Nam Tau
114° 10'
Lau Fau Shan
Ping Shan
Kowloon-Canton Railway
Ma Hang
Chun Lok Ma Chau
Sheung Shui
San Tin
Yen Long
She Tap
Croaked *Harbour
Un Ch
Luk Keng
• Wu Kau Tang
Shuen Wan
Tai Mei
Tolo Channel
Tai Po
Lai Chi Chong
Tolo Harbour
Tại Tan
Sham Chung
Shek Kong
Joilee Reservoir
Tide Core-
Chek Keng
Tại Mong Tsai
Pak Tam Chung
Kwai Chung
en Mun San Hui
Lung Kwu Tany
Tại Lam Chung
Castle Peak
Sham Tseng
Kap Shui Mun
Sha Tip
Sai Kung
Pak Sh
Ho Chung
Tai Q
Hưng Chung
Pui Q
Silver Mine Bay
Cheung Sha
Shek Pik
Tong Fuk
Fan Lau
Compiled & Drawn by Crown Lands & Survey Office, Hong Kong, 1966 Printed at the Government Press, Hong Kong. Code No.: 0550366
Port Shelter
Rocks Harbour
Hang Hu
Rennie's Mill
Junk Bay
Clear Water Bay
West Lamma Channel
Yung Shue
East Lanuna
Tai Tam Reservoir,
Big Wave
Tathong Channel
Tai Tant
Bay Stanley
Bay Shek O
in Feet
Railways Roads
Built-up Areas
Rivers & Streams, Reservoirs
Ferry Services
Seo Leval
Copyright Reserved
are obtainable from
81-115, Java Road, North Point, and
Star Ferry Concourse, Hong Kong,
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A list of current official publications will be sent on request and official publications are also included in a general Hong Kong Bibliography
HONG KONG ANNUAL REPORTS may also be obtained
First published: February 1967
Printed and Published by
at the Government Press, Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Frontispiece: Waving flags with a Big Ben motif, thousands of schoolchildren welcomed HRH The Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon during their visit to the Colony in association with British Week.
Hong Kong
Report for the Year
市政局公共圖書館 UCPL
3 3288 03706898 0
The Government of Hong Kong wishes to thank all organizations and private individuals who have contributed textual matter to this Report. Particular acknowledgement is given to Professor S. G. Davis, PhD, MSc, FGS, of the University of Hong Kong, for the chapter on Geography, to Mr G. B. Endacott, MA, BLitt, DipEd, of the University, for the History chapter, and to Mrs P. M. Marshall, BSc, PhD, also of the University, for the section on Wild Life.
All illustrations in this Report are the work of official photographers. Specimens for the butterfly collection were loaned by Mr J. B. Pickford, whose assistance in the preparation of this display is gratefully acknowledged. Requests for permission to reproduce any illustration should be addressed to the Director of Information Services, Hong Kong.
Acc. No.
72079 "AK"
EMPLOYMENT: Occupations - Industrial Training -
Wages and Conditions of Work
Labour Admin-
istration and Industrial Relations Safety, Health and Welfare.
FINANCIAL STRUCTURE: Revenue and Expenditure -
Excise Duties Rates Internal Revenue Currency - Banking.
Industrial Productivity
· External Trade ·
Textiles - Light Indus-
tries Heavy Industries ministration - Trade and Industrial Organizations - Records (Bankruptcies and Liquidations, Trade Marks and Patents, Companies).
Introduction Land Utiliza- tion - Administration - Principal Crops - Vege- table Marketing Organization - Fish Ponds - Animal Industries Forestry-Fishing (including Research) Fish Marketing Organization - Co- operative Societies - Mining.
- -
6 EDUCATION: Pattern of Education - Primary, Sec- ondary and Higher Education Education Over- seas Adult Education Teachers and Teacher Training Examinations Music and Art in Schools -University Research.
HEALTH: General Situation· · Administration - Com-
municable Diseases Port Health Service Maternal and Child Health Mental Health Hospitals Specialist Services - Clinics - Den- tal Services - Ophthalmic Service - Environmental Health Research.
Training -
LAND AND HOUSING: Land Tenure and Development- Land Sales-Surveys - Town Planning - Private
• Building - Resettlement - Squatter Clearance - Housing Rent Control Land Office.
WELFARE: Planning - Youth Welfare- Child Welfare - Welfare of Women and Girls - The Disabled - Probation and Correction---- Public Assistance and Emergency Relief - Community Development Training and Research.
PUBLIC ORDER: Police Crime
Traffic Man- 153
power and Training - Prisons
Preventive Service.
Fire Services
Buildings Drainage Port Works Land Development Public Utilities.
COMMUNICATIONS: Shipping Civil Aviation
Kowloon-Canton Railway Roads - Parking -- Public Transport- Ferry Services-Cross-harbour Tunnel · Postal Services · Telecommunications.
Newspapers Radio Hong Kong, Commercial Radio and Rediffusion - Wireless Television - Films Government Information Services Public Enquiry Service.
THE ARMED SERVICES AND AUXILIARY SERVICES: The Armed Services Local Forces and Civil Defence Services Essential Services Corps.
RELIGION AND CUSTOM: Chinese Beliefs and Practices Christian Churches - Jewish, Islamic and Hindu Communities.
RECREATION: Sport · Entertainment and the Arts Government Collections Libraries British
GEOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE: Topography and Geology - Climate Royal Observatory Research and Applied Meteorology - The Year's Weather.
POPULATION: Population Statistics and Groupings -
Births and Deaths Marriages.
Wild Life - Flora.
Judiciary- Administration (including the New Territories) - The Public Service.
The Royal Visit
1966 in Review (The Year of the Horse)
between x-1
(Ancient Skills in a Modern Economy)
between 24-5
Trade Promotion
between 48-9
Village Life
(Cameos in Jade Green and Antique Stone)
between 72-3
HRH The Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon between 96-7
General Views
(A Closer Look at a Changing Skyline)
between 120-1
The World's Foremost Resettlement Programme
between 144-5
Tourism (Voyage of Discovery)
between 168-9
Printing and Publishing (The Printed Word)
between 192-3
Fortune Telling (A Fascination With the Future)
between 216-7
The Rainstorm
between 240-1
(The Many Colours of a Country Walk)
between 264-5
Hong Kong and the New Territories
Plan of Victoria and Kowloon showing District Names
EMPLOYMENT: Industrial Undertakings and Per- sons Employed - Factory Registrations and Inspections Industrial and Occupational Accidents.
VI-XIV FINANCIAL STRUCTURE: Revenue -- Expenditure
Statement of Assets and Liabilities · Comparative Statement of Recurrent and Capital Income and Expenditure - Public Debt - Colonial Development and Welfare Revenue from Duties and Licence Fees - Development Loan Fund-Lotteries Fund - Currency and Banking Statistics, Currency in Circulation and Bank Deposits.
INDUSTRY AND TRADE: Composition of Trade
Trade: Value of Hong Kong's Merchandise Trade-Imports:
Imports: Commodity Pattern Imports: Principal Sources - Domestic Ex- ports - · Re-exports Direction of Trade.
PRIMARY PRODUCTION: Marketing Organization Co-operative Societies Produc-
tion of Minerals.
EDUCATION: Categories of Schools, Enrolments, New Buildings, Classrooms and Places -- Educational Statistics - Hong Kong Students Pursuing Further Studies in Britain
Expenditure on Education.
Vital Statistics Vital Statistics - Hong Kong, 1957-66
- Infectious Diseases Notified - Number of Hospital Beds - Professional Medical Personnel.
Resettlement Estate
Statistics Housing Provided in 1966 Premiums Received on Sales of Crown Land.
XXXVI- PUBLIC ORDER: Traffic Serious Crime. XXXVII
Communication Statistics,
Marine, Kowloon-Canton Railway, Air Traffic, Vehicles, Postal Traffic.
Newspapers and Magazines.
Summary 1966.
Executive 338
Council - Legislative Council.
SOCIAL WELFARE: Hong Kong Council of Social
Service, Member Agencies.
The Year of the Horse
To the Chinese the horse is a symbol of speed and perseverance; generations of artists have been inspired by its beauty and grace. The zodiacal horse associated with the destiny of Hong Kong in 1966 covered a lot of ground, bringing a royal visit, civil disturbances in Kowloon and a disastrous rainstorm. As evidenced by the following illustrations, it also left unmistakable signs of rapid and persevering progress towards the ever-increasing prosperity which, regardless of zodiacal portents, Hong Kong continues to achieve.
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due to copyright restrictions. To view the image, please contact library staff for a printed copy of the copyright work.
Left: Festive finery marks the final breakthrough for a 12-mile tunnel system near Tai Po Market, serving the Plover Cove water scheme. Flyovers for Princess Margaret Road (above) in Kowloon and Harcourt Road (below) in Hong Kong.
A new look for Queen Mary Hospital (above), with the new sisters' quarters on the left and a professorial block beyond covered in scaffolding. On the right are new quarters for house officers and male nurses which form part of the extensions.
Educational_provision advances on a wide front ranging from (below left) site formation for the new Chinese University of Hong Kong at Sha Tin and (below right) a new primary school for the children of a small fishing village.
Work on the Plover Cove water scheme (left) continues round the clock as dredgers lay material for the dam wall across the inlet mouth. Above: The scheme's balancing reservoir at Lower Shing Mun which serves (below) Sha Tin treatment works.
L1 2293
The Hong Kong Government and the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank jointly provided the public with a popular new amenity-Statue Square. Situated at the heart of Victoria City, the square was opened by the Governor, Sir David Trench (above).
The square's pools, fountains and shaded walks are overlooked by such landmarks as the City Hall, in the background, and the Supreme Court, at right. Below: A large audience for a Statue Square concert by the Hong Kong Police Band.
Left: Aerial view of Aberdeen's crowded anchorage; new development plans are transforming this ancient fishing port. The 1966 by-census was conducted by 700 young enumerators recruited from training colleges; those questioned included boat dwellers (above). Below: Aerial view of the new ocean terminal, opened in March.
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due to copyright restrictions. To view the image, please contact library staff for a printed copy of the copyright work.
During the civil disturbances which Kowloon experienced in April, curfew enforce- ment and security operations were directed from the control room (above) at Police Headquarters, Kowloon. Below: Policemen take a break from security patrols.
This image is unavailable for access via the Network due to copyright restrictions. To view the image, please contact library staff for a printed copy of the copyright work.
TOKYO, Berlin, Manila, Wiesbaden, Washington, Santiago, Madrid and Stockholm; all these and other cities have heard in 1966 from Hong Kong people something of the Hong Kong which lies behind the familiar facade of tourist resort and industrial phenomenon whose products stock the emporia of the West. They have heard, rather, of a Hong Kong where people, like others the world over, live, die, laugh, cry, work, play, sell, buy, teach and learn; a place where nearly 4 million individuals, with their human failings and virtues, needs and desires, abilities and disabilities, provide the raw material from which a community is woven. In all these cities during 1966 our doctors, teachers, social workers, administrators, housing managers and others have met in conference with their counterparts from all over the world to discuss the varied problems of social development. The background to their contribution is a tale of challenge boldly met, a tale of energy and dedication, a tale of co-operation between East and West, official and unofficial, lay and professional. It is a tale, also, of beginnings rather than endings, of the future as well as the past, of failures as well as successes.
The message of the Hong Kong Annual Report's review chapter for 1956, under the title 'A Problem of People', was that Hong Kong was faced, and must realize that it was faced, with the necessity to provide permanently for all the needs of a greatly swollen popula- tion for their employment, shelter, health, education, safety- in short for the creation of a new society. Ten years later, and in the year immediately following critical reviews of policy in the two important fields of education and social welfare, it seems wholly appropriate that the review chapter should focus upon the develop- ment of the social services. For while each major field of social development might well claim the review chapter for a year, this would merely tend to emphasize what some have sought to criticize,
possibly not without justice; namely the tendency to proceed on disparate lines, each service seeking the most desirable objects in its own way and at its own pace, and the absence of a coherent approach to the whole problem of social development. Informed opinion both in Hong Kong and elsewhere is coming nearer and nearer to the view that the social services, quite as much as being overlapping professions, are also aspects of a single intellectual discipline. In any case it is now very apparent that in all these fields the habit and discipline of deliberate planning is now not merely feasible in a way in which, in earlier years, because of the sheer necessity to provide as quickly as possible for the greatest and most obvious needs, it could not be contemplated, but is also generally accepted as necessary.
The progress of Hong Kong's social services over the past decade is best appreciated in a wider historical setting, and for this it is necessary to go back to 1945, when the Second World War ended and Hong Kong was reoccupied.
Between 600,000 and 650,000 people were living in Hong Kong in 1945, in anything but affluent conditions, and they were to be supplemented in the following 12 months by about 1,000,000 people who were no better off. These numbers were further swollen in 1949-50 as a result of political upheavals in China. Until the more stringent immigration controls of comparatively recent origin, there has been a continuous incursion forcing the growth of Hong Kong's population. Between 1951 and 1956 the population was thought to be increasing by 100,000 to 150,000 a year, and in 1956 there were believed to be about 2.5 million people living in the Colony.
The damage to housing during the Japanese Occupation was considerable, and although much damaged property was repaired quickly, despite post-war shortages, it was some time before that which was totally destroyed was replaced. Overcrowding was there- fore general and people began to squat in and around the city. As early as 1948 squatters were being moved from central districts to 'tolerated areas' on the outskirts, and a little later approved resettle- ment areas were established where elementary, but fire-resistant
buildings were insisted upon. Presently it was seen that this form of resettlement was uneconomic both in land and money and could not be used on a scale which would make a real impact on the squatter or housing problem as a whole. But in those days few thought of the problem as one which was permanent, for most believed that once conditions settled in China the bulk of the immigrants would return to their homeland as they had in the past, leaving post-war redevelopment and the newly constructed build- ings to solve most of our own housing problems. A squatter fire which occurred in December 1953, and which made 53,000 people homeless, brought things to a head, principally by providing a vacant site for more intensive development. A Resettlement Depart- ment was set up to co-ordinate the duties of squatter control and clearance and the government then undertook to rehouse the majority of the squatters in multi-storey buildings at rents which they could afford. By 1956, 203,000 had become government tenants in multi-storey estates and cottage areas.
But not everybody in urgent need of new accommodation was a squatter. The conventional housing needs of the Colony, already desperately serious before the immigrants came, also demanded attention. A survey of 267,000 households in the urban area under- taken in 1956 showed that 79 per cent of all households shared the accommodation they occupied, 95,000 households were living in cubicles, 43,000 in bed-spaces, 8,000 in cock-lofts, and 4,000 on verandahs. Only 20,400 households had accommodation which included a living room, not used for sleeping.
In 1954 the Housing Authority was created to augment the efforts of the Housing Society which had been founded in 1948. Both sought to alleviate the problem of housing for white collar workers. The Special Committee on Housing, which reported in 1956, recom- mended various measures aiming at the eventual provision of sufficient housing to ensure that each person had at least 35 square feet of habitable floor area, and suggested a 10-year programme to build sufficient accommodation for the 750,000 people then thought to require re-housing. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of people continued to live herded together in insanitary conditions, as many as 80 persons sharing a kitchen, a tap and a latrine. In squatter areas there were often no taps and no latrines.
As with domestic buildings, so with schools. Many school build- ings had been destroyed in the war, and in 1945 there was a total school enrolment of about 4,000 pupils and a seven-year back-log of uneducated or partly educated children. Drastic measures were needed to rebuild and reorganize education and the school system, even for the population which existed in 1945. Nobody could then have foreseen the unprecedented increase in child population and the enormous influx from China which was to follow, and which, with other causes, was to delay for more than 20 years a sufficiency of primary school places to meet the demand. The first step, taken in 1946, was to house two schools in each building on a morning and afternoon shift basis, but by 1949 it was recognized that the whole system of school provision had to be re-examined. The Fisher Report was tabled in Legislative Council at the end of 1951 and, as an immediate result, sponsors of private schools were given greater encouragement to build and expand with the provision of recurrent aid for more private schools through the subsidy code, and of government grants towards capital costs. The year 1951 also saw the beginning of a survey of sites for schools with roof-top, rather than conventional, playgrounds in order to conserve space. In the same year all primary schools were permitted to enrol up to 45 pupils per classroom. A seven-year programme of primary school expansion, based on the recommendations of the Fisher Report, was inaugurated in 1954 with the aim of providing, by 1961, a primary school place for every child of primary school age. This called for 182,000 new places, a figure raised in 1956 to 215,000. Designers set out to produce school buildings capable of mass production and adaptation which would not require an extravagant amount of land. While the accent was heavily, and in the circum- stances rightly, upon primary education, other needs did not go unattended. In 1952-3 the Colony's requirements for technical education were examined, eventually resulting in the building of a new Technical College in Kowloon. In 1954 a tentative experiment in adult education was embarked upon by the government with the organization of classes for factory workers.
During the immediate post-war years the dense overcrowding, exiguous water supplies and inadequate housing and environmental sanitation left the Medical and Health Department no option but to concentrate its resources on the control of communicable diseases.
This was really a continuation of pre-war policy which did not provide large-scale government curative services; indeed the general population was then still much inclined to rely upon traditional Chinese remedies. High priority was given to the development of quarantine and epidemiological services to contain epidemic diseases, particularly smallpox and cholera. At the same time, tuberculosis and maternal and child health services were seen to be of the utmost importance. It was inevitable that the very heavy stress laid on these aspects of medical provision should lead to the progressive overload- ing of the general hospital and outpatient services. The only major hospital opened by the government between 1945 and 1957 was a maternity hospital of 200 beds, which opened in 1954 and provided facilities for the treatment of complicated cases and for the training of medical students and midwives in normal midwifery. Planning for the provision of beds for normal midwifery in government out- patient clinics had been initiated and it was intended that these, together with private maternity homes, should provide a near suffi- ciency of maternity beds for normal midwifery, since housing con- ditions in Hong Kong were not suitable for the general practice of domiciliary midwifery. It was envisaged that these facilities, linked with the maternal and child health services, would contribute materially to a decrease in both maternal and infantile mortality. Additional hospital beds for the treatment of tuberculosis were also provided, with three sanatoria and one convalescent home being built between 1949 and 1957. But despite this, and while plans for a new mental hospital and a large general hospital were in process of production, the overall bed population rate had receded from 2.8 per
thousand in 1946 to 2.25 per thousand in 1956.
Basic social welfare services were in being on a limited scale prior to 1956, but as yet no separate department existed to direct the programme. Nor were the activities of the voluntary agencies, valuable as they were, as effectively co-ordinated as they were later to be. The Social Welfare Office, as it then was, had statutory responsibilities for the protection of women and girls and in the probation field. It was also actively engaged in providing and spon- soring clubs for boys and girls who were unable to find places in primary schools. But to many people the work of the department was synonymous with the issue of relief in the form of dry rations and cooked meals, for in the approach to social work in 1956
permanent rehabilitation and the restoration or creation of inde- pendence were much less in evidence than they now are and accept- ance of a professional approach to social work was still a thing of the future. Total government expenditure through the Social Welfare Office and in subventions to voluntary agencies was then less than $4.5 million.
In every sphere, in varying degree, the story is the same; a start made, a vista of need as yet unmeasured. For it was not until five years later, in 1961, that the first census in 30 years provided some, at least, of the statistics required for planning. Peering into the future, the writer of the review chapter for 1956 had this to say:
'And then there are the social services. How is one to hope to integrate these new communities, which government is creating as fast as its resources will allow, into the existing social system unless a special and equally comprehensive effort is made throughout the whole range of social welfare? More land is needed for industry; trade relations become vital. The potentialities, as has been said, are both good and bad. More prisons are needed, more courts of justice, a large and more mobile police force, an inflated administrative machine. Some element in all these requirements is directly attributable to what has been done, and is still being done, in this single sphere of resettlement. It is perhaps not too much to say that the people of Hong Kong have pledged a portion of their future for the benefit of strangers who took refuge here; and sometimes it almost looks as if they are also required to pay interest on the pledge at compound rates'.
From an estimated 2.5 million in 1956 the population has risen to 3.79 million, imposing further burdens on the social services. Since it began in 1954, the resettlement programme has resettled over 900,000 people, the great majority being squatters on land required for development, but with some provision being made on an increasing scale for the resettlement of persons who are not squatters. While the basic purposes of resettlement have changed little, if at all, and the basic allocation of space for each adult is
unchanged at 24 square feet, much has been done by progressive thinking and seeking for improvements to provide within the scheme a less austere standard of housing. Thus, for instance, toilet facilities, originally communal, have heen provided on an individual basis, while the latest designs also provide for private balconies and private water taps. The blocks, too, have grown higher and lifts have had to be provided. The constant search for economical improvements in the design of resettlement and low- cost housing blocks, the planning and execution of engineering works and site formation, and the actual construction of these buildings on a massive scale have for years been a major com- mitment on the resources of the Public Works Department. All this has not been done without cost, and rents both in the older and in the newer blocks are at a higher level than they were 10 years ago, now ranging from 15 cents to 27 cents per square foot a month. At the same time, estates have been planned to include shops, schools, playgrounds and other important amenities. There are plans which, if realized, will bring the resettlement population to about 1.6 million by 1971, when out of a projected estimated population of 4.2 million, 38.1 per cent will be living in resettlement estates. The capital cost of the resettlement programme between 1954 and March 1966 amounted to $543 million, $107.6 million being spent in 1965-6. The local taxpayer, who has financed the whole of this development, will have to pay out many more millions of dollars before the programme is finally completed, even though it is the government's policy eventually to recover both capital and recurrent costs from the rents charged.
The Housing Society, which is a voluntary organization, and the Housing Authority, a statutory body, have as their primary aim the relief of gross overcrowding in tenement houses, cubicles and the like. They have built blocks of flats of a better standard than resettlement accommodation for families of varying sizes with incomes of $400 to $900 a month and an occupancy ratio of 35 square feet per person. Each unit consists of a single room, sub-divided by the tenant to suit the needs of his family, and a small kitchen, lavatory, shower, utility space and verandah. The estates are planned as far as possible as neighbourhood units, generally with their own shopping centres, at gross densities around 2,000 people per acre. Schools, clinics, kindergartens, party rooms,
garages, car parks, clubs, libraries and day nurseries are among the amenities provided. From the beginning much attention has been paid to management of the estates with the object of building up an efficient administration combined with good personal rela- tions between landlord and tenant. Rents, which run roughly at about 40 cents per square foot of living space per month, generally amount to about one-fifth or one-sixth of the family income.
By the end of 1966 the Housing Society had housed 90,701 people, with the expectation of housing 124,890 by 1970, while the Housing Authority had housed 134,143 and expected to house 295,000 by 1971. To meet the challenge posed by the numbers of people needing housing at rents which they can afford, together with the shortage of land and the need for the utmost economy, the Authority at present intends building an estate of 50-storey blocks, which will be considerably higher than anything yet built in Hong Kong and will provide, naturally, a greater amount of space at ground level.
In 1962 yet another need was seen-that of families who were living in insanitary and overcrowded conditions, often much worse than those of squatters and who, because they earned less than $500 a month, were not eligible for accommodation in the estates of the Housing Authority and Housing Society or, because they were not squatters, for resettlement. The original target for this form of low-cost housing was to provide accommodation on the basis of 35 square feet per person for 20,000 people a year. Each family unit consists of a single-room flat with a private balcony, a cooking bench and water point; a lavatory and shower is shared between two units. The standard of this accommodation is better than that provided in the resettlement estates, but is lower than that provided by the Housing Authority. By 1966, 67,275 people were living in low-cost housing estates and the target was for 220,000 to be housed by 1970. Rents in these estates are roughly at the rate of 26 cents per square foot per month.
An extensive review of the policies for squatter control, resettle- ment and low-cost housing was conducted in 1963. One effect of this was to spread the net of those eligible for re-housing in the resettlement estates to include evicted tenants from dangerous pre-war buildings, certain victims of natural disasters and those
living on the pavements. Associated with these changes were a new building programme and arrangements for those who had no priority for accommodation.
In 1964 the Hong Kong Building and Loan Agency Limited was set up by the government in conjunction with the Commonwealth Development Corporation and four of the leading banks in the Colony. Its object is to make mortgage finance available at reason- able rates on a long-term basis to those in the middle-income bracket who cannot afford to make a full down-payment for their flat. By the end of 1966 the Agency had approved 71 blocks containing 4,511 flats for loan purposes and had approved 616 applications for a total of $18.3 million.
Private enterprise, which has provided new accommodation for about 830,000 people in the last 10 years, has tended in recent years to build smaller flats for sale by instalments to purchasers of moderate, though not low means. Meanwhile it has continued to build tenement accommodation capable of subdivision and renting out at rates which unhappily lend themselves to the crea- tion of new slums. Private development is not solving the problem of our older slums which continue to rot and disintegrate. The Report of the Working Party on Slum Clearance, published in 1965, recommended government action to cut through the problems posed by private ownership and vested interest in slum property and suggested one of the more densely populated areas on Hong Kong Island as a pilot 'renewal' scheme.
There has thus been a clear extension over the past decade or so in the area of intervention by the government in providing or assisting in the provision of housing. During the same period, standards of basic resettlement accommodation have been improved considerably and the gap between this and other forms of sub- sidized housing has been distinctly narrowed. At the same time, rents in all forms of subsidized housing have been raised to a moderate extent to allow for rising costs, in keeping with rising economic standards. To watch over the progress being made in all types of housing, to assess past and future housing needs, not exclud- ing ancillary social and employment facilities and the balance between types of houses, and to advise on co-ordination in executing housing
policies, a Housing Board was established in June 1965 under the chairmanship of an unofficial member of the Legislative Council.
If the years 1956-66 have witnessed a massive increase in the provision of housing by the government, or with government sup- port, as well as by private enterprise, the same period has produced an equally significant change in the medical scene. As we have already noted, the main effort had previously gone into the pre- vention of communicable disease (the success of which was to be reflected in the speed with which cholera outbreaks between 1961 and 1964 were effectively brought under control), the promotion of maternal and child health and the prevention and cure of pulmo- nary tuberculosis. The main characteristic of the past 10 years has been the acceptance of a more positive role in the provision and support of curative services in accordance with a well-defined policy, so that the resources of finance and trained manpower could be properly planned.
In 1957, the first long-term outline plan for the development of medical and health services was prepared. Subsequently a planning unit was set up in the Medical Department headquarters to enable planning to be more effectively and continuously carried out. A programme for 1960-5 was based on the assumption that addi- tional hospitals and clinics should be provided only for that part of the population which could not afford to pay economic charges, assessed at 50 per cent of the population for outpatient care and 80 per cent for inpatient treatment. It was proposed that greater effort should be concentrated on the building of clinics rather than hospitals in the first instance, as clinic outpatient facilities could be provided more quickly than new hospitals and could undertake important functions in the control and prevention of communicable diseases. This plan was approved in principle and many projects were well under way when the results of the 1961 census showed a need for further re-thinking. The year 1963, therefore, came to be adopted as the new base line and a wholly revised development plan for 1963-72 was proposed in the white paper on 'Development of Medical Services in Hong Kong'. A Medical Development Plan Standing Committee was appointed in 1964 to keep the programme under review.
The main aims of the 1963-72 plan were to institute a network of clinics supported by specialist and large hospital facilities, in- crease the number of hospital beds per thousand of the population from 2.91 in 1963 to 4.25 in 1972, and maintain and increase the preventive coverage and defence. One standard outpatient clinic was seen to be necessary for each 100,000 of the urban population and each 50,000 in the New Territories, providing in the same building not only an outpatient clinic but a maternal and child health clinic and a 24-bed maternity home. Supporting such clinics were to be specialist outpatient clinics and polyclinics, on the basis of one to 500,000, together with the major hospitals. Another new accent in medical policy is the distinction being emphasized between the highly specialized acute bed, which naturally costs most to maintain, and the sub-acute and infirmary beds, which can be provided in greater numbers more economically, so as to accelerate the turnover in the acute beds in specialized hospitals.
The government itself built the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, the largest acute general hospital in the British Commonwealth, together with Castle Peak Mental Hospital, and the South Lantau Rural Hospital. These between them provide 2,518 beds. It has also undertaken an extensive modernization and extension programme at Queen Mary Hospital on Hong Kong Island, which serves as the Colony's teaching hospital, at Castle Peak Mental Hospital, and at Kowloon Hospital, which now plays a subsidiary role to the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital. This programme, which will not be finally completed until after 1966, will yield another 1,200 beds.
During this period, the government has also subsidized both the building and running costs of 10 mission and voluntary association hospitals, which yielded about 3,800 further beds. Notable amongst these are the Tung Wah Group's new 1,500-bed Kwong Wah Hospital in Kowloon, which is amongst the biggest and best equipped in Asia, and its Sandy Bay and Wong Tai Sin Infirmaries, the Hong Kong Anti-Tuberculosis Association's Grantham Hospital of 614 beds, the Haven of Hope Tuberculosis Sanitorium, the Mary- knoll Hospital and the Caritas Medical Centre. Rehabilitation, especially of industrial injuries, orthopaedic diseases and other handicaps in children, is provided by the Kwun Tong Centre, run by the Hong Kong Rehabilitation Society, the Society for the
Relief of Disabled Children's Home and the John F. Kennedy Spastic Children's Centre, built by funds donated by the World Rehabilitation Fund and administered by the Hong Kong Red Cross. Progress was made in the private field with the provision of five hospitals and homes yielding 250 beds. These were built by various Christian missions and are situated mainly in the rural
Sixteen outpatient and maternity and child health clinics were built by the government in the urban areas, most of them contain- ing maternity homes and many incorporating other specialized facilities, such as chest and X-ray centres and dental services, while one unit serves as a rehabilitation centre for the Kowloon area by providing prosthetic, occupational, and physiotherapeutic facilities. In the same period, eight such clinics were built in the rural and developing areas of the New Territories. Many of these institutions were built with the aid of generous donations from private citizens and, notably, the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club. The clinics opened during the period by private doctors, missionary and health groups and others are too numerous to list in detail, but many provide essential services at little or no cost to the patients.
The number of hospital and clinic beds thus rose between 1956 and 1966 from 5,271 to 13,366, and increased the number of beds per thousand of the population from 2.25 to 3.6.
Improvement in public health has also progressed over the past decade, although much still remains to be done. Between 1956 and 1966 the maternal mortality rate fell from 0.90 per thousand births to 0.43, and the infant mortality rate from 60.9 per thousand live births to 24.9. In 1956 the specific death rate from tuberculosis was 111.1 per 100,000 and by 1966 had been reduced to 40.8, while in the same period the proportion of tuberculosis deaths occurring below the age of five fell from 25 per cent to 2.7 per cent. Between 1956 and 1966 the number of hospital beds had increased by 142 per cent and there was a markedly increased rate of turnover of inpatients. Between two and four outpatient clinics were being opened each year, but the demand-amounting to 7 million attendances in 1965-on these, the mobile clinics, floating clinics and helicopter service, continued to outstrip supply.
If in 1956 plans for the expansion of medical services were yet to be formulated, the seven-year plan for the expansion of primary schools was already two years old, and it continued during the remaining five years to meet and surpass its targets, so that by 1961 it had provided 313,000 additional places-131,000 more than originally planned. However, the 1961 census showed that there were still over 80,000 children in the primary school age group (6-11 years) who were not at school. By 1966 another 200,000 primary places had been provided, although this did not necessarily mean that every child of primary school age was in school.
Concurrently with the expansion of primary education, the supply of trained teachers was increased with the expansion of facilities at Northcote and Grantham Training Colleges and the establishment in 1960 of a third college, the Sir Robert Black Training College. Other areas of post-secondary education also recorded a considerable boost.
The long-established University of Hong Kong had, even in 1957, less than 1,000 students. By 1966, as a result of a seven-year plan, the number had topped 2,000, and was planned to reach 2,750 by 1970. The University of Hong Kong caters mainly for students from the Anglo-Chinese schools. A need was seen in the late 1950s for a university outlet for the graduates of Chinese Middle schools, where instruction could be chiefly conducted in the Chinese language. In 1959 Mr J. S. Fulton, now Lord Fulton, came to Hong Kong to advise the government on the creation of a university which would cater for the needs of Chinese-speaking students. Three of the existing post-secondary colleges were seen as potential colleges of a new university and were given financial and other assistance. In 1963 Mr Fulton returned as Chairman of the Fulton Commission to advise the government on the steps necessary to establish a federal-type Chinese University. In October 1963 the new Chinese University was incorporated under ordinance. The number of students in the three post-secondary colleges was just over 1,000 in October 1962 and by October 1966 the numbers in the university were 2,000. The colleges are at present widely
scattered but they will be brought together on a new site at Sha Tin in the New Territories, where the new university is to be built.
The fee income at the two universities covers about 10 per cent of their expenditure, and they therefore rely heavily on government support. In 1966-7 their joint recurrent subvention from the govern- ment will probably be between $35 million and $40 million. A University Grants Committee was established in 1966 to keep under review facilities for university education in Hong Kong and to advise the government on financial needs. In the same year came a decision to increase student numbers by 20 per cent by 1970. Considering that less than half of those passing the matricula- tion examinations of the two universities can at present be offered places, this figure may not appear to be very great, but the increase of places in the universities must take account of the capacity of Hong Kong's industry, commerce and services to absorb graduates at salaries which graduates expect, the capacity of the government to find the necessary funds for the ever-increasing costs of univer- sities and of the universities themselves to expand rapidly on a sound basis.
Hong Kong now depends on its industry for its survival, and during the 10 years which have elapsed since 1956, in which most of our industrialization has taken place, both industry and society in general have slowly come to realize that, in order for either the Colony or individual factories to survive, they must compete in an increasingly sophisticated world market, against factories and organizations backed by technologists and skilled workers. There is still a distinct reluctance in those who have studied in secondary schools to consider industry as an alternative to even the most routine clerical work, but as industry has begun to take stock of the situation, and begun to offer more competitive wages for technically trained personnel, so inroads have begun to be made into the traditional viewpoint of parents and students. Public awareness of the growing importance of technical education to meet the needs of our industrial expansion and consolidation was reflected in the Chinese Manufacturers' Association's donation of $1 million towards the cost of a new Technical College. The foundation stone was laid in 1956 and the college moved into its new premises in 1957. The facilities provided by the college have since expanded,
and its enrolment for full-time courses has increased four times in the past 10 years to 1,159 in March 1966, while some 11,000 students now attend evening courses. During the same period the enrolment in secondary technical and vocational schools has shown a similar increase, from 1,600 to over 11,000 pupils.
Non-technical adult education, organized by the Adult Education Section of the Education Department, is completely free, having started in a small way in 1955. Today, 12 centres have been estab- lished and give some 46,000 people interests in educational, cultural, physical and social activities, designed to develop individual talents and interests and foster a good community spirit and a sense of belonging. In addition, 21,751 people were attending formal adult education classes in 1966, while enrolment in the classes organized by the Technical College Evening Department was 11,587. In the extra-mural field both the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University have run fee-paying courses since 1956 and 1965 re- spectively. In 1966 enrolments were 5,375 and 5,501 respectively. From the beginning of the primary school expansion programme it had been realized that more secondary schools would eventually be needed. When it became clear that the aim of a primary place for all children would be achieved, attention was focussed on the problems of secondary school provision. So 1963, 1964 and 1965 turned out to be years of much thought and much public discussion on the education facilities in the Colony. A white paper entitled 'Reorganization of the Structure of Education', tabled in Legislative Council in 1963, proposed to raise the age of entry to primary schools from six to seven, reduce the length of the primary course from six to five years and introduce a special short secondary course to bridge the gap between the age for completion of the primary school course and the minimum statutory age of industrial employment. In the same year a commission was appointed to advise on the overall educational needs of the Colony and the system of financing education. The Marsh Sampson Report, named after the commissioners, made comprehensive, and what proved in some respects to be controversial proposals, over a wide range of subjects including staffing, salaries, educational objects, organiza- tion, fees etc. Their findings were examined and revised by a special working party with strong unofficial representation, and the working party's recommendations were contained in a white paper published
in 1965. It is these recommendations, as modified in a debate in the Legislative Council in the same year, which provide the guide- lines for present action and future planning.
In the field of primary education it is intended to provide, as rapidly as possible, a subsidized primary school place for every child of the right age seeking one and, in addition, to double the amount of money which the government contributes annually to the provision of free places in primary schools and add to the list of aided primary schools a number of non-profit-making private schools and private sessions of subsidized schools. In pursuance of this policy an extra 30,000 places were subsidized in September 1965, and the maximum permitted percentage of free places in government and aided primary schools was increased from 10 per cent to 20 per cent. The 1963 proposals for a shorter five-year course, and for two years of secondary education in special forms. ending at 14 years of age, were abandoned and by 1968 will have worked themselves out. The admission age is reverting to six and the course to six years. Primary school fees have been maintained at the same level as before, despite the commission's recommenda- tion that they be increased, and the ultimate aim of free primary education has been restated.
At secondary level, it is intended to provide government and aided school places, or subsidized places in selected private schools, for 15-20 per cent of all primary school leavers, including a minimum of between 1,500-2,000 subsidized places annually in private sec- ondary schools. In practice something like 70 per cent of primary school leavers continue to secondary education, but often in schools. of doubtful quality and at comparatively high fees. The present provision of aided secondary places is within the bracket 15-20 per cent of primary school leavers, but to maintain this level in an educational system which is continually expanding at primary level will entail very nearly doubling the number of aided secondary school places over the next six years. To help finance this expansion in an equitable manner, standard tuition fees in government and aided secondary schools are to be raised, but the rates of remission of fees will be increased, so that those unable to afford the fees will receive assistance. Today 32 per cent of all secondary day school places are partly or fully subsidized by the government.
Meanwhile, with a view to improving the quality as well as the quantity of educational provision, teacher training courses for non-graduates have been standardized at two years duration and the introduction of third year specialist courses is being planned. Additionally, the research and guidance section of the Education Department is engaged in a comprehensive programme of experi- mental testing of primary school pupils. It is hoped as a result of this research to improve the selection procedures for entry to the government and aided secondary schools. Further research should lead to the creation of suitable tests to enable secondary schools to advise students to follow the course of study most appropriate to their abilities.
In the 1966-7 academic year there are 983,495 school students in Hong Kong and over 2,300 schools. The government's expendi- ture on education for the year is estimated at $300 million, or 16 per cent of the government's total estimated expenditure. The primary day school enrolment is now 619,513, which repre- sents 99.8 per cent of the estimated population in the primary school age group. Of those who left primary school in July 1966, 73.7 per cent were promoted to secondary schools. At the same time 33.2 per cent of secondary school pupils who completed their school certificate examination commenced matriculation studies.
In 1966-7 government expenditure through the Social Welfare Department and subventions to voluntary agencies engaged in social welfare work amounted to $20.5 million. This is nearly five times what it was in 1956 but still only 1.1 per cent of the govern- ment's total expenditure, and represents less than $6 per head of the population. It was not until 1948 that a Social Welfare sub- section of the Secretariat for Chinese Affairs emerged, and it was not until 1958 that it achieved the status of a department. The swamping of the territory with what the rest of the world termed 'refugees', and the resultant pressures exerted on both the existing and expanding facilities of the Colony, meant that apart from statutory responsibilities in the protection of women and juveniles and the supervision of probation, the work of the embryonic department was for a long time overmuch associated with the
provision of basic relief to the destitute and those made homeless by fire, flood and typhoon. Nevertheless, almost from birth the department interested itself in community development and, although the pattern has changed over the years, the interest has continued. More recently this aspect of the workings of the depart- ment has shown itself to be of paramount importance to the future of the Colony. Youth welfare was also an early starter. Work in this field was initially centred on the 8-15 year age group, most of whom had little chance of finding school places. But as the problems changed, the approach widened and energy is now being turned to the highly constructive work of creating outlets for the more inflammable 14-21 year age group, which finds little of positive consequence to provide diversion from the tedium en- gendered by a crowded environment.
A decade ago, the world became conscious of Hong Kong's problems and of its resolute attempts to grapple with those problems. The world's interest was stirred and took tangible form in 1960, when World Refugee Year mobilized resources to deal with the problem of the refugee on a worldwide basis. Hong Kong benefited enormously from that campaign. Direct gifts provided, for example, a completely new range of facilities in the community centres built with World Refugee Year money to serve the newly developing resettlement areas of large-scale rehousing. Another result was the expansion of many voluntary agency programmes and the introduc- tion of new programmes largely financed and partially staffed from overseas. These programmes are still running six years later, and are still, to a great extent, provided from overseas.
One of the most valuable products of World Refugee Year was a review conducted in 1960, by Dame Eileen Younghusband, which established the basis for the development of a properly planned system of social work training for Hong Kong. This development paved the way for the acceptance of social work as a profession of standing in Hong Kong as it is elsewhere, and is beginning to pay dividends in the improved quality of services that voluntary agencies and government welfare services are able to provide. The review was followed up in detail by two further reports on university training and in-service training which were, like the first, a direct outcome of World Refugee Year. The accept- ance of these reports has been greatly facilitated by the substantial
financial support given through the United Nations Children's Emergency Fund for the establishment of a training unit in the Social Welfare Department, and also by the creation of a Social Work Training Fund from World Refugee Year donations, which has enabled university teaching of social work to be supported and developed.
With the development of social work training came the beginnings of a new outlook which, without in any way seeking to deny assist- ance to the individual when it was needed, began to show relief assistance as a poor substitute for rehibilitation. Substantial feeding programmes are still maintained by a number of large voluntary agencies, just as relief rations are still issued by the Social Welfare Department. But nowadays those who work in the social welfare field-admittedly helped by the growth in the economy and the better facilities available-look at the total family problem, asking why the family is destitute and aiming to put it on its feet again as soon as possible. The same attitude applies to other people with whom social workers come into contact. Put very simply, we still give, but we also seek, where possible, a return or an entry into the mainstream of life whereby the individual and his family can contribute to the good of the community and regain self-respect and a living.
A very welcome feature of the period has been the increasing sense of community among voluntary agencies, the realization that partnership and not competition will best serve those in need, the growing appreciation of the benefits of co-ordination and co-opera- tion, and the emergence in a position of increased respect and stand- ing of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. This Council has been reorganized and strengthened, so that it can speak with an authoritative voice on matters of concern to its members. It has not hesitated to do so, and its voice was heard and listened to in the debate surrounding the 1964 white paper on 'Aims and Policy for Social Welfare in Hong Kong'. This was a paper prepared with a view to settling the main lines of policy for the sound development of plans for the future. It was as necessary as the reviews of medical and educational policy, indeed perhaps more so because the field is essentially less firmly defined, the area of potential activity almost unlimited and the benefits less easy to measure. It was drawn up in a context which lacked many of the provisions that are common
in the West; a society without a national assistance programme, without family allowances, without much of the legislative provision of the welfare state, and without the relatively stable economic conditions on which to base such provisions.
The final paper, while very far from being a blueprint of a welfare state, provides for the drafting of plans with a positive and construc- tive basis to preserve, support and reinforce the family and help it to remain a strong natural unit, capable of caring for its children and its handicapped. It aims at helping individuals to become independent and productive quickly and economically, and assisting those resettled in new towns and resettlement estates to stabilize and acquire community characteristics and attitudes which they have previously appeared to lack, owing to the disrupting and demoralizing influences to which experience has exposed them. Special attention is focussed in the policy upon the needs of those deprived of home life, those in moral or physical danger, and those in danger of delinquency. Improved services in the relief of the destitute and rehabilitation of the disabled are also stressed.
The main lines of policy settled, planning is now in active prog- ress between official and unofficial organizations in a co-operative and positive venture auguring well for the future. Agreement has also been reached on the need for research of a practical bias, so that the validity of planning may be tested in a way that is simply not possible at present. Local funds have been allocated to finance an extensive research project launched in 1966 which, over a period of two and a half years, is to study changes in the patterns of urban family life. A knowledge of the effects of uprooting and urbanization on the traditional Chinese family and its practices are fundamental to our social planning.
Meanwhile the Gulbenkian Foundation financed a survey by Lady Williams, Emeritus Professor of Social Economics at London University. Her report, issued in 1966, recommends the establish- ment of a Research Unit, headed by a competent and practical expert who would be advised by a committee comprising members of the universities and heads of government departments. Itself in- dependent of any government department, the Research Unit would undertake the research necessary to weigh the effect of past and present action and the present pattern of social provisions. It would
also indicate how funds could be utilized to prevent and cure the basic causes of the social ailments which research revealed.
The past decade has seen expansion and development in nearly every aspect of social welfare. More modern and constructive techniques have been introduced and better facilities have been provided. The number of new buildings and institutions itself testifies to the widening range. Probation and remand homes for both boys and girls, and a probation hostel for those able to work but requiring some residential care, complement the continuous work of the probation officers in all the courts, where they act very much as 'social welfare' agents. Care and education is now available for almost all known blind children of school age. A factory, hostel, sheltered workshops, an assessment and adjustment centre, an advanced training centre and clubs and training groups have all been established for the blind during the past few years and are indicative of the concern felt by both the government and the volun- tary agencies for the mentally and physically disabled and handi- capped. The deaf, too, have their schools, training classes and clubs.
The problem of the mentally handicapped has at least been recog- nized, with the Education Department running experimental classes, the Medical Department planning a home for severely retarded children, and the Social Welfare Department and one voluntary agency providing daytime care and social training, though admittedly on a limited scale. The physically disabled have also much more hope than they would have had 10 years ago, for the intervening years have seen the establishment of special schools and hospital schools for children, a training centre, a large rehabilitation centre, sheltered workshops, and a residential settlement for paraplegics. Neither have the aged been forgotten, and since 1962 alone more than 800 extra places have been provided for these in decent sur- roundings.
A noticeable feature of the period is the provision of non-profit- making day nursery and similar facilities for children whose mothers are out at work, the number of places having been increased from 320 in 1957-8 to 13,000 in 1966. Women and girls in moral danger have benefited from the creation of a modern home, which provides
training and preparation for a new life, and from the establishment of day vocational training centres where group therapy discussions are a special feature. Another residential home is soon to be opened. In resettlement estates and new towns, community and social centres have been set up to help people to achieve a sense of belonging and through this to find more meaning in life. The need for healthy outlets for our youth is being met in part by clubs, training and recreation centres, mobile libraries, camping and special summer projects. Their growing interest in outdoor activities is being par- ticularly fostered and developed by active co-operation between the Social Welfare Department and voluntary agencies.
The review of 'A Problem of People' in 1956 finished with a look into the future, and we should be no less courageous; for if there obviously remain daunting burdens to be shouldered, the achieve- ments of the past must give some feeling of confidence in searching the horizon. Many criticisms can be, and have been, made of our performance, and no doubt will be again. But surely not even the sharpest critic will deny that progress has been made in almost every field and substantial progress in some, that if life is still hard and difficult for many it is also, for many, less grinding and more tinged with hope than it was. Much of what has been decided has still to be executed. Long-term housing plans have been laid, but quickly though the buildings go up, many will not benefit from them for a long time. In some areas decisions have yet to be reached, and implementation is that much further behind. The possibilities of some scheme for social insurance have yet to be weighed; the extent to which services to young people and to the handicapped can and should be expanded is not yet determined; the question of improving the basic allocation of space in subsidized housing, while continuing to provide for more persons year by year, is be- ginning to suggest itself as a new aspect of the tension between quantity and quality which appears everywhere in this review. We do not know the answers to these or a score of other questions, but we can be sure that, when we seek to frame them, they will have to take account not only of the worthy and human desire for improvement that so many entertain, but also of our economic capacity to sustain ever increasing burdens, and of the desirability
of consistency in our different social policies. We cannot expect that our struggles to ensure a proper relationship between quantity and quality can be relegated to the corridors of memory. We have, too, to recognize that we may not necessarily receive, in the future, assistance from other countries on the scale on which it has been available in the past. What we have received has been immensely useful and greatly appreciated, and we may hope earnestly that the interest of other countries in Hong Kong will continue and will be given practical expression in continued support. But the signs are not lacking that the needs of others are beginning to claim the attention of the donor countries.
Possibly we must also be prepared to adapt our planning methods more closely to the end purpose of building a community rather than to that of merely providing a range of services, and at the same time endeavour to make a more coherent social policy than present methods can do. The preceding pages will show how plan- ning has entered into our affairs to an extent that, before 1956, would not have appeared possible. It seems certain that the problems and conflicts of the future will call for more planning, and more sophisticated planning. If this will help to produce a community well adjusted to its environment and its responsibilities, it must be a welcome trend. But it is a trend that must not develop at the sacrifice, on the altar of planning, of that capacity for producing quick practical and effective results, in the possession of which perhaps even our critics will allow Hong Kong to take a modest pride.
OF slightly more than 14 million people at work in Hong Kong, over 600,000 are engaged in the manufacturing industries. This is the conclusion reached from a projection of figures recorded in the 1961 census. At that time, 1,211,999 persons were described as 'economically active' and 1,191,099 claimed to be working; of these, 57,400 were counted as employers and 123,861 were working on their own account.
The general employment pattern in the 1961 census showed that over 50 per cent of the working population were engaged in construction, manufacturing, mining, quarrying and the utilities, about 22 per cent in various types of services, 11 per cent in com- merce, 7 per cent in communications and 7 per cent in agriculture, forestry and fishing. Based on this pattern the projected employ- ment figures at the end of 1966 were: Manufacturing 635,300; services 355,000; commerce 175,100; construction 133,700; agricul- ture, forestry and fishing 117,800; communications 116,200; public utilities 25,500; mining and quarrying 11,200. There were also some 22,300 in various other forms of employment, making an estimated total of 1,592,100 employed.
These projected figures give a broader picture than that available from actual statistics collected by the Labour Department, because these are confined to voluntary returns from factories and industrial undertakings only. Thus they do not include out-workers, persons employed in cottage industries, the construction industry, agriculture and fishing, or those employed in unrecorded factories and under- takings. Neither do they include persons employed in commerce and the retail and catering trades. In 1966 these voluntary returns showed that the number of persons directly employed in factories and industrial undertakings totalled 424,155, an increase of 53,417 over the 1965 figure. Those engaged in weaving, spinning, knitting and the manufacture of garments and made-up textile goods, accounted for a total of 177,258 and remained the largest section
Ancient Skills in a
Modern Economy
In a monastery studio high above the Sha Tin valley and the waters of Tolo Harbour, skills as old as Confucius guide a Chinese brush across a porcelain plate to trace an image of Christ and His Apostles in mandarin robes, set among the pine trees and pavilions of old Cathay. Elsewhere in the rustic New Territories, techniques still more ancient produce faithful replicas of bronze sacrificial urns from the Shang-Yin Dynasty.
Versed in such skills, craftsmen are preserving, in modern day Hong Kong, the traditions of an artistic heritage that has flowered in China through countless generations. Side by side with the technology of the plastics and electronics age that keeps the Colony in the forefront of the world's manufacturing countries, these home industries and crafts, almost all of which are family concerns, are finding their
way to markets around the globe.
A Biblical scene hand-
painted on porcelain at To Fung Shan Monastery in Sha Tin.
Left: To Fung Shan Monastery houses one of Hong Kong's many handicraft industries. Above: A monastery craftsman at work. Below: Other products of the Colony include carved screens and (overleaf) reproductions of ancient bronzes.
of this labour force. The plastics industry, which also employs a large number of out-workers, remained the second largest employer.
During the year under review, it appeared that the demand for labour in manufacturing industries exceeded the supply of persons offering themselves for employment. The number of factories on record in the Labour Department at the end of the year was 10,413, many being small concerns. Of these, 6,292 were registered under the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance. The tables at Appendix III show development in main industrial groups and selected industries.
Industry in the New Territories is a recent development-apart from certain traditional trades in the main market towns and some pre-war textile factories in Tsuen Wan. In December 1966 the Labour Department had on record 913 factories in the New Territories with a labour force of 58,727. The bulk of this industrial popula- tion is concentrated in the emerging township of Tsuen Wan, which is designed to become a balanced community to include factories, housing, recreational facilities, services and other amenities. It already has many modern textile factories as well as others producing metalware, enamelware, glassware and plastics. There is also a government-owned flatted factory provided to meet the special requirements of small-scale silk weavers. Castle Peak and Sha Tin, two other areas in the New Territories, have recently been selected as sites for developing other large self-contained cities. There is some mining, mostly on a small scale employing a labour force of about 600, of whom about 500 are employed at an iron mine at Ma On Shan. There are also a number of stone quarries employing a total labour force of 1,588.
In the many old market towns and fishing settlements of the New Territories, traditional village industries still provide employ- ment, chiefly in the preparation of salt-fish, fish-paste, bean-curd, soya sauce and preserved fruits, the burning of coral and sea-shells for lime, brick manufacture, boat-building and repairing.
As most countries maintain strict control over the entry of foreign nationals seeking employment, opportunities overseas for Hong Kong Chinese are limited. Hong Kong itself has a good labour market and it is not easy to recruit workers for employment abroad unless the wages offered are particularly attractive. In previous
years manual workers recruited for employment outside Hong Kong were subject only to administrative control based on International Labour Conventions. However, the Contracts for Overseas Employ- ment Ordinance came into force on 1st November 1965, thus giving legislative effect to the provisions of these conventions. Under this ordinance every manual worker-unless he is employed as a member of the crew of a ship or aircraft, or holds an employment voucher issued under the Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962, or has been granted admission on a permanent basis to an overseas territory-is required to enter into a written contract with his employer. This must be presented for attestation by the Commis- sioner of Labour prior to the worker's departure from Hong Kong. The maximum period of service which may be stipulated in any such contract must not exceed two years if the worker is unaccom- panied by his family, or three years if the worker is so accompanied. On the expiry of the original contract a worker may enter into a re-engagement contract if he does not wish to avail himself of immediate repatriation. A worker for overseas employment is also required to be medically examined before leaving Hong Kong, the cost of the examination and of all other formalities being borne by the prospective employer. In enforcing the Contracts for Overseas Employment Ordinance, the Labour Department works in close co-operation with the Immigration Department.
During the year, 2,002 workers went overseas for employment as compared with 1,416 in the previous year and 1,768 in 1964. Few of these workers were accompanied by dependants. The number of workers recruited for Malaysia and Brunei increased during the year, and these countries, which mainly require skilled and semi-skilled workers in the building trade, domestic servants and fishermen, continued to be the main receiving areas. The British Phosphate Commission also conducted its regular annual recruiting operation through a local agent and engaged 171 workers for Nauru and Ocean Islands. This figure is below that for 1965. Re-engagement contracts, as required under the Contracts for Overseas Employment Ordinance, numbered 692.
The Commonwealth Immigrants Act came into effect on 1st July 1962, and the Labour Department assumed responsibility for forwarding, to the British Ministry of Labour, applications for
vouchers from local Commonwealth citizens seeking to enter Britain for employment but without specific jobs to go to. During the year, nine such applications were received and sent to the Ministry of Labour, and five vouchers were issued. At the request of the Ministry of Labour, the Labour Department also undertook to deliver 124 (compared with 415 in the previous year) 'Category A' vouchers issued under the Commonwealth Immigrants Act to local people of British nationality who had been offered specific jobs in Britain. The Ministry of Labour also issued 397 labour permits to local residents of non-British nationality to enable them to work in Britain, mainly in Chinese restaurants.
The employment information service, set up in August 1964 to disseminate information about vacant jobs, continued with its rudimentary placement service during the first half of the year. To provide a better service for both employers and workers, this service was slowly expanded during the year to fulfil some basic functions of an employment exchange, including the introduction of registered job-seekers to prospective employers and vice versa. Since its inception this expanded service has registered 1,355 workers and received from employers 138 orders for workers. During 1966, 287 workers were placed. In addition to dealing with specific requests from employers, the service collects quarterly statistics, on a purely voluntary basis, of vacant jobs in registered factories and industrial undertakings.
It is reliably estimated that some 43,000 seamen of Chinese race, many of them resident in Hong Kong, find employment at sea in various trades. Many of these, however, are nationals of China. The newly established seamen's recruiting office, which became fully operational as part of the Marine Department on 27th June 1966, succeeded in placing 16,201 seamen up to the end of the year.
Although no comprehensive figures on unemployment are available, the substantial increase in the number of people employed in registered and recorded factories and industrial undertakings since 1961 suggests that at present the number of unemployed may not be any greater than that at the time of the 1961 census, when less than 16,000 persons, mostly men, claimed to be unemployed and an additional 5,000 stated that they were looking for their first jobs.
In September 1965 the government appointed an Industrial Training Advisory Committee, comprising representatives of industry, labour, other organizations and the government, under the chairmanship of the Commissioner of Labour. On the advice of this committee, the government has so far appointed six associated industrial committees to investigate and report on industrial training problems in four manufacturing industries (namely electronics, textiles, clothing and plastics, which manufacture 67 per cent of Hong Kong's exports) and also in the engineering and building construction trades. The chairman and most of the members of these committees have been drawn from the industries concerned, although a small number of government officers also serve on them, with a Labour Department representative as both member and secretary of each committee.
Responsibilities in the field of industrial training are divided among government departments. For the training of operatives and apprentices, the principal onus of the government's participation lies with the Labour Department, to be discharged in consultation with industry and with other departments, including the Education Department. For technician and technological training, the respon- sibility falls mainly upon the Education Department. At technician level, a large part of the financial burden continues to rest upon the government as far as recurrent expenditure is concerned, although considerable capital resources have been supplied by industry for the development of the Technical College. At the technological level, the provision of education remains in the hands of the govern- ment so far as it is not provided by the universities.
The government has indicated that while industry itself must be responsible for financing training at skilled and semi-skilled levels, it will assist by providing land free of premium for approved group- training schemes organized by industry, or by granting loans for the purchase of flatted factory floor space for training purposes. Some industries have schemes for operative training, although their scope and methods vary widely. A prominent example is the textile in- dustry, which has established a well organized training system.
Training centres run by certain voluntary welfare organizations, as well as by certain government departments, offer various forms
of vocational training, mainly for the under-privileged or physically disabled. In order to co-ordinate such training programmes, the government, on the advice of the Industrial Training Advisory Committee, has created a functional committee to which appoint- ments were made in December 1966.
The Hong Kong Technical College is the principal government institution providing technical education at technologist, technician, craft and pre-apprentice or pre-craft levels. There are, in addition, six government secondary technical schools, two non-government institutions providing technical education for boys at secondary level, and three secondary modern schools which provide three years of secondary education with a practical bias. There are also a number of courses in private schools for aircraft pilots, radio operators, radio technicians, typists, stenographers, book-keepers, dressmakers and tailors, artists, shoe-makers, rattan-workers, printers, wood-workers, painters, motor-car drivers, etc.
Apprenticeship systems in Hong Kong fall into either the tradition- al sector or the modern westernized sector. The latter system, based on the British pattern of craft apprenticeship, is followed by govern- ment workshops and some of the larger industrial concerns, and a special feature is the award of overseas training opportunities to outstanding technical apprentices who have completed their local training. The Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Company Limited, the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company Limited, and the Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited train substantial numbers of apprentices, while some public utility com- panies train a small number.
In many Chinese factories run on traditional lines, the recruit- ment of apprentices is haphazard. No minimum qualifications are required and apprentices are usually engaged after introduction by relatives or acquaintances. Generally speaking, theoretical in- struction is seldom provided and little encouragement is given to apprentices to attend part-time classes in related technical subjects. They are left to pick up their skills by watching and imitating experienced artisans. Thus the skills acquired vary according to the pupils' intelligence and the instructors' willingness and ability to teach and explain. In recent years the number of people seeking
apprenticeships in traditional Chinese crafts has diminished because of readily available employment in modern factories.
By an amendment in 1965 to the Employers and Servants Ordin- ance 1961, any apprenticeship contract for a period of six months or more is deemed to be a contract for one month renewable from month to month unless it has been attested by the Commissioner of Labour within one month after it was made.
Most semi-skilled and unskilled workers in the manufacturing industry are on daily rates of pay, although piece rates are also quite common. While men and women receive the same rates of pay for piece work, women are generally paid less than men when engaged on a time basis. Wages may be calculated on an hourly, daily, or monthly basis and are customarily paid weekly or twice monthly.
range of daily wages for the manufacturing industry at the end of 1966 was: $8.50 to $28.00 for skilled workers; $5.50 to $21.00 for semi-skilled; and $4.80 to $12.00 for unskilled. Many employers provide their workers with free accommodation, subsidized meals or food allowances, good attendance bonuses and paid rest days as well as a Chinese New Year bonus of one month's pay.
A new consumer price index, intended to replace the older and outdated retail price index as an indicator of the effects of price changes on household expenditure, was published throughout the year. It varied from 103 to 110 (base of 100-period September 1963 to August 1964). In December 1966 it stood at 105. The 1965 Salaries Commission, the adoption of whose report is dealt with in Chapter 22, recommended that a special index based on the expenditure of households spending less than $600 a month should be published and used as the basis for monthly adjustment in the salaries of minor staff. In accordance with this recommendation a separate index, known as the Modified Consumer Price Index, was devised for publication. A proportion of the wages of minor staff (Scale 1) in the Public Service is adjusted monthly by reference to this index.
The Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance is the basis for the control of hours and conditions of work in industry.
There are no legal restrictions on hours of work for men. Most men employed in industry work 10 hours a day or less. Government employees and those in concerns operating on western lines work eight hours. Regulations made under the ordinance provide for maximum daily hours, limited overtime, weekly rest days and rest periods for women and young persons. The Industrial Employment (Holidays with Pay and Sickness Allowance) Ordinance provides for six annual holidays to be given to workers in industrial establish- ments and for sickness allowance up to 12 days a year.
Young persons between the ages of 14 and 16 may work only eight hours day, with a break of one hour after five hours con- tinuous work. Children under the age of 14 are prohibited from working in industry, and no woman or young person is allowed to work at night or underground in any mine. Restrictions on the hours of work for women, introduced on 1st January 1959, have resulted in a decrease in the number of hours worked by men employed in the same concerns. By the end of 1966, 197 cotton spinning and silk weaving mills had introduced a system of three eight-hour daily shifts, cotton weaving mills were on either two or three shifts, and it was estimated that 32,665 men and 35,117 women were working eight hours a day. A rest period of one hour a day is customary throughout industry, but when working hours exceed eight a day, the rest period may be prolonged to as much as three hours. Except where continuous production demands a rotation of rest days, which are usually unpaid, Sunday is the most common rest day. Many male industrial workers do not have a rest day, but it is customary to grant unpaid leave on request.
The Commissioner of Labour is the principal adviser to the Governor on labour and industrial relations policies. All labour legislation is initiated in the Labour Department, which also ensures that Hong Kong's obligations under International Labour Conventions are observed. The organization of the department provides for four divisions: Labour Relations and Development; Industry; Employment; Industrial Health.
With the exception of a small neutral and independent segment, workers' unions are either affiliated to, or associated with, one of
two local federations which bear allegiance to opposing political groups and which are registered as societies. Divided politically, and further separated by differences in dialect, the number of unions has grown beyond practical needs, and divergent loyalties have prevented those with common interests from amalgamating into effective organizations.
The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions supports the Chinese People's Republic. Most of the members of its 63 affiliated unions are concentrated in shipyards, textile-mills and public utilities, or are seafarers. A further 26 unions, nominally independ- ent, are friendly with the federation and participate in its activities. The other trade union federation, the Hong Kong and Kowloon Trade Union Council, sympathizes with the policies of the Taiwan authorities. Most of the members of its 62 affiliated unions and of the 26 nominally independent unions, which generally support the TUC, are employed in the catering and building trades. The TUC is affiliated to the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions. There are 65 independent unions, a number of which continued to make improvements in their internal administration and in the services offered to their members.
The Labour Department organized one course of instruction in labour legislation for trade union members. This course was attended by 42 officers and members drawn from 17 trade unions. Three trade unionists attended the 14th Asian Labour Leadership In- stitute held from January to March at the Asian Labour Education Centre of the University of the Philippines, while three more attended the 15th Institute from October to December. Two trade unionists attended courses on industrial relations in the United Kingdom organized jointly by the Ministry of Overseas Develop- ment and the Ministry of Labour for overseas trade unionists. One trade unionist attended a study course at the Afro-Asian Institution of Labour Studies and Co-operation in Israel, while another participated in a seminar on trade unionism and co- operation held at the University of Malaysia under the joint sponsor- ship of the Malaysian Trades Union Congress and the Friederich Ebert Foundation. One officer of the Labour Department attended a study course with the Ministry of Labour in London and another went to Canada to attend a course on labour union leadership.
Taking disputes over wage demands into account, the Concilia- tion Section of the Labour Department dealt with 2,595 disputes, of which 403 involved large wage claims. This compared with 305 in the previous year. There were a further 2,192 minor disputes compared with 1,762 in the previous year. Altogether there were 13 strikes and two lockouts, and the number of man-days lost in all disputes was 24,355 compared with 62,249 in 1965.
The Registry of Trade Unions administers the Trade Union Registration Ordinance 1961, which came into operation on 1st April 1962, replacing earlier legislation. The Registrar deals with applications for registration by new trade unions and trade union federations. He also registers alterations to rules, changes of name, amalgamations or dissolutions of registered unions, and has the power to cancel the registration of a union in certain circumstances.
All officers or members of registered trade unions must be persons ordinarily resident in Hong Kong and habitually engaged or em- ployed in a trade or occupation with which the trade union is directly concerned. No person may be an officer of a registered trade union if he has been convicted of any crime involving fraud, dishonesty, extortion or membership of a triad society. Trade unions may have members under 21 years but no such member can hold office on a union executive; nor can he be a voting member of a trade union if he is under the age of 16.
No registered trade union may be a member of any trade union or other organization established outside Hong Kong except with the consent of the Governor in Council. Registered trade unions are immune from actions in tort when acting in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute. In a like manner, individuals acting in agreement or combination are given protection from the law relating to conspiracy and tort, provided that the act, if committed by one person, would not be punishable as a crime or not actionable if done without agreement or combination. Peaceful picketing is allowed, but violence, intimidation and watching or besetting are prohibited. Registered trade unions are deemed to be corporate bodies for all purposes. Two or more registered trade unions, irrespective of their trade or industry, may amalgamate, but member- ship of trade union federations is confined to registered trade unions within the same trade or industry.
Registered unions are required by law to keep accurate accounts which must be audited by a person approved by the Registrar, and to forward them to the Registrar within three months of the end of the union's financial year. Unions must also give to the Registrar, before 1st April each year, a return for the 12 months ended 31st December in the previous year showing membership figures, the names and occupations of the principal officers and the name of the auditor.
The 308 unions on the register at the end of 1966 consisted of 240 workers' unions with a total declared membership of 166,933; 54 organizations of merchants or employers with a declared member- ship of 5,925; and 14 mixed organizations with a total declared membership of 9,120.
It is the chief function of the Industrial Health Division of the Labour Department to safeguard the health of workers in industry. Hazards to the health of workers are reported either by the statutory notification of occupational diseases, by the factory inspectorate or by officers of the division. Working environment is controlled by environmental and biological monitoring, and the establishment of an industrial hygiene laboratory has greatly facilitated this work.
Environmental monitoring has included the estimation of inor- ganic and organic poisons, explosive gases and dusts in the working atmosphere. Biological monitoring aims at protecting the health of specific groups of workers who, because of the nature of their jobs, are particularly vulnerable. The annual examination of all radiation workers, both in industry and in medical practice, was begun during the year. Surveys, both environmental and biological, figure prominently in the work of the division and have covered such widely differing subjects as medical facilities in factories, lead fume and dust in the printing industry, silicosis among quarry workers, and the investigation of noise leading to loss of hearing. The study of some aspects of air pollution continued, and with more attention being focussed on the need to measure the quantity and nature of pollutants in Hong Kong, another monitoring station was set up. This station is the first of a series planned to measure pollution`on the mainland.
A health visitor advises factory management and factory nurses on occupational hazards, and keeps a close watch on cleanliness, sanitary and washing facilities, and general standards of hygiene in workplaces. Another health visitor and three nurses are engaged in case work on persons injured by occupational accidents. The medical centre of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation at Kwun Tong continued important work in the treatment, training and placement of injured workers. In conjunction with the St John Ambulance Association, first aid classes are organized for industrial workers. The classes were begun in 1956 and since then 1,122 workers have obtained first-aid certificates. The need for first-aid rooms and clinics is now well recognized and increasing numbers of concerns are providing them. Under the Industrial Employment (Holidays with Pay and Sickness Allowance) Ordin- ance 1962, applications from industrial undertakings for recognition of medical treatment schemes are considered.
Many industrial managements now realize the importance of staff welfare and provide their employees with more comprehensive facilities than are required by labour legislation. First-aid equipment and drinking water must be provided if a factory is to be registered, and where appropriate, the department strongly recommends the inclusion of dining and rest rooms in plans for new factories. Many of the larger concerns have clinics, and free medical treatment is sometimes given to both employees and their families. Free or subsidized meals are commonly provided by managements, and free or cheap accommodation is sometimes offered to workers in the larger factories. Some firms employ full-time welfare officers, while others organize film and opera shows and provide facilities for football, basketball and swimming. Adult education is some- times arranged, with free or subsidized tuition for employees' children. There are also voluntary organizations which provide hostels and playgrounds catering specifically for industrial workers.
Financial Structure
ALTHOUGH the approval of the Secretary of State for the Colonies is still required before decisions are made on certain major matters including currency and banking, the Colony in other respects has complete autonomy in financial affairs and the ultimate financial authority is the Legislative Council.
Hong Kong is financially self-supporting apart from the cost of its external defence. To this, also, it makes a substantial con- tribution. Since 1958 the Colony's contribution to defence ex- penditure has been £1 million a year; in 1964 it was announced that an additional £6 million would be made available over the years up to 1970 as a contribution to the costs of army and air force building programmes. The Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr Frederick Lee, visited Hong Kong twice during 1966 to discuss, among other matters, the future defence contribution. Revenue from local sources meets the cost of all the Colony's works and services. The Legislative Council is the sole taxing and spending authority. Apart from the Housing Authority, which has a certain measure of autonomy, there are no financially independent subordinate bodies similar to the local government authorities in the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth territories. The revenue and expenditure figures therefore represent all the public income and all the public expenditure of the Colony other than 'below the line' operations of various funds.
A small deficit was returned in the first financial year after the war. Since then, with the exception of 1959-60 and 1965-6 when there were deficits of some $45 million and $137 million respec- tively, substantial surpluses have been accumulated. Comparative figures for the past four years are shown in Appendix IX. The accumulation of these surpluses in the varying economic conditions which the Colony has had to face since the war is a considerable achievement, particularly since it has taken place after charging annually against current revenue all capital expenditure other than
a comparatively small amount financed by borrowing. In 1965-6 capital expenditure totalled nearly $735 million.
The principal reason for these results, which appear so favourable, is that exceptionally rapid increases in population have generated internal economic activity which has raised the yield from taxation and other sources of revenue substantially without appreciable increases in their rates. Annual revenue expanded from $292 million in 1950-1 to $1,632 million in 1965-6. The rate of increase was affected by variations in such factors as the economic situation and inflows of capital, but the upward trend was continuous. In expenditure there was inevitably a time-lag before the government could develop the public and social services necessary for the increased population. However, as these services were developed- and the rate of their development has gradually accelerated-the margin between recurrent expenditure and recurrent revenue tended to narrow. For example, in 1952-3 recurrent expenditure absorbed only 57 per cent of the recurrent revenue, but by 1959-60 the figure had risen to 82 per cent with the consequence that in that year the surplus of revenue over expenditure could no longer finance all the capital expenditure. An overall deficit of $45 million thus occurred. Subsequent budgets anticipated further and sub- stantial deficits but statistics now available suggest that the economic strength and resilience of the Colony was underestimated, at any rate temporarily, for it was not until 1965-6 that another deficit was recorded.
The intervening years saw an upsurge in recurrent revenue, arising mainly from the very active trading conditions prevailing in the Colony, with the result that while recurrent expenditure continued at approximately the levels expected it absorbed a smaller than anticipated proportion of the recurrent revenue. By 1963-4 the proportion was down to 65 per cent and this in- creased only three points during the next two years. At the same time capital expenditure, though rising substantially, was lower than originally forecast while capital revenue, due mainly to heavy receipts from land sales, recorded marked increases. 1964-5 pro- duced a surplus of $78 million but ended on a somewhat restrained note. The property market, temporarily oversupplied with flats built speculatively for sale, had turned dull and, in a lesser degree, affected other sectors. Some businesses got into difficulties and
runs ensued on a number of local, mainly small, banks culminating in the failure of two of them in 1965. The export trade, however, remained buoyant. The deficit of 1965-6 reflected this temporary setback and was due partially to special measures arising from it but mainly to the consequence of a very large reduction in land sales revenue. It appears, moreover, to foreshadow a more sub- stantial break in the pattern of annual surpluses than was the case with the 1959-60 deficit.
The budget for 1966-7 introduced increases in taxation estimated to produce an additional $90 million, but it will be seen from Appendix IX that a deficit of $94 million for the year is, never- theless, anticipated. No significant recovery in land sales revenue is expected for this year. The deficit, of course, indicates that revenue will be unable to finance all the capital expenditure arising from the government's very heavy programme of non- recurrent public works, mainly for more schools, medical facilities, housing, water supplies, roads and land development schemes. As has been the case in several past years the basis on which the deficit for 1966-7 was estimated may prove to be pessimistic but, on the other hand, this year there are certain abnormal expenditure items (in particular salary increases, including back pay amounting to $42.5 million, in respect of the Public Service) which were not allowed for in the estimates.
Revenue and expenditure for the last two years, with the estimates for this financial year, are detailed and compared in Appendices VI and VII. In 1965-6 the revenue of $1,632 million was $20 million less than the original estimate. The head showing the largest excess was rates with $31 million. This was due mainly to assessments on new premises but there were also some increases in rateable values. There were shortfalls on two recurrent heads (duties and water revenue) but all other recurrent heads produced surpluses. The most serious shortfall was in capital receipts from land sales, which were below the estimate by some $118 million. Expenditure for the financial year 1965-6 was $1,769 million against the estimate of $1,711 million, showing an excess of $58 million. A significant factor was the expenditure of $587 million on civil engineering, water and building projects under public works non-recurrent. The estimates for this financial year anticipate an increase over the 1965-6 results in revenue under duties and internal revenue,
due mainly to increases in duties and taxation introduced in this year's budget. Present indications are that revenue from land sales will be about the same as in 1965-6.
At 31st March 1966 net available public assets were $826 million, of which $138 million was earmarked in a Revenue Equalization Fund as a reserve against future deficits on current account. Accord- ing to normal government practice the statement of assets and liabilities excludes the public debt of the Colony from the liabilities. The debt at 31st March 1966 was $78.8 million or the equivalent of approximately $21 per head of population. Indebtedness decreased by $3.8 million during the year, owing mainly to the repayment of $3.2 million of the United Kingdom's interest-free loan of £3 million ($48,000,000) for the development of Kai Tak Airport. This loan is repayable in 15 annual instalments; the first repayment was made on 1st October 1961. The Rehabilitation Loan, which was raised in 1947-8 to cover part of the cost of post-war recon- struction, is repayable in 1973-8; there is provision for a sinking fund which stood at $25.5 million on 31st March 1966.
