Roots ,
FROM 1840 TO 1813 ;
Cilliam ]
en L , R. N.
lil iam
VOL . II .
1844 .
46 162 13044
Chinese fire -rafts at Canton -First alarm — Premature discovery
Nemesis and boats of advanced squadron -- Fire -rafts sent against the
Wellesley at the Bogue — Night engagement at Canton — Suburbs set
on fire — Shameen battery captured — Narrow escape of Captain Elliot
- Nemesis ordered to chase the Chinese flotilla — Destruction of thirty
five junks and fifty fire -boats by Nemesis and boats of the squadron
Discovery of the landing-place at Tsingpoo, and report thereon by
Captain Herbert, on the 22nd March Captain Belcher's report on
the following day — Curious scene — Sailors with tails — Pillage and
Destruction of the factories by Chinese soldiers and the mob — Account
of the imprisonment of the Americans-Are carried before the criminal
judge — Removed to the ruined factories — Our troops come to their
rescue Captain Elliot's proclamation to the Chinese people -
- Calls
upon them to drive the authorities and the troops out of the city
Arrangements for the advance of our forces from Whampoa 1
Canton and its neighbourhood — City walls—Palaces of the Mandarins
-Forts upon the heights — Preparations for the advance of our troops
from Whampoa - Important general order — Browne's passage, or the
main branch of the Canton river - Chinese boats collected to convey
the troops — Chinese trade stopped - Departure — Flotilla towed by
Nemesis — Right column lands at the factories Left column towed
up to Tsingpoo — Importance of iron steamers - Advantage in landing
troops — Reconnoissance by Sir Hugh Gough -- False alarm — Naval
operations on the 24th, 25th, and 26th May, before Canton — Shameen
Fort attacked— Narrow escape of Captain Herbert and Captain Bethune
- Arsenalcaptured — French Fort and other works stormed 18
Engagements upon the heights of Canton — Number of men engaged
- Description of the forts — Dispositions for the attack — Chinese threaten
Tsingpoo - Defeated by a party led by Captain Hall – Forts captured
on the heights - Entrenched camp burned Morning of the 26th of
May — Critical moment — Flag of truce displayed, and terms proposed
by the Chinese - Preparations for the assault — Truce concluded — Dis
appointment - Tartar troops leave the city - Demonstrations by the
armed peasants — Tremendous storm -Critical position of the sepoys—
Their rescue — Preparations to restore the forts-- Our troops re -embark
on the 1st of June — Observations on the truce — The ransom -money a
droit of the crown - Opinion of Vatel 34
Return of all our forces from Canton — Sickness breaks out — Death
of Lung -wan and of Sir Le Fleming Senhouse - Buried at Macao -- Re
marks on Hong Kong — Its extent and position --- General character of
the island – Influence of the monsoons -- Contrast between the islands
near the Canton River and those of Chusan — (' larke Abel Smith's
observations on Hong Kong in 1816 - Why it is preferred to Lintao
- Causes of unhealthiness Mean temperature of July, 1843 — Re
marks on the prevailing sickness — 55th regiment. West- point bar
racks abandoned Notices of the southern side of the island- Chek
chew — And Skekpywan - Comparatively healthy — Site for a naval
yard recommended — Rivalry of Macao— Wonderful progress of Hong
Kong— First land-sale — First house built September, 1841 – Descrip
tion of Victoria at the present time — Public works and institutions -
Projected fort - Question of future tenure of land - Quit-rents — Public
press of the colony 62
General remarks — Future government of Hong Kong - Prospects of
the opium -trade - Sir Henry Pottinger's proclamations - Attempts of
Americans to enter China in opposition to the Mandarins -- Visit to
Chang -chow— Mutual surrender of criminals — Account of the great
Typhoon — Superstitions of the Chinese — Dreadful destruction- Dis
tressing scenes — Danger of the two Plenipotentiaries—Presence of mind
of Captain Elliot - Wreck of the Louisa — Imminent danger and narrow
escape – Nemesis renders assistance, after the typhoon — Narrow escape
of the Starling—Arrival of Sir Henry Pottinger and Sir William Parker
from England 91
Arrival of reinforcements — Sir Henry Pottinger's first proclamation
-Announcement to the authorities at Canton-His refusal to see the
Prefect — Dismay of the great man in consequence Good effect upon
the Chinese — Preparations of Sir William Parker for advance upon
Amoy - Departure of the fleet from Hong Kong - Captain Elliot and Sir
Gordon Bremer leave for England — Notices of Amoy — Situation and
appearance of the town — Description of its defences—Their great extent
-Island of Kolingsoo - Attempts to negociate — Reply of the Plenipo
tentiary-General order of Sir Ilugh Gough - Orders against plunder
ing-Attack commences 26th of August - Positions of ships against the
batteries Landing of the troops — Party from the Nemesis joins the
advanced guard of the 18th - Captain IIall the first upon the walls—
Personal combat — The long fort captured - Kolingsoo taken - Accident
to the Nemesis — Occupation of the city on the 27th-Curious scenes -
Boldness of Chinese plunderers — Evidences of infanticide — Harassing
duties—Tiger soldiers — Description of Kolingsoo - American missionaries
- Remarks on the prospect of OPENING CHINA BY MISSIONARY ENTER
PRISE — Errors to be guarded against - Garrison left on Kolingsoo
Our troops quit Amoy — Re-embarkation 113
Mercantile spirit of Amoy — Character of the people — Enterprising
colonists — English compelled to abandon their factory, owing to extortions
- Prospects of future trade – Capabilities of Amoy — Great trade with
Formosa - Dutch once settled there — Question of an English settlement
on the Bonin Islands — Their character and position - Notices of Formosa
—The last Tartar conquest — Chinese colonization — Settlement of the
Dutch — Their expulsion from the island— Productions — Great trade
with Amoy-Probable demand for English manufactures - Wreck of the
Nerbudda and Ann - History of the unfortunate sufferers — Their cruel
vi ("ONTENTS .
treatment - Imprisonment -- Ty -wan -foo - Inquisitiveness of the man
darins, Strange questions — Horrid details — Hopes raised and disap
pointed - Final tragedy 148
Departure of the fleet from Amoy — Affair of the Nemesis at Sheipoo
--Curious mode of getting a good pilot - Attack upon the forts — Three
war-junks blown up - Chinese troops dispersed - Apathy of the people
generally - Inaccuracy of the surveys of the coast - Alligator Island -
Interesting anecdote - Expatriated Chinese - Their wretched life - Ren
dezvous at Keeto Point - A village destroyed in retaliation for murder
-- Attack upon Chinhae deferred — Reconnoissance of the harbour of
Chusan — Remarks on the character and appearance of the island -
Its high state of cultivation — Anecdote of mountain husbandry in
Tartary - City and harbour of Tinghai, and its new defences described
Defects of the Chinese system --Reconnoissance of the Nemesis, Modeste,
and Columbine — Preparations for the capture of the defences of Chusan
- Positions of our ships — Mortar battery erected on Melville Island
1st of October, 1841 — Debarkation of the troops — IIills carried by the
55th, and long battery by the 18th regiments -- Capture of the city -
And measures to prevent the escape of the Chinese — General re
marks 175
Military government of Chusan --Remarks on the town of Tinghai
--The great bell— Notices of Chusan — Not adapted for commercial
purposes -A visit to the interior - Interesting observations of a Chinese
gentleman-Civility of the people — Remarks on our commercial pro
spects in China --Necessity of barter — Difficulties — Preparations for
the capture of Chinhae - Its position - Defences of the Ningpo river
Chinhae captured, 10th of October, 1841- Military and naval opera
tions, on both sides of the river, described — Suicide of Chinese officers
The Emperor's remarks respecting the Viceroy - Public honours
Attentions of the English to the wounded Chinese -Remarks on Chinhae
and on Chinese inventions — Use of torture and cruel modes of inflicting
death – Burial of murdered Englishmen - Instrument for pounding
women to death— IIumanity towards the Chinese prisoners 203
Ningpo river - Reconnoissance of the City - Ningpo occupied with
out opposition — Panic throughout the province - Alarm at Hang -chow
foo — Remarks on the seat of operations.- Chekeang - Importance of
the Imperial Canal — Measures adopted at Ningpo - Ransom demanded
-Chinese plunderers - Bridge of boats— Excursion to Yuyow - Beauties
of the country - Notices of Ningpo - Prize -money - Public granaries
opened to the people - Chinese horses — Pagoda, and panorama of the
country - Aspect of the town - Chinese etiquette - Want of scientific
researches - Taste for English manufactures — Russian cloth manu
factured in England for the Chinese -overland trade - Wood - carving and
varnishing — Sporting excursions — Abundance of game- Chinese trea
chery - Anecdotes — Second visit to Chinhae — View of the battle - field
Amusing incidents — Lady shamming dead--Infanticide— Visit to Chusan
-Return to Ningpo 231
Expedition to Yuyow - Capture of the City - Treachery - Close of
1841 -- Alarm spreads to Hang -chow -foo - People quitting the City
Expedition of boast of the Nemesis towards Fungwah - Character of the
country described - The Cornwallis at Chusan — Reinforcements begin
to arrive - Expedition to the island of Tai -shan — The Nemesis - Gallant
affair Rumours of aa combined attack by the Chinese — Ningpo in
danger - A surprise — Night attack Gallant defence of the City
Repulse of the Chinese-Pursuit and slaughter - Chinese attack Chinhae
-All their plans are frustrated 259
Advance upon Tsekee Horse Artillery - Phlegethon and Nemesis
destroy fire-boats — The Segoan hills — Positions of the Chinese - Tsekee
captured - Double attack upon the enemy - Serious conflict — The
heights carried — Flight of the Chinese army - Their retreat harassed
by the fire of the steamers — The Chungkie pass — Return to Ningpo
Chinese kidnappers – Curious caricatures - Remarks on Chinese cha
racter - Discovery of their preparations — Night attack by fire- rafts at
Chusan - Awkward position of the Nemesis — Their plans fail — Dan
gerous accident — Visit to the island of Pooto — Consecrated ground—Its
numerous temples- Beauties of the island - Description - Superstitions
of the people — Remarks on the religions of China 288
' Evacution of Ningpo - Remarks on that city - Its importance as a
place of trade - Former factory - Why abandoned — Jesuit missionaries
first landed there — Their character, and great temporary success— Edicts
against Christians at Pekin – Re-embarkation of our troops at Ningpo
- Squadron sails for Chapoo -- Position and aspect of the city - Re
connoissance in the Nemesis - Preparations for the attack -- 18th May,
1842 — Description of Chinese positions — Our troops land to the at
tack from the Nemesis - Positions of our ships – Heights carried
Obstinate defence of a house by the Tartars — Repeated failures -
Distressing scenes — 18th Royal Irish - Prisoners tied by their tails
-Walls of the city scaled by the 55th_Naval brigade - Anecdotes-
Great attention to the wounded Chinese — Elepoo afterwards thanks
Sir Ilugh Gough for his humanity - Notices of the Tartar city and
population - Ilabits of the Tartars — Never distort the feet of women
Devotion of children to their parents- Beautiful country round Chapoo
-Casualties - Chinese prisoners restored 313
Overtures made by the Chinese-Exchange of prisoners - Generous
conduct of Elepoo — Anecdote – Our prisoners led through the Chinese
camp— Ilong merchants ordered up from Canton- Not received - Ren
dezvous at the mouth of the Yangtze river - Reconnoissance of Woo
sung -Junks laden with iced fish — Mandarins going their rounds
Anecdote of the Nemesis — Woosung river and its batteries described —
Dispositions for the attack - Ships all towed into action by steamers
Spirited fire of the Chinese — Positions of the ships — Modeste and Ne
mesis roughly handled — Captain Watson's gallantry_War junks and
wheel boats attacked by the Nemesis — Description — Proceedings of
the light squadron- Captain Watson lands and attacks the flank of
the long battery — Warm reception — Desperate resistance of the Tar
tars A check — The enemy give way — Sir Hugh Gough lands, and
proceeds to capture Paou - shan - Advance upon Shanghai - Descrip
tion of that city -- A wealthy commercial emporium - Remarks on the
country and character of the people -Chinese Arcadia - Amusing de
scriptions - Tea - gardens - Ice -houses - Bishop of Shanghai - His history
-Sporting - Steamers proceed up the river - Nearly reach Soo -chow
foo- Our forces are again concentrated at Woosung 336
Remarks on the great river Yangtze Kiang — Stoppage of its trade
-Hope of preventing the grain and tribute from passing up the Grand
Canal - Reinforcements at Woosung — French ships of war — Remarks
- Sir Henry Pottinger's important proclamation, addressed to the
Chinese - The Emperor's proclamation concerning passing events-
Reply to Sir Henry by Niew Kien, the viceroy of Nankin --- Alarm at
Pekin — Extent and importance of the rivers of China — Remarks on
the Amoor, or Sagalin - Sail from Woosung in five divisions —Details
-- Aspect of the country - Kiang - Yin -
— And Golden
— Silver Island -
Island — Falling greatness — Arrival at Chin-keang-foo — Its capture,
21st July, 1842 — Tartar garrison - List of troops engaged— Plan of at
tack - Major General Schoedde's brigade scales the walls — Spirited resis
tance of the garrison -
Lieutenant Cuddy's gallantry — Sir Hugh
Gough and the third brigade prepare to storm the west gate - Unfortunate
affair of the Blonde's boats — Warm reception - Part of them abandoned
with the guns — Attention of the Chinese people to our wounded— Captain
Peter Richards lands from the Cornwallis with Captain Watson of the
Modeste — They scale the walls near the west gate — Spirited affair -
Guard-house fired by a rocket — Tartars driven in- -Outer gate blown in
and forced by third brigade — Sharp encounter with the Tartars in the city
-Self -destruction— Horrible scenes - Death of the Tartar general 378
Fever breaks out - Its severity — Blockade of the Grand Canal—
Description of that great work — Overflow of the river — Distress of the
people— Fleet of three hundred trading junks stopped—Activity of the
Nemesis — Visit from the mandarin of Esching — Curious scenes on board
the steamer-Coal junks stopped — Abundance of coal found in China,
Description of it and where found — The Dido and Nemesis— Mode of
procuring supplies-- Hospitality of the people at Esching - Friendly in
tercourse at one town while fighting at another — Anomalies of war
Anecdotes of Chinese visiters — Emperor's compliment to the family of
the Tartar general — Garrison left at Chin - keang -foo - Gutzlaff's Pagoda
-Cast iron building one thousand two hundred years old—Passage of the
fleet up to Nankin - Arrivalof the imperial commissioners— Attempts to
gain time — Decision of the plenipotentiary - Remarks on the city of
Nankin - Dispositions for the attack - Chinese commissioners yield at the
last moment— Interviews and negociations— Necessary delay-Remark
able report sent by Ke- ying — Exchange of visits — Sir Henry enters the
city - Signature of the treaty - Remarks on our future intercourse with
the Chinese 416
Nankin - Porcelain tower—Description of — Portrait of the head priest
- Tombs of the kings - Colossal statues - Figures ofanimals- Antique re
mains - Remarks on the history of the Ming dynasty - Disputes with the
Japanese and Mantchous— How the Mantchous, or Tartars, came to the
throne - Institutions of China preserved after the conquest - Efficient go
vernment - Our forces leave Nankin— Dreadful sickness— Bengal Vo
lunteers — Descent of the river — Forces reassemble at Hong Kong -
Riots at Canton - Character of the people - Origin of the outbreak - Eng
lish ladies in Canton - Patriots -- Attack upon the factories - English flag
staff — Arrivalof Sir Hugh Gough — TheNemesis --- Chinese troops oc
cupy the factories - Correspondence between Sir Henry Pottinger and
the merchants - Critical position - Visit of the Prefect and the Hong
merchants to the Nemesis - Quiet restored - Departure of our forces 451
Departure from Macao-- Voyage along the coast towards Hainan - Pi
ratical fishing -boats — Bay of Liengsoy described — Fishing village - Man
darin station - Galong bay - Good shelter - Picturesque country - Yin
lin -kan a beautiful harbour - Entrance into the Lagoon - Discovery of a
river - Excursion into the interior - Appearance of the country- ('uri
ous buffalo carts --- Cocoa -nut woods — Observations on the people — Vil
lages - Tea -shops – Interesting journey - Party of prisoners and man
darins — An inn by the road side — Stopping the mandarins' chairs and
horses — Civility of the peasants — Return to the boats — Hall's river
Coast of Cochin -China - Phuyen harbour - Description of it - Good
place of refuge- Appearance of the country - Curious burial- ground
New kind of fishing-boats — Odd contrivance — Arrival at Singapore
Malacca — Its fallen condition - Penang revisited - Moulmein - Remarks
on - Frontier of Birmah— Elephant riding - Remarkable caves — Arrival
at Calcutta—Review at Barrackpore — Conclusion 483
British Squadron in China, at the ternination of the war 511
General Regulations of British Trade in China 513
Supplementary Treaty 519
Chinese fire- rafts at Canton — First alarm — Premature discovery -
Nemesis and boats of advanced squadron - Fire- rafts sent against the
Wellesley at the Bogue — Night engagement at Canton — Suburbs set
on fire-Shameen battery captured — Narrow escape of Captain Elliot
- Nemesis ordered to chase the Chinese flotilla — Destruction of thirty
five junks and fifty fire -boats by Nemesis and boats of the squadron
Discovery of the landing - place at Tsingpoo, and report thereon by
Captain Herbert, on the 22nd March — Captain Belcher's report on
the following day — Curious scene - Sailors with tails — Pillage and
Destruction of the factories by Chinese soldiers and the mob-Account
of the imprisonment of the Americans — Are carried before the criminal
judge — Removed to the ruined factories — Our troops come to their
rescue — Captain Elliot's proclamation to the Chinese people — Calls
upon them to drive the authorities and the troops out of the city
Arrangements for the advance of our forces from Whampoa.
The intense anxiety which took possession of every
one's mind at Canton , on the evening of the expected
attack upon our vessels by the Chinese, as described at
the close of the last volume, has not by any means been
VOL . II . B
exaggerated . The very uncertainty of the plans of the
Chinese served to increase the interest felt, and the ex
treme darkness of the night gave the greatest cause for
apprehension of treachery.
During the early part of the evening complete still
ness prevailed ; nothing whatever betokened an imme
diate attack. It was about eleven o'clock when the
alarm was given . One of the sentries of the Modeste,
which was a little in advance of the other vessels, ' first
discovered several large dark -looking masses dropping
down with the stream . Being hailed by the sentry, the
Chinese who had charge of them immediately set fire
to the combustible materials which they contained .
The flames, bursting forth suddenly, spread the alarm ,
and pointed out the danger to the other vessels, while
it was still remote . There was a general beat to quar
ters ; steam was rapidly got up on board the Nemesis,
the fires having been lighted early in the evening; the
anchor was weighed, and, in the short space of NINE
MINUTES from the time the alarm was given, the Neme
sis was under weigh, and under command of the helm .
The premature discovery of the design, before it was
actually commenced, disconcerted the plans of the Chi
nese, and caused them to set fire to the rafts sooner than
had been intended . The derangement of a grand scheme at
its outset embarrasses all the subsequent details, and is
apt to discourage all those who are employed to carry
them into execution . The moment they cease to act in
concert, the failure of every part of the scheme is cer
tain . Thus, on the present occasion , in consequence of
2 Namely, the Pylades, Algerine, Nemesis, and Louisa cutter.
some of the fire- rafts being ignited too soon, the greater
part of the rest were not ignited at all; so that, out of
the immense number, about a hundred, which had been
prepared , not above ten or a dozen were set on fire or
sent down against our vessels at Canton. Some, how
ever, were sent adrift against the Alligator, at anchor
near Howqua's Fort.
These fire-rafts were ingeniously constructed to effect
their object, being composed of boats chained together
in twos and threes, so that, drifting down with the
stream , they might hang across the bows of a ship, so
as not to be easily got clear. They were filled with all
kinds of combustible materials. Numerous junks and
smaller boats were barely seen in the distance higher
up the river, said to have a large body of troops on
board, for the purpose of trying to board our ships
during the confusion which it was expected would take
place. But the moment they found that they were
likely to meet with a warm reception, they did their
best to get away again as fast as they could .
The Nemesis ran up at full speed towards the fire
rafts, in order to assist the boats of the squadron in
towing them away. Many of them , however, drifted
fairly on shore, and set fire to the suburbs of the town,
causing much greater alarm to the Chinese than they
did to those whom they were designed to annihilate.
It was a grand spectacle, in the sullen darkness of the
night, to see these floating masses of fire drifting about
the river, and showing by their own reflected light the
Boats of the Calliope, Herald, Modeste, Pylades, and Algerine.
B 2
exaggerated . The very uncertainty of the plans of the
Chinese served to increase the interest felt, and the ex
treme darkness of the night gave the greatest cause for
apprehension of treachery.
During the early part of the evening complete still
ness prevailed ; nothing whatever betokened an imme 1
diate attack.. It was about eleven o'clock when the
alarm was given. One of the sentries of the Modeste,
which was a little in advance of the other vessels,' first
discovered several large dark -looking masses dropping
down with the stream . Being hailed by the sentry, the
Chinese who had charge of them immediately set fire
to the combustible materials which they contained.
The flames, bursting forth suddenly, spread the alarm ,
and pointed out the danger to the other vessels, while
it was still remote. There was a general beat to quar
ters ; steam was rapidly got up on board the Nemesis,
the fires having been lighted early in the evening ; the
anchor was weighed, and, in the short space of nine
MINUTES from the time the alarm was given, the Neme
sis was under weigh, and under command of the helm .
The premature discovery of the design, before it was
actually commenced, disconcerted the plans of the Chi
nese, and caused them to set fire to the rafts sooner than
had been intended. The derangement of a grand scheme at
its outset embarrasses all the subsequent details, and is
apt to discourage all those who are employed to carry
them into execution . The moment they cease to act in
concert, the failure of every part of the scheme is cer
tain . Thus, on the present occasion, in consequence of
? Namely, the Pylades, Algerine, Nemesis, and Louisa cutter.
some of the fire-rafts being ignited too soon , the greater
part of the rest were not ignited at all ; so that, out of
the immense number, about аa hundred, which had been
prepared, not above ten or a dozen were set on fire or
sent down against our vessels at Canton. Some, how
ever, were sent adrift against the Alligator, at anchor
near Howqua's Fort.
These fire -rafts were ingeniously constructed to effect
their object, being composed of boats chained together
in twos and threes, so that, drifting down with the
stream , they might hang across the bows of a ship, so
as not to be easily got clear. They were filled with all
kinds of combustible materials. Numerous junks and
smaller boats were barely seen in the distance higher
up the river, said to have a large body of troops on
board, for the purpose of trying to board our ships
during the confusion which it was expected would take
place. But the moment they found that they were
likely to meet with a warm reception, they did their
best to get away again as fast as they could.
The Nemesis ran up at full speed towards the fire
rafts, in order to assist the boats of the squadron in
towing them away. Many of them , however, drifted
fairly on shore, and set fire to the suburbs of the town,
causing much greater alarm to the Chinese than they
did to those whom they were designed to annihilate.
It was a grand spectacle, in the sullen darkness of the
night, to see these floating masses of fire drifting about
the river, and showing by their own reflected light thie
| Boats of the Calliope, Herald , Modeste, Pylades, and Algerine.
B 2
04--1ސ.,)، 1
um ✓
Roots ,
FROM 1840 TO 1813 ;
Cilliam ]
enn L , R. N.
Cal BY
VOL . II .
1844 .
376162 13
! 30944
Chinese fire -rafts at Canton - First alarm — Premature discovery
Nemesis and boats of advanced squadron -- Fire- rafts sent against the
Wellesley at the Bogue — Night engagement at Canton — Suburbs set
on fire - Shameen battery captured – Narrow escape of Captain Elliot
- Nemesis ordered to chase the Chinese flotilla—Destruction of thirty
five junks and fifty fire -boats by Nemesis and boats of the squadron
Discovery of the landing - place at Tsingpoo, and report thereon by
Captain Herbert, on the 22nd March — Captain Belcher's report on
the following day — Curious scene — Sailors with tails — Pillage and
Destruction of the factories by Chinese soldiers and the mob - Account
of the imprisonment of the Americans - Are carried before the criminal
judge -- Removed to the ruined factories — Our troops come to their
rescue -
- Captain Elliot's proclamation to the Chinese people - Calls
upon them to drive the authorities and the troops out of the city
Arrangements for the advance of our forces from Whampoa 1
Canton and its neighbourhood — City walls—Palaces of the Mandarins
-Forts upon the heights — Preparations for the advance of our troops
from Whampoa - Important general order — Browne's passage, or the
main branch the Canton river - Chinese boats collected to convey
the troops — Chinese trade stopped — Departure — Flotilla towed by
Nemesis — Right column lands at the factories Left column towed
up to Tsingpoo — Importance of iron steamers — Advantage in landing
troops — Reconnoissance by Sir Hugh Gough - False alarm — Naval
operations on the 24th, 25th, and 26th May, before Canton — Shameen
Fort attacked— Narrow escape of Captain Herbert and Captain Bethune
-Arsenal captured—French Fort and other works stormed 18
Engagements upon the heights of Canton - Number of men engaged
-Description of the forts — Dispositions for the attack—Chinese threaten
Tsingpoo - Defeated by a party led by Captain Hall — Forts captured
on the heights - Entrenched camp burned Morning of the 26th of
May — Critical moment. Flag of truce displayed, and terms proposed
by the Chinese — Preparations for the assault — Truce concluded — Dis
appointment — Tartar troops leave the city — Demonstrations by the
armed peasants — Tremendous storm — Critical position of the sepoys
Their rescue - Preparations to restore the forts— Our troops re - embark
on the 1st of June — Observations on the truce — The ransom -money a
droit of the crown - Opinion of Vatel 34
Return of all our forces from Canton - Sickness breaks out - Death
of Lung-wan and of Sir Le Fleming Senhouse-Buried at Macao — Re
marks on Hong Kong - Its extent and position — General character of
the island - Influence of the monsoons. Contrast between the islands
near the Canton River and those of Chusan — Clarke Abel Smith's
observations on Hong Kong in 1816 — Why it is preferred to Lintao
- Causes of unhealthiness - Mean temperature of July, 1843 — Re
marks on the prevailing sickness - 55th regiment
West- point bar
racks abandoned — Notices of the southern side of the island— Chek
chew — And Skekpywan — Comparatively healthy - Site for a naval
yard recommended — Rivalry of Macao— Wonderful progress of Hong
Kong— First land -sale — First house built September, 1841 — Descrip
tion of Victoria at the present time — Public works and institutions -
Projected fort — Question of future tenure of land — Quit- rents - Public
press of the colony 62
General remarks — Future government of Hong Kong - Prospects of
the opium -trade — Sir Henry Pottinger's proclamations — Attempts of
Americans to enter China in orposition to the Mandarins — Visit to
Chang -chow - Mutual surrender of criminals — Account of the great
Typhoon — Superstitions of the Chinese — Dreadful destruction - Dis
tressing scenes—Danger of the two Plenipotentiaries — Presence of mind
of Captain Elliot - Wreck of the Louisa — Imminent danger and narrow
escape -Nemesis renders assistance, after the typhoon — Narrow escape
of the Starling — Arrival of Sir Henry Pottinger and Sir William Parker
from England 91
Arrival of reinforcements - Sir Henry Pottinger's first proclamation
-Announcement to the authorities at Canton — IIis refusal to see the
Prefect — Dismay of the great man in consequence Good effect upon
the Chinese — Preparations of Sir William Parker for advance upon
Amoy - Departure of the fleet from Hong Kong - Captain Elliot and Sir
Gordon Bremer leave for England — Notices of Amoy Situation and
appearance of the town —Description of its defences — Their great extent
- Island of Kolingsoo - Attempts to negociate — Reply of the Plenipo
tentiary - General order of Sir Hugh Gough -- Orders against plunder
ing - Attack commences 26th of August - Positions of ships against the
batteries -- Landing of the troops —· Party from the Nemesis joins the
advanced guard of the 18th — Captain Hall the first upon the walls
Personal combat — The long fort captured - Kolingsoo taken - Accident
to the Nemesis Occupation of the city on the 27th - Curious scenes —
Boldness of Chinese plunderers — Evidences of infanticide — Harassing
duties—Tiger soldiers — Description of Kolingsoo - American missionaries
- Remarks on the prospect of OPENING CHINA BY MISSIONARY ENTER
PRISE — Errors to be guarded against - Garrison left on Kolingsoo
Our troops quit Amoy - Re- embarkation 113
Mercantile spirit of Amoy - Character of the people — - Enterprising
colonists — English compelled to abandon their factory, owing to extortions
- Prospects of future trade - Capabilities of Amoy — Great trade with
Formosa - Dutch once settled there — Question of an English settlement
on the Bonin Islands — Their character and position-Notices of Formosa
-The last Tartar conquest — Chinese colonization - Settlement of the
Dutch — Their expulsion from the island - Productions — Great trade
with Amoy - Probable demand for English manufactures — Wreck of the
Nerbudda and Ann - History of the unfortunate sufferers — Their cruel
treatment --Imprisonment - Ty -wan - foo - Inquisitiveness of the man
darins— Strange questions - Horrid details — Hopes raised and disap
pointed — Final tragedy 148
Departure of the fleet from Amoy — Affair of the Nemesis at Sheipoo
-Curious mode of getting a good pilot - Attack upon the forts - Three
war -junks blown up - Chinese troops dispersed — Apathy of the people
generally — Inaccuracy of the surveys of the coast — Alligator Island
Interesting anecdote - Expatriated Chinese — Their wretched life - Ren
dezvous at Keeto Point - A village destroyed in retaliation for murder
Attack upon Chinhae deferred — Reconnoissance of the harbour of
Chusan Remarks on the character and appearance of the island
Its high state of cultivation - Anecdote of mountain husbandry in
Tartary - City and harbour of Tinghai, and its new defences described
Defects of the Chinese system - Reconnoissance of the Nemesis, Modeste,
and Columbine — Preparations for the capture of the defences of Chusan
Positions of our ships — Mortar battery erected on Melville Island
1st of October, 1841 – Debarkation of the troops — Hills carried by the
55th , and long battery by the 18th regiments - Capture of the city -
And measures to prevent the escape of the Chinese — General re
marks 175
Military government of Chusan—Remarks on the town of Tinghai
-The great bell—Notices of Chusan — Not adapted for commercial
purposes —A visit to the interior - Interesting observations of a Chinese
gentleman-Civility of the people — Remarks on our commercial pro
spects in China—Necessity of barter — Difficulties— Preparations for
the capture of Chinhae—Its position - Defences of the Ningpo river
Chinhae captured, 10th of October, 1841 – Military and naval opera
tions, on both sides of the river, described — Suicide of Chinese officers
The Emperor's remarks respecting the Viceroy - Public honours
Attentions of the English to the wounded Chinese - Remarks on Chinhae
and on Chinese inventions—Use of torture and cruel modes of inflicting
death — Burial of murdered Englishmen — Instrument for pounding
women to death — Humanity towards the Chinese prisoners 203
Ningpo river — Reconnoissance of the City - Ningpo occupied with
out opposition — Panic throughout the province - Alarm at Hang -chow
foo - Remarks on the seat of operations.- Chekeang — Importance of
the Imperial Canal — Measures adopted at Ningpo — Ransom demanded
-Chinese plunderers — Bridge of boats , Excursion to Yuyow - Beauties
of the country - Notices of Ningpo- Prize -money - Public granaries
opened to the people — Chinese horses - Pagoda, and panorama of the
country - Aspect of the town - Chinese etiquette - Want of scientific
researches - Taste for English manufactures - Russian cloth manu
factured in England for the Chinese-overland trade - Wood - carving and
varnishing — Sporting excursions — Abundance of game , Chinese trea
chery - Anecdotes — Second visit to Chinhae — View of the battle-field
Amusing incidents — Lady shamming dead-- Infanticide— Visit to Chusan
-Return to Ningpo 231
Expedition to Yuyow - Capture of the City - Treachery - Close of
1841 -- Alarm spreads to Hang -chow -foo — People quitting the City
Expedition of boast of the Nemesis towards Fungwah- Character of the
country described - The Cornwallis at Chusan — Reinforcements begin
to arrive - Expedition to the island of Tai-shan — The Nemesis — Gallant
affair Rumours of a combined attack by the Chinese — Ningpo in
danger - A surprise — Night attack Gallant defence of the City
Repulse of the Chinese - Pursuit and slaughter — Chinese attack Chinhae
-All their plans are frustrated 259
Advance upon Tsekee Horse Artillery — Phlegethon and Nemesis
destroy fire -boats — The Segoan hills — Positions of the Chinese — Tsekee
captured Double attack upon the enemy - Serious conflict — The
heights carried — Flight of the Chinese army - Their retreat harassed
by the fire of the steamers — The Chungkie pass — Return to Ningpo
Chinese kidnappers - Curious caricatures — Remarks on Chinese cha
racter - Discovery of their preparations — Night attack by fire-rafts at
Chusan - Awkward position of the Nemesis— Their plans fail — Dan
gerous accident- Visit to the island of Pooto — Consecrated ground — Its
numerous temples- Beauties of the island - Description - Superstitions
of the people — Remarks on the religions of China 288
'Evacution of Ningpo— Remarks on that city—Its importance as a
place of trade - Former factory - Why abandoned — Jesuit missionaries
first landed there _Their character, and great temporary success — Edicts
against Christians at Pekin – Re-embarkation of our troops at Ningpo
Squadron sails for Chapoo — Position and aspect of the city — Re
connoissance in the Nemesis --Preparations for the attack - 18th May,
1842 — Description of Chinese positions -Our troops land to the at
tack from the Nemesis — Positions of our ships — lleights carried
Obstinate defence of a house by the Tartars — Repeated failures -
Distressing scenes — 18th Royal Irish — Prisoners tied by their tails
-Walls of the city scaled by the 55th_Naval brigade — Anecdotes —
Great attention to the wounded Chinese – Elepoo afterwards thanks
Sir Hugh Gough for his humanity– Notices of the Tartar city and
population – Habits of the Tartars - Never distort the feet of women
Devotion of children to their parents — Beautiful country round Chapoo
-Casualties — Chinese prisoners restored 313
Overtures made by the Chinese - Exchange of prisoners -- Generous
conduct of Elepoo — Anecdote — Our prisoners led through the Chinese
camp— Hong merchants ordered up from Canton— Not received - Ren
dezvous at the mouth of the Yangtze river - Reconnoissance of Woo
sung -Junks laden with iced fish — Mandarins going their rounds
Anecdote of the Nemesis —Woosung river and its batteries described —
Dispositions for the attack - Ships all towed into action by steamers-
Spirited fire of the Chinese - Positions of the ships — Modeste and Ne
mesis roughly handled — Captain Watson's gallantry_War junks and
wheel boats attacked by the Nemesis - Description Proceedings of
the light squadron— Captain Watson lands and attacks the flank of
- Warm reception - Desperate resistance of the Tar
the long battery —
tars - A check — The enemy give way Sir Hugh Gough lands, and
proceeds to capture Paou -shan Advance upon Shanghai — Descrip
tion of that city - A wealthy commercial emporium — Remarks on the
country and character of the people —Chinese Arcadia — Amusing de
scriptions — Tea- gardens - Ice -houses --Bishop of Shanghai - His history
-Sporting — Steamers proceed up the river — Nearly reach Soo -chow
foo-Our forces are again concentrated at Woosung 336
Remarks on the great river Yangtze Kiang - Stoppage of its trade
- Hope of preventing the grain and tribute from passing up the Grand
Canal -— Reinforcements at Woosung - French ships of war — Remarks
- Sir Henry Pottinger's important proclamation, addressed to the
Chinese — The Emperor's proclamation concerning passing events —
Reply to Sir Henry by Niew Kien, the viceroy of Nankin - - Alarm at
Pekin — Extent and importance of the rivers of China - Remarks on
the Amoor, or Sagalin - Sail from Woosung in five divisions —Details
— Aspect of the country — Kiang-Yin - Silver Island — And Golden
Island - Falling greatness — Arrival at Chin -kcang -foo — Its capture,
21st July, 1842 – Tartar garrison List of troops engaged— Plan of at
tack - Major General Schoedde's brigade scales the walls — Spirited resis
tance of the garrison - Lieutenant Cuddy's gallantry — Sir Hugh
Gough and the third brigade prepare to storm the west gate - Unfortunate
affair of the Blonde's boats — Warm reception — Part of them abandoned
with the guns - Attention of the Chinese people to our wounded— Captain
Peter Richards lands from the Cornwallis with Captain Watson of the
Modeste — They scale the walls near the west gate - Spirited affair
Guard -house fired by aa rocket — Tartars driven in - Outer gate blown in
and forced by third brigade — Sharp encounter with the Tartars in the city
-Self-destruction - Horrible scenes -Death of the Tartar general 378
Fever breaks out-Its severity — Blockade of the Grand Canal
Description of that great work — Overflow of the river-Distress of the
people— Fleet of three hundred trading junks stopped— Activity of the
Nemesis — Visit from the mandarin of Esching — Curious scenes on board
the steamer-Coal junks stopped - Abundance of coal found in China ,
Description of it and where found — The Dido and Nemesis— Mode of
procuring supplies — Hospitality of the people at Esching - Friendly in
tercourse at one town while fighting at another — Anomalies of war
Anecdotes of Chinese visiters — Emperor's compliment to the family of
the Tartar general - Garrison left at Chin -keang -foo - Gutzlaff's Pagoda
-Cast iron building one thousand two hundred years old — Passage of the
fleet up to Nankin — Arrival of the imperial commissioners — Attempts to
gain time — Decision of the plenipotentiary - Remarks on the city of
Nankin - Dispositions for the attack —Chinese commissioners yield at the
last moment - Interviews and negociations — Necessary delay - Remark
able report sentby Ke-ying — Exchange of visits — Sir Henry enters the
city-Signature of the treaty — Remarks on our future intercourse with
the Chinese 416
Nankin— Porcelain tower — Description of — Portrait of the head priest
–Tombs of the kings — Colossal statues Figuresofanimals—Antique re
mains —Remarks on the history of the Ming dynasty - Disputes with the
Japanese and Mantchous - How the Mantchous, or Tartars, came to the
throne - Institutions of China preserved after the conquest - Efficient go
vernment - Our forces leave Nankin — Dreadful sickness — Bengal Vo
lunteers - Descent of the river — Forces reassemble at Hong Kong -
Riots at Canton - Character of the people — Origin of the outbreak - Eng
lish ladies in Canton — Patriots - Attack upon the factories - English flag
staff - Arrival of Sir Hugh Gough - The Nemesis - Chinese troops oc
cupy the factories — Correspondence between Sir Henry Pottinger and
the merchants - Critical position - Visit of the Prefect and the Hong
merchants to the Nemesis — Quiet restored-Departure of our forces 451
Departure from Macao — Voyage along the coast towards Hainan - Pi
ratical fishing -boats - Bay of Liengsoy described — Fishing village - Man
darin station — Galong bay —Good shelter - Picturesque country - Yin
lin - kan a beautiful harbour-Entrance into the Lagoon - Discovery of a
river — Excursion into the interior - Appearance of the country— Curi
ous buffalo carts — Cocoa -nut woods — Observations on the people — Vil
lages – Tea -shops – Interesting journey - Party of prisoners and man
darins — An inn by the road side - Stopping the mandarins' chairs and
- -
horses— Civility of the peasants — Return to the boats — Hall's river
Coast of Cochin -China— Phuyen harbour - Description of it — Good -
place of refuge— Appearance of the country - Curious burial- ground
New kind of fishing-boats - Odd contrivance — Arrival at Singapore
Malacca — Its fallen condition -Penang revisited - Moulmein - Remarks
on - Frontier of Birmah— Elephant riding-Remarkable caves — Arrival
at Calcutta — Review at Barrackpore — Conclusion 483
British Squadron in China, at the termination of the war 511
General Regulations of British Trade in China 513
Supplementary Treaty 519
Chinese fire- rafts at Canton - First alarm — Premature discovery -
Nemesis and boats of advanced squadron -- Fire- rafts sent against the
Wellesley at the Bogue — Night engagement at Canton - Suburbs set
on fire - Shameen battery captured — Narrow escape of Captain Elliot
-Nemesis ordered to chase the Chinese flotilla - Destruction of thirty
five junks and fifty fire-boats by Nemesis and boats of the squadron
Discovery of the landing -place at Tsingpoo, and report thereon by
Captain Herbert, on the 22nd March — Captain Belcher's report on
the following day — Curious scene Sailors with tails — Pillage and
Destruction of the factories by Chinese soldiers and the mob — Account
of the imprisonment of the Americans - Are carried before the criminal
judge — Removed to the ruined factories -- Our troops come to their
rescue —Captain Elliot's proclamation to the Chinese people — Calls
upon them to drive the authorities and the troops out of the city
Arrangements for the advance of our forces from Whampoa.
The intense anxiety which took possession of every
one's mind at Canton, on the evening of the expected
attack upon our vessels by the Chinese, as described at
the close of the last volume, has not by any means been
VOL . II . B
exaggerated. The very uncertainty of the plans of the
Chinese served to increase the interest felt, and the ex
treme darkness of the night gave the greatest cause for
apprehension of treachery.
During the early part of the evening complete still
ness prevailed ; nothing whatever betokened an imme
diate attack. It was about eleven o'clock when the
alarm was given. One of the sentries of the Modeste,
which was a little in advance of the other vessels, first
discovered several large dark -looking masses dropping
down with the stream . Being hailed by the sentry, the
Chinese who had charge of them immediately set fire
to the combustible materials which they contained .
The flames, bursting forth suddenly, spread the alarm ,
and pointed out the danger to the other vessels, while
it was still remote. There was a general beat to quar
ters ; steam was rapidly got up on board the Nemesis,
the fires having been lighted early in the evening ; the
anchor was weighed, and , in the short space of NINE
MINUTES from the time the alarm was given, the Neme
sis was under weigh, and under command of the helm.
The premature discovery of the design, before it was
actually commenced, disconcerted the plans of the Chi
nese, and caused them to set fire to the rafts sooner than
had been intended. The derangement of a grand scheme at
its outset embarrasses all the subsequent details, and is
apt to discourage all those who are employed to carry
them into execution . The moment they cease to act in
concert, the failure of every part of the scheme is cer
tain . Thus, on the present occasion, in consequence of
Namely, the Pylades, Algerine, Nemesis, and Louisa cutter.
some of the fire -rafts being ignited too soon , the greater
part of the rest were not ignited at all; so that, out of
the immense number, about a hundred, which had been
prepared, not above ten or a dozen were set on fire or
sent down against our vessels at Canton . Some, how
ever, were sent adrift against the Alligator, at anchor
near Howqua's Fort.
These fire -rafts were ingeniously constructed to effect
their object, being composed of boats chained together
in twos and threes, so that, drifting down with the
stream , they might hang across the bows of a ship, so
as not to be easily got clear. They were filled with all
kinds of combustible materials. Numerous junks and
smaller boats were barely seen in the distance higher
up the river, said to have a large body of troops on
board, for the purpose of trying to board our ships
during the confusion which it was expected would take
place. But the moment they found that they were
likely to meet with a warm reception, they did their
best to get away again as fast as they could.
The Nemesis ran up at full speed towards the fire
rafts, in order to assist the boats of the squadron in
towing them away.? Many of them , however, drifted
fairly on shore, and set fire to the suburbs of the town,
causing much greater alarm to the Chinese than they
did to those whom they were designed to annihilate.
It was a grand spectacle, in the sullen darkness of the
night, to see these floating masses of fire drifting about
the river, and showing by their own reflected light the
Boats of the Calliope, Herald , Modeste, Pylades, and Algerine.
B 2
panic -stricken parties of Chinese who had charge of
them, trying to escape towards the shore, which few of
them were destined to reach. Some threw themselves
overboard, were carried down the stream , and their
struggles were soon ended ; others were shot at random
by our musketry, the moment they were discovered by
our men, betrayed by the light of the fires they had
themselves kindled.
So far the Chinese scheme proved a total failure.
Nor was the attempt more successful upon the Alli
gator, off Howqua's Fort. The attack was to have
been simultaneously made upon all our ships in dif
ferent parts of the river, both at Whampoa and at the
Bogue ; but, owing to some error, or more probably the
premature explosion of their plan at Canton , the attack
on the Wellesley at the Bogue did not take place until
nearly midnight of the 24th, three days afterwards. It
was, however,, well concerted, and very formidable, as it
comprised a flotilla of little less than twenty vessels,
chained in twos and threes ; many of these had gun
powder as well as other combustibles on board . It
was not without great exertion of Commander Fletcher
and the few officers and men remaining on board (most
of them being absent on service under Captain Maitland,
with the advanced squadron) that they were towed clear
of the ship, by the only three boats she had left . In no
instance was any damage done to our ships.
But the plan of the Chinese was not limited to their
exploits with fire- rafts. The new batteries before
spoken of, as having been erected by Yihshan, just
above Canton, towards the river side, opened a heavy
fire upon our ships just when it was imagined they
would have been embarrassed by the fire-vessels. The
artillery now began to roar on both sides, although,
owing to the midnight darkness, it was solely directed
by the flashing of each other's guns.
The Nemesis had now run so close in shore that she
was able clearly to distinguish , by the light of the bat
teries and the reflection of the fire in the suburbs, the
different Tartar officers rallying and encouraging their
men to fight the guns . The two small vessels which
lay off the factories (the Louisa and Aurora ) were at
one time in imminent danger, as the Chinese had actu
ally brought down to the river side a very large gun,
and planted it within good range, to blow them out of
the water. They could not be moved until the tide
turned ; but, by alternately veering out cable and
shortening it in again, so as to alter the range and balk
the Chinese gunners during the darkness, they managed
to escape with trifling damage. In the morning they
were moved out of danger with the turn of tide. At
intervals the firing was kept up until daylight.
All the secretly devised plans of the Chinese were
now fairly disclosed and frustrated, and the chastisement
which awaited them had been commenced ; but it re
quired the light of day to make their discomfiture com
plete, and anxiously was the dawn expected on both
At length the sun rose brightly upon the scene of
midnight encounter; and now the wrecks of the still
burning fire-vessels, the crumbling batteries on shore,
the suburbs of the town in flames, the deserted river,
and some trifling damages on board one or two of our
own vessels, bore witness to what had happened .
The attack upon the Shameen battery was now re
newed, and it was soon silenced by the fire of the ves
sels . A few shot and shell were thrown into the ad
joining suburbs, where the fire had broken out ; but
some of the Chinese soldiers who had already aban
doned their guns, when they found that our men did
not land immediately to take possession of the works,
actually returned and fired another round or two from
the Shameen battery. They were soon, however, driven
out, and eight fine large brass guns were captured .
It was during these operations at Canton that Cap
tain Elliot and Captain Herbert narrowly escaped a
very dangerous accident, which might have proved fatal
to many, had it not been fortunately averted by the
personal coolness and resolution of the captain of the
Nemesis. A Congreve rocket, which had been placed
in the proper tube from which it is fired , and had been
already ignited, accidentally hung within it, instead of
being projected, as intended . In another second it
would have burst in the tube itself, and must have
killed or wounded all those who were standing near it
upon the bridge between the paddle -boxes. With in
stant coolness and presence of mind, Captain Hall put
his arm into the tube and forcibly pushed it out from
behind, although the rush of fire which came out of it
burnt his hand severely and caused intense pain. In
deed it was not done without great personal risk. It is
difficult to calculate what disastrous results might not
have followed , had the rocket burst in the tube, on
board ship. It was long before the use of the wounded
hand was recovered .
Just when all opposition at the Shameen battery had
been overcome, an unlooked-for opportunity occurred of
rendering signal service, by the discovery of the prin
cipal rendezvous of all the fire- rafts and men - of-war
junks, whose place of retreat had hitherto been con
cealed. Every fresh report had confirmed the previous
information that preparations of an extensive kind had
been made by the Chinese higher up the river, but it
was supposed to be at some place much more distant
than was now found to be the case. The first thing
which led to the discovery was the suspicious appear
ance of a large war-junk, which suddenly came out
from behind a point of land some way above the fort.
Having fired one or two distant shots, she again with
drew out of sight.
The Nemesis instantly proceeded in search of the ex
pected prize, under the orders of Captain Herbert, who
was on board. The junk again stole out from her hiding
place, but, the moment she observed the steamer coming
towards her, she made off in all haste up a large creek,
which turned round to the northward. About a mile
or less within this passage, the whole Chinese fleet of
war-junks, fire-rafts, boats, &c., was suddenly descried,
to the number, probably, of more than a hundred.
This was an exciting moment. The Chinese were
thrown into the utmost consternation by the sudden ap
proach of the steamer ; and the more numerous were the
junks and craft of all kinds, the greater was the confu
sion into which they were thrown. The light draught of
water of the Nemesis gave her an immense advantage,
as she could pursue them at full speed, without much
risk of grounding. Every shot now told upon the con
fused mass. The Chinese ran most of their boats ashore,
in order to make their own escape ; others tried to make
their way up the creek , each one striving to pass the
other. Suddenly a small masked battery opened fire
upon the steamer ; but a few round shot, followed by
grape, drove the Chinese from their guns, and served to
disperse a small body of troops, who were drawn up in
the rear . The water soon became too shallow for the
steamer to proceed further, and she, therefore, came to
Some boats from the Calliope and Herald and other
vessels now joined, and, together with the boats of the
Nemesis, continued the pursuit, and destroyed or run
ashore an immense number of junks, fire-rafts, and
fishing-boats of every kind.
About fifty boats were found filled with combustibles,
and were joined eight or nine together, having been
destined to drift down with the tide upon our vessels.
Many of the junks had troops on board, from distant
parts of the empire, intended for the relief of the city.
The scene was extremely animating ; numbers of the
Chinese were scrambling ashore, or clinging to frag
ments of their boats or spars, as they floated about in
the water. Some of the junks were burnt, and others
blown up, but the precaution was taken to examine
carefully every one of them before it was set on fire, in
order to rescue any of the panic -stricken Chinese who
might be trying to find concealment in it. But, in
spite of this precaution, the structure of the junks
afforded so many little hiding-places for the terrified
Chinese, that, as the fires gradually burnt more briskly,
and took more certain effect upon the vessels, several
poor fellows were observed to rush up from below, and,
then unable to support the heat upon deck, to jump
desperately overboard. Some of these swam easily on
shore ; others, who could not swim, remained clinging to
the outside of the junk or to the rudder, until the heat
became insupportable, or the vessel itself blew up. In
this way, some few necessarily perished, for it was not
possible to save them all, owing to the small number of
boats employed on our side, and the large number of
those destroyed on theirs ; besides which, the heat and
danger were often too great to be able to approach near
enough to render timely assistance. Nevertheless, the
loss of life among the Chinese, considering their num
bers, was inconsiderable, as the nearness of the shore
permitted most of them easily to escape.
Thus, in the short space of three hours, forty -three
war-junks were blown up , and thirty-two fire - rafts de
stroyed, besides smaller boats. Some which had been
run ashore were left untouched .
This important encounter produced one very valuable
result, as it led to the discovery of the most desirable
landing-place for our troops, in the projected attack on
the heights of Canton. This spot was distinctly seen
and remarked upon by the different officers on board
the Nemesis, and was particularly noticed by Captain
Herbert, in his report of this affair to Sir Le Fleming
Senhouse, written on the very same day. This is not a
matter of slight moment, because all allusion to this
circumstance was omitted in the public despatch of Sir
Le Fleming Senhouse. In Captain Herbert's report, dated
on the 22nd of May, on board the Nemesis, that officer,
after having described the destruction of the numerous
boats and fire-rafts, distinctly said : — “ their wrecks
are lining both banks of the river nearly close up to
Tsingpoo, the landing -place, from which a good ap
proach appears to lead direct to the north gate of the
city wall, not more than four miles distant, with dry
footing the whole way.” He also intimated that artillery
might probably be brought there. Moreover, while
Captain Hall was lying in bed with pain and fever from
his disabled hand, the general himself and other officers
subsequently came down into his cabin, purposely to
make inquiry concerning the landing -place and the
country about it, such as it had been seen from the Ne
On the following day, the 23rd , the Sulphur, under
Captain Belcher, having with him the Druid's Launch,
and several other boats, proceeded into the same creek,
in which Captain Herbert had found the landing-place
the day before, and destroyed one or two junks and
rafts which had been left the previous day, and some
others which had returned after their first escape. Five
junks and thirteen small boats were destroyed . The
practicable landing - place at Tsingpoo was also reported
on by that officer, and he added that he got himself
hoisted up to the mast -head of a junk, sextant in hand,
to get a look at the country, and observed the enemy
encamped on the verge of a hill, but that he “ had not
the slightest doubt that they would have fled , had he ad
vanced towards the hill .” As it was, however, he was
content with landing at the temple at Tsingpoo, and,
throwing into the river the five guns of the little masked
battery which had opened on the Nemesis the day be
fore, and had been silenced by her fire, but which Cap
tain Herbert had not thought it worth his while to de
stroy, as the war-junks and fire -rafts claimed his more
immediate attention.
Captain Belcher hastened down to the Blenheim the
same evening, and reported what he had done to Sir Le
Fleming Senhouse, “ who,” he says, (see voyage of the
Sulphur, p.184 to 187) “ had been sitting up for him, and
seemed delighted beyond measure at what he heard. ”
To return to the Nemesis, as she came back towards
the factories, from the scene of her exploits at Tsingpoo
on the previous day. The remarks of a gentleman who
was at Canton at the time are curious enough. Speak
ing of what occurred , he says : - “ From time to time
loud explosionswere heard in that direction [Tsingpoo) ;
dense volumes of smoke rose up continually, both black
and white, and announced some terrible work of de
struction. After some time a general cheer burst forth
from all those who were near me, as the Nemesis came
in sight, just rounding the corner on her return , towing
several boats after her towards the Macao passage. It
was an interesting and even ludicrous sight, as she ap
proached, to observe the boats, as well as the vessel
itself, decked out with Chinese flags, the men exhibiting
their trophies with evident pride, some rigged out in
every variety of Chinese dress, from mandarins down
wards ; some with Chinese caps, and others with Chi
nese tails, with which a whole boat's crew were decorated .
Itappears that, when they took prisoners, they merely
cut off their tails, (a mark of deep disgrace to a China
man ) and let them go again about their business.” But
the novelty of the thing was highly amusing to our
Jack Tars, and the idea of wearing a tail a yard and a
half long seemed quite as preposterous, and , of course,
as ridiculous, as if they did not know that tails were
once worn by our own countrymen, and even cherished
with a vast deal of self -satisfied care by our own sailors
and soldiers, though not quite of the true Chinese
But the day was by no means ended yet ; and, indeed,
the business had commenced so early (at dawn) that even
at this time it was little more than eight o'clock. And
now comes a scene of a very different kind. I have
before stated, that the guard of marines had been with
drawn from the factory, and the flag struck on the
previous day. A vast quantity of property had already
been removed, but much still remained, of considerable
value, and much more was supposed to be left behind of
still greater importance. All this became an object of
longing to the mob,, to say nothing of any natural feel
ing of hostility, which was ready to vent itself upon
something or other. Pillage now became the order of
the day. It is said even that a party of Chinese soldiers
were first sent down expressly to search for arms. Of
these they found none ; but there were still enough of
other things to tempt their avarice. They had certainly
the first choice of the booty, although the general mob
speedily joined in the general ransack . Several of the
officers, or low mandarins, were seen to be quite as busy
as the rest of the people, some even carrying away
plunder upon their horses, and others who had none
sending for them on purpose.
Readers who can picture to themselves the long,
gloomy labyrinths of passages, and alleys, and stair
cases, which are comprised within the piles of buildings
called the factories, can well imagine the terrible scene
of riot, destruction , and pillage which was going on ;
yet probably not worse than would have been committed
by an English mob under similar circumstances ; as
Bristol, Birmingham , and other places can testify. There
was a reckless destruction of property which could not
be removed, even after every article of furniture as well
as merchandize had been carried away . Doors and
windows were soon disposed of, and the very staircases
and stone floorings broken up and destroyed .
In the Old Company's or British Factory, the con
fusion was most terrible, because in it there remained
a greater number of valuable objects to destroy. The
beautiful chandeliers and fine looking -glasses were soon
annihilated and carried off piecemeal; and the noble large
marble statue which stood in the great hall served as an
object of especial vengeance, as if it contained within
itself the very germs or symbols of all the barbarian
nations of the earth, and could communicate to them a
portion of the insults now heaped upon it as it lay
prostrate in the hall.
During the whole day, the same mad scene of destruc
tion was continued ; and whatever still defied the hands
of the infuriate mob was at length made to yield to the
consuming power of fire. Not all the thirteen Hongs,
however, were visited with this terrible pillage ; many
of them escaped altogether'; which is somewhat remark
able ; but all those situated between the limits of Hog
Lane and a small creek which runs into the river at the
other end were entirely destroyed , except the bare walls.
Within this space were included the British, together with
the Dutch and the Creek Factories, a very fine and ex
tensive range of handsome buildings.
Towards the close of the day, when the work of de
struction was nearly completed, down came, at length, the
Prefect of the City in person, attended by a large party
of police. He now succeeded in driving away the main
body of the mob, and then gave charge of the factories
to the Hong merchants, to whom all the buildings be
longed, and who took possession of the little that
remained, with the assistance of a number of their own
hired labourers armed for the occasion .
The account given of this day's proceedings by a
highly respectable American merchant, who imprudently
remained behind the night before, is extremely valuable.
Without going into minute details, it will suffice to
mention that Mr. Coolidge was taken prisoner, after
being in great danger of being cut down , and was with
many insults carried into the heart of the city. As he
was marched along, he passed several bodies of soldiers
and coolies, or day -labourers, hurrying down towards
the factories, and dragging guns along with them. As
soon as he came near the head-quarters of the Tartar
general, the crowd and movement increased ; officers of
every grade, grooms and messengers on horseback hur
rying to and fro, executioners and city-guards, together
with strange troops from distant provinces, in every
variety of costume— these were all huddled together,
and jostled in the greatest bustle and confusion .
After some delay, he was carried, with every possible
insult, before the criminal judge, and there, to his horror,
he discovered several of his countrymen , who had been
wounded and captured as they were trying to escape in
a boat down the river. The sufferings and indignities
they now underwent were extreme ; nor did their asser
tion that they were Americans prove of much service to
them, for they were told that, in that case, they “ ought
to speak a different language, and wear a different
dress .”
It is very certain, however, that the Chinese generally
at Canton know perfectly well the difference between
an American and an Englishman, politically. But, on the
other hand, when an Englishman gets into trouble there,
he most commonly declares himself to be an American ;
and how could the Chinese prove that he is not so ? But
the national distinction is perfectly well defined, even in
their own language, as is commonly known ; the Ameri
cans being called the “ people of the flowery flag,” from
the number of stars on it, while the English were known
as the “ red people,” or “ red -haired people,” an appella
tion originally applied to the Dutch traders.
The American prisoners remained in the condition I
have described, exposed to every possible suffering in
the common prison, for nearly two days, when they were
at length turned out, and carried in chairs to the ruined
factories, where they were planted among the ruins, just
as if they had been portions of the marble statue which
had been destroyed .
It was just at this time that our troops landed, namely,
the Cameronians, under Major Pratt (as will be presently
seen ), and, of course, every attention was paid to the
unhappy sufferers ; and, as Mr. Coolidge observes, “ I
cannot tell you with what feelings of good-will we looked
upon every one of those redcoats. "
To return , however, to the Nemesis. Soon after mid
day, while the work of destruction was going on at the
factories, she was ordered to convey Captain Elliot and
Captain Herbert with all speed down to Whampoa, in
order to make arrangements for the hasty advance of
the whole force, which was nearly all there assembled ,
not far from Whampoa. Captain Elliot, however, could
not forego the pleasure of giving a parting proclamation
to the Chinese, even then . He told the people of Canton
“ that their city had twice been spared, but that his
agreement with the three Commissioners had now been
violated by them, by the arming of their forts, and by
their secret preparations to attack the English, who were
the real protectors of the city .” IIe called upon them
“ to remember the hour of battle, and to consider whe
ther the troops of the other provinces now among them
were not the real scourges of the inhabitants ;" and, after
a little more in the same compassionate strain, he wound
up by calling upon them “ to turn out the Commissioners
and their troops from the city within twelve hours,
otherwise that the English would be obliged to withdraw
their protection from the city, and take military posses
sion of it, confiscating all the property to the Queen of
England .”
This must have sounded highly gratifying to the Chi
nese ; quite in the oriental style ; and it was exceedingly
probable that the mob of Canton would have the power,
even had they the will, to turn out about twenty thou
sand troops, together with the high authorities, all in
the twinkling of an eye, by a sort of talismanic “ Open
At Whampoa, a conference was held with the senior
naval officer, Sir Le Fleming Senhouse, and the general,
concerning the immediate steps to be taken ; and, before
dark the same evening, the Nemesis again rejoined the
advanced squadron near Canton , in the Macao passage.
The storm was now gathering thicker and thicker
every hour ; our forces were all by this time concen
trated within a few short miles of the city ; delay was
no longer possible ; and the moment appeared inevitably
come, though long delayed, when the Chinese authori
ties must yield to force, where “ reason ” and negociation
had been tried in vain, and written instruments had
failed .
VOL . II . с
Canton and its neighbourhood—City walls—Palaces of the Mandarins—
Forts upon the heights — Preparations for the advance of our troops
from Whampoa - Important general order - Browne's passage, or the
main branch of the Canton river Chinese boats collected to convey
the troops - Chinese trade stopped - Departure - Flotilla towed by
Nemesis — Right column lands at the factories — Left column towed
up to Tsingpoo — Importance of iron steamers - Advantage in landing
troops — Reconnoissance by Sir Hugh Gough— False alarm — Naval
operations on the 24th, 25th, and 26th May, before Canton - Shameen
Fort attacked — Narrow escape of Captain Herbert and Captain Be
thune — Arsenal captured — French Fort and other works stormed .
A few remarks upon the city and neighbourhood of
Canton, before which our troops are now for the first
time about to appear, ( the previous operations of the
18th March having been entirely limited to the naval
forces) will contribute to the interest of the subsequent
narrative. The city of Canton, or Kwantung, is situated
upon the northern bank of the river usually known by
the same name, though sometimes called by Europeans
the Pearl river, from its Chinese name, Choo-keang.
Its distance from the Bogue is about forty miles.
The scenery around the city is extremely diversified .
On the northern and north - eastern sides it is com
manded by hills, the possession of which by an enemy
must of necessity place the city at his mercy. In other
directions it presents the aspect of a low and abun
dantly -watered plain, cut up by canals and little rivers,
which serve both for irrigation and for communication
with the interior. So numerous are they, that in some
parts nearly a third part of the whole surface is occu
pied by water. The appearance of the country is rich ,
and at most seasons beautifully green, being divided
into rice -fields and little gardens, with here and there a
clump of trees or a small village, or the country resi
dences of some of the wealthier inhabitants of the city,
to diversify the prospect .
About three or four miles to the westward of the city,
and curving round at the foot of the hills which com
mand it, runs the creek or river in which the war -junks
and fire- rafts had been destroyed by the Nemesis and
boats. The excellent landing-place at Tsingpoo, which
had been discovered on that occasion , was very conve
niently situated for the debarkation of troops destined
to attack the heights above the city, which are in fact
the key to its occupation .
The city and its suburbs occupy the whole space be
tween the hills and the river ; the suburbs, however,
being little less extensive than the city itself. The lat
ter is surrounded by a high wall, which has twelve en
trances, and it may be about six or seven miles in cir
cumference . On the south, or river side, a portion of the
suburbs extends down to the water-side ; and in the
western corner of these are situated the foreign facto
ries, and the principal packhouses of the Hong mer
chants, which are partly built on piles on the river's
C 2
bank. On the northern side, the wall rests directly
upon the brow of the hills ; and, indeed, there is a hill
of moderate elevation actually within the walls, the
possession of which would in fact give the command of
the entire city, and which could have been held by a
small force against any troops the Chinese could bring
against it. Another wall divides the city into two un
equal parts, running from east to west, and called the
Old and the New City, the latter being much more mo
dern than the former, but differing from it very little
in appearance. The residences of all the high officers,
the Viceroy, Lieutenant-Governor, Tartar General , and
others, together with a public arsenal, are situated in
the Old City ; but the moment we got possession of the
two forts, called the Dutch and French Follies, we
could command the whole of these places, withont in
any degree endangering the factories, which are at a
considerable distance to the westward in the suburbs.
It is unnecessary to say any thing concerning the
interior of the city, which is believed to contain nothing
very remarkable, except two fine pagodas. The streets,
as usual, are extremely narrow, being mere lanes or
alleys ; and those in the suburbs are in most respects
superior in appearance and cleanliness to those within
the actual city. As Canton lies just within the tropic,
it is subject to great heat in summer ; while , on the
other hand, the cold blasts which come from the high
ranges of mountains in northern Asia are severely felt
in winter.
The heights above the city were crowned with four
strong forts, built principally of brick at the upper part,
but of stone below. They mounted altogether forty-two
guns of various calibre, together with a great number
of ginjals and wall-pieces. Between them and the city
walls, the distance of which varied from one hundred
and fifty to two hundred and fifty paces, there was an
irregular and in some parts deep and broken ravine.
The hill before described as within the circuit of the
walls was also within range of the heights ; and so im
portant was this position afterwards considered by Sir
Ilugh Gough, that he distinctly declared that, with
“ this in his possession, he would have been responsible
that the city should have been spared, and that not a
soldier should have entered the town farther than this
fortified height.”
With these few preliminary observations, we may
now return to the point at which our combined naval
and military forces were all concentrated , below Wham
poa, on the 22d and 23 March, having sailed from
Hong Kong on the 18th and 19th of that month .
An important general order was now issued by Sir
Hugh Gough, preparatory to the advance of our troops
upon Canton. It betokened the true feeling which ani
mated the expedition ; and, while it goes far to refute
the belief that wanton cruelty was inflicted upon the
Chinese, it does honour to the expedition, as primâ facie
evidence of the forbearance with which our power was
exercised . After first alluding to the novelty of the
Chinese system of warfare to the British soldier, as one
making up in cunning and artifice what it lacks in
discipline, and, after recommending extreme caution
against surprise and stratagem , and, above all , the ob
servance of the strictest discipline, Sir Hugh Gough
proceeds to remind his soldiers that “ Great Britain
had gained as much of fame by her clemency and for
bearance as by the gallantry of her troops. An enemy
in arms is always a legitimate foe ; but the unarmed , or
the supplicant for mercy, of whatever country or what
ever colour, a true British soldier will always spare.”
Such was in reality the feeling which animated the
whole expedition ; although the desultory attacks of
the Chinese, and the refusal of many of them to surren
der when all further resistance was useless, sometimes
occasioned aa loss of life which was to be deplored, but
which could not be prevented .
The channel through which our forces were now about
to advance upon Canton was one which had been not
long before examined for the first time, one may even
say discovered, by Mr. Browne, the master of the Calli
ope, Lieutenant Kellett, of the Starling, Mr. Johnson,
the master of the Conway, and other officers. It came
to be called Browne’s Passage, although Mr. Browne him
self called it the “ main branch of the Canton river.” It
runs to the southward of French Island, towards the Macao
passage, and is a much more important branch of the river
than that which runs along the northern side of that
island,which was first explored in the Nemesis by Captain
Herbert and Captain Elliot, and along which our vessels
had proceeded to the attack of the Macao Fort, as before
described . A glance at the accompanying map will suf
fice to render intelligible the course of all the branches
of the river in the neighbourhood of Canton.
In Captain Herbert's report to Sir Gordon Bremer,
in the middle of March, referring to some of these pas
sages, he stated that “ boats from the Calliope, Herald ,
Hyacinth, Sulphur, and Starling, had on several occa
sions explored the channels in the south branch of the
river, from Danes’ Island upwards, and that they had
found a safe and deep passage for vessels drawing six
teen feet water up to the city of Canton, except two
bars, which it required high water to pass . ” Mr. Browne
and Lieutenant Kellett, with the boats, had proceeded
along the channel between Danes' and French Islands,
and then entered the passage, which runs along the
southern side of the latter.
The Chinese had commenced preparations for the
defence of these channels at several points ; there was a
battery of ten guns, another of fourteen, and one of four
guns, in the passage between the two islands, or French
river, which was too small for ships to pass through it.
Other batteries were also found in the so-called Browne's
Passage, one of which was calculated to mount thirty
seven guns . Indeed, in all the branches of the river, batte
ries were found, some partially, some completely, finished .
At one of these, a little above the last mentioned , there
were not less than forty guns ready for mounting, newly
cast, and with quite new carriages. But the Chinese
offered no resistance ; and, on one occasion, Lieutenant
Kellett invited the mandarin in charge of one of these
forts to come and breakfast with him, presuming that
he had more appetite for food than for fighting.
Mr. Browne and Mr. Johnson made a good rough sur
vey of the whole of this important channel, in which
there was found to be depth of water sufficient for our
largest transports, to the distance of about ten miles.
Even a line-of -battle ship, the Blenheim, was carried up
nearly as far as the transports ; and hence the beginning
of the passage along the southern bank of Danes' Island
obtained the name of the Blenheim Reach . It is here that
our largest merchant ships have since usually anchored.
The 23rd of May was occupied, as might be expected,
in completing the necessary preparations for the con 2
veyance of our troops, marines, small-arm men, and
camp -followers, up to the city of Canton . It was the
general wish of the officers of the expedition that the
attack should take place on her Majesty's birthday, in
order that a salute might be fired in honour of the occa
sion from the heights of Canton , and that the roar of
our artillery should announce the success of our arms,
and the avenging of our honour, while it celebrated our
loyalty, and the love of our country. Captain Herbert
even assured Sir Le Fleming Senhouse, in a letter dated
the 22nd, that “ he had no reason to doubt that, if the
general should think fit, our forces could be in posses
sion of the city the day after to-morrow, that is, on the
Queen's birthday, the 24th . ” This, however, was found
to be impracticable, owing to the great difficulty expe
rienced in collecting boats enough to convey the whole
force up to the city ; and it was not until noon of the
24th that our forces could commence their advance.
In the mean time, Captain Belcher had been directed
to collect as many Chinese boats as possible higher up 1
the river, and to send them down with the tide. Gra
dually they had been dropping down from the direction
of the city, until, at length, there were enough collected
for the conveyance of two thousand men, besides camp
followers, stores, and materiel of all kinds. At the
same time, with a view to embarrass the Chinese as much
as possible, orders had been given that all the native
trading -boats should be detained ; that none of them
should on any account be permitted to go down the
river, under any pretence whatever ; and, above all, that
all the salt-junks should be stopped . In the course of
a few days, no less than one hundred and forty -one
trading -junks, of every description, were brought-to,
and detained in the neighbourhood of Napier's Fort, and
at the Naval Arsenal below the city ; they comprised
little less than ten thousand tons of shipping, manned
by about one thousand one hundred Chinese sailors.
The sudden stoppage of this considerable trade could
not fail to make a deep impression upon the whole
people of Canton . No injury, however, was done to any
of the trading -vessels, which were all suffered to depart
without further molestation, the moment the authorities
of the city had agreed to Captain Elliot's terms.
Before our troops finally advanced upon Canton, Sir
Hugh Gough and Sir Le Fleming Senhouse went up in
person to make a careful reconnoissance, and particu
larly with a view to assure themselves of the practica
bility of the landing-place at Tsingpoo.
At length, soon after noon on the 24th, every prepa
ration for the advance was completed. Such a curious
collection of boats was perhaps never before seen, from
the tea or cargo-boat, which traverses the rivers to the
interior of the country, to the more humble fishing-boat,
which plies in the neighbourhood of Canton . Many of
them were curious specimens of boat-building, but they
answered extremely well for the purpose required.
The troops were all embarked in two columns, of
which the right was destined to hold the factories, and
was taken up in the Atalanta steamer. It merely con
sisted of the 26th Cameronians, less than three hundred
strong, together with an officer and twenty men of the
Madras Artillery, with one six-pounder gun, and one
five and a half -inch mortar. Thirty sappers, with an
officer of engineers, were also attached to it ; it was
under the command of Major Pratt, of the 26th regi
ment. The left column comprised the main body of
the force, which was destined to carry the heights above
the city, being divided into four brigades. An account
of these will be given in its proper place.
To the Nemesis was entrusted the charge and the ho
nour of carrying or towing up the whole of this column ,
together with the camp- followers and attendants of
every description, ( in this instance reduced to the
smallest possible number) which always accompany our
troops in the east. The enormous flotilla of boats, in
cluding, of course, those belonging to the men -of-war,
necessarily retarded the progress of the steamer very
much, particularly in the more intricate parts of the
river. As she advanced, numerous boats from our ships
were picked up, until their number could not have been
less than from seventy to eighty ; hanging on behind
each other, and following in the wake of the long, low
steamer. It was altogether a very animating scene.
The numerous flags, the curious appearance of the
boats, the glitter of the arms and accoutrements, and
the various uniforms of the men , could not fail of pro
ducing a very exciting spectacle. There was not the
slightest confusion ; and, the hope of being soon masters
of the City of Canton, added to other circumstances,
rendered the expedition intensely interesting.
On board the Nemesis were the forty -ninth regi
ment ; together with Major-General Sir Hugh Gough
and his staff, Sir Le Fleming Senhouse, and Captain
Elliot, accompanied by Mr. Morrison. Captain Bour
chier, who was to have the honour of commanding the
naval brigade, and several other officers, were also on
board . The decks of the steamer were crowded . Slowly
and steadily she advanced, dragging after her the long
tail of boats, a more numerous flotilla than any steamer
had yet towed.
The Chinese must have been perfectly well informed
of the approach of the force; and, had they not been
already panic-struck by the lessons they had so recently
received, they might have occasioned great annoyance,
and perhaps loss, to our troops, exposed as they were in
boats, by firing on them from the banks of the river, in
places where they would have been themselves under cover.
No opposition of any kind, however, was offered.
In the mean time, the Atalanta reached her desti
nation at the factories more expeditiously, and the
right column was landed before five o'clock, without
opposition ; when Major Pratt immediately set about
strengthening his post, and making the necessary dis
positions, either for defensive or offensive operations, as
circumstances might require.
It was now that the unfortunate Americans were dis
covered, in the wretched plight before described, in the
midst of the ruins of the factories in which they had
been turned loose, as it were, like beasts, after the indig
nities they had suffered.
It was just dusk when the left column, towed by the
Nemesis, reached the destined point of debarkation at
Tsingpoo, where the Sulphur was already at anchor.
By this time it was too late in the day to do more than
land the forty -ninth regiment. This was easily effected,
as they could walk on shore directly out of the steamer,
without the necessity of using boats, or causing any
delay whatever. Here again, as in so many other in
stances, the advantage of this description of steamer
was clearly shown. She had a great deal of deck-room
for troops ; while she could run closer in shore than
other vessels, because she drew so little water. Indeed,
Captain Hall never hesitated , when the service would
probably be forwarded by it, to run the bows of the
ship on shore at full speed, wherever there was a soft
bottom, merely dropping a kedge or small anchor astern,
to assist to work her off again. In this way, troops
were sometimes made to walk on shore in shallow
water, when otherwise great delay would have been
caused by having to wait for boats. More commonly,
however, a long stage or platform , made for the purpose,
was run ont from the bows of the vessel, for the men to
land . In this manner as many as a thousand men have
sometimes been landed very rapidly, when no boats could
have been procured, or not without delay and difficulty .
During the rest of the evening of the 24th, and in the
night, the guns, ammunition, and stores were also
landed , but the remainder of the force did not disem
bark until the following morning. As soon as the forty
ninth were landed, they took possession of a large
temple, or, so called , Joss-house, near the landing-place.
The general lost no time in making an extended recon
noissance as soon as he had landed, under an escort of
the forty -ninth. A few straggling parties of the enemy
were met with, who occasionally fired a random shot,
sufficient to point out that they were at hand, and ready
to cut off any unlucky straggler ; but no serious oppo
sition was met with .
From a rising ground at no great distance, a general
view of the enemy's positions could be gained. It was
now evident that they had already taken the alarm, and
they threw up some of their small harmless rockets by
way of signal, to show that they were on the alert, but
made no movement in advance. Sir Hugh Gough was
in reality at this time perfectly unacquainted with the
nature of the country he would have to pass over on the
following day, as well as of the difficulties he might
have to encounter ; but, with the utmost confidence in
the steadiness and perfect discipline of the little force
under his command, he felt assured that no difficulties
could check them. Neither could the amount of the
enemy's force be at all ascertained, respecting which
there were various conjectures, probably in most in
stances exaggerated .
The Chinese system of warfare had not yet been ex
perienced, and it was, in fact, the first time that Euro
pean troops were about to undertake operations in
China, beyond the cover of our ships. The Chinese had
been known to declare that, if they could get us away
from our ships, they had full confidence that they would
be able to beat us in fair fight ashore. They were now
soon to have an opportunity of putting their prowess to
the test. It was now the first occasion on which a
British general officer had commanded in China ; and it
was the first opportunity which that general had ever
had of witnessing the gallantry of British seamen and
marines in service on shore, and of bearing testimony
to their steadiness and discipline, and to the value of
their co-operation. He afterwards expressed himself
in general orders, in reference to the naval brigade
under Captain Bourchier, to the effect “ that it would
always be a matter of proud recollection to him that he
had had them under his orders.”
During the night there was a false alarm of aa threat
ened attack by the Chinese upon the temple ; but, if
ever intended, no attempt of the kind was made. Our
soldiers again lay down to take a soldier's rest, the half
waking slumber of a wary foe .
While our troops had thus advanced upon Canton on
the 24th, Captain Herbert, who was stationed at Wham
poa with the Calliope, Conway, Herald , and Alligator,
was directed to push up the river with the flood - tide,
with such vessels as could proceed, or with the boats of
the ships, by the direct, or Whampoa passage, and en
deavour to secure the naval Arsenal opposite the city.
It was left to his own judgment to attack the French
fort below the city, or not, according to circumstances .
At the same time, another part of our force, consisting
of the Hyacinth, Modeste, Cruiser, and Columbine, had
taken up a position near the factories, under Captain
Warren , who had been directed to secure the Dutch
Fort, and to use his own judgment as to an attack upon
any other of the defences which were known to have been
recently constructed. The possession of the Dutch and
French Forts would give us complete command of the river
front of the city, and of the palaces of the high authorities.
Captain Herbert lost no time in pushing up the river,
with the boats and marines of the ships before men
tioned ; while Captain Warren, having ordered the
Nimrod and Pylades to attack the Shameen Fort, (which
had been re- armed by the Chinese) proceeded to place
the Hyacinth, under his own command, abreast of the
factories, in order to cover the landing of the twenty
sixth regiment from the Atalanta .
In the mean time, the Modeste, Cruiser, and Colum
bine, took up a position to attack the Dutch Folly if
necessary ; but it was found to be unarmed .
As soon as the twenty-sixth regiment had landed at
the factory, the Atalanta and Algerine (which had now
joined the squadron) were ordered to move down the
river as far as possible. The Atalanta unfortunately
took the ground, where she remained for several days,
and was got off with difficulty.. The Algerine, drawing
but little water, was able to go over the reef, which is
abreast of the Dutch fort, with a strong ebb-tide. She
then took up her berth between the Dutch and French
follies, and only one hundred and fifty yards distant from
a heavy sand battery, which she engaged single-handed,
none of the other vessels being able to come up to her
support. The battery mounted eleven very heavy guns,
and the Algerine was frequently hit. The pinnaces of
the Hyacinth and Modeste were sent to help to shift her
berth, but this was impossible, owing to the strength of
the tide. Lieutenant Mason, who commanded the brig,
with instant determination now pushed off in his gig, and,
accompanied by the two pinnaces, dashed ashore and car
ried the battery with great gallantry, but not without
meeting with strong resistance, in which Mr. Fitzgerald ,
of the Modeste, fell mortally wounded , together with one
seaman killed, and fourteen seamen and marines wounded.
Some of the Chinese guns were ten and aa half inch. Cap
tain Herbert and Captain Bethune endeavoured to push up
from Howqua's Follyat sunset, but were stopped by a shot
from the French Folly , which went through Captain Her
bert's boat, and the heavinessof the fire compelled the boats
to take shelter under a point of land for some hours, so
that they were not able to reach the brig until two o'clock,
a.m. During the night several fire-rafts were sent adrift,
but were towed clear without doing any mischief. Thus
ended the 24th of May, and our forces, both naval and
military, might already be said to hold Canton at their
mercy .
A few words more will suffice to complete the descrip
tion of all the naval operations before Canton, before we
turn to the military part of them .
No time was lost on the following morning in securing
the Arsenal, in which were found nearly a dozen large war
junks upon the stocks, and a great many row boats. There
were also twelve large war- junks just finished, lying at
anchor off the Arsenal. A considerable quantity of timber
and stores of various kinds were also captured. The Chinese
had spared neither pains nor expense in the first attack
of our squadron in March, to make every preparation in
their power for the more effectual defence of the city.
Having made a reconnoissance of the French Fort,
and the other defences on that side, Captain Herbert
resolved to carry it without loss of time. The Modeste
was the only vessel except the Algerine which could be
got across the bar at the Dutch Folly, and that not
without great difficulty, having been warped over the
reef at high water. The Atalanta was still aground ; and
the guns of the Algerine not being sufficiently heavy,
Captain Herbert ordered shell-guns to be fitted in three
of the captured war-junks, to assist in the attack upon
the French Folly .
The gun -junks were placed under the direction of
Lieutenants Haskell and Hay, and , together with the
Modeste and Algerine, opened upon the French Fort and
the long line of works connected with it on the morning
of the 26th . The Chinese soon began to give way, and
Captain Bethune immediately landed with the storming
party, and gallantly carried the works. There were alto
gether sixty-four guns, some of large calibre, four being
ten and a half inch guns. Thus the whole of the river
defences of Canton were at length in our possession, at
the same time that the heights above the city had been
carried by our troops under Sir Hugh Gough .
Having thus anticipated a little, in order to give a
short connected outline of the operations of our squadron
in front of the city, we may return to the landing -place
at Tsingpoo, from which our troops were about to ad
vance upon the heights on the 25th of May.
VOL . II . D
Engagements upon the heights of Canton — Number of men engaged
Description of the forts — Dispositions for the attack-Chinese threaten
Tsingpoo — Defeated by a party led by Captain Hall—Forts captured
on the heights - Entrenched camp burned Morning of the 26th of
May — Critical moment - Flag of truce displayed, and terms pro
posed by the Chinese — Preparations for the assault - Truce concluded
-Disappointment — Tartar troops leave the city - Demonstrations by
the armed peasants — Tremendous storm Critical position of the se
poys — Their rescue Preparations to restore the forts -- Our troops
re - embark on the 1st of June — Observations on the truce — The ran
som -money a droit of the crown - Opinion of Vatel.
A detailed account of the military operations upon
the heights of Canton could be furnished only by a
military man , himself an eye-witness of what took
place immediately around him. The following con
cise description, however, taken from the personal
remarks of several who were present, and from public
documents, will suffice to keep up the interest of the
reader in the connected account of our operations in
China .
It will be remembered that the twenty-sixth regi
ment, together with a few of the Madras artillery, and
sappers and miners, were posted at the factories, and,
therefore, took no part in the engagement on the heights
on the 25th, although they joined the head -quarters
afterwards. The whole force actually engaged on that
day, under Sir Hugh Gough, including the marines and
the naval brigade, amounted to very nearly two thou
sand four hundred men . But the actual number of
bayonets in the field was only about one thousand five
hundred . The artillery comprised a body of four
hundred men, with four 12-pounder howitzers, four
9-pounder field-guns, and two 6-pounder guns ; also
three five and a half inch mortars, and one hundred
and fifty -two 32-pounder rockets .
The naval brigade, commanded by Captain Bourchier,
comprised four hundred and three small-arm men ; so
that, when added to the marines, it is evident that full
one-third of the force employed on the heights was sup
plied by the different ships of the squadron, viz . , eight
hundred and eleven men . In proportion as these were
withdrawn from their respective ships, the duty to be
performed by those who remained on board became the
more severe .
Sir Le Fleming Senhouse entrusted the command of
the naval brigade to Captain Bourchier, as it was the
express wish of Sir Hugh Gough that the senior naval
officer should join his staff, and remain at his side
throughout the day, instead of leading the brigade in
person. It was divided into two battalions, one led by
Captain Maitland of the Wellesley, and the other by
Commander Barlow of the Nimrod . The whole force
was divided into four brigades, and was directed to
D 2
move left in front. The details given below will render
further comment unnecessary .
At daylight on the morning of the 25th the whole of
the troops were landed . The Nemesis, Sulphur, and
Starling remained at anchor close to Tsingpoo ; and
small detachments of the 18th and 49th regiments, and
of the 37th M. N. I. , amounting altogether to between
seventy and eighty men, were left posted at the Temple
before described, in order to secure the landing, and
THE 25TH OF MAY, 1841 .
All other
Officers. ranks
Left Brigade, under Lieutenant Colonel Morris.
H. M. 49th Regiment, commanded by Major Stephens . 28 273
Furopean 11
37th Madras Native Infantry, Captain Duff . Native . . "45} 15 215
European 2
Company of Bengal Volunteers, Captain Mee . Native .. 3 } 4 112
47 600
Tbird, or Artillery Brigade, under Captain Knowles, R. A.
Royal Artillery, commanded by Lieutenant Spencer 2 33
Madras Artillery, commanded by Captain Anstruther 10 231
Sappers and Miners, commanded by Captain Cotton 4 137
16 401
Second, or Naval Brigade, under Captain Bourchier.
1st Battalion, Captain Maitland ........ 117 27 172
* } 403
231 S
2nd Battalion, Commander Barlow ..... 16
27 403
First (right) Brigade, under Major General Burrell.
18th Royal Irish, Lieutenant Colonel Adams 25 495
Royal Marines, Captain Ellis ..... 9 372
34 867
Total , Officers....... 124
Other ranks.... 2271 .
Grand total ......... 2,395 .
N. B. It is to be remarked that the company of Bengal Volunteers,
coinprising one hundred and twelve men , had only two European officers.
prevent any attempt at surprise on the part of the
Chinese. This precaution afterwards proved to have
been very judicious.
From a hill, a little above the landing-place, a good
view of the enemy's positions could be obtained ; and , a
little beyond that, a line of hills led directly up towards
the rear of the forts above the city, at the distance of
between three and four miles. The ground was irregu
lar and much broken by hollows, partially cultivated
and laid out in rice-grounds. The labour of dragging
the guns was therefore very great; and , indeed, two of
the twelve-pounder howitzers and two of the nine
pounder guns were not got into position upon the
heights until the following day . The other two, how
ever, and also the six-pounders, together with the rocket
battery, were brought up with the troops, with some la
bour and difficulty .
Of the four forts, two were situated not far from each
other, near the north -western angle of the city walls, on
which side is the hill which is enclosed within the walls,
and which, in the event of the capture of the city itself,
it was the intention of Sir Hugh Gough to occupy
strongly, as being the key to the possession of the
whole city. The other two forts, which might be called
the Eastern forts, were situated upon the heights, at
some distance to the eastward of the other forts, nearly
facing the centre of the city wall . One of these was
some way in advance of the other, but not quite so
near the wall , which it fronted , as the nearest of the
western forts was to the angle of the city walls on that
The weather was extremely sultry during the whole
of the 25th , which much fatigued the men before the
close of the day, and laid the foundation for sickness,
to which many afterwards fell victims. The troops
were directed to advance along the brow of the hills in
echellon of columns ; and, as soon as the artillery could
be got up , the guns opened upon the two western forts
which were nearest, and from which the Chinese had
already commenced a spirited fire. They also threatened
an attack upon the right, by large columns, which ap
peared to debouche from the western suburbs.
Our attack upon the two western forts was entrusted
entirely to the naval brigade, under cover of the guns
and rockets ; and, at the same time, the left brigade,
under Lieutenant-Colonel Morris, was to advance and
carry the nearest of the two eastern forts (which was
also the rearmost in relation to the town ) ; while the
first brigade, under Major-General Burrell, having car
ried a hill in their front, upon which a body of Chinese
were posted , and which flanked the advance of the left
brigade, was to push on and carry the principal eastern
fort, cutting off the communication between the two, at
the same moment when the 49th made their attack upon
the nearest fort.
As the two brigades advanced together, there was
some little rivalry ( the strictest discipline being pre
served) between the 49th and 18th regiments, as to
which should have the honour of commencing the attack
upon the two forts. The 49th, having the advantage of
a shorter and perhaps rather better road, got the lead,
which they maintained , so that the left brigade carried
BOTH the eastern forts before the 18th came up, and
with little loss.
The two western forts were at the same time gallantly
carried by the brigade of seamen, who were exposed to
a heavy fire of ginjals, wall-pieces, and matchlocks, from
the city walls, by which they suffered some loss.
Thus, in the space of little more than half an hour
from the time the advance was sounded, the heights
which overlooked the city were in our possession, and
the British flag waved in triumph upon all the forts
which commanded the city. The Chinese seemed little
inclined to come to close quarters as our troops ad
vanced, and they were soon driven out of the forts,
making the best of their way down the hills in confusion.
While our troops were thus engaged upon the heights,
the Chinese threatened an attack upon the landing -place
at Tsingpoo. Their object might have been either to en
deavour to cut off the retreat of our troops from the
heights, or else to get possession of the stores, &c. which
had been left behind. A considerable body of the Chi
nese sallied out of the western gate of the city, from
which a narrow , irregular causeway led down to the
landing -place at Tsingpoo.
