hoof ,
FROM 1840 TO 1843 ;
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VOL . I.
1844. 60
The design originally proposed, when the following
work was undertaken, has been somewhat departed from ,
during its progress towards completion. Not only did
the interest awakened by the various subjects treated of
greatly increase, as the Author proceeded in his attempt
to describe the scenes in which the Nemesis bore so
distinguished a part, but the introduction of much col
lateral matter seemed to be called for, in order to
enable him fully to illustrate the current of passing
events. Hence the narrative of the adventures of the
Nemesis gradually expanded itself into a complete his
tory of the origin, progress, and termination of all the
recent interesting occurrences in China, including a full
and accurate account of all the operations of the war,
and of the complicated difficulties from which it origi
nated, as well as of the peculiar features that marked
its progress .
In addition, therefore, to her own interesting tale,
the Nemesis supplied a valuable foundation upon which
to build up a more enlarged History. The Author had
long taken a deep interest in all that concerned our
relations with China ; and , with a view to study per
sonally the character of the people, and to obtain
accurate information by observation on the spot, he
paid a lengthened visit to that country in 1842. He
there had the good fortune to fall in with the Nemesis,
and, through the kindness of Captain Hall, he sub
sequently proceeded in her to Calcutta, in the begin
ning of 1843 . He has thus been enabled to add to
the history of the operations copious notices of the
various places visited by the expedition ; and has given
a full description of the New Colony of Hong Kong,
with remarks upon its vast importance, as a possession of
the British Empire, upon the threshold of China.
Incidental observations have been introduced upon the
character of the Chinese people, and the new prospects
which have been opened to us, through the extraordinary
changes which have taken place in our intercourse
with them , in a social, moral, mercantile, and reli
gious point of view. These will be met with, accord
ing as they were suggested by particular occurrences,
or prompted by localities described in the work . The
Maps and Illustrations will also contribute to give in
terest to the Narrative .
The Author owes some apology to naval and military
readers, for the apparent presumption with which he
has ventured to handle so many details of a professional
character ; nor indeed would he have undertaken the
task, without the able advice and correction of officers
who were themselves actors in the scenes described .
The valuable assistance and co -operation of Captain
Hall, who was actively employed in China, during the
whole period of the war, and whose services in com
mand of the Nemesis need no extraneous encomium ,
were indispensable to the completion of the work. The
Author also gladly avails himself of this opportunity of
acknowledging the kindness of Captain Sir Thomas Her
bert, R. N., K.C. B. , who obligingly permitted him
to have access to his plans and documents ; and to
numerous other naval and military officers the best
thanks of Captain Hall and himself are due.
Those readers who are alive to the important progress
of Steam Navigation cannot fail to take a deep interest
in the History of the first Iron Steamer that ever
doubled the Cape of Good Hope. In the narrative of
her curious and protracted voyage will be found many
notices of the places she visited, and, in particular, of
some of the Portuguese slave settlements on the East
Coast of Africa, at Delagoa Bay, at Mozambique, &c.
The description given of the Comoro Islands will pro
bably be quite new to most readers.
At the end of the work will be found an account of
a visit to some of the Harbours of the important Island
of Hainan, which must acquire greater importance
through the progressive increase of our commercial in
tercourse with China ; and in the appendix to the
second volume have been added the new regulations
concerning trade in China, and an abstract of the sup
plementary treaty recently concluded .
With much diffidence, but entertaining a hope that
the numerous subjects touched upon in these volumes
have not been hastily or crudely handled, the Author
commits his Narrative to the kind indulgence of his
Readers .
W. D. B.
Oxford and Cambridge Club,
March, 1844 ,
VOL . I.
1. Portrait of the Chief Priest of the Porcelain Tower . Frontispiece.
2. The Nemesis to face page 1
3. Houchung, in the Broadway River 384
4. Plan of a Temporary Rudder 34
5. Plan of Lee -board 37
6. New Method of strengthening Iron Steamers 77
7. Plans of Repairs of Nemesis 79
8. Plan of Naval Operations before Canton, 18th of March 413
9. Track Chart, England to China 128
10. Canton River, and its branches , with Plan of Operations at
Canton End of the Vol.
VOL . II .
11. Tombs of the Kings, and sculptured Monsters Frontispiece.
12, Sheipoo to facepage 182
13. Battle of Woosung 352
Chinese Caricatures of the English 225
15 . } 232
16. Bridge of Boats at Ningpo
17. Hong Kong 66
Introductory remarks — First visit of a British Admiral to China
Difficulties — Disturbance at Canton - Preparations in England - Iron
Steam Vessels to be tried — Nemesis, the first of the kind which crossed
the Line — England's “ Iron Walls” —Description of the Nemesis — Her
peculiarities — Moveable Keels Correction of the Compasses — Pro
fessor Airy's method Nemesis leaves Liverpool - Accident against a
rock through errors of the Compasses - Leak stopped — Proceed to
Portsmouth-Recent improvements — Clears out for Odessa — Departure
from Portsmouth- Public curiosity — Mystery concerning her — First
night at sea — Cape Finisterre—Island of Madeira — Rapid change from
winter to summer Approach to the island - Harbour of Funchal—
Coaling a Steamer 1
Funchal - Excursion into the interior of Madeira — Voyage continued
-Princes' Island — Kroomen - Port St. Antonio-Fuel to be obtained
there and at Fernando Po — The “ Mystery ” — Island of St. Thomas's—
St. Anne de Chaves the principal town - Productions — Kroomen — Their
character - Resemble Abyssinians - Are never slaves-Governor's house
-Interview with his Excellency - Black Aide-de -camp - Request not to
fire a salute— “ Badly off for powder”-Secret trading-place for slaves—
Major Sabine's observations- Cross the Line — Experiments with one
engine and one boiler Rudder carried away New contrivance
Compelled to stand out to sea under sail — Adaptation of aa lee-board
Voyage continued - Arrival at the Cape of Good Hope 19
Table Bay — In the Winter months — Nemesis visited by the Governor
– Curiosity of the people at an iron vessel — Trip round the Bay
Scenery – Table Mountain - Crowds of natives — Cape Town — Depart
ure from — General remarks on the coast — Cape Lagullas — Proposed
Lighthouse on it — Different routes to the eastward — Mozambique
Channel Orders to proceed through it - Cleared for Port Essington
– More “ mystery ” —Tremendous gale in the Mozambique Channel
Serious accident — The vessel begins to split in two - Wheel carried
away-Weather moderates Port Natal-Dangerous state of the vessel
— Temporary repairs -- Gale increases—Cape Vidal- Iron plates continue
to split - Almost hopeless condition - Exertions of the crew , -Modera
tion of the gale — Providential Escape — Anchors in smooth water 42
Anchors off Cape Inyache - Delagoa Bay — Slave Settlement of the
Portuguese - English River — Alarm of the people at the approach of a
Steamer - Portuguese Fort - Hostile preparations — Salute — Awkward
mistake --- Aide-de-camp's Visit — The Governor's civility — Openly en
couraging the Slave-trade- Slaver in the River - Parsee Merchant as
interpreter — Poisonous atmosphere White man dies where the black
man thrives — Trade in ivory and gold-dust -- Governor afterwards
removed for abetting the Slave- trade— Threat — Presents from Governor
-Description of English River— The Temby — Dundas — And Mattoll
- Character of the country and origin of pestilence -- Native tribes in
the neighbourhood — Hollontontes — Thievish propensities Nemesis
hauled on shore - Plague of locusts — Sky darkened by them — Came
by a North-east and went away by a South -west wind — Native feast
of locusts — Dance and song 63
Repairs commenced Description of the accident — Plans — Mode
in which a recurrence of it is prevented — Description of the repairs —
Completed in twelve days — Curiosity of the Native Chiefs at Delagoa
Bay — Annual visit to the Governor - Trading speculations in slaves and
ivory - Bad feeling between the natives and the Portuguese — Horrible
tale of cruelty — Natives flogged to death - A Chief with seven hun
dred men visits the settlement—Curious costumes - Native war-dance
Violent excitement and gestures A warrior's speech - Passions of the
savage — Tattooing the face — Savage tortures — Cutting the hair into
ornaments - Native Chief and his Wife on board the Nemesis - Great
preparations — TheKing's fool — Plays the Pan -pipes- Description of the
Queen - African standard of Beauty-Mass of iron a mine of wealth
Present of the King's arms 75
Story of distressed seamen on the Coast of Africa - American schooner
wrecked - Pestilence among the crew—Attempt to reach Delagoa Bay by
land-Joined by natives —Treachery — Quarrel — A white man killed —
Two savages killed — Cannibalism Roasting the captain Horrible
situation — Escape of the survivor - Hides himself in the bush-Is dis
covered -Natives promise to eat him for supper — Give him food to
keep him alive, supposed to be human flesh —· Escapes by night — re
joins the schooner - Party proceeds to Delagoa Bay - Rescue in boats
Two of the men enter on board the Nemesis — Harsh treatment of native
women by the Portuguese — Interesting tale — Nemesis ready for sea —
Excursion up the river - Three branches — Dundas — Buffaloes — Zebras
-Native birds --Herds of Hippopotami— Appearance and habits - Fine
sport — Difficulty of killing - Manner in which the natives hunt them
Traps — Return of party — Governor's grand entertainment — Dance of
native women - Native chiefs the great abettors of the slave-trade 90
Departure from Delagoa Bay – - Uncertainty of the Compasses --
Arrival at Mozambique - No danger from lightning to iron vessels
Alarm of slave-traders—Measures of the governor — Determined to put
down the trade - Visit to the Nemesis- Description of Mozambique
Remarks on its inhabitants — Slave -dealing — Curious law- Coal found
Future advantages Best place of call on the coast — Arrival at the
Comoro islands - Johanna - Character of its inhabitants 106
Comoro Islands — Sultan Alloué - His father Abdallah - Treaties for
suppression of the Slave- trade — Faithful to their engagements — Suf
ferings — Former presents from the East India Company - Queen of
Madagascar — Her cruelty - Missionaries put to death — Persecutions
-Chiefs take refuge in Johanna — Story of Raymanytek Double
dealing - Secret traffic in slaves — Remonstrances produce rebellion
Arms his followers and slaves — The Sultan, being pressed, applies for
assistance to the English — Arms sent from the Cape - Emissaries ar
rive at the Mauritius — Correspondence of Sultan Alloué — Intrigues
Sultan applies for aid to
of the slave -traders — Difficulties increase
Calcutta — Arrival of the Nemesis at Johanna — Critical moment
Interview - The Sultan's inquiries Excursions into the interior
Aspect of the island — Entertainment at the palace — Sultan superin
tends the “ cuisine " — Another entertainment - Ladies of the court
Conference on public affairs — Sultan's distress — Application to Ray
manytek - Danger averted - English flag hoisted - Departure of the
Nemesis 129
The Maldive Archipelago — Island of Feawar — Trade with India—
Arrival at Ceylon 66
Mystery ” at an end Notices of the Island
- Columbo Fishing boats Curious contrivance Departure
Penang — Spice productions — The “ Gem of the East” — Picturesque
character — Projected naval depôt — Singapore — Advantageous posi
tion for commerce Importance of free ports — Increase of trade
Chinese population — A colonizing people — Aspect of town— Depar
ture — Pedra Branca — Its dangers — Good site for Lighthouse to the
memory of Horsburgh — Monsoons — Island of Manilla — Spanish Colo
nies - Lieu-chew Islands — Basil Hall's description — Arrival of the
Nemesis at Macao — Surprise of the People — Visit to the Governor
Joins the squadron under the Honourable George Elliot the houth
of the Canton river 151
General review of events which preceded the arrival of the Nemesis
Origin of our difficulties -Lord Napier Captain Elliot — 1838
Execution of criminals — Chinese mob — Foreigners unprotected — No
tices by Captain Elliot against the opium trade — Remarks thereon
Resources of China - Political crisis at Pekin — Movement — Party in
China - Led by the Empress - Her ability, attractions, and power
Her fall, and death – Revival of old prejudices — Hatred of foreigners
called “ Patriotism " - Stringent measures against opium — Lectures of
the Emperor — Death of the Emperor's son — Official smugglers — -
Opium -mania - Revulsion of feeling against it — Persecutions — The
traffic still thrives — Mode of smuggling
Arrival of Commissioner
Lin at Canton - His character - Contrasted with that of Keshen and
Elliot — Governor Tang— His character — His son a smuggler — Suspi -
cions of Lin 174
Trade in opium almost stopped before Lin's arrival - Lin is said to be
the people's friend - And the foreigner's enemy - His energy - Demands
what arms the foreigners possess at Canton Threatens to set the
" mob " upon them — Calls for the surrender of the opium, both in the
inner and outer waters Offers a bond for signature — Prohibition to
leave Canton or Whampoa — - His impatience - -
— Emperor's orders -
- -
Concession of one demand produces another- Threats - No English
vessel of war to protect the English — Insult at the “ Bogue” - Elliot
demands passports for the English — Is a prisoner at Canton Lin's
triumph — Expected arrival of American ships of war— Provisions re
fused to foreigners— Demand for opium received - Bond signed by the
foreign community Opium to be delivered up , under conditions
Lin surprised at his own success - Breaks his own agreement Sixteen
gentlemen detained - Destruction of the opium at the Bogue — Captain
Elliot sends intelligence to Calcutta and Bombay - Captain Elliot
prohibits trade-Lin's irritation — Loses his revenue from it - Wishes
the English to trade, in spite of the order - Drives the English out of
Масао . -
- And threatens to poison them at Hong Kong - Unable to
control his own people — Arrival of the Volage - Notice of blockade
Chinese yield -- Hyacinth and Volage attacked by Chinese war - junks
- Occurrences at Macao - Captain Smith's proceedings Lin's sham
fight at the Bogue - Arrival of Rear-Admiral Honourable George Elliot,
with reinforcements 193
Canton river, description of, below the Bogue—“ Outer waters” —Lin
tao-Capsingmoon passage-Urmston's Bay - Force assembled in China
in 1840 - Rewards offered for its destruction -Rear - Admiral Honour
able G. Elliot and Captain Elliot, joint-plenipotentiaries — Squadron
moves to the northward - Expedition to the Peiho— Hostility of the
authorities at Amoy Refusal to receive Lord Palmerston's letter at
Ningpo—Blockade of the coast — First capture of Chusan - Plenipoten
tiaries at Tientsin — Answer from the Emperor - Keshen sent down to
supersede Lin—Truce at Chusan-Flag of truce fired at from Chuenpee
-Keshen's arrival at Canton-- Sir Gordon Bremer becomes commander
in - chief — General review of occurrences in 1840— Threatened attack
upon the English at Macao —- Decisive measures of Captain Smith
Attack on the barrier-Order in council — Remarks on hostility of the
Chinese - Kidnapping - General alarm at our proceedings - Preparations
for hostilities on both sides - Nemesis at the Bogue — Description of
Chuenpee, and of the defences of the Bogue--. Tiger Island
Keshen's negociations Gains courage as he gains time — General
remarks Influence and character of the Empress — Emperor's eulogy
of her-Agitation in China — Heu Naetze's memorial — Reference to
Tang and his colleagues–Predictions of a former Emperor- Memorials
on the opposite side — Choo Tsun and Heu Kew - Reformation of morals
Death and funeral of the Empress — Character of the present em
peror— Ascended the throne in 1820— Observations- Further remarks
on the character of Lin English books translated for him - His
letters to the Queen of England - - Character of his successor, Keshen
- An astute and polished courtier -- Severity of his punishment -
Commencement of 1841 Hostilities Attack on Chuenpee and Ty
cocktow, on the 7th of January — Details of forces engaged Remarks
on the action - Services of the Nemesis - Sufferings of the wounded
Chinese—Burnt by ignition of their own clothes 242
Destruction of Chinese squadron in Anson's Bay - Nemesis and boats
– Description of Chinese position — River at the bottom of the bay —
Explosion of a junk — Chinese trying to escape - Junks abandoned
and set on fire - Nemesis proceeds up the river - Captures two more
junks at a town — Killed and wounded on the 7th January Number
of guns taken - Admiral Kwan loses his button of rank - New Chinese
boarding -nettings — Novel application — Description of new kinds of
war- junks— With English guns — Wheeled boats O ers of the Em
peror to build ships on European models- Official report of the actions
to the Emperor by Keshen - Degradation of Admiral Kwan - New plans
to destroy the English ships - Preparations to attack the Bogue forts—
Disappointment— Truce — Cession of Hong Kong — Restoration of the
forts — Remarks on Captain Elliot's measures -
Troops ordered to
withdraw from Chusan 268
Conference between Keshen and Captain Elliot at the second bar
Keshen sensible of his own weakness—But driven to extremities by
orders from Pekin—Preparations for the conference — Nemesis the first
steamer which ever passed the Bogue-Arrival of a French Corvette
Salute from the Bogue forts — Tiger Island — Aspect of the Canton river
-Pagodas - Arrival at place of conference — Guard of marines — Hong
merchants arrive, but not admitted to an audience—Captain Elliot and
suite received by Keshen - Entertainment-Keshen inspects the marines
- Private conference between the high functionaries-- Nothing definitely
settled— Captain Elliot dines with the Prefect of Canton-Keshen does
not return his visit in person—Nemesis returns to Hong Kong - Keshen's
report to the emperor of this meeting — Is superseded — Appoint
ment of three commissioners in his place—Suspicious circumstances
Elliot demands explanation - Proceeds to the Bogue in the Nemesis
Second interview with Keshen Curious facts — Delay of ten days
agreed to - Remarks thereon - Force unwillingly resorted to — Prepa
rations for defence' still continue at the Bogue—Suspicions of Captain
Elliot and Sir G. Bremer-Nemesis sent to the Bogue with the treaty
Waits four days without any answer - Reconnoissance by Captain Hall
Discovery that Chuenpee was an island - Also Tycocktow – Boat fired at
from Wantung_Nemesis returns to Macao without the treaty—Sir G.
Bremer orders our forces to move up to the Bogue-Intercepted de
spatches from Keshen to Admiral Kwan 292
Keshen's description of the “ outer - waters ” and of the Bogue Forts
–His report to the Emperor of the inefficiency of the defences, and
doubtful character of the people — No hope of victory — Begs the Em
peror to grant Captain Elliot's requests—Is degraded Advanced
squadron at the Bogue — Captain Elliot waits there one hour in the
Nemesis — No communication — Junks captured — First hostile act on
our side — Chinese fired first shot - Nemesis and boats under Captain
Herbert destroy a masked battery at the bottom of Anson's Bay
Proceed up the river to the back of Anunghoy - Fort and rafts de
stroyed— The Commodore joins at the Bogue with three line-of -battle
ships — Description of the Bogue Forts -- Chain and rafts — Prepara
tions for the attack - Howitzer -battery, erected in the night on South
Wantung, covered by the Nemesis -Disposition of our forces— 26th
February, 1841_Capture of the Bogue — Simultaneous attack on Anung
hoy and North Wantung — Dead calm — Wantung shelled by howitzers
- Troops land on Wantung — Marines under Sir Le Fleming Senhouse
take possession of Anunghoy - Chinese refuse quarter — Attempts to
save them—Capture of Little Tycocktow under Lieutenant Maitland
Number of Chinese prisoners killed and wounded—Admiral Kwan killed
by bayonet-wound in his breast - Total number of guns captured
Blockade of river raised . 319
General alarm caused by the fall of the Bogue forts — Removal of the
great chain --The light squadron under Captain Herbert proceed up the
river - Remarks on the latter — Whampoa — Junk Island — Channels of
the river unknown — Policy of the Chinese — Nemesis leads up, giving the
soundings — Approach to the first bar — Description of the fort and raft
-English ship, the Cambridge, purchased by the Chinese - War junks
- Nemesis begins the action at the first bar — Madagascar follows — Sul
phur and the rest of the squadron arrive -Marines and seamen land
under Captain Herbert — Fort taken — Attack upon the Cambridge
Lieutenant Watson drags a boat across the raft - And with Captain Hall
and others boards the Cambridge — Description of the vessel-Ordered to
be blown up - Captain Elliot's coolness and courage,Nemesis and boats
proceed up to Junk river - Boats of the Wellesley and Sulphur - Fort
captured — Sir Gordon Bremer joins from the Bogue - Howqua's folly
Prefect of Canton arrives — Truce for three days— Arrival of Sir Hugh
Gough from India, 2nd of March - Force arrives from Chusan— Neme
sis dicovers a passage into the Broadway river—Captain Elliot's reward
for a pilot — Truce expires—Panic at Canton-Captain Elliot's proclama
tion to the Chinese 345
Expiration of the truce— Napier's Fort - Rafts across the river - Pre
parations for its capture - Sulphur - And Nemesis—Chinese abandon
the fort – Nemesis returns down Fiddler's Reach-New works of the
Chinese – Scenery of the river - Operations again suspended — Sir
Hugh Gough returns to Wantung - Keshen leaves Canton for Pekin
in disgrace — Chinese hostility - Notices by Captain Elliot - Expedi
tion up the Broadway or Inner Passage under Captain Scott - Nemesis
with boats of Samarang and Atalanta -- Entrance to the Inner Passage
-Nemesis attacks Motow -- — War - junks in
- Capture of Tei- yat-kok -
sight - Stone Fort, and river staked across (Houchung) — Field -work
( Tei-shu -kok ) – War - junks destroyed — Pass through large town
(Heong Shan)—Apathy of the people— Masked battery -Sheong Chap
-Narrowness of the channel —Kong-How Battery — River staked
across Mode of removing the piles — Assistance volunteered by the
peasantry - Military station destroyed -- Custom House and war -junk
fired — Tam-chow - Military station at Tsenei destroyed with war
junks, &c.—Channel leading into the river at Second Bar—Nemesis
joins the advanced squadron at Whampoa — Reflections — Remarks on
the Ladrones - Fishermen turn smugglers and pirates . 371
Capture of the Macao fort, on the 13th of March-Advanced ships
only two miles from Canton—Nemesis proceeds towards Canton with
a flag of truce — Letter to the Imperial Commissioner — Is fired at from
the Birdsnest Fort-Preparations to resent the insult-Captain Elliot's
communications -Want of interpreters-Attack upon the defences of
Canton on the 18th of March, 1841 -Flotilla of men-of-war's boats
Flotilla of Chinese boats - Forts in the Macao passage carried - War
junks dispersed - Boats destroyed-Captain Elliot with a flag of truce
on board the Nemesis Fired at by the Chinese — British flag planted
upon the factory - Notifications by Captain Elliot - Temporary settle
ment—Trade opened 402
Suspension of hostilities – Rumours of preparations—Sir G. Bremer
leaves for Calcutta — Captain Elliot's assurances — Proclamation of the
Prefect - Captain Elliot's address to the people of Canton-New pass
ports issued — Captain Elliot's measures against the opium trade
Report of Keshen's punishment — Its severity - Accusations against
him—The Emperor threatens to put himself at the head of his army
-Arrival of troops at Canton- Projects for destroying our ships
Utility of iron steamers - Expedition to Amoy suspended - Troops
prepare to advance upon Canton, under Sir Hugh Gough — Captain
Elliot returns to the factory with Mrs. Elliot — Afraid to remain
Warnings to the merchants — Anxious moments Treachery - Fo
reigners leave Canton— Ominous suspense — Night of the attack by
the Chinese 422
Mohilla and Johanna -- Additional Observations 447
Further remarks respecting the Equipment of the Nemesis 449
Nominal List of Officers who served on board the Nemesis, during the
period referred to in this work 450
Page 5, line 24, for merchant steamer, read private steamer.
Page 9, for Airey, read Airy.
Page 17, bottom, for western side, read near the Loo Rock .
Page 168, 169, for Pedro Branco, read Pedra Branca.
Page 170, near the bottom . The Lieu-chew islands here referred to
are not the same islands which were visited by Captain Basil Hall. The
latter are situated much further to the northward .
Page 221 , bottom, for Mosson, read Mason .
Page 225, probably it should be three millions instead of thirty.
Page 256, for Trentsin, read Tientsin.
Page 289, in the heading, for China, read Chusan.
Introductory remarks — First visit of a British Admiral to China
Difficulties - Disturbance at Canton - Preparations in England - Iron
Steam Vessels to be tried — Nemesis, the first of the kind which crossed
the Line - England's " Iron Walls” —Description of the Nemesis —
Her peculiarities — Moveable Keels — Correction of the Compasses—
Professor Airey's method Nemesis leaves Liverpool Accident
against a rock through errors of the Compasses — Leak stopped —
Proceed to Portsmouth - Recent improvements — Clears out for Odessa
-Departure from Portsmouth — Public curiosity - Mystery concern
ing her - First night at sea- -Cape Finisterre - Island of Madeira
Rapid change from winter to summer -- Approach to the island
Harbour of Funchal - Coaling a Steamer.
Many of the circumstances connected with the pro
gress and conclusion of the late events in China must be
still so fresh in the memory of the reader, that it will
require but little effort to carry back his recollection
to the close of the year 1839 , and the commencement
of 1840 . Public attention was at that time beginning
VOL . I. B
to be more vividly directed than heretofore towards the
current of events in that remarkable country ; and, in
deed , for some time previously, there had been felt a
growing interest in our anomalous relations with its
government, arising, in a great degree, from the abolition
of the exclusive privileges of the East India Company,
and from the complicated difficulties which had become
inseparable from the new and unsettled state of our com
mercial intercourse.
Without recurring, for the present, to more remote
events, it will be sufficient here to recollect that a British
admiral (Sir Frederic Maitland ) had, for the first time,
made a short visit to China in 1838, and had then tried
every means , through Captain Elliot, to explain to the
Viceroy of Canton the “peaceful purposes of his coming
At this period, much more stress seems to have been
laid upon the question of direct official intercourse than
upon any difficulties connected with the trade in opium ,
which, in reality, had become far more a source of quar
relling and bitterness among the Chinese themselves,
than between them and the English community. In
tercourse “ upon a perfectly equal footing ” was still
refused . The Chinese grew more arrogant, and in some
measure insulting, even to the Admiral, for which an
apology was demanded and exacted ; nevertheless, Ad
miral Kwan and Admiral Maitland at length became
very good friends, wrote civil letters to each other, and ,
at last, Sir Frederic Maitland, in order, as he said, “ to
mark his feelings towards him ," sent him a present of a
few bottles of wine .
Immediately after this, the English Admiral left the
river of Canton, and sailed back again to the East In
dies ; and it was not long after his departure that the
first serious disturbance took place between the foreign
community, and the people, as well as the authorities,
of Canton . The famous Commissioner Lin had come
upon the stage ; and now the curtain may be said to
have been raised, preliminary to the opening of the
great Chinese drama which was henceforth to be enacted .
The year 1839 will long be remembered by all those
who have taken any interest in Eastern affairs. The
harsh and unwarrantable measures of Commissioner Lin ,
the imprisonment of Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and
all other English subjects, and the wild but brief career
of uncontrolled violence which marked his reign, called
imperatively on our part for stronger measures than had
yet been resorted to ; and such measures were at once
adopted by the Court of Directors of the East India
Company, as well as by the government of the country,
their direct object being to ensure the speedy departure
of an adequate force for the protection of British sub
jects and British trade in China, and to demand proper
reparation for the violence and insult offered to Her
Majesty's representative.
It was scarcely to be expected that, under these cir
cumstances, hostilities could be altogether avoided ;
and, as the principal scene of them , if they occurred ,
| This alludes to the attempt of the authorities to execute a criminal
in front of the factories, and the interference of the foreign community
to prevent so great an outrage to their feelings, followed by the collec
tion of a mob and a riot.
B 2
would be in rivers and along the coasts, attention was
particularly directed to the fitting out of armed vessels,
which should be peculiarly adapted for that particular
service. Iron, as a material for ship -building, had been
already tried, and found to answer ; and this was con
sidered an extremely favourable opportunity for testing
the advantages or otherwise of iron steam -vessels ; and
the numerous rivers along the coast of China, hitherto
very imperfectly known, and almost totally unsurveyed,
presented an admirable field for these experiments. If
successful there, it might be readily inferred that their
utility in the fine rivers and along the shores of Hin
dostan, and other portions of the Company's territories,
would be demonstrated , and by degrees a very powerful
steam fleet would become an invaluable addition to the
already vast resources of the Indian government.
Orders were therefore given for the immediate building
of several stout iron steamers, to be constructed with
peculiar reference to their employment in river navi
gation. They were all to be adequately armed and
manned , and no reasonable expense was to be spared in
fitting them out in a manner best adapted to the parti
cular object sought to be attained by them. No iron
steamer had ever yet crossed the Line, and visited the
southern hemisphere ; their qualities, therefore, remained
yet to be tested in the stormy seas about Southern
Africa ; and various questions respecting the errors of
the compasses, the effects of lightning, &c . , upon ves
sels of this description, remained still imperfectly solved ,
particularly in reference to those tropical regions, where
the great phenomena of nature are exhibited in a more
intense and dangerous degree. In fact, no experience
had yet been gained of their capabilities for the per
formance of long and perilous voyages ; and it was a
bold conception which suggested that they should be
sent round the Cape, to the eastward, in the very worst
season of the year, when even the stoutest and largest
wooden ships trust themselves as little as possible in
that stormy region.
The equipment and destination of the Nemesis, how
ever, was kept a profound secret, except to those who
were personally concerned in it, and even they (with the
exception of the authorities) had little notion of the pre
cise service upon which she was to be employed . What
ever may have been the reasons of this extraordinary
secrecy, it only served, as is usually the case, to make
all the world more anxious to penetrate the veil. Con
jectures were numerous, some partially correct, some
strangely improbable, and all equally uncertain . While
some asserted that she was destined to root out the
slave-trade, others imagined she was just as likely to
be employed for the purpose of carrying on this very
traffic with greater efficiency .
The Nemesis was at length finished, and sent to sea
as a merchant steamer, although heavily armed ; but she
was never commissioned under the articles of war, al
though commanded principally by officers belonging to
the Royal Navy ; neither was she classed among the
ships of the regular navy of the East India Company.
In short, the Nemesis was equipped under very pecu
liar circumstances, which, together with the novelty of
her construction, caused her to become an object of
very general interest. The “wooden walls ” of England
had, in fact, been so long identified with her proudest
recollections, and had constituted for so many centuries
her national “ boast," that it seemed an almost unna
tional innovation to attempt to build them of iron . In
X deed , it was rather looked upon as one of the dangerous
experiments of modern days. Moreover, as the floating
property of wood, without reference to its shape or
fashion , rendered it the most natural material for the
construction of ships, so did the sinking property of
iron make it appear, at first sight, very ill adapted for
a similar purpose. It was sometimes forgotten that
even wooden ships are composed of wood, iron, and
copper together, and that the bulkiness of these neces
sary materials greatly diminishes the buoyancy of the
wood .
A minute and scientific description of the structure
of the Nemesis will be found in the United Service
Journal for May, 1840, and it will therefore be suffi
cient, in this place, merely to notice one or two peculi
arities, in which it differs from that of wooden ships
in general. With the exception of the great paddle
beams, across the ship, and the planks of the deck and
the cabin -fittings, together with one or two other parts,
the names of which would be only intelligible to the
scientific reader, the whole vessel was built of iron .
Credit is due to Mr. Laird, of the Birkenhead Iron
Works, Liverpool, for the admirable manner in which
she was constructed, and for the elegance of her form
and model , which fully answered every purpose required
of her.
Her burden was about 700 tons, and her engines of
120 -horse power, constructed by Messrs. Forrester and
Co. , also of Liverpool; and with twelve days' supply of
coals, together with water and provisions for four
months, and stores of all sorts for two years, with dupli
cate machinery, &c., and all her armament complete,
her mean load draught of water was only six feet. But
commonly, in actual service, she drew little more than
five feet. Her length over all was 184 feet, her breadth
29 feet, and her depth 11 feet. Her keel-plate was laid,
and the vessel built and launched, in the short space of
three months.
Strictly speaking, the Nemesis has no fixed keel, but
the lower plate of iron, which connects the two sides
of the ship together along its middle, is called the
keel-plate. She is, therefore, almost perfectly flat-bot
tomed ; and , in order to obviate, as much as possible,
the disadvantages attendant upon this peculiar con
struction, there are two sliding or moveable keels,
capable of being raised, or lowered to the depth of
five feet below the bottom of the vessel. Each of these
keels is about seven feet in length, one being placed
before and the other abaft the engine-room. They are
each enclosed in a narrow case, or tank, one foot wide,
running from the bottom of the vessel up to the deck,
and which, of course being open below, allows the water
to rise in it to the level of the sea on the outside of the
vessel. In this the keel, which is of wood, 41 inches
thick, works up and down by means of a small wind
lass, and a strong chain which is attached to it. Thus
it is evident, that either the foremost or the aftermost
keel can be raised or lowered, independently of the other,
if circumstances require it.
As it would, however, be impossible to steer with
accuracy a vessel of this construction with a rudder
merely of the ordinary description, and which, from its
shallowness, would in a heavy sea be, in a great mea
sure, out of water, there is a contrivance by which a
moveable or false rudder is attached to the lower part
of the true or fixed rudder, and which descends to the
same depth as the two false keels, and, like them, can
be raised or lowered at pleasure .
The main or true rudder was composed of wood ,
but the lower or false rudder was made of iron, and
was so constructed as to grasp the lower part of the
upper or fixed one firmly on either side, but was bolted
through in such a way as to be moveable, as if it were
fastened by a hinge, so that, by means of a chain run
up to the taffrail from its outer edge, it could be hauled
up to any height required .
The next striking peculiarity in the construction of
the vessel was, that the entire vessel was divided into
seven water-tight compartments, by means of iron bulk
heads ; so that, in fact, it somewhat resembled a number
of iron tanks, cased over, so as to assume the external
form of one connected vessel. By this means, the occur
rence of any accident, such as striking on a rock, or
shot-holes, &c., which might occasion a dangerous leak
in one compartment, would have no effect upon any
other part of the vessel .
The advantages of this arrangement were often tested
during her three years' hard service ; and, indeed, within
a few days after her first departure from Liverpool, as
will be presently related, this contrivance sufficed to
save her from the almost certain destruction which would
otherwise have awaited her.
The last peculiarity which I think it necessary here
to mention, was the provision of some kind of instru
ment for counteracting the effect of the local attraction
of so large a mass of iron upon the compasses, and for
correcting the errors occasioned thereby. This difficulty
had been seriously felt by Colonel Chesney, on board X
the small iron steamers which he had under his orders,
during his expedition to the Euphrates ; although he
was of opinion that the placing of the compasses at a
certain height above the vessel, so as to be further re
moved from the sphere of the local attraction of the
iron , was sufficient to reduce their errors materially.
Without entering into the merits of Barlow's coun
teracting plates, or Professor Airey's interesting disco
veries, it will be sufficient here to mention, that the
Nemesis was fitted with correctors, very much accord
ing to the system of Professor Airey, but not under
his own superintendence ; that the experiments were
conducted at Liverpool under every disadvantage, and
that the result was never perfectly satisfactory. In
deed, the accident which shortly befel her has been
attributed, upon good grounds, principally to the imper
fection of her compasses . It is right, however, to
mention, that other vessels, such as the Phlegethon
and Pluto, which have been fitted with Airey's cor
rectors, tested according to the most approved princi
ples, and after experiments conducted with great atten
tion, have been totally relieved from this source of danger
and anxiety, and have been navigated with perfect accu
racy and confidence.
The first accurate experiments on the compass in iron
ships were made by Commander Johnson, on the Garry
Owen iron steam-ship ; but their object was rather the 1
discovery of some part of the ship in which compasses
could be used without requiring correction , than any
attempt to ascertain an efficient mode of obtaining that
correction. 1
For the investigation of the latter branch of the sub !
ject, the world is principally indebted to Mr. Barlow 1
and Mr. Airey ; and those who are desirous of studying
the subject more deeply are referred to the valuable
papers by those gentlemen, published in the Philoso
phical Transactions for 1839 .
We may now come to the interesting moment of the
departure of the Nemesis from Liverpool, where she was
built. Every thing seemed at first to prosper ; the wea
ther was favourable, and the machinery perfect in all
its parts. She had cleared the narrowest part of the
Irish Channel, had passed the coast of Wales, and
crossed the entrance to the Bristol Channel ; and the
course she had been steering would have taken her well
clear of the Land's End.
It was now the second day since her departure ; the
weather was hazy, and no observations had been taken ,
nor indeed were necessary . As night set in , a careful
look-out was kept, and the commander himself was
continually on the alert. About two o'clock in the
morning, the weather being still hazy and the night
dark, and aa leadsman having been already placed in the
chains, appearances began to indicate that land must
be near .
Her course was immediately altered, and all sail
taken in ; but scarcely was this manæuvre completed ,
when she struck heavily on a rock, so much so as to
cause a shock to be felt in every part of the vessel.
Of course the engines were instantly stopped , but the
way she already had on her appeared sufficient to carry
her over the reef ; and indeed the actual rocks them
selves could be seen outside of her, so that she had
evidently passed between them and the land, and had
merely struck the edge of the reef.
Finding that the vessel did not hang upon the reef,
and was therefore still afloat, her head was turned to
seaward, and the engines kept working slowly, while
the dawn was anxiously expected. It was now disco
vered that the rocks upon which she had struck were
aptly enough called “ The Stones, ” lying at the entrance
to the bay of St. Ives, in Cornwall, and not very far
distant from the Land's End . It was soon evident also,
that the accident had occasioned a very serious leak, in
one of the foremost compartments of the vessel. It was
with difficulty that the water could be kept lower in it
than the level of the sea outside, with the hand-pump ;
and , in fact, if the vessel had not been divided into these
water -tight compartments, it is difficult to imagine that
the accident would not have been fatal to her.
However, she was carried without much difficulty
round the Land's End, into Mount's Bay, where she
anchored about three miles from Penzance, off St.
Michael's Mount. The object here was to procure an
additional pump, in the hope of being able by that
means to empty the tank or compartment, so as to be
able to stop the leak from the inside. On shore, how
ever, no such pump was to be procured ; but, at length,
one perfectly adapted for the purpose was obtained from
a small coasting-vessel which was at anchor in the bay.
It was an iron one, and has been preserved on board
ever since, and on many occasions has been found of
the greatest utility. Indeed , no vessel of this descrip
tion should go to sea without being provided with an
extra pump of this kind, to be worked by hand, and
at all times ready to be placed into any compartment,
as an additional means of pumping it out , and also as
a security against fire, for the purpose of pumping water
into the vessel, in case of necessity.
With the assistance of this additional pump, the water
in the compartment was completely emptied, and then
it was discovered that a hole had been cut completely
through her bottom by the rock, but could now be
easily stopped from the inside.
This being speedily effected , the vessel pursued her
voyage without the least difficulty, and came to anchor
on the following evening in Yarmouth Roads, on the
coast of the Isle of Wight. Before going into Ports
mouth to repair her damages, she went on to South
ampton , to land one or two persons who had accompa
nied her round from Liverpool, to try her qualities.
It should here be mentioned, that every compartment
of the vessel was provided with a small pipe and cock,
by means of which the water could be let out of one
compartment into another, and so passed on, from one
to the other, into the engine-room, where it could be
pumped out by the machinery. But as this appeared a
rather clumsy mode of doing it, namely, by floating
nearly half the ship unnecessarily, it was not resorted
to. But, in vessels more recently constructed, a great
improvement has been introduced in this respect. From
each of the compartments a pipe leads directly into the
engine-room itself, without communicating with any
other part ; so that, by means of a cock, the water can
at once be pumped out by the engine, or else can be
confined to the compartment itself, and pumped out
by hand, when it is not desirable to let it flow into
the engine-room. This is evidently a great point gained,
and gives an immense advantage to iron vessels over
wooden ones, particularly steamers .
The necessary repairs were very easily effected, by
merely cutting out the injured plates, and riveting new
ones in their places ; and the whole quantity of material
required did not exceed three hundred weight of iron.
It is impossible to draw a comparison with the probable
expense of repairing a wooden vessel after a similar
accident, as it would be difficult to calculate the extent
of injury she might have received .
As little time as possible was lost in completing her
repairs, and in rendering her in all respects fit to un
dertake the long and unknown voyage she was about
to perform At length she was cleared out for the
Russian port of Odessa, but those who gave themselves
time to reflect hardly believed it possible that such could
be her destination .
She was armed with two 32 -pounder guns, mounted
on swivel carriages, for the purpose of throwing either
shot or shell, one being placed forward and the other
aft, as in all armed steamers. She subsequently, also,
carried five long brass 6 -pounders, two on each side,
and one upon the bridge ; and had also ten small iron
swivels along the top of her bulwarks, besides boat
guns and small arms. A list of all the officers who
served on board her at different periods, during her long
service, will be found in the Appendix.
All ulterior arrangements being at length completed
at Portsmouth, the usual visits paid , and the thousand
little details which precede a departure from England
for distant service having been at last satisfactorily
settled, the word was given to get under weigh, and
those who had so strenuously lent their efforts towards
the completion of the Nemesis took their final leave of
her, with unlimited confidence in the capabilities of the
vessel, and earnest and hearty wishes that her career
might be successful and honourable to all concerned.
Three years have now elapsed, and it is but justice at
once to declare that every anticipation which could
have been formed by the most sanguine of those con
nected with her, has been more than realized in her
adventurous career .
Unusual interest was excited by the expected depar
Among those who so readily contributed their time and talents to
forward the object in view, no one stood more conspicuous than the
Secretary to the Secret Committee of the Court of Directors, Mr. Pea
Х cock. Likewise to Mr. Blake and others, who so readily lent their services
during the detention of the vessel at Portsmouth, the best thanks of all
are due.
ture of this strange vessel upon a voyage of which both
the purpose and the destination were alike unknown.
Even the Admiral himself was ignorant of the service
which she was called upon to perform ; and it is there
fore scarcely a matter of wonder that the visitors should
have been numerous, and anxious at the last moment.
Suffice it here to record , that the fair and young, the
grave and gay, the civilian and the seaman, had all
come to take a parting look at this favoured, but as yet
mysterious vessel .
At length, on the 28th of March, 1840, the last boat
had left the ship, and she was fairly gone, and the
cheers of parting friends still lingered in the ears of all
on board. Away she stood towards St. Helen's, and,
boldly as she pursued her course, she found herself
alone, and soon was lost to sight.
The haze that gathered round her as the night set
in accorded well with the mystery which had clung
about her, not only during the progress of her con
struction, but even when riding gaily among the floating
batteries of Portsmouth Harbour.
It is not necessary here to discuss the reasons which
may have suggested the expediency of the secrecy which
was observed respecting her. Doubtless there were good
grounds for what in England , in these “ piping times
of peace,” when war itself actually assumes her name,
must have otherwise appeared unaccountable. At last,
however, she really had sailed , and for once the world
were no wiser about her. The Needle Rocks, the high
cliffs at the back of the Isle of Wight, the shores of
England herself, had gradually sunk below the horizon ,
and the excitement attending departure had at length
settled down into the cold reality of aa first night at sea.
On the third day, the 30th of March, at daylight,
the last glimpse was taken of the land of our birth . The
Lizard disappeared, and nothing was around but the
wide expanse of the blue ocean . On the gallant vessel
went gaily through the Bay of Biscay, at an average
rate of seven to eight knots under steam , moving grace
fully to the heavy swell which at all times prevails there.
On the 2d of April, five days after leaving England,
she was well in sight of Cape Finisterre, the dread of
seamen, on the rock-bound coast of Portugal, and en
countered a moderate gale of wind (one of those trifles
which landsmen are apt to call a terrible storm ) directly
against her. But our bark behaved nobly ; she floated ,
X as sailors say, like a duck, and made head against the
gale without difficulty.
On the 6th of April, the lovely island of Madeira came
full in sight, the ninth day since she had left Portsmouth,
and only the seventh from the Land's End. What a rapid
change from the chilly winter of the north, which had been
so lately left behind, just verging into dubious spring!
How the spirit wakes with new life, as it once more
breathes the reviving warmth of the genial South ! And
if, to the strong and hardy, long used to brave the
storm and bid defiance to the wintry blast, it brings
this soft refreshing sense of buoyancy and strength,
how must it revive the hopes, and feed the failing ener
gies, of the weak and timid invalid , who is so often
doomed, as it might seem , to follow this self-same
track ! And what a blessing is it to him, that what has
so often been dreaded , as the hazardous voyage of weeks,
may now be completed by steam in a few days !
At daylight, the little island of Porto Santo having
been passed, the full prospect of the larger island of
Madeira lay exposed , and between its north -eastern
corner, and the little islands called the Desertas, the
vessel hastened on towards the delightful harbour of
Funchal. Passing close in shore, several little towns
were distinctly traced upon the coast, lying close down
upon the very bosom of the waters.
Though sailors are seldom poets, there is something
in the aspect of this lovely island which speaks poetry
to the least poetical ; and where nature looks so elo
quent, and the fresh green of the loaded vineyard con
trasts so beautifully with the wilder rocks above it,
while the sun of its scarce- failing summer sheds its glow
upon the varied woods around, even the iron Nemesis
and her iron-hearted crew were cheered and gladdened ,
as she glided close along the shore.
After passing the point called Brazen Head, the view
of Funchal, the capital of the island, burst suddenly
into sight. Its fortifications, its churches, and its nume
rous convents, form a pleasing contrast with each other.
There is something new and un-English about them , and
the fine country -houses in the rear, with the rich gar
dens around, clothed in all the luxury of southern
climes, make the sudden change seem more like a
dream than the realization of one.
The Nemesis was not long in coming to anchor within
the bay, on the western side of the town, and between
it and the remarkable rock called the Loo Rock . A
VOL . I. с
moment's busy stir soon takes place, upon the arrival of
any steamer in a quiet spot like Funchal, where little
passes to vary the monotony of its every -day life. Al
though the Nemesis was not a man - of-war, she had all
the appearance of one, and as such was regarded with
à degree of attention and civility from the port and
quarantine boats, not usually accorded to ordinary ships
which touch there .
But time was precious, and the great object of her
visit was to be accomplished as soon as possible — namely,
in the stoker's language, “ coaling” —an operation any
thing but pleasant. But they who would enjoy the
steamer's “ stately march upon the waters ” must be
content to purchase it at the price of this necessary evil.
There is something very pleasant in revisiting a place
you have long been absent from , and were once happy
in, particularly a foreign port, after a cruise at sea.
Indeed, it is scarcely possible for those thoroughly to
enjoy the pleasures of the shore, who have not made a
voyage upon the great waters. Whatever the land may
be on which we first set foot after such a voyage, it
always presents something new and agreeable. In short,
we tread the Earth again .
Funchal Excursion into the interior of Madeira -- Voyage continued
-Princes' Island - Kroomen - Port St. Antonio - Fuel to be obtained
there and at Fernando Po — The “ Mystery" — Island of St. Thomas's
-St. Anne de Chaves the principal town - Productions— Kroomen
Their character -Resemble Abyssinians- Are never slaves — Gover
nor's house - Interview with his Excellency — Black Aide -de -camp
Request not to fire a salute- - “ Badly off for powder ”-Secret trading
place for slaves— Major Sabine's observations - Cross the Line - Ex
periments with one engine and one boiler - Rudder carried away -
New contrivance — Compelled to stand out to sea under sail — Adap
tation of a lee-board — Voyage continued - Arrival at the Cape of Good
There is something very peculiar in the appearance
of Funchal on your first landing. The surf breaking
upon the beach, as the heavy waves roll in, warns you
that it is not one of the safest harbours in the world .
The boats are backed in stern-foremost, and, before
you can step fairly out of them , they must be hauled
some way up the beach, when a good spring, with the
help of the high sternpost of the native boats, which
seems made for the purpose, sets you fairly on the
beach .
It commonly occurs that the first objects which meet
your eyes, and the first impressions they make on land
ing at a foreign port, are the most characteristic of the
C 2
country. This is the case at Madeira ; all is bustle and
noise at the landing-place ; muleteers and cattle-drivers
throng the shore ; huge casks of wine are being rolled
out of the sledges on which they are brought down from
the mountains ; the noise and confusion of embarking
and disembarking the various cargoes of the boats amidst
the surf ; and, above all, the peculiar costume and cast
of countenance of the people — all these at once mark
the place as Funchal , and none other.
Many old faces were now remembered, and even the
muleteers, the guides, and the boatmen employed on
former visits, recognised their old masters again ; and,
to ascend from low to high, the governor was most con
descending, and even honoured the ship with a personal
visit, while the fair ladies were most gracious, and old
friends most hospitable .
A delightful excursion was made to an estate belong
ing to one of the old Portuguese nobles, beautifully
situated upon an elevated plain , about seven miles from
Funchal. The difference of temperature between the
higher and lower parts of the island cannot be less
than 12 to 15 degrees, so that great variety of climate
is to be found here, according to the elevation of the
spot ; a circumstance remarkably favourable for invalids.
The road towards this fine estate is very characteristic
of the island, exbibiting vineyards and gardens, villages
and hamlets, ravines and mountains, each in its turn .
Other excursions brought to view richly cultivated
valleys, well watered with the winding streams from
the mountains above, while the ascent to them , along
the narrow paths and craggy steeps, might puzzle almost
any but the native mule to carry his burden safely.
Indeed, so delightful is the appearance of the country,
so varied are the little excursions that can be made,
and, withal, so delicious the climate, that it is probable
the island will become more frequented than ever, now
that the facilities of steam -navigation are becoming more
But we have a very long way to travel yet in our
friendly Nemesis, and must basten onward. Accord
ingly, on the evening of the 8th April, we again accom
pany the Nemesis, steaming out of the Bay of Funchal,
after being detained there only three days. It has been
already stated that the vessel was not under the articles
of war ; this was well known to all the crew, although
the majority of her officers belonged to Her Majesty's
navy. Even in this early part of her career, the diffi
culty had been seriously felt ; and none but those who
have been placed in similar circumstances, as command
ing officers, can form any notion of the great forbearance,
tact, and judgment which are daily required on their
part, in the management of their men . Although not a
merchant ship, the Nemesis had to contend with the
same wilful neglect of orders, and the same dogged and
vexatious conduct on the part of some few of lier crew,
which is the bane of our merchant service . It therefore
says much for the judgment and good management of
her officers that they were enabled to keep her at all
times, even throughout the war in China, efficiently
manned ; that she was always ready to go into action,
and always came out of it with credit and success .
On the 11th , she passed quietly through the Canary
Islands, between Palma and Teneriffe, the high peak of
the latter, however, not being visible, owing to the hazy
weather. The Nemesis was now entirely under canvass ,
and the steam was not got up for twelve or thirteen
days after her departure from Madeira . The north-east
trade-wind soon carried her smoothly along, as she passed
about midway between the Cape de Verd Islands and
the coast of Africa, and it was only in a calm, not far
from Sierra Leone, that she had occasion to use her
engines. She was found to sail remarkably well without
steam, although so flat-bottomed .
A breeze again springing up soon after, as she passed
about two hundred miles from Cape Palmas, on the
deadly coast of Africa, on the 26th, she again trusted
entirely to her sails. On approaching nearer to the
land, she encountered very heavy and sudden squalls or
tornadoes, which she bore remarkably well, shewing
excellent qualities as a seaboat, though, as might be
expected from her build , making rather more lee-way
under canvass than could be wished.
Thus she proceeded quietly along the coast, until she
reached the neighbourhood of Cape Formoso, towards
which she was set by strong and unusual southerly
winds and a lee -current. It was therefore necessary
oncemore to get up her steam, which carried her against
a head-wind and pitching sea, in very little more than
three days, to Princes' Island, situated near the coast of
Africa. This is a settlement belonging to the Portu
guese, and the principal place of resort for our cruisers
in that quarter, not very far from Fernando Po. She
cast anchor in West Bay, Princes' Island, on the even
ing of the 14th May, forty -four days from England,
principally under sail. Here she remained , undergoing
a necessary refit, cutting wood for fuel, and preparing
for sea, until the evening of the 23rd .
It is the practice here for every English man -of-war,
of those stationed on the coast , which resort to the
island, to leave a Krooman 1 in her pay, for the purpose
of cutting wood for the ship, in readiness for her return .
As there are generally several vessels on the coast, so are
there also several Kroomen belonging to them, who join
together, and go out to cut wood, lending each other
mutual assistance. The wood is then brought down to
the coast, and stacked in piles, one for each ship, the
name of the particular ship being written on it.
As the Nemesis was furnished with a letter from the
Admiralty, requiring all Her Majesty's ships to give her
every assistance in their power, she was not long in taking
on board the whole stock of wood already laid up for
the little squadron. Captain Tucker, then commanding
the Wolverine, was most active in lending his aid, and
even gave up the supply of wood he already had on
board . In this way about seventy tons of good hard
wood were at last taken on board the Nemesis, and,
as plenty of coal still remained, there could be little
doubt that, with this reinforcement, she would be able
to reach the Cape of Good Hope without difficulty.
Water is easily procured in the immediate neighbour
hood of the landing -place, of excellent quality ; and thus
two very important items for the recruiting of a ship
1 A native African from the so - called Kroo country.
are to be found in abundance in Princes’ Island . Pigs,
poultry, and goats are to be had in any quantity, as
well as yams, Indian corn, coffee, bananas, pineapples,
and limes. Above all, the anchorage at Princes’ Island
is good in all seasons, and of easy access, either by day
or night. It is consequently a very valuable place of
call for vessels going by the eastern passage to the Cape,
which in some seasons is to be preferred to the western
route, particularly for steamers.
On the side of the island opposite to West Bay, or
the north -east, is the town and harbour of Port St. An
tonio, where the governor of the island resides. It is
tolerably secure, but confined, and by no means equal to
West Bay for shipping. There is a respectable Portu
guese merchant there, who is in the habit of supplying
the ships at West Bay with various stores that they may
require ; and, with the view of furnishing all the infor
mation which could be procured, in case any other
steamer should touch there, application was made to
Mr. Carnaero, the reply to which was, that he would
supply any quantity, at the rate of one Spanish dollar
for every hundred logs ;? but if they were required to
be cut into smaller pieces it would cost more, as negroes
would have to be hired for the purpose, at the rate of
one dollar a day for every three men . Further, as re
garded the time necessary, he thought it would require
from thirty to forty days to provide five thousand logs.
Coals were to be had at West Bay, of course imported
from England, but only at the enormous rate of about
About one thousand logs make up twenty -two tons and a half of fire
£6 sterling per ton . The wood which the Nemesis ob
tained was extremely good, but, as it was only just cut,
it was necessary to burn a small quantity of coal with it.
It was found to answer best, and to give most heat, when
split into pieces about four or five inches thick, and three
feet long ; and in this way half a ton of wood an hour
(a very little coal being used) was sufficient to keep up
the full pressure of the steam with six fires.
From Captain Hall's former experience on this coast,
he was of opinion that no good wood fit for steamers was
to be procured in any quantity, at any of the slave ports
on the coast to the southward of the Line, either at
Loango Bay or Kabenda, or other places, although the
Portuguese at Princes' Island stated the contrary. On
falling in, a day or two after leaving that island, with
H. M. brig Waterwitch, he was completely borne out in
this opinion by her commander, Lieutenant Matson, who
stated that, at the places named, the wood was not suffi
ciently hard and solid for steamers , and was, moreover,
excessively dear, which is also sufficient to point out that
it is not to be had in large quantities. He further agreed
that Fernando Po and Princes’ Island are the only places
on the coast where sufficient good hard wood is to be
The latter island is being greatly benefitted already
by the demand for its wood . Land is, in consequence,
being cleared and planted, and the coffee grown there is
of good quality, and cheap. In fact, from its position
and capabilities, it is likely to become a place of greater
resort, as steam communication, viâ the Cape of Good
Hope, gradually becomes more extended .
It must be mentioned here, that ships sailing much
along the coast are pretty sure to get their bottoms
covered with large barnacles ; and the Nemesis, so far
from being exempt from this annoyance, being entirely
of iron, was, perhaps, more troubled with them than a
coppered ship would have been. The quantity, in fact,
was enormous, and they adhered so firmly , that it was
with some difficulty they were taken off, commonly bring
ing away the paint with them . Kroomen belonging to
the men -of-war were employed to dive under the ship’s
bottom for the purpose, and a very curious and amusing
scene it was. It is quite astonishing how long these
hardy men can remain at work under water, and no
light work either. Great, muscular, black, curly -headed
fellows, bobbing down under water, some with broom
sticks, some with scrapers, and others with bits of iron
bar ; anything, in short, with which they could attack
the tenacious visiters which clung so lovingly to the iron
Nemesis. The Kroomen are an active, laborious, and
faithful race , as all will testify who have occasion to
employ them on the coast. They are received as seamen
in ur men - of-war upon the station , and, on her return
to Calcutta, after long and arduous service, the Nemesis
had still two of them remaining on board, out of three
who accompanied her from the coast, the other poor
fellow having died in the service. They were, of course,
sent back to their own country, at the expense of go
vernment, according to their original agreement.
At length, on the 22nd of May, all arrangements
being completed, the steam was once more got up, boats
hoisted in, anchor weighed, and the word “full speed
being passed below, away went the still mysterious Ne
mesis, as the sun had just dipped below the horizon ;
a hearty cheer was given from H. M. S. Wolverine and
Viper as she passed, which was heartily responded to
by all on board the Nemesis. The unknown service
upon which she was employed , and the uncertain con
jectures made concerning her, which none but her com
mander was able, and he unwilling, to clear up, added
at all times to the interest she created . In fact, she
at last got to be christened “ the Mystery,” and there
inquiry ceased. The efforts made to penetrate the veil
were curious enough. When she was about to leave
Madeira, people were placed on several high points of
land, in order to watch which way she went ; and it
afforded some amusement to the officers on board , to
devise means to puzzle them more than ever. On one
occasion, it was gravely announced, by way of a hoax,
that she was “ going to look for a passage between the
Niger and the Nile, and help to civilize the Africans.”
While we have thus been retracing our steps a little,
we have left our recruited steamer standing away from
Princes’ Island, on the evening of the 23rd of May.
Her course would necessarily lead her towards the
island of St. Thomas's, another Portuguese settlement,
lying as nearly as possible under the Line, and, there
fore, scarcely a day's voyage from Princes' Island. She
accordingly approached it on the following afternoon,
and did not lose the opportunity of entering the Bay of
Chaves, where lies the principal town called St. Anne
de Chaves.
Some parts of this small island are very pretty and
picturesque ; others are wild and thickly wooded . It
produces large quantities of fruit and vegetables, but is
principally valuable on account of the excellence of its
coffee, which, however, is not cultivated in very large
quantity . St. Anne, the principal town, lies at the
bottom of aa lovely bay. The greater part of the inhabi
tants of St. Anne are Kroomen or negroes, but of a
much superior class to those we generally understand
by the term negro. They are tall, athletic men , very
industrious, ( in this respect different from most other
Africans) intelligent, and, when well treated , faithful
and honest. All the Kroomen are strongly attached to
the English , and willingly serve on board our ships,
making very good seamen . The three men who volun
teered to serve on board the Nemesis proved themselves
useful and trustworthy, courageous, and attached to their
officers. They have great faith in an Englishman's
word, and, to whatever part of the world they may be
carried, they always feel confident of being sent back to
their own country free of expense, whenever their ser
vices are no longer required . They are an independent
people, and have never been connected with slave
dealers, whom, indeed, they seem to hold in great con
tempt. Nevertheless, they have the woolly hair and
thick lips and nose of the true negro. Of all the Afri
cans whom I have seen , they appear most to resemble
the Abyssinians in their character and habits, though
improved by more frequent contact with our country
men .
The governor's house is the best in the place, and is
distinguished from the more humble ones around it by
the luxury of a green verandah . Across the entrance
to the principal apartment, a large curtain or screen of
drapery was hung, richly emblazoned with the arms
of Portugal, and almost the only real token of her
It was naturally a matter of curiosity to visit his Ex
cellency in state, and, accordingly, the officers were
ushered into the presence by a grand master of the cere
monies, who was also commandant of the island . This
person was a huge black negro, “ richly caparisoned ”
for the occasion, and , as he spoke a little English, he
proceeded, immediately after the presentation , to ex
pound to his Excellency the object of the visit. That
object was, first, of course, to pay respect to so distin
guished an officer, and next, to ascertain whether, in
case a steamer should happen to touch there at any
other time, a depôt for coal could be formed on the
island, and whether wood could be procured for fuel,
and a proper place provided for storing it until required .
His Excellency condescended to be extremely polite,
saying that both these matters could be accomplished,
and that he should be happy to lend his assistance in
any manner he could . He added that he perfectly well
remembered that the Enterprize, a wooden steamer, had
touched there on her way to India many years before,
but that he had never till now heard of an iron one.
The interview was soon ended , and was so far per
fectly satisfactory. But, as the officers were on the
way down to the ship again, the black master of the
ceremonies, aide-de-camp, commandant, &c . , made a
particular request that no salute should be fired, for
that they happened to be “ very badly off for powder ”
themselves, and should find it inconvenient to be obliged
to return it : probably a gentle hint that aa little powder
would be acceptable.
Little time could be devoted to the further examina
tion of the island , which would seem to be of very small
value to its masters . There is reason , however, to
believe, that, to a certain degree, although unacknow
ledged and in secret, it is made use of as a sort of
intermediate trading-place for slaves.
It was on this island that the distinguished Major
Sabine conducted his scientific and interesting observa
tions upon the swinging of the pendulum in 1822, as >
it lies as nearly as possible under the Line.
With a sun always vertical, no refreshing change of
seasons can here be known ; there is even monotony in
splendour ; the glorious sun is here omnipotent : his rays
are fire ; his smiles, that clothe the earth in luxuries,
and make all nature tempting in her riches, are scorch
ing arrows to her earthly master, Man ; and one dull
round of glaring summer scarcely tempts his heart to
On the following morning, the 25th, the Nemesis
crossed the Line, with the thermometer at 96°, which
had been the average temperature for several days.
Strong adverse winds prevailed, with a heavy swell for
many days afterwards, against which she went ahead
very steadily, at the rate of five to five and a half knots
an hour ; but, as it was desirable to save fuel as much
as possible, it was at length determined to make a
hitherto untried experiment, viz. , to work the lee paddle
wheel only, while under sail, (the other wheel being
disconnected, and allowed to revolve by the motion of
the vessel ) ; and also to use only one boiler. The
weather had moderated, but still the engineers were of
opinion that the experiment would fail, because they
had neither seen nor heard of its having been attempted.
It was, however, determined to give it a fair trial, and,
accordingly, the weather-wheel was disconnected, all
sail put upon the ship, and her course slightly altered.
She was steered about five and aa half points from the
wind, and in this position, with a rolling sea and steady
breeze, she continued to inake head at the rate of six
and a half to seven knots an hour ; the active or lee
paddle-wheel making twelve to fifteen revolutions per
minute. Thus the success of the trial was complete,
particularly as it appeared to counteract the lee-way of
the vessel . The helm did not seem to be materially
affected by the unequal force applied to the two sides of
the vessel ; and, as regards the weather, it is reported
in the ship’s log to have been “cloudy, with fresh
breezes, and a heavy swell. ”
Some pains have been taken to ascertain from the
officers and the chief engineer, first, whether both en
gines could be worked to any good purpose with one
In reply to this question , it appears that, except in
the river Mersey at Liverpool, with all circumstances
particularly favourable, the Nemesis was never able to
work both engines with one boiler, with more than very
inconsiderable effect. But it must be very evident
that any vessel, having power enough to do so in case
of emergency, must possess a great advantage ; and
there is little doubt that, with twenty or thirty horse
power more, she would have been able to accomplish it
in smooth water, particularly with sails set. It is, there
fore, to be regretted that her power (only one hundred
and twenty horse) was scarcely sufficient for her size
and weight .
It is known to all that, where two engines are at
work, the one helps the other, their movements being
so arranged, that the one shall act with its greatest
power at the moment when the other is acting with its
smallest, and thus their motions are uniform .
Not to dwell too long upon this matter, it may suffice
here to mention that, when the vessel was under sail in
moderate weather, it answered perfectly well to work
only one engine, (and, of course, only one boiler) either
with two wheels or one, but that it was preferable to
use only one wheel ( that on the lee-side) with the one
engine. It is very certain, however, that, when the sea
is heavy, both engines and both wheels must be used,
because, as the vessel rolls, each wheel becomes alter
nately immersed deeply in the water, and, if only one
engine were used, (either with both wheels or one) a sea
might catch the wheel at the moment when it is acted
on with least power (just over the centre) by the single
engine, and thus the wheel would be stopped altogether
for the moment ; and this, indeed, was found to be the
case. Nevertheless, as before stated, in moderate wea
ther, and with a tolerable breeze, one engine and one
wheel can be used with the best possible effect, and with
great saving of fuel.
In the instance above referred to, the Nemesis was
working in the manner I have described, at the rate of
five and a half to six and a half, and for a short time
at seven and a half, knots an hour, against a swell from
the southward . Some days afterwards it fell quite calm,
and she was then tried with both wheels and one boiler ;
but she scarcely gained even steerage-way through the
water, so that both boilers and both engines were once
more made use .
of. A great many experiments of this
kind were made during the voyage ; but the details of
them would be unfitted for a narrative of this nature.
It may be added, however, that the use of one wheel
nd one engine is applicable when beating on a wind in
tolerable weather ; but, where the wind is abaft the
beam and moderate , both wheels can very advantage
ously be used with one engine.
On the 2nd of June, the ship all at once seemed to be
lost to the control of the helmsman, and, no other very
good reason suggesting itself, the rudder was naturally
examined with care. It was at once discovered that the
drop or false rudder had been carried away, but by what
means did not sufficiently appear ; except that, on exa
mination, there was reason to think it must have been
fairly worn through at the point of junction with the
lower edge of the upper or true rudder ; for, at this
part, nearly the whole strain of its action operated .
No time was to be lost in attempting to repair this
injury, as the vessel became almost unmanageable, the
true rudder at times being nearly above water, in the
heavy pitching of the ship. With the utmost exertion
on the part of the officers and the intelligent carpenter
VOL . I. D
of the ship, a temporary false rudder was constructed ,
and securely fixed before nightfall. It was moreover
found to act even better than the original one, having
more hold in the water, as well as a larger surface of
attachment to the upper rudder. Subjoined is a plan
of this contrivance, which will almost suffice to explain
its ingenuity. It was made of planks of wood, in
stead of solid iron, and was secured by chains, in such a
manner as to grasp the upper or true rudder firmly,
while it could also be raised or lowered at pleasure.
Water Line
ి 0
ిద 00
కర 98 le
లం 00 op
పా 00 pe
A Main rudder . D Lower chain guys, which pass round the
B Side view of temporary rudder, made heel of the rudder, crossing it at the
double (out of six fluats ) so as to fore part, and leading up on each quar
clasp the main rudder on each ter,with a tackle attached to each side .
side. E Chain -head guys, passiug through bolts
C Pigs of ballast between the floats, rest. in the main rudder, and set up over
ing on the heel -piece . the stern .
F Strengthening pieces of iron .
The whole apparatus was found to answer remarkably
well, and , during the remainder of the voyage to the
Cape (and that a trying one), it never got out of order,
or required additional support. Indeed, it was re
marked by every one, that the vessel was more easily
steered than it had been before ; and it was evident
that the original false rudder of iron had been neither
strong enough, nor had sufficient hold of the upper one
to which it was fastened .
But the difficulties which the Nemesis had to encoun
ter were not yet ended . Strong breezes from the south
ward still prevailed , without any prospect of a speedy
change ; her progress was slow, and there only remained
on board thirty-two tons of coal, with a little wood ;
nor was there any place at hand to which she could run
for fuel. It was therefore resolved to stand boldly out
to sea, trusting to her canvass only. Thus her remain
ing fuel would be reserved for any emergency, and
would suffice to ensure her being able to get into port
when within a reasonable distance. A reference to the
map will show her position at this time.
The engines were now stopped, some of the float
boards of the wheels taken off, and every preparation
made for an encounter with the ocean . As much sail
was set as she could carry, and her course was altered
according to the wind. Away stood the fearless Neme
sis, disdaining the land, and boldly venturing out to
dare the stormy seas of those regions, in the depth of
winter. Anxiety to hasten on to the scene of active
operations induced her commander to try the only re
maining chance of making a tolerable passage ; and
confidence in his own resources, in case of difficulty,
made him bold and restless. The heavy winds from the
D 2
southward , which had so long prevailed, had baffled all
the usual calculations. He had himself, as well as his
chief officer, spent several years upon the coast of
Africa, yet neither of them had ever before witnessed
such weather. Could it have been foreseen, it is pro
bable that the western route, by Rio Janeiro, which is
the one more usually chosen by sailing vessels, would
have been preferred : but, under present circumstances,
there remained no other resource but the one they
adopted ; unless, indeed , they had run all the way back
to St. Helena for fuel, which would have caused far
greater delay
On the first day of their standing away, it became
more than ever apparent, that, being very light, and in
fact scarcely drawing five feet and a half of water, as
she was really flat-bottomed, the vessel fell so much to
leeward that she made very little progress on a wind
and in a heavy sea ; and, in short, that her deep move
able keels were far from sufficient to counteract this
tendency. It therefore became of the utmost im
portance to endeavour to invent some additional means
of remedying this inconvenience.
Calling to mind his former experience on the coast of
Holland, and remembering the great advantage which
the flat-bottomed Dutch vessels derive from the use of
their lee-boards, when sailing in light winds or close
hauled , with a head sea, it occurred to the commander
that something of a similar kind might be adopted on
the present occasion. The officers all concurred in this
suggestion, and, when all are animated with the same
cordial and enterprising spirit, few things are found to
be so difficult as they at first appear. It is the mutual
reliance upon each other, in the moment of difficulty,
which enables British seamen boldly and successfully to
brave many perils, which a moment's doubt or hesita
tion might render insurmountable.
2 22 2 2 2 2
1 Main piece, made of birch , 4 inches by 12 . 6 Beam covered with iron , for lee- board to
2 Niue floats, 7 ft. 8 in . long , l1 in . broad , work on .
and 24 thick . 7 Iron clamp , extending 2 feet, tin . thick .
3 Two-inch plank. 8 After-gry, for tricing up.
4 Iron braces , lt in. thick, to strengthen it . 9 Fore-ditto , to steady heel.
5 Ring -bolt to get it in and out with.
10}Upper guys.
N.B. The chain guys were all set up with a rope and tackle .
The above wood-cut will sufficiently explain the
nature of the contrivance adopted on this occasion,
without the assistance of minute and tedious descrip
tion. It is only necessary to remark , that, in addition
to the four chains which are seen in the plan, a fifth
was found necessary , to keep the lee-board close to
the side of the vessel. It was secured to the lower end
of the lee-board at its centre, and , having then been
carried across the vessel's bottom, was fastened to the
opposite side by a rope and tackle. The whole con
trivance appears to have been very cleverly managed, and
much ingenuity was shown by the mechanics, in adapt
ing the means at hand to the necessities of the moment.
Thus equipped, the Nemesis proceeded on her voyage,
and was found to derive great assistance from this new
contrivance. It was found that her lee-way was re
duced fully one half, as ascertained by careful observa
tion. As there appeared such decided evidence of the
utility of a lee-board of this description, it is probable
that hereafter all steamers having a light draught of
water, and being very flat-bottomed, particularly if
bound on distant voyages, will be provided with some
thing of this kind , so that it may be shipped on or off,
as required.
Another remark, perhaps worthy of being attended
to, suggested itself on this occasion, and it has been
frequently confirmed since — namely, that no steamer,
constructed according to the model of the Nemesis,
should be sent to sea upon a long and uncertain voyage,
without having a fixed keel running the whole way fore
and aft, and bolted strongly through her bottom. This 1
would be found of the greatest possible utility at sea, 1
and it could be easily taken off, and the moveable keels
put on whenever the vessel were employed upon a coast
or in river navigation .
It may further be questionable, in the event of a
smaller steamer being intended to be sent out, whether
it would not be both safer and less expensive to send it
in pieces, and have it put together by the mechanics 1
and engineers belonging to it, at the place where it 1
might be destined for use, than to send it ready equip
ped, to make its own way to its destination by steam
and canvass, with all the necessary risk.
We will now once more pursue our voyage . The
south -east trade-wind, which for several days before had
brought a heavy swell, and the strong breezes of which
had gradually broken up into squalls and rain, now left
the vessel entirely, and terminated in a calm some
what suddenly, on the 14th June, in about latitude
26° 16 ' S., and longitude 0° 41 ' E. It was therefore
necessary once more to resort to steam . She was still a
thousand miles from the Cape ; but, fortunately, a light
breeze springing up on the following day, she again
trusted herself to canvass only.
Gradually the breeze freshened on the subsequent
days, until, at last, about the 18th, it amounted to a
moderate gale, with that high and heavy sea which all
who have visited the Cape will long remember ; threat
ening, every now and then, to break on board, or poop
the ship : but the steady little vessel rose to it like a
swan, and never shipped one heavy or dangerous sea.
Confidence in all her qualities daily increased, and,
with a strong breeze on the quarter, she was now sailing
under canvass only, at the rate of eight to nine and a
half knots an hour. The lee-board was found at all
times useful in making the ship stanch under sail ;
but, as it was constructed in haste, and only with such
materials as were at hand, it required to be repaired
and strengthened several times.
On the 20th June, in about 36° 54' S.L. and 11 ° 20 '
E.L., the wind suddenly veered round to the southward
again, and a strong current was found to be setting
dead against her, at the rate of nearly forty miles a day ;
it was therefore deemed necessary again to stand away
a little more, although her distance from the Cape at
that time was less than three hundred and fifty miles.
The resolution to stand away to the westward, on the
21st, seems to have been the only judicious course ; for,
at that time, there was little probability of her being
able to reach even Saldanha Bay, which is near the
Cape, against the swell and strong current ; while, had
she been carried to leeward of that point, there would
have been no chance of her reaching the Cape at that
season of the year, without first running up to St. He
lena for coals. Had she even made Saldanha Bay, no
fuel would have been procured there.
At length, on the 29th, being still two hundred and
thirty miles from the Cape, but well down to the south
ward, and it appearing that there was sufficient fuel left
to carry her into port, the steam was for the last time
got up. On the morning of the 1st July, the remark
able land of the Table Mountain, and the conical peak
to the southward of it, were well in sight. The Neme
sis had made a long and tiresome voyage in the most
unfavourable season of the year, and the anxiety which
had been shared by all on board may well be conceived .
