------------------------------0---------
Wednesday, January 16, 197^
- 6 -
A new trade division has been established by the Commerce and Industry Department to deal with certification, licensing and trade investigation matters.
Mr. Paul Wong, an Assistant Director of Commerce and Industry, has been appointed to take charge of the new division. He was previously head of one of the department’s two commercial relations divisions. His successor is Mr. Peter Tsao.
A department spokesman said today that the re-organisation had become necessary because of expanding activities in a number of areas.
Part of the responsibilities of the new division has been taken over from the department’s industry division, which has come under heavy pressure in recent months. Other responsibilities have been transferred from the administration division.
Mr. Wong has taken up his new post after returning from a trade conference in Bangkok.
Among his duties is the administration of the new licensing scheme for plastic raw materials, and certification procedures for Hong Kong products.
The Trade Investigation Branch, which also comes under his control, deals with the enforcement of various regulations concerning trade matters.
Re-organisation of the department will enable the Industry Division, presently headed by Mro John Roberts, to concentrate on industrial development matters and industrial investment promotion activities.
---------------------------0-------------------------- ...........................-/7 ...............
Wednesday, January 16, 1974
- 7 -
Nearly 1.5 million enquiries and cases were dealt with by the Home Affairs Department last year - an increase of about 6.5 per cent over the 1972 figure.
The subjects most frequently raised were in connection with rent control and tenancy, housing and public assistance , a department spokesman said.
Most enquiries concerned the Rating and Valuation Department. Enquiries relating to this department totalled 127,744. This was followed by the Judiciary with 93,177 enquiries, the Education Department with 76,299,t the Immigration Department with 65,829, and the Housing Department with 59,470.
All the enquiries were handled by the 19 Public Enquiry Centres, and the two Tenancy Inquiry Bureaux operated by the Home Affairs Department.
In addition a total of 577,528 government application forms of various kinds were distributed through the Enquiry Centres last year.
Most of these forms were applications for government vacancies, . -•• - * • • housing estate units and entries to the two technical institutes.
Wednesday, January 16, 197^
- 8 -
The Wu York Yu Clinic, a new Medical and Health Department standard clinic and maternity home in Tsz Wan Shan, will be opened on February *!• It will bring the total of government clinics to 50«
A. plaque to mark the opening will be unveiled by Mr. Wu Yeo-sun, chairman of the Wing Lung Bank. Mr. Wu and his brother, Mr. Wu Jieh-yce, together donated $800,000 towards half ef the construction cost in memory of their late father, after whom the clinic is named.
Dr. G.H. Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services, will attend.the opening ceremony and address the gathering.
The three-storey clinic, which will be fully operational on February 4, has six consulting rooms and three treatment rooms separately on the ground and first floors. An out-patient department and a dispensary are also on the ground floor. --
The maternal and child health centre is on the first floor and the maternity ward on the second.
Facilities for minor operations, demonstrations, steri1isation, isolation, administrative and health offices, staff quarters, and the Auxiliary Medical Service, take up the remaining space.
....... /9........
Wednesday, January 16, 1974
- 9 -
The Postmaster General announced today that all post offices will
be closed on Lunar New Year Day (January 23) and on January 25 j and no mail will be delivered on those two days.
For the convenience of the public, however, there will be one mail
delivery on January 24 and all major post offices on Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the Now Territories will open from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
- 0 - -
Noto to Editors: Mr. Wong Kam-chi, a Clerical Officer
Class I, will be retiring shortly after more than 32 years in the public service.
Mr. Wong has been working in the Rating and Valuation Department as a clerical officer for the past 22 years.
To mark Mr. Wong’s retirement, the acting Commissioner of Rating and Valuation, Mr. T.F. Edwards, will present him with a memento on behalf of his colleagues at 4.30 p.m. on Friday (January 18).
Reporters and photographers are welcome to cover the presentation which will take place at the department *s headquarters at 1, Garden Road.
- 0 - -
Wednesday, January 16, 197^
- 10 -
The Fire Services are responding to five times as many fire cal1s during the current dry weather conditions as compared with the humid months.
A spokesman for the Fire Services revealed this today as he urged the public to do everything possible to prevent fires.
He noted that in the summer months, when the level of humidity was above 80 per cent, the department attended an average of 2^0 cal1s per month. This figure trebled to 720 when the humidity fell to 65 per cent, and rose sharply to 1 200 calls when the humidity dropped to 58 per cent.
’’The public must be made fully aware of the greatly increased risks to life and property during the current dry spell,” the spokesman said.
’’Not only do fires start more easily, they also spread vzith much greater speed. A fire in the home will race through the area in seconds, cutting off avenues of escape and causing much greater damage than during normal period.”
He attributed many fires to carelessness, citing the disposal of lighted cigarettes ends and matches as an example. ”Ensure that cigarette butts or matches are properly extinguished beofre throwing them away. In this way you wall be doing your bit to reduce Hong Kong’s terrible fire toll/’ he said. •
0 - -
Wednesday, uainu'ry 161 197^
Daily Guido To Wholesale Market Prices And Supplies • •
The following prices were realised today (Wednesday) at sales under tho Rice Control Scheme and at the Vegetable Marketing Organ 1 sat ton Wholesale Market and tho Fish Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market at Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon:
• Supplies Grado and Wholesale Prices Availability of Supply of Rice Vholosale Price (S/catty)
China Rico Average
Seo Mew ~ old Crop - new crop Good •
S.C.Jion - old crop Good 1.58
Po Hgai Good 1.42
Chu Cho Good
Kiai Rice lO^rifiioTo Good :
10-15# Brokcns Good ••
A1 Super Extra Good 1.45
A1 Super Good 1.37 •
Whole Glutinous Good M
U.S» Rice *. >■ * Good ••
Australian Rioo Good
Pakistan Rice * Taiv/an Rico .A Good Good t •• •
>< • • /Supplies and ••«••••
Wednesday, January 15, 197&
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Marine Fish
Species Availability of Supply Wholesale Price
Low . Average
Golden Thread Good 5.0 3.2 4.0
Big-Eyes Good 3.0 0.7 2.0
Squid Limited co • in 3.0 4.0
Hair-Tails normal 1.8 1.0 1.5
Lizard Fishes Hormal 3.7 1.0 2.0
Croakers Normal 2.3 1.0 1.3
Conger-Pike-Eels Normal 3.4 2.5 3.0
Melon Coat Scarce 2.3 2.0 2.4
Breams Limited 4.7 3.8 4.0
Yellow Belly Good 1.6 0.8 1.2
Mackerels Good 4.6 3.0 — n
Rod Goat Fish Good 3.3 0.8 2.0
Fork-Tail Good 1.4 0.95 1.2
Horse-Head Normal 6.5 4.0 5.5
Melon Seed Normal 3.5. 2.2 2.5
Pomfrets Limited 9.0 7.5 8.0
Garoupas Normal 7.0 5.0 5.0
Yellow Croaker — • *- *
> •
/Supplies and ...
Wednesdayt January 1G, 197^
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of
Locally Produced Vegetables
Availability of Supply Wholesale Price (8/catty)
Hi£h Low Average
Flowering cabbage Normal 1.6 0.5 1.0
White cabbage Good 0.6 0.2 0.4
Chinese Lettuce' Good . 0.5 0.15 0.3
Chinese Kale Good 0.5 0.15 0.5
Spring onion Normal 1.6 0.6 1.2
Spinach Good 0.8 0.2 0.5
Water cross Normal 1.4 0.3 0.8
Leaf mustard cabbage Limited 0.5 0.2 0.5
Tomato Normal 1.4 0.6 1.0
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Pork (Live weight)
Availability of Supply
Wholesale Price (8/ picul)
. 285
Thursday, January 17 > 197^
Page No.
Stringent legislation may be introduced to protect the environment ••••••••••....................................... 1
Meet the Media session tomorrow with heads of Commission Against Corruption ........................................ 4
New list of common jurors to be posted soon................... 4
Nearly 5f000 doses of anti-polio vaccine administered in first four days of this year’s polio prevention drive ... 5
Transport licensing office moving to new premises in Murray Hoad............................................... 6
Learner drivers barred from Shan Kwong Road................... ?
Passing out parade for Assistant Prisons Officers ............ •
Social security payments to be made in advance of Lunar New Year ................................... 8
Daily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
Release time,: 7.15
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, January 17? 197^
- 1 -
The Secretary for the Environment, Mr. James Robson, said today it is becoming increasingly apparent that stringent legislation will be required to protect Hong Kong’s environment and safeguard its quality of life*
Addressing the inaugural meeting of the reconstituted Advisory Committee on Environmental Pollution, Mr. Robson indicated that this legislation could well take the form of an Environmental Protection Bill patterned upon existing legislation in the United Kingdom.
He added that an effective control authority - possibly a Central Control Agency - would also be needed to enforce this legislation.
Mr. Robson told members of the new committee that they had been selected for the contribution which their expertise and experience, in respect of various fields of industry, Urban Council and New Territories affairs, the universities and the Conservancy Association, could make to the committee’s deliberations on the many problems confronting it.
Some members had served on the earlier Advisory Committees on Air -Pollution and Environmental Pollution on Land and Water. To the role of those earlier committees had been added the further responsibility of considering noise pollution and what could be done about it.
The new committee would be all-embracing, and would therefore be equipped to give greater impetus to the activities of the many government departments and other bodies engaged in controlling all foi-ms of pollution, /As Secretary ............................................................
Thursday, January 17, 197^
- 2 -
As Secretary for the Environment, he would be receiving the committee’s recommendations and would do all he could to ensure these were implemented.
IIr. Robson recalled that the former Advisory Committee on
Environmental Pollution on Land and Water had been instrumental in having a comprehensive investigation carried out into the extent and causes of stream pollution in the New Territories.
The consulting engineers appointed for that purpose had now produced their report, and it was hoped to have printed copies in the hands of the committee within the next two months.
"It does not make very pleasant reading," he commented, "and much will have to be done if the situation in the Nev/ Territories is to be contained."
Where remedial measures affecting industry had to be introduced, he hoped that the committee would persuade the industrial federations to put their house - "or should I say factories" - in order.
TTBut by the same token, care will have to be taken not to go to the extreme of recommending the imposition of impractical, stringent conditions on existing industries which could have the effect of putting them out of business," he added.
"What I suggest should be the aim is to insist upon high standards of cleanliness from new industries and plants coupled with at least primary treatment of foul effluents emanating from existing sources."
/Commenting ......
Thursday, January 17, 1974
- 3 -
Commenting on feasibility studies into the establishment of various petroleum-cum-chemical complexes at specific sites, Mr. Robson said that one report — on the proposed Lamma Island oil refinery — was already published while a second, concerning prosepcts for a refinery** cum-chemical complex on the same site, would be published soon.
A third and general investigation, into whether industry could safely be established in Junk Bay, was now in hand.
Pollowing Mr. Robson’s address, the medting, under its chairman, Hr. J.L. Marden, approved the formation and membership of three sub-committees, dealing with Sea and Land Pollution, Air Pollution and Noise Pollution. It is expected that the first meeting of these sub-committees will be convened shortly.
Also on the agenda was the question of an emblem, based on the Committee’s abbreviated title of EPCOM.
The meeting closed with a talk by guest speaker Mr. John A.
Busterud, Acting Chairman of the U.S. President’s Council on Environmental Quality, after which members adjourned for a cocktail party held in the main reception room on the 1st floor of the Colonial Secretariat building.
Note to Editors: Copies of the full text of Mr, Robson’s
speech are boxed for collection together with copies of a picture taken at the meeting.
Thursday, January 17, 197^
MEET THE MEDIA ♦ * *♦ ♦ ♦
Note to Editors! A Meet The Media session will be held at 11.J0 a.m. tomorrow (Friday) in the 35 ‘nan theatre of the Government Information Services, 5th floor, Beaconsfield House.
Attending will be Mr. Jack Cater, Commissioner Against Corruption, Mr. John Prendergast, Deputy Commissioner, and Mr. John Hobley , Attorney General.
Later in the afternoon on the same day, another Press conference will be given by the visiting Member of Parliament Sir John Tilney, Chairman of the AngloHong Kong Parliamentary Group. Sir John will be meeting media representatives at p.m.f also in the 35 mm theatre.
You are invited to have both meetings covered. Radio and television crews are requested to set up their equipment before the start of each conference £or the convenience of all concerned.
_______0 --------
A further list of common jurors will be posted for 14 days starting from January 28 on the notice board near the lift inside the southwest - ■ ■ . ■ . entrance of the Supreme Court building.
During this period anyone may apply in writing to the Supreme Court Registrar to have his name or the name of another person added to or removed from the list. Adequate cause must be shown in such applications.
The Registrar will, at his discretion, post or remove names accordingly and will if necessary al.ter the list.
Thursday, January 17, 1974
- 5 -
A total of *+,992 doses of vaccine was administered during the first four days of the 197*+ anti-poliomyelitis campaign, according to statistics issued by the Medical and Health Department today.
The campaign is in two phases. The first phase began on January 2, and will continue until February 16. The second phase will be carried out between March 18 and the end of April.
A spokesman for the department said that between January 2 and 5? 2,367 first-dose, 1,*+1*+ second-dose, and 1,211 booster-dose of the vaccine were administered.
Of these, 1,*+93 were administered among children on the Island, 2,0*+*+ in Kowloon, and 1,*+55 in the New Territories.
,rDuring the campaign, anti-poliomyelitis vaccine is available free at al 1 government out-patient clinics and maternal and child health centres,” the spokesman said.
Thursday, January 17, 197^
- 6 -
The Licensing Office of the Transport Department on Hong Kong Island is to move at the weekend from its outdated accommodation at Rumsey Street Reclamation to now premises in the Murray Road multi-storey car park building.
To facilitate the move, the Hong Kong Licensing Office will be closed on Saturday (January 19) and, from the following Monday (January 21) all business previously transacted at Rumsey Street will be carried out at No. 2, Murray Lc. \
A spokesman for the Transport Department said today that as from next Monday the Hong Kong Licensing Office and the Driving Test Office for Hong Kong will be located on the ground floor of 2, Murray Road. The Licence Records Office and the Pub' ic Vehicles Section will be on the mezzanine floor.
The new telephone number for these offices will be through the main Transport Department line 5-260121.
The nor/ accommodation should eliminate many of the inconveniences experienced at the old premises. The amount of counter space serving the various sections has been increased considerably and this should overcome any problems associated with the cramped conditions at Rumsey Street.
In fact,' the spokesman said, the public in Kowloon is encouraged to use, as far as possible, the larger Hong Kong Licensing Office for the renewal of driving and vehicle licences and the transfer of ownership of private vehicles.
/7 .......
- - 0 - -
Thursday, January 17> 197^-
- 7 -
Learner drivers will not be permitted to enter the section of Shan Kvzong Road south of Tsui Man Street from 4 p.m. tomorrow (January 18).
A Transport Department spokesman explained that this section is a cul-de-sac with a steep gradient and the presence of many learner drivers making U-turns on the road may be dangerous to pedestrians and other drivers using the road.
Traffic signs will be posted in the area to guide learner drivers and their instructors. ---------------------------------0----------
Note to Editors: A passing out parade for M Assistant
Officers Class II will be held at the Prisons Department Staff Training Institute at Stanley at 11 a.m. on Saturday (January 19).
Mr. J. Caldwell, acting Deputy Commissioner of Prisons, will inspect the parade and address the gathering.
Also in attendance will be the band of the Cape Collinson Training Centre which consists of boys aged between 18 and 20 years who have been sentenced to a period of training.
Your representatives are welcome to cover the occasion and to attend a reception to be held in the training institute’s gymnasium following the parade.
Thursday, January 17, 1974
- 8 -
People receiving social security payments frcm the Social Welfare Department whose pay days fall within the Lunar New Year holidays are to get their money a few days ahead of time.
"V/e have arranged this special concession with the Post Office and the Nev/ Territories District Officers so that our clients will have
' . r*’. J' , •
some cash available for the New Year,” said Mr. David Chow Che-wah, Deputy Secretary in charge of the department’s payments operation.
People receiving public assistance and/or disability and infirmity allowances collect their money on the same day each month from the post office or New Territories District Office nearest their home.
He said those who are due to collect their money on January 25,24 and 25 — the Lunar New Year holidays — will be able to do so instead on January 19, 21 and 22.
.r:-. .Xia . ’ ’ .
. ’■ ■ .. j •••
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. * ■ • - «•)<., . • ■- . ■ . . ...
Thursday, January 17, 1974
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Marine Fish
Species Availability of Supply Wholesale Price
High (S/catty) Average,
Low •
Golden Thread Good 5*0 3.4 4.2
Big-Eyes Good 2*8 1.0 2.0
Squid Normal 6*3 3.5 4.5
Hair-Tails Koriual 2*2 1.1 1.8
Lizard Fishes Normal 3.4 1*0 2.0
Croakers Good 2.8 1.8 2.2
Conger-Pike-Eels Normal 3.7 2.7 3*0
• Melon Coat • • Limited 2.95 1.7 2.5
Breams Normal 3.8 4.5
Yellow Belly Good 1.5 0.85 1.2
Mackerels Normal 5.5 3.2 4.0
Red Goat Fish Good 2*0 0.6 I,. 1.4
Fork-Tail Good 1.4 1*0 1.2
Horse-Head Normal 6.95 4.5 6.5
Melon Seed Normal 3.2. 2.5 3.0
Porrfrcts Limited 11*0 8.0 10*0
Qaroupas Normal 7.5 5.2 6.5
Yellow Croaker • ••» ■1
/Supplies and ....
9 * • • • Supplies and Wholesale Prices < Thursday, January 1?> 197^
*•< • Locally Produced Vegetables 1
Availability Wholesale Price
Type of Supply . (S/catty)
• High Low Average
Flowering cabbage Normal 1.4 0.4 0.8
White cabbage Good 0.6 . 0.2 0.4
Chinese Lettuce' Good . . 0.6 0.15 0.3
Water spinach • Good o.4' o.i? o.s
Spring onion Normal 1.5 0.6 ,1.2
Spinach Good o.7 o.2 0.4
Water cross • • Normal 1.4 0.3 0.8
Leaf mustard cabbage Limited 0.5 0.2 0.3
Tomato Normal 1.2 0.5 0.8
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Pork (Live woipftt)
Availability Wholesale Price
• of Supply ( 8/ picul)
• • • • (Average)
Perk Good • 285
Auction of idee has been suspended from today (Thursday) until
January 27 on account of the Chinese New Year holidays.
Friday, January 18, 197^
Page No,
Commission Against Corruption to start recruiting immediately ..•••••«.................................. ••
Prevention of Bribery Bill will be published next Tuesday ..................................................
More births and deaths registered last year ............ • • 5
Large 'Thing Yi site earmarked for ship-repairing yard..... 6
Now Commonwealth Youth Programme to promote understanding •
Price of sand to cost $2.50 more from today................. 9
Revised Outline Zoning Plan for Tsuen Wan approved......... 10
Concession in duty free Portuguese brandy.................. 11
Nev; housing complex for local government officers completed ................................................. 12
Street alterations in Wong Tai Sin......................... 13
Shminar on further studies for secondary school leavers ... 14
Public warned not to buy illegal huts .................... 15
Security in prisons to be tightened under proposed legislation.......••••••................................... 1$
Daily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
Release time: 8.00 p.m.
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Friday, January 18, 1974
The newly appointed Independent Commission Against Corruption is to embark on an immediate recruiting exercise.
Announcing this today, the Commissioner, Mr. Jack Cater, said that a public notice would be appearing in the press tomorrow, inviting members of the public to apply for appointments at all levels.
Hr. Cater said the Commission would start operating next month.
nWe need talented r.ien and women dedicated to the task of stamping ri
out corruption in Hong Kong,” he said.
”1 expect a good response from the public. As one prominent citizen so aptly put it to me, this is a task which involves all of us. If there is success in this, it will be the community’s success.”