This movement being immediately observed from the
heights, orders were sent down by Sir Le Fleming Sen
house, at the suggestion of Sir Hugh Gough, for some
of the officers of the vessels at anchor there to land with
their men , and assist in the defence of the place . These
orders were delivered to Captain IIall ( the Nemesis being
nearest in shore) by an officer of the Blenheim, sent on
purpose. Preparations had already been made on board
with this object, and Captain Hall lost no time in land
ing with half bis crew , the other half remaining at quar
ters on board, under Lieutenant Pedder. Two officers and
some men also landed from the Sulphur, and a few from
the boats of the Blonde. There were twenty-eight men
and two officers (besides Captain Hall) from the Neme
sis ; about fourteen men and two officers from the Sul
phur ; and eighteen men and two officers from the Blonde :
altogether sixty men and seven officers.
Having landed and formed, they immediately joined
the small body of troops which had been stationed at the
Joss-house to protect the guns, stores, &c. , which had
been left behind . They were commanded by Lieutenant
Grant, of the 49th, and consisted of thirty men of that
regiment, thirty of the 18th, under Lieutenant Cockburn ,
and fourteen of the 37th M.N.I., under Ensign Anqui
telle. Lieutenant Grant had got his men under arms
the moment the alarm was given ; and, perceiving a body
of about two hundred and fifty Chinese skirmishers ad
vancing in extended order, he moved out to meet them ;
when within about fifty yards, he poured in a smart fire,
by which many of them were killed, and drove them
back upon their main body , who were drawn up in close
column, about four hundred strong (regular troops),
behind a bridge some distance off, upon which they had
planted three field -pieces. The blue jackets having now
joined, a flank attack upon the enemy was proposed,
but Captain Hall instantly led the way, at the head of
Names of officers : Captain Hall, Mr. Whitehurst, and Mr. Gaunt,
Nemesis ; Mr. Goss and Mr. Hooper, H.M.S. Sulphur; Mr. Rolland and
Mr. Lambert, H.M.S. Blonde.
his men, directly down the causeway , towards the
bridge ; and, under cover of an excellent fire from the
Nemesis and Starling, the whole column attacked the
Chinese in front, and were received with an ill-directed
fire of grape and curious rocket arrows, by which two
men were slightly hit.
The Chinese were driven from their guns, and endea
voured to rally behind some houses in their rear, but
they soon made a hasty retreat towards the town,
closely pursued for some distance by our men. But it
was not thought prudent to follow them within range
of the ginjals upon the city walls, as no good purpose
could be effected by it, and some loss might have been
suffered . About thirty of the enemy were supposed
to have been killed and wounded . The three field
pieces were spiked ; and the houses near the bridge, in
which a quantity of military stores were found, were
set on fire.
It is worthy of notice, that this little spirited affair,
although officially reported to Sir Le Fleming Senhouse,
was never specially mentioned in any of the public
despatches ; an omission which at that time created
some surprise.
To return to our movements upon the heights . During
the greater part of the day, a spirited fire was kept up
from the city walls, by guns, ginjals, and matchlocks ;
which made it necessary to keep the men under cover
as much as possible.
In the rear, and a little to the eastward of the forts
occupied by the 18th and 49th, was a high bill, which ,
in fact, was the key to the whole position, but it was
not fortified. There was, however, a large joss-house
upon the top of it, which was occupied by a detachment
of the 49th regiment. Upon the low ground to the
eastward of this hill, and between it and a large en
trenched camp, situated upon rising ground close to the
suburbs, was a village occupied by Chinese troops.
Frequent communications were passing between it and
the entrenched camp, in which there appeared to be not
less than three or four thousand men .
The enemy were soon dislodged from the village by
the 49th, and dispositions were made by Sir Hugh
Gough to carry the entrenched camp by assault. Seve
ral high officers had been observed to pass out of the
city , on their way to this camp, and it was evident that
some fresh attack was projected. The 18th were there
fore ordered down from the heights, to reinforce the
detachment of the 49th, together with a few marines,
and Major -General Burrel was directed to carry the en
campment, the only approach to which was along a nar
row causeway. A heavy fire was opened upon them
from guns and ginjals upon the north -eastern face of
the city walls, to which the men were «unavoidably ex
posed as they advanced . The Chinese seemed to have
got the precise range of the causeway, and some loss
was suffered in consequence. But the enemy were soon
driven gallantly out of the camp, and fled in disorder
across the country. The buildings were then destroyed,
together with several magazines, and the force then re
turned to the heights.
The day was now far advanced , and the men were
much fatigued with the oppressive heat. The steep and
broken nature of the approach to the heights had made
it impossible to get up the heavy guns and ammunition
until the following day. The assault of the city was
therefore deferred ; but Sir Hugh Gough, having made
a careful reconnoissance of the walls and gates, deter
mined to carry them on the following day, while the
panic of the Chinese was still at its height.
On the morning of the 26th, all was apparently quiet
within the city, except that numbers of people were
issuing out of the gates, which were removed from the
scene of action, hastening to carry away with them all
the valuable property which could be easily transported.
Our troops were early under arms, but no farther ope
rations against the city could be undertaken until the
ammunition and the heavy guns could be brought up ;
which, owing to the difficulty of the ground, was not
likely to be effected before noon .
The weather in the morning did not look auspicious,
and before the day was half over rain began to fall in
torrents. Few Chinese appeared upon the walls of the
city ; and at length, soon after ten o'clock, a flag of
truce was displayed from the walls. It is remarkable
how perfectly well the value of the white - flag was re
membered (as before noticed by Captain Elliot) when
ever the Chinese wished to negociate, or to induce
us to suspend our operations ; although they thought
proper to slight it whenever it suited their purpose .
Shortly afterwards the General deputed Mr. Thom , who
was attached to him as interpreter, to advance, and as
certain what the Chinese desired . A mandarin, dis
tinguished by a red button, now stated that they wished
to propose terms of peace, with a view to spare the city,
and that in the mean time there should be a suspension
of hostilities . It was replied, that the General could
treat with no other officer than the Chinese commander
in-chief, his equal in rank ; that the British forces had
come before Canton much against the wishes of the
English nation, but were compelled to do so owing to
the insults offered to the British subjects, and the bad
faith of the Chinese high officers ; that they might,
therefore, address their requests to Captain Elliot, who
was with the advanced squadron in the river, before the
city ; and that two or three hours would be allowed for
them to communicate with that officer, and also to ar
range an interview between the English and the Tartar
General ; but that if, within that period, no satisfactory
communication should be received , the white flag would
be struck .
These overtures, on the part of the Chinese, led to no
immediate result. Sir Hugh Gough waited more than
four hours before the white flag was struck, and even
then the Chinese did not lower theirs.
During the remainder of the day, and in the course
of the night, by the unwearied exertions of the Royal
and Madras Artillery, assisted by the Sappers and
Miners, all the guns and ammunition were got up, ex
cept one 12 -pounder howitzer, the carriage of which
had been disabled . During the whole of this time, the
rain fell heavily, which much increased the necessary
labour, and added to the privations of the men , who either
bivouacked or were partially sheltered , as best they could .
The truce, if it could be so called, was of some use to
us, as it gave time for the completion of all the prepa
rations for the assault, which was to have taken place
at eight o'clock on the following morning. Our bat
teries were to have opened at seven o'clock, and it was
expected that the parapet of the walls, which was high,
would have been reduced by the concentrated fire of our
guns. The walls were not less than twenty-eight to
thirty feet high, and were separated from the heights,
from which they were in some parts less than two
hundred paces distant, by an intervening glen .
The broken nature of the ground was peculiarly
favourable for the several attacks which were designed ;
and as soon as a lodgment had been made upon the
walls, the different columns of attack were to unite,
and make a rush at the fortified hill, which, as before
described, was situated within the walls, and com
manded the interior of the city. The attack was to
have been made in four columns, of which the right,
consisting of the royal marines, under Captain Ellis,
was to blow open the north gate with powder-bags ;; but
if that attempt failed they were to escalade a circular
work thrown up as a defence to that gate. The second
column, composed of the blue jackets, under Captain
Bourchier, were to escalade the wall a little beyond
the circular work, where its height was not so great,
under cover of musketry. At the same time, the 18th
Royal Irish, uuder Lieutenant-Colonel Adams, were to
escalade the wall close to the seven-storied pagoda,
under cover of our batteries on the heights above. The
assault was also to be covered by the Bengal volunteers,
and part of the Madras 37th , N.I. Further to the left,
46 A TRUCE .
the 49th, under Lieutenant-Colonel Morris, were directed
to carry a sort of bastion, in front and within range of
the largest and nearest of the forts upon the heights,
of which we had got possession the day before. Sir
Hugh Gough’s principal object would then have been to
occupy the fortified hill within the walls, upon which a
heavy fire of shells and rockets was to have been kept
up, during the assault of the walls.
Every arrangement was thus made which could en
sure the certain and speedy capture of the city, with
little loss on our side. What then must have been the
chagrin and disappointment of the general and all his
officers, when, soon after six o'clock, just as the final
orders were given, and the batteries were about to open,
a letter from Captain Elliot was put into the General's
hands, which announced to him that a truce had been
agreed to, and that further operations must therefore
be suspended. It barely arrived in time to stop the
assault of the city, which was on the point of being
commenced . Under these circumstances , as Sir Hugh
Gough observed, “ whatever might be my sentiments or
feelings, it was my duty to acquiesce, and therefore the
attack was countermanded, and the feelings of the Chi
nese were spared.” To this he added that he had no
means of judging of the policy of the measure . Disap
pointment, vexation, and the conviction that the line of
due forbearance had been a little overstretched, now
took possession of every man's mind ; for it was the
general belief that nothing short of the capture of the
city could make such an impression upon the authorities
as would lead to a satisfactory settlement.
If any further doubt upon the subject remained, it
was finally set at rest by the arrival of Captain Elliot
in person , at the camp, about noon . From that moment
all idea of further hostile operations against the city was
abandoned .
Shortly before Captain Elliot's arrival, Sir Hugh
Gough had held a short conference, accompanied by
Sir Le Fleming Senhouse, with the Tartar General in
person , outside the walls, in a tent pitched for the pur
pose. The result was of little importance, as it was
already known that terms had been negociated by Çap
tain Elliot.
It could not be doubted that both Sir Hugh Gough
and Sir Le Fleming Senhouse were exceedingly averse
to granting any terms to the Chinese until our troops
should have got possession of the city, and established
themselves upon the fortified hill within the walls , which
would have secured our troops against any possible sur
prise or treachery, and would have exercised a salutary
moral effect upon the government, without causing any
wanton damage to the town or annoyance to the people.
In fact, it could not have failed to humble the pride of
the Chinese, when they knew that a large garrison of
foreign soldiers had made themselves masters of one of
the principal cities in the empire, supposed to contain
nearly a million of inhabitants.
Various stories were current, concerning the mode in
which the ransom of the city was first proposed . One
of the most credited accounts was that the Hong mer
chants were ordered by the authorities to go and make
terms for the ransom of the town , in some way or other,
under pain of severe displeasure or punishment. It was
said that they were authorized to go as far as ten mil
lions of dollars, if aa less sum would not suffice; but on
no account to return without effecting the object. They
must have known that they would themselves have to pay
the greater part of the amount, and naturally wished to
make the best bargain they could .
It is said that, in the first instance, they pulled along
side one of our men -of-war, and offered three millions for
the ransom of the city. As they evidently appeared to
be in a hurry to make a bargain of some sort or other,
they were told that a much larger sum would be re
quired . Four millions were then proposed, and then five
millions ; and, at length, in great trepidation and with
many protestations of poverty, they raised the offer to
six millions. In the first instance, they were scarcely
thought to be in earnest, but, as the thing now really
looked serious, they were directed to go and confer with
Captain Elliot. It was not difficult to persuade him to
grant a truce until twelve o'clock the following day, the
27th ; and , in the intervening time, terms were defini
tively agreed upon.
The twenty -four hours' truce, in the first instance,
was quite unknown to Sir Hugh Gough, to whom an
officer of the navy had been sent in the afternoon to
convey the information ; but, having missed his way and
wandered all night, he only reached the head -quarters,
as before stated, within half an hour of the time the
batteries were to open. The fact of the truce having
been granted was now sufficient to account for the Chi
nese having continued to display the white flag from the
walls the preceding day, after it had been lowered by
Sir Hugh Gough upon the heights.
As it had been stipulated that the Tartar troops
should leave the city and retire to a distance of sixty
miles from it, a conference was held on the 28th be
tween Sir Hugh Gough and the Prefect of the city, in
order to make arrangements for the evacuation of Can
ton . It was now ascertained that the force amounted
to no less than forty -five thousand men , from distant
provinces, besides those troops which belonged to the
province itself.
It may at first sight appear extraordinary that, with
so large a force at the disposal of the authorities, they
should have shown so much willingness to listen to
terms. On the other band , it might be thought judi
cious on our part that we availed ourselves of an ad
vantageous opportunity to avoid the exposure of a
handful of men , in the assault of a town garrisoned by
so large a body of troops. The fact was, however, that,
as soon as the heights which overlooked the town were
in our possession , the whole place was completely at
our mercy. It could have been easily bombarded, if
necessary, and this was dreaded by the Chinese ; nor
could their numerous but undisciplined masses have
withstood our combined assaults upon the walls of the
city. Having once gained the hill within the walls, no
force the Chinese could have brought against us would
have been able to dislodge our troops .
The Tartar soldiers were allowed to march out with
their arms and baggage, but without displaying their
banvers, and without music .
VOL . II .
So far then the authorities appeared to have perfect
control over the people of the city, and over the troops
belonging to other provinces which formed the garrison.
But beyond the city it was not so easy for them to
exercise the same degree of authority, particularly as
regarded the armed peasants. For some time, the
peasantry of the province, particularly in the neighbour
hood of the city, had been encouraged to form them
selves into societies, or patriotic bands, as they were
called , for mutual defence against the foreigners. They
constituted a sort of rude military ; but, having inex
perienced leaders and no discipline, they were calculated,
if once their passions were roused, to become much more
troublesome to the province itself than they were for
midable to the enemy. They were poorly armed , every
man according to his own taste, with spears, swords,
a few matchlocks, and shields. With perfect ignorance
of military affairs, and without any knowledge of the
resources of the enemy they were to encounter, they
believed that, by mere force of numbers, and a show of
courage at a distance, they could effect that which even
their regular Tartars had been totally unable to accom
plish. Yet they were held up to the nation at large, by
the government, as models of patriotism and self-devo
tion ; and so impressed were they with the high value
of their proffered services, that they really believed the
high officers had betrayed their trust in acceding to
Captain Elliot's terms for the ransom of the city ; and
that the anxiety of the inhabitants to save their own
property had induced them to make unreasonable con
cessions, at the very moment when they (the patriots)
were advancing to exterminate their enemies by falling
upon their rear.
It is therefore not surprising that, two days after the
city had been ransomed, namely, on the 29th, a consi
derable body of these men began to collect upon the
heights, about three or four miles in the rear of our
positions. Their numbers continued to increase through
out the day ; and Sir Hugh Gough, being fully prepared
to expect some act of treachery or bad faith under cover
of a flag of truce, directed Major General Burrell to
take charge of our positions , and to hold every man in
readiness to repel any attack from the city, while he
himself advanced in person to meet and disperse the
enemy, who now shewed themselves.
The 26th regiment, under Major Pratt, which had
occupied the factories until the 27th, had been brought
up to Tsingpoo by the Nemesis on that day, and had
joined Sir Hugh Gough upon the heights. The force
which the general now took with him comprised that
regiment, the 49th, except one company left at the joss
house on the heights, the 37th M.N.I. , and the company
of Bengal Volunteers, supported by the Royal Marines.
These two latter were to be held in reserve , so as to be
in readiness to return towards the heights, and act upon
the flank, should any attack be made from the town
during the absence of so large a portion of our force.
The Chinese had descended from the heights in the
rear upon which they had first appeared , and had taken
up rather a strong position behind an embankment along
the bed of a stream ;; they appeared to number about
four thousand men . The 26th regiment, which had not
E 2
yet been engaged, supported by the 37th M. N. I. , were
ordered to advance and drive them from this position,
which they effected without any loss. Like most irre
gular troops, the Chinese patriots could not act together
in a body, but took to flight, throwing away their spears
as soon as a well-directed fire was opened upon them.
They attempted to rally for a moment at a sort of mili
tary post in their rear, but they did not make a stand.
The buildings were immediately destroyed, together
with a magazine, which was unexpectedly found in the
adjoining village. The Chinese retreated to the heights
upon which they had first appeared.
Sir Hugh Gough, having then directed the 49th and
Bengal Volunteers to fall back upon our original posi
tion upon the heights, remained to watch in person the
movements of the Chinese, with the 26th and the 37th
M. N. I., amounting together to between five hundred
and six hundred men ,
The heat of the sun this day was excessive ; it was
so sultry, that both officers and men suffered great ex
haustion ; and Major Beecher, the deputy quarter
master-general , whose exertions had been unremitting
throughout the previous days, fell down and almost im
mediately expired ; several other officers also fell sick.
Within two or three hours after the first repulse of
the Chinese, they again collected upon the heights in
greater numbers than before, fresh bodies of them having
now come up with banners, &c. , amounting to from seven
thousand to eight thousand men .
Captain Knowles, of the artillery, who had been or
dered to bring up some rockets, now threw them, with
great precision, among the Chinese, but without being
able to disperse them ; indeed , they appeared determined
to shew a bold front ; and the general , therefore, di
rected Major Pratt, with the 26th , to attack a large
body of them , who had descended from the heights to
some rice - fields on his left. Captain Duff, with the
37th M. N. I., supported by the Bengal Volunteers,
was also directed to advance and disperse a large body
in his front, who had attempted to reoccupy the military
post which had been already burnt; they were then to
push forward towards the hills, and clear them of the
These manœuvres were executed with complete suc
cess, the Chinese being dispersed at all points. The
37th M. N. I. , however, pushed on rather farther than
had been intended, and got separated from the Bengal
Volunteers. Captain Duff had , however, detached a
company to open his communication with the 26th, who
were at some distance on his left. But the day was now
far advanced ; and the thunder -storm , the approach of
which had been surely indicated by the extreme sultri
ness and oppressive heat of the morning, now burst
upon them with inconceivable fury. The thunder roared,
and the rain descended in torrents, so that the firelocks
got wet, and scarcely a single musket would go off.
The 26th were, in consequence, frequently compelled to
charge with the bayonet ; for the Chinese, who hovered
about them, seeing that they could not use their fire
locks, came boldly up to attack them with their long
spears, which are formidable from their length. After
several repulses, the Chinese at length withdrew ,
and our troops were directed to return to their posi
tions .
It was on this occasion, and in the midst of this ter
rific storm, in the dusk of evening, that the gallant con
duct and steadiness of the company of the 37th M. N. I.,
which, as before-stated, had been detached to open a
communication with the 26th on their left, saved them
from total destruction, and won for them the praise of
all military men. The story has been so often told, and
with so little variation in its details, that it is scarcely
necessary to repeat it ; a few words will do justice to
their gallantry. The detached company having missed
the road during the storm, did not succeed in joining
the 26th, who, in the mean time, had, in fact, retired .
Their muskets were found completely useless, owing to
the wet, which emboldened the Chinese to attack their
rear with their long spears, as they had done the 26th.
They were soon surrounded , and one or two of the men
were pulled over with a long crooked spear, something
in the shape of a small reaping -hook fixed upon a long
pole. The musket of one of the men who had fallen
was picked up by the Chinese, the powder being so
damp in the pan that it would not go off with the flint
and steel. The Chinese soldier, however, deliberately
placed the musket to his shoulder, and, taking steady
aim at one of the officers, Mr. Berkeley, applied his
match to the damp powder, which ignited, and the mus
ket went off, and unfortunately wounded Mr. Berkeley
in the arm .
The gallant little company of Sepoys were now
moved to some rising ground, where they could better
defend themselves. For a moment the rain ceased, and
then with the utmost difficulty they were enabled to get
a few muskets off, with unerring effect upon the dense
mass of Chinese who surrounded them . But fortune
was determined to prolong their trial still . The rain
again descended in torrents, just as they had begun their
retreat; and the Chinese, taking fresh courage, resumed
their attacks. Nothing now remained but to form a
square, and stand true to each other, until the morning
dawned, and enabled them to fight their way through
the enemy.
The absence of this company, when all the rest of
the force was concentrated , caused great anxiety con
cerning their fate. It was rightly attributed to the
severity of the storm ; but it was feared that they might
possibly have been cut off by the Chinese.
Without loss of time, Sir Hugh Gough ordered up
two companies of marines, who were comparatively
fresh, and armed with percussion-muskets, to return
with Captain Duff in search of the missing company.
As they advanced they fired an occasional shot, as a
signal to their comrades of their approach , and to ani
mate their spirits. At length an occasional shot was
heard ahead of them, and they soon afterwards came
up with the missing company, drawn up in a square,
surrounded by thousands of Chinese. A couple of vol
leys sent into the midst of the confused crowd, by the
unerring percussion -muskets' of the marines, accompa
Only two of the purcussion -muskets of the marines missed fire,
although they had been loaded two or three days before, without having
been discharged since. The men belonged principally to the Blenheim ,
under Lieutenant Whiting.
nied by a loud “ hurra ,” dispersed them with great loss.
They fled in confusion .
The General's own words will best do justice to this
little incident : “ The Sepoys,” says he, “ in this critical
situation, nobly upheld the high character of the native
army, by unshrinking discipline, and cheerful obedi
ence ; and I feel that the expression of my best thanks
is due to Lieutenants Hadfield and Devereux, and En
sign Berkeley, who zealously supported them during
this trying scene. ”
They did not, however, escape without some loss, as
one private was killed , and one oflicer and fourteen men
were severely wounded.
This open hostility of the Chinese, during the opera
tion of a truce, could not be permitted to continue; and ,
moreover, it was evident that no good purpose could be
attained by merely dispersing these irregular bodies of
the Chinese. Accordingly, on the following morning,
the 31st, the General sent to inform the Kwang- chow
foo , or prefect, that if these hostile demonstrations were
continued, he should be under the necessity of at once
hauling down the flag of truce, and of recommencing
hostilities against the city . Nor was this threat by any
means uncalled for. In the course of the day, before
any further arrangements had been made with the Pre
fect, who promised to come and meet the General and
Captain Elliot under the walls, the Chinese again col
lected upon the hills, displaying their banners, & c. , and
firing off their guns .. Detached parties were also thrown
in advance, as if they had some design of communica
ting with the Tartar troops, who, to the number of
7000, had already marched out of the city, and were
still moving .
In the afternoon, the number of Chinese had still
further increased, upon the same hills upon which
they had appeared the day before. At length the Pre
fect arrived , and assured the General that the move
ments of these peasants were quite without the know
ledge or sanction of the authorities, and that he would
immediately send off an officer of rank to order them
to disperse to their homes. It was agreed that one of
our own officers should also accompany him , to endea
vour to effect this object by their joint efforts ; and
Captain Moore, of the 34th Bengal N.I., volunteered to
undertake this hazardous and responsible duty . Some
treachery might possibly have been intended, although,
as there was reason to believe, without the sanction of
the Prefect, who was, personally, at that time, com
pletely in our power. These irregular bodies were at
length induced to disperse, and no further collision
took place .
It is impossible for us to know exactly what commu
cation was made by the Chinese officer, to the heads of
these patriotic bands ; but it was thought that the peo
ple did not withdraw altogether owing to the conviction
that their efforts would be useless against us, but
because they were bound to obey the orders of the
Prefect. At the same time, they really believed that
they had been betrayed by their own anthorities, and
were ready to unite again, whenever occasion offered,
with some confidence of success .
During all the operations upon the heights, the
greater part of the wounded were brought down and
put on board the Nemesis, where they received every
attention from the surgeon of the vessel, and particu
larly from Mr. Peter Young, who was then on board
merely as a volunteer. The Nemesis was employed to
convey them daily to their respective ships and trans
ports. The total number of casualties amounted to fif
teen killed, and one hundred and twelve wounded ;
among the latter were no less than fifteen officers. The
Chinese must have suffered very severely, as almost every
shot told upon their heavy masses.
Upon the heights of Canton forty -nine guns were
captured, besides a great number of ginjals. But if we
reckon all the guns taken and destroyed in the Canton
river, and its numerous branches, from Chuenpee to
Canton, they will be found to amount to not less than
twelve hundred pieces, besides ginjals, &c.
The resources of the Chinese seemed endless, and the
rapidity with which they erected batteries and field
works was not a little remarkable. It cannot be said
that they yielded without first making the most stren
uous efforts to defend all the approaches to Canton ;
and they were rather wanting in skill, and the know
ledge of the best mode of applying their abundant
resources, than in courage or determination to resist.
The Chinese are capable of becoming a formidable
enemy ; and we cannot forget that, like the Russians,
who were once so easily conquered, they may soon learn
the art of war from their conquerors, and become for
midable from the experience which their first disasters
taught them .
On the 31st of May, nearly 18,000 Tartars had
marched out of Canton , according to the terms agreed
on . Five million dollars had also been paid, and secu
rity given for the other million which was still to be
paid . Preparations were therefore made, at the request
of Captain Elliot, for the re-embarkation of our forces,
and their withdrawal from before Canton. With the
assistance of eight hundred Chinese labourers, who were
furnished for the purpose by the Prefect, the guns,
ammunition, and stores, were brought down to Tsingpoo
on the morning of the 1st of June, under a strong
escort, and the British flag having been lowered in the
forts upon the heights, the whole of our force was re-em
barked in the afternoon, under the superintendence of
Captain Bourchier and Captain Maitland. They were
again conveyed or towed by the Nemesis down to their
respective ships.
Sir Hugh Gough particularly noticed the absence of
excess of every kind which distinguished the men during
the eight days they were on shore. Although placed
in situations where temptation was abundant, only two
instances of drunkenness occurred during the whole
The treaty, or perhaps rather the truce, which had
been made, by no means implied the conclusion of peace
between the two nations ; it had reference solely to the
city and river of Canton, the whole of the forts and
defences of which were to be restored to the Chinese as
soon as the ransom had been paid ; it was, however,
stipulated that they were not to be re-armed “ until
affairs between the two countries should be finally set
tled . ” Accordingly , as soon as our forces, both mili
tary and naval, had been again concentrated at Hong
Kong, preparations were immediately recommenced
for the resumption of the projected expedition against
With respect to the ransom of Canton, it is scarcely
now necessary to revert to the vexed question, as to whe
ther it was to be considered as prize-money, or to be
viewed in the light of a contribution. The former view
of it was long entertained by many of the officers of the
expedition, and the golden hope was cherished that it
would be so viewed elsewhere. It was certainly not
regarded in that light by Captain Elliot, who accepted
the ransom for the use of his government, as a desirable
means of relieving the city from the “ pressure from
without.” Under any circumstances, it was merely a
droit of the crown. The opinion of Vatel is very sim
ple and conclusive.
“ • The sovereign alone,” says he, “ has such claims
against a hostile nation, as warrant him to seize on its
property, and convert it to his own use. The soldiers,
or auxiliaries, are the instruments which he employs
in asserting his rights ; and they have no more right to
the booty than they have to the conquests. But, at
present, most nations allow them whatever they can
make on certain occasions, when PLUNDERING is allowed .
The sovereign may grant the troops what share of booty
he pleases ; but, instead of pillaging, a more humane
and advantageous mode has been adopted, that of con
tributions. Thus the enemy's subjects, by consenting
to pay the sum demanded of them, have their property
secured, and the country is preserved .”
The six millions were evidently intended by Captain
Elliot to be received in the light of a contribution ,
according to the sense in which the word is used by
Vatel .
Return of all our forces from Canton - Sickness breaks out Death of
Lung- wan and of Sir Le Fleming Senhouse — Buried at Macao— Re
marks on Hong Kong -- Its extent and position — General character of
the island - Influence of the monsoons - Contrast between the islands
near the Canton River and those of Chusan — Clarke Abel Smith's
observations on Hong Kong in 1816 — Why it is preferred to Lintao
-Causes of unhealthiness – · Mean temperature of July, 1843— Re
marks on the prevailing sickness — 55th regiment — West - point bar
racks abandoned — Notices of the southern side of the island — Chek
chew - And Skekpywan - Comparatively healthy - Site for a naval
yard recommended — Rivalry of Macao — Wonderful progress of Hong
Kong - First land -sale - First house built September, 1841 - Descrip
tion of Victoria at the present time - Public works and institutions
Projected fort — Question offuture tenure ofland - Quit - rents — Public
press of the colony.
In the first week in June, all our ships of war and
transports had left the Canton River, and were again
assembled at Hong Kong. All the forts from Chuenpee
upwards had been restored to the Chinese, without any
other stipulation except that all those below Whampoa
should be suffered to remain in statu quo.
The Emperor seems to have been much displeased
with the latter part of this agreement ; and , in reply to
the memorial of Yih -shan upon the subject, his majesty
directed that “ secret means of defence should be pre
pared as soon as the foreign ships had withdrawn from
the river, and that they were then to build new and
strong forts, and repair the old ones . ” On our side ,
however, nothing of this kind was permitted below
Whampoa ; so that , until the ratifications of the treaty
of peace had been actually exchanged , the whole of the
defences of the Bogue remained in the same dilapidated
state in which they were left when our squadron quitted
the river in June , 1841 .
Sickness had already begun to prevail among our
troops before they had reached Hong Kong. The eight
days' exposure which they had endured upon the heights
of Canton sowed the seeds of ague and dysentery, which
proved far more formidable enemies to us than any troops
the Chinese could bring against us. After the lapse of
a few days, and when the excitement of active operations
on shore, and the cheering influence of hope and novelty
had subsided, the sickness spread among the men with
alarming rapidity, so that, at length, out of our small
force, no less than eleven hundred men were upon the
sick-list at Hong Kong. Part of this alarming state of
things must be attributed certainly to the pernicious
influence of the atmosphere of Hong Kong itself at that
season of the year. But every allowance must be made
for the exposure which the men had undergone at Canton,
and for the susceptibility of constitution produced by
long confinement on board ship. The germs of disease
were planted in their bodies before the men returned to
the harbour of Hong Kong ; and therefore an undue
stress was laid at the time upon the unhealthiness of
Hong Kong itself. We shall revert to this subject more
particularly hereafter ; but it is worth while here to
mention that the three Imperial Comuissioners laid par
ticular stress upon the known unhealthiness of the
neighbourhood of Canton at that season, as a ground
for the impossibility of keeping any large body of troops
long together. They assured the Emperor “ that it was
difficult to pitch so much as a camp there, for, between
the heat and moisture, if the troops remained long toge
ther, there was sure to be a great deal of sickness. ”
Now, if this was the case, as regards the natives of the
country, or with regard to Chinese soldiers brought from
distant provinces, how much more forcibly will the ob
servation apply to foreign troops, who had been long
cooped up on board ship !
It happened, remarkably enough, that two of the high
officers died as nearly as possible at the same time, one
on the part of the Chinese, and one on our side. Lung
wan , one of the imperial commissioners, died of fever at
Canton about the middle of June, and Sir Le Fleming
Senhouse, the senior naval officer, also died of fever at
Hong Kong on the 13th of that month .
Sir Le Fleming Senhouse had partaken of all the pri
vations of the troops on shore, and exposed himself on
every occasion in which his zeal and example could
serve the cause . He was, moreover , undoubtedly chag
rined at the unlooked -for termination of his labours by
a truce, the provisions of which , right or wrong, scarcely
accorded with his own views of the exigencies of the
moment. All these causes combined, acting upon a
not over-strong constitution, sufficed to hurry him by
sickness to his grave. On the 17th his remains were
removed to Macao, according to a wish which he had
expressed before his death ; as if he retained a lurking
doubt whether Hong Kong would not some day or other
be restored to the Chinese. The Nemesis was employed
upon this melancholy occasion, to carry over his re
mains. At Macao the body of the gallant veteran was
buried, with all the honours due to his rank, in the
English burial-ground . The procession was formed by
Captain Elliot, Sir Hugh Gough, and Captain Herbert,
(as the senior naval officer) followed by at least
seventy naval and military officers, and by nearly all
the British and foreign residents. The Portuguese go
vernor also attended , with all his staff, and the Portu
guese guard fired three volleys over the grave of the
lamented officer.
The loss of Sir Le Fleming Senhouse and other
officers, as well as a good many men, and the prevailing
sickness on board all the vessels of war and transports,
at length threw a gloom over the whole expedition,
which was hardly to be relieved until the expected
movement upon Amoy should take place ; this was ac
cordingly looked forward to with great anxiety.
The island of Hong Kong, which was originally ceded
to us by the terms of our treaty with Keshen , but, in
consequence of the disallowance of that treaty by the
Emperor, was afterwards only held by us by right of
occupancy during the progress of hostilities, was at
length confirmed as a possession of the crown of Great
Britain, by the ratification of the treaty of Nankin. It
was proclaimed as a part of the British empire, and , to
gether with its dependencies, erected into a separate
colony, on the 26th of June, 1843, under the designa
tion of the “ Colony of Hong Kong . "
It is difficult to ascertain what are the actual de .
pendencies of Hong Kong. They, probably, include all
the small islands immediately adjacent to it , particularly
on its southern side, but, whether Lamma Island is com
prised in them or not, we have little means of judging.
In the proclamation, dated at its capital town , Victoria ,
and published by the authority of Sir Henry Pottinger,
the colony is said to be situated between twenty-two
degrees, nine minutes, and twenty-two degrees twenty
one minutes north latitude ; which would give it an ex
tent of twelve miles from north to south ; so that Lamma
Island, as well as the smaller adjacent islands, would
appear to be included in the dependencies. The extent
of the colony from east to west is not distinctly laid
down, as only one meridian of longitude is given,
namely, 114°, 18 ', east longitude from Greenwich.
The position assigned to the island of Hong Kong in
the maps is, probably, incorrect, as it does not coin
cide with that laid down by Sir Henry Pottinger in the
proclamation. The greatest length of the island itself
is from east to west, namely, eight miles; but the breadth
is extremely irregular, varying from six miles to about
two miles only. A glance at the accompanying map
will sufficiently indicate the peculiar form of the island.
The present capital, Victoria, extends for a conside
rable distance along its northern shore, and, from the
nature of the ground, has of necessity been built in a
wloon Bay
rry ay
Qua B
GreenI R S
the shore ram :
Boul Sokh
der PC
Tytam .H.
AT .
Shingshimoon Pass
Zylam Head
Sea Miles
was proclaimed as a part of the British empire, and , to
gether with its dependencies, erected into a separate
colony, on the 26th of June, 1843, under the designa
tion of the “ Colony of Hong Kong ."
It is difficult to ascertain what are the actual de
pendencies of Hong Kong. They, probably, include all
the small islands immediately adjacent to it, particularly
on its southern side, but, whether Lamma Island is com
prised in them or not, we have little means of judging.
In the proclamation, dated at its capital town, Victoria,
and published by the authority of Sir Henry Pottinger,
the colony is said to be situated between twenty-two
degrees, nine minutes, and twenty-two degrees twenty
one minutes north latitude ; which would give it an ex
tent of twelve miles from north to south ; so that Lamma
Island, as well as the smaller adjacent islands, would
appear to be included in the dependencies. The extent
of the colony from east to west is not distinctly laid
down, as only one meridian of longitude is given ,
namely, 1140, 18 ', east longitude from Greenwich .
The position assigned to the island of Hong Kong in
the maps is, probably, incorrect , as it does not coin
cide with that laid down by Sir Henry Pottinger in the
proclamation . The greatest length of the island itself
is from east to west, namely, eight miles; but the breadth
is extremely irregular, varying from six miles to about
two miles only. A glance at the accompanying map 1
will sufficiently indicate the peculiar form of the island.
The present capital, Victoria, extends for a conside
rable distance along its northern shore, and, from the
nature of the ground, has of necessity been built in a
wloon Bay MAINLAND
Devals reuk
rry ay
Qua B
N LYE M00.
Skeegthong Hoe
der Pt
Tytam H
Bd )
Lytan Shingehimoon Pass
Zylam Head
Sea Miles
very extended , straggling manner. The distance across
to the mainland of China, if it can be so called , ( for
part of the opposite coast is probably an island) varies
considerably. The breadth of the Lyemoon Passage to
the eastward is little more than a quarter of a mile, but
from the town to the nearest point opposite to it is
about aa mile and a quarter, while the greatest breadth
is upwards of four miles.
The roads of Hong Kong and the Bay of Victoria
form an excellent anchorage, having deep water very near
the shore, and only one small shoal having sixteen feet
water upon it. There are, however, two disadvantages
under which it labours : it is exposed to the full fury of
the typhoons whenever they occnr ; and the high moun
tains of Hong Kong intercept the genial breezes of the
south-west monsoon during the hot season, when a
movement in the atmosphere is most necessary, not only
to moderate the sultry summer heat of a tropical cli
mate, but to dissipate the unhealthy vapours which
are generated after the heavy rains which occur, parti
cularly during the night, at that season .
In other respects, the lake-like appearance of the har
bour is beautiful; it forms a sort of basin, lying he
tween the mountains of Hong Kong and the mountains
of the mainland opposite. For this reason, however,
the rains which fall are sometimes excessively heavy :
the dark threatening clouds seem banded across from
one side to the other, pouring down their waters in tor
rents upon the basin between them. The mountain
sides of Hong Kong, steep though they are, occasionally
appear almost covered with a sheet of moving water, so
F 2
torrent-like do the streams pour down their declivities.
To this succeeds the burning tropical sun of July, with
a sort of death-like stillness in the atmosphere, which,
little influenced as it is on that side of the island by
the south-west monsoon , cannot fail, if it last long
without any change, to produce fever and sickness.
Almost all tropical countries are occasionally sub
ject to these visitations ; but, as a proof that Hong
Kong is not always exposed to them , I may be per
mitted to mention that a gentleman who was once at
anchor there, in company with a fleet of full fifty sail
of merchant ships during a period of nine months, in
cluding the whole summer season, assured us that he
observed no prevailingfever or sickness of any kind.
The extremely barren appearance of nearly all the
islands at the mouth of the Canton River, the deep and
rugged furrows which seem to plough up their moun
tain sides, the exposed rocky surface of their summits,
and the absence of soil, except in sheltered spots or
hollows, seem at once to point out that they are situated
within the influence of hurricanes and tropical rains.
In this respect, the contrast between this part of China
and the Chusan Islands to the northward is very re
markable. The latter look as rich and inviting, both
near and at a distance, as the former appear inhospitable
and barren. In the one case, there is an industrious
and thriving population, who contrive to cultivate the
surface of the mountains, frequently to their very
summits, with the greatest care and nicety ; in the
other case, there is a hardy and adventurous popu
lation of fishermen, smugglers, and pirates ; the unwil
ling soil is only cultivated in scattered patches, and the
villages are few , and comparatively of mean appearance .
The southern side of the island of Hong Kong was
visited by the squadron which conveyed Lord Amherst's
embassy to China in 1816 ; and it is, therefore, worth
while to repeat here the observations of Dr. Clarke Abel
Sinith upon that occasion . The bay in which the ves
sels anchored was near the village of Shekpywan, and
was then called Hong Kong Sound . It was described
as “ being formed by several small islands, by which it
is land -locked on every side, and of which Hong Kong
is the principal.” “ As seen from the deck ,” says Dr.
Smith, “ this island was chiefly remarkable for its high
conical mountains rising in the centre, and for a beau
tiful cascade, which rolled over a fine blue rock into the
sea . ”
This was in the beginning of July . The rocks on
that side of the island were found approaching to basalt
in compactness of structure. In ascending the principal
mountain which was near, he followed the course of a
delightful stream , which rises near its summit ; and was
much struck with the extreme barrenness of the sur
face of the mountain, and, indeed, of every part of the
island which he was able to visit. “ Yet at a distance,”
says he, “ it appears fertile, from the abundance of
fern , which I believe to be the polypodium trechoto
mum [of Kæmpfer) which supplies the place of other
By the side of the stream, however, he found several
interesting plants. Among them the Beckia chinensis,
myrtus tomentosus in abundance, and in full flower,
melastoma quinquenervia, and several orchideous plants,
of which he could not determine the varieties . There
were a great number of ferns, but not a single moss of
any description. He adds that he was unable to reach
the summit of the mountain, in consequence of the ex
cessive heat, which at eight a. m. raised the thermome
ter to 830 in the shade, while the sun's rays, to wliich
he was necessarily exposed, darted through an unclouded
atmosphere with an almost intolerable effect, and raised
the mercury to 120°.
On his way down from the mountain, he followed a
path which led over a small hill, or rather mound, differ
ing in structure from the rocks in its neighbourhood,
being composed of very friable stone, of reddish white
colour, much resembling disintegrated felspar. He de
scribes the scenery of the island as composed of barren
rocks, deep ravines, and mountain torrents, with few
characters of a picturesque kind . The only inhabitants
he saw were some poor weather -beaten fishermen spread
ing their nets, and drying the produce of their toils, on
the rocks which supported their miserable huts. Its
cultivation corresponded with the apparent state and
number of its population . Patches of rice, small plan
tations of yams, and a little buck-wheat, were all their
visible means of vegetable support.
As regards the anchorage itself, at what he calls
Hong Kong Sound, naval men described it as affording
admirable shelter for ships of any burden .
Such, then, is all the information acquired at that
time concerning a portion of the southern side of Hong
Kong. Little was it then thought that this very island
would in a few years become a part of the British em
Dr. Smith also made some curious remarks upon the
geological character of a small island, only separated
from it by a channel about one hundred yards broad,
and not extending above three hundred yards in length.
It was entirely composed of granite and basalt, but on
one side of it there was a dyke of basalt passing up
wards through the granite, but separated from it by
three narrow veins, of which one was composed of pure
felspar, and another of a sort of porphyry, consisting of
crystals of felspar in a basaltic base.
The description given above of the general aspect of
Hong Kong may be considered as tolerably correct ;
but, by the increase of its population since that period,
and more particularly after it became a place of resort
for our ships, even before the close of the war,, the ge
neral appearance of the island gradually improved, and
the population became augmented. At the time we took
possession of the island there was little to tempt us to
make a settlement there, except the excellent anchorage
on its northern side, having a passage in and out at
either end , its proximity to the mouth of the Canton
river, and the difficulty of finding any more suitable
place for our purpose.
By many, the larger island of Lintao, a little to the
westward of Hong Kong, was recommended in place of
the latter ; and on one occasion, after we restored
Chuenpee, the greater part of our squadron anchored
off its western extremity. The principal objections to
the occupation of that island were probably its extent,
which would make it more difficult to hold , and would
render a larger force necessary to protect it against
thieves and pirates, as well as against an enemy ; the
more exposed situation of its anchorage; the equal
barrenness of its aspect, without any ascertained ad
vantage of being more healthy ; and I have also heard
it stated that the water is not equally abundant or
good .
At the eastern end of Hong Kong there are capital
stone -quarries, which are worked with skill and facility
hy Chinese labourers, so that building is much facili
tated ; water is also abundant and generally good . A
long range of mountains stretches from one end of the
island to the other, of which the highest point, called
Victoria Peak, is about two thousand feet above the
level of the sea ; and , at the foot of the very mountain ,
part of the town of Victoria (and it would seem also its
most unhealthy part) is built. Now, as this range of
rugged mountains extends from east to west, the har
bour, and consequently the principal part of the town
and places of business lying upon its northern side, it is
self-evident that the influence of the south-west mon
soon , which prevails during the summer months, and is
then most required to dissipate the vapours generated
out of the earth by a tropical sun , can scarcely ever be
felt on the northern side of the mountains. It has even
been remarked that, in all parts of China, places so
situated as to be sheltered from the influence of the
south winds during the summer season , are sure to be
The mere temperature of a place, as shown by the
thermometer, is neither an index to its unhealthiness or
otherwise, nor to the actual sensations produced by it
upon the human body. For instance, at Singapore,
which is situated only about seventy miles from the
equator, the heat is not felt to be excessive, nor is sick
ness prevalent during any season of the year. Yet rain
falls constantly during the night, the grass looks beau
tifully green even in the hottest season, and when
pineapples are to be seen growing wild in the hedges,
and coming to perfection . But Singapore is entirely
open to the southward, and its atmosphere is agitated
and its vapours dissipated by the refreshing sea-breezes
which constantly pass over it.
The mean temperature of the month of July last
( 1843), at Hong Kong, was 88°, the lowest was 840,
and the highest 92°. Hence it appears that the dif
ference of temperature between day and night is much
less than might be expected ; in fact, the lowest tempe
rature was only four degrees below the average tempe
rature of the whole month . On one occasion only it
rose to 92° during the middle of the day , and once only
fell to 8 1° during the night.
But, if the town of Victoria is deprived of the ad
vantage of the south -west breezes during the hot season,
it is fully exposed to the influence of the north -east
monsoon during the winter months. The sudden change
which takes place sometimes in a few hours, in the
months of October and November, is severely felt. In
the beginning of December I have felt the cold breezes
from the northward far more piercing than the hardest
frost in the still atmosphere of northern regions, because
the change is sudden . Hence the practice among the
Chinese of putting on a succession of warm coats, or
wadded pelisses, or taking them off one by one, accord
ing as the temperature changes, is the only safe course
for Europeans to adopt. In fact, all those who visit
Hong Kong, or take up a lengthened residence there,
must be provided with clothing adapted to the extremes
of temperature, and be cautious not to defer the changes
of costume too long ; they should rather err on the side
of too much than too little clothing.
Now I am upon the subject of the unhealthiness of
Hong Kong generally (to which subject, however, I
shall again revert), I cannot omit to mention that the
sickness has by no means been limited to those who
resided on shore, but has to a very great extent afflicted
those also who remained on board ship. Nor did it di
minish so rapidly as had been expected (during the past
year, 1843), as the season advanced and the tempera
ture diminished . On the contrary, after being in a
great measure arrested at the commencement of No
vember, it seemed to acquire fresh virulence towards
the latter end of that month. A private letter, dated
November 3d, says, “ The men -of -war are reducing
their sick lists. The Cornwallis has now only one hun
dred and four; the other day she had one hundred and
sixty under the doctor's hands. ” Another letter, dated
the 28th of the same month, says, “ The sickness is
again as bad as ever . Each ship loses a man daily.
Among the troops on shore how many are lost ! Many
gentlemen who have been sick, and are now recovering,
are starting off for England, for health's sake .”
Health committees have been established, and it is
hoped that some good may result from their investiga
tions. All parts even of the northern side of the island
are not equally unhealthy ; and it must be remembered
that a place may be very unhealthy one year, and be
comparatively free from sickness the following year.
It is also remarked that the occurrence of a typhoon
(though in other respects much to be dreaded) tends
materially to improve the healthiness of an otherwise
sickly place, by the violent phenomena, barometrical
and electrical, which it produces, and by which all na
ture is affected .
Hitherto the western and eastern extremities of
Victoria Bay seem to have proved most unhealthy to
Europeans, the centre being less so. The left wing of
the 55th, quartered at West Point barracks, lost one
hundred men between June and the middle of August
last; and at length the place was abandoned, and the
rest of the men sent on board ship. At the recommen
dation of a health committee, the ground in the neigh
bourhood was ordered to be levelled and well drained .
This essential measure will doubtless be resorted to in
other situations ; indeed, it would be a matter of the
highest importance, if possible, to prohibit the cultivation
of rice by the Chinese upon any part of the island .
Wherever rice is grown, particularly within or verging
upon the tropics, there must be more or less unhealthi
ness . If compensation were thought requisite, to reim
burse the Chinese proprietors for the loss of their crops,
the amount would be small in comparison with the ad
vantage gained. But, in reality, where the rice-grounds
(which, after all, are very limited) had been properly
drained , they might be adapted to the cultivation of
other productions equally necessary for a population
numbering so many Europeans, and less likely to be
prejudicial to the health of the community. The
northernmost point in Europe where rice is cultivated,
is, I believe, the neighbourhood of Milan. But, even
there, none is permitted to be grown within a circuit of
several miles of the city, owing to the unhealthiness
which it would produce.
At the eastern extremity of Victoria Bay is a con
siderable valley, shut up by mountains on every side,
except towards the sea . It is laid out almost entirely
in rice- grounds; and the waters of a natural stream ,
descending from the mountains at the end of the valley,
have been diverted from their natural channel, and con
ducted by innumerable streamlets to every part of the
valley, for the irrigation of the rice-grounds. Several
houses have been built upon the declivity of the hills
around it, in the expectation that this would be the ul
timate site of a second town, as soon as the very limited
space between the mountains and the harbour, along the
front of Victoria Bay, should be completely occupied,
which it bids fair soon to become. The draining of this
valley would essentially improve the condition of that
important portion of the island .
A good road has already been nearly completed
across that valley , and over the mountains to the other
side of the island , leading down to Tytam Bay, and the
important village of Chek Chu . Beyond this valley, to
the eastward, on the other side of Matheson's Point, are
fine bold rocks, running down to the water's edge ;
being also more open to the draught of air along the
Lyemoon passage, this position would probably be a
healthy one . Barracks were to be built there, and near
it is one of the three spots recommended for the forma
tion of aa dockyard , but from its being partially, though
not materially, exposed to the effects of the typhoons,
there is a probability of its not being selected for the
purpose. Somewhere at this end of the harbour, it was
also proposed that a new government-house should be
built, on a scale proportioned to the importance of the
colony, as a part of the British empire in those seas.
Hitherto, I believe, nothing has been decided upon the
It is hoped that much may yet be done to remedy
the reputed unhealthiness of the island, by proper
draining, and by the formation of numerous channels
for leading off the torrents of water which, during a por
tion of the hot season, pour down from the mountain
sides, and lodge in hollows and crevices when the flood
gates of heaven are opened upon the devoted little
island. Something may also be effected by getting rid ,
as much as possible, of the rank, unwholesome vegeta
tion which, under the influence of an almost vertical sun,
springs up in every crevice where the water lodges..
I cannot undertake to say whether the numerous
species of the fern tribe, which seem to abound in some
parts of the island, may or may not contribute some
thing to the poisonous condition of the atmosphere.
The subject is well worthy of consideration . Various
other surmises have been hazarded , some, perhaps, a
little fanciful, such as that the rocks of which the moun
tains are composed have some peculiar property, when
water lodges in them , of producing miasmata. But in
this case it would seem more natural to attribute the
effect, if such there be, to the stagnation and evapo
ration of the water, than to any peculiar property of the
lifeless rock . Rank vegetation , in some of the little
hollows, become lifeless and putrid by heat and mois
ture, may have some local influence ; but it is probable
that various causes combine to produce one result; and
among these we must not altogether overlook the elec
trical conditions of a tropical atmosphere, little agitated
during the hot season by purifying and refreshing
breezes .
Having thus spoken so much concerning the northern
side of the island in particular, it may be asked what
is the state of the southern side, as regards its healthi
ness. Undoubtedly the southern side, being open to the
south -west monsoon , is comparatively healthy, but there
is no harbour fit for mercantile purposes on that side, nor
was any land appropriated there for building purposes in
the first instance, because the unhealthiness of Victoria
Bay was not fully ascertained, and because, where a
man's treasure or his business is, there will his heart
and his occupation be also. Doubtless, in a very short
time, many of the Europeans will reside on the southern
side of the island, and cross over the mountains daily to
transact their business.
The principal Chinese village, which numbered a popu
lation of about two thousand even when we took pos
session of the island, is prettily situated on the southern
side, in a sheltered bay, well open, however, to the
south-west wind. It is called Chek-chu, and, at the
suggestion of Major Aldrich, cantonments have been
formed for a detachment of troops there, so as to sepa
rate them from the Chinese population. A detachment
of the 98th regiment, which was quartered there during
the last season, remained almost entirely healthy.
There is little doubt that in a short time many Euro
peans will take up their residence in that neighbour
hood . There is another detachment stationed at Shekpy
wan,, and I believe there was, or is, another small detach
ment at the eastern extremity of the island. There is
every probability that a naval yard will be formed also
on the southern side, probably in the bay where the
Alceste and Lyra anchored in 1816. Here there is
plenty of water for the largest ships, and perfect shelter
from the fury of the typhoons, which cannot be found
on any part of the northern coast. It is true that there
is not room for a large ship to work in, but there will
always be steamers stationed at Hong Kong, and the
facility of towing a ship in will remedy all the supposed
inconvenience of narrow space.
The third place proposed for the site of a naval yard
was Navy Bay, at the western extremity of the harbour ;
but it lies fully exposed to the whole fury of a typhoon,
being, in fact, a lee-shore during the whole duration of
the storm ; and it has proved to the troops on shore one
of the most unhealthy spots in the island.
It is extremely difficult to form any tolerable esti
mate of the Chinese population on the island. It varies
continually, a great part of the people being migratory.
When we first took the island there were probably about
five thousand Chinese upon it, exclusive of the boat
people, casual labourers from the opposite coast, and
others of a migratory description. They were distri
buted into fourteen or fifteen villages or hamlets, of
which the principal, as before stated , was Chek-chu, on
the southern side, situated in a bay partly formed by the
long irregular headland which runs out and takes the
name of Tytam Head.. This bay , together with Tytam
Bay, will doubtless soon become a favourite spot for
the retired residences of Europeans .
Since we have held possession of the island, the Chi
nese have naturally been attracted to it in great numbers.
The tradesmen, mechanics, servants to English residents,
labourers, boatmen , and market-people, are all Chinese.
Add to these, also, a small body of Chinese police, and
we shall find that the population must be considerable.
In all the warehouses of the merchants a vast number
of porters and attendants are employed ; all the houses
are built by Chinese workmen , and a vast number are
also employed by government upon the public roads
and works. The number of migratory, or trading
people, who come down from Canton, Macao, and other
parts, is also large ; so that, upon the whole, the high
estimate of 30,000, which has been given , may not
be much overrated . But this number probably in
cludes the Europeans, the number of whom , exclusive
of the military, cannot be large, perhaps a very few
The reputed unhealthiness of the town of Victoria has
deterred many from coming over from Macao for the
present, who otherwise contemplated establishing them
selves on the island. The uncertainty which has pre
vailed respecting the liberty to store opium , has also
tended to give a check to the originally rapid progress
of the settlement.
In the mean time, the Portuguese, becoming fully
sensible of the deterioration of the value of property at
Macao, owing to the sudden rise of a rival European
settlement in their neighbourhood, began to take into
consideration the propriety of rendering Macao aa free
port, similar to Hong Kong, and probably without any
restrictions as to opium . Great efforts have been made
to effect this object, and the Portuguese governor had
gone up to Canton, attended by his suite, with a view
to confer with the authorities, in the hope of procuring
from the government the recognition of greater privi
leges than they had hitherto enjoyed . This circum
stance, together with the momentary pause at Hong
Kong, had tended to reassure the European inhabitants
of Macao, and to raise the value of houses ( which had
previously fallen), from ten to fifteen per cent.
If means should be found (of which strong hopes are
entertained ) of improving the condition of Hong Kong,
as regards its healthiness, no attempted rivalry of Macao
could affect the new settlement to any extent. It has
neither a harbour for ships to anchor in, sufficiently
near the town, nor ground upon which warehouses could
be built, nor can the Portuguese officers ever possess
more than a very restricted and, perhaps, precarious
authority .
The wonderful progress of our settlement at Hong
VOL . II . G
Kong, in the first instance, affords, perhaps, one of the
most striking instances that has ever been recorded, of
the astonishing energy and enterprise of the British
character. Great as were the early strides made even
by some of the Australian colonies, situated, too, at the
opposite end of the globe, their progress, compared with
that of Hong Kong, was slow and difficult. When our
forces were assembled in the harbour of Hong Kong, on
their return from Canton, in June, 1841 , there was not a
single regularly built house, fit for the habitation of Eu
ropeans, upon the island ; for the Chinese villages can
hardly be taken into account. When the expedition set
sail for Amoy, about two months afterwards, a few
mat-sheds and temporary buts were all that indicated
the future site of the town of Victoria, or pointed out
what was soon to become the centre of British conmerce
in that part of the world , and the seat of British power
upon the threshold of the most populous empire the
world ever saw. But arrangements had already com
menced preparatory to the formation of a settlement ;
and these were of such a nature as to lead to the assu
rance that the island would not, under any circum
stances, be restored to the Chinese.
The first sale by auction, of land, or rather of the
annual quit -rents only, was held in June. On the 7th
of that month, Hong Kong was declared to be a free
port, and on the 22nd, Mr. A. R. Johnston, the deputy
superintendent of trade, was appointed acting governor
of the island .
The portion of land put up for sale in the first in
stance consisted of only thirty-four lots, each of which
was to have a sea -frontage of about one hundred
feet ; but the depth of each lot, of course, varied con
siderably, according to the nature of the ground. The
sale of the annual quit-rents only, payable in advance,
produced no less a sum than £3,165 10s. yearly, at
this first sale. Equally high prices also were obtained
on subsequent occasions. Moreover, one of the condi
tions of sale was, that each purchaser should be required
to incur an outlay upon each lot, within the first six
months, either in building or otherwise, of not less than
one thousand dollars, or upwards of two hundred and
twenty -two pounds sterling, and a deposit of five hun
dred dollars was to be paid into the hands of the trea
surer, within one week , but was to be repayable as soon
as an equal amount had been expended.
Accordingly, within six months from the time above
named, wonderful improvements had taken place, al
though much preliminary work was necessary before
any solid buildings could be erected . In fact, the first
regular house built for Europeans was not completed
until September or October following ; and, as it was
constructed entirely by Chinese mechanics, it assumed
very much the form of a Chinese house.
The government now began to form an excellent
road, called the Queen's Road, along the front of the
harbour, and to encourage improvements in every pos
sible way. The elements of a regular establishment
were soon formed , and the nucleus of a powerful Euro
pean community was soon planted upon the borders of
haughty China. Its progress from this moment was won
derful, and no stronger argument than this can be addu
G 2
ced to point out the necessity of such an emporium as
Hong Kong, and the impossibility of continuing the
former state of things.
Within one year from the completion of the first
house, not only were regular streets and bazaars for the
Chinese erected , but numerous large substantial ware
houses were built, mostly of stone, some already finished ,
and others in progress. Wharfs and jetties were con
structed of the most substantial kind ; the sound of the
stonemason's hammer was heard in every direction, and
a good road was in progress, and an admirable market
was established in English style, under covered sheds,
and well-regulated by the police. The Chinese wil-.
lingly resorted to it, and brought abundant supplies of
every description , readily submitting themselves to all
the regulations. Large commissariat stores and other
public buildings, including barracks at either end of the
town , were finished. The road, which was carried along
the foot of the hills, extended already to a distance of
nearly four miles, and a cut was being made through a
high sand -hill, in order to continue it further ; and at
intervals, along the whole of the distance, substantial
and even elegant buildings were already erected . The
numerous conical hills which distinguish this part of the
island were nearly all levelled at the top, in readiness
to commence building new houses ; stone bridges were
in progress, and the road was being rapidly continued
over the hills at the eastern end of Victoria Bay, lead
ing down to Tytam Bay, and the picturesque village of
Chek - chu .
In short, whether we look at the public spirit shown
by government, or the energy and liberality of private
individuals, who seemed, by one common consent, to
set about forming a settlement such as had never been
heard of before, we cannot but wonder at the results,
and foresee the influence which England must hence
forth always exercise over the hitherto unapproachable
Chinese. The Chinese inhabitants seemed to fall readily
into our ways and habits ; their labourers and mechanics
worked well and willingly for moderate pay, and came
over in crowds from the opposite coast to seek work ;
tradesmen crowded in to occupy the little shops in the
bazaars ; two European hotels and billiard -rooms were
completed ; and, in short, every necessary and most
luxuries could be obtained with facility at Hong Kong,
within the first year of its permanent settlement. Even
the Portuguese missionaries came over and built a sort
of convent and a chapel ; the Morrison Education
Society and the Missionary Hospital Society com
menced their buildings ; more than one missionary
society made it their head - quarters, and the Anglo
Chinese College, at Malacca, was about to be removed
to this more favourable spot . A small Roman Catholic
chapel was nearly finished, and a neat little American
Baptist chapel had been opened for divine service, being
the first Protestant place of public worship ever esta
blished in that part of the world ; of course, with the
exception of the old company's chapel, in the factory at
Canton. There was, however, no Church of England
service performed at that time on the island ; a deficiency
which happily has since been remedied .
Foreign merchants had also cominenced building, and
it was a curious sight to see the hundreds of Chinese
labourers working upon the construction of our houses
and roads, and flocking from all quarters to furnish
us with supplies, and seeking their living by serving us
in every way , at the very time when we were at war
with their government, and carrying on hostile opera
tions against their countrymen to the northward. At
the same time, also, Chinese tailors and shoemakers
were busy in their little shops making clothes for us,
and Chinese stewards superintended our establishments,
while Chinese servants (in their native costume, tails
and all) were cheerfully waiting upon us at table : and
all this within little more than one year after the first
land -sale at Hong Kong, and while we were still at war.
There appears to have been some little mistake in the
original site of the town, the principal part of which, or,
at least, the part most inhabited by the Chinese, is situ
ated in a great measure upon the declivity of the highest
of the mountains which shut in the harbour. The space
for building is very limited , and, indeed, this is the case
along the whole shore. Gradually people have spread
themselves eastward along the front of the harbour,
and, probably, at no very distant time a second town
will spring up at the eastern end of the harbour ; in
deed the buildings already erected by Messrs. Jardine
and Matheson are so extensive, as to form almost a
town of themselves. But, the great distance from one
end of Hong Kong, or rather of Victoria to the other,
is already a source of great inconvenience, particularly
in a hot country. In a short time, the establishment
of an exchange in some central part will probably
be undertaken, and will go far to remedy the incon
It is unfortunate that the space between the foot of the
mountains and the edge of the sea is so very limited . It
would have been a great advantage to have been able to
form a quay or esplanade along the front of the har
bour, with warehouses and dwelling-houses in the rear.
But this was not practicable; and, consequently, the
back of the warehouses in most instances faces the
water, which in some measure detracts from the appear
ance of the town, as seen from the harbour. Neverthe
less, it is impossible for the stranger not to be struck
with the first view of it as he approaches. He could
scarcely be prepared to see so many large, handsome
buildings occupying a great extent of frontage, in a
settlement so recently acquired .
There are few things more striking of the kind than
the view of the Bay of Victoria and the roads of Hong
Kong, from any one of the hills at its eastern end to
wards Matheson's Point. The number of European
vessels, Chinese junks, boats of all kinds, and the long
line of handsome buildings skirting the bay, and lighted
up by a brilliant sun piercing a cloudless atmosphere,
present a picturesque and interesting scene, which is
scarcely detracted from even by the barren mountains
in the rear .
A reference to the accompanying map will suffice to
point out the site of the different public buildings already
erected .
As regards the defences of Hong Kong, it is evident
that our main reliance must always be placed upon our
ships of war. The two small batteries already erected
could be of little service against an enemy; but a plan
has been submitted by Major Aldrich, the commanding
engineer, for forming a large fort somewhere about the
centre of the bay, and the occupiers of land, on the spot
selected by that officer, received notice to be prepared
to surrender their rights to the government, for which
they were to receive compensation, and permission to
select land elsewhere. But this plan did not meet the
concurrence of Sir Henry Pottinger, although he re
ferred it for the consideration of the government at
home. There is, however, little likelihood of its being
The question of the tenure of land for the future at
Hong Kong, or rather the terms upon which it can be
obtained from the government, is one of the highest im
portance. It is understood that it is not the intention
of government to permit any land to be alienated from
the crown . Future sales of land will probably be
effected in the same way as the earlier ones ; that is,
merely the annual rental of the different lots of land
will be put up to auction . No regulations upon this
subject have yet been issued ; and, most likely, the new
governor, Mr. Davis, will have some discretionary power
in fixing the precise terms upon which the right of occu
pation of land will be disposed of. The system of an
nual rentals to government in a colony circumstanced
as Hong Kong is,-a free port, a soil mostly barren, and
an island of very limited extent,-must appear to every
one the most judicious plan to adopt. A permanent
annual fund will thus be created for the purposes of go
vernment, and one which must increase every year
rather than diminish.
On the other hand, the absolute sale of the fee-simple
of the land would certainly produce a considerable sum
for temporary use, and would provide means for com
pleting extensive public works without any charge to
the mother country. But this fund would soon be ex
hausted , and then nothing whatever would remain to
contribute to the heavy public expenses of the island .
In aa free port you cannot levy a regular revenue from
duties of any kind, and the small sum that could be
raised by licences and special local charges could never
be considerable. Hong Kong will always possess the
immense advantage of abundant labour at a reasonable
rate. Any number of Chinamen wbich could possibly
be required will always be readily obtained from the
mainland .
I must not omit to mention, among the strong cha
racteristics of English colonization, the establishment of
a free press at Hong Kong. A newspaper is usually
one of the first undertakings in an English settlement.
It has been said, in respect to colonization, that the first
thing the French undertake is to build a fort, the Spa
niards a church, and the English a factory or a ware
house ; but, perhaps, it is more characteristic still, that
one of the first things the English establish is a press.
The Englishman carries with him his birthright of free
discussion ; and the power of having a good hearty
grumble in print compensates him for many early incon
veniences of a new settlement . There are four English
newspapers published in China : the Hong Kong Ga
zette , the Eastern Globe, the Hong Kong Register, and
the Canton Press ; of which the last is published at
Macao, and the other three at Hong Kong. In the
first -named all the government notices are inserted by
According to the latest accounts, the Morrison Insti
tution had been opened for some time, and the youths
who were being educated were making good progress.
The Seamen's Hospital for the merchant service was
opened on the 1st of August last, and was calculated to
afford accommodation to fifty men and officers. This in
stitution is in a measure a self- supporting one, a certain
sum being paid daily for the maintenance of each person
admitted .
It is impossible to contemplate the wonderful pro
gress made in so short a period of time in this last ac
quisition of the British crown, without astonishment at
the past and present, and great hopes of the future.
Hong Kong may have received an unexpected check,
owing to the unhealthiness of the season which has just
past ; but, having already advanced so far, it must con
tinue to progress, and to regain that vigour which has
for a moment been impaired . We cannot but hope that
means will yet be found to render the island less preju
dicial to the health of Europeans, and that it will rise
to become a boasted spot in the wide empire of Great
Britain . A few remarks are yet reserved for the next
General remarks — Future government of Hong Kong - Prospects of
the opium - trade - Sir Henry Pottinger's proclamations - Attempts of
Americans to enter China in opposition to the Mandarins — Visit to
Chang-chow-Mutual surrender of criminals — Account of the great
Typhoon - Superstitions of the Chinese — Dreadful destruction - Dis
tressing scenes - Danger of the two Plenipotentiaries —- Presence of
mind of Captain Elliot - Wreck of the Louisa_Imminent danger and
narrow escape - Nemesis renders assistance, after the typhoon – Nar
row escape of the Starling — Arrival of Sir Henry Pottinger and Sir
William Parker from England.
It is intended that Hong Kong shall be governed
upon the same principles by which other crown colonies
gulated , namely, that there shall be a legislative
and an executive council, to aid the governor with their
advice and assistance.
The importance of Hong Kong, not only with regard
to the commerce of all nations with China, but more
especially with reference to our relations with the Chi
nese government, cannot be estimated too highly.
However scrupulous we may be in the first instance to
limit our intercourse, as much as possible, to the mere
commercial questions which may arise, it is impossible
not to foresee that other complications may result from
it, the issue of which it would be presumptuous to pre
dict. A new era has at length opened upon China, a
sudden and almost incredible change in all her relations
with foreigners ; and the ease and apparent readiness
with which she has acceded to all the proposed arrange
ments respecting trade, is perhaps not less remark
able than the pertinacious obstinacy with which she had
so long and so haughtily refused to make any change
whatever in the established order of things.
Providence has at length ordained that a vast empire,
which comprises nearly a third of the human race, shall
no longer remain totally excluded from the great family
society of nations ; and we cannot but believe that the
period has at length arrived when that wonderful nation
is, by a slow but steady progress, to be brought under
the influence of Christianity. But, while we are im
pressed with this feeling, let us not be too hasty in pre
cipitating a crisis which may convulse a mighty empire
from one end to the other. This, then , leads us to the
momentous question of the ultimate disorganization or
breaking up of the Chinese empire. This is the great
crent which we have to dread ; for who can contemplate
the fearful results of such a crisis without alarm, and
without aa desire to prevent a catastrophe of so vast a
nature ?
In this point of view, the possession of Hong Kong,
the state of our relations with the Chinese government,
and the difficult questions which may possibly, at no
distant period, require our most anxious attention, (it
must not be forgotten that the present Emperor of
China is already in the decline of life) involve a degree
of responsibility which cannot be too deeply felt, and
can scarcely be approached without misgivings. Every
member of the government of Hong Kong must, there
fore, be keenly alive to the responsibility of his posi
tion , and must watch with profound anxiety every one
of the widely spreading circles into which the acts of
our administration may ultimately extend themselves.
We must stand up before the Chinese government, not
only in the relation of a friend, but of an ally ; and, in
stead of weakening its authority, we ought rather to
support its influence in the eyes of its own people. Our
intercourse with that remarkable nation ought to be
recorded in the pages of history as a blessing, and not,
what it might readily become, without great caution
and prudence — a curse. We cannot but believe that
this little England is yet destined to play a wonderful
part among the nations of the earth1 ; and that it is still
reserved for her, by Providence, to be the benefactor of
the human race, and not least so of that vast portion of
it which acknowledges the dominion of the Emperor of
China .
Impressed with the truth of these observations, the
first great and difficult question which awakens our
anxiety, is that of the future relations of the opium
trade, and the course which is to be pursued with respect
to it at Hong Kong. Great anxiety has been felt as to
the regulations which may be applied to it, in our own
settlement, which is understood to be in all respects a
free port. It would seem, therefore, that the storage
of opium at Hong Kong could hardly be prohibited ;
and yet it is difficult to discover how it would be possi
ble, in that case, to avoid the dilemma of appearing in
the eyes of the Chinese government to sanction, and
even encourage, a description of trade especially prohi
bited by the Emperor. The simplest and indeed the
only effectual mode by which all the difficulties of the
question could be surmounted would be, inducing the
Chinese government to legalize the trade, and to con
sent to the introduction of the drug, upon payment of
a certain duty.
No stronger arguments could be advanced in favour
of this step than those already employed by Chinese
writers themselves, in the various memorials presented
to government upon the subject. Although the opium
trade is not even alluded to in either of our recent
treaties, it is well known that Sir Henry Pottinger
has used his best efforts to induce the Chinese govern
ment to consent to the legalization of the trade, and
to introduce the article into the tariff. It is possible
that this object may be ultimately effected , but at
present we have no reason to believe that any material
progress has been made towards bringing this question
to a satisfactory conclusion.
In the mean time, it is evident that we are bound to
discourage the violation of Chinese law, as much as
possible, where that law is so easily evaded. Sir Henry
Pottinger's proclamation of the 1st of August last,
against taking opium to any of the new ports, is suffi
ciently strong and explicit ; and it is distinctly declared ,
that any one who may do so must be prepared to take
upon himself all the consequences, and that he will meet
with no support or protection from her Majesty's con
suls or other officers . In another proclamation, his
excellency declares that he will adopt the most strin
gent measures against any parties who may even attempt
to evade any of the provisions of the commercial treaty ;
and further, that he will in no case permit the national
honour, dignity, and good faith, to be compromised in
the estimation of the Chinese government, and that, if
necessary , he will respectfully trust that the legislature
of Great Britain will hold him indemnified for adopt
ing such measures as the particular emergency may
Nevertheless, the opium-trade has never been more
thriving than during the past year, and bitter com
plaints have appeared in the Pekin gazettes, of the intro
duction of the drug even into the imperial palace. The
Emperor appears to be as hostile to the opium-mania as
ever, and yet all his measures against it are quite as in
effectual as they have ever been. In fact, the people
are determined to enjoy the forbidden luxury at all ha
zards, and no means hitherto attempted have deterred
even the public officers of government from conniving
at the clandestine trade, nor is it likely that they will
ever be proof against the temptation of heavy bribes,
which the large profits derived from the traffic enable
those concerned in it to offer .
Under these circumstances, we cannot but believe that
the government will ere long be induced to take the
only rational view of the question, and permit it to be
come a legal trade, under certain wholesome regulations.
It has been proposed that a certain fixed duty should
be levied upon the drug when imported into Hong
Kong ; but this would be ineffectual, because, if the duty
were small, it would answer no good purpose whatever,
and, if it were heavy, little or no opium would be
brought into the island, except by smuggling ; the
merchants would in that case store it, as heretofore,
on board ship .
The new governor will go out armed with full power
to establish such regulations, with regard to this and
other important matters, as may appear to him most
compatible with our engagements with the Chinese go
vernment, and best calculated to meet all the difficulties
of the question. Much , therefore, must depend upon
the judgment and discretion of that high functionary,
from whose known ability and knowledge of the Chinese
character great expectations are derived.
Should the trade in opium become ultimately le
galized, it cannot be doubted that it would greatly tend
to the advantage of Hong Kong, and would induce
many Chinese merchants to come over and seek it there,
who would at the same time be tempted to make other
purchases as well. The drug would then in some mea
sure be paid for in the produce of the country, and
not, as it is at present, in silver exclusively, and , in
fact, all the commercial relations of the country would
at once be placed upon a much more satisfactory footing.
Notwithstanding the known unhealthiness of Hong
Kong during the last season, merchants are still inclined
to form establishments there, under the impression that
the whole question of the traffic in opium will, at no dis
tant period, be more advantageously settled .
There is, however, another point out of which diffi
culties may arise, besides the one above -mentioned ;
namely, the attempts of foreigners to enter China at
other places besides the five ports, or even, at these
latter, to push themselves far beyond the limits indi
cated by the Chinese authorities. According to our
present understanding, certain boundaries are to be laid
down, beyond which no foreigners are to pass. But
there will be many difficulties in the way of preventing
the violation of these regulations. It is possible that
in some instances the people themselves may induce
foreigners to transgress these boundaries ; in other
cases, it may be done from mere motives of curiosity ;
and possibly in other instances from a sort of reckless
feeling that the Chinese ought to be taught better, and
be made to adopt European customs.
These matters, trifling in themselves in the first in
stance, may ultimately lead to most serious difficulties,
arrest of Europeans by Chinese officers, quarrels with
the natives, and even bloodshed. Already something
of this kind has occurred, and the interference of Sir
Henry Pottinger has been called for. A little pamphlet
has even been published at Macao, called a “ Narrative
of a recent visit to the Chief City of the department of
Changchow , in the Province of Fokien . ” In this case
the aggressors were not Englishmen , but Americans,
and they forced their way into the country, in opposi
tion to the wishes and orders of the local authorities,
who pointed out to them that their doing so was con
trary to the provisions of the treaty. It is evident that
they passed for Englishmen, and were thought to be so
VOL . II . H
by the authorities. But they even went further than
the mere violation of the treaty, and the opposition
offered to the officers, for they actually had the indiscre
tion and presumption to attempt to explain away the
stipulations of the treaty, in a way that could not fail
to awaken the alarm and mistrust of the Chinese govern
ment, and kindle the indignation of every man who is
interested in maintaining satisfactory relations with a
government who, up to this moment, have scrupulously
adhered to their engagements since the peace of Nankin ..
Sir Henry Pottinger thought it incumbent on him to
advise the viceroy and lieutenant-governor of Canton , that
these individuals were not Englishmen, and to express
his hope that in future the local mandarins would seize
and confine all those who might commit the smallest in
fraction of the treaty, (if British subjects) and send
them to the nearest English consular officer, to be dealt
with as might be found necessary, in order to enforce
implicit obedience.
The justice of this will be self -evident ; but it is also
to be remembered that English authority can only be
exercised over British subjects, and that, as all Euro
pean nations are to have access to the five ports if
desired, many difficulties may arise which are beyond
their control. But it is evidently our first duty, not
only rigidly to adhere to the provisions of the treaty
ourselves, but to do all in our power to strengthen the
government of China, and to uphold its authority in
the eyes of all foreign nations, as well as of its own
The last point to which I think it necessary to allude
is the mutual surrender of criminals, so that English
offenders who may take refuge in China may be given
up to our consular officers by the Chinese authorities,
and Chinese offenders who may take refuge at Hong
Kong, or on board our ships, may be given up to the
Chinese officers. This stipulation has already been
acted upon at Hong Kong, where a party of pirates
who were chased ashore by the Chinese government
cruisers were instantly seized by the police, and handed
over to the proper Chinese officers.
In fact, the more we reflect upon the position in
which we now stand in presence of the Chinese govern
ment, and in the actual possession of an island upon its
frontiers, the more we must become impressed with the
vast responsibility which attaches to all our proceed
ings, and the great necessity which exists for the utmost
caution, prudence, judgment, and firmness, on the part
of every public officer employed in our service in that
country . Little more need be said at present respecting
Hong Kong, the future history of which must be preg
nant with matter of yearly increasing interest.
I have reserved all mention of the terrific storms to
which the island is occasionally exposed during the
summer season . Our squadron, after its return from
Canton, was exposed to the full fury of one of these
hurricanes, while it lay in the harbour of Hong Kong,
previously to our advance upon Amoy. The Chinese,
although ignorant of the use of the barometer, acquire
from experience a tolerably accurate knowledge of the in
dications which determine the approach of these dreaded
H 2
Unfortunately, Victoria Bay lies fully exposed to the
whole fury ofthe tempest from its beginning to its end ;
there is no shelter whatever on that side of the island .
It is aa curious and novel sight to watch the preparations
which the Chinese make for the approaching storm ; the
mixture of superstitious observance and prudent precau
tion which they adopt, either in the hope of averting the
threatening tempest, or of securing themselves against
its immediate effects. The sultry, oppressive feeling of
the atmosphere, the deep black clouds , and other indi
cations, warn them to be prepared ; and, from the noise
and excitement which soon take place among the Chi
nese, one would rather imagine they were celebrating
some festival of rejoicing, than deprecating the fury of
the gods. Many of their houses, on these occasions, are
decorated with lanterns stuck upon long poles twenty
or thirty feet high, huge grotesque-looking figures, and
various devices . The beating of gongs, the firing of
crackers, and explosion of little bamboo petards, from
one end of the town to the other, and in all the boats
along the shore, create such a din and confusion, that a
stranger cannot help feeling that there must be danger
at hand, of some kind or other, besides that of a storm.
It is also a curious sight to watch the hundreds of
boats and junks getting under weigh at the same moment,
all eager to get across to the opposite shore, under shel
ter of the mainland, as fast as possible, knowing full
well that they would be certainly stranded if they re
mained on the Hong Kong side. In the high stern of
every junk stands a man , who perseveringly beats a large
suspended gong with his utmost strength , while the rest
of the crew appear quite as intent upon firing off crack
ers as upon the management of their boat. By this
means they hope to awaken their tutelary god, and to
induce him to listen to their prayers for succour. The
greater part of them take refuge in a bay directly oppo
site Victoria, from which it is about four miles distant,
under the lee of the mountains on that side.
Frequently all the threatening appearances which call
forth these preparations pass off without producing a
typhoon. The flashes of lightning are fearfully quick
and brilliant; the peals of thunder are almost deafening ;
the huge black clouds hang gloomily over the mountains,
or are banded across from one side to the other, pouring
their waters in torrents upon the basin between them .
In this way the storm at length subsides, and the horrors
of a typhoon are averted.
The actual typhoon is of a very different description ;
in fact, it differs in no respect from the worst hurricanes
which visit the Mauritius or the West Indies. Hong
Kong was visited in this way on the 21st and 26th July,
1841, and a more severe typhoon than that which took
place on the first of those days is perhaps never expe
rienced. The theory of these circular storms has been
well laid down by Colonel Reid and others ; so that in
the present day a vessel caught in them at sea would be
much less exposed to danger than formerly , provided
her captain had made himself master of the well -con
firmed theories which have been propounded upon the
subject. The sphere of their operation is very limited,
neither do they occur every year, but seldom oftener
than every three or four years.
At Hong Kong various ominous appearances were the
forerunner of the storm on the occasion alluded to . For
some days previously, large black masses of clouds
appeared to settle upon the hills on either side ; the atmo
sphere was extremely sultry and oppressive ; the most
vivid lightning shot incessantly along the dense, threat
ening clouds, and looked the more brilliant, because the
phenomena were always most remarkable at night, while
during the day the threatening appearances were mode
rated considerably, and sometimes almost entirely dis
appeared . The vibrations of the mercury in the baro
meter were constant and rapid ; and, although it occa
sionally rose, still the improvement was only temporary,
and upon the average it continued to fall.
A typhoon
was therefore confidently predicted, and the more so,
because none had occurred for several years.
The Chinese on this occasion made every preparation
in their power ; but that comprised very little except
the everlasting firing of crackers and beating of gongs ;
although they endeavoured also to get shelter for their
boats in the best way they could. Our own ships pre
pared for the coming danger as well as circumstances
permitted, every thing being made as snug as possible.
But the whole barbour was at this time crowded with
transports, store -ships, and merchant- ships, in addition
to our men -of-war and steamers ; indeed, so close were
they anchored together, that in many cases there was
not even room to veer cable. It was evident to all, that
if the expected typhoon should burst upon them , the
most serious disasters would inevitably take place.
It was not without many misgivings and forebodings
that, in the midst of all the preparations for the storm ,
and when there was every indication of its immediate
outbreak, a small schooner was observed to get under
weigh, and stand out of the harbour towards Macao ; she
had treasure on board, and one or two passengers. Alas !
she was never afterwards heard of ; not a vestige of her
was ever discovered ; she must have foundered at sea,at
the very commencement of the storm .
During the night of the 20th, the weather was tole
rably calm , but ominously sultry ; towards daylight on
the 21st it became squally, with heavy rain , and a good
deal of swell was now getting up in the harbour. The
barometer continued gradually to fall, and the squalls
became heavier. The typhoon could no longer be
doubted ; and, as it was desirable to move the Nemesis
as much to windward of the other ships as possible, steam
was got up quickly, and with some difficulty she was
moved to a good berth on the opposite side, under shel
ter of the high land above Cowloon . Topmasts were
lowered, and every thing made snug, and she was brought
up with both bowers, open hawse, to the N. E., and
veered to a whole cable on each .
Between seven and eight o'clock in the morning, the
wind was blowing very hard from the northward, or
directly upon the shore of Hong Kong, and continued
to increase in heavy squalls hour after hour. Ships
were already beginning to drive, and the work of destruc
tion had commenced on every side ; the Chinese junks
and boats were blown about in all directions, and one of
them was seen to founder with all hands on board . The
fine basin of Hong Kong was gradually covered with scat
tered wrecks of the war of elements ; planks, spars, broken
boats, and human beings, clinging hopelessly for succour
to every treacherous log, were tossed about on every
side ; the wind howled and tore every thing away before
it, literally sweeping the face of the waters.
On shore, the hospital was one of the first buildings
blown down upon the heads of the unfortunate inmates,
wounding many, and aggravating the sufferings of all ;
yet only one man, a helpless idiot, was killed . No ex
ertion was spared to bring assistance to the unfortunate
sick, and to drag them forth from the scene of their
misfortunes. But, alas ! in every quarter aid was neces
sary ; the buildings being merely of temporary construc
tion, most of them partly built of bamboo, barracks and
all came tumbling down like children's card-houses.
From half- past ten until two the hurricane was at its
highest, the barometer at this time having descended to
nearly 28°, 50 ', according to some, but on board the
Nemesis it was never lower than 28°, 89 '. The air was
filled with spray and salt, so that it was impossible to
see any thing that was not almost close at hand ; the
wind roared and howled fearfully, so that it was impos
sible to hear a word that was said . Ships were now
drifting foul of each other in all directions ; masts were
being cut away ; and, from the strength of the wind
forcing the sea high upon the shore, several ships were
driven high and dry.
The native Chinese were all distracted , imploring their
gods in vain for help. Such an awful scene of destruc
tion and ruin is rarely witnessed ; and almost every one
was so busy in thinking of his own safety, as to be una
ble to render assistance to any one else. Hundreds of
Chinese were drowned, and occasionally aa whole family,
children and all, floated past the ships, clinging, in
apparent apathy (perhaps under the influence of opium ),
to the last remnants of their shattered boats, which soon
tumbled to pieces, and left them to their fate.
During the height of the typhoon, the engines of the
Nemesis were kept going at half-speed, and she rode
through it very easy, without suffering any damage.
But even those few vessels which did not drive were in
constant danger of being run foul of by others which
did ; in fact, crowded as the bay was with shipping, it
was a matter of wonder that even more serious damage
was not done than actually did occur. The heaviest
part of the typhoon appears certainly to have passed
directly over Hong Kong, for even at Macao, which is
only thirty- five miles distant, it was much less severely
felt, and, moreover, there was a difference of nearly four
hours in the time of its occurrence ; nevertheless, beyond
Hong Kong the typhoon was also very severely felt, and
several ships were in the greatest danger.
It is a remarkable fact, that both our Plenipotentiaries,
Captain Elliot and Sir Gordon Bremer, (who has recently
returned) were wrecked on this occasion, and were only
saved , as it were, by a miracle. They were on their way
to Hong Kong, in Captain Elliot's cutter, the Louisa,
when the typhoon, already commencing, compelled them
to anchor in not a very favourable berth, under one of
the numerous islands at the mouth of the Canton river.
Every measure was resorted to which good seamanship
could suggest, to give any chance of safety to the little
vessel, but all in vain. She soon drove - her spars and
masts were carried away— a heavy , tumbling sea broke
over her, washing every thing overboard—the destruc
tion of the vessel, and the loss of every one on board ,
seemed to be inevitable. Fragments of the numerous
wrecks along the coast were floating past them every
moment. Having been driven from the island under
which they first took shelter, they were carried before
the wind for the distance of from two to three miles,
expecting every moment to be swallowed up ; the com
mander had been already washed overboard. At length
they caught sight of land right ahead, with a heavy surf
breaking on it, apparently almost close to them. The
suspense at this moment was intense and awful. If the
vessel touched the surf, they would be launched into
eternity in a moment. But, providentially, as if they
were specially ordained to be reserved for aa better fate,
the little cutter cleared the breakers, almost within
reach of their spray. The anchor was now let go, but
could not hold the little craft, so heavily did the sea
break over her ; and at length she was driven full upon
the shore, where she instantly bilged and filled. Some
people now jumped overboard, others crawled on to the
nearest rocks, but at length all hands got safely on
shore, with the assistance of a rope, which one of the
boys who had succeeded in swimming ashore made fast
to one of the rocks. Thus, twenty -three human beings
were miraculously saved from what appeared to be cer
tain and inevitable destruction, and “ from perils which
men doubtless sometimes witness, but seldom live to
recount ; and there was not a man amongst us, says one
who was present, who ( thoughtless though sailors be)
did not offer a fervent prayer of thanksgiving to his
God .”
Besides the Plenipotentiaries, Lord Amelius Beau
clerk and one or two other gentlemen were partakers of
these disasters. There is little doubt that they all owed
their preservation, under Providence, to the admirable
seamanship and cool presence of mind of Captain Elliot
himself, who took command of the little vessel during
the most trying period, and whose accurate knowledge
of the coast was of essential service.
Their troubles, however, were not yet at an end.
They managed to save very little provisions or clothing
from the wreck ; and the only place they could discover,
in which they could shelter themselves for the night, was
a large fissure in the side of a precipice, open at the top,
with a small mountain -stream running through the cen
tre of it. There they anxiously awaited the dawn of
morning, in a sitting posture ( for they could not lie
down) , and drenched to the skin . Soon after daylight
they discovered two Chinamen , who came down to pil
lage the wreck ; and several dead bodies of Chinamen
were found cast up upon the shore. After some hesita
tion and difficulty, a bargain was at length made to con
vey Captain Elliot, for one thousand dollars, to Macao,
in a fishing -boat; but, shortly afterwards, another party
of Chinese fishermen , coming up from a neighbouring
village, commenced robbing all the shipwrecked people,
stripping them of their clothes, and, among other things,
getting possession of a star of the Hanoverian Guelphic
Order. In a short time, the demand for conveying Cap
tain Elliot to Macao, as soon as the weather would per
mit, was raised to two thousand dollars, which was
agreed to .
Yet difficulties seemed to multiply hourly ; for, at
this juncture, some of the Chinese, having found two or
three bodies of their countrymen lashed to spars, and
dreadfully lacerated by being dashed against the rocks
until they were lifeless, took it for granted that this had
been done purposely by Captain Elliot and his party,
and for some time their threatening gestures and angry
looks of retaliation seemed to portend bloodshed. This
was, however, at length averted ; and ultimately, after
agreeing to pay upwards of three thousand dollars,
Captain Elliot, Sir Gordon Bremer, and two other per
sons, were laid upon their backs, in the bottom of a boat,
and carefully covered over with mats. Scarcely , how
ever, had they fairly got away from the island, when
another misfortune threatened to consign them to the
most bitter fate. An armed mandarin -boat passed
close by them , and hailed the Chinese boatmen, asking
for news about the wrecks. What a prize was at this
moment within their grasp ! No less than twenty thou
sand dollars had been already offered as a reward for
the capture either of Captain Elliot or Sir Gordon Bre
mer. Had the boatmen been treacherous enough to be
tray their charge (and Captain Elliot was personally
known to them ), what a grand display Her Majesty's
two Plenipotentiaries would have made in Pekin , car
ried about in bamboo cages, like wild beasts ! What
proclamations and boastings ! What promotions and
rewards ! But, happily, this was not to be ; and , in a
few hours, the party landed safely in the inner harbour
of Macao ; Captain Elliot having for his costume a
jacket, without any shirt ; the Commodore, a blue
worsted frock ; and each of them a pair of striped
trowsers. To crown all, in this unhappy plight, the
moment the two high functionaries were recognized by
the Portuguese officer of the guard , the latter were
ordered to “ turn out,” as a mark of respect; but were
soon induced to defer it until a more fitting oppor
Boats were now sent off, without delay, together
with an interpreter, in order to rescue the other suf
ferers ; and at last they all arrived safely in Macao, on
the 25th of July.