In addition to the Assets and Liabilities referred to above there exists for special purposes the Development Loan Fund (see Appen- dix XIII) and a Lotteries Fund. The Development Loan, of $546 million, is used to finance social and economic development proj- ects of a self-liquidating nature. The greater part has been used for low-cost housing schemes. At 31st March 1966 outstanding commitments from funds allocated exceeded liquid assets of $37 million by $185 million. The Lotteries Fund, established on 30th June 1965, is for the support and development of social welfare services in the Colony (see Appendix XIII). The fund commenced with a transfer from general revenue of $7.4 million and an addi- tional $2.3 million, mainly from the net proceeds of lotteries held during the year, was credited during the period 30th June 1965 to 31st March 1966, by which date grants and loans amounting to $7.34 million had been approved. Details of Public Debt and Colonial Development and Welfare schemes and grants are shown in Appendices X and XI.
There is no general tariff and only five groups of imported commodities, namely alcoholic liquors, tobacco, hydrocarbon oils,
table waters and methyl alcohol, are subject to import duty. Excise duties are levied on the same products when manufactured locally. All firms engaged in the import, export, manufacture, or sale of dutiable commodities must be licensed.
The rates of duty are, in general, low. A preferential rate of duty for liquor of Commonwealth origin is at present levied at between 66 per cent and 89 per cent of the rate for non-Common- wealth liquor; locally-produced beer enjoys a further preferential margin over Commonwealth beer. Duty on all types of liquor ranges from $1.60 per gallon on locally brewed beer to $73 a gallon for liquors and spirits of non-Commonwealth origin.
The scale of duties on imported tobacco ranges from $2.50 a pound for Chinese prepared tobacco to $11.25 a pound on non- Commonwealth cigars. Preferential rates are granted for un- manufactured tobacco of Commonwealth origin and to cigars, cigarettes and pipe tobacco of Commonwealth origin or manufac- ture. The duty rates on all types of tobacco except Chinese prepared tobacco were raised by $2 per pound in February 1966.
The duties on motor spirits and other light or heavy oils now stand at $1.80 and 10 cents a gallon respectively. The general rate of duty on diesel oils for road vehicles is $1.30 per gallon, although public omnibus operators and marine and industrial users pay much reduced rates. In February 1966 duty rates on fuels (both motor spirit and diesel oil) for road vehicles except public omnibuses were raised by 30 cents per gallon. The rates of duty on table waters and methyl alcohol are 48 cents and $7.50 per gallon respectively.
Rates are levied on the basis of the annual letting value of land or a building held or occupied as a distinct or separate tenancy. The valuation list covers the rating areas of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, New Kowloon and part of the New Territories. In Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Kowloon rates are charged, with a few exceptions, at 17 per cent per annum of rateable value. In those parts of the New Territories which are statutorily subject to rates the charge is 11 per cent. The valuation list is prepared by the Commissioner of Rating and Valuation and is frequently revised to bring it up-to-date. Revenue from rates has more than
doubled over the last five years. The estimate for 1966-7 is $242,750,000.
There are few exemptions. Premises used for educational, chari- table and welfare purposes are rated, but most of the bodies running these establishments receive back the amount of rates paid in the form either of direct subventions or contributions toward rates.
Income was first subjected to direct taxation in Hong Kong in 1940 as a temporary war-time measure and no attempt was made to collect tax after the liberation of the Colony, although the ordinance was not repealed until 1947. However, a new source of revenue was by then essential and it was decided to impose a direct tax on earnings and profits as a permanent measure. Under the Inland Revenue Ordinance 1950, tax is charged only on income or profits arising in or derived from the Colony. No tax is charged on income or profits arising outside the Colony whether remitted here or not. The ordinance aims at simplicity and to this end charges tax generally at source and at a flat rate rather than in the hands of the eventual recipient on a sliding scale. Thus there is no need to ascertain the total income of each individual.
Income and profits are grouped in four categories, each of which is subject to a separate tax, namely, Property Tax, Salaries Tax, Profits Tax and Interest Tax. A fifth and aggregate tax known as Personal Assessment is chargeable upon persons who so elect. In that case the individual's income otherwise chargeable to the four separate taxes is aggregated in a single sum which is reduced. by personal allowances and tax charged on a sliding scale granting reduced rate reliefs. The privilege of election is not available to non-residents.
The standard rate of tax was raised to 15 per cent from 1st April 1966, having stood at 124 per cent for the previous 15 years. Business profits, interest received from loans and the interest element of purchased annuities are charged to tax at the full standard rate. However, where the profits of a non-corporate business are below $7,000 for any year, no tax is charged and tax chargeable on such a business is restricted to one-half of the amount by which the profits exceed $7,000. Property Tax is charged on
the net rateable value of any land or building in the Colony with the exception of those situated in the New Territories and those wholly occupied by the owner as his residence. If the rent receivable is controlled by reference to 1941 rental the charge is at one-half the standard rate; otherwise tax is payable at the full standard rate. Salaries Tax is charged on the total income from employment reduced by allowances which are at present: for the taxpayer, $7,000; for his wife, $7,000; for each of the first two children, $2,000; for each of the third to sixth children, $1,000; and for each of the seventh to ninth, $500. This makes a maximum allowance for children of $9,500. Premia paid for life insurance are allowed to an amount not exceeding one-sixth of the amount by which the income exceeds $7,000. Tax is charged on a scale commencing at 23 per cent on the first $5,000 of the net income and increasing at each subsequent $5,000 stage until at $45,000 the maximum rate of 30 per cent is reached. The total Salaries Tax payable by any individual is restricted to an amount not exceeding the standard rate on his gross income.
It is estimated that the revenue from Earnings and Profits Tax during the financial year 1966-7 will be $417 million.
Estate Duty generally follows the lines of the British tax of the same name. Duty is assessed only on that part of an estate which is in Hong Kong. The rates of duty range from 3 per cent on estates valued between $100,000 and $200,000 to 40 per cent on estates over $15 million. Yield for the year ending 31st March 1967 is estimated at $15.7 million.
Stamp Duty is modelled on the British pattern and fixed duties are charged on various documents. The lowest is 15 cents on bills of lading and receipts and the highest $20 on deeds. Ad valorem duty on various other documents ranges from 15 cents on $500 to $2 on $100. A special duty at the rate of 3 per cent is payable on the first conveyance of any parcel of land after September 1948. The estimated yield from Stamp Duty during the current financial year is $62 million.
Substantial revenue accrues from Entertainment, Dance Halls, Bets and Sweeps Taxes, and it is estimated they will yield $60.2 million during the current year. Entertainment Tax is charged on the price of admission to places of entertainment, the rate varying
with the amount charged but averaging about 22 per cent. Certain types of entertainment given for charitable or educational purposes are taxed at a lower rate or may be exempt. Public Dance Halls Tax is a levy of 10 per cent on all dance halls charges. Bets and Sweeps Tax imposes 7 per cent on totalisator receipts and 25 per cent on cash sweepstake receipts.
A Hotel Accommodation Tax was introduced during the year to provide money for the organization of tourism. The charge became effective on 1st July 1966. The rate of tax is 2 per cent of the charge made for accommodation by the proprietor of any hotel containing 10 or more rooms normally available for the lodging of guests. This levy is estimated to yield $1 million in the current year.
Every business carried on in the Colony, except one which is not carried on for the purpose of gain or one which is carried on by a charitable institution, must be registered and pay annually a registration fee of $25. Where the business is very small the Commissioner may exempt it from the fee. These fees are expected to yield approximately $3.1 million.
When Hong Kong was founded in 1841, China's currency was based on uncoined silver. The normal unit for foreign trade throughout the Far East was the Spanish or Mexican silver dollar. By a proclamation of 1842, Mexican or 'other Republican dollars' were declared to be legal tender in the Colony although government accounts were kept in Sterling until 1862. There were several unsuccessful attempts to change the monetary basis from silver to gold.
A mint was set up in 1866 and produced a Hong Kong equivalent of the Mexican dollar, but the new coin was unpopular and the mint closed down two years later. The machinery was later sold to establish the first modern mint in Japan.
An Order of the Queen in Council, dated 2nd February 1895, authorized the minting in India of a British trade dollar, equivalent to the Mexican dollar. In Hong Kong this gradually replaced the Mexican dollar although the latter still remained both legal tender and the standard by which other dollars were judged. The Sterling or gold value of the dollar varied with the price of silver. This
gave Hong Kong a variable exchange relationship with London and the world at large, but a reasonably stable one with China.
In 1845 the Oriental Bank issued the first bank notes in the Colony, and the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, the Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, and the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation followed suit. Although not legal tender, these notes increasingly became the customary means of payment because of the inconvenience of dealing with large amounts of silver. By 1890 they had become established by convention as practically the sole medium of exchange apart from subsidiary coinage. An ordinance of 1895 restricted the issue of banknotes to specifically authorized banks-the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and the Chartered Bank of India, Australia. and China (now the Chartered Bank). By then the Oriental Bank had closed its doors and the Chartered Mercantile Bank of India had been reorganized. In 1911 this reorganized bank (now the Mercantile Bank Limited) was added to the list of authorized note-issuing banks.
The rising price of silver from 1931 onwards forced China to abandon the silver standard in 1935. Hong Kong followed. The Currency Ordinance of that year, later renamed the Exchange Fund Ordinance, set up an exchange fund to which note-issuing banks were obliged to surrender all silver previously held by them against their note issues in exchange for certificates of indebtedness. The certificates, which are non-interest-bearing and are issued and redeemed at the discretion of the Financial Secretary, became the legal backing for the notes issued by the note-issuing banks, apart from their fiduciary issues. The silver surrendered by the banks was used to set up an exchange fund, which in practice keeps its assets in Sterling and operates in a similar manner to traditional Colonial Currency Boards. The ordinance also made the banknotes legal tender.
At the same time the government undertook to issue one-dollar currency notes to replace the silver dollars in circulation. In 1960, because of the heavy expense of keeping clean notes in circulation, a dollar coin of cupro-nickel and about the same size as a British florin was re-introduced. Stocks are sufficient to replace all notes issued but, although banks have been asked to withdraw all notes
received in the course of business, many still remain unredeemed although few appear to be in active circulation. The dollar notes and coins are backed by security funds which maintain their assets partly in Sterling and partly in Hong Kong dollar bank accounts. The government also issues subsidiary coins of the value of 5 cents, 10 cents and 50 cents, and notes of the value of 1 cent.
Since 1935 the value of the Hong Kong dollar has been maintained at approximately 1s 3d Sterling. Banks may deal with the public at a few points on either side of this rate, both to allow for a profit margin and, to a slight extent, to meet fluctuations in demand and supply.
The total currency in nominal circulation at 31st December 1966 was:
Bank note issue
Government $1 note issue
Government $1 coin issue
Subsidiary coins and notes
$1,730,407,000 14,940,487
$ 54,271,860
The Colony has been a part of the Sterling area since August 1941. Exchange Control is administered under powers conferred by the Defence (Finance) Regulations 1940. The system of control is based on that in force in the United Kingdom, with some modifications made necessary by the position of Hong Kong as an entrepôt.
Bank deposits in the Colony increased steadily to reach a record figure of $8,405 million at the end of the year, representing an increase of 15.9 per cent over the previous year's figure. Loans and advances increased by $342 million; these, as a percentage of bank deposits, amounted to 64 per cent at the end of the year, compared with 69.5 per cent at the end of 1965. There was evidence that banks generally were being more selective in the granting of loans and advances.
The Banking Ordinance 1964 provides that banking business shall be transacted in the Colony only by a company licensed for that purpose. Each bank is required to have a minimum paid-up capital of $5 million, or the equivalent in foreign currency, and to build up published reserves of an amount equal to its paid-up
capital. Each bank must also maintain a minimum level of specified liquid assets and there are certain restrictions on the classes of other assets it may hold. Provisions are included for the annual auditing of banks' accounts and the publication of certain in- formation. Monthly returns are required from all banks. The Banking Ordinance became fully effective on 1st December 1966, at the end of a two-year transitional period to allow certain banks. to adjust their positions.
At the end of 1966 there were 72 incorporated banks in the Colony, compared with 74 at the end of 1965. A total of 318 banking offices existed at the end of 1966, representing an increase of 17 during the year. A total of 51 banks were authorized to deal in foreign exchange. Many of these banks have branches and cor- respondents throughout the world and the Colony can offer a comprehensive banking service of the highest order. Monthly clearings during the year averaged $4,134,380,000. The table at Appendix XIV illustrates the expansion of banking activities in the Colony over the past 12 years.
Industry and Trade
HONG KONG is now established as an industrial territory with an economy based on exports rather than on the domestic market. At the same time it remains basically a free port. The change from dependence upon entrepôt trade has taken place over the past 17 years, although industry is not entirely new to Hong Kong. By the turn of the century, as a natural extension of port activities, shipbuilding and shipbreaking industries had developed in the Colony. Some light industries were established before 1939. But industrial development on a significant scale did not take place until political changes in China, followed by the Korean war and consequent trade restrictions, signalled the end of the entrepôt trade as a basis for the economy. The simultaneous arrival of refugees from the mainland brought in additional manpower and in some cases technical knowledge and capital. As a result, while the entrepôt trade declined there was an increase in the manufacture and export of cotton textiles-a development which proved to be the foundation for subsequent light industrial expansion.
United States regulations prohibiting the purchase of Chinese manufactured goods provided another stimulus to the manufacture of certain categories of products in Hong Kong for the American market. Certification procedures designed by the Commerce and Industry Department, in association with the United States authorities, were introduced to prevent the substitution of Chinese goods. This stimulated the interest of local manufacturers and exporters in the potential of the American market. Restrictions in the trade in cotton textiles between Japan and the United States in the late 1950's caused American buyers to turn to Hong Kong as an alternative source of supply. Since then the United States has become the largest market for Hong Kong's products, including textiles and garments.
Hong Kong's industrial economy thus derives from various circumstances, few of which originally appeared favourable. But
with these circumstances-all of them outside Hong Kong's control, some of them fortuitous must also be considered the political stability of the territory and its encouragement of enterprise. There has been a steadfast policy of refusing to surrender to occasional protectionist pressure, or to demands for subsidies to industry, or to demands for retaliation against other countries' restrictive actions. Widespread skill in merchandising techniques inherited from the entrepôt era, plus highly developed banking, insurance and shipping systems, have helped to make this policy successful. For Hong Kong the industries likely to survive and prosper are those whose products can either be exported without subsidy or be sold in the domestic market without protection. Hong Kong has therefore remained true to the traditions established when it was an entrepôt, with no tariffs and few restrictions on the entry of goods from any quarter of the globe.
In matters affecting internal and external trade, the Director of Commerce and Industry is assisted by advice from the Trade and Industry Advisory Board. This is a body of unofficial senior repre- sentatives of commerce, industry, banking, etc nominated by the Governor, of which the director is chairman. It meets regularly once a month and on occasions more frequently. A more specialized board, the Cotton Advisory Board, first appointed in 1961, is consulted on matters affecting the cotton textile industry.
The general facility with which industry may be established and conducted in Hong Kong has attracted investors. Most industrial- ists are Hong Kong residents of Chinese race, and the greater part of their capital resources are self-generated. In recent years, however, overseas interests-in particular American, Australian, British and Japanese-have to an increasing extent entered into licensing arrangements with Hong Kong firms and into other forms of industrial co-operation. The variety of goods produced in Hong Kong is now considerable. In general, while heavy industry such as shipbuilding and steel rolling continues to be important, Hong Kong has become best known for the competitive price and range of its light industrial products and their rapidly improving quality.
Trade Promotion
Greater emphasis than ever before was placed on Hong Kong's trade promotion in 1966. In April a Trade Development Office was opened and operated on a provisional basis until the Hong Kong Trade Development Council was established by Ordinance at the end of September. The Council is financed partly from general revenue and partly by means of an ad valorem levy on imports, exports and re-exports. Its functions are to promote, assist and develop Hong Kong's overseas trade, with particular reference to exports. It also makes recommendations to the government on any measures which it considers would achieve an increase in Hong Kong's trade. A very vigorous export programme was immediately launched. In June, Hong Kong took part in the Barcelona Interna- tional Samples Fair with a Delegation of 27 and a pavilion covering 8,000 square feet. In September and November similar displays were mounted at St Erik's Fair in Stockholm and
the First Asian International Trade Fair in
Bangkok. More than 2,000 products were shown at each fair and results sur- passed all expectations. In Stockholm, for instance,
more than 6,000 in- quiries were received about Hong Kong products and contracts concluded during the 12-day fair, or result- ing directly from it,
totalled $5 million. Large displays of
Hong Kong
goods were
mounted by Macy's in New York and 10 other big American cities, by Self- ridge's in London and by Breuninger's in Stuttgart. All reported good business.
At each fair, Chinese performers were used to attract attention to the Hong Kong Pavilion. In Stockholm, actress Ho Lan (above) danced in traditional Chinese costume. Furniture and garments were an important part of each display.
Hundreds of products are on show in the Display Centre in the Ocean Terminal in Kowloon (above). To coincide with the exposition of Hong Kong goods at Selfridge's, a special display was mounted in the TDC's London office (below).
Hong Kong comes to
The problem of improving industrial productivity in Hong Kong is one of concern both to the government and to private enterprise, and substantial progress was made during the year towards the establishment of a statutory Productivity Council and a Productivity Centre. Legislation to provide for the former was introduced in December 1966, and the formal establishment of the council itself was expected to follow in January 1967. The council will comprise a chairman and up to 20 members, all appointed by the Governor, of whom 10 will represent management, labour, and academic and professional interests, and not more than 10 will represent government departments closely associated with produc- tivity matters. In anticipation of the necessary legislation, an interim Productivity Secretariat and Productivity Centre was established in April 1966, under the guidance and control of the Provisional Productivity Council (established in May 1965), to deal with the growing volume of productivity training being undertaken both inside and outside the Colony. Productivity training inside the Colony continued to be undertaken by the Hong Kong Management Association. However, the newly established Productivity Centre took over some of the work involved in the despatch of study missions to overseas countries and the nomination of individuals for overseas courses. It is expected that the activities of the Pro- ductivity Centre will expand considerably next year when an executive director is appointed.
Hong Kong is one of the 12 member countries of the Asian Productivity Organization, whose object is co-operation amongst Asian countries to raise productivity. Hong Kong was represented at the 6th workshop meeting of directors of national productivity centres, and at the 7th meeting of the governing body of the Asian Productivity Organization, both these meetings being held in Tokyo in April. As in previous years, a considerable number of Hong Kong nominees participated during the year in study missions, seminars, symposia and training courses of different kinds in various Asian countries, mainly Japan. Additionally, two seminars sponsored by the Asian Productivity Organization were held in Hong Kong during the year, under the aegis of the Hong Kong Government and the Hong Kong Management Association.
The textile industry not only dominates Hong Kong's economy, accounting for 52 per cent of its domestic exports and employing 41 per cent of its industrial labour force, but is also a significant factor in international trade in textiles (see International Economic Relations, below). In all sectors, the manufacture and processing of cotton goods predominate. The cotton spinning mills, operating some 732,000 spindles, are among the most up-to-date in the world. Cotton yarn counts range from 10's to 60's carded and combed, in single or multiple threads. Production of all counts in 1966 was estimated at approximately 290 million pounds, the greater part of which was consumed by local weavers. In the piecegoods weaving section, which has 22,000 looms, grey cotton drill, canvas, shirting, poplins, ginghams and other bleached and dyed cloth and prints. are the main items. Production of cotton piecegoods in 1966 was estimated to be approximately 650 million square yards. Much of this was exported as cloth, but there is an increasing tendency for garment manufacturers to use domestic materials.
The use of fibres other than cotton and new processes in the finishing and garment industries are assuming growing significance. Three leading textile concerns are producing polyester-cotton and polyester-viscose yarn for weaving into shirting and other fabrics for which there is now a more rapid growth in demand than for comparable cotton products. There was further development of the woollen and worsted spinning industry. Its production goes mostly to the domestic knitting industry, although some is woven into cloth. Other woven products include silk and rayon brocade of traditional Chinese design, tapes, military webbing, lace, mosquito netting, carpets and rugs. The dyeing, printing and finishing industry has concentrated on such developments as multi-colour screen and roll printing, pre-shrinking and permanent-pressing by several processes under licence, and polymerizing for the production of drip-dry fabrics.
The manufacture of garments remains the largest sector within the industry, employing 70,000 workers. A wide range and variety of clothing, from high fashion dresses to cotton singlets, is produced for export all over the world. Embroidered blouses, beaded or sequinned woollen cardigans, silk and brocade, and evening coats
have worldwide popularity. Custom and mail order tailoring, principally of men's suits, has rapidly developed in recent years into an important branch of industry. Knitting mills produce towels, tee-shirts, underwear and nightwear, swimsuits, gloves, socks and stockings in cotton, silk, wool and other fabrics. Production and export of knitted woollen and acrylic knitwear, especially for women, has shown phenomenal growth in recent years. From a total of $862 million in 1961, the value of exports of clothing has risen to $2,000 million in 1966, produced by some 1,100 factories.
In the ever-widening range of light industry the most prominent, after textiles, is the manufacture of plastic articles. Skill in the cutting of moulds and dies, together with the ability to meet short orders, have resulted in increased exports of a very wide variety of products. These include artificial flowers, toys and dolls, house- hold ware, household furniture of polypropylene, and PVC sheeting and coated fabrics. The industry manufactured exports worth some $659 million during the year.
There has been spectacular growth in the electronics industry. The manufacture or assembly of transistor radios began only in 1959, but since then exports of transistor radios have increased to reach a total of 11.6 million sets worth $184 million in 1966. The industry exports to 77 countries, but its principal markets are the United Kingdom and the United States. The manufacture of electronic components continues to make rapid progress. A number of leading American electronic manufacturers have established subsidiaries in Hong Kong. Silicon transistors and diodes, con- densers, transformers, capacitors, resistors, loudspeakers and printed circuit boards are now produced and exported. Other electronic products include television sets and tuners, transceivers and computer memory cores.
While the plastics and electronics industries illustrate some of the factors behind Hong Kong's striking industrial development, light industries of many varieties have continued to make steady progress. They include the manufacture of air-conditioners, alumin- iumware, clocks and watches, cordage, electrical appliances and equipment, enamelware, food and beverages, footwear, light metal
products, optical and photographic equipment, paint, vacuum flasks, and furniture and furnishings. The manufacture of hair wigs has developed dramatically during the last two years, the principal market being the United States. Despite serious problems concern- ing an acceptable source of supply for raw hair and the certification of the finished products, exports during 1966 were valued at $71 million. Some 15,000 workers are employed in the manufacture of wigs.
Hong Kong's major shipyards are equipped to build ocean-going vessels of over 10,000 tons deadweight and also to construct and install their engines. At the other end of the scale, pleasure-craft and utility vessels of all kinds including ocean-going yachts, vehicle and passenger ferries, sloops, cruisers, speedboats of wood and fibre glass, yawls and steel lighters are regularly produced for local use and for export. The traditional Chinese junk, slightly modified from the basic design used for many centuries, has also been exported as a comfortable and stable pleasure-craft.
Activity in the shipbreaking industry has declined considerably; the number of ships broken up during 1966 dropped to a record low. Most of the scrap obtained from shipbreaking operations is used in steel rolling mills which produce mild steel bars, window sections, angles and channels and other metal products used in building construction. Although some rods and bars are shipped abroad, principally to South-East Asian countries, the mills rely heavily on domestic sales and supply a large part of the requirements for the local building industry. Several rolling mills produce brass and aluminium sheets and circles, most of which are used for the manufacture of consumer goods. Recently the industry has had to face severe competition from imported bars and rods and some mills are operating at reduced capacity as a result. The steel rolling industry highlights an important feature of the present state of development of heavy industry in Hong Kong. Hong Kong's separation from its principal markets is among the factors which have produced a concentration of resources on light industry while heavy industry has developed only where a domestic market was available. Two relatively new industrial ventures illustrate this point. The demands of the construction industry have resulted in
the establishment of one factory to manufacture spiral welded pipes of all dimensions, and another to produce extruded aluminium fittings and sections.
In similar fashion, the expansion of light industry has stimulated the manufacture of machinery and parts. Built originally for domestic industry, Hong Kong-made machine tools are now exported to over 70 countries. Of particular importance are plastic blow moulding and injection moulding machines, power presses, lathes and planing machines.
Aircraft engineering is another important industry; one large establishment provides maintenance and repair facilities for most airlines using Hong Kong Airport. Facilities are available for complete airframe and engine overhaul, and work has been received from 38 countries as far afield as Australia and Canada. The Colony also manufactures much of its requirement for cement, most of the raw materials being imported. Of potential significance for the future is the proposal by an American firm to set up an oil refinery in Hong Kong. Although it may take some time before production can commence, the refinery, when established, will initially produce petroleum for vehicular use, kerosene, diesel oils and lubricating oils for the domestic market and for export.
Government land development programmes include the zoning of land for industrial use. Large-scale reclamation schemes are being carried out at several places. Reclamation at Kwun Tong, which began in 1955, is now complete. The scheme provided 641 acres of which 154 acres are solely for industrial use. At the end of the year 468 factories were already operating, employing 49,373 workers or 11.6 per cent of Hong Kong's industrial work force. Another major development scheme is in progress at Kwai Chung. Long-term development plans of two new towns, Castle Peak and Sha Tin, have been approved in principle.
In the development areas of Kwun Tong and the Tsuen Wan complex, purchasers of industrial land leases can pay by instalments over 20 years. Purchasers of industrial land elsewhere in the Colony can pay in four equal interest-free instalments, spread over two years. During 1966, there was less demand for land for industrial develop- ment and fewer sites were auctioned than in the previous year.
The value of Hong Kong's external trade in 1966 was maintained at a high level; the combined value of imports, exports and re- exports of merchandise trade reached $17,660 million, an increase of $2,166 million or 14 per cent over that for 1965. This was due to substantial rises in imports, exports, and re-exports. Cargo tonnage by all means of transport rose from 12,076,344 tons in 1965 to 13,218,134 tons in 1966. Trade statistics, including a break- down by countries and commodities and comparisons with previous years, are contained in Appendices XV to XXI.
Imports were valued at $10,097 million, an increase of 13 per cent. Although domestic supplies of agricultural produce and fish are substantial, most of Hong Kong's foodstuffs have to be imported, and food was the principal import, valued at $2,216 million, an increase of 9 per cent over 1965 and representing 22 per cent of all imports. The chief items of edible imports were live animals, rice and other cereals, fruits and vegetables, dairy products and eggs, and fish and fish preparations. Raw materials and semi- manufactured goods for industry included textile fibres and yarns, base metals and plastic moulding materials. Capital goods imported included machinery and transport equipment, while mineral fuels and lubricants were also imported in large quantities.
The sources of imports are determined by proximity, price, speed of delivery and by traditional trade relationships. China remained Hong Kong's principal supplier, increasing last year's figure by 19 per cent, providing 27 per cent of all imports, and 56 per cent of all food imports. Other items imported from China included textile yarn and fabrics, clothing and base metals. Imports from Japan, the second largest supplier, showed an increase of 19 per cent and accounted for 18 per cent of imports from all sources. Of imports from Japan 37 per cent were textile yarn fabrics: the rest were made-up of base metals, electric apparatus and appliances, chemicals and miscellaneous manufactured articles. Imports from both the United States and the United Kingdom showed slight increases. The principal imports from the United States were textile fibres, tobacco, machinery, fruits and vegetables and plastic materials. Imports from the United Kingdom were mainly machinery, motor vehicles and textile products.
The value of domestic exports reached a total of $5,730 million, an increase of 14 per cent over the previous year. Products of the textile and garment manufacturing industries accounted for 52 per cent by value, and miscellaneous manufactured articles, mainly plastic goods, made up a further 19 per cent. Other light industrial products such as electric apparatus and appliances, footwear, and manufactures of metals were also important categories of exports.
The direction of Hong Kong's export trade is influenced by such factors as the advantages of preference in Britain and several smaller Commonwealth markets, and economic conditions and commercial policies in overseas markets. During the year 53 per cent of all domestic exports by value went to two markets-the United States and the United Kingdom-in a ratio of roughly two to one. The United States, remaining the largest market, took 36 per cent by value and increased her purchases by $317 million or 18 per cent. The value of goods sent to the United Kingdom was $987 million, 17 per cent of all domestic exports and an increase of $127 million or 15 per cent. The Federal Republic of Germany, which remained the third largest market, purchased Hong Kong manufactures worth $420 million during the year. Other grow- ing markets of importance included Canada, Japan, and the Netherlands, but domestic exports now go to practically every country in the world.
The entrepôt trade has sustained its role in external commerce. The value of re-exports in 1966 totalled $1,833 million, an increase of 22 per cent over 1965. This was 24 per cent of the total combined value of exports of Hong Kong manufactures and re-exports of imported goods. Japan remained the leading customer. Indonesia, third in 1965, showed a marked increase and became the second most important re-export market. Singapore took third place, followed by the United States, Macau, and Taiwan. The principal commodities in the re-export trade were textiles, medicinal and pharmaceutical products, and animal and vegetable crude materials.
The year saw the realization of long-term plans for three new measures to assist Hong Kong business to meet altered trading conditions and increasing competition. The report submitted by
the Working Committee on Export Promotion Organization at the end of 1965, recommending the establishment of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, was accepted by the government and made public in February. The council was conceived as a statutory corporation under an independent chairman with two representatives each from the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, and the Chinese Manufacturers' Association; other members comprising the chairmen of the Hong Kong Tourist Association and of the Exchange Banks Association, two senior government officials- the Director of Commerce and Industry and the Director of Information Services-and four members appointed by name. It would devise a policy and programme of promotion for Hong Kong as a whole, superseding the Commercial Public Relations Co-ordinating Committee and taking over the responsibility of the Trade and Industry Advisory Board for advising the government on export promotion. The report recommended that the council be serviced by a permanent secretariat under an executive director. The nucleus of the secretariat would be the staff of the Commerce and Industry Department engaged on export promotion work, and of the Public Relations Joint Committee of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Hong Kong Industries. The council's activities were to be financed by subventions from the government, roughly equivalent to the existing support from general revenue for export promotion plus a levy on the value of trade imposed on the commercial and industrial community.
In order to make progress with the realization of these plans, the working committee recommended that it should be kept in being to supervise the creation of the executive secretariat and generally to prepare the way for the council. Following the acceptance by the government of the committee's recommendations, the govern- ment staff engaged on export promotion in Hong Kong, London and Sydney and the staff of the Public Relations Joint Committee in Hong Kong, New York, Brussels and East Africa were integrated into an interim organization, the Hong Kong Trade Development Office, established under an executive director. The Hong Kong staff moved into the ocean terminal in Kowloon. All necessary administrative work was completed in time for the office to open at the commencement of the new financial year in April. The
council was incorporated on the enactment of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council Ordinance at the end of September. At the same time, regulations were made to impose ad valorem charges based on the declared value of most goods covered by import and export declarations lodged with the Commerce and Industry Department. The revenue from these charges provided part of the income of some $11.5 million promised by the government for the first financial year. The council met on 10 occasions since incorporation and agreed on budgets and programmes for the current and following years.
The council defined its tasks as the provision not only of support for current export endeavours but also of guidance to Hong Kong traders and manufacturers in the production of new and improved products to be sold through new and improved channels and methods. The programme of overseas activities followed first by the office and subsequently the council centred on two-year cam- paigns to develop information on, and contacts with, markets in which it was felt Hong Kong could improve its performance. The first markets selected were Spain and Scandinavia. With the availa- bility of additional funds, more preparation for the campaigns than had been possible hitherto was undertaken through market research and public relations consultants. Each campaign opened with the Trade Development Office arranging a large Hong Kong stand in a recognized trade fair. The stand combined the exhibits of individual commercial firms with representative prestige displays, including one presented by the Hong Kong Tourist Association. In Spain, the fair selected was the Barcelona International Samples Fair in June, while in Sweden the St Erik's Fair, held in Stockholm in September, was chosen. The Hong Kong stand at Barcelona won an award for design, and wide publicity was gained in both countries. Orders worth several millions of dollars were received by the commercial participants in each fair. Arrangements to follow up the success of these activities included visits by groups of buyers from each country to Hong Kong, and preparations for the despatch of selling dele- gations of traders and manufacturers from Hong Kong to each market in the early months of 1967.
In 1964 the Hong Kong Government accepted an invitation from the Thai Government to participate in the First Asian International Trade Fair sponsored by the United Nations Economic Commission
for Asia and the Far East. The fair was held in November 1966, and the Trade Development Council constructed a pavilion in keeping with Hong Kong's status in the region. Publicity activities included a charity film premiere, fashion shows and receptions. As in other promotions, the commercial participants reported good business.
In other parts of the world, assistance given to department stores in their promotional festivals was expanded. In the United States, Hong Kong participated with success in the 'Far East Fortnights' staged by Macy's in New York, and in similar promotions in five other cities throughout the country. A team of models, artists and craftsmen were sent from Hong Kong to assist in these. In Britain, Hong Kong was featured on its own in a festival mounted by the management of Selfridges store. Assistance was also given to a special display of Hong Kong products in Breuningers Depart- ment Store in Stuttgart. Earlier in the year a small display was sponsored at the International Trade Fair in Tel Aviv, while a series of fashion shows and displays were held in the exhibition facilities at the Hong Kong Government Office in London. In Hong Kong the Display Centre of Hong Kong Products was resited in the ocean terminal and reopened by the Governor, Sir David Trench, on 20th May. Both attendance and enquiries showed an encouraging increase over those recorded at the former location in the City Hall. The council took over from the government the publication of the Hong Kong Trade Bulletin, a monthly magazine describing Hong Kong products which is distributed free to busi- nessmen in nearly every country in the world. Other publications on Hong Kong and its products were prepared for distribution during promotional activities overseas with the assistance of the Information Services Department.
Less spectacular, but just as important, was the work of the council in planning better services for the exporter and exporting manufacturer. These include the collection, analysis and distribution of market information; the provision of expert guidance and assist- ance to local firms; and the development of means and points of contact with overseas buyers. To assist in executing the first of these tasks, the council retained the services of the International Market- ing Institute in the United States to review and advise on information systems. The council also began the recruitment of expert staff,
making a start in the field of display design. It places great import- ance on the improvement of the services offered by its five overseas offices, and by the end of the year was planning for their expansion.
The 24th annual exhibition of Hong Kong products, sponsored by the Chinese Manufacturers' Association, provided an opportunity for both overseas visitors and the local population to see the products of the 700 members of the association. The exhibition retained its general popularity and attracted some 2 million visitors after its opening by the Governor on 6th December.
The enactment during December of the Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation Ordinance offered manufacturers and exporters an important new service. The corporation provides government-backed insurance at low premium rates against those risks which are not normally insurable commercially, such as foreign governments' laws, orders or other actions which prevent the successful conclusion of an export transaction and credit risks. Such insurance, which is already provided in 24 other trading coun- tries, will assist exporters to expand existing business and to find new markets for their goods. Although its policies must be approved by the government, which has provided the initial capital of $10 million, the corporation, in the person of the commissioner, has full freedom to grant or refuse individual contracts. It is required to operate on a break-even policy and is expected to earn sufficient premium income to cover the payment of claims and other out- goings. It is authorized to undertake contingent liabilities up to $300 million fully guaranteed by the government. An advisory board has been appointed to assist the commissioner in the for- mulation of policy. The corporation's offices were established during the year with both seconded government officers and newly recruited staff who have been trained by an experienced manager. As a result the corporation is now in business.
As the United Kingdom has acceded to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade on behalf of Hong Kong, the Colony's exports attract most-favoured-nation tariff treatment in the majority of overseas markets and are protected from discriminatory import restrictions. Nevertheless, difficulties do occur from time to time
and during the past year Hong Kong made representations, outside the field of cotton textiles which are covered by their own particular arrangements, to the governments of Australia, Austria, the United States, the Benelux, South Africa, France and Nigeria. In addition, Hong Kong experienced discriminatory barriers to trade imposed by the Republic of Ireland, Sudan and the Philippines, none of which are contracting parties to the General Agreement. As a result of the continued imposition of the import surcharge, Hong Kong's trade with the United Kingdom did not return to the 1964 level. But the reduction of the surcharge to 10 per cent and its ultimate removal in November did result in some improvement. During the year, Hong Kong followed with considerable interest further develop- ments designed to bring about the free movement of goods within the European Economic Community. As the community already provides the Colony with a market worth about $500 million annually, Hong Kong is particularly concerned that the process of creating the Common Market should not result in limitations on the community's external trade.
The year has been one of intense activity in the sphere of multi- lateral commercial policy. Australian proposals to introduce a limited scheme of preferences for imports from less-developed countries, including Hong Kong, were discussed at length in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the contracting parties eventually granting a waiver in April. In spite of this initiative, a general scheme of preferential entry to the markets of the industrial- ized countries of Western Europe and North America for exports of less-developed countries has yet to be agreed. Hong Kong also followed with considerable interest developments in the Kennedy Round of tariff negotiations. During the year, the United Kingdom Government confirmed to the contracting parties of the GATT that they were also participating in the Kennedy Round on behalf of those dependent territories in respect of whom they had provi- sionally accepted the General Agreement; this includes Hong Kong.
In the textiles sector, the GATT Long-Term Arrangement regard- ing international trade in cotton textiles entered its fifth and final year on 1st October. In consequence, there was considerable inter- national discussion, both bilateral and multilateral, in which Hong Kong was closely involved, concerning the future of the arrange- ment. In the course of the fourth year of the arrangement, Hong
Kong's exports of cotton textiles to the United States, Canada, Norway, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Benelux coun- tries were under restraint, to a greater or lesser extent, as a result of agreements reached in accordance with the provisions of the arrangement. A five-year comprehensive bilateral agreement cover- ing all cotton textile exports, with retrospective effect from 1st October 1965, was negotiated with the United States. This agreement provided for an aggregate limit of 322.5 million square yards during the first year, compared with total exports of 291.1 million square yards during the preceding year. An annual growth factor of 5 per cent, and greater flexibility, were additional features of the agree- ment, the operation of which was reviewed in consultations held in Washington in October and November.
A three-year bilateral agreement with Canada was negotiated and signed in November, but unlike that with the United States it covered only fabrics, the annual limit for which was agreed at 11.09 million square yards. The previous annual restraints on five garment categories were extended for a further year. In October the Federal Republic of Germany expressed concern at the level of cotton textile imports from Hong Kong and requested negotia- tions with a view to a bilateral agreement on restraint covering six groups of products. Negotiations were held in Hong Kong in December, the results of which were still to be confirmed by both governments. Following representations from the Benelux Govern- ments, Hong Kong agreed in March to restrain exports of cotton woven shirts. In subsequent negotiations certain differences prompted the Benelux authorities to impose import restrictions, but these differences were resolved in November and agreement was reached on export control in Hong Kong in the two categories of shirts con- cerned, the period of restraint being extended up to 30th September 1967.
Outside the ambit of the Long-Term Arrangement, Hong Kong's exports to Britain of cotton yarn, cotton woven piecegoods and clothing were limited under an agreement reached early in 1966. This agreement, which runs for five years, followed the expiry of the previous three-year undertaking. It provided for the export in 1966 of 6.3 million pounds of cotton yarn and 185 million square yards, or its equivalent, of cloth; of the latter, 30 million square yards could be shipped as finished piecegoods and up to 85 million
square yards as made-up items or garments. The flexibility provisions include an annual growth rate of 1 per cent and a measure of an- ticipation and carry-over. Consultations were held with the Italian Government regarding exports of certain made-up goods, as a result of which revised certification requirements were introduced. In all the textiles negotiations referred to, the Director of Commerce and Industry was guided by the advice of the Cotton Advisory Board. Members of the board accompanied officials to Washington and Ottawa in the office of unofficial advisers.
Outside the field of cotton textiles, the year saw the implementa- tion of a two-year agreement reached with the Federal Republic of Germany in February, in accordance with which Hong Kong under- took to restrain exports of woollen knitted outerwear to a level of 875,000 dozens in 1966 and 960,000 dozens in 1967. Previously such exports had been regulated by a system of export authorizations only. The specific restraint agreement followed a sharp increase in export authorization commitments in early January, partly due to pent-up demand resulting from the temporary suspension of such authorizations in late 1965. In order to prevent speculation and distortion of trade, the Director of Commerce and Industry, acting on the advice of the Trade and Industry Advisory Board, again suspended issue while consultation with the Federal German author- ities took place. The trade resumed on conclusion of the restraint agreement, under a system of allocations devised on the basis of recommendations by a wool committee of the Trade and Industry Advisory Board which had been formed in the interim. Certain amendments to the agreement were negotiated in Hong Kong in July as a result of German concern over increased imports of Hong Kong origin knitwear from third countries.
Import and export licensing formalities are kept to a minimum consistent with Hong Kong's international obligations and the spirit of free trade. Complex procedures have had to be established, however, to ensure that Hong Kong's responsibilities in respect of restraints on cotton textile exports are discharged.
With the growth in exports of Hong Kong products in absolute and relative terms, certification of Hong Kong origin has become
vitally important to the Hong Kong economy. Since Hong Kong has practically no raw materials, the origin of manufactured goods is established by the nature of the work carried out in Hong Kong factories in transforming imported raw materials into a wide range of what are essentially consumer goods. The Commerce and Industry Department is responsible for ensuring that Hong Kong certificates of origin remain fully acceptable to overseas customs authorities and, to this end, the department has established a close system of liaison in certification matters with the three non-government issuing bodies approved for this purpose-the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, the Indian Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Hong Kong Industries. A number of overseas authorities still require imports of Hong Kong products to be covered by certificates of origin issued by the Commerce and Industry Department. During the year, exports of goods certified by the department to be of Hong Kong origin were valued at $1,520 million.
The department also issues certificates to enable Hong Kong products to claim preferential rates of duty on entry into Britain and a number of other Commonwealth territories which grant preference to Hong Kong. Commonwealth preference certificates are issued against either legal undertakings by manufacturers to use Commonwealth raw materials or detailed cost statements for each type of product prepared by public accountants approved for the purpose. Exports covered by Commonwealth preference certificates were valued at $1,115 million.
United States law prohibits the importation of certain classes of goods presumed to originate from the People's Republic of China, North Korea or North Vietnam, unless evidence is produced to the contrary. As Hong Kong manufacturers produce many goods in these categories, the department issues comprehensive certificates of origin under special certification procedures agreed with the United States authorities. During the year, goods valued at $817 million were exported to the United States and its dependencies under comprehensive certificates of origin. The total value of Hong Kong products certified under departmental certification procedures in 1966 was $3,452 million, representing over 60 per cent of total exports of locally manufactured products.
On 30th September the Trade Development Council was made responsible by ordinance for Hong Kong's trade promotion. The council took over the Trade Development Office, which had been administratively established on 1st April. The Commerce and In- dustry Department is now concerned with all other matters affecting trade and industry except labour and banking, its three divisions covering industry and certification, textiles and controls, and its two branches dealing with overseas trade relations and statistics.
The Industry Division provides a liaison between industry and other government departments, answers industrial enquiries from overseas and deals with specific industrial problems as they arise. It also operates certificate of origin and Commonwealth preference procedures. During the year a new industry inspection service was trained and established and took over responsibility for enforcing such procedures through the regular inspection of factories and goods and the prosecution of persons suspected of contravening the relevant regulations. The Textiles Division is concerned with the calculation and allocation of quotas for markets restricted because of the operation of the Long-Term Cotton Textile Arrangement, and for their control through export licensing. It is also responsible for preparations for any negotiations with trading partners con- cerning textiles and for enforcing the provisions of any agreement. The division acts as a secretariat for the Cotton Advisory Board.
The Controls Division deals with trade licensing, other than for textiles, with dutiable commodities and with the control of rice. stocks. It administers the Preventive Service, a uniformed and dis- ciplined service whose role in revenue protection and the control of narcotics traffic is described in Chapter 10. The Chief Preventive Officer commands the service which has an establishment of eight gazetted officers, 280 inspectors and 531 rank and file. The Overseas Trade Relations Branch keeps a watch on commercial measures adopted by other countries which may affect Hong Kong's trade. It studies the activities of international institutions concerned with trade and collects, analyses and presents information on these matters for the benefit of the Trade Development Council, local merchants and manufacturers. The branch acts as the secretariat for the Trade and Industry Advisory Board. The Statistical Branch
publishes monthly commodity-by-country trade statistics compiled from declarations filed with the department by importers and ex- porters. It also provides general statistical services for other govern- ment departments..
The Commerce and Industry Department is now responsible for two overseas offices. The Hong Kong Government Office in London is situated at 54-58 Pall Mall, SW1, and the Hong Kong Govern- ment Office in Brussels is accommodated in Britannia House, 30 Rue Joseph II.
The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce is the oldest in the Colony. Founded in 1861, it now has a membership of over 1,300, representing all branches of commerce and industry. Member- ship is open to firms and persons of all races and nationalities interested in the trade of Hong Kong. The chamber is represented on a number of important government boards and committees. It is an organizing member of the British National Committee of the International Chambers of Commerce, and a member of the Federation of Commonwealth Chambers of Commerce. Other chambers and associations in the Colony include the Hong Kong Junior Chamber of Commerce, which takes an active part in local civic affairs, the Indian Chamber of Commerce, the Hong Kong Exporters' Association and the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce.
The Federation of Hong Kong Industries, established by ordinance in 1960, devotes its efforts towards promoting the interests of Hong Kong industry as a whole, and its membership represents all indus- tries, many nationalities and all sizes of enterprise. In the promotion of internationally accepted standards for locally manufactured goods, the federation is responsible for a textile testing service, launched in consultation with the Retail Trading Standards Association in Britain, and is actively studying ways and means to promote the adoption of standards of other industrially advanced countries. During the year under review, the federation concluded an agree- ment with the Federation of Swiss Watch Manufacturers for their
'tested quality' label to be made available to Hong Kong watch case manufacturers whose products measure up to their standards. The federation has also been engaged in negotiations with the International Wool Secretariat aimed at enabling Hong Kong manu- facturers whose products meet the required standard to use the world-known 'woolmark'.
Established in 1934, the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong has a membership of over 1,400 factories. Member firms own factories of all sizes and all sectors of the Colony's industries are represented in the association, which has played an important role in the industrial development of Hong Kong.
Although the number of business failures resulting in formal insolvency proceedings in court remained relatively small in relation to the total number of businesses closing down, the number of receiving orders etc during the year was the highest since the war, many firms having suffered from the tightening of credit follow- ing upon the difficulties experienced by certain banks in 1965. Altogether, the court made 12 receiving orders, one order for the administration in bankruptcy of the estate of a deceased debtor, and 24 orders for compulsory winding up of companies. Assets realized by the Official Receiver as Trustee or Liquidator amounted to approximately $13,085,000, including $11,143,000 realized for two banks which failed in 1965.
Trade marks are registered under the Trade Marks Ordinance 1954, which is based on the Trade Marks Act 1938 of the United Kingdom. The procedure is laid down in the Trade Marks Rules 1954, and the prescribed forms may be obtained free of charge from the Registrar of Trade Marks, Registrar General's Depart- ment. Every mark, even if already registered in the United Kingdom or any other country, must satisfy all the requirements of the Hong Kong Trade Marks Ordinance before it may be accepted for reg- istration. During the year 1,941 applications were received and 1,264 (including many made in previous years) were accepted and
allowed to proceed to advertisement. A total of 1,410 marks were registered, the principal countries of origin being:
United States
Hong Kong
United Kingdom
West Germany Japan
Switzerland... France
The Netherlands
South Africa
The total number of marks on the register at 31st December 1966 was 21,181.
Hong Kong law does not provide for the original grant of patents, but the grantee of a United Kingdom patent may, within five years from the date of its issue, apply to have it registered in Hong Kong under the Registration of United Kingdom Patents Ordinance. Registration confers the same rights as though the patent had been issued in the United Kingdom with an extension to Hong Kong. A total of 319 patents were registered during the year, compared with 271 in 1965.
The Companies Registry keeps records of all companies incor- porated in Hong Kong and also of all foreign corporations which have established a place of business in the Colony. Local companies are incorporated under the Companies Ordinance, which is based. on the (now superseded) Companies Act 1929 of Great Britain. On incorporation a company pays a registration fee of $100 plus $2 for every $1,000 of nominal capital. In all, 1,384 new companies were incorporated during the year-128 more than the total in- corporated in 1965. The nominal capital of new companies registered during 1966 totalled $559,405,000, which was 29.6 per cent less than the corresponding figure for the previous year. Of the new companies, 12 had a nominal share capital of $5 million or more. At the end of the year there were 10,646 local companies on the register compared with 9,499 on 31st December 1965.
Companies incorporated outside Hong Kong are required to register certain documents with the Companies Registry within one month of establishing a place of business in the Colony. Only small filing fees are payable in such cases. During the year 47 such companies were registered and 29 ceased to operate. By the end of the year there were 588 companies registered from 36 countries
including 139 from the United States, 101 from the United Kingdom and 59 from Japan. Usually for tax reasons, many non-local companies incorporate a subsidiary in Hong Kong in preference to operating a branch office.
All insurance companies which wish to transact life or fire or marine insurance business in Hong Kong must comply with the provisions of the Life Insurance Companies Ordinance and the Fire and Marine Insurance Companies Deposit Ordinance respec- tively. In addition to the filing of annual accounts, these ordinances require deposits to be made with the Registrar of Companies unless the company qualifies for exemption by complying with the In- surance Companies Act 1958 in Great Britain, or-in the case of fire and marine insurance by maintaining similar deposits else- where in the Commonwealth. There are altogether 209 insurance companies, including 49 local companies, transacting such business in Hong Kong. The approval of the Governor in Council must be obtained for transacting motor vehicle third party insurance business.
The Companies Registry also deals with the incorporation of trustees under the Registered Trustees Incorporation Ordinance 1958, and with the registration of limited partnerships, Chinese partnerships and money-lenders.
Primary Production
LACKING natural resources, Hong Kong is heavily dependent for its livelihood on a wide range of manufacturing industries using imported raw materials. As a result, a comparatively small propor- tion of the working populace is concerned with primary production. The 1961 census showed just under 90,000 people as directly employ- ed in farming and fishing, and another 10,000 in mining and quarry- ing. Plans are well advanced for the establishment of new satellite towns in the agricultural hinterland of the New Territories, but so far little more than 5 per cent of Hong Kong is actually built up and the industrial explosion, however dramatic, has by no means overwhelmed the traditional life of the farmer and the fisherman. Indeed the vigour of the farming and fishing industries is best demonstrated by the way in which they too are adapting to changed conditions.
The population influx of the nineteen-fifties had its effect upon the countryside as well as the city. While the growth of the urban population created new demands for the produce of the farms, new people and new methods were moving in to meet them. There has been a steady reduction in the number of people growing rice on their own land and an increase in the number of recent immigrants renting land for intensive vegetable production or poultry farming. At the same time rice farmers have been encouraged to diversify by planting vegetables after the harvesting of a second rice crop. These trends, and parallel improvements in the fishing industry, are in line with government policy to stimulate the production of food where this is compatible with the best use of the resources of land
or sea.
From a farmer's viewpoint all the readily cultivable land in Hong Kong is already being exploited and what is left, apart from land alienated to industrial and urban use, is marginal or inaccessible.
Pressure comes on land from two directions--the continued and steady demand for land for industry and housing, and the need to meet the growing requirements of the rural community. It is im- portant to remember that 79 per cent of the total area of the territory is marginal land, in differing degrees of sub-grade charac- ter. The arable land and fish ponds already exploited comprise only 13.2 per cent of the total area and the expanding urban areas (the remaining 7.8 per cent) tend to encroach more directly on arable rather than on marginal land. It is unavoidable that fields will be lost to agriculture, or at least that agriculture in some areas will be confined to market gardens. This trend is, however, being offset by more intensive production and by development of marginal land.
There has been a continuing study of land use by the Agriculture and Fisheries Department since a survey in 1953. Much work has also been done by independent researchers. The general picture of land use today is indicated by the following table:
(square miles)
Percentage of whole
(i) Built-up (urban areas)
(ii) Steep country
Includes roads and railways.
Rocky, precipitous hill- sides incapable of plant establishment.
(iii) Woodlands
Natural and established woodlands.
(iv) Grass and scrub lands
Natural grass and scrub.
(v) Eroded lands...
Stripped of cover. Granite country. Capable of re- generation.
(vi) Swamp and mangrove
Capable of reclamation.
(vii) Fish Ponds
Fresh and brackish water fish farming.
(viii) Arable
orchards and
market gardens.
The Agriculture and Fisheries Department concerns itself with optimum land utilization and provides technical, extension and advisory services to farmers. It also deals with the fishermen on the
waters of the territory and the administrative organization of co- operative societies of all types. The conservation of water and soil, through afforestation of bare, eroded hillsides and catchment areas, is important. Afforestation is largely undertaken by the Agriculture and Fisheries Department and private afforestation is still relatively unimportant. The New Territories Administration is responsible for land tenure and certain aspects of land development in the New Territories.
Afforestation is directed primarily towards soil and water con- servation within the Colony's watersheds, with the production of forest produce occupying a secondary and incidental role. In the immediate post-war years considerable emphasis was placed upon the establishment and improvement of village plantations, princi- pally for the production of firewood, but a progressive change over to other forms of fuel has now rendered this aspect unimportant.
In seeking to increase production and improve the economic status of individual farmers, the Agriculture and Fisheries Depart- ment encourages diversified production to mitigate the effects of seasonal market 'gluts' and trade recessions. Loans are available to farmers through the Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Loan Fund, started in 1955 by the government and two Hong Kong businessmen, Messrs Lawrence and Horace Kadoorie. The fund is administered by the Agriculture and Fisheries Department, whose Director is the trustee and chairman of the Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Loan Fund Committee. Loans are also available for farmers through the J. E. Joseph Trust Fund and through the Vegetable Marketing Organization Loan Fund. The Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Associa- tion, a philanthropic organization also founded by the Kadoorie brothers, makes grants to members of the farming community who cannot find enough capital on their own. The general policy of the association is to help those who are prepared to help themselves and, although not a government-sponsored organization, it works closely with the Agriculture and Fisheries Department which offers technical assistance and advice to it and to similar organizations concerned with the rural community.
In the rural education programme this year, some 517 farmers attended discussion groups led by professional and technical officers from the Agriculture and Fisheries Department. A restricted pro-
gramme of formal training was also carried out in which more than 139 farmers and farmers' sons and daughters received voca- tional training in a wide variety of subjects. Farmers also visited government experimental stations and farming projects.
Within the last decade there has been a marked change in the farming pattern in Hong Kong. Paddy cultivation was formerly the most important aspect of agriculture in the New Territories but there has been a steady increase in market gardening, and pig and poultry production. Most of this has been at the expense of rice growing land but there is also some development of marginal land. In addition more than 35 per cent of the two-crop paddy land is now used for winter season catch crops. Most of this land formerly remained fallow during the winter season.
The area of land under permanent vegetable cultivation has in- creased from 2,250 acres in 1954 to 8,230 acres in 1966. Six to eight crops of vegetables are harvested annually from intensively culti- vated land. The main crops are white cabbage, flowering cabbage, turnip, leaf mustard, Chinese kale, Chinese lettuce, tomato, water spinach, string bean, watercress, cucumber and Chinese gourd. Other vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, and carrots are produced in great quantity during the cooler months and quality is excellent. This intensive production of vegetables takes place on both fertile and comparatively infertile land and is made possible by heavy dressings of manure. The traditional use of nightsoil is being replaced or supplemented by pig and poultry manure, peanut cake, duck feathers, bone meal and compost. The use of artificial fertilizers is increasing, usually in addition to organic manures. The widespread use of insecticides is an important feature of farming, as is the increasing use of selected crop varieties.
Sweet potatoes are grown both for human consumption (the tubers), and for pigfeed (the vines). Some 2,000 acres of drier lands are double-cropped, chiefly for tubers, and a catch crop of sweet potatoes is also grown on over 1,200 acres following the second paddy harvest. With an average yield of 3.5 tons an acre for each crop, and an average market price of $250 a ton, this represents an annual value of over $4 million. About 450 acres of other field
Cameos in Jade Green
and Antique Stone
Sequestered in fields of jade green rice and filigree clumps of bamboo, the villages of the New Territories wear the patina of the eight hundred and more years that have passed since the earliest were founded by settlers from the north. Life in the remoter communities may show little outward sign of change, but on the antique stone walls of many a village home hang framed photographs of sons who have gone abroad to seek their fortunes. Often these young men continue to support their families from their earnings, usually derived from restaurant work in Britain.
Though reluctant to change from tried and trusted ways of agricul- ture and husbandry, many villagers enjoy advantages of which their ancestors would never have dreamed, including electric light, radio, piped water supply and generous medical and educational facilities. Each community, though it may number less than a hundred inhabitants, appoints one or more Village Representatives who
sit on Rural Committees which provide a bridge be- tween the New Territories' Administration and people.
The all-weather hat of the Hakka_village Pas sun-
woman serves
shade, umbrella and
Bi hide-away for toddlers.
Left: A typical village encircled by paddy fields and vegetable plots. Above: Rice crops mirror the passing seasons. Below: Mahjong tiles move too slowly for this impatient spectator. Overleaf: Vines respond to a knowing touch.
crops, such as peanut, millet, soy bean and sugar-cane, are culti- vated mainly for local consumption. Fruit production, although not yet substantial, is expanding and includes lychees, lung ngan, wong pei, lemon, orange, tangerine, Japanese apricot, guava, papaya, and pineapple. Accurate statistics are not available, but approximately 50,000 hundredweights of assorted fruits, valued at over $4 million, were harvested during the year. There is a small but useful export trade in some fruit and field crops to overseas Chinese.
Since 1954 the area of land under two-crop paddy has fallen from 20,190 acres to 13,000 acres. A further 2,000 acres are used for one- crop paddy in brackish water. With a milling average of 68 per cent, the estimated crop was 11,300 long tons of polished rice; at an average wholesale price of $68 a picul the crop was valued at $12,645,000. In a normal year the average yield of paddy from an acre of two-crop land is about 1.2 long tons, but with seed of improved varieties, good irrigation and the use of fertilizers, pro- duction may reach 1.8 long tons on average land, and over two long tons on better soils. The first crop is sown into the nurseries in early March, transplanted in April and harvested in June and July. Second crop seedlings are nursed in June for planting out by the end of July and the crop is harvested during October and early November.
Vegetables produced in the New Territories for sale in the urban areas are sold through a marketing scheme which was set up in 1946 on the lines of the successful fish marketing scheme. The present Vegetable Marketing Organization operates under the Agricultural Products (Marketing) Ordinance 1952, which provides for the appointment of a Director of Marketing (the Director, Agriculture and Fisheries Department) who is made a corporation sole with power to acquire and dispose of property and use the assets of the organization for the development and encouragement of vegetable farming. It provides also for a Marketing Advisory Board composed of unofficials to assist the organization. The controls imposed by the ordinance, however, apply only to the New Territories and Kowloon area, for there is little vegetable cultivation on Hong Kong Island.
The organization has established depots in the main vegetable cultivation areas of the New Territories. From these depots, and from vegetable marketing co-operative societies, vegetables are collected daily by the organization's transport fleet and hired commercial vehicles and taken to the central wholesale market in Kowloon where two sales are held every day. The sales are con- ducted by the organization.
The organization is a non-profit-making concern and obtains its revenue from a 10 per cent commission on sales in the Cheung Sha Wan wholesale vegetable market. Vegetables are sold in the market by the organization but with considerable practical assistance given by the vegetable marketing co-operative societies which now handle 80 per cent of local production. Thirty per cent of this commission is therefore refunded to the marketing co-operative societies in recognition of the marketing responsibilities they assume in respect of their own produce. Sales are by negotiation rather than auction. since up to 30,000 separate lots a day may be sold to nearly 3,000 buyers, making sales by auction impracticable.
Fish ponds are still increasing and now cover 1,720 acres, mostly along the Deep Bay coastline near Yuen Long. The most important species reared is grey mullet which requires water with a salinity above 0.1 per cent. Fry are found in local coastal waters in February and March. Fry of four other important species-silver carp, grass carp, big head and mud carp-were obtained from China between May and August, about 4.8 million being imported. Common carp and edible goldfish are bred locally and some 1,850,000 and 550,000 fry were raised respectively to meet trade requirements. Edible goldfish require fresh water (less than 0.4 per cent salinity), while common carp tolerate up to 1.0 per cent salinity. Total pond fish production for the year was estimated at 850 tons, valued at some $3.3 million, which represented about 3.14 per cent of the local consumption of pond fish. Fry of various species re-exported during the year totalled 2.5 million.
Since there is insufficient land for extensive grazing, pigs and poultry are the principal animals reared in the Colony for food;
cattle are mainly used for draught purposes. The pigs of Hong Kong are mostly crosses of local animals with exotic stock, and pure strains of the Chinese type are becoming less common. The Agricul- ture and Fisheries Department maintains the main herds of pure exotic strains-Berkshire, Mid-White, Large-White and Large-Black -and also herds of two Chinese strains for distribution to improve the Colony's pig stock, as well as for experimental purposes. A similar herd of good quality local Chinese strains, also for distribu- tion to farmers, is maintained by the Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Association on its farm at Pak Ngau Shek. Pig-keeping in the villages often follows traditional practice, but an overall improve- ment in management is taking place as a result of extension and advisory services. During the year the pig artificial insemination service was further expanded and over 5,233 sows were inseminated with a total conception rate of 87.36 per cent and a first service conception rate of 75.31 per cent. In 1966, 270,000 pigs of local origin were slaughtered in local abattoirs, compared with some 320,000 in 1965. The figure represented more than 12 per cent of the total number of pigs slaughtered. The value of pig production during the year amounted to some $30 million.
As part of the United States 'Food for Peace' programme, the United States Government has donated a substantial quantity of feed grain to assist Hong Kong's pig raising industry by providing feed at reduced prices, thereby allowing farmers to improve their methods of production and raise the quality of their stock. This scheme is being operated in Hong Kong by an organization called 'Operation Feedbag' Limited in close co-operation with the Agricul- ture and Fisheries Department and the New Territories Adminis- tration. During the year 'Operation Feedbag' extended its activities and by the end of the year was in operation in all areas of the Colony except Yuen Long District.
Many of the larger poultry farmers are now producing their own hatching eggs, and this is important in helping to stabilize the industry, which produced $39 million worth of poultry this year. In the wetter areas ducks and geese are raised for home consumption and for export. The rearing of ducks and geese for the local market has become increasingly important in recent years and was worth about $7 million this year. Pigeon-keeping is a thriving industry
and prices in 1966 averaged $8 for a pair of squabs. The total value of squabs marketed during the year was estimated at $3.6 million. The most popular types of table birds are the white or blue king crossed with the homer.
Local brown cattle and buffaloes are kept for work purposes and surplus stock is sold for slaughter. Chinese brown cattle are par- ticularly well suited to the local environment and management. The dairy cattle in Hong Kong are mainly Friesians and are kept in isolation on one large farm on Hong Kong Island and in smaller farm groups on the outskirts of Kowloon and in the New Territories. All dairy animals are regularly tested and must pass the single intradermal (comparative) test for tuberculosis. During 1966, pro- duction was about 13.5 million pounds of milk, valued at $1.20 a pound.
The Colony continued to be free from rabies and rinderpest. The incidence of foot and mouth disease was not serious, though there were some 230 outbreaks of a mild type in both cattle and pigs. About 1,650 cattle and pigs were inoculated against foot and mouth disease types 'O' and 'A', 39,810 pigs against swine fever and some 6,736 cattle against rinderpest, with locally produced vaccine. In all, 16,992,000 doses of Ranikhet vaccine and 1,639,500 doses of intra-nasal-drop vaccine were used for the prevention of Newcastle disease in poultry.
The Agriculture and Fisheries Department is responsible for forestry generally, and for the direct afforestation of water catchment areas, protection of vegetation on Crown lands, assistance to village forestry, and amenity planting in catchment areas. Hillsides are predominantly grass covered, with a thicker cover of shrubs in some places and patches of scrub forest in remoter and less accessible areas. Thickly-wooded areas also occur where the vegetation has been protected against cutting and fire, as on Hong Kong Island and around villages. Villagers cut grass for fuel and this practice, combined with the prevalent hill fires of the dry season, has brought about soil erosion in many parts of the Colony. Villagers often have forestry lots on the lower hill slopes, but the trees, mostly pine, are generally so scattered and lopped that they rarely alter the barren aspect of the land.
Government afforestation areas are mostly co-extensive with the watersheds. The main ones are the mountain range from Tai Po in the east to Castle Peak in the west and the catchments of the Kowloon reservoirs, the Hong Kong Island reservoirs, Shek Pik reservoir on Lantau Island and the Shap Long peninsula. These areas total 47 square miles of which 19 square miles have been planted to date. The principal species planted in the past has been Pinus massoniana, but in recent years more use has been made of the American slash pine, Pinus elliottii. Of the hardwood species, Tristania conferta, Acacia confusa and Casuarina stricta are the most successful.
Planting usually starts in spring and continues until June or July. Although planting may be successful in late summer, trees planted after July usually have too short a period to become well established before the onset of the dry season. The 1966 planting programme was interrupted by hot dry spells in April and in May and by the period of heavy rains in mid-June. Eighty-five acres were planted during 1966 and a further 181 acres were replanted, mostly in plantations destroyed by fire in the past few years.
To combat the threat of hill fires during the dry winter months, forestry fire crews are mounted at 13 protection posts in the New Territories and islands. The protection posts are connected by field telephone to lookout posts on the hill tops where in times of hazard a constant watch is kept for the outbreak of any fires. Crews work as units in accessible localities in the plantations during the day, returning after working hours to standby overnight at the protection posts. All crews are now equipped with portable high pressure fire pumps and, with the provision in 1966 of an additional six vehicles and trailers, the effectiveness of the protection organization has been greatly improved. The winter of 1965-6 was exceptionally mild and the incidence of hill fires was the lowest on record since the war, with only 44 acres of plantation affected. In the latter part of 1966, however, the onset of the dry season earlier than usual, and the prolonged dry spell which followed, saw considerable fire damage to forest areas.
Marine fish is one of Hong Kong's main primary products and the fishing fleet is the largest of any port in the Commonwealth.
The number of fishermen in September 1965 was estimated at some 70,000. The government's aim is to foster the development of the fishing industry, to increase supplies of fish and to improve the economic status of those engaged in the industry. The department responsible for the welfare of the Colony's primary industries is the Agriculture and Fisheries Department, within which the Fisheries Service operates in three main divisions: development; research; and extension (including marketing, credit co-operation and education).
Extension work includes investigations into and demonstrations of fishing techniques; the promotion and sound development of a mechanization programme; the training of fishermen for certificates of competency as masters and engineers; and the instruction of local fishermen in navigation and certain duties in connection with the culture of pearls. A modified junk-type mechanized fishing vessel, the Yuen Ling, is used for general inshore demonstration work and to experiment with new equipment. Over-fishing and the conservation of fish resources are current problems and legislation provides for comprehensive protection measures, particularly against the use of explosives and toxic substances.
Modification of traditional junk design to meet modern require- ments is encouraged. A number of shrimp trawlers have been modified and several large Kwong Sun type deep-sea trawlers are now operating whose design includes radical departures from the usual junk layout. Some of the latest deep-sea pair trawlers are designed for easy conversion to single boat stern-otter trawling. A multi-purpose 66-foot stern otter trawler, completed in 1965, continued to show encouraging results. The trawler, financed with a loan from the Fisheries Development Loan Fund, was designed by the Fisheries Service and built under the supervision of its fishing master and craft technicians in a local boat-yard. The design of this trawler has been received with interest by the Food and Agriculture Organization division responsible for the design of fishing vessels. As a prototype stern otter trawler, the new vessel has set high standards and an additional two vessels of the same type were completed in 1966.
The department administers the Fisheries Development Loan Fund, which is allotted specifically for the development of the
Colony's middle and distant water fleet, for which it has a capital of $5 million. There is close co-operation with the Fish Marketing Organization, which administers two other funds and investigates applications for loans from all three. Together they provide capital of over $8 million for the development of the industry.
The Fisheries Research Division is engaged in a programme of biological and oceanographic research in the South China Sea, using the 240-ton research trawler Cape St Mary. The regular survey by otter trawl of known fishing grounds on the continental shelf between Formosa and Hainan Island continued, as did an analysis of commercial fisheries statistics derived from the fleet. In September 1965 the Cape St Mary embarked on the first of a regular series of oceanographic cruises in the northern part of the South China Sea, as the United Kingdom contribution to the Co- operative Study of the Kuroshio (CSK), a multi-ship, international expedition organized by the Inter-governmental Oceanographic Commission. These cruises continued with modifications in 1966.
The fishing fleet consists of some 8,600 fishing junks of various sizes and designs and seven pairs of Japanese-type trawlers, all of which are British registered. The fishing population consists chiefly of Tanka people, and the main fishing centres are Aberdeen and Shau Kei Wan on Hong Kong Island, and Castle Peak, Tai Po and Tolo Channel area, Sha Tau Kok, Sai Kung, Tai O and Cheung Chau in the New Territories. Junks are built locally from imported timber, China fir being the most popular material though teak and yacal are also used in increasing quantities. Most of the fleet is owner-operated, while the rest are directed by fish dealers and fishing companies. Of the fishing fleet of 8,600 junks over 6,200 are mechanized.
Purse seiners, gill-netters, shrimp trawlers and other inshore vessels operate mainly to the south of the Colony inside the 20- fathom line. A number of the more adventurous owners of medium- size mechanized boats have commenced fishing around Taya Island about 220 miles south-west of Hong Kong. The larger junk-type trawlers and long liners have gradually extended their operations and now work mainly in 30-70 fathoms along the coast of Kwang- tung. Although a few of the larger mechanized boats are capable of fishing in the Gulf of Tonkin (some 500 miles away) the war in
Vietnam does not encourage the use of these grounds. Some of the deep-sea vessels still depend on sail and their activities are severely curtailed during the typhoon season from June to October. The restrictions imposed by the Chinese People's Government in 1958, requiring fishermen based on Hong Kong who sail in Chinese inshore waters to land a quota of their catch in China, are still in force. Landings by the local fishing fleet in 1966 were generally good and wholesale prices also improved. The activities of the fleet were, however, affected by a general shortage of crew as a result of an increasing number of fishermen seeking employment on shore.
Oyster Farming. Edible oysters have been cultivated in the waters of the Colony for some 700 years. The principal area of cultivation is Deep Bay where 222 long tons of oyster meat, valued at approxi- mately $1,235,500, were produced from 6,060 acres along the New Territories' shores of the bay. Some of this was processed into dried meat or oyster juice and exported to markets overseas. A small research station which has been constructed at Kat O in Mirs Bay has commenced investigations into the possibility of introducing into Hong Kong waters more exotic species of oysters from temperate regions. An infant pearl culture industry is being established in the Tolo Channel, Double Haven and Port Shelter
The present Fish Marketing Organization grew out of the steps taken to rehabilitate the fishing fleet at the end of the Pacific War. Interest-free loans and grants were made and a fish marketing scheme was introduced with the long-term object of developing the industry on a sound economic footing. From this beginning devel- oped the present non-government trading organization controlled by a civil servant, now the Director of Agriculture and Fisheries. The organization is a non-profit-making concern which finds its revenue and pays its expenses from a 6 per cent commission on all the sales in its wholesale markets. It operates under the Marine Fish (Marketing) Ordinance 1956, which provides among other things for a Fish Marketing Advisory Board composed of unofficials to assist the organization.
The organization runs five wholesale fish markets at Aberdeen and Shau Kei Wan on Hong Kong Island, Cheung Sha Wan in
Kowloon and Tai Po and Sha Tau Kok in the New Territories. The new market of modern design at Cheung Sha Wan, which was completed in April, was financed jointly by the Colonial Develop- ment and Welfare Fund and the Fish Marketing Organization. Two additional markets, both in the New Territories, are being planned. Six fish-collecting depots have been set up in other fishing centres and the organization provides sea and land transport from these to the wholesale markets. The depots also serve as liaison offices for the organization.
At the wholesale markets, fish is sorted and sold by public auction to licensed retailers. Fishermen may collect the proceeds from their sales directly the sale has taken place or, if asked to do so, the organization will send the money back to the depot which serves their areas. A further service is the transportation of fish to the buyers' establishment in the urban areas. There were no significant changes during 1966 in the quantities of fresh and salt or dried marine fish marketed, although wholesale prices of fresh marine fish showed an improvement. The embargo on the importation of salt and dried fish from the Colony imposed by the Chinese People's Government in 1950 remains in force and exporters seeking other outlets have met with little success in the face of increasing competi- tion from other countries in the region.
The provision of cheap credit is one of the most important services offered by the Fish Marketing Organization to local fisher- men. The organization's revolving loan fund, established in 1946, has made loans totalling $21,947,696. Of this, some $19,200,000 had been repaid at the end of the year. The fund's ceiling was stabilized at $3 million in 1963. In 1957 the Co-operative for Ameri- can Relief Everywhere donated $31,000 to form a revolving loan fund for shrimp fishermen, which was increased to $92,400 by a further donation in 1962. This fund is administered by the organiza- tion and loans totalling $389,062 have been made; repayments total $326,369.
A further important side to the organization's development programme is the provision of primary schooling facilities for the children of fishermen. Thirteen primary schools have been established by the organization and approximately 3,710 fishermen's children were receiving education at these schools with a further 988 attending
other schools (including secondary) on scholarships provided by the organization. All Fish Marketing Organization schools have advisory committees composed of leaders of the fishing communities served by the schools. In recognition of the importance of vocational training, a secondary practical school has been built at Aberdeen. At this school fishermen's children are able to continue their general education beyond the primary level and at the same time receive instruction in vocational subjects geared to the requirements of a modern fishing industry. Adult education classes are also conducted in a number of fishing villages.
The organization may one day be run by the fishermen themselves as a co-operative enterprise, but the previous lack of education is a problem that only time and the existing educational programme can solve. As it is, the success of the organization has attracted worldwide interest and many overseas visitors and students come to study its operation.
Since the appointment in 1950 of a Registrar of Co-operative Societies, the co-operative movement has made steady progress. It is being accepted by a growing number of people, particularly peasant farmers and fishermen, as a sound and democratic way of improving their lot. An important development has been the growth in the number of co-operative building societies, which are at present formed with one exception-of local pensionable officers of the Civil Service and established with funds loaned by the government. Another development of interest is the increasing appreciation by rural communities of the improvements they may make in their way of life by co-operation and the formation of 'better living societies'. Several of these societies have successfully completed water supply and housing schemes, as well as community centres for their members.