The Commission will be divided into three departments, dealing with Operations, Prevention and Community Relations.
The Operations Department, under Mr. John Prendergast, who is also the Deputy Commissioner, will be responsible for investigating corruption and preparing cases for prosecution.
The Prevention Department, headed by Mr. Trevor Bedford, will devise ways and means of preventing corruption.
No selection has yet been made for the top post of the Community Relations Department, which will be concerned with measures to involve the public - largely through the mass media and through community organisations.
Mr. Cater said that a newspaper advertisement would be appearing tomorrow, seeking a Director and an Assistant Director for this department, whose efforts to mobilise public support in the fight against corruption would be crucial to its success.
/A draft........
Friday, January 18, 197^
- 2 -
A draft bill to be gazetted on Tuesday (January 22) makes it clear that although financed by public funds, the Commission will be an independent body responsible directly to the Governor.
It vzill be granted powers to-enter government premises, question /
any public servant and search any records or other documents.
Aside from checking for actual instances of corruption, the Commission will examine the practices and procedures of government departments and various public bodies with the object of eliminating opportunities for corruption, it will also offer advice to any government or public official, private individual or organisation, on ways and means of dealing with the problem.
"Community relations and education will be specified in the draft bill as an important part of the Commission’s work," said Mr. Cater.
"The task here is to enlist and foster public support in combatting corruption.
"17 e have a strong foundation, even before we begin. The tide*of public opinion is clearly’on the turn. It has been made abundantly clear, in the views publicly expressed at all levels, and especially among the younger generation, that this society is no longer prepared to put up with corruption as a necessary and unavoidable feature of life.
"The time has now come to harness those sentiments. As the Governor has said, what we must achieve is nothing short of a quiet revolution in our society.
"This revolution will take time. It would be unwise, and rather foolhardy, to expect dramatic immediate results. Nevertheless, I have no doubt that we - the community - will win."
Friday, January 18, 197^ - 3 - . -
To Be Published Next Week . «***»«*
A draft bill is to be published in the Gazette on Tuesday, seeking to amend the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance.
The bill is intended to transfer powers of investigation from the Director of the Anti-Corruption Office to the Commissioner of the new Independent Commission Against Corruption, and to implement certain recommendations made by Sir Alastair Blair—Kerr in his second report.
Included among the .lew previsions is one which empowers a court to order the confiscation of a sum not exceeding the amount of the unexplained wealth of a person convicted under section 10 (1) (b) of the ordinance.
The bill will also provide that the assets of a suspect may be ’frozen* during the period of investigation, restraining him - or any third party acting for him - from dealing with or disposing of those assets without consent.
The assets of any person shown to have a close relationship with a person accused of being in control of unexplained wealth can bo regarded as part of the wealth of the accused - if there is reason to believe that those assets vzere held in trust for, on behalf of or as a gift from the accused.
Under the new legislation, the failure to answer a notice calling on a suspect to give information about hi/TTinnncial^^<fnirs will hft^an-offenno T-----
as will a reply which is deliberately false.
/ftie powers.......
Friday, January 18, 197^
The powers of investigation, under the ordinance, of the Attorney General will be transferred to the Commissioner, who may anthrrH w> investigating officers to exercise such powers on his behalf.
The Cconissioner will also be given discretion to disclose the I identity of a person under investigation— in certain clearly defined situitions
where that person, and others, are already aware of the investigation*
0 -
Friday, January 18, 1974
- 5 -
-•, # * ^ * * * *
More births and deaths were registered last year, according to figures released today by the Registrar General, Mr. Walter Hume.
The number of births registered during the year rose slightly to
80,14 ? — 1,094 over the 1972 figure of 79,053 — while the number of registered deaths increased by 215 to 21,360.
Although the increase in registered births was only about 1.38
per cent, Mr. Hume said it was significant in that 1973 was the second successive year in which the total of registered births showed an increase.
The greatest number of births registered in one year was 115,263 in 1963. The number declined every year thereafter until the downward trend was reversed in 1972.
Of the total number of births registered last year, 78,104 were Chinese (40,216 male and 37,888 female) and 2,043 non-Chinese (1,024 male and 1,019 female).
A.total of 20,224 were registered on Hong Kong Island, 49,011
in Kowloon and 10,912 in the New Territories. These represented increases of
1.58 per cent, 1.36 per cent and 1.14 per cent respectively over the 1972 figures.
In issuing these figures, Mr. Hume emphasised that they were in respect of registered births only.
’’There are always a number of births every year which are not registered by the parents at the time, with the result that while the figures for the registered births show trends, they do not give a completely accurate picturehe said.
/The total
Friday, January 18, 197^
- 6 -
The total number of registered deaths comprised 21,070 Chinese (11,809 mole and 9,261 female), and 290 non-Chinese (202 male and 88 female).
The number of registered deaths of infants under one year of ago was 1,3^5 as against 1,380 in 1972, while that of infants under one week old was 724 compared with 740 the previous year.
The government intends to grant about 12.2 acres of land along the south-west coast of Tsing Yi Island for a ship-repairing yard which will bo capable of handling large ocean-going ships.
It is proposed to grant the land, comprising an area of foreshore and sea bed, to the Island Navigation Corporation.
The extent of the area involved is described in a notification in today’s gazette which calls upon all persons having objections to the proposal or any cl nim of private right to submit such objections or claims in writing to the Director of Public Works within two months.
The notice,in both English and Chinese, can also be seen on the notice board posted near the site.
Friday, January 18, 197^
- 7 -
****** *
Hong Kong is expected to benefit from a new Commonwealth undertaking which is designed to help young people within the Commonwealth to understand each other and to encourage them to participate in the development of -thain communities.
This was disclosed by the Commonwealth Secretary General, Mr.
Arnold Smith, in Hong Kong today.
Mr. Smith said that the Commonwealth Youth Programme was initiated at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in 1971 and details would soon be worked out when the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Youth Affairs Council meets in March in India.
"Through a system of awards, scholarships and bursaries, the, programme will enable young people of the Commonwealth to visit each other, exchange new ideas and receive practical training in youth work at one of the three regional training centres being planned under this programme," said Mr. Smith.
He envisaged that during the initial stage of the programme, there would be several hundred awards every year. In addition, there would also be national- awards made available by individual Commonwealth countries.
He pointed out that Commonwealth countries were paying increasing attention to youth activities and accordingly, the Commonwealth Secretariat had set up a Youth Division to promote co-operation in the field of youth affairs.
The Secretary General, accompanied by his wife, is here for a brief •visit en route■ to the Commonwealth Games at the invitation of the New Zealand Government.
/A veteran
• <;■ ■ , •’
Friday, January 18, 1974
- 8 -
A veteran Canadian diplomat, Mr. Smith has been the Secretary General of the Commonwealth since 1965 when the Secretariat was set up.
While here, Mr. Smith will meet local people closely connected with Commonwealth affairs. He has met the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, and other senior government officials. He will leave for New Zealand on Sunday (January 20).
After the Commonwealth Games, the Secretary General and Mrs. Snrfth will fly to the Caribbeans to attend the Independence Day of Granada on February 7 before returning to London.
He said that there was a need for closer co-operation between Common-• '. • • wealth countries since the pattern in the conduct of world affairs was changing. It was particularly so in the fields of technology, export development and in the training of legislation draftsmen. Special projects to meet these needs are already embarked on by the Commonwealth Secretariat, he said. He added that Hong Kong had contributed a great deal in Commonwealth co-operation and benefited from it too.
He described Hong Kong as an exciting and dynamic city and was impressed by the developments since his last visit about ten years ago.
Note to Miters: Copies of Mr. Smith’s photograph are boxed
for collection. ---------------------0---------
Friday, January 184 1974
- 9 -
The price of sand purchased from government sand depots has been increased from $23*50 to $26 per cubic yard, it was announced today.
The new price will be charged for all sand for which payment is made on or after today (Friday).
Announcing the increase, a Public Works spokesman emphasised that it was not the government’s policy to recover more than the cost of t
buying and selling sand. The increase, he explained, was necessary » «
because of a higher rate of compensation payable to the Chinese nuthorn ties now applying to the purchase of sand from China.
He estimated that the effect on building costs would represent *
at most an increase of from 0.2 per cent to 0.5 per cent, depending on the complexity of the building.
The new price will also apply to royalty payments for sand collected from authorised sites with the exception of the sale and removal of sand for local village purposes or community works.
Friday, January 18, 197^-
- 10 -
Th© revised Outline Zoning Plan, which covers about one third of the Tsuon Wan/Kwai Chung area, has been approved by the Governor-in-Council.
In the larger context of the Tsuen Wan District, the plan proposes a balanced pattern of land use, such as the relationship between industrial and residential zones.
In the areas zoned for residential purposes it is intended, upon detailed planning, to provide a complete infrastructure of facilities such as schools, community halls, open spaces, and others.
The revised plan also provides 29 acres of open space for a park in Tsuen Wan west. The area, fronting Castle Peak Road, was previously zoned for Green Belt.
However, it was considered that the area was better suited for use as a park, which would provide a desirable link between the residential zones in the adjoining planning area.
Meanwhile, the Wong Nai Chung Outline Zoning Plan has been amended to rezone a site at Blue Pool Road from green belt to residential.
A spokesman for the Town Planning Board explained that while preparing the draft plan, the Planning Branch was not aware that the site had been reserved for a local government officer’s oo-opcrative society.
As the site was not shown as a building lot on the base plan, ho said, it was erroneously assumed that it was uncommitted Crown land and was consequently zoned green belt.
/”Had it •••••••
Friday, January 18, 1974
"Had it been known that the site had been committed,it would have been zoned residential," the spokesman added.
A list of plans prepared by the Town Planning Board is published in todayfs gazette for general information.
The plans are in three categories - approved plans, approved plans referred back to the Town Planning Board for amendment or replacement, and draft plans exhibited by the Board for public inspection.
Certified copies of the approved plans are available for puWio inspection free of charge at the Land Office, Central Government Offices (West Wing).
Printed copies of the approved plans may be purchased from the Crown Lands and Survey Office, Murray Building, Garden Road, Hong Kong.
The Director of Commerce and Industry today announced a concession regarding the importation into Hong Kong of duty free Portuguese brandy from Macau during the Lunar New Year holidays.
Passengers arriving from Macau on January 24 and 25 — the two days following Chinese New Year’s Day — will be allowed to bring free o± duty one bottle of Portuguese brandy containing not more tlian 1 litre, instead of the customary one quart bottle of grape wine presently allowed.
Friday, January 18, 1974
- 12 -
The new housing scheme for local government officers at Ngok
Yue Shan in Kwun Tong has been completed and will be available for occupation shortlyo
The housing complex is the second and largest of its type and costs about S17 million. Located on a hill top in Hong Loe Road, it was planned and built by the government and leased, under mortgage, to individual eligible officers.
A spokesmen for the Civil Service Branch said today the 4?1 successful applicants would be notified at the end of this week.
They were selected from eligible serving officers on pensionable establishment in various government departments on a point system assessed on the basis of their salary, length of service, the size of family, housing condition and preference, the spolc sman added.
Successful applicants will be required to make a down-payment of 20 or 25 per cent of the total cost of the fiats allocated to them. The amount w-i 11 be about S7,5CO or $1^300 acc<jrd .ng to their salary and type of flat allocated.
The balance will be repaid over a period of 20 years with an interest of seven per cent a year. This will be subject to variation by the Colonial Treasurer Incorporated, but will be within the lower and upper limits of five and nine per cent, the spokesman explained.
The monthly repayment for a small flat will be $232 and $298 for a larger flat.
/There are .......
Friday, January 18, 1974
- 15 -
There are ?40 units each with a total floor area of 775 square feet in Block One and another 91 units each of 1,060 square feet in Block Two.
Both types of self-contained flats are built with one combined living and dining room,two or three bed rooms, one bath room, and kitchen. There will be a servant’s quarter for the larger flats. Car parks are provided for each flat.
Flats in Block One are for officers with monthly salaries ranging from $980 to 51,455 while flats in Block Two are for those who earn a minimum of 32,710 a month.
The first bulk housing project was the Lung Cheung Road Government Housing Scheme where 296 flats for local officers were completed and occupied in 1970.
Tlie Public Works Department intends to alter a section of On Fu Street in 'Jong Tai Sin to different alignments and levels so as to provide space for the construction of Chuk Yuen Road Extension.
When completed, the Chuk Yuen Road Extension will provide a permanent access to the western part of the Wong Tai Sin housing estate and adjoining areas for westbound traffic coming from Sha tin Pass Road.
An announcement regarding the project is made in today’s gazette. Anyone objecting to the project should send his objections in writing to the Director of Public Works not later than February 18, 1974.
Notice is .also given that part of Choi Shek Road in Wong Tai Sin is to be closed under the Streets (Alteration) Ordinance. Objections should be lodged in writing not later than March 18, 1974 to the Director of Public Works.
-------0--------- ........
Friday, January 18, 197^
- 14 -
A Seminar on Further Studies for Secondary School-leavers will be held or. Sunday (January 20) from 10.00 a.m. tr 12.50 p^m. at Tai Hang Tung Community Centrew
This is a joint project organized by Tai Hang Tung Community Centre of the Social Welfare Department and the West Kowloon Children • • c ' • * ’ • - •
and Youth Guidance Council as one of a series of programmes of the Youth Employment and Further Studies Guidance Project. •• •
Mr. SIT Sui-lum, Warden of the Community Centre said its purpose was to provide school-leavers with information and guidance on prospects of employment and further studies©
’’Students attending the seminar will be able to get information concerning the curriculum, enrolment prerequisites and prospects of postsecondary education,” he added.
Speaking in the seminar will be representatives from Hong Kong Polytechnic, Sir Robert Black College of Education and the Social Work Training Institute© About 200 For n Five students from secondary schools ivill participate.
- - - 0---------
Friday, January 18, 197^
The Housing Department today again advised members of the public to exercise great care and caution with offers of sales of squatter type structures,particularly when these offers are coupled with promises of re*accommodation by the department at some later time.
A spokesman for the department pointed out that it was illegal to occupy Crown land without proper permission and any structure built in this way was illegal and subject to demolition.
”If the occupants of unleased land fail to comply with a notice to quit, they are liable to a fine of $10,000 and imprisonment of six monthshe said.
The spokesman also warned that it was against the law to erect or place anything on leased or licensed land without lawful authority.
”In such a case, the lessee or licensee on failing to comply with a notice to demolish the illegal structure built on the land runs the risk of having the property on the land confiscated. He may also be liable to the costs for or arising out of tile demolition.”
Recently racketeers had been active at the Hong Ning Road area of Kwun Tong purporting to sell huts built illegally on Crown land. The spokesman warned that anyone who fails to heed the advice would lose his money paid to racketeers trading in the sale of illegal huts.
Friday, January 18, 19?4
- 16 -»
New measures aimed at tightening prison security and discipline i are to be introduced into the Legislative Council shortly.
The measures are contained in the Prisons (Amendment) Bill 197^ published in today’s Gazette.
Under the bill penalties for offences relating to the introduction of unauthorized articles into a prison are to be increased from the present $1,000 and six months’ imprisonment to $2,000 and three year^ imprisonment.
Under the present Ordinance, it is an offence for any person to introduce any prohibited article into a prison with the intent that it shall r come into the possession of a prisoner.
The bill introduces a new section with stricter provisions relating to the possession by prison staff of prohibited articles and the introduction by such staff into a prison of such articles.
The Prison (Amendment) Rules 197^ were published last Friday.
The new rules enable a medical officer, or certain prison staff authorized by him, to search any external orifices of a prisoner for the purpose of discovering concealed articles.
They also empower a medical officer, or certain prison staff authorized r by him, to require a prisoner to submit a urine specimen for examination and analysis•
These rules will help in detecting the introduction of illicit drugs and other unauthorized articles.
0 - -
. Friday, January 1", 1O?4
■ Supplies and ffholesalo Prices of Marine Fish Availability Eholesalo Price
Species of Supply (fl/catty)___
• - » Low - Avcrpno
Golden Thread Good 4.6 3.8' 4*0
Big-Eyes Good 2.8 0.55 1-2
Squid Normed. 6o5 2.8 5.0
Hair-Tails Good 1.6 0.7
Lizard Fishes Normal 3.4' 1.0 2.5
Creators Good 2.6 1.1 1.7
Conger-Pito-Eels Normal 3.4 2.5 3.0
Melon Coat •a Limited 2.8 2.2 2.4
• • Breams Normal 5.5 3.2 t 4.5
Yellow Bolly Good 2.2 0.8 1.6
Mackerels Normal 5.7 5.1 5.4
Rod Goat Fish Good 2.5 0.7 1>8
Fork-Tail Good? 1.65 1.2 1.4
Horse-Head Normal 6.5 5.5 4.5
Halon Seed Normal 3.C. 2o0 2.6
Pomfrets *• w* . ■ >.
Garoupas Normal 7.0 5.0 6.0
Yollon Croaker
/Supplies and
Friday, January l8t 1974
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of
Locally Produced Vcp-etables
• Availability Wholesale Price
Tyno of Supply (fl/catty)
Sigh Low Average
Flowering cabbage Normal 1.2 0.4 0.8
White cabbage Good 0.5 • 0.2 0.3
Chinese Lottuoo’ Good . . 0.5 0.15 0.3
Chinese Kale Good o.4 ‘ 0.15 0.3
Spring onion Normal 1.2 0.5 0.8
Spinach . Good 0.8 0.2 0.5
Wator cross ; Normal 1.2 0.3 0.7
Loaf mustard cabbage Limited 0.5 • 0.2 0.3
Tomato Normal 1.2 0.4 0.8
Supplies and Wholesale Pricoa of Pork (Live weight) •
Availability Wholesale Price
• of Supply , ( C/piculL
• • (Average)
Pork • Good • 285
Saturday, January 19 j 19?4
Page No»
Another footpath is to be built in the Tai Tam area as part of a countryside recreational development programme • • 1
Press arrangements for the arrival of Lord Mountbatten • •. • 2
Extension of export quota controls on plastics ............... 3
Record number of marriages registered last year............... 4
Opening hours of certain government out-patient clinics during Chinese New Year holidays ............................. 5
Some 5j500 people helped to obtain work by the Local
Employment Service of the Labour Department.................. 6
Passing-out parade of Immigration Officers ................... 8
More ccurt rooms tc be built in the Victoria District Court ........................................................ 9
Review of job placement situation by the Social Welfare Department ............................................... 10
Investigation into the crash of a R.H.K.A.A.F. plane completed ................................................ 11
Release time: 3*QQ
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, January 19, 1974
- 1 -
Part Of Countryside Recreational Development Programme
A mile-long concrete footpath, linking Pottinger Gap and Tai
Tan Gap, is to be built shortly on Hong Kong Island as part of a plan to provide picnickers and hikers with better country paths.
The plan also calls for the provision of a 20,000 square feet turfed area.
In conjunction with the road work, drainage channels and cross road culverts will be constructed.
Construction work is expected to begin in March and will take about nine months to complete. : -
With the completion of this one, there will be three footpaths in the Tai Tam area. One of the other two near Quarry Bay was completed in August last year and the other, linking Quarry Gap and Tai Lam dam, is being built and is expected to be ready for use this .summer.
A spokesman for the Public Works Department said today that an additional five miles of country footpath will be built within the next two years in the Tai Lam area. ’ ‘ \
\ ’’Barbecue pits, tables and benches and toilet facilities will be
provided along the footpath,” he said.
The project is part of a five-year countryside recreational development programme recommended by the New Territories and Hong Kong Island Advisory Committees for Recreational Development and Nature Conservation.
/The programme■•••••••
Saturday, January 19, 1974
- 2 -
The programme aims to provide easily accessible picnic spots with various facilities for the use of large numbers of visitors.
Other projects planned on Hong Kong Island include picnic spots in Aberdeen, Mount Davis and Wong Nei Chung.
Country parks have also been planned in various parts of the
New Territories including Lantau Island, the Kowloon Hills, Shing Mun and Hebe Haven.