But it is time to return from this digression to the
harbour of Hong Kong, just at the time when the height
of the typhoon had passed over. Towards noon, the
wind veered round aa little to the southward of east ; at
two p. m., it began to moderate ; and at three p. m .,
its severity had past. Before sunset, the haze began to
clear off aa little, and gradually the scene of devastation
became more and more visible, and presented such a
frightful spectacle, that you could hardly believe that
it was the same harbour of Hong Kong, which had been
recently so gay and tranquil, with crowds of shipping
upon the smooth surface of its waters. The shore was
covered with wrecks and stranded boats, and the tem
porary buildings on shore had disappeared altogether.
Many of our ships were now found to be missirig,
having been driven out to sea during the fury of the
gale. Among the latter was II. M. schooner, Starling,
about which great apprehensions were entertained . It
was feared that she might have foundered, with all hands
on board .
On the following morning, at daylight, the Nemesis
was ordered to go out and render assistance to any ves
sels in distress, and to bring off people from the wrecks;
and particularly to look out for the Starling, in case she
should have gone on shore upon any of the neighbouring
islands. No time was to be lost. In every direction
immediate assistance was required, and many poor fel
lows were rescued by the Nemesis from a watery grave.
It was curious to remark how completely every vessel
that had gone on shore was torn to pieces, and in so short
a space of time; every part ofthem was broken up, and
the fragments were floating about the harbour and lining
the shores on every side, above high -water mark . A
number of artillerymen and sappers were taken off the
wreck of one of our prize war -junks which had gone on
shore ; and the whole crew of the Prince George mer
chant ship were likewise saved from one of the neigh
bouring islands upon which they had been wrecked ;
but the captain of the vessel refused to leave the island,
where he vainly persisted in seeking for the body of his
unfortunate wife, who was drowned when first the ves
sel struck .
Not being able to gain any tidings of the Starling,
the Nemesis proceeded on through the Capsingmoon
passage, towards Lintin, in the hope that she might
have taken refuge under that island. Fortunately, she
was now descried beating up gallantly through the pas
sage towards Hong Kong, and , as soon as the steamer
ran alongside, there was a general cheer of congratula
tion. The tale was very soon told. During the height
of the typhoon, the Starling had parted a cable, and, as
she was now drifting fast, Captain Kellett at once slip
ped the other, in the hope of being able to run through
the Capsingmoon passage, as his only chance of safety.
With very great exertion and good seamanship, he for
tunately succeeded in the attempt, even in the midst of
the typhoon, and had even managed to lie -to and pick
up some unfortunate Chinamen , who were floating past
him upon the wreck of their shattered junk. At length
he succeeded in getting under the lee of the island of
Lintin, where he brought up with a common boat's an
chor, having a couple of guns fastened to the cable.
By the aid of this contrivance he rode out the gale,
until it moderated sufficiently for him to get under
weigh, and attempt to return to Hong Kong. The
Nemesis, however, now took the Starling in tow, and
great was the surprise and joy of every one at Hong
Kong when the two vessels were seen standing in to
gether in safety.
In this typhoon, H. M. S. Sulphur, Algerine, Royalist,
and the schooner, Hebe, were dismasted ; and at least
twenty merchant vessels and transports were either driven
ashore or were dismasted, and suffered other injuries.
Five days afterwards, on the 26th, there was a recur
rence of the typhoon, which the Nemesis rode out very
easily in the Typa anchorage at Macao ; but it was not
so severe as the first one, and comparatively little injury
was caused by it. There is reason to believe also, that,
had all the ships at Hong Kong been moored in proper
berths, and early precautions taken , before the com
mencement of the first typhoon , the danger and the da
mage inflicted would have been much less severe.
No time was lost in refitting the ships, and prepara
tions were now hastened for the advance of our forces
upon Amoy, and for pushing on our operations further
northward , while the favourable season lasted . Sir
Gordon Bremer had returned from Calcutta, in the
Queen steamer, on the 18th of June, having been invested
with the functions of Joint- Plenipotentiary, in conjunc
tion with Captain Elliot . This high honour was, how
ever, of short duration ; for, on the 9th of August, Sir
Henry Pottinger arrived from England, viâ Bombay,
having been appointed sole Plenipotentiary and Chief
Superintendent of trade in China : he was accompanied
by Vice -Admiral Sir William Parker, by whom all the
subsequent naval operations were conducted.
AMOY 113
Arrival of reinforcements — Sir Henry Pottinger's first proclamation
Announcement to the authorities at Canton - His refusal to see the
Prefect - Dismay of the great man in consequence - Good effect upon
the Chinese - Preparations of Sir William Parker for advance upon
Amoy - Departure of the fleet from Hong Kong - Captain Elliot and
Sir Gordon Bremer leave for England - Notices of Amoy - Situation
and appearance of the town — Description of its defences — Their great
extent-Island of Kolingsoo - Attempts to negociate - Reply of the
Plenipotentiary-General order of Sir Hugh Gough-Orders against
plundering - Attack commences 26th of August — Positions of ships
against the batteries — Landing of the troops — Party from the Nemesis
joins the advanced guard of the 18th - Captain Hall the first upon the
walls — Personal combat — The long fort captured-Kolingsoo taken
Accident to the Nemesis Occupation of the city on the 27th - Curious
scenes — Boldness of Chinese plunderers — Evidences of infanticide
Harassing duties — Tiger soldiers — Description of Kolingsoo - Ameri
can missionaries— Remarks on the prospect of OPENING China BY
MISSIONARY ENTERPRISE_Errors to be guarded against-Garrison
left on Kolingsoo - Our troops quit Amoy - Re- embarkation.
Not long after our forces had withdrawn from Canton,
the Emperor of China issued one of his peculiar procla
mations, to the effect that “ the imperial troops had
now been sent with songs of triumph to their homes,
VOL . II . I
and the deceptions and mistakes of both parties were
therefore to be forgotten.” He, probably, little expected
that the so-called “ songs of triumph ” would so soon be
converted into the wailings of lamentation . Such , how
ever, was soon to be the case.
At the end of July, the H. C. steamer, Phlegethon ,
Lieutenant M‘Cleverty, nearly the exact counterpart
of the Nemesis, arrived at Hong Kong, bringing the
intelligence that Captain Elliot's treaty of Chuenpee had
been disapproved of by the home government, and that
Sir Henry Pottinger had been appointed to succeed him ,
as sole Plenipotentiary. Shortly before this, also, her
Majesty's 55th regiment had arrived from Calcutta, and
everything indicated that a movement upon Amoy would
take place as soon as possible, after the expected arri
val of Sir Henry Pottinger as Plenipotentiary, and Sir
William Parker as Admiral. The season for active ope
rations was already advanced , and even for the sake of
the health of the troops, it was the anxious wish of all
the officers that a change of some sort or other might
speedily take place.
In the afternoon of the 10th of August, the arrival of
the H. C. steamer Sesostris, from Bombay, in the
Macao roads, was announced, and great was the joy of
every one when it was made known that both Sir Henry
Pottinger and Sir William Parker were on board . They
had come from London in the wonderfully short period
of sixty -seven days, ten of which had been spent in
Bombay .
At daylight, next morning, the Nemesis went out to
convey these high functionaries from the Sesostris, in
the roads, to the town of Macao, where they were re
ceived with every demonstration of respect, under a
salute from the Portuguese forts. A conference was held
in the course of the morning, between Captain Elliot
and Sir Henry Pottinger, together with the Admiral
and Sir Hugh Gough . Energetic measures appeared
to be at once resolved on . Sir William Parker went
over to visit the fleet at Hong Kong, and as soon as
visits of ceremony had been exchanged between the
new Plenipotentiary and the Portuguese authorities,
Sir Henry Pottinger lost no time in publishing the
notification of his appointment, as Minister Extraordi
nary and sole Plenipotentiary, and also as Chief Super
intendent of trade in China. He further intimated to
the foreign community that it was “ his intention to
devote his undivided energies and thoughts to the pri
mary object of securing a speedy and satisfactory
close of the war, and that he therefore could allow no
consideration connected with mercantile pursuits, and
other interests, to interfere with the strong measures
which he might deem necessary to adopt towards the
government and subjects of China, with a view to com
pel an honourable and lasting peace. At the same time,
he warned all British subjects, that if they put either
themselves or their property in the power of the Chinese
authorities, during the present unsettled state of things,
it must be clearly understood to be at their own risk
and peril.”
In order to communicate officially to the Chinese
authorities the fact of his arrival, and the nature of his
powers, Sir Henry now despatched his secretary, Major
I 2
Malcolm, to Canton , as the bearer of letters to the
provincial government. The Nemesis was, as usual,
employed to carry the officers up the river. No little
sensation was created among the Chinese officials, by
the announcement which was now made to them. They
therefore resolved to welcome the Plenipotentiary with
all ceremony ; and probably, also, in the hope of being
able to form some estimate of his character, they de
spatched the prefect of the city, or Kwang-Chow-Foo,
on the 18th, to Macao, with a numerous retinue. He
landed at Macao, upon the Praya Grande, near the
governor's palace, attended by a great number of fol
lowers, and proceeded in state to the residence of the
Plenipotentiary, thinking, no doubt, that he was con
ferring a great honour upon his Excellency, and that he
would accordingly be received with every mark of dis
tinction. Alas, how are the mighty fallen ! The cere
monious Prefect was not even received. He, who had
hitherto been courted as an officer of distinction , and
had been the medium of communication , and in some
sort the ambassador, between the high Chinese authori
ties and Captain Elliot, was now absolutely rejected.
Sir Henry Pottinger, acting with an intimate knowledge
of the oriental character, and fully impressed with the
high duties he was called upon to perform , and the ligh
station he had to maintain as her Majesty's representa
tive, declined to receive or hold any direct intercourse
with an officer inferior to himself in rank and responsi
bility, and still less with one of comparatively inferior
grade, such as the Prefect of Canton .
Major Malcolm , the secretary of legation, was, how
ever, deputed to receive the Prefect ; and, after a short
interview, the would-be great man withdrew , and re
turned in some dismay to Canton , to report the circum
stances to his superiors. The sensation created by this
little characteristic incident was very remarkable. The
Chinese of all classes, from the Viceroy to the Hong
merchants, and down to their clerks and attendants,
were thoroughly taken by surprise. They could hardly
believe that the Prefect had been rejected, and there
fore jumped to the very laudable and truly eastern con
clusion that the new Plenipotentiary must be a very
great man indeed , a much greater man than Captain
Elliot, and of course invested with higher powers. It
became the subject of conversation in every quarter, and
tended to awaken much greater respect for the dignity
of the new Plenipotentiary. The same cautious and
dignified bearing was maintained with the greatest
advantage throughout the whole of our subsequent pro
At Hong Kong the most active preparations were
now being made for the immediate departure of the
expedition. Excellent arrangements were introduced
by Sir William Parker, for the proper guidance of the
fleet, and especially for the distribution and manage
ment of the numerous transports and store ships. The
advantage of this systematic regularity soon became
evident ; and it is deserving of notice that, from this
period until the close of the war, the transport service
was conducted with the utmost regularity and efficiency,
in spite of the endless difficulties arising out of our
imperfect knowledge of the coast of China, and the in
accuracy of most of the charts. Add to this, that owing
to sickness and other causes, the transports were often
under-manned, and had frequently the most arduous
duties to perform .
It redounds to the credit of the mercantile marine of
this country, and says much for the judicious arrange
ments of the admiral and all the officers under him, that
so few accidents occurred up to the close of the war.
The passage of the fleet up the Yang-tze river will be
described in its place ; but it is not too much here to
remark that, considering the intricate navigation of the
river, the rapidity of its current, and the very imperfect
knowledge of its difficulties, which we possessed, the
conducting of so large a fleet, without any serious acci
dent, up to Nankin and back again, was perhaps the most
striking event of a naval character which occurred during
the war.
By a general order of the 19th of August, issued only
nine days after the arrival of the admiral, the fleet was
directed to be ready to put to sea at daylight on the
21st. It was to be formed in three divisions, the centre
commanded by Captain Herbert, in the Blenheim , as
sisted by Commander Clarke, of the Columbine ; the
starboard division , under Captain Bourchier, in the
Blonde, assisted by Commander Gifford, in the Cruiser ;
while the 2nd, or port division, was placed under Cap
tain Smith , of the Druid, assisted by Commander Anson,
of the Pylades. It was, moreover, directed that a boat
should be held in constant readiness on board each
transport, to assist in towing the ships clear of each
other in the event of calms, and that no boat should be
allowed to pass from one ship to the other, at sea, with
ont permission from the admiral or the senior officer of
the division .
The whole fleet consisted of thirty -six sail, including
transports, namely, two line-of-battle ships, the Welles
ley and the Blenheim ; seven other ships ofwar, namely,
the Modeste, Druid, Columbine, Blonde, Pylades, Crui
ser, and Algerine ; the Rattlesnake troop-ship, and the
Bentinck surveying -vessel ; four steamers, belonging to
the East India Company, namely, the Queen, Phlege
thon , Nemesis, and Sesostris ; and twenty -one hired
transports and store -ships, most of them of large size,
several of not less than a thousand tons burden . The
force stationed in the neighbourhood of the Canton river
comprised five or six vessels of war, including the Herald
and Alligator, and was under the command of Captain
Nias, senior officer.
Early on the morning of the 21st, the fleet got under
weigh ; but it was some time before things could be
brought to settle down a little on board the transports,
in which various changes in the arrangement of the
troops had been made.. Sir Henry Pottinger came over
from Macao in The Queen on that day, just as the fleet
had sailed ; and, as he stopped some time at Hong
Kong to inspect the place, and examine the various
arrangements which had already been made, he did not
join the admiral until the following day. The general
rendezvous, in case of separation, was to be Chapel Is
land, not far from Amoy. The weather was extremely
favourable during the whole passage up, and, on the
25th, the whole squadron reached the outer harbour of
Amoy, having preserved the order of sailing remarkably
well throughout .
The late plenipotentiaries, Captain Elliot and Sir
Gordon Bremer, sailed from Hong Kong, and finally
took leave of China, three days after the departure of
the expedition, on board the Atalanta steamer, which
had become completely knocked up by her work in the
Canton river. Their intention was to proceed as quickly
as possible to England by way of Bombay.
The distance of Amoy from Hong Kong is scarcely
three hundred miles, and there were many good grounds
for making it the first point of attack, as the expedition
proceeded northward. It will be remembered that the
Blonde frigate had been compelled , in the first expedi
tion, to chastise the authorities of Amoy for their inso
lent and hostile bearing, and that this little affair was
immediately represented to the Emperor as a great vic
tory gained by them in driving off the barbarian ships ;
that, a very short time after this, the Alligator had also
been compelled to inflict similar chastisement. Besides
this, however, it must be remembered that, in former
times, the English had been allowed the privilege of
trading at Amoy, and that, at the present day, many of
the enterprising merchants of this thriving town resort,
for purposes of trade, to Singapore ; and that the people
generally were well acquainted with the English charac
ter, and favourable to their institutions. It could not
be doubted, therefore, that the capture of this flourish
ing commercial city would be seriously felt by the Chi
nese government. The authorities had, within the last
twelve months, spent enormous sums of money and in
AMOY. 121
credible labour in the construction of batteries, which
they deemed impregnable, and which were certainly
capable of being stoutly defended .
The harbour of Amoy is situated in the south -western
corner of an island of the same name, which, together
with another called Quemoy, occupies a considerable
portion of a large bay, in which, however, there are also
numerous smaller islands . Of these the most interest
ing, in connexion with our present subject, is that of
Kolingsoo, which is separated from Amoy by a narrow
passage, leading directly up to the harbour. In fact,
the possession of this island, which we still retain, gives
us the complete command of Amoy itself, or rather of
its town and suburbs.
The scenery within the bay and about the town of
Amoy is exceedingly picturesque, the appearance of tlie
country being very mountainous and striking. Several
considerable rivers pour their waters into the bay, and
facilitate the communications with the interior of the
country. The superiority of the harbour much exceeded
the expectations of the officers.
The town of Amoy, although possessed of great com
mercial importance, and very wealthy, is by no means
a first-class city ; it ranks, indeed , only as a principal
third-class town ; but its inhabitants are exceedingly
enterprising and intelligent, and are remarkable for a
certain disposition for emigration and colonization, as
well as for their love of commerce. They were the
principal colonizers of the flourishing island of Formosa,
which lies opposite Amoy, extending itself along the
coast for a distance of little less than two hundred
122 AMOY ..
miles ; and they are to be found in great numbers in
more remote islands, subject even to foreign dominion,
such as Java, Singapore, Manilla, &c.
The city and suburbs of Amoy can hardly be less than
eight or ten miles in circumference, and they are in a
great degree commanded by a fortified hill or citadel in
the rear, which, however, is again commanded (as is very
commonly the case in China) by unfortified heights be
yond it to the eastward. The suburbs, or outer town,
are separated from the principal or inner town by a line
of steep, rocky hills, which run transversely down to
the beach ; but a paved road, or narrow causeway, leads
into the city, through a pass which is protected by a
covered gateway at its summit. As there is, therefore,
what may be called аa double town, so is there also a sort
of double harbour , the outer one running along the face
of the outer town, and the inner one extending along the
front of the principal town , and joining a large estuary ,
which runs deep into the island across its centre, and
skirts the northern side of the city. In this manner ,
nearly two-thirds of the city of Amoy are washed by
the sea. In fact, it stands upon a corner or tongue of
land , having a line of bold mountains in its rear and on
its flank . The walls are castellated at top, and vary in
height, according to the nature of the ground, from
twenty to thirty feet. There are also, as in other places,
four principal gates, having each an outwork or outer
wall , with a court or open space between them , and a
second gate leading from this, and placed at right angles
to the inner one, so that the approach to it from the
outside is commanded by the principal wall of the town.
AMOY . 123
The citadel of Amoy was afterwards found to contain
a large supply of military accoutrements — ginjals,match
locks, swords, shields,and spears of all kinds ; there was
also an immense quantity of gunpowder, and materials
for making it ; in short, there was every reason to be
lieve that Amoy had been made use of as the great mili
tary depôt of the province.
It is impossible to form even a tolerable estimate of the
number of troops collected for the defence of the place,
but the different accounts which were received varied
from six thousand to eight or ten thousand men . It
was also known that the high officers of the province
had come down to Amoy purposely to encourage the
defence, and to witness, as they hoped, the utter dis
comfiture of the barbarians . It was, however , upon
their newly - constructed works that they placed their
great reliance.
Numerous forts and field -works had been erected upon
nearly all the smaller islands which stretch across the
mouth of the great bay ; and upon the island of Amoy itself
a succession of batteries and field -works had been built,
to command the approach to the town . The principal
of these was a long stone battery, well built of granite,
faced with earth, extending along the shore nearly up to
the suburbs of the city, and designed to command the
passage to the harbour. It presented a line of guns
full mile in length, the embrasures being covered with
large slabs of stone protected by earth heaped upon
them , and mounting no less than ninety-six guns. In
the rear of this battery there was a range of steep, rocky
heiylits, up the side of which the Chinese had carried a
124 AMOY .
strong castellated wall, to serve as a flanking defence
to the battery .
Still further to defend the approaches to the city,
they had also strongly fortified the little island of Ko
lingsoo, between which and Amoy the passage is not
more than six hundred yards across ; this island is, in
fact, the key of Amoy, and was retained in our posses
sion when the city and the island of Amoy were restored
to the Chinese. At that time, the Chinese had already
mounted upon the works, either completed or in pro
gress, no less than seventy-six guns. Indeed, they
had spared no labour to endeavour to render Amoy
capable of easy . defence; although, from want of skill
and discipline, the resistance which they offered was
comparatively trifling. If the number of guns alone
could indicate the strength of a place, the Chinese
might have had some grounds for confidence ; for, as
Sir Hugh Gough remarked, “ Every island, every pro
jecting headland, whence guns could be made to bear,
was occupied and strongly armed . ” In fact, there were
altogether not less than five hundred guns captured at
Amoy and the adjacent islands.
Early on the morning of the 26th of August, everything
was in readiness for the projected attack. The captains
and commanders repaired on board the flag-ship for or
ders ; the steamers were all smoking and blowing off
their spare steam, and the officers were all anxiously
looking for the expected signal to stand in and engage
the batteries. Before active operations commenced ,
however, it was thought right to make a reconnoissance
of the defences which were to be attacked . With this
view, Sir Hugh Gough , Sir William Parker, and the
Plenipotentiary, stood in on board the Phlegethon , and
were able to approach sufficiently close to the works to
observe all that was necessary , without having a single
shot fired at them.
In the mean time, a messenger, supposed to be a
Chinese merchant, came off from the town, under a flag
of truce, requesting to know the object of the visit of
so large and formidable a squadron. The answer to
this question was simple enough, and was sent in the
name of the Plenipotentiary, the General, and the Ad
miral, to the effect that “ they required that the de
mands made last year at Tientsin (near Pekin), by Cap
tain Elliot, should be complied with ; and that hostile
measures would, if necessary, be adopted to enforce
them. Nevertheless, that, as the Plenipotentiary and
the Commanders-in-Chief were moved by compassionate
feelings, and were unwilling to cause the death of so
many officers and soldiers as must perish, they were
willing to allow all the officers and troops in the town
to retire with their personal arms and baggage, in order
to save the people from being hurt ; upon condition
that the town and fortifications of Amoy should be at
once delivered into the hands of the British forces, to
be held for the present by them .” A white flag was to
be exhibited from the fortifications, if these terms were
acceded to ; otherwise, hostilities would commence . As
might be expected, the white flag was not displayed.
The morning was very hot and sultry ; but, about
one o'clock, a steady, favourable breeze set in , and the
squalron got under weigh. The plan was, to make a
simultaneous attack upon all the batteries at once, both
against those upon Amoy and those upon Kolingsoo.
The troops were also to be landed, with the object of
taking the batteries in the rear ; and the Nemesis and
Phlegethon steamers were to be employed to convey
them to the appointed place of debarkation.
The ships were likely to bear the chief brunt of the
engagement; but Sir Hugh Gough made every dispo
sition for the employment of the land forces, and his
general order, issued just before the attack was to take
place, deserves especial notice. He directed his remarks
very strongly to the question of plundering; and ob
served that, “ as Amoy was a large commercial port,,
and there had once been an English factory there, it
was highly important that no act should be committed
which could tend to embarrass our future friendly in
tercourse. The government and the military were to
be overcome, and public property taken possession of,
under certain instructions, but private property was to
be held inviolable ; and that which in England , ” ob
served the General, “ obtains the name of robbery, de
serves no better name in China .” The camp-followers
were made liable to be put to death for plundering; and
orders were issued to punish on the spot any man strag
gling from his corps .
This alone will suffice to point out that the expedi
tion was very far from possessing that buccaneering
character which some persons, particularly foreigners,
attempted to cast upon it. Indeed, it may safely be
asserted that war was never carried on with so little
infliction of suffering upon the people generally as in
China. Generally speaking, the people soon learnt to
appreciate our motives ; and, unless prevented by their
own officers, they commonly showed a friendly, or, at
all events, a neutral feeling towards us. Besides the
English, the privilege of trading at Amoy was formerly
held by the Spanish also ; and, at no very remote period,
a regular intercourse was kept up between Amoy and
the Spanish colony of Manilla.
It was probable that the nature of the country round
Amoy would render brigade movements inadmissible ;
but the troops were to be prepared to form in three
brigades, if necessary. The men were to land in jackets,
caps, and coats folded ; and were to carry, each man ,
one day's cooked provisions. The artillery were to be
in readiness to land their light, mountain guns.
About half-past one, the attack commenced on our
side ; but the Chinese had already begun the engage
ment, by firing occasional shots at our ships, as they
proceeded with a steady and favourable breeze to their
respective stations. The Sesostris and Queen steamers
led in ; the former commencing the action ,but receiving
a heavy fire before she returned it. The line-of-battle
ships, Wellesley and Blenheim , under Captains Mait
land and Herbert, proceeded to the extremity of the
long stone-battery, nearest the suburbs, where they
anchored by the stern, about half-past two p.m. , within
four hundred yards of the works, and at once opened a
heavy fire upon the principal battery.
The next in order along the front of these works,
from the suburbs towards the outer extremity, were the
Pylades, Columbine, Cruiser, and Algerine. Simultane
ously with this attack upon Amoy, the Blonde, Druid,
and Modeste reached their allotted stations, against the
works of Kolingsoo ; but, owing to the shallowness of
the water, they were boldly carried on, in little more
than their own draught.
The roar of the artillery on every side, echoed by the
mountains around, was now terrific ; ܪand, in one hour
and twenty minutes, the three principal batteries on
Kolingsoo were silenced, and the marines under Cap
tain Ellis, about one hundred and seventy in number,
were landed on that island , and took possession of the
heights in the rear, without any loss. Three companies
of the 26th regiment had also been appointed to this
service, but the distance of the transports only permit
ted a small detachment of them , under Major Johnstone,
to land in time to assist in clearing the batteries. The
small detachment of the Royal Artillery, under Lieu
tenant the Hon . R. E. Spencer, were actively employed
on board the Blonde, during the attack.
While these operations were being carried on against
the batteries on Kolingsoo, and against the long battery
on Amoy, the Phlegethon and Nemesis were speedily
brought up with the troops ready to land. The Neme
sis had taken on board the General and his staff, toge
ther with the 18th Royal Irish , under Colonel Adams ;
and had also to tow up a number of boats, with the sap
pers and miners, followers, &c. Considerable delay
was therefore occasioned by having to run up to the
different transports to embark detachments, and also to
pick up the boats ; and it was not until half-past three
that the Nemesis could get into action. She then opened
fire at the long battery with her heavy guns and rockets,
as she approached the lower angle of the fort for the pur
pose of landing the troops .
It was just about this time that, as the Phlegethon
was also running up towards the battery, a boat was
despatched by Lieutenant M-Cleverty, in which Lieu
tenant Crawford volunteered his services to capture a
sinall outwork upon a hill, very near the beach ; and it
was here that the British flag was first displayed upon
the enemy's works, on that day, with three cheers from
the steamers .
About a quarter before four, the General landed upon
the beach, near the flank of the great battery, with the
18th and 49th regiments, which were carried in by the
Nemesis and Phlegethon steamers. The disembarkation
was conducted by Commander Giffard, of the Cruiser.
The 18th was directed to escalade the castellated
wall which flanked the battery ; and, as already
described, ran up the hill-side from the beach, nearly at
right angles to it. At the same time, the 49th were to
move along the beach towards the lower angle of the
battery, and either get over it at its sea-face, or force
their way through the embrasures.
A smart fire was kept up from the Nemesis, to cover
the landing and advance of the troops; and Captain Hall
himself, anxious to take an active part in every opera
tion, pushed off from the steamer, in the pinnace manned
and armed, accompanied by the unfortunate Mr. Gully,
who, as an old and brave friend, volunteered to go with
him . This was the same gentleman who afterwards fell
a victim to the rapacity and cruelty of the Chinese
VOL . II . K
authorities on the island of Formosa, upon which he had
the misfortune to be wrecked, and , after seven months
imprisonment and cruel treatment, was at length exe
cuted, together with nearly all his companions.
As soon as Captain Hall and his friend had landed
with the pinnace's crew, they joined the advanced
guard of the 18th, under Major Tomlinson and Lieu
tenant Murray , who were advancing towards the lower
end of the castellated wall. The Chinese opened a
smart fire of ginjalls and matchlocks as they approached ,
which was returned by the advancing party, who took
advantage of the numerous little hillocks and tombs
which lay in their way to shelter themselves while they
reloaded .
The Chinese, finding their enemy pressing up towards
the wall, and being already bewildered by the adini
rable firing of the ships, now began to slacken their
fire. The 18th rushed for the lower end of the wall,
while the party from the Nemesis made a dash at
its flank, some way higher up near a gateway, where
the wall appeared less elevated and more accessible.
They had, however, brought no scaling -ladders, and, in
order to get over the wall, the men were obliged to be
lifted up on each other's backs. In this way Captain
Hall managed to get first upon the top of the wall, and
instantly waved the British flag, (which on such occa
sions he always carried with him in his pocket) in token
of triumph . Others soon followed ; and the Chinese, the
moment they saw their enemies upon the walls, fired
two or three random shots and fled . At this time also
the 18th got over the wall lower down, while the
49th forced their way through the embrasures, just
at the angle of the sea -face of the great battery.
The fire of the ships had not yet ceased, when the party
from the Nemesis got down into the body of the fort,
and several of our large shot fell close around them .
A very short distance in advance they now observed
that two Chinese officers of high rank, mounted on
horseback, were endeavouring to make their escape,
surrounded by a numerous body -guard, or retinue. The
opportunity for trying to take an important prisoner
was a tempting one ; and Captain Hall, little thinking
how few of his own men were near him , and carried
away by the impulse of the moment, rushed headlong
upon the Chinese soldiers in front of him , firing off his
pistols at the two principal officers. Only two of his
own men were near him at the moment ; so that one of
the inferior Chinese officers, seeing the disparity,
rallied a few of his men, and suddenly faced about,
with a view to cut them off. A personal encounter
now took place with the Chinese officer, who was
a remarkably fine young man, bearing the white
button . The long sword, however, soon had the ad
vantage over the Chinese short one, even putting
aside personal prowess, and the mandarin fell severely
wounded in the arm . He was immediately disarmed,
and his cap and button, together with his sword,
were taken from him as trophies. Several other sol
diers now came up, to endeavour to rescue their officer,
who got up and tried to escape, but another wound in
the leg soon brought him down again, and made the
other Chinamen halt.
K 2
By this time, Captain Hall and his two men were
nearly surrounded, and were compelled to fight their
way back again towards their comrades, who were
coming up to their aid. One of the two seamen re
ceived a severe wound in the groin from the thrust of a
spear, but the others got off without any injury. The
young wounded mandarin was at last safely carried off
by his comrades .
The Chinese were now in full flight in every direc
tion, followed by the 18th, 49th, and a party of
small-arm men , who were landed from the Wellesley
and Blenheim, some way up the sea -face of the fort,
under Commander Fletcher and other officers of those
ships. The fort was soon completely in our possession.
During all the operations of this day, Sir Henry Pot
tinger and suite were with the admiral on board the
Wellesley .
Within the battery many dead bodies of the Chinese
were found, but not a great many wounded, because the
soldiers had managed to carry away most of the latter,
and even some of the former. The few wounded, how
ever, which were discovered , were relieved as much as
they could be for the moment, by placing them where
they were sheltered from the burning sun , giving them
water, and subsequently by attending to their wounds.
The heat and sultriness of the day were still very oppres
sive, even to those who had been fortunate enough to
escape unhurt, but to the wounded it was almost in
tolerable . The water-carriers of the regiments were
here the true guardian angels of every one ; and many
a man would have probably been laid up with fever,,
had he not obtained the timely blessing of a cool
draught of water. It was the saving of many of the
wounded .
On examining the sea -face of the battery, it was im
possible not to be struck with the amazing solidity of
the wall. It was composed of hewn granite, faced out
side with earth, and of such strength, that the heavy
firing of two line of battle-ships against it , at the
distance of only four hundred yards, had made very
little impression ; indeed , it might be said to be shot
proof. The embrasures were something like low port
holes, covered with stone and earth , and in the space
between them were sheds, or a sort of temporary watch
boxes, in which was found a quantity of arms of every
kind , clothes, half- cooked food, and also opium , with
the common pipes used for smoking it. A horse also
was found . The guns were many of them very ill
mounted , and in general the carriages were badly con
trived, and often defective. In some places you saw
bags of sand placed upon the top of the guns,, to prevent
them from jumping out of the carriages altogether.
her. The
fort had evidently been armed hastily .
Several high Chinese officers fell during this day ;
some probably by their own hands. One of them very
quietly rushed into the water and drowned himself,
although, in the report of the affair to the Emperor, it
was afterwards stated , that he “rushed on to drive back
the assailants as they landed , and fell into the water and
died .” This officer was the Chinese Commodore, who
commanded in the absence of the Admiral. This officer
had left the port just before our arrival, (boasting that
he was going to meet the barbarians) and, having sailed
northward, could not get back again, owing to the con
trary wind.
Before five o'clock, the whole of the outer defences
of Amoy were in our possession. The Blonde and
Modeste, as soon as they had silenced the batteries on
Kolingsoo, with the assistance of the Druid , had pushed
on into the inner harbour, and captured twenty -six war
junks, mounting not less than one hundred and twenty
eight guns ; they were nearly ready for sea, but were
deserted by their crews. A large building -yard was
discovered, with an immense quantity of timber collected
in it ; and there was a good-sized frigate-junk, of about
three hundred tons, in course of building, in a regular
dry dock, something after the European model ; they had
evidently made a great step in advance in the art of ship
building : indeed, the longer the war lasted , the more
the Chinese found themselves led on, by the “ impulse
of necessity,” to attempt great changes, and, in many
respects, improvements, not only in their vessels, but in
their warlike weapons, and other matters relating to the
art of defence.
The 55th regiment was unfortunately deprived, through
accidental circumstances, of an opportunity of taking
part in the day's work. Owing to calms in the early part
of the morning, which delayed the attack, and partly to
the distance of the numerous transports from which the
troops had to be brought, it was late in the afternoon
before the Nemesis could proceed to take on board the
55th regiment. At this time, the usual sea-breeze had
set in, throwing up a good deal of swell, which rolled
into the bay, and rendered the trans-shipment of troops
more tedious, so that the 55th regiment were not
landed until the following morning.
The Nemesis, in running along the shore to avoid the
swell wbich was setting in, unexpectedly found herself
within a circular patch of coral rock, which was not visi
ble above the surface. Several fruitless attempts were
made to extricate her from this curious position, but
the entrance by which she had got into it could not
again be found ; but, her draught of water being very
small, it was thought likely she would be able to force
her way over the reef without suffering much damage
to her iron hull, and she dashed at it at full speed. The
blow, however ,was more severe than was expected ; the
vessel bounded completely over the reef ; but the sharp
coral rock cut completely through her bottom , making
a considerable leak in the engine-room . This was
fortunately stopped from the inside without much diffi
culty, and no further notice was taken of it until some
time afterwards , when she arrived at Chusan, where the
damage was substantially repaired. This, among many
other instances, will point out the value of iron as a
material for small steamers.
In the mean time, Sir Hugh Gough pushed on without
delay, to occupy a chain of steep, rocky hills, which,
running transversely down to the beach, lay between the
great fort and the town, so as to intercept the view of
the latter. A strong body of the Chinese seemed dis
posed to defend this position, which was naturally of
great strength, and completely commanded the approach
136 A PANIC .
to the city. Immediate advantage was to be taken of
the prevailing panic ; and the 18th and 49th regiments
being directed to advance partly up a steep gorge, and
partly by a more circuitous road leading round the hills,
soon made themselves masters of the heights overlooking
the city. The Chinese retreated before them as soon as
they had fired off their guns and matchlocks. Our
troops bivouacked for the night upon the positions they
occupied ; but they might have been a good deal ha
rassed by the Chinese, if the latter had taken advantage
of the rocky, broken character of the ground, to dispute
their further advance. The night was bitterly cold upon
the heights .
At daylight a reconnoissance was made, and it was
soon discovered that little resistance was to be expected .
Great confusion and bustle were apparent in all direc
tions ; hundreds of the inhabitants were hurrying out of
the northern gate, carrying with them their most valu
able property ; in fact, there was evidently a general
panic. Without loss of time, therefore, the 18th, sup
ported by the 49th, were ordered to march down towards
the city in the direction of the eastern gate, which was
the nearest, while Captain Cotton, the commanding en
gineer, was directed to examine carefully the approaches
to the gate itself.
The advanced party of the 18th, on arriving at the
gate, found that there was no preparation for resistance,
and soon scaled the walls by means of some ladders
which were very opportunely found not far from the
gate. Heaps of rubbish, and sacks full of earth and sand ,
were found piled up inside against the gate, so that some
time was required to get it open. It was now discovered
that the authorities and all the soldiers had abandoned
the town , leaving every thing in the utmost disorder, so
that the only protection which the more respectable and
peaceably-inclined inhabitants had to look for, from the
violence and plundering of their own rabble, was from
the presence of our own troops, and the military govern
ment of the city by the victorious captors. Already the
mob had begun to ransack some of the public establish
ments before we found out where they were situated ;
and it was afterwards discovered that a good deal of
treasure must have been carried away by the thieves and
vagabonds of the town. A number of men were found
carrying out of the gates something having the appear
ance of common logs of wood ; and it was not suspected,
until too late, that these logs were hollowed out, and
filled with Sycee silver, aa very ingenious contrivance to
escape detection. A small quantity of treasure was
found in one of the large buildings, supposed to be the
office of the commandant, which was occupied by the
sappers and miners.
Most of the public offices were large and roomy
buildings, affording good accommodation for a whole
regiment of soldiers. The pile of buildings belonging
to the Admiral's department was assigned to the 18th
and the staff, being within the walled town ; while the
49th were quartered in the outer town , in a large build
ing belonging to the office of the Intendant of Cir
cuit. The 55th occupied an extensive range of build
ings belonging to the Prefect of Amoy ; the artillery
retaining possession of a commanding position overlook
ing both the city and the outer town.
Late in the day, and also on the following morning,
Sir Henry Pottinger and Sir William Parker landed to
take a view of the town ; but, after visiting the princi
pal buildings, they returned on board ship.
Numerous patrols were found necessary, by day and
night, in order to preserve quiet in the public streets,
and to check the boldness and rapacity of the swarms of
Chinese thieves and rogues, who hovered about like a
raging pestilence in every part of the city, and crowded
in from the country the moment the respectable inha
bitants left the town . The inhabitants themselves were,
in many instances, afraid even to defend their own pro
perty, or to aid our troops in restoring order and regu
larity ; they dreaded the probable imputation of having
traitorously aided the foreigners, and the fear of extor
tion and punishment from their own authorities at some
future period served to disorganize the whole commu
nity. In vain did Sir Hugh Gough appeal to the more
respectable merchants and householders to aid him in
protecting property ; all that he could get from them
was empty promises, of which they were very liberal,
but from which no good result followed. Even within
the citadel, or walled town, it was with the utmost diffi
culty that the daring thieves and vagabonds could be
kept in check ; and hardly could even a single Chinaman
be induced to point out to the guards at the gate the
real bona fide owners of houses or property , in order
that they might be allowed free egress and ingress.
The injury which the inhabitants of many Chinese
towns suffered during our operations must not be esti
mated by the actual damage (generally trifling) done by
our fire, or by the presence of our troops. In most in
stances, even before hostilities commenced , the presence
of the Chinese troops, who were marched in probably
from several distant provinces, became almost a scourge
to the inhabitants ; and afterwards, when a town was
taken, and the local government disorganized, much
greater damage was done to the property of the people
by the low mob of plunderers, than would, under any
circumstances, have been allowed by our own victorious
soldiers ; indeed, some instances occurred in which the
former were shot by our guards, rather than desist from
their evil doings.
Our men often resisted temptations of no ordinary
kind ; houses were found abandoned, property left un
protected, shops open, and goods strewed about ; and
even the abominable spirit, samsbu, (distilled from rice)
was sometimes almost purposely placed in their way.
The instances of misconduct were few , even under these
peculiar circumstances.
Among other discoveries was one calculated to corro
borate at first sight the notion of the prevalence of in
fanticide among the Chinese. In a large tank near a
public building, by some supposed to have been an hos
pital, were found the dead bodies of several young in
fants which had been drowned , having been thrown in,
sewn up in pieces of mat. But there was nothing to
determine whether the horrid deed was done out of fear
that violence might be offered to the women and chil
dren , or whether it was really an instance of the prac
tice of infanticide, which has been said to prevail in
China to a much greater extent than it really does.
The former explanation may possibly in this instance,
as in some later ones, be the true one.
The interior of the island of Amoy was not occupied,
or even examined, for it was feared by the General that
the presence of our troops would so much alarm the re
spectable and influential inhabitants, that the whole
place would be given up to the rapacity and lawlessness
of the innumerable miscreants who watched for every
opportunity of letting loose all their bad propensities ;
but the Nemesis, accompanied by the Algerine, and
having in tow the launch and pinrace of the Blonde,
was ordered to steam round the island, and search for
war- junks. None, however, were found .
The island of Kolingsoo appeared so completely to
command the harbour and approach to Amoy, that the
occupation of that position only was calculated to an
swer every good purpose, without any necessity for the
retention of Amoy.
It was the opinion of Sir Henry Pottinger, in which
the General and the Admiral perfectly coincided, that
no measures should be taken for the permanent occupa
tion of the city, and that a small garrison only should
be left at Kolingsoo, while the remainder of the expedi
tion should move further northward with the least pos-.
sible delay. It was necessary , however, to wait a day
or two for favourable winds, and measures were taken
for the destruction of the numerous works which had
been constructed upon the outer islands.
The Nemesis was employed on this important service
on the 30th and 31st. Having been joined by two
launches and other boats, with a party of seamen and
marines from the Wellesley , Blenheim , and Druid, under
Commander Fletcher, she proceeded to destroy some
forts and guns, principally on the south-west side of the
bay, all of which had been abandoned by the Chinese.
On this occasion, five forts or field -works and forty -two
guns were taken possession of and destroyed, and on the
following day several others of the same description
were also disabled. A body of Chinese soldiers, who
showed themselves near a small fort on the island of
Quemoy, at the eastern entrance of the bay , were dis
persed, and several guns, matchlocks, ginjals, & c . , toge
ther with a quantity of gunpowder, were destroyed.
Altogether seventy-seven guns and four forts were de
stroyed in this day's work, and the Admiral publicly
spoke of the “ very commendable zeal ” which had been
At Amoy, for the first time, the so -called tiger sol
diers showed themselves, that is, men dressed up in
yellow -coloured clothes, with black spots or stripes
upon them , and a covering for the head, intended to be
a rude representation of a tiger's head , supposed to look
very fierce, and to strike terror into the minds of the
The island of Kolingsoo, which has been retained in
our possession ever since its capture, deserves a few re
marks. It is about a mile and a half in length , and
about three quarters of a mile broad, but is very irre
gular in its shape. It principally consists of rocky
broken ground, the greater part of which is barren, but
interspersed with unwholesome rice- grounds, which have
contributed to render the place extremely unhealthy ;
indeed at one period the mortality among the troops
stationed there was dreadful, scarcely even a single
officer having escaped sickness, which proved fatal to
many. The Chinese, however, seem to have suffered
little from it, for there were several neat and even ele
gant country -houses upon the island, ornamented with
handsome carved woodwork , &c. It seemed to have
been used as a place of retirement for some of the
wealthier citizens of Amoy, and our retention of a place
so conveniently situated for giving us the command of
the harbour and trade of the city was a source of great
annoyance, both to the authorities and to the inhabi
tants .
For a considerable time, very little communication
was kept up with the town, and it was scarcely safe to
venture into it ; but since the peace, every disposition
has been shown to receive us in a friendly manner, and
the knowledge which many of the Chinese merchants
have acquired of our character and habits, by trading
with Singapore, will tend materially to facilitate our
future commercial intercourse.
Several American missionaries have resided at Ko
lingsoo, and without doubt will at no distant period
succeed in winning the attention and good -will of many
of the inhabitants of Amoy. A boundless field has at
length been opened for missionary enterprise in the be
nighted empire of China ; for, although it cannot be
said that the country has been made completely acces
sible to the foreigner, still the hostility of the govern
ment has been materially modified .
It rests with Christian nations to profit as Christians
by the opportunities which cannot fail to offer ; not of
pushing themselves by forcible means into the country,
not of violating the ancient social prejudices of the
people, or of interfering with the laws or habits which
regulate their intercourse, but of winning the gentler
affections of individuals, and , through individual sym
pathies, of working upon the feelings and the judgment
of multitudes, so that they may be made sensible of the
blessings presented to them, and learn to become mu
tual instructors to their own countrymen .
I have heard American missionaries distinctly say,
that they met with no open opposition to their instruc
tion, or any disposition to ridicule or decry their prac
tices ; that the people willingly listened, but with diffi
culty understood ; they were more afraid of the novelty
of what was taught them , than of the matter which was
conveyed, or the subject which was presented to them .
Among a people so fond of reading and thinking, and
so given to study and inquiry, as the Chinese generally
are, the best possible results are to be expected from
the judicious teaching of Christianity, and, above all,
of Christian practices. If China is really to be opened,
it is to be effected by missionary enterprise cautiously
and judiciously, and, above all , not too hastily applied.
The most valuable of all aids to these undertakings
is that of medical knowledge, which may be considered
as almost indispensable to the proper character of a
missionary in China. The relief of bodily suffering
(above all, in a country where the medical art is so low
as it is in China) softens the feelings of our nature, and
paves the way for kinder influences over the mind itself.
It will open the family mansion of the most secluded
and prejudiced Chinese, when words or doctrines first
propounded would meet an unwilling or perhaps a hos
tile listener. Religious teaching and the practice of the
healing art, the comfort of the suffering mind, and the
solace of the tortured body, must go hand in hand in
effecting the good work of “ opening ” China.
Why is it that the Americans have.taken precedence
of the English in this great and glorious work, since the
commencement of the war in particular ? For many
years, a talented medical missionary, Dr. Parker, has
dispensed his double blessing upon the Chinese at Can
ton, and can testify to the gratitude of the people, from
the highest to the lowest, and the readiness with which
they have accepted his counsel and his teaching in both
capacities. At Macao, Hong Kong, Kolingsoo, and
Chusan, the Americans have alike preceded us. But it
is to be hoped that this great country, though not the
first to commence latterly, will soon be the most ener
getic to extend the good work . England incurred a
solemn duty when she extorted a peace with China ;
and aa heavier burden was imposed upon her than the
settlement of a tariff, when she demanded and exacted
the concession of those privileges of which she caused
all nations to be partakers.
There is, however, one great and fatal error to be
avoided ; and that is, the rivalry of religious sects
among each other, and the attempt to gain followers at
the expense of each other's tenets. It was this want of
unanimity which in some measure produced the decline
of the influence of Roman Catholic missionaries in
China. It would naturally be asked, where are all
these Christian feelings of unanimity, brotherly love,
and good will, of which you speak, when you disagree
among yourselves ? How, in fact, are the Chinese to
comprehend distinctions, when they are taught to be
lieve that there is one Hope, one Faith, and one Lord
of all ? I will not venture, however, to dwell longer
upon such a subject.
The garrison which was left by Sir Hugh Gough
upon the island of Kolingsoo consisted of three compa
nies of the 26th regiment, with a wing of the 18th , and
a small detachment of artillery, comprising altogether
about five hundred and fifty men ; the whole under the
command of Major Johnstone, of the 26th ; and the
Druid, with the Pylades and Algerine, were also to re
main there, under the command of Captain Smith, C. B.,
as a further support, to ensure the complete command
of the harbour of Amoy.
The number of troops employed during the operations
against Amoy was as follows
Officers . Men .
Artillery, European and Native, Captain Knowles 9 240
18th Regiment Royal Irish, Lieutenant-Colonel Adams 30 648
26th Regiment (Cameronians), Major Johnstone 8 153
49th Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Morris 24 460
55th Regiment, Lieutenant- Colonel Craigie ... 26 731
6 184
Madras Sappers and Miners ....
Total... 103 2,416
Four native officers, and sergeants and drummers, are
included in the second column.
In the afternoon of the 4th of September, the weather
having become calm and fine, the preconcerted signal
for the embarkation of the troops from the town and
island of Amoy was made on board the flag -ship. Upon
this sudden order, the troops were paraded in perfect
regularity, without a single instance of drunkenness or
misconduct, after eight days of harassing duty on shore,
amid temptations of every kind . Under the direction
of Commander Giffard, of the Cruiser, the whole force
was embarked, without any accident, by half- past six
o'clock, on board the Nemesis and other steamers, which
conveyed them out to their respective transports, in
readiness to sail on the following day. Not even a
camp-follower was left behind (and they are generally
a very troublesome class) ; but, in order to make sure
| List of H. M. ships and vessels, and of the Honourable Company's
steam - vessels, in action at Amoy, 26th of August, 1841 .
Wellesley ( Flag) .... 72 Captain T. Maitland.
Blenheim 72 Captain T. Herbert.
Blonde 44 Captain T. Bourchier.
Druid 44 Captain II. Smith .
Modeste 18 Captain H. Eyres.
Cruiser 16 Commander Giffard.
Pylades ...... 18 Commander Anson .
Columbine 16 Commander Clarke.
Bentinck 10 Lieutenant R. Collinson.
Algerine 10 Lieutenant T. Mason .
Sesostris steamer 4 Commander Ormsby, I.N.
Phlegethon steamer 4 Lieutenant M'Cleverty, R.N.
Nemesis steamer 4 Mr. W. H. Hall, R.N.
Queen steamer 4 Mr. W. Warden , R. N.
that there was no straggler, the Nemesis was afterwards
sent in again to the town, to bring off any one that
might accidentally have bëen left. But the only strag
gler which was found happened to be aa fine fat bullock,
which was soon put on board the Nemesis, and carried
Every preparation was now completed for the depar
ture of our forces on the following morning, the 5th of
148 AMOY .
Mercantile spirit of Amoy - Character of the people — Enterprising colo
nists — English compelled to abandon their factory, owing to extortions
—Prospects of future trade — Capabilities of Amoy - Great trade with
Formosa - Dutch once settled there — Question of an English settle
ment on the Bonin Islands — Their character and position - Notices of
Formosa — The last Tartar conquest — Chinese colonization — Settle
ment of the Dutch — Their expulsion from the island - Productions
-Great trade with Amoy - Probable demand for English manufac
tures — Wreck of the Nerbudda and Ann - History of the unfortunate
sufferers — Their cruel treatment — Imprisonment— Ty -wan -foo
Inquisitiveness of the mandarins— Strange questions - Horrid details
-Hopes raised and disappointed — Final tragedy.
All those persons who have visited Amoy, either out
of curiosity or on matters of business, appear to agree
with each other in regarding it as a place peculiarly
adapted for the extension of European trade. The mer
cantile spirit and enterprise of its inhabitants, and their
anxious desire to trade with foreigners, when not held
back by the arbitrary orders of the mandarins, have
been long known and recorded by several travellers,
before there was any prospect whatever of the trade
being opened. Mr. Gutzlaff observed, respecting it, in
the account of his voyage along the coast : “ Its excel
AMOY. 149
lent harbour has made it from time immemorial one of
the greatest emporiums of the empire, and one of the
most important markets of Asia. Vessels can sail close
up to the houses, load and unload with the greatest
facility, have shelter from all winds, and, in entering or
leaving the port, experience no danger of getting ashore.
The whole adjacent country being sterile, the inhabi
tants were forced to seek some means of subsistance
elsewhere. Endowed with an enterprising spirit, and
unwearied in the pursuit of gain , they visited all parts
of the Chinese empire, gradually became bold sailors,
and settled as merchants all along the coast. Thus they
colonized Formosa, which, from that period to this, has
been their granary ; and visited and settled in the Indian
archipelago, Cochin China, and Siam . A population
constantly overflowing, demanded constant resources
for their subsistence, and this they found in coloniza
tion ; and thus they spread themselves all along the
coast of China, up to Mantchou Tartary. As soon as
the colonists amass sufficient money, they return home,
which they leave again when all is spent.” Elsewhere
he says, “ Many of these merchants, settled in the
northern parts of China, return annually with their pro
fits. It is not surprising, therefore, that aa large amount
of Chinese shipping belongs to Amoy merchants, and
that the greater part of the capital employed in the
coasting trade is their property. Hence, even this bar
ren tract is become one of the richest in China, from
the enterprise of its inhabitants. Wherever the people
go, they are rarely found in a state of abject poverty ;
on the contrary, they are often wealthy, and command
150 AMOY .
the trade of whole islands and provinces, as well by
their capital as by their superior enterprise and indus
try .” The English, who had formerly a factory at Amoy,
were compelled to relinquish the trade by the severe
extortions to which they were subject. The Dutch
continued it for a longer time, but neglected it when
their influence at Formosa ceased . The natives of
Amoy have always shown themselves ready to cultivate
the friendship of foreigners, wherever they have been,
and in their dealings they have aa character for honesty
beyond all other Chinese. They are more ambitious of
successful mercantile enterprise than of literary dis
tinction or advancement, which is generally so dear to
a Chinaman .
It is thus evident that no place better calculated for
the purpose than Amoy could have been selected , for
the extension of our trade with that country . If con
ducted with prudence in the first instance, and if ami
cable relations and mutual confidence be gradually and
cautiously established, it can hardly be doubted that, in
the course of very few years, our commercial intercourse
will lead to a friendly and intimate connection with the
people. “ Justice and forbearance,” says Gutzlaff,
“ must be on our side ; we should do our utmost to con
ciliate by unequivocal acts of kindness, and we should
prove ourselves Christians by honest dealings, and phi
lanthropists by our religion .”
The shops of Amoy are generally well supplied with
the necessaries and luxuries of life, the merchants are
civil ; and although the town is neither handsome nor very
cleanly, and the population in some parts of it are
ΑΜΟΥ . 151
densely crowded together, still there are many fine
houses, which indicate the possession of wealth and con
An immense trade is carried on between Amoy and
the island of Formosa, to which a great number of emi
grants are even still attracted, from the province of
Fokien. Before the occupation of Hong Kong was
thought of, several proposals were made for forming a
British settlement upon Formosa, as being conveniently
situated for extending our trade with the inhabitants,
not only of the adjacent district of Fokien, but of
the whole coast of China. This suggestion was partly
encouraged by the recollection of the settlement which
the Dutch once possessed upon the island ; but it seemed
to be forgotten that the Dutch were at length forcibly
expelled, and that the population having greatly in
creased since that period , it is not likely that we should
be suffered to retain possession of any part of the island
without being constantly harassed and provoked to
bloodshed ; moreover, the privilege of trading with
Amoy does away with all probability of advantage to
be derived by direct trade with Formosa.
Among other proposals, that of a settlement upon the
Bonin islands (which are said already to belong to Great
Britain ) was suggested, with a view to commercial en
terprise with China ; and Mr. Tradescant Lay warmly
supported this notion. These islands were taken pos
session of by Captain Beechey , of H.M.S. Blossom , in
1827, and they extend from latitude 27°, 44 ', to 26 °,
30' n., being about five days' sail from the Lew-Chew
islands , and three from Japan. In the course of a few
years, it is not improbable that Port St. George, the
principal harbour, may be resorted to with the object of
pushing our trade even into Japan itself. At the pre
sent moment, indeed, several Englishmen and other
Europeans are settled there, and are principally con
cerned in the whale fishery. There are also a good many
natives of the Sandwich Islands at Port St. George.
The islands are volcanic, but are rendered productive
with moderate cultivation .
It is worth while here to mention that the Bonin
islands and the Sandwich islands lie directly in the line
of future intercourse between China and the west coast
of America, and that it has been thought not improba
ble that a new route to China may some day be opened,
by way of California and the islands above-named .
To return from this digression to the island of For
mosa, which has claimed our particular interest, since
the massacre of so many of our shipwrecked country
men by the authorities, shortly before the termination
of the late war. In this horrible tragedy no less than
two hundred and eighty -three human beings were put
to death in cold blood , without any other crime than
that of helplessness, and without any other object than
that of obtaining rewards by fabricated statements, and
honours by false pretences. Formosa was the last con
quest of the present Tartar dynasty, and even since it
has been brought under Chinese dominion , the rebellions
and disturbances of its unruly inhabitants have been a
frequent source of alarm to the government. The im
perial troops have been frequently defeated with great
slaughter, and peace is said to have been purchased by
bribes more frequently than it has been won hy con
quest. The aboriginal inhabitants are still numerous
in the mountain districts, and along some parts of the
eastern shores, but they are said to be much oppressed
by the Chinese colonists, and also by the authorities.
When the Tartars first began the conquest of China,
great numbers of discontented spirits went over to For
mosa , from the neighbouring provinces, and it has been
corded that one hundred thousand people took refuge
there. The island belongs to the province of Fokien ,
along which it is situated at a distance varying from
seventy to one hundred and twenty miles, the passage
between it and the mainland being called the Formosa
channel. The length of this island is about two hun
dred and twenty miles, but the breadth of it is extremely
irregular. The Chinese population is at present sup
posed to amount to about two millions, and is con
stantly on the increase, by the accession of an influx of
emigrants from the mainlånd adjoining. They are at
tracted thither by the fertility of the soil, and the great
facilities for cultivating sugar and rice, which are there
grown to an extent sufficient to supply a vast quantity
of these necessary articles to the inhabitants of the
mainland, and to employ several hundred trading junks
in the traffic .
It is worthy of remark, that the Dutch contrived to
establish themselves upon the island of Formosa, and
ultimately to form a factory there, before the Tartar
conquest, and before it was regularly colonized by the
Chinese. The Japanese also partly contributed, though in
small numbers, to colonize the island. The Dutch had a
sinall garrison at a place called Tanshuy, or Tamsui, at
the northern extremity of the island, and another at
Kelung, not very far from it. Their object was to
make use of their settlement as a depôt, or centre of
trade, from which their operations could be extended
along the coast of China and Japan. Their influence
was, however, of very short continuance, as they were
ultimately completely driven out of the island , after
some few struggles, by the famous pirate, Coxinga, in
1662, about thirty or forty years after they had fairly
established themselves on it.
The present capital of the island is built upon the
site of the principal Dutch factory of former times, and
is called Taywanfoo ; it is upon the west coast, some dis
tance down towards its southern end . The harbour has, 1
however, become almost inaccessible, except to vessels 1
of very light draught of water, owing to the accumula
tion of sand, which is thought to frequently change its
place. Indeed, the sea has gradually continued to re
tire from many parts of the coast, and harbours which
were once frequented are at present inaccessible.
From the time of the expulsion of the Dutch, to the
period of our operations upon the coast of China, little
seems to have been known or heard of Formosa ; and,
owing to the jealousy of the Chinese, and other causes ,
no attempt seems to have been made to explore the 1
island . The colonists are described as being generally
very turbulent and given to violence, as it has become a
place of refuge for all the bad characters who can ma
nage to escape from the mainland ; but it is also the
home of many respectable and enterprising settlers ;
although being removed from the control of the superior
officers of the province, they live with less restraint, and
therefore readily become bold and lawless. For the same
reason, the local mandarins are cruel, rapacious, and
ignorant; and their behaviour towards our unfortunate
countrymen will suffice to stamp them with the charac
ter of treachery and thorough baseness. But the culti
vation and prosperity of the island have increased in a
rapid and remarkable manner ; and it is evident that
British manufactures will soon be spread among its nu
merous population, through their intimate connexion
with Amoy .
Besides furnishing immense supplies of rice, For
mosa also produces great quantities of sugar, camphor,
and tobacco, which are exported to Amoy. A great
part of the camphor is already carried down to Singa
pore in the trading junks from Amoy, but probably our
own trading vessels will henceforth procure supplies of
it on the spot, in exchange for cotton and other manu
factured articles.
Unruly as the people of Formosa are , the island is
nevertheless somewhat famous for its schools, which
are said to be in aa flourishing condition. Mr. Gutzlaff
states, that the rich men of Fokien frequently send
their sons over to obtain literary degrees at Formosa ;
and the Dutch, at an early period, took pains to spread
Christianity among the inhabitants, who, at that time,
were comparatively few in number. A few books on
Christianity were translated by them into the For
mosan language, and they were very successful in
making converts. Since they abandoned the island,
however, nearly all traces of their early labours have
The close connexion of Formosa with Amoy will
probably be the means of reviving amongst the inhabi
tants some of the lost spirit of Christianity' ; for we
cannot doubt that, in all parts of China, the increase of
missionary labour will keep pace with the increase of
commercial intercourse.
The wreck of the Nerbudda transport, on her way up
to join the expedition with camp -followers, in the month
of September, 1841 , soon after our forces left Amoy,
and the loss of the brig, Ann, a trading vessel, on her
way down to Macao, from Chusan, in the month of
March following, upon the shores of Formosa, served
to attract unusual attention towards that island , and
to put us in possession of some little information
respecting the interior.
The history and ultimate fate of our shipwrecked
countrymen is calculated to awaken the most painful
interest. On board the Nerbudda there were altogether
two hundred and seventy -four people ; of whom , twenty
nine were Europeans, two natives of Manilla, and two
hundred and forty -three natives of India. The captain
and the rest of the Europeans, with the two Manilla
men, and only three Indians, got away in the ship’s
boats immediately after she struck, and were provi
dentially picked up some days afterwards by a trading
schooner, called the Black Swan, on her way down to
Hong Kong. The unfortunate Indians, to the number
of two hundred and forty, who were left upon the wreck,
after remaining by her for five days , managed to con
struct rafts, upon which they attempted to reach the
shore. Many of them , however, perished in the surf,
and others are supposed to have been murdered by the
Chinese plunderers. The exact number, therefore, who
fell into the hands of the Chinese authorities, and were
imprisoned and subjected to the greatest privations, can
not be ascertained ; but they were thought to amount,
according to the best information which could be ob
tained, to more than a hundred and fifty.
On board the brig Ann there were in all fifty -seven
souls ; of whom, fourteen were natives of Europe or
America, four Portuguese, five Chinamen, and thirty
four natives of India. Out of all those who were taken
prisoners, belonging to both vessels, only nine ultimately
escaped an untimely fate, and were restored at the end
of the war, according to the terms of the treaty.
The following account of what befel the unfortunate
sufferers on board the Ann will apply with little varia
tion to those who were wrecked before them in the
Nerbudda. It is extracted and condensed from a curi
ous journal, kept by one of the sufferers, a fine young
man, who was a passenger on board . It was found
concealed in his cell, after his unfortunate fate, and
cannot but awaken feelings of deep commiseration for
all his companions in distress. It was written upon
common Chinese paper, with a piece of bamboo, and
the account was continued to within five or six days of
the time when the final tragedy is supposed to have
The information in the text was extracted from the manuscript,
more than a year ago, in China. But the journals of Mr. Gully and
Captain Denham have been recently published in full, in this country.
taken place. It was written day by day, as the various
little occurrences took place, and some of the observa
tions casually made upon the appearance of the island
will be read with great interest ; but I have thought
proper to omit the minutiæ and repetition of abrupt
and hasty notes, which would have been tedious and of
little benefit.
It will here be proper to mention, that prompt re
dress and “ condign ” punishment upon the heads of
those high officers, whose false and pitiless misrepre
sentations occasioned the final catastrophe, has since
been demanded, in firm and dignified terms, by Her Ma
jesty's Plenipotentiary ; and one of the conditions in
sisted on was, “ that the property of the high authori
ties of the island, who were perfidiously concerned in
the affair, should be confiscated , and the amount paid
over to the officers of the British government, to be ap
plied to the relief and support of the families of the in
nocent men who suffered ."
By the orders of the Emperor, a strict investigation
has been made into all the circumstances connected with
the dreadful event ; and a report has been sent up to
Pekin , by the Viceroy of Fokien, condemnatory of the
misrepresentation and duplicity of the authorities of
Formosa .
The whole of the fifty -seven individuals who were on
board the Ann quitted the wreck at daylight; and,
having marched along the shore about two miles, they
fell in with two junks, lying wind-bound in a small
river or creek. They hoped to be able to put to sea,
and stretch across to Amoy ; but the gale continued so
violent that it prevented them from getting out of the
creek. They were not ill-treated by the Chinese junk
men, but, as they were without food of any kind, and
exposed to a cold, cutting wind, it was soon evident
that they must surrender themselves to the Chinese
authorities. Soldiers soon gathered round them in
crowds; and , as they had very little ammunition , any
attempt to defend themselves, which might have caused
the death of some of the soldiers, or of the mob, would
certainly have been followed by the massacre of the
whole party. In the afternoon, they all gave them
selves up,, without having fired a single shot, and with
out attempting to make any kind of resistance. They
were immediately stripped and marched away, exposed
to the most cutting wind and sleet, without any cover
ing, their feet cut by the sharp shells with which the
beach was covered, and with very little allowance of
food . It is not surprising, therefore, that two men soon
died from fatigue and exposure, and several others fell
from sheer exhaustion, and were obliged to be carried
along in baskets ; others were afterwards carried in
sedans, more for sake of security than from any feeling
of compassion for them . It was remarked, that, during
the whole journey of thirteen or fourteen days, to the
capital of the island, the lascars or Indian sailors showed
a great deal of bad and selfish behaviour towards each
other. Each man of the party had a ticket fastened
round his neck, stating what he was, and whence he
was brought; being treated in this respect like public
criminals . For a great length of time their food was
only salt fish and greens, with sometimes rice. They
suffered all sorts of abuse and indignities in every town
and village through which they passed ; but it is re
marked, “ that the women (who did not appear to be at
all secluded) did not join in this, although they exhi
bited the usual curiosity of the sex. ” They were ob
served throughout the whole journey to be very plain,
but they had a pretty fashion of dressing their hair, by
weaving natural flowers amongst it."
After the first two or three days, they came to a
considerable walled town, where they were placed for
the night in two cells, about eight feet by seven feet,
in which twenty - five unfortunate beings were stowed, !
with nothing to lie upon, the weather being intensely
cold. Three guards were placed over them . The rest
of the party were taken by aa different route, but they
all ultimately reached the capital. One large town
they came to was enclosed , as were some others, by a
high, red brick wall. It was situated in a large paddy
swamp or valley, interspersed here and there with small
hamlets, around which the bamboo plantations were
growing in great beauty and luxuriance, and of extra
ordinary height, many of them measuring upwards of
sixty feet. In some of the smaller towns and villages,
the so-called gates ( for they all had them ) were con
structed of bamboo . The country appeared well culti
Probably the women at Formosa are much less numerous, compared
with the men, than in most other places. The men come over from the
mainland, but do not bring their women. It is believed that infanticide
of female children is very prevalent at Amoy. The men are driven by
poverty to emigrate, and have no means of providing for female children,
who are therefore frequently smothered or drowned.
vated in many parts, and wheat and sugar-cane were
met with ; but other parts of the country were very
barren, and covered with large stones, such as are called
boulders, ” in some parts of England. Generally, the
men were made to wear handcuffs, but they were not of
great strength, for some of the party managed to break
them off'; and they were then carried along in chairs,
under a strong guard of soldiers, but were occasionally
allowed to walk. Wherever they went, the crowd and
annoyance of the hosts of curious gazers, who frequently
insulted them, was so great that it was a relief to get
lodged in the common gaol, which was divided into
several cells, each cell having cages in it, made of
wooden bars, just like the dens of wild beasts. The
cells were also provided with a regular pair of stocks,
in order to afford greater security, if required. One of
the cells was filled with Chinese prisoners.
The great object of the mandarins now appeared to
be, to get some of the party to admit that the Ann was
a man - of-war, sent to look after the crew of the Ner
budda, who were known to be still upon the island.
With this view, two of the men were mercilessly beaten,
but without the desired effect. So common and so
public a practice did opium -sinoking appear to be, that
even the soldiers who acted as an escort carried their
opium-pipes in their girdles. For the first twelve days,
the prisoners were never allowed to wash even their
faces, and at length they could only do it in aa dirty pool
by the road side. For the last four days before they
reached the capital, called Ty -wan -foo, they were com
pelled to wear leg-irons as well as handcuffs . Generally,
VOL . II . M
they were allowed to purchase their own food during the
journey ; for which purpose a little money was given to
them, at the rate of one mace, or about fivepence, a
day. But this was only after the first few days.
It was remarked that wheel - carts were in common
use in the island, and tracks of them were seen in all
directions. On the mainland of China these are un
known, except in the neighbourhood of Pekin ; but, in
the island of Hainan , to the southward of Canton, they
are very common, and similar in construction to those
in use upon Formosa . They are, however, very clumsy
and inconvenient ; the wheels, which are small, being
composed of two semicircular pieces of solid wood,
joined together, with the axle fixed into the wheel
itself, so as to revolve with it, and not within it, but
made to turn round under the body of the cart. The
roads or causeways are generally broader than upon the
mainland, and were in many places shaded with bam
boos on each side. Several rivers were crossed near the
capital, and the country was somewhat improved in ap
About twenty miles from Ty -wan -foo they passed a
night in a large town, with walls built of chunam ; at
the entrance of which were placed several very long
guns, not mounted on carriages, but fixed upon the
ground, rather to indicate their good intentions than
their ability to perform them . Here again they were
lodged in the common gaol ; and, on the following
morning, the Chinese servant who had been taken pri
soner with them had a chain put round his neck, in ad
dition to his leg -irons and handcuffs. The next night
(the last before they entered the capital) was spent at
an inn by the road-side, which was so crowded with
travellers that scarcely any food could be procured.
The Chinese had regular fights and scrambles for the
little which was to be had, and their appetites appeared
by no means delicate ; but, whether their hunger was
appeased or not, they were all prepared in the evening
to enjoy in good earnest the luxury of the opium -pipe,
soldiers and travellers all alike ; nor did the two man
darins who were present interfere in any manner to
point out its impropriety.
On the 24th March ( fourteenth day since the wreck),
they were destined to make their wretched entrance
into the capital. At the distance of six or seven miles
from it, they were met by an officer and a few soldiers,
by whom their names and their numbers were called
over, according to a list which the officer held in his
hand, and they were then separated into smaller parties,
and led by different routes into the city. As they ap
proached the gate, they, for the first time, caught a
glimpse of the sea, with a few junks at anchor at a dis
tance, towards which they hopelessly strained their
longing eyes. The walls of the city appeared to be in a
state of dilapidation, except near the gateway, where
they had been recently repaired and whitewashed. The
prisoners were now fairly within the capital of Formosa,
and were conducted to an open space, planted thickly
with trees, but broken up by rough water-courses, over
which there were several bridges of stone. Thence they
were led through back lanes, avoiding the principal
streets, to the house of a high mandarin , in front of
M 2
which they halted for aa short time : here such was the
pressure of the crowd and the curiosity of the people,
that the chairs in which they had been brought were
nearly pulled to pieces before they were ordered to get
out and enter the outer gateway of the mandarin's
Here they were drawn up in line, to have the tickets
round their necks copied ; but, before the process could
be half finished, the pressure of the crowd became so
great that the mandarins were obliged to discontinue
the task. A ludicrous scene followed , which, for the
moment , afforded amusement even to the prisoners
themselves. The enraged mandarins charged the mob
in great fury, and whipped them with their long tails,
which, having silk woven on to the ends, gave some
tolerable cuts to the people's faces. For a few minutes
our hapless prisoners were put for refuge into a small
temple which was close at hand ; but even here the
mob pressed so hard upon them that the door was
nearly smashed in ; and, as a last resource , they were
marched off with heavy irons on their legs, which
bruised them at every step, to a prison in the court
yard of a superior mandarin's house, about one hundred
yards distant. Here their treatment was very bad ; for 1
several successive days they were brought up before the
mandarin to answer an infinity of questions, many of
them very puerile, about the names, ages, and duties of
every one on board the Ann ; also about geography and 1
the possessions of Great Britain , and where the poppy
was grown ; how money was raised, & c . & c . The Chi
nese carpenter of the vessel acted as interpreter ; and,
on one occasion, both he and the other Chinaman were
severely flogged with bamboos.
After some time, those who could draw were allowed
to sketch ships, carriages, and other things, which ex
ceedingly amused the Chinese, who were glad to pur
chase them ; so that by these means they were able to
procure food and tobacco, and thus to diminish in some
degree their chances of being carried off by starvation
or sickness.
After the lapse of a week or two, fever broke out,
and they were then separated into smaller parties, and
were put into different cells or prisons, some faring
better, some worse, according to the temper or caprice,
or even roguery, of the particular jailor who chanced to
have charge of them . One of these wretches seems to
have been a perfect fiend of his class ;; he kept one party
of ten miserable human beings in aa den so small that not
one of them could lie down at night. It will scarcely
be believed that they were made to exist for two whole
months in this horrid black hole, only eleven feet six
inches long, by seven feet six inches wide ; grudging each
other every little inch of room , and longing even for
the little bit of space which the single insensible bucket,
which was the only piece of furniture, occupied in their
den . Here were ten human beings stowed away toge
ther, some sick, some sore, and all in pain and misery.
For some time they were not permitted to come out of
the den at all, but at last they were let out once a day,
and were allowed a very little water to wash them
selves ; only two or three, however, could wash them
selves on the same day, so that the whole of them could
only be able to wash themselves once in three days. Of
course, they were dreadfully infected with vermin of
every kind, and, as the author of the journal expresses
it, “ A few weeks have sufficed to bring me down from
a strong hale man , to a wretched helpless being, dis
gusted with myself.”
Many attempts were made to get a note sent across
to Amoy,to give information of their situation ; and the
promise of one hundred dollars on its safe delivery, and
one hundred more on bringing an answer back (to be
paid at Amoy ), sufficed to induce a tolerable trusty
Chinaman to undertake the task. We shall see pre
sently how far it succeeded . It has before been stated
that the several parties fared differently, according to
the humanity or rapacity of the particular jailor . Some
thing also depended upon the particular mandarin under
whose supervision they were placed , but it is noticed
that the highest, or red button mandarin, was the best
of all, and frequently ordered some of the hardships they
complained of to be remedied, particularly as regarded
the quality of the food .
On the other hand, it is stated , that one of the jailors,
who was humane enough to allow his party of prisoners
to be shaved, was taken before a mandarin and punished
with fifty strokes of the bamboo ; after which, no visitors
were allowed to see them at all, and the jailor became
very sulky, except when he was drunk, which he gene
rally was, by the use of opium, every evening. Some
times they were taken out of prison in order to draw
for the mandarins, at others, to undergo repeated exami
nations for their amusement. In the first instance, how
ever, the object invariably was, to betray them into an
admission, however remote, that the vessel was really a
man -of-war. But it was quite evident that they knew
perfectly well that she was not so, and at length the
red button mandarin put an end to this part of the busi
ness. From this time, their questions were more of a ge
neral nature,, but many of them were exceedingly absurd .
The mention of Sir Henry Pottinger's name (for they
appeared already to have heard of him) invariably made
them angry , and on one occasion they inquired whether
he was a white or a black man. They also inquired
a good deal about the Queen , her court, and ministers ,
mode of life, &c., and how many husbands she was
allowed to have ; expressing great astonishment when
they learnt that in Europe kings and queens , as well as
private individuals , had only one wife or husband ; and
then they proceeded to enumerate the virtues of their
own emperor, and to plume themselves upon their own
cleverness .
On one occasion , they asked whether America had not,
some time or other, been situated in England ? whether
a man could now walk from London to America in a
week ? how large London was, and how many outside
( foreign) nations are subject or tributary to England ?
Endless were their curious questions, and on one occa
sion they exhibited an officer's jacket, and a corporal's
coat with the 55th button on it, and particularly
inquired the use of an epaulette, which they held up,
fancying it was intended to be worn on the head . Some
times the prisoners were a little better treated after
these examinations ; but these occasional moments of
relief, to the monotony and misery of their situa
tion, were very few , and served rather to awaken
hopes which were not to be realised , than to afford any
certain prospect of amelioration to their lot. Promises,
indeed, were made often enough, but only to be broken ;
and their cup of bitterness was always made more bitter
by the half -solemn mockery with which tantalizing
offers were made to them , and an affectation of interest
exhibited in their behalf, which invariably proved to be
but a vain shadow and an empty fiction .
During the first half of the month of May, it rained
incessantly, and they were very imperfectly protected
from its effects. In fact, the rain always beat through
their roof, and when it was heavy , or long continued, it
flooded their den : the least bit of dry plank , or a par
tially sheltered corner, was matter of envy and conten
tion ; and, as may be supposed , they not only suffered
from bad food , confinement, vermin , and ill-health, but
were incessantly tormented with the most venomous
mosquitoes, producing inflammation and sores. In this
condition they were kept in the most harassing state
of suspense ; one day being assured that they would be
sent away in a month ; another, that they had no chance
of liberty for six months, and the very next, perhaps,
that their heads would soon be taken off ; while this
again was followed by promises of protection, and re
newed assurances of ultimate rescue .
Fortunately, the talent for drawing, possessed by
Mr. Gully and Captain Denham , served to gain for
them friends and pacify enemies. The former com
menced no less an undertaking than that of drawing a
railway with steam -carriages and thirteen coaches, with
a fine-looking tunnel just ready for them to pass through .
This did astonish the natives, and they began to look
upon the barbarians with some little respect. This
chef d'euvre was followed by sea -fights, steamers, tiger
hunts, views of Chusan, Chinbae, and Amoy, the sale
of which occasionally furnished them with a few neces
saries. In fact, the ups and downs in their lot seem to
have alternated as often as the sun rose ; but, alas, it
was only a succession of clouds that passed before them ,
and the changes were commonly only from bad to worse,
or to less bad .
In this way month after month continued to drag its
slow length along. At the end of about three months'
close confinement, a slight change for the better took
place ; they were moved into rather better quarters,
where they were only three together, so that they had
more room to breathe; they were also allowed water
to wash themselves, and aa little money was given to them .
It was thought that this arose in consequence of infor
mation received by the authorities that there was some
chance of an attack being made upon this island , by our
forces at Amoy, with a view to liberate the prisoners.
It was now ascertained, also, that the fisherman who had
promised to carry over the letter to Amoy, two months
before, had succeeded in his attempt , and an answer had
been brought back by him , which held out the prospect
of speedy release . Another letter was also sent off to
Amoy ; so that now at length their hopes again revived.
But, alas ! sickness had already begun its work, and their
minds were so depressed that even the boldest, who
tried to bear up bravely to the last, recorded his feel
ings that, “ One miserable day passed after another, with
nothing to help them to break in upon the wretched
ness oftheir existence ; no exercise being permitted, and
nothing, in fact, to relieve the dreadful monotony of
such prison life.” And what was the little improvement
in their lot, which resulted from their removal into
other cells ? “ We now (three of us),” said he , “ have
five planks with a mat upon them to sleep on, and glad
we are to get into this new place, which is the Execu
tioner's Den, and which, until we had ourselves cleaned -
it, could never have been cleaned since it was built. "
Indeed, this process seems to have been part of their
daily work, for it is continually recorded that they
washed their planks this morning;” and on other occa 1
sions it is noted “ we scalded our clothes this morning
to kill the vermin ."
It was thought that the day they were removed into
this new berth must have been the Emperor's birthday,
or some day of rejoicing, for they had at the same time
a dinner of roast pork, with sweet cakes, and each man
received one mace, or fivepence in money. But this was
too good to last ; a mere freak of Fortune ! Generally
speaking, their food was so bad, that a great part of it
was thrown away , and it was only by quarrelling with 1
the jailors, and threatening to complain to the high
mandarin, that they could succeed in procuring any
eatable food at all.
In the month of June, several shocks of an earthquake
were felt, followed by terrific storms of thunder and
lightning. One poor fellow at length lost his senses. 3
He was able to draw a little ; but now he not only re
fused to draw any more, but declined every thing, even
tobacco, because it was purchased with money earned by
the drawings of others, saying that it was derogatory to
his dignity to make drawings for sale. This poor fellow
did not long survive. It is due to the better class of
mandarins to remark that, when complaints were made
to them, they procured some temporary improvement
for the prisoners . But promises, over and over again
made, of providing them with proper clothes, were never
attended to ; and at the end of July it is recorded, “ I
have on my back now the only shirt (and that a woollen
one) which I have had for five months, and half a pair
of cotton drawers upon my legs.
On the 4th of July, it was made known that honours
and rewards had been largely conferred upon the man
darins, for having contrived to take so many prisoners.
This was in answer to their false accounts of the busi
ness to the Emperor, in which they said that they had
attacked and destroyed two English men -of-war which
came prying into the coast, and had taken all the people
prisoners, enumerating the number of black, and red,
and white barbarians, and the quantity of barbarian
On the 10th of July, Mr. Gully, who had neces
sarily been ailing for some time, became seriously ill
with dysentery, brought on in a great measure by eating
large quantities of mangoes. The Chinese recommended
him two cures for it ; one was to eat the skins of the
mangoes alone, the other was to eat opium. The for
mer le found to have a good effect, at least so far that
his complaint improved under the treatment ; the latter
he was able to purchase at a moderate price from the
visiters, who brought it on purpose for him ; it was dif
ferent from the extract which is used for smoking, and
apparently much less powerful ; but he took a consi
derable quantity, and the effect of it was, that " in
a quarter of an hour it began to make him quite happy ;
in an hour quite sick ; after that he could neither go to
sleep nor yet rise up, but remained in a kind of dreamy
reverie all day.” He gradually got better, but was re
duced to the last degree of weakness.
The same mandarin who had given them a treat upon
the Emperor's birthday all along shewed more interest in
their condition than any of the others ; and one day, in
the hope of inducing him to give them some kind of in
dulgence, they told him that it was the birthday of the
Queen of England's eldest child, and that they all enter
tained so strong a feeling of“ filial obedience" and affec
tion towards their queen, that they wished to celebrate
the event. To their great surprise and delight, the man
darin's heart was moved by this appeal , and he gave
each of them money ; to some five mace, to others three 1
(equal to about two shillings) , and then sent them a
good dinner, and made himself quite agreeable; and, of
course, all the inferior officers, including the jailors, took
their tone for the day from their superior. On another
occasion, the lascars were all brought up before the chief
mandarin, having had new clothes first given to them ,
and he himself then presented each of them with a fan .
Imagine a lascar, or an Indian camp- follower, quietly
sitting down to fan himself !
All these circumstances naturally tended to revive
their hopes, and little did they dream of the horrible
catastrophe which was soon to take place. Towards
the end of July, they were informed that, in the course
of half a moon more, an answer would be received from
Pekin , containing the Emperor's commands as to what
was to be done with the prisoners ; and they were warned
that, if his majesty ordered that they should be decapi
tated, it would immediately be carried into effect. From
this it would seem that the authorities fully anticipated
that the representations which they had made would
induce the Emperor to issue such a cruel command ;
but the prisoners themselves still retained sufficient hope
to induce them to disbelieve the probability of such
a tragedy. With the exception of Captain Denham
(whose life was saved) and the Chinese carpenter, it does
not appear that any of them were tortured ; but the
dreadful cries of some of the Chinese prisoners could be
distinctly heard ; and two poor fellows were seen passing
by with their hands blackened, having been condemned
to have them chopped off.
One remark is worth recording, namely, that the
mandarins, from the highest to the lowest, as well as all
their servants and attendants, were in the constant habit
of smoking opium . Tobacco was also in general use, as
elsewhere in China, and was extensively cultivated on the
island. There was also noticed (what should have been
mentioned before) a curious vine- like plant, grown upon
trelliswork, and frequently observed to be carefully co
vered up with mats ; what it exactly was no one knew ,
but more care and attention seemed to be bestowed upon
it than upon any thing else which was seen upon the
island .
The final tragedy is believed to have taken place upon
the 12th or 13th of August, and is too horrible to dwell
upon. They were beheaded with the sword.
The punishment which is sure to befal the authorities
of the island for the false statements they made to the
Emperor will, it is hoped, henceforth teach them how to
exercise that humanity towards prisoners which they
themselves invariably received when they fell into our
hands. How many lessons have the Chinese learnt, and
how many have they yet to learn ! It is difficult to
account for their having reserved nine individuals from
the general massacre. Of these six were Europeans
or Americans, and three natives of India. It is sup
posed that they were retained in order to be sent to
Pekin , to be there cut in pieces. Fortunately, the treaty
of peace saved their lives, and they were at length con
veyed to Amoy, and there met with all the attention
they so much needed from their own countrymen.
Mention has already been made of the demands ad
dressed by Sir Henry Pottinger to the Emperor, in con
sequence of the murder of so many British subjects.
His majesty's reply, and the result of the inquiry or
dered to be made into the matter, have also been
alluded to.
Departure of the fleet from Amoy— Affair of the Nemesis at Sheipoo
Curious mode of getting a good pilot-Attack upon the forts — Three
war-junks blown up - Chinese troops dispersed — Apathy of the people
generally — Inaccuracy of the surveys of the coast — Alligator Island
-Interesting anecdote — Expatriated Chinese — Their wretched life
Rendezvous at Keeto Point - A village destroyed in retaliation for
murder - Attack upon Chinhae deferred— Reconnoissance of the har
bour of Chusan Remarks on the character and appearance of the
island — Its high state of cultivation - Anecdote of mountain hus
bandry in Tartary - City and harbour of Tinghai, and its new defences
described — Defects of the Chinese system - Reconnoissance of the Ne
mesis, Modeste, and Columbine Preparations for the capture of the
defences of Chusan — Positions of our ships — Mortar battery erected
on Melville Island Ist of October, 1841 – Debarkation of the troops
– Hills carried by the 55th, and long battery by the 18th regiments
- Capture of the city — And measures to prevent the escape of the
Chinese- General remarks.
On leaving the bay of Amoy, on the 5th of September,
the appointed places for the rendezvous of the fleet of
men - of -war and transports, in case of separation, were
successively the so -called Buffalo's Nose, at the entrance
of the Chusan group ; Keeto Point, a promontory run
ning out from the mainland towards Chusan ; and, lastly,
the bay or harbour of Tinghai, the capital of Chusan.
The progress of the squadron was slow for some days,
owing to light winds and a heavy swell ; and the Ne
mesis , being very light in the water , and having , more
over, a leak in her bottom (after the accident at Amoy )
was kept pretty close in shore, to avoid the swell out
side, but seldom entirely lost sight of the fleet. A con
siderable quantity of floating wood was picked up along
shore , which was very acceptable for fuel, of which she
had only a very small supply remaining on board .
On the 13th , eight days after leaving Amoy, the
north-east monsoon set in rather suddenly, and some
what earlier than usual, with heavy squalls and a thick
fog, which caused the unavoidable separation of the
squadron . At the commencement of this change of
weather, the Nemesis lost her fore-top-mast and top
gallant-mast, but continued her course leisurely along
shore until the following day, when she came to anchor
under a small island at the mouth of the river Tai
tchou, about thirty -five miles from Sheipoo, and be
tween fifty and sixty from the Buffalo's Nose. The
weather still continued very hazy and squally, enough
that the season was already very far advanced,
and that any longer delay at Amoy or at Hong Kong
would have probably occasioned a total suspension of
active operations until the following year.
On the 16th Captain Hall landed upon the island
above-mentioned, under which he had taken shelter,
with a party of men to look for wood , which was much
needed for fuel, and also for refreshments for the crew,
and then took the opportunity of ascending a high hill,
to take a survey of the neighbouring country. The
haze cleared off sufficiently to enable him to discover
the entrance to an extensive harbour, which proved to
be that of Sheipoo, where there is aa considerable trading
town. He thought that he could also make out some
thing like the appearance of batteries or field - works at
the entrance. The opportunity was a tempting one, to
endeavour to earn some little distinction for the Ne
mesis; and it was also probable that a good supply of
fuel would be found near the town ; a consideration
never to be lost sight of for a steamer. The spirit of
enterprise was now awakened ; and the state of the
weather, which continued very squally and unsettled,
precluded the possibility of putting out to sea .
Soon after daylight on the following morning, the
17th, a large junk hove in sight, which was boarded in
the hope of gaining some information, but was not
otherwise molested . Nothing important was elicited .
The Nemesis, however, now stood in for the entrance of
the harbour, which was very narrow, but fortunately
she soon fell in with a fishing -boat, in which were
several fishermen busy about their nets. It could not
be doubted that some among them would be induced to
act as pilots ; and, accordingly, by the help of a little
bad Chinese, they were made to understand that one of
them must come on board and pilot the vessel into the
harbour ; and he was promised ten dollars for his ser
vices if he took her in without any accident ; but, if she
touched ground, he was threatened to be immediately
run up to the yard-arm, to atone either for his treachery
or his misfortune, whichever it might be. The poor
fellow was in a dreadful state of alarm, as may be sup
posed, for he had never even seen a steamer or devil
VOL . II . N
ship before. But, when he was fairly fixed upon the
paddle-box , aud a running noose passed round his neck,
in readiness to carry the threat of a swing in the air
into execution , his terror could no longer be mastered .
He was soon pacified, however, when he was again re
minded that his punishment was only to happen in case
of treachery on his part ; and the renewed promise of
ten dollars reward for good pilotage (although he
scarcely expected ever to be paid) acted as a soothing
balm to his bewildered spirit. He perfectly understood
the conditions, and gradually recovered his self-posses
sion .
The tide swept so rapidly into the narrow entrance of
the harbour, that the Nemesis was fairly carried through
the passage before the two small field -works, which
were intended to protect it, could bring a single gun to
bear upon the vessel ; but the Chinese were seen run
ning down from their little encampment above, to man
the guns.
At the bottom of the harbour or basin , the town now
came into full view, with a large number of trading
junks of every kind, moored in lines close to each other
on one side of the town ; while on the other, or the left,
as you looked towards it, there was a small fort, which
appeared to have been recently repaired and strength
ened, but, like most other Chinese forts, was left almost
unprotected in the rear.