The dangers of the Cape, at that time of year, have not
been exaggerated ; and, indeed, none but small vessels
venture into Table Bay at all. From her small draught
of water, the Nemesis might come under this class, par
ticularly as her steam would at all times give her an
advantage over other vessels. On the 1st July, much
to the astonishment of every one at Cape Town, she
was descried , late in the evening, quietly steaming into
Table Bay.
After all her trials upon this her first voyage, the
Nemesis had suffered as yet no material injury. Every
part of her machinery was in perfect order ; but, having
exhausted all her fuel, and the greater part of her water
and provisions, she was now only drawing about four
feet and a half water ; her mean immersion, on leaving
England, having been six feet. She had been ninety
five days on the voyage, principally owing to the un
usual weather she had encountered .
Table Bay - In the Winter months — Nemesis visited by the Governor
-Curiosity of the people at an iron vessel — Trip round the Bay
Scenery - Table Mountain — Crowds of natives — Cape Town— De
parture from — General remarks on the coast—Cape Lagullas - Pro
posed Lighthouse on it — Different routes to the eastward Mozam
bique Channel Orders to proceed through it - Cleared for Port
Essington — More “ mystery" — Tremendous gale in the Mozambique
Channel Serious accident — The vessel begins to split in two —
Wheel carried away – Weather moderates — Port Natal — Dangerous
state of the vessel— Temporary repairs — Gale increases — Cape Vidal
- Iron plates continue to split — Almost hopeless condition Exer
tions of the crew — Moderation of the gale — Providential escape —
Anchors in smooth water.
During the winter season, few vessels, and those only
of light burden, venture into Table Bay, exposed as it is
to the full fury of the north-west gales. Men-of-war,
and the few large merchant-vessels which have occasion
to touch at the Cape, prefer running into Simon's Bay,
which is on the opposite side of the long tongue of land,
or cape, which distinguishes that coast. There they lie
securely sheltered ; but the distance from Cape Town by
land is not less than eighteen miles, the greater part over
a heavy, dreary road of white sand . The communica
tion, therefore, is as tedious as the road is unattractive,
and Cape Town is little frequented during the winter
months, though the season is in other respects most
The Nemesis, however, had little cause for fear in
Table Bay, her light draught of water enabling her to
anchor in a well-sheltered cove, near the new stone jetty,
which has recently been constructed. There she lay X
snug and safe, and ready to recommence the task of
coaling. It was almost dreary to behold the dark
and gloomy-looking steamer, all alone, or nearly so,
within that noble bay. At other seasons, many stately
ships, bound to every quarter of the globe, would have
been found there. But now, almost alone at anchor,
and so near the town, all eyes were turned towards the
stranger ; and when the curious asked whence she came
or whither she was bound, or what the object of her
voyage, and why, in such a season, she should tempt the
eastern seas, none knew, and none could guess, and
“ Mystery ” was still her name.
On the second day after her arrival, the governor of
the colony paid a visit on board, and, as he appeared to
take the greatest interest in all that related to her con
struction and equipment, the steam was got up, and the
whole party were carried round the bay, apparently
much to their satisfaction and enjoyment. The foremost
gun was fired in every position, and with different charges
of powder, to shew its power and range ; and the inte
rest awakened as to the future destination of the vessel
was much increased by what they then witnessed .
Had anything further been wanting to add to the in
terest of the trip, enough would have been found in the
beautiful scenery of the Table Mountain , and the Moun
tain Lion frowning on the pretty scattered town beneath.
Varied by the foliage and the gardens which enliven it,
it slopes gradually from the mountain's side towards the
bay, looking gay and happy ; while two large batteries
near the water's edge give promise of protection. Every
thing contributed to make the day remembered ; and as
the Nemesis, returning from her trip, approached the
landing -place, thousands came to greet her. To the
astonishment of all, she ran in close to the side of the
old jetty, where no vessel had ever been seen before.
Nothing could exceed the wonder of the people at seeing
so long and large a vessel floating alongside their old
wooden pier, usually frequented only by boats. It cre
ated quite an excitement in quiet Cape Town, and the
steady, sober-thinking Dutchmen could hardly bring
themselves to believe that iron would float at all, and
still less with such astonishing buoyancy.
Scarcely had the governor and his suite landed, when
hundreds, one might almost say thousands, of curious
people crowded on board. The report that an iron steamer
was lying close to the town had spread so fast, and had
excited so much curiosity, that even the sick made it an
excuse for an airing ; and such a motley crowd of people
of every caste and colour as gathered round the vessel
is rarely to be met with elsewhere. The negro, the
Hottentot, the Caffir, and the Malay, with all the inter
mediate shades of colour, hastened down with idle curi
osity ; while the respectable Europeans and colonists,
young and old, were admitted on board, and seemed 1
delighted to gaze on something new.
As it was desirable that as much coal as possible
should be taken on board before the vessel was compelled
to haul off, owing to the falling of the tide, no time was
lost in commencing the troublesome process. Even this
did not at all deter the visiters, who continued to suc
ceed each other in crowds, in spite of the inconvenience
they suffered. By the active assistance of the agents of
the vessel, and the hire of an immense number of coolies,
no less than one hundred tons of coal were put on board
in little less than three hours, though, of course, not
properly stowed away. AA great saving was thus made
of boat-hire and other expenses, which would have been
incurred in sending the coal out to her proper anchorage.
Several repairs were now to be made with all expe
dition. The drop, or false rudder, was first to be re
stored, and required to be much strengthened. This
was a very essential matter ; and a suggestion now oc
curred worth noticing, namely, that in the event of other
vessels of the same description being sent to sea, they
should be provided with some means of being able com
pletely to choke the rudder temporarily, or prevent
its action altogether, while at sea, in case of its being
found requisite to repair the drop-rudder. The want of
some means of keeping the rudder stationary while
repairing it at sea was frequently felt, and something
might easily be provided to effect this object.
It was also found requisite to strengthen ( technically
to “ fish ” ) both the lower masts, which were originally
scarcely stout enough for the size of the vessel, at all
events during the Cape gales, though the spars were
good, and have stood firmly ever since. The decks were
also to be caulked throughout, and, with other less im
portant repairs, the whole delay at the Cape amounted
to nine clear days.
On the 11th July, all being completed, she once more
stood out of Table Bay, with the cheers and hearty good
wishes of all for her success, although they wondered
what her mysterious destination could be. Night was
now fast setting in ; and, while the Nemesis is standing
away from the bay, and shaping her course for the
night well down towards the southward, we will pause
to make a few observations , which will render her sub
sequent proceedings more easily understood .
Generally speaking, among those who have occasion
to sail to the eastward of the Cape, or to touch there,
the appellation of Cape of Good Hope is made to apply
to Cape Town and Table Bay, in which it is situated.
But, strictly speaking, the Cape of Good Hope is the
extremity of a peninsula , and distant upwards of thirty
miles from Cape Town to the southward . It is the ter
minating promontory of the south - western extremity
of Africa, and completely shuts in a deep bay on its
eastern side, called False Bay, at the bottom of which
is Simon's Bay. About two miles farther to the south
ward lies the low rock not inappropriately called the
Bellows, which might also be very aptly named the Blow
hard, for Æolus himself could hardly have chosen a
more appropriate place upon which to plant his throne.
Scarcely have you rounded this point, which in the
present instance was passed at the distance of only four
or five miles, than, proceeding gradually to the eastward,
you soon come to a headland, ominously named Danger
Point, and thence to Lagullas, the southernmost point
of the great continent of Africa, about thirty leagues
distant from the Cape of Good Hope. The land about
it is rather low, but may be seen at the distance of
several leagues, while an isolated hill, at a little distance
from it, called the Gunner's Coin, may be distinguished
much further off, and is used as a landmark for ships
passing far out at sea. The extensive bank of sand and
mud which runs out from it towards the south-east is
not readily forgotten by those who have had occasion to
experience the disagreeable pitching sea which rolls
heavily upon it. Frightful accidents to shipping have
sometimes occurred in these parts ; and the want of a '
lighthouse upon the Cape was so severely felt, that it
was resolved, at a public meeting held for the purpose at
Cape Town, to collect subscriptions from all quarters and
all countries, for the purpose of placing a beacon-light
upon a point of so much importance to the mariners of
every nation. Happily, in the eleventh hour, it is said
the government stepped forward , and, taking upon itself
the task which the benevolence of private individuals had
so generously proposed to accomplish, added one more
laurel to the wreath which the greatest maritime nation
claims to wear. In the present instance, the route of
the Nemesis lay about six or seven miles from this point ;
and, on the 14th, having got well to the eastward of it,
she once more trusted to her sails alone, and the engines
were allowed to rest.
Now it is evident that a steamer bound to Singapore,
or to any place still further eastward, would have a
choice of three routes ; either she might make her pas
sage from Table Bay towards the Straits of Sunda,
between the islands of Java and Sumatra, trusting prin
cipally to her sails, the winds being generally strong in
those latitudes, and thereby saving her fuel ; or she
might run from the Cape up to the Mauritius, to take
in coal, which has been done by many steamers, and
thence proceed by the Straits of Malacca ; or, lastly,
she might run through the Mozambique Channel, be
tween the Continent of Africa and the island of Mada
gascar, and, touching at Ceylon for coals, proceed
likewise down the Straits of Malacca to her destination.
On the present occasion, the Nemesis had distinct
orders to choose the latter route, the season of the year
being considered the most favourable for it, and it being
thought desirable that a visit should be paid to the
island of Johanna, the most frequented of the groupe
called the Comoro Islands, situated at the northern end
of the Mozambique Channel. This island will be more
particularly alluded to in its proper place. Thence she
was to proceed direct to Ceylon for coals . But even
this was only known to her commander ; and all that
either officers or men could learn about her destination,
when they left the Cape, was that they were at once to
proceed through the Mozambique Channel, but with
what object they knew not.
It is rather remarkable that a ship's company should
have been kept so well together, considering that they
had not the slightest intimation of what their ultimate
destination was to be, though fully armed and equipped
for any service . Indeed, as if to make the “ mystery "
more complete, the vessel , on clearing out from Table
Bay, had been announced as bound for Port Essington ,
A STORM . 49
a scarcely heard -of settlement, then in its earliest in
fancy, upon the northern coast of New Holland ; - a
most improbable destination.
Let us, however, now pass on without delay to one of
the most eventful periods of her history. Six days had
scarcely passed since her departure from the Cape,
when a new and quite unforeseen danger awaited her,
and it rapidly increased, without any port being at hand
for refuge. It has very rarely happened that a ship
has been so near destruction , and yet escaped at last.
The first « few days of her passage alternated between
gales and calins ; and the high sea which she encoun
tered only gave her aa further opportunity of proving the
good qualities which she possessed as a sea-boat. Cape
Francis, on the southern side of the coast of Africa,
within the colony, near Algoa Bay, was in sight from
the mast-lead on the 14th. The barometer began to
fall on the 15th, and at length, on the following day,
had almost sunk to twenty-eight inches. Vivid flashes
of lightning now ran along the sky to the westward ;
the wind , which had been strong and steady from the
N.N.W., freshened to a heavy gale ; every appearance
threatened an increase rather than a diminution of the
storm ; and the sea became so high and heavy, that it
threatened every moment to overwhelm the long, low
Nemesis ; for the sail that could be put upon her
scarcely sufficed to keep her before the sea.
The float -boards had been taken off the wheels before
the gale commenced, and she had continued under
canvass ever since. Algoa Bay had been passed long
before the weather had become so threatening ; to
VOL . I. E
return to it was now impossible ; the gale went on
increasing, the sea rose fearfully, and the ship's course
was slightly altered, so as to carry her further away
from the land . Her danger even at this time was
great, as she lay so low upon the sea, which heaved its
convulsive waves high above her.
In the night, or rather about three o'clock in the
morning of the 17th, a tremendous sea at length struck
her upon the larboard quarter. Her whole frame
quivered with the blow ; and so violent was the shock,
that the first impression of all on board was, that the
ship had been actually riven asunder. The violence of
the blow made her broach to the sea and wind ; but,
happily, she was got before it again as speedily as
possible . It was no time to hesitate, or to be idle ;
every man was on deck, ready and anxious to use his
best exertions ; and it is in such moments of trial that
the true British seaman shows the hardy, oaken stuff of
which he is made.
As daylight dawned, the injuries which the vessel had
received were soon discovered . The starboard paddle
wheel had been seriously damaged ; in fact, a conside
rable portion of it had been nearly carried away, and
only hung by a very small attachment, by which it was
then dragging through the water.
Scarcely had the necessary means been adopted to
save this portion of the wheel, when another and more
serious injury was found to have happened to the body
of the ship itself. An immense perpendicular crack
was discovered on both sides of the vessel, just before
the after paddle or sponson beam , extending almost
entirely through the second iron plate from the top,
and also through a small portion of the upper one.
These had been broken asunder with such violence, that,
at the worst point of the injury, the plate had bulged
outwards in such a manner, that one portion of the
broken surface projected to the extent of about two
inches, leaving a most formidable opening in the ship's
side. In reality, the ship had begun to separate amid
ships, from one side to the other. There was every
probability, too, that the crack, which at this time was
nearly two feet and a half in length, would rapidly
extend itself by the working of the ship, unless the
weather moderated very speedily. There was every
cause for alarm, and little prospect of being able, even
temporarily, to repair so serious an injury in the then
state of the weather.
It was evident that the broken paddle-wheel could not
long hold together, and scarcely any one thought it pos
sible to save the broken portion of it from being lost.
But aa little ingenuity, stimulated by the necessity of the
moment, often suggests the most effectual contrivances,
which are, after all, the most simple. The great object
was to secure it temporary in some way or other ; so
that, as soon as the rim became completely broken
through, the mass might hang suspended by some other
means from the ship's side. The vessel was rolling
heavily, so that there was little chance of being able
to pass a rope round it ; but the ingenious thought
quickly suggested itself, that one of the large boat
anchors would make a capital fish - hook for the purpose.
With this, one of the arms was at last caught hold of,
E 2
and supported, until the rim was completely torn
through ; and then, by means of a stout tackle, the
large broken portion of the wheel was, with some diffi
culty, hauled on board .
So far there had been good fortune in the midst of
trouble, for, had this portion of the wheel been entirely
lost, there is good reason to fear, as will presently be
seen , that with only one wheel , which might also have
easily become injured, the unfortunate Nemesis would
very probably have been unable to outlive the still worse
weather which she afterwards encountered, and would
have scarcely reached a port, even in aa sinking state.
And here we may make two observations. First, that
the practice of taking off the float-boards under sail,
which, in some steamers, is made a regular exercise for
the men, at all times materially weakens the paddle
wheel, particularly in a heavy sea, and may endanger it
altogether. Secondly, that an additional paddle-ring,
running round the centre of the paddle-arms, and tying
them together, contributes very much to the strength
of the wheel ; and further, that the paddle-centre should
never be made of cast iron . It is the most important
part of the whole wheel, and should have the utmost
strength , which wrought iron alone can give it. It
should here be mentioned , that even on this occasion
eight only, out of the sixteen float-boards, had been
removed , otherwise very probably still more serious
damage would have happened . In order to provide
against the recurrence of any similar accident, orders
were subsequently given , to prepare several small bars
of iron, which were to be screwed on in the place of
every second float -board removed ; so that, if eight
float-boards were taken off, four small bars of iron would
be put on in their places. Thus the wheel would not
lose its proper support and connection . But, from the
experience which had now been gained , it was rarely
afterwards thought expedient to take the float-boards
off at all, and certainly only in smooth water, and with
every appearance of settled weather.1 The portion of
the paddle- wheel which had been torn away on this
occasion comprised no less than six of the paddle
arms, or about two- fifths of the entire circumference of
the wheel . This large mass of iron could not have
weighed less than fifteen to sixteen cwt.
On the following day, the 18th, the weather mode
rated considerably, and the vessel proceeded, with the
help of one wheel only, at the rate of about four knots
an hour. In the mean time, every possible effort was
used to get the broken wheel repaired ; and, in the
short space of three days after the accident, the broken
portion was got over the vessel's side with extraordinary
labour, and was ultimately secured by bolts in its ori
ginal place.
On the 20th, she passed within forty miles of Port
Natal (become so famous as the place the eminent
Dutch farmers, from the Cape Colony, have attempted
to make independent.) But there was little chance of
being able to make the necessary repairs in such a
? It should be remarked, that the engines of the Nemesis were not
fitted with the improved apparatus for disconnecting the shaft, which has
now become in frequent use. The operation was, consequently, tedious
and inconvenient.
place. As the weather had now moderated, although
there was still a heavy sea, it was thought better to
continue her voyage ; as, in case of need, she would
have Delagoa Bay, belonging to the Portuguese, to
take shelter in . There she would be certain of finding
good anchorage, and a convenient place to lay the vessel
on shore, to ascertain the real extent of the damage she
had sustained. But she was not permitted even now to
reach the port without encountering other dangers; and
it seemed almost as if the elements conspired to make
her voyage hazardous and uncertain, beyond what is
usually experienced.
The dangerous condition of the vessel, after the iron
plates on both sides had begun to open, could be con
cealed from none on board ; but, as long as the weather
was moderate, there appeared little doubt of her being
able to reach Delagoa Bay without very great risk of
foundering. On the following day, however, the 21st, the
wind again began to freshen from the north -east, an un
usual quarter at that time of the year. Again the mighty
sea arose, and damped the reviving hopes of all, and the
heavy cross swellcould be looked on only with deep alarm .
Gradually, the opening in the ship's sides, which
hitherto had been sufficiently limited to cause her to
take in but little water, began to extend itself in an
alarming manner. Indeed, it was impossible to guess
where it would stop, or how any efficient means could
be adopted to check it. Both sides were so bad that it
1 was difficult to say which was worst. The vessel was
evidently working amidships, as it is called ;; or, in other
words, it had not only opened up and down, but was
moving in and out from side to side. Moreover, the
weather threatened to become rather worse than better ;
and, to add to the difficulty, the furnace of the larboard
boiler was now found to be likewise injured, and, in
fact, could scarcely be used at all. Thus it became more
and more uncertain whether the engines could be kept
working, so as to pump the water out of the hold ; to
say nothing of urging the vessel along.
Temporary expedients were at once to be resorted to ;
repairs were wanted at various parts at the same time,
and every hand on board was now to be occupied day
and night in contriving means to keep the vessel afloat.
In short, the danger was so evident, that, from the highest
to the lowest, all alike were eager to emulate each other's
efforts. The heavy sea which, since the change of wind,
had met the full current, and rolled heavily behind the
vessel, threatened to break over her every instant. To
provide as well as possible against this danger, four
breadths of stout plank were secured , as strongly as
possible, over the stern and along the quarters, in order
to keep the sea out, or at all events to break its force.
So heavy was the sea, that at this time the main rudder
was sometimes completely out of water, and at the same
moment the jib-boom was under it.
In the midst of this, with the hope of relieving the
strain, by diminishing the top weight at the extremities,
the aftermost or large stern gun was with great labour
dismounted from its pivot-carriage, and safely deposited 1
in one of the after coal-bunkers ; and the bower anchors,
which had already been brought in-board, were now
dragged further amidships. This eased the ship a little.
But gradually as the day advanced, so did the wind
increase, and hourly the sea became more dangerous. It
was now running so high, that at times it fairly stopped
the engine, and it became necessary for an engineer to
stand by constantly, to help to turn it over the centre.
An attempt was, however, made on the 22nd to
effect a temporary repair to the ship's sides, which were
straining very much. For this purpose, two or three rivets
were cut out on each side of the crack in the plates,
and a portion of a new iron plate was with difficulty fixed
on the outside, upon the worst part, and bolted through
into a piece of stout oak plank, placed across it on the
inside. The openings had by this time extended down
wards more than threefeet and a half, on both sides of
the vessel .
On the evening of the 23rd, the ship was wore round,
to try to stand off from the land for the night, but was
found to make so much water upon the larboard -tack, that
it was impossible to keep her in that position , and the
only resource was to stop the engine, and make her lie
to under sail all night. The anxiety of all on board may
be imagined, but can scarcely be described ; none shrunk
from the heavy task of duty, but all felt that their situ
ation was one of extreme danger and uncertainty, though
not as yet of despair.
They were, at this time, at no great distance from
Cape Vidal ; but a tremendous current was setting to
* the south-west, at the rate of more than fifty miles a
day, and helped to throw up a very heavy, dangerous
sea . At length the morning dawned once more, and, as
the day advanced, the north-east gale had moderated ;
and gradually it declined, until, in the afternoon , the
wind changed round towards the south-east. The re
pairs to the damaged wheel were by this time com
pleted , and although the injury to the ship's sides was
hourly increasing, the hopes of all on board redoubled
as they saw the double power of both wheels once more
at work. But Delagoa Bay, for which they struggled
still so hard, was not less than two hundred miles distant.
As night closed in again, the angry wind began to howl,
and burst upon the fated bark in heavy gusts and
squalls. And all around was dark and solemn, as the
fate which seemed again to threaten misery and de
The only sail she now carried was torn away in shreds,
and the steam itself had little power to stand the fury
of the winds and waves. At length it lulled : again she
moved, and yet again the mighty storm increased , and
with alternate hopes and fears the morning's dawn was
looked for. She heaved and strained most fearfully,
the leaks increased , the openings spread, and yet she
floated . 'Twas hoped that, as the day advanced, the
storm would yield ; but hour after hour, as it passed,
had brought no sign of change or promise of amend
ment. Their danger was at this time imminent ; but it
became so evident to all that the only chance of safety
lay in using unremitting exertions, and labouring day
and night with hearty good-will, that their very efforts
produced confidence, which, in its turn, redoubled all
their strength. Nevertheless, it seemed as if new dan
gers were constantly in store.
The gallant vessel still maintained her character as a
good sea -boat. But the leaks continued to increase, her
sides strained and opened fearfully, and the apertures
had by this time extended upwards completely to the
deck, and downwards far below the water-line . As the
vessel heaved and rolled from side to side, the broken
edges of the iron plates sometimes opened to the extent
of an inch, while their lateral motion, as the vessel
worked , in the part that had bulged, was frequently not
less than five inches. As the storm increased, it was
found that in the short space of two and a half hours,
and in spite of every exertion to strengthen the part, the
openings on both sides had further increased in length
no less than eighteen inches.
The motion of the vessel, in such a pitching cross sea,
was very quick ; and every time the sides opened, the
rush of wind and water through them was terrific.
Luckily, the engines were still able to work , and conti
nued to pump the water out very fast, although the open
ings were actually close to the engine-room itself. But
the dangerous state of the vessel was appalling, not only
from the fear of her separating amidships, but from the
chance of the bilge-pumps becoming choked, or the fires
being put out by the rush of water.
The struggle was evidently to be one for life or death ;
and who could then forget his God, his home, and all he
loved on earth, or hoped in heaven ? Yet each one
struggled hard for rescue ; and, as he strove and worked
his utmost, clinging to the bark he hardly thought to
save, not one but whispered forth his silent prayer, and
felt his strength redoubled . Every man was hard at
work, trying all the resources which invention and the
impulse of danger could suggest, to keep the vessel from
breaking asunder. And yet so desperate did the attempt
appear, that, for one passing moment, it seemed as if
their efforts were fruitless, and the courage even of the
stoutest heart began to fail. The utmost strength of
man appeared powerless to save amid so many trials.
She groaned and worked tremendously, and reports N
were brought in quick succession from different parts of
the vessel, that she was fast breaking up in pieces.
Many trembled in their hearts, that dared not show their
fears, because alarm becomes contagious, and tends to
paralyze the strongest arm. But some retired, and for t
a moment prayed to Him, who only now could save ;
and others tried to hold their pen, and tell their last and
parting tale, yet paused and faltered in the effort.
In this dilemma, it was still necessary to inspire the
drooping spirits of the men with some new exertion.
The captain tried to smile, and, by a cool, collected
manner, sought to awaken hope which in secret he him
self could scarcely feel. “ You may smile, sir,”, said one
of the sturdiest of the men, a hardy boiler-maker by
trade, “ but you don't know the nature of iron ; how
should you ! " (as if in pity of his ignorance ), and then 1
added, as if for comfort, “ Ah, sir, when once it works
and cracks, as our sides are doing now , it's sure to go
on ; nothing can stop it . "
However, it was evident that talking about it would
not mend the matter, and all that could be said was,
“ The greater our danger, the more must our exer
tions be increased to counteract it.” And increased
they were. Every officer and man set-to again in ear
nest, to try to keep the ship together; amongst them
: the chief officer, Lieutenant Pedder, was by no means
the least conspicuous, though every officer and man was
working with his utmost strength, in every quarter where
his services could be most effectual. The captain's voice
encouraged while his hand assisted. One party was
employed to nail down thick planks and spars upon the
deck, fore and aft, over the broken part of the ship ;
others were busy bolting the ends of them into the
sponson-beams, between the paddle-boxes ; while ano
ther party, engineers and firemen , were busy strength
ening the ship's sides below.
To understand this latter part of the condition of
affairs, it must be explained that, what in a wooden ship
X would be called the ribs, are, in an iron one, called the
“ angle-irons.” They are, in fact, strong angular bars,
extending up and down the ship's sides like ribs , having
a flat surface, to which the plates of iron are bolted.
These angle-irons, or ribs, are seventeen inches distant
from each other, and at about the centre, between two
of them , the crack had taken place in the plates of
iron. The accident had occurred precisely in the weak
est part of the vessel, amidships ; and it would seem pro
ble that, as there was a heavy cross sea in the Mozam
bique Channel when the misfortune happened, the head
of the vessel was held firm in the hollow of one sea at
the moment the top of another sea struck her heavily on
the quarter. It made her frame quiver ; and her length
and shallowness rendered her the more liable to suffer
injury from a similar blow. The mode in which the
permanent repairs were afterwards effected will be ex
plained in the fifth chapter, p. 78 , together with the
method by which the recurrence of a similar accident
has been provided against in vessels more recently con
structed .
As regards the temporary repairs, it was evident that
two contrivances were necessary for holding the broken
plate together in its proper position : one that would
prevent the two broken edges from separating more
widely from each other ; the other, which would prevent
them from overlapping, or crossing one another.
In the first place, small blocks of wood were fixed across
between the angle-irons from one to the other, in such
a manner that they crossed each other like the letter X,
and gave support against the working of the ship, and
the tendency of the plates to overlap each other. Next,
strong bolts or bars of iron were passed through the
angle-irons from one to the other, and tightened by
means of a nut and screw at their extremities. By these
means, the angle- irons, being now strongly connected
together, were made to hold the edges of the broken
plates in contact between them, which, as long as the
bolts held good, would be quite sufficient as a tempo
rary repair. But all these contrivances were adopted
with extreme difficulty, and during a gale of wind, when
all attempts of the kind appeared desperate. Fortunately,
towards morning of the next day, the 26th, the gale
slightly moderated1 ; and these repairs being now com
pleted, as well as circumstances would permit, rendered
her in all respects stronger, so that she strained much
less than before.
By this time the land was not far distant, and the
hopes of those who had most despaired revived again.
By degrees the haze began to clear ; and now what new
sensations crowded in the anxious mind ! what thrills
of joyous gratitude, as the straining eye first caught the
doubtful land ! The heavy sea had gradually diminished
as the Nemesis approached the coast, and she at length
ran into smooth water, near a bold cape. Never was the
sound of the running out of a cable after an almost
hopeless voyage heard with greater joy than on this
occasion. She was now safe at last, and rescued from
an almost desperate fate. Congratulations were mutual ;
and it may well be said that those who toil and share
their fears and hopes together become more firmly
bound in sympathy and friendship.
Anchors off Cape Inyache - Delagoa Bay - Slave Settlement of the Por
tuguese - English River - Alarm of the people at the approach of a
Steamer - Portuguese Fort - Hostile preparations -- Salute -Awk
ward mistake - Aide -de-camp's Visit - The Governor's civility. –
Openly encouraging the Slave -trade - Slaver in the River - Parsee
Merchant as interpreter — Poisonous atmosphere — White man dies
where the black man thrives - Trade in ivory and gold -dust
Governor afterwards removed for abetting the Slave -trade - Threat
Presents from Governor - Description of English River— The Temby
-Dundas — And Mattoll Character of the country and origin of
pestilence — Native tribes in the neighbourhood — Hollontontes—
Thievish propensities — Nemesis hauled on shore — Plague of locusts
Sky darkened by them — Came by a North -east and went away
by a South -west wind — Native feast of locusts — Dance and song.
The anchorage which the Nemesis had now so pro
videntially reached was situated close to Cape Inyache,
at the entrance of Delagoa Bay. This settlement, which
still belongs to the Portuguese, was once famous in the
annals of slavery, as one of the principal marts in which
that revolting traffic was carried on . It is still far from
being undeserving of the stigma which attaches to its
name, although it has greatly fallen from its once
thriving condition . It is situated on the eastern coast
of Africa (see map), and at daylight, on the morning of
the 27th July, 1840, the Nemesis steamed into the
river which runs into the bay, and is known by the
name of English River.
The Portuguese have a small fort near its entrance,
from which the approach of the steamer was no sooner
discovered than a mighty stir was made. Steamers had
scarcely even been heard of, much less seen . The object
of her visit none could guess ; but all were conscious of
partaking more or less in both the sins and the profits
of the slave - trade ; and, therefore, all regarded the
approaching vessel as no friendly visiter. Guns were
made to bear, ammunition was got into readiness, and
every thing would have looked very formidable had it
not been fully known that a single shot from the stern
gun of the Nemesis would have made the walls tremble,
and the defenders hide themselves .
The Nemesis was uncertain whether her reception
would be friendly or otherwise. But she needed assist
ance, and was determined to obtain all she wanted by
friendly civility, if possible ; but at any rate she would
not be denied. Slowly she passed up beyond the fort,
to explore the river, and great was the surprise of all
the lookers-on, to see her move so easily through water
so shallow that they thought it could scarcely float one
of their smallest slavers. The effect of this was advan
tageous. They had little dreamed that so large a vessel
could, if necessary , pursue even the boats of the slavers
into their most secret haunts, drawing, as she then did ,
even less than five feet water, all her fuel being ex
pended .
As she again descended and approached the fort,
there was evidently some excitement, as if they doubted
what would happen next. There was no disposition on
the part of the Portuguese to act on the offensive, but
they had all the appearance of being willing, however
little able, successfully to defend themselves. And here
occurred a trifling accident, which might have led to
very serious consequences. The Nemesis was prepared
to fire a salute, intending to unfurl the flag of Portugal
at the moment the first gun was fired . Unfortunately,
however, the flag, instead of throwing itself out when
pulled by the halliards, after being hoisted, stuck fast :
the gun was fired, but no flag appeared. This was an
awkward mistake at the moment, but was speedily
remedied, and thus the friendly intentions of the Ne
mesis were properly developed, and the salute of honour
very gladly received, and answered by the defenders of
the fort, instead of the crash of hostility.
An aide-de-camp soon came on board from the
governor of the fort, to inquire whence the vessel came,
and what her object might be in visiting such an
unfrequented place. This redoubtable man of arms was
dressed in all his best finery, but did not seem quite at
ease upon the ship's deck, until he had been fully assured
of the intentions of the vessel, by the aid of a large glass
of good wine, which seemed entirely to satisfy his curi
osity. At all events, it was the only mode of commu
nication, as neither he nor any one on board could make
each other understood in words.
On the same day, the captain and some of the officers
of the Nemesis went on shore, to pay their respects to
his Excellency, who affected to be exceedingly glad to
see them , and showed them all possible civility and
VOL . I. F
attention. This was, no doubt, politic on his part, for
he had every reason to believe that the Nemesis was a
man - of-war, and he also well knew that, had she been
so, it would have been a difficult matter for him to
exculpate himself from the charge of openly aiding and
abetting the slave-trade, which was at that very moment
being carried on under his own eyes, and within reach of
his own guns. It was, moreover, sanctioned by the very
flag flying at the peak of the slavers. Yet the same flag
was hoisted on the fort itself, under the stipulations of a
treaty, by which its exertions were to be used to prevent
the continuance of the horrid traffic in the river. A
slaver was ,
in fact, lying in the river not far from the fort,
and, as the steamer was passing up, it was easily observed
that the crew were deserting her, and trying to make
good their escape, leaving their craft at the mercy of aa
single boat's crew. But the Nemesis was not a man-of
war, and had no right to capture her ; and it was,, there
fore, more politic not to seem to notice, in the first in
stance, what was very apparent to all . For this reason,
nothing was said to the governor upon the subject,
more particularly as the Nemesis required great and
willing assistance during the short time she had to
remain .
For some time, there was a difficulty in communica
ting with the governor at all, no one knowing the lan
guage ; but at length a Parsee merchant was sent for,
who could speak Hindostanee as well as Portuguese,
and as there was also a man on board who could speak
Hindostanee, a regular cross-fire conversation was thus
maintained , in a roundabout manner. The Parsee had
an opportunity also of raising himself in the opinion of
the other residents, by declaring that, “ As to steamers,
they were nothing new or wonderful to him ; he, for
sooth, had seen something of the world, and, above all,
had seen plenty of steamers at Bombay.” Doubtless, he
henceforth became the oracle of the village. One would
hardly have expected to find aa Parsee merchant settled
in such a remote and unhealthy spot as Delagoa Bay,
under the Portuguese government. But where will not
the “ auri sacra fames” tempt mankind to court the
smile of Fortune, even with the grin of pestilence and
death before them ?
To aa traveller in the far east, it has often appeared ,
“ a thing hard to be understood,” that countries which
abound in the most luxuriant vegetation and the richest
soil are rendered almost inaccessible, from the deadly
poisons which, at certain seasons, infect their atmo
sphere. Yet the black man lives and thrives in the very
midst of that which only tempts the white man to
destruction. “ By the sweat of his brow shall man live, "
and where nature scarcely needs man's labour to entice
her into luxury and richness, there shall the white man
scarcely dare to sojourn. Such is Delagoa Bay. As a
settlement it is of very little use to the Portuguese, of
whom very few reside there , and without the stain of
slavery it could scarcely linger on. There is, however,
a limited trade in ivory and gold-dust, and the coast is
frequented by whalers, particularly Americans, who
come into the settlement for supplies. The narrative
of Captain Owen’s survey on the coast gives a melan
choly picture of the deadly nature of the climate, which
F 2
very few , either of his officers or his men, were fortu
nate enough to survive.
The fact of a slaver lying under the guns of the fort,
and other little evidences that the governor was very
backward in carrying out the instructions he had re
ceived respecting the slave- trade, went hard with him
afterwards. This case was mentioned to the governor
of Mozambique, under whose jurisdiction Delagoa Bay
is placed, and by whom the deputy-governor is appointed .
It will hereafter be seen that he was, at all events, sin
cere and energetic in his efforts to stop the trade. He
became excessively angry when the circumstances were
stated to him, and declared that it was in violation of
his most strict and positive orders, and instantly
directed that the deputy-governor should be removed
from his post .
The slaver, which was a fine Portuguese brig, was
subsequently visited by some of the officers of the Ne
mesis, and found to be regularly fitted out for the trade,
the planks for the slave -deck being all ready, with boilers
for their food, and shackles, &c . Her masts and spars
were large, and of excellent stuff, and advantage was
soon taken of this circumstance to procure some neces
sary materials for the repairs.
It appeared that there were some excellent timbers
lying on the beach, which had probably belonged to
some large ship wrecked in the neighbourhood. They
were precisely such as would best suit the wants of our
vessel ; and, as it was stated that they belonged to a Por
tuguese merchant in the town, inquiry was at once made
about the purchase of them. Various excuses, however,
were made, and unnecessary difficulty suggested. It
was evident that there was a " screw loose ” somewhere
or other, or else that they wished to impose an exorbi
tant price for them . But the Nemesis could not dis
pense with them, as they were strong and perfectly well
seasoned. A message was, therefore, immediately sent,
declaring that if the timbers were not given up at a fair
valuation, within twenty minutes, the captain of the
Nemesis “ would go on board the slaver with his men,
and take the masts and spars out of her, and as they
appeared to be exceedingly good ones, they would an
swer her purpose rather better."
No talisman could have acted more instantaneously
than this well-timed threat, which, moreover, would cer
tainly have been put in execution. The whole commu
nity, from the governor downwards, were more or less
interested in the affair ; the report rapidly reached the
master of the slaver ; his alarm was natural enough, and
his reasons for urging the immediate surrender of the
timbers sufficiently evident. “ Pray give them anything
in the world they want,” said he ; “ let me rather pay
for it a dozen times over, than keep that strange-looking
ship here. She will ruin us altogether ; we must get
rid of her in any way we can ; give her, by all means,
every thing she wants, and let her be off, for mercy
Long before the twenty minutes had expired, the
timbers were given up, and that too with such alacrity,
that you might almost fancy they really were glad to
give you the utmost assistance they could . The governor
himself, on the following day, the 29th of July, sent a
present of some vegetables and ivory on board, and
afterwards came in person to look at the ship, and was,
to all appearance, so pleased with his reception, and
doubtless so well impressed with the appearance of the
vessel, that he staid to dinner with the officers, and did
his best to show himself a good fellow .
So far all went on smoothly enough ; and as every pre
paration had by this time been completed for commen
cing the repairs of the ship, the few remaining coals
taken out of her, the guns put into boats alongside,
and all the materials in readiness, the Nemesis was, on
the following day, hauled alongside the spot fixed upon
as the most eligible for the purpose required.
It may here be observed that the so-called “ English
River,” which empties itself into the sea at Delagoa Bay,
is in reality the estuary of three rivers, called the Temby,
the Dundas, and the Mattoll. But they are none of
them of much importance, considered separately, having
their sources at scarcely more than a good day's journey
from the entrance, and forming rather the drains of a
rich alluvial country, than the outlets of the super
abundant waters of distant tiers of mountains. They
run into the English River at the distance of little more
than five miles above the fort. Their shores are generally
bordered by an extensive muddy flat, gradually rising
towards higher land , covered with large bushes, but
which can hardly be said to be crowned with luxuriant
woods. Nothing can be imagined more calculated, under
a tropical sun, to produce the most deadly pestilence.
No wonder that those who have endeavoured to trace up
these rivers, for even a short distance, have so commonly
fallen victims to their enthusiasm .
The entrance to English River, from its breadth and
general appearance, leads you to imagine it of greater
importance than it really is. Yet it is not without
something of a picturesque character; the sand hills
covered with calabash trees, and the aspect of the
village and Portuguese Fort, tottering though it be,
all present a refreshing picture, when first viewed, after
a long and dangerous voyage .
The neighbouring country is divided among different
tribes, who are frequently at war with each other, and
over whom the Portuguese have very little control.
Their own factory, or fort, is situated on the north
side of the river, in the country of Mafoomo. But the
most warlike and troublesome of all the tribes are the
so called Hollontontes, living some distance to the
southward, and resembling, or indeed probably a branch
of, the Zooloo Caffirs, of whom we have lately heard so
much in connection with the unfortunate Dutch emi
grant-farmers at Port Natal. These Hollontontes (pro
bably a corruption from Hottentots) have, on more than
one occasion, made themselves. formidable, even to the
Portuguese themselves.
All the tribes on this coast are known to be both
treacherous and thievish ; and it was, therefore, not
without reason that a request was made to the Por
tuguese governor, by the captain of the Nemesis, that
patrols should be placed at some distance round the
spot where the vessel was to be repaired, with orders
neither to permit any of the natives to approach the
ship, nor any of the people of the ship to stray beyond
the line. This answered the double purpose of pro
tection from robbery, and of preventing drunkenness and
quarrelling, owing to the use of the deleterious spirit of
the country, from which it would have been otherwise
difficult to restrain the men .In this respect, the
governor behaved with great consideration, and the
guards placed round the Nemesis were found to be of
very great service. To stimulate further the exertions
of the men to complete the necessary work as expe
ditiously as possible, they were promised double pay,
upon good behaviour, as long as they should be em
ployed in the laborious and unremitting work of
completing the essential repairs. On the 31st, she
was hauled on shore on the fine sandy beach near the
fort, and, in fact, within range of its guns.
It was on this day that a remarkable phenomenon
occurred, which is here worth mentioning ; the more
particularly as it was followed at night and during the
subsequent day by a very heavy gale of wind, whose
approach it might, in a manner, be said to have indi
cated. This was, in fact, the seventh great plague of
Egypt, the plague of locusts, which filled the atmo
sphere in myriads, as far as the eye could reach on every
side ; and indeed much further, for, during the time
it lasted, the very sky was darkened, and the whole air
was filled with a sound as of “ a mighty rushing wind,”
by the flapping of their wings. You could scarcely
open either your eyes or your mouth, without fear of
being blinded or choked by them. It became, in fact,
a living pestilence, “ which covered the whole face of
It will be remembered that the plagues were, frogs; dust turned to
lice ; swarms of flies; the murrain of beasts ; the plague of boils and
blanes ; the plague of hail, of locusts, and of darkness.
the earth, so that the land was darkened ; they filled
all the houses, and all the houses of the servants, and
all the houses of the Egyptians [ Portuguese] ; very
grievous were they ; and they did eat every herb of the
land, and all the fruit of the trees ; and there remained
not any green thing in the trees, or in the herbs of the
field through all the land.”— (Exodus, chap. x.)
Fortunately, the visitation did not, in the present
instance, last quite long enough to commit such ex
tensive destruction, but it was nevertheless a source of
great alarm and inconvenience. In some parts of China,
also, the swarms of locusts occasionally produce a great
deal of mischief, and are very naturally dreaded, both by
the people and the government. But those visitations
are not so severe as this was, during the short time it
lasted .
In the account given of the Egyptian plague, it is
stated “ that the locusts were brought by an east wind ,
and were carried away “ by a mighty strong west wind.”
I was curious to ascertain whether there was any thing
worth noting in relation to the state of the wind at Dela
goa Bay when the locusts appeared, and when they were
carried away again. On referring to the ship's log, I
find that the day preceding the appearance of the locusts
was one of perfect calm ; but the morning of the day
on which they came was ushered in by a north -east
wind, which lasted until the evening, when it changed
round to precisely the opposite quarter, namely, to the
south -west, and increased on the following day to a
strong gale from the same quarter, which carried away
all the locusts. Subsequently, it again veered round to
the north -east, and continued so for several days, but
brought no more locusts .
Large quantities of locusts were collected by the
natives for food ; and it was a very curious sight, for
two or three days afterwards, to watch the different
groupes of black men, as nearly naked as possible,
crowding round their fires, with all the eagerness of
hunger, and all the longing of an epicure, to enjoy a
feast of locusts. They stripped off the wings and legs,
and having slightly roasted or grilled them, appeared to
find them a capital luxury, even not unworthy of the
dance and song with which they accompanied their
Repairs commenced - Description of the accident - Plans — Mode in
which a recurrence of it is prevented Description of the repairs -
Completed in twelve days — Curiosity of the Native Chiefs at Delagoa
Bay — Annual visit to the Governor— Trading speculations in slaves
and ivory - Bad feeling between the natives and the Portuguese
Horrible tale of cruelty — Natives flogged to death — A Chief with
seven hundred men visits the settlement - Curious costumes - Native
war -dance —Violent excitement and gestures
- A warrior's speech -
Passions of the savage - Tattooing the face - Savage tortures — Cutting
the hair into ornaments — Native Chief and his Wife on board the
Nemesis - Great preparations— The King's fool — Plays the Pan-pipes
-Description of the Queen - African standard of Beauty - Mass of
iron a mine of wealth — Present of the King's arms.
No time was now lost in commencing the repairs of
which the steamer stood so much in need. Even at the
risk of being tedious, some explanation is necessary .
It will be remembered, that the structure of the ship's
side has been elsewhere described , and that the angle
irons are, in fact, the ship’s ribs. The split amidships
had taken place in the middle of the iron plate, between
the two angle- irons immediately before the after sponson
beam . It extended downwards full seven feet from
the deck on either side the vessel ; and, as the dis
tance from the deck to the water-line, with a moderate
draught of water, is only from three feet four inches to
three feet six inches, it must have extended under water
for about the same distance as it did above. But the
whole semi-circumference of the vessel's hull is only
about twenty-three feet and a half. Therefore, as the
crack was full seven feet in length on each side of the
ship, there only remained sixteen feet on each side of
the ship’s hull, or about two-thirds in all, not separated
in two. During the night of her greatest danger, be
fore reaching Delagoa Bay, the broken portion of the
vessel was principally held together by the long iron
bars or bolts, which had been run through the angle
irons from one to the other, assisted by stout spars and
planks, nailed on upon the top of the deck, and fastened
through into the paddle-beams.
Before this strengthening process had been resorted
to, there had been strong symptoms of a disposition to
open in the deck. The ends of the planks began to
start, and there is reason to believe that, if the several
attempts made to hold the vessel together, as above
described, had not been ably and rapidly carried into
effect, even during a gale of wind, the vessel would have
completely separated, and the Nemesis would never
have been heard of more.
In other iron vessels more recently constructed by
the same builder, Mr. Laird, of Birkenhead, near Liver
pool, it is satisfactory to know that full provision has
been made against the recurrence of any similar acci
dents. The Phlegethon, which was afterwards built
upon the same model, has been constructed in such a
manner, by the addition of bulk-heads, &c. , that not
only could there be no apprehension of the accident,
but an almost impossibility of its recurrence. The
accompanying wood-cut will explain the improvement.
Shewing the method of giving additional strength by originally
building-in the coal- box bulkheads as part of the vessel.
А Keel. F Covering board, 18 ft. by 4 in .
B Floorings. G Longitudinal iron bulkheads, built into the
C Keelsons . vessel , forming the sides of the coal-boxes.
D Deck beams (iron .) H Augle-iron stay-beam between .
E Deck. I Side frameand coal-box bulkhead .
N.B. These bulkheads appear to have remedied the weakness complained of in the Nemesis,
as the Phlegethon is reported, after nearly three years' bard service (including the passage
round the Cape, when she experienced very bad weather), in as good order as when she left
England, never having required any alteration or strengthening.
The first thing now to be done was evidently to
remove the broken iron plates, and to rivet in new ones
in their place. This was accordingly done, with the
exception of the bottom one, which was allowed to
remain inside, a new one being riveted over it on the
outside. (See plan at page 79.) In order to provide
for additional strengthening of the vessel inside, the
large timbers, which had been purchased, were made
use of as being exactly adapted for the purpose. Three
of these were placed across the angle- irons against the
side of the vessel, the longest and stoutest, which was
twenty -three feet in length, one foot broad, and six
inches thick, being placed highest up, about two to
three feet below the deck. This was secured in its
place by bolts, each a foot long, which were run through
the ship's side, one at the centre of the space between
each of the angle- irons. As there would, however, be
a space left between the face of the beam and the side
of the vessel, except at those points where it rested
upon the angle-irons, this interval was filled up with
well-seasoned red pine, which added very much to the
solidity of the contrivance. To “ make assurance
doubly sure,” two other beams, of the same depth and
thickness, but not of the same length, and secured in a
similar manner, were also employed. By this means , it
is very evident that the ship was made a vast deal
stronger than she ever was before, though not a bit
stronger than was proper for her size and shape. The
whole length of the new plates put in the ship's sides
was eight feet two inches ; and so effectually was the
work done, that the whole of it remained perfect,
stringers and all, at the end of two years and a half of
severe and uninterrupted service.
These contrivances added very little to the weight of
the vessel, and gave it very great support in the weakest
part, and just where it was most required, to enable her
to carry coals on deck, &c. It should here be observed,
that the cracks had taken place within the coal-bunkers,
and that two only of the deck angle-irons, which connect
the gunwale and the deck, had given way. With the
object of still further strengthening the vessel upon deck,
two other stout timbers, twenty -five feet long, were pre
pared as “ water-ways, ” and were fastened through upon
the deck, just along the inside of each paddle-box. They
were bolted into the sponson -beams, and were calculated
to add materially to the midship strength of the vessel .
the Kuee.
frames Deck
inside frames
the Coal
iron beam
by Paddle
H. Flat
space under
the- the
N by
wood stringers.
Various other minor repairs were also made while so
favourable an opportunity offered ; in short, a general
refit was bestowed upon her.
Numerous large barnacles were again found adhering
to the ship's bottom, which required some labour to re
move. But, in spite of all the toil and fatigue requisite
in such a climate, the recruited Nemesis was ready to be
hauled off shore again, and launched into her befitting
element, in the short space of twelve days. She was
now, in all respects, a stronger vessel than when she
originally started upon her voyage. It may be readily
supposed that the utmost exertions had been used ; and
it is highly creditable to all the parties concerned, that
the work was performed with so much expedition and
efficiency, and entirely by the people belonging to the
During all this period, the Nemesis had been an object
of great curiosity to the native Africans, as well as to
the Portuguese settlers. The chiefs of some of the
tribes were occasionally allowed to look at the vessel,
and, naturally enough, expressed the greatest possible
astonishment at what they saw . It happened to be just
the time of year when the king of one of the tribes most
friendly to the Portuguese (probably, as it appeared ,
because they have large dealings together in slaves)
usually came down from his own country, about thirty
miles distant, to pay his annual visit to the Portuguese
governor. On these occasions, there is a vast attempt
on both sides to appear very friendly to each other, with
precisely that degree of sincerity which, as a minimum,
is indispensable to the advantageous barter of slaves and
ivory for iron and spirits, or occasionally gold -dust for
various trifling articles, which in the eyes of a savage
possess inestimable value.
Alas ! the black man sells his fellow -man for IRON
with which to shape his spear or point his lance ! the
white man sells his fellow -man for Gold, and bribes his
conscience by the calculation of his gain !
There appears, in general, to be very little good-feel
ing existing between the native tribes and the Portu
guese. The former look upon the latter with some
degree of dread, arising from the injuries which they
have at various times received at their hands ; and the
latter regard the former merely as degraded savages, fit
for little else than the speculations of the slave -trade.
On both sides there is a degree of mistrust, arising from
the debasing tendency which such a traffic necessarily
exercises upon all concerned in it . In Captain Owen's
narrative, an instance is related of the most savage cru
elty, exercised by Portuguese Christians upon a few un
armed and oppressed natives who fell into their hands,
which it is impossible to read without shuddering. Up
wards of aa dozen of the natives, who had been reduced
to destitution and misery by the ravages of the Hollon
tontes, took refuge (as they thought) in the neighbourhood
of the Portuguese fort. They were immediately arrested
upon suspicion of having robbed the governor's garden,
although it was known that the Hollontontes, from whom
they had themselves suffered, had also committed all
kinds of depredations in the neighbourhood. The de
tails of the mode in which these poor creatures were
tortured , (this occurred in 1822 or 23 ) and literally
VOL . I. G
flogged to death with a thong of bullock-hide, and tor
tured with thorny bushes all the time if they chanced
to faint, and other atrocities, too heart-rending to be
here repeated, are such as it is impossible to read with
out feeling that terrible indeed must be the black man's
vengeance, if he once should have the opportunity of
exercising it.
On the present occasion, the native chief who came
to do honour to the governor was a decrepid old man ,
nearly seventy years of age, attended by about seven
hundred or eight hundred of his most doughty warriors,
partially clothed in skins, and ornamented with ostrich
feathers stuck in their heads. He himself, as being a
very great man, was clothed in a loose sort of dressing
gown, with a red nightcap on his head, a present from
the governor himself. In his own estimation , he was
doubtless the perfection of a prince, and his men the
very models of warriors ; but, in the opinion of every
one else, the whole group were excessively fantastical
X and ridiculous. Every man had three spears of different
sizes, probably to be thrown at different distances, to
gether with a stout club and shield ; and in the use of
these weapons they exhibited great dexterity.
The governor had invited the officers of the ship to
go and witness the performance of their war-dance,
which was, in reality, as savage an exhibition as it was
possible to conceive. They divided themselves into two
bodies, one on each side of the square before the gover
nor's house. Upon a signal being given among them
selves, seven or eight of them rushed out from either
side, spear in hand, with that peculiar and active step
which distinguishes the savage, in the north as well as
south of Africa. Judging from the apparent earnestness
of their manner, and the threatening of their gestures,
you would imagine that they were intently bent upon
instantaneous and mutual destruction . They seemed to
work themselves up into a real fit of mad fury ; and,
just at the very moment when you thought that nothing
could prevent a ferocious onslaught upon each other,
down fell the points of their spears to the ground, as if
in mock derision of each other. Away they now ran in
full retreat, stooping and holding their shields behind
their backs, as if to ward off the expected flight of
arrows or spears of their enemies, to whom but a mo
ment before they had presented so bold aa front. The spec
tators all the while kept up a tremendous savage howl,
like that of angry beasts, which they themselves dignify
by the name of song. When the belligerent parties had
retreated as precipitately as their legs could carry them,
the heavy clubs were seized by some of the bystanders ;
and with these they beat the ground, as if to pound
the last remnant of their wounded enemies to death.
The old chief, or generalissimo, soon made his way
up to the governor's house, attended by some of his rela
tives, where they were all treated with a glass of grog
each . Hereupon, of course , a speech was requisite, in
accordance with the practice of more civilized com
munities. One of these ferocious warriors stood up in
the doorway, and delivered himself, with great satisfac
tion to his own mind, and very little intelligibility to
any body else, of a very luminous and probably highly
patriotic harangue.
G 2
As evening advanced, the rest of the attendants were
also called upon to drink the governor's health, out of a
large tubfull of rum ; and, in order to ensure fair play,
a corporal stood by with a stout cane in his hand, with
which he most courageously belaboured all those who
shewed an uncivilized disposition for helping themselves
to more than their share. But the passions of the
savage are not so easily to be subdued ; and, if the mere
sight and smell of the liquor had warmed them up into
something like a quarrelsome mood, what was to be
expected from the actual taste and fire of it ? Words
ran high, and all the threatening gestures of the excited
savage promised even bloodshed ; until, at length, the
corporal's stick being insufficient to allay the disturb
ance, he very quietly upset the whole remaining contents
of the tub, and soon dispersed the mighty men of war,
in apparent reconciliation.
The negro tribes of these parts adopt the practice of
tattooing their faces, but not in that peculiarly neat and
regular manner for which the New Zealanders are dis
tinguished. It is here more like aa rude system of notch
ing the skin, as if done rather to show how manfully
they can endure pain, than as a mere ornamental art.
It is wonderful to think of the numerous cruel con
trivances which are invented by savage tribes, and prac
tised by none so extensively as by some of the North
American Indians, to test the fortitude of the young
aspirant for distinction, and to try what appalling cru
elties the human frame can bear, and bear them wil
lingly, without sinking under the protracted torture.
A more sensible practice among some of the tribes
about Delagoa Bay is that of shaving a large portion of
the thick wool off their heads, tending greatly to clean
liness in a tropical country. Occasionally it is trimmed
into some fanciful shape, like the old yew-trees in some
of our English villages, which stand forth as curious
specimens of nature improved ; while, again, the na
tives on some parts of the Madagascar coast, generally
stout, athletic men, divide their hair into little tufts all
over the head, each of which is frequently tied round
the roots, and thus made to stand out on all sides in
little knobs, giving a very savage appearance to the
head, more particularly when they are seen working
side by side, as I have often witnessed at the Mauritius,
with close-shaved Indian or Chinese labourers .
As the king above-mentioned and his followers had
come from a considerable distance, and were reported
to possess great influence among their neighbours, it
was thought a good opportunity both to impress them
with aa knowledge of our power, and to conciliate them
by a shew of our good -nature. There was the more
reason for this, in consequence of pretty certain evidence
having been obtained that the crew of an American
trading- vessel, which had been wrecked on the coast not
long before, had been most barbarously treated by the
tribe into whose hands they fell. As such a misfortune
might again happen , it was thought a good opportunity
to make an impression upon the native tribes, which was
sure to be communicated from one to the other, by means
of the old king and his adherents. Accordingly, the
old man (who was called Appelli by the Portuguese)
was one day invited to go on board the Nemesis, with
one or two of his attendants. The vessel had by this
time been got nearly ready for sea, and on this occasion,
in order to produce greater effect upon all the lookers
on, was dressed out with her flags, and, being newly
painted, presented a very gay appearance.
Towards noon, preparations were observed to be
going on , for the embarkation of the veteran chief. His
attendants were all drawn up in line, and appeared to
treat him with the utmost respect and deference ; which
rather bore out the idea that he belonged to an influen
tial race . A Portuguese merchant accompanied him to
the ship as interpreter, and, rather unexpectedly, several
women also came off with him, dressed in showy colours,
and impelled perhaps as much by the flattering thought
that they would quite astonish the white man , as by the
mere feeling of curiosity about what they could scarcely
be expected to comprehend.
The moment the king put his foot upon the deck , the
single fife and drum which was on board set up 66 God
save the king !" with highly musical effect ; at all events,
the old man appeared to think so, being evidently well
pleased both with the tune and the attention. After
this, a particularly ugly, repulsive-looking fellow , who
turned out to be the king's fool, and appeared to have
grown no wiser as he grew older, though as old as the
king himself, set up a most discordant note of admira
tion, upon three reeds which he held in his hand, some
thing after the manner of pan-pipes. At intervals he
treated you to a sort of explanatory text of his own, in
the shape of a few uncouth words, yelled out in a manner
particularly edifying to all except those in whose honour
it is supposed they were especially poured forth. His
appearance was further distinguished by a large uncouth
bag tied under his chin, but for what purpose was not
very evident, unless to contain either his charms or
his tobacco. Perhaps he derived some little private
revenue from the former, in ways best known to himself ;
while with the latter he could at all times soothe and
pacify himself, should he not befool enough, or foolishly
wise enough, to retain his master's favour.
The queen herself had also accompanied her lord
upon this occasion, and exhibited no fear, and certainly
no beauty. The king of aa nation — at all events of the
uncivilized — is supposed to be lord of all, and to be
able to choose his wife where he pleases. His majesty on
this occasion must have had a very peculiar taste, or
else their standard of beauty must be very original.
Picture to yourself a young sable queen , a capital ca
ricature of one of the Egyptian statues in black marble,
plump and shiny as her prototype, only less expres
sive. Then invest her in your imagination with sundry
huge scars about her cheek and nose ; not those deli
cate lines and graceful curves which decorate the upper
lip of royalty among New Zealand tribes, but regular
lumps, squeezed up and dried, as it were, into large
warts, particularly about the nose, as if a race of gigantic
musquitoes had held aa feast there !
However, to do justice to the lady's rank, if not to
her looks, it was thought proper to show her due atten
tion, and, accordingly, a glass of wine was offered to
her, as well as to her lord. The old man, though at
first suspicious, like all half-savages, very gladly swal
lowed it, as soon as one of the officers had tasted it
first. But she, “the young, the proud , the beautiful!"”
-wine was not half good enough for her. But, rum !
that was the nectar for queens - that was the soul
stirring influence which could bend her pride, and warm
her heart to gentleness.
Having by this means warmed the royal hearts to
good humour, the next thing was to bewilder them with
astonishment. This was not difficult. They were re
quested to examine the ship's side, and to assure them
selves that she was made entirely of iron. A loud
Heugh ! was their exclamation. To them it seemed a
boundless mine of wealth, that mass of precious stuff, to
purchase which was all their ambition. They were cal
culating in their own minds how many thousands and
tens of thousands of slaves they would have to procure,
before they could be able to obtain so much of the
valued metal. But, when the engine was shown to
them, with all its polished bars, and massive parts, and
its uses partly explained through the interpreter, their
astonishment knew no bounds. Between surprise and
fear, they were half bewildered, and went away fully
convinced that if the iron machinery could move along
the iron ship through the ocean, it could also destroy
all the tribes of Africa with even greater facility.
Before the chief's departure, great care was taken to
explain to him the barbarous cruelties which had been
X committed upon the shipwrecked seamen, by some of
the tribes on the coast. He declared that he had never
heard of the occurrence, and affected to be very much
horrified at it . He was made to understand that he
was to communicate to all the people of his tribe, as
well as to all others whom he might fall in with, that,
if ever any injury were done to any white men when
driven upon any part of the coast, an iron vessel, even X
more terrible than the one he was then in, would be
sent to punish the people.. On the contrary, if he con
ducted himself peaceably, and treated white men well
on all occasions, he would be considered the friend of
the English, and of all other white men. He was also
to make it publicly known, wherever he went, that
white men were always to be treated kindly when in
distress. This he promised to do, with every appear
ance of sincerity, and upon the whole showed more in
telligence than might have been expected.
In consideration of the king's promises, and in order
the more fully to gain his influence, a present was made
to him, the most valuable he could have received
namely, a musket and bayonet, with its accoutrements.
His surprise and delight were beyond all bounds ; he
almost seemed to get young again with pleasure, as he
grasped the precious weapon in his hands. On leaving
the vessel, he insisted on shaking bands with almost
every one on board.
On the following day, he returned again to the ship
in high glee, bringing with him his own spear and shield,
with other implements of war and of the chase . He
then laid them at the captain's feet, as the most valuable
presents he could offer to a “ faithful ally.”
Story of distressed seamen on the Coast of Africa — American schooner
wrecked - Pestilence among the crew - Attempt to reach Delagoa Bay
by land - Joined by natives — Treachery - Quarrel - A white man
killed — Two savages killed — Cannibalism — Roasting the captain -
Horrible situation - Escape of the survivor -
- Hides himself in the
bush — Is discovered - Natives promise to eat him for supper — Give
him food to keep him alive, supposed to be human flesh Escapes by
night - Rejoins the schooner - Party proceeds to Delagoa Bay - Rescue
in boats — Two of the men enter on board the Nemesis — Harsh treat
ment of native women by the Portuguese - Interesting tale—Nemesis
ready for sea --Excursion up the river - Three branches — Dundas
Buffaloes — Zebras – Native birds -Ilerds of Hippopotami— Appear
ance and habits — Fine sport — Difficulty of killing—Manner in which
the natives hunt them — Traps Return of party — Governor's grand
entertainment — Dance of native women Native chiefs the great
abettors of the slave - trade.
The circumstances relating to the distressed seamen
on the coast, alluded to in the foregoing chapter, were
first stated by one of the unfortunate sufferers himself,
who accosted , in very good English, some of the officers
of the Nemesis, as they were returning to their ship,
and soon proved himself to have belonged to an Ame
rican vessel, but stated that he was a native of Ha
nover . His name was Samuel Reid, or something very
much like it. His right eye and lower jaw appeared to
have been dreadfully wounded, and gave a practical in
troduction to the following tale, every part of which
there is too much reason to believe is strictly true.
It appears that an American schooner, called the
Colonel Crockett, of one hundred and forty tons, be
longing to Newburgh, U. S., sailed from New York in
the summer of 1839, bound on a voyage to the west
coast of Africa, to procure bullocks for salting, princi
pally for the St. Helena market. She subsequently,
also, proceeded to Madagascar, and touched at Delagoa
Bay, on her way to Inhampura River, high up on the
east coast, to trade for ivory. There she remained three
weeks, without being able to accomplish her object. In
working out of it again, in May, 1840, she missed stays,
and went on shore on the sand at the river's mouth .
They tried in vain to get the vessel off on the following
day, there not being enough men fit for work, as all, ex
cept three out of eleven, were sick with fever. There
she lay, nearly high and dry. It seems they had only
one boat remaining, which was too small to contain all
the people ; and, therefore, it was agreed that the cap
tain and second mate, (Samuel Reid) with two men,
should start off in her, and try to reach Delagoa Bay,
which was only about seventy miles distant ; where
they were to procure a larger boat and other assistance,
and then return, to bring away the remainder of the
crew, and whatever could be saved from the wreck.
Unfortunately, they found the surf beating over the
bar at the mouth of the Inhampura so heavily, that they
could not succeed in getting the boat out. In this pre
dicament, the captain and second mate volunteered to
set out together, to try to reach Delagoa Bay by land
a most hazardous experiment under any circumstances,
with the dangers of the fatal fevers, and the treachery
of the savage native tribes, staring them in the face.
The attempt was, in fact, almost hopeless. Neverthe
less, on the morning of the 9th of May, 1840, they
landed from the vessel, totally unarmed, thinking, pro
bably, that it would be both useless and laborious for
two men to carry arms which they could scarcely use
for more than one or two discharges, owing to the diffi
culty of carrying ammunition .
They proceeded for about twenty to twenty -five
miles on that day, without molestation, but were at
length joined by three natives, one of whom left them ,
under the pretence of going to procure water, while the
other two lighted a fire, and began to roast some corn ,
of which they all partook equally. In the mean time,
the native who had been absent returned, bringing with
him seven others .
The captain, being anxious to make the most of his
time, determined to proceed, although the day was fast
declining. But, in order to relieve themselves from the
weight of their bags of clothes which they had each
brought with them, they entrusted them to the care of
the natives who followed . On arriving at the bottom
of a steep hill, where there was a picturesque valley,
they all halted for the night, and soon made a capital
fire. As might have been expected, the curiosity of the
natives, to say nothing of their treacherous disposition,
could not withstand the temptation of looking into the
bags they had carried, to examine their contents. This
was resisted by the captain , who was rather a basty
man ; a scuffle ensued, and thus the opportunity the
natives sought for was at once afforded them .
Their intentions might have been foreseen the mo
ment the man left the party, ostensibly to look for
water, but in reality to look for assistance . And
although a natural dread of the white man had hitherto
prevented them from openly commencing their attack,
waiting probably for a more favourable opportunity at
nightfall, a quarrel having once arisen, however trifling,
their savage blood was roused, and all their bad feelings
awakened . They immediately rose in a body, and made
a general discharge of their spears at the two unhappy
white men . The captain faced them boldly, and soon
received several severe wounds in front, and at last tried
to save himself by flight. But, wounded as he was, they
soon overtook him, and struck him down, it is to be
hoped, quite dead, although even that does not appear
The mate, on the other hand, who stood sideways to
receive the discharge of spears, presenting a narrower
surface than in front, was wounded with two spears in
the right arm, and one in the neighbourhood of the
right eye, and , having picked up one of them, made a
furious charge at those who were nearest to him, and
killed two of the savages on the spot. Numbers, how
ever, necessarily prevailed over the most desperate cou
rage, and he was at last struck down by a heavy blow
of a club over the head, and, being senseless, was con
sidered dead. They now dragged him towards the fire,
as he afterwards found, and must have struck him seve
ral heavy blows upon different parts of the body . On
coming to himself again, he found that he was stripped
of all his clothes, lying naked upon the sand, and so ex
hausted that he could neither speak nor move. Gradu
ally, however, becoming sensible of his helpless situation ,
he looked around him from time to time, unobserved ;
and , at length, to his great horror, discovered the body
of his unfortunate captain, lying by the side of the fire,
and several natives standing around it, some of whom
were busy cutting off slices from the fleshy parts of the
body, while others roasted them in the fire, with all the
appearance of anxious longing for the feast !
Can any situation be conceived more horrible at this
moment than that of the unfortunate wounded man ? If
he betrayed symptoms of life, he was sure to be beaten
with heavy clubs to death ; if he lay quiet, to all ap
pearance lifeless, it was far from improbable that, when
they should have become satiated with the flesh of his
companion, they might be ready to commence their
butchery upon himself. Who can picture to himself,
without horror, the dreadful moments which lingered as
they passed, and seemed endless in the anxiety of sus
pense ! There the poor fellow lay, in speechless agony ;
the fated witness of barbarity the most revolting.
At length, having gorged themselves with that horri.
ble repast, in the peculiar manner which those who have
ever seen the hungry savage at his meal can never forget,
they fell asleep round the fire, under the full oppression
of repletion. The poor mate, perceiving this, made a
desperate effort to rouse himself from his death - like
dreaminess, and try to fly from his impending fate, he
knew not how or whither. He could not stand, he could
not walk, and almost fainted with the effort ; yet he
crawled on hands and knees towards the neighbouring
bush or thicket, and there contrived to hide himself.
He lay concealed in helplessness until the following
day, when he was discovered by the restless eye of the
suspicious savage. He asked, by signs, for water ; but
not only was that refused to him, but he was given to
understand, without difficulty, that they looked forward
to the pleasure of eating him for their evening meal with
particular satisfaction ; and a sort of rude table was
pointed out to him, upon which they intended to cut
him up for their repast, according to their most ap
proved fashion. After this, they left him alone in his
misery. It should be mentioned that, when they re
fused him drink, they did give him a little food , of some
kind or other, which they forced him to eat ; and
horrible to think of !-it was not improbably a part of
his murdered companion, upon which they had regaled
themselves the evening before.
As night approached, the man, finding himself some
what recovered from the shock of his wounds, made
another desperate effort to escape. He could now walk ;
and slowly and cautiously he pursued his way, tracing
back his course, with the almost unerring instinct which
the resolution of despair awakens. The darkness of the
night favoured him1 ; and, by sometimes diving into the
wood for concealment, sometimes resting in the darkest
part of the thicket to collect his failing strength, and
then again boldly urging on his course along the more
open beach by the sea-side, he at length eluded all his
pursuers. They had followed him, for some distance, in
vain ; and he safely reached, on the following day, the
schooner he had left, completely exhausted and help
less .
Here he found that, even during his short absence,
death had done its work among his messmates on board .
Finding that there was no hope of procuring relief on
shore, another attempt was made to get the boat over
the bar — and with success. In this the chief mate, with
two men , embarked , in the hope of being able to make
their passage along the coast to Delagoa Bay. The at
tempt most fortunately succeeded ; and , at the end of
five days, to the inexpressible joy of all the survivors
upon the wreck, a large boat was descried approaching
it, which had been hired by their comrades from the
Portuguese authorities for two hundred dollars, for the
purpose of bringing them off. But their troubles were
not yet destined to end. A heavy sea still continued to
beat upon the bar, creating such a surf that they were
compelled to wait at least fourteen days more before
they could leave the schooner. Happily, they were at
length able to embark ; and, carrying with them the
most portable articles of value they could stow away ,
they ultimately succeeded in reaching Delagoa Bay.
Such was the melancholy tale which had occasioned
the very opportune address to the sable king before
mentioned ; and it is to be hoped that some benefit may
in future be derived from the judicious manner in which
the subject was handled, during his majesty's visit to
the Nemesis. It has more than once been suspected ,
that some of the tribes on the eastern coast of Africa
were cannibals, under certain circumstances : but others
again, and Captain Owen among the number, have de
clared that, on inquiry, even their greatest enemies
acquitted them of the suspicion . ” There does not, how
ever,, appear to be any well-grounded reason for calling
in question the truth of the statement made by this
unfortunate man , Reid . His tale was told with every
appearance of truth ; and, although it might be suggested
that the man was not unlikely to have been in a state
of dreamy delirium, after the wounds and blows he had
received upon the head, and might have been led by
fear to imagine what he pictured to himself to be true,
still this is a very unsatisfactory answer to a simple tale
of facts, artlessly told, and without any object to be
gained by inventing a case of horror. Besides which ,
he could hardly have found his way back to the schooner
without assistance, had he not perfectly recovered his
senses before he started .
Two of the unfortunate men entered as able seamen
on board the Nemesis, with liberty to be discharged
when they pleased, and continued on board until she
arrived at Singapore; but the second mate preferred
waiting for any American vessel that might touch at the
settlement .
To return once more to the old king, and the beha
viour of the natives generally, it may here be remarked ,
that the former went back to his own country, to all
appearance impressed with a very high opinion of the
power, the wealth, and the friendly disposition of the
English. Several visits were paid to his encampment,
during the remainder of his stay, by the officers of the
VOL . I. H
Nemesis ; and on all occasions they were received with
becoming civility, and with attention worthy of more
enlightened beings.
These poor people appeared in some respects superior
to the small tribes which frequent the immediate neigh
bourhood of the settlement . There was, on one occa
sion, a dancing exhibition among the latter, which was
savagein all respects, and even indecent in some. They
had rude drums and discordant horns, with which they
bellowed forth the most savage din that ever won the name
of music ; and the contortions of their bodies, as they
danced and hopped about with inconceivable exertion ,
ornamented with pieces of the skins of various wild
animals, made them more resemble demons upon the
stage, in the opera of Der Freischütz, than higher beings
destined to run their little race of mock humanity upon
earth .
It may seem that I have dwelt long upon the subjects
of interest connected with the stay of the Nemesis at
Delagoa Bay ; but in reality it is a part of the coast
of Africa little known to the general reader, and as
the vessel was detained there for a considerable time,
many objects of interest were noticed and remembered .
I have before memtioned that the Portuguese have been
very far from advancing the civilization of the natives.
There is certainly no love for each other between them ;
and the debasing influences of the slave-trade seem uni
versally to poison the heart, and turn even the softer
sympathies of our nature, in course of time, into the
harder brittleness of the lifeless rock. Were it other
wise, how could you be brought to witness the cruel
degradation of the weaker sex, which is inflicted upon
them by the Portuguese authorities, more because they
are black instead of white, than because their crimes
are blacker, or their natures less alive to the inflic
tion ! Whatever may be the cause, none can view with
cold indifference, or without a wish to set them free, the
unhappy native women driven to work in chains, some
even with children tied upon their backs. They may
be slaves, they may be offenders against the law which
Portuguese governors administer, but still they are
women , and claim rather pity than the vindictiveness of
One poor native woman was discovered who spoke Eng
lish tolerably well, and was found to have been extremely
useful as interpreter to all the English and American ves
sels, whalers, and others, which touched there for sup
plies. For what particular reason does not appear, but
this poor creature had been strictly forbidden by the
governor to go on board the Nemesis, under pain of the
severest punishment ; indeed, she had been kept in close
confinement nearly ever since the arrival of the vessel.
But, at length, when an American whaler came into the
bay, she was allowed to visit that ship as usual. There
was something peculiarly artless and good -natured about
the poor woman's manner, and she expressed a particu
lar wish to be allowed to see some person from the
English ship. Word was accordingly brought from the
American captain to that effect.
Her tale was a remarkable one, and told with consi
derable intelligence. She expressed her attachment to
the English in strong terms, enumerated the various
H 2
kindnesses she had received from them, inquired after
particular ships and individuals, and seemed to remem
ber almost every trifling incident that had occurred .
She was greatly afraid of being punished by the go
vernor, for having dared to talk to the English, but could
assign no particular grounds for the harsh treatment she
received. It was, however, shrewdly suspected that it
arose from fear that she might furnish information about
the slave -trade, and that in fact her remarks might
already have been very useful to the English cruizers,
and , consequently, injurious to the Portuguese dealers .
It has been before stated that the governor himself was
not free from the suspicion of countenancing the traffic ;
and, taking all the circumstances together, it became
pretty evident that this poor woman's treatment was
only one of the links in the chain of turpitude forged
out of the iron rod of slavery.
The repairs of the Nemesis had by this time been
completed, after working day and night without in
termission during the whole time she had been
there . Nothing now remained but to fill up the fresh
water necessary for the ship's company, and to take in the
little fuel still required to complete her proper supply .