A further source of credit to farmers who are members of co- operative societies is the J. E. Joseph Trust Fund. The fund is administered by the Director of Agriculture and Fisheries as Registrar of Co-operative Societies, and since its establishment in 1954 some 42,938 loans totalling $18.2 million have been issued.
A large number of societies operate their own revolving loan fund schemes which are steadily growing in size and effectiveness. The best example can be found in fishermen's co-operative societies, 63 of which operate revolving loan funds with a total capital of some $1.4 million and a turnover of $1 million a year. Yet a further source of credit is the World Refugee Year Loan Fund for Co-operative Societies with a capital of over $458,000. The fund is designed to provide loans for a wide variety of purposes of social or economic benefit to societies and their members. Up to the end of 1966 loans totalling $414,540 had been issued from this source.
During the year 15 societies were registered, bringing the total on the register to 411. At present there are 13 different types of societies. A table showing the number of societies in being at 31st December 1966 with details of their membership, share capital, deposits and reserve funds will be found in Appendix XXIV.
Iron ore, wolframite and, at times, graphite are mined under- ground, and kaolin, feldspar and quartz by opencast methods. Iron ore concentrate (magnetite) is exported to Japan, wolframite to the United States and kaolin to Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines. All the feldspar and quartz, and about 25 per cent of the kaolin, are consumed by local light industries. During 1966 there was no pro- duction of graphite, but prospecting for this mineral was undertaken in two separate localities.
The ownership and control of all minerals is vested in the Crown under the Mining Ordinance 1954. The Commissioner of Mines is empowered to issue prospecting and mining licences, and the Land Officer to issue mining leases. Prospecting licences are valid for periods of six months, renewable up to a maximum of five years. Mining licences are valid for periods of six months, renewable up to a maximum of five years, but may be extended further with the consent of the Governor. Mining leases are granted for periods up to a maximum of 21 years. Details of leases and licences in operation are published twice a year in the Government Gazette. At the end of 1966, there were three mining leases, 17 mining licences, and three prospecting licences valid for different areas throughout the
territory. They were mainly controlled by individuals or small mining companies.
The Superintendent of Mines grants mine-blasting certificates and certifies the origin of minerals in respect of which comprehensive certificates of origin are required. He is responsible for assessing royalties on mineral sales, at a rate of 5 per cent of value, and for issuing demand notes for royalties, rents, premia, and fees for licences and leases. Officers of the Mines Department inspect mining areas, survey land affected by applications for licences, and are responsible for enforcement of legislation governing the conveyance, storage, manufacture, packing and use of explosives.
PROGRESS was made during 1966 in the implementation of proposals set out in the government white paper on education policy tabled in the Legislative Council on 28th April 1965 and formally adopted with certain modifications at a resumption of the debate on 30th June that year. The number of aided primary school places has been increased substantially and it seems likely that the target of providing a subsidized primary school place for every child of the right age who seeks one can be reached by 1971. Other sectors of education also recorded progress, and during the year the structure of the Education Department underwent reorganization to put into effect recommendations made in the 1965 white paper. A revision of duties subdivided responsibility over educational matters into the following sectors: further education and technical training, secondary education, primary education, and development and registration. At the same time the Chief Inspector of Schools was relieved of duties in connection with administration of schools. Consideration is now being given to the redeployment of other staff within this new framework.
A general account of the post-war development of education in Hong Kong is given in Chapter 1. Under the provisions of the Education Ordinance, the Director of Education is charged with the superintendence of matters relating to education in the Colony. He directly controls all government schools, while almost all others are required to be registered under the Education Ordinance, which provides the Director with the necessary powers to ensure the satisfactory nature of school buildings and the efficiency of schools and teachers.
On 7th June 1966 subsidiary legislation by the Governor in Council amended certain regulations in the Education Ordinance. Amongst the important amendments is one which allows the Director of Education, as a temporary measure in order to meet the shortage of school places, to increase the number of pupils
permitted in schools. Another amendment in respect of teachers will permit more persons to become eligible to have their names entered on the register of teachers, and the educational standard of permitted teachers is to be relaxed in respect of kindergarten schools and certain vocational subjects.
By the end of September enrolment in primary day and night schools was 657,585, which was 29,964 more than in 1965. Enrol- ment in all types of secondary schools had increased by 25,653 to 222,890. Altogether there were 983,495 pupils enrolled at all schools, colleges and education centres, 69,184 more than in 1965. Detailed figures are given in Appendix XXVI.
An interesting trend in education in Hong Kong in recent years has been its expansion beyond strictly academic fields. Since its inception in 1949 the Annual Schools Music Festival has done much to promote in young people an enjoyment and appreciation of music, and it now ranks as the largest festival of its kind in the world. Another highly successful venture in the field of music is the Hong Kong Youth Orchestra which has flourished since its formation three years ago. The orchestra now has 80 players and gives regular concerts for the public in the City Hall. Exhibitions of school- children's work in art have become an impressive and stimulating feature of the local scene and paintings by Hong Kong children are nowadays receiving considerable acclaim overseas. Participation in outdoor training classes and competitive sports of many kinds has also increased considerably and the standards of achievement reached by the young people of Hong Kong are steadily rising.
A royal occasion which gave ample opportunity for demonstration of the artistic talent and athletic skill of the Colony's youngsters was the schools' rally held in honour of Her Royal Highness The Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon, and the Earl of Snowdon at the Government Stadium on 7th March 1966. Two thousand young performers, drawn from a cross-section of the Colony's schools and youth groups, entertained the 30,000 schoolchildren and guests who packed the stadium with folk dances and traditional lion and dragon dances, gymnastic displays and martial music provided by massed school bands. The occasion was memorable not only for its pageant of colour and vitality of movement but for
the warmth with which these representatives of Hong Kong's vast school population greeted the royal guests.
Most primary schools are Chinese, with Cantonese as the language of instruction. English is studied as a second language from the second year of the course. Five government primary schools cater for children whose normal language is English.
The total primary day school enrolment in September was 619,513 which is 99.8 per cent of the estimated number of children in the six-11 year inclusive age group. In addition, 38,072 pupils were attending primary night schools and special afternoon classes. Nevertheless, it is still possible for a child of primary school age to experience difficulty in finding a school place at fees which his parents can afford. This difficulty stems in part from the fact that many school places are occupied by overage children. Further expansion is therefore continuing, particularly in developing areas. In new resettlement estates the 24-classroom annexe-type school has become the standard form of primary provision.
During the year 45,170 new primary places were provided com- pared with 46,395 in the previous year.
There are no government kindergarten schools but there is an increasing demand for this type of education. Since the entry age to primary schools has reverted to six, kindergarten schools generally cater for children aged from three to six. These schools, which are registered with the Education Department and advised by the inspectorate, rose in number from 367 in 1965 to 412 in September 1966, and enrolment increased from 46,595 to 56,520.
Twenty-two special schools cater for blind, deaf, physically handi- capped and mentally handicapped children. In September 1966, some 200 physically handicapped children were in attendance at ordinary government primary schools and three additional experimental classes for slow-learning children were opened during that month. An introductory course for teachers of slow-learning children was organized in the summer of 1966 by the special education section of the inspectorate. A braille printing press operated by the Gov- ernment Printing Department produces textbooks in Cantonese braille whose production is organized by the Education Department.
There are four types of secondary schools: Anglo-Chinese grammar schools, Chinese middle schools, secondary technical schools and secondary modern schools. The 188 Anglo-Chinese grammar schools have 124,449 pupils. They offer a five-year course in the usual academic subjects leading to the Hong Kong English School Certificate Examination. Instruction is in English and Chinese is taught as a second language. This type of secondary education is in demand because a good knowledge of spoken and written English is desirable for entry to the professions, government service and commerce. Successful school certificate candidates may enter the sixth form for two years to prepare themselves for entrance to the University of Hong Kong or to the Chinese University of Hong Kong. They may also study for the GCE (University of London), at both ordinary and advanced levels. In addition there are 29,034 pupils attending tutorial or evening classes where in- struction in secondary level subjects, mainly English language, is offered.
The 117 Chinese middle schools accommodate 48,501 pupils and offer a five-year course in the usual academic subjects leading to the Hong Kong Chinese School Certificate Examination. In- struction is in Chinese and English is taught as a second language. For those who pass the Hong Kong Chinese School Certificate Examination, higher education is available at the teacher training colleges and the Technical College. In addition, a number of Chinese middle schools offer a one-year sixth form matriculation course to prepare students for entrance to the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Nine secondary technical schools give a five-year course in English with Chinese taught as a second language. Six of the schools are government, two are subsidized and one is private, their total enrolment being 6,047. Like the Anglo-Chinese grammar schools they prepare their pupils for the English School Certificate Examina- tion and suitable candidates can continue their studies either in Form VI or at the Technical College. Three subsidized secondary modern schools with an enrolment of 2,146 offer a three-year secondary course with a practical bias. In addition, there are 30 pri- vate and three subsidized secondary schools, with a total enrolment
of 5,388 which offer some form of technical or trade training not leading to a school certificate.
There has been a steady increase in the number of pupils enrolled in all types of secondary schools held in day sessions. In September there were 186,761 such students compared with 165,999 in the previous year. During the school year 13,690 new secondary places were provided in new school buildings.
The University of Hong Kong was established in 1911 with endowments which have since been increased and a grant of land from the government, which also makes substantial recurrent and non-recurrent grants. In 1965-6 the government made capital grants of $1,111,756 and recurrent grants of $13,267,707 towards a total recurrent expenditure of $22,391,052.
Faculties and enrolments are: arts, 930; science, 348; medicine, 528; engineering and architecture, 340. The Institute of Oriental Studies has 51 language students, the education diploma and certificate courses 57 students, and the social study courses 29 students. Of this total of 2,283 students, 188 are part-time. Another 22 are external and 752 are women. Most of the undergraduates are Hong Kong Chinese, but many other nationalities are repre- sented, particularly from South-East Asian countries.
In May, 2,446 candidates entered for the university's advanced level examination, of whom 1,258 fulfilled minimum requirements for entry. A total of 555 undergraduate places were available for new students in the current academic year. The number of full- time teaching posts (including demonstratorships and tutorships) at the beginning of the academic year 1966-7 was 297. In addition, the Language School of the Institute of Oriental Studies has 16 full-time instructors. All the university's degrees in professional subjects (medicine, architecture, and civil, electrical and mechanical engineering) are on the same professional footing as those of universities in Britain. In July, the Court of the University resolved that a Faculty of Social Sciences should be constituted. The date on which the new faculty will come into operation will be announced later.
The Medical Library and Student Centre at Sassoon Road was opened in February. The Medical Library houses approximately 16,000 volumes of books and periodicals on medical subjects and has a reading room with a seating capacity of 100. The Student Centre contains accommodation for students serving medical clerkships in Queen Mary Hospital, together with the Medical Faculty offices and a student canteen.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong was inaugurated in 1963 as a federal university in which the principal language of instruction is Chinese. It comprises New Asia College, Chung Chi College and United College. Physical planning of the new university is well advanced. It will be established at Sha Tin in the New Terri- tories where an extensive site has been reserved adjoining the present site of Chung Chi College. In due course the administration of the university, now accommodated in a city office, and the other two colleges will move out to this site.
The new university has few endowments or funds of its own, but receives contributions of funds from outside sources to establish scholarships and bursaries, as well as financial support given by international establishments for individual projects of research undertaken by its research centres. The colleges are also in receipt of certain other small endowments and grants from outside sources, but apart from tuition fees, which are at a comparatively low level, government grants provide the main source of income.
The Chinese University has at present three faculties and the total undergraduate enrolment is 1,928. The enrolment in each faculty is: arts, 549; science, 586; commerce and social science, 793. At the post-graduate level there are 33 students in the Graduate School and 17 in the School of Education, both schools being under the direct management of the university. In the matriculation examination held in the summer of 1966, a total of 1,803 candidates sat and 908 passed. The total number of first-year students in the current academic year is 491.
The Technical College has a total enrolment of 13,417 students in 99 courses, comprising 1,572 full-time students in 58 classes, 258 part-time day students in 13 classes and 11,587 evening students in 386 classes distributed in 22 centres. The college has seven depart- ments: building, surveying and structural engineering; commerce;
electrical engineering; mechanical and production engineering; textile industries; navigation; and mathematics and science. These provide full-time courses leading to the college's own higher and ordinary diplomas and to the associate membership examinations of many British professional institutions, a number of which have granted exemption from certain parts of their examinations to students in the higher diploma courses. The academic standard required for entry to most of these full-time classes is a Hong Kong school certificate with passes in specified subjects. Full-time courses at craftsman and pre-apprentice level are also offered. Instruction is in English for the majority of the courses.
The seven departments also provide part-time day and evening courses. These lead to college certificates and to City and Guilds of London Institute and other qualifications in a wide range of technical and commercial subjects at professional, technicians' and craftsmen's levels. A two-year part-time in-service course for training teachers of technical subjects and an 11-week part-time day release course for workshop and trade instructors are also offered. A new full-time course for radio mechanics and two new part-time day release courses, one for land surveyors and the other in office management, were started during the year. New evening courses included soil mechanics and geology, supervisory studies, textile chemistry and continuation courses for technicians and craftsmen.
Besides the higher and ordinary diploma courses, the electrical engineering department offers courses for first and second class radio officers, and courses in radar maintenance which give train- ing to qualified seagoing officers and technicians. The navigation department runs a radar observers course. The department of textile industries began a wool course in 1965 and the mechanical and production engineering department operates a productivity centre. Since its inception in 1961, 28 productivity courses have been offered to over 473 managerial and supervisory staff from local factories representing some 15 different industries.
Local and overseas firms, organizations and individuals support the work of the college by generous donations of materials, equip- ment, scholarships, and funds for specific projects. Examples of equipment and material received during the year include a new
radar set, plumbing equipment and various chemicals. Gifts of books to the college library were made by the British Council and by the British Trade Commission. Firms in Britain and Australia continue to offer practical training to students who have completed three-year higher diploma courses and 33 students took advantage of this training during the year.
The Hong Kong Students' Office in London assists Hong Kong students in finding places in universities and other institutions of higher education in Britain for the various courses of study they wish to pursue, but cannot undertake the responsibility of placing them in private schools or colleges. In co-operation with the British Council the office arranges for students to be met and accommodated on arrival and also offers assistance and advice on personal and educational problems. There are 3,369 students in Britain undergoing a very wide range of courses (see Appendix XXVIII). The numbers of Hong Kong students known to have left for further studies in the United States, Canada and Australia are 1,031, 539 and 267 respectively.
The government maintains Hong Kong House in London as a residential and social centre for Hong Kong students in Britain under the control of a board of governors appointed by and respon- sible to the government. It accommodates some 80 students and serves as a focal point and meeting place for many more.
Adult education is provided by the Education Department in many centres throughout the Colony for Evening Institute classes (enrolment 21,425) and for the Technical College Evening Depart- ment classes (enrolment 11,587). Enrolment in the Evening School of Higher Chinese Studies numbered 326, and in 12 Adult Education and Recreation Centres numbered 46,060.
The Evening Institute classes offer different types of courses designed to make up education deficiencies and improve employ- ment prospects. There are English classes ranging from elementary level to post-school certificate standards; teachers' classes for art,
music, handwork, woodwork, physical education, modern mathe- matics and the teaching of English; post-primary extension classes providing an additional three-year training with a practical bias for those who do not anticipate further education at the secondary school level; and secondary school classes leading to the two school certificate examinations. Rural literacy classes and general back- ground education classes provide fundamental and elementary ed- ucation with special reference to adult needs and interests. Practical background education classes give adults an opportunity to learn woodwork, housecraft, sewing and knitting. The middle school course for adults leads to the Chinese school certificate. There now exists for adults in Hong Kong a complete educational ladder leading from the literacy level up to post-secondary studies. The total number of classes organized under the Evening Institute is 771 in 72 locations in both urban and rural areas.
The Evening School of Higher Chinese Studies offers to holders of Chinese or English school certificates a three-year course in general arts, leading to a diploma issued by the Education Depart- ment. Subjects include Chinese literature, philosophy, sociology, English language and literature. Most of the students are teachers in the day time.
At the 12 Adult Education and Recreation Centres, education and recreation are combined in activities ranging widely from music appreciation and physical education to group study of art, photog- raphy and dramatics. Civics talks are well attended and always arouse lively discussion.
The Department of Extra-Mural Studies of the University of Hong Kong provides over 200 courses for adult students. Some of these courses are conducted in Cantonese and Mandarin but the majority are in English. Subjects vary from Oriental studies through a full range of liberal arts and language courses to economics, law and commerce, and include a rapidly growing section of voca- tional and professional courses leading to a number of qualifications, including the LLB of London University.
The Department of Extra-Mural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong flourished during its second year of operation. It offers about 125 courses at present, the majority of them conducted in Cantonese or Mandarin. In addition to the normal range of
cultural, commercial and general interest topics, Chinese studies are specially featured, together with a category of subjects entitled 'East-West Understanding'. At the same time, five new courses leading to the award of a departmental certificate have been in- troduced, including a two-year course in hotel management.
In March there were 26,945 full-time and part-time teachers employed in registered day schools, of whom 7,142 were university graduates and 12,744 trained non-graduates. Another 5,095 teachers were engaged in tutorial, evening and special afternoon classes, and 151 were in special schools. At the end of the 1965-6 school year the ratio of pupils to teachers in all types of primary and secondary day schools was 30.4:1. School classes are planned to have a maximum of 45 pupils in primary classes and 40 in secondary classes.
Most teacher training is carried out by the Education Depart- ment's three colleges-Northcote Training College, Grantham Training College and Sir Robert Black Training College. The Sir Robert Black College provides a full-time one-year course for students from secondary schools who may obtain a primary teacher's certificate after two years of satisfactory teaching; instruction is in Chinese. All three colleges are now offering full-time two-year courses designed to produce non-graduate teachers qualified to teach in primary schools and the lower forms of secondary schools. The English two-year course at Northcote Training College is recognized in Britain for employment as a qualified teacher. A special one-year course is offered at Northcote Training College for diploma holders from the colleges which now form the Chinese University and certain other post-secondary institutions. This course is designed mainly to train teachers for Chinese middle schools and Anglo-Chinese secondary schools.
The colleges also organize in-service courses of training for unqualified teachers. There are part-time evening courses, either in Chinese or in English, of two-years' duration. Successful students are awarded a certificate granting qualified teacher status.
Students in full-time courses are required to pay fees of $400 per annum, but are permitted to apply for interest-free loans not
exceeding $1,200 per annum and, in addition, maintenance grants of up to $1,600 per annum may be made to needy students. In September there were 871 students in the two-year courses, 17 in the special one-year courses, 224 in the one-year courses and 1,062 in the in-service training courses.
The Department of Education of the University of Hong Kong offers a one-year full-time and a two-year part-time course to gradu- ates, leading to a diploma or certificate in education, in which a total of 57 students are currently enrolled (including referred students), of whom 14 are in the day diploma course and 43 in the evening certificate course, respectively. The Graduate School of the Chinese University of Hong Kong was established at the beginning of the academic year 1966-7, and admitted students for postgraduate studies in its five divisions, namely, Chinese history, Chinese philosophy, Chinese linguistics and literature, geography, and business administration. All divisions offer courses of two years' duration leading to a master's degree. During the year, 11 members of this faculty were sent overseas to the United Kingdom and United States for further studies and research.
There are five local school examinations, one conducted by the Education Department, one each by the Hong Kong English and Chinese School Certificate Syndicates, one by the University of Hong Kong and one by the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The Secondary School Entrance Examination is a competitive examination to select pupils for places in government and aided secondary schools and for subsidized places in private secondary schools. It is conducted by the Education Department and an examination committee is appointed to advise the Director on general policy. All primary schools are invited to participate. Entrance from each school is limited to 60 per cent of its primary six pupils, but this percentage may be increased up to 100 per cent where justified by previous examination results. Scholarships for a full secondary school course are awarded on the results of the examination.
The Hong Kong English School Certificate Examination is conducted by a syndicate of representatives from participating
schools, the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Education Department. The University of Hong Kong, the University of London and some overseas univer- sities now recognize the pass with credit (grade C and above) in individual subjects as equivalent to ordinary level passes in the London General Certificate of Education examinations. It is hoped that similar recognition may in due course be accorded by all overseas examining bodies.
The Hong Kong Chinese School Certificate Examination is con- ducted by a syndicate whose constitution was revised during the year on the pattern of the English School Certificate Syndicate. The examination is primarily intended as a test of general academic attainment in the Chinese middle school course and the require- ments for the award of the certificate are similar to those for the English school certificate.
The University of Hong Kong conducts its own matriculation examination at advanced level, the standard of which is similar to that of the GCE advanced level examinations. The university conducted its last examination at ordinary level in 1965, and entry to the advanced level examination in 1967 is restricted to candidates who have previously passed an approved qualifying examination.
The matriculation examination of the Chinese University of Hong Kong is designed to select candidates of approved standard for admission to first-year courses of all constituent colleges. Can- didates are limited to those who have completed six years of secondary school education in an approved secondary school and who have gained passes in the required number of subjects in an approved qualifying examination such as the English or Chinese school certificate examinations. Passes in at least five subjects, including Chinese and English languages, are normally required for entry to the university and there are additional requirements for admission to various undergraduate courses. For the academic year 1965-6, 300 graduates were awarded bachelors' degrees, and 26 were awarded diplomas. In addition, 19 were awarded diplomas of education.
The Education Department provides a local secretary for various examining bodies in Britain and so makes available to students in Hong Kong many overseas examinations at standards comparable with those in Britain. Of these examinations, the GCE examination
The Princess Margaret
and Lord Snowdon
Hong Kong presented many faces to Princess Margaret and her husband, Lord Snowdon, when they paid an official visit to the Colony in March. Traditional dragon dances and Chinese opera contrasted with its progressive outlook on commerce and industry, and every- where were the welcoming smiles of a people, gathered from all walks of life, who lined pavements and thronged windows and bal- conies for a glimpse of the royal couple.
High spot of a crowded programme of public engagements was the inauguration of Hong Kong's British Week at the City Hall and the opening of a British Engineering Display in the newly- constructed ocean terminal. The Princess, who officiated at both these functions, pointed out that the purpose of British Week was to show the best of what was being manufactured in, and exported from, the United Kingdom today. 'On the human side, it can do a great deal to make the ties between us even stronger and create even greater understanding between us,' she added.
During their week-long stay, the Princess and Lord Snowdon had the opportunity to observe the Colony both at work and at play. Included in their itinerary were visits to its two largest hospitals, the Kwong Wah and the Queen Elizabeth, a tour of the massive Housing Authority estate at Choi Hung, a performance of Cantonese opera, a royal film premiere, a race meeting, a regatta at Deep Water Bay, a schools' rally and a trip to the New Territories.
Above: The Princess inspects a guard of honour during the arrival ceremony at Queen's Pier where, below, a large crowd waits for a glimpse of her. Right: She has encouraging words for directors of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals.
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Above: Young Miss Wan Sai-chun presents a bouquet to the Princess at the opening of British Week. Below: The royal couple select a lobster for their dinner aboard a floating restaurant. Right: The Princess on a tour of Kowloon shops.
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Left: Invisible bars keep this toddler airborne in a parade on Cheung Chau Island. Above: The Princess dots the eye of a ceremonial dragon at Yuen Long. Below: She attends a schools' rally. Overleaf: Balloons add colour to the festivities.
is open to both school and private candidates who hold a school certificate of the required standard, and to private candidates of 25 years of age or over who are required to pass this examination as a prerequisite to entering for a professional or university examina- tion. London University degree examinations are also conducted annually in May and June. Appendix XXVII shows the more im- portant examinations held in Hong Kong and the number of candidates entering for them.
The Hong Kong Schools Music Association this year presented 14 concerts by local visiting artists to its student members. The Annual Schools Musical Festival held in March attracted 6,271 entries for 328 classes. The practical examinations of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music were held from August until December. The number of entries rose to 3,872, preserving the Colony's distinction of having the second highest number of can- didates throughout the 32 countries of the British Commonwealth served by the board. There were 1,395 candidates for the theory examinations and 35 for the practical and theory examinations of the Trinity College of Music. The grade examinations of the Royal Academy of Dancing attracted 379 entries.
During the year Hong Kong schoolchildren participated in two local art competitions organized in connection with road safety and presented work for various local exhibitions. There was a continued demand for their art work from abroad and pictures executed by Hong Kong pupils were exhibited in Luxembourg, Canada and Japan. In January certificates were received by a significant number of local schoolchildren as a result of Hong Kong's participation in the 'Children's Art from the Common- wealth' exhibition which formed part of the 1965 Commonwealth Arts Festival in Britain. Among the 700 items selected for display from work sent by 33 countries within the Commonwealth, 66 of the successful entries were from Hong Kong. Two of these were highly commended, five were commended and one entry from the Colony, the work of an eight-year old boy, achieved the distinction of being chosen for reproduction on the cover of the catalogue of the exhibition.
A variety of research programmes were conducted by the Univer- sity of Hong Kong during the year and brief descriptions follow of those that have special relevance to the Colony.
In the Faculty of Arts, the Department of Economics and Political Science carried out research on Hong Kong's consumption pattern, external trade and industrial development in addition to projects on the economic development of China. The Department of Geography and Geology continued projects on the structural fracturing and faulting revealed in the tunnel systems of the water schemes in the New Territories; the feldspar textures and chemical weathering of the igneous rocks of Hong Kong; the historical geography of Tibet and Chinese cartography; the changing economic geography of China; population changes in the New Territories; land use in the Colony; local geomorphological and erosional features; and the use of water in local agriculture.
Research projects in the Department of History continued in the fields of Chinese, Japanese, and South-East Asian history, the main subjects being Chinese relations with Yunnan during the T'ang period; the State of Nanchao; British policy towards China between 1894 and 1902; Anglo-Japanese relations in the early part of the 20th-Century; modern Sino-Japanese relations; modern Chinese intellectual history; and aspects of South-East Asian history since 1870.
The Department of Modern Languages carried out research and published books and articles on the modern French, German and European novel. The Institute of Modern Asian Studies continued its research on China's political and economic developments. In addition to Contemporary China, the Institute publishes a quarterly journal, The China Mainland Review, which contains, in part, research findings of its staff members.
In the Faculty of Science, a survey of the fungal and viral diseases of economic plants in Hong Kong made progress within the Department of Botany, and research on the host-parasite relation- ships of some of the parasites was started. A survey of marine algae, together with the collection of environmental data extending over more than a year, was completed. Research in the Department
of Chemistry included the chemistry of local plants, textile chemistry, mechanisms of organic and inorganic reactions, electro-chemistry, X-ray crystallography, nuclear chemistry, and molecular structure. The Department of Physics continued its work on the study of inshore waters of Hong Kong, using asdic equipment. Information concerning the ionosphere was obtained using satellite signals and ionosonde sounding. Measurement of the earth's magnetic field at Hong Kong was commenced using a proton precession magnetome- ter. In the Department of Zoology, research continued into the form and function of endocrine glands of Hong Kong vertebrates; the dispersal, distribution, and evolution of insect species of Pacific oceanic islands; the form and function of bird proprioceptors; the histochemistry and physiology of insect secretory activity; and the ecology of Hong Kong mammals.
In the Faculty of Medicine, members of the Anatomy Department continued studies, commenced in 1961, on the biology of the Chinese. The growth patterns and development (including sexual maturation, skeletal and dental maturation, and aspects of the evolution of subcutaneous tissues) of some 15,000 Chinese children and young adults, were in the process of biometrical analysis; it was hoped that information on the influence of local socio-economic conditions on their growth and development would emerge. In addition to this an investigation of the birth-weights of Chinese children was proceeding, in relation to the influence of climate, duration of gestation, age and height of the mothers, etc.
In the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, studies were continuing on chemotherapy in the treatment of trophoblastic disease. A method of greater sensitivity for quantitative assay of chorionic gonadotrophin was still being sought. A hormone research laboratory had been set up to study steroid secretion in abnormal pregnancy and in trophoblastic disease. The Paediatric Department continued chromosomal studies, particularly in relation to congenital heart disease, together with clinical studies on the nephrotic syn- drome in conjunction with the Department of Pathology. A new project on the study of growth and development of Chinese children in the first five years of life was planned for launching at the end of the year.
The Department of Pathology continued research on liver and biliary diseases and on various bacteriological problems including
immunological aspects of bacterial and parasitic diseases. A new method of chloride assay and studies on modified potassium assays has been initiated in Biochemistry. Research projects in the Depart- ment of Physiology included the adaptation to changes in environ- mental temperature, metabolic changes in thiamine deficiency, systemic effects of fish poisons, and pregnancy ketosis.
The Department of Medicine continued its research in various diseases commonly seen among Chinese in Hong Kong. Periodic paralysis in thyrotoxicosis; hypoglycaemia and erythrocytosis in hepatocellular carcinoma; anaemia in cryptogenetic splenomegaly; the genetics and manifestations of a and ẞ thalassaemia and erythrocyte glucose-six-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency; clinical syndromes associated with clonorchiasis; intrahepatic typhoid carriers (with the Department of Surgery); local causes of bronchial asthma and rheumatic fever were some of the problems being investigated.
In the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, two new research projects were started, one being an estimation of the variations in the normal cervical spine; the other a comparison of the relative lengths of the radius and ulna in the Chinese population in Hong Kong. Other problems still being investigated included the blood supply of the femoral head in the growing Chinese in relation to congenital dislocation of hips and Perthe's disease and also the experimental production of tuberculosis of the spine in animals.
In the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, the Department of Architecture continued its studies of environmental problems in relation to urban renewal. Two long-term research programmes were carried out, the first concerning humanistic enquiries into the means of perception on architecture, the second being a study of the environmental factors and comfort standards of housing and city planning in the tropics and involving a study of squatter problems in Hong Kong. A study was made by a Commonwealth scholar of the effect of land reclamation on urban development.
The Department of Civil Engineering continued research into the behaviour of composite structures; engineering properties of local soils; design methods for wind loading on multi-storey buildings; and application of statistical methods to foundation design. Considerable use was made of the digital computer for
research purposes by other departments of the university as well as the Civil Engineering Department.
In the Department of Electrical Engineering, research on non- linear analysis of power networks was completed and a new project on the design of a special analogue computer for transient stability studies was commenced. Current distribution in bundle conductors was investigated as a joint project with Dr J. J. Raftery of the Civil Engineering Department. A research project on the effects of time delay on automatic control systems, initiated last year under the supervision of Dr K. W. Ho, neared the final stage. Following the completion of a research project on reactances in synchronous machines, investigations were carried out on an automatic syn- chroniser, a frequency controller and an output regulator for alternators.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering made a hydraulic model of the semi-circular intake weir from the river at Tai Po Tau for performance and calibration tests, particularly under flood conditions. A model was also made and tested for stability of a vertical intake from a stream at Tung Chung, Lantau. Construction of a hydraulic model of the proposed cooling water outfall of the new power station at Ap Lei Chau was commenced.
The University Health Service continued its research on physical norms of undergraduates and on relation of health and environment to academic performance. The Appointments Service, now in full- time operation, devised a new registration form from which research data can be easily extracted. The forms included items of family background which might have a bearing on the students' preparation for professional employment. An effort was also being made to have students rate the importance they attach to a series of voca- tional motives such as personal satisfaction, social prestige, adven- ture and remuneration.
One of many research projects conducted within the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prof N. E. Fehl's survey of history in Hong Kong middle and secondary schools has been completed and published. The survey, part of the research programme undertaken by the university's Institute of Social Science and the Humanities, explored ways in which the university could serve the schools on the basis of an objective study of history for both the Chinese and
English School Certificates, and considered the needs of the schools and the education of students as important factors in the develop- ment of a core curriculum in the field of history in the Chinese University. It was conducted among more than 100 schools with a total enrolment of over 50,000 students. Altogether 35,000 student questionnaires were sent out.
The Geographical Research Centre, financially supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, embarked on a study of Hong Kong's population, beginning in the latter half of 1966. Conducted by Prof Chen Cheng-siang, the study is expected to terminate by the end of 1967, and includes small-scale but intensive surveys on traffic flow and commuter movement. The study will produce precise maps which are expected to be of considerable value with regard to urban and socio-economic planning and, in particular, the problems of overcrowding in the Colony.
Prof Chou Fa-kao's research on Mencian syntax neared com- pletion, while Dr George Wong's indexing of source material on Chinese social studies, and Sir Lindsay Ride's research into the history of the Old Protestant Cemetery of Macau and the East India Company in South China during the period 1800-60, made good progress.
The Economic Research Centre, established within the Institute of Social Science and the Humanities, under the directorship of Prof K. R. Chou and, latterly, Prof A. M. Tang, was engaged on projections of Hong Kong's demand for, and supply of, agricultural products in the next 15 years. This is a contract research project supported by the Department of Agriculture of the United States Government. The Centre has already completed reports on the general economy of Hong Kong and on cotton, tobacco, wheat and wheat preparations, vegetable oil-seeds and rice.
Prof Fehl completed preliminary work on two additional projects, a lehrbuch and bibliography in the history of world history and a history of science in relation to culture, while continuing his study of the history of Hong Kong. Mr Lee Din-yi's continued study of the history of Sino-American relations entered upon the period 1901-32. Designed as an objective and detailed study of this very important period, Mr Lee's project has received the support of the Harvard-Yenching Institute. In the field of Chinese history, Mr
Chang Teh-chang carried out research on Li Tz'u-ming and his views on modernization and foreign relations of China in the years 1863-89. The Geographical Research Centre pursued a programme of research in Chinese geography, collecting research data and reference material, preparing base maps and completing many papers on Chinese cultural geography.
Linguistics studies included Prof Chou Fa-kao's work on the Fan ch'ieh in Hsüan-yin's Yi-ch'ieh-ching-yin-i, Miss Lin Lien-hsien's study on the Swatow dialect and Mr Lung Yu-chun's textual criticism of Wang Jen-hsü's Chieh-yün. Plans were made to have Dr Chao Yuan-ren's Grammar of Spoken Chinese translated into Chinese by Mrs Beverly Hung Fincher, while Language Reform in Mainland China, by Mr Chao Lin, neared its anticipated publication early in 1967. In the field of social studies, Mr Hu Chia-chien conducted a study of kaifong welfare associations in Hong Kong.
Of 17 projects for which grants were made by the Institute of Science and Technology, the following articles were published: Morphological Characteristics of Volvariclla Volvacea, Cleavage of B-Ketonic Esters by Action of Metal Iodides, and Methanolysis of Some Para-monosubstituted Fluorobenezenes.
THE health of the population continued to be generally good during 1966. A single case of cholera was notified on 24th November, the first to occur after an absence of more than two years, the last case having been reported in June 1964. No further case was subse- quently reported, and the Colony was declared free from infection. on 5th December. There was a considerable decrease in the notifi- cations of poliomyelitis and in the incidence of diphtheria.
The number of traffic and industrial accidents requiring emergency treatment in casualty departments and admission to hospital con- tinued to rise. The mortality pattern showed fewer deaths from communicable diseases and more from diseases of later life, par- ticularly from cancer and cerebro-vascular conditions. Tuberculosis still remained the most important health problem in the Colony, accounting for more sickness and deaths than all other commu- nicable diseases combined.
The Medical Development Plan Standing Committee, under the chairmanship of the Director of Medical and Health Services, maintained its task of keeping under review the recommendations of the white paper on 'Development of Medical Services in Hong Kong' and reported its conclusions on all major matters to the government through the Medical Advisory Board. The main aims of the plan set out in this white paper are discussed in Chapter 1.
During the year three new clinics were opened, the Lady Trench Polyclinic at Tsuen Wan, the Jockey Club Clinic at Cheung Sha Wan and the Jockey Club Health Centre at Yuen Long. At the Queen Mary Hospital, a new radiodiagnostic department was completed and brought into use. By the end of the year the remaining major extension projects for this hospital, consisting of a radiotherapy department, premises for university clinical staff and medical student teaching, operating theatres, pharmacy, central sterile supply department, nurses' training school and additional staff quarters, were all in process of completion and commissioning prior to
becoming operational. Similarly, two new ward blocks at the Castle Peak Hospital, providing an additional 240 beds to bring the hospital's total bed strength to 1,359, were nearing inaugura- tion. Substantial progress was achieved in the planning of many other government projects, including a large general hospital in the Lai Chi Kok area, a mental hospital of approximately 1,000 beds, an extension of almost 600 beds to Kowloon Hospital, and the Tang Shiu Kin Hospital at Morrison Hill, which will have a casualty department.
The general state of health of the population, as demonstrated by the Colony's vital statistics set out in Appendix XXX, was well maintained. Rates particularly indicative of the trends are the infant and neonatal mortality rates, which were 24.9 and 15.3 per 1,000 live births respectively, and the still-birth and maternal mortality rates, which were 13.3 and 0.43 per 1,000 total births respectively. Maternal deaths totalled 40 for 1966. The crude death rate was 5.04 per 1,000 population. Based on actual registrations of births and deaths, there was a reproductive increase of 73,776 persons during the year. A total of 92,476 live births was registered as compared with 102,195 in 1965 and the live birth rate fell further from 27.9 to 24.9 per 1,000 of population.
Statutory responsibility for administering the services which safeguard public health in Hong Kong rests with the Director of Medical and Health Services, the Urban Council, the Director of Urban Services, the Commissioner of Labour and the District Commissioner, New Territories. The Medical and Health Depart- ment provides hospital and clinic facilities throughout both urban and rural areas, maintains maternal and child health, school health and port health services and is responsible for measures to control epidemic and endemic disease. In addition, doctors are seconded to the Urban Services Department, the Industrial Health Division of the Labour Department, the Criminal Investigation Department of the police and HM Prisons.
The estimated expenditure of the Medical and Health Department for the financial year 1966-7 is $119,111,300. To this should be added substantial subventions to many medical institutions and
organizations, including particularly the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, the Grantham Hospital, the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, the Caritas Hospital and the Hong Kong Anti-Tuberculosis Association. These subventions total an estimated $44,641,100 for the year under review. The combined estimated expenditure of the Medical and Health Department and medical subventions represents 8.72 per cent of the Colony's estimated total expenditure. The estimated capital expenditure for the Medical and Health Department during 1966-7 in respect of hospital and other buildings, including furniture and equipment, is $22,295,100.
There are five statutory bodies dealing with the registration of medical practitioners, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, and midwives. The Hong Kong Medical Council is responsible for the registration of medical practitioners and has disciplinary responsibilities under the Medical Registration Ordinance 1957; it is not an examining body. The Dental Council, Pharmacy Board, Nurses Board and Midwives Board all maintain registers, regulate training, hold examinations leading to registration or enrolment and have dis- ciplinary powers.
As stated previously, Hong Kong remained free from cholera infection throughout the greater part of the year until, on 24th November, a single case was notified. All the necessary public health preventive measures which had been undertaken as a mat- ter of routine before the outbreak were reinforced. Bacteriological investigations were continued of all specimens sent to government laboratories from cases of gastro-enteritis, and daily sampling of nightsoil, together with regular sampling of water (including seawater and well water) and of foodstuffs liable to be sources of transmission of the vibrio, remained routine procedures as part of the anti-cholera surveillance scheme. Sampling of nightsoil in the western and central districts revealed some samples infected with cholera vibrios between 23rd and 27th November. Follow-up investigations revealed five premises from which cholera vibrios were recovered. Drug prophylaxis was immediately instituted to the residents and precautionary measures were carried out. All fur- ther samples proved negative. A mass prophylactic immunization campaign against cholera commenced in April and was repeated
in November. By the end of the year a total of 1,467,271 inocula- tions had been given.
Tuberculosis remains Hong Kong's principal community health problem. Many thousands of unselected examinations carried out each year show that approximately 1 per cent to 2 per cent of the adult population is in need of treatment for the disease, with a continuing smaller percentage of active tuberculosis occurring below the age of 15. There is ample evidence that tuberculosis in infancy and early childhood is now relatively rare by the standards prevailing 14 years ago, that the peak prevalence continues to shift to middle and later life and that the more intractable clinical problems occur mainly above the age of 45. The mortality rate for tuberculosis continued to decline, falling from 208 per 100,000 in 1951 to 40.8 in 1966.
The posting of health visitors to the Government Chest Service to guide and direct tuberculosis workers has increased the emphasis placed on the important field of prevention, especially health education in the home, contact examination, home visiting, the tracing of defaulters from treatment and the holding of X-ray surveys. The prime specific measure aimed at prevention of tuber- culosis in children is the BCG vaccination campaign, with emphasis on the vaccination of the newborn. During the year 90.2 per cent of babies born in the Colony received BCG vaccination within 48 hours of birth. The vaccine is issued free to all doctors, mid- wives, and hospitals. Tuberculin testing and BCG vaccination, where indicated, are offered to all school children, and children aged from two to five attending maternal and child health centres are also tuberculin tested and vaccinated when necessary. Govern- ment officers are X-rayed annually, and free X-ray surveys are carried out on request at schools and in industrial or commercial concerns. Employers wishing to avail themselves of these facilities are required to agree to certain conditions regarding sick leave and re-employment of proved cases. The Hong Kong Anti-Tuberculosis Association is also active in prevention and maintains BCG and follow-up clinics and a health education section at its headquarters.
All diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis is free and medical social workers connected with this work maintain social histories, operate a tuberculosis assistance fund for those in need of financial
or material aid while under treatment, and help with certain as- pects of rehabilitation and resettlement thereafter. The Government Chest Service operates five full-time clinics equipped with radio- logical facilities and 16 subsidiary centres throughout the Colony. During the year, a total of 28,365 patients received continuous anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy on an ambulatory basis at these clinics. A total of 1,496,375 attendances was recorded.
The tuberculosis control programme is a combined effort between the Government Chest Service, the Hong Kong Anti-Tuberculosis Association and the Junk Bay Medical Relief Council. Certain other organizations, both charitable and private, including the Tung Wah Group, the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, the Sandy Bay Convalescent Home and the Caritas Medical Centre, also provide treatment facilities, maintained mainly with the aid of substantial government subventions. Co-ordination is achieved through a Co-ordinating Committee for the Treatment of Tuber- culosis, inaugurated in 1965.
The Colony has 1,951 beds available specifically for the treatment of tuberculosis and 4,763 patients were admitted to them during the year. The government provides 204 of these beds in Kowloon Hospital and St John Hospital on Cheung Chau Island, but the majority are in government-assisted hospitals, notably those managed by the Hong Kong Anti-Tuberculosis Association. This association offers a total of 974 beds distributed between Grantham Hospital, Ruttonjee Sanatorium and Freni Memorial Home. The Grantham Hospital has 614 beds of which 576 are maintained by the govern- ment on a daily fee-paying basis, while the Ruttonjee Sanatorium and Freni Memorial Home between them have 360 beds. These hospitals also offer approved training courses leading to the British Tuberculosis Association's certificate in nursing. The Junk Bay Medical Relief Council has 263 beds at its Haven of Hope Sana- torium, of which the government maintains 80 especially for the inhabitants of the New Territories. In addition, this organization has facilities for the rehabilitation of patients and for the observa- tion of child contacts with positive tuberculin reactions. The Tung Wah Group has a variable number of tuberculosis beds for the treatment of more chronic forms of the disease, while the Sandy Bay Convalescent Home deals especially with bone tuberculosis in children amongst other forms of children's illnesses requiring
orthopaedic treatment. Acute cases are also dealt with at the Nethersole and Caritas hospitals.
Venereal diseases are diagnosed and treated free at clinics main- tained in Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories. The recorded incidence of early infectious syphilis, which rose to its maximum in 1963 and fell steeply in the succeeding two years, remained low in 1966, which differs from experience in other parts of the world. Latent and late syphilis and gonorrhoea have stayed at comparatively unchanged levels and the incidence of chancroid and lymphogranuloma remained very low. The maintenance of this satisfactory position is partly due to energetic epidemic control by contact tracing, follow-up of defaulters and routine free ante- natal blood tests.
Twenty outpatient sessions are held weekly throughout the Colony solely for the diagnosis and treatment of leprosy. In addition, sessions are held at social hygiene centres in conjunction with the dermatology and venereal disease clinics. Surgical appliances are fitted to patients with limb deformities. Prejudices against employ- ment or rehabilitation of cured leprosy patients are gradually but steadily disappearing and widespread publicity is leading to a more humane and progressive approach to the problem by the community. The Leprosy Mission--Hong Kong Auxiliary, with the aid of a government subvention, maintains 540 beds at the Hei Ling Chau Leprosarium to which infectious cases are admitted voluntarily. In addition a small number of patients requiring reconstructive operations are accepted.
Malaria continues to be endemic but presents a relatively minor problem, being restricted mainly to certain parts of the uncontrolled rural areas, the majority of cases during the year being reported from the Tai Po District situated on the shores of Tolo Harbour in the New Territories. The important carriers of malaria are Anopheles minimus, found breeding in hill streams, seepages and irrigation ditches, and A. jeyporiensis var. candidiensis, which breeds in rice cultivation, fallow rice fields, pools in rice stubble and water flowing through grass. Other anopheline species found in the Colony play little or no part in malaria transmission. Plasmodium vivax is the predominant parasite responsible for the infection.
Malaria control in the urban areas is based chiefly on anti-larval measures consisting of draining and clearing streams, ditching and oiling. Areas at present under active control consist of the populated portion of the whole of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Kowloon, extending from Kwai Chung in the west to Lei Yue Mun in the east. In addition, Cheung Chau Island and Rennie's Mill in the New Territories are similarly protected. Anti-malaria oil continued to be employed as the main larvicide but malathion, diazinon and gamma-BHC were used on a limited scale in areas where the application of oil was not suitable. These anti-larval operations against anopheline breeding afford protection from the infection to approximately 80 per cent of the Colony's population. None of the few cases appearing in the urban areas during the year could be attributed to breakdown of these control measures. In the remainder of the New Territories, where the background is essen- tially rural, the adoption of either anti-larval or anti-adult measures is not feasible at present, and chemoprophylaxis remains the main protection against malaria. From 1st April 1966 responsibility for all mosquito control work was transferred from the Medical and Health Department to the pest control section of the Urban Services Department. Purely medical or clinical aspects of the service, such as malaria surveys and chemotherapy, remain the responsibility of the Medical and Health Department.
Diphtheria continued to occur mainly among children under 10 years of age. An immunization campaign has been in progress since 1959, interrupted only by the need for anti-poliomyelitis, cholera and other prophylactic mass inoculation campaigns. House-to-house visits are conducted in resettlement estates and other crowded areas, and teams of inoculators visit squatters both on hillsides and on rooftops. Every effort is made to inform parents of the disease and of facilities available for the protection of their children, and as a result there has been a steady and sustained decline in the incidence of the disease, with only 307 cases recorded in 1966, representing 14.71 per cent of the 1959 incidence. The case fatality rate was 8.79 per cent in 1966, most deaths occurring in non-immunized children who showed advanced laryngeal or pulmonary complications due to delay in seeking proper medical attention.
Typhoid fever incidence remained at about the same level com- pared with last year. Free inoculation is offered and the usual control measures are enforced with special attention to the detec- tion of carriers among food handlers.
Poliomyelitis, which had shown some recrudescence in the early part of the previous year, decreased considerably during 1966, possibly due to a variation in the composition of the trivalent vaccine used, the protective functions of which were further augmented by the commencement of a programme of administration of Type I vaccine soon after birth. The latter procedure commenced in April this year and 81.01 per cent of infants born after 1st April received this one dose. More than half of these children subsequently received two doses of the trivalent vaccine at maternal and child health centres, while a further proportion was protected by these means in the course of Colony-wide campaigns held annually.
Measles is usually most prevalent during the cooler months and outbreaks normally occur in alternate years. After a low incidence during the winter months of 1965-6 the disease increased again early in the second half of 1966. There were 384 deaths recorded during the year, the high case fatality rate among notified cases reflecting the incompleteness of notification. Mortality is mainly due to bronchopneumonia encountered too late for treatment to be effective. Health education efforts are continuing to encourage parents to seek earlier medical advice. Trials of measles vaccine were made during the year, the results of which are still to be assessed.
The Port Health Service enforces the International Sanitary Regulations, as embodied in the Quarantine and Prevention of Diseases Ordinance and Prevention of the Spread of Infectious Diseases Regulations 1955. The service provides inoculation and vaccination facilities for travellers, renders medical assistance to ships in the harbour and transmits medical advice by radio to ships at sea. As part of the constant vigilance maintained to prevent the introduction of cholera, strict action was taken against those who attempted to enter Hong Kong from infected areas without a valid international certificate against cholera. A regular exchange of
epidemiological information is maintained with the World Health Organization in Geneva, the Western Pacific Regional Office in Manila and ports and airports in other countries. Passengers arriving by land, sea and air are medically examined as necessary and quaran- tine measures enforced against travellers from infected ports and airports.
The Port Health Service is responsible for sanitary control of the port and airport and these areas were kept free from Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito) throughout the year. There is regular supervision of the purity of water supplied by dock hydrants and water boats, and of the airport catering service. Ships are inspected to determine the extent of rat infestation and international derat- ting or deratting exemption certificates issued. The dock area and airport are included in the rodent control scheme for the Colony and returns of rats destroyed and epidemiological examination for plague are submitted weekly to the World Health Organiza- tion's international quarantine service.
There is increasing public understanding of the value of Hong Kong's maternal and child health facilities. Most babies are born either in hospital maternity wards or in maternity homes. Con- finements at home attended by government or private midwives are less than 5 per cent of the total deliveries. The Government Midwifery Service now has 29 district centres, two of which provide a domiciliary service. Maternity beds provided for deliveries in government clinics and health centres total 431. There are 172 registered midwives practising privately in 101 maternity and nursing homes. Registered maternity homes are inspected regularly by the Supervisor of Midwives and her staff to ensure that con- ditions of registration are observed and that a sufficiently high standard is practised by registered midwives not working under the direct supervision of a doctor.
The Maternal and Child Health Service offers free maternal and child care at 31 centres, 17 of which are full-time. Clinics are held for infants and toddlers, and for children between two and five years old. Ante-natal and post-natal sessions are also provided. Whenever necessary, babies attending the clinics are visited at
home, and health visitors also go to the homes of newborn babies whose names appear in monthly birth returns. Health education forms an important part of this work and includes practical demon- strations, talks, film shows and individual advice to mothers. Immunization against smallpox, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis and tuberculosis is offered at all centres.
The School Medical Service is operated by the School Medical Service Board, an independent body incorporated by ordinance. Essentially, the scheme offers a service whereby participating school children receive medical treatment from private medical practitioners for the small sum of $7 a year. This per capita fee does not meet the cost of the service, and the government contributes an equal sum as well as the cost of administrative expenses. At the end of the year 53,422 students attending schools were enrolled in the service and 231 private medical practitioners were participat- ing. The scheme is kept under continuous critical review in order to improve its services.
The School Health Service, which has been in existence since 1927, continues as a government responsibility and is concerned with the sanitary condition of school premises, the control of communicable diseases and the health education of children, teachers and parents. In August 1966 the work of the School Health Service was taken over by the 12 area health officers who, apart from their normal duties, act as medical officers of schools.
The Castle Peak Hospital for psychiatric patients, with 1,119 beds, was required to accommodate an average of some 1,360 patients daily during most of the year. Significant relief to the congestion will be provided by the addition of two ward blocks of 120 beds each, giving a total of 1,359 beds early next year. Psychi- atric cases from the whole Colony are admitted to the hospital, the great majority being voluntary patients. Outpatient treatment is available on Hong Kong Island, in Kowloon and in the New Territories, and day patients are also treated in the psychiatric centre on Hong Kong Island. A psychiatric observation unit is operated in the Victoria Remand Prison and there is one ward for very low-grade mentally subnormal children in the Tung Wah Hospital.
Drug addicts who volunteer for treatment and rehabilitation are treated in a drug-free environment at a rehabilitation centre on Shek Kwu Chau Island, their stay varying from four to six months. This institution is run by the Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts, a voluntary organization subsidized by the govern- ment which at present is able to treat up to 250 addicts at a time. The society operates a town office in the Wan Chai area of Hong Kong Island where addicts apply voluntarily for admission to the centre. After passing a medical examination and socio-economic investigation, successful applicants are admitted for treatment and rehabilitation. After they are discharged, the society provides further assistance in their rehabilitation.
The 13,366 hospital beds available in Hong Kong represent 3.6 beds per thousand of the population (see Appendix XXXII). This figure includes maternity and nursing homes but not institutions maintained by the armed forces. Of these beds, 11,362 are in government hospitals and institutions and in government-assisted hospitals, while the remaining 2,004 are provided by private agencies. Apart from beds assigned to the mentally ill and the treatment of tuberculosis and infectious disease, there are 9,491 beds available for all general purposes, including maternity; this gives a ratio of 2.56 beds per thousand of the population. The figures quoted are based on the normal bed capacities of the various hospitals, but in many cases the actual occupancy is much higher as camp beds are used extensively whenever the need arises.
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital serves as the main emergency and specialist hospital for Kowloon and the New Territories and ac- commodates 1,384 beds with all necessary ancillary and specialist services. It also contains the Queen Elizabeth Jockey Club Institute of Radiology, which incorporates the most recent equipment for radiotherapy and is probably the most comprehensive centre in South-East Asia for the treatment of malignant diseases.
The Kowloon Hospital is used mainly as a subsidiary to the Queen Elizabeth for patients requiring convalescent care and re- habilitation. There are 500 beds of which 168, linked with thoracic surgery and pulmonary function units, are allocated to the care
of patients suffering from tuberculosis and other diseases of the chest.
On Hong Kong Island the government maintains another large general hospital, the Queen Mary, which performs the same func- tions for the island as the Queen Elizabeth does for Kowloon. This hospital is also the teaching hospital for the medical faculty of the University of Hong Kong. Part of the extensive additions and alterations to the hospital mentioned earlier was completed during the year. A phased programme of alterations, adding 454 beds and bringing the hospital's bed complement to a total of 1,086, will commence early in 1967 and is expected to be completed in late 1968.
Other government hospitals are maintained chiefly for specialized purposes. Apart from the Castle Peak Hospital they include two infectious disease hospitals (one of which also accommodates convalescent patients from the two acute emergency hospitals), a maternity hospital of 200 beds where teaching of medical students and training of midwives is carried out, and a small hospital for the treatment of skin and venereal diseases in women and children. Two smaller general hospitals are maintained, one on Cheung Chau Island and the other on Lantau Island. Small hospitals are also established in the Colony's prisons, and maternity beds for normal midwifery are provided in many government clinics and dispensaries.
The Tung Wah Group of Hospitals is a charitable organization founded 96 years ago and managed by a board of directors elected annually. It operates three general hospitals-the Tung Wah, the Tung Wah Eastern and the Kwong Wah-with a total of 3,541 acute, subacute and chronic beds. These hospitals, whose recurrent expenditure is met mainly by a large subvention from the govern- ment, provide a valuable contribution to the Colony's medical facilities and are gradually being modernized and expanded. To meet the growing need for subsidiary beds for long-term patients the Tung Wah has undertaken two major projects. The first is the construction in phases of a large infirmary at Wong Tai Sin. Phase I, providing some 350 beds, was completed in September 1965; planning of phase II is under way and construction is expected to commence early in 1967; detailed planning of phase III has not
yet commenced. On completion of all three phases some 700 beds will be available. The second is a 275-bed project at Sandy Bay, completed at the end of the year, which in part replaces previously existing but very dilapidated accommodation; 200 beds in this institution will be available for convalescent patients from the nearby Queen Mary Hospital.
The Pok Oi Hospital near Yuen Long in the New Territories is another long-established charitable organization operating with the assistance of a government subvention. A new three-storey ward block, brought into operation at the end of the year, provides improved and expanded facilities especially for maternity and paediatric patients, the foundations being designed to carry, if required, an additional four storeys. Further expansion plans are under consideration.
Among the general hospitals maintained by missionary and other charitable organizations are the Caritas Medical Centre of 508 beds, the Maryknoll Hospital of 80 beds in Kowloon, the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital of 306 beds, and the Sandy Bay Children's Orthopaedic Hospital of 100 beds. Several of these institutions receive substantial financial assistance from the government while others are supported in varying degrees by fees, voluntary donations and grants from missionary funds. In some cases, where a propor- tion of low-cost or free beds is maintained and where any excess of income over expenditure is used for hospital development, land is granted without premium and rates are refunded through govern- ment subvention. Some of these hospitals have extensive expansion plans, and in the case of the four mentioned above these are well under way.
In government hospitals there are clinical specialists in anaesthe- tics; chest surgery; dentistry; ear, nose and throat diseases; eye dis- eases, general medicine, general surgery, neurosurgery; obstetrics and gynaecology; orthopaedic surgery; psychiatry; pathology; radio- diagnosis and radiotherapy. There are also the specialized clinics for tuberculosis and social hygiene, together with specialist services offered by the Government Chemist's laboratory and the forensic pathology laboratory. The Government Institute of Pathology
maintains clinical pathology and public health laboratory services. The Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth hospitals maintain blood banks and the Hong Kong Branch of the British Red Cross Society operates a blood collecting centre for voluntary blood donation. Laboratory work for these blood banks is carried out by the Institute of Pathology. The Government Chemist is responsible for the work of an analytical laboratory which undertakes a wide range of investigations concerned with food, narcotics and medico-legal work as well as a considerable amount of non-medical investigation.
To meet the increasing demand for treatment by modern Western medicine, the outpatient services provided mainly by the govern- ment, and also by subsidized organizations and private agencies, are developing steadily. Many charitable and missionary clinics provide treatment either free or at a nominal cost. Numerous organizations, particularly the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club, continue to take an active interest in medical and health problems. A large number of outpatient clinics are supported by kaifong, district and clansmen's associations. Commercial concerns and trade unions also operate clinics for their members.
Three new government clinics were opened during the year and the government now maintains 40 clinics for general outpatients. Specialist facilities, available in the major centres in the urban areas, are provided in the New Territories by visiting teams from Hong Kong and Kowloon. Mobile dispensaries and floating clinics take medical services to the more remote areas of the New Terri- tories, especially the isolated villages on the eastern and western coasts. The flying doctor service, another means by which doctors and nurses visit such areas, continued during the year.
Since the Medical Clinics Ordinance 1963 came into effect in January 1964, 475 private clinics have been granted registration, of which 393 were exempted from employing registered doctors. The power conferred on the Registrar of Clinics to grant exemption ceases to operate after three years, and an advisory committee was therefore appointed by the Governor in June 1965 to review the operation of the ordinance, particularly in respect of the clinics registered with exemption. In March 1966
the committee's report was published, making recommendations concerning the future of the clinics and of the unregistrable medical practitioners employed in them. A major part of these recommenda- tions was accepted. It is intended that the powers of the Registrar be extended to register clinics with exemption for three years as from 1st January 1967, and that mobile clinics registered with exemption be prohibited after 31st December 1967; arrangements have been made to replace the latter with properly equipped clinics and consulting rooms housed in buildings. Certain other recom- mendations were also accepted and incorporated in the Medical Clinics (Amendment) Ordinance 1966.
The government dental service undertakes complete dental care for all monthly-paid government officers and their families, and offers a limited treatment programme for inpatients of government hospitals, prisoners and inmates of training centres. The service also provides emergency treatment for the general public at certain clinics. There are 27 government dental clinics and one mobile unit, the latter supplementing static clinic facilities in the New Territories.
Fluoridation of Hong Kong's urban water supply began in 1961 and most of the population now receives water which has been treated with sodium fluoride or sodium silico-fluoride. The rate of enrichment is 0.7 parts of fluoride per million in summer and 0.9 parts per million during winter. It is considered that this measure has already brought about a reduction in the prevalence of dental caries, particularly among children, and that this benefit will be more marked in the future.
Many voluntary bodies and welfare organizations, particularly the Hong Kong Dental Society and the St John Ambulance Brigade, maintain free or low-cost dental clinics and many dentists give their services free. The Church World Service, the Lutheran World Service and Caritas operate fully equipped mobile dental clinics.
Based upon two full-time outpatient centres equipped with operating, investigation and treatment rooms, this service operates on a sessional basis in the urban areas and in the outlying districts
of the New Territories. In 1953, 80 per cent of the blind population of the Colony had become blind before reaching the age of 10. With the application of modern drugs, special attention to the condition of avitaminosis and free treatment to those under 12 years, the position is now comparable with conditions in advanced countries with the onset of blindness in 80 per cent of cases occur- ring after the age of 50.
The University of Hong Kong's degrees of MB, BS have been recognized for registration by the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom since 1911. Post-graduate clinical training is available in the Colony for higher qualifications awarded by most of the examining bodies in Great Britain, and is supervised by a panel for post-graduate medical education, consisting of university and government staff members. Due mainly to this programme, over three-quarters of the specialist appointments in the Medical and Health Department are now held by locally-recruited staff. Facilities at the university and at the Queen Mary Hospital were further expanded to provide an intake of 120 medical students. During the year arrangements were made for the primary examina- tion for Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh to be held in Hong Kong. Plans are also being made for the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons to hold an examination here.
Hong Kong has no local facilities for training in dentistry but a government dental scholarship scheme each year enables a number of students from Hong Kong to study dentistry overseas and ultimately to qualify as dental surgeons.
There are three government hospital schools of nursing. Those at the Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary hospitals are general schools, while the one at the Castle Peak Hospital is a psychiatric nursing school. Training at these schools is in English but there are also approved schools at the Tung Wah hospitals, the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, the Caritas Hospital and the Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital, in all of which instruction. is in Cantonese. Examinations are held by the Hong Kong Nursing Board and there is full reciprocity of registration between the Hong Kong Board and the General Nursing Council of England and Wales. Most female nurses, on completion of general nursing
training, take a midwifery course of one year which qualifies them for entry to the examinations held by the Hong Kong Midwives Board. The course is conducted in English at government hospitals and in Cantonese at the other approved schools. For student mid- wives who are not registered nurses, a two-year course of training at the Tsan Yuk Maternity Hospital (and to a limited extent at the other approved training schools) is accepted by the Midwives Board for entry to the examinations. Due to the limited scope of domiciliary midwifery, adequate practical training in this aspect cannot be given and full reciprocity of registration with the Central Midwives Board of England and Wales is therefore not possible in present circumstances.
The examination board in Hong Kong of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health conducts examinations for the health visitor's certificate, the public health inspector's certificate and the tropical hygiene certificate. Training for the public health inspector's certificate and the tropical hygiene certificate is carried out within the Urban Services Department.
Responsibility for environmental health services in the urban area rests with the Urban Council, working through the Urban Services Department. In the New Territories the Director of Urban Services is responsible.
Some 6,000 employees of the Urban Services Department are engaged in street cleansing and the removal of refuse and night- soil. By the end of the year the quantity of refuse collected each day had reached 1,800 tons, compared with a daily figure of 1,000 tons in 1961. Kowloon refuse is conveyed by road to a coastal dump at Gin Drinker's Bay; refuse from Hong Kong Island is transported there by barge. Work was well advanced on the con- struction of two large oil-fired incinerators, each with a capacity of 1,000 tons of refuse a day. The one at Kennedy Town on Hong Kong Island was about to come into full operation at the end of the year; the one at Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, is expected to be completed during 1967. Two mechanized street sweeping vehicles are already in use and further mechanization of the cleansing services is under way.
A Closer Look at a
Changing Skyline
The Hong Kong skyline changes with such rapidity that its most frequent visitors can be taken by surprise. Sentiment gives way to excitement as familiar landmarks are replaced
by the towering new edifices of a metropolis on the move. Even the sea is not inviolate. A hundred years of reclamation have filled in its bays and inlets
with a form of man-made geography that would be hard to match anywhere in the world.
This restless urge for devel- opment has left its greatest impact on the waterfronts and foothills of Victoria City and Kowloon, where reclamation pro- grammes are even now founding fresh acres to support the structures of tomorrow. However the scenery may alter, the view in every direction somehow retains the inimitable flavour of Hong Kong.
Few traces remain of the pioneer settlement which pen- cilled in the original outlines for rich and crowded canvas. Museums, books and art collec- tions furnish the only clues to how it all began.
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Lan Trin
Left: The skyscrapers of Wan Chai, with North Point beyond. Above: Prospect from the Kowloon foothills, looking south west towards the harbour and Hong Kong Island and, below, south east towards the airport runway and Lei Yue Mun Passage.
Above: A green hillside, still untouched by construction crews, overlooks a view of Victoria City's ever-changing waterfront. Below: One of the Colony's most popular beach resorts, Repulse Bay sees new apartment blocks near completion.
An important task of the Urban Services Department is the regular inspection of some 8,500 licensed premises such as restaurants, fresh provision shops and food factories. Urban Services Depart- ment staff work closely with the Medical and Health Department in the investigation and control of infectious diseases and food- poisoning. General domestic hygiene is controlled by house in- spections carried out at intervals varying from six months to a year, depending on the type of premises. A special staff is engaged on the inspection and sampling of local and imported foods. The health staff are also responsible for investigating complaints from the public, for abating nuisances, and for preventing the breeding of flies and mosquitoes. A pest control section deals with rats, mice, cockroaches, ants, fleas, bed-bugs, midges and, in the New Territories, flies and mosquitoes. Since assuming responsibility from the Medical and Health Department on 1st April 1966, it has also prevented the breeding of malarial mosquitoes throughout the urban areas.
Particular attention is paid to health education by means of publicity campaigns and food hygiene courses for the staff of restaurants, school canteens, clubs and cooked food hawker stalls. During the year training courses were started for the staff of firms of commercial cleaners and for caretakers of multi-storey buildings. Health talks are given in schools and health quizzes held for school children, together with annual speech and singing contests. The kaifong associations co-operate fully in publicity and immunization campaigns, many of them having active health committees of their own. The associations again organized a combined health education exhibition, in which many government departments and voluntary organizations also participated. 'Keep Your District Clean' cam- paigns were held in several districts under the combined auspices of kaifong associations and government departments, and met with distinct success. A special health education section is active in the New Territories under the Principal Medical Officer of Health, New Territories, and pays particular attention to rural sanitation and health.
The supervision of hawkers, markets and slaughterhouses has an important bearing on public health and the Urban Services Department employs a large staff in these fields. There are altogether
62 public retail markets where the housewife can buy fresh meat, fish, poultry and vegetables. Many of these are old and outmoded, making it difficult to maintain hygienic standards. The Urban Council has drawn up a programme for reconstructing many of the older markets and for providing new ones in developing areas such as Kwun Tong and North Point. Most of the Colony's meat is supplied from two slaughterhouses managed by the Urban Services Department. Built more than 50 years ago, these will be replaced during 1968 by two modern abattoirs now under con- struction.
Street hawking provides a livelihood for perhaps 100,000 people in the built-up areas of the Colony. The great majority sell vegetables and other foodstuffs in the streets around the markets and fresh provision shops, obstructing already congested streets, hampering street cleansing work, and themselves creating health problems. The Urban Council has adopted a policy of concentrating hawkers in off-street bazaars where space is available, or in minor streets, where they can carry on their business with the minimum of in- convenience to other sections of the community. The enforcement of the regulations governing hawkers is carried out by the Hawker Control Force, established in 1960 to relieve the police of this respon- sibility. With an establishment of 430, working in 28 separate areas where hawkers operate, the force is under strength and there remain large areas where the police are still responsible for the control of hawkers.
The main lines of non-university research during 1966 continued to be in the fields of virology, cholera and tuberculosis. The virus laboratory continued research work on influenza and other re- spiratory viruses. A small outbreak of influenza A2 strain occurred in February. Arborvirus investigation is confined to haemagglutina- tion-inhibition tests and results still indicate that group B arborvirus may be fairly common in Hong Kong. Further studies were under- taken on serological response both to the continuing poliomyelitis vaccination campaign and to alternative schedules of administration of the vaccine. Preliminary work has started to assess the serological response of children to attenuated live measles virus vaccine. Research continues on cholera, using strains isolated in previous
years, and the practice of isolation and typing of non-agglutinable vibrios from daily Colony-wide nightsoil specimens was continued energetically. A controlled trial conducted jointly by the Hong Kong Tuberculosis Services and the Medical Research Council, to assess the efficacy of Thiacetazone in the treatment of tuberculosis in Hong Kong, is continuing. In histopathology, histological typing of salivary gland tumours is still under investigation. Morphological study of the pancreatic duct in pancreatic clonorchiasis has been completed.
Land and Housing
ALL land in Hong Kong is owned by the Crown. In the early days of the Colony, Crown leases were granted for 75, 99 or 999 years. Nowadays, except in the New Territories, they are granted for 75 years, usually renewable for a further 75 years at a re-assessed Crown rent. Crown leases for New Territories land are now normally granted for a period of 99 years less three days from 1st July 1898 and therefore terminate three days before the expiry of the period of the lease from China.
Land administration in Hong Kong and Kowloon is the respon- sibility of the Director of Public Works, who is also the Building Authority and Chairman of the Town Planning Board. The director also deals with that part of the New Territories between Boundary Street and the Kowloon hills called New Kowloon. The District Commissioner is responsible for land administration throughout the rest of the New Territories. All Crown land grants and all pri- vate land transactions are recorded for Hong Kong and Kowloon in the Registrar General's Department, and for the New Territories (with the exception of certain inland lots) in the District Offices. The inland lots in the New Territories cover most of the built-up part of New Kowloon and deeds relating to them are recorded with the Registrar General. The principal laws on the development and use of land are contained in the Buildings Ordinance, the Town Planning Ordinance and the New Territories Ordinance.
The government's basic policy is to sell leases to the highest bidder at public auction; all land available to the general public for commercial and industrial purposes and for residential sites is sold in this way. Land for special housing projects, for public utilities, schools, clinics and approved charitable purposes is usually granted by private treaty. The premium charged in such cases varies from nothing for non-profit-making schools up to the full market value for public utilities, the latter being payable by instalments.
To ensure that scarce land is put to the best possible use, all sales or grants are subject to a covenant in which the lessee under- takes to develop up to a certain rateable value within a specified period. The amount he must spend depends on the location and the type of development allowed. In addition to the covenant new leases contain clauses controlling the use to which land may be put, to accord with town planning. They also provide for the annual payment of Crown rent.
The relaxation of time limits on building developments, announced in November 1965, was continued in the year under review. These applied to developers owning land which was either the subject of an exclusion order (see the section of this chapter on 'Rent Control') made before 1st July 1965, or held from the government under conditions of sale or grant executed before 1st July 1965, and on which development had not begun or had not been completed. These developers became eligible to apply for an extension of one year-free of either penalty or premium-of the time limit by which they were bound to begin or complete their approved development scheme, or to fulfil their building covenant. On application a fur- ther free extension of 12 months was granted to those developers who had availed themselves of the previous concession. In deciding to make this concession the government took particular account of the very large number of exclusion orders made during 1963 and 1964. Many of these schemes, which might otherwise have been spread over a longer period, were obviously undertaken at that time to avoid new restrictions under the Building (Planning) Regulations which were announced in advance in 1962. It was also felt that the concession was appropriate at a time when, in certain categories of domestic and other premises, supply temporarily exceeded demand.
Sale by public auction ensures, by and large, that the person best able to develop the land in accordance with the terms of the lease obtains the right to do so and that the community receives the maximum return in cash. As the rent reserved in the lease is low, this policy does not, generally speaking, enable the government to obtain direct financial gain from any increase in the value of the land after it has been sold. For this reason the very large increase in land values in recent years has resulted in relatively little increase
in recurrent revenue from land, since most of the Colony's more valuable land is held on long leases.
In the earlier part of this century the leases of lots lying in the better residential districts of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon often included restrictions on the type and height of buildings. These restrictions have served their purpose well, but the demands of an increasing population now require more intensive development. It has therefore become the practice for these conditions to be modified in accordance with standard zoning schedules which preserve the amenities of each district while allowing more intensive development. Modifications of this sort are subject to the payment of a premium.
In recent years groups of 75-year non-renewable Crown leases granted in the Colony's early days, chiefly in Kowloon, have been expiring. Terms and conditions for new leases have already been agreed in a large number of cases. Premiums for the new leases may, subject to certain conditions, be paid either in a lump sum or by instalments over an agreed number of years, most lessees preferring the latter method. Terms announced in 1960 provide for a maximum of 21 annual instalments and interest of 10 per cent. On re-grant, the boundaries of these lots are adjusted to conform with street improvement lines, etc, and where land is needed for major replan- ning schemes the leases will not be re-granted. In these latter cases the government has announced its intention to pay ex gratia com- pensation for buildings. For churches and temples already on non- renewable leases, new leases may be granted free of premium.
An increasing number of 75-year renewable leases are also falling due for renewal. In these cases, under terms announced in 1963, the Crown lessee of an underdeveloped lot has two alternatives. He may renew either at a Crown rent based on the full rental value of the land without added lease covenants, or if he is prepared to accept a covenant limiting the development on the lot to that existing at the time of renewal-at a lower Crown rent.
With the increasing need to seek sites for major schemes in the New Territories, outline development plans have been prepared or are under preparation for building new towns and expanding existing market towns in those areas best suited to industry and high-density housing. These are Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung, Castle Peak, Sha Tin, Yuen Long, Tai Po, Shek Wu Hui, and Junk Bay. However, most
of these development areas contain a high proportion of leased agricultural land and there is not enough Crown land to serve public purposes. As development proceeds, Crown lessees are invited to surrender agricultural and village or rural building land in exchange for a regrant of building land with boundaries conforming to the development layout. Within layout areas these exhanges are normally negotiated on a foot-for-foot basis for building land surrendered, and a five feet for two feet basis for the agricultural land surrendered, with a premium payable equal to the difference in value between the land surrendered and that regranted. This system has proved acceptable to landowners and has been further eased by the issue of letters entitling any landowner who voluntarily surrenders land at the time when it is required for a public purpose to a future grant of land when this becomes available. The current depression in the real estate market and general tightness of credit have, how- ever, placed some strain on the system, but it is hoped that the position will improve when demand for building land catches up with supply and investors regain confidence.
The property market continued to be affected by the tightness of credit facilities. Although there has been a slight revival of interest in sales of land for industrial use it has been insufficient to warrant the reintroduction of a pre-announced programme of land sales. Similarly, land for purely residential development continued to be offered for sale by auction only on application. The difficulties of financing development also resulted in fewer applications being received for the grant of modifications of leases and the regrant of expiring 75-year (non-renewable) leases. Three sites in Kowloon were sold for development as broadcasting and television studios, one of which will provide wireless television for the Colony. The year saw the introduction of sales by public tender of royalty leases for petrol filling stations, and one such lease was granted. Another transaction, involving a major oil company, was the surrender of land in New Kowloon for the grant of other land in the New Territories for development as a bulk oil terminal. Part of the land surrendered is to be used in connection with the construction of a road and bridge across Lai Chi Kok Bay while the remainder,
regranted to the oil company as part of the same transaction, will be developed for high density residential use.