Upon a rising ground behind the fort a small body of
troops, about five or six hundred in number, were
drawn up, so that the Chinese were evidently prepared
for defence. The Nemesis immediately ran in towards
the fort, and took up a flanking position, anchoring by
the stern between it and the town , so as to bring her
guns to bear with the greatest advantage, without ex
posing herself to the direct fire of the fort. Shot, shell,
and canister, were now poured in , and the fort was soon
silenced . But the troops could now be seen descending
from the hill behind, and bringing heavy ginjals with
them , mounted on triangular stands, as if they intended
to oppose a landing. However, a few discharges of
grape-shot threw them into great disorder, killing many
of them ; Captain Hall then landed at the head of
all the men who could be spared from the ship, accom
panied by the unfortunate Mr. Gully, and took posses
sion of the fort, the Chinese flying before them ; four
guns, two brass and two iron ones, were destroyed in
the fort, the temporary sheds and buildings were set on
fire, and water was poured into the magazine to destroy
the powder. But it was not thought necessary to follow
the Chinese, who had retreated to the hill again, nor to
attempt to enter the town itself, from which no good
result could be expected ; indeed, the retreat of so
small a party to the boats might in the mean time have
been cut off, or, at all events, attended with some loss.
The whole party having now returned on board, boats
were sent out, manned and armed, to search for fuel, and
also to attempt to capture three large war-junks which
had been seen on the way up the harbour. All the
trading-junks were left unmolested ; but wood for fuel
was so much needed on board , that several of the wood
junks were soon picked out, well filled with the neces
sary article. The opportunity was extremely fortunate,
N 2
and in a short time no less than seven boat-loads of ex
cellent wood were obtained, amounting in all to about
seventy tons. Much labour was required to bring off so
large a quantity, and to stow it away expeditiously ;
nevertheless, during this operation one of the war- junks
was captured , (the crew having deserted her) and, as
soon as she was towed clear of the town and shipping,
so as not to cause any unnecessary damage, she was set
on fire in the middle of the harbour, and shortly blew
up.. Two guns, together with a quantity of ginjals,
matchlocks, swords, &c., were destroyed in her.
By eleven o'clock , the wooding -party had finished
their labours ; and, as a fresh body of troops appeared
to be collecting near the town, the steamer again ran
in, and poured a shower of grape and canister into
the midst of them, which made them instantly dis
perse . It was now midday, and officers and men were
thoroughly fatigued with their exertions since daylight;
the steamer was therefore moved to the upper end of
the harbour, while the men were quietly piped to
But the day's work was not finished yet. About
two o'clock the cutters were sent away, manned and
armed, under Mr. Galbraith , to destroy the other two
war -junks which had been seen in the morning. One
of them blew up close in shore, but the other was towed
out into the middle of the harbour, before she was set
on fire. One was found to mount fourteen guns, and
contained a large quantity of powder, with numerous
warlike implements of various kinds. Some of the
common Chinese labourers ran down to the shore, to
endeavour to extinguish the fire on board the junk,
which was aground ; but they were instantly driven off
by a few round shot.
The whole of this day's work was exceedingly in
teresting. The hills which surrounded the harbour
were covered with people, who crowded out of the town ,
and from all the neighbouring villages, to witness the
exploits of the “ devil-ship ,” the rapidity of whose
movements, the precision of her fire, and the volumes
of smoke and steam which issued from her, seemed to
awaken feelings of awe and mute astonishment, even
more than fear. There they stood for hours, apparently
unconcerned spectators of passing events ; and , as they
saw the destruction of the war-junks, while the mer
chant-junks remained uninjured, they appeared satisfied
that no mischief was threatened against the unarmed
inhabitants, so long as they did not interfere. The
neighbourhood of the town along the shore was laid
out in very neatly-cultivated gardens, and every thing
bore indications of a thriving and well -ordered com
The day was now far advanced, and it only remained
to capture the two forts or field -works upon the island,
just within the mouth of the harbour. A shot or two
had previously been fired at them in the course of the
morning, but it was now determined to take possession
of them, and destroy the works. On nearing them , a
few shells and rockets were discharged into them , and
the boats then put off manned and armed. The Chinese
had only just abandoned them . The two field -works
were very near each other, and were found to mount
nine guns, which were spiked, their carriages destroyed ,
and the tents of the soldiers were set on fire .
About five o'clock the Nemesis again made her way
out of the harbour without any accident, and without
having suffered any casualty among the men throughout
the whole day's arduous work, in which Mr. Freeze
(mate, R.N.), the chief officer, and Mr. Galbraith, the
second, bore a conspicuous part. Good service had
been rendered, not only by the destruction of the
enemy's works and vessels, and by obtaining so large
a supply of the much-needed fuel, but by the moral
impression which was created among the people, both
of our power and of our forbearance. The impor
tant news could not fail of being spread abroad far
and near, so as to reach the inhabitants of Ningpo
and other places which the expedition was likely to
The Chinese fisherman who had acted as pilot
was of course liberated as soon as the harbour was
cleared, and he appeared no less astonished than over
joyed when the promised ten dollars were counted out
into his hands.
On the following day, the 18th, the Nemesis reached
the appointed rendezvous at Buffalo's Nose, and found
the Sesostris was the only vessel which had preceded
her ; the rest of the fleet having been kept back by
contrary winds and hazy weather. When we remember
what a large number of hired transports and store-ships
passed up and down along the coast of China from this
time to the close of the war, many of which had fre
quently a great part of their crew sick, we cannot but 1
. nd uur
. 844
be surprised that so few accidents happened. The in
accuracy of the surveys of the coast which had been
then made ; the wrong position on the charts of most
of the numerous islands which stand out as bulwarks
at very uncertain distances from the shore ; the strength
and unknown irregularities of the currents, and the
heavy squalls which frequently burst suddenly over that
part of China, rendered the navigation precarious, and
frequently caused the utmost anxiety. Occasionally
the captains found themselves inside of islands, when
they believed that they were some distance outside ;
and I well remember, on one occasion, making the
voyage up to Chusan in a fast-sailing brig -of-war, which
just weathered a long, rocky island called the Alligator,
and at noon discovered it to have been laid down upon
the chart full twenty miles wrong in its latitude ; an
error which can scarcely be accounted for.
It may be interesting here to mention, that, as we
passed the island, we fancied that we could make out
three or four men standing upon its rocky, barren sum
mit, and making signals to the vessel, as if they were
in distress. The brig was ordered to stand on and off
under the lee of the island, while a boat was sent on
shore, well manned, in charge of an officer, who had
some difficulty in landing. The men now turned out
to be four Chinamen , looking like half-savages, with
| To show how sickly the coast of China is, in some seasons, it may
be mentioned, that on board the Lion, which conveyed Lord Macartney's
embassy to China in 1792, no less than ninety -three men were put
upon the sick list in less than aa week after she came to anchor on the
upper part of the east coast.
very little clothing. They gave no indication of a de
sire to be taken off the island , probably through fear.
As far as their signs could be understood , they seemed
prepared to live and die there ; and it was suspected
that they were convicts sent over from the mainland,
but they were under no control. The island appeared
perfectly barren ; and their only food seemed to be com
posed of various kinds of shell -fish, which they found
upon the shore ; and the shells of those which they
had eaten remained in large heaps, so that they must
already have spent considerable time upon the island.
Their only habitation was a small cavern in the rock :
the only wood for firing was such as was casually
washed on shore ; and they had no other water than
what they could collect in the holes among the rocks
during the rains.
The strength of the currents among the Chusan
islands, and the continued boisterous weather, made it
difficult to collect all the transports at the appointed
rendezvous. The Admiral did not get up until the 21st ;
and the General , being on board a large transport which
had been carried far down to leeward, did not join until
the evening of the 25th .
In the mean time, the Nemesis had gone to join the
Phlegethon at Keeto Point, where the sad tale was
learnt of one of the officers of the Lyra (an opium ves
sel), Mr. Wainwright, and one of the crew , having been
enticed on shore, under the pretence of selling them
stock, and of their having been then overpowered and
cruelly murdered. This event occurred very near the
village where Captain Stead had been murdered some
months before . Lieutenant M'Cleverty soon after
wards landed with his crew, accompanied by Lieutenant
Crawford and the commanders of the Lyra and Ann , and
soon put to flight a party of Chinese soldiers, burnt
their barracks, and then destroyed a great part of the
As soon as the Nemesis arrived , no time was lost in
landing to examine the adjacent country, which was
very picturesque and beautifully cultivated. But the
recollection of the cruel fate of the poor fellows who had
been so recently captured , and, as was believed, barba
rously put to death there, with the sight of the very
spots where the sad occurrences took place, awakened
feelings of bitterness, and a wish for retaliation, which it
was impossible to suppress. In a very short time, every
thing that remained undestroyed was set on fire, inclu
ding various buildings, stacks of rice and grass, &c .; and ,
as darkness set in, the whole valley appeared lighted
up with the blaze of the spreading fires. Several pigs
were luckily captured on the way back, and served as
fresh food for the men , which was much needed .
Numerous trading junks were passing and repassing
during the few days the Nemesis was at anchor at
Keeto Point, and they were frequently searched to look
for fuel. A large one, completely laden with this neces
sary article, was detained, and brought alongside, and
her captain proceeded to count out the billets of wood ,
as if he thought he was sure to be very handsomely
rewarded . Great were his lamentations, when he found
that nothing was forthcoming in exchange, and, above
all, that bis beloved boat or junk was to be altogether
186 CHUSAN .
detained for the present. The reason was obvious,
namely, that she was wanted to go and fetch water for
the ship, and, moreover, that if she were allowed to
depart, she would spread such an alarm , that no more
wood-boats would ever venture to approach a steamer
again in that quarter."
At length, all the transports were assembled, accord
ing to a preconcerted arrangement, just off the little
island called “ Just in the Way ;" as it was the original
plan laid down by the General and the Admiral to occupy
Ningpo, after having first captured the heights ofChinhae,
which command the entrance of the Tahae river, which
leads up to Ningpo. Chusan was to have been retaken
afterwards. The boisterous state of the weather, how
ever, prevented the ships from approaching near enough
to Chinhae, to carry out this part of the plan ; and it
was, therefore, determined to make an immediate re
connoissance of the harbour and defences of Chusan, or
rather of its capital town, Tingbai ; this was accordingly
carried into execution on the following day, the 26th of
The Admiral and General, together with the Pleni
potentiary and suite, embarked early in the morning on
board the Phlegethon , the Nemesis being ordered to
accompany them . As they approached Chusan, the
alarm was given by the Chinese, from numerous watch
towers, or rather signal stations erected upon the hills,
or upon the tops of the several islands which lie in the
immediate neighbourhood. Great changes had evidently
Subsequently, the poor fellow was paid the full amount of his claim ,
by the orders of the Admiral.
CHUSAN . 187
taken place since our forces left Chusan, a few months
before ; and preparations of an extensive kind had been
rapidly made for the defence of the place. As the
steamers entered the principal harbour, by its western
side, between the so -called Tea Island and Guard Island,
the Chinese opened a few guns at them, but at too
great a distance to do any damage; and as there was no
wish to attack them in a desultory manner, the steamers
were ordered to keep at a good distance, but to direct
their movements so as to get a complete view of all the
Chinese positions .
The rapidity of the tides, in the different channels
leading into the harbour, is so great that large vessels
sometimes become perfectly unmanageable ; and even
powerful steamers found it difficult to stem the current.
Nothing can be more striking or picturesque than the
views on every side, as you approach Chusan . Much as you
may have read of the careful cultivation and economical
husbandry of the Chinese (not always so great as sup
posed), you are here particularly struck with the gar
den-like aspect of every spot of ground you see.. The
country is hilly on all sides, but every hill is cultivated
with extreme care, up to its very summit. It is divided
into small ridges, or beds, in which various productions
are raised, side by side, giving the greatest possible
variety to the aspect of the country , and pointing out
the vast labour and perseverance with which the tillage
must be conducted, “ to subdue the stubborn soil.” It
is almost entirely spade-husbandry, and ought rather to
be called horticulture .
In the low valleys, and little sheltered nooks, you
188 CHUSAN .
trace villages and farm -houses of neat appearance ; and
every bend of the coast, every little bit of low,, swampy
ground, is embanked and recovered from the sea by long,
thick, stone walls, which are maintained with the ut
most care. Behind these, the ground is laid out in
rice-fields, irrigated with much ingenuity, and there is
a general appearance of well-being and industry, which
indicates a thriving and contented population. How
different from the aspect of Hong Kong, and the other
islands to the southward ! But it would give an exag
gerated idea of the general productiveness of the empire ,
to suppose that every part of it is cultivated in a similar
manner. Generally speaking, the island of Chusan,
with some of the smaller ones adjacent to it, may be
considered as among the most picturesque and fertile
spots in the north of China, as far as it was visited by
the expedition, and the loss of this possession was
deeply felt by the Emperor, of which, as he said, “ he >
read the account with fast falling tears."!
The great and rapidly completed preparations which
were found to have been made for the protection of the
island prove the importance with which it was regarded.
The city of Tinghai, the capital of Chusan , is a
walled town of the third class, about two miles in circum
1 In some of the most barren parts of Tartary, where the people with
difficulty obtain the means of subsistence, remarkable care is bestowed
upon the cultivation of patches of ground, only a few yards square, upon
the side of the most rugged mountains. Æneas Anderson says, “ Upon
a very high mountain in Tartary (on the road to the imperial residence ),
I discovered patches of cultivated ground in such a position as to appear
altogether inaccessible. Presently I observed one of the poor husband
men employed in digging a small spot near the top of a hill, where, at
first sight, it appeared impossible for him to stand, much less to till the
ference, having four entrances, with double-arched gate
ways, situated at right angles to each other, according
to the usual Chinese practice. The greater part of the
town is surrounded by a wet ditch or canal, which adds
very much to the natural unhealthiness caused by im
perfect drainage, (owing to the lowness of its situation)
and by the swampy rice -grounds, which occupy the
whole valley. Indeed, were it not protected by a raised
bank running along the face of the harbour, from which
the city is three quarters of aa mile distant, the whole of
the valley in which the town is situated would fre
quently be flooded . It was upon this raised bank that
the great line of sea battery, presently to be described,
had been recently erected. A narrow causeway and a
shallow canal connect the city with a village, at which
is the principal landing-place of the harbour, situated
at the foot of a steep, conical hill, which stands about
the centre of the whole sea -face of the valley or plain ,
which may be about three miles broad . The latter is
bounded by steep hills on either side, which stretch
down close to the city, and command the western face
of the walls.
The hill at the landing - place, which came to be
known by the name of Pagoda Hill, is a very striking
object from every point of the harbour. The appear
ground. I soon noticed that he had a rope fastened rouud his middle,
by which he let himself down from the top, to any part of the precipice
where a few square yards of ground gave him encouragement to plant
his vegetables. Situated as these spots are, at considerable distances from
each other, and considering the daily fatigue and danger of this man's
life, it affords an interesting example of Chinese industry, stimulated by
necessity." - See Anderson's Embassy of Lord Macartney.
ance of a temple upon it, and several small detached
buildings, which had been recently built as prisons for
the English, whom the Chinese intended to capture, and
the steepness of its summit, gave it an appearance of
strength , which it did not possess.
Directly opposite Pagoda Hill are two small islands,
called Trumball and Macclesfield Islands, which bound
the harbour on the eastern side, and upon the nearest
of these a mortar-battery was afterwards erected, for
the purpose of shelling Pagoda Hill .
To the southward the harbour is shut in by the
highly -cultivated and considerable island called Tea Is .
land ; while on its western side, at the extremity of the
long sea -battery, lies the small island called Guard Is
land, only separated by a very narrow passage called the
Devil's Gates from the hills which overlook the valley.
As the two steamers now entered the inner harbour
by the western passage, leaving Guard Island on the
left, they immediately came in sight of a long line of
continuous works, constructed of mud, along the top of
the whole line of embankment before described . It is
strange that such a mode of defence should have been
adopted ; for the flank of the battery was completely
commanded by the range of steep hills running up to
the very city itself. Upon the nearest hills, however,
at the end of the battery, the Chinese had formed a for
tified encampment, in which there appeared to be a
large body of troops ; and in aa hollow at the foot of it
there was an unfinished stone fort, intended to mount
eight guns. But they had placed their principal reli
ance upon the line of mud -batteries fronting the har
bour, and had run piles and stakes along the water's
edge, to prevent our troops from landing from the
boats, as if they imagined that aa battery could only be
attacked in front, and partly perhaps to prevent the
washing away of the soil.
The works had been hastily and unscientifically con
structed, and consisted principally of heaps of mud, of
a conical shape, raised upon the embankment, with em
brasures between them for the guns. These intervals
were so large, measuring generally from ten to fifteen feet
wide, that it would be impossible for the men to stand to
their guns, although the mounds of earth between them
were about twenty to twenty -five feet broad. The line of
battery extended far beyond the Pagoda or Joss House
Hill to the eastward, but was not completed at that end .
There were altogether nearly two hundred and seventy
embrasures, but only about eighty guns mounted, exclu
sive of those in a newly-built redoubt upon Pagoda Hill,
amounting to twelve or fifteen . Of these twenty-five
were afterwards found to be of brass and copper, and
tolerably well cast. Several improvements had been
made by the Chinese for the strengthening of Pagoda
Hill, since our evacuation of the place. They had re
tained the wall which we had formerly carried round the
top of it, with an arched gateway of stone on the side look
ing inland towards the town. Other improvements were
in progress ; so that, if the attack had been delayed for
some weeks longer, the Chinese would have completed
their defences, as well as their want of science would
permit. As it was, the authorities claimed for themselves
the honour of “having fought with heavy toil for six
days and nights, ” reckoning the commencement of their
so-called fighting from the day on which the steamers
first approached to reconnoitre. Our forbearance was
magnified into a great victory by them for the moment,
at all events.
On the return of the steamers to the anchorage at
Just in the Way, with the rest of the fleet, orders were
given for the Nemesis to proceed on the following
morning across to the Ningpo river, to reconnoitre Chin
hae, &c. , &c. , but the weather proved so hazy and unset
tled, that this purpose was deferred for the present. On
the following day, the 28th, the weather still continued
very squally, which prevented the fleet from moving ;
and the Admiral, therefore, gave orders that the Ne
mesis should proceed again to Chusan, in company with
the Modeste and Columbine, ( the whole under the com
mand of Captain Eyres, of the Modeste) and they were
directed to destroy the unfinished battery already men
tioned , at the foot of the hills at the western extremity
of the long line of works, and if possible set fire to the
encampment on the hill above, or, at all events, disperse
the Chinese troops. The object was evidently to pre
pare for the landing of our force at that point, in order
to take the line of Chinese battery in reverse, and then
march upon the town by the hills. In sailing across
with a strong wind and sea dead ahead, the Colum
bine beat the Modeste with the greatest ease, so as
to be able to spare her square mainsail ; but the Ne
mesis beat them both with half steam under sail. The
increasing severity of the weather obliged them all to
come to anchor before they reached Chusan.
At daylight next morning the Nemesis was sent in
alone, to reconnoitre, having Captain Eyres and Captain
Clarke on board, and she soon discovered that the en
trenched camp on the hill was stronger than had been
supposed, and that the troops were collected in great
strength at that point. As the steamer ran pretty close
in shore, a smart but ineffective fire from large ginjals
was opened on her from the entrenched camp ; but the
small stone fort below was quite silent, and , indeed, ap
peared to be unarmed. Having fired a few shot into
the camp on the hill, in order to warn the Chinese of
what they had to expect, the Nemesis speedily returned,
to bring up the other two vessels ; and these, as soon as
they had come to anchor as close in shore as their
draught of water would permit, immediately opened fire
upon the entrenched camp above, and also at the fort
below, in order to ascertain if it was occupied. As the
Nemesis, however, could stand in much closer than the
other vessels, Captain Eyres and Captain Clarke went
on board her, and she was then carried within excellent
range, and immediately poured in shot, shell, rockets,
and carcases, with such remarkable precision , as to have
been made the subject of special mention in the Admi
ral's despatch .
In a short time, the temporary buildings were de
molished, and a breach was made in the wall of the
fortified encampment. The proper moment for landing
was now come ; but, as the orders were positive not to
come to close quarters with the enemy, but merely to
reconnoitre their position , and prevent them from add
ing to their works of defence, no attempt was made to
VOL . II . o
carry the encampment. A small party of men were
landed, but merely with a view to ascertain beyond a
doubt that the small stone fort below was unarmed, and
to make a hasty reconnoissance of the line of sea
battery, nearly a mile long, which connected this point
with Pagoda Hill. A large body of Chinese troops
were now seen forming under the brow of the hill in
the rear, in order to make an attack upon the recon
noitring party ; but a few well-directed shot from the
steamer's guns immediately dispersed them .
The object of this little affair having been now fully
accomplished, the Nemesis hastened to rejoin the ad
miral, with despatches from Captain Eyres. Sir Wil
liam Parker was, however, already on his way over to
Chusan in the Wellesley, and now, without loss of time,
came on board the Nemesis, accompanied by the General,
and ordered her to carry them once more across the
harbour of Chusan. The Chinese again opened a dis
tant and useless fire upon her as she passed , both in
going and returning, as they had done on the former
occasion .
In the course of the afternoon, several of the ships of
war, and some of the transports, reached the outer har
bour of Chusan, while the Blonde, Modeste, and Queen
steamer, proceeded to take up a position under the two
islands which lie opposite Pagoda Hill, and which were
called Macclesfield (or Melville) and Trumball islands.
They were directed to cover and assist a party of the
Royal Artillery, under Captain Knowles, in erecting a
battery of one 68 - pounder gun, and two 24 -pounder
howitzers, upon the top of the ridge of the former
island, with aa view to shell Pagoda Hill and its defences,
which were within range, but rather distant. The Chi
nese continued firing very ineffectually during the whole
time, in the direction of these islands, but their shot
always fell short, and were consequently harmless.
The battery was finished on the following day, with
great labour and skill . Every preparation for the
attack being completed on the 30th, the dawn of the
1st of October was looked for with intense interest.
At daylight the Nemesis again crossed and recrossed
the inner harbour, for the purpose of embarking some
troops which were on board the Jupiter, close to Trum
ball Island ; they consisted of a portion of the Madras
Rifles and a number of camp -followers. The Nemesis
then proceeded to the transports in the outer harbour,
to take on board part of the 49th regiment, together
with a detachment of Sappers and Miners.
The Howitzer Battery, upon Melville Island, opened
fire just as she was crossing from the inner harbour ;
and it was an interesting sight to watch the shells fall
ing upon Pagoda Hill. The first shell was thrown
inerely to try the range, and fell rather short, but the
second fell exactly within the fort, close to the gate,
and it therefore became evident that the Chinese could
not long hold out.
About the same time, the Queen steamer endeavoured
to tow the Blonde frigate into a good position against
Pagoda Hill and the adjacent defences, to aid the
mortar battery ; but, so great was the strength of the
tide, which runs like aa mill-race in that part of the har
bour, that it was impossible to move the Blonde into a
0 2
good position, in spite of the utmost exertions used .
But shortly afterwards the Modeste and Queen, drawing
less water, were able to take up excellent stations ;
the battery on Pagoda Hill was soon silenced, and the
troops were driven from their post.
While this was being effected at the eastern extre
mity of the inner harbour, the original design of driving
the Chinese out of the long sea -battery, by turning their
right flank at its western extremity, and by taking pos
session of the hills above them, upon which their
encampment had been formed , was gallantly and effec
tually carried into execution. The Chinese troops at
this time occupied the heights in force, although they
had been dispersed two days before; and kept up a con
tinued fire of ginjals and matchlocks, apparently more
in defiance than for any useful purpose, for they fre
quently advanced to the brow of the hill, waving their
flags, and daring their enemy to attack them .
The Wellesley had been moved as close as possible to
the intended point of debarkation , just outside Guard
Island ; and the Cruiser and Columbine had been
placed within two hundred yards of the beach, there
being plenty of water almost close in shore. By the
fire of these vessels and of the Sesostris steamer, the
Chinese were so completely kept in check, that they
could not attempt any opposition to the landing of the
troops. The Phlegethon now came up with the 55th
regiment on board . The first division, with the gallant
General at their head, consisting of the Madras Artillery,
with eight guns, under Captain Anstruther, together
with a party of sappers and the 18th and 55th regi
ments, with the Madras Rifles, were now landed, but
not without some delay and difficulty, owing to the
astonishing strength of the currents. The Nemesis was
also coming up to land the troops she had on board,
when she unfortunately grounded on a sand -bank, and
was obliged to cast off the numerous boats she had in
tow, before she could work herself off again, which
caused considerable delay. The 49th were therefore
not landed so soon as had been expected.
The firing of the steamers which covered the landing
was kept up with so much precision, that more than
one of the Chinese standard -bearers, who boldly ad
vanced alone to the crest of the hill, waving their flags,
were cut in two by a 32 -pounder shot, just as if they
had been aimed at with a rifle.
The two flank and the third companies of the 55th
being first on shore, received a smart fire from the
Chinese, who, up to this time, had kept themselves
pretty well sheltered ; and, as the remainder of the
regiment followed close after the leading companies, and
the 18th was not far behind, the advance was instantly
sounded , and the 55th pushed up the hill, under the
gallant Major Fawcett. The Chinese waved to them
to come on, and opened a smart fire as they struggled
up the steep hill, and knocked down several of the
men . It was an exciting spectacle to watch them as
cending the hill, while the ships continued firing until
they reached the summit ; and even then the Chinese
showed no want of courage ; the spear and the bayonet
frequently crossed each other.
At length the Chinese were routed ; and the hill,
being now in our possession , gave us the command of
all the enemy's positions, which, by this means, were
fairly turned. In this encounter, the first Chinese
colours were taken by Lieutenant Butter, of the 55th .
In the mean time, the 18th and the artillery being
landed, and some of the light guns having been placed
so as to enfilade the long battery, the 18th pushed on
gallantly, under Lieutenant Colonel Adams, to clear the
line of sea- defences. The facility with which the flank
of the Chinese positions had been turned did not seem,
by any means, to discourage the Chinese, who fought,
as they retreated, with great individual courage, several
of the mandarins boldly advancing, sword in hand , to
the attack . The loss on their side, as they were driven
back along so narrow a line ( for there was a deep
paddy- field in the rear of the embankment upon which
the battery was constructed ) was necessarily great.
The Chinese commander -in - chief and several Tartar
officers were here killed. They were at length com
pelled to evacuate the whole line of sea-battery, the
grenadier company of the 18th leading the way, in a
spirited manner, under Captain Wigston .
Having cleared the whole of the works, the 18th
soon made their way up the Pagoda Hill, without
opposition, the Chinese having been already compelled
to evacuate it by the admirable fire of the Royal Artil
lery, and of the Modeste and Queen on that side. The
49th, who could not be landed until the hottest part
of the work was over, followed the 18th along the
battery, but, on reaching a causeway or path about
two -thirds of the way across, which appeared to lead
from the battery towards the city, they turned off at
that point, and hurried on towards the south gate of
the city to which it led .
In the mean time, the 55th pushed on along the hills,
covered by the Rifles, which had now joined , to the
heights overlooking the city on the north -west ; and
Captain Anstruther, with Captain Balfour and Lieute
nant Foulis, with great exertion brought up the light
field -guns of the Madras Artillery, to the summit of
the heights, and opened their fire upon the walls, on
which several guns were mounted on that side. The
Madras Sappers had also brought scaling-ladders along the
rugged hills, and the Rifles, were skilfully disposed along
the edge of a deep ravine between the hills and the city
walls, sheltered by the broken ground and by tombs
(for it was the burial place of the city) with the object
of cutting off the retreat of the Chinese by the northern
While these operations were going on, the Admiral,
accompanied by Sir Henry Pottinger, Captain Herbert,
Captain Maitland, and Mr. Morrison , the interpreter,
went on board the Nemesis, (which, after landing her
troops, had come round the point of Guard Island into
the inner harbour,) and were carried towards the
Pagoda Hill, just as the 18th entered the works at
the top of it. The Admiral and the rest of the officers
immediately landed, and ascended the hill, from the
top of which there is a splendid prospect of the whole
plain beyond, and of the city, and from which a good
view could be obtained of the operations against the
The Nemesis was anchored as close in shore as pos
sible ; and Captain Hall, having got up to the mast-head,
was able distinctly to see every thing that was going
on, and to direct the fire of the steamer, so as to
throw аa few shells into the city, about three quarters
of a mile distant. The other steamers very shortly
afterwards also joined her in the inner harbour. The
55th could be seen climbing over the walls, the Chinese
firing and retreating before them ; and the British flag
at last proudly floated over the fallen city. Three
British cheers were given at this moment by soldiers
and sailors together.
The capital of Chusan, with all its new and extensive
defences, was now for the second time in our possession .
The Chinese troops fled into the interior of the island,
principally by the eastern gate ; and if a detachment
of our soldiers had been sent along the banks of the
canal , which runs up into the plain on that side, pro
bably a great number of the Chinese would have been
cut off.
The loss of Ting-hai was attributed by the Chinese
principally to the non -arrival of the expected reinforce
ments from the mainland, owing to the boisterous
state of the weather ; but they took care to assert that
a foreign vessel “ had blown up,” and that the heavy
toil of fighting for six days and nights had so com
pletely worn out their troops, that they were unable
any longer to resist.
The loss of the Chinese was considerable, both in
the battery and on the hills. On our side, one officer
(Ensign Duell) and one rank and file of the 55th were
killed, and nineteen rank and file of the same regi
ment wounded, many of them severely. Of the other
troops engaged, eight rank and file were wounded, of
whom half dangerously or severely. Besides the guns
already enumerated, together with large ginjals, a vast
number of matchlocks were found in the city, with
upwards of five hundred tubs of powder, some bamboo
rockets, and about one hundred cases of leaden balls.
The day after the capture, measures were adopted
by the General, to endeavour to prevent the escape of
the Chinese troops from the island, by the numerous
little harbours or creeks from which they could get
away in boats to the mainland . Three different de
tachments of our soldiers were sent out by separate
routes to scour the island, while the Nemesis and other
vessels were sent round to convey provisions, and to
blockade the landing-places, or villages on the coast.
By this means, it was hoped “ that every one of the
fugitives would either be driven off the island or cap
tured . ” But all these little marchings and counter
marchings were quite fruitless ; not a soldier was seen
in any direction ; the facility of disguise and conceal
ment, and also of escape to the mainland, being very
It may be doubted whether these movements, in
stead of tending to bring the native Chinese popu
lation into submission, did not rather serve to keep
alive or to increase their natural feeling of dislike to
the foreigner. In fact, the inhabitants of the Chusan
Islands are generally a hardy and independent race
of people, and up to the close of the war, it never
could be said that we really had possession of more
than the actual city within the walls of Tinghai and its
suburbs on the sea -shore. No one could move even
to a distance of two or three miles from the walls,
without having a strong escort with him, or running
the risk of being kidnapped by the people. Many
private soldiers and camp followers were in this manner
cut off ; and at length orders were issued that none
but the Chinese should be permitted to pass through
the northern gate at all.
Military government of Chusan - Remarks on the town of Tinghai
The great bell — Notices of Chusan — Not adapted for commercial
purposes — A visit to the interior— Interesting observations of a
Chinese gentleman — Civility of the people — Remarks on our com
mercial prospects in China— Necessity of barter - Difficulties — Pre
parations for the capture of Chinhae - Its position - Defences of the
Ningpo river - Chinhae captured, 10th of October, 1841 – Military
and naval operations, on both sides of the river, described - Suicide of
Chinese officers — The Emperor's remarks respecting the Viceroy
Public honours-Attentions of the English to the wounded Chinese
Remarks on Chinhae and on Chinese inventions — Use of torture and
cruel modes of inflicting death — Burial of murdered Englishmen
Instrument for pounding women to death — Humanity towards the
Chinese prisoners.
A few days after the occupation of the capital of
Chusan, a regular military government was established
by Sir Henry Pottinger, protection being promised to
the well- behaved inhabitants, who were moreover in
formed that “ several years would probably elapse,
before the island would be restored to the authority of
the Emperor.” Thus it was evidently contemplated,
even at that time, that the island should not be re
stored to the Chinese, until long after the conclusion
of peace. It was,, in fact, to be retained for some time,
as a guarantee for the good faith of the Chinese go
vernment .
The principal alterations which had taken place at
Tinghai, since it was given up by the English seven
months before, were found to be merely the addition
of the defensive works already described, and , to a
certain degree, increased cleanliness within the city.
The suburbs at the landing - place had been in part
pulled down, or altered to make way for the batteries,
while other parts had been abandoned, and were after
wards pulled down by our own orders during the
ensuing winter, to give a better circulation of air, and
more room for the detachment quartered there. The
ruins furnished good firewood, which is much needed
during the winter ; for the extremes both of heat
and cold are felt along the northern coast of China,
according to the season of the year. In other re
spects , the so -called horrors of war fell extremely
lightly upon the inhabitants ; indeed , they were in
most instances benefitted by our presence, and by the
circulation of money which we spent among them .
Occasional examples of hardship necessarily occurred
in the first instance, among which that of the bursting
of a shell in a house in which a poor woman and her
two children were killed, while the husband was mor
tally wounded by the explosion , could not fail to
excite the greatest sympathy. But happily there were
no instances of that voluntary self-murder, which, in
other cities, subsequently taken, became so appalling ;
they seemed limited to the Tartar population.
Generally speaking, our soldiers appeared to look
down upon the Chinese too much to do them wanton
injury. Two of the 18th Royal Irish were overheard
conversing together, soon after the place was taken ;
and the one was congratulating the other upon his
escape, having been supposed to be killed. Why, I
heard you were picked off by the Chinese !” — “ Is it
me ? said the other— “ the devil a bit ; for it's by a
European I'll be killt, and not by a Chinaman . ”
Several instances occurred, in which the inhabitants
of the town, particularly the boys, recognized the
officers and some of the men of the 18th, who had been
there on the previous occasion, and voluntarily came to
offer their services again, with every appearance of
being pleased to see their former masters.
It must not be imagined that the capital of Chusan
is at all a fine town, or in any way to be compared with
others upon the mainland which we afterwards cap
tured or visited . Even the walls, though of small ex
tent, enclose a larger space than is actually occupied
by the town itself ; and, indeed , with few exceptions,
this appears to be generally the case in China. The
streets are extremely narrow, being mere lanes ; the
shops are very poor, and comparatively insignificant ;
and the houses are all low, but some of them, including
the courts within, occupy a large space of ground .
There is one building, however, which attracts uni
versal attention , as being one of the finest specimens of
its kind . It is the principal temple of the city, dedi
cated to the worship of Foo, or Budha. In many
respects it is superior to the temple at Hainan , opposite
Canton , and is scarcely second to the principal of the
numerous temples which adorn the sacred island of
Pooto, about twenty miles from Chusan, which is
famous for the number and elegance of its places of
superstitious worship, and for the hosts of priests, or
rather monks, which are attached to them . There is
belonging to this beautiful temple of Tinghai, standing
in a detached half-ruined building, and apparently
never used , one of the most beautiful bells met with in
China. It is quite equal to the one which was after
wards taken at Ningpo, and was subsequently sent to
Calcutta. It is of very large size, but somewhat dif
ferent in shape from our own, and is covered on the
outside with Chinese characters, beautifully formed .
Its tone is clear and deep ; indeed, the Chinese appear
to excel in the art of making bell-metal. It was
worthy of being removed and carried to this country ;
not so much as a trophy, for such it could not be called ,
but as an interesting specimen of Chinese workmanship,
and of the advanced state of some of their oldest arts
and inventions.
Some interest attaches to the island of Chusan , from
the fact of its having once been the site of an English
factory. It is about fifty miles in circumference, of an
oblong shape, being about twenty miles in length by
ten in breadth . The principal harbour of Tinghai is
difficult of approach, owing to the astonishing rapidity
of the currents or tides, the rise and fall of which varies
from six to twelve feet ; the passages are in some parts
narrow, with deep water.
Chusan and all the neighbouring islands are extremely
mountainous, but between the ridges of the hills are
CHUSAN . 207
rich and beautiful valleys, which are highly productive,
being well supplied with water. The industry and care
with which the Chinese embank the opening of every
valley towards the sea are remarkable ; not a foot of
ground is wasted ; and every little nook or bay which
can be reclaimed from the sea is cultivated with the
most assiduous care. The beautiful cultivation of the
hill-sides has already been alluded to, so that it is not
surprising that the island is capable of exporting a large
quantity of produce to the mainland. For general
commercial purposes , however , little advantage could
have been derived from the permanent retention of
Chusan ; the population of the island is not large ;
and , with the port of Ningpo within a few hours ' sail,
and open to our vessels , there could have been no com
pensating benefit to make up for the expense of a per
manent settlement upon an island in its neighbourhood .
The East - India Company's factory was built in 1700,
not far from the present landing-place in the suburbs of
Tinghai; but the exactions of the Chinese officers, the
expense of the establishment, and the little prospect of
carrying on a successful trade, compelled them to aban
don it three or four years afterwards. In short, the in
ternal trade of the island must always be insignificant ;
and vessels which frequent the harbour depend almost
entirely upon the visits of Chinese merchants who come
over from the mainland to seek merchandize, which they
would much more gladly purchase when brought to their
own doors at Ningpo, by which means they would save
expense and trouble.
The importance of the temporary possession of Chu
san is certainly great, particularly as long as the ar
rangements for the opening of the new ports are not
entirely completed. But its value, as a political measure ,
is much enhanced by the moral effect it has had upon the
government and people of China, who look upon the
Chusan islands as among their most valuable possessions,
the loss of which was peculiarly felt by the Emperor.
In the commencement, the principal inhabitants of
the interior showed a great disinclination to have any
dealings with us, and the common people frequently
proved themselves decidedly hostile to us. The kid
napping of our soldiers will be alluded to hereafter ; but
that was more frequently attempted by men sent ex
pressly over for the purpose, from the mainland , than
by the peasantry of the island itself. Gradually, how
ever, all classes improved in their tone and bearing ;
and, during an excursion which I myself made, in com
pany with a missionary, at the close of the war, we
found the people commonly civil and obliging, and
rarely disinclined to hold intercourse with us. In several
instances, we were invited into the houses of respectable
individuals, who invariably turned the conversation upon
mercantile matters.
On one occasion, a very respectable - looking man, who
inhabited aa well-furnished house, invited us in, and offered
us pipes and tea, and then produced a work, written in
Chinese by Mr. Gutzlaff, setting forth , as I understood, the
advantages of foreign trade to the Chinese, and pointing
out a great number of articles which could be exchanged
between them and the English with great mutual ad
vantage. The book was furnished with geographical
maps, and was intended also to remove some of the
absurd Chinese theories and prejudices concerning the
various nations of the earth, and the relations of China
with the rest of the world . Great interest had evidently
been awakened by the perusal of the work, and the man
assured us that he had lent it to several of his neigh
bours. He stated his great wish to enter into trading
speculations with the English, and that he and some of
his friends had projected the formation of a company,
or hong, with this object. But the great difficulty
which occurred to them was, as to the means of paying
us, or rather as to what articles they could find to offer
us in exchange for our manufactures. It was clear to
them that there must be a reciprocal trade ; but they
had difficulty in knowing what we would take, or what
they could procure which would be likely to suit
It must not be supposed that there can be an un
limited production of tea in China ; its cultivation is
limited to almost two districts, and it requires peculiar
conditions of soil and of climate to enable it to be
cultivated to advantage . A great sudden increase in
the demand for tea would lead to an enormous increase
in the adulteration of the article by all kinds of spurious
leaves ; and nothing is more easy than to fabricate a
mixture which will resemble in all its external appear
ances any description of tea which may be most in de
mand ; and this fabricated mixture can be added to the
real tea, in greater or lesser quantity, so as not easily
to be detected, except by very experienced persons .
The tea-plant requires three years' growth before it will
produce leaves fit to be plucked for tea. At Chusan ,
the plant appeared to grow wild, or nearly so, upon
sume of the mountains, but of inferior quality, and only
fit for native use.
The various questions asked by this Chinese gentle
man (for so he might be called) were extremely intelli
gent, and much to the purpose. On pointing out to
him that he might feed sheep upon the hills around him ,
and eat their flesh, and clothe himself in winter with
their wool, his only reply was, that he did not under
stand the care of them , nor had ever indeed seen any,
but he thought the attempt would prove a failure. His
manners were agreeable and gentlemanlike ; and , on
taking our leave, he accompanied us through the vil
lage, and pointed out the tomb of his ancestors, which
had previously struck us as a remarkably fine stone
monument, or rather cemetery, situated in a field by
the road-side. He bowed gracefully as we parted, and
expressed his hope that we might be induced to visit
him again .
These are the favourable opportunities of cultivating
the good will of the people, and of making ourselves
acquainted with their manners and habits, while we
communicate friendly information to them , which can
not be too carefully and judiciously cultivated . Good
tact, and a familiar knowledge of the world, (for human
nature is nearly the same in all parts) with a scrupulous
regard for customs, and delicacy in violating prejudices,
are at least as necessary to enable us to make our way
in China, as in other quarters. And while we take care
not to place blind confidence, we cannot be too careful
how we exhibit a contemptuous mistrust of them in our
social intercourse. We may assert our right to be
treated with the utmost respect and deference on all
occasions, without assuming for an instant an overbear
ing tone or a repulsive demeanour. We must respect
ourselves, and we shall not find it difficult to enforce
respect from them.
In reference to the commercial questions mentioned
above, it is not here the place to discuss points which
are difficult and tedious to develop. But I again call
attention to the shrewd remark above quoted , that we
must endeavour to find out what we can procure from
the Chinese besides tea and silk, rhubarb and cassia ,
and encourage them to seek out some articles of raw
produce, which they can give us in exchange. There are
numerous mineral productions in China, of which we
know little ; their processes of smelting, &c. , are tedious
and defective, yet labour is abundant to overflowing in
all parts of China.
To return to the operations of our combined forces.
As the season for active measures, before the complete
setting in of winter, was already far advanced, little
time was to be lost in carrying into execution the pro
posed movement upon Chinhae and Ningpo. The latter
city, from its size and situation , would afford excellent
winter quarters for the main body of our troops ; and
the moral effect upon the Chinese government and
people, of the continued occupation of so important a
place, and the interruption of their valuable trade, could
not fail to make an inpression calculated to facilitate
our future negotiations.
In the mean time, the expected reinforcements would
have arrived , both from England and from India, and
the next campaign would be opened with vigour, and
would suffice, it was hoped, to conclude the war. Ningpo,
which is a city of the first class, and therefore called
Foo (Ningpo-Foo) is the chief city of a department,
and the second city in the province of Che-Keang, of
which the capital is Hang-Chow-Foo. The population
of the province, according to Chinese documents, num
bers upwards of 26,000,000 souls, or very nearly as
much as the whole of Great Britain and Ireland toge
ther .
The town of Ningpo is situated twelve miles up the
Tahea, or Ningpo river, at the mouth of which is the
small town of Chinhae, at the base of a high hill, which
commands the entrance of the river. The possession of
Chinhae, therefore, and its citadel, would give us com
plete command of the approach to Ningpo ; just as the
capture of Chapoo (which was effected in the subse
quent campaign) would lay open the road to Hang
Chow -Foo, the capital; and that of Woosung, which
was soon afterwards taken, would give us free access to
the valuable trading-city of Shang-hae. It could not
be doubted that the interruption of trade, and the stop
page of the imperial revenues derived from it, would
make far deeper impression upon the cabinet of Pekin ,
than sweeping off thousands and tens of thousands of
the people, whose lives are so quaintly said to be
very tenderly cherished in the paternal bosom of the
A small garrison only was to be left in possession of
Chusan , but the embarkation of the rest of our force
was delayed for some days, by the continuance of con
trary winds. The exposed situation of Chinhae also
made it hazardous to approach it with a fleet, until the
weather should assume a more settled appearance . At
length, on the 8th of October, the greater part of the
transports were moved to the anchorage at “ Just in
the Way,” nearly half way across to the mouth of the
Ningpo river. At the same time, the General and the
Admiral, accompanied by Sir Henry Pottinger, who was
never absent when active operations were going on,
proceeded in the Nemesis and Phlegethon steamers to
reconnoitre the Chinese positions, and to form their
plans for the intended attack. Everything was now
extremely favourable for this purpose, considering the
advanced season ; and the Chinese allowed the steamers
to approach quite close, within short range, without
firing a shot. Perhaps they were afraid to provoke an
attack , or remembered the very wise precaution given
on other occasions, that they should not be the first,
“ in their eagerness to win honours, to commence the
attack on the barbarians.
The city of Chinhae lies at the foot of a bill, upon a
tongue of land , on the left bank of the river, or upon the
northern side of its entrance ; and its castellated walls are
not much less than three miles in circumference, con
nected with aa substantial stone enbankment which runs
up the coast for a distance of full three miles, for the pro
tection of the land from the encroachments of the sea.
The chief strength of the position, however, lies in the
precipitous, rocky height, which, rising abruptly from
the sea, at the extremity of the peninsula, and throw
ing out a rugged spur, completely commands the en
trance of the river. Upon its summit, which may be
about two hundred and fifty feet high, a sort of citadel
had been formed , having a large temple for its com
manding point, connected by loop-holed walls with
various other buildings, which had been put in a state
of preparation for defence.
The outer wall had two iron -plated gates ; but the
only direct communication between the citadel and the
city was on the west, or land side, where a steep but
tolerably regular causeway led to a barrier gate at the
bottom of the hill, whence it was continued by a wooden
bridge over a gorge to the gates of the city itself. In
front of the other, or eastern gate of the citadel, there
was a newly-constructed battery, formed partly of sand
bags, and partly of masonry, mounting, altogether,
twenty-one guns.
Adjoining the suburbs of the city, on the river side,
there were also two flanking batteries for the protection
of the river, mounting, respectively, twenty-two and
nineteen guns ; while, on the opposite side of the
isthmus, lying between the hill and the city walls,
there was a small battery of five guns pointing to
wards the sea, with a row of piles driven into the
beach in front of it, in order to impede the landing
of an enemy. For further protection on that side,
a number of guns and a large quantity of ginjals
were mounted upon the city walls, principally front
ing the sea. The information obtained led the General
to suppose that there were about three thousand
soldiers in the city, and upon the works outside of
it, while about seven hundred garrisoned the cita
del ; but the Chinese official returns were afterwards
found, in which the details were minutely given . The
actual number was about five hundred less than sup
posed . The Chinese had by no means limited their
defences to the northern side of the river only. On the
contrary, there was good reason to believe that the
great body of their troops and their strongest positions
were upon the other or southern side of the river, where
there was a range of steep hills, overlooking the citadel
hill and the city itself.
On this side there were several strong batteries facing
the entrance to the river, mounting altogether thirty
one guns, while the line of heights above was strongly
fortified, having a chain of entrenched camps along the
points most difficult of approach , with several field
redoubts, armed with guns and ginjals ; in short, neither
expense nor labour had been spared to defend, as far as
Chinese ingenuity and art could avail, the approach to
the important city of Ningpo.
The river itself was strongly staked across just within
the entrance, the obstruction being commanded by the
batteries. A little lower down to the southward be
low the river, in a small bay, there was a creek, with a
good landing -place at the foot of the hills, and the en
trance to it was staked across in a similar manner. The
importance which the Chinese appeared to attach to the
defence of these positions rendered it the more necessary
that they should be reduced, in order to convince them ,
by the hard lesson of experience, that the utmost efforts
of their skill and perseverance were unavailing against
the science and the courage of Europeans.
On the following day, the 9th of October, the squa
dron and the transports (the best-sailing ones having
been selected for the purpose ) were able to anchor off
Chinhae, in the most convenient positions for the in
tended operations, which were to be carried into effect
early on the following morning.
From the description above given, it will at once
become evident that our operations against the main
body of the Chinese troops, on the southern side of the
river, would be undertaken by the land forces, under Sir
Hugh Gough in person, while those against the citadel
and town of Chinhae, and the works on the northern
side of the river, would be entrusted principally to the
naval branch of the expedition, under Sir William
Parker. It was arranged that a body of men should
be ready to land on that side, composed of the Seamen's
Battalion and the Royal Marines, with a detachment of
the Royal and Madras Artillery, the whole under the
command of Captain Herbert, of the Blenheim .
The Wellesley, Blenheim , Blonde, and Modeste, were
to take up positions as close as possible in shore on
that side, but avoiding, if possible, the chance of taking
the ground at low water, with the object of shelling
the Chinese out of the citadel, and of preventing rein
forcements from being sent up to it , and also to open a
landing -place for the seamen and marines. They were
also to drive the Chinese from the walls of the city on
that side, and cover the landing. The Cruiser, Colum
bine, and Bentinck, were to be employed on the
southern side of the entrance of the river, taking up
their positions so as to cover the landing of the troops
at the mouth of the creek already mentioned. The
Queen and Sesostris steamers were to throw shells into
the citadel , and into the batteries along the river, or,
according to circumstances, into the Chinese encamp
ments on the hills on the south side ; while the two iron
steamers, Nemesis and Phlegethon, were to land the
troops, and then render assistance wherever their ser
vices might be most useful.
The movements of the troops will be best understood
as we proceed. At daylight, on the morning of the
10th of October, the Nemesis took on board the whole
of the centre column, under the command of Lieu
tenant- Colonel Morris, consisting of the 49th regiment,
with a few of the Royal and Madras Artillery, and some
Madras Sappers, amounting altogether to about four
hundred and forty men, with forty shot-bearers, &c.
There were also two 12 -pounder howitzers, with two
9 -pounder field -guns. The Nemesis then took in tow
the Cruiser, sixteen guns, under Commander Giffard ,
who was to superintend and to cover the landing, and
immediately proceeded to the point of debarkation, near
the creek, on the flank of the Chinese positions. The
post of honour was this day given to the 49th, in order
that they might have an opportunity of making up for
their disappointment at Chusan, where they were landed
too late to take the active part in the day's work which
had been assigned to them . At the same time, the left
column, under the command of Lieutenant -Colonel
Craigie, of the 55th regiment (accompanied by the
General himself and staff ), was carried in by the Phlege
thon to a rocky point a little further to the southward .
There was a low flat and a canal, with two bridges over
it, on their right, whence they could move round the
hills to the rear of the position occupied by the Chinese.
This column was the strongest, and comprised a wing of
the 18th Royal Irish, five companies of the 55th regi
ment, the Madras Rifle Company, with one company of
the Madras Artillery and some sappers ; altogether
1040 men, with four light mountain howitzers, and
two five and a half - inch mortars, with upwards of one
hundred shot-carriers and followers.
The distance of the point of landing from the ene
my's position was not less than a couple of miles ; and
thence they skirted along the hills, until they reached
a commanding point, from which a full view was ob
tained of the whole of the positions. By this time, the
centre column had formed without opposition ; but a
small body of Chinese troops, who had probably been
placed in ambush, under cover of a low hill, were now
discovered, and instantly dispersed by a few shot from
the Nemesis.
The 49th now received orders to advance up the hill,
which they did in gallant style ; and, after clearing
several field -works, their colours were soon displayed
upon the principal redoubt overlooking the batteries on
the river side. In this attack, Captain Reynolds and
Lieutenant Browne, of the 49th, particularly distin
guished themselves.
No sooner had that regiment got into close action
than the 18th and the Rifles, on their left, having with
great difficulty got across a narrow and obstructed
bridge, over the lower part of the canal (which might
have been easily defended ), and the 55th having crossed
another bridge higher up, suddenly pressed round upon
the Chinese right, and threw them into the utmost
consternation. Many acts of individual bravery were
witnessed on their part ; some the result of real courage,
others of sheer desperation. But the poor Chinese
were fairly hemmed in by the 49th in front, and by the
55th and 18th, with the Rifles, on their right and in
their rear . This manæuvre ,, as may be supposed, threw
them into the utmost confusion . Their river batteries,
being also by these movements taken in flank , were at
once abandoned by their defenders, and a few of the
guns were actually turned against the flying enemy the
moment we took possession .
The havoc among the Chinese was inevitably great,
for very few of them could be induced to lay down their
arms, in spite of the exertions of the officers, aided by
Mr. Thom , the interpreter, to make them understand
that their lives would be spared. Hundreds of them, as
a last resource, rushed madly into the river, and, of
course, a great many were drowned ; it is even said that
their own batteries on the opposite side of the river
killed a great many of them, either purposely for run
ning away, or by aiming at our soldiers, who were
driving the fugitives before them. Many committed
suicide, including several high officers; but some of
them escaped, after throwing away their arms and mili
tary clothing . About five hundred men surrendered
themselves prisoners ; and a few others, who had taken
shelter among the rocks along the river side, were
subsequently picked up by the boats of the Queen
While these important successes were being obtained
on the southern side of the river, no less active and
effectual operations were being carried on upon the
opposite or northern side, against the citadel and town
of Chinhae. As soon as the Nemesis had landed the
centre column, she ran up towards the flag -ship, the
Wellesley, which had been towed into an excellent posi
tion by the Sesostris, to shell the citadel, but she
settled quietly in the mud as the tide fell. The Blen
heim had likewise been towed into a good position by
the Sesostris, but the Blonde and Modeste were enabled
to go in under sail with a light breeze. The terrific fire
of these powerful ships was immediately opened upon
the hill -fort with irresistible effect. Their precision in
throwing shells was particularly remarked, and nothing
could long resist their sustained fire.
On the Chinese side, the river batteries opened upon
the Nemesis and Phlegethon, as they passed the
river's mouth , and upon every vessel upon which they
could bear, as they occasionally came within range,
namely the Queen, Cruiser, &c. The Nemesis having
passed beyond the flag-ship, ran in as close as possible
to the town, and dispersed a body of Chinese, who were
drawn up with their banners, &c., on that side, and also
opened upon a small fort at the landing -place, between
the Citadel -hill and the town ; but she was then directed
by the Admiral to proceed with orders to the Sesostris
and the Queen.
Just at this moment (past eleven o'clock) , the boats
were ordered to push from their respective ships to land
the right column, under Captain Herbert ; and it was
about this time also that the 49th on the south side of
the river were seen to crown the hill, and carry the
Chinese entrenchment in that direction .1
So severe and well-directed had been the fire of the
ships, that the Chinese had been driven out of the
temple upon the top of the Citadel-hill, and could be
seen rushing down towards the city.. The seamen and
marines, having disembarked upon the rugged rocks
at the mouth of the river, advanced to the assault with
great rapidity up the hill, and entered the citadel, the
gate of which had been left open by the Chinese as
they fled .
The Chinese still manned the walls of the city below,
which were about twenty feet high, and also the two
batteries upon the river side before described . The
marine and seamen battalion , therefore, pushed on to
attack the city, and escaladed the walls in two places
on the east side ; the enemy making their escape
through the western gate which led into the open
By this time, the batteries on the south side of the
The right column consisted of
Seamen Battalion, under Captain Bourchier
Royal Marines, Major Ellis 276
Royal Artillery, with two five and a half inch mor
tars, and some 9 and 12 -pounder rockets, Lieu 23
tenant the Honourable Spencer
Madras Sappers, Captain Cotton and Lieutenant 30
Johnston, M.E.
river were also in possession of our troops, who now
turned the guns upon the batteries on the city side
of the river, near the water's edge. Captain Herbert's
column was accompanied by the Admiral in person, who
was one of the foremost to mount the walls.
Three explosions took place, during the attack, two
near the top of the Citadel-hill, and one at a mandarin
station near the river side. They were supposed to be
mines, and two of them were fired by our rockets. Se
veral Chinese suffered by the explosions.
The city of Chinhae, and the whole of the defences
on both sides of the river, so much relied on by the
Chinese, were in our possession by two o'clock ; the
Chinese troops were completely dispersed and panic
struck, many of the high officers being killed, and the
whole people in the utmost consternation.
Captain Herbert retained possession of the town
with the marines during the remainder of the day,
and in the evening Sir Hugh Gough crossed over from
the opposite side with a few of his troops, and joined
Captain Herbert. The rest of our men bivouacked for
the night upon the hills they bad so bravely taken .
The total number of guns which were found in the
different works were no less than one hundred and
fifty -seven pieces, of which sixty -seven were brass,
many being very well cast, and of great weight. In the
city was also discovered a cannon foundry, with every
preparation for the casting of a great number of guns,
including a large quantity of metal. There was like
wise some copper ore found in the town , and a tolerable
addition to the prize fund was thus secured.
The loss on our side was inconsiderable, amounting
to three men killed and sixteen wounded , including one
officer, Lieutenant Montgomerie, of the 49th regiment,
which bore the principal brunt of the day. The loss
of the Chinese is very difficult to estimate. But it
amounted to several hundred killed and wounded , in
the operations on both sides of the river.
Soon after the works were all in our possession, the
Nemesis was sent some way up the river, to explore the
navigation, having cleared for herself a passage through
the stakes ; and on her return to the Wellesley, late in
the day, the Admiral, accompanied by Sir Henry Pot
tinger, proceeded in her to examine the river again.
If we may judge from the various memorials pre
sented to the Emperor, after the fall of Chinhae, and
his Majesty's replies to some of them, we must at once
perceive how great a sensation the loss of this impor
tant place had made upon the people throughout the
entire province. They were now alarmed for the safety
even of Hang-Chow-Foo, the capital city. Nevertheless,
the Emperor, far from showing any inclination to yield,
continued to urge on more strenuously than ever the
most extensive preparations for the defence of the
The death of the Imperial Commissioner, Yu-Keen ,
however, by suicide, immediately after the loss of
Chinhae, seems to have awakened a feeling of com
passion in the imperial bosom . His Majesty called to
mind the death of the Commissioner's grandfather, in
the same manner, during the reign of Kienlung ; and
directed that his departed servant, “ who gave his life
river were also in possession of our troops, who now
turned the guns upon the batteries on the city side
of the river, near the water's edge. Captain Herbert's
column was accompanied by the Admiral in person, who
was one of the foremost to mount the walls.
Three explosions took place, during the attack, two
near the top of the Citadel -hill, and one at a mandarin
station near the river side. They were supposed to be
mines, and two of them were fired by our rockets. Se
veral Chinese suffered by the explosions.
The city of Chinhae, and the whole of the defences
on both sides of the river, so much relied on by the
Chinese, were in our possession by two o'clock ; the
Chinese troops were completely dispersed and panic
struck, many of the high officers being killed , and the
whole people in the utmost consternation.
Captain Herbert retained possession of the town
with the marines during the remainder of the day,
and in the evening Sir Hugh Gough crossed over from
the opposite side with a few of his troops, and joined
Captain Herbert. The rest of our men bivouacked for
the night upon the hills they bad so bravely taken .
The total number of guns which were found in the
different works were no less than one hundred and
fifty-seven pieces, of which sixty -seven were brass,
many being very well cast, and of great weight. In the
city was also discovered a cannon foundry, with every
preparation for the casting of a great number of guns,,
including a large quantity of metal. There was like
wise some copper ore found in the town, and a tolerable
addition to the prize fund was thus secured.
The loss on our side was inconsiderable, amounting
to three men killed and sixteen wounded, including one
officer, Lieutenant Montgomerie, of the 49th regiment,
which bore the principal brunt of the day. The loss
of the Chinese is very difficult to estimate. But it
amounted to several hundred killed and wounded, in
the operations on both sides of the river.
Soon after the works were all in our possession, the
Nemesis was sent some way up the river, to explore the
navigation, having cleared for herself a passage through
the stakes ; and on her return to the Wellesley, late in
the day, the Admiral, accompanied by Sir Henry Pot
tinger, proceeded in her to examine the river again.
If we may judge from the various memorials pre
sented to the Emperor, after the fall of Chinhae, and
his Majesty's replies to some of them, we must at once
perceive how great a sensation the loss of this impor
tant place had made upon the people throughout the
entire province. They were now alarmed for the safety
even of Hang-Chow-Foo, the capital city. Nevertheless,
the Emperor, far from showing any inclination to yield ,
continued to urge on more strenuously than ever the
most extensive preparations for the defence of the
The death of the Imperial Commissioner, Yu-Keen ,
however, by suicide, immediately after the loss of
Chinhae, seems to have awakened a feeling of com
passion in the imperial bosom . His Majesty called to
mind the death of the Commissioner's grandfather, in
the same manner, during the reign of Kienlung ; and
directed that his departed servant, “ who gave his life
for his country, ” should receive funeral honours of a
high class, in the same temple of “ faithful ministers,
in which his ancestor had already found a place.
The local officers were to pay every honour to his
remains, in all the towns through which his body
might pass on its way to Pekin . His Majesty further
remitted all punishment for whatever might have been
recorded against him in his official capacity at any
period ; as if there could be no doubt that every man
who ultimately obtained high distinction in China
must have been more or less a rogue at some period
of his career .
Before the fighting at Chinhae commenced , Yu-Keen
delivered his seals of office to aa faithful officer, to be car
ried back to the provincial capital ; and when at length
he saw the day was lost, he coolly walked down to the
river's bank, and there, having performed the ceremony
of the Kotow, looking towards the imperial city, he
threw himself into the water. It was afterwards ascer
tained that about fourteen more Chinese officers were
killed, or else destroyed themselves.
Many of the wounded men were very carefully
attended by our medical officers, to whom the greatest
credit is due for their exertions in the cause of
humanity. Several poor fellows submitted to ampu
tation cheerfully, and most of them recovered . There
was one poor woman accidentally wounded , who, with
the written consent of her husband, underwent the
operation for amputation of the leg, and for some
days was cheerful, and went on well , but ultimately
she died .
VOL . II . Q
It is an error to suppose that the Chinese are altoge
ther averse to change any of their established practices,
however opposed the government may be, as a matter
of policy, to every kind of innovation in the usages
of the people. In the strictly mechanical arts, no
people are more ready to adopt, or more expert in
applying, any new methods which they can comprehend,
and which appear better adapted than their own to
attain the desired object ; but their imitations of
things are notoriously ludicrous. At Chinhae, four
newly -cast guns were found, precisely after the model
of some carronades which had been recovered from the
wreck of the Kite, and they were not by any means bad
In the construction of their new gun-carriages,
several striking improvements had been copied from
ours, and, in this and other instances, it was thought
that they must have employed people to take sketches
for them . The most remarkable innovation , however,
and one which points out their extreme ingenuity,
was the discovery of some machinery intended to be
applied to the propulsion of their junks, resembling
paddle -wheels. This curious invention has been allu
ded to in the early part of the work , but the actual
machinery used for the purpose was now first disco
vered . There were two long shafts, to which were
to be attached the paddle -wheels, made of hard wood ,
about twelve feet in diameter ; there were also some
strong wooden cog -wheels nearly finished, which were
intended to be worked by manual labour inside the
vessel . They were not yet fitted to the vessels ; but
the ingenuity of this first attempt of the Chinese, so
far north as Chinhae, where they could only have seen
our steamers during their occasional visits to Chusan,
when that island was before occupied by us, cannot but
be admired .
A walk round the ramparts of Chinhae was sufficient
to give a good idea of Chinese towns in general, and of
the construction of their walls, which in some parts
could not be less than forty feet thick. Beyond the
town the long sea-wall was a remarkably fine specimen
of masonry, composed entirely of large blocks of hewn
granite, sloping upwards. The whole of China, in fact,
appears to present to view astonishing instances of
mixed civilization and barbarism , of advancement and
of stagnation, in all the relations of life. Civilization
appears to float upon the surface ; you observe so much
of social order and sobriety, and hear so much of pa
ternal care and filial obedience, that you are half in
clined to think they must be a very moral, humane, and
happy people. Again, you witness such proofs of inge
nuity, such striking results of industry and of combi
nation of labour in their public works and buildings,
canals, embankments, &c., that you are inclined to
believe their institutions must have something good in
them at bottom .
But, when you look aa little deeper below the surface,
you are astonished at the many evidences of barbarism
and cruelty which militate against your first impressions.
The use of torture in the hands of government officers
is less striking, not only because it has been in use in
Christian Europe within the last half century, but also
because, the obligation of an oath being unknown in
China, as well as a future state of reward or punish
ment, there is in some cases no other mode of extracting
evidence than this cruel, unjust, and much -abused in
strument of violence. It is more difficult, however, to
perceive why they should have exerted their ingenuity
to produce revolting cruelty in their modes of inflicting
death .
The manner in which the unfortunate Captain Stead
and Mr. Wainwright were put to death at Chinhae,
as it was afterwards discovered, ( for they were only
wounded and captured at Keeto Point) affords strong evi
dence of their cruel love for human suffering. The
burial-place of these persons was pointed out outside
the city wall , beyond a little moat which skirted them .
It seemed to be the common burial-place for criminals
after execution, and there was an archery -ground, with
a target near at hand , for the practice of their favourite
weapon. The bodies of our countrymen were found
rolled upin stout mats, such as are commonly used for
covering their floors. It was difficult to obtain from
the Chinese any thing like correct information as to the
precise mode in which the unfortunate sufferers were
put to death ; for, although both of them were at last
beheaded, there is too much reason to believe that they
were first of all most barbarously tortured .
The infliction of the punishment of death in China,
by any mode which shall cause the mutilation of the
body, is considered much more severe and degrading
than death by strangulation, or without the shedding
of blood ; and the more the body is mutilated , the
greater is the punishment considered. The putting to
death by “ cutting in pieces,” in which horrible opera
tion decapitation is the climax , is, perhaps, never at
present carried into effect. It is reserved , I believe,
exclusively for rebellion and high treason . But the
Chinese seem to take pleasure in inventing various cruel
modes by which death may be inflicted, although pro
bably they are not now used, if, indeed, they ever were.
The most original and disgusting of all these methods,
(of which, however, there was no evidence of its being
used ) was illustrated by the discovery, either at Chinhae
or at Ningpo, of the model of a machine for pounding
women to death. The original model was found in a
temple, together with various others of a very extraor
dinary kind . It was very small, and was merely a
model, but it represented a large oblong stone vase, in
which the woman was to be placed, with the back of her
head resting upon one extremity, ( the long hair hanging
over the side, and fastened to it) while her legs were to
be secured to the other extremity. The horrible pound
ing process was to be effected by means of a huge
stone pestle, large at the base and conical at the apex ,
similar to those which they use for pounding rice. The
pestle, or cone, was fixed to the extremity of a long
pole, the pole itself being fastened by a pin in the
centre to an upright support, something in the manner
of a pump -handle. The extremity of the handle being
depressed by a man's weight, of course raised the cone,
and, the pressure being removed, the heavy cone or
pestle descended by its own weight, which was quite
sufficient to pound one to pieces.
It was stated that at Chusan aa stone tablet was found ,
upon which were carved the Emperor's orders, that
every barbarian who fell into the hands of the authori
ties should be executed by a slow and ignominious
death. We know, however, that, except in the case of
the prisoners upon the island of Formosa, this horrible
threat was in only rare instances carried into execution.
On the contrary, the English prisoners were sometimes
tolerably well treated . This undoubtedly arose from
the forbearance which was shown on our part towards
the Chinese themselves, and the humanity and kindness
which their wounded and their prisoners invariably re
ceived from our officers and men, and which it was in
variably the object of Sir Hugh Gough to promote and
encourage. It is time, however, to return from these
digressions, in order to accompany the main body of our
troops up to the city of Ningpo.
Ningpo river — Reconnoissance of the City Ningpo occupied without
opposition — Panic throughout the province -Alarm at Hang -chow
foo - Remarks on the seat of operations - Chekeang - Importance of
the Imperial Canal — Measures adopted at Ningpo — Ransom de
manded — Chinese plunderers — Bridge of boats— Excursion to Yuyow
- Beauties of the country Notices of Ningpo — Prize-money
Public granaries opened to the people — Chinese horses — Pagoda, and
panorama of the country - Aspect of the town - Chinese etiquette
Want of scientific researches Taste for English manufactures —
Russian cloth manufactured in England for the Chinese overland
trade - Wood -carving and varnishing — Sporting excursions — Abun
dance of game — Chinese treachery — Anecdotes — Second visit to
Chinhae — View of the battle- field - Amusing incidents — Lady sham
ming dead- Infanticide— Visit to Chusan- Return to Ningpo.
The scenery at the mouth of the Ningpo river is
very striking. High conical- shaped hills stand on
either side ; and, as the river makes a bend a short
distance up, the fine mountains beyond come into full
view, and add to the picturesque beauty of the spot.
On the 12th of October (the second day after the
capture of Chinhae) the Admiral proceeded up the river
in the Nemesis, in order to reconnoitre the city of
Ningpo, and to ascertain the practicability of taking
the larger steamers and the sloops up the river. In all
respects, the river much exceeded the expectations
formed of it. It was found to be wide and easily navi
gable up to the city, with not less than fourteen feet
water close under the city walls. It was also ascer
tained that no preparations had been made for defence,
as the positions which the Chinese had taken up at the
entrance of the river had been considered by them as
quite strong enough to prevent the approach of an
enemy . The people were seen hurrying out of the
city gates, in every direction, in the greatest conster
nation . It was therefore evidently requisite that our
forces should move up as soon as possible, not so much
to take advantage of the prevailing panic, as to anti
cipate the departure of so many of the respectable
families out of the city, and to induce them to remain
there under promise of protection. Otherwise, it was
very evident that the place would be entirely at the
mercy of all the lowest classes of the people, and would
soon become devastated by the ravages of a licentious
and uncontrolled mob. The authorities had all fled ,
and the city appeared to be in complete disorder.
No time was to be lost. With the exception of the
necessary garrison left at Chinhae, consisting of the
55th regiment (excepting the light company ), with one
hundred Royal Marines, and a detachment of artillery
and sappers, the whole under the command of Lieu
tenant -Colonel Craigie, the rest of the force was em
barked principally on board the Nemesis and Phlegethon,
on the following morning, the 13th, and proceeded up
the river, in company with the Queen and Sesostris
steamers, together with the Modeste, Cruiser, Colum
bine, and Bentinck. The Blonde was left for the pro
tection of Chinhae, as a support to the garrison .
In consequence of unavoidable delays, the force did
not reach the city of Ningpo until past two, p. m.; but,
fortunately, there was no difficulty in landing the
troops with the utmost expedition. Across the river,
just abreast of the town, there was a well-constructed
bridge of boats, which served to connect the city, at
the entrance of one of its gates, with the suburbs which
were on the opposite side. There was quite water
enough for the steamers to run close up to it ; and, as
the Chinese showed no intention of opposing the land
ing, the bridge was immediately taken possession of,
while thousands of the inhabitants thronged the banks
of the river, as mere spectators, moved by curiosity
rather than by fear. Indeed, the Chinese themselves
voluntarily assisted to remove the obstructions which
were piled up behind the city gates ; and about three
o'clock the whole of the little force, amounting to no
more than seven hundred and fifty bayonets, besides
the artillery and sappers, were drawn up along the
ramparts of the important and wealthy city of Ningpo ;
and the stirring sound of our national “ God save the
Queen ” was played by the band of the 18th Royal
The utmost quiet was preserved, and the Chinese
were made to understand that, deserted by their own
authorities, and left without means of protecting them
selves, they might be assured of protection through
the generosity of British soldiers. Never indeed was
there a more peaceable victory.
The capture of Chinhae and Ningpo, so soon after the
loss of Chusan , seems to have inflicted so severe a blow
upon the Chinese, as to have alarmed the whole pro
vince, and spread consternation even as far as the
capital itself. Reports were soon brought from every
quarter that the inhabitants even of Hang -chow -foo,
famed for its luxury and refinement throughout China,
were moving away from it in large numbers, and that
places nearer to the scene of action were already almost
abandoned . In fact, it was admitted that a panic pre
vailed on every side ; and it was feared that trea
cherous natives would seize the opportunity to rob and
plunder, and would form themselves into organized
bands for the purpose of creating internal disorders.”
There was also great apprehension that our forces
might proceed to capture Chapoo, one of their most
valuable ports, having the exclusive right of trade
with Japan, and situated in the vicinity of Hang
It could not be doubted, therefore, that had the General
possessed a sufficient force to have been able to leave
a garrison at Ningpo, and at once to take possession
of Chapoo, which is, in fact, the seaport of Hang
chow -foo, and only twenty miles distant from it, he
might have marched to the provincial capital while the
Chinese were unprepared to offer any serious opposition ;
and it is not improbable that the war might have
been brought to a termination in that campaign. With
the very small force, however, which Sir Hugh Gough
had at his disposal, such a movement was manifestly im
possible. The whole force which he could muster at
Ningpo amounted to no more than seven hundred and
fifty bayonets ; and, as the city was not less than five
miles in circumference, containing a dense population,
it evidently required a considerable garrison to occupy
the place, and to afford security to the peaceable and
well-disposed inhabitants. It was therefore resolved
to make Ningpo the head -quarters for the winter, and
to wait for reinforcements from England and from
India before opening the next campaign.
At this time, the Emperor, though alarmed, seems
not to have been at all dismayed by the disasters which
his troops had met with. The defence of Hang- chow
foo was clearly a matter of great importance. Large
bodies of troops were , therefore, ordered to be sent
down, new generals were appointed, and it is said that
even Keshen was liberated from confinement, and sent
to superintend affairs. Movements of troops and the
travelling of public officers are not very rapid in China,
and his majesty therefore ordered that the local officers
of the province should provide as well as they could for
its defence, until the reinforcements could reach them,
which would " require full two months' time.”
Alarm already began to be felt for the safety even of
Pekin ; and , remembering the former visit of our ships
to the river Peiho, and the conference at Tientsin, the
Emperor was not without dread of a second visit of a
more troublesome kind. Part of the troops, therefore,
which were originally ordered to Hang -chow - foo, were
directed to change their route, and proceed to co
operate for the defence of Tientsin, at which point also
troops from other parts were now ordered to be con
centrated .
The province of Chekeang, which was now the seat
of our operations, is intersected by large rivers, and
is traversed by the great Imperial Canal, which , taking
its commencement from the city of Hang-chow-foo, and
passing through the most fertile and densely-populated
provinces, crossing in its course the two great rivers,
the Yangtze Keang and the Yellow River, runs north
ward nearly as far as the imperial capital, which is
dependent upon it not only for its wealth, but even for
its means of daily subsistence. A blow inflicted upon
its immense traffic at one extremity must necessarily
vibrate along its whole course, and be painfully felt at
the other end ; and the great internal trade of China,
through all its endless ramifications, upon which
perhaps the bulk of the population depend for their
subsistence, must suffer a universal and dangerous
derangement. What was of quite as much importance
also, the imperial revenues would, in a great measure,
cease to flow into the imperial treasury ; and the “ tug of
war ” could not last long without the sinews that give
it strength.
The city of Ningpo, therefore, the largest in the
province next to Hang -chow -foo, wealthy from its great
trade, easily accessible by water, and formerly the site of
an English factory, was admirably adapted for winter
quarters. The troops were placed , in the first instance,
in two large public buildings, and the greatest forbear
ance was exercised towards the persons and property of
the inhabitants. Proclamations were likewise issued,
calling upon the people to return to their ordinary
avocations without fear ofmolestation ; and some of the
principal inhabitants were requested to assemble, in order
that it might be explained to them that it was the wish
of our high officers to afford them all possible protection ,
and to restore order to the city ; that the hostility of the
English was to be directed against the government, and
not against the people.
All this sounded well at first, and was received with
great thankfulness by the Chinese, who seemed very well
disposed to be taken under British protection . But the
announcement which was afterwards made to them , that
they were to pay a heavy sum as ransom for the city,
and as an equivalent for the value of our “ protection, ”
was received with very great disfavour and reluctance.
Very little of the sum demanded was ever forthcoming ;
and the substitution of aa tax, or contribution, of ten per
cent upon the estimated value of the property, was the
cause of much subsequent ill-will, and some injustice.
In fact, notwithstanding the promises and hopes which
were held out, a very small portion of it was ever col
lected , and it was at all times a subject of much bitter
ness to the people.
A tax of ten per cent. upon the value of the cargoes
of all vessels passing up the river, which was afterwards
enforced, was much more successful; in fact, it was little
else than the collection of the imperial revenues, which
the Chinese were always liable to pay. It was,, however,
in a great degree evaded, by an increase of smuggling
along the coast, which the disorganized state of the
local government of the province greatly favoured .
Generally speaking, the collecting of any considerable
body of troops together in any particular province or
locality in China, so far from strengthening the hands of
238 NINGPO .
the authorities, is more likely to occasion disturbance
among the inhabitants. Their raw , ill-disciplined levies
are under little restraint, and repeated complaints are
always made against the lawlessness of the troops. Lit
tle confidence being placed in their regular soldiers, who
had been so recently defeated, the people were now
called upon by the authorities to collect their brave men
from all the villages and hamlets along the coast, and to
organize them into bands, for mutual “ defence against
the proud rebels ;" but, in most instances, these bodies
of uncontrolled patriots became a perfect scourge to their
own neighbourhood , and perfectly useless for any pur
pose of defence against the enemy.
Ningpo is situated upon the extremity of a tongue of
land at the point of junction of two rivers, or two
branches of the same river, which unite just below the
town, and form the Tahea, or Ningpo river. Both of
these branches are extremely tortuous, and have nume
rous villages along their banks, which are in some parts
picturesque and well cultivated. One of them leads up,
in a north - easterly direction , to the district town of
Yuyow, whence there is a canal , supposed to lead to
Hang -chow -foo : the distance is about forty miles ; and
nearly half-way up this branch, situated about four
miles from the river's bank, is the town of Tsekee. Both
of these towns shortly became, as we shall see, the
scene of our operations, our object being to disperse the
Chinese forces, which were being collected at various
points for a threatened attack upon us at Ningpo. The
other, or south-western branch of the Ningpo river, leads
up, at the distance of about thirty miles, to the town of
Fungwah, which we also designed to attack , if neces
sary .
At Ningpo itself, one of the most interesting objects
is the bridge of boats, connecting the town with the
suburbs. It is apparently well contrived to answer the
purpose for which it is intended . The boats are all con
nected together by two chains running across, and rest
ing upon them, extending from one side of the river to
the other. This serves to keep the boats in their pla
without their being moored, and a regular bridge of
planks is carried from one to the other, but only destined
for foot-passengers, as carts for draught are unknown.
A few days after the place was taken, the Nemesis
and Phlegethon proceeded up the north -western branch
towards Yuyow, the Admiral and suite being on board
the former, and Sir Henry Pottinger and suite on board
the latter. They also took in tow the Wellesley's launch
and pinnace, manned and armed. The object was sim
ply to explore that branch of the river, and to ascertain
whether any Chinese were being collected in that direc
tion. Nothing could be more picturesque than the
scenery the whole way up, the tortuous bendings of the
river bringing a constant succession of new objects into
view, relieved by fine mountain scenery in the rear.
Numerous villages lay scattered upon its banks, but
there was no appearance of any preparations for defence.
The inhabitants generally, so far from running away with
fear, crowded the banks with looks of the utmost asto
nishment. The scenery continued to increase in interest
as they ascended, and particularly at a place called Poon
poo, where there was a cluster of extremely pretty coun
try houses, or villas, said to belong to several of the
high officers of government. On every side the country
appeared to be in the highest state of cultivation .
About two-thirds of the way up, the river became
considerably narrower, and the turnings were sometimes
so sharp and sudden, that it was not without some diffi
culty the long, sharp Nemesis could be guided round them.
At length, about five o'clock, they reached the city of
Yuyow , and came to anchor close under its walls, in
about three fathoms water.
The Admiral, accompanied by the numerous officers
who had attended him, including Captains Maitland,
Herbert, Blake, and others, now got into the boats
from the Nemesis, as did also Sir Henry Pottinger and
his suite from the Phlegethon, and proceeded up the
river above the town, to reconnoitre. They passed
under a well-constructed stone bridge of three arches,
the centre one being about thirty feet high ; but the
day was already far advanced, and the rain began to fall
heavily. Nothing of a hostile character was observed
in the neighbourhood, and they all very gladly returned
without landing, but did not reach the steamers until
they were completely drenched .
Sir William Parker did not escape suffering from the
exposure he had undergone, and was laid up almost im
mediately afterwards with an attack of rheumatism ;
indeed, it was often a matter of surprise that he escaped
with so little illness during his anxious and indefatigable
services, in which he never spared himself on any occa
sion , or shrunk from any exposure .
On the following morning, Sir Henry Pottinger went
up the river, and landed near a hill above the city,
while Captain Herbert and another party ascended a hill
a little below it, from which there was a most beautiful
and commanding view of the surrounding country on all
sides, as well as of the town. Upon this bill there was
a large joss-house capable of defence. There was no
appearance of hostility on the part of the people, nor
was any large body of troops discovered. The same
evening they all returned to Ningpo.
This first visit to Yuyow was one of reconnoissance
and curiosity, and the city itself was not entered. On
a subsequent occasion, however, in the following Decem
ber, a hostile attack was made upon it, as will be de
scribed, in consequence of the assembling of a body of
Chinese troops within its walls and in its neighbour
hood .
In the city of Ningpo itself, things gradually began
to settle down into their regular course ; the Chinese
VOL . II . R
soon opened their shops, and were very glad to sell their
wares at an exorbitant price. Provisions also were
brought in plentifully, and there was every probability
that the winter would be passed in tolerable tranquillity.
Some of the principal people are said to have come for
ward and expressed their willingness to be taken per
manently under British rule, under a guarantee of pro
tection, but their professions were little relied on.
Some of the temples at Ningpo are very handsome,
and one of them in particular is well worth seeing .
They fortunately escaped the plundering of the Chinese
thieves . Not so, however , the private houses , particu
larly in the suburbs, which were less under our control,
and were almost as extensive as the town . In these,
one whole street was discovered entirely at the mercy
of the mob, who had carried off nearly every thing that
could be moved , in almost every house . Several of
these rogues were caught in the act, and were handed
over to the tender mercies of the people themselves.
Several of them also were well flogged, and others had
their tails cut off, by the general's orders.
One of the buildings which attracted most interest
was the town prison, in which Captain Anstruther and
others of our unfortunate countrymen had been so long
confined . The identical cages in which they had been
shut up were found still there, and others of a similar
kind, ready for the reception of any of the barbarians
who might fall into their hands. The way in which
Captain Anstruther managed to find out his old prison
was rather curious. He had himself blindfolded , and
then carefully numbered the steps he had formerly
taken , and the different turnings he had made ; and by
these means contrived, within a few yards, to hit the
very spot .
A party arrived there in time to get possession of
some Sycee silver which had not yet been removed
from the offices ; but it is supposed that much more
had already been carried away by plunderers. A very
large quantity of the base coin called cash, the only
coined money of China, was found in another part of
the town ; and the enormous stores of grain, belonging
to government, were also taken possession of, and after
wards sold to the people at a cheap rate. This pro
duced a considerable addition to the prize -fund, but the
policy of selling it at so low a rate was somewhat ques
tioned. Every man was allowed to go into the stores,
at which a strong guard was placed, and fill as large a
sack as he could carry out of it for one dollar, its actual
value being about four. But only a small portion of
this was actually obtained by the poor people; for it
was asserted , at least by the Chinese, that the farmers
themselves managed to get a considerable share of it
by means of their servants, so that they might be able
to continue to keep up the price by a species of mono
poly. It was also feared that, in case of a failure of
the crops, a serious famine might happen to the people,
owing to the want of the accustomed stores which are
usually laid up by the government, in the paternal spirit
of providing the poor with food at a moderate price, in
the event of such a contingency. The sum added to the
prize -fund by the sale of these stores of grain, of which
there was said to be two years' supply, was considerable .
R 2
There were also large stores of sugar discovered in the
town .
Amongst other unexpected prizes, not the least inte
resting was that of a stud of Chinese horses, or ponies,
small, but hardy little things, used exclusively for saddle,
and generally employed only by the higher mandarins.
Upwards of forty of these ponies were selected, and
trained for the artillery, and amusing enough it was to
see the commencement of their apprenticeship. One of
the great disadvantages the General laboured under, on
many occasions, was the want of horses for his staff ;
the necessity of carrying his orders on foot not only
caused delay, but rendered the duty very harassing,
particularly during some of the hot, sultry days in the
earlier part of this campaign.
The Chinese horses are extremely small, literally po
nies, but strong, and of good bone and tolerable figure;
but they are not numerous, being considered rather as a
valuable indication of rank or wealth than as the com
mon slave of man, either for labour or amusement. The
Chinese take no pains to improve the breed, and very
little care of them , as to their food, grooming, &c . In
reality, a Chinaman is the most awkward -looking horse
man imaginable, and the walk or the jog-trot is the only
pace that either his inclination, his dignity, or the slip
pery nature of his causeways, permit him to adopt. Po
pulation in China is so dense, and consequently labour
so abundant, that they stand in very little need of the
help of the lower animals to assist the hand of man,
and rather grudge the food which is necessary for their
The best way to obtain a good view of Ningpo and
the surrounding country is to ascend the pagoda, which
forms one of its most striking objects. It is one hun
dred and fifty - five feet high, of an octagonal form ,
having windows all the way up, with a lantern in each ;
so that, if lighted up, the effect would be very striking.
The lower part of it is built of stone, but the upper part
of brick. In other respects it differs but little from
other structures of the same description. It appears to
be connected with a public burial-ground, as numerous
graves and monuments lie scattered round it. From
the top of it you get quite a panoramic view of the city
and the river, with its two tributaries or branches, the
mountains in the distance, and the fine, rich, alluvial,
well- watered, and highly-cultivated plain which extends
down towards the sea-coast.
The town itself differs little in appearance from that
of Canton and most other towns in China, but it is con
siderably smaller than the former ; it has the same
narrow streets, crossed here and there by the heavy stone
arches, or rather tablets, which are frequently erected
to do honour to some great or popular man, the same
curious, long, ornamented sign-boards, on each side of
the shops, and the same crowded clusters of houses, of
curious shape, and mostly of one story.
Many of the houses of the better class of people, not
deserted entirely by their owners, were visited by our
officers, who generally met with a very courteous recep
tion . Indeed , the Chinese well know how to make a
virtue of necessity, and to conciliate your good graces
by the offer of tea, cakes, tobacco, or flowers, rather
than run the chance of exciting your ill-will, or your
less friendly visits, by an affectation of independence or
rude indifference. The Chinese of the respectable
classes are capable of being extremely courteous, are
well -bred , and even elegant in their manners ; and the
proper mode of treating them is to insist on this kind of
demeanour as if it were due to you, and to accept it as
your right. But there are no people who can be more
rude, overbearing, and uncourteous than the Chinese,
when they choose to be so, or rather when they think
that they can withhold from you with impunity, or
without notice, the courtesies which are habitual among
themselves. The true method of gaining civility and
attention from them is to treat them with courteous
civility, and a certain degree of ceremonious distance,
yet mixed with kindness, never omitting to take notice
of the slightest want of courtesy on their part. On the
other hand, if you treat them with familiarity in the
first instance, or permit them to forego for an instant
any of the little marks of attention or etiquette to which
you are entitled, you are sure to lose their respect,
without gaining their affection . Chinese good -breeding
is a sensitive quality, and they often delight to try how
far they can carry any omission of etiquette, in order
to ascertain by your bearing whether you are entitled
to receive it .
Considering how much the property of the inhabi
tants of Ningpo was at our mercy, it is creditable that
so little injury was done to it during the many months
in which the city was in our possession. But it is also
deserving of remark that, during the whole period of the
war with the Chinese, no considerable collection of
Chinese curiosities or works of art, many of which are
extremely interesting and novel to us, was made for pub
lic purposes. With the exception of a few specimens of
Chinese weapons and clothing, which were sent to diffe
rent public institutions by private individuals, no at
tempt was made to form a sort of Chinese Museum .
Had the French possessed the same advantages, pro
bably a valuable collection would have been sent to
It is also to be regretted that some one or more
scientific gentlemen were not attached to the expedi
tion, who, with the assistance of an interpreter, might
have made us acquainted with many interesting sub
jects of natural history, and of the productions of the
country. Where, for instance, is the immense quantity
of Sycee silver, which is annually exported from China,
obtained ? Where are their copper-mines, and how are
they worked ? Coal-mines also exist in several parts of
China ; at Ningpo coal was sold in small quantities, and
at Nankin immense supplies of excellent coal were found
laid up for the coming winter, and our steamers found it
answer very well . The mineral productions of China, of
which there are probably many, are almost entirely un
known to us.
The taste for European manufactures had reached
Ningpo long before we got possession of it. There
were one or two shops for the sale of what were called
Canton wares, that is, English goods brought up from
Canton , and, of course, sold enormously dear. In one
of them was a quantity of English glass of various
kinds. English gilt buttons were found, and were in
demand for the dresses of the higher classes, particu
larly of the women, who seemed to prefer those which
had the East India Company's crest, the Lion, upon them .
A large quantity of cloth was also found imported from
Russia, and called Russian cloth ; but, in reality, there
is little doubt that the cloth was manufactured in Eng
land , for Russian merchants, expressly for their overland
trade with China. It is a known fact, that orders of
this description, for cloth made expressly of a particular
kind, have long been executed in England. This, then,
ought now to become a direct trade in our own hands.
The Chinese appear to excel in the art of wood
carving, some very fine specimens of which were found
in their houses. One house in particular at Ningpo
was distinguished by the tasteful carving of its furni
ture, particularly of that which belonged to the bed
rooms . Some of their wardrobes and bedsteads were
elegantly ornamented with carved work , inlaid with
various kinds of wood, and representing landscapes,
figures, &c. Some of their specimens of fretwork, with
silk at the back, and of embroidered silk furniture,
were extremely elegant. Above all things, they excel
in the art of varnishing plain or carved wood, and they
have also some method of giving a fine gloss to painted
work, which very much increases its durability, althongh
it is different from varnish .
