The Ordinances of the Legislative Council of the Colony of Hongkong 1890 - Volume 3

THE 11 ~~16














Of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law,



By Authority .




1891 .


H 2







Rec. Sept. 30, 1905.




At page 1411 under Ordinance No. 14 of 1875 note the following :

The Marriage Ordinance, 1875.

Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned place of Public Worship has in accordance with

section 6 of the said Ordinance been licensed by the Governor for the celebration of marriages in

addition to the places enumerated in Government Notification No. 422 of October 11th, 1890.

Union Church, Victoria.

[ Gazette 10th January, 1891. ]

Note at foot of Ordinance No. 16 of 1875, page 1418, that it has not been II. M.'s pleasure to

disallow Ordinance No 10 of 1890 . See Government Notification Gazette 7th March, 1891.


At page 1788, Ord . No. 6 of 1884, section 15 , in the fifth line, for " It " substitute " If.“

> ว



Volume III ( pp. 1307 to 1834 )

showing how the Ordinances have been dealt with .






No. 1 of 1874, An Ordinance to empower the Governor to 1

exercise certain Powers under " The Rep. by Ord. No. 8 of 1879, 1307

Merchant Shipping Act, 1873,"

No. 2 of 1874, An Ordinance to enable the Governor in

Council to grant a Pension to John 1309

Simpson, Esquire, Sorter in the General Rep. by Ord . No. 4 of 1887,

Post Office , ....

No. 3 of 1874, An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the

Confirmation never pro

Law relating to Chinese Passenger Ships, 1309

and the conveyance of Chinese Emi claimed : Rep. by Ord.

No. 5 of 1874, ..

grants, ...

No. 4 of 1874, An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation

of a Supplementary Sum not exceeding Rep. by Ord . No. 4 of 1887, 1332

Thirty-two thousand Dollars to defray

the Charges of the Year 7873,

Sec. 2 rep. (in part) by

Ord. No. 6 of 1879.

Sec. 3 marginal note amend

ed by Ord . No. 1 of 1876 .

Sec. 5 (2 ) rep. by Ord .

No. 1 of 1876, but re

No. 5 of 1874, An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the vived by Ord. No. 3 of

Law relating to Chinese Passenger Ships 1876 .


and the conveyance of Chinese Emi Sec. 5 all rep. by Ord . No.

grants, ... 5 of 1876 .

Sec. 15 (2 ) rep. and sec.

15, (5, 7 & 8) in part

rep. by Ord . No. 6 of

1879 .

All rep. by Ord . No. 1 of

1889, .....

No. 6 of 1874, An Ordinance to apply a Sum not exceeding

Seven hundred and Thirty thousand 1356

Dollars to the Public Service of the Year Rep. by Ord . No. 4 of 1887,


No. 7 of 1874, An Ordinance to control recruiting in the

Colony of Hongkong for the service of 1358

Foreign States,

Extended to all Naval

No. 1 of 1875, An Ordinance to provide means for enforcing Establishments on shore

good order, and discipline in the Police and sees. 1 , 2, 3 & 4 ) 1359

Force employed in the Royal Naval Yard, amended by Ord . No. 3

of 1879,








No. 2 of 1875, An Ordinance for the better Protection of Made applicable to all )

women and children by

Chinese Women and Female Children, 1360

Ord . No. 7 of 1887.

and for the Repression of certain Abuses Rep. by Ord. No. 19 of

in relation to Chinese Emigration, ....

1889, ...

No. 3 of 1875, An Ordinance to render personation with

intent to deprive any person of any 1362

property felony,

No. 4 of 1875 , An Ordinance to provide a general Register Rep. by Ord . No. 14 of 1875 , 1363

of Marriages celebrated in Hongkong, . S

No. 5 of 1875, An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation

of a Supplementary Sum not exceeding 1371

Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887,

One hundred and Fifty thousand Dollars

to defray the Charges of the Year 1874,

No. 6 of 1875, An Ordinance to provide for Public and Bank 1372

Holidays , ......

No. 7 of 1875 , An Ordinance to provide for the Devolution

of the Site of St. Paul's College, and to 1373

provide means for altering the Statutes

of the said College, ....

In force 2nd August, 1875.

Proclamation 29th July, 1379

No. 8 of 1875, An Ordinance for licensing small Pas 1875.

senger Steamers and for other purposes, Rep. by Ord. No. 8 of 1879,

No. 9 of 1875 , | An Ordinance for the more effectual Protection | 1381

of Her Majesty's Naval Stores, ...... }

Rep. by Ord . No. 31 of

No. 10 of 1875, An Ordinance for compiling a new Edition 1886, and see Ords. Nos. 1386

of the Ordinances of the Colony, ...

6 & 17 of 1889, ......

In force 18th September,

No. 11 of 1875, An Ordinance to provide for the more con 1875. Proclamation 16th

venient administration of " The Extra September, 1875 : and 1387

dition Acts, 1870 and 1873," see Proclamation 10th

April, 1876, ..

In force 1st January, 1876.

No. 12 of 1875, An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the Proclamation 16th Sep

Ordinances relating to the Assessment tember, 1875. 1390

and Collection of Rates in the Colony, .. Rep. by Ord . No. 21 of

1885, ....

In force 18th September,

No. 13 of 1875 , | An Ordinance for consolidating and amending

1875. Proclamation 16th

the law relating to the speedy recovery of the same month. 1398

of Crown Debts for Rents and for Assess

Sec. 5 amended by Ord.

ments, Fees and Forfeitures, ... No. 3 of 1888,

No. 14 of 1875, An Ordinance to provide a general Register Confirmation proclaimed

and in force from 1st 1401

of Marriages celebrated in Hongkong, ..

March, 1876, ..

No. 15 of 1875, An Ordinance to apply a Sum not exceeding

Seven hundred and Sixty-seven thousand

Dollars to the Public Service of the Year Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887, .. 1411

1876, ....







( Sec. 7 rep. by Ord. No. 31

of 1881 .

Sec. 20 amended by Ord .

No. 8 of 1889.

No. 16 of 1875, An Ordinance to amend and consolidate the All rep. by Ord. No. 10 of

laws concerning the jurisdiction of 1890, as from January 1413

Magistrates over indictable offences and 1st, 1891 , subject to H.

for other purposes ,. M.'s right of disallow

ance which has not been

exercised see Govt. Not.

Gazette 7th March,

1891 ,

No. 1 of 1876, An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to

Chinese Passenger Ships and the Con Rep. by Ord. No. 3 of 1876, .. 1418

veyance of Chinese Emigrants, ..

No. 2 of 1876, An Ordinance for divesting the Registrar Rep . by Ord . No. 19 of 1889, 1420

General of his

(The enactments thereby

No. 3 of 1876, An Ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 1 of revived have been re 1421


pealed), ....

Never in force : disallowed

No. 4 of 1876 , An Ordinance to authorise " The China

in C.O.D. No. 97 , 25th

Traders' Insurance Company, Limited ," 1422

July, 1876 .

to sub-divide its Shares, ..

Rep. by Ord. No. 1 of 1877,

No. 5 of 1876 , An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to Confirmation proclaimed

Chinese Passenger Ships and the Con 13th July, 1876. 1423

veyance of Chinese Emigrants, .... Rep. by Ord. No. 1 of 1889,

No. 6 of 1876 , An Ordinance to authorize the Appropria

tion of a Supplementary Sum not exceed Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887, 1426

ing Fifty-five thousand Dollars to defray

the Charges of the Year 1875 , ………….

No. 7 of 1876, An Ordinance to apply a Sum not exceeding

Eight hundred and Eight thousand Two 1427

hundred Dollars to the Public Service of Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887 ,

the Year 1877,

No. 8 of 1876, An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the

Ordinances relating to Deportation, Con

ditional Pardons, the Branding and Pun Never confirmed .

ishment of certain Criminals, and the Rep. by Ord. No. 3 of 1429

Ordinance No. 9 of 1857, entitled " An 1881 ,

amended Ordinance for better Securing

the Peace of the Colony,"

Secs. 3, 4, 5, 6 & s. 7 (in

No. 9 of 1876, An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the part) rep. by Ord . No. 27 1432

Law relating to Public Gambling, .... of 1888, and new sections

and words substituted,

In force 23rd July, 1877 .

Proclamation 17th July,

No. 10 of 1876 , An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to 1877. 1434

the Postal Matters of the Colony, ....

Rep. by Ord. No. 12 of


' .








No. 11 of 1876, An Ordinance to regulate the number of Pas

sengers carried by Steam-vessels plying

between Hongkong and Macao, and bet Rep. by Ord. No. 8 of 1879, 1442

ween Hongkong and places on the Canton


No. 1 of 1877 , An Ordinance to amend " The Companies

Ordinance , 1865" and to repeal Ordinance . 20 (in part) rep. by 1443

{ SecOrd. .. }

No. 4 of 1876,

No. 2 of 1877, An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation

of a Supplementary Sum not exceeding 1456

Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887,

Seventy-four thousand Dollars to defray

the Charges of the Year 1876, ......

No. 3 of 1877, An Ordinance to apply a sum not exceeding

Seven hundred and eighty-three thou 1457

sand Dollars to the Public Service of Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887,

the year 1878, ...... ..

No. 1 of 1878 , | An Ordinance to relieve a certain class of Confirmation proclaimed

Passenger Steamers from the Regulations

of Schedule A of " The Chinese Passen 10th June , 1879 .

Sec. 1 amended by Ord . 1458

gers ' Act, 1855 " and from the Regula No. 2 of 1879.

tions of Schedule E of " The Chinese

All rep. by Ord . No. 1 of

Emigration Consolidation Ordinance,


1874 " & c. , & c.,

No. 2 of 1878, An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 4 of


1863, .... Rep. by Ord . No. 18 of 1885, .. 1462

No. 3 of 1878, An Ordinance to amend " The Markets Or

dinance 1858 ," ... Rep. by Ord. No. 17 of 1887, .. 1463

No. 4 of 1878, An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation

of a Supplementary Sum not exceeding 1464

Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887 , ..

Forty-five thousand Dollars to defray the

Charges of the Year 1877 , ....

No. 5 of 1878 , An Ordinance to apply a sum not exceeding

Seven hundred and seventy-nine thou

sand Dollars to the Public Service of the Rep. by Ord . No. 4 of 1887, .. 1465

Year 1879, ...

Sees. 2, 5 and 6 rep. by Ord.

No. 7 of 1879.

Sec. 13 (in part) rep. by

No. 1 of 1879 , | An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 2 of Ord. No. 4 of 1883.

1858 entitled " An Ordinance for Licen

Secs. 7, 11 , 15 and 16 1466

sing and Regulating the Sale of Prepa

amended by Ord . No. 4

red Opium," of 1883.

All rep. by Ord. No. 1 of

1884, .... .... J

No. 2 of 1879, An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 1 of

1878, .... Rep. by Ord. No. 1 of 1889 , .. 1471

No. 3 of 1879, An Ordinance to extend Ordinance No. 1 of

1875 to provide means for enforcing good

order and discipline in the Police Force 1471

employed in the Royal Naval Yard to

the other Establishments of the Royal

Navy in this Colony, ..











No. 4 of 1879 , An Ordinance to authorize the Appropria

tion of a Supplementary Sum not exceed

ing Sixty-nine thousand, Two hundred Rep. by Ord . No. 4 of 1887, .. 1472

and Forty Dollars and Thirty Cents to I

defray the Charges of the Year 1878, A


No. 5 of 1879, An Ordinance to apply a Sum not exceeding

Eight hundred, and Thiry-two thousand

Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887 , .. 1473

and Forty-eight Dollars to the Public

Service of the year 1880 ,

No. 6 of 1879 , An Ordinance to further amend the Law Confirmation proclaimed

relating to Chinese Passenger Ships , and 6th April, 1880. 1474

the Conveyance of Chinese Emigrants,.. Rep. by Ord. No. 1 of 1889,

Sees. 4, 7 (3 ), 9 and 10

No. 7 of 1879 , An Ordinance to amend "The Excise Ordi amended by Ord . No. 4 of

1883, 1475

nance (Opium) 1858-1879 ", All Rep. by Ord. No. 1 of



In force from 17th July, 1

1880. Proclamation 16th

July, 1880.

Sec. 5 (9) amended by Ord.

No. 3 of 1880 .

Sec. 7 (7) amended by Ord.

No. 3 of 1880 and No.

5 19 of 1882 .

In Sec. 13 (3 ) the words

"materially ” and “ ma

terial " rep. by Ord. No.

3 of 1880.

Sec. 15 ( 8 ) (in part) and

(9) rep. by Ord. No. 14

No. 8 of 1879 , An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the of 1884.

laws relating to merchant shipping, the Sec. 16 (7) amended by

duties of the Harbour Master, the control Ord. No. 3 of 1880.


and management of the waters of the Sec. 25 ( 1 ) , (6 ) amended

Colony and the regulation of vessels. by Ord . No. 16 of 1882.

navigating the same, The whole sec. rep. by

Ord. No. 9 of 1883.

Sec. 27 (1 ) amended by

Ord. No. 3 of 1880.

Secs. 33, 34 extended by

Ord. No. 35 of 1889.

Sec. 39 (a. ) (in part) rep.

by Ord. No. 24 of 1889.

Table ( C. ) added to by Ord.

No. 3 of 1887.

Table (F.) cancelled by

Regulations 11th June,

1886, and new Regula

tions substituted 29th

January, 1889, ....








No. 1 of 1880, An Ordinance to authorize the Appropria

tion of a Supplementary Sum of Fifty

one thousand Seven hundred and Seventy Rep. by Ord . No. 4 of 1887 , .. 1564

seven Dollars and Ninety Cents to de

fray the Charges of the Year 1879 , ....

No. 2 of 1880, An Ordinance entitled " The Emigration Confirmation never pro

Ordinances Amendment Ordinance, claimed . 1565

1880," ... ... ... Rep. by Ord . No. 4 of 1887,

No. 3 of 1880, An Ordinance entitled " The Merchant Ship

ping Consolidation Ordinance Amend 1565

ment Ordinance, 1880 ," ...

No. 4 of 1880, An Ordinance for the naturalization of Er

nest John Eitel, Master of Arts, Doctor 1566

of Philosophy, Inspector of Schools,

& c. , & c., .

No. 5 of 1880, An Ordinance to amend Ordinance 9 of 1857 , .. 1566

No. 6 of 1880, An Ordinance entitled, " An Ordinance to

Continued in force until

make temporary provision for securing 1567

April 30th , 1890, by an

the status of French Mail Steamers within nual enactment ,

the Ports of the Colony of Hongkong, ..

No. 7 of 1880, An Ordinance entitled , " The Prisons Disallowed. Proclamation

Regulations Amendment Ordinance, 2nd September, 1881. 1567

1880," .... Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887,

No. 8 of 1880, An Ordinance to apply a sum not exceeding

Eight hundred and Forty-five thousand

Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887 , .. 1568

eight hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars

to the Public Service of the Year 1881 ,

No. 1 of 1881 , An Ordinance entitled The Macao Extra 1569

dition Ordinance , 1881 ," .

No. 2 of 1881 , An Ordinance entitled " The Census Ordi 1583

nance, 1881 ,"

No. 3 of 1881 , An Ordinance entitled " The Penal Ordi Sec. 3 added to by Ord. 1584

nances amendment Ordina 1881 , " .. { No. 9 of 1884, ......

Confirmation never pro

No. 4 of 1881 , An Ordinance entitled the " Banishment and claimed. 1586

Conditional Pardons Ordinance, 1881 ,"

Rep. by Ord . No. 4 of 1887,

No. 5 of 1881 , An Ordinance for the naturalization of Fung | 1589

Ming- shán,

No. 6 of 1881 , An Ordinance for the naturalization of \ 1589

Wong Shè- Tái,

No. 7 of 1881 , An Ordinance for the naturalization of Shi


Shang -kái, ...

No. 8 of 1881 , An Ordinance for the naturalization of 1590

Púng Im , .... S

No. 9 of 1881 , | An Ordinance for the naturalization of Ip 1590

Him-kwong, ....

No. 10 of 1881 , An Ordinance for the naturalization of Ün 1591

Man Ts'oi, ..







No. 11 of 1881 , An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation

of a Supplementary Sum of Twenty

thousand Seven hundred and Forty Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887 , 1591

three Dollars and Ninety-five Cents to

defray the Charges of the Year 1880,

Confirmation never pro

No. 12 of 1881 , An Ordinance entitled the " Banishment and claimed . 1592

Conditional Pardons Ordinance, 1881 , "

Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887,

No. 13 of 1881 , An Ordinance to apply a sum not exceeding

Nine hundred and Eleven thousand , Five

Rep. by Ord . No. 4.of 1887 , 1594

hundred and Ten Dollars to the Public

Service of the Year 1882 , ....

No. 14 of 1881 , An Ordinance entitled the " Companies Or 1596

dinance, 1881 , " ... ...

No. 15 of 1881 , An Ordinance entitled " French Mail Steam

ers Ordinance continuation Ordinance, Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887, 1597

1881 ," .....

No. 1 of 1882, An Ordinance for authorizing the construc Confirmation never pro

tion of certain Tramways within the claimed. 1598

Colony of Hongkong, Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887,

No. 2 of 1882 , An Ordinance for the naturalization of


Chan Teng Cho , ....

No. 3 of 1882, An Ordinance for the naturalization of ' Ng 1639

Li Hing, ... ..

No. 4 of 1882 , An Ordinance for the naturalization " of \ 1640

Yau Chong Peng,


No. 5 of 1882 , An Ordinance for the naturalization of Chan }

No. 6 of 1882 , An Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to amend

Ordinance 6 of 1863, (Regulation of Rep. by Ord. No. 5 of 1883 , 1641

Chairs and Vehicles) , ...

No. 7 of 1882, An Ordinance to amend the Law with re- Rep. by Ord . No. 3 of 1885 ,


ference to Bankers' Books Evidence, ·. ·

Sec. 3 amended by Ord .

No. 8 of 1882, An Ordinance entitled The Banishment and ) No. 4 of 1885 .



Conditional Pardons Ordinance, 1882 , .. ) Confirmation proclaimed



7th July, 1882,

No. 9 of 1882, An Ordinance entitled Bankruptcy Official ) 1646

Assignee Ordinance, 1882 ,

No. 10 of 1882 , An Ordinance for the naturalization of

William Quincey, .. ... 1647

No. 11 of 1882, An Ordinance for the naturalization of Hü

... 1648


No. 12 of 1882, An Ordinance for the naturalization of Ho


Shun, ...








No. 13 of 1882 , An Ordinance entitled " French Mail Steam

ers Ordinance continuation Ordinance , Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887. 1648


No. 14 of 1882 , An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation

of a Supplementary Sum of Forty-nine

thousand and Ninety-two Dollars & Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887. 1649

Sixty-eight Cents to defray the Charges

of the Year 1881 ,

No. 15 of 1882, An Ordinance to apply a sum not exceeding

Nine hundred and Thirty-seven thousand, 1650

Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887.

Nine hundred & Twenty-eight Dollars

to the Public Service of the Year 1883 ,

No. 16 of 1882 , An Ordinance entitled The Merchant Ship

ping Consolidation Ordinance, 1879, Rep. by Ord . No. 9 of 1883 . 1651

Amendment Ordinance, 1882, ....

No. 17 of 1882 , An Ordinance entitled The Supreme Court 1652

(Vacation) Ordinance, 1882, .......

No. 18 of 1882 , An Ordinance entitled " The Volunteer Ord 1653

inance, 1882,

No. 19 of 1882 , An Ordinance entitled "The Merchant Ship

ping Consolidation Ordinance Amend 1654

ment Ordinance, (No. 2 ) 1882 ," .

No. 20 of 1882 , An Ordinance to provide for the vacation of

offices, and the determination of pensions 1655

and allowances held by persons con

victed of crime, ....

No. 21 of 1882, An Ordinance entitled The Hongkong and

Shanghai Bank Ordinance Amendment 1655

Ordinance, 1882,

No. 22 of 1882 , An Ordinance to amend the Supreme Court | 1657

Ordinance, 1873 , ……


No. 23 of 1882 , An Ordinance entitled " The Criminal Pro- Sec. 1 (in part) rep. by Ord. 1661

cedure Ordinance , 1882 ," .... { No. 8 of 1884, }

No. 24 of 1882 , An Ordinance entitled " The Jurors & Juries | 1662

Ordinance, 1882 ," Rep . by Ord . No. 18 of 1887 .

In force from 1st March,

No. 1 of 1883 , An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the 1883 : Proclamation 27th 1663

law relating to Distraints for Rent, ....

February, 1883, .....

Disallowed in C.O.D. No.

No. 2 of 1883 , An Ordinance entitled The Mahomedan

71, April 26th, 1883. 1675

Cemetery Ordinance Amendment Ordi

Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of

nance, 1883, 1887,

No. 3 of 1883, An Ordinance entitled the Companies Ordi- } 1675

nance Amendment Ordinance, 1883 , .... (

No. 4 of 1883, An Ordinance entitled the Excise Ordinances

(Opium ) 1858-1879 , Amendment Ordi Rep. by Ord. No. 1 of 1884. 1675

nance, 1883, ....







In force from 2nd April

1883 : Proclamation 24th

No. 5 of 1883 , An Ordinance entitled, The Vehicles and 1677

March, 1883.

Public Traffic Ordinance, 1883, .....

Rep. by Ord. No. 21 of


Confirmation proclaimed

No. 6 of 1883, An Ordinance for authorizing the construc

3rd November, 1883 . 1679

tion of certain Tramways within the Sec. 4 rep. by Ord . No. 18

Colony of Hongkong, of 1883 .

In force from 13th June,

1883 : Proclamation of

No. 7 of 1883, An Ordinance entitled The Order and Clean

same date. 1745

liness Amendment Ordinance, 1883, ..

Rep. by Ord. No. 24 of


No. 8 of 1883, An Ordinance entitled The Excise Ordi

nances (Opium) 1858-1879 Amendment Rep. by Ord. No. 1 of 1884, .. 1748

Ordinance 1883, (No. 2 ), .....

No. 9 of 1883 , An Ordinance entitled The Merchant Ship

ping Consolidation Ordinance, 1879, 1748

Amendment Ordinance, 1883,

No. 10 of 1883, An Ordinance entitled The French Mail

Steamers Ordinance continuation Ordi Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887 , .. 1752

nance, 1883, ...

No. 11 of 1883, An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation

of a Supplementary Sum of One hundred

and Thirty-two thousand Two hundred. Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887 , .. 1753

and Seventy-three Dollars and Five Cents

to defray the Charges of the Year 1882 ,

No. 12 of 1883, An Ordinance to apply a sum not exceeding

One million and Fifty-one thousand, One 1754

Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887 , ..

hundred and Eighty-seven Dollars to the

Public Service of the Year 1884, ....


No. 13 of 1883 , An Ordinance for the naturalization of Lai 1755

Fong, ...

No. 14 of 1883 , An Ordinance for the naturalization of Ja 1756

nuario Antonio de Carvalho, .....

No. 15 of 1883 , An Ordinance for the naturalization of Wong 1756

Shing, ..

No. 16 of 1883, An Ordinance for the naturalization of Hen 1757

rique Joaquim Rodrigues, .... }

No. 17 of 1883, An Ordinance to authorise The Honourable

Francis Bulkeley Johnson to construct In force from 1st January,

piers and wharves in the harbour of 1884: Proclamation 29th


Victoria, and to confer upon the said December, 1883.

Francis Bulkeley Johnson certain other Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887,

powers and privileges, ...

No. 18 of 1883, An Ordinance for amending the Tramways 1761

Ordinance, 1883, ..







In force from 27th March,

1884 : Proclamation of

No. 1 of 1884, An Ordinance entitled The Opium Ordi- \ same date. 1762

nance, 1884,. Secs. 27 and 28. extended

by Ord. No. 17 of 1886 .

No. 2 of 1884, An Ordinance for the naturalization of Wil 1778

liam Doberck, ………… .

No. 3 of 1884, An Ordinance to amend Ordinance 3 of 1778

1862, ....

No. 4 of 1884, An Ordinance to authorise Catchick Paul

In force from 31st March,

Chater, Esq. to construct piers and 1884 : Proclamation 29th

wharves in the harbour of Victoria, and to 1779

March, 1884.

confer upon the said Catchick Paul Cha

Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887,

ter certain other powers and privileges ,

No. 5 of 1884, An Ordinance for the naturalization of 1784

Tséung Sz -Kái,

No. 6 of 1884, An Ordinance entitled The Medical Regis- \ 1785

tration Ordinance, 1884, J

No. 7 of 1884, An Ordinance entitled The Dangerous Goods 1791

Ordinance, Amendment Ordinance, 1884, J

No. 8 of 1884 , An Ordinance entitled The Criminal Proce 1791

dure Amendment Ordinance, 1884, .... X

No. 9 of 1884, An Ordinance to amend Ordinance 3 of 1

1881 , .... 1792

No. 10 of 1884, An Ordinance to facilitate the business of Disallowance notified in


Savings Banks, S Gazette 2nd May, 1885, f

No. 11 of 1884, An Ordinance entitled The French Mail

Steamers Ordinance continuation Ordi Rep. by Ord . No. 4 of 1887, .. 1793

nance, 1884,

In force from 5th May, ]

1884 Proclamation of

same date .

Sec. 9 rep. (in part) by

No. 12 of 1884, An Ordinance entitled The Post Office Ordi Ord. No. 11 of 1885.


nance, 1884, .... } Sec. 11 rep. and amended

(in part) by Ord. No. 11

of 1885.

All Rep. by Ord . No. 1 of


No. 13 of 1884, An Ordinance to amend Ordinance 3 of 1802

1871 ,

No. 14 of 1884 , An Ordinance entitled The Merchant Ship

ping Ordinance, 1879, Amendment Ordi 1802

nance, 1884,








In force from 1st April, )

1885 Proclamation 5th

March, 1885.

Sec. 9 rep. by Ord . No. 2

1 of 1885.

No. 15 of 1884, An Ordinance entitled The Stamp Ordinance, Sec. 10 rep. (in part) by 1803

1884, Ord. No. 2 of 1885 .


Schedule, Articles 8 and

32, amended by Ord. No.

2 of 1885 .

All Rep. by Ord . No. 16 of

1886, J

No. 16 of 1884, An Ordinance entitled The Preservation of

Birds Ordinance 1870, Amendment Or Rep. by Ord. No. 15 of 1885 , .. 1813

dinance 1884, . . .

No. 17 of 1884, An Ordinance to make provision for certain

duties formerly attaching to the Office of 1813


No. 18 of 1884, An Ordinance to authorise Francis Bulkeley

Johnson to construct piers and wharves No date proclaimedfor the

in the harbour of Victoria, and to confer coming into operation of 1814

upon the said Francis Bulkeley Johnson the Ordinance,

certain other powers and privileges, ....

No. 19 of 1884, An Ordinance to authorise Catchick Paul )

Chater to construct piers and wharves in Nodateproclaimedforthe

the harbour of Victoria , and to confer coming into operation of 1821

upon the said Catchick Paul Chater the Ordinance,

certain other powers and privileges , ....

No. 20 of 1884, An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation

of a Supplementary Sum of Two hun

dred and Thirty-five thousand Three

hundred and Forty-five Dollars and Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887, .. 1829

Twenty-six Cents to defray the Charges

of the Year 1883,

No. 21 of 1884, An Ordinance to apply a sum not exceeding

One million and Six thousand, Eight S Rep. by Ord. No. 1 of 1885 , 1831

hundred and Eighty -one Dollars to the and No. 4 of 1887 , .... ſ

Public Service of the Year 1885 , ………….

No. 22 of 1884, An Ordinance entitled The Peace Preserva- Rep. by Ord. No. 4 of 1887 , .. 1832

tion Ordinance, 1884,





Volume III (pp . 1307 to 1834)

being an Index to the titles of the Ordinances.


Appropriation, No. 6 of 1874, 1356

99 No. 15 of 1875, 1411

59 No. 7 of 1876, 1427

39 No. 3 of 1877, 1457

No. 5 of 1878, 1465

99 No. 5 of 1879, 1473

99 No. 8 of 1880,

93 No. 13 of 1881 , 150

No. 15 of 1882, 155


" No. 12 of 1883,

No. 21 of 1884.

Appropriation (Supplementary,) ... No. 4 of 15 :

No. 5 f




19 "" No Fu

93 39 No


29 "" 4

99 29 N

99 39







Assessment of P


Attornies, &







Banishment and Conditional Pardons, No. 12 of 1881 , 1592

99 99 "" No. 8 of 1882, 1643

Bank ( Hongkong & Shanghai, ) No. 21 of 1882 , 1655

Bank Holidays, .... No. 6 of 1875 , 1372

Bankers ' Books Evidence,. No. 7 of 1882 , 1642

Bankruptcy (Official Assignee,) No. 9 of 1882 , 1646

Barristers , Attornies, & c., No. 13 of 1884, 1802

Birds (Preservation , ) .. No. 16 of 1884, 1813

Branding of Criminals, No. 8 of 1876 , 1429

Cemetery (Mahomedan,) No. 2 of 1883 , 1675

Census, .... No. 2 of 1881 , 1583

Chairs and Vehicles ( Regulation,) No. 6 of 1882, 1641

Chater's Piers and Wharves, No. 4 of 1884, 1779

99 99 "" No. 19 of 1884, 1821

China Traders' Insurance Company, Limited,. No. 4 of 1876 , 1422

Chinese Emigration ( See Chinese Passengers Ships,)

Chinese Passenger Ships , .... No. 3 of 1874, 1309

99 99 "" No. 5 of 1874, 1333

99 99 99 (Amendment ,) . No. 1 of 1876 , 1418

No. 3 of 1876, 1421


99 "" (Repeal,) .

29 99 99 (Amendment,) .... No. 5 of 1876, 1423

99 99 "9 99 No. 1 of 1878, 1458

"" 29 "" No. 2 of 1879 , 1471

97 "" 99 22 No. 6 of 1879, 1474

22 99 29 "" No. 2 of 1880, 1565

Cleanliness (Order and , ) No. 7 of 1883, 1745

Companies, No. 1 of 1877, 1443

29 No. 14 of 1881 , 1596

"" No. 3 of 1883, 1675

Conditional Pardons, No. 8 of 1876, 1429

99 "" No. 4 of 1881 , 1586

99 29 No. 12 of 1881 , 1592



Conditional Pardons, No. 8 of 1882 , 1643

Contagious Diseases, No. 2 of 1876 , 1420

Crimes, Branding for, No. 8 of 1876, 1429

Crimes, Vacation of Offices for, ... No. 20 of 1882 , 1655

Criminal Procedure, No. 23 of 1882 , 1661

99 ‫در‬ No. 8 of 1884, 1791

Crown Remedies , No. 13 of 1875, 1398

Dangerous Goods, No. 7 of 1884, 1791

Deportation, ( See Banishment and Conditional Pardons .

Distraints for Rent, No. 1 of 1883, 1663

Emigration Abuses ( Chinese Women and Girls,) No. 2 of 1875, 1360

Emigration (Chinese,) No. 3 of 1874, 1309

" "" No. 5 of 1874, 1333

No. 1 of 1876 ,


"" 1418

99 39 No. 3 of 1876 , 1421

99 .‫د‬ No. 5 of 1876 , 1423


29 No. 1 of 1878, 1458

99 No. 2 of 1879, 1471

"" No. 6 of 1879, 1474

99 ‫دو‬ No. 2 of 1880, 1565

Evidence (Bankers ' Books,) ... No. 7 of 1882 , 1642

Excise (Opium,) No. 1 of 1879, 1466

99 "" No. 7 of 1879, 1475

99 99 No. 4 of 1883, 1675

99 No. 8 of 1883, 1748

92 "" No. 1 of 1884, 1762

Exportation of Military Stores, .... No. 3 of 1884, 1778

Extradition Acts, ( 1870 and 1873 , ) ... No. 11 of 1875, 1387

Extradition (Macao, ) .. No. 1 of 1881 , 1569

False Personation, No. 3 of 1875 , 1362

Foreign Recruiting, No. 7 of 1874, 1358

French Mail Steamers (Status, ) .... No. 6 of 1880 , 1567



French Mail Steamers Status, (Continuation, ) No. 15 of 1881 , 1597

99 99 99 99 No. 13 of 1882, 1648

་་ 99 99 95 "" No. 10 of 1883, 1752

99 99 29 .. 99 No. 11 of 1884, 1793

Gambling (Public, ) No. 9 of 1876, 1432

Gaol (Amendment,) .... No. 2 of 1878 , 1462

"" "" (Regulations ,) . No. 7 of 1880, 1567

Good Order and Cleanliness, . . . No. 7 of 1883, 1745

Holidays, No. 6 of 1875, 1372

Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, No. 21 of 1882 , 1655

Johnson's Piers & Wharves , ... No. 17 of 1883 , 1757

99 99 99 No. 18 of 1884 , 1814

Jurors & Juries , No. 24 of 1882 , 1662

Justices of the Peace (See Magistrates. )

Legislative Commissioners , ... No. 10 of 1875 , 1386

Macao Extradition , .... No. 1 of 1881 , 1569


! Magistrates, No. 16 of 1875, 1413


Mahomedan Cemetery, No. 2 of 1883, 1675

Mail Steamers Status , ( French, ) ...... No. 6 of 1880, 1567

99 "" (Continuation,) No. 15 of 1881 , 1597

99 "" 99 No, 13 of 1882 , 1648

"" 39 "" No. 10 of 1883, 1752

99 .. "" No. 11 of 1884, 1793

Marine Stores ( See Naval Stores. )

Markets , .. No. 3 of 1878, 1463

Marriage, No. 4 of 1875 , 1363

39 No. 14 of 1875, 1401

Merchant Shipping (Unseaworthy Ships,) No. 1 of 1874, 1307

Merchant Shipping (Consolidation,) No. 8 of 1879, 1478



39 Amendment, ....

.. No. 3 of 1880,

29 77 22 No. 16 of 1882 , 1651

99 99 No. 19 of 1882, 1654



Merchant Shipping (Consolidation, ) Amendment,. No. 9 of 1883 , 1748

39 39 99 No. 14 of 1884, 1802

Medical Registration , .... No. 6 of 1884, 1785

Military Stores ( Exportation , ) No. 3 of 1884 , 1778

Naturalization, No. 4 of 1880, 1566

99 No. 5 of 1881 , 1589

99 No. 6 of 1881 , 1589

29 No. 7 of 1881 , 1589

99 No. 8 of 1881 , 1590

99 No. 9 of 1881 , 1590

39 No. 10 of 1881 , 1591

99 Nos. 2 & 3 of 1882, 1639

99 Nos. 4 & 5 of 1882, 1640

"" No. 10 of 1882 , 1647

99 No. 11 of 1882 , 1648

99 No. 12 of 1882, 1648

"9 No. 13 of 1883, 1755

99 No. 14 of 1883 , 1756

No. 15 of 1883, 1756


No. 16 of 1883 , 1757



99 No. 2 of 1884, 1778

99 No. 5 of 1884, 1784

Naval Stores, No. 9 of 1875, 1381

Naval Yard Police, No. 1 of 1875, 1359

19 99 99 No. 3 of 1879, 1471

New Edition of Ordinances, No. 10 of 1875, 1386

Notaries (Public,) .. No. 13 of 1884, 1802

Official Assignee (Bankruptcy,) .... No. 9 of 1882, 1646

Offices, Vacation of, ...

.. No. 20 of 1882 , 1655

Office of Sheriff, .. No. 17 of 1884, 1813

Opium (Excise, ) No. 1 of 1879, 1466

99 99 No. 7 of 1879, 1475



Opium (Excise,) ·· No. 4 of 1883, 1675

99 99 No. 8 of 1883 , 1748

99 99 No. 1 of 1884, 1762

Order and Cleanliness, No. 7 of 1883, 1745

Ordinances (New Edition,) No. 10 of 1875 , 1386

Passenger Ships (See Chinese Passenger Ships)

Passenger Steamers (Small, ) • No. 8 of 1875 , 1379

Passengers Steamers (River,) No. 11 of 1876 , 1442

Peace of the Colony ( Security of,) No. 8 of 1876, 1429

"9 "" No. 5 of 1880, 1566

Peace Preservation, No. 22 of 1884, 1832

Penal Ordinances Amendment, No. 3 of 1881 , 1584

99 99 99 No. 9 of 1884, 1792

Pension to J. Simpson,. No. 2 of 1874, 1309

Piers and Wharves (Johnson's) No. 17 of 1883 , 1757

39 (Chater's) No. 4 of 1884, 1779

29 "" (Johnson's) No. 18 of 1884, 1814

99 99 (Chater's) No. 19 of 1884, 1821

Personation with intent to deprive of property, No. 3 of 1875, 1362

Police (Naval Yard ) , ..... No. 1 of 1875, 1359

"" No. 3 of 1879, 1471

Post Office, No. 10 of 1876, 1434

99 No. 12 of 1884, 1794

Preservation of Birds, No. 16 of 1884, 1813

Preservation of Peace, No. 22 of 1884, 1832

Prison (See Gaol ) .

Procedure (Criminal, ) No. 23 of 1882 , 1661

99 No. 8 of 1884, 1791

Protection of Women and Female Children, No. 2 of 1875 , 1360

Public Traffic,. No. 5 of 1883 , 1677

Public Gambling, No. 9 of 1876 , • 1432

Public Holidays, ... No. 6 of 1875, 1372





Quarantine, No. 9 of 1883 , 1748

Rating,. No. 12 of 1875 , 1390

Recruiting for Foreign States, No. 7 of 1874, 1358

Registrar General, Judicial Functions, No. 2 of 1876 , 1420

Registration of Marriages ,.. No. 4 of 1875, 1363

39 No. 14 of 1875, 1401

Registration (Medical, ) . No. 6 of 1884, 1785

Regulation of Chairs and Vehicles, ... No. 6 of 1882 , 1641

" 99 Opium (Prepared,) No. 1 of 1879, 1466

19 99 99 No. 7 of 1879 , 1475

". 99 River Steamers ( See River Steamers. )

Rents (Crown Remedies for, ) No. 13 of 1875, 1398

99 (Distraints for) ,.. No. 1 of 1883 , 1663

River Steamers , No. 11 of 1876 , 1442

Savings Banks , No. 10 of 1884, 1792

St. Paul's College, .. No. 7 of 1875, 1373

Sheriff's duties, No. 17 of 1884, 1813

Ships (See Merchant Shipping) .

(Chinese Passenger Ships ).

Stamps , No. 15 of 1884, 1803

Steam- Launches , No. 8 of 1875, 1379

Steamers (Status of French Mail), ... No. 6 of 1880, 1567

99 No. 15 of 1881 , 1597

་་ No. 13 of 1882 , 1648

"; No. 10 of 1883, 1752

No. 11 of 1884, 1793

Supreme Court (Vacation,) ... No. 17 of 1882, 1652

"9 99 (Amendment,) No. 22 of 1882, 1657

99 99 (Criminal Procedure,) .. No. 23 of 1882, 1661

?? 29 (Jurors and Juries,) No. 24 of 1882, 1662

.‫د‬ 29 (Criminal Procedure,) .. No. 8 of 1884, 1791

Traffic, Public, No. 5 of 1883 , 1677



Tramways, No. 1 of 1882 , 1598

"" No. 6 of 1883, 1679

‫ور‬ No. 18 of 1883, 1761

Unseaworthy Ships , No. 1 of 1874, 1307

Vacation of Offices, No. 20 of 1882, 1655

Vacation of Supreme Court, .. No. 17 of 1882 , 1652

Vehicles (Regulation, ) No. 6 of 1882, 1641

99 92 No. 5 of 1883, 1677

Venereal Diseases (See Contagious Diseases).

Volunteers, ... No. 18 of 1882 , 1653

Wharves and Piers (Johnson's) No. 17 of 1883 , 1757

39 99 (Chater's) ... No. 4 of 1884, 1779

"" 99 (Johnson's) No. 18 of 1884, 1814

29 99 (Chater's) No. 19 of 1884, 1821

Women (Protection of, ) No. 2 of 1875, 1360


ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1874. 1307

Merchant Shipping- Unseaworthy Ships.

No. 1 of 1874 .

An Ordinance to empower the Governor to exercise certain Powers under Title.

" The Merchant Shipping Act, 1873. "

[ 5th March, 1874. ]

HEREAS it is expedient to give similar powers to the Governor of Hongkong Preamble.

W to those which are exercised under sections 12 and 13 of " The Merchant

Shipping Act, 1873," by the Board of Trade : Re it enacted by the Governor of Hong

kong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. Where the Governor has received a complaint or has reason to believe that Survey of ships

suspected of

being unsea

any British ship is , by reason of the defective condition of her hull, equipments , or worthy.

[M. S. A. 73,

machinery, or by reason of overloading or improper loading, unfit to proceed to sea Para. 12.1

without serious danger to human life, he may, if he thinks fit, appoint some competent

person or persons to survey such ship, and the equipments, machinery and cargo

thereof, and to report thereon to the Governor.

Any person so appointed may, for the purposes of such survey, require the

unloading or removal of any cargo, ballast, or tackle and shall have all the powers of

an inspector appointed under " The Merchant Shipping Act, 1854."

Any person who (having notice of the intention to hold such survey) wilfully does

or causes to be done any act, by which the person appointed to make such survey is

prevented from or obstructed in ascertaining the condition of the ship , her equipments,

machinery and cargo, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds.

The Governor may, if he thinks fit, order that any ship be detained for the purpose

of being surveyed under this section, and thereupon the Harbor Master may detain

such ship until her release be ordered either by the Governor or by any Court to which

an appeal is given under this Ordinance.

Upon the receipt of the report of the person making any such survey, the Governor

may, if in his opinion the ship cannot proceed to sea without serious danger to human

life, make such further order as he may think requisite as to the detention of the ship ,

or as to her release, either absolutely or upon the performance of such conditions

with respect to the execution of repairs or alterations, or the unloading or reloading of

cargo, as the Governor may impose. He may also, from time to time, vary or add to

such order.

A copy of any such order and of the report upon which it was founded, and also

of any variation of, or addition to, such order, shall be delivered as soon as possible to

the owner or master of the ship to which it relates .

When a ship has been detained under this section, she shall not be released by

reason of her British register having been closed.

2. If upon the survey of a ship under this Ordinance, she is reported to have Costs of survey.

[M. S. A. 73,

been at the time of the survey, having regard to the nature of the service for which Para. 13.1

1308 ORDINANCE No. 1 or 1874.

Merchant Shipping- Unseaworthy Ships.

she was then intended, unfit to proceed to sea without serious danger to human life,

the expenses incurred by the Governor in respect of the survey shall be paid by the

owner of the ship to the Governor and shall, without prejudice to any other remedy ,

be recoverable by him in the same manner as salvage is recoverable.

If upon such survey the ship is not reported to have been unfit to proceed to sea,

having regard to the nature of the service for which she was intended, the Governor

shall be liable to pay compensation to any person for any loss or damage which he may

have sustained by reason of the detention of the ship for the purpose of survey, or

otherwise in respect of such survey.

Where a complaint has been made to the Governor that a ship is not fit to proceed

to sea, he may, if he thinks fit, before ordering a survey of the ship, require the

complainant to give or provide such security as he may think sufficient for the payment

of the costs and expenses which he may incur in respect of the survey of the ship and

of the compensation which he may be rendered liable to pay for loss or damage caused

by her detention for the purpose of such survey, or otherwise in respect of such survey .

Where a ship has been surveyed under this Ordinance in consequence of a

complaint made to the Governor, if upon such survey being made, it appear that such

complaint was made without reasonable cause, the expenses incurred by the Governor

in respect of the survey of the ship and the amount, if any, which the Governor may

have been rendered liable to pay in respect of any loss or damage caused by her

detention, shall be recoverable by the Governor from such complainant.

All moneys payable by the Governor in respect, or by reason of the survey or

detention of a ship under this Ordinance, shall, subject to the right by this section

provided of recovering such moneys from the complainant, be paid out of moneys to

be provided by the Imperial Parliament.

Appeal from 3. If the owner of any ship surveyed under this Ordinance is dissatisfied with any

decision of

Governor. order of the Governor made upon such survey, he may apply to the Vice-Admiralty

(M. S. A. 73,

Para. 14.]

Court of Hongkong. The Court may, upon such application , if it thinks fit, appoint

one or more competent persons to survey the ship anew, and any surveyor so appointed

shall have all the powers of the person by whom the original survey was made. Such

survey anew shall, if so required by the Governor or the shipowner, be made in the

presence of any person or persons appointed by them respectively to attend at the


The Court to which such application is made may make such order as to the

detention or release of the ship , as to the payment of any costs and damages which

may have been occasioned by her detention, as to the payment of the expenses of the

original survey, and of the survey anew, and otherwise as to the payment of any costs

of, and incident to, the application , as to the Court may seem just.

[Repealed by Ordinance No. 8 of 1879.]

ORDINANCES Nos. 2 AND 3 OF 1874. 1309

Pension to John Simpson, Esquire. Chinese Emigration.

No. 2 of 1874.

An Ordinance to enable the Governor in Council to grant a Pension to Title.

JOHN SIMPSON, Esquire, Sorter in the General Post Office.

[ 16th April, 1874. ]

HEREAS JOHN SIMPSON, Esquire, desires to resign the office of sorter in the Preamble.

W General Post Office, and it is expedient that such resignation should be

accepted ; And whereas the period of service of the said JOHN SIMPSON is sufficient

to entitle him to a pension, under the regulations in force in Hongkong in that behalf,

of sixty-two pounds and ten shillings per annum, but it is nevertheless deemed expe

dient that a pension of one hundred pounds per annum should be granted to him for

the term of his natural life : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the

advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to grant to the said JOHN Governor in

Council autho

rized to grant

SIMPSON, Esquire, a pension of one hundred pounds per annum under the same John Simpson,

Esq. a pension

regulations and conditions, as if such pension had been granted to him in pursuance of £100 per

annum .

of the Pension Minute of this Colony bearing date the fifth day of May, 1862 : Pro

vided that such pension may commence from the date at which the said JOHN SIMPSON

may have ceased to receive any salary or allowance from or on account of this Colony.

[Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887. ]

No. 3 of 1874.

An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Chinese Title.

Passenger Ships , and the Conveyance of Chinese Emigrants .

[ 5th May, 1874. ]

HEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Chinese Preamble..

W Passenger Ships, and the Conveyance of Chinese Emigrants : Be it enacted by

the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as

follows :



1. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as " The Chinese Emigration Short title.

Consolidation Ordinance, 1874. "

2. In the interpretation of this Ordinance : - Interpretation


The term " Chinese Passenger Ship " shall include every ship carrying [18 & 19 Vic.

c. 104.)

from any port in Hongkong , and every British ship carrying from any port

in China, or within one hundred miles of the coast thereof, more than twenty

passengers being natives of Asia ;

1310 ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874.

Chinese Emigration.

Ord. 3 of1873, The expression " Chinese Emigrant Ship " shall mean any ship not

Sec. 2.]

being a " Chinese Passenger Ship " lying in the waters of the Colony, and

fitting out or intended to be used for the conveyance of Chinese emigrants.

to be embarked at any port or place out of the Colony :

[Ibid.) The term " Fittings " shall include any article capable of being used as

part of the tackle, apparel, furniture, or equipment of a ship ;

[[bid.] The expression " Prohibited Fittings " shall mean any fittings prohibited

by this Ordinance, or by a proclamation of the Governor ;

[Ibid.] The expression " Emigration Officer " shall include any person deputed

or authorized by the emigration officer to execute any power or perform

any duty vested in or imposed upon him by this Ordinance ;

[18 & 19 Vic.,

c. 104.] The word " Colony " shall include all Her Majesty's possessions abroad

not being under the Government of the Viceroy of India ;

[Ibid.] The word " Governor " shall signify the person for the time being

lawfully administering the Government of such Colony ;

{[bid.] The term " British Consul " shall include any person lawfully exercising

Consular authority on behalf of Her Majesty in any foreign port ;

[Ibid.] The word " Ship " shall include all sea- going vessels ;

[Ibid.] The term " Commander or Master of any Ship " shall include any

person for the time being in command or charge of the same.

Definition of a voyage within " The Chinese Passengers' Act.”

Definition of 3. Any Chinese passenger ship clearing out or proceeding to sea from any port in

short voyage.

[Ord. 9 of 1856, this Colony, or in China, or within a hundred miles of the coast thereof, on any voyage

Sec. 3.]

or voyages to any other port or ports for the purpose of commencing at or from any

such port or ports as last aforesaid a voyage of more than seven days' duration shall

be deemed to have cleared out or proceeded to sea upon the said last mentioned voyage

from the said last mentioned port within the meaning of " The Chinese Passengers'

Act, 1855."



Notice of Passenger ship being laid on the berth.

Notice ofship 4. The owners or charterers of every Chinese passenger ship, or if absent from the

being laid on as

a Chinese pas Colony their respective agents, shall as soon as such ship is laid on for the conveyance

senger ship to be

given to emigra of Chinese emigrants give notice in writing of the fact to the emigration officer speci

tion officer.

[Ord. 12 of 1868,

Sec. 5.] fying in such notice the name, destination and probable time of departure of such ship,

and in all cases where such intending emigrants are under contracts of service, of the

depôt or depôts in which such intending emigrants are lodging or intended to be

lodged before embarkation.

ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874 . 1311

Chinese Emigration.

Licensing of " Chinese Passenger Ships."

5. No Chinese passenger ship, except ships about to proceed on a voyage of not No Chinese

passenger ship to

more than thirty days' duration within the meaning of section 8 of this Ordinance, proceed to sea

without a

licence from the

shall clear out or proceed to sea, and the emigration officer shall not grant the certificate Governor.

[Ord. 4 of 1870,

prescribed by section 4 of " The Chinese Passengers ' Act, 1855 ," unless the master of Sec. 3.]

such ship shall be provided with a licence under the hand of the Governor and the

public seal of the Colony to be obtained in manner hereinafter mentioned .

2. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council, from time to time, to exempt Power to exempt

certain vessels

from the opera

from the operation of this section, any mail steamers or other vessels which are subject tion of this sec.

Ibid, Sec. 11.]

to the provisions of " The Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855," provided that the Chinese

passengers proceeding in such vessels be free emigrants and under no contract of

service whatever.

3. The owners or charterers of every such Chinese passenger ship, or if absent Time and mode


for licence.

from the Colony their respective agents, shall , before such ship is laid on for the con [Ibid, Sec. 4.]

veyance of Chinese emigrants and before any depôt is opened for their reception, apply

in writing to the Colonial Secretary for a licence under the hand of the Governor and

the public seal of the Colony for the conveyance of such emigrants and shall furnish

all particulars as to the destination of the said ship and as to all other matters relating

to the intended voyage and emigration which may be required of them, and shall also

furnish the like particulars where any exemption is applied for under paragraph 2 of

this section.

4. All such particulars shall, if so ordered, be verified upon oath before the emi Punishment for


untrue parti

gration officer or any Justice of the Peace, and every person who shall knowingly culars.

[Ibid, Sec. 5.]

furnish untrue particulars shall be liable to imprisonment with or without hard labor,

for any period not exceeding six calendar months, and to a fine not exceeding one

hundred dollars, either in addition to or in substitution of such imprisonment.

5. The granting of every such licence shall be in the discretion of the Governor Conditions of

licence and

amount offee.

in Council and shall be subject to the payment of a fee of one hundred dollars and to Ibid, Sec. 6.)

such conditions as may from time to time be prescribed under instructions from Her

Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, and the Governor in Council Governor in

Council may

impose condi

may impose such conditions on the granting of such licence as he shall think expedient tions.

in each particular case, provided the same shall not be contrary to or inconsistent

with such instructions .

6. Every licence granted under this section in respect of any Chinese passenger Licence to

specify time of

ship shall specify the period within which such ship shall clear out and proceed to sea : departure ;

proviso for


Provided always that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council, from time to time, thereof.

[Ibid, Sec. 7.3

to extend such period.

7. In case it shall be shown to the satisfaction of the Governor in Council at any Power to remove

master or other

time before the departure of a Chinese passenger ship that the master, mate, or any officer .

[Ibid, Sec. 8.3

other officer of such ship is unfit for the proper discharge of his duties by reason of

incompetency or misconduct, or for any other sufficient cause, it shall be lawful for the

1312 ORDINANCE No. 3 or 1874.

Chinese Emigration.

Governor, by order under his hand, to discharge and remove such master, mate, or

other officer from the said ship , and thereupon the owners or charterers thereof, or

their agents, shall forthwith appoint a master or mate, or other officer, as the case may

be, to be approved by the emigration officer in the place of the one so discharged and

removed as aforesaid.

8. In any of the following cases, namely :

Power to revoke (a.) If it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Governor in Council at any

and cancel

licence. time before the departure of a Chinese passenger ship that the parti

[Ibid, sec. 9.]

culars furnished in relation thereto under paragraph 3 are untrue, or

that any condition of the said licence has been violated ;

(b.) If any Chinese passenger ship shall fail to clear out and proceed to sea,

within the period specified in the licence granted under this section, or

within such extended period as aforesaid ;

(c.) If the owners or charterers of a Chinese passenger ship shall fail forth

with to appoint a master, mate, or other officer to be approved as

aforesaid, in the place of any master, mate, or other officer discharged

under paragraph 7 ;

It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to revoke the licence granted under this

section in respect of such Chinese passenger ship, and to order that the said ship be

seized and detained until her emigration papers ( if already granted) be delivered up

to be cancelled.

Breach of condi 9. The breach of any condition of a licence granted under this section shall be

tion of licence.

deemed a breach of a regulation respecting Chinese passenger ships within the meaning

of section 2 of " The Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855."

Application of 10. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to apply the whole or any part

penalty for

breach of this

Ordinance of the penalty recoverable in case of the non -observance or non- performance of the


under The regulations of this section under the provisions of section 4 of " The Chinese Passengers'

Chinese Passen

gers' Act, 1855." Act, 1855 ," towards the expenses of reconveying to their homes intending emigrants

[Ibid, sec. 10.]

by any vessel in respect of which the licence granted under this section shall have been

revoked in manner hereinbefore provided.

Regulations of 11. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect the regulations contained in

schedule 4 of

Chinese Pas schedule A of " The Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855. ”

sengers' Act,

1855," not to be

affected by this


Emigration passage brokers.

No person to act 6. No person shall act as a passenger broker or in procuring passengers for, or in

as a passage

broker without the sale or letting of passages in any Chinese passenger ship, unless he shall, with two

having entered

into a bond and

obtained a sufficient sureties, to be approved by the emigration officer, have entered into a joint


[Ord . 11 of 1857, and several bond in the sum of five thousand current dollars, to Her Majesty, Her

Sec. 1.]

Heirs and Successors, according to the form contained in schedule A hereunto annexed ,

which bond shall be renewed on each occasion of obtaining such licence as hereinafter

ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874. 1313

Chinese Emigration.

mentioned, and shall be deposited with the emigration officer ; nor unless such person

shall have obtained a licence to let or sell passages , nor unless such licence shall be

then in force ; and where different members of the same firm act as passage brokers ,

each person so acting shall comply with the terms of this section.

2. Any person wishing to obtain a licence to act as a passage broker, shall make How passage

broker's licences

may be obtained .

application for the same to the emigration officer, and the emigration officer is hereby [Ibid, sec. 2.]

authorized (if he shall think fit) to grant such licence according to the form in schedule

B hereunto annexed : Provided always, that no such licence shall be granted unless

such bond as hereinbefore mentioned shall have been first entered into : Provided also, Power to Ma

gistrates to order

licences to be

that any Magistrate who shall adjudicate on any offence against this section, is hereby forfeited.

authorized to order the offender's licence to be forfeited, and the same shall thereupon

be forfeited accordingly ; and the said Magistrate making such order shall forthwith

cause notice of such forfeiture, in the form contained in the schedule Chereunto

annexed, to be transmitted to the emigration officer, and such forfeiture shall be

exclusive and independent of any other punishment which may be inflicted upon such

offender under the provisions of this section.

3. Every person obtaining such licence as aforesaid, shall pay to the emigration Fee to be paid

for licences.

officer a fee of two hundred current dollars, which fee the emigration officer is hereby [Ibid, sec. 3.]

empowered and required to demand and receive upon the issuing of any such licence ;

and the emigration officer shall pay all such fees into the Colonial Treasury, to the use

of the Crown.

4. Such licence shall continue in force until the 31st day of December in the year Howlonglicences

are to continue

in which such licence shall be granted , and for fourteen days afterwards, unless sooner in force.

[Ibid, sec. 4.]

forfeited as hereinbefore mentioned .

5. Every passage broker who shall or may receive money from any person, for or Contract tickets

for passages.

in respect of a passage in any Chinese passenger ship, shall give to every such person (Ibid, sec. 5.]

a contract ticket, under the hand of such passage broker, and stamped with his seal or


trade mark, each ticket to be printed in a plain and legible type, according to the

form in the schedule D hereunto annexed, and to be accompanied with a translation

thereof in the Chinese language, in plain and legible characters.

6. Every such passage broker before he shall receive or take any money on account Passage brokers

to produce to


of any such passage, or for the sale or letting of the whole or any part of the accom officer certificate

that they have

modation of or in any Chinese passenger ship proceeding from Hongkong, shall produce chartered the

ship for carrying

to the emigration officer the certificate of the master or owner of the ship, in respect of emigrants.

[Ibid, sec. 6.]

which such passage shall or may have been taken, or the accommodation in which

shall have been so sold or let, to the effect that such ship has been chartered for the

purpose of carrying emigrants, and that he, such passage broker, is authorized to

receive payment for such passage, or for the sale or letting of the accommodation in

such ship ; and such certificate shall be filed in the office of the emigration officer.

1314 ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874.

Chinese Emigration.

Passage broker 7. On every occasion of the delivery to any passenger of such contract ticket as

to attend before

emigration aforesaid, the passage broker who shall have engaged to provide such passenger with a

officer for the

purpose of

delivering the passage shall attend with him at the office of the emigration officer, in whose presence

contract tickets

to passengers. the contract ticket shall be delivered to such passenger, and who shall explain to him

[Ibid , sec. 7.]

the true intent and meaning of such contract.

Contract tickets 8. No person shall fraudulently alter or cause to be altered , after it is once issued ,

not to be altered.

[Ibid, sec. 8.] or shall induce any person to part with or gender less or destroy any such contract

ticket, during the continuance of the contract which it is intended to evidence.