The property management section of the Crown Lands and Survey Office has undertaken the management of an increasing number of buildings on formerly leased lots which have reverted to the Crown. A further function has been the management of certain government piers, as well as the letting of accommodation in government build- ings to private persons and organizations. Among the premises so let is the ground floor of a multi-storey car park in Kowloon, which includes a 20-lane ten-pin bowling centre. The passage through Legislative Council of the Crown Lease (Pok Fu Lam) Ordinance 1966 will facilitate future land transactions in this area by the provision of a plan, replacing that attached to the original Crown Lease of 1893 and lost during the Japanese occupation, showing, by reference to existing records and such data as is available from other sources, the identification and delineation of Pok Fu Lam village lots.
Existing 10-year and 21-year leases to private bodies for the use of Crown Land for recreational purposes are due to expire in 1971-2. To advise whether these leases should be renewed on expiry, and also whether it would be desirable in the public interest to resite or amend the boundaries of individual existing private recrea- tion grounds, a committee was set up by the government and is still considering representations on these matters. The year also saw the appointment of a government working party to consider a proposal for a high-voltage electricity transmission system by means of overhead lines on Hong Kong Island. This system would be the first of its kind, although electricity is distributed at lower voltages by means of overhead lines in certain parts of the New Territories. In its report the working party included recommendations on the granting of wayleaves over Crown land for the installation of the necessary pylons and transmission lines and also expressed views on the possible effect on future land development.
Sales in the New Territories during 1966 included 68 acres for industrial use, two acres for high-density residential and commercial use and 36 acres for schools, hospitals, welfare projects, public utility undertakings, workers' housing, low-density residential use and minor miscellaneous land uses.
Revenue from land transactions in Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Kowloon during the financial year 1965-6 totalled approxi- mately $69,128,000, made up as follows: about $27,292,000 from 27 sales by auction and tender; $11,315,000 from private treaty sales; $19,405,000 from modifications of lease conditions, extensions, and exchanges; and $11,116,000 from regrants of expired 75-year leases. Revenue from land transactions in the New Territories during the same period was $4,517,000. Where it is not possible to dispose of land immediately, either because public utilities and other services are not yet available or the site has been set aside for some future purpose, the land is rarely left vacant but may be occupied either on temporary annual permit or on short-term tenancy. The 1965-6 revenue from these types of tenure was approximately $9,547,000 in the urban area and $1,439,000 in the New Territories; the latter figure includes modification of tenancy fees. As permanent develop- ment continues, it is necessary to cancel permits and the number in the urban area and in the more developed parts of the New Territories decreases year by year, although this does not apply to short-term tenancies. In addition, $7,020,000 was derived by way of rent from government owned buildings.
All surveys in Hong Kong are plotted on the Colony grid which is a Cassini plane rectangular one with a false origin south-west of the Colony. Urban Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Kowloon are surveyed at the large scale of 1/600 (50 feet to one inch) because of the congested and crowded conditions in the built-up areas.
To cope with development in the New Territories and pinpoint individual land holdings, a wide coverage of up-to-date survey sheets on a scale of 100 feet to one inch is being completed. Most of the Colony is being mapped from air photos by Hunting Surveys Limited, the Crown Lands and Survey Office providing ground control and field checks on photo plots. These surveys form the basis for plans at other scales for planning, land records and other purposes which are compiled from photographic reductions. In addition, a small-scale air survey is being carried out to form a basis for revising the 1:25,000 scale maps of the Colony.
The basic aim of town planning in Hong Kong is to provide a framework within which public and private development may pro- gress together; to ensure that adequate provision is made for industry and housing, for open spaces, public buildings, communications and social services; and to control the use and stimulate the development of land. This planning has particular bearing on the development of new industrial townships, the redevelopment of out-of-date urban localities and the gradual expansion of the urban areas.
Since 1953, plans have been prepared for 38 planning districts in the urban areas. In addition many large-scale layout plans have been drawn up covering small portions of the urban areas and the New Territories. These plans are used as a guide in the sale of Crown land and the redevelopment of private land, but have no statutory effect except where approved in accordance with the Town Planning Ordinance.
The Town Planning Board consists of seven official and three unofficial members and operates under the Town Planning Ordin- ance. The board has, to date, published outline development and layout plans for 15 districts, 14 of which have been approved by the Governor in Council and one rejected. Approved plans cover the following areas: Aberdeen and Ap Lei Chau, North Point, Chai Wan, Yau Ma Tei, Hung Hom, Ma Tau Kok, Kwun Tong Tsai Wan, Ngau Tau Kok, Fung Wong Village, Cha Kwo Ling, north-east Kowloon, Sha Tin, the central district of Victoria, and Tsuen Wan district. Plans of Sha Tin and the central district of Victoria are at present under statutory revision. Draft plans for Tsim Sha Tsui in Kowloon and for the new towns of Castle Peak and Sha Tin in the New Territories (the latter replacing the earlier approved plan of Sha Tin) were published and objections submitted thereto are under consideration by the Board. Statutory plans for Shau Kei Wan and Wan Chai on Hong Kong Island and Ngau Chi Wan and Sam Ka Tsuen-Lei Yue Mun on the mainland are in preparation.
Although the value of new buildings certified for occupation was $1,058 million, another record, this can be partly discounted by
rising costs in the industry. When compared with last year's figure of $979.1 million it does show, however, that financial strictures experienced in the early part of the year eased slightly to the extent that developers of buildings which were under construction during 1965 were able to complete successfully works in hand. It has been apparent, however, that the 'wait and see' attitude to new projects indicated in 1965 still applies, and the number of plans for new buildings submitted to the Building Authority for approval dropped from the 1965 figure of 859 to 338, the lowest since 1960.
However, the picture was not as black as this figure would seem to indicate. No less than 2,578 schemes were approved during 1963, almost double those of any other year, and it is only now that work is starting on many of these projects. Some of the 1963 schemes have been inhibited by those provisions of the Buildings Ordinance which give the Building Authority power to refuse consent to start work if a period of more than two years has elapsed since the date of approval of any of the prescribed plans, thus ensuring that up- to-date standards are maintained. However, in many cases devel- opers have been able to meet the two-year deadline in making application for consent to start work and in others, where the period has been exceeded but there have been extenuating circum- stances such as foundation problems or difficulties with adjoining premises, the Building Authority has exercised his discretionary powers and permitted development to go ahead. It would appear therefore, that until this large number of proposals has been absorbed it can be expected that the number of new plans submitted will continue to drop.
Despite the many new buildings erected during the past 10 years, many old buildings of load-bearing brickwall and timber floor construction remain. Because of the depredations of the years, accelerated by neglect coupled with overcrowding, subjection to typhoons and tropical rainstorms, the risk of sudden collapse of all or part of the building is ever present. Many of the older framed reinforced concrete buildings also show signs of deterioration and some of those too have become dangerous. The dangerous buildings division of the Buildings Ordinance Office carry out constant inspection of buildings which are suspect, and during 1966 obtained 380 closure orders for buildings which were either in imminent
danger of collapse or had deteriorated to such an extent as to create a grave risk to the safety of the occupants. The social problems involved in caring for, compensating and rehousing the 20,483 people involved are dealt with in the section of this chapter headed 'Squatter Control and Clearance'.
There was much damage to private property as a result of the 12th June rainstorm but fortunately, with only a few exceptions, repairs were quickly effected and premises once again made habita- ble. On Monday, 13th June, those officers of the Buildings Ordinance Office not immobilized by severed communications reported for duty. Every available man was mobilized to assist the dangerous buildings division in the task of inspection and reporting on damage to property as soon as information was received and as and when access could be obtained. From the 13th onwards the staff of the Buildings Ordinance Office were under extreme pressure and, as a result of the numerous inspections made, no less than 51 emergency closure orders had to be obtained. Of these, many were eventually withdrawn when remedial works were completed. Several buildings were damaged to such an extent that major reinstatement work was required before they could be reoccupied, while in other cases the damage was so severe that the buildings had to be demolished.
There was no major change in building law during the year but by virtue of the Buildings (Amendment) Ordinance No 16 of 1966, which came into effect on 1st September, some minor amendments were introduced. The effect of these amendments was mainly permissive but one important item was the provision for ensuring a permanent supply of water to buildings for both drinking and flushing purposes.
Hong Kong's resettlement estates have attracted worldwide atten- tion. Hundreds of thousands of people are being provided with housing by a low-cost housing programme which, for speed and imagination, has few if any parallels. By the end of 1966 the Govern- ment of Hong Kong had become, through this programme, the direct landlord of about 903,375 people or 25 per cent of the popu- lation. An expanded building programme adopted in 1964 aims at increasing this to over 1.5 million people by 1970. The programme
is reviewed annually by the Housing Board to ensure that the needs of resettlement are balanced with those of other government low-cost housing schemes. The history and growth of public housing in the Colony has been more fully dealt with in Chapter 1.
When the Resettlement Department was formed in 1954, the earliest type of multi-storey accommodation embarked upon was in the form of 'H' shaped blocks with communal washing and latrine facilities on each of the seven floors. Back-to-back individual rooms, accessible by communal balconies surrounding each floor, varied in size from 86 square feet to 152 square feet, with the majority being of 120 square feet, designed to house a family of four or five adults. Twenty-four square feet for an adult was taken as the minimum requirement for health. With minor modifications, though with an improved external appearance, 240 of these blocks (known as Mark I and II) had been built before the design was superseded in 1964.
To ensure that economical use was made of the available space, rooms were allocated according to the size of the family rather than the rent they could afford. Rents were fixed at the lowest possible level to cover reimbursement of the capital cost of the building over 40 years (at 34 per cent per annum compound interest) plus an element for management, land and water costs. The rent of a standard 120 square feet room was fixed at $14 a month. Electricity, if it was installed at a tenant's request, was at his own expense; communal lighting was provided by the government. Largely because of the increased cost of maintenance, administra- tion and water, rents for all Mark I and II rooms were (for the first time) raised in 1965, the all-inclusive rent of a standard room going up from $14 a month to $18.
Not all resettlement accommodation is of the same uniform standard, because some families in squatter areas live in structures of a much higher standard than the average. To provide these people with better accommodation, self-contained flats with private balconies, kitchens, lavatories and showers have been constructed in a number of blocks. In urban estates, for example, the occupants pay a total monthly rental-including rates-of $51.50 for such a flat of 240 square feet, or $74.75 for one of 360 square feet. Mark II H-blocks were modified to provide larger rooms on the ends
of each floor with private balconies and their own water supply. These rooms in urban estates are let at a total monthly rental- including rates-of $56.50 to families cleared from better than average structures.
In 1964 the original H-block was abandoned in favour of a new design of resettlement building. The new blocks, of either eight or 16 storeys and called respectively Mark III and Mark IV, differ fundamentally from the older ones in that access to domestic rooms is from a central common corridor on each floor instead of from external common balconies running along each side of the building. This new design makes it possible to provide each room with a private balcony. Other innovations include refuse chutes, the in- stallation of electrical power and light points in domestic rooms, and private lavatories in place of the former communal latrines and wash-houses. The 16-storey blocks are provided with lifts serving the upper 10 floors from the ground floor. These new blocks cost more to build but they represent a great advance in that they provide better ventilation, more privacy and large open spaces between the buildings. The monthly rent of a standard domestic room of 129 square feet in an urban Mark III block is $31.50, composed of $23 basic rent with elements for rating and water charges; a room of the same size in a Mark IV block costs $35. By the end of 1966, 168 blocks of both kinds had been built, bring- ing the total number administered by the Resettlement Department to 408, housing 829,757 people.
Despite the large population and the wide variety of rents now charged, the number of tenants failing to pay their rent is still extremely small. Of a total of $48,307,099 due in rents for the year, only about .02 per cent had to be written off as irrecoverable arrears.
The resettlement estates are virtually townships (the population of Wong Tai Sin Estate, for instance, is nearly 90,000) and a wide range of community facilities must be provided. Ground floor rooms are set aside to be let as shops or workshops to settlers who operated similar businesses in the clearance area. Shops are of various sizes. Those of 240 square feet in the Mark I and II estates are divided into four grades and are available at $200, $150, $115 or $80 a month rent according to locality. In the Mark III and IV estates the sizes vary again and, as with domestic rooms, rents
are higher. The rents include rates and are subject to annual review. Some shop spaces are used by government departments and private welfare organizations as schools, clinics or nurseries. Even the rooftops in Mark I and II blocks are put to use, most of them having been allocated to voluntary agencies who operate schools or children's clubs under the guidance of the Education or Social Welfare Departments. In some of the Mark III blocks the top floors, suitably modified, are used for schools, while in estates incorporating Mark IV buildings separate six-storey buildings (each with 24 classrooms) are provided for school accommodation. There are community centres in some estates.
Provision is also made for the small factories which are often found operating in squatter areas. To enable those resettled from such factories to continue earning a livelihood, multi-storey resettle- ment factory blocks have been built. With the passage of time it has also become necessary to recover, for more intensive develop- ment, land formerly occupied by factories on annual permits. These undertakings are generally more substantial than 'squatter' factories and workshops but when their permits are cancelled the owners often have difficulty in finding alternative accommodation. It has therefore been the practice for some years to offer resettlement also to the operators of such concerns when their permits are cancelled to enable the land which they occupy to be developed. Because of the need to use a simple design in order to keep con- struction costs and therefore rents as low as possible, a number of trades cannot be accommodated in the multi-storey factory blocks and consequently some factories can be resettled only if the owners are willing to change their trades.
The first factory blocks, dating from 1957, are five storeys in height and provide industrial working space in units of 198 square feet. A later version provides units of 256 square feet, an arrangement repeated in the latest blocks of seven storeys. At the end of the year there were 22 resettlement flatted factories, containing a total of 1,906,518 square feet of net working space, mostly situated in or near existing resettlement estates. Rents are calculated to provide for administration costs and a return on capital, including an element for the value of the land, within 21 years at 5 per cent per annum compound interest. These rents, per square foot per month,
vary from 38 cents for a ground floor unit to 23 cents for one on the top floor in the older factories, and from 55 cents on the ground floor to 25 cents on the top floor in the new factories. All rents are inclusive of rates. In administering these factory tenancies, the Resettlement Department checks machinery and electrical and floor loading and, to secure satisfactory working conditions and safety from fire and other hazards, there is continuous liaison with the Labour and Fire Services Departments. The programme of installing additional electrical rising mains and individual circuit- breakers to factories continued during the year in order to catch up with increasing demands for electrical power.
There still remain 14 of the old cottage resettlement areas in various parts of the urban area and New Territories, but the number of occupants tends to dwindle as clearance for development goes on and they are resettled in multi-storey accommodation. However, cottage areas still house 73,618 people. Several of the remaining cottage areas contain many small factories, shops and workshops, together with schools, clinics and welfare centres of various types, which are largely provided by voluntary agencies who generously continue to maintain these facilities.
During the year 43,897 people were cleared and resettled and 40.17 acres of land were thus freed for development. These operations also entailed the clearance of 514 shops and workshops, of which 343 were resettled and 171 were found to be ineligible for resettle- ment due to their limited size or, in the case of shops, because the premises were not in operation during a special shop survey carried out in 1965. In addition, 500 factories had to be cleared. Of these, 330 were resettled into multi-storey factory blocks, while 108 were not eligible for resettlement and 53 rejected resettlement. A further nine factories will be resettled in these blocks provided they change their trade to one suitable for operation in resettlement factories.
Cultivators who opened up Crown land for cultivation without legal tenure before October 1954 are given ex-gratia cash compensa- tion when this land is cleared for development. During the year $776,532 was paid to cultivators against the clearance of 21.8 acres of cultivation. Large-scale pig breeders on Crown land are
also compensated when they are cleared, and such people were paid $3,250 during the year.
New squatting is restricted as far as possible and periodic surveys are made to determine the number of squatters living in the urban areas and Tsuen Wan. A survey carried out in 1964 showed an estimated 488,984 squatters in the areas surveyed, including 65,317 on rooftops. All structures included in the survey will be tolerated until their clearance is required for development; any subsequently erected are demolished as soon as they are discovered. During the year, there were 14,292 demolitions of illegal untolerated structures or illegal extensions to tolerated ones. A total of 27,391 people were allocated sites in designated resite areas on which to build temporary huts pending resettlement into estates. Of these, 485 were rooftop squatters from tenements demolished for redevelopment and 5,793 were tenants from dangerous buildings. At the same time, 35,370 inhabitants of these resite areas were resettled into estates.
The increasing number of tenants evicted from dangerous pre-war buildings was one of the factors taken into account in a re-examina- tion of resettlement policy which took place in 1964. While the law already provided for compensation to be paid by landlords, tenants were not eligible for resettlement. The 'Review of Policies for Squatter Control, Resettlement and Low-Cost Housing' which was published as a white paper in 1964 and later adopted by the Legislative Council as a guide to future policy, put the former tenants of dangerous pre-war buildings at the head of a priority list for resettlement. To avail themselves of this priority they pay a lump sum as an advance on their resettlement rent. This rent advance is returned to them in the form of a reduced rent over the first 125 months of their tenancy. In all, 14,972 people were resettled under this scheme during 1966, including 8,487 former tenants of demolished buildings already living in resite areas before the scheme came into effect.
The revised resettlement policy also gives priority for accom- modation to compassionate cases and certain victims of natural disasters, to squatters living in areas needed for redevelopment, to tenants of overcrowded rooms in existing resettlement estates and to pavement dwellers. Associated with these changes are the new
building programme and arrangements for those who do not have any priority for accommodation. Provision is made for homeless people, who are ineligible for resettlement, to erect their huts under licence in more remote areas where they will be free from disturbance for some years to come. The Resettlement Ordinance was amended in 1965 to give effect to the revised resettlement policy.
The New Territories Administration is responsible for the control of squatters in the New Territories, with the exception of Tsuen Wan district where control has been transferred to the Resettlement Department. The more accessible parts of the New Territories are regularly patrolled and are divided into prohibited and non- prohibited areas. In prohibited areas such as the margins of roads, development areas, and land exposed to flooding, no new domestic huts are allowed. In non-prohibited areas temporary structures may be built with a permit from the District Office. This year saw the completion of the initial block of a new resettlement estate at Yuen Long, the first to be constructed outside Tsuen Wan district. This block has now been occupied by people cleared from areas required for road widening and other development, and the remain- ing blocks, four in number, will be occupied by people in similar circumstances from both Yuen Long and Tai Po districts.
It was estimated that at the end of 1966 domestic accommodation in the urban areas (excluding resettlement estates) comprised some 169,000 tenement floors, 45,000 small flats, 21,500 large flats, 1,000 houses and 37,200 low-cost housing units. Domestic accommodation predominates in many new building projects, but during 1966 the real estate market for this type of property continued to be depressed. In March 1966 there were 18,519 unoccupied domestic premises of all types compared with 11,455 in March 1965. How- ever, these statistics must be viewed against the very high level of construction of such properties in previous years. To counteract the lack of interest by purchasers, there are indications that real estate generally is taking on a new trend. More flats are available for rent instead of being for sale only, and special inducements are being offered to attract tenants. There has also been more interest shown in building smaller flats. One important pioneer scheme
announced during the year was the Tai On Building at Shau Kei Wan with 1,880 flats which will be sold on instalment terms over a period of 14 years at prices varying from $15,800 to $24,500 per flat. The largest private housing development ever known in the Colony was announced in July by the Mei Foo Investment Com- pany. This scheme is planned to house over 70,000 people in more than 15,000 flats at Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon.
The work of the Hong Kong Building and Loan Agency Limited and the Hong Kong Housing Authority is described in Chapter 1. The Hong Kong Building and Loan Agency Limited now considers applications from families with total incomes in the range $700 to $2,000 per month, and loans are granted in suitable cases up to a maximum of $50,000. The Hong Kong Housing Authority consists of all members of the Urban Council, ex officio, and certain other members appointed by the Governor. Under the wide powers embodied in its constituting ordinance, the Authority plans, con- structs and manages its own estates, and had housed 134,143 people in 22,312 flats in seven completed estates by the end of the year. An extension to Fuk Loi Estate, Tsuen Wan, is now under construction; it will provide 224 flats to house about 1,350 people. Another estate at Pok Fu Lam on Hong Kong Island is also under construction and will be the largest so far undertaken by the Authority, covering an area of just over 24 acres and accommodating 53,960 people in 7,794 flats at a cost of $89.8 million. Four schools, kindergartens, a town centre with 16 shops and a market, medical and dental clinics, a post office, public library, party rooms and other amenities are included. During the year a site was granted by the government for another new estate at Ping Shek, next to the existing estate at Choi Hung, and site formation has already started. A feature of this estate will be five 50-storey tower blocks, each containing 768 flats.
The Authority's schemes already approved will provide housing for a total of 219,015 people in 34,554 flats at a capital cost of $338 million. Of this, $260 million will be provided by government loans and $78 million through self-financing. By the end of 1966 the Authority had spent $212.6 million and its annual rent roll had reached $24 million. Sites for the Authority's estates are provided by the government at one-third the estimated market
value. Rents are calculated on the basis of estimated working expenses and amortization of capital expenditure on buildings and land over 40 years at 5 per cent per annum compound interest. They range from $48 a month for a four-person flat to $139 a month for a 14-person flat. Selection of tenants is carried out on the basis of housing need and a points system is operated.
In 1962 the Authority undertook, at the government's request, to manage all properties built under the government low-cost housing programme. Management is carried out on a non-profit basis, the costs being paid by the government and rents credited to government funds. Rents range from $35 a month for a four- person room to $80 a month for a 10-person room. At the end of the year six low-cost housing estates, providing accommodation for 67,275 people in 14,048 flats, were either fully completed or nearing completion. Work on three other estates had started. The original programme was to house 20,000 people a year, but this was considerably increased by a revised policy which laid down a new building programme for low-cost housing envisaging the rehousing of 290,000 people by 1974.
Maintenance and management of the Authority's estates and of the government low-cost housing estates is of a high standard, and includes rent collection and supervision by trained housing managers, maintenance officers and assistants. The staff of the Authority are all government servants working in the Housing Division of the Urban Services Department under the direction of the Commissioner for Housing. The Authority reimburses all staff salaries to the government plus a percentage surcharge calculated to meet indirect staff costs such as pensions, housing and medical treatment.
A number of voluntary organizations have built housing for lower and middle income groups during recent years. The largest of these is the Hong Kong Housing Society, a pioneer in the field of low-cost housing in the Colony. An account of the Society's work is given in Chapter 1. The rents of the 14,536 flats it provides vary from $39 a month for a small room with communal facilities, to a maximum of $170 a month for a larger room with adjoining kitchen, toilet and balcony. During the year, 1,294 flats were com- pleted at Kwun Tong and a new estate at Kennedy Town is under
construction as well as a further phase of the Kwun Tong Estate. Funds for the Society's schemes are normally provided by the government at low interest rates. The Society also operates a loan scheme under which firms lend money to cover the cost of constructing flats and in return are given a lease of accommodation for nominated employees. These loans are interest-free and repay- able over 20 years.
Other voluntary organizations have made contributions to the housing programme. The Hong Kong Settlers Housing Corporation has recently completed an extension to their estate at Tai Hang Sai of 141 flats, with a further 305 under construction. Industrial concerns frequently provide flats or dormitory-type accommodation for their employees, and an increasing number are providing housing or housing loans to their staff. Since 1950 land has been made available by the government at one-third of its estimated value to encourage non-profit-making workers' housing projects. A good example of the efforts made by some employers is that of the Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Company Limited, which completed 406 flats during 1966 to bring their total to over 1,700.
The government helps its junior local staff by reserving for them 15 per cent of all domestic accommodation in government low-cost housing estates. Rents and other conditions of tenancy are the same as those for other members of the public. In 1952 a scheme was started to encourage local civil servants on the pensionable establishment to form co-operative building societies through which they could receive loans from the government to buy land and build flats. Under this scheme 213 societies with 4,299 members have received loans. Of these, 197 societies with 3,890 members have completed their buildings. A new scheme has been introduced under which the development of sites and the construction of multi- storey blocks of flats will be carried out by the government itself, thus ensuring the most economical and practical use of the funds available. Two sites are at present in the course of development. Ten per cent of the funds for the revised scheme will be reserved for building co-operatives organized on existing lines by groups of senior officers. The government also provides accommodation for its overseas staff and for many of its local staff, including police and fire service officers, nurses and resident staff on government installations.
The Housing Board set up in 1965 submitted its first report to the government in 1966. Under the chairmanship of Mr K. A. Watson, an unofficial member of the Legislative Council, the board has a membership of four other unofficial members with housing or sociological experience and six official members concerned with housing matters. The term of office is three years.
Rent control, instituted by proclamation immediately after the war, was embodied in the Landlord and Tenant Ordinance in 1947. This restricted rent by reference to pre-war figures and at the same time freed new and substantially reconstructed buildings from control. Thus, the broad distinction between controlled and un- controlled premises lies in whether they are pre-war or post-war buildings. The 1947 ordinance allowed increases beyond standard rent of 30 per cent in the case of domestic premises and 45 per cent in the case of business premises. This figure of 45 per cent became 100 per cent in 1949; through further amending legislation in 1953, the 30 per cent rose to 55 per cent while the 100 per cent advanced in two stages to 150 per cent. These increases-55 per cent for domestic premises and 150 per cent for business premises-- still stand.
Redevelopment of pre-war buildings is covered by an important provision in the ordinance whereby premises may be excluded from its operation. This power rests with the Governor in Council and, in relation to particular premises, can be exercised only after a recommendation from a tenancy tribunal. Tribunals follow the criterion of public interest and award compensation to tenants based on the hardship which dispossession will cause them. Such compensation recommended by tenancy tribunals during 1966 totalled $3,758,193. The rate of compensation must be viewed in relation to the enhanced value of the land resulting from the freedom to rebuild thus acquired. In 1965, a considerable falling off in the rate of development had already been felt. This year's figure represents a further drop by 80 per cent as compared with the figure of $18,825,592 for 1965 and by 96 per cent as compared with the figure of $98,166,305 for 1964. This downward trend is further reflected in the fact that a total of 885 exclusion orders were made in 1964, 200 in 1965, and only 25 in 1966.
Since 1953 two tenancy inquiry bureaux have operated within the framework of the Secretariat for Chinese Affairs to help the machinery of the Landlord and Tenant Ordinance work smoothly. The principal statutory duties placed on these bureaux are to provide tenancy tribunals with factual information whenever application is made by a landlord for exclusion from control, or by a tenant for reduction of rent. The bureaux also perform a wide range of extra-statutory duties connected with landlord and tenant legislation. Apart from this, the bureaux are responsible for the disbursement of ex gratia advances by the government of statutory compensation under the Demolished Buildings (Redevelop- ment of Sites) Ordinance 1963 and payable by landlords to occupants of pre-war dangerous buildings condemned and closed by the Building Authority. The scheme for such interest-free cash advances, which came into operation in November 1964, was devised as an administrative measure to help tenants of dangerous buildings to face multiple difficulties incurred as a result of their being evicted from their homes and usual ways of living at very short or-in cases of emergency-no prior notice. With their compensation tenants can build a hut in a resite area or use part of the money as a rent advance to obtain priority accommodation in a resettlement estate. Loans in 1966 for this purpose totalled $12,997,154.
The Tenancy (Prolonged Duration) Ordinance of 1952 gave limited security of tenure to certain tenants of new buildings who entered into verbal tenancy agreements often involving quite substantial lump sum payments. In 1963 the three-year security under this ordinance was extended to five years for new tenancies commencing after 1st July 1963. Increases in rents in 1961 and in the early part of 1962 resulted in the enactment of the Tenancy (Notice of Termina- tion) Ordinance, which came into force on 14th April 1962. Because many tenancies are monthly on a word of mouth basis, this ordin- ance (with certain exceptions) extended the period required for termination of domestic and business tenancies to six months' written notice. The ordinance was amended in October 1962 so that tenancies affected by it enjoyed general security of tenure up to 30th June 1963. Domestic tenancies were given further security of tenure for two years from 1st July 1963 following enactment of the 1963 Rent Increases (Domestic Premises) Control Ordinance, but for business premises general security of tenure-apart from
the obligatory six months' notice of termination-ended on 30th June 1963.
The Rent Increases (Domestic Premises) Control Ordinance controlled increases in rent of post-war domestic accommodation and expired on 30th June 1966. This ordinance was enacted in 1963, at a time when the supply of new domestic accommodation was short and rents were increasing. It did not affect initial lettings and in general allowed an owner to obtain an increase in rent of not more than 10 per cent subject to the new rent being approved by the Commissioner of Rating and Valuation. During the three years the ordinance was in being, the Commissioner of Rating and Valu- ation dealt with some 10,500 applications for increases of rents. Since the supply of new private accommodation has increased substantially over the last three years, and since there has been a general lowering of rents, applications for increases had, by the end of 1965, dropped to a mere trickle and, as the situation the ordinance was designed to meet had ceased to exist, its retention was no longer considered necessary. However, where a rent was increased under the ordinance, a tenant was given two years' security of tenure. This provision applies notwithstanding the expiration of the ordinance, with the result that certain tenancies will continue to be protected for up to two years from 30th June.
The Land Office, which is a branch of the Registrar General's Department, is responsible for the registration of all instruments affecting land; the settling and registration of conditions of sale, grant and exchange of Crown land; the issue, renewal, variation and termination of Crown leases; the granting of mining leases; and advice to the government generally on matters relating to land.
The system of registration, which was introduced in 1844, is broadly similar to that in the Yorkshire Deeds Registries in England. The Land Registration Ordinance provides that all deeds and in- struments registered under it shall have priority according to their respective dates of registration, and also that deeds and instruments not registered (other than bona fide leases at rack rent for any term not exceeding three years) shall be absolutely null and void as against any subsequent bona fide purchaser or mortgagee for
The World's Foremost
Resettlement Programme
Hong Kong's resettlement programme, the most ambitious the world has ever known, is now well into its second decade. But it has increased, rather than diminished, the pace of its momentum and the scale of its achievement. At the end of July 1966, 12 years after the multi-storey building programme began, 878,095 people (or 151,095 families) had been resettled, representing 23 per cent of the Colony's total population. Resettlement estates are a vital integral part of the new Hong Kong.
As the programme has advanced, so has its evolution in the field of architectural design. The original seven-storey H-block, known as Mark 1, was subsequently modified with a Mark II version.
In 1964 both types were abandoned in favour of the Mark III block, developed by architects of the Public Works Department from a new basic concept, with central corridors and private balconies in place of the common external access balconies. 1965 saw the introduction of the Mark IV, a 16-storey block with
lifts, retaining the Mark III floor plan, but replacing centralized toilets with one in each apartment. Mark V is also 16 storeys high,
but with room sizes more closely related to the expected demand.
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Left: Squatter huts typify the environment in which the resettlement programme was born. Above: Temporary structures form a transit camp for these future resettlement dwellers alongside a Kwun Tong estate Below: Lo Fu Ngam estate.
Left: A Mark IV block alongside examples of the earlier Mark II version at Tai Wo Hau estate, in Tsuen Wan. Above: A six-storey school annexe abuts from a Mark IV block at Tung Tau estate. Below: Tsz Wan Shan estate.
Nineteen resettlement estates have so far been completed, comprising 397 blocks. The biggest is at Wong Tai Sin, housing 88,000 people. But even bigger will be the estate at Tsz Wan Shan, now partially complete, which will accommodate over 170,000. Squatters form the bulk of those moving into these estates, but also eligible are tenants of buildings condemned as dangerous, compassionate cases recom- mended by the Social Welfare Department and certain victims of natural disasters. Larger apartments are given to families already resettled but which have outgrown their previous accommodation. Basic alloca- tion is 24 square feet per adult.
For administrative purposes a child under 10 counts as half an adult, and the average family consists of four and a half adults- say a married couple, a grandparent and three young children. With two members of the family working, their income would be about HK$400 a month. Their rent in the older blocks would be HK$18 a month, or 41 per cent of income, for 120 square feet and in the newer blocks HK$35, or 83 per cent of income, for 129 square feet. Rents are calculated to cover annual recurrent costs and administration, and to recover the capital outlay in 40 years at 3 per cent interest. The total cost of the resettlement programme is borne solely by the Hong Kong Government. Cost to date is HK$670 million.
But resettlement involves more than rehousing. Side by side with this operation has gone the provision of schools, clinics, community centres and other social and welfare amenities.
All the estates have privately run primary schools which pay nominal rents, some of which are subsidized by the government. At the beginning of 1966 there were 132,000 school children in the estates. The schools are on the rooftops or ground floors in the older estates and in separate annexes in the new estates.
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Many tenants of resettlement estates take a pride in their apartments, which they look upon as the first real homes they have ever known. They spend large sums decor- ating and furnishing them to their taste and making the most of the space available.
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Left: Ground floor shopping arcades cater to the housewife's every need. Above: Traditional baby slings leave hands free for shopping baskets and small change. Below: Housewives can afford to be selective with so many shops to choose from.
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Riding a playground roundabout (left), turning out from a typical resettlement school (above) and reading in a community centre library (below), children of resettlement estates are representatives of Hong Kong's vigorous new generation. But grandma's chopsticks (overleaf) still form an essential part of their education.
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valuable consideration. Registration is therefore essential to the protection of title, but does not guarantee it.
In spite of the substantial drop in the number of new private building projects over the past two or three years, many projects started in previous years were completed and the number of instru- ments registered during the year reached the record total of 48,654 as against last year's total of 46,929. The figure included, inter alia, 683 assignments of whole buildings or sites (against 756 in 1965); 19,505 assignments of flats and other units in multi-storey buildings (against 20,075); and 7,840 mortgages (against 7,822). There were, however, as a consequence of the decline in new building projects, marked decreases in the registrations of building mortgages (from 194 to 107) and in orders excluding premises from the Landlord and Tenant Ordinance, which usually have to be obtained prior to redevelopment of the sites of old buildings (from 230 to 22). On the other hand, evidencing some revival in the real estate market at the lower prices being asked, the number of searches, which must be made prior to every land transaction, rose from 40,264 to 52,040, and the number of agreements for sale of flats and other units in multi-storey buildings rose from 6,004 to 7,912. Compared with 1965, the grand total of considerations recorded in all instruments registered declined from $3,349,000,000 to $2,678,000,000.
The volume of work in several other sections of the Land Office was affected by the slump in new projects. The number of conditions of sale, grant, exchange, etc of Crown land fell by 159 to 136. Consents granted to forward sales of flats in those cases where the conditions under which the land is held give the government the necessary power of control, fell by six to 101. The number of modifications and deeds of variation of lease conditions-usually a prelude to multi-storey development--also fell by 32 and 23 respectively to 20 and 12. The number of Crown leases issued rose by 122 to 387. The difficulties experienced by real estate developers were reflected in the sharp increase from 30 to 54 in the number of lots re-entered by the Crown for breach of lease conditions.
At the end of the year the Land Office card index of property owners contained the names of 126,516 people (an increase of 16,316 over the previous year), some owning several properties and others being merely owners of small individual flats.
Social Welfare
THE background to the development of social services in Hong Kong over the past decade is described in Chapter 1. In order to avoid undue repetition, this chapter deals largely with the immediate problems and achievements of the year under review.
The rainstorm of 12th June was the most disastrous ever recorded in Hong Kong. It caused great loss of life and considerable damage to crops, livestock and property. The resulting hardship once again threw into prominence both the official and voluntary relief services which work continuously throughout the year giving help to those who need it. Such needs may arise temporarily, as a result of fire, typhoon, flood or other disaster, or on a long-term basis because those seeking help are unable, for one reason or another, to support themselves or their families. At one stage, in the aftermath of the rainstorm, 10,000 people were on the register as needing temporary accommodation, hot meals, new sites for their huts, blankets, clothing or cooking and eating utensils. Many of these needed not one of these items but all. The people of Hong Kong gave generously, as did many sympathizers in other countries, and altogether some $2.59 million was raised to augment the resources of the Community Relief Trust Fund, from which grants were made to those in need of assistance because of the rains. The British Red Cross Society, CARE, Church World Service, Lutheran World Service, the Salva- tion Army, the kaifong associations and many others also rendered invaluable assistance in the provision and distribution of blankets, clothing, eating utensils and supplementary foodstuffs to the victims as well as assisting them to re-establish themselves.
Following the acceptance of the white paper entitled 'Aims and Policy for Social Welfare in Hong Kong', a small planning unit was established in the Social Welfare Department. During the year this unit, in close collaboration with the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, was busy preparing a five-year plan for social welfare services. Meanwhile, development of the various services continued
within the basic framework of the white paper, in the light of grow- ing public interest in the welfare problems faced by the community. The Lotteries Fund, with an annual income from the sale of lotteries tickets of between $2 million and $3 million, exists principally to provide capital funds for the development of non-statutory social welfare services.
Hong Kong is exceptionally fortunate in having a great range of voluntary welfare organizations, locally based and international, religious, secular and traditional. The 84 member organizations of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service are shown at Appendix XLV. Their combined efforts make a massive contribution to the welfare of the community, and the government relies on these voluntary agencies, some of which are assisted by government subvention, to provide many important welfare services. An in- teresting development is the investigation at present in progress into the practicability of establishing a community chest from which allocations could be made to the various agencies at present competing individually, either successfully or otherwise, for local support. This investigation is in unofficial hands, and is seeking to establish the degree of support that a chest would command among the donating public and the receiving agencies.
The main emphasis in the field of youth services continues to be the provision of opportunity for young people to test their capabilities and their character in ways that are not damaging or dangerous to the community. With the high degree of urban congestion that has arisen as a result of Hong Kong's phenomenal population growth, increasing interest has been shown in the recreational opportunities afforded by the open countryside and the virtually uninhabited mountainous regions that immediately adjoin the built-up areas. The more adventurous are beginning to realize these advantages themselves, but this spark of adventure is being blown on both by the department and by voluntary agencies, amongst which must especially be mentioned the Federation of Youth Groups, YMCA, Scouts, Guides and the Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association. Cur- rent interest in national parks and nature reserves is seen as most important in this context.
In a positive approach to the youth problem, voluntary agencies and government departments also work together in urban settings, using community, youth and social centres and clubs. For the past four years the Social Welfare Department has organized a number of projects during the summer holidays and this year over 22 activities were offered to children and youths ranging from interior decorating and drama to shooting, fishing and overnight expedi- tions. Some 150 secondary students also gave up their free time to undertake a short course of training to enable them to help younger children to enjoy their leisure in club activities. The voluntary agencies were also active in this field.
Voluntary agencies continued to be active in the establishment of day care centres for the young children of working mothers. Eight new non-profit-making nurseries and one play centre were opened during the year, and the total places available in day care centres rose from 12,100 in 1965 to over 13,000.
A United Nations' consultant spent six months in Hong Kong at the invitation of the government and undertook a survey of children's institutions. His report, which is expected to be avail- able early in 1967, makes recommendations for future development and the establishment and implementation of improved child care practices and standards in institutions.
A children's reception centre run by the department cares for children who are found abandoned or wandering. Their special physical and psychological needs are investigated and their be- haviour and growth observed and recorded, as background to a plan for each child's future. Of 221 children who left the centre during the year, 18 were adopted into families, either in Hong Kong or overseas. The number of babies abandoned fell to 48, compared with over 200 seven years ago and 56 in 1965. A total of 105 children were adopted in Hong Kong in 1966 under the Adoption Ordinance 1956, compared with 116 in 1965. Overseas adoptions totalled 77 in 1966 compared with 88 in the previous year. Altogether 1,182 adoptions have been registered in the Adopted Children's Register since the first entry was made on 22nd July 1957. Where possible, children are kept in institutions
only for short-term care, the object being the early return of children to their own families or their entry into new families through adoption. Residential homes for babies and children maintained by voluntary institutions provide 2,769 places for orphans or children whose parents cannot care for them. Voluntary agencies continue to offer sponsorship of school fees, cash grants, clothing, equipment and meals to needy children and some 65,000 are known to have benefited from such services in 1966.
Work among women and girls in moral danger is continuous but rarely spectacular. Parents, and young people themselves, are encouraged to discuss the monetary and moral problems of sex with case workers of the women and girls section of the department as early as possible, so that girls may be guided back to a way of life which will in the end give them more satisfaction and happiness. An unmarried mother's most pressing need may be for accommoda- tion and medical attention, which the case worker is often able to arrange. In this way the girl's immediate anxiety is relieved and she is better able to act in a responsible way toward herself and her baby, and eventually to return to life in the community.
The Sisters of the Good Shepherd maintain a modern home which provides for about 160 girls in need of training and preparation for a new life and a second home for teenage problem girls is in an advanced stage of planning. The Po Leung Kuk, which is one of the oldest of our truly local charitable organizations, also offers institutional care to women, girls and their children. In the depart- ment's two day training centres some 200 young women are given instruction in cooking, tailoring, knitting, embroidery, beading and laundering and taught how to use their leisure time. Engage- ments in socially more acceptable employment can generally be found for these women, although experience has shown that very rarely is it possible to rehabilitate the older and more hardened prostitute. The department has recently introduced a counselling service for husbands and wives with marital problems ranging from deep-rooted incompatibility to other more transient and superficial conflicts.
During the year the special welfare section of the Social Welfare Department opened its fifth club for 50 deaf children and started an experimental pre-vocational class for 60 mentally retarded children. A Buddhist group opened another home for the aged which provides accommodation for 100 elderly women. The total number of disabled people registered with the Social Welfare Department rose from 13,355 to 15,008. During the course of the year the special welfare section found employment for more than 100 such people. By the end of the year plans for a vocational rehabilitation day centre for 360 disabled people, which is to be built in Kwun Tong with a grant from the World Rehabilitation Fund, were well under way. The building is expected to be com- pleted in 1968 and will be managed by the department.
Probation officers are responsible for supervising offenders on probation as well as for making social enquiries on behalf of the courts. At the end of the year there were 1,563 individuals on probation, compared with 1,524 at the end of 1965. The department maintains a combined remand and probation home for 160 boys and a similar home for 50 girls---both in Kowloon-and a reform- atory (or 'approved') school for 150 boys at Castle Peak in the New Territories, as well as a probation hostel, opened during the year, in which probationers may be ordered to reside while going out daily to work. Valuable voluntary services are offered on the preventive and positive side by the Juvenile Care Centre and the Society of Boys' Centres, which give residential training to those who need help in finding a niche in society or in overcoming difficulties of behaviour and relationship.
The aim of the relief section of the Social Welfare Department is to relieve distress and hardship and assist individuals and families who have fallen into financial difficulty to re-establish themselves and to become economically independent. Cooked food or dry rations are provided as an immediate measure of 'first-aid' but counselling is employed to determine the cause of the situation and
efforts are made to help the family solve its difficulties, often by enlisting the aid and support of other departments or of one of a number of strong and resourceful voluntary agencies. The number of families receiving public assistance showed a slight increase during the year from 2,234 to 2,635. A number of voluntary agencies, including the Co-operative for American Relief Everywhere, Catholic Relief Services, Church World Service, Lutheran World Service and the Seventh Day Adventist Welfare Service, operate supplementary feeding schemes.
The fourth and last community centre built with overseas World Refugee Year money was opened in March. These community centres, established in resettlement estates and new towns, provide a variety of services including day care for pre-school children, vocational training for young people, social case work and libraries. Through community development work, people from various walks of life are brought together in new relationships, groups and associations. An increasing number of members in the groups are taking on leadership roles and accepting heavier responsibilities within and outside the community centres. This enables the staff of the centres to maintain regular contacts with people working and living in the surrounding areas, with the object of making each centre increasingly a focal point for the local community.
Following the completion of a study of the social needs of the Chai Wan area by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, the Council has commenced detailed planning of facilities to be provided in a community centre which will be built with funds collected in Hong Kong by the Council during the World Refugee Year.
In all, 48 students completed courses in social work at the two universities during the year; very many fewer than a recent survey suggests will be needed if our annual requirements in this field are to be satisfied. Nine Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpora- tion scholarships were awarded, while government bursaries were granted to eight students to allow study at the University of Hong Kong and to 31 for studies at The Chinese University of Hong
Kong. The Social Work Training Fund Committee approved grants amounting to $304,150 in support of university courses and granted $158,500 to five people to allow them to undergo training either locally or overseas. The Advisory Committee on Social Work Training, responsible for the promotion and co- ordination of training for social workers in Hong Kong at all levels, continued to meet regularly and, amongst other things, appointed a sub-committee to prepare a special course for expe- rienced senior workers and to advise on and supervise the operation of the course, which the Extra Mural Department of The Chinese University began towards the end of the year.
The Social Welfare Department training unit gave basic training to 142 welfare workers in eight courses, offered five refresher courses and studies on specific subjects, began to develop its own staff development programmes and, in addition, conducted staff training programmes for certain of the voluntary agencies.
A research project on the changes in urban family life was inaugurated on 1st July. Under the general direction of a supervisory board composed of local people, the survey is being conducted by the Director of the Social Survey Research Centre of The Chinese University. The results are expected to be available in 1968-9.
Public Order
AFTER nearly 10 years without major disturbances of civic peace and quiet, Hong Kong witnessed a sudden outbreak of rioting in April, following demonstrations against a proposed increase in Star Ferry fares. The disturbances occurred on the nights of 6th and 7th April in the Mong Kok and Yau Ma Tei Divisions of Kowloon district. A curfew was imposed and the entire Hong Kong Police Force, including the Auxiliary Police, was mobilized into its riot structure. Four regular army companies assisted the police, together with the Hong Kong Regiment and the Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force. Elements of the Essential Services Corps were also alerted, though their full call-out did not prove necessary. The Governor subsequently appointed a Commission of Inquiry into the disturbances under the chairmanship of the Chief Justice, Sir Michael Hogan. The commission's report is not yet available.
Further extraordinary demands were made on the police force during the flooding and landslides resulting from the June rainstorm, when the police, particularly of Hong Kong Island district, were engaged in every aspect of relief work and especially the co-ordina- tion of emergency communications and the re-routing of traffic.
The Kowloon disturbances re-emphasized the importance of hav- ing an adequate internal security structure. The internal security role of the police force had already been the subject of detailed examination by the government and many improvements had been suggested, aimed mainly at increasing the number of police available for riot duties. New methods of deployment and new scales of equipment will shortly be introduced to strengthen police district emergency forces.
Relations between the police and the general public have been studied in detail during the year. The introduction of a full-time press officer for the force has greatly assisted and amplified police
relations with the press and, at the close of the year,
other measures
were being considered which would assist the public to a fuller understanding of police aims and methods.
The largest section of the Hong Kong Police is the Uniformed Branch, which is divided into four main districts-Kowloon, which is commanded by a Senior Assistant Commissioner, and Hong Kong Island, the New Territories and Marine, each of which is commanded by an Assistant Commissioner. In April the Kowloon district was reorganized into two sub-districts, Kowloon East and Kowloon West, each under the immediate command of a Chief Superintendent responsible to the Senior Assistant Commissioner, who is thereby enabled to give more attention to policy matters and to the deployment of specialist branches such as the Criminal Investigation Department and Traffic.
The prevention of illegal immigration remained primarily the task of the Marine Police. The number of arrests and seizures of vessels remained encouragingly high, while the number of illegal immigrants who succeeded in entering the Colony was again kept at a relatively low level.
Providing support and reinforcement to the regular police both on sea and land in times of emergency, the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force comprises a total establishment of 2,437 volunteers, commanded by the Commissioner of Police assisted by the Com- mandant, who is an Auxiliary Assistant Commissioner. When mobilized, the auxiliaries are completely integrated with the regular force and each of the 10 auxiliary land divisions operates as part of its parent division, while the marine auxiliaries assist in manning the craft of the Marine Police. Other duties of the auxiliaries include helicopter observation, escorting fire appliances, ambulances and supply vehicles in time of emergency.
The police force operates a large fleet of vehicles of all types from heavy lorries to motor scooters, and the responsibility for the maintenance of this fleet, which numbers more than 570 vehicles, rests with the Communications and Transport Branch. This branch is also responsible for the maintenance of over 500 radio and radar installations throughout the force, and of the force's telephone, teleprinter and radio communications systems.
The 7.1 per cent increase in crime during 1966 was due almost entirely to offences which were committed during the riots in Kowloon in April. Although there were increases in miscellaneous larcenies and serious offences, these were offset by reductions of larcenies from the person and the various offences involving an element of fraud. The detection rate remained very satisfactory at 73.6 per cent compared with 72 per cent in 1965. There was a decrease in the number of juvenile offenders prosecuted and this can be attributed in part to the larger number of juveniles referred to the Police Juvenile Liaison Section for supervision as an alternative to prosecution. The exercise of the police discretion not to prosecute, which previously applied to juveniles under 14 years of age, has now been extended to include those under 16 years of age.
So far the results achieved are very satisfactory and the rate of relapse in respect of all juveniles under the supervision of the section has been very low. At the same time a close and effective relationship is being established between the police and various other government and voluntary organizations concerned with the problem of juvenile crime.
The great majority of all crime in Hong Kong derives in one way or another from narcotics, and officers of the Narcotics Bureau made several large seizures of narcotics during the year, including one of opium and morphine which had been consigned to Hong Kong concealed in specially constructed false refrigerators. This one seizure had an estimated retail value of $17 million on the illegal market, and the total quantity of all seizures exceeded that for 1965.
Continued vigilance by the Triad Society Bureau has prevented any resurgence of organized triad activities during the year. The pattern of triad society organization has changed in that there is considerably less evidence of cohesion among the various societies. Members tend to operate as individuals or in small groups, and triad ritual has degenerated to such an extent that many thugs operating in the name of triads are unaware of the origins and traditions of the society. It has been made an offence for a person to claim or profess membership of a triad society.
At formal ceremonies held at the City Hall during 1966 the Commissioner presented letters of appreciation and monetary awards to 88 members of the public in recognition of their valu- able contribution to law and order in the prevention of crime or apprehension of criminal offenders, sometimes at considerable risk to themselves.
Vehicles registered at the end of the year totalled 94,506, the number newly registered showing a decline for the first time in many years. (Vehicle statistics are given in Appendix XXXVI.) Further controls on traffic were imposed in order to maintain a smooth flow. The installation of traffic lights at road junctions continued, along with re-routing of traffic in an effort to lessen congestion in certain areas.
In June a system of compulsory inspection of taxis and public cars was introduced in order to ensure that these vehicles comply with basic safety requirements. The scheme has proved successful and the figure of 50 per cent of vehicles which failed to obtain a certificate of road-worthiness on first examination at the commen- cement of the scheme had dropped by the end of the year to 40 per cent. The present total number of taxis licensed is 2,763.
The demand for driving licences also continued to rise, and to cope with the increasing demand for driving tests additional examiners were employed, making a total of 27. This resulted in a marked reduction in the waiting period for most types of driving tests, although 29,228 holders of provisional licences were still await- ing tests at the end of the year.
The Road Safety Association, together with the Jaycees, kaifong associations and other bodies interested in promoting road safety, continued with their efforts to publicize and propagate road safety in all its various forms. The School Safety Patrol Organization continued to expand and the total number of schools participating is now 37. During the year there were 264 fatalities and 8,797 persons injured due to traffic accidents, compared with 268 and 8,599 respectively in 1965.
The strength of the regular police force at the end of the year (excluding women police) was: 130 gazetted officers; 869 junior officers; 9,273 non-commissioned officers and constables. There were 429 women police of all ranks posted throughout the force in all divisions.
Probationary inspectors are recruited both locally and in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries, while constables are recruited locally. Upon enlistment all ranks are given a 26 weeks course of initial training at the Police Training School at Aberdeen. The curriculum includes public relations, civics, the principles of law and legal procedures, court procedures, police and government regulations, drill, musketry, physical training, self-defence, riot drill, life saving and first-aid. The course is designed not only to train men in police duties, but also to broaden their general outlook and fit them for responsibility. Probationary inspectors recruited overseas attend a course of instruction in Cantonese at the Government Language School, while constables are taught elementary English at the Police Training School.
At the end of their initial training all ranks are posted to units where they carry out duties under supervision. Probationary in- spectors return to the Police Training School for two weeks training during their second and third years of service. Inspectors also attend an advanced course during their sixth year of service. Constables return to the Police Training School for a two weeks course each year for the first four years of service and an advanced course during the sixth to 10th years of service.
In addition, inspectors and constables, between their first and second completed year of service, are required to attend the Police Training Contingent at Fanling in the New Territories for an intensive course lasting 10 and eight weeks respectively in internal security work. This course covers weapon handling and firing, basic anti-riot drill and movements in platoon and company formation. Also included in the syllabus is training in the setting up of road blocks, cordoning, house searching and crowd control. Non-commissioned officers are also required to attend the course on promotion to that rank, in order to be taught the latest techniques in internal security matters. Subsequently they attend
refresher courses at intervals of approximately three years. In- spectors, on being appointed to gazetted rank, attend a 10 weeks course at the Police Training Contingent for training as company commanders.
The Commissioner of Prisons is responsible for the administration of 10 institutions in various parts of the Colony. These consist of three security prisons at Stanley, Victoria and Lai Chi Kok; three open prisons at Chi Ma Wan, Tai Lam and Tong Fuk; three training centres for boys at Cape Collinson, Stanley and Shek Pik; and a Staff Training School at Stanley.
All male convicted prisoners are received at Victoria Reception Centre where they are given a thorough medical examination prior to appearance before a classification board for allocation to the different institutions according to conviction, record and condition of health. Women prisoners are received and held at Lai Chi Kok Prison which has an average inmate population of 140; this security prison is now outmoded and is to be replaced in the near future by a new open prison in the Tai Lam area.
The present total prison population averages about 6,000, and of this figure some 62 per cent received on conviction have been charged with narcotic offences. Drug addicts in need of treatment are usually sent to Tai Lam Treatment Centre, an open institution specializing in the rehabilitation of addicts. Some 14,000 male prisoners have passed through the rehabilitation programme at Tai Lam since it was opened in 1958 and of this number about 40 per cent have never been reconvicted. Tai Lam has an expanding after- care service geared to the important undertaking of helping dis- charged addicts. Results so far in this very difficult field have been encouraging. Of a total of 1,200 prisoners who completed a 12 months period of after-care some 47 per cent did not relapse into drug addiction.
The open prison system is used whenever possible in Hong Kong as experience has shown that an environment where prisoners lead healthy outdoor lives doing hard constructive work leads to more successful rehabilitation. Open prisons are situated on Lantau Island in the New Territories and an immense amount of useful work has
been done by prisoners on forestry and other projects such as con- struction of roads, bridges, buildings etc.
Those prisoners not considered suitable for open institutions are housed in Stanley Prison which is the Colony's main security establishment, having an average population of some 3,300 inmates. This prison is also the main industrial centre where productive industries such as tailoring, shoemaking and rattanware are con- centrated. The total value of industrial products at Stanley this year amounted to over $2.25 million.
Young male offenders between the ages of 14 and 21 are housed under open conditions at the three training centres on Hong Kong and Lantau Islands. The emphasis is on strict discipline, combined with a constructive approach to training. Morale continues to be very high and the reconviction rate is one of the lowest in the world. There is a thorough, and highly successful, system of statutory after-care for boys released from the training centres and all boys are found employment before release. They then remain in the care of their after-care officers for a period which may be as long as four years from the date of sentence.
This has been a year of great activity in preparation for new institutions at Tong Fuk (now completed), Tai Lam, Starling Inlet, Siu Lam and Dragon's Back, and it is expected that by the end of 1968 all major projects will be realized. There will then be open prison capacity for 3,200 prisoners, and no new security prisons are planned.
The Hong Kong Fire and Ambulance Service has continued to expand numerically and organizationally during the year. Recruit- ment has been above average and the difference between authorized establishment and actual strength is now at its lowest figure for a number of years. With the growing sophistication of industry and products, demands on the service's training facilities continue to increase. It is not generally realized that firemen must comprehend the fundamentals of radioactivity, multifarious chemical processes, electricity and civil engineering. The continued technological ad- vances in these fields greatly taxes training resources. It is in fact no
longer possible for firemen to fill simultaneously the role of fire- fighter and rescuer, and the service now has highly specialized search and rescue teams. These teams have rescued over 2,000 persons from places of peril in the last year. To provide the minimum standard of fire protection needed to contain fire losses within the boundaries necessary for the continuance of industrial progress, plans are in hand for the construction of a score or more strategi- cally deployed fire stations. During this year two additional fire stations and one ambulance depot were operationally commissioned. The planned development of the service aims at providing sufficient stations to ensure that fire appliances can reach the scene of any incident within six minutes from the time of call.
In April, the Ambulance Service, which since 1953 has operated under the control of the Fire Services Department, was reconstituted as a semi-autonomous division. The re-constitution of the ambulance elements of the service includes provision of senior ambulance officers and specialized members of the rank and file to man ambu- lances. The division has at present 56 ambulances.
Two Colony-scale emergencies greatly taxed the resources and ingenuity of the service during the year, namely the Kowloon civil disturbances in April and the torrential rains in June. During the civil disturbances, appliances and personnel attending fires came under attack, and numerous obstacles and obstructions were strewn across the roads to mpede traffic imovement. Although a number of firemen were injured none sustained serious injuries, and damage to appliances was mainly superficial. Despite the problems and difficulties confronting Kowloon divisions during the disturbances, all calls involving danger to life or property were attended and disposed of without serious casualties. At one stage Mainland Fire Command Headquarters, situated in the old Mong Kok Police Station, was attacked and set alight by demonstrators. However, the fire was quickly extinguished and the premises suffered only very minor damage.
During the June rainstorm the service was inundated with calls for assistance. The rains caused wholesale destruction to telephone and other communication systems and flooded the Fire Control to a depth of some three to six feet. This necessitated the setting up of an emergency Fire Control in Fire Service Headquarters and
improvisation of telephone communications by a field telephone network. To counteract the effects of communication failures, fire appliances patrolled all potentially dangerous areas and were in- strumental in bringing prompt succour and relief to persons in distress or peril. The service was subjected to considerable pressure and resources were stretched to breaking point. In answer to requests for assistance, and despite extensive damage to roads and communi- cations, all members of the Auxiliary Fire Service who were called out for duty promptly reported to their fire stations, as did numerous off-duty professional officers and men. The Civil Aid Services, Auxiliary Medical Service and the Hong Kong Regiment also contributed greatly to the success of rescue operations. The storm inflicted considerable damage to Fire Service plant and equipment which, until rehabilitation was completed, greatly reduced the operational capability of the service.
The service now has 216 operational vehicles in commission and an establishment of 2,493 officers and firemen. Although the total direct fire loss for the year 1965-6 increased from $2.77 per capita to $2.86 per capita, giving no room for complacency, the figure compares very favourably with those which obtain elsewhere in the world (Fire losses in Britain for 1965 were $22.61 per capita). The service is now linked with a thriving branch of the Institution of Fire Engineers, which is probably the largest in the world out- side Britain.
The Preventive Service of the Commerce and Industry Department is a disciplined force responsible for the anti-smuggling measures which are needed to protect the revenue derived from the five items which are dutiable in Hong Kong. It is also responsible for the excise controls required in respect of the manufacture or distribution of these dutiable items within the Colony.
The service is responsible for suppressing the illicit import and export of narcotics by land, sea and air, and approximately one- third of its total strength is engaged on this work. Liaison is main- tained with the Narcotics Bureau on all aspects of narcotics suppres- sion. All vessels arriving in Hong Kong from ports where drugs are suspected of being smuggled are boarded and searched by
Preventive Service officers. They remain on board many of these vessels while in Colony waters to prevent drugs being smuggled ashore.
In 1966 a total of 776 ships were guarded throughout their stay in the harbour, 919 were searched, and 66 seizures were made of narcotics on ships. The estimated value of narcotics seized by the Preventive Service from all sources in 1966 was $920,000. At the airport the Preventive Service searches incoming aircraft, goods and baggage. Particular attention is paid to those which arrive from, or have passed in transit through, known sources of narcotics.
Immigration and Tourism
THE pressure of work on the Immigration Department has continued unabated. The airport, Chinese and harbour sections were most affected. During the year the department moved to more spacious accommodation located, as before, in the central district. An additional sub-office has been opened in Kowloon. The total recorded movement during 1966 was 4,994,185, consisting of 2,490,303 arrivals and 2,503,882 departures. This compares with a total of 4,218,297 in 1965. The main lines of movement were between Hong Kong and Macau and, to a lesser degree, Hong Kong and China. Illegal immigration, although much reduced from the figures of previous years, continued to present a problem.
The unsettled political climate in South-East Asia generally caused many more Chinese than usual to seek entry into Hong Kong and to send their children to the Colony for education. The demand for travel documents from Hong Kong residents remained undiminished. The usual arrangements were made to enable children at school in China and Macau to visit their parents in Hong Kong for Chinese New Year and summer holidays. The number of students going abroad to study, primarily in Britain and Canada, showed an increase, reflected in the volume of work in the British and Commonwealth section with regard to the issue of both passports and entry certificates for Britain. There was also an increase in the number of persons being granted naturalization as British subjects who subsequently applied for passports. A special section has been set up to deal with applications for naturalization, and although flooded with an unexpected increase in applications the revised processing system has proved very effective.
The Director of Immigration processes travel applications and deals with citizenship problems on behalf of various Commonwealth countries not otherwise represented in Hong Kong, and the number of visa applications for these territories also increased considerably
during the year. The number of Chinese emigrating to Britain for employment has dropped quite considerably since the British Government tightened the regulations in this respect, but the number of dependents joining husbands working in Britain is still quite high. Emigration to Canada increased substantially.
There has been an increase in the number of aliens in Hong Kong, most of them being employed in foreign business houses. The largest group consists of citizens of the United States, number- ing 4,581 followed by 2,093 Japanese, 2,031 Portuguese, 799 Filipinos, 552 Dutch, and 525 Indonesians. At 31st December 1966 there were 14,523 alien residents registered in the Colony. During the year 48 White Russian refugees entered the Colony from China and 179 left under the sponsorship of the United Nations for settlement in other countries. At the end of the year there were still 40 of these refugees in Hong Kong awaiting placement.
Movement across the Sino-British land border at Lo Wu was considerably reduced towards the end of the year, and this was attributed to the 'Red Guard' movement on the mainland. There was no great decline, however, in the number of foreigners visiting China. About 963 people crossed over each way every day. During the year 360,631 people left Hong Kong for China while 342,424 entered the Colony.
Despite considerable reduction in movement between Hong Kong and Macau towards the end of the year, due to the disturbances in Macau, the harbour section had a busy year. Macau traffic was especially marked at weekends, on public holidays and during such events as the bull-fights. Ferry schedules are extremely tight and some difficulty has arisen in clearing passengers in the time available. Eleven hydrofoils and four steamers on the Macau run during the year carried between them 2,718,861 passengers to and from Macau. Additional vessels are planned for this run, including hovercraft, and consideration is now being given to providing extensions to the clearance facilities and additional staff for the work entailed. During the year the harbour section cleared 6,436 ocean-going ships, 19,766 native craft and 20,060 Macau ferries, and processed a total of 1,454,421 arriving and 1,452,532 departing sea passengers. There have been increased reports of attempted illegal immigration from various countries in South-East Asia and
as a result the ship searching activities of the harbour section were stepped up. Enforced night clearance of vessels entering the Colony waters commenced during the year, after discussion with the Port Executive Committee. This change was introduced in order to reduce delays in clearing shipping early in the morning.
Traffic at Kai Tak Airport established a new record. During the year 1,384,177 passengers and 25,859 aircraft were dealt with. This was an increase of 36.43 per cent in passenger traffic over the previous year. An innovation to the Immigration Department was the recruitment of women immigration sub-inspectors. After training these were posted to the airport where they took their place alongside their male counterparts in the performance of normal immigration duties. The experiment has proved a great success.
Further changes in the visa regulations were introduced in April, when the Governor in Council approved proposals whereby nationals of Andorra, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, Nor- way, Peru, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United States of America and Venezuela are permitted to enter Hong Kong without visas for a stay of up to 14 days.
The path of Hong Kong's tourist and travel industry during 1966 has been strewn with obstacles which could have had an injurious effect on a less healthy industry. However, the impetus of travel and tourism has been only slightly retarded and, given reasonably favourable conditions and perhaps improvements in world conditions, this virile industry will continue to contribute to the economy and welfare of the Colony.
Of the local difficulties which affected the tourist flow, the civil disturbances in Kowloon caused apprehension overseas and prompted cancellations by prospective visitors. Fortunately the disturbances were of short duration and their effect on the inflow was limited. Another disruptive factor of longer duration resulted from the June rainstorm. However, thanks to the remarkable speed of recovery that was achieved, the flow of inward traffic was restored with a minimum of loss. Circumstances outside Hong Kong
which affected bookings here included a series of air disasters in Japan, the United Kingdom shipping strike and the prolonged strikes of airline personnel in the US and Australia. Visitors from the United Kingdom and elsewhere may also have been affected by the severe credit squeeze and the currency restrictions for foreign travel imposed by the United Kingdom Government.
These setbacks have not weakened Hong Kong's efforts or achievements. On the contrary, 1966 has been a year of great expansion, both within the Colony and overseas. In Hong Kong the work of the Tourist Association has developed to the extent that the board of management considered it advisable to move the head office to the central district of Victoria so that a more efficient service can be given to visitors and closer contact kept with members of the Association and with the many facets of the tourist industry. Already this move has proved to be a wise decision. In Australia, a move of office to larger premises was overdue and the location of the new office in Sydney has met with approval. In America the Tourist Association now has a representative in New York as well as in San Francisco; a new agency office was opened during the year in Washington. Similarly, it was decided to open a Tourist Association office in Tokyo. During the year the board of manage- ment, realizing the great potential of the Canadian market, appointed an agent with offices in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal to act on behalf of the Association. In the United Kingdom, expansion has taken place by increasing the degree of representation in the London Office.
This expansion is well founded in the light of the tourist inflow figures over the years since the creation of the Tourist Association in 1957. From the 1958 figure of 103,058 the numbers have risen to 406,508 in 1965 and 458,238 in 1966. The 1966 total showed an increase of 13 per cent over the previous year's. These visitors, who included businessmen but not servicemen, have come to Hong Kong from 92 countries, with the largest proportions originating in the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom and British Commonwealth (particularly Australia), the Philippines and Europe. There has been a marked change in the pattern of tourism, with an increase in visitors from Japan, a decrease in the duration of stay and in the spending power of the average visitor, and the
gradual development of interest in countries which, up to the present time, have only contributed in a small measure to the overall total.
The results of the year under review indicated a very satisfactory volume of business for most hotels, but from the overall viewpoint there are grounds for concern with regard to the future on the question of room availability. During the year only one major extension was made to a leading hotel, and there appear to be few plans as yet for future growth. If the inflow of visitors continues to grow at the present rate or, given more favourable conditions, at an even accelerated rate, there will be a need for more accom- modation in two to three years' time, during the tourist season, in the first and second class range of hotel rooms.
The Hong Kong Government's relaxations of visa requirements referred to earlier in this chapter have contributed greatly towards the facilitation of travel from the countries concerned, and serve as an excellent example of what can be done in this field. The new ocean terminal, which is probably the best of its kind in the world, is another instance of modern planning and construction that has benefited the tourist and travel industry. But travel by air is in- creasing at a far greater rate than travel by sea and the facilities of Hong Kong's airport are already, during most afternoons, severely strained. Plans are, however, under preliminary considera- tion for expanding the facilities for handling passengers.
Feasibility studies on the development of resort areas, of an exhibition, convention and covered stadium complex and of an oceanarium, commissioned by the Tourist Association and com- pleted in 1965, are now under consideration either by the Association or by the government. A 12-month survey of the characteristics of Hong Kong visitors, commissioned by the Association in 1965, will be presented in its completed state early in 1967. The survey should provide a document of considerable value both to present and future planning and it may be possible, as a result, to make a reasonable estimate of the actual value of the tourist industry to the economy of Hong Kong. The report will also analyse the actual categories of spending of the visitors; their likes and dislikes; areas of satisfaction and of criticism; where the promotion effort is most effective and where more emphasis should be placed.
A major part of the work of the Tourist Association is concerned with the promotion of Hong Kong in the more important travel- generating countries of the world, and during 1966 the Association was particularly active in the specialized field of trade fairs and displays. A close working relationship with the newly formed Trade Development Council has already achieved tangible results. Trade fairs in which the Tourist Association was represented were held in Barcelona and Stockholm, as a result of which special trade and tourist groups have visited Hong Kong. Arrangements are in hand for more such groups to follow. In the field of department store promotion the Tourist Association participated in the Hong Kong displays staged at Macy's of New York, at a number of other stores associated with Macy's on the eastern seaboard of the United States, at Selfridge's in London and at Breuninger's in Stuttgart. At all these events the display material and special brochures on Hong Kong produced by the Tourist Association proved highly acceptable and the staff representing the Association showed themselves to be both expert and efficient.
Another special promotion effort carried through with outstand- ing success, and in which the Tourist Association participated fully, was conducted by a team of representatives of Cathay Pacific Airways, Canadian Pacific Airlines and the Hong Kong Tourist Association who visited 14 cities in the United States in which seminars and working receptions were held. The cities were Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia, Washington, Boston, New York, Cleveland, Detroit, Kansas City, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Films, slide shows and high-quality commentaries played an important part in this work. It is hoped to use this form of promotion again in the near future.
Much work was done by the Association during the year to promote and develop tourist consciousness within Hong Kong. Every effort is being made to protect the interests of visitors from abroad and at the same time to urge merchants to give good service and good value.
Hong Kong, through its Tourist Association, participates actively in a number of regional and international travel and tourist or- ganizations. In 1966 an East Asia Travel Association was formed,
Voyage of Discovery
High-heeled junks, with hulls like battered boots, still tread their well worn paths across the waters of 'Fragrant Harbour'. Boat women in cane-cone hats, with toddlers strapped to their backs, still scull sampans loaded with fish and vegetables. But little else remains of the peaceful and tranquil scene presented, as late as 130 years ago, by this former backwater of the China Sea. On the once barren rocks of Hong Kong Island have sprung the concrete ramparts of one of the most modern, sophisticated and progressive cities in the Eastern hemisphere..
A mere pinpoint on the physical atlas, Hong Kong looms conspicuously tall on everybody's map, be he trader, banker, industrialist or one of the millions of
tourists who, over the years, have regarded this tiny Colony as a cornerstone in their voyages of discovery. Hong Kong packs more contrasts into its 398 square miles than other countries do in several thousands. The sampans which ply crowded 'Fragrant Harbour' today may have their cargoes of groceries replaced by wicker seats, offering tourists a
view of the Dragon Boat Races or a trip to a
floating restaurant.
Left: Drums beat the stroke for Dragon Boat rowers. Above: Ornate as any palace, floating restaurants specialize in sea food. Below: Chopsticks probe the wonderful world of Chinese cooking. Overleaf: Hong Kong Island scene.
Left: Rickshaws turn shopping tours into safaris. Above: The 'game' may be a peacock or a figurine in gold lacquer. Below: A keen-eyed bargain hunter moves in for the 'kill'. Overleaf: The Peak Tram climbs to 1,305 feet above sea level.
comprising representatives from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, the Philip- pines, Bangkok, Macau and Hong Kong, for the purpose of jointly promoting travel to member countries and for mutual assistance in the field of travel. Work has already started along defined lines and the first annual general meeting will be held in Tokyo early in 1967. The Pacific Area Travel Association continues to be active and effective, especially in the field of marketing. Its effectiveness is clearly demonstrated through the creation of chapters in New Zealand, Hong Kong, New York, Chicago, Seattle, London, Paris and Ceylon. Hong Kong is also represented on the executive committee of the International Union of Official Travel Organiza- tions, which is recognized by the United Nations as the official world-wide body representing the travel and tourist industry. Its work spreads over a very wide range of subjects and it is hoped that next year this work will gain full recognition with the United Nations appointment of 1967 as International Tourist Year, with the motto 'Tourism-Passport To Peace'.
Public Works and Utilities
HONG KONG'S programme of public works from the formation. and reclamation of land, the building of resettlement estates, schools and hospitals to the construction of roads, sewers, piers and reser- voirs is the Colony's largest single financial commitment. Capital expenditure is estimated at $593 million or 31 per cent of the annual estimates for 1966-7, which represents an increase of $31 million over the previous financial year. More than $164 million of this sum is devoted to the provision of water supplies, including work on the giant Plover Cove scheme which is designed to almost treble the Colony's reservoir capacity by 1968. Some $141 million goes towards providing resettlement and government low-cost housing.
The improvement in the water supply situation has continued. The severe water shortages which have afflicted the Colony in the past, particularly during the 1963-4 period when for nearly 13 months water was only supplied for four hours every fourth day, have been replaced by relative abundance and since September 1964 it has been possible to provide an almost continuous 24-hour supply. This change has come about not only because of above average rainfall but also because of the combined effect of increased supplies from China and of the commissioning of new waterworks installations. Ironically, rationing of water had to be introduced on Hong Kong Island for a period of 40 hours after the exceptional rainstorm on 12th June 1966, when there was widespread damage to waterworks installations due to landslides and flooding with the consequent need for rationing while repairs were effected.
As a result of above average rainfall all the Colony's reservoirs were overflowing by early July 1966, several weeks earlier in the wet season than usual, and only 13,316 million gallons of untreated water were drawn from China, Total water consumption for the year was 43,760 million gallons and this, based on a projection of the 1961 census figure for population, indicates a daily per capita consumption of 32 gallons. The average daily consumption for the
year was 119.8 million gallons, indicating an annual compound growth in water consumption of 9.2 per cent. These figures include industrial as well as domestic supplies, but largely exclude flushing demand for sanitary purposes which is generally met by independent wells or sea water provided by the government.
Work on major supply schemes continued. Apart from a subsidiary project involving flood pumping, which is still under consideration, the Tung Chung scheme was completed during the year and is now in operation. This scheme, costing $30 million, has involved con- structing stream intakes on the north-west slopes of Lantau Island and tunnelling through the hills to Shek Pik reservoir, thereby augmenting the yield available to the recently completed Shek Pik scheme. The catchment area supplying the reservoir was increased by more than a third and, in order to provide for greater overflow during periods of heavy rain, the Shek Pik spillway was also con- verted to a siphonic type. The scheme has benefited Lantau Island in that it was necessary to construct a new road running north and south over the central hills to connect Cheung Sha on the existing Lantau road to Tung Chung on the hitherto remote northern coast. This road was opened to the public in September 1966.
Stage I of the Plover Cove scheme was brought into full operation with the completion of the side stream intakes and of the concrete lining to the Tai Po-Sha Tin tunnel system. In this first stage, the pumping station at Tai Po Tau, with a maximum capacity of 63 million gallons daily, receives water from China, from the River Indus flood pumping station and from the Tai Po River. In the second stage it will also receive water from the Plover Cove reservoir, Normally this pumping station will supply the treatment works at Sha Tin via the tunnels and the balancing reservoir at Lower Shing Mun, but during heavy rain, when water floods into the tunnels from the side stream intakes, pumping will not be necessary. The Sha Tin treatment works are designed for an output of 60 million gallons daily with the facility to take flows up to 80 million gallons daily for short periods and with provision for ultimate duplication. From the treatment works water is pumped to Kowloon through pipelines laid in Lion Rock tunnel under the Kowloon Hills and into reception reservoirs situated on the slopes above the urban areas of Kowloon.