One of their greatest deficiencies appears to be in the
mode of lighting their houses. Glass is so little used ,
and the manufacture of it so imperfectly known among
them , that almost the only mode which they adopt of
letting in the light, and of excluding the air at the same
time, is by lattice-work windows, sometimes neatly
carved, and lined inside with very thin transparent
paper. Occasionally, however, a single pane of glass is
found in the centre of the window, while in other in
stances the whole of it is covered with the thin transpa
rent lining of oyster-shells, which admit a very dubious
light. The artificial lighting of the best houses is often
very well effected by coloured lamps, several of which
are suspended from the ceiling, and painted with various
designs, landscapes, &c. But the painting is on the
glass, not in the glass ; the latter art appears to be quite
unknown to the Chinese.
Generally speaking, it was not safe to wander far
from the gates of the town, except when a large party
went together upon a shooting excursion. Pheasants,
and a sort of pigeon, with woodcocks and teal, were
generally found without difficulty, but the Chinese
seemed mightily astonished that any one should take
the trouble to walk over the country, mile after mile,
merely for the trouble of shooting birds. It is curious
that, expert and indefatigable as they are in catching
fish, they should be so indifferent to the art of catching
or killing birds, which are to be found in almost every
part of the country in great abundance. But they seem
to be deterred by the trouble of seeking for them, and
have very little knowledge of the relative value of the
different species as articles of diet. The lower class of
people will gladly devour any kind of bird you shoot
for them . I have seen them glad to get birds of prey
even , and yet they take no pains to secure the thou
sands of wild - fowl which are to be found upon the
banks of the same rivers in which they catch their fish .
That it was not safe to go out alone, even well
armed, soon became evident, for they made more than
one attempt to carry off a sentry on duty, and would
have succeeded in their object , had not the guard
instantly come up on the alarm being given . On these
occasions, as may be supposed, a Chinaman or two
stood a chance of being shot. But the boldest of them
all were the professed thieves, who continued to com
mit depredations upon their countrymen in the most
barefaced manner, in spite of the severe examples which
were sometimes made.
On one occasion, when a small foraging party was
out looking for poultry and bullocks, some Chinamen
pointed out a spot where they said a quantity of Sycee
silver had been concealed. This was too great a temp
tation for the soldiers to resist, but the moment they
had loaded themselves with the silver the Chinese sur
rounded them, and they were obliged to let fall the
Sycee in order to defend themselves, and then beat a
retreat. A quarrel then arose of course among the
Chinese, about the division of the spoil, of which they
had not robbed their countrymen, but had only cap
tured it from the barbarians.
So many attempts were made to entrap our soldiers
and sailors, and to carry them off, both at Ningpo and
Chinhae, that great caution was necessary, and, in spite T
of the many warnings, some of their attempts were
successful. They had less inclination to molest the
officers ; not that they loved them better, or desired
them less as prisoners, but that they had greater
respect for the double-barrelled pistols which many of
the officers carried in their pockets, and which all were
supposed to be provided with.
An attempt was made more than once by the Chinese
to rob our commissariat stores, but it was frustrated by
our vigilance . But the Chinese are uncommonly expert
housebreakers , as many people in Hong Kong can
testify, where houses and stores of the most substantial
kind were broken into in a very ingenious manner,
generally by removing some of the stones or bricks
near the foundation .
The attempt to establish a Chinese police at Ningpo,
and also at Chusan, was tolerably successful; at least
it was not difficult to find men who were willing enough
to receive the pay, and wear the badge of a policeman ;
but it is not quite so certain that they were equally
ready to detect thieves, or to protect the property of
individuals. Sometimes, by way of appearing to do
something, they gave false information, which served
to create a stir for the moment. Upon the whole, they
were certainly of some use ; but the want of knowledge
of the language, and the small number of interpreters,
since Mr. Gutzlaff had almost the sole management of
them, rendered their services less available than could
have been wished . They were occasionally useful as
spies, and obtained information of reports among their
countrymen , concerning the plans and intentions of the
But, besides these, we had also regular spies in our
pay, one of whom , a Chinese who spoke English, and
came to be known by the name of Blundell, was sent up
to Hang - chow -foo, but was afraid to deliver the paper
which was entrusted to him, and returned without
having accomplished his object. He was supposed to
be employed as a spy by both parties, the Chinese as
well as ourselves.
Generally, pretty correct information was obtained
of the proposed movements of the Chinese, the assem
bling of their troops, and the orders of the imperial
cabinet. It is curious that an edict was found, which
alluded to the affair of the Nemesis in the harbour of
Sheipoo, and the destruction of the forts and junks.
It was also said that a letter had been intercepted,
from Yang Fang, one of the imperial commissioners at
Canton, to one of the Tartar generals in Chekeang,
apprising him that he had received from Manilla one
hundred and fifty shells, with some guns, and a supply
of muskets. Whether this was true, it is impossible to
ascertain, but there was no doubt that they received
arms of various kinds from some place or other. They
offered to the captain of an American merchant ship
at Chusan six hundred dollars for his two iron guns,
and twelve dollars for each of his twelve muskets and
bayonets, but he refused to part with them. This
information I had from the captain himself.
At Ningpo, however, and in its neighbourhood , there
were no indications of hostile preparations for some
time after the place was in our possession. It was not
until quite the end of November, that reports, upon
which reliance could be placed, reached the General,
that troops were collecting in some of the neighbouring
towns, particularly at Yuyow , the town which had
already been visited , and rumours were afloat of some
projected attack, on the part of the Chinese, upon
Ningpo itself. Little uneasiness, however, was felt on
this head ; but plans now began to be laid for dis
persing these different bodies of troops, and for the
purpose of instilling a wholesome terror into the minds
of the people, lest they as well as the authorities should
become emboldened by our apparent supineness. There
did not, however, appear to be any immediate necessity
for active measures, which did not take place until two
or three weeks afterwards.
In the mean time, the Nemesis was sent over to
Chusan, stopping a day or two at Chinhae on the way,
to procure fuel, and to overhaul a number of large
junks which were at anchor a few miles from the
mouth of the river. They were found to be laden
principally with peas, rice, oil, walnuts, liquorice
root, &c ., and , had they been met with a few months
later, they would all have been detained, as were hun
dreds of a similar kind at Woosung ; but at this time
they were not molested . Opium was found in them all,
in small quantities only, for the use of the people on
board , but apparently not for sale.
Some improvement was already noticed in the ap
pearance of Chinhae, although it had not yet been two
months in our possession ; the market was well sup
plied , and the 55th regiment seemed to be much better
provided with quarters than the troops stationed at
Ningpo. The weather was now clear and bracing, and
the sickness which had partially attacked our troops,
on first taking possession of the town , had almost
entirely disappeared .
This was a good opportunity for paying a visit to
the site of the engagement with the Chinese on the
opposite side of the river, on the day of the capture of
Chinhae. The positions held by the Chinese appeared
remarkably strong, and, had they been skilfully de
fended, would not have been taken without great loss
of life on our side.
On the occasion of this visit, two Chinamen were
seen at some little distance, hastening along with a
large round basket carried between them, carefully
covered up, but which at first attracted little notice.
Some of the party had the curiosity to raise up the
covering a little, when, to their great surprise and
amusement, a very young and pretty -looking Chinese
lady was found stowed in it, hoping probably by this
device to escape detection . The poor thing was almost
frightened to death ; but she remained perfectly quiet
until she was covered up again, when the men were
allowed to trot away with her as fast as they could.
Shortly afterwards a gay-looking sedan chair was
seen passing near a village, probably belonging to some
of the mandarins, but no sooner did the party run up
to examine it, than its occupier jumped out and ran
away for his life.
But the best thing of this kind was finding a Chinese
lady stowed away in the locker of a boat, as if she
were dead. Orders had been issued by the Admiral
to examine all junks leaving the city, in order to pre
vent them from carrying away plunder. One of these
had just been examined , without finding any thing of
value on board, when it occurred that something might
still be concealed in the after-locker, a sort of cup
board of moderate size. On opening this sanctum , it
appeared to contain what looked like the dead body of
a female, recently put into it, well dressed, and , judg
ing from her handsome shoes and small feet, a person
of some importance. This looked a very strange affair,
but as no one could speak a word of the language, it
was impossible to inquire into it. However, as it
appeared to be a capital opportunity to examine the
nature of a Chinese lady's foot, the men were ordered
to lift the body out ; and this appeared likely to be no
easy matter, so closely did it seem to be jammed in.
But the moment the Jacks laid hold of the shoulders, a
tremendous scream issued forth, as if a ghost had
suddenly been endowed with some unearthly voice,
and tried to frighten them out of all propriety. The
poor thing had only shammed being dead , in order, as
she thought, to escape detection. She was now very
gently lifted out, and not without some difficulty, being
literally half dead with the fright and confinement. In
the bottom of the locker beneath her was found a bag
of money, with which she had evidently attempted to
escape . She was of course allowed to go away without
further molestation , boat and all. But this little event
afforded infinite amusement afterwards, when told with
a little pardonable embellishment.
The question of infanticide has been already alluded
to in a previous chapter. According to Barrow , it was
considered part of the duty of the police at Pekin to
collect every morning, in a cart sent round for the
purpose, the dead bodies of infants which were thrown
into the streets during the night. Sometimes they were
found still alive, and these were commonly rescued by
the Roman Catholic Missionaries, who attended for the
purpose, and subsequently brought them up in the
Roman Catholic faith . Mr. Gutzlaff also alludes to this
horrible practice, as being far from uncommon , and as
being perpetrated without any feelings of remorse, but
almost exclusively upon females. Among the immense
population which live in boats, and upon the rivers of
China, it is impossible to calculate how many are dis
posed of by being drowned. But, in Pekin , Barrow
gives the average number destroyed at twenty -four every
day. Some allowance must, however, be made for those
which die of disease during the earliest period of life,
in a country where medical science is at so low an
With the exception of some of the Tartar towns,
such as Chapoo and Chinkeang -foo, where wholesale
murder was committed by the men upon their wives
and children immediately the places were captured ,
little evidence was obtained of the existence of the
revolting practice of infanticide. We have seen that
at Amoy the bodies of several infants were found
sewed up in sacks ; and it was also said that a cave
was found at Chinhae, in which were a number of bodies
of female infants, also tied up in bags. But it was an
extremely rare thing to find an infant abandoned in the
streets, alive or dead. An instance, however, occurred
at Ningpo, one evening, when a party from the Ne
mesis were returning towards their boats. They were
just passing a joss-house, or temple, when something
attracted attention, lying upon the steps leading to the
entrance. On examination, it proved to be a female
infant (always females) recently abandoned , and, thongh
extremely cold, still living. The little thing was car
ried down to the boat, by a marine, who was the orderly.
Every attempt was made, as soon as it was brought on
board, to revive it. The doctor tried his skill, and on
receiving a little warm goat's milk, and being placed
in a warm bath, it began to move, and show symp
toms of reanimation. All the care that could be taken
of it, however, was ineffectual; and it died on the fol
lowing day, and was taken ashore and buried close to a
Chinese tomb.
Infanticide undoubtedly does exist in China, but it is
to be hoped that the statements of its prevalence have
been exaggerated, and that it is confined to the lowest
classes, among whom the means of subsistence press very
heavily, and that they are driven to it by extreme poverty
rather than indifference. The Chinese are generally re
markably fond of their children . A Chinaman's three
great wishes and most cherished hopes are, length of
days, plenty of male offspring, and literary honours.
To be the patriarch of a long line of descendants is
generally the aim of his proudest ambition.
After a delay of two or three days at Chinhae, the
Nemesis was sent over to Chusan , at the end of Novem
ber, whither the Admiral and Sir Henry Pottinger had
already preceded her. Great changes and improve
ments were found to have taken place, even in this
258 CHUSAN .
short space of time. The shops were now all open, and
the streets filled with people, who were pursuing their
ordinary avocations without any appearance of alarm ,
or fear of interruption. In fact, they were settling
down very quietly under our rule ; much more so than
on the former occasion when the town was in our
On the 1st of December, Sir Henry Pottinger and
the Admiral, attended by several other officers, took
their departure from Chusan, on board the Nemesis,
and crossed over once more to Chinhae ; and the same
evening the Nemesis anchored off the walls of Ningpo.
There was at this time no appearance of immediate
active operations, and, indeed, Sir Henry Pottinger
talked of going down to spend the remainder of the
winter at Hong Kong.
NINGPO . 259
Expedition to Yuyow - Capture of the City - Treachery - Close of
1841 - Alarm spreads to Hang -chow -foo — People quitting the City
Expedition of boats of the Nemesis towards Fungwah - Character of
the country described — The Cornwallis at Chusan — Reinforcements
begin to arrive - Expedition to the island of Tai-shan—The Nemesis
Gallant affair — Rumours of a combined attack by the Chinese
Ningpo in danger - AA surprise -— Night attack — Gallant defence of
the City - Repulse of the Chinese - Pursuit and slaughter—Chinese
attack Chinhae — All their plans are frustrated.
The eventful year of 1841 was now drawing fast to
a close. The troops at Ningpo had been moved into
more convenient quarters for the winter, the close of
which was anxiously looked for, in the hope that suffi
cient reinforcements would arrive to be able to com
mence the next campaign with vigour. The weather
set in intensely cold in the middle of December. On
the 14th of that month, the hills were all covered with
snow, which soon began to fall heavily in the town as
well, and proved that, although the summers are very
warm in China, the winters are intensely cold and try
ing. The health of the troops continued good , supplies
were tolerably abundant, and the officers managed to
beguile the time by shooting-parties in the neighbour
S 2
hood, where plenty of game, woodcocks, snipes, phea
sants, &c., were to be found.
For some time, as was before stated , reports had been
brought in, of the assembling of large bodies of Chi
nese troops in some of the neighbouring towns, with
the object, it was supposed, of preventing the people
from holding friendly communications with us, and
perhaps also to threaten us with an attempt to re
cover the city. The continuance of frosty weather,,
which rendered their soft paddy -fields firm and fit for
operations, determined the General to make a military
expedition as far as Yuyow, in order to ascertain how
far these reports were correct, and to dislodge the Chi
nese troops, if any of them should be found collected
On the 27th of December the three steamers, Ne
mesis, Sesostris, and Phlegethon, having a number of
boats in tow, and carrying altogether about seven hun
dred men, including the marines and seamen , proceeded
up the north-western branch of the river. The Nemesis
conveyed Sir Hugh Gough, Sir William Parker, and
a detachment of the 18th Royal Irish , together with a
small detachment of artillery. The Sesostris, owing to
her greater draught of water, was compelled to bring
up below the intended point of debarkation . A few
miles below the town a party of Chinese soldiers
were dispersed, who had evidently been employed to
stake the river across, which they had already com
menced .
In the evening the Nemesis and Phlegethon anchored
close off the town of Yuyow , when crowds of Chinese
A RUSE . 261
were observed running down to their boats, and try
ing to make their escape up the river. The troops
were disembarked without delay, and took possession
of a small undefended battery of four guns, recently
erected, and then marched up the hill overlooking the
city, without opposition, and took up their quarters for
the night in the joss-house, or temple, upon the top of
it, from which a good view of the country had been
obtained on a former occasion .
The city was said to be occupied by upwards of a
thousand troops, and preparations were made for esca
lading the walls on the following morning, when the
seamen and marines were landed with that object, under
the Admiral in person. The morning was bitterly cold ,
and the fields were all covered with snow, so that the
capture of the town was looked forward to as a very
agreeable relief.
Just at the critical moment some of the respectable
inhabitants came out, and stated that the garrison had
withdrawn during the night, and that the gates were
open for us. It was little expected that treachery was
intended, and the troops, with the marines and seamen ,
entered the town in two divisions ; and, having got
upon the ramparts, they followed them in opposite
directions, in order to go round the town and meet at
the opposite side. At the same time, the Nemesis
weighed and moved a little higher up the river ; and
from the mast-head it was distinctly seen that a body
of Chinese troops were drawn up outside the town , close
to a bridge leading over a canal. The boats were,
therefore, sent further up the river , manned and armed ,
in case the Chinese should attempt to escape in that
direction .
Just at this time the Chinese opened a fire of ginjals
and matchlocks upon the naval division, as they were ad
vancing along the wall of the town ; but our troops,
after some little delay, having found their way out of the
town by the northern gate, closely pursued the enemy,
who had already taken flight. The Nemesis, and sub
sequently the Phlegethon, opened fire on them the
moment they were perceived.
The pursuit was a toilsome one, owing to the peculiar
character of the frozen paddy -fields, covered with snow,
which the Chinese could scramble over faster than our
own men ; but some of the Chinese were killed, and
some were taken prisoners. Most of them threw
off their thick wadded jackets, and Aung away their
arms, and , having a good knowledge of the country, and
of the direction of the causeways, which were com
pletely covered with snow, were able to make good
their escape. The pursuit was discontinued, after
following them seven or eight miles ; but a military
station, which was passed in the way, was set fire to
and destroyed .
In the mean time, the boats of the Nemesis, having
pushed on some way up the river, had overtaken two
mandarin boats, which were trying to escape . A quan
tity of official papers were found in them , together with
some Sycee silver, which was handed over to the prize
agents ; some valuable fur-cloaks were also taken, and
the boats were then burned, the people belonging to
them being first sent ashore.. Several farmhouses on
shore were then searched for troops, but none were
found. At some distance, however, some men were
seen carrying a handsome mandarin chair in great haste
across the country. Chase was given, and it was soon
overtaken ; but, instead of a mandarin, it was found to
contain a very good -looking young mandarin's lady,
with an infant in her arms, and a quantity of trinket
boxes. The poor thing was much frightened, but was
allowed to be carried on without molestation. On
returning to the boats, they were pushed up further, in
the direction in which our troops had followed the
enemy. The Admiral and Captain Bourchier came back
in the boats, but the General preferred returning on
foot all the way.
At Yuyow an extensive depôt was discovered outside
the town, containing ammunition, arms, and clothing,
and was totally destroyed. Four guns, which were
discovered concealed near the landing-place, were em
barked on board the steamer . It was now evident
that the reports which had been brought to us con
cerning the preparations of the Chinese were perfectly
In the town itself there was nothing particularly
worthy of attention ; and on the 30th our force was
re- embarked, and the steamers returned down the river,
and came to anchor for the night, as near as they could
to the town of Tszekee, which lies, as before stated,
about four miles from its banks. On marching up to
it the following day, it was found unoccupied ; and
even the authorities of the town , alarmed by the in
telligence from Yuyow, had fled from the place. The
inhabitants appeared peaceably inclined ; and, in order
the better to conciliate them , and to show that our
measures were solely directed against their government,
the large public stores of rice were distributed to the
poor people of the place. The same evening our force
returned to Ningpo, having, during these five days,
succeeded in spreading the alarm throughout all the ad
jacent country, and in destroying all the reliance of the
people in the power of their own troops to protect them.
The year 1841 had now closed, and it had been the
most eventful one since the commencement of our diffi
culties with the Chinese. Our measures had assumed
a new character of vigour ; while treaties had been made
and unmade by the Chinese with almost equal facility.
But deep and lasting humiliation had been inflicted
upon them ; the lionour of the English flag had been
vindicated , and the strength of her arms had been tried,
and proved to be irresistible to the Chinese.
It was soon discovered that the effect of our descent
upon Yuyow, and our visit to Tszekee, had been to
spread the utmost consternation through all the dis
trict, and to alarm even the high officers at the
provincial capital, Hang-chow-foo. The Imperial Com
missioner and many of the wealthy inhabitants now
fled out of that city, and sought refuge in Soo
chow-foo, nearly one hundred miles further to the
northward . In fact, there was a general dread of our
immediate advance upon the former city ; and there is
little doubt that the General would have gladly under
taken the expedition , had he possessed sufficient force
to do so without giving up Ningpo.
Some encouragement was given to this flattering
expectation, by the fact of the Phlegethon steamer and
the Bentinck surveying vessel being sent, early in Jan
uary, to examine the great bay of Hang -chow -foo, and
the port of Chapoo, which, as it were, commands the
approach to the city, and is the centre of its commerce.
This hoped -for movement in advance, however, never
took place. But, with a view to keep up in the minds
of the Chinese the impression which had been produced
by our movement upon Yuyow by the north -western
branch of the river, a similar attack was projected upon
Fungwah, which lies nearly at the same distance up the
south-western branch . No authorised expedition had
yet been made to explore this branch ; but, on two
occasions, Captain Hall and some of his officers and
men had proceeded a considerable way up, partly moved
by curiosity, and partly with a view to examine the
river. On one occasion, they must have nearly reached
the city of Fungwah itself.
In both these excursions the Chinese seemed very
much astonished and alarmed at the boldness of the
attempt. The first excursion was merely a walking
and shooting-party, but enough was seen of the country
to distinguish it as a rich, well-cultivated, and pic
turesque tract. The small cotton-plant was cultivated
in great abundance, and the women (at least the elder
ones) sat quietly at their doors, busy at the spinning
wheel, without appearing to be much alarmed . Several
canals were observed close to the river side, but not
flowing into or communicating directly with it. They
were separated from it by rather a steep inclined plane,
made of stone-work, intended as a substitute for locks,
with strong windlasses for the purpose of hauling the
boats up on one side, and letting them down on the
other ; certainly an original and curious contrivance.
A halt was made for refreshment in a temple not far
from the river, about six miles from Ningpo. The priest
was very officious in his attentions ; and, although there
was a dense crowd of people curiously pressing forward
to catch their first glimpse of the foreigners, there was
no attempt at rudeness or violence, and they were easily
kept at bay by a single sentry at the door.
The second excursion was much more extensive, and
was made in one of the steamer's cutters up the river. On
passing through the first village, four shots were heard,
but it was difficult to say whether they were fired at the
boat, as the shots were not seen to fall. The river was
found to be remarkably tortuous, so as to appear some
times, when viewed from a distance, as if it ran in con
trary directions. Numerous pretty -looking villages were
passed without any appearance of hostility ; and, at the
distance of about eighteen miles, the river was found to
divide into two branches, one of which continued in a
westerly direction, and the other ran about south-east.
Following the latter a short distance farther, a well-built
stone bridge was discovered, with five arches, the centre
one about twenty feet above the water, which was here
from five to six fathoms deep ; the span of the principal
arch was thirty-five feet, and upon the top of the bridge
was a sort of sentry -box, or small look-out place, secured
with a padlock.
Near at hand, upon the left bank of the river, was a
very pretty village, in which there was one large house,
distinguished from the others by having Chinese charac
ters carved upon it, the meaning of which of course
could not be ascertained. About a quarter of a mile
above the bridge, the banks of the river were studded
with well-built houses, surrounded by groves of trees,
among which the tallow-tree was the most striking, by
the peculiar reddish tint of its foliage at that time of
year. The course of the river was now about south
east, and it was still nearly one hundred yards broad,
with three fathoms water.
Three miles above the first bridge a second one was
discovered, and the river now turned due south. A
little beyond this point the party landed, as it was now
getting late, and ascended a hill upon the left bank of
the river, from which there was a beautiful view of the
surrounding country and the hills in the distance. A
high pagoda could be distinguished some way off to the
westward, and a round, white watch-tower, or look-out
house, upon a hill to the eastward, covered with fir-trees,
about aa mile distant. At first the villagers seemed ter
ribly frightened, but, soon perceiving that no mischief
was intended, they approached with the most eager cu
riosity, anxious to examine every thing, particularly the
boat and the men's clothes. Their manner was respect
ful and orderly, which is generally the case with the
Chinese, if properly treated.
It was now time to descend the river, although the
flood -tide was still making. On approaching the prin
cipal stone bridge, it was found crowded with people,
so that it was necessary to arrange some plan of defence,
in case their purpose should prove to be one of hostility
rather than of curiosity. If necessary,, it was resolved
that all the party should hastily land at the extremity
of the bridge, except two men, who were as quickly as
possible to push the boat through the nearest arch , and
then pull it across to the opposite side ; while those who
had landed were to force their way across the bridge,
and re -embark in the confusion on the opposite side.
On coming up to the bridge, however, no opposition
was offered , and indeed it was noticed that there were
a number of women among the lookers-on, and that
many others were hobbling out of their houses, led by
irresistible curiosity to get a first look at the strangers,
of whom they had probably already heard so much .
Abundance of wild fowl were seen along the banks of
the river, several of which were shot ; and, late in the
evening, the party again reached their vessel at Ningpo,
well rewarded for the day's excursion. The small walled
town of Fungwah is situated less than thirty miles up
this same branch of the river.
On the 10th of January, the General started from Ning
po, with the object of making a descent upon Fungwah , in
the expectation that some military stores, and probably
a small body of Chinese soldiers, would be discovered .
The Nemesis and Phlegethon were both employed on
this service ; the former vessel carrying detachments of
the 49th, 18th, and 55th regiments, with artillery, sap
pers and miners, and followers, and having also on board
Sir Hugh Gough and Sir William Parker, with their
suites . Several boats were also taken in tow. As the
steamers could not pass beyond the first bridge, the
troops were all landed at that point, with Sir Hugh
Gough at their head, intending to march direct upon
Fungwah, while the Admiral continued to advance up
the river, with the boats carrying the seamen and ma
rines. No opposition was met with, and both divisions
arrived simultaneously at the city walls. It was found
that the Chinese soldiers had abandoned the place, and
the authorities had also fled . The inhabitants and the
neighbouring peasantry all seemed peaceably inclined,
though apparently overcome with astonishment and cu
riosity. The prospect from the hills at the back of
Fungwah was very striking, and abundance of rice and
other grain crops appeared to be cultivated.
On the following morning, nothing remained to be
done but to destroy the government buildings, and to
distribute the contents of the public granaries to the
people, as had been the case in other places. In the
afternoon, the whole force rejoined the steamers, and
next day returned to Ningpo.
The effect of these various movements must be viewed,
not as involving matters of military skill or courage, but
as calculated to have the most salutary effect upon the
people and upon the government, not only by the alarm
which they created, but by the good feeling and forbear
ance which was uniformly shown towards the inhabi
tants, when in our power, and abandoned by their own
The result of the examination , by the Phlegethon and
the Bentinck, of the character of Hang -chow -foo Bay,
appears at this time to have rather discouraged the idea
of advancing upon the capital by the river which leads
up to it. The tides were found to be so strong at the
mouth of the river, that it was impossible to attempt to
push even a steamer up, with any degree of safety.
The Phlegethon made the attempt to enter the river's
mouth, but became perfectly unmanageable, and was
very nearly carried upon a sandbank, where she would
probably have been lost. She was, however, got out of
danger with some difficulty when the tide slackened,
which it does very suddenly in that part. But no
power of steam and sails combined was sufficient to
stem the current, which seemed to hold the vessel com
pletely at its mercy for some minutes.
A reconnoissance of the position of Chapoo, however,
sufficed to show that it was accessible to our ships, and
could be reduced without much difficulty ; in which
case, the road to Hang -chow -foo, by the hills, would be
open to us, with a good causeway the whole distance of
about fifty miles to the capital.
We may judge of the size and volume of water in
most of the Chinese rivers, by the fact, that, even at
Hang -chow -foo, the river is not less than four miles broad ,
opposite the city, at high water ; while the rapidity of
the current may be judged of by the fact of its dimi
nishing to about two miles in breadth, at low water ;
leaving aa fine level strand as far down as the eye can
reach towards the sea. This was noticed during the
short visit paid to it by Lord Macartney's embassy.
Rumours now continued to be brought, of the arrival
of reinforcements at Hang -chow -foo and other parts of
the province ; and, before the end of February, Sir
Hugh Gough also received reinforcements, by the ar
rival of part of the 26th regiment, in the Jupiter troop
ship. The Cornwallis arrived at Chusan in January, for
the flag of Sir William Parker, having succeeded in
beating up the whole way from Hong Kong, against the
north-east monsoon, contrary to the anticipations of
many, who doubted whether so heavy a ship would be
able to accomplish it. The movement upon Hang
chow -foo, however, if at any time seriously thought of,
seems now to have been quite abandoned ; and, as we
shall presently see, Chapoo was destined to be the grand
point of attack for opening the next campaign .
Much was said about dictating terms at Pekin , by a
proposed movement on Tientsin, by the Peiho river, but,
as this was never put into execution , we may fairly
presume that the project was not seriously entertained
by Sir Henry Pottinger and the military and naval com
manders -in -chief. It was altogether another question ,
as to what steps might ultimately have to be taken,
should we fail in exacting adequate terms from the Chi
nese, by a movement upon Nankin . That question will
be considered in its proper place. But it was generally
understood that some treaty of peace or other was to
be imposed upon the Emperor, before the close of the
present year, and therefore we may presume that it was
resolved to act with vigour, as well as judgment, when
once the operations should begin. To effect this object,
however, considerable reinforcements would be requi
site, and these were certainly expected very shortly to
In January, Sir Henry Pottinger and Sir William
Parker went over to spend some time at Chusan, in the
Nemesis, which vessel now required considerable repairs,
and was ordered to undergo a thorough refit. It is
astonishing how easily an iron vessel can be repaired .
At Amoy, a large hole had been knocked in her bottom ;
and from being so continually employed in exploring
rivers, running along coasts, and landing troops, it is
not surprising that some repair was required ; but it is
worthy of remark that she had been able to do her duty
so long and so well without it. She was now hauled
on shore upon a sandy beach, at Chusan : a new plate
of iron was riveted into her bottom, and a number of
Chinese carpenters were put in requisition, to assist in
repairing the boats and other matters ; and they generally
proved themselves, when properly directed , very expert
and industrious workmen . At the end of February, the
Nemesis was again fit for active service, and then con
veyed the 26th regiment over to Chinbae, and thence
up to Ningpo.
On the 3rd of March the Admiral and General left
Ningpo (Sir Henry Pottinger having in the mean time
gone down to Hong Kong), and paid another visit to
Chusan in the Nemesis. The Cornwallis was henceforth
the flag -ship.
In the evening of the 5th of March , the arrival of the
Clio, Captain Troubridge, was announced (fourteen days
only from Hong Kong), bringing the mails, and the
joyful news of the promotions in the service, consequent
upon the taking of Canton , and the exploits in the
Canton River.
Reports were at this time brought in, concerning a
grand attack by the Chinese, intended to be made simul
taneously upon Ningpo, Chinhae, and Chusan ; but they
were little heeded, owing to their being so constantly
deferred, without any particular object . Amongst
others, it was said that a considerable body of troops
were being assembled on an island a little to the north
ward of Chusan, called Tai-shan , with the object of
making a descent upon Chusan itself.
On the 7th of March the Nemesis was sent to recon
noitre that island , having Captain Collinson also on
board, for the purpose of making surveying observa
tions during the trip. They passed round the western
and northern sides of Chusan, and having reached Tai
shan, which is about six or seven miles distant from it,
they steamed all round that island, looking into the
different bays, and spying into the villages, to see if
they could discover a camp, or any signs of the presence
of any troops. The navigation round the island is dan
gerous, for there are several rocks, at different points ,
barely covered with water .
At length they anchored off a small town in a bay on
the south -eastern side of the island , where several junks
were seen at anchor. To the north - east of the town
stood a remarkable hill, from which it was expected
that a view of the whole island could be obtained . Here
the officers landed, with Captain Collinson's boat's crew,
and part of that of the steamer, together with eight ar
tillery men . There was no appearance of hostility, and
they all marched on to a second village, in which, as
well as in the first one, it was asserted by the people that
there were no soldiers left in the island, as they had all
gone away to another island in the neighbourhood . The
VOL . II . T
party then returned on board, and the steamer moved
up towards a creek , at which the water was too shallow
for her to enter.
In the evening Captain Collinson again landed in his
gig, with a view to ascend to the top of the hill ; and
so confident was he that there were no armed men upon
the island , that he declined taking an escort with him ,
and was with some difficulty persuaded to allow two
armed artillerymen to follow him , and was himself quite
unarmed . Lieutenant Bates accompanied him. Scarcely
had they reached the top of the bill, and were beginning
to take their observations, when a large body of armed
Chinese were observed, emerging from their hiding places
in the creek in which they had landed, which was at a
point about two and a half miles from the steamer.
Evidently their intention was to cut off their retreat,
and make them prisoners. Flight was therefore the
only resource, and had it not been for the assistance of
the two artillerymen , they would have stood little chance
of effecting their retreat to the boat. These two men ,
however, by coolly retreating alternately, the one firing,
while the other reloaded as he withdrew towards the
landing - place, managed to keep the Chinese in check,
so that Captain Collinson reached the boat in safety.
It was now a question what steps were best to be
taken on the following day ; for there could be little
doubt that if the steamer left the island without landing
a body of men to attack the Chinese soldiers, who evi
dently were in force, a report would be sent to the Em
peror of a great victory having been gained, in which the
barbarians were, of course, driven into the sea, and their
vessels sent away from the coast . It was therefore re
solved to make an impression upon them ; and accord
ingly at five o'clock in the morning, the four boats of the
steamer, manned and armed , under Captain Collinson
and Captain Hall, with Lieutenant Bates, Mr. Freeze,
and other officers of the ship, pushed off from the ves
sel, and proceeded up the creek. They had also eight
artillerymen with them ; and the two engineers likewise
volunteered their services. The party numbered alto
gether sixty-six, including officers.
About two miles and a half up the creek they disco
vered a number of transport junks, crowded with Chi
nese soldiers, with their banners flying. A little dis
tance from the banks of the creek, which gradually
sloped up towards some detached houses above, were
posted another body of the enemy ; altogether there
were probably five or six hundred men .
Gradually, as the boats advanced , the soldiers who
had not before landed joined the other body on shore,
and commenced a distant fire of ginjals and match
locks, without doing any mischief. It was, however,
returned by the boats as they neared them, and their
crews were just about to land, when a thick smoke was
observed to issue from one of the nearest troop-boats.
It immediately occurred that this might arise from a
train having been laid to blow up the boats if they
should be taken possession of. It was therefore thought
prudent to land a little lower down .
The moment the boats began to descend, the Chinese,
thinking they were retreating, set up a loud shout, and
advanced upon them, brandishing their spears in defi
T 2
ance, thinking that the victory was already won. In
this they were soon to be undeceived. Our men all
landed as quickly as possible, and were formed into two
columns; the right, or advanced one, led by Captain
Hall himself, and the left by Mr. Freeze (mate R. N.),
the chief officer of the Nemesis. Immediately they
were ordered to advance, the Chinese began to waver
at their bold front, and the first volley poured into
them , within pistol shot, completely put them to flight.
They were now so closely pursued , that their military
chest was captured, in charge of a mandarin and two
soldiers, who were killed . The prize was found to con
sist of only two thousand dollars, but even that was a
pleasant addition to the prize fund . The Chinese were
pursued for some distance, about fifty of them being
left upon the field, and eight taken prisoners. The
houses on the rising ground above, in which some of the
soldiers had been quartered , and also several of the trans
port junks in the creek , were immediately set on fire.
After collecting some of the scattered arms as tro
phies of victory, the little party again returned to the
steamer , the Chinese having been totally dispersed .
She rejoined the Admiral, at Chusan, the same evening ;
but not without first striking upon a sunken rock, as
she proceeded at full speed, from which accident she
sustained no injury.
So far this little gallant affair had been perfectly suc
cessful, in discovering the rendezvous of theChinese ; but
it was believed that many of their soldiers had already
crossed over to Chusan, disguised as peasants, in readi
ness to act in concert with other parties, whenever the
attack should be made on the island. Captain Collin
son was, therefore, sent back again in the Bentinck ,
with orders to prevent the escape of the soldiers from
the island of Tai-shan, and the Nemesis was directed to
follow as soon as she could get in her fuel .
It was now discovered that the Chinese had managed
to extinguish the flames in their boats before they were
seriously injured, and had by this means made their
escape over to Chapoo. But the Admiral afterwards
made a personal examination of the island, with a party
of seamen and marines of the Cornwallis. No military
depôt was discovered , but two government stations were
completely destroyed. The effect of this spirited dis
comfiture of the Chinese, at Tai - shan, was to secure
Chusan from future hostile attacks.
The assembling of these troops so close to Chusan
was, doubtless, connected with the grand scheme of at
tack upon all our positions, which was attempted at
this very time, more particularly against Ningpo and
Chinhae. It was probably also well known to the Chi
nese that Sir Hugh Gough was absent at Chusan, whither
he had proceeded, in consequence of the rumours afloat
concerning the projected attack on that place.
The Chinese seem to have planned their attacks re
markably well ; but so many reports had been before
brought in, of some projected operations by the Chinese,
that at length very little attention came to be paid to
them ; and when it was positively asserted by Mr. Gutz
laff, the interpreter, on the evening of the 9th, that,
from certain information which he had received, there
could be no doubt of a grand attack being resolved on
that very night, no one really believed that any thing
of a serious nature would occur. It was doubted
whether the Chinese, after their recent defeats, would
have the moral courage to become themselves the ag
gressors. There were no external indications of any
preparations for an attack , although some of the inha
bitants were seen leaving the town on that day ; and
many of the tradesmen, with whom our men were in the
habit of dealing, plainly told them that they would have
hot work that night. All this was treated merely as a
specimen of Chinese bravado .
It is remarkable that we should have had no certain
tidings of the collection and preparation of such a vast
number of fire -rafts and vessels, higher up the river, as soon
proved to have been the case, for the iron -steamers might
at all times have been sent up, to ascertain how far any
such reports were well grounded . The fact is, the
Chinese did take us a little by surprise, and that is
often the result of holding an enemy too cheap, and
having too great a confidence in one's own resources.
Circumstances favoured them to a certain extent ; the
smallness of our force rendered it impossible to keep a
line of sentries along the whole circuit of the walls,
which were nearly five miles round ; the extent and
nearness of the suburbs beyond the gates gave the
enemy an easy approach without being observed, and
the darkness of the night favoured the attempt. The
patroles continued to go their rounds as usual, but
were not strengthened, though the officers were or
dered to go their rounds three times during that
There is reason to believe, that a good number of
the Chinese soldiers must have previously come into
the town in disguise ; for the gates were attacked
simultaneously both from within and from without.
The movements of the Chinese were so well concerted ,
that their approach was not discovered until they 'ac
tually attacked the gates, and gallantly succeeded in
scaling the walls. Had not the alarm been given by
the firing of the ships in the river, and had the Chinese
been well officered, it would have caused us heavy fight
ing to have ultimately dislodged them from the town ,
a part of which was for aa few minutes in their possession .
But even their successes, such as they were, only served
to embarrass them, for they did not know how to turn
them to account. It should be remarked, however, that
Sir Hugh Gough had skilfully disposed his troops long
before this event, by concentrating them in one part of
the town, where their quarters were close to each other,
and where they could be mutually supported in case of
It was afterwards discovered that the attacking party
were a new body of picked men, from a distant pro
vince, who had never yet come into contact with our
troops. Money was also found upon the persons of
those who were killed , four or five dollars upon each,
which had probably been given to them either as arrears
of pay, or as a sort of bribe or extra allowance to
induce them to fight. But other incentives were also
employed, for some of the wounded prisoners were evi
dently under the excitement of opium . Many of them
280 FIRE - RAFTS .
were remarkably athletic, fine looking men , and every
thing tended to prove that this was a grand and despe
rate effort.
The first intimation of the attack was by the firing
of two guns, which the Chinese had brought down to the
river's bank, against H.M.S. Columbine, which, together
with the Modeste, was anchored before the town , as
were also the H.C. steamers, Queen and Sesostris.
This was at half -past twelve, p.m. But the firing was
not repeated, ( it having probably been only meant for a
signal,) and nothing further occurred until about three
o'clock ; but, by this time, the garrison were under arms.
Four fire -rafts were now discovered dropping down
the river from its south- western branch (leading to
Fungwah) towards the Sesostris ; and, but for the quick
ness with which one of her cables was slipped, and the
assistance of her own boats, aided by two other boats
from the Modeste, in towing them clear towards the
shore, they would have been across the hawse of the
Sesostris. Fortunately the rafts took the ground clear
of the steamer, and exploded without doing any mis
All this time, the Chinese kept up a fire of small
arms from the banks of the river, but without effect.
But the Modeste, which was a little lower down the
river, below the Sesostris, opened her broadside upon
the eastern suburb, with the object of stopping the
advance of the Chinese in that direction, and on the
following morning it was discovered that her fire bad
demolished the walls of one or two houses, which fell in ,
and disabled the gun which had been brought down on
purpose to attack the Modeste.
So far then the attempt upon the river side proved a
total failure ; but it served as a signal for the general
attack upon the town, which began simultaneously at
the southern and western gates . The extreme darkness
of the night rendered it at first impossible for those
who were at a distance to ascertain the precise points
of attack. The principal assault , in the first instance,
seems to have been upon the South gate, from within
and without at the same time. The alarm was given,
the bugles sounded throughout the town, and word was
brought to Colonel Morris, who commanded the gar
rison, that the guard at the South gate had been driven
in , and the same intelligence was also brought to Co
lonel Montgomerie, commanding the Madras artillery,
who were already under arms upon the ramparts.
A company of the 49th, under Captain M‘Andrew ,
was immediately ordered up by Colonel Morris, towards
the South gate, which they were to retake, if it was
found to have been carried by the enemy. At the same
time, Colonel Montgomerie, with two howitzers, and a
party of artillerymen armed with fusils, commanded by
Captain Moore, and reinforced by a strong patrol of the
18th under Lieutenant Murray, proceeded also towards
the South gate, which he now found in the possession of
Captain M'Andrew and his company, who had gallantly
retaken the gate, after charging down the street which
led to it, driving the Chinese before him with the bayo
net, and killing a great many of them . The Chinese
had penetrated as far as the market- place ; many of them
had scaled the walls, and were seen upon the ramparts;
but upon being challenged, and seeing the troops ad
vancing, most of them jumped back again over the
ramparts, and in this way many were killed, or were shot
at random as they were seen running away. Thus the
South gate was completely cleared .
Daylight was beginning to dawn, and the West gate
was at this time found to be the principal scene of ac
tion ; indeed it was in that direction that the main body
of the Chinese seem to have advanced. Orders had been
sent to reinforce the guard at the West gate, with the
grenadiers of the 49th , and Colonel Morris also hurried
up to it in person , with another company of the 49th ;
while Colonel Montgomerie with the artillery, having
been joined by Colonel Mountain with a party of the
26th, proceeded on in the same direction.
On arriving at the West gate, it was found to have
been gallantly and successfully defended by Lieutenant
Armstrong, who commanded the guard of the 18th,
assisted by a small detachment of the 49th under Lieu
tenant Grant. The enemy had attacked it in great force,
rushing boldly up to the very gate, which they attempted
to force, while others were endeavouring to scale the wall.
The grenadiers of the 49th arrived just in time to assist
in completing the repulse of the Chinese.
Colonel Montgomerie, having now come up with his
reinforcement, dashed at once through the gateway in
pursuit, the enemy having been driven across a small
bridge into the suburbs. Numerous dead bodies of
Chinese were found close to the gate, but they appeared
to be in great force in the suburbs, froin which a smart
but ineffectual fire of matchlocks was kept up . A few
shells were thrown into the suburbs from the two how
itzers ; but it was evidently necessary to continue the
pursuit through the suburbs, for the Chinese appeared to
be in full retreat across a bridge at some distance down,
which seemed to be the principal thoroughfare.
Our force on the spot was extremely small, amounting,
when they had all fallen in , including artillerymen , to
not more than one hundred and twenty -six rank and file
and ten officers. But with this small force Colonel Mont
gomerie determined to dash on, being assisted throughout
by Colonel Mountain , C.B., Deputy -Adjutant-Gene
ral ; and accordingly they immediately advanced up the
principal narrow street of the suburbs. Having fol
lowed it for about half aa mile they came upon the main
body of the enemy, who crowded the whole length of
the street in a dense column, but without appearing to
be at all wavering or inclined to give way. On the
contrary, a high officer on horseback was seen to encou
rage the men, who set up a great shouting, and bran
dished their swords and spears in defiance. But in a
narrow street, the dense mass was necessarily incom
moded by its own numbers, and the steady fire of the
head of our column as they advanced upon them , one
section delivering its fire, and the next taking its place
for the first to reload, brought down all their foremost
and boldest men , every shot telling with unerring cer
tainty. They could neither advance to charge our
column, nor could they retreat, as long as the rear of
their column chose to hold their ground.
On coming up within about fifty paces of them , the
two howitzers were ordered up to the front, while a
party of the 18th, under Lieutenant Murray and Lieu
tenant Molesworth of the artillery, were ordered round
by a side lane, to act upon the enemy's flank ; Colonel
Mountain and Colonel Montgomerie also went round,
(having first waded across a canal,) and witnessed the
terrific effect of the fire of three rounds of grape in
quick succession from the howitzers, which dealt ter
rible havoc among them . At the same time the detach
ment of the 18th fired upon them down the lane as
they fled, and a more complete scene of discomfiture
and slaughter could not be imagined .
The Chinese were soon in full flight in all directions
across the country , the main body of them retreating
along the banks of a canal, in a continued line not less
than a mile long, while numerous smaller parties broke
off from the main body, and tried to escape the best way
they could. Many were supposed to have been drowned
in the canal. The pursuit was followed up for about seven
or eight miles, and the loss of the enemy was estimated
altogether at not less than from five to six hundred men ,
and only thirty -nine prisoners were taken . On our side,
one man only was killed, and a few were wounded . The
principal loss of the Chinese was inflicted by the fire of
the howitzers upon their dense masses in the narrow
street, and the sustained fire of our column as it advanced
upon them . Not a few , however, were killed inside the
walls of the city. The force they brought against us is
supposed to have exceeded five thousand men,, consisting
of their best soldiers , and a great part of them were evi
dently under the excitement of opium .
Early in the morning, the boats of the Modeste and
Sesostris moved up the south -west branch of the river,
in search of fire -boats, but found none . In the after
noon, however, the boats of the Columbine, under Cap
tain Morshed, together with the Queen steamer, pro
ceeded up the other, or north -western branch, and dis
covered, not far up, thirty -seven fire- vessels. They
were all in a state of perfect preparation, being filled
with combustibles and jars of powder, and also pro
vided with leather caps and fire-proof dresses for the
men who were to have the charge of them ; each of
them had also a small punt, or sampan , attachel, for the
escape of those on board. The early discovery of those
which were first sent down, or probably their having
been sent adrift too soon down the other branch of the
river, had evidently disconcerted this part of their plan.
The whole of these boats were scuttled and destroyed .
Some miles higher up, near Tsekee, many more junks,
of every size and shape, were found filled with combus
tibles ; and still more were discovered higher up,moored
on each side of the river. It was also observed that on
the hills opposite Tsekee, there were three Chinese en
campments, one of which was set on fire by the sol
diers, as the boats approached. In fact, it became
evident that preparations of a much more extensive
kind than we could have anticipated, had been made,
for one grand combined effort to drive us into the sea ,
before reinforcements could join us.
The attack upon Chinhae took place about the same
time, but was much less important in its nature, and
conducted with less vigour and resolution, than that on
Ningpo. Early in the morning of the 10th March , the
alarm was given that ten fire -vessels were floating down
the river towards the ships of war and transports at
anchor off Chinhae. The boats of the Blonde and the
Hyacinth, under Commander Goldsmith of the latter
vessel , and Lieutenant Dolling of the former, immedi
ately dashed at them , and drove them on shore, out of
the way of the shipping, where they exploded .
About the same time a body of Chinese soldiers
got up close to the west gate of Chinhae, without
being discovered , until they opened a fire of ginjals,
and attempted to force their way in . But Captain
Daubeny, with a company of the 55th, immediately
sallied out of the gate, and pursued them into the sub
urbs, whence they fled towards a joss-house, or temple,
about a mile from the walls, where they joined the main
body, about twelve hundred strong. Colonel Schoedde,
with three companies of the 55th, now joined Captain
Daubeny, and immediately charged them , and put them
to flight. But it was very difficult to follow , or come
within musket range of them , owing to the peculiar na
ture of the ground , which was cut up in all directions by
water - courses ; although the labyrinths of paths and
causeways were, of course, perfectly well known to the
retreating enemy. About thirty of the Chinese and two
of their officers were killed , but the number of wounded
could not be ascertained . A quantity of military weapons
and some powder were captured .
The plans of the Chinese had thus signally failed
at all points of attack ; but it must be admitted that
at Ningpo they shewed a great deal of determination
and personal courage, and their plans were, in reality,
very well arranged.
Information of these important attacks was immedi
ately sent over to Sir Hugh Gough and Sir William
Parker, who were at Chusan, and induced the General in
stantly to return to Ningpo. Sir William Parker also re
turned as soon as he had completed his examination of the
island of Tai-shan ; and he brought with him the Phlege
thon and Nemesis, merely stopping at Chinhae on the
way, to pick up a few marines and small-arm men , from
the Blonde. No time was then lost in pushing up the
south - western branch of the river above Ningpo, whither
the General had preceded him with part of the 18th and
49th regiments, and two guns, in order to learn if the
enemy were in force there.
Tidings had been brought to Sir Hugh Gough, that a
strong body of several thousand Chinese troops were
posted not far from Fungwah, preparatory to another
descent upon Ningpo. But, as soon as he had marched
about six or seven miles up, the Sesostris steamer
moving parallel with him by the river, with part of the
26th regiment on board, positive information was ob
tained that the enemy had retreated over the hills the
preceding night, and that it would be useless to attempt
to follow them .
It only now remained to advance against the strong
body of the Chinese who were known to be posted
along the banks of the other branch of the river, and
who were reported also to have thrown up strong en
trenched camps upon the Segoan hills, at the back of
the town of Tsekee, and to be commanded by three of
their most famous generals.
Advance upon Tsekee — Horse Artillery — Phlegethon and Nemesis
destroy fire-boats—The Segoan hills — Positions of the Chinese
Tsekee captured -Double attack upon the enemy - Serious conflict
The heights carried — Flight of the Chinese army - Their retreat
harassed by the fire of the steamers — The Chungkie pass — Return to
Ningpo - Chinese kidnappers Curious caricatures — Remarks on
Chinese character - Discovery of their preparations- Night attack by
fire- rafts at Chusan - Awkward position of the Nemesis-— Their plans
fail—Dangerous accident — Visit to the island of Pooto—Consecrated
ground — Its numerous temples — Beauties of the island — Description
-Superstitions of the people — Remarks on the religions of China.
A heavy blow had now been inflicted upon the Chi
nese, by the severe reverses they had met with at Ningpo
and at Chinhae, and by the defeat of all their designs
against Chusan . It was therefore a favourable opportu
nity to follow up our successes, and turn them to the best
advantage, before the effect of the impression already
made could have time to diminish . It was ascer
tained that tlieir troops had with difficulty been kept
together after their late defeat ; and it was reported
that they were about to retreat towards Pickwan, a
town situated about forty miles higher up the river,
at which point they were said to be concentrating their
whole force .
Besides the force said to be encamped above Tsekee,
on the Segoan hills, it was also ascertained that another
body of five or six thousand men was posted in a forti
fied camp, about seven miles further along the hills to
the north -east, close to what is called the Chungkie
Pass, and that the military chest of the army was in
charge of this division. A Chinese military chest is
generally not very well filled, but still there is to a
soldier something very tempting in the idea of a mili
tary chest, particularly when there is a prospect of cap
turing it.
On the morning of the 15th of March, the force
destined for the attack, comprising altogether little
more than a thousand men, including the battalion of
seamen and marines, were embarked on board the
steamers Nemesis, Phlegethou, and Queen, from the
north gate of the city ; the General and his staff, accom
panied by the Admiral and other officers, taking up
their quarters on board the Nemesis, which had been
dexterously brought close into a wharf near the city
gate ; so that on this occasion the troops were embarked
without the necessity of using boats. The naval bri
gade was commanded by Captain Bourchier, of the
Blonde, assisted by Captain P. Richards. Details of
the whole force are given below. There were four
8-pounder guns of the Madras artillery, for which
ponies had been trained , and these were now sent early
in the morning across from Ningpo by land, escorted
by a party of the Madras rifles ; by these means the
distance was materially shortened , by cutting off a
great bend of the river above Ningpo. On reaching
VOL . II . U
the nearest point, opposite Tsekee, the artillery swam
their horses across the river, and were then drawn up in
readiness to advance upon the town, which was about
four miles distant. The road to Tsekee and the nature
of the country were already well known, from the pre
vious visit in the month of December .
Before twelve o'clock, the troops were landed from
the steamers near a village, where there was a sort of
jetty convenient for the purpose ; they then formed,
and marched direct up towards the city. At the same
time, the Phlegethon was sent higher up the river, toge
ther with the Nemesis and two boats belonging to the
Cornwallis and Blonde, to endeavour to get near enough
to the flank of the Chinese army, to harass them in their
The Phlegethon started first, because the Admiral
and the General who were on board the Nemesis were
unwilling to land, until they had seen all the rest of
the force on shore before them . But the moment the
Admiral had left the vessel, she was backed out from
the landing -place, and went up the river for some dis
tance, stern -foremost, at full speed, until she could be
conveniently turned .
Having passed round a considerable bend in the river,
some miles above the landing-place, they turned up a
small branch or creek close to a village, which appeared
to lead round nearer to the enemy's positions. The
Phlegethon , which was some distance ahead, sud
denly came upon five gun-boats, armed and manned,
at anchor close to a mandarin station, which proved
to have been used as a depôt for powder and mili
tary stores. Fourteen fire-rafts were also discovered,
and the whole of these warlike preparations were de
As soon as the troops had marched up pretty close to
Tsekee, they proceeded to occupy a small hill directly
in front of the town, and commanding the southern gate.
A few ginjals and two guns were fired at them from the
walls of the city, but at such a distance as to make it
evident that no serious defence of the place was in
tended. The main body of the Chinese army was to be
seen encamped upon the heights to the northward of
the town , called the Segoan Hills ; and it was equally
evident that the shortest and best mode of advancing to
attack them was by first escalading the walls of the
town, and then marching straight through it to the
northern gate, whence it would be easy to attack the
enemy both in front and on the flank . It was necessary
to ascertain whether the town was occupied by any con
siderable force (which there was little reason to expect),
and at the same time to deprive the enemy of having
the advantage of falling back upon the town when driven
from the heights. Orders were therefore given, that the
naval brigade, with a party of sappers, covered by the
guns under Colonel Montgomerie, should escalade the
walls at the nearest point, while the 49th were to blow
open the south gate, and immediately join them upon
the ramparts. The 49th, on approaching the gate,
found the bridge over a canal just outside recen
destroyed ; but, as the water was shallow, and there
appeared to be no likelihood of meeting with any serious
opposition , they quietly crept along the canal itself,
U 2
which led into the town , and so got under the walls,
upon the ramparts of which they now found the naval
brigade already drawn up.
The 18th , in the mean time, had been sent round ,
outside the walls, to dislodge a body of Chinese troops
who occupied a hill a little to the north -east of the city ;
and they were directed to join the rest of our force as
soon as they reached the north gate. The 26th had
been held in reserve to protect the guns, and support
the 49th, if necessary. The town was, however, carried
without any resistance ; and the troops having marched
round the ramparts, the whole force was then concen
trated at the north gate.
It should here be noticed, that the town of Tsekee
lies in aa sort of cup, or basin, surrounded almost entirely
on three sides by steep hills, being open only towards
the river, or to the southward ; from the northern hills
a low spur is sent down towards the northern gate,
and terminates in a small hill within the walls. The
Chinese forces were posted upon these heights, a little
to the westward of the spur just described , but in such
a position that their left was commanded by other hills.
On their right they had a second encampment, a little
in advance, on the north-western side of the town ; but
it was evident that their left could be easily turned, and
that they could be defeated and completely routed, with
out much difficulty.
The General's first movement was to direct the 18th,
with the rifles, to proceed to occupy a hill on his right,
which could only be got at by passing through a steep
ravine, but which quite commanded the Chinese left.
As soon as they succeeded in crowning its summit, and
had thus turned the Chinese position, the naval brigade
(who, in the mean time, were to occupy two large build
ings under the walls, a little on the north-western side
of the town) were to carry the hill in their front, on
which the Chinese were encamped, while the 49th were
at the same time to attack the centre of the Chinese
position .
It is worthy of remark that the Chinese, with one or
two trifling exceptions, seem never to have made use of
field -artillery. Of course, where they had forts, they
had guns mounted ; but they did not appear to regard
artillery as a necessary part of a regular army.
On this occasion, our loss would probably have been
severe, if the heights had been defended by a numerous
artillery ; but they opened a smart fire of ginjalsupon the
naval brigade (the Admiral himself being at their head),
as they marched across the paddy -fields outside the walls,
with the object of occupying the two large houses, un
der shelter of which they were to form , in readiness for
the attack. They suffered some loss ; and, as it ap
peared that the 18th and rifles, being impeded by the
steepness and difficulties of the gorge they bad to
ascend, were longer in reaching the summit of the hill
than had been expected, the General determined to
commence the attack in front without waiting for the
18th to turn the flank of the Chinese. The advance
was sounded, and the 49th, with the General at their
head, rushed up the hill ; while the naval brigade,
led by Captains Bourchier and Richards, and Com
mander Watson (the Admiral himself taking part in
the attack), made a dash at the other hill, upon the
Chinese right.
Some rockets were fired with great precision into the
enemy's position, by Lieutenant Fitzjames and Mr.
Jackson , of the Cornwallis, but the Chinese poured in a
heavy fire of ginjals and matchlocks upon our troops
as they advanced .
The marines and seamen dashed across the paddy
field, and charged up the hill, which was steep and
rugged, with great spirit, but were boldly met by the
Chinese, who did not shrink from the contest. The
leading division soon gained the summit, and the re
mainder of the brigade pushed round the sides of the
hill, to cut off the retreat of the enemy. In this encoun
ter two officers of the Royal Marines and two officers
of the naval battalion were wounded ; eleven men were
also wounded and three killed.
The General, at the head of the 49th, in the mean time
carried the hill in his front with great spirit, and detached
the grenadiers, under Major Gough, to cut off a body of
Chinese who were attempting to get up the rear of the
other hill, which had already been carried in front by the
naval brigade. This division of the enemy was, there
fore, completely hemmed in, and the slaughter was una
voidably great in the hollow at the foot of the hill.
The 49th now continued to press forward, driving
the Chinese before them in great disorder across the
plain at the foot of the hills ; and the 18th and Rifles,
having by this time succeeded in turning the enemy's
position on the heights, descended into the plain , and
joined the 49th and 26th in the pursuit. The whole
Chinese army was now in full flight across the plain,
towards the Chungkie Pass, and just passed within range
of the Phlegethon and Nemesis, who had taken up an
excellent position in the creek, for the purpose of cut
ting them off. Their guns opened fire upon the scat
tered fugitives, who suffered severely.
From eight hundred to one thousand men are sup
posed to have been killed, wounded, or drowned, in this
engagement ; every attempt was made to spare them ,
but as most of these troops came from distant provinces,
and were reputed to be their best soldiers, they refused
to surrender themselves prisoners, with few exceptions.
Many officers or mandarins were killed, but only three
were taken prisoners. Many of them deliberately cut
their own throats, when they saw that the day was irre
trievably lost.
Some curious and interesting documents were found ,
relating to their plans and the disposal of their forces,
amongst which were some public proclamations to be dis
tributed among the people.. Upon the bodies of many
of the slain, pieces of Sycee silver were found, as had
been the case at Ningpo, a few days before.
The strength of the Chinese army was estimated at
from seven to eight thousand men, part of which ap
peared to be a picked body, said to belong to the
Emperor's guard ; they were fine, athletic, powerful,
men . It was also remarked that their arms were of a
superior description ; several improvements had been
adopted ; and the bow and arrow, once the favourite
weapon of the Tartar soldier, had been laid aside on
this occasion.
As usual, several personal encounters took place ; the
Chinese not fearing to engage single-handed with their
foe, or to measure their sword with that of our officers.
In one of these combats, Mr. Hodgson, mate of the
Cornwallis, was wounded, not far from the Admiral.
Colonel Mountain was in some danger of being run
through, but was saved by a timely shot from one of
the 18th . The clothes of the slain were in some in
stances ignited by their matches, and produced , as on
some other occasions, a revolting spectacle.
The night was passed, by our gallant little force, in
the tents from which the Chinese had been driven, and
which were found to contain plenty of warm coverings
and provisions, &c. There were stores of rice, and
bread (cakes) , and flour, in abundance.
Besides the loss already mentioned, the 49th had
three officers and four men wounded. Some of our offi
cers were wounded severely, Lieutenant Lane having had
his arm amputed upon the field .
On the following morning, at daylight, the grain
magazines in the town, belonging to government, were
opened to the people, and , as might be expected, were
rapidly emptied. A large quantity of ginjals, match
locks, and other warlike implements, were also collected
upon the battle- field, and were nearly all destroyed.
Among other curiosities were nine newly-invented brass
tubes, of about three pounds calibre, and thirty-nine
pounds weight, each with two handles ; they had never
been used, but were apparently intended to fire grape
shot. They were curiously bound round with catgut,
and were probably to be fired while held between two
men , as they were provided with handles for the
purpose. One of them was given to Captain Hall,
by the Admiral, and has since been deposited with
other Chinese weapons at Windsor. Twenty -three guns
were also captured, principally upon the walls of the
town .
As the enemy had retreated towards the Chungkie
Pass, about six or seven miles distant to the north -west,
where it was reported that another fortified encamp
ment had been formed , Sir Hugh Gough moved in
advance, about one o'clock on the following day, the
16th ; but, having reached the foot of the hills, the posi
tion was found completely abandoned, although it was
by nature a strong one. Dispositions were made for the
attack, but none of the enemy were discovered, and con
sequently the hoped -for military chest was not captured .
The Chinese had only just withdrawn, for they had left
behind them some ammunition, and a supply of inferior
bread, which is tolerably eatable, however, after a long
march .
Having halted about two or three hours for rest, and
after setting fire to all the buildings, our little army
returned to the town of Tsekee the same evening.
It is proper here to remark that the peasantry, and the
inhabitants generally, except where they happened casu
ally to be intermingled with the soldiers during the flight,
showed little concern as to the fate of their countrymen .
They appeared to be more astonished than frightened,
particularly at the swimming of the horses of the artil
lery across the river, and then seeing them harnessed
to the guns.
The town of Tsekee suffered very little. A large
pawnbroker's shop was one of the greatest curiosities,
being filled with furs, silks, &c. It was a favourite
place of resort, and, besides that, afforded excellent
quarters. It was a large extensive building, like a
warehouse, as is commonly the case in China.
This engagement upon the heights of Segoan has been
considered by military men as the most scientifically
conducted affair which occurred during the war. Its
success, at all events , was complete ; and the Chinese
army, which was now concentrated to the southward of
Hang-chow - foo, for the purpose of covering the provin
cial capital, against which we were expected to advance,
was said to be with much difficulty kept together, and
to be in great want of supplies . The orders of the
Emperor, that the province which was the seat of the
war for the time, should defray all its expences, excited
much discontent , as might be expected .
Any proposed plan of advancing upon Hang -chow -foo,
which might have been thought of, was now abandoned ;
and the great river, the Yangtze-Keang, was designed
to be the principal seat of operations during the ensuing
campaign. The vast inland trade passing through this
main artery of the empire would be stopped ; the traffic
by the Grand Canal would be at our mercy ; and there
seemed every reason to expect that the presence of a
large military and naval force, in the heart of the
country, would lead the haughty Chinese cabinet to
listen to terms of peace, which we hoped to dictate
under the walls of the ancient Chinese capital, the im
perial Nankin, the depository of the ashes of many of
the ancient emperors of China. Some, however, looked
forward to a hoped - for advance upon Pekin, the great
Tartar capital, by the river Peiho. The result, how
ever, ultimately proved the wisdom of the former plan
of operations.
During the months of April and May, reinforcements
continued to arrive to strengthen the expedition, and
the belief was general that it was determined to put an
end to the war as soon as possible, by some means or
other. A fresh corps of Bengal Volunteers, a remark
ably fine body of men , arrived from Calcutta ; the 41st
and the 2d Native Infantry arrived from Madras, with a
reinforcement of artillery, and a few horses for the
guns. Several steamers and ships of war, with trans
ports, continued to join in succession — namely, the
Vixen from England, and the Tenasserim , Auckland,
Ariadne, Medusa, and the little Hooghly steamers, be
longing to the East India Company, from Bombay and
Calcutta, all well armed, and some of them peculiarly
adapted for river navigation. Others were expected
to arrive in the course of the ensuing summer.
The Chinese, finding that they met with no success
against us in the open field , turned their attention more
strongly than ever to their two most notable schemes, of
kidnapping our men, one by one, and destroying our
ships by means of fire-rafts. Large rewards continued
to be offered for the capture of our high officers ; but
their successes in this system were confined to the men,
some of whom were occasionally carried off, and a few
were put to death in the most barbarous and inhuman
manner . Indeed, it was not till after the capture of
Chapoo (the next engagement to be described ) that
the Chinese began to treat their prisoners with a little
kindness and mercy .
Many stories of the cleverness of the Chinese in car
rying off prisoners, and of the treatment the latter
afterwards met with , are familiar to the reader. To
wards the close of the war, they were generally pretty
well taken care of, for the Chinese could not be insen
sible to the kind treatment their countrymen met with,
when they fell into our hands. I remember being
nearly caught once at Chusan, just at the close of the
war ; and, the very next day, an attack was made upon
two of our officers, who made an excursion in the same
direction, and had a very narrow escape. Captain Wel
lesley, R.N., and Ensign Shadwell of the 55th, were
surrounded at less than a mile from the city gate. The
latter shot one of the Chinamen in the breast with a
pistol (a single pistol is always useless), but was imme
diately taken prisoner by the others, who were probably
soldiers disguised as peasants. His arms were pinioned,
and he was dragged along by the legs. In the mean
time, Captain Wellesley, instead of firing his pistol,
judiciously ran off towards the city gate, to call out
the guard ; and, the moment the Chinese saw them
advancing, they threw down their prisoner and de
camped . He was thus saved.
On some occasions, the Chinese kidnappers had the
worst of it, and were themselves captured : these were
principally sent down to Hong Kong, to work in chains,
but some were kept in prison at Chusan. The respect
able inhabitants, however, were anxious to bring about
a more peaceable state of things, and they stated that
the kidnappers were not natives of the island, but people
sent over purposely from the mainland. It was evident
that some secret influence was at work among the
people, and that they still dreaded the power of their
own authorities, and were instigated to annoy us.
At length, the Chinese became better disposed, and
then took to the amusement of making Caricatures of
us . Many spirited things of this sort were hawked
about, rudely executed and strangely coloured, but
withal amusing specimens of Chinese drollery. The
two sketches given in a preceding page, one of an en
counter between our own soldiers and the Tartars, and
the other of an English foraging party, are accurately
reduced from the original Chinese caricatures, and show
more evidence of fun and quickness than we should
have expected among so grave a people. There were
many others equally amusing. At Ningpo, they made
a sort of little peep - show of the general and his staff,
intended to be a correct representation of them in little
figures. That of Sir Hugh Gough, with his beautiful
long, grey locks, was fairly done. A capital full length
picture, in oil, of the General, was afterwards executed
at Macao by a Chinese artist, who had been regularly
instructed .
The more the Chinese came to mix with us and to
be acquainted with our character, the more they seemed
to fall into our ways ; and we cannot but think that,
at no distant period, amicable relations will be esta
blished without difficulty, upon an intimate footing.
It has often been remarked , that in many respects they
resemble Englishmen in their mercantile, industrious
habits, their ingenuity, and their readiness to combine
together for useful purposes ; their independent spirit,
and their love of argument. They differ materially
from all other eastern nations with which we have
hitherto come in contact .
To return from this short digression . In spite of the
failure of the attempts of the Chinese with fire-rafts, in
every instance, they persevered in their schemes for
burning our ships, with remarkable pertinacity. On the
return of our little force to Ningpo, on the 17th of
March, after the engagement on the Segoan hills, the
Admiral went over to Chusan in the Nemesis, and again
hoisted his flag in the Cornwallis. Reports of the pre
paration of fire- rafts were frequently brought in, and
it was known that a great many boats belonging to the
fishermen and others had been pressed into the service
of the government. 1
As soon as the Nemesis had undergone some necessary
repairs ( for which purpose she was beached upon the
sands at Trumball Island), she was ordered to explore
all the neighbouring islands between Chusan and the
Main, in search of fire- rafts, or other warlike prepa
rations. She was joined by H.M.S. Clio, which was
however left at anchor at Keeto Point, Captain Trou
bridge himself coming on board the Nemesis, and bring
ing one of his boats, manned and armed . In almost
every island or bay they visited along the so -called
Nimrod's Channel, Gough’s Passage, Mesan Island, and
other parts to the southward of Chusan, an immense
number of fire-boats, in different stages of preparation,
were discovered and destroyed ; and, wherever any
opposition was offered , the neighbouring hamlets were
Two or three days were occupied in this important
service, during which the Nemesis had her false rudder
carried away ; and, owing in a great measure to this
accident, and to the remarkable strength of the currents,
as she was attempting to pass between the island of
Luhwang and another small one lying off its eastern
point, the current caught her bows, and threw her
heavily, broadside, on to the rocks. The vessel was
soon got off again , but she had bilged in the starboard
coal-bunker. The water was pouring in fast, but it was
thought that the engine -pumps would suffice to keep it
under, until a good sandy beach could be found to run
her ashore upon . But the water gained so fast upon
the pumps that the fire would not burn much longer,
so that it was necessary to run her ashore upon the
nearest beach . As the tide ebbed, the water ran
out again through the leak ; and then, by digging a
deep hole in the sand, it was easy to get down be
low the ship's bottom , and stop the leak from the out
A great many fire-boats had been destroyed upon the
island that day ; and , as it was known to be occupied
by a body of Chinese soldiers, a military mandarin on
horseback having also been observed superintending the
completion of the fire-boats, it was possible that an
attack might be made on the vessel at night, and it was
therefore prudent to hasten the repairs. The rent was
full three feet in length, but it was filled up with stout
wedges of wood, covered with oakum, and driven firmly
into itfrom the outside.
To prevent any surprise by the Chinese, sentries
were posted upon the neighbouring hills, to give warn
ing of their approach ; and, by way of being before
hand with them, a requisition was sent up to the prin
cipal village, written in Chinese, by a Chinese servant
on board, demanding from the head men , or elders of
the place, a supply of provisions, namely, a couple of
bullocks, a dozen geese, two or three dozen ducks and
fowls, and so forth ; and threatening to pay a hostile
visit to the village next day, if they did not comply.
After some deliberation , all these things were promised ;
80 that the authorities, instead of planning an attack
upon the vessel, or any attempt upon the men during
the night, had quite enough to do to collect these sup
plies by the following morning. In the mean time, the
vessel was repaired and got off again. Information of
the accident was, however, conveyed to the Admiral by
the Clio's boat ; and he immediately sent down the Phle
gethon, with the launch of the Cornwallis, to render
assistance. By the time they arrived in the morning,
the vessel was already, to their astonishment , prepared
to proceed to Chusan, where she arrived in the course
of the day .
The result of this little expedition was not only the
destruction of a great number of fire-boats, but the full
discovery of the extensive preparations which were
being made, in every direction, for an attempt to destroy
our ships.
The Nemesis was now hauled on shore again , upon
the beach, on Trumball Island, and the damage was
thoroughly repaired.
Information of the intended attack on our shipping
at Chusan had been obtained by Captain Dennis, the
military magistrate of Tinghai, late that evening, and
was by him communicated to the Admiral. Orders
were therefore sent to the different ships of war and
transports, to be upon the alert, and have all their boats
in readiness. The Nemesis was the only vessel to which
the information was accidentally not conveyed ; pro
bably because it was thought she was ashore.
A little after eleven, p.m. , three divisions of fire-rafts
were observed drifting down towards the shipping, from
the eastern end of the harbour, some from the direction
of Sinca Moon , close along the island of Chusan, some
between Macclesfield and Trumball islands, where the
Nemesis lay, and others again outside the latter, by the
Sarah Galley passage. The first intimation of their
approach was given by two lights being observed at
some distance ; this led to a suspicion of fire -rafts, and
by the time the men had got to quarters, several of the
fire - vessels burst into flames ; others were gradually set
on fire, and were seen to take the three different direc
tions before described. Nearly twenty of them drifted
down between the islands off which the Nemesis lay ;
and, as they gradually came within range, her guns
opened on them , to try to drive them on shore . There
was a small boat ahead of each raft, under sail, and
with men in it to tow the rafts in the required di
The Nemesis was of course in considerable danger ;
VOL . II . X
for the rafts or fire -boats were chained two and two
together, so as to hang across the ship’s bows. Steam
was got up as quick as possible, the cable was ready to
be slipped in case of need, and the steamer's boats
were sent out to tow the rafts clear, as they were
rapidly bearing down upon her, with a strong ebb-tide.
They were all in a complete blaze as they drifted past
on either side of her ; and so close were they, that
it was necessary to wet the decks and the side of the
vessel continually, on account of the great heat. Her
guns continued to fire at them, in order to sink them , if
Other divisions of the fire -rafts, which came down the
passages before described, were driven ashore by the
boats of the squadron, and blew up, without doing any
mischief to our shipping. Altogether, between fifty
and sixty of them at least had been sent down , from
the eastern side of the harbour ; but it was reported
that another division of them was to come down by the
western side, from the direction of Sing Kong, as soon
as the tide turned ; a division of boats, under Lieute
nant Wise of the Cornwallis, was therefore sent to en
deavour to find them out and destroy them at once.
They were soon discovered to the number of thirty, at
anchor off a sandy beach, outside of Bell Island , and
their destined work of mischief was frustrated .
On the following morning, the Nemesis and Phlegethon
steamers were again sent to search through all the adja
cent islands ; and the Nemesis succeeded in discovering
many more fire -boats, which were now destroyed , upon
the different islands ; stacks of fire -wood and other
combustible materials which had been collected for the
purpose were likewise set on fire. In one village, there
were a number of boats half filled with combustible ma
terials ; and the whole village was put into an uproar when
the crew of the steamer began to set fire to them . It
turned out that they had been pressed into the service by
the mandarins, and the people naturally wished to save
their boats, on which their livelihood depended. Only
one poor old woman, however, was permitted to retain
her boat, for they might all have been pressed by the
mandarins again .
A party of armed seamen and marines were now sent
up towards aa hill in the rear of the village, along which
a number of men had been seen retiring, and amongst
them a military mandarin, which made it probable that
they were soldiers. The Chinese made a hasty retreat,
but the mandarin was observed to try to hide himself
behind aa tombstone, while he pulled off his warm jacket
and nearly all his clothes, and lastly his satin boots, and
then, giving them to a man who attended him, away he
ran for his life, down the hill on the opposite side, so
that there was no chance of overtaking him .
The Phlegethon had been sent in an opposite direc
tion ; but on that side no fire-boats were discovered,
notwithstanding the active exertions of Lieutenant
M'Cleverty. Altogether not less than one hundred fire
boats were destroyed on these different occasions, be
sides those which had been previously destroyed by the
Nemesis and the boat of the Clio. Ilow many Chinese
lost their lives in the affair it is impossible to say ; but
many of them must have been drowned in attempting
x 2
to escape on shore, after the fire -rafts burst into flames.
In fact, in all the numerous little sheltered bays among
those islands, fire -rafts were destroyed in greater or
lesser numbers.
On one occasion , and without any warning, the Ne
mesis ran at full speed, and at high water, upon a dan
gerous conical-shaped rock, off the north -eastern extre
mity of Deer Island, near the southern coast of Chusan ,
although she had frequently been through the same pas
sage before, without having discovered the danger.
The tide began to fall almost immediately she struck ,
so that she was left with her bows high and dry out of
water, and her stern deep in the water, while she had
seven fathoms close alongside of her. It was a remark
able position for a vessel to be placed in ; part of her
bottom was completely clear of the rock and the water
too, the vessel being only held by its extremities ; and
when the tide rose, every attempt to haul her off proved
ineffectual. A large indentation, or hollow, was suppo
sed to have been made where she rested upon the rock,
which of course held her fast.
The only resource was to try to float her off, by fairly
lifting her up, with the help of large casks and junks.
The launch and pinnace of the Cornwallis having been
sent to her assistance, eight large casks were got out,
and boats were sent out to press half a dozen of the
largest Chinese trading junks, to assist in the opera
tion . As soon as they were brought alongside, the
vessel was lightened , strong hawsers were passed under
her bottom , and were secured over the bows of three
junks, placed on either side, and then carried aft round
the junk's quarter, and thence led forward and secure
round the mast. By these means, as the tide rose, the
junks fairly lifted the head of the steamer off the rock,
and she was launched into her own element, without
having sustained any material injury.
From what has been already stated , it will be readily
inferred that the navigation of the Chusan islands is
intricate and not unattended with danger ; but the na
tives are so well acquainted with the shoals and rocks
and currents in the neighbourhood of all the islands,
that an accident is scarcely known among them .
Perhaps the most curious and interesting of all these
islands is the consecrated island of Pooto, situated very
near the eastern end of Chusan, and only about sixteen
miles distant from the town of Tinghai. It is a small,
rocky island, broken up into numerous picturesque val
leys and romantic glens, the hollows of which are richly
cultivated , and abounding in trees and aromatic shrubs ;
while, from the steep and rugged heights, a most beau
tiful prospect presents itself on every side, the waters
around it being studded with almost innumerable islands
as far as the eye can reach . But it is most celebrated
for its numerous temples, of which there are said to be
nearly four hundred (but this number is probably exag
gerated ), dedicated to the idolatrous worship of Foo, or
Budha. The whole island is, in fact, a large monastery,
divided into many brotherhoods. “ All the sumptuous
and extensive buildings of this island , ” says Medhurst,
are intended for no other purpose than to screen
wooden images from the sun and rain ; and all its in
habitants are employed in no other work than the reci
to escape on shore, after the fire- rafts burst into flames.
In fact, in all the numerous little sheltered bays among
those islands, fire -rafts were destroyed in greater or
lesser numbers.
On one occasion, and without any warning, the Ne
mesis ran at full speed, and at high water, upon a dan
gerous conical-shaped rock, off the north -eastern extre
mity of Deer Island, near the southern coast of Chusan,
although she had frequently been through the same pas
sage before, without having discovered the danger.
The tide began to fall almost immediately she struck,
so that she was left with her bows high and dry out of
water, and her stern deep in the water, while she had
seven fathoms close alongside of her.. It was a remark
able position for a vessel to be placed in ; part of her
bottom was completely clear of the rock and the water
too, the vessel being only held by its extremities ; and
when the tide rose, every attempt to haul her off proved
ineffectual. A large indentation, or hollow, was suppo
sed to have been made where she rested upon the rock,
which of course held her fast.
The only resource was to try to float her off, by fairly
lifting her up , with the help of large casks and junks.
The launch and pinnace of the Cornwallis having been
sent to her assistance, eight large casks were got out, 1
and boats were sent out to press half a dozen of the
largest Chinese trading junks, to assist in the opera
tion . As soon as they were brought alongside, the
vessel was lightened, strong hawsers were passed under
her bottom , and were secured over the bows of three
junks, placed on either side, and then carried aft round
the junk's quarter, and thence led forward and secure
round the mast. By these means, as the tide rose, the
junks fairly lifted the head of the steamer off the rock,
and she was launched into her own element, without
having sustained any material injury.
From what has been already stated, it will be readily
inferred that the navigation of the Chusan islands is
intricate and not unattended with danger ; but the na
tives are so well acquainted with the shoals and rocks
and currents in the neighbourhood of all the islands,
that an accident is scarcely known among them .
Perhaps the most curious and interesting of all these
islands is the consecrated island of Pooto, situated very
near the eastern end of Chusan, and only about sixteen
miles distant from the town of Tinghai. It is a small,
rocky island , broken up into numerous picturesque val
leys and romantic glens, the hollows of which are richly
cultivated, and abounding in trees and aromatic shrubs;
while, from the steep and rugged heights, a most beau
tiful prospect presents itself on every side, the waters
around it being studded with almost innumerable islands
as far as the eye can reach . But it is most celebrated
for its numerous temples, of which there are said to be
nearly four hundred (but this number is probably exag
gerated) , dedicated to the idolatrous worship of Foo, or
Budha. The whole island is, in fact, a large monastery,
divided into many brotherhoods. “ All the sumptuous
and extensive buildings of this island ,” says Medhurst,
are intended for no other purpose than to screen
wooden images from the sun and rain ; and all its in
habitants are employed in no other work than the reci
ples no images are found ; but he was a politician, and
was employed in the public service, long before he became
a moralist.
Laoutze was a contemplative enthusiast, who taught
the cultivation of reason, abstraction from the world ,
self-denial, &c.; and then wandered into the absurdities
of magic arts and demoniac possessions. Nevertheless,
he is said to have had some glimmerings of a future
state . His followers are in the present day called the
sect of Taon.
The Budhism of China probably differs little from
that of India ; the daily prayers are repeated in aa lan
guage of which the priests do not understand a sylla
ble. In the temple are the three huge Budhas — the
Past, the Present, and the Future ; with a Goddess of
Mercy, a God of War, a God of Wealth, and others.
There is, in front of the altar, a large bronze cauldron,
for burning gilt paper ; and a huge drum and a bell, to
awaken the especial attention of the god . Such are the
temples of Pooto .
In cases of extreme emergency , as during the preva
lence of great drought and threatened famine, the Em
peror orders prayers to be offered up in the temples of
all the three sects for a cessation of the evil. But the
Confucian is the system of religion to which the Empe
ror and his court adhere .
being built on the declivity of the mountain's side,
which terminates in the valley. The yellow tiles of
some of them indicate former imperial protection. The
most picturesque sites have been chosen for them, and
even caverns in the rocks have in some parts been
turned into a succession of gilded temples.
There are good causeways leading to every part of
the island ; on every crag there is either a temple or a
little image; the gardens are laid out with extreme
care and neatness ; and, were you not startled by the
gross idolatry which surrounds you, and repelled by
the dull, vacant, half-idiotic look of ignorant supersti
tion stamped upon the countenance of every man you
meet, you might be almost tempted to believe that it is
a rich and happy, a favoured and contented spot. Some
of the temples are very striking, and might be called
beautiful. In one of them was a very large library, for
the use of the monks ; but, as far as I could judge, the
books appeared to have been little, if at all, used.
It may be well here to remind the reader, that there
are three religious systems prevailing in China, and to
lerated by the government, viz. those of Confucius, of
Laoutze, and of Budha. The two former were contem
poraries, and flourished about five hundred years before
the Christian era . That of Budha was introduced from
India, very soon after the beginning of our era, and
gained such hold among the common people of China,
that it is now the general superstition of all the lower
classes, and its showy temples and gilded images abound
throughout the land. Confucius, on the other hand, was
simply a political and moral philosopher, and in his tem
314 NINGPO .
as Hang -chow -foo, Soo -chow -foo, and others which bor
der upon the Imperial Canal, there is every reason to
believe that an extensive trade will soon be opened
Ningpo lies at the distance of only fifty miles from
the trading town of Chapoo, which possess a monopoly
of the whole trade with Japan and Corea. Hence there
is reason to believe that our manufactures will soon find
their way into these latter countries (which have hitherto
excluded the foreigner more pertinaciously even than
the Chinese) indirectly by way of Ningpo ; and that, in
a few years, many articles expressly adapted for the
Japan market will be ordered to be manufactured in
this country, and sent to Chinese merchants at Ningpo.
This city is famous for its silks, which are very beautiful
of their kind ; and the shops are elegant, and well sup
plied with all kinds of Chinese manufactures. It is a
wealthier and much handsomer town than Amoy, and is
much superior in commercial importance to Foo-chow
foo, another of the newly -opened ports. Large junks
are even built on the Ningpo river, and the people have
always shown a great disposition to trade with foreigners.
Indeed this is the case in every part of China where the
people have not been held back by their mandarins.
Mr. Gutzlaff, in one of his early voyages, obtained a
list of all the foreign ships which had formerly visited
Ningpo, and found their number to be considerable ;
and it was stated to him that some of the very old
people still retained a very faint recollection of the fo
reigners. The Portuguese traded at this place in the
sixteenth century , and the English had a factory there
NINGPO . 315
as late as the middle of the last century. It was finally
pulled down in 1759, and all foreign trade was then
absolutely prohibited , by express orders from Pekin.
The principal objection made by the government at
that time to permit trade at Ningpo was simply " the
loss of the imperial revenue, accruing from the overland
carriage of tea and other goods to and from Canton.”
Add to this the great extortions of the local officers,
who here, as well as at Chusan , demanded such exorbi
tant fees and bribes, that it was found impossible to
carry on trade with any chance of profit.
It was at Ningpo that the Jesuit missionaries first set
foot in China ; and thence, making their way to Pekin,
succeeded by good policy, scientific acquirements, and
conciliatory demeanour, in winning the good-will of the
people, and the toleration of the government. This was
towards the end of the seventeenth century. For a time
they possessed great influence; and sanguine expecta
tions were entertained of the valuable results of their
labours, and of the rich fruits which would ripen to
maturity, as soon as the tree of Christianity which they
planted in China should spread its roots throughout the
land . Various causes conspired to produce their down
fall in China, principally connected with the political
state of Europe at that time. But it has been well ob
served by Sir George Staunton, in his preface to the
translation of the Penal Code of China, that “ the ex
tinction of the order of Jesuits in that country caused
the adoption of a plan of conversion more strict, and
probably more orthodox, but in the same proportion
more unaccommodating to the prejudices of the people,
316 NINGPO .
and more alarming to the jealousy of the government.
Generally speaking, it threw the profession into less able
hands, and the cause of Christianity and of Europe lost
much of its lustre and influence. The Jesuits were ge
nerally artists or men of science, as well as religious
Ultimately, the teaching of Christianity at Pekin was
strictly prohibited, and particular objection was made
to the printing or translation of books into the Chinese
and Tartar lunguages ; and in 1805 all books of this
kind were ordered to be seized and destroyed , and the
Tartar subjects were specially exhorted to attend to the
language of their own country, and the admonitions of
their own government; and, above all, to practice
riding and archery, and to study the works of the
learned and virtuous, and particularly to observe all the
social duties.
Thus we observe that Ningpo, which is now at
length for ever opened to the commerce and the inter
course of all foreigners, has already figured in past ages
as a place of vast importance, and has become distin
guished by many interesting associations.
To return from this digression . On the 7th of May,
1842, the city of Ningpo was given up, as it was im
possible to spare a garrison for so large a city. Neither
was it any longer necessary to retain possession of it, for
the occupation of Chinhae at the river's mouth would
command the whole trade of the city. Some of the
principal inhabitants, merchants, and others were assem
bled by Sir Hugh Gough, and into their hands the cus
tody of the city was given over, in the absence of all
NINGPO . 315
as late as the middle of the last century. It was finally
pulled down in 1759, and all foreign trade was then
absolutely prohibited , by express orders from Pekin .
The principal objection made by the government at
that time to permit trade at Ningpo was simply “ the
loss of the imperial revenue, accruing from the overland
carriage of tea and other goods to and from Canton.”
Add to this the great extortions of the local officers,
who here, as well as at Chusan , demanded such exorbi
tant fees and bribes, that it was found impossible to
carry on trade with any chance of profit.
It was at Ningpo that the Jesuit missionaries first set
foot in China ; and thence, making their way to Pekin,
succeeded by good policy, scientific acquirements, and
conciliatory demeanour, in winning the good -will of the
people, and the toleration of the government. This was
towards the end of the seventeenth century. For aa time
they possessed great influence ; and sanguine expecta
tions were entertained of the valuable results of their
labours, and of the rich fruits which would ripen to
maturity, as soon as the tree of Christianity which they
planted in China should spread its roots throughout the
land . Various causes conspired to produce their down
fall in China, principally connected with the political
state of Europe at that time. But it has been well ob
served by Sir George Staunton, in his preface to the
translation of the Penal Code of China, that “ the ex
tinction of the order of Jesuits in that country caused
the adoption of a plan of conversion more strict, and
probably more orthodox, but in the same proportion
more unaccommodating to the prejudices of the people,
force was divided into three columns : the right, com
posed of the 18th and 49th regiments, each being from
four to five hundred strong, together with aa few sappers
and miners, in all about nine hundred and twenty men
and forty - eight officers, was commanded by Lieutenant
Colonel Morris. The centre, under Lieutenant-Colonel
Montgomerie, (Madras Artillery) was composed of a
small detachment of the Royal Artillery, (twenty-five
men only) with the Madras Artillery and sappers, and
the Madras Rifles (one hundred men ) in all about four
hundred and sixty men, ( including lascars) and fifteen
officers. And the left, composed of the 26th and 55th
regiments, (the latter only half the strength of the
former) together with twenty -five sappers, in all eight
hundred and twenty men , and two hundred and thirty
officers, was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Schoedde.
On the 13th the ships of war, the Cornwallis, Blonde,
Modeste, Columbine, Starling, Algerine, and Plover,
with the troop-ship Jupiter, and several transports, got
under weigh with a light breeze ; they soon passed the
hill of Chinhae, (the Pelican being at anchor in the
river) and afterwards neared the Teshan Islands, and
then, hauling up to the westward, made the remarkable
hills about Chapoo, and anchored in seven and aa half
fathoms water, seventy- five miles from land . Chapoo
itself is in reality situated in what may be called an
open roadstead (with a shallow dry harbour close to the
town) on the northern side of the large deep bay, into
which the river which flows down past Hang-chow -foo,
called the Tshen -tang river, empties itself. The tides
there are remarkably rapid at all times ; and on the
CHAPOO . 319
following day a strong breeze setting in from the north
east with hazy weather, it was impossible to move from
the anchorage. The next day there was still no im
provement in the appearance of the weather, and it was
not until the 16th that a reconnoissance of Chapoo
could be made by the General and Admiral on board the
Phlegethon and Nemesis steamers.