Agents not to 9. No licensed passage broker shall, as agent for any person, whether a licensed

act without

written autho broker or not, receive money for or on account of the passage of any passenger on

rity, and to

produce their

authority on board a Chinese passenger ship, without having a written authority to act as such


[Ibid, sec. 9.] agent, or on the demand of the emigration officer, refuse or fail to exhibit his licence

and such written authority ; and no person whether as principal or agent shall, by any

fraud, or by false representation as to the size of the ship or otherwise, or by any false

pretence whatsoever, induce any person to engage any passage as aforesaid.

Notice of every

contract with 10. Every emigration passage broker who shall contract with any intending

emigrants to be emigrant for a passage in such ship shall forthwith give notice in writing to the

given to emigra

tion officer.

[Ord. 12 of 1868, emigration officer of every such contract specifying the name, age and sex of such

sec. 8.]

emigrant and the name of such ship .

Penalties for 11. All violations or disobediences of, or defaults in compliance with , the provis


[Ord. 11 of 1857, ions of this section shall be heard and determined summarily under Ordinance No. 10

sec. 10.1

of 1844 ; and on conviction of such offences, the respective offenders shall be sentenced

to pay the several penalties, on in default of the payment thereof, to suffer the

several terms of imprisonment respectively hereinafter specified : --

(a.) For every offence against paragraph 1 , a fine not exceeding four hundred

dollars, or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.

(b.) For every offence against paragraph 5 , a fine not exceeding fifty dollars,

or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six weeks .

(c.) For every offence against paragraph 6, a fine not exceeding one hundred

dollars, or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.

(d.) For every offence committed by a passage broker against paragraph 7, a

fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment for a term

not exceeding three months.

(e.) For every offence against paragraph 8, a fine not exceeding fifty dollars,

or imprisonment for a term not exceeding two months.

Hospital and medical inspection.

Hospital accom 7. In every Chinese passenger ship , except ships about to proceed on a voyage of

modation to be

provided, [Ord. not more than thirty days' duration within the meaning of section 8 of this Ordinance,

6 of 1859, sec. 1.1

there shall be a sufficient space properly divided off to the satisfaction of the emigration

officer at the port of clearance, to be used exclusively as a hospital or sick bay for the

ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874. 1315

Chinese Emigration.

passengers ; this space shall be either under the poop, or in the round -house, or in any

deck-house which shall be properly built and secured to the satisfaction of such emigra

tion officer, or on the upper passenger deck, and not elsewhere, and shall in no case be

of less dimensions than eighteen clear superficial feet for every fifty passengers which

the ship shall carry. Every such hospital shall be fitted with bed places, and supplied and properly

fitted up.

with proper beds, bedding, and utensils, to the satisfaction of the emigration officer at

the port of clearance, and shall throughout the voyage be kept so fitted and supplied.

2. In the measurement of the passenger decks , for the purpose of determining the Space for hospital

to be included in

measurement of

number of passengers to be carried in any such Chinese passenger ship, the space for capacity for

the hospital shall be included. passengers.

[Ibid, sec. 2 ]

3. The Governor is hereby authorized to appoint, at a salary not exceeding two Governor au

thorized to ap

thousand dollars per annuin a medical officer whose duty it shall be to inspect intend point a medical


[Ord. 12 of 1868,

ing emigrants and to supervise all matters and things in any way relating to the sec. 9.]

comfort and well- being of such emigrants before their departure and on their voyage,

and such salary shall be in lieu of all fees .

4. No Chinese passenger ship shall clear out or proceed to sea on any voyage of Medical examina

tion before sail

more than seven days duration, until the proper medical officer as provided shall have ing. [Ord. 6, of

1859, sec. 3. ]

certified to the emigration officer, and the said emigration officer shall not grant his

certificate unless he is satisfied, that none of the passengers or crew appear, by reason

of any bodily or mental disease, unfit to proceed or likely to endanger the health or

safety of other persons about to proceed in such vessel ; and a medical inspection of

the passengers for the purposes of giving such certificate shall take place either on

board the vessel, or, at the discretion of the said emigration officer, at such time and

place on shore, before embarkation, as he may appoint ; and the master, owner, or

charterer of the ship, shall pay to the emigration officer a sum at the rate of twenty-five

current dollars, for every hundred persons so examined, and such emigration officer

shall pay the same into the Treasury to the use of the Crown.

5. The medical inspection of emigrants under contracts of service shall take place Medical inspec

tion of emigrants

on shore before embarkation as well as on board the said ship after embarkation , and under contract

of service.

the emigration officer shall not grant the certificate required by "The Chinese Passen [Ord. 12 of 1868,

sec. 10.1

gers' Act, 1855 " unless he shall be satisfied that such double inspection has been duly

made, or has been dispensed with by the sanction of the Governor .

6. It shall not be lawful for any emigrant under contract of service to embark in No emigrant to

embark or be

received on board

any Chinese passenger ship or for the master or other person on board of a Chinese without a permit.

[Ibid, sec. 11.]

passenger ship to permit any such emigrant to embark therein, unless such emigrant

shall produce an embarkation permit from the emigration officer, who shall not grant

the same unless he shall be satisfied that such emigrant has undergone on shore the

medical inspection required by law to be made before embarkation .

7. The medical inspection of emigrants required to be made after their embarka Emigration

officer to appoint

time for medical

tion in any Chinese passenger ship shall take place at such time as the emigration inspection after

officer shall appoint . embarkation.

[Ibid, sec. 12.]

1316 ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874 .

Chinese Emigration.

Chinese medical 8. Any Chinese medical practitioner properly qualified to the satisfaction of the


may be Surgeons Colonial Surgeon shall be eligible with approval of the Governor for the office of Surgeon

of Chinese

passenger ships. of a Chinese passenger ship within the terms of schedule A of " The Chinese Passengers'

Ibid, sec. 14.1

Act, 1855."

Regulations for voyages of not more than thirty days' duration .

Modified regula 8. All ships clearing out or proceeding to sea upon voyages of not more than

tions for voyages

of not more than

thirty days' thirty days' duration, shall be subject to the modified regulations contained in schedule


[See Ord. 8 of E of this Ordinance which as regards such ships shall be substituted for those contained


in schedule A of " The Chinese Passengers' Act , 1855 , " but nothing in this section

contained shall be deemed to relieve Chinese passenger ships from the operation of the

said Act, except so far as the same is by the said schedule expressly modified.

Voyages de 2. The voyages specified in schedule F to this Ordinance annexed , are hereby

clared to be of

not more than

thirty days' declared to be voyages of not more than thirty days ' duration, subject as regards


Ibid, sec. 4.] steamers to the conditions as to their rate of speed and as regards sailing vessels to the

conditions as to the periods of the year during which the voyage shall be performed ,

in the said schedule respectively expressed and contained.

Not to affect 3. This section shall not be construed as affecting any Chinese passenger ship

ships not within

the Chinese which is about to proceed to sea on a voyage of not more than seven days' duration.

Passengers' Act.

Depôts for emigrants under contract of service.

Depôts to be 9. The owners or charterers of every Chinese passenger ship which is about to

provided for the

lodging of

emigrants. convey emigrants under.contracts of service shall, as soon as such ship is laid on for

[Ord. 12 of 1868,

scc. 4.] the conveyance of such emigrants, provide a depôt or depôts to be approved of by the

emigration officer wherein every intending emigrant by such ship may lodge as

hereinafter provided , and every such depôt shall be maintained and every emigrant

lodging therein shall be supported at the expense of such owners or charterers.

Emigrants to 2. Every intending emigrant by such Chinese passenger ship shall lodge , at the

lodge in depôt

three clear days

before embarka least three clear days previously to his embarkation , in the depôt provided by the


Ibid, sec. 6.] owners or charterers of such ship.

Supervision of 3. Every such depôt as aforesaid shall be under the supervision of the emigration


Ibid, sec. 7.

officer who may inspect the same at such times as he shall think fit, and there shall be

at all times free ingress and egress allowed to all persons to and from such depôts ,

from 6 A.M. to 6 P.M.

Orders in Council relating to quantity of water.

Orders in Conn 10. All Orders of Her Majesty the Queen in Council relating to the quantity of

ci' to apply to

Chinese passen

ger ships. water to be carried by passenger ships having a certain description of condensing

Ubid, sec. 15.J

apparatus shall apply to Chinese passenger ships .

ORDINANCE No. 3- oF 1874 . 1317

Chinese Emigration .

No Chinese passenger ship unless propelled by steam to clear between

April and September.

11. No Chinese passenger ship, unless a vessel propelled by steam, bound to any No Chinese

passenger ship

port westward of the Cape of Good Hope or to any port in Australia, New Zealand , to clear between

April and Sep

tember. Ibid,

Oceania, or Tasmania shall be permitted to clear from any port in the Colony between sec. 16.1]

the months of April and September inclusive.

Unwilling emigrants.

12. It shall be lawful for the emigration officer at any time when he is satisfied Emigration

officer may land

any emigrant

that any emigrant who is unwilling to leave the port has been obtained by any fraud , who is unwilling

to leave the port

violence, or other improper means, to land such emigrant and procure him a passage and who has

been procured

back to his native place or that from which he was taken , and also to defray the cost of by any fraud, &c.

[Ibid, sec. 18.]

his maintenance whilst awaiting a return passage, and all such expenses with all legal

costs incurred shall be recoverable by the emigration officer before any Police Magis

trate from the emigration passage broker of the vessel in which such emigrant was

shipped or intended to be shipped.

2. Whosoever shall unlawfully either by force or fraud take away or detain against Punishment for


his will any man or boy with intent to put him on board a Chinese passenger ship and obtaining


[Ibid, sec. 19.]

whosoever shall with any such intent receive, harbor, or enter into any contract for

foreign service with any such mau or boy knowing the same to have been by force or

fraud taken and obtained as in this paragraph before mentioned, shall be guilty of

felony and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be

kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding seven years and not less than three

years, or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years with or without hard


Penalties for breach of Ordinance.

13. The owners or charterers of any Chinese passenger ship and any emigration Punishment of

persons coin

mitting any

passage broker and any intending emigrant by a Chinese passenger ship and any breach ofthis


master or other person in charge of a Chinese passenger ship who shall fail to comply [Ibid, sec. 21.1

with or commit any breach of the provisions of part I of this Ordinance so far as they

may respectively be bound thereby, and any person granting or knowingly uttering

any forged certificate, permit, notice, or other document under this Ordinance shall ,

without prejudice to any other proceeding, civil or criminal, be liable upon summary

conviction before a Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or to

imprisonment with or without hard labor for any term not exceeding six months.



Emigrant ship fittings.

14. Before beginning to fit out any ship intended to be used for the conveyance Notice to


of Chinese emigrants to be embarked at any port or place out of the Colony, a notice officer.

[Ord. 3 of 1873,

sec. 4.]

to that effect shall be given in writing to the emigration officer, and such notice shall

1318 ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874.

Chinese Emigration.

be signed by the owner and master of such ship, or in the event of the owner not being

resident within the Colony, by the agent and master thereof, and in case such notice

shall not have been given , the owner and master, or the agent and master of such ship ,

as the case may be, shall be guilty of an offence against this section , and shall be liable

to the punishment hereinafter prescribed : Provided always that where there shall be

no agent of an absent owner in the Colony, the notice may be signed by the master


Report to 2. The master of every ship arriving within the waters of the Colony and which.



[Ibid, sec. 5.] shall be fitted out for the conveyance of Chinese emigrants shall, within twenty- four

hours, report the same to the emigration officer, and in case he shall neglect so to do,

he shall be deemed guilty of an offence against this section, and shall be liable to the

punishment hereinafter prescribed.

Powers and 3. The fittings of every ship mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this section shall

duties of

emigration be subject to the approval of the emigration officer, who is hereby empowered , at all


[/bid, sec. 6.]

reasonable times, to go on board and search and inspect such ship and her fittings, and

to order any fittings which shall in his opinion be objectionable, to be forthwith

removed ; and any person who shall in any way impede or attempt to impede the

emigration officer in the execution of this duty, shall be guilty of an offence against this

section, and shall be liable to the punishment hereinafter prescribed .

Certificate of 4. No such ship shall clear out or proceed to sea until the master thereof shall


officer. have received from the emigration officer a certificate in the form contained in schedule

Ibid, sec. 7.]

H to this Ordinance, and every such certificate shall be liable to a stamp duty of

twenty-five dollars.

Barricades and 5. All barricades and gratings apparently intended to be used, or which are capable

gratings prohi


[Ibid, sec. 8.] of being used for the purpose of confining Chinese emigrants below decks, or within

any particular part of a ship shall be deemed to be prohibited fittings within the

meaning of this section.

Other prohibited 6. It shall be lawful for the Governor, from time to time, by proclamation to be


[Ibid, sec. 9.] inserted in the Gazette to prohibit the use or carriage in any ship of any other

description of fittings therein specified , and every such prohibition shall have the same

force or effect as if it were expressly enacted in this section .

Seizure and 7. All prohibited fittings wherever found within the Colony shall be seized and


thereof. shall be forfeited to the Crown in manner hereinafter mentioned.

[Ibid, sec. 10.1

Unlawful pos 8. Whoever shall, without lawful excuse (the proof of which shall lie on the

session, &c. of

prohibited accused) , manufacture, purchase, sell , or have in his possession any prohibited fittings ,


[Ibid. sec. 11.]

shall be guilty of an offence against this section , and shall be liable to the punish

ment hereinafter prescribed.

Taking probi 9. The owner, agent, or master of any ship intended for the conveyance of Chinese

bited fittings

on board or

refusal to remove emigrants to be embarked at any port or place out of the Colony who shall knowingly

the same.

[Ibid, sec. 12.] permit any prohibited fittings to be taken on board such ship, or to remain therein.

ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874. 1319

Chinese Emigration.

after the same have been taken on board , or who shall refuse to remove forthwith any

fittings which the emigration officer shall have ordered to be removed shall be guilty of

an offence against this Ordinance, and shall be liable to the punishment hereinafter

prescribed, and all such last mentioned fittings shall, in case of such refusal as aforesaid,

be seized and forfeited to the Crown as in the case of prohibited fittings.

10. If any such ship shall leave or attempt to leave the waters of the Colony Ship leaving

without certiti

cate or with

without the certificate required by paragraph 4, or shall leave or attempt to leave the prohibited


waters of the Colony, having on board any prohibited fittings, or any fittings which the [Ibid, sec. 13.)

emigration officer shall have ordered to be removed , or any other fittings of a similar kind

and description, in every such case the master of such ship , and the owner or agent if

proved to have sanctioned such leaving or attempting to leave as aforesaid , shall be

deemed guilty of an offence against this section , and shall be liable to the punishment

hereinafter prescribed , and all such fittings shall be seized and forfeited to the Crown ,

whether the same be prohibited fittings or not.

Frandulent use

11. If any person shall make or attempt to make any fraudulent use of a certificate of a certificate.

[Ibid, sec. 14.]

granted under this section, or shall forge, counterfeit, alter, or crase the whole or any

part thereof, or shall use or attempt to use any spurious or fraudulent certificate, the

person so offending, and every person aiding and abetting in such offence, shall be

liable to the punishment hereinafter prescribed.

12. All cases of violation or disobedience of, or default in compliance with the Trial of offences.

[Ibid, sec. 15.]

provisions of this section, may be heard and determined summarily by two Magistrates

sitting together, who shall constitute a Court for this purpose : Provided that if at

the close of the investigation, the accused shall apply for a trial by jury, or the

Magistrates shall be of opinion that the case ought to be so tried, they may commit

the accused for trial at the Supreme Court.

13. On conviction of such offences, the respective offenders shall be liable to the Punishments of


following punishments : [Ibid, sec. 16.]

(a.) For every offence against paragraphs 1 , 2 , 3, 8 and 9 of this section , a

fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, and imprisonment with or

without hard labor for any term not exceeding six months, or either

of such punishments, at the discretion of the Court.

(b.) For every offence against paragraphs 10 and 11 of this section, a fine

not exceeding one thousand dollars, and imprisonment with or without

hard labor for any term not exceeding one year, or either of such

punishments, at the discretion of the Court.

Provided always that where a fine shall be imposed for any offence against paragraphs

10 and 11 , the Court may sentence the offender, in default of payment of such fine, to

imprisonment with or without hard labor for any term not exceeding one year in lieu

of such fine, and such imprisonment shall commence from the expiration of any term

of imprisonment to which the offender may have been sentenced in addition to the fine.

1320 ORDINANCE No. 3 of 1874 .

Chinese Emigration .

Proceedings for 14. The Supreme Court and the said Court of Magistrates shall have full power

forfeiture of

fittings. and authority to hear and determine all cases of seizure of fittings , and upon proof of

(Ibid, sec. 17.]

the legality of the seizure, to declare the said fittings to be forfeited to the Crown ,

and no fittings seized under this section, shall be deemed to be forfeited to the Crown,

except under the sentence of one or the other of the said Courts.

Powers of Police 15. Nothing in this section contained shall be deemed to affect the powers vested


Ibid, sec. 18.] in a Superintendent or Irspector of Police by section 7 of Ordinance No. 14 of 1845.

Limitation of

actions, &c. 16. Any suit, or prosecution against any person for anything done in pursuance

Had, sec. 19., or execution or intended execution of this section shall be commenced within three

months after the thing done and not otherwise.

Notice in writing of every such suit and of the cause thereof shall be given to the

intended defendant ore month at least before the commencement thereof.

In any such action the defendant may answer that the act complained of was

done in pursuance, or execution , or intended execution of this section and give this

section and the special matter in evidence at any trial to be had thereupon .

The plaintiff shall not recover if tender of sufficient amends is made before action

brought, or if after action brought a sufficient sum of money is paid into Court by or

on behalf of the defendant.

If judgment is given for the defendant , or the plaintiff becomes nonsuit, or

discontinues the action after an answer has been put in , the defendant shall recover

his full costs and shall have the like remedy for the same as any defendant has by law

for costs in other cases.

If judgment is given for the plaintiff, he shall not have costs against the defendant

unless the Judge before whom the trial is had certifies his approbation of the action.

Prosecution to 17. No proceeding shall be instituted for any offence against the provisions of

Le by Attorney


[Ibid, sec. 20.] this section, or for any forfeiture thereunder, except at the suit or prosecution of, or

with the consent of the Attorney General.

Rules as to Chinese emigrant ships.

Interpretation 15. In the construction of this section , if not inconsistent with the context, the


[Ordinance 5 following terms and expressions shall have the meanings hereinafter respectively

of 1873, sec. 2.]

assigned to them, that is to say :

" Building." 66

' Building, " in relation to a ship, shall include the doing any act towards

or incidental to the construction of a ship, and all words having relation to

building shall be construed accordingly ;

Equipping." " Equipping, " in relation to a ship, shall include the furnishing a ship

with any tackle, apparel, furniture, provisions, arms, munitions, or stores,

or any other thing which is used in or about a ship for the purpose of fitting

or adapting her for the sea , and all words relating to equipping shall be

construed accordingly ;

ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874 . 1321

Chinese Emigration.

" Ship and Equipment, " shall include a ship and everything in or "Ship and


belonging to a ship. Ibid, sec. 3.]

2. No Chinese emigrant ship shall clear out or proceed to sea from this Colony Licences under

this section.

unless the master of such ship shall be provided with a licence under this section .

3. No person shall do any of the acts hereinafter specified in paragraph 8 of this Licence from


Ibid, sec. 4.

section , without a licence from the Governor, or unless the owner, agent, or master of

the ship in respect of which such act shall be done shall have obtained such licence .

4. Every such licence shall be under the hand of the Governor and the public Form and

conditions of


seal of the Colony and the granting thereof shall be in the discretion of the Governor, Ibid, sec. 5.)

and shall be subject to the payment of such fee to the Crown, and to such conditions

as may, in each particular case, be prescribed by the Governor in Council.

5. Application for such licence shall be made in writing to the Colonial Secretary, Mode of

application for


and shall be transmitted through the emigration officer, and the owner, agent, or Ibid, sec. 6.]

master of the Chinese emigrant ship in respect of which such licence is applied for,

shall furnish all particulars as to the destination of the ship, and as to all matters

relating to the intended voyage and emigration which may be required of him.

6. All such particulars shall, if so ordered , be certified upon oath before any Justice Punishment

for furnishing


of the Peace, and every person who shall knowingly furnish untrue particulars shall be particulars.

[Ibid, sec. 7.]

liable to imprisonment with or without hard labor, for any period not exceeding six

calendar months , and to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, either in addition

to or in substitution of such inprisonment.

7. If it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Governor at any time before the Power to revoke

and cancel

licence .

departure of a Chinese emigrant ship : Ibid, sec. 8.

(a.) That the particulars furnished in relation thereto are untrue ; or

(b.) That further particulars have been discovered since the granting of the

licence ; or

(c.) That any condition of the licence has been violated, —

It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to revoke or vary the licence granted

under this section in respect of such Chinese emigrant ship and to order that the said

ship be seized and detained until the said licence be delivered up to be cancelled, or


8. If any person does any of the following acts within the Colony without having Building


obtained a licence from the Governor under this section , or without any such licence equipping,


selling, hiring,

as aforesaid having been granted to the owner, agent, or master of the ship in respect &c., &c., with

ont licence.

of which such act shall be done , or in contravention of the terms of any such licence if [Ibid, sec. 9.]

granted, that is to say:

(a .) Builds, alters or repairs, or agrees to build, alter or repair, or causes to

be built, altered or repaired, any ship , with intent or knowledge , or

having reasonable cause to believe that the same will be employed in

the conveyance of Chinese emigrants to be embarked at any port or

place out of the Colony ; or

1322 ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874.

Chinese Emigration.

(b. ) Fits out, mans, navigates, equips, uses, lets or takes on freight or hire.

any ship , or commands, or serves on board any ship, with intent or

knowledge, or having reasonable cause to believe that the same will be

employed in manner aforesaid ; or

(c.) Despatches, or causes or allows to be despatched any ship, with intent

or knowledge, or having reasonable cause to believe that the same will

be employed in manner aforesaid ; or

(d.) Holds or takes any share or interest in, or makes any advances of money

to any ship, or becomes security for such advances, with intent or

knowledge, or having reasonable cause to believe that the same will be

employed in manner aforesaid ; or

(e.) Despatches or causes or allows to be despatched, or commands or serves

on board any ship carrying Chinese passengers, with the intent or

knowledge, or having reasonable cause to believe that such passengers

are being carried or intended to be carried to any port or place out of

the Colony for the purpose of being conveyed therefrom as emigrants

in the same or any other ship ; or


f) Being the master of Chinese a emigrant ship clears out and proceeds to

sea in such ship,

Penalty. Such person shall be deemed to have committed an offence against this section, and

the following consequences shall ensue :

(a .) The offender shall be liable to imprisonment with or without hard labor

for any term not exceeding two years, and to a fine not exceeding two

thousand dollars, or to either of such punishments , at the discretion of

the Court ;

(b .) The ship in respect of which any such offence is committed and her

equipment shall, if within the waters of this Colony, be forfeited to the


Punishment of 9. Any person who aids, abets, counsels, or procures the commission of any


[Ibid, sec. 10.] offence against this section , shall be liable to be tried and punished as a principal


Seizure, search, 10. The Governor upon being satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for

and detention of

suspected ships. suspecting that a ship within the waters of the Colony has been, or is being built,

[Ibid, sec. 11.j

altered, repaired, or equipped , or is about to be despatched and taken out to sea

contra to the provisions of this section , or that any other offence against the said

provisions has been committed , rendering the said ship liable to forfeiture, may issue

a warrant in the form contained in schedule I to this Ordinance ; and upon such

warrant, the said ship may be seized and searched and detained until it has been

either condemned or released by process of law, or in the manner hereinafter

mentioned .

ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874 . 1323

Chinese Emigration.

11. Any officer so authorized to seize, search and detain any ship under this Powers of officers

authorized to

section may, for the purpose of enforcing such seizure, search and detention , call to seize ships.

[Ibid, sec. 12. ]

his aid any constable or officers of police, and may apply for assistance to any officers

of Her Majesty's Army or Navy, or Marines, or to the Harbor Master, or any officer

having authority by law to make seizures of ships, and may put any persons on board

such ship to take charge of the same, and to enforce the provisions of this section , and

any officer so authorized as aforesaid, may use force, if necessary, for the purpose of

enforcing such seizures, search and detention, and if any person is killed , maimed, or

hurt by reason of his resisting such officer in the execution of his duties, or any person

acting under his orders, or at his request, such officer so seizing, searching and detaining

the ship, or other person , shall be freely and fully indemnified as well against the

Queen's Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, as against all persons so killed , maimed,

or hurt .

12. The owner of the ship seized and detained under this section, or his agent , Petition to Court.

[Ibid, sec. 11.]

may apply by petition to the Supreme Court for its release .

13. The Crown Solicitor shall, upon the seizure of any ship as aforesaid, cite the Citation of


owners or their agents in the Colony by a notice which may be in the form contained [Ibid, sec. 15.)

in schedule K to this Ordinance, to appear before the Supreme Court to show cause

why the said ship should not be condemned and forfeited to the Crown for breach of

the provisions of this section, and in case there shall be no owner of the said ship in

the Colony, nor any agent of such owner, the said notice shall be published twice in

the Gazette, and such publication shall be equivalent to personal service of the citation.

14. On the day appointed for the Proceedings

ǝ hearing of any petition for the release of the thereon.

ship, or for the appearance of the owners or their agents in the Colony in obedience to [Ibid, sec. 16. ]

a citation to show cause why the same should not be forfeited , the Court shall proceed

to enquire into the matter and to make such orders as may be necessary to put the

matter of the seizure and detention of the ship in course of trial between the owner

and the Crown.

The Court may, if it shall think fit, direct a written statement or answer or any

additional pleading to be filed, and may, in its discretion , receive evidence orally or by

affidavit, or partly orally and partly by affidavit, and may determine all questions of

fact as well as of law, or may, of its own motion , or on the application of either party,

direct a jury to be empanelled for the determination of any question of fact.

The Court may frame issues of law and of fact, and generally may exercise the

same powers and authorities as on the trial of any other suit, cause, or matter, within

its ordinary jurisdiction.

The Court may also, during or before the said proceedings, grant warrants for

the entering and searching of any ship or tenement within the jurisdiction , and the

seizure of any papers or documents which may be found therein respectively, or may

summon any person to appear before the Court, and to produce any papers and

documents and may interrogate such persons on oath touching the subject matter of

the inquiry .

1324 ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874.

Chinese Emigration .

Evidence of 15. Whenever any person shall have been convicted before the Supreme Court of


[Ibid, sec. 17.] an offence against this section, the evidence taken upon the trial of such offender shall

Regulations as be received in evidence in any proceedings instituted for the forfeiture or release of

to proceedings

against the the ship in respect of which such offence shall have been committed ; but it shall not

offender and

against the ship. be necessary to take proceedings against an offender because proceedings are instituted

for the forfeiture, or to take proceedings for the forfeiture because proceedings are

taken against the offender.

Burden of proof. 16. The fact of a ship being apparently fitted and equipped , or in course of being

[Ibid, sec. 18.3

fitted and equipped within the waters of the Colony for the conveyance of Chinese

emigrants shall, if the owner, agent, or master shall not have obtained a licence from

the Governor under this section , or under section 5 of this Ordinance, be primâ facie

evidence that such ship is intended for the conveyance of Chinese emigrants to be

embarked at some port or place out of the Colony.

Release of ship 17. If on the hearing of the said proceedings for the forfeiture or release of a ship

by the Court.

[Ord. 5 of 1873. seized under this section , it shall be established to the satisfaction of the Court that

sec. 19, and Ord.

10 of 1873, sec. 1.] the offence charged has not been committed in respect of such ship against the pro

visions of this section rendering such ship liable to forfeiture, the ship shall be released

and restored to the owners thereof or their agents.

Condemnation 18. If on the hearing of the proceedings , it shall be established to the satisfaction

. ofship.

Ord. 5 of 1873, of the Court that the offence charged has been committed in respect of such ship

sec. 20, & Ord. 10

of 1873, sec. 2.] rendering the same liable to forfeiture under this section, the Court shall declare such

ship to be forfeited to the Crown .

Penalty in lieu 19. It shall be lawful for the Court to impose such a pecuniary penalty as to the


[Ord. 5 of 1873, Court shall seem fit, in lieu of condemning the ship, and in such case to cause the ship

sec. 21.]

to be detained until the penalty is paid, and to cause any penalty so imposed to be

applied in the same manner in which the proceeds of the said ship, if condemned by

order of the Court and sold, would have been applicable.

Costs. 20. The costs of all proceedings for the forfeiture or release of a ship, shall be in

[Ibid, sec. 22.]

the discretion of the Court.

Indemnity. 21. If the Court be of opinion that there was not reasonable and probable cause

Ubid, sec. 23.]

for the seizure or detention, and if no such cause appear in the course of the proceedings ,

the Court shall have power to declare that the owner is to be indemnified by the pay

ment of costs and damages in respect of the seizure or detention , the amount thereof

to be assessed by the Court, and any amount so assessed shall be payable by the

Treasury out of the general revenues of the Colony.

Sale of forfeited 22. Every ship forfeited to the Crown for breach of the provisions of this section


[Ibid, sec. 24.) may be sold by public auction or private contract, and may be transferred to the pur

chaser by bill of sale under the hand of the Governor, and the seal of the Colony, and

the net proceeds of such sale shall be paid into the Colonial Treasury for the use of the


ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874 . 1325

Chinese Emigration.

23. The Governor may, at any time, release any ship seized and detained under Release of ship

by Governor.

this section , notwithstanding her forfeiture by the sentence of the Supreme Court, on [Ibid, sec 13.3

the owner or agent giving security to the satisfaction of the Governor that the ship


shall not be employed contrary to this section, or may release the ship without such


security if the Governor think fit so to release the same .

24. Subject to the provisions of this section providing for the award of damages Indemnity to


in certain cases in respect of the seizure or detention of a ship by the Court, no (Ibid, sec. 25.1

damages shall be payable, and no public officer, or other person acting under his order

or at his request , shall be responsible, either civilly or criminally, in respect of the

seizure or detention of any ships in pursuance of this section .

25. No proceedings, other than the issue of a warrant for the seizure of a ship , Prosecution to

be by Attorney


or for the apprehension of an offender, shall be instituted for any offence against the [Ibid, sec. 26.)

provisions of this section , except at the suit or prosecution of, or with the consent of

the Attorney General.



Repealing clause.

16. The following Ordinances and sections of Ordinances are hereby repealed : Repealing clause.

Ordinance 9 of 1856, Section 3

"" 11 of 1857,

The whole.

99 6 of 1859 , }

39 1 of 1862, Section 27.

99 12 of 1868,

19 4 of 1870,

"" 8 of 1871,

91 13 of 1872, The whole.

"" 3 of 1873,

39 5 of 1873,

"" 10 of 1873,

But this repeal shall not affect :

(a.) Anything duly done before this Ordinance comes into operation ;

(b.) Any right acquired or liability accrued before this Ordinance comes into

operation ;

(c.) Any penalty, forfeiture, or other punishment incurred or to be incurred


in respect of any offence committed before this Ordinance comes into

operation ;

(d.) The institution of any legal proceeding, or any other remedy for

ascertaining, enforcing or recovering any such liability, penalty,

forfeiture or punishment as aforesaid .

1326 ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874.

Chinese Emigration .

Suspending clause.

Suspending 17. This Ordinance shall not come into operation until Her Majesty's confirmation


thereof shall have been proclaimed by the Governor in the Colony.


(A, )

Form ofemigration passage broker's annual bond, with two sureties to le approved by the

emigration officer, under section 6 paragraph 1 .

KNOW ALL MEN by these presents, that we 4* B of, &c., C D

of, &c., and E F of, &c., are held and firmly bound unto Her Most

Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, in the sum of five thousand current dollars, to be paid to Her said

Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors ; to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves,

and every of us jointly and severally, our heirs, executors, and administrators, and the heirs, executors,

and administrators of each of us, and each and every of them, firmly by these presents, sealed with our


Dated this day of in the year one thousand eight hundred and

WHEREAS by the Chinese Emigration Consolidation Ordinance, 1874," it is amongst other things

enacted ; that no person whatever shall carry on the business of a passage broker in Hongkong, in

respect of any emigrant ship, or shall be in anywise concerned in the sale or letting of passages in any

such ship, unless such person , with two good and sufficient sureties to be approved of by the emigration

officer, shall have previously entered into a joint and several bond to Her Majesty, Her Heirs and

Successors, in the sum of five thousand current dollars : And whereas the said C. D. and E. F. have

been approved of by the emigration officer as sureties for the said A. B.

Now the condition of this obligation is, that if the above bounden 4. B. shall well and truly

observe and comply with all the requirements of the said recited Ordinance, so far as the same relate to

passage brokers ; and further, shall well and truly pay all fines, forfeiturcs, and penalties,—and also all

sums of money, by way of subsistence money, or of return passage money, and compensation to any

passenger, or on his account;-and also all costs which the above-bounden A. B. may at any time be

adjudged to pay, under or by virtue of any of the provisions of the above recited Ordinance, or of the

Act of the Imperial Parliament 18th and 19th Victoria, cap. 104 , intituled " An Act for the Regulation

of Chinese Passenger Ships ; " then , and in such case, this obligation to be void,-otherwise to remain

in full force.

Signed, sealed, and delivered , by the above-bounden A. B. , C. D. , and E. F., in the presence of.†

* Insert personal and family names in full, with the occupation and address of each of the parties.

Insert the names and addresses in full of the witnesses.


Form of emigration passage broker's licence, under section 6 paragraph 2.

A. B. of* having shown to the satisfaction of me, the undersigned, that he hath given

bond to Her Majesty, as by the " Chinese Emigration Consolidation Ordinance, 1874," required : I,

the undersigned, do hereby license and authorize the said A. B. to carry on the business of a passage

broker in Hongkong, in respect of passengers on board emigrant ships proceeding from Hongkong, until

the end of the present year, and fourteen days afterwards, unless this licence shall be sooner determined

by forfeiture for misconduct on the part of the said A. B. as in the aforesaid Ordinance is provided.

Given under my hand and seal this day of one thousand eight hundred and

Signature (L.S.)

Emigration Officer.

* The personal and family names in full of the person applying for the licence, with his address and trade cr cccupation

must be correctly inserted.

ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874 . 1327

Chinese Emigration.


Form of Notice to be given to the emigration officer offorfeiture ofa licence, under

section 6 paragraph 2.

SIR, -This is to give you notice, that the licence granted on the day of

187 9 to A. B. of t to act as an emigration passage broker, was on the day of

now last past duly declared by me (or us), the undersigned Justice (or Justices) of the

Feace to be forfeited .‡


Place and date 187


Victoria, Hongkong.

† The personal and family names in full, with the address and trade or occupation of the party, to be here inserted.

Here state severally the reasons of forfeiture.

(D. )

Form of contract passage ticket, under section 6 paragraph 5.

I hereby engage that the Chinese named at foot hereof shall be provided with a passage to, and

shall be landed at, the port of in " in the ship or vessel called the "

with not less than 72 cubic feet and 12 superficial feet for berth accommodation (or in case of ships

under section 8, 54 cubic feet and 9 superficial feet) , and shall be victualled according to schedule

A to " The Chinese Passengers ' Act, 1855 ," annexed , during the voyage, and the term of detention at

any place before its determination , for the sum of dollars, and I hereby acknowledge to have

received the sum of dollars in full payment.

Male. Female.

Name of Passenger. Occupation. Native Place.

Age. Age.


Passage Broker.

Victoria , Hongkong, the day of 187

I hereby certify, that I have explained and registered the above contract passage ticket.


Emigration Officer.

Victoria, Hongkong, the day of 187 .

1328 ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874.

Chinese Emigration.

(E. )

Regulations referred to in paragraph 1 of section 8 respecting Chinese passenger ships.

No ship to depart 1. No ship shall clear out or proceed to sea unless the master thereof shall have received from an

without certificate,

emigration officer a copy of these regulations and a certificate in the form contained in schedule G

annexed thereto, nor until the master shall have entered into the bond prescribed by section 4 of " The

Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855."

Accommodation 2. The following conditions as to the accommodation of passengers shall be observed to the

of passengers.

satisfaction of the emigration officer :

Ventilation, space 1. The space appropriated to the passengers between decks shall be properly ventilated, and

and height between

decks. shall contain at the least 9 superficial and 54 cubical feet of space for every adult on board ;"

that is to say, for every passenger above twelve years of age, and for every two passengers

between the ages of one and twelve years. The height between decks shall be at least six


Male and female 2. The accommodation for female passengers between decks shall be separate from that


provided for male passengers.

Space on upper 3. A space of four superficial feet per adult shall be left clear on the upper deck for the use of


the passengers .

sick bay, &c. 4. A reasonable space shall be set apart properly divided and fitted up as a sick bay , and

sufficient latrines both as to condition and number shall be provided in suitable parts of

the ship .

Deck passengers. 3. The emigration officer may, in his discretion, permit deck passengers to be carried, upon such

conditions, as may, from time to time, be prescribed under instructions from one of Her Majesty's

Principal Secretaries of State, and until and subject to such instructions, upon the conditions following --


Awning. 1. A suitable awning with screens shall be provided on deck, sufficient for the protection of the

passengers from the sun and from pain.

Space. 2. The space appropriated to such deck passengers shall contain at the least sixteen superficial

feet for every adult , that is to say, for every passenger above twelve years of age, and for

every two passengers between the ages of one and twelve.

Reserved space. 3. In case deck passengers shall be carried in addition to other passengers for whom accom

modation between decks shall be provided , the space to be appropriated for deck passengers

shall be reckoned exclusively of the space of four superficial feet per adult required to be

left clear on the upper deck for the use of such other passengers.

Provisions. 4. The following conditions as to provisions shall be observed to the satisfaction of the emigration

officer :

>cale. 1. Provisions, fuel and water shall be placed on board of good quality, properly packed and

sufficient for the use and consumption of the passengers, over and above the victualling

of the crew during the intended voyage, according to the following scale :

For every passenger per diem : —

not less than

Rice or bread stuffs, fbs. 1


.. ……… .

Dried or salt fish,..……………………………… 99 01

Chinese condiments and curly stuff, .... Oz.

Fresh vegetables, which will keep for short voyages , such as sweet [ lbs. 11

osatces, turnips, carrots, and pumpkins, J

Firewool, 27 2

Water (to be carried in tanks or sweet casks) , ......... ******...... gallon 1

ORDINANCE No. 3 CF 1874. 1329

Chinese Emigration.

Articles of food

2. The last preceding condition as to provisions shall be deemed to have been complied with , mentioned in scale

in any case where by the special authority of the emigration officer, any other articles of nay be varied.

food shall have been substituted for the articles enumerated in the foregoing scale, as being

equivalent thereto.

3. The passengers may supply their own provisions for the voyage and proper accommodation Passengers' own


for the stowage, and sufficient cabooses for the cooking of such provisions must be allowed.

Contents of

5. The emigration officer shall not give his certificate unless he shall be satisfied : certificate.

1. That the ship is sea-worthy, and properly manned, equipped , fitted, and ventilated ; and has

not on board any cargo likely, from its quality, quantity, or mode of stowage, to prejudice

the health or safety of the passengers .

2. That suitable medicines and medical stores, provisions, fuel and water have been placed on

board, of good quality, properly packed and sufficient in quantity to supply the passengers

on board during the intended voyage.

3. That all the requirements of section 8 of this Ordinance have been complied with.

6. The emigration officer may, in his discretion , (subject in Hongkong to an appeal to the Governor) Power to withhold


withhold his certificate in all cases where the intended passengers or any of them are under contracts

of service.

7. The emigration officer may, if he shall think fit, before granting his certificate, employ any duly Emigration officer

may employ

medical men,

qualified medical practitioner, master mariner, marine surveyor, or other person whose professional marine surveyors,

and others.

assistance and advice he may require for the purpose of ascertaining whether the requirements of section

8 of this Ordinance have been duly complied with, and the costs and charges of obtaining such assistance

and advice, shall be defrayed by the owners or charterers of the ship, whether the emigration officer

shall grant his certificate or not.

8. The emigration officer shall, from time to time, fix a reasonable scale of fees and charges to be Fees ofprofessional

persons employed.

approved by one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, for the remuneration of any professional

persons who may be employed by him under the last preceding regulation, and pending the approval or

disapproval of such scale, the fees and charges therein specified shall be payable, as if the same had

been approved in manner aforesaid.

9. The owners or charterers of every ship shall pay such fees for the remuneration of the emigration Fees of emigration


officer, as may, from time to time, be ordered under instructions from one of Her Majesty's Principal

Secretaries of State, and until and subject to such instructions, the following fees shall be payable in

addition to all fees chargeable under regulation 10 : —

Upon the application for a certificate,. .$25

Upon the granting of the certificate,......... ....


Provided always that no fees shall be payable to the emigration officer of Hongkong, but in lieu thereof

the following stamp duties are hereby imposed , that is to say :

Upon every application for a certificate under article 2 of the regulations

contained in schedule B of the said Ordinance, a stamp duty of.........$ 1

Upon every certificate granted under article 1 of the said regulations, a

stamp duty of........... ......$1

And " The Stamp (Amendment) Ordinance, 1868," shall be read as if the stamp duties hereby imposed

were inserted in the schedule thereof.

10. In case default shall be made by the owners or charterers of the ship in the payment of any Power to detain

ship for non

fees and charges to which they may be liable under section 8 of this Ordinance, the ship may be detained payment of fees.

bythe British Consul , or if in Hongkong by the Governor, until such fees and charges shall have been


11. The emigration officer may withold his certificate or revoke the same at any time before the In case of false

particulars, ship

may be detained

departure of the ship if it shall appear to his satisfaction that any particulars contained in the application and certificate

in writing which shall have been made for the same or any other particulars which may have been cancelled.

furnished to him by or on behalf of the owners, charterers, or master of the ship in relation thereto, arc

1330 ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874 .

Chinese Emigration.

untrue, and that the conditions of section 8 of this Ordinance have not been complied with ; and in

every such case it shall be lawful for the British Consul, or if in Hongkong for the Governor, to seize

and detain the ship until the certificate, if already granted , shall have been delivered up to be cancelled.

Treatment of 12. The master of every British ship shall, during the whole of the intended voyage, make issues of

passengers at sa

provisions, fuel and water, according to the aforesaid dietary scale, to all the passengers except such as

shall have supplied themselves therewith, and shall not make any alteration except for the manifest

advantage of the passengers, in respect of the space allotted to them as aforesaid, or in respect of the

means of ventilation , and shall not ill-use the passengers, or require them (except in case of necessity)

to help in working the vessel ; and shall issue medicines and medical comforts, as shall be requisite, to

the best of his judgment, and shall call at such ports as may be mentioned in the emigration officer's

clearing certificate for fresh water and other necessantes ; and shall carry the passengers without

unnecessary delay to the destination to which they have contracted to proceed .

Production of 13. The master of every British ship shall within 24 hours after his arrival at the port of destination

emigration papers

at port of and at any port of call, produce his emigration papers to the British Consul (if any) at such port or in


case such port shall be in Her Majesty's dominions to any officer appointed or authorized by the Local

Government in that behalf. It shall be lawful for such Consul or other officer to enter and inspect such

ship, and in case the master shall obstruct or refuse to assist him in the discharge of such duty, or shall

without reasonable cause fail to produce his emigration papers as aforesaid, he shall be liable to a fine

of five hundred dollars, and the ship may be detained by the British Consul, or if in Her Majesty's

dominions, by the Local Government, until such fine shall have been paid and the emigration papers

shall have been given up.

British Consul 16. In all ports and places where no emigration officer shall have been appointed , the British Consul

deemed emigration

officer where no shall, until such appointment, and at all times pending the vac: ney of such office, be deemed to be th

such officer is

appointed. emigration officer for the purposes of these regulations.

( F. )

Under section 8 paragraph 2.



Whose steam power shall be sufficient without the aid of sails to propel them at the

rate of five statute miles in the hour.

Voyages from Hongkong, Swatow, Amoy, Foochow, Ningpo, Shanghai, and any port in Formosa,


Calcutta. Labuan.

Pegu. Sarawak.

Sumatra. Manila.

Java. Bangkok.

The Straits Settlements. Japan.


Voyages from Hongkong, Swatow, Amoy, Foochow, Ningpo, Shanghai, and any port in Formosa,


From October to March, both inclusive. From April to September, both inclusive.

Sumatra. Labuan.

Java. Manila.

The Straits Settlements . Bangkok.




ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1874 . 1331

Chinese Emigration .

(G. )

Emigration officer's certificate, under section 8.

I. [ A. B. ] &c. , emigration officer at the port of do hereby certify as follows :

1. That the Chinese passenger ship , A. B., master, of the port of

is within the provisions of section 8 of an Ordinance of the Legislature of Hongkong,

entitled " The Chinese Emigration Consolidation Ordinance, 1874," and that the said

ship is authorized to proceed to sea from the port of

for the port of

2. That the said ship is authorized to carry adults and that there are on board

passengers [ if any are deck passengers add : of whom are

deck passengers ], making in all adults, namely : men women

male children female children, such children being between the

ages of one and twelve years.

3. That the space set apart and to be kept clear for the use of such passengers is as follows :

On the upper deck superficial feet being [ describe space ] and in the between

decks superficial feet being [ describe space] .

4. That the ship is sea-worthy, and properly manned, equipped, fitted, and ventilated ; and

has not on board any cargo likely, from its quality, quantity, or mode of stowage to

prejudice the health or safety of the passengers. The means of ventilating the passengers'

accommodation between decks are as follows : [ describe means. ]

5. That suitable medicines and medical stores, provisions, fuel and water have been placed on

board, of good quality, properly packed and sufficient in quantity to supply the passengers

on board during the intended voyage.

6. That all the conditions and requirements of the said section have been duly complied with.

7. That the aforesaid passengers [or in case of a part only, state the number,] are emigrants

under contracts of service and that I have inspected the contracts between them and their

intended employers (the terms of which are annexed to this certificate) and consider them

reasonable ; and that no fraud appears to have been practised in collecting such emigrants.

8. That the master of the ship is to put into for water and fresh vegetables.

A. B.,

Emigration officer at the

port of

Dated the day of


N.B. Where none of the passengers are emigrants under contracts of service the following paragraph

shall be substituted for paragraph 7.

"7. That the whole of the said passengers are free passengers under no contract of service



Emigration officer's certificate, under section 14.

I, (A.B.) , emigration officer of Hongkong, do hereby certify, that I have inspected the fittings of

the 27 of which

ship " is master, bound for

and that there are no prohibited or objectionable fittings on board.

A. B.

Dated at Hongkong , the day of 187 .

1332 ORDINANCES Nos . 3 AND 4 OF 1874.

Chinese Emigration. Revenue.

(I. )

Form of warrant, under paragraph 10 ofsection 15.

Hongkong To

to wit. ་

Whereas it has been made to appear to my satisfaction that there are reasonable grounds for suspect

ing that an offence has been committed against the provisions of the above section in respect of the ship

9 now lying in the waters of this Colony, rendering the said ship liable to forfeiture.———

This is therefore to command you in Her Majesty's name forthwith to seize the said ship wherever

she may be lying within the waters of this Colony, and to search the said ship and her equipment, and

to detain the same in your charge and custody until the forfeiture or release thereof, according to law,

for which this shall be your warrant.

Given under my hand and the seal of the Colony, this day of

in the year of our Lord, 187

L. S.

Governor and Commander in Chief, &c.


Form of citation, under paragraph 14 of section 15.


The day of 187 .

In re The "

Take notice that under and in pursuance of " The Chinese Emigration Consolidation Ordinance, 1874,"

you are hereby cited to appear before the Supreme Court on the day of

to show cause why the above-named ship and her equipment should not be forfeited to the Crown for

breach of the provisions of the said Ordinance.

To the owners of


the ship 66

or their agents.

[ Confirmation never proclaimed. Repealed by Ordinance No. 5 of 1874. ]

No. 4 of 1874.

Title. An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation of a Supplementary Sum

not exceeding Thirty-two thousand Dollars to defray the Charges of

the Year 1873 .

[ 10th August, 1874. ]

Preamble. HEREAS it has become necessary to make further provision for the public service

W of the Colony for the year 1873 , in addition to the charge upon the revenue for

the service of the said year already provided for in the estimates submitted to the

Legislative Council : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of

the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

ORDINANCES Nos. 4 AND 5 OF 1874. 1333

Revenue. Chinese Emigration.

1. A sum not exceeding thirty-two thousand dollars shall be and the same is hereby Supplementary

Estimates, 1873.

charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the service of the year 1873, the said sum

so charged being expended as hereinafter specified ; that is to say :


CIVIL : c.

Governor, 250.00

Clerk of Councils, 0.85

Registrar General, 248.58

Harbor Master, ……………………………… 1,961.84

JUDICIAL , 741.90

MEDICAL,....... 964.86

FIRE BRIGADE , 3,153.80

TOTAL ESTABLISHMENTS , ...... 7,321.83



HARBOR MASTER, .... 363.50




TOTAL,..... ..... $31,579.31

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]

• No. 5 of 1874 .

An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Chinese Title.

Passenger Ships, and the Conveyance of Chinese Emigrants .

[ 7th September, 1874. ]

HEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the law relating to Chinese Preamble.

W passenger ships, and the conveyance of Chinese emigrants : Be it enacted by

the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as

follows :-


1. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as " The Chinese Emigration Short title.

Consolidation Ordinance, 1874."

2. In the interpretation of this Ordinance : - Interpretation


The term " Chinese Passenger Ship " shall include every ship carrying 18 & 19 Vic ..

c. 101.

from any port in Hongkong, and every British ship carrying from any port

in China, or within one hundred miles of the coast thereof, more than twenty

passengers being natives of Asia ;

1334 ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874 .

Chinese Emigration.

[Ord. 3 of 1873, [ The expression " Chinese Emigrant Ship " shall mean any ship not being a

sec. 2.]

" Chinese Passenger Ship " lying in the waters of the Colony, and fitting out or

intended to the used for the conveyance of Chinese emigrants to be embarked at any

port or place out of the Colony ; Rep. by Ord. No. 6 of 1879. ]


( The term " Fittings " shall include any article capable of being used as

part of the tackle, apparel, furniture, or equipment of a ship ;

[Ibid.] The expression " Prohibited Fittings " shall mean any fittings prohibited

by this Ordinance, or by a proclamation of the Governor ;

[Ibid.] The expression " Emigration Officer " shall include any person deputed

or authorized by the emigration officer to execute any power or perform

any duty vested in or imposed upon him by this Ordinance ;

[18 & 19 Vic., The word " Colony " shall include all Her Majesty's possessions abroad

c. 104.]

not being under the Government of the Viceroy of India ;

[Ibid.] The word " Governor " shall signify the person for the time being

lawfully administering the Government of such Colony ;

[Ibid. The term " British Consul " shall include any person lawfully exercising

Consular authority on behalf of Her Majesty in any foreign port ;

[Ibid.] The word " Ship " shall include all sea -going vessels ;

[ bida] The term " Commander or Master of any Ship " shall include any

person for the time being in command or charge of the same.

Definition of a voyage within " The Chinese Passengers' Act."

Definition of 3. Any Chinese passenger ship clearing out or proceeding to sea from any port in

[short: struck out

by Ord. No. 1 of this Colony, or in China, or within a hundred miles of the coast thereof, on any voyage

1876] voyage.

[Ord. 9 of 1856, or voyages to any other port or ports for the purpose of commencing at or from any

sec. 3.]

such port or ports as last aforesaid a voyage of more than seven days' duration shall

be deemed to have cleared out or proceeded to sea upon the said last mentioned voyage

from the said first mentioned port within the meaning of " The Chinese Passengers'

Act, 1855."



Notice of passenger ship being laid on the berth.

Notice of ship

being laid on as 4. The owners or charterers of every Chinese passenger ship, or if absent from the

a Chinese pas

senger ship to be Colony their respective agents , shall as soon as such ship is laid on for the conveyance

given to emigra

tion officer. of Chinese emigrants give notice in writing of the fact to the emigration officer speci

[Ord. 12 of 1868,

sec. 5.] fying in such notice the name, destination and probable time of departure of such ship ,

and in all cases where such intending emigrants are under contracts of service, of the

depôt or depôts in which such intending emigrants are lodging or intended to be

lodged before embarkation.

ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874. 1335

Chinese Emigration.

Licensing of " Chinese Passenger Ships."

5. No Chinese passenger ship, except ships about to proceed on a voyage of not No Chinese

passenger ship to

more than thirty days' duration within the meaning of section 8 of this Ordinance, preceed to sea

without a

licence from the

shall clear out or proceed to sea, and the emigration officer shall not grant the certificate Governor.

[Ord. 4 of 1870,

prescribed by section 4 of " The Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855," unless the master of sec. 3.]

[For amendments

such ship shall be provided with a licence under the hand of the Governor and the see Ord. No. 1 of

1876 which was

public seal of the Colony to be obtained in manner hereinafter mentioned . repealed by Ord.

No. 3 of 1876.]

2. It shall be lawful for the Goyernor in Council, from time to time, to exempt Power to exempt

certain vessels

from the opera

from the operation of this section , any mail steamers or other vessels which are subject tion of this


to the provisions of " The Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855 ," provided that the Chinese [Ibid, sec. 11.]

passengers proceeding in such vessels be free emigrants and under no contract of

service whatever. [ Repealed by Ord. No. 1 of 1876 but revived by Ord. No. 3 of 1876.]

Time and mode

3. The owners or charterers of every such Chinese passenger ship, or if absent of application

for licence.

from the Colony their respective agents, shall, before such ship is laid on for the con [Ibid, sec. 4.]

veyance of Chinese emigrants and before any depôt is opened for their reception , apply

in writing to the Colonial Secretary for a licence under the hand of the Governor and

the public seal of the Colony for the conveyance of such emigrants and shall furnish

all particulars as to the destination of the said ship and as to all other matters relating

to the intended voyage and emigration which may be required of them, and shall also

furnish the like particulars where any exemption is applied for under paragraph 2 of


4. All such particulars shall , if so ordered , be verified upon oath before the emi Punishment for


gration officer or any Justice of the . Peace, and every person who shall knowingly untrue parti


[Ibid, sec. 5.1

furnish untrue particulars , shall be liable to imprisonment with or without hard labor,

for any period not exceeding six calendar months, and to a fine not exceeding one

hundred dollars, either in addition to or in substitution of such imprisonment.

5. The granting of every such licence shall be in the discretion of the Governor Conditions of

licence and

in Council and shall be subject to the payment of a fee of one hundred dollars [ See amount of fee.

[Ibid, sec. 6.]

Ords. Nos. 1 and 3 of1876] and to such conditions as may, from time to time, be prescribed

under instructions from Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies , Governor in

Council may

and the Governor in Council may impose such conditions on the granting of such licence impose condi


as he shall think expedient in each particular case, provided the same shall not be

contrary to or inconsistent with such instructions.

6. Every licence [ See Ords. Nos. 1 and 3 of 1876] grauted under this section in Licence to

specify time of

respect of any Chinese passenger ship shall specify the period within which such ship departure ;

proviso for


shall clear out and proceed to sea : Provided always that it shall be lawful for the thereof.

[Ibid, sec. 7.3

Governor in Council, from time to time, to extend such period.

7. In case it shall be shown to the satisfaction of the Governor in Council at any Power to remove

master or other

time before the departure of a Chinese passenger ship that the master, mate, or any officer.

[Ibid, sec. 8.]

other officer of such ship is unfit for the proper discharge of his duties by reason of

incompetency or misconduct , or for any other sufficient cause, it shall be lawful for the

1336 ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874 .

Chinese Emigration.


Governor, by order under his hand, to discharge and remove such master, mate, or

other officer from the said ship, and thereupon the owners or charterers thereof, or

their agents, shall forthwith appoint a master or mate , or other officer, as the case may

be, to be approved by the emigration officer, in the place of the one so discharged and

removed as aforesaid.

8. In any of the following cases, namely :

Power to revoke (a .) If it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Governor in Council, at any

and cancel

Ecence. time before the departure of a Chinese passenger ship , that the parti

[ bid, sec. 9.]

culars furnished in relation thereto under paragraph 3 are untrue, or

that any condition of the said licence has been violated ;

(b.) If any Chinese passenger ship shall fail to clear out and proceed to sea ,

within the period specified in the licence granted under this section, or

within such extended period as aforesaid ;

(c.) If the owners or charterers of a Chinese passenger ship shall fail forth

with to appoint a master, mate, or other officer to be approved as

aforesaid, in the place of any master, mate, or other officer discharged

under paragraph 7 ;

It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to revoke the licence granted under this

section in respect of such Chinese passenger ship, and to order that the said ship be

seized and detained until her emigration papers (if already granted ) be delivered up

to be cancelled.

Breach of condi 9. The breach of any condition of a licence granted under this section shall be

tion of licence.

deemed a breach of a regulation respecting Chinese passenger ships within the meaning

of section 2 of " The Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855. "

Application of 10. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to apply the whole or any part

penalty for

breach of this

Ordinance of the penalty recoverable in case of the non-observance or non- performance of the


under " The regulations of this section under the provisions of section 5 of " The Chinese Passengers'

Chinese Passen

gers' Act, 1855," Act, 1855," towards the expenses of reconveying to their homes intending emigrants

[ bid , sec. 10.]

by any vessel in respect of which the licence granted under this section shall have been

revoked in manner hereinbefore provided .

Regulations of 11. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect the regulations contained in

schedule A of

Chinese Pas schedule A of " The Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855. ”

sengers' Act,

1855," not to be

affected by this [The whole of section 5 repealed by Ordinance No. 5 of 1876. ]


Emigration passage brokers.

No person to act 6. No person shall act as a passenger broker, or in procuring passengers for, or in

as a passage

broker without the sale or letting of passages in any Chinese passenger ship, unless he shall, with two

having entered

into a bond and

obtained a sufficient sureties , to be approved by the emigration officer, have entered into a joint


[Ord. 11 of 1857, and several bond in the sum of five thousand current dollars , to Her Majesty, Her

sec. 1.]

Heirs and Successors, according to the form contained in schedule A hereunto annexed ,

which bond shall be renewed on each occasion of obtaining such licence as hereinafter

ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874. 1337

Chinese Emigration.

mentioned , and shall be deposited with the emigration officer ; nor unless such person

shall have obtained a licence to let or sell passages , nor unless such licence shall be

then in force ; and where different members of the same firm act as passage brokers,

each person so acting shall comply with the terms of this section.