Note to Editors^ Lord Mountbatten will arrive in Hon gKong on Thursday, January 24 on his way to China on a private visit at the invitation of the Chinese Government. He is making the visit in his capacity as President of the International Council of the United World Colleges.
Special arrangements have been made for photographers to be escorted out to the tarmac to cover the arrival of Lord Mountbatten. He is arriving at Kai Tak at about 4.15 p.m. by flight BA/916* officers will be present to assist the press.
Special badges will be issued and photographers are requested to be at- the Press* Room, Airport Terminal Building by-3^3O.p.m.
Saturday, January 19j 1974
The extension of export quota controls to a second category of plastic raw materials was announced today (January 19) by the Commerce and Industry Department.
The item concerned, polyethylene high density granules, moulding and extrusion compounds, is shown under group 5$1 of the Hong Kong Imports and Exports Classification List.
Another item in the same group - polypropylene - has already been made subject to export quota controls.
The local plastics industry uses substantial quantities of both items for the manufacture of household products.
A Commerce and Industry Department spokesman said that export quota controls were being extended to high density polyethylene because the quantities licensed for e^qjcrt since January 1 this year are substantially in excess of the monthly average for 1973.
The export licensing scheme introduced on January 1 covers 55 different categories of plastic raw materials.
"We are monitoring the quantities licensed for export in each category," the spokesman said.
"Further quota controls may be introduced if re-exports show significant proportionate increases over last year1s ^monthly averages."
The issue of export licences for high density polyethylene has been suspended until quotas have been calculated and notified to the trade. I
Saturday, January 19, 1974
- 4 -
The number of marriages registered in 1973 reached a new record total of’50,456, being 3,172 more than the previous record of 27,264 in 1972, the Registrar General, Mr. W. Hume, announced today.
These figures apply to all marriages in 1973, which was the second full year when marriages might be contracted only in accordance with the Marriage Ordinance.
’’The record total of registered marriages included 2,858 marriages between parties already previously married in other ways as compared with 2,795 marriages of this category in 1972. Excluding these ’remarriages', the t f total number of registered marriages increased by 3,129 from 24,469 to 27,598,” Mr. Hume added.
The new record- may have been partly due to the fact that the current lunar year, which began on February 5 last year, is a normal year with a First Day of Spring (Lap Chun) whereas the preceding lunar year had no First Day of Spring and was therefore a blind year not considered auspicious for marriage by Chinese. However, the major factor contributing to the increase is believed to be the structure nf the population, which has a growing number of 'persons within the more popular age groups for marriage, i.e. 21 to 24 for women and 25 to 29 for men.
Thore was an increase in the number of church marriages in 1973, the total being 2,776 as compared with 2,£58 in 1972. However, most of the registered marriages wore, as usual, celebrated at the marriage registries, the total of such marriages reaching a new record of 27,660, an increase of 2,65^ over the 1972 figure.
/In the •••••••
Saturday, January 19> 197^
- 5 -
In the New Territories, registered marriages increased significantly with a total of 3,715 marriages celebrated, up by 770 or 26 per cent as compared with 2,9^5 in 1972” There are new four full-time registries and fourteen part-time registries operating in the New Territories.
The two principal marriage registries at the City Hall and the Kowloon Government Offices remain the most popular registries with 43.6 per cent of all registry marriages celebrated there. Another popular registry was the San Po Kong Registry, where 2,904 marriages took place during the year.
The City Hall Marriage Registry continued to operate on Sunday mornings during the year and a total of 531 Sunday morning marriages were performed. In many cases, Sunday was chosen because it happened to be a lucky day according to the Chinese calendar; in others simply because of convenience for work or other reasons.
******** I
Six governr. ent out-patient clinics will remain open on Friday, January 25 from 9 a.m to 1 p.m.
They are the Violet Peel Polyclinic and the Shau Kei Wan Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club Clinic on Hong Kong Island, the Kwun Tong and Yau Ma Tei Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club Clinics and the Robert Black Health Centre in Kowloon and the Lady Trench Polyclinic in Tsuen Wan. r- ■'
All government out-patient clinics and evening clinics, other than those listed above, will be closed during the Chinese New Year holidays from January 23 to 25 . inclusive.
Saturday, January 19, 1974
- 6 -
5,400 PEOPLE HELPED TO OBTAIN WORK By Local Employment Service ******
The Local Employment Service of the Labour Department helped place 5,4^4 people in employment last year - an increase of 12 per cent over the number placed in 1972.
The head of the Employment Division, Mrs. Soo Mok Sau-ha said the increase in placement was due to the fact that more employers were main ng use of the service.
# 11 In the fourth quarter of 1973 alone,” she said, ”the Service introduced
3,776 job-seekers to employers for selection interview, and 980 of them were successfully placed in employment.”
Of the 98O applicants, 418 were placed in commerce, 223 in industry, 118 in Government Service, 139 in the public utilities and 82 in other establishments.
”Five of the successful applicants received an initial sal ary of Si,000 or more a month and 486 started work at monthly salaries of $500 - $999,” Mrs, Soo said.
Currently there are 7,302 job-seekers registered with the Service including the young and inexperienced who are looking for their first jobs, university graduates as well as those seeking better prospects. According to Mrs. Soo, the Service at the moment has over 200 vacancies on its books, ranging from executives to office boys in commerce, engineers to general workers in industry and artisans to messengers in the civil service.
/”The service .......
Saturday, January 19, 1974
"The service is provided free to employers and job-seekers alike. Job-seekers are invited to register personally at any branch of the Service, bringing with them their identity cards and-a passport-size photograph. Employers with vacsuicies which they wish to fill are invited to telephone any office of the Service," Mrs. Soo said.
The Local Employment Service operates at the following addresses:-
(a) New Rodney Block, r
99 Queensway,
Ground floor, Hong Kong.
Tel. >.270276, >.282523 Ext. 70 & 77 (b) Canton Road Government Offices, Fourth floor, Kowloon.-^
Tel. 3-688131 & 3-67551
(c) Post Office Building,
First floor,
Un Chau Street, ......
Shanshuipo, Kowloon. ...
Tel. 3-875837
. . • • , h • " s'. -.*»■
(d) Kwun Tong District Branch Office Building,
Second floor, Tung Yan Street, .
Kwun Tong, Kowloon. '
Tel. 3-896539
(e) Chartered Bank Building, Third floor, . .
Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories.
Tel. 12-426722
Saturday, January 19, 1974
- 8 - -
Nino University Graduates To Become Immigration Officers
Nine university graduates will become fully-qualified Immigration Officers on Monday (January 21) after completing an intensive training course*
On that day, the Deputy Colonial Secretary, Mr. Michael Clinton, will take the salute at their passing-out parade and present a shield to the best recruit.
The parade will be a special event for the Immigration Department because it will be the first time that an organised group of university graduates completes the induction course and joins the work of the department
The sixwnonth course includes subjects such as immjgrati on laws and procedures, visa system, and the organisation and work of the government.
Note to Editors: You are invited to cover the parade.
It will take place at the Royal Hong Kong
Regiment Parade Ground, Sports Road, Happy
Valley, on Monday (January 21), beginning at 9»3O a.m.
Tfro of the Immigration Officers, one of them the best recruit, will be available for interviews after the parade. --------------------0---------
/9 ......
Saturday, January 19i 197^
- 9"
Four new court rooms will soon be built in the Victoria District Court, bringing its total number of court rooms to 10.
The additional court rooms are part of a project tn carry out alterations and additions to the existing court building on Battery Path in Central*
Three new cells will also be built in the basement, in addition to the two existing cells.
A spokesman for the Public Works Department said sizes and designs of the new court rooms and cells would basically be similar to the present ones.
Three of the four additional court rooms will be on the top floor of the three-storey building and the remaining one on the ground floor.
Work is expected to start by the end of next month and will take about three months to complete.
Saturday, January 19, 197^ ■ •
The use of radio slogans is still proving useful in helping disabled people obtain employment, Mr. Chan Shiu-wing, -Officer-in-charge rf the Social Welfare Department’s Job Placement Unit said today.
’’Althou^i the response is not as high now as when we first began using slogans in October last year, we are still getting calls from prospective employers who are interested in giving handicapped people jobs,” he said.
Reviewing last month’s job placement situation, Mr. Chan said his unit has received eight enquiries for the supply of apprentices or workers.
’’Though this is not as many as we would like, it is still encouraging and I would like to thank radio stations for their asri’stance in broadcasting the slogans for us,” he said.
Mr. Chan said during the month his unit had successfully placed 21 disabled people in jobs. Among them were a mentally retarded person, a cured TB patient, two blind, three cured mentally ill patients, four deaf and 10 crippled.
They were engaged in machine sewing, assembling, thread trimming, /
packing, cleansing work, general factory work .and watch keeping.
Saturday, January 19$ «972+
- 11 -
Board Of Inquiry C'flipletes Investigation > * :•/ * * * -*
An official inquiry into the crash of a Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force Musketeer aircraft on September 27 last year nas been completed.
The Musketeer aircraft crashed into the hillside on the northern slope of the Pat Sin Range that afternoon while on exercise with the army*
The pilot, Flying Officer, M.A. Wightman, who was the only passenger at that time, was not hurt.
According to the irrosti^ation report by a Board of Inquiry, sr- u by the R.H.K.A.A.F., no evidence of any defect or malfunction - - both mechanical or electrical — was found on subsequent examination of the aircraft, which could have possibly caused the accident
The conclusion Jas that rhe accident was caused by down draftirg conditions that could have occurred over the area of the accident in weather conditions at that time.
Monday, January 21, 197^
Page No«
South Lantau Road to be widened for two-way traffic............ 1
Taxi-drivers warned not to over-charge ........................ 2
Immigration officers play important part in projecting good image of Hong Kong ..........................................
Additional transport services to operate during holiday period ......................................................
Hong Kong delegate to attend ECAJE session on industrial development.......... • • ................................... 5
Traffic arrangements for Che Kung Festival on Friday »»•«•••• 6
Kitchen in Stanley Prison to be improved....................... 7
Daily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
keloase. time: p.n.
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Monday, January 21, 1974
- 1 -
A. 512 million improvement scheme to widen South Lantau Road from Cheung Sha to Tong Fuk is expected to begin in April.
The section of the road to be improved measures about two miles in length, most of which is at present only single-lane.
A spokesman for the Public Works Department said today that the design of the improvement works had been substantially completed.
The improved road will have a two-lane carriageway 24 feet wide and a six-foot footpath. It will follow the existing road alignment for most of its length, except for a few short sections where re-alignment will be carried out to eliminate dangerous bends.
At the same time, road improvement work will also be carried out at places further down the road between Tong Fuk and Shek Pik.
At present, the two sections of South Lantau Road that can accommodate two-lane traffic are from Mui Wo.td Cheung Sha and from Keung Shan to Tai 0, with a small section running across the Shek Pik Dam.
With the road improvement work-on the section from Cheung Sha to Tong Fuk, the eastern section of South Lantau Road open to two-lane traffic will extend from Mui Wo to Tong Fuk for a total of about seven mil
The work is expected to_.be completed by the end of 197&*
Plans are also in hand to widen and improve the .remaining single-lane section of the road from Tong Fuk to Keung Shan.
Monday, January 21, 197^
- 2 -
A detailed aerial survey of the entire length of the road and its surrounding area has been completed with the help of the survey aircraft ”Islander,,.i of the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, and is now being processed.
When the whole South Lantau Road improvement scheme is completed, the full length of the road, measuring 15 miles from Mui Wo in the east of the island to Tai 0 in the west, will be open to two-lane traffic. This will greatly facilitate the fast increasing volume of tourist traffic on the island.
The Transport Department today reminded taxi drivers that they would be committing an offence if they charged higher fares during the forthcoming holiday period or at any other time.
A spokesman for the department said there had been reports during the last Lunar New Year of taxi drivers demanding ’lucky money” or higher fares from their passengers. x
He said that any person committing such an offence is liable, in the case of a first conviction, to a fine of 8500 and imprisonment for three months.
Under the Law no taxi driver is allowed to charge a faro exceeding the appropriate scale of fares set down in the regulations.
Monday, January 21, 1972*
- 3 -
Inmigration officers play a very important part in projecting a good image of Hong Kong to the millions of people visiting Hong Kong every year.
. This was the message from the Deputy Colonial Secretary, Mr. Michael Clinton to graduating immigration officers at their passing out parade at Happy Valley this (Monday) morning. The parade was a special event in that it was the first time all the new recruits were university graduates.
Ur. Clinton impressed on them that they were not merely "passport stamping machines" but officers who must on the one hand enforce immigration laws sensibly and, on the other serve the public and help solve their difficulties. "The immigration service deals with people — human beings with human worries and human responses — people who will judge Hong Kong and its administration partly by the impression you create."
It was therefore important that immigration officers maintain the high standards of the service by showing understanding and consideration of the problems of people being served, Mr. Clinton said.
He noted that many local citizens were taking more opportunities to < • : • • . travel abroad and they might have no idea of the official requirements and why they wore necessary.
."A courteous and helpful approach will help to dispel the public1s feeling of being caught up in a lot of unnecessary red-tape," he said.
liotv to Editors; Copies of a photograph taken during this morning1s parade are boxed for collection together with the full text of Mr. Clinton’s speech.
Monday, January 21, 1974
- 4 -
The Commissioner for Transport announced today that additional services will be operated by the various public transport companies during the Lunar New Year period.
The services involve the tramways, the ferries and the bus companies.
The Hongkong and Yaumati Ferry Company will put on additional services on its Kwun Tong to Central route at a 20 minute interval on January 23 and 2.4. They will begin at 8 a.m. and finish at 7.40 p.m. from Central.
The indirect ferry service linking Hung Hom-North Point-Kwun Tong will however, be temporarily suspended.
The Star Ferry Company will adjust its service to cope with traffic demands from tomorrow (Tuesday) until January 27*
From today (Monday), the Hong Kong Tramways Limited has put six add 5. tn oral tram cars into service. These will continue operating until January 26.
Both the China Motor Bus Company and the Kowloon Motor Bus Company w?11 operate late services tomorrow (Tuesday). KMB will extend its services on routes 1A, 2, JB, 30, 5, 6, 6b, 6c, 9, 11, 12, 12B, 13, 1JD, 14, 15, and JJ. CMB will extend services on route numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5B, 6, 7, 7D, 8, 8A, 8B, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 19, and 23.
/For Cross •••••••
Monday, January 21, 1974 - 5 -
For Cross Harbour Tunnel buses,late services will be put on the
following routes:
Route 101 Kennedy Town 1.35
Kwun Tong 1*35 a.m.
Route 102 Shau Kei Wan 1.33 aim.
Lai Chi Kok 1.38 a.m.
Route 104 West Point 1.45 a.m.
Pak Tin 1*45 a.m.
Route 112 Causeway Bay 2.00 a.m.
Mong Kok 2.00 a.m.
An Assistant Director of Commerce and Industry, Mr. John Roberts, will be representing Hong Kong at the ninth session of the Asian Industrial Development Council (A.I.D.C.) in Bangkok.
‘The meeting is being held under the auspices of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) from January 23 to 31.
Mr. Roberts, who is head of the Industry Division in the Commerce and Industry Department, will be leaving Hong Kong tomorrow (Tuesday) to attend the session.
The object of the A.I.D.C. is to accelerate industrialisation of countries in the ECAFE region by the promotion of multi-national industrial projects and the provision of industrial advisory and technical services.
Monday, January 21, 197^
- 6 -
Heavy traffic congestion is expected on roads leading to Che Kung Temple in Shatin this Friday - Che Kung Festival Day - and on Saturday (January 26), a Transport Department spokesman said today.
Motorists are therefore advised to avoid using Lion Rock Tunnel Road and that section of Tai Po Road approaching Shatin, and the access path to Che Kung Temple on both days.
Special arrangements will be introduced for those who require to go there.
Zidditional buses will be provided on KMB route numbers 7CA and 71 which run between Jordan Road Ferry and Sha Tin, and a temporary stand for southbound public light buses will be set up on the reclaimed land on Sha Tin bypass near the path to Sha Tin Market.
For those who use private transport, very limited parking will be available at four locations - on the reclaimed land on the west side of Shatin bypass road; on the lorry track which runs parallel with Lion Rock Tunnel Road; in the car park behind Shatin Market; and in Lik Yuen Road up to the High Island Water Scheme site office.
No pavement or roadside parking will be allowed and vehicles found illegally parked will be towed away.
Traffic police will be on hand to guide motorists.
Monday, January 21, 197^
. - 7 -
The kitchen in Stanley Prison will be improved to cope with the demand of the present capacity of the prison.
The improvement includes the replacement of 16 rice boilers by modern stainless steel rice boilers.
New cooking equipment will be provided in view of the increased number of inmates.
In addition, the kitchen will be expanded from the existing 4,900 square feet to about 7i000 square feet.
Improvement work will begin in March and will take about 10 months to complete.
Commenting on the project, a spokesman for the Prisons Department said that the improvement was necessary because the existing kitchen was out-dated and the layout of equipment badly planned.
He said that the kitchen was designed in 1935 to cater for 1,500 inmates — only half of the present capacity of 3JrXX).
Monday, January 21, 197^
Suftplips and Wholesale Prices of Marine Fish
Availability Wholesale Price
Sgeclcs of Supply » (g/catty)
Low • Average
Golden Tliroad Good 4.3 3.0
Big-Eyes Good • ‘ • 2.6 0.7 £•0
Squid Normal 6.5 4.5 5.0
Hair-Tails Good 2.0 1.0 1.7
Lizard Fishes Normal 3.7 1.0 2.8
Croakorc Good 2.6 1.4 2.0
ConEcr-Piko-Eols limited 3.6 3.0 3.2
Melon Coat • Normal 2.6 2.0 2,4
• Breons Normal 6.5 4.5 5.5
Yellow Belly Good 1.6 0.85 1.2
Mackerels Good 5.6 4.0 5.2
Hod Goat Fish Good 3.0 0.7 2.8
Fork-Tail Good 1.2 0.6 0.9
Horsc-Hoad Normal 6.0 4.0 5©o
Melon Seed Normal 3.2. 2.0 2.6
Porrfrcts Normal 11.0 8.0 10.0
G^roupan Normal 8.0 5.0 7.0
Yellow Croakor Normal 7.2 5.2 6.8 •
/Supplies and •,••••«»
Mondayt January 211 1974
Supplies and Wholesale- Pricen of
local ly Produced Ver e tables
SffiS Flowering cabbage Availability of Sunnly Wholesale Price (S/catty)
Normal High Low 1.6 0.5 1.0
White cabbage Good 0.4 0.1 0.25
Chinoso Lottuoc Good . p.6 0.15 o.h
Chinese Kale Good 0.6' 0.2 0.4
Spring onion Normal 1.6 0.5 1.0
Spinach . Good 0.6 0.2 0.4
Water oross ; Good 1.4 0.2 0.8
loaf mustard cabbage Limited 0.5 0.15 0.3
Tomato Normal 1.2 0.4 1.0
Stigglioj^ and Wholooale Prices of Pork (Live v/oipht)
Availability Wholesale Price
• Of Supply ( f>Z
• • (Average)
r Pork Good • 285
Tuesday, January 22, 197^
Page No.
Proposed new penalty and demerit point system for moving traffic offences published ................................
Easier bank credits for Hong Kong exporters under proposed guarantee scheme ............................... • • ......
More estate caretakers are being recruited to help improve management of public estates ..............................
December G.C.P.I. shows one point increase ................. 7
Fishermen to receive awards for saving lives at sea .......
Release time: ,4.00 p»m.
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Tuesday, January 22, 197^
- 1 -
NEW MEASURES TO IMPROVE ROAD SAFETY Fixed Penalties, Demerit Points Proposed For Moving Traffic Offenocs
New legislation to streamline traffic offence procedures and make Hong Kong’s roads safer is to be introduced into the Legislative Council shortly.