No information upon which reliance could be placed
had been obtained, as to the actual strength of the Chi
nese force at Chapoo, but the general belief was, either
that a very large body of troops would be found there,
or that the place would have been abandoned altoge
ther by the enemy, for the purpose of concentrating
their forces for the protection of Hang -chow -foo. This
question was soon set at rest.
The view of Chapoo and the adjacent hills from the
sea as you approach the coast is very remarkable .
The town and its extensive suburbs are situated near
the western extremity of a small promontory, stretching
east and west for the distance of between four and five
miles. The suburbs, which appear to be the principal
resort for merchants and traders, and contain the most
wealthy shops, run along the edge of the beach, partly at
the foot of the hills which rise up on either side, and
partly occupying a low flat between them. The actual
walled town stands about half a mile in the rear, and
the nature and extent of its defences could not be accu
rately ascertained.
As the steamers were running in , so as to get near
enough to observe the nature of the Chinese defences,
and the works thrown upon the adjacent hills, a large
force was divided into three columns : the right, com
posed of the 18th and 49th regiments, each being from
four to five hundred strong, together with aa few sappers
and miners, in all about nine hundred and twenty men
and forty -eight officers, was commanded by Lieutenant
Colonel Morris. The centre, under Lieutenant-Colonel
Montgomerie, (Madras Artillery) was composed of a
small detachment of the Royal Artillery, (twenty-five
men only) with the Madras Artillery and sappers, and
the Madras Rifles (one hundred men) in all about four
hundred and sixty men, ( including lascars) and fifteen
officers. And the left, composed of the 26th and 55th
regiments, (the latter only half the strength of the
former) together with twenty -five sappers, in all eight
hundred and twenty men , and two hundred and thirty
officers, was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Schoedde.
On the 13th the ships of war, the Cornwallis, Blonde,
Modeste, Columbine, Starling, Algerine, and Plover,
with the troop-ship Jupiter, and several transports, got
under weigh with a light breeze ; they soon passed the
hill of Chinhae, (the Pelican being at anchor in the
river) and afterwards neared the Teshan Islands, and
then , hauling up to the westward , made the remarkable
hills about Chapoo, and anchored in seven and a half
fathoms water, seventy -five miles from land. Chapoo
itself is in reality situated in what may be called an
open roadstead (with a shallow dry harbour close to the
town) on the northern side of the large deep bay, into
which the river which flows down past Hang -chow -foo,
called the Tshen-tang river, empties itself. The tides
there are remarkably rapid at all times ; and on the
CHAPOO . 319
following day a strong breeze setting in from the north
east with hazy weather, it was impossible to move from
the anchorage. The next day there was still no im
provement in the appearance of the weather, and it was
not until the 16th that a reconnoissance of Chapoo
could be made by the General and Admiral on board the
Phlegethon and Nemesis steamers.
No information upon which reliance could be placed
had been obtained, as to the actual strength of the Chi
nese force at Chapoo, but the general belief was, either
that a very large body of troops would be found there,
or that the place would have been abandoned altoge
ther by the enemy, for the purpose of concentrating
their forces for the protection of Hang -chow -foo. This
question was soon set at rest.
The view of Chapoo and the adjacent hills from the
sea as you approach the coast is very remarkable.
The town and its extensive suburbs are situated near
the western extremity of a small promontory, stretching
east and west for the distance of between four and five
miles. The suburbs, which appear to be the principal
resort for merchants and traders, and contain the most
wealthy shops, run along the edge of the beach, partly at
the foot of the hills which rise up on either side, and
partly occupying a low flat between them. The actual
walled town stands about half a mile in the rear, and
the nature and extent of its defences could not be accu
rately ascertained .
As the steamers were running in, so as to get near
enough to observe the nature of the Chinese defences,
and the works thrown upon the adjacent hills, a large
fishing-boat was brought-to, to get information , and three
of the fishermen , being brought on board the Nemesis,
were questioned as to the number of Chinese troops, &c.,
on shore .. One of these men stoutly denied that there
were any soldiers there at all ; but, upon a threat that
they would all be hanged if they were found to conceal
the truth , the other two men declared that there was a
large force assembled for the defence of the place.
On a nearer approach it was observed that there were
three principal hills extending along the coast to the
eastward of the suburbs, for the distance of full three
miles, and two or three small islands lying off a little
bay at their eastern extremity, and contributing to
shelter it, and to make it a good landing -place for our
troops. Upon the heights above, several breastworks
were thrown up, particularly along the slopes between
the hills. Upon the side of the hill nearest the town
were two small batteries, mounting five and seven guns,
and upon a low hill in front of the suburbs there was a
circular battery of twelve to fourteen guns. Along the
shore, a little further westward, a masked battery was
commenced , but apparently not yet completed. The
steamers ran in close enough to be able, with aa glass, to
observe the mandarins despatching messengers along
the heights, upon which a great number of troops were
posted , but they did not fire at the steamers, although
they came within range. Indeed the Chinese seemed
disinclined to commence an action, and thus provoke a
contest .
Soundings were taken along the shore without any
interruption ; and Captain Hall landed with a boat's
crew upon a low beach, to see if it was adapted for land
ing troops. The anchorage was more completely sur
veyed by Commanders Kellett and Collinson, who care
fully sounded along the whole coast at night, thus ena
bling the Cornwallis, Blonde, Modeste, and the other
vessels before named, to take up advantageous positions
against the enemy's works, and to cover the landing of
the troops, which it was decided should take place in
the bay to the eastward before mentioned. From that
point it appeared to the General that the heights could
be turned, and the enemy cut off before they could
make good their retreat upon the walled city.
At daylight, on the 17th, the whole of the men-of
war and transports got under weigh, and stood in to
wards Chapoo, with a light breeze from the southward, the
Nemesis and Phlegethon leading, and giving the sound
ings by signal to the Cornwallis, the Algerine having
dropped astern , owing to the light wind . At eight, a.m. ,
they came to anchor about four miles off shore, it being
nearly calm and high water. The positions had already
been assigned to the respective ships, and particularly to
the steamers, who were to land the troops. The fleet got
under weigh again soon after one o'clock, with a fresh
breeze from the south-west, and beat in towards the
anchorage of Chapoo, which they reached in the evening,
when each ship took up its allotted position without
any obstacle. The Nemesis anchored close in shore, in
three fathoms water, and from her deck every move
ment of the Chinese could be seen , even without the aid
of a glass. The transports were anchored near the
islands, off the little bay to the eastward, where the
VOL . II . Y
troops were to land, under cover of the Starling, Colum
bine, Plover, and Algerine. The Cornwallis and Blonde
took up positions against the small batteries upon the
hill-side next the suburbs, upon the top of which there
was a temple, or joss-house, occupied by a large body
of the enemy, and the Modeste was placed nearer the
suburbs, to act against the works in front. The Neme
sis, Phlegethon, and Queen steamers were in the first
instance to land the troops from the transports, assisted
by the boats, while the Sesostris steamer was anchored
in shore, to shell the Chinese as they retreated before
our advancing troops.
The sun set clear and brilliant on that evening, the
last which many a brave man on both sides was doomed
to look upon. It was little thought that any serious
loss would be sustained on our side, and every heart
beat high that night, in expectation of the morrow. Our
gallant officers and men who fell were perhaps the least
fearful of the result, and counted on the glory, forgetful
of its price. The Chinese were on the alert during the
night, and brought down some large ginjals, which they
planted upon the hill-side, abreast of the Nemesis, but
did not make use of them.
At daylight next morning the Nemesis went along
side the transports, to take in the 18th Royal Irish,
under Colonel Tomlinson, and, having landed them in
the appointed bay, returned immediately to fetch part
of the 55th, together with the rifles; the remainder of
the 55th, with the 26th, 49th, and Artillery, being
landed by the Queen and Phlegethon, assisted by the
boats of the squadron, the whole under the direction of
Commander Charles Richards, of the Cornwallis. Sir
Hugh Gough landed with the first or right column
from the Nemesis, and at once occupied a height wbich
commanded the landing -place, without meeting with
any opposition. As usual , the Chinese had neglected
their flauks, as if an enemy could only think of attack
ing them where they were most prepared to defend
As soon as the whole of the troops were formed ,
Colonel Schoedde was directed to move with the 26th
and 55th regiments, forming the left column, and Colo
nel Montgomerie, with the Artillery and Rifles, forming
the centre, as rapidly as possible round the base of the
heights, in the rear of which there was a broken valley,
leading up in the direction of the walled town, from
which, by this means, the retreat of the Chinese would
be cut off. Sir Hugh Gough moved with the left column,
composed of the 18th and 49th regiments, under Colo
nel Morris, along the crest of the heights, driving the
enemy before him from one point to another. As soon
as the advance was sounded in that quarter, the ships
of war opened fire upon the enemy's right flank , near
the town, and after a few rounds, the Chinese fled from
their field -works, and from the joss-house upon the
summit of the hill.
The Nemesis, in the mean time, having united her
fire to that of the other ships, was signalized to close
the Cornwallis, for the purpose of protecting the landing
of the battalion of seamen and marines under Captain
Bourchier, who was accompanied by the Admiral him
self, who never shrunk from fatigue or danger, ashore
Y 2
or afloat. The enemy's right flank was now turned ,
and their principal works were fortunately carried before
the Chinese bad time to spring the mines which they
had prepared. The enemy was soon in full flight.
The Sesostris threw some shells in upon the Chinese
centre, as our troops advanced upon them from their
left; but, owing to the rapid movementof the left column
round the base of the hills, and the dangerous direction
of the line of fire of the steamer, there was at one time
more chance of danger to our own men than to the
Chinese. The sides of the hills were covered with a
great number of tombs, which, together with the broken
nature of the ground, afforded shelter and rallying
points for the enemy, behind which they occasionally
made a stand, and suffered severely in consequence.
Many of the Tartars were even seen deliberately cut
ting their own throats, as our men were advancing upon
them .
But the most terrible scene, and the point at which
the greatest loss on our side occurred , was a large house
partly enclosed with a wall, situated at the end of a little
valley, about a mile from the walls of the town. About
three hundred resolute Tartar soldiers, finding their
retreat cut off, took refuge in this building, determined
to sell their lives as dearly as possible, expecting no
quarter from their enemy. The defence of this large
building was no part of their original design ; but, as
they were driven into it, one after another, without any
means of escape, they were forced to defend themselves.
Then umber who might be inside was not at first known ;
and two small parties of the 18th and 49th, under Lieu
tenant Murray, of the former corps, and Lieutenant and
Adjutant Browne, of the latter, attempted to follow them
in, but were unable to effect an entrance. Of the 49th
party, Lieutenant Browne and Michell were the only
two who escaped untouched. One man was killed and
the rest wounded .
This little check was now reported to Lieutenant
Colonel Stevens of the 49th, who soon came up. Per
ceiving that there were a great many of the enemy
in the house, and that they were firing from the windows
and doors, he ordered our troops to be withdrawn under
cover, until the guns were brought up. Colonel Tom
linson, of the 18th, having overheard some injudicious
remarks which he thought reflected upon himself, in
stantly put himself at the head of a few of his own
regiment and of the 49th, and rushed in at the door
of the joss-house. Scarcely a second had elapsed when
he fell a corpse into the arms of his men, having re
ceived two balls in his neck . In fact, every man who
attempted to enter was either wounded or killed, as he
became exposed to the steady aim of the Tartars, in the
narrow doorway, the light being full upon him, while
the Tartars were themselves concealed from view.
The failure of this second attempt to enter the build
ing, added to the not unnatural exasperation occasioned
by the death of Colonel Tomlinson, rendered it very
difficult to restrain the men from recklessly exposing
themselves. Just at this time, one 6-pounder gun was
brought up by Major Knowles, and some rockets were
also thrown into the house, but did not succeed in setting
it on fire. The field -- piece made very little impression
upon the walls ; but it was important that the place
should be destroyed and the Tartars captured . In the
mean time, it was blockaded by two companies of the
18th Royal Irish.
While this was going on , Sir Hugh Gough had
marched on towards the city wall, and was joined there
by Sir William Parker with the naval brigade. As soon
as the Admiral had landed, Captain Hall, with three of
his officers (including the surgeon ), and sixteen men,
(eight seamen, and eight of the Bombay artillery ), also
landed as volunteers, and, after clearing a hill in their
front of some straggling Chinese soldiers, they ad
vanced directly up the hollow, at the extremity of
which stood the large building just mentioned. Already
Colonel Tomlinson was killed and several other officers
wounded ; both the rockets and the small field -piece had
failed to clear the house of its defenders. Captain
Pears, the Field Engineer, had also come up, and pro
posed to endeavour to blow in a portion of the outer
wall by means of a bag of powder.
Seeing a small side-door open , Captain Hall, followed
by Lieutenant Fitzjames and one of his own men, got close
to it and fired into it, wounding a Tartar mandarin, but
it was too bazardous to try to force a passage in ; and,
as the defenders kept up a smart fire from the windows
above, it was necessary to retire under cover. An
attempt was then made to set fire to the building, by
throwing combustibles in at the principal door ; and Cap
tain Hall rushed in towards it, with a bundle of straw in
one hand and his sword in the other, followed by several
of his men and one or two officers. Scarcely had he
reached the doorway, when a smart fire was opened
from within, by which two men were shot dead close by
his side, but he himself escaped as if by a miracle.
The bodies were instantly removed to a place of
safety, and this attempt failed, as the others had done.
Three or four of the Tartars now made an attempt to
escape, by rushing out of the doorway, and ran the
gauntlet of ten or a dozen shots directed at them. They
ran for their lives and escaped, although, from the
traces of blood, it was thought that more than one of
them must have been wounded .
Captain Pears at length got a powder- bag fixed to the
northern wall of the building, which blew it in ; and a
small party of the 18th again attempted to enter it,
but one of them was killed, and two wounded, and the
rest withdrew . In fact, it was so dark inside the build
ing, and the space was so narrow , that it was impos
sible to make a rush at it.
It was next proposed to set the place on fire, for on
one side the upper part of the building appeared to be
built of wood. Another powder -bag was fixed to that
side of the house, just below the wood -work , in the
hope that it would knock it all down together, or else
set it on fire. The explosion was so powerful that it
not only destroyed part of the wall, but brought down
the wood-work above it, and thus many of the Tartars
above became exposed, of whom some were shot, and
others succeeded in getting down below. But, wherever
a Tartar showed himself at a window in any part of the
building, several muskets were levelled at him ; and, on
the other hånd, so well did the Tartars take aim with
their matchlocks, that one of the Royal Irish, who would
persist in merely peeping round the doorway “ just to
see if he couldn't pick off a Tartar,” received a shot in
his knee, before he had himself time to fire.
The fragments of the wood -work, which had tumbled
down , were now collected into a heap by the sappers,
and set on fire, which soon communicated to the rest
of the building. Gradually, as it spread, the match
locks of the Tartars (probably of the fallen) were heard
to go off, and loud cries were uttered . The rest of the
defenders must evidently surrender ; and, on entering
the doorway, the poor fellows could now be seen strip
ping off their clothes to avoid the flames, and running
about in despair from one side to the other. About
fifty were taken prisoners, but two or three, who tried
to escape, were shot; and so exasperated were the 18th
at the loss of their colonel and some of their comrades,
that it was not without difficulty they were prevented
from putting several of the prisoners to death . These
were now tied together by their tails, in parties of eight
or ten , so that they could not well run away all together ;
and they were marched off, under an escort, to the walled
town , which had already been taken possession of.
The walls had been scaled near the east gate, by the
grenadiers of the 55th, without opposition ; and the
other gates of the town were soon occupied by passing
round the ramparts . There were few guns, or even
ginjals, mounted on them ; and the Chinese, having
been once driven from the heights, and cut off from the
city, were dispersed all over the country, a large body
of them taking the direction of Hang-chow -foo.
Between Chapoo and that city there is a good canal
communication, supposed to be connected with the
grand canal itself ; and, in addition to that, the com
munication by land , along a good causeway, broad
enough for artillery, gave many facilities for an im
mediate advance upon the capital. It was said also
that a curious Chinese map of the road and of the
adjacent country had been obtained ; but, with so
small a force, it was not thought advisable to march
further inland .
If the loss of the Chinese was great on this day, so
was it on our side much greater than on any previous
occasion. The high spirit of the Tartar soldiers, the
descendants of the conquerors of China, and soldiers by
birthright, could not brook a total defeat ; and, when
they were also stimulated by the excitement of opium,
their self-devotion and stubbornness tended to increase
their loss. When they could no longer fight, they could
die ; and the instances of mad self -destruction, both
within the city and without, were perfectly horrible.
Many of the Tartars were with difficulty prevented
from cutting their throats, which they attempted to do
with apparent indifference. On visiting the large build
ing, or joss-house, which had resisted so long and had
cost so many lives, a number of dead and wounded men
were found huddled together in a horrible manner, in
one of the outbuildings attached to it. The ruins of
the house were still smoking, and our object was to
drag out the wounded and put them under cover until
they could be properly attended to, for, on all occasions,
the Chinese wounded received every attention that
could be shown them from our medical officers. Just
as our men began to move aside the dead bodies, a
Tartar soldier, who had until now concealed himself
among them, literally rising from the dead, stood up
suddenly and drew his sword. But, instead of making
a dash for his life, or giving himself up as a prisoner,
he began deliberately to hack his own throat with the
rusty weapon, and inflicted two wounds upon himself
before his hand could be stopped. Another man was
found concealed in a deep hollow in the earth, where
there was a sort of oven, and could not be got out
until some men were sent to dig him out, and he was
then found to be wounded . Altogether, the scene at
this house was quite enough by itself to appal any man
with the horrors of war. Many of the wounded were
dreadfully mutilated, and the dead bodies were charred
and disfigured.
A large building in the city was specially set apart
for the Chinese wounded, and the great kindness and
attention they received at Chapoo produced important
effects afterwards upon the authorities, and induced
them to treat our prisoners with kindness, instead of
torturing them to death, as had frequently been the
case. The veteran Elepoo, who was, in fact, at that
time governor of Chapoo (having been partially restored
to favour by the Emperor), expressly thanked the
General and the Admiral for their humanity, in a letter
written about a month after svards . “ On inquiry,” said
he, “ I found that you gave the hungry rice to eat, and
allowed to the wounded medical attendance, and we
feel obliged for your kindness and courtesy.” But this
was not the only mark of their gratitude, as we shall
presently relate.
Too much praise cannot be given to the super
intending surgeon , Dr. French (often mentioned in the
despatches) , and the other medical officers, for their
constant attention to the Chinese wounded, whenever
they had an opportunity. Occasionally, however, the
Chinese refused all assistance.
Among the Tartar population, who were here for the
first time met with, living entirely separate from the
Chinese, and preserving their own habits and privileges,
it is admitted by all that the most shocking scenes
were witnessed ; and the similar barbarities which were
afterwards observed at the Tartar city of Chin -keang
foo confirm all that has been said of the cruel and
revolting practices of that remarkable people in time
of war . All accounts concur in giving their testimony
to the fact of the self -destruction of whole Tartar
families ; the women destroying their children, drown
ing them in wells, and throwing themselves in after
wards ; the husbands hanging and poisoning their
wives, and deliberately cutting their own throats.
Every effort was made to put a stop to these barba
rities, and every means were used to pacify and soothe
the people ; but as the greater part of the Tartar popu
lation had abandoned the Tartar portion of the city,
the Chinese rabble set about plundering it, and frightened
the few who remained, even more than our own people.
In fact, Chapoo was exposed to plunder by both sides ;
but the people themselves were uniformly treated with
consideration .
The Tartar town, which was separated from the other
by a wall enclosing about one-fourth of the space within
the city, presented its peculiar aspect. The houses were
disposed something after the manner of tents in an en
campment, one of the last traces of the wandering pas
toral habits of the race ; to each hut was attached a
small bit of open ground, with a bamboo fence round it,
and a few trees within ; and the vine was not unfre
quently seen twining itself among the bamboos. Their
scanty furniture was more rude than that of the Chinese ;
and the bow, with its quiver full of arrows, the spear,
the sword, and the matchlock, seemed to be the most
cherished ornaments of their abode. They alone are
permitted to retain their weapons in their own charge.
Indeed, the Tartar here lives as a conqueror, and glories
in the emblems of conquest which he still has around
him. In other respects, they are all subject to the same
laws, and wear the same dress, but differ a good deal
in their countenance and expression. Commonly the
Tartars are a fairer people than the Chinese, and some
of them much resemble Europeans.
It is worthy of remark , that the conquerors imposed
upon the conquered the practice of shaving the head, ex
cept the back part, with its long tail ; but they themselves
took care never to adopt the absurd Chinese custom of pre
venting the growth of the female foot, and even deform
ing it, in such a way as to render it nearly useless to its
owner . From the Emperor's court to the lowest sol
dier's wife, no Tartar woman ever has her foot tortured
into deformity. At Chusan, I remember seeing a Tartar
woman walking about with her natural undeformed feet,
and she was looked at as a curiosity by the Chinese
inhabitants, who stared and smiled as if they thought it
a strange innovation .
The attention of children to their parents, for which
the Chinese as well as Tartars are remarkable, was shewn
in many instances, even amid the trials of war, at Cha
poo.. The aged and infirm were of course unable to fly
from the city, and many of these were found in the
Tartar houses, carefully tended by their daughters, who
staid behind, and braved the expected horrors of an
enemy's approach, rather than abandon an aged parent.
There were some touching scenes of this kind ; and
when they found that they were not treated harshly,
their fears, which at first were distressing, gradually
disappeared. It is to be hoped that the example of
humanity and of forbearance, which was set on all occa
sions by the new conquerors, will serve greatly to
modify the barbarous ideas of war which they appeared
to entertain, and cause them to respect and admire the
principles of the advanced civilization of Europeans, as
well as to dread their power.
The country about Chapoo is perhaps one of the
richest and most beautifully cultivated spots in the
world . It nearest resembles some of the prettiest parts
of Devonshire. The low hills immediately adjoining
the town, the rich, luxuriant, well-watered plain be
yond, interspersed with numerous hamlets and villages,
with their curiously-shaped blue tiled roofs, and inter
sected by canals and causeways, formed a very attrac
tive panorama, and served to indicate the means by
which so dense a population is supported. But even
there the horrors of war were still to be traced ; dead
bodies floating along the canals (probably of wounded
who had been carried away and had died) ; parties of Chi
nese plunderers, hastening across the country, laden
with every kind of property ; and perhaps occasionally
a little quiet European foraging party , hunting out
ducks, and fowls, and pigs, for which, however, it is
but justice to say that the peasants were generally
very well paid .
It was not the object of Sir Hugh Gough to occupy
the city longer than was necessary for the purpose of
destroying the Arsenals, and property belonging to the
government, including of course the iron guns, gin
jals, &c. The brass ones, some of which were very good,
were sent over to Chusan, as were also our own wounded
men . Several horses, or rather ponies, which had be
longed to mandarins, were captured by our officers ;
and one of these, a stout grey, was carried up to Cal-.
cutta in the Nemesis, after the war was over.
The number of Chinese engaged at Chapoo has been
estimated at between seven and eight thousand men , of
whom about one - fourth were Tartars. It is difficult to
estimate the number of their killed and wounded, but
it must have been very great ; it has been estimated
that nearly one-sixth of them suffered more or less.
On our side, two officers, one sergeant, and ten men
were killed, including three of the naval brigade, of
which two belonged to the Nemesis ; six officers, one
sergeant, and about forty -five men were wounded, many
of them severely. The following were the names of
the officers killed and wounded : Killed - Lieutenant
Colonel Tomlinson, 18th Royal Irish, and Captain Colin
Campbell, 55th regiment, died two or three days after,
from a severe wound in the head. Wounded — Staff,
Lieutenant-Colonel Mountain, C.B., Deputy -Adjutant
General, severely (three balls in his back) ; Lieutenant
A. E. Jodrell, 18th ; Lieutenant A. Murray, 18th,
Captain T. S. Reynolds, 49th, Lieutenant and Adjutant
W.P. K. Browne, 49th, and Lieutenant J. G. Johnstone,
Madras Sappers and Miners .
There were ten brass guns taken, together with
eighty-two iron ones, and aa number of ginjals, &c. The
Chinese prisoners were all sent back before our force
left the place, and a certain sum of money was given to
each of them, as will be particularly mentioned in the
next chapter. And this fact, coupled with the kind
ness which the wounded had received, led to the resto
ration of all our kidnapped prisoners shortly afterwards,
with similar or larger presents, conferred upon them by
the orders of the Chinese authorities.
Overtures made by the Chinese — Exchange of prisoners — Generous con
duct of Elepoo - Anecdote - Our prisoners led through the Chinese camp
-Hong merchants ordered up from Canton-Not received — Rendez
vous at the mouth of the Yangtze river — Reconnoissance of Woo
sung -Junks laden with iced fish - Mandarins going their rounds
Anecdote of the Nemesis — Woosung river and its batteries described
Dispositions for the attack—Ships all towed into action by steamers—
Spirited fire of the Chinese— Positions of the ships — Modeste and Ne
mesis roughly handled — Captain Watson's gallantry - War junks and
wheel boats attacked by the Nemesis Description — Proceedings of
the light squadron - Captain Watson lands and attacks the flank of
the long battery - Warm reception - Desperate resistance of the Tar
tars — A check—The enemy give way—Sir Hugh Gough lands, and
proceeds to capture Paou -shan - Advance upon Shanghai - Descrip
tion of that city-A wealthy commercial emporium - Remarks on the
country and character of the people - Chinese Arcadia — Amusing
descriptions — Tea -gardens - Ice-houses -Bishop of Shanghai -His
history - Sporting - Steamers proceed up the river - Nearly reach
Soo -chow - foo—Our forces are again concentrated at Woosung.
The results of the capture of Chapoo, and of the
total defeat of the best troops the Chinese had yet
brought against us, were very remarkable. On the one
hand, the people more than ever dreaded our power,
while they also wondered at our forbearance ; and, on
the other hand, the tone of the government began evi
dently to change, and overtures were now made (pro
bably with a view to gain time,) to induce our military
and naval commanders -in -chief to suspend hostilities.
Advances of a similar kind had been made at Chinhae,
but did not appear to be founded upon sufficient autho
rity to permit them to be entertained . They were
renewed at Chapoo, but in an equally unsatisfactory
manner ; and the agent of the Chinese on both occa
sions, and also on subsequent ones, was a mandarin of
low degree, the very sending of whom was sufficient to
point out that their object was merely to sound our
disposition, and blind our credulity. Sir Henry Pot
tinger was still at Hong Kong, which place he did not
leave until the beginning of June, so that under any
circumstances the only result at present could have
been a temporary suspension of hostilities.
At Hang-chow-foo, the people were so much alarmed
that they openly expressed their dissatisfaction to the
High Imperial Commissioner Yih-king, who was also
generalissimo of the forces, a member of the imperial
cabinet, and a relation of the Emperor. But, above
all, the generous treatment of the Chinese prisoners, by
the orders of Sir Hugh Gough, the attention shown to
their wounded, and their being at last all given up
before our forces left Chapoo, each of them receiving a
present of money, (about three dollars for each man)
all these humane proceedings together produced a most
powerful impression upon all classes of the Chinese.
When the Chinese prisoners were sent back from
Chapoo, a letter was at the same time addressed to
VOL . II . z
Elepoo,' in reply to the overtures which had been
made. It was to the effect, “ that hostilities could not
be suspended until the Chinese government were dis
posed to negociate on the terms offered by the British
Government, through the medium of Her Majesty's
Plenipotentiary , who was then daily expected at
Chusan .”
Elepoo was determined not to be outdone in cour
tesy, and before our fleet entered the Yangtze river, he
sent a very important and remarkable letter addressed
to our commanders-in-chief, styling them , the “ Ho
nourable General and Admiral.” He talked a great
deal about good faith and sincerity, and thanked them
for sending back the prisoners, and for the attention
and kindness shown to the wounded . He proceeded to
inform them , that he had in return sent back all our
prisoners to Chapoo, who had been previously kept at
Hang -chow -foo ; but that, on their arrival there, it was
found that the fleet had already sailed, in conse
quence of which they were obliged to be taken back.
He further added, curiously enough for a high Chinese
authority, when we consider what had hitherto been
the tone of all their proclamations, " that he was de
* At this time, the venerable and high-minded Elepoo, who was Lieute
nant General of Chapoo, was partially restored to favour by the Emperor
after being disgraced and deprived of the government of the two Keang
provinces which he formerly held. This is the same officer who, when
he was sent down as Imperial Commissioner to the province of Chekeang,
for the purpose of “ arranging affairs with the barbarians, " nobly gave
up all our prisoners, including Captain Anstruther, Lieutenant Douglas,
and Mrs. Noble ; but was disgraced and punished by the Emperor.
ELEPOO . 339
sirous to negociate and make arrangements, in order to
protect the lives of the people of both countries.”
Neither the prisoners nor the letter were, however,
received for some time afterwards; for, on finding
that none of our ships were left at Chapoo to receive
them , they were taken back to Hang -chow -foo, at the
end of three or four days, where they were now ex
tremely well treated. By Elepoo's orders thirty dollars
were afterwards paid to every white man, and fifteen
dollars to every native of India, or, as they called them,
to every “ black man ;" thereby marking their sense of
the distinction between them . Altogether there were
sixteen prisoners restored by the Chinese, two of whom
belonged to the Nemesis, one being an English seaman,
the other a negro lad, who had been a slave at Macao,
but had escaped and came on board the Nemesis, where
he turned out a very smart useful lad. They had been
kidnapped at Chusan, and thence carried over to the
mainland .
After having been brought back to Hang -chow -foo
from Chapoo, the prisoners remained there five days,
and were well fed and taken care of. They were then
put into sedan chairs, and carried through the whole
Chinese army encamped to the southward of that city.
The camp appeared to be of immense extent, and full of
soldiers, who crowded round the sedan chairs with eager
curiosity, but without attempting to offer any violence.
They appeared particularly amused at the appearance
of the black men. It was remarked, that about one in
ten of the soldiers was armed with a matchlock , the
rest having only spears, swords, and bows and arrows,
ጊ 9
340 ELEPOO .
the latter of which they seemed to be most proud of.
The danger they ran of having their clothes set on fire
by the match, particularly when wounded , or by the
ignition of the powder, always made them more or less
afraid of arming themselves with the matchlock.
After travelling for several days, partly in sedans
and partly along canals, during which they passed a
large town called Chow -king, apparently as large as
the capital itself, the prisoners arrived at Yuyow, on the
11th of June, whence they were conveyed to Ningpo,
and after a very short halt proceeded down the river to
Chinhai, were they were most joyfully received on
board H. M. brig Pelican, by Captain Napier.
Communications subsequently took place, between
Elepoo and our military and naval commanders -in
chief. In one of these Elepoo says, that he is sur
prised to learn that the fleet of our “ honourable coun
try had sailed up the Woosung river, firing guns and
stirring up a quarrel ; and then expresses his regret that
the war had already lasted so long, and that many lives
had been lost, and unspeakable misery produced . Is it
not far better to enjoy the blessings of peace, than to
fight for successive years, and to fill the land with the
bodies of the slain ?” This, however, was merely an
attempt to lull the activity of our commanders, and to
delay their measures by pretence of negociation .
The reply of Sir Hugh Gough and Sir William
Parker was characteristic ; namely, “ that they were
thankful to Elepoo for having sent back the British
subjects who were prisoners, begged to assure him that
they gladly recognised in this act the good feeling
ELEPOO . 341
which should always subsist between civilized nations.
In respect to the other letter, they added that with the
utmost desire to lessen the calamities of war, it was
their duty to proceed with hostilities, until they were
assured that a functionary duly authorized by his Im
perial Majesty should be prepared to negociate a peace,
and to meet those just demands which had been re
peatedly submitted to his Imperial Majesty. With
every respect for his exalted position and acknowledged
probity, the high British officers must remind his Ex
cellency that they have not yet been apprised that he
iş, authorized to treat, on the conditions promulgated
by the British Government.”
The high tone of these letters must have rather
surprised both the veteran Elepoo and the Imperial
Cabinet. They had been so long accustomed to com
municate with foreigners only through inferior agents,
that they could hardly bring themselves on a sudden
to adopt the practice of conducting negociations upon
a footing of perfect equality. The ingenious expedient
was therefore resorted to, of sending to Canton, to
order up some of the Hong merchants to act as me
diators. The aged Howqua excused himself on account
of his infirmities, but sent his only surviving son in his
place, accompanied by Samqua, another Hong merchant
of repute, and two linguists.
The journey from Canton to the province of Che
keang, or rather to that part of it in which their ser
vices might be required, Hang - chow -foo, or Soo -chow
foo, a distance of upwards of six hundred geogra
phical miles, was no pleasing task in the middle of
summer, particularly in a country where the only mode
of travelling is in sedan chairs . However, they were
compelled to go ; but were as speedily sent back again,
without having been permitted to hold any communi
cation whatever with any of our high officers. Indeed ,
Sir Henry Pottinger had long before so positively re
fused to receive both the Hong merchants and the Pre
fect of Canton, that it is surprising how any further
expectation could have been formed that their services
would be required.
While speaking of the Hong merchants, it is worth
mentioning that about this time notice was sent by the
aged Howqua to the foreign residents at Canton, that
there was reason to believe that some of the wells had
been poisoned, and that there were venders of poisoned
provisions about the streets . Whether the report was
true or not, the diabolical purpose was thus frustrated,
and no bad results followed .
We must now return to the operations of our forces,
subsequently to the capture of Chapoo. Fortunately,
the health of the troops had been good , during their
ten days' stay on shore, so that nearly the whole force
was in a condition to take part in the projected ope
rations in the Yangtze river. Lieutenant- Colonel Tom
linson, whose death was so much lamented by all his
brother officers, was buried at sea, soon after Chapoo
was taken, being carried out in the Phlegethon, as it
was feared that, if a grave were dug for him on shore,
his remains might be taken up by the Chinese, and a
great boast made of their having killed one of the high
English officers.
On the 27th May, a great part of the troops were
embarked on board the different transports, and . the
remainder on the following morning, when the whole
fleet got under weigh. On the 29th, they anchored in
a safe and extensive sound, which had been discovered
by Captains Kellett and Collinson, at the Rugged
Islands, about forty miles to the eastward of Chapoo.
Some days were spent at this anchorage, in order that
a proper channel into the Yangtze river for large ves
sels might be carefully examined. During this interval,
the Admiral took an opportunity of revisiting Chusan,
in the H. C. steamer Pluto, which had just arrived
from England, together with the small iron steamer
Ariadne, from Bombay.
On the 5th June, the whole fleet stood up towards
the entrance of the river, but their progress was much
delayed by the great strength of the tides, and also by
fogs, so that they did not reach the appointed rendez
vous off the Amherst rocks, (a little to the eastward of
the mouth of the river) until the 8th, having always
been obliged to anchor at night.
A further delay now occurred , while the Modeste,
with the Nemesis and Pluto steamers, were detached to
intercept the communications up the river, and to re
connoitre the defences of Woosung. A large fleet of
trading junks was soon espied near the latter place,
and the Nemesis was ordered to give chase, and bring
them to. She very soon got ahead of them and cut
them off, obliging them to anchor immediately. Some,
however, persisted in holding their course, until several
shots had been fired across their bows. The junkmen
appeared terribly frightened, although Mr. Gutzlaff,
who was on board the Nemesis, assured them that they
would receive no injury, and would be allowed to de
part again, as soon as their cargoes had been examined.
One, however, still refused to come to anchor, until two
shots had been sent completely through his vessel. On
boarding her, the cause of the obstinacy was soon dis
covered. There were a number of Chinese or Tartar
ladies on board, one of whom, a handsome young person ,
was sitting with a child in her arms, which she pressed
closely to her bosom, in the most forlorn attitude, near
the stern of the vessel. Fortunately no one on board
had been wounded by the shot ; but among other things
which attracted attention were a number of coffins,
which it was at first conjectured might be filled with
valuable property of various kinds, which they were
thus endeavouring to carry off without discovery.
One of them was soon opened, when it was found
to contain literally what it was intended for ; and it
was hence supposed that these unhappy people might
have escaped from Chapoo, and carried their dead with
them .
A great number of junks were found laden with
the most beautiful fish, very carefully packed in ice,
probably destined for Nankin , and for places along
the imperial canal ; but it is remarkable that none of
these cargoes were fallen in with afterwards higher up
the river ; which tended to prove that there were innu
merable canals by which they could convey their pro
duce into the interior, without proceeding up the main
river beyond a certain point , thereby avoiding the
delays occasioned by the currents, and the dangers of
the navigation. This excellent opportunity of getting
well supplied with fish and ice was not allowed to pass
unheeded , but none of the junks were detained beyond
a few hours. One junk, however , was always kept
back, until another made its appearance ; but, as it was
impossible for strangers to distinguish at a distance the
kind of junks which were loaded with such a welcome
cargo, every captain was made to understand that he
would have to supply fish and ice for the use of the
steamer, until he could point out another junk coming
up the river with a similar cargo, which was then to
take his place, and he was to be liberated. In this
way, one continued to succeed the other. This hint
was quite sufficient to put the fellows in excellent
humour. It was curious to observe what a sharp look
out they kept, frequently climbing up to the mast-head to
see if their longed -for substitute was approaching. The
one who last arrived soon reconciled himself to this fate
very good-naturedly, when informed by his predecessor
that no great harm would be done to him . They all,
however, seemed very glad to get away, the moment
permission was given to them, and refused all kind of
payment when offered . Fresh fish of the best quality,
and plenty of ice to cool the wine and beer, were unex
pected luxuries.
At Woosung, Captain Watson, with the Modeste,
which was anchored just out of range of the batteries,
was occupied for several days in sounding the channel,
and was assisted in this duty by the Pluto, under Lieu
tenant Tudor. They were ordered to reconnoitre the
mouth of the Woosung river, (which empties itself into
the Yangtze about twenty -five miles up its southern
branch ) preparatory to the grand attack upon the
The night of the 11th of June was particularly dark
and rainy, and the opportunity appeared singularly
favourable for making a close reconnoissance of the bat
teries. The Modeste lay some way off shore, and the
tide was running so strong that it was impossible for
Captain Hall, who had anchored the Nemesis much
nearer in, to communicate with his senior officer, Captain
Watson, concerning the plan which he proposed for
reconnoitring the batteries. About two hours before
midnight, the cutter of the Nemesis was ordered away ,
manned and armed, to make a close examination of the
batteries, and of the channel leading into the Woosung
river, which the former were principally designed to
Having carefully sounded the channel, Captain Hall
boldly pushed in as quietly as possible, towards the front
of the batteries ; and being favoured by the boisterous
weather, he landed on the beach without being dis
covered. He could now distinguish the Chinese sentry
quite near him ; and on looking through one of the
embrasures, he could see one of the military mandarins
on duty, going his rounds along the battery, attended
by two armed soldiers, one of whom carried a large
paper lantern before him, which threw a strong light in
his face, and prevented him of course from seeing ob
jects, even at a very short distance from him . It was
evident, therefore, that the Chinese were upon the alert ;
and it would have been very easy , with the help of the
boat's crew, to have made prisoners both of the man
darin and the two soldiers, before the alarm could have
been given .
After three hours' examination, and a heavy pull
against the rapid current which prevails there, the boat
of the Nemesis got back to the vessel ; and on the fol
lowing day she rejoined the Admiral off the Amherst
rocks. It was about this time that the little Ariadne
steamer, having been sent to ascertain the exact posi
tion of a rock lying off the mouth of the Yangtze,
unfortunately ran directly upon it, and was bilged. A
sail was immediately passed under her bottom , to cover
the leak, and she was towed by the Sesostris into
Chusan harbour, where, owing to some unforeseen acci
dent, she afterwards went down in deep water, and all
attempts to get her up again failed.
On the 13th, Sir William Parker in the Cornwallis,
accompanied by the Blonde, Columbine, Jupiter troop
ship, and the Phlegethon , Tenasserim, and Medusa,
steamers, together with twelve transports, got under
weigh from the anchorage off Amherst rocks, and suc
ceeded in reaching the mouth of the Woosung river,
without any accident whatever. The Clio, Bentinck
(since called Plover), Starling, and two transports, had
been stationed as beacon-vessels, to mark the proper
channel ; which however was so shallow , that for a part
of the distance there was little more water (only a few
feet,) than the actual draught of the Cornwallis.
On the following day , the Admiral and the General
proceeded in the Medusa steamer, the smallest which
was under his command since the loss of the Ariadne,
and jocularly christened the Pilot Fish, to make a close
reconnoissance of the whole line of defences extending
along both sides of the Woosung river.
It is here necessary to bear in mind the relative posi
tion of the Woosung river in respect to the Yangtze, in
order to avoid confusion in reading the account of the
operations. The former empties itself into the latter
on its right bank, and the village or small town of
Woosung, which contains nearly five hundred houses,
stands at its mouth. This place was visited by Mr.
Medhurst, during his missionary tour up the coast of
China in 1835 , and the people were there found to be
remarkably civil and well disposed .
The breadth of the river at its entrance may be about
a mile, but the channel for vessels of moderate burden
is somewhat intricate, and scarcely more than three
hundred yards wide. The course of the river runs
nearly north and south, and, as it joins the great Yang
tze, its banks gradually widen out, until they are soon
lost in the banks of the larger river. The principal
line of defence was situated along its western bank,
running from the upper end of the village of Woosung
for a distance of full three miles along the river's
mouth, and curving gradually round towards the banks
of Yangtze river.
The town of Paoushan is situated nearly two miles in
the rear of the batteries at that end. This long line
of embrasures mounted not less than one hundred and
thirty-four guns ; but they were generally a great deal
too wide, and the battery was constructed of earth ,
very much like the works already described at Chusan.
Stakes were driven in along the front to protect it from
the sudden landing of troops, and probably to secure
the banks from the effects of inundations.
Just above the village of Woosung, and skirting it
on its southern side, was a large creek or canal, com
municating with the river, and protected by a strong
semicircular stone battery regularly built, and mount
ing ten brass 24-pounder guns. From its position, it
served to defend the river itself, for it commanded the
whole reach, as well as the mouth of the creek.
On the eastern side of the river, opposite Woosung,
stood a strong fort principally built of brick, nearly of
a circular form , and from its elevation calculated to
have a long range. It was flanked by a line of em
bankments, with embrasures not yet completed, but
mounting altogether twenty-one guns. There were
one hundred and seventy -five guns mounted for the
defence of Woosung . But it was not the number of
guns which constituted the strength of its defences .
The choicest Tartar troops had been collected at this
point , who were prepared to defend it obstinately . They
worked their guns with great spirit, and kept up a
better sustained fire than they had done on any previous
occasionl ; and when their principal line of battery was
turned by the movement of a body of seamen and
marines upon their flank , they defended themselves
with remarkable obstinacy and courage, and did not
hesitate to measure the sword with the cutlass, or to
cross the spear with the bayonet.
There was some difficulty in finding a spot where
troops could be disembarked with a view to turn the
position, for the water shoaled to three feet, within two
hundred yards of the banks, and the disembarkation
could only be effected under cover of the guns of our
ships. One spot was pointed out near the centre of the
battery, between Woosung and Paoushan, but the prac
ticability of it was at first doubtful. But this difficulty
was afterwards set at rest by the landing of the marines
and blue jackets under Captain Bourchier at that point.
The only other alternative was to land the troops high up,
towards the extremity of the line of works above Paou
shan, and then occupy that town.. There was every proba
bility, however, that the engagement would be almost
entirely confined to the naval branch of the expedition.
On the morning of the 16th, both the tide and the
state of the weather being favourable, the Admiral de
termined that the attack should be made without
further delay, and ordered that the ships should be
towed into action by the steamers, so that they would
be enabled to take up the precise positions allotted to
them . There were five steamers ready for the service,
besides the little Medusa, which was reserved to meet
any unforeseen contingency. It was the first action in
which the ships of war were all towed into their ap
pointed stations. The little Algerine was the only
exception, as she was directed to get in as near as pos
sible, under sail. Even the North Star, Captain Sir E.
Home, which only came in sight just as the action had
already commenced, was towed in by the Tenasserim,
which, after placing the Blonde in her proper position ,
was sent out on purpose to fetch her.
The Cornwallis and Blonde, being the two heaviest
ships, were to take up their positions in front of the
batteries, just below the village of Woosung, and the
light squadron was then to pass them and proceed up
the river to attack the village, and the battery at the
mouth of the creek above it, and also the circular bat
tery on the opposite or east side of the river. The light
squadron consisted of the Modeste, Columbine, and
Clio, towed respectively by the Nemesis, Phlegethon ,
and Pluto.
The channel had been buoyed off the previous night,
and two junks had been moored so as to mark the en
trance, on the eastern side of which there ran out a
long sand bank. The Chinese, far from offering any
opposition to the boats employed to lay down the buoys,
encouraged them with a cheer of defiance. But the
little Medusa steamer was immediately carried as close
in shore as possible, assisted by several guard-boats,
to prevent any attempt of the Chinese to remove the
buoys before the ships proceeded to take up their
stations .
At the dawn of day on the 16th all the ships of
war got under weigh, and by six o'clock they were in
tow of their respective steamers. In this instance,
and indeed throughout all the operations in the north
of China, under Sir William Parker, the steamers were
always lashed alongside the vessels they had to tow,
instead of going ahead. This plan was found to
answer remarkably well in the intricate navigation of
the Yangtze river, as the movements of both vessels
were more easily managed . The Blonde, towed by the
Tenasserim , led in towards the batteries ; the Corn
wallis followed, bearing the Admiral's flag, and lashed
alongside of the Sesostris. This post of honour was
assigned to the Blonde, because, as soon as the light
squadron had passed up the Woosung, she would have
been nearer at hand to support them, if necessary .
The Blonde and Cornwallis received the fire of the
Chinese, which was opened with great spirit, without
returning a shot, until they had anchored by the stern
in excellent positions. The light squadron then passed
them , except the little Algerine, which could not follow
the rest under sail, and therefore brought up a little
astern of the Admiral's ship.
The Modeste, under Captain Watson, who commanded
the light squadron, was towed by the Nemesis up the
river in gallant style, boldly dashing in towards the creek
above the village of Woosung, and receiving a severe
and well-directed fire from the whole line of batteries,
but more particularly from the battery of ten brass
guns situated at the corner of the creek, the approach
to which, as before described, it commanded. Both of
these vessels suffered a good deal, in executing this
bold man @ uvre ; and in order to shelter the men , they
were all ordered to lie down at quarters, on board the
Nemesis, until the Modeste had been placed in a good
position . The fire of the Chinese was severe and well
directed .
Some way further up the river, fourteen war-junks
were in sight, and also five large newly-built wheel
boats, each moved by four wooden paddle -wheels.
These vessels also opened fire, but at such a distance
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that their shot fell short. The Columbine, towed by
the Phlegethon, and the Clio by the Pluto, followed
their gallant leader up the river towards the creek.
In the mean time, the North Star was observed just
coming up towards the mouth of the river, and the Te
nasserim steamer, which had just cast off the Blonde,
was now sent out to tow her into action, and she was
placed just ahead of the Blonde.
The Nemesis cast off the Modeste as soon as she had
carried her up to the mouth of the creek, and within
musket- shot of the ten gun -battery, and then opened
fire with her foremost gun upon the war -junks, and with
her after -gun upon the battery itself. The junks re
turned the fire as the Nemesis advanced towards them ,
but the moment she came within range of grape and
canister, the Chinese Commodore, or Admiral, set the
example of running away, which all the rest were glad
enough to follow . They now made for the shore the
best way they could, each trying which could reach it
the quickest, but the wheel-boats had a decided advan
tage, and were moved through the water at the rate of
about three and a half knots an hour. Grape and
canister was now poured into them as fast as the guns
could be loaded . The confusion among the Chinese
sailors was great : some took to their boats or sampans,
others jumped overboard , and tried to swim ashore, and
a few of these must have been drowned .
The wheel-boats were, as a matter of curiosity, the
first boarded, and it was afterwards ascertained that
they were each commanded by a mandarin of high rank ;
which marks the importance they gave to them . These
wheel-junks were fitted with two paddle-wheels on either
side, strongly constructed of wood. The shaft, which
was also of wood, had a number of strong wooden cogs
upon it, and was turned by means of a capstan, fitted
also with cogs, and worked round by men . The ma
chinery was all below, between decks, so that the men
were under cover. They were all quite newly-built,
and carried some two, some three, newly-cast brass guns,
besides a number of large ginjals. A quantity ofmatch
locks, spears, swords, &c., were also found on board .
In pursuing two of the largest junks too close in
shore, the Nemesis took the ground when the tide was
falling. The Phlegethon came up at this time, and tried
to tow her off, but without success, and she, therefore,
stuck fast for some hours. But the boats were sent
away manned and armed under Mr. Galbraith, with
orders to capture and destroy the rest of the junks
which were floating about the river, deserted by their
crews . Other boats were sent to destroy those which
had been run ashore, but it was seen from the mast-head
that the Chinese were lying in wait to cut them off
among the scattered trees and buildings by the river
side ; and they were, therefore, ordered not to go out of
gun -shot from the steamer.
The Phlegethon, under Lieutenant M'Cleverty, took
part in the destruction of the junks, and out of the
whole fleet only two war -junks escaped. Three wheel
boats and one junk were afterwards towed down the
river to the fleet, but the rest were set on fire and de
stroyed .
To return to the advanced squadron. As soon as the
Modeste was cast off from the Nemesis, sail was made,
and she was carried alongside a wharf or small jetty
within the creek, close to the village of Woosung. The
ten gun -battery opposite kept up its fire upon her, but,
under cover of a broadside, the Modeste was made fast
to the jetty. In this position she soon silenced the
fort with her larboard-guns and small arms, and received
little damage from the fire of the enemy, because they
could not depress their guns enough to bear upon her
with effect, so close was she.
The pinnace was now sent ashore, manned and armed ,
to take possession of the fort, and there was some skir
mishing with the rear guard of the Chinese who were
retreating. Mr. Birch, with a party of seamen , was at
the same time ordered to spike the guns ; and at this
moment the Columbine, followed by the Pluto steamer ,
came up, and poured in a well-directed fire upon the
column of the retreating enemy.
During all this time, the Cornwallis, Blonde, and
North Star were hotly engaged with the batteries,
abreast of which they were anchored, and soon made
the Chinese slacken their fire. Perceiving this, Captain
Watson boldly determined to land, with the marines and
small-arm men of the Modeste, Columbine, and Clio,
within the creek, in the hope of being able to turn the
enemy's flank next the village, and also cut off their re
treat. A body of the Chinese were observed lying
down under cover of the embankment, apparently in
readiness to meet their enemy. Captain Watson now
formed his men , and gallantly dashed on towards the
Chinese, but had to cross a deep canal, over which there
A A 2
were several small wooden bridges, in the rear of the
The Chinese received them with a heavy fire of
matchlocks and ginjals, but gradually retreated as Cap
tain Watson advanced, and fell back upon their main
body, who now showed a most determined front, and
deliberately planted their ginjals directly in the only
path by which they could be approached. Captain
Watson had already ten of his men wounded ; and,
finding his party getting a little straggled, he drew
them outside of the line of embankment, in order to
form them again . The Chinese now came boldly out,
brandishing their spears in defiance ; and threw a volley
of hand grenades upon them , which fortunately went
over their heads.
At this moment, Captain Bourchier, seeing Captain
Watson's party hotly engaged with the Chinese, who
were much their superiors in numbers, dashed on shore
from the Blonde, directly in front of the battery; and
at the same moment Captain Watson's party made a
rush at the enemy, who stood their ground so firmly,
that for the second time the spear and the bayonet were
crossed, and no one who witnessed the obstinacy and
determination with which the Chinese defended them
selves could refuse them full credit for personal bravery.
They were now driven back under cover of some houses,
where they rallied .
By this time the marines and seamen of the Blonde
and Cornwallis were landed nearly opposite those ves
sels, under Captain Bourchier, Captain Peter Richards,
and Sir Everard Home, and joined Captain Watson .
Sir William Parker also landed ; and, as soon as the
men were all formed, they succeeded in driving the
enemy out of the whole line of batteries. A small
party from the Algerine, under Lieutenant Maitland,
boldly landed before they could be well supported, and
were a little cut up.
The Sesostris in the mean time had been closely en
gaged with the strong fort on the eastern side of the
entrance of the river, where she took the ground in such
a position that she was able to bring her guns to bear,
so as soon to silence the enemy, when Captain Ormsby
landed at the head of aa body of small-arm men from the
Sesostris and Tenasserim , and took possession of the
The troops were not landed in time to take any part
in the engagement, for most of the steamers had taken
the ground, and it was not until past twelve o'clock that
there were any means of putting the troops ashore. Sir
Hugh Gough then landed just opposite the Cornwallis,
and determined to advance immediately upon the town
of Paoushan in the rear, towards which it was under
stood a large body of the Chinese had fled , together
with the governor of the provinces. Major-General
Schoedde was now ordered to move forward , so as to get
in the rear of the town, in hopes of cutting off the
enemy who might be retreating in that direction ; while
Sir Hugh Gough, with the rest of the force, reinforced
by the naval brigade, moved along the river -batteries.
On reaching Paoushan, it was found already in the
possession of Major-General Schoedde's brigade, which
had entered it without opposition ; the soldiers and a
great part of the inhabitants flying out of it in great
consternation . The walls of the town were not found
to be in very good repair, but they mounted about fifty
guns, of which seventeen were brass. The main body
of the Chinese were ascertained to have fled in the di
rection of Soochow- foo.
The number of killed and wounded , on the Chinese
side, was less than might have been expected , probably
not exceeding altogether a couple of hundred ; but
among them was the commander-in-chief of the Chinese
troops. On our side, one officer (Lieutenant Hewitt,
R.M.) and one seaman, were killed ; and among the
wounded were Mr. Purvis, midshipman of the Blonde ;
Mr. A. J. Smith, mate, and Mr. Roberts, master of the
Sesostris ; together with fifteen seamen , one corporal,
and five royal marines, and one Bombay artilleryman,
most of them severely, and several dangerously wounded.
Many large and well -made guns were captured, par
ticularly some newly -cast brass guns, of great length .
Some of the best and heaviest guns were mounted upon
the ten -gun fort, at the point of the creek where the
Modeste was so hotly engaged . But the greater part of
the guns were of small calibre, and about one - half of the
whole number captured were 6-pounders, or under. The
largest were 24 -pounders, and there were a good many
varying from 10 to 18 -pounders. About two hundred
and fifty guns were captured altogether, including those
taken at Paoushan ; of these, forty -two were brass.
There was one very curious iron gun , of a peculiar
shape, being very small at the muzzle, and very large
from the middle to the breech . It was of Chinese cast
ing, and had an inscription on it, which showed that it
was upwards of three hundred years old. There was
also another curious old gun , with the arms of Spain
upon it. Besides the above, a number of large ginjals
and matchlocks, together with military stores of all
kinds, were discovered and destroyed ; and to these
must also be added the guns destroyed in the war
The Chinese were not prepared to expect the com
plete defeat they sustained at Woosung. The great
extent of their preparations for defence, the determined
resistance they offered, and the improvements they had
adopted in the form and casting of their guns, and in
the construction of their junks, sufficiently indicate the
importance which they attached to the defence of this
position. Precisely in proportion to their previous ex
Names of Her Majesty's and the Honourable Company's vessels, and
· of their Commanders, engaged at Woosung, June 16th, 1843.
Cornwallis ..... 72 Captain P. Richards.
Blonde 42 Captain F. Bourchier.
North Star 26 Captain Sir J. E. Horne, Bart .
Modeste ...... 18 Commander R. B. Watson.
Columbine 16 Commander William H. Morshead
Clio 16 Commander E. N. Troubridge.
Algerine 10 Lieutenant William Maitland.
Sesostris Commander Ormsby, I.N.
Nemesis Lieutenant W. H. Hall, R.N.
Phlegethon Lieutenant J. J. M'Cleverty, R.N.
Pluto ....
Lieutenant John Tudor, R.N.
Tenasserim Master commanding, P. Wall.
Medusa Lieutenant H. Hewitt, I. N.
pectations were the disappointment and panic produced
by their defeat.
Information was obtained , through Mr. Gutzlaff, that
the Chinese were removing their property and families
from the important commercial town of Shanghai, situ
ated about fourteen miles up the Woosung river ; from
which place it was known that there was very extensive
water- communication with some of the most important
districts and cities of China .
No time was to be lost in taking advantage of the
prevailing panic ; and, accordingly, on the day after the
capture of Woosung, the Nemesis and Medusa steamers
were sent up, with Captain Kellett on board, for the
purpose of sounding the channel, and to ascertain what
defences the Chinese had constructed higher up. The .
deepest channel was found to run along the left bank
for about two miles, and then to cross over towards the
right bank, by keeping which on board there was water
enough for a frigate at half - flood .
About seven miles up, they came in sight of two
forts, one on either side of the river. One of these
fired off all its guns at the two steamers, but the shot
fell far short. Soon afterwards a blaze was seen to
burst out in each of the forts, and, on inquiry, it was
found that the Chinese had set the buildings on fire,
and then abandoned the works. Being ordered not to
proceed further than this point, the two steamers re
joined the Admiral, in order to report the result of the
reconnoissance .
The same afternoon , the Modeste, Columbine, and
Clio, towed as before by the Nemesis, Phlegethon, and
Pluto, were sent up the river, under the command of
Captain Watson , with orders to place them near the
two batteries, but out of their range, and then to land
and destroy the guns, if the Chinese were found to have
abandoned them .
On the morning of the 18th , these orders were skil
fully executed ; but the Clio unfortunately grounded ,
and, as the tide was falling, could not be towed off.
Captain Watson landed with the marines and small -arm
men of the Modeste and Columbine, and took possession
of the forts which had been abandoned. In the larger
fort on the right bank were found forty -one guns, eight
of which were brass ; and, in the opposite fort, fourteen
guns, of which likewise eight were brass, or, more pro
perly speaking, of copper. Many of these were found
dismounted , and the carriages taken away. The tents
and buildings had been already destroyed. Higher up
the river eight war-junks were discovered, which were
set on fire and destroyed, except one, in which the cop
per guns, captured in the forts, were put on board and
sent down the river.
Reinforcements had now arrived to join both arms of
the expedition, but were just too late to take part in
the action at Woosung. H. M. S. Dido, Honourable
Captain Keppell, arrived the very evening after the en
gagement ; and, on the next day, the 2nd regiment
Madras Native Infantry, and detachments of Artillery,
with Sappers and Miners, also joined the forces under
Sir Hugh Gough .
The 19th was the day fixed for the capture of Shang
hai, for which purpose one column of our troops was
to march by land , under Lieutenant- Colonel Mont
gomerie, M.A., consisting of about one thousand men,
including the 18th and 49th regiments, with detach
ments of the Madras horse artillery and the royal
artillery, with sappers and miners. The rest of the
troops were embarked in the Tenasserim , Nemesis,
Phlegethon, and Pluto steamers, which took in tow
respectively the North Star, Modeste, Columbine, and
Clio. The marines of the squadron were also taken up
in the little Medusa ; and Sir William Parker and Sir
Hugh Gough, with their staff, accompanied by Captains
Bourchier, Richards, Keppel, and other officers, pro
ceeded up the river in that vessel .
They passed the deserted batteries, and met with no
opposition until they came within sight of the city, 1
where a long, well -constructed battery, situated below
the town on the same or the left bank of the river,
opened fire on the North Star and the other vessels, as
they approached , but at such a distance as to do no
damage. A couple of broadsides from the North Star
and Modeste, with a few shot from the Tenasserim and
Nemesis, sufficed to drive the Chinese out of the works.
Captain Bourchier, with the seamen and marines, im
mediately landed and took possession of the battery,
upon which no less than forty- nine guns were found
mounted, seventeen of which were of copper.
The steamers conveying the troops soon reached the
city of Shanghai, where the 55th regiment was landed
from the Nemesis, upon a small jetty, without the
necessity of using boats ; another instance of the great
utility of flat-bottomed , iron steamers. The city had 1
been already taken possession of by the column under
Colonel Montgomerie, without resistance, and many of
the respectable inhabitants were hurrying off in great
consternation, while the low rabble had, as usual, com
menced their work of robbery and destruction the
moment the authorities left the place.
Colonel Montgomerie's column had met with no
opposition during its advance, and but little difficulty,
except occasionally in crossing the guns over the narrow
water-courses. They passed close in the rear of the
fort which had opened on the ships, without seeing it ;
but, upon hearing the firing, they hastened on to the
city, in the belief that the sound of the firing came from
that direction . A large body of the Chinese, however,
was observed in full retreat, and a few rockets were
thrown among them to basten their flight; but, owing
to the many water -courses, and the swampy nature of
the rice grounds, it was impossible to come to close
quarters with them.
On reaching the north gate of the city, there ap
peared to be no preparations made for resistance, and
the only two guns which could be seen mounted at the
gateway looked harmless enough. In fact, there was
no one at the gate ; and two or three of our men, having
contrived to get over the wall, soon opened the gate,
and admitted the rest. It was now discovered that the
place had been abandoned by the authorities the pre
vious evening. The people generally showed no ill
feeling towards the foreigners, but rather an inclination
to conciliate their good offices.
The city, which, though wealthy, and of more agree
able aspect than most other Chinese towns which had
been visited, was not given up to plunder; indeed , Sir
Hugh Gough used every means in his power to prevent
the commission of any excesses whatever. Very little
plunder, or, as it was called, “ loot,” was obtained, and
was almost entirely limited to curiosities. There was
no wanton aggression. Many of the houses were found
deserted, and these were the only ones which suffered,
except where downright robbery was coinmitted by the
gangs of Chinese plunderers.
Every effort was made to put a stop to these abo
minable proceedings ; and some of the most respectable
inhabitants were called upon to take charge of a few
of the large deserted establishments, particularly the
pawnbrokers’ shops, which , in all Chinese towns, are
establishments of enormous extent. This fact may , at
first view, be taken to indicate great fluctuations in
respect to wealth or poverty ; but this is not the case.
These immense warehouses are frequently made use of
to deposit articles of value, such as furs and other costly
things, which are by this means well preserved and
taken care of, until required for use ; and, in the
interim , the owners have the use of a portion of the
value of the articles.
As soon as the city was taken possession of, and
guards placed at the gates, the Columbine and Medusa
were sent a little way up the river, to endeavour to check
the depopulation of the city ; for the inhabitants at
that time were hastening away in crowds, so that the
river was actually covered with boats of all descriptions,
laden with furniture and goods . The Nemesis was also
sent up in search of war- junks, and to reconnoitre the
country. No further hostile preparations however were
discovered . Quiet was maintained within the city, and
the vessels of war and steamers were all anchored
directly opposite the town.
The vast number of large trading -junks which were
lying there surprised every one. Many of these were
laden with valuable cargoes ; both banks of the river
were completely lined with them ; and there were also
numerous large stone warehouses, filled with mer
chandize, some of which contained large quantities of
sugar, salt, and provisions ; there were also extensive
timber-yards, and several large junks upon the stocks.
The traffic in timber alone must be considerable, as there
is none found in the neighbourhood adapted for ship
building ; and the fine large spars which are required
for the masts of junks are all brought from the north
ward. The size of some of these spars may be judged
of by the following measurements which were taken of
the mainmast of one of the largest junks. It was eleven
feet six inches in circumference a little above the deck,
and one hundred and forty -one feet long ; and the main
yard was one hundred and eleven feet in length. Very
strong spars indeed are necessary , for they carry an
enormous sail, without any shrouds or stays to support
them .
Shanghai must be a place of immense commercial
importance, not only as regards the internal traffic of
the country, but also in respect to its foreign com
merce, or at least its trade with the remoter parts of
China, and even with Siam and Cochin China . It is
said to rank second only to Canton in commercial im
portance, particularly as the junks belonging to the
southern provinces are prohibited from trading further
north than this city, which therefore, in a certain de
gree, enjoys a monopoly. During Mr. Medhurst's visit
to it, he reckoned that there were a thousand large
junks in the river ; and , on visiting it not long after it
was taken, and when the trade was almost entirely
stopped , I was myself much struck with the large size
of the junks, which crowded both sides of the river.
Mr. Gutzlaff states that the imports of Shanghai
already far exceed the exports ; and, therefore, the
difficulty again arises as to the mode of payment for the
additional imports, which will soon find their way to
Shanghai, since the opening of the port. The Ame
ricans look forward to getting a large supply of green
tea at Shanghai in exchange for their cotton ; green tea
being in extensive use among them .
Shanghai has immense internal communication with
all the central parts of China ; it is situated in the
richest and most productive part of the country,
and the adjacent district has been called the Chinese
Arcadia. The country is one fertile flat, occasionally
subject to ravages by inundations, but generally drained
and cultivated with great care. In some parts, the
land, lying below the level of the rivers, is only main
tained by strong and extensive embankments. The
whole country is covered with hamlets and villages, and
cotton is cultivated in great quantities.
The inhabitants of Shanghai have on all occasions
shown a friendly disposition towards foreigners ; and,
where the latter have been treated with rudeness, it has
been solely by the orders of the mandarins, or at their
instigation. Both Mr. Medhurst and Mr. Gutzlaff bear
testimony to this fact, during their early visits ; on
which occasions, the people eagerly asked to receive
books, of which several thousand copies were distri
buted . So important is the trade of this place, that the
appointments in the public service are anxiously sought
for, and the office of superintendent of customs is con
sidered extremely lucrative.
Mr. Gutzlaff's testimony respecting this place is cu
rious. Speaking of his visit, in 1832 , he says, 66 the
mandarins never directly interfered with my distri
buting books or conversing with the people; and, after
issuing the severest edicts against us, they gave us full
permission to do what we liked . They afterwards praised
our conduct, but gave the people their paternal advice
to have nothing to do with us. An imperial edict ar
rived, ordering us to be treated with compassion, but
not to be supplied with rice or water. But they sent us
quantities of live stock and flour, upon the sole condi
tion that we would not pay for them .” It is, in fact, a
curious thing to observe how easily the Chinese evade
all regulations when their interest leads them to do so,
and how readily they adopt every subterfuge.
I chanced to pay a visit to Shanghai the very day
after the conclusion of peace was first made known in
the town. We landed from our boat, at a little stone
jetty in front of a deserted temple, before which there
was an open paved court, or square, crowded with
people. Nothing could surpass the good order which
prevailed ; not a noise or groan was heard, or inconve
nience of any kind experienced . Curiosity seemed to
be the sole absorbing feeling, and one could hardly
imagine that this was only the first week of peace, and
that a hostile force had a short time before occupied
the city. A Chinese crowd is the most orderly in the
world ; and, if we may judge of civilization by the
quiet, sober, deferential bearing of a large body of
people crowded together in narrow streets, certainly
the Chinese deserve to bear the palm. A few soldiers
were appointed to attend us through the town, who,
instead of arms, carried a fan -case, tied round their
waist, and a whip in their hand, with which they
cleared the way with apparent good will, as we pro
ceeded along the streets of the suburbs.
It was a curious sight to look down the long, nar
row , paved street, on each side of which were crowds
of shaved heads, each trying to raise itself an inch or
two higher, to catch a glimpse of the passing strangers.
The steps and doorways were crowded, and also a few
of the windows ; but most of the shops being shut, and
the houses having generally only one story, there were
none of those groups of figures, men, women , and chil
dren , rising in stages, one above the other, such as are
seen in Europe from the bottom of the house to the top,
when any thing remarkable is to be seen .
The greatest contrast, next to the immense collection
of bald heads, and brown, roundish, ugly-looking features,
consisted in the total absence of women, which, in any
part of Europe, would have formed perhaps the most
numerous and noisy part of the assemblage. Longingly
we looked on all sides, above and below, if perchance
we could see a single female head, ornamented with its
high -dressed jet-black hair, as a relief to the grave mo
notony of bald heads and serious faces. Here and there
certainly we fancied we could just discover a female
face, somewhat bolder than the rest, peering through
the half -closed lattice-work , or half-open door ; but
the houses were so dark inside, that youth or age,
beauty or ugliness, were alike lost upon us.
The colour of our hair and eyes seemed, next to the
texture of our garments, to excite most attention . It
was really laughable to see the people stare at the one,
with half-open eyes and half -closed mouths, and cau
tiously, as if by accident, touching the other, in order
to gratify their curiosity. There was no appearance
whatever of rudeness or hostility ; and, when the people
were warned out of the way, or pushed aside, and re
minded, by a gentle touch of the whip, that they must
move out of the way, they did so in apparent good
The inner town appeared to be only separated from
the suburb by the actual wall, there being little dif
ference in the houses on one side or the other. Two or
three additional soldiers turned out of the guard -house
as we passed, and joined our escort, certainly a shabby
looking set.
Much was said of the so -called tea -gardens of Shang
hai ; but, on reaching them, great was our astonish
ment to find that they ought rather to be called tea
ponds. According to our notions, land and grass, and
plants and flowers, are supposed to belong to gardens
even to tea - gardens; but, at Shanghai, it is quite the
reverse, for water predominates.
Ornamental gardening in China, properly so called, is
extremely uncommon . At Canton there is a very good
garden belonging to a Hong merchant ; but, generally
speaking, the land is too precious, for the purpose of
producing food, to permit the Chinese to devote much
space even to fruits.
At the entrance to the tea -gardens our approach was
greeted by the plaintive voice of an old woman, who
professed to sing songs to the accompaniment of an in
strument of a peculiar kind, covered with snakeskin.
To describe it is impossible. It had three strings
fastened to a long handle , with aa small drum at the end
of it, and was played with aa bow .
The gardens were more curious from their novelty,
than deserving of praise for their beauty. The place
consisted in reality of a sheet of nearly stagnant water,
with paths or platforms, or little islands, intersecting it
in various directions, upon which were built summer
houses, or pavilions of various shapes, in Chinese style,
in which the good citizens of Shanghai assemble to
drink tea (at any hour of the day), and smoke the pipe
which is a Chinaman's invariable companion, for recrea
tion . There were also a few walks among heaps of
stones, called artificial rocks, with seats scattered here
and there ; but in most respects the whole place greatly
disappointed our expectations.
Among the most remarkable objects at Shanghai
were the enormous ice-houses, both within and without
the city, in which ice is stored for public use. This
was a perfect luxury to our soldiers and sailors when
the place was taken .
We spent the night in a deserted joss-house, close to
the landing - place. It was well tenanted with rats ;
and, during the evening and the following day, crowds
of curious visiters came to look at us, and made them
selves agreeable as well as they could. They seemed to
be particularly pleased with the Company's new rupees
with the queen's head upon them , and willingly gave
half a dollar each for them ;-being rather more than
their value. Glass bottles were in great request, and
the brandy was pronounced excellent.
One of the principal mandarins came down to pay us
a visit, preceded by criers and runners ; then came
whippers-in, and a couple of executioners, with chains
in their hauds, as a sign of their calling ; then came
the great man, seated in a very gay sedan-chair ; next
followed a couple of dirty -looking fellows with gigantic
fans ; and two or three men mounted on ponies closed
the procession. The people stood on either side the
street, and gazed in silence. They had little curiosity
about the movements of the great man , but a vast deal
concerning every step or look of the strange-looking
foreigners. The mandarin was extremely courteous and
well-bred towards us, and we observed that he was
treated with great deference, and no one except our
selves dared to sit in his presence .
An interesting incident occurred at Shanghai not
long after the peace. Sir Henry Pottinger, on his re
turn from Nankin, went up in a steamer to Shanghai,
to make arrangements about the future place of residence
B B 2
for our consul, and also to settle about the ransom
money of the city. One morning a boat came along
side the steamer, having on board a very respectable
looking man, in Chinese costume, who sent up his card
as “ M. l'Evêque de Nankin, ” at the same time re
questing an interview with the plenipotentiary . This
was readily acceded to. It now appeared that this
gentleman was the head of the Roman Catholic mis
sionaries of the province or district of Nankin ; that he
had been many years in China, suffering great tribula
tion, and in continual danger of his life; that the mis
sionaries had suffered great hardships, and many of them
had lost their lives. For a great length of time he had
not been able to hold any communication with his fellow
labourers in any other part of China, and had been de
prived of all tidings from any other country. He had
lived in fear and trembling, but had personally escaped
persecution by leading a very retired and unobtrusive
life, and particularly by avoiding all interference in
public matters. He had been afraid to make himself
known , or to have any communication with Europeans,
as long as the war lasted, as it would probably have
caused him trouble. His flock was numerous, but scat
tered. He had supported himself entirely by his mis
sionary labours, and had now joyfully seized the oppor
tunity to request that letters might be conveyed for him
to Macao. Ile had removed from Nankin, on the ap
proach of our forces ; and altogether there was much
interest attached to his history.
| This anecdote is repeated as it was told, without vouching for its
There is a great abundance of game to be found in
the neighbourhood of Shanghai, principally pheasants,
and various kinds of wild fowl. But it greatly asto
nished the Chinese that any man should take the trouble
to shoot birds, or find any amusement in the sport, when
he could easily get people to shoot them for him upon
very slight payment.
The sum agreed to be paid for the ransom of Shang
hai was said to be three hundred thousand dollars,
which was considered in the light of a contribution,
similar to the ransoin -money of Canton. Whatever the
amount may have been, it was reckoned as part of the
money stipulated for by the treaty of Nankin.
A quantity of guns, arms, and military stores, were,
as usual, found in the arsenal within the city, and also
large stores of rice. Sixty -eight guns (exclusive of
those in the batteries below the town ) were captured at
Shanghai. Seventeen of these were of copper, newly
cast, and very heavy, and, consequently, valuable for
the prize fund. In a battery facing the river, fifty
six guns were found, of which seventeen were brass
6 -pounders. Altogether at Shanghai one hundred and
seventy-one guns were captured . But, reckoning the
whole number of guns taken in these operations, both
at Woosung and at Shanghai, and in the various bat
teries on the river's banks, they will be found to amount
to the amazing number of three hundred and sixty
pieces, exclusive of those destroyed in the junks. Of
these seventy-six were of copper, some of them of great
length and weight of metal, but of proportionably small
bore. They looked very well outside, but the casting
of many of them was defective, and not a few were
made with a coating, or rather tube, of iron, about one
and a half to two inches thick , along the bore, over
which the copper was cast. At Shanghai also full nine
tons of gunpowder were found, contained in three hun
dred and thirty tubs and jars. All the military stores
were destroyed.
It was evident that great preparations had been made
for the hoped - for defence of this important place ; but,
when the hour of trial came, and the news of the action
at Woosung reached the city, the principal mandarins
quitted it in despair, and all hope of defence was given
up. It was even stated that a serious disturbance had
taken place between the authorities and the people, in
consequence of the heavy exactions of the former, under
the pretence of preparing means for defending the
city, which, after all, they chose to abandon without a
On the morning of the 20th, (the day after the city
was taken) Captain Bourchier and Commander Kellett
were ordered to proceed in the Phlegethon, accompanied
by the Medusa, together with the barge of the Corn
wallis, carrying a few marines, and also aa boat from the
Columbine, to reconnoitre the river for the distance of
thirty miles above the town. Two small field -works of
five guns each were discovered upon the right bank of
the river, and a considerable body of soldiers were dis
covered at some distance in the rear. Lieutenant Wise
was sent, with the boats and marines of the Cornwallis,
for the purpose of destroying the works, which was
effected without any resistance.
The report of what had been seen and done this day
was considered so important and interesting, that Sir
William Parker determined to continue the examination
in personnext day, still further up the river. About fifty
marines and seamen were embarked in the Nemesis, and
the Admiral hoisted his flag in her, accompanied by
Captain Bourchier, Honourable Captain Keppel, Captain
Lock, and other officers; and abont noon on the 21st
they proceeded up the river, followed by the Phlegethon
and Medusa.
The river gradually became narrower , but still carried
from four to six fathoms water, and appeared to have
an immense number of canals and water -courses con
nected with it. Many of these led directly towards the
towns and villages, some of which could be just seen at
a distance, others not far from the banks. The country
looked rich, and was carefully laid out in rice-grounds,
and otherwise well cultivated. It was not so picturesque
as about Ningpo, but there was all the appearance of a
thriving and industrious population . A heavy storm of
thunder and lightning came on in the afternoon, and the
three steamers were brought to anchor for the night a
little above the two forts destroyed the day before.
On the following morning they again pursued their
course up the river, and soon found that it divided itself
into two branches of equal size, one flowing down from
the eastward , and the other coming from the westward .
They followed the latter, which gradually took a more
northerly direction, but the water shoaled as they pro
ceeded, until at the distance of a few miles from where
they started there was only one fathom ; and, as the
Nemesis and Phlegethon could not safely ascend higher,
the Admiral, with the other officers, removed on board
the Medusa, which, being smaller, drew a foot to eigh
teen inches less water. But they were not able to go up
more than eight or nine miles further ; for they were
stopped by the increasing shallowness of the water at
the entrance of a large lagoon. It was ascertained, how
ever, from some boatmen, who stated that they had left
Soo -chow - foo only the previous day, that there was a
direct communication by water with that city, which
could not be a great many miles distant. It could not
be doubted, therefore, that this important city was
easily accessible to our forces, should it be thought ad
visable to advance upon it.
Several large boats were coming down the river, laden
with coal, said to be brought from the neighbourhood of
Soo -chow -foo, where iron also is believed to abound ,
Indeed, coal of very fair quality is found in many parts
of this province, and the Nemesis was using it for steam
purposes at that very time.
The whole distance ascended above Shanghai was
about forty -five miles, and it was matter of regret that
time could not be spared to explore the other, or eastern
branch of the river. Several large pagodas were seen
at a distance , one in particular to the northward, pro
bably pointing out the neighbourhood of a large town.
The same evening the three iron-steamers returned to
Shanghai, and anchored abreast of the town, where his
Excellency Sir Henry Pottinger had just arrived from
Hong Kong, having touched at Amoy and at Chusan on
his way up. It was also announced that strong rein
forcements had arrived at Chusan, and might be ex
pected to join our forces in the Yangtze Kiang in a few
days. The names of ships and regiments will be given
together, in the order in which they moved up the river
leading to Nankin . It will be sufficient here to mention,
that no less than seventy -three vessels of war and trans
ports set sail from Woosung together ; besides which
two others were left at that anchorage, in order to
blockade the river leading to Shanghai. Several other
vessels joined the expedition on its way up to Nankin ,
and afterwards. Great results were, therefore, now to
be expected from this vast accession to our forces, and
the hopes and spirits of both officers and men were high
and buoyant. Sickness had not yet commenced its
ravages ; but many a heart that beat with the earnest
thought of victory and the prospect of a glorious peace
was doomed to cease its throbs, and sink ere long under
the insidious blow of fever.
Remarks on the great river Yangtze Kiang Stoppage of its trade -
Hope of preventing the grain and tribute from passing up the Grand
Canal — Reinforcements at Woosung – French ships of war - Remarks
Sir Henry Pottinger's important proclamation, addressed to the
Chinese - The Emperor's proclamation concerning passing events-
Reply to Sir Henry by Niew Kien, the viceroy of Nankin - Alarm
at Pekin - Extent and importance of the rivers of China — Remarks
on the Amoor, or Sagalin - Sail from Woosung in five divisions
Details -- Aspect of the country - Kiang - Yin - Silver Island - And
Golden Island - Falling greatness — Arrival at Chin -keang - foo - Its
capture, 21st July, 1842 — Tartar garrison - List of troops engaged
Plan of attack - Major General Schoedde's brigade scales the walls
Spirited resistance of the garrison - Lieutenant Cuddy's gallantry
Sir Hugh Gough and the third brigade prepare to storm the west gate
-Unfortunate affair of the Blonde's boats — Warm reception — Part
of them abandoned with the guns — Attention of the Chinese people to
our wounded - Captain Peter Richards lands from the Cornwallis with
Captain Watson of the Modeste - They scale the walls near the west
gate - Spirited affair — Guard -house fired by a rocket - Tartars driven
in - Outer gate blown in and forced by third brigade — Sharp encounter
with the Tartars in the city - Self-destruction - Horrible scenes
Death of the Tartar general.
All intention of advancing upon the important cities
of Hang -chow or Soo -chow -foo was now given up ;
large reinforcements had already arrived , and more
were daily expected at Woosung ; and it was resolved
to advance immediately upon Nankin, the ancient
capital of the empire. The navigation of the Yangtze
river was almost entirely unknown, only a small portion
of it having been surveyed by Captain Bethune in the
Conway. To the Chinese themselves the ascent of
large ships or junks, as far as Nankin, appeared quite
impracticable, principally owing to the amazing strength
of the currents, and the numerous sand-banks which
render its chapnel intricate .
Sir William Parker, however, felt so much confidence
in his own resources, and in the aid of his numerous
steam-vessels ( several more of which had now arrived),
that he did not hesitate to undertake the bold measure
of conducting a fleet of between seventy and eighty sail,
including two line of battle ships, besides the large
troop -ships, into the very heart of the empire, more
than two hundred miles from the sea. The whole com
merce of this vast Yangtze river would thus be cut off;
the Grand Canal itself would be blockaded, and it was
hoped that we should be able to intercept the large
fleet of grain-junks, which, at this time of the year, carry
up their cargoes to the imperial metropolis, and not
only furnish its inhabitants with food , but also the
imperial treasury with tribute. It appeared, however,
from official documents afterwards found at Chin
keang-foo, the Tartar stronghold at the mouth of the
Grand Canal, that the authorities had anticipated the
possibility of their communications being interrupted ,
and had, therefore, hastened on this annual supply, and
had collected a body of militia to act as an escort for it.
It was ascertained that these grain - junks had all crossed
the Yangtze river, from the southern to the northern
branch of the canal, on the 26th of June, viz. , a few
days before our fleet left Woosung. So far then the
imperial capital was safe from famine for some time to
come .
On the 23d of June our troops returned from Shang
hai to Woosung, principally on board the steamers ;
but two companies of the 18th, and the Rifles, together
with the horses of the artillery, marched back by land,
the guns being brought down on board the vessels.
The Nemesis, having conveyed her detachments of
troops to their respective transports, volunteered to go
and fetch off the other division, and also the horses,
which had marched overland, and had been waiting for
several hours at Woosung without the means of getting
on board their ships. The men were embarked direct
from the river's bank, and the horses were hoisted in
with slings, and it was late at night before they were
put on board their respective transports; in doing
which one boat was unfortunately capsized .
The Belleisle, with the whole of the 98th on board, had
just arrived from England, together with the Rattle
snake troop-ship, and the Vixen, heavily -armed steamer,
Commander H. Boyes ; and the Proserpine, Captain
J. J. Hough, R.N. They were preceded by the En
dymion , 44 guns, Captain Honourable F. W. Grey ;
the Dido, 20, Honourable H. Keppel; Calliope, 26,
Captain A. S. Kuper, C. B.; Childers, 16, Com
mander Halsted ; and numerous transports, having on
board the 2d and 6th regiments Madras Native In
fantry ; also the Bengal Volunteers, and reinforcements
of Artillery, together with the necessary proportion of
camp followers.
Shortly afterwards two French ships of war also
arrived at Woosung, for the purpose of watching our
movements ; the Erigone, 44, Captain Cecile, and the
Favorite, 18, Captain Page. The latter attempted
to follow the fleet up the river, and the Admiral was
politely requested to allow the use of one of his
steamers to assist her in getting up ; but this, of
course, could not be complied with, as our steamers
were all indispensable, to enable the numerous fleet
of transports to stem the current, and to tow them off
whenever they chanced to get on shore.
But the French had, in reality, no grounds for coming
into the river at all ; they were not at war with the
Chinese, nor had they ever asked or received per
mission from the Chinese government to enter their
inner waters. In fact, the moving a French ship-of
war up the Yangtze river was as clearly an unfriendly
proceeding towards the Chinese as the attempt to pass
through the Bogue would have been. Moreover, there
was no French commerce to protect.
On the other hand, the Americans, whose trade with
China is second only to that of Great Britain , and who
boasted of a large vessel from Boston trading at that
very moment at Chusan, did not think it necessary to
send any vessel of war into the Yangtze river; not only
because it would have been an evident encroachment
upon the rights of the Chinese, but also because they
felt assured that any extension of the commercial rela
tions of China with foreigners would, of necessity, be
equally beneficial to all, without any especial reference
to the advantage of one in particular.
Before our forces left Shanghai, the same mandarin
who had before frequently presented himself at head
quarters? again made his appearance as the bearer of a
communication from the high authorities to Sir Henry
Pottinger. But, as no document was shown by which
any individual could prove his having received full
authority from the Emperor to treat for peace, no atten
tion whatever was paid to these very equivocal over
tures. At the same time, however, Sir Henry Pottinger
published a very important and interesting proclama
tion , addressed to the Chinese people, and adopting some
thing of the tone of oriental language. It was, of
course, published in Chinese. The opening sentences
form a sort of quaint imitation of the celestial style,
with the object, probably, of fixing the attention of the
Chinese at the outset. For instance : “ Under the
canopy of heaven, and within the circumference of the
earth, many are the different countries : of the mul
titude of these, not one is there that is not ruled by the
Supreme Heavenly Father, nor are there any that are
not brethren of one family. Being then of one family,
very plain is it that they should hold friendly and
brotherly intercourse together, and not boast themselves
After this
one above the other. ” After exordium ,, it proceeds
this exordium
to lay open the grievances of the English, the extortions
and double dealings of the local authorities at Canton,
gradually increasing year after year ; and then recapi
· He was jocularly christened Corporal White.
tulates the proceedings adopted by the English, their
visit to the Peiho, the conferences and stipulations
agreed to by Keshen, and rejected by the Imperial
Cabinet, the treacherous attack of the Chinese, and
other matters already fully explained. It then refers
to the cruelties practised upon our countrymen when
taken prisoners, either by being kidnapped, or in cases
where they were shipwrecked. It further reminds the
people that in ancient times foreigners were permitted
to trade at various ports in China, to the manifest advan
tage of all parties, and that it was only by false state
ments and local intrigue that the Emperor was at length
induced to confine the foreign trade solely to Canton,
and to establish the monopoly of the thirteen Hongs.
Finally, it is declared that hostilities will continue to
be carried on, until some high officer shall be appointed
by the Emperor, with full powers to negociate and con
clude arrangements, of which the three following points
were to be the basis : Compensation for losses and ex
penses ; a friendly and becoming intercourse, on terms
of equality , between officers of the two countries ; and
the cession of insular territory for commerce, and for
the residence of merchants, and as a security and
guarantee against future renewal of offensive acts.
This proclamation was issued the day before the fleet
set sail from Woosung for Nankin . It is a curious co
incidence that, a few days before this, an edict, or pro
clamation, was issued by the Emperor, in which he
also recapitulated the leading events of the war, and
tried to make it appear that the whole difficulties had
arisen solely from the crusade which his Majesty had
directed to be carried on against the “ Opium poison .”
He blames Commissioner Lin for his bad management;
and with regard to the six million dollars ransom for
Canton, His Celestial Majesty declares that it was a
very small matter, and that he did not grudge it at all.
But when the rebellious foreigners left Canton , and
then advanced to recapture Chusan, and to take Ningpo
and other cities, then says his Majesty, with unaffected
bitterness of spirit, “ I severely blame myself, and hate
myself, for being unequal to my duties ; I cannot rescue
my subjects; and repose by day or night is difficult for
me." At the same time, he is slow to believe that the
strength of the barbarian ships is really so great as re
presented, and strongly hints that his people are cow
ards ;ܕܪand while, on the one hand, he promises rewards to
the valiant, he orders that those who run away shall be
instantly executed without inercy. Carefully losing
sight of every other grievance or source of difficulties,
his Majesty reiterates his prohibition against opium,
and urges the most strenuous exertions to sweep the
worthless barbarians clean away into the depths of the
wide ocean .
In fact, it now became very manifest that the Em
peror was already seriously alarmed ; and, although his
spirit breathed a bitter hostility, it could not be doubted
that his Majesty ardently longed for peace. The over
tures , however, which had been so frequently made
were of such an equivocal nature, that, as Sir Henry
Pottinger well observed, it was impossible to place any
reliance upon them .
Sir Henry's proclamation soon afterwards called forth
a reply from Niew-Kien, the Viceroy of the two Kiang
Provinces, to which the seat of war was now removed .
It was one of those curious little essays in which the
Chinese delight, made up of a few common-place tru
isms dressed in the peculiar phraseology of the East.
He cunningly recommends the Plenipotentiary to draw
up a full statement of all grievances, to be transmitted
through him (the Viceroy) to the Emperor, which
would of course bear upon its very face the appearance
of asking for favours, instead of dictating terms. He
further reminds his Excellency, that although the Chi
nese have suffered much, still the English must have
lost many brave men also, and by coming from so great
a distance must have likewise incurred great expense ;
that it would be much better for both parties to put an
end to the war at once, and vows the most perfect sin
cerity before all the gods . At the same time, he con
fesses his great alarm at seeing all the people fly from
their habitations, and the country given up to the plun
dering of the native robbers. Indeed, Niew -Kien, in
another report addressed to the Emperor, expressed the
greatest possible apprehension lest the people should be
frightened away, either by severe measures on his own
part, or by the approach of the enemy, and thus the
whole country be given up to the excesses of the lawless
native plunderers, who would take the opportunity to
rob, and commit all kinds of mischief.
The Chinese appear to have rested all their hopes
for the defence of the Yangtze river, and the approaches
to Nankin, entirely upon the strength of their works
at Woosung, and had consequently made little or no
preparations for resistance higher up.