How passage

2. Any person wishing to obtain a licence to act as a passage broker, shall make broker's licences

may be obtained .

application for the same to the emigration officer, and the emigration officer is hereby [Ibid , sec. 2.]

authorized (if he shall think fit) to grant such licence according to the form in schedule

B hereunto annexed : Provided always, that no such licence shall be granted unless

such bond as hereinbefore mentioned shall have been first entered into : Provided also, Power to Ma

gistrates to order

licences to be

that any Magistrate who shall adjudicate on any offence against this section , is hereby forfeited.

authorized to order the offender's licence to be forfeited , and the same shall thereupon

be forfeited accordingly ; and the said Magistrate making such order shall forthwith

cause notice of such forfeiture, in the form contained in the schedule C hereunto

annexed, to be transmitted to the emigration officer, and such forfeiture shall be

exclusive and independent of any other punishment which may be inflicted upon such

offender under the provisions of this section.

3. Every person obtaining such licence as aforesaid , shall pay to the emigration Fee to be paid

for licences.

officer a fee of two hundred current dollars, which fee the emigration officer is hereby [Ibid, sec. 3.]

empowered and required to demand and receive upon the issuing of any such licence ;

and the emigration officer shall pay all such fees into the Colonial Treasury, to the use

of the Crown .

4. Such licence shall continue in force unt the 31st day of December in the year Howlonglicences

are to continue

in which such licence shall be granted , and for fourteen days afterwards, unless sooner in force.

[Ibid, sec. 4.]

forfeited as hereinbefore mentioned.

5. Every passage broker who shall or may receive money from any person , for or Contract tickets

for passages.

in respect of a passage in any Chinese passenger ship, shall give to every such person [Ibid, sec. 5.]

a contract ticket, under the hand of such passage broker, and stamped with his seal or

trade mark, each ticket to be printed in a plain and legible type, according to the

form in the schedule D hereunto annexed, and to be accompanied with a translation

thereof in the Chinese language, in plain and legible characters.

6. Every such passage broker before he shall receive or take any money on account Passage brokers

to produce to


of any such passage, or for the sale or letting of the whole or any part of the accom officer certificate

that they have

modation of or in any Chinese passenger ship proceeding from Hongkong, shall produce chartered the

ship for carrying

to the emigration officer the certificate of the master or owner of the ship, in respect of emigrants.

[Ibid, sec. 6.)

which such passage shall or may have been taken, or the accommodation in which

shall have been so sold or let , to the effect that such ship has been chartered for the

purpose of carrying emigrants, and that he, such passage broker, is authorized to

receive payment for such passage, or for the sale or letting of the accommodation in

such ship ; and such certificate shall be filed in the office of the emigration officer.

1338 ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874.

Chinese Emigration.

Passage broker 7. On every occasion of the delivery to any passenger of such contract ticket as

to attend before

emigration aforesaid, the passage broker who shall have engaged to provide such passenger with a

officer for the

parpose of

delivering the passage shall attend with him at the office of the emigration officer, in whose presence

contract tickets

to passengers . the contract ticket shall be delivered to such passenger, and who shall explain to him

[Loid, sec. 7.]

the true intent and meaning of such contract .

Contract tickets 8. No person shall fraudulently alter or cause to be altered , after it is once issued ,

not to be altered.

[Ibid, sec. 8.]

or shall induce any person to part with or render useless or destroy any such contract

ticket, during the continuance of the contract which it is intended to evidence.

Agents not to 9. No licensed passage broker shall, as agent for any person, whether a licensed

act without

written autho broker or not, receive money for or on account of the passage of any passenger on

rity, and to

produce their

anthority on board a Chinese passenger ship, without having a written authority to act as such


ilbid, sec. 9.1 agent, or on the demand of the emigration officer, refuse or fail to exhibit his licence

and such written authority ; and no person whether as principal or agent shall, by any

fraud, or by false representation as to the size of the ship or otherwise, or by any false

pretence whatsoever, induce any person to engage any passage as aforesaid.

Notice of every 10. Every emigration passage broker who shall contract with any intending

contract with

emigrants to be emigrant for a passage in such ship shall forthwith give notice in writing to the

given to emigra

tion officer.

Ord. 12 of 1868, emigration officer of every such contract, specifying the name, age and sex of such

sec. 8.]

emigrant and the name of such ship .

Penalties for 11. All violations or disobediences of, or defaults in compliance with, the provi


[Ord. 11 of 1857, sions of this section shall be heard and determined in a summary way ; and on con

sec. 19. ]

viction of such offences, the respective offenders shall be sentenced to pay the several

penalties, or in default of the payment thereof, to suffer the several terms of imprison

ment respectively hereinafter specified :

(a.) For every offence against paragraph 1 , a fine not exceeding four hundred

dollars, or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months .

(b.) For every offence against paragraph 5 , a fine not exceeding fifty dollars,

or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six weeks .

(c.) For every offence against paragraph 6 , a fine not exceeding one hundred

dollars, or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.

(d .) For every offence committed by a passage broker against paragraph 7, a

fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment for a term

not exceeding three months.

(e.) For every offence against paragraph 8, a fine not exceeding fifty dollars,

or imprisonment for a term not exceeding two months.

Hospital and medical inspection.

Hospital accom 7. In every Chinese passenger ship, except ships about to proceed on a voyage of

modation to be

provided, [Ord. not more than thirty days' duration within the meaning of section 8 of this Ordinance ,

6 of 1859, sec. 1.]

there shall be a sufficient space properly divided off to the satisfaction of the emigration

officer at the port of clearance, to be used exclusively as a hospital or sick bay for the

ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874. 1339

Chinese Emigration.

passengers ; this space shall be either under the poop, or in the round-house, or in any

deck-house which shall be properly built and secured to the satisfaction of such emigra

tion officer, or on the upper passenger deck, and not elsewhere , and shall in no case be

of less dimensions than eighteen clear superficial feet for every fifty passengers which

the ship shall carry. Every such hospital shall be fitted with bed places, and supplied and properly

fitted up.

with proper beds , bedding , and utensils , to the satisfaction of the emigration officer at

the port of clearance, and shall throughout the voyage be kept so fitted and supplied.

2. In the measurement of the passenger decks, for the purpose of determining the Space forhospital

to be included in

number of passengers to be carried in any such Chinese passenger ship, the space for measurement of

capacity for

the hospital shall be included. passengers.

(Ibid, sec. 2.]

3. The Governor is hereby authorized to appoint, at a salary not exceeding two Governor au

thorized to ap

thousand dollars per annum, a medical officer whose duty it shall be to inspect intend point a medical


[Ord. 12 of 1868,

ing emigrants and to supervise all matters and things in any way relating to the sec. 9.]

comfort and well-being of such emigrants before their departure and on their voyage,

and such salary shall be in lieu of all fees.

4. No Chinese passenger ship shall clear out or proceed to sea on any voyage of Medical examina

tion before sail

more than seven days' duration , until the proper medical officer as provided shall have ing. [Ord. 5, of

1869, sec. 3. ]

certified to the emigration officer, and the said emigration officer shall not grant his

certificate unless he is satisfied, that none of the passengers or crew appear by reason

of any bodily or mental disease, unfit to proceed or, likely to endanger the health or

safety of other persons about to proceed in such vessel ; and a medical inspection of

the passengers for the purposes of giving such certificate shall take place either on

board the vessel, or, at the discretion of the safd emigration officer, at such time and

place on shore, before embarkation, as he may appoint ; and the master, owner, or

charterer of the ship, shall pay to the emigration officer a sum at the rate of twenty-five

current dollars, for every hundred persons so examined, and such emigration officer

shall pay the same into the Treasury to the use of the Crown .

5. The medical inspection of emigrants under contracts of service shall take place Medical inspec

tion of emigrants

under contract

on shore before embarkation as well as on board the said ship after embarkation and of service.

[Ord. 12 of 1868,

the emigration officer shall not grant the certificate required by " The Chinese Passen sec. 10.1

gers ' Act, 1855 " unless he shall be satisfied that such double inspection has been duly

made, or has been dispensed with by the sanction of the Governor.

6. It shall not be lawful for any emigrant under contract of service to embark in No emigrant to

embark or be

received on board

any Chinese passenger ship, or for the master or other person on board of a Chinese without a permit.

[Ibid, sec. 11.]

passenger ship to permit any such emigrant to embark therein, unless such emigrant

shall produce an embarkation permit from the emigration officer, who shall not grant

the same unless he shall be satisfied that such emigrant has undergone on shore the

medical inspection required by law to be made before embarkation .

7. The medical inspection of emigrants required to be made after their embarka Emigration

officer to appoint

time for medical

tion in any Chinese passenger ship shall take place at such time as the emigration inspection after

officer shall appoint. embarkation.

[Ibid, sec. 12.]

1340 ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874.

Chinese Emigration.

Chinese medical 8. Any Chinese medical practitioner properly qualified to the satisfaction of the


may be Surgeons Colonial Surgeon shall be eligible, with approval of the Governor, for the office of surgeon

of Chinese

passenger ships.

[Ibid, sec. 14.3 of a Chinese passenger ship within the terms of schedule A of " The Chinese Passengers'

Act, 1855."

Regulations for voyages of not more than thirty days' duration.

Modified regula 8. All ships clearing out or proceeding to sea upon voyages of not more than

tions for voyages

of not more than thirty days' duration, shall be subject to the modified regulations contained in schedule

thirty days'


[See Ord. 8 of E of this Ordinance which as regards such ships shall be substituted for those contained


in schedule A of " The Chinese Passengers' Act , 1855 ," but nothing in this section

contained shall be deemed to relieve Chinese passenger ships from the operation of the

said Act, except so far as the same is by the said schedule expressly modified .

Voyages de 2. The voyages specified in schedule F to this Ordinance annexed, are hereby

clared to be of

not more than

thirty days' declared to be voyages of not more than thirty days' duration , subject as regards


[Ibid, sec. 4.] steamers to the conditions as to their rate of speed and as regards sailing vessels to the

conditions as to the periods of the year during which the voyage shall be performed,

in the said schedule respectively expressed and contained .

Not to affect 3. This section shall not be construed as affecting any Chinese passenger ship

ships not within

"The Chinese

Passengers' Act." which is about to proceed to sea on a voyage of not more than seven days' duration .

Depôts for emigrants under contract of service.

Depôts to be 9. The owners or charterers of every Chinese passenger ship which is about to

provided for the

lodging of

emigrants. convey emigrants under contracts of service shall, as soon as such ship is laid on for

[Ord. 12 of 1868,

sec. 4.] the conveyance of such emigrants, provide a depôt or depôts, to be approved of by the

emigration officer, wherein every intending emigrant by such ship may lodge as

hereinafter provided, and every such depôt shall be maintained and every emigrant

lodging therein shall be supported at the expense of such owners or charterers.

Emigrants to 2. Every intending emigrant by such Chinese passenger ship shall lodge, at the

lodge in depôt

three clear days

before embarka least three clear days previously to his embarkation, in the depôt provided by the


[Ibid, sec. 6.] owners or charterers of such ship.

Supervision of 3. Every such depôt as aforesaid shall be under the supervision of the emigration


[Ibid, sec. 7.]

officer who may inspect the same at such times as he shall think fit, and there shall be

at all times free ingress and egress allowed to all persons to and from such depôts,

from 6 A.M. to 6 P.M.

Orders in Council relating to quantity of water.

Orders in Conn 10. All Orders of Her Majesty the Queen in Council relating to the quantity of

cil to apply to

Chinese pas en

ger ships. water to be carried by passenger ships having a certain description of condensing

(Ibid, sec. 15.)

apparatus stall apply to Chinese passenger ships.

ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874 . 1341

Chinese Emigration.

No Chinese passenger ship unless propelled by steam to clear between

April and September.

11. No Chinese passenger ship , unless a vessel propelled by steam, bound to any No Chinese

passenger ship

port westward of the Cape of Good Hope or to any port in Australia, New Zealand , to clear between

April and Sep

Oceania, or Tasmania shall be permitted to clear from any port in the Colony between tember. Ibid,

sec. 16.]

the months of April and September inclusive.

Unwilling emigrants.

12. It shall be lawful for the emigration officer at any time when he is satisfied Emigration

officer may land

that any emigrant who is unwilling to leave the port has been obtained by any fraud, any emigrant

who is unwilling

to leave the port

violence, or other improper means, to land such emigrant and procure him a passage and who has

been procured

back to his native place or that from which he was taken, and also to defray the cost of by any fraud, &c.

[Ibid, sec. 18.]

his maintenance whilst awaiting a return passage, and all such expenses with all legal

costs incurred shall be recoverable by the emigration officer before any Police Magis

trate from the emigration passage broker of the vessel in which such emigrant was

shipped or intended to be shipped.

2. Whosoever shall unlawfully either by force or fraud take away or detain against Punishment for


his will any man or boy with intent to put him on board a Chinese passenger ship and obtaining


whosoever shall with any such intent receive, harbor, or enter into any contract for [Ibid, sec. 19 ]

foreign service with any such man or boy knowing the same to have been by force or

fraud taken and obtained as in this paragraph before mentioned, shall be guilty of

felony and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be

kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding seven years and not less than three

years, or to be imprisoned for any term not exceetling two years with or without hard


Penalties for breach of Ordinance.

13. The owners or charterers of any Chinese passenger ship and any emigration Punishment of

persons com

mitting any

passage broker and any intending emigrant by a Chinese passenger ship and any breach ofthis


master or other person in charge of a Chinese passenger ship who shall fail to comply [Ibid, sec. 21.]

with or commit any breach of the provisions of part I of this Ordinance so far as they

may respectively be bound thereby, and any person granting or knowingly uttering

any forged certificate, permit, notice, or other document under this Ordinance shall ,

without prejudice to any other proceeding, civil or criminal, be liable upon suinmary

conviction before a Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or to

imprisonment with or without hard labor for any term not exceeding six months.



Emigrant ship fittings.

14. Before beginning to fit out any ship intended to be used for the conveyance Notice to


of Chinese emigrants to be embarked at any port or place out of the Colony, a notice officer.

[Ord . 3 of 1873,

sec. 4.]

to that effect shall be given in writing to the emigration officer, and such notice shall

1342 ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874.

Chinese Emigration.

be signed by the owner and master of such ship , or in the event of the owner not being

resident within the Colony, by the agent and master thereof, and in case such notice

shall not have been given, the owner and master, or the agent and master of such ship ,

as the case may be, shall be guilty of an offence against this section , and shall be liable

to the punishment hereinafter prescribed : Provided always that where there shall be

no agent of an absent owner in the Colony, the notice may be signed by the master


Report to 2. The master of every ship arriving within the waters of the Colony and which


officer. shall be fitted out for the conveyance of Chinese emigrants shall, within twenty- four

[Ibid, sec. 5.]

hours, report the same to the emigration officer, and in case he shall neglect so to do,

he shall be deemed guilty of an offence against this section , and shall be liable to the

punishment hereinafter prescribed.

Powers and 3. The fittings of every ship mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this section shall

duties of

emigration be subject to the approval of the emigration officer, who is hereby empowered, at all


[Ibid, sec. 6.]

reasonable times, to go on board and search and inspect such ship and her fittings , and

to order any fittings which shall in his opinion be objectionable, to be forthwith

removed ; and any person who shall in any way impede or attempt to impede the

emigration officer in the execution of this duty, shall be guilty of an offence against this

section, and shall be liable to the punishment hereinafter prescribed .

Certificate of 4. No such ship shall clear out or proceed to sea until the master thereof shall



[Ibul, sec. 7.] have received from the emigration officer a certificate in the form contained in schedule

H to this Ordinance, and every such certificate shall be liable to a stamp duty of

twenty-five dollars.

Barricades and 5. All barricades and gratings apparently intended to be used, or which are capable

gratings pro


[Ibid, sec. 8.] of being used for the purpose of confining Chinese emigrants below decks, or within

any particular part of a ship shall be deemed to be prohibited fittings within the

meaning of this section .

Other prohibited 6. It shall be lawful for the Governor , from time to time, by proclamation to be


[Ibid , sec. 9.] inserted in the Gazette to prohibit the use or carriage in any ship of any other

description of fittings therein specified , and every such prohibition shall have the same

force or effect as if it were expressly enacted in this section.

Seizure and

forfeiture 7. All prohibited fittings wherever found within the Colony shall be seized and

thereof. shall be forfeited to the Crown in manner hereinafter mentioned.

Libid, sec. 10.]

Unlawful pos 8. Whoever shall, without lawful excuse (the proof of which shall lie on the

session, &c. of

prohibited accused), manufacture, purchase, sell, or have in his possession any prohibited fittings,


[Ibid, sec. 11.]

shall be guilty of an offence against this section , and shall be liable to the punish

ment hereinafter prescribed .

Taking pro

hibited fittings 9. The owner, agent, or master of any ship intended for the conveyance of Chinese

on board, or

refusal to remove emigrants to be embarked at any port or place out of the Colony who shall knowingly

the same.

[Ibid, sec. 12.] permit any prohibited fittings to be taken on board such ship, or to remain therein

ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1974. 1343

Chinese Emigration.

after the same have been taken on board , or who shall refuse to remove forthwith any

fittings which the emigration officer shall have ordered to be removed , shall be guilty of

an offence against this Ordinance, and shall be liable to the punishment hereinafter

prescribed, and all such last mentioned fittings shall, in case of such refusal as aforesaid,

be seized and forfeited to the Crown as in the case of prohibited fittings.

10. If any such ship shall leave or attempt to leave the waters of the Colony Ship leaving

without certifi

cate or with

without the certificate required by paragraph 4, or shall leave or attempt to leave the prohibited


waters of the Colony, having on board any prohibited fittings, or any fittings which the [Ibid, sec. 13.]

emigration officer shall have ordered to be removed , or any other fittings of a similar kind

and description, in every such case the master of such ship, and the owner or agent if

proved to have sanctioned such leaving or attempting to leave as aforesaid , shall be

deemed guilty of an offence against this section, and shall be liable to the punishment

hereinafter prescribed , and all such fittings shall be seized and forfeited to the Crown ,

whether the same be prohibited fittings or not.

11. If any person shall make or attempt to make any fraudulent use of a certificate Frandulent use

ofa certificate.

Ibid, sec. 14.

granted under this section, or shall forge, counterfeit, alter, or erase the whole or any

part thereof, or shall use or attempt to use any spurious or fraudulent certificate , the

person so offending, and every person aiding and abetting in such offence, shall be

liable to the punishment hereinafter prescribed .

12. All cases of violation or disobedience of, " or default in compliance with the Trial of offences.

Ibid, sec. 15.J

provisions of this section, may be heard and determined summarily by two Magistrates

sitting together, who shall constitute a Court for this purpose : Provided that if at

the close of the investigation , the accused shall apply for a trial by jury, or the

Magistrates shall be of opinion that the case ought to be so tried, they may commit

the accused for trial at the Supreme Court.

13. On conviction of such offences, the respective offenders shall be liable to the Punishments of


following punishments : [Ibid, sec. 16 !

(a.) For every offence against paragraphs 1 , 2, 3, 8 and 9 of this section , a

fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, and imprisonment with or

without hard labor for any term not exceeding six months, or either

of such punishments, at the discretion of the Court.

(b.) For every offence against paragraphs 10 and 11 of this section , a fine

not exceeding one thousand dollars, and imprisonment with or without

hard labor for any term not exceeding one year, or either of such

punishments, at the discretion of the Court.

Provided always that where a fine shall be imposed for any offence against paragraphs

10 and 11 , the Court may sentence the offender, in default of payment of such fine, to

imprisonment with or without hard labor for any term not exceeding one year in lieu

of such fine , and such imprisonment shall commence from the expiration of any term


of imprisonment to which the offender may have been sentenced in addition to the fine.

1344 ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874 .

Chinese Emigration.

Proceedings for 14. The Supreme Court and the said Court of Magistrates shall have full power

forfeiture of

fittings. and authority to hear and determine all cases of seizure of fittings , and upon proof of

Ibid, sec. 17.J

the legality of the seizure, to declare the said fittings to be forfeited to the Crown,

and no fittings seized under this section , shall be deemed to be forfeited to the Crown,

except under the sentence of one or the other of the said Courts.

Powers of Police

authorities. 15. Nothing in this section contained shall be deemed to affect any powers lawfully

[Ibid, sec. 18.] vested in a Superintendent or Inspector of Police.

Limitation of

actions, &c. 16. Any suit, or prosecution against any person for anything done in pursuance

Thid, sec. 19.] or execution or intended execution of this section shall be commenced within three

months after the thing done and not otherwise.

Notice in writing of every such suit and of the cause thereof shall be given to the

intended defendant one month at least before the commencement thereof.

In any such action the defendant may answer that the act complained of was

done in pursuance, or execution , or intended execution of this section, and give this

section and the special matter in evidence at any trial to be had thereupon .

The plaintiff shall not recover if tender of sufficient amends is made before action

brought, or if after action brought a sufficient sum of money is paid into Court by or

on behalf of the defendant.

If judgment is given for the defendant , or the plaintiff becomes nousuit, or

discontinues the action after an answer has been put in, the defendant shall recover

his full costs and shall have the like remedy for the same as any defendant has by law

for costs in other cases.

If judgment is given for the plaintiff, he shall not have costs against the defendant

unless the Judge before whom the trial is had certifies his approbation of the action.

Prosecution to 17. No proceeding shall be instituted for any offence against the provisions of

be by Attorney


[Ibid, sec. 20.] this section, or for any forfeiture thereunder, except at the suit or prosecution of, or

with the consent of the Attorney General.

Rules as to Chinese emigrant ships.

Interpretation 15. In the construction of this section , if not inconsistent with the context, the


[Ordinance 5 following terms and expressions shall have the meanings hereinafter respectively

of 1873, sec. 2.]


assigned to them, that is to say :

* Building. " "Building," in relation to a ship, shall include the doing any act towards

or incidental to the construction of a ship, and all words having relation to

building shall be construed accordingly ;

*Equipping. " " Equipping, " in relation to a ship, shall include the furnishing a ship

with any tackle, apparel, furniture, provisions, arms, munitions, or stores,

or any other thing which is used in or about a ship for the purpose of fitting

or adapting her for the sea, and all words relating to equipping shall be

construed accordingly ;

"Ship and " Ship and Equipment, " shall include a ship and everything in or


Ibid, sec. 3. belonging to a ship.

ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874. 1345

Chinese Emigration.

Licences under

[ 2. No Chinese emigrant ship shall clear out or proceed to sea from this Colony unless this section.

the master of such ship shall be provided with a licence under this section . Repealed by

Ordinance No. 6 of 1879.]

Licence from

3. No person shall do any of the acts hereinafter specified in paragraph 8 of this Governor.

[Ibid, sec. 4.)

section , without a licence from the Governor, or unless the owner, agent, or master of

the ship in respect of which such act shall be done shall have obtained such licence.

Forin and

4. Every such licence shall be under the hand of the Governor and the public conditions of


seal of the Colony and the granting thereof shall be in the discretion of the Governor, [bud , sec. 5.1

and shall be subject to the payment of such fee to the Crown, and to such conditions

as may, in each particular case, be prescribed by the Governor in Council.

Mode of

5. Application for such licence shall be made in writing to the Colonial Secretary, application for


and shall be transmitted through the emigration officer, and the owner, agent, or Ibid, sec. 6.]

master of the [ Chinese emigrant : repealed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1879 ] ship in respect of

which such licence is applied for, shall furnish all particulars as to the destination of

the ship, and as to all matters relating to the intended voyage and emigration which

may be required of him.


6. All such particulars shall, if so ordered , be certified upon oath before any Justice for furnishing


of the Peace, and every person who shall knowingly furnish untrue particulars shall be particulars.

Ibid , sec. 7.]

liable to imprisonment with or without hard labor, for any period not exceeding six

calendar months, and to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, either in addition

to or in substitution of such imprisonment.

Power to revoke

7. If it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Governor at any time before the and cancel


departure of a [ Chinese emigrant : repealed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1879 and new words [Ibid, sec. 8.)

substituted] ship :

(a.) That the particulars furnished in relation thereto are untrue ; or

(b.) That further particulars have been discovered since the granting of the

licence ; or

(c.) That any condition of the licence has been violated ,

It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to revoke or vary the licence granted

under this section in respect of such [ Chinese emigrant : repealed by Ordinance No. 6 of

1879 ] ship and to order that the said ship be seized and detained until the said licence

be delivered up to be cancelled , or varied .


8. If any person does any of the following acts within the Colony without having repairing,


obtained a licence from the Governor under this section , or without any such licence despatching,

selling, hiring,

as aforesaid having been granted to the owner, agent, or master of the ship in respect &c., &c., with

out licence.

of which such act shall be done, or in contravention of the terms of any such licence if [Ibid, sec. 9.]


granted, that is to say :

(a.) Builds, alters or repairs, or agrees to build, alter or repair, or causes to

be built, altered or repaired, any ship , with intent or knowledge, or

having reasonable cause to believe that the same will be employed in

the conveyance of Chinese emigrants to be embarked at any port or

place out of the Colony ; or

1346 ORDINANCE No. 5 or 1874 .

Chinese Emigration.

The words in ´ (b. ) Fits out, mans , [ navigates , ] equips , [ uses, ] lets or takes on freight or hire

italics repealed

by Ordinance No.

6 of 1879.] any ship, [or commands, or serves on board any ship, ] with intent or

knowledge, or having reasonable cause to believe that the same will be

employed in manner aforesaid ; or

[Do.] (c.) Despatches, or causes [ or allows] to be despatched any ship, with intent

or knowledge, or having reasonable cause to believe that the same will

be employed in manner aforesaid ; or

[Do.] (d.) [ Holds or takes any share or interest in, or] makes any advances of money

to any ship, or becomes security for such advances, with intent or

knowledge, or having reasonable cause to believe that the same will be

employed in manner aforesaid ; or

[Do.] (e.) Despatches or causes or allows to be despatched, or commands [ or serves

on board] any ship carrying Chinese passengers, with the intent or

knowledge, or having reasonable cause to believe that such passengers

are being carried or intended to be carried to any port or place out of

the Colony for the purpose of being conveyed therefrom as emigrants

in the same or any other ship ; or


f) Being the master of [a Chinese emigrant : repealed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1879

and words substituted] ship clears out and proceeds to sea in such ship,

Penalty. Such person shall be deemed to have committed an offence against this section , and

the following consequences shall ensue :

(a.) The offender shall be liable to imprisonment with or without hard labor

for any term not exceeding two years, and to a fine not exceeding two

thousand dollars, or to either of such punishments, at the discretion of

the Court ;

(b.) The ship in respect of which any such offence is committed and her

equipment shall, if within the waters of this Colony, be forfeited to the


Punishment of

accessories. 9. Any person who aids, abets, counsels, or procures the commission of any

[Ibid, sec. 10.] offence against this section , shall be liable to be tried and punished as a principal


Seizure, search, 10. The Governor upon being satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for

and detention of

suspected ships.

sec. suspecting that a ship within the waters of the Colony has been, or is being built,

altered, repaired , or equipped , or is about to be despatched and taken out to sea

contrary to the provisions of this section, or that any other offence against the said

provisions has been committed, rendering the said ship liable to forfeiture, may issue

a warrant in the form contained in schedule I to this Ordinance ; and upon such

warrant, the said ship may be seized and searched and detained until it has been

either condemned or released by process of law, or in the manner hereinafter


ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874 . 1347

Chinese Emigration.

11. Any officer so authorized to seize, search and detain any ship under this Powers of officers

authorized to

section may, for the purpose of enforcing such seizure, search and detention , call to seize ships.

[Ibid, sec. 12.}

his aid any constable or officers of police, and may apply for assistance to any officer

of Her Majesty's Army or Navy, or Marines, or to the Harbor Master, or any officer

having authority by law to make seizures of ships, and may put any persons on board

such ship to take charge of the same, and to enforce the provisions of this section , and

any officer so authorized as aforesaid, may use force, if necessary, for the purpose of

enforcing such seizure, search and detention, and if any person is killed , maimed,

hurt by reason of his resisting such officer in the execution of his duties , or any person

acting under his orders, or at his request , such officer so seizing, searching and detaining

the ship, or other person, shall be freely and fully indemnified as well against the

Queen's Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, as against all persons so killed , maimed ,

or hurt.

12. The owner of the ship seized and detained under this section, or his agent , Petition to Court.

[ bid, sec. 14.]

may apply by petition to the Supreme Court for its release .

13. The Crown Solicitor shall, upon the seizure of any ship as aforesaid, cite the Citation of


owners or their agents in the Colony by a notice which may be in the form contained [Ibid, sec. 15.]

in schedule K to this Ordinance, to appear before the Supreme Court to show cause

why the said ship should not be condemned and forfeited to the Crown for breach of

the provisions of this section , and in case there shall be no owner of the said ship in

the Colony, nor any agent of such owner, the said notice shall be published twice in

the Gazette, and such publication shall be equivalent to personal service of the citation .

14. On the day appointed for the hearing of any petition for the release of the Proceedings


ship, or for the appearance of the owners or their agents in the Colony in obedience to [Ibid , sec. 16.]

a citation to show cause why the same should not be forfeited, the Court shall proceed

to enquire into the matter and to make such orders as may be necessary to put the

matter of the seizure and detention of the ship in course of trial between the owner

and the Crown .

The Court may, if it shall think fit, direct a written statement or answer or any

additional pleading to be filed , and may, in its discretion , receive evidence orally or by

affidavit, or partly orally and partly by affidavit, and may determine all questions of

fact as well as of law, or may, of its own motion , or on the application of either party,

direct a jury to be empanelled for the determination of any question of fact.

The Court may frame issues of law and of fact, aud generally may exercise the

same powers and authorities as on the trial of any other suit, cause, or matter, within

its ordinary jurisdiction .

The Court may also, during or before the said proceedings, grant warrants for

the entering and searching of any ship or tenement within the jurisdiction, and the

seizure of any papers or documents which may be found therein respectively, or may

summon any person to appear before the Court, and to produce any papers and

documents and may interrogate such persons on oath touching the subject matter of

the inquiry.

1348 ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874.

Chinese Emigration.

Evidence of 15. Whenever any person shall have been convicted before the Supreme Court of


[Ibid, sec. 17.] an offence against this section , the evidence taken upon the trial of such offender shall

Regulations as be received in evidence in any proceedings instituted for the forfeiture or release of

to proceedings

against the the ship in respect of which such offence shall have been committed ; but it shall not

offender and

against the ship. be necessary to take proceedings against an offender because proceedings are instituted

for the forfeiture, or to take proceedings for the forfeiture because proceedings are

taken against the offender.

Burden of proof. 16. The fact of a ship being apparently fitted and equipped, or in course of being

Ibid, sec. 18.)

fitted and equipped within the waters of the Colony for the conveyance of Chinese

emigrants shall , if the owner, agent or master shall not have obtained a licence from

the Governor under this section, or under section 5 of this Ordinance, be primâ facie

evidence that such ship is intended for the conveyance of Chinese emigrants to be

embarked at some port or place out of the Colony.

Release of ship 17. If on the hearing of the said proceedings for the forfeiture or release of a ship

by the Court.

[Ord. 5 of 1873, seized under this section , it shall be established to the satisfaction of the Court that

sec. 19, and Ord.

10 of 1873, sec. 1. ] the offence charged has not been committed in respect of such ship against the pro

visions of this section rendering such ship liable to forfeiture, the ship shall be released

and restored to the owners thereof or their agents.

Condemnation 18. If on the hearing of the proceedings, it shall be established to the satisfaction

of ship.

Ord. 5 of 1873, of the Court that the offence charged has been committed in respect of such ship

sec. 20, & Ord. 10

of 1873, sec. 2.] rendering the same liable to forfeiture under this section , the Court shall declare such

ship to be forfeited to the Crown .

Penalty in lieu 19. It shall be lawful for the Court to impose such a pecuniary penalty as to the


[Ord. 5 of 1873, Court shall seem fit, in lieu of condemning the ship, and in such case to cause the ship

sec. 21.1

to be detained until the penalty is paid, and to cause any penalty so imposed to be

applied in the same manner in which the proceeds of the said ship, if condemned by

order of the Court and sold, would have been applicable.

Costs. 20. The costs of all proceedings for the forfeiture or release of a ship, shall be in

[Ibid, sec. 22.]

the discretion of the Court.

Indemnity. 21. If the Court be of opinion that there was not reasonable and probable cause

bid, sec. 23.1

for the seizure or detention , and if no such cause appear in the course of the proceedings,

the Court shall have power to declare that the owner is to be indemnified by the pay

ment of costs and damages in respect of the seizure or detention, the amount thereof

to be assessed by the Court, and any amount so assessed shall be payable by the

Treasury out of the general revenues of the Colony .

Sale of forfeited 22. Every ship forfeited to the Crown for breach of the provisions of this section


[Ibid, sec. 24.) may be sold by public auction or private contract, and may be transferred to the pur

chaser by bill of sale under the hand of the Governor, and the seal of the Colouy, and

the net proceeds of such sale shall be paid into the Colonial Treasury for the use of the


ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874. 1349

Chinese Emigration.

23. The Governor may, at any time, release any ship seized and detained under Release of ship

by Governor.

this section, notwithstanding her forfeiture by the sentence of the Supreme Court, on [Ibid, sec 13.

the owner or agent giving security to the satisfaction of the Governor that the ship

shall not be employed contrary to this section , or may release the ship without such

security if the Governor think fit so to release the same.

24. Subject to the provisions of this section providing for the award of damages Indemnity to


(Ibid, sec. 25.)

in certain cases in respect of the seizure or detention of a ship by the Court, no

damages shall be payable, and no public officer, or other person acting under his order

or at his request, shall be responsible, either civilly or criminally, in respect of the

seizure or detention of any ships in pursuance of this section .

25. No proceedings , other than the issue of a warrant for the seizure of a ship, Prosecution to

be by Attorney


or for the apprehension of an offender, shall be instituted for any offence against the [Ibid, sec. 26.)

provisions of this section, except at the suit or prosecution of, or with the consent of

the Attorney General.



Repealing clause.

16. The following Ordinances and sections of Ordinances are hereby repealed : --- Rep ealing clause

Ordinance 9 of 1856, ...... ...Section 3

39 11 of 1857,

The whole.

99 6 of 1859, ..... }

"" 1 of 1862, ...Section 27.

99 12 of 1868,

39 4 of 1870,

"" 8 of 1871,

13 of 1872,


The whole.

99 3 of 1873,

99 5 of 1873,

99 10 of 1873,

"" 3 of 1874,

But this repeal shall not revive any enactment repealed by any of the said Ordinances

or sections, and shall not affect :

(a.) Anything duly done before this Ordinance comes into operation ;

(b.) Any right acquired or liability accrued before this Ordinance comes into

operation ;

(c.) Any penalty, forfeiture, or other punishment incurred or to be incurred

in respect of any offence committed before this Ordinance comes into

operation ;

(d.) The institution of any legal proceeding, or any other remedy for

ascertaining, enforcing or recovering any such liability, penalty,

forfeiture or punishment as aforesaid .

1350 ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874.

Chinese Emigration.


Forms. 17. The forms given in the schedules hereto, or forms to the like effect with such

variations and additions as circumstances require, may be used for the purposes therein

indicated and according to the directions therein contained , and instruments in those

forms, shall (as regards the form thereof) be valid and sufficient.


(A. )

Form of emigration passage broker's annual bond, with two sureties to be approved by the

emigration officer, under section 6, paragraph 1.

KNOW ALL MEN by these presents, that we 4* B of, &c., C D

of, &c., and E F of, &c., are held and firmly bound unto Her Most

Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, in the sum of five thousand current dollars, to be paid to Her said

Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors ; to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves,

and every of us jointly and severally, our heirs, executors, and administrators, and the heirs, executors,

and administrators of each of us, and each and every of them, firmly by these presents, sealed with our


Dated this day of in the year one thousand eight hundred and

WHEREAS by the “ Chinese Emigration Consolidation Ordinance, 1874," it is amongst other things

enacted ; that no person whatever shall carry on the business of a passage broker in Hongkong, in

respect of any emigrant ship, or shall be in anywise concerned in the sale or letting of passages in any

such ship, unless such person , with two good and sufficient sureties to be approved of by the emigration

officer, shall have previously entered into a joint and several bond to Her Majesty, Her Heirs and

Successors, in the sum of five thousand current dollars : And whereas the said C. D. and E. F. have

been approved of by the emigration officer as sureties for the said A. B.

Now the condition of this obligation is, that if the above bounden A. B. shall well and truly

observe and comply with all the requirements of the said recited Ordinance, so far as the same relate to

passage brokers ; and further, shall well and truly pay all fines, forfeitures, and penalties,—and also all

sums of money, by way of subsistence money, or of return passage money, and compensation to any

passenger, or on his account,-and also all costs which the above-bounden A. B. may at any time be

adjudged to pay, under or by virtue of any of the provisions of the above recited Ordinance, or of the

Act of the Imperial Parliament 18th and 19th Victoria, cap. 104, intituled " An Act for the Regulation

of Chinese Passenger Ships ; " then, and in such case, this obligation to be void ,-otherwise to remain

in full force.

Signed, sealed, and delivered , by the above-bounden A. B., C. D., and E. F., in the presence of.†

* Insert personal and family names in full, with the cccupation and address of each of the parties.

Insert the names and addresses in full of the witnesses.


Form of emigration passage broker's licence, under section 6, paragraph 2.

A. B. of having shown to the satisfaction of me, the undersigned, that he hath given

bond to Her Majesty, as by the " Chinese Emigration Consolidation Ordinance, 1874," required : I,

the undersigned, do hereby license and authorize the said A. B. to carry on the business of a passage

broker in Hongkong, in respect of passengers on board emigrant ships proceeding from Hongkong, until

the end of the present year, and fourteen days afterwards, unless this licence shall be sooner determined

by forfeiture for misconduct on the part of the said A. B. as in the aforesaid Ordinance is provided.

Given under my hand and seal this day of one thousand eight hundred and

Signature, (L.S.)

Emigration Officer.

* The personal and family names in full of the person applying for the licence, with his address and trade or occupation

must be correctly inserted.

ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874. 1351

Chinese Emigration.


Form of Notice to be given to the emigration officer offorfeiture of a licence, under

section 6, paragraph 2.

SIR,-This is to give you notice, that the licence granted on the day of

187 to A. B. of * to act as an emigration passage broker, was on the day of

now last past duly declared by me (or us), the undersigned Justice (or Justices) of the

Peace to be forfeited.†


Place and date 187 .


Victoria, Hongkong.

The personal and family names in full, with the address and trade or occupation of the party, to be here inserted.

+ Here state severally the reasons of forfeiture.

(D. )

Form ofcontract passage ticket, under section 6, paragraph 5.

I hereby engage that the Chinese named at foot hercof shall be provided with a passage to, and

shall be landed at, the port of in 9 in the ship or vessel called the “

with not less than 72 cubic feet and 12 superficial feet for - berth accommodation (or in case of ships

under section 8, 54 cubic feet and 9 superficial feet), and shall be victualled according to schedule

A to " The Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855," annexed , during the voyage, and the term of detention at

any place before its determination, for the sum of dollars, and I hereby acknowledge to have

received the sum of dollars in full payment.

Male. Female.

Name and Surname of Native Place, Village

Passenger. Occupation. and District.

Age. Age.


Passage Broker.

Victoria, Hongkong, the day of 187 .

I hereby certify, that I have explained and registered the above contract passage ticket.


Emigration Officer.

Victoria, Hongkong, the day of 187

(E. )

Regulations referred to in paragraph 1 ofsection 8 respecting Chinese passenger ships,

1. No ship shall clear out or proceed to sea unless the master thereof shall have received from an No shipto depart

without certificate.

emigration officer a copy of these regulations and a certificate in the form contained in schedule G

annexed thereto, nor until the master shall have entered into the bond prescribed by section 4 of " The

Chinese Passengers ' Act, 1855. "

1352 ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874.

Chinese Emigration.

Application for 2. No emigration officer shall be bound to give such certificate till seven days after receiving an


application in writing for the same from the owners or charterers of the ship, or if absent, from their

respective agents, specifying the name of the ship, her tonnage, the port of destination , the proposed

day of departure, the number of passengers intended to be carried, and whether such passengers or any

of them are under contracts of service.

Inspection of ship. 3. After receiving such application , the emigration officer and any person authorized by him in

that behalf shall be at liberty at all times to enter and inspect the ship, and the fittings, provisions and

stores therein, and any person impeding such entry or inspection, or refusing to allow of the same,

shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offence.

Accommodation 4. The following conditions as to the accommodation of passengers shall be observed to the

of passengers.

satisfaction of the emigration officer :—

Ventilation, space 1. The space appropriated to the passengers between decks shall be properly ventilated, and

and height between

decks. shall contain at the least 9 superficial and 54 cubical feet of space for every adult on board ;

that is to say, for every passenger above twelve years of age, and for every two passengers

between the ages of one and twelve years. The height between decks shall be at least six


Male and female 2. The accommodation for female passengers between decks shall be separate from that


provided for male passengers .

Space on upper 3. A space of four superficial feet per adult shall be left clear on the upper deck for the use of


the passengers .

Sick bay, &c. 4. A reasonable space shall be set apart properly divided and fitted up as a sick bay, and

sufficient latrines, both as to condition and number, shall be provided in suitable parts of

the ship.

Deck passengers. 5. The emigration officer may, in his discretion , permit deck passengers to be carried , upon such

conditions, as may, from time to time, be prescribed under instructions from one of Her Majesty's


Principal Secretaries of State, and until and subject to such instructions, upon the conditions following :

Awning. 1. A suitable awning with screens shall be provided on deck, sufficient for the protection of the

passengers from the sun and from rain.

Space. 2. The space appropriated to such deck passengers shall contain at the least sixteen superficial

feet for every adult, that is to say, for every passenger above twelve years of age, and for

every two passengers between the ages of one and twelve.

Reserved space. 3. In case deck passengers shall be carried in addition to other passengers for whom accom

modation between decks shall be provided , the space to be appropriated for deck passengers

shall be reckoned exclusively of the space of four superficial feet per adult required to be

left clear on the upper deck for the use of such other passengers.

Provisions. 6. The following conditions as to provisions shall be observed to the satisfaction of the emigration

officer :--

Scale. 1. Provisions, fuel and water shall be placed on board of good quality, properly packed and

sufficient for the use and consumption of the passengers, over and above the victualling

of the crew during the intended voyage, according to the following scale :

For every passenger per diem :

not less than

Rice or bread stuffs, ……………… Ibs. 11


Dried or salt fish, ....... ……………. 99 01

Chinese condiments and curry stuff,.... …………….... 0%. 1

Fresh vegetables, which will keep for short voyages, such as sweet Į Hbs. 1

potatces, turnips, carrots, and pumpkins,

Firewood, ……………... 19

Water (to be carried in tanks or sweet casks) ,…………………………. ……………………………. gallon 1

ORDINANCE No. 5 CF 1874. 1353

Chinese Emigration.

2. The last preceding condition as to provisions shall be deemed to have been complied with, Articles of food

mentioned in scale

may be varied.

in any case where by the special authority of the emigration officer, any other articles of

food shall have been substituted for the articles enumerated in the foregoing scale, as being

equivalent thereto .

3. The passengers may supply their own provisions for the voyage and proper accommodation Passengers' own


for the stowage, and sufficient cabooses for the cooking of such provisions must be allowed.

7. The emigration officer shall not give his certificate unless he shall be satisfied :— Contents of


1. That the ship is sea-worthy, and properly manned, equipped , fitted, and ventilated ; and has

not on board any cargo likely, from its quality, quantity, or mode of stowage, to prejudice

the health or safety of the passengers.

2. That suitable medicines and medical stores, provisions, fuel and water have been placed on

board, of good quality, properly packed and sufficient in quantity to supply the passengers

on board during the intended voyage.

3. That all the requirements of section 8 of this Ordinance have been complied with.

Power to withhold

8. The emigration officer may, in his discretion, (subject in Hongkong to an appeal to the Governor) certificate.

withhold his certificate in all cases where the intended passengers or any of them are under contracts

of service, and he shall in no case give his certificate until he shall have mustered the passengers, and Examination of

passengers and of

contracts, if any.

have ascertained to the best of his power that they understand whither they are going, and in case they

shall have made any contracts of service that they comprehend the nature thereof ; he shall also take

care that a copy of the form of any such contracts, or an abstract of their substance, signed by himself,

is appended to the said certificate : if any of the passengers are in bad health, or insufficiently provided

with clothing, or if any such contracts are unfair, or if there is reɛsɔn to suspect that fraud or violence

have been practised in their collection or embarcation , he may detain the ship, and , if he shall think fit,

may order all or any of the passengers to be re-landed.

9. The emigration officer may, if he shall think fit, before granting his certificate, employ any duly Emigration officer

may employ

medical men,

qualified medical practitioner, master mariner, marine surveyor, or other person whose professional marine surveyors,

and others.

assistance and advice he may require for the purpose of ascertaining whether the requirements of scction

8 of this Ordinance have been duly complied with, and the costs and charges of obtaining such assistance

and advice, shall be defrayed by the owners or charterers of the ship, whether the emigration officer


shall grant his certificate or not.

10. The emigration officer shall, from time to time, fix a reasonable scale of fees and charges to be Feesofprofessional

persons employed.

approved by one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, for the remuneration of any professional

persons who may be employed by him under the last preceding regulation , and pending the approval or

disapproval of such scale, the fees and charges therein specified shall be payable, as if the same had

been approved in manner aforesaid.

11. The owners or charterers of every ship shall pay such fees for the remuneration of the emigration Feescerof cmigration

of .

officer, as may, from time to time, be ordered under instructions from one of Her Majesty's Principal

Secretaries of State, and until and subject to such instructions, the following fees shall be payable in

addition to all fees chargeable under regulation 10 : —

Upon the application for a certificate, ....... . $25

Upon the granting of the certificate,………………. ..$25

Provided always that no fecs shall be payable to the emigration officer of Hongkong, but in lieu thereof

the following stamp duties are hereby imposed , that is to say :

Upon every application for a certificate under article 2 of the regulations

contained in schedule B of the said Ordinance, a stamp duty of.........$ 1

Upon every certificate granted under article 1 of the said regulations, a

stamp duty of............. ……………………………………….. $ 1

And " The Stamp (Amendment) Ordinance, 1868 ," shall be read as if the , stamp duties hereby imposed

were inserted in the schedule thereof.

12. In case default shall be made by the owners or charterers of the ship in the payment of any Power to detain

ship for non

fees and charges to which they may be liable under section 8 of this Ordinance, the ship may be detained payment of fees.

by the British Consul, or if in Hongkong by the Governor, until such fees and charges shall have been


1354 ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874 .

Chinese Emigration.

In case of false 13. The emigration officer may withold his certificate or revoke the same at any time before the

particulars, ship

may be detained departure ofthe ship , if it shall appear to his satisfaction that any particulars contained in the application

and certificate


in writing which shall have been made for the same or any other particulars which may have been

furnished to him by or on behalf of the owners, charterers, or master of the ship in relation thereto, are

untrue, and that the conditions of section 8 of this Ordinance have not been complied with ; and in

every such case it shall be lawful for the British Consul, or if in Hongkong for the Governor, to seize

and detain the ship until the certificate, if already granted , shall have been delivered up to be cancelled.

Treatment of 14. The master of every British ship shall, during the whole of the intended voyage, make issues of

Jassengers at sea.

provisions, fuel and water, according to the aforesaid dietary scale, to all the passengers except such as

shall have supplied themselves therewith, and shall not make any alteration except for the manifest

advantage of the passengers, in respect of the space allotted to them as aforesaid , or in respect of the

means of ventilation, and shall not ill-use the passengers, or require them (except in case of necessity)

to help in working the vessel ; and shall issue medicines and medical comforts, as shall be requisite, to

the best of his judgment, and shall call at such ports as may be mentioned in the emigration officer's

clearing certificate for fresh water and other necessaries ; and shall carry the passengers without

unnecessary delay to the destination to which they have contracted to proceed.

Production of 15. The master of every British ship shall, within 24 hours after his arrival at the port of destination

emigration papers

at port of and at any port of call , produce his emigration papers to the British Consul (if any) at such port, or in


case such port shall be in Her Majesty's dominions to any officer appointed or authorized by the Local

Government in that behalf. It shall be lawful for such Consul or other officer to enter and inspect such

ship, and in case the master shall obstruct or refuse to assist him in the discharge of such duty, or shall

without reasonable cause fail to produce his emigration papers as aforesaid , he shall be liable to a fine

of five hundred dollars, and the ship may be detained by the British Consul, or if in Her Majesty's

dominions, by the Local Government, until such fine shall have been paid and the emigration papers

shall have been given up.

British Consul 16. In all ports and places where no emigration officer shall have been appointed , the British Consul

deemed emigration

officer where no shall, until such appointment, and at all times pending the vacancy of such office, be deemed to be the

such officer is

appointed. emigration officer for the purposes of these regulations.

(F. )

Under section 8, paragraph 2.


Whose steam power shall be sufficient without the aid of sails to propel them at the

rate of five statute miles in the hour.

Voyages from Hongkong, Swatow, Amoy, Foochow, Ningpo, Shanghai, and any port in Formosa,


Calcutta. Labuan.

Pegu. Sarawak.

Sumatra. Manila.

Java. Bangkok.

The Straits Settlements. Japan.


Voyages from Hongkong, Swatow, Amoy, Foochow, Ningpo, Shanghai, and any port in Formosa ,


From October to March, both inclusive. From April to September, both inclusive.

Sumatra. Labuan.

Java. Manila.

The Straits Settlements. Bangkok.




ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1874 . 1355

Chinese Emigration.

(G. )

Emigration officer's certificate, under section 8.

I , [ A. B.] , &c., emigration officer at the port of do hereby certify as follows :

1. That the Chinese passenger ship • A. B., master, of the port of

is within the provisions of section 8 of an Ordinance of the Legislature of Hongkong,

entitled " The Chinese Emigration Consolidation Ordinance, 1874," and that the said

ship is authorized to proceed to sea from the port of

for the port of

2. That the said ship is authorized to carry adults and that there are on board

passengers [ if any are deck passengers add : of whom are

deck passengers ] , making in all adults, namely: men, women,

male children, female children, such children being between the

ages of one and twelve years.

3. That the space set apart and to be kept clear for the use of such passengers is as follows :

On the upper deck superficial feet being [describe space ] and in the between

decks superficial feet being [ describe spacej .

4. That the ship is sea-worthy, and properly manned , equipped, fitted, and ventilated ; and

has not on board any cargo likely, from its quality, quantity, or mode of stowage to

prejudice the health or safety of the passengers. The means of ventilating the passengers'

accommodation between decks are as follows : [ describe means ].

5. That suitable medicines and medical stores, provisions, fuel and water have been placed on

board, of good quality, properly packed and sufficient in quantity to supply the passengers

on board during the intended voyage.

6. That all the conditions and requirements of the said section have been duly complied with.

7. That the aforesaid passengers [or in case of a part only, state the number,] are emigrants

under contracts of service and that I have inspected the contracts between them and their

intended employers (the terms of which are annexed to this certificate) and consider them

reasonable ; and that no fraud appears to have been practised in collecting such emigrants.

8. That the master of the ship is to put into for water and fresh vegetables.

A. B. ,

Emigration officer at the

port of

Dated the day of

187 S

N.B. Where none of the passengers are emigrants under contracts of service the following paragraph

shall be substituted for paragraph 7.

"7. That the whole of the said passengers are free passengers under no contract of service



Emigration officer's certificate, under section 14.

I, ( .1.B.) , emigration officer of Hongkong, do hereby certify, that I have inspected the fittings of

the 66 ," of which is master, bound for


" and that there are no prohibited or objectionable fittings on board.

A. B.

Dated at Hongkong, the day of 187


Hongkong Form of warrant, under paragraph 10 of section 15.

to wit. } To

Whereas it has been made to appear to my satisfaction that there are reasonable grounds for suspect

ing that an offence has been committed against the provisions of the above section in respect of the ship

" now lying in the waters of this Colony, rendering the said ship liable to forfeiture,—

1356 ORDINANCES Nos . 5 AND 6 OF 1874.

Chinese Emigration. Revenue.

This is therefore to command you in Her Majesty's name forthwith to seize the said ship wherever

she may be lying within the waters of this Colony, and to search the said ship and her equipment, and

to detain the same in your charge and custody until the forfeiture or release thereof, according to law,

for which this shall be your warrant.

Given under my hand and the seal of the Colony, this day of

in the year of our Lord, 187 •

L. S.

Governor and Commander in Chief, &c.


Form of citation, under paragraph 14 of section 15.


The day of 187 .

In re The "

Take notice that under and in pursuance of " The Chinese Emigration Consolidation Ordinance, 1874,"

you are hereby cited to appear before the Supreme Court on the day of

to show cause why the above-named ship and her equipment should not be forfeited to the Crown for

breach of the provisions of the said Ordinance.

To the owners of

the ship 66

or their agents.

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 1 of 1889. ]

NOTE .- For Government Notification as to fees under clause 11 of schedule E, see

Gazette 22nd December, 1883.

For Government Notification cancelling the last notification and imposing new

fees, see Gazette 15th March, 1884.

For Government Notification as to fees under clauses 9 and 10 of schedule

E, see Gazette 17th July, 1884.

For Government Notification cancelling the last notification and altering fees,

see Gazette 6th September, 1884.

No. 6 of 1874 .

Title. An Ordinance to apply a Sum not exceeding Seven hundred and Thirty

thousand Dollars to the Public Service of the Year 1875 .

[ 16th November , 1874. ]

Preamble. HEREAS the expenditure required for the service of this Colony for the year

WH 1875, has been estimated at the sum of seven hundred and twenty- nine

thousand nine hundred and seventy-five dollars and sixty cents : Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Estimates, 1875. 1. A sum not exceeding seven hundred and thirty thousand dollars shall be, and

the same is hereby charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the service of the year

1875, and the said sum so charged shall be expended as hereinafter specified ; that is to

say :-

ORDINANCE No. 6 or 1874. 1357



Governor, ..... ...... 740.00

Colonial Secretary, 7,880.00

Colonial Treasurer, 3,072.00

Auditor General, 14,799.00

Clerk of Councils, .... 100.00

Surveyor General, 21,062.00

Postmaster General, 27,486.00

Registrar General , …………………….. 10,198.00

Harbor Master, 26,954.00

Light Houses , ... 6,428.00

Collector of Stamp Revenue, 4,078.00

Judicial, ........

.... 20,180.00

Official Trusteo, ..... 960.00

Registrar of Companies, 192.00

Ecclesiastical, 1,230.00

Educational, ……….. 17,376.00

Medical, ....... 16,200.00

Police Magistrates, 6,100.00

Police, 150,478.80

Gaol, 16,694.00

Fire Brigade, ..…………….. 8,112.00

Government Gardens, 4,660.80


Colonial Treasurer, 1,700.00

Surveyor General , .... 720.00

Postmaster General, ..... 4,640.00

Registrar General , 50.00

Harbor Master, ... 60.00

Judicial, .... 200.00

Educational , 4,620.00

Medical, .... 18,870.00

Police Magistrates, 390.00

Police,...... 36,925.00

Gaol, ... 15,000.00

Charitable Allowances ,...... 3,300.00

Transport, .... 4,500.00

Works and Buildings, ..... 102,000.00

Roads, Streets and Bridges, 37,220.00

Light Houses, ..... 2,000.00

Miscellaneous Services,..... 36,800.00

Military Contribution ,.. 96,000.00

TOTAL,......... $729,975.60

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]

1358 ORDINANCE No. 7 OF 1874 .

Foreign Recruiting.

No. 7 of 1874.

Title. An Ordinance to control recruiting in the Colony of Hongkong,

for the service of Foreign States.

[ 16th November, 1874. ]

Preamble. HEREAS it is expedient that the Governor in Council should

exercise full control over recruiting in this Colony for the service

of Foreign States : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the

advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :--

Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as " The Foreign

Commence Recruiting Ordinance , 1874 " : and shall come into force on the passing



Interpreta 2. In this Ordinance ,

tion clause.

" Foreign "Foreign State " includes any person or persons exercising or


assuming to exercise the powers of Government in or over any country,

colony, province, or people beyond the limits of this Colony.

Power to 3. If any person is, within the limits of this Colony, obtaining or

prohibit or

permit re attempting to obtain recruits for the service of any Foreign State in any


capacity, the Governor in Council may, by order in writing signed by

the Colonial Secretary, either prohibit such person from so doing, or

permit him to do so subject to any conditions which the Governor in

Council thinks fit to impose.

Power to 4. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, by general

impose con

ditions. order notified in the Government Gazette, either prohibit recruiting for the

service of any Foreign State , or impose upon such recruiting any conditions

which he thinks fit.

Power to 5. The Governor in Council may rescind or vary any order made

rescind or

vary orders. under this Ordinance in such manner as he thinks fit.

Offences. 6. Whoever, in violation of the prohibition of the Governor in

Council, or of any condition subject to which permission to recruit may

have been accorded :

(a.) Induces or attempts to induce any person to accept or

agree to accept or to proceed to any place with a view to

obtaining any commission or employment in the service

of any Foreign State ; or

ORDINANCES No. 7 OF 1874 AND No. 1 OF 1875 . 1359

Foreign Recruiting. Naval Yard Police.

(b. ) Knowingly aids in the engagement of any person so induced ,

by forwarding or conveying him or by advancing money

or in any other way whatever, —

shall be liable to imprisonment for any period not exceeding seven years ,

or to fine to such amount as the Court thinks fit, or to both .

7. Any offender against this Ordinance shall be tried before the Place of Trial.

Supreme Court.

No. 1 of 1875 .

An Ordinance to provide means for enforcing good order, and Title.

discipline in the Police Force employed in the Royal Naval


[March 18th, 1875. ]


HEREAS it is expedient to provide means for enforcing good order


and discipline in the Police Force employed in the Royal Naval

Yard at Hongkong : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with

the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Rules and

1. The Commodore , or other Superintendent of Her Majesty's Naval


Yard [ Amended by Ordinance No. 3 of 1879 ] may from time to time inay be made.

make and issue rules and regulations for the government of the Police

Force employed in the said Yard.

2. In case of breach of discipline or neglect of duty by any member Power to the


of the said Police Force, the Commodore, or other Superintendent of the other Superin

tendent to

Naval Yard [ Amended by Ordinance No. 3 of 1879 ] may, on proof thereof punish for

breach of

to his satisfaction, order the offender to forfeit and pay a sum not exceed discipline.

ing twenty-five dollars ;

Or may award imprisonment in Victoria Gaol for any term not

exceeding seven days with forfeiture of pay ;

Or, if he think fit, may bring the offender before a Magistrate,

and the Magistrate on proof of the offence may award

imprisonment for any term not exceeding fourteen days

with or without hard labor, together with forfeiture of all

pay during such imprisonment.