Under a bill, known as the Fixed Penalty (Criminal Proceedings) Bill 1974, which was published in the gazette today, motorists who commit certain offences may be given fixed penalty tickets. About 80 offences are covered by the bill, and the fines range from $50 to $200.
The ezdsting system for parking and waiting offences remains unchanged•
If the fixed penalty ticket is paid, the motorist does not need to go to court.
In addition, ’’demerit” points are recorded against the offender for a number of these offences. If a driver accumulates 15 points within a threo-yoar period, his driving licence is automatically suspended for six months.
The second and subsequent times a driver builds up 15 points within a new three year period ho loses his licence for one year.
A government spokesman said that although the driver is given a fixed penalty ticket on the spot, for which he has 21 days to pay the fine, he still retains the right to take the case to court if he wishes. His present rights are in no way affected.
Demerit points are not recorded in the case of every traffic offence dealt with .by the fixed penalty bill.
/The maximum
Tuesday, January 22, 197^
- 2 -
The maximum fixed penalty under the system is $200 and the maximum demerit points for a fixed penalty offence is five. However, some serious offences, which are always taken to court and are not included under the fix^d penalty system, have been brought into the demerit system and can carry demerit points up to a maximum of 10.
Proposed supporting legislation, the Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 1974, also published today seeks to make it compulsory for drivers to carry their driving licence at all times while driving. Failure to do so could result in a fixed penalty of $50 •
A new stylo, laminated driving licence is to be introduced which will be similar to the present identity card.
If approved there will be no period of grace for producing, a licence, it must be shewn when demanded.
Some of the more important points contained in the Fixed Penalty (Criminal Proceedings) Bill are:-
* /ill warning notices and summonses, other than the original ticket, are posted and not delivered by hand.
* If a driving licence is suspended, the driver must surrender it to the Commissioner for Transport and the suspension period is counted as beginning on the date of surrender. However, a licence which is suspended and has not been handed to the Commissioner is still invalid so it is in the interest of the driver to surrender it as quickly as possible.
* While a person is suspended from driving and he applies or obtains another licence, he is liable to a fine of $5,000 and imprisonment for six months. The person also faces the same penalty if he drives while under suspension.
/* Licence ••••••
Tuesday, January 22, 1974
* Licence suspension applies to all the motor vehicles an individual driver is qualified to drive. For example a private car driver will lose his right to drive a taxi or lorry (if he is so qualified) at the same time.
* Courts can hear cases in the absence of the defendant if he fails to answer a summons.
* The three—year period begins from the date of the recording of the first demerit point against the driver.
* A driver will be informed when his demerit points reach 10. However he can ask the Commissioner for Transport to supply him details of the demerit points recorded against him.
The spokesman added, however,that consideration is being given to informing a driver when demerit points arc recorded against him, the
• number of points involved, his current running total and the expiry of his throe-year period.
An important aspect of the proposed legislation is that it a driver refuses or fails to pay a fine imposed by a court for non-payment of a fixed penalty ticket, the Commissioner ^r Transport can refuse to issue, or renew, that person’s driving licence.
Ho can also refuse to issue or renew the licence of any vehicle owned by that person, or refuse to transfer the registration of any vehicle owned by the person.
Prospective vehicle buyers can check with the Commissioner for
Transport to seo if there, is any fine, outstanding against the owner
cf the vehicle he intends to purchase.
Tuesday, January 22, '97^
- 4 -
The Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation is to be empowered to guarantee medium and long term loans by lending banks to local exporters to enable them to finance their export transactions.
This is provided in the Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation (Amendment) Bill 1974 published in today’s gazette.
This new facility will enable exporters, especially those who have large contracts or a number of medium size contracts with large risks ;nd long r loan periods, to get credit from their banks more easily.
Commenting on the Bill today, a government spokesman noted thrt the facility would be particularly helpful to those exporters who, though of hi^i repute and standing, were tied by susbstantial current commitments arising out of past export financing, or who might be fully extended in financing current production or in the purchase of new plant and equipment.
"Prom the point of view of the banks, these direct guarantees which ore unconditional — would provide complete security. From the exporter’s point of view the guarantees would provide a means of obtaining finance without correspondingly reducing the capacity to borrow," he said.
He pointed out, however, that for the proposed facility to operate successfully, the banks would have to offer a favourable rate for the full period of loan.
"Without a favourable rate, Hong Kong exporters of capital anc semicapital goods would be put in an unfavourable position as far as financing costs are concerned in relation to their competitors in other countries,11 he said.
/Premium for
Tuesday, January 22, 197^
- 5 -
Premium for the Corporation’s new facility is expected to be calculated on a sliding scale according to the length of the period of guarantee. The guarantee would also be given only to contracts involving not less than a specified amount and on credit terms exceeding 180 days.
Although it would not be necessary to seek the Financial Secretary’s approval for a particular guarantee, all guarantees would have to be in accordance with a policy approved by the Financial Secretary.
Under other provisions of the Bill, the capital the Corporation may hold would be doubled from $10 million to $20 million, and the officers of the Corporation whose appointments would have to be approved by the Governor would be those whose salaries exceed $85,000 per annum as opposed to the present ceiling of $50,000.
The former is to enable the Corporation to restore the ratio of its cash resources to contingent liability to an acceptable level.
The latter, which affects the appointment of officers at the Assistant Manager and higher grades, made to up-date the original figure • » which was set in 19^6.
Tuesday, January 22, 197^
- 6 -
The Housing Department is recruiting more caretakers to provide a resident service for tenants of public housing estates.
About 50 recently joined the department to boost the present establishment of 220 and another 100 are taking up post in a couple of weeks’ time.
Mr. Frank Carroll, Deputy Director of the Housing Department said f
the move would improve management in both new and old public housing estates.
"At present, the caretaker service is available only in the newer housing estates during day light hours only,” he said. ’’When we have recruited all our men, we will be able to extend the service to the older estates and switch to a 24—hour service.”
Apart from the 150 who have just joined or arc about to join the department, recruitment is continuing for another JOG.
"It is commonly known that housing estates can be better managed and tenants’ needs more properly looked after with a caretaker system. As well as patrolling, dealing with ejnergencies and keeping the estates in good order, caretakers will also provide a very useful service by bridging the ’communication gap’ between tenants and the managerial staff,” Mr. Carroll said.
Nev/ recruits must learn their work properly before being put on the job.
Normally, they will be attached to experienced men of the department for about a-month before going on the job.
They will also be given a chance to attend a 15—week course for estate caretakers at Morrison Hill Technical Institute where they will learn general management methods, fire fighting, first aid, plumbing and lift maintenance as well as other subjects.
- - o - -
Tuesday, January 22, 197^
- 7 -
The General Consumer Price Index for December 1975 was 170» one point higher than that for the previous month*
This was due mainly to a rise of one point in the index for foodstuff
The index for fuel and light advanced by seven points while that for durable goods advanced by five points.*
An increase of two points was recorded in the index for miscellaneous goods while an increase of one point was recorded in the index for transport and vehicles* Movements in the indexes for other sections of commodity and \
service wire insignificant.
Compared with the previous month, the average retail prices of beef and frtsh vegetables advanced. On the ether hand, the average retail price of marine fish declined.
As t\^ non-food items, the. upward, revision in the prices of kerosene and liquefied petroleum gas at the end of November took full effect in December. Consequently, the index for fuel and light was raised.
Tuesday, January 22, 1974
- 8 -
******* /
A total of 58 fishermen will receive prizes and certificates at
the annual prize-giving ceremony of the Fish Marketing Organisation ^3^ on Thursday (January 24) at the Cheung Sha Wan Wholesale Fish Market at Fat Tseung Street, Kowloon*
Mr. J.K. Riddell-Swan, Deputy Director of Agriculture and Fisheries
will address the gathering and Mrs. Riddell-Swan will present certificates and prizes to the fishermen.
These include 14 fishermen who saved lives at sea during 1973
and 45 fishermen who landed the largest value of marine fish during the past year.
Fifteen members of the Fish Marketing Organisation who have served
25 years in the organisation will receive long service medals.
The event will be followed by a lion dance and light refreshment.
Note to Editors: You are invited to send representatives to
cover the event which will begin at 12 noon on Thursday (January 24).
Copies of Mr. Riddell-Swan’s speech in both
English and Chinese will be boxed on Thursday afternoon.
0 - -
Saturday, January 26, 1974
Page No_.
Universities urged to play positive role in the management of the community’s affairs..................................1
Aerial mapping of the New Territories to assist in future engineering and architectural projects.................... 5
Sixty-one new building plans approved last month............8
Special stamps for 1974 Arts Festival on sale next Friday.. 9
New traffic arrangements in Yau Ma Tei from tomorrow.•••••• 1
New Year party for children of Waterworks staff•••••«•«•••• 1
Hong Kong industrialists must adapt to changing conditions in world markets.......................................... 1
Release time: 4.^C p.m.
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Saturday, January 26, 197^
Note: The following item is embargoed until 8 p.m. tonight (Saturday).
Financial Secretary Calls For Constructive Criticism
The Financial Secretary, Mr. Philip Haddon-Cave, this evening called on the universities to play a positive role in the management of the community’s affairs and encouraged thorn to criticise the government’s handling of public affairs.
Addressing the Hong Kong University Economics Society Ball, its?, Haddon-Cave said the whole purpose of education was to sharpen the critical faculty and therefore students and staff ’’have a particular obligation to take a view on government policies and programmes and express that view in discussion and the printed word.”
Students in the Economics Department had special opportunities to do this, ho added, for not only were economic questions in Hong Kong cf peculiar importance, but of peculiar complexity as well.
Essentially, he said, the Hong Kong stylo of government was one by consul tation and consent with a dependence of feedback of information from community organisations and from the public at large — both directly and via advisory boards and committees —— and with a dependence on ’’lively and critical comment” by and through the news media and by such groups as the Economics Society.
•/The universities,
Saturday, January 26, 197^
- 2 -
The universities, the Financial Secretary said, could play a larger role in the management of community affairs by encouraging more graduates to join the public service.
Ho was not certain that the civil service was enjoying a fair share of the annual output of university graduates at the present tine and he pointed out that of the 3,^26 posts in recruitment ranks in the public service which require a first degree as an entrance qualification, some 338 or almost one quarter had not been filled.
He also doubted whether the public service, especially the administrative class, was getting it® fair share of the best graduates.
"This may partly be, of course, the result of the prospects offered by the private sector in cur growing economy.
"But it may ?J.so be because some students, who could find a satisfactory and rewarding career in the public service, are not sufficiently aware of the interesting and varied nature of much of the work involved and of the satisfaction to be gained from serving the community at large.”
Mr. Haddon-Cave stressed that there should be a willingness, indeed an ^r-yi oty on the part of university staff to serve on government boards and committees. While some were already making a most valuable contribution in this respect, "we could with more,” he added.
Noting that the fault lay on bath sides and that the government could make a greater effort to tap the store of knowledge and expertise available in universities, the Financial Secretary said, however, that there was room for ”a somewhat more forthcoming approach by the academic community.”
/Wherever .•••••
Saturday, January 26, 197^
- 3 -
Wherever practical, he said, courses should be slanted so as to contain what might be called a Hong Kong content* ,fFor after all, most graduates aro going to live and work in Hong Kong after graduation#M
He felt that there were plenty of examples in the field of economics where Hong Kong problems could provide fruitful areas for study and research and noted that the Commerce and Industry Department would only be too pleased to collaborate with the universities in lecture areas to mutual advantage.
Mr. Haddon-Cave also exhorted university staff and students to take an interest in the government’s handling of community affairs by following what was being done.
Ho pointed out that the Heng Kong government was well documented and drew attention to the many publications tabled on Budget Day and others.
Referring to the oft mentioned gap between the government and the public, the Financial Secretary said that while this might be true in a very general sense, he doubted whether it was true in a practical sense considering the system of government in Hong Kong.
/□.most every important policy area, he said, involved either an advisory board or ad hoc committee cr a competent statutory authority in which both officials and members of the public concerned hammered out solutions for the common good. And when this had been done, he added, findings were published for general public debate and comment.
Mr. Haddon-Cave also expressed doubt whether the gap really existed considering the close contacts particular government departments have with particular sections of the community — notably the Housing Department with their tenants and the Commerce and Industry Department with the business community, among others. ,
/Perhaps ••••••
Saturday, January 26, 1974
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"Perhaps the only exception where a gap might exist is between the government and the academic community as such,” he said.
!,If this gap does exist, or indeed if you feel that it exists, the government would be, I am sure, very responsive to suggestions on how it might bo effectively bridged.”
The Financial Secretary pointed out that the universities were not ungenerously provided for by taxpayers.
During the four years ending June 1974, he said, the government would have provided 5350 million for the universities’ recurrent expenditure, representing four-fifths of the universities’ total recurrent income.
"Beyond this,” he added, ’’about one half of the fee income is paid for from government grants. Furthermore, almost all of the cost of the universities’ main building programmes, as well as their senior staff housing programmes, ’.vere financed from public funds to the tune of 5150 million in the sane four years.”
Note to Fditox^s: Copies of the full text of the Financial
Secretary’s speech are available for collection in the Press boxes at G.I.S.
Saturday, January 26, 197^
To Assist In Planning Future Satellite Towns, Major Engineering Projects
Areas in the New Territories earmarked for development under the 10-ycnr housing programme are being mapped from the air on the largest scale over attempted by the Survey Branch of the Crown Lands and Survey Office•
During the past few months, some J,000 aerial photographs of the Now Territories and outlying islands have been taken through a special camera installed on board the twin-engined "Islander" aircraft of the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force.
From the air photographs,plans at 1*^00 scale with contours at one metre intervals will be plotted by phot ogr amine nt ry. the science of plotting maps accurately from air photographs. The new 1:500 plans .arc among the first to be produced for Hong Kong at metric scales and with metric contours and spot-heights, and will be of immense benefit tc the planning of future satellite towns and major engineering and architectural projects, a spokesman for the Survey Branch said.
Ir. addition to this special mapping for the engineers and architects who are planning and designing the new towns, ’strip-maps’ for new roads and for the improvement of existing roads are being produced. These include the now Castle Peak Road, the South Lantau Road and a new read to Clear Water Boy Beach.
Apart from these very large-scale engineering plans, other maps at 1:1,000 scale, with contours at two metres intervals, will be produced for the Crown Lands and Survey Office to replace the existing series at inch/foot scales* /mi_ ■
/The largest ••••••»
Saturday, January 26, 197^
The largest scale plans previously produced by the Survey Branch have been nt 50-feet: 1 inch (1:600) for the urban areas of Hong Kong and Kowloon, and 100 feet: 1 inch (1:1,200) for the whole of the Mew Territories.
The survey data and the aerial photographs on which the surveyed control points have been pinpricked are being sent to two specialist air survey firms which were recently awarded contracts for the photogrammetric plotting of details from the photographs onto the plans. The firms arc Associated Surveys Pty. Ltd. of Perth, Australia, and B.K.S. Surveys Ltd. of Northern Ireland.
A spokesman for the Survey Branch explained that two contracts were awarded partly becaus ? of the increasing amount of mapping urgently required and partly because the two firms had come up with very close bids.
"A major advantage of this arrangement,” he said, "is that the period of time needed to complete the required mapping will be considerably shortened. This is vitally important in view cf the great urgency of the 10-year housing programme•"
The spokesman said specialist firms were needed to carry out the photogrammetric plotting because this sort of work'required expensive equipment and highly trained operators.
Ho also pointed out that there would be a concentrated and urgent demand for this sort of work in the next year or two in connection with the housing programme. "It will b. followed by a continuing but less urgent demand indefinitely when all existing plans will be revised and re-contoured in metres." /<T
Saturday, January 26, 197^
In this connection, the spokesman said, the Director of Public Works was considering whether or net it was more economical and practical to set up n permanent plotting unit in the Public Works Department.
"The now metric plans now being produced will further establish Hong Kong’s claim to be the best mapped territory in the Far East and possibly one of the best in the world,’1 he added.
The new 1:p00 plans will be strictly for engineering and architectural use while the 1:1t000 maps will, as in the case of other government maps and plans, be put on public sale when they become available.
Note to Editors: Copies of two aerial photographs of Tsuen Wan
and Tsing Yi Island, taken at different altitudes during the current survey, are boxed for collection.
0 - -
Saturday, January 26, 1974
i - 8 -
Sixty-one new building plane were approved by the Public Works Department last December — 37 less than the previous month, but 19 more than in December 1972.
Among the plans approved were three for school buildings, in South Bay Close, Braemar Hill Road and in Tai Po. There were also plans for building three factory buildings, extensions to two existing factories and a saw mill.
In the same month, pcxi^xrs were issued for occupation of completed buildings. Twenty-nine of these were on Hong Kong Island, six in Kowloon, and 28 in the New Territories.
Among these completed buildings were a fishermen’s housing unit in Sai Kung, a godown building in'Oil Street, a dormitory building in the University of Hong Kong, and two houses for presidents of the Chinese University.
Throe factory buildings, in Tuen Mun? Kwai Chung and Tsuen Want with a total usable floor area of about 180,000 square feet, were also completed for occupation.
0 - -
Saturday, January 26, 1974
- 9 -
Tlio set of commemorative stamps for the 1974 Hong Kong Arts Festival will go on sale at all post offices this Friday (February 1).
To mark the occasion, Sir Kenneth Fung Ping-fan, Chairman of the Festival Committee, will buy the first set at the General Post Office in Pedder Street at 8 a*m. that morning.
The Postmaster General, Mr. M. Addi, will present Sir Kenneth with a first dry cover and a souvenir stamp sheet afterwards.
From Monday to Thursday next week, the special stamps will be exhibited on the first floor landing of the General Post Office building from 9 to 4 p.m.
The stamps, in 1O-cent, S1 and $2 denominations, feature traditional %
Chinese opera masks which symbolise the theme of the Arts Festival.
Saturday, January 26, 197^
- 10 -
4 ******
New traffic arrangements will be introduced from 10 a.m. tomorrow (Sunday) around Ferry Point Estate in Yau Ma Tei to improve traffic circulation in the area.
Under the new arrangements, Man Sing Street between Man Wai Street and Man Ying Street will be re-routed, one-way for southbound traffic;
Man Cheong Street between Ferry Street and Man Sing Street to one-way westbound; Man V/ai Street between Ferry Street and Man Sing Street to one-way westbound; Man Yuen Street between Ferry Street and Man Sing Street to one-way castbound; and Man Ying Street between Ferry Street and Man Sing Street to one-way for westbound traffic.
At the same time, the newly installed two-hour parking meters on Man V/ai Street, Man Yuen Street, Man Ying Street and the unn?jned street to the west of Ferry Point'Estate will be brought into operation.
Traffic signs will be posted to guide motorists.
Saturday, January 26, 197^
- 11 -
A Chinese Mew Year party for some 2,000 children of Waterworks staff will be held next Sunday (February•3) at Kowloon V/ah Yan College.
A large number of game stalls, organised by various divisions in the Waterworks Office, will be set up to entertain the children at the annual fun day.
There will be food and gift parcels for everyone, and in the afternoon there will be a programme of drills by boy scouts and girl guides, folk dances, lion dances and a comedy act by popular artistes.
During the occasion, the Director of Water Supplies, Mr. Wilfred
Knigh^ will present Kirkwood awards — gold medals subscribed by textile and engineering firms in memory of the former engineer of the Office — to junior staff.
Winners for the year 1973 o.x*e Mr. Law Kai Chuen, Foreman III,
Mr. Lo ’Jing Iio, Foreman III, Mr. Li For Yung, Labourer, and Mr. Lee Chun Lin, Artisan I.
They were all outstanding in their work during the year and were exemplary to their colleagues in their performance of duty.