Stage II of the Plover Cove scheme, involving the conversion of the Plover Cove sea inlet to a storage reservoir, was brought nearer to completion. When ready for use this reservoir will add 30,500 million gallons of usable storage to the Colony's present storage capacity of 16,816 million gallons, The formation of the new reser- voir has necessitated the complete removal of six long-established Hakka villages from the shores of Plover Cove, involving the rehabilitation, in government-built shop and flat accommodation in Tai Po, of some 1,100 persons. Construction of the six-mile tunnel connecting Plover Cove with Tai Po Tau was completed during the year. This tunnel will convey impounding water from Plover Cove into the stage I system and, at appropriate times, transmit stage I surpluses into storage in the Plover Cove reservoir. Tunnels branching off this main tunnel, and a separate secondary tunnel tapping indirect catchments on the northern slopes of the Pat Sin Range, will supplement the natural run-off into the Plover Cove reservoir.
The River Indus yield, while non-existent during the driest periods of the winter, can exceed 200 million gallons a day under summer flood flow conditions and a pumping station of this capacity is nearing completion on its banks. The yields to the River Indus pumping station, as also to that at Tai Po Tau, are impounded by inflating dams of neoprene-coated nylon under compressed air and water pressure, while the natural yield to Tai Po Tau is increased by a similar dam at Tau Pass which reverses the flow of a stream. These dams, which are now fully operational, deflate during periods of excess flow, and thus reduce the risk of flooding in the surrounding countryside. The opportunity is being taken, with the increased resources at Tai Po Tau, to construct a 6 million gallons a day treatment plant, with site provision for extension to 24 million gallons a day. This will provide a treated water supply to the New Territories' townships of Tai Po and Sheung Shui. Construction of the treatment works and an associated service reservoir was in
In order that the additional water resources available on the mainland may supplement the supply on Hong Kong Island, a fur- ther cross-harbour main of 42-inch diameter is being laid between Tai Wan Bay and North Point. In addition a major pipeline of
54-inch diameter has been laid between Lion Rock and Tai Wan Bay in Kowloon to convey water from Sha Tin treatment works to the cross-harbour main. Connected pipelaying on Hong Kong Island is also proceeding.
As well as the need for major supply schemes to keep pace with the rapid increase in population there has been a corresponding need for continuous extension to the distribution system. During the year six new service reservoirs for the underground storage of treated water were completed, while a further nine are under construction and 28 miles of pipeline of 12-inch diameter and larger were laid. Also wherever possible the salt water systems have been extended for sanitary and fire fighting purposes, and two new salt water reservoirs were commissioned during the year while three others are under construction.
Improvements were carried out to the traditional irrigation systems of the New Territories and new works were constructed to improve supplies. During the year 200 feet of irrigation channels were lined with concrete to reduce seepage; 4,400 feet of new channel and four diversion dams were constructed.
Systematic waste detection was carried out on a greatly increased scale and 65 areas were checked. A number of major leaks were discovered and repaired, resulting in the daily saving of an estimated 4.65 million gallons. The quality of water supplied was maintained at the same high level as in previous years and the few sub-standard samples detected were traced to violations of the Waterworks Ordinance or to the carelessness of consumers.
A large programme of public building work was carried out, and total expenditure during the year amounted to approximately $18 million on government low-cost housing; $102 million on resettlement estates and factories; and $80 million on the large variety of other buildings. As in previous years, though to a lesser extent, the work was helped forward by private architects and quantity surveyors. The exceptionally heavy rainfall which occurred in June impeded progress and resulted in a certain amount of damage at building sites, but the overall effect on the building programme
was slight. A more disrupting factor than the rains were the diffi- culties which some contractors experienced in financing their contracts, and this delayed the completion of some of the works.
Construction work on the resettlement and government low-cost housing programme continued during the year incorporating new designs of buildings which, in addition to providing a private balcony to each room, now include an individual toilet and mains water supply. Twenty-five 16-storey and four eight-storey resettlement domestic blocks, mainly of this new type and capable of housing about 117,000 people, were completed. In addition 11 24-classroom schools to provide primary school facilities were completed in estates. Some 524,000 square feet of factory working space was also constructed in six seven-storey flatted factories. Only two low-cost housing domestic blocks, providing accommodation for about 6,300 people, were finished although four more blocks were nearing completion. At the end of the year, construction work was progressing on 56 16-storey and three eight-storey resettlement domestic buildings, together with 22 24-classroom estate schools. Eleven low-cost housing domestic buildings, nine of them of 20 storeys and two of 12 storeys, and one 24-classroom estate school were being built. In addition tenders had been received for a further six domestic blocks and two schools.
On Hong Kong Island, buildings completed during the year included a standard two-bay fire station with quarters at Shau Kei Wan and a similar ambulance depot at Morrison Hill; Public Works Department depots and workshops together with Civil Aid Services headquarters at Caroline Hill; 121 married quarters for the Preventive Service; extensions and new buildings at Queen Mary Hospital which provide a new radiodiagnostic wing, operating theatres, a physiotherapy department, professorial suites and medical training facilities, and new sisters' and nurses' quarters; extensions to the Aberdeen Police Training School; 721 police rank and file married quarters at Kennedy Town; 17 married quarters at Kennedy Town for abattoir staff; and beach buildings at three beaches.
Buildings completed during the year in Kowloon and the New Territories included two primary schools at Au Tau and South Lantau; Tai O marine licensing station at Castle Peak; two clinics
at Cheung Sha Wan and Tsuen Wan; additions to Castle Peak Mental Hospital; Cheung Sha Wan Post Office with abattoir staff quarters above; a short-term prison at Tong Fuk on Lantau Island; Kowloon Probation Home; Tai Hang Tung Community Centre; flats for the rehousing of Plover Cove villagers; Sham Tseng Market; and a number of playgrounds, public latrines and other public amenities.
New buildings under construction at the end of the year included extensions to the Hong Kong Technical College; Fire Services Department headquarters, Hong Kong; four new fire stations and an ambulance depot; a Fire Services training school, head- quarters and ambulance depot at Sek Kong; foundation work for a large office building in the former Murray Barracks area; Yau Ma Tei Health Centre, which was nearing completion; two clinics; further staged development of the Aberdeen Police Training School; 48 police inspectorate quarters at Park Road and 791 police rank and file married quarters at Wong Tai Sin; Kowloon Central Post Office building with 15 floors of general office space above; Sai Ying Pun Post Office with quarters above; a large abattoir at Kennedy Town and a similar one at Cheung Sha Wan; abattoir junior staff quarters at Kennedy Town; playgrounds and other public amenities.
At the end of the year designs, working drawings and contract documents were in hand for about 70 major projects, chief of which were a 1,300-bed hospital at Lai Chi Kok; a large new chronic ward building at Kowloon Hospital; a number of schools; a mental defectives' home and a Prisons Department mental hospital; various police buildings; a market; two large public swimming pool projects; and a new building for Radio Hong Kong.
All the urban areas and the newly developing townships have water-borne sewerage systems in various stages of development. In many of the older urban areas the sewers were constructed 50 or more years ago and are no longer adequate to serve the large blocks of flats now being erected in place of older, smaller buildings. A comprehensive survey of the sewerage systems draining into the harbour has been completed and a programme of work has
begun to develop all these sewerage systems to modern standards. It is intended that all sewage, after primary treatment, should be discharged by submarine outfall into the main tidal currents where it is adequately dispersed. Three treatment plants with submarine outfalls are in use and three outfalls are in partial operation.
In the New Territories sewerage systems are being constructed in the new towns now being developed. A preliminary investigation has started into the sewage treatment facilities which will be re- quired for some of the developing inland centres in the northern New Territories. Progress has continued on a flood control scheme at Yuen Long and all works adjacent to the main town development have been completed. As a result of the severe rainstorm of 12th June, stormwater drains on the north, west and south-west of Hong Kong Island, almost without exception, were overloaded by the heavy run-off or blocked by fallen debris from landslides. Heavy damage to several main stormwater nullahs and culverts resulted, causing widespread flooding, damage to property, deaths and injuries. Temporary and permanent remedial works were immediately put in hand in view of threats of further heavy storms and typhoons. By comparison the drainage systems in Kowloon and the New Territories suffered much less damage.
Good progress was maintained on all port works projects during the year. The June rainstorm fortunately had little effect on the port and harbour except to produce an increase in routine dredging necessitated by the large quantities of silt washed into the harbour from nullahs and stormwater drains.
On Hong Kong Island the seawall for the central reclamation scheme was completed, although lack of public dumping pre- vented the completion of the reclamation work. To cater for air- conditioning demands in the central district 51 pumphouses were constructed behind this seawall. The new Outside Harbour Services Pier was completed and put into service in August and a new Government Pier was also completed up to main deck level. At Wan Chai, fill by public dumping continued and was supplemented by dredged material from various sources. Work continued on the seawalls and the ferry pier. Again reclamation was slow, about 10
acres being reclaimed and a similar area partially filled. Work was started on the construction of breakwaters in the southern entrance to Aberdeen Channel to make a typhoon shelter, some of the rock being supplied from the site development work on Ap Lei Chau Island for Hongkong Electric Company's new power station. On the east side of Hong Kong Island at Chai Wan, filling by public dumping in the major reclamation scheme continued very slowly. The first section of seawall fronting the reclamation was completed. The site for the proposed incinerator at Chai Wan, the second on Hong Kong Island, has been filled. Schemes were prepared for the construction of a breakwater to form a typhoon shelter in Aldrich Bay and for a reclamation round the shores of the bay to provide land for a ferry pier and for development in the area. A site development scheme for Shau Kei Wan was prepared.
The first step towards the ultimate closure of the refuse dump at Gin Drinkers' Bay was achieved by the commissioning of the new incinerator plant at Kennedy Town. This plant, which has an installed capacity of 1,000 tons per day, should be adequate to deal with the output of refuse on the Island for several years to come. A similar plant to handle Kowloon refuse is under construc- tion and scheduled for completion in late 1967. Adjacent to the Kennedy Town incinerator, a reinforced concrete pier was con- structed for cattle landing at the abattoir, while to the west of the incinerator a short length of seawall and a reclamation of about 3.5 acres were completed. In this reclamation a pumphouse was built which will supply cooling water to the incinerator and a salt water flushing supply to Western District.
In Kowloon a combined project to provide the Colony's second refuse incinerator and a pilot mechanized composting plant were under construction at Lai Chi Kok. On completion this project will consist of four units of furnaces with a total incinerating capacity of 1,000 tons a day and a single compostor capable of producing 30 tons of compost every fifth day. The building structure was erected and the installation of the plant commenced. At Cheung Sha Wan, the 500-foot seawall forming the frontage to the reclamation at its west end was completed and a contract was let for construction of the 800-foot seawall that will complete enclosure of this reclamation. Work continued on the construction
of three slipways and a pier at Yau Ma Tei for the new Government Dockyard. A 1,700-foot seawall and a 500-foot breakwater were completed at Sam Ka Tsuen, where reclamation is being carried out behind the seawall to provide about 19 acres of land for light industrial development. The breakwater provides a sheltered an- chorage for small craft. In Kowloon Bay, to the north-east of Kai Tak runway, the 3,100-foot seawall commenced in 1962 was completed and reclamation behind the seawall continued. At Cha Kwo Ling the 600-foot seawall which will form the frontage to stage I of this 10-acre reclamation was completed, and work on the 2,300-foot stage II seawall continued concurrent with the reclamation. Work progressed well on the construction of a new salt water pumphouse on the side of Kai Tak runway to serve the airport's air-conditioning plant. A contract was let and work started on a reinforced concrete pier for cattle landing at the Cheung Sha Wan abattoir now under construction. At Hung Hom the seawall and reclamation were completed.
In the New Territories a seawall was completed at Ho Tung Lau, Sha Tin, to retain a reclamation for the new railway workshops. Two new ferry piers were completed at Kau Lau Wan and Wong Shek in Long Harbour. A typhoon shelter at Rambler Channel, Kwai Chung, was completed, the rubble breakwater providing a sheltered anchorage of about 44 acres. A pier was constructed at Waglan Island by floating out a caisson and sinking it on a prepared foundation. This will remove the hazards of landing there in bad weather. Further navigational beacons were built at Wong Chuk Kok and Cham Pai, and work on removing underwater obstructions was completed at Wai Kap Pai and off the west shore of Tap Mun.
The materials testing laboratory operated by the port works division of the Public Works Department carried out approximately 45,500 tests on various building materials, about 12,100 of which were for private firms.
Progress at the two new towns of Kwun Tong and Tsuen Wan- Kwai Chung included the formation of 111 acres of land. At Kwun Tong, where land development was nearing completion, 11 acres of terraced sites were formed while 29 acres were also reclaimed
from the adjacent Kowloon Bay for industrial development. At Tsuen Wan Kwai Chung, 100 acres of land were formed including 70 acres which completed the consulting engineers' $70 million scheme there. Other contracts under the direct control of the Public Works Department produced 30 acres of formed hillside sites and adjacent roads.
In Kowloon, site formation and road works for schools and medium-density housing at Ho Man Tin, and for government and institutional use near Lung Cheung Road, progressed satisfactorily; in all, 12 and 18 acres of land respectively were formed. Work continued on site formation and road works on land intended for heavy industry at Sam Ka Tsuen, south-east of Kwun Tong, where 15 acres were formed. The reclamation at Hung Hom was completed and 60 acres were reclaimed at Cheung Sha Wan for resettlement housing and light industry. On Hong Kong Island, five acres of the central reclamation scheme were formed as part of the scheme to produce valuable land between Rumsey Street and the Star Ferry Pier.
A start was made on the satellite town of Castle Peak, with eight acres being formed at Tuen Mun San Hui, while design work commenced for the first stage of development for the satellite town of Sha Tin.
The Hongkong Electric Company Limited supplies electricity to Hong Kong Island and the neighbouring islands of Ap Lei Chau and Lamma. With the commissioning of the 120 MW exten- sion during the year, the generating station at North Point now has an installed capacity of 345 MW. A new generating station is planned for Ap Lei Chau where site formation has advanced so far as to permit civil works on the initial stage to commence. This initial stage consists of two 60 MW sets which are expected to be commissioned during 1968 and 1969. Further stages are being planned which will increase the installed plant to a maximum capacity of 840 MW.
The transmission voltages of the company are 66 kV, 33 kV and 22 kV with primary distribution at 11 kV. In conjunction with the construction of the Ap Lei Chau generating station the company
is at present planning a 132 kV integrated transmission network, part of which in the rural areas will be carried on overhead lines. Secondary distribution is at 346 volts three-phase and 200 volts single-phase with the frequency stabilized at 50 cycles per second.
During 1966 the maximum demand on the North Point station was 201.0 MW, an increase over 1965 of 8.7 per cent. The amount of electricity generated was 927 million kWh, an increase of 11.9 per cent over the previous year. The number of consumers increased by 13.0 per cent to 155,434 during 1966 and sales of electricity amounted to 815.9 million kWh, an increase of 11.8 per cent. This was made up of 187.5 million kWh lighting; 5.7 million kWh public lighting; 196 million kWh bulk power; and 426.7 million kWh domestic and commercial power.
Charges for electricity range from 28 cents to 15.4 cents per unit for lighting and 12 cents to 11.4 cents per unit for power. Special rates are quoted for the bulk supply of industrial power.
The China Light and Power Company Limited supplies electricity to Kowloon and the New Territories, including Lantau and a number of other outlying islands. The demand for power has risen rapidly over the years; in 1966 the peak load was 400 MW, which was 18 per cent more than in 1965 and 129 per cent more than in 1961. The generating station at Hok Yuen, Kowloon Bay, has a capacity of 542.5 MW. During 1966 three 60 MW units were commissioned. These included the first two 60 MW units owned by the Peninsula Electric Power Company Limited, formed at the beginning of 1965 to provide additional generation facilities for China Light's system and owned 60 per cent by Esso and 40 per cent by China Light, capital being provided by the two partners in the same ratio. Two further 60 MW sets are being constructed at Hok Yuen, which will have an ultimate combined capacity of 662.5 MW. China Light's construction team is now erecting, on behalf of Peninsula Electric, a new power station on the south shore of Tsing Yi Island. Two 120 MW units for this station are on order, and are due to be in operation by 1969. Long-term plans provide for four further 120 MW sets, and larger units thereafter.
China Light's main transmission and distribution system is con- tinually growing in line with additional load requirements. A big step forward was taken in April 1966 when the first 132 kV line
(between Hok Yuen and Kwun Tong) was energized. Future transmission will be effected largely at 132 kV. At 30th September 1966 the main network comprised 407.7 miles at 33 kV or higher and 594.5 miles at 11-6.6 kV. The company's new depot at Sham Shui Po was opened on 28th March 1966. This compound now accommodates the meter section, test facilities, electrical work- shops, vehicle repair shops and garages.
The electricity supply in Kowloon and the New Territories is 50 cycle alternating current, normally 200 volts single-phase or 346 volts three-phase. For bulk consumers, supply is available at 11 kV and, for the time being, at 6.6 kV. At 30th September 1966 there were 388,358 consumers, 12.4 per cent more than a year previously. During the 12 months ended 30th September, 2,116 million kWh were generated, an increase of 15.3 per cent; 1,829.3 million kWh were sold, comprising 326.5 million kWh lighting, 9.2 million kWh public lighting, 719.2 million kWh ordinary power and 774.4 million kWh bulk supply. The following interim scale of basic rates per kWh was in force at the end of 1966: Lighting, 29 cents less a rebate of 1 cent; ordinary power, 13.6 cents; domestic cooking, 11.5 cents. Special rates apply to industrial bulk supply.
The Cheung Chau Electric Company Limited supplies electricity to the island of Cheung Chau, which contains some small industries and a population of fisherfolk who originally founded the company as a community project in 1913. Now operated by commercial interests, the company has supplied electricity for the past 20 years on a 50-cycle, three-phase, four-wire system of 200/346 volts for domestic, commercial and industrial purposes. With the demand steadily increasing, the company has built a new plant with up-to- date equipment to meet future requirements. The generating power of this new plant, which was planned to become operational at the end of 1966, more than doubles the previous capacity.
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited supplies gas to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories. Town gas is available throughout the urban areas of the island and Kowloon and also in the industrial towns of Kwun Tong and Tsuen Wan. To meet the growing demand the company is constantly engaged in enlarging its distribution network. One such project now in progress is the extension of supply to the Deep Water Bay district
on Hong Kong Island. This extension is the first phase of a scheme to supply town gas to the Repulse Bay area. Liquefied petroleum gas (or bottled gas) is offered to customers who are not within reach of the town gas supply.
Town gas production is centred at Ma Tau Kok in Kowloon, and Hong Kong Island is supplied by two submarine gas mains across the harbour. The total installed production capacity of the Ma Tau Kok station is 7 million cubic feet per day. A new 3.5 million cubic feet per day plant will be commissioned during 1967, bringing the total installed capacity to 10.5 million cubic feet per day. The industrial town of Tsuen Wan is supplied by an independent station of 900,000 cubic feet per day capacity. In addition to dealing with normal maintenance calls, the company provides a 24-hour emergency service.
Gas is sold on a thermal basis (1 therm=100,000 British thermal units). The calorific value of town gas in the urban area is 455 British thermal units per cubic foot. However, in the Tsuen Wan area the calorific value is 650 British thermal units per cubic foot. The gas tariff incorporates a standing charge which is dependent upon the size of meter installed. This standing charge includes the cost of the first three therms of gas consumed. The scale of charges is as follows:
3 therms Next 7 therms (up to
10 therms)
$10.60 or $24.10 2.86 per therm
Next 40 therms (up to
50 therms)
Next 75 therms (up to
125 therms)
Next 125 therms (up to
250 therms)
2.62 95
Next 250 therms (up to
500 therms)
Next 500 therms (up to 1,000 therms) Consumption over 1,000 therms
Special rates are offered on an individual basis for large in- dustrial and commercial consumers. The total quantity of gas sold in 1966 was 1,384 million cubic feet (6.3 million therms) compared with 1,245 million cubic feet (5.7 million therms) in 1965. The number of consumers rose from 21,219 to 23,124.
IN the days when Hong Kong lived largely by entrepôt trade, its position on the China Coast was its greatest advantage. Changed conditions have now placed the emphasis on industrial production and imports and exports, but that position is still of vital importance. Today as always the Colony relies upon an efficient system of com- munications.
The Port of Victoria is a fine natural harbour possessing all the facilities required by modern ship operators. Berths at government buoys and at private wharves and piers permit a continual flow of ocean and coastal shipping to pass through the port with a minimum of delay. Modern cargo handling equipment at the wharves ensures the rapid turn-round vital to shipping economy. The ancillary services essential to the efficient day-to-day running of a ship can be readily provided by ship contractors, repairers and chandlers specializing in maintenance and painting, victualling, watering and refuelling. The Director of Marine is responsible for the control of the navigable waters and ports of the Colony. The Marine Department co-operates closely with shipping and commercial interests through the Port Committee and the Port Executive Committee to ensure that port facilities and services keep pace with the ever-changing needs of Hong Kong and of the shipping companies.
Comprehensive navigational aids cover the harbour and ap- proaches, allowing entry to the port by day or night in all weathers. Additions and alterations are under constant review by the Marine Department. The depth in the eastern approaches is 36 feet through Lei Yue Mun and in the west 28 feet through Sulphur Channel or south of Stonecutters Island. Although pilotage is not compulsory, it is recommended owing to the density of traffic and the presence of reclamation and harbour works.
Quarantine and immigration formalities are carried out at the eastern or western quarantine anchorages. Port health and immi- gration launches are on duty day and night in the eastern anchorage,
and from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the western anchorage. Ships are cleared as soon as they arrive and in the case of large passenger ships im- migration processing is continued en route to the berth so that a minimum of delay is caused to passengers wishing to disembark. Radio pratique may also be granted in certain cases and this ar- rangement is especially important to the operators of oil tankers as it allows cargo work to commence as soon as the ship is berthed.
Signal stations on Waglan Island and other points in the harbour and approaches are continuously manned. All movements are reported to the Port Control Office, where staff are available at all times to deal with emergencies and queries. The signal stations are in communication by radio-telephone with marine and port health launches and indirectly with police, immigration, fire services and preventive services. Vessels at buoys and wharves may hire radio- telephones commercially to link up with the public telephone services. As a precaution against fire in ships or waterfront premises, a fleet of fire-floats is manned by the Fire Services Department and, in addition, many government and commercial tugs are fitted with fire-fighting monitors.
Port activity in 1966 again showed an increased movement of shipping, the volume of imports, exports and transhipment cargoes all remaining at a high level. Details of vessels entered and cleared during the year, together with figures of cargo loaded and dis- charged, are in Appendix XXXVIII, which also shows the number of passengers, including emigrants, who landed and embarked. Regular and frequent services are maintained by many well-known and old-established shipping lines, some 20 companies providing regular sailings to Europe and a similar number to the North American continent. There are also regular services to Australian, New Zealand, South African, South American and Asian ports. Frequent and fast services are maintained to Macau by ferries and hydrofoils. Proposals have been voiced by companies operating passenger transport facilities to Macau for the introduction of hover- craft services, and these proposals have been studied by the Marine and Civil Aviation Departments.
The Marine Department maintains 66 moorings for ocean-going vessels. Of these, 39 are classified as suitable for use by vessels up
to 600 feet in length and 27 for vessels up to 450 feet in length. Under typhoon conditions 34 buoys are available for vessels up to 600 feet and seven for vessels up to 370 feet. Port improvement schemes continue to be implemented and an expansion scheme for the western harbour continued throughout the year. At the same time additional navigation aids were brought into operation. The year saw the completion of the central harbour scheme, with the completion of dredging and resiting of the remaining naval mooring. Commercial wharves can accommodate vessels up to 1,000 feet with a draught up to 36 feet.
The new ocean terminal, one of the best equipped in the world, was opened by the Governor on 22nd March, and later the same day the British liner Canberra, the largest passenger ship yet to visit Hong Kong, berthed alongside. Situated on the west side of the Kowloon peninsula, alongside the Star Ferry Pier, the terminal was built by the Hong Kong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Company Limited, and provides berthing space for four ocean-going liners and 190,000 square feet of platform space on its marine deck for cargo-handling facilities. The first and second of the four floors in the 75-foot high building, above the marine deck, house the passenger concourse, offices for travel, tour and hotel agents, restaurants, and a comprehensive shopping centre. About half the total cost of the project, which is estimated at $70 million, comes from public funds, largely comprising a grant of $6.35 million, and a loan of $26.9 million at 6 per cent interest, repayable over 20 years. The government's contribution also in- cludes a sum of $3.6 million to pay for the terminal's fourth deck, which doubles the building's car parking facilities to the extent of more than 1,100 bays.
Wharf and godown companies are estimated to have total storage of well over a million tons and can cater for the storage and tran- shipment of all types of refrigerated, dangerous and ordinary goods. During the year two modern multi-storey godowns equipped with cranes and mechanical handling equipment were completed at North Point, and storage facilities were further improved by a new transit shed of 45,000 square feet at Holt's Wharf. Most cargo handled in Hong Kong is at some stage transported by lighter. Some 2,400 lighters and junks exist for this purpose, more than 900
of them being mechanically propelled. Mechanical lighters are particularly suitable for handling and transporting cargo, and the number of these craft is constantly increasing. Bunkering services are provided at the five major oil wharves or by lighter. The year under review saw the completion of a new tanker terminal at Nga Ying Chau which is capable of handling super-tankers of great size and draught. Fresh water supplies to shipping are readily available either at wharves or at buoys from water barges.
Officers of the Mercantile Marine Office supervise the engage- ment and discharge of seamen serving in British ships and also the crews of those ships whose countries have no consular representa- tion in Hong Kong. The Seamen's Recruiting Office commenced operations in June, with responsibility for the regulation, recruit- ment, and registration of all seamen employed in Hong Kong on foreign-going vessels, together with the recruitment of seamen for those ships whose owners or agents do not operate a licensed crew department. A Port Welfare Committee ministers to the needs of crews of visiting ships and co-operates with religious and other organizations devoted to this work. The committee also administers the Merchant Navy Club in Kowloon. In 1966, $247,014, partly donated privately and partly from a government subvention, was made available for port welfare purposes.
The dockyards were kept busy during the year with new con- struction, repair work and conversions. They also provided for the numerous surveys necessary for ships to retain their classifications or to conform under international maritime safety conventions with the laws of the country whose flag they fly. These called for the constant services of government marine surveyors and the surveyor representatives of Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Bureau Veritas, the American Bureau of Shipping and Det Norske Veritas. A twin-screw, twin-grab dredger, built for the Hong Kong Govern- ment, was launched by Hongkong and Whampoa Dockyard in November. Considerable waterfront extensions and berths were completed during the year by the same dockyard. The Hong Kong Registry of Shipping now lists 491 vessels under the British flag, totalling some 840,186 gross register tons. Of these, 125 ships are over 500 tons gross. Vast numbers of small craft operate in the harbour and create special problems by their density. There
are over 19,000 vessels in this category, more than 8,000 of them mechanized. It is mandatory for persons in charge of mechanized craft to possess a local certificate of competency as master or engineer.
A thriving trade continued with Macau and adjacent Chinese ports, cargoes being transported mainly by towed lighters or junks. Details of trade tonnage may be found in Appendix XXXVIII. A brisk internal trade is also carried on between the harbour area and outlying districts. Owing to the year's rise in freight rates, the number of unemployed ships laid up in Colony waters fell from five at the beginning of the year to two. Due to a drop in the prices of steel scrap and the wage rise to skilled and unskilled labour, the shipbreaking industry declined and 12 ships totalling 53,118 gross tons were broken up.
There were no serious typhoons during the year, but storm signals were hoisted on a number of occasions and heavy rains caused congestion in the port. The rainstorm of 12th June caused considerable delays to shipping in port and careful planning was necessary to make berths available to arriving ships. Further congestion was experienced when typhoons affecting ports in Taiwan and Japan caused ships to arrive late in Hong Kong. The Liberian tanker Thomas P ran aground on Wong Chuk Kok, Lamma Island, in February, resulting in the spillage of several thousand tons of solvent and aviation kerosene which spread over the entire East Lamma Channel and at one time presented Aberdeen with a very serious fire hazard. East Lamma Channel was tem- porarily closed to shipping, but due to the high evaporation rate of the spillage, danger of fire soon decreased and the ship was salvaged five days later. In October one of the hydrofoils on the Hong Kong-Macau ferry service ran aground on a sand bank on the north coast of Lantau Island. Several people suffered minor injuries and the hydrofoil was extensively damaged. This was the first serious accident experienced by the hydrofoils since they came into operation. A further four ships stranded in Colony waters and a few minor collisions occurred during the year.
Hong Kong Airport, situated on the north shore of Kowloon Bay, some four miles from the centre of Kowloon, is one of the
busiest airports in the world today. It is an important link on the main air routes of the Far East. The runway, 8,350 feet long, is suitable for use by the most modern types of aircraft. The latest navigational and approach aids have been installed and these con- tribute greatly to the safety and regularity of air services to the Colony. Modern equipment has made safe night operations possible in spite of the surrounding hills.
The terminal building, which came into use in November 1962, was extended in 1964 to meet the requirement of the increasing air traffic. It operates on a 'two level' system, arriving and departing passengers being dealt with on different floors. With approximately one million passengers now using the airport each year, further additions to the building will almost certainly be required and planning is proceeding to this end. Immediately in front of the terminal building is a parking apron for 11 large aircraft. Work continues on an extension to the apron to bring the total number of parking bays to 16. Plans for this extension have recently been modified in the light of the latest information becoming available on the characteristics of the new high capacity versions of subsonic aircraft and the projected supersonic aircraft. The apron hydrant refuelling system is controlled from a centralized fuel farm. An examination has been made of the possible requirement for an extension of the runway and development of the air traffic control system in anticipation of operations by the new types of aircraft within the next five years.
The Director of Civil Aviation is responsible for the Colony's overall civil aviation matters. Full operational services are provided, including air traffic control, telecommunications, air sea rescue, airport fire service, aeronautical information service, aircraft registration and certification of airworthiness, personnel licensing and, in conjunction with the Royal Observatory, an aeronautical meteorological service.
Although opportunities for private flying are somewhat limited, two flying clubs enjoy good membership. The Hong Kong Flying Club uses a Beechcraft Musketeer aircraft and the Aero Club of Hong Kong an Auster Aiglet, a Cessna 172E and a Stinson L5. The Far East Flying Training School, established in 1934, offers full-time courses of training in aeronautical engineering and
electronics. The Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited provides maintenance, overhaul and repair facilities at the airport for a wide range of aircraft, including the latest jet airliners.
The Colony's own airline, Cathay Pacific Airways, offers services to India, Japan, Malaysia, Sabah, Brunei, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Korea, using Convair 880 and Lockheed Electra aircraft. Some 180 scheduled services arrive each week at Hong Kong Airport, operated by 20 international airlines, in addition to numerous charter and non- scheduled flights. On average some 2,600 passengers pass through the airport every day.
The volume of air traffic continued to increase during the year and passenger, freight and mail figures showed increases of 24.2 per cent, 52.3 per cent and 11.4 per cent respectively over the preceding year.
The British Section of the Kowloon-Canton Railway runs from the southern end of the Kowloon peninsula to the Chinese frontier at Lo Wu, where it joins the Chinese railway system. Since 1949 passengers have had to change trains at the border between the Colony and China and walk the 300 yards separating the two termini. Mail and goods traffic in wagon loads, however, travel through without transhipment.
There are 17 daily passenger trains each way operating on the British Section and an average of five goods trains per day. Passenger traffic is normally heavy at weekends and public holidays, especially in winter. Special trains are often run between the Kowloon ter- minus and Sha Tin, which is a popular picnic resort. The running time, including stops, between the terminal station in Kowloon and the border station at Lo Wu is about one hour. The greatest number of passengers carried in a single day during the year was 89,958 on Sunday, 23rd January, which fell during the Chinese New Year period, when many passengers spent their holiday in the New Territories.
Fares for third class travel are slightly higher than bus fares except between Kowloon and Sha Tin. Third class from Kowloon
to Sha Tin, a distance of 7.14 miles, is 50 cents. Children under 12 pay half fare. The second class fare is 50 per cent more than the third, and first class is double. Quarterly and monthly tickets at cheap rates are available for all stations. For a quarterly ticket, the fare is the sum of 75 ordinary single fares and for a monthly ticket 30 ordinary single fares. Holders may use their tickets on any train and as many times as they like on any day.
Rolling stock in the British Section comprises nine diesel-electric locomotives, one rail-bus, 70 passenger coaches and 187 goods wagons. A new terminal station at Hung Hom is being planned, and workshops for both heavy and light repairs of locomotives and rolling stock are to be built in the New Territories on land which is now being reclaimed from the sea.
There are 589 miles of road in the Colony maintained by the government; 198 of which are on Hong Kong Island, 172 in Kowloon and 219 in the New Territories. Except at a few intersections, traffic congestion has not yet reached the level experienced in most Western cities, but the growth in vehicle registration, coupled with economic and social conditions within the Colony, have necessitated a large road building and improvement programme to meet the ever increasing traffic demands. A total of $37.3 million was spent on major road projects and $17.9 million on road improvement and maintenance during the year.
On Hong Kong Island, work progressed satisfactorily on the Garden Road complex, a comprehensive project being constructed in stages to improve traffic flow along the Garden Road route connecting the mid and upper levels of the Peak area with the central district. The layout and planning of a limited access three- lane dual carriageway link for traffic between Harcourt Road and King's Road was completed. This waterfront road is designed to relieve congestion in the existing east-west routes and provide free access to the cross-harbour tunnel interchange.
In Kowloon, the final stage in the reconstruction of Nathan Road and the construction of the new link road between Tai Po Road and Castle Peak Road were both completed. The Princess Margaret flyover across the Argyle Street-Waterloo Road junction
was completed ahead of schedule and opened to traffic in April. Construction was in progress on the extension of Lai Chi Kok Road across the Cheung Sha Wan reclamation, the Lai Chi Kok Bay bridge and the Kwai Chung coastal road, all of which form part of the proposed principal traffic route between Kowloon and Kwai Chung in the New Territories.
In the New Territories, the construction of a two-mile road connecting the north portal of the Lion Rock tunnel to Tai Po Road at Sha Tin was nearing completion. The Lion Rock tunnel road surface was completed and work has commenced on the tunnel lining, ventilation and control systems. As part of this new traffic route from Kowloon to the New Territories, the extension of Waterloo Road to Lung Cheung Road and the approach road to the south portal of the tunnel have been completed.
Most of the new roads constructed in the New Territories will serve development areas in the towns of Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung, Yuen Long and Tai Po. Improvement of the traffic route linking Tsuen Wan and the proposed new town at Castle Peak is under consideration. Investigations and planning for the route were being carried out by the consulting engineers, Messrs Scott, Wilson, Kirkpatrick and Partners.
The application of traffic management techniques continued in an effort to make the best use of the existing road network. As the daily traffic load grows, this aspect becomes of increasing im- portance. The use of traffic lights to improve traffic operation on intersections continued, 88 sets of traffic lights being in operation at the end of 1966. The linked traffic signal systems in Queen's Road East on Hong Kong Island and Nathan Road in Kowloon were completed.
The Passenger Transport Survey Unit completed its work and submitted its report to the government for consideration. The Mass Transit Consultants, a body of experts appointed by the government to define the long-term transportation needs of the Colony, continued to analyse and project the data collected by the Passenger Transport Survey Unit. The final report on the mass transit feasibility study is expected to be submitted to the govern- ment for consideration by mid-1967.
Continuous rain in early June, culminating in the exceptionally heavy rainstorm on 12th June, caused severe damage, particularly on Hong Kong Island where many roads were washed away or blocked and communications to many residential districts were completely severed. All government departments concerned were organized on an emergency basis and, assisted by the Army and civilian contractors, worked round the clock to clear essential traffic routes within 48 hours. Permanent repairs were required at over 200 sites, most being completed or nearly completed at the end of the year. A total of $6,925,000 was spent on clearance and repairs to roads damaged as a result of the storm.
Mechanization of the government quarry in Hong Kong was substantially completed. The installation of modern equipment in the government quarry in Kowloon was delayed due to the June rainstorm, but this quarry will be fully functioning by April 1967.
Most car parking in Hong Kong is provided free on the road system. Increasing pressure of demand has led to the construction of four government multi-storey car parks, managed by the Urban Council, with a total capacity of 2,292 cars. In addition 1,022 parking spaces in temporary open air car parks, also managed by the Urban Council, have heen established on Crown land awaiting development.
The government policy on parking provision is that the govern- ment itself will only provide car parks in the main commuter areas. In areas of mixed commuter and residential development the government is prepared at present to sell land for car parks and associated development at a price slightly lower than that for unrestricted development. Where government car parks are provided it is the intention that revenue should at least cover full costs of provision and operation. On 1st May 1966 government fees for the multi-storey car parks were doubled and now run at 60 cents an hour for most of the day with a minimum charge of $1.50. A monthly pass is available at $120. In temporary car parks the fee is $1.50 for half a day or $3 for the whole day and monthly passes may be used.
The Printed Word.
the estimated overall circulation of the Chinese and English language press in Hong Kong is about 1.5 million copies a day. The Colony's newspapers, read avidly and ubiquitously, embrace almost every shade of political opinion and offer a striking illustration of Hong Kong's belief in, and practice of, the principles of free speech.
Publishing standards are high, and techniques of printing and illustrative production compare favourably with those of other countries. The Government Printer is the official publisher of all government publications, from statutory papers and administrative forms to special booklets and leaflets designed to support the Colony's worldwide export drive. Included among the many publications produced by the Government Press is this Annual Report.
Left: Copies of a leading Chinese language newspaper roll off the printing press. Above: The newspaper's editorial staff produce news stories that are type-set by hand (below) from print racks containing some 7,000 different Chinese characters.
Modern equipment at the Government Printing Department includes (above) a letterpress cylinder machine printing up to 4,000 impressions per hour. Below: Also at the Government Press colour illustrations for this Annual Report are run off a rotary off-set litho machine capable of over 8,000 impressions per hour.
The policy concerning parking meters was reviewed during the year. It is now the intention that wherever parking is insufficient to meet demand when no charges are levied, meters will be installed and set at a price ensuring approximately 15 per cent empty space in the area. No legislation to prohibit meter feeding exists and it is intended that periods of meter operation suit the parking demand at a price set in accordance with demand in that area. In practice this will mean that most meters will operate for one-hour, two- hour and four-hour periods. Charges per hour vary from 25 cents to $1 with provision, in the case of more expensive meters, for purchase for quite short periods of parking.
Public transport in Hong Kong, with the single exception of the railway, is operated by private enterprise, the government retaining powers designed to ensure efficient operation. There are five major public transport companies which operate under ordin- ances granting monopoly rights but requiring the provision of adequate services.
On Hong Kong Island two public transport companies have exclusive franchises to operate bus and tram services. In Kowloon and the New Territories another company has the exclusive bus franchise. Taxis are licensed for both urban areas and the New Territories. In 1965 the government decided to open the way, for new companies to enter the taxi business and additional licences, which hitherto had been allocated on a quota system to existing companies, were put out to public tender. Again this year, public tenders were invited for the issue of taxi licences. Hire cars and sightseeing coaches are also licensed and there is no restriction on the licensing of goods vehicles. Two large ferry companies have monopolies to operate services on specified routes across the harbour. Other minor cross-harbour services operate under licence.
During the year 1,237 million people travelled on all public transport services. This was an increase of 6.4 per cent over 1965. Passengers on urban transport services, including bus services on both sides of the harbour, trams on Hong Kong Island, cross-harbour ferries and local passengers on the railway, totalled 1,147 million, an increase of 6.9 per cent. In the New Territories 90 million
passengers were carried on buses, trains and ferries, an increase of 0.8 per cent. (See Appendix XXXVIII.)
The Transport Advisory Committee, which was formed in December 1965 and combines the functions of both the former Advisory Committee on Public Transport and the Traffic Advisory Committee, continued to study transport problems within the Colony and to offer constructive advice to the government and the transport companies on the planning of services to meet present and future needs.
Bus services in Kowloon and the New Territories are operated by The Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited. At the end of 1966 their fleet totalled 1,055 vehicles, comprising 605 double- deck buses and 450 single-deck buses. During the year 75 buses were added to the fleet and 18 older buses were taken off passenger service. Passenger carrying capacity was 78,266 persons, an increase of 11.6 per cent. All double-deck buses are equipped with power- operated doors and a connected system of warning bells. During the year 642.7 million passengers were carried and 47.2 million miles were covered by the company's buses, increases of 8.34 per cent and 3.69 per cent respectively over the previous year. At the end of the year the company was operating a total of 65 routes (39 in Kowloon and 26 in the New Territories). With the additional new buses, many existing services were improved by increased frequencies, extended hours of service, and the introduction of supplementary trips during peak hours. The construction pro- gramme for three-storey bus depots was completed during the year, two depots commissioned in 1965 being joined by a third. Accom- modating over 1,000 buses, these depots are believed to be the first multi-storey double-decker bus depots in the world.
Bus services on Hong Kong Island are run by the China Motor Bus Company Limited which has 498 vehicles, comprising 397 single-deck and 101 double-deck buses. The total mid-year passenger- carrying capacity of buses was 27,920 persons, an increase of 14.4 per cent over 1965. In 1966 they carried 186.6 million passengers and covered 18.7 million miles, an increase of 10.2 per cent and 12.6 per cent respectively over 1965. Orders for more buses were placed during the year. The company was operating a total of 31 routes at the end of the year, including two holiday services and
two special services on race days. As a result of the June rainstorm the company suffered greatly. Skeleton services were operated on numerous routes while many others were suspended for days, one being unable to resume normal service until 14th August.
Within the urban areas both bus companies charge two fares. The lower fare is 10 cents and the length of this stage is roughly one mile. Travel exceeding this distance within the urban area costs 20 cents for any distance, which may be up to seven miles. There is a provision for school children's and other concessionary fares.
On the Island, Hongkong Tramways Limited operate an electric tramway service over 19 miles of track running between Kennedy Town and Shau Kei Wan, with a branch line round the racecourse in Happy Valley. All routes pass through the city of Victoria. The tramcars are 34 feet gauge, 500 volts DC four-wheeled double- deckers. From a total fleet of 162 tramcars and 11 single-deck trailers, the average daily service operated in 1966 was 154 tramcars and 11 trailers at peak periods. This gave a car every two minutes in each direction on all routes. Through the city area the minimum frequency was a car every 30 seconds in each direction. The number of passengers carried was 181.6 million, a decrease of 0.2 million or 0.1 per cent on 1965. Fares are charged at a flat rate for any distance over any route and are 20 cents first class and 10 cents third class, the maximum length of a route being 62 miles. The company also issues monthly and concessionary tickets.
The Peak Tramways Company Limited runs a funicular railway service up the Peak. The present haulage system has been in use since 1925, the tramcars being drawn along the track by nearly two miles of steel cable. During the year 2.2 million passengers were carried. The tramway climbs up to an altitude of 1,305 feet above sea level and the steepest part of the track has a gradient of one in two. It is reputed to be the steepest funicular railway in the world using a steel wire rope as its sole means of haulage.
Taxis are licensed for specific use on Hong Kong Island, in Kowloon or the New Territories and conditions and fares vary with each area. Under the new tender system introduced during 1965, 250 new licences (175 in Kowloon and 75 on Hong Kong Island) were issued during 1966. On Hong Kong Island fares are
$1.50 for the first mile and 20 cents for every fifth of a mile or 25 cents for every quarter of a mile thereafter. The number of taxis at the end of the year was 961. In Kowloon the fare is $1 for the first mile and 20 cents for every quarter mile thereafter. At the end of the year 1,195 taxis were registered for Kowloon. Taxis licensed for the New Territories may transport passengers to any place in Kowloon, but may pick up passengers in Kowloon for destinations in the New Territories only at special taxi stands. They may not operate internally in Kowloon. There were 607 taxis licensed to operate in the New Territories, a decrease of 4.4 per cent over 1965. Most New Territories taxis provide services which are very much more akin to a bus service than a taxi service.
Public omnibuses operate certain transport services excluded from the monopolies of the major bus companies. These include coaches for sightseeing tours, those provided by hotels for their guests and those used for certain school-bus services. At the end of the year there were 167 public omnibuses licensed by the Com- missioner of Police. A number of public cars operate under similar franchise and differ only in that they may seat a maximum of nine passengers, but the majority of vehicles registered in this category are hired out for self-drive and as such do not require a franchise. At the end of the year there were 965 public cars licensed. No scale of fees is laid down for the hire of public cars or omnibuses.
The Hong Kong and Yaumati Ferry Company Limited operates a fleet of 68 diesel-engined ferries of which 14 are vehicle ferries. The company maintains 11 ferry routes inside the harbour between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon, of which three are vehicle ferry routes. The vehicle ferry routes consist of a combined passenger- vehicle link between the central district of Hong Kong Island and Yau Ma Tei in Kowloon, a route for vehicles only between North Point and Kowloon City, and a double-decker vehicle ferry service between the central district and Yau Ma Tei which was converted from a single-decker service during 1965. Ferries to outlying districts call at Ma Wan, Castle Peak, Tung Chung, Sha Lo Wan and Tai O; Peng Chau, Silver Mine Bay, Chi Ma Wan and Cheung Chau; Tsing Yi Island and Tsuen Wan, and So Kwu Wan and Yung
Shue Wan on Lamma Island. There is also a service from Tai Po Kau to Tap Mun in Tolo Harbour.
During 1966, 161.2 million passengers and 4.3 million vehicles were carried, an increase of 3.7 per cent and 6.6 per cent respectively over 1965. Vehicle ferry traffic, which had grown at the remarkable rate of 20 per cent a year since 1960, fell off in the middle of 1965 and remained static for about 12 months. There were signs of renewed growth towards the end of the year and traffic is now more than three times the 1959 level. The company has a depot with three slipways and a building berth for the servicing and construction of ferries. One new double-ended passenger ferry of 136 feet in length overall and 27 feet in breadth moulded, with a carrying capacity of 719 passengers, came into service during the year. Two old pre-war passenger ferries were withdrawn from service.
The Star Ferry Company Limited is authorized by ordinance to run passenger ferry services across the harbour between Victoria City on Hong Kong Island and Tsim Sha Tsui on the southern tip of the Kowloon peninsula, and also between Victoria and Hung Hom on the eastern side of the peninsula. The company has 14 vessels in service with a total passenger carrying capacity of 7,857. Star ferries run 21 hours a day between Victoria City and Tsim Sha Tsui until 3 a.m., and 18 hours a day between Victoria City and Hung Hom until midnight. During peak periods a ferry leaves from each side of the harbour every three minutes on the nine- minute journey between Victoria City and Tsim Sha Tsui, and every nine minutes on the 17-minute journey between Victoria City and Hung Hom. During 1966, 56.3 million passengers were carried, an increase of 3.3 per cent over 1965. On one day more than 197,300 people were carried.
On 1st October 1965 the Star Ferry Company, under legislation which governs the operation of the franchise, made an application for an increase in fares. It was represented that with rising costs the company could not maintain the standard of services without such increase. The application was considered by the Transport Advisory Committee, which recommended that a scheme of control should be introduced to govern the profits of the company and the fares to be charged in the future. The existing legislation was considered insufficiently precise and the committee recommended
that the profits of the company should be kept within a narrow range. Over a period of years shortfalls on this profit margin and excess over it would be debited and credited to a fares equalization account. The committee further recommended that the fare for first-class passengers should be increased from 20 cents to 25 cents but that the second-class fare should remain unchanged. The scheme of control was subsequently agreed by the company and the Governor in Council, and the latter authorized the increase in fares, but with certain concessions to students and monthly ticket holders, with effect from 1st May 1966. This was the first increase in Hong Kong's public transport fares in the 20 years since the Second World War and it met with considerable public opposition. After the first-class fare had been raised a large number of pas- sengers transferred to second-class. The scheme of control provides for an annual review of the operations of the company and the first such review will take place early in 1967.
A resolution approving in principle the grant of a franchise to the Victoria City Development Company, to construct and operate a tunnel across the harbour between Wan Chai and Hung Hom, was approved in principle by the Legislative Council in 1965, subject to certain conditions, one of which was that the tunnel had to be completed by 1970. With the approval of the govern- ment, the company assigned all its rights and obligations to the Cross-Harbour Tunnel Company on 17th May 1966. During the year, a firm of engineering consultants was employed by the government to design the road and flyover networks associated with the tunnel approaches at each end of the tunnel, and a bill to make provision relating to the grant of the franchise to construct and operate the tunnel was drafted. In November the Cross Harbour Tunnel Company issued tender documents for the construction of the tunnel to contractors with the necessary experience.
The development of postal services continued in 1966 with postings to all destinations of more than 130 million postal articles, representing an increase of more than 5 per cent over postings for
the previous year. Items delivered locally exceeded 120 million and over 2 million were handled in transit. (Postal statistics are given at Appendix XXXVIII.) Counter business at all post offices includes the sale of stamps, acceptance of registered articles and parcels, issue and payment of money orders and postal orders and issue of wireless licences. Inland parcel post traffic has in- creased, reflecting the need for the service re-introduced in 1965. Special services, used mainly by the business community, such as business reply facilities, cash on delivery parcels, private boxes and bags, postage meter machines and arrangements for bulk postings are available. There are two postal deliveries a day, excluding Sundays, in all but the most remote rural areas.
A high percentage of mail posted is destined for abroad, and since separate despatches to individual countries are established whenever justified by the volume of mail available for despatch, direct despatches are actually made up to more than 190 different places overseas. The train services between Kowloon and Lo Wu form the main link for the conveyance of mails to and from the People's Republic of China.
Five new post offices were opened during the year, bringing the total of offices to 49. In addition, two mobile post offices operate in the New Territories. Of the five new offices, two were established on Hong Kong Island, at Morrison Hill Road and Repulse Bay; and three in Kowloon, at Lo Fu Ngam, Cheung Sha Wan and Tsz Wan Shan resettlement estate. Yuen Long Post Office moved in February to new accommodation in the Yuen Long District Branch Office. Delay in the completion of the building prevented the open- ing of Kowloon Central Post Office, but it is expected that the new office will be opened by mid-1967.
Three special postage stamp issues were made during the year. The first, commemorating the late Sir Winston Churchill, was released in values of 10 cents, 50 cents, $1.30 and $2.00; the second, marking the inauguration of the new headquarters building of the World Health Organization at Geneva, was issued in values of 10 cents and 50 cents; and the third, honouring the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi- zation (UNESCO), appeared in values of 10 cents, 50 cents and $1.30.
The Telecommunications Division of the Post Office licenses and inspects installations, investigates interference and monitors trans- missions to ensure that they comply with the terms of licence. The division also acts as adviser to government departments on tele- communication matters. The $400 million SEACOM project, which is to provide Hong Kong with an abundance of worldwide all-cable telegraph, telephone and telex circuits, completed its second stage in July. High-quality cable channels were put into public service with the Philippines, Japan, the United States, United Kingdom and other European countries for telephone calls, telegraph, telex and leased-circuit services. Cable and Wireless Limited participated in the British Engineering Display during British Week, when a total of 32,800 people visited the cable ship Cable Enterprise.
Radio interference tests were conducted for long periods on potential sites selected for the satellite earth station to be con- structed in Hong Kong. This is a $40 million project, due for completion in 1968 to meet the anticipated growth in demand for telephone and telegraph channels. By the end of 1966 work was well advanced on the new troposcatter station at Cape D'Aguilar. When completed in 1967 the station will provide many high-quality channels with Taiwan for all types of traffic. A third. high-frequency station at Cape D'Aguilar, close to the troposcatter site, is also progressing rapidly.
The very popular telex service was introduced in 1959. There are over 370 subscribers in Hong Kong and the number continues to increase steadily. Sixty-six new subscribers were connected for international service in 1966. Subscribers can be connected, via 69 overseas channels, to most countries in the world which have telex services. Cable and Wireless Limited provides international radio telephone circuits with 16 destinations, with relays to most countries of the world. Services with Singapore, Malaysia, Manila, the United States and United Kingdom are by SEACOM telephone cable. A total of 84 overseas channels are in use. Telegraph services also operate over the SEACOM telephone cables, and by high-frequency radio with other points. A total of 45 channels are in operation with 26 destinations, and automatic relays are provided where necessary.
About 12,000 telegrams are handled every day in the Central Tele- graph Office. The first leased telegraph circuits were operational in 1954. There are now 70 leased overseas circuits between Hong Kong and Bangkok, Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo, Djakarta, Karachi, London, Manila, New York, Paris, Rangoon, San Francisco, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Taipei and Tokyo.
Telephone services throughout the Colony are provided by the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited, a public company operating under a franchise from the government. In addition to internal services the company, in collaboration with Cable and Wireless Limited, provides telephone services to most overseas countries, as well as to ships moored in the harbour and at sea. The company's system is fully automatic and comprises more than 300,000 working stations operating through 28 separate exchanges. Rentals are on a flat rate basis of $350 a year for business lines and $235 a year for residential lines, these rates being probably the lowest in the world. Demand for telephones continues to increase and the growth rate is in excess of 20 per cent a year. Towards the end of 1966 more than 5,500 applications for new lines and 2,500 applications for removal of telephones were being received each month. To meet this situation the company has in hand a vast development programme which includes the commissioning, during 1967, of eight further exchanges, extensions to existing exchanges and associated cable schemes. The present common numbering system of six digits is insufficient to carry the requirements of future expansion as projected into the 1980's. During the next two years the Colony will be divided into three areas designated by an area code for use prior to the six digits, which will give a possible maximum of 1,800,000 lines.
The government's Advisory Committee on Telephone Services reviews the operation, improvement and expansion of telephone services, examines complaints and suggestions from the public, and makes periodical reports to the Governor in Council. Under the chairmanship of an unofficial member of the Legislative Council, it includes four other unofficial members, the Postmaster General and the Deputy Economic Secretary.
Press, Broadcasting and Cinema
OF the various forms of public information and entertainment media in Hong Kong, broadcasting recorded the most significant progress in 1966-particularly in the field of television. Hong Kong is very far from being a newcomer to either sound or television broadcasting, possessing as it does one of the oldest of colonial broadcasting stations and the first television service to be established in any British Colony. But the comparatively recent boom in transistor radios, together with the fact that many of these radios and even television sets are now either made or assembled in the Colony, has helped both to widen the listening and viewing audiences and to promote a greater spirit of competition among rival studios.
In January the first franchise for transmitting wireless television programmes in Hong Kong was awarded to a locally controlled company, Television Broadcasts Limited. At a public auction which followed on 20th June, the new company was outbid by the estab- lished wired sound and television service, Rediffusion (Hong Kong) Limited, for a plot of Crown land in Lung Cheung Road, just below the Kowloon foothills. Rediffusion purchased the site for the development of a new studio centre which is expected to come into operation in 1967. Another plot in Lung Cheung Road suitable for studio development, auctioned on 25th July, went to the Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Company Limited without com- petition and on the opening bid. Television Broadcasts obtained their site, also in Lung Cheung Road, at a third such auction on 29th August. Thus, in a little over two months, three rival companies on Hong Kong's lively broadcasting scene had committed them- selves to extensive development programmes.
At the same time the government's broadcasting organization, Radio Hong Kong, has produced detailed plans of a new Broad- casting House, and tenders for the construction of the studio and office complex are expected to be called in 1967. Consideration was given to a site for this complex in Lung Cheung Road, which
would mean the location of all the Colony's broadcasting studios in one area. It is hoped that the building will be completed and fully equipped towards the end of 1968. A site was also selected for a new medium wave station for Radio Hong Kong at Smugglers Ridge, just beyond the Kowloon reservoir. Work on the access road and site preparation has already begun, tenders for equipment have been called and it is hoped that the new transmitters will be fully operational by the end of 1967.
The Chinese and English language press claim, between them, an estimated overall circulation of 1.5 million copies a day. Two hundred publications are produced, including 42 Chinese dailies and four English dailies. Some of the leading newspapers and magazines are listed at Appendix XXXIX. The four English dailies are the South China Morning Post and its afternoon companion the China Mail, the Hong Kong Tiger Standard, which includes a Sunday edition, and The Star. The South China Morning Post Limited publishes the weekly Sunday Post-Herald while Asian Weekend is produced by the publishers of The Star. Generally regarded as the Colony's leading 'middle of the road' Chinese newspapers are the Wah Kiu Yat Po, the Sing Tao Jih Pao and the Kung Sheung Yat Po, which are very comprehensive in their coverage of overseas and local news.
Chinese and English-language newspapers are represented in the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong which has 20 members and three associate members. The Society, formed in 1954, is empowered to act in all matters affecting the interests of Hong Kong news- papers in general, or of the Society or its members in particular. Hong Kong remains the base of South-East Asian operations for all the important news agencies and many international magazines, newspapers, radio and television networks. International news agencies are represented by the Associated Press of America, the Agence France Presse (French News Agency), Reuters (in associa- tion with the Australian Associated Press) and United Press Inter- national.
Radio Hong Kong, Rediffusion (Hong Kong) Limited and the Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Company between them produce eight different wireless and wired sound services and two
wired television services. Radio Hong Kong is a government department financed from general revenue and the station does not carry any advertising. It is the longest established broadcasting organization in the Colony and began transmissions in 1928--being the second colonial station to come into operation. Separate Chinese and English services are each broadcast for 17 hours a day, from 7 a.m. to midnight, on medium wave and on VHF/FM. The Chinese service is also broadcast on short wave. The present studio centre is in Mercury House, the Far East Headquarters of Cable and Wireless Limited, who are responsible for all the technical operations of the department.
Both Radio Hong Kong programme services lay emphasis on providing comprehensive and authoritative information, through frequent world and local news bulletins, news actuality magazines, talks, documentaries and features. Programmes for specific groups of people are exemplified by such Chinese service broadcasts as features for the blind, farmers and fishermen, students and members of community centres, and by the English service 'Pearl in Your Hand', which has continued to prove a novel and successful method of informing tourists and newcomers about the Colony. During the year 'Pearl in Your Hand' included over 1,300 programme items and received many hundreds of letters asking for further information.
There is no formal broadcasting service for schools, but for general listening the Chinese service broadcasts English lessons and programmes on geography, history, science, industry and music appreciation. The English service has had considerable success in teaching Cantonese to expatriate listeners and, additionally, carries programmes on Hong Kong's universities, music appreciation and history. 'Hong Kong in History', broadcast in English and now in preparation in Cantonese, traced the development of Hong Kong from its earliest beginnings.
Drama, Cantonese music and comedy shows make up the broad entertainment base of the Chinese service. The newly-formed Radio Hong Kong Cantonese Orchestra gained public popularity both over the air and in the City Hall. Entertainment on the English service covers the whole range of serious and popular music, with the majority of visiting international artists and orchestras taking
part in broadcasts. The BBC Transcription Service is an invaluable source of drama, variety and comedy.
Commercial Radio. The English service of the Hong Kong Com- mercial Broadcasting Company Limited preserves a high musical content and continues to place emphasis on locally-produced shows and interviews. 'Special events' programmes were produced as well as a weekly series by the station's drama group of staff members and contributors. Several of the plays were by local writers. The relaying of the news from the BBC was discontinued and News Headlines, followed by short talks or interviews, were substituted. A monthly series from a staff member of the University of Hong Kong, sent by the government for a course at the University of Illinois, was broadcast, and the number of local music shows was increased. Live performances were relayed from the City Hall, hotels and nightclubs. Commercial Radio's two Chinese services both broadcast 17 hours daily. Outside broadcasts continued throughout the year with coverage given, whenever possible, to local events. Transcriptions were supplied to Radio Singapore and Radio Malaysia, and the film rights of many studio productions were sold for adaptation into Cantonese films.
Bilingual broadcasting in English and Cantonese was started on 19th June in the second Chinese service and concerts by the Cin- cinnati Symphony Orchestra and the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra were broadcast with bilingual commentaries from the City Hall. Favourable comments on these broadcasts have been received from listeners in the form of letters and telephone calls.
Rediffusion. Wired sound and television are supplied by Rediffu- sion (Hong Kong) Limited, a locally controlled subsidiary of the organization which operates in Britain and in many other Com- monwealth countries. The wired sound service is distributed to practically all the urban areas and to many outlying villages in the islands and New Territories by more than 1,000 miles of main trunk lines and another 3,000 miles of installation cabling. At the end of the year there were 30,000 subscribers to these sound services. Rental for a speaker is $10 a month, giving a choice of four pro- grammes. The three Chinese programmes broadcast a total of 45 hours daily. The silver and gold networks each broadcasts 17 hours daily, offering news, music and other programmes in a variety of
dialects. The third Chinese programme broadcasts from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and provides a comprehensive school programme in Cantonese. The English service broadcasts an all-music programme, with news bulletins in the morning and in the middle of the day. The service operates from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday, and from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Just under a quarter of Rediffusion sound programmes are commercially spon- sored.
Hong Kong was the first British colony to operate a television service and the Rediffusion network now has two channels. By the end of 1966 there were 67,000 subscribers. The television services carry advertising, and a number of shows on both channels are commercially sponsored. The two channels provide some 75 hours of viewing each week. While both channels carry popular filmed shows from Britain and America, the Chinese programme in particular includes many live shows from fully equipped studios at Rediffusion House. In television, as in radio, outside broadcasts are playing their part in creating among viewers a greater under- standing of current events in the Colony and almost every day Rediffusion's cameras are out covering local news. The rental fee for a 23-inch television set is $50 a month and for a 19-inch set $45 a month inclusive of the receiver, programmes, licence and maintenance. These fees are reduced annually. Subscribers with their own receivers pay $25 a month to cover the programme fee, licence and maintenance. The network now reaches out from the urban areas to Kwun Tong, Tsuen Wan, Clear Water Bay and Sha Tin in the New Territories, and further developments are under way.
Under the Television Ordinance of 1964, the Director of Informa- tion Services serves in an ex officio capacity as Television Authority, responsible for securing proper standards of broadcast television, particularly regarding the contents of programmes and technical efficiency of broadcasts. In this respect he will be assisted by an Advisory Board of five people. The ordinance requires that the broadcast programmes shall include such programmes and an- nouncements supplied by the government as may be required by the Television Authority.
Television Broadcasts Limited, who were awarded a franchise for transmitting wireless television programmes in Hong Kong, will operate transmitters for both Chinese and English programmes and plan to erect translator systems to overcome the technical problems created by terrain. Tests have established, however, that most of the population of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon will be reached by the main transmitters.
In July an internationally-known television executive was appoint- ed general manager and in August a Hong Kong-born television engineer, then working overseas, was appointed to take charge of the installation and maintenance of equipment. The site acquired near the mouth of the Lion Rock tunnel in Lung Cheung Road will be used for the purpose of constructing a Television Centre to include studios and other facilities. It is anticipated that the service will commence in the last quarter of 1967.
Accurate figures for the purposes of comparison are hard to establish, but it may well be that Hong Kong is the world's largest film producing centre. The best figures available for any recent year show that Hong Kong film companies produced 310 feature films, compared with 271 made in India, 225 in Japan and 155 made by United States film companies. A variety of factors, in- cluding weather, may prevent Hong Kong remaining consistently in the lead, but it is obvious that the Colony holds a major position in the film world. Many productions are the work of small studios on low budgets, but the industry also has its moguls and its ex- travaganzas in full colour and wide screen, and these more ambitious productions have won many awards at film festivals in Asia.
Hong Kong continues to be a favourite location for film companies from abroad and 1966 produced a record number of feature films shot in the Colony. Among these were 'The Sand Pebbles', 'Seven Golden Dragons', 'Sumuru', 'The Vengeance of Fu Man Chu' and 'The Corrupt Ones'. Producers now know that in Hong Kong they can find not only spectacular scenery and background but also the skilled technicians and modern services essential for sophisticated film work.
The task of the Government Information Services is to keep both the people of Hong Kong and people overseas accurately informed of the government's aims and achievements, and the department is linked by teleprinter to 38 newspapers, news agencies and radio stations.
The department is divided into three main divisions-administra- tion, news and publicity, the latter two being staffed by specialist, professional officers. The News Division operates in two main sections-press and radio news. The press section channels in- formation to newspapers and deals with press enquiries generally, while the radio news section specializes in the preparation of world and local news bulletins for the Colony's three broadcasting and television stations. Eleven radio news bulletins in English and eight in Chinese are prepared daily, ranging in length from full 10-minute bulletins to one-minute summaries.
The Publicity Division has both local and overseas commitments, and its various sections produce magazine and newspaper feature articles, photographs, newsreels, booklets and posters. Locally, the division is responsible for handling publicity campaigns for all government departments. The editorial section provides written material for a worldwide press syndication service and for most booklets and leaflets produced in the department. It also provides scripts and commentaries for documentary films and newsreels made by the film unit. As part of the Colony's campaign to sell more overseas, increased emphasis continued to be placed on material dealing with trade and economic subjects.
In the publications field, the main projects undertaken during the year included booklets on the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and on Social Welfare, together with "The Magic Stone', based on a film made by the department's film unit. Special booklets and leaflets were prepared for trade fairs overseas, to back up the Colony's worldwide export drive. The photographic section supplies all black and white and colour photographs for the department and also carries out many and varied photographic assignments for other government departments.
The major production completed by the department's film unit during the year was 'The Magic Stone', a short feature film in colour,
starring Nancy Kwan and based on local legend. In addition, extensive coverage was shot for overseas newsreels, and on the occasion of the visit of Her Royal Highness The Princess Margaret a 10-minute item was also shown in some 50 Hong Kong cinemas. A new half-hour documentary to replace the now dated 'This is Hong Kong' was produced.
The department's distribution section undertakes the distribution of all publicity material produced by the department; it also dis- tributes posters, literature and magazines received from Britain. The department's first mobile cinema continued in service and 82 travelling film shows were organized during the year for audiences numbering more than 563,000 in multiple locations.
At the end of the year there were 94 cinemas in Hong Kong. Films for public exhibition within Hong Kong are subject to cen- sorship in accordance with the law and must be viewed by the department's film censorship section, which has two theatres for this purpose. Films censored during the year totalled 2,820.
The Hong Kong Government Office in London is administra- tively part of the Commerce and Industry Department, but the information section works in close collaboration with the Informa- tion Services Department, on the distribution of whose photographic and editorial material its operation is based. Press relations form an important part of the work of the London Office, and releases for the British press are prepared from information bulletins sent daily from Hong Kong. Major news items, despatched by press cable, are processed immediately at the London Office and passed on to newspapers and news agencies. The information section also acts as a distributing agency in Britain for photo-features prepared by the Information Services Department and these, together with press releases, play a major role in the continuing effort to inform the British public about Hong Kong and its achievements through the medium of the newspaper and magazine press.
The object of the Public Enquiry Service is to maintain a close link between the government and the people. Its primary business is to give the man in the street quick and clear guidance and explanation of the various services and functions performed by
government departments, and to help him understand government rules and procedures, particularly when they affect him personally. It is also responsible for answering all non-technical enquiries about local storm warning signals. Once the local storm signal No 3 is hoisted, any member of the public can telephone an enquiry centre at any hour to find out the latest weather position and related topics, such as damages and casualties, suspension of public trans- port services and postponement of public functions.
On average the three enquiry centres in the central district, Wan Chai and Kowloon handled 13,792 enquiries a month in 1966, excluding 10,807 telephone enquiries resulting from the typhoons and severe rainstorm that affected the Colony during the year. In addition, a total of 2,655 enquiries were also answered during the year in two separate listeners' letter box 'Enquire Within' programmes produced by the Public Enquiry Service in conjunction with the Chinese service of Radio Hong Kong and Commercial Radio, for the benefit of those who find it inconvenient to come to the enquiry centres. In its work and organization the Public Enquiry Service is somewhat similar to citizens' advice bureaux in other parts of the world and its emphasis is to give a sympathetic hearing, coupled with helpful advice and practical assistance. All centres have specially trained staff, each member speaking English, Can- tonese and a number of other Chinese dialects. Results show that the service is a valuable instrument for improving the government's relations with the public.
The Armed Services and Auxiliary Services
THE British regular forces in Hong Kong are under the overall control of the Commander-in-Chief, Far East. The commanders of the three services generally work under their respective service commanders in Singapore, but in some respects the Commander British Forces Hong Kong co-ordinates service activities in the Colony as well as commanding the land forces. The units of the Royal Hong Kong Defence Force are administered by the Hong Kong Government, but come under the command of the regular commander of the appropriate service for operations, and for train- ing in their operational roles. The Army and Royal Navy both recruit a considerable number of local personnel. These serve in the Army within the Colony or, in the case of the Navy, on board HM ships anywhere in the Far East.
The Naval shore base, HMS Tamar, provides full maintenance facilities and support for the coastal minesweepers based per- manently in the Colony and also assists ships of the Far East Fleet which visit Hong Kong regularly for maintenance, and for leave and recreation. Land Forces Headquarters is in Victoria Barracks on Hong Kong Island. There are two subordinate formations-48 Gurkha Infantry Brigade Group, which is located in the New Territories, and Hong Kong and Kowloon Garrison, which consists of both operational and administrative units in Kowloon and on Hong Kong Island. Royal Air Force Station Kai Tak is a separate enclave alongside the civil airport but uses the same runway and control facilities to operate both resident and visiting RAF aircraft. Radar and signals facilities are provided by the RAF for distant control of civil and military aircraft approaching the Colony.
The year 1966 proved an eventful one for the British forces in Hong Kong. The two most important and publicized events which involved the services were the civil disturbances in Kowloon in April and the disastrous rainstorm in June. Confrontation between
Malaysia and Indonesia, and its cessation, has had its effect on service training and commitments.
During the four days of the Kowloon disturbances, an account of which is given in Chapter 10, over 2,000 troops from 12 units were put at readiness or deployed in Kowloon. Their tasks ranged from enforcing curfews and cordoning areas to escorting civilian bus drivers, fire fighting and helping to re-establish essential services. The Army moved 58 abandoned buses from Nathan Road on the morning of 8th April. The particularly close relations which are maintained between the armed forces and the police contributed greatly to the speed and certainty with which action was taken.
On Sunday 12th June the armed forces were called upon to assist the civil authorities in dealing with the emergency created by the unprecedented rainstorm of that morning. Many hundreds of troops using picks and shovels, as well as the considerable engineering equipment of the garrison, were kept busy clearing blocked roads and repairing damage. A Bailey bridge in Sek Kong village stood for several months as a reminder of these efforts to restore the Colony's road communications. Helicopters of the Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force and the Army were used for reconnaissance and for supplying inaccessible areas, assisted by a detachment of six helicopters from HMS Eagle and one from HMS Hampshire, which were visiting Hong Kong at the time. A large-scale rescue operation was mounted by 48 Gurkha Infantry Brigade to move several hundred people by boat in the flooded Yuen Long area, while units of the Hong Kong and Kowloon Garrison, with the Hong Kong Regiment, helped to restore communications to isolated parts of Hong Kong Island.
Confrontation between Malaysia and Indonesia ended on 17th August, bringing to an end the continuous rotation of forces through the Colony to and from Malaysia. During 1966 three infantry battalions, the First Battalions of the Royal Hampshire Regiment, the Green Howards and the Royal Warwickshire Fusiliers, each spent an average of three months in Hong Kong while training for operations in Malaysia. Four resident units, the First Battalions of the Queens Own Buffs and of the 2nd, 6th and 10th Gurkha Rifles, did at least one operational tour, and the minesweepers of the 8th
Mine Countermeasures Squadron, based on HMS Tamar, carried out many Borneo patrols.
In August, following the visit of the Secretary of State for Defence, Mr Denis Healey, it was decided that No 28 Squadron, whose Hunter fighters had long formed the main RAF presence in the Colony, would be disbanded in the New Year, as would Air Head- quarters shortly afterwards. No 28 Squadron has a 17-year record of service to the Colony in its long history of 51 years. Its task will be continued by detachments of aircraft from the Far East Air Force.
The local auxiliary defence services are the Royal Hong Kong Defence Force, the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force (dealt with in Chapter 10) and the Essential Services Corps, which includes the three autonomous civil defence units-Auxiliary Fire Service, Auxiliary Medical Service and Civil Aid Services. All are adminis- tered under local legislation and paid for from funds voted by the Legislative Council. The total enrolment during the year was about 23,000 volunteers.
During the civil disturbances in Kowloon, and the June rainstorm, the auxiliary defence services rendered invaluable support to the police and military in dealing with the emergency situations which both events created.
Training commitments vary between the different services. Members of the Royal Hong Kong Defence Force generally do 21 full days' training (including two weeks of camp or sea training, often with the regular services) as well as weekly or fortnightly instruction. The Auxiliary Police do a week's camp and seven full days training, plus four hours each fortnight of beat duty or instruc- tion, while the civil defence uniformed units normally train once a week but do few, if any, full days. The auxiliary services are greatly dependent on the public spirit of their volunteer members who willingly give their time to training, finding in this a useful means of serving the community. Employers are in general most co- operative in releasing members of their staff for these duties.
The Royal Hong Kong Defence Force includes the Hong Kong Royal Naval Reserve, the Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers)
and the Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force. The RNR and Regiment also have small women's units.
The Hong Kong Volunteers were first raised for the protection of the Colony in 1854 during the Crimean War. The Corps was mobilized, about 1,400 strong, to meet the Japanese attack on the Colony on 8th December 1941, and fought with the regular forces until ordered to surrender on 25th December. Decorations were conferred upon 15 members of the Corps for their gallantry in battle and for later escapes from Japanese prison camps, while 18 were mentioned in despatches. After the war, the Corps was recon- stituted as the Hong Kong Defence Force, and was granted the title 'Royal' in 1951 and the battle honour 'Hong Kong' in 1957. This honour is now emblazoned on the Regimental Colour.
The Hong Kong Royal Naval Reserve and Women's Naval Reserve have a strength of 190. Their role is to man and operate two inshore minesweepers, HMS Cardinham and Etchingham, which are on loan from the Royal Navy and berthed at HMS Tamar but maintained by the Hong Kong Government. At the end of the year, in view of the increasing cost of maintaining the minesweepers, and the impracticability of replacing them, the decision was reluctantly taken to disband the unit with effect from 1st April 1967.
The Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers) has a strength of about 600. It is a reconnaissance and internal security regiment organized into a headquarters squadron, three reconnaissance squadrons (one equipped with Ferret scout cars) an assault company, home guard company and Women's Auxiliary Army Corps company. The regiment is fully mobile, and its role is to operate in support of the regular army battalions stationed in the Colony, with tasks that make special use of the Volunteers' detailed knowledge of the Colony and its people. During the year the Volunteers took part in one full-scale five-day exercise and a number of smaller exercises with the regular army.
The Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, with a strength of 80, operates two Alouette helicopters and two Auster aircraft. Its primary role is internal security and training is directed towards efficient co-operation with the police and regular army in this role. However, its aircraft, particularly the helicopters, are widely used from day to day for a variety of purposes such as casualty
evacuation and rescue from remote areas. They are also constantly used as transport by government officers and important visitors to remote parts of the Colony. HRH The Princess Margaret and the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr Frederick Lee, were flown on tours of the New Territories during their visits to the Colony. Four members of the force were decorated during the year for gallantry in the rescue, in bad weather and difficult flying conditions, of 44 persons from the freighter Nan An which went aground in Mirs Bay.
The Essential Services Corps proper consists of about 60 units, each responsible for maintaining an essential service such as the supply of electricity, water, communications etc during an emergency, but particularly during civil disturbances involving curfews. Approxi- mately one half of the units are formed from government depart- ments and the other half from commercial organizations. The strength is about 9,000. Each unit is principally staffed by persons of that service who have undertaken voluntarily to continue to serve under emergency conditions. When called out for service members are subject to certain obligations but also become entitled to certain benefits and privileges such as pay, pension in case of death or injury, police powers and indemnities, and identity docu- ments to facilitate movement during curfews. Comprehensive plans for the operation of each unit have been prepared and co-ordinated with the police and military. The Commissioner, Essential Services Corps, who is a full-time government servant, is responsible for keeping these plans up-to-date under the general direction of the Defence Secretary. Since in an emergency most members will con- tinue to perform their normal duties, the Corps does not normally carry out much training, but exercises for the purpose of practising the co-ordination of units are held from time to time. During the year an exercise involving 1,600 members of the food unit was successfully carried out.
Three units of the Essential Services Corps are autonomous, wear uniforms and carry out regular training. These are the Auxiliary Fire Service, Auxiliary Medical Service and the Civil Aid Services. The Auxiliary Fire Service, with a strength of some 780 members, provides a first-line reserve for the professional Fire Service.
Members carry out weekly training and stand by at various fire stations each weekend for operational experience. They are frequently called upon to reinforce the professional Fire Service during major fires and natural disasters such as typhoons and landslides. The training and equipping of the service is now directed towards making the auxiliaries as far as practicable interchangeable with the professional members of the Fire Service during wide-scale emergencies.
The Auxiliary Medical Service, with a strength of 5,000, is partly an emergency reinforcement unit for the Medical and Health Department. The members are trained to reinforce the major government and private hospitals so that in an emergency they can deal with an increased number of acute casualties. The service is also ready to set up and staff relief hospitals, to which less serious and convalescent cases may be removed, while other members are allocated for duties at dressing stations (mainly at existing clinics) where minor injuries and normal daily sick persons would be treated. Those earmarked for hospitals and dressing station duties-auxiliary nurses and auxiliary dressers-carry out annual training in the wards and casualty departments of hospitals. The ambulance mem- bers of the service, under the operational command of the Director of Fire Services, provide reinforcement for the regular Ambulance Service with drivers, ambulance members and RT/telephone opera- tors and provide mobile first-aid parties to work with rescue services. The ambulance members carry out regular weekly training in first- aid, life saving and light rescue.
The Auxiliary Medical Service reported for duty at the scenes of large fires, and auxiliary nurses assisted with the Colony anti- cholera inoculation campaign. First-aid and life saving training by the service is very popular with younger members of the community, who are trained to render assistance in their own areas and in apart- ment buildings in cases of street and domestic accidents.
The Civil Aid Services, formed in 1951 and with a present active strength of some 5,000 volunteers, developed originally from the wartime Air Raid Warden Service. They are now used to support and supplement government services in any form of natural disaster, particularly typhoons, fires, floods and landslides. The organization extends over a number of zones which cover all parts of the urban area, and members generally have a strong sense of local identity.
A Fascination ..
Their innate common sense and resourcefulness have equipped the people of Hong Kong with a remarkable ability to adapt to changing circumstance. It is these qualities which have helped the Colony to survive, and even to thrive upon, the formidable economic problems posed in its post-war history. But despite their largely rational outlook on the bread-and-butter needs of making a living,
the Hong Kong Chinese are as intrigued as anyone else, and probably more than most, with the eternal enigma of what is to come. It is perhaps their very eagerness to meet whatever the future may bring that prompts them to consult pavement astrologers, temple mediums and others who claim an insight into such mysteries. Some still take this quest seriously but a growing number are beginning to regard it as no more than an entertaining diver- sion from the daily routine.
A pretty Chinese girl shakes numbered stick from a bamboo container and wonders if she could be holding her future in her hands.
BLL with the
Left: A trained Java sparrow picks fortune cards by the light of an oil lamp. Above: Prospects in business, gambling and love, revealed by a pavement oracle and in, below and overleaf, astrologer's charts and chalk characters.
Apart from weekly evening training, each zone holds regular exercises in which incidents such as landslides and house collapses are staged, casualties rescued and first-aid given. Uniformed members help government departments, kaifong and local welfare associations when required. Apart from the work entailed by the June rainstorm, the Kowloon rescue service was called out to assist in the rescue of victims following the serious wall collapse at La Salle Road. The new Civil Aid Services Headquarters at Caroline Hill, on Hong Kong Island, was opened by the Governor on 21st June.
Religion and Custom
A BRIEF account of religious practices in Hong Kong must embrace such diverse subjects as traditional Chinese beliefs, Taoism, the religious aspects of Confucian teaching, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and a kaleidoscope of Christian sects. In seeking one idiom to ex- press all this it is easy to be misled by the entirely different appear- ances of religious observance, particularly between the traditional Chinese practices and those of the Christian churches, and even to assume a relative lack of religion in Chinese life. It is true that Hong Kong's business centre may not have as many temples as there are Wren churches in the City of London, but there are likely to be at least as many signs of religion in the average Chinese home, or business, as in its Western counterpart. Almost every Chinese shop has its 'God Shelf' and many homes their ancestral shrines. Whether the devotion before such symbols is intense or perfunctory there is an unmistakably religious element in Chinese culture. It may find expression in traditional ancestral ceremonies encouraged by Confucius or through a wide variety of Taoist rituals.
There has been a notable revival of Buddhism and Taoism in recent years mainly due to the immigration of Buddhists from China. Buddhism appears to have more followers in Hong Kong, but both maintain a strong hold among the older Chinese and are far from dying out among the younger people. The Hong Kong Buddhist Association is their main organization in the Colony, although a Taoist Association has now also been formed.
Religious studies in both ways of life are conducted in a large number of monasteries and nunneries, and in hermitages built in secluded places where dozen or more inmates may reside and devote themselves to quiet meditation. Because of their accessibility, hermitages at Sha Tin and Tsuen Wan are popular with people living in the urban areas. However, the better known monasteries are situated in the more remote and scenically pleasing parts of the
New Territories. Thus the Buddhist Po Lin monastery at Ngong Ping on Lantau Island is reputed to have the best view of the sunrise and is much visited at weekends and holidays.
Sightseers as well as devotees are attracted to other Buddhist and Taoist monasteries in the New Territories such as Castle Peak, Tung Po Tor, Yuen Yuen Hok Yuen and Sai Lam. At To Fung Shan, a hill in Sha Tin, there is a Christian study centre on Chinese religion and culture which engages in study and discussions of issues and problems in the Chinese religious world. The work of the Christian Mission to Buddhists has been carried on there for many years. There is also a unique organization, the Hong Kong Red Swastika Society, which seeks to cultivate together under one roof Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Mohammedanism and Confucianism. To meet the demand of the urban population, Buddhist Ching She (places for spiritual cultivation), Fat Tong (Buddha Halls) and To Yuen (places for Taoist worship) have been opened in flats in residential areas. Sutras are also expounded under the auspices of various Buddhist institutions in the urban areas.
As places of public worship, the temples play an important part in Chinese religious life; it is estimated that worshippers of one major deity (Tin Hau) number no less than 250,000. The temples generally house and are named after one major deity, but other subsidiary deities may sometimes be found in the same temple. The subsidiary deities of one temple may, however, be the major ones of another. Almost all of them are sea gods and goddesses, reflecting Hong Kong's origin as a fishing port. It is difficult to classify these deities according to religions or ways of life. Except for Kwun Yam, the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy, the majority of them are deified mortals who, as a result of their performance of true or mythical feats, have been traditionally worshipped. The better known ones are Tin Hau (Goddess of Heaven and protec- tress of seafarers), Kwan Tai (God of War and the source of right- eousness), Hung Shing (God of the South Seas and a weather prophet), Pak Tai (Lord of the North and local patron of the island of Cheung Chau), and Lo Ban Sin Shi (patron of masons and building contractors).
Perhaps the oldest, and certainly one of the most popular, of Hong Kong's temples is the one dedicated to Tin Hau at Causeway
Bay. Other Tin Hau temples are found near the entrances to most fishing harbours, and the best known of these is the one at Fat Tong Mun in Joss House Bay. Many of these Tin Hau temples are now some distance inland, as a result of reclamations made since they were originally established close to the shore.
Dedicated to the Gods of Literacy and Martial Valour, the Man Mo temple in Hollywood Road, which is under the control of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, is equally famous. In recent years by far the most popular Taoist temples have been the Sik Sik Yuen at Wong Tai Sin in New Kowloon and the Che Kung temple in Sha Tin. In the New Territories, where traditional clan organization has been preserved to a much greater extent than in the urban areas, many villages have an ancestral hall where the ancestral tablets of the clan are kept and venerated. In such villages, the inhabitants often all belong to the same clan and the hall is the centre of both the religious and the secular life of the village. Animism, in the form of shrines dedicated at the foot of certain rocks and trees where spirits are believed to dwell, is also to be found in the New Territories, particularly among Hakka villagers.
The Chinese as a whole observe five major festivals of the Chinese calendar. The first and the most important is the Lunar New Year, welcomed in Hong Kong in the traditional manner with a deafening barrage of firecrackers. It is a common belief that the mass discharge of firecrackers on this occasion will dispel evil spirits and bad luck, and usher in a happy new year. The customary exchanges of gifts and visits to relatives and friends are also widely observed. During the Ching Ming Festival, which falls in the Spring, visits are paid to the graves of the family ancestors. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar and dragon boat races are held at different places throughout the Colony. The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the eighth moon, when gifts of mooncakes are exchanged among rela- tives and friends. The ninth day of the ninth moon is Chung Yeung, when large crowds climb Victoria Peak and other hills in imitation of a Chinese family of old who escaped death and misfortune by fleeing to the top of a high mountain. This is also a time for refur- bishing family graves.
The fact that Chinese may follow one or other of these ways, or may combine them without any feeling of incongruity, has often made Christianity, with its exclusive claims, seem uncongenial to the Chinese spirit. Nevertheless Christianity is rooted deeply and growing rapidly in Hong Kong.
Its roots go back indeed to the earliest days of the Colony. St John's Cathedral was founded in 1842, and established as a Cathe- dral by Letters Patent from Queen Victoria in 1850. A representative of the London Missionary Society arrived at about the same time; several of the Chinese churches are now approaching their centenary. St Andrew's Church, consecrated in October 1906, celebrated its diamond jubilee this year. Growth continues with great rapidity, the annual increase of 13 per cent in communicant church member- ship being the highest Protestant growth rate in Asia. New churches and chapels in housing estates and satellite towns are constantly being added. It is estimated that there are now 257 churches and chapels in the Colony.
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity was again the occasion for fellowship between the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches. In addition to a joint meeting for prayer and exposition of a passage from the Bible held at the City Hall, combined services were held in churches in both Hong Kong and Kowloon.
While about 10 churches in the Colony hold services in English, the great majority of the congregations are Chinese speaking, mostly in the Cantonese dialect although other dialects are used. There are also some churches using Kuo-yu (Mandarin). Christians in Hong Kong are notable church-goers, many very large churches being often crowded with worshippers. The major world denomina- tions are represented in the Adventists, Anglicans, Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists, Pentecostals, etc, while churches of a Pres- byterian type are joined in the Church of Christ in China (the largest numerically of Chinese Protestant churches). There are, in addition, a number of undenominational churches.
In a community like that of Hong Kong, where problems of livelihood and development are acute, it is natural that the churches should wish to make their contribution to social service. This takes the form of educational and welfare services. The churches are responsible for approximately 164 primary schools and 101 middle
schools and colleges in the Colony, a number which may be expected to increase with the growing population. They also sponsor hos- pitals, clinics, orphanages, and social service centres where pro- grammes of various kinds are carried through. While some funds for social service are locally raised, generous contributions are received from outside the Colony, many of them channelled through the Hong Kong Welfare and Relief Council.
Churches which are in relationship with the World Council of Churches come together with missionary societies, YMCA, YWCA, and other groups in the Hong Kong Christian Council. The Council's new headquarters, the Christian Centre, is expected to open early in 1967. Here will be housed, in addition to the Council offices, offices of the Welfare and Relief Council, the Audio Visual Evangelism Committee, Church World Service and the Chinese Christian Literature Council. An Ecumenical Library and other services will be provided. A near neighbour in the same building will be the old-established Chinese Churches Union, in which churches are linked on a congregational basis. The two main Protestant groups in the Colony will thus be in a closer relationship than before.
During the year Hong Kong was the scene of a number of important church conferences and gatherings involving delegates from South-East Asia and further afield. The most important of these was the Asian Consultation on Faith and Order arranged by the East Asia Christian Conference. This brought together, at the end of October, over 100 representatives from churches in Asia. and elsewhere.
The Roman Catholic Church in Hong Kong dates back to the beginning of the Colony. The first priests to arrive were chaplains. serving the spiritual needs of British soldiers of the Catholic faith. On 22nd April 1841, Pope Gregory XVI established the Apostolic Prefecture of Hong Kong with Msgr Theodore Joset as the first prefect. Msgr Joset laid the foundations of the future by building a permanent church to replace a mat shed mission, establishing a seminary to train Chinese priests, and bringing in religious sisters- Congregation of St Paul de Chartres being the first to start schools and welfare institutions. The Colony's first trade school,
called the West Point Reformatory for Homeless Boys, was also established by the Catholic Church.
In 1867 the Prefecture of Hong Kong was entrusted by the Holy See to the Pontifical Institute of Foreign Missions (PIME), whose fathers have worked in the Colony ever since. The first Bishop, Msgr Timoleon Raimondi, was consecrated in 1874 when the prefecture was raised to an Apostolic Vicariat. Under Bishop Raimondi, the work of the Church was extended to the New Territories and in South China proper as far as Waichow. He built St Joseph's Church on Garden Road and the present Cathedral on Caine Road, and brought to Hong Kong the La Salle Brothers, who established St Joseph's College in 1875. Kung Kao Po, the Chinese Catholic weekly, was started in 1928. Ricci Hall, the Catholic hostel of the University of Hong Kong, was opened in 1929, and the Catholic Truth Society was founded in 1933 to publish Chinese literature.
After the Second World War much rebuilding of church premises was needed and new activities were started. Among the latter was the Catholic Centre, which was established with the immediate purpose of providing a reception and information centre for the liberation forces and old residents returning to the Colony. It now houses the Catholic Press Bureau with its two weeklies (Kung Kao Po, Sunday Examiner), the Catholic Truth Society, the Catholic Club, a lending library, a book centre and a chapel.
On 11th April 1946, the Vicariat of Hong Kong was raised to the status of a diocese by Pope Pius XII, with Msgr Henry Valtorta, PIME, as first Diocesan Bishop; succeeded in 1951 by Msgr Lawrence Bianchi, PIME. Under Bishop Bianchi's administration, the Catholic population has risen from some 43,000 to 234,500 today, over 90 per cent of them Chinese, spread out in 25 parishes on Hong Kong Island and Kowloon and in 14 rural districts of the New Territories. Church personnel engaged in pastoral, educa- tional and welfare work in Hong Kong include 332 priests, 113 religious brothers and 783 religious sisters. Religious orders and congregations number 35 and represent 24 nationalities.
The Catholic Church has since the war notably expanded its educational and social activities. There are at present 208 Catholic primary and secondary schools with an aggregate enrolment of
164,000 pupils. In 1958, the Catholic Church set up a Social Welfare Bureau (Caritas-Hong Kong) to meet the need for a central directing and planning body of Catholic charities. Thanks to contributions from international charity agencies, many welfare and training schemes have been launched.
Today the Catholic Church operates six hospitals with a total of 1,305 beds and 31 clinics spread out in various parts of the Colony, including one boat clinic that serves the fishermen of Aberdeen. In the social field, it runs four social centres, six voca- tional training centres, one youth holiday centre, seven children's play centres, 16 day nurseries, four orphanages and 14 hostels and homes. Catholic charities are also responsible for 23 free kitchens and food processing and distribution centres. In 1966, the Caritas Medical Centre at the densely populated So Uk Tsuen area, Kowloon, opened a four-storey building for outpatients. A child- ren's hospital is also under construction. The second stage of the multi-purpose social centre in Caine Road was completed at the end of 1966, while another is under planning for Kowloon. Con- struction costs of these projects are donated by international agencies, both Catholic and non-Catholic, while the day-to-day running expenses are raised locally.
Hong Kong's Jewish community worship at a synagogue in Robinson Road constructed in 1901 on land given by Mr Joseph Sassoon and his family. Mr Sassoon built the synagogue in memory of his mother Leah and it is therefore known as the Synagogue 'Ohel Leah'. The Jewish Recreation Club and the resident rabbi's apartments are on the same site. There are about 300 people in the congregation and they belong to families who originally came from the United Kingdom, China, India, Eastern and Western Europe, and the United States, as well as people born in Hong Kong.
There are about 6,000 followers of Islam in Hong Kong, most of them Chinese who have come to the Colony during the past 10 years. The other members of the Muslim community are mainly from Pakistan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Persia and from neigh- bouring regions. They gather for prayers at the Shelley Street Mosque on Hong Kong Island and at the Nathan Road Mosque in Kowloon.
The Shelley Street Mosque dates back to the early days of the Islamic faith in Hong Kong in the 1880's. The mosque in Kowloon was originally built for the use of Moslem troops in the former Indian Army and is situated on land at present within the bound- aries of Whitfeild Barracks. Two places have been set aside by the government as burial grounds for the Muslim community. One is at Happy Valley and the other at the new Cape Collinson Cemetery, Chai Wan. The latter contains a beautifully designed mosque built by the government.
A board of trustees, comprising representatives of the various sects within the Muslim community, is the co-ordinating body for all religious affairs and is also responsible for the mosques and cemeteries. This board has recently been incorporated and is now known as the Incorporated Trustees of the Islamic Community of Hong Kong. Much charitable work among the Muslim community, including financial help to the needy, hospitalization and assisted education, is being done by a welfare committee set up in recent years by a group of public-spirited women.
The Hindu community numbers more than 5,000 and their religious and social activities centre round a temple in Happy Valley. The community has been associated with Hong Kong since earliest times and the temple itself is considered to be one of the finest in the Far East. In addition to visits by Saints, Swamis and learned men who give spiritual lectures, a number of festivals are observed, the more important being the Holy Festival, the Birth of Lord Krishna, Shivaratri, Dessahara and Deewali. The Hindu Association of Hong Kong is responsible for the upkeep of the temple, which is also used for meditation periods, for yoga classes open to all communities, and for the teaching of Hindi to the Indian community.
ONE of the most striking and, to some extent, unexpected aspects of Hong Kong is the variety of recreational activities pursued by its predominantly urban populace. Despite the characteristic zeal and industry they devote to their labours, Hong Kong people are by no means obsessed, to the exclusion of all other occupations, with the serious business of making a living. Improved living standards, achieved through sheer hard work and enterprise, are today affording them a growing amount of leisure time, and their imagination is extending far beyond the familiar mahjong table to discover new ways and means of exploiting this leisure to the full. They are seeking, with enthusiasm, to develop both their bodies and their minds through an ever widening range of interests, both in the sporting and in the cultural fields. As a result of this diversity of recreational expression, one can find in Hong Kong the facilities to indulge almost any form of hobby, sport or pastime, from flower arrangement to the less gentle art of self-defence. Indoor bowls, one form of sport introduced to the general public for the first time this year, is enjoying a meteoric rise in popularity.
Two of the most widely practised activities are swimming and walking, which also account for the two biggest sporting events of the year. Of the 470 swimmers who took part in the 54th an- nual cross-harbour race this year, 435 obtained the certificate of merit for swimming the distance of 1,550 yards, from Kowloon Public Pier to Queen's Pier on Hong Kong Island, within one hour. Sixteen-year-old Andrew Loh won the race for the second successive year, with a record time of 18 minutes 34.3 seconds. Also a record was the time of 22 minutes 00.1 seconds returned by 15-year-old Miss Katherine Tan, winner of the women's section for the third successive year. The 40-mile 'walkathon' around Hong Kong Island, organized by a local newspaper group, was won by Mr Lee Chi- shing, with Miss Wong Shuk-ming leading the women's section. A total of 346 men and 11 women competed.
Almost every sport and team game is played in Hong Kong, but the one which enjoys by far the greatest following is association football. Fans turn up 20,000 strong at the Government Stadium and 10,000 strong at the nearby South China Athletic Stadium for big matches. Football in Hong Kong has all the partisan fervour, and not a few of the troubles, of football anywhere. Hockey also is played with skill by people of all nationalities in Hong Kong, including women's teams. Many of those who shine in competitive sport are members of privately run clubs whose only assistance from public funds consists of a short-term lease of land on special terms. But for the majority of people the opportunity to take part in sports which require special facilities depends on the provision of government amenities.
In Hong Kong the provision of public recreation facilities for each section of the community according to its needs is a compara- tively new development. As recently as 1952 virtually the only public facilities for a total population of some 2 million were the bathing beaches, many then inaccessible to most townsfolk, the Botanic Gardens and Happy Valley playing fields on Hong Kong Island, and, in Kowloon, three children's playgrounds. The first hard-surface pitches for mini-football and basketball were not built until 1953, while Hong Kong Island did not get its first children's playground until 1957. The completion of Victoria Park in that year marked the birth of a new approach to recreation facilities. Responsibility for providing these amenities in the urban area is vested in the Urban Council, working through the Urban Services Department. In the New Territories the responsibility rests with the Director of Urban Services, working closely with the District Commissioner.
The pace of development has increased greatly in recent years and the Parks, Recreation and Amenities Division of the Urban Services Department now manages a total of 1,103 acres of public open space. The facilities include 226 parks and gardens; 104 children's playgrounds and six children's libraries; 24 grass games pitches for soccer, hockey and rugby; 42 hard-surface mini-football pitches; 143 courts for basketball, volleyball and badminton; 25 tennis courts; two running tracks; two olympic standard swimming pools; 36 bathing beaches with a total length of 8.4 miles; two bowling greens; two squash courts; four model boat pools; two
bandstands; a roller skating rink and a fine aviary. There are also over 300 changing and lavatory facilities, cafes, refreshment kiosks, pavilions, shelters, car parks and barbecue pits.
Of the projects completed during 1966, the new Statue Square, opened by the Governor on 26th May, deserves special mention. This square in the heart of the City of Victoria formerly contained car parks and grassed areas enclosed by railings; it lacked character and was little frequented. To mark its centenary in 1965, the Hong- kong and Shanghai Bank, to which a part of the square belonged, conceived the idea of presenting the community with a new Statue Square more in keeping with its setting. The Hong Kong Govern- ment, which owned the remainder of the land, joined with the Bank and the result is a square with pavilions and illuminated fountains, 30-foot high trees transplanted from the New Territories, green lawns and colourful flowers; the whole vibrant with people. Hong Kong has at last a city centre of distinction and beauty.
Another project worthy of mention is the new floodlit children's playground on the roof of Wan Chai Market, serving a district desperately short of open space. In other similarly overcrowded districts it is sometimes possible to convert streets into children's playgrounds. Outside the city, land is less of a problem, and during the year 92 acres of the rugged Chung Hom Kok peninsula on the south side of Hong Kong Island were set aside as a public park. A noteworthy project in Kowloon is the new Sheung Li Uk Garden, substantially improving both the appearance and amenities of an important locality. In the New Territories six new public bathing beaches were established on Lantau, Lamma and Sharp Islands, while several more playgrounds were completed in the townships and villages.
The Urban Council and the Urban Services Department continued to devote particular attention to their amenity planting programmes. During the year 85,330 trees, 74,161 shrubs and 252,291 seasonal flowers were planted. The 36 bathing beaches have become increas- ingly crowded, while a record 1,224,508 persons used the two swim- ming pools at Kowloon Tsai and Victoria Park. The life saving service provided at Hong Kong's public beaches and swimming pools enjoys a wide reputation. In addition to regular life saving services provided by the Urban Services Department, honorary teams
from the St John Ambulance Brigade and the Hong Kong Life Guard Club attend the swimming pools and some beaches during weekends and public holidays at the height of the season. During 1966 there were 237 successful rescues as against nine fatalities.
The provision of better opportunities for community recreation is being pursued with vigour, and expansion of facilities is now taking place at the high rate of 16 per cent compound per annum. At the end of the year 29 parks and playgrounds covering 63 acres were under construction, and plans were being drawn up for a system of rural parks and conservation areas extending over much of the magnificent hill country in the New Territories.
Performing and visual arts, which played a minor part in the cultural life of Hong Kong until comparatively recently, are now important and integral features of entertainment. While the cinema remains the most popular diversion, concerts, plays, operas and art exhibitions take place almost daily and attract good audiences.
The change began five years ago, when a new City Hall was opened with facilities which include a 1,500-seat concert hall con- vertible for theatrical performances, an intimate 470-seat theatre, an art gallery and several exhibition halls. Its two auditoria are available throughout the year to many local amateur groups and visiting artists, and as a result nearly every branch of music, drama and Chinese opera has prospered. There are regular public perform- ances by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and many local choral groups and soloists who, during the year, gave a total of 157 concerts in the City Hall. In drama, three very active English amateur groups and many more Chinese dramatic groups, including both amateurs and professionals, together presented 35 productions with 93 performances.
While the local groups have undoubtedly made a most valuable contribution to the cultural life of Hong Kong, highlights have again been provided by the visits of internationally renowned artists arranged by local impresarios. During the year they brought to the City Hall alone 36 overseas artists or groups for a total of 69 performances. These included such well-known names as The London Symphony Orchestra, The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra,
Juilliard Quartet, Trio di Trieste, Ann Schein, Abbey Simon, Alfredo Campoli, Ruggiero Ricci, Yi-kwei Sze, Stefania Woytowicz, The Platters, The Searchers, Peter and Gordon, The Supremes, Xavier Cugat and The Windsor Theatre Royal Company.
Admission prices for concerts are said to be a major factor inhibiting a more rapid and general development of musical appre- ciation. The Urban Council, which administers the City Hall, has offered what appears to be a successful partial solution to this problem by presenting local artists at low admission prices with carefully selected programmes appealing to both the novice and the expert. The City Hall Popular Concert series has been extremely well received. With admission fees at $1, most concerts were attended by capacity audiences.
The visual arts continued to flourish, and the opening of the ocean terminal saw the inauguration of several new commercial galleries, whose founding was followed by the closure of the Chatham Galleries which, during the four years of their existence, had con- tributed considerably to the promotion of public interest in the fine arts and had helped to establish a number of Hong Kong's young artists. The Tsi Ku Tsai, which used to organize exhibitions of Chinese paintings in the City Hall, has now opened a gallery of its own where old and contemporary Chinese paintings are exhibited.
Various art exhibitions, in the form of one-man shows or group exhibitions, were frequently held in the City Hall, which remains the centre for exhibitions of fine arts. The exhibits ranged from traditional and modern Chinese paintings and calligraphy to modern Western paintings and sculptures. The City Hall Exhibition Gallery has become a regular setting for annual exhibitions of local art societies and the fine arts departments of post-secondary colleges.
The City Hall Art Gallery itself sponsored three one-man exhibi- tions of works by local artists Julia Baron, Kwong Yeu-ting and Michael Griffith. Other exhibitions held there during the year included an exhibition of English domestic silver, loaned from the Victoria and Albert Museum, and an impressive exhibition of Chinese paintings and ceramics of the Ming period. The gallery also carried out its long-term programme of exhibition of works by Kwangtung artists, the artist exhibited this year being the 19th- Century painter Su Jen-shan.
The government collections of historical pictures consist of the Ho-tung Collection, the Chater Collection, and the Law and Sayer Collection. These together contain more than 700 items including paintings, prints, engravings and photographs. They form a unique pictorial record of early Sino-British contacts in the 18th- and early 19th-Centuries as well as providing interesting illustrations of life in Hong Kong, Macau and other cities on the China coast in those days. The limited space in the City Hall Art Gallery does not allow a permanent display of these collections, but exhibitions under different titles and subjects are arranged from time to time. This year, all the available pictures in the Chater Collection were exhibited for the first time since 1951.
The City Hall Museum's Collection of Chinese ceramics has been constantly added to during the year, mainly with Chinese export porcelain of the 15th- and 16th-Centuries. The archaeological col- lections, including the Maglioni Collection, the University Team Collection and the collection recently formed by the City Hall Museum, have not been exhibited this year, but a small travelling exhibition of representative types was assembled for use by various cultural societies.
The Urban Council public libraries, with headquarters at the City Hall, now possess a collection of more than 222,000 items. The City Hall Library has more than 126,000 books, two-thirds of them Chinese, in its lending departments, including 26,000 for children. The reference department has 41,000 volumes together with the nuclei of map and picture collections. The City Hall Library also houses the Kotewall Collection, a gift to the government consisting of 14,903 volumes, and the Hok Hoi Library of 34,571 volumes on permanent loan to the government. The Urban Council Public Library, Kowloon, has a stock of more than 45,000 volumes, two-thirds of them Chinese, providing lending, junior and reference services.
During 1966 over 749,500 books were issued on loan to members of the public by the Urban Council public libraries. A new library is planned, situated at the Wah Fu estate near Pok Fu Lam, which
will provide lending and junior services both for the estate and for neighbouring areas.
The Colonial Secretariat library houses 9,828 volumes. These include many government publications, books written specially about Hong Kong-including publications by local authors-reference books on such subjects as public administration, sociology, eco- nomics and political science, and standard works on the history of the Commonwealth and the countries of South-East Asia. Apart from being a departmental reference library, it is a useful source for research workers in matters concerning Hong Kong and is avail- able to members of the public.
The British Council's biggest contribution to Hong Kong's cultural life in 1966 was its sponsorship of a visit by the London Symphony Orchestra during British Week. On the same occasion the Council brought the Windsor Theatre Royal Company, an exhibition of English silver and two book exhibitions. Combined with their highly successful evening performances, the LSO and the Theatre Royal gave special matinees to secondary school and university students.
The Council assisted the University of Hong Kong in the arrange- ments for a conference on 'English as a University Subject in the Western Pacific Area', and for the fourth year in succession presented books to the Chinese University of Hong Kong, amounting to some $48,000. The President of Chung Chi College, Dr C. T. Yung, was the Council's guest for two weeks in May when he made an extensive tour of British universities, and senior staff members of United College also visited Britain under the Council's sponsorship. A lecturer from New Asia College who received the first Leverhulme Trust award was assisted in his arrangements for research in Britain. The Council has supplied an adviser in English language teaching, Mr D. H. Howe, for service with the Education Department as part of the Aid for Commonwealth English scheme.
Four British Council scholarships were given and three Sino- British Fellowship Trust awards, administered by the Council, were made. In addition, travel grants were given to representatives of the Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association and a nominee of the University
of Hong Kong's Department of Extra-Mural Studies for training in the United Kingdom. The annual 'Introduction to Britain' course was attended by over 130 students about to leave for higher studies. The Council played an increasing part in co-operation with the Education Department and the Hong Kong Students Office in London in meeting and accommodating students on arrival in Britain.
Two unusual book exhibitions commemorated the works of Arthur Waley, and featured British fisheries. The total number of books loaned during the year by the Council's two libraries was approximately 92,000. In co-operation with the British Board of Trade and the Publishers' Association, 1,100 books on science and technology were presented to the Hong Kong Technical College in September. Fifteen experts on such subjects as medicine, social welfare, town planning, English literature and science came to Hong Kong on lecture-visits under Council auspices during the year. Of particular interest was Mr S. A. Gwynn of the Home Office, a specialist in juvenile delinquency, who spent three weeks in the Colony on a consultation and advisory visit. A routine but important service rendered by the Council to schools and other institutions was the extensive loan from its large collection of educational aids, particularly films, recordings of music and poetry, and photographic sets. The Council's premises are regularly used for lectures and meetings of university departments of extra-mural studies and by various cultural societies.
Geography and Climate
THIS chapter, and those which follow on the history of the Colony and its system of government, present a background against which the detailed descriptions in other chapters of the Report may be viewed.
The Colony of Hong Kong is on the south-east coast of China, adjoining the province of Kwangtung. It is just inside the tropics, less than 100 miles south of the tropic of Cancer, and lies between latitudes 22°9′ and 22°37′N and longitudes 113°52′ and 114°30′E. The twin cities of Victoria, on Hong Kong Island, and Kowloon, on the mainland, stand on either side of the harbour, and are about 90 miles south-east of Canton and 40 miles east of Portuguese Macau. The jet age has brought the Colony to within less than 24 hours of Britain, while the shortest air route across Eurasia between London and Hong Kong is 5,965 miles.
The total land area of the Colony is 398 square miles of which Hong Kong Island itself, together with a number of small adjacent islands, comprise 29 square miles. Kowloon and Stonecutters Island comprise another 33 square miles. The New Territories, which consist of part of the mainland and more than 230 islands, have a total area of 3653 square miles.
Hong Kong is part of a series of intruded domes of granitic rocks which cover south-east China. There are only small areas of sedimentary rocks in the Colony. The age relationships of the major groups of rocks are associated with the intrusions and moun- tain building of the Jurassic, Laramide and Alpine revolutions. These intrusions made the conditions favourable for the formation of minerals of some importance. Galena, silver, wolframite, molyb- denite, pyrite, magnetite, hematite, cassiterite, gold, sphalerite, graphite, fluorspar, quartz, beryl, felspar and kaolinite have all
been found. The general structure of the region is that of a plunging monocline which strikes north-east to south-west and is parallel in trend with the China coast. Its axis passes almost exactly through the centre of Hong Kong and is marked by a depression which is the Tolo Channel. The area consists of many rugged and irregular islands with deeply dissected peninsulas. The general appearance is that of an upland terrain which the sea has invaded. The uplands and mountains are eroded remnants of rock formations. Weathering is almost entirely caused by chemical action, helped by the alter- nation of wet and dry seasons. As a result decay to a laterized rock mantle is common, often to depths of more than 100 feet.
The highest peaks and the most prominent ranges of hills are composed of either porphyries or volcanics. These are in contrast to the granite hills which generally occur at lower elevations but have well-etched peaks and sharp ridge lines. The plains are all recent alluvial deposits. Erosion benches can be found marking former sea levels up to 400 feet or more, which demonstrate the rise and fall of the whole region within recent geological times. Borings in the harbour have revealed submerged weathered rock surfaces overlain by peat deposits. The highest peaks, such as Lantau, Sunset and Tai Mo Shan, are all about 3,000 feet high and are composed of resistant, fine-grained crystalline rocks. By contrast the Kowloon Hills are composed of coarse-grained granite and have lower elevations, varying from 800 to 1,200 feet. The age of this granite has recently been determined by the Rubidium- Strontium method as approximately 134 million years. Thus it belongs to the Upper Jurassic (Portlandian) period. The age of the 20-mile ring dyke of Maryknoll dolerite has been determined as from 57 to 69 million years (Kulp geological scale) and is Lower Cenozoic (Eocene). Only the soil of the flat agricultural alluvial districts around Yuen Long in the Deep Bay area has any depth. Elsewhere in the Colony the soil cover is usually thin, sometimes no more than two or three inches. In general the natural residual soils are acid and of low fertility, needing the addition of lime, potash and superphosphates. The predominating crystalline char- acter of the rock formations makes them unsuitable as aquifers for underground storage and this makes it necessary to concentrate on the collection of surface water for water supplies. The highly variable and erratic rainfall regime of the area alone accounts for many of
the water shortages. In 1963, for instance, the total rainfall was only 35.48 inches, compared with the yearly average of 85 inches. In order to husband and conserve water reserves it was necessary to apply restrictions on its use during dry seasons for some part of every year between 1934 and 1964. A programme of reservoir construction has raised storage capacity to 16,816 million gallons and on 1st March 1965, Hong Kong began receiving water from the East River under a new agreement with China. Under this agreement the Colony receives 15,000 million gallons annually.
Hong Kong lies in the frost-free double cropping rice zone of East Asia. Market garden cropping, including the cultivation of cut-flowers for the urban and suburban markets, is becoming increasingly important. Vegetables are grown throughout the year, but most particularly during the cooler months which form the main vegetable season. During the last 10 years there has been a significant change in farming. The area of land under two-crop rice has decreased by about 60 per cent while intensive market gardening has increased approximately 34 times. The upland areas, which are predominantly grass covered and in several places severely eroded, tend to have highly leached acid soils. Land utilization of these areas is principally through afforestation, vigorously pursued since 1945.
Although Hong Kong lies within the tropics it enjoys a variety of weather from season to season unusual for tropical countries. The winter monsoon blows from the north or north-east and normally begins during September. It prevails from October until mid-March but can persist until May. Early winter is the most pleasant time of the year when the weather is generally dry and sunny. After the New Year there is often more cloud and although rainfall remains slight it is liable to be fairly persistent. Coastal fog and drizzle occur from time to time in early spring-during breaks in the monsoon-when warm south-easterly winds may temporarily displace the cool north-easterlies.
The summer monsoon blows from the south or south-west and although it can occur from mid-April until September it is not as persistent as the north-east monsoon of winter. Summer is the rainy season and is almost continuously hot and humid. The annual
rainfall measured at the Royal Observatory has varied between 901.1 mm (35.48 inches) in 1963 and 3040.7 mm (119.71 inches) in 1889, but the mean value is 2168.8 mm (85.39 inches). On average the six dry months from October to March yield only about one seventh of the year's total rainfall. There is a marked diurnal variation of rainfall in summer, with a maximum in the morning, and there are appreciable differences in the rainfall in different parts of the Colony. The wettest areas are the mountainous regions around Tai Mo Shan and on Lantau Island.
The mean daily temperature ranges from about 15°C in February to about 28°C in July and the average for the year is 22°C. February is normally the coldest month and July the hottest. The absolute minimum and maximum temperatures ever recorded at the Royal Observatory were 0.0°C and 36.1°C respectively. However, greater extremes may occur in the New Territories where ice occasionally forms on high ground. Afternoon temperatures are usually about 5°C higher than those during the coldest part of the night. The mean relative humidity exceeds 80 per cent from mid-February until early September. November is the least humid month with a mean relative humidity of 69 per cent, but the lowest reading of 10 per cent was recorded in January. The average daily duration of bright sunshine ranges from three hours in March to over seven hours in mid-July and late October.
Gales caused by tropical cyclones may be expected in any of the months from May to November, but are most likely from July to September. The passage of these cyclones several times a year at varying distances from Hong Kong brings spells of bad weather with strong winds and heavy rain. Gales are experienced once a year on average, and less frequently the centre of a mature typhoon passes sufficiently close to the Colony to produce winds of hurricane force when damage and loss of life may occur.
The Royal Observatory is the sole source of meteorological information in the Colony and also forms part of a world-wide network of meteorological services. Weather forecasts and informa- tion are supplied by a central forecast office. Meteorological obser- vations are made at the observatory itself in Kowloon, at the airport
and at six other points throughout the Colony. Upper air soundings of the atmosphere are made at the King's Park meteorological station, where balloons carrying special reflectors are released every six hours and tracked by windfinding radar. One balloon each day carries a radiosonde transmitter which sends back by radio the pressure, temperature and humidity readings at all levels through which the balloon ascends. The observatory maintains the densest network of rain-gauges in South-East Asia, operated by government employees and voluntary observers.
At the airport the pilots of aircraft leaving Hong Kong are briefed and provided with written forecasts. Information is also exchanged with other weather centres and radioed to aircraft in flight. Special weather bulletins are broadcast for shipping and also for local yachtsmen and fishermen. About 60 ships are provided with instruments by the observatory and close liaison is maintained with all ships that visit Hong Kong to assist them to transmit regular and accurate weather reports. These observations are plotted and analysed at the Royal Observatory and also broadcast to other centres. After being checked against the original entries in the ships' log books, the observations are recorded on punched cards for climatological purposes.
One of the most important functions of the central forecast office is to issue warnings of tropical cyclones. Whenever a tropical depression, tropical storm or typhoon is located within the region bounded by latitudes 10°-30° north and longitudes 105°-125° east, six-hourly and often three-hourly non-local warnings are issued. These provide information on the storm's intensity and expected development, the position and movement of its centre and the forecast position for 24 hours ahead. Reliable reports from ships and reconnaissance aircraft, and cloud pictures received at the observatory from meteorological satellites, help to locate the storm accurately. When the Colony itself is threatened, the local storm warning system is brought into use and warnings are widely dis- tributed by means of visual signals, telephone, radio and Rediffu- sion. Statements and announcements about necessary precautions are also broadcast at frequent intervals when gale signals are hoisted. The observatory's weather radar station at Tate's Cairn is equipped with a 3 cm radar for the detection of showers and local rainstorms. A new 10 cm radar, capable of detecting tropical
disturbance up to 240 miles away from Hong Kong, was installed at the station during August.
Beginning from September this year, the observatory used a new crystal-controlled timing system to provide time signals for ships, aircraft and the public, accurate to within 0.05 seconds. Time signals are broadcast every quarter of an hour on a frequency of 95 MHz (frequency modulated) and can be intercepted by a domes- tic FM receiver. In addition, visual time signals are flashed from the observatory during the hours of darkness by three white lights at times coinciding with the times of broadcast. The observatory operates 12 seismometers, distributes weekly and monthly reports of earthquakes and also participates in the Pacific tidal wave warn- ing service. Hong Kong lies some distance from the circum-Pacific seismic belt and serious earthquakes are unknown. However, a few tremors have been felt by people in favourable locations every year. Four such tremors occurred in 1966.
The general level of atmospheric radioactivity in the Colony is monitored at King's Park, where routine measurements of the 'Beta' and 'Gamma' activities of fallout, airborne particles near the ground, rainfall and ordinary tap water are carried out. The observatory acts in an advisory capacity in the planning of a great many projects that may be affected by meteorological conditions, and publishes numerous reports, bulletins and papers on meteorological and geo- physical observations and research activities.
Numerous minor investigations of a climatological and statistical nature were completed during the year for aviation and local engineering interests or for use within the department. A detailed analysis of the occurrence of various rainfall amounts was completed with the aid of an electronic computer installed at the University of Hong Kong. The results were included in a Report on the Maxi- mum Probable Rainfall over Hong Kong, which was prepared to meet the planning and design requirements for new reservoirs. The study of the spectrum of turbulence in typhoon winds and the structure of the tropopause in the eye of a tropical cyclone con- tinued. An investigation into the effects of strong winds on the different types of rain-gauges used in the Colony was started, and
the problem of air pollution by sulphur dioxide was also investigat- ed. Research on methods of forecasting the movement of typhoons made good progress during the year.
Although several weather records were broken during 1966, the year will probably be remembered chiefly for the severe rainstorm in June, which caused the most disastrous floods and landslides ever experienced in Hong Kong. Rainfall was well above normal, but the autumn was the driest on record. Total rainfall from 1st September to 31st December was only 49.4 mm (1.94 inches) compared with a normal 446 mm (17.56 inches). The year began with very warm weather; above normal temperatures were recorded on 99 out of the first 120 days. The strong monsoon signal was hoisted for several hours in February and there were strong winds at Waglan Island and in exposed places. The winter monsoon was frequently interrupted in March, and Hong Kong saw extensive sea fog in the harbour areas in the mornings of the 2nd and 6th, and again on the 14th, 15th and 17th. Four surges of cold air affected the Colony during the month but only two produced an appreciable fall in temperature. The strong monsoon signal was hoisted on 18th and 19th March, and strong winds prevailed in exposed places and over the Colony waters.
April was unusually wet, with more than twice the normal rainfall for the month. On 4th April a heavy thunderstorm brought 190.2 mm (7.49 inches) of rain to the Colony between 6 p.m. and midnight. This figure represents the highest rainfall ever recorded in any April day in Hong Kong. May was dry and sunny and the mean dew point and mean relative humidity were the lowest ever recorded for the month. Although the passage of a trough of low pressure on 16th May brought 91.1 mm (3.59 inches) of rain, the total rainfall for the month was less than half the normal amount. Severe tropical storm Judy developed over the southern part of the China Sea on 25th May. It moved northwards at first but recurved towards north-east after reaching a position about 150 miles south-east of Hong Kong, and did not cause strong winds over the Colony.
In June an active trough of low pressure persisted for an ex- ceptionally long period along the south China coast and as a result,
The Rainstorm
Between 6.30 and 7.30 on the morning of Sunday, 12th June, Hong Kong awoke to a downpour the likes of which it had never before experienced. During that one hour, 6.18 inches of rain fell on the fishing port of Aberdeen. Radiating in concentric ovals from this point, rainfall figures of lesser, but equally unprecedented intensity were recorded over most of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon, together with large tracts of the adjoining New Territories. It was the peak of a nightmare that lasted for the whole of Sunday and for several days to come. In the 24 hours ending at noon on Sunday, 15.80 inches of rain were recorded at the Royal Observatory; the highest ever daily rainfall for June and equal to the normal amount of rainfall for the whole month. Persistent heavy cloud and intermittent rain lingered more than a week, threatening further tragedy to a populace still counting
their losses and taking stock of the damage.
The floods and landslides that resulted from these rains left 64 dead and more than 2,500 homeless. Blocked and washed out roads seriously disrupted communi- cations and isolated a number of areas, including the Peak District. In the after- math of this horror, people from all walks" of life joined forces for the formidable task of clearing the mud and debris.
Helicopters ferried supplies to isolated areas, emergency transit camps were established, and a to which
G Pre-contributed with unstint-
Prelief fund was launched
ing generosity. The scars left by the most disastrous rains Hong Kong has ever experienced still disfigure the green slopes above Victoria City.
Left: In the raging torrent of Ming Yuen Street, a quick-witted rescuer averts possible tragedy. Above: Queen's Road East strewn with wrecked cars. Below: Commuters in King's Road walk to work, many of them on essential duties.
Left: A tangled heap of motor vehicles in Ming Yuen Street. Above: Landslide in Peak Road at Magazine Gap, one of many which isolated Peak dwellers. Below: Victoria Heights flats on Stubbs Road undermined by tons of earth.
Left: Cooked meals for flood victims at North Point Transit Camp. Above: A heli- copter of the Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force lifts emergency supplies to isolated areas. Below: The clean-up begins in conduits and, overleaf, blocked roads.
rain was recorded on every day during the first half of the month. The daily total was well above an inch for several consecutive days during this period and the downpour reached its maximum on 12th June, when continuous violent thunderstorms and showers caused landslides, flooding and considerable damage. In the 24 hours ending at noon on the 12th, a total of 401.2 mm (15.80 inches) of rain was recorded at the Royal Observatory; the highest daily rainfall for June and equal to the normal amount of rainfall for the whole month. The maximum fall on that day, however, occurred near Aberdeen on Hong Kong Island, where 157.0 mm (6.18 inches) was recorded in the hour between 6.30 and 7.30 a.m.
In July three tropical cyclones passed sufficiently close to neces- sitate the hoisting of local storm signals. They were severe tropical storms Lola, Mamie and Ora. Lola formed about 460 miles south- east of Hong Kong on 12th July and moved steadily north-west- wards. It was closest to Hong Kong during the evening of 13th July when the centre passed about 10 miles south of Aberdeen. Gale force winds were experienced in all parts of the Colony with a maximum gust of 82 knots recorded at the observatory. A total of 160.0 mm (6.30 inches) of rain was recorded during the passage of this storm. Following almost immediately after Lola, severe tropical storm Mamie passed about 55 miles south-east of Hong Kong on the 17th, with a west-north-westerly track. The circulation of the storm was, however, relatively small and gales were experi- enced over the Colony for only a relatively short period. Ora was an exceptionally large storm and formed about 390 miles south of Hong Kong on the 24th. Moving on a north-westerly course, it passed about 210 miles west-south-west of the Colony on the 26th, producing strong winds and frequent squally showers.
August was hot and dry, with the lowest mean cloud amount ever recorded for the month. Measurable rain was recorded on only nine days and the monthly rainfall was significantly below average. Severe tropical storm Susan formed about 360 miles south-east of Hong Kong on 12th August and moved slowly north-north-west. However, it turned to a more easterly direction on the 15th and did not affect the Colony. There were heavy showers and thunder- storms on 18th August when 125.9 mm (4.96 inches) of rain were recorded, but the weather improved towards the end of the month.
September was exceptionally hot and dry, with the lowest mean relative humidity and the most sunshine of any September on record. Although 10 tropical storms were reported in the Western Pacific, only one threatened Hong Kong. Tropical storm Elsie developed early on 12th September about 390 miles south-east of Hong Kong and local storm signal No 1 was hoisted that afternoon. Elsie intensified to a typhoon on the 14th near Pratas Island and then recurved and moved north-eastwards across South Taiwan on the 16th. Winds freshened but never became strong in Hong Kong and there was only a trace of rain.
The generally fine weather continued throughout October, and although four tropical cyclones were reported in the Western Pacific none affected Hong Kong. During November there were traces of rain on several nights but the total rainfall was well below normal. Surges of the winter monsoon occurred on 19th, 25th and 30th November and the strong monsoon signal, the black ball, was hoisted on each occasion. There was some unseasonably warm humid weather between 15th and 20th December, when the relative humidity reached a maximum of 98 per cent, and the temperature 26.4°C, but a surge of the north-east monsoon late on the 25th caused the temperature to fall sharply to a minimum of 8.2°C on the 28th. A climatological summary of the year will be found in Appendix XL.
THE total estimated population of the Colony at the end of 1966 was 3,785,300. About 98 per cent could be described as Chinese on the basis of language and place of origin. This estimate is based on the population censuses taken in 1961 and 1966, subsequently adjusted for births, deaths and migration.
The population, from about 600,000 at the end of the Japanese occupation, grew rapidly and at the 1961 census was 3,133,131, including 3,483 transients. The 1966 census showed the total pop- ulation to be 3,716,400, including 3,787 transients. This indicated that the half-yearly estimates of population between these two censuses had been too high and the estimated population at the end of 1965 had to be revised from 3,823,200 down to 3,722,600. During 1966 the population increased by 62,700 to reach the estimated total of 3,785,300. This increase is made up of 77,200 excess of births over deaths, offset by an outward balance of migra- tion estimated at 14,400.
Urban Population. At the time of the 1966 census, 31,405 persons, excluding transients, claimed to originate from Commonwealth countries outside Hong Kong. Of these, 26,065 resided in the urban area. According to information provided by the Aliens' Registration Office for non-Chinese alien residents (excluding visitors staying for periods of less than three months and children under 16 years old) the figure at the end of 1966 was 14,523. The largest groups were: American 4,581, Japanese 2,093, Portuguese 2,031, German 566, Dutch 552, French 482, Italian 424.
Approximately 52 per cent of the urban population is now of Hong Kong birth. Most of these and the greater part of the im- migrant population originate from Kwangtung province. The urban Chinese population also includes a Fukien community and overseas Chinese whose families originally came from Kwangtung and Fukien. New Territories. Cantonese, Hakka, Tanka and Hoklo are the indigenous population of the New Territories. The Cantonese and
Hakka groups are traditionally land-dwellers whereas the Tanka and Hoklo groups are traditionally boat-dwellers. These people are different from each other in physical appearance, dress and customs. The usual village community consists of a single clan, but two and three clan villages are common and multi-clan villages also occur. By custom, men are compelled to marry outside their own clan, but as far as is known no intermarriage occurs between land and boat-dwellers.
The Cantonese form the biggest community in the New Terri- tories. They occupy the best parts of the two principal plains in the north-western section of the New Territories and own a good deal of the most fertile valley land in other areas. The oldest Cantonese villages-those of the Tang clan in the Yuen Long District-have a history of continuous settlement dating to the late eleventh century, others date back to the late thirteenth century.
The Hakka people (their name means 'strangers') began to enter this region at about the same time as the first Cantonese, or possibly even before. The latter were, however, the more successful settlers and in areas where both groups live side by side the Hakka are now always found upstream, along foothills, and generally on poorer land. The balance was later restored by heavy immigration, and relations between Hakka and Cantonese, which have endured periods of strife, are now peaceful. Intermarriage is not uncommon and the two groups share some villages. The Tanka people have been in the region since time unknown and are the principal seafaring people of South China, owning large sea-going junks and engaging in deep-sea fishing. They speak their own distinctive dialect of Cantonese. During the last five years, young men and women of this community have begun to take factory jobs, and about 25,000 people of Tanka origin are believed to be now living ashore. The Hoklo people, like the Tanka, have been in the area since time unknown. They too are boat-dwellers but are less numerous than the Tanka and are mostly found in eastern waters. In some places, they have lived ashore for several generations. The influx of people into the New Territories from China in recent years has been so great that only in the Sai Kung District is the truly indigenous population still in the majority. The newcomers are mostly from Kwangtung province.
A mid-term census was taken in the summer of 1966. The boat people were counted between 18th and 22nd June and the remainder of the population between 19th July and 2nd August. The first results show a 20 per cent reduction in the marine population and a considerable slowing down of the rate of increase of the land population.
The registration of births and deaths is compulsory, and facilities for registration are provided throughout the Colony. The General Register Office is situated at Li Po Chun Chambers, Connaught Road Central, Victoria, where all records of births and deaths are maintained. Sub-registries have been established in all main urban and rural districts, while in outlying areas and islands, births are registered at rural committee offices by visiting district registrars and deaths are registered at local police stations.
The statutory period during which a birth should be registered, and is registered without fee, is 42 days from the date of birth. Between the end of the 42-day period and the expiration of one year from the date of birth, the birth may be registered upon payment of a fee of $2. During the year, 92,476 live births and 18,700 deaths were registered, compared with 102,195 and 17,621 respectively in 1965. These figures, when adjusted for under- registration, give a natural increase in population for 1966 of 77,200. Only 67 illegitimate children were registered without the name of the father in the birth entry.
A birth which has not been registered within one year after the date of birth may be post-registered with the consent of the Registrar and on payment of a fee of $15. During the year 2,619 such births were post-registered. Most of these were adults and older children born in the New Territories, where facilities for registration were not available until 1932. The New Territories cases are dealt with at local sub-registries or by mobile registration teams. There were also several hundred post-registrations of births in the urban areas, many being in respect of births in the war years, when there was no registration of births. All applications for post-registration are passed to a legal officer in the Registrar General's Department for final approval.
All marriages, except non-Christian customary marriages, are governed by the Marriage Ordinance. Under this, notice of an intended marriage must be given to the Registrar at least 15 clear days before the date of the marriage. The Registrar has discretion to reduce the period of notice in special circumstances, and the Governor has power to grant a special licence dispensing with notice altogether, but this is done very rarely and then only in the most exceptional circumstances. Marriages may take place either at places of public worship licensed for the celebration of marriages or at any of the nine full-time marriage registries and four part-time sub-registries located in the main urban districts and rural centres. During the year 15,435 marriages were performed in the registries and 1,835 at licensed places of worship. The total was 2,379 more than in 1965. All marriage records are maintained at the principal marriage registry at the City Hall.
The Marriage Ordinance does not apply to non-Christian cus- tomary marriages duly celebrated according to the personal law and religion of the parties, and such marriages do not require to be registered. No statistics of such marriages are therefore available, but it is thought that there are still as many unregistered marriages taking place each year as there are registered marriages. The position with respect to unregistered marriages has long been recognized as being very unsatisfactory, and the government is now actively considering proposals for new legislation to deal with this matter.
Natural History
It is easy for a visitor to miss the delights of Hong Kong's country- side, so overpowering is the impact of its city life. Even residents can forget, under the pressure of their daily lives, that on their doorsteps lie peaceful farming areas, empty hills or quiet woodland walks. Areas of special interest to naturalists and biologists are the water catchments, notably those of Tai Tam, Kowloon and Jubilee reservoirs, the hills of Lantau and Lamma Islands and the Sai Kung peninsula. In these areas are many miles of interesting walks through tropical and subtropical vegetation, and here as elsewhere in the Colony there is a surprising amount of wild life.
Due to rapid urbanization and, what is more serious, an increase in illegal hunting and trapping, many wild mammals are sharply declining in numbers. If the present rate of decline remains un- checked, it is expected that the larger mammals will all have disap- peared from the Colony within the next five years. The government is considering ways and means of best conserving the remaining indigenous species, many of which are of great scientific interest. Of the larger mammals, it is still possible to encounter Barking Deer on Hong Kong Island and at night to hear their coarse bark, but elsewhere in the Colony they are now exceedingly rare. These small, rather secretive, golden brown deer stand about 30 inches high, and the males, unlike other deer, have simple antlers born on fur covered pedicels. Wild Boar have all but disappeared from the Colony, as have the South China Red Fox, Five-Banded Civet and the Otter, all recorded only once or twice during the last three
Mammals which no longer occur here, but did so until fairly recently, are the Crab-eating Mongoose, Rhesus Monkey, Wild Red Dog or Dhole, Tiger and Leopard. Reports of a tiger in the
Shing Mun area in 1965 were in all probability a false alarm. Foot- prints were certainly found but are believed to have been counterfeit. The damage allegedly done by this 'tiger' was later traced to a feral dog. The last definite record of a large feline in the Colony was in 1957, when a leopard was seen in the New Territories. Long-tailed or Crab-eating Macaques, a sub-species of those found in Singapore, occur in small numbers in the Kowloon reservoir area and can often be seen near the Kowloon-Taipo Road and at Pipers Hill. These are probably descendants of escaped or released individuals. The indigenous Rhesus Macaques which were present on Hong Kong Island and in the New Territories have now apparently disappeared.
The Chinese Pangolin or Scaly Anteater, although nowhere abundant, is still found in the remoter regions. Other unusual mammals which remain extant are the Chinese Ferret Badger, Masked Palm Civet and Seven-Banded Civet. Of the rodents, the Chinese Porcupine deserves to be mentioned. Reaching four feet in length, it has striking black and white quills, and is still present on Hong Kong Island and in some places in the New Territories. Smaller mammals include eight species of rats and mice, two of shrews and at least 16 species of bats, among which is the Dog-faced Fruit Bat, which roosts under Chinese Fan Palms.
Cetaceans so far recorded from within or near Hong Kong waters are the Common Rorqual or Finback Whale, Pygmy Sperm Whale, Black Finless Porpoise and Common Dolphin.
There is ample opportunity in Hong Kong for either serious study or simple enjoyment of the Colony's bird life. Including both resident and migratory birds, nearly 350 species in more than 60 different families have so far been recorded in the Colony. They provide considerable variety of form and occur in a wide range of habitats. Some of the families represented are those containing the Grebes, Bitterns and Herons, Ducks and Geese, Hawks and Eagles, Falcons, Crakes and Rails, Plovers and other waders, Snipe and Sandpipers, Gulls and Terns, Doves, Cuckoos, Owls, Nightjars, Swifts, Kingfishers, Swallows and Martins, Shrikes, Drongos, Starlings and Mynahs, Crows, Cuckoo-shrikes and Minivets, Bulbuls, Babblers, Flycatchers, Warblers, Thrushes, Pipits and Wagtails, Finches and Buntings, and Sparrows and Munias.
Snakes, lizards and frogs are well represented in Hong Kong. There are also various species of terrapins and turtles. The large marine Green Turtle, although seldom seen, does come in small numbers each year to breed on remote beaches. Most of the snakes are non-poisonous and death from snake bite is extremely rare. Apart from the rear-fanged species, not dangerous to man, the venomous land snakes are the Banded Krait, Many-banded Krait, Macclelland's Coral Snake, Chinese Cobra, Hamadryad or King Cobra, Mountain Pit Viper and White-lipped Pit Viper or Bamboo Snake, the latter being bright green and, although less venomous than the others, more likely to attack if accidentally disturbed. Several species of sea snake, all venomous, are found in the waters around Hong Kong but fortunately do not attack bathers. A reptile of special interest found in the New Territories is Typhlops, a blind, burrowing 'snake' about six inches long and reddish brown in colour. This 'snake' may in fact be an aberrant lizard.
The most attractive insects are the butterflies, of which there are nearly 200 species. Often they may be seen congregating in hundreds around one tree or bush. Of the many moths, two are outstanding for their large size. These are the Atlas and Moon Moths, with wing-spans of nine and six inches respectively. The males of both species are smaller. Apart from butterflies and moths, there is a great abundance of insects, many of which are brilliantly coloured. On sandy paths, small conical depressions can be found. These are the pits of Ant Lions, and careful excavation will unearth the larva from the base of the pit, where it lies in wait for ants. The adults of several species of cicada emerge during spring and summer, children often collecting the larger ones (which are em- ployed in Chinese medicines) by using a long bamboo pole with sticky adhesive on the end. Only the male cicadas make the loud trilling noise.
Land molluscs of note are the Giant African Snail, measuring about five inches long, which was introduced and is now a con- siderable pest, and the large black slug Veronicella, which is sufficiently distinct from all other slugs to be placed in a separate family of its own. Another unusual mollusc to be found in Hong Kong is Oncidiella, a slug-like air-breathing form which has adapted itself to a life on rocky shores.
It is not possible to make any distinction between the trees of Hong Kong and those of neighbouring southern China. The prin- cipal trees in the Colony are pine, Chinese banyan and camphor. A large number of others have been added since the area came under British administration, the most common being casuarina, eucalyptus and flamboyant. The traditional Chinese belief that the disposition of buildings, graves, trees, water and mountains may affect a person's fortune and destiny has done much to preserve fine groves of trees, mostly camphor, banyans and clumps of bamboo around many farms and villages in the New Territories. Some of the mountain slopes, from a distance, seem bare of any plant covering except grass, but on closer observation it can be seen that the water courses are marked by narrow bands of low shrubby growth and scattered trees.
The principal locally-grown fruits include lychee, lung ngan, wong pei, loquat, pomelo, tangerine, banana, papaya, pineapple, custard apple, guava and Chinese varieties of plum and pear. The Portuguese originally introduced the papaya, the pineapple, the custard apple and the guava from South America some time after the foundation of Macau. The tangerine on the other hand is a native of South China which was introduced to the West in the 17th-Century when the Portuguese transplanted it to Tangier, then under their control.
The flora of the Colony is tropical, although at about the northern limit of tropical flora. Alternation between hot humid summers and cool dry winters causes tropical plants to lie dormant during winter and encourages the development of large flowers borne at definite seasons of the year. As a result of this a genus tends to produce a greater wealth of flowers of large size in Hong Kong than it does in other equatorial countries.
Hong Kong is famous for its great variety of flowering plants, many of which are exceptional for the beauty or fragrance of their blossoms. As might be expected most species flower during spring and early summer. Some are easy to place in their correct families- for example, the common wild Gordonia looks like, and is related to, the camellia, and the wild roses are unmistakably roses. But most are not so easy to name. They include a Magnolia, a Michelia
with large white flowers, a Rhodoleia with groups of rose-madder coloured petals surrounded by golden bracts, an Illicium with cherry pink flowers and star-shape fruits, and a Tutcheria with large camel- lia-like flowers, white tinged with gold bearing masses of tangerine orange stamens. This latter is a tall tree with glossy foliage, de- scribed as a distinct genus in 1908 in honour of W. J. Tutcher, for- mer Superintendent of the then Botanical and Forestry Department. A local Styrax with fragrant flowers is reminiscent of the Halesia, the American snowdrop tree. Six species of Rhododendron grow wild in the Colony. Of these the red one is extremely abundant, while another with large pale pink flowers is so rare that it is known to exist only on one shoulder of Victoria Peak. The heather family is represented by a very lovely Enkianthus which bears beautiful pink bells in early spring at the time of the Chinese New Year. Flowering at the same time is a Litsea, with small creamy white and exceedingly fragrant flowers borne in profusion on leafless branches.
The Bauhinia Blakeana, which grows on a medium-sized evergreen tree known as the Hong Kong Orchid Tree, is among the finest of the Bauhinia genus anywhere in the world and has been adopted as Hong Kong's floral emblem. Named after a former Governor, Sir Henry Blake, it was discovered in 1908 by the Fathers of the French Foreign Missions at Pok Fu Lam. Its origin is unknown and it is a sterile hybrid never producing seed. Another related species is Bauhinia glauca, climbing by means of tendrils, with bunches of pink flowers of sufficient beauty to merit cultivation as a covering for trellises and porches.
There are several species of camellia growing wild on the island and the mainland. All but one have white flowers; the one with red flowers is known only on Hong Kong Island and grows in the Peak district. It is Camellia Hongkongensis, a small tree up to 40 feet in height which comes into flower in November and continues until the middle of March. A new and distinct camellia was dis- covered in 1955 and named Camellia Granthamiana in honour of the then Governor, Sir Alexander Grantham. Only one tree has so far been found, on the edge of a wooded ravine near the Jubilee reservoir, bearing handsome white flowers 5 inches across, with a dense cluster of golden stamens in the centre. From this
solitary tree numerous seeds and grafts have been distributed to many botanical and horticultural institutions abroad.
Many local shrubs and a few herbs have very beautiful fruits in striking colours. The Ardisia, the Chloranthus and several wild hollies have brilliant red berries. The large orange-like fruits of Melodinus, the smaller fruits of Strychnos, the wild kamquat and the winged fruits of the gardenia are orange in colour. Numerous yellow fruits with elusive names abound the hillsides, one of which is the Maesa. There are many inconspicuous green fruits and berries, one of which is the Mussaenda or Buddha's Lamp. Many berries are black with a bluish waxy cuticle, but probably the only true blue is that of the Dichroa, a well-known medicinal plant. Several species of Callicarpa and Dianella bear purplish fruits, while those of the Raphiolepis, the so-called Hong Kong Hawthorn, the wild jasmine and the wild persimmon are black. The remarkable star-like fruit of the Sterculia turns crimson in late summer and splits open to disclose jet black seeds. At a distance, these open fruits look like large red flowers.
There are several very poisonous plants which should be better known to the general public. These include two species of Strychnos which have very brightly coloured fruits resembling small oranges, a species of Strophanthus which has conspicuous fruits unmistakable because of their large size and horn-like shape, and a species of Gelsemium which is the most poisonous of local plants. The latter is a climber with dense terminal clusters of yellow flowers each about half an inch in diameter, blooming towards the end of the year. All parts of the plant contain the alkaloid Gelsemidine, which is a spinal poison. It is said that as little as 12 grammes of leaf constitute a fatal dose and that death follows within a few hours. It is sometimes used by country people to commit suicide. Wild edible fruits include a wild jack-fruit, Artocarpus, the fruit of the rose-myrtle, wild bananas and raspberries. Several species of per- simmon are wild, but their fruits are too astringent to be eaten raw.
There are numerous plants which closely resemble their European relatives. Old Man's Beard, the common Clematis of English hedge- rows, has five close relatives in Hong Kong. There are four wild violets but they are scentless, like the English dog violet. The English honey-suckle has five relatives whose Cantonese name is kam ngan
fa (gold and silver flower) because of their change in colour from white to yellow.
More than 70 species of native orchids are recorded in the flora. Most of the epiphytic species possess small flowers which are not of particular interest to the horticulturist. Some of the ground orchids are very beautiful and have long been cultivated in other countries. Probably the best known of the local species is the Nun orchid, bearing flowers four inches across with white petals and a purple lip. Other noteworthy species are the white Susanna orchid, the yellow Buttercup orchid, the pink Bamboo orchid and the purple Lady's Slipper orchid.
There is a fine wild iris, Iris speculatrix, further south than any other true iris. Its violet flower, from 2 to three inches in diameter, is tinged with bright orange and blooms from the middle of March to the end of April. A wild lily, Lilium brownii, appears in June with its trumpet flowers up to seven inches in length, white and sometimes purple-streaked. A wild Crinum with long sword-like leaves and bunches of white flowers is found by the sea, and also the Belamcanda, one of the iris family, with red-dotted orange-yellow flowers. The Chinese Bell-flower, Platycodon, is very widely dis- tributed in eastern Asia, being abundant as far north as Manchuria and as far south as Hong Kong. This lovely violet giant harebell is common on grassy slopes on the south side of Hong Kong Island. It is a perennial plant with thick fleshy root stock valued for me- dicinal purposes and was introduced into cultivation in England as far back as the 17th-Century.
In damp ravines may be found the chirita, several begonias, a fragrant-leaved rush, stag's horn mosses, giant aroids, tree-ferns and countless kinds of smaller ferns, including maidenhair and the local Royal ferns. On hillsides, English bracken, a cosmopolitan plant, may be seen growing together with the so-called Hong Kong bracken, a Gleichenia, and a fragrant-leaved myrtle called Baeckea. Plants recorded for the first time in recent years were Gomphrena celosioides and Ambrosia maritima, found in Kowloon, and Andro- graphis paniculata and Cerastium triviale, found on Lantau Island.
The Hong Kong Herbarium, which provided the foundation for the work of Dunn and Tutcher's Flora of Kwangtung and Hong Kong, has been added to considerably since that book was produced
and at present over 30,000 specimens are preserved. Interest in local fauna and flora is fostered by The Hong Kong Natural History Society-founded in 1949 as The Hong Kong Biological Circle- whose aims are to '. . . . facilitate and encourage the study of natural history in general and in particular that of the Colony of Hong Kong'. The activities of this society include both indoor meetings and field outings. Another society is the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, founded in 1957 for the study of local bird life. This society holds approximately 12 field outings each year.
The Wild Birds and Wild Mammals Protection Ordinance 1954, provides for the conservation of all wild birds and various mammals now rare or in danger of becoming rare. It also prohibits the trapping or poisoning of any bird or mammal, except rodents. Game birds may be shot only in season. There are eight wild life sanctuaries, one of which is the whole of Hong Kong Island. Both game wardens and honorary game wardens are appointed by the Governor to assist in carrying out the provisions of this ordinance. By regula- tions made under the Forestry Ordinance, special protection is also given to certain plants including camellias, enkianthus, mag- nolias, orchids, and azaleas.
Hong Kong-'a barren island with hardly a house upon it'
Lord Palmerston 1841
ARCHAEOLOGICAL investigation has shown that Hong Kong was inhabited from primitive times, but it has failed to reveal evidence of the existence of any previous centre of population. All that it would be safe to conclude is that in the early migration of peoples along the Pacific coast, an island with a water supply and some cultivable land would naturally attract permanent or temporary settlement. Up to the nineteenth century Hong Kong remained sparsely populated. Small villages maintained themselves by fishing, by cultivation of the scanty soil available, and by casual preying on coastal shipping. The fishing ports of Shau Kei Wan and Shek Pai Wan (Aberdeen) were noted as the haunts of pirates from the time of the Mongol Dynasty.
The Kwangtung area of the Chinese mainland was first brought under the suzerainty of China between 221 and 214 BC, but even after its conquest by the Han Emperor Wu Ti in 111 BC, it remained for some centuries a frontier area. The Lei Cheng Uk Tomb, which was discovered in Kowloon in 1955, probably dates from before the Tang Dynasty (620-907) and is evidence of Chinese penetration, although Chinese migration on a large scale did not come until the Sung Dynasty (960-1279). The oldest villages in the New Territories, those belonging to the Tang Clan, have a continuous history dating back to the eleventh century, and other villages date from the Yuan Dynasty (1280-1368). Hakka and Cantonese, the two main Chinese groups, probably settled in the area over the same period.
In 1278, Ti Ping, the Sung Emperor, was driven by the invading Mongols to Kowloon and died there. A small hill crowned with a
prominent boulder bearing the characters Sung Wong Toi* (Sung Emperor Stone) was held sacred to his memory until the hill was demolished in 1943, during the Japanese occupation, to make room for an expansion of the airport. His brother, the last Sung boy Emperor, met with final defeat in an attempted stand in the New Territories and he and his ministers fled to Ngai Shan further south, but some of his followers found refuge in Lantau where their descendants are still to be found.
The maritime relations between China and the West were at first dominated by Arab and Near Eastern traders who formed a con- siderable community at Canton from the seventh century onwards, but Chinese traders also penetrated to the Indian Ocean from the eleventh century. The Portuguese formed the spear-head of European maritime contacts with China. Jorge Alvarez reached China by sea in 1513, the first European to do so; the earliest Portuguese traders followed in 1517 and 40 years later, in 1557, they established them- selves at Macau, partly in return for assistance in the suppression of piracy. For nearly 300 years, through many vicissitudes, and against the main current of Chinese official opinion which was not interested in commercial or cultural contacts, Macau provided the one reliable point of contact between China and the West.
The first Englishman to attempt to trade with China was John Weddell in 1637. He found Portuguese influence against him and tried to force his way up to Canton and not surprisingly his venture ended in complete failure. Later attempts were similarly unsuccessful, the first English ship to trade peaceably with the Chinese being the East India Company ship Macclesfield in 1699. The company sent ships to Canton each year thereafter, and in 1715 decided to establish permanent commercial relations and set up a 'factory', as it was known, outside the town. Attempts to extend the trade to Amoy, Ningpo and Tamsui failed and in 1757 trade with the West was confined to Canton by Imperial edict, and placed under the direct control of an Imperial official called the Hoppo. In addition, a guild of Chinese merchants called the Hong Merchants or Co-hong was given a monopoly of western trade by a similar edict in 1755. Many other European nations sent traders to Canton,
* The stone bearing these characters has now been erected in a small public
park near the original site.
but in the second half of the eighteenth century the British gradually secured a dominant share of the trade mainly as a result of growing control in India, and the lead in Sino-western relations therefore naturally fell to Britain.
The trade was lucrative and yet there were grievances. Residence at Canton was confined to the trading season and hedged with personal restrictions which confined the traders to the factory area, denied them access to the city and placed them in the hands of the Co-hong in their dealings with officials for the fixing of prices and the levying of port dues. The westerners were regarded as bar- barian, yet there was mutual trust which enabled written commercial contracts to be dispensed with.
The British made unavailing efforts to improve conditions at Canton by diplomatic means after appeals to the provincial officials there had failed. In 1793 Lord Macartney, fresh from his successful mission to Russia, was sent to Peking as ambassador, ostensibly to congratulate the Emperor, but chiefly to secure commercial concessions at Canton or else to acquire an island where the British could reside under their own law and government. He was hospitably received in Peking and created a favourable impression, but all his requests were refused. In 1816 a second embassy under Lord Amherst failed even more completely, Amherst being ordered to leave Peking without even seeing the Emperor.