1360 ORDINANCES Nos. 1 AND 2 OF 1875 .

Naval Yard Police. Protection of Women - Emigration Abuses.

Penalties for

other offences. 3. Whenever any member of the said Police Force shall be guilty

of any neglect or violation of duty in his office ;


Or shall be guilty of any disobedience to the rules , or regulations

made and issued by the Commodore, or other Superin

tendent ofthe Naval Yard [ Amended by Ordinance No. 3 of

1879. ]

Or of any other misconduct as a member of the said Police

Force ;

Or having duly engaged himself to serve in the force shall

desert therefrom. :;


Or, being permitted to resign, shall not, upon ceasing to belong

to the force, deliver up all arms, accoutrements and appoint

ments whatsoever entrusted to him for the performance of

his duty ;

He shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary way before a Magistrate ,

be liable to forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars , or

to be imprisoned with or without hard labor for any term not exceeding

six months, together with forfeiture of all pay during such imprisonment.

Rules and 4. The Commodore or other Superintendent of the Naval Yard


to be laid [Amended by Ordinance No. 3.of 1879], shall cause all such rules and

before the

Legislative regulations to be forthwith sent to the Governor to be laid before the


Legislative Council at its next sitting.

Short title. 5. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as " The Naval

Yard Police Ordinance , 1875."

NOTE.-Extended to all Naval Establishments on shore by Ordinance No. 3 of 1879.

No. 2 of 1875 .

Title. An Ordinance for the better Protection of Chinese Women and Female

[Made applicabl

to women and e

children whether Children, and for the Repression of certain Abuses in relation to

of Chinese origin

or not, see Ord. Chinese Emigration .

No. 7 of 1887,

see also No. 9 of

1887.] [March 18th, 1875. ]

Preamble. HEREAS it is expedient to make better provision for the punishment of persons

W guilty of selling, purchasing, or decoying into the Colony, or unlawfully

detaining therein Chinese women and female children for the purpose of prostitution ,

ORDINANCE No. 2 of 1875 . 1361

Protection of Women- Emigration Abuses.

and of decoying Chinese into or away from this Colony for the purpose of emigration ,

or for any other purpose whatsoever : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong,


with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. The Ordinance No. 6 of 1873 is hereby repealed, but such repeal shall not Repeal.

affect :


1. Any punishment incurred or to be incurred for any offence committed

Lefore this Ordinance comes into operation.

2. Any proceedings for enforcing such punishment or prosecuting the offender ;

and all such proceedings may be had and taken as if the said Ordinance

were still in force.

2. Whosoever shall bring, lead , take, decoy, or entice into the Colony any woman Abduction of

a woman or

female child

or female child with intent to sell her for the purpose of prostitution, or shall sell or with intent, &c.

purchase any woman or female child for the purpose aforesaid , or shall knowingly

derive any profit from the sale or purchase of any woman or female child so sold or Selling or


purchased as aforesaid, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof,

shall be liable to the punishments hereinafter provided.

3. Whosoever shall bring, lead, take, decoy, or entice into the Colony any woman Bringing into

the Colony

or female child knowing that such woman or female child has been sold or purchased women or child

ren knowing

them to have

for the purpose of prostitution, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction been sold for


thereof shall be liable to the punishments hereinafter provided.

4. Whosoever shall detain any woman or female child in any place against her Detaining a

woman or feirale

will with the intent that she may become a prostitute, or for any other purpose child for purpose

of prostitution.

whatsoever, or shall by any false pretences, false representations, or other fraudulent

means procure any woman or female child to have illicit carnal connection with any

man, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be liable to the

punishments hereinafter provided .

5. Whosoever shall receive , or harbor any woman or female child with intent that Receiving or

harboring with

such woman or female child should be sold or purchased for the purpose of prostitution , intent, &c.

shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be liable to the pun

ishments hereinafter provided.

6. Whosoever shall receive or harbor any woman or female child knowing that Receiving or


women or

such woman or female child has been sold or purchased whether within the Colony or children know

ing them to

elsewhere for the purpose of prostitution shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on have been sold

for prostitution.

conviction thereof, shall be liable to the punishments hereinafter provided.

7. Whosoever shall by force or fraud imprison or detain any person within the Unlawful im

prisonment or


Colony, for the purpose of emigration, or for any other purpose whatsoever, shall be

guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be liable to the punishments

hereinafter provided.

8. Whosoever shall by force, intimidation, or any fraudulent means bring, lead, Decoying

persons into

take , decoy , or away from

or entice any person into or away from the Colony, for the purpose of the Colony.

emigration, or for any other purpose whatsoever, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,

and on conviction thereof, shall be liable to the punishments hereinafter provided .

1362 ORDINANCES Nos . 2 AND 3 OF 1875 .

The Protection of Women -Emigration Abuses. False Personation.

Punishment 9. Every person who shall be convicted of any offence against the provisions of

for offences.

this Ordinance shall be liable to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years

with or without hard labor.

Trial of offences. 10. All offences against this Ordinance, may be heard and determined summarily

[As to powers of

one Magistrate by two Magistrates sitting together, who shall constitute a Court for this purpose :

see Ord. No. 8

of 1889.]

Provided that if, at the close of the investigation , [ the accused shall apply for a trial by

jury, or: Repealed by Ordinance No. 8 of 1889] the Magistrates shall be of opinion that

the case ought to be so tried, they may commit the accused for trial at the Supreme


Summary 11. The provisions of section 66 of Ordinance No. 4 of 1865 shall apply to every


summary conviction under this Ordinance.

Punishment of 12. Whenever any person shall be convicted before the Supreme Court of any

whipping on

second and

subsequent offence against the provisions of this Ordinance, if it shall be proved that the offender


Form of infor has been previously convicted either before the Supreme Court, or before two Magis

mation and

proceedings. trates sitting together, of an offence under the same or any other section of this

Ordinance, it shall be lawful for the Court, in its discretion , to direct that, in addition

to the punishment hereinbefore prescribed, the offender, if a male , be once, twice, or

thrice publicly or privately whipped, subject to the provisions contained in section 1

of Ordinance No. 3 of 1868 ; and all the provisions of section 94 of Ordinance No. 7

of 1865 relating to the form of information for a subsequent offence and proceedings

thereon, shall apply to offences punishable under this Ordinance.

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 19 of 1889. ]

No. 3 of 1875.


An Ordinance to render personation with intent to deprive any

person of any property felony.

[ March 18th, 1875. ]

Preamble. HEREAS it is expedient to amend the law relating to personation :


Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of

the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Personation 1. If any person shall falsely and deceitfully personate any person ,

in order to

obtain pro or the heir, executor, or administrator , wife, widow, next of kin , or

perty to be

felony. relation of any person , with intent fraudulently to obtain any land , estate ,


(37 &

cap. 88Vi

36, 1. ] chattel, money, valuable security, or property, he shall be guilty of

felony, and upon conviction shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court

by which he is convicted , to be kept in penal servitude for life, or for any

ORDINANCES Nos. 3 AND 4 OF 1875 . 1363

False Personation. Marriage.

period not less than three years , or to be imprisoned for any term not

exceeding two years, with or without hard labor, and with or without

solitary confinement

2. Nothing in this Ordinance shall prevent any person from being Saving clause.

[Ibid, § 2.]

proceeded against and punished under any other Ordinance, or at Common

Law, in respect of an offence ( if any ) punishable as well under this Or

dinance as under any other Ordinance, or at Common Law.

3. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as "The False Short title.

[Ibid, § 4.]

Personation Ordinance , 1874."

No. 4 of 1875 .

An Ordinance to provide a general Register of Marriages celebrated in Title.


[ 8th April , 1875. ]

HEREAS it is expedient that marriages celebrated in the Colony of Hongkong Preamble.

W should be systematically recorded in one general register : Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows : --

1. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as The Marriage Ordinance, 1875 . Short title.

2. Every minister of religion or other person who has in his custody any register Existing regis

ters or copies

or other official record of marriages heretofore celebrated in this Colony shall , within thereof to be

delivered to the

three months after this Ordinance takes effect, deliver to the Registrar General the Registrar


said register or official record, or a copy thereof.

3. Every person delivering a copy shall append thereto a certificate in the Copies to be


following form :

I, A.B. , & c. , do certify that the above written

pages are a true copy of the register (or official record) of marriages hereto

fore celebrated in St. John's Cathedral Church (or as the case may be) and

that the original is in my custody.

Dated the day of 187

(Signed, ) A. B..

4. The Governor may defray, from the public revenue of the Colony, all proper Expenses may be

defrayed from

expenses connected with the delivery of the said registers or official records , or of making public revenue.

and delivering copies thereof.

1364 ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1875 .


Registrar of 5. The Registrar General shall be registrar of marriages, and to assist him, the

marriages and

deputies. Governor may appoint one or more deputy registrars , and such deputies may celebrate

marriages, and may exercise all the other powers, and perform all the duties conferred

upon the Registrar General by this Ordinance, and all acts done by a deputy shall be

as valid as if done by the Registrar General .

The Governor 6. The Governor may license any place of public worship to be a place for the

may lleence

places of

worship. celebration of marriages, and may, at any time, cancel any such licence.

Licences to be 7. Whenever the Governor grants or cancels any such licence, the Registrar


General shall give public notice thereof in the Government Gazette .

Preliminaries to marriage.

Notice of 8. Whenever, after this Ordinance takes effect, any persons desire to marry, one


marriage. of the parties to the intended marriage shall give notice thereof to the Registrar

General in the following form : —


To the Registrar General of Hongkong.

I hereby give you notice that a marriage is intended to be had, within three

months from the date hereof, between me and the other party herein named .

Rank Consent,

Name. Condition. or Age. Dwelling if any, by whom


profession. given.

Name Bachelor

of or

Bridegroom, Widower,

Name Spinster

of or

Bride, Widow,

Witness my hand this day of 187 •

(Signature of party giving the notice.)

Every such notice shall be signed by the party giving notice.

Notices to be filed 9. The Registrar General shall file every such notice in his office ; he shall expose

and copies made

by the Registrar one copy of such notice in a conspicuous place open to the public, and keep it so exposed


until he issue a certificate as hereinafter mentioned , or until the three months expire ;

he shall also enter a copy of the said notice with the date of such entry in a book to be

called the Marriage Notice Book, and shall allow any person to inspect such book during

office hours without fee.

Forms of notice 10. The Registrar General shall supply forms of notice gratuitously to persons

to be supplied

gratis. applying for the same.

ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1875 . 1365


11. At any time not more than three months nor (except when the Governor Registrar

General may

issue certificate.

grants a licence ) less than fifteen days after the giving of such notice, the Registrar

General shall, on the request of either of the parties, issue a certificate in the form A

in the schedule hereto.

12. The Governor may, at any time after a party has given notice as aforesaid , After notice the

Governor may

grant a licence in the form B in the schedule hereto, authorizing the Registrar General grant a licence.

to issue his certificate on or after any day named in such licence.

13. Ifthe marriage do not take place within three months after giving the above If marriage do

not take place

in three months

notice, the notice given and all other proceedings thereupon shall be utterly void, and fresh notice tobe


fresh notice will be required before any marriage can be had between the parties.

14. The Governor may, when he sees fit, grant a special licence in the form C in Special licence

in case of

the schedule hereto, dispensing with notice as aforesaid, or with the certificate of the emergency.

Registrar General, or with both, and authorizing the celebration of a marriage between

the parties named , between the hours of six in the forenoon and six in the afternoon ,

upon a day and at a place specified in the licence.

15. Before the Registrar General issues any certificate, and before the Governor Affidavit before

issue of

certificate or

grants any licence, one of the parties to the intended marriage shall appear personally licence.

before the Registrar General and make affidavit (which the Registrar General is hereby

authorised to take) that he or she believes that there is not any impediment of kindred

or alliance or any other lawful hindrance to the marriage, and either that the consent

of the parties required by law to consent to the marriage has been obtained or that no

such consent is required.

16. If either party to the intended marriage, not being a widower or a widow, is Consent of

parents or

guardians to

under twenty- one years of age, the written consent of the father, or (if he be dead) of marriage of


the mother, or (if both be dead) of the lawful guardian of such party, must be produced

to the Registrar General before he issues a certificate, or to the Governor before he

grants a licence.

17. If there be no parent or guardian of such party residing in the Colony , the If no parent or

guardian, Re

Registrar General may give his consent in writing to the marriage, if upon enquiry gistrar General

may consent.

the marriage appear to him to be proper, and such consent shall be as effectual as if

the father or mother or guardian had consented.

Issue of

18. Any person whose consent is required as aforesaid may forbid the issue of the certificate may

be forbidden.

Registrar General's certificate by writing the word " Forbidden " opposite the entry in

the marriage notice book, and by signing his name and the character in which he

forbids the issue ; and if the issue of any certificate be so forbidden, the notice and all

proceedings thereupon shall be void .

19. If either of the parties to the intended marriage allege that the person The Registrar

General may

forbidding the issue is not authorised by law so to do , the Registrar General shall enquire into

the right to


enquire into the matter, and if he be satisfied that the person is not so authorised, he

may proceed to issue the certificate in due course without reckoning the time that has

elapsed since the issue was forbidden .


1366 ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1875 .


For the purposes of such enquiry, or of any enquiry under section 17, the Registrar

General may administer an oath to any person.

Penalty for false 20. If any person wilfully makes any false statement in any affidavit as aforesaid ,


or wilfully makes on oath any false statement or gives any false answer in any such

enquiry, he shall, on conviction before the Supreme Court, be liable to be imprisoned

for any term not exceeding two years with or without hard labour.

Celebration of marriage.

Marriage in 21. Marriages may hereafter be celebrated in any licensed place of worship by any

licensed places of

worship. competent minister of the church, denomination , or body to which such place of

worship belongs, and according to the rites or usages of marriage observed in such

church, denomination, or body, provided that the marriage be celebrated with open

doors between the hours of six o'clock in the morning and six in the afternoon , and

in the presence of two or more witnesses besides the officiating minister.

No minister shall celebrate any marriage until the parties deliver to him the

Registrar General's certificate or the Governor's special licence.

Ministers may receive the fees ordinarily paid for the celebration of marriage.

Marriage cer 22. The Registrar General shall cause to be prepared and delivered to the several


licensed places of worship books of marriage certificates in duplicate and with butts in

the form in the schedule hereto. The certificate shall be signed in duplicate by the

officiating minister, by the parties, and by two or more witnesses to the marriage.

The minister shall deliver one certificate to the parties, immediately after the

marriage, and shall transmit the other to the Registrar General within seven days

thereafter, and the Registrar General shall file the same in his office.

The officiating minister shall enter in the butt the names of the parties and the

date of the marriage.

Marriage before 23. After the issue of a certificate by the Registrar General, the parties may, if

the Registrar


they think fit, contract a marriage before the Registrar General, in the presence of two

witnesses, in the Registrar General's office, with open doors, between the hours of ten

o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon, and in the following manner :

The Registrar General, shall first address the parties to the following effect :

" Know ye, A.B. and C.D., that by the public taking of each other as man and wife in

my presence and in the presence of the persons now here, and by the subsequent

attestation thereof by signing your names to that effect, you become legally married to

each other although no other rite of a civil or religious nature shall take place ; and

know ye further that this marriage cannot be dissolved during your life time, except

by a valid judgment of divorce, and that if either of you, before the death of the other,

shall contract another inarriage while this remains undissolved, you will thereby be

guilty of bigamy, and be liable to the punishment inflicted for that grievous offence."

ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1875. 1367


Each of the parties shall then say to the other "I call upon all persons here present

to witness that I , A.B. , do take thee C.D. to be my lawful wife (or husband) .”

The Registrar General and the parties and witnesses shall thereupon sign

duplicate certificates in the form and manner hereinbefore prescribed.

The Registrar General shall deliver one certificate to the parties and shall file

the other in his office.

24. Whenever the Governor's special licence authorises the celebration of a Marriages by

special licence at

marriage at a place other than a registered place of worship, or the office of the other places.

Registrar General, the Registrar General upon taking the affidavit of one of the parties

to the marriage, shall deliver to him a blank certificate of marriage in duplicate, and

the minister celebrating the marriage, the parties and two witnesses shall sign the

same, in manner hereinbefore prescribed, and the minister shall deliver one certificate

to the parties immediately after the marriage and shall transmit the other to the

Registrar General within seven days thereafter, and the Registrar General shall file

the same in his office.

25. The Registrar General shall register all certificates of marriage filed in his Certificates how


office in such order and manner as he thinks best suited for easy reference thereto.

26. Any certificate of marriage filed in the office of the Registrar General, or a Certificates or

certified copies

to be evidence.

copy thereof, provided it purport to be signed and certified as a true copy by the

Registrar General, and to be sealed or stamped with his official seal, shall be admissi

ble as evidence of the marriage to which the same relates in any court of justice, or

before any person now or hereafter having by law or by consent of parties authority to

hear, receive and examine evidence.

27. The Registrar General may, when authorised by the Colonial Secretary, correct Correction of

errors in


any clerical error in any certificate of marriage upon production to him of the certifi

cate delivered to the parties, and shall authenticate every such correction by his signa

ture or by marking the same with his initials, and the date of making the correction .

28. No marriage shall be valid which would be null and void on the ground of Invalid mar


kindred or affinity in England or Wales.

A marriage shall be null and void if both parties knowingly and wilfully acquiesce

in its celebration in any place other than the office of the Registrar General or a li

censed place of worship (except when authorised by special licence) , or under a false

name or names, or without certificate of notice or licence duly issued, or by a person

not being a competent minister or the Registrar General or his deputy.

But no marriage shall after celebration be deemed invalid by reason that any

provision of this Ordinance other than the foregoing has not been complied with.

1368 ORDINANCE No. 4 of 1875 .


Marriages under 29. All marriages celebrated under this Ordinance shall be good and valid in law

this Ordinance

valid. to all intents and purposes.

Marrying miners 30. Whosoever, knowing that the written consent of the proper person as herein

without consent

of proper person. prescribed has not been obtained, shall marry or assist or procure any other person to

marry a minor under the age of twenty-one years, not being a widow or widower, shall be

guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, before the Supreme Court , shall

be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding

two years with or without hard labour.

Any minister shall be guilty of a misdemeanor who wilfully celebrates a marriage,

in the case of a minor, without such written consent as herein prescribed , or who

wilfully celebrates a marriage, contrary to any other provision of this Ordinance, or

knowing that any provision of this Ordinance has not been complied with, and upon

conviction thereof, before the Supreme Court, shall be liable, at the discretion of the

court, to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years.

Penalty for 31. Any minister who, after celebrating a marriage, fails to transmit the certifi

failing to trans

mit certificate of

marriage. cate thereof to the Registrar General within seven days thereafter, shall be liable to a

penalty not exceeding fifty dollars.

Penalty for 32. Whosoever wilfully removes, defaces , alters, or destroys any copy of a notice

defacing notices.

of intended marriage, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars.

Persons unduly 33. Whosoever knowingly and wilfully celebrates or pretends to celebrate a


marriage. marriage, not being legally competent so to do, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and

being convicted thereof before the Supreme Court, shall be liable, at the discretion of

the Court, to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years with or without hard


Penalties. 34. All penalties for offences against this Ordinance may be recovered in a sum

mary way before any Magistrate.

Fees. 35. The fees specified in the schedule hereto shall be paid to the Registrar

General for the several matters to which they are applicable, and shall be by him paid

into the Colonial Treasury.

Forms. 36. The forms contained in the schedule hereto may be used in the cases to

which they are applicable with such alterations as circumstances may render necessary.

Application of 37. This Ordinance shall apply to all marriages where one or both the parties

Ordinance, and

when to come in

force. professes the Christian religion , and shall take effect on a day to be hereafter proclaim

Repeal. ed by the Governor, and from and after such day Ordinance No. 1 of 1852 shall be

and the same is hereby repealed .

ORDINANCE No. 4 of 1875 . 1369



Form A.

Registrar General's Certificate.

I, 9 Registrar General for the Colony of Hongkong, do hereby certify that on

the day of notice was duly entered in the marriage notice book of the

said Colony of the marriage intended to be had between the parties herein named and described.

Names. Condition. Rank or Profession. Age. Dwelling Place.

Date of notice entered 187 · The issue of this certificate has not been forbidden

by any person authorised to forbid the issue

Date of certificate given 187 thereof.

Witness my hand this day of 187 .


Registrar General.

This certificate will be void unless the marriage is solemnised on or before the day of

187 .

This certificate is issued by virtue of the Gove: noi's licence dated the day of 187 .

Form B..

Marriage licence.

Ordinance No. 4 of 1875 , section 12.

Whereas on the day of 187 , notice was given to the Registrar General

of a marriage intended to be had between A. B. and C. D.' therein mentioned, and the said A. B.

desires to obtain a licence for the immediate issue of a certificate of such notice, and has made before

the said Registrar General the affidavit required by the Marriage Ordinance of 1875, section. 15 .

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the said Ordinance, I do hereby authorise the said Registrar General

to issue the said certificate, at any time on or after the day of and within

three calendar months of the said day of*

Given under my hand this day of 187


The date of the notice.

Form C.

Special licence.

Whereas A. B. and C. D. desire to marry, and sufficient cause has been shown to me why such

marriage should be allowed without the formalities prescribed by the Marriage Ordinance of 1875 .

1370 ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1875.


Now, therefore, in pursuance of the said Ordinance, I do dispense with the giving of notice and the

issue of the certificate thereby prescribed (or as the case may be) and do hereby authorise any competent

person to celebrate marriage between the said A. B. and C. D. at [place of celebration ] upon the

day of 187 " between the hours of six in the forenoon and six in the afternoon.

Given under my hand this day of 187



Hongkong Ordinance No. 4 of 1875, sec. 22. Hongkong Ordinance No. 4 of 1875, sec. 22







Butt. Certificate of marriage. Certificate of marriage.























































am. inor


. her













No. No.

Date 187

Name of husband

Name of wife

Married at by (or before) me, Married at. by (or before) me,

This marriage was in the pre This marriage was in the pre

solemnised be sence ofus, solemnised be sence ofus,

tween us, tween us,


Notice of marriage, section 8, ...... ........Nil.

Certificate of notice, section 11 ,…………………….. .........One dollar.

Marriage licence, ........Five dollars.

Special licence, ........ ..........Twenty-five dollars.

Marriage at the office of the Registrar General, .........Two dollars.

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 14 of 1875. ]

ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1875. 1371


No. 5 of 1875.

An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation of a Supplementary Sum Title.

not exceeding One hundred and Fifty thousand Dollars to defray the

Charges of the Year 1874.

[ 7th July , 1875. ]

HEREAS it has become necessary to make further provision for the public service Preamble.

W of the Colony for the year 1874 , in addition to the charge upon the revenue for

the service of the said year already provided for in the estimates submitted to the

Legislative Council : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of


the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. A sum not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dollars shall be and the same Supplementary

Estimates, 1874.

is hereby charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the service of the year 1874, the

said sum so charged being expended as hereinafter specified ; that is to say :


$ c.

Collector of Stamp Revenue, ...... 35.09

Official Trustee, 1,362.57

Medical,....... 678.87

Fire Brigade, 1,298.66

TOTAL ESTABLISHMENTS , ...... $ 3,375.19



.. 120.00



LIGHTHOUSES , ... 35,110.64




TOTAL, .. ..... $ 149,237.04

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887. ]

1372 ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1875 .

Public Holidays..

No. 6 of 1875.


An Ordinance to provide for Public and Bank Holidays.

[ 7th July, 1875. ]


WHEREAS it is expedient that certain days in the year should be

declared public holidays and bank holidays respectively : Be it

therefore enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the

Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Certain days 1. The several days mentioned in schedule A to this Ordinance

to be public

holidays. annexed ( hereinafter referred to as public holidays ) shall, in addition to

Sundays, be dies non , and shall be kept ( except as hereinafter provided )

as holidays in this Colony.


2. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, make regula

tions excluding in whole or in part from the operation of this Ordinance

any public office or any department thereof, and thereupon all acts and

things relating to such public office or department thereof may be done

and performed on any public holiday notwithstanding the provisions of

this Ordinance.

Certain days

to be bank 3. The several days mentioned in the schedule B to this Ordinance

holidays. annexed , shall be bank holidays , and shall be kept as holiday in all banks

Bills of

exchange in the Colony, and all bills of exchange, promissory notes, and other

falling due on

bank holidays negotiable instruments due and payable on any such bank holiday , shall

to be payable

next day. be payable on the next following day and not on such bank holiday.

Protest falling

to be made on 4. In case of non - acceptance or non - payment of any negotiable in


may holidays

made strument, the same may be noted or protested on the next following day

on next day. after a bank holiday, and any such noting or protest shall be as valid as

if made on the previous day.

Acts relating 5. No person shall be compellable to make any payment, or to do

to bills of ex

change not to any other act relating to a bill of exchange or other negotiable instrument

be compel

lable to be on a public holiday, or on a bank holiday, and the obligation to make

done on bank

holidays. such payment, or to do such other act, shall apply to the day next follow

ing such public holiday , or bank holiday, and the making of such pay

ments , or doing such acts on such following day shall be equivalent to

payment of the money, or performance of the act on the public holiday,

or bank holiday.

Governor may

6. It shall be lawful for the Governor, by notification in the Govern


special days ment Gazette, at any time to appoint a special day to be observed as a

ORDINANCES Nos. 6 AND 7 OF 1875 . 1373

Public Holidays. St. Paul's College.

public holiday, or as a bank holiday, in addition to or in substitution for to be observed

as public

any of the days mentioned in the schedules to this Ordinance annexed , holidays.

and thereupon the provisions ofthis Ordinance shall be applicable to such

day in the same manner as if the said day had been mentioned in schedule

A or schedule B to this Ordinance annexed .

7. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the day next following a Interpreta

tion clause.

public holiday shall mean the next following day not being itself a public

holiday and the day next following a bank holiday shall be construed to

mean the next following day not being itself a public or a bank holiday .

8. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as " The Holidays Short title .

Ordinance, 1875."


The first day of January.

Good Friday.

The Birthday of Her Majesty, or the day on which Her Majesty's Birthday is

ordered to be kept.

Christmas day.

The 26th day of December.

If any of these days fall on a Sunday, the next following Monday shall be a public



Chinese New Year's Day.

The first Monday in August.

Easter Monday.

Whit- Mouday.

No. 7 of 1875.

An Ordinance to provide for the Devolution of the Site of St. Title.

Paul's College, and to provide means for altering the

Statutes of the said College.

[ 7th July, 1875. ]


HEREAS, by Letters Patent dated the 11th day of May, 1849 ,


Her Majesty did declare the city of Victoria , and all the territory

comprised within the island of Hongkong and its dependencies , to be the

Diocese of the Bishop named in the said Letters Patent, and of his succes

1374 ORDINANCE No. 7 or 1875 .

St. Paul's College.

sors, and to be called in all time the Diocese of Victoria ; and did constitute

the Church of St. John in the said city to be a Cathedral Church , and

Bishop's See ; and did appoint the Reverend George Smith , Doctor of

Divinity, to be ordained and consecrated Bishop of the said See and

Diocese under the title of the Lord Bishop of Victoria :

And whereas the statutes of St. Paul's College in Victoria were

approved by His Grace the then Archbishop of Canterbury on the 15th

day of October, 1849 , and the said statutes provided amongst other

things ,

That all property of every kind thereafter to be given, transferred ,

or bequeathed to the purposes of the college should be vested in the

Bishop of Victoria for the time being as constituted by Her Majesty's

Letters Patent a body corporate ;

That the Government and entire control of the college should be

vested in the Bishop of Victoria as ex officio warden, except so far as any

jurisdiction or authority might be by him delegated to a sub- warden or

others ;

That it should be lawful for the Bishop of Victoria in conjunction

with the Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being to introduce such

a modification , alteration , or extension of the said statutes , as to them

jointly might seem fit :

And whereas a Crown lease dated the 5th day of September , 1851 ,

was made between Her Majesty of the one part, and the Right Reverend

George Lord Bishop of Victoria, in the island of Hongkong, ex officio

warden, on behalf of the Church of England Missionary Institution known

as St. Paul's College of the other part, and thereby the land therein

described (being inland lot No. seventy - six ) with its appurtenances was

demised to the said Lord Bishop of Victoria, and his successors , being

such warden , to hold unto the said Lord Bishop of Victoria and his

successors being such warden for the full term of nine hundred and

ninety -nine years , commencing on the 19th day of April , 1850 , at the

yearly rent of one dollar :

And in the said lease the said Lord Bishop of Victoria as warden of

St. Paul's College, and for the wardens to be from time to time appointed,

covenanted with Her Majesty to pay the said rent and all taxes , charges

and impositions that should thereafter be assessed or charged upon the

said land . And further that neither the said lessee or warden , nor any

ORDINANCE No. 7 OF 1875 . 1375

St. Paul's College.

person, should during the said demise, use the said lands for any other

purpose than the promotion of the charitable designs and objects of the

said St. Paul's College, as they might be, from time to time, legally

established , without the previous licence of Her Majesty, her heirs ,

successors , or assigns , signified by the Governor of the Colony , or other

person duly authorized in that behalf:

And whereas by Letters Patent dated the 14th day of January, 1867 ,

Her Majesty did appoint the Reverend Charles Richard Alford, clerk,

master of arts, to be ordained and consecrated Lord Bishop of the said

See of Victoria, in succession to the said Bishop Smith, who had resigned :

And whereas by Letters Patent dated the 1st day of November, 1872 ,

after reciting the above mentioned Letters Patent , and that the said See

and Bishopric had become vacant by the resignation of the said Bishop

Alford , Her Majesty was pleased to revoke and determine the said recited

Letters Patent of the 11th day of May, 1849 , and of the 14th day of

January, 1867 , and every clause, article, and thing therein contained :

And whereas by the revocation of the said Letters Patent the said

See and Bishopric of Victoria ceased to exist as theretofore constituted :

And whereas it is therefore expedient to provide for the devolution

of the property comprised in the aforesaid Crown lease, and to provide

means for altering the statutes of St. Paul's College to meet the state of

circumstances that now exists :

And whereas the Right Reverend John Shaw Burdon , doctor of

divinity, has been duly consecrated to be a Bishop of the Church of

England , and as such Bishop is residing and officiating in this Colony,

and as such Bishop and by the desire of His Grace the Archbishop of

Canterbury has undertaken the management of St. Paul's College and is

now discharging the duties of warden of the said college : Be it therefore

enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

Council thereof, as follows :

1. From and after the passing of this Ordinance, the above recited The lease and

site of St.

Crown lease dated the 5th day of September, 1851 , and all the portion Paul's Col

lege to vest in

of land therein described with its appurtenances , and St. Paul's College the Archbis

hop of Canter

and all other buildings erected on the said land shall vest in His Grace bury and his


the Archbishop of Canterbury and his successors for all the unexpired

residue of the term of nine hundred and ninety - nine years created by the

1376 ORDINANCE No. 7 OF 1875 .

St. Paul's College.

said lease, upon and for the trusts, intents and purposes in the said lease

expressed and declared, and subject to the covenants and conditions

therein contained , and the said Archbishop and his successors shall be

deemed to be the lessees of the said land as fully and effectually and to

the same extent as if they had been originally named as lessees in the

said lease.

Bishop 2. The Right Reverend John Shaw Burdon, the Bishop aforesaid ,


named is hereby named Warden of St. Paul's College in Victoria, and by virtue

Warden of

St. Paul's of such nomination may lawfully exercise and perform all the powers and


duties conferred and imposed upon the Warden by the above recited

Property to statutes of the said college , and all property belonging to the college

vest in him.

(other than the land comprised in the aforesaid lease ) shall, upon the

passing of this Ordinance, vest in the said Bishop as such Warden .

Alteration of 3. The Archbishop of Canterbury in conjunction with the aforesaid"

the existing

statutes. Warden and the Colonial Secretary of the Colony , or with either of them

in the absence or inability of the other, may alter the existing statutes

of the college in such manner as they jointly think fit ; but so neverthe

less that provision be made for the appointment and removal of future

wardens, for the vesting of all property ( other than the land comprised

in the aforesaid lease ) belonging to or that may come to the college, and

for altering the statutes of the college as occasion may, from time to time,


The Bishop 4. The Bishop aforesaid may resign the wardenship by letter to the

may resign or

be removed. Archbishop of Canterbury, and may be removed in the same manner as

wardens to be appointed under the statutes when altered .

If a vacancy 5. In the event of a vacancy in the wardenship occurring before the

occur before

the statutes statutes are altered , all property belonging to the college ( other than the

are altered,

property to land comprised in the aforesaid lease ) shall thereupon vest in the Colonial

vest in the

Colonial Secretary, to be by him transferred to such person as the statutes when


altered may direct.

Commence 6. This Ordinance shall commence on the passing thereof, and may

inent. Short

title. be cited for all purposes as " The St. Paul's College Ordinance, 1875."

ORDINANCE No. 7 OF 1875 . 1377

St. Paul's College.

Statutes, as modified on the 26th July, 1875, under Ordinance No. 7 of 1875,

ofthe Missionary Institution at Hongkong called St. Paul's

College. Gazetted 10th January, 1876.


A missionary college having been founded at Victoria, in the island of Hongkong,

principally by the pious liberality of a " Brother and Sister " and by a grant from the

Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, aided by sums from various individual

donors, and the status of the Episcopate in Hongkong having recently undergone a

change which renders an alteration of the college statutes inevitable, the following

modified statutes for the general government and internal regulation of the institution

are now promulgated in the place of the original statutes which received the sanction

of His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury upon the 15th day of October, 1849.


1. St. Paul's College at Victoria is primarily founded for the object of training a

body of native clergy and Christian teachers for the propagation of the Gospel in China

according to the principles of the United Church of England and Ireland , and under

the immediate control of a warden appointed by His Grace the Archbishop of

Canterbury . It shall, however, be lawful to admit to the benefits of the college such

students, European as well as Native, as being educated in conformity with the doctrine

and discipline of the Church of England , shall afford , in the judgment of the warden ,

the hope of their diffusing through their example and influence the blessing of

Christianity and civilization .


2. All sums of money and books already given and property of every kind hereafter

to be given, transferred , or bequeathed to the purposes of the college , shall be vested ,

for the benefit of the said college, in the Archbishop of Canterbury and his successors

and in the warden of the college for the time being, and in the Archbishop alone during

a vacancy in the office of warden .


3. The present warden of the college is the Right Reverend John Shaw Burdon ,

Bishop : he may resign his office by letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury : and may

be removed at any time by writing under the hand of the Archbishop. The

Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being shall have the nomination and appointment

of all future wardens : and the wardens so appointed may resign their office by letter

as aforesaid, and may in like manner be removed at any time by writing under the

hand of the Archbishop .

1378 ORDINANCE No. 7 OF 1875 .

St. Paul's College.


4. The government and entire control of the college is vested in the warden ,

except so far as any jurisdiction or authority may be by him delegated to a sub- warden

or others. Upon questions of grave importance, a reference may nevertheless be made

to the Archbishop of Canterbury, whose decision shall be final. The warden shall

forward to the Archbishop annual reports of the progress of the college, and of the

state of the buildings, funds, and other property.


5. The course of instruction shall be carried on under the superintendence of the

warden by tutors, English and Chinese -the former to be in holy orders or at least

communicants of the Church of England . All such officers as that of sub- warden or

tutor are in the appointment of the warden . The stipend of such offices shall be

defrayed from the funds of the college, or from any endowment specially contributed

for their support, assisted by such payments for tuition as the students may hereafter

be expected to contribute or by such annual grants as the local British Government or

any public society may be willing to make.


6. The course of education shall ordinarily comprise the usual branches of

instruction in languages, literature, science, divinity and sacred history, together with

the study of the language and literature of China.



7. Inasmuch as occasion may arise in future years for altering the statutes of the

college and for providing a more detailed system of statutes than is now necessary, it

shall be lawful for the Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being in conjunction

with the warden of the college from time to time to alter and repeal the existing

statutes of the college and to frame new statutes if they think fit, either in addition to,

or in substitution for, any statutes then in force.

In pursuance of the powers vested in us by " St. Paul's College Ordinance, 1875,"

we have modified the existing statutes of the college in manner above appearing : and

we do declare that the statutes above written are the statutes of St. Paul's College ,

and that they shall continue so to be until altered in manner hereinbefore prescribed .





J Acting Colonial Secretary.

ORDINANCE No. 8 CF 1875 . 1379


No. 8 of 1875 .

An Ordinance for licensing small Passenger Steamers and for other Title.

purposes .

[ 13th July, 1875. ]

HEREAS it is expedient to regulate the number of passengers to be carried by Preamble.

W small steam vessels, and to guard against accidents thereon from overloading,

or from defective machinery: Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of Hongkong ,

with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. It shall not be lawful for any steam vessel of less than one hundred tons burden Steam vessels

under 100 tons

not to carry

to carry passengers for hire within the waters of the Colony, or to any place outside the passengers for

hire without

waters of the Colony, unless she has obtained a licence as hereinafter provided . licence.

2. The Harbour Master may issue to steam vessels of less than one hundred tons The Harbour

Master to issue


burden licences for carrying passengers upon the conditions prescribed by such

regulations relating thereto as are for the time being in force.

3. The regulations contained in the schedule hereto shall take effect from the Regulations.

commencement of this Ordinance and shall continue in force until altered or repealed

as hereinafter provided .

4. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, alter, amend, or repeal the Alteration or

repeal of regula


said regulations or any of them, and may, make other regulations as occasion requires.

Every new regulation and every alteration, amendment or repeal of an existing

regulation shall be published in the Government, Gazette, and after such publication

shall have the force of law.

5. If any steam vessel licensed under this Ordinance carries within the waters of Penalty for

carrying pas

the Colony more passengers than her licence allows, the owner or master thereof shall sengers in excess

of the licence.

be liable to a penalty not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars.

6. If any unlicensed steam vessel of less than one hundred tons burden arrives Penalty for


steamer arriving

in the waters of the Colony carrying more passengers in proportion to her size than with excessive

number of pas

she would be licensed to carry under the regulations for the time being in force under sengers.

this Ordinance, the master thereof shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred


7. Any person offending against the regulations in force for the time being under Offences against


this Ordinance, shall be liable, on conviction thereof, to a penalty not exceeding fifty


8. All penalties for offences against this Ordinance may be recovered in a summary Penalties.

way before a Police Magistrate or the Marine Magistrate.

9. This Ordinance shall come into operation on a day to be hereafter proclaimed Commencement.

by the Governor, and may be cited for all purposes as " The Steam - Launch Ordinance, Short title.


1380 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1875 .



1. The owner of any steam vessel of less than one hundred tons burden desirous of obtaining a

licence to carry passengers for hire within the waters of the Colony, or to any place outside of the

waters of the Colony , shall cause the said vessel to be surveyed by a Marine Surveyor and by an Engineer

Surveyor both of whom shall be persons approved by the Government.

2. The certificate of the Marine Surveyor shall contain statements of the following particulars :

a . That the hull , length- breadth depth tens, is sufficient for the service

intended , and in good condition.

b. The number of passengers which the vessel is fit to carry, being, for vessels plying beyond

the waters of the Colony, at the rate of ten superficial feet of the upper or weather deck,

and, at the rate of ten superficial feet of the deck immediately below the upper deck, for

each passenger and member of the crew ; and for vessels plying within the waters of the

Colony, at the rate of seven superficial feet per passenger and member of the crew.

c. That the master possesses a certificate of competency from the Harbour Master of Hongkong.

d. That provision is on board for the shelter of deck passengers, and that there are two approved

life buoys on board.

e. That the vessel carrying passengers outside the waters of the Colony has boats sufficient

for the accommodation of half of the number of passengers and crew which the vessel is

certified to carry .

f. That the vessel is properly fitted with bow and masthead lights and also a riding light.

g. That the vessel is properly found with anchors and chains.

h. That the crew is sufficient for the requirements of the vessel in the opinion of the Harbour


3. The certificate of the Engineer Surveyor shall contain statements of the following particular :

a. That the machinery and boiler of the vessel are sufficient for the service intended, and in

good condition, and that the safety valve is so constructed as to be out of the control

the engineer when the steam is up and is not loaded beyond the pressure permitted by the

Engineer Surveyor's certificate.

b. The time for which such machinery will be sufficient.

c. That the engineer of the vessel possesses a certificate of competency from the Harbor Master

of Hongkong.

4. Such certificates shall be in force for a period of six months.

5. On the receipt of the before-mentioned certificates, the Harbour Master will cause a licence to

be issued to the owner or master empowering the therein described vessel to convey the number of

passengers certified to on the Marine Surveyor's declaration for a period of six months.

6. Every steam vessel licensed under this Ordinance, shall, when under weigh between sunset and

sunrise, exhibit a green light on the starboard bow, and a red light on the port bow, and a bright light

at least 10 feet above the coloured lights.

7. Every such steam vessel shall exhibit a bright light at night at least 10 feet above the rail.

8. Every vessel licensed under this Ordinance shall have her name in English and in Chinese

legibly painted on her stern and on each bow, together with the number of passengers she is licensed to


9. The Engineer Surveyor and Marine Surveyor shall be entitled to a fee of five dollars each for

each certificate of survey, recoverable from the owner of the vessel.

10. Vessels plying for hire within the waters of the Colony shall pay a licence fee at the rate of $5

per annum , and vessels plying for hire outside the waters of the Colony shall pay a licence fee at the

rate of $ 10 per annum. These fees shall be payable half-yearly.

[ In force from 2nd August, 1875, by proclamation of the 29th July, 1875 :

Repealed by Ordinance No. 8 of 1879. ]

ORDINANCE No. 9 of 1875 . 1381

Naval Stores.

No. 9 of 1875.

An Ordinance for the more effectual Protection of Her Majesty's Title.

Naval Stores.

[ 13th July, 1875. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong , with the advice of the Preamble.


Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. This Ordinance may be cited as " The Naval Stores Ordinance , Short title.

( Hongkong ) 1875. "

2. In this Ordinance : Interpreta

tion of terms.

The term " The Admiralty " means the Lord High Admiral " The Admi


of the United Kingdom , or the Commissioners for executing

the office of Lord High Admiral, and shall be deemed to include

the officer in command of Her Majesty's naval forces in the


The term " Dealer in Marine Stores " means a person " Dealer in


dealing in buying and selling anchors, cables , sails, or old junk , Stores."

old iron, or marine stores of any description .

The term " Dealer in Old Metals " shall mean any person " Dealer in

Old Metals."

dealing in buying and selling old metal, scrap metal , broken

metal, or partly manufactured metal goods, or defaced or old

metal goods , and whether such person deals in such articles

only, or together with second hand goods or marine stores ;

and the term " Old Metal " shall mean the said articles .

The term " In Her Majesty's Service, " when applied to "In Her


persons, applies also to persons in the employment of the Service."


The term " Stores " includes all goods and chattels and "Stores."

any single store or article.

3. No person shall , after the commencement of this Ordinance, use Licence to

carry on the

or exercise the trade or business of a dealer in marine stores , or a dealer trade of a

dealer in ma

in old metals, unless he be the holder of a licence for that purpose . rine stores or

old metal


4. Every such licence shall be granted by and held at the discretion Licences to

be granted by

of the Governor on such conditions as to fees and subject to such regula- the Governor

subject, &c.

tions as shall, from time to time, be prescribed by the Governor in


1382 ORDINANCE No. 9 OF 1875 ..

Naval Stores.

Holder of 5. Every dealer in marine stores to whom a licence shall have been

licence to keep

books, &c. granted shall keep a book or books fairly written, and shall enter therein

an account of all such marine stores , or old metal , as he may, from time

to time, become possessed of, stating in respect of each article the time

at which and the person from whom he purchased or received the same ,

adding in the case of every such last mentioned person a description of

his business and place of abode .

Inspection of 6. Every person to whom such licence shall have been granted shall ,

goods, books,

&c. whensoever thereunto required by any Superintendent or Inspector of

Police, or by any other member of the Police force, bearing a written

order in that behalf under the hand of a Superintendent, produce for the

inspection of the party so requiring him all or any marine stores or old

metal in his possession , or subject to his control, and all books and

papers relating to the same.

Penalties. 7. If any person acts in contravention of the provisions contained

in sections 3 , 5 , or 6, or any regulation made under section 4 , he shall

be liable, on summary conviction before a Magistrate, to a penalty not

exceeding two hundred dollars, or to be imprisoned for any term not

exceeding three months , with or without hard labour.

Marks in 8. The marks described in the schedule to this Ordinance may be


appropriated applied in or on stores therein described to denote Her Majesty's property

for Her

Majesty's in stores so marked.


It shall be lawful for the Admiralty , their contractors , officers, and

workmen, to apply the said marks, or any of them, in or on any such

stores as are described in the said schedule.

Imitation a

misdemeanor. If any person, without lawful authority (proof of which authority

shall lie on the party accused ) , applies any of the said marks in or on

any such stores, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable

to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without

hard labour.

Obliteration 9. If any person , with intent to conceal Her Majesty's property in

with intent to

conceal Her

Majesty's pro any stores, takes out, destroys, or obliterates , wholly or in part , any such

perty, felony. mark as aforesaid , he shall be guilty of felony, and shall be liable, in the

discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any term not

exceeding four years, or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding

two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without solitary


ORDINANCE No. 9 OF 1875 . 1383

Naval Stores.

10. If stores are found in the possession or keeping of a person Penalty on

dealer &c.,

being in Her Majesty's service, or in the service of the Admiralty , or found in

possession of

being a dealer in marine stores , or in old metals , or a pawnbroker ( within stores, and not


the meaning of any enactments for the time being in force relating to for them.

such dealers, or to pawnbrokers ) , and he is taken or summoned before a

Magistrate, and the Magistrate sees reasonable grounds for believing the

stores found to be or to have been Her Majesty's property, then if such

person does not satisfy the Magistrate that he came lawfully by the

stores found, he shall be liable, on summary conviction before a Magis

trate , to a penalty not exceeding twenty- five dollars .

For the purposes of this section , stores shall be deemed to be in the

possession or keeping of any person, if he knowingly has them in the

actual possession or keeping of any other person , or in any house, building,

lodging, apartment, field, or place, open or inclosed , whether occupied

by himself or not , and whether the same are so had for his own use or

benefit, or for the use or benefit of another.

No unauthor

11. It shall not be lawful for any person, without permission in

ized person to

writing from the Admiralty, or from some person authorized by the creep, sweep,

&c., for stores

Admiralty in that behalf ( proof of which permission shall lie on the party within 100

yards of any

accused ) , to gather or search for stores, or to creep, sweep, or dredge, in of Her


the harbour of Victoria within one hundred yards from any vessel belong vessels, &c.

ing to Her Majesty, or in Her Majesty's service, or from any mooring

place or anchoring place appropriated to such vessels , or from any

moorings belonging to Her Majesty, or , from any of Her Majesty's

wharves, or dock, victualling, or steam factory yards.

If any person acts in contravention of this provision , he shall

be liable, on summary conviction before a Magistrate, to a penalty not

exceeding twenty -five dollars , or to be imprisoned for any term not

exceeding three months, with or without hard labour.

12. The following sections of Ordinance No. 7 of 1865 being " An Sections 81.

82, 83 , 86, 88.

Ordinance to consolidate and amend the Enactments in force in this 90 to 99 of


Colony relating to Larceny and other similar Offences, " shall be incor No. 7 of 1865 ,


porated with this Ordinance, and shall , for the purposes of this Ordinance , with this


be read as if they were here re- enacted , namely , sections 81 to 83 , 86, 88,

and 90 to 99 all inclusive ; and for this purpose the expression " this

Ordinance," when used in the said incorporated sections, shall be taken


to include the present Ordinance.

1384 ORDINANCE No. 9 OF 1875 .

Naval Stores.

Not to pre

vent persons 13. Nothing in this Ordinance shall prevent any person from being


under this indicted under this Ordinance or otherwise for any indictable offence


ke. made punishable on summary conviction by this Ordinance, or prevent

any person from being liable under any other Ordinance or otherwise to

any other or higher penalty or punishment than is provided for any

offence by this Ordinance so that no person be punished twice for the

same offence .

Repeal. 14. "The Naval and Victualling Stores Ordinance (Hongkong )

1867 " is hereby repealed , but this repeal shall not affect any offence , act ,

or thing committed or done before the commencement of this Ordinance ."


Marks appropriated for Her Majesty's use in or on Naval and

Victualling Stores.


Hempen cordage and wire rope,. White, black, or coloured worsted threads

laid up with the yarns and the wire


Canvas, fearnought, hammocks, and sea

men's bags, A blue line in a serpentine form.


Bunting, A double tape in the warp.

Candles, Blue or red cotton threads in each wick,

or wicks of red cotton.

Timber, metal, and other stores not before,

enumerated. The Broad Arrow.

Regulations made by the Administrator in Council, the 14th day of

October, 1875, under Ordinance No. 9 of 1875.

1. The fee for each licence to use or exercise the trade or business of a dealer in

marine stores, or a dealer in old metals, shall be $ 15 per mensem , payable in advance.

2. All persons who shall trade or deal in marine stores or old metals shall have

their names with words " Dealer in Marine Stores , or Old Metals " painted distinctly, in

letters not less than 3 inches in length on a board to be hung up conspicuously in front

of their shops .

ORDINANCE No. 9 OF 1875 . 1385

Naval Stores.

3. The said houses may only be open from the 1st October to the 1st April from 6

A.M. to 6 P.M., and from the 1st April to the 1st October from 5 A.M. to 7 P.M.

4. No article of metal, or any marine store, shall be purchased from a child appar

ently under 14 years of age.

5. The name of every seller, the house number, name of street, and district in which

he dwells together with an intelligible description of the article and time at which it was

sold , with price paid, shall be entered in the books of the shop, which shall be kept in

the form and manner hereinafter shown in form A-or in such other form as the Governor

may direct.

6. No escapes through the roof of a licensed house shall be allowed.

7. No other trade or business shall be carried on in a licensed marine or old metal



No. of Name of Residence and Nature Price

Date or Time. Business.

Purchase. Seller. No. of Street. of Goods . Paid.

址 住


月 某 生 貨是 若價

名姓者賣 | 意 名 街

頭號 時 物何 干銀

日 年 牌 門

Order of the Governor in Council of the 21st day of June, 1877.

Whereas by " The Naval Stores Ordinance (Hongkong) 1875 ," it is enacted that no

person should, after the commencement of that Ordinance, use or exercise the trade or

business of

dealer in marine stores , or a dealer in old metals, unless he be a holder of

a licence for that purpose ; and that every such licence should be granted by and held at

the discretion of the Governor, on such conditions as to fees, and subject to such regula

tions, as should, from time to time, be prescribed by the Governor in Council . Now,

therefore, His Excellency JOHN POPE HENNESSY, Esquire, C.M.G., in Council, by virtue

of the powers in that behalf by the recited Ordinance or otherwise in him vested , is

pleased to order that the regulations made by His Excellency Sir RICHARD GRAVES

MACDONNELL in Council, on the 28th day of September, 1867, under " The Naval and

Victualling Stores Ordinance ( Hongkong ) 1867 ," shall remain and continue in force

under the said recited Ordinance of 1875, until further notice.

1386 ORDINANCES Nos. 9 AND 10 OF 1875 .

Naval Stores. Legislative Commissioners.

The following are the regulations which are continued in force by the above Order

in Council :

1. The fee for each licence to use or exercise the trade or business of a dealer

in marine stores, or a dealer in old metals, shall be $ 15 per mensem, pay

able in advance .

2. All persons who shall trade or deal in marine stores, or old metals , shall

have their names with the words " Dealer in Marine Stores, or Old Metals ,"

painted distinctly, in letters not less than 33 inches in length, on a board

to be hung up conspicuously in front of their shops.

3. The said houses may only be open, from the 1st October to the 1st April,

from 6 A.M. to 6 P.M.; and from the 1st April to the 1st October, from 5

A.M. to 7 P.M.

4. No article of metal, or any marine store, shall be purchase from a child

apparently under 14 years of age.

5. The name of every seller, the house number, and district in which he dwells ,

together with an intelligible description of the article and time at which it

was sold, with price paid, shall be entered in the books of the shop, which

shall be kept in such form and manner as may, from time to time, be


directed by the Captain Superintendent of Police.

6. No escapes through the roof of a licensed house shall be allowed.

7. The proprietor of each licensed house shall be held responsible for any breach

of these regulations , or of the Ordinance.

No. 10 of 1875 .

Title. An Ordinance for compiling a new Edition of the Ordinances of the

[See Ordinances

Nos. 6 and 17 of Colony.


[ 2nd September, 1875. ]

Preamble. HEREAS it is expedient to prepare a new edition of the Ordinances of Hong

W kong omitting all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances that have expired, have

had their effect, or have been expressly repealed or disallowed : -Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Authority to 1. It shall be lawful for the Governor to issue his commission to any two or more

Governor to

appoint com-. persons directing and empowering them to prepare a new edition of the Ordinances of

missioners to

compile and Hongkong, and, from time to time, in case of the death, refusal, or incapacity to act of

print the law


any of the said commissioners, to issue a supplemental commission empowering some

other person to act in the stead of such commissioner.

Commissioners 2. The commissioners are hereby authorised to prepare and arrange for publica

to prepare and

arrange Laws for

publication and tion the said edition , omitting all such Ordinances, sections, and parts of Ordinances

ORDINANCES Nos . 10 AND 11 OF 1875 . 1387

Legislative Commissioners. Extradition.

as have expired, have been repealed , or have had their effect, (including Appropriation to omit all

expired, repealed

Ordinances, &c.

Ordinances) ; omitting all sections which repeal Ordinances, or parts of Ordinances, as

well as the Ordinances and parts of Ordinances repealed, and omitting all schedules of

repealed Ordinances.

The commissioners are also hereby authorised to insert into Ordinances any amend

ments made by later Ordinances without taking notice of the fact of such amendments

having been made, and to omit the amending Ordinances or parts of Ordinances.

3. Such edition, when arranged and prepared for publication, shall be transmitted Commissioners

to send to

printer and

by the commissioners to such person as the Governor may appoint to print the same; arrange for

correcting proof,

and the commissioners shall make such arrangements for correcting the proof, and &c.

otherwise insuring the accuracy of the publication , as they think necessary.

4. Every copy of the said edition shall bear on the title page the words-“ Published Every copy to

be authenti

cated ; and

by Authority under the Provisions of Ordinance No. 10 of 1875 " and the copies so copies to be

taken as the only

authenticated shall, in all courts and upon all occasions whatsoever, be taken , deemed Ordinances of

the Colony.

and held to be the only lawful Ordinances of Hongkong, as they existed at the date of

the passing of the last Ordinance inserted therein : Provided always, that nothing in Proviso.

this Ordinance contained shall apply to any operation already effected by, or act done

under, any Ordinance omitted in the said copies, or to any right, title, obligation, or

liability acquired or accrued under any such Ordinance.

5. The commissioners shall , after the printing of the copies aforesaid, see that the Copies to be

delivered to

Colonial Secre

type is distributed , and shall cause the printed copies to be placed in the hands of the tary for disposal.

Colonial Secretary, to be disposed of in such manner as the Governor may direct.

6. It shall be lawful for the Governor to issue his warrant upon the Treasury for Provision for


to clerk and

such sum as he shall deem a reasonable remuneration for the clerk to be employed by expenses of

carrying into

the said commissioners, and also for such other charges and expenses as shall have been effect this


necessarily incurred, in and about the carrying into effect the provisions of this


Short title.

7. This Ordinance may be cited as " The Legislative Commissioners Ordinance,


[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 31 of 1886 and see Ordinances Nos . 6 and 17 of 1889. ]

No. 11 of 1875.

An Ordinance to provide for the more convenient administra- Title.

tion of "The Extradition Acts, 1870 and 1873."

[ 2nd September, 1875. ]

HEREAS by the Act of the Imperial Parliament known as " The Preamble.


Extradition Act , 1870 " it is amongst other things enacted that

the said Act when applied by Order in Council , shall , unless it is other

1388 ORDINANCE No. 11 of 1875.


wise provided by such order, extend to every British possession , but

with the following among other modifications ; namely : —

No warrant of a Secretary of State shall be required , and

all powers vested in, or acts authorised or required to be dore

under the said Act by the Police Magistrate and the Secretary

of State, or either of them, in relation to the surrender of a

fugitive criminal , may be done by the Governor of the British

possession alone ;

and any prison in the British possession may be substituted for a prison

in Middlesex .

And whereas by the said Act it is also enacted that :

If by any law or Ordinance made before or after the passing of the

said Act, by the legislature of any British possession , provision is made

for carrying into effect, within such possession , the surrender of fugitive

criminals who are in, or suspected of being in such British possession ,

Her Majesty may, by the Order in Council applying the said Act in the

case of any foreign state , or by any subsequent order, either

Suspend the operation within any such British possession

of the said Act, or any part thereof, so far as it relates to such

foreign state, and as so long as such law or Ordinance continues

in force there, and no longer ;

Or direct that such law or Ordinance, or any part thereof,

shall have effect in such British possession , with or without

modifications and alterations , as if it were part of the said Act .

And whereas by another Act of the Imperial Parliament known as

" The Extradition Act of 1873 " it is enacted that the said Act shall be

construed as one with " The Extradition Act, 1870 , " and that the said

two Acts may be cited together as " The Extradition Acts, 1870 and 1873."

And whereas it is expedient to provide a more convenient method

of administering " The Extradition Acts , 1870 and 1873 " in this Colony :

Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the


advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Short title.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as " The Extradition Ordinance

( Hongkong) , 1875."

Powers of the 2. All powers vested in , or acts authorised or required to be done

Secretary of

State to be under " The Extradition Acts, 1870 and 1873 " by the Secretary of State,

exercised by

the Governor. in relation to the surrender of a fugitive criminal, may, in respect to this

Colony, be exercised and done by the Governor.

ORDINANCE No. 11 or 1875 . 1389


Powers of the

3. All powers vested in, or acts authorised or required to be done.

Police Magis

under " The Extradition Acts , 1870 and 1873 " by the Police Magistrate , trate to beby


in relation to the surrender of a fugitive criminal, may , in respect to this the Police

Magistrates of

Colony , be exercised and done by any Police Magistrate of the Colony. the Colony.


4. Victoria Gaol shall be a prison for the purposes of this Ordinance

and " The Extradition Acts , 1870 and 1873."


5. This Ordinance shall take effect on a day to be hereafter proclaimed ment.

by the Governor.