Note to Editors: You are welcome to cover the children’s
party to be held on February 3 nt Wah Yan College (Kowloon). Mr. Yeung Man Hon, Press Liason Officer of the Waterworks Office, will be present to assist the Press. ---------------------0 --------
Saturday, January 26, 197^
- 12 -
The Secretary for Economic Services, Mr. Derek Jones, today emphasised that it was up to industrialists to react to changing conditions in world markets and to strive to maintain the profitability of their enterprises.
Speaking at a luncheon meeting of the Cotton Spinners1 Association, he said that the shortage of raw materials, currency uncertainties and market fluctuations had brought about more daunting nhn.1longes, but he was certain that these would be met by the ability and flexibility of Hong Kong’s industry to respond to changing circumstances•
The government, he said, would continue to assist industry and he noted that positive steps were taken recently tc further promote industry by modifying the industrial land policy to sell sites on a restrictive user basis for new industries introducing high technological skills.
”It is the job of the government, first to maintain a proper economic climate within which our industry can function to the best advantage and, secondly, to do what it can to remove or alleviate the impediments to cur trade which are imposed by governments overseas,” he said.
Mr. Jones gave a re-assurance that the Hong Kong government would continue pressing for the lifting of the exclusion of Hong Kong textiles and footwear from the European Economic Community’s gonoralisod preference. scheme•
/Referring *••••••
Saturday, January 26, 197^
- 13 -
Referring to the continuing growth of the economy, hr. Jor.es said its strength lay in the disciplined manner in which it operates.
Heng Konr’s free port and monetary and foreign exchange system, low taxation, and the absence of widespread industrial strife had all contributed to the growth and strength of the occnoi.y.
"All these elements form an interlocking system which has served Hong Kong very well over the last quarter century since the Second World War. find they can continue tc serve us well in future," Mr. Jones said.
"Any well meaning, but uncomprehending, tendency to remove or fundamentally change any of them, could have unforeseen consequences % for our prosperity and future economic growth."
Note to Editors: Copies of the full text of Mr. Jones’ speech are boxed for collection.
0 - -
Monday, January 28f 1974
Page No«
Mr• Peter Lloyd is to become Deputy Governor of Bermuda •••• 1
Hong Kong’s domestic exports last year increased by 27 per cent ........................................................ 2
Three killed and 25 injured on rail tracks last year ••••••• 4
Wu York Yu Clinic officially opens this Friday ••••••••••••• 5
UMELCO Secretary retiring shortly........................ 6
Court fines 19 defendants a total of $43,850 for illegal storage of dangerous goods ........................ 7
Lunar NuW Year party for Fire Services staff and families • • 10
N>T* District Commissioner to host luncheon for rural leaders •••••••••«...................................10
Daily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
Release time: 7*30 P>m»
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-233191
Monday, January 28t 19?4
- 1 -t
Mr. L.M. Davies To Take Over As Secretary For Security
Mr. Peter Lloyd, Secretary for Security, is to be appointed Deputy Governor of Bermuda, it was announced today.
He will leave Hong Kong in early March and take up his new post at the end of April this year.
Succeeding him as Secretary for Security will be Mr. Lowis M. Davies who is at present working as Deputy Secretary in the Environment Branch of the Colonial Secretariat.
Mr. Lloyd came to Hong Kong in 1971 and was Defence Secretary prior to his appointment as Secretary for Security. He was previously Colonial Secretary of the Seychelles from 1961 to 1966 and Chief Secretary of Fiji from 1966 to 1970.
Mr. Davies, who is 51 years old, arrived in Hong Kong last November and has since been attached to the Environment Branch as Deputy Secretary.
He joined the Overseas Civil Service in 19^8 and was Chief Secretary of the Western Pacific High Commission from 1965 to 1970, and Deputy Governor of the Bahamas from 1970 to 1973.
As Secretary for Security, Mr. Davies will be responsible for coordinating policy and programmes covering external security, emergencies, internal law and order, immigration, prisons, narcotics and fire services.
Note to Editors: Copies of Mr. Davies’ photograph are boxed
for collection. ---------------------0 --------
Monday, January 28, 1974
, - 2 -
The value of Hong Kong’s domestic exports last year amounted to $19,475 raillion - an increase of 84,229 million or 27.7 per cent over 1972, according to provisional trade figures released today by the Census and Statistics Department.
Imports during the year increased in value by 33*3 per cent to 829,005 pinion while the value of re-exports was $6,525 million, an increase of 57 per cent.
’’Phis was achieved in testing and uncertain trading conditions and is a tribute to the resilience and strength of the economy and the enterprise and hard work of our industrialists, merchants and workers,” said Mr. Maurice Sargant, Assistant Director of Commerce and Industry.
For the month of December 1973» the total value of domestic exports amounted to $1,960 million — an increase of $74? million or 61.6 per cent over December 1972.
The value of imports during the month increased by 54.4 per cent and that for re-exports by 58.9 per cent over the previous December.
Following is a list of the provisional trade figures with comparative tables:
MERCHANDISE: Domestic Exports : $1,960 million
Imports : $3>058 million
Re-exports : 8 621 million
Monday, January 23., 1974
- 3 -
• December 1973 December 1972 Increase or decrease
8 Mn. 8 Mn. 8 Mn. %
Domestic Exports 1,960 1,213 + 747 +61.6
Imports 3,058 1,980 +1,078 +54.4
Re-exports 621 391 + 230 +58.9
Oct.-Dec. 1973 Oct.-Dec. 1972 Increase or decrease
$ Mn. 8 Mn. 8 Mn.
Domestic Exports 5,794 4,044 +1,750 +43.3
Imports 9,109 5,796 +3,313 +57.2
Re-exports 2,023 1,201 + 822 +68.5
Jan.-Deo. 1973— Jan.-Dec. 1972 Increase or decrease
$ Mn., 8 Mn. 8 Mn. %
Domestic Exports 19,475 15,245 +4,229 +27.7
Imports 29,005 21,764 +7,241 +33.3
Re-exports 6,525 4,154 +2,371 +57.1
- - 0
Monday, January 28, 1974.
' - 4 -
Do Not Play On Trains Warning
Parents were urged today to impress on their children the dangers of playing on trains and railway tracks.
In issuing the warning, a Railway spokesman said that three passengers were killed last year when falling off trains which were not crowded and 25 others were injured while boarding or alighting from trains*
He noted that there was a tendency on the part of children to play on trains by running through carriages.
’’This is very dangerous as it is easy to lose one’s balance and fall off the train when it negotiates a curve or when a locomotive driver applies brakes,” he stressed.
’’Parents should therefore impress on their children that limning through trains, as well as playing on carriage platforms and staircases, may result in serious accidents.”
The spokesman also warned against the dangerous practice of jumping off and attempting to board a train while it is still moving*
Passengers should wait until the train comes to a complete stop, and they should make full use of the seats and standing room inside the carriages instead of taking risks by travelling on carriage platforms and staircases which, are not intended for this.
Monday, January 28, 1974
• \ - 5 -
, cramra of wu york yu clinic
Note to Editors: The Wu York Yu Clinic, a new Medical and Health
Department standard clinic and maternity home in Tsz V?an Shan, will be officially opened this Friday (February 1).
Officiating will be Mr. Wu Yee-sun, chairman of the Wing Lung Bank, who together with his brother, Mr. Wu Jieh-yoe, donated $800,000 towards half of the construction cost in memory of their late father, after whom the clinic is named.
Dr. Gerald Choa, Director of Medical and Health Services, will attend and address the gathering.
You are invited to have the ceremony covered.
It will be held at J. JO p.m. on Friday in the grounds of the clinic, Sheung Fung Street, Tsz Wan Shan. Refreshments will be served.
Transport will be provided for media representatives. They are requested to assemble at the sub-pool behind < the Tsim Siia Tsui Post Office before 2.10 p.m. that day.
Information Officer Mr. Kak King-yiu will be on hand to assxs c> ujiein.
Monday, January 28, 197*1
Hr. Au V/ai-stun, Secretary of UlffiLCO, is retiring this week after
nearly 10 years of service with the office.
To mark the occasion, Sir Robert Rodrigues, senior member of UlffiLCO, will present him with a souvenir on Friday (February 1).
lir. Au first joined the General Clerical Service in 19?0. Iio was promoted to Executive Officer Class II in W, Chinese Assistant to the Secretary for Chinese Affairs in 1952, and Assistant Secretary for Chinese Affairs in 1950. He was appointed to his present post in 19o4.
Hr. Au war. awarded ths EBE and appointed an vneffinial Justice of the
Peace :in 1Q&S
• ••••*« o •
l!oi.o r.r> 7>Titorr»: Yon arc invited to have the presentation
covered. It will take place at 12 noon in the Ui>;ix;o Office, Vo.r.dsor Bonce, third floor, on lYicky.
Monday, January 28, 19?4
- 7 -
NINETEEN FINED A TOTAL OF #40,850 z For Illegal Storage Of Dangerous Goods
A Tai 0 woman, who stored almost 1,900 gallons of kerosene on open ground in front of her shop without a licence was told by Magistrate Mr. F.V/. Blackwell, at Tsuen Wan Magistracy today:: ’’This was tantamount to putting a bomb in the middle of the village.”
The woman, Miss So Foon-yung, of 77 Kut Hing Street, Tai 0 Island, pleaded guilty to storing 4? x 44 gallon drums of kerosene without a valid licence granted by the Director of Fire Services.
She was one of 22 defendants appearing before Mr. Blackwell on similar and other charges, which arose from a series of dawn raids by officers of the Fire Prevention Bureau on January 15*
Fines totalling #40,850 were imposed on the defendants, all of whom pleaded guilty. Two other defendants pleaded not guilty and their cases will be heard on February 8. The case of another defendant was adjourned for one week, c
Divisional Officer Li Kwok-choi, prosecuting, said Miss So held a licence to store dangerous goods, but it was in connection with premises about 10 minutes1 walk from 77 Kut Hing Street.
”The Fire Services Department realise the need for the storage of . dangerous goods on offshore islands and have, in fact, issued a licence to the defendant for many years, but it was issued with the fire safety of the island in mind,” Divisional Officer Li told the Court. "This is why the store is sited on the hillside, away from the middle of the village.”
/Ho said
Monday, January 28, 197^
- 8 -
Ho said that the drums belonging to Miss So were stored in the Diddle of the village by her shop.
,fDue to the remoteness of this island,11 he said, "the Fire Services Deportment feared that, in the event of a fire, involving such largo quantities of dangerous goods, the entire village would be wi-oed out before any re-inf or cements from Hong Kong could arrive. The defendant lias been a licensee of dangerous goods for many years and is aware of the dangerous properties of such goods and should certainly not pose such a serious hazard by placing goods in this area.” Miss So, when asked by Mr. Blackwell if she had anything to say, pointed out the existence of a dangerous goods licence, but Mr.
Li said that this had no relevance to the case.
Imposing a fine of 54,000, Mr. Blackwell said: "This was tantamount to putting a bomb in the middle of the village. You had no thought for the safety of the other villagers. It was a most selfish act.”
Fines totalling 57,000 were imposed on the Sang Hing Hong Company Limited, of 84, Chung On Street, Tsuen Wan, who pleaded guilty to tno « summonses of storing dangerous goods without a licence, one summons of carrying dangerous goods without approval and two summonses of depositing dangerous goods on a parked vehicle for an unreasonable period of time.
The total amount of dangerous goods involved in the summonses was 3,200 gallons of kerosene, 1,976 gallons of diesel oil and 118 contain© of liquefied,petroleum gas, which were placed in locations at Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Fanling. The company stated that the goods were awaiting delivery to customers.
Monday, January 28, 1974
, - 9 -
Madam Mok Lai-fong, of 40 Cheung Shui Street, ground floor, Kowloon, was fined $4,500 after pleading guilty to three summonses of storing dangerous goods on board parked and unattended vehicles without valid licences.
Divisional Officer Li said that there would be no request for confiscation of the goods in this, or any, of the cases as ••we donft wish to create a fuel shortage.”
Miso Yu Shook-fai, of Tai Fat Hong, 464 Tai On Building (4th floor), Shauldwan Road, Song Kong, pleaded guilty to storing • 400 gallons of kerosene on the pavement in front of No. 1% Block 6, Chai Wan Estate, ground floor, Hong Kong.
Mr. Li told the Court that the defendant operated a retail shop at Chai Wan Estate, but could not hold a licence to store dangerous goods because the premises were situated near a domestic building.
' •’The risk posed by storing this quantity of dangerous goods
in such an estate is extremely serious,” Mr. Li declared.
Miss Yu was fined $2,500* Mr. Blackwell asked her: ’What would have happened if someone had thrown a lighted cigarette into the kerosene? How many people do you think might have been killed or maimed through your carelessness?”
Monday, January 28, 197^-
- 10 -
****** j
Miss Rebecca Pan, Mias Frances Yip, Miss Sum Sum and her sisters -% those are some of the stars who will be performing during the Fire Services Department’s Chinese New Year Family Day- to be held at the Lee Theatre cn Wednesday and Thursday (January 30 - - 31) o
Jho event is Icing ‘ -Id over two days so that .all bers ci tho department will be y - ; on opportunity to attend.
Jho programme which lasts thr ■? hows, has been arranged and produced by Miss Pan.
Also talcing part will bo Hiss Ko Siu-hing, Mr. Bau Li, Miss Susana Kwan-. Hiss Hah Hah, Miss Choi Nai-ching, Mr. Tao Siu-ming, Mr. Kam Kong, Mr. Kam Kwai, Hr. Peter Chan, Miss Chan Ping (guest star), the Monson and the T.V.B. Dancers, Mr. Anthony Au and his Colourful Combo, the Hong Kong Fire Services Chinese Musical Band, directed by Divisional Officer Cheung Shu-sliing, as well as performers from Radio Heng Kong and Commercial Udio.
----------------0--------- c
Note to Editors:. The District Commissioner of the New Territories, Mr. David Akers-Jones, will host his annual Yan Yat luncheon party for some 300 New Territories personalities at the Peninsula Hotel at 1 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday).
Among those attending will be members of the Heung Yee Kuk, the rural committees, and village representatives. •
You are cordially invited to send a reporter and/cr photographer to cover the occasion.
------- 0---------
• Monday., January 28, 1974
Daily Guido To Wholesale Market Prices And Supplies
The following prices were realised today (Monday) at sales under the Rice Control Scheme and at the Vegetable Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market and the Fish Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market at Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon:
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Rice
Grade Availability of Supply Wholesale Price (8/catty)
China Rice Average
n - old crop Seo Mew 1 Good 1.80 *1 PZl
- new crop • I.OM-
S.C.Jion - old crop Good 1.74
new crop 1.?8
Po Ngai Good 1.47
Chu Cho Good
Thai Rico
lOCffWiole Good 1.74
10-15# Brokens Good . 1.69
A1 Super Extra Good 1.52
A1 Super Good 1.42 •
Whole Glutinous Good 1.82
U.S. Rice • Good 1.74
Australian Rioo Good 1.72
Pakistan Rice . Good 1.42
Taiwan Rico Good .
Monday, January 28, 197^
Supplies and Wholesale Pricer, of Marine Fish
Species • Availability of Supply Wholesale Price (ft/catty)
• Hif3y Low • Avornjro
Golden Thread r Limited 5.25 3o5 6.2
Bi g-Byot; Limited 2.8 1.6 2oO
Squid Scarce 6.5 ^.5 6.0
Hoir-Taila Limited 2.8 ■1.5 2.5
Lizard Hsheu Scarce 6.9 1.8 3v5
Croakorn Scarce 5.2 1.6 2c 2
Conger-F i ko- Mol « Scarce 4.0 5.2 5
Melon Coat Limited 5.3 1.9 2i-u.
Bronx.!.*} •n
TcO low IVO ly <4
Mackerel r. Scarce 6«»o 6.5 5.0
Pod Goat Xj.f.h Limited 2-0 1»2
Fork-Tv-il • - •<» *•*
Horr.c-Boad Lii iltod 6.5 Jo8 9a)
Melon Seed Lifted 6.0 • ’5»2 3.5
I^crrfrctn • Scarce oen 8.0 8.5
Garcupnw #■* r*
Yellow Croaker •* arw •4 •»
/Supplies end e,e r, 9 tj c «
Monday, January 28, 1974
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Locally Produced Vegetables
Availability of Supply Wholesale Price (S/catty)
UiEh Low ■ II * Averago
Flowering cabbage Normal 1.4 0.3 0.8
White cabbage Good 0.8 0.2 0.5
Chinese Lettuce Good . 0.8 0.2 0.5
Chinese Kale Good 0.8 0.15 0.5
Spring onion Limited 1.6 0.6 .1.2
Spinach t Good 0.8 0.2 0.5
Water orosn Good 1.3 0.2 0o7
Loaf nv.stai'd cabbage — ■" •e •X
Tomato Normal 1.2 . 0.4 0.8
Supplies end Wholesale Prices of Pork (Live weifftt)
Availability Wholesale Price of Supply ( fl/ picul).
• (Average)
Pork Normal * 285
~ - - - 0------
Tuesday, January 29, 1974
Page No»
Further measures being planned to curb triad activities in prisons ................................................ 1
December health figures show significant increase in the incidence of measles ••••••••.......... ........... 4
Special allowance for teachers in NT aided primary schools ................................................... 5
West Kowloon Youth Guidance Council established .......• ••• 6
Busy day for Legislative Council tomorrow............. 8
Diiily guide to wholesale prices and supply cf basic food commodities
Release time: 7 <00
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong. Tel: 5*233191
Tuesday, January 29, 197^
- 1 -
New measures are being worked out to stamp out triad activities within Hong Kong’s penal institutions, the Commissioner of Prisons, Mr. Tom Gamer, revealed today.
’’Measures have been taken and further action is being planned so that in tho foreseable future triad activity within penal institutions will cease to bo the problem it has been for the past 26 years,” he told a luncheon meeting of tho Kiwanis Club.
In this matter, his department was working in close liaison with the Triad Society Bureau of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force.
One of the greatest problems facing a prison officer today, Mr.
Garner said, was the task of looking after large numbers of prisoners, many with violent tendencies and almost all with triad background. ’’Currently some 75 per cent of all admissions are admitting to having some sort of affiliation with gang or triad societies.”
Large numbers of prisoners grouped together, he went on, presented problems *
of supervision which could endanger programmes designed with the aim of reforming and which allowed for the proper degree of deterrence.
Ho disclosed that a comprehensive review of prison programmes was now underway within the department, not only to take into account the rise in crime and the change in the type of offender, but also to plan for easing the overcrowding and improving supervision over inmates.
/Pointing to........
Tuesday, January 29i 197^
- 2 -
Pointing to a need for new methods of handling prisoners and improving security, the Commissioner said a number of measures had already been taken.
These included the classification of prisoners into four categories for bettor security.
Under the now system, Category A prisoners are those whose escape would be liighly dangerous to the public; those in Category B are those for whom the very liighest conditions of security are not necessary but for whom escape must be made very difficult; Category C is for those whom, while it is considered they do not possess the will to make a determined escape, nevertheless some form of security should be present; and Category D is for those whom it is considered can be reasonably trusted to serve their sentence in conditions of minimum security.
Deferring to narcotic drugs and trafficking in prisons, Mr. Corner said that over the past 18 months a great deal of effort had been given to the problem and this had not been without reward.
Although there has been an improvement in the situation, he said no effort would be spared and action would continue until the problem ceased < “ to exist.
Mr. Gcmer also described the work of other types of institutions the department has in addition to prisons. These consist of the detention and training centres for young offenders and treatment centres for drug addicts.
On top of those, there is another programme for which the Prisons Department is responsible — the programme of after-care which is compulsory for those who are discharged from detention, training and treatment centres.
/"At the
Tuesday, January 29? 1974
At the present, we have some 2,320 ex-inmates from such institutions living and worling within the community being followed up for varying periods by staff of the department working in tnc field ci ufter^c aiu.” Hr. G:trner said. ’The work put in by these officers goes a long way towards cutting down on the i-s/.'c of recidivism.”