The East India Company held a monopoly of British trade with China, but in the late eighteenth century the company began to concentrate on the valuable tea trade. At the same time licensed private traders engaged in what was termed the 'country trade' between India and China. By acting as representatives of foreign states these private traders overcame the reluctance of the company to allow them to reside in Canton and Macau. Thus an enlarged British community developed, strongly favouring the new free trade ideas then being discussed in England and clamouring for the abolition of the East India Company's now nominal monopoly. Abolition was, in fact, effected by Parliamentary action in 1833.
To replace the company's control, Lord Napier was sent out in 1834 as Chief Superintendent of Trade, with strict instructions to pursue a conciliatory policy towards the Chinese. But his position was weak, because he had no power to negotiate and no means of
controlling his compatriots. He went to Canton without seeking the required permit and tried to deal with the Canton officials direct, thus disobeying the rule that required all communications with the officials to be made through the Co-hong. After a few weeks of impasse Napier retired to Macau, a sick man, and died there 10 days later. Meanwhile official Chinese opinion was becom- ing alarmed over the financial and moral consequences of the increased popularity of opium smoking, which had led to opium becoming the staple of the trade with India despite a Chinese prohibition on its importation. After much debate among the Mandarin officials the Emperor appointed Lin Tse-hsu as Special Commissioner, with orders to stamp out the opium trade. Lin took strong action and within a week of his arrival at Canton, in March 1839, he had surrounded the foreign factories with an armed force. He allowed no Europeans to leave, stopped supplies of food and water, and demanded the surrender of all opium for destruction. All opium dealers and masters of ships arriving at the port were called on to sign a bond against the import of opium on pain of death.
Captain Charles Elliot, RN, who had become Superintendent of Trade in 1836, ordered his countrymen to surrender the opium, despite the fact that much of it was owned by firms in India for whom the local merchants were agents. But Elliot refused to allow anyone to sign the bond and, much to Lin's annoyance, all British trade was stopped until the British Government could decide its policy. After a siege of six weeks the British community were allowed to leave for Macau. Lin threatened to drive them from the coast and, when the Portuguese Governor warned Elliot that he could no longer be responsible for their safety, the whole British community took temporary refuge in the harbour at Hong Kong. The Chinese then attempted to prevent local supplies of food reaching the ships and after several incidents in and around Hong Kong waters the relations between Lin and Elliot broke down completely.
Lord Palmerston, the Foreign Secretary, supported by commer- cial interests in Parliament, decided that the time had come for a settlement in relations between Britain and China. He demanded either a commercial treaty which would put commercial relations on a satisfactory footing, or the cession of a small island where the
British community could live free from the pressure Lin had used. An expeditionary force arrived in June 1840 with orders to support these demands by enforcing measures against China's economy. Negotiations between Elliot, the British plenipotentiary, and Keshen, a Manchu commissioner who had replaced Lin after his exile in disgrace, resulted in agreement over the preliminaries of a treaty the Convention of Chuenpi-on 20th January 1841. By it, Hong Kong was to be ceded. The island was formally occupied by a naval party on the 26th January 1841, and a few days later Elliot proclaimed it a British Colony.
Neither side accepted the Chuenpi terms. The cession of an island aroused shame and anger among the Cantonese, and the strength of the war party at Court forced the Emperor to continue hostilities. The unfortunate Keshen was arrested and sent to Peking in chains. Palmerston was in any case dissatisfied with Hong Kong, which he contemptuously described as a 'barren island with hardly a house upon it', and refused to accept it as the island station which was to be demanded as an alternative to a commercial treaty. Elliot's successor, Sir Henry Pottinger, who arrived at Macau in August 1841, renewed hostilities with resolution and by the following August, when British troops were threatening to assault Nanking, brought the war to a close by the Treaty of Nanking. Under it Hong Kong was ceded to the British Crown, 'it being obviously necessary and desirable that British subjects should have some port whereat they may careen and refit their ships . . . .', and four additional ports on the mainland were opened to trade.
Pottinger visited Hong Kong Island during the winter of 1841-2 and found so much evidence of progress since its occupation that he determined to retain it in spite of Palmerston's strictures. In June 1843, after the Treaty had been ratified by both countries, Hong Kong was declared a British Colony, and the name 'Victoria' was conferred upon the settlement; the main thoroughfare on the northern side of the island facing the harbour was named 'Queen's Road'. Hong Kong was declared a free port and by the Supple- mentary Treaty of the Bogue in October 1843 the Chinese were
allowed free access to the island for purposes of trade. Indeed, British policy of welcoming all-comers to the Colony and of not seeking any exclusive commercial privileges accorded with the Colony's economic interests.
The early years of the infant Colony were marked by a series of misfortunes. In 1841 it was struck by two typhoons and the Chinese market area was burnt down twice. Virulent fever, probably malaria, decimated the Europeans and at one point troops were withdrawn to the safety of ships in the harbour, while build- ings in Happy Valley had to be abandoned. An early estimate put the local Chinese population at some 4,000, with a further 2,000 living afloat. The first report on population in June 1845 gave the total as 23,817, of whom 595 were Europeans and 362 Indians.
At first the Colony did not fulfil the sanguine hopes that had been formed and instead of becoming a great emporium, as had been predicted, trade developed between Britain and the new Treaty Ports direct, particularly Shanghai which was commercially more advantageously situated than Hong Kong. In 1847 a Parlia- mentary Committee of Enquiry into the China trade went so far as to express doubts that Hong Kong would ever develop into an important commercial centre and recommended economies in its administration.
Shortly after Hong Kong's foundation a great wave of Chinese emigration took place, mainly to South-East Asia and the countries bordering the Pacific. In 1849, when gold was discovered in California, there was a rush of Chinese to Kam Shan (Golden Mountains) which has remained the vernacular name for San Francisco. In 1851 there was a similar rush to Australia and San Kam Shan (New Golden Mountains) has remained the Chinese name for Sydney. In addition there was emigration of labour under contract to the sugar plantations of Central and Southern America. To check the many abuses connected with this migration the British Government passed the Chinese Passengers Act of 1852, prescribing reasonable standards of food, space and medical atten- tion. This tended to drive the coolie trade to other ports, but Hong Kong prospered as the centre of an important passenger traffic.
The Tai Ping Rebellion, which began in 1850 and spread over South China, created unsettled conditions on the mainland resulting in thousands seeking refuge in the Colony. By 1861 the population had risen to 119,321, of whom 116,335 were Chinese. This pattern was to be repeated and is significant among the factors which have made Hong Kong a predominantly Chinese community.
The Treaties of Tientsin at the conclusion of the Second Anglo- Chinese War of 1856-8, gave Britain and France the privilege of diplomatic representation at Peking. However, the first British envoy, Sir Frederick Bruce, who had served as Colonial Secretary in Hong Kong in 1844-5, was met by armed Chinese opposition at Taku Bar on his way to the Chinese capital. In the ensuing hostilities, Kowloon peninsula was occupied and used as a camp for the British forces and Sir Harry Parkes at Canton secured from the Viceroy there the perpetual lease of the peninsula as far as Boundary Street, including Stonecutters Island. The Con- vention of Peking, 1860, converted the lease into an outright cession.
The naval and military authorities claimed the whole of the newly acquired area and it was only after some four years of strenuous advocacy of the Colony's interests that the Governor, Sir Hercules Robinson, was able to confine the services to specified areas, subject to their right to occupy additional areas in case of military emergency. Under these circumstances the development of Kowloon as a residential area and commercial port was seriously hindered. Land values remained low and the necessary reclamations proceeded slowly because incentive was lacking. The development of Kowloon had to wait until population pressures of the twentieth century forced the pace.
By the Convention of Peking of 1898, negotiated with China because of rivalry between the western powers over concessions in China and because of fear of French and Russian ambitions in the Far East following the alliance of these two powers in 1893, Hong Kong's boundaries were again extended by a 99-year lease of the mainland north of Kowloon, together with some 235 islands in the vicinity. This extension soon acquired the name New Territories. The British take-over in April 1899 met with some
initial ill-organized armed opposition, but Sir Henry Blake based the administration on the maintenance of Chinese law and custom, in co-operation with village committees and headmen, and by extensive visits to the villages to explain his policy in person he was able to build up confidence. Steps were taken to improve economic conditions and check widespread malaria, so that the population of the New Territories has gradually increased from about 100,000 to nearly half a million as shown by the 1961 Census.
The history of Hong Kong is one of steady expansion in trade and population, and of consequent material and social improve- ments. The old traditional practice of European and Chinese com- munities living apart continued in Hong Kong and was accepted. Each pursued his own way of life largely independent of the other. Until the Chinese had more opportunities for western education there could be little Chinese participation in government, western commerce or the professions. There have been, however, Chinese members of the Legislative Council since 1880 (when Ng Choy, who was the first Chinese to be called to the English bar, was appointed) and of the Executive Council since 1926.
In education, the first grants from public funds were those given to the Chinese vernacular schools in 1847 and administered by an education committee. The earliest schools were founded by missionary bodies, who have received grants or subsidies since 1873 and have conducted their schools mainly on western lines. A demand for higher education and professional training followed and in 1887 the College of Medicine for the Chinese was founded by Dr Patrick Manson, Dr James Cantlie and Dr Ho Kai, with the assistance of the London Missionary Society. One of its first graduates was Sun Yat-sen, later to become the founder of the Chinese Republic.
Undoubtedly the main educational advance was the founding in 1911 of the University of Hong Kong, which took over the work of the Hong Kong College of Medicine and the Technical Institute as the basis of its faculties of medicine and engineering. The university was made possible by the enthusiasm of Sir Frederick Lugard, the Governor, and the generosity of Sir Hormusjee Mody
who met the entire cost of the main building. With the aid of subsequent benefactors and increasing government support the university has steadily developed traditions suited to its unique position as an English-speaking university in a Chinese environ- ment. It soon attracted students from the mainland and South- East Asia, and won for itself the loyalty of the local community.
The special needs of the Chinese population received early con- sideration. Originally it was intended to let them live under their own law administered by Chinese officials, but this idea was found to be impracticable and was abandoned. Instead, the ideal of equality for all races under the law became the guiding principle, and the revised Governor's Instructions of 1865 forbade him to agree to any ordinance 'whereby persons of African or Asiatic birth may be subjected to any disabilities or restrictions to which persons of European birth or descent are not also subjected.' The protection of Chinese interests was the duty of the Registrar- General, a post created in 1845. His responsibilities grew, com- mensurate with the influence of the Chinese community until, in 1913, his post was re-named Secretary for Chinese Affairs. The Tung Wah, a charitable Chinese institution founded in 1870 to run hospitals and generally care for the indigent Chinese, also became an important body representative of responsible Chinese opinion.
The Colony's earliest hospitals were run by missionary bodies, the first government medical officer being appointed in 1847 to treat prisoners in the gaol and the police. He opened a small make- shift hospital the following year which served until 1859 when a government civil hospital was opened. This was destroyed by the 1874 typhoon and adjoining buildings had to be requisitioned. On this site now stand the modern Tsan Yuk Maternity Hospital and the Sai Ying Pun Jockey Club Clinic. The Kowloon Govern- ment Hospital was opened in 1925 and the Queen Mary Hospital, one of the largest and most up-to-date in Asia, in 1937. Both these government hospitals have been eclipsed in size by the 1,384-bed Queen Elizabeth Hospital opened in Kowloon in 1963.
The entry of the Chinese into Hong Kong in large numbers was unforeseen and naturally little provision was made for it. A narrow strip of comparatively level ground along the foreshore was at first the only available land for building and Queen's Road approxi- mately follows the line of the original settlement. Expansion could
only take place on the slopes of the Peak-as for example Stanley Street, Wellington Street and Caine Road, once a very fashionable area-or by reclamation from the sea. By 1880 the city, particularly its Chinese quarters in Tai Ping Shan, Sai Ying Pun and Wan Chai, had become seriously over-crowded and insanitary. It was this which led to the development of the Peak as a residential area, particularly after 1888 when the Peak Tramway was built.
As a result of complaints from the military about the sanitary condition of Hong Kong, Osbert Chadwick, a sanitary engineer, was sent out by the home government. A Sanitary Board was set up in 1883 to which nominated unofficials were added in 1886 and two elected representatives of the ratepayers in 1887. It could bring about little improvement because of Chinese opposition to western ideas of sanitation and to any interference with their way of life. There was also opposition to the cost of sanitary improve- ments on the part of the community, already burdened by a costly programme of public works and by defence expenditure at a time. when the dollar was falling in value. The result of this neglect was an outbreak of the plague in 1894. Two Japanese doctors who came to investigate, Professor Vitasato and Dr Aoyama, claimed to be the first to isolate the plague bacillus and to demonstrate that it was carried by rats. Even then there was considerable opposition to house-cleansing and measures against rat-infestation, and annual visitations of the plague continued until about 1927. The Sanitary Board continued until 1935, when its functions were broadened and taken over by an Urban Council.
The earliest reclamation was the filling of a small creek in 1851, to make what is now Bonham Strand. Bowrington (1859) and Kennedy Town (1877) were built partly on reclaimed land. The most important reclamation was that in the central district, begun in 1890 and completed in 1904, which added Chater Road, Connaught Road and Des Voeux Road to the city. Large reclama- tions were made in the Wan Chai area in the years 1921-9.
Increasing urbanization led also to the problem of water, and the start of a century-long race between water supply and popula- tion demand. Prior to 1941 successive water schemes were inaugu- rated at Pok Fu Lam (1864), Tai Tam (1889), Wong Nai Chung (1899), Tai Tam Tuk (1917) and the Jubilee reservoir in the Shing
The Many Colours
of a Country Walk
Hong Kong's country paths are fired with the colours of nearly 200 species of butterfly. Few other areas in the world of comparable size would rival Hong Kong for the sheer variety of shapes, sizes and colours which these species encompass. Certain of these butterflies, which belong to nine families, are restricted in their habits and many of the rarer ones live in or near woods. But most are widely dispersed throughout the Colony and are commonly found near sunlit streams and flowering trees and shrubs, including the attractive Lantana bush.
Among the largest and most brightly coloured of Hong Kong butterflies are the distinctively tropical swallowtails, some of which have tails so long that they can be mistaken, at a distance, for dragonflies. The butterflies which appear on these pages are shown natural size and are designed to provide some impression of the rich diversity of species found here, but they serve as no more than a brief introduction to this fascinating and rewarding field of study.
PAPILIONIDAE (The Swallowtails) Represented in Hong Kong by 16 species, three or four of which accurately mimic other species that are distasteful to predatory birds. Most of the swallowtails are strong fliers and delight in the sunshine and the nectar from Lantana blossom. Illustrated are: (1) Papilio memnon agenor form alcanor. (2) Papilio xuthus. (3) Lamproptera curius walkeri, in flight, and sometimes at rest, this butterfly's wings vibrate so rapidly as to resemble a dragonfly.
LYCAENIDAE (The blues and hair- streaks) Represented in Hong Kong by approximately 40 different species. Illus- trated are: (4) Narathura centaurus centaurus (extremely rare). (5) Nara- thura birmana birmana (rare). (6) Jamides celeno agnata (extremely rare). (7) Iraota timoleon timoleon (fairly common). (8) Duoderix epijarbas mene- sicles (fairly common in certain areas).
PIERIDAE (The Whites and Yellows) Represented in Hong Kong by 17 species whose basic colours are generally white or yellow. This family are rather difficult to observe or capture due to their high and fast flight characteristics. Several of the species, however, do fly rather more slowly and closer to the ground. Illustrated are: (9) Hebomoia glaucippe glaucippe (Common, high and fast flight). (10) Ixias pyrene pyrene (Fairly common in certain areas). (11) Dercas verhuelli verhuelli form verhuelli (Common in certain areas, several forms
exist which apparently inter- breed indiscriminately). The larvae of this species are long and smooth or slightly hairy and green in colour..
pers) Represented in Hong Kong by upward of 45 species, this family differs from the 'normal' butterflies
and is thought to be a sub- order (Grypocera) equal to the butterflies and moths. Differences are seen in the antennae, and in some the extremely fast and erratic flight; others fly only at dawn and dusk. Illustrated are: (12) Udaspes folus (Fairly common, throughout the Colony). (13) Bibasis gomata gomata (Common to certain areas but normally found flying only at dusk).
NYMPHALIDAE Represented in Hong Kong by 36 species, this large and colourful family often show a marked difference in their underside markings between the dry and wet season forms. Illustrated are: (14) Euthalia phemius seitzi (Rather scarce and local, the underside of this butterfly shown at 15 reveals the delicate markings underneath). (15) Euthalia phemius seitzi (underside) (16) Precis almana almana (Common throughout the Colony). (17) Precis hierta hierta (Common to certain areas, where it favours settling on flat ground
with its wings outstretched). The larvae of this species often have branched spines and live gregariously, feeding on many species of plants.
DANAIDAE Represented in Hong Kong by 12 species, this interesting family has an extremely tough body structure. The insect is quite capable of flight even after severe crushing by a pred- ator. The body fluids are unpalatable and other species mimic their pattern and colouration to avoid attack. (18) Danaus chrysippus chrysippus. (Not common).
Mun Valley in 1935, named in honour of the silver jubilee of King George V's reign.
The Chinese Revolution of 1911 overthrew the Manchu Dynasty. There followed a long period of unrest in China and again large numbers of refugees found shelter in the Colony. One of its leaders, Sun Yat-sen, who headed the Kuomintang republican group centred in Canton, had been deeply influenced by the British institutions he had seen while a student in Hong Kong. Chinese participation in the first world war was followed by strong nationalist and anti- foreign sentiment, inspired both by disappointment over their failure at the Versailles peace conference to regain the German concessions in Shantung and by the post-war radicalism of the Kuomintang. The Chinese wanted to abolish all foreign treaty privileges in China. Foreign goods were boycotted and unrest spread to Hong Kong where a seamen's strike in 1922 was followed by a serious general strike in 1925-6 under pressure from Canton. This petered out, but not before considerable disruption of the life of the Colony. Britain, as the holder of the largest foreign stake in China, was the main target of this anti-foreign sentiment, but Japan soon replaced her in this position.
Japanese plans for political aggrandizement in the Far East became apparent when she seized the opportunity of the first world war to present her 'twenty one demands' to China early in 1915. In 1931 Japan occupied Manchuria and her attempt to detach China's northern provinces led to open war in 1937. Canton fell to the Japanese in 1938, resulting in a mass flight of refugees to Hong Kong. It was estimated that some 100,000 entered in 1937, 500,000 in 1938 and 150,000 in 1939, bringing the population at the outbreak of war to an estimated 1,600,000. It was thought that at the height of the influx about half a million were sleeping in the streets.
The outbreak of war in Europe in September 1939 gave Japan the advantage of being able to extend her ambitions over the whole of East and South-East Asia, and the position of the Colony became precarious. On 8th December 1941, the same day as the attack on Pearl Harbour, the Japanese attacked from the mainland,
and subsequently the British were forced to retire from the New Territories and Kowloon to Hong Kong Island. The Japanese crossed the harbour at Lei Yue Mun on the night of the 18th- 19th December and after a week of stubborn resistance on the island the defenders, who included the local Volunteer Corps, were overwhelmed and the Colony surrendered on Christmas Day. The Japanese occupation lasted three years and seven months.
British civilians were interned at Stanley while the Chinese population and neutrals had to suffer steadily deteriorating con- ditions. Trade virtually disappeared, the currency lost its value, food supply was disrupted and government services and public utilities were seriously impaired. Many moved to Macau, the Portuguese Colony hospitably opening its doors to them. Towards the later part of the occupation the Japanese sought to ease the food problem by organizing mass deportations. In the face of increasing oppression the bulk of the community remained loyal to the allied cause; Chinese guerillas operated in the New Terri- tories and allied personnel escaping were assisted by the rural population.
Soon after the news of the Japanese surrender was received a provisional government was set up by the Colonial Secretary, Mr (later Sir) F. Gimson, until Rear Admiral Sir Cecil Harcourt arrived with units of the British Pacific Fleet to establish a temporary military government. Civil government was formally restored on 1st May 1946, when Sir Mark Young resumed his interrupted governorship.
From the moment of liberation Hong Kong began a spectacular recovery. The Chinese returned at a rate approaching 100,000 a month and the population, which by August 1945 had been reduced to about 600,000, rose by the end of 1947 to an estimated 1,800,000. Then in the period 1948-9, as the forces of the Chinese Nationalist Government began to face defeat in civil war at the hands of the Communists, the Colony received an influx of people unparalleled in its history. About three quarters of a million, mainly from Kwangtung province, Shanghai and other commercial centres, entered the Colony during 1949 and the spring of 1950. By the end of 1950 the population was estimated to be 2,360,000. Since
then it has continued to rise. A census taken in 1961 showed a population figure of 3,133,131.
Intense and unprecedented development has accompanied the growth of population. One of the most striking features of the post-war years has been the steadily increasing part which the government has played, directly or indirectly, in the provision of housing and other forms of social services for the poorer sections of the community. Low-cost housing schemes and multi-storied resettlement estates have called for a heavy investment of public funds; schools, colleges, clinics, hospitals and other essential facilities have been provided on a scale unprecedented in the Colony's history. Despite the substantial progress made, however, the demand continues and is still far from being satisfied.
Private building on a wide scale has transformed and modernized much of the urban areas and the more accessible parts of the New Territories. In Kowloon and Tsuen Wan particularly, industrialists have opened many large modern factories producing a wide range of goods for export to all parts of the world. To meet the demand for land for industry and housing the government has continued to carry out many new reclamation schemes, principally in the central district, Causeway Bay and at various points on the northern shores of the harbour. The investigation of new areas for develop- ment is constantly in hand. Impressive schemes to improve the water supply were completed at Tai Lam Chung in 1957, and at Shek Pik in 1963; a start has been made with the Plover Cove scheme which will treble the amount of water available. Following a period of unparalleled drought in 1963-4, an arrangement was made with the Kwangtung Provincial Authorities to purchase 15,000 million gallons of water annually from the East River in Kwangtung province.
The spectacular growth of new factories and workshops, coupled with the Colony's need to keep pace with world-wide advances in production, management and marketing techniques, have been accompanied by higher standards of factory inspection, new labour legislation, and constantly increasing official concern with trade promotion, and technical and vocational training.
. The government has embarked on a large-scale reconstruction of the Colony's road network; more rigorous traffic controls have
been introduced in the face of enlarged public transport services and the big increase in the number of private cars. The railway has changed from steam to diesel-electric traction. A new airport with a runway 8,340 feet long built on a promontory reaching out into Kowloon Bay and capable of meeting the needs of the biggest aircraft in service has been completed and is in full operation. A new $16 million terminal was opened in November 1962. Airline passengers, many of them tourists from overseas, have in turn created a demand for more and better hotel accommodation, and for sight- seeing and shopping facilities, and night-time entertainment.
Postal and telecommunication services have set new records in the traffic handled. Broadcasting, wired and wireless, has developed as a principal part of the Colony's entertainment, and television services supplement the many modern cinemas. Parks, playgrounds and well-supervised bathing beaches are only a few of the outdoor amenities which the public at large enjoy.
An increased, and ever increasing, tempo is apparent in every aspect of Hong Kong's daily life. But it is the growth of local industry, which came into being to replace the traditional entrepôt trade of the Colony, that has been the most significant feature-- after population growth-in the Colony's history in the post-war
Constitution and Administration
THE principal features of the constitution are prescribed in Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom, which provide for a Governor, an Executive Council, and a Legis- lative Council. Royal Instructions to the Governor, supplemented by further Instructions from the Sovereign conveyed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, prescribe the membership of the Executive and Legislative Councils.
The Executive Council, which is presided over by the Governor, consists of five ex officio members, one nominated official member and eight nominated unofficial members, the composition of the Council having been increased by two unofficial members in May 1966. The ex officio members are the Senior Military Officer, the Colonial Secretary, the Attorney General, the Secretary for Chinese Affairs, and the Financial Secretary. The eight unofficials at present include four Chinese members.
The main function of the Executive Council is to advise the Governor, who must consult its members on all important matters. The responsibility for deciding which questions should come before the Council, and for taking action afterwards, rests with the Governor, who is required to report his reasons fully to the Secretary of State if he acts in opposition to the advice given by members. The Governor in Council (i.e. Executive Council) is also given power under numerous ordinances to make subsidiary legislation by way of rules, regulations and orders. A further function of the Council is to consider appeals and petitions under certain ordinances.
The Legislative Council consists of the Governor (who is both the President and a member), the same ex officio members as the Executive Council (with the exception of the Senior Military Officer, who ceased to be a member of the Council with effect from 6th January 1966) and eight nominated officials, making a total number of 13 officials. There is an equal number of unofficial members,
nominated by the Governor. At present they include nine Chinese members, one of them a lady.
The laws of the Colony are enacted by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council, which controls finance and expenditure through its Finance Committee, on which all the unofficial members sit. Procedure in the Legislative Council is generally based on that of the House of Commons. The member- ship of the Executive and Legislative Councils is shown in Appendices XLI and XLII.
Under powers conferred on the Governor by the Letters Patent, the Chief Justice, Senior Puisne Judge and puisne judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by Letters Patent on instructions from the Sovereign given through, and on the recommendation of, the Secretary of State. District judges and magistrates are appointed by the Governor by warrant or other instrument under the Public Seal. The qualifications of judges and district judges are prescribed by the Supreme Court and District Court Ordinances.
The function of the judiciary is to try all public and private prosecutions and to determine civil disputes either between indi- viduals or between individuals and the government. The principle of English Constitutional Law, that in the performance of all judicial acts the judiciary is completely independent of the executive and legislative organs of the government, is followed in Hong Kong. It takes no part in the formulation of policy or in the enact- ment of the laws. Its function is to follow and apply the law, but in the interpretation of statutes and in applying decided cases, new case law is made.
The principles of English Common Law and Equity and the Statutes of England as they existed in that country on 5th April 1843, except where they are inapplicable to local circumstances, are the foundation of Hong Kong's legal system. They have been extended and modified by the application to the Colony of certain later enactments of the United Kingdom Parliament and by the ordinances and other enactments of the Hong Kong legislature. The Statute Laws of the Colony are consolidated and revised periodically. The last edition was published in 1951.
The Courts of Justice in Hong Kong are the Full Court, the Supreme Court, the District Court, the Magistracy and the Tenancy Tribunal. The rapid changes in the social and economic structure of the Colony and in the size and distribution of the population have necessitated the creation of additional courts. In 1966 the judiciary had posts for the Chief Justice, the Senior Puisne Judge, six puisne judges, eight district judges, 28 magistrates and a President of the Tenancy Tribunal. The district judges sit in Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories. Magistrates sit at Central, Causeway Bay and Western Magistracies on Hong Kong Island, and at South Kowloon, North Kowloon, Fanling, Tsuen Wan, Tsim Sha Tsui and Kwun Tong Magistracies on the mainland. In addition to the regular Magistrates' Courts on either side of the harbour, there is also a Justice of the Peace Court each for the Island and the mainland which sit several afternoons a week. Whenever possible one of the two justices is a solicitor. The Tenancy Tribunal deals with matters arising under the Landlord and Tenant Ordinance and the Demolished Buildings Ordinance and its work is described in Chapter 8.
Magistrates exercise criminal jurisdiction over a wide range of indictable offences as well as summary offences. In the case of indictable offences, however, their powers of punishment are re- stricted generally to a maximum of two years' imprisonment or a $2,000 fine for any one offence, unless the law in regard to any particular offence prescribes that they may award some higher penalty. When trying two or three offences together, cumulative sentences of imprisonment imposed by them may not exceed three
Magistrates hold preliminary inquiries to decide whether persons accused of the most serious offences should be committed to trial at the criminal sessions of the Supreme Court. They also transfer various cases of a serious nature to the District Court on the application of the Attorney General. The civil jurisdiction of these courts is not extensive, but they exercise a limited jurisdiction in domestic matters chiefly under the Infants Custody Ordinance and Separation and Maintenance Orders Ordinance, and perform im- portant functions under a number of other ordinances, including the Magistrates (Coroners Powers) Ordinance.
The District Court, established in 1953, took over the summary jurisdiction previously exercised by the Supreme Court and gave to the public a simpler and shorter method of bringing to trial civil disputes in which the value of the subject matter was under $5,000. The large increase in the work of this court, particularly in Kowloon, reflects the Colony's industrial growth and population expansion. Trial in both civil and criminal proceedings in the District Court is by judge alone and there is a general limitation of five years on a district judge's power to award a sentence of imprisonment. The District Court has also an appellate jurisdiction in stamp appeals, rating appeals and appeals from the Tenancy Tribunal.
The Supreme Court's civil jurisdiction is similar to that of the three Divisions of the English High Court-namely the Queen's Bench Division, the Chancery Division and the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division. In addition it exercises jurisdiction in lunacy, bankruptcy, and company-winding-up matters. The most serious criminal offences are tried by a judge of the Supreme Court sitting with a jury of seven. (A summary of cases heard and dealt with in all courts for the years 1962-6 will be found in Appendix XLIII).
The highest court in Hong Kong is the Full Court. It sits as occasion requires and is constituted of two or more judges of the Supreme Court as the Chief Justice directs. The Chief Justice usually presides over this court which hears appeals from the Supreme Court and the District Court and has jurisdiction cor- responding roughly to that of the Court of Appeal, the Court of Criminal Appeal and the Divisional Court of the Queen's Bench Division. Final appeals from Hong Kong go to the Judicial Com- mittee of the Privy Council in London.
Under the general direction of the Colonial Secretary, the ad- ministrative functions of the government are discharged by some 30 departments, all the officers of which are members of the Civil Service. A list of these departments is given in Appendix VII.
The Colonial Secretariat, under the general administrative con- trol of the Deputy Colonial Secretary, co-ordinates the work of
departments and makes, or transmits from the Governor, the Governor in Council, or the Colonial Secretary, all general policy decisions. The Financial Secretary is responsible for financial and economic policy, the Establishment Officer deals with all matters relating to the Public Service, and the Defence Secretary advises on defence, co-ordinates the work of the local forces and acts as the main channel of communication between the government and Her Majesty's Armed Forces stationed in the Colony. The Secre- tariat includes a Political Adviser seconded from the Foreign Office.
The Secretary for Chinese Affairs is the Governor's principal adviser on Chinese traditions and ways of life, and is also charged with special responsibilities for strengthening channels of direct communication between the government and Hong Kong's Chinese people at all levels. This is done largely by constant personal con- tacts, from departmental headquarters and five branch offices, with the men and women who are the elected or natural leaders in some three to four hundred Chinese societies. These range from Hong Kong's premier charitable organization, the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, to some of the smaller clansmen's associa- tions, and from the 600,000-strong kaifong movement to close- knit Buddhist groups. In practice there is no aspect of the govern- ment's work on which Hong Kong people do not seek information, advice or help from the Secretary for Chinese Affairs. In addition, as a body corporate, the Secretary for Chinese Affairs administers, with the advice of predominantly Chinese committees, 10 social service trust funds totalling $12 million in cash and securities, as well as most of Hong Kong's Chinese temples.
Hong Kong's drive against narcotics is co-ordinated by the Secretary for Chinese Affairs, with the help of a strongly con- stituted Narcotics Advisory Committee at policy level, and another and larger Action Committee Against Narcotics. The Action Com- mittee effectively provides at operational level for the fullest exchange of opinions and information, and for a system of practical co- ordination between nine executive branches of the government and seven voluntary organizations.
Particular responsibilities with regard to some of Hong Kong's housing problems come to the Secretary for Chinese Affairs through his participation in two housing organizations, in the Urban Council
and the Housing Board, and through the Secretariat for Chinese Affairs' tenancy inquiry bureaux. In practice these bureaux are primarily concerned with the rights, obligations and welfare of the tenants of any building which has to be condemned and of any rent-controlled premises which a landlord wishes to re-develop.
Other administrative functions include 'district office' work in New Kowloon and the rural areas of Hong Kong Island, investiga- tion into claims to British nationality or for naturalization, fireworks control, registration of newspapers, support for Chinese social welfare activities, Chinese cemeteries, confidential mediation in a variety of domestic, tenants' and other disputes, and the provision of traditional 'go-between' facilities should there be any misunder- standing between another department and some section of the Chinese public over matters which are not purely professional or technical.
The Urban Council consists of 26 members-six ex officio mem- bers and 20 ordinary members of whom 10 are elected and 10 are appointed by the Governor. Of the ex officio members the Director of Urban Services Department sits as Chairman of the Council, and the Deputy Director of Medical and Health Services as vice- chairman. The others are the Director of Public Works, the Secretary for Chinese Affairs, the Director of Social Welfare and the Com- missioner for Resettlement. The term of office of an ordinary member is four years. The Council meets monthly to transact formal business, but most of its business is dealt with by 15 select com- mittees which meet at frequent intervals. All select committees are chaired by unofficial members, and without exception the un- official members are in the majority on select committees.
The membership of the Urban Council is given at Appendix XLIV. The responsibilities of the Urban Council, which are carried out through the Urban Services Department, cover the fields of environmental hygiene, sanitation and public parks and amenities in the urban areas. The Council is also the competent authority for the management of resettlement areas and estates in the urban
The New Territories are divided into four administrative districts, each under a District Officer who has a staff of between 150 and
184, depending on the size and complexity of the district. The Tai Po District, with an area of 123 square miles and a population estimated at 248,000, covers the north-east of the New Territories with its District Office at Tai Po Market. The Yuen Long District, with an area of 86 square miles and a population of about 258,000, includes the large and heavily populated agricultural plain in the north-west and has its District Office at Yuen Long. The Tsuen Wan District has an area of 26 square miles and a population of about 230,000 covering the new industrial complex of Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi Island, as well as Ma Wan Island and the north-eastern part of Lantau Island. Its District Office is accom- modated in the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Building in Tsuen Wan. The Sai Kung area east of Kai Tak Airport, the remainder of Lantau Island, Cheung Chau, Lamma Island and all the islands to the west and south of Hong Kong, covering some 130 square miles with a scattered population of about 100,000, are administered from the District Office South at Gascoigne Road, Kowloon.
The District Commissioner co-ordinates the overall administra- tion of the New Territories from an office in North Kowloon. He is assisted by a Deputy District Commissioner and a headquarters staff which, including the cadastral survey staff, totals 88. The District Officers are concerned with every aspect of government activity in their districts and act as the principal links between the government and the local inhabitants. Their responsibilities include mediation in all kinds of village and personal disputes, including family and matrimonial cases. They control the utilization and sale of Crown land and administer the grant of temporary structure permits. District Officers have an allocation of funds from the New Territories local public works vote, which pays for materials to help villagers improve irrigation and water supplies, build paths and small bridges and carry out a wide range of other minor works to improve the sanitation and the amenities of the villages.
For local representation, each of the 625 villages in the New Territories has one or more Village Representatives, making a total of about 900. Villages are in turn grouped under Rural Com- mittees, of which there are 27 covering the entire New Territories. Each Rural Committee has an executive committee which is elected by secret ballot every two years by all Village Representatives.
The Rural Committees execute minor works and carry out certain tasks on behalf of the government. They receive a small monthly subvention to cover routine expenses. Within its own area each Rural Committee acts as the spokesman for local public opinion, mediates in clan and family disputes, and generally provides a bridge between the New Territories Administration and the people.
The chairmen and vice-chairmen of the 27 Rural Committees, together with the unofficial New Territories Justices of the Peace and 21 Special Councillors elected every two years, form the Full Council of the New Territories Heung Yee Kuk, whose title may be translated into English as 'Rural Consultative Council'. The Kuk serves as a forum where leaders of New Territories opinion have gathered since it was constituted in 1926 and from which (except during the period from August 1958 to December 1959 when official recognition of the representative status of the Kuk was withdrawn because of internal dissension) the government has sought advice on New Territories affairs. Under the constitution established by the Heung Yee Kuk Ordinance 1959, the Kuk also has an Executive Committee which meets monthly and consists of the chairmen of Rural Committees, the unofficial New Territories Justices of the Peace and 15 ordinary members elected every two years by the Full Council. The Full Council also elects the chairman and two vice-chairmen of the Kuk through whom close and constant contact is maintained with the District Commissioner. A series of elections was held in May 1966, to determine the office bearers of the 17th term of the Kuk, under the supervision of the District Commissioner as Returning Officer. Those elected assumed office for two years with effect from 1st June 1966.
On 1st April 1966, the establishment of the Public Service totalled 70,852. The increase of 2,376 or 31 per cent over the establishment of the previous year was the smallest since 1955-6. The Service has, however, expanded very considerably over recent years-for example, the total establishment in 1949 was about 17,500-and the Establishment Sub-Committee of Finance Committee has con- tinued to examine all departmental requests for extra staff to ensure that this expansion is limited to posts which are essential, as opposed
to simply desirable. The figure for estimated expenditure on personal emoluments (including pensions) for the financial year 1966-7 included in the annual estimates was about $619 million. This accounted for approximately 58 per cent of the estimated recurrent expenditure, or 33 per cent of the total estimated expenditure for the year, but the figure was prepared before final decisions had been taken on the recommendations of the Salaries Commission referred to below.
The growth of the Public Service has been accompanied by a determined effort to fill as many posts as possible with local can- didates, particularly in more senior grades which have in the past been staffed largely by overseas officers. It is not, however, always possible to secure local candidates for certain posts. This may be due to the fact that the qualifications required for the post may not be obtainable locally or to the lack of sufficient qualified can- didates to meet local demand. Over the Service as a whole, the percentage of overseas officers is 2.8 per cent. In 1961 the percentage of administrative and professional posts filled by local officers was 40.4 per cent. In 1966 it had increased to 46.1 per cent.
Training of local staff forms an important part of the programme and the Training and Examinations Unit has expanded its activities considerably since its establishment in 1961. During the year ended 31st March 1966, the unit ran a total of 89 courses centrally attended by 1,355 trainees. In addition, 114 local officers were sent overseas during the year to obtain professional qualifications and training.
The Public Services Commission continued to play a valuable part in maintaining standards in the Public Service, by advising on the qualifications to be prescribed for various posts and on the selection of candidates for appointment. In 1962, a Selection Board was set up in London to process applications from students of Hong Kong origin in the United Kingdom seeking appointment to posts in the Hong Kong Public Service. In addition, the Board now also deals with applications from experienced professional persons of Hong Kong origin resident in the United Kingdom. This is regarded as a practical way of ensuring that everything possible is done to fill vacancies with persons whose roots are in Hong Kong and who have had the benefit of overseas education or training. Where non-local staff have to be recruited, the government's
normal policy is to appoint them initially on contract terms, with the possibility of transfer to pensionable terms only if suitable local candidates are unlikely to become available in the foreseeable future.
Decisions were taken during the year on the recommendations of the 1965 Salaries Commission which had reported the previous year. These decisions included acceptance of the general salary increases recommended by the Commission (broadly, 16 per cent with somewhat higher increases at the minor staff level) with effect from 1st April 1965; re-introduction on an optional basis of 100 per cent pensionability offset by a 25 per cent reduction in vacation leave-earning rates; and, for women, equal pay within a period of 10 years from 1st April 1965, provided that they are judged to be doing work identical with that of men or work of equal value. The new salaries were introduced in June and all arrears paid by the end of July. These decisions, and their implementation, were accompanied by acceptance and implementation of the recommenda- tions of the Standing Committee on Superscale Salaries relating to salary increases and other matters affecting officers in the super- scale.
Another important development during the year was the negotia- tion of an agreement between the government and the three main Staff Associations-the Association of European Civil Servants, Senior Non-Expatriate Officers Association and Hong Kong Chinese Civil Servants Association. This agreement is concerned with consultative machinery relating to the conditions of service of public officers and includes provision for the setting up of a Senior Civil Service Council and the reference of certain matters to an independent Committee of Inquiry.
Appendix I
Weights and Measures
The weights and measures used in the Colony consist of the standards in use in the United Kingdom, and also the Chinese weights and measures given with their British and Metric equivalents in the table below:
0.146 in
10 fan
1.463 in
3.715 cm
10 tsun
14.625 in
10 chek
4.063 yd
706-745 yd
646-681 m
1 fan
1 tsun (Chinese inch)...
1 chek (Chinese foot)
1 cheung
1 lei (Chinese mile)
1 dau chung
1 mow
1 fan
1 tsin or mace
1 leung or tael
sq yd
.6745 hec
sq yd
.8431 hec
0.013 oz
10 fan
0.133 oz
10 tsin
1.333 oz
16 tael
1.333 lb
100 catty
133.333 lb
* Values vary in practice. The statutory equivalent of the chek (foot) is 14ğ in but the chek varies according to the trade in which it is used from 14ğ in to 11 in, the commonest equivalent being 14.14 in.
1 kan or catty
1 tam or picul
Application of English Law Ordinance 1966
Appropriation (1966-7) Ordinance 1966
Brewin Trust Fund (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Buildings (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
City Hall (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Crown Lease (Pok Fu Lam) Ordinance 1966
Dentists Registration (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
District Court (Civil Jurisdiction and Procedure) (Amendment) Ordinance
Evidence (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Explosive Substances (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Foreshores and Sea Bed (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Grantham Scholarships Fund (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Hong Kong Airport (Control of Obstructions) (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation Ordinance 1966
Hong Kong Trade Development Council Ordinance 1966
Immigration Service (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Importation and Exportation (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Inland Revenue (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance 1966
Law Revision (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance 1966
Legal Aid Ordinance 1966
Magistrates (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Masonic Benevolence Fund Incorporation (Amendment) Ordinance 1966 Medical Clinics (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Medical Clinics (Amendment) (No 2) Ordinance 1966
Medical Registration (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Merchant Shipping (Aliens Employment) (Amendment) Ordinance 1966 Merchant Shipping (Recruiting of Seamen) Ordinance 1966
Mining (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Nursing and Maternity Homes Registration (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Prisons (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Public Reclamations and Works (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Resettlement (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Supplementary Appropriation (1965-6) Ordinance 1966
Telecommunication (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Telecommunication Regulations 1962 (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Urban Council (Amendment) Ordinance 1966
Waterworks (Amendment and Validation) Ordinance 1966
Building (Administration) (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Building (Construction) (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Building (Planning) (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and
Latrines) (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Census Orders 1966
Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 1966
Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) (No 2) Rules 1966
Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) (No 3) Rules 1966
Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) (No 4) Rules 1966
Companies (Forms) (Amendment) Order 1966
Consular Conventions (Japan) Order 1966
Curfew Orders 1966
Dangerous Drugs (Amendment of First Schedule) Order 1966
Dangerous Drugs Regulations (Order of Exemption)
Dangerous Goods (Classification) (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Dangerous Goods (General) (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Defences (Firing Areas) (Amendment of Schedules) Order 1966
Dentists (Registration and Disciplinary Procedure) (Amendment) Regulations
District Court Civil Procedure (Costs) (Amendment) Rules 1966 District Court Civil Procedure (Fees) (Amendment) Rules 1966
Education (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Education (Forms) (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Grant Schools Provident Fund (Amendment) Rules 1966
Hawker (Amendment) By-laws 1966
Hong Kong Air Navigation (Investigation of Accidents) (Amendment)
Regulations 1966
Hong Kong Air Navigation (Investigation of Accidents) (Amendment)
(No 2) Regulations 1966
Hong Kong Airport (Control of Obstructions) Order 1966
Immigration Service (Welfare Fund) Regulations 1966
Importation and Exportation (Registration of Imports and Exports) Regula-
tions 1966
Importation and Exportation (Southern Rhodesia) Regulations 1966
Importation (Coffee) Regulations 1966
Importation (Coffee) Regulations 1966 (Amendment of First Schedule) Order
Legal Aid Regulations 1966
Legal Aid (Assessment of Contributions) Regulations 1966
Legal Aid (Scale of Fees) Regulations 1966
Legal Officers Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule) Order 1966
Library By-laws 1966
Medical Practitioners (Registration and Disciplinary Procedure (Amendment)
Regulations 1966
Mining (General) (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Money-lenders Ordinance (Orders of Exemption)
Muslim Cemetery Ho Man Tin (Graves Removal) Order 1966
Pensionable Offices Order 1966
Poisons (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Poisons List (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Prison (Amendment) Rules 1966
Probation of Offenders (Approved Institution) Order 1966
Public Revenue Protection (Restriction of Delivery of Tobacco) Order 1966
Public Services Commission (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Road Traffic (Construction and Use) (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Road Traffic (Parking and Waiting) (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) (Amendment) Regula-
tions 1966
Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) (Amendment) (No 2)
Regulations 1966
Road Traffic (Taxis, Public Omnibuses and Public Cars) (Amendment)
Regulations 1966
Road Traffic (Temporary Car Parks) (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Stamp (Amendment of Schedule) Regulations 1966
Stamp (Bank Authorization) Orders 1966
Statutes of the University (Amendment) Statutes 1966
Subsidized Schools Provident Fund (Amendment) Rules 1966
Telecommunication (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Telecommunication (Control of Interference) Regulations 1966
Urban Council Elections (Procedure) (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Urban Council Elections (Registration of Electors) Regulations 1966
Urban Council Ordinance 1955 (Amendment of Second Schedule) Order 1966
Waterworks (Amendment) Regulations 1966
Wild Birds and Wild Mammals (Amendment of Second Schedule) Order 1966
Industrial undertakings
Persons employed
2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 OF 2 × 6
Metal mining
Industrial undertakings and persons employed
United Nations
standard industrial classification
in main industrial groups
(Chapter 2
Industrial undertakings and persons employed in selected industries in some main industrial groups
Industrial undertakings
Persons employed
United Nations
Manufacture of textiles
Clay pits and quarrying
Non-metallic mining
Food manufacture
Tobacco manufacture
Cotton spinning...
Wool spinning Cotton weaving Finishing
Cordage, rope and twine
Footwear and wearing apparel
19,620 20,101
2,492 2,710
6,169 7,480
Manufacture of textiles
Footwear except rubber footwear
Wearing apparel except footwear
Footwear and wearing apparel
63,880 75,636
Made-up textile goods except wearing
Manufacture of wood and cork ...
Chemicals and chemical products
Manufacture of furniture
349 3,858 4,183
Paints and lacquers
Printing and publishing
Leather and leather products
Basic metal industries
Rubber products
Metal products
Chemicals and chemical products
Products of petroleum and coal...
Non-metallic mineral products
Rolling mills
Tin cans
Vacuum flasks
1,173 1,210
Basic metal industries
3,417 2,765
Hurricane lamps
Metal products
Hand torch cases
Manufacture of machinery
Electrical apparatus
18,873 31,153
Pressure stoves and lanterns
Wrist watch bands
Electrical apparatus
Hand torch bulbs
55 3,241 3,907
Transport equipment
16,377 16,114
Torch batteries
Miscellaneous manufacturing industries...
54,743 65,598
Transport equipment
Shipbuilding and repairing
Electricity and gas
3,749 4,487
Wholesale and retail trade
Aircraft repair
11,260 365
Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
Artificial pearls
Storage and warehousing...
Motion picture industry
Laundry and dry cleaning
4,812 4,567
Bakelite ware
3,069 4,804
236 2,403 2,512
9,002 10,413 370,738 424,155
Plastic ware Plastic flowers Fountain pens
Motor buses
341 15,052
Appendix IV
(Chapter 2: Employment)
Factory registrations and inspections, 1966
Applications received for registration
Registration certificates issued
Applications refused (premises unsuitable)
Applications withdrawn
Factories closed and Registration Certificates surrendered
Places of employment registered at 31st December
*Factories 'recorded' at 31st December
Routine visits by inspectorate for enforcement of safety, health and
welfare provisions
Inspections in connection with industrial or occupational accidents
and workmen's compensation
Visits for wage enquiries
Visits about employment of women and young persons
Night visits to enforce regulations on employing women and young
persons at prohibited hours
Visits in connection with enforcement of the Industrial Employment
(Holidays with Pay and Sickness Allowance) Ordinance
* Undertakings which cannot be registered, but are kept under observation because 15-19 workers or women and young persons employed, or for industrial health and safety reasons.
Appendix V
(Chapter 2: Employment)
Industrial and occupational accidents, 1966
Persons involved
Persons injured in registrable workplaces
Deaths in registrable workplaces...
*Total accidents reported and investigated
(1965 total 9,859)
Accident rate per 1,000 industrial workers
(1965 rate 14.32)
Fatality rate per 1,000 industrial workers
(1965 rate 0.083)
* An accident involving two or more persons is recorded as a separate accident for each
person involved.
Appendix VI
(Chapter 3: Financial Structure)
Head of Revenue
1. Duties
3. Internal Revenue
4. Licences and Franchises
5. Fines and Forfeitures
6. Fees of Court or Office ...
255,225,198 267,000,000 259,378,531 316,000,000
167,590,760 192,800,000 224,022,848 242,750,000
491,775,458 510,000,000 526,641,915 572,500,000
85,940,807 74,196,000 82,934,990 85,247,000
11,171,392 7,450,000 8,804,455 8,680,000
105,414,567 107,561,000 114,403,568 127,624,000
Water Revenue
8. Post Office
9. Kai Tak Airport and Air Services
10. Kowloon-Canton Railway
11. Revenue from Lands, Interest,
Rents, etc
Land Sales
13. World Refugee Year Grants
14. Contributions Towards Projects
Colonial Development and
Welfare Grants
22,447,897 57,113,000 51,670,276 76,268,000
78,948,431 75,083,000 86,652,811 88,139,000
21,254,138 20,034,000 23,538,895 23,434,000
12,616,043 11,919,000 14,480,818 12,661,000
126,502,483 130,735,000 160,081,830 154,383,000
1,378,887,174 1,453,891,000 1,552,610,937 1,707,686,000
132,976,109 191,550,000 73,355,395 67,481,000
1,239,115 1,475,000 2,032,480
3,825,443 4,275,000 3,115,862 8,629,000
Total Revenue
1,518,286,825 1,651,359,000 1,631,701,213 1,784,282,000
(Chapter 3: Financial
Head of Expenditure
21. HE the Governor's Establishment
Actual $
Estimated $
Actual $
Head of Expenditure
1964-5 Actual
Estimated $
Actual $
1966-7 Estimated
Agriculture and Fisheries
51. Police Force: Hong Kong Police 52. Police Force: Auxiliary Police...
53. Post Office
11,799,100 11,294,403
40,217,588 43,749,800
Co-operative Development and
54. Printing Department
Fisheries Department
55. Prisons Department
Audit Department
Civil Aviation Department
1,432,800 1,521,122 6,938,800 6,087,923
56. Public Debt
Public Services Commission
Colonial Secretariat and
Public Works Department
Commerce and Industry
27. Defence: Hong Kong Regiment
(The Volunteers)
Defence: Hong Kong Royal
Naval Reserve
Defence: Hong Kong Auxiliary
Air Force
10,891,082 14,016,900
15,757,400 16,474,991 21,642,300
2,152,700 2,486,806 2,335,400
1,232,000 1,171,462 1,368,200
572,000 486,024 1,171,200
Public Works Recurrent Public Works Non-recurrent:
61,857 75,357,500 72,784,889 85,331,800 76,570,100 70,332,146 82,281,000
61. Public Works Non-recurrent:
62. Public Works Non-recurrent:
Civil Engineering
40,962,131 39,445,900 39,912,767 47,992,000
192,791,596 247,311,300 216,617,438 242,581,200
63. Public Works Non-recurrent:
30. Defence: Essential Services
Radio Hong Kong
91,517,859 114,094,200 140,330,365 137,638,700
165,178,675 161,678,800 190,538,004 164,976,500
4,612,353 3,288,500 3,054,899
Corps and Directorate of Manpower
31. Defence: Auxiliary Fire Service
32. Defence: Auxiliary Medical
Service ...
33. Defence: Civil Aid Services
34. Defence: Registration of
Persons Office ...
35. Defence: Miscellaneous
Education Department
37. Fire Services Department
38. Immigration Department
1,303,776 1,560,500 1,352,433 1,500,500 1,954,972 2,105,800 1,731,158
1,705,499 1,749,800 1,682,693 1,835,500
24,620,605 49,393,500 55,459,702 49,782,300 69,298,801 76,609,200 78,743,437 84,833,200 16,846,877 21,998,000 19,198,169 24,933,200
Rating and Valuation
2,169,800 2,072,000
Registrar General's Department
Registry of Trade Unions
Resettlement Department
Royal Observatory
27,285,900 3,857,400
27,550,754 3,446,495
Secretariat for Chinese Affairs.
2,128,900 2,118,246
Secretariat for Chinese Affairs:
Public Enquiry Service
72. Social Welfare Department
Stores Department
39. Information Services Department
40. Inland Revenue Department
41. Judiciary
42. Kowloon-Canton Railway
Labour Department: Labour
44. Labour Department: Mines
45. Legal Department
2,692,080 3,146,500
320,632 324,600 341,959 2,155,638 2,475,900 2,482,163
4,533,000 4,789,530 5,385,600 2,841,745 3,438,600 3,294,015 3,897,000 5,847,791 6,762,200 6,458,507 7,502,400 6,879,080 8,083,300 7,829,724 9,090,600 5,679,960 8,226,000 7,363,684 8,234,000
3,263,672 3,869,600
Subventions: Education 75. Subventions: Medical 76. Subventions: Social Welfare
77. Subventions: Miscellaneous
78. Treasury
8,084,568 10,720,800 9,546,420 12,365,600 22,218,414 25,428,900 24,575,549 23,174,100 135,305,291 151,832,900 162,031,594 198,896,800
32,577,159 41,534,200
38,158,439 44,641,100 6,135,500 5,667,263 6,982,800
Urban Services Department
and Urban Council 80. Urban Services Department:
City Hall
81. Urban Services Department:
Housing Division 82. Urban Services Department:
New Territories Division
8,438,235 12,442,500 15,912,466 8,115,100 3,858,160 3,896,900 4,109,921 4,345,900
42,757,869 51,055,800 50,496,349 53,325,300
1,796,342 2,838,500 2,488,135 3,091,600
4,483,397 6,739,200 5,556,771
46. Marine Department
Medical and Health Department
Miscellaneous Services ..
New Territories Administration
17,367,908 25,178,500 20,216,470 26,060,300
94,525,377 106,044,500 105,473,152 119,111,300
24,968,724 42,103,700 78,298,239 39,576,200
9,915,423 11,001,000 10,672,958 11,308,100 28,868,353 29,982,000 30,644,023 34,989,000
4,525,263 6,233,400 5,649,294 6,982,200
1,436,589,987 1,708,821,540 1,765,698,012 1,877,790,910
83. Colonial Development and Welfare Schemes
84. World Refugee Year Schemes
182,700 637,625 2,403,800 2,794,831
1,440,523,324 1,711,408,040 1,769,130,468 1,878,439,210
Unspent Grants:
Other Projects
Public Works Department:
Contract Retentions
Private Works
Water Deposits
Other Deposits:
Control of Publications
Government Servants
Other Administrations
(Chapter 3: Financial
Statement of Assets and
Liabilities as at 31st March 1966
$ 10,279,495.86
In Treasuries, Departments and Banks in Hong Kong
With the Crown Agents
INVESTMENTS (including Special Deposits):
17,689,711.29 $ 77,949,939.15
World Refugee Year Loan Fund for Co-operative Societies
$ 59,441,316.47
12,051,011.07 $ 71,492,327.54
366,420,000.00 420,820,000.00
World Refugee Year Loan Fund for Co-operative Societies--
Post Office
Balance 1st April 1965
Less Deficit from 1st April 1965 to 31st March 1966
Add Appreciation on Investments
Government holds 16,290 shares at a nominal value of at a nominal value of 500 Yen per share in Helm Brothers
Other Administrations
378,853,563.40 399,531,796.74
$100 per share in Associated Properties Limited and 1,470 shares Limited (Yokohama).
(Chapter 3: Financial
Comparative Statement of Recurrent
and Capital Income and Expenditure
1962-3 $
Actual 1963-4 $
Actual 1964-5 $
Actual 1965-6 $
Estimate 1966-7 $
Actual 1964-5 $
Recurrent Revenue
.. 1,006,022,192 1,155,635,124 1,342,304,614 1,517,144,155 1,668,135,000
Personal Emoluments
Actual 1962-3
1963-4 $
335,587,787 378,174,802 457,280,738 523,227,307 583,573,900
24,272,863 25,316,449 28,868,353 30,644,023 34,989,000
Actual 1965-6 $
Estimate 1966-7 $
Departmental Recurrent
Expenditure (excluding Unallocated Stores)
Recurrent Subventions
Public Works Recurrent
Miscellaneous Recurrent
131,522,685 149,012,715 158,208,484 185,402,100
130,140,557 159,404,094 195,924,015 227,068,600
41,145,372 52,021,336 70,332,146 82,281,000
1,006,022,192 1,155,635,124 1,342,304,614 1,517,144,155 1,668,135,000
41,206,638 44,861,790 47,183,934 56,122,372 58,691,110
682,860,365 751,161,655 893,771,170 1,034,458,347 1,172,005,710
Transfer to Capital Revenue 183,373,342
305,974,988 370,769,943 482,685,808 496,129,290
139,788,485 98,498,481 77,763,506
1,006,022,192 1,155,635,124 1,342,304,614 1,517,144,155 1,668,135,000
Estate Duty
24,574,425 22,545,650 24,722,076 18,952,039 15,700,000
Departmental Special
Excess Stamp Duty (3%
on Assignments)
Capital Subventions
18,837,738 29,848,199 42,919,300
22,191,179 25,845,748 31,567,200
Private Contributions
towards Government Schemes
Public Debt (excluding
Loan Repayments ...
Land Sales ...
3,825,442 3,115,862
177,559 6,622,028
132,976,109 73,355,395
Public Works Non-
recurrent ...
Colonial Development and
Welfare Schemes
Colonial Development and
Welfare Grants
World Refugee Year Grants
302,667 1,358,984
1,914,031 1,239,115 2,032,480
238,236,198 175,982,211 114,557,058 116,147,000
Miscellaneous Capital
World Refugee Year
Contribution from
Recurrent Revenue
305,974,988 370,769,943
482,685,808 496,129,290
137,429,255 94,157,210
Unallocated Stores
430,415,734 544,211,186 546,752,154
734,672,121 706,433,500
546,752,154 734,672,121 706,433,500
Appendix X
(Chapter 3: Financial Structure)
Public Debt of the Colony at 31st March 1966
34% Rehabilitation Loan 1947-8
Kai Tak Airport Development Loan
Colonial Development and Welfare Fund Loan...
Appendix XI
(Chapter 3: Financial Structure)
Colonial Development and Welfare
Details of locally administered schemes in progress during 1966 towards which grants are made by the United Kingdom Government.
Scheme Number
CD & W Share of approved expenditure
Estimated expenditure
up to
31st December 1966
CD & W
Maximum grant available
D 3271
Construction of New Library and
Students' Union at the University of Hong Kong
D 4115
Aeronautical Telecommunications
D 4745
Construction of New Pre-clinical
Building for the University of Hong Kong
D 4909
Construction of 48 Staff Flats for the
University of Hong Kong
D 5250
Kowloon Wholesale Fish and
D 5250A S
Vegetable Markets
D 5365
Extension to University Hall for the
University of Hong Kong
D 5366
Purchase of equipment for Marine
Physics Research at the University of Hong Kong
D 5639
Erection of Medical Library and
Student Centre for the University of Hong Kong
R 1731
Pesticides Research
* The final grant is still under negotiation. £161,670 represents the latest agreed contribution
by the United Kingdom Government.
Appendix XII
(Chapter 3: Financial Structure)
Revenue from Duties and Licence Fees
Revenue $
1. Import Duty on Hydrocarbon Oils
2. Import Duty on Intoxicating Liquor
3. Import Duty on Liquor other than
Intoxicating Liquor ...
65,227,152 75,816,340 82,390,613 104,000,000
38,791,778 48,220,843 54,639,473 59,000,000
1,688,717 2,325,429 1,926,317 2,000,000
4. Import Duty on Tobacco
93,314,242 101,184,068 93,683,785 124,000,000
5. Duty on locally manufactured Liquor
21,058,029 21,350,355 20,493,504 19,000,000
6. Duty on Table Waters
5,414,096 6,328,163 6,244,839 6,700,000
225,494,014 255,225,198 259,378,531 314,700,000
Licence Fees under the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance
1. Hydrocarbon Oils
2. Liquor
3. Tobacco
4. Miscellaneous
2,061,073 2,582,541 2,745,474 3,000,000
2,790,097 3,596,570 3,752,694 4,083,000
Miscellaneous Fees (Commerce and Industry)
1. Denaturing
2. Factory Inspection and Supervision
3. Anti-narcotic smuggling guards
4. Bonded Warehouse Supervision
(Chapter 3: Financial
Statement of Approved
Loan Fund
Projects as at 31st March 1966
Funds $
Total Expenditure to 31.3.66 $
Housing Loans:
1. Housing Authority*
2. Hong Kong Housing Society:
(a) Completed Schemes
(b) Kennedy Town Scheme
(c) Kwun Tong Scheme Extension
Local Government Officers
4. Shek Wu Hui Building Loans ...
5. Hong Kong Settlers Housing Corporation Limited
Hong Kong Building and Loan Agency Limited:
(a) Share capital
(b) Initial Loan Fund
Total Repayments to 31.3.66 $
Balances at 31.3.66 $
99,018,214 24,500,000
210,000 10,000,000
210,000.00 8,500,000.00
1. The Hong Kong Anti-Tuberculosis Association
2. The Mother Superioress of the Daughters of Charity of the Canossian Institute
3,750,000.00 2,000,000.00
II Educational Loans
Medical Loans:
Miscellaneous Loans:
1. Hong Kong Football Club
South China Athletic Association
Good Shepherd Sisters ...
Operation Feedbag
Hong Kong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Company, Limited:
Ocean Terminal
VI Fisheries Loans*
Loan Projects Total
121,844 1,000,000
Grand Total
* These loans constitute revolving funds and are
therefore shown net after the deduction of repayments.
1. Kwun Tong Reclamation Stages I and II
(Chapter 3: Financial
Appendix XIII- Contd
Development Loan Fund Balance Sheet as at 31st March 1966
Kwun Tong Reclamation: Cost
Housing Loans
Loan Projects:
Educational Loans
Medical Loans
Miscellaneous Loans
Fisheries Loans
Fixed Deposits
Crown Agents (£419.6.11.) At Bank
Joint Consolidated Fund (£27,000.0.0.)
Balance as at 1st April 1965 (including proceeds of land sales,
Kwun Tong Reclamation, $86,297,670.53)
Proceeds of Land Sales, Kwun Tong Reclamation, 1st April 1965
to 31st March 1966
Revenue Account
Fund Account:
Appreciation on Investments
$ 8,291,562.04
48,774,687.70 4,397,413.36 25,173,951.77
6,709.53 13,357,333.46 432,000.00
The Development Loan Fund holds 6,000 shares of a nominal value of $100 per share of which
in The Hong Kong Building and Loan Agency Limited, $25 per share has been paid up.
Summary of Receipts and
and Payments for 1965-6
1. Receipts:
Loan repayments
Interest on Loans
Interest on Investments and Balances
Interest on Land sales premia
Land sales premia, Kwun Tong Reclamation
Proceeds of Former Enemy Property
Realization of Investments
2. Payments:
3. Deficit
$ 9,104,352.14
(Chapter 3: Financial
Statement of Approved Grants and Loans
Allocation Total
Total Expenditure Repayments
of Funds
to 31.3.66
to 31.3.66
Balances at 31.3.66
I - Grants:
1. Yuen Long Community Centre:
(a) Capital
(b) Recurrent
2. Social Research Project
3. Girl Guides Association-Headquarters
4. Family Planning Association-
Publicity campaign
5. HK Council of Social Service
(Sub-Committee on Child Feeding)- Replacement of capital equipment .
6. British Red Cross Society-
Equipment for special school for physically handicapped children
7. Director of Medical and Health
156,000 32,264.00
Campaign to assist the disabled travelling by public transport
8. HK Council of Social Service-
Study of social welfare needs for Chai Wan
9. HK Federation of Youth Groups-
Youth Centre in Hung Hom
10. The Sisters of the Good Shepherd--
Equipment for Centre for Teenage Girls at Brick Hill, Aberdeen
11. Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association-
Equipment for 3 children's libraries on playgrounds
12. Society for the Relief of Disabled
Equipment for Extension to Sandy Bay Convalescent Home (interim grant)
13. Heung Hoi Ching Kok Lin Shea--
Home for Aged Women, Fanling
Total Grants
3,347,200 32,264.00
Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31st March 1966
Appropriation from the General
Revenue of the Colony
Add per Statement of Receipts
and Payments:
32,264.00 2,224,925.07 $9,643,845.07
Cash at Bank ... $ 48,845.07
Fixed Deposits...
Loans less
amounts repaid
The Lotteries Fund was created, and $7,418,920.00 appropriated to it from the General Revenue of the Colony, by resolution of the Legislative Council on the 30th June 1965.
Statement of Receipts and Payments for the period 30th June 1965 to 31st March 1966
Bank Interest
Net Proceeds from Government Lotteries Nos 9, 10 and 11
Carried to Statement of Assets and Liabilities
Loan Repayments
Total Receipts
$ 230,649.07
Carried to Statement of Assets and Liabilities
II Loans:
1. Chinese YMCA-Youth Centre 2. YWCA-Anne Black Centre
2,000,000 195,000.00 2,000,000
Total Loans
4,000,000 195,000.00
Grand Total
7,347,200 227,264.00
Note: Fund established on 30th June 1965.
Total Payments ...
(Chapter 3: Financial
Currency and
Currency in Circulation
Banking Statistics
and Bank Deposits
Number of reporting banks
Notes and coins in circulation (HK$ million)
Deposits (HK$ million)
Index of Deposits
31st December 1955=100
Number of reporting
Cash (i.e. legal tender notes and coins in hand) (HK$ million)
NET balances with other banks (including Head Offices or Branches outside Hong Kong)
& other short
term claims
Loans and Advances (HK$ million)
Investments (HK$ million)
Index of Loans and Advances 31st December 1955-100
'Liquidity Ratio' (i.e. cash and net balances with other banks expressed as percentage of total deposits)
(HK$ million)
Figures in Italics=
percentage of total deposits.
(Chapter 4: Industry
Composition of Trade Classified by Sections
Trade Classification:
and Trade)
and Divisions of the Standard International
1964, 1965 and 1966
Live animals
Meat and meat preparations
Dairy products and eggs
Fish and fish preparations
Fruits and vegetables
1964 $
IMPORTS 1965 $
1966 $
1964 $
EXPORTS 1965 $
1966 $
Cereals and cereal preparations
Sugar, sugar preparations and honey
Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures
Feeding stuff for animals (not including
unmilled cereals)
Miscellaneous food preparations
Beverages and tobacco
Tobacco and tobacco manufactures
59,768,110 129,917,989
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels
Hides, skins and fur skins, undressed
Oil-seeds, oil nuts and oil kernels
Crude rubber, including synthetic and reclaimed
Wood, lumber and cork
Pulp and waste paper
Textile fibres and waste
Crude fertilizers and crude minerals, excluding
coal, petroleum and precious stones
Metalliferous ores and metal scrap
Animal and vegetable crude materials, inedible,
not elsewhere specified ..
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials
Coal, coke and briquettes
Petroleum and petroleum products
Gas, natural and manufactured
Animal and vegetable oils and fats
Animal oils and fats
Fixed vegetable oils and fats
957,014 62,511,971
Animal and vegetable oils and fats, processed,
762,099 72,236,015
and waxes of animal or vegetable origin
80,522 3,771,827
164,192 4,015,178
221,560 4,163,076
548,033 19,132,005 107,162
364,043 27,847,668 218,014
394,008 33,580,371
29,636 10,889,510
180,200 14,140,018
9,851 10,898,492
Chemical elements and compounds
Mineral tar and crude chemicals from coal,
petroleum and natural gas
Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products
Essential oils and perfume materials; toilet,
1,004,300 74,339,149 142,563,323
96,376,552 153,681,580
65,619 33,963,615 112,522,924
5,017 38,103,069 107,626,198
polishing and cleansing preparations
Fertilizers, manufactured
Explosives and pyrotechnic products
Plastic materials, regenerated cellulose and
13,201,879 63,101 16,143,157
15,181,775 8,842
artificial resins
Chemical materials and products, not elsewhere
(Chapter 4: Industry
Composition of Trade Classified by Sections
Trade Classification:
XV Contd
and Trade)
and Divisions of the Standard International
1964, 1965 and 1966
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material
Leather, leather manufactures, not elsewhere
specified, and dressed furs
IMPORTS 1965 $
1966 $
EXPORTS 1965 $
1965 $
Rubber manufactures, not elsewhere specified... Wood and cork manufactures (excluding
Paper, paperboard and manufactures thereof Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles and related
1,279,688,796 1,668,643,912
Non-metallic mineral manufactures, not else-
where specified
Iron and steel
Non-ferrous metals
Manufactures of metals, not elsewhere specified
2,767,224,198 3,297,233,905
Machinery and transport equipment
Machinery other than electric
Electric machinery, apparatus and appliances Transport equipment
1,176,765,635 1,309,594,231
Miscellaneous manufactured articles
Sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures
and fittings
Furniture and fixtures
Travel goods, handbags and similar articles
Professional, scientific and controlling instru-
ments; photographic and optical goods,
watches and clocks
Miscellaneous manufactured articles, not else-
where specified
864,866,724 1,024,131,224 1,097,153,196
2,856,671,403 3,190,967,120 3,602,515,343
Commodities and transactions not classified according
to kind and transactions in gold and coin Commodities and transactions not classified
according to kind
Transactions in gold and current coin
21,443,513 309,472,473
20,700,722 285,091,629
17,302,841 156,829,500
13,704,297 298,806,615
9,755,065 293,035,092
Total Merchandise
8,550,556,627 8,964,832,942 10,097,036,883
8,706,635,991 9,274,305,415 10,382,128,512
4,427,620,079 5,026,800,798 5,729,840,108
5,026,800,798 5,729,840,108 1,512,781,320
1,801,569,262 2,126,309,456
Imports.. Exports Re-exports
Appendix XVI
(Chapter 4: Industry and Trade)
Value of Hong Kong's Merchandise Trade
% increase or decrease
$ million
$ million
+ 13%
+ 14
+ 14%
Total trade
1966 1965
Cargo Tonnages
Appendix XVII
(Chapter 4: Industry and Trade) Imports: Commodity Pattern
1966 total value $10,097 million
13.2 million tons 12.1 million tons
% of total imports in 1966 33%
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material Food
Machinery and transport equipment
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels Miscellaneous manufactured articles Chemicals
$ million
$ million
% increase or decrease.
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material
Textile yarn, fabrics and made-up articles Non-metallic mineral manufactures
Iron and steel
Paper, paperboard and manufactures thereof Non-ferrous metals
Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.
+ 19%
+ 30
+ 23
Live animals, chiefly for food
+ 5
Cereals and cereal preparations
Fruits and vegetables
Fish and fish preparations
Meat and meat preparations
Dairy products and eggs
Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof
Sugar, sugar preparations and honey
Machinery and transport equipment
Electric machinery
Non-electric machinery
Transport equipment
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels
Textile fibres
Animal and vegetable crude materials, inedible
Wood, lumber and cork
Oil-seeds, oil nuts and oil kernels...
Crude rubber, including synthetic and reclaimed
Metalliferous ores and metal scrap
Miscellaneous manufactured articles
Scientific and controlling instruments, photographic and
optical goods, watches and clocks
Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.
Plastic materials, regenerated cellulose and artificial resins
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products
Chemical elements and compounds
Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials
Essential oil and perfume materials
+++++++++ +++1+++11++++
Appendix XVIII
(Chapter 4: Industry and Trade)
Imports: Principal Sources
1966 total value $10,097 million
By country
% of total imports in 1966
By British Commonwealth and Continent
% of total imports in
British Commonwealth.
United Kingdom
Federal Republic of Germany...
Western Europe (including
United Kingdom)
North America
$ million
$ million
% increase or decrease
Textile yarn, fabrics and made-up articles
+ 19%
+ 46%
Live animals, chiefly for food
+ 76%
Fruits and vegetables
+ 8
Non-metallic mineral manufactures
Meat and meat preparations
+ 19
Cereals and cereal preparations
Fish and fish preparations...
Animal and vegetable crude materials, inedible Dairy products and eggs
+ 19%
Textile yarn, fabrics and made-up articles
+ 42%
Electric machinery
+ 36%
Plastic materials, regenerated cellulose and artificial
+ 62%
Iron and steel
Scientific and controlling instruments, photographic and
optical goods, watches and clocks
+ 61%
Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.
+ 33%
Non-electric machinery
+ 10%
Electric machinery
Textile fibres
Non-metallic mineral manufactures
Tobacco and tobacco manufactures
Non-electric machinery
Fruits and vegetables
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products
United Kingdom
+ 5%
Electric machinery
+ 23%
Non-electric machinery
Textile yarn, fabrics and made-up articles
Transport equipment
Federal Republic of Germany
Non-electric machinery
Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials
Electric machinery
Chemical elements and compounds
Scientific and controlling instruments, photographic and
optical goods, watches and clocks
Cereals and cereal preparations Live animals, chiefly for food
+ 12%
+ 19%
Commodity Pattern
1966 total value $5,730 million
(Chapter 4: Industry Domestic
% of all exports in 1966
and Trade)
Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.
By country
% of all exports in
Principal Markets
1966 total value $5,730 million
By British Commonwealth and Continent
% of all exports in
British Commonwealth...
United Kingdom
North America
fabrics and made-up articles
Federal Republic of Germany
Western Europe (including
Electric machinery
Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.
United Kingdom) Asia Australasia
% increase
Netherlands Indonesia
or decrease
% increase
$ million
$ million
or decrease
$ million $ million
Jackets, jumpers, sweaters, cardigans and pullovers,
knit or made of knitted fabrics
Shirts, other than knitted
Slacks, shorts, jeans, trousers, overalls and pinafores,
other than knitted
Underwear and nightwear, other than knitted
Shirts, knit or made of knitted fabrics
Gloves and mittens of all materials
Blouses and jumpers, other than knitted, not embroidered,
women's wear
Underwear and nightwear, knitted
Children's outergarments, other than knitted
Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.
Plastic toys and dolls
Artificial flowers, foliage or fruit
Wigs, false beards, hair pads, etc.
Plastic coated rattan articles (not furniture)
Textile yarn, fabrics and made-up articles
Cotton grey sheeting
Cotton yarn ...
Cotton shirting, other than grey
Cotton towels, not dish towels, not embroidered
Cotton canvas and ducks, grey
Cotton grey drills
Cotton grey twill and sateen
+ 15%
+ 18%
+ 9%
+ 8%
+ 9%
Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s. Electric machinery
+ 1
Electric machinery
Transistor radio
Thermionic and electronic tubes and valves
Footwear of textile materials with rubber soles Plastic footwear
Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.