[In force from the 18th September, 1875, by proclamation of the 16th September, 1875,

proclaimed also to be inforce from 10th April, 1876, by proclamation ofsame date . ]

Order of Her Majesty in Council dated the 20th day of March, 1877.

Whereas by section 18 of " The Extradition Act, 1870, " it is, among other things,

"enacted , that if by any law made before or after the passing of the said Act by the

"Legislature of any British possession provision is made for carrying into effect within

"such possession the surrender of fugitive criminals who are in or suspected of being in

"such British possession, Her Majesty may, by the Order in Council applying the said

"Act in the case of any Foreign State or by any subsequent order, either

" Suspend the operation within any such British possession of the said Act, or

"of any part thereof, so far as it relates to such Foreign State, and so long

"as such law continues in force there, and no longer :

"Or direct that such law or Ordinance, or any part thereof, shall have effect in

" such British possession, with or without modifications and alterations, as

"if it were part of the said Act : "

And whereas by a certain Ordinance enacted in the year 1875 by the Governor of

Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, and numbered 11 of the

said year, the short title of which is " The Extradition Ordinance ( Hongkong) , 1875,"

provision is made that all powers vested in, or acts authorized or required to be done,

under the Acts of the Imperial Parliament known as the " Extradition Acts, 1870 and

1873," by the Secretary of State or by the Police Magistrate, in relation to the surrender

of a fugitive criminal , which by the said Imperial Acts are in respect of British possessions

vested in or required to be done by the Governor alone, may, in respect of the Colony of

Hongkong, be exercised and done by the Governor or the Police Magistrate of the Colony

respectively :

And whereas the said Ordinance has been confirmed and allowed by Her Majesty :

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, in pursuance of " The Extradition Act, 1870, " and in

exercise of the power in that behalf in the said Act contained, doth by this present order,

by and with the advice of Her Majesty's Privy Council, direct that the said " Extradition

Ordinance (Hongkong) , 1875 ," shall have effect in the Colony of Hongkong, without

modification or alteration, as if it were part of " The Extradition Act , 1870. "

And the Right Honourable the Earl of Carnarvon, one of Her Majesty's Principal

Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directions herein accordingly.

1390 ORDINANCE No. 12 OF 1875.


No. 12 of 1875 .

Title. An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the Ordinances relating to the

Assessment and Collection of Rates in the Colony.

[ 7th September, 1875. ]

Preamble. HEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the Ordinances relating to the

W assessment and collection of rates in Hongkong : Be it enacted by the Governor

of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Short title.

1. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as "The Rating Ordinance ,


Interpretation. 2. In this Ordinance :

The term " City of Victoria " means the City of Victoria as bounded and

defined under the provisions of the " Victoria Registration Ordinance,


The term " Tenement " means any land, with or without buildings, which is

held or occupied as a distinct holding or tenancy ; and includes piers and

wharves erected in the harbour.

The term " Owner " means the holder of any tenement direct from the Crown

whether under lease, licence or otherwise, or the immediate landlord of

any tenement, or the agent of any such holder or landlord who is absent

or under disability.

Valuation - Appeal.

Appointment 3. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, appoint one or more valuers

of valuers.

[5 of 1863 s. 3. ]

for the purposes of this Ordinance, and may allow them such remuneration as he

thinks fit.

Valuation of

tenements to be 4. The valuers so appointed shall, in each year, before such day as the Governor


[5 of 1863 secs. 3 in Council directs, make or cause to be made a valuation of the tenements in the

and 4.)

Colony, or of such part thereof as the Governor in Council directs.

Adoption of 5. The Governor in Counci may, in any year, adopt any existing valuation , either


valuation for

the ensuing wholly or in part, as the valuation for the ensuing year, or for any part thereof ;


[5 of 1863 s. 4.] and in such case shall cause notice of such adoption and of the extent thereof to be

published in the Gazette before the day for completing the valuation .

Any existing valuation so adopted shall, for the purposes of appeal , be considered

as a new valuation.

Powers of

valuers. 6. Any valuer may require the owner or occupier of any tenement to furnish him

[5 of 1863 s. 5.]

with the particulars specified in the headings to form A in the schedule hereto ; and

May, from time to time, enter into and upon any tenement for the purpose of

making a valuation thereof ; and

ORDINANCE No. 12 of 1875 . 1391


If the owner or occupier refuse to allow him to enter any tenement, he may give

to such owner or occupier written notice requiring permission to enter ; and after

twenty-four hours from the delivery of such notice may, at any time during the day

time, enter into and upon the said tenements and inspect the same and, if necessary,

may use force to effect his entry, doing no more damage than is necessary for the


Such notice may be given in the form B in the schedule hereto .

7. If any owner or occupier of a tenement refuses or neglects to furnish the Penalties.

[5 of 1863 s. 5.]

aforesaid particulars within one week after being required to do so ;

Or knowingly furnishes false or incorrect particulars ;

Or prevents, hinders, or obstructs any valuer from entering or inspecting any


tenement after delivery of such notice and after the lapse of twenty-four hours ;

He shall, on conviction in a summary way, be liable to a penalty not exceeding one

hundred dollars .

8. The valuers shall cause every tenement to be separately valued , and shall make Mode of


the valuation thereof by estimating the gross annual rent at which such tenement may [♪ of 1863 s. 6. ]

reasonably be expected to let for the ensuing year.

In estimating the value of a tenement the value of any machinery contained therein

shall not be included.

9. As soon as the said valuation is completed , the valuers shall make out a list , List of


divided into districts , of the several tenements valued, and of their respective valuations , [5 of 1863 s. 9.)

and shall deliver the same to the Colonial Secretary, not later than seven days after

the day for completing the valuation .

The valuers shall also make and subscribe, in the presence ofthe Colonial Secretary, To be verified by


a declaration to the effect that the said list contains a true account of all valuations

made by the declarants, and that the same is, to the best of their knowledge and belief,

correct in all other particulars.

10. In making out the said list, the valuers shall distinguish all religious edifices, Religions edifices

and public build

ings to be

hospitals, and cemeteries, and all tenements, and portions of tenements of a public distinguished in

the list, and

nature or used for charitable purposes, or which are used and maintained for the exemptfrom


purposes of science, literature, or fine arts exclusively, and not for pecuniary profit : [5 of 1863 s. 7.]

and all such edifices, hospitals, cemeteries, and tenements, or portions of tenements ,

shall be exempt from assessment and from the payment of rates.

11. The valuers shall, not later than seven days after the day for completing the Notice of the

valuation to be

given to each

valuation , leave or cause to be left with the occupier of every tenement, or with some tenement.

person resident therein, notice in writing of such valuation having been made and of

the amount thereof.

Such notice may be given in the form C in the schedule bereto ;

But the omission to leave such notice upon any tenement shall not invalidate the

valuation thereof, or relieve any person from payment of the rates.

1392 ORDINANCE No. 12 of 1875 .


The list to be 12. The said list , or an examined copy thereof, shall be open to public inspection

open for

inspection at the

Colonial at the Colonial Treasury during office hours for fourteen days of which notice shall be


previously given in the Gazette.

Any owner or occupier of any tenement included in the said list may take any

extract therefrom without payment.

List to be 13. The Colonial Secretary shall cause copies to be made in English and Chinese

exhibited in

country districts.

of the list for each country district, and shall cause the copies to be exhibited in a

conspicuous place in the principal village of each district during the fourteen days last

above mentioned .

Appeal from 14. If any person feels himself aggrieved by such list on the ground that he is


15 of 1863 s. 11.] thereby rated for any tenement for which he is not rateable under this Ordinance ;

Or that any tenement for which he is rateable is valued beyond its full and fair

annual rental;

Or that any person or any tenement that ought to be inserted in such list is omitted

therefrom ;

Or that any tenement of any person is valued therein below its full and fair annual

rental ;

The person so aggrieved may, not later than fourteen days after the last day upon

which the list is open for inspection, appeal to the Supreme Court in its summary

jurisdiction .

Notice ofappeal. 15. The appellant shall give to the valuers notice in writing of his intention to

[5 of 1863 s. 11.]

appeal, and of the ground of appeal, seven days at the least before the holding of the

Court at which the appeal is to be heard ;

And when the ground of appeal is that any person or any tenement is omitted

from the said list, or that the tenement of any person is inserted therein below its full

and fair annual value, the appellant shall also give the like notice of appeal to the

person interested in the result of the appeal, and such person may be heard upon the


Hearing of 16. The Court, upon proof of due notice having been given , shall hear and


[5 of 1863 s. 11.]

determine the matter of the appeal in a summary way, and may make such order

therein as it thinks proper, with or without costs to any party ; and may direct the

officer of the Court to amend the said list in such manner as the Court directs ; and

the officer shall forthwith, in open Court, make the necessary amendments.

The determination of the Court shall be final and conclusive.


The Governor in 17. After the time for appealing has expired, the Governor in Council shall

Council to fix the

rates of examine the said list, or amended list , and assess all tenements mentioned therein, in


[5 of 1863 s. 12.]

the sums necessary to be levied in the ensuing year for the purposes of police , lighting,

water and fire brigade rates ; but so that the Police assessment do not, in any year,

exceed a rate equal to the expenses of the Police establishment for such year, and so

that the other assessments do not exceed :

ORDINANCE No. 12 of 1875 . 1393


For the water rate, two per centum on the gross annual rental of the several [12 of 1830 s. 4.]

tenements assessed ;

For the lighting rate, one and a half per centum on the said gross annual rental ; [5 of 1863 s. 12.]

For the fire brigade rate, three quarters per centum on the said gross annual [4 of 1868 s. 8.]


13. The Governor in Council shall, on the above scale, assess all tenements situate Rates in the City

of Victoria.

in the City of Victoria, to all the above mentioned rates.

Police rate in

19. The Governor in Council may assess to the Police rate at a certain fixed country districts.

[5 of 1863 s. 18.]

amount any tenement situate outside the City of Victoria ; but so that the amount

assessed do not exceed the sum for which the tenement would have been liable if situate

within the City.

Rates to be

20. The said rates shall be assessed as from the first day of January in each year, assessed for a

year, and payable

or from such other day as the Governor in Council may appoint ; and though assessed in advance.

15 of 1853 s. 12,

separately, shall be levied as one rate, and shall be paid in advance at the Colonial 13 and 11 of 1867

s. 3.3

Treasury at such times as the Governor in Council may appoiut. The Governor in

Council shall appoint the days of payment at the time of assessing the rates, and shall

forthwith cause the rate of assessment and the days of payment to be published in the


Valuation of improved tenements.

Valuation of new

21. The Governor in Council may, at any time, direct the valuers to make a buildings.

valuation of any tenement within the Colony, upon which buildings have been erected

or completed, or to which other improvements have been added after the valuers have

made out the aforesaid list.

22. The valuers shall make such valuation in the manner hereinbefore prescribed, Mode of


and may exercise similar powers of entry and inspection , and shall notify to the Colonial

Secretary the amount of such valuation when made. The valuers shall also , without

delay, leave or cause to be left with the occupier of the tenement, or with some person

resident therein, notice in writing of such valuation having been made, and of the

amount thereof.

Such notice may be given in the form C in the schedule hereto.

The tenement shall not be liable to be assessed until such notice is left.

23. If any person feels himself aggrieved by such valuation, on the ground that Ap , cal rem


the tenement is not rateable under this Ordinance, or that the tenement is valued

beyond its full and fair annual rental, the person so aggrieved may, not later than

fourteen days after the said notice is left, appeal to the Supreme Court in its summary

jurisdiction .

24. The appellant shall give to the valuers notice in writing of his intention to Notice of appeal.

appeal, and of the ground of appeal, seven days, at the least, before the bolding of the

Court at which the appeal is to be heard.

1394 ORDINANCE No. 12 of 1875 .


Hearing of 25. The court, upon proof of due notice having been given, shall hear and


determine the matter of the appeal in a summary way, and shall make such order

therein as it thinks proper, with or without costs to either party.

The determination of the Court shall be final and conclusive.

A copy of the order made by the Court shall be forwarded to the Colonial Secretary.

Assessment of 26. After the time for appealing has expired, the Governor in Council shall assess


the tenement in the sum proper be levied thereon in the current year for the purposes

of the aforesaid rates according to the scale hereinbefore prescribed .

Payment. 27. The rates so assessed shall be first paid on the next day appointed for the

payment of rates, and shall thereafter continue to be payable as if they were included

in the general list .


Rates to be an 23. The owners and occupiers of all tenements shall be liable to the Crown for

occupier's tax.

[11 of 1857 s. 3.] payment of the rates assessed thereon , but the same shall be deemed an occupier's

tax ; and, as between the owner and occupier of any tenement, shall, in the absence of

any agreement to the contrary, be borne by the occupier ; and the amount thereof, if

paid by the owner, may be recovered by him from the occupier in an action for money

paid to his use, or, if he is still in occupation of the tenement, by distress in the same

manner as for rent at common law.

• Application 29. The rates paid into the Colonial Treasury shall be applied in payment of the

of rates.

Police establishment and of the expenses connected therewith ;

In payment of the expenses connected with lighting the City of Victoria ;

In maintaining the water works and in payment of the expenses connected there

with ;

And in maintaining the fire brigade, and in payment of the expenses connected


Recovery of 30. If any person fail to pay any rates for which he is liable, upon the day notified


[11 of 1867 s. 4.] in the Gazette as the day for payment, the Colonial Treasurer may recover the same

See Ordinance 13

of 1875.

by suit in the summary jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, together with interest at

the rate of twelve per centum per annum until the day of payment.

Refund of rates 31. Whenever any tenement is unoccupied during any quarter or other period in

for uninhabited


[11 of 1867 8. 5.] respect of which the rates upon such tenements were paid in advance, or during any

one or more entire months of such period , or an amount proportioned to the months

when the tenement was unoccupied .

Mode of obtain 32. Such refund may be obtained in the following manner :

ing refund.

[11 of 1867 s. 5.1

(a.) The person claiming the refund, or some person on his behalf, shall,

within fifteen days after such quarter or other period expires, file in the

summary jurisdiction of the Supreme Court a petition in the form D

in the schedule hereto, verified by the affidavit or declaration of the


ORDINANCE No. 12 of 1875. 1395


(b.) The Court shall refer every such petition to the Colonial Treasurer, who [14 of 1873 s. 14.]

shall return the same to the Court with an endorsement to the effect

that the claim , or any portion thereof, is admitted, or that it is not

admitted, as the case may be, and in case the claim , or any portion

thereof, be not admitted , the Colonial Treasurer, or some person on

his behalf, shall appear in opposition thereto on such day as the Court

shall appoint.

(c.) If the Court is satisfied that the petitioner is entitled to the refund [ 11 of 1867 s. 3.]

claimed, or to any portion thereof, the Judge shall certify to the

amount by endorsement on the petition in the form E in the schedule


33. The Court may adjudicate upon a petition for a refund of rates, although the Court may

entertain peti

claim exceeds one thousand dollars : and for the purpose of such adjudication, may tion exceeding


[ 11 of 1867 s. 6.]

receive any evidence it thinks fit.

34. The Colonial Treasurer may refund any amount certified by the Judge, upon Colonial Treas

urer to refund

delivery of a copy of the certificate sealed with the seal of the Court, and bearing the upon a copy of

the certificate.

[ 11 of 1867 s. 7..

petitioner's receipt for the amount.

35. The Governor may, if he thinks fit, for any cause whatever, order the Colonial Governor may

order refund.

Treasurer to refund the whole or any portion of any rates paid by any person. [11 of 1867 s. 8.1

Misnomer- Regulations - Repeal.

36. No misnomer or inaccurate description of any person , place, or tenement in Misnomers, &c.,

not to affect the

any document required for the purposes of this Ordinance, nor any mistake, infor execution of

this Ordinance.

[5 of 1863 s. 19 :

mality, or omission committed in any proceeding had hereunder, shall invalidate

or prejudice such document or proceeding, or in anywise affect the execution of this

Ordinance, provided that such person, place, or tenement be designated in such docu

ment or proceeding to common intent and understanding, and that such mistake ,

informality, or omission be not of such a nature as to prevent the requirements of this

Ordinance from being substantially complied with.

37. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, make, alter and repeal Regulations.

regulations for the better and more effectual carrying out of the provisions of this

Ordinance. All such regulations shall be published in the Gazette, and when so

published shall have the force of law.

38. This Ordinance shall take effect upon a day to be hereafter proclaimed by the Commencement

and repeal.

Governor, and thereupon the following Ordinances and sections of Ordinances shall be

and they are hereby repealed : ---

Ordinance 12 of 1860,

99 5 of 1863 , The whole.

"" 11 of 1867,

"" 4 of 1868, ...Sections 8 and 9.

99 14 of 1873, "" 14.

1396 ORDINANCE No. 12 OF 1875 .


But this repeal shall not revive any enactment repealed by any of the said Ordinances

and shall not affect the validity of any rate made before the commencement of this

Ordinance, or the liability of any person to pay such rates, or the remedies for recover

ing such rates, and the said remedies may be enforced as if this Ordinance had not

been passed .


Form A.


To owner or occupier [ as the case may be] of

In pursuance of " The Rating Ordinance, 1875," we require you to furnish us with the particulars

relating to this tenement in the manner specified in the document hereunto annexed , and return the

same to us at within one week from the date hereof.

Dated this day of 187 •

Valuers under " The Rating Ordinance, 1875."


Return of houses, buildings, and lands, at in the Colony of Hongkong,

of which the undersigned is owner.



Description of

tenement.I If let or leased, the


1. Whether dwell


Name of No. and descrip Whether occupied Actual amount period of the tenure,


ing-house with' or vacant. when entered upon,


street, tion of land of rent per


road, lot, whether outhouses, garden, Ifthe former, name annum in dollars and whether the

or marine or &c., occupied there and calling of the for each premises are kept

inland. with, or occupier, whether tenement. in repair by the

place. 2. Warehouse or owner or lessee. owner or the lessee

other building, &c. at his own cost.

separately occupied.

Form B.


Το occupier of

We hereby give you notice under the provisions of section 6 of " The Rating Ordinance, 1875," that

we require permission to enter upon the above tenement for the purpose of inspecting the same so as

to enable us to fix the valuation thereof for the year 187 : and that we intend to enter upon the said

tenement on day next between the hours of and

Valuers under “ The Lating Crăinance, 1875.”

Victoria, Hongkong, the 187 .


ORDINANCE No. 12 of 1875 . 1397


Form C.




or occupier or holder of the tenement hereunder



Under the provisions of section 11 of the said Ordinance, the undersigned hereby inform you that

the tenement specified in the statement given below ha been valued to the rates for the said year

at the gross annual rental therein separately specified.


Number and Gross annual

Rating No. Registrar

General's No. lotdescription of land Name of street, Description



rental. Remarks.

on which situated . road, or place."

Valuers under " The Rating Ordinance, 1875."

Form D.


The day of 187

In the matter of A. B. and " The Rating Ordinance , 1875."

The humble petition of A. B.

sheweth :

[ State briefly the grounds on which a refund is claimed.]

And your petitioner will , & c.,

I, A. B., make oath and say [or declare, as the case may be] that the matters above contained are

true in substance and in fact.

Sworn [ or declared ] before me.

Form E.


The day of 187 .

In the matter of A. B. and .. The Rating Ordinance, 1875."

I hereby certify that A. B. has proved to my satisfaction that he is entitled to a refund of the rates

paid by him amounting to $

C. D. ,


[In force from the 1st January, 1876, by proclamation 16th September,

1875: Repealed by Ordinance No. 21 of 1885. ]

1398 ORDINANCE No. 13 OF 1875.

Crown Remedies.

No. 13 of 1875.


An Ordinance for consolidating and amending the law relating

to the speedy recovery of Crown Debts for Rents and for

Assessments, Fees and Forfeitures.

[ 7th September, 1875. ]

BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong , with the advice of the


Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as " The Crown Remedies Ordi

nance, 1875."

Colonial 2. Whenever any person makes default in payment of any sum of


may sue for money due or payable by him to the Crown in respect of rent , or of any

rent, assess

ments and assessment for rates, or in respect of any fees or forfeitures, or of any


(9 of 1869 instalment thereof, the Colonial Treasurer may recover the same by suit

s. 2. ]

in the Summary Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court ; and may do so

although the amount claimed exceed one thousand dollars .

Service of 3. The writ of summons in any such suit shall be taken to have

writ of sum

mons. been duly served , if it appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the writ

[9 of 1869

s. 4. ] was left at the defendant's residence or place of business , or in case the

same is unknown then that it was left on the tenement or premises in

respect of which the claim is made.

Certificate of 4. A certificate purporting to be under the hand of the Colonial


Treasurer to Treasurer, and setting forth that the sum claimed is due or payable to the

be evidence.

[9 of 1869 Crown, and that the person sued is liable to the payment thereof, and

s. 2. ]

specifying the nature and particulars of the claim, shall be primâ facie

evidence of the facts certified therein and of the signature of the Colonial

Treasurer thereto.

Form of Such certificate shall be sufficient ifmade in the form in the schedule


[ 14 of 1873 hereto, or to the like effect .

s. 15. ]

Surveyor Ge 5. In suits for the recovery of Crown rents , the certificate shall not

neral to sign

certificate for be sufficient unless it purports to be signed by the Surveyor General

recovery of

Crown rent. [" Land officer " as amended by Ordinance No. 3 of1888 , ] as well as by the

(14 of 1873

s. 16. ] Colonial Treasurer.

Colonial 6. In all matters under this Ordinance, the Colonial Treasurer shall


may appear sue as Colonial Treasurer , but may be represented in the Court by any

by any

person. person whom he shall appoint in that behalf.

[9 of 1869

8. 5.]

ORDINANCE No. 13 OF 1875 . 1399

Crown Remedies .

Court may

7. In all cases under this Ordinance, the Court may award interest award inter


at the rate of twelve per centum per annum upon the sum recovered from

[9 of 1869

the day when the same became due or payable. s. 3. ]

8. Nothing herein contained shall affect any other remedy of the Saving of

other reme

Crown for the recovery of such sums as aforesaid. dies of the


[9 of 1869

s. 6. ]

9. The Colonial Treasurer may, with the approval of the Court, Colonial


appoint a special bailiff for the service of process in proceedings under this may appoint

a special

Ordinance ; and such special bailiff shall have in respect of such proceed bailiff.

[14 of 1873

ings, the like powers, and shall be entitled to receive the same fees for the s. 17. ]

service of process therein as the bailiff of the Supreme Court.

10. This Ordinance shall take effect upon a day to be hereafter pro Commence

ment and

claimed by the Governor ; and thereupon Ordinance No. 9 of 1869 , and repeal.

sections 15 , 16 , 17 , and 18 of Ordinance No. 14 of 1873 shall be and they

are hereby repealed .

If an

y proceedin have been comme under the said Ordina

nc nces

gs ed

before the repeal thereo , such proce may be comple , a n d the

f ed ings ted

sums claime may be recove , a s i f t h O

is rdinanc h n b p

ad ot een assed .

d red e


Form of Colonial Treasurer's certificate under section 4.

Nature and particulars ofclaim for Crown rent.

2 3 4 5

No. of crown lot in Whether defendant is

Name of Amount respect of which the original lessee or For what period the

defendant. claimed. rent claimed and

rent is claimed. Term assignee in possession by when due.

of lease. purchase or mortgage.

1400 ORDINANCE No. 13 OF 1875 .

Crown Remedies.

Nature and particulars of claims for police, lighting, water, and

fire brigade rates.

1 2 3 4 15

Name of No. of tenement in Whether defen lant For what period rates

Amount respect of which is owner or claimed and when

defendant. claimed.

rates payable. occupier. due.

Nature and particulars of claims for spirit licence fees.

1 2 3 5

Whether original For what period, and

Name of Amount Number, date and whether entire fee or

defendant. claimed. licensee or transferree

period of licence. of licence. instalment, and

when due.

I hereby certify that the several persons whose names are entered in the first

column of the above schedule have made default in the payment to the Crown of the

sums appearing opposite to their respective names in the second column, and that the

said persons are severally liable to the payment thereof in respect of the claims, the

nature and particulars of which are truly set forth opposite their respective names in the

third, fourth, and fifth columns.

Dated the. 187


Colonial Treasurer.

or (in suits for crown rent ,)

I, A.B. , Colonial Treasurer of Hongkong, do hereby certify that the several persons

whose names are entered in the first column of the above schedule have made default

in the payment of the sums appearing opposite to their respective names in the second

column, in respect of the crown rent, and I, A.B. , Surveyor General, do hereby certify

that the particulars of the above claims for crown rent against such persons are truly

set forth opposite their respective names in the third, fourth, and fifth columns.

Dated the 187 .

Colonial Treasurer.


Surveyor General.

[In force from the 18th September, 1875, by proclamation ofthe 16th

September, 1875. ]

ORDINANCE No. 14 of 1875 . 1401


No. 14 of 1875.


An Ordinance to provide a general Register of Marriages cele

brated in Hongkong.

[ 7th September, 1875. ]

HEREAS it is expedient that marriages celebrated in the Colony Preamble.


of Hongkong should be systematically recorded in one general

register : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of


the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as " The Marriage Short title.

Ordinance, 1875."

2. Every minister of religion or other person who has in his custody Existing

registers or

any register or other official record of marriages heretofore celebrated in copies thereof

to bedelivered

the Colony may, within three months after this Ordinance takes effect , to the Regis

trar General.

deliver to the Registrar General the said register or official record , or a

copy thereof, omitting, if desired , any matters of a private or confidential


3. Every person delivering a copy shall append thereto a certificate Copies to be

certified .

in the following form : —

I , A. B. , & c. , do certify that the above

written pages are a true copy (excepting only matters of

a private or confidential nature ) of the register [ or official

record ] of marriages heretofore celebrated in St. John's Cathedral

Church [ or as the case may be ] and that the original is in my

custody .

Dated the day of 187 .

( Signed , ) . A. B.

4. The Governor may defray, from the public revenue of the Colony , Expenses may

be defrayed

all proper expenses connected with the delivery of the said registers or from public


official records , or of making and delivering copies thereof.

5. The Registrar General shall be Registrar of Marriages , and, to Registrar of

marriages and

assist him, the Governor may appoint one or more Deputy Registrars , deputies.

and such deputies may celebrate marriages , and may exercise all the other

powers, and perform all the duties conferred upon the Registrar General

by this Ordinance, and all acts done by a deputy shall be as valid as if

done by the Registrar General.

1402 ORDINANCE No. 14 OF 1875 .


The Governor

may license 6. The Governor may license any place of public worship to be a

places of place for the celebration of marriages, and may, at any time, cancel any


such licence.

Licences to be 7. Whenever the Governor grants or cancels any such licence , the


Registrar General shall give public notice thereof in the Government


Preliminaries to marriage.

Notice of 8. Whenever, after this Ordinance takes effect, any persons desire


marriage. to marry, one of the parties to the intended marriage shall give notice

thereof to the Registrar General in the following form :


To the Registrar General of Hongkong.

I hereby give you notice that a marriage is intended to be had,

within three months from the date hereof, between me and the other

party herein named.

Rank or Dwelling Consent, if any ,

Name. Condition. Age.

Profession . Place. by whom given.

Name. Bachelor

of or

Bridegroom, Widower,

Name of Spinster or

Bride, Widow.

Witness my hand this day of 187

(Signature of party giving the notice.)

Every such notice shall be signed by the party giving notice .

Notices to be 9. The Registrar General shall file every such notice in his office ; he

filed and

copies made shall , as heretofore, exhibit one copy of such notice at the Supreme Court

by the Regis

trar General. House , and may, if he thinks fit , exhibit copies in other conspicuous

places open to the public, and shall keep every such copy so exhibited

until he issue a certificate as hereinafter mentioned , or until the three

months expire ; he shall also enter a copy of the said notice with the

date of such entry in a book to be called the " Marriage Notice Book , "

and shall allow any person to inspect such book during office hours

without fee.

ORDINANCE No. 14 OF 1875 . 1403


10. The Registrar General shall supply forms of notice gratuitously Forms of

notice to be

to persons applying for the same . supplied


11. At any time not more than three months nor (except when the Registrar

General may

Governor grants a licence ) less than fifteen days after the giving of such issue certifi


notice, the Registrar General shall, on the request of either of the parties ,

issue a certificate in the form A in the schedule hereto .

12. The Governor may , at any time after a party has given notice After notice

the Governor

as aforesaid, grant a licence in the form B in the schedule hereto, autho may grant a


rising the Registrar General to issue his certificate on or after any day

named in such licence .

13. If the marriage do not take place within three months after If marriage

do not take

giving the above notice, the notice given and all proceedings thereupon place infresh



shall be utterly void, and fresh notice will be required before any marriage notice to be


can be had between the parties .

14. The Governor may, when he sees fit , grant a special licence in Special

licence in case

the form C in the schedule hereto, dispensing with notice as aforesaid, or of emergency .

with the certificate ofthe Registrar General, or with both, and authorising

the celebration of a marriage between the parties named at a place and at

a time specified in the licence .

The Governor may, when he sees fit, grant such licence without

payment of any fee, or on payment of such reduced fee as under the

special circumstances of the case he thinks sufficient.

15. Before the Registrar General issues any certificate, and before Affidavit

before issue

the Governor grants any licence, one of the parties to the intended of certificate

or licence.

marriage shall appear personally before the Registrar General and make

affidavit ( which the Registrar General is hereby authorised to take ) that

he or she believes that there is not any impediment of kindred or alliance

or any other lawful hindrance to the marriage, and either that the consent

of the parties required by law to consent to the marriage has been obtained

or that no such consent is required .

16. If either party to the intended marriage, not being a widower Consent of

parents or

or a widow, is under twenty-one years of age, the written consent of the guardians to

marriage of .

father, or ( if he be dead or non compos mentis) of the mother, or ( if both minors.

be dead or non compotes mentis ) of the lawful guardian of such party,

must be produced to the Registrar General before he issues a certificate,

or to the Governor before he grants a licence.

1404 ORDINANCE No. 14 OF 1875.


If no parent 17. If there be no parent or guardian of such party residing in the

or guardian,

Registrar Colony and capable of consenting, the Registrar General may give his

General may

consent. consent in writing to the marriage, if upon enquiry the marriage appear

to him to be proper, and such consent shall be as effectual as ifthe father

or mother or guardian had consented .

Issue of cer 18. Any person whose consent is required as aforesaid may forbid

tificate may

be forbidden . the issue of the Registrar General's certificate by writing the word

" Forbidden " opposite the entry in the marriage notice book, and by

signing his name and the character in which he forbids the issue ; and if

the issue of any certificate be so forbidden , the notice and all proceedings

thereupon shall be void.

The Registrar 19. If either of the parties to the intended marrriage allege that the

General may

enquire into person forbidding the issue is not authorised by law so to do, the

the right to

forbid. Registrar General shall enquire into the matter, and if he be satisfied that

the person is not so authorised, he may proceed to issue the certificate in

due course without reckoning the time that has elapsed since the issue

was forbidden .

For the purposes of such enquiry, or of any enquiry under section 17 ,

the Registrar General may administer an oath to any person.

Appeal to the 20. Ifthe Registrar General considers that the person forbidding the


Court. issue is authorised so to do , either of the parties to the intended marriage

may appeal by petition to the Supreme Court, and the court, or any judge

thereof, may hear and determine the matter of the petition in a summary


Such determination shall be final ; and the Registrar General shall

proceed in accordance therewith , without reckoning the time that has

elapsed since the issue was forbidden.

Penalty for 21. Ifany person wilfully makes any false statement in any affidavit

false state


as aforesaid , or wilfully makes on oath any false statement or gives any

false answer in any enquiry by the Registrar General, he shall , on

conviction before the Supreme Court, be liable to be imprisoned for any

term not exceeding two years with or without hard labour.

Celebration of marriage.

Marriage in 22. Marriages may hereafter be celebrated in any licensed place of


places of worship by any competent minister of the church , denomination , or


body to which such place of worship belongs, and according to the rites

ORDINANCE No. 14 of 1875 . 1405


or usages of marriage observed in such church, denomination , or body ,

provided that the marriage be celebrated with open doors , and , ( except in

case of a special licence ) , between the hours of six o'clock in the morning

and six in the afternoon , and in the presence of two or more witnesses

besides the officiating minister.

No minister shall celebrate any marriage, until the parties deliver to

him the Registrar General's certificate or the Governor's special licence .

23. The Registrar General shall cause to be prepared and delivered Marriage

certificates .

to the several licensed places of worship books of marriage certificates in

duplicate and with butts in the form in the schedule hereto . The

certificate shall be signed in duplicate by the officiating minister, by the

parties, and by two or more witnesses to the marriage.

The minister shall deliver one certificate to the parties , immediately

after the marriage, and shall transmit the other to the Registrar General

within seven days thereafter, and the Registrar General shall file the same

in his office.

The officiating minister shall enter in the butt the names of the parties

and the date of the marriage.

24. After the issue of a certificate by the Registrar General , the Marriage

before the

parties may, if they think fit, contract a marriage before the Registrar Registrar


General, in the presence of two or more witnesses , in the Registrar

General's office , with open doors , and ( except in case of a special licence ) ,

between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the

afternoon, and in the following manner :

The Registrar General , shall first address the parties to the following

effect : -" Know ye, A.B. and C.D. , that by the public taking of each

Other as man and wife in my presence and in the presence of the persons

now here, and by the subsequent attestation thereof by signing your names

to that effect, you become legally married to each other although no other

rite of a civil or religious nature shall take place ; and know ye further

that this marriage cannot be dissolved during your life time, except by a

valid judgment of divorce , and that if either of you , before the death of the

other, shall contract another marriage while this remains undissolved , you

will thereby be guilty of bigamy, and be liable to the punishment inflicted

for that grievous offence. "

Each of the parties shall then say to the other " I call upon all persons

here present to witness that I , A.B. , do take thee, C.D. , to be my lawful

wife [or husband ]. "

1406 ORDINANCE No. 14 OF 1875.


The Registrar General and the parties and witnesses shall thereupon

sign duplicate certificates in the form and inanner hereinbefore prescribed .

The Registrar General shall deliver one certificate to the parties and

shall file the other in his office.

Marriages by 25. Whenever the Governor's special licence authorises the celebra

special licence

at other tion of a marriage at a place other than a registered place of worship , or


the office of the Registrar General , the Registrar General upon taking the

affidavit of one of the parties to the marriage, shall deliver to him a blank

certificate of marriage in duplicate, and the minister celebrating the

marriage, the parties and two witnesses shall sign the same, in manner

hereinbefore prescribed , and the minister shall deliver one certificate to

the parties immediately after the marriage and shall transmit the other to

the Registrar General within seven days thereafter , and the Registrar

General shall file the same in his office .


26. The Registrar General shall register all certificate of marriage

how filed.

filed in his office in such order and manner as he thinks best suited for

casy reference thereto .

Certificates 27. Any certificate of marriage filed in the office of the Registrar

or certified

copies to be General, or a copy thereof, provided it purport to be signed and certified


as a true copy by the Registrar General, and to be sealed or stamped with

his official scal , shall be admissible as evidence of the marriage to which

the same relates in any Court of Justice, or before any person now or

hereafter having by law or by consent of parties authority to hear, receive

and examine evidence .

Correction of 28. The Registrar General may, when authorised by the Colonial

errors in

certificate. Secretary, correct any clerical error in any certificate of marriage upon

production to him of the certificate delivered to the parties , and shall

authenticate every such correction by his signature, or by marking the

same with his initials, and the date of making the correction .

Invalid 29. No marriage shall be valid which would be nuli and void on


the ground of kindred or affinity in England or Wales .

A marriage shall be null and void if both parties knowingly and

wilfully acquiesce in its celebration in any place other than the office of

the Registrar General or a licensed place of worship (except when

authorised by special licence ) , or under a false name or names , or without

certificate of notice or licence duly issued , or by a person not being a

competent minister, or the Registrar General or his deputy.

ORDINANCE No. 14 OF 1875. 1407


But no marriage shall , after celebration , be deemed invalid by reason

that any provision of this Ordinance other than the foregoing has not

been complied with.

30. All marriages celebrated under this Ordinance shall be good Marriages

under this

and valid in law to all intents and purposes . Ordinance


• Marrying

31. Whosoever, knowing that the written consent of the proper minors with

person as herein prescribed has not been obtained , shall marry or assist or out consent of


procure any other person to marry a minor under the age of twenty- one

years , not being a widow or widower, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,

and upon conviction thereof, before the Supreme Court, shall be liable,

at the discretion of the Court , to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding

two years with or without hard labour.

Any minister shall be guilty of a misdemeanor who wilfully celebrates

a marriage, in the case of a minor, without such written consent as

herein prescribed , or who wilfully celebrates a marriage, contrary to

any other provision of this Ordinance, or knowing that any provision of

this Ordinance has not been complied with , and upon conviction thereof,

before the Supreme Court, shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court,

to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years.

32. Any minister who, after celebrating a marriage, fails to transmit Penalty for

failing to

the certificate thereof to the Registrar General within seven days there transmit

certificate of

after, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars. marriage.

33. Whosoever wilfully removes , defaces, alters , or destroys any Penalty for


copy of a notice of intended marriage, shall be liable to a penalty not notices.

exceeding twenty - five dollars.

34. Whosoever knowingly and wilfully celebrates or pretends to Persons undu

ly celebrating

celebrate a marriage , not being legally competent so to do, shall be guilty marriage.

of a misdemeanor, and being convicted thereof before the Supreme Court,

shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be imprisoned for any

term not exceeding two years with or without hard labour.

35. All penalties for offences against this Ordinance may be Penalties.

recovered in a summary way before any Magistrate.

36. The fees specified in the schedule hereto shall be paid to the Fees.

Registrar General for the several matters to which they are applicable,

and shall be by him paid into the Colonial Treasury. 3

1408 ORDINANCE No. 14 OF 1875 .


Remission. 37. The Registrar General may, in cases when he is satisfied of the

poverty of the parties, reduce the amounts of the said fees , or even remit

them altogether.

Forms. 38. The forms contained in the schedule hereto may be used in the

cases to which they are applicable with such alterations as circumstances

render necessary .

Application 39. This Ordinance shall apply to all marriages where one or both

of Ordinance.

the parties profess the Christian religion .

Suspending 40. This Ordinance shall not come into operation until Her Majesty's


confirmation thereof shall have been proclaimed in the Colony by the

Repeal. Governor, and thereupon Ordinance No. 1 of 1852 , and Ordinance No. 4

of 1875 shall be and the same are hereby repealed ; but such repeal shall

not affect anything theretofore lawfully done under either of the said

Ordinances .


Form A.

Registrar General's Certificate.

I, , Registrar General for the Colony of Hongkong, do hereby

certify that on the day of notice was duly entered in the

marriage notice book of the said Colony of the marriage intended to be had between

the parties herein named and described .

Names. Condition. Rank or Profession . Age. Dwelling Place.

Date of notice entered 187. The issue of this certificate has not been

Date of certificate given 187 forbidden by any person authorised to

forbid the issue thereof.

Witness my hand this day of 187 .

Registrar General.

This certificate will be void unless the marriage is solemnised on or before the

day of 187 .

This certificate is issued by virtue of the Governor's licence dated the

day of 187

ORDINANCE No. 14 OF 1875. 1409


Form B.

Marriage Licence.

Ordinance No. of 1875 , section 12.

Whereas on the day of 187 " notice was given to the Registrar

General of a marriage intended to be had between A. B. and C. D. therein mentioned,

and the said A. B. desires to obtain a licence for the immediate issue of a certificate of

such notice, and has made before the said Registrar General the affidavit required by

" The Marriage Ordinance, 1875 ," section 15 .

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the said Ordinance, I do hereby authorise the said

Registrar General to issue the said certificate, at any time on or after the

day of , and within three calendar months of the said day of *

Given under my hand this day of 187 .



The date of the notice.

Form C.

Special Licence.

Ordinance No. of 1875 , section 14 .

Whereas A. B. and C. D. desire to marry, and sufficient cause has been shown to

me why such marriage should be allowed without the formalities prescribed by " The

Marriage Ordinance, 1875. "

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the said Ordinance, I do dispense with the giving

of notice and the issue of the certificate thereby prescribed [ or as the case may be] and

do hereby authorise any competent person to celebrate marriage between the said A.

and C. D. at [place of celebration] upon the day of 187 "

between the hours of in the forenoon and in the afternoon .

Given under my hand this day of 187


1410 ORDINANCE No. 14 OF 1875.



Hongkong Ordinance No. of 1875, sec. 23. Hongkong Ordinance No. of1875, sec. 23.

18 Marriage solemnised in the at in Hongkong. 18 - Marriage solemnised in the at in Hongkong.







Butt. Certificate of marriage . Certificate of marriage.

























































.ma inor












No. No.

Date 187

Name of husband

Name ofwife

Married in the -according to the rites and Married in the -according to the rites and

ceremonies of the -by- -by for before] me, ceremonies of the -by -by [or before] me,

This marriage was in the pre This marriage was in the pre

solemnised be sence of us, solemnised be sence ofus,

tween us, tween us,


Notice of marriage, section 8, .... ........Nil.

Certificate of notice, section 11 , .....One dollar.

Marriage licence, section 12, ...... Five dollars.

Special licence, section 14, ....... ……………………. Twenty- five dollars.

Marriage at the office of the Registrar General, ...Two dollars .

[ Confirmation proclaimed 1st March, 1876, and in force from that date.]

For Registrar General's Notice of the 2nd March, 1876, of the grant by the

Governor oflicences for the celebration of marriages pursuant to section 6 of the said

Ordinance, see Gazette 4th March, 1876.

For Registrar General's Notice ofthe 15th July, 1889, as to licensing the Wesleyan

Chapel in No. 127, Wellington Street, as a place for the celebration of marriages,

see Gazette 20th July.

ORDINANCES Nos. 14 AND 15 OF 1875 . 1411

Marriage. Revenue.

For Registrar General's Notice ofthe 25th January, 1890, as to licensing the premises

known as St. Stephen's Church, situate in the upper floor ofthe Church Mission School

in New Street, as aplace for the celebration ofmarriages, see Gazette 25th January, 1890

Registrar General's Notice. ( Gazette 11th October, 1890. )

The Marriage Ordinance, 1875.

Notice is hereby given that the following places of public worship have, in accordance

with section 6 of the said Ordinance, been licensed by the Governor for the celebration

of marriages.

1. St. John's Cathedral, Victoria.

2. St. Peter's Church, Victoria.

3. Berlin Foundling House Chapel, " Bethesda," Victoria.

4. Basel Mission Chapel, Victoria.

5. The Church of the Immaculate Conception , Victoria.

6. The Church of St. Francis Xavier, Victoria .

7. St. Paul's College Chapel, Victoria.

8. The To-tsai Chapel, Victoria.

9. The Wesleyan Chapel in No. 127 , Wellington Street, Victoria.

10. The premises known as St. Stephen's Church , situate in the upper floor of

the Church Mission School in New Street, Victoria .

No. 15 of 1875.

An Ordinance to apply a Sum not exceeding Seven hundred and Sixty Title.

seven thousand Dollars to the Public Service of the Year 1876 .

[ 22nd September, 1875. ]

THEREAS the expenditure required for the service of this Colony for the year Preamble.

W 1876 has been estimated at the sum of seven hundred and sixty-six

thousand and twenty- nine dollars and sixty cents : Be it enacted by the Governor of

Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. A sum not exceeding seven hundred and sixty-seven thousand dollars shall be, and Estimates, 1876 .

the same is hereby charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the service of the year

1876, and the said sum so charged shall be expended as hereinafter specified ; that is to

say :

1412 ORDINANCE No. 15 OF 1875 .



Governor, 740.00

Colonial Secretary, 3,176.00

Colonial Treasurer, 3,072.00

Auditor General, 14,799.00

Clerk of Councils, ..... 100.00

Surveyor General, 21,386.00

Postmaster General, 26,984.00

Registrar General,..... 10,774.00

Harbour Master, 27,014.00

Lighthouses, 7,424.00

Collector of Stamp Revenue, 4,078.00

Judicial, ...... 20,300.00

Registrar of Companies, 192.00


Ecclesiastical, ..... 1,302.00

Educational, ..... 17,376.00

Medical, 16,536.00

Police Magistrates, 7,540.00

Police, ..... 144,538.80

Gaol, 16,740.00

Fire Brigade, ...... 6,966.00

Government Gardens, 4,336.80

Total Establishments, $ 355,374.60


Colonial Treasurer, 1,700.00

Surveyor General, ......

. 1,080.00

Postmaster General, ..... 4,300.00

Registrar General, .... 50.00

Judicial, 200.00

Educational, 4,620.00

Medical, 18,270.00

Police Magistrates , 390.00

Police, ...... 35,185.00

Gaol, ...... 14,420.00

Fire Brigade , ..... 3,500.00

Charitable Allowances,.. 3,300.00

Transport, ..... 4,500.00

Works and Buildings, 136,120.00

Roads, Streets and Bridges, 45,720.00

Lighthouses, ..... 500.00

Miscellaneous Services , .... 36,800.00

Military Contribution , . 100,000.00

TOTAL,......... $766,029.60

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887. ]

ORDINANCE No. 16 OF 1875 . 1413


No. 16 of 1875 .

An Ordinance to amend and consolidate the laws concerning Title.

the jurisdiction of Magistrates over indictable offences

and for other purposes .

[ 25th November, 1875. ]


WHEREAS recent investigations have raised a doubt as to the va

lidity of the jurisdiction hitherto exercised by Police Magistrates

under Ordinances 6 of 1862 and 1 of 1863 : Be it enacted by the Governor

of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as

follows :

1. This Ordinance may be cited as " The Magistrates Ordinance, Short title.


2. The expression " Indictable, " as used in this Ordinance, includes Interpreta


proceedings by information , and the expression " Magistrate " means

Police Magistrate, unless the context indicates the contrary .

3. There shall as heretofore be two Police Magistrates ; the Magis Police


trates now in office are continued therein as fully as if they were appointed

hereunder, and the Governor may appoint others , from time to time, as

vacancies occur .

4. The Police Magistrates shall be Justices of the Peace by virtue Powers of


of their office, and shall have and may exercise all such powers and Magistrates

continued .

jurisdiction as were vested in the Police Magistrates at the time of the

passing of this Ordinance, except so far as they are hereby altered or


5. Whenever any person is brought before a Magistrate charged Magistrates

may convict

with having committed , whether before or after the passing of this Ordi summarily for

certain indict

nance, any indictable offence, not being one of the following offences, able offences .

that is to say : — (See s. 4 of 6

of 1862. )

Any offence which is punishable with death ;

Any offence (except burglary ) which is punishable with penal

servitude for life ;

Any offence which is committed within the jurisdiction of the

Admiralty ;

Any felony mentioned in Ordinance No. 1 of 1868 .

Misprision of treason ;

1414 ORDINANCE No. 16 OF 1875.


Any offence against the Queen's title, prerogative, person, or

Government ;

Blasphemy and offences against religion ;

Perjury and subornation of perjury ;

Making or suborning any other person to make a false oath,

affirmation , or declaration punishable as perjury, or as a

misdemeanor ;

Any offence against any provision of the laws relating to bank

rupts ;

Composing, printing, or publishing blasphemous, seditious , or

defamatory libels ;

Defamation ;

Bigamy ;

Bribery ;

Arson ;

Forgery ;

Stealing or fraudulently taking or injuring or destroying records

or documents belonging to any Court of Record or relating

to any proceeding therein ;

Stealing, or fraudulently destroying or concealing wills or

testamentary papers or any document or written instru

ment being or containing evidence of the title to any lands ,

or any interest in lands, tenements, or hereditaments :

Or any offence committed by trustees, agents, bankers, or factors

and mentioned in any section between the sixtieth and

seventy- first sections (both inclusive ) of the Ordinance


No. 7 of 1865 , ( larceny ) ,—

the Magistrate, instead of committing the offender for trial to the Supreme

Court, may convict him summarily, and upon such conviction may

sentence the offender to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding six

months with or without hard labour, or to pay a fine not exceeding fifty

dollars , or to be imprisoned with or without hard labour and to pay a fine,

for any term and amount not exceeding six months and fifty dollars .

The Magistrate may also direct that the offender be kept in solitary

confinement for any portion of his term of imprisonment not exceeding

fourteen days at any one time and not exceeding one month in the whole.

The Magistrate may nevertheless , if he thinks fit, commit any such

person for trial to the Supreme Court.

ORDINANCE No. 16 CF 1875 . 1415


6. Whenever an offender is convicted by a Magistrate of a common Magistrates

may award a

assault, the Magistrate may sentence him to be imprisoned for any term year's impri

sonment for

not exceeding one year with or without hard labour, but without fine, if common


the term of sentence exceeds six months. (See s. 41 of 4

of 1865. )

7. Whenever any male offender is convicted by a Magistrate under the powers Magistrates may

award whipping

in certain cases.

herein conferred of any of the following offences a second time, or under aggravated (See s. 2 of 1 of

circumstances, that is to say : 1863.)


Indecent assault,

Indecent exposure of his person,

Assault with intent to rob,

Common assault, committed in a brothel ,

Common assault , committed at or in connection with any riotous assemblage,

Malicious injury to property ;

or, under the Magistrates ' summary jurisdiction, of either of the following offences a

second time, or under aggravated circumstances, that is to say :

Indecent exposure of his person,

Malicious injury to property ;

the Magistrate may, in addition to any other punishment, sentence the offender to be

once or twice publicly or privately whipped. [ Repealed by Ordinance No. 3 of 1881. ]

offender , whose age appears to the Magistrate

8. Whenever any male offender, Juvenile

thieves may

not to exceed sixteen years , is convicted, under the powers herein con be whipped.

(See s. 6 of 9

ferred , of larceny , or of any offence which now or at any time hereafter of 1867.)

is by law deemed or declared to be simple larceny or punishable as simple

larceny, the convicting Magistrate may sentence him to be once or twice

privately whipped with any number of strokes not exceeding twenty , in

lieu of or in addition to any other punishment to which such offender is


9. Whenever a Magistrate under this or any other Ordinance Amount of


sentences an offender to be whipped , he shall, in his sentence, specify the mode of


number of strokes to be inflicted , and such number shall not , in any case, (See s. 6 of 6

of 1862.)

exceed thirty-six strokes, and shall be inflicted with a rattan .

10. A Magistrate may sentence any offender to be publicly exposed Punishment

of the stocks.

in the stocks for any period not exceeding six hours , in lieu of the whole (See s. 25 of

10 of 1844.)

or any part of any punishment to which such offender is liable under this

or any other Ordinance, or in addition thereto.

11. On the conviction of any person of any offence by which injury Compensa

tion be

or loss to person or property shall have accrued, the convicting Magistrate awarded in

1416 ORDINANCE No. 16 of 1875 .


addition to

may order the offender to pay to the person aggrieved reasonable com


(See s. 7 of 6 pensation not exceeding fifty dollars, in addition to any penalty or punish

of 1862.)

ment to which he is sentenced .

Recovery of 12. If any offender convicted under this Ordinance fails to pay any

fines and

amends. fine or compensation on conviction, or within such further time as the

(See s. 8.of 6

of 1862.) Magistrate allows, the Magistrate may cause the amount to be levied by

distress on the goods and chattels of the offender ;

Or may order that the offender be imprisoned with or without hard

labour for any period not exceeding , together with any other imprison

ment to which he is sentenced for his offence , the term of six months in

the whole, unless the amount be sooner paid ;

And in case the amount be not fully recovered by distress , the Ma

gistrate may order that the offender be imprisoned with or without hard

labour for the like period , unless the amount be sooner paid .

Powers of two 13. Whenever any person is brought before two Magistrates sitting


(See s. 3 of 1 together charged with stealing from the person, or with any offence

of 1863.) .

(See s. 3 of 3 against the provisions of sections 49 , 50 , or 51 of the Ordinance No. 4 of

of 1868.)

1865, ( offences against the person ) , the Magistrates may, if they think

fit, summarily convict the offender, and sentence him to be imprisoned

for any term not exceeding two years with or without hard labour, or

they may commit him in the usual way for trial to the Supreme Court .

Powers of 14. The Marine Magistrate shall have the power of a Police Magis

Marine Magis

trate. trate to hear and determine cases of assault, and assault and battery

unaccompanied by an intent to commit felony .

Any two Jus 15. Any two Justices of the Peace of this Colony sitting together,

tices of the

Peace to have shall have power to do any act that a Magistrate is by this Ordinance

power of one

Police Magis authorised and empowered to do.


Power to com 16. If any person uses any threatening or insulting expression to

mit persons

using insult or concerning, or in the presence of a Magistrate, Marine Magistrate, or

ing language

to or in pre Justice of the Peace, when acting in the discharge of any magisterial

sence of

Magistrate. duty , the said Magistrate or Justice of the Peace may summarily sentence

(S. 9 of 6 of

1862.) the offender to be imprisoned with or without hard labour for any term

not exceeding two months, or to pay a fine of any amount not exceeding

fifty dollars and if such fine be not paid forthwith, the said Magistrate

or Justice of the Peace may order that the offender be imprisoned for any

term not exceeding two months unless the amount be sooner paid. [ As

to powers of one Magistrate see Ordinance No. 8 of 1889. ]

ORDINANCE No. 16 of 1875 . 1417


17. If it appears to a Magistrate, or Marine Magistrate, that any Compensa

tion or penalty

charge or complaint was maliciously preferred, or that any witness has for malicious


given false testimony, such Magistrate may order the complainant or or false


witness to pay to the person aggrieved reasonable compensation not (S. 10 of 6 of


exceeding fifty dollars , or, in his discretion , may order such complainant

or witness to pay a fine not exceeding fifty dollars , or to pay compensation

and a fine not exceeding together the sum of fifty dollars.

18. No conviction under this Ordinance shall be quashed for want No conviction

or warrant to

of form , or be removed by certiorari, and no warrant of commitment shall be quashed for

want of form.

be held void by reason of any defect therein, provided it be therein


alleged that the party has been convicted , and there be a good and valid

conviction to sustain the same.

19. Whenever any person enters into any recognizance or Crown Recogniz

ances (other

bond ( except recognizances entered into for appearance before the Supreme than as to


Court ) before any Magistrate, Justice of the Peace, or any officer of Court) to be

estreated in

Police, and such bond or recognizance becomes forfeited , a Magistrate may default.

(S. 11 of 6 of

summon the person bound by the said recognizance or bond before him, 1862 )

and on satisfactory proof of forfeiture or breach of condition, may order

the said recognizance or bond to be estreated, and may issue his warrant

to levy the amount or penalty of the said recognizance or bond by distress

upon the goods , chattels, lands, and tenements of the defaulter, and in

case there shall be no sufficient goods , chattels, lands, or tenements to

satisfy the amount of the distress warrant, may order that the defaulter

be imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months .

20. Whenever a Magistrate awards a pecuniary penalty or amends Imprison

for ment for non

any offence under Ordinance No. 14 of 1845 , and the same is not paid payment of

fines under

forthwith, the Magistrate may commit the offender to prison with or Ordinance 14

of 1845.

without hard labour for any term not exceeding three [ “ 6 " as amended [ S. 12 of 6 of

1862 , and 4 of

by Ordinance No. 8 of 1889] months , unless the sum remaining unpaid 9 of 1867. ] "

be sooner paid.

21. If any Magistrate has, since the passing of the Ordinance No. 6 Protecting


of 1862 , heard , tried and determined in a summary way any crime , mis in respect of

any excess of

demeanour, or offence, which was not within the powers and jurisdiction jurisdiction.

exerciseable by him under the said Ordinance, or Ordinance No. 1 of

1863 , but was within the powers and jurisdiction formerly had and

exercised by the Court of Petty Sessions, every such hearing, trial and

determination , if in other respects according to law, is hereby declared to

1418 ORDINANCES No. 16 OF 1875 AND No. 1 OF 1876 .

Magistrates. Chinese Emigration Amendment.

be good and valid ; and all Magistrates, gaolers and other persons what

soever are hereby indemnified and held harmless in respect of every act,

matter, or thing done by them, or any of them, in pursuance of any

hearing, trial, or determination hereby declared to be valid .

Repeal. 22. The following Ordinances and parts of Ordinances are hereby

repealed :

10 of 1844,......Section 25 .

6 of 1862,...

The whole.

1 of 1863 , ...

4 of 1865 ,...... Section 41 , the words " or of a Police Magistrate ."

Section 4.

9 of 1867 ,... Section 6 , the words " whether summarily or

otherwise. "

3 of 1868 ,...... Section 3.

But such repeal shall not revive any enactment repealed by any of the

said Ordinances or sections, and shall not affect anything duly done before

the passing of this Ordinance.

NOTE.--Repealed by Ordinance No. 10 of 1890 as from the 1st January, 1891 , subject

to Her Majesty's right of disallowance.

No. 1 of 1876 .

Title. An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to Chinese Passenger Ships and

the Conveyance of Chinese Emigrants .

[ 27th March, 1876. ]

Preamble. HEREAS by section 5 of " The Chinese Emigration Consolidation Ordinance ,

WH1874," it is enacted " that no Chinese passenger ship, except ships about to proceed

"" on a voyage of not more than thirty days' duration within the meaning of section 8 of

this Ordinance, shall shall clear out or proceed to sea, and the emigration officer shall

" not grantthe certificate prescribed by section 4 of 'The Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855,'

" unless the master of such ship shall be provided with a licence under the hand of the

" Governor and the public seal of the Colony to be obtained in manner hereinafter

" mentioned "; and paragraph 2 that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council,

"from time to time, to exempt from the operation of this section, any mail steamers

" or other vessels which are subject to the provisions of ' The Chinese Passengers

" Act , 1855,' provided that the Chinese passengers proceeding in such vessels be free

" emigrants and under no contract of service whatever " ; and whereas it is expedient

that every Chinese passenger ship should be provided with a licence, and that the feet

ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1876. 1419

Chinese Emigration Amendment.

chargeable upon such licence should be reduced , and that the law should be amended

as hereinafter provided : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of Hongkong , with

the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :--

1. The following portions of section 5 of " The Chinese Emigration Consolidation

. Repealing part of

section 5 of

Ordinance 5 of

Ordinance, 1874," are hereby repealed , viz . : 1874.

Paragraph 1. The words " except ships about to proceed on a voyage of not

"< more than thirty days ' duration within the meaning of section 8 of

" this Ordinance."

Paragraph 2. The whole.

Paragraph 3. The words " and shall also furnish the like particulars where


any exemption is applied for under paragraph 2 of this section."

2. The fee payable upon the granting of a licence shall henceforth be five dollars Reducing the

fees for licences.

only ; and in any reprint of the said Ordinance the said sum may be inserted in

paragraph 5, section 5 in place of the " one hundred dollars " therein mentioned .