For the first time since their arrival , some of the offi
cers were now able to leave the ship for a day, and >
make an interesting excursion up the river. They
started early in the morning, accompanied by a Portu
guese merchant and his servant. It being now the least
unhealthy season of the year, there was little or no
danger to be apprehended from sickness, particularly
as it was not their intention to remain out at night.
It has already been noticed that the English River is,
in fact, formed by the united waters of three rivers at
the distance of only five or six miles from the fort, the
largest being the Temby, to the southward, and the
smallest, the Dundas, to the westward, while the Mattoll
runs up towards the northward . The Dundas was the
one chosen on the present excursion, as there was good
expectation of finding large herds of hippopotami upon
its banks, and perhaps other wild animals, which would
furnish a capital day's sport. The banks of the river
were low, and the stream sluggish, and on all sides
abundance of mangrove shrubs and bushes, sufficient of
themselves to indicate that the country must frequently
be flooded. Birds of various kinds, particularly such
as feed upon small fish and worms, were seen in great
numbers, curlews and crows, and occasionally a pelican ,
with wild geese and pigeons, and now and then rarer
birds of more beautiful plumage.
As the boat ascended, four wild buffaloes were seen at
a distance, and a beautiful zebra was descried, galloping
away from the river-side . But the most striking objects
were the numerous hippopotami , in the midst of whose
favourite haunts they now found themselves. A more
curious or exciting scene can scarcely be imagined ; and
when it was resolved to continue the ascent , in the hope
of having some fine sport , the Portuguese merchant was
so alarmed that he very humbly requested that he might
be left behind . The strange animals opened their huge
mouths, and bellowed forth a sound something like the
roar of an ox in concert with the grunt of aa wild boar,
with aa little accompaniment of the braying of an ass.
They did not at first seem frightened, but showed their
formidable- looking teeth as if they had some right
to frighten others. Hundreds of them started up at
different times, some rising from the shallow mud in
which they had been lying, and hastening off with a
quick heavy tread ; others again just raising their heads
up from the deeper parts of the river, and diving again
like porpoises. Several of them were fired at and
wounded, upon which they dived instantly out of sight,
without rising again. Indeed, they are hardly ever killed
in such a way as to be taken upon the spot at once ; but,,
dying under water, the carcase of course rises to the
surface after two or three days, and is then taken pos
session of by the natives. Their flesh is eaten with
great avidity in times of scarcity ; but, generally speak
ing, they are more valued for the beautiful ivory of
their teeth, which are collected and bartered for various
articles of European manufacture.
Several natives were seen paddling about in the river
in their little canoes, apparently without any fear of
the hippopotami, and one party of them was spoken to,
and appeared harmless and contented ; but their invita
tion to land and look at the country was not accepted ,
as there was little time to spare , and their treacherous
character was sufficiently known to make it imprudent
to divide a small party into still smaller ones. They ,
however, explained the mode in which they contrive to
kill the hippopotami, very intelligibly, viz. , sometimes
by making a regular charge at some of them singled
out on purpose , with their spears . To effect this, they
go in large numbers together, but the expedition is at
tended with considerable danger, and rarely resorted to
except in times of dearth . A more common method is
to lay traps of various kinds for them, either upon the
banks of the river itself, or among the neighbouring
trees, a party being constantly at hand, in concealment,
to despatch them at the last moment.
The whole distance ascended, from the junction of
the Dundas with the English River, was about seven or
eight miles, when the water became so shallow that the
boats could scarcely proceed. Towards evening, there
fore, they again descended with the ebb-tide, having the
full light of the moon to guide them down to their ship,
after a laborious but very agreeable day, which fully
repaid them, by the interesting objects which presented
themselves to their notice.
Their last day had now arrived ; and with a view to
show them every possible attention, as well as to conciliate
their good offices, the governor invited them to a grand
entertainment; on which occasion all the delicacies of
the African coast had been sought out, to do honour to
the guests. Rare vegetables and fruits had been col
lected, and grand discussions had taken place in the
settlement, upon the relative gastronomic value of suck
ing pigs, and buffalo cutlets, and the peculiar claims to
consideration of sea -horse soup, or Guinea-fowl ragoût.
Certainly nothing was omitted which could contribute to
the novelty and perfection of the entertainment.
The governor's residence on the outside was something
like a good-sized English cottage, consisting of only
one floor, as is commonly the case in hot countries, and
having two white pillars in front, which supported a por
tion of the roof, serving at the same time for a verandah.
It was ornamented with green branches for the occasion,
affording a very necessary protection from the glare of
the sun, which was still high and powerful. There were
several other smaller cottages disposed around it, some
thing in the form of a square, but not a single tree or
other relieving object, to soften the burning reflection
from the deep sand which formed the site of the fort
and of the governor's residence.
The dinner went off with great eclat, and no little
amusement at the original attempts of the black waiters
(of course, slaves) to vie with European refinement.
Towards evening, when tea had at length been handed
round , the entertainment was concluded with , “for the
last time of performance,” a dance of the native women
belonging to the neighbouring village. Little can be
said for the good taste displayed, either in the dancing,
or in the singing which accompanied it . It is, indeed,
Y rather degrading than otherwise to one's pride of
humanity, to witness the grotesque and sometimes
worse than ridiculous contortions of the body and
countenance, which form the essence of the dances of
savage life, particularly when performed by women.
The whole affair lasted for about an hour, when, glad to
escape the heat and noise, the officers returned to their
ship, well pleased with the attentions which they had
received on shore. On the same day, the men on board
had been regaled with a capital dinner of roast beef and
plum-pudding, and an extra glass of grog, in reward for
their good behaviour and energy during the refitting of
the ship .
Little further remains to be said of Delagoa Bay,
though many interesting facts might have been elicited
in relation to the slave -trade, had the Nemesis remained
there longer. It appears very evident that formerly
the trade was carried on with greater atrocity than at
present, but enough is still known respecting it to make
us look upon the natives themselves as the worst abet
tors of the traffic. The passions of the savage chiefs
seem only to be withheld for aa moment, not suppressed,
by the difficulty of procuring slaves ; and when they can
neither find enemies to seize, nor culprits to condemn,
they sometimes send a sort of maurading expedition, to
seize by treachery their own people, and sell them into
slavery. It is stated by Captain Owen that, within even
a few years, under a former commandant, some of the
chiefs had been persuaded to sell their harmless subjects
for so trifling a sum as a dollar and a half each, or about
seven shillings, to be paid, not in money, but in mer
chandize of trifling value, and that several cargoes had
been obtained in this way for the Brazilian market. No
wonder that, at this rate, the fortunate landing of even
one cargo in three at their ultimate destination should
produce so enormous a profit upon the speculation .
If we look for the most thriving mart for slaves upon
the east coast of Africa, at the present time, we shall
find it at the river Quillimane, a little more than five
hundred miles to the north of Delagoa Bay. It lies
about midway between that settlement and Mozambique.
There the slaves are purchased for coarse cloth, gun
powder, beads, cutlery, &c.; and the “ arrival of one of
the little traders, with his pedlar-kind of stock, among
one of the native tribes in the interior, becomes the
signal for general warfare, in which the weak become the
victims of the strong .” A few years ago, no less than
five thousand slaves were annually exported from this
mart alone, to Rio Janeiro. But it is impossible to
ascertain how many of this human cargo may have lived
to reach their destination.
It is indeed astonishing that a place so unhealthy in
itself as Quillimane should be able to keep up its con
stant supply of human export. The soil and the very
air are no less pestilential than the traffic which debases
it. But the effects of the demand are felt far and
wide, and hundreds of miles in the interior the slave
hunt, as it may be called, is carried on ; and the
ramifications of this odious traffic spread themselves, like
the branches of the upas-tree, not merely poisoning all
within its shade, but becoming more and more infectious
as it branches out further from the root.
Departure from Delagoa Bay — Uncertainty of the Compasses_Arrival
at Mozambique — No danger from lightning to iron vessels - Alarm
of slave -traders — Measures of the governor - Determined to put down
the trade— Visit to the Nemesis—Description of Mozambique - Re
marks on its inhabitants — Slave-dealing — Curious law - Coal found
Future advantages — Best place of call on the coast — Arrival at the
Comoro islands — Johanna - Character of its inhabitants.
All preparations being at length completed, on the
morning of the 17th of August, just twenty days after
having so providentially succeeded in reaching her
port of refuge, the Nemesis was once more ready to
pursue her voyage. Steam was again got up, and, in
order to try the engine, and the steadiness of the vessel,
once more before proceeding out to sea, she was taken
some way up the river and round the bay, the governor
and all his family being on board . On landing, his
Excellency ordered a salute of seven guns to be fired
from the fort, which was returned with cheers only, out
of consideration to the sick men who were on board ;
for already two or three cases of fever, not however
fatal, had broken out.
As the vessel pursued her course out of the bay, she
was heartily cheered by the few ships which were there,
particularly by an American whaler, which had come in
for supplies some time before. Yet all was “ mystery ”
still ; all knew whence she came, but none knew whither
she went.
Scarcely had she cleared the Bay of Delagoa, when a
strong head-wind, high sea, and adverse current, pro
mised again to baffle her efforts. In consequence of
this, after proceeding six or seven miles out to sea, and ,
finding that she was pitching heavily, it was thought
better to bring her up again along the shore. She
pursued her course steadily, in spite of the strong lee
current, until the next evening, when it was resolved to
come to anchor about three or four miles from the coast.
The weather soon moderated considerably, and she ran
on as far as Cape Corrientes. But as the land from
this point takes aa long sweep to the westward, towards
Mozambique, forming by this means an immense bay,
she was obliged to stand out to sea again,
On the 22nd August she passed near the groupe of
Rocky Islands, called Bassa da India, which are situ
ated nearly in the middle of the channel, and pursued
her voyage under sail. Of course, her progress was
slow against an adverse wind, and no little anxiety was
felt by her captain, on account of the uncertainty of the
compasses, and their discrepancy with each other. She
arrived, however, safely at Mozambique on the afternoon
of the 31st, without having had occasion to use her
engines, except just to carry her into the anchorage.
As she passed through the outer roads, she com
municated with H.M. brig Acorn, Captain Adams,
which was on the look-out for two slavers daily ex
pected to arrive for cargoes ; and, the better to entrap
them , she had hoisted a sort of decoy- flag at her main ,
which she had already taken from one of the same
description. While a short visit was being paid on
board, a pilot had come off from the shore, to conduct
the Nemesis into the inner harbour, where she was soon
brought to within a quarter of a mile of the town.
Little time, however, could be spared for the visit, but
there was still some necessary work to be done on
board , which could not be completed until the follow
ing day. I have stated that three stringers, or beams,
had been fixed to the ship's side at Delagoa Bay, but,
in reality, only two of them were finished there, the third
having been prepared on her voyage up to Mozambique,
and only fixed in its proper position on her arrival there,
with the assistance of the carpenters from the Acorn .
As the errors of the compasses have been alluded to
above, and seem to have occasioned very great anxiety
upon this passage,, it may be well to make some re
marks about them again in this place. It will be
remembered , that before leaving Liverpool a long series
of experiments had been made, which were intended to
provide means of counteracting the local action of the
iron of the ship’s hull upon the compasses. But no
worse place can be imagined than a crowded dock for
the purpose of carrying on experiments of such nicety.
Disturbing causes were continually operating , and the
accident she met with on her way to Portsmouth
proved that the correctness of the compasses was very
far from being satisfactory . The experiments which
were afterwards made at Portsmouth were also very
doubtful in their result, in all probability owing, as
before explained, to the absence of the boxes of chain
or broken iron, which are always used by Professor
Airey. It may readily be imagined that the utmost
anxiety was always felt on board the vessel on this
account, particularly when near the land ; and many a
long and anxious night has been spent on deck, with
frequently a leadsman upon each of the paddle-boxes,
to take soundings, and one in the bows besides.
The large magnets, as originally placed in their posi
tions, have never been moved, neither has the compass
been changed in the slightest degree. But, although
they have greatly modified the errors, they have by no
means sufficed to correct them. It has been always
found the safest course not to put faith in the compasses
at all ; or, rather, in this instance, observation showed
that a compass, suspended in a box from a cross spar,
at the height of ten or twelve feet above the head of the
man at the helm, acted with much more accuracy than
any other, and it was always the most relied on whenever
it could be used.
It is scarcely to be doubted that the vessel has often
made a longer passage than she would have done had
the compasses been correct ; for, in bad weather, when
observations of the celestial bodies could not be taken ,
she could scarcely have avoided making many errors in
her course . But nowhere were these difficulties felt
more anxiously than in this passage through the Mozam
bique Channel, where land could never be very far
distant. The necessity for a constant good look -out,
and for two or even three men in the chains, produced
anxiety and fatigue in itself ; while it was also neces
sary for the officers to have the advantage of taking
the altitudes of the stars, whenever the night was clear
enough, not only once, but many times during the night.
The compasses not only differed from the true points,
but differed also from each other ; and, particularly in
the Mozambique Channel, it was observed that they
differed more than elsewhere, without being influenced ,
however, by the rapid atmospheric changes which pre
vailed . The more the ship’s course was directed
towards the true pole, the less was the error of the
compass ; but gradually, as her course was changed
towards the east or west, so did the errors and dis
crepancies of the compasses increase.
It is satisfactory to know that the same degree of
difficulty was not experienced on board the other iron
steamers which were sent out afterwards; and, as the
Nemesis was the first of her class that ever made the
voyage, it is right here to record the difficulties she
encountered under this head . Many an anxious watch
has been spent on deck, trying to catch the altitude of
particular stars as they emerged, for a moment, from
the dense clouds or haze ; and much of this kind of
labour, so frequently repeated, would have been saved,
had her compasses been trustworthy.
With respect to the effects of lightning upon an iron
ship, and the danger which was to be apprehended from
the attraction, both of the vessel as a body, and of its
particular parts as points for the electrical fluid to touch
upon in its passage between the clouds and the earth,
no inconvenience whatever seems to have been felt.
Much had been said about it in England, before her
departure for a tropical region. The timid , and those
less acquainted with the subject, openly expressed their
apprehensions ; the learned smiled with more of curio
sity than fear; but the officers of the vessel itself were
too busy about other matters to give themselves time to
think much about the question. During their voyage
to the southward, when many dangers were encoun
tered, certainly that from lightning was amongst the
least thought of ; and now, as they were passing
through the Mozambique Channel, a part of the world
particularly famous for its heavy storms of thunder and
lightning, not the slightest effect from it was observed
upon the iron vessel. The funnel has a perfectly smooth
top, without any ornamental points, such as are some
times seen1 ; and the main rigging and funnel stays were
made of chain at the top, and rope throughout the rest.
It is now time to return to the anchorage at Mozam
bique, where we left the Nemesis. Of course, as she
passed the principal Portuguese fort, she fired a salute,
which was returned, and immediately became the signal
to the whole town that something uncommon was to be
expected . The arrival of a large steamer was soon
made known in every direction , and not only became a
1 Which is considered by far the most useful plan, and most cal
culated to withstand the sudden jerks and heavy rolling motion, which
cannot be avoided in a shallow steamer. The great precaution required
in every steamer is to have no sharp points of iron about her. But, as
regards the mere hull of the vessel, the only practical result arrived at
appears to be, that there is no greater danger to be apprehended from the
effects of lightning upon one of iron, than if it were constructed in the
usual manner of wood.
source of curiosity to all, but an object of great alarm
to many. The first impression was that she was sent
purposely to put an end to the slave-trade at that place,
and the consternation became general ; for the governor,
of whom more will presently be said, at once encouraged
this opinion, which he felt would strengthen his power,
as it did his determination, which was proved to be
perfectly sincere, to do his utmost to stop the trade.
Those most interested in the traffic had already begun
openly to defy his power, and had not hesitated to
declare to him that they would still carry it on in some
of the shallow rivers, where vessels of war could not
approach them. But the sight of a large steamer, run
ning along close in -shore, almost as if she were a small
boat, drawing at the same time only five feet and a half
of water, at once damped their ardour. They never
could have dreamed that a large heavily-armed vessel
could move wherever she pleased through their smallest
streams ; and their alarm was proportioned to their
Shortly before this, there had been so strong a dis
position to resist the governor's power, that it had
amounted almost to a rebellion ; and his Excellency,
though a bold man, and the first governor of the Por
tuguese possessions on that coast who had come with
the honest determination to stop the trade at all hazards,
felt himself in a very awkward position. Perhaps he
had not forgotten the mutiny of the troops, and the
disturbances which had taken place there about fifteen
years before, under a former governor ; then the
town was only saved from pillage, and the government
VOL . I. I
from being overturned, by the opportune aid of the
seamen of H.M.S. Andromache and Cygnet, under
Commodore Nourse. These vessels happened to be in
the outer roads at the time, and application was offi
cially made to the commodore, for protection to the
lives and persons of the governor and his family , and
the peaceable portion of the inhabitants. Mutineers
and rioters have generally so little reliance upon each
other, that they are, in most instances, overthrown
with the greatest ease by the coolness and decision of a
small body of regular troops, acting with good faith .
But on that occasion the whole of the rioters dispersed
on seeing the British seamen approach the landing-place,
and before they had even landed before the palace.
So likewise, in the present instance, the governor
felt himself strong enough to take extreme measures,
the moment he saw the steamer so close to the town .
He afterwards admitted that her arrival was most
opportune, and so pleased was he, at the same time,
that he turned at once upon the slave-dealers ; even
that very day he seized two large slavers, condemned
them at once, and publicly sold them by auction before
the day was over. Such vigorous measures had been
quite unknown under any former governor, and at once
proved , both to the Portuguese and to the world, that
his professions were real, and that he meant to keep his
word . He had before this taken strong measures
against the dealers in slaves, but this bold step was
the finishing stroke of his policy, and at once filled all
parties with dismay. In fact, trade of all kinds was
stagnant for the moment, in consequence of the mea
sures adopted ; and large heaps of valuable ivory were
lying there useless, in consequence of the impossibility,
or, at all events, extreme hazard, of sending the usual
slave-ships to sea, which would convey it to a market.
The governor is a brigadier-general in the Portuguese
service, by name Joachim Pereira Morinho, and had
formerly served under the Duke of Wellington in the
Peninsula. He had not been long on the coast ; but,
as he had come with a full determination to destroy
the slave-trade, or, at all events, to do his utmost
towards it, he had already been long enough there
to gain the ill-will of all the Portuguese residents. In
deed , he did not live altogether in security from vio
lence, arising from the vindictive feelings of those
interested in the traffic ; and he had, therefore, re
quested Captain Adams, in the Acorn, to remain there
as long as he could to afford him protection ; and had
also detained aa small brig -of-war belonging to his own
country, named the Villa Flora, to overawe the sea
faring part of the population .
The governor seemed to entertain the best feelings
towards the English generally, with whom he had asso
ciated a good deal, and particularly inquired what
assistance he could give to the Nemesis. As fuel and
vegetables were, of course, most in request, they were
mentioned. He appeared quite pleased to have it in
his power to furnish something that would be of use to
her ; and, to the gratification of every one, a large boat
came off to the ship early in the morning, bringing a
fat ox, four sheep, a large pig, and some vegetables
and fruit ; besides which there was also a large country
I 2
boat full of wood, containing eight thousand pieces.
In addition to these very handsome presents, he also
proposed to fill up the ship's water free of expense.
This was accompanied by a note, in Portuguese, from
the secretary -general of the province, Don Antonio
Julio di Castro Pinto, of high degree and higher
sounding name, who was charged by his Excellency to
offer the good things above-mentioned “ as a mark of
his good will, and of his sense of the service which
the visit of the Nemesis would render to the cause
of anti-slavery, and, at the same time, as a trifling
present to a brother in arms from an old soldier, grown
grey in the service of his country, both at home and
abroad .”
Nothing could have been more acceptable, and ,
through the active assistance which the Nemesis re
ceived, she was enabled to proceed on her voyage, after
little more than a day's delay. As an acknowledg
ment of his Excellency's attention , a trifling present of
some capital hollands, preserved salmon, and English
pickles, were sent to him, which were very great luxuries
in that part of the world, and appeared to be duly
appreciated. His Excellency had never before seen a
steamer in those parts ; and, the better to do justice to
his good nature, and to increase the sensation her arrival
had produced on shore, he was invited to come on board
to look at the ship, and to partake of such refreshment
as she had to offer. This was accordingly a grand
day for all parties, and the 1st of September, 1840,
will have been, on many accounts, long remembered at
His Excellency came on board in his state-barge,
attended by all his suite, in full uniform , under a salute
from the batteries and the Portuguese brig -of -war,
while crowds of spectators stood upon every point on
shore whence a good view could be obtained . The
deck of the Nemesis, though rather crowded with
visiters, presented a gay appearance, from the variety of
uniforms and foreign orders which all those who were
entitled to them , not few in number, displayed upon
the occasion .
Sufficient time having been spent in viewing the ship
and inspecting the machinery, which few of them had
ever seen before, the whole party sat down to a grand
déjeúner à la fourchette. Now, it may seem that a
trifling incident of this sort could have no possible con
nection with the suppression of the slave -trade ; and,
moreover, this latter question has been more frequently
discussed at tea -drinking parties among benevolent
ladies, than at champagne luncheons among the redoubt
able sons of Mars. Yet the impression which a thing
makes is often of more consequence than might other
wise be anticipated from the trifling nature of the thing
The healths of the Queens of England and of Portugal
were drank with three times three, followed imme
diately by a salute of twenty -one guns, both from the
steamer and the Portuguese brig. The effect of this
upon the inhabitants was by no means unimportant ; it
impressed them more than ever with the conviction ,
that the governments of the two countries were per
fectly united in their determination to suppress the
slave -trade ; and the sound of the royal salutes ringing
in their ears completely put an end, for the moment
certainly, of all their inclinations to resist the governor's
In proof of his determination to do his utmost to
suppress the slave -trade, General Morinho had already
ordered one of the deputy -governors to be brought up
to Mozambique, to be tried by court-martial for dis
obedience of orders, in permitting the trade under his
own eyes ; and it has already been mentioned, that
from the information which was given by the Nemesis
of the slave-brig at Delagoa Bay, lying under the very
guns of the fort, the governor of that settlement was
also to be sent for.
After all, however, the tenure of his Excellency's
power must always be unstable ; since a strong interest
would be exerted elsewhere, among the numerous in
fluential parties interested, more or less, in the trade,
to obtain his removal under some pretence or other.
That no attention might be omitted, after the great
kindness his Excellency had shown to all on board , he
ome way up the river, to
and his party were steamed some
show them the capabilities of the vessel ; thousands
of boats crowded round her in all directions, while the
house-tops, the fort, the beach, and all the ships in port,
were covered with people anxious to see the greatest
novelty the place had ever been witness to — the first
steamer, moving with rapidity about their fine harbour,
and in whatever direction she pleased .
A few words may not be out of place concerning the
position of Mozambique, and its eligibility as a place of
call for fuel, should steamers be sent more frequently by
that route to India. The following description of the har
bour, taken from Captain Owen's narrative of his surveys
on that coast, will be found perfectly correct. “ It is
formed by a deep inlet of the sea, five and аa half miles
broad and six long, receiving the waters of three incon
siderable rivers at its head . At the entrance are three
small islands, which, together with reefs and shoals,
render the anchorage perfectly safe in the worst weather.
Of these islands, that of Mozambique, on which stands
the city, is completely formed of coral, very low and
narrow , and scarcely one mile and aa half in length. It
is situated nearly in the centre of the inlet, and just
within the line of the two points that form its ex
tremities. The other two islands, called St. George
and St. Jago, lie about three miles outside of Mozam
bique, but close to each other. They are uninhabited ,
although covered with rich verdure and trees, but upon
a coral foundation."
Mozambique was taken from the Arabs by the Por
tuguese, at the very commencement of the sixteenth
century ; and the extent of the fort of St. Sebas
tian, built there by them , and which even now might
be rendered a very strong fortification, capable of
mounting nearly a hundred guns, if in proper repair,
will be sufficient to show the great importance which
they attributed to it, even in that early period of its
settlement. It still contains large barracks and exten
sive quarters and storehouses, but only a very small
and feeble garrison, of scarcely more than a couple of
hundred men , either black or creole seapoys. There
are likewise two other smaller forts upon the island ,
which may therefore be considered strongly fortified,
although more indebted to the past than to the present
for the importance which, at first view , it appears to
The public buildings of Mozambique all bespeak the
value of the settlement to its possessors, in the days of
Portuguese maritime distinction. The governor's palace
must have been, in its best days, a residence worthy of
an influential ruler. It is built of stone, is of conside
rable extent, and has some fine rooms in it ; in fact, it
speaks much for the importance attached by the Por
tuguese, in former times, to their eastern possessions.
The large stone wharf, built on handsome arches, with
the fine Custom House, in a sort of square at the ex
tremity of it, clearly point out the ancient commercial
value of the settlement: ; withered at last, perhaps,more
by the paralyzing effects of the slave-trade, than by any
natural decrease in the commercial capabilities of the
east coast of Africa .
In short, the city has retrogaded into comparative
insignificance ; the number of resident Fortuguese has
become very inconsiderable, with the exception of some
Canareens or creole Portuguese, born in other Por
tuguese possessions in India, and, though commonly
called white, are only so “ by courtesy ,” being often
quite as black as the true Indians. Bad government and
moral deterioration have added not a little to the other
causes of its downfall; and it will scarcely be credited
that a distinct law has been passed, that those who
were married should be compelled to remain there, or,
at least, not return to their own country. The effect of
so extraordinary a measure has been , that nobody is
disposed to get married at all ; and so low a tone of
moral feeling has come to prevail, that people live toge
ther in perfect amity, without any matrimonial or moral
ties, and with little feeling of shame at the absence of
them .
I have dwelt a little upon these particulars concern
ing Mozambique, because it is the principal of all the
Portuguese settlements on that coast ; and if, as such ,
it has fallen so far from its former state, we may judge
how the others must now be lingering on between life
and death . The fatal influence of the slave - trade ap
pears to paralyze the whole commercial traffic of the
country ; the natives, being reduced to mutual distrust
of each other, and continually living in fear and poverty,
are unable to purchase the comforts of foreign manu
factures. The selling of slaves is almost the only profit
of the chiefs, unfitting them for every other enterprise,
and deadening within them every feeling of honour and
every hope of improvement. A universal stagnation
seems to hang over the mind of man, as well as over the
productions of the earth. Were it not for the industry
of the Arab population in the neighbourhood, a perio
dical famine would inevitably occur. At the present
moment , the whole of the Portuguese possessions , along
the Rios da Senna, do not supply even enough grain for
their own consumption . Yet the country is a remark
ably fine one , capable of producing luxuriantly all the
fruits of the earth , and, were it cleared and cultivated ,
would become habitable even for Europeans , through the
improvement of its climate ; yet, there is much land
now neglected and barren, which was once highly culti
vated .
The slave -trade is, in fact, a worse pestilence to the
country than even the fever itself ; and Mozambique,
Quillimane, Delagoa Bay, Sofala, and Inhamban, are
all fallen .to the lowest grade of civilization. If you
ask the simple tale of history, what has been the effect
of Portuguese rule upon that coast, you will hear nei
ther of savages reclaimed , soil improved , commerce ex
tended , justice and mercy practised , nor Christianity
taught. One single cloud seems to have blighted the
germ of every improvement in its very bud ; and the
blight of slavery has poisoned every leaf on which it
rested .
Nevertheless, as a place of call for refreshment, for
ships passing through the Channel, Mozambique has
some claims to attention. Abundance of vegetables and
fruit are to be obtained there ; pigs and goats are readily
to be purchased , as well as poultry ; and, were the de
mand for bullocks larger, they would soon be brought
to market in numbers. At present, however, they are
very dear.
But the great treasure of the place remains yet to be
developed ; at all events, the subject is well open to in
vestigation . The existence of good coal in that neigh
bourhood is now, I believe for the first time, made
public. There is reason to expect that it will be found
in large quantity , and of good quality , although as yet
the search for it has not been carried on to any great
extent. The all-engrossing subject of the slave-trade
seems to darken every other object of attention in that
quarter, and the Portuguese are probably afraid that
the discovery of coal in their settlements would occa
sion the continual visits of so many steamers and other
vessels, that even greater difficulty would be thrown
in the way of the traffic .
Just as the Nemesis was leaving the harbour, the
captain of an English merchant ship, the only one there
at the time, brought off a large piece of excellent coal
for inspection. It had all the appearance of coal per
fectly adapted for steaming purposes ; it was stated to
be found at Quillimane, (the settlement before alluded
to) about three hundred miles to the southward of Mo
zambique, and that there is every reason to believe it
might be procured in large quantities, and worked
without difficulty. This specimen was sent to Eng
land for examination ; but it has since been ascertained
that it was not fortunate enough to reach its desti
nation . This is on all accounts to be regretted. It
was sent down to the Cape of Good Hope from Mozam
bique, in a box , with directions that it should be for
warded to the India House, but was probably lost, or
set aside at the Cape.
If further investigation should prove what is here
stated to be correct, there can be no reason for not
searching for coal upon other parts of the coast ; and
under any circumstances, as Quillimane is so short a
distance from Mozambique, the coal might easily be
brought up to the latter at little expense ; and, if it
were to become a more frequented route to India, it
would be desirable to moor a large coal-hulk off the
town, in which a constant supply of coal could be kept
ready, and which could be taken in rapidly, and at little
expense, by a steamer running up alongside of her.
But the Portuguese, unfortunately, seem quite blind,
even to their own interests ; and they cannot perceive,
that if they could work coal-mines, they would employ
a large population, circulate wealth throughout their
territory, and attract a considerable and improving com
merce to their port. But then their slave -trade would
be ruined : and they are not even wise enough in their
own generation to perceive, that out of its very ashes
would gradually spring up the healthy and vigorous
plant of commerce, upon an extensive scale, not only
with foreign parts, but with the native tribes of Africa.
These, however, are now continually desolated by the
scourge of war and slavery. But they would soon learn
to value peace and peaceful arts, and the taste for new
articles of manufacture would grow gradually into
wants, and wants in course of time give birth to the
wish for luxuries. Far above all the profits of the
traffic in human beings, would then become the fruits
of wholesome trade ; the country would advance, in
stead of being driven back ; and the welfare ofthe com
munity and of the government be simultaneously pro
moted .
New regulations respecting trade would in the first
instance be indispensable, as at the present time the
commandants or little governors of all the minor Portu
guese settlements are themselves allowed to trade, and
often are the principal, or in a manner the only, mer
chants in the place. This alone must destroy all
healthy competition, the soul of commerce. But, were
trade placed upon a proper footing, and coal likely to
become an article of demand, it would easily be ex
ported to the Cape, Mauritius, and up to Aden for the
Bombay steamers, and to numerous other parts, in which
the demand for coal is yearly increasing, and likely to
become almost unlimited.
I have here rather assumed that coal will be found in
large quantity, than proved it ; but sufficient has been
said to point out the great probability of its existence
upon that coast, in more places than one ; and the ques
tion involves such important consequences, that it de
• serves the fullest investigation.
It was at one time thought that coal would be found
in some one of the Comoro islands before alluded to, at
the northern extremity of the Mozambique Channel;
and the Nemesis was directed, at all events, to touch
there on her way , for the purpose of inquiring into its
eligibility as a depôt, and place of refreshment for
steamers .
The distance of the nearest of the Comoro islands,
Mohilla, from Mozambique, is scarcely two hundred and
fifty miles ; and from thence to Johanna, which is the
principal one, and the place of residence of the sultan
or ruler of the islands, is about thirty miles. Johanna
lies as near as possible in the middle of the Channel,
between Madagascar and the mainland of Africa, just
where it widens into the open sea.
The Nemesis took her departure from Mozambique
on the evening of the 1st of September, but did not
reach Johanna until the afternoon of the 4th, having
made nearly the whole distance under sail only, against
a very strong south -westerly current.
The island of Mohilla is, of course, the first seen, and
strikes you by its lofty, wooded summit, and the nume
rous small islets which surround it to the southward.
The Channel between Mohilla and Johanna is pictu
resque, and the high inland mountains every where pre
sent aa rich and refreshing appearance, covered as they
are with luxuriant wood, and broken occasionally into
deep glens, marked by the usual rich tropical verdure.
Johanna is the most frequented of all the islands, and
affords the best anchorage. But it was quite dark be
fore the Nemesis approached the bay, and an occa- .
sional blue light and a rocket were let off, to give
notice of her approach , in order that a pilot might come
off, or else a signal be made to direct her to the best
A large fire was soon lighted on shore for this pur
pose ; and, no sooner did she come within a moderate
distance, than numerous boats came alongside ; the
natives jumped on board, in apparent delight at seeing
her come in, not unmixed with extreme surprise at her
appearance, and the mode in which she moved through
the water. Several of them spoke broken English, and
although they were naturally delighted at the prospect
of earning a little money, they were even more so at
the sight of her armament, and at once concluded that
she was sent purposely to assist the sultan and the
people of the island, who were at that time in great
danger and trouble .
Johanna is occasionally frequented by English ships,
for provisions, which are there abundant and reasonable,
and the people have become favourably known in Eng
land, in consequence of their kind treatment of nume
rous poor English seamen, who have from time to time
been wrecked on those islands, or on the neighbouring
coasts. The great bay, which is on the northern side
of the island, is not, however, a very suitable anchorage,
except, perhaps, during the S. W. monsoon . At all
times, there is a very heavy surf rolling in shore ; and,
during the N. E. monsoon, which sets directly into it,
the heavy swell renders the anchorage unsafe. It
cannot, therefore, be considered at all eligible as a
coal depôt for steamers, particularly when Mozambique,
which has greater claims to attention, is within such a
moderate distance. Still, it is a very useful place of
refuge for our whaling ships in that part of the world ;
and, as the inhabitants, as well as the authorities, have
always shown great kindness to the English, and, in
fact, consider themselves almost in the light of allies of
England, it would seem politic to keep alive the good
feeling they evince toward us.
The inhabitants of these islands are principally of
Moorish origin, nearly all Mohammedans, and they wear
the turban and loose dress which belong to no part of
the neighbouring coast ; and a dagger or pistols in their
girdle are by no means uncommon . They have a genuine
old English or Arab mode of shaking hands, with a
gaiety of manner by no means unpleasing. Their fea
tures are regular, and well formed , and their com
plexion, though dark , is very different from that of the
inhabitants, either of the neighbouring continent, or of
the island of Madagascar. In short, it is evident, that
they were originally emigrants from some distant part,
probably Arab traders, although their appearance has
become modified in the course of successive genera
These islanders appear to be rather favourites of the
different men -of -war and merchant ships which touch
there ; though they have acquired a character for dupli
city and cunning, and, consequently, for telling false
hoods, which at the same time they smooth over with
the most artful flattery. But high testimony has been
often borne to their kindness and hospitality towards
Englishmen in distress ; and,when the Exmouth grounded
there several years ago, with a great number of pas
sengers, on her way home, the Sultan Abdallah, the
father of his present highness, particularly distinguished
himself, by even attending in person to direct the efforts
of his men, who came to assist in getting the vessel off.
He paid the utmost attention to all the passengers, par
ticularly to the women and children, taking care that
they should be provided with every thing he could fur
nish for their comfort, until they could pursue their
voyage further. Nor is this by any means a solitary in
stance of the kind services which they have rendered to
our countrymen .
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Comoro Islands Sultan Alloué - His father Abdallah - Treaties for
suppression of the Slave-trade — Faithful to their engagements — Suf
ferings — Former presents from the East India Company - Queen of
Madagascar - Her cruelty — Missionaries put to death - Persecutions
-Chiefs take refuge in Johanna Story of Raymanytek — Double
dealing — Secret traffic in slaves — Remonstrances produce rebellion
Arms his followers and slaves — The Sultan, being pressed, applies for
assistance to the English — Arms sent from the Cape - Emissaries ar
rive at the Mauritius — Correspondence of Sultan Alloué — Intrigues
of the slave- traders — Difficulties increase . Sultan applies for aid to
Calcutta - Arrival of the Nemesis at Johanna — Critical moment
Interview — The Sultan's inquiries -- Excursions into the interior
Aspect of the island—Entertainment at the palace — Sultan superin
tends the “ cuisine " . -Another entertainment - Ladies of the court
Conference on public affairs - Sultan's distress — - Application to Ray
manytek - Danger averted - English flag hoisted - Departure of the
The present ruler, or sultan, of the Comoro Islands,
by name Alloué, is the son of the late sultan Abdallah,
before alluded to as having been particularly kind to
distressed Englishmen . He is a young man, under thirty,
of moderate height, agreeable countenance, and easy,
pleasant manners. But his character is not distinguished
for energy, and the difficulties with which he has had to
contend appear to have been rather beyond his powers.
His father, Abdallah, had made a treaty with Colonel
Farquhar, when governor of the Mauritius, by which he
undertook to suppress, by every means in his power , the
extensive trade in slaves which was at that time carried
on at the islands which were under his dominion ; and
he particularly distinguished himself by the zeal and
perfect good faith with which he carried out its provi
sions. Indeed, to this cause much of the subsequent
difficulties of his family, and the impoverishment of his
people, seem to have been attributed .
In the latter days of Abdallah’s life, he appears to
have met with sad reverses ; and, judging from the do
cuments which I have been able to examine, it would
seem that his determined resistance to the continuance
of the slave-trade raised up enemies against him , not
only in his own islands, but in the more powerful one
of Madagascar, and on the coast of Africa itself. It is
certain, also, that he was at all times favourably regarded
by the government of Bombay, for his services to the
Company's ships, and, as an acknowledgment of his
assistance, a present was sent to him every three years,,
of aa small supply of arms and ammunition . Abdallah's
death was, however, at length brought about, after suf
fering numerous hardships, by the treacherous and cruel
treatment of an emissary from Madagascar, or one of the
more than half-savage chiefs of that island, into whose
hands he at length fell.
This is not the place to enter at large into the sub
ject of Madagascar history ; but it will be sufficient to
remark that the present queen of that country is aa most
cruel and tyrannical sovereign ; that she sets little value
upon the lives or blood of her subjects, and that she is
supposed to have poisoned her predecessor, the late King
Radaman ; further, that she did not succeed in winning
the throne without sacrificing most of the chiefs who
were opposed to her, and that she has since contrived
to bring under her subjection many who were formerly
independent governors, or chiefs, of the territory they
severally occupied . Those who take an interest in mis
sionary enterprises will also have heard of the dreadful
cruelties she has exercised upon those unhappy men
within her territories, most of whom were barbarously
put to death, some in her own presence, and partly, it is
said, by her own hand. Only one or two of them escaped
from the island .
It was not unnatural, under these circumstances, that
one or more of the chiefs of the island should have taken
refuge in the neighbouring islands of Johanna and Mo
hilla . Accordingly, so long ago as 1828, a chief, called
Raymanytek, who had been governor of an important
province in Madagascar under the old king, and was said
by some to be his brother, came over to Johanna with
about one hundred followers, and represented to Sultan
Abdallah that he had made his escape from his own
country, through fear of the queen , who sought his life
(probably he had tried to get possession of the chief
authority himself ), and that, as he understood the inha
bitants of the Comoro Islands were allies of the English,
as well as himself, he came there to beg for an asylum.
There was something very suspicious in his story ; but,
nevertheless, Abdallah received him in a very friendly
K 2
manner, placing a house and lands at his disposal, and
shewing him other civilities .
Probably, however, entertaining some mistrust of his
new visiter, Abdallah sent an envoy to Bombay to make
known the particulars of his arrival, and to ask whether
the government would feel satisfied with his residence
upon the islands under his dominion. He suspected, no
doubt, that the new chief might soon become aa trouble
some visiter, and was anxious to endeavour to secure
some further assistance from Bombay, should he stand
in need of it. It is likely, also, that he wished to ob
tain some information respecting the character of Ray
From Bombay reference was made to the government
of the Mauritius upon the subject, as being better ac
quainted with the political state of Madagascar. In
the mean time, the chief, not content with a residence
in the neighbourhood of Sultan Abdallah, went to the
opposite or southern side of the island , where he pur
chased a small native vessel, for the evident purpose of
trading in slaves. The little craft made several voyages
across to the coast of Africa ; and , at length, Abdallah
remonstrated with him upon the subject, and informed
him that if this clandestine trade were not discontinued ,
he should make him leave the island altogether. To
this no reply was made ; and still the vessel went across
to the coast, bringing back, on one occasion, nearly two
hundred slaves. Many of these were probably re-exported
to other parts .
Abdallah hereupon ordered his disobedient visiter
immediately to quit the island, upon the ground that
the slave-trade could not be permitted within his terri
tory, the more particularly as he was bound by treaty
with the English to prevent it in every way he could.
To this summons Raymanytek made no other reply
than to bring all his followers together armed, and, by
means of bribery and fair promises, to enlist in his cause
some of the poorer inhabitants in his neighbourhood,
and also to arm as many of his negro slaves as he could
prevail upon, and who appeared trustworthy. Money
seemed at all times to be at his command, and he is said
to have brought a well -filled purse with him when he
landed from Madagascar. With the force he had now
collected, he made an unexpected descent upon the
capital of the island, which, being unprepared, was, of
course, unable to resist him. The consternation was
general, in addition to which, his money is believed to
have influenced some of the people to remain quiet.
Almost immediately the old Sultan Abdallah was de
posed, and his brother Ali took the chief power into his
hands. Abdallah, with all the rest of his family, left
the island, with the hope of being able to find an oppor
tunity of reaching some English port, where he might
represent his case, and ask for assistance. He reached
the island of Comoro in safety ; but what became of him
afterwards, until he was ultimately put to death with
extreme barbarity, as before stated, I have hitherto not
been able to ascertain .
During this short interval, Raymanytek had been able
to get possession of the arms belonging to Abdallah, and
which I have stated were supplied every two or three
years by the government of Bombay, as a recompence
for his friendly assistance when needed ; and, having
burnt and ruined the greater part of the town, and com
pletely destroyed the crops and plantations in the neigh
bourhood, he embarked on board his little vessel, and,
taking with him all that he could conveniently carry
away of any value, he withdrew to the island of Mohilla,
and established himself there in a position easy ofdefence;
all the subsequent efforts of the rightful authorities to
turn him out were of no avail .
This man must have been supplied by some means or
other with abundance of ammunition ; and it is not un
likely that his speculations in the slave-trade, by means
of his own vessel, may have supplied him not only with
money, but also with warlike weapons and ammunition.
It is well surmised, too, that he received assistance di
rect from Madagascar at various times ; and it must not
be forgotten that the nine or ten years which elapsed
between the commencement of these occurrences and the
visit of the Nemesis was a period particularly fraught
with difficulties in relation to the traffic in slaves, and
that it appears, prima facie, highly probable that this
marauding rebel may have been strongly encouraged, and
even aided, in his attempts, by distant parties interested
in the traffic. Indeed, unless some assistance of this
kind had been furnished to him , it is difficult to see how
he could so long have found means to maintain himself.
The sultan applied for assistance on several occasions
to the governments of the Mauritius, of the Cape, and
of Bombay. The letter of the young Sultan Alloué,,
after the death of his father, in 1836, addressed to the
governor of the Cape of Good Hope, and to the admiral
of the station, asking for assistance, was a really pathetic
appeal to their good feelings. It detailed the horrors
of poor old Abdallah's death, and the violent acts of the
invader ; it related the defenceless state in which he found
himself on taking the reins into his hands ; and then
appealed to British generosity, in return for the faithful
adhesion of his family to Great Britain, and the hospi
tality of his people towards all British subjects.
The answer on that occasion was prompt, and wor
thy of the cause, namely, “ that in consequence of the
difficulties in which the sultan of Johanna was placed ,
and in consideration of the fidelity with which the late
Sultan Abdallah had fulfilled his engagements for the
suppression of the slave -trade, and the hospitality which
he had on all occasions shewn to British vessels touching
at Johanna, the governor and admiral readily yield to
the earnest desire of the Sultan Alloué for the aid of
arms and ammunition, and send an ample supply thereof
to Johanna in one of his majesty's sloops of war, ” &c.
With this assistance, Alloué was once more able to
make head for the time against his enemy. But the
country still continued in a very unsettled state ; and,
as the assistance was only temporary, he again fell into
extreme difficulty, and addressed himself to the governor
of the Mauritius upon the subject. Sir William Nicolai,
who was governor and commander-in -chief of that island
at the time, referred the application to the consideration
of the home government. But it would seem that some
little intrigues had sprung up among the sultan's own
family, which it is not very easy , and so far very unim
portant, to fathom .
The Sultan Alloué's uncle, Seyd Abbas, had about the
same time sent two young men , either his sons or ne
phews, to the Mauritius, to report the unhappy state of
the island , and to request assistance in support of the
actual Sultan Alloué. Not long afterwards, two or three
other young men arrived at the Mauritius, also bearing
letters from Seyd Abbas to the same purport. As this
man was thought to be well disposed towards the Eng
lish , and had been favourably spoken of by all those who
had visited the island, and as, moreover, his object seemed
to be the laudable one of trying to support the young
sultan's authority, even though without his highness's
acknowledged sanction, it was judged proper to maintain
all these young men at the public expence, until an
opportunity should offer for sending them back again.
After the lapse of some months, a vessel was hired on
purpose to carry them back ; and it was, at the same
time, distinctly intimated that, “ however praiseworthy
the intentions of Seyd Abbas may have been in sending
his own relations from home as political messengers, and
however high he may stand personally in the respect of
Englishmen, it would in future be impossible for British
authorities to maintain political correspondence with
him or with any other person in Johanna than his high
ness the sultan of the island.” The sultan was further
recommended henceforth to give Seyd Abbas a share of
his confidence in his councils, in consequence of his age
and experience, and the apparent sincerity with which
he espoused his interests ; and, at the same time, " the
young men were recommended to his notice as very sen
sible and well -informed persons." The friendly interest
and intentions of the government towards the sultan and
people of Johanna were then in general terms expressed ;
and thus, with kind words and kinder hopes for better
days for his subjects, the young sultan was left for the
present to take care of himself.
It was only a few months before the arrival of the
Nemesis that some of the events which have been re
corded had occurred . The sultan Alloué was still in
extreme danger ; and another letter was addressed by
him to the governor of the Mauritius, only about five
months previously. It appears to have been remarkably
well written, and contains some ingenious observations
which, as being written by a young Moorish prince, the
ruler of an island in a remote corner of the globe, under
circumstances of great difficulty, it may be worth while
to dwell upon for aa moment.
He thanks his excellency the governor of the Mauri
tius for the kindness he had shown to the young men,
whom he admits to be distantly related to him ; but
shrewdly remarks that their “ clandestine departure
from Johanna, contrary to his express orders, and during
the night, had given him reason to suppose that they
were not quite so friendly disposed towards him as they
wished his excellency to believe : and that he feared the
object of their journey had been a pecuniary speculation
upon the governor's goodness and British hospitality.””
He proceeds to express his thanks for being apprized
that persons had entertained political correspondence
with English authorities without his knowledge or con
sent ; and adds, that, although he fully concurs in his
excellency's opinions with regard to the age and expe
rience of his uncle, Seyd Abbas, still there are many
others in Johanna who possess the same qualities, and
whose attachment and loyalty he had never had occasion
to doubt.
The suspicion here betrayed is self-evident, and suffi
ciently delicately expressed . The picture he then draws
of the state of his country is a pitiable one for a prince
himself to be obliged to depict— " the town burnt; the
country ravaged ; all our cattle killed by the chief, Ray
manytek, aided by natives of Mohilla, under his orders.”
He distinctly intimates that the rebel chief was receiving
" assistance from the French ;" and, although he does not
state reasonable grounds for the assertion, the statement
is not altogether an improbable one, considering that
the abolition of slavery in the Mauritius had roused the
feelings of the French population against us and our
allies : and, moreover, slavery was still in existence in
the neighbouring island of Bourbon, where strong feel
ings against the English had been undisguisedly avowed ;
while, at the same time, the difficulty of procuring fresh
slaves had greatly raised their price.
Intrigues were thought to have been carried on by
the French traders in Madagascar itself, where they
have long attempted to obtain a footing, but with little
success, owing to the deadly nature of the climate. It
is, however, perfectly well known that they are still
anxious to strain every nerve to establish themselves in
some place to the eastward of the Cape, in addition to
the island of Bourbon, where there is no harbour what
ever, but merely an open roadstead. They are, more
over, anxious to get some point d'appui whence they
may injure British trade, in case of war in that quarter ;
and, at the same time, by establishing a little colony
of their own, find some means of augmenting their mer
cantile marine.
One of their latest attempts has been at the Isle Ma
dame; and it is perfectly well known that several other
efforts have been made, and still more talked about.
If, however, Raymanytek really did receive any foreign
assistance, it is not probable that it was with the know
ledge or connivance of the government of Bourbon , but
rather from the restless enterprise of private individuals
interested in the slave-trade. However that may be, there
seems to be very good grounds for our hoping that the
Sultan Alloué may be permitted to remain in the peace
able possession of his own rightful territories. It is our
evident interest to prevent those fine islands from falling
into any other hands, more especially now that the inter
course between the West and East, through the Mozam
bique channel, is likely to be more extensive than for
merly ; and that the opening for legitimate commerce,
within the channel itself, cannot but attract the attention
of British merchants. The trade in slaves will become
yearly more difficult ; and, indeed , nothing would tend
more to cause its total downfall than the gradual exten
sion , under proper government protection , of the legiti
mate trade in British manufactures along that coast.
The young Sultan Alloué further went on to declare in
his letter that numbers of his people had been captured
and taken to Mozambique and Zansibar, where they were
sold into slavery ; and that several such cargoes had al
ready been sent over. He begged earnestly that assist
ance might speedily be sent to him, in arms and ammu
nition, and that he particularly stood in need of lead and
flints, and a couple of small field -pieces. At the same
time, he entreated that some small vessel of war might
be sent to his aid1 ; for that such were his difficulties, that,
unless speedy assistance should arrive, he feared that he
should be driven to abandon the town, and seek person
ally an asylum in British India. He then appealed to
the magnanimity of the British government, in the hope
that he and his people might not be compelled to aban
don their homes for want of timely assistance.
Such, then, was the unhappy situation of the beau
tiful little island of Johanna, as described by its own
prince, only a few months before the unexpected visit
of the Nemesis. Little change had taken place ; the
town still held out, but it does not appear that any as
sistance had been sent to it. The very sight of the
steamer gladdened the young sultan's heart, and encou
raged the people, who stood greatly in need of it ; the
1 The sultan very recently went up to Calcutta, to apply to the
Governor-general, in the hope that the Company might be induced to take
possession of the islands, which he felt he could no longer hold without
assistance. He merely asked for himself a small annual stipend out of the
revenues. What answer he may have received is not known ; but proba
bly his application was rejected, upon the ground of our territory in the
East being already quite large enough. But, in reality, the Comoro
Islands, or at least a part of them , must be viewed in a political light,
as they may be said to command the navigation of the straits, and are
generally thought to be an object aimed at by the French .
rebel chief being then at only a short distance from the
town .
Late as it was, the captain and first officer landed in
uniform , to wait upon the sultan at once, as their time
was so limited. One of his uncles and his prime-minister
received them, and accompanied them through a few
narrow streets, built in the Moorish style, to the sultan's
palace. At the entrance were stationed four half - clad
soldiers, with muskets, as a personal guard ; and, on
reaching the reception-room, the sultan was discovered
sitting on a high-backed chair, at the further end of the
apartment. He immediately rose, and advanced towards
them in a very friendly manner, welcoming them to Jo
hanna with a good, hearty shake by the hand . Two
chairs were placed on his left, for his guests ; while, on
his right, sat the governor of the town, and several other
of the principal people, all on the tiptoe of expectation
for the news from England ; the more particularly as
they were in some hope that the strange-looking “ devil
ship,” as they called her, might have brought a letter
from the English government, in answer to bis applica
tion for assistance.
They were doomed, however, to be again disappointed ;
but the sultan made many inquiries about the Queen and
Prince Albert, and whether an heir to the throne had yet
been born ; and seemed not a little curious to know if
the Thames Tunnel was finished . In short, he appeared
to be a very well-bred and courteous young man. He
alluded painfully to the distressed state of the island,
and to his being surrounded by his enemies under Ray
manytek ; and begged hard for at least aa little powder
and shot, with which to endeavour to hold out until
better assistance could reach him.
As it was already quite late, the interview did not
last long, but promises were made to renew it on the
subsequent day, and a party was arranged for an excur
sion outside the town on the following morning. Ac
cordingly, at daylight, the party were again met by the
king's uncle on the beach, who appointed three soldiers
to act both as guides and guards. These men appeared
quite pleased with the duty assigned to them, and
throughout the whole trip did every thing in their power
to amuse the party, and to point out to them the objects
best worth notice : one man went in search of shells upon
the beach, another to procure fruit, and scarcely a wish
was expressed that was not immediately gratified.
Before they ascended the higher hills in the rear of
the town, they visited the so-called Gardens, about a
mile and a half from the town , situated at the bottom
of a very rich and refreshing valley, near the sea -shore.
There were an abundance of cocoa -nut-trees, fruit-trees,
and picturesque shrubs, but little else at present that
could entitle them to be called gardens. But one im
portant observation was made, namely, that the best
water was to be obtained there, from a small, clear,
running stream, from which it could be easily taken ,
close to the beach ; and also that the best anchorage in
the bay was a little way off this spot, and not opposite
the town, as had been supposed. The vicinity of good
water gives it an additional recommendation.
Having ascended the hills on the eastern side of the
valley, they were gratified by a delightful prospect in
every direction . The valley below was rich and capable of
high cultivation, but only partially cleared of wood , and
in other parts covered with long grass and low shrubs,
varied by the numerous wild flowers which were then in
blossom . In the rear were high and thickly-wooded
mountains, picturesque in themselves, but shutting out
the view of the opposite side of the island, while, in the
other direction, the eye could trace the long line of pic
turesque coast, giving altogether a very favourable inn
pression of the character of the island, the more parti
cularly as some of the timber is very fine, and calcu
lated for repairing ships.
The town itself could only be viewed from the top of
a higher hill behind it, which was now ascended, and its
character well made out. Its little white flat-topped
houses and turreted walls, with very narrow streets,
pointed out its Moorish origin. But there was nothing
to render it otherwise striking.
The whole population appeared to be abroad , each
struggling which should gratify his curiosity the quickest,
in running down to the beach to catch a glimpse of the
strange vessel, the like of which none had ever seen
before. Boats were seen crowding round her on all
sides, and, as she lay there, decked out with all her flags,
the scene was both animated and picturesque.
On descending the hill, the party were again met by
the sultan's uncle, who invited them to breakfast with
his highness, and accompanied them , first to his own
house, where they met the sultan himself, and thence to
the palace, which was close at hand. But it was still
rather an early hour for a reception, and on entering
the palace, it was very evident that the preparations had
not yet been completed for their arrival. His highness's
ladies, the sultana and her companions, had only just
time to make their escape, leaving every thing in
disorder, and, in short, breakfast was not quite ready.
His highness was very condescending, but it was clear
that his attentions were being divided between two or
more objects at the same time, one of which was readily
guessed to be the ladies fair, who had so suddenly de
camped. But this was not the only one, and, in the
little intervals between his exits and his entrances, an
opportunity was taken to ask his uncle, who was pre
sent, what it was all about. The mystery was solved .
His highness was condescending to superintend the pre
paration of the breakfast for his guests, that it might
be worthy of them. The kitchen was on this occasion
converted into the council-chamber, and quite as weighty
matters there discussed, and certainly with equal warmth,
and probably, too, with the full “ ore rotundo ” of
hungry eloquence, as are often treated of with greater
solemnity in higher conclaves.
The result, indeed , was worthy of the cause. The
breakfast was pronounced capital, and ample justice
done, after the morning's walk, to the wisdom of his
highness's deliberations. He himself seemed quite de
lighted! ; and his uncle declared, in his absence, that the
young man's greatest pleasure was to contrive some
new means of gratifying the English who came in his
way, and that there was nothing he would not conde
scend to do for them, in his enthusiastic admiration of
the nation . A little of this might be said and done for
effect, but there has always been good reason to believe
that he was on all occasions a sincere, and, in some re
spects, useful ally.
The same day, a grand entertainment was to be given
by some relation of the sultan's, in his uncle's house, in
honour of the performance of the first Mohammedan
right upon the young infant, his son and heir, upon the
eighth day after its birth. The sultan bimself, with his
chief minister, accompanied them to see the festivities.
On this occasion, the ladies of the court were all found
to be in the apartment adjoining the reception- room,
and only separated from it by a large screen or curtain
before the door. Now, according to all the prescribed
rules of civilized life, it may reasonably be supposed
that the fair damsels, secluded as they usually were,
had just as much curiosity to see the lions of the day,
the English officers in uniform , as the latter had to
catch a glimpse of eastern beauty, the more sought the
more forbidden . Every now and then, you could see
the curtain moved gently on one side, and a young
lady's head peep out ; and then another would steal
a quiet look on the other side ; then again, by pres
sing against each other, more of them would be seen
than they intended, but quite enough to make you wish
to see more still. In the mean time his highness had
retired, or perhaps they might not have been so bold.
As the gallantry of the sons of Neptune has at all
times been famous, so in this instance it innocently got
the better of their discretion , and, with an apparently
accidental though well-premeditated charge at the cur
tain, which was most gallantly pushed on one side, a
VOL . I. L
full view of all the fair ladies was obtained, much more
to the apparent horror of the old uncle, who was a spec
tator of the achievement, than to that of the fair dam
sels themselves, who, nevertheless, quietly retreated in
some trepidation .. The ladies were all very handsomely
and gaudily dressed, it being a gala-day, but they were
not altogether the most Venus-like of beauties.
But a more curious scene was brought to view , on
being conducted to another apartment, where a large
and merry party of ladies of less distinguished rank
were amusing themselves with dancing and singing, but
certainly without much grace in the one, or melody in
the other. There was only one good-looking female
among the whole assembly, and she appeared to be the
queen of beauty, or mistress of the feast, for she was
treated with the utmost attention and deference by all
the rest.
On returning again to the presence of the sultan, re
freshments were handed round , and, as the weather was
hot, a whole train of the female servants of the house
were ushered into the room, each with a fan, or sort of
portable punka, in her hand . They were all very neatly
and cleanly dressed , and immediately set their fans
most dexterously to work , taking their stations behind
each person of the party, and fanning gently as if a host
of little zephyrs had stolen away from fairy lands, to
breathe their cooling breezes on the guests. The scene
was certainly novel, and withal amusing.
In the midst of this scene the sultan disappeared ,
followed by his uncle, and, after a few minutes' consul
tation , the attendance of Captain Hall was requested in
his highness's private apartment. Something important
was evidently about to happen, but, before there was
much time to conjecture what it might be, he found
himself alone with the sultan . His highness frankly
confessed the alarm which the strength of the chief
Raymanytek had excited in his mind, that he was even
then not far from the town, and that he himself was
determined at once to march out against the rebels, if
he could get a sufficient supply of powder and shot.
At the same time, he begged that if necessary he might
have the assistance of the steamer to protect his town.
Only one reply could be given, namely, that the visit
of the steamer was a mere casual thing, with a view to
ascertain the nature of the harbour; that the service she
was engaged on would admit of no delay ; but that, as
long as she was there, which could not be many hours
more, she should give protection to himself and his
family, as well as to the town, if in danger, and that a
small supply of ammunition should be given to him to
enable him to defend himself. He appeared quite satis
fied, and pleased with the reply. At the same time, as
the danger was imminent, and much blood might other
wise be shed, he requested that, since the orders by
which the steamer was obliged to abide would necessi
tate her immediate departure, the British flag might be
hoisted upon his citadel before she started, and receive
the proper salute, in order to intimidate the rebel chief ;
and further, that a letter might be written to the latter,
stating that the sultan of Johanna was an old ally of
Great Britain ;, and that the taking up arms against him
could no longer be permitted ; in short, that he had, there
L 2
fore, better take himself off as quickly as possible, and
return to obedience.
This was a request which demanded very serious con
sideration . It was evident that Captain Hall had no
authority whatever to interfere in the matter . And
such , consequently, would have been the only reply of
many officers, perhaps most, under the same circum
stances. But, there was now something of humanity
called into play, something of pity, and something, per
haps, of pride. It was impossible not to feel a deep in
terest in the unhappy position of the young sultan ,
more particularly as he and all his family had on so
many occasions behaved with kindness and humanity
towards Englishmen in distress. IIe had , moreover,
stated his positive wish to become not only the ally,
but even the subject of Great Britain, and that he would
rather give up the island altogether to the English , and,
if necessary, retire from it elsewhere, than see it in its
then state of misery from the incursions of Raymanytek.
There was, in fact, something in Alloué's appeal
which was altogether irresistible ; and after much re
flection, and well knowing the responsibility incurred ,
it was agreed that the British flag should be hoisted
upon the citadel, under a salute of twenty -one guns.
This was accordingly done, and, for the first time, the
flag, which so many millions look ypon with pride,
waved over the citadel and walls of Johanna. The
sultan smiled, and appeared to take far greater pride
in that unstained ensign , than in his own independent
flag, or his own precarious authority.
Great were the rejoicings of the whole people of the
town ; in fact, the day had been one of continued excite
ment to all parties. To crown the whole, a letter was
written to the rebel chief, according to the tenor of
what has been stated above, and which it was hoped
would induce Raymanytek to retire peaceably for the
present, and to defer to an opportunity less favourable
for himself, if not altogether to forego, his treasonable
designs, which had evidently been to depose the sultan,
and probably put him to death , and banish all his
family , assuming the whole authority himself in his place .
This had been a long and eventful day for the Ne
mesis, and, while we have been relating what was
passing on shore, those on board had been busy taking
in water and wood for the immediate continuance of
the voyage. One thing, however, yet remained ; the
sultan was to visit the ship, and see what to him were
wonders. He came on board in the afternoon, with
several attendants, in full Moorish dress, and, of course,
evinced the utmost astonishment at the arrangement of
the ship, the machinery, &c . To him and his followers
all was new. As they steamed round the bay, their
wonderment increased more and more at the ease and
rapidity with which she moved ; and, having partaken
of a little fruit and bread , and taken a most friendly
and, to all appearance, grateful leave of all on board,
he was landed in the ship’s boat, with his own flag flying
upon it.
On landing, he seemed quite overwhelmed with thank
fulness for the timely assistance rendered to him, and
unaffectedly sorry at parting with friends he had so
recently made. What the subsequent fate of the island
was we have as yet no means of ascertaining, commu
nication being extremely rare .
Just before parting, the young sultan gave Captain
Hall a letter under his own seal, acknowledging the
present of powder, &c. , and expressive of his thankful
ness for the assistance he had received . It was very
prettily written in the Arabic language.
On the afternoon of the 5th September, 1840, the
interesting little island of Johanna was left behind , with
many good wishes for the success of the sultan's arms,
and for the speedy restoration of peace and plenty to
his harassed subjects. It is feared , however, that these
hopes have scarcely yet been realized.
The Maldive Archipelago — Island of Feawar - Trade with India .
Arrival at Ceylon “ Mystery ” at an end — Notices of the Island
- Columbo - Fishing boats Curious contrivance Departure
Penang — Spice Productions — The “ Gem of the East”- Picturesque
Character - Projected naval depôt - Singapore- Advantageous posi
tion for commerce - Importance of free ports — Increase of trade
Chinese population - A colonizing people — Aspect of town - Depar
ture — Pedro Branco - Its dangers—Good site for Lighthouse to the
memory of Horsburgh — Monsoons- Island of Manilla - Spanish Colo
nies — Lieu -chew Islands — Basil Hall's description — Arrival of the
Nemesis at Macao — Surprise of the People — Visit to the Governor
Joins the squadron under the Honourable George Elliot at the mouth
of the Canton river.
The next place of destination towards which the
Nemesis was to shape her course was the island of
Ceylon, where at length was to be made known to her
the ultimate service upon which she was to be employed.
Owing to contrary winds and opposing currents, her
progress was, for the first few days, very slow. In
order to save fuel, on account of the distance and pro
bable length of the voyage, she proceeded principally
under canvass . But the south-westerly current was
found to be so strong as to retard her progress con
siderably ; and it was not until the 10th that she lost
sight of Comoro Island, the northernmost of the group
of that name, and, if measured in a direct line, conside
rably less than one hundred miles from Johanna.
A little to the northward of this, the south-east mon
soon began to be felt, and she proceeded more favour
ably, and crossed the Line on the morning of the 17th,
in about longitude east 54º. Horsburgh particu
larly notices the light, baffling winds, and the strong
south-west and southerly currents, which prevail during
the months of October and November among the Comoro
Islands . But it was found, upon this voyage, that these
difficulties presented themselves sometimes much earlier
than stated by him . It was now only the beginning
of September, and the southerly. current was found
setting down at the rate of even sixty miles a day. In
deed , both the winds and currents in the Mozambique
Channel had been found very different from what had
been expected . It was the season of the south-west mon
soon when she entered it in the month of August ; and
as it is usually stated that this wind continues to blow
until early in November, the Nemesis ought to have
had favourable winds to carry her quite through, even
later in the season . On the contrary, she met with a
strong head-wind, and a much stronger southerly cur
rent than she had reason to expect .
The opinion of Horsburg seems to be fully confirmed ,
that late in the season it is better for ships to avoid the
Mozambique Channel, and rather to proceed to the
eastward of Madagascar, and then pass between Diego
Garcia and the Seychelle Islands. Steamers, however,
would have less need of this were coal to be had at
Mozambique, but the Nemesis had taken in no coal
since she left the Cape of Good Hope in July ; and,
although she was fortunate enough to procure a small
supply of wood , still, from its greater bulk, she could
not carry so many days' fuel of it as she could of coal.
It was important, moreover, to reserve the coal she had
remaining, for any case of emergency that might arise,
and which could not be foreseen . On leaving Johanna
she had only twenty -five tons of coal on board, (very
little more than two days' consumption) besides a little
wood . It was, therefore, requisite to be very sparing
in its use ; and she consequently made almost no use
of her engines until four days after she crossed the
Line, and even then only for a few hours.
From the equator the current was always easterly ;
but nothing particular occurred worth noticing, except
that, as she approached the Maldive Islands, she en
countered very heavy squalls, accompanied with rain .
On the following day, the 1st October, the Maldives
were in sight ; and , in order to carry her through them
rapidly, steam was got up for a few hours, until she
came to, in the afternoon , within a quarter of a mile of
the shore, under one of the easternmost of the islands,
named Feawar, having shaped her course straight across
the middle of the long, and until lately, much dreaded
group of the Maldive Archipelago.
This extensive chain or archipelago of islands lies in
the very centre of the Indian Ocean , and , being placed
in the direct track of ships coming from the south -west
towards Ceylon, and the southern parts of Hindostan,
it was long dreaded by mariners, and shunned by them
as an almost impenetrable and certainly dangerous
barrier. It is stated by Horsburgh, that the early
traders from Europe to India were much better ac
quainted with these islands than modern navigators,
and that they were often passed through in those days
without any apprehension of danger. The knowledge
of their navigable channels must therefore have been ,
in a great measure, lost ; and, although the utmost
credit is due to the indefatigable Horsburgh for his
arduous efforts to restore some of the lost information,
it is to the liberality of the Indian government, and
particularly to the scientific labours and distinguished
services of Captain Moresby and Commander Powell, of
the Indian Navy, that we are indebted for the minute
and beautiful surveys of all these intricate channels
which have been given to the world since 1835 .
This archipelago is divided into numerous groups of
islands, called by the natives Atolls, each comprising a
considerable number of islands, some of which are inha
bited , and abound in cocoa-nut trees, while the smaller
ones are often mere barren rocks or sandy islets . The
number of these islands, large and small, amounts to
several hundred ; and the groups, or Atolls, into which
they are divided, are numerous. They are laid down
with wonderful accuracy and minuteness by Captains
Moresby and Powell ; so that, with the aid of their charts,
the intricate channels between them can be read with
almost the same facility as the type of a book . Thus
one of the greatest boons has been conferred upon
navigators of all nations. They are disposed in nearly a
meridian line from latitude 7° 6'N. to latitude 0° 40'S. ,
and consequently extend over the hottest portion of the
tropics, for the distance of more than three hundred and
seventy miles.
As the Nemesis passed through these islands, she
found that all the former difficulties had now vanished.
So accurate were the soundings, and given on so large
a scale, that it was more like reading a European road
book than guiding a vessel through an intricate laby
rinth of islands.
The very sight of aa steamer completely frightened the
inhabitants of the little island of Feawar ; who, although
they at length came alongside without much fear,
could never be persuaded to come on board the vessel .
However, they had no objection to act as guides, for the
purpose of showing what was to be seen upon their
island ; and, while a little necessary work was being
done to the vessel , two or three of the officers landed,
and were soon surrounded by a crowd of natives upon
the beach, quite unarmed.
A stroll along the shore, covered with pieces of coral ,
soon brought them to a mosque and burial-ground,
which was remarkable for the neatness with which it
was disposed. The little ornamented head-stones, with
inscriptions, and flowers in many places planted round
them, probably refreshed by the sacred water of a well
close at hand , proved, at all events, the great respect
paid to their dead, which is common among all Moham
medans. Indeed, the inhabitants of all these numerous
islands are mostly of that persuasion, and consider
themselves to be under the protection of England, the
common wish of almost all the little independent tribes
of the east.
156 CEYLON .
The village itself appeared to be at least half deserted,
the poor people, particularly the women , having hastily
run away, leaving their spinning-wheels at their doors.
They appear to carry their produce, consisting of oil,
fish, rope, mats, &c. to Ceylon and other parts of India,
in large boats of their own construction, bringing back
in return rice and English manufactured goods. In
deed, an extensive traffic is carried on between all the
northernmost of this extensive chain of islands, or sub
marine mountains, and the nearer parts of the coast of
On the same evening, the Nemesis continued her voy
age, and, on the afternoon of the 5th October, reached
the harbour of Pointe de Galle, in Ceylon. She came in
under steam, with about eight tons of coal remaining,
having been exactly one month from Johanna.
The mystery attending the Nemesis was now to end .
Scarcely had she fairly reached her moorings, when a
despatch was delivered to the captain from the govern
ment of India, containing orders from the Governor
general in council, to complete the necessary repairs,
and take in coal and provisions, with all possible expe
dition , and then to proceed to join the fleet off the mouth
of the Canton River, placing himself under the orders of
the naval Commander -in -chief.
Great was now the rejoicing of both officers and men .
Her captain had already been made acquainted with his
destination, as far as Ceylon, before leaving England, but
no one on board, until now, had any certain information
as to what particular service they were to undertake
+ afterwards. The road to distinction was now made
known to them : they were at once to be engaged in
active operations, in conjunction with her majesty's
forces. All regretted the length of time unavoidably
spent upon the voyage out, and none but wished the
intervening distance between Ceylon and China could
be passed with railroad speed .
Many were now the hopes and airy castles conjured x
up to the mind's vision ; many the speculations as to the
probable course of the dispute with China, then openly
expanding into the complicated net of war ; and not
few the wishes secretly felt, and scarce confessed, that
Chinese obstinacy might still hold out a little longer,
and the duplicity of Chinese statesmen again give neces
sity for the active interference of an armed force.
Notwithstanding, however, the unremitted exertions
of all on board, the Nemesis could not be got ready to
proceed on her voyage in less than eight clear days from
the time of her arrival at Pointe de Galle. The decks
had to be caulked throughout, there having been no
proper means for completing this very necessary process
at any earlier period ; and numerous other repairs
were required to be made before she could proceed on
her voyage. Added to this, the whole of the stores and
supplies had to be sent by land from Columbo, a dis
tance of seventy-two miles, as it was not then so well
known that all these things could be readily obtained at
Singapore, and that therefore a smaller quantity would
have sufficed . Indeed, from the more frequent commu
nication with Ceylon, through vessels touching at Pointe
de Galle for supplies, which has since taken place, every
provision has now been made at that port, without the
necessity of sending for stores to so great a distance as
Under all circumstances, no time was to be lost ; and
the anxiety to proceed on the voyage as quickly as pos
sible was so great, that Captain Hall determined to start
off for Columbo the same evening, in order to wait upon
his Excellency the Governor, and expedite the sending
on of the requisite stores. A highly-respectable mer
chant, who was going over, kindly offered him a seat in
his gig, and, after considerable exertion and fatigue,
they arrived at Columbo late on the following evening.
They had some evidence that the road was not always
perfectly safe ; for they had proceeded only a very few
miles from Ponte de Galle, when they found a wounded
man upon the road , who had just been robbed , and left
there helpless. A crowd of natives soon came round,
detailing what had happened ; but, as very little of what
they said could be understood, little attention was paid
to it. The wounded man having been carried on to a
police station, and there left, the journey was continued
till after dark .
On the following morning, the country presented itself
in all the rich tropical aspect of these regions. The
whole road to Columbo pointed out a fertile and luxu
riant country, and was in itself admirably adapted for
Once arrived at Columbo, and fairly lodged in Mr.
Gibb's hospitable mansion , all the comforts and luxu
ries of the East were at once exhibited , and recalled to
mind the early days spent in that part of the globe. The
view was lovely, vegetation luxuriant, and the famed cin
namon -trees and coffee -plants in full perfection, besides
a number of beautiful shrubs.
For my own part, the more I have seen of tropical
countries, the more I have everywhere been fascinated
by their luxuriance, and enjoyed the brilliancy of their
skies. There is much to compensate for the occasional
oppression of the heat, which , after all, is less trouble
some or injurious than the chilling blasts of northern
climes ; and, generally speaking, with proper precaution ,,
it has been hardly a question with myself whether the
average degree of health and buoyancy of spirits is not
far greater than in less favoured though more hardy
regions . Every day that passes is one in which you feel
that you really live, for everything around you lives and
thrives so beautifully . Nevertheless , it must not be for
gotten that, after a few years spent in so relaxing a
climate , the constitution becomes enfeebled, and is only
to be restored by a visit to more bracing regions .
His Excellency having been waited on, directions were
instantly given, to provide whatever was requisite with
the least possible delay ; it was only to be regretted that
the distance from Pointe de Galle was so great.
Governor Mackenzie seemed to take much interest in
the steamer, and in her probable capabilities for the
peculiar service likely to be required of her in China ;
he had evidently made the subject his study, and upon
this, as upon other questions, evinced great intelli
gence .