Summing up, Hr. Garner said: ’’Security particularly at Stanley Prison will continue to improve. both • a physical sense and in supervision. However, it takes time to improve the physical aspects of a risen, sometimes a long tine, but improvements in supervision have come about fairly rapidly.”
To this end, the Commissioner pointed out that some 500 additional men and women lir.d been recruited into the servic . during the past year.
On the expansion ' the department, Hr. .mor said two new institutions were being built at Pik one a maximum security training centre for 400 and the other a minimum security prison for oOO.
Preliminary work for the Hew Kowlc 2c-option centra to hold 910. is in hand and an additional training ^ntre lot 260 is shortly due to be constructed at Lai Chi Kok.
”Theso major improvements now bei..g carried out and others beaag considered will ensure that all of our pre., ent day difficulties will be resolved including overcror/ding in some in., i*'1 • .out- ’.hich has been a constant problem over the past 27 years,” the Commirsic *e: aid.
Note to Editors:. Copies of the full text of Hr Garrvi ’s speech are boxed for collection.
/ • •••••••
• Tuesday, January 29 o 197^»
- 4 -
HEALTH REPORT FOR DECEMBER , Incidence Of Measles Continues To
Health returns for December last year issued today by the Medical and Heal th Department show that eight children died from the disease •— the highest number of deaths by measles recorded for any single month since August 19&9®
The deaths brought the total of fatalities from measles in 1973 to 21, compared with nine in 1972. Notifications totalled 1,034 compared with 7oJ. The incidence of measles in December alone totalled 191i compared with 129 in November.
Commenting on these figures, a spokesman said they empL^oised the need fc* parents of susceptible children between six month': and five years to have them immunised.
’’Free vaccine is available throughout the year at all eternal rnd child health centres,” he stressed.
All the 93 other deaths recorded duri. g December were caused by tuberculosis.
There were 23 notifications of bacillary dysentery, 33 of chickenpox and one of diphtheria.
Sixteen cases of typhoid were reported, and one of paratyphoid. Thore wore no locals cases of malaria, cut hree recurrent imported cases were notified.
The incidence of other communicable diseases show no appreciable variation. • •
During the month, Hong Kong remained free from cholera and other
quarantinable diseases
Tuesday, January 29, 1972* - 5 -
Qualified teachers wiw work in 86 aided primary schools in remote areas of the New Territories are being paid a special inducement allowance of 3150 a month, a spokesman for the Education Department said today. %
Some 250 qualified teachers are receivi^j the allowance which z is awarded in recognition of their exceptional working conditions. It 9 is also to encourage qualified teachers to take up posts in the more remote areas.
Many of the teachers in these;, schools are living in the remote villages or in the vicinity where the rchocls are situated.
Payment of the inducement allowance will date from December 1, 1973
The spokesman said that the /maximum financial commitment was estimated at S?16,OOO a year.
- - - 0 - -
■ /6
Tuesday, January 29, 197^
• - 6 -
A ceremony to mark the founding of the West Kowloon Youth Guidance Council will be held tomorrow (Wednesday) at the Tai Hang Tung Community Centre of the Social Welfare Department.
Officiating at the ceremony, which begins at 4 p.m. will bo Mr.
Thomas C.Y. Lee, Deputy Director of Social Welfare, who will present certificates to the Council’s honorary presidents. They are Mr. Chung Wing Hong, Mr. Ho Sau Hong, Mr. Henry H.L. Hu, Mr. Fan Tsi On, Dr. William J.F. Lew and Mr. Yu Kam Hing.
The Council was formed recently and consists of 79 members representing schools, social services agencies, churches and other organisations in the Tai Hang Tung, Tai Hang Sai, Yau Yat Chuen and Shek Kip Mei districts in the west part of Kowloon.
Among the objectives of the Council are to pool together local expertise and resources to provide long-term guidance schemes for youngsters and their parents, to co-ordinate children and youth services in the area and to assist members of the Council in developing children and youth programmes wherever c necessary. 4
It also aims to study and conduct research into children and youth problems in general, making recommendations to the appropriate authorities concerned where it is felt necessary and to actively involve locaD. youths and residents in solving their own problems and those of their community.
The President of the Council is Mr. Wong Shiu Cheuk, an Urban Councillor. Chaimnn of the Executive Council is Mr. Yuen Shiu Sun, Principal of the Po tn Commercial Association School.
/Since its
Tuesday, January 29, 197^
- 7 -
Since its founding the Council has already organised a leadership training course, a guidance scheme for primary school graduates, a guidance project on youth employment and further studies, and a seminar on the Shek Kip Mei Outline Zoning Plan.
For tho future, the Council hopes to continue some of those projects as well as start new ones such as providing a study room for students, organising a scout group and a nursing cadet corps.
At tomorrow’s ceremony there will be a role-playing performance fey volunteers of the Council and participants of its activities to illustrate the work that has already been carried out.
Noto to Editors: You are welcome to send a reporter and/or
photographer to cover the founding ceremony.
-------0 - -
Tuesday, January 29, 197^
- 8 -
Further measures to fight crime will be discussed at the Legislative Council tomorrow (Wednesday) during the adjournment debate.
The subject will be brought up by the Hon. Hilton Cheong-Leen after the council completes its official business.
Unofficial members will be asking a total of 13 questions, relating to pyramid selling, acupuncture, regulation of creches and nurseries, supervision of privately operated X-ray establishments, provision of adequate chemist shops with qualified pharmacists, airmail postage rates between Hong Kong and the United States, driving tests, release of urban army camp areas, and the principles governing the sale of land for special industrial projects.
Seven bills will be introduced into the council for the first time. These are: The Independent Commission Against Corruption Bill, the Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation (Amendment) Bill, the Prevention of Bribery Dill, the Fixed Penalty (Criminal Proceedings) Bill, the Poad Traffic (Amendment) BUI, the Official Languages Bill, and the Prisons (Amendment) Bill.
The annual report of the Director of Civil Aviation for the year 1972/73 will bo tabled together with that by the Director of Social Welfare and the Director of Audit’s Report and Certificate on the accounts of the Hong Kong government.
-------0 - - - -
Tuesday, January 29, 197'4
Daily Guide To Wholesale Market Prices And Supplies
The following prices were realised today (Tuesday) at sales under the Rice Control Scheme and at the Vegetable Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market and tho Fish Marketing Organisation Wholesale Market at
Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon:
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Rice
Grado China Rice Availability of Supply Wholesale Price (fl/catty) __
„ „ - old crop See Mow _ ncw crop Good 1.84
S.C.Jion - old crop non crop Po llgai Good Good Io?1* 1.78 1.47
Chu Cho Good 1.37
Thai IHce lOp^H/hole Good «*
10-15/0 Brokens Good
A1 Super Extra Good 1.52
A1 Super Good 1.32
Whole Glutinous Good 1.82
U.S. Rice Good 1.74
Australian Rioe Good
Pakistan Rice Good
Taiwan Rico Good ••
/Supplies and
Tuesdayt January 2?, 197^
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Marine Fish
Availability Wholesale Price
ea of Supply (8/catty) _
High Low • Average
Golden Thread Limited 5.20 4.00 4.20
Big-Eyes Limited 2.80 0.6 1.70
Squid Scarce 7.20 3-50 5.00
Hair-Tails Limited 2.80 1.00 1.80
Lizard Fishes Limited J.80 1.40 5.00
Croakers Limited 2.70 0.70 1.80
Conger-Pike-Eels Normal 4.oo 5.20 5.80
Melon Coat Normal 5.20 1.80 2.50
Breams Limited 6.50 4.50 5.50
Yellow Belly - - — —
Mackerels Good 5.00 2.60 2.80
Red Goat Fish Limited 2.00 0.90 1.50
Fork-Tail Limited 2.00 1.50 1.80
Horse-JIoad Limited 5.20 5.00 4.00
Melon Seed Limited 3.50. 2.00 2.80
Ponfrets Scarce'. 8.50 7.00 8.00
Goroupas Scarce 9.00 6.00 7.50
Yellow Croaker - — — —
/Supplies and
Tuesday, January 29$ 197^
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of locally Produced Vegetables
• -• Sues Availability of Supply _ Wholesale Price (S/catty)
High Low Average
Flowering cabbage Good 1o0 0.2 0*6
White cabbage Good 0o3 0o1 0.2
Chinese Lettuce Good . • 0.4 0.1 0.2
Chinese Kale Good * 0.5 0.1 0.5
Spring onion Normal 1.4 0.6 1.0
Spinach . Good 0.4 0.1 0.5
Water oress Good 1.0 0.2 0.6
Loaf mustard cabbage Scarce 0.5 0.2 0.5
Tomato Normiil 1.0 0.5 0.7
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Pork (Live weight) •
Availability Wholesale Price
of Supply ( 8/ picul)
Porlc ' Normal * 28.5
Wednesday, January 50, 197^
Pary) No«
New advisory council to be set up to recommend ways to fight corruption •«•••••.......«................................... 1
New streamlined traffic offence procedures will enable better use of police resources ................................. • •
Equal status for English and Chinese as official languages •• 7
Moro staff for Buildings Ordinance Office to deal with unauthorised alterations to buildings ............................. 8
Local street patrols being considered as further step against crime ..........•.............................................
Functions of two land appropriation committees being reviewed .««•<,•••••••»••»•••...............•.................
Government policy concerning the sale of land for special industries explained .........................• •................ 12
New regulations for operation of lifting appliances to ensure industrial safety.......................................... • • 15
Negotiations well in hand for release of more urban Army land.............................................................. 15
Legislation of creches and nurseries being considered ........ 16
Investigation on government research into acupuncture......... 17
Role of qualified pharmacists................................... 18
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Page No
Adequate inspections in private x-ray establishments ••••••••• 19
Shorter waiting periods for taxi driver tests ••••••••••••••• 20
Survey on housing conditions to be conducted in April •••••••• 21
New vegetable wholesale market in Cheung Sha Wan •••••••••••• 22
Laws on pyramid selling being considered............••••••••••• 2J
Proposed amendments to the Securities Bill.........• ••••........ 24
Difference of airmil rates between Hong Kong and U.S.A explained ...................................................... 26
Five bills complete passage through Legco .............•••••••• 28
Daily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
Release time: 9*00 p«m«
Wednesday, January 30, 197^
Public ’Widely Represented On New Committees
The Independent Commission Against Corruption will be assisted in its work by a number of new advisory bodies on which members of the public will be represented.
This was disclosed today by the Colonial Secretary, the Hon. Denys Roberts, when moving the second reading of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Bill in the Legislative Council.
Among the new committees will be an Advisory Council on Corruption.
Its task will be to advise the Commissioner Against Corruption on such matters as he may refer to it, and to make recommendations generally about dealing with corruption in Hong Kong.
It will also advise the Commissioner on the engagement of staff and their terms of reference.
The other committees to be set up are:
* A new Target Committee with roughly the same terms of reference as the present one which assists the Police Anti-Corruption Office in deciding priorities to be given to investigations. It will probably be under the chairmanship of the Commissioner with a representative of the Attorney General -and two or three unofficial members appointed by the Governor.
* A Corruption Prevention Committee which will advise on the work of the Commission's Corruption Prevention Department and
* A Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Relations which will be broadly representative of the community and will advise on the work of the Community Relations Department.
/'■This participation ••••••
Wednesday, January 50, 197^
- 2 -
"This participation will, I hope, remind us all that the eradication of corruption cannot be left entirely to the Commission, but demands widespread and vigorous public support,” the Colonial Secretary said.
Mr. Roberts was optimistic that the new Commission would make a real impact on the social problem of corruption, "but we must net demand the impossible of it,” he said.
,fTo clean the stable is the work of years, and we cannot expect results to be swift or dramatic.”
He paid tribute to the devoted efforts of many police officers in combating corruption in the past and emphasised that the new Commission should not obscure the fact that the situation could have been much worse had it not been for the skill, hard work and integrity of the police.
Outlining the organisation of the new Commission Mr. Roberts said it was organised into three complementary departments — Prevention and Administration Community Relations, and Operations — because efforts should ”not only be directed at the detection and punishment of offenders but also at the social causes and administrative sources of corruption.”
He expected the Commission to start operating at about the middle of next month, and both the Prevention and Administration and the Community Relations Departments would be fully operational by August.
The Independent Commission Against Corruption Bill gives the new Independent Commission the necessary powers to start operating.
It sets out the duties of the Commissioner, which are far more than
. ' ' -r
a mere responsibility to investigate complaints of corruption.
, /He will ••••••••
Wednesday, January 30, 1974
- 3 -
He vn 11 examine the practices and procedures of department paid public bodies to make corruption more difficult; advise anyone, whether inside or outside the government, on the best ways of eliminating corruption; advise heads of government departments and public bodies of changes in practices and procedure; as well as educate the public and enlist its support.
While he is expected to concentrate his work initially on government departments, it will also be part of his duty to examine undesirable practices in public bodies and private businesses, "which, we should not forget, are also said to suffer from corruption to a disturbing degree," Mr. Roberts said.
Other provisions of the bill empower officers of the Commission to arrest and detain up to 48 hours persons reasonably suspected of committing corruption offences.
As to officers of the Commission themselves, the Commissioner will be able to terminate the services of an officer immediately without t giving aiv' reason if there is any suspicion of his loyalty or integrity, or doubt as to his energy and efficiency in work.
However if an officer is. seconded to the Commission from the government service, he will be\ reVerted to the government until he is dealt with by the usual disciplinary rules which apply to public officers.
In moving the second reading of the Prevention of Bribery (Amendment) Bill , the Colonial Secretary explained that it aimed at giving effect to recommendations made by Sir Alastair Blair-Kerr in his second report for changes in the law relating to corruption.
In addition, it aimed at transferring the investigatory powers conferred by the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance to the Commissioner or investigating officers of the Independent Commission Against Corruption as appropriate, -------------------------------------0--------- /4...................
Wednesday, January 50, 197^
- 4 - ‘ - " 1 /
25 Per Cent Saving In Police Time *******
The Attorney-General, Mr, John Hobley, said today that the new legislation to streamline traffic offence procedures and make Hong Kong’s roads safer would result in a 25 per cent saving in police time as well as save the tine of the courts.
Last year, he said, almost half a million police man-hours were taken up in implementing the existing procedures.
’’The problem could be solved quite substantially if drivers and vehicle owners showed more consideration and honoured the responsibilities which go with the right to drive and the ownership of a vehicle,he added.
Mr. Hobley was speaking in the Legislative Council when he moved the second reading of the Fixed Penalty (.Criminal Proceedings) Bill 19 <-4.
He said the government considered that some change in the existing procedures was essential for two main reasons. The first was that the resources of the Police Force might be used to the best advantage from the pen nt of view of the public, and the second was that the new legislation would ensure that offences against traffic laws could be brought home to offenders swiftly and effectively.
Mr. Hobley said that the Bill had two main points.
He emphasised that Part Two of the Bill, which seeks to introduce a fixed penalty system for a wide range of traffic offences, was concerned entirely with the enforcement procedures. It did not create any new traffic offences and, therefore, did not affect the substantive law.
/Mr. Hobely.........
Wednesday, January 30 j 197^
~ 5 ~
Mr. Hobley also pointed out that the evidence required to support a demand for payment of the fixed penalty would obviously not be any less than that required at present because non-payment would be followed by a normal criminal prosecution.
Another point he emphasised was that a person who had been given the opportunity to pay the fixed penalty might decline to do so and contest the charge in the ordinary way.
However, the Attorney-General said that the new system, whilst enabling drivers or owners to be given an opportunity to discharge their liability by payment of a fixed penalty, did not affect the right of tho Crown to institute normal criminal proceedings where that was considered appropriate•
Normal criminal proceedings would also be instituted if a person who had been given the opportunity to pay the fixed penalty did not do so, he said.
In such a case, he added, the Bill provided that the Court might order a convicted person to pay costs up to $500.
Mr. Hobley said Part Three of the Bill concerned the additional deterrent.
The essence of the proposal, he said, was that the persistent offender against traffic laws should lose his right to drive for a specified period.
The period of disqualification will be six months on the first occasion when a driver builds up 15 "demerit" points within a three-year period and 12 months on any subsequent such occasion.
/The Attorney-General.......
Wednesday, January 301 197^
- 6 -
The Attorney-General also moved the second reading of the Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 197^-
The main object of this Bill is to require drivers to have their driving licences with them when they are driving.
Mr. Hooley told the Legislative Council that the proposed requirement was not by any means unique and it was already a legal requirement in a number of countries.
He said it would help the Police Force considerably in the enforcement of the road traffic laws and would, in particular, contribute to the effective operation of the proposed fixed penalty scheme by ensuring that there was a ready means of identifying drivers.
Mr. Hobley said that a new form of driving licence, similar to an identity card, was about to be introduced.
In the light of this, he added, the proposed •aajihvwd.w •iii.-u. Hr-licences should bo carried was..thought to be reasonable.
Wednesday, January 30, 197^
- 7 -
OFFICIAL STATUS FOR ENGLISH AND CHINESE Language No Longer A Pretext For Difficulty In Communication «**««**
The Secretary for Home Affairs, the Hon. Denis Bray, today descrxoed the Official Languages Bill which gives equal official status to both English and Chinese as "a meaningful statement of purpose.”
It demonstrates the government’s earnest intention that language itself be no longer used as a pretext for any difficulty of conminication between government and the people, he said.
Moving the second reading of the bill, Mr. Bray, pointed out that it was offered to the people of Hong Kong as an act of good faith* "As such, some may regard it as unnecessary. Those who trust us do not need it.”
He explained that caution in implementing the recommendation of the Chinese Language Committee to make Chinese official was not due to unwillingness to acknowledge or adopt the free use of either English or Chinese in official dealings,
"We thought that the governement should not commit itself to amending the law so as to make Chinese an official language, until an adequate supply of trained interpreters and translators was, or would shortly be, nvaiTabler"
He noted that the total establishment of interpreter/translators by last December was 281, or nearly double the number in July 1971 when the final report of the Chinese Language Committee was published.
/Of the .......
Wednesday, January 30, 197^
- 8 -
Of the total, 14 posts were at a rank higher than that attainable in 1971» two posts at Chief Interpreter/Translator level were filled recently by distinguished scholars, and in addition to a Chief Interpreter in simultaneous interpretation, the government has the services of two full-time simultaneous interpreters and five part-time simultaneous interpreters.
’’Because of this rapid progress, the government believes that the time has come formally to declare Chinese and English as official languages,” he said#
Staff resources are always made available to the Building Ordinance Office when it has to deal with unauthorised alterations to buildings which would cause a risk to life, the acting Director of Public Works, the Hon. William Bell, told the Legislative Council today.
He was replying to the Hon. Szeto Wai who had asked when administrative, legal and technical staff would be available to the B.0.0. to enable it to make a start on the control of the more serious unauthorised alterations to buildings.
Mr. Bell said the necessary staff should become available progressively within two years.
Wednesday, January JO, 197^ *
9 -
Next Phase In Fight Violent Crime Campaign Starts This Summer
The government will consider proposals for the introduction of district security groups to patrol the areas where they live as part of further measures in the continuing fight against crime.
The scheme was put forward today during the adjournment debate in the Legislative Council by the Hon. Hilton Cheong-Leen who suggested that it could bo tried out in one or two designated areas to gauge its effectiveness., "The results might well be worth the effort in the strengthening of the forces of law and order, not to mention the shouldering of a greater measure of co-responsibility and a deeper involvement by the people in 5 nrp^ovi ng and making safer the environment in which they and their families live," he said.
He envisaged that the district or area security groups would oper-to near their homes and membership would be voluntary but based on careful selection. MoEibers would have to undergo some basic training and would go on duty in uniform, equipped with a whistle, torchlight and baton.
Ac he saw it, members of the security groups would be paid an allowance from the government and would be accompanied on patrol by regular or auxiliary constables who would be armed. Security group members would have no powers of arrest except in certain circumstances.
VD-iila commending the government’s efforts to make Hong Kong an even safer and more secure place, he felt that more could oe done.
/Replying to .....