3. The Governor in Council may, at his discretion, grant to any mail steamer or General licences

to mail steamers,


other vessel a general licence for any period, or for any number of voyages, or for

voyages to and from any specified port or ports, upon the condition that the vessel

provided with such licence shall carry only free passengers under no contract of service

whatever, except as hereinafter mentioned :

General licences shall be exempt from the provisions of paragraph 6 of section 5


4. The Governor in Council may, at his discretion, authorise any person to engage The Governor

may authorise

labourers and

any specified number of Chinese artisans, mechanics, labourers, or servants for any servants to be

engaged for

person resident in any British possession , and to make contracts in writing on behalf of persons in


such resident with the persons so engaged. Every such contract shall be made in possessions.

[See, s. 7.]

triplicate, and one part thereof shall be lodged in the office of the Colonial Secretary;

and such part shall be admissible in evidence without a stamp.

Any vessel provided with a general licence may carry any persons so engaged

without thereby affecting her licence.

5. Nothing in " The Chinese Emigration Consolidation Ordinance, 1874," shall Ordinance 5

of 1874 not to

prevent Chinese

prevent passengers natives of Asia from travelling in the first class cabin of any vessel passengers from

travelling in first

which is provided with a general licence, on the same terms as passengers of other or second cabin

as other

nationalities ; or in the first or second class cabin, if the vessel carries more than two nationals.

classes of passengers . [See, s. 7,]

Such passengers are hereby exempted from the necessity of obtaining contract

passage tickets, or of submitting themselves to be mustered or inspected by any emi

gration officer or medical officer or other person.

Such passengers shall, however, be reckoned in calculating the number of pas

sengers, natives of Asia, who are carried by the said vessel.

1420 ORDINANCES Nos. 1 AND 2 OF 1876 .

Chinese Emigration Amendment. Contagious Diseases.

This Ordinance 6. This Ordinance shall be read with "The Chinese Emigration Consolidation


with No. 5 of

1871. Ordinance, 1874," and shall be taken to be incorporated therewith ; and upon the issue

of any new edition of the Ordinances, the provisions hereof may be inserted in the said

Ordinance ; sections 3 and 4 hereof may be printed next after the paragraph now

numbered 5 of section 5 of the said Ordinance, and the other paragraphs of the said

section may be re- numbered .

Paragraph 6 of the said section may be amended by inserting the words " except

a general licence " after the word " licence."

Section 5 hereof may be printed as section 6 of the said Ordinance, and the other

sections may be re-numbered.

Commencement 7. Sections 4 and 5 shall not take effect until a day to be hereafter proclaimed by

of Ordinance.

the Governor. The rest of this Ordinance shall take effect from the passing thereof.

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 3 of 1876. ]

No. 2 of 1876.

Title. An Ordinance for divesting the Registrar General of his Judicial Functions .

[ 27th March, 1876. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

BR Council thereof, as follows :

Repealing part of 1. So much of section 28 of Ordinance No. 8 of 1858 as relates to the judicial

sec. 28 ofOrd. No.

8 of 1858. powers of the Registrar General, is hereby repealed , that is to say, the words "before

the Registrar General if a Justice of the Peace, or ( if the said person shall so demand) ."

Repealing and 2. The following sections and parts of sections of " The Contagious Diseases

amending parts

of Ord. No. 10 of ――――

Ordinance, 1867," are hereby repealed :


Sections 5 and 6, -The whole.

Section 70, -From the word " Governor " in the third line of the section to

the end of the section.

Sections 12 , 13, 14, 26, 27, 53, 57, 62, 71 , and section 20 in the third line from

the end, The words "The Registrar General."

ORDINANCES Nos . 2 AND 3 OF 1876. 1421

Contagious Diseases. Chinese Emigration Repeal.

Wherever the words " The Registrar General " are repealed as aforesaid, the

section shall be amended by inserting the words " a Magistrate," and shall be read as

if those words had been inserted in the section originally .

3. Upon the hearing by a Magistrate of any matter arising under this Ordinance, Courts may sit in


or " The Contagious Diseases Ordinance, 1867, " or upon the hearing of an appeal from

the determination of the Magistrate in any such matter, the Magistrate or the Court

(as the case may be) inay hear the matter in private, unless the person accused or

affected desire publicity, and, in addition to all other powers, may order that all persons

not directly interested in the matter be kept excluded from the place of hearing.

4. No proceedings under this Ordinance, or under " The Contagious Diseases No proceedings

to be taken

except with

Ordinance, 1867," shall be commenced before a Magistrate, except at the instance, or sanction of

Attorney General

with the sanction, of the Attorney General or of the Registrar General . or Registrar

* General.

Sections 2 to 4

5. The three preceding sections of this Ordinance shall be read with " The Con incorporated

with No. 10 of

tagious Diseases Ordinance , 1867," and shall be taken to be incorporated there with ; 1867.

and upon the issue of any new edition of the Ordinances, the provisions of the said

three sections may be inserted in the said Ordinance ; sections 3 and 4 hereof may be

printed next after the section now numbered 71 of the said Ordinance, and the other

sections thereof may be renumbered .

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 19 of 1889. ]

No. 3 of 1876.

An Ordinance, to repeal Ordinance No. 1 of 1876. Title.

[ 11th April, 1876. ]

HEREAS difficulty is anticipated in carrying out the Ordinance No. 1 of 1876 Preamble.

W at some of the Coast Ports, and it is expedient to repeal the same with the

view of making further provision in that behalf : Be it enacted by the Governor of


Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. The Ordinance No. 1 of 1876 is hereby repealed, and the * enactments thereby Repealing Ordi

nance No. 1 of

repealed are, from the date of the passing hereof, revived as if the said Ordinance had 1876.

not been passed .

[* The enactments revived have been since repealed. ]

1422 ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1876 .

China Traders' Insurance Company.

No. 4 of 1876 .

Title An Ordinance to authorise " The China Traders' Insurance Company,

Limited ," to sub-divide its shares .

[ 22nd April, 1876. ]

Preamble. HEREAS " The China Traders' Insurance Company, Limited" is a public

W company duly incorporated and limited by shares under the provisions of

the "The Companies Ordinance, 1865 ," and whereas the Memorandum of Association

of the said Company provides that the capital of the Company is one million of dollars

divided into two hundred shares of five thousand dollars each, and whereas the whole

of the said shares have been issued , and the sum of one thousand dollars has been

paid up on each share , and a further call of five hundred dollars upon each share has

been made, and whereas the said Company has found that shares of five thousand

dollars each are too large to be readily marketable, and the Company is therefore

desirous of sub-dividing the existing shares into shares of smaller amount, and whereas

the said Company in order to effectuate its desire has applied to have the necessary

powers therefor conferred upon it by means of this Ordinance : Be it therefore enacted

by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as

follows :

Interpretation. 1. In the interpretation of this Ordinance, the expression " The Company " shall

mean " The China Traders' Insurance Company, Limited."

Shares may be 2. It shall be lawful for the Company, by special resolution, to modify the

divided into

shares of smaller

amonnt. conditions contained in its Memorandum of Association so as by sub- division of its

shares or any of them to divide its capital or any part thereof into shares of any

amount not less than fifteen hundred dollars each provided that in the sub- division of

the existing shares, the proportion between the amount which is paid, aud the amount

which is unpaid on each share of reduced amount shall be the same as it was in the

case of the existing share or shares, from which the share of reduced amount is derived .

Special resolution 3. The statement of the number and amount of the shares into which the capital

to be embodied

in Memorandum

of Association. of the Company is divided contained in every copy of the Memorandum of Association

issued after the passing of any such special resolution, shall be in accordance with such

resolution, and if the Company make default in complying with the provisions of this

section, it shall incur a penalty not exceeding five dollars for each copy in respect of

which such default is made, and every Director, Manager and Secretary of the Company

who knowingly or wilfully authorises or permits such default shall incur the like

penalty . All such penalties may be recovered before a Magistrate in a summary way.

4. This Ordinance shall come into force on such day as shall be hereafter fixed by

proclamation under the hand of the Governor.

[Never in force disallowed in C.O.D. No. 97, 25th July, 1876: Repealed by

Ordinance No. 1 of 1877.]

ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1876 . 1423

Chinese Emigration Amendment.

No. 5 of 1876 .

An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to Chinese Passenger Ships Title.

and the Conveyance of Chinese Emigrants .

[ 26th April, 1876. ]

HEREAS by section 5 of " The Chinese Emigration Consolidation Ordinance, Preamble.

W 1874," it is enacted " that no Chinese passenger ship, except ships about to

" proceed on a voyage of not more than thirty days' duration within the meaning of

" section 8 of this Ordinance, shall clear out or proceed to sea, and the emigration.

" officer shall not grant the certificate prescribed by section 4 of The Chinese


Passengers ' Act, 1855 ,' unless the master of such ship shall be provided with a licence

“ under the hand of the Governor and the public seal of the Colony to be obtained

" in manner hereinafter mentioned " ; and ( paragraph 2 ) that it shall be lawful

"for the Governor in Council, from time to time, to exempt from the operation of this

" section, any mail steamers or other vessels which are subject to the provisions of

" The Chinese Passengers Act, 1855 ,' provided that the Chinese passengers proceeding

"in such vessels be free emigrants and under no contract of service whatever " ; and

whereas it is expedient that every Chinese passenger ship should be provided with a

licence, and that the fee chargeable upon such licence should be reduced, and that the

law should be amended as hereinafter provided : Be it thereof enacted by the Governor

of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. Section 5 of " The Chinese Emigration Consolidation Ordinance, 1874 " is Repeal.

hereby repealed, and the second section of this Ordinance is enacted instead thereof,

and shall be read as if it had originally been inserted in the place of the said section 5 ;

and in any new edition of the Ordinances may be printed as section 5 of the said


Licensing of " Chinese Passenger Ships."

2. No Chinese passenger ship shall clear out or proceed to sea, and the emigration No Chinese

passenger ship

to proceed to sea

officer shall not grant the certificate prescribed by section 4 of " The Chinese Passengers' without a licence

from the

Act, 1855 ," unless the master of such ship shall be provided with a licence under the Governor.

[Ord. 4 of 1870,

hand of the Governor and the public seal of the Colony, or under the hand and seal вес . 3.7

of an emigration officer, to be obtained in manner hereinafter mentioned .

2. Whenever any Chinese passenger ship is about to proceed to sea upon any Time and mode


voyage of more than seven days' duration, the owners or charterers of such ship , or, for licence in the


[Ibid, sec. 4.]

if absent from the Colony, their respective agents, may, before such ship is laid on

for the conveyance of Chinese emigrants, and before any depôt is opened for their

reception, apply in writing to the Colonial Secretary for a licence under the hand of

the Governor and the public seal of the Colony for the conveyance of such emigrants

and shall furnish all particulars as to the destination of the said ship and as to all

other matters relating to the intended voyage and emigration which may be required

of them.

1424 ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1876 .

Chinese Emigration Amendment.

Time and mode 3. Whenever any Chinese passenger ship, which is not provided with a licence

of application for

licence at the covering her intended voyage, is about to proceed with free Chinese emigrants under

ports out ofthe

Colony. no contract of service whatever from any port in China, or within one hundred miles

of the coast thereof, upon a voyage of not more than thirty days' duration, the owners

or charterers of such ship, or, if absent, their respective agents, may, before such ship

is laid on for the conveyance of Chinese emigrants , and before any depôt is opened for

their reception , apply in writing to the emigration officer at such port for a licence

under his hand and seal for the conveyance of such emigrants upon the intended voyage

only, and shall furnish all particulars as to the destination of the said ship, and as to

all other matters relating to the intended voyage and emigration which may be required

of them.

Punishment for 4. All such particulars shall, if so ordered, be verified upon oath before the



particolars. emigration officer or any Justice of the Peace, and every person who shall knowingly

[Ibid, sec. 5.]

furnish untrue particulars, shall be liable to imprisonment, with or without hard labour,

for any period not exceeding six calendar months, and to a fine not exceeding one

hundred dollars, either in addition to or in substitution of such imprisonment.

General licences 5. The Governor in Council may, at his discretion, grant to any vessel a general

to mail steamers ,


licence for any period, or for any number of voyages, or for voyages to and from any

specified port or ports, upon the condition that the vessel provided with such licence.

shall carry only free passengers under no contract of service whatever, except as

hereinafter mentioned .

Conditions of 6. The granting of any licence shall be in the discretion of the Governor in Council,

licence and

amount of fee.

[Ibid, sec. 6.] and in cases within the third paragraph of this section, shall be in the discretion of the

emigration officer, and in every case shall be subject to the payment of a fee of five

dollars, and to such conditions as may, from time to time , be prescribed under

instructions from Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, and the

Governor in Governor in Council may impose such conditions on the granting of any licence as he

Council may

impose shall think expedient in each particular case, provided the same shall not be contrary


to or inconsistent with such instructions.

Licence to 7. Every licence, other than a general licence, granted under this section in respect

specify time of

departure ; of any Chinese passenger ship shall specify the period within which such ship shall

proviso for


thereof. clear out and proceed to sca : Provided always that it shall be lawful for the Governor

[Ibid, sec. 7.]

in Council, or emigration officer who grauted the licence, from time to time, to extend

such period .

The Governor 8. The Governor in Council may, at his discretion, authorise any person to engage

may authorise

labourers and

servants to be any specified number of Chinese artisans, mechanics, labourers , or servants for any

engaged for person resident in any British possession , and to make contracts in writing on behalf of

persons in


possessions . such resident with the persons so engaged. Every such contract shall be made in

triplicate, and one part shall be lodged in the office of the emigration officer ; and such

part shall be admissible in evidence without a stamp .

Any vessel provided with a general licence may carry any persons so engaged

without thereby affecting her licence.

ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1876 . 1425

Chinese Emigration Amendment.

9. Nothing in " The Chinese Emigration Consolidation Ordinance, 1874," shall Ordinance 5 of

1874 not to

prevent passengers, natives of Asia, from travelling in the first class cabin of any vessel prevent Chinese

passengers from

travelling in first

which is provided with general licence, on the same terms as passengers of other or second cabin

as other nation

nationalities ; or in the first or second class cabin , if the vessel carries more than two alities.

classes of passengers .

Such passengers are hereby exempted from the necessity of obtaining contract

passage tickets, or of submitting themselves to be mustered or inspected by any emi

gration officer, or medical officer, or other person .

Such passengers shall, however, be reckoned in calculating the number of passen

gers, natives of Asia, who are carried by the said vessel .

10. In case it shall be shown to the satisfaction of the Governor in Council, at Powerto remove

master or other


any time before the departure of a Chinese passenger ship, that the master, mate, or [Ibid, sec. 8.]

any other officer of such ship is unfit for the proper discharge of his duties by reason

of incompetency or misconduct, or for any other sufficient cause, it shall be lawful for

the Governor, by order under his hand, to discharge and remove such master, mate, or

other officer from the said ship , and thereupon the owners or charterers thereof, or their

agents, shall forthwith appoint a master, or mate, or other officer, as the case may be,

to be approved by the emigration officer, in the place of the one so discharged and

removed as aforesaid.

11. In any of the following cases, namely :

(a.) If it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Governor in Council, or Power to revoke

and cancel

emigration officer, at any time before the departure of a Chinese licence.

[Ibid, sec. 9.]

passenger ship , that the particulars furnished to him in relation thereto

under the second paragraph of this section are untrue, or that any

condition of the said licence has been violated ;

(b.) If any Chinese passenger ship shall fail to clear out and proceed to sea,

within the period specified in the licence granted under this section ,

or within such extended period as aforesaid ;

(c.) If the owners or charterers of a Chinese passenger ship shall fail forthwith

to appoint a master, mate, or other officer to be approved as aforesaid ,

in the place of any master, mate, or other officer discharged under the

tenth paragraph of this section ;

It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council or emigration officer to revoke the licence

granted by him under this section in respect of such Chinese passenger ship, and to

order that the said ship be seized and detained until her emigration papers (if already

granted) be delivered up to be cancelled.

12. The breach of any condition of a licence granted under this section shall be Breach of

condition of


deemed a breach of a regulation respecting Chinese passenger ships within the meaning

of section 2 of " The Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855."

1426 ORDINANCES Nos . 5 AND 6 OF 1876 .

Chinese Emigration Amendment. Revenue.

Application of 13. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to apply the whole or any part

penalty for

breach of this

Ordinance of the penalty recoverable in case of the non-observance or non - performance of the


under " The regulations of this section under the provisions of section 5 of " The Chinese Passengers'


Passengers' Act, 1855 ," towards the expenses of reconveying to their homes intending emigrants

Act, 1855."

[Ibid, sec. 10.] by any vessel in respect of which the licence granted under this section shall have been

revoked in manner hereinbefore provided.

Regulations of

schedule 4 of 14. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect the regulations contained in

"Chinese Pas

sengers' Act, schedule A of "The Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855."

1855," not to be

affected by this


Suspending 3. This Ordinance shall not come into operation until Her Majesty's confirmation


of the same shall have been proclaimed by the Governor.

[ Confirmation proclaimed 13th July, 1876: Repealed by Ordinance No. 1 of 1889. ]

No. 6 of 1876.


An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation of a Supplementary Sum

not exceeding Fifty- five thousand Dollars to defray the Charges of

the Year 1875 .

[ 16th November, 1876. ]


HEREAS it has become necessary to make further provision for the public

service of the Colony for the year 1875 , in addition to the charge upon the

revenue for the service of the said year already provided for in the estimates submitted

to the Legislative Council : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the

advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :--


Estimates . 1875.

1. A sum not exceeding fifty-five thousand dollars shall be and the same is hereby

charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the service of the year 1875 , the said sum so

charged being expended as hereinafter specified ; that is to say :


$ c.

Governor,. 1,555.24

Judicial, 2,414.16

Fire Brigade , 1,811.08

TOTAL ESTABLISHMENTS, ...... $ 5,780.48

ORDINANCES Nos . 6 AND 7 OF 1876 . 1427



Surveyor General, 360.00

Police, ...... 1,756.63

Charitable Allowances, 152.80

Works and Buildings,.. 25,923.92

Roads , Streets , and Bridges , 4,372.65

Lighthouses, ..... 3,001.93

Miscellaneous Services, 7,697.25

Land and House Purchased , 3,160.80

Military Contribution , 1,905.54


TOTAL, ..... $54,112.00

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]

No. 7 of 1876 .


An Ordinance to apply a sum not exceeding Eight hundred and Eight

thousand Two hundred Dollars to the Public Service of the Year

1877 .

[ 16th November, 1876. ]

HEREAS the expenditure required for the service of this Colony for the year Preamble.

WH 1877 has been estimated at the sum of eight hundred and eight thousand two

hundred dollars and thirty-eight cents : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong,

with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. A sum not exceeding eight hundred and eight thousand two hundred dollars Estimates, 1877.

shall be, and the same is hereby charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the

service of the year 1877 , and the said sum so charged shall be expended as hereinafter

specified ; that is to say :


$ c.

Governor, ...... 2,708.00

Colonial Secretary, 3,176.00

Colonial Treasurer, 3,432.00

Auditor General, 15,039.00

Clerk of Councils, 100.00

Surveyor General, 24,170.00

Postmaster General, 28,438.00

Carried forward, ..................$ 77,063,00

1428 ORDINANCE No. 7 OF 1876 .


Brought forward, ...... 77,063.00

Registrar General, 11,314.00

Harbour Master, 27,062.00

Lighthouses, .... 7,424.00

Collector of Stamp Revenue, ... 4,162.00

Judicial, ..... 21,900.00

Registrar of Companies, 192.00

Ecclesiastical, ...... 1,158.00

Educational, ..……………. 17,436.00

Medical, ... 14,160.00

Police Magistrates, 6,340.00

Police, .... 114,610.80

Gaol,..... 18,228.00

Fire Brigade, 8,446.00

Government Gardens,.... 4,336.80

TOTAL ESTABLISHMENTS, …….... $363,832.60


Colonial Treasurer, 1,500.00

Surveyor General , 1,080.00

Postmaster General, 20,734.78

Registrar General, 50.00

Judicial, 200.00

Educational,... 4,620.00

Medical, 19,420.00

Police Magistrates , . 390.00

Police, ……………….. 38,885.00

Gaol, .......... 14,120.00

Fire Brigade, 2,000.00

Charitable Allowances ,... 4,000.00

Transport, 4,500.00

Works and Buildings ,.... 141,500.00

Roads, Streets, and Bridges , 49,220.00

Lighthouses, .... 1,000.00

Miscellaneous Services, 36,800.00

Military Contribution, 104,348.00

TOTAL, ... . $808,200.38

[Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887. ]

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1876 . 1429

Deportation and Conditional Pardons.

No. 8 of 1876 .

An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the Ordinances relating to Title.

Deportation , Conditional Pardons, the Branding and Punishment of

certain Criminals, and the Ordinance No. 9 of 1857 , entitled " An

amended Ordinance for better Securing the Peace of the Colony."

[ 11th December , 1876. ]

HEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the enactments now in force Preamble.

W in this Colony in reference to deportation , conditional pardons , the branding

and punishment of certain criminals, and Ordinance No. 9 of 1857 entitled " An

amended Ordinance for better securing the peace of the Colony ; " Be it enacted by

the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as

follows :

1. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as " The Deportation and Short title.

Conditional Pardons Consolidation Ordinance, 1876."


2. In the construction of this Ordinance, the expression " order of deportation Interpretation


shall mean an order of the Governor in Council, prohibiting a person from residing or [See Ord. 4 of

1871, sec. 1.]

being within this Colony, for a term not exceeding five years.

3. Any Justice of the Peace may lawfully arrest , or cause to be arrested, with or Power to arrest

and keep

without warrant, any person whom he shall reasonably suspect to be an emissary or suspected

emissaries or

abettor of Her Majesty's enemies, or of pirates, or of Chinese disaffected to Her abettors of


[See Ord, 9 of

Majesty's Government, or otherwise dangerous to the peace and good order of this 1857, sec. 6.]

Colony, and him safely keep until he can be dealt with according to law.

4. Any Magistrate, or Justice of the Peace may cause any Chinese person to find Security to

appear within

reasonable security for his appearance in any Court for any purpose, and at any time twelve months.

[See Ord, 8 of

1858 , sec. 21.]

within twelve months, and every adjudication to that effect shall be made in open

Court, and reported forthwith to the Governor ; and such Chinese not finding such

security shall be deemed a person dangerous to the peace of the Colony, and be liable

to deportation under section 5 of this Ordinance.

5. The Governor in Council may, by order under his hand, prohibit any person Power to deport

for five years.

not being a natural born or naturalised subject of Her Majesty from residing or being [See Ord. 9 of

1857, sec. 7, and

within this Colony during any space of time not exceeding five years, and may by the Ord. 4 of 1871,

sec. 2.]

same or any subsequent order under his hand , fix the time for the departure of such

person from the Colony.

6. Every person who either before or after the passing of this Ordinance shall Penalty for

disobedience to

or violation of

have been prohibited by order of the Governor in Council from residing or being order of


within this Colony for any space of time not exceeding five years under the provisions [See Ord. 4 of

1871, sec. 3.]

of this or any other Ordinance, and who without lawful authority or excuse, the proof

of which shall lie upon him, shall be in this Colony after the date of such order, or

1430 ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1876 .

Deportation and Conditional Pardons.

after the time fixed for his departure, and before the expiration of the term of his

deportation, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the

Supreme Court, shall be liable to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any

period not exceeding one year : Provided always that in all cases in which the prisoner

when brought before a Magistrate upon such charge shall plead guilty thereto, it shall

be lawful for the Magistrate to deal summarily with the case, instead of committing

the prisoner for trial at the Supreme Court.

Governor may 7. It shall be lawful for the Governor to grant to any offender convicted of any

grant pardon

subject to condi crime a pardon subject to either of the following conditions, as the case may be : That

tions of offenders

leaving the such offender shall quit the Colony and not afterwards be found at large therein ; or


(See Ord. 1 of

1860 , sec. 1.] that such offender shall, in lieu of a sentence of death which may have been passed

upon or recorded against him by any Court of competent jurisdiction , suffer such term

of imprisonment, with or without hard labour, or penal servitude, as the Governor

may think fit.

Breach of 8. If any offender to whom a pardon shall have been granted either before the


pardon. passing of this Ordinance, or afterwards under the provisions of this Ordinance, on the

[See Ord. 5 of

1871 , sec. 2.] condition of his quitting the Colony, be afterwards found at large therein without law

ful authority or excuse, the proof whereof shall lie upon him, he shall be guilty of a

felony or of a misdemeanor, according to the nature of the offence for which he shall

have received such conditional pardon , and shall, on conviction thereof before the

Supreme Court, be liable, in the discretion of the Court, to any sentence not exceeding

the whole of his original or commuted sentence, such sentence to commence from the

date at which he shall be tried and convicted under this Ordinance : Provided always

that in all cases in which the prisoner when brought before a Magistrate upon such

charge shall plead guilty thereto, it shall be lawful for the Magistrate to deal sum

marily with the case, and to remit him to gaol to undergo any sentence not exceeding

the whole of his original or commuted sentence, instead of committing the prisoner for

trial at the Supreme Court.

Brandingin what 9. In all cases where any Chinese person convicted of any crime and actually

cases may be

ordered by undergoing sentence of imprisonment, may voluntarily petition the Governor to be


[See Ord. 4 of released on condition that he shall be sufficiently marked or branded, to be thereby

1872, sec. 1.]

recognised subsequently, and shall also undertake to quit the Colony and not return

thereto without permission from the Governor, it shall be lawful for the Governor to

order any convict so petitioning as aforesaid to be marked and branded accordingly :

Provided, nevertheless, that every such convict so petitioning, shall state in his petition

bis willingness to leave the Colony, and, if found therein subsequently without due

permission, to be dealt with as the law may direct.

Governor in 10. In all cases when it seems expedient that any prisoner convicted of any crime,

Council may

deport prisoners. and actually undergoing sentence of imprisonment should be released and deported ,

it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to order such prisoner to be deported.

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1876 . 1431

Deportation and Conditional Pardons.

Branded convicts

11. Every convict so deported as aforesaid, and nevertheless returning to the when liable to

flogging on

Colony, shall be liable, on conviction thereof before a Magistrate, to undergo the re return to Colony.

[See Ord. 4 of

mainder of his original sentence, and also , if a male, and if convicted subsequent to 1872, sec..

his return to the Colony of any felony or other crime which the Court sentencing such

convict may consider to be so brutal, inveterate, or mischievous as to justify extraor

dinary measures, shall be liable to be once or twice publicly or privately flogged with

the regulation instrument : Provided that not more than thirty- six lashes be inflicted

on any one occasion.

12. Regulations defining the mode of branding under this Ordinance shall be Regulations as

to mode of

branding to be

framed by the Governor in Council, and may be altered and amended , from time to framed by

Governor in

time, by the same authority . Council.

[See Ord. 4 of

1872, sec. 3. ]

13. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council, if he shall think fit, to issue Prisoner may be

deported again.

[See Ord. 4 of

a new order of deportation against any person who shall have been convicted of an 1871 , sec. 4.]

offence against section 6 of this Ordinance, and such order shall commence to take

effect during or at the expiration of any term of imprisonment to which the prisoner

shall have been sentenced.

14. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council, if he shall think fit, to issue Prisoner re

turning after

an order of deportation against any person who shall have been convicted of an offence conditional

pardon may be

against sections 8 or 11 of this Ordinance, and such order shall commence to take effect deported.

during or at expiration of any term of imprisonment to which the prisoner shall have

been sentenced .

15. Any person convicted before a Magistrate of mendicancy in this Colony shall Mendicancy


be liable to a fine not exceeding five dollars, or in default thereof, to imprisonment, [See Ord. 8 of

1858, secs. 23 and


with or without hard labour, not exceeding twenty -one days, or, in the discretion of

the Magistrate, shall be liable to be whipped thirty-six strokes with a rattan , and be

sent to his native place .

16. All persons affected with leprosy are hereby prohibited from residing or being Lepers to be sent

to Chinese

within the jurisdiction of this Colony, and all lepers natives of China found in the authorities.

jurisdiction shall be apprehended, and , subject to the order of the officer for the time

being in command of the Police, be liable to be forthwith sent to Canton, and there

handed over to the Chinese authorities, and on being found within this Colony a second

time , shall be liable to deportation by order of the Governor.

17. Any person who shall knowingly harbour or conceal , in the Colony of Hong Penalty on

persons know

kong, any person under sentence of deportation , shall, on conviction thereof before ingly harbouring

Chinese under

a Justice of the Peace, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or in default of sentence of

deportation .

[See Ord. 9 of

payment, to be imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding 1837, sec. 17.1

six months.

1432 ORDINANCES Nos . 8 AND 9 OF 1876 .

Deportation and Conditional Pardons. Public Gambling.

Repeal. 18. The following Ordinances and parts of Ordinances are hereby repealed :

Ordinance 14 of 1845 , -Section 2, sub-section 17, the words " shall beg," & c., &c. ,

& c. , up to " alms or,"

29 9 of 1857, All sections not previously repealed .

99 8 of 1858 , Sections 21 and 23, and sub- section 9 of section 28.

"" 1 of 1860 , -- The whole.

99 9 of 1867, -Section 17.

"" 4 of 1871 ,

99 5 of 1871 , The whole.

"" 4 of 1872,

but such repeal shall not revive any enactment repealed by any of the said Ordinances

or sections of Ordinances, and shall not affect anything duly done before the passing

of this Ordinance.

Indemnity for 19. All acts done or attempted before the passing of this Ordinance, and which

past acts.

would have been lawful if so done or attempted after the passing thereof, are hereby

authorised and made valid, and no man shall at any time hereafter be called in question

for or in respect of the same.

Suspending 20. This Ordinance shall not come into operation until Her Majesty's confir


mation thereof shall have been proclaimed in the Colony by the Governor.

[Never confirmed, sec C. O. D. No. 51 , 18th May, 1877. Repealed by

Ordinance No. 3 of 1881. ]

No. 9 of 1876 .

Title. An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the Law relating to

Public Gambling.

[ 11th December, 1876. ]


WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the law relating

to public gambling : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong,


with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as the " Public

Gambling Amendment Ordinance , 1876. "

Word Gam 2. The word " Gambling " as used in this Ordinance shall apply to

bling " to

include and include lotteries, as well as those known as Wai - sing, Pak-kop -piu ,


See Ord. 9 of Tsz-fa, as all others .

1867, sec. 21.1

Penalty on 3. Any person who shall keep any office, agency, or place for dealing in lotteries,

person dealing

in lotteries. shall forfeit a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars on conviction thereof in a

summary manner. [ Repealed by Ordinance No. 27 of 1888, and new section substituted. ]

ORDINANCE No. 9 of 1876 . 1433

Public Gambling.

4. Any person who shall keep any house, room , or place, boat, vessel, or any Penalty on

person keeping a

place on land or water, for public playing or gambling, or shall permit any person to public gambling


[See Ord. 14 of

play within such house, room , boat, vessel, or any place on land or water as aforesaid , 1841, s. 1.j

shall forfeit a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars on conviction thereof in a

summary manner. [ Repealed by Ordinance No. 27 of 1888, and new section substituted.]

5. Any person who shall use, haunt, or be found within such house, room, boat, Penalty on

persons haunting

vessel, or any place on land or water as aforesaid, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding gambling houses.

[ vid, sec. 2.]

fifty dollars on conviction thereof in a summary manner. [ Repealed by Ordinance No.

27 of 1888, and new section substituted . ]

Person acting as

6. The person appearing, or acting as master, or as having the care aud manage master to be

ment of any such house, room , office, agency or place as aforesaid, shall be taken to be liable to penalty.

[Ibid, sec. 3.]

the keeper thereof, and shall be liable as such to the penalty aforesaid. [ Repealed by

Ordinance No. 27 of 1888, and new section substituted. ]

7. It shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace or constable of Justice of the

Peace or Con

stable autho

the Police, duly authorised by warrant of any Justice of the Peace, to rised by war

rant to enter

enter, and if necessary to break into any house, room , boat , vessel , or any into house.

place, either on land or water, within which such Justice of the Peace and seize im

plements of

shall be credibly informed on oath, or shall have reasonable grounds of gambling,

money , &c .,

his own knowledge to suspect and believe that public gaming or playing which shall

be forfeited.

is or has been commonly carried on , and to arrest [ all persons within such [Ibid, sec. 4. ]

house, room, or place as aforesaid : Repealed by Ordinance No. 27 of

1888 and new words substituted] and to seize all tables , dice , or other

implements of gambling, or which shall be used as such , and also all

monies or securities for money which shall be in actual use for the purpose

of gambling, and which said implements of gambling, and money, or

securities for money, on conviction of the offender, shall be, and they are

hereby declared to be forfeited to Her Majesty's the Queen , Her Heirs

and Successors .

8. The provisions of sections 17 , 18 , and 19 of Ordinance No 7 of Provisions of

secs. 17, 18, &

1866 shall apply to this Ordinance, and for the words " No. 14 of 1844 " 19, of Ord. 7

of 1866 to

in section 17 of the said Ordinance hereinafter repealed , shall be apply.

substituted the number of this Ordinance.

9. The following Ordinance and portions of Ordinances are hereby Repeal.

repealed :

No. 14 of 1844 . .....the whole.

No. 7 of 1866 , .. ....section 17 , the words

"No. 14 of 1844. "

No. 9 of 1867 .... ..... sections 18 , 19 , 20 ,

and 21 .

1434 ORDINANCES Nos . 9 AND 10 OF 1876 .

Public Gambling. Post Office.

but such repeal shall not affect anything duly done before the passing of

this Ordinance .

Penalties to 10. All penalties herein mentioned shall be recovered , and levied ,

be recovered

according to on conviction of the offender, before any Magistrate of Police , or any two

the provisions

of Ord. No. 10 Justices of the Peace, in the manner provided by Ordinances No. 10 of

of 1844, and

No. 7 of 1866. 1844 , and No. 7 of 1866 .

No. 10 of 1876 .

Title. An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to the Postal Matters of the


[ 11th December, 1876. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative


BR Council thereof, as follows :

Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as " The Post Office Ordinance, 1876. "

Interpretation. 2. In this Ordinance, and in any Order in Council or regulation made thereunder,

unless the context indicates the contrary, the following expressions shall have the

meanings set against them respectively, that is to say :

"Postmaster General " shall mean the Postmaster General of the Colony.

Ser Ord. 8 of "Correspondence " shall mean any letter, newspaper, book, pamphlet , document ,

1862, sec. 25.J

parcel , or package , or other article whatsoever transmitted by post, whether in a closed

mail or having been placed loose on board any contract packet or vessel for trans

mission ; and a letter or other article shall be deemed to be correspondence from the

time of its arrival within the limits of the Colony, if brought to the Colony by post, or

from the time of its delivery to the Post Office if not so brought, and in either case

shall continue to be deemed correspondence to the time of its delivery from the Post

Office ; and delivery to or by any person authorised to receive or deliver letter bags or

correspondence on behalf of the Postmaster General shall be a delivery to or from the

Post Office.

"Postage Stamp" shall mean any label or stamp for denoting any rate of postage.

"Letter Bag" shall mean any bag, or box, or packet, or parcel, or other envelope

or covering in which correspondence is conveyed, whether it does or does not contain


"Post Office " shall mean any house, building, room, or place where correspondence

is received or delivered , or in which it is sorted, made up, or despatched .

"Officer of the Post Office " shall mean the Postmaster General, and every Post

master, Assistant Postmaster, agent, officer, clerk, letter carrier, or any other person

employed in any business of the Post Office, whether employed by the Postmaster

General, or by any person under him , or on behalf of the Post Office.

ORDINANCE No. 10 OF 1876 . 1435

Post Office.

" Persons employed by or under the Post Office " shall mean every person employed

in any business of the Post Office according to the interpretation given to officer of the

Post Office.

"Contract Packet " shall mean any vessel for the conveyance of letter bags and

correspondence under contract.

"Master of a Vessel " shall mean any person in charge of a vessel, whether com

mander, mate, or other person .

"Vessel " shall mean any ship or other vessel not being a contract packet .

3. There shall, as heretofore, be one General Post Office of the Colony, where General Post


correspondence may be received from all places, and whence correspondence may be [Ibid, sec. 1.]

despatched to all places, and the present Post Office shall be such General Post Office

until the site thereof be changed by the Governor .

The Governor may establish such other District Post Offices in the Colony as he

thinks fit.


4. The present Postmaster General and all other officers of the Post Office are Postmaster

General and


hereby continued in their offices, and shall have all the powers and privileges hereby in their offices.

conferred upon the holders of their respective offices.

5. The Governor may hereafter, as occasion requires , appoint, from time to time, Appointment of

officers in future.

a Postmaster General of the Colony , and all necessary Assistant Postmasters General , [Ibid, sec. 2 & 5,]

Postmasters, agents , clerks, or servants for conducting the business of the Post Office.

6. No person hereafter appointed shall be capable of holding the office of Post Declarations.

Ibid, sec. 5.1

master General, or Assistant Postmaster General , or Postmaster, or agent, unless he

shall have first made and subscribed before a Justice of the Peace or one of Her

Britanic Majesty's Consuls , the declaration contained in the schedule A hereto annexed ,

and no person hereafter appointed shall be capable of being a clerk, servant, or officer

of the Post Office, unless he shall have first made and subscribed in like manner, the

declaration contained in the schedule B hereto annexed.

7. The Postmaster General shall, by himself or his deputies, have the entire Postmaster

General solely

charge of the General Post Office and of all postal matters within the Colony , with sole authorised to

receive and

deliver all cor

power, within the Colony , of receiving from all persons authorised to deliver the same, respondence .

[Ibid, sec. 3,]

all letter bags and correspondence arriving in the Colony ; and with sole power, within

the Colony, of collecting, receiving, and delivering to all persons authorised to receive

the same, all correspondence for transmission by or through the General Post Office to

places out of the Colony.

The said Postmaster General shall also have the exclusive privilege, within the

Colony, of performing all the incidental services of receiving, collecting, despatching

and delivering all correspondence arriving from, or transmitted to any place out of the

Colony ; and no letters (except Chinese letters) , unless exempt by law, shall be delivered



ice.transmitted from the Colony, otherwise than by or through the General Post

1436 ORDINANCE No. 10 OF 1876 .

Post Office.

Letters excepted 8. All correspondence which, by any Act of the Imperial Parliament, is excepted

under Acts of

Imperial Parlia from the exclusive privilege of the Imperial Post Office, shall within this Colony be,


[Ibid, sec. 4, and

See 1 Vic. c. 33, and the same is hereby declared to be, excepted from the exclusive privilege of the

sec. 2.]

Postmaster General of the Colony .

Receipt ofpost 9. The Postmaster General shall receive all postage payable in the Colony and

age and accounts.

[See Ord. 8 of

1862, sec. 7.] shall keep accounts of all correspondence received and despatched by him , with the

particulars of the postage thereof, in such manner and form as the Governor may,

from time to time, direct ; but so that the accounts of monies payable to the Imperial

Postmaster General be kept distinct from the accounts of monies payable to the Colonial


The Postmaster General shall keep the accounts of monies payable to the Imperial

Postmaster General in such form and shall trausmit such monies in such manner, as

the said Imperial Postmaster General may, from time to time, direct .

Governor in 10. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, by order under his hand

Council may fix

rates of postage. determine the rates of postage to be charged upon all correspondence sent by post

Ibid, secs. 24 &

13, and 34 & 35

Vic. c. 30 sec. 1.] from the General Post Office of the Colony , or received therein from places outside the

Colony, and the scale of weights according to which such rates are to be charged , and

may revoke, alter, or add to any such order, so however, that no order be inconsistent

with any instructions on the subject transmitted from the Secretary of State or the

Imperial Postmaster General.

Orders to be 11. The Governor shall publish every such order by proclamation in the Gazette ;

published by

proclamation. and every order, when so published , shall have the same effect as if it had been inserted


in this Ordinance.

The Governor

may make 12. The Governor may, subject to such instructions as aforesaid, from time to


[Ibid.) time, make, alter, and repeal, in relation to correspondence sent by post, such regula

tions as he thinks fit for regulating the times and modes of posting and delivery, pre

payment, late fees, fines on unpaid correspondence, the registry of correspondence ,

money orders, the sale and affixing of postage stamps, the dimensions, weight, and

contents of packets, and other such similar regulations as the Governor, from time to

time, thinks necessary for the better execution of this Ordinance .

All such regulations as affect the public shall be published in the Gazette, and

shall have no effect until so published.

Decision as to

newspapers, 13. If a question arises whether any article of correspondence is a letter, or

packets, &c.

whether any publication is a newspaper or a supplement, or whether any packet is a

book packet or pattern or sample packet, within the meaning of this Ordinance, or of

any order in Council , or regulations made thereunder, the decision thereon of the

Postmaster General shall be final, save that the Governor may, if he thinks fit, on the

application of any person interested , reverse or modify the decision, and order accord


ORDINANCE No. 10 OF 1876. 1437

Post Office.

14. All correspondence which arrives in this Colony fully paid according to the Paid corres

pondence to be

delivered or

rates in force for the time being shall be delivered or transmitted from the Post Office transmitted

without delay.

without delay and without further charge. [Ibid, sec. 9.]

All correspondence which is delivered to the Post Office with the proper postage

paid thereon, shall be transmitted from the Post Office without delay.

15. All letters received or sent by sailors or soldiers of Her Majesty's sea or land Seamen's and

soldiers' letters.

forces shall be charged with such reduction in the rates of postage, as is allowed to [Ibid, sec. 13.]

them by any Act of the Imperial Parliament.

16. The Governor may, from time to time, provide proper postage stamps and Dies, & c. for

postage stamps.

proper dies and other implements for denoting, by adhesive stamps or otherwise , the [Ibid , sec. 22.j

rates of postage payable under this Ordinance, or any regulation thereunder.

17. The Postmaster General may, if necessary, open and, if possible, return to Opening letters.

Ibid, sec. 19.


the sender :

(1.) Any correspondence upon which the prepayment of postage is compul Unpaid letters.

sory, and which cannot be sent unpaid by any other route, and upon

which the proper postage has not been paid ;

(2. ) Any correspondence which is returned to the General Post Office for Dead letters.

want of a proper address, or from inability to find the person to whom

it is addressed, and which remains unclaimed for ten days after being

advertised in the Gazette.

18. When any packet is delivered to the Post Office and has thereby become Postage may be

remitted on

liable to postage, and evidence is adduced to the satisfaction of the Postmaster General packets not


letters, it sent

that such packet has been delivered to the Post Office by mistake, the Postmaster in mistake.

[Ibid, sec. 21.]

General may cause such packet to be opened in the presence of an officer of the Post

Office, and may return the same without charge to the person interested ; unless

such packet is found to contain any letter or manuscript liable to postage ; in

which case the Postmaster General shall retain the packet until he is paid the full

rate of postage chargeable upon such letter or manuscript.

19. After any correspondence has been delivered to the Post Office, no person Warrants for

opening or

employed by or under the Post Office shall, except in the cases above mentioned, open returning cor


[Ibid, sec. 20.)

the same, or return the same to any person, or procure or suffer the same to be opened

or returned, unless he is authorised by express warrant in writing under the hand of

the Governor, or the Brttish Consul at the port.

The Governor, or the British Consul at the port, may, at his discretion , grant

such warrants for opening or returning any specified letter or other article of


ce .

Despatch and receipt of mails.

20. Every master of a vessel, shall , immediately on arrival, and before reporting Delivery ofmails.

Ibid, sec. 14.]

at the Harbour Office, deliver to the Post Office all letter bags and correspondence on

board, except such as are exempt by law, and shall make the declaration contained in

the schedule C hereto annexed, before an officer of the Post Office.

1438 ORDINANCE No. 10 OF 1876 .

Post Office.

Gratuities to 21. The Postmaster General shall pay to every master of a vessel , not being a

inasters of

vessels inwards. contract packet, a gratuity of two cents for every letter, and one cent for every other

[Ibid, sec. 12.)

article of correspondence delivered by him to the Post Office : Provided always that no

gratuity shall be payable,

(1.) For a second transmission of any correspondence ;

(2.) On correspondence delivered to any Post Office to be thence transmitted

by contract packet ;

(3.) On correspondence the gratuity on which is certified by the despatching

office to have been paid.

Gratuities to

masters of 22. The Postmaster General may pay like gratuities to any master of a vessel

vessels outwards. leaving Hongkong on every article of correspondence delivered to such master from

the Post Office, or certified by the Post Office of destination to have deen duly received

from him.

Rates ofgratuity. 23. The powers of the Governor in Council as defined and regulated by sections.

10 and 11 of this Ordinance, shall equally apply to the rates of gratuity to be paid to

ship masters for the delivery of mails , either generally or in particular cases : Provided

always, that the gratuities fixed by any Order in Council uuder this section , shall not

be less on the average than the sums otherwise required by this Ordinance to be paid.

Damages for 24. Every master of a vessel who receives such gratuities , shall be held to have

non-delivery of

mail. made a contract with the Postmaster General that in consideration of the gratuities

so paid, he will duly deliver all letter bags and correspondence received from the Post

Office unto the persons to whom the same are addressed immediately on his arrival in

port, without wilful or avoidable delay after his arrival, and that if he fail in any re

spect to perform his said contract, he will pay to the Postmaster General the sum of

five hundred dollars as liquidated damages for the breach of his said contract.

Persons propos 25. Every person or firm proposing to despatch a vessel to any port or place out

ing to despatch

vessels to give of this Colony, excepting vessels plying daily or on fixed days to Macao or to places

notice to the


General. on the Canton River, shall, so soon as he has arranged the time for the departure of

LIbid, sec. 16.]

such vessel, give the first intimation of such proposed departure to the Postmaster

General, and shall, in like manner, intimate to the Postmaster General any alteration

in the day or hour of departure of the said vessel, and the Postmaster General shall,

on receiving such intimations , give notice to the public of the day and hour for closing

the mails, if any are to be made up by such vessel.

Any person or firm failing to give such intimation to the Postmaster General

shall, for every such offence, on conviction thereof, be liable to a penalty not exceeding

five hundred dollars.

Every alteration of the hour of departure of any vessel plying daily or on fixed

days to Macao or to places on the Canton River, shall, in like manner, be intimated to

the Postmaster General by the person despatching such vessel, who shall, for any de

fault, be liable, on conviction thereof, to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars.

ORDINANCE No. 10 OF 1876 . 1439

Post Office.

26. The Postmaster General, or any officer of the Post Office authorised by him, Making up mails

on board.

may attend on board any vessel, after the time for closing the mail by such vessel , [Ibid, sec. 17,3

and may receive all fully prepaid correspondence which is brought on board up to the

time of departure to be transmitted by such vessel .

The master of every such vessel shall give all proper facilities to such officer of

the Post Office to enable him to discharge his duties and to make up such late mails,

and to leave the vessel on her departure, and any master of a vessel failing to give

any such facilities shall be liable, on conviction thereof, to a penalty not exceeding five

hundred dollars.

If there be no officer of the Post Office in attendance on board any vessel, the

master of such vessel may receive all correspondence which is brought on board to him


prepaid by stamps ; and shall deliver the same at the Post Office on arrival at his



27. Every master of a vessel, which is not a contract packet, who commits any Penalties on

masters of

of the following offences, shall, on conviction thereof, be liable to a penalty not exceed vessels.


ing five hundred dollars, that is to say :

Refusal to take a letter bag delivered or tendered to him by an officer of the

Post Office for conveyance.

Refusal to sign a receipt for a letter bag delivered to him by an officer of the

Post Office for conveyance.

Neglect without reasonable excuse to deliver all correspondence to the Post [Ibid, sec. 14.)

Office on his arrival in the Colony.

Refusal or wilful neglect to make or making any untrue statement in, the [Ibid.

declaration hereby required of his having delivered his letters to the

Post Office.

Refusal or wilful neglect, if in quarantine, to deliver all correspondence in [Ibid.]

his possession to the person appointed to receive it.

28. Every person, employed by or under the Post Office, who steals, embezzles, Stealing letter

bags, forging

secretes, or destroys any correspondence shall be guilty of felony. stamps, and

other felonies.

Every person who steals from or out of any correspondence, any chattel , money ,

or valuable security, shall be guilty of felony.

Every person who steals or unlawfully takes away a letter bag, or steals or unlaw

fully takes any correspondence from or out of a letter bag, or unlawfully opens a letter

bag, shall be guilty of felony .

Every person who steals any correspondence from a letter bag, or from a Post

Office, or from an officer of the Post Office shall be guilty of felony.

Every person who forges, alters, or imitates, or assists in forging, altering, or

imitating, any postage stamp issued under this Ordinance, shall be guilty of felony .

Every person who uses, offers, utters, disposes of, or puts off any forged, altered,

or imitated postage stamp as aforesaid, knowing the same to be forged, altered, or

imitated, shall be guilty of felony .

1440 ORDINANCE No. 10 OF 1876.

Post Office.

Every person, who is convicted of any felony mentioned in this section shall be

liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any term not

exceeding seven years and not less than three years, or to be imprisoned for any term

not exceeding two years with or without hard labour.

Opening cor 29. Every person employed by or under the Post Office, who, without lawful


and other

misdemeanors . authority or excuse, opens, or suffers or procures to be opened, any correspondence ;

or who, without lawful authority or excuse, detains or delays or procures or su to

be detained or delayed , any correspondence ; or who wilfully delivers any correspond

ence to any person other than the person to whom the same ought to be delivered,

shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Every person who fraudulently obtains from any person employed by or under

the Post Office, or fraudulently detains, or wilfully secretes, keeps, or detains, any

letter bag, or any correspondence which ought to have been delivered to any other

person, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Every person who fraudulently removes any postage stamp from any correspond

ence, or wilfully removes from any postage stamp any mark that has been made

thereon at any Post Office, or knowingly uses or puts off any postage stamp from

which any such mark has been removed, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Every person who is convicted of any misdemeanor mentioned in this section.

shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be imprisoned for any term not

exceeding two years with or without hard labour.

Receiving stolen 30. The sections of the Larceny Ordinance (No. 7 of 1865) relating to receiving


stolen goods, that is to say, sections 75 to 82, both inclusive, shall apply to felonies

and misdemeanors committed under this Ordinance ; and for that purpose, the

expression " this Ordinance " when used in the said sections shall be taken to include

the present Ordinance.

Allegations to 31. In any proceedings against any person for any offence committed against this

be used in pro

ceedings for

offences. Ordinance, in respect of any letter bag, or correspondence, it shall be sufficient to allege

such letter bag, or correspondence to be the property of the Postmaster General without

mentioning his name, and in any such proceedings against any person employed by or

under the Post Office , it shall be sufficient to allege that such person was employed by

or under the Post Office, without stating further the nature or particulars of his em


Penalties may 32. All pecuniary penalties for offences against this Ordinance may be recovered

be recovered in

a summary way

within one year. in a summary way before a Magistrate, but proceedings for the recovery of such

[Ibid, sec. 23.)

penalties shall be commenced within one year after the offence was committed.

Repeal. 33. Ordinance No. 8 of 1862 is hereby repealed , but such repeal shall not affect

anything lawfully done or commenced to be done thereunder.

Suspending 34. This Ordinance shall take effect on a day to be hereafter proclaimed by the



ORDINANCE No. 10 of 1876 . 1441

Post Office.


I, See Ord, of 1962.

do solemnly and sincerely declare, that I will not willingly or knowingly open , Schelule 4.)

detain, return, delay, or misdeliver, or cause or suffer to be opened, detained, returned , delayed, or

misdelivered, any correspondence which shall come into my hands, power, or custody by reason of my

employment by or under the Post Office, except by the consent of the person to whom such correspond.

ence shall be directed, or by an express warrant in writing for that purpose under the hand of the

Governor of Hongkong, or of Her Britannic Majesty's Consul at the port where I may be stationed, or

except in pursuance and under the authority of any of the provisions of any Ordinance now or hereafter

to be in force in the Colony of Hongkong relating to the l'ost Office of the said Colony.

Declared before me this day of 187


Justice ofthe Peace.

or H. B. M's Consul. )


I, do solemnly and sincerely declare, that I will not willingly or knowingly open, [Ibid, Schedule 4.]

detain, return, delay, or misdeliver, or cause or suffer to be opened, detained , returned, delayed, or

misdelivered, any correspondence which shall come into my hands, power, or custody by reason of my

employment by or under the Post Office.

Declared before me this day of 187

Justice ofthe Peace.

or H. B. M's Consul.


I do solemnly declare, that I have, to the best of any knowledge and belief, delivered or caused to (Ibid . Schedule B.)

be delivered to the Post Office at Hongkong every letter bag and all correspondence that was on board

the vessel under my command, except such correspondence as is exempt by law.

A. B.

Commander of the

Declared before me this day of 187

[In force from the 23rd July, 1877, under proclamation of the 17th July, 1877 :

Repealed by Ordinance No. 12 of 1884.]

NOTE.- The following Orders in Council, Rules, Regulations &c. were made under this

Ordinance :

Order as to Rates of Postage &c., 17th September, 1871 , ( Gazette 22nd

of same month.)

Notification as to Money Order System, 16th July, 1878, ( Gazette 20th of

same month.)

Order as to Rates of Postage & c ., 6th November, 1878, ( Gazette 9th of

same month.)

Order as to Rates of Postage &c., 1st April, 1879, ( Gazette 2nd of

same month. )

Regulations as to Local &c . Money Orders, 23rd December, 1879, ( Gazette

24th of same month.)

Regulations as to Postage to Australia &c., 20th January, 1880, ( Gazette

21st of same month.)

Order asto Rates ofPostage, 18th February, 1880, ( Gazette ofsame date.)

1442 ORDINANCES Nos . 10 AND 11 OF 1876 .

Post Office. River Steamers.

Regulations as to Soldiers and Sailors Letters, 18th February, 1880, ( Gazette

of same date.)

Order us to Rates ofPostage &c., 27th November, 1880, ( Gazette ofsame date.)

Order as to Rates of Postage &c., 9th July, 1881 , ( Gazette of same date.)

Order as to Rates of Postage &c., 13th December, 1881, ( Gazette 17th

of same month.)

Regulators as to Money Orders and Parcel Post, 24th December, 1881,

(Gazette of same date. )

Order as to Rates of Postage to Borneo, 11th September, 1882, ( Gazette

16th of same month.)

Regulations as to Money Orders, 30th December, 1882, ( Gazette ofsame date.)

No. 11 of 1876 .

Title .

An Ordinance to regulate the Number of Passengers carried by Steam

vessels plying between Hongkong and Macao, and between Hong

kong and Places on the Canton River.

[ 18th December, 1876. ]

Preamble. HEREAS it is expedient to regulate the number of passengers to be carried by

W steamers plying between Hongkong, Canton , and Macao, and to guard against

accidents arising from overcrowding and other probable dangers : Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as " The River Steamers' Ordinance, 1876."

Steamers leav 2. Three days after the passing of this Ordinance, if any steam-ship shall leave

ing Hongkong,

Macao, or Canton the waters of the Colony of Hongkong for Canton, or for any place on the Canton

only allowed to

carry a limited

number of river, or for Macao, having on board a greater number of passengers than in the pro


portion of two passengers for every three tons of the registered net tonnage of such

steam-ship, the owner or master thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two

hundred and fifty dollars, in addition to a penalty of five dollars for every passenger

on board in excess of the proportion of two passengers for every registered three tons

(net) of the said steam-ship.

Steamers from 3. Three days after the passing of this Ordinance, if any steam-ship shall enter

Canton and

Macao allowed the waters of the Colony of Hongkong, having passengers on board, from Canton or

to fetch only a

limited number

of passengers to from places on the Canton river, or from Macao, in excess of the proportion of two

Hongkong .

passengers for every three tons of the registered net tonnage of such steam-ship , the

owner or master thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two hundred and

fifty dollars, in addition to a penalty of five dollars for every passenger on board , in

excess of the proportion of two passengers for every registered three tons (net) of the

said steam-ship.

Penalties how 4. All penalties for offences against this Ordinance, may be recovered in a sum


mary way before a Stipendiary Magistrate.

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 8 of 1879.]

ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1877 . 1443


No. 1 of 1877.

An Ordinance to amend " The Companies Ordinance, 1865 ," Title.

and to repeal Ordinance No. 4 of 1876.

[ 21st June , 1877. ]

HEREAS it is expedient to extend to all companies limited by Preamble.

W [See Ordi

shares and registered in the Colony the power of sub-dividing nances No. 1

of 1865, Nos.2

their shares , and to amend " The Companies Ordinance, 1865 ; " Be it & 3 of1866,

No. 14 of

enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative 1881 , No. 3 of

1883, No. 30

Council thereof, as follows : of 1886. ]

1. Ordinance No. 4 of 1876 is hereby repealed . Ordinance

No. 4 of 1876


2. This Ordinance may be cited as " The Companies Ordinance, Short title.


3. "The Companies Ordinance, 1865," is hereinafter referred to as Ordinance to

be construed

" The Principal Ordinance ;" and the principal Ordinance and this as one with

No. 1 of 1865.

Ordinance are hereinafter distinguished as and may be cited as "The [30 & 31 Vic .

č. 131 s. 2.]

Companies Ordinances , 1865 and 1877 ;" and this Ordinance shall, so far

as is consistent with the tenor thereof, be construed as one with the

principal Ordinance ; and the expression " This Ordinance " in the principal

Ordinance, and any expression referring to the principal Ordinance, which

occurs in any Ordinance, or other document, shall be construed to mean

the principal Ordinance as amended by this Ordinance.

Unlimited liability of directors.

4. Where after the commencement of this Ordinance a company Company

may have

is formed as a limited company under the principal Ordinance, the directors with


liability of the directors or managers of such company, or the managing liability.

director, may, if so provided by the memorandum of association, be [sec. 4. ]


5. The following modifications shall be made in the thirty- seventh Liability of

director , past

section of the principal Ordinance , with respect to the contributions to be and present ,


required in the event of the winding- up of a limited company under the liability is


principal Ordinance, from any director or manager whose liability is , in [sec. 5. ]

pursuance of this Ordinance, unlimited:

(1. ) Subject to the provisions hereinafter contained , any such

director or manager, whether past or present, shall , in

1444 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1877 .


addition to his liability (if any ) to contribute as an

ordinary member, be liable to contribute as if he were

at the date of the commencement of such winding- up a

member of an unlimited company :

(2. ) No contribution required from any past director or manager

who has ceased to hold such office for a period of one

year or upwards prior to the commencement of the

winding-up shall exceed the amount ( if any ) which he

is liable to contribute as an ordinary member of the

company :

(3. ) No contribution required from any past director or manager

in respect of any debt or liability of the company

contracted after the time at which he ceased to hold

such office shall exceed the amount ( if any ) which he

is liable to contribute as an ordinary member of the

company :

(4. ) Subject to the provisions contained in the regulations of

the company , no contribution required from any director

or manager shall exceed the amount ( if any ) which he

is liable to contribute as an ordinary member unless the

court deems it necessary to require such contribution in

order to satisfy the debts and liabilities of the company ,

and the costs , charges , and expenses of the winding- up .