Little need here be said about the island of Ceylon,
which has been recently so well described and treated
of by able and well- informed writers. The fine forti
fications of Columbo (the capital of the island,) the
governor's palace, the barracks and public offices, are all
worth seeing ; indeed, it is to be regretted that arrange
ments have not yet been made, by which the steamers
from Calcutta to the Red Sea, touching at Pointe de
Galle, might allow some of their passengers, instead of
wasting the valuable time necessary for taking in fuel
at Pointe de Galle, to cross over to Columbo. The
steamers might then touch at Columbo to pick them up,
together with other passengers likely to be found there,
now that the overland route is daily becoming more fre
quented ; she could pursue her voyage with very triling
additional expense, and very great convenience to the
public. It is hoped that some arrangement of this sort
may very shortly be brought about.
The most curious sight at Columbo is the little fleet
of fishing -boats, in the shape of long, narrow canoes, each
made out of the single trunk of a tree, with upper works
rigged on to them, falling in in such a way, that there
is just sufficient room for a man's body to turn round.
They start off with the land-wind in the morning, and
run out a long distance to fish, returning again with the
sea-breeze in the afternoon . Both ends are made ex
actly alike, so that, instead of going about, they have
only to shift the large lug-sail, the mast being in the
middle, and it is quite indifferent which end of the boat
goes foremost. To counteract the natural tendency of
so narrow a body to upset, two slight long spars are run
out at the side, connected at the outer ends by a long
and stout piece of wood, tapering at either extremity,
not unlike a narrow canoe ; this acts as a lever to keep
the boat upright, and is generally rigged out upon the
windward side. If the breeze freshens, it is easy to send
a man or two out upon it, as an additional counterpoise
by their weight, and there they sit, without any appa
rent apprehension.
On the coast of Cochin China, about Cambodia, some
thing of the same description is in use ; but there the
boats are much larger, being long and well made, with
something of the latteen-rig ; and commonly four or
five men, almost naked, are to be seen sitting out, swing
ing their legs with apparent unconcern , upon a single
long spar, or pole, run out to windward, to counter
balance the depressing power of the large sail, when the
breeze is strong. It is altogether a curious and rather
interesting sight.
The healthiness of Ceylon is within the last few years
greatly improved, principally owing to the extensive
clearing of land which has taken place. The plantations
of coffee having been found at one time, as indeed they
are still, to yield a very large profit, induced a great num
ber of persons to enter into the speculation. Land was
readily purchased from government as quickly as it could
be obtained , at the rate of five shillings an acre ; and the
result has been a considerable increase in the exports of
the island, as well as an amelioration of its condition.
Coals, provisions, and stores of all kinds were sent on
board the Nemesis with the utmost expedition, and, on
the afternoon of the 14th October, she was once more
ready for sea. The public interest in the events gradu
ally growing up out of the negociations which were then
being carried on with the Chinese had gradually been
VOL . I. M
raised to a high pitch, and a passage to China, to join the
force as a volunteer, was readily provided for the gover
nor's son, Lieutenant Mackenzie. Crowds of people ga
thered upon the shore in all directions to witness her de
parture, and the discharge of a few signal-rockets as soon
as it was dark added a little additional novelty to the
event .
Ten days sufficed to carry the Nemesis to the island
of Penang, or Prince of Wales's island. Her passage
had been longer than might have been expected, owing
in a great measure to the badness of the coal, which
caked and clogged up the furnaces in such a way that,
instead of requiring to be cleaned out only once in
about twenty-four hours, as would have been the case
with good coal, it was necessary to perform this process
no less than four times within the same period ; added
to which, the enormous quantity of barnacles which
adhered to her bottom (a frequent source of annoyance
before) greatly retarded her progress.
The island of Penang, which lies close upon the coast
of the peninsula of Malacca, from which it is separated
by a channel scarcely more than two miles broad, would
seem to be a place particularly adapted for steamers to
touch at. Indeed, it has become a question of late
whether it should not be provided with a sort of govern
ment dockyard, for the repair of the increased number
of ships of war and transports, belonging both to the
service of government and the East India Company,
which will necessarily have to pass through the straits
of Malacca, now that our intercourse with China is so
rapidly increasing. The harbour is perfectly safe, the
PENANG . 163
water at all times smooth , coals can easily be stored
there, and good wood can be obtained on the spot ;
moreover, it lies directly in the track of ships, or very
little out of it, as they generally prefer passing on the
Malacca side of the straits, particularly during the south
west monsoon. The heavy squalls which prevail on the
opposite coast are so severe, that they have at length
taken its very name, and are called Sumatras. They
are accompanied with terrific lightning, which often
does great mischief, and they are justly looked upon
with great dread .
Penang is very properly considered one of the loveliest
spots in the eastern world , considering its limited ex
tent ; and, from the abundance and excellence of its spice
productions, which come to greater perfection in the
straits than in any other part in which they have been
tried (except, perhaps, in the island of Java), this little
island has proved to be an extremely valuable possession .
It abounds in picturesque scenery, heightened by the
lovely views of the opposite coast of Malacca, called
Province Wellesley, which also belongs to the East
India Company. The numerous and excellent roads,
the hospitality of the inhabitants, and the richness of
the plain, or belt, which lies between the high, wooded
mountains in the rear, and the town and harbour, are,
perhaps, unequalled. This plain, together with the
sides of some of the adjoining mountains, is covered
with luxuriant plantations of nutmegs, cocoa-nut-trees,
and spice-trees of allkinds ; and altogether Penang is one
of the most attractive, as it is also one of the healthiest
spots in the east. It has by some been even called
M 2
the “ Gem ofthe Eastern Seas;" although the smallness
of its extent diminishes its importance . There is a fort
not far from the fine, covered jetty, or landing -place, of
considerable strength ; and,, with very moderate trouble
and expense , there is little doubt that Penang could be
made aa valuable naval depôt.
During the short period the Nemesis was detained at
Penang, she was laid upon a fine, hard bank of sand,
nearly dry at low water, for the purpose of examining
the state of her hull. Here again a large collection of
barnacles was found adhering to her, as described on a
former occasion, and they were not removed without
much labour. She was then thoroughly painted , and
was soon ready to proceed on her voyage.
The short passage down the straits of Malacca, to
wards Singapore, was easily performed in three days.
But here again , notwithstanding the anxiety of all on
board to reach the scene of future operations (concern
ing which there was no longer any “ mystery " ) with
the least possible delay, some detention was inevitable.
The north-east monsoon had already fairly set in, and
as vessels proceeding up the China sea, at this season ,
would have the wind directly against them, it was neces
sary that the steamer should take in the greatest possi
ble quantity of fuel she could carry, before she could
venture to leave Singapore. On this occasion, every
spare corner that could be found was filled with coal,
and even the decks were almost covered with coal-bags.
By this means, she was enabled to carry enough fuel for
full fifteen days' consumption, or about one hundred and
seventy -five tons.
A few short remarks on Singapore may not be unin
teresting, before we proceed to describe the more stir
ring scenes which follow , and which brought so much
distinction to the Nemesis. The small island of Singa
pore, being situated just off the southern extremity of
the peninsula of Malacca, from which it is separated
only by a very narrow strait, must necessarily lie almost
directly in the track of all vessels passing up or down
the straits of Malacca, either to or from China, or any
of the intermediate places. Being easy of access to all
the numerous half- civilized tribes and nations which in
habit the islands of those seas, and within the influence
of the periodical winds or monsoons which, at certain
seasons, embolden even the Chinese, Siamese, and other
nations to venture upon the distant voyage, it is not
surprising that in the space of a few years it should
have risen to a very high degree of importance as a
commercial emporium .
The wisdom of the policy of Sir Stamford Raffles, in
establishing a free port in such an advantageous posi
tion, has been proved beyond all previous anticipation .
The perfect freedom of commercial intercourse, without
any restriction or charges of any kind, has given birth
to a yearly increasing commercial spirit among all the
surrounding nations. It is impossible to see the immense
number of curious junks and trading-vessels which arrive
from all parts during the proper season, without admi
ring the enterprising commercial spirit of all those diffe
rent tribes, and acknowledging the immense value to
England of similar distant outports, for the security and
extension of her commerce.
The intercourse with Singapore has been rapidly in
creasing every year, but especially since the commence
ment of the war in China. Of course, all our ships of
war and transports touch at so convenient a place,
where supplies of every description can easily be ob
tained, and where every attention and kindness are shown
to strangers, both by the authorities and by the resi
dent inerchants. Much credit is due to the late go
vernor, Mr. Bonham, for the intelligence and activity
which he exhibited , in every thing that could in any way
forward the objects of the expedition, and for the readi
ness with which he endeavoured to meet all the wishes
of those who were concerned in it. His hospitality and
personal attention were acknowledged by all.
In some respects, Singapore forms a good introduction
to a first visit to China. It has a very large Chinese
population (not less than 20,000), to which yearly addi
tions are made, on the arrival of the large trading junks,
in which they come down voluntarily to seek employment.
Hundreds of them arrive in the greatest destitution,
without even the means of paying the boat-hire to ena
ble them to reach the shore, until they are hired by
some masters. They are the principal mechanics and
labourers of the town, and also act as household ser
vants, while many of them are employed in the cultiva
tion of spices and of sugar, or in clearing land. There is
no kind of labour or employment which a Chinaman will
not readily undertake ; and they appear to succeed
equally well in all, with the exception of tending sheep
or cattle, which is an occupation they are little fond of.
The town has something of a Chinese aspect, from
the number of Chinamen who are employed in every
capacity ; and the fruits and vegetables are principally
cultivated and brought to market by people of that
nation . In Java, Penang, and elsewhere, they are also
to be met with in great numbers ; which is quite suffi
cient to prove (were proof wanting) how much they are
naturally disposed to become a colonizing people. There
is hardly any part of the world to which a Chinaman
would refuse to go, if led and managed by some of his
own countrymen. But, wherever they go, they carry
the vice of opium - smoking with them , and it is needless
to say that it thrives at Singapore to its fullest extent,
and that a large revenue is annually derived from the
monopoly of the sale of the drug.
The climate of Singapore is healthy, although the
soil is wet, owing to the constant rains; and the heat is,
perhaps, never excessive, although the place is situated
only about seventy miles from the equator.
It might be thought by many, that the recent opening
of the new Chinese ports, from some of which large
trading junks have annually come down to seek their
cargoes at Singapore, would prove injurious to the future
trade of the latter, since it would no longer be neces
sary for the Chinese to go abroad to seek for that which
will now be brought to them at their own doors. This
apprehension, however, seems to be little entertained on
the spot, because there can be little doubt that whatever
tends to augment the general foreign trade with China
must benefit Singapore, which lies on the high - road to
it, to a greater or less extent. Singapore has nothing
to fear as regards its future commercial prosperity,
which is likely rather to increase than to diminish, in
consequence of the general increase of trade with China
and the neighbouring islands.
Enough has now been said concerning this interesting
commercial settlement, which in a few years has become
so famous in all parts of the world ; and we must now
again rejoin the Nemesis, as she fires her parting salute,
and then stands away boldly towards that remarkable
country in which her course of honour and distinction
is now to be run.
On the 4th of November she resumed her voyage,
and passed the little rocky island of Pedro Branco
early on the following morning. This dangerous and
sometimes half- covered rock lies nearly in the direct
track for vessels proceeding up the China Sea ; and on
its southern side are two dangerous ledges or reefs, run
ning out from it to the distance of more than a mile,
which, at high water, can scarcely be traced above the
surface. On the opposite or northern side there is deep
water in not less than sixteen or seventeen fathoms,
close in to the rock ; and, moreover, the tides in its
neighbourhood are very irregular, not only in point of
time, but also in direction and velocity. Nor are these
the only dangers to be met with in this locality. Hence
it will readily appear that a lighthouse placed upon Pe
dro Branco would be of essential utility to all navigators
who have occasion to pass up or down the China Sea.
A ship leaving Singapore for Hong Kong, for instance,
might then start at such an hour in the evening as would
enable her to make the light on Pedro Branco before
morning ; by which means, her true position being ascer
tained, she might stand on without fear of any danger.
The expense of erecting the lighthouse would not be
great, as the elevation would only be moderate, and the
expense of maintaining it might be defrayed by levying
a small light-duty at Singapore upon all vessels passing
up or down the China Sea.
It has been often suggested that this would be aa most
advantageous site for the proposed monument to the
memory of the distinguished Horsburgh, to whom too
much honour cannot be paid for his inestimable works,
so much relied on by all navigators who frequent the
Eastern seas . It would be difficult to find a more ad
vantageous or appropriate position, for the best of all
monuments to his fame, than this little, dangerous island
of Pedro Branco, situated as it is in the very centre of
some of his most valued researches ; while the recent
opening of the new ports in China, and the possession of
Hong Kong, give an increased importance to subjects
connected with the navigation of those seas. There is
not a single vessel, either British or foreign, which tra
verses those regions, which is not indebted to Hors
burgh for the instructions which render her voyage se
cure ; and a lighthouse upon Pedro Branco would do
no less service to navigators than it would honour to
the memory of Horsburgh.
The Nemesis had now passed this rocky little island ,
and at once found the full strength of the north -east
monsoon blowing steadily against her, so that 66“ full
steam ” was necessary to enable her to proceed. On the
afternoon of the 16th, the high land of the Spanish
possessions of Luconia (better known by the name of
the capital town, Manilla) came in sight ; and, on the
following morning, the Nemesis passed very near the
port, but without venturing to enter it, on account of
the delay which it would cause, although fuel was
already much wanted .
An immense pile of wood was descried, laid up on
the beach , near a village on the coast ; and a boat was
sent in, to endeavour to purchase it, but without suc
cess, as the Spaniards could not be persuaded to make
any other answer than a sulky refusal.
The appearance of the island was very striking.
Bold, picturesque mountains, fine woods, with here and
there a few sugar-plantations extending along the val
leys, and rich, green , cocoa-nut groves, to vary the
prospect — all these combined, or alternating with each
other, made the aspect of the island very attractive..
Unfortunately, no time could be spared to visit the
interior of the country, as the voyage had already been
much protracted, and the north-east monsoon was blow
ing directly against the vessel. Her progress was there
fore slow, and the want of fuel began to be much
felt .
On the 24th, the Lieu-chew islands came in sight,
and recalled many interesting recollections to Captain
Hall's mind, who had visited them, in early life, under
the command of Captain Basil Hall, whose description
of its inhabitants excited the greatest interest among
f the curious, and was almost disbelieved by the wonder
loving fireside traveller.
At daylight on the following morning, the 25th No
vember, the Nemesis steamed through the Typa an
chorage, which lies opposite Macao, and ran close in to
the town, where the water is so shallow that none but
trading -boats can venture so far. The sudden appear
ance of so large and mysterious-looking a vessel natu
rally excited the greatest astonishment among all classes,
both of the Portuguese and Chinese residents. The sa
luting of the Portuguese flag, as she passed, sufficed to
announce that something unusual had happened ; and
crowds of people came down to the Praya Grande, or
Esplanade, to look at the first iron steamer which had
ever anchored in their quiet little bay. Her very light
draught of water seemed to them quite incompatible
with her size ; and even the Portuguese governor was so
much taken by surprise, that he sent off a messenger
expressly to the vessel, to warn her captain of the sup
posed danger which he ran by venturing so close in
shore. It is probable, however, that his Excellency was
not quite satisfied with the near approach of an armed
steamer, within short range of his own palace; and,
moreover, the firing of a salute, almost close under his
windows, had speedily frightened away the fair ladies
who had been observed crowding at all the windows
with eager curiosity.
As soon as the first excitement had passed, Captain
Hall waited upon the governor, to assure him that he
had come with the most peaceable intentions, and to
thank his Excellency for the friendly warning he had
given, with respect to the safety of the vessel. At the
same time, he begged to inform his Excellency, that he
was already thoroughly acquainted with the harbour
and anchorage of Macao, from early recollection of all
those localities ; as he had served as midshipman on
board the Lyra, during Lord Amherst's embassy to
China, in 1816 .
It was now ascertained that the English admiral, the
Honourable George Elliot, was at anchor with his
fleet in Tongkoo roads, below the Bogue forts ; and, ac
cordingly, the Nemesis proceeded to join the squadron,
after the delay of only a few hours. Her arrival was
announced by the salute to the admiral's flag, which
was immediately returned by the Wellesley, precisely
as if the Nemesis had been a regular man-of-war.
The Nemesis now found herself in company with the
three line -of-battle ships, Wellesley, Melville, and Blen
heim, together with H. M. S. Druid, Herald , Modeste,
Hyacinth, and the Jupiter troop-ship. Thus, then, after
all her toil and hardships, the gallant Nemesis had at
length reached the proud post towards which she had
so long been struggling. It was highly gratifying to
learn that she had still arrived soon enough to be able
to take part in the expected brilliant operations ; and
the admiral and many of his officers expressed their
sense of the perfect adaptation of her construction and
armament to all the purposes likely to be required of
her ; and her arrival just at that time was hailed with
peculiar pleasure. Her voyage from England had in
deed been a long one ; very nearly eight months having
elapsed since she bade adieu to Portsmouth. But her
trials had been many during that period. She had
started in the worst season of the year ; and had en
countered, throughout nearly the whole voyage, unusual
weather and unforeseen difficulties. She had happily
survived them all ; and the efforts which had been al
ready made to enable her to earn for herself a name
gave happy promise of her future destiny.
The excitement on board was general, now that she
at length found her iron frame swinging, side by side,
with the famed “ wooden walls” of England's glory ;
and the prospect of immediate service, in active opera
tions against the enemy, stimulated the exertions of
every individual. For some days, however, she was
compelled to content herself with the unwelcome opera
tion of " coaling" in Tongkoo Bay. In the mean time,
the ships of war had sailed, leaving her to follow them
as soon as she could be got ready ; and now, while this
black and tedious process is going on, we cannot be
better employed than in taking a short survey of the
events which had immediately preceded her arrival, and
of the more important occurrences which led to such
momentous consequences.
General review of events which preceded the arrival of the Nemesis –
Origin of our difficulties — Lord Napier - Captain Elliot — 1838 –
Execution of criminals — Chinese mob -Foreigners unprotected— No
tices by Captain Elliot against the opium trade — Remarks thereon -
Resources of China - Political crisis at Pekin — Movement - Party in
China — Led by the Empress — Her ability, attractions, and power
. -
Her fall, and death - Revival of old prejudices — Hatred of foreigners
called “ Patriotism" . -Stringent measures against opium-Lectures of
the Emperor — Death of the Emperor's son — Official smugglers - -
Opium -mania -- Revulsion of feeling against it — Persecutions The
traffic still thrives — Mode of smuggling — Arrival of Commissioner
Lin at Canton His character — Contrasted with that of Keshen and
Elliot — Governor Tang — His character—His son a smuggler - Suspi
cions of Lin .
The abolition of the privileges of the East India
Company in China, and the difficulties which soon re
sulted therefrom , concerning the mode of conducting
our negociations with the Chinese for the future, will
be remembered by most readers ; and, whatever part
the questions arising out of the trade in opium may
have afterwards borne in the complication of difficul
ties, there is little doubt that the first germ of them all
was developed at the moment when the general trade
with China became free. This freedom of trade, too,
was forced upon the government and the company in a
great degree by the competition of the American inte
rests;; and by the fact that British trade came to be
carried on partly under the American flag, and through
American agency, because it was prevented from being
brought into fair competition in the market, under the
free protection of its own flag.
The unhappy death of the lamented Lord Napier,
principally occasioned by the ill treatment of the Chi
nese, and the mental vexation of having been compelled
to submit to the daily insults of the Chinese authorities,
in his attempts to carry out the orders of his govern
ment, will be remembered with deep regret. With the
nature of those orders we have here nothing to do. No
one can question Lord Napier's talent, energy, and de
votedness to the object of his mission.
The attempts of Captain Elliot, when he afterwards
took upon himself the duties of chief superintendent, to
carry out the same instructions, were scarcely less un
fortunate. And , finding, as he publicly stated , that
“the governor had declined to accede to the conditions
involved in the instructions which he had received
from her majesty's government, concerning the manner
of his intercourse with his Excellency,” the British flag
was struck at the factories at Canton, on the 2nd of
December, 1837, and her majesty's principal superin
tendent retired to Macao .
During the year 1838, very serious and determined
measures began to be adopted by the Chinese authori
ties, directed generally against the trade in opium ; and
imperial edicts threatened death as the punishment, for
both the dealers in and the smokers of the drug. Se
veral unfortunate Chinese were executed in consequence .
Attempts were now made to execute the criminals in
front of the foreign factories along the river side, con
trary to all former usage and public right. A remon
strance followed, addressed to the governor, who, in
reply, gave them a sort of moral lecture, instead of a
political lesson, and then condescendingly admitted,
that “ foreigners, though born and brought up be
yond the pale of civilization, must yet have human
Nevertheless, in the following December, 1838, the
insulting attempt was again repeated, close under the
American flag -staff, which was not then placed, as it
has since been, in an enclosure, surrounded with a brick
wall, and high paling. The flag was immediately hauled
down by the consul, in consequence of the preparations
which were going on, for the erection of the cross upon
which the criminal was to be strangled .
At first, a few foreigners interfered, and without vio
lence induced the officers to desist from their proceed
ings. But gradually the crowd increased, and, a Chinese
mob, when excited, is fully as unruly as an English
one ; and thus each imprudent act, as usual, led to ano
ther. No Chinese authorities were at hand to control
the disturbance ; stones began to fly in all directions ;
and the foreigners, who by this time had come forward
to the aid of their brethren, were at length, through the
increasing numbers of the mob, fairly driven to take re
fuge in the neighbouring factories. Here they were
obliged to barricade the doors and windows, many of
which were, nevertheless, destroyed, and the buildings
endangered, before a sufficient force of Chinese soldiers
had arrived to disperse the mob. In the evening, how
ever, quiet was perfectly restored.
In the mean time, the alarm had spread to Whampoa,
whence Captain Elliot set out, accompanied by about
one hundred and twenty armed men, for Canton, and
arrived at the British factory late in the evening. Both
parties were now clearly placed in a false position, yet one
which it would have been very difficult to have avoided .
During many preceding months, the unfortunate Hong
merchants had been in constant collision with their own
government, on the one hand, and with the foreign mer
chants, on the other. There was scarcely any species of
indignity to which they were not exposed, and they
were even threatened with death itself. The Chinese
government had daily become more overbearing towards
all foreigners ; and its habitual cold and haughty tone
had grown into undisguised contempt and unqualified
contumely. Their treatment of Lord Napier had been
considered on their part as a victory ; and their suc
cessful repulse of all Captain Elliot's advances was
viewed by them as an evidence of their own power, and
of Great Britain's weakness .
It has been already stated in the first chapter, that
Sir Frederick Maitland, who had a short time previ
ously paid a visit to China in a line of battle ship, had
left those seas altogether just before the collision took
place ; and, in proportion as the foreigners were left
unprotected, so did the Chinese become more over
At the same time, it cannot be denied that their de
termination to put a stop, as far as possible, to the
VOL . I. N
opium-trade was for the time sincere ; though their
measures might have been hasty and unwarrantable. A
few days after the preceding disturbance, Captain Elliot
distinctly ordered that “ all British owned schooners,
or other vessels, habitually or occasionally engaged in
the illicit opium traffic within the Bocca Tigris, should
remove before the expiration of three days, and not
again return within the Bocca Tigris, being so en
gaged . ” And they were at the same time distinctly
warned, that, if “ any British subjects were feloniously
to cause the death of any Chinaman, in consequence of
persisting in the trade within the Bocca Tigris, he
would be liable to capital punishment ; that no owners
of such vessels so engaged would receive any assistance
or interposition from the British government, in case
the Chinese government should seize any of them ; and
that all British subjects employed in these vessels would
be held responsible for any consequences which might
arise from forcible resistance offered to the Chinese go
vernment, in the same manner as if such resistance
were offered to their own or any other government, in
their own or in any foreign country.”
So far Captain Elliot evinced considerable energy
and determination ; but he, probably, had scarcely
foreseen that the shrewd and wily government of China
would very soon put the question to him , “ if you can
order the discontinuance of the traffic within the Bocca
Tigris, why can you not also put an end to it in the
outer waters beyond the Bogue ?”
As it seems scarcely possible to avoid all direct
allusion to the difficult question of the traffic in opium ,
I shall take this opportunity of saying a very few
words upon this important subject. A detailed ac
count of its remarkable history, and of the vicissitudes
which attended it, both within and without the Chinese
empire, would afford matter of the greatest interest, but
could hardly find a place in this work.
In former times, as is well known , opium was ad
mitted into China as a drug, upon payment of duty. It
was brought there in very small quantities by the East
India Company ; and even the prohibition which was
ultimately laid upon it was regarded by the Chinese
themselves as a mere dead letter. Indeed , precisely in
proportion to the difficulty of obtaining the drug did
the longing for it increase.
The great events which sprung out of this appetite
of a whole nation for “ forbidden fruit,” on the one hand,
and of the temptations held out to foreigners to furnish
it to them, on the other, may be considered as one of
those momentous crises in a nation's history, which
seem almost pre-ordained, as stages or epochs to mark
the world's progress . Hence, therefore, the opium
question must of necessity be viewed as much in a poli
tical as in a moral light; and, when we look impartially
into the history of recent occurrences in China, we
cannot doubt that “ Opium ” was frequently made a
handle of by the authorities, in order to justify many
of their questionable acts in relation to foreigners.
No wonder that China, resting haughtily upon the
pedestal of her antiquity, and far excelling all surround
ing nations in civilization and well-ordered government, >
should have becomeproud and inaccessible ! Honoured
N 2
as she was by many, courted by some, and, at the same
time, ignorant of all except her own people, it was
natural that she should appear to despise their ad
vances, when she professed to dread their contamination.
Her resources are immense, and would be even greater
than she herself believed, or foreigners had dreamt of,
had she but the power to guide, or the will to be guided,
in the proper direction for their development. Her
fear of retrograding from the middle point to which
she had attained led her to dread every attempt to
advance, and thus she became feeble in the midst of
strength, and really powerless when professing invin
The very fact of our having appointed Lord Napier,
a man of greater rank and influence than had ever be
fore been sent there as superintendent of trade, was
flattering to their vanity. And it is curious enough
that, at the very time when a mercantile crisis was
growing up at Canton, a political intrigue, or, as it
might be called, a cabinet crisis, was breaking out at
Pekin. In fact, strange as it may appear, it is believed
in China, upon tolerably good authority, that there
was actually a reform party struggling to show its head
at Pekin, and that the question of more extended inter
course with foreigners was quite as warmly discussed as
that of the prohibition of the import of opium or of the
export of silver.
Memorials were presented to the emperor on both
sides of the question ; and his Majesty Taouk -wang, being
old and personally of feeble character, halted for a time
“ between two opinions, " alternately yielding both to .
the one and to the other, until he at length settled
down into his old bigotry against change, and felt all
the native prejudices of a true son of Han revive more
strongly than ever within his bosom.
The hesitation which was at first shown by the Eng
lish encouraged those who still doubted ; and the first
success of the schemes of the Chinese, upon finding the
foreign community so little protected, emboldened
even the timid . Their arrogance grew more daring
with their success ; and the governor of Canton sought
to gain favour at court by his sudden endeavours “ to
control the foreigners,” and tried to raise his own for
tunes by upholding the inaccessible dignity of the great
Celestial Empire .
But the question of the Opium-trade, or Opium laws,
which, for some time, had been really a party matter,
like the corn-laws in our own country, became at length
a question of interest and importance to the whole
nation , and was magnified in its relations by the very
discussion of the points which it involved .
It is said that the head of the reform party (if it can
so be called) in China was a Tartar lady, belonging to
the emperor's court, remarkable for her abilities no less
than her personal attractions, and possessed of certain
very strong points of character, which made her as much
feared by some as she was loved by others. She was
soon raised even to the throne itself, as the emperor's
wife, but lived only a few years to enjoy her power.
Her influence soon came to be felt throughout the whole
of that vast empire ; it was the means of rewarding talent,
and of detecting inability. She seemed to possess,
in a marked degree, that intuitive discernment which
sometimes bursts upon the female mind as if by in
spiration. She was blessed with a tone and energy of
character in advance of her age and of her country. She
had many grateful friends, but she had raised up for
herself many bitter enemies; party feeling ran high,
and became at length too powerful even for an Empress.
Gradually her influence diminished, the favour of the
emperor declined , her opponents again got the upper
hand, and at length she pined away under the effects of
disappointment and perhaps injustice, and died. But
her influence, so long as it lasted, was unbounded, and
was felt through every province.
Her principal adherents and dependants naturally lost
their power when that of their mistress was gone. The
question of more extended trade with foreigners was
now again set aside ; the old feelings of bigotry and
national pride resumed even more than their former
vigour. Opium at once became the instrument, but
ostensibly PATRIOTISM became the groundwork, of their
measures . The old national feeling against foreigners
throughout the empire was revived ; and, in the midst
of it all, as if ordained to hasten on the momentous
crisis which waited for its fulfilment, the son of the
emperor himself died in his very palace,from the effects
of the excessive use of opium .
Even before this unfortunate event, strong measures
had begun to be adopted in some parts of the empire
against the preparers and smokers of the drug. As is
usually the case when one party has become victorious
over another after a severe struggle, the course which
they advocate is followed up with even more than their
former vigour. When once the advocates of a severe
compulsion for stopping the use of opium, and with it
the export of silver, had gained the upper hand in the
cabinet, measures of a very stringent kind were imme
diately adopted , as if with the full determination of
giving them a fair trial.
The evil had certainly reached a very high pitch ;
and, from having been formerly confined to the wealthier
and more indolent classes, it spread its deadly grasp
among the lower grades, so that even the lowest at
length came to be confirmed debauchees. Not that their
fair earnings could generally enable them to procure
enough of so costly an article, but because they were
led to deprive themselves and their families of other
comforts, and even necessaries, in order to obtain the
means of gratifying their irresistible longing for the
poison. Not unfrequently was even crime itself commit
ted in order to obtain the means ; and the opium - shops,
particularly in the maritime towns and villages, became
the last resort of all the thieves, vagabonds, gamblers,
and bad characters throughout the district.
The demand for opium, and consequently its price,
increased remarkably, and the numerous statements
which have been published under this head have not
been by any means exaggerated. It penetrated the most
secret haunts, in proportion as the danger of using it more
publicly increased ; and, the more numerous were the
edicts which were issued against it, the greater did the
craving for the forbidden luxury, amounting almost to
a national MANIA , go on increasing day by day. The
MORAL LECTURES of the emperor, which appeared in the
Pekin Gazette, were very pretty to read, but very futile
in their effects. And if the great despotic Ruler
over hundreds of millions of people, whose very word
was law, still found himself totally unable to exclude
the drug (even under the severest prohibitions) from his
own palace, is it to be wondered at that all his strongest
measures should have totally failed in withdrawing the
mass of the nation from the temptation ?
The enormous profits derived from the clandestine
sale of opium induced many of the Chinese to embark
in it as a speculation, who neither used it themselves,
nor were habituated to any other commercial traffic.
Official men both smoked and sold it ; hundreds of people
gained a livelihood by the manufacture or sale of opium
pipes, and other apparatus connected with its use ; and
even the armed soldier often carried an opium-pipe in
his girdle, with the same unconcern as he did the fan
case which is very commonly a part of his costume.
All this was going on throughout a great portion of
the empire, during the time that the question of its
legalization or of its sterner prohibition was being so
warmly debated at court, and discussed throughout the
country. But the general impression was, that the
importation of the drug would be legalized , and there
was little apprehension of the violent persecution which
soon commenced.
It may here be fairly urged, nor can it indeed be de
nied, that the government of Pekin had a perfect right
to make strong representations and remonstrances to the
government of any other country whose subjects might
be engaged in acting contrary to the promulgated edicts
of the emperor ; but, on the other hand ,the government
of that other country (whichever it might chance to have
been) would also have an equal right to reply, “ If you
have not the means or want the disposition to prevent
your own high officers and paid servants from both en
gaging in the very acts of which you complain, and
from even encouraging the infraction of your laws by
foreigners, how can you expect that We can prevent our
distant traders from supplying them , either privately or
publicly, with that for which they are ready to pay so
high a price ? " On the contrary , instead of the foreigners
imposing it upon them as a condition of trade, it was the
Chinese themselves who begged and prayed that it might
be supplied to them ; who sought out the opium-selling ves
sels at long distances, and were even then only permitted
to receive it by paying hard cash for it. So determined
were the Chinese to possess it at any cost, that they fre
quently were willing to purchase it for its own weight
in silver, balanced fairly the one against the other in the
scales. Boats belonging to the Custom House engaged
in the traffic. The governor of Canton himself, Tang
by name, was known to have employed his own boat to
fetch it ; and so publicly and undisguisedly was the traffic
carried on, that a stipulated sum was paid to the officers
for every chest landed, precisely as if it had been a bale
of cotton or a box of glass.
It cannot be doubted, however, that, after the death
of the emperor's Son, public attention throughout the
empire became more strongly than ever directed to the
increasing evils of the use and abuse of opium. Many
186 A CRISIS .
instances of its pernicious effects now rose to the re
collection of individuals who would otherwise have
scarcely dwelt upon them. The agitation of the ques
tion had indeed led to party feeling upon the subject ;
but still, among many pretenders, some really honest
men appeared, who claimed and tried to earn for them
selves the character of “ patriots.” The thunders of
the emperor against foreigners began to take effect, and
the violent prejudice and ignorant presumption of nu
merous excited spirits assumed a higher and more
stirring name, of which, however, it was scarcely wor
thy. Measures of a severer kind now began to be
adopted, and the reaction throughout the empire was
almost universal, because the shock had not been ex
pected ; it came upon them like an earthquake.
Yet the justice of it appeared evident to many, for
the evils had been concealed from none. It seemed as
if all on a sudden the highroad to official favour and
distinction could be found solely through the degree of
energy shewn in ferreting out the lowest opium -smokers,
and in publicly giving up the very pipes which were
used ; indeed , it has been said that this enthusiasm was
carried so far, that pipes were actually purchased for the
purpose of giving them up to the officers, as if it indi
cated a voluntary surrender of a vicious habit. These
were all displayed as emblems of victory, and the most
zealous were the best rewarded , while the government
itself became astonished at its own apparent success.
It now thought itself irresistible, and despised the
foreigners more than ever.
A grand crisis was produced by these proceedings in
the interior of the country. All traffic of an extensive
kind became nearly stopped ; the prisons were filled
with delinquents ; and a great parade was made of the
“ stern severity ” of the government, on the one hand ,,
and of the obedient submission of the people, on the
other. Yet, in spite of all this public display, that
traffic itself was in reality as flourishing as ever, although
perhaps it might have changed hands. Opium was more
eagerly sought after than before ; the price of it rose in
proportion ; and, precisely as had been predicted by the
free trade or reform party in Pekin , it was found im
possible to prevent its introduction into the country by
the people themselves, even by the threat of death itself.
Fishermen carried with them a single ball, and made a
large profit by its sale ; women pretended to be drop
sical or “ interesting ” in their situation, and carried it
in their clothes ; the temptations and the profits were
so large and irresistible, that hundreds of modes were
discovered for conveying it from place to place, in spite
of the penalties which awaited detection. The behead
ing of a few men , and the imprisonment of others, did
not deter the mass ; the delicious intoxication of the
precious drug proved far too attractive to be controlled
by the horrors of death or torture.
The truth is, however specious the edicts and writings
of the Chinese may appear on paper, they are perfectly
futile in reality, when the will of the people and the
absence of any early prejudice is opposed to their accom
Without further pursuing a subject which, though
deeply interesting, has been already so much a matter
of discussion, we may at once come to the conclusion,
that the passion of the Chinese for the pernicious intox
ication of opium, was the first link in the chain which
was destined to connect them at some future day with
all the other families of Mankind. The abolition of the
privileges of the East India Company first opened the
door for the general trade of all foreign nations upon an
extended scale ; but the trade in opium, which the Chi
nese were determined to carry on, in spite of all oppo
sition of their own government, and with a full know
ledge of the pernicious consequences which resulted
from it, was apparently the ordained instrument by
means of which the haughty tone and the inapproach
able reserve of their government were to be at length
overcome .
It has been already stated , that the national hatred
of all foreigners was encouraged by the outcry against
opium ; and yet it was the national mania for the use
of this tempting poison which brought them more than
ever into contact with the foreigners. IIenceforth, the
Chinese must belong to the great family of civilized
man, and extend her intercourse with all nations. One
would almost think that Cicero had the Chinese in view
when he said , Qui autem dicunt civium rationem
habendam, externorum negant, hi dirimunt communem
humani generis societatem, quâ sublatâ, beneficentia,
liberalitas, bonitas, justitia funditus tollitur.”-Cic. de
Repub., lib. iii.
We now come to the period of the famous Commis
sioner Lin's appointment to Canton. This was indeed
the climax of all the perplexities. Lin himself was the
Robespierre, the Terrorist, the reckless despot, who
represented aa certain party in the empire, who consci
entiously believed that they could terrify not only their
own countrymen , but even foreign nations as well, into
patient submission to their will and subjection to their
It would be presumption to attempt to discuss the
character of Lin , in the manner in which it deserves to
be handled, because he was a man of so extraordinary a
stamp that, without having personally seen and watched
him, it would be impossible to estimate him by the ordi
nary rules of intelligence. But his acts suffice to draw
the outline of his character, quite as much as the latter
would have enabled you to predict his acts. He seems
to have been composed of good and bad qualities in
equal proportions, but always of a violent kind. He
was a man who, in any other country than China, would
have been either distinguished as a Demagogue or branded
as a Tyrant, precisely as circumstances chanced to lead
him into a particular channel. He was reckless of con
sequences, so long as he could carry out his will without
control. He was violent, yet not selfish ; changeable,
yet always clinging to his original views ; severe, and
even cruel and inexcusable, in the measures by which he
sought to gain his ends ; yet, in reality, he is believed
to have meant well for his country, and to have had the
interests and the wishes of the Emperor, his Master,
always at heart. He certainly believed that he could
control both the people under his own government,
and the foreigners who came into contact with them , by
force ; and his very errors seem to have arisen from ex
cess of zeal in the cause which he adopted. His talent
was unquestionable.
In alluding, hereafter, to his successor, Keshen , I
shall have occasion to contrast them together ; yet, how
ever great may have been the difference of character
between Lin and Keshen , it was quite insignificant in
comparison to that between Lin and Captain Elliot. It
seemed scarcely possible to bring two men together
more thoroughly dissimilar in their character or mode
of proceeding. Lin appeared to look down upon Elliot,
not only as a foreigner, but as an individual; and the
name of EngliSHMAN, as representing one of a Nation,
was far more formidable to him than that of Elliot as
representing a Government.
Lin became intoxicated with his own success ( for the
time, at all events) in whatever he undertook ; and ex
pected all his orders to be executed with the same
energy and facility with which he gave them utterance.
It is said, moreover, that he procured a copy of a
remarkable work called a “ Digest of Foreign Customs,
Practices, Manners," & c. in which bad deeds rather
than good ones, and even the names of individual mer
chants, were brought forward1 ; and that he studied this
book with constant pleasure .
On the 10th of March, 1839, this redoubtable com
missioner reached Canton , having travelled with extra
ordinary speed from Pekin, whither he had been called
to receive his appointment at the hands of the emperor
himself, who is said to have even shed tears, as he
parted with him .
He lost not a moment, upon his arrival at Canton, in
setting all the powerful energies of his mind to work , to
devise means of accomplishing his ends . He determined
to endeavour to put a complete stop to the traffic in
opium, both on the part of his own people and on that
of foreigners ; and his great aim was to “ control, curb,
and humble,” the foreign community generally.
From this time forth it became very evident that
great and complicated events must be looked for upon
the political horizon . Even Captain Elliot himself
could hardly hope that his little star of diplomacy could
light the road to a solution of the difficulties, without an
ultimate resort to arms .
It is true that, for a brief interval previous to Lin's
arrival, the prospect seemed to brighten considerably.
Captain Elliot had partially succeeded in establishing
direct official intercourse with the governor of Canton ;
for it had been at length agreed that all sealed commu
nications coming from the chief Superintendent should
be delivered into the hands of the Governor, and the seal
broken by him only. This was a great point gained ; and
Elliot seems to have managed it with considerable tact.
Nevertheless, the correspondence could not be said even
now to be carried on upon terms of " perfect equality ; "
and even this concession was quite as much aa matter of
necessity to the Governor as it was to Captain Elliot ;
for the cessation of intercourse had been a source of
equal embarrassment to them both.
The Governor, Tang, in immediate anticipation of
Lin's arrival, now took upon himself to read aa lecture to
foreigners upon their “ dullness and stupidity;" told
them how grateful they ought to be for “ past favours,"
and expatiated in true Chinese style “ upon the ex
tremely tender compassion with which they were che
rished by the Great Emperor.” But then he trium
phantly added that “ China had no need of them, nor
of their trade, and had very little concern about them ;
yet, at the same time, it could not bear to refuse them
the tea and rhubarb of the central land, upon which
their very lives depended . ” And then he significantly
concluded by warning them “ that, as ' stern severity '
was now the order of the day, by sea and by land, he
intended to shut up the Port, and stop the foreign trade
for ever !"
All this sounded very energetic, and was put forth
merely to prepare the way for the new Commissioner,,
and in order to have something to show him on his
arrival . This Governor Tang was essentially a crafty,
cringing, self- interested man ; he derived immense
sums from opium, and his own son was said to be em
ployed in the clandestine traffic, against which the father
was uttering severe denunciations, followed by severer
Thus, while some thought Tang to be a model of good,
others knew him to be a rogue ; at the same time, he
always contrived to enrich himself. Lin afterwards
suspected , and perhaps even discovered his delinquen
cies ; and Tang became a willing and submissive instru
ment, if not a cringing sycophant. But his day of
punishment came at last.
Trade in opium almost stopped before Lin's arrival - Lin is said to be the
people's friend — And the foreigner's enemy-His energy Demands
what arms the foreigners possess at Canton — Threatens to set the
" mob " upon them — Calls for the surrender of the opium , both in the
inner and outer waters – Offers a bond for signature — Prohibition to
leave Canton or Whampoa -- His impatience - — Emperor's orders - -
Concession of one demand produces another— Threats — No English
vessel of war to protect the English — Insult at the “ Bogue” - Elliot
demands passports for the English - Is a prisoner at Canton -- Lin's
triumph — Expected arrival of American ships of war — Provisions re
fused to foreigners - Demand for opium received - Bond signed by the
foreign community - Opium to be delivered up, under conditions
Lin surprised at his own success ~ Breaks his own agreement - Sixteen
gentlemen detained — Destruction of the opium at the Bogue — Captain
Elliot sends intelligence to Calcutta and Bombay - Captain Elliot
prohibits trade — Lin's irritation — Loses his revenue from it — Wishes
the English to trade, in spite of the order — Drives the English out of
Macao — And threatens to poison them at Hong Kong— Unable to
control his own people — Arrival of the Volage - Notice of blockade
Chinese yield --Hyacinth and Volage attacked by Chinese war-junks
- Occurrences at Macao - Captain Smith’s proceedings — Lin's sham
fight at the Bogue Arrival of Rear -Admiral Honourable George
Elliot, with reinforcements.
It is worthy of notice that, just previous to the
arrival of Commissioner Lin at Canton, the opium-trade
had received such a check, that it might be said to have
been for the time almost entirely suspended. We have
VOL . I. o
seen the strong measures taken by Captain Elliot
against it, which proved that he looked upon it with no
favouring eye ; and, in short, at that time the opium
vessels had left the river altogether. But Lin was not
a man to do things by halves : he had come down , pant
ing with haste, to commence active operations of some
kind or other. Nor can it be said that he ever sought to
enrich himself by gain . He had formerly, when go
vernor of a province, earned the character of the People's
Friend ; and he seemed now more determined still to
win the appellation of the Foreigner's Enemy. He had
belonged to the party opposed to the Empress's influence,
and, had she survived and continued in power, he would
never have been sent on so dangerous a mission. But,
when once the liberal party, and the advocates for the
legalization of the opium -trade, upon the grounds of the
impossibility of excluding it by prohibition, had been
defeated , it became almost a point of honour, certainly
of pride with Lin, to show how successfully he could
carry out the views of the high Chinese, or exclusive
From the very moment of Lin's arrival , clothed with
unlimited power, his restless energy
energy ,, and his quick pene
trating eye, made every officer of his government cower
down before him . Indeed , there was hardly an officer
of the province, from the governor downwards, who did
not feel conscious of guilt, corruption, and peculation .
From high to low, from rich to poor, Lin determined
that a reign of terror should commence. He had lists
prepared, containing observations upon the characters
of all the public officers, of the Hong merchants, and
even of the foreigners. He seemed determined to wage
war with every body. And, as a proof that his inten
tions against the foreign community were any thing but
conciliatory, within a few days after his arrival he sent
round the Hong merchants to the different factories, to
ascertain, by intrigue and persuasion , what weapons the
foreigners were in possession of, and what means they
had at hand for their own immediate defence .
It is scarcely to be credited, that people should have
been so blind to Lin's views, or to their own safety, as
to render an account which he had no right to demand,
and no power to exact . Some few of the foreign mer
chants refused to give any information upon the sub
ject ; but, as the majority of them did so, of course it
was regarded by Lin as an act of “ dutiful submission ,”
and with it his courage rose in proportion. A procla
mation was directly afterwards issued , telling them that,
“ if they did not at once reform and repent, he would
not only sweep them away with the imperial troops,
but would arouse the common people of the land, the
very mob, to annihilate them altogether.'
Perhaps he little knew the dangerous position in
which the government of any country places itself, when ,
in a sort of pet of the moment, it rouses the mad pas
sions of aa mob. At Canton, at the present moment, the
populace no longer fear the government in the same
degree as they once did ; and , the very people that took
to their heels, like “ obedient children , ” at the very
sight of the Kwangchowfoo, or Prefect, and a few sol
diers before the factories in December, 1838, pelted
and drove away the same Officer from the very same
0 2
spot in December, 1842, when the old British factories
were totally destroyed .
Having privately arranged all his plans, and , be
lieving that the foreigners were sleeping, Lin now or
dered that all the opium in the inner waters, and also
in the store ships in the “ outer waters, ” should be given
up to the officers of his government ; and that a bond
should be drawn up in “ Chinese and foreign character,
stating clearly that the ships afterwards to arrive there
shall never, to all eternity, dare to bring any opium ; or,
if they did so, that their whole cargo should be confis
cated, and all their people put to death, [by Chinese
officers) and, moreover, that they would willingly un
dergo it as the penalty of their crime. ”
This proclamation certainly caused a little panic in
Canton, and it was precisely what the Commissioner de
sired ; and, the more the foreign merchants seemed
disposed to meet his Excellency's views, as far as lay in
their power, so much the more did the demands of the
Commissioner rise. Every concession on the part of
Captain Elliot, or the merchants, was to him aa victory
gained , and the forerunner of greater ones. Threats
thundered forth against the heads of the Hong mer
chants rebounded in threats of all sorts, and alarming
statements from them to the foreigners. There seems
to be some reason for supposing that, in the commence
ment of the business, it was intended by Lin that a cer
tain compensation should be granted to foreigners for
the value of the opium surrendered . Gradually, how
ever, as he thought himself getting stronger, this inten
tion was quite lost sight of ; and almost at the same time
an edict came out, forbidding all foreigners to apply for
permission to go down to Macao — in fact, preventing
thern from leaving Canton or Whampoa.
At this period, not ten days had elapsed since Lin's
arrival at Canton, and there had not been sufficient
time even to reply to his proclamation, only issued the
preceding day, respecting the opium and the bond.
Lin's impatience hurried on one event upon another, in
his headlong career ; he issued orders, without waiting
to see whether his previous ones had been attended to.
With more discretion, he would in the end have been
moře successful, but the extraordinary dissimilarity be
tween Captain Elliot's character and his own led him
to think himself capable of concluding difficulties at a
distance, and of meeting them when only yet seen from
afar. Whatever unfortunate results may have ulti
mately sprung from his policy, it can never be ques
tioned that for the time his darling object was, not only
to “ humble the foreigners,” but to carry out, to the
letter, the express directions of his Emperor, which were
delivered to him in these words : — “ to scrub and wash
away the filth, and to cut up the opium-evil by the
roots, and to remove calamities from the people.” Alas !
the excessive zeal of the servant at last defeated the un
doubtedly well -meant purposes of the master !
Within aa few days after his arrival, we have seen that
Lin was embroiled with the whole foreign community ;
and, in the short space of twenty -four hours, edicts ap
peared, as has been stated, commanding the surrender
of all the opium, whether strictly in the Chinese waters
or not; and placing under arrest every foreigner, both
198 MR . DENT .
at Canton and Whampoa, without alleging any grounds
for the proceeding .
The Drama was now fast spreading out into its diffe
rent acts and scenes. An agreement that one thousand
chests should be delivered up only led to the demand
for more, and four thousand chests were then required.
Next, Mr. Dent, one of the principal merchants, was
to be brought before the commissioner within the city ;
and, in order to save, as he believed, the heads of some
of the Hong merchants, he agreed that he would go,
provided that he should receive beforehand a safe-con
duct from the Imperial Commissioner himself, guaran
teeing his safe return . But upon any other condition
he refused to put himself voluntarily in his power. The
reply to this was, “ that, if he did not come of his own
free will, he should be dragged out of his house by
force ;” and the threat was added that in that case
the High Commissioner would assuredly kill him.
A circular from Captain Elliot now required that “ all
ships belonging to her Majesty's subjects at the outer
anchorages should proceed at once to Hong Kong, since
her Majesty's subjects were then detained at Canton
against their will.” It will scarcely be credited, that
at this time the only British man - of-war in the Chinese
waters was the small sloop, the Larne. This was per
fectly well known to the Chinese , who consequently
conceived themselves strong enough to proceed to the
highest degree of violence and indignity. And, when
the Larne afterwards went up to the Bogue, and de
manded certain explanations of the Admiral Kwan (who,
we have before seen , was on friendly terms with Sir Fre
derick Maitland, on a previous oecasion, when he visited
the Bogue in a line-of-battle ship ), the only answer that
Kwan condescended to give to the little Larne was, “ that
she (or rather her captain) ought to know her own
weakness, and be reverentially obedient, as Maitland
had been before ."
At the critical juncture I have above described, Cap
tain Elliot resolved to come up to the British factory
in person , in a small open boat, and, for a moment, our
flag was again hoisted, when all were virtually prisoners,
whom the flag could not protect. He now declared his
intention of demanding passports for all her Majesty's
subjects within ten days (he should have demanded them
at once) ; but, having no armed force that he could call
to his aid , all he could do was to say, " that, if they
were refused for the period of three days after his ap
plication, he should be forced into the conclusion that
British subjects were all to be violently detained as
hostages, in order that they might be intimidated into
unworthy concessions.”
Scarcely could a more humiliating position be con
ceived than that of the Chief Superintendent at that
moment, before a proud and overbearing Commissioner,
armed with unlimited power ; while he himself was
helpless to protect or save others, and was actually
himself a prisoner in his own factory, and under his
country's flag
Lin now had Elliot completely in his power,, and
was doubtless much surprised himself at the success of
all his schemes. As to the demand for passports, made
without any power to force compliance, the Commis
sioner chuckled at it ; and now that he saw the whole
community in his grasp and helpless, he despised and
hated them more than ever. He even encouraged the
very degradation of the name of “ Englishmen ” in the
estimation of the people of Canton, and tried to hurl it
down from the proud pre-eminence on which it stood in
every other part of the globe. Bitter,, indeed , have
been at length the fruits of their presumption, and of
Lin's obstinacy ! Upon their own heads have rebounded
the contumely and degradation which they then heaped
upon ours.
But, at that moment, neither the flag nor the guns of
England could protect her people : they were prisoners
in their own halls ; and it is a positive fact that, for
some time, the only chance of relief or protection which
they had to look to was the expected arrival of two
American ships of war, which were known to be on
their way out, having been applied for by the consul of
that country, upon the first appearance of the diffi
This was a grand opportunity for pushing their for
tunes in that quarter, which the Americans knew well
how to profit by. In reality, the whole foreign trade
was for a time in jeopardy ; but the Americans profited
precisely in proportion to the increase of our difficul
ties, and their trade increased exactly as ours declined .
The moment was an advantageous one for proving to
the Chinese that Americans were not Englishmen ; al
though they cleverly made them understand that they
had been so once, but at last had conquered for them
selves a Name, a Flag, and a Nation .
It has been said that, at a later period, an American
merchant had more than one interview with Lin, in
which various suggestions were made as to the measures
to be adopted : but, whether they were of a favourable
or unfavourable nature to English interests, it is impos
sible to say with confidence. The results of the con
ference were kept very secret.
Fortunately, we shall soon arrive at that period when
the power and majesty of England, so long dormant in
those parts, were again to be put forth with tremendous
effect, and followed by consequences in which all the
civilized family of the world must be interested . But
we must follow Lin in his own course.
Having secured all the foreigners within his grasp ,
his next step was to withdraw all the native servants
from the factories, and to forbid the sale of provisions
to foreigners in any shape.. Armed men were posted
on every side, to prevent any one from attempting to
escape, while the river was blockaded, and all the fo
reign boats which could be found were drawn up high
and dry on shore, or else destroyed. In the mean time,
however, no provisions were supplied by Lin himself ;
consequently, the foreign prisoners were in a worse
plight, in that respect, than the actual malefactors in
the cells of the public prisons of the town ; and his ob
ject was evidently to starve them into compliance with
his wishes, if indeed he knew himself what the full ex
tent of his wishes really was.
Captain Elliot was now called upon to deliver up all
the opium , wherever it might be found. And yet it
was clear enough that Captain Elliot could not pos
sibly know where all the opium was, or how much it
might be ; and, having already agreed to the demand
for, first, one thousand, and then four thousand chests,
it would clearly be necessary to stipulate some quantity
as a satisfactory equivalent for all.
Even in their present dilemma, a more decided show
of firmness, and a threat of the retribution which would
fall upon him hereafter for his violent proceedings,
might have restored to the Commissioner some little
portion of his reasonableness, if not his reason. Never
theless, as the whole community of foreigners (not the
English only) were now under a course of starvation
and imprisonment, and were in a degraded position in
the eyes of all Chinamen, it is difficult to say if any
other course could have been adopted than the one
chosen by Captain Elliot. A bond was signed, under
the influence and by the compulsion of existing circum
stances, by all the parties, that they would not deal
any more in opium ; but they did not accede to the
penalty of death, &c. &c. , which Lin had originally at
tempted to impose. And, at the requisition of Captain
Elliot, they agreed to deliver up all the opium then in
their possession , “ for the service of her majesty's go
The quantity of opium to be delivered was not stipu
lated at the time . But, after returns had been very
honourably and equitably sent to Captain Elliot, it ap
peared that he could command the enormous quantity
of 20,283 chests ; and he accordingly agreed that that
immense number should be delivered up to officers de
puted by Lin to receive it. It was also stipulated that,
as soon as one- fourth should be given up, the servants
should be restored ; that, after one-half had been deli
vered, the passage -boats should run as usual down to
Macao ; that trade should be opened as soon as three
fourths had been given up ; and that, when the whole
of it had been surrendered , “ things should go on as
As yet scarcely three weeks had elapsed since Com
missioner Lin had come down, with this enormous power
upon his shoulders ; and yet it had sufficed to enable
him to effect such a vast change in the relations which
existed between the Chinese and the foreign commu
nity, and to astonish even his own countrymen by the
energy and rashness of his measures.
The Commissioner was perfectly surprised at his own
success, and equally so at the enormous quantity of
opium which Elliot declared himself able to procure.
But, in point of fact, there were not so many as twenty
thousand chests of opium in the “Chinese waters ” at
that time, although that amount was at last procured, for
vessels were sent to a distance even to seek for it, and
to purchase it for Captain Elliot. Some of it was lying
at Manilla, whence it was brought over for the purpose ;
and there was not much doubt that Lin would have been
quite as well content with an agreement to deliver five
thousand chests, or, at all events, ten thousand, as he was
with that of twenty thousand chests. But Elliot himself
seems to have been almost as great an enemy to the
drug as the Commissioner was, and it must have awa
kened no small feeling of pride in the mind of the latter
to reflect that he had been more than successful in the
accomplishment of all his plans, for that Captain Elliot
himself had contributed to forward his projects.
Yet all this appeared feebleness to Lin ; and, instead
of making him satisfied with the “ submission ” of the
foreigners, it only made him the more inclined to impose
fresh annoyances upon them . Lin was a bold man ;
and looked more to present success than future stabi
lity. Among his own party he at once became the
Hero, the Patriot, and the Wonder. But, couler heads,
and amongst them some of those who, like Keshen , had
acquired the habit of thinking before they acted, readily
discovered , at the bottom of all this cup of bitter vio
lence, the dregs which would produce perplexity and
danger. They seemed to feel that the British Lion could
not long be insulted with impunity.
But what did Lin himself do, as the next step of his
political delinquency ? He broke the very Agreement
he had just made : and, instead of allowing the pas
sage-boats to pass down to Macao, as usual, as soon as
one half of the stipulated number of chests had been
surrendered, as agreed, he selected the names of sixteen
gentlemen out of the whole community, and issued the
strictest orders against their departure ; and directed
that every one of the passage-boats should be examined,
to see if any of these gentlemen were on board, and to
prevent their escape. In short, it was very evident that
the Commissioner considered the lives, liberty, and pro
perty of foreigners entirely at his mercy, and that his
own agreements, though fully binding upon them, were
not longer so upon himself than might suit his conve
Nevertheless, at this time the Commissioner would
seem to have had some misgivings about the posture of
affairs, and became at one time inclined to recommend
the “ obedient” foreigners to the notice of the Emperor, >
for the purpose of having some mark of favour con
ferred upon them . This was thought to point at some
kind of compensation for the value of the opium surren
dered, but nothing further was heard of it. He began
now to fear that England might yet avenge her cause ,
and he, therefore, hit upon some scheme of getting the
Hong merchants to pay off the value of the opium by
instalments. He began to feel that he had gone too
far; that he had acted contrary to his own agreement ;
and, had he been at this juncture warned with becoming
dignity of the ultimate consequences of his measures,
he would, probably, have paused in his mad career.
But he became perfectly intoxicated with success ; the
people shouted with joy, apparently at the delivery of
the opium, but really at the humiliation of the foreigner,
whom they had been sedulously taught at Canton to
look down upon with hatred . The excitement caused
by these occurrences continued for a considerable time ;
intercourse between one part of the community and
another, even in writing, became very difficult; and nu
merous ingenious contrivances were adopted for carrying
it on . A more anxious period for the merchants gene
rally can hardly be imagined in any country, or under
any combination of circumstances.
On the 21st of May, 1839, the last portion of the
stipulated quantity of twenty thousand two hundred and
eighty -three chests of opium was delivered up at the
Bogue, where the rest of it was stored, awaiting the Im
perial pleasure. Many questions arose as to how it was
to be disposed of, but at last Lin himself hit upon the
clever expedient of destroying it by lime and oil, in pits
dug for the purpose, and then pouring the fluid com
pound into the sea. The process was a curious one, but
too protracted to be described here. Double guards
were placed to prevent any of the drug from being
stolen, and death was to be the punishment of every de
linquent. There were checks and spies in all directions,
and the process of destruction was carried on with great
parade. Nevertheless, it is believed that some of it
was purloined, both on shore and on its way from the
ships to the landing-place, where mandarin-boats and
war -junks were collected in great number, and , doubt
less, assisted each other in obtaining a small portion of
so precious an article.
As soon as possible after he had regained his liberty,
Captain Elliot sent intelligence of all these occurrences
to Bombay, (for the overland mail) by a fast sailing
vessel, hired expressly for the purpose, called the Ariel ;
and at the same time H. M. sloop Larne was despatched
to Calcutta, to report them to the governor-general of
India. Consequently, there was then not a single British
ship of war of any description in the Chinese waters,
for the protection of British life and property . Luckily,
the arrival soon afterwards of the American ships of
war, the Columbia and the John Adams, served to re
assure the drooping spirits of the whole foreign commu
Other acts of atrocity and bad faith had also been
committed by the Chinese authorities ; but it is re
markable that Captain Elliot, whose personal courage
and natural ability have never been questioned, seems
to have entered no public protest, nor addressed any
strong remonstrance to the Commissioner, either upon
this subject, or upon that of his own imprisonment, or
rather confinement, at Canton. The probability was, that
he thought it useless to do so, unless he were prepared
to back his remonstrance by a demonstration of force.
Nevertheless, after the foreigners were released, he issued
a notice that all trade on the part of his countrymen
with the Chinese should be stopped, because, he added,
that ships could not enter the river for that purpose,
without great danger to life and property. And this
notice was repeated in still stronger terms after the
departure of the Larne ; for he declared that “ he saw
no prospect of such an arrangement of existing difficul
ties as to admit of British ships proceeding within the
Bocca Tigris, under the sanction of his authority, until
the opinion of her Majesty's government could be made
known to him ." And at a later period he thought it
necessary to warn all the merchants (dated the 29th of
July) “ that he had moved her Majesty's and the Indian
governments to forbid the admission of tea and other
produce from China into Great Britain and India, du
ring the existence of the preceding prohibition in Canton,
unless their manifests were signed in his presence.”
The stoppage of the trade by Captain Elliot irritated
Lin excessively. It was turning the tables against
himself, defeating him with his own weapons ; it sa
voured of presumption in his sight ; and, moreover, it
materially diminished his Revenue. It proved that,
however bombastic and ridiculous their professions of
indifference to the trade of foreigners might be, they
really stood very much in need of it themselves, and , in
fact, they felt the stoppage of it on our part quite as
much as we ever did on theirs . It made Lin actually
spiteful; he tried every art to induce the English to act
contrary to Elliot's orders ; and , subsequently, when he
went down to Macao to see with his own eyes what the
Portuguese were about, he went so far as to make it a
matter of accusation against Elliot that “ he had pre
vented the merchant ships of his country from entering
the port of Canton . ”
Such gross inconsistency, probably, was never before
presented to view in so short a period of time by any
public man. Lin was, in fact, completely at bay, and
he, moreover, had probably heard by this time that
more than one British man -of-war was expected. Never
theless, he by no means relaxed in his feelings of bitter
hostility ; he listened to every thing that was said or
written against the English and against opium ; he al
most frightened the Portuguese, who were all submis
sion at Macao, out of “ their propriety ;" he made them
expel all the English out of the town, (or, what is the
same thing, he threatened to attack the town if the
English remained in it ; ) and hemade them prohibit the
importation ofopium, which had formerly been permitted
upon payment of duty . The Portuguese, professing to
wash their hands of it for ever, found it in some re
spects (through fear) to their advantage to side with the
Chinese and decry the English1 ; when they actually con
tinued to sell their opium (a great part of which they
had sent to Manilla) under the English flag, or else to
the English, or to the Americans, or to any body that
would buy it. To this day, the traffic is continued by
them in full vigour at the outer anchorages, and in the
Typa near Macao, although it is prohibited to be landed
at the town, under the eye of the authorities. Never
theless, a sufficient quantity of it is brought into the
town for local consumption.
Lin now appeared to have reached the pinnacle of his
power. He flattered himself that his schemes had been
all successful; his power appeared irresistible, because
no effectual opposition to it had yet been offered. The
more concessions were made to him, the more exacting
he became ; and , having got the English out of Macao,
and made the Portuguese very submissive to his will ,
he then assumed a very bland and condescending tone ;
and it has been said, though I know not with what
truth, that at length, when little else remained upon
which to expend the fertile expedients of his brain, he
began seriously to think of a scheme for getting posses
sion of the old forts at Macao by stratagem, and of
poisoning all the English at Hong Kong.
In the interim , it was very evident that a storm of a
new kind was brewing, which was likely soon to burst
upon his head. Moreover, all the attempts he had made
to control his own people failed ;; his executions, his
denunciations, and his moral lectures, were alike una
vailing. He gave the people a year, within which they
were to break off the habit by degrees, and to reform
their manners ;; and, at the end of that time, he vowed he
VOL . I. P
would execute every man amongst them that persisted
in it. In the mean time, he hit upon the last and
darling expedient of every Chinese statesman and philo
sopher, that of making men mutually responsible for
each other. Thus the whole people were to be divided
into tens, as they were elsewhere in the days of Alfred
the Great, and each one of the party was to be made
personally responsible for the good behaviour of all the
rest with whom he was associated .
Notwithstanding all these strong measures, urged
with all the sincerity of an enthusiast, they both failed
at the time, and have failed ever since to eradicate the
evil. The demand for the drug increased with the diffi,
culty of procuring it ; the indulgence became dearer
owing to the danger which attended it ; and, after all
that was said and done, opium continued to be sought
and enormously paid for. It was more generally used than
ever ; and even attention became directed to the culti
vation of the poppy on Chinese soil, when the difficulty
of procuring it from abroad became more urgent.
Lin rose into high favour, for a time, with the Impe
rial court, as might naturally be expected ; and he was
appointed Governor of the second province in the empire.
But long before the time came for him to remove to his
new post, his star began to wane, his difficulties in
creased, and ultimately his fall was as great as his rise
had been rapid.
For several months, as I have before stated, no
British ship of war was present in the Chinese waters.
It was during this interval, namely, in the month of July,
1839, that the great difficulty arose, which excited so
much attention at the time, and has done so since, ari
sing out of the death of a Chinaman , by name Lin
Wiehe, at Hong Kong, during an affray with some
British merchant seamen. This event was eagerly taken
advantage of by the Commissioner, to attempt to enforce
certain claims against the foreigners. Without entering
into tedious details, many of which are already well
known, it will suffice to mention that the man's death
was really occasioned by a drunken row , at a village
near Hong Kong ; that the Commissioner, in accordance
with what had formerly been done on a similar occasion
at Canton, demanded the surrender of the murderer
to be tried by Chinese judges, and that Captain Elliot
denied the jurisdiction altogether ; but, at the same
time, he himself preferred an indictment for murder
against a seaman , before a British Grand - Jury at Hong
Kong, who ignored the bill. But several men were ulti
mately found guilty of an assault only, and it appeared
that one party was just as much to blame as the other.
The Commissioner then grew more angry than ever :
he caused the few English who still remained at Macao
to be still further persecuted ; and it was only through the
friendly assistance of individual Portuguese families that
they were enabled to obtain their daily food. The result
was, that the whole British community left the place,
1 It is remarkable that Captain Elliot, in his address to the Grand
Jury, laid great stress upon this claim of the Chinese to try foreigners by
their law , as being one of the principal causes of existing difficulties.
His words were : “ Our intercourse is at present interrupted, I may say
chiefly, if not entirely, because it is impossible to consent to the preten
sions of the Chinese government to judge her Majesty's subjects by their
forms of judicature, for offences declared to be capital."
P 2
together with Captain Elliot, and went to live on board
the different merchant ships in harbour.
Things could not remain long in such a state of em
barrassment; and fortunately, on the 11th of September,
that is, about three months and a half after the Larne
had left those seas, the Volage, under Captain Smith,
arrived. That gallant officer immediately perceived that
active steps of some kind must be taken , and he accord
ingly issued a notice of blockade of the port of Canton,
upon the ground “ that the regular supplies of food had
been prohibited to her Majesty's subjects; that the Chi
nese people had been ordered to fire upon and seize
them wherever they went ; and that certain of her Ma
jesty's subjects had been actually cut off .”
The immediate effect of this measure was to bring
the Chinese in some measure to their senses ; their pro
clamations against Englishmen were withdrawn, provi
sions were no longer prohibited , and consequently Captain
Smith very properly withdrew his notice of blockade.
It is worth while to notice how much the presence of
a good English man -of-war, commanded by an able and
determined man, tended to bring back the Chinese
authorities to “ reason ,"
. Negociations were entered
into, and it was at length agreed that trade should be
resumed outside the port of Canton.
Yet, all on a sudden, even this arrangement was vio
lated by the Chinese ; and, on the 26th October, notice
was issued that they now required that ships should
enter within the port of Canton , that is, within the
Bocca Tigris. They repeated the demand for the mur
derer of Lin Wiehe to be given up ; and that a bond
should be signed by all, agreeing to be tried by Chinese
officers for offences declared by them before trial to be
capital. If this mandate were not obeyed, the whole
of the foreign ships were to depart within three days,
under a threat of immediate destruction !
The whole fleet, therefore, was now recommended to
anchor in Tongkoo Bay or Urmston's Harbour, which
afterwards became the rendezvous of all the ships of
war, and was so, as before stated, when the Nemesis
reached China. These events, however, had occurred
long before that time.
It is not necessary here to enter into minute details ;
it will be sufficient for the full understanding of the
future operations to state, that difficulties continued to
increase on both sides, without much prospect of any
solution. The Hyacinth having now arrived, and joined
the Volage on the 29th October, these two vessels pro
ceeded with Captain Elliot to Chuenpee, some distance
below the Bogue, to endeavour to obtain from the Com
missioner some explicit declaration of his intentions.
On the 3rd of November they were attacked by the
Chinese Admiral with twenty -nine sail of war-junks,
which , of course, they soon beat off ; and thus occurred
the first direct hostile encounter between the armed
forces of the two nations. War became more than ever
inevitable. Yet, at the end of the following month,
these two ships of war were again compelled to proceed
to the Bogue, in consequence of the seizure of aa British
subject by the Chinese (not engaged in selling opium )
at the anchorage of Tongkoo Bay.
The blockade of the river and port of Canton was
therefore renewed by Captain Smith on the 15th Janu
ary, 1840 ; but the gentleman who had been seized,
Mr. Gribble, was at once restored, and the blockade
was consequently raised .
Scarcely had this taken place, when down came to
Macao a new Chinese governor of that settlement, and
issued a positive edict for the immediate expulsion of
all the English. Captain Smith, with becoming spirit,
instantly ordered the Hyacinth, Captain Warren , to
proceed into the inner harbour for the protection of his
countrymen, which measure seemed to give great um
brage to the Portuguese governor, da Silveira Pinto ;
and ,, in consequence of his representations, she was with
drawn on the following morning.
Occasion was taken to make as much as possible out
of this occurrence , as if the Portuguese really possessed
some authority in the place beyond that over their own
countrymen, and very futile appeals were made to
treaties with the Chinese government. After all, the
utmost that could be said of it was, that if it was a
little deficient in courtesy towards the Portuguese
governor, the latter should have rather volunteered his
consent to it. Nevertheless, the energetic spirit which
it evinced undoubtedly tended to check the presumption
of the Chinese authorities, and thus far to give some
little security to British subjects. Captain Smith very
properly put it upon the ground of its strengthening the
Portuguese governor's hands, which in reality it did,
and which that functionary stood greatly in need of. At
the same time, Captain Smith very laudably expressed a
hope that “ the language in which his Excellency would
demand the immediate removal of the Chinese forces,
declaredly sent here to seize or destroy my countrymen
(to the deep insult of the Portuguese crown ), will be
not less stringent, and as successful in its operation, as
that in which your Excellency has been pleased to order
the withdrawal of the Hyacinth ."
During the whole of this time, preparations were
being made by the Chinese for future operations in
the Canton River ; fire-ships were prepared, guns col
lected, and troops exercised.
On the 24th March, 1840, the fine frigate the Druid,
commanded by Lord John Churchill, arrived off Macao,
and thence proceeded to Tongkoo Roads, a most wel
come reinforcement About this time also the Chinese
purchased the English merchant-ship the Cambridge,
intending to turn her into a man -of-war, and built some
strange-looking little schooners upon a European model,
with the view of employing them in some novel way
or other against the British ships.
It is said, that at one time Commissioner Lin got up
a sort of sham - fight at the Bogue, and dressed some of
the assailants in red clothes, in order to habituate the
defenders to the sight of the colour of the enemy's
costume. Of course, the red gentlemen were thoroughly
beaten in due course of time, and thereby the valour of
the Bogue protectors was supposed to be very materially
augmented .
Matters had now proceeded so far, that it was im
possible that any solution of the enigma could be arrived
at without speedy employment of force . The success
of their first measures, and the helpless condition in
which foreigners then found themselves, had emboldened
the Chinese beyond reason , and had fed their pre
sumption even till it burst with its own self -applause.
Lord John Churchill, who was now of course senior
officer, unhappily died, after a week’s illness, on the
3rd of June. Few days had elapsed before the Chinese
sent a number of fire -ships to endeavour to destroy the
English merchant-ships, collected at the anchorage of
Capsingmoon, but they proved a complete failure.
The British naval force now rapidly gained accession
to its strength. The tidings of the events at Canton
had spread to all parts of the world . Preparations had
immediately been commenced in England and elsewhere
for the coming contest. The Alligator, from New South
Wales, under Sir Gordon Bremer, arrived about this
time, as also did the Honourable Company's steamer
Madagascar, and likewise the Wellesley, 74, in which
Sir Gordon Bremer hoisted his broad pendant ; and on
the 28th of June, 1840, Commodore Sir Gordon Bremer
established a blockade of the port and river of Canton
and all its entrances, by command of her Majesty's
government. Ships of war now continued to arrive as
fast as possible ; the force in the Chinese waters was
considerable ; and, within two or three days after the
commencement of the blockade, the chief command was
assumed by Rear-Admiral the Honourable George
Elliot, who had just arrived in the Melville, 74 .
Canton river, description of, below the Bogue— “ Outer waters ” — Lintao
-Capsingmoon passage-Urmston's Bay— Force assembled in China
in 1840–Rewards offered for its destruction - Rear -Admiral Honour
able Sir G. Elliot and Captain Elliot joint-plenipotentiaries — Squadron
moves to the northward — Expedition to the Peiho - Hostility of the
authorities at Amoy — Refusal to receive Lord Palmerston's letter at
Ningpo - Blockade of the coast — First capture of Chusan - Plenipoten
tiaries at Tientsin — Answer from the Emperor - Keshen sent down to
supersede Lin - Truce at Chusan — Flag of truce fired at from Chuenpee
-Keshen's arrival at Canton — Sir Gordon Bremer becomes commander
in -chief - General review of occurrences in 1840 Threatened attack
upon the English at Macao — Decisive measures of Captain Smith
Attack on the barrier-Order in council Remarks on hostility of the
Chinese — Kidnapping - General alarm at our proceedings — Prepara
tions for hostilities on both sides — Nemesis at the Bogue — Description
of Chuenpee, and of the defences of the Bogue - Tiger Island.
It will be generally admitted by all who have seen
the Canton river, or, as the Chinese call it, Chookeang,
that, in point of size, depth, and picturesque character,
it is one of the finest navigable rivers in the world .