. It had indeed
been recommended by one of the Tartar generals that
a portion of the river below Nankin should be staked
across, and junks laden with stones sunk to impede the
navigation ; and likewise that fire -vessels should be
prepared. But this advice was overruled by Niew
Kien, the Viceroy, upon the ground of its inutility ; and
it was urged that the extreme rapidity of the current,
and the sunken rocks and sands in parts most difficult
of navigation, would be the best defences, and that any
attempts to stake the river would not only be ex
pensive and useless, but would greatly alarm the people.
Fire -rafts were only ordered to be got ready, when there
was no time whatever even to commence them, the
enemy being already close to the city of Chin -Keang -foo.
From documents which subsequently fell into our
possession, it was also ascertained that the apprehension
of our advance upon Pekin by way of the river Peiho
was so great, that a body of troops already ordered to
march to Soo -Chow -foo were recalled , and directed to
proceed immediately to Tientsin, in order to defend
the approaches to the metropolis.
During the latter part of June, the weather was very
squally and unsettled, and therefore not very well
adapted for the advance of a fleet of more than seventy
sail, up a river, the navigation of which was almost en
tirely unknown. The channels were now buoyed off,
and beacon -vessels were also placed at one or two of
the most important parts ; and Commanders Kellett
and Colli son, accompanied by the masters of the ships
of war, were sent in advance on the 29th to sound, and
to make preparations for the passage of the fleet, and
particularly for the purpose of surveying the river above
the point where Captain Bethune's researches terminated.
The distance of Nankin from Woosung is about one
hundred and seventy miles, and a very accurate survey
was ultimately completed of this beautiful river, as far
as that ancient capital. Even there the river is very
broad and the channel deep, so that the Cornwallis was
able to lie within one thousand yards of the walls of the
city. It is perhaps to be regretted that the river was
not examined for some distance above the city ; for it
could not be doubted that, with the assistance of
steamers, even large ships would be able to ascend
several hundred miles further. But the conclusion
of the peace followed so soon after the arrival of
our forces before the ancient capital, that there was
no opportunity of continuing our discoveries further into
the interior, without compromising our character for
sincerity, while the negotiations were in progress. It
could not have failed however, had circumstances per
mitted, of furnishing much interesting information re
specting the interior of this extraordinary country.
There are few rivers in the world to be compared
with the Yangtze, in point of extent, and the richness of
the provinces through which it flows. Supposed to
take its rise at a distance of more than three thousand
miles from the sea, among the furthest mountains of
Thibet, it traverses the whole empire of China from
west to east, turning a little to the northward , and is
believed to be navigable through the whole of these
valuable provinces .
CC 2
The extent and importance of the numerous rivers
which traverse this vast empire cannot but strike every
one with astonishment. Most of them naturally take
their course from west to east, from the mountains
towards the sea ; but there is one important exception
to this rule. The river Amoor, or Sagalin , takes its rise
from numerous branches along the Kinkow Mountains,
not far from Kiachta and Maimaichin , the two places
at which trade is carried on with Russia, and, after
taking a tortuous course to the northward, it receives a
very large branch, called the Schilka, which rises within
the Russian frontier in the Baikal Mountains, and
at length , after traversing the whole of Mantchouria,
empties itself into the Sea of Okotsk, not far from
the Russian frontier. The caravans from Kiachta have
to cross most of the numerous branches of this river, on
their way to Pekin.
To return , however, to the Yangtze. The naviga
tion of this river was found less difficult than might
have been expected . There are, indeed , numerous sand
banks, some of which change their places, owing to the
rapidity of the current ; and at the upper part of the
river, towards Chin -keang -foo, there is some danger
from rocks ; but the greatest obstacle to the navigation
is the rapidity of the current, which, even when beyond
the influence of the tide, runs down at the rate of three
and a half to four miles an hour. It is not surprising
that almost every ship of the squadron should have
touched the ground ; but, as the bottom was generally
soft mud , no serious damage was sustained . The
steamers were of course indispensable, and the assist
ance of two or three of them together was in some
instances requisite to haul the ships off.
One of the largest transports, the Marion, having
the head -quarters and staff on board, was thrown upon
the rocks by the force of the current, on the way down
from Nankin, and would certainly have been lost, but
for the aid rendered by two steamers, the Nemesis and
the Memnon, and the valuable experience already gained
by the former in the Chinese rivers.
However difficult or troublesome the ascent of the
river proved to be, the descent was likely to be much
more so .
The buoys previously laid down were taken
up by the Chinese ; the transports were hurried down
as quickly as possible, on account of the sickness which
universally prevailed ; their crews were weak, and they
found their way down the best way they could ; and it
is not a little creditable to the merchant marine of this
country, that they succeeded in getting back to Woo
sung without any serious accident.
Sir William Parker's arrangements for the merchant
transports were perfect; their orders were definite, and
were generally obeyed with alacrity ; boats were always
in readiness, and signals carefully watched . Probably,
if it were required to point out any one circumstance
which redounded more than another to the honour of
the British service, it would be that of having carried
a fleet of nearly eighty sail up to the walls of the city
of Nankin and brought it safely back again .
At the beginning of July, the weather became very
favourable for the ascent of the river, and the Phlege
thon, having returned with the intelligence that a clear
and deep channel had been found as far as Golden
Island, close to the entrance of the Grand Canal, and
that buoys had been laid down to facilitate the navi
gation, orders were given that the fleet should be in
readiness to get under weigh on the morning of the 6th.
It was formed into five divisions, each consisting of
eight to twelve transports, conducted by a ship -of-war,
and under the orders of her captain ; and to each division
also a steamer was attached, to render assistance when
In addition to the steamers so employed, the Phle
gethon, Medusa, and Pluto, were in attendance, prin
cipally upon the advanced squadron, and in readiness
to assist any other ship which stood in need of it. The
Nemesis and Proserpine also accompanied the fleet, the
former being employed to lead and give the soundings
by signal flags. Thus there were not less than ten
steamers attached to the squadron when it set sail from
Woosung, and they were afterwards joined, up the
river (but not until hostilities had ceased) by two other
powerful steamers, the Driver and the Memnon .
A list of all her Majesty's ships of war and steam
vessels, together with those belonging to the East India
Company, which were present in the Chinese waters at
the conclusion of the peace, will be given in its proper
place. The following was the order of sailing of the
squadron on leaving Woosung , each division being about
two or three miles in advance of the next one . The
North Star, Captain Sir E. Home, Bart., was left at
Woosung to blockade that river, with orders to detain
all merchant junks which might attempt to pass up
the Yangtze, or into the Woosung, laden with pro
It was a curious sight afterwards, to look at the
numerous fleet of junks, some of them of large size,
which were collected at that anchorage, and for some
time it was no easy matter for the North Star to pre
vent them from attempting to make their escape. But
when a round shot or two had been sent through some
of the most refractory, and a few of the captains had
been brought on board the North Star and strictly warned,
they all became “very submissively obedient,” and pati
ently awaited the permission to depart, which was not
accorded to them until the peace had been proclaimed.
The advanced squadron consisted of them
Starling 6 Commander Kellett, Surveying
Plover 6 Commander Collinson,ſ vessels.
Modeste .. 18 Commander R. B. Watson .
Clio 16 Commander T. Troubridge.
Columbine .. 16 Commander Morshead.
Childers... 16 Commander Halsted.
H.C. Steamer Phlegethon . Lieutenant M Cleverty, R.N.
H.C. Steamer Pluto .. Lieutenant Tudor, I.N.
H.C. Steamer Medusa. Lieutenant Hewitt, R.N.
H.C. Steamer Nemesis. Lieutenant W. H. Hall, R. N.
H.C. Steamer Proserpine... Commander J. J. Hough, R. N.
H.M.S. Cornwallis ... 72 Captain Richards, Flag-ship of Vice
Admiral Sir William Parker, G.C.B.
H.M.S. Calliope .... 26 Captain A. S. Kuper, C. B.
H.M.Armed Steamer Vixen ..... Commander H. Boyes.
Marion Transport,with Lieutenant-General Sir H.Gough and general Staff.
Seven Transports, with Sappers and Miners, Followers, &c.
H.M.S. Blonde .......... 42 Captain T. Bourchier, C.B.
H.C. Steamer Auckland Commander Ethersey, I.N.
Ten Transports, conveying the Artillery Brigade and horses, &c.
H.M. Troop Ship Belleisle, Captain T. Kingcomb, having on board
Major -General Lord Saltoun, and H.M. 98th regiment.
H.M. Troop -ship Jupiter, Master Commanding, G. Hoffmeister, with
H. M. 26th regiment.
Nine Transports, conveying Bengal Volunteers, and flank companies
41st M.N.I.
H.M.S. Endymion 44 Captain Honourable F.W.Grey .
H.C. Steamer Sesostris Commander H. A. Ormsby , I.N.
Thirteen Transports, conveying H. M. 55th regiment, with the 2nd
and 6th regiments M.N.I., and the Madras Rifle Company.
H.M. S. Dido ... .... 20 Captain Hon. H.Keppel.
H.C. Steamer Tenasserim . Master Commanding, P. Wall .
H.M. Troop -ship, Apollo .... Commander Frederick, with H.M.
49th regiment.
H.M. Troop -ship, Rattlesnake .. Master Commanding, James Sprent,
with H.M. 18th regiment.
Eight Transports, conveying the remainder of the 18th and 49th
regiments, together with the 14th M.N.I.
The Chinese had prepared no means of resisting the
advance of our squadron up the river ; and even the few
guns which had previously been mounted on two small
forts on the right bank of the river, adjoining the towns
of Foushan and Keang-yin , were withdrawn on the ap
proach of our forces, in order to avert the injury which
might have been done to those towns, had any show of
resistance been offered .
The country along the lower part of the Yangtze
is altogether alluvial, and intersected by innumerable
canals and water-courses . In most parts it is highly
cultivated, but in others less so than we were led to
expect. On one occasion I walked for the distance of
five or six miles into the interior, attended by crowds
of the peasantry, who appeared to be a strong, hardy,
well -disposed race , and offered no kind of violence or
insult. They appeared to be solely influenced by curi
osity, and a few of them brought us poultry for sale,
but the greater part seemed afraid to have any dealings
with us . The small cotton plant was cultivated very
extensively, and at nearly every cottage-door an old
woman was seated, either picking the cotton or spinning
it into yarn . The hop plant was growing abundantly
in a wild state, and was apparently not turned to any
use .
The small town of Foushan, at the base of a partially
fortified hill , and a conical mountain with a pagoda upon
its summit, situated upon the opposite side of the
river, form the first striking objects which meet the eye,
and relieve the general monotony of the lower part of
the river. Above this point the scenery becomes more
interesting, and gradually assumes rather a mountainous
character. But you are perhaps surprised not to find
more numerous villages upon the river's banks, and a
denser population crowded together upon its shores.
394 KEANG -YIN .
Compared with the neighbourhood of Ningpo, or
Chapoo, you are inclined to be disappointed in the as
pect of the country generally ; you find it less carefully
and economically cultivated, and perhaps one of your
first hasty impressions would be to doubt whether the
population of China can be so dense as the best received
accounts lead us to suppose. When you consider the
immense extent of country through which this magni
ficent river flows, and the alluvial nature of the great
belt of land which runs along the sea-coast, you are
prepared to expect that here, if any where, a great mass
of people would be congregated, and that town would
succeed town, and village follow village, along the whole
course of this great artery.
About twenty -five miles above Foushan, stands the
rather considerable town of Keang-yin, situated in a
very picturesque valley, about aa mile distant from the
river side ; but there is a small village close to the land
ing-place. The river suddenly becomes narrow at this
spot, but soon again spreads out to nearly its former
breadth. The town of Keang-yin is distinguished by
remarkable pagoda, to which, with great difficulty, we
persuaded a venerable-looking priest to conduct us.
He hesitated a long time before he could be induced to
lead us into the town , which was surrounded by a very
high, thick , parapetted wall, banked up with earth on
the inside. No soldiers were to be seen, and many of
the inhabitants began very hastily to shut up their shops
the moment they saw us enter the streets.
The pagoda appeared to be the only striking object
in the place, and from the peculiarity of its construction
KEANG- YIN . 395
was well worth seeing. It was built of red brick, in
the usual octagonal form , gradually inclining upwards,
but was so constructed in the inside, that each story
slightly overhung the one below it, although the outside
appeared quite regular. The building was partly in
ruins, but looked as if it had never been perfectly
finished . Not far from it was a well of clear, delicious
water, some of which was brought to us in basins, with
marks of good nature, as if the people intended to sur
prise us with a treat. We afterwards learned that good
water is rarely found in the neighbourhood of the river,
and that the inhabitants are in the habit of purifying it
by dissolving in it a small portion of alum . It was also
stated that fish caught in the river are considered un
wholesome .
The distance from Keang-yin to Chin -keang -foo is
about sixty-six miles by the river, but not much more
than half that distance by land , the course of the former
being very tortuous. The country gradually increases
in interest, becoming more hilly and picturesque the
higher you ascend .
At Seshan, which is about fifteen miles below Chin
keang -foo, some show of opposition was offered by two
or three small batteries, mounting twenty guns, situated
at the foot of a remarkable conical hill . They opened
fire at first upon the Pluto and Nemesis steamers, which
were at that time employed on the surveying service.
The day afterwards they opened fire also upon the
Modeste, which was sent forward to attack them. The
garrison were, however, soon driven out, and could be
seen throwing off their outer wadded jackets, to enable
them to escape with greater nimbleness. The guns,
magazines, and barracks, were destroyed.
A little way below Chin -keang -foo, the channel is
much narrowed by the island of Seung-shan, and the
current is consequently extremely rapid, so that the
utmost skill and care, aided by a strong breeze, are
necessary to enable a vessel to stem the stream and over
come the strength of the eddies and whirlpools. Seung
shan , or Silver Island, is all rocky, but rendered pictu
resque by the trees which are planted in the hollows.
It is devoted to religious purposes, being ornamented
with temples, and it was formerly honoured by the
visits of the Emperors, to whom it is said still to belong.
Nearly the same description will also apply to Kin
shan, or Golden Island, situated higher up the river, nearly
opposite the mouth of the Grand Canal. It is distin
guished by a pagoda which crowns its summit, and by its
numerous yellow tiled temples. The decayed condition of
some of the pavilions, and the remnants of former splen
dour which once decorated their walls, together with
the imperial chair itself, ornamented with well carved
dragons all over its back and sides, attest the import
ance which this island and the environs of the great
southern capital possessed in times long past, and the
low estate into which this interesting part of the coun
try has fallen since Pekin became the metropolis of
China, and the Imperial residence of its Conquerors .
On the 16th Sir William Parker and Sir Hugh Gough
proceeded up the river in H. M. steamer Vixen , followed
by the little Medusa, to reconnoitre the approaches to
Chin -keang -foo. They passed up above the city without
CHIN - KEANG - F00. 397
any opposition, approaching very near the entrance of
the Imperial Canal, which takes its course close under
the city walls. No preparations for resistance were
apparent--at least, there were no soldiers visible upon
the city walls, and the inhabitants who came out in
great numbers were evidently attracted only by curio
sity. Hence the first impression was that no resistance
would be offered , and the information obtained through
the interpreters tended to encourage the same con
clusion .
The walls of the city, which is situated on the right
bank of the river, were, however, in good repair, and the
distance from the river was not too great to enable
the ships to bombard it, if requisite. But the general
feeling was that the attack (if indeed any resistance at
all were offered ) was to be left entirely to the military
arm of the expedition , the more particularly as the
engagement at Woosung had been entirely monopolized
by the navy , and an opportunity was desired by the army
to achieve for itself similar honours . A second recon
noissance, made from the top of the pagoda on Golden
Island, brought to view three encampments on the slope
of the hills, a little to the south -west of the city, which
rather tended to confirm the impression that the troops
had moved out of the town .
The advanced squadron , under Captain Bourchier, had
been sent a little higher up, to blockade the entrances of
the Grand Canal, and the other water-communications by
which the commerce of the interior is maintained . On
the 19th, the Cornwallis was enabled to take up a posi
tion close off the city, near the southern entrance of the
Grand Canal ; and on the 20th , the whole of the fleet had
assembled in that neighbourhood .
The 21st of July was the grand day on which the
important Tartar city of Chin -Keang -foo fell to the
British arms, not without greater loss on our side than
had been anticipated, but with results, the importance
of which, as regards the ultimate object of compelling
an honourable peace, cannot be too highly estimated.
It has been already stated that little or no resistance
was expected in the town itself ; but the ships might
have easily thrown a few shells into it, to make the
enemy show themselves, or have regularly bombarded
the place, if necessary . It seems, however, to have
been settled that it should be altogether a military
affair ; and, with the exception of some boats which were
sent up the Canal, and a body of seamen who were
landed and did gallant service under Captain Richards
and Captain Watson, the naval branch of the expedi
tion had little to do. From documents subsequently
found within the city, it was ascertained that there
were actually about two thousand four hundred fight
ing men within the walls, of whom one thousand two
hundred were resident Tartar soldiers, and four hundred
Tartars sent from a distant province. Very few guns
were mounted, as the greater part of them had been
carried down for the defence of Woosung .
Outside the walls there were three encampments, at
some distance from the town, in which there was a force
altogether of something less than three thousand men,
with several guns, and a quantity of ginjals. As the
adult Tartar population of every city are, in fact, sol
diers by birth, it may be supposed that even those who
do not belong to the regular service are always ready
to take up arms in defence of their hearths ; and in
this way some of our men suffered, because they did
not know from their external appearance which were the
ordinary inhabitants, and which were the Tartars.
On our side, the whole force engaged at Chin -keang
foo, though very much larger than any hitherto brought
into the field in China , did not amount to seven thou
sand men , including officers, non -commissioned officers,
and rank and file. The exact numbers, according to
the field -list, amounted to six thousand six hundred
and sixty -four men, besides officers. They were divided
into four brigades .
Under Lieutenant-Colonel Montgomerie, C.B., Madras Artillery.
Captain Balfour, M.A., Brigade. Major.
Captain Greenwood, R. A., Commanding Royal Artillery.
Officers. Men .
European 26 do . 318
Native .. 6 do . 252
32 570
Major-General Lord Saltoun, C.B.
Captain Cunningham , 3rd Buffs, A.D.C.
J. Hope Grant, 9th Lancers, Brigade Major.
26th Cameronians Lieutenant- Colonel Pratt.
98th Regiment... Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell.
Bengal Volunteers Lieutenant- Colonel Lloyd.
41st M. N.I. Flank companies, Major Campbell.
Total...83 officers. 2,235 other ranks.
Major -General Schoedde, 55th.
Captain C. B. Daubeney, 55th, Brigade-Major.
55th Regiment ... Major Warren .
6th M.N.I. ... Lieutenant- Colonel Drever.
2nd M.N.I. Lieutenant- Colonel Luard.
Rifles of 36th M. N.I. Captain Simpson.
Total ...60 officers. 1,772 other ranks.
Major -General Bartley, 49th.
Captain W. P. K. Browne, 49th, Brigade-Major.
18th Royal Irish ..... Major Cowper.
49th Regiment Lieutenant - Colonel Stevens.
14th M. N. I. Major Young
Total ... 68 officers. 2,087 other ranks.
Aides-de-Camp to the General Commanding- in-Chief:
Captain Whittingham , 26th regiment.
Lieutenant Gabbett, Madras Artillery.
Adjutant-General, Lieutenant-Colonel Mountain , 26th .
Assistant ditto, Captain R. Shirreff, 2nd M.N.I.
Deputy Assistant do. Lieutenant Heatly, 49th.
Deputy Quarter -Master -General, Major Gough.
Field Engineer, Captain Pears, M. E.
Commissary of Ordnance, Lieutenant Barrow .
On the evening of the 20th , all the arrangements
were completed for the attack upon the city and upon
the encampments beyond it , to take place on the fol
lowing morning at daylight. It has been already
stated, that it was not proposed that the ships should
bombard the town ; and the only vessel which fired into
it was the Auckland steamer, which covered the land
ing, and threw a few shot and shells into the city. But
a body of seamen and marines of the squadron (as will
presently be described) took an active share in the work
of the day, under Captain Peter Richards and other
officers ; and Sir William Parker himself accompanied
the General, and forced his way with him through the
city gate.
The plan adopted by Sir Hugh Gough was to endeavour
to cut off the large body of Chinese troops encamped
upon the slope of the hills; for which purpose the first
and third brigades, together with part of the artillery,
were to be landed in the western suburbs of the city,
opposite Golden Island , near where a branch of the
Grand Canal runs close under the city walls ; Lord
Saltoun with the first brigade was to attack the en
campments ; while Sir Hugh Gough in person, with the
third brigade and the rest of the artillery, proposed to
operate against the west gate, and the western face of
the walls.
The second brigade, under Major -General Schoedde,
was to land under a bluff point somewhat to the north
ward of the city, where there were two small hills which
commanded the walls on that side. The object was to
create a diversion , and draw the attention of the enemy
towards that side, while the real attack was to be made
upon the western gate, which was to be blown in by
powder-bags. General Schoedde was directed to use his
own discretion, as to turning his diversion into a real
attack , should he think proper to do so.
There was found to be more difficulty in landing the
troops than had been expected, many of the transports
VOL . II . D D
lying at a considerable distance, and the great strength
of the current rendering the operation troublesome and
protracted. Had the Chinese possessed sufficient force
and skilful officers to lead them , they might have
opposed the landing, and inflicted severe loss upon
our troops, before aa sufficient body of men could have
been concentrated to drive them back, and hold good
their ground. However, the first brigade, under Lord
Saltoun, succeeded in driving the enemy completely over
the hills, after receiving a distant and ineffectual fire as
they advanced, but they met with a more determined
resistance from a column of the enemy, who were in
great danger of being cut off. Several casualties occurred
on our side, in this encounter. Upon the walls of the
town itself, few soldiers showed themselves, and the resist
ance which was soon experienced was not at all expected .
General Schoedde, with a portion of the second bri
gade, took possession of a joss-house, or temple, upon
the hill overlooking the northern and eastern face of
the walls, near the river ; and there awaited the land
ing of the rest of his brigade, being received by a
spirited fire of guns, ginjals, and matchlocks, which was
opened from the city walls ; this was returned by a fire
of rockets.
As soon as a sufficient force had been collected, the
rifles, under Captain Simpson, descended from a small
wooded hill which they occupied, and crept up close
under the walls, keeping up a well sustained fire upon
the Tartars. Major-General Schoedde now gave orders
for escalading the wall , although, from its not having
been part of the regular plan of attack, only three
scaling ladders were provided. The grenadier com
pany of the 55th, with two companies of the 6th Madras
Native Infantry, advanced to the escalade, under the
command of Brevet-Major Maclean of the 55th. The
first man who mounted the walls was Lieutenant Cuddy
of the 55th , who was almost immediately wounded
in the leg by a matchlock ball, but remained sitting
upon the wall and assisting the others to get up with
remarkable coolness.
The 55th and the 6th Madras Native Infantry vied
with each other in gallantly mounting the ladders, toge
ther with the rifles; but the Tartars fought desperately.
As they retreated along the wall, they made a stand at
every defensible point, sheltering themselves behind the
large guard stations and watch-boxes, which are found
at intervals upon most of the Chinese walls.
Many anecdotes are told by those who were present,
of the desperate determination with which the Tartars
fought. Many of them rushed upon the bayonets. In
some instances, they got within the soldiers' guard , and,
seizing them by the body, dragged their enemies with
themselves over the walls ; and in one or two instances
succeeded in throwing them over, before they were
themselves bayonetted. The Tartars were fine muscular
men , and looked the more so from the loose dresses
which they wore. They did not shrink from sword
combats, or personal encounters of any kind ; and had
they been armed with weapons similar to those of our
own troops, even without much discipline, upon the top
of walls where the front is narrow, and the flanks can
not be turned, they would have probably maintained
DD 2
their ground for a much longer time, and perhaps even
until they were attacked by another body in the rear.
Major Warren and Captain Simpson were wounded, as
well as Lieutenant Cuddy.
As soon as the wall was scaled, one body of our
troops proceeded to clear the walls to the right, and
the other to the left ; and the latter, as they scoured the
walls, afterwards fell in with the third brigade, with the
General and the Admiral at their head, who had just
forced their way in at the gateway. While these import
ant successes had been gained by General Schoedde with
the second brigade, two other operations had been con
ducted at the western gate, one by the third brigade,
and the other by a small body of marines and seamen
under Captain Peter Richards. These are now to be
Sir Hugh Gough, as soon as he had been joined by
the 18th and the greater part of the 49th , with the 26th,
which had not accompanied Lord Saltoun's brigade,
gave orders to blow in the west gate with powder -bags.
The canal which runs along the walls on that side was
found not to be fordable ; and this was ascertained by
four officers who volunteered to swim across it to ascer
tain the fact.. Sir Hugh Gough was at this time with
the third brigade, under Major-General Bartley, at
about midway between the south and west gates, but
determined to storm the latter, because the suburbs
afforded shelter for the men to approach it, with little
exposure . A few Tartar soldiers only appeared upon
the walls at this point, as the main body had probably
been marched off to reinforce those who were opposed
to our troops, after the escalade of the walls on the
northern side.
Two guns , under Lieutenant Molesworth, were placed
so as to command the approach to the gate, and to cover
the advance of a party of sappers and miners, under
Captain Pears, who were to fix the powder-bags against
the gate. This operation was perfectly successful; and
the General, putting himself at the head of the 18th,
who had just come up, rushed in over the rubbish , the
grenadiers forming the advance, and entered a long
archway which led into what might be called an out
work , from which there was a second gate, conducting
into the town itself.
It appears that in Chinese fortifications, as before
described , there are always two gateways ; the outer
one placed at right angles to the main wall of the town ,
so as to be flanked by it, and leading into a large court,
surrounded by walls similar to the walls of the town,
and in which there are commonly cells for prisoners,
&c . The second gate and archway leads from it di
rectly into the body of the place, and is surmounted by
a guard -house
use upon the top of the gateway, to which you
ascend by a flight of stone steps on either side.
All resistance at the gateways had been already
overcome, the Chinese guard at the inner gate having
given way before the advanced party of the 55th regi
ment ; and the open court, or space between the two gate
ways, having been just occupied by a party of marines
and seamen under Captain Peter Richards and Captain
Watson, who had escaladed the outer wall very near the
As no detailed account of this interesting part of the
day's work has yet appeared, and as some misapprehen
sion has prevailed with regard to the affair of the boats
of the Blonde in the Canal, I have taken pains to ascer
tain the particulars from two officers who were present,
and who were both wounded on the occasion . The fol
lowing condensed statement of what took place may
therefore be relied on for its accuracy .
The boats of the Blonde, which vessel was at anchor
off one of the principal southern branches of the Grand
Canal running under the city walls, having been em
ployed in landing the Artillery Brigade during the early
part of the morning, were ordered, about ten o'clock, to
re-embark part of the Artillery and Gun-Lascars, with
two howitzers, for the purpose of assisting in the attack
of the west gate, and to create a diversion in favour of
the troops. At all events, whatever the object of the
movement might have been , it is certain that the guns
were put on board the boats of the Blonde, and that
there were altogether about one hundred men embarked .
The boats consisted of the launch, barge, pinnace,
cutter, and flat of that ship, together with two boats
belonging to transports.. They proceeded up the canal,,
which took a winding direction through the suburbs for
some distance, until they came suddenly in sight of the
west gate of the city, which until then had been ob
scured by the houses. The whole of these boats were
under the command of Lieutenant Crouch, of the
Blonde, having Messrs. Lambert, Jenkins, and Lyons,
midshipmen , under his orders.
On coming in sight of the gate, the barge, cutter,
and flat were a little in advance of the other boats,
and proceeding in single line towards a spot pointed
out by Major Blundell, of the Madras Artillery, as well
adapted for the landing of the guns. Suddenly a heavy
fire of ginjals and matchlocks was opened on them from
the whole line of the city wall, running parallel with
the canal ; and, as the height of it was little less than
forty feet, the small gun of the barge could not be
elevated sufficiently to do any service, and the fire of
musketry which was returned was inefficient.
The Chinese opened their fire with deadly effect upon
the advancing boats, and , in the course of about ten
minutes, sixteen seamen and eight artillerymen were
wounded ; Lieutenant Crouch himself was hit in three
places, and one midshipman ( Mr. Lyons) and two officers
of the Artillery were also wounded. Under these cir
cumstances, the men were got out of the boats as quickly
as possible, and placed under cover of the houses in the
suburbs, on the opposite side of the canal. At this
time these three boats were considerably in advance of
the rest, and, as soon as the men were all landed, the
boats were abandoned and the guns left behind. The
launch and pinnace, who were behind them , as soon as
they saw the disaster, and that to advance further
would only expose themselves to a destructive fire,
without the possibility of returning it with effect, stop
ped under cover of some buildings which sheltered them
from the city walls.
The officers and men who belonged to the advanced
boats, having many of their comrades wounded, were
now in a trying predicament. The only alternative left
was to endeavour to join the other boats which had re
mained under cover ; to do which they had to pass across
an open space by the side of the canal, exposed to the
whole fire of the enemy from the walls on the opposite
side. This was, however, effected without further loss,
although a heavy fire was opened on them (but of course
at a greater distance than when in the boats). Some
of the wounded were necessarily left behind, and were
kindly treated by the Chinese people in the suburbs,
who showed no hostility .
As it was evident that nothing further could be at
tempted at present, they all returned down the canal
in the launch and pinnace, and reported the circum
stances to Captain Richards, of the Cornwallis, to which
ship the rest of the wounded were immediately removed .
On receiving the information of what had happened,
Captain Peter Richards lost not a moment in landing
with two hundred marines, at the entrance of the canal,
where he was joined by about three hundred men of the
6th M. N. I., under Captain Maclean , of that corps, and
then pushed through the suburbs towards the city walls ;
at the same time the whole of the boats of the Cornwallis,
under the command of Lieutenant Stoddart, advanced
by the canal, in company with the remaining boats of
the Blonde, to bring off the boats and guns which had
been left behind . They were also to endeavour to check
the fire of the Chinese at the west gate, when Captain
Richards advanced through the suburbs to escalade the
As soon as Captain Richards had landed, he was
joined by Captain Watson and Mr. Forster (master), of
the Modeste, with a boat's crew and a small body of
marines belonging to that vessel. On reaching the foot
of the walls, a heap of rubbish was luckily found to have
been left by accident not far from the gate. Upon this
the ladders were planted by Captain Peter Richards
and Captain Watson, under cover of the fire of the Ma
rines, in face of a large body of Tartars who lined the
walls, and appeared determined to defend their post to
the last . These two officers, together with Lieutenant
Baker, of the Madras Artillery, and a private marine of
the Modeste, were the first to ascend the ladders. As
they got upon the wall (with much difficulty) they were
directly exposed to the cross fire from the guard -houses
over the outer and inner gateway, by which the marine
was killed , and Captain Watson and Lieutenant Baker
were wounded ; the former having one of the buttons
of his jacket driven into his side, and three balls passing
through his jacket. The marine was killed by several
shots passing through his body, and another marine
(also belonging to the Modeste), who followed after
wards, was severely wounded.
With great difficulty and exertion about a dozen men
got upon the wall ; and Lieutenant Fitzjames, having suc
ceeded in bringing up some rockets, lodged one of them
in a guard -house over the gateway, which immediately
caught fire, and threw the enemy into such consternation
that they then gave way . Captain Richards (who had,
as if by a miracle, escaped being wounded ) was now
able to dash down , at the head of his men , into the
open space between the two gateways ; and, just after
wards, the outer gate was blown in, as before described,
by powder-bags. The advanced guard of the 55th had
in the meanwhile come round along the walls from their
north-eastern angle, where General Schoedde’s brigade
had escaladed it, and had now reached the inner gate
way .
The third brigade, under Major-General Bartley, ac
companied by Sir Hugh Gough, and also by Sir William
Parker, dashed in over the ruins of the gate, and, to their
great disappointment, found that the walls had been
already carried ; but, within the city itself, the resistance
of the Tartars was by no means overcome. Part of the
18th and 49th regiments, under Major-General Bartley,
were now ordered to march along the western face of the
walls, and they threw out a line of skirmishers as they
advanced along some ditches and old houses below the
wall. As the brigade filed along the walls left in
front, they suddenly received a heavy fire from a body
of Tartars, by which two officers were killed and two
wounded , and several men struck down. The lead
ing division of the 49th immediately dashed down the
ramparts upon the enemy's left, while the 18th pushed
forward to turn their right. They were soon dispersed ,
although many of them fought with great determination.
One company of the 18th pursued them into the Tartar
city. In this spirited affair the 18th had one officer killed
and one wounded, with about twenty men killed and
wounded. The loss of the 49th was one officer killed,
one wounded , and about twenty -four rank and file killed
and wounded .
In the mean time, the Admiral , having put himself at
the head of the seamen and marines with his usual gallan
try, marched some way along the walls where they had
been already cleared by the 55th, and, as the heat of
the sun at this time (past noon) was almost insupport
able, he had directed the men to take shelter for a little
while, in one of the watch-houses upon the ramparts.
The heat was quite overpowering, and the men being
already much fatigued, several of them died from sun
stroke. Here it was that the gallant Major Uniacke,
R.M., fell from the effects of the sun , and in the list of
casualties of the day no less than sixteen men are in
cluded who died from the same cause.
Having rested something less than an hour in the
guard -house, a heavy firing was heard within the Tartar
city, and the men were instantly formed , and advanced
in the direction of the firing, under Captain Richards
and Captain Watson . On passing through a narrow
street in the Tartar part of the city, a sudden fire was
poured upon them by a body of Tartars drawn up
across the street, behind a small gateway, where they
seemed prepared to make a most determined stand.
Several men were wounded , and it was necessary to
advance with caution, taking advantage of shelter when
it could be found . Here Lieutenant Fitzjames was
wounded while endeavouring to get a rocket off.
Captain Watson was now sent round by a side lane,
to endeavour to turn the flank of the Tartars, but there
also the latter were prepared for them, behind a tem
porary barricade. However, a cheer, and a sudden
rush from both divisions at once, upon the front and
flank of the Tartars, carried the point, and the enemy
were driven back with heavy loss, after showing indi
vidual instances of the most desperate valour, in several
hand -to -hand encounters. When the brave Tartars at
length saw that their utmost efforts were of no avail,
then began the scenes of horror, and the tragedy of
self-immolation, which make one's very blood run cold
to hear of. The Admiral himself was a witness of what
took place. Some of the Tartars kept the doors of
their houses with their very lives, while others could be
seen within, deliberately cutting the throats of their
women , and destroying their children, some by strangu
lation , and others by throwing them into the wells. In
one house in particular, a Tartar was found in the act
of sawing his wife's throat with a rusty sword, as he
held her over the mouth of the well into which his
children had been already thrown. He was shot before
the deed was completed , in order to save the woman ,
who was immediately taken care of, and had the wound ,
which was not severe, tied up. Yet the first use she
made of her tongue, as soon as she could speak, was to
utter the most violent imprecations upon the heads of
the victors. The children who were in the well (in
which there was little water), were all got up, and re
covered .
In other houses numbers of poor creatures were found
dead, some by their own hands or the hands of each
other, and the rest by the hands of their husbands. In
one house no less than fourteen dead bodies were dis
covered, principally women ; in others the men began
to cut their own throats the moment they saw any of
our soldiers approaching ; while in other instances
they rushed out furiously from some hiding -place,
and attacked with the sword any one who came in
their way.
Several of our officers had to defend their own lives
with the sword , long after all systematic opposition had
ceased . An officer of the 14th M.N.I. had a sword
combat with three Tartars who rushed out upon him
sword in hand , and by retreating so as to endeavour to
take them singly, he was able to cut down two of them
just at the moment when a fatal blow was about to be
aimed at him by the third , who was fortunately shot at
the very critical moment by a soldier who was coming
up to his officer's assistance.
It is impossible to calculate the number of victims to
the barbarous practice of self-immolation and wholesale
murder, which met their voluntary doom . Chin -keang
foo was a Tartar stronghold considered by them as im
pregnable ; they could not brook defeat, or the desecra
tion of their hearths, by the tread of the unknown but
thoroughly -hated barbarian ;; every house had its victims;
and to add to the horrors of the day, and the desolation
of the city , the Chinese plunderers flocked in from the
country in multitudes, pillaging in all directions. They
even set fire to the streets in some parts, to enable
them to carry on their work with less interruption in
On our side, although the place had been taken by
storm , and not without heavy loss, the strictest orders
were given to prevent the pillage of the town as much
as possible. Measures were taken, not only to control
our own men (who, according to European custom ,
might have expected to be allowed to pillage a town
taken by assault), but also to arrest the violent proceed
ings of the Chinese rabble, who, in this as in other in
stances, were the worst enemies of their own countrymen.
The authorities and nearly all the respectable inhabi
tants had fled ; and the Tartar general (who had com
plained bitterly to the Emperor of insufficient means for
defence) had set fire to his own house, and buried him
self and part of his family in its ashes.
Notwithstanding all the attempts to prevent the de
struction of property, it was impossible altogether to
arrest it in so large a city. Plunder was sometimes
taken from the Chinese thieves outside the town , and
occasionally articles of value were thrown over the walls,
because they were not allowed to be carried through the
gates. In this way, plunder was sometimes obtained,
and many ingenious devices were adopted to endeavour
to secure a few valuables ; but nearly all the mischief
was done by the Chinese themselves.
The public offices were taken possession of by our
troops, and all the arms and warlike stores which were
found were destroyed. Only sixty thousand dollars
worth of Sycee silver was found in the public coffers ;
but a little addition was made to the prize fund by
the sale of articles which were taken from plun
derers, when they were discovered trying to carry pro
perty out of the gates. The waste and destruction of
property was however enormous. When more valuable
objects were discovered, those of smaller value were
left in the streets ; costly furs lay strewed in all direc
tions; silks and satins lay about in such profusion that
the only difficulty was to choose among them . So little
had the inhabitants expected that their stronghold
would fall, that valuables of all kinds, gems, and
PANIC . 415
gold ornaments, and curiosities of every description, and
in some instances even money, were left in the ward
robes of the best houses, at the mercy of the first comers.
Under these circumstances, it is surprising that so little
plunder was carried away from a city taken by assault.
Terrible as was the downfall of Chin -keang -foo in the
eyes of the Chinese, and great as was the desolation
throughout the city in every direction, it cannot be
doubted that the loss of this important Tartar stronghold,
and the panic created by it (the whole trade of the country
being at the same time suspended), tended very mate
rially to produce in the mind of the Emperor and of his
ministers the conviction that a speedy peace, on any
terms, was preferable to a continuance of the war.
H. M.'s 49th regiment, Lieut. T. P. Gibbons, Sub. Ass.Com. Gen., killed.
18th Captain Collinson, killed .
6th M. N. I. Lieut. Col. Drever, fell dead from sun -stroke.
Royal Artillery .
Lieut. J. N. A. Freese, slightly.
Madras Artillery Lieut. Waddell, severely.
. Assistant Surgeon , severely.
H. M.'s 49th Lieut. Baddeley, dangerously.
Lieut. Grant, slightly .
18th .
Lieut. Bernard, slightly.
26th .
Ensign Duperier, slightly.
55th Major Warren , severely.
Lieut. Cuddy, severely.
2nd M. N. I. • .
Lieut. Carr, Adjutant, slightly.
Ensign Travers, slightly.
36th M. N. I. Rifles Capt. Simpson, severely.
About 150 rank and file killed and wounded .
N.B. The names of officers wounded in the naval branch have been
mentioned in the narrative.
Fever breaks out — Its severity — Blockade of the Grand Canal —
Description of that great work — Overflow of the river — Distress of
the people—Fleet of three hundred trading junks stopped - Activity
of the Nemesis — Visit from the mandarin of Esching — Curious scenes
on board the steamer - Coal junks stopped — Abundance of coal found
in China — Description of it and where found — The Dido and Nemesis
-Mode of procuring supplies — Hospitality of the people at Esching
— Friendly intercourse at one town while fighting at another
Anomalies of war - Anecdotes of Chinese visiters — Emperor's com
pliment to the family of the Tartar general — Garrison left at Chin
keang - foo - Gutzlaff's Pagoda—Cast iron building one thousand two
hundred years old - Passage of the fleet up to Nankin - Arrival of
the imperial commissioners — Attempts to gain time— Decision of the
plenipotentiary — Remarks on the city of Nankin — Dispositions for
the attack — Chinese commissioners yield at the last moment - Inter
views and negociations — Necessary delay — Remarkable report sent
by Ke-ying - Exchange of visits — Sir Henry enters the city -
Signature of the treaty — Remarks on our future intercourse with
the Chinese.
Although the Tartar troops had proved themselves a
formidable enemy at Chin -keang -foo, and the loss sus
tained on our side had been much greater than in any
previous encounter, a far more dangerous enemy soon
began to show itself. Cholera and low marsh fever
now made their appearance, and carried off a great
many men , particularly among the new comers. The
98th regiment, recently arrived from England, suffered
perhaps more severely than the rest ; but, in reality, every
ship, whether a man of war, or belonging to the transport
service, had numerous sick on board ; and some of the
transport ships were at length scarcely manageable,
owing to the shortness of hands. Nor was the sickness
limited to one part of the river more than another ; for the
North Star, and the French frigate, Erigone, which were
at anchor at Woosung, were quite as much afflicted by
it as the rest of the squadron higher up the river. Nor
did it begin to diminish until cool weather set in, and
the fleet gradually withdrew out of the river, after the
peace. Many a brave man too suffered from its effects
for months after leaving the country ; and the officers
were not more exempt than the men .
The total loss our forces sustained on the 21st of
July, at the capture of Chin -keang-foo, was as follows.
Killed, three officers, two sergeants, twenty -nine
rank and file. Total, thirty -four.
Wounded, fourteen officers, one warrant-officer, four
sergeants, eighty -seven rank and file, one follower.
Total, one hundred and seven . Missing, three men ..
Grand total in the military arm, killed, wounded, and
missing, all ranks, one hundred and forty -four.
Of these, one officer (Lieutenant-Colonel Drever), and
sixteen rank and file, of H.M. 98th and 49th regiments,
were killed by sun-stroke.
In the naval arm of the expedition , one officer of
marines and two privates were killed, and two pri
vate marines wounded . Four officers of the Royal
Navy and fifteen seamen were wounded.
Grand total in the naval arm , 24.
Grand total of casualties during the day, one hundred
and sixty -eight.
We will now pause for a moment to inquire what was
being done elsewhere by the naval branch of the expedi
tion, particularly by the advanced squadron higher up the
river, during these operations at Chin-keang -foo. The
great object in view was to stop the entire trade through
that part of the country, which, having numerous
branches of the Grand Canal passing through it, or at
all events being intersected by several canals having
communications with the great one, may be considered
as a centre of commercial intercourse with some of the
most important provinces of China. The annual grain
junks had already passed up the canal towards Pekin ;
but the importance of this great commercial highway
(if a canal may so be called in a country where the only
means of transport is by water) may be estimated from
the fact, that in the course even of a few days no less
than seven hundred trading -junks were stopped ; by
which means no less panic was created throughout the
country, far and near, than by the successes of our
arms .
There are at least three principal communications
between the Yangtze-Keang and the southern portion
of the Grand Canal, of which, perhaps, the largest
passes along the western side of the walls of Chin
keang-foo, through the suburbs of that city. It runs
very near the west and south gates, where it is crossed
by stone bridges, which, of course, impede the naviga
tion for large junks. In its narrowest part, where it is
contracted by stone buttresses, it is about twenty feet
broad ; but, in other parts, it varies from seventy to
eighty feet in breadth, with very high, steep banks, and
with aa depth of water varying from nine to fifteen feet.
These observations were made by Captain Grey, of the
The communications on the northern side of the
Yangtze-Keang are much more numerous, and the main
canal becomes much larger and finer. The principal
branch of communication opens about a mile above
Golden Island ; but there are, in fact, so many open
ings, and such numerous cross-lines running from one
branch to the other, that the whole of this part of the
country resembles a network of water-courses. It is,
in reality, so little above the level of the river, that it
is entirely laid out in paddy-swamp3, which are only
separated from the various canals by embankments
artificially made, and which form the only roads or
The main canal itself, on that side, varies from eighty
to one hundred yards in width , and has a fine towing
path, running along upon the top of the embankment
by which its waters are confined . A few junks had
been sunk at its entrance, and barriers had also been
formed in other branches, in order to impede the naviga
tion, in case our small steamers should attempt to
ascend them . At the time our forces were in the
neighbourhood, the waters were evidently much higher
than usual ; the paddy- fields were deeply inundated ,
although the rice was being cut ; and some of the
villages and courts of the joss-houses were flooded.
E E 2
Shortly afterwards, while our squadron was lying off
Nankin, the river overflowed its banks so extensively,
that the Chinamen were obliged to move about in
boats from house to house in the suburbs ; and great
distress arose , both from this cause, and from the entire
stoppage of trade in the river.
A country so subject to inundations, and intersected
as it is by canals in all directions, cannot but be at
times extremely unhealthy ; and it is not to be won
dered at that sickness should have broken out exten
sively, among a body of foreigners long confined on
board ship. We shall presently allude to the sickness
prevailing among the Chinese themselves in the neigh
bourhood of Nankin, which may, in some degree,
account for the great falling off in its population.
From what has been said of the numerous openings
and communications of the Grand Canal, it is evident
that it would require a considerable force to establish
an efficient blockade. But not only was it necessary
to stop the trade, but also to take measures, at the
same time, to prevent the panic among the people from
reaching such a pitch as to drive them away from their
homes, and leave the country at the mercy of the
rabble, and of the lawless plunderers who flock into the
towns from all parts, causing uneasiness even to the
The Blonde and Modeste, together with the Proser
pine, were placed so as to blockade the two principal
entrances of the canal immediately above Chin -keang
foo , two or three days before the town was taken ;
while the Nemesis and the Queen steamers, having the
Plenipotentiary and Captain Bourchier on board, pro
ceeded some miles higher up the river, until they sud
denly discovered a large fleet of not less than three
hundred trading -junks. These were all ordered to
drop down immediately to Chin-keang, where they
could more easily be prevented from making their
escape. A
A number
number of
of papers written in Chinese were
distributed among the captains of the junks, telling
them that no harm would be done to them, but their
vessels must be detained. The plenipotentiary imme
diately returned to Chin -keang -foo, and the Nemesis
was left to hasten the departure of the junks, which
were made to get under way at once. A grand scene
of confusion followed, as they were crowded together,
and all were glad to be allowed to get away from the
steamer without molestation. They were afterwards
brought-to, in one of the branches of the southern
canal, just above Golden Island , and, for some time,
were under the charge of the Proserpine steamer, Com
mander Hough.
A few miles up the branch of the canal near the
mouth of which this large fleet of junks was discovered,
was situated the third - class town called Esching, dis
tant about twelve or fourteen miles from Chin-keang.
The approach of the Nemesis, and the detention of the
junks, caused so much consternation, that in the even
ing a respectably-dressed Chinaman, who, from the
authority he was afterwards found to possess, must
have been a mandarin of some rank, came down to the
steamer, bringing a few trifling presents of tea, &c. ,
as a means of introduction. His object evidently was
to ascertain whether there was any intention of taking
possession of the town1 ; and, if so, to endeavour to avert
the calamity by the offer of a ransom .
Supplies of fresh provisions were at this time greatly
wanted in the fleet. Many ships, particularly trans
ports, had not been able to procure fresh meat or vege
tables for a considerable time, and the sick were, con
sequently, deprived of what was almost essential to their
recovery. This opportunity of procuring suppl
not to be neglected . The Chinese gentleman and his
attendants were conducted over every part of the
steamer, with which they were evidently much surprised ,
but above all with the engines, which would have asto
nished our own fathers scarcely less. He was soon
made to understand that if he promised to send down
abundant supplies, all of which would be equitably paid
for, no harm whatever would be done to the town or its
inhabitants ; but that no trading -junks could on any
account be permitted to pass up the river, or through
that branch of the canal.
A demand for twenty bullocks was made, and they
were to be delivered on the following day. This was
declared to be impossible—so many could not be found ;
however, he was quietly told that they must be forth
coming, and that ten dollars would be paid for each of
them . Late in the evening the party of Chinamen re
turned to the town, apparently quite satisfied with the
civility they had received, and equally convinced of the
formidable character of their new visiter.
On the following morning, the 19t!, the same people
aguin caine on board very early, bringing with them
vegetables and fruit, and remained some hours, while
the Nemesis was chasing the junks, which were con
tinually coming into view as she proceeded, and were
naturally trying to make their escape. There were
two interpreters (Chinamen from Canton) on board, who
hailed them to bring-to, telling them that they would
receive no molestation if they went quietly down the
river . But some of them continued to persevere in
their attempt to escape, and , when two shots across
their bows failed to bring them to, a third was inva
riably fired into them, which soon had the desired effect.
One or two Congreve rockets frightened them still
more, and at last they were all brought-to in great con
sternation. The Chinese visiters, who were on board all
this time, were perfectly astonished and bewildered,
but were not prevented from making a good breakfast,
A short distance further up the river, they fell in
with several junks laden with coal, but abandoned by
their crews. Some of them were soon driven on shore at
different points, where they could not easily be got off,
in order to serve as coal depôts for the steamer, and
one of the largest of them was lashed alongside and
taken in tow, while the Nemesis still continued her pur
suit of the other junks up the river ; one part of her
crew being occupied in “ coaling” from the junk, and
the other at quarters, occasionally firing a shot across
the bows of any junk that refused to bring -to.
It is here worth while to remark that coal is found in
great abundance in China. Indeed it is difficult to say
what is not found there : gold, silver, iron, copper, zinc,
coal, in short, all that is most requisite for a commer
cial and manufacturing people. Coal is known to exist
in abundance in the gulf of Pechelee ; it is found in the
province of Che-keang, and in almost every town visited
by the expedition it was exposed for sale in greater or
less quantity. At Nankin immense heaps of it were
found stored up by the river-side, and divided into three
qualities, separated from each other. That which an
swered best for steaming purposes bad аa less promising
appearance than the other qualities. It looked slaty ,
but was found to burn better than the Indian coal, and
our steamers all found it to answer well. Probably, if
the mines were worked to a greater depth , a better de
scription of coal would be found.
About a mile and a half above the lower branch of
the canal leading up to Esbing, another larger branch
was discovered , which joined the first one a little below
the town . On the evening of the 19th, the Dido and
Childers arrived, and joined the Nemesis ; the former,
commanded by the Honourable Captain Keppel, who
was now the senior officer, was stationed off the upper
branch, while the latter blockaded the lower one. Cap
tain Hall immediately presented to Captain Keppel the
Chinese gentleman, or, in reality, mandarin, who had
| Dr. Smith makes particular mention of coal as being commonly
seen in China during Lord Macartney's embassy. Pits of coal were
found near the Poyang lake above Nankin . He says that the coal
found in the province of Pechelee was a species of graphite ; that which
was seen near the Yangtze river was like Kennel coal, and that observed
near the Poyang lake resembled covey coal. Other coal found at Chow
chow-foo contained much sulphur, and was used in the manufacture of
sulphate of iron in the neighbourhood of that city.
hitherto been so polite and attentive ; and the assu
rances previously given were reiterated, that no harm
would be done to the town or the neighbouring country,
if abundant supplies were brought down. The same
evening they went up the canal in three boats to the
town, where they were very politely received by the
same Chinaman, who appeared to possess great autho
rity over the people, who obeyed every direction he
gave. At first they looked on in half stupid wonder,
but were evidently reassured when they were told that
nothing would be demanded but supplies of meat and
On the following day, the Chinaman again came down
to the Nemesis, bringing with him all the gentlemen of
his family, in order to show his confidence, and at the
same time invited Captain Keppel and other officers to
visit him at his house in the city, and proposed to give
them an entertainment at a joss-house ashore. He even
hinted that he would introduce them to his wife.
Arrangements were now made for establishing a re
gular market in the courtyard of the large joss-house,
which stood close to the landing-place at the mouth of
the canal. The man scrupulously kept his word, sup
plies in great abundance of every description were
brought down for sale, and the sight of dollars soon
overcame all the Chinamen's fears. In fact, they reaped
a good harvest. These supplies were all sent down to
the fleet at Chin-keang as fast as they could be procured,
Chinese boats or small junks being employed to convey
them , escorted by a boat alternately from the Dido and
the Nemesis, to ensure their safe delivery. Such was
the result of conciliating the good-will, and pacifying
the fears of the Chinese.
For a moment the fears of the people were awakened
by the accidental burning of some buildings at the
mouth of the lower branch of the canal, where the
Childers was stationed. But fortunately the Admiral
came up in person, on board the Pluto, in the afternoon,
to examine the river, and the assurance of protection if
abundant supplies were provided being circulated among
the people by a written paper or chop in the Chinese
character, they resumed their former confidence, and
did not conceal their delight. This was the evening be
fore Chin-keang was taken .
The next day, the 21st July, the Chinese gentleman
and his attendants, according to previous invitation,
came down to conduct the officers to his house in the
city, situated four or five miles up the canal. It is not
a little singular, that while one party of our country
men were partaking of Chinese hospitality, upon the
most friendly terms, in the centre of a considerable
town, the rest were engaged in deadly hostility, fighting
for hearth and home, in a city only a few miles distant.
Although the distance from one to the other by the
river cannot be less than twelve or thirteen miles, it
must be very much less in a direct line by land, as
the firing was distinctly heard. This was one of the
anomalies of the war ; at one place we traded , at ano
ther we fought; here we extended the right hand of
fellowship, while there we crossed our swords in deadly
fight . This was the evident result of making war upon
the government, and not upon the people, and of en
deavouring to make it fall as heavily as possible upon
the former, and as lightly as possible upon the latter.
So far from being a cruel war, we ought rather to say
that it would be impossible to point out any instance of
European warfare carried on with so little hardship and
so much mercy to the people.
On coming on board to fetch the officers who were
invited to the entertainment at his house, the unhappy
Chinaman burst into a flood of tears, and soon made
them understand that his wife bad run away from him ,
the moment it was announced that they were coming to
pay her a visit . Probably tidings had already beeir
brought of the commencement of the attack upon Chin
keang ; nevertheless, on reaching the town, there were
no indications of alarm among the people ; they crowded
round in all directions, out of mere curiosity ; the shops
were not closed, and business did not appear to be in
terrupted .
A proclamation was distributed as the party pro
ceeded , announcing to the inhabitants that all supplies
would be scrupulously paid for, and that no injury
would be done to the city. The best interpreter was
found to be a little Chinese boy, only ten years old,
who had been several months on board the Nemesis,
having been almost adopted by her commander, after
the death of his father, who was killed at Chusan . In
this short time he had picked up English in an astonish
ing manner. His extreme youth was a guarantee for
his honesty ; and, at last, the Chinese gentleman carried
ou all his conversation through this interesting little
boy, declaring that the little fellow spoke truth and
could be depended on, but that the two Canton interpre
ters perverted what was said, by purposely translating it
wrongly, to suit their own purposes, and with a view to
extort money. This will clearly show how much we
were sometimes at the mercy of scheming and dishonest
native linguists, whose little knowledge of broken Eng
lish was often extremely limited.
The Chinese gentleman's house was situated in the
very heart of the city ; it was a very respectable mansion,
with courts and buildings of great extent, ornamented
with carved wood -work , similar to most other respectable
houses of its class. All the relations and friends of the
family had been invited on the occasion , refreshments
were handed round, but no females made their appear
ance . At length , the master of the house was resolved
to drown his sorrows for the loss of his wife, by the
delicious enjoyment of his opium-pipe, which soon
revived his drooping spirits.
The return of the party through the streets towards
the boats was the occasion of greater movement among
the people than before. As an additional mark of
respect, two well -dressed persons accompanied each of
the officers, one on either side, fanning them as they
went, for the day was extremely sultry. Altogether,
it was a most interesting scene. Another entertainment
was also given to them in the joss-house, at the mouth
of the canal, where the market was held ; and, in short,
nothing was omitted on the part of the Chinese, to show
their confidence, and their wish to cultivate our good
will ; this too on the very day of the capture of Chin
keang .
On the following day, the surveying vessels, Starling,
Plover, and Medusa, having on board the masters of the
fleet, joined the advanced squadron under Captain Kep
pel, bringing the first intelligence of the fight of the
previous day.
We must now return for a moment to Chin-keang,
which we left in the last chapter in the possession of
our troops, the greater part of which were already pro
paring to move up towards Nankin . Another attempt
was now made by the Chinese commissioners, Keying and
Elepoo, to open negotiations with the Plenipotentiary ;
but since they did not even now produce full authority
from the Emperor to treat for peace, no other than the
answer they had previously received could be given to
It has before been mentioned that the Tartar general,
Hailing, when he saw that all was lost, set fire to his
house, and burned himself to death in it. His wife and
his grandson shared the same fate ; at least so it would
appear from the orders issued by the Emperor after
wards, whose mandate was sent to Keying, “ that he
should despatch messengers to make diligent search for
their bodies, in order that great honours might be con
ferred upon them . Such loyalty and devotion are wor
thy of the highest praise !" A temple was also ordered
to be erected to his memory, as soon as the war should
be ended , upon which his own name, and also those of
his wife and his grandson, were to be inscribed . More
over, as soon as the prescribed period of mourning of
one hundred days should have expired, the whole of his
sons and daughters were to be sought out, and con
ducted into the imperial presence. Such, then, are the
rewards which the Emperor holds out to those who put
an end to their own lives after a defeat, rather than “ live
to fight another day ! "
Sir Hugh Gough, finding that it would take a much
larger body of men to garrison the town than could be
spared from his small force, and that, moreover, it could
scarcely be considered habitable during the great heat,
on account of the horrible stench proceeding from the
dead bodies of the fallen Tartars (principally by their
own hands), and from the stagnant water in the smaller
canals, determined merely to occupy the heights com
manding the city towards its north -eastern angle. Major
general Schoedde's brigade was to be left in charge of
the place, together with a detachment of artillery. In
order to establish a direct communication between the
heights and the city on that side, a portion of the wall
was blown in (with very large charges of Chinese pow
der) , and the rubbish removed , so as to leave a large,
free opening into the city. The whole line of parapet
on that side was also demolished . Another hill coni
manding the southern entrance to the Grand Canal was
also to be occupied. The troops left behind were quite
sufficient to hold these positions against any force the
Chinese could bring against them after their late defeat.
It consisted of the 55th regiment, and one company of
the 98th, with the 2nd and 6th M. N. I., with artillery
and sappers.
Perhaps the most curious object discovered at Chin
keang, and which has excited many ingenious specu
lations as to the ancient progress of the Chinese in many
of the useful arts, was a small Pagoda made entirely of
cast iron . Some have called it Gutzlaff's Pagoda, for
he is said to have been the first to find it out ; and it
excited so much attention, that the question was at one
time mooted, as to the possibility of taking it to pieces,
and conveying it to England, as a remarkable specimen
of Chinese antiquity. Nor would this have been at all
impossible ; for, although it had seven stories, it was
altogether little more than thirty feet high, and each
story was cast in separate pieces. It was of an octa
gonal shape, and had originally been ornamented in
high relief on every side, though the lapse of ages had
much defaced the ornaments. It was calculated by
Mr. Gutzlaff, that this remarkable structure must be
at least twelve hundred years old, judging from the cha
racters still found upon it. Whatever its age may be,
there can be no question that it proves the Chinese
were acquainted with the art of casting large masses of
iron, and of using them both for solidity and for orna
ment, centuries before it was adopted in Europe. One
can scarcely help regretting that this little Pagoda was
not taken to pieces and brought to England, as a much
finer and more worthy trophy than all the guns cap
tured during the war.
On the 2nd of August, the preparations were all com
pleted for the advance of the forces upon Nankin, the
surveying vessels having already preceded the squadron.
The principal difficulty which remained to be overcome
was the great force of the current, which it required a
strong favourable wind to enable the ships to stem .
Indeed, without the assistance of steamers, it is
doubtful whether all the ships could have got up. On
the 5th, the General reached Nankin in the Marion
transport, towed by the Queen steamer, having the
Plenipotentiary on board.
On the following day, the Admiral got up in the
Cornwallis, with some other vessels, but the whole of
the squadron did not join until the 9th. The Nemesis
attended a part of the fleet, to render assistance
wherever it was most required, particularly in getting
off the transports which took the ground, a service re
quiring no little judgment and perseverance. Just
below Nankin the river takes a very considerable bend ,
its former course having been nearly east and west, while
it now turns nearly due south until it has passed Nan
kin. There is, however, a cut, or canal, or creek, at all
events a water passage, which cuts off this bend, of
course materially shortening the distance, which from
point to point is about ten miles round, and only six
miles by the cut. The passage, however, is narrow ;
but the Nemesis, taking in tow one of the transports,
found her way safely through it.
On the 10th, the proper positions were assigned to
the ships, in case it should be necessary to bombard the
city . The nearest point of the walls to the river was
about seven hundred yards, and the nearest gate about
one thousand. The Cornwallis, Blonde, and heavy
steamers were placed so as to breach the walls, if
Already before leaving Chin-keang, a regular sum
mons had been sent up to Nankin , addressed to New
Kien, the viceroy of the Province. It was hoped that
by these means bloodshed might be avoided. Imme
diately the forces arrived before the city, it was deter
mined that the troops should be landed without delay,
with aa view to make a strong demonstration against the
city, and there was some reason to think that this would
be sufficient to decide the wavering councils of the
Chinese, without further resort to arms; and, at all
events, it was requisite to support our demands by a
show of the means of enforcing them.
f A memorial was intercepted, addressed to the Em
peror by the Tartar general commanding at Nankin,
boldly announcing the defeat and dispersion of the Chi
nese troops, and the imminent danger even of Nankin
itself. It was evident that great alarm was felt, and
that a general desire to stay hostilities had got the
better of all their hatred of the foreigners. The
entire stoppage of the trade of that part of the empire,
and the distress resulting from it, tended very mate
rially to promote this desirable object.
The venerable Elepoo had arrived at Nankin nearly
at the same time with Sir Henry Pottinger ; and very
soon afterwards Keying, the other Imperial Commis
sioner, a member of the imperial house sent expressly
from Pekin, joined his colleague. Various messages
and writings now passed between the Governor of Nan
kin , New Kien, and the Plenipotentiary, in which ,
among other things, a heavy ransom was offered for
the city. In short, the grand effort of the Chinese
authorities was to gain time, to defer the evil hour of
absolute concession to our demands, and to put us off
in some way or other for the moment, as they had
VOL . II . F F
formerly done at Canton, without committing them
selves to a final settlement of affairs.
Fortunately, they had a man of determined energy
and statesmanlike qualities to deal with, in Sir Henry
Pottinger ; one who took a broad, defined view of all
the questions involved, and who would not swerve for a
moment from what he considered just demands and
capable of being enforced . All the astute efforts of
the Chinese to temporize, to shirk the main question, to
save their own dignity, and to withhold what was due
to that of their opponents, were promptly and ener
getically met. With all the honour which we justly
accord to the naval and military operations of the war,
with all due consideration for the diplomatic difficulties
which had hitherto beset our efforts to make an equita
ble adjustment of the pending disputes, we cannot but
concede to Sir Henry Pottinger the well-earned palm
of praise and eminence for the consummate tact and skill
with which he conducted the difficult negotiations at
Nankin to a speedy and successful issue.
It is not necessary, nor indeed would it be an easy
matter even for one initiated into the secrets of the di
plomatic correspondence which followed , to describe all
the attempts at evasion which were made by the Chi
nese, and the cunning with which they at first endea
voured to arrogate to their Emperor and to themselves
superior titles of distinction and precedence. Even
when it was announced that the High Commissioners,
Elepoo and Keying, had arrived, with full powers under
the imperial pencil to treat upon every subject, it was
no easy task to bring them to straightforward matters
of business, or to force them to produce the actual
instrument of authority which they professed to pos
sess .
The landing of the troops, however, and the
earnest preparations wbich were made for storming the
city, tended to bring them speedily to their senses.
After deducting the garrison left at Chin-keang; and
the sick which remained on board the transports, the
actual force at Sir Hugh Gough's disposal for the
attack of the city amounted to about three thousand
four hundred men, exclusive of the officers ; a force
sufficient for the easy attainment of the object itself,
but very small indeed for the duties likely to be re
quired of it, when once in possession of the city.
Sickness would very soon have greatly reduced the
number of effective men ; and, although they would in
case of need have received accessions, by the addition
of the marines and seamen of the squadron, still there
were even at that time so many sick on board the ships,
that it would have been very difficult to make any cal
culation as to the number which would have remained
fit for service at the end of a couple of months.
The waters of the river were exceedingly high ; in
many parts the banks were overflowed in the neigh
bourhood of the city, and fever and cholera were the
most dangerous enemies to be apprehended . In every
point of view, it is a matter of the greatest congratula
tion, not only that the war was so soon brought to a
close, but even that our forces were not detained for
any great length of time at Nankin .
Had the terms, which, as before stated, had been
offered by New Kien , the governor of the city, been
F F 2
436 NANKIN ,
accepted, instead of the Chinese being compelled to
make peace at once , it is probable that the war would
have been longer protracted , and that our forces would
have descended the river, re infectâ, and Hang-chow
foo and Soo-chow-foo would have been the next points
of attack. In this way, it would have been difficult to
assign any near period for the termination of the war ;
for, as long as the Chinese could shift the scene of the
drama from one part to another, they were less likely
to bend the neck and yield to the inevitable necessity
of making peace, short of our dictating its terms at
Pekin itself. The stoppage of the trade of the Great
Imperial Canal, with all its numerous ramifications,
struck a heavier blow than the force of our arms could
have inflicted by the mere capture of Nankin ; and in
fact the expedition up the Yangtze -Keang, with the
alarm and distress occasioned by the stoppage of all
that immense internal trade, and the moral effect pro
duced by our presence unchecked and apparently irre
sistible in the interior of the country, at a distance of
two hundred and twenty miles from the river's mouth ,
had much more real effect in inducing the haughty
Chinese government to succumb, than the mere terror
of our arms in open fight, or the knowledge of the vast
power and resources of Great Britain, which they were
then in reality only beginning to feel.
The position of Nankin is evidently well chosen for
that of a great capital; but alas ! how fallen is the cit
from its ancient importance and extent.. There are
remains of an ancient or outer wall, which can be
traced over hill and dale for a distance of not less than
NANKIN . 437
thirty-five miles . The Chinese have a saying that if
two horsemen start at daybreak from any given point of
the walls, in opposite directions, and gallop round the
walls of the city, they will not meet until sunset. But
this must be a regular Chinese gallop, and not exactly
that of an English hunter. The Chinese horses are
mere ponies. How much of this immense space was in
ancient times occupied by houses, it would be difficult
to determine. The walls of the present city are not
nearly of so great an extent; and, of the actual space
enclosed within them, a very small portion indeed,
perhaps not exceeding an eighth part, is occupied by
the actual town.
Here again , as at Chin-keang and Chapoo, the Tartar
city is separated from the Chinese part of it, by a wall
and gates running across it ;—so carefully have the
conquerors preserved their broad line of distinction, in
person , habits, mode of life, and privileges, even in the.
ancient capital of the empire.
The great extent of the walls even in the present
day rendered the city ill calculated for defence, inde
pendently even of its being commanded by hills, par
ticularly on its eastern side. The principal of these was
called the Chungshan hill, the base of which com
manded the ramparts, and from the summit of which
there was a magnificent prospect over the whole
surrounding country, including the city itself. It was
principally from this, the eastern side, that the chief
attack was to have been made, had it been necessary to
resort to extremities. There were three gates in that
face of the walls, which run very irregularly, and
towards the river are almost inaccessible, owing to the
swampy nature of the ground ; a considerable lake
occupies the space between two of the gates. The
latter are however approached by good causeways,
by which they might easily have been threatened, while
the real attack would have been made higher up, under
cover of the guns planted upon the slope of the Chung
shan hill .
The greater part of the troops were landed at a
village about four or five miles up the creek or short
cut before described , because there were good cause
ways leading directly from that point towards the city.
The Nemesis was able to land at one time not less than
a thousand men , and, in case of absolute necessity, could
have contrived to carry at least a hundred and fifty more.
On the opposite or western side of the city, there
was a large canal running from the river directly up
under the walls, and serving to strengthen the ap
proaches to them on that side. The mouth of this
canal was completely stopped up by very strong rafts,
firmly secured . They were, moreover, constructed in
such a manner, that there were in fact a succession of
rafts, one above the other. On removing the upper tier,
another lower one immediately rose to the surface ;
and, as they were made of stout timbers, well secured
together, they effectually prevented our boats from
getting up the canal. Upon the top of the rafts, little
huts had even been erected, in which a few poor fel
lows were living, but apparently not with any purpose
of defence.
It is matter of little interest now to enter into details
of what might have taken place; since the mere demon
stration of our force, and the tenor of our negotiations,
or rather demands, at length proved sufficient to induce
the Chinese to give way, without our being compelled
to put in execution the plans suggested. Several pre
liminary interviews took place, between Major Malcolm ,
accompanied by Mr. Morrison, the accomplished and in
defatigable interpreter, and some of the Chinese officers
deputed by the Commissioners. It was understood that
the general terms of the treaty were the subject of dis
cussion at these meetings ; but the great difficulty
seemed to be to get the Chinese authorities to produce
the actual document under the Emperor's own pencil, by
which they professed to be furnished with full powers
to treat for peace. There was a great deal of shuffling
and evasion1 ; an evident reluctance to go to the extreme
point; and probably a hope on their part that, by dila
toriness and ingenuity, they might bring us to modify
our terms. But Sir Henry Pottinger was firm , de
cided, and energetic. He was there to dictate rather
than to treat, and his perfect knowledge of the oriental
character came well to the aid of his natural discern
ment and vigour of mind.
At daylight on the 14th the attack was ordered to be
made upon the city, all being now in readiness, and the
guns in position. Due warning was finally given to
the Commissioners , that nothing could delay or suspend
the attack, except the production of the actual docu
ment itself, of the contents of which they had hitherto
only given a very partial account. It was not until
past midnight, scarcely more than three hours before
the artillery would have opened, and the assault have
taken place, that the commissioners at length yielded ,
and sent a letter, addressed to Sir Henry Pottinger,
promising the production of the all -important docu
ment at a meeting to be arranged for the morning, and
entreating that hostilities might at least be delayed un
til that time.
This was a moment of intense excitement to all who
were acquainted with the circumstances. The attack
was of course delayed , but it was doubted by many
whether some new pretext would not still be found to
delay or to break off the negociations, and render the
capture of the city inevitable. However, the proposed
meeting did take place at a temple on shore, in the
southern suburbs of the city, near the canal ; and, at
length, with great form and ceremony, the Emperor's
commission was produced, and carefully examined by
Mr. Morrison, in the presence of Major Malcolm ; and,
at the same time, Sir Henry Pottinger’s patent was
likewise produced, and translated to the deputies who
attended for the purpose on the part of the Imperial
As yet, no personal interview had taken place between
Sir Henry and the Commissioners. Matters now pro
ceeded satisfactorily. It was evident that the Chinese
were at length prepared to yield any thing we might
demand ; their anxiety to put an end to the blockade of
the river and the canal was not concealed, and it was
said to be freely admitted that the people were in the
greatest distress.
Three days afterwards, viz . , on the 17th, it was an
nounced by Sir Henry Pottinger to the naval and mili
tary commanders -in -chief, that the negociations had ar
rived at that stage which authorized him to beg that
hostilities might be considered suspended . Some little
delay was necessarily occasioned , by the time required ,
and the difficulty experienced, in translating the length
ened correspondence which took place. The distance,
moreover, of the city from the ships, and the time ne
cessary to receive and transmit the communications and
their replies, tended to prolong the proceedings. Even
in three days, however, the treaty was actually drafted
in English and Chinese (the latter a task of extreme
difficulty, from the precision of terms necessary ), and
the commissioners acceded to the whole tenor and forms
of a document of incalculable importance, not only to
England and the other nations of Europe, but to the
whole future welfare and progress of the Chinese em
pire. The first treaty made between the haughty and
impenetrable empire of China and any other nation of
the earth, upon terms of equal rank and title, was ex
acted by England, and did honour to her discernment,
perseverance , and forbearance, no less than to her
Many days must have elapsed before the terms of the
treaty could be made known at Pekin , and the assent
of the Emperor be received . It might still have been
doubted whether, even in the eleventh hour, the Empe
ror could bring himself to submit to the hard necessity
of accepting terms which he had hitherto believed
himself able rather to dictate to every other nation,
or to accord as a matter of “ especial favour,” to
submissive barbarians, than to receive from them as a
boon .
The High Commissioners, of course, professed to be
confident that all the provisions of the treaty would be
assented to by the Emperor. They were extremely
anxious to persuade Sir Henry Pottinger that the ships
might safely be withdrawn from the river at once, even
before an answer could be received from Pekin . Their
great anxiety to have the blockade raised was by no
means concealed ; but the Plenipotentiary was far too
clever a diplomatist to think of foregoing for a moment
the immense advantage which the position of our forces
already gave him, and the Commissioners were dis
tinctly apprized that every thing would still continue
to be held in readiness for the resumption of hostilities,
in the event of the Emperor's confirmation of the acts
of his Commissioners being withheld.
The report which was sent up to the Emperor by the
two High Commissioners was certainly remarkable for
its clearness and simplicity, compared with the tone
usually adopted in Chinese documents. Indeed, it has
generally been accorded to Keying, that he was the first
high officer who, since the commencement of the war,
had dared to tell the naked truth to his Imperial master.
There is reason to believe that numerous private reports
concerning the state of the province, the disorganization
of the local government, and the feeling of the people
generally, were transmitted by him to Pekin.
In the lengthened memorial which has been publicly
circulated, he by no means conceals the difficulties with
which he is surrounded. He frankly confesses that it
would be much better for China to pay down the stipu
lated sum at once , than to continue spending a still
larger sum in a vain endeavour to protract the war ;
and he particularly alludes to the advantages which
would be obtained if the blockade were immediately
raised . He even has the boldness to express his fears,
that, if peace be not made at once, the rivers “ will be
blocked up, both north and south ” (meaning particularly
the Peiho), which, he adds, “ will be the heaviest cala
mity .” He consoles himself that, as yet, their reputa
tion was not lost ;” and shrewdly remarks, that one
year's expenses of the army alone would equal one-third
of the whole sum to be paid to the English, and that
even then they would only use the name of fighting,
without the hope of victory. With regard to the trade
at the five ports, he considers them too many ; but
then , he adds, “ if we do not concede it, the English
will not restore to us Amoy, Chinhae, and Chusan, and it
would be a difficult matter for us to get them back.”
Throughout the whole of this remarkable Report,
even with respect to equality of terms in official inter
course, and the surrender of all the prisoners, both
English and Chinese, the whole tone of this interesting
document is that of deep humiliation, artfully attempted
to be concealed under the garb of almost voluntary con
cession .
The time which elapsed between the sending up of
the draft of the treaty for submission to the Emperor,
and its return with the Imperial assent, was partially
occupied by visits of ceremony between the High Com
missioners and the British Plenipotentiary. On the
19th, the former paid their first visit on board the
Cornwallis, having been conveyed thither from the
mouth of the canal, on board the little Medusa steamer.
They were received on board by the Plenipotentiary,
supported by the Admiral and General, and, after
having partaken of refreshments, were conducted round
the ship, every part of which they inspected, but with
out expressing any particular astonishment (whatever
they might have felt ), which in China is considered ill
bred .
I have heard it said by some who were present on
this occasion, that the Commissioners appeared more
struck with the fact of boys, midshipmen, wearing uni
form , and learning the art of war so young, than with
any thing else. I think it was Elepoo who had the cu
riosity to examine the dress of one of the youngsters ;
as much as to say, that he would be much better at
school, imbibing the “ doctrines of pure reason,” than
learning how to fight so young, on board a man -of-war.
The same remark had also been made, on another occa
sion, by Keshen, at Canton, respecting the young Mr.
Grey ; and, I believe, a remark very much like it was
made by the predecessor of the present Emperor to Sir
George Staunton, who was then a boy.
The Commissioners were accompanied by New Kien ,
the Viceroy, and also by the Tartar general .
On the 22nd, the visit was returned by Sir Henry
Pottinger, accompanied by the Commanders -in -chief,
and attended by upwards of a hundred officers, in full
uniform . They were escorted by a guard of honour of
the grenadiers of the 18th Royal Irish . The place of
meeting was at the temple outside the walls, at which
the previous conferences respecting the production of
the Imperial Commission had been held. It was an im
posing and interesting scene ; the number and variety
of the costumes, contrasted with the uniforms of our
officers, and the novelty of the spectacle altogether,
could not fail to make a deep impression upon all
The manners of the Chinese are remarkably elegant
and dignified, whenever they choose to make them so ;
and yet they seem never to omit an opportunity of try
ing to gain some advantage in point of etiquette. On
this occasion, inquiry was properly made by Sir Henry
Pottinger, as to the reason of the plainness of the
dresses of the mandarins who were in attendance . The
ingenious excuse, that they had travelled in such a hurry
as to have been unable to bring their wardrobe with them ,
was employed to account for the apparent want of cour
tesy, and apologies were tendered for the omission.
On the 26th , a conference was held within the walls
of Nankin itself, between Sir Henry Pottinger and the
Commissioners, and the terms of the treaty were again
read and discussed . Sir Henry was escorted by a guard
mounted upon the Arab horses brought from Madras
for the artillery. Little could have been seen of the
city upon this occasion, as the procession passed directly
up to one of the public halls, and returned by the
same route. The bearing of the people was perfectly
quiet and orderly ; and the mark of confidence on both
sides shown by the visit of the Commissioners on board
the Cornwallis, and of the Plenipotentiary within the
walls of the city, must certainly have tended to in
crease the mutual good understanding which it was now
so desirable to cultivate.
At length , on the 29th of August, three days after the
previous visit, the Emperor's full assent to the provi
sions of the treaty having in the mean time arrived,
the ceremony of the actual signature of this most inte
resting document took place on board the Cornwallis.
Every arrangement was made which could at all en
hance the solemnity of the ceremony ; and even the
venerable Elepoo, though sick and very infirm from age
and ill-health, allowed himself to be carried on board, and
into the after-cabin, rather than delay for a day the signa
ture of the treaty. A considerable time was occupied
in comparing minutely the four copies of the treaty, so
that there might not be the least question hereafter,
that the one was the precise counterpart of the other.
A great number of officers (all those having a rank
equal to that of a field officer) were admitted into the
after-cabin, in order to witness the intensely interest
ing ceremony. Captain Hall was likewise permitted
to be present, as a mark of especial favour, although
not then of the prescribed rank. Just at the eventful
moment, also, Captain Cecille, of the French frigate
Erigone, arrived from Woosung, having made his way
up in a Chinese junk hired for the occasion at Shanghai,
and manned by a picked crew of his own men . He
presented himself uninvited on board the flag -ship, and
almost demanded to be present. It is said that his re
ception was not very cordial .
If, in other wars, as has been sometimes asserted ,
England fought all and paid all, certainly in this in
stance, although England did fight all, she fortunately
compelled China to pay nearly all — I say nearly all,
for the twelve millions of dollars exacted from the
Chinese, in repayment of the expenses, besides the six
millions for the opium and the three for the debts, will
not suffice to cover the actual amount. It is, however, a
glorious thing for England that, having once compelled
China to submit, and having imposed her own condi
tions upon her, she could turn honestly round to all other
nations, and declare to them that they were fully at
liberty to take equal advantage of those conditions, so
far as the circumstances of their trade required or per
mitted it. Of necessity, however, England and America
must be the parties most interested , as no other nation
can boast of any considerable trade with China.
It was at first feared by many that the Chinese govern
ment would prove itself insincere in its professions, and
would probably seek an early opportunity of nullify
ing the provisions of the treaty. By others, it has
been thought that even the people themselves would
not only continue their ancient hostility to foreigners,
but might urge and almost force the government itself
into renewed collision with us ; that, in fact, nothing
short of the capture of Pekin itself, at some future
day, would suffice to humble the nation , and compel
them to hold reluctant intercourse with us.
The disturbances which took place at Canton, after
thepeace (to be described in the next chapter) gave
some colour for the moment to these apprehensions;
and the less people at a distance were acquainted with
the origin and nature of those disturbances, and with
the Chinese character generally, the more readily such
apprehensions found credence. In this respect, I firmly
believe that we do the Chinese some injustice ; and I
cannot but think that, if further difficulties should
arise, which might lead to a collision much to be de
plored, they will be occasioned rather by some indis
cretion , some want of forbearance, or some undue and
unwarranted interference with the acknowledged rights
and customs of the Chinese, by foreigners themselres, 1
than by violence on the part of the people, or a wish
to annul the provisions of the treaty on the part of the
government. It is only necessary to read the whole of
the published correspondence of Sir Henry Pottinger’s,
and to look at the scrupulous exactness with which the
Chinese have acted, and, we may add, the readiness with
which they have met Sir Henry's wishes, to be con
vinced that it only requires judgment, forbearance, and
strict propriety on our part, not only to continue, but
even to increase, the good understanding which already
Nothing could tend more to produce a renewal of
difficulties than the being led away by the expectation ,
(we often ourselves produce that which we expect to
happen,) that a fresh outbreak must take place, and
that the Chinese cannot be sincere in their dealings
with us. The regulations already published by Sir
Henry Pottinger, respecting the future trade, will go
far to prevent any wilful misunderstanding. But, if we
wish to extend our intercourse, and to benefit by in
creased good- will and confidence, we must win it from
the Chinese by cultivating their good feelings, not by
offending their prejudices, and by treating them with
consideration , firmness, and scrupulous honesty .
The Consuls at the five ports will have arduous
and responsible duties to perform , and very much must
depend upon their tact and judgment. The Chinese
are not only a prejudiced but aa timid people ; they re
quire to be led rather by good management and scru
pulous faith, than to be irritated by overbearing manner ,
or forced into dishonesty by the constant suspicion of it .
During the existence of the Company's charter, the mark
of the Company was considered by the Chinese as an
unfailing guarantee of the genuine character and qua
lity of the articles, in accordance with the description
given of them. The mark no longer exists, and the
Chinese merchants have not that implicit faith in the
written description of our goods which they formerly
had. It is impossible to be too scrupulous in maintain
ing our character for strict integrity and fair dealing ;
and it is to be hoped that these will be kept strictly
in view, more especially in the new ports just opened
to us .
As to any disposition on the part of the govern
ment to reassume their ancient bearing towards us, I
cannot believe that there have been hitherto any
grounds whatever for the supposition. It is true, that
the government are taking steps to repair their defences,
and to improve their warlike means, and they have
also given orders for the construction of a better descrip
tion of vessels of war. It is also perfectly well known
that large contributions have been voluntarily offered
by wealthy individuals, and by patriotic districts,
avowedly for the “ defence of the frontiers . ” But no
thing can be inferred from this, except that a little
more energy has been infused into the councils of the
Emperor, and a little of the prejudices of the people
modified .
On the other hand, every single act of the Chinese
government, since the conclusion of the peace, has been
strictly in accordance both with the letter and the
spirit of the treaty ; and we have only to look at the
tariff itself, with all its astonishing changes from the
old corrupt system, and the adoption of the wholesome
regulations respecting the trading at the five ports, (at
each of which a small English vessel of war is to be
stationed) to feel convinced that the Chinese govern
ment is beginning to be fully alive to the advantages
of more extensive and friendly intercourse with us ;
that the people are likewise well inclined towards us ;
and that it rests with ourselves to improve the present
good understanding, by judicious forbearance and con
sideration .
Nankin - Porcelain tower — Description of - Portrait of the head priest
- Tombsofthe kings — Colossal statues - Figures ofanimals — Antique
remains — Remarks on the history of the Ming dynasty —Disputes
with the Japanese and Mantchous—How the Mantchous, or Tartars,
came to the throne - Institutions of China preserved after the con
quest — Efficient government - Our forces leave Nankin - Dreadful
sickness - Bengal Volunteers — Descent of the river -Forces reassem
ble at Hong Kong - Riots at Canton — Character of the people –
Origin of the outbreak - English ladies in Canton - Patriots - Attack
upon the factories — English flag -staff - Arrival of Sir Hugh Gough
The Nemesis — Chinese troops occupy the factories — Correspondence
between Sir Henry Pottinger and the merchants—Critical position
Visit of the Prefect and the Hong merchants to the Nemesis - Quiet
restored - Departure of our forces.
The two most interesting objects which deserve atten
tion outside the walls of Nankin are, of course, the
famous porcelain tower, or pagoda, and the tombs of
the kings of the ancient Chinese dynasty. Of the
former it would be extremely difficult to give such a
description as would convey to the reader's mind an
accurate idea of its peculiar structure and character.
It stands pre-eminent above all other similar buildings
in China for its completeness and elegance, the quality
of the material of which it is built, or rather with
G G 2
which it is faced over, namely, variously coloured porce
lain bricks, highly glazed ; and for the quantity of gild
ing, and particularly of gilt images, with which its
interior is embellished.
The building is of an octagonal shape, about two
hundred feet high, divided into nine stories. The cir
cumference of the lower story is one hundred and
twenty feet, so that each face must measure about
fifteen feet; but this measurement decreases as you as
cend, although each story is of equal height. Its base
rests upon a solid foundation of brick -work , raised about
ten feet above the ground, and you ascend to the en
trance of the tower by a flight of twelve steps. Its
face is covered with slabs of glazed porcelain of various
colours, principally green, red, yellow, and white ; but
the whole building is not, by any means, constructed
with porcelain. At every story there is a projecting
roof, covered with green -glazed tiles, and from each of
its eight corners is suspended a small bell .
The effect of this building, when viewed from aa mode
rate distance, cannot be otherwise than imposing, from
the novelty and peculiarity of its appearance. You
ascend to the top of it by no less than one hundred and
ninety steps, leading through the different compart
ments,, but they are not all in very good repair. The
interior of each story appears at first view striking,
but is rather gaudy than elegant, being filled with an
immense number of little gilded images, placed in
niches, in each of the compartments, between the
The view from the summit of this temple amply com
pensates you for all the trouble of reaching it, and for
any little disappointment that may have been felt at
the appearance of the interior of the building. The pro
perty extends over an area of nearly thirty miles, and a
great part of this is enclosed within the ruins of a dila
pidated wall. The country is beautifully diversified by
hill and dale, and houses and cultivated grounds ; yet, in
some parts, it looks almost deserted . Yet it cannot be
iewed without great interest, not only from the appear
ance of the country, but from the associations con
nected with the locality, and with the tower itself.
This latter is said to have cost an immense sum of
money (seven or eight hundred thousand pounds), and
to have occupied nineteen years in its completion.
A not unnatural desire to possess specimens or relics,
as mementos of the first and probably the last visit to
the ancient capital of the empire, led to a few instances
of defacement and injury to some parts of the building,
and to many of the figures within it . But the com
plaints made upon the subject afterwards by the head
priest of the tower, or of the monastery attached to it,
seem to have been a good deal exaggerated, probably in
the hope of obtaining handsome compensation. It was
notorious that a great part of the specimens which were
carried away were actually sold to visiters by the priests
themselves. A complaint, however, was made upon
the subject to Sir Henry Pottinger, and at his request
measures were adopted to prevent any recurrence of the
violence ; and, indeed, with the laudable object of en
couraging a good understanding with the Chinese, and
of doing what, under the circumstances, appeared to be
an act of justice, a considerable sum of money was paid
over to the chief priest, or abbot, of the monastery, to
be applied to the restoration and decoration of the
building. It much exceeded the actual value of the
damage done.
The portrait of the priest of the porcelain tower, in the
first volume, was taken by LieutenantWhite,of the Royal
Marines, and gives an excellent notion of the peculiar
features and expression of countenance, which dis
tinguish , not merely the Chinamen , but the Budhist
Another object of very great interest, which engaged
attention at Nankin, was the large and extremely
ancient cemetery, which apparently, without suffi
ciently well -ascertained grounds, came to be called the
Tombs of the Kings, supposed to be of the Ming
dynasty. They were situated on the slope of the hills,
at no great distance from the principal gate of the city,
at the extremity of a fine paved road .
But, perhaps, still more curious is the avenue of
gigantic figures, most of them hewn from aa solid piece
of stone, which leads up towards the tombs. Nothing
else of the kind was seen in China, and they bore all
the appearance of extreme antiquity ; the grass grew
very high among them, and served to conceal the frag
ments of some which had been broken. The engraving,
which forms the frontispiece to this volume, will convey
a better idea of them than any written description. It
is taken from an admirable sketch, drawn on the spot ,
by Captain Watson, R.N. , C.B. The figures bear the
appearance of gigantic warriors, cased in a kind of
armour, standing on either side of the road, across
which , at intervals, large stone tablets are extended,
supported by large blocks of stone in place of pillars,
such as are frequently seen on the roads leading to
temples in China, and occasionally across the streets,
erected in honour of particular individuals.
In the drawing are represented aa number of colossal
figures of horses, elephants, zebras, and other animals,
rudely executed, and placed without any distinct
arrangement. Properly speaking, they are situated
at a considerable distance from the alley of giants, but
have been introduced to give an effective representation
of the whole. There is something peculiarly Egyptian
in the appearance of them all, and one could rather
imagine that the scene was laid in the vicinity of Thebes
than under the walls of Nankin. It tends , in some
measure, to strengthen the opinion of those who have
endeavoured to trace a connection between China and
Egypt, at a very remote period of their history. It was
impossible to view these gigantic figures under the
walls (and formerly within them ), of the ancient capital
of China, without great astonishment, and a disposition
to hazard speculations of various kinds concerning the
early history of the spot where they are found .