Director with 6. In the event of the winding-up of any limited company, the


liability may court , if it think fit, may make to any director or manager of such

have set-off as

under s. 98 of company, whose liability is unlimited, the same allowance by way of

No. 1 of 1865

[ sec. 6. ] set-off as under the ninety - eighth section of the principal Ordinance

it may make to a contributory where the company is not limited .

Notice to be 7. In any limited company in which , in pursuance of this Ordinance ,

given to

director on the liability of a director or manager is unlimited , the directors or

his election

that his managers of the company ( if any ), and the member who proposes any

liability will

be unlimited. person for election or appointment to such office , shall add to such

[sec. 7. ]

proposal a statement that the liability of the person holding such office

will be unlimited , and the promoters , directors , managers , and secretary

(if any) of such company , or one of them, shall, before such person

accepts such office or acts therein , give him notice in writing that his

liability will be unlimited .

ORDINANCE No. 1 or 1877 . 1445


If any director, manager, or proposer make default in adding such

statement, or if any promoter, director, manager, or secretary, make

default in giving such notice, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding

five hundred dollars, and shall also be liable for any damage which the

person so elected or appointed may sustain from such default, but the

liability of the person elected or appointed shall not be affected by such


8. Any limited company under the principal Ordinance, whether Existing

limited com

formed before or after the commencement of this Ordinance, may, by a pany may, by

special reso

special resolution , if authorized so to do by its regulations, as originally lution, make

liability of

framed or as altered by special resolution , from time to time modify directors


the conditions contained in its memorandum of association so far as to [sec. 8. ]

render unlimited the liability of its directors or managers, or of the

managing director ; and such special resolution shall be of the same

validity as if it had been originally contained in the memorandum of

association, and a copy thereof shall be embodied in or annexed to every

copy ofthe memorandum of association which is issued after the passing

of the resolution, and any default in this respect shall be deemed to be

a default in complying with the provisions of the fifty-third section of

the principal Ordinance, and shall be punished accordingly.

Reduction ofcapital and shares.

9. Any company limited by shares may, by special resolution , so Power to

company to

far modify the conditions contained in its memorandum of association , reduce


if authorized so to do by its regulations as originally framed -or as [ sec. 9. ]

altered by special resolution , as to reduce its capital ; but no such

resolution for reducing the capital of any company shall come into

operation until an order of the Court is registered by the Registrar of

Companies, as is hereinafter mentioned .

10. The company shall, after the date of the passing of any special Company to

add " and

resolution for reducing its capital, add to its name, until such date as reduced " to

its name for

the Court may fix, the words " and reduced , " as the last words in its a limited

name, and those words shall , until such date, be deemed to be part of period

[sec. 10. ]

the name of the company within the meaning of the principal Ordinance.

11. A company which has passed a special resolution for reducing Company to

apply to the

its capital , may apply to the Court by petition for an order confirming Court for an

1446 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1877.


order con

the reduction, and on the hearing of the petition -the Court, if satisfied


reduction . that with respect to every creditor of the company who, under the

[sec. 11.]

provisions of this Ordinance, is entitled to object to the reduction , either

his consent to the reduction has been obtained , or his debt or claim has

been discharged or has determined , or has been secured as hereinafter

provided, may make an order confirming the reduction on such terms

and subject to such conditions as it deems fit .

Creditors 12. Where a company proposes to reduce its capital, every creditor

may object


to reduction, of the company who at the date fixed by the Court - is entitled to any

and list of

objecting debt or claim which, if that date were the commencement of the winding

creditors to

be settled by up of the company, would be admissible in proof against the company

the Court.

[sec. 13. ] shall be entitled to object to the proposed reduction , and to be entered

in the list of creditors who are so entitled to object.

The Court shall settle a list of such creditors, and for that purpose

shall ascertain- as far as possible, without requiring an application from

any creditor-the names of such creditors and the nature and amount

of their debts or claims , and may publish notices fixing a certain day or

days within which creditors of the company who are not entered on the

list are to claim to be so entered or to be excluded from the right of

objecting to the proposed reduction .

Court may 13. Where a creditor whose name is entered on the list of creditors ,

dispense with

consent of and whose debt or claim is not discharged or determined , does not

creditor on

security consent to the proposed reduction , the Court may ( if it think fit ) dispense

being given

for his debt . with such consent on the company securing the payment of the debt or

[sec. 14. ]

claim of such creditor by setting apart and appropriating in such manner

as the Court may direct, a sum of such amount as is hereinafter

mentioned ; that is to say, --

( 1. ) If the full amount of the debt or claim of the creditor is

admitted by the company, or, though not admitted, is

such as the company are willing to set apart and appro

priate, then the full amount of the debt or claim shall

be set apart and appropriated :

( 2. ) If the full amount of the debt or claim of the creditor is

not admitted by the company, and is not such as the

company are willing to set apart and appropriate, or if

the amount is contingent or not ascertained , then the

Court may, if it think fit, inquire into and adjudicate

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1877. 1447


upon the validity of such debt or claim, and the amount

for which the company may be liable in respect thereof,

in the same manner as if the company were being wound

up by the Court, and the amount fixed by the Court on

such inquiry and adjudication shall be set apart and


Order and

14. The Registrar of Companies, upon the production to him of an minute to be

order of the Court confirming the reduction of the capital of a company, registered.

[sec. 15. ]

and the delivery to him of a copy of the order and of a minute ( approved

by the Court ) , showing with respect to the capital of the company,

altered by the order, the amount of such capital , the number of shares

in which it is to be divided , and the amount of each share , shall register

the order and minute, and on the registration the special resolution

confirmed by the order so registered shall take effect.

Notice of such registration shall be published in such manner as

the Court may direct .

The Registrar shall certify under his hand the registration of the

order and minute, and his certificate shall be conclusive evidence that

all the requisitions of this Ordinance with respect to the reduction of

capital have been complied with , and that the capital of the company is

such as is stated in the minute.

Minute to

15. The minute- when registered - shall be deemed to be substituted

form part of

for the corresponding part of the memorandum of association of the memorandum

of association.

company, and shall be of the same validity, and subject to the same [sec. 16. ]

alterations—as if it had been originally contained in the memorandum of

association and , subject—as in this Ordinance mentioned, no member of

the company , whether past or present, shall be liable in respect of any

share to any call or contribution exceeding in amount the difference

(if any) between the amount which has been paid on such share and the

amount of the share as fixed by the minute.

16. If any creditor who is entitled in respect of any debt or claim Saving of

rights of

to object to the reduction of the capital of a company under this Ordi creditors who

are ignorant

nance is , in consequence of his ignorance of the proceedings taken with of proceed


a view to such reduction , or of their nature and effect with respect to his [ sec. 17. ]

claim, not entered on the list of creditors, and after such reduction the

company is unable , within the meaning of the seventy -eighth section of

the principal Ordinance, to pay to the creditor the amount of such debt

or claim, every person who was a member of the company at the date of

1443 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1877 .


the registration of the order and minute relating to the reduction of the

capital of the company, shall be liable to contribute for the payment of

such debt or claim an amount not exceeding the amount which he would

have been liable to contribute if the company had commenced to be

wound-up on the day prior to such registration , and on the company

being wound-up, the Court, on the application of such creditor, and on

proof that he was ignorant of the proceedings taken with a view to the

reduction , or of their nature and effect with respect to his claim, may ,

if it think fit, settle a list of such contributories accordingly , and make

and enforce calls and orders on the contributories settled on such list in

the same manner in all respects as if they were ordinary contributories

in a winding-up ; but the provisions of this section shall not affect the

rights of the contributories of the company among themselves .

Copy of 17. A minute -when registered - shall be embodied in every copy


minute . of the memorandum of association issued after its registration ; and if

sec. 18. ]

any company makes default in complying with the provisions of this

section -it shall incur a penalty not exceeding five dollars for each copy

in respect of which such default is made, and every director and manager

of the company who shall knowingly and wilfully authorize or permit

such default shall incur the like penalty.

Penalty on 18. If any director, manager, or officer of the company wilfully


of name of conceals the name of any creditor of the company who is entitled to


sec. 19. ] object to the proposed reduction or wilfully misrepresents the nature or

amount of the debt or claim of any creditor of the company, or if any

director or manager of the company aids or abets in or is privy to any

such concealment or misrepresentation as aforesaid , every such director,

manager, or officer shall be guilty of a misdemeanour .

Power to 19. The powers of making rules concerning winding- up conferred

make rules

extended to by the one hundred and fifty-eighth section of the principal Ordinance ,

making rules

concerning shall extend to making rules concerning matters under this Ordinance,

matters in

this Ordi and until such rules are made -the practice of the Court in matters of


the same nature, shall , so far as the same is applicable, be followed .

[ sec. 20. ]

Subdivision of shares.

Shares may 20. Any company limited by shares may-by special resolution

be divided

into shares so far modify the conditions contained in its memorandum of association,

of smaller

amount. if authorized so to do by its regulations as originally framed or as altered

[sec. 21. ]

by special resolution, as by subdivision of its existing shares or any of

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1877 . 1449


them , to divide its capital, or any part thereof, into shares of smaller

amount than is fixed by its memorandum of association :

Provided, [ that the amount in which each share is so reduced shall, in

no case, be less than one fourth part of the amount of the original share,

and, Repealed by Ordinance No. 3 of 1883 ] that in the subdivision of

the existing shares the proportion between the amount which is paid and

the amount (if any ) which is unpaid on each share of reduced amount

shall be the same as it was in the case of the existing share or shares

from which the share of reduced amount is derived.

21. The statement of the number and amount of the shares into Special reso

lution to be

which the capital of the company is divided-contained in every copy of embodied in


the memorandum of association issued after the passing of any such of association.

[sec. 22.]

special resolution , shall be in accordance with such resolution ; and any

company which makes default in complying with the provisions of this

section shall incur a penalty not exceeding five dollars for each copy in

respect of which such default is made ; and every director and manager

ofthe company who knowingly or wilfully authorizes or permits such

default shall incur the like penalty.

Associations not for profit.

22. Where any association is about to be formed under the principal Special as

visions proto


Ordinance as a limited company, if it proves to the Governor that it is formed for

formed for the purpose of promoting commerce, art, science , religion , purposes not

of gain.

charity, or any other useful object, and that it is the intention of such [sec. 23. ]

association to apply the profits, if any, or other income of the association ,

in promoting its objects , and to prohibit the payment of any dividend to

the members of the association , the Governor may -by licence, under

his hand , direct such association to be registered with limited liability

without the addition of the word limited to its name, and such association


may be registered accordingly, and upon registration shall enjoy all the

Privileges and be subject to the obligations by this Ordinance imposed

on limited companies , with the exceptions that none of the provisions of

this Ordinance that require a limited company to use the word limited as

any part of its name, or to publish its name or to send a list of its

members , directors , or managers to the Registrar, shall apply to an

association so registered .

1450 ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1877.


The licence by the Governor may be granted upon such conditions

and subject to such regulations as the Governor thinks fit to impose, and

such conditions and regulations shall be binding on the association , and

may, at the option of the Governor, be inserted in the memorandum and

articles of association, or in both or one of such documents.

Calls upon shares - Payment.

Company 23. Nothing contained in the principal Ordinance shall be deemed

may have

some shares to prevent any company under that Ordinance, if authorized by its regu

fully paid,

and others lations as originally framed-or as altered by special resolution , from

not . [sec . 24. ] doing any one or more of the following things ; namely,

( 1. ) Making arrangements on the issue of shares for a difference

between the holders of such shares in the amount of

calls to be paid, and in the time of payment of such


(2. ) Accepting from any member of the company who assents

thereto the whole or a part of the amount remaining

unpaid on any share or shares held by him, either in

discharge of the amount of a call payable in respect of

any other share or shares held by him -or without any

call having been made.

(3. ) Paying dividend in proportion to the amount paid up on

each share in cases where a larger amount is paid up on

some shares than on others .

Manner in 24. Every share in any company shall be deemed and taken to have

which shares

are to be been issued and to be held subject to the payment of the whole amount

issued and

held . [sec. 25. ] thereof in cash , unless the same shall have been otherwise determined by

a contract duly made in writing, and filed with the Registrar of Companies

at or before the issue of such shares.

Transfer of shares.

Transfer may 25. A company shall-on the application of the transferor of any

be registered

at request of share or interest in the company -enter in its register of members the


[sec . 26. ] name of the transferee of such share or interest, in the same manner and

subject to the same conditions as if the application for such entry were

made by the transferee.

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1877 . 1451


Share warrants to bearer .

26. In the case of a company limited by shares - the company , if Warrant of

limited shares

authorized so to do by its regulations as originally framed -or as altered fully paid up

may be issued

by special resolution , and subject to the provisions of such regulations , in name of


may, with respect to any share which is fully paid up, or with respect [sec. 27. ]

to stock issue under their common seal a warrant stating that the bearer

of the warrant is entitled to the share or shares or stock therein specified ,

and may provide, by coupons or otherwise, for the payment of the future

dividends on the share or shares or stock included in such warrant ,

hereinafter referred to as a share warrant .

27. A share warrant shall entitle the bearer of such warrant to the Effect of


shares or stock specified in it, and such shares or stock may be trans [sec. 28. ]

ferred by the delivery of the share warrant.

28. The bearer of a share warrant shall, subject to the regulations Re-registra

tion of bearer

of the company , be entitled , on surrendering such warrant for cancellation , of a share

warrant in the

to have his name entered as a member in the register of members , and register.

the company shall be responsible for any loss incurred by any person by [sec. 29. ]

reason of the company entering in its register of members the name of

any bearer of a share warrant in respect of the shares or stock specified

therein without the share warrant being surrendered and cancelled .

29. The bearer of a share warrant may, if the regulations of the Regulation of

the company

company so provide, be deemed to be a member of the company within may make the

bearer of a

the meaning of the principal Ordinance, either to the full extent or for share warrant

such a member.

purposes as may be prescribed by the regulations : [sec. 30. ]

Provided that the bearer of a share warrant shall not be qualified in

respect of the shares or stock specified in such warrant for being a director

or manager ofthe company in cases where such a qualification is prescribed

by the regulations of the company .

30. On the issue of a share warrant in respect of any share or stock Entries in

-the register where

membercompany shall strike out of its register of members the name of the share warrant

then entered therein as holding such share or stock as if he had [sec. 31. ]



ticu to be a member , and shall enter in the register the following par



( 1. ) The fact of the issue of the warrant.

1452 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1877.


(2. ) A statement of the shares or stock included in the warrant ,

distinguishing each share by its number.

( 3. ) The date of the issue of the warrant.

And until the warrant is surrendered -the above particulars shall be

deemed to be the particulars which are required by the twenty-fourth

section of the principal Ordinance to be entered in the register of members

of a company ; and on the surrender ofa warrant the date of such surrender

shall be entered as if it were the date at which a person ceased to be a


Particulars to 31. After the issue by the company of a share warrant --the annual

be contained

in annual summary required by the twenty-fifth section of the principal Ordinance

summary .

[sec. 32. ] shall contain the following particulars, -the total amount of shares or

stock for which share warrants are outstanding at the date of the sum

mary, and the total amount of share warrants which have been issued and

surrendered respectively since the last summary was made, and the number

of shares or amount of stock comprised in each warrant.

Stamps on 32. There shall be charged on every share warrant a stamp duty of


warrants. an amount equal to three times the amount of the ad valorem stamp duty

[sec. 33. ]

which would be chargeable on a deed transferring the share or shares or

stock specified in the warrant, if the consideration for the transfer were

the nominal value of such share or shares or stock.

Penalties on 33. Whosoever forges or alters, or offers , utters, disposes of, or


committing puts off, knowing the same to be forged or altered , any share warrant or


[sec. 34. ] coupon, or any document purporting to be a share warrant or coupon ,

issued in pursuance of this Ordinance, or demands or endeavours to obtain

or receive any share or interest of or in any company under the principal

Ordinance, or to receive any dividend or money payable in respect thereof,

by virtue of any such forged or altered share warrant, coupon , or docu

ment, purporting as aforesaid, knowing the same to be forged or altered ,

with intent in any of the cases aforesaid to defraud shall be guilty of

felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable , at the discretion of the

Court, to be kept in penal servitude for life or for any term not less than

three years, or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years ,

with or without hard labour, and with or without solitary confinement.

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1877 . 1453


34. Whosoever falsely and deceitfully personates any owner of any Penalties on


share or interest of or in any company, or of any share warrant or coupon falsely


issued in pursuance of this Ordinance, and thereby obtains or endeavours owner of


to obtain any such share or interest , or share warrant or coupon , or [sec. 35. ]

receives or endeavours to receive any money due to any such owner, as

if such offender were the true and lawful owner , shall be guilty of felony,

and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court,

to be kept in penal servitude for life or for any term not less than three

years, or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or

without hard labour , and with or without solitary confinement .

Penalties o11

35. Whosoever , without lawful authority or excuse the proof whereof


shall be on the party accused , engraves or makes upon any plate, wood , engraving

plates, & c.

stone, or other material-any share warrant or coupon purporting to be [sec. 36.]

a share warrant or coupon issued or made by any particular company

under and in pursuance of this Ordinance, or to be a blank share warrant

or coupon issued or made as aforesaid , or to be a part of such a share

warrant or coupon , or uses any such plate, wood, stone, or other material

for the making or printing any such share warrant or coupon , or any

such blank share warrant or coupon , or any part thereof respectively, or

knowingly has in his custody or possession any such plate, wood , stone,

or other material, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof

shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude

for any term not exceeding fourteen years and not less than three years ,


to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or

without hard labour, and with or without solitary confinement .



Ordinan ceContracts on behalf of any company under the principal Contracts

may hereafter be made as follows ; (that is to say ) , how made.

[sec. 37. ]

(1. ) Any contract which—if made between private persons

would be by law required to be in writing, and under

seal, may be made on behalf of the company in writing

under the common seal of the company, and such contract

may be in the same manner varied or discharged ;

1454 ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1877 .


(2. ) Any contract which —if made between private persons

would be by law required to be in writing, and signed

by the parties to be charged therewith, may be made on

behalf of the company in writing signed by any person

acting under the express or implied authority of the

company, and such contract may in the same manner be

varied or discharged :

( 3. ) Any contract which —if made between private persons

would by law be valid although made by parol only,

and not reduced into writing, may be made by parol

on behalf of the company by any person acting under

the express or implied authority of the company, and

such contract may-in the same way-be varied or

discharged :

And all contracts made according to the provisions herein contained

shall be effectual in law, and shall be binding upon the company and their

successors and all other parties thereto, their heirs , executors , or

administrators , as the case may be.

Prospectus, 37. Every prospectus of a company, and every notice inviting

&c.; to

specify dates persons to subscribe for shares in any joint stock company, shall specify

and names

of any parties the dates and the names of the parties to any contract entered into by the

to any

contract made company, or the promoters , directors , or trustees thereof, before the issue

prior to

issue of such of such prospectus or notice, whether subject to adoption by the directors

prospectus .

[sec. 38. ] or the company , or otherwise ; and any prospectus or notice not specifying

the same shall be deemed fraudulent on the part of the promoters ,

directors and officers of the company knowingly issuing the same, as

regards any person taking shares in the company on the faith of such

prospectus , unless he shall have had notice of such contract.


Company to 38. Every company formed under the principal Ordinance after the

hold meeting

within four commencement of this Ordinance, shall hold a general meeting within

months after

registration. four months after its memorandum of association is registered ; and if

[sec. 39. ]

such meeting is not held-the company shall be liable to a penalty not

exceeding twenty-five dollars a day for every day after the expiration of

such four months until the meeting is held ; and every director or manager

ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1877 . 1455


of the company , and every subscriber of the memorandum of association ,

who knowingly authorizes or permits such default, shall be liable to the

same penalty .


39. Whenever any compromise or arrangement is proposed between To facilitate


a company , which is in course of being wound -up , and its creditors or in winding


any class of its creditors , the Court upon the application in a summary [33 & 34 Vic.

of • c. 104. ]

way any creditor, or of the liquidator, may, in addition to its other

powers, order that a meeting of such creditors or class of creditors.

be summoned in such manner as the Court directs , and if at such

meeting a majority in number, present in person or by proxy, and

representing three-fourths in value of such creditors or class of creditors,

agree to any compromise or arrangement, such compromise or arrange

ment, if sanctioned by an order of the Court, shall be binding on all such

creditors or class of creditors, and on the liquidator and contributories of

the company.

40. No contributory of a company under the principal Ordinance Contributory

when not

shall be capable of presenting a petition for winding-up such company


unless the members of the company are reduced in number to less than winding-up


seven , or unless the shares in respect of which he is a contributory , or [30 & 31 Vic.

c. 131 s. 40. ]

some of them, either were originally allotted to him-or have been held

by him, and registered in his name, for a period of at least six months

during the eighteen months previously to the commencement of the

winding-up, or have devolved upon him through the death of a former

holder :

Provided that where a share has, during the whole or any part of

the six months - been held by or registered in the name of the wife of a

contributory either before or after her marriage, or by or in the name of

any trustee or trustees for such wife or for the contributory, such share


-for the purposes of this section, be deemed to have been held by

and registered in the name of the contributory .

al ter aNothing

41. in this Ordinance contained shall empower any company Not to

to ny provision contained in any Ordinance relating to the empower

compan companies to

y; o , wi

r thout the sanction of the Governor , to alter any provision alter provi

contain sions of any

ed in any Lett

ers Patent relating to the company. Ordinance or



[sec. 47. ]

1456 ORDINANCE No. 2 of 1877 .

Revenue .

No. 2 of 1877.

Title. An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation of a Supplementary Sum

not exceeding Seventy-four thousand Dollars to defray the Charges

of the Year 1876.

[ 17th September, 1877. ]

Preamble. HEREAS it has become necessary to make further provision for the public

WHIservice of the Colony for the year 1876, in addition to the charge upon the

revenue for the service of the said year already provided for in the estimates submitted

to the Legislative Council : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the

advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :--

Supplementary 1. A sum not exceeding Seventy-four thousand dollars shall be and the same is

Estimates, 1876.

hereby charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the service of the year 1876, the said

sum so charged being expended as hereinafter specified ; that is to say :


$ c.

Governor,....... 1,967.83

Colonial Secretary, 322.86

Colonial Treasurer, 251.99

Registrar General, 113.30

Gaol, ..... ... 307.95

Fire Brigade , 323.58

TOTAL ESTABLISHMENTS , ......$ 3,287.51


Postmaster General, 405.86

Police, ..... 1,781.43

Gaol, .... 302.36

Fire Brigade, 4,509.71

Charitable Allowances, 288.76

Works and Buildings,.... 46,181.81

Roads, Streets , and Bridges, 9,443. 19

Miscellaneous Services, ……... 1,381.71

Military Contribution, ....... 5,855.53


TOTAL,... .....$73,437.36

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887. ]

ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1877 . 1457


No. 3 of 1877.


An Ordinance to apply a sum not exceeding Seven hundred and eighty

three thousand Dollars to the Public Service of the year 1878.

[ 19th November, 1877. ]


HEREAS the expenditure required for the service of this Colony for the year

WHER E has been estimated at the sum of seven hundred and eighty-two


thousand eight hundred and sixty-two dollars and fifty-eight cents : Be it enacted by

the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as


1. A sum not exceeding seven hundred and eighty-three thousand dollars shall be, and Estimates, 1878.

the same is hereby charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the service of the year

1878, and the said sum so charged shall be expended as hereinafter specified ; that is to

say :


Governor, 2,708.00

Colonial Secretary , 3,656.00

Colonial Treasurer, 3,672.00

Auditor General, .... 15,479.00

Clerk of Councils, ...... 100.00

Surveyor General, .....

. 27,218.00

Government Gardens, 4,528.80

Postmaster General, ...... 31,200.00

Registrar General, ....... 11,626.00

Harbour Master , 27,170.00

Lighthouses , ..... 7,424.00

Collector of Stamp Revenue, 4,312.00


..... 22,454.00

Registrar of Companies , 192.00


... 1,158.00


l, .... 17,436.00


l, ..... 14,652.00

Police Magistrates,






, …………….... 20,016.00

Fire Brigade, ..


Total Establishments, $375,724.60

1458 ORDINANCES No. 3 OF 1877 AND No. 1 OF 1878 .

Revenue. Chinese Emigration.

Brought forward, ........ $ 375,724.60


Colonial Treasurer, 1,500.00

Surveyor General, ......

. 1,800.00

Postmaster General,.. 20,734.78

Registrar General, 25.00

Judicial, ... 200.00

Educational, 5,620.00

Medical, ……………. 18,220.00

Police Magistrates , ... 390.00

Police,.... 28,885.00

Gaol, 16,170.00

Fire Brigade, ………………. 3,075.20

Charitable Allowances,.... 4,000.00

Transport, ..... 4,500.00

Works and Buildings, . 110,250.00

Roads, Streets, and Bridges, 47,420.00

Lighthouses, 1,000.00

Miscellaneous Services ,...... 39,000.00

Military Contribution , .... 104,348.00

TOTAL,......... $ 782,862.58

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]

No. 1 of 1878.

Title. An Ordinance to relieve a certain class of Passenger Steamers from the

Regulations of Schedule A of " The Chinese Passengers ' Act, 1855 ,"

and from the Regulations of Schedule E of " The Chinese Emigration

Consolidation Ordinance , 1874," and to substitute other Regulations

in regard thereto .

[ 29th April, 1878. ]

Preamble. HEREAS by section 2 of " The Chinese Passengers ' Act, 1855 ," it is enacted

W that it should be lawful for the Legislature of Hongkong, by any Ordinance

to be by them enacted for that purpose, to make regulations respecting Chinese

passenger ships, and, in the case of British ships, respecting the treatment of passengers

therein while at sea, and that until such enactment, the regulations contained in

schedule A to the said Act annexed should be in force.

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1878. 1459

Chinese Emigration.

And whereas by the 8 section of "The Chinese Emigration Consolidation Ordinance,

1874," it is provided that all ships clearing out or proceeding to sea upon voyages of

not more than thirty days' duration shall be subject to the modified regulations

contained in schedule E of that Ordinance, which, as regards such ships , shall be

substituted for those contained in schedule A of "The Chinese Passengers ' Act, 1855 ,"

but that nothing in the said section shall be deemed to relieve Chinese passenger ships

from the operation of the said Act, except so far as the same is by the said schedule

expressly modified .

And whereas it is expedient by means of this Ordinance to relieve the passenger

steamers hereinafter mentioned from the regulations in the said schedule E, and to

substitute other regulations in regard thereto : Be it enacted by the Governor of

Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as " The Chinese Passengers' Short title.

Ordinance, 1877. [ "1878 " as amended by Ordinance No. 2 of 1879 , ] ( Special Licences.)"

2. In the construction of this Ordinance and of the regulations in the schedule Interpretation


hereto, the terms and expressions following, that is to say, " Chinese Passenger Ships,"

" Governor," "British Consul," " Emigration Officer," and " Master " shall have the

meaning assigned to them respectively by section 1 of " The Chinese Passengers' Act ,


"Voyage of not more than thirty days' duration " shall mean and include any

voyage which, in pursuance of the third section of "The Chinese Passengers' Act,

1855," is for the time being declared to be a voyage of not more than thirty days'

duration .

3. The Governor in Council may, at his discretion, and on payment of a fee of Grant of special

licence to mail

five dollars, grant a special licence for any period not exceeding twelve months, or for steamers, &c.,

subject to

regulation in

any number of voyages to be performed within twelve months, to any steamer which schedule.

is regularly employed in the conveyance of public mails under an existing contract

with the Government of the State or Colony for which such mails are carried, or to

any other steamer which is approved by the Governor as a first class steamer. Such

special licence shall authorize the steamer named therein to carry a limited number of

free Chinese passengers upon voyages of not more than thirty days ' duration between

ports to be specified in the licence under and subject to the regulations contained in

the schedule to this Ordinance.

The number of passengers to be carried shall be inserted in the licence, and shall

stno tons of the registered tonnage of such

in er. exceed one passenger for every ten


4. The Governor in Council may, if he think fit, annex any special conditions to Power to annex

special conditions

the granting of any special licence applied for under this Ordinance, and may cause to grant of


such special conditions to be specified in the licence .

5. A special licence granted Cancellation of

by the Governor in Council at hisunder this Ordinance may, at any time, be cancelled

discretion. licence.

1460 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1878 .

Chinese Emigration.

Licensed 6. Every steamer to which a special licence is granted under this Ordinance shall,

steamers relieved

from other during the continuance of such licence, be relieved from the regulations contained in


schedule A annexed to " The Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855," and from the regulations

contained in schedule E annexed to " The Chinese Emigration Consolidation Ordinance,

1874," but nothing herein contained shall be deemed to relieve such steamer from the

operation of any part of " The Chinese Passengers ' Act, 1855 , " except the regulations

in the said schedule A.

Breach of 7. The breach of any regulation contained in the schedule hereto, or of any

regulations or


condition of a special licence, shall be deemed to be a breach of a regulation respecting

Chinese passenger ships within the meaning of " The Chinese Passengers' Act , 1855."

Whosoever impedes the emigration officer in the execution or performance of any

of the powers or duties vested in or imposed upon him by this Ordinance, or any

regulation thereunder, shall be liable, on conviction in a summary way, to a penalty

not exceeding five hundred dollars for each offence.

Form of emigra 8. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the forms of emigration officer's certificate.

tion officer's

certificate and of and of the master's bond contained in the schedule hereto shall be substituted for the

the master's


forms respectively contained in schedules B and C to " The Chinese Passengers' Act ,

1855," annexed.


Suspending 9. This Ordinance shall not come into operation until Her Majesty's confirmation


thereof is proclaimed in the Colony by the Governor .


Regulations for passenger steamers licensed under this Ordinance.

See Imperial Act, 1. No steamer licensed under this Ordinance shall clear out or proceed to sea until the master

par. 4.j

thereof shall have received from the emigration officer a copy of these regulations, and a certificate in

the form annexed hereto, which copy and certificate, with any documents to be attached thereto, shall

be signed by the emigration officer, nor until the master shall , with two sufficient sureties to be approved

by the emigration officer, have entered into a joint and several bond in the sum of £ 1,000 to Her Majesty ,

Her Heirs and Successors, in the form hereinafter contained .

Accommodation of 2. The following conditions as to the accommodation of passengers shall be observed :—


Ventilation space (1.) The space appropriated to the passengers between decks shall be properly ventilated and

and height between

decks. shall contain at the least nine superficial and fifty-four cubical feet of space for every

adult on board, that is to say, for every passenger above twelve years of age, and for

every two passengers between the ages of one and twelve years ; the height between

decks shall be at least six feet.

Male and female (2.) The accommodation for female passengers between decks shall be separate from that


provided for male passengers.

Space on upper

deck (3.) A space of four superficial feet per adult shall be left clear on the upper deck for the use


of the passengers.

Sick bay, &c. (4.) A reasonable space shall be set apart as a sick bay, and sufficient latrines , both as to

condition and number, shall be provided in suitable parts of the ship.

ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1878 . 1461

Chinese Emigration .

3. Deck passengers may be carried at seasons allowed by law, upon such conditions as may, from Deek passengers.

time to time, be prescribed under instructions from one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State,

and until and subject to such instructions upon the conditions following :

(1.) A suitable awning with screens shall be provided on deck, sufficient for the protection of Awning.

the passengers from the sun and from rain.

(2.) The space appropriated to such deck passengers shall contain at the least sixteen super Space.

ficial feet for every adult, that is to say, for every passenger above twelve years of age,

and for every two passengers between the ages of one and twelve years.

(3.) In case deck passengers shall be carried in addition to other passengers for whom accom Reserved spa

modation between decks shall be provided , the space to be appropriated for deck pas

sengers shall be reckoned exclusively of the space of four superficial feet per adult

required to be left clear on the upper deck for the use of such other passengers .

4. The following conditions as to provisions shall be observed : Provisions.

(1.) Provisions , fuel and water shall be placed on board of good quality, properly packed and Scale.

sufficient for the use and consumption of the passengers, over and above the victualling

of the crew during the intended voyage according to the following scale :—

For every passenger per diem not less than,

Rice or bread stuffs,... 14 lbs.

Dried and/or salt fish, ......... …………..……... 01 19

Chinese condiments and curry stuff, 1 oz .

Fresh vegetables, which will keep for short voyages, such as, sweet potatoes ,

turnips, carrots, and pumpkins, ........ 1 lbs.

Firewood,........ 2 19

Water, (to be carried in tanks or sweet casks) , 1 gallon .

or, according to a scale at least equivalent to the foregoing.

5. The emigration officer may, at any time, enter and inspect the ship and the accommodation, Powers of emig

tion officer.

provisions, and stores provided for the Chinese passengers, and may require the master or any other

person to produce the licence , and the ship's papers for his inspection, and, if he thinks necessary after

inspecting the ship's papers, he may muster and inspect the Chinese passengers.

If in any such case the emigration officer discovers that the number of passengers on board or

intended to be carried upon that voyage exceeds the number authorised by the licence, or that any

condition of the licence, or any regulation contained in this schedule has been broken, he may detain

the ship until the passengers in excess of the legal number are landed, or until the condition of

the licence or the regulation in question be fully complied with, and he shall forthwith report the

circumstances to the Governor .

6. The master of every British ship shall, on demand, produce his emigration papers to the British Production of emi

gration papers at

Consul at any port to which the licence extends , or in case such port shall be in Her Majesty's dominions port of destination.

to any officer appointed or authorised by the local Government in that behalf.

Form of emigration officer's certificate.



I , A. B. , emigration officer for the Colony of Hongkong , do hereby certify as follows :

1. That the Chinese passenger ship

" A. B., master, is specially licensed under the

provisions of an Ordinance of the Legislature of Hongkong , entitled " The Chinese Passengers ' Ordinanc ,

1877, (Special Lice e

nces ). "

2. That the said ship is license to carry

of service whatever . d adults, of whom none are to be under any contract

1462 ORDINANCES Nos. 1 AND 2 OF 1878.

Chinese Emigration. Gaol Amendment.

Form ofbond to be given by the master of Chinese passenger ships holding special licences.

Know all men by these presents that we, A. B. , of and C. D., of

are held and firmly bound unto our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria, by the Grace of God of

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, in the

sum of one thousand pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid unto

our said Sovereign Lady the Queen, Her Heirs and Successors ; to which payment well

and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and every of us jointly and severally for and in

the whole, our heirs and executors and administrators, and every of them, firmly by these


Sealed with our seal.

Dated this day of 18

Whereas by "The Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855," it is enacted that before any Chinese pas

senger ship shall clear out or proceed to sea on a voyage of more than seven days' computed

duration, the master thereof shall, with two sufficient sureties to be approved by an emi

gration officer, enter into a bond to Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors in the sum of

£ 1,000.

Now the condition of this obligation is this, that if (in respect of the steamship

whereof is master) all and every the requirements of the said Chinese Passengers

Act, and of an Ordinance of the Legislature of Hongkong, entitled " The Chinese Passengers' Ordinance,

[* 1878.] 1877,* (Special Licences)," and of the regulations contained in the schedule to the said Ordinance annexed

shall be well and truly performed [ in like manner as the same ought to be observed and performed in

case the said steamship were a British ship, and the said a British subject ] *

then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect.

Signed, sealed and delivered by the above bounden and in the presence


The words within brackets to be inserted only in the case of a foreign Chinese passenger ship.

[Confirmation proclaimed 10th June, 1879. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1 of 1889. ]

No. 2 of 1878 .

Title. An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 4 of 1863.

[ 15th October, 1878. ]

Preamble. HEREAS doubts have arisen as to whether under sections 11 and 12 of Ordinance


No. 4 of 1863 , punishments directed to be inflicted for breach of regulations or

of prison discipline by the Superintendent of the Gaol or the Superintendent in

conjunction with a Justice of the Peace (as the case may be) can lawfully be carried

out after the expiration of the term of imprisonment for which the offender was originally

sentenced, and it is desirable to remove such doubts : Be it enacted by the Governor

of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

ORDINANCES Nos. 2 AND 3 OF 1878 . 1463

Gaol Amendment. Markets Amendment.

1. All punishments imposed under the authority of sections 11 and 12 of Ordinance

No. 4 of 1863 , shall be valid and effectual to all intents and purposes, notwithstanding

the expiration of the period for which the offender was originally sentenced to

imprisonment by lawful authority, and the Superintendent of any Gaol may lawfully

detain any prisoner after the expiration of his original sentence and deal with him, in

carrying out the punishment imposed on such offender under the authority of sections.

11 and 12 of Ordinance No. 4 of 1863 , in all respects , as if his original sentence had

not expired .

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 18 of 1885, and see Ordinance No. 7 of 1880,

which was disallowed.]

No. 3 of 1878 .

An Ordinance to amend " The Markets Ordinance , 1858." Title.

[ 11th November, 1878. ]

HEREAS it is expedient to amend an Ordinance entitled the " Markets Ordi Preamble.

W nance, 1858," by authorising the Governor in Council to grant licences to sell or

expose for sale in places other than a public market articles of food for man usually

sold or exposed for sale in a public market under the conditions hereinafter expressed :

Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council

thereof, as follows :

1. Notwithstanding anything contained in the " Markets Ordinance, 1858 " or in Governor in

Council may

grant licences

the " Markets Ordinance, 1867," from and after the coming into operation of this for sale of food

elsewhere than

Ordinance, it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council, from time to time, to grant in public market.

licences for the sale of articles of food for man usually sold or exposed for sale in a

public market elsewhere than in a public market to such persons for such considerations

and for such periods as he shall think fit, and it shall be lawful for any person holding

such licence to sell or expose for sale such articles as he may be empowered to sell or

expose for sale under such licence during the continuance of such licence.

2. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to make regulations for the proper And may make


conduct of business authorised to be carried on under this Ordinance by licences enforceable by


generally or by any particular licence, and from time to time to repeal, alter, or vary

the same ; and such regulations shall be binding as well upon the grantees of such

licences as upon all persons employed by or dealing with the grantees of such licences,

and such regulations may be enforced by such penalties as may be specified therein ;

Provided that such regulations shall be published in the Gazette for at least two weeks Regulations to be

published in

before they shall come into operation, and that no penalty shall exceed the sum of $500. Gazette.

3. All penalties under this Ordinance may be recovered in a summary manner Penalties may

be recovered

before a Police Magistrate, and shall not affect any condition for the forfeiture or before Police


cancellation of the licence subject to which the same may have been granted . summarily.

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 17 of 1887.]

NOTE- For Regulations under the Ordinance of the 1st June, 1885, see Gazette 13th

of the same month.

1464 ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1878.


No. 4 of 1878.

Title. An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation of a Supplementary Sum

not exceeding Forty-five thousand Dollars to defray the Charges of

the Year 1877.

[ 11th November , 1878. ]

Preamble . HEREAS it has become necessary to make further provision for the public service

W of the Colony for the year 1877, in addition to the charge upon the revenue

for the service of the said year already provided for in the estimates submitted to the

Legislative Council : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of

the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Supplementary 1. A sum not exceeding forty-five thousand dollars shall be and the same is hereby

Estimates, 1877.

charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the service of the year 1877, the said sum

so charged being expended as hereinafter specified ; that is to say :


Colonial Secretary , 277.43

Auditor General , ...... 404.56

Surveyor General, ………………… 1,044.08

Collector of Stamp Revenue, ... 43.37

Ecclesiastical, ....... 12.11

Medical, ...... 349.90



Colonial Treasurer, 13.00

Surveyor General, 180.00

Judicial, 277.80

Police,...... 8,920.20

Fire Brigade, .... 264.73

Charitable Allowances , 1,605.58

Works and Buildings, ..... 2,400.09

Roads, Streets, and Bridges , 25,289.98

Miscellaneous Services, ..... 2,456.37

Land and House Purchased , …………

...... 1,005.00


TOTAL,. ....... 00. $44,544.20

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]

ORDINANCE No. 5 CF 1878 . 1465


No. 5 of 1878 .


An Ordinance to apply a sum not exceeding Seven hundred and

seventy-nine thousand Dollars to the Public Service of the Year

1879 .

[ 21st December, 1878. ]


HEREAS the expenditure required for the service of this Colony for the year

W 1879 has been estimated at the sum of seven hundred and seventy-eight

thousand four hundred and one dollars and thirty-eight cents : Be it enacted by the


Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. A sum not exceeding seven hundred and seventy-nine thousand dollars shall Estimates, 1879.

be, and the same is hereby charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the service of the

year 1879, and the said sum so charged shall be expended as hereinafter specified ; that

is to say :


Governor, ..... 2,948.00

Colonial Secretary, 5,936.00

Colonial Treasurer, 3,804.00

Auditor General, 16,479.00

Clerk of Councils, 100.00

Surveyor General, 27,902.00

Government Gardens , 4,552.80

Postmaster General, 30,660.00

Registrar General, 11,866.00

Harbour Master, 27,890.00

Lighthouses, 7,424.00

Collector of Stamp Revenue, 4,162.00

Judicial, ...... 22,744.00

Registrar of Companies, 192.00

Ecclesiastical , ......

…………. 1,158.00

Educational,... 23,634.00

Medical, 15,876.00

Police Magistrates, 6,394.00

Police, .... 145,858.80

Gaol,...... 21,552.00

Fire Brigade, 8,626.00

TOTAL ESTABLISHMENTS , ...... $389,758.60

1466 ORDINANCES No. 5 OF 1878 AND No. 1 of 1879.

Revenue. Excise ( Opium.)

Brought forward,... ....$389,758.60


Colonial Treasurer, 1,500.00

Surveyor General, .. 1,800.00

Postmaster General, 20,734.78

Registrar General, ...... 25.00

Judicial, 200.00

Educational , ...……………. 8,060.00

Medical, ..... 19,020.00

Police Magistrates, 390.00

Police, ..... 28,885.00

Gaol, ........... 18,170.00

Fire Brigade , 5,040.00

Charitable Allowances , .... 4,000.00

Transport, .... 4,500.00

Works and Buildings , ....... " 85,750.00

Roads, Streets, and Bridges, 44,720.00

Lighthouses, 3,000.00

Miscellaneous Services, 38,500.00

Military Contribution, 104,348.00

TOTAL,..... $778,401.38

[Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887. ]

No. 1 of 1879.

Title. An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 2 of 1858 entitled " An Ordi

nance for Licensing and Regulating the Sale of Prepared Opium. "

[ 18th January, 1879. ]

Preamble. THEREAS by Ordinance No. 2 of 1858 it is enacted (amongst other things) that

Ordinance 2 of W the Governor in Council may grant unto any persons for such considerations


and upon such conditions and for such terms and periods and in such form as from

time to time shall be by the Governor in Council regulated and determined and also

previously notified to the public in the Hongkong Government Gazette the sole

privilege of boiling and preparing opium and of selling and retailing within this

Colony or the waters thereof opium so boiled or prepared :

And whereas it is by the said Ordinance also enacted that the person , if any,

actually holding any such privilege is thereby empowered to grant licences to all

proper persons authorising them to boil and prepare opium and to sell and retail opium

so boiled and prepared :

ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1879 . 1467

Excise ( Opium.)

And whereas it is desirable to make some provisions with respect to the regulating

the quantity of opium manufactured and the transfer of the stocks of raw and prepared

opium in the possession of the person holding such exclusive privilege and his licensees

at or near the end of his term of exclusive privilege to the next holder of the same,

and to make other amendments in the said recited Ordinance :

Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

Council thereof, as follows :

1. The term " Excise Officer " shall mean the person appointed by the Governor Interpretation


" Excise Officer.'

under section 11 of this Ordinance, and for the purposes of this Ordinance, any boiled " Possession."

or prepared opium, or utensils or vessels used for preparing the same shall be deemed

to be in possession of any person if he knowingly have them in actual possession ,

custody, or control by himself or by any other person .

2. No person holding such exclusive privilege as aforesaid, nor any licensee under Holder of


privilege and

such person as aforesaid, shall sell or dispose of any boiled or prepared opium at or licensees not to

authorize use

near the end of the term for which such person holds such exclusive privilege or at ofprepared

opium beyond

any time during the term for which such person holds such exclusive privilege so as in limited period .


either case to authorize the use of such boiled or prepared opium at any time after 12

o'clock at noon of the third day after the commencement of the term of the new holder

of the exclusive privilege, under a penalty not exceeding one thousand dollars.

[Repealed by Ordinance No. 7 of 1879. ]

3. Every holder of such exclusive privilege shall, one month before the end of Holder of


his term of exclusive privilege expires , give public notice in the form provided by the privilege to

give notice of

expiration of

schedule A hereto that the said privilege is to expire on the day to be named and that term .

no boiled or prepared opium purchased from such holder of such exclusive privilege

or from any licensee of such holder can be used after such time without the consent of

the new holder. Such notice shall be printed in English and Chinese and the holder

of the exclusive privilege shall supply copies thereof to all persons licensed by him

under the said recited Ordinance : and every person so liceused shall exhibit the notice

in his place of sale in a conspicuous position so as to be plainly visible to every person

entering such place of sale. Any person offending against any of the provisions of

this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars. Penalty .

4. The holder of the exclusive privilege and his licensees shall, on the expiration Out-going

holder of

of his term, hand over to the incoming holder, and the incoming holder shall take over exclusive

privilege to

hand over

from the outgoing holder all his stock of raw, boiled and prepared opium at such stocks to


prices as may be settled subject to the proviso hereinafter contained for arbitration in holder.

case of difference .

5. Neither the holder of the exclusive privilege nor his licensees shall, at or near Restrictions

on holder of


the end of his term, manufacture more than the usual quantity of boiled or prepared privilege.

opium, or sell any boiled or prepared opium at less than the average current prices of

the day, or in greater quantities than usual at the time of the year, and shall not sell ,

export, or otherwise make away with or dispose of any of his stock of boiled or prepared

opium, but shall make over to the new holder of the said exclusive privilege the full

1468 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1879 .

Excise ( Opium.)

Difference and complete stock of raw or boiled and prepared opium at the marketable value

between out

going and

incoming thereof and in the event of any difference arising as to quantities of boiled and prepared

holders of

exclusive opium manufactured or sold during the last three months of the term and the price of

privilege to be

ttled by the same and of the nature and quantity of the raw or boiled or prepared opium so


to be purchased or made over and the prices thereof, such difference shall be determined

by three arbitrators, one to be appointed by the new holder of the exclusive privilege,

one by the person whose exclusive privilege has expired or is about to expire, and one

by the Governor, and the award of such arbitrators or a majority of them shall be final ,

and the arbitration or such other settlement shall be held at such time at or before or

after the end of the term of the outgoing holder of the exclusive privilege as to the

Governor may seem reasonable, and any award made may be filed in Court pursuant

to the provisions of "The Hongkong Code of Civil Procedure." [Repealed by Ordinance

No. 7 of 1879, and new section substituted.]

Amendment of 6. Section 8 of the said recited Ordinance shall be amended by the insertion

Ordinance 2 of


therein and the addition thereto of the following words : -- After the word " any " in

the third line of the said section the words " boiled or " and after the word " opium "

in the fourth line thereof the words " not purchased from the holder of the existing

" privilege for the time being or his licensee the burthen of proof of which purchase

" shall lie upon any person alleging that he so purchased the same. Provided always

" that no person who may have purchased any boiled or prepared opium from the

"outgoing holder of the exclusive privilege or from any licensee of such outgoing

"holder shall be liable to be convicted for having in his possession such boiled or

" prepared opium not exceeding three taels weight at any time before noon on the third

"day after the commencement of the new holder's privilege. " [ Repealed by Ordinance

No. 7 of 1879.]

Prepared opium , 7. All boiled or prepared opium offered or exposed for sale or retail by any

&c., found in

possession of

unauthorised unauthorised person and all boiled or prepared opium found in the possession or

persons, or in

unauthorised custody or control of any unauthorised person or in any unauthorised place, except as

places may be

seized. in the last section mentioned, and any utensils or vessels which have been used or

which are manifestly intended to be used in boiling or preparing opium by any

unauthorised person or in any unauthorised place, may be seized by a police or excise

officer, and shall be forfeited and may be by a Magistrate delivered and adjudged to

the holder of the exclusive privilege for the time being, [ amended by Ordinance No. 4

and unauthor of 1883] and any unauthorised person in whose possession any such boiled or prepared

ised persons may

be taken before opium or utensils or vessels are found may be apprehended and taken before a

a Magistrate.

Magistrate by any police or excise officer.

Raw opium found 8. Whenever boiled or prepared opium is so seized as last aforesaid and any such

in possession of


persons or in utensils or vessels are also seized as aforesaid, the police or excise officer seizing the


places may same may also seize any raw opium that may be found in the custody or control of

be seized.

such unauthorised person or in such unauthorised place and such raw opium shall be

subject to the order of the Magistrate before whom the case is brought.

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1879 . 1469

Excise ( Opium.)

9. Whenever from any other cause there is reasonable ground to believe that Officer may seize

raw opium under

boiled or prepared opium is manufactured by any unauthorised person or in any special circum


unauthorised place within this Colony it shall be lawful for a police or excise officer to

seize any raw opium found in the possession of such unauthorised person or in such

unauthorised place.

10. Any Justice of the Peace may issue a search warrant under section 9 of the Seizure under

search warraut.

said recited Ordinance, and such search warrant may be executed by any police or

excise officer and the person executing any such search warrant may seize and hold

any utensils or vessels which have been used or which are manifestly intended to be

used in boiling or preparing opium and in any case where boiled or prepared opium is

found under the circumstances mentioned in the said section of the said recited Ordinance

or any such utensils or vessels as last aforesaid are found, may also seize any raw

opium found in the possession of any person having such boiled or prepared opium,

utensils, or vessels, or in any such tenement, place, or vessel as is mentioned in the said .

section .

11. The Governor may, for the purposes of this Ordinance, grant his warrant in Excise officer.

Warrant of

form of schedule (B) to such agents or servants of the holder of the exclusive privilege appointment.

for the time being as may be approved of by him to act as excise officers : [amended by

Ordinance No. 4 of 1883] and no persons except those so appointed shall be competent

to act as excise officers under this and the said recited Ordinance. Such warrants may

at any time be withdrawn by the Governor and any person without lawful authority

assuming to act as an excise officer under this Ordinance shall be liable to a penalty

not exceeding one hundred dollars.

12. The names and places of residence of every excise officer so appointed as Excise officers'

names to be

aforesaid shall be posted in a conspicuous place at the Police Court. posted at Police


13. Every excise officer appointed under this Ordinance shall be supplied [ at the Excise officers to

be supplied with

expense of the holder of the exclusive privilege for the time being: repealed by Ordinance No. 4 badges.

of 1883] with a badge bearing such sign or mark of office as may be directed by the

Governor and before acting against any person under the provisions of this Ordinance

every such excise officer shall declare his office and produce to the person against whom

he is about to act his said badge. Every Police officer acting under the provision of Police officer to

produce part of

this or the said recited Ordinance, if not in the uniform proper to his service shall in his public

equipment when

acting as excise

like manner declare his office and produce to the person against whom he is about to officer.

act such part of his public equipment as the Captain Superintendent of Police shall

have directed or may direct to be carried by Police officers when employed on secret or

special service.

14. All penalties under the said recited Ordinance or under this Ordinance may Penalties to be


be recovered in a summary way before any Magistrate. summarily.

15. In case any boiled or prepared opium or utensils or vessels used for preparing Proceedings in

case of prepared

the same are found without being apparently in the possession of any one, it shall be opium , &c., found

without being

lawful for the Magistrate to cause a notice to be affixed at the place where any such apparently in

possession of any

article one.

may be found calling upon the owner thereof to claim the same, and in case no

1470 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1879.

Excise (Opium.)

person shall come forward to make a claim within one week from the date of such

notice, the same together with any raw opium that may be found in the same

place shall be forfeited and may be handed over by the Magistrate to the holder of

the exclusive privilege for the time being . [Amended by Ordinance No. 4 of 1883. ]

Forfeiture of raw

opium found 16. Where any boiled or prepared opium, or utensils or vessels used for preparing

where opium is

unlawfully boiled the same are found in the possession of any unauthorized person , or in any unautho

or prepared.

rized place, and it appears to a Magistrate that such boiled or prepared opium was

boiled or prepared by such person, or in such place, or if any utensil or vessel used

for boiling or preparing opium be found in the possession of such person or in such

place, it shall be lawful for such Magistrate to declare any raw opium found in the

possession of such person or in such place to be forfeited and to direct that the same

shall be delivered to the person holding the exclusive privilege at the time when the

same was so found as aforesaid. [ Amended by Ordinance No. 4 of 1883.]

Present holder of

exclusive privi 17. It shall be in the power of the person holding the exclusive privilege as afore

lege may termi

nate terms. said at the time when this Ordinance comes into operation to terminate the term granted

to him by giving one month's notice to that effect to the Colonial Secretary of this

Colony, provided that such notice be given and received within one month from the

date when this Ordinance so comes into operation , and if such notice be not given as

aforesaid, then the present arrangements shall, subject however to the provisions herein

contained, continue in full force and effect during the term still unexpired.

Construction. 18. This Ordinance shall be construed with the said recited Ordinance and shall

come into operation from the date hereof, and this and the said recited Ordinance may


be cited as " The Excise Ordinance (Opium) , 1858-1879."


Excise Ordinance ( Opium) 1858-1879.

Notice of cessation of exclusive privilege under Ordinance 1 of 1879, section 3.

Notice is hereby given that the exclusive privileges for boiling and preparing opium and selling

and retailing opium so boiled or prepared will cease on the day of

18 9 and that no boiled or prepared opium purchased from (us) or (our) licensees can be used after

the day of 18 9 at noon, without the consent of the new holder

of such exclusive privilege as aforesaid.

Date 18


Excise Ordinance ( Opium ) 1858-1879.

of in

is hereby appointed to be an excise officer under the "Excise Ordinance (Opium) 1858-1879," and is

duly vested with all the rights, powers, and immunities of such officer under the provisions of the said

Ordinance, until the day of 18 " or until this licence is revoked by

the Governor of this Colony for the time being.

By His Excellency's Command,

Colonial Secretary.

Date 18 ·

[All repealed by Ordinance No. 1 of 1884. ]

ORDINANCES Nos . 2 AND 3 OF 1879 . 1471

Chinese Emigration. Naval Yard Police Force.

No. 2 of 1879 .

An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 1 of 1878 . Title.

[ 29th May, 1879. ]

HEREAS the date of the short title of Ordinance No. 1 of 1878 is erroneous Preamble.

W and it is expedient to correct it : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hong

kong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1 of 1878 is hereby amended by substituting the Sec. 1 of Ordi

nance 1 of 1878

figures 1878 for the figures 1877 in the said section . amended.

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 1 of 1889. ]

No. 3 of 1879 .

An Ordinance to extend Ordinance No. 1 of 1875 to provide Title.

means for enforcing good order and discipline in the Police

Force employed in the Royal Naval Yard to the other

Establishments of the Royal Navy in this Colony.

[ 6th November, 1879. ]


WHEREAS it is expedient to extend the provisions of Ordinance

No. 1 of 1875 for enforcing good order and discipline in the

Police Force employed in the Royal Naval Yard to the other establish

ments of the Royal Navy in this Colony : Be it enacted by the Governor

of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as

follows :


1. From and after the coming into operation of this Ordinance the Provisions of

Ordinance 1

provisions of Ordinance No. 1 of 1875 shall not be confined to the Police of 1875 ,

extended to

Force employed in the Royal Naval Yard at Hongkong, but shall be all Naval


extended to the Police Force employed on the messuages , lands, tene ments on

shore in this

ments, hereditaments , erections , buildings and property, or any or either Colony.

of such lands, tenements, hereditaments , erections , buildings and property

now vested or hereafter to become vested in the Lord High Admiral of

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland or the Commissioners

for executing the office of Lord High Admiral aforesaid under the pro

visions of Ordinance No. 3 of 1863 , and the words " The Commodore

or other Officer in charge of the Royal Naval Establishments on shore

in this Colony," shall be substituted for the words " The Commodore or

other Superintendent of Her Majesty's Naval Yard," and the words

"The Commodore or other Superintendent of the Naval Yard," whenever

they occur in the said Ordinance No. 1 of 1875.

1472 ORDINANCE No. 4 of 1879.


No. 4 of 1879.

Title. An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation of a Supplementary Sum

not exceeding Sixty-nine thousand , Two hundred and Forty

Dollars and Thirty Cents to defray the Charges of the Year 1878 .

[ 19th November, 1879. ]

Preamble. HEREAS it has become necessary to make further provision for the public

W service of the Colony for the year 1878 , in addition to the charge upon the

revenue for the service of the said year already provided for in the estimates submitted

to the Legislative Council : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the

advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Supplementary 1. A sum not exceeding sixty-nine thousand, two hundred and forty dollars and

Estimates, 1878.

thirty cents shall be and the same is hereby charged upon the revenue of this Colony

for the service of the year 1878, the said sum so charged being expended as hereinafter

specified ; that is to say :


Colonial Secretary, .... 1,085.13

Auditor General, ........ 1,041.23

Ecclesiastical, 72.72

Educational , 2,387.58

Medical,...... 1,933.80

Gaol, ..... 176.68

TOTAL ESTABLISHMENTS ,...... $6,697.14



Postmaster General, 4,539.64

Judicial, ....... 351.47

Educational, 577.90

Medical, ...... 940.11

Gaol, ...... 5,166.47

Fire Brigade, 2,921.06

Works and Buildings, 13,105.11

Roads, Streets, and Bridges, 28,041.78

Lighthouses ,..... 1,100.00

Miscellaneous Services, 5,468.26

Military Contribution , ………………. 331.36


TOTAL, ... $69,240.30

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887. ]

ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1879. 1473


No. 5 of 1879 .


An Ordinance to apply a sum not exceeding Eight hundred and Thirty

two thousand and Forty - eight Dollars to the Public Service of the

year 1880.

[ 19th November, 1879. ]

HEREAS the expenditure required for the service of this Colony for the year Preamble.