Merchant ships of the largest size, perhaps the proudest
which float, have navigated it for nearly two hundred
years, to within a distance of nine or ten miles from
Canton, with little difficulty, and very inconsiderable
danger. No foreign commerce with any one port has
been so valuable, so extensive, or carried on with so
much facility. The difficulties of our intercourse, which
have arisen within the last few years, have formed an
epoch in the world's history, and stand forth as a lead
ing beacon in the stream of time, pointing towards
greater eras yet to come. And, as they first began in
the Canton river, an unusual interest becomes imparted
to it .
An archipelago of numerous islands, most of them
rocky, and only partially productive, warns you of the
approach to this celebrated river. Strictly speaking,
only that portion of it above the Bocca Tigris has been
called the river ; while all below that point, even from
beyond Macao upwards (the latter lying at the distance
of from forty to fifty miles from the Bogue forts), has
been called the outer waters ; nevertheless, it ought pro
perly to be included within the precincts of the river
Since the questions connected with the opium-trade
have been brought so prominently forward , it has been
maintained by some, that the “ outer waters” ought not
properly to be considered within Chinese jurisdiction .
But this position would hardly seem to be tenable ; and
there can be no sound reason for maintaining that these
waters should not be considered as much, and even more,
within their jurisdiction as the sea-coast or river islands
of any part of Europe are within the jurisdiction of the
country to which they belong, to the distance of a cer
tain number of miles from the land itself. In reality,
the little peninsula of Macao on the west, and the island
of Lintao (not to be confounded with Lintin) on the
east, may be considered as the proper boundaries of the
entrance to the Canton River.
These points are about fifteen to twenty miles apart,
while between them lie several small islands, through
which are the two principal navigable passages (the
western and the Lintao passages) into the river itself.
But the island of Lintao, called Tyho by the Chinese, is
a long, narrow, mountainous piece of land, broken up
into numerous bays and projecting points, stretching
from south-west to north-east, separated at the latter
extremity from the mainland only about the distance
of a mile. The passage and anchorage between them is
called Capsingmoon, and is made use of occasionally
even by large vessels, which pass towards the river or
across from Macao towards the island of Hong Kong,
which lies off the mainland at about five or six miles
to the eastward of Lintao ,
The anchorage of Tongkoo Bay, towards which the
Nemesis was to proceed to rejoin the fleet, and which is
also known by the name of Urmston's Harbour, from
having been recommended by Sir James Urmston, for
merly President of the Company's factory at Canton, is
situated about six miles due north from Lintao, between
the little islands called Tongkoo and Sowchow, near
the mainland, as you proceed upwards within the outer
waters of the Canton River, along its eastern shores .
It was here that the fleet anchored in 1823, in conse
quence of some discussions with the Chinese, arising
i See map
220 LINTIN .
out of the affair of the Topaze frigate, which occurred
in the preceding year.'
About five miles distant from Tongkoo Bay, more
towards the centre of the river, and a little to the north
ward, is the small island of Lintin, terminating in aa very
remarkable, high, conical peak, which is a guide to all
vessels passing up or down. It has become famous as a
place of rendezvous for the opium vessels, particularly
within the last few years ; and a merchant brig, bearing
its name, has been recently sold to the Chinese as a
man -of-war, though old and not very serviceable . This
island must not be confounded with that of Lintao, be
fore alluded to, and from which it is about eight or nine
miles distant.
Having now got fairly into Tongkoo Bay with the
fleet, and feeling something of the interest and excite
ment which were awakened in the breasts of all who
were brought together in such a place and at such a
time, we will next proceed to recount a few of the re
markable events of the year 1840, reserving the descrip
tion of the other parts of the river for those portions of
the narrative with which they are connected.
Towards the end of July, 1840, the British force as
sembled in China had become considerable : comprising
no less than three line-of -battle ships, with a Rear
Some of the sailors of the Topaze were attacked and wounded on
shore by the Chinese ; and, in the scuffle, two Chinamen were killed.
Remonstrances followed on both sides ; and at length the Chinese de
manded that two Englishmen should be delivered up to them for punish
ment. This was refused, as might be expected ; upon which the Chinese
authorities stopped the trade, and the fleet of merchant ships withdrew
from Whampoa and came to anchor in Tongkoo roads, henceforth called
Urmston's Bay or Harbour.
Admiral and a Commodore ; thirteen other ships of war,
of different kinds, and a large troop-ship ; together
with four armed steamers, belonging to the East India
Company. To these must be added twenty-seven trans
ports, having on board the 18th, 26th, and 49th regi
ments, a body of Bengal volunteers, and a corps of
Madras sappers and miners. The marines and seamen
were of course prepared to co -operate on shore. This
was undoubtedly a formidable force, especially when we
reflect that little more than a year had elapsed since
there was no armedforce whatever in the Chinese waters,
and the proud flag of England had ceased to wave even
upon the Factories.
The measures adopted by the governor-general of
India, when once the crisis had arrived, were sufficiently
energetic and decisive. The consequences of the rup
ture were now easily foreseen ; and the interest which
the state of our relations with China had begun to
awaken, both in England and in India, was daily be
coming more general.
On the first arrival of the large force mentioned
below , it did not appear to alarm Commissioner Lin ,
Melville, 74, ilag -ship, Rear- Conway, 28, C.D. Bethune,Esq .
Admiral the Hon . George Volage, 28, George Elliot, Esq.
Elliot, C. B .; Captain the Alligator, 28 , H. Kuper, Esq. HON . COMPANY'S ARMED
Hon . R. S. Dundas. Larne , 20, J. P. Blake, Esq . STEAMERS ,
Wellesley, 74, bearing the broad Hyacinth, 20, W. Warren , Esq .
pendant of Commodore Sir Modeste, 20, H. Eyres, Esq . Queen, Capt. Warden .
J. J. Gordon Bremer, C.B.; Pylades , 20, T. V. Anson, Esq . Madagascar, Capt . Dicey.
Captain Thomas Maitland. Nimrod, 20, C. A. Barlow , Esq . Atalauta, Capt . Rogers .
Blenheim, 74, Sir H. S. Fleming Cruiser, 18, H. W. Gifford , Esq. Enterprise, Capt . West.
Senhouse, K.C.B. Columbine, 18, T.J.Clarke ,Esq.
Druid, 44, H. Smith, Esq . Algerine, 10, T. S. Mosson, Esq .
Blonde, 44, F. Bonchier, Esq. Rattlesnake, troop -ship , Brodie .
and his obsequious satellite, Governor Tang, nearly so
much as might have been expected . On the contrary,
Lin continued to organize means of defence, to enlist
soldiers, and to arm his forts. It was, moreover, at
this moment that he hit upon his notable expedient of
offering immense rewards for the destruction, in any
manner whatever, of British ships, either men -of-war
or merchant vessels, and also for the capture or slaugh
ter of British officers. But the reward for taking them
alive was to be greater than for killing them. There was
also a reward for taking soldiers or merchants, but only
one fifth of the sum if they were killed . A reward was also
to be given for the capture of coloured people, soldiers,
or servants, although its amount was not mentioned .
These curious documents were circulated under the
seal of the imperial commissioner. But even this was
not enough for the restless mind of Lin ; he tried to
invent contrivances for boring holes in ships' bottoms,
and also for sawing their masts asunder.
All this followed after the declaration of blockade by
Sir Gordon Bremer, and after a public complaint had
been made by Captain Elliot against Lin and Tang,
various treacherous acts, such as attacking our vessels
at night (merchant vessels), poisoning the water, and
preventing supplies of food from being brought to the
factories, & c.
It was now very evident, that although no formal
declaration of war had been made on our part, it had
become impossible to avoid warlike operations on an
extended scale, and at no distant time.
Rear-Admiral Elliot had now been associated with
Captain Elliot in his diplomatic functions, and they
were nominated Joint-Plenipotentiaries for settling the
matters in dispute with the Emperor. That object
appeared little likely to be attained by wasting time in
negociations with irresponsible and overbearing public
officers at Canton ; it was, therefore, wisely resolved
to take advantage of the best season of the year while
it still lasted, and to proceed northward with the bulk of
the force, in order to bring the emperor and his minis
ters to their senses, by exciting alarm as near as possi
ble to the imperial capital. The Peiho river, therefore,
which commands one of the great channels of inter
course with the metropolis, and is connected with the
Grand Canal, through which all the wealth of China
flows to Pekin, was now avowedly the chief point to
which the expedition was to be directed.
This movement was by no means a mere demonstra
tion for the purpose of giving eclat to the conduct of the
negociations, but was in reality a hostile operation ; at
all events, it became so as it proceeded, and the results
of it may in reality be called the First Campaign in
China. It was commonly called the first “ China Expe
dition ;" but the appellation was afterwards changed to
the “ Eastern Expeditionary force,” which was also ap
plied to the second expedition, as will be afterwards seen .
A small force being left at the Bogue to maintain the
blockade, the bulk of the expedition, together with the
two Plenipotentiaries, sailed to the northward at the end
of June ; part of the force above mentioned did not
arrive until after the rest had sailed, but it soon fol
lowed the rest .
The first encounter with the Chinese took place at
Amoy, in the beginning of July, 1840.. The Blonde,
forty -four, Captain Bourchier, was sent into the harbour
of Amoy , to endeavour to hand over a letter from the
English naval commander-in -chief, addressed to the
“ Admiral of the Chinese nation .” This high officer was
not there, and the local mandarins refused to receive it,
and fired upon a boat which was sent to the beach bear
ing a flag of truce at the bow, and conveying Mr. Thom,
as interpreter, for the purpose of delivering the letter
to the mandarins, for transmission to the Chinese Admi
ral. The officers and crew of the boat had a narrow
escape, for, besides being received with every possible
indignity, the boat was fired at and struck, while pre
parations were evidently being made for an attack upon
the frigate itself. Indeed, nothing could possibly be
more hostile and insulting than the conduct of the Chi
nese officers, who met Mr. Thom at the landing-place.
They showed some inclination even to seize the boat in
which he came, and declared they neither feared him
nor the ship either.
The result of their hostile bearing and of the attack
on the boat was, that the guns of the Blonde were di
rected with terrific effect upon the Chinese batteries and
the war-junks, immediately the boat reached the frigate.
By this fire great damage was done, and the Chinese
troops, who had assembled on the beach, were dispersed
in all directions. Having inflicted this merited chas
tisement, as an example to the Chinese, the Blonde
again set sail to join the main body of the force, in
order to report the circumstances to the Admiral.
On the 5th of July, the town of Tinghai, the capital
of the island of Chusan, the principal of the group of
islands bearing that name, fell to her Majesty's arms
after a very slight resistance. But as this and other
operations to the northward, during this brief season ,
have been well described by Lord Jocelyn, it will be suffi
cient merely to allude to them in a cursory way ; parti
cularly as they were of minor importance compared
with subsequent events.
The failure of the attempt to deliver aa letter from
Lord Palmerston to some of the authorities at Ningpo,
to be transmitted to the cabinet at Pekin, became a
matter of serious importance, after what had taken place
at Amoy, and, in consequence, a blockade of the coast
was established from Ningpo to the mouth of the
Yangtze River, the most frequented and most commer
cial part of the whole sea board of China.
Nothing was more likely to make a deep impression
upon the Chinese government than the stoppage of this
valuable trade, upon which the daily sustenance of a
large part of the population of the interior actually
depended . The ultimate conclusion of peace, which
was brought about by the more active prosecution of
these very measures, will be sufficient to prove their
wisdom at that time ; and it is due to Captain Elliot to
mention, that the blockade of the Yangtze river was at
all times one of his most favourite projects.
About the middle of August, the bulk of the squadron
arrived off the mouth of the Peiho, below Tientsin ,
having been preceded two or three days hy Captain
VOL . I. Q
Elliot, on board the Madagascar steamer. Lord Pal
merston's communication was there at length received,
by an officer deputed for that purpose by Keshen, the
governor of the province, and was forwarded to the
emperor. Subsequently, a conference was held on shore
between Keshen and Captain Elliot ; and, whatever the
results may otherwise have been, it is well known that
the plenipotentiaries were persuaded, by the ingenuity of
Keshen, that the future negociations could be conducted
with more satisfaction at Canton (provided a new com
missioner were sent down from Pekin for that express
purpose ), than within a hundred miles of the emperor's
In the mean time, however, while an answer was ex
pected from the emperor to the communication addressed
to his ministers by Lord Palmerston , the principal part
of the squadron, which had come up to the Peiho,
sailed further northward, up the gulf of Petchelee, to
the great wall of China, which has so long been classed
among the wonders of the world . The effect of the
emperor's answer , and of the negociations with Keshen,
was, that this squadron withdrew from the neighbour
hood of the capital; and Keshen himself was appointed
Imperial Commissioner, to proceed at once to Canton ,
to open negociations with the plenipotentiaries. He was
to supersede Lin , whose course seemed almost run , and
who was ordered to Pekin in haste, to answer for his
conduct. Nevertheless, he was subsequently allowed to
remain as viceroy, or governor, at Canton, but never
succeeded in obtaining the higher government which
1 She was afterwards accidentally destroyed by fire.
had been previously promised to him elsewhere, in the
heyday of his favour.
A curious bombastic edict was now issued by the em
peror, declaring how the “ rumbling thunders ” of the
guns of Chapoo and other places on the coast had beaten
off the foreign ships, and “ had greatly dampened their
ardour,” and that therefore the poor barbarians deserved
a little extension of “ imperial favour."
This was an ingenious device which his majesty adopted ,
in order to get rid of the English from his own neigh
bourhood, by persuading them to go and discuss the
matters in dispute one thousand five hundred miles off,
with a commissioner to be sent down there for the
As for poor Commissioner Lin, he was declared , in his
majesty's anger, to be of no use at all except to cause
the “waves of confusion to rise ;; " that he was just like
a “ stupid fellow with his arms tied ;" and,as a finishing
touch to the portrait, that he was in reality “ no better
than a wooden image.” Alas for the mighty Lin ! the
dear friend at whose departure the emperor had before
shed tears !
By the end of September, the squadron had returned
to Chusan from the Peiho. A truce was about this time
announced and published at Chusan! ; and a common
impression prevailed that a general armistice had been
concluded at Tientsen with Keshen, pending the result
of the negociations to be carried on at Canton . This,
however, was soon found to be erroneous ; for, in a letter
addressed to the merchants by Admiral Elliot in Tongkoo
Bay, on the 26th November, (the very day after the
Q 2
Nemesis had reported her arrival to the admiral) it was
publicly declared that “ the truce had been only entered
into with Elepoo, the governor-general of that province,
[Chekeang] and did not extend further.” It must, how
ever, have included the port of Ningpo, and other parts
of the coast of the mainland, within the limits of the go
vernor's authority.
The plenipotentiaries, Captain Elliot and the Ho
nourable George Elliot, returned to Macao on the 20th
November. It was on the following day that The Queen
steamer was fired at and hit, as she passed the Chuenpee
fort with a flag of truce. She had orders to proceed up to
the Bogue, to deliver a letter which had been entrusted
to her captain from “ Elepoo,” ( probably concerning the
truce he had concluded) addressed to the Imperial Com
missioner Keshen at Canton . In return for this attack,
she threw a few shells and heavy shot into the fort, and
went back to Tongkoo Bay re infecta. This was the
second time a flag of truce had been fired at, although
the Chinese perfectly understood the peaceful purpose
which it denoted . The despatch , however, was forwarded
the same evening to Keshen at Canton, through the sub
prefect of Macao, into whose hands it was delivered by
Captain Elliot. It was also reported that the com
mandant at Chuenpee sent up some of The Queen's heavy
shot, which had lodged in the fort, as a present to the
authorities at Canton , probably to shew how brave he
had been to withstand such weighty missiles. He did
not lose the opportunity to claim a victory for having
driven her off !
A heavy force was by this time collected at the mouth
of the Canton River, reinforced as it had been by the
arrival of the Calliope and Samarang, and also of the
Nemesis, and by the addition of a fresh regiment, the
37th Madras native infantry.
Keshen arrived at Canton on the 29th November, and
sent an official notification to that effect to the plenipo
tentiaries ; and it is remarkable that, almost at the same
moment, Admiral Elliot was compelled to resign the
command of the fleet, and also his duties as Joint-ple
nipotentiary, through sudden and severe illness. A few
days afterwards he embarked for England in the Volage,
leaving Commodore Sir Gordon Bremer as commander
in -chief, and Captain Elliot for the time as again the
sole Plenipotentiary. Captain Elliot seems to have felt
the loss of his relation's assistance very sensibly, but
declared that he “ had been trained in too long a course
of anxiety and trial in that country, and reposed too
steady a confidence in the assistance of every kind by
which he was surrounded, to lose heart under the weight
of this serious aggravation of his responsibility, and of
this heavy personal blow ; ” and added , “ that he had a
firm reliance on the plain good sense and manly co-ope
ration of all classes of her Majesty's subjects.”
In order to render complete the general sketch of
passing events to the close of 1840, I must not omit to
mention the gallant affair at Macao under Captain Smith,
of the Volage, which happened in the month of August,
at the period when the main body of the expedition was
engaged in the operations to the northward , already
alluded to. It will be remembered that Captain Smith
had once before thought it necessary to sail into the
Inner Harbour, for the protection of British subjects,
but had retired upon a representation being made to
him by the Portuguese governor .
In the month of August, however, strange rumours
of a rather threatening character began to prevail, but
not of a very definite kind. One of the principal Chi
nese officers of Macao had been absent for some time at
Canton, and, on his return , accompanied, or rather fol
lowed, by a body of troops, it became very evident that
some hostile measure was in contemplation. A number
of war- junks were likewise collected in the Inner Har
bour, having troops on board . A considerable body of
men were also encamped upon the narrow neck of land
which separates Macao from the mainland, and across
which there is a so-called Barrier, which forms the line
of demarkation, beyond which the Portuguese have no
jurisdiction .
This Barrier is composed of aa wall, with parapets and
a ditch running across the isthmus, and having a gate
way,, with a guard-house over it, in the centre. Beyond
the Barrier the Chinese had very recently thrown up a
flanking field -work, mounting about twelve guns, with
a view of protecting the rear of the Barrier from the
attack of an enemy attempting to land in boats. The
war- junks were also placed so close in shore, in the Inner
Harbour, as to be able to protect the barrier on that
These movements were quite sufficient to prove that
some attack was actually contemplated upon Macao
itself, and the result of it, if successful, cannot be
thought of without horror. But the promptitude and
energy of Captain Smith anticipated the designs of the
Chinese, and , by a most decisive and admirably combined
movement, he soon scattered the whole Chinese forces
like chaff before the wind . Taking with him the Larne
and Hyacinth, with the Enterprise steamer and the
Louisa cutter, he sailed boldly up towards the Barrier,
and ran in as close as the shallowness of the water would
permit. He then opened a spirited fire upon the whole
of the Chinese works and barracks, which the Chinese
returned . Their soldiers were seen mustering from dif
ferent points, for the defence of the position .
In the course of an hour, the firing of the Chinese
was almost silenced ; and then a single gun was landed
upon the beach, which raked the Chinese position, while
a small body of marines, under Lieutenant Maxwell,
with some small-arm men from the Druid, under Lieu
tenant Goldsmith, and about two companies of Bengal
volunteers, under Captain Mee, altogether about three
hundred and eighty men, landed, and drove the Chinese,
with considerable loss, from every one of their positions.
On the British side, four men only were wounded. The
Chinese guns were spiked, but none were carried away ,
and the whole of their troops were dispersed, nor did
they afterwards approach the barrier, except to carry
off the spiked guns. The barracks and other buildings
were burned ; and all our men having re-embarked late
in the evening, the vessels returned to their former an
chorage in Macao roads.
Seldom has a more signal service been rendered in so
short a space of time, than this well- timed and energetic
measure adopted by Captain Smith.
There still remain one or two points worth noticing,
in order to complete the series of events which hap
pened in the year 1840. Among these, one of the most
important was the issuing of an Order in Council for the
establishment of courts of admiralty in China, for the
adjudication of prizes, &c. It was to the effect that,
“ in consideration of the late injurious proceedings of
certain officers of the Emperor of China towards certain
of our officers and subjects, and, whereas, orders had
been given that satisfaction and reparation for the same
should be demanded from the Chinese government, it
was necessary, for the purpose of enforcing those orders,
that all vessels and goods belonging to the Emperor of
China or his subjects should be detained and brought
into port ; and that, in the event of reparation and satis
faction being refused by the Chinese government, a court
of admiralty should be formed for the purpose of ad
judging and condemning them as prizes.”
This order in council was not acted upon, except on
a very limited scale, and for a very brief period. It
was afterwards considered more equitable that the
burden of the war should be made to fall as much as
possible upon the government of China, and as little as
possible upon the people ; and this highly judicious
and humane determination was carried out as much as
possible, and with the best results, during all the latter
part of the war, much to the credit of all concerned .
During the year 1840 very little progress was made
in our endeavours to gain over the Chinese people to
our interests, or to conciliate their forbearance, in any
of the places in which we were brought into contact
with them. At Chusan, in particular, they evinced the
most hostile spirit towards us, and lost no opportunity
of exhibiting their hatred of the foreigner. It was not
without great difficulty even that provisions could be
obtained for our men ; there was evidently some secret in
fluence which operated to prevent the people from meet
ing us amicably, and made them, for some time, resist
even the temptation of gain, so difficult for aa Chinaman
to withstand . Nor can this indeed be wondered at.
Neither party understood the character of the other ;
and the refusal on their part to supply us with pro
visions, even for fair payment, could hardly fail to bring
hardships upon many who were not in fault, since it
was evident that our troops must be supplied with
proper food in some way or other. Nothing, however,
tended to exhibit their hostile spirit so much as their
persevering attempts to carry off our men by stealth ,
whenever they could find an opportunity ; and indeed
the kidnapping system was followed up with many
circumstances of barbarity to the very close of the
This embittered our men very much against the
Chinese, and we may almost wonder that their prisoners,
when they fell into our hands, received such lenient
treatment in return. The story is well known of Captain
Anstruther’s capture at Chusan, at the distance of only
two or three miles from the town, his being tied up in
a sack, and subsequently carried over in a boat to
Ningpo on the mainland, and the curious history of
his confinement in a Bamboo cage, three feet long by
two feet broad ; and other instances of a similar
kind, in which the prisoners were treated with the
utmost barbarity, have been so often recounted, that a
passing allusion to them will here be sufficient. Cap
tain Anstruther, however, would seem to have been
more leniently treated than many of the other prisoners ;
and I have heard him declare that, with respect to the
better class of mandarins at Ningpo, he had little cause
of complaint to urge against them , considering that he
was a prisoner in an enemy's hands. His talent for
drawing, however, enabled him to conciliate their good
will, and to earn for himself some indulgences which
others were not fortunate enough to procure. He sold
his drawings, and particularly his portraits, for a tole
rable price. Thus, for instance, he took care that when
a mandarin wanted to have his likeness taken, he should
give him at least three sittings, and for each sitting he
required a payment of twelve pork pies. In this way
his ingenuity enabled him to procure abundance of food ,
at all events. Many of the other prisoners, however,
were treated with frightful barbarity, and , in some in
stances, they were put to death .
A much more formidable enemy to us than the
Chinese was , soon discovered, in the terrible sickness
which broke out among our troops at Chusan, and car
ried off many a brave man prematurely to his grave.
The low, swampy rice-grounds surrounding the town,
the want of proper drainage, the exposure to the hot
sun, and the use of the deleterious spirit which the
Chinese call Samshoo, made from rice (of which a vast
quantity was manufactured on the island for export
ation )—all these causes combined sufficed to produce
fever, dysentery, and various complaints, which com
mitted great havoc among the men. The island was
subsequently , however, rendered less unhealthy by
better arrangements, and by enforcing greater clean
At Amoy, after the affair of the Blonde, a strict
blockade was maintained by the Alligator and other
vessels, which interrupted the whole trade of that im
portant commercial city. But none of our ships asto
nished and alarmed the Chinese so much as the steamers ;
they were particularly alluded to in the official reports
to the emperor, and were described as “having wheels
at their sides, which, revolving, propelled them like the
wind, enabling them to pass to and fro with great
rapidity, acting as leaders : ” and it is not surprising X
that the Chinese should soon have christened them the
“ Demon Ships ."
The effect of our operations to the northward had
already been to excite great alarm in the mind of the
emperor and of his ministers ; indeed, the panic created
by the first approach of a hostile force was so great,
that a very small body of men might have marched
almost from one end of China to the other, so little
were the Chinese prepared for resistance. But gra
dually they recovered their energy, improved their means
of defence, adopted better weapons, and cast heavier
guns. As far as personal bravery could aid them, they
were by no means an enemy to be despised. The spear
and the bayonet frequently crossed each other ; perhaps
more frequently than the bayonets of Europeans do ;
and, in not a few instances, the long spear was more
than a match for the shorter bayonet. Hand-to-hand
encounters with the Tartar troops were not uncommon
towards the close of the war ; and, indeed, many of our
men learnt, to their cost, that they had held the
Chinese far too cheap. Instances occurred in which
the powerful Tartar soldier rushed within the bayonet
guard of his opponent, and grappled with him for life
or death.
We may now revert to the period of the arrival of
the new Imperial Commissioner Keshen at Canton, with
a view to treat with the plenipotentiaries , according to
the terms agreed upon at the Peiho, as before men
tioned. His predecessor, Lin, whose fall had now com
menced, could not resist giving a parting warning to
the people, against the continuance of their pernicious
habits ; and he even ventured to assure them that, if
they still persisted, " they would assuredly, one and all
of them, be strangled ; ” and he further told them,
quaintly enough, that, " while the allotted period of their
probation was not yet finished, they were still living
victims ; but that when it had expired they would be
come dead victims, for that they would certainly be put
to death, if they had not learnt to amend their ways .'
So far then Lin was consistent to the last.
In the beginning of December, the greater part of our
naval forces had again assembled below the Bogue,
although a squadron was still left to the northward .
Notwithstanding that Keshen had arrived for the osten
sible purpose of inquiring into and settling all matters
in dispute, it was evident that the Chinese were making
hostile preparations, with a view to a very different mode
of settlement of the question. A feeling of uncertainty
and apprehension prevailed, such as generally precedes
some great movement. The Chinese, on their side, were
collecting troops, and raising new works ; while, on
our side, every precaution was taken , in case a re
sumption of hostilities should be called for.
On the 13th, the Nemesis, which had been for some
days at anchor with the fleet, a few miles below
Chuenpee, conveyed Captain Elliot down to Macoa,
while the rest of the fleet moved nearer up towards the
Bogue, as if with the object of supporting the “ nego
ciations ” by a firm display of power. Captain Elliot's
stay at Macoa was very short ; and, from the increased
activity of our preparations at the Bogue, it became
evident that the “ negociations” were not going on
satisfactorily. Scaling ladders were now being made
on board the ships, and a landing - stage for dis
embarking the troops was constructed on board the
Nemesis, which, from her light draught.of water, was
likely to be employed for that particular purpose.
Numerous communications were passing between
Macao and our fleet at the Bogue; Captain Elliot him
self went backwards and forwards several times in the
Nemesis ; and the moment seemed fast approaching
when some very decided blow was to be struck.
The following description of the scene of operations
will therefore be found interesting. About twenty-two
to twenty -five miles above the island of Lintin, before
described , and consequently about the same distance
above Tongkoo Bay, on the same side of the river, is
a projecting headland, about a mile and a quarter wide,
distinguished at a considerable distance by the high
peak in which its summit terminates. On either side
of it there is a fine sandy beach, off which there is a
good anchorage. This is Chuenpee.
The hill, which is its principal feature, stands rather
towards the northern side of the promontory, and is
divided into two conical eminences, upon one of which
there was a high building, resembling a watch-tower,
which was now fortified , and formed a conspicuous
object as you ascend the river. At the bottom of
the hill there were a considerable stone battery and
other works. The whole of these had been very re
cently strengthened and extended. A line of entrench
ment, with mud batteries, had also been carried round
the rear . Behind the hill also, in an opening looking
towards the north, or into Anson's Bay, another small
battery had been erected, with an enclosed space or
square for barracks, surrounded by a parapet wall.
The extent of these works was not properly known
until the attack upon the place had commenced . It
was generally believed that the promontory and hill of
Chuenpee were connected with the mainland ; and it was
not until some time after the place was taken that the
discovery was made, as will presently be described , that
Chuenpee was, in reality, an island .
On the opposite or western side of the river, which
is here about three miles wide, is another smaller pro
montory, called Tycocktow , with a line of strong
batteries close along the shore, faced with granite. This
See map
was also subsequently found to be an island. The
whole of the country which borders the river is moun
tainous and picturesque.
Returning again to the east side, about four to five
miles above Chuenpee, we come to the high hill and
fortifications of Anunghoy, the most important of the
works at the Bogue. Between Chuenpee and Anung
hoy lies the beautiful bay called Anson's Bay, about
two miles deep ; on one side of which it was at one time
proposed to found an English town . Anunghoy, like
Chuenpee, was discovered to be also an island ; and
that circumstance, as will be afterwards seen, was a
source of great anxiety to Keshen, who saw the con
sequent weakness of the position of Anunghoy, and
reported it to the emperor. In fact, our light squadron
might have probably gone up the river by the passage
at the back of Anunghoy, without passing through the
Bogue at all. But these facts were not then known .
The works at Anunghoy consisted of two very strong,
heavy batteries, built of excellent granite, and partly
of the composition called chunam . The masses of stone
were afterwards found to be of immense size, so much
so, that it was no easy task to blow the works to pieces,
even after they were taken. The two principal bat
teries were connected together by temporary works of
recent construction ; and, according to the usual Chinese
practice, a semicircular wall was carried round the rear
of each fort along the side of the hill.
The breadth of the river from Anunghoy to the oppo
site side is from two to three miles, being somewhat
less than it is lower down between Chuenpee and Ty
cocktow. But in the very middle of the river in this
part, are two rocky islands, called North and South
Wantung, of moderate elevation, and also aa smaller rock,
scarcely visible at high water. Hence there are two
channels up the river, one on either side of these islands ;
but that on the east side towards Anunghoy is the one
which had always been frequented by foreign ships, and
was considered to be the Bocca Tigris, or Bogue.
The passage on the western side of Wantung was not
only not frequented by Europeans, but not even known
to be navigable, until our preparations were made for
the capture of the Bogue forts, when some of our ships
passed up on that side to the attack of North Wantung.
The true Bogue, or eastern passage, is only about three
quarters of a mile wide ; the current, or rather the tide,
is very rapid, on which account ships generally prefer
keeping rather near to the Anunghoy side. Of the two
islands called Wantung, the northern is the highest and
largest, lying quite opposite Anunghoy, and was very
strongly fortified. South Wantung, the smaller island,
was not fortified by the Chinese, being not considered
by them of sufficient importance to require it. It lies
some distance lower down the river, and, looking at
their relative positions, you would hardly suppose they
were within effectual gun-shot distance from each other.
Such, however, was the case ; and the Chinese forts on
North Wantung were shelled from South Wantung by aa
small battery, constructed by a detachment of our troops
in a single night, being covered during their work
principally by the Nemesis, which ran close in shore for
that purpose, being herself sheltered by the island.
Further to obstruct the passage up the Bogue, the
Chinese had carried an immense chain, or rather a double
chain, across it, supported by large rafts from one side
to the other, one end of it being secured at Anunghoy,
and the other end being fastened into a rock near South
Wantung, which was nearly covered at high water. To
complete the account of these famous defences, it only
remains to mention another fort on the western side of
the river, nearly opposite Wantung, which was called .
Little Tycocktow, and was not of recent construction.
By the Chinese themselves these extensive works were
considered impregnable, for they had not yet experi
enced the tremendous effect of the concentrated fire of
line - of- battle ships.
Tiger Island can scarcely be said to form part of the
Bocca Tigris ; it lies nearly two miles above Wantung ;
and, although there was a considerable stone battery on
its eastern side, it was not likely to be of any service,
and the Chinese wisely abandoned it, and removed the
guns. This island, however, is a remarkable feature in
the general aspect of the river, being in reality a high
rocky mountain, cleft in two at the top, and presenting
to view several deep chasms on both sides, yet clothed
with verdure in some parts, while it is rudely broken up
in others. It is altogether a very peculiar object, al
though it cannot be said to bear much resemblance to a
tiger's head, from which it takes its name.
VOL . I. R
Keshen’s negociations — Gains courage as he gains time — General remarks
-Influence and character of the Empress — Emperor's eulogy of her
- Agitation in China — Heu Naetze's memorial — Reference to Tang
and his colleagues — Predictions of aa former Emperor — Memorials on
the opposite side - Choo Tsun and Heu Kew - Reformation of morals
-Death and funeral of the Empress — Character of the present Em
- Ascended the throne in 1820— Observations — Further re
marks on the character of Lin - English books translated for him
His letters to the Queen of England Character of his successor ,
Keshen An astute and polished courtier Severity of his punish
ment - Commencement of 1841 Hostilities - Attack on Chuenpee
and Tycocktow , on the 7th of January -- Details of forces engaged
Remarks on the action - Services of the Nemesis — Sufferings of the
wounded Chinese — Burnt by ignition of their own clothes.
The Imperial Commissioner Keshen now wisely re
solved to gain as much time as he could by negociation ;
and seemed in the first instance to have almost equalled
his predecessor Lin, in his desire “ to control the fo
reigners, and to reduce them to submission . ” His con
ferences with that functionary, who now remained at
Canton as viceroy, were numerous and confidential; but,
instead of precipitating the crisis by mad violence, he
professed to trust rather to the “ employment of truth
and the utmost reason 7” to attain his ends. But these
are mere figures of speech among the Chinese, and have
little of the nature of those principles which they are
supposed to indicate.
Keshen's cautiousness was at once shown by the in
structions which he issued respecting the nature of the
white flag, and by his enjoining that for the future the
troops were “ not rashly to open their artillery, without
first ascertaining what was the purpose of the approach
of any boat bearing such a flag .” And, moreover, that
“ they were not to provoke hostilities, by being the first
to fire on the foreign ships, nor in their desire for ho
nours to endeavour to create trouble.” Nevertheless,
he added, “ negociations are not yet settled, and the
troops must not be idly off their guard . ” On his side,
likewise, Captain Elliot was quite as anxious to avoid a
collision as Keshen himself ; and thus affairs went on
until the close of the year, without any approach what
ever to a solution of the difficulties. Keshen exhibited
a vast deal of tact and
cunning', which in fools supplies,
And amply, too, the place of being wise.”
Great as our force already was even at that period,
it does not at all seem to have intimidated Keshen, who
appeared to gain courage as he gained time. Indeed, it
could hardly be expected that the ancient barrier of
Chinese pride and self-sufficiency would crumble down
before a single blow, however strong ; and even the chief
actor in the scene himself hesitated long to strike,
when he knew that it would make an empire tremble.
But the great, the haughty, the mysterious China,
was at length destined to bend, and gradually to open
R 2
wide her portals to the proud barbarian's resistless in
tercourse. Among the important personages who con
tributed indirectly to bring about this wonderful re
sult, perhaps not the least remarkable was the Empress
herself, to whom some allusion has already been made.
Very little was heard concerning her at the time, in re
mote parts of the world , and therefore aa few additional
notices must be interesting. She must, indeed, have
been aa person of no ordinary character, who could have
raised herself, by her talents and her fascinations, to a
seat upon the throne of the Emperor of China. Her
early history is little recorded , but her influence was
secretly known and felt in almost every part of the em
pire, even before she obtained the short-lived honours of
an empress .
It is difficult to imagine how any woman , brought up
in the subordinate position which is alone allotted to
the sex in China, with the imperfect education which is
there attainable, and with all the prejudices of her early
life, and the proud assumption of superiority of the
other sex to contend against, could have had imparted
to her the peculiar tone of character which she pos
sessed. In her attempts to reform and to improve,
she never ceased to be Chinese ; indeed, she seems to
have thought that to restore what was fallen to decay
was the best kind of reform . She sought the removal
of abuse, the purification of public offices, and the im
provement of the details of administration throughout
the country. Her influence became paramount ; and
those who could not be gained by her arguments are
said to have been led by her fascinations.
The words of the Emperor's public eulogy of the em
press, after her death, will in a measure point out this
feature in her character. He declared that “ she was
overflowing with kindness to all, lovely and winning."
She held control over the hearts of those about her,
not by dint of authority, but by gentleness and forbear
ance. “ Her intercourse," he added, “ lightened for me
the burden of government, and the charm she spread
around conciliated all hearts. And now I am alone
and sad .”
It may surely be pardoned to such a person that she
had her favourites; but amongst them she reckoned
many that were talented ; and in her choice of persons
for high employment, she possessed the most valuable
of all talents to those who are called upon to exercise
their power of selection—that of distinguishing not
merely abstract merit, but of discerning those less con
spicuous qualities of the mind which constitute fitness
for office and aptitude for public distinction.
The greatest influence of the Empress seems to have
been exercised about the years 1835 and 1836, and it
was just at that period that the question was so keenly
debated, at court and elsewhere, whether opium should
be permitted, under certain modified regulations, or
whether it were possible to put an end to the traffic hy
force, and to drive the nation from its use by fear.
This was evidently the commencement of a new era in
that country, for whatever might be the result of the
debate upon this important question in the Chinese cabi
net, the effect of it was to occasion the agitation of the
subject throughout the empire . Agitation in China !
But a spirit of change had now begun to tincture
even the minds of true Chinamen , and the amiable Em
press herself became affected by, and even in a measure
encouraged, that movement. The vice-president of the
sacrificial board, by name Heu Naetze, and others,
amongst whom was reckoned also Keshen, belonged
to the immediate favourites of the Empress, and but
for that high protection it is probable that Heu Naetze
would hardly have ventured to present his famous me
morial in favour of the legalization of the opium -trade.
His chief and most important argument was, not that
it would be a good thing in itself, but that it would be
perfectly impossible to prevent it by any means the
government could adopt ; and also that foreign trade
generally was of importance to China, from the revenue
which it produced, and the employment which it gave to
the people. He showed how totally ineffectual every
increase of punishment, even to death itself, had proved,
for the prevention of the practice, which, on the con
trary , had increased tenfold ; and he then went on to
make it evident that “ when opium was purchased
secretly, it could only be exchanged with silver ; but
that, if it were permitted to be bought openly, it would
be paid for in the productions of the country.” And he
cleverly adds : “ the dread of the laws is not so great
among the people as the love of gain, which unites
them to all manner of crafty devices, so that sometimes
the law is rendered wholly ineffective. ” But he would
still prohibit all public officers, scholars, and soldiers,
from using it, under pain of instant dismissal from the
public service .
It is known that the Empress received this recommen
dation with particular favour, but the Emperor referred
it for the consideration of the crafty old Tang, the go
vernor of Canton, who was at the very time deriving a
large revenue from winking at the clandestine sale of
the drug. The answer of Tang and his colleagues was
decidedly favourable to the project. They declared
that “ the circumstances of the times rendered aa change
in the regulations necessary .” They openly admitted
that the payment of distinct duties would be far less
onerous than the payment of bribes ; that the laws
could then be administered, and would be respected ;
and that the precious metals, which were now oozing
out of the empire, would then be retained in it. They
even went so far as to say that the dignity of the go
vernment would by no means be lowered by it ; and
they further declared that the prohibition of the luxury
made it more eagerly sought for.
Here then was clearly another triumph on the Em
press's side ; and those who were opposed to her prin
ciples feared it as such, and redoubled their efforts to
produce her fall. But the recommendation did not
even stop at that point ; for it went so far as even to
encourage the cultivation and preparation of the poppy
within the empire, in order to exclude a portion of the
foreign article from the market.
One might have supposed that the influences which
were now at work to produce a better state of foreign
trade, backed by the countenance of the Empress, and
supported by the apparent neutrality of the Emperor,
would have sufficed to occasion some modification in
the existing laws.
Keshen himself, who had what is called a long head ,
though in good favour with the Empress, and influential
in the country, seems to have remained at that time
neutral upon the question in agitation. Others, how
ever, showed a bitter hostility to every change, but bit
terest of all to the whole race of foreigners. When
they could no longer argue with success against the
principles of what might be called the free -trade party,
they raked up all the smouldering ashes of deadly hos
tility to foreigners, because they were not Chinese (how
ever estimable they might otherwise be), and they ap
pealed to an old saying of the Emperor Kanghe, the
grandfather of his present Majesty, namely, “ that there
is cause for apprehension lest, in centuries to come,
China may be endangered by collision with the various
nations of the West, who come hither from beyond the
seas. Indeed it is well known that there prevailed in
China a tradition to that effect; and also another, " that
China would be conquered by a woman , in time to
come. And so generally were these two predictions
or traditions remembered during the war, that the im
pression came to prevail among many of the people,
that it would be useless to resist us, because we were
a people from the far west, and were ruled by a queen.
The two principal memorials on the opposite side of
the question have been pretty generally circulated ; one
being by Choo Tsun, a member of council and of the
Board of Rites, the other by Heu Kew, a censor of the
military department. They argued for the dignity of
the empire, and the danger “ of instability in maintain
ing the laws.” They called for increased severity of
the law itself, not only to prevent the exportation of
silver, but to arrest the enervation and destruction of
the people, and they openly declared their belief that
the purpose of the English was to weaken the people
and to ruin the central land ; and they further appealed
to all the “ luminous admonitions ” of the emperors and
others of olden days against the influence of foreigners.
Memorials also came in from many of the provinces,
particularly those along the coast, showing that even
the army had become contaminated by opium, and that
soldiers sent against the rebels in recent seditions were
found to have very little strength left, though their
numbers were large. In short, the whole of the me
morialists on the anti-importation side argued to the
effect that increased severity could stop the use of
opium, and therefore that it ought to be stopped, be
cause it tended to enervate the people, and make them
an easy prey to the foreigner, while the quantity of
silver exported enriched the latter in proportion as it
impoverished the former. Thus the hatred of opium
and detestation of the foreigner became very nearly sy
At length , when the Emperor's beloved son died from
the effects of opium in the imperial palace, then the grief
of the emperor, and the conviction of the misery pro
duced by the drug, worked upon his feelings fully as
much as upon his judgment. An attempt was made to
place the question upon moral grounds; and the Empe
ror affected on a sudden to weep for the misfortunes of
the nation , and to lament the depravity of his “ dear
children :” and his paternal heart, in the exuberance of
its benignity, determined to cut off all their heads, if
they would not mend their ways. Thus, by degrees, the
reformation of morals became the subject of agitation
quite as much as the principles of trade had been
before .
By this time, the influence of the poor Empress had
quite declined . She forgot that, in making many friends,
she had made many influential enemies. Neither her
beauty nor her talents could save her, and she fell ra
pidly from her pinnacle of power. She only lived to
share the Emperor's throne for about five or six years ;
a very short, but remarkable, reign. She could not
survive the loss of her power ; and , when her opponents
so completely recovered theirs, her proud spirit sunk
under the weight which pressed upon her..
Nothing could be more touching than the expressions
of the Emperor, published in the Pekin Gazette. He
calls her a perfect pattern of " filial piety ;" and there
fore bestows upon her the posthumous title of the “ per
fectibility of filial obedience . ” It should be here re
marked that what they call “ filial piety ” is the highest
moral attribute in the Chinese system of ethics .
The Empress died in the beginning of 1840, and was
buried with great pomp ; the whole nation was ordered
to go into mourning for a month, and the public officers
were not to shave their heads for one hundred days, as
a mark of their sorrow. Her death left the Emperor
Taoukwang surrounded by troubles and dangers in his
old age, with few about him whom he could trust,, and
none to comfort him in his difficulties. She left two or
three young children . But he had six children by his
former wife, of whom nearly all, or, it is believed, more
than half, have died .
The Emperor was born on the 20th September, 1782 ,
and is therefore upwards of sixty-one years old . He
ascended the throne in 1820. The troubles and conti
nual disturbances which have marked his reign, the fre
quent rebellions and disorders which have long been the
constant theme of his animadversions in the Pekin Ga
zette, may perhaps be considered less as the result of
his own measures than as the marking features of the
present era in Chinese history. He ascended the throne
when disorders were almost at their height, and when a
conspiracy had already broken out in his father's palace.
Indeed, he was expressly selected by his father to be his
successor (although not the eldest, but the second son),
because he had on a former occasion distinguished him
self by his energy and success in crushing a traitorous
attempt within the palace.
The Emperor appears to be an amiable but weak
man, well intentioned towards his people, sensible of
the difficulties of his country, but, at the same time,
blinded and misinformed by the favourites about him,
and retaining too many early prejudices to be able tho
roughly to cope with all the difficulties which have
from time to time beset him.
The next most important character who figured at
the period which has been already alluded to was Com
missioner Lin, of whom so much has been said. The
principal features of his character have been already
delineated. He is described as having been stout in
person, with a vivacious but not unpleasant manner,
unless highly excited ; with a keen, dark, penetrat
ing eye, which seemed to indicate that he could as
sume two opposite characters, according as it might
suit his interest or his ambition. He had aa clear, dis
tinct voice, and is said to have rarely smiled. His
countenance indicated a mind habituated to care. In
the course of his proceedings at Canton, he seems never
to have permitted himself to adopt the character of a
“ negociator," but invariably to have assumed that of a
“ dictator," which was more natural to him. His word
was law . He was not dismayed by sudden difficulties,
and appears to have been quite sincere in all his wishes
to arrest the progress of the evils he complained of, and
to reform the morals of the people. With this object,
he closed all the gaming-houses at Canton, which were
as numerous as the opium-shops, or more so, and were
generally maintained in conjunction with the latter ; so
much do vices court each other's company .
In reality, Lin feared the foreigners as much as he
hated them. But the intercourse he now had with them
led him to value their knowledge more highly, and pro
bably he knew full well that knowledge is power. He
had portions of English works translated for his own
use, such as Thelwall's pamphlet against opium, Mur
ray’s geography (parts), &c.; and he had in his employ
three or four young Chinamen, who knew something of
English, and of English habits, having visited the straits'
settlements, and one of them the United States. His
scheme of writing to the Queen of England was certainly
remarkable, and his two letters were curious documents
in themselves ; perfect models of the bombastic style,
yet, withal, not altogether destitute of specious sayings.
The following specimens of the former will here suffice.
He says, “The powerful instrumentality whereby the
celestial court holds in subjection all nations is truly
divine and awe-inspiring ! ” He then takes care to add
that “ the English had on various occasions sent tribute
(alluding probably to the presents of Lord Macartney
and Lord Amherst ), and that it was entirely owing to
the emperor's benevolence that England had become so
great and flourishing as it is said to be !"
Lin was by no means wanting in energy to meet the
great crisis which he had contributed so much to pro
duce. In addition to the enlisting of troops, the prepa
ration of defences, the casting of guns, building of fire
vessels and gun -boats, &c., he directed that many pas
sages of the river should be blocked up with stones, and
others staked across with piles.. When, at length, he
received the reproof of the Emperor, written with the
vermilion pencil, he stated in reply, “ that prostrate he
had beat his head upon the ground, oppressed with
shame and grief.” A year has passed, he adds, and yet
the opium is not excluded ; he confesses his inability,
and begs that his master will visit him with the heaviest
punishment, that his incapacity may be a warning to
others. It is .a remarkable circumstance that he dis
tinctly declares that Captain Elliot had petitioned him
to receive the opium, and adds, in proof of it, that he
possesses the original petition, written in English and
Chinese. But, whether true or not, he omits to tell his
master that he already had Captain Elliot, and all the
254 KESHEN .
foreign community, secure within his grasp , and had re
fused them not only food , but even water.
In short, Lin was a bold, uncompromising, and spe
cious man . He tried to console the Emperor, by assur
ing him that he was quite certain that, along the northern
coast, sickness and cold would carry off all the barbarian
forces, even if the want of food, and the exhaustion of
their powder and shot, did not reduce them to extremi
ties. He never once alluded to any probability of being
able to beat off the barbarians in fair fight.
With regard to his successor, Keshen , who next came
upon the stage of public life, his character will be bet
ter developed as we proceed. But it is worth while here
to remark , that Keshen appears to have been one of the
few about the court who began to apprehend serious
consequences from Lin's measures. He had always been
cautious in committing himself, and though no friend of
the foreigners, he had feared their power, and felt the
weakness of his own country, as well as the necessity of
trying some other measures than those means hitherto
employed, to put a stop to the perpetual disturbances
which took place in several parts of the empire, and
threatened rebellion even within the capital.
Keshen was an astute courtier, a polished and well
mannered man, and all those who were present at either
of his two interviews with Captain Elliot were struck
with his courteous and gentlemanlike manner. Although
he made every preparation for resistance, he seems to
have thought he could gain more by diplomacy, and he
resolved to take advantage of the disposition for nego
ciation rather than dictation on Captain Elliot's part,
to play his cards with tact and cunning, in the hope of
gaining time. But he saw his weakness, and the
impossibility of contending with success against our
forces, and, having distinctly reported thereon to the
Emperor, he was, of course, set down as a coward, and ,
consequently, as a traitor. He had the boldness to tell
the Emperor the actual weakness of his strongest points
of defence ; whereas, Lin only stated how much stronger
they would have been , had the government made it a
rule to have devoted ten per cent. of the whole customs'
revenue of Canton to the improvement of their means
of defence, the building of ships, and the casting of
cannon .
In one thing, however, Lin and Keshen were both of
a mind—namely, as to the importance of the foreign
trade of Canton to the imperial revenue. They ven
tured to correct the Emperor's notion that the customs'
duties of Canton were unimportant, and not worth a
thought, ” by telling him that they “ already ”” produced
upwards of thirty millions of taels, or ten millions
sterling, and that, as the revenue of Canton far exceeded
that of any other province, a portion of this conside
rable sum, which was obtained from foreigners, should
have been applied to defending themselves against fo
Much has at various times been said about Keshen's
? If Lin was correct in saying that the revenues derived from foreign
trade for the Emperor's chest amounted to ten millions sterling, how
enormous must have been the whole revenues paid by that trade, when
we know that the imperial revenues scarcely formed a third of what was
actually paid in various ways !
treachery and bad faith . But it will be seen as we proceed
that he was driven into these acts by the distinct orders
of the Emperor, and that keeping faith with us was to be
viewed as treachery to his master. Indeed, the severity
of Keshen's punishment at the Emperor's hands proves
not so much how ill be served his master, as how unfor
tunate he was in having a much more profound head
than Lin, in being able to see further into futurity, and
to catch the shadows of coming events ; in short, how
much too far in advance of his countrymen he was, in
being able to appreciate their position in the face of the
foreigner, and how unfortunate in presuming to attempt
to ward off the dreaded blow by timely concession.
Without venturing to anticipate further the remarkable
points in Keshen's career, which will be better developed
as we proceed , we may now turn our attention to the
interesting events of the year 1841 .
We have already seen that there was little probabi
lity, at the close of 1840, of any satisfactory arrange
ment being made between Keshen and Captain Elliot
without a resort to arms. Accordingly, all prepara
tions were completed ; and, the first week in January
having passed without any nearer prospect of a settle
ment, although repeated opportunities had been given
to Keshen to arrange matters amicably, as had been
proposed at the conference at Trentsin , orders were at
length issued for the immediate resumption of hostili
ties. The morning of the 7th of January, 1841 , was
the period fixed on for the attack upon the forts at
Chuenpee and Tycocktow, being the lowest, or, in other
words, the first, you approach in ascending the river.
The object was to reduce the whole of the famous de
fences of the Bogue one after the other, and, if neces
sary, to destroy them. It will be seen, however, that a
considerable pause occurred before they were all at last
The plan of attack upon Chuenpee, and the forts on
the opposite side of the river at Tycocktow , was as fol
lows, under the direction of Commodore Sir Gordon
Bremer, who, it will be remembered , had become com
mander-in-chief upon the retirement of Rear- Admiral
the Honourable George Elliot, in consequence of severe
illness. The troops, comprising detachments of the
26th and 49th regiments, (the greater part of which
were with their head-quarters at Chusan) under Major
Johnstone of the 26th , together with the whole of the
37th Madras Native Infantry, under Captain Duff of
that regiment, and a detachment of the Bengal Volun
teers, under Captain Bolton, were to embark on board
the Enterprise and Madagascar steamers by eight o'clock
in the morning, to be conveyed to the point of debarka
tion, which was selected about two miles and a half
below Chuenpee, to the southward, where they were to
be landed in boats. The Nemesis took on board a large
portion of the 37th . A battalion of royal marines,
upwards of five hundred strong, under Captain Ellis,
were to be landed in the boats of their respective ships ;
while a body of seamen under Lieutenant Wilson, of the
Blenheim, were also to join the landing force. A small
detachment of the royal artillery was to be under the
command of Captain Knowles, R. A. , having under
him the Honourable C. Spencer ; and one twenty -four
VOL . I. S
pounder howitzer, with two six-pounder guns, one
from the Wellesley, and one from the Melville, were to
be landed , together with thirty seamen, to be attached
to them for the purpose of placing them in position ;
also fifteen men from the Blenheim were to be em
ployed in the rocket and ammunition service.
In front of the Chinese entrenchments there was a
ridge, by which in a manner they were commanded, and
upon the crest of this the guns were to be placed.
While this was being done, strong covering parties were
to be pushed in advance, and to act according to cir
cumstances, waiting for the effect of the fire from the
guns, as well as from the ships, which were to be placed
in the best positions for silencing the batteries.
The whole of the force on shore was under the com
mand of Major Pratt, of the Cameronians, and com
prised altogether about one thousand five hundred men .
As regards the naval force engaged, it was ordered
that the Queen and Nemesis steamers should proceed to
take up a position within good shelling distance, ac
Non-com, officers
and privates.
Royal artillery, under command of Captain Knowles, Royal
Artillery ......... 33
Seamen, under Lieutenant Wilson, of H. M. S. Blenheim ... 137
Detachments of the 26th and 49th regiments, under Major
Johnstone, of the 26th regiment 104
Royal marine battalion, under Captain Ellis, ofthe Wellesley 504
37th Madras Native Infantry, under Captain Duff, 37th N. I. 607
Detachment of Bengal Volunteers, under Captain Bolton ... 76
together with thirty seamen attached to the guns.
cording as the depth of water would permit ; and at
once to commence firing into the fort upon the summit
of the hill. Having rendered this post untenable, and
having watched the advance of the troops, which might
be selected to take possession of it, they were then im
mediately to attack the lower fort, along the shore near
the northern point, if it should not have been already
abandoned or carried. Meanwhile, the fire from the fort
above, by this time expected to be in possession of a
portion of our troops, was also to be turned in the same
direction ; and , when the enemy should be driven out,
they were to be “ dealt with ” by the remaining part of
the troops .
The Madagascar and Enterprise steamers, as soon as
they had landed their troops, were to join the division
under Captain (now Sir Thomas) Herbert, in the Cal
liope, having with him the Larne, Captain Blake, and
the Hyacinth, Captain Warren. They were directed to
proceed to attack the batteries, towards the northern
extremity, as well as in front, and to be prepared to
proceed to capture some of the numerous war -junks,
which were seen at anchor at the bottom of Anson's
Bay. The two steamers above mentioned were also to
hold themselves in readiness to go alongside any ship
that might chance to require their services.
Captain Belcher, of the Sulphur surveying vessel,
was to take upon himself the general charge of the
steamers in the first instance, so far as concerned “ the
placing them in a position already ascertained by him ; "
which , probably, referred to the position to be taken up
s 2
for shelling the upper fort, as well as to the point of
debarkation for the troops.
Such , then , was the plan of attack upon Chuenpee ;
that of Tycocktow will follow better when the account
of the Chuenpee action is completed.
The landing and re - embarkation of the forces was
under the direction of Lieutenant Symons, of the Wel
lesley, and the whole of it was conducted with great
regularity. The landing of any considerable body of
troops is always an exciting scene ; but now for the first
time in the history of China, if we except the trifling
affair at the barrier at Macao, European troops were
about to meet in battle the sons of the “ flowery nation,”
upon the very soil of the “ Celestial Empire.” Nor
did the Chinese shrink from the contest in the first in
stance, for they had yet to learn the irresistible power
of European warfare, and the destructive efficacy of
European weapons.
The leading troops were the royal marines and the
royal artillery, the guns being dragged along by the
blue jackets. The road lay through a winding valley for
nearly the distance of a couple of miles, until it led to
a transverse ridge, from which the whole of the Chinese
works could be viewed, consisting of a strong entrenched
camp, flanked by small field -batteries of recent and hasty
construction, and connected with the Hill Fort above,
by a high breastwork continued up the hill towards it.
The object of the Chinese was evidently to protect the
rear of the fort, which was plainly the key of the posi
tion . In the rear of their field - batteries were deep
trenches for giving shelter to their men from our shot,
and the Chinese could be seen lining the works, and
waving their flags in defiance.
The guns of the royal artillery were soon in position
upon the ridge, and began firing with great precision
into the entrenched camp ; while an advanced party of
the royal marines, crossing the shoulder of the hill to the
right, drove the Chinese speedily from it ; and , then
descending into the valley beyond, came upon a second
encampment, with a small field - battery, which was soon
cleared . A detachment of the 37th M. N. Infantry had
also been sent further round to the right of the advance,
where they encountered the Chinese in some force.
While all these operations were going on, The Queen
and the Nemesis steamers ( the latter having first rapidly
disembarked her portion of the 37th, with the main body
of the force) took up a position within good shelling
distance of the Hill Fort. The Nemesis, from her light
draught of water, was enabled to take up her station
inside The Queen, and both vessels commenced throwing
shell with great precision into the fort, much to the
astonishment of the Chinese, who were unacquainted
with this engine of destruction .
Captain Hall had on this occasion, as on several sub
sequent ones, the able assistance, as a gunnery officer, of
Mr. Crouch, one of the mates of the Wellesley, who was >
permitted to serve for a time on board the Nemesis.
* In the official report of Captain Belcher, and on a subsequent occasion ,
it is stated, by mistake, that Mr. Crouch was serving on board The Queen.
This active young officer well deserved the promotion which he soon
obtained. He was unfortunately wounded at the close of the war, at
Chin -Keang -Foo.
The Chinese could not long withstand the fire of the
68-pounder of The Queen, and the two 32 -pounder pivot
guns of the Nemesis, the shells from which could be
seen bursting within the walls of the fort.
At the same time, on the land-side, the principal
entrenched camp bad by this time been carried by the
main body of the troops, and, twenty -five minutes after
the shelling of the fort had commenced, the British flag
was seen waving upon its top, and the firing ceased .
Major Pratt himself, with only two marines, had been
the first to run up the hill and reach the fort; upon
which the Chinese, seeing that they were pressed behind
as well as before, abandoned the fort in great confusion ,
leaving Major Pratt and his followers in possession of
this most important position, upon which the British
flag was hoisted by a royal marine.
The Nemesis, as soon as this was perceived, hastened
on to join the ships of war, (the Calliope, Larne, and
Hyacinth ) which had taken up their positions nearly
within musket-shot of the lower batteries, and were
doing great execution. The works were, however, con
structed of strong material, comprising large blocks of
the composition called chunam , very much resembling
stone, but less fragile. The Nemesis came up just in
time to pour in several discharges of grape and canister
from both the pivot-guns, and had then to witness one
of the most dreadful spectacles of war. The Chinese in
the battery had already been assailed by our troops from
the fort above ; and now a party of the royal marines,
and the 37th M. N. I., which had previously cleared the
second camp in the valley behind, were seen coming
round the hill, ready to pounce upon them as they
attempted to escape out of the fort. The unfortunate
men were thus hemmed in on all sides ; and, being un
acquainted with the humane practice of modern warfare,
of giving and receiving quarter, they abandoned them
selves to the most frantic despair.
Now were to be seen some of those horrors of war
which, when the excitement of the moment is over, and
the interest as well as danger of strategic maneuvres are
at an end, none can remember without regret and pain.
The Chinese, not accepting quarter, though attempting
to escape, were cut up by the fire of our advancing
troops ; others, in the faint hope of escaping what to
them appeared certain death at the hands of their vic
tors, precipitated themselves recklessly from the top of
the battlements ; numbers of them were now swimming
in the river, and not a few vainly trying to swim, and
sinking in the effort ; some few , however, perhaps a
hundred, surrendered themselves to our troops, and were
soon afterwards released. Many of the poor fellows
were unavoidably shot by our troops, who were not only
warmed with the previous fighting, but exasperated be
cause the Chinese had fired off their matchlocks at them
first, and then threw them away, as if to ask for quarter ;
under these circumstances, it could not be wondered at
that they suffered . Some again barricaded themselves
within the houses of the fort, a last and desperate effort;
and, as several of our soldiers were wounded by their
spears, death and destruction were the consequence.
The slaughter was great ; nor could it be easily con
trolled when the men were irritated by the protracted
and useless attacks which were made upon them from
behind walls and hiding-places, even after the British
flag was hoisted. It is wonderful that the casualties
among the men were not more numerous.
The commandant of the fort was killed at the head of
his men ; and it is related that his son, as soon as he
found that his father was dead, resolving not to survive
him, and being unable to avenge his death, jumped into
the sea, in spite of all remonstrance, and was drowned .
Those who have witnessed the individual bravery, be
it courage or be it despair, frequently exhibited by the
Chinese during the war, in almost every encounter, will
be slow to stamp them as a cowardly people, however
inefficient they may be as fighting men in armed bodies,
against European discipline and modern weapons.
The most painful of all the scenes on this occasion
was that of the bodies of men burnt perhaps to death
when wounded .
It is well known that the bow and arrow is the fa
vourite weapon of the Tartar troops, upon the dexterous
use of which they set the highest claim to military dis
tinction. The spear also, of various forms and fashions,
is a favourite weapon both of Tartars and Chinese ; but
the matchlock, which in all respects very nearly resem
bles some of the old European weapons of the same name,
except that the bore is generally somewhat smaller, is
of much more modern introduction, and by no means
so much in favour with the Chinese ; this is occasioned
principally by the danger arising from the use of the
powder, in the careless way in which they carry it.
They have a pouch in front, fastened round the body,
and the powder is contained loose in a certain number
of little tubes inside the pouch, not rolled up like our
Of course, every soldier has to carry a match or port
fire to ignite the powder in the matchlock when loaded.
Hence, when a poor fellow is wounded and falls, the
powder, which is very apt to run out of his pouch over
his clothes, is very likely to be ignited by his own match,
and in this way he may either be blown up at once, or
else his clothes may be ignited ; indeed, it is not impos
sible that the match itself may be sufficient to produce
this effect ; it is therefore not surprising that they should
regard the matchlock with some little apprehension.
At Chuenpee, many bodies were found after the action
not only scorched, but completely burnt, evidently from
the ignition of the powder ; although it is to be hoped
that many of these were dead before their clothes caught
In one of the latest encounters during the war, at
Chapoo, where a few of the Tartars defended themselves
so desperately in a house in which they had taken re
fuge, they were seen stripping themselves altogether, in
order to escape the effect of the fire upon their combus
tible clothes when the building was in flames ; and many
other instances of a similar kind were noticed during the
war .
With respect to the attack upon the fort at Tycock
tow, on the opposite side of the river, the Nemesis was
not concerned in that part of the operations of the 7th
January. The force employed on that service was placed
under the orders of Captain Scott, ofthe Samarang, 26 ;
and consisted , in addition to that vessel, of the Druid,
44, Captain Smith ; the Modeste, 18, Commander Eyres;
and Columbine, 16, Commander Clarke. Captain Scott
was directed to proceed to attack the forts upon Tycock
tow, and to dismantle them, spiking the guns, and de
stroying the forts as much as possible ; after which, he
was to take up a convenient position in reference to
the expected operations against the proper Bogue forts
higher up.
Captain Scott led the way gallantly in the Samarang,
without returning the fire of the Chinese, until he dropped
anchor within cable's length of the middle of the fort.
The Modeste, Druid, and Columbine came up almost
directly after, and then commenced the terrific thunder
of artillery, which soon sufficed to shatter the walls, and
to make a breach, through which the seamen and marines,
which were landed from the ships, soon carried the fort
by storm . The Chinese fled in all directions up the hill,
but not without witnessing, to their cost, the deadly
effect of our musketry upon their confused bodies ; nor
did they yield without shewing some instances of bold
personal courage.
The attack through the breach was led by Lieutenant
Bowers, first lieutenant of the Samarang, who received
a sabre cut across the knee ; which shews that the Chi
nese did not run away without first coming to close
quarters ; their loss, however, was considerable. The
guns in the fort were all spiked , and then thrown into
the sea ; the magazines and other buildings were set on
fire (the wounded having been first removed) ; but it
was not thought necessary to pursue the Chinese further.
As soon as these operations had been completed , the
whole of the party which had landed, comprising the
boats' crews of all the ships engaged , returned on board .
Part of them had proceeded to attack the northern end
of the fort, namely, those of the Druid and Columbine,
and were commanded by Lieutenant Goldsmith, (since
promoted ) and great praise was given to all the officers
and men concerned, for their gallantry and good conduct.
The number of guns destroyed was twenty -five ; those
which were captured at Chuenpee amounted altogether
to sixty -six pieces, of various calibre, including those
in the entrenchments, as well as those upon the upper
and lower forts. Many of the guns, however, were not
mounted, shewing that the preparations for defence had
not been completed ; some were only 6 -pounders, but
a great portion of the remainder were about equal to
our own 12-pounder guns. Of course, they were all
rendered unserviceable.
The operations of this day have not yet, however, been
all described. So far as relates to Chuenpee and
Tycocktow , little remains to be added , except that the
killed and wounded, on the part of the land force, on
our side, amounted to thirty ; and on that of the naval
force, to eight men and officers. But the destruction
of the war -junks in Anson's Bay also formed part of the
feats of this day ; and, as it more particularly relates to
the Nemesis, it shall be reserved for a separate chapter.
Destruction of Chinese squadron in Anson's Bay — Nemesis and boats
Description of Chinese position River at the bottom of the bay -
Explosion of a junk — Chinese trying to escape Junks abandoned
and set on fire — Nemesis proceeds up the river Captures two more
junks at a town - Killed and wounded on the 7th January – Number
of guns taken - Admiral Kwan loses his button of rank—New Chinese
boarding -nettings -·Novel application - Description of new kinds of
war -junks — With English guns - Wheeled boats Orders of the
Emperor to build ships on European models — Official report of the
actions to the Emperor by Keshen - Degradation of Admiral Kwan
New plans to destroy the English ships — Preparations to attack the
Bogue forts — Disappointment — Truce - Cession of Hong Kong -
Restoration of the forts — Remarks on Captain Elliot's measures -
Troops ordered to withdraw from Chusan .
The total destruction of the Chinese squadron of
war-junks, on the day of the action of Chuenpee ( 7th
January ), under the orders of Admiral Kwan, completed
the discomfiture of the Chinese by sea and by land.
The engagement took place in Anson's Bay, which has
already been described as lying between Chuenpee and
Anunghoy. The Nemesis here took aa most distinguished
part ; and some of the boats of the Calliope, Hyacinth,
Larne, Sulphur, and Starling, co-operated with her in
the action, in which Lieutenants Watson and Harrison ,
and other officers of the Calliope and Larne, deservedly
won their laurels .
At the bottom of Anson's Bay was the entrance of a
small river, unknown until now, having a small island
at its mouth, somewhat on the Chuenpee side . Within
this, and in a measure protracted by a sand-bar which
ran out from it, lay the Chinese fleet of about fifteen
war-junks, moored in a good position in shallow water,
so as to prevent the near approach of our ships. Direc
tions had been given to Captain Herbert, of the Cal
liope, to make arrangements for the attack of these
war-junks, as soon as the defences on Chuenpee should
have fallen . The moment, therefore, that it was per
ceived on board the Nemesis, as she ran up towards the
lower battery, and poured in her grape and canister, that
the upper fort had fallen, and that the lower one could
not longer hold out, she hastened, without a moment's
delay, to the attack of the enemy's squadron. Full
steam was set on, without waiting to see what other
measures might be taken elsewhere to effect the object.
In her anxiety to secure the post of honour, the
Nemesis rounded the point of Chuenpee a little too
close, and struck rather heavily upon a rocky reef run
ning out some distance from it, but upon which it was
thought that there was still water enough to enable her
to float safely. She did indeed pass over it, but not
without striking ; but her iron frame did not hang upon
it as a wooden one would probably have done, and she
proceeded, without even stopping her engines. That
the force of the blow however was considerable, and
would probably have seriously damaged a wooden vessel,
is shown by the fact of her having the outer paddle
ring of one of the wheels broken, together with two of
the long arms attached to it. It is evident that a blow
which would cause such injury to iron would have
done much more serious damage to wood .
About this time, Captain Belcher, of the Sulphur,
joined her, with two of his ship's boats, anxious to par
take of the honour of the affair. A few of the Sulphur's
seamen also came on board . As she pushed along, she
was also reinforced by Lieutenant Kellett, of the Star
ling, who brought his gig, or whale-boat, and sub
sequently did good service, by occasionally pointing
the foremost gun of the Nemesis, at his own request,
with great precision.
As they approached the position in which the Chinese
junks were drawn up, it was easily perceived that it had
been well chosen, with scarcely more than five feet
water round the vessels, and that, in fact, they could
not be attacked in front, except by boats. However,
the Nemesis, having the great advantage of drawing
less than six feet water, was able to approach near
enough to bring her two 32-pounder pivot-guns to bear
within good range. Just at this moment also a large
boat, or pinnace, of the Larne, was observed, making its
way round the outside of the little island, with a view
to cut off the junks in the rear.
The boldness of this maneuvre, under the command
of Lieutenant Harrison, was much admired ; and, in
deed, the dashing way in which many similar attacks
were made on other occasions during the war took the
Chinese by surprise, and struck them with a wholesome
terror, even before they came to close quarters.
One of the most formidable engines of destruction
which any vessel, particularly a steamer, can make use
of is the congreve rocket, a most terrible weapon when
judiciously applied, especially where there are com
bustible materials to act upon. The very first rocket
fired from the Nemesis was seen to enter the large junk
against which it was directed, near that of the admiral,
and almost the instant afterwards it blew up with a
terrific explosion, launching into eternity every soul on
board, and pouring forth its blaze like the mighty rush
of fire from a volcano . The instantaneous destruction
of the huge body seemed appalling to both sides en
gaged . The smoke, and flame, and thunder of the
explosion, with the broken fragments falling round, and
even portions of dissevered bodies scattering as they
fell, were enough to strike with awe, if not with fear,
the stoutest heart that looked upon it.
It is related that, at the battle of the Nile, when the
French Admiral's ship, L'Orient, blew up, both ofthe
fiercely -fighting foes paused in horror at the dread
ful catastrophe, and neither side renewed the fight for
at least ten minutes afterwards. So here, also, although
the explosion was far less violent, and the contending
parties comparatively trifling in number, and far less
excited by the contest, there was a momentary pause ;
the very suddenness of the catastrophe added something
to the awe and rejoicing, combined, which it excited.
The rocket had penetrated into the magazine of the
junk , or had ignited some of the loose powder too often
scattered carelessly about the decks by the Chinese
gunners. They naturally felt that the same fate might
readily befall any of the other junks ; and, after some
discharges of round shot had been thrown into the
nearest junks ( four of them were afterwards found
lodged in the admiral's junk), their crews were ob
served endeavouring to escape on shore, some upon the
little island, and others upon Chuenpee ; while, at the
same time, the junks were all cut away by those remain
ing on board, in order that they might drift on shore,
and enable the rest to escape .
The Chinese hauled down their colours on board their
junks at about half -past eleven, but continued firing
afterwards. At about twelve o'clock, the boats of the
Nemesis, in company with the others which were pre
sent, put off to board the junks. Only two of the
smaller ones succeeded in getting away up a small
branch of the river, while two more escaped, for the
moment, up another principal branch to a large town,
but were subsequently captured.
Some of the junks drifted on shore ; and, as there
could be no utility in saving them, they were all suc
cessively set on fire, by order of Captain Belcher, and
ultimately blew up. In some of the junks which were
not yet quite abandoned by their crews, the poor
Chinamen, as the English sailors boarded them on one
side, rushed wildly over on the opposite one, or let
themselves down by the stern-chains, clinging to the
ship’s rudder. Others, as the fire gained upon their junk,
retreated before it, and continued hanging to the yet
untouched portions of it, until the flames advancing upon
them rapidly, they were obliged to throw water over
their own bodies, to enable them to bear the intense
heat, still desperately clinging to their fate, more from
fear of ill-treatment, if they should be taken prisoners,
than from any rational hope of being saved. In many
instances, they would not be saved ; in others they could
not, and were destroyed as their junk blew up . In fact,
they all appeared completely panic -struck ; to which the
sudden explosion of the first junk by the rocket con
tributed not a little.
On the following day, the principal part of the guns
were recovered, altogether upwards of eighty in number,
of which eight or ten were handsome brass Portuguese
guns 6, 9 , and 12 -pounders. One of these was, a few
days afterwards, presented to Captain Hall by the offi
cers and crew of the ship under his command , together
with a letter signed by them all, in which he was
requested to accept it from them , as “ a mark of their
remembrance of the coolness and judgment which he
had shown throughout that day. ” It would be needless
to say that their coolness and gallantry were also well
remembered by their commander himself.
Altogether, eleven junks were destroyed on the spot.
Scarcely had this duty been completed by the different
boats engaged, when the Nemesis hastened on up the
river, and, at the distance of about three miles, came
upon a large town , where she found two war-junks
moored close to the shore, but abandoned by their
crews . The consternation of the people was extreme;
they were seen running away from the town in all di
rections ; the surrounding hills were crowded with the
anxious and astonished gazers, wondering what was
going to happen next ; never, of course, having either
seen or heard of a “ devil ship ” before, and well know
VOL . I. T
ing that her visit could only be a hostile one. It was
enough that they had already heard of the total destruc
tion of their fleet at the river's mouth . The place was
not at all fortified, not a shot being fired on either side.
The tide was now beginning to fall, and, as the water
was not deep, and the bar would soon become impassable,
and the day was already far advanced, it was thought
better to return, without exploring the river higher up.
Accordingly, taking in tow the two junks, the Nemesis
again descended the river ; but one of the junks getting
aground on the bar, at the entrance, was obliged to be
left behind, while the other was taken safely down, and
soon after five p. m. the Nemesis joined the squadron
off Chuenpee, and received the thanks of the commo
dore for the services she had rendered during the day.
She had received no important damage, the paddle-box
only having been injured by a well -directed shot from
one of the junks.