Wednesday, January 30, 197H
- 10 -
Replying to Mr. Cheong-Leen’s proposals, the Secretary for Home Affairs, the Hon. Denis Bray, said there was merit in them and they would be considered together with any other proposals to help reduce crime.
Mr. Bray pointed out, however, that something close to Mr. Cheong-Leen’s proposed scheme was already being carried out, although on a small scale.
"Many Mutual Aid Committees already employ watchmen in their buildings. The police have launched a training programme for the watchmen, who arc already playing a significant part in the prevention of crime," ho noted.
And for street patrols, he added, we rely on the regular police and \ some 7,000 Auxiliaries.
Mr. Bray agreed that street patrols must be trained,uniformed, paid, armed and have powers of arrest but he no±ed that those young men who wanted to take port in this type of patrol joined the Auxiliary Police.
,TI must say I find it difficult if many would want to join patrols which were second-class Auxiliaries," said Mr. Bray, pointing to the fact that they would invariably be less trained, less well turned out, less well paid, less armed and less powerful in law. X* * ’ •.
"If this was the only comparison between the proposed' patrols and the Auxiliaries, the patrols would come off second best."
Mr. Bray assumed that the chief merit of Mr. Cheong-Leen’s proposal might bo the "local connection," and arising from this he wondered whether bettor use could be made of the Auxiliaries in the areas they live. He felt that this would be worthwhile and the idea would be studied with the proposed street patrols by the Fight Violent Crime Committee.
Mr. Bray also announced that a further phase of the Fight Violent Crime Campaign would be introduced this summer. • •
/,FThe fight •••••••
Wednesday, January JO, 197^
- 11 -
"The fight is net over,” he stressed. ,fThere is still far too much robbery, too much mugging by gangs and too much criminal violence for a healthy society.”
Suggestions would be welcome, he said, and could be made to the Commissioner of Police or the Secretary for Home Affairs either by letter or telephone and to City District Officers or Divisional Superintendents.
The Fight Violent Crime Campaign, he went on, had demonstrated how wide public response could be and hew swift the police could react to cries of help and calls on 999•
”Public involvement not only in the Area Committees but also through over 1,000 Mutual Aid Committees was unprecedented.
,rIt is this public concern that will in the end be the most effective weapon against violent crime,” Mr. Bray said.
The government is reviewing the functions and terms of reference of both the Land Development Planning Committee and the Industrial Sites Co-ordination Committee. • f
This was disclosed today by the Secretary for the Environment, the Hon. James Robson, in reply to a question from the Hon. Woo Pak-chucn who wanted to know whether the government would appoint non-official members to the two committees.
Mr. Robson said the suggestion would be carefully looked into, but it seemed unlikely at this stage that the terms of reference of the committees would be such that unofficial representation would be appropriate. ----------------------------------0---------- /12.................
Wednesday, January 30, 1974
- 12 -
Basic Principles Of Government Policy Outlined
The Secretary for the Environment, Mr. James Robson, said that the government is prepared to consider restrictive user sales of land for special industries when an application is made for suitable land.
However, he pointed out that the industrial processes to be used must be:
• first, new to Hong Kong and represent a technological upgrading to a significant degree of an existing industrial process;
* second, at a higher level of technology and provide employment opportunities at a general higher level of skill than currently obtains in Hong Kong industry;
* third, land-intensive and cannot be carried out in ordinary multi-storey industrial buildings.
Mr. Robson was outlining the basic principles of the policy now being applied for restrictive user sales of land for special industries in reply to a question by Dr. the Hon. S.Y. Chung in the Legislative Council today.
He said that the basic method of sale to be adopted for this land was normal tender procedure on a suitably defined restrictive user basis^,..— "Recently, however, the Executive Council has agreed to sales by private treaty whore the engineering studies necessary to submit a reasoned tender, or the difficulty of specifying what controls are needed to safeguard against pollution, would probably have resulted in there being no sale if tenders had been called for the sites applied for," Mr. Robson said.
In such cases, he added, the premium charged was the full market value of the land restricted to low buildings.
— - - - o - - - - /13 •••••••
Wednesday, January 30, 197^
- 15 -
The Legislative Council today approved a new set of regulations to ensure the safe operation of lifting appliances and lifting gear in industrial undertakings•
The regulations - the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Lifting Appliances and Lifting Gear) Regulations 197^ - were made by the Commissioner of Labour on November 30, 1975 ahd will come into force on November 1, 1974. They cover the loading, unloading or handling of goods or cargo at any dock, quay, wharf or warehouse.
The »Secretary for Social Services, the lion. Li Fook-kowfsaid construction work was specifically excluded from the application of the regulations because it was already covered by the more stringent Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations.
In moving the new legislation, Mr. Li told council that Hong Kong’s industry was relying more and more on mechanical aids for lifting and lowering materials, machinery and goods. However, this development had in the past caused an increasing number of accidents to persons operating lifting appliances as well as to others working in the vicinity. In 1975 such accidents killed 10 workmen and injured 155, compared to two dead and 72 injured in 1972.
,/To safeguard
Wednesday, January 30, 197^
- 14 -
To safeguard workers’ safety, the regulations required lifting appliances and lifting gear to be of sound construction and to be tested and examnod by competent examiners before first being taken into use, and then to bo re-examined periodically thereafter. Mr. Li said such appliances and gear must not be used for loads, greater than their maximum safe working loads, which must be legibly marked on them.
In addition, lifting appliances must be fitted with efficient brakes to prevent suspended loads from falling.
”The regulations will come into effect in nine months’ time to allow time for management to make the necessary preparations,” Mr. Li said.
The regulations also stipulate special safety precautions appropriate to the use of many different types of equipment. Any person who contravenes the regulations shall be liable on conviction to fines ranging from $1,000 to $5,000.
”The penalty clauses apply to owners of industrial undertakings and competent examiners in breach of their responsibilities, as well as to workers who wilfully and without reasonable cause endanger -themselves or others,” Mr. Li said.
Wednesday, January 30, 1974
- 15 -
Negotiations In Zkdvanced Stage
Negotiations are well advanced for the release of some 56 acres of land presently occupied by the British Forces at Sham Shui Po, Chatham Road and Argyle Street, the Secretary for Security, the Hon. Peter Lloyd, announced today.
’’Approximately 60,000 square feet of land at Victoria Barracks war? transferred by the military authorities recently, and a further 1J0 acres at Lei Yu Mun suitable for use as a public park will be released as soon as necessary fencing has been completed,” he told the Legislative Council •
Mr. Lloyd was replying to a question by the Hon. Roger Lobo who wanted to know whether any decision had been reached on the release of urban army camp areas for other use.
3$ie Secretary for Security explained that the policy agreed between the government and the British Forces was that property which they no longer needed in urban areas would be released.
However, usually alternative accommodation had first to bo provided elsewhere, he added. ---------------------------------0----------
Wednesday, January 30, 197^
- 16 -
New legislation relating to creches and nurseries will scon be introduced into tho Legislative Council, the Secretary for Social Services, the Hon. Li Fook-kow, said today.
In reply to a question from the Hon. Mrs. Joyce Symons, he said drafts of the Child Care Centres Bill and regulations were being considered by the departments concerned, and he anticipated that the bill would be placed before the council during its current session.
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and the Social Welfare Advisory Committee would also be consulted before hand.
In answer to another question from Mrs. Symons, Mr. Li said it was not intended to issue a report on investigations into the operations of the nursery where an outbreak of measles occurred recently.
”The nursery in question closed of its own accord on the day after the cases of measles came to light,” he said.
’The operator has now been located and has been charged in the courts with two counts of cruelty to children under section 27(1) of the Offences Against the Person Ordinance.”
Wednesday, January 30j 197^
- 17 -
The Director of Medical and Health Services, Dr. the Hon. Gerald Choa, said today he would be communicating- with the heads of clinical units in government hospitals to find out if they were conducting research on acupuncture.
He was replying -in the legislative Council to the Hon. Hilton Choong*-Leen who had asked, since acupuncture had been practised in Hong Kong for some time, what kind of, and how much, research had been or would be carried out by the government on that subject.
Dr. Choa said: ”1 am afraid I cannot answer this question now because I did not have sufficient time to communicate with all heads of the clinical units in government hospitals.
l,As soon as information regarding what research, if any, they are carrying out, or will be carrying out, on acupuncture is available, I shall give the honourable member a written reply. ”
------- 0--------<
Wednesday, January ?0, 1974
- 18 -
Dr. Choa Explains Conditions Laid Down By Pharmacy And Poisons Board
The Director of Medical and Health Services, Dr. the Hon. Gerald Choa., told the Legislative Council today it was not possible for the government to ensure that there were enough pharmacies in each district of Hong Kong ’’because this is in the sector of private enterprise.”
He was replying to a question by the Hon. Wilfred Wong who had asked if the government would make sure that there were enough chemist shops with qualified pharmacists operating in each district of Hong Kong to meet the needs of each district for prescriptions for medicine.
Dr. Choa explained that one of the conditions laid down by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board was that listed sellers of Part II posions were required to have their premises ”at least 100 yards away from the shops of authorised sellers, who may sell Part I posions as well.”
In that context, the role of a qualified pharmacist was to dispense Part I poisons as well as antibiotics on a retail basis.
-------0-------- -
Wednesday, January JO, 1974
- 19 -
Anyone in possession of x-ray apparatus must apply for a licence from the Radiation Board, and this is not granted without an inspection of the equipment and premises by the Senior Physicist of the Medical and Health Department and his staff.
In addition, such an inspection includes ensuring that proper and adequate supervision is available on the premises during the hours the apparatus is in use.”
The Director of Medical and Health Services, Dr. the Hon. Gerold Chpa, gave the Hon. Wilfred Wong these assurances today in the Legislative Council when Mr. Wong rose to ask whether the government would make a survey of privately-run x-ray establishments to ensure that their equipment was properly supervised and maintained.
Dr. Choa said that of 533 annual licences issued so far, the majority were for operating the equipment, but some were for storage, repair, and sales.
Further inspections were raade from time to time, but staff and facilities did not permit regular, comprehensive oversight of every establishment in Hong Kong.
Wednesday, January 30; <97
Processing of written tests for taxis and public cars have been stepped up this year to a maximum of 300 each day, with a.waiting time of three weeks.
The Secretary for the Environment, the Hon. James Robson, told Legislative Council today that there were 12,18c candidates on the waiting list for the test at the end of 1973-
However, special arrangements have been made for drivers of Kowloon Motor Bus and China Motor Bus so that they can take their road tests immediately without delay, he added.
He was replying to a question from the Hon. James Wu as to the number of outstanding cases for driving tests for each category of road vehicles and the waiting time involved.
In regard to the written test for driving licences for private cars or motor-cycles, Mr. Robson said there were 33,260 candidates -12,600 on Hong Kong Island and *1-2,660 in Kowloon - and waiting time varied from seven months to one year.
For their road tests, candidates have to wait from three to eight months. At the end of last year, there was a total of over *1-9,000 candidates waiting to take the test for either private cars or motor-cycles.
There was a total of 10,2(30 candidates waiting to take the road test for light buses - 1,890 on Hong Kong Island and 8,310 in Kowloon. Waiting times were 20 months and *+3 months respectively.
For the road test for goods vehicles weighing two tons and above, there were 1,060 candidates on Hong Kong Island (waiting time eleven months) and 6,870 in Kowloon (waiting time 3^ months).
-------0-------w /21 .........
Wednesday, January JO, 197^
- 21 -
The Research 'ind Statistics Section of the Housing Department will start surveys on public and private housing conditions this Avril in co-operation with the Census and Statistics Department.
"This Section started work last August, to supplement the very useful work being done by the Social and Housing Section of the Census and Statistics Department in assembling data on public and private housing," the Secretary for Housing, the Hon. Ian Lightbody, told council in answer to a question from the Hon. Hilton Cheong-Leen.
”The initial effort will concentrate on basic information needed to up-date the 10-Year Public Housing target," said Mr. Lightbody. It will at the same time gauge the tenants’ opinions on the various aspects of estate life .and estate amenities.
The Research and Statistics Section has been in close touch with the Chinese University, post-secondary colleges and a prominent welfare organisation.
It has also brought about exchange of housing data and nn
in soc^a.1 surveys carried out by these institutions, Mr. Lightbody said.
Wednesday, January 30, 197^
- 22 -
A new wholesale market in Kowloon for the handling of imported vegetables will commence operation on Friday (February 1).
The newly constructed market is located at Hing Wah Street, Cheung Sha Wan. It will be managed by the Agriculture and Fisheries Department.
It.is anticipated that daily some 400 io 500 metric tons of vegetables - representing about half of the total imports - will pass through the new market.
This will reduce the distribution costs of imported vegetables for consumption in Kowloon and the Nev/ Territories, a spokesman for the depm-Uucut said. It will also relieve the present congestion at the Kennedy Town Wholesale Market on Hong Kong Island where, up until now, all imported vegetables have been received.
An area of 120,000 square feet has been used to provide all the necessary basic marketing facilities. These include waterfroutage for the berthing of vessels and the unloading of vegetables, parking space for inward and outward delivery lorries7 trading space for primary and secondary wholesalers offices for the importers, temporary storage, and a spacious canteen for the convenience of all market users.
Ample access way has been left for the movement of produce by means of mechanical platform trucks.
This market for the sale of imported vegetables is of a temporary nature pending the completion of a permanent wholesale market complex on a proposed reclamation nearby.
/It is .......
Wednesday, January 30< 197^
- 23 -
It is intended that the future market complex should provide for centralised wholesale facilities for dealing with imported vegetables, fruit, poultry, fresh-water fish, Crustacea and flowers, the spokesman said.
The government recognises the dangers which pyramid or multi-level selling schemes can present and is considering introducing legislation in ’ L this respect, the Attorney General, the Hon. John Hobley, said
Replying to a question by the Hon. Peter Williams, the Attorney
General revealed that a bill was circulated at the beginning of this month for the consideration of the government departments concerned.
He emphasised, however, that the bill ’’represents initial thinking only because there are two distinct ways in which the matter can be tackled.” One, he explained, was to regulate the operation of pyramid schemes, as had been done ifi the United Kingdom by the Fair Trading Act, and the other was to prohibit them altogether.
/?k .......
- - 0 - -
Wednesday, January 30, 197^
- 24 -
No Change In Basic Principles ******
The Financial Secretary, the Hon. Philip Haddon-Cave, today outlined a series of proposed amendments to the Securities Bill during the committee stage of the proceedings.
The amendments related to Parts I to VII of the bill and were concerned almost entirely with clarification and application. None involved a retreat from the basic principles of the bill.
No vote was taken on any of the proposed amendments, and the Financial Secretary said he would deal with the proposed amendments to the remaining parts of the bill before the council's next meeting.
Commenting on the proposed amendments to Parts I to VII, Mr. Haddon-Cave said they were the result of lengthy meetings between the Commissioner for Securities and principal interested parties, including ad hoc groups of Unofficial Members of the Legislative Council,
’’Every one of the large number of comments and suggestions which had been received was carefully considered and discussed,” he said, but he was fully conscious that the Securities Bill could not be definitive as it dealt with an industry which was constantly evolving.
He envisaged that more problems would arise in drawing up and implementing the rules and regulations before the various sections of the bill could be brought into operation, ’’but all these difficulties can be overcome if those concerned with the securities industry will accept the bill in a spirit of cooperation and with the determination to make it work.”
/After some........ •
Wednesday , January 30, 197^
- 25 -
After some initial uneasiness, there was now a wide measure of support within the industry, he said, although some opposition still lingered in one or two limited quarters despite the great effort which has bcnn made to meet all reasonable objections.
The Financial Secretary was certain, however, that those concerned would eventually take a broader and longer view.
Any legislation, he pointed out, inevitably caused some inconvenience to some of the parties concerned.
"But wo must bear in mind that the main purpose of this bill is to give better protection to the large body of investors, and we have to weigh the benefit to these against the inconvenience to a much smaller number of people, particularly as much of this inconvenience will be of a temporary nature.”
Wednesday, January 30, 197^
- 26 -
Between Hong Kong And United States
The Financial Secretary, the Hon. Philip Haddon-Cave, said today that different postage rates between one country and another was the result of different charges made by airlines for carrying mail.
He was replying to a question by Dr. the Hon. Sze-yuen Chung who asked why it cost HKS2 to send an airmail letter to the United States while the rate in the reverse direction was only US$0.21 (HK&1.C5).
Mr. Haddon-Cave said: "It is common to find dissimilar posUtgw between one country and another, depending on the direction in which the mail was travelling.”
Indeed, he said, a number of examples could be quoted of countries to which the air mail rates from Hong Kong were substantially cheaper than were rates in the reverse direction.
He said: "The major reason for these discrepancies is the different charges made by airlines for carrying mail.”
Many countries, Mr. Haddon—Cave added, had their own national airlines and it was net unusual for these airlines to carry mail originating in their own countries at very much cheaper rates than they charged to carry other countries1 mail, and in some cases rat lower rates than those charged by airline of other countries.
"This is the case with the United States’ airlines, which arc paid by the U.S. Post Office only a fraction of the charge which they make to the Hong Kong Post Office for carrying mail from Hong Kong to the United States.” he said. /He pointed ......
Wednesday, January 301 197^
Ho pointed out, however, that the public in Hong Kong had the option of using the aerogramme service to the United States at a cost of HK$O«5O« This was cheaper than USSO.15 (or Hong Kong 75 cents) charged by the United States in the reverse direction.
The Financial Secretary said: "It is worth noting that, notwithstanding the considerable cost advantage enjoyed by the United States Post Office in the carriage of its air mail, it operates overall at a considerable financial loss.
"On the other hand, the Hong Kong Post Office covers it costs."
Mr. Haddon-Cave felt sure that Honourable Members would not wish to add the Post Office to the many other burdens to be borne by the general taxpayer.
Wednesday, January JO, 197^+
- 28 -
Five bills passed their third and final readings in the Legislative Council today.
They wore: the District Court (Amendment) Bill, the Magistrates (Amendment) Bill, the Training Centres (Amendment) Bill, the Drug Addiction Treatment Centres (Amendment) Bill, and the Temporary Restriction of Building Development (Pok Fu Lam and Mid-Levels) (Amendment) Bill.
Seven other bills were read for the first time. These were the Independent Commission Against Corruption Bill, the Prevention of Bribery (Amendment) Bill, the Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation (Amendment) Bill, the Fixed Penalty (Criminal Proceedings) Bill, the Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill, the Official Languages Bill, and the Prisons (Amendment) Bill.