A few words may not be uninteresting in this place
concerning the Ming dynasty, and the ancient capital
of Nankin . The kings of that dynasty sat upon the
throne something more than two hundred and fifty
years, namely, from about the middle of the fourteenth
century until the Tartar conquest, which may be dated
froin about 1644, just two centuries ago. The whole
period of the reign of the Mings seems to have been
one of turbulence, bloodshed, and war — at one time
with the Monguls, at another with the Japanese -
unfrequently with each other, and sometimes with the
Tartars, who ultimately prevailed .
The mode of carrying on war appears to have differed
little then from what it has been in more modern times ;
large armies collected, and easily dispersed, without
striking a blow ; thundering edicts of extermination ,
without power to carry them into effect ; and great
boastings of victories gained, when, literally, no battle
had been fought. Nankin was more than once besieged ,
and the sea-coast was ravaged, both by foreign and
native marauders and pirates. Then came the strict
prohibitions against holding any intercourse with
foreigners, which, like the edicts against opium, were
put on record ,” but remained, for a great length of
time, a perfect dead letter.
The Japanese appear at one time to have been for
midable enemies ; they made their way up to Nankin,
and other cities, took possession of Chusan, ravaged the
coast of Fokien, and visited nearly all the same places
which were the scenes of our own operations during the
war.. The Chinese readily called to mind the history of
those troublesome times, and were inclined, in the first
instance, to believe that we were nothing more than
lawless plunderers, seeking our own profit, instead of
being servants of a great nation, seeking redress for in
numerable wrongs .
The race of the Mantchous (from which the reigning
dynasty springs) became troublesome towards the end
of the sixteenth century. Their first disputes seem to
have arisen concerning trade. They were permitted to
trade, and to enjoy certain commercial privileges upon
the frontier, but hence arose disputes and quarrellings,
which called for the interference of the public officers ;
and wrongs, supposed to have been suffered, were trea
sured up, in the hope of being able to execute vengeance
at a future opportunity. For a time the Mantchous were
kept in subjection, and those who fell into the hands of
the Chinese were treated with the greatest severity. It
is worthy of remark, however, that, generally speaking,
the Chinese, in all their dealings, seem to have preferred
diplomacy to fighting ; and in the excellent papers in
the Chinese Repository upon this subject, it is observed,
with respect particularly to the Japanese, that “ the
war lasted more than thirty years, the Chinese were
usually worsted , yet their generals boasted of their vic
tories, while their most numerous armies were dispersed
by almost a handful of men. But when the Chinese
inveigled the Japanese into negociations, they gained the
ascendant.” “ The latter were inclined to make lasting
peace , but were always thwarted by the treachery of
the Chinese envoys .
The Japanese, however, were at length persuaded to
retire, and to receive the investiture of the realm from
a Chinese commissioner. Not so, however, the more
formidable Mantchous. The Chinese were unable effec
tually to resist them ; and yet one of the best ministers,
who had the courage to advise peace at all risks, was
publicly beheaded as a traitor.
The Tartar conquest was essentially aided by the in
ternal feuds among the Chinese themselves. Robbers
and rebellious chiefs started up within the empire, and
threatened to attack the capital; and the last of the
Emperors of the Ming dynasty at length hung himself in
his own palace, through fear and despair, when he found
himself unable to control his own rebellious people, or
resist the power of the Mantchou Tartars.
This monarch seems to have been a pattern of irre
solution and cowardice. His death occurred in the
imperial palace at Pekin , not at Nankin ; and it is to
be remarked , that although the Tartar dynasty have
always made Pekin the capital of the empire, and that
Nankin has comparatively fallen to a very low state,
nevertheless Pekin was made the capital, or rather the
northern capital, long before the Tartar conquest ; but
Nankin, at that time, still retained a great portion of
its ancient importance.
Whether the burial-place already described , and so
much distinguished beyond all other cemeteries by its
rude colossal statues, was really the burial-place of the
ancient kings or not, it is impossible now to ascertain .
It gives it, however, a pleasing interest to believe that
it was so, although it certainly was not the cemetery of
all the kings, even of the Ming dynasty.
The Mantchou race came to the throne under remark
able circumstances. They were called in to assist one
of the claimants to the throne, after the death of the
last of the Mings; having gained the victory over all
opponents, the Mantchous refused to return to their
own country, and boldly marched up to the gates of
Pekin, where they were gladly welcomed by the people.
They soon made themselves masters of the city. Their
leader unfortunately died , and the Mantchous then pro
claimed his nephew, who was quite a child, Emperor of
China. From this period the dynasty of the Mantchous
have succeeded in maintaining themselves upon the
throne, namely, from about the year 1644.
Several claimants to the throne, from among the
descendants of the Ming family, started up at various
times, but, in a few years, they were completely over
come throughout the whole empire, and most of them
were killed . It is supposed, however, that descendants
of that family still exist in China, but they do not make
themselves known ; nor is it likely that the Chinese
would now interest themselves in the slightest degree
in procuring their restoration to the throne, in oppo
sition to the Mantchous.
China has by no means retrograded under the do
minion of its new sovereigns ; it is more wealthy, more
populous, and more consolidated than at any other period
of its history. It has enjoyed a longer interval of peace
than it ever did before ; and the system of government is,
perhaps, better adapted to the wants and habits of the
people than any other would be. The machinery of
government has differed little from that of their prede
cessors, but they have shown more vigour in its admi
nistration ; and there is one remarkable feature in it,
that the emperors have never trusted the members of
their own family, or committed power into their hands.
The latter have, in fact, been the pensioners of imperial
bounty, and have lived , as it were, under surveillance
within the palace.
It is remarkable that the Tartars, instead of altering
the institutions of China, conformed themselves to the
laws and customs pre -existing in the country ; so that
China, in reality, changed neither its manners, its in
stitutions, its social habits, nor its language, by the
conquest, but simply its rulers. This fell in completely
with the views of Mencius, their greatest philosopher
next to Confucius, who says in his works, “ I have heard
of the barbarians being improved by the Chinese, but I
never heard of the Chinese being improved by the bar
barians.” When we remember that the present empire
of China extends over an area of three millions of square
miles, and that this immense territory, with its hundreds
of millions of inhabitants, is ruled by one man, whose
authority radiates from Pekin , as the centre, to the ex
treme points of his dominions, we must admit that there
must exist great regularity, comprebensiveness of system ,
and efficiency of government, which can hold so vast an
empire together, and keep its machinery in proper
motion .
Little remains to be said concerning the rest of
the short period of the detention of our forces at
Nankin. On the 15th of September, the Emperor's
positive assent to the treaty, signed by his Commis
sioners on the 29th of August, was received at Nankin ;
and there now appeared to be every certainty that the
peace would be of a lasting nature.
All were now anxious to quit the river without delay,
in which so many brave men had already found a grave,
through sickuess. Every ship was full of invalids ; in
many of them full one-third of the crew were unable to
work , and in some even more. The officers appeared to
suffer equally with the men ; and on this account some of
the transports were in a pitiable condition . The recovery
of the men was extremely slow, and, even after the fever
was apparently cured, relapses were very frequent. There
are no means, however, of ascertaining the actual num
ber of deaths which occurred, but in some ships they
were numerous. Among the troops, the 98th regiment
and the Bengal Volunteers suffered the most ; but the
latter were affected more by their confinement on board
ship, and by the voluntary starvation to which they sub
mitted, on account of the prejudices of their religion,
than by the mere effect of climate. They principally
suffered from dysentery, occasioned by their abstinence
from proper food. Most of them being Rajpoots, high
caste Hindoos, they were prohibited by their supersti
tion from eating any food cooked on board ship. Dry
rice and gram (a shrivelled pea, of which sheep and
cattle are very fond ), constituted almost the only food
they would eat, and edible tobacco their only luxury.
Medicine could afford little aid to men under these cir
cumstances ; and they preferred death to the violation of
their religious feelings ; indeed it was not until the sur
vivors reached Hong Kong, and were sent ashore to live
in tents, in order to be able to cook proper food for
themselves, that they began to recover strength enough
to enable them to support the remainder of the voyage
to Calcutta.
While the Hindoos suffered thus severely, the few
Mohammedans who were in the regiment escaped almost
without sickness, and there was scarcely a death amongst
them . A finer regiment than the Bengal Volunteers,
when they arrived in China only a few weeks before,
nine hundred strong, could hardly be seen. They were
even seven hundred and fifty strong when they landed
at Nankin , after having been in action at Chin-Keang ;
and yet, when the regiment arrived in Calcutta, there
were less than four hundred survivors. Indeed, there
were little more than three hundred upon the field when
they were reviewed at Barrackpore, with the rest of the
garrison, by Sir Hugh Gough.
Before leaving Nankin , the ceremony of conferring
the order of the Grand Cross of the Bath upon Sir Hugh
Gough was performed on board the Cornwallis, with all
the attendant marks of honour. As it was directed that
it should take place in the most public manner possible,
the high Chinese officers were invited to attend, and
every preparation was made to give éclat to the pro
ceedings. Very few of the Chinese came to witness it ,
but a few were sufficient to make known to their coun
trymen generally, that great honours were being con
ferred upon the English General, for his successes against
their best troops. A speech was of course made by Sir
Henry Pottinger, on presenting the decoration, full of
handsome and well-deserved eulogy, and was replied to
with evident feeling by the venerable Sir Hugh Gough.
Salutes were fired , the band played, and every thing
passed off very gaily ; and refreshments in the Admiral's
cabin served to warm the hearts of the Chinese visiters
even towards their recent enemies.
As soon as it became generally known among the
Chinese that the Emperor's assent to all our terms had
been received, and that lasting peace was to be esta
blished between the two nations, the people generally,
both in the suburbs and in the neighbourhood of the
city, became very friendly and well-disposed . Even the
soldiers looked down and smiled from the city walls ;
and on one occasion, as a party was returning from a
visit to the Porcelain Tower, upon the top of which they
had drank to the health of the Queen of England, and
lasting peace with China, in champagne, they went close
up to one of the gates, upon the battlements of which a
number of Tartar soldiers were standing, looking quietly
on. They hailed the Tartars good-humouredly, and
some cigars were offered to them, which they seemed in
clined to accept ; then aa bottle of champagne was held
out to them, and they soon procured a basket, which
they let down to receive the welcome presents, with
which they appeared much pleased . Shortly afterwards
a military mandarin made his appearance, and seemed
very angry at the incident, complaining that it was not
right to attempt to bribe his men.
Towards the end of September, the different trans
ports and ships of war began to move down the river.
The steamers were now almost entirely supplied with
Nankin coal, immense heaps of which were found regu
larly stored up along the banks of the river, nearly in
front of the city.
Enormous piles of excellent firewood were also found
very near the coal depôts, so that there was no inconve
nience whatever from the want of fuel. This is a matter
of the utmost importance, as, in case of our being under
the necessity of paying a second visit to Nankin, it is
satisfactory to know beforehand that fuel for steamers
can be procured on the spot.
It is here worth while to mention also, that for nearly
a year and a half the Nemesis had eight Chinamen on
board , as firemen and stokers. They were originally
handed over from the Wellesley, at Chusan ; the temp
tation of twelve dollars each, per month, induced them
to enter on board the Nemesis, and they did their work
remarkably well. They were not discharged until the
Nemesis carried them down to Canton, to which place
they belonged, but they never were compelled to remain ,
nor were they called upon to go in the boats to fight.
But, whenever a place was captured, and a little plunder
was to be got, they were always anxious enough to go
ashore, and proved themselves most expert thieves. In
deed, this was one of the inducements for them to con
tinue in the Nemesis. Nevertheless , they appeared
not to show the slightest sympathy for their country
men , and one of them even volunteered to go ashore
armed, in company with our seamen, in order, as he said ,,
to be able to “ have a crack at a mandarin .” In fact,
the people of the north and south of China have no
fellow - feeling for each other, and the inhabitants of
different provinces seem to be often as opposed to each
other in their prejudices, as if they almost belonged to
different nations .
The descent of the river was in some respects more
difficult for the squadron than the ascent, particularly as
the buoys, which had been laid down to mark the
channel, had been removed by the Chinese in the in
terim . Under these circumstances, and in the absence
of proper charts of the river, it is highly creditable to
the transports that they all succeeded in getting down
without any serious accident . Steamers generally went
ahead, and gave the soundings by signal, notwithstanding
which, most of the ships got aground several times. The
weather was now very unsettled and hazy, as the north
east monsoon was just setting in, and this added, of
course, to the difficulty.
The Plenipotentiary, together with the Admiral and
General , paid a visit to Shanghai , on their arrival at
Woosung ; and the arrangements respecting the ransom
of the town , which was to be considered as part of the
money paid under the terms of the treaty , were now
completed , and the money was shipped ; by this pay
ment, the first instalment of 6,000,000 dollars was com
pleted .
At the end of October, the whole of the fleet had
finally quitted the Yangtze Keang, and were assembled
in the beautiful harbours of Chusan. I never remember to
have witnessed so pictusesque and striking a scene as was
there presented to view. Both the outer and inner har
bours were crowded with men -of-war, transports, and
steamers. It rarely falls to any one to have the good
fortune to witness so large a fleet assembled together.
The troops on board the transports, the boats constantly
passing and repassing, the bands playing, and the perfect
good feeling and friendliness which prevailed through
out our forces, both between the army and navy , and
between the different corps and ships individually, made
a cheerful impression upon all, and added greatly to the
real satisfaction derived from the glorious termination of
the war .
While at Chusan, the Plenipotentiary issued a very
important proclamation, prohibiting all English mer
chant vessels from going to any of the ports newly
opened by the treaty, until the tariffs and scale of duties
should be fixed , and the proper machinery prepared
both by the Chinese and the English governments, for
conducting the trade. These regulations and the tariff
have now at length been published by Sir Henry Pot
tinger, and evince, in no ordinary degree, both his
talents as a diplomatist ( for it must have required no
little tact and judgment to have enabled him to obtain
these concessions from the Chinese ), and his clear dis
cernment and energy , as a man of business .
While the fleet was detained at Chusan, the Nemesis
was once more hauled on shore for repairs, having been
a good deal shaken by the heavy work she had done in
the river ; on careful examination, however, she was
found less injured than had been expected, and gave
strong proof of the advantage of iron steamers in river
About the middle of November nearly all our ships
had reassembled at Hong Kong. It was a most ani
mated and bustling scene, and during the two or three
weeks in which our forces were detained there, the Chinese
reaped a rich harvest, from the sale of Chinese manu
factures and curiosities, which were eagerly sought for.
From various causes, our forces were detained at
Hong Kong longer than had been expected, and in some
respects it happened fortunately, although the weather
had become excessively cold and trying for the men . On
the 7th of December disturbances took place at Canton ,
which resulted in the total destruction of the old com
pany's factory , the Dutch factory (occupied by American
merchants ), and the adjacent extensive buildings, called
the Creek Hong. As this event produced great alarm
in the minds of the foreign residents in China, and even
produced an impression upon the minds of mercantile peo
ple at a distance, who were, in consequence, led to doubt
the practicability of maintaining peaceable relations with
the Chinese for any length of time, some few details will
be necessary .
It is proper to remark that the community of Canton
differs in many respects from that of any other part of
China.. Long accustomed to a profitable intercourse
with foreigners, and encouraged by their government to
look upon them as an inferior, or, at all events, a less
favoured race, arrogant also in proportion to their igno
rance, they could not reconcile to themselves the advan
tageous terms which had been exacted, as the price of
peace, from the Emperor ; and forgetting the numerous
lessons they had been taught in the Canton river, they
believed they could still have succeeded against the
foreigner, had their professed patriotism been appealed
to, and their proud spirit permitted to pour forth its
It is also to be remembered that, in a large commer
cial city like Canton, a great number of bad and discon
tented characters are collected from all quarters. Its
reputation for wealth made it a desirable field for the
adventurer ; while the prospect of the loss of a great por
tion of its trade served to produce a general discontent
among the residents. Every great change, however, is
commonly attended with some difficulty at first; nor was
it likely that the people of Canton could readily forget the
day when our troops dictated terms for the ransom of the
city, from the heights above it. Moreover, a great part
of them really believed that they had been betrayed, and
that treachery or bribery had been used , rather to fa
vour us than to spare the city ; while they scarcely
doubted that the large bodies of militia, or self-styled
patriots, who continued to hover about the rear of Sir
Hugh Gough's army while upon the heights, would have
sufficed to have driven him back again to his ships .
Such was the effect of popular ignorance and vanity.
For some days previous to the actual disturbances,
there had been rumours of an intended rising against
the English . Hints were given by some of the people
of the establishments belonging to the Hong merchants,
that something unusual would happen , and, in fact,
that people were combining together for no good osten
sible purpose. I happened to be at Canton at the time,
and could not help noticing the eagerness with which the
crowds of passers-by were reading anonymous placards
pasted upon the walls, in the narrow streets at the back
of the factories. These documents professed to publish
the sentiments of the patriotic gentry and people belong
ing to the neighbourhood of Canton . They misstated
the terms of the treaty, and asserted the belief, that
foreigners were hereafter coming to build houses for
themselves at Canton, and to reside there with their
families. This was, in fact, the great object of their
dread, or rather this was the principal argument they
used to endeavour to rouse the people generally to resist,
“ and not to allow a single foreigner to remain .”
The promiscuous residence of foreigners in China
was certainly never contemplated by the terms of the
treaty, but there was a report at Canton (whether well
founded or not I cannot say), that somebody (said to
to be an American ), did at one time actually propose to
purchase land of the Chinese at Honan, opposite the
factories, for the purpose of building on it. And a fur
ther support was given to the suppositions of the
Chinese, by the appearance of three or four English
ladies (wives of captains of ships at Whampoa) in the
streets of Canton.
I remember well what a sensation it created, when
these ladies were seen proceeding up China Street ,
accompanied by their children (and, of course, by their
husbands). The novelty of their dress and personal ap
pearance was the least part of the business. It was an
infraction of all the established usages of the Chinese ;
for not only had no foreign ladies been hitherto seen in
the streets, but not even Chinese ladies are ever to be
seen in public, except in sedan -chairs. On this occa
sion , the people offered neither violence nor insult, and,
indeed, a few policemen were stationed close to the
factories, to prevent the pressure of the crowd . In the
evening they embarked again in their boats, and pro
ceeded down the river.
There is no question that this little incident had a
very bad effect upon the feelings of the Chinese. As a
proof of this, it is right to mention that the same persons
again came up a few days afterwards, and resided with
their husbands in one of the factories, and that that
very factory was the first attacked , and unquestionably
the object was to drive out the foreign ladies, as much
as it was to plunder. They escaped , with the utmost
difficulty and danger, by a back way, and were received
into one of the Hong merchant's warehouses until
they could be conveyed down the river. But the
mob destroyed and tore into shreds every article of
their wardrobe which they could find.
In justice to the Chinese, and to the very proper and
cautious measures adopted by Sir Henry Pottinger, this
incident cannot be omitted. But the mob evidently
had its leaders ; and many of the people were said to
be provided with little bags of gunpowder, for the pur
pose of setting fire to the buildings. There was cer
tainly some preconcerted scheme or other, although the
occurrence of the outbreak on that particular day was
a matter of accident.
Nevertheless, when we remember that, on more than
one previous occasion, disturbances had occurred, and
that a great part of the factories had already once been
burnt down, we wonder the less at the recurrence of
an outrage in a city such as Canton. Disputes first arose
in the early part of the day ( 7th December) between a
number of Lascars, who were on leave from Whampoa,
and some of the shopkeepers of Canton . The Lascars
are generally allowed to trade a little on their own
private account, and are in the habit of carrying back
to India a great variety of articles, of little cost, pur
chased in China. On this occasion , a very large number
of them were allowed to come up to Canton together ;
hard bargains were driven , and doubtless there were
faults on both sides. High words soon led to blows and
squabbles in some of the back streets ; the disturbance
naturally increased by the accession of recruits to both
sides, stones flew and sticks were used, and at length
the Lascars were driven out of the back streets into one
of the unoccupied hongs, called the Creek Hong, which
still remained unrepaired since the general pillage of
the factories in the previous year.
For some time, both parties remained quiet, and
probably those Chinamen who commenced the disturb
ance had little to do with what afterwards happened.
Towards evening, numbers of suspicious-looking people
began to collect together, in front of the factories.
Something serious was now anticipated, and the Euro
pean residents began to barricade their doors and win
dows, and to endeavour to secure their books and
treasure as well as they could . One of the first objects
upon which an attack was made by the mob was the
British flag -staff in the Company's garden, into which
they forced their way. The staff was soon set on fire
(there was no flag ), and the blaze was followed by a
general shout.
The British factory, which was then undergoing
repair, was the next object of violence. The workmen
within it defended it for some time, but the mob at
last got in, and were thus enabled to force their
way from the balcony into the adjoining building
(formerly part of the Company's hong), in which the
ladies were staying with their friends. Fortunately,
however, they had already been conveyed away to a
place of safety.
Elated with success, the mob gradually attacked the
other adjoining factories, particularly that which was
formerly occupied by the Dutch , but which was then
rented by an American firm . Here aa stand was made
with firearms against the invaders for some time, and
two or three of them were shot. At length, however,
they prevailed ; and the American gentlemen had a
narrow escape in reaching their boats, but were only
able to save a small quantity of the treasure.
Gradually the crowd increased, as the night set in ;
parts of the factories were already on fire, and if the
wind had been high, instead of being nearly calm, it is
impossible to say where the destruction would have
stopped, in a city like Canton.
It will be asked whether no attempt was made by the
Chinese authorities to disperse the mob. For some
time they seem to have been actually themselves afraid
of encountering the mob ; and a small party of police
runners and soldiers, who were sent down in the first
instance, were said to have been driven off. It must
not be supposed that all, or even a quarter part, of the
foreign factories were burnt down. None of the rest
were injured, except those situated between Hog Lane
and the Creek. Towards morning the mob began to be
satiated with what they had done, and a large body of
soldiers coming down into the square in front of the
factories, headed by their proper officers, soon managed
to enforce quiet. They retained possession of the
square, and pitched their tents, as if they were to be
stationed there for some time.
The alarm created by these violent proceedings
among the foreign community was of course very great
indeed. Many were at first inclined to think that it was
only the commencement of a series of similar outrages,
which would lead to a rupture of the peace. When
the report of what had happened first reached Macao
and Hong Kong, it was considered almost too serious
to be believed ; or at least it was thought to be very
much exaggerated . But when the truth of the whole
previous account came to be ascertained, it gave rise to
a sort of dread of some great disaster , and it was
thought that it would be impossible to carry on the
trade in future except under the protection of our guns.
Whatever the plans of the Chinese may have been ,
the arrival of the Proserpine steamer on the following
morning at Canton tended very much to reassure the
European community. Sir Hugh Gough had requested
to be conveyed in her to Canton, merely for the purpose
of visiting the town, and it was quite a matter of for
tunate accident that she arrived there just when she
was most wanted. Communications passed between Sir
Hugh Gough and the authorities, who gave every assu
rance of their desire to maintain tranquillity. But the
difficulty was, as to their power to carry out their own
wishes. It was doubted whether their soldiers could be
depended on, and Sir Hugh Gough, therefore, acceded
to the request of the merchants, to allow the Proserpine
to remain off the factories until communications could
be received from Sir Henry Pottinger.
In every point of view, this was now a very critical
moment . A single false move, or one hasty step,
would have led to collision and difficulty, and might
have endangered the existence of the peace for which
we had so long been struggling. The utmost caution
and good judgment were required to allay the angry
feelings on both sides ; and it would have ill become us
to have assumed the appearance of almost inviting the
renewal of a collision with a proud susceptible govern
ment, when their high officers declared themselves
“ both willing and able to control their own people, and
to protect foreigners.”
The merchants at Canton addressed Sir Henry Pot
tinger, with a view to obtain from him protection for
their persons and property while carrying on their trade
at Canton ; they expressed their firm belief that there
was a prevailing spirit of hostility to the English among
certain classes in Canton, by whom the mob were influ
enced, and that unless armed protection (amounting in
reality to armed intervention ) were afforded to them ,
it would be impossible for them to carry on their busi
ness, except through the means of American agency .
But this kind of assistance was generally deprecated
by the merchants, as tending not only to throw business
into the hands of the Americans , for the time, but also
to establish it permanently in their favour, to the detri
ment of our own mercantile interests.
It cannot be denied that, after the commencement of
the war, the business of the American merchants had
increased almost tenfold ; indeed , the American houses
occupied by far the greater part of all the factories.
Many of them, in the first instance, acted only as agents
for the English merchants in China, but gradually they
became the correspondents of our merchants and manu
facturers at home and elsewhere ; so that, besides the
vast increase of American business with America, there
had grown up a prodigious extent of American agency
with England .
But this was in fact one of the natural consequences
of the war, and could only be counteracted by a cessa
tion of war—that is, by absolute peace. It is evident,
however, that it would be any thing but a peaceable
mode of conducting commerce, to carry it on under
the protection of our guns, after peace was proclaimed ;
nor could it fail to keep alive those very feelings of irrita
tion which it was so desirable to pacify, while it might en
gender new difficulties, the result of which could not be
foreseen ; though the protection asked for was only of a
temporary kind .
The reply of Sir Henry Pottinger to the merchants
was a long and harshly expressed document. It seemed
to have been written on the spur of the moment, and
probably another day's reflection would have softened
its terms. It amounted in fact to a rebuke, addressed
to the merchants ; part of which had little reference
to the matter in question. The impression of the Ple
nipotentiary seems to have been , that the foreign com
munity were altogether in the wrong ; and his Ex
cellency certainly had in view the extensive, and one
may almost say acknowledged, smuggling; not only of
opium , but of every description of exports and imports
which were liable to duty, in the Canton river.
This abuse had reached an enormous height, and
the local officers were in a great measure privy to it ;
but the systematic manner in which it was conducted
on our side was undoubtedly a source of great annoy
ance and perplexity to Sir Henry Pottinger. It was
not confined to the well-armed and well-appointed
opium vessels, which were then lying even at Whampoa,
but there was every kind of evasion of duties openly
carried on, even to that of the duties payable on the
ships themselves.
It cannot be denied that cargoes were transshipped
at night, from vessels which had paid the charges, into
smaller ones which had not done so, and which then
removed lower down the river. The full knowledge of
these facts certainly had its effect in suggesting the
tone of some part of Sir Henry's letter. In other
respects, nothing could be more firm and positive
than the reply to the actual request made for armed
protection. “ I need only remark ,” he adds, “ that I
should and shall very truly regret the loss and incon
venience to which you would be exposed by being forced
to withdraw from Canton. I trust, however, that it
will be averted through the measures which I have in
view ; but I must at once finally, most explicitly, and
candidly acquaint you , that no conceivable circum
stances should induce me to place her Majesty's govern
ment in so false and undignified a position, as I should
consider it would be placed in, were I to send troops
and ships of war to Canton, in opposition to the request
and wishes of the local government.”
It was undoubtedly a critical moment of our inter
course with the Chinese ; and, therefore, we may now
ask what steps Sir Henry Pottinger did take upon this
occasion. He addressed a letter upon the subject to
the Viceroy of Canton, and sent it up by the Nemesis.
It would be difficult to say that this was not the wisest
and most dignified course to pursue.. If the Viceroy
should declare either his inability or his unwillingness
to protect the foreign community, then indeed would
be the proper time for intervention , in order to secure
to them that protection which they needed.
Captain Hall had previously gone up as a passenger
in the Proserpine, with Captain Hough, to Canton ; but
the moment it was ascertained that the Nemesis had
passed the Bogue, in charge of his chief officer, he
went down to meet her, and brought her safely straight
up to Canton from Whampoa, passing through the
passage between the stakes below Napier's fort, and
then taking the left-hand passage, by the low alluvial
island. The Proserpine had previously, for the first
time, been carried up the right-hand passage. Both of
these lead up to nearly the same point, opposite the
French Folly .
Great was the rejoicing of all the foreigners at Can
ton, the moment they recognized their old friend the
Nemesis approaching. And who that had once seen
her could ever mistake her appearance, with her two
huge eyes upon the bows, in true Chinese fashion !
On this occasion, the captains of the merchant -vessels
at Whampoa volunteered to lend their services, if neces
sary . There was great uncertainty as to what might
happen, and it was reported that an attempt would be
made upon the steamer at night. It was not forgotten
that on former occasions fire - rafts had been sent down
the river to destroy the shipping, and it was necessary
that the Nemesis and Proserpine should be prepared.
The assistance of two boats only was accepted, one
from the William Money, under Captain Bickford, and
another from the Edinburgh, under Captain Paterson.
Both boats were well armed and manned, and were of
great use in guarding against a surprise.
Mr. Medhurst had come up in the Nemesis, as inter
preter, in charge of Sir Henry Pottinger's letter to the
Viceroy ; and the question now was, to whom, or
through whom , was it to be delivered ? It was satis
factory to observe that a great number of Chinese
soldiers were encamped on the ground in front of the
factories, for the protection of the foreigners. They
were evidently some of their best soldiers, for they
were well-dressed
- and properly armed . Each tent was
appropriated to about six men ; and one of their large,
long shields, placed upright, served as a door to each ;
their arms were all in readiness, and sentries were
placed .. As for the men themselves, their only occu
pation or amusement seemed to be gambling all the
day long.
At first the Hong merchants proposed to receive the
letter, but that was, of course, objected to. Then the
Kwang -chow -foo, or Prefect, wished it to be handed
over to him on shore, but that was also refused. It
was intimated that it could only be delivered to him on
the quarter-deck of the steamer. At length a man
darin , who spoke a little English , having formerly been
employed in one of the Hong merchant's establishments,
came alongside, and proposed that Captain Hall should
go into the Prefect's boat, and there deliver the letter,
under the pretence that the Prefect was an old man,
and could not get up the ship's side. All these were
little attempts at evasion to save his dignity. It was,
however, insisted that the Prefect should come on board
the Nemesis, and there receive the communication, and
he might bring as many of the Hong merchants with
him as he pleased.
At length, finding that nothing was to be gained by
further delay, and that the days of paying court to the
Prefect were now long past, he stepped upon the quar
ter-deck of the steamer, accompanied by most of the
Hong merchants. They were all conducted into the
cabin, and were treated with plenty of cherry brandy,
which served to dispel their fears, and put them into
a good humour.
The letter was delivered in due form , with an inti
mation that it was to be laid before the Viceroy with
out delay, and that a speedy answer was expected.
They then requested that the steamers might be re
moved lower down, as their presence only tended to
keep alive the excitement. This, however, could not
be complied with . They denied altogether the report
that a large body of troops were advancing towards the
city, or that any violence or insult whatever was in
tended against the foreigners. However,, it was inti
mated that the steamers were perfectly prepared, and
that their guns would be kept loaded, ready to meet
any attack that might be made.
How completely the tables were now turned, since
the days of Captain Elliot's difficulties and Lord Na
pier's humiliation ! The novelty of the position could
not fail to strike all the mandarins. Here were the
once -powerful Hong merchants, and the haughty and
once - flattered Kwang -chow -foo, at length brought down
to the level of a very “ submissive ” visit on board a
small steamer, in order to receive for transmission to
the Viceroy a document couched in terms of perfect
equality. How few short years had elapsed since
scarcely even an humble " petition ” would have been
received at the city gate, without subjecting the bearer
of it to insult, and perhaps to violence !
The answer of the Viceroy was perfectly satisfac
tory ; and that it was sincere, the event has since fully
proved. He declared his great anxiety, as well as his
perfect ability, to protect all foreigners ; and, at the
same time, expressed his readiness to repay all such
losses as had been incurred during the late riots, after
they should have been correctly ascertained, and trans
mitted through her Majesty's government.
It must be remembered, that only a part of the
damage done fell directly upon the British merchants ;
for the Americans were quite as great, if not greater
sufferers, in the first instance, either as principals or
agents of British houses . Their losses could not, of
course, be included in Sir Henry Pottinger's demand,
neither is it at all likely that he would admit any such
extraordinary claims as were paid by Captain Elliot,
on account of the very figurative and certainly unde
finable item of “ personal inconvenience . ” Incon
venience, of some sort or other, must be suffered by
every one who resides in a country which is at war ;
but, what might be considered very great “ incon
venience” by one man , would be little heeded by another ,
and vice versa . But the only “ inconvenience" for
which compensation was claimed , even in the most
promising period for claiming it, was on American
account. Yet ten thousand dollars was a large sum
for such an item of damage sustained .
There have been no grounds whatever for supposing
that there will be any probability of another collision
with the Chinese, to whose moderation and good faith ,
since the terms of peace have been settled, too much
justice cannot be done. When we consider the won
derful changes which have been brought about in so
short aa period of time, and these, too, in the face of a
nation the most proud, the most prejudiced, and the
vainest in the world, we cannot but look back with
wonder at all that has happened , and stand firm in our
belief that Providence has yet greater things in store
for China, mainly through the instrumentality of Eng.
land .
A new era is undoubtedly now opened for the Chi
nese ; new duties and new relations have been imposed
upon them ; but let us not forget, in the fullness of
victory, and in the pride of the human heart, that new
and highly important duties are imposed upon us also,
not lightly to be thought of, nor inconsiderately han
dled . We must take for our motto, forbearance, good
will, kindliness, honesty, and true Christian feeling.
With these as our panoply, the benefit to be derived by
both nations from the cautious, systematic, and prudent
exercise of the duties imposed upon each other, may
become a blessing to both . Let it also be borne in
mind, that qualities the reverse of these — overbearing
violence, and, above all, undue love of gain — may entail ,
not only misery and the horrors of anarchy upon a
people who proudly boast of their antiquity and of their
vast resources, but may also bring political difficulties,
with loss of dignity and of high principle, upon that
little distant speck upon the earth's surface, yet that
giant in the world's interest—Great Britain,
At the latter end of December, the whole of the
transports and ships of war not required for further
service in China sailed from Hong Kong for their
respective destinations ; and peace seemed now to
reign throughout the whole of that vast portion of the
east .
Departure from Macao— Voyage along the coast towards Hainan - Pira
tical fishing-boats - Bay of Liengsoy described - Fishing village
Mandarin station -- Galong bay - Good shelter - Picturesque country
-Yin-lin-kan aa beautiful harbour - Entrance into the Lagoon - Dis
covery of a river — Excursion into the interior— Appearance of the
country - Curious buffalo carts — Cocoa - nut woods — Observations on
the people — Villages — Tea-shops — Interesting journey — Party of
prisoners and mandarins — An inn by the road side - Stopping the
mandarin's chairs and horses—Civility of the peasants -- Return to the
boats - Hall's river - Coast of Cochin -China - Phuyen harbour - De
scription of it - Good place of refuge -- Appearance of the country
Curious burial-ground - New kind of fishing -boats - Odd contrivance
- Arrival at Singapore , Malacca — Its fallen condition - Penang re
visited— Moulmein - Remarks on — Frontier of Birmah — Elephant
riding - Remarkable caves — Arrival at Calcutta – Review at Barrack
pore — Conclusion .
Before daylight on the morning of the 23rd of De
cember, the Nemesis was destined to take her depar
ture from Macao, and probably to bid adieu to China
for ever . It is not too much to say, that she was
regretted by all. She had been so long and so favour
ably known to the whole community, so beloved by
Europeans, in proportion as she was dreaded by the
Chinese, and so many had been witnesses to the services
and the kindvess of her oflicers, upon many trying
occasions, that it almost seemed to them like losing an
old and tried friend to part with the Nemesis. On
their side, too, the officers of the vessel had much
reason to be thankful for the many kindnesses and
attentions they had always received from the British
community, and to be proud of the friendship and the
good -wishes, no less than of the honours, which they
had won for themselves.
Before three o'clock, the Nemesis was under weigh ;
and the discharge of a few rockets and the report of
her guns gave notice of her departure to the still
sleeping inhabitants, who were quite unused to the dis
turbance at that early hour in the morning. It caused
some little alarm among the inmates of the houses on
the Praya Grande, fronting the bay. But the Governor,
who resides there, had been previously told, in a good
humoured way, that he must not be alarmed at a little
noise during the night. When daylight broke, tlie
Nemesis was out of sight of Macao.
As the extent of the wear and tear of the vessel ,
after three years' service of a trying kind, was not pre
cisely known, it was not thought prudent to run out
into the middle of the China Sea, during the strength
of the monsoon . She therefore coasted along towards
the island of Hainan, in order that she might be able to
take shelter, if a gale came on . It was perhaps fortu
nate that she did so. The weather was extremely plea
sant and warm , but looked unsettled. The appearance of
The author was on board during this voyage, as a personal friend of
Captain Ilall.
the coast, as we ran along it, at the distance of five or
six miles, was bold and mountainous, but not very
fertile, as far as we could judge at that distance.
In the course of the day, we passed through a large
fleet of fishing-junks, dragging their huge nets before
the wind . The Chinese fishermen did not appear alarmed
at the approach of the steamer, and from one of them
we procured an enormous fish, weighing no less than
eighty-eight pounds, and differing in appearance from
any we had hitherto seen . It had a large flat head ,
but small mouth, and was of a greenish yellow colour.
When dressed, it was found eatable, but rather strong.
We soon passed very near the curious conical rock ,
called the Mandarin's Peak or Cap, and kept the coast
in view until dark . On the following day, the weather
was extremely hazy and unsettled, and there was a heavy
swell setting in from seaward. We had hoped to have
been able to land on Ilainan on Christmas-day, and to
have drank the health of absent friends on terra firma ;
but the hazy weather detained the vessel, and she only
anchored , as the night set in, in a fine sandy bay in
seven fathoms water ; the wind howled over our heads,
and made it the more satisfactory that we had kept
near the land.
As mention has been made of having passed through
a fleet of fishing - junks, it will be proper liere to warn
all vessels against being off their guard on such occa
sions. The fishermen along the whole coast of this
part of China, as far as Canton, are rogues, pirates,
smugglers - in short, ready to take advantage of any
opportunity, honest or otherwise, of benefitting them
selves. They will perhaps appear quite friendly at
first; and, if they then find that a vessel is not prepared
to resist, or if they think that they could overpower
her, the chances are that they would not hesitate to
make the attempt, when least expected . Never trust
yourself in a strange place ashore without at least one
double-barrelled pistol in your pocket, and never admit
a Chinaman on board (if a number of fishing -boats are
about) on this coast, without being prepared to prevent
treachery. This caution is not unnecessary to ordinary
merchant vessels, because it commonly happens that,
although they have arms on board, the ammunition can
seldom be found when it is wanted in a hurry , and not
unfrequently, when the barrels of the muskets are clean
and the bayonets bright, the locks have got no flints .
It is at night that the Chinese would be most likely to
make the attempt, and for this reason the opium clip
pers are always well armed and manned . This is found
necessary for their own protection, and not, as many
have supposed, to compel the Chinese to purchase the
The bay in which we anchored was situated a little
to the eastward of Liengsoy, or Tongsoy Bay, as laid
down in the charts. On the following morning, as we
proceeded towards the latter bay, we could clearly
distinguish a sunken reef, running out from the east
point of it, to the distance of nearly a mile . At the
extremity of it, numerous fishing-boats were busily
occupied, and with some difficulty a pilot was procured
from one of them , to take us into Liengsoy Bay. He
was found of little use, as it was easy to make our way
in without him ; but he seemed highly pleased when a
dollar was given to him , with a view to encourage others
to come to the assistance of any other vessel that might
require a pilot.
Liengsoy is a fine bay, perfectly sheltered during the
north -east monsoon , but aa little exposed to the south
west. From the depth of the bay, and from its being
sheltered to the westward by a long chain of rocky
mountains, it is well protected on that side, while the
long reef forms a natural breakwater upon the east
side. It is open only to the southward ; and, from the
height to which the sand is blown up upon the northern
beach, it is evident that the wind sets in sometimes
with great violence.
We had an instance here of the indifference of the
Chinese towards each other, when life is in danger. One
of their fishing -boats, which was towing astern, was
upset, owing to the rapid motion of the wheels. Several
other Chinese boats were at hand, yet not one of them
would pull towards the two drowning men , to rescue them .
They looked on with perfect indifference. The men
were, however, saved by a boat sent from the steamer ;
and the rest of the Chinamen who would not assist
got a good drubbing with a broomstick for their in
difference .
At the extremity of the bay was a narrow opening
not very easily seen at a distance, which led into a
large salt -water lagoon. We pulled towards it in the
steamer's cutter, and soon discovered a small half-dila
pidated stone fort, on the left hand , near which was a
small government station, distinguished by its flag, but
the inmates (although one of them , a fine stout fellow ,
was probably a mandarin) were very poor and humble.
They invited us to land, and very civilly gave us tea,
and let us smoke our cigars in their small dwelling,
built of half mud, half mats, but more comfortable
within than the exterior promised. Thence we walked
along a fine sandy beach, bordering the lagoon, until
we came to a tolerable village situated in the middle of
a fine cocoa-tree plantation . It appeared to be prin
cipally inhabited by fishermen, fine, stout , well-made
people ; and the large quantity of sharks' fins which
were fixed upon stakes, and put out to be dried by the
sun, along the edge of the lagoon, sufficiently indicated
the principal occupation of the people. The huts were
built of coral, mud, and bamboo, and were ranged in
long lines or lanes, and the people seemed generally well
clothed and happy. The women were not secluded,
but came out to look at our party, almost as freely as
the men . All appeared good -humoured and well dis
posed, and had plenty of ducks, fowls, and pigs, which
they offered for sale. It was noticed that, even in this
poor little fishing- village, people were seen reading or
writing in almost every one of the little shops. As we
left it again, the villagers amused themselves by letting
off crackers in all directions—a Chinaman's delight.
Numbers of the people followed us down to the boat
again ; and two or three rupees, distributed among the
most deserving, put them all in a good humour.
We could not ascertain whether any river flowed into
the lagoon or not, but no fresh water was seen , although,
from the greater number of trees and the appearance of
vegetation at the upper extremity of it, about a mile
and a half distant, we thought it probable that a small
river opened into the lagoon .
Having rejoined the steamer, we stood out of the
bay again , and, having rounded the western extremity,
formed by the range of hills which run quite down to
the coast, proceeded along shore for about a mile, until
we entered another fine bay, remarkable for having three
entrances, and called Galong Bay. The coast is ex
tremely bold and rocky, covered with low, stunted
shrubs, and there is deep water almost close in shore.
Horsburgh's description and directions were found to be
quite correct ; except that the village, of which he
speaks, could not be found any where at the present
time. The bay is one of great extent ; and the two
rocky islands, called the Brothers, between which are
the channels leading into it from the westward , are bold
and striking objects.
As we proceeded further into the bay, the appearance
of its shores improved ; the steep, picturesque moun
tains on all sides being clothed with wood , from their
summit to the water's edge. The only perfect shelter
for ships from the south -west is under a low island,
called Middle Island , inside the Brothers, where there
is a fine, sandy beach, but not very deep water . Of
course there is perfect shelter from the north -east, and
you have always the advantage of three entrances into
the bay .
Having steamed quite round the bay, the Nemesis
went out again by the broadest passage , between one of
the Brothers and the main island, and continued to coast
490 BAY OF YIN - LIN - KAN .
along a bold , rocky shore, until we entered the beautiful
bay of Yin-lin-kan . The entrance to this is not broad,
but sufficiently so for ships to work in, and then it ex
pands into a fine, bold bay, having plenty of water in all
parts. On proceeding to its furthest extremity, we
found the entrance of what Horsburgh calls a lagoon ;
at its entrance it has all the appearance of a lagoon,
and it is not until you get up quite to its extremity
(which you are able to do in boats) that you find a river
of tolerable size flowing into it.
The great bay or harbour of Yin-Lin-Kan is by far the
best of all those that were visited on this coast. There
is fine anchorage in smooth water, perfectly protected
from all winds ; indeed, the sea outside cannot even be
seen when you are fairly inside the bay. Several large
fishing -junks, of the better kind, were at anchor there ;
and the shores were bold and picturesque .
Having found our way into what appeared to be the
mouth of the lagoon, it was determined to stand in, if
possible, to explore it further. The entrance was nar
row, and the passage tortuous ; but, by observing the
character of the shores on either side, together with the
varying shades of colour in the water, and with two
good men in the chains, and one out on the jib-boom,
the channel into it was found without much difficulty,
the water being deeper than was expected. Fishing
stakes were seen in several places, so that it seemed
probable that a town or village was not far off. The
lagoon, or expanded river, was now found to turn round
to the right, or westward , and several small junks were
at anchor near a few huts upon the shore. The appear
ance of the country was very peculiar, looking very
like a flooded valley, about half a mile in breadth ,
the shores rising up on either side with a rather steep
ascent, but leaving some low ground at the edge of the
The steamer continued to push her way on for about
one mile and a half or two miles, through a shallow
channel, until she had passed a double line of long fish
ing -stakes, one on either side. The water was now too
shallow to proceed further, and the tide was falling, so
that it was necessary to retrace our steps into deeper
water, where she anchored for the night.
On the following morning, at daylight, the weather
being very unsettled and hazy, Captain Hall determined
to take his cutter and pinnace, and proceed to the ex
tremity of the lagoon , nearly a mile distant, in the hope
of finding a river, or probably some town or village, not
far off. The crews were well armed , in case of a sur
prise; and we also took our double- barrelled guns, in
the hope of getting a shot or two at some game. As
we approached the end of the lagoon, the water became
very shallow , and the passage difficult to find . We saw
what appeared to us to be deer and pheasants, in abun
dance, along the edge of the mountains, on either side ;
but time was too precious and the water too shallow
(it being quite low water) to permit us to land where
we most wished .
At length , after carefully searching for aa considerable
time, we found a distinct entrance to a river, nearly at
the right hand corner of the end of the lagoon . It was
not easy to make it out at first ; as the banks, which
were low, were thickly covered with mangrove shrubs.
The country expanded into a broad , open valley, beyond
which well-wooded hills could be seen on every side.
Cocoa -nut trees were growing in abundance ; and here
and there we could descry, in the distance, small, rich,
green spots of cultivated ground, which made us think
that we should find inhabitants not far off. We had no
difficulty in ascending the river, but discovered no ha
bitations or appearance of cultivation on its banks. The
bare roots of the mangroves on either side, standing
out exposed into the river, served to show by their
marks that the water sometimes stood much higher
than it then was, and that floods occasionally took
At the distance of about two miles from the entrance,
we came to a narrow , wooden - plank bridge, close to
which were two small junks, or decked boats. One of
our boats was sent higher up to explore ; but the river
was found divided by a small island, a little above the
bridge, and the water was so shallow that the pinnace
could not proceed without difficulty . Accordingly,
having left a part of the men in charge of the boats at
the bridge, and another party, consisting of an officer
and six men , being ordered to follow at an interval of
less than half an hour, Captain Hall and myself, accom
panied by four men , well armed , set out to explore the
country. We soon fell into a well -beaten, sandy cart
track , which surprised us not a little, as we had hitherto
seen nothing of the kind in China. It has been already
noticed that carts were found to be in use in the island
of Formosa ; and it was also known that they were to
be met with in the northern parts of China, in the
neighbourhood of Pekin .
After pursuing our way along this sandy track for
about a mile, we entered a fine cocoa-tree wood, with
several neat little cottages built in the midst of it ; and
presently we heard a creaking, or rather squeaking
noise, which seemed to be nearing us . It was soon
found to proceed from three bullock -carts, rudely built
of poles, covered round with matting, and drawn by
buffaloes instead of bullocks. They had more the ap
pearance of large bales of goods than of carts ; the
wlieels were made of solid wood , and the axletree was
fixed in the wheel (as at Formosa ), but turned round
under the body of the cart, causing a loud, squeaking
noise at each revolution. It could be heard a long way
off, and somewhat resembled the scraping of a bad violin ,
although probably by native ears it was considered a
very agreeable sound.
Several teams of buffaloes were passed , dragging
timber down to the river-side, which must be found in
abundance in this neighbourhood, and of good quality ;
an important consideration for ships driven into the bay
of Yin -Lin -Kan by stress of weather.
We soon emerged into a fine, level, grassy plain ;
upon which, at intervals, clusters of shrubs and young
trees were passed . Small green parroquets seemed to be
very numerous. The soil, however, was poor and sandy;
but the mountains which bounded the plain, or expanded
valley, were covered with wood ; while, lower down to
wards the river (or what appeared to us to be its pro
bable course ), grass- lands and paddy-fields varied the
landscape. We were surprised, however, at seeing so
few people ; and, compared with China Proper, the
country appeared to us very thinly populated .
The autumnal tints were still fresh upon the foliage,
although it was past Christmas-day ; and the variety of
the trees, and the peculiar conical shape of some of the
mountains, thickly covered with wood to their very
summits, combined to give additional interest and no
velty to the character of the country. Perhaps it
struck us the more forcibly, from being different from any
thing we had recently seen in China Proper. It was
curious to notice the gradations of verdure, according
to the height above the valley. At the bottom every
thing was brown and autumnal, at the top it was all
green and youthful, while between the two were all the
intermediate stages. Ilere again we thought we could
distinguish deer and pheasants in the woods along the
mountain sides.
Gradually the plain became contracted, and we en
tered a regular sort of narrow cart-road , overhung with
trees, and cut at least two feet below the surface, as if
the better to give protection from the sun's rays. This
soon led us to some rich paddy-fields, in the neighbour
hood of a village, around which were gardens planted
with the sweet potato and other vegetables, and appa
rently cultivated with great care. The village or rather
hamlet was very inconsiderable ; and we passed on with
out halting, in the hope of reaching some town of con
sequence. The valley continued to get narrower, and
our road was now sheltered with trees.
A walk of about four miles further brought us to
another considerable village, where we halted for an
hour, and took refreshment in a large public tea-shop.
The villagers crowded good -humouredly round us, and
betrayed little fear, although we were all well armed .
We only saw two really poor people amongst them , and
they looked as if they were just let out of prison. As
usual, our dress, appearance, arms, and every little trifle
we carried about us, attracted great attention and cu
riosity. They had probably never seen Europeans before ;
and when we fired off a musket to please them , their asto
nishment was indeed great, although it had only a flint,
and not a percussion-lock . Their wants were few , and
the necessaries of life appeared easily obtained ; there
were some decent shops in the village, and, us usual,
plenty of people who could read and write.
Altogether the whole appearance of the country gave
one the idea of a newly - colonized spot. We saw no
goats or cows , but plenty of capital pigs and poultry .
We still thought that there might be some considerable
town not far off; and by the help of a small vocabulary,
written in Chinese (which of course they were able to
read ), we ascertained that there was one some miles off,
the direction of which was pointed out to us. After
some hesitation we determined to proceed ; and at
length we reached the extremity of the valley, where
there was merely a footpath , running sometimes be
tween low hills, at other times through a dense scrub,
until at length we crossed the bed of a river, with a fine
rocky bottom and a rapid stream . Here we halted to
refresh ourselves with a cool draught, when suddenly a
whole posse of people descended the hill on the other
side, and began to cross the river ; some were carried
in sedan -chairs (mandarins, probably ), some were led
with chains round their necks, while others had chains
round their legs ; there were also several attendants ;
and one great man rode on horseback. They had almost
reached the middle of the river before they observed us,
and naturally looked somewhat alarmed at our appear
ance . We saluted them , and then passed on .
Our road now lay among hills, and the ground was
broken and tiresome. We ascended one hill, which was
paved all the way with large rough stones, and we con
cluded we must be near the town we were in search of ;
and the novelty of the adventure stimulated us to go on ,
although the heat was great, and we had still the whole
distance to travel back again . We now ascended a
steep eminence aa little out of the road , from which we
obtained a magnificent view of the country, with a fine
plain just beyond the hills, bounded by the sea in the
distance. We could see no town , but there could be
little doubt that it lay somewhere in the beautiful plain
beneath us.
Having regained the principal path, we proceeded
some way further along the side of a wooded mountain ,
until we reached an inn by the road side. Here again
we got tea, and smoked our cigars, on perfect good
terms with the Chinese, our fellow -travellers . A con
sultation was now held . It seemed probable that
the town we were attempting to reach was that of
Lychew, upon the sea-coast, about ten or twelve miles
from the capital of the island. The day was already
far advanced, and we had still about twelve miles to get
back again to our boats. Moreover, we thonght it very
likely that by returning at once we should meet the
sedan -chairs empty, and the horse without its rider,
returning to the town, after having escorted their pri
soners, and thus we should manage to get ourselves
carried back to our boat. We determined , therefore,
not to proceed further, although we much longed to
descend into the valley beyond .
It surprised us that, considering we were without
doubt the first Europeans who had been seen in that
part of the country , the people showed not the slightest
rudeness or troublesome curiosity. They all seemed
much more taken up with the appearance of one of the
black Kroomen, who attended us, than with the Euro
peans ; but there was no noise or shouting, as would
perhaps have been the case among an English mob, had
they suddenly met with aa red man or a blue man, who
would certainly not have been less an object of curiosity
to them than a jet-black Krooman to the Chinese of
Hainan .
After proceeding two or three miles on our way back,
we fortunately met the sedan - chairs and the horse re
turning. We soon made them halt, and tried to come
to terms for them to carry us all the way down to our
boats. Captain Hall mounted the horse without any
ceremony ; but the poor fellows who had charge of it
cried so lustily, and from their manner made us believe
that they would be so terribly punished, that at last they
were allowed to proceed unmolested .
Next came a grand dispute about the sedan-chairs,
rickety old things made of bamboo, but we soon got
VOL . II . K K
into them (there were only two, just one for each ), and
held out a dollar ; but between fear and disinclination
to the job, the men set us down, and left us in the
lurch . However, as we kept possession of the chairs,
we had the best of the bargain, though it was not a
very pleasant prospect for us to sit there until it should
please the men to carry us on. At length, after some
deliberation among themselves, they agreed to carry us
for a dollar each, and away we went, greatly enjoying
the fun .
On reaching the village at which we had before halted,
they set us down again, in order to rest themselves, and
tried every means to persuade us to alight, and take
some tea ; but we were rather too old travellers to be
taken in by such tricks, and continued to keep posses
sion of our chairs. At length, finding they could not
get rid of us, they made up their minds to carry us on
the whole way, and trotted off nimbly enough. The
easy, measured step of the Chinese bearers, who carry
the poles upon their shoulders, one on either side, with
a cross piece joining them together, and resting upon
the back of the neck, is by no means disagreeable ; and
considering the rudeness of the construction of the
chairs, we were surprised that the motion was so plea
Presently we fell in with the other party which had
been desired to follow us, and received a very good
account of the civility they had met with from the
people. Indeed, they stated that they had overtaken
a respectable-looking Chinaman on horseback, as they
were marching along, who, seeing a young midshipman
of the party, among so many stout men, very gallantly
dismounted, and offered him the use of his horse, in
timating by his manner and gestures that he was too
young to walk so far. This little piece of attention was
the more remarkable, as horses are seldom used by the
Chinese, and are usually only found in the hands either
of people of rank or of great wealth . On reaching a
road which branched off to the left, the polite gentleman
resumed his horse and disappeared.
At length we reached the beautiful cocoa-nut wood
near the river, and refreshed ourselves with the milk of
the fresh nuts, under the shade of the trees, which were
here growing to a very great height.
Having regained our boats, we found a number of
Chinese collected round them , but no violence or insult
had been offered ; indeed, the peasants had brought
down fowls and ducks for sale. I had also purchased
one of the pretty little green and blue parroquets of the
country, together with the little cage to which it was
chained ; but the bird was so wild and untameable, that,
after keeping it for some days on board ship, it managed
to make its escape .
It has been already mentioned that we found timber
brought down to the river side when we first landed,
and, to our surprise, we now saw a number of large
strong wooden coffins, but for what purpose we could
not ascertain.
It was now almost sunset, and the tide was just be
ginning to turn , so that we descended the river rapidly,
and, as we emerged from it into the lagoon , it was
christened Hall's River, with our last glass of cherry
K K 2
brandy, a little of which we had taken with us for the
As it was still nearly high -water, the appearance of
the lagoon was much more striking than it had been in
the morning, and we could see plenty of game coming
out of the woods, to feed upon the little green patches
at the foot of the hills. But not a single human habi
tation could be discovered . We soon reached the steamer
again, and instantly getting under weigh, proceeded out
of the lagoon , or Inner Harbour, as it is called upon
the Admiralty chart.
It should here be remarked that the entrance to the
outer harbour or basin of Yin-Lin-Kan, as laid down in
the chart, is much too broad, and the bay too open ;
at least, such is the impression from what we re
member of the very moderate breadth of the entrance,
and of the appearance of the basin when inside of
it. There was a heavy swell outside, the result of the
strong breezes which had prevailed for several preceding
We now stood across the Gulf of Tonquin, towards
the coast of Cochin -China, which we kept in sight all
the way down. On the 29th we ran into the large and
beautiful basin , called by Horsburgh, Phuyen Harbour,
in latitude 13°, 23 ', N. , with aa view to ascertain its cha
racter and capabilities, which could be done with very
little detention. The importance of an accurate know
ledge of the best harbours for ships to run into, in the
China Sea, in case of need , cannot be overrated, now
that there is every probability of a great increase in
the number of merchant ships passing up and down.
The great Phuyen Basin, which in fact contains three
excellent harbours, is accurately described by Hors
burgh. We steamed round it in all directions, and
were struck with its beauty, and the perfect shelter it
affords. The soundings were very regular, from twelve,
to five and a quarter, and four and a half fathoms. The
Buoy Rock, which is the only danger, is distinctly seen
above water, at ebb -tide, looking precisely like what
its name indicates. As we came out again at high
water, it was found covered . It lies about half way
up the first or outer harbour, at the distance of half to
one -third of a mile from the northern shore .
Just at the entrance to this harbour, near its south
ern shore, stands the high, abrupt, rocky island, called
Nest Island, which, although there is deep water close
in, on either side, has a coral reef running out from its
western extremity. The three harbours are, first,
Xuandai, on the southern shore, round Nest Island ;
next, Vunglam , on the north -western side, about a mile
and aa half further up ; and lastly, Vung -chao, at the end
of the basin .
Nothing can exceed the beauty and security of the
spot, shut in on all sides, like a large lake, the shores
being bold and mountainous, but not much wooded .
Further inland, to the westward, the country appeared
fertile and well cultivated , but not laid out in terraces
along the hill sides, as in most parts of China-Proper,
but divided into small fields with hedgerows round
them , putting one very much in mind of some parts of
We were disappointed in not finding a town of some
size along the shores of the basin ; but, as the soil is
there generally poor, while there was evidently a rich
valley a little in the rear to the westward, we concluded
that it was probably situated in that more favoured
spot. There were however two hamlets, one on either
side of the extremity of the bay, situated in the midst
of a fine cocoa-nut wood ; and in a little bay in the east
corner we found a very extensive burial-ground, with a
number of large tombs, and a small chapel. We could
learn nothing of its history, but concluded that it was
the cemetery for wealthy people belonging to some town
not far distant. We landed, and rambled among the curi
ous tombs, different in appearance from those either
of the Chinese or the Malays. There were a few fisher
men's huts in the neighbourhood, but the people were
poor and ill-clothed, and their features far from pre
possessing. The men were small in stature, and in
every respect an inferior-looking people to the inhabi
tants of Hainan .
A vast number of large, well -built fishing -boats were
sailing about the great basin , built very sharp at both
ends, and of great length. They carry an enormous
sail , very broad , but not high, cut square, but yet not
like a lug-sail . It was made of a strong kind of grass
cloth. As this powerful sail must of course endanger
the safety of their long narrow boat, they adopt a cu
rious mode of counterbalancing it, so as to keep the
boat upright. A long straight stout spar is run out to
windward from the middle of the vessel, and upon this
three or four men (more or less according to the
strength of the wind ,) crawl out, and sit upon the ex
tremity, dangling their legs over the water in a manner
not to be envied . From long habit, they sit there very
contentedly, for a length of time, almost entirely naked,
and appear to think that no other kind of ballast is
needed. If the wind were suddenly to change, they
would probably get a ducking, by their own weight
bearing down the boat, with such a lever. But, as the
monsoon blows pretty regularly here, they are not
afraid of sudden changes. If they have occasion to
put about, the men all come in first, and then rig out
the spar upon the opposite side, crawling out upon it
again as before.
Two or three better kind of vessels were seen , dif
ferently rigged , something like our lattine- rig, and
they looked and sailed remarkably well. The people
did not appear at all afraid of the steamer, although
they looked on , in evident wonder, as she moved so
steadily through the harbour.
The same afternoon, we pursued our voyage ; and on
the 5th of January reached Singapore, whither the rest
of the division had preceded us. The arrival of the Ne
mesis had been anxiously looked for, as it was feared
that some accident might have happened to have caused
her detention so long ; but it was precisely to avoid
accidents that she had come down along the coast so
leisurely. She steamed into Singapore, decorated with
a number of Chinese flags, and was cheered by several
of the transports as she passed. The next day, nearly
all the rest of the squadron set sail again, leav
ing the Nemesis to follow, as soon as her fuel was
completed .
On the evening of the 12th, the Nemesis again pur
sued her voyage ; and, on the 14th at daylight, anchored
in the shallow open bay of Malacca. The view of the
town and coast from the bay is striking ; there is a
Malay look about it, and much less of the European
character than in Singapore. There is a rich flat belt
of country along the coast, thickly covered with cocoa
nut trees ; while a hill adjoining the town, upon which
there is the ruin of a church, with a flag - staff, and a
saluting battery, forms a marked point in the prospect.
Every thing at Malacca distinctly indicates the “ tem
pora mutantur” of bye-gone days ; the dull stillness
of the town, the mixture of Dutch countenances, mo
dified by long descent in a tropical country, the fallen
off" look of the public buildings, point out the little
value which is set upon Malacca in the present day. The
kind attentions of the governor, however, induced us to
pay a short visit a few miles into the interior, where we
obtained a splendid view of a fine, rich, well-wooded ,
and well-watered country. We were evidently in the
favoured regions of the spice plantations.
We had just arrived in time to disturb a nest of Ma
lay pirates, who had landed the day before, and had
robbed one of the neighbouring villages, killing or
wounding several of the inhabitants. The steamer's
boats were immediately sent away manned and armed,
at the governor's request, and accompanied by a large
hired boat, carrying a strong body of police. A search
warrant had been obtained, for the purpose of examin
PENANG . 505
ing two or three small junks which had recently come
into the bay, but nothing suspicious was found on board .
The boats then pulled off towards two islands several
miles distant, where it was thought the pirates might
lie concealed, but nothing was discovered. The matter
was then left entirely in the hands of the police, and the
steamer's boats returned.
The same evening we again pursued our voyage to
wards Penang, or Prince of Wales's Island , the so-called
Gem of the Eastern Seas . Our course was taken as close
along shore as was possible ; and instead of passing
through the narrow channels between the sands in the
middle of the straits, we pushed through the Calam
Strait, just above the Parcellar Hill, and found the
passage broad and safe, the shores on both sides being
bold and well wooded .
On the 17th, we reached the truly beautiful island
of Penang, a spot which becomes the more striking
the oftener it is seen , and anchored in a small sandy
bay close to the fort, inside the Dido, 20, under the
command of the Honourable Captain Keppel . Enough
has already been said of this lovely spot, in the early
part of this work . Its clean and regular town , its ex
cellent roads, beautiful villas, and rich plantations of
spices of all kinds, and of cocoa-nuts, added to the
picturesque beauties of the landscape on every side,
cannot be forgotten by any who have visited them .
The hospitality and good feeling of the inhabitants
of Penang cannot be exceeded . There is a considerable
population of Chinese upon the island (in addition to
Malays, Indians, and Europeans,) who besides being
excellent mechanics, enter largely into the cultivation
of spice-trees, and often become not only honest and
useful tenants, but actual proprietors of small planta
tions. It is worth remembering that, from its geogra
phical position, there is not half an hour's difference in
the rising and setting of the sun, at Pinang, throughout
the whole year .
There is one curiosity in natural history very common
on this island , which I had never seen elsewhere ; viz .
the trumpet beetle. Although not large itself, it has
a long trumpet-shaped proboscis, or kind of feeler, from
which it emits so loud and long a sound, among the
woods by the mountain's sides, that you can scarcely
believe that any insect could possibly send forth such
a tone. It gave one more the idea of the sound which
a bird might utter, such for instance as that of the bell
bird, or the whip-bird, or the laughing jackass (verna
cularly called) met with in New South Wales.
One of the largest trees on record is to be found at
Penang. It is one hundred and thirty feet high to the
first branch, and thirty -six feet round in the largest part.
After a few days' detention at Penang, to complete
some necessary repairs and to take in coal, we bade
adieu, with many regrets, to that lovely island , and
coasted along all the way towards the entrance of the
Moulmein river, at the mouth of which we found the
Endymion at anchor, having Sir Hugh Gough and staffon
board. Having delivered the despatches and letter-bags,
we proceeded up the river in charge of a pilot, for the
purpose of getting coal . The river was found broader
and deeper than had been expected, well wooded on both
sides ; indeed, a great quantity of valuable timber is
exported from Moulmein , and large ships are built
there extremely well and cheap. The H. C. steamer
Tenasserim was built in this river after the model of
The Queen, built in England, and has answered ex
tremely well .
Two of H. M. brigs were at anchor off the town,
besides two small vessels and gun -boats belonging to
the East India Company. Moulmein was garrisoned
by a force of about 4,000 men, including one European
regiment. It is the frontier town of Burmah, on its
southern side, lying just opposite Martaban , where it
was said the Burmese had collected a large army just
before we made peace with China ; probably with no
friendly feeling towards us. The town itself is in its
infancy, but has made great progress within the last
few years. There is a magnificent view of the sur
rounding country, and of the river both above and
below , and also of the distant town of Martaban, from
the top of a high conical hill, upon which are several
curious temples built after the Burmese fashion. The
town must be considered rather as a large frontier mili
tary station than as a place of trade, and the soil is
generally poor and sandy.
By the kindness of the Governor, who politely lent
us some of the Commissariat elephants, we were ena
bled to make an excursion to see the very remarkable
caves, distant about fifteen miles from the town . We
had to ascend the river in a boat, for some miles, when
we landed on the opposite side, where the elephants
were in readiness for us. The sun was excessively hot,
so that umbrellas were necessary. As elephant- riding
was quite new to us, and the animals themselves, more
over, were only accustomed to carry heavy burdens, it
was no easy matter to mount them at all, even when
they had knelt down. At last, however, we contrived
to scramble up by the tail , making use of it as a rope.
After a ride of seven or eight miles, we came to
several isolated wooded rocks of great height, standing
up on the surface of an extensive plain, unbroken by
any other objects. They were covered more or less
with wood, from the base to the summit, the trees
growing to a great height among the crags, in a man
ner which made you wonder how the soil in which they
grew could have come there. The caverns were very
large and deep, showing a beautiful stalactitic forma
tion. The effect was extremely beautiful, when lighted
up with blue lights, putting one very much in mind of
the blue grotto on the island of Capri, in the bay of
Naples ; indeed , you could fancy that the sea had only
recently retired from these caverns, so fresh was the
appearance of their walls. They were certainly well
worth seeing. In the cooler part of the evening, we re
turned to our boats, and soon reached Moulmein again .
On the following day, having completed the neces
sary quantity of coal, we descended the river, and
steered our course direct for Calcutta, which we reached
on the 6th of February. We passed a great many of
our old friends, the transports, waiting for tugs to tow
them up, and arrived off Fort William , just at the most
fashionable hour for the promenade along the river side.
The steamer was decorated with numerous Chinese
flags, and several officers had come up from on board
the transports, who were anxiously looking out for
their friends upon the banks. Having passed quite up
above the fort, among all the shipping, we returned
down towards the principal landing-place, attracting
the attention and curiosity of thousands, who were col
lected to look at the Nemesis, of which they had heard
so much. A salute was fired, which was returned by
the fort; and there at length quietly lay the Nemesis,
resting from all her toils.
Of Calcutta, the City of Palaces, and of the kindness
and hospitality of its inhabitants, little need be said .
Great honours were done to those who had fought for
their country, in China and Affghanistan ; and balls,
dinners, illuminations, and fêtes of all kinds, were the
order of the day.
The last service performed by the Nemesis, under
her old Commander, was to convey Lieutenant-General
Sir Hugh Gough and his staff up the river to Bar
rackpore, to review the garrison stationed there ; in
cluding the remnant of the Bengal Volunteers recently
returned . It was an excursion of duty, but in reality
not less one of pleasure.
We may now bid adieu to the Nemesis . Sufficient
evidence has been given of the vast ntility of iron
steamers of moderate size, in service upon an enemy's
coast . The danger which some have apprehended
from the rusting of the rivets by which the iron
plates are fastened together, or from their starting,
through the concussions to which the vessel may be
liable, was proved to be almost totally unfounded. The
corrosion of her bottom can be prevented to a great
extent, by constantly painting it with red lead, an ope
ration which is much facilitated by the ease and safety
with which a flat- bottomed iron vessel can be laid
ashore. It must not be forgotten, however, that bar
nacles adhere more readily and firmly to an iron
vessel, than they do to one coppered over.
At Calcutta, the Nemesis was docked and examined,
before being sent round to Bombay for a thorough re
pair. She was pronounced to be in a perfectly fit state
to perform the voyage, without risk ; and she ulti
mately arrived safely at Bombay, under the command
of Lieutenant Fell, I. N., who carried her successfully
through the intricate passage between Ceylon and the
mainland . At Bombay, the Nemesis was docked ;
and the following extract of a letter, dated Bombay,
June 19, 1843, will surprise those who are unac
quainted with the durability of iron steamers : — “ The
Nemesis has been for some time past in our docks,
and I have carefully examined her. She displays in
no small degree the advantages of iron . Her bottom
bears the marks of having been repeatedly ashore ;
the plates are deeply indented in many places, in
one or two to the extent of several inches. She
has evidently been in contact with sharp rocks, and
one part of her keel-plate is bent sharp up, in such
a way as I could not believe that cold iron could
bear ; indeed , unless the iron had been extremely
good, I am sure it would not have stood it with
out injury. Her bottom is not nearly as much cor
roded as I expected to have found it, and she is as
tight as a bottle.”
H. M. Ship Cornwallis 72 , ( Captain P. Richards) bearing the
flag of Vice - Admiral Sir W.
Parker, G.C.B. , Commander-in
Blenheim 74, (Captain Sir Thos. Herbert , K.C.B.)
bearing the flag of Rear- Admiral
Sir Thos . Cochrane, C.B.
Vindictive .
50, Captain J. T. Nicholas.
Blonde . 42 , T. Bourchier, C.B.
Thalia 44 , C. Hope.
Endymion 44 , The Hon . F. W. Grey .
... Cambrian . 36, ...
H. D. Chads , C.B.
Calliope 28 , A. L. Kuper, C.B.
North Star 26, Sir James E. Home, Bart .
Herald 26 , J. Nias, C.B.
Dido .
20, ...
The Hon . H. Keppel .
Pelican 18 , Commander, P. Justice .
Modeste .
18 , R. B. Watson .
Harlequin 18, Hon . F. Hastings.
Columbine 16, W. H. A. Morshead .
.E . P. Halsted .
... ...
Childers 16 ,
Clio 16, E. N. Troubridge.
H. M. Ship Hazard 16, Commander, C. Bell.
Wanderer 16, G. H. Seymour.
Serpent 16, W. Nevil .
Wolverine 16 , J. S. W. Johnson .
Cruiser .
16 , J. Pearce .
Hebe .
4, Wood .
... Algerine .
10, Lieut . W. H. Maitland .
Royalist 10 , P. Chetwode .
... ... ...
Minden , Hospital, Captain M. Quin .
Belleisle, Troop ship , J. Kingcome .
Apollo ...
Commander, C. Frederick .
Jupiter Master Com . G. B. Hoffmeister.
Jas . Sprent.
... ... ...
Rattlesnake ...
Sapphire J. R. Fittock .
Alligator R. Browne .
H. M. Schooner Starling Commander, H. Kellett .
... Brig Plover R. Collinson .
H. M. St. Ves . Driver , Commander , Harmer.
Vixen , H. Boyes .
H. C. St. Ves . Ackbar, Commodore , J. Pepper, I.N.
Sesostris, Commander , H. A. Ormsby , I.N.
Auckland, R. Ethersey, I.N.
Queen , Master Commanding, W. Warden .
Tenasserim , A. P. Wall .
Memnon , Commander, F. T. Powell , I.N.
Hooghley Master Commanding, — Ross.
H. C. St. Ves. Proserpine, Commander Hough , R.N.
... Nemesis , Lieut . W. H. Hall , R.N.
Phlegethon, J.J. M'Cleverty, R.N.
J. J. Tudor, R.N.
Medusa, ...
H. Hewitt, I.N.
1. Pilots .
WHENEVER a British merchantman shall arrive off any of the
five ports opened to trade, viz. Canton, Foochowfow, Amoy, Ningpo,
or Shanghai, pilots shall be allowed to take her immediately into
port ; and, in like manner, when such British ship shall have settled
all legal duties and charges, and is about to return home, pilots
shall be immediately granted to take her out to sea, without any
stoppage or delay.
Regarding the remuneration to be given these pilots, that will
be equitably settled by the British Consul appointed to each par
ticular port, who will determine it with due reference to the distance
gone over, the risk run, &c .
II. Custom -house Guards.
The Chinese Superintendent of Customs at each port will adopt
the means that he may judge most proper to prevent the revenue
suffering by fraud or smuggling. Whenever the pilot shall have
brought any British merchantman into port, the Superintendent of
Customs will depute one or two trusty Custom- house officers, whose
duty it will be to watch against frauds on the revenue . These will
either live in a boat of their own , or stay on board the English ship,
as may best suit their convenience . Their food and expences will
be supplied them from day to day from the Custom-house, and they
may not exact any fees whatever from either the Commander or
Consignee. Should they violate this regulation, they shall be
punished proportionately to the amount so exacted .
III. Masters of Ships reporting themselves on Arrival.
Whenever a British vessel shall have cast anchor at any one of
the above-mentioned ports, the Captain will, within four and twenty
hours after arrival, proceed to the British Consulate, and deposit
his ship's papers, bills of lading, manifest, &c. in the hands of the
Consul ; failing to do which, he will subject himself to a penalty of
two bundred dollars.
For presenting a false manifest, the penalty will be five hundred
dollars .
For breaking bulk and commencing to discharge, before due per
mission shall be obtained, the penalty will be five hundred dollars,
and confiscation of the goods so discharged.
The Consul, having taken possession of the ship's papers, will
immediately send a written communication to the Superintendent of
Customs, specifying the register tonnage of the ship, and the par
ticulars of the cargo she has on board ; all of which being done in
due form , permission will then be given to discharge, and the duties
levied as provided for in the tariff.
IV . Commercial Dealings between English and Chinese Merchants.
It having been stipulated that English merchants may trade with
whatever native merchants they please, should any Chinese mer
chant fraudently abscond or incur debts which he is unable to dis
charge, the Chinese authorities, upon complaint being made thereof,
will of course do their utmost to bring the offender to justice ; it
must, however, be distinctly understood, that if the defaulter really
cannot be found, or be dead , or bankrupt, and there be not where
withal to pay, the English merchants may not appeal to the former
custom of the Hong merchants paying for one another, and can no
longer expect to have their losses made good to them .
V. Tonnage Dues.
Every English merchantman, on entering any one of the above
mentioned five ports, shall pay tonnage - dues at the rate of five mace
her register ton, in full of all charges. The fees formerly levied on
entry and departure, of every description , are henceforth abolished .
VI. Import and Export Duties.
Goods, whether imported into, or exported from , any one of the
above-mentioned five ports, are henceforward to be taxed according
to the tariff as now fixed and agreed upon, and no further sums are
to be levied beyond those which are specified in the tariff ; all duties
incurred by an English merchant vessel, whether on goods imported
or exported , or in the shape of tonnage-dues, must first be paid up
in full ; which done, the Superintendent of Customs will grant a
port clearance, and this being shown to the British Consul, he will
thereupon return the ship's papers and permit the vessel to depart.
VII. Examination of Goods at the Custom - house.
Every English merchant, having cargo to load or discharge, must
give due intimation thereof, and hand particulars of the same to the
Consul , who will immediately despatch a recognized linguist of his
own establishment to communicate the particulars to the Super
intendent of Customs, that the goods may be duly examined, and
neither party subjected to loss. The English merchant must also
have a properly- qualified person on the spot, to attend to his interests
when his goods are being examined for duty, otherwise, should there
be complaints, these cannot be attended to.
Regarding such goods as are subject by the tariff to an ad valo
rem duty, if the English merchant cannot agree with the Chinese
officer in fixing a value, then each party shall call two or three mer
chants to look at the goods, and the highest price at which any of
these merchants would be willing to purchase, shall be assumed as
the value of the goods .
To fix the tare on any article, such as tea, if the English merchant
cannot agree with the Custom-house officer, then each party shall
choose so many chests out of every hundred, which , being first
weighed in gross, shall afterwards be tared, and the average tare
upon these chests shall be assumed as the tare upon the whole ; and
upon this principle shall the tare be fixed upon all other goods in
If there should still be any disputed points which cannot be
settled, the English merchant may appeal to the Consul , who will
communicate the particulars of the case to the Superintendent of
LL 2
Customs, that it may be equitably arranged. But the appeal must
be made on the same day, or it will not be regarded. While such
points are still open, the Superintendent of Customs will delay to
insert the same in his books, thus affording an opportunity that the
merits of the case may be duly tried and sifted.
VIII. Manner of Paying the Duties .
It is hereinbefore provided , that every English vessel that enters
any one of the five ports shall pay all duties and tonnage- dues be
fore she be permitted to depart. The Superintendent of Customs
will select certain shroffs, or banking establishments of known
stability, to whom he will give licences, authorizing them to receive
duties from the English merchants on behalf of Government, and
the receipt of these shroffs for any moneys paid them shall be
considered as a government voucher. In the paying of these duties ,
different kinds of foreign money may be made use of ; but as foreign
money is not of equal purity with sycee silver, the English Consuls
appointed to the different ports will , according to time, place, and
circumstances, arrange with the Superintendents of Customs at each
what coins may be taken in payment, and what per centage may be
necessary to make them equal to standard or pure silver.
IX . Weights and Measures.
Sets of balance- yards for the weighing of goods, of money weights,
and of measures, prepared in exact conformity to those hitherto in
use at the Custom -house of Canton , and duly stamped and sealed in
proof thereof, will be kept in possession of the Superintendent of
Customs, and also at the British Consulate at each of the five ports,
and these shall be the standards by which all duties shall be charged ,
and all sums paid to government. In case ofany dispute arising be
tween British merchants and Chinese officers of Customs, regarding
the weights or measures of goods, reference shall be made to these
standards, and disputes decided accordingly.
X. Lighters, or Cargo Boats.
Whenever any English merchants shall have to load or discharge
cargo, he may hire whatever kind of lighter or cargo -boat he pleases,
and the sum to be paid for such boat can be settled between the par
ties themselves without the interference of government. The number
of these boats shall not be limited, nor shall a monopoly of them be
granted to any parties. If any smuggling take place in them , the
offenders will of course be punished according to law. Should any
of these boat- people, while engaged in conveying goods for English
merchants, fraudulently abscond with the property, the Chinese
authorities will do their best to appehend them ; but, at the same
time, the English merchants must take every due precaution for the
safety of their goods.
XI. Trunsshipment of Goods.
No English njerchant ships may transship goods without special
permission : should an urgent case happen where transshipment is
necessary, the circumstances must first be transmitted to the Consul ,
who will give a certificate to that effect, and the Superintendent of
Customs will then send a special officer to be present at the trans
shipment. If any one presumes to transship without such permission
being asked for and obtained, the whole of the goods so illicitly
transshipped will be confiscated.
XII. Subordinate Consular Oficers.
At any place selected for the anchorage of the English merchant
ships, there may be appointed a subordinate consular officer, of ap
proved good conduct, to exercise due control over the seamen and
others . He must exert himself to prevent quarrels between the
English seamen and natives, this being of the utmost importance.
Should anything of the kind unfortunately take place, he will in like
manner do his best to arrange it amicably . When sailors go on shore
to walk , officers shall be required to accompany them, and, should
disturbances take place , such officers will be held responsible . The
Chinese officers may not impede natives from coming alongside the
ships, to sell clothes or other necessaries to the sailors living on board.
XIII. Disputes between British Subjects and Chinese.
Whenever a British subject has reason to complain of a Chinese,
he must first proceed to the Consulate and state his grievance ; the
Consul will thereupon inquire into the merits of the case , and do his
utmost to arrange it amicably. In like manner, if a Chinese have
reason to complain of a British subject, he shall no less listen to his
If an
complaint, and endeavour to settle it in a friendly manner.
English merchant have occasion to address the Chinese authorities, he
shall send such address through the Consul, who will see that the
language is becoming ; and, if otherwise, will direct it to be changed,
or will refuse to convey the address. If, unfortunately, any disputes
take place of such a nature that the Consul cannot arrange them
amicably, then he shall request the assistance of a Chinese officer,
that they may together examine into the merits of the case, and de
cide it equitably. Regarding the punishment of English criminals,
the English government will enact the laws necessary to attain that
end, and the Consul will be empowered to put them in force : and, re
garding the punishment of Chinese criminals, these will be tried and
punished by their own laws, in the way provided for by the corre
spondence which took place at Nankin after the concluding of the
peace .
XIV . British Government Cruisers anchoring within the Ports.
An English government cruiser will anchor within each of the five
ports, that the Consul may have the means of better restraining sailors
and others, and preventing disturbances. But these government
cruisers are not to be put on the same footing as merchant vessels, for,
as they bring no merchandize and do not come to trade, they will of
course pay neither dues nor charges. The resident Consul will keep
the Superintendent of Customs duly informed of the arrival and
departure of such government cruisers, that he may take his measures
XV.. On the Security to be given for British Merchant Vessels.
It has hitherto been the custom, when an English vessel entered
the port of Canton, that a Chinese Hong merchant stood security for
her, and all duties and charges were paid through such security
merchant. But these security-merchants being now done away with,
it is understood that the British Consul will henceforth be security
for all British merchant ships entering any of the aforesaid five ports .
The following is an abstract of the Supplementary Treaty between
the Queen of Great Britain and the Emperor of China.
Art. I. provides for the new tariff being in force at the five ports
of Canton - Fuchow -foo , Amoy, Ningpo, and Shanghai.
Art. II . provides for the general regulations of trade being in
force at the aforesaid five ports.
Art. III. provides that all penalties or confiscations made under
the 3rd clause of the general regulations of trade shall belong to
the government of China.
Art. IV. provides that British merchants shall be allowed only to
trade at the five ports mentioned in Art. I .; that the British mer
chants' ships shall not repair to any other ports or places in China ;
that if they do so in contravention of this article, the Chinese au
thorities shall be at liberty to seize and confiscate both vessel and
cargo , and that all Chinese subjects discovered clandestinely trading
with British merchants at any other ports or places in China shall
be punished as the law in China may direct.
Art. V. provides for the 4th clause of the general regulations of
trade being applicable to both parties.
Art. VI . provides that English merchants and others residing at,
or resorting to, the five ports, shall not go into the surrounding
country beyond certain distances (to be fixed by the local authorities
and consuls) , and “ on no pretence for purposes of traffic ; " and that
if any person, whatever his rank, station , or calling, disobey this
article and “ wander away into the country, he shall be scized and
handed over to the British consul for suitable punishment.”
Art. VII . provides for British subjects and their families residing
agreeably to the treaty of perpetual peace and friendship, at the dif
ferent ports named in Article I., and for their being allowed to buy
or rent ground or houses at fair and equitable rates, such as prevail
“ amongst the people, without exaction on either side. The ground
and houses, so to be sold or rented, to be set apart by the local au
thorities in communication with the consuls.”
Art. VIII. provides for all foreign countries whose subjects or
citizens have hitherto traded at Canton, being admitted to the five
ports named in Article I. on the same terms as England.
Art. IX. provides for all Chinese criminals and offenders against
the law, who may flee to Hong Kong, or to British ships of war, or
to British merchantmen for refuge, being “ delivered, upon proof or
admission of their guilt :" and for any sailor, soldier, or other per
son, whatever his caste or country, who is a subject of the crown of
England, and who may, from any cause, or on any pretence, desert,
fly, or escape into the Chinese territory, being seized and confined
by Chinese authorities, and forthwith sent to the nearest consular, or
other British government officer.
Art. X. provides for a British ship of war being stationed at each
of the five ports, " to insure good order and discipline amongst the
crews of the merchant shipping, and to support the necessary autho
rity of the consul over British subjects.” The crews of such ship of
war to be " carefully restrained by the officer commanding," and the
rules regarding not straying into the country to be applicable to
them, in the same manner as the crews of merchant ships. The
ships of war to be in no degree liable to port- charges or any of the
general regulations laid down for trade.
Art. XI . provides for the British forces being withdrawn from
Chusan (Tinghai), and Coolung-soo being restored to the Chinese
government, agreeably to the treaty of perpetual peace and friend
ship, the moment all the moneys stipulated for in that treaty shall be
paid ; and “ the British plenipotentiary distinctly and voluntarily
agrees that all dwelling-houses, store-houses, barracks, and other
buildings, that the British troops or people may have occupied or in
termediately built or repaired, shall be handed over, on the evacuation
of the ports, exactly as they stand . ”
Art. XII . provides for the British plenipotentiary instructing the
different consuls ( in addition to the proclamation the plenipotentiary
has already issued ) “ to strictly watch over and carefully scrutinize
the conduct of all persons, being British subjects, trading under their
superintendence," and, in the event of any smuggling transactions
coming to their knowledge, they are to apprize the Chinese autho
rities, " who will proceed to seize and confiscate all goods, whatever
their value or nature, that may have been so smuggled ;” and will ,
likewise, “ be at liberty to prohibit the vessel from which the
smuggled goods were landed from trading further, and to send her
away, as soon as her accounts are adjusted and paid ." All Chinese
subjects, whether custom-house officers or others, who may be dis
covered to be concerned in smuggling, are, by this article, to be
punished as the Chinese authorities shall think fit .
Art. XIII . provides for all persons, whether native of China or
otherwise, conveying goods to Hong Kong for sale, on obtaining a
pass or port-clearance from one of the five ports named in Art. I.,
and paying the duties agreeably to the tariff on such goods. It also
provides for natives of China repairing to Hong Kong to purchase
goods, and for their obtaining a pass from the Custom-house of one
of the five ports, should they require a Chinese vessel to carry away
their purchases. These passes to be restored at the expiration of
each trip .
Art. XIV. provides for an officer of the British Government
examining the registers and passes of all Chinese vessels visiting
Hong Kong to buy or sell goods ; and, for any vessel which may
not have a register or pass, being “ considered an unauthorized
or smuggling vessel,” and not being allowed to trade. “ By this
arrangement, it is to be hoped that piracy and illegal traffic will be
effectually prevented . "
Art. XV . provides for debts, incurred by Chinese dealers or mer
chants at Hong Kong, being recovered through the English courts
of justice. Should the debtor fly from Hong Kong to the Chinese
territory, and be known or found to have property, real or personal,
the fourth clause of the general regulations will be applicable to the
case, on application being made by the consul. In like manner,
should a British merchant incur debts at any of the five ports, and
fly to Hong Kong, the British authorities will , on receiving an appli
cation from the Chinese officers, institute an investigation into the
claims, and, when established, oblige the defaulter or debtor to settle
them, to the utmost of his means.
Art. XVI . provides for a monthly return of passes granted to
Chinese vessels to visit Hong Kong, being furnished to the British
officer referred to in Article XIV. , by the hoppo of Canton, and for
a similar return being made by the said officer.
Art. XVII . , also termed “ Additional Article," provides for all
cutters, schooners, lorchas, and such small vessels that ply between
Canton and Hong Kong, or between Canton and Macao, passing, as
they have hitherto done, free of all port charges, if they only carry
passengers, letters, or baggage ; but if they carry any dutyable
articles, however small the quantity, they are to pay tonnage dues
at the rate of one mace per ton register. This article further pro
vides for the smallest of such vessels being considered to be seventy
five tons burden , and the largest one hundred and fifty tons burden ,
beyond which last size they are to be classed as foreign ships, and to
be charged tonnage dues according to Article V. of the general
The following three rules were further laid down in this article,
which is only applicable to the port of Canton, for the guidance of
these small vessels.
1st. “ Every British schooner, cutter, lorcha, &c. shall have a
sailing-letter or register, in Chinese and English, under the seal and
signature of the chief superintendent of trade, describing her appear
ance , burden , ” & c .
2nd. “ Every schooner, cutter, lorcha , and such vessels, shall
report herself as large vessels are required to do at the Bocca Tigris ;
and when she carries cargo she shall also report herself at Whampoa,
and , on reaching Canton , deliver up her sailing-letter or register to
the British Consul, who will obtain permission from the hoppo for
her to discharge her cargo, which she is not to do without such per
mission, under the forfeiture of the penalties laid down in the third
clause of the general regulations ."
3rd. “ When the inward cargo is discharged, and an outward one
( if intended) taken on board, and the duties on both arranged and
paid, the consul will restore the register or sailing -letter, and allow
the vessel to depart."
F. Shoberl, Jun . , Printer to H. R. H. Prince Albert , 51 , Rupert Street ,
Haymarket, London .
The Herald's movements .
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June 162return to Hongkong
July 21st 1103-11. Typhoon
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China Herald left as slain in Canton