The burning of the junks was a service by no means
unattended with danger to those employed in it ; for,
the guns on board, many of them being still loaded,
went off as soon as the fire reached them, threatening
to do serious damage to the Nemesis as she passed near.
It must have been a fine sight for the troops who
were in possession of Chuenpee, to witness from the top
of the hill the encounter with, and total destruction of,
this fleet; the numerous burning masses, and the loud
explosions as they blew up ; with the boats pulling
about among them , lighted by the glare of the fires :
all this, added to the excitement which always attends
the being a looker-on while others are actors in deeds
of danger, must have formed a most animating spec
tacle . The scenery about Anson's Bay is moreover
bold and picturesque, and the limited space in which
the affair took place must have added something to the
interest it awakened . For several days after the event
fragments of the broken wrecks were seen strewed along
the beach, and it was some time before even the indus
trious and economical Chinese could muster resolution
to pick them up.
To the Chinese this had been in all respects a most
disastrous day. Their stone walls and their wooden
walls had been alike destroyed. And, although they
might before have dreaded us by sea, they had never
until now had an opportunity of testing the power of
Europeans on land. The soil of their forefathers had
now been defiled by the hostile tread of what they were
pleased to call the “ red barbarians ;" their defences
were destroyed, their troops dispersed, and the spell of
their unapproachable seclusion broken. All the “ spe
cial favours ” and “ compassionate forbearance ” which
the tender-hearted benevolence of the great emperor
had hitherto conferred upon the “ barbarian” in words
were now thrown back upon him in cannon - balls, and
the proud victor's conscious power now stood front to
front with the still prouder emperor's unconscious
On this day, the 7th January, 1841 , the native In
dian troops and the Royal Marines constituted con
siderably more than two-thirds of the whole force em
ployed on shore.
The loss of many hundred killed and wounded on the
T 2
Chinese side, with something less than forty wounded
and none killed on our side, shows rather that the Chi
nese were deficient in proper weapons to match their
foes, than wanting in personal bravery to meet them in
the fight.. And, as they were not yet acquainted with
the European mode of sparing an unresisting enemy ,
they suffered great loss from unsupported and useless
resistance , when timely submission would have saved
many lives . They exasperated our troops without a
chance of benefitting themselves .
The Chinese admiral, the fine old Kwan, lost the red
ball or button of his cap, the emblem of his rank, during
the encounter with the junks . It was reported that he
wished to meet his death at the hands of his foe, and was
with some difficulty borne off by his attendants; but this
fate was reserved for him on a future occasion, and he
showed himself a chivalrous and brave man . The loss
of his ball or button , which has certain marks upon it
which probably indicate that it is conferred by imperial
favour as an emblem of rank, seemed naturally to occa
sion him the greatest possible anxiety and trouble. He,
in fact, made application for it to be returned to him,
if it chanced to have been found ; and it is gratifying
to know that, through the intervention of Captain Elliot,
her Majesty's plenipotentiary, it was recovered and ge
nerously restored to him .
The total number of guns taken or rendered unser
viceable during the operations of this day, ashore and
afloat, amounted to one hundred and seventy -three
pieces, including eighty-two in the junks, of which a
few were brass, but mostly of small calibre.
As mention has now particularly been made of junks,
as a name for Chinese vessels, we may take this oppor
tunity, while the Nemesis is quietly at anchor with the
ships under Captain Herbert for the night, to say a few
words upon these curious vessels .
The junks with which the Nemesis was engaged in
Anson's Bay were provided with quite a new sort of
boarding-nettings, if they can be so called. Probably
old Admiral Kwan , whose reputation as a seaman was
not very great, had heard that English ships of war were
sometimes provided with nets when going into action ;
and, therefore, without knowing very well what
might be the purpose of them, he determined to have
them likewise. But, alas ! he made aa sad mistake con
cerning the object for which they were intended . He
very naturally thought, that, in the position which he
had taken up in shallow water, only the boats of the
squadron could come close to him, and he hit upon the
bright notion of trying to catch them with his nets, just
as a poacher catches his sleeping game by throwing a
net over them. A number of strong fishing-nets were
fastened all round the sides of the junks, not extended
so as to impede any one trying to get on board, but
triced up outside over each of the guns, in such a way ,
that, when our boats should come alongside, the nets
were to be thrown over them, men and all ; and thus
our jolly tars, of course, as he imagined , struck power
less with fear, were to be caught like hares in their
form , and handed over with great facility to the tender
mercies of the emperor .
Certainly this scheme had the merit of novelty and
ingenuity, but, unfortunately for Kwan, men were not
hares or rabbits.. No sooner did the guns of the Neme
sis open fire, than the nets were all forgotten in their
fear of the shot and the rockets ; and, long before the
boats could get alongside, the defenders and men
catchers were glad to be off, to avoid being themselves
All Chinese vessels of whatever description, except
their smaller boats of various kinds, with or without
sails (of the latter there are very few ), are called by
Europeans junks. They vary in size, the largest of
them sometimes measuring as much as eight hundred
tons . A more unwieldy-looking machine, or one less
calculated for efficient service at sea, than the old
fashioned junks, can scarcely be conceived. Although,
since the commencement of the war, they have gradu
ally improved them very much in the fashion of the
hull, and have taken the grand step of beginning a
change of some sort or other, still the masts and sails,
and all that appertains to the rigging of a vessel, are
very little different from what they have hitherto been .
It should be noticed, that the boats and smaller rig
ged vessels of the Chinese are generally very much su
perior to their large junks in form and convenience of
arrangement,, and often sail very well. The family to
whom the boat belongs lives entirely on board , and, for
the combined purposes for which their boats are gene
rally used, perhaps no arrangement could be better
adapted for making the most of a limited space ; and
they are, moreover, kept remarkably clean.
The war-junks are of different sizes, and have guns
WAR - JUNKS . 279
varying in number from four to fourteen, and even more,
mounted upon them, of various calibre, some of foreign
make, but principally Chinese. The smaller junks are
also adapted for oars or sweeps, of which they sometimes
can work as many as twenty on either side. The crew
are further provided with a great number of spears,
swords, matchlocks, and frequently large jingals, not
unlike our duck - guns, fitted with a rest upon the bul
warks of the vessel, so as to give the power of taking a
steady aim. There are generally a large number of
round shields on board, made in a saucer-like fashion,
and about two and a half to three feet in diameter.
They are composed of ratans, or canes, strongly twisted
or woven in together, and are so elastic, that it would
be very difficult to cut through them with a sword ; and
even a musket-ball fired from a long distance, and hit
ting them at all in a slanting direction, would be turned
off. They are usually hung all round the bulwarks,
resting upon the top and outside of them , giving a very
striking appearance .
A large junk puts put one very much in mind of
one of the old Roman galleys, only less efficiently
constructed for venturing away from land, and not un
frequently gaudily ornamented with green and yellow
colours. Several improvements have been adopted by
the Chinese since the commencement of the war. They
had constructed a number of gun-boats for the defence of
the river higher up, upon Europeon models ; and, towards
the close of the war, they built one or two large junks,
which they called frigates, with great improvements in
shape and general arrangement, and regular port-holes
for the guns on the deck below, and with heavy guns too
mounted in them . One of these we saw near the
Bogue, after the peace, mounting thirty -six guns, all of
foreign manufacture, many of them 9 and 12-pounder
iron guns, made by Fawcett, of Liverpool, and purchased
either at Macao or at Singapore.. The junk was very
clean, and in good order, painted green , and coppered ;
and, with the exception of the masts and sails, which were
looked very well. This vessel was
in the old style, she looked
said to have been constructed by order of Tinqua, one
of the Hong merchants , who has distinguished himself
by his zeal in defence of his country ; and it was by him
presented to the emperor , together with a European
barque , and a brig, rather the worse for wear in the
merchant service , which he purchased at considerable
cost. These are still to be seen in the river of Canton ,
manned by Chinamen , but, as might be expected , not in
good order as regards the rigging and sails, and not
very well adapted for a cruise at sea .
Another large vessel, which they purchased in the
early part of the war, called the Cambridge, as will be
presently seen, was destroyed in the river, in an engage
ment with our vessels, in which the Nemesis bore a con
spicuous part.
But the most remarkable improvement of all, and
which shewed the rapid stride towards a great change
which they were daily making, as well as the ingenuity
of the Chinese character, was the construction of several
large wheeled vessels, which were afterwards brought for
ward against us with great confidence, at the engagement
at Woosung, the last naval affair of the war, and were each
commanded by a mandarin of rank , shewing the impor
tance they attached to their new vessels. This too was
so far north as the Yangtze Keang, where we had never
traded with them ; so that the idea must have been sug
gested to them by the reports they received concerning
the wonderful power of our steamers or wheeled vessels.
To anticipate a little, it may here be mentioned, that
the vessels had wooden wheels, very like an undershot
mill-wheel, which were moved by machinery inside the
vessel, worked by a sort of capstan by manual labour,
the crew walking it round and round, just like walking
up an anchor on board a man -of-war; the horizontal
revolution was turned into the upright one by strong
wooden cog -wheels, upon regular mechanical principles.
When once the spirit of change and improvement has
taken hold of the Chinese, it is impossible to say where
it will stop among so ingenious and indefatigable a
people. Even the emperor himself has ordered still
greater changes to be made since the peace, and has
directed that “the best materials for building ships shall
be procured from all parts of the world ; and that, as
only ships built on European principles can contend
with European ships, they must gradually learn to adopt
European models themselves. But, as this can only be
effected by time, and the ships are required now to sup
press the pirates which infest his coast, they are at once
to purchase foreign ships, and learn to exercise their
crews. ”
Who could so soon have expected such an order
from a great despotic monarch, who has hitherto pro
fessed to be guided only by the light of his ancestors,
and the wisdom of the ancients ; and whose whole people
have eschewed all change in the prescribed inviolable
tyranny of usage, as if it were the introduction of a
dreaded pestilence into the “ flowery land !"
To return from this short digression, we may now ask
what sort of a report was made by Admiral Kwan to his
mighty master, upon the subject of these first actions
below the Bogue — the first great collision between the
power and science of the west, and the self-confidence of
the remote east. Keshen, clear-sighted as he certainly
was, could not fail to perceive the many troubles and hu
miliations to which his country must become subjected if
hostilities were pushed to extremes. He was fully alive
to the serious defeat he had sustained, yet dreaded to
break the truth too suddenly to his haughty master ;
wise, therefore, in his generation, he declared that there
had been a " drawn battle .” He informed his master
that the contest had been maintained from eight a. m.
until two p. m., and that “ then , the tide ebbing,” (the tide
of fortune he might have said !) “ the foreign vessels
ceased firing, and anchored in the middle of the stream,
each side maintaining its ground .”
At that time, as has been seen, not only were the
Chinese forts long in our possession, but their fleet was
destroyed , and their commander-in -chief in full flight.
He alluded to the “ presumptuous, overbearing, and un
ruly violence of these foreigners, ” and then detailed the
measures he had adopted for reinforcing the positions,
and apologised for the absence of more detailed infor
mation, upon the ground of his anxiety to communicate
the earliest possible intelligence, to which he “ sub
missively implored the sacred glance of his august
The emperor, or rather his ministers, were not so
easily to be duped. Keshen was at once declared to be
“ incompetent ; ” and it was ordered that his conduct
“ should be subjected to the severest consideration ; "
while poor old Kwan was accused ofbeing “ at all times
devoid of talent to direct, and , on the approach of a
crisis, to be alarmed , perturbed, and without resources ."
From the earliest times to the most modern, success
has been vulgarly considered in all countries to be the
grand criterion of merit ; and the “ Felix ” of the an
cients, the successful, the favoured of the gods, stands
nearly as paramount in the estimation of the world now
as it did even in days of old . Kwan was accordingly at
once deprived of his rank and insignia of office, but was
ordered henceforth to labour to attain merit, bearing
his punishment in the mean time. And , indeed, when so
much parade had been made by the local authorities, of
what they had done and what they intended to do, it
was not unnatural that the emperor should visit them
with punishment in precise proportion to their failure.
Various plans were suggested for future proceedings
against the English ; it was admitted that the junks
could not cope with our ships on the open sea, and it
was therefore recommended “ that our vessels should be
enticed into the inner waters, and that there should be
employed expert divers to go down at night, and hore
holes in their bottoms,” while other parties were to
come stealthily upon them at night and board them
unawares, and massacre the whole of their crews.”
Above all, a grand preparation of fire -ships was to be
made, filled with various combustibles, which, with a
favourable wind, were to be let loose upon them, and,
in the confusion resulting from this attack, their war
vessels were to follow and complete what the fire -vessels
had commenced. Great rewards were again offered for
the taking or destruction of any of our ships, and
50,000 dollars was to be the recompense for a line-of
battle ship
As aa last and truly Chinese suggestion, it was recom
mended to the emperor by some officious great man,
that as soon as the English should really “ repent of
their sins, and become sincerely submissive, the Portu
guese of Macao should become security for their good
behaviour in future ! ”
We must now return to the current of events, which
took place immediately after the capture of Chuenpee.
The evening after the engagement was spent in making
preparations on both sides for renewing the contest on
the morrow. Every one on board our ships was excited
with the occurrences of the day, and anxiously longing
for the dawn of morning, when the thunder of our artil
lery should make even the walls of Anunghoy and the
famed Bogue forts tremble and fall. At length the sun
rose bright and full of promise on the morning of the
8th. The boats of H.M.S. Sulphur were sent out to take
soundings higher up towards the Bogue. The Nemesis
was first under weigh, and was directed to proceed at
once up to Anunghoy, with a couple of rocket-boats.
The morning was calm : the line- of -battle ships were
slowly moving up to the positions assigned to them in
front of the principal forts; already had the Nemesis
taken up a position within capital range of the southern
battery of Anunghoy, in such a manner that only three
or four guns could be brought to bear on her from it ;
already had she thrown in several shells and shot-when
the signal for her recal was observed flying most pro
vokingly from the mast-head of the Wellesley, and
being enforced by more than one signal gun, the firing
ceased. Just as the exciting moment had arrived, and
every man was calculating in his own mind how soon
the forts would be reduced, the stillness, not of breath
less anxiety, but of bitter disappointment, prevailed in
every man's bosom
It soon appeared that old Admiral Kwan pre
ferred to try his skill in cunning and diplomacy rather
than in war, and had sent off a small boat to the flag
ship, under a flag of truce, with a note addressed to the
plenipotentiary. The well-known fact has excited some
amusement, and not a little chagrin , that a little boat,
with an old woman and a man in it, was sent off to bear
proposals for the cessation of hostilities at the very mo
ment of their commencement.. "Some say that a Chinese
prisoner, whom we had sent back to Anunghoy the day
before, was in the boat, and the bearer of the letter.
However that may be, certain it is, that this humble
paper, sent in this extraordinary way, was received, and
became the groundwork of an armistice, which was con
cluded in the course of the day. Soon after four
o'clock in the afternoon , the Nemesis was sent to con
vey Lieutenant Maitland of the Wellesley to Anunghoy,
as bearer of a chop or official document, relating to the
truce, and to a projected treaty of peace, the precise
terms of which did not transpire.
Many animadversions were made upon this proceed
ing. But, in point of fact, nothing was known of the
orders of Captain Elliot, which were generally supposed
to have been more of a negative than of a positive kind,
leaving him to act principally according to his own dis
cretion. It could not be said that war had been ac
tually declared against China, although the blockade of
the river of Canton, the order in council for the deten
tion and even confiscation of the Chinese junks, and the
occupation of Chusan, were, to all intents and pur
poses, equivalent to a declaration of war, both in word
and deed ; while the proceedings of the Chinese,
throughout the operations, clearly showed that they
understood and felt it as such. The Chinese themselves
would be the last to complain of the want of a formal
declaration of war.
Captain Elliot was placed in very peculiar circum
stances. He was desirous to avoid open rupture with
the Chinese, if possible, and to use his best tact and
judgment in negociation, which would, of course, be of
little avail unless backed by a strong force, ready to
support his claims, and therefore necessarily assuming
a threatening attitude. Above all, the value of the
revenue to be derived from tea was so great, and its
importance as an article of consumption so much thought
of, that Elliot believed himself to be best serving his
country when he best followed out, according to his
judgment, these two principal objects. That Captain
Elliot may have been influenced by occasional errors of
judgment, is far from improbable; but that he was
wanting in natural talent or principle, or a wish to serve
faithfully his queen, his government, and his country,
his most unscrupulous detractors have scarcely ven
tured to maintain. It is fortunate, at all events, that
it can still be said that measures of uncompromising
hostility were not urged, until every other method of
persuasion, and every less powerful, however ingenious,
argument had been tried and found wanting.
Negociations continued at the Bogue ; but theChinese,
in spite of the truce, were observed to be increasing
their defences, and notice was accordingly given to them
to desist. The communications were frequent ; and, on
the 17th, just a week after the commencement of the
truce, Captain Elliot went down in the Nemesis to
Macao. There seemed , however, to prevail an impres
sion, that the affair was so far from being settled, that
another collision could scarcely be avoided, and there
fore no measure of precaution was omitted on our
Several days were spent by Captain Elliot in Macao,
during which her Britannic Majesty's subjects were
given to understand that negociations on a “ satisfac
tory ” basis had been resumed with the Imperial Com
missioner Keshen. In the mean time, the fleet had re
tired to Chuenpee, where the British flag still waved in
triumph ; and on the 20th, the Nemesis proceeded to
join the force off that anchorage.
On that day, a circular was issued by Captain Elliot,
dated at Macao, announcing that preliminary arrange
ments had been concluded, but reserving the details for
future negociation . Hong Kong was to be ceded to
us ; an indemnity of six million dollars were to be paid
by the Chinese in six equal annual instalments, one
million being paid down at once, and the last in 1846 ;
direct official intercourse was to be maintained upon
terms of perfect equality, and trade was to be resumed
within the port of Canton, within ten days. But it
would also appear that an intimation had been made
of an intention to remove the greater portion of the
trade to Hong Kong, for it was provided that it should
only continue “ to be carried on at Whampoa until
further arrangements were practicable at the new set
Nothing could at first sight appear more satisfactory
than this arrangement; but, as will presently be seen,
itgave ample time to the Chinese to make further pre
parations for defence, and abundant loopholes for the
exercise of their crafty ingenuity. At the same time,
Captain Elliot urged upon the consideration of his
countrymen “ the necessity of adopting a conciliatory
treatment towards the people, and a becoming defer
ence for the country upon the threshold of which we
were about to be established .”
Nothing further need here be said upon this subject,
except that on the following day, the 21st January, the
Nemesis was sent to convey two mandarins to Chuenpee,
who were to receive back the forts from Captain Scott,
of the Samarang , who had been appointed pro tempore
governor of this fortress.. The British colours were
hauled down, and the Chinese dragon was hoisted in
their place, under a salute from the flag -ship; it was
very evident that no salute had ever sounded so welcome
to Chinese ears before. As soon as a few guns could be
got ready for the purpose, the salute was returned by
the Chinese.
We had certainly shown rather aa chivalrous leniency
to their government, in thus so suddenly restoring to
them one of their principal strongholds. Their delight
at the occurrence may readily be imagined, for their
colours were at the same time again hoisted upon
Anunghoy, where they had been temporarily lowered ;
and thus the British flag ceased once more to wave
upon the territory of the Celestial Empire. At the same
time, orders had been hastily sent up for the immediate
evacuation of Chusan , whence our troops were to be
brought down to Hong Kong, together with the ships
of war, as quickly as possible.
Every thing looked extremely peaceable upon paper,
and the Chinese contrived to create a temporary belief
in the sincerity of their intentions. "
It will be remembered that Sir Gordon Bremer had
not yet been named Joint Plenipotentiary, which did
not take place until after his return from Calcutta in
rank and file .
18th Regiment, Royal Irish, Lieutenant-Colonel Adams, 487
26th Regiment, Cameronians, Lieutenant-Colonel James, .291
49th Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Bartley ......... 326
Bengal Volunteers, Lieutenant - Colonel Lloyd ....... 402
Madras Artillery, Lieutenant-Colonel Montgomerie, C.B. ..... .185
Madras Sappers and Miners, Captain Cotton .... 227
VOL . I. U
The Queen steamer, in the month of June following.
He had proceeded to India in that vessel, at the end of
March, after the arrival of Lieutenant-General Sir Hugh
Gough, probably in order to confer in person with the
Thus ended what may be called the second act, (the
first having been the taking of Chusan, and the expe
dition to the Peiho) of the great drama of the Chinese
In his report to the emperor, respecting these
several occurrences, Keshen declared that “ he had
only made conditional concessions to the English ;
merely promising that he would earnestly implore the
emperor's favour in their behalf.” He afterwards
added that “ the English had evidently shown a much
more compliant disposition than heretofore, by having
restored the forts, and also the salt-junks which they
had taken, and also in causing their forces to withdraw
from Chusan." This would naturally create in the
emperor's mind an impression, that the English would
without much difficulty be reduced to submission. At
the same time, Keshen declared that he “trembled from
hand to foot, and that his heart was rent with pain
and anxiety, when he thought of the perverse crafti
ness of these unruly foreigners.” The commissioner
by these means weakened his own case, for he almost
made it appear that the English were most disposed to
yield , at the moment when he was himself asking
“ favours ” for them, but that they had got the better
of him by their ingenuity.
Immediately after the restoration of the forts on the
21st to the Chinese, the Commodore went down to
Macao in the Nemesis, leaving the Wellesley in the
Lintao passage, the main body of the fleet having pro
ceeded to Hong Kong. It was feared , however, that
things could not long remain in statu quo ; there were
several passings to and fro between Macao and the
fleet ; and on the 26th, Captain Elliot himself left
Macao in the Nemesis, and went up the Canton river
to hold a conference, which it had been arranged
should take place with Keshen in person, in order to
settle those points which, it has been stated, were re
served for future consideration .
U 2
Conference between Keshen and Captain Elliot at the second bar
Keshen sensible of his own weakness But driven to extremities by
orders from Pekin - Preparations for the conference — Nemesis the
first steamer which ever passed the Bogue — Arrival of a French
Corvette — Salute from the Bogue forts— Tiger Island - Aspect of
the Canton river - Pagodas — Arrival at place of conference - Guard
of marines — Hong merchants arrive, but not admitted to an audience
Captain Elliot and suite received by Keshen— Entertainment -
Keshen inspects the marines Private conference between the
high functionaries — Nothing definitely settled —Captain Elliot dines
with the Prefect of Canton-Keshen does not return his visit in person
-Nemesis returns to Hong Kong_Keshen's report to the emperor
of this meeting — Is superseded - Appointment of three commissioners
in his place — Suspicious circumstances - Elliot demands explanation
Proceeds to the Bogue in the Nemesis Second interview with
Keshen — Curious facts — Delay of ten days agreed to — Remarks
thereon - Force unwillingly resorted to — Preparations for defence still
continue at the Bogue - Suspicions of Captain Elliot and Sir G.
Bremer - Nemesis sent to the Bogue with the treaty — Waits four
days without any answer - Reconnoissance by Captain Hall - Disco
very that Chuenpee was an island — Also Tycocktow Boat fired at
from Wantung - Nemesis returns to Macao without the treaty - Sir
G. Bremer orders our forces to move up to the Bogue - Intercepted
despatches from Keshen to Admiral Kwan.
The famous conference which took place between
Keshen and Captain Elliot, some miles above the Bogue,
close to a pagoda on the banks of the river, at what is
called its Second Bar, has attracted very great and
deserved attention . Although its results were, in a poli
tical point of view, really of little moment, there is rea
son to think that Keshen, as well as Elliot, was anxious
to adjust the pending difficulties without further resort
to arms .The advantage, however, which delay of any
kind would afford to Keshen , and the ultimate inter
ruption of the negociations, followed, as it was, immedi
ately by the capture of the Bogue forts, have led many
to conclude that Keshen had all along no other object
than that of putting us off our guard, in order that he
might complete his still imperfect arrangements for de
fence, and then throw down the gauntlet to us in defiance.
This view of the matter appears to have been a good
deal exaggerated ; and we shall perceive, as we follow
this narrative, that Keshen was thoroughly sensible of
his own weakness, and really did desire to avert the
storm, but was fairly driven into extreme measures, and
the suspension of all amicable intercourse, by positive
orders from Pekin . Indeed, he was afterwards accused
of treason, bribery, and incapacity, because he even
condescended to confer at all with Captain Elliot, in
stead of advancing boldly upon him, and driving him
and all his troops and ships away from the coast.
Keshen saw the imbecility of such conduct, and al
though he knew the hopelessness of an attempt to
defend the river, he had no other alternative but to
obey ; he had already been deprived of some of his
decorations for having listened to terms at Chuenpee,
and his only hope of saving himself from ignominy, and
even death itself, was by striving hard to exhibit greater
zeal in the defence of the Bogue, which, nevertheless, he
scarcely hoped to be able to maintain .
Let us now , however, accompany the Nemesis up the
river, in order to see what sort of an affair the grand
conference at the Second Bar really was, and how the
interview between the Plenipotentiary of England and
the High Commissioner of China actually came off. It
was naturally expected that it would be an affair of
great ceremony, and as it was the first time that any
intercourse had been permitted upon terms of perfect
equality with any of the high Canton authorities, and
as it was to happen in accordance with the stipulations
of the new treaty, it excited great interest, and kept
the curiosity of every one alive.
Adequate preparations were made on both sides,
becoming the high rank of the respective parties, and
doubtless each of them was calculating the most likely
mode of making a good impression upon the other.
One hundred marines, picked men from the Wellesley,
Druid, and Calliope, were embarked on board the Mada
gascar steamer, to be carried up as a guard of honour
for Captain Elliot, at the meeting ; they were com
manded by Captain, now Lieutenant-Colonel, Ellis, C.B. ,
having with him Lieutenants Stransham and Maxwell.
The excellent bands of the Wellesley and Calliope were
also in attendance, and it was expected that the Chinese
would be astonished and properly “ impressed ” by the
appearance and manquvres of the men , while they would
be gratified and put into a good humour, by the enliven
ing tones of the music.
On the 26th of January the Nemesis started from
Macao, with Captain Elliot and several officers on board,
and proceeded directly up to the Bogue. As she passed
Chuenpee, she communicated with the Calliope, which
was at anchor there, under Captain Herbert, a salute of
seventeen guns being fired for the plenipotentiary, and
was subsequently joined by the Madagascar, which was
to accompany her up to the place of meeting.. Captain
Herbert, the Honourable Captain Dundas, and Captain
Maitland, attended the Plenipotentiary. And now , for
the first time, two steamers were to enter the true Canton
river, and as the Nemesis was the leading vessel through
the Bogue, she had consequently the honour of being the
first steam -vessel, whether of wood or iron, which ever
navigated the “ inner waters ” of the Celestial Empire.
It was just at this time that the French corvette,
Danaide, arrived in the China waters, having been sent
out purposely to watch our movements in that quarter.
This, indeed, could have been her only object, for, as re
gards protection of trade, the French have never had
any trade with China worthy of the name, nor indeed
had the French flag floated over the walls of the foreign
factories at Canton for many years, until after the acces
sion of Louis Phillippe to the throne. Since that time
it has always been exhibited rather in hope of the future
than for the protection of present interests, for, except
the French consul and his attendants, there has been,
until recently, scarcely a French ship in China.
As the declaration of blockade was still in force
against the port of Canton, the Danaide was not per
mitted to proceed higher up than Chuenpee, but her com
mander, Captain Rosamel, was politely permitted by
Captain Elliot to accompany him on board the Nemesis,
that he might be a witness of the coming interview ;
an act of courtesy which was handsomely acknow
ledged .
As the two steamers passed through the Bogue, each
with a flag of truce at the fore, they were saluted with
three guns (the greatest number ever given in China),
by the forts on both sides. The Chinese also manned
the works, and hoisted numerous gay silken flags ; and
the effect of their curious costumes, and the general
appearance of the forts of Anunghoy and Wantung, when
their battlements were crowded with the eager spectators,
were very imposing. Certainly, the passage of two steamers
between them, the first they had ever seen, must have
been an exciting novelty. The bold, rocky steeps behind
the batteries of Anunghoy, frowning, as it were,, and
really commanding the batteries below , grinning defiance
with their whitened battlements ; and the opposite island
of Wantung, with its numerous works ; the more distant
shore of the mainland on the other side, and the remark
able Tiger Island a -head ; all these formed a very inter
esting and remarkable spectacle.
Nevertheless, although the Bogue is naturally a strong
position , and sufficiently formidable in its appearance,
it could not be compared in this respect with the Euro
pean Dardanelles, however it may have been called the
Dardanelles of China .
Just at the foot of Tiger Island, about two miles
above the Bogue, could be distinguished a long stone
battery, which, on a nearer approach, appeared deserv
ing of closer inspection, although, from its position, it
was not likely to be of much use for the defence of the
river. The Nemesis, accordingly , little fearing shallow
water at any time, ran up towards it, and came so close
to the battlements as to touch them with her yards ; in
which position, had her intentions been hostile, it was
very evident that she could batter the walls with her
guns with perfect impunity, for the guns of the fort
could not be depressed sufficiently to point at her hull
in that position .
This maneuvre thoroughly confounded the Chinese,
who looked on in evident wonder. And they so far pro
fited by the hint afterwards, that they abandoned the
fort altogether, as useless and untenable, and carried
away the guns, to add to the strength of the Bogue forts
lower down.
Beyond the Bogue and Tiger Island the river begins
to expand again, and for some miles presents to view a
flat, rich, alluvial country, in which are an immense
number of canals and water-courses, serving to irrigate
the paddy or rice fields, and to afford innumerable lines
of internal communication, which in that country mostly
take the place of roads and bridges.
In no part of China are there found within the same
distance so many large pagodas or religious monuments
as upon the banks of this fine river. This is not the
place to describe them minutely, or to discuss their
purpose. They are found in most of the large towns,
and sometimes on the banks of rivers, and form a part
of the religious buildings of the Budhist superstition,
and together with it, seem to have been originally intro
duced from the west. The shape of them is familiar to
most readers . The finest and most celebrated one of
the kind is the famous Porcelain Tower of Nankin
which is in reality a pagoda, larger and more ornamented
than the rest, and distinguished by being principally
constructed of Porcelain brick glazed , and of various
shades of colour. These towers, or pagodas, are of great
use in the navigation of the Canton river, as, from their
height, they are conspicuous objects at a distance, and
are generally placed in advantageous positions.
It was precisely at the pagoda at the Second Bar, as >
it is called, that the conference was now to be held ;
and there, at about six o'clock in the evening, the Ne
mesis and Madagascar came to anchor. A couple of
mandarins, or officers of inferior grade, ( for let it not be
supposed that a mandarin is necessarily a great man)
came on board, deputed by Keshen, to welcome the ar
rival of the plenipo. They were afterwards landed in
the ship's boat, which, in the darkness of the evening,
and from want of acquaintance with the river, got
ashore in returning, and with some difficulty reached
the vessel in the middle of the night.
A list of the names and rank of those officers who
were to be present at the interview on the following
morning was sent in to Keshen, in English and Chinese,
so that he might be quite prepared, when each gentleman
should be presented to him by Captain Elliot, to receive
him courteously.
Early in the morning, the guard of marines were
landed , together with the bands of the Wellesley and
Calliope. A finer body of men is rarely seen. Soon after
nine o'clock, the whole of the officers were ready to
go on shore, which was accomplished partly in the boats
of the two steamers, partly in very clean and convenient
Chinese boats provided by Keshen . They had to pull
some little distance up one of the numerous creeks which
open into all the Chinese rivers, and the scene as they
approached was very novel and interesting. On either
side were several very gaudily ornamented boats belong
ing to Keshen , very similar to the boats of the Hong
merchants at Canton, who had also arrived under the
guidance of old Howqua. They could scarcely hope to
enjoy the honour of a place at the conference, and were,
therefore, probably ordered by Keshen to attend upon
him. They were not admitted even into the same tents
with Captain Elliot and his suite.
The Hong merchants' boats are both large and conve
nient, somewhat resembling a small room or van, placed
upon a very sharp-pointed but broad boat, as they
are only used for pulling about the smooth waters of
the river. Nothing can be better adapted for comfort,
affording shelter both from the sun and rain , with plenty
of room for at least half -a -dozen people to sit down and
converse. The outside of these boats is showily painted,
and commonly decorated with handsome woodwork .
The inside is generally elegantly fitted up. They are
usually pulled by four men forward, who use a short
broad -bladed oar or paddle, with great dexterity and
effect ; and they are also assisted as well as steered by
a large heavy scull-oar behind .
The landing-place at the Second Bar pagoda pre
sented certainly a lively scene. The guard of marines
drawn up on either side highly astonished the Chinese,
but the people were kept from pressing too close by a
long line of railing put up for the occasion. The road
from the immediate landing -place to the grand tent was
spread over with various coloured cotton coverings, and
decorated with branches of trees.
At nine, a.m., Captain Elliot, accompanied by Captain
Herbert and the Honourable Captain Dundas, landed,
and went up in state, preceded by the bands, to the
principal tent, which was very like a large long booth,
ornamented inside with yellow hangings, in token of its
belonging to the representative of the emperor. At the
further extremity of it was another tent or apartment,
reserved more especially for Keshen's private use, and
into this only Captain Elliot and one or two officers in
personal attendance on him were admitted.
The whole party were presented to Keshen in the
outer tent, including Captain Rosamel of the Danaide ;
the list sent in the previous evening being referred to, as
each gentleman of the party made his bow to the Impe
rial Commissioner.
The first private audience in the inner tent between
Captain Elliot and Keshen was merely one of ceremony ,
and lasted only a few minutes ; the medium of commu
nication being through Mr. Morrison, the talented in
terpreter, and the gifted son of the late Dr. Morrison,
so celebrated as a Chinese scholar and philologist.
After the first introduction was over, it was an
nounced that a grand déjeúner à la fourchette was pre
pared in the outer tent, for the whole of the party, up
wards of twenty in number. Interminable was the
succession of dishes of the rarest and most expensive
kind, accordingto the best Chinese principles of gastro
nomy. The luxury of the shark’s -fin and the bird's
nest soups was here tasted for the first time, and,
without going deeply into the mysteries of the Chinese
cuisine,” it will be sufficient to say that a Chinese
feast is a very sumptuous and tedious, but, withal, not
unpalatable affair. It necessarily occupied considerable
time, and it was not until two o'clock that those officers
not in personal attendance upon Captain Elliot were able
to return on board the steamers.
In the interim, Keshen could not resist the wish to
gratify his curiosity concerning our fine-looking fellows,
the marines, and three of the tallest and finest men were
selected for his personal examination. He did not con
ceal his surprise, and even requested that they might be
made to go through some of their evolutions. Keshen
also examined their arms and accoutrements minutely,
for every thing was, of course, perfectly new to him.
He had himself a small body-guard of Chinese sol
diers, tolerably well- dressed , but otherwise of poor ap
pearance, compared with our own picked men, and they
seemed quite at a loss to comprehend the purpose of
the movements they witnessed.
There were a good many small tents pitched round
about the principal reception-tent, and, as each of these
was ornamented with a gay flag and other decorations,
the coup d'ailof the whole scene was sufficiently imposing.
Keshen’s manner throughout is described as having
been particularly kind , gentlemanlike, and perfectly
dignified. He might, indeed, be called a courtier-like
gentleman in any country.
What may have passed between Keshen and Captain
Elliot, during their private conference in the afternoon,
it would be useless to surmise. They met and parted
upon terms of equality and apparent good understanding.
There seems reason , however, to think that very little
was definitely settled ; and, after the lapse of two or
three days, Captain Elliot merely announced in a cir
cular that “negociations were still proceeding satisfac
torily, ” but at the same time “ he warned her Majesty's
subjects against proceeding to Canton for the present,
as it would be acting contrary to what he conceived
right for the public interest.” At the same time, how
ever, Hong Kong was proclaimed a British possession,
and all its Chinese inhabitants declared to be British
subjects. Provision was also made for the government
of the island.
Whatever terms Keshen may have agreed to at the
conference, it is well known that he was soon forbidden
by the emperor to carry them into execution. They
are therefore of little moment .
Captain Elliot returned on board the Nemesis in the
afternoon, apparently satisfied ; and in the evening a
display of rockets and fireworks took place from the
vessel, for the amusement of the Imperial Commissioner
on shore.
In the mean time, the Madagascar returned down the
river with the marines . On the following day, the 28th,
two superior mandarins came on board to pay their re
spects, and were saluted with three guns ; and , later in
the day, the whole body of the Hong merchants like
wise came to pay their respects to his Excellency ; but
it is worthy of remark, that Keshen himself did not come
in person to make a return-visit of ceremony.
Whatever may have been the reason of this omission,
it was unfortunate that Captain Elliot did not take
some notice of it. It might be said that Keshen was
afraid of compromising himself with his imperial master,
if he condescended so far as to pay a visit to a foreigner
on board his own vessel. But it is possible that another
reason also may have weighed not a little in his mind.
He got the Kwang Chow Foo, or prefect of Canton, who
was there, to ask Captain Elliot to dine with him on
board his barge, or large, covered boat, and his invi
tation was accepted. Keshen looked upon this as far
below the supposed dignity belonging to the rank which
Elliot held. After this act of condescension on Captain
Elliot's part, Keshen not improbably regarded it as
far beneath his own dignity personally to visit Captain
Elliot. Nor is it at all surprising, when we consider
that the court of China is, without exception, the most
ceremonious in the world . Indeed , at Pekin there is a
regular “ Court of Ceremonies,” to arrange all the com
plicated details.
Thus ended the whole business of this famous confer
ence. It should also be mentioned that, before they
parted, Keshen made a few presents to Captain Elliot,
but not of any very great value, and others to Captain
Herbert, which were divided among some of the officers.
Soon after three o'clock the steam was once more got up,
and giving and receiving a parting salute of three guns,
the Nemesis turned her head again down the river, having
the Louisa cutter in tow . The forts at the Bogue again
saluted her as she passed ; and, late in the evening, she
came to anchor in Tong Koo Roads, until daylight
enabled her to proceed to join the Commodore, who was
then in Hong Kong harbour.
As yet the treaty, in virtue of which we took pos
session of Hong Kong, had not received the emperor's
assent ; and our own precipitate restoration of Chusan
was likely rather to impede than to promote the object
it was intended to effect. The mere word of Keshen was
the only authority which we had to rely upon , the ratifi
cation of which was at least doubtful. However, both the
Commodore and Captain Elliot seemed already to regard
the island of Hong Kong as a positive acquisition, and
took the present opportunity of steaming all round it
on board the Nemesis, and seemed to be more than ever
proud of its possession.
As soon as the Commodore had returned on board
his own ship, the Nemesis proceeded, with Captain
Elliot, once more to Macao, where he landed with his
suite the same evening, well satisfied, to all appearance,
with the result so far as it could be called a result
of the great diplomatic interview which he had held
with the emperor's representative.
We may gather from Keshen's own report of this
grand meeting some insight into the effect which it was
likely to have produced at Pekin and in the emperor's
cabinet. He states that, “ never having visited the
Bocca Tigris, or made himself acquainted with the con
dition of the defences of the river, and having received
a request from Captain Elliot that he might have an
interview with him (after he had become pliant and
submissive), he took the opportunity of hitting two birds
with one stone ; and, as he descended the river (to look
at the Bogue, of course), he was met by Elliot near the
Second Bar, who had come in aa steam-vessel, and desired
to see him. His retinue did not exceed a few tens of
persons ; he brought with him no ships of war, and his
language and demeanour, upon that occasion, were most
respectful. He presented a rough draft of several articles,
on which he desired to deliberate, the major part having
reference to the troublesome minutiæ of commerce ;
and he agreed that, for the future, in any cases of the
smuggling of opium , or of other contraband traffic or
evasion of duties, both ship and cargo should be con
fiscated . Among the number of his proposals were
some highly objectionable, which were at the moment
pointed out and refused ; upon which the said foreigner
begged that emendations sḥould be offered and con
sidered of. This request has accordingly been granted
to him ; and, when these points shall be determined on
and agreed to, the whole shall be presented for your Ma
jesty's inspection. Your slave then parted with Elliot.”
Thus, little good appears to have resulted from this
first interview. Indeed, shortly after his report of it
to the emperor, Keshen received a severe reprimand
from the emperor for what he had already even pre
tended to promise. He was told that “ aa mere glance
at his memorials had filled the emperor with in
dignation . ”
Yihshan, a Tartar general of great repute, and who
will be found to figure afterwards on several occasions,
was now sent down to Canton, invested with the office
of “ general pacificator of the rebellious;” and two
assistant functionaries, called Lungwan and Yang Fang,
VOL . I. X
were also ordered to repair thither, “ to co-operate in
the work of extermination." Additional troops were de
spatched : orders were sent that “ the soldiers should be
exercised and encouraged by rewards ; " that “ addi
tional supplies of provisions, money, arms, cannon, and
powder, should be procured ; and that all were to unite
in perfect harmony with Yihshan, in order to recover the
lost places, and clearly to display the vengeance of
Heaven, achieving for themselves great merit.”
These orders of the emperor were issued on the 30th
of January, but did not reach Keshen until the 10th or
11th ofFebruary. On our side, nothing important took
place for several days; arrangements connected with
the establishment of Hong Kong were continued ; and
there was a constant passing to and fro of officers be
tween that place and Macao, for which purpose the
Nemesis was always employed .
The 2nd of February was the day on which it had been
agreed with Keshen that the trade of the Port of Can
ton should be opened — namely, ten days after the
Chinese New Year. No proclamation to that effect,
however, was issued by the Commissioner. Various
rumours were already afloat concerning the measures in
progress up the river for obstructing its navigation :
and, at length, finding that the “ satisfactory manner"
in wbich it had been proclaimed, on the 30th of January,
that the negociations which were proceeding had already,
in the following week, assumed an “unsatisfactory tone, ”
and that, in fact, every thing appeared very delusive,
Captain Elliot determined to go up to the Bocca Tigris
in person, and demand a distinct explanation from
Keshen of what were really his intentions. It was
known that Keshen had reached the Bogue; and Cap
tain Herbert had even sent an officer to compliment
him upon his arrival on the 29th of January, and aa salute
of three guns was fired in honour of the occasion. On
the 10th of February, Captain Elliot embarked on board
the Nemesis, accompanied by Captain Smith and Captain
Knowles, of the artillery, together with Major Pratt, of
the Cameronians, and Mr. Morrison, as interpreter, and
was conveyed up the river, anchoring for the night in
Anson's Bay.
On the following morning they once more passed
through the Bogue, the battlements of which were
manned by the Chinese, as the steamer passed ; and a
salute of three guns was fired from each of the batteries,
which was of course returned by the Nemesis. So far
every thing looked pacific and complimentary enough.
Having passed completely through the Bogue, she came
to anchor, about ten o'clock, above the forts, a little to
the north of Anunghoy, and close to the boats of the
Imperial Commissioner, who was already there. This was
on the 11th ofFebruary ; and it is aa curious coincidence
that it was on this day that Keshen received the imperial
commands to resume vigorous measures against Captain
Elliot and all the foreigners. At all events, even if the
communication had not reached him previously, it was
certainly put into his hands on the morning of this
second interview with Captain Elliot ; for he himself
afterwards acknowledged, in a public proclamation,
that he received it on the 11th of February, viz. on this
very day.
X 2
The interview on this occasion was comparatively one
of little ceremony ; indeed, Keshen had made no pre
paration for it on shore, and received Captain Elliot
in his own covered barge, unattended by any man
darins of rank, and without any display or attempt at
Captain Elliot, on his part, having merely introduced
the officers who came up with him from Macao, in
order that they might make their bow of respect to
the emperor's representative, immediately proceeded
to business without loss of time, in the most private
manner possible . During the few minutes that his
suite were present, however, it did not escape their
notice that some mighty change had already come over
the spirit of the great commissioner. There was an
appearance of constraint about him, as if his mind was
downcast, and his heart burdened and heavily laden.
He never indeed for a moment lost his self- possession ,
or that dignified courtesy of manner which no people
can better assume than the Chinese of rank ; but there
was still something undefinable in his bearing, which
impressed upon all present the conviction that some
thing untoward had happened . Some of the party
even guessed that he had been degraded from his high
rank, which was in fact the case. Enough, at all events,
was visible upon the surface, to awaken Captain Elliot
to the necessity of extreme tact and caution, before he
placed any reliance upon Keshen's power, whatever
may have been his will, to act up to his promises.
What may have passed at this second interview be
tween these two high representatives it is not the
place here to discuss ; suffice it to say, that the con
ference on this day lasted no less than six hours, and was
renewed on the following morning for about three hours
more. This will be enough to show that many points
of great importance and some minuteness must have
been closely debated .
Keshen, mean time, was doubtless fully aware, that
not one single iota of what he might promise would
ever be acceded to by his haughty master ; and,
therefore, his only object in protracting the discussion
and entering into the “ troublesome minutiæ of com
merce” must have been to leave something still open
to discussion, and some points remaining to investigate,
upon principles of the purest reason.”
How great must have been his rejoicing, when he at
length succeeded in winning from Captain Elliot a
further delay of ten days, for the fair preparation of
a definitive treaty for his signature ! What a heavy
weight must have been removed from his oppressed
spirit, when he at length beheld the dreaded steamer
depart peaceably from the Bogue ! The certain re
prieve of ten days, in which he might perhaps complete
the preparations already commenced and even far ad
vanced for the defence of his strongest positions, was
indeed a piece of unlooked-for good fortune.
Captain Elliot immediately returned to Macao in the
Nemesis, which took in tow his own cutter, the Louisa,
which was generally in attendance on him . The formal
drawing-out of the definitive treaty was hastened on, in
order that every excuse for further delay on the part of
Keshen might be removed . Indeed, ten days had only
been fixed as the longest period, within which, if the
treaty were not executed , hostilities would be renewed.
Perbaps, after all, it redounded to our credit, that
extreme measures were only at length adopted, when
every other means of effecting a settlement had been
tried in vain . Conciliation, negociation, and appeals
to their “ good faith,” and even to treaties, had com
pletely failed “ again and a third time," as the Chinese
phrase it, before the stronger argument of gunpowder
and cold steel was brought into play. There was some
thing of magnanimity even in our apparent hesitation,
and it was perhaps a virtue that we paused before we
struck our heaviest blow. Forbearance towards a
feeble enemy, as long as there was the faintest hope of
bringing him to reason by simpler means, will redound
more to our honour in the pages of future history, than
a precipitate display of our energy and our power.
The treaty which was ultimately concluded was much
more advantageous to commerce and civilization in
general, than it would probably have been, had an
earlier settlement taken place. The Chinese were
brought to yield by degrees, and , therefore , the com
pact is much more likely to be durable , than if it had
been wrung from them by an earlier and more sudden
Nevertheless, before even the draught of the pro
posed treaty had been fully drawn up at Macao, rumours
were continually brought concerning the extensive pre
parations for defence which were still going on up the
river. Some naval and military officers were accord
ingly sent up to the Bogue, to ascertain how far these
rumours might be well founded ; and it was now dis
covered “ that military works upon a great scale were
in progress, that troops were collected upon the heights,
that entrenched camps were being formed on both sides
of the river, and that the island of North Wantung was
bristling with cannon,”
These preparations certainly looked very unlike the
preliminaries to the signature of a treaty of peace ; " and
from this moment,” says Sir Gordon Bremer, “ I must
confess, that my faith in the sincerity of the Chinese
commissioner was completely destroyed.” It was in
fact to be no longer doubted that hostilities would be
speedily resumed. And although the orders of the
emperor to Keshen to cancel the treaty agreed on, and
to provide means for the immediate extermination of
the foreigners, had not then been made public, enough
was already known to make it evident that the inten
tions of the government were very far from being of a
peaceful nature.
On his side, Captain Elliot had done his utmost to
impress the Chinese with a confidence in his “ good
faith ;” and so anxious was he to hasten the evacuation
of Chusan, that he had not only sent up a vessel of
war to convey the necessary orders, but had also for
warded an overland despatch, by the hands of a Chinese
special messenger, to the same purport.
Scarcely a month, however, had elapsed when Cap
tain Elliot began to doubt whether the Chinese really
meant to act up to their promises with equal good
faith . On the 20th of January, he had declared, in a
public proclamation, that he had no reason to call in
question the “scrupulous sincerity and enlarged opi-.
nions of the very eminent person with whom negocia
tions had been pending ;” and it was just a month
afterwards, on the 20th of February, that he declared
that the “ imperial minister and high commissioner had
failed to conclude the treaty which had been sent up
to the Bogue ready prepared for signature.” This docu
ment was carried up by the Nemesis. But, as the
commissioner had already left the Bogue and gone to
Canton , it was transmitted to him by the hands of a
confidential person in the employment of Keshen, who
had been distinctly named to Captain Elliot for the
purpose. Four days were allowed for the return of
the messenger, and the Nemesis was directed to wait
at the Bogue for the answer, until the expiration of
that period, when she was to return to Macao, either
with or without the treaty.
As the time agreed on approached its expiration, re
ports became more numerous than ever, concerning the
hostile preparations in progress. The edict of the
emperor addressed to Keshen, before spoken of, was now
made public, and a proclamation was pasted on the
walls of Canton , (but whether by the orders of the
viceroy or not does not appear certain,) by which a
reward of 50,000 dollars each was offered for the heads
of Captain Elliot and Sir Gordon Bremer !
The four days of the stay of the Nemesis at the
Bogue were not spent unprofitably. Advantage was
taken of this opportunity to examine the new works
of the Chinese, many of which were still in progress,
(during a truce and while a treaty of peace had been
agreed on !) Numerous sandbag batteries had been
erected, and others were in course of completion, half
way up the hill of Anunghoy. Troops were crowd
ing upon the hills on the opposite side, while upon
the Island of North Wantung equal activity was dis
But the observations were not limited entirely to
the works at the Bogue. Captain Hall set out with
a single boat's crew upon an adventurous and interest
ing excursion up Anson's Bay, to the mouth of the
river in which the junks had been destroyed on the
day of the action of Chuenpee. Just within the en
trance, several large mandarin boats were now observed
collected together, and surrounded by a vast number of
labouring men. This excited some surprise, as there
were no works visible upon which they could be em
ployed : but the object of this bustle was unexpectedly
discovered afterwards. The mandarin boats and a
great part of the people, thinking probably that the
single boat of the Nemesis was only the advanced one
of many others similar to those which had destroyed
their war-junks, made off as fast as they could, leaving
her to pursue her course unmolested.
Having, in the former ascent of the river in the
Nemesis, observed that aa branch of it turned off to the
right towards Chuenpee, Captain Hall determined to
explore it now. It branched off about one and a half
to two miles from the entrance, and soon led to a very
considerable village on the right or Chuenpee side (in
ascending), while, nearly opposite to it, a large sand
battery, recently erected , was discovered, mounting
eight guns, and further on was a strong stone -battery.
Neither of these fired at the boat, although the gunners
ran down to their guns, as if apprehensive of an attack .
To the astonishment of all in the boat, it was now
found that this branch of the river, or creek, or what
ever it might be called , instead of leading further up
the country, inland, gradually turned round and encir
cled the whole of Chuenpee, communicating with the
“ outer waters ” to the southward of that promontory.
Thus it was evident that Chuenpee was an island .
Having passed quite through the passage, so as to
reach the point of junction with the “ outer waters,"
Captain Hall landed on Chuenpee in company with
Mr. Turner, the surgeon of the vessel, and Mr. Gray,
a midshipman of H.M.S. Herald , and, sending the boat
round the promontory to the opposite side, walked
across without any molestation. Nothing particular
worth noticing was observed in this excursion, except
the large farm -houses, which were passed, together with
several extensive sugar-works, in full operation. A
visit made to the Tycocktow side of the river was less
promising, although equally successful. It was thought
desirable, on the following day, to reconnoitre the de
fences in that direction ; and accordingly Captain Hall
proceeded in the ship's cutter across the river for that
purpose. A large number of troops were collected
upon the heights, upon which were numerous tents ; and
several large transport junks, not less than twenty sail,
were hastily landing troops, guns, and ammunition . It
was also noticed that boats were passing round at the
back of the hill and works, through a large canal or
creek ; so that, although it was not possible to explore
the lines of communication from one part to the other,
it became very evident that the neighbourhood of the
river, although apparently mountainous and rugged, was
accessible to boats on all sides, and was in fact com
posed of distinct islands.
The question of the intentions of the Chinese was
soon decided ; for the fort on Wantung, as the boat
passed between it and the mainland, on that side, fired
at it with round shot, and very nearly with effect.
There was no mistaking the tone of defiance which this
indicated ; but those on board the boat were already suf
ficiently acquainted with the Chinese character to be
reluctant to turn back at this threat, because the affair
would have been reported as a great victory, with their
usual exaggeration. The little bow-gun of the boat
was therefore instantly fired at the troops who were
looking over the battlements of the fort ; and no further
molestation being attempted by the Chinese, she again
pursued her way , content with this token of defiance.
It was further remarked that, at several of the forts
along the Bogue, the Chinese soldiers were practising
their guns at a mark , probably to ascertain their range ;
and they were observed to point them at particular
spots, as if they thought to do certain execution by
their first discharge.
These little reconnoitring excursions sufficed to show ,
were anything still wanting to bring conviction to the
most unbelieving, that the Chinese were fully aware
that no treaty of peace was likely to be signed, and
that they looked forward to the resumption of hostili
ties, not only without much apprehension, but with
tolerable confidence in the probability of their own
success .
On the evening of the 18th, the four days agreed on
for the return of the messenger from Canton having
fully expired, the Nemesis was moved up from Chuenpee
to the Bogue, where she remained one hour, waiting for
an answer from the Imperial Commissioner. None, how
ever, was brought ; and as every thing now so plainly
indicated that cannon -balls alone were to be expected
as a reply, it was resolved to return to Macao, and re
port all that had been seen and done to the plenipoten
tiary and the commander- in -chief. Having communi-.
cated with H.M.S. Herald as she descended, and
continuing her course throughout the night with great
caution, the Nemesis arrived at Macao soon after day
light. Not a moment was lost in communicating the
results of the reconnoitring excursions, the firing of a
shot from North Wantung, and the non-appearance of
the messenger at the appointed time.
The most incredulous now no longer doubted ; the
film was raised even from before the eyes of Captain
Elliot himself, and orders were given that all the officers
should join their respective ships. The light division,
which was then in the roads of Macao, or at the mouth
of the river, was placed under the orders of Captain
Herbert (since made K.C.B.) of the Calliope, and was
directed to proceed immediately to the Bogue. It con
sisted of the Calliope, Samarang, Herald, Alligator,
Sulphur, and the Nemesis ; and the object was 66 to
prevent, as much as possible, any further defensive
preparations on the part of the enemy, but not to run
any unnecessary hazard until the main body of the
force came up.” At the same time, the commodore
hastened over to Hong Kong, in the Madagascar steamer,
for the purpose of taking up the ships of the line, con
sisting of the Wellesley, Blenheim, and Melville, seventy
fours, and the steamers, Queen and Madagascar ; leaving
the Druid , with the Jupiter troop-ship, and the trans
ports, Sophia, Minerva, Thetis, and Eagle to follow .
These active measures were briefly announced by
Captain Elliot, in a circular issued on the same day to
the following effect, simply stating that “ circumstances
had induced the commander-in- chief to announce to
H.M. plenipotentiary his intention to move the forces
towards the Bocca Tigris ” —from which it would seem
that the responsibility of this inevitable measure was
rather assumed by Sir Gordon Bremer than by the
plenipotentiary ; but Captain Elliot had also written to
Captain Herbert, stating that he left him at liberty,
and moved to prevent the continuance of defensive
preparations at the Bogue.
It was on the day following this movement (the 20th)
that Keshen’s notification of his unwillingness to con
tinue negociations became known at Macao ; and shortly
afterwards, the emperor's edict (before alluded to) was
also promulgated , in which every proposed measure of
conciliation towards the foreigners was recalled, and
orders given , on the other hand , that “ they should be
rooted out entirely.”
On the morning of the 21st, a reconnoitring party
anded , unperceived, upon the island of Wantung, con
318 A CRISIS .
sisting of Captain Elliot, Captains Herbert and Belcher,
and Lieutenant Stransham , and they were able to count
seventeen more guns, newly-mounted, in addition to
those which had been observed on the former occasion .
The truce had already fully expired, but hostilities
did not commence immediately, as might have been
expected. On the 22d, a Chinese boat happened to be
stopped, in which was found a messenger, who was
recognised by Lieutenant Watson as an active agent of
the Chinese authorities. It was naturally suspected that
he was the bearer of orders of some kind or other to
the local officers, and such was found to be the case.
They were addressed to Admiral Kwan, desiring him
to hurry on the stopping-up of the channel which
runs at the back of Anunghoy, by which the latter be
comes an island . The means employed were stones and
stakes, and sunken junks, which had been collected in
large quantities at a place called Sanmannkow, which
must have been the large town known to lie in the rear
of Anunghoy . Thus all our observations respecting
the intentions of the authorities were fully confirmed .
On our part, it could now no longer be doubted that
a heavy blow must at once be struck. Keshen had by
no means concealed from the emperor the great difficulty
of defending the Canton river, the laxity of the Chinese
military system, and the utter inability of their forces
to withstand the power and skill of the barbarians.
All these were truths far too unwelcome to find credence
at Pekin ; and when the result at length proved how
well founded they were, the failures and disasters were
laid to the account of treason and bribery.
KESHEN . 319
Keshen's description of the " outer -waters ” and of the Bogue Forts
His report to the Emperor of the inefficiency of the defences, and
doubtful character of the people - No hope of victory - Begs the
Emperor to grant Captain Elliot's requests — Is degraded – Advanced
squadron at the Bogue - Captain Elliot waits there one hour in the
Nemesis—No communication - Junks captured — First hostile act on
our side-- Chinese fired first shot - Nemesis and boats under Captain
Herbert destroy a masked battery at the bottom of Anson's Bay—
Proceed up the river to the back of Anunghoy – Fort and rafts
destroyed — The Commodore joins at the Bogue with three line -of
battle ships — Description of the Bogue Forts — Chain and rafts—
Preparations for the attack - Howitzer- battery, erected in the night on
South Wantung, covered by the Nemesis —Disposition of our forces
26th February, 1841 – Capture of the Bogue - Simultaneous attack
on Anunghoy and North Wantung --- Dead calm —Wantung shelled
by howitzers Troops land on Wantung — Marines under Sir Le Fle
ming Senhouse take possession of Anunghoy- Chinese refuse quarter
-Attempts to save them — Capture of Little Tycocktow under Lieu
tenant Maitland - Number of Chinese prisoners killed and wounded
Admiral Kwan killed by bayonet -wound in his breast — Total number
of guns captured - Blockade of river raised .
Keshen, who had spent all his life either in large pro
vincial capitals or in the imperial city itself, could have
had little opportunity of learning any thing, either re
lating to foreign trade or foreign ships ; still less was
he acquainted with the majesty of the " outer-waters”
along the coast of the empire. His description of what
he saw, during his short excursion to the Bogue, is very
curious, and shows clearly how much he must have been
surprised at the sight of the barbarian ships. “ Even
there ,” says he, (that is, outside the Bogue ) “ the sea is
vast and wide , with boisterous waves and foaming bil
lows , lashed up into fury by fierce winds , majestically
grand ! How widely different the outer seas are from
our inland river- waters ! ” Having thus given his ma
jesty a dash of the sublime , to show what a perilous
place it was, he proceeds to say, " that, having changed
his boat for a sea-going vessel, he stood out for the
Bocca Tigris ; and, as soon as he arrived there, made
a most careful inspection of every fort and battery .”
What follows is extremely remarkable ; and, while it
points out the real ability and good sense of Keshen ,
must have appeared no less incredible than it was
alarming to the emperor and his ministers . Keshen
was really a bold and sincere as well as an observant
man, or else he would not have dared to write the fol
lowing account of the Bogue : “ Such forts,” says he,
“ as do not stand completely isolated in the midst of
the sea are yet found to have channels, affording ready
water -communication behind the hills on which they
are situated , so that it were easy to go round and strictly
blockade them ;' nor would it, in that case, be easy to
introduce provisions for the garrison .” He then states,
that he carefully examined the depth of water in all
| This is precisely what has been already stated as a thing unknown to
us, until the discovery was made by some of our own boats, particularly
by those of the Nemesis.
parts ; and that the soundings, even at high water, were
less than he expected. And he boldly ventures his opi
nion, that the “ reputation of the fortifications of the
Bocca Tigris, as a place of defence, has been acquired,
first, by the circumstance, that large merchant-vessels
require a somewhat greater depth of water than is to be
found in most parts of the passage (meaning, that the
channel they can pass through is narrow] ; and, secondly,
because that, in ordinary times [and here is the remark
able part of it] , when the foreigners observe our laws
and restraints, they naturally do not venture to avoid
the forts by passing through circuitous courses. But,
when they bring troops to resist and oppose, rather
than to obey, they may sneak in at every hole and cor
ner, and are under no necessity of passing by the forts.
As soon as they have in any way got beyond the Bocca
«Tigris, there are communications open to them in every
direction . It is, then, clear, ” he goes on, " that we
have no defences worthy to be called such. It is, in
truth, the local character of the country, that there is
no important point of defence by which the whole may
be maintained .”
No wonder that such a declaration from a man who
was also the third member of the imperial cabinet, taken,
as it was, from personal observation, should have sounded
unpalatable and even traitorous to the Emperor's ear.
But this was not all. Indeed one might almost imagine
that some European must have pointed out to him de
fects which his own unpractised and unaided eye could
never have detected . Lin, on the other hand, had never
dared to report to his master the full extent of the in
VOL . I. Y
formation which was given to hiin, though he was fully
prepared to adopt every advice which tended to obstruct
the commerce of England, and impede an amicable set
tlement of the difficulties. Not so, however, the more
upright and clear-sighted Keshen. He calls in question
the very quality of the guns. He tells his master, “ that
their number at that time (that is, before the additional
preparations were made] scarcely exceeded two hundred,
which were barely sufficient to fortify thefronts, while
the flanks of the works were left altogether unprotected .
Of these,” he added, “ few were in good order and ready
for use ; the original model was not good , the body of
the gun being very large, while the bore was very small;
and, therefore, the sea being at that place wide [only
three-quarters of a mile], the shot will not carry above
half -way. Again,” says he, “ the embrasures in which
they are placed are as large as doors, wide enough al
most to allow people to pass in and out ; they would
afford no shelter at all to our people from a sustained
fire of the enemy. They may, therefore, be said to be
very defective ."
How this must have startled the imperial advisers !
Such truths are always hard to bear, and harder to be
lieve, nd were consequently not believed , because they
were true . But Keshen did his best to improve his
weapons ; he sent for a founder of cannon, who gave
him a new model, and undertook to make some experi
mental pieces. Yet it did not escape Keshen that,
even if he succeeded in casting good cannon , he could
only do so as a preparation for the future . 66 They
could not be ready, ” says he, “ for the business we
have now in hand. These are the proofs,” he adds, “ of
the inefficiency of our military armament, which is such
that no reliance can be placed upon it. ”
We may venture the assertion that it must have
been indeed a man of strong mind, who could have
dared, (in China of all countries) to beg the “ Emperor's
sacred glance to light upon such statements.” Having
finished his view of the defences, Keshen next actually
dared to impugn even the defenders .
He proceeded to say that it would be necessary to
employ a naval as well as a land force to defend
the Bogue ; but then threw out a suspicion that the
seamen were not to be depended on ; for that “ he had
heard a report that after the battle of Chuenpee these
men all went to their commander or Tetuh, and de
manded money of him, threatening that they would
otherwise disperse ; and he had, therefore, personally
made inquiry into the matter, and found that the report
was perfectly true, and, moreover, that, the Tetuh,
having no other remedy, (evidently the pay was in ar
rear) was obliged to pawn his own clothes and other
things, by which means he was enabled to give each of
them a bonus of two dollars, and thus only could he
get them to remain for a time at their posts.
Moreover, he added, “ our ships of war are not large and
strong, and it is difficult to mount heavy guns upon
them . Hence it is evident that our force here (he was
1 This was on more than one occasion the case during the war. Sol
diers were often found among the killed and wounded, each having two
dollars on their persons, and on one occasion even six dollars .
Y 2
writing at the Bogue) as a guard and defence against
the foreigners is insufficient.”
Keshen next remarked upon the character of the
people of the province. “ Your slave has found them
ungrateful and avaricious. Of those who are actual
traitors it is unnecessary to say any thing. But the
rest are accustomed to see the foreigners day by day,
and intimacy has grown up between them .” And he
proceeds to contrast them very unfavourably with the
people of Chusan, who “ felt at once that the foreigners
were of another race."
Keshen then appealed to the history of the past, and
made particular allusion to the difficulty which had for
merly been experienced , in overcoming even the pirates
upon the coast, who were at length only reduced to sub
mission by a promise of security, upon condition of laying
down their arms.2 Finally he expressed great fear that
if he gave battle he would be unable to command a vic
tory, and in that case the dignity of the empire would
be sullied, and the lives of the people sacrificed.
To understand the full importance of these remarks,
it is necessary to bear in mind that they were written
before the action at the Bogue took place, and as a
ground for asking for the Emperor's consent to the
terms proposed by Captain Elliot. Others, however,
were called to aid in his councils at this time, and,
This, probably, alludes to the maxim of the Chinese moral code,
which says that it should be remembered that a foreigner, though he
be a good man, and on terms of intimacy with you, is still of a different
race ."
2 This alludes to the famous pirate Kochinga, who was bought off
and made an admiral.
among the high officers of Canton, Lin himself was
consulted. They appeared to concur with Keshen ; at
all events, they knew that upon his head would rest all
the responsibility.
The memorial containing Captain Elliot's demands
was sent up to Pekin, together with this report, which
was founded upon personal observation ; and Keshen
implored the Emperor to look with pity upon “ his
black-haired flock, the people, and that he would be
graciously pleased to accede to the requests made by
the foreigners, and to grant them favours beyond mea
sure. Thus,” he added, “ shall we lay the foundation for
victory hereafter, by binding and curbing the foreigners
now, while we prepare the means of cutting them off
at some future period .”
Keshen was a true Chinaman of the new school ( for
there are new schools even in antique China ) and, in
most respects, the very opposite of Lin . Sensible of
the weakness of his country when matched with Eng
land, conscious of his inability to fight his enemy with
success, he, nevertheless, hazarded the chance, when
the commands of the Emperor compelled him to aim the
blow. He, however, did his utmost to gain time, and
even endeavoured to impose upon Captain Elliot, and to
hope against hope itself. After all that Keshen had
said, the defence of the Bogue was conducted, as we
shall now perceive, with more energy than might have
been expected, and, indeed, with considerable spirit.
We may now turn from this not uninteresting digres
sion, to the proceedings of the advanced squadron at the
Bogue, under Captain (now Sir Thomas) Herbert. Or
ders had been already given by the commodore to seize
and detain five very large trading -junks, apparently
bound to Batavia, which had been seen by the Nemesis
on her way down to Macao from the Bogue, standing
out of the river, either unconscious of impending hosti
lities, or hastening to get out before they commenced .
These were all captured by the advanced squadron the
same evening.
On the following morning at dawn the Nemesis took
Captain Elliot once more up to the Bogue, where he
remained about an hour, as if in anxious expectation of
some communication from the shore. But this last lin
gering hope was again deceived. On her way up, the
steamer took possession of one very large trading -junk,
which was detained and anchored in-shore. Captain
Elliot, being now fully satisfied that no peaceable com
munication from the Chinese was any longer to be ex
pected, finally left the Bogue ; and, finding H. M. S.
Herald at anchor off Lankeet, just below Chuenpee, he
went on board that vessel, leaving the Nemesis to pursue
her way down to Hong Kong, taking in tow one of the
large junks detained by the boats of the Samarang.
The detention of the junks was the first direct act of
hostility on our part, since the period of the truce had
expired . But the Chinese had previously fired at the
boat of the Nemesis, as before noticed . On the 22nd ,
Captain Herbert, with the light squadron, took up his
position at the anchorage off South Wantung ; where
Captain Elliot announced to him that Keshen had failed
to conclude the treaty, and that he was therefore to
consider himself moved , to prevent the continuance of
defensive preparations. The Nemesis having joined him
from Hong Kong on the 23rd , Captain Herbert em
barked on board that vessel, and, taking with him the
pinnaces of the Calliope, Samarang, Herald, and Alliga
tor, commanded by Lieutenants Watson, Bower, Dewes,
and Woolcomb, proceeded up Anson's Bay, to explore the
river before described as opening at the bottom of it.
It was reported that the Chinese were staking it
across ; and, from the bustle which had been previously
observed there, when the boat of the Nemesis ventured
into it, there was reason to believe that hostile
preparations were being made. Moreover, it was
thought advisable, if possible, to examine the channel
which had been found to lead round in the rear of
Anunghoy ; for upon this fortress, as the most extensive
of the defences of the Bogue, it was thought the prin
cipal attack of the squadron would be made . Suspicion
was also excited by the contents of the intercepted
despatch of Keshen to Admiral Kwan.
On entering the river, it was no longer to be doubted
that preparations for defence had been commenced. A
great number of boats were observed busily employed
in driving stakes or piles into the bed of the river, across
which others were trying to moor a strong raft. No
sooner was the steamer discovered approaching, than
the boats all pulled away, and the Chinese were seen
scampering off as fast as possible. However, when it
came to the point of pulling up the stakes, in order to
make a passage between them for the boats, which were
in tow, all on a sudden a heavy discharge from aa masked
battery, close abreast of the spot, was poured upon
them, and at once betrayed the cause of the secret pre
parations before observed .
The steamer immediately poured in a volley of grape
and canister from her bow and stern guns,, while the
boats pulled away towards the shore, to carry the works
by storm , opening their fire from their bow-guns as they
advanced. The Chinese fled, after some resistance ; and
the battery, which was of very recent construction, was
at once taken possession of by the crews of the boats,
the colours being taken by Lieutenant Bowers, First
Lieutenant of H.M.S. Samarang. It was found to
mount twenty guns of various calibre, which were im
mediately destroyed. There were also lying on the
ground a vast number of guns dismounted, probably not
less than sixty, which appeared to have been landed out
of their junks, or recovered after the destruction of
their fleet in the bay. These were all rendered useless,
with the exception of a few brass ones, which were car
ried away as trophies. Their magazines and buildings
were also totally destroyed . The number of killed among
the Chinese were about thirty, but no wounded were
found, as they had probably been carried off by their
companions in arms. On our side no casualties hap
pened .
Content, for the present, with this successful feat,
Captain Herbert returned in the Nemesis, and rejoined
the squadron, at its anchorage, a little to the south
ward of South Wantung. On the following morning
they all returned to the scene of the previous exploit,
and set about pulling up the piles to clear a passage.
This time likewise they were fired at, but from a
different quarter. The Chinese troops, posted on the
hills above, commenced firing at the working party, but
it was soon returned from the 32 -pounders, by which
they were speedily dispersed. A passage having at
length been cleared, the Nemesis steamed up the river
for some distance, until she had nearly reached the large
town at the back of Anunghoy ; but, as there appeared
to be no further hostile preparations going on, Captain
Herbert thought it better to return and complete the
destruction of the fort, raft, &c., which had been only
partially done the day before; after which they returned
to the squadron , which the commodore himself had now
joined , with the three line-of-battle ships and the Druid .
The next day, the 25th of February, was the great
day of preparation for the combined and resolute
attack of all the Bogue forts. The batteries which
were to be reduced were as follows: the geogra
phical positions of the Bogue have already been
described. Beginning from the south end of the pro
montory of Anunghoy, which of course you ap
proach first, there were several strong works along
the shore, the ridges on the hill's side above being also
armed with guns wherever they could be conveniently
placed ; and upon the top, which was pretty steep, an
entrenched camp had been formed, calculated for about
twelve hundred men. On this side were two consider
able sand-batteries, not long erected, mounting, as was
afterwards found, thirty guns of small calibre.
Proceeding on along the front was the old battery of
Anunghoy, which, in a manner, seemed to have given
place to a new and extremely well- built one, partly of
granite and partly of chunam , and reaching down almost
to high -water mark. The rear of this battery, running
up the steep hill-side, was enclosed by a high wall, on
which were steps or platforms for firing musketry.
Continuing our survey of the walls parallel with
the passage through the Bogue, and passing out of the
southern fort by its northern gate, you found a line of
steep rocky beach, about two to three hundred yards
long, and unprotected, which led to the northern Anung
hoy fort. Upon this beach was erected a sort of plat
form , made of wood , serving merely as a line of cum
munication between the forts, for the passage of troops.
Having traversed this causeway, you arrive at the
northern fort. This was a less formidable one than its
fellow lower down, but still it presented an extensive
line of works. The whole together completely defended
the river front of the promontory of Anunghoy. The
number of guns mounted upon all these works was
afterwards found to be very great, and the long line of
embrazures certainly looked very formidable.
The island of North Wantung, which is opposite to
these forts, was thickly studded with cannon all over.
Its eastern side presented a formidable line of guns, and
was considered by the Chinese to be its most important
side of defence, for it fronted Anunghoy, commanding
the passage between them ; here they had planted some
of their largest guns. An object upon which they had
placed great reliance was the large chain cable, which
they had carried across the passage from Anunghoy to
a rock close to Wantung, and which they had secured
into the solid rock on either side, something after the
manner of the chains of a suspension bridge. The rafts
which supported it were strongly moored, and the
Chinese had adopted a curious contrivance for raising or
lowering the chain, for the purpose of letting their own
junks pass through, by means of a kind of windlass.
A passage was not forced through this chain and rafts
until after the forts were taken ; and theChinese appeared
to forget that there was another channel round the west
side of Wantung, and that even had that been impassable,
we could have sent our light steamers, rocket -boats, and
gun -boats, round the back of Anunghoy itself. They,
moreover, made little calculation of the great power of
the rising and falling of the tide, the weight and strength
of a line -of- battle ship, or the terrific power of her
The little island of South Wantung had been almost
unaccountably left unoccupied by the Chinese ; but, in
reality, it was within range, and well commanded by the
strong batteries and Hill Fort upon North Wantung.
The oversight rendered their positions much less tenable,
and soon decided the plan of attack which was adopted
by Sir Gordon Bremer. It was as follows : a battery
of two 8 -inch iron and one 24-pounder brass howitzers
was to be erected during the night, in a hollow , upon the
top of this little island of South Wantung, which was
very favourably situated for the object required . This
battery would not only greatly annoy the Chinese in the
northern island, and probably shell them out, but also
distract their attention from the attack upon Anunghoy.