Reports tabled at the meeting included the annual report by the Director of Civil Aviation for the year 197^/73 and the Director of Audit1s Report and Certificate on the Hong Kong government’s accounts for the year ended March J1, 1973*
0 - -
>>•■■■' ■_____________
Wednesday, January JO, 1974
Daily Guido To Wholesale Market Prices And Suppliee
Tho following prices were realised today (Wednesday) nt Kaloa under the Rice Control Schema and at the Vegetable Marketing Organisation Wholesale Haricot and the Fish Marketing Organisation Wholesale Mai tot at
Choun/j Sha Wan 3 Kowloon*
Cupplloo and Whnlanale Prices of Rico
• Availability ojLSupply VJiolosalo Price (C/cntty)
China Hico Aypna/jfi -
~ old crop Coo Lew ncW crop Good 1.84 •
B.C.Jion - old crop Good 1.74
. Po Dgai Good 1.47
Chu Cho Good 1.37
•ThgJ H152 Vo^n'noio Good 1.?4
10-13^ Protons Good
A1 Super Extra Good 1.52 •
A1 Super Good . l»'t2
Whole Glutinous Good 1.82
U.S. Rice Good 1.74
* Auntrolian Hjoo Good •© •
Pakistan Rico Good «n
. Tupv/an PiJ22 Good’ , ■ •«
//Supplier •••••••
Wednesdayt January. JOt 1974
Supplies and YJholesale Prices of Marine Fish
• Species i Availability of Supply Wholesale Price (8/catty)
High Low • Average
Goldon Thread Limited • 5.3 3.5 • 4.0
Big-Eyes Limited 3.0 0.8 2.0
Squid Limited 6o0 2.5 4.5
Hair-Tails Normal 2.5 0.8 ■^7
Lizard Fishes Limited 2.9 1*0 1.8
Croakers Normal 2.5 0.75 1.6
Conger-Pike-Eels Good 3.2 2.6 3.0 ’
• Melon Coat Good 2.0 1.5 1.7
Breams Limited 5.0 4.0 4.6
Yellow Belly Limited 2.5 0.9 1.6
Maclcerols Good 4.8 3.0 oo •
Fed Goat Fish Normal 1.5 0.8 1.0
Fork-Tail Normal 1.4 0.9 1.3
Horse-Hoad Limited 6.5 3.8 5.0
Melon Seed Limited 3.2, 1.6 2.2
Ponrfrets Scarce 10.5 9.0 10.0
Qaroupas • Scarce 9.0 7.0 8.0
Yellow Croaker /Supplies and « •
Wednesday, January J0« ^97^
Supplies and Wholesale Pricea.of
Locally Produced Vegetables •
Availability Wholesale Price (S/catty)
HHmn of Supply
High 0.8 Low Average
Flowering cabbage Good 0o2 0.6
White cabbage Good 0.3 0.1 0.2
Chinese Lettuce Good . . 0.4 0.1 0.3
Chinese Kale Gocxi 0.6 0.1 0.4
• Spring onion • Good 1.0 0.2 0o6
Spinach . , Good o*5 0.1 0.3
Water cross ; Good 0.8 0.2 0.5
Loaf mustard cabbage Scarce 0.5 0.2 0.3
Tomato Normal ; 1.0 0.3 0.7
R,mnHns end Wholesale Prices of Pork (Live_ weight) •
Availability Wholesale Price
of Supply Pork Normal c • • ( A/ picul) (Average) • 285 -
Thursday, January J1, 1974
Page No*
More than three million passengers passed through Hong Kong International Airport in 1972/73.................... 1
Export quota controls extended to another two cal egories of plastic raw materials ............................. 3
Hawkers in Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate get their own electricity supply ...............................................
Report on public comments on Education Green Paper will be ready by the end of February ....................... 5
Hong Kong’s population reached 4,21 million last year •••••• 6
British adviser here to review education curriculum development .......................................... 7
Labour Relations Service settled more than 70 per cent of labour disputes last year............................. 8
Revised rates for hiring walla-wallas............... 10
Lcrd Mountbatten’s public engagements for tomorrow.. 11
Public urged to remain alert to fire hazards......... 12
Alternative public transport services to Peak during temporary suspension of Peak Tram ............................. 13
Arts Festival stamps on sale tomorrow....... 13
Daily guide to wholesale prices and supply of basic food commodities
Release time: 8.00 p,m«
Issued by Government Information Services, Beaconsfield House, Hong Kong.Tel: 5-233191
Thursday, January 31, 197^
- 1 -
Hong Kong International Airport had another hectic year in 1973/73 yhen the number of airline passengers passing through the airport exceeded the three million mark for the first time.
In his annual review, the Director of Civil Aviation, Mr. Roy Downing, reports that 3,056,795 incoming and outgoing passengers used the airport - 567,364 or per cent more than in the previous financial year. Transit passengers totalled 415,213, an increase of almost 3^ per cent#
The increases added considerably more strain on the already heavily taxed airport facilities, but on the whole traffic was handled efficiently without any breakdown in services.
Present deficiencies were particularly obvious during the busy October-December season when the number of passengers using the terminal building frequently approached and at times exceeded the number which it was designed to handle.
The Director notes that while large scale expansion and improvements are proceeding or about to start, passengers are likely to suffer inconvenience for some time yot until significant developments are completed by 1977-
In the immediate term, some relief was in sight however with the expected completion of two large development programmes to the terminal building by the end of next year, and contingency plans are being developed to do everything possible in the short term to alleviate the problems, Mr. Downing says.
/While air •••••••
Thursday, January 31, 1974
2 -
While air passenger traffic continued to rise there was a 10 per cent drop in total air movements. Total air cargo at 84,5^9 metric tons remained disappointingly low for the third year running, showing an overall increase of only eight per cent.
This was well below forecast rates and under the worldwide increase of about 1? per cent for the year under review.
The Director attributes this fall-off largely to the decrease in traffic to North America resulting from a drcp in the number of charter aircraft operating to Southeast Asia and returning to the U<S.A. via Hong Kong to pick up cargo.
He notes, however, that plans for the new Air Cargo Complex had gone ahead with an informal agreement reached with the Government, and it was hoped that the complex would begin operations towards the end of 1975•
While he was concerned that the airport was becoming increasingly overloaded, Mr. Downing feels that in general the year was one of satisfactory progress with many projects making headway.
In particular, the $4 million Airport Long-Term Planning Study was a major step forward which offered the prospect of providing an efficient, well-organized system of civil aviation in the future, he says#
Thursday, January 3% 197^
- 3 -
Export quota controls are to be imposed on a further two categories of plastic raw materials, the Commerce and Industry Departnent announced today.
The items concerned are low density polyethylene granules, moulding and extrusion compounds and P.V.C. resins.
Both materials are used extensively by the local plastics
maniifact'n'Hng industry for the production of polythene bags, imitation flowers, toys, footwear and piping.
A Commerce and Industry Department spokesman said that export
quota controls are being imposed because the quantities licensed for exnort since January 1 this year are substantially in excess of the monthly average for 1973*
The issue of export licences has been suspended until quotas have been calculated and notified to the trade.
An export licensing scheme to cover 53 different categories of plastic raw materials was introduced at the beginning of the year, and four of these items have now been made subject to quota control.
The two categories on which controls are already in force are
polypropylene and high density polyethylene. The local plastics industry
uses substantial quantities of both items for the manufacture of household t
- - 0 - -
Thursday, January 31, 197^
- 4 --
Hawkox's in the Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate are now able to get '•t -.j..-.
electricity supply direct from the power company through arrangements made by the Housing Department.
The scheme is part of a continuing programme to improve living conditions in the older public housing estates. - ■ . .
The work includes the installation of several power distribution rooms at the three temporary hawker bazaars on the estate to enable j ‘ - •
the 500-odd hawkers trading there to obtain legal electricity supply.
It costs about 527,000. Wiring installations to individual stalls ■ • at a cost of 5150 per stall were met by the hawkers.
Before this was introduced, hawkers had to rely on illegal electraral connections which not only created a fire hazard, but also exposed tenants in the estate to the risk of electrocution.
Mr. Frank Fraser, Chief Maintenance Surveyor, said the project formed part of a long-term environmental improvement programme being implemented in the 25 older public housing estates.
’’The bazaar at Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate how looks much more orderly than previously, We are planning to introduce this to all hawker bazaars on our estates and we have put aside 5350,000 this year for the programme,” ho said.
Thursday, January 31? 1974
- 5 -
Report Expected By End Of February
Reaction to the Green Paper on Secondary Education has been sampled at every level of the community.
This was stated today by Mr. Augustine Chui, Deputy Director of Home Affairs, who has headed a survey team to collect and analyse the public response•
Mr. Chui said that in addition to the extensive comments appearing in the press, and the letters received from individuals, professional bodies and other organisations, his team had also amassed opinion through group discussions and household surveys.
,fl7e have not been content to sit back, waiting to see what arrives in the mail," he said. "We have gone out to solicit opinion from those who mi gilt otherwide be reluctant to communicate in writing.
"Through the co-operation of Mutual Aid Committees, the Neighbourhood Advice Council, the Civil Aid Services and other public bodies, we have organised group discussions and open forums that have generated a considerable amount of valuable debate.
"V/e have reached a representative cross-section of parents and teachers through the City District Office network, and we have also conducted household interviews with the aid of more than 4,000 questionnaires,” Mr. Chui said.
/He went •••••••
Thursday, January 31« 197^
- 6 -
He went on: "Naturally the professional bodies concerned with education have had the most do say on the subject, and much of their comment has already been well ventilated in the press.
"But we have also given a great many others the chance to speak out and air their opinions.
"What we now have is a mass of material that will take some time to sort out ahd analyse, but we hope to complete this operation, and submit our report to the Colonial Secretary, before the end of February."
More Births, Less Deaths In 1973
******** • / t
Hong Kong’s estimated population on December 31 last year was 4,219,3OO> according to the Commissioner for Census and Statistics.
This is an increase of 115,000 over the 1972 yeaj>-end estimate.
Nearly half of the increase is attributable to a positive balance of migration for the past 12 months, the Commissioner said.
Migration statistics showed a positive balance of 54,000 for the your ending December 311 1973»
The total-number of births for 1973 was 82,252 which was 1,908 more than in 1972. The crude birth rate was 19*8 per thousand population.
Deaths for the same period totalled 21,245 compared to 21,397 in the previous year. The crude death rate was 5*1 per thousand population.
The Commissioner explained that the figures of births and deaths are based on events occurring rather than on registrations made, and therefore differ slightly from those released by the Registrar General.
....... .......0---------
Thursday, January 31? 197^
- 7 -
Mr. Morgan Owen, a curriculum development adviser, is to advise on and review plans drawn up by the Education Department.
Hr* Owon, who arrived in Hong Kong on Monday afternoon, is on an eight-week visit at the invitation of the Department.
Recently retired from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate, Department of /
Education and Science, Mr. Owen was selected by the Centre for Education
' Development Overseas in London.
A spokesman for the Education Department said today that Mr. Owen, who has wide experience of curriculum development in Britain and overseas, will be working closely with people engaged in this task in Hong Kong.
"His terms of reference are wide and it is expected that Mr. Owenls experience and background will be of great value to the improvement of curriculum development in Hong Kong,” he said.
"With the expansion of secondary education under way, the Education
Department is seeking to ensure that the curricular needs of students • • • < are being fully and effectively met.
"Steps have already been taken to enable practising teachers and others to contribute to the process of curriculum reform.” • *
Hr. Owen, 6*1, has served as curriculum adviser in Jordan and Ghana.
4 - - - - 0--------
Thursday, January 31? 1974
- 8 -
By Labour Department Last Year
The Labour’ Relations Service of the Labour Department dealt with 4,5$4 labour disputes last year and helped solve 5,371 cases or 73.53 per cent, compared to the settlement rate of 72.4 per cent in 1972.
Mr. Tsui Tim-fook, Senior Labour Officer in charge of the Labour Relations Division, said as a result of agreements reached, 12,444 employees had received a total of 87t522,270 from management as outstanding wages, payment in lieu of notice, statutory holiday pay, bonuses, severance pay and other ex-gratia payments.
’’The remaining cases were mostly referred to the Labour Tribunal, and cases involving winding-up or bankruptcy proceedings were referred directly to the Legal Aid Department.”
During the year the five branch offices of the Labour Relations Service handJed some 18,716 enquiries and consultations about personnel management and labour laws. ’’Advice given by the Service prevented many disputes from arising or deteriorating,” said Mr. Tsui.
The Labour Relations Service functions as an independent party to help employers and employees resolve their differences.
’’Although the Service does not have statutory power to require any party to attend a conciliation meeting, yet experience shows that both employers and employees are only too willing to make use of our conciliation * 5“ • • • -
/The conciliation .......
Thursday, January 31, 1974
- 9 -
The conciliation facilities of the Service were heavily utilised by employers and employees in a series of disputes which occurred during last summer and autumn in the plastics industry, wig industry, major construction projects, a telecommunications company and a dockyard. All these disputes were amicably settled.
The Service takes up new responsibility as a result of the incorporation into the Employment Ordinance of the new provisions for sickness allowance and holidays with pay. These provisions, which wore introduced by two stages on July 1, 1973 and January 1, 1974, substantially improved the benefits provided by the legislation.
According to Mr. Tsui, industrial workers and non-industrial workers are equally entitled to such benefits.
”An employee can now accumulate sickness allowance up to 24 days at a time. He would be qualified for sickness allowance as well as holiday pay for the sis? statutory holidays if he has three months* continuous employment with a particular employer,*’ he said.
’’The new law is well received by workers and is operating smoothly.” Commenting on labour relations in Hong Kong, Mr. Tsui said the Hong Kong economy was affected by the secondary effects of a world-wide energy crisis and shortage of raw materials.
’’However, the employers and workers of Hong Kong have set a unique example of mutual understanding by steadfastly maintaining their traditional co-operation and harmony in the face of economic difficulties, which have arisen through no fault of Hong Kong’s own.”
Thursday, January 31, 1974
- 10
The maximum private hire charges for walla-wallas will be increased with effect from tomorrow (Friday).
The new charges are based on the period of hire and vary from small boats (those licensed to carry up to 30 passengers) and boats which arc licensed to carry more than 50 passengers.
The revised fare scale has been simplified to standardise the hire charges at periods of 15 minutes from half an hour upwards.
A spokesman for the. Transport Department said today the rates were introduced following lengthy discussions with the Hong Kong and Kowloon Motor Boats Association, and a detailed examination of the profitability of the operation of walla-wallas.
They take into account the higher operating costs and the drop in business as a result of the opening of the cross-harbour tunnel and the nevz container terminal at Kwai Chung.
The new fare scales are:
.Period of Hire Boats licensed to carry up to 30 passengers Boats licensed to carry between 30 & 50 passengers Boats licensed to carry more than 50 passengers
(1) Any period not 8 8.00 510.00 ' 812.00
exceeding 30 minutes
(2) Any period between 811.50 815.00 818.00
30 and 45 minutes
(3) Any period between 815.00 820.00 824.00
45 minutes and 1 hour
(4) Each subsequent period 8 4.00 8 5-00 8 6.00
of 15 minutes or part
(Rato per minute: 26/ 33/ 40/ )
/The old ••••••.
• •
Thursday, January 51, 1972* - 11 -
The old provision for the rate of hire to be doubled on the hoisting of typhoon signal No. 3 or higher is retained in the revised scale.
The Hong Kong and Kowloon Motor Boats Association has indicated that its present 81 fractional fare for the late night walla-walla service between Kowloon Publip Pier and Queen’s Pier will remain unchanged.
Note to Editors: Lord Mountbatten will visit the Lord
Mountbatten Hall at Repulse Bay at about 4 p.m. tomorrow (Friday), in his capacity as Honorary Grand President of the Royal Life Saving Society.
During the visit, he will present a special certificate to Sir Kenneth Fung Ping-fan, who has been elected Vice-President of the Commonwealth Council of the Royal Life Saving Society in 1973* Reporters and photographers are welcome to cover the occasion.
Later in the evening, Lord Mountbatten will meet the media representatives in the Airport V.I.P. press conference room at 8 p.m.
Those assigned to cover the press conference are requested to assemble not later than 7*45 p.m. in the press room of the airport terminal building.
G.I.S. officers will be present to meet and assist them.
- - 0 - -
Thursday, January 3% 197^
- 12
Public Urged Not To Relax Vigilance
Although the level of humidity has risen significantly during the past fen days, the public should continue to remain alert to fire hazards. t)
A Fire- Services spokesman said today that the danger of fire was still very high and any relaxation of precautions on the part of the public could lead to outbreaks. , ...
He urged members of the public to make sure all cigarette ends and matches were out before disposing of them. ”Do everything you can to stop children playing with ’matches and take sensible precautions in the homo."
Due to the cooler weather, he said, there would be an increase in the use of kerosene for heating purposes and recommended that the public treat kerosene with the greatest care. On no account should large quantities be stored, except with a licence from the Fire Services Department.
Ho pointed out that there was one fire almost every hour in Hong Kong last year, with losses amounting to over 585 million. The number of deaths in fires was 35.
"It is no good anyone saying it couldn’t happen to them," the spokesman said. "Fire can happen anywhere and in most instances is caused through lack of proper caro."
-------0 - T -
Thursday, January 31, 197^
- 13 -
The Transport Department today advised passengers travelling to and from the Peak that additional public transport services will be available during the temporary closure of the Peak Tram from tomorrow (Friday) night.
Alternative services are already provided by the China Motor
Bus Company and the Peak Maxicab service.
A spokesman for the department said today that CMB has arranged to operate additional buses as necessary on its Route 15 to cope with any increase in demand.
The Peale Tramways Company announced yesterday that its service will be suspended for 10 days from 11 p.m. tomorrow to carry out mannteranon and major overhaul work on its main haulage plant.
Note to Editors; A set of special stamps to commemorate the
197^ Hong Kong Arts Festival will go on sale at
K all post offices tomorrow (Friday).
To mark the occasion, Sir Kenneth Fung Ping-fan, Chairman of the Festival Committee, will buy the first set at the General Post Office in Pedder Street at 8 a.m. tomorrow.
The Postmaster General, Mr. M. Addi, will afterwards present Sir Kenneth with a first day cover and a souvenir stamp sheet.
Your representatives are welcome to cover the occasion.
- - 0 - -
Thursday, January 31, 1974
Daily Guido To Wholesale Market Prices And Supplies /
The following prices were realised today (Thursday) at sales
under the Rice Control Scheme and at the Vegetable Marketing Organisation • •
Wholesale Haricot and the Fish Marketing Organisation Wholesale Haricot at
Choung Sha Wan, Kowloon:
Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Rico
Grado * Availability of Supply Wholesale Price (S/catty)
China Rico Average
„ .. old crop Seo Mew * - new crop Good 1.80 1.84
S.C.Jion - old crop •• •
Po llgai Good 1.4?
Chu Cho Good •»
Thai Rico lOCjnSole Good 1.74
10-15# Brokens Good
A1 Super Extra Good 1.52
A1 Super . Good 1.32 1.42
Whole Glutinous Good 1.82
t U.S. Rico Good 1.74
Australian Rice Good
Pakistan Rice . Good 1.42
.Taiwan Rico Go od . ,• . 1.50 •
Thursday, January J1f 197^
f Supplies and Wholesale Prices of Marine Fish ..
Availability Wholesale Price
Species of Supply (8/catty)
High Low •• Average
Golden Thread Normal 4.8 3.0 4.0
Big-Eyes Good 2.8 0.8 1.,8
Squid Limited 6.5 2.5 5.2
Hair-Tails Normal 2.0 1.4 1.8
Lizard Fishes Normal 2.5 1.2 1.8
Croakers Normal 2.2 0.7 1.5
*. •
Congcr-Piko-Eels Good 2.9 2.5 2.7
Melon Coat Good 2.0 1.2 1.6 •
• ♦ •
Breads — • —
Yellow Belly Limited 2.0 1.2 1.8
Mackerels Good 4.3 3.0 3.8
Rod Goat Fish Limited 2.6 0.9 1.5
Fork-Tail Normal 2.0 1.1 1.5
Horse-Head Limited 6.0 3.0 5.0
Melon Seed * Limited 3.2. 1.6 2.7
Pornfrets Scarce 12.0 7.0 9.5
Goroupas Scarce 9o0 6.0 8.0
Yellow Croaker •• •• •• •
• • • •
/Supplies and .«•••«•
Thursday, January .31, 19?zt
Supplies and Wholcnalo Pricosof Locally Produced Vegetables
X' Sea Availability of Supply _ Wholesale Price (8/catty)_
!Li& Low Average
Flowering cabbage Normal 1.20 0.30 0.80
White cabbage Normal OjlO 0.10 0.30
Chinese Lottuoo Normal • 0.50 0.20 0.';0
Chinese Kale Normal 0.80 0.20 0.50
Spring onion Good 0.60 0.20 0.40
Spinach . Normal 0.70 0.20 0.50
Water orosF. ; Normal 1.00 0.20 0.70
Loaf mustard cabbage Scarce 0.';0 0.20 0.30
r Tomato Normal 1.00 0.30 0.70
Swplics and Wholesale Pricer; of Pork (Live. ;> /eight) •
Availability of Supply Wholesale Price ( fi/ picul)_
• (Average)
Perk Limited 3'285