Locks, padlocks and keys and key chains
Household utensils of iron and steel, enamelled
185 •
3872 289 179f7 * 22788me 387 38* 587
ཅཱཙཽཎྜཋ ཚeན སྤྱིསྣོསྤོང བྷ=8c༄ 28 རྒྱRན དྲིཧེ
+ 16%
+ 21%
+ 37%
+ 6%
+ 14%
+ 7%
+ 20%
+ 10%
+ 1%
United Kingdom
Textile yarn, fabrics and made-up articles
+ 54%
+ 15%
Textile yarn, fabrics and made-up articles
Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s. Footwear
Electric machinery
Federal Republic of Germany
Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s. Textile yarn, fabrics and made-up articles
+ 82% + 33%
Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s. Textile yarn, fabrics and made-up articles
+ 6%
+ 62%
Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fish and fish preparations ... Non-metallic mineral manufactures Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.
+ 45% +134%
+ 21%
+ 21%
Textile yarn, fabrics and made-up articles Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s. Clothing
+ 1%
+ 12%
Textile yarn, fabrics and made-up articles Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s. Clothing
Electric torches
Prawns and shrimps, fresh or frozen
Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.
Handbags, wallets, purses and similar articles Iron and steel bars and rounds
Textile yarn, fabrics and made-up articles
$298 982 2*** **** 2*ON 279 27 28
+ 22%
+ 21% +32
+ 13%
+ 14%
+ 43%
+ 10%
+ 30%
+ 39%
+ 24%
+ 54%
+ 22%
+ 15% +33
+ 6%
33 32
+ 14%
+ 39%
+ 63%
+ 32%
Commodity Pattern
1966 total value $1,833 million
Appendix (Chapter 4: Industry Re-exports
% of all re-exports in
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material Food
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels Miscellaneous manufactured articles
Machinery and transport equipment
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material
Non-metallic mineral manufactures
Textile yarn, fabrics and made-up articles Non-ferrous metals...
Paper, paperboard and manufactures thereof Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.
Iron and steel
Fruits and vegetables
Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof Sugar, sugar preparations and honey
Cereals and cereal preparations
Fish and fish preparations...
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials Explosives and pyrotechnic products
Chemical elements and compounds
Essential oils and perfume materials
Plastic materials, regenerated cellulose and artificial
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels
Animal and vegetable crude materials, inedible... Oil-seeds, oil nuts and oil kernels
Hides, skins and fur skins, undressed
Textile fibres
Crude rubber, including synthetic and reclaimed
Miscellaneous manufactured articles
Scientific and controlling instruments, photographic and
optical goods, watches and clocks
Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.
Machinery and transport equipment
Non-electric machinery
Electric machinery
Transport equipment
and Trade)
Principal Markets
1966 total value $1,833 million
By country
% of all re-exports in
By British Commonwealth and Continent
% of all re-exports in
Japan Singapore
British Commonwealth...
Western Europe (including
United Kingdom)
North America
% increase
or decrease
South Vietnam
$ million $ million
+ 42%
% increase
or decrease
+ 32%
$ million
$ million
+ 60%
222 2****2 ****** 2 N***=* 2 282 2772
+ 67%
+ 36%
Textile yarn, fabrics and made-up articles Cereals and cereal preparations
+135% +140%
+ 21%
+ 30%
+ 8%
Non-metallic mineral manufactures
+ 1%
+ 14%
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Fruits and vegetables
+ 39%
+ 5%
Animal and vegetable crude materials, inedible Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.
+ 8%
Scientific and controlling instruments, photographic and
optical goods, watches and clocks
+ 12%
+ 10%
Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof Fruits and vegetables
+ 56%
Animal and vegetable crude materials, inedible..
+ 53%
- 11%
+ 11%
Non-metallic mineral manufactures Explosives and pyrotechnic products
+ 12%
+ 11%
+ 49%
Textile yarn, fabrics and made-up articles Petroleum and petroleum products
+ 17%
+ 21%
+ 23%
Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials
Animal and vegetable crude materials, inedible...
Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s.
+ 28%
+ 18%
South Vietnam ...
+ 69%
+ 8%
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products
Animal and vegetable crude materials, inedible
282222 222 22 2 2 2 29 ~ 1 8 m2
229222 2 222 = 3 =
+ 9%
+ 4%
+ 83% + 19
+ 18%
+ 22%
+ 36%
+ 10%
+ 14%
~ A ☆ 16 ☺
+ 6%
+ 4%
+ 16%
+ 36%
+ 35%
+ 27%
+ 64% +245%
The principal countries from which goods were imported into Hong Kong are shown below, with total values for the past two years:
(Chapter 4: Industry
and Trade)
of Trade
The principal markets during the past two years
for the Colony's exports were as follows:
The principal markets for the Colony's re-exports during the past two years were as follows:
United Kingdom
Federal Republic of Germany.. Canada
Malaysia (Malaya) New Zealand
South Vietnam
South Africa
United Kingdom
Federal Republic of Germany Thailand
Switzerland and Liechtenstein
Belgium and Luxembourg Formosa
South Africa
1965 $
2,321,783,640 2,769,220,852 1,550,862,786 1,838,615,569 994,323,764 1,090,155,781 961,612,996 1,010,935,280 275,634,045 268,812,880 238,739,492 267,443,042 198,855,775 208,902,312 187,631,284 201,913,500 237,737,560 200,457,021 144,925,707 189,585,968 153,924,647 168,685,918 114,860,943 139,085,387 122,672,194 136,576,808 88,999,557 134,942,210 151,846,209 123,371,810 99,636,219 108,841,667 64,722,839 96,670,585 89,057,510 95,168,280 82,156,670 93,057,361 92,217,642 86,098,845
Denmark and Greenland
Malaysia (Sabah)
Switzerland and Liechtenstein ... France
Saudi Arabia and Yemen
South Korea
54,081,276 48,645,216 50,326,214 48,191,491 56,658,535 47,420,047 45,661,891 44,782,953
Belgium and Luxembourg
US Oceania
Other Countries
18,623,306 26,090,572 376,126,056 436,428,753
Other Countries
8,964,832,942 10,097,036,883
1965 $
1966 $
1,718,832,477 2,036,322,376 860,676,636 987,283,930 370,664,003 420,450,886 135,100,194 175,475,362 132,960,132 161,556,492
142,948,791 152,235,744 133,907,729 128,220,419 86,165,663 120,093,888
40,725,098 102,137,186
84,831,762 88,682,277 98,653,587 82,087,338 82,807,138 71,905,544 71,509,084 65,203,640 17,870,941 52,485,845
70,753,291 50,113,054
42,483,062 49,904,907
36,773,408 46,086,355
72,116,658 45,757,890
26,409,909 41,605,545
21,013,041 36,028,642 25,660,954 30,285,184 16,093,352 29,953,603 25,000,327 29,816,998
21,975,211 28,148,894
19,848,310 26,631,606
18,562,053 26,406,093 23,942,462 26,081,925 23,845,682 25,457,712 17,058,481 25,009,332 26,120,555 24,022,915 561,490,807 544,388,526
5,026,800,798 5,729,840,108
Malaysia (Malaya) Thailand
255,475,605 278,328,178
206,005,726 213,520,803
85,882,234 104,817,478
Belgium and Luxembourg South Vietnam
65,356,680 74,507,183 69,085,199 71,818,543 46,219,452 62,438,312 26,641,962 58,982,994
53,850,002 54,005,639
59,856,843 53,428,135
South Korea United Kingdom
38,983,365 51,447,842 37,972,138 46,574,711 36,618,993 37,800,423 31,865,548 32,462,912
7,898,722 24,599,229
US Oceania
16,512,717 19,983,600
5,177,027 19,405,122
Malaysia (Sabah)
13,196,226 18,073,677
Federal Republic of Germany Netherlands
Switzerland and Liechtenstein
8,757,650 10,568,865
101,535,130 97,276,780
1,502,762,647 1,833,274,364
Malaysia (Sarawak)
Other Countries
New Zealand
Dominican Republic
United Arab Republic
United States of America
El Salvador
Irish Republic.
Appendix XXII
Overseas Representation
Commonwealth Countries
Foreign Countries
Represented by
Senior Trade Commissioner Senior Trade Commissioner Trade Commissioner Trade Commissioner
Represented by
Consul Consul
Honorary Consul-General
Honorary Consul
Honorary Consul
Honorary Consul
Honorary Consul
Honorary Consul
Honorary Consul
Honorary Consul
Honorary Consul
Honorary Consul
Honorary Consul
Honorary Consul
Honorary Consul
Honorary Consul
Republic of South Africa
London and have jurisdiction extending to Hong Kong.
Honorary Vice-Consul Trade Commissioner
Note 1 The consular representatives of Finland, Poland, Spain and Turkey are resident in
Note 2 In addition, Austria, France, Italy and Thailand have resident Trade Commissioners.
1963 1964
Appendix XXIII
(Chapter 5: Primary Production)
Marketing Organization Statistics
Fisheries Products sold through Wholesale Markets Quantities and Values
Value $
Average Annual Wholesale Prices
(in cents per catty)
Fresh Fish
Salt/Dried Fish
Vegetables sold through Marketing Organization
Value $
1962 1963
Average Annual Wholesale Prices
(in cents per catty)
Locally Produced
Appendix XXIV
(Chapter 5: Primary Production)
Co-operative Societies
as at 31st December 1966
Type of
Loans* repaid
39,630.00 417,837.00 337,045.90
Better Living
4,478 1,335,300.00 †3,397,017.54 4,483,426.60
Credit &
79,800.00 69,205.80
Fish Pond... 1
Credit &
540.00 51,320.00 71,783.20 27,727.20
61 1,683
2 124
Pig Raising.. 41 1,807
29,675.00 4,658,069.82 3,161,701.65 1,189,460.95 192,469.25
763,234.10 763,844.88 58,942.07 76,055.53
Thrift &
217,453.00 212,302.00 140,150.42 44,288.82
Total ...
30 9,481 105,915.00 609,396.00 578,495.50 115,106.18 180,523.05
411 22,839 1,678,016.00 10,194,127.46 9,683,380.53 1,585,140.62 1,028,216.62
* Including repayment of loans issued during previous years.
† Loans made by Treasury direct.
Appendix XXV
(Chapter 5: Primary Production)
Production of Minerals 1966
Production in long tons
Value in $
Iron ore 56% Fe
47,010.00 6,601,792.81
Wolframite 65% WO3
Appendix XXVI
(Chapter 6: Education)
Categories of Schools
Number of Schools (As at September 1966)
Total Enrolment (As at September 1966)
Number of Teachers (As at March 1966)
Special Afternoon
Special Education
(Figures are shown as at 30th September 1966, with
the previous year's figures in brackets)
Adult Education
Special Education
( 46,595)
( 35,128)
Number of Schools and Extensions
New Buildings, Classrooms and Places
1st October 1965-30th September 1966
Increase in Number of Classrooms Primary Secondary
Increase in Number of Places
Appendix XXVII
(Chapter 6: Education)
Educational Statistics
Overseas Examinations 1966
Number of Entries
General Certificate of Education Examination (June) London Chamber of Commerce Examinations
Pitman's Shorthand Examinations
Pitman's Typewriting Examinations
University of London External Degree Examinations
Institute of Book-keepers Examinations
Chartered Institute of Secretaries Examinations
Association of International Accountants Examinations
Association of Certified & Corporate Accountants Examinations
Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Examination Institute of Fire Engineers Examination
Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English Examinations
Cambridge Lower Certificate in English Examinations College of Preceptors Examination
Gemmological Association Examination
British Institute of Management Examination
British Federation of Master Printers Examination
Society of Engineers (Graduateship) Examination
London School of Economics Examination
National Gregg Shorthand Examination
British Association of Accountants & Auditors Examination Institute of Export Examination
Swinburne Technical College Diploma Examination
University of Melbourne Matriculation English Examination Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Examination
The Polytechnic Diploma in Management of Studies Examination The Australian Institute of Cartographers Examination Northern Universities Joint Matriculation Board (GCE)
* As at 1st September 1966.
Note: These are examinations for which the Director of Education acts as the Hong Kong agent. Additional overseas examinations include those of the Institute of Bankers, for which Hong Kong entries in 1966 numbered 82.
New Awards made by Government during 1966
Tenable at
Number Awarded
Total Value ($ per annum).
University of Hong Kong
Government Scholarships
Chinese University of Hong Kong
University of Hong Kong
Government Bursaries
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Government Teaching
Bursaries for Diploma in Education
J University of Hong Kong
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Maintenance Grants
Anglo-Chinese Secondary Schools and
Chinese Middle Schools
Teacher Training Colleges
Interest-free Loans
Teacher Training Colleges
In addition to the above, recurrent awards totalling approximately $1,621,360 were granted by the government during 1966, making a total of over $3,654,970.
Appendix XXVIII
(Chapter 6: Education)
Hong Kong Students pursuing Further Studies in the United Kingdom
Number of Hong Kong students arriving in the United Kingdom:
* From 1st October 1965 to 30th September 1966 inclusive.
... 1,161*
Distribution by courses of Hong Kong students in the United Kingdom:
Architecture Education
Social Science
Meteorology Music Nursing Others
September 1966
:. :
Appendix XXIX
(Chapter 6: Education)
Actual Expenditure on Education
1st August 1965-31st July 1966
Total $
(A) Recurrent Expenditure:
(1) Personal Emoluments
$ 68,734,988
(2) Other Charges
(3) Maintenance and Repairs of School Buildings (Public Works Department)
(B) Capital Expenditure:
(1) Equipment and Furniture for
Government Schools and Headquarters $
(2) New School Buildings, including
Furniture and Equipment (Public Works Department)
(C) Grants and Subsidies:
(1) Recurrent
(2) Capital
(D) Grants to University of Hong Kong:
(1) Recurrent
(2) Capital
(E) Grants to Chinese University of Hong Kong:
(1) Recurrent
(2) Capital
10,141,212 129,975,631
$ 11,802,750
$ 16,667,155
(F) Expenditure by other Departments:
(1) Medical and Health Department
(2) Kowloon-Canton Railway
(3) Agriculture and Fisheries Department ...
$ 2,880,230
$ 3,878,970
Appendix XXX
(Chapter 7: Health)
Vital Statistics-Hong Kong
Infant Neo-natal Maternal mortality mortality
mid-year population
(per 1,000
(per 1,000
(per 1,000
rate (per 1,000 total
97,834 37.9
2,748,000 106,624 38.8
2,857,000 104,579 36.6
2,981,000 110,667 37.1
19,146 6.4
3,173,300 108,726 34.3
1962* ...
3,318,700 111,905 33.7
1963* ...
115,263 33.4
108,519 30.6
1965* ...
102,195 27.9
17,621 4.8
1966* ...
92,476 24.9 18,700 5.0
* Provisional estimates of population after 1966 By-census.
Tuberculosis Statistics
Estimated mid-year population
TB death rate (per 100,000 population)
% TB deaths
under 5
% TB deaths of total deaths
Total number of TB beds
Under treatment Government
1965* ...
*Figures adjusted after 1966 By-census.
Appendix XXXI
(Chapter 7: Health)
Infectious Diseases Notified
Cases and Deaths 1962-1966
Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Cases Deaths
1965 Cases Deaths
Cases Deaths
Enteric fever
(typhoid and
2,317 326 3,416
Puerperal fever
Scarlet fever
14,263 1,881 13,031 1,762 12,557 1,441
9,927 1,278 11,427 1,515
Typhus (mite-
Total ...
21,773 2,447 21,515 2,334 17,603 1,630 19,862 1,595 17,048 1,983
6,374 39 4,433 22 2,473 16
21 1,220 30
Remarks: * Notifiable since June 1965.
† Voluntary notifications.
The above table omits rabies, smallpox, plague, epidemic louse-borne typhus, yellow fever and relapsing fever no case of any of which was reported during the year.
Appendix XXXII
(Chapter 7: Health)
Number of Hospital Beds in Hong Kong
A. Hospitals
Castle Peak
Lai Chi Kok Queen Elizabeth Queen Mary Sai Ying Pun
South Lantau St John Tsan Yuk
Wan Chai
4 Prison Hospitals
B. Dispensaries
Anne Black
Cheung Sha Wan Eastern
Ho Tung
Hung Hom
Kam Tin
Kennedy Town
Kwun Tong
Lady Trench Polyclinic
Li Po Chun Health Centre
Maurine Grantham
North Lamma
Peng Chau
Robert Black Health Centre
Sai Kung
San Hui
Sha Tau Kok
Sha Tin
Shau Kei Wan
Number of Hospital Beds
Shek Wu Hui
Silver Mine Bay Stanley
Tai O
Tai Po
Wang Tau Hom
Yuen Long
Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole
Caritas Medical Centre
Haven of Hope TB Sanatorium
Hei Ling Chau Leprosarium
Hong Kong Society of Rehabilitation Medical Rehabilitation Centre
Kwong Wah
Maryknoll Mission
Pok Oi
Ruttonjee Sanatorium
Sandy Bay Convalescent Home
Tung Wah
Tung Wah Eastern
Adventist Sanatorium
Baptist Hospital
Children's Convalescent Home, Cheung Chau
Evangel Medical Centre
Hong Kong Central
Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital
Matilda and War Memorial
Precious Blood
St Paul's
St Teresa's
(a) Including 350 beds in Wong Tai Sin Infirmary.
(b) Including 180 beds in Sandy Bay Infirmary.
Appendix XXXIII
(Chapter 7: Health)
Professional Medical Personnel
Registered Medical Practitioners (including 394 Government Medical Officers) Provisionally registered Medical Practitioners
Government Medical Officers (including 36 seconded to Tung Wah Group, etc)
Registered Dentists
Government Dental Surgeons
Registered Pharmacists (excluding Government Pharmacists)
Government Pharmacists
Registered Nurses (excluding Government Nurses)
Government Nurses
Registered Male Nurses (excluding Government Male Nurses)
Government Male Nurses
Registered Midwives (excluding Government Midwives)..
Government Midwives
Government Male Nurses (Psychiatric)
Government Female Nurses (Psychiatric)
Students or Probationers in Training
as at 31st December 1966
Number who
Length 1st
of Course Year
2nd 3rd 4th 5th successfully year year year year completed
training during year
Student Assistant
4 12
Student Assistant Physiotherapist
Student Dispenser
Student Laboratory Assistant
Student Medical Laboratory Technician
Student Male Nurse
16 30 29
Student Nurse
100 165
Student Male Nurse (Psychiatry)
Student Nurse (Psychiatry)
Student Midwife (Registered Nurse)
Student Midwife (Non-Registered Nurse)
Anti-Tuberculosis Worker
72 1
Medical Social Worker
Student Assistant Orthopaedic Appliance
1 1 2
A. Population
Appendix XXXIV
(Chapter 8: Land and Housing)
Resettlement Estate Statistics
Cottage Areas (one storey
1st January 1966 31st December 1966
Multi-storey Estates (6-7-8- and
16-storey buildings)
B. Premises of various types on 31st December 1966
(The numbers on 31st December 1965 are shown in brackets)
Cottage Areas
Multi-storey Estates
Domestic cottages and huts
11,487 (11,650)
Self-contained flats...
End bay flats
Domestic rooms
Shops of various kinds
Restaurants (general and light
Workshops ...
Clinics and Welfare Centres
469 ( 469)
2,293 (2,293)
148,086 (131,966)
314 (354)
6,273 ( 5,634)
6 (
480 ( 465)
71 ( 59)
1,291 ( 1,222)
29 (
1,544 ( 1,299)
35 (
279 ( 239)
37 (
172 (
Appendix XXXV
(Chapter 8: Land and Housing)
Housing Provided in 1966
1,003 units
19,735 units
121 flats
tenement floors
Private developers
flats, houses and units
Government quarters
Resettlement (30 new blocks)
Domestic accommodation
Co-operative societies
Housing Society
Housing Authority
1,294 flats
226 flats
Premiums received on sales of Crown Land from 1851 to 1965-6
The system of disposing of leasehold land by public auction for a premium began in 1851 in accordance with the Secretary of State's Despatch No 222 of 2nd January 1851. Where premiums are payable by instalments, only the amounts actually received have been included in the annual totals.
1860 ...
1861 - 1870
1871 - 1880
1881 - 1890 ...
1901 - 1910
1911 - 1920
1931 1941 (25.12.41)
1946-7 1955-6 (10 years)
1956-7 - 1960-1 (5 years)
1962 (1 year)
- 1963 (1 year)
- 1964 (1 year)
- 1965 (1 year)
- 1966 (1 year)
Grand Total
107,225,301.38 234,402,780.18 207,157,985.13
Appendix XXXVI
(Chapter 10: Public Order)
Comparative figures for the last six years are as below:
Fatal ...
Serious injury
Slight injury.
Damage only
2,238 2,248 2,581
5,215 5,782 6,437
2,626 2,331
15,877 14,214 11,818 11,198
Numbers of Registered Vehicles, Licensed Drivers, Provisional (Learner) Licences issued and Driving Tests conducted
1961 1962
Number of registered vehicles
Number of licensed drivers
54,152 61,482 71,415 83,091 89,617 92,966*
120,418 130,512 144,667 160,152 176,340 197,180
Provisional (Learner) licences issued
26,344 20,848 24,310 38,810 31,393 29,664
Driving tests conducted
59,509 75,404 67,369
110,594 126,147†
* This number does not include 806 rickshaws, and 734 pedal tricycles.
†This number includes written test, the number of practical tests conducted is 97,212.
No longer mandatory to report.
(Chapter 10:
Public Order)
Serious Crime & Narcotics
Offences in 1966
Number of Cases
Number of Persons
Number of Cases
Number of Persons
Prosecuted 1966
16 years
16 years
16 years
and over
16 years
and over
Against Public Order
Forgery and Coinage
Bribery and Corruption
Escape and Rescue
Possession of Arms and Ammunition
Unlawful Society
Breach of Deportation
Other Offences against Lawful
Other Serious Crime ...
Serious Narcotics Offences.
Rape and Indecent Assault
Other Sexual Offences ...
Grand Total
(Percentages of Serious Crime detected: 1965-72.0%; 1966-73.6%).
Murder and Manslaughter
Attempted Murder
*Manufacturing Dangerous Drugs
Serious Assault
*Importing Dangerous Drugs
Criminal Intimidation ...
Other Offences against the Person
*Dealing in Dangerous Drugs *Possession of Large Quantities of
Dangerous Drugs
Robbery with Firearms
Possession of Opium ...
Possession of Equipment
Keeping a Divan
Smoking Opium
Other Robberies
Demanding with Menaces
Burglary and Breaking Offences
Larceny from Person
Other Larcenies
Embezzlement and Fraudulent
Fraud and False Pretences
Other Opium Offences
Possession of Heroin ...
Possession of Equipment
10,612 10,169
Keeping a Divan
Smoking Heroin
Other Heroin Offences
ཀཝསྶ ན ནིཏྟནིནྣཱསི བྷུཐཱ' ནཱམྨིཾ
6 17
Receiving Stolen Property
Other Dangerous Drugs
Malicious Injuries to Property
Unlawful Possession
2,162 10
107 2
Other Offences
Possession of Unlawful Instrument
Loitering and Trespass
1,224 1,030
28 14,309
* These offences are classified as Serious Crime and are therefore also shown under Serious
Narcotics Offences.
Vessels entered Tonnage entered Passengers landed
Cargo tons landed
Vessels cleared
Mechanized vessels under
300 tons
(Chapter 13: Communication
for the year ending
Communications) Statistics
31st December 1966
Passenger Journeys by Public Transport: Annual Traffics by Undertakings (Millions)
22,155,875 34,479 7,272,867
10,863 3,466,980
12,073 1,942,320
7,942 10,865 3,460,395
1,633,250 12,015 1,924,420
Total KMB CMB HKT 721.332 322.077 87.180 172.763 809.447 380.712 106.288 175.332 890.716 435.515 120.120 180.585 974.777 481.569 134.196 189.000 1,032.576 515.172 143.026 190.920 126.990 1,090.195 546.579 158.209 182.454 144.611 1,162.710 593.221 169.256 181.767 155.499 1,237.096 642,700 186.561 181.589 161.180
97.186 37.039
Annual Traffics by Geographical Areas (Millions)
Tonnage cleared
Passengers embarked
Cargo tons loaded
34,131* 1,322,088 2,803,441
* Includes 2,367 Emigrants.
Kowloon-Canton Railway, British Section
Length of line
Main line--22 miles
Passengers carried
Passenger kilometres
Freight carried (metric tons)
Total revenue
Net operating revenue
Capital expenditure...
Passenger Aircraft
Freight (kilos)
Mail (kilos)
Air Traffic
Total length of line-35 miles
1,036,927.3 $16,395,084.86 $ 6,957,147.57 $ 2,077,998.08
869,958.71 $14,906,496.85
$ 7,261,482.96
Urban Area
HK Island
Cross New Harbour Territories 721.332 689.942 259.943 298.352 131.647 31.390 809.447 772.756 281.620 353,155 890.716 840.066 300.705 394.500 974.777 913.101 323.196 430.678 1,032.576 961.483 333.946 456.698 1,090.195 1,007.695 340.663 478.123 188.909 82.500 1,162.710 1,072.985 351.023 518.924 203.038 89.725 1,237.096 1,146,639 368.150 568.250 210.239 90.457
137.981 36.691 144.861 50.650 159.227 61.676
170.839 71.093
Annual Traffics by Geographical Areas
(Index Numbers: Base 1959-100)
Cross New Harbour Territories
12,099 557,743
Postal Traffic
Motor cycles (including scooters and 3 on Lantau Island) Motor tricycles
The number of vehicles registered in the Colony on 31st December 1966 was 94,506. This represented an overall increase of 5,198 over 1965. There is now a density of 157.8 vehicles for every mile of roadway.
Private cars (including 32 on Lantau Island) ..
Number of post offices
Total revenue
Value of remittance business (Money orders and postal orders issued
and paid)
Wireless licences issued
Tons of mail despatched by air
Bags conveyed by Kowloon-Canton Railway
$84 m
$95 m
$59 m
$67 m
1,250 490,068
Telegraph and Radio Traffic
Buses (including 8 on Lantau Island)
Telegrams accepted for transmission
1965 1,202,138
1966 1,292,970
Goods vehicles (including 79 on Lantau Island)
Telegrams received
Dual purpose vehicles-Private car/Goods vehicle (including 5 on Lantau Island) Public cars (including 7 on Lantau Island)
Telegrams handled in transit
Telex calls-outward minutes
Telex calls-inward minutes
Crown vehicles
International telephone calls-outward minutes
International telephone calls-inward minutes
Pedal tricycles
Pictures transmitted
Pictures received
Harbourphone calls
Press broadcasts and reception services-number of hours
Meteorological broadcasts and reception services-number of hours Inland telegrams
Appendix XXXIX
(Chapter 14: Press, Broadcasting and Cinema)
Leading Newspapers and Magazines
South China Morning Post
Hong Kong Tiger Standard
(including Sundays)
China Mail
The Star
Daily Commodity Quotations
Sunday Post-Herald
Asian Weekend
Far Eastern Economic Review
Sunday Examiner
Asia Magazine
Trade Bulletin
Far East Architect and Builder Far East Engineering and
Equipment News
Far East Medical Journal Asian Industry
Young Hong Kong
Daily (Morning Papers)
Alternate Days
Wah Kiu Yat Po
Sing Tao Jih Pao
Tien Wen Tai
(Observatory Review)
Fai Po (Express)
Kung Sheung Yat Po
Hong Kong Shih Pao (Hong Kong Times)
Sing Pao
Ta Kung Pao
Wen Wei Po
Chiu Yin Pao
Sin Sang Yat Po (Gentlemen Daily News)
Hong Kong Sheung Po
(Hong Kong Commercial Daily)
Hung Look Yat Po
Ching Po Daily
Tin Tin Yat Po
Ming Tang Yat Po
Ming Pao
Hong Kong Daily News
Kung Kao Pao
Tung Fung (East Pictorial) Châu Mut Pao
(Week-end News)
Sinwen Tienti (Newsdom) Chinese Student Weekly Economic Bulletin
Asia Weekly
Wah Sing Pao
Daily Pictorial
Good News Daily
Happy News
Yuet Wah Daily News
Every 10 days
Kar Ting Sang Wood
(Home Life Journal)
Daily (Evening Papers)
Wah Kiu Man Po
Sing Tao Man Po
Kung Sheung Man Po
Hsin Wan Pao (New Evening Post)
Chun Pao (Truth Daily)
New Life Evening Post
Seng Weng Evening News
Cheng Wu Pao
Hong Kong Evening News
Nam Wah Man Pao
World Evening Express
Children's Paradise
Cosmorama Magazine Yah Chow (Asia Pictorial)
Sing Tao Pictorial
Woman Today
Appendix XL
(Chapter 18: Geography and Climate)
Climatological Summary 1966
sure at Mean
Air Temperature
Sea Abs Mean Level Max Max
Mean Abs
Mean Min Min
Dew tive of Sun- Rain- Point Hu-
Cloud midity
Pre- vail- Mean ing speed direc- in
tion knots
milli- bars
°C °C °C °C °C ос %
January 1,020.2 26.8 20.8 17.7 15.7 10.1 13.0
127.5 trace
February 1,017.3 26.8 21.3 18.0 15.3
7.5 14.2
127.7 100.4 E
1,013.0 29.2 23.5 20.6 18.3 12.6 17.6 84
87.4 116.1
1,011.3 31.1 26.2 23.5 21.5 16.4 21.0 86
124.6 337.0 E
1,009.0 32.6 28.6 25.7 23.4 18.1 20.4 74
210.7 140.4
1,007.1 33.4 29.6 27.2 25.1 21.8 24.4|
105.7 962.9
1,005.8 33.2 31.2 28.4 25.9 23.5 24.9
214.4 473.7| E
August 1,005.7 34.7 32.1 28.9 26.3 24.0 24.3 77
274.7 218.3
September 1,008.5 33.9 31.6| 28.0 25.1| 22.9 19.2 61
280.6 24.1 E
October 1,015.0 31.8 28.8 25.8 23.5 19.5 19.7
234.9 9.5 E
November 1,016.1| 30,0| 26.2 23.1 20.2 14.5 15.6 65
11.1 E 5.7
December 1,017.6 26.4 21.3 18.7 16.4| 8.2 13.2 72
4.7 E 5.3
total or
for year 1,012.2 34.7 26.8 23.8 21.4
7.5 19.0
62 2,114.8 2,398.2
(15th Aug)
(23rd Feb)
Normal or 1,012.6 36.1 24.9 22.3 20.2
0.0 18.5 79
68 1,963.12,168.8 E
Type of appointment
Ex officio
(Chapter 22: Constitution
and Administration)
Names of members
on 1st January 1967
(Presided over by His Excellency the Governor)
His Excellency the Commander British
Lieutenant-General Sir John Francis
The Honourable the Colonial Secretary
Mr Michael David Irving Gass,
Succeeded Lieutenant-General Sir Denis Stuart Scott O'CONNOR, KBE, CB on 10th June 1966.
Brigadier Peter Chambre HINDE, DSO, Senior Military Officer, filled this seat from 9th to 19th February, from 5th to 9th June, from 11th to 20th September and from 26th October to 9th November 1966.
Mr Geoffrey Cadzow HAMILTON appointed to act as Colonial Secretary from 29th June to 26th August 1966.
The Honourable the Attorney General
Mr Denys Tudor Emil ROBERTS,
Succeeded Mr Maurice HEENAN, CMG,
QC on 3rd September 1966.
Type of appointment
Names of members
on 1st January 1967
Dr the Honourable Sir Albert
The Honourable KWAN Cho-yiu, CBE
The Honourable John Douglas
Mr George Ronald Ross appointed
provisionally during the absence of Mr CLAGUE from 10th May to 24th August 1966.
The Honourable FUNG Ping-fan, CBE Mr Woo Pak-chuen, OBE, appointed
provisionally during the absence of Mr FUNG from 25th May to 19th July 1966.
The Honourable Sidney Samuel
Mr Kenneth Albert WATSON, OBE, appointed provisionally during the absence of Mr GORDON from 1st July to 12th August 1966.
The Honourable the Secretary for
Chinese Affairs
Mr David Ronald HOLMES, CBE,
Succeeded Mr John Crichton MCDOUALL, CMG on 2nd November 1966.
The Honourable KAN Yuet-keung, OBE Succeeded Mr Richard Charles LEE,
CBE on 28th May 1966.
The Honourable the Financial Secretary Mr Michael Denys Arthur CLINTON,
GM, appointed to act as Financial Secretary from 20th April to 11th June and from 15th to 26th September 1966.
Dr the Honourable TENG Pin-hui,
CMG, OBE (Director of Medical and
Health Services)
Succeeded Mr David Ronald HOLMES, CBE, MC, ED on 3rd November 1966.
The Honourable Li Fook-shu, OBE
The Honourable John Anthony
Appointed on 28th May 1966.
| Appointed on 28th May 1966.
Mr George Ronald Ross appointed provisionally during the absence of Mr SAUNDERS from 3rd September to 9th October 1966.
Type of appointment
Names of members on 1st January 1967
(Chapter 22: Constitution
and Administration)
Type of appointment
Names of members on 1st January 1967
Ex officio
His Excellency the Governor,
Sir David Clive Crosbie TRENCH, KCMG, MC
The Honourable the Colonial Secretary
Mr Michael David Irving Gass,
The Honourable the Attorney General
Mr Denys Tudor Emil Roberts,
The Honourable the Secretary for
Chinese Affairs
Mr David Ronald HOLMES, CBE,
The Honourable the Financial Secretary
The Honourable Alec Michael John
(Director of Public Works)
Dr the Honourable TENG Pin-hui,
(Director of Medical and Health
Mr M. D. Irving Gass, CMG, assumed the office of Officer Administering the Government during the Governor's absence from the Colony from 29th June to 26th August 1966.
Geoffrey Cadzow HAMILTON appointed to act as Colonial Secretary from 29th June to 26th August 1966. Succeeded Mr Maurice HEENAN, CMG,
QC on 3rd September 1966.
Succeeded Mr John Crichton MCDOUALL, CMG on 2nd November 1966.
Mr Michael Denys Arthur CLINTON, GM, appointed to act as Financial Secretary from 20th April to 11th June and from 15th to 26th September 1966.
Mr James Jeavons ROBSON appointed
provisionally during the absence of Mr WRIGHT from 13th July to 12th October 1966.
Dr Anthony Henry Reginald COOMBES, MBE, appointed provisionally during the absence of Dr TENG from 23rd May to 16th June and from 9th to 28th September (6.40 p.m.) 1966.
The Honourable William David GREGG Mr Kenneth John ATTWELL appointed
(Director of Education)
The Honourable Robert Marshall
HETHERINGTON, DFC (Commissioner of Labour)
The Honourable Alastair TODD
(Director of Social Welfare)
The Honourable Ian MacDonald
(District Commissioner, New
provisionally during the absence of Mr GREGG from 2nd July 1966.
Mr James Tinker WAKEFIELD appointed provisionally during the absence of Mr HETHERINGTON from 9th February to 8th September 1966.
The Honourable Terence Dare SORBY
(Director of Commerce and Industry)
Succeeded Mr David Ronald HOLMES, CBE, MC, ED on 3rd November 1966.
The Honourable Geoffrey Marsh TINGLE Appointed provisionally during the
(Director of Urban Services)
absence of Mr Kenneth Strathmore KINGHORN from 21st March to 30th November 1966.
Appointed provisionally, in the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr KINGHORN, from 7th December 1966.
The Honourable Dhun Jehangir
The Honourable KAN Yuet-keung, OBE
The Honourable Li Fook-shu, OBE
The Honourable FUNG Hon-chu, OBE
The Honourable TANG Ping-yuan
The Honourable TSE Yu-chuen, OBE
The Honourable Kenneth Albert
The Honourable Woo Pak-chuen, OBE
The Honourable George Ronald Ross
The Honourable SZETO Wai
Mr David Whinfield Barclay BARON,
Director of Social Welfare, appointed as an Official Member with effect from 6th January 1966, when the Commander British Forces ceased to be an ex officio member.
Mr TODD appointed provisionally, in the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr BARON, from 28th March to 30th June 1966, and subsequently appointed as a substantive member on 1st July 1966.
Succeeded Mr John Philip ASERAPPA on
1st July 1966.
Mrs Ellen Li Shu-pui, OBE, appointed provisionally during the absence of Mr RUTTONJEE from 1st December 1965 to 19th January 1966.
Mrs Ellen Li Shu-pui, OBE, appointed provisionally during the absence of Mr FUNG from 27th May to 30th June 1966.
Dr CHUNG Sze-yuen appointed provi- sionally during the absence of Mr TANG from 15th to 24th September and from 3rd to 26th October 1966.
The Honourable Wilfred WONG
Sien-bing, OBE
Dr CHUNG Sze-yuen appointed provi
sionally during the absence of Mr SZETO from 23rd July to 4th September 1966.
The Honourable Ellen Li Shu-pui,
The Honourable James Dickson
Succeeded Mr Kwan Cho-yiu, CBE, on
1st July 1966.
Succeeded Mr Sidney Samuel GORDON,
OBE, on 1st July 1966.
Appendix XLIII
Cases in the Supreme Court, District Court and Tenancy Tribunal 1962-6
Supreme Court
Civil appeals
Criminal appeal
Original jurisdiction
Miscellaneous proceedings
Criminal sessions
Admiralty jurisdiction
Probate grants
Company winding-up
Total ...
District Court
Criminal jurisdiction
Civil jurisdiction
Workmen's compensation
Distress for rent
Tenancy Tribunal
Ordinary cases
Exemption cases
Demolished Building cases
Work in the Magistracies for the Years 1962-6
Total number of summary matters
(charges, summonses and appli-
cations, etc)
Total number of adult defendants...
338,666 412,960
Total number of adult defendants
Total number of juvenile defendants
Total number of juvenile defendants
Total number of charge sheets
Total number of summonses issued
Total number of miscellaneous
proceedings issued
Appendix XLIV
(Chapter 22: Constitution and Administration)
Urban Council
Type of appointment
Names of members
on 1st January 1967
Ex officio
Mr Kenneth Strathmore KINGHORN on 19th March 1966.
The Honourable the Director of Urban Succeeded
Mr Geoffrey Marsh TINGLE
Deputy Director of Medical and Health
Dr Anthony Henry Reginald COOMBES,
The Honourable the Secretary for
Chinese Affairs
Mr David Ronald HOLMES, CBE,
The Honourable the Director of Public
Mr Alec Michael John WRIGHT,
The Honourable the Director of Social
Mr Alastair TODD
The Commissioner for Resettlement Mr Dermont Campbell BARTY,
Dr Patrick Anthony Monteuuis VAN DE
LINDE acted as Deputy Director of Medical and Health Services from 22nd May to 16th June 1966. Succeeded Mr John Crichton McDouall
CMG on 2nd November 1966.
Mr James Jeavons ROBSON acted as Director of Public Works from 11th July to 12th October 1966.
Succeeded Mr David Whinfield Barclay
BARON on 26th March 1966.
Mr Brian Denis WILSON acted
Commissioner for Resettlement from 12th April to 22nd May 1966.
Mr Brook Antony BERNACCHI, OBE,
Dr Raymond Harry Shoon LEE, OBE Mr Li Yiu-bor, OBE
Dr Woo Pak-foo, OBE
Mr CHEUNG Wing-in
Mr Solomon RAFEEK, BEM
Dr Alison Mary Spencer BELL
Mr Henry Hu Hung-lick
Nominated Mr Arnaldo de Oliveira SALES, OBE
Mr John Louis MARDEN
The Honourable Wilfred WONG
Sien-bing, OBE
Mr Wilson WANG Tze-sum
The Honourable Ellen Li Shu-pui,
Mr Daniel LAM See-hin
Mr Rogerio Hyndman LOBO
Mr Hugh Moss Gerald FoRSGATE Mr Kenneth Lo Tak-cheung
Mr Peter NG Ping-kin
Succeeded Mr Lo Kwee-seong on 1st
April 1966.
Succeeded Mr FUNG Hon-chu, OBE,
resigned, on 1st April 1966.
Appendix XLV
(Chapter 9: Social Welfare)
Hong Kong Council of Social Service
American Friends' Service Committee
Member Agencies
Hong Kong Junior Chamber of Commerce
American Women's Association of Hong Kong Hong Kong Juvenile Care Centre
Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association
Hong Kong Red Cross
Boy Scouts' Association
CARE Inc Hong Kong Mission
Hong Kong
Catholic Relief Services-NCWC
Catholic Women's League
Hong Kong Red Swastika Society
Hong Kong School for the Deaf
Hong Kong Sea School
Hong Kong Social Workers' Association
Hong Kong Society for the Blind
Causeway Bay Kaifong Welfare Advancement Hong Kong Society for the Protection of
Children's Meals Society
Children's Playground Association
Chinese Methodist Church Welfare Committee
Chinese YMCA
Christian Children's Fund, Inc
Christian Family Service Centre
Church of Christ in China
Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Ebenezer School and Home for the Blind
The Endeavourers
European YMCA
Evangel Children's Home
Family Planning Association of Hong Kong
Five District Business Welfare Association
Foster Parents' Plan, Inc
Girl Guides' Association
Hans Andersen Club
Heep Hong Club
Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation
Hong Kong University Social Service Group International Rescue Committee
International Social Service
Junk Bay Medical Relief Council
The Leprosy Mission
Lutheran World Service
Maryknoll Sisters Catholic Welfare Centre Mennonite Central Committee
Methodist Committee for Overseas Relief The Methodist Women's Association
Misereor Social Aid Fund
Oxford Committee for Famine Relief Po Leung Kuk
Project Concern, Inc
Rennies Mill Student Aid Project
Resettlement Estates Loan Association
The Salvation Army
The Holy Carpenter Church, Hostel and Centre Save the Children Fund Hong Kong
Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society
Hong Kong Anti-Tuberculosis Association
Hong Kong Catholic Social Welfare
Hong Kong Cheshire Home
Hong Kong Chinese Women's Club
Hong Kong Council of the Boys' Brigade Hong Kong Council of Women
Hong Kong Christian Welfare and Relief
Hong Kong Church World Service
Society of Boys' Centres
Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug
Society for the Relief of Disabled Children
Society of St Vincent de Paul
St James' Settlement
St John Ambulance Association and Brigade Street Sleepers' Shelter Society
Toc H Men's and Women's Association Tung Lin Kok Yuen
Hong Kong Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
Hong Kong Housing Society
Hong Kong Indian Welfare Society
US Servicemen's Lounge World Council of Churches
World Vision, Inc
The Bibliography last appeared in this Report in 1963. A revised edition, 'A Hong Kong Bibliography 1965' by J. M. Braga, is available as a separate publication priced at HK$1.00 per copy, obtainable from the Printing Department, 81-115 Java Road, North Point, and the Government Publications Centre, Star Ferry Concourse, Hong Kong.
Aberdeen, 255, opposite page 1
development scheme, 177
Accidents, industrial, 34-5, 104, 288 Action Committee against Narcotics,
Administration, Government, 272-6 Adoption, 148
Adult education, 15, 35, 92-4 Advisory Committee on Telephone
Services, 201
Aero Club of Hong Kong, 188 Agriculture, 69-74`
policy and administration, 70-2
Air traffic, 188-9, 334
Aircraft engineering, 189
Baron, Julia, 230
Bathing and beaches, 227-9, 268 Bauhinia Blakeana, 251
BCG vaccine, 107
Bets and Sweeps Tax, 42 Bianchi, Msgr Lawrence, 223 Birds, 248,
Birth and death registration, 243, 245 Birth rate, 105
Black, Sir Robert, College, 94
Blake, Sir Henry, 262
Blind, schools for, 21 Blood banks, 117 Botanic Gardens, 227 Botany, 250-4
Airport, 39, 165, 167, 187-8, 211, 268 Boy Scouts and Girl Guides
Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole
Hospital, 106, 108, 116
Aliens, 164
Ambulance service, 160
Amherst, Lord, 257
Anglican Church, 221
Anglo-Chinese schools, 88
Animal industries, 74-6
Appeal Courts, 272
Apprentices, 29
Archaeology, 231, 255
Armed Services, 36, 211-3, 273
Art collections, 231
Art in schools, 86, 97
Arts, the, 229-31
Asian Productivity Organization, 49
Asian Week End, 203
Assets and liabilities, 39, 292-3
Association of European Civil
Servants, 278
Audio Visual Evangelism Committee,
Auxiliary Fire Service, 161, 213,
Auxiliary Medical Service, 161, 213,
Aviation, 187-9
Banking, 36, 38, 45-6, 48, 304-5
legislation, 45-6 Banknotes, 45, 304-5
Bankruptcies and liquidations, 66 Bangkok trade fair, 57-8, between
pages 48-9
Baptist Church, 221
Barcelona trade fair, 57, 168, between
pages 48-9
Association, 147
Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association,
147, 232
Braille printing, 87
Council, 92, 232-3
Red Cross Society, 117, 146 Week, 200, 232, between pages
Broadcasting, 202-7, 238, 268
Bruce, Sir Frederick, 261
Buddhism, 218-9, 273
Authority, 131
development, 125, 130-2, 173-5 legislation, 131
Buoys, 184-5
Bus services, 193-5, 196 Business registration, 43
Butterflies and moths, 249, between
pages 264-5
By-Census, 243, 245, opposite
page 1
Cable and Wireless Ltd, 200 Cantonese, 243-4, 259
Cape St Mary, the, 79
Car parks, multi-storey, and metered
zones, 185, 192-3
CARE (Co-operative for American
Relief Everywhere, Inc), 146 Cargo storage, 185
Cargo tonnages, 54, 184, 334 Caritas, 106, 118, 224
Caritas Medical Centre, 11, 108,
Castle Peak, new city, 53, 126, 179
Castle Peak Hospital, 11, 105, 113,
115, 175
Cathay Pacific Airways, 189 Catholic Centre, 223
hospitals, 224
Press Bureau, 223
Relief Services, 151 Truth Society, 223
Cattle, 76
Cemeteries and crematoria, 225, 274 Census, 243, 245, 267
Certificates of Origin, 62-3
Chartered Bank, 44
Chater Collection, 231
Chatham Galleries, 230
Chemist, Government, 116-7
Cheung Chau Electric Co Ltd, 181 Chi Ma Wan Prison, 158
Child welfare, 148-9 Children, abandoned, 148
China Light and Power Co Ltd,
China Mail, 203
China Motor Bus Co Ltd, 194-5 Chinese Affairs, Secretary for, 143,
263, 273
Chinese Christian Literature Council,
Chinese General Chamber of
Commerce, 65
Chinese Manufacturers' Association,
14, 56, 59, 66
Chinese Middle Schools, 88 Chinese opera, 229
Chinese People's Republic, 32, 63, 80-1, 164, 189, 236, 262, 266 Chinese University, 13-4, 88, 90,
93-4, 96, 101-3, 152, 232, opposite page 1
Ching Ming, 220
Cholera, 5, 104, 106, 111
Chuenpi, Convention of, 259
Christians, 221-4
Christian Centre, 222
Chung Chi College, 90, 232
Chung Hom Kok park, 228
Chung Yeung Festival, 220
Church of Christ in China, 221
Churches, 221-4
Cinemas, 209, 268
City Hall, 58, 229-31,
Church World Service, 146, 151, 222
Cleansing, 120
Climate, 236-7, 337 Clinics, 10-2, 116-8
Clinics, floating, 12, 117 Coinage, 43
Collections, government, 231 Colonial Development and Welfare,
39, 296
Colonial Secretariat, 232, 272-3 Commerce and Industry Department,
47, 63-5, 161
Commercial Radio, 202, 205
Commercial wharves, 185
Commissioner of Rating and
Valuation, 144
Commonwealth cable system, 200 Commonwealth Immigrants Act, 27,
Commonwealth preference, 40, 55, 63 Communicable diseases, 4, 10, 106-11 Communications, 183-201, 334-5 Community centres, 82, 151
Community Relief Trust Fund, 146 Companies Registry, 67-8 Concerts, 229-30 Confucius, 218 Constitution, 269 Consular corps, 318 Consumer price index, 30 Convention of Peking, 261
Co-operative societies, 74, 82-3, 320
Co-ordinating Committee for
Treatment of Tuberculosis, 108 Cottage resettlement, 136
Cotton Advisory Board, 48, 62, 64 Courts, 270-2, 342
Crime, 155-6, 332-3
Crops, 72-3
Cross-harbour race, 226 Cross-harbour tunnel, 198 Crown land, 124-7, 330 Curfew, 153
Currency, 36, 43-5, 304-5 Customary marriages, 246
Dance Halls Tax, 42 Day nurseries, 21
Deaf, schools for, 21, 87
Death rate, 105
Deaths, 245
Deer, Barking, 247
Defence, 211-7
Defence expenditure, 36
Delinquency, 20
Aid Services, 161, 174, 213, 216-7 Defence (Finance) Regulations, 45
Aviation, 187-9
Defence, 213-7
disturbances, 153, 155, 160, 165, 211-3, 215, opposite page 1 Service, 82, 141, 276-8
Dental services, 118
Development Loan Fund, 39, 298-301 Diphtheria, 104, 110
Disabled, the, 20, 150
Diseases, 106-11, 326
Display Centre of HK Products, 58 District Courts, 270-2, 342 Dollar coins, 43-5
Domestic exports, 312-3, 316-7 Dragon Boat Festival, 220 Drainage, 175-6 Drama, 204, 229
Driving licences, 156, 331
Drug addiction, 114, 158
(see Narcotics)
Ducks and geese, 75
Dutiable commodities, 39-40 Duties and licence fees, 38, 297 Duties, Excise, 39-40
Earnings and profits tax, 42 Earthquakes, 239
East Asia Christian Conference, 222 East Asia Travel Association, 168 East India Company, 256-9 Education, 4, 13-7, 85-103
adult, 15, 35, 92-4
examinations, 95-7, 322 higher, 89-92
music and art, 86, 97
number of schools and pupils,
86, 89
overseas, 92
primary, 13, 15-6, 87 recreation centres, 93 research, 98-103
scholarships and bursaries, 90 School Health Service, 113 School Medical Service, 113 secondary, 15-6, 88-9 technical, 4, 90-2 white paper, 15, 85
Electricity, 179-81
Electronics industry, 51
Elliot, Capt C., 258-9
Emigration, 25-7, 163-4
Employment, 24-35, 286-7
holidays with
pay, 31
information service, 27 migration for, 25-7 New Territories, 25
safety, health and welfare, 34-5 strikes, 33
wages and conditions of, 30-1 working hours, 30-1
Entertainment, 229-30
Entertainment Tax, 42 Entrepôt trade, 47-8, 55, 183
Essential Services Corps, 213, 215-7 Estate duty, 42
Evening institutes, 92-3
Evening School of Higher Chinese
Studies, 92-3
Exchange control, 45 Exchange Fund, 44 Excise duties, 39-40
Executive Council, 269, 338-9 Expenditure and revenue, 36-9, 170,
289-91, 294-5, 297
Export Credit Insurance Corporation,
Export promotion, 55-9
Exports, 38, 47-8, 54-5, 59-63, 312-3 External trade, 54-5, 59-62
Factories and industrial undertakings, 24-5, 28-31, 50-3, 66, 135-6, 286-8 Factory registration and inspection,
Far East Flying Training School,
Farming, 69-72, 236
Fauna, 247-9
Federation of Hong Kong Industries,
56, 63, 65
Federation of Youth Groups, 147
Ferries, 164, 193, 196-8
Festivals, Chinese, 220
Film censorship, 209 Film industry, 207
Films, government, 208-9 Finances, public, 36-9 Fire prevention, 77, 160
Fire Services, 159-61, 175, 184, 216 Fish, 77-82
marine, 77-80
Marketing Advisory Board, 80 Marketing Organization, 79-82 ponds, 70, 74
Fisher Report, 4
administration, 78-9
Development Loan Fund, 78-9
research station, 79
Fishing, 24, 69, 77-80
Fishing fleet, 77-80
Flatted factories, 25, 135-6, 174 Flora, 250-4
Flouridation, 118
Flying doctor service, 12, 117 Flyovers, 190, opposite page 1 Food inspection, 117, 121 Foot and mouth disease, 76 Football, 227
Forces, local, 213-7
Forestry, 70, 76-7
Fortune telling, between pages 216--7 Fruit, 73, 250
Fukien, 243
Full Court, 272
Fulton Commission, 13
Funicular railway, 195
Garment industry, 50-1 Gas, 181-2
GATT, 59-61
Geography, 234-6
Geology, 234-6
Government Chemist, 116-7. Government Language School, 157 Government Printing Department, 87,
between pages 192-3 Government Stadium, 227 Governor in Council, 269 Grantham College, 94
Grantham Hospital, 11, 106, 108 Griffith, Michael, 230
Hakka, 243-4 Handicapped, the, 150 Harbour facilities, 183-6
Haven of Hope Sanatorium, 11, 108 Hawker Control Force, 122 Hawkers, 121-2
Health, 104-23
dental services, 118 education, 121
environmental, 120-2 industrial, 34-5 inspectors, 121 mental 113-4
ophthalmic service, 118-9 outpatient services, 117-8 specialist services, 116-7 statistics, 325-8 training, 119-20 Heavy industries, 48, 52-3
Hei Ling Chau Leprosarium, 109 Helicopters, 212, 214-5 Herbarium, Hong Kong, 253-4 Heung Yee Kuk, 275-6 Hindu community, 225 Hire cars, 193, 196
History, 255-68
Hok Hoi Library, 231 Hoklo, 243-4
Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering
Co Ltd, 29, 189
Hong Kong Anti-Tuberculosis
Association, 106-8
Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, 214-5 Hong Kong Auxiliary of the Mission
to Lepers, 109
Hong Kong Bird Watching Society,
Hong Kong Buddhist Association, 218 Hong Kong Building and Loan
9, 139
Hong Kong and China Gas Co Ltd,
Hong Kong Chinese Civil Servants
Association, 278
Hong Kong Christian Council, 222 Hong Kong College of Medicine, 262 Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting
Co, 202, 205
Hong Kong Council of Social Service,
19, 146-7, 344
Hong Kong Dental Society, 118 Hong Kong Exporters' Association, 65 Hong Kong Federation of Trade
Unions, 32
Hong Kong Federation of Youth
Groups, 147
Hong Kong Flying Club, 188 Hong Kong General Chamber of
Commerce, 56, 63, 65 Hong Kong Government Trade Representative, Sydney, 56 Hong Kong Herbarium, 253-4 Hong Kong House, London, 92 Hong Kong Housing Society, 7-8
Hong Kong Junior Chamber of
Commerce, 65
Hong Kong and Kowloon Trades
Union Council, 32
Hong Kong and Kowloon Wharf and
Godown Co Ltd, 185
Hong Kong Life Guard Club, 229 Hong Kong Management Association,
Hong Kong Medical Council, 106 Hong Kong Natural History Society,
Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra,
Hong Kong Regiment, 161, 213-4 Hong Kong Registry of Shipping, 186 Hong Kong Royal Naval Reserve,
Hong Kong Settlers' Housing
Corporation, 141
Hong Kong Society for
Rehabilitation, 35
Hong Kong Students' Office, 92, 233 Hong Kong Telephone Co Ltd, 201 Hong Kong Tiger Standard, 203 Hong Kong Tourist Association,
56-7, 165-9
Hong Kong Welfare and Relief
Council, 222
Hong Kong Women's Naval Reserve,
Hong Kong Youth Orchestra, 86 Hongkong Electric Co Ltd, 177,
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
Corporation, 44, 151, 228, 275, opposite page 1
Hongkong Tramways, Ltd, 195
Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co
Ltd, 29, 186
Hongkong and Yaumati Ferry Co Ltd,
Hospitals, 10-2, 114-6, 224, 263, 327 Hotels, 43, 167, 196, 268 Ho-tung Collection, 231 Housing, 138-42, 330
Authority, 3, 7-8, 36, 139-40 Board, 10, 133, 142 co-operatives, 141 low-cost scheme, 140 rents, 142-4
Society, 7-8, 140-1
Special Committee on, 3
Hovercraft, 164, 184 Hydrofoils, 164, 184, 187
Hygiene, environmental and food,
120-2, 274
Immigration, 163-4, 260-1
Japanese occupation, 2, 214, 243, 256,
266 Jaycees, 156
Jewish community, 224
John F. Kennedy Spastic Children's
Centre, 12
Joseph Trust Fund, 71, 82 Judiciary, 270-2
Junk Bay Medical Relief Council,
Junk building, 52 Junks, 78-9, 185, 187 Justice, Courts of, 270-2 Juvenile Care Centre, 150 Juvenile crime, 155
Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Loan Fund,
Kaifong welfare associations, 121, 146,
156, 217, 273
Keshen, 259
Kindergarten schools, 87
Kotewall Collection, 231
Kowloon-Canton Railway, 189-90,
Indian Chamber of Commerce, 63, 65 Kowloon Hospital, 11, 105, 108, 114,
illegal, 154, 163-5
Imports, 54, 310-1
Incinerators, 120, 177
Income tax, 41-2
accidents, 35, 288
employment, 24-7, 30-5
health, 34-5
land, 53
productivity, 49
relations, 31-4
safety, 34-5
training, 28-30
Training Advisory Committee,
undertakings, 24-5, 48, 286-8
welfare, 34-5
Industry and trade, 47-68
Infant mortality, 12, 105
Information Services Department, 58,
Inland Revenue, 41-3
Insurance, 48, 68
Interest tax, 41
Internal revenue, 38-9, 41-3
Internal security, 153, 157
International Confederation of Free
Trade Unions, 32
International economic relations,
International Sanitary Regulations,
International trade negotiations, 59-62 International Union of Official Travel
Organizations, 169
Iron ore, 83
Islamic community, 224-5
175, 263
Kowloon Motor Bus Co (1933) Ltd,
Kung Sheung Yat Po, 203
Kwai Chung, 53, 126, 178-9, 191, 275
Kwan, Nancy, 209
Kwangtung, 243-4, 255, 266, 267
Kwong Wah Hospital, 11, 115
Kwong Yeu-ting, 230
Kwun Tong, 53, 178
administration, 31-5
disputes and stoppages, 33 hours of work, 30-1
legislation, 32-3
Lai Chi Kok Hospital, 105, 175
Land, 124-7, 144-5
administration, 124-7 agricultural, 69-70 arable, 70
area, 234, 236 auctions, 125 Crown, 124-7
development, 71, 125-7, 178-9 for industry, 53
Office (Registrar General), 144-5 revenue, 129
sales, 38, 127-9, 330
surveys, 129
tenure, 71, 124-5
transactions, private, 129
utilization, 69-70, 236
Landlord and Tenant Ordinance,
142-3, 271
Law courts, 270, 272
Law enforcement, 153-4
Law and Sayer Collection, 231
Leases, Crown, 124-7
Lee Chi-shing, 226
Lee, Frederick, 36, 215 Legislation, 270, 282-5
Legislative Council, 36, 269, 240-1
Lei Cheng Uk, Tomb, 255 Lei Yue Mun, 183 Lepers, Mission to, 109 Leprosy, 109
Letters Patent, 269-70 Libraries, 8, 231-3
Light industries, 47-8, 51-2, 83 Lighters, 187
Lin Tse-hsu, 258
Lion Rock tunnel, 171, 173, 191 Liquidations, 66 Livestock, 74-6 Lo Wu, 164, 189
Measles, 111
Measures and weights, 281 Medical-
and Health Department, 4-5,
10-2, 104-23
Clinics Ordinance, 117-8 Development Plan Standing
Committee, 10, 104
finance, 105-6
personnel, 328
research, 122-3
specialist services, 116 training, 119-20
Mental health 113-4 Mercantile Bank, 44
Mercantile Marine Office, 186 Merchant Navy Club, 186 Meteorological research, 239-40 Meteorology, 236-42 Methodist Church, 221 Mid-Autumn Festival, 220
Midwives, 112
Migration for employment, 25-7
Minerals, 83, 234, 320
Mines Department, 84
Mining, 24, 83-4
London Missionary Society, 221, 262 Monasteries, 218-20, between pages
Loans, 39, 71, 80-3
Local forces, 213-7
Loh, Andrew, 226
London Office, Hong Kong
Long-Term Cotton Textile
Arrangement, 60-1, 64
Government, 58, 65, 209
Lotteries Fund, 39, 147, 302-3
Low-cost housing, 39, 137, 140, 170,
174, 267
Lugard, Sir Frederick, 262
Lutheran Church, 221
Lutheran World Service, 146, 151
Macartney, Lord, 257
Macau, 163-4, 184, 187, 256-8, 266
ferries, 164, 184 disturbances, 164
Magic Stone, The, 208
Magistracies, 271, 342
Magliori Collection, 231
Malaria, 109, 121, 260, 262 Mammals, 247-8, 254
Marine Department, 27, 183-5 Marine fauna, 248 Marine police, 154
Market gardening, 72-3, 236 Marketing, 73-4, 80-2, 319 Marriages, 244, 246
Marsh Sampson Report, 15 Maryknoll Hospital, 116
Mass Transit Consultants, 191 Materials Testing Laboratory, 178 Maternal and child health, 105, 112 Matriculation, 96
Monkeys, 247-8
Moral welfare, 149
Moths, 249
Museum, 231
Music, 86, 97, 229
Muslim community, 224-5
Nanking, Treaty of, 259
Napier, Lord, 257-8
Narcotics, 117, 155, 158, 161-2, 273,
Narcotics Advisory Committee, 273 Natural history, 247-54
Navigation, 183
Neonatal mortality, 105 New Asia College, 90, 232
New Territories-
Administration, 71, 274-6 beaches, 228-9
employment, 25, 69
health services, 105, 110, 117, 121 Heung Yee Kuk, 275-6 irrigation systems, 173 land tenure, 71, 124, 126 land utilization, 69-70 parks and playgrounds, 227-9 population, 69, 243-4, 262,
between pages 72-3 public works, 174-5 squatters, 138 taxis, 196
New towns, 25, 126, 178-9 New Year Festival, 30, 189, 220 News agencies, 203 Newspapers, 203, 336
Newspaper Society of Hong Kong, 203 Northcote Training College, 94 Nurses, 119-20
Occupational accidents, 35
Occupational diseases, 34
Occupations, 24-7
Ocean Terminal, 56, 58, 185, 230,
opposite page 1
Official Receiver, 66
Operation Feedbag, 75
Opium, 155, 258
Orchids, 251, 253
Oriental Bank, 44
Outdoor activities, 148
Overseas representation, 318 Oyster farming, 80
Pacific Area Travel Association, 169
Pacific Tidal Warning Service, 239 Paddy, 72-3, 236.
Palmerston, Lord, 258-9
Parcel post, 199
Parkes, Sir Harry, 261
Parking, 185, 192-3
Parks and playgrounds, 227-8, 268,
Passenger Transport Survey Unit, 191
Patents, 66
Peak Tramways, 195
Police, (Contd)
Marine, 154
Traffic Branch, 154
Uniformed Branch, 154 women, 157
Poliomyelitis, 104, 111
Pond fish production, 74
Population, 2, 6, 243-5, 260, 265-7
New Territories, 243-4
non-Chinese aliens, 243
urban, 243
Port, 183-7
Control Office, 184
Executive Committee, 165, 183
health, 111-2, 183-4
Welfare Committee, 186
works, 176-8
Postal Services, 198-9, 268, 335 Post-secondary education, 89-94 Pottinger, Sir Henry, 259
Poultry, 69, 72, 75
Presbyterian Church, 221 Press, 203
Preventive Service, 64, 161-2 Primary production, 69-84
Princess Margaret, HRH The, 86,
209, 215, between pages 96-7 Printing and publishing, between
pages 192-3
Prisons, 113, 115, 158-9, 175
Private building, 130-2
Privy Council, 272
Probation, 21, 150
Productivity Centre, 49
Productivity Council, 49
Profits Tax, 41
Property Tax, 41
Peninsula Electric Power Co Ltd, 180 Protection of fauna and flora, 247, 254
Pearl culture, 78, 80
Pearl in Your Hand, 204
Peking, Convention of, 261
Personal assessment, 41
Pest control, 121
Pigeons, 75-6
Pig-raising, 72, 75
Pilotage, 183
Pirates, 255
Plague, 264
Plasticware, 51
Playgrounds, 227-8, 268
Plover Cove Scheme, 171-2, 267,
opposite page 1
Poisonous plants, 252
Police, 153-4, 157-8
anti-illegal immigration, 154,
Auxiliaries, 153-4, 213 CID, 154
communications and transport,
manpower and training, 157-8,
Protestant churches, 221-2
Public Enquiry Service, 209-10
assistance, 150
assets, 36-9
debt, 36-9, 296
health administration, 105-6
order, 153-62
roads, 190-2
Service, 30, 38, 273, 276-8
Services Commission, 277
transport, 193-8, 335
utilities, 179-82
works, 38, 170-9
Works Department, 7, 170-9
Publicity, local and overseas, 58, 208-9
Quarantine, 112, 183
Quarrying, 24-5, 34, 192
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 11, 114,
117, 119, 263
Queen Mary Hospital, 11, 90, 104, 115-7, 119, 174, 263, opposite page 1
Rabies, 76
Radio, Commercial, 202, 205 Radio Hong Kong, 175, 202-5 Radio news, 208
Radioactivity, measurements, 239 Radiotherapy, 116
Railway, 189-90, 268, 334 Raimondi, Msgr Timoleon, 223 Rainfall, 170-1, 235-7, 240-2, 337 Rainstorm, 132, 146, 153, 160-1, 165, 170, 173, 176, 187, 192, 195, 210, 211-3, 217, 240-1
Rates, 38, 40-1
Restaurant work in Britain, 27,
between pages 72-3
Revenue and expenditure, 36-9,
289-91, 294-5, 297
Revenue Equalization Fund, 39 Rice, 69, 72-3, 236 Rinderpest, 76
Riots, 153, 155, 160, 165
Road safety, 156
Roads, 190-2
Robinson, Sir Hercules, 261 Rock dating, 235
Rodent control, 121
Roman Catholic Cathedral, 223
Church, 222-4
schools, 223-4
Royal Air Force, 211, 213
Rating and Valuation Commissioner, Royal Hong Kong Defence Force,
Reclamations, 53, 176-9
Recreation, 226-33
Red Cross, 117, 146
Red Guards, 164
Rediffusion (Hong Kong) Ltd, 202,
205-6, 238
Refugees, 2, 18-9, 47, 164, 265-6 Refuse collections, 120, 177 Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Registrar General, 66, 245-6, 263 Registration, companies, 67 Registry of Trade Unions, 33-4 Rehabilitation Loan, 39
Rehabilitation of handicapped persons,
Religion, 218-25
Rent control, 142-4 Reptiles, 249
Rescue service, 160, 215 Research-
Chinese University, 101-3 fisheries, 79
medical and health, 122-3 meteorology, 239-40 tourist, 167
University of Hong Kong, 98-101 Reservoirs, 77, 170-2, 236, 247, 267 Resettlement, 2-3, 6-7, 20, 132-6, 170,
174, 267, between pages 144-5
cottage areas, 136 cultivators, 136
flatted factories, 25, 135-6, 174 rents, 7, 133-6
schools, 135
shops and workshops, 134-5 squatter problem, 2-3, 6, 8-9,
statistics, 329
Resort areas, 167
211, 213-4
Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club, 12,
Royal Instructions, 269
Royal Navy, 211
Royal Observatory, 188, 237-42 Royal visit, 86, 209, 215, frontispiece,
between pages 96-7
Rural Committees, 275-6 Ruttonjee Sanatorium, 108
Sai Ying Pun Clinic, 263 Salaries Commission, 278 Salaries tax, 41
Salvation Army, 146
Sandy Bay Convalescent Home, 108 Sanitary services, 110, 121, 264 School(s)-
Anglo-Chinese grammar, 88 for blind, 87
Chinese middle, 88
for deaf, 87
evening, 92-4
fishermen's children, 81-2,
opposite page 1
Health Service, 113 kindergarten, 87 Medical Service, 113 music festival, 97
number of schools and pupils,
17, 86, 89, 321
primary, 87
rally, 86, between pages 96-7 roof-top, 4
secondary, 88-9
secondary modern, 88 special, 87
subsidized, 88
technical, 88-9
Seamen, recruiting, 27, 186
Secretariat for Chinese Affairs, 143,
263, 273
Secretary of State for the Colonies,
36, 215, 269 Seismology,
Senior Civil Service Council, 278 Senior Non-Expatriate Officers
Association, 278
Seventh Day Adventist Welfare
Service, 151 Sewerage, 175-6 ·
Sha Tin, new city, 53, 126, 179 Shek Kwu Chau Rehabilitation
Centre, 114
Shek Pik, 171, 267
Sheung Li Uk Garden, 228 Shipbreaking, 47, 52, 187
Shipbuilding and repairing, 47-8, 52 Shipping, 166, 184, 238, 334 Silver currency, 43-4 Sing Tao newspapers, 203 Slaughterhouses, 122
Slum clearance, 9 Smallpox, 5
Snakes, 249
Snowdon, the Earl and Countess of,
86, between pages 96-7
Social services, 1-23, 37, 221-2 Social Welfare, 5-6, 17-22, 146-52 Statement of Aims and Policy,
19, 146
training, 151-2
Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation
of Drug Addicts, 114
Society of Boys' Centres, 150 Soil, 69-71, 76, 235-6
South China Athletic Stadium, 227
South China Morning Post, 203 Specialist health services, 116
Sports and recreation, 226-9
Squatters, 2-3, 135-8
St Andrew's Church, 221
St Erik's trade fair, 57, 168, between
pages 48-9
St John Ambulance Association and
Brigade, 35, 118, 229
St John's Cathedral, 221 St John's Hospital, 108 St Joseph's Church, 223 Staff Associations, 278 Stamp duty, 42
Stanley Prison, 158-9, 266 'Star' Ferry, 153, 197-8 'Star' newspaper, 203
Statue Square, 228, opposite page 1 Steel rolling mills, 48, 52-3 Sterling, 43, 45
Stonecutters Island, 234, 261 Street cleansing, 122
Strikes, 33, 166
Students in Britain, 92, 163, 233, 323 Sulphur Channel, 183
Sun Yat-sen, 262
Sunday Post-Herald, 203 Sung Wong Toi, 256
Supreme Court, 270-2, 342 Survey, air, 129 Sweeps tax, 42-3
Swimming, 226, 228-9 Swimming pools, 175, 228-9
Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering
Co Ltd, 29, 141
Tai Lam Treatment Centre, 158 Tai Mo Shan, 235, 237 Tai Ping Rebellion, 261 Tan, Katherine, 226 Tang clan, 255 Tanka, 243-4 Taoism, 218-9
Taxation, 38, 41-3
Taxis, 156, 193, 195-6
Teachers and teacher training, 17,
College, 4, 14-5, 28-9, 88, 90-2,
175, 233
education, 4, 14, 88-9 Telecommunications, 200-1 Telephones, 201
Television, 206-7, 268
Authority, 206
Broadcasts Limited, 202, 207 Ordinance, 206
Wireless 207
Telex, 200, 335
Temperatures, 237, 337
Temples, 219-20, 273
Tenancy inquiry bureaux, 143
Tenancy tribunals, 143, 271, 342
Textiles, 50-1, 60-2
Theatre, 229
This is Hong Kong, 209 Tientsin, Treaties of, 261 Tiger tracks, 248
Time signals, 239 Tin Hau, 219
To Fung Shan Monastery, 219,
between pages 24-5
Tong Fuk Prison, 158
Topography, 234-6
Tourism, 165-9, between pages 168-9 Town planning, 130
Town Planning Board, 124, 130 Trade-
administration, 64-5
and Industry Advisory Board,
48, 56, 62, 64
and industrial organizations, 65-6 Bulletin, 58
Commissioners, 318 Development Council, 56-8, 64,
168, between pages 48-9 Development Office, 56, 64 external, 54-5, 59-62
fairs and exhibitions, 57-8, 168,
208, between pages 48-9 international, 59-62
Marks and Patents Registries, 66 promotion, 55-9, between pages
restrictions, 47-8, 61-2 statistics, 306-17
Trade union leadership courses, 32.
Trade unions, 31-4 Traffic, 156, 190-1
Traffic accidents, 104, 156, 331 Training-
health, 119-20
teachers, 94-5
Unit (Civil Service), 277
Tramways, 195
Transistor radios, 51, 202 Transport, 193-8
Transport Advisory Committee, 194,
Travel documents, 163
Treaties of Tientsin, 261
Treaty of Nanking, 259 Treaty Ports, 260 Tree planting, 228
Trench, Sir David, 58-9, 228, opposite
page 1, between pages 96-7 Triad societies, 33, 155
Tsan Yuk Maternity Hospital, 263 Tsi Ku Tsai, the, 230
Tsuen Wan, 25, 53, 126, 178-9,191,275 Tuberculosis, 10-2, 76, 104, 107-8 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, 106, 108, 115, 263, 273, between pages 96-7
Typhoid, 111
Typhoon shelters, 177-8
Typhoons and tropical storms, 187,
210, 237-42, 260
Unemployment, 27 United College, 90, 232
University, Chinese, 13-4, 88, 90, 93-4, 96, 101-3, 152, 232, opposite page 1 University Grants Committee, 14 University of Hong Kong, 13, 88-9,
93, 95-6, 98-101, 119, 233, 262-3
Council, 120, 227-32, 273-4, 343 population, 2, 152, 243
Services, 105, 110, 120-2, 227-9, 274 Utilities, public, 179-82
Valtorta, Msgr Henry, 223 Vegetable(s)―
co-operatives, 73-4 cultivation, 72-3, 236
Marketing Organization, 73-4 production, 72-3
Vegetation, 70, 76
Vehicle ferries, 196-7
Vehicles and drivers' licences, 156, 331 Venereal diseases, 109
Park, 227
City Development Company, 198 Visas, 165, 167
Vital statistics, 105, 325 Vocational training, 29
Voluntary agencies, 5, 19-22, 146-7,
151, 344
Volunteers, The, 213-4
Wages, 30-1
Wah Kiu Yat Po, 203
'Walkathon', 226
Wan Chai Market playground, 228
Water, 71, 118, 170-3
consumption, 170
from China, 171, 236, 267 Weather, 240-2, 337 Weddell, John, 256
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, 221 Weights and measures, 281
Welfare of women and girls, 149 Whales, 248
Wild life, 247-9, 254
Williams, Professor Lady, 20 Wireless television, 202, 206 Wong Shuk-ming, 226 Working hours, 30-1
World Refugee Year, 18, 83, 151
X-ray examinations, 107-8
YMCA, YWCA, 147, 222 Yoga, 225
Younghusband, Dame Eileen, 18 Youth welfare, 18, 147-8 Yung, Dr C. T., 232
Zoning of land, 126 Zoology, 247-9
Printed and Published by J. R. Lee, Acting Government Printer, at the Government Press Java Road, Hong Kong, February 1967