The commodore reserved to himself (with the Wel
lesley, 74, and Druid, 42) the attack on the south-west
batteries of Wantung, that is, on the side not fronting
Anunghoy ; while Sir Le Fleming Senhouse, in the Blen
heim, 74, with the Melville, 74, and The Queen Steamer,
together with the rocket-boats of the two ships, was to
attack the batteries of Anunghoy, using his own dis
cretion as to the best mode of placing them for that
purpose. The light division under Captain Herbert,
consisting of the Calliope, Samarang, Herald, Alligator,
Sulphur, and Modeste, were to direct their attention to
the batteries on the northern and north-western side of
Wantung, and also those facing Anunghoy, and either to
anchor or keep under weigh, according as it might appear
most likely to ensure the object in view. The Mada
gascar and Nemesis steamers were to land the troops,
but the latter was more particularly employed to cover
the working party, who were to raise the battery on
South Wantung, and also the troops on shore.
It was not likely that the land forces would have
much to do ; but it was directed that detachments of
the 26th and 49th regiments, with the 37th M. N. I. and
Bengal volunteers, under the command of Major Pratt,
of the 26th, should be placed on board the steamers and
the transport-boats, together with a few Chinese boats
collected for the purpose, and they were to remain off the
southern end of South Wantung, protected from the fire of
the enemy's guns, until the Chinese should be driven out
of the batteries, when their subsequent movements were
to be directed by signal. The royal marines also, under
Captain Ellis, were to be held in readiness to land with
the troops, and were to be accompanied by the two
6 - pounder field -pieces of the Wellesley and Druid, with
seamen to work and drag them ; scaling-ladders were
also to be carried with the force .
Soon after mid-day, on the 25th, the Nemesis took
on board a detachment of one hundred and thirty of the
Madras Native Infantry, for the purpose of assisting the
royal artillery, under Captain Knowles and Lieutenant
Spencer, in the erection of the mortar battery upon
the top of South Wantung ; and they were accompanied
by Lieutenant Johnson and Lieutenant Rundall, of the
Madras Engineers, with the same object. On her way
across,, the guns of the large Anunghoy Fort opened
upon her, and were fired with tolerable precision, many of
them passing quite near her, but fortunately without
doing any damage. On arriving at the southern end of
South Wantung, it was found that Sir Le Fleming Sen
house had already arrived in his own boat, together with
a detachment of the Royal and Madras Artillery. The
Anunghoy Battery continued firing, but without effect,
and it was not returned for some time, by the orders of
the commodore. However, as soon as the detachments
were landed , Sir Le Fleming Senhouse himself gave per
mission to return the fire. No time was lost in landing
ammunition and warlike implements upon the island,
and parties were busily employed filling sand-bags pre
paratory to the erection of the battery above, the whole
working party being perfectly protected from the fire
of the Chinese.
In the mean time, the batteries on North Wantung
began to open on the Nemesis ; and, in order that she
might get completely under cover of the island of South
Wantung, she was run full in upon the shore, which was
somewhat steep in that part ; and thus she lay literally
with her head out of water, and her stern deep in it, with
out receiving any injury ; her light draught ofwater ena
bled her to approach closer than any other vessel could
have done. In this manner, all the shot of the batteries
passed over her, without doing any mischief. The fire
was not returned , both owing to the position in which she
was, and because it could only have served to point
out, in the darkness of the night, the situation of the
working parties upon the island..
At daylight the battery was quite completed, and the
Nemesis was ordered to withdraw ; not long after which,
the new battery opened fire in beautiful style, against
North Wantung, under the direction of Captain Knowles.
The rockets were thrown into it with great effect, and,
together with the shells, could be seen to fall directly
within the forts ; this was shortly followed by a blaze of
fire, from the burning of the Custom House and other
buildings ; soon after which, the outworks and sand
batteries were abandoned, and the Chinese took refuge
principally in the upper fort. Their loss must have been
considerable at all points ; and the panic created by the
bursting of the shells and rockets, which were quite new
to them , evidently threw them into great disorder. It
was reported , and there is reason to believe with truth,
that the Chinese officers abandoned the place at the first
commencement of the firing, and ran down to their boats,
having locked the gates behind them, to prevent their
own troops from following their example.
The grand combined attack was to have commenced
early in the morning, and the troops were ordered to be
in readiness at seven o'clock. The morning, however,
was perfectly calm ; the sun shone brilliantly, and lighted
up the scene of impending destruction and slaughter, as
if it were to be a scene of rejoicing.
Until ten o'clock there was not å breath of air ; when ,
a light breeze springing up, the Melville and Blenheim,
accompanied by The Queen steamer, got under weigh,
attended by three rocket-boats, the Blenheim being the
leading ship. They stood in for the Southern Anunghoy
Fort, running along towards the Anson's Bay side of it,
in order to be out of range of its guns in front, so that
they could throw in shot and shell upon its flank, with
out any risk of receiving injury themselves. The hill
of Anunghoy was crowned with Chinese troops, their
numerous silken banners floating gaily to the now reviving
breeze. Some of their guns were discharged at a great
distance ; but the fire was kept up with spirit, though
frequently out of range.
Not so, however, our own majestic ships, which slowly
glided up to their positions without wasting a single
shot, until , having anchored with springs on their cables,
they could bring their broadsides to bear. The Blen
heim, although the leading ship, was either carried by
the tide, or else slightly touched the ground, and was
soon overtaken by the Melville , which succeeded in
taking up a more advantageous position in very gallant
style. In the mean time, The Queen had commenced
throwing shell into the sand -batteries and other works
upon the hill's side ; and, at the same time, the terrific
broadsides of the Melville and the Blenheim opened
upon the great battery ; the rocket-boats also did their
full share in the work of destruction . The Chinese
could not long withstand these simultaneous attacks.
At about the same time with the attack on Anunghoy,
began also that upon the batteries on the western and
north -western side of Wantung, partly under the commo
dore in person, and partly under Captain Herbert. The
ships ' waited to receive the fire oftheforts pretty close,
and then at once poured in their iron shower upon the
devoted batteries, with destructive effect. It would have
been impossible for any troops to have long defended the
island of Wantung, bristling though it then was with
cannon, against the powerful force arrayed against it .
Our battery of howitzers had been playing upon it for
several hours ; and now six or seven men -of-war, including
one line-of-battle ship, the Wellesley, were battering it
at the same time. But the defenders could not run away,
being shut in on every side by the river ; and it was per
haps fortunate for them that the Nemesis, which had
already been engaged with the different batteries, was
sent down to fetch the troop-boats from the southern
island, under which they had been sheltered .
The land force was under the command of Major Pratt,
of the Cameronians, who was already well known to the
Chinese at Chuenpee. The detachments of the 26th
and 49th were under Major Johnson, the marines under
Captain Ellis, the 37th M. N. I. under Captain Duff, and
the Bengal Volunteers under Captain Mee.
The scene on all sides at this moment was extremely
imposing. The light breeze, which had barely served
to bring the ships into position, had quite died away
when the thunder of artillery commenced, as if it were
Consisting of the Wellesley and Druid, with the Calliope, Sam arang,
Herald, Alligator, Modeste, and Sulphur.
unwilling to take them back again until their work was
fully done. The heavy, curling smoke, scarcely broken
by an occasional flash, hung gloomily on every side, as
if to veil from sight the scene of destruction which was
going on. For a time the firing ceased, in order to
allow the smoke to rise ; and, just at that moment, the
troops were hastening towards Wantung, to take posses
sion of the works, the firing of which had also ceased.
At the same time, Sir Le Fleming Senhouse, with the
marines and a party of blue-jackets, landed, to the
attack of Anunghoy.
At half- past one the troops were landed on Wantung
by the Nemesis and Madagascar, assisted by boats.
The object was of course to reach the hill fort as quickly
as possible, and had the Chinese been better acquainted
with the rules of European warfare, they would pro
bably have at once surrendered themselves, seeing the
utter hopelessness of resistance. Probably the fear of
being put to death as prisoners prevented this timely
sparing of blood. Our gallant troops and seamen
pushed rapidly up the ascent over the ruined outworks,
and might have suffered severe loss before they could
have taken possession of the upper fort, had not the
Chinese been almost panic-struck, or had they possessed
weapons better calculated for the purpose of defence.
But, instead of surrendering or accepting quarter, they
again ran out of the fort and down the hill, and many
of the poor fellows were shot in their vain attempts
to fly, without any possible means of escape. The
greater part of these took refuge in the lower Custom
House Fort, where many of them were killed and
wounded before the rest surrendered, which , however,
they at length did, to the number of about one thousand .
The prisoners were soon afterwards taken to the main
land, and set at liberty, equally astonished as they were
rejoiced at our leniency.
The Nemesis, in the mean time, had gone over to
Anunghoy, to render assistance, if required, and there
observed the marines and seamen of the Blenheim and
Melville, under Sir Le F. Senhouse, in the act of taking
possession of the forts. It appears that they landed
without much opposition, though they were only three
hundred in number ; and not only passed through the
southern fort, driving the Chinese up the hill above, but
also proceeded along the beach towards the northern
fort, of which they also made themselves masters after
some resistance .
Whatever doubts Keshen himself had entertained
concerning the defensibility of the Bogue, he had too
much discretion to communicate them either to his
officers or troops. They had little anticipation of the
total defeat which they were soon to sustain, for they
had made rude sketches delineating the entire destruc
tion of our ships by the terrible fire of their artillery.
Nevertheless, their resistance was of little avail, although
instances of personal bravery occurred .
The British flag had by this time supplanted that of
China upon all the defences of the Bogue. It was little
past two o'clock, and ample time yet remained to turn
the victory to the greatest possible advantage before the
close of the day. The Nemesis once more crossed over
to Wantuug, and as she drew so little water, was enabled
to run close in, and make fast to the lower fort itself.
Nothing, however, of aa hostile character remained to be
done in this quarter, but there was yet ample room to
perform the more humane duty of assisting the unfor
tunate Chinese. Many of these poor fellows were float
ing about in the water, clinging in despair to any small
piece of wood or bamboo they might have the good
fortune to find. Many were drowned , as had before
been the case at Chuenpee, but many yet remained to
be saved . Boats were sent out for this purpose, but
the Chinese notions of warfare were of such a barbarous
nature, that they seemed to think the only object of
any attempt to save them was, to reserve them for slow
torture, mutilation , or death . The poor fellows dived
their heads under water as the boats approached them ,
attempting to drown themselves, and thus escape falling
into our hands. Many were, nevertheless, dragged out,
and carried on board the steamer, where they appeared
bewildered by astonishment more than by fear, when
they found that they were kindly treated. All of them
were soon afterwards liberated without any conditions,
and they then appeared thankful for their escape.
The day was now far advanced, but there still re
mained a fort and encampment to be taken possession of
on the opposite side of the river, usually called Little
Tycocktow , facing the western side of Wantung. There
1 The Chinese rarely make any effort to save even their own country
men from being drowned . Indeed, should a common boatman tumble
overboard accidentally, his own companions in the boat will often give
him no assistance, particularly if he is really in danger of being drowned
without it.
Z 2
was every probability that these would be carried with
out resistance, for the Wellesley had already seriously
damaged the fort, by her beautiful firing of shells, in
the morning, and the Modeste had also contributed to
silence it .A party of the Wellesley's marines were
embarked in her own boats, about four o'clock, under
Lieutenant Maitland, and proceeded across, in company
with the Nemesis, in order to complete the day's work .
A few shots were fired by her as she approached the
fort, but, finding they were not returned, the boats
pushed off to land , including the boats of the Nemesis,
with Captain Hall and Lieutenant Pedder. The fort
was found abandoned ; and having taken possession of
it, they advanced up the hill in the rear with all speed,
as they observed a body of Chinese in disorder close
to an encampment upon the top of it. However, on
the approach of the little party, they fled into the
interior, abandoning their lines, magazines, &c. These
were all set fire to and destroyed, and the effect
of the blaze, which lasted for a considerable time,
becoming more vivid as the night closed in, spread far
and wide among the distant inhabitants of the country
the general panic which had already seized their troops.
The conflagration extended itself on all sides, much
beyond the original site of the encampment , and threw
its lurid glare over the scene of slaughter and confusion
of the day. Having spiked the guns in the fort, the
boats returned with their crews to their respective ships.
Thus closed the eventful day of the capture of the
famous Bogue forts, and the total dispersion of their
unfortunate defenders. Had the Chinese been better
armed , and more experienced in the important science
of gunnery , the capture of the forts would have cost us
a much greater sacrifice of human life. On this occasion,
so trifling was the latter, that at 3 p.m., when Cap
tain Elliot issued his circular announcing the fall of the
batteries of the Bocca Tigris to her Majesty's forces, he
added , that " no loss on our side had been reported up
to that hour.” Sir Gordon Bremer had only subse
quently to report, that “five men were slightly wounded,
throughout the whole force.” Much surprise, however,
was created by this announcement, for the firing was
for some time kept up with spirit from the forts. It
was also recorded with the utmost minuteness, that
the main-topmast and fore-yard of the Blenheim were
shot through, one gun was rendered unserviceable, and
there were several shots in the hull ; that the Melville
had also a shot in one of her topmasts ; that the Cal
liope was actually struck ; and that other ships had just
a rope cut here and there.” No one could dispute
the triumphant declaration of the commander-in - chief,
that he was “ convinced that almost any number of
men the Chinese could collect would not be able to
stand against the animated gallantry of his men for an
It is to be regretted that the loss on their side, in
killed and wounded, should have been so considerable.
Thirteen hundred prisoners were taken, but were set at
liberty soon afterwards ;: and altogether upwards of five
hundred were killed and wounded during the day.
Many of the Chinese officers boldly and nobly met their
death, some even courted it ; they dreaded their mas
ter's wrath, and their own degradation more, than the
loss of life at the hands of their country's foe. Among
these , the most distinguished and most lamented was
poor old Admiral Kwan, whose death excited much
sympathy throughout the force ; he fell by a bayonet
wound in his breast, as he was meeting his enemy at
the gate of Anunghoy, yielding up his brave spirit wil
lingly to a soldier's death, when his life could only be
preserved with the certainty of degradation. He was
altogether aa fine specimen of a gallant soldier, unwilling
to yield when summoned to surrender, because to yield
would imply treason. It recalls to mind the fate of the
admiral at Chusan, who fell in the preceding year on
board his own war -junk, even after he had admitted that
he knew that resistance would be useless.
Kwan's body was claimed and recognised by his own
family the following day, and was of course readily
given up to them . A salute of minute-guns was fired
to his honour from the Blenheim, as a brave but fallen
enemy. It will be remembered that he was the same
distinguished personage who lost his red button or ball
during the engagement with the war-junks in Anson's
Bay, and obtained it back again, at his own request,
through Captain Elliot's intercession.
The resistance which the Chinese might have offered
to our forces will be seen from the following account of
the ordnance captured during the day. On the southern
Anunghoy fort were 107 guns, of various calibre ; one
being a 68 -pounder, one a 42, and a good many of 32 , 24,
and 18. Four of them were very large brass guns, made
by the Portuguese in 1627, two of these being upwards
of eleven feet long, and ten inches and three- quarters -
in diameter of the bore ; three of the iron ones were
of English manufacture, and the remainder were heavy
Chinese guns . On the northern Anunghoy fort were
40 guns, about half of them varying from 18 to 42
pounders. All of these were Chinese. At the two sand
bag batteries, erected to the eastward of the southern
fort, were about thirty guns of small calibre ; so that
there were altogether on that side of the river one hun
dred and seventy -seven guns. Again, upon the little
fortified island of North Wantung, were planted upwards
of one hundred and sixty guns, of which , however, one
third were very small, and of little service; and another
third of them varied only from six to twelve pounders.
The remainder were mostly very good, and some very
heavy guns ; one being a 68-pounder, and another a 42
pounder. Several of these bore a curious inscription,
similar to some others subsequently taken on Lord
Napier's fort near Canton.
On the fort and works, on the mainland, on the
western side of the river, facing Wantung, were also
mounted about forty guns. Thus the whole number
captured in this day's operations amounted to three
hundred and eighty pieces of cannon ; to which, if we
add eighty pieces more captured on the preceding
day by the Nemesis and boats, under Captain Herbert,
at the masked battery and stockades in the river, at the
bottom of Anson's Bay, we shall find the whole number
taken and destroyed in these two days alone, at the first
resumption of hostilities, to have amounted to four hun
dred and sixty pieces.
Immediately after the British flag was planted trium
phantly upon the forts of the Bogue, or at any rate be
fore the close of the day, a notice was issued by Com
modore Sir Gordon Bremer, by which the blockade of
the river of Canton was raised . British and foreign mer
chant-ships were now permitted to proceed as far as the
Bogue, and were to be allowed to go further up the
river, as soon as the obstructions to the navigation could
be removed .
General alarm caused by the fall of the Bogue forts - Removal of the
great chain — The light squadron under Captain Herbert proceed up
the river - Remarks on the latter-
Whampoa — Junk Island — Chan
nels of the river unknown — Policy of the Chinese Nemesis leads up,
giving the soundings - Approach to the first bar - Description of the
fort and raft-- English ship, the Cambridge, purchased by the Chinese
-War junks — Nemesis begins the action at the first bar - Madagascar
follows - Sulphur and the rest of the squadron arrive - Marines and
seamen land under Captain Herbert - Fort taken - Attack upon the
Cambridge — Lieutenant Watson drags a boat across the raft - And
with Captain Hall and others boards the Cambridge — Description of
the vessel - Ordered to be blown up — Captain Elliot's coolness and
courage - Nemesis and boats proceed up to Junk river - Boats of the
Wellesley and Sulphur - Fort captured — Sir Gordon Bremer joins
from the Bogue - Howqua's folly - Prefect of Canton arrives — Truce
for three days — Arrival of Sir Hugh Gough from India, 2nd of
March - Force arrives from Chusan - Nemesis discovers a passage into
the Broadway river - Captain Elliot's reward for a pilot - Truce ex
pires - Panic at Canton - Captain Elliot's proclamation to the Chinese.
The great event which has now been described, the
capture of the Bogue forts, though purchased at a very
small sacrifice on the part of the victors, derived an
immense importance from the greatness of the sacrifice
in reference to the Chinese.. Although the cautious
discernment of a few men like Keshen might have appre
ciated the strength of their enemy, and the compara
tive weakness of their own defences, the fact of the fall
of the Bogue forts, which were considered by the Chi
nese throughout the empire, as well as by the govern
ment, to be impregnable, created a degree of alarm in
the public mind without parallel since the Tartar con
quest. Whatever reliance the authorities on the spot,
and the overweening arrogance of a population accus
tomed only to the " submission ” of foreigners, may
have placed in the efficiency of other recent prepara
tions of a different description higher up the river, these
could never inspire confidence in the mass of the nation,
or even in the government, to whom the nature of them
could be little known.
The fall of the Bocca Tigris at once destroyed the
charm of its supposed strength, and the loss of a feudal
tower of old could hardly have spread more consterna
tion among a host of vassals than did the fall of the
Bogue forts among the Chinese nation. Totally inex
perienced in the horrors of war, they retained a sort of
hereditary pride in the Bogue, as their great bulwark
against the inroads of the foreigner. The whole nation
was at that time unprepared for war, and the govern
ment without any organized system of defence. Hence
it is not difficult to perceive, that advantage might have
been taken of their momentary state of alarm , to have
urged them at once to the conclusion of some kind of
peaceable settlement. The whole difficulty, however,
at that time seems to have turned upon the question of
the supply of tea . The Chinese saw clearly the anxiety
which we showed to obtain the year's crop, and they
quickly boasted that “ their tea and their rhubarb were
as necessary to the foreigner as air itself.” However,
it was resolved at length that we should dictate the
terms of peace at Canton, rather than at the Bogue,
and accordingly the fleet prepared to proceed immedi
ately up the river.
It will be remembered that a large chain cable had
been thrown across the river, supported by rafts, between
Anunghoy and aa little islet close to South Wantung. It
served them no good purpose whatever ; and after the
forts were taken possession of, nothing was easier than
to remove this impediment to the navigation. The
forts were next blown up, or damaged as much as they
could be, though not without great labour and diffi
culty, arising from the heavy masses of stone and chu
nam of which they were constructed. Chinese powder
was moreover used for the purpose , which, being less
strong, though made as nearly as possible with the
same proportions and of the same materials as our
own , but with less care, added somewhat to the diffi
culty of the task. Several days were occupied by the
engineers, sappers, and miners, assisted by seamen, in
this laborious operation. It was, however, effectually
done at last, scarcely one stone being left standing
upon another.
On the morning following the action, the light squa
dron under Captain Herbert was ordered to proceed
without delay up the river, in order to follow up the
advantages already gained by the panic created by
the capture of the Bogue. It consisted of the Calliope,
Alligator, Herald, Sulphur, and Modeste, with the
Nemesis and Madagascar steamers. The principal
objects and the general aspect of the river, as far as
the second bar, (which is below the first one) have
been already described, in connexion with the account of
the grand conference between Keshen and Captain Elliot.
It will facilitate the understanding of future ope
rations if we notice briefly, as we proceed, the principal
objects worthy of observation, above the second bar, as
far as the city of Canton itself, or even a little beyond
it ; for the operations extended even higher up. It
should be remembered that by the first and second bar
are merely meant sandbanks or flats, which impede the
navigation of the river, of course contracting to a
certain extent the channel for large ships. The second
bar is a large shoal on the left side of the river, ascend
ing (or geographically on its right bank) upwards of
ten miles above Tiger Island . The Pagoda near which
the conference was held stands near its upper ex
tremity, on the same bank of the river. The first bar,
however, lies about seven miles higher up on the oppo
site side of the river, and is not so extensive a flat as
the lower one. It seems to have been formed by a
deposit from the waters of one of the larger of those
numerous rivers, or their branches, which empty them
selves not only into the Canton river, but into all the
principal rivers of China. Indeed, so numerous are
these water- communications in every direction , that
Keshen was perfectly correct in his observation that
small vessels could proceed wherever they pleased, even
up to Canton itself, without passing through the main
river. Of course, the channel becomes both narrower
and more intricate in the neighbourhood of the bar ; and,
therefore, the Chinese showed considerable judgment
in attempting to defend this position, which was in
fact the most tenable one between the Bogue and
Whampoa ; from which latter place it was distant
about four miles. The whole of the neighbouring
country on both sides is almost one continued tract of
swampy rice -ground ; an additional proof of the endless
Above the first bar, the river becomes more intricate
in its navigation, having its channel broken and divided
by several islands, and ceasing to be navigable for vessels
even of moderate size beyond Whampoa, at least by any
channel, which had been at that time discovered. But it
will be presently seen that another passage was soon after
wards found. The anchorage at Whampoa had here
tofore been the resort of all the foreign trading ships ;
and the surrounding country at all times presents a
very picturesque and refreshing appearance. The Can
ton river would seem at various times to have been
subject to a great rise in its waters, and thus, overflow
ing the country through which it passes, to have
formed for itself new passages and lines of communi
cation, which in some parts give it the appearance of
dividing itself into numerous distinct rivers, at other
times merely separating its waters for a very short dis
tance, leaving a few picturesque islands between its
branches, and speedily re-uniting its numerous stream
lets again .
Whampoa is perhaps the largest of several islands,
which lie in the main course of the river. It is about
four miles in length, and has a rather shallow channel
on either side, navigable only for vessels of very small
draught of water. On its north - eastern side, quite
towards its lower end, lies the much smaller island
called Junk Island, a long narrow strip of land, which
with its shoals greatly impedes the navigation on that
side. The channel between it and Whampoa is gene
rally known by the name of Junk River.
Nearly all our merchant-ships used to anchor towards
the bottom of Whampoa Island, in what has been called
Whampoa Reach . But smaller ones could proceed up as
far as the village of that name, beyond which the channel
has become known by the name of Fiddler's Reach. Some,
however, of our largest ships were formerly accustomed
to take in their outward cargoes as low down as the
“ Second Bar,” which occasioned an additional charge
for lighters or cargo boats, and other inconveniences
but these now anchor in what has lately been called the
Blenheim Reach, to the southward of Danes' Island.
(See map and plan of Canton. ) It is not a little remark
able that the Chinese authorities should have been able
to keep foreigners so long in complete ignorance of some
of the most important branches of their magnificent
river ; which for two centuries had witnessed the yearly
increase of foreign commerce .
This no doubt was effected by the jealous orders
which were issued to their pilots, who dared not follow
any other than the old prescribed track. Yet it is also
remarkable that, among so many ships which have
annually visited the river, none should have been found
whose commanders were led by curiosity or stimulated
by the tiresome sameness of an every day -life, during
the dull season, to explore in open boats some of those
large and tempting passages, the openings of which
could be seen . Had not the war stimulated our exer
tions, or awakened our curiosity, we should without
doubt have remained as ignorant as ever of the capa
bilities of the river, the extent of which was scarcely
even surmised . ]1
No wonder that smuggling in every form has been
long carried on to such a notorious extent by the
Chinese at Whampoa, and in other parts of the river !
The communications by water from one point to ano
ther, and with the interior of the country, are so nume
rous, and so interwoven with each other, that it would
be impossible for any system of fiscal regulations which
the Chinese could adopt to operate efficiently against
the complicated machinery of evasion which could so
easily be put in practice. This, among other reasons,,
may have contributed (always secondary , however, to
their jealousy of foreigners ,) to the strictness of their
orders respecting the anchorage for our ships.
The light squadron proceeded up the river early on
the morning of the 27th of February. It was not yet
perfectly ascertained what obstacles were to be met
with, although it was well known that the Chinese had
been making extensive preparations to impede the ad
vance of our forces. The wind was light throughout
The newly -explored passages will be described in the order of their
discovery. The Blenheim Reach, Browne's Passage, and the communications
with the Broadway River, by which our light squadron afterwards
reached the city of Canton , were as yet quite unknown to us.
the day, and the Sulphur, which was to have been the
leading vessel, fell behind ; the Nemesis, therefore, now
took the lead, and proceeded with caution, giving the
soundings by signal to the squadron, by means of flags
fastened to the ends of long bamboos ; by which con
trivance the signals could be made with the greatest
It is worthy of notice, that not a single ship of the
squadron touched the ground on their passage up,
although there was no native pilot on board any of the
vessels. The great advantage of steamers drawing little
water in leading a fleet up a river is undeniable ; the
certainty and perfect control of her movements, with
the facility of changing her position , or of backing her
self off, should she touch the ground, give her an im
mense advantage over every other description of vessel,
for exploring the passage of a river.
It is a very pretty sight to watch a small steamer,
giving the soundings as she proceeds, for the guidance of
the ships behind her, both men -of-war and transports.
No new defences or hostile preparations on the part
of the enemy were discovered, until the squadron had
passed up a considerable distance beyond the second
bar shoals. The Nemesis, being still ahead, it could
now be made out distinctly with the telescope that a
large ship, probably the Cambridge, (a late British ship,
purchased by the Chinese) was at anchor near the first bar.
This was immediately signalized to the squadron, which
came to anchor about three miles from the position indi
cated. But the Nemesis, having previously taken the
Plenipotentiary and Captain Herbert on board, proceeded
to reconnoitre , and to ascertain if a clear passage ex
isted for the ships, as the Channel was supposed to have
been partially obstructed by sunken junks.
On arriving sufficiently near to observe accurately
the dispositions of the enemy, it was discovered that a
considerable mud battery had been constructed on the
left bank of the river ( the right in ascending) above the
first bar, near the Brunswick rock, below Whampoa ;
and that in order to obstruct the advance of the squad
ron beyond it, a very strong and broad raft, formed by
large masses of timber secured well together, had been
carried quite across the river, from one side to the other,
precisely opposite the battery . Behind the raft lay the
ship Cambridge, (previously known as the Chesapeake)
with an admiral's flag at the main, moored head and stern
in such a way that only her bow guns could be brought
to bear for the defence of the raft. A number of war
junks were also under weigh not far from her. It was
evident that the Chinese were quite prepared for resist
ance ; and, had the Cambridge been anchored with springs
on her cable, so as to enable them to bring her broad
sides to bear alternately upon the raft, she might have
fired with very great effect upon any of our ships as
they approached. But the Chinese are not sufficiently
acquainted with naval tactics to be able to make the best
use even of the resources at their command .
The war -junks looked much more formidable in the
distance, than when more nearly viewed, and there was
much more probability of their making their escape
after the first shots were fired, than that they would
offer any serious opposition. The fort itself consisted
VOL . I. A A
of a strong line of mud batteries along the river front,
and was afterwards found to mount no less than forty
seven guns, which were principally intended to protect
the raft. On the left flank of the battery were also
mounted several guns, which bore directly upon the
ships as they advanced up the river ; and beyond this,
further on the flank, was a small battery or field
work, mounting four or five guns, and connected with
the former by an embankment, with a small ditch
before it, upon which were planted a great number of
ginjals, or wall pieces. These latter, from being more
easily managed, and more accurately pointed, were often
calculated to do more injury than their great guns.
Within the fort, or line of field -works, was a double
Chinese encampment, containing about two thousand
men . The rear of the position was protected by a deep
creek twenty -five yards wide, and by paddy- fields, which
were partially flooded . These impediments proved very
injurious to the Chinese themselves, when they were
driven out of the fort, and attempted to escape in the
rear ; and they suffered great loss there in consequence.
It must not be forgotten that the Cambridge was heavily
armed, although she proved of no service whatever to
her new masters.
It was determined that no time should be lost in
commencing the attack on this formidable line of de
fence, without even waiting for the arrival of the other
ships of the squadron. However, Captain Herbert im
mediately went down in his own gig, to bring up the rest
of the force under his orders, who were all, of course,
equally anxious to take part in the attack. Captain
Elliot remained on board the Nemesis, and on this
and all other occasions exposed himself with a true
sailor's courage, during the hottest part of the engage
An excellent position was taken up by this vessel, not
more than seven hundred yards from the lower angle of
the fort, and , having anchored with springs on her
cable, she commenced throwing shot, shell, and rockets
single-handed into the fort and camp, and also at the
Cambridge behind the raft. The guns were plied with
great precision , principally under the direction of Mr.
Crouch and Mr. Strangways, mates, R.N.
It was now little more than half-past one, and at
two o'clock the Madagascar took up a position a little
outside of the Nemesis, and commenced firing at the
Cambridge with her twenty-four pounders. The Chi
nese kept up their fire from as many guns as they could
bring to bear, and from numerous large ginjals, with
considerable spirit. The Nemesis was struck several
times, but fortunately only one man was wounded .
One of the large shot passed completely through the
outer casing of the steam -chest, from one side to the
other, and was very near penetrating the steam-chest
itself, which would have been one of the most serious
accidents which could possibly befall her. The fire of
the Chinese was so well sustained for some time, that
repeated persuasion was tried , but in vain, to induce
Captain Elliot, (who was standing as a spectator during
the whole time upon the bridge between the paddle
boxes) to retire from such an exposed situation.
The Nemesis, having afterwards changed her position,
A A 2
got aground, by running too close in -shore, in order to
get as near as possible to the battery, and became so
much exposed that, besides receiving several shot in her
hull, she had her spars and rigging a good deal cut up .
At three o'clock the remainder of the squadron had
arrived, the Sulphur being the first vessel which an
chored and commenced firing ; the other ships, how
ever, came up in close succession, and fired their broad
sides with great effect upon the batteries, the Cambridge,
and the war-junks. The vessels engaged were the Cal
liope, Alligator, Herald, Modeste, and Sulphur, with the
Nemesis and Madagascar steamers.
The Chinese, who had been already staggered by the
smart fire of the steamers, were now completely bewil
dered by the additional attack of the other vessels.
Their fire speedily slackened ; and at about half- past
three the boats of the squadron, with the marines under
Lieutenant Stransham, and a party of seamen under
their respective officers, put off to land and storm the
works, the whole under the able direction of Captain
Herbert. Those of the Nemesis, being nearest in -shore,
had the advantage in landing first. All the best men on
board, including some of her engineers, had volunteered
for the occasion, and the whole force now formed to
gether, and immediately dashed on to the gate leading
into the fort close upon the shore. The Chinese at
tempted to defend it, but it was forced , although several
of the Chinese officers fought with determined bravery,
but little science . Their troops retreated in disorder,
and the British flag was planted upon the fort by Cap
tain Hall himself, who, as usual, headed his own party .
On this occasion one of the Chinese officers, with cool
determination and a steady aim, deliberately discharged
four arrows from his bow, at Captain Hall , fortunately
without effect. Had they been musket-balls, however,
he could scarcely have escaped . A marine instantly
raised his musket at the less fortunate Chinese officer :
the aim was unerring, and he fell. An attempt was
first made to save him , for his coolness and courage ; but
in the heat of an engagement it is impossible to control
every man , nor is it probable that the officer would
have allowed himself to be taken prisoner.
About four o'clock the fort was completely in our
possession, the Chinese having in vain attempted to stand
against the hot fire of our musketry.. They scrambled
out at the rear of the fort, in the best way they could ,
and there suffered severe loss. In fact, they were caught
as it were in a trap ; for the deep creek and flooded
paddy-fields in a great measure prevented their flight, so
that about aa hundred of them were killed or drowned at
that spot, although every effort was made to save them .
Some of them tried to escape across the river, jumping
into the water merely with pieces of wood or small logs
in their hands, which they picked up as chance threw
them in their way, in the hope that these would be suf
cient to support them in the water.
While the principal part of our force was thus driving
out the Chinese on one side of the fort, another and
smaller party, consisting of volunteers from the Nemesis
and Calliope, were hastening on towards the gate at the
opposite end, at the extremity of the river -front of the
fort, the Chinese retreating before them. Close by
the gate stood a house, in which many of them took
refuge; but, finding that there was no hope of escape,
and that resistance would be useless, they immediately
surrendered .
The great object now to be attained was to board
the Cambridge, which was lying abreast of the fort.
Unfortunately, no Chinese boat was to be found along
the shore, and it was quite tantalizing for the moment
to see a prize so near, without the means of reaching
At this juncture, Lieutenant Watson, first -lieutenant
of the Calliope, gallantly succeeded in dragging one of
his boats across the rafts, and launched her on the other
side. He then took on board some of the little party
on shore, who, seeing a body of Chinese crowding upon
the deck of the Cambridge, had continued firing upon
them. The boat instantly pulled off to the Cambridge,
under the command of Lieutenant Watson, having with
him Mr. Browne, the master of the Calliope, Captain
Hall, and Mr. Galbraith , of the Nemesis ; together with
Mr. St. Leger, and about nine or ten men .
The Chinese were so alarmed at the sudden attack
upon all their defences at once, and at the capture of
the fort, as well as at the loss they had already sus
tained on board , that they offered little or no resistance;
most of them jumped overboard on the starboard side,
as the boarding-party climbed up on the port side. An
officer of the Nemesis had the good luck to be first upon
the quarter-deck.
Many of the Chinese must have been drowned in at
tempting to swim on shore, as there were no boats at
hand to pick them up, and their own redoubtable war
junks had already made the best of their way up the
river, for fear of meeting the same fate as the Cam
bridge. A number of dead and wounded were found upon
the decks, strong evidence of the well-directed shot of
our ships. She mounted altogether thirty-four guns, of
English manufacture ; and it was rather surprising to
see how well the Chinese had prepared for action , the guns
being in perfect order, fire -buckets distributed about the
decks, and every thing very clean and well -arranged.
It now became a question whether she was to be
blown up or retained as a prize ; but it was decided by
Captain Herbert, that she should be set on fire and de
stroyed, principally with a view to strike terror into the
Chinese, far and wide, by the explosion ; and partly, also,
because she was an old and useless ship. Preparations,
therefore, were at once made by Lieutenant Watson,
with this object. The wounded were all carried on shore,
and every part of the ship was searched with great care,
to ascertain that there were not any Chinamen remain
ing concealed. The few stores found on board were of
very little value, and at five o'clock she was set on fire.
Slowly the flames spread throughout the ship, gra
dually bursting out of every port ; little more than an
hour sufficed for the fire to reach the magazine, and then
she suddenly blew up, rending the atmosphere, and
making every object around her tremble with the ex
plosion. The sparks of fire and burning timbers were
thrown far and wide in every direction ; and, as it was
by this time quite dark, they served to spread the alarm
ing intelligence even among those who were scarcely near
enough to hear the explosion . Several houses took fire
at a considerable distance from the spot, by the falling of
the burning fragments which were carried through the
air. The lower part of the hull of the Cambridge went
down in deep water.
Thus ended the tragedy of the day ; and, following
as it did only twenty -four hours after the capture of the
Bogue, and at the distance of only a few miles from
Canton , we can easily imagine how completely it must
have paralyzed for the moment all the little remaining
spirit and energy of the Chinese. The city of Canton
would probably have fallen an easy prey, had our suc
cesses been followed up by a bold dash at it. But the
different approaches by which our forces could advance
were then very imperfectly known, otherwise the small
ness of our numbers would in any case have been amply
compensated by the panic of the moment.
Throughout the operations of the day, Captain Elliot
had distinguished himself by his personal courage, and
landed with the party from the Nemesis to storm the
fort. The loss of the Chinese is believed to have
amounted to about three hundred killed and wounded .
On our own side there were eight or nine men wounded
and one killed . The magazine of the fort, and the guns,
about sixty in number, were destroyed or rendered use
less . Those of the Cambridge were blown up with the
vessel .
The great raft across the river was not less than five
hundred and fifty yards long, and is said to have cost
the Chinese an inmense sum of money, which was ex
acted from the Hong merchants. It was constructed
with great strength and solidity, for upon it they had
rested their most confident hopes of successful re
sistance. It was cleared away, not without a good deal
of labour, on the following day, and thus the passage
was now opened for the advanced squadron to proceed
up to Whampoa.
The Madagascar was sent down to the Bogue, to in
form Commodore Sir Gordon Bremer of what had
taken place, while the boats of the squadron , together
with the Sulphur and Nemesis, pushed on to explore the
river higher up ; a reconnoissance being necessary before
the ships could advance, owing to the uncertainty as to
what impediments the Chinese might have formed to
obstruct the navigation .
During the day, the Nemesis and boats got far enough
up the branch on the eastern side of Whampoa, called
Junk River, to catch a view of a little fort at the
upper end of Whampoa, called Howqua's Folly. It
was further ascertained that a large body of Chinese
were collecting in that direction , principally on the shore
opposite the island , and that a double line of stakes, in
terlaced with bamboos, were driven across the upper part
of the Junk River passage, where also several large
junks appeared to have been sunk.
It turned out afterwards that, had the Nemesis pro
ceeded only a hundred yards further on, she would have
Why some of the forts should be called “ Follies ” does not appear
evident. Such were the Dutch Folly, French Folly, Napier's Folly, and
Howqua's Folly. The most foolish of them all was certainly the last,
which ultimately fell down, owing to the foundation being weakened by
the washing of the river.
been lucky enough to discover a masked battery, which
it was reserved for the boats of the Wellesley, in com
pany with the Sulphur, to find out on the following day,
and to have the honour of capturing, under the command
of Lieutenant Symonds .
In the mean time, Sir Gordon Bremer, in consequence
of the important intelligence conveyed to him by the
Madagascar, hastened up from the Bogue the same day,
bringing with him the marines of the Wellesley, together
with a hundred seamen, under Captain Maitland. The
marines of the Blenheim , Melville, and Druid likewise
followed , together with a number of boats well armed
and manned. The Queen steamer also came up, bring
ing with her the Eagle transport, and another, the Sophia,
being towed up by the Madagascar..
In the evening, Sir Gordon Bremer, with these sea
sonable reinforcements, joined the advanced squadron
just as they had got up to Whampoa Reach. In con
sequence of the report made to the commodore of the
reconnoissance which had been made during the day, he
was induced to send up the Sulphur on the following
morning, together with three of the boats of the Wel
lesley, to pursue the examination further. The boats
of the Wellesley were commanded by Lieutenant Sy
monds, the first lieutenant of that ship. It is distinctly
stated , in Sir Gordon Bremer's official despatch, that the
Sulphur was towed (going up) by the boats, and that,
as soon as they had got within range of the masked
battery, which had been suspected but not discovered the
day before, the latter opened upon them ; upon which
Lieutenant Symonds, with great decision and gallantry,
instantly cut the tow-rope, and dashed off, to storm the
Such is the account published at the time. But in
Captain Belcher's account of the affair (vol. ii . p. 158 ,)
it is stated that this was a mistake, and that the Sulphur
was not towed at all by the boats ; it is left to be
inferred, also, that Lieutenant Symonds did not cut the
tow-rope, or else that, if he had done so, he would
have been guilty of a breach of discipline.
I have no means of judging between these two ac
counts ; but it was generally understood that Lieutenant
Symonds's gallantry and energy were highly approved
of by the commodore, whether in obedience of orders,
or otherwise. Captain Belcher further states that he
himself “ jumped into his gig to recall the boats, or
to prevent them doing too much, and that it was by
Captain Elliot's wish, who was left in charge during his
absence . ” However, it still appears that the battery was
carried by Lieutenant Symonds and his men, who soon
drove the Chinese out of it, killing several. The official
account further states that the Sulphur immediately
anchored, and sent a few shot in amongst the thick un
derwood , in which the Chinese took shelter.
The battery was found to mount about twenty -three
guns, which, together with the magazine, and all the
matériel, were destroyed. The boats were repeatedly
struck by grape-shot as they dashed on shore, but only
one man was wounded mortally.
The Nemesis came up the Reach during the day, and
managed to get within long gunshot of Howqua’s Folly,
about two miles higher up. In the evening, the Alli
gator, Modeste, and Herald joined her, with two trans
ports. The distance from Canton was now so short,
that they must have been within sight of the city,
although there was too little water by the direct passage
to enable them to get up further. The channels by
which they afterwards reached Canton had not as yet
been discovered .
Howqua's Fort, or Folly, was built of stone, at the
mouth of a little creek, at the extremity of Whampoa
Island, and was surrounded by low paddy-fields, which
occasioned its foundation to be so insecure that it after
wards fell down . It mounted nearly thirty guns of
various calibre. The commandant seems to have had
no particular taste for fighting, and thought a timely
retreat would save him a vast deal of trouble. The fort
was accordingly soon abandoned . A detachment of
the 26th Cameronians occupied it, while a party of
marines, under Captain Ellis, took possession of a large
joss-house, or temple, opposite to it, on the other side
of Junk River, where a strong body of the enemy had
already been seen . They strengthened this position
against any sudden attack.
Just above these two points, and consequently be
tween Howqua's and Napier's Folly, which latter was
situated upon the extremity of a low alluvial island ,
a little above Whampoa, a strong line of stakes or piles
had been driven into the bed of the river. The next
step, therefore, was to clear a passage through them,
which was not to be very easily effected, owing to the
rapidity of the stream , and the stiffness of the soil
forming the river's bed.
Just at this juncture, the prefect of Canton or Kwang
Chow-Foo came alongside the Nemesis in his barge,
attended by a linguist, and inquired for Captain Elliot,
who happened not to be on board . Upon this the pre
fect affected to be in a great hurry to go away , saying
that he could not wait for his return . The only reply
which could be given to him was, that if he couldn't
wait, he had better be off at once, without putting him
self to any inconvenience. This was quite sufficient to
induce this would-be great man to stay ; and he con
tinued , for some time, sitting in his boat, which was
hanging on astern , evidently with forced composure ,
for he declined coming on board the steamer.
As soon as Captain Elliot returned , they went down
to Whampoa Reach together, where aa conference was held
in due form . Captain Elliot certainly wished that hostili
ties should not be pushed further, if it could be avoided ;
and, accordingly, although it was perfectly well known
and admitted that Keshen had been degraded from his
office of commissioner, and that his successor had not
yet arrived, a truce was agreed upon for three days
with the Kwang - Chow -Foo. This was only a con
ciliating piece of leniency on the part of Captain Elliot,
for, at that moment, there was really no responsible
public officer who could undertake on the part of the
Chinese to treat for or accept any terms whatever. At
the same time, it was not denied that a general panic
prevailed at Canton, and that vast numbers of people
were leaving the city.
A lull now ensued , the probable result of which it was
idle to guess, although it was generally expected that
hostilities would be resumed, and that no settlement
whatever could be attempted, until Canton itself was
completely at our mercy. This happened precisely at
the moment of the arrival of Major-General Sir Hugh
Gough from Madras, in H.M.S. Cruizer, to assume the
command in chief of all the land- forces, by the orders
of the governor-general of India. This important event
happened on the 2nd March, 1841 ; and the arrival of
a general of acknowledged bravery and distinction was
a subject of general congratulation, and was looked
upon as likely to lead to energetic and decisive steps.
It was also just about this time that the force which
had been ordered down from Chusan arrived in the
Canton River, namely the Pylades, Blonde, Conway,
and Nimrod, together with the transports, conveying
the troops. Our forces were, therefore, now concen
trated ; and, whatever may be the opinion generally
entertained concerning the policy of so suddenly giving
up Chusan long before the answer could have arrived
from Pekin respecting Keshen's treaty, it happened,
nevertheless, very much to our advantage, that the
whole of a still small force was now united at one point,
for the more effective prosecution of any enterprise
which it might be advisable to undertake. Thus it
occurred on many occasions during the war, that what
appeared at first sight unfortunate, or, at all events,
little likely to be attended with good results, turned
out, in the end , to be most advantageous. The addi
tion of these reinforcements from Chusan enabled us
now to dictate terms to the Chinese authorities, which,
without them , it would not have been so easy to exact.
Advantage was taken of the interval of the three
days' truce (which was to expire on the 5th) to explore
in the Nemesis, by the orders of Captain Herbert, one of
those broad passages which were known to turn off to the
westward, from Whampoa Reach. It was thought likely
to lead, indirectly, even to Canton, and might therefore
greatly facilitate the advance of our forces upon the
city. It has already been stated , that it was a matter
of surprise that these channels had never been properly
explored by foreigners ; though a passage of some sort
or other was well known to exist on either side of French
and Dane's Islands.
Captain Elliot himself was very anxious upon this
subject, and offered a reward of one hundred dollars to
any active fisherman or pilot who would point out the
best channel. It was thought probable also that there
were several channels, some perhaps large enough
for our sloops, of which we were hitherto perfectly
A pilot soon offered his services, in consideration of
the handsome reward ; although there appeared little
doubt of the Nemesis being able to find a passage for
herself (drawing so little water) without any pilot at all.
Soon after nine o'clock the Nemesis got under weigh,
under the direction of Captain Herbert, having Captain
Elliot and other officers on board . The object was not
to make any minute survey of the passage ; but merely
to ascertain, by a cursory examination, the nature of the
channel, and in what direction it was likely to terminate.
Leaving Dane’s and French Islands to the southward, they
proceeded very cautiously to thread their way through
the shoals or mud-banks which were found in the pas
sage. The country on both sides was low and swampy ,
but the channel was not found blocked up by sunken
junks or stones, as it had been in other parts ; probably
because the Chinese hardly expected that any attempt
would be made to pass through it, and partly because
the river into which it led (the Broadway or Macao
passage ) had been already sufficiently fortified and ob
structed . They passed a deserted battery and one or
two small villages.
In the course of a couple of hours, during which time
they had advanced slowly, with a depth of water from
two to three fathoms, they came in sight of a circular
stone fort, with a tower or pagoda upon it, apparently
between two and three miles distant.
As the truce had not yet expired, it was not thought
right to proceed further for the present ; but they had
already reached the point of junction with the Macao
passage, or Broadway River, in the middle of which the
fort (which was afterwards called the Macao Fort) was
situated . Enough had been ascertained to serve as a
guide for future operations ; and the Nemesis, passing
round a small island at the head of the passage, re
turned the same way she had come, and rejoined
the squadron at Whampoa. It was through this pas-.
sage that some of our vessels proceeded, a few days
afterwards, to the attack of the fort, which has been
noticed above.
On the following day, the 6th, the truce expired .
But there was any thing but a peaceable disposition
shown on the part of the Chinese authorities. They
issued strict orders that none of the natives should
supply provisions to our ships. The boats which had
hitherto come fearlessly alongside our vessels all on
a sudden disappeared ; and it was known at Canton
that the native merchants were compelled to remove
all the tea and silk out of the town. All this looked as
if they were determined to come to no amicable settle
ment, and to prevent any kind of trade whatever being
carried on with the foreigners. It is possible, also, that
they fully expected that their city would be captured,
and therefore encouraged the removal of the valuable
In consequence of these proceedings, a proclamation
was addressed by Captain Elliot to the people of Can
ton, telling them that they were quite at our mercy,
and that the city was only spared “ in order to show
how tenderly the good and peaceable inhabitants were
considered ” (by the English). But it was added , that,
“ if the authorities should continue to prevent the na
tive merchants from buying and selling with the foreign
merchants, then the whole trade of Canton was to be .
immediately stopped , and the city strictly blockaded.”
It then wound up by throwing “ the whole responsi
bility of the present state of things upon the bad ad
visers of the emperor .
Preparations were now made for an immediate ad
vance upon the city ; and it was a favourite notion of
Captain Elliot, that he could blockade all the ap
proaches to Canton, and thus, by cutting off its im
mense internal commerce, upon which thousands de
pend for their living, and nearly the whole population
for its supplies of food , constrain the authorities to
come to some reasonable terms, without any further
necessity for a resort to arms.
Expiration of the truce — Napier's Fort - Rafts across the river - Prepa
rations for its capture-Sulphur-And Nemesis—Chinese abandon
the fort – Nemesis returns down Fiddler's Reach - New works of the
Chinese – Scenery of the river - Operations again suspended - Sir
Hugh Gough returns to Wantung - Keshen leaves Canton for Pekin
in disgrace — Chinese hostility - Notices by Captain Elliot — Expedi
tion up the Broadway or Inner Passage under Captain Scott — Nemesis
with boats of Samarang and Atalanta_Entrance to the Inner Passage
-Nemesis attacks Motow — Capture of Tei-yat-kok — War- junks in
sight — Stone Fort, and river staked across (Houchung) — Field -work
( Fei -shu -kok ) - War -junks destroyed -- Pass through large town
(Heong Shan ) -Apathy of the people — Masked battery — Sheong
Chap— Narrowness of the channel — Kong-How Battery — River -
staked across - Mode of removing the piles — Assistance volunteered
by the peasantry — Military station destroyed — Custom House and
war- junk fired -Tam - chow — Military station at Tsenei destroyed
with war-junks, &c.—Channel leading into the river at Second Bar
Nemesis joins the advanced squadron at Whampoa — Reflections— Re
marks on the Ladrones - Fishermen turn smugglers and pirates.
The proclamation addressed by Captain Elliot to the
people of Canton, last alluded to, was certainly intended
to obviate, if possible, the further effusion of blood,
and, by calming the public mind, to prevent the total
cessation of trade. Moreover, he addressed a request
at the same time to the naval and military commanders
in -chief, that they would make no further movements
BB 2
towards the city until the disposition of the provincial
officers could be put to the test. All the private infor
mation which could be gathered , however, tended to
shew that further delay was likely to be useless, and even
As soon, therefore, as the day for the expiration of
the truce had arrived, the Nemesis was ordered to con
vey Captain Elliot, with the commodore and the major
general, together with their respective suites, up to
Howqua's Fort, having the broad pendant flying ; there
several other ships of the advanced squadron were
already at anchor. The flag of truce was then lowered,
and immediate dispositions were made for the capture of
Napier's Fort, which was a little distance higher up.
A little more than half aa mile above the upper end of
Whampoa lies another small, low, alluvial island, which
divides the river into two branches ; and upon the lower
extremity of it stood a semicircular fort, designed to
command the passage on either side. This was called
Napier's Fort, from having been built expressly to com
memorate the discomfiture and ultimate death of that
lamented nobleman ; as if it were a source of pride to
the Chinese, and of humiliation to his own countrymen .
It mounted thirty -five guns .
A little below the fort a strong double line of piles
had been driven into the bed of the river, completely
across from one bank to the other. These were strength
ened by sunken junks ; and the passage was further
blocked up by large stones thrown into the river, and
other impediments. There were flanking batteries also
on either side, recently built of mud, and not quite
finished ; they were intended to mount thirty - five and
forty - four guns .
These positions were capable ofbeing stoutly defended ,
had they been fully armed and manned. Such , however,
was not the case ; and, as the commandant of the fort
was inclined to exhibit the same compliant disposition
as his gallant companion in arms had shewn at Howqua's
Fort below, no resistance was offered ; in fact, the gar
rison all ran away as soon as they had fired off their
guns, having previously intimated their intention , and
succeeded in making good their escape .
The Sulphur, accompanied by some of the boats of
the squadron, managed to get up first, and took posses
sion ; followed by the Nemesis, with the commodore on
board, and other vessels. A detachment of troops had
been sent round by the general, with a view to take the
flanking -batteries in the rear ; but, as it now appeared
that they were undefended, and as the march over
swampy paddy -fields, and across numerous watercourses,
was anything but agreeable, and not likely now to be
useful, they returned to the joss-house below. In the
afternoon, the Nemesis proceeded with the commodore
and Captain Elliot down to Whampoa, passing along
the western side of that island, by the channel which
was known by the name of Fiddler's Reach ; she had
therefore gone completely round Whampoa Island in
the course of the day ; for she went up by the east
ern or Junk river side, and came down by the western
or Fiddler's Reach passage, proving the practicabi
lity of both channels for vessels of small draught of
It may be well here to notice that, at a subsequent
period, after the fall of Canton, and when the Chinese
were prevented by us from renewing or extending any
of the defences of the river below Whampoa, they set
about strengthening the positions above that island with
all the resources they could employ. Before the close
of the war, they not only rebuilt Napier's Fort in a
much more substantial manner, but fortified all that line
of the river, upon a plan, much superior to any they had
hitherto attempted .
Three other large stone forts have been built with
a view to command the navigation of this part of the
river ; namely, one on each bank of the river opposite
Napier's Fort, and one about half a mile lower down, at
the point where the river is still strongly staked across.
Viewed from the river, all these new forts look ex
tremely formidable, being built entirely of stone, of con
siderable height, and calculated to mount little less
than two hundred guns. The structure of all these new
works is of a superior kind to any before seen in
China ; and it is generally supposed that they have been
built at the suggestion or with the assistance of some
European engineer. But, as usual in China, the rear
of the forts is almost entirely unprotected , except by a
stone wall ; and, were it not that the advance of an enemy
on that side would be greatly impeded by ditches and
paddy-fields, which would oppose difficulties to the
bringing up of artillery, they could be captured without
any extraordinary effort.
Whatever may have been the policy of permitting the
Chinese to rebuild any of their forts, or to strengthen
the approaches to Canton, as long as the war lasted, it
is not doubted that it was looked upon as a sort of tri
umph by them ; and, gradually as they saw these fine
forts rising up unobstructed before their eyes, while the
English were carrying on operations to the northward, at
Amoy, Ningpo, and elsewhere, the people of Canton
began to think that they could make the city impreg
nable for the future.
The forbearance which we had always shewn induced
many of the inhabitants even to doubt at last whether
their city had ever been at our mercy at all ; and the
insulting gestures and presumptuous bearing of many of
the people employed in constructing these forts, as we
happened to pass by them in an open boat after the
peace, shewed that they looked forward with confidence
to the protection of these new forts.
The scenery about Whampoa, and between that island
and Canton, throughout all the channels, is very pic
turesque. The fine pagoda upon Whampoa, rising up,
as it were, out of a little mount of wood, and another
similar one on the mainland higher up , surrounded by
rich fields, and numerous winding streams, are striking
objects. A few scattered farm -houses, with their large,
curved, angular roofs, together with the village of Wham
poa, and the numerous boats of all shapes and sizes
plying upon the river, present a peculiar and thoroughly
Chinese prospect.
The short pause in our operations, which now again
It is remarkable that only one pagoda was seen in Pekin by Lord
Macartney's embassy, and none whatever on the Peiho River, nor at any
place between Tiensin and Pekin.
took place at the request of Captain Elliot, was pre
cisely in accordance with the liberal assurances of the
most pacific intentions on the part of the Chinese. Their
acts, however, by no means agreed with their words.
It was perfectly ascertained that a large number of
fire- vessels were being prepared a few miles above Can
ton ; that new defences were being constructed around
the city, particularly upon the heights in its rear ; and
that people were removing their property from the
town, and no valuable produce was allowed to be brought
into it . Sir Gordon Bremer distinctly expressed his
conviction that the measure of attacking Canton itself
would have speedily to be resorted to ; although he de
plored the excesses to which it might give rise, owing
to the abandonment of the city by the authorities, and
the absence of control over the rabble of a community
proverbially bad. The major -general. now went down
the river, and remained at Wantung with the commo
dore, where plans for the future operations were de
vised .
About this time, Keshen, whose functions had already
ceased, left Canton for Pekin, in disgrace, in order to be
put upon his trial for traitorous conduct, as his unfor
tunate defeats were now termed . The result was, that
he was utterly degraded ; all his property, which was
enormously valuable, was confiscated, and he himself
banished to the cold regions of Tartary.
On the 10th, despatches were sent up by the Nemesis
from Captain Elliot (who in the mean time had gone to
Macao) to the commodore at the Bogue, in consequence
of the Chinese authorities having issued chops or pass
ports for all ships, except British, to proceed up the
river to trade, as far as Whampoa . This act of open
defiance could not be overlooked , and Captain Elliot
himself seems to have been struck with the hostile
temper which this proceeding evinced. A notice was,
in consequence , issued to the effect, “ that, as the port
of Canton, from its entrance to its extremity, was in the
military occupation of her Majesty's arms, no ships
whatever would be permitted to enter the river, except
under the authority of the commander - in -chief ; and,
moreover, that a close embargo would be laid on the
city and trade of Canton, until the whole of their
foreign trade should be placed upon a perfectly equal
footing, without any exception whatever.”
So far, then, it was very evident that our previous
forbearance, when actually in sight of Canton , had not
been followed by any good result. In point of fact, it
had not been understood, and was certainly looked upon
rather as an evidence of conscious weakness on our
part,, than as what
' it actually was -- an instance of for
bearance, resulting from conscious strength .
It was, probably, the necessity which he now felt of
striking some blow calculated to make an immediate
impression upon the Chinese, which induced Captain
Elliot to direct his attention to one of the most boldly
conceived and successfully -executed exploits which have
to be recorded during this campaign. It appears to
have struck him almost on a sudden ; and, finding
that Captain Scott, of the Samarang, who was then se
nior officer at Macao, and also Captain Hall, of the Ne
mesis, entirely concurred with him in his views, it was
resolved that not a moment should be lost. Above all, it
was kept perfectly secret ; so that no rumour of any new
project could reach any of the inhabitants of Macao,
either Portuguese or Chinese. The undertaking to which
I allude became afterwards generally known, as the
forcing of the Broadway, or Inner, or Macao Passage,
( for it has obtained all these names) by the Nemesis, ac
companied by three boats, viz., two belonging to the
Samarang, and one to the Atalanta steamer. This
passage leads direct from Macao to Canton , but had
been hitherto frequented only by native boats ; indeed,,
no others were permitted to pass through it. This was
one of those numerous opportunities in which the Ne
mesis so clearly demonstrated the great advantage to
be derived from the employment of shallow iron steamers,
in hostile operations along the course of unexplored
The exploit was spoken of in very handsome terms,
both by the plenipotentiary and the commodore in their
public despatches, and attracted the notice of every one
connected with the service. Too much credit cannot
be given to Captain Scott, Captain Hall, and the other
officers and men, whose united zeal and hearty co
operation produced results so important and deci
It must here be remarked that this intricate passage
was one never before traversed by any European vessel or
boat, and believed by the Chinese themselves to be inac
cessible to foreigners, both owing to the shallowness
and intricacy of its channels, and to the number and
strength of the artificial defences erected on its banks.
It can, perhaps, be scarcely called a distinct river, but
may be rather considered as in reality one of those almost
innumerable channels, which present themselves to view
on every side along the whole sea-board of China ; di
viding and then reuniting, sometimes receiving large
branches, sometimes throwing them off, here commu
nicating with other rivers, and there even traversing
across them . It is difficult to ascertain, with regard to
many of them, whether they are distinct rivers, or
branches, or mere watercourses, leading from one to
the other. In short, with respect more particularly to
the country about Canton, the whole of it appears to be
subdivided , again and again , by these ever-multiplying
channels, which form a sort of fluid network , embracing
the soil it nourishes and reproduces. Many of these
are only known, among the Chinese themselves, by
those who depend on them for subsistence ; and who,
rarely quitting them, make their boat their floating
home .
On leaving the roads of Macao, and proceeding nearly
due west, after passing the town and the entrance to
the Inner Harbour beyond it, you come into a straight
but rather shallow channel, which continues in the same
direction along the southern shore of the island called
Twee-Lien -Shan. Having reached its western extre
mity, which is about four miles from Macao, you very
shortly enter the mouth of a river, which is broad but
shallow and becomes narrower as you proceed up to
wards the north-west, by the gradual contraction of its
shores. This is the entrance to the Broadway, or Inner
See map .
Passage. Several openings were soon perceived on both
sides, probably the mouths of smaller rivers or creeks,
entering the larger channel. The proper opening of the
Inner Passage begins about six miles from the western
point of Twee - Lien - Shan Island, but the narrow part of
it is about four miles further on .
Let us now imagine ourselves just embarked on board
the Nemesis in Macao roads, at three o'clock in the
morning (rather an unpleasant hour, even in that cli
X mate) on the 13th of March , all the arrangements
having been completed the day before. Already, Cap
tain Elliot and suite are on board ; and Captain Scott
of the Samarang, who commands the force, is standing
on the quarter-deck, with the other officers, impatient to
start, while the boats of the Samarang and that of the
Atalanta are being made fast astern. And we must also
not omit to record that Mr. Johnston, the deputy super
intendent of trade, and also Mr. Morrison and Mr. Thom,
the indefatigable interpreters and secretaries,' the value
of whose services throughout the war it is impossible too
highly to appreciate, were also on board during this ex
Having quitted the town of Macao with the utmost
1 Not only on this, but on many other occasions, these gentlemen were
personally exposed to the fire of the enemy, little less than either soldiers
or sailors. They showed the utmost coolness and personal courage; and
it is but justice to them to remark that their presence was always of
the greatest value in every operation, even though unarmed, and, as non
belligerents, unnoticed. Their knowledge of the language and their
goodjudgment frequently enlisted in our favour the people of the country,
who might have offered great annoyance, and they were often able to
mitigate the hardships even ofwar itself.
quietness, leaving all the world asleep, and unconscious
of any movement, they soon fell in with a large junk at
anchor, which was fortunately able to furnish a pilot,
one of her crew being taken out, not without reluctance,
for that purpose. At first the poor fellow was very
much frightened , but, finding that he was well treated ,
well fed , and good pay promised, he soon became recon
ciled to his position, and behaved well throughout. Du
ring the day he seemed very little concerned about the
firing either of the steamer or of his own countrymen,
and piloted the vessel, as far as his knowledge extended ,
up the river very accurately.
The progress was at first slow , owing to the shallow
ness of the water, which often did not much exceed five
feet (little enough for a vessel of more than six hundred
tons burden) ; indeed, the pilot himselfmaintained that it
would be impossible for the vessel to proceed : and it
may be noticed that the soundings at the entrance were
not found so deep as laid down in Horsburgh's chart, in
which they are partially given . However, on she went,
nothing daunted either by mud, sand, or water, or even
by the shallowness of the river.
Day had now long dawned ; and, at eight o'clock,
she came in sight of a fort on the starboard -hand, which
proved to be situated on a small promontory on the
left bank of the river. It is called Motow, and is situated
some distance below a point where the main channel
separates into two branches. Half an hour afterwards,
the Nemesis was near enough to take up a position to
the southward of the fort, so that she could fire directly
into it without any of the enemy's guns being able to
bear upon her ; in fact, she enfiladed the position.
Upon this the fort was abandoned by the Chinese, whose
flight was accelerated by their seeing that the boats
were putting off to attack them . The place was imme
diately taken possession of, the buildings of every
description set on fire, and the guns, thirteen in number,
rendered unserviceable. The boat's crews were again
on board the Nemesis in about an hour, and she pursued
her course without loss of time.
About four miles further on, just above where the
river becomes more contracted by its division, a second
fort was discovered, also situated on the left bank.
The position was well chosen, upon a rising ground, at
some distance from the river -side, but commanding the
whole bend or reach of the river in front of it. It was
built of mud, but protected nearly all round by flooded
paddy -grounds.
On this occasion , the Chinese were the first to open
their fire upon the Nemesis, as she rounded an inter
vening point of land, and entered the reach above
mentioned . They
They kept up their fire, at first, very
smartly, having probably trained all their guns to bear
upon one particular point. It was most effectu
ally returned by the steamer, with shot, shell, and
rockets, which were thrown (as officially reported by
Captain Scott himself ) with remarkable accuracy . The
boats again put off to land, under cover of the rising
bank on the river-side, with the intention of taking
the position in flank ; but the Chinese at once abandoned
their works ; though, if they had resisted the advance,
they might have inflicted severe loss, as the party could
only approach the fort along a narrow causeway, in
single file. The works were immediately taken pos
session of, and were found to mount either twelve or
fourteen guns, which were of course destroyed , as were
also the sheds and buildings within the fort, which ,
however, were of very recent construction, and of a
temporary nature.
Before returning to the steamer, the boats pulled
across to the opposite side of the river, where a large
Chop-house and military depôt were likewise destroyed.
The name of the fort, or field -work, above described
was Tei- yat-kok. At this point, several other China
men were taken on board as pilots, for the better navi
gation of the channel through which they had now to
proceed .
They had ascended a very little way further up the
river, when, to the joy of every one, they espied nine war
junks, under weigh, a considerable distance ahead, and
chace was given at full speed, in spite of all obstacles
of the navigation. The interest and excitement mo
mentarily increased , as, every mile they advanced, served
i See the map of the Canton River, in which the chart of the Broad
way or Macao Passage is reduced from a very large Chinese manuscript,
kindly lent by Captain Scott, who states that he found it approxima
tively correct. Indeed, it was the best guide to the Nemesis ( except the
lead ) as she proceeded, for the native pilots were not found to be of
much use.
The distances from place to place, however, cannot be de
pended on as exact ; but, in the original manuscript, every fort and
military station was marked in its proper position. The names given in
Captain Scott's despatch are spelt somewhat differently from what they
appear on the original chart, but, upon the whole, they are sufficiently
to lead them to the conclusion that the Chinese were
better prepared for defence than had been at all ex
pected. Indeed, it was not a little remarkable that a
passage never before explored by foreigners should have
been found in a state of preparation against attack, by
forts of old standing and solid construction, as well as
by works of recent and temporary formation .
On entering the bend of the river in which the junks
had been first caught sight of, a considerable stone-built
fort was discovered, called Houchung, or Ha -chap, close to
the river's side, upon its right bank (on the left hand as
cending), in front of which, and perfectly commanded by
it, piles had been driven across the river, so as to obstruct
the navigation. But the work had apparently not been
quite finished, and a narrow opening was still left in the
centre, through which the junks had already passed, in
order to take up a more secure position, as they thought,
on the other side. The fort mounted fourteen or fifteen
guns. But there was also another and smaller fort close
to it, built of earth, and not yet finished, being without
guns, but having ten embrasures.
Here again the Chinese were the first to begin
firing, both from the fort and junks; but it was re
turned with precision and rapidity by the Nemesis,
under cover of which the boats pushed off to storm the
fort. This was effected without much difficulty, through
the embrasures. The fall of the fort, of course, left
the passage through the stakes quite unprotected, ex
cept by the junks ; but the Chinese sailors were so
panic-struck by the rapidity with which the fort had
Houchung River
been taken , and by the approach of the boats, which
were now making their way through the stakes to
attack them , that seven out of the nine were run
ashore by their crews,—when they immediately jumped
overboard and escaped, leaving their vessels entirely at
our mercy .
Just as the boats came up to take possession, a field
work on the left bank, within little more than a hun
dred yards of the headmost junk, opened fire on them
unexpectedly with grape-shot. As the junks were
already abandoned, a strong party at once landed, under
Lieutenant Bower, and carried the field -work, by passing
round to its rear, which, as usual with the Chinese,
was left almost unprotected. This place, which was
called Fie-shu-kok, was set on fire and destroyed, to
gether with the seven guns which were mounted on it.
The war-junks were likewise set on fire, and blew up
very shortly after. But the two which had not been
run ashore contrived to make good their escape.
During the time that these operations were being
effected, Captain Hall had dexterously succeeded in
getting his steamer through the stakes, by the same
opening through which the junks had passed, and which
barely afforded room for her paddle-boxes. The flood
tide was now running up with great rapidity, and she
was therefore dropped through the passage, being
steadied by kedges and hawsers, two of which had to
be cut away, and left behind.
She now joined the boats opposite Fie-shu-kok ; and,
as soon as the destruction of the junks and works had
been completed, it was resolved to push on further up
the river, in the hope of overtaking the two junks which
had got away. Altogether, twenty-one guns had been
destroyed in these forts, and twenty - eight more in the
junks. But the impression made through all the
neighbouring country, by these active measures, was far
more important than the mere destruction of a certain
number of guns .
At half-past three they arrived at the large trading
town of Heong-Shan , about five or six miles further
up. The river flows straight through the middle of it,
so that they found themselves unexpectedly in the
centre of an important inland town, in which, if it had
been their object, it was easily within their power to
inflict severe injury upon a dense and apparently harm
less population. But it has been mentioned before,
that much suffering was spared, by the assistance
of Mr. Morrison and Mr. Thom. Captain Elliot also
exerted himself very much to prevent the peasantry or
mere lookers-on from being implicated ; and he some
times allowed even the armed soldiers to escape, rather
than run the risk of injuring the innocent. The object
was to confine hostilities, as much as possible, to
the servants and property of the Chinese government,
leaving the people uninjured .
The good effect of this policy was soon very evident.
The inhabitants of this populous town appeared to
regard with very little apprehension the approach of
the steamer, and seemed more moved by curiosity and
astonishment at her structure and locomotive power,
than alarmed by any dread of her hostile intentions.
The people crowded upon the banks of the river ; the
house-tops and the surrounding hills were covered with
curious gazers, wondering what strange event would
happen next. Hundreds of trading junks and boats of
various kinds, most of them the sole home of their
owners, were crowded together on both sides of the
river, throughout the town, and even above and below
it. The river was narrow, and so densely were the
boats packed, that the only passage left was directly
in the centre of the stream , where, as if by mutual
consent, a clear way had been left, only just broad
enough to allow the steamer to pass ; requiring some
dexterity to avoid running foul of the junks on either
It is very curious that so large a body of people
should have looked on with so little apparent fear, par
ticularly as they could well perceive that the steamer
was in chase of two war-junks, which had preceded her,
followed by several mandarin-boats, in which the man
darins or authorities of the town were endeavouring to
make their escape, in the greatest consternation. One
of the war -junks, finding that it was impossible to keep
ahead of the steamer, which was rapidly gaining on
her, was run ashore, some distance above the town, by
her crew, who immediately jumped overboard, and had
only just time to escape before the steamer came up.
She was at once boarded, and then set fire to and blown
up . She carried four guns . It was now observed that
Chinese soldiers were gathering thickly upon the neigh
bouring hills, as if meditating a descent, but a shot or
two thrown in amongst them served to put them to
CC 2
Just at this moment a masked battery, concealed by
some trees, not more than a couple of hundred yards
ahead, imprudently betrayed itself by opening its fire
on the steamer ; nor was this the only instance in which
small forts or field - works would have been passed un
seen and uninjured, had they not expended useless pow
der in making a smoke, which at once betrayed them.
The fire was instantly returned, and served to cover the
boats, which put off with the marines of the Samarang
to storm the works. Eight guns were found in it, which,
together with the buildings and magazine, were of course
destroyed. This place was called Sheongchap, and was
situated just below a point where the river divides, or
rather where two branches unite.
It being now past six, p.m., it was thought proper to
anchor for the night, after a very severe day's work for
all hands since three in the morning. The Nemesis, having
proceeded a little distance above Sheongchap, found
herself getting into very shallow water, and therefore
anchored for the night. The channel was so narrow that
it was impossible to turn the vessel round, scarcely even
by forcing her bows hard aground over the banks. She
was anchored head and stern , and guard -boats were
placed round her all night, for fear of any attempt at
On the following morning, the 14th, the Nemesis
again pursued her course up what appeared to be the
principal branch, but which became so shallow that it
was doubtful how far she would be able to proceed ;
she had seldom more than six feet water, and in many
places only five, so that she was frequently forced through
the mud itself. There was not room to turn her fairly
round, and the only mode in which she could be ma
naged was by sometimes driving her bows as far as pos
sible into the river's bank, sometimes her stern ; while at
other times it was hard to say whether she was proceed
ing over a flooded paddy- field, or in the channel of a
watercourse . This gave occasion to a facetious remark,
in which sailors sometimes delight, that this “ would be
a new way of going overland to England .”
After proceeding only three or four miles, a village
came in sight, with a fort adjoining, and rather above
it. This was afterwards found to be named Kong-How.
Nearly opposite the fort the river was again found to be
staked across, much more strongly than it was at Hou
chong; and it was in a similar manner commanded by
the guns of the fort. The Nemesis, as soon as she came
within good range, opened her fire warmly upon the fort,
which the Chinese returned . The boats pushed off as
usual ; but the moment the marines and a party of sea
men began to land, the Chinese abandoned the fort in
confusion .
On the upper side of the fort, sand -bags were found
recently piled up against the walls, as if the Chinese had
expected the attack to be made on that side ; which
shows that they anticipated that an attempt would
be made to explore these passages, but that they rather
looked for it from the side of Tycocktow than from
Macao. The works, with their nine guns and magazine,
were afterwards all blown up at once.
The principal obstacle now remaining to be got rid
of was one more troublesome than all the forts together,
or any impediment yet met with. The line of piles
which had been driven in across the river was not less
than twenty feet wide, or rather it was a double line,
filled up between the two with large sunken junks laden
with stones. Great labour and perseverance were re
quired to get up sufficient of these piles to clear a passage
broad enough for the steamer to pass. This was only
accomplished after four hours' hard work, in which, oddly
enough, the Chinese peasantry bore an active part, volun
tarily coming forward to assist, and even venturing to
come on board the steamer itself. This was undoubtedly
one of the good results of not having inflicted any in
jury upon the country people or inhabitants of the vil
lages through which the little expedition had passed.
Inquiry has often been made what method was adopted
in order to open aa passage through obstacles such as I
have described. It may, therefore, be here remarked
that several modes were at different times resorted to,
according to circumstances. Where the stakes were
not driven in very firmly, it was easy, by fastening a
hawser round the top of them, and making it fast to the
steamer, to back her out, and pull them one by one away ;
but as this was a tedious process, a hawser was some
times fastened round ten or a dozen of them in a line
across the river, and carried from one to the other, but
fastened to each of them in such a way as to leave
about a few fathoms of slack rope between each pair.
The end of the hawser was made fast to the steamer
with a tolerable length of line out, and she was then
backed at full speed . The momentum thus acquired
was soon sufficient to drag the first pile away with a
jerk ; and this one being fastened already to the next, as
before described , with a fathom or two of slack line be
tween them, the force of the steamer, which still continued
to back astern , was sufficient to jerk that one away
also ; and thus proceeding at full speed backwards, the
steamer pulled them all away one after the other, still
remaining fastened together by the hawser ; but the
power of the jerk was only applied to one at a time.
In cases where the stakes were driven in to some
depth, or where the bed of the river was tenacious, it
was necessary to pull them fairly out perpendicularly,
by luff-tackle led up to the mast-head . The piles were
gradually loosened a little, by being pulled to and fro ;
for which purpose chain-slings were passed round the
head of the pile, and a hawser being then made fast, was
led aft along the deck ; thus, by being pulled in various
directions, sometimes one way, and sometimes another,
the pile was at length drawn fairly out, something like
drawing a tooth. The bows of the steamer were run
nearly close up to the piles during this operation, and
she was steadied by a hawser run out from the quarter
to the banks of the river .
A great point seems to lie in the management of the
steamer itself, so as to be able to apply the power in
the proper direction, and at the right moment. This is
the more important, as the stream is generally pouring
through or over the stakes with the greater impetuosity, >
owing to the obstruction it meets with from the obsta
cles in its way. This also constitutes the difficulty of
getting through the opening, even after it is once made.
It is often necessary to lay out a kedge on each bow to
steady the vessel, as she works her way through, and to
prevent her from falling broadside on to the stream .
Generally on these occasions the water was shallow ,
so that it was necessary to raise both keels of the vessel,
and also the drop -rudder, and therefore it was sometimes
extremely difficult to steer her under those circum
stances, and the use of the kedges became the more
necessary . In the present instance a space of twenty
two feet was opened, and the steamer was got thro
with considerable care and some difficulty.
A little above this obstruction a large chop -house or
mandarin-station came into view, with a mandarin
barge lying just off it. A shot fired into the principal
building soon drove out all the soldiers who had taken
refuge in it ;—probably the mandarin's guard . The boats
were now sent ashore, and soon destroyed the whole of
the buildings, together with the mandarin - boat, with
a gun and two ginjals.. It was not possible for the
steamer to tow any of the boats or junks away with
her, because she was continually touching the ground,
and frequently forcing herself through the mud , so that
it would have been impossible to have got on at all if
she had been impeded by any other encumbrance ; they
were therefore all destroyed.
As soon as the boats had all returned from their ser
vice on shore, the steamer pushed on again, and the
water began to deepen ; so that at half-past six she
was able to come to anchor for the night in five
fathoms water. From this point the high rock of Lan
keet, in the Canton river, could be easily recognized,
bearing about due east, and not very far distant .
On the morning of the 15th, having proceeded about
three miles further on, a large village, called Tamchow,
came into view, on the left bank of the river. Here a
party of matchlock-men were observed crouching along
the banks of the river, endeavouring to pass unnoticed .
A few rounds of musketry at once dispersed them.
Again the steamer pursued her course, without find
ing any thing particularly worthy of notice for a couple
of hours, when she came to a large town on the left
bank of the river (it is remarkable that nearly all their
towns and villages were on that side), which was called
Tsenei, just above a place called Kwan, close to which
two or three dismantled and abandoned forts had been
passed. Here the chop or custom -house, which was
also a sort of military station, by the water-side, was
set on fire and destroyed . A large war-junk, also
(probably the one which had before escaped), which
mounted seven guns, was captured and blown up,
the crew having abandoned it on the approach of the
“ devil-ship. ”
Above this point the channel again became very nar
row and shallow . The Chinese pilots now declared
that it would be impossible for the steamer to proceed
much higher up, as the passage was only deep enough
for boats. Having nearly reached a small place, called
Weichung, the Nemesis was at length compelled to de
sist from the attempt to pursue her course further in
that direction, particularly as it was now ebb-tide.
Several other channels could be seen on both sides, and
one in particular appeared to lead to the eastward,
towards the main branch of the Canton river, below
Whampoa. Accordingly, it was resolved to follow this
latter branch, with a view to join the advanced squadron,
if possible.
In this short passage a considerable walled town was
passed, at the distance of less than half a mile, with
which the communication was kept up by means of a
canal, which could be seen to enter the town under a
large arch, or bridge. Upon this a great number of
people were collected, to watch the progress of the
steamer . The country around it was extremely well
cultivated, and the peasants were busy at their agricul
tural operations, without any apparent fear. Shortly
afterwards the Nemesis found herself entering the main
river, at a very short distance below the pagoda at the
Second Bar, and proceeded without delay to join the
light squadron which was at anchor in Whampoa Reach,
and received the congratulations of all parties. Captain
Elliot and suite then left the Nemesis, and proceeded
on board Captain Herbert's ship, the Calliope.
Thus ended this singular and highly successful expe
dition of three days, up the Broadway passage, during
which so much had been done towards disabling and
annoying the enemy by the steamer, assisted by the
boats before mentioned, and the marines of the Sama
rang, all under the direction of Captain Scott. This
exploit would have gratified most men, even as the
work of a single vessel, for a whole campaign. It
need hardly be added, that Captain Scott was the
first to acknowledge and to bring to public notice the
value of the services of the Nemesis on this occasion ;
and Captain Elliot, who was an eye-witness of all
these operations, bore similar testimony to their impor
tance. They were also mentioned in flattering terms
by the commodore, in his public despatch. It must not
be omitted that all the officers of the vessel nobly and
energetically bore their share in the labours and dan
gers of the undertaking ; and those who belonged to the
boats of the Samarang and the Atalanta were equally
conspicuous, and had opportunities of distinguishing
themselves on shore.
The result of this expedition was highly beneficial, >
and afforded more insight into the nature of the coun
try, and gave a more correct estimate of the resources
of the Chinese, than could have been expected within
so short a distance from Macao. Indeed, considering
how long that place had been the resort of Europeans,
it was astonishing how little was known of its neigh
bourhood . The country on both sides of the passage
was found to be fertile and highly cultivated ; while, in
the neighbourhood of the villages, the banks of the river
were laid out in neatly cultivated gardens. Every
where there prevailed an air of comfort and of thriving
The peaceable and, one may almost say, the apathetic
bearing of the people generally, and their refraining
from all hostile demonstrations, are worthy of notice ;
particularly when we remember that they must not only
1 It should be here mentioned that Mr. Johnston, the assistant-super
intendent of trade, was also on board the Nemesis during this expedition :
also that Captain Larkins, who formerly commanded one of the East
India Company's vessels, and had been long acquainted with the Chinese
character, volunteered his valuable services upon the occasion.
have heard of, but even perhaps been witnesses to, the
engagements at the Bogue, at Chuenpee, at the First
Bar, and elsewhere. Much, perhaps, may be attributed
to the valuable presence of Mr. Morrison and Mr. Thom ,
who, from their accurate knowledge of the character of
the people, knew well how to allay their fears, and con
ciliate even their good offices. These gentlemen were
nevertheless not always able to avoid exposure to dan
ger, in landing with the boats, when the forts were
taken possession of, and in holding parleys with the
people. The whole loss on our side, during this adven
turous trip, was fortunately only three men wounded.
Altogether, one hundred and fifteen guns were destroyed,
together with nine war-junks; and several armed man
darin-boats, six batteries, and three government chop
houses or military stations, together with barracks and
magazines, were also taken and set on fire.
One simple but very natural question will now sug
gest itself. We have seen that,, even in channels un
frequented by Europeans, and only partially known to
exist, the Chinese were found to be well provided with
means of defence, not of recent construction only, but
many of them evidently of long standing. But the
Chinese government had not been at war with neigh
bouring nations, nor could they have erected these in
ternal defences against any possible future outbreak
of the foreigners who traded with Canton . The latter
had usually been very “ respectfully obedient ; ” and,
even if they had been disposed at an earlier period to
come to blows with the Chinese, their measures would
have been directed almost exclusively against the Bogue
forts, which protected the main channel of the Canton
river, leading to Whampoa. This Inner or Broadway
Passage was, at all events, too shallow and intricate to
admit of the passage of large ships ; and indeed we
have seen that even the Nemesis had failed in making
her way through the upper portion of it.
Against whom then, we may ask , or for what purpose,
were the numerous forts erected ? The government
might have thought proper to occupy the principal
strong positions , with a view to strengthen themselves
against any outbreak or insubordination of their own
people ; and disturbances of this kind have not been
unfrequent, even in despotic and obedient China . But
it is far more probable that these defences of their
“ inner waters” were designed to keep in check the
dangerous incursions of pirates, or “ Water Braves,”
who have always infested the coast of China , and have
been great enemies to its commerce , and a source of
uneasiness to its government . In a country in which
so large a portion of the population make their per
manent home upon the waters, some upon the innume
rable canals and rivers which intersect it in all directions ,
others along the extensive sea-coast and among its
numerous islands , it is not surprising that pirates , or,
as the Portuguese call them , Ladrones , should at all
times abound .
The means of subsistence being frequently precarious
among so populous a nation, and at no time to be ac
quired without careful industry, and, at the same time,
the real weakness of the government, in spite of its bom
bastic edicts, have combined to make the temptation to
piracy almost irresistible. In not a few instances the
government have been compelled even to conciliate or
buy over the depredators ; and, in spite of all their
efforts to suppress them , the Ladrones have never ceased
to infest the coast to a greater or less extent. The
temptations are always numerous, and the desperate
characters who gain their living by smuggling are, at
all times, as likely to gain it by robbing, whenever the
opportunity may appear more favourable. Hence, we
can scarcely wonder that the pirates had long become
bold , enterprising, well- organized, and successful in their
efforts, directed, however, almost exclusively against
their own countrymen , along the whole coast.
Such as were the banditti of Italy and Spain not
long ago, or the klephts of Greece, or the robbers of
Hounslow Heath in times past — such have been for
centuries the pirates or ladrones of China. They are,
in fact, the highwaymen of the “ Celestial Empire ;" for
their rivers and water -communications are essentially
their highways.
Under these circumstances, we are led to the con
clusion, that nearly all these defences in the Broadway
Passage had been constructed more with a view to the
defence of the river against the Chinese themselves, than
under any apprehension that the foreigners would ever
force their way into it. This supposition is further
borne out by the fact that, even during the short ex
pedition of the Nemesis, bands of robbers, and boats
filled with men of a very suspicious character, were dis
tinctly seen at a distance, trying to take advantage of
every opportunity of plundering their countrymen while
the panic lasted. Indeed , it may with much truth be
said, that on this, as on many other occasions, the
Chinese suffered a great deal more from the excesses
and misdeeds of their own people, than they did from
any hardships they encountered at the hands of their
foreign enemies during the war. Many ludicrous, no
less than unfortunate, scenes have been witnessed, of
Chinese plundering parties falling in each other's way
accidentally, and then fighting for each other's booty,
while, just at the critical moment, a third party would
perhaps step in, and carry off the greater part of what
the others had been already fighting about ; and perhaps
even these would, in their turn, be stripped by another
fresh party, before they could get fairly off with their
In reality, the war itself served to disorganize the
Chinese police, and to diminish the authority of the
local officers. Smuggling, robbery, and multiplied out
rages, were never more prevalent throughout all the
maritime districts than during the continuance of hosti
lities .
In the neighbourhood of the Canton River, these
violent proceedings arrived at length at such a height,
that the fishermen , in many instances, combined toge
ther for mutual defence, and provided themselves with
arms . But even these men, although, doubtless, most
of them started with the good intention of capturing
the pirates, or, at all events, of protecting their own
property, were tempted at last to become, in many in
stances, almost as fraudulent as the regular Ladrones.
Some were bold enough even to attack the foreigners,
urged thereto perhaps by the promised rewards of their
own government. Others, having now found out their
own comparative strength , became salt-smugglers and
opium -smugglers ; while others traded, smuggled, rob
bed, or aided others to escape detection, just as it might
best suit their purpose for the moment. They possessed
a sort of liberty of strength, and a power derived from
impunity of doing just what they pleased.
Secret societies were at length formed ; a sort of
freemasonry of crime was established ; and, before the
close of the war, they had acquired such an organi
zation as to make it dangerous to move about in the
neighbourhood of Hong Kong or Macao. They even
sold passes to the trading -boats, which were intended
to exempt them from plunder, for a regular payment of
so many dollars a month ; yet even these were not
always respected. New facts were daily coming to
light, even after the war was over, which showed with
what extensive ramifications these societies had spread.
Hong Kong itself was in danger of daily attacks from
these daring bandits ; and, as it became at length evi
dent that the co-operation of both governments, the
English and the Chinese, could alone effectually put an
end to such gross outrages, Sir Henry Pottinger made
proposals to that effect to the Chinese authorities. Our
own cruisers alone were scarcely sufficient to effect the
object, because the fact of their European shape and
rig rendered them easily distinguished at a distance,
and thus the pirates had plenty of time to escape. It
was proposed, therefore, to have a number of fast
sailing boats, built and rigged very much after the Chi
nese fashion , with mat-sails, &c. , to be well armed, and
to be manned principally by our own men . They would
thus be able to come unsuspected upon the pirates.
Various other suggestions were made for the mutual co
operation of the two governments in the good work ;
but, owing probably to fear and jealousy, and perhaps
a mixture of pride, these offers were courteously and
respectfully declined by the Chinese government, who
declared that it would be able, now that the war was
ended, to take effectual steps to put an end to this
heavy source of annoyance at the mouth of the Canton
river. It remains to be seen whether their measures
will be effectual. Exertions, on our side, have been
continued with the same object.
We may next ask, what effect this sudden visit of
the Nemesis, within their most secret channels and
hitherto unexplored rivers, must have had upon the
government and the people generally. They were
astounded, and, for a moment, paralyzed. In reality,
the exploits in the Inner passage, from Macao to Can
ton, created almost as much panic among the Chinese
as the taking of the Bogue itself. The event was more
unexpected, and was thought equally impracticable.
VOL . I. D D
Capture of the Macao fort, on the 13th of March - Advanced ships only
two miles from Canton - Nemesis proceeds towards Canton with a flag
of truce — Letter to the Imperial Commissioner- Is fired at from the
Birdsnest Fort - Preparations to resent the insult Captain Elliot's
communications –Want of interpreters - Attack upon the defences of
Canton on the 18th of March, 1841 –Flotilla of men -of-war's boats
Flotilla of Chinese boats-Forts in the Macao passage carried — War
junks dispersed - Boats destroyed - Captain Elliot with a flag of truce
on board the Nemesis — Fired at by the Chinese — British flag planted
upon the factory - Notifications by Captain Elliot - Temporary settle
ment – Trade opened.
During the time the Nemesis, with the boats and
marines of the Samarang, and the boat of the Atalanta,
were occupied in destroying the works of the Chinese
in the Broadway River, a division of the light squadron,
under the command ofCaptain Herbert, had captured ano
ther fort in the upper part of the same river, at the dis
tance of only about two miles from Canton. The vessels
employed upon this occasion were the Modeste and Star
ling, with the Madagascar steamer, and boats from most
of the ships of the advanced squadron, commanded by
Captain Bethune, viz. , the Blonde, Conway, Calliope,
Herald, Alligator, Hyacinth , Nimrod, Pylades, and
On the 13th (March) they pushed through the upper
channel leading from Whampoa, which had been ex
plored on a previous occasion by the Nemesis, under the
orders of Captain Herbert; and late in the afternoon
they entered the Broadway River without any accident,
although the passage was found very intricate, owing
to the number of shoals. The Modeste was only got
through with considerable difficulty, piloted by Captain
Collinson1 ; and she would hardly have accomplished it,
but for the assistance of the Madagascar steamer. Cap
tain Belcher endeavoured to bring the Sulphur through,
but failed, as she grounded about four miles from the
point of attack. The Queen steamer was found to
draw too much water, and could not be employed to
tow her up .
The fort which they were about to attack was the
same which had before been seen at a distance by Cap
tain Herbert in the Nemesis, and was found to be of a
circular form , strongly built of stone, with a tower in
the centre, and situated upon a small alluvial islet in
the middle of the river, which it completely commanded.
It was afterwards called the Macao Fort, and was found
to mount twenty- two guns. The Chinese had made at
tempts to strengthen this important post, as an outwork
to impede the advance of our forces upon Canton in
that direction . With this view they had constructed
rafts across the river on both sides of the fort, strength
ened by a few piles and sunken junks, and flanked by a
sand battery, mounting eight small guns .
As soon as our vessels and boats approached , the
Chinese opened a well-sustained fire from the fort,
which was returned with good effect by the Modeste,
DD 2
which had been admirably placed by Captain Eyres,
within six hundred yards, assisted by the Starling and
In about half an hour the whole of the works were
carried, but the Chinese maintained their fire until the
rest of the force were under the walls, when they fled
out of it in all directions, leaving several dead in the
fort. On our side only three men were wounded .
Captain Kuper, and commanders Barlow , Giffard , An
son, and Clarke, volunteered their services on this occa
sion, and the marines were commanded by Lieutenant
Stransham . A large mandarin -boat was captured be
fore the Chinese could carry it away ; and a small gar
rison was immediately placed in the fort, the Modeste
remaining at anchor some way below it.
Thus another of the important defences of the Chinese
in advance of Canton had fallen ; and the passage for our
light squadron up to the provincial capital lay almost
completely open. Our advanced ships had now been
brought much nearer the city than the Chinese, or
perhaps even our own officers, had previously thought
possible. All the important operations which have
been described in the Broadway River, commencing
from Macao upwards, to within two miles of Canton,
had been effected in the short space of three days, viz.,
on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of March , 1841 .
On the 16th, Captains Herbert, Bourchier, Bethune,
and other officers, came on board the Nemesis at Wham
poa,, and proceeded along the upper channel towards
the Macao passage. In the afternoon , the Nemesis
joined the Modeste, which was still at anchor below the
fort. A passage was soon cleared through the rafts,
and she pursued her course, with the object of taking up
a chop or despatch from Captain Elliot, addressed to
the Imperial Commissioner, and at the same time to ex
plore the nature of the passage above the fort. But,
scarcely had she passed the stakes, when she had reason
to find that new passages are not always free from
danger, for she struck heavily upon a sunken rock.
This obstacle, however, was not situated in the broadest
and most frequented channel, which leads past the
fort on its eastern side, but in the narrower passage
on the western side of the fort. The concussion made
the vessel tremble ; and, had she been built of wood
instead of iron, she could hardly have escaped suffer
ing some severe injury.
After considerable delay and exertion she was got off
again, having thus proved both the advantage of iron,
and the danger of trying to pass on that side. Before
she advanced further towards Canton, it was thought
proper to hoist a flag of truce ; but, knowing at the
same time how little the Chinese respect for it could
be depended on, a division of armed boats was taken in
tow, in case of meeting with any sudden attack from
the enemy
Upwards of a mile further on, a newly -constructed
field -work was discovered upon a rising ground, sur
rounded and partially concealed by trees. It was situ
ated upon the left bank of the river, and was called the
Birdsnest Fort. In front of it, the passage of the river
was obstructed by a strong raft, reaching quite across
it, and well moored ; while, further on, just at the
point of junction with the Canton river, a number of
war-junks and armed boats were drawn up for its de
fence, nearly opposite Shameen, which is about half a
mile above the factories.
The steamer was now stopped ; and it was resolved
to send a boat, with a flag of truce flying, in order to
attempt to carry up Captain Elliot's letter. The flag
of truce was also flying upon the Nemesis and all the
other boats. Captain Bethune , having undertaken this
charge, had just pushed off from the steamer , when a
shower of grape -shot was discharged from the Birds
nest Fort . Fortunately , no injury was done , as the shot
passed over the boats ; but the flags of truce were
immediately lowered ; and the guns of the Nemesis , and
also those of the boats, opened fire upon the fort, in
retaliation of the hostile act of the Chinese . At the
same time , the junks ahead , and also the battery at Sha
meen , commenced a distant straggling fire, much beyond
effective range. A rocket thrown from the Nemesis
fell into the middle of the fort, and partially set fire to
the buildings , and it would have been very easy to have
carried the works by assault ; but orders to the contrary
were given by Captain Herbert, who was not desirous
of carrying hostilities further, without the sanction of
Captain Elliot. He immediately returned to Whampoa ,
in order to bring up some of the light squadron , with
a view to advance , if necessary , upon Canton itself.
There were good reasons for not wasting time at the
fort that evening ; but, unfortunately, it is the practice
of the Chinese always to claim a victory, and to report
upon it accordingly to the Emperor, on every occasion
on which any portion of our forces withdrew from be
fore any of their defences, without having first occupied
them . In the present instance, it was reported, that
even a devil-ship had been driven away by the imperial
troops from the Birdsnest Fort, and the high distinc
tion of a peacock’s feather was conferred upon the com
mandant of it, as a reward for his courage !
Upon reaching Whampoa again the same evening in
the Nemesis, Captain Herbert received a communica
tion from Captain Elliot, respecting the measures to be
adopted in consequence of the insult which had been
offered to the flag of truce. Captain Elliot pointed out
to him that the “ Chinese knew perfectly well the value
of the white flag, for they had often taken advantage of
it to communicate with our forces :" and he then dwelt
upon the “ necessity of resisting this aggression with
all the promptitude which might be compatible with
considerations of a military nature.” At the same time,
he requested Captain Herbert to “ confine his operations
to the fort from which the shot was actually fired.” It
is certain, however, that Captain Herbert took upon
himself the responsibility of all the operations against
Canton, which are shortly to be described ; for he ex
pressed himself in one of his despatches to the effect,
that he had “ found himself forced to make his arrange
ments without any instructions from his superior officer,
Sir Gordon Bremer ; but that he felt that he had no al
ternative but to resent with all promptitude the insult
offered to the flag of truce.” Arrangements were ac
cordingly made, without loss of time, for proceeding to
active operations.
The want of interpreters was at this time very much
felt by Captain Herbert. He repeatedly applied for
some one to be sent up to him in that capacity ; and he
wrote to the Commodore, " that there was not a single
person in the advanced squadron who understood a word
of the language.” The difficulty of procuring supplies
was consequently very much increased, particularly as
the authorities at Canton had forbidden the people to
carry provisions to the squadron. The difficulty of ob
taining accurate information ofany kind was very great ;
but it had been already positively ascertained that the
authorities of Canton had prevented a single chest of
tea, or any other article of export, from leaving Canton ,
long before even the attack upon the Macao Fort ; and
it was also known that a considerable body of Tartar
troops had already reached the city. In short, all the
information which could be obtained fully confirmed the
impression conveyed by the insult to the flag of truce,
that the Chinese were making active preparations for
the resumption of hostilities, and that the sooner we had
recourse to active measures the better.
On the morning of the 17th, Captain Elliot and suite,
together with Captains Herbert, Bourchier, and other
officers, proceeded in the Nemesis towards the Macao
passage, or Broadway river, where she rejoined the ves
sels at anchor below the Macao Fort. It was a favourite
scheme of Captain Elliot, at this time, to endeavour to
command all the lines of water-communication to the
westward of Canton, so as to cut off the supplies from
the city, and stop the local trade.
The rivers or creeks, and their branches in this
neighbourhood, are extremely numerous. Some little
distance below the Macao Fort a considerable branch
turns off to the westward, and leads, at the dis
tance of several miles, up to Tatshan. About a mile
and a half within this passage another channel leads off
to the northward, in the direction of the Canton river,
which it enters a little above Shameen , on the opposite
side. This channel was narrow , and not navigable, ex
cept for boats. The Hyacinth had, on the previous day,
been pushed into the Tatshan passage, nearly as far as
the point where the smaller channel turns off to Canton,
but there she stuck, owing to the shoalness of the water.
The Nemesis, therefore, having in tow a division of
boats, was now moved up the Tatshan passage, and
shortly communicated with the Hyacinth, which was at
anchor there. She then turned up the northern branch ,
which was afterwards called the Fatee creek, in the
hope of being able to push up to the Canton river in
that direction , and so cut off all the Chinese boats which
might attempt to escape up the river. After proceed
ing some distance, the water was found too shallow and
the passage very narrow, and she was compelled to re
turn, having captured on her way a very handsome man
darin -boat. In the evening she rejoined the squadron in
the Macao passage, where the Commodore, Sir Gordon
Bremer, had just arrived in the Madagascar steamer,
which had been sent for him . The dispositions had
already been made by Captain Herbert, for the capture
of all the remaining defences in advance of Canton, on
the following day ; and Sir Gordon Bremer was there
fore unwilling to disturb the arrangements .
The 18th March, 1841 , will ever be remembered as
the great day upon which the city of Canton was first
humbled ; and the whole of the works which had been
erected for its defence, along its river front, were cap
tured by H. M. naval forces. The vessels engaged
were the
Modeste, Commander Eyres ;
Algerine, Lieutenant Mason ;
Starling, Lieutenant Kellett ;
Herald , Captain Nias (later in the day ) ;
Hebe and Louisa Tenders, Mr. Quin and Mr. Car
michael ;
together with the steamers
Nemesis, W. H. Hall, R.N .; and
Madagascar, Mr. Dicey.
A large flotilla of boats, from the squadron generally,
was placed under the command of Captain Bourchier,
assisted by Captain Bethune, and was formed in four
divisions, three of which were under the orders of Com
manders Barlow and Clarke and Lieutenant Coulson,
and the fourth commanded by Captain Belcher and
Captain Warren . The whole together must have
amounted to little less than forty in number. Upwards
of fifty naval officers took part in the operations of this
large flotilla alone ; the services of which were likely
to be of the greatest importance in capturing and
destroying the immense flotilla of Chinese boats, of all
forms and sizes, which had been pressed into the service
of the government for the defence of Canton.
Mention has already been made of the almost innu
merable boats which crowd most of the rivers of China,
and perhaps none more so than that of Canton, upon
which it is stated that there is a floating population,
permanently living on the water, of no less than forty
thousand souls. They are the small traders, hucksters,
fishermen, and public carriers of the country ; and
always appear an industrious and contented portion of
the people. Of course, the numerous body of smugglers
belong to this class.
It was said that one of the most influential smugglers,
whose avocations had long been winked at by the au
thorities, who were themselves participators in the gains,
had been suddenly arrested, and threatened with the
confiscation of all his property, and even death ; but
that a free pardon was offered to him if he would con
trive to collect together all the best boats, and furnish
the men with arms ; .putting them under the orders of
the mandarins, to co-operate for the defence of the city.
Accordingly, a vast number of these boats were seen at
a distance, drawn up in a curved line across the river,
at the mouth of the Macao passage.
Besides these it was known that some gun-boats, com
pletely formed after European models, and thoroughly
coppered, had been equipped by the government. Our
flotilla of men -of-war-boats were therefore to be em
ployed in pursuing and destroying this legion of the
At half-past eleven the Nemesis commenced the at
tack upon the little battery, called by us the Birds
nest Fort, which she had engaged two days before.
She opened her fire of guns and rockets with effect, and
the Chinese returned the fire with spirit for some time ;
but the Modeste and Madagascar joined in the attack ,
and it is not surprising that the fort was silenced in a
very short space of time. Some of the boats immedi
ately pushed off to make themselves masters of the
place, and the Chinese were chased out of it in great
confusion .
Another field -work, almost close to it, was also cap
tured at the same time. They were found to mount
upwards of thirty guns, which, together with the maga
zine, were destroyed.
In the mean time, the Starling and Algerine had con
trived to force a passage through the raft, and had
scarcely got to the other side, when a small sand-bag
battery and several war-junks opened their fire upon
them, very near the point of junction with the Can
ton river. The Hebe and Louisa took part in this
affair ; and the Nemesis came up as soon as the
lower forts had been silenced ; part of the flotilla
of boats, under Captain Bourchier, also arrived, and
the sand -battery was soon carried , while the war-junks
and the flotilla of Chinese armed boats already be
gan to disperse.
A strong fort, opposite the city, mounting twenty
guns, called the Rouge Fort, was next silenced, but was
not taken possession of immediately. Later in the day,
however, a boat from the Nemesis, under Lieutenant
Pedder, was sent to hoist our flag upon it ; and another
party from the Sulphur landed at nearly the same
time under Captain Belcher .
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OF Birdnest
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CANTON, Boats Rouge
Forte 20
1841, Fieldf-
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of Harres"
Folly 25
Juuks 15
Wacos Together
Fort darin.
The large Chinese flotilla before described was pur
sued up the river by the Nemesis and the boats, and
were soon in a state of indescribable confusion, hurrying
away as fast as they could — some here, some there, yet
hardly knowing whither. As long as they were drawn
up in line, in a sort of crescent form , they looked some
what imposing, from their great number ; but, as soon
as the forts had fallen, and the sound of our guns came
nearer, and the shot fell fast about them, they broke up
their formation, and the confusion became extreme.
At this moment, the division of boats under Captain
Belcher and Captain Warren succeeded in getting
through the Fatee creek, and coming snddenly down
upon the Chinese boats, which were already so closely
pursued, and destroyed an immense number of them.
Some were driven ashore, some were sunk, and a few
escaped up the creeks in the rear of the town. If the
war-junks were unable to offer any resistance, it could
not be expected that these extraordinary boats and
inexperienced boatmen would show a better example.
The Nemesis, in the mean time, had opened her fire
upon the Shameen Fort, in the western suburbs of the
city ; and, under cover of her guns, Captain Bethune
put off from her ; and a division of boats, with Captains
Belcher and Warren at their head, also landed and
took the fort, after some resistance. It mounted ten
While these operations were going on in the upper
part of the river, the Madagascar had gone down and
taken up a position not far from the Dutch Folly, which
was a circular fort, in the middle of the river, directly
opposite the city, mounting twenty - five guns. In front
of it a number of junks laden with stones had been
sunk . A small sand -battery of three guns, close to the
naval arsenal , which is on the south side of the river,
was at the same time carried by another division of
boats. Four of the new Chinese gun -boats were also
captured .
A little before one o'clock, about an hour after the
first shot of the day had been fired, and after all the
detached forts and batteries, except the so-called Dutch
Folly, had been taken , Captain Elliot came on board
the Nemesis, and desired that he might be conveyed to
the British factory, with a flag of truce hoisted, it being
clearly his intention to endeavour to treat at once, with
out further employment of force. However, scarcely
had she got down opposite the European factories, and
only within distant range of the Dutch Folly, when the
latter opened fire on her, in spite of the flag of truce.
Instantly it was hauled down, the fire was returned by
other vessels, and the result was that the fort was
soon silenced.
The Nemesis then proceeded some little way down
the river, towards the Dutch Folly, in company with
several boats of the squadron. This circular fort
was taken possession of by a party of marines and
seamen ; and, not far from it, four new gun - boats,
built according to European models, were boarded and
taken , their crews having abandoned them. The Chi
nese naval forces offered, in fact, little or no resistance
throughout the day ; and even their forts, which fired
with considerable spirit at a distance, were soon aban
doned by their garrisons, when there was any certainty
of their coming to close quarters with our men.
At half-past one, Captain Elliot being still on board
the Nemesis, she was ordered to return close to the
factories, where Captain Hall landed, accompanied by
Mr. Morrison, and hastened at once to the British
Factory, both being equally eager to take possession
of it again. In a few moments the British flag was
displayed in triumph, with three cheers, which were
returned by the steamer and boats. At the same time,
Captain Belcher also hurried up towards the factory
with a party of men, and was trying to reeve the
hallyards at the flag -staff in front of the Factory, in
order to hoist the colours ; when , at that very moment,
they were wafted proudly from the window of the
Factory, by Captain Hall himself.
As all the defences had now been taken, and Canton
lay completely at our mercy, one would hardly have
expected that any further resistance would have been
made. But the Chinese have a fancy of their own for
renewing a combat in detached parties, long after all
possibility of doing good by it has ceased. On many
occasions during the war, they suffered severely and
justly for thus uselessly harassing our men after the day
was over, and when our troops were in possession of all
the enemy's positions .
On this occasion, as Captain Hall and his party were
returning to their boat, a body of soldiers rushed out
upon them, but were driven back to a narrow street
called Hog Lane, beyond the British factory, and were
even pursued for some distance up that narrow passage.
Many of them were killed while retreating, although
they crouched down behind their large ratan shields
for shelter at each discharge. It was thought impru
dent to pursue them far, as in so narrow a space, with
low houses on one side, and aa dead wall on the other,
the retreat of the pursuers might have been cut off.
Captain Belcher and his party were also attacked at
the same time, and gallantly put the enemy to flight with
some loss, pursuing them as far as was prudent.
The Chinese showed no farther disposition to come to
close quarters, and our men returned to their boats
without further molestation . One man belonging to the
Nemesis was wounded during the affray.
Little now remained to be done but to take posses
sion of and destroy some of the boats and junks which
had been overlooked in the hurry of more important
matters.. Late in the evening, the Nemesis anchored in
company with the squadron, off the western suburbs of
the city, nearly a mile above the factory. The flags of
truce were still flying, and it must be admitted that
greater forbearance towards the Chinese, or more un
willingness to proceed to the infliction of suffering upon
the people or city of Canton, could not possibly have
been exhibited than on this memorable day of the first
capture of Canton. When all their defences had been
taken , their ships and boats destroyed , their troops dis
persed , and their city left totally unprotected, we not
only restrained the ardour which belongs to victory,
and held back our hands from plunder and destruction ,
and even our voice from demanding apology for the
past, or security for the future, but even the very flag
VOL . 1 , E E
of truce which they had so often insulted and spurned
was displayed to their eyes as an assurance of our for
bearance and good faith .
It must not be omitted to state that Commodore Sir
Gordon Bremer got up, towards the close of the action,
in the Hyacinth's gig, just in time to see the British
flag displayed from the Factory. The Herald also arrived
as a reinforcement, in the latter part of the day.
One officer and six or seven men wounded were the
only casualties on our side, throughout all the opera
tions of the 18th of March .
It was said that several desultory outbreaks of the mob
occurred during the evening of this day, which were
with some difficulty suppressed by the police. They
were in most instances the outbursts of the evil passions
of the demoralized mob of Canton, the worst of all the
subjects of China, attracted to the centre of foreign
commerce, by the hope of profit, or the opportunity of
exercising their bad ingenuity. In no part of China has
the feeling of hostility to the foreigner prevailed more
strongly against us than at Canton. In many other dis
tricts, the English force was even welcomed, or, at all
events, received without insult or violence.
It is worthy of remark that, during the whole of the
following day, the 19th, nothing of importance was done,
either as to the further progress of hostilities, or as to
the demanding any specified terms from the Chinese.
It is easy to guess what interpretation was put upon our
inactivity by the authorities and the people. The motive
on our part seems to have been principally one of pure
compassion, and an unwillingness to take the initiative
of proposing terms to the Chinese, which it was their
part, as the conquered, to solicit.
After the lapse of one entire day, Captain Elliot and
suite were carried down to the Factory in the Nemesis,
on the morning of the 20th, where they landed soon
after mid -day. There could be little doubt that some
thing important would now be settled . Captain Elliot
was bent upon getting the trade opened, and no less so
upon bringing about a cessation of hostilities. He was
not altogether wrong, perhaps, even in the slowness of
his proceedings, considering the extraordinary circum
stances in which he was placed ; but there were not a
few who looked upon it as unfortunate that so little was
really done, when there was every reason to expect so
much. He seems to have merely miscalculated the im
portance, or, perhaps, the exigency, of the political crisis
in which he found himself placed. He viewed the whole
matter almost exclusively as a commercial question,
appearing to forget, that where force has been once
used on both sides, the commercial becomes necessarily
merged for the moment in the political complications
which arise out of it.
The first public notification was by a circular dated
at the hall of the British Factory ; by which it was an
nounced that a suspension of hostilities had been agreed
upon between the Imperial Commissioner, Yang- Fang,
and Captain Elliot. It was further agreed that the trade
of the port of Canton should at once be opened. With
regard to the opium-trade, it was settled that no bond,
such as had formerly been demanded by Lin, should
now be required, but that the same liabilities should be
E E 2
incurred by any British subject detected in the act 'of
introducing any unlawful goods, as would follow the
same offences in England.
Captain Elliot also distinctly intimated that, “ pend
ing the final settlement of affairs between the two
countries, the usual port charges and other dues should
continue to be paid as heretofore.”
All those, however, who had watched the course of
events, and had studied in the slightest degree the Chi
nese character, could only look upon this temporary
arrangement as the mere preliminary of the resumption
of hostilities, not of the settlement of peace. In itself,
this insignificant demand was almost equivalent to an
acknowledgment of failure. That it was so viewed by
Sir Gordon Bremer is evident, from the notice which he
issued on the next day, the 21st, dated at the Bogue,
in which he declared that all vessels proceeding to
Whampoa, under this agreement, must do so at the
risk of the possible (he might have said, as he must
really have thought, probable), resumption of hostili
ties .
On the side of the Chinese, a proclamation was issued
by Yang, as joint Commissioner (the other two had not
yet arrived ), to the effect that, “ as Elliot had repre
sented that all he wanted was peace and permission to
trade as formerly, and as all trade depended upon the
cherishing goodness of the Celestial Court, that there
fore it was right now to permit the English to trade as
well as other people, in order to show a compassionate
regard .” It was further added , that henceforth the
people were carefully to look to and well treat the
merchant vessels at Whampoa, as well as the merchants
at Canton.
Such, then, were the slender grounds upon which it
was agreed that our force should be withdrawn from
before Canton, after all the treasure, and labour, and
some loss of life, which had been expended in bringing
it there .
Suspension of hostilities — Rumours of preparations - Sir G. Bremer
leaves for Calcutta - Captain Elliot's assurances - Proclamation of the
Prefect — Captain Elliot's address to the people of Canton — New pass
ports issued— Captain Elliot's measures against the opium trade
Report of Keshen's punishment - Its severity - Accusations against
him—The Emperor threatens to put himself at the head of his army
-Arrival of troops at Canton- Projects for destroying our ships
Utility of iron steamers-Expedition to Amoy suspended — Troops
prepare to advance upon Canton, under Sir Hugh Gough — Captain
Elliot returns to the factory with Mrs. Elliot — Afraid to remain
Warnings to the merchants —Anxious moments - Treachery - Fo
reigners leave Canton— Ominous suspense —Night of the attack by
the Chinese.
The agreement for the suspension of hostilities, made
at Canton by Captain Elliot, on the 20th March, 1841 ,
was only entered into with one of the three newly
appointed Imperial Commissioners ; Yang -Fang being,
in fact, the only one who had then arrived. It might
be doubted whether he had power by himself to agree
to more than a temporary truce, which his colleagues,
upon their arrival, might choose to consider at an end
whenever they pleased . Lung -Wan, the principal Joint
Commissioner, and Yih-Shan, the Tartar-General asso
ciated with him, did not arrive until about three weeks
afterwards} ; when they brought with them a large body
of troops, imperfectly armed and little organized. The
news of what had already happened must have astonished
them beyond all conception ; and one can picture to
oneself the embarrassment which must have marked
the first conference of the three functionaries. Their
alarm must have now tempered even their natural
pride, and the dawning consciousness of weakness have
awakened their unwilling credulity. But they thought
to get the better of the demands of the barbarians by
astute diplomacy, or to put off their urgency until they
should have time for the completion of their secret pre
parations, by which they hoped to exterminate their
enemy. They little thought that scarcely a month
would elapse before the great provincial city would be
once more at the mercy of a hostile force, all the ex
tensive preparations they had made for defence annihi
lated, and all their chosen troops discomfited .
In the mean time, however, trade went on with great
activity, but much caution, at Canton . It was gene
rally believed, nevertheless, that the temporary calm
upon the surface would be of short duration ; and the
growing storm upon the horizon gave a warning to all
who were interested in passing events, to set their house
in order. Tea, the whole tea, and nothing but the tea,
was now the question on all sides. The merchants
thought of their traffic, and of the barter of cotton
against tea ; the Plenipotentiary thought of the reve
nue to be derived from the indispensable leaf ; while
the military and naval authorities thought much, but
said little, yet wondered more .
Rumours were abroad of extensive preparations being
actively in progress by the Chinese, somewhere or other
above Canton ; but the precise situation of them was
not discovered until the second attack was made upon
the city, in the month of May. It was said that nume
rous fire-rafts were being constructed, war-junks equip
ped, and troops collected ; and it was little doubted
that, as soon as the principal mercantile transactions
(which were as important to the Chinese as they were
to the foreigners) should be completed, a renewal of
hostilities would take place, probably ushered in by
some act of treachery on the part of the Chinese.
This impression became more and more prevalent to
wards the end of April and the beginning of May, and
put all the European residents into a high state of sus
pense and anxiety. It was satisfactory, however, to
know that, as the greater part of our ships of war were
at Whampoa, or in that neighbourhood, many of them
could be speedily brought up to Canton ; and, more
over, the Modeste, Algerine, Hyacinth, and Herald,
were still at anchor, much nearer the city. They had
only withdrawn to the Macao passage, at the distance
of a couple of miles from Canton, after the commence
ment of the truce.
The Nemesis, in the mean time, had gone down to
Macao, whither she conveyed Captain Elliot and his
suite, and took the opportunity of the temporary pause
to complete her necessary repairs. Sir Gordon Bremer,
at this time, thought it right to go up in person to Cal
cutta, to represent the state of affairs to the Governor
General, and to request reinforcements. He sailed on
or about the 31st March, in the H. C. steamer, Queen ;
leaving Captain Sir Le Fleming Senhouse in command
of the naval forces during his absence.
For some time after the commencement of the truce,
the native inhabitants and traders of the city, some of
whom however had retired from it altogether, continued
to pursue their ordinary avocations with some appear
ance of returning confidence. A proclamation was
issued by the Governor, tending to allay any remaining
apprehensions they might have ; and similar pacific as
surances were addressed by the authorities, repeatedly,
both to the native and foreign residents, even till the
very day when their scarcely concealed projects of ven
geance were to be attempted.
On the 5th April, Captain Elliot again returned to
the Factory at Canton ; and, during his short residence
there, of ten or twelve days, the authorities and the new
Commissioners succeeded in so far blinding the Pleni
potentiary to all their hostile purposes, that he himself
publicly declared that he was perfectly satisfied with
all their “ assurances of good faith, and their disposition
to fulfil their engagements.” The day before he left
Canton again, namely, on the 16th April, he expressed
himself decidedly to the same purport, in a public pro
clamation, addressed however rather to the Chinese
people than to his own countrymen, but calculated like
wise to reassure the latter, should they be unable to
form any judgment for themselves. And he moreover
assured Sir Le Fleming Senhouse, that “ he entertained
no uneasiness of life and property at Canton .”
The skill of the Chinese, in the diplomatic art of
using words to conceal the thoughts ,” was cleverly
exhibited on this occasion . “ The people,” they said ,
were alarmed , and afraid of returning to their ordi
nary avocations [ they did not say, because they knew
that preparations were being made on their side for a
rupture of the truce ; but they ingeniously added] be
cause of their dread that the English would soon renew
their hostile operations ; for that rumours were flying
about among the people, that warlike preparations were
about to be pushed on, without delay, against the city .”
The Kwang-chow -foo, or Prefect of the city, was there
fore directed to issue a proclamation, intended to re
assure the people, advising them to return actively to
their business ; and most obligingly telling them , with
a strong dash of Oriental imagery, that “ their families
were as his family, and their bodies as his body.”
This had the effect of pacifying the inhabitants to a
certain extent, and sufficed to lull Captain Elliot into a
degree of false security, which perhaps was in reality
much less felt by him than it appeared to be. On his
side, likewise, the Plenipotentiary thought proper to
issue the proclamation above alluded to, declaring that
he did so with the “ concurrence ” of the Chinese go
vernment. In this document Captain Elliot told the
people of Canton that “ all the reports they heard
were false and mischievous ; that the Commissioners had
acted with good faith and wisdom in opening the trade,
and gave him further assurances of their good inten
tions ; and that there would not be the least disturbance
of the peace at Canton, by the British forces, so long as
their Excellencies fulfilled their engagements.” That,
moreover, “ the high officers of the English nation ma
nifestly cherished the people of Canton very much ;
and that, if misfortunes befel the city and the trade of
the province, the evil could not justly be attributable to
them ."
Having thus disburdened his own mind, and made
some effort to pacify the tender spirits of the timid at
Canton, he left the factory on the following day, and
returned to Macao ; not, however, without first urging
upon Sir Le Fleming Senhouse the propriety of re
moving our ships further off from the city. He re
quested that the vessels which were before Shameen
should be moved down to the Macao fort, in order to
show our peaceful disposition ; and he recommended
that proper respect should be manifested to the govern
ment, and that the officers in command should do all in
their power to uphold its character in the sight of the
people, “ compatible with the paramount necessity of
keeping awake a lively sense that renewed ill -faith
would be respouded to by an immediate blow ."
This had very little effect in rendering the foreign
community less apprehensive of a resumption of hosti
lities. Few believed that peace could long continue, or
that any satisfactory solution of the existing difficulties
could be arrived at without further resort to the 66 ultima
ratio ” of national disputants.
For a very brief space, appearances were favourable ;
but fresh troops soon began pouring into the town ; and
some of the natives have since admitted, that they even
knew that, in secret, fresh cannon were being cast, and
extensive preparations, of every description , urged on
in the quietest possible manner, evidently with a view
to some sudden and unwarned explosion ; as when a
deep and treacherous mine is being formed under an
enemy's fortress, while he sleeps and revels in his
dreams, and, not until the train is laid , and the match
about to be applied, makes the discovery of his own
terrific danger, and the appalling ingenuity of his
Immediately before leaving Canton, also, on the 17th
April, Captain Elliot seemed resolved to take some
steps against the continuance of the trade in opium
within the river. He applied to Sir Le Fleming Sen
house, to prevent any small vessels from passing into
the river within the Bogue, unless provided with a
passport signed by the plenipotentiary. These passes
were to be issued to those alone who could afford him
assurance, to his own satisfaction, that the boats or small
craft should only be employed in the conveyance of
passengers, letters, or supplies. They were to be ob
tained by foreigners through their own consuls, who
would apply to him for them. But he reserved to him
self the right of cancelling them whenever he should
see cause to determine that such a course should be
necessary in discharge of his engagements ;” and, more
over, every ship or vessel was to be forcibly expelled
from the river, if it were proved to his satisfaction that
she was engaged in “ dangerous pursuits,” calculated to
disturb the truce and interrupt the general trade.
This could, of course, only allude to the trade in
opium ; and the whole proceeding seems expressly to
have been arranged between Captain Elliot and the
Chinese authorities, for he actually obtained from the
Kwang-chow-foo, or prefect, licenses, bearing his official
seal, which he could himself distribute to those vessels
to which he issued his passports ; and which were to
have the effect of exempting them from all visit or
examination by the Chinese officers, whether connected
with the customs or any other department.
One cannot help remarking that this measure , which,
however, was only partially carried into effect, gave an
immense advantage to the Chinese authorities, while,
on our side, we totally lost sight of the main question
at issue. The point gained by the Chinese was, that
they at once threw into the background every other
question but that of trade, and, above all, that of
trade in opium , which therefore they ingeniously tried
to make appear the “ fons et origo” of the whole dis
pute ; and, having got Elliot to lend assistance to them
in one point, it gave them the advantage of appearing
to justify themselves in the eyes of their countrymen,
and indeed in the opinion of foreigners at a distance,
and who were in ignorance of the real state of things,
for the greater part of their preposterous and violent
proceedings. On our part, it tended to put on one
side, as if of minor consideration , the “ demand for
reparation and redress for injuries inflicted,” as her
Majesty declared in her speech from the throne, “ upon
some of her subjects by the imperial officers, and for
the indignities offered to an agent of her crown ;" this
agent being no other than Captain Elliot himself ! It
put out of sight the indignities offered to Lord Napier,
and all who had been concerned in any way in the
conduct of our communications with China since the
abolition of the exclusive privileges of the East India
Company. It overlooked the proper spirit of indig
nation, which could hardly fail to animate every man
who had been imprisoned, insulted, and starved into
concessions, which he could have otherwise had no right
or authority to yield.
That at this stage of the proceedings endless diffi
culties appeared to beset the questions at issue, may
very justly be urged. But we have at all times to con
sider the character of the people with whom a question
is at issue, in an almost equal degree with the question
itself. And it will scarcely be questioned that the
character of the Chinese, and especially of the officers
of their government, was at that time imperfectly un
derstood. In reality, the proceedings on both sides,
between the first conquest of Canton on the 18th of
March, and its second surrender under the agreement of
ransom upon the 26th of May (which remains yet to be
described) were evidently temporary expedients on both
sides : on that of the Chinese, to gain time for the
preparation of more efficient means of resistance, and
for relief from immediate “ pressure ;" on that of their
opponents for the completion of the commercial trans
actions of the season .
In truth, had the local authorities been ever so sincere
in their expressions of a desire for peace, the remem
brance of the fate of the unfortunate Keshen, for even
treating with the “rebellious foreigners,” might have
made them tremble for their lives. The degradation and
banishment of Lin were also fresh in their memory ; but
the following sentence upon Keshen was sufficient to
terrify them into the most desperate efforts. It was
during this interval that they received the emperor's
edict, by which Keshen was declared to be guilty of
bribery, and unworthy to live ; his temple was to be
sealed up, and his whole family put in irons, and carried
with him to Pekin, where both he and they with him
were put to death on the very day of their arrival
-he by being “ cut asunder at the waist,” and they by
decapitation .
The charges preferred against this able and straight
forward man, by the Lieutenant Governor of Canton,
were of the true Chinese stamp -
namely, his having
held intercourse with Elliot on equal terms ; his having
employed traitorous people about him , particularly the
late prefect ; his having prevented the officers and garri
sons at the Bogue from doing wonders ; and, above all, >
his having put his seal to a document, by which a por
tion of the empire, namely, the island of Hong Kong,
was surrendered .
In proportion as Keshen was really in advance of his
own countrymen in his views of their actual political
relations with foreigners, so was he precisely a traitor,
and unfit to live. How blind are human prejudices !
By another edict, dated aa few days later than the fore
going, even his more distant relations, and “ those who
officially attended upon him, whether great or small,
or who in any way appertained to him, or were con
cerned in the arrangement of affairs with him, were to
be indiscriminately decapitated .” This terrible denun
ciation , in the exuberance of the emperor's wrath, was
enough to alarm the whole nation ; but, fortunately, it
was not carried into execution to the letter, and Keshen's
life was spared, though with the loss of every thing
that could make it tolerable.1
At the same time, even the three new Commissioners,
Yih-shan , Lung-wan, and Yang -fang, of whom the last
only was at Canton when the attack took place, were
all made to suffer for their ill fortune. They were de
prived of various honours previously conferred upon
them ; and it was even ordered, that every officer of
the province of Canton , whether in a high or a subordi
nate capacity, should be “ deprived of his official but
ton until they could make good their delinquencies by
efficiency of effort.” Even against the rebellious fo
reigners the Emperor uttered his bitterest imprecations,
and swore “ that the two powers should not stand to
gether.” He ordered all his patriotic troops to advance
again, and “ utterly exterminate the whole of them ;
otherwise,” says he, “ how shall I, the Emperor, be
able to answer to the gods, and cherish the hopes of
my people ? ” He further proclaimed , that he had
“ ordered his own younger brother to lead forth a
grand army, fifty thousand strong ; and, by journeying
> 9
day and night, to repair to Canton with all haste, to
exhibit the vengeance of his race.” He threatened
death to every man who should prove himself a coward ;
and vowed that “ peace should find no place in his
heart, nor assume any form in writing ;” and, with still
more desperate energy, he vowed that, if even his own
brother “ should become tardy in his duties, and listen
| At a later period he was partially restored to rank.
to any pretensions to make peace, even I, the Emperor,”
said his Majesty, “ will place myself at the head of a
mighty force, and most uncompromisingly make an end
of the English.”
All these stern and alarming commands were received
in the great provincial city, during the interval of the
truce, between March and May ; and, however imbecile
and absurd they may appear to us, they were sufficiently
alarming to those to whom they were addressed. They
served to render every attempt at a peaceful settlement
of the difficulties at Canton impossible; and, though
they could neither excuse nor palliate the under-current
of treachery which crept stealthily below the smoother
surface of the truce, they were sufficient to justify in
the eyes of the local officers the adoption of any and
every measure which could further the great object of
their Emperor's commands.
It will hence appear evident, that there would be as
little likelihood of making any permanent settlement of
the points in dispute, after a second surrender of the
city of Canton , as there was after the first one ; and
that no effectual method of compulsion could be re
sorted to which did not bring the scene, both of hosti
lities and of negociation , nearer to the capital itself,
and make the voice of dictation ring more near and
louder in the Emperor's ear.
For some time after the commencement of the truce,
a guard of marines was stationed in the Factories ; but,
as soon as Captain Elliot's “ assurance proclamation ”"
was issued, they were withdrawn. Up to that time
there had been , as is usually the case, a division in the
councils to a certain extent ; but now the “ war and
extermination ” party got completely the upper hand,
and their hopes of success were much encouraged by a
report which reached them , that the main body of our
force was about to proceed to the northward , to operate >
on the coast . This was , in fact, really intended , as will
be seen presently ; although it was subsequently defer
red , owing to reports of the preparations at Canton ,
and the expectation of a speedy outbreak .
The Emperor's proclamations to all the maritime dis
tricts continued to breathe a spirit of uncompromising
war ; and the Governor of the province of Chekeang
(under whom are the Chusan Islands) , the venerable
Elepoo, was severely reproved, for having permitted the
barbarians to retire from Chusan under Keshen's treaty ,
instead of having advanced to drive them out by force,
and to effect their destruction .
Thus, at the commencement of May, the speedy re
sumption of hostilities seemed inevitable ; and the re
port brought from the northward by the Columbine,
Captain Clarke, of the preparations which were being
carried on by the Chinese, and of the refusal of the au
thorities of Chekeang to receive from that officer a
despatch which he had been ordered and sent expressly
to deliver, tended to confirm every previous impression.
1 The despatch was believed to relate principally to the supposed
death of Captain Stead , of the Pestonjee Bomanjee transport, who had
been attacked, and was supposed to have been murdered, near Keeto
Point, on one of the islands near Chusan, after the restoration of that
island to the Chinese. He landed to make inquiries, being in ignorance
of what had happened, and surprised to see Chusan harbour in posses
sion of the Chinese.
Nor was this all . Information was brought from Can
ton, that, on the 30th April, no less than forty boats
had passed in front of the Factories, having on board at
least two thousand troops ; that they proceeded aa little
lower down, and landed at a short distance from the
Dutch Folly, and thence marched into the city.
An explanation of this circumstance was demanded ,
and an evasive reply was sent by the Kwang -chow-foo,
or Prefect, to Captain Elliot. A few days afterwards
it was distinctly reported that the English at Canton
were to be suddenly attacked , and all their property
destroyed. And , on the 8th May, no less than seventy
more boats passed before the Factories, bringing down
full three thousand troops to the city, and these were
said to be the advanced guard of a large army. It was
known also that a vast number of fire- rafts were being
prepared, and several hundred divers were said to be in
training, who were to go down and bore holes in our
ships at night ; or even, as the Chinese privately reported,
to carry down with them some combustible material
which would burn under water and destroy our vessels.
While all these rumours of hostilities were circulated,
it is not wonderful that there should have been “ a very
feverish state of the public mind within the city ;” nor
that considerable anxiety should have been felt on our
side as to what even a day might bring forth .
The Nemesis was, during all this time, incessantly
employed in carrying letters and despatches, as well as
officers, from one place to another. Constant commu
nications were kept up ; Sir Le Fleming Senhouse and
Captain Elliot were continually on board the Nemesis,
FF 2
passing and repassing to and from different points within
the river, frequently up to Whampoa, or even to the
neighbourhood of the very Factories at Canton. Day or
night made little difference ; she was always ready.
This is merely mentioned to show how valuable a steamer
of her dimensions and small draught of water becomes,
when operations are being carried on along a coast
abounding in rivers imperfectly known . Being con
structed of iron, and built in water-tight compartments ,
or tanks, the mere running ashore was a matter of very
little moment, and the mere chance of it did not deter
her indefatigable commander from pushing on boldly ,
into every creek and corner where any service was
likely to be rendered , or any discovery made. More
over, she was at all times fit for service, even of the
most trying kind , such as towing ships, or hauling off
those which might be aground, conveying and landing
troops, & c. &c. Being infinitely stronger than any
wooden vessel of the same tonnage, she required only
the most simple and trifling repairs, when wooden
steamers were constantly injured with less severe trials
of their strength, and in continual need of repairs, which
necessarily created delay, and rendered their efficiency,
even with every exertion of their excellent commanders,
less perfectly to be depended on.
At the same period, arrangements for the complete
settlement and government of Hong Kong were being
continued without intermission . Officers were ap
pointed , a magistrate's court formed , proclamations
issued , and establishments of various kinds commenced .
In short , it seemed very evident that we had no inten
tion of restoring the island to the Chinese, whatever
might be the reply of the Emperor to Keshen's treaty.
It is a curious circumstance that this very treaty was
highly disapproved of by the governments of both coun
tries, the English no less than the Chinese..
Preparations had already been commenced at Hong
Kong for the advance of our force upon Amoy, under Sir
Hugh Gough , with aa view to carry on hostilities further to
the northward ; but they were now temporarily sus
pended, in order to meet the approaching crisis at Canton.
If any thing had been wanting to confirm the rumour,
not only of the extensive preparations of the Chinese
government to recommence the attack, but also to indi
cate the disposition of the people of Canton towards us,
it was to be found in a curious address, or chop, publicly
circulated in the city, and even posted upon its walls.
It purported to express the sentiments of the people
themselves ; or to be an address from that portion which
claimed to be most patriotic, to the other portion which
might possibly be less so. It was intended to inflame
the public mind against us, but it was not sealed or ap
parently sanctioned by the government. It first called
upon the imperial troops “ to brandish their lances” at
the English ; and told the people that the “ cup of the
wickedness of the latter was now quite full.” It went
on to say, “ We have solemnly sworn your destruction,
even though we are stopped for the moment by the pa
cific intentions of our high officers. We have already
more than half of us moved our wives and children else
where, but we have vowed to destroy you . Our am
buscades shall be such as neither gods nor devils can pro
vide against; therefore you had better tremble and obey ."
All this was designed, of course, to frighten the bar
barians ; and although it professed to be a mere ebulli
tion of the spirit of the people, there is little doubt
that the government were cognizant of it. This is ren
dered more probable by the circumstance that only a few
days afterwards the prefect of the city issued distinct
orders to the elders of the people, that they should cause
them to remove their wives and children , with all their
moveable property, from the neighbourhood of the river.
At length even Captain Elliot himself began to catch
a glimmering of the truth, which seemed to steal but
slowly upon his unwilling eyes. On the 10th of May
he resolved to go in person to Canton in the Nemesis,
and , in order the better to impress the Chinese with the
opinion which he still wished them to believe he re
tained of their good faith, he even took up Mrs. Elliot
with him ; probably the first time an English female had
set foot in Canton .
The next morning the Nemesis was moved down to
the Macao, or Broadway Passage, about three quarters
of a mile from the Factories. Captain Elliot, as soon as
he landed at the Factory, sought an interview with the
Kwang -chow -foo, or prefect, and demanded certain ex
planations from him , which evidently embarrassed him
not a little. The answers were evasive and unsatisfac
tory ; previously lurking suspicions were more than
confirmed, and Captain Elliot left the factory that same
evening, preferring to sleep on board the Nemesis.
No time was now to be lost in seeking a conference
with the naval and military commanders-in -chief, who
were then at Hong Kong ; and, accordingly, on the
following morning, the 12th, the Nemesis was ordered
to convey him with all speed down the river to that
place, a communication being made on his way down to
Captain Herbert, commanding the advanced squadron
at Whampoa, who was already prepared for an ap
proaching crisis. The result of the conference held at
Hong Kong the same day was that the expedition to
Amoy was to be positively postponed, and the whole
disposable force moved once more towards Canton.
Hong Kong was now the scene of general bustle and
activity, a new disposition of the forces was made, and
every measure adopted for their speedy junction as near
as possible to Canton. By the judicious exertions of
Sir Le Fleming Senhouse, and the hearty co -operation
of all his officers, eager once more for active employ
ment, the whole fleet of men -of-war and transports,
with all the troops on board, were ready to sail in five
days. Every man that could be spared, except the in
valids and convalescents, was embarked. And every
ship of war except the Druid, which was left for the
protection of the harbour, was under orders for the
Canton river .
On the 18th and 19th , having been a little delayed
by calms, they all got away in admirable order, full of
high hope and promise, that now at length they were
to become masters of the great southern emporium of
foreign commerce.
Captain Elliot now once more proceeded to Canton,
as usual in the Nemesis, which took him up there in a
very few hours. He returned to his quarters in the
Factory ; but, so incontrovertible were the evidences of
the hostile intentions of the Chinese, and so strong the
apprehension of the momentary bursting forth of some
treacherous plot, that the Nemesis, which was the only
vessel at hand, was kept cleared for action, with the
guns loaded, steam up, and the cable in readiness to slip,
although no immediate danger was visible. In fact, there
was an evident agitation at Canton, and an appearance
of alarm and excitement on every side, an apprehension
of some danger, without exactly knowing what.
Captain Elliot now very properly advised the mer
chants, by public proclamation, to make their arrange
ments, so as to be prepared to leave Canton at a
moment's notice. On the following day, the 29th, the
Nemesis was moved close up to the Factories, or a little
above them, for the protection of the whole foreign
community. It was already discovered that the western
battery above the city at Shameen had been repaired
and armed at least ten days before ; that a large en
campment had been formed to the eastward of the town,
for some of the newly-arrived troops ; while new works
had also been erected on the river-side in the same di
rection , that is, below the town , in the rear of the French
Folly. Troops were still pouring into the city in great
numbers, even the redoubtable “ Tartars of the Lion
Heart,” while the citizens themselves were hastening
out of it with precipitation . Goods and chattels of all
kinds were being carried away ; confusion was evident
where every thing is usually so orderly ; and it is said
that soldiers were even seen moving about with match
locks, and their slow matches ready lighted in their
Our own forces were by this time on the way up, the
troops from Hong Kong had already past the Bogue,
and the light squadron had begun to move from Wham
poa. Still Captain Elliot was in the Factory, and still a
great portion of the merchants remained at their posts,
ready to decamp at a moment's notice, yet anxiously
devoting every doubtful moment of delay to the pur
pose of arranging as well as they could their compli
cated affairs.
The Chinese, finding that their plans were now fairly
discovered , were at once placed in the predicament of
hurrying on the execution of them more rapidly than
they had intended. But still the authorities resolved
once more to try the effect of a proclamation to lull
suspicion. Having found themselves on several occa
sions so successful in their art of duplicity, they hoped
still to catch the unwary foreigners slumbering in their
net ; and there is some reason to believe they intended
to take the whole foreign community by surprise, and
seize them in their Factories, something after the fashion
adopted by Commissioner Lin.
Nevertheless, fearful of being prematurely driven into
the exposure of their designs, the prefect thought proper
to issue on the 20th (only the day before the attack ac
tually commenced ) a proclamation to the following
effect, under his official seal. He stated that “ he issued
this edict in order to calm the feelings of the merchants,
and to tranquillize commercial business .” That “ it
was to be feared that the merchants, seeing the gather
ing of the military hosts, would tremble with alarm , not
knowing where these things would end ." That, “ in
stead of being frightened out of their wits, so as to
abandon their goods, and secretly go away, they ought
to be assured that the Imperial Commissioner and ge
neral pacificator of the rebels, with the other higher
officers, would manage things with due consideration, so
that the obedient shall be protected from all injury, >
and their goods preserved in safety .” He concluded
by saying “ that the foreign merchants ought also to re
main quiet in their lawful pursuits, continuing their
trade as usual, without alarm or suspicion . ”
Perhaps a more barefaced specimen of cool calcula
ting hypocrisy was never before practised ; all this in
the face of incessant preparations, carried on day and
night, for the resumption of hostilities, and for the
treacherous annihilation of every thing belonging to
foreigners within their grasp ! and the very day before
the explosion.
But, in order to see upon good authority what their
preparations and designs really were, let us turn for a
moment to the actual account given by the General
Yihshan , concerning these preparations, and the purpose
for which they were intended. He says, “ that he had
adopted means, in concert with the other two commis
sioners, for forming new defences along the whole shore
line, ” ( contrary to the treaty or truce !) He enumerates
several forts he had erected, and fenced round with
double lines of sand -bags, supported by beams of wood
and heaps of stones, with pits dug in the ground, to
enable the soldiers to screen themselves from the enemy's
fire. He went round about all sides of the city, making
the proper defensive arrangements. He added, 66 that a
naval militia corps had been formed , fire -rafts prepared
and launched, and straw collected ready to make an at
tack by water.” In another memorial he mentions the
very places where these fire-rafts were built, and where
the straw was collected, and how they were floated down
the river. He further regrets, as Keshen had done
before him , that the “ creeks, inlets, and outlets, are
very multifarious, that during the floods the whole
country is under water, and that there is no important
pass where a garrison might be placed for defence.”
He had discovered that the hills on the north command
the city, so that people may look down and see every
thing going on within , and that the foreigners were
constantly in the habit of prying cunningly about, and
that “ it was, forsooth , no easy matter to prevent them . ”
Thus , he says, “ all our plans were found out, and the
foreigners drew the sword .”
That the real design was one of treachery, and secret
preparation for destruction, is further shown by the re
port which was sent to Pekin, even after the city had
surrendered, and the troops had marched out, (as will
be next described .) On that occasion it is said that
the “ requests of the foreigners were temporarily acceded
to, and that it became his duty to draw the enemy forth
without the Bocca Tigris, and then to renew all the
fortifications, and seek another occasion for attacking
and destroying them at Hong Kong.”
There could be no doubt, therefore, that the real
scheme of the Chinese authorities was to pounce upon
the whole of the foreign, or, at all events, upon the
English community, just as the hawk pounces down
upon his unsuspecting prey. Unfortunately for them,
they found their victims little disposed to trust either
to their proclamations of assurance, or their promises
of protection ; on the very next morning, the 21st,
Captain Elliot himself thought that any longer delay in
quitting Canton would be followed by the most disas
trous consequences . It is said that he even received
intimation , through some of the attendants of the Hong
merchants, that a grand attack of some kind or other
was meditated that very night.
It was of course known to the authorities that our
forces were already moving up the river ; their own
plans, therefore, were necessarily hastened, in the hope
that by a simultaneous attack by fire-rafts on our ship
ping at different points, as well as on the Factories, they
might get completely the upper hand of us before our
forces could be concentrated upon the city. Early in
the morning, therefore, Captain Elliot recommended , in
strong terms, that all foreigners should leave Canton
before sunset .
During this whole day the consternation among the
Chinese in the neighbourhood of the Factories increased
every hour ; shops were closed, goods removed , and se
veral of our officers, who went on shore to see what was
going on, were prevented, by guards of Chinese soldiers,
from passing through any of the usually frequented streets
beyond the immediate proximity of the Factories.
The crisis was now at its height. Many of the mer
chants had withdrawn to Whampoa several days before,
and in the course of this day all the rest (except two
American gentlemen) got away in boats. The small
party of marines which were with Captain Elliot in the
British Factory, were withdrawn by orders of Captain
Herbert, who had come up from Whampoa as com
mander of the advanced squadron ; and before sunset
Captain Elliot himself, with his suite, once more aban
doned the factory, and came on board the Nemesis .
Captain Herbert, however, removed on board the Mo
deste. And now the proud flag of England was finally
lowered at Canton, where it was never again hoisted
until long after the conclusion of peace ..
In the mean time, the Pylades and Modeste, together
with the Algerine, had been moved closer up to the town,
for mutual protection. The Nemesis still remained a little
above the Factories, together with the Louisa, Captain
Elliot's own cutter, and Mr. Dent's schooner, the Au
rora. A dull and ominous suspense reigned on every
side ; a general stagnation of ordinary intercourse ;
and that noble river, usually so busy with the hum of
men, and as it were alive with the innumerable boats of
every shape and fashion which ply upon its surface, and
that active, busy, almost countless population , which
make their home upon its friendly waters, and seem
happy in their thrifty industry , all now were dull, and
almost still with a portentous dreariness.
The sun at length set gloomily. The darkness of the
night was remarkable; and one better adapted for sur,
prising an enemy could hardly have been chosen. But,
although the precise nature of their plans, or mode of
attack, was not known, yet enough had been clearly as
certained to render every possible precaution necessary.
The Modeste lay somewhat higher up the river than the
Nemesis, and was likely to be the first to discover the
approach of an enemy in that quarter, whatever might
be their design .
On board the Nemesis no precaution was omitted ;
double sentries were placed ; the men below were all or
dered to lie down ready equipped for instant service ;
even the fires were laid and lighted in the furnaces, so
that steam could be got up in a few minutes, if requi
site. All who could be spared retired to rest, but not
to sleep. The feeling of excitement was too general to
permit repose. Captain Elliot laid himself down in his
cloak upon the quarter-deck, while Captain Hall,ever
on the alert, stretched himself upon the bridge between
the paddle-boxes, ready at a second's warning to give
the necessary orders. Captain Herbert, also, who was
at that time on board the Modeste, had fully impressed
every one with the necessity of omitting no precaution
against the impending danger.
Equal activity and similar precautions were adopted
on board all the other ships ; and already the Herald
and Calliope had been moved up the river to within a
short distance of Canton .
Note, referring to page 335.
During the heat of the action against the batteries of Anunghoy, a
very dashing thing was done by Commander Sullivan, who was serving
as a supernumerary commander on board the Melville. One of the boats
got adrift, owing to some accident, and was being carried by the tide close
in under the batteries. The instant this was perceived by Commander
Sullivan , he jumped into his gig, and pulled off to recover the boat, in
doing which he was of course exposed to the close fire of the batteries,
but he fortunately escaped unhurt, and brought the boat safely back ,
This little spirited incident was not taken public notice of.
The following letter concerning the fate of the Comoro
Islands, and the violent proceedings of the French in that
quarter, appeared in The Times of January 30th, 1844. The
facts stated in it have every appearance of exaggeration, but the
interference of the British government would seem to be called
“ The French have, within the last month , obtained, by fraud,
possession of the islands of Johanna, Mohilla , and Peomro ;
they had already, by the same means, obtained the islands of
Mayotte and Nos Beh. There are at present out here eleven
ships of war — the largest a 60 -gun frigate ; more are expected
out in preparation for the conquest of all Madagascar ; and
also, it is said, of the coast of Africa, from latitude 10 S. to
2 S.; this portion includes the dominions of the Imaum of
Muscat.. At this place [Nos Beh) a system of slavery is car
ried on that you are not aware of. Persons residing here send
over to places on the mainland of Africa, as Mozambique,
Angoza, &c., money for the purchase of the slaves ; they are
bought there for about ten dollars each, and are sold here again
for fifteen dollars ; here again they are re-sold to French mer
chant vessels from Bourbon and St. Mary's for about twenty
five to thirty dollars each. Captains of vessels purchasing
these use the precaution of making two or three of the youngest
free, and then have them apprenticed to them for a certain
term of years (those on shore), fourteen and twenty-one years.
These papers of freedom will answer for many. It is a known
fact, that numbers have been taken to Bourbon , and sold for
two hundred and three hundred dollars each. Those who have
had their freedom granted at this place [Nos Beh], as well as
others, are chiefly of the Macaw tribe. The Indien, of Havre,
a French bark, took several from this place on the 26th Sep
tember last ; she was bound for the west coast of Madagascar,
St. Mary's, and Bourbon . L'Hesione, a 32-gun frigate, has
just arrived from Johanna , having compelled one of the chiefs
to sign a paper, giving the island up to the French. On their
first application , the king and chiefs of Johanna said, that the
island belonged to the English . The French then said, that if
it was not given up, they would destroy the place ; they, after
this, obtained the signature of one of the chiefs to a paper
giving up the island to the French .
“ I remain, sir, &c. , &c.,
“ Supercargo of the late Ghuznee of Bombay.
- Nos Beh , Madagascar ,
66 Oct. 6th, 1843. "
The account given in the above letter is partly borne out
by the following announcement, which appeared in the Mo
niteur, the French official newspaper, in March, 1844 ; the
substance of it is here copied from The Times of the 14th
March ; and there can be little doubt concerning the object of
the French in taking the active step alluded to. We must
hope, therefore, that our interests in that quarter will be pro
perly watched, particularly when we remember what serious
injury would be inflicted upon the whole of our Eastern trade,
in case of war, by the establishment of the French in good
harbours to the eastward of the Cape. The announcement is
as follows : — “ Captain Des Fossés has been appointed Com
mander of the station at MADAGASCAR, and Bourbon, which
was hitherto placed under the orders of the Governor of Bour
bon. This station now acquires a greater degree of importance.
Captain Des Fossès having under his orders five or six ships of
war, will exhibit our flag along the whole coast of Africa, and
in the Arabian Seas. He will endeavour to extend our relations
with Abyssinia, and our influence in Madagascar."
When the Nemesis left England she had on board about
sixty men and officers ; but, during the operations in China,
she usually had about ninety men and officers. Her daily
consumption of fuel was about eleven tons .
She had no paddle-boats ; but in other respects, she was well
found in boats, while in China. She had two cutters, pinnace,
gig, jolly-boat, dingy, and always a large Chinese boat. A
large platform was also built between the paddle-boxes, instead
of the small bridge, which is usually constructed. This platform 1
covered the whole space between the paddle-boxes, and was 1
found particularly convenient, when troops were on board, as 1
it was always occupied by the officers, while the decks were 2
crowded with the soldiers. There was also a 6-pounder brass
gun upon a swivel carriage, mounted upon the bridge, which
was very useful for trying the range. A rocket tube and a 1
supply of rockets were always kept in readiness upon this
platform , besides ammunition for the brass gun, && c. In hot
weather an awning was spread over it, and it was always a
most convenient place for watching and directing the opera
tions of the steamer .
Besides the two 32 -pounder guns, the Nemesis carried four
brass 6 -pounders and one 8-inch howitzer.
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