1880 , has been estimated at the sum of eight hundred and thirty-two thousand

and forty-eight dollars : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice

of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. A sum not exceeding eight hundred and thirty-two thousand dollars shall be, Estimates 1880.

and the same is hereby charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the service of the

year 1880, and the said sum so charged may be expended as hereinafter specified ; that

is to say:


Governor, ..... 7,758.00

Colonial Secretary , 7,016.00

Colonial Treasurer, . 4,030.00

Auditor General, ...... 19,709.00

Clerk of Councils,. 100.00

Surveyor General, ………………………………… 30,385.00

Government Gardens and Plantations, ... 4,470.00

Postmaster General, …………….. 26,488.00

Registrar General,.... 14,618.00

Harbour Master, 29,804.00

Lighthouses, 7,508.00

Collector of Stamp Revenue, 4,642.00

Judicial, .....

......... 28,826.00

Registrar of Companies, 192.00

Ecclesiastical ,.………………… 1,158.00

Educational, .... 23,979.00

Medical, ......

... 17,840.00

Police Magistrates, 6,913.00

Police,.... 144,300.00

Gaol, .... 26,244.00

Fire Brigade, .... 8,178.00 ;

TOTAL ESTABLISHMENTS , ......$414,158.00

1474 ORDINANCES Nos. 5 AND 6 OF 1879 .

Revenue. Chinese Emigration.

Broughtforward, ........ .$414,158.00



Colonial Treasurer, 1,500.00

Surveyor General, ... 1,800.00

Postmaster General, 62,600.00

Registrar General, ………………………… 25.00

Judicial, ........ 500.00

Educational , 9,576.00

Medical, ....... 13,572.00

Police Magistrates, 390.00

Police,........ 41,275.00

Gaol, 20,620.00

Fire Brigade, ....... 3,300.00

Charitable Allowances, 4,000.00

Transport, .... 4,500.00

Works and Buildings, 53,500.00

Roads, Streets, and Bridges, 42,720.00

Lighthouses, ......

... 3,000.00

Government Gardens and Plantations, ... 9,680.00

Miscellaneous Services, 40,984.00

Military Contribution, ..... 104,348.00

TOTAL,.... .$ 832,048.00

[ Rpealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887. ]

No. 6 of 1879 .

Title. An Ordinance to further amend the Law relating to Chinese Passenger

Ships, and the Conveyance of Chinese Emigrants.

[ 9th December, 1879. ]

Preamble. HEREAS it is expedient to further amend " The Chinese Emigration Consoli

dation Ordinance, 1874 " ; Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with

the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :-------

Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as "The Chinese Emigration Amendment Ordi

nance, 1879."

2. The second paragraph of section 2 of " The Chinese Emigration Consolidation

Ordinance, 1874," defining the expression " Chinese Emigrant Ship," as well as sub

section 2 of section 15 of the same Ordinance are hereby repealed and the marginal

note of section 3 of the said Ordinance, is hereby amended by omitting the word

"short" before voyage.

ORDINANCES Nos . 6 AND 7. OF . 1879 . 1475

Chinese Emigration. Excise ( Opium. )

3. Section 15 of the said Ordinance is also hereby further amended as follows :

(1.) Sub-section 5, by striking out the words " Chinese Emigrant " in the

fourth line.

(2.) Sub -section 7, by striking out the words " Chinese Emigrant " through

out, and substituting in lieu of the words " Chinese Emigrant Ship "

in the second line, the words " Ship in respect of which a licence has

been granted under this section."

(3.) Sub-section 8,


Clause (b.), by omitting the terms " Navigates " uses" " or com

mands " 66For serves on board any ship ."

Clause (c.), by omitting the words " or allows ."

Clause (d.), by striking out the words " holds or takes any share

or interest in or."

Clause (e.), by leaving out the words " or serves on board," and

Clause (f.), by striking out the words " Chinese Emigrant Ship,"

and substituting in lieu thereof, " Ship in respect of which a

licence ought to have been obtained under any of the provi

sions of the clauses 8 (a) and 8 (b) of this section ."

4. This Ordinance shall not come into operation until Her Majesty's confirmation

of the same shall have been proclaimed by the Governor.

[ Confirmation proclaimed 6th April, 1880. Repealed by

Ordinance No. 1 of 1889.]

No. 7 of 1879 .


An Ordinance to amend " The Excise Ordinance ( Opium ) 1858-1879 ."

[ 9th December, 1879. ]

HEREAS it is expedient to make better provision for the apprehension and Preamble .

WH punishment of offenders against the opium Ordinances, and also to further

amend the said Ordinances .

Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

Council thereof, as follows :

1. This Ordinance may be cited as " The Excise Ordinance (Opium) 1858-1879, Short title.

Amendment Ordinance 1879."

2. Sections 2 and 6 of Ordinance No. 1 of 1879, are hereby repealed.

1476 ORDINANCE No. 7 OF 1879.

Excise (Opium.)

Amending 3. Section 7 of Ordinance No. 2 of 1858, is hereby amended by inserting after

section 7 of

Ordinance No. 2

of 1858, as to the word " transferable, " the words " and shall contain a notice printed in English and


Chinese, in the following form " :

" Notice is hereby given that the monopoly of the Hongkong opium farm, at

present held by the undersigned, expires on the " and that

the boiled or prepared opium now purchased and sold cannot be legally

used or retained in your possession after noon of the 3rd day from the

above date, without the consent of the new holder of the monopoly or of

the Governor.

Validity of 4. No certificate granted under the provisions of the said section , as amended , by


any person holding such exclusive privilege as aforesaid, or by any licensee under him


[amended by Ordinance No. 4 of 1883 ] shall be valid after noon of the third day from

the date of the expiration of his privilege.

Amending 5. Section 8 of Ordinance No. 2 of 1853, is hereby amended by striking out the

section 8.

Penalties for words " except in cases to which section 7 applies," by inserting before the words

effences under

opium "prepared opium " " boiled or" and by adding after the words " prepared opium," the


words " without having a valid certificate under section 7 of Ordinance No. 2 of 1858,

as amended ."

Restrictions on 6. Section 13 of Ordinance No. 2 of 1858 is hereby amended by substituting in

holder of


privilege. subsection ( 1 ) for the words "a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty current

dollars " the words " a fine not exceeding five hundred current dollars," and by sub

stituting in subsection ( 2) for the words " a fine not exceeding five hundred current

dollars " the words " a fine not exceeding one thousand current dollars, " and by

inserting after the word imprisonment in both subsections the words " with or without

hard labour."

Difference 7. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 1 of 1879 is hereby repealed, and in substitution

between out

going and thereof, be it enacted as follows :-Neither the holder of the exclusive privilege nor his


holders of

exclusive licensees shall, during the three months preceding the end of his term, manufacture

privilege to be

settled by more than the usual quantity of boiled or prepared opium, or during the said three


months sell any boiled or prepared opium at less than the average current prices of the

day, or in greater quantities than usual at the time of the year, and at the end of his

term shall not sell, export, or otherwise make away with, or dispose of any of his stock

of boiled or prepared opium , but shall make over to the new holder of the said exclusive

privilege [amended by Ordinance No. 4 of 1883] the full and complete stock of raw or

boiled and prepared opium then in his possession at the marketable value thereof and

in the event of any difference arising as to quantities of boiled and prepared opium

manufactured or sold during the last three months of the term and the price of the

same and of the nature and quantity of the raw or boiled or prepared opium so to be

ORDINANCE No. 7 OF 1879 . 1477

Excise ( Opium. )

purchased or made over and the prices thereof such difference shall be determined by

three arbitrators, one to be appointed by the new holder of the exclusive privilege, one

by the person whose exclusive privilege has expired or is about to expire, and one by

the Governor, and the award of such arbitrators or a majority of them shall be final ,

and the arbitration or such other settlement shall be held at such time after the end of

the term of the outgoing holder of the exclusive privilege as to the Governor may seem

reasonable and, any award made may be filed in Court pursuant to the provisions of

"The Hongkong Code of Civil Procedure. "

(2.) It shall be lawful for the majority of the arbitrators to determine and they

are hereby empowered to decide in each particular case what are usual quantities within.

the meaning of this Ordinance.

(3.) In case the outgoing or the incoming holder of the exclusive privilege fails

to appoint an arbitrator within ten days from his receiving notice from the Governor

so to do, [amended by Ordinance No. 4 of 1883 ] it shall be lawful for the other two

arbitrators [amended by Ordinance No. 4 of 1883 ] to proceed with the award and in case

of difference of opinion , they shall appoint an umpire, whose award shall be final and

may be filed in Court pursuant to the provisions of " The Hongkong Code of Civil


(4.) The Governor in fixing the time for holding the arbitration shall also fix the

period within which the award is to be completed, and the same shall be specified in

the appointment .

(5.) The arbitrators shall have the same powers as if the appointment and refer

ence to arbitration had been made by an order of the Supreme Court under the

provisions of " The Hongkong Code of Civil Procedure, " and their award in each.

case shall be final.

8. It shall be lawful for an inspector of Police having reasonable ground for Police inspector

may search ships

for prepared

believing that there is boiled or prepared opium in any ship within the waters of the opinm, without


Colony contrary to the provisions of the opium Ordinances, (such ship not being a

ship of war or vessel having the status of a ship of war) to proceed without warrant

on board such ship and search for boiled or prepared opium and seize any boiled or

prepared opium so found , and it shall be lawful for such inspector to take the opium

so found together with the person in whose custody possession or control it is found

before a Police Magistrate, to be dealt with according to law.

Police or excise

9. It shall be lawful for any police or excise officer to arrest, without warrant ' officer may

arrest, without

any person within the Colony whom he reasonably suspects to be conveying or to have warrant,

suspected person.

concealed on his person boiled or prepared opium which has not paid duty to the

holder of the exclusive privilege, [amended by Ordinance No. 4 of 1883] and to convey

such person to the nearest Police Station, there to be dealt with according to law.

10. Section 14 of Ordinance 2 of 1858 is hereby repealed ; and in lieu thereof, it Distribution of


is hereby enacted :-If any charge or complaint shall be preferred under " the Excise

Ordinance (Opium) 1858-1879 " or under any of the said regulations made thereunder

1478 ORDINANCES Nos. 7 AND 8 OF 1879.

Excise ( Opium.) Merchant Shipping.

and upon the said charge or complaint the accused shall be convicted, the pecuniary

penalty imposed upon the offender shall, after the adjudication of a portion of the

same not exceeding one half at the discretion of the Magistrate to the informer, be

paid to the holder of the exclusive privilege, [ amended by Ordinance No. 4 of 1883. ]

and all the boiled or prepared opium to which the same relates shall be forfeited and

by the Magistrate adjudged and delivered to the holder of the privilege . [ Amended by

Ordinance No. 4 of 1883.]

[All repealed by Ordinance No. 1 of 1884. ]

No. 8 of 1879 .

Title. An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the laws relating to

merchant shipping, the duties of the Harbour Master, the

control and management of the waters of the Colony, and

the regulation of vessels navigating the same.

[ 30th December, 1879. ]

Preamble. HEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the laws


relating to merchant shipping, the duties of the Harbour Master,

the control and management of the waters of the Colony, and the

regulation of all vessels navigating the same ; and whereas doubts have

arisen as to the applicability of certain sections of " The Merchant

Shipping Act , 1854 ," and the Acts amending the same : Be it enacted by

the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council

thereof, as follows :


Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as " The Merchant

Shipping Consolidation Ordinance , 1879. "

Interpreta 2. In the construction and for the purposes of this Ordinance (if

tion clause.

not inconsistent with the context or subject matter ) the following

terms shall have the respective meanings hereinafter assigned to them,

that is to say :

" Stipendiary Magistrate " shall mean and include the Police

Magistrates of the Colony, and the Marine Magistrate ;

ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1879 . 1479

Merchant Shipping.

"Master " shall include every person ( except a pilot) having

command or charge of any ship ;

" Seaman " shall include any person (except masters , pilots and

apprentices duly indentured and registered ) employed or engaged in any

capacity on board any ship ;

" Ship " shall include any description of vessel used in navigation

not propelled by oars, except Chinese junks or lorchas not propelled by

steam .

" Steam -ship " shall mean any vessel propelled by steam .

"Colonial Ship " shall mean and include every ship registered under

section 3 , part I of this Ordinance.

"River Steamer " shall mean any steam- ship carrying more than 12

passengers and regularly plying between the waters of Hongkong and

any port or place on the Canton River, or Macao.

" Tons, " " Tonnage " shall mean tons and tonnage , as calculated

according to British measurement of registered tonnage.

The term " Waters of the Colony " shall ( except as hereinafter

provided ) be, for the purposes of this Ordinance , deemed to comprise the

waters situate within a radius of one marine league from the shores of

the Colony : Provided always that this interpretation shall not be construed

to affect waters within such radius in any case where such waters are

situate within the territorial limits or jurisdiction of the empire of China.


Passenger " shall mean and include any person carried in any

vessel other than the master, seamen, and apprentices duly indentured

and registered .





3. No ship owned by a British subject shall be at liberty to trade No British


in or from the waters of this Colony, unless she is provided with a an Imperial

register, to

certificate of registry in conformity with the Imperial Acts of Parliament use the waters

in that behalf. of the Colony.

[ See Ordi

nance No. 4 of

1855 , sec. 1. ]

1480 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879.

Merchant Shipping.

Chinese 2. The Governor may, at his discretion , grant a Colonial register as

Crown lessees

entitled to

hold Colonial hereinafter provided to any Chinese person resident within the Colony

register. applying for the same , provided such applicant be a registered lessee of

[ Ibid, sec. 6. ]

Crown lands within this Colony , and that he tenders as securities for the

due performance by him of all the requirements of this section two other

Crown lessees , and that he and such lessees be severally reported by the

Registrar General to be each worth two thousand dollars in this Colony,

and should such applicant be a member of any shop or partnership , that

the seal of such shop or partnership be also affixed to the security to be

given by him.

Declarations 3. When any person shall be desirous of obtaining a Colonial

necessary for

obtaining register, such person shall forward to the Colonial Secretary a declaration



[Ibid, see. 2. ] in writing stating whether the Colonial ship for which such register is

sought is intended to be employed solely in trade with China , or on more

distant voyages : Provided always, that should such declaration be false ,

or the Colonial ship to which it relates not be employed in conformity with

it, the register thereby obtained shall ipso facto become null and void.

Documents 4. A Colonial register shall be given , under the hand of the Governor ,



previous to on production of the following documents :

grant of


register. (a ) The Surveyor's certificate as hereinafter provided by

{ Ibid, sec..3. ] subsection 5 .

(b.) A declaration of ownership with proof thereof to the satis-

faction of the Colonial Secretary .

(c.) A joint and several bond of the owner and two sureties

binding each and every of the several obligees under a

penal sum of five thousand dollars , to comply with all

the provisions of this Ordinance and with all the laws

binding on British subjects with regard to trade with


Surveyor's 5. The Surveyor's certificate, referred to in subsection 4 of this


[ Ibid, sec. 7. ] section , shall, in case of a steam- ship, be a certificate granted under

section 5 of this Ordinance, and in case of a sailing vessel shall be a

certificate specifying the proper measurement of the ship requiring a

Colonial register, and that such ship has proper anchors and chains ,

canvas sails , if any, her bottom sheathed with metal, and that such ship

is in all respects strongly built and properly equipped for the trade for

which she is intended .

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1481

Merchant Shipping.

6. It shall not be lawful for the owner of any Colonial ship to give Name of Colo

nial registered

her any name other than that of her registry , and such owner shall, after ship.

[Ibid, sec. 4.]

registry, cause to be painted in white or yellow letters not less than four

inches long her name upon some conspicuous part of her stern and on

each bow in a distinct and legible manner, both in Roman and Chinese

characters , and shall so keep and preserve the same, upon pain , on breach

of the provisions of this subsection , of paying a penalty not exceeding

five hundred dollars .

Production of

7. The register of every Colonial ship shall be produced once at Colonial

least every six months to the Harbour Master, who shall endorse the register to


Master every

date of such production on such register, upon pain , on failure of such

six months.

production, of the forfeiture of such register, unless satisfactory cause [Ibid, sec. 5.]

for such non -production be shown to the Colonial Secretary.

8. Every register, certificate, endorsement, declaration, or bond Colonial

registers, &c.

authorised or required by this section, may be proved in any Court of may be prov

ed by

Justice, or before any person having by law or by consent of parties duction of

originals or

authority to receive evidence, either by the production of the original , or copies.


by an examined copy thereof, or by a copy thereof purporting to be No. 9 of

1856, sec. 2. ]

certified under the hand of the Colonial Secretary, or other person who ,

for the time being, shall happen to have charge of the original , which

certified copy he is hereby required to furnish to every person applying

at a reasonable time for the same, and paying therefor the sum of one

dollar ; and every document , when so proved as aforesaid , shall be received

as primâ facie evidence of all matters therein recited , stated , or appearing.

9. The British flag may be used on board of any Colonial ship Chinese resi

dents may

lawfully possessing a Colonial register. use the

British flag

in Colonial



[ Ibid, sec. 1. ]

10. Upon any change of ownership in any Colonial ship registered Changeorof


under this section , such change as aforesaid shall be endorsed upon her master.


register under the hand of the Governor and any change of master No. 4 of 1855,

sec. 9. ]

shall be endorsed upon the register by the Harbour Master.

11. Every Colonial ship ( except Chinese junks or lorchas ) provided Colonial


with a Colonial register under this section shall be, in every respect,

subject to

subject to the provisions of part I of this Ordinance and (except where Merchant


the same are inconsistent with the terms of this section ) to the provisions Acts, &c.

1482 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

of " The Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, " and to the Acts amending the

same, in the same manner and to the same extent as British ships regis

tered under the said Acts are subject thereto, in the waters of this

Colony, or in trading therein or therefrom .

Duration of

Colonial 12. Any Colonial register granted under this section shall be in


force and effect for one year from the date of such register, aud no

bid, sec.

io.] longer, and such register shall be renewable by endorsement on the

same, under the hand of the Governor , if he shall so think fit. Provided

always that whether the register is intended to be renewed or not such

register shall be delivered into the custody of the Colonial Secretary

five days before the expiration of the year for which it has been granted

or in the event of the registered ship being at sea then on her return to

the waters of the Colony, and that the owner, agent, or master of any

such ship neglecting to comply with the requirements of this provision

shall incur a penalty not exceeding $ 500 .

Consent to

13. No prosecution shall be instituted under this section unless


under the fiat of the Attorney General.



Boats for Sea-going Ships.

Rules as to

boats and life 4. The following rules shall be observed with respect to boats , rafts

buoys. -

and life buoys, that is to say :

[ M. S. A. ,

1854, sec.

292.] (a. ) No decked British ship ( except ships used solely as steam

tugs ) shall proceed to sea from this Colony unless she

is provided, according to her tonnage, with boats duly

supplied with all requisites for use, and not being fewer

in number nor less in their cubic contents than the

boats the number and cubic contents of which are

[ M. S. A., specified in the table marked A in the schedule hereto

1873 , scc. 15.]

for the class to which such ship belongs : Provided

that the Governor may, at the request of the owner, or

master, authorise the reduction of the number and the

variation of the dimensions of such boats and also the

substitution of rafts or other appliances for saving life

for any such boats, 41 so nevertheless that the boats so

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1483

Merchant Shipping.

reduced or varied and the rafts or other appliances so

substituted be sufficient for the persons carried on board

the ship : Provided also that it shall be lawful for the

Governor in Council, from time to time, or at any time

hereafter, to alter, amend, or repeal the said table marked

A, or to make a new table in lieu thereof. Every such

new table and every alteration, amendment, or repeal of

the said table A shall be published in the Gazette, and

after such publication , shall be as valid to all intents

and purposes as if such new or amended table had been

originally inserted , instead of table A in the schedule to

this Ordinance .

(b. ) No such ship carrying more than twelve passengers shall

proceed to sea from any place in the Colony , unless , in

addition to the boats hereinbefore required , she is also

provided with a life boat furnished with all requisites

for use, or unless one of her boats hereinbefore required

is rendered buoyant after the manner of a life boat.

(c. ) No such ship as last aforesaid shall proceed to sea, unless

she is also provided with not less than two approved

life buoys ;

And such boats and life buoys shall be kept so as to be at all times fit

and ready for use : Provided, that the enactments with respect to boats

and life buoys herein contained shall not apply in any case in which a

certificate has been duly obtained under the fourth section of " The

Chinese Passengers Act, 1855. "

2. In any of the following cases, that is to say : Penalties on

masters and

(a . ) If any ship hereinbefore required to be provided with owners, &c..

boats, rafts or life buoys proceeds to sea without being lecting to

boats and

so provided therewith, or if any such boats, rafts , life life buoys.

[ M. S.

buoys, or other appliances for saving life are lost or 1854, sec.

rendered unfit for service in the course of the Voyage 293. ]

through the wilful fault or negligence of the owner or

master ; or,

(b. ) If in case of any of such boats, rafts, life buoys , or other

appliances for saving life being accidentally lost or

1484 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

injured in the course of the voyage , the master wilfully

neglects to replace or repair the same on the first

opportunity ; or,

(c. ) If such boats , rafts, life buoys, and other appliances for

saving life are not kept so as to be at all times fit and

ready for use ;

Then if the owner appears to be in fault he shall incur a penalty not

exceeding five hundred dollars, and if the master appears to be in fault

he shall incur a penalty not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars .

Harbour 3. The Harbour Master shall not grant a clearance for any ship

Master not

to clear ships hereinbefore required to be provided with boats , rafts , life buoys , or other

not com

plying with appliances for saving life unless the same is duly so provided ; and if

the above

provisions. any such ship attempts to go to sea without such clearance, the Harbour

[ M. S. A.,

1854, sec. Master may detain her until she is so provided .


Survey of Steam-ships of 50 tons and upwards.


5. This section shall apply :

(a. ) To all British steam-ships of 50 tons and upwards carrying

more than twelve passengers and being within the

waters of the Colony which have not been surveyed in

the United Kingdom or in any British possession within

the preceding twelve months under the provisions of

" The Merchant Shipping Acts, 1854 to 1876," or any

legislative enactment for the time being in force in Great

Britain and Ireland or in any British possession.

(b. ) To all Foreign steam- ships of 50 tons and upwards being

within the waters of the Colony and carrying more than

twelve passengers from the Colony and which have not,

from their own country , or the country from whose

flag they may have been transferred, or from any British

port, survey and other certificates equivalent to those

required in the case of British steam-ships : Provided

that in the event of any question arising as to the

sufficiency of any foreign certificate to protect the steam

ship holding the same from survey under this section ,

such question shall be referred for settlement to the

Governor in Council whose decision thereon shall be final .

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1485

Merchant Shipping.

(c. ) To all steam- ships of 50 tons and upwards propelled by

steam plying within the waters of the Colony , and

carrying more than twelve passengers .

(d. ) To all steam - ships registered in this Colony of 50 tons

and upwards, and carrying more than twelve passengers .

(e. ) To river steamers .

2. Such steam-ships shall be provided as follows, that is to Equipment of


say : [Ibid. sec.

301. ]

(a . ) Every steam - ship of which a survey is required by this Safety valve .

section , shall be provided with a safety valve upon each

boiler, so constructed as to be out of the control of the

engineer when the steam is up, and, if such valve is in

addition to the ordinary valve, it shall be so constructed

as to have an area not less , and a pressure not greater

than the area of and pressure on that valve.

(b . ) Every steam- ship carrying more than twelve passengers Compasses to

be adjusted.

shall have her compasses properly adjusted from time to

time ; such adjustment , in the case of ships surveyed as

hereinafter mentioned, to be made to the satisfaction of

the Government surveyor or surveyors and according

to such regulations as may be issued by the Governor .

(c. ) Every steam- ship carrying more than twelve passengers and Fire hose.

every British steam- ship ( unless used solely as a steam

tug ) shall be provided with a hose adapted for the pur

pose of extinguishing fire in any part of the ship and

capable of being connected with the engines of the ship .

( d. ) Every steam - ship carrying more than twelve passengers Signals.

shall be provided , to the satisfaction of the Governor :

(1. ) With means for making the signals of distress

at night specified in the first schedule to " The

Merchant Shipping Act , 1873 , " or in any rules

substituted therefor, including means of making

flames on the ship which are inextinguishable

in water, or such other means of making signals

of distress as the Governor may previously

approve ; and ·

1486 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879.

Merchant Shipping.

( 2. ) With a proper supply of lights inextinguish

able in water, and fitted for attachment to life


Shelter for (e. ) Every steam - ship carrying more than twelve passengers by

deck pas

sengers. sea, not coming within the provisions of the Chinese

Passengers' Act of 1855 , or of any Ordinance made in

pursuance thereof shall be provided with such shelter for

the protection ofdeck passengers ( if any ) as the Governor ,

having regard to the nature of the passage, the number

of deck passengers to be carried, the season of the year,

the safety of the ship, and the circumstances of the case,

may require.


If any such steam -ship as aforesaid goes to sea from any port in the

Colony without being so provided as hereinbefore required , then for each

default in any of the above requisites , the owner shall ( if he appears to be

in fault ) incur a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars, and the

master shall ( if he appears to be in fault ) incur a penalty not exceeding

two hundred and fifty dollars .

Penalty for 3. If any person places an undue weight on the safety valve of any


weight on steam-ship coming within the meaning of subsection 1 of this section , or

safety valve.

[Ibid, sec. increases such weight beyond the limits fixed for any British steam -ship


by the Government surveyor as hereinafter mentioned , he shall , in addition

to any other liabilities , incur by so doing , a penalty not exceeding five

hundred dollars .

Governor to 4. The Governor may, from time to time, appoint such number offit


surveyors, and proper persons to be Government surveyors for the purposes of this

and fix their

remuneration. Ordinance as he thinks proper, and appoint their duties , and may, from

[Ibid, sec.

305.] time to time, remove such surveyors , or any of them, and may, from time

to time, fix and alter the remuneration to be received by such surveyors.

Surveyors to 5. It shall be lawful for the said surveyors in the execution of their

have power to

inspect. duties to go on board any steam-ship to which this section applies, at all

[ Ibid, sec.

306.] reasonable times, and to inspect the same, or any part thereof, or any of

the machinery, boats, equipments, or articles on board thereof, or any

certificates of the master, mate, or engineer, to which the provisions of

" The Merchant Shipping Acts , 1854 to 1876 , " or any Ordinance , or any

of the regulations made, or to be made under the said Merchant Shipping

ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1879 . 1487

Merchant Shipping.

Acts, or such Ordinance for the time being in force in this Colony apply,

not unnecessarily detaining or delaying the ship from proceeding on any

voyage, and, if in consequence of any accident to any such ship or for any

other reason they consider it necessary so to do, to require the ship to be

taken into dock for the purpose of surveying the hull thereof ; and any

person who hinders any such surveyor from going on board any such

steam- ship , or otherwise impedes him in the execution of his duty under

this Ordinance , shall incur a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars .

6. The said surveyors shall execute their duties under the direction Governor to

regulate mode

of the Governor, and the Governor may make regulations as to the of survey.

[Ibid, sec.

manner in which the surveys hereinafter mentioned shall be made, and as 307.j

to the notice to be given to the surveyors when surveys are required, and

as to the amount and payment of the fees due and of any expenses in

curred by such surveyors in the execution of their duties, and may thereby

determine the person by and to whom and the conditions under which

such payment shall be made.

7. Every surveyor who demands or receives directly or indirectly Penalty on


from the owner, agent, or master of any ship surveyed by him under the receiving fees.

[Ibid, sec.

provisions of this Ordinance, or from any other person any fee or remu 308. ]

neration whatsoever for or in respect of such survey, shall incur a penalty

not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars.

Owner to

8. The owner, agent, or master of every steam- ship being within have survey

made by

the waters of the Colony shall , where such steam - ship comes within the surveyor, and

meaning of this section , cause the same to be surveyed by one or more of surveyor to

give declara


the Government surveyors ; and such surveyor or surveyors shall there

[Ibid, sec.

upon, if satisfied that he or they can with propriety do so, give to such 309. ]

Owner declarations as follows :――――――――

(a. ) A declaration of a Government surveyor shall contain

statements of the following particulars that is to say :

(1. ) That the hull of the ship is sufficient for the

service intended and in good condition ;

( 2. ) That the boats, rafts , life buoys, or other

appliances for saving life, lights , signals , com

passes , and shelter for deck passengers, and the

certificates of the master and mate or mates,

are such and in such condition as required by


1488 ORDINANCE No. S oF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

(3. ) The time ( if less than twelve months ) for

which the said hull and equipments will be

sufficient ;

(4. ) The limits ( if any ) beyond which, as regards

the hull and equipments, the ship is , in the

surveyor's judgment, not fit to ply ;

(5. ) With reference to all steam- ships not coming

within the provisions of the Chinese Passengers'

Act , 1855 , or of any Ordinance made in pur

suance thereof, if plying or intended to ply

for hire, the number of passengers which such

ship or vessel is, in the judgment of the sur

veyor, fit to carry , distinguishing , if necessary,

between the respective numbers to be carried

on the deck and in the cabins , and in the

different parts of the deck and cabins ; such

numbers to be subject to such conditions and

variations, according to the time of year, the

nature of the voyage, the cargo carried, or other

circumstances , as the Governor in Council may,

from time to time, direct by any regulations

to be made by him for this purpose, and until

such regulations are made and so far as the

same shall not extend, according to the regula

tions contained in table E in the schedule

hereunto annexed .

(b.) And also a declaration of a Government surveyor containing

statements of the following particulars, that is to say :

( 1. ) That the boilers and machinery of the steam

ship are sufficient for the service intended, and

in good condition ;

( 2. ) The time ( if less than twelve months ) for

which such boilers and machinery will be

sufficient ;

( 3. ) That the safety valves and fire hose, when

requisite, are such and in such condition as are

required by this Ordinance ;

ORDINANCE No. 8 or 1879 . 1489

Merchant Shipping.

( 4. ) The limit of the weight to be placed on the

safety valves ;

( 5. ) The limit ( if any ) beyond which, as regards

the boilers and machinery , the steam - ship is ,

in the surveyor's judgment, not fit to ply ;

And such declarations shall be in such form as the Governor directs .

9. The said owner, agent, or master shall transmit such declarations Transmission

of declaration

to the

to the Governor within fourteen days after the dates of the receipt thereof Governor.

respectively ; and in default , shall forfeit a sum not exceeding two dollars Penalty for


for every day that the sending of such declarations is delayed ; and such [ hid , sec.


sum shall be paid upon the delivery of the certificate hereinbefore

mentioned in addition to the fee payable for the same, and shall be applied

in the same manner as such fees , and ifthe declarations are not transmitted

five [ " twenty eight" as amended by Ordinance

to the Governor within twenty -

No. 3 of 1880 ] days the fees and forfeitures shall be recoverable as a debt

due to the Crown.

Governor to

10. Upon the receipt of such declarations, the Governor shall , if issue certifi


satisfied that the provisions of this section have been complied with, cause

(Ibid, sec.

a certificate in duplicate to be prepared and issued to the effect that the 312.1

provisions of the law with respect to the survey of the steam- ship and

the transmission of declarations in respect thereof have been complied

with , and such certificate shall state the limits ( if any ) beyond which ,

according to the declaration of the surveyor or surveyors, such steam

ship is not fit to ply, and shall also contain a statement of the number of

passengers which, according to the declaration ofthe surveyor or surveyors,

such steam -ship is fit to carry, distinguishing, ( if necessary, ) between the

respective numbers to be carried on the deck and in the cabins , such

number to be subject to such conditions and variations, according to the

time of year, the nature of the voyage, the cargo carried, and other

circumstances , as the case requires.

11. The Governor shall transmit such certificate in duplicate to the Issue and


Harbour Master, who shall deliver the same to the owner, master, or of certificates.

(Ibid, sec.

agent on his applying and paying the balance of fee and other sums (if 313.)

any ) herein mentioned as payable in that behalf.

12. The owner, agent, or master of every steam- ship requiring a Fees to be

paid for

certificate under this section , shall pay for every certificate granted by the certificate.

[Ibid, sec .

Governor the fees mentioned in the table marked C in the schedule hereto. 314.]

1490 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

How long 13. No certificate shall be held to be in force for the purposes of this

certificates to

continue in section beyond a period of twelve months ; and no certificate shall be in


[Ibid, sec. force after notice is given by the Governor to the owner, agent , or master


of the ship to which the same relates , that he has cancelled or revoked.

the same. Provided that if any steam- ship is absent from the Colony at

the time when her certificate expires no penalty shall be incurred until

she commences a voyage after her next subsequent return to the Colony,

and the Governor may require any certificate which has expired or has

been revoked or cancelled to be delivered up as he directs, and any owner,

agent, or master, who without any reasonable cause neglects or refuses to

comply with such requirement, shall incur a penalty not exceeding fifty

dollars .

Governor may 14. The Governor may revoke and cancel such certificates in any

cancel certifi

cates , and ―――――

case in which he has reason to believe :

require fresh

declarations .

[Ibid, sec. (a. ) That the declarations of the sufficiency and good condition

316. ]

of the hull, equipments , and machinery of any steam- ship

have been fraudulently or erroneously made ; or,

(b. ) That such certificate has otherwise been issued upon false

or erroneous information ; or ,

(c. ) That since the making of such declarations , the hull

equipments, or machinery of such steam-ship have

sustained any injury , or are otherwise insufficient :

And in every such case the Governor may , if he thinks fit , require the

owner to have the hull , equipments or machinery of such steam- ship

again surveyed, and to transmit a further declaration or declarations of

the sufficiency and good condition thereof, before re - issuing any certificate,

or granting a fresh one in lieu thereof.

Copy of 15. The owner, agent, or master of every such steam- ship, shall

certificate to

be placed in forthwith , on the transmission of any such certificate as aforesaid to him


part of ship. or his agent, cause one of the duplicates thereof so transmitted to be put

Ibid, sec.

317. ] up in some conspicuous part of the ship , so as to be visible to all persons

on board the same, and shall cause it to be continued so put up so long

as such certificate remains in force and such steam- ship is in use ; and in

default, such owner, agent, or master shall, for every offence, incur a

penalty not exceeding fifty dollars .

ORDINANCE No. 8 or 1879. 1491

Merchant Shipping.

16. The said surveyor or surveyors shall, from time to time, make Surveyors to

make returns

such returns to the Governor as he requires with respect to the build, of the build

and other

dimensions , draught, burden, rate of sailing, room for fuel , and the nature particulars of

steam ships.

and particulars of machinery and equipments of the steam- ship surveyed and owners

and masters

by him or them ; and every owner, master, and engineer of any such ship to give


shall , on demand, give to such surveyor or surveyors all such information for that


and assistance within his power as he or they require for the purpose of [Ibid, sec.

321. ]

such returns ; and every such owner, master, or engineer who, on being

applied to for that purpose , wilfully refuses or neglects to give such

information or assistance, shall incur a penalty not exceeding twenty -five

dollars .

Penalties for carrying passengers in excess ofthe numbers allowed by

certificate, or in a certain proportion to tonnage.

6. The master of any steam- ship carrying more than twelve Harbour

Master may

passengers shall , upon application to the Harbour Master for a port refuse clear

ances to ship

clearance, state the number of passengers he purposes to carry in the then carrying more


projected voyage ; and if such number shall be in excess of the number than allowed

by certificate.

mentioned in the certificate, the Harbour Master may refuse a port

clearance to such ship. Any master wilfully misrepresenting the number

of passengers so about to be carried shall incur a penalty not exceeding

two hundred and fifty dollars .

2. Any master of any such ship who shall, after having obtained Penalty for

taking more

such port clearance, wilfully take or receive on board such vessel any passengers

than allowed

number of passengers greater than that allowed by the said port clearance, by


also for ,

shall, on conviction, incur a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars leaving with

out a port

in addition to a penalty not exceeding five dollars for every such clearance.

passenger in excess of the number permitted to be carried by the said

port clearance ; and the master of any such ship proceeding to sea without

a port clearance shall incur a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars .

3. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to prohibit the Governor

may prohibit

conveyance of deck passengers by any steam- ship . conveyance of



4. This section shall not apply to ships or vessels which come within This section

not to apply

the operation of the Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855 , or of any Ordinance to ships or

vessels which

made or hereafter to be made in pursuance of the provisions thereof. come under

the Chinese


Act, 1855, &c.

1492 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

Steam-ships under 50 tons.

Steam-ships 7. It shall not be lawful for any steam- ship of less than fifty tons

under 50 tons

not to carry burden to carry passengers for hire within the waters of the Colony, or

passengers for

hire without to any place outside the waters of the Colony , unless she has obtained a


licence as hereinafter provided , and in case any such steam-ship shall be

so employed as aforesaid without a licence, the owner, master, or person

in charge thereof shall incur a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars .

The Harbour 2. The Harbour Master may issue to steam- ships of less than fifty

Master to

issue licences. tons burden licences for carrying passengers upon the conditions

prescribed by such regulations as are for the time being in force under

this section .

Regulations. 3. The regulations contained in the table F ofthe schedule hereunto

annexed shall continue in force until altered or repealed as hereinafter

provided .

Alteration or 4. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, alter, amend , or

repeal of

regulations. repeal the said regulations or any of them, and may make other regula

tions as he deems requisite . Every new regulation and every alteration ,

amendment , or repeal of an existing regulation shall be published in the

Gazette, and after such publication shall have the force of law.

Penalty for 5. If any steam- ship licensed under this section carries within the

carrying pas

sengers in waters of the Colony more passengers than her licence allows, the owner

excess of the

licence. or master thereof shall incur a penalty not exceeding two hundred and

fifty dollars.

Penalty for 6. If any unlicensed steam - ship of less than fifty tons burden arrives


steamer in the waters of the Colony carrying more passengers in proportion to

arriving with

excessive her size than she would be licensed to carry under the regulations for the

numbers of

passengers. time being in force under this section , the master thereof shall incur a

penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars .

Penalty for 7. If any steam- ship licensed under this section plies in the waters

plying with

out a certifi of the Colony without a certificated master or engineer [ amended by Ordi

cated master

or engineer. nance No. 3 of 1880, and by Ordinance No. 19 of 1882 ] as provided by

table F, the owner thereof shall incur a penalty not exceeding one hundred

dollars or imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period not

exceeding three months.

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1493

Merchant Shipping .

8. If any person places an undue weight or pressure on the safety

valve of any steam-ship licensed under this section , he shall incur a

penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment with or

without hard labour for a period not exceeding three months .

Steamers to

9. Every steam- ship , whether licensed or not, of less than fifty tons

exhibit lights..

burden shall, when under way between sunset and sunrise, exhibit a

green light on the starboard bow and a red light on the port bow and a

bright light at least ten feet above the coloured lights ; and every such

steam-ship shall , when at anchor between sunset and sunrise, exhibit a

bright light at least 10 feet above the gunwales .

10. Any person offending against the provisions of this section , or Offences

against regu

against any of the regulations in force for the time being under this lations.

section shall , where no penalty is specified , incur a penalty not exceeding

fifty dollars.

River steamers.

8. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to grant a special Licences may

be granted to

licence to any river steamer specifying the number of passengers she may river steamers

limiting the

lawfully carry. number of


2. Such special licence shall continue in force during the period in Period during

which licen

which the river steamer holding the same shall be regularly employed in ces shall be in


such capacity ; but such special licence may be revoked by the Governor

in Council upon receiving a declaration in writing from any Government

Surveyor that the river steamer holding the same has become unfit to

carry the number of passengers authorised by such licence or upon such

river steamer ceasing to be regularly employed as such .

3. The owner or master of any river steamer leaving or entering Penalty for


the waters of the Colony with passengers on board in excess of the number limit allowed

by licences.

authorised by the special licence, shall incur a penalty not exceeding

$250, and in addition a penalty not exceeding $5 for every passenger on

board in excess of the number authorised by the special licence.

4. No steam- ship not holding a special licence shall, between the Limit of pas

sengers to be

waters of the Colony and any port in the Canton river or Macao, carry carried by

steam -ships

more than 2 passengers in proportion to every three tons of the registered not holding

special licen

net tonnage of such steam-ship ; and the owner, agent, or master of any ces between

Hongkong .

such steam-ship leaving or entering the waters of the Colony with passen Canton and

Macao .

gers on board in excess of such proportion, shall incur a penalty not

1494 ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

exceeding $ 250 in addition to a penalty not exceeding $5 for every

passenger carried in excess of such proportion .

Unseaworthy ships.

[M.S.A. 1876, 9. Where a British or Colonial ship being in any port of the Colony ,

sec. 6. ]

Power to is by reason ofthe defective condition of her hull, equipment , or machinery ,

detain unsafe

ships, and or by reason of overloading or improper loading, unfit to proceed to sea

procedure for

such deten without serious danger to human life, having regard to the nature of the


service for which she is intended , any such ship ( hereinafter referred to

as " unsafe ") may be provisionally detained for the purpose of being

surveyed, and either finally detained or released, as follows :

(a . ) The Governor, if he has reason to believe on complaint ,

or otherwise, that a British or Colonial ship is unsafe,

may provisionally order the detention of such ship for

the purpose of being surveyed.

(b . ) When a ship has been provisionally detained, there shall

be forthwith served on the master of the ship a written

statement of the grounds of her detention , and the Gov

ernor may, if he thinks fit, appoint some competent

person or persons to survey the ship and report to him.

(c. ) The Governor on receiving the report may either order the

ship to be released , or, if in his opinion the ship is

unsafe,may order her to be finally detained, either abso

lutely or until the performance of such conditions with

respect to the execution of repairs or alterations , or the

unloading or reloading of cargo as the Governor thinks

necessary for the protection of human life , and may ,

from time to time, vary or add to any such order.

(d. ) Before the order for final detention is made, a copy of the

report shall be served upon the master of the ship , and

within seven days after such service the owner, or agent,

or master of the ship may appeal in the prescribed

manner to the Court of survey constituted under chapter

3, section 13, subsection 10 , of this Ordinance.

(e. ) Where a ship has been provisionally detained , the owner,

or agent , or master of the ship, at any time before the

person appointed under this section to survey the ship

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1495

Merchant Shipping.

makes such survey, may require that he shall be accom

panied by such person of nautical, engineering, or other

special skill and experience to be approved by the Gov

ernor as the owner, or agent, or master may select ,

and in such case, if the surveyor and assessor agree, the

Governor shall cause the ship to be detained or released

accordingly, but if they differ, the Governor may act as

if the requisition had not been made, and the owner , or

agent, and master shall have the like appeal touching

the report of the surveyor as is before provided by this


(f. ) Where a ship is provisionally detained , the Governor may

at any time, if he thinks it expedient, refer the matter to

the Court of survey .

(g . ) The Governor may, at any time, if satisfied that a ship

detained under this Ordinance is not unsafe, order her

to be released either upon or without any conditions .

2. If it appears that there was not reasonable and probable cause , [M.S.A. 1876 ,

sec. 10. ]

by reason of the condition of the ship or the act or default of the owner Liability of

the Governor

or agent , for the provisional detention of the ship, the Governor shall be and ship

owner for

liable to pay to the owner of the ship his costs of and incidental to the costs and


detention and survey of the ship, and also compensation for any loss or

damage sustained by him by reason of the detention or survey.

If a ship is finally detained under this Ordinance, or if it appears

that a ship provisionally detained was, at the time of such detention ,

unsafe within the meaning of this Ordinance, the owner of the ship shall

be liable to pay to the Governor his costs of and incidental to the deten

tion and survey of the ship , and those costs shall , without prejudice to

any other remedy , be recoverable in a summary way before any Stipendiary


For the purposes of this Ordinance the costs of and incidental to any

proceeding before a Court of survey and a reasonable amount in respect

of the remuneration of the surveyor of the Governor shall be deemed to

be part of the costs of the detention and survey of the ship , and any

dispute as to the amount of costs under this Ordinance may be referred

to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, who, on request made to him for

that purpose by the Governor , shall ascertain and certify the proper

amount of such costs.

1496 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping .

An action for any costs or compensation payable by the Governor

under this section shall be brought against the Attorney General in a suit

instituted by the plaintiff as claimant against " The Attorney General "

as defendant, and the provisions of subsections 2 , 3 , 4 , and 5 , of section

83, chapter 14 , of the Hongkong Code of Civil Procedure shall apply to

such suit.

[M.S.A. 1876, 3. Where a complaint is made to the Governor that a British or

sec. 11.]

Power to Colonial ship is unsafe, he may, if he thinks fit , require the complainant

require from

complainant to give security to his satisfaction for the costs and compensation which

security for

costs. he may incur as hereinafter mentioned .

Provided that where the complaint is made by one-fourth, being not

less that three, of the seamen belonging to the ship , and is not , in the

opinion of the Governor, frivolous or vexatious , such security shall not

be required, and the Governor shall, if the complaint is made in sufficient

time before the sailing of the ship, take proper steps for ascertaining

whether the ship ought to be detained under this Ordinance.

[M.S.A. 1876, 4. An order for the detention of a ship provisional or final and an

sec. 12. ]

Supplement order varying the same, shall be served as soon as may be on the master

ary provisions

astodetention of the ship .

of ships.

(a. ) When a ship has been detained under this Ordinance, she

shall not be released by reason of her British or Colonial

register being subsequently closed .

(b. ) For the purposes of a survey under this Ordinance , any

person authorised to make the same may go on board

the ship and inspect the same and every part thereof,

and the machinery, equipments and cargo , and may

require the unloading or removal of any cargo, ballast ,

or tackle.

(c. ) The provisions of the " Merchant Shipping Act, 1854 ,"

with respect to persons who wilfully impede an inspector ,

shall apply as if those provisions were herein enacted ,

with the substitution for the inspector of any member

of the Court of survey, assessor , or surveyor , who,

under this Ordinance, has the same powers as an inspector

or has authority to survey a ship.

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1497

Merchant Shipping.

Foreign ships, overloading.

10. Where a foreign ship has taken on board all or any part of her [ M.S.A. 1876,

sec. 13. ]

cargo at a port in the Colony, and is whilst at that port unsafe by reason Application

to foreign

of overloading or improper loading, the provisions of this Ordinance with ships of

provisions as

respect to the detention of ships shall apply to that foreign ship as if she to detention.

were a British ship , with the following modifications :

(a. ) A copy of the order for the provisional detention of the

ship shall be forthwith served on the Consular Officer for

the State to which the ship belongs.

(b. ) Where a ship has been provisionally detained , the Consular

Officer, on the request of the owner, or agent, or master

of the ship , may require that the person appointed by

the Governor to survey the ship shall be accompanied

by such person as the Consular Officer may select , and

in such case , if the surveyor and such person agree, the

Governor shall cause the ship to be detained or released

accordingly ; but if they differ, the Governor may act

as if the requisition had not been made, and the owner,

or agent, and master shall have the appeal to the Court

of survey touching the report of the surveyor which is

before provided by this Ordinance ; and

(c. ) Where the owner, or agent, or master of the ship appeals

to the Court of survey, the Consular Officer, on the

request of such owner or master, may nominate any

competent person or persons to be a member or members

of the Court of survey , not exceeding two.

In this section the expression " Consular Officer " means any Consul

General, Vice- Consul , Consular Agent, or other officer recognised by the

Governor as a Consular Officer of a Foreign State.

Sending unseaworthy ships to sea.

11. Every person who sends or attempts to send , or is a party to Sending


Sending or attempting to send a British or Colonial ship to sea in such ship to sea a


inseaworthy state that the life of any person is likely to be endangered, M.S.A. 1876 .

see . 4.]

Shall be guilty of a misdemeanor unless he proves that he used all

1498 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

reasonable means to ensure her being sent to sea in a seaworthy state,

or that her going to sea in such unseaworthy state was, under the

circumstances, reasonable and justifiable, and for the purpose of giving

such proof, he may give evidence in the same manner as any other witness .

2. Every master of a British or Colonial ship who knowingly takes

the same to sea in such unseaworthy state that the life of any person is

likely to be thereby endangered , shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, unless

he proves that her going to sea in such unseaworthy state was , under the

circumstances, reasonable and justifiable, and for the purpose of giving

such proof, he may give evidence in the same manner as any other

witness .

3. A prosecution under this section shall not be instituted except

with the consent of the Governor .

4. A misdemeanor under this section shall not be punishable upon

summary conviction.

Dangerous goods.


12. If any person sends or attempts to send by, or not being master

on carriage of

dangerous or owner of the vessel , carries or attempts to carry in any vessel, British


M.S.A. 1873, or foreign , any dangerous goods , that is to say : -aquafortis , vitriol ,

sec. 23. ]

[See also Or naphtha, benzine, gunpowder, lucifer matches , nitro-glycerine, petroleum,

dinances Nos,

8 of 1873 & or any other goods of a dangerous nature, without distinctly marking

19 of 1890. ]

their nature on the outside of the package containing the saine, and

giving written notice of the nature of such goods and of the name and

address of the sender or carrier thereof to the master or owner of the

vessel at or before the time of sending the same to be shipped, or taking

the same on board the vessel, he shall, for every such offence, incur a

penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars : Provided that if such person

show that he was merely an agent in the shipment of any such goods as

aforesaid, and was not aware and did not suspect and had no reason to

suspect that the goods shipped by him were of a dangerous nature, the

penalty which he incurs shall not exceed fifty dollars .

Penalty for 2. If any person knowingly sends, or attempts to send by, or carries ,


tion of dan or attempts to carry in any vessel, British or foreign, any dangerous ,

gerous goods.

[Ibid , sec. goods, or goods of a dangerous nature, under a false description , or falsely

24. ]

describes the sender or carrier thereof, he shall incur a penalty not

exceeding two thousand and five hundred dollars, to be recovered in a

suminary way before two Stipendiary Magistrates sitting together.

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1499

Merchant Shipping.

3. The master or owner of any vessel , British or foreign , may refuse Power to re

fuse to carry

to take on board any package or parcel which he suspects to contain goods suspect

ed of being

goods of a dangerous nature, and may require it to be opened to ascertain dangerous.

[Ibid, sec.

the fact. 25.1

Power to

4. Where any dangerous goods as defined in paragraph 1 of this throw over

board dan

section, or any goods which, in the judgment of the master or owner of

gerous goods .

the vessel, are of a dangerous nature, have been sent or brought aboard [Ibid, sec.

26. ]

any vessel, British or foreign , without being marked as aforesaid , or

without such notice having been given as aforesaid , the master or owner

of the vessel may cause such goods to be thrown overboard , together with

any package or receptacle in which they are contained ; and neither the

master nor the owner of the vessel shall , in respect of such throwing

overboard, be subject to any liability, civil or criminal, in any Court.

5. Where any dangerous goods have been sent or carried, or Forfeiture of


attempted to be sent or carried , on board any vessel , British or foreign , goods impro

perly sent.

without being marked as aforesaid , or without such notice having been [Ibid, sec.


given as aforesaid, and where any such goods have been sent or carried,

or attempted to be sent or carried , under a false description , or the sender

or carrier thereof has been falsely described, it shall be lawful for two

Stipendiary Magistrates sitting together to declare such goods , and any

package or receptacle in which they are contained, to be , and they shall

thereupon be, forfeited , and when forfeited shall be disposed of as the

Court directs .

6. The Court shall have and may exercise the aforesaid powers of The Court

may proceed

forfeiture and disposal, notwithstanding that the owner of the goods has in absence of

the owners .

not committed any offence under the provisions of this section relating

to dangerous goods , and be not before the Court, and has not notice of

the proceedings, and notwithstanding that there be no evidence to show

to whom the goods belong ; nevertheless the Court may, in its discretion ,

require such notice as it may direct to be given to the owner or shipper

of the goods before the same are forfeited .

7. The provisions of this section relating to the carriage of dangerous Saving as to


goods shall be deemed to be in addition to, and not in substitution for, goods Ordi


or in restraint of, any other enactment * for the like object , so nevertheless [Ibid, s. 28.

[* See Ordi

that nothing in the said provisions shall be deemed to authorise that any nances Nos.

& of1873 8

Person be sued or prosecuted twice in the same matter. 19 of 1890. ]

1500 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.



Constitution 13. It shall be lawful for the Governor, from time to time and

of Marine

Court. whensoever occasion shall arise or require, by warrant under his hand


[ See Ordi

nance 11 of and seal of the Colony, to form a Court, which shall be called “ The

1860, sec. 1. ]

Marine Court ;" and such Court shall consist of not more than five or

less than three members, of whom one shall be a Stipendiary Magistrate,

and one ( or more if possible ) , a Commissioned Officer in the Royal Navy,

and the remainder masters of the mercantile marine, or such persons of

nautical, engineering or other special skill or knowledge as the Governor

[42 and 43

Vic., c. 72, sec. may think fit to appoint : Provided always that where any such investiga

3. sub-sec. 3.]

tion involves or appears likely to involve any question as to the cancelling

or suspension of the certificate of a master, mate, or engineer, the Court

shall include not less than two members having experience in the merchant

service .


members of 2. Each of the unofficial members of such Court shall be paid, out

Court to be

remunerated. of the Colonial Treasury, the sum of $5 a day, during each day that the

Court shall hold its sitting.

Cases where

inquiries are 3. In any of the following cases, that is to say:

to be institu

ted .

(a . ) Whensoever any charge of incompetency or misconduct

shall be brought by any person against any master, mate ,

or engineer of a British ship ;

(b. ) Whenever any ship is lost , abandoned , stranded , or [ mate

rially: repealed by Ordinance No. 3 of 1880] damaged

on or near the coasts of the Colony ;

(c. ) Whenever any ship causes loss or [ material : repealed by

Ordinance No. 3 of 1880 ] damage to any other ship , on

or near such coasts ;

(d. ) Whenever by reason of any casualty happening to, or on

board of any ship , on or near such coasts , loss of life

ensues ;

(e. ) Whenever any such loss , abandonment, stranding , damage ,

or casualty happens elsewhere, and any competent

witness thereof, arrive at, or be found at , any place in

the said Colony ;

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1501

Merchant Shipping.

.) Whenever a British ship has been lost, or is supposed to


be lost, and any evidence can be obtained in the Colony

as to the circumstances under which she proceeded to

sea or was last heard of ;

It shall be lawful for the Court to hear and inquire into any such charge Powers of


of incompetency or misconduct, and to make inquiry respecting such

loss, abandonment, stranding, damage, or casualty , and for such purposes ,

it shall have the powers given by the first part of " The Merchant Ship

ping Act, 1854 ," to inspectors appointed by the Board of Trade, and the

powers given by section 23 of " The Merchant Shipping Act Amend

ment Act, 1862 , " and the Court shall be governed by the rules of the

said last mentioned section , subject to the further requirements of this

Ordinance, or of any Imperial Act or local Ordinance which may be

from time to time, enacted.


4. The Court may also exercise the following further powers : Further

powers of

(a. ) It may, if unanimous that the safety of the ship or crew, Court .

[ See M. S. A.,

or the interest of the owner, absolutely requires it, super 1854, sec.


sede the master of any British ship then being within

the waters of the Colony, and may appoint another

person to act in his stead ; but no such appointment

shall be made without the consent of the consignee of

the ship if within the Colony;

(b. ) It may discharge any mate, engineer, or seaman from

his ship ;

( c. ) It may order the wages of any mate or engineer so dis

charged, or any part of such wages to be forfeited, and

may direct the same to be retained by way of compen

sation to the owner.

5. Each member of the Court shall either sign the report made on

any investigation under this section , or report to the Governor his

reasons for dissent therefrom .

6. Every master or mate or engineer whose certificate is suspended [ M. S. A.

1862, sec. 24.}

or cancelled in pursuance of this Ordinance shall , upon demand of the [42 and 43

Court, deliver his certificate to the Court, or if it is not demanded by Vic., c. 72 ,

sec. 3, sub

the Court, deliver it to the Governor or as he directs , and in default sec. .4 ]

shall, for each offence, incur a penalty not exceeding two hundred and

fi fty

dollars , —but no certificate shall be suspended or cancelled until

such suspension or cancellation shall have been approved by the Governor.

1502 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879.

Merchant Shipping.

[42 and 43 7. Where an investigation into the conduct of a master, mate,

Vic., c. 72,

sec. 2, sub engineer, or into a shipping casualty, has been held under this Ordinance,

sec. 1. ]

or any Ordinance amending the same, the Governor may, in any case,

and shall , if new and important evidence which could not be produced

at the investigation has been discovered , or if for any other reason there

has in his opinion been ground for suspecting a miscarriage of justice ,

order that the case be re-heard, either generally or as to any part thereof,

and either by the Court by whom it was heard in the first instance , or

by the Judge of the Vice- Admiralty Court of this Colony , and the case

shall be so re-heard accordingly .

Rules as to

8. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, make and


fees, &c. when made revoke, alter and add to general rules for carrying into effect

[ M. S. A.

1876 , sec. 30. ] the enactments relating to formal investigation into shipping casualties

the enactments

and in particular with respect to the procedure, the parties, the persons

allowed to appear, the notice to such parties and persons , or to persons

affected , and the amount and application of fees : And all such rules

while in force shall have effect as if enacted by this Ordinance.

9. Every formal investigation in a shipping casualty shall be con

ducted in such a manner that if a charge is made against any person

that person shall have an opportunity of making a defence.

Constitution 10. The Court shall also be a Court of survey, and when sitting as

power and

procedure of ―――――

a Court of survey the following provisions shall have effect :

Court of


[M. S.A. 1876 , (a . ) The case shall be heard in open Court.

secs. 7 & 8.1

(b. ) Each member of the Court may survey the ship and shall

have for the purposes of this section all the powers of

an inspector appointed by the Board of Trade under

the " Merchant Shipping Act, 1854."

(c . ) The Court may appoint any competent person or persons

to survey the ship and report thereon to the Court, and

such person or persons in case of disagreement may be

appointed by a majority of the members.

(d.) The Court shall have the same power as the Governor has

to order the ship to be released or finally detained , but

unless a majority of the members of the Court concur

in an order for the detention of the ship, the ship shall

be released .

ORDINANCE No. 8 or 1879 . 1503

Merchant Shipping.

(e. ) The owner or agent and master of the ship and any person

appointed by the owner or agent or master, may attend

at any inspection or survey made in pursuance of this

section .

Rules for

11. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, make and

procedure of

when made revoke, alter and add to general rules to carry into effect the Court of

survey, &c.

provisions of this Ordinance with respect to a Court of survey, and in [ M. S. A.

1876, sec. 9. ]

particular with respect to the summoning of and procedure before the

Court, the requiring on an appeal under section 9 , subsection ( d ) security

for costs and damages, the amount and application of fees and the

publication of the rules.

12. All such rules, while in force, shall have effect as if enacted in

this Ordinance, and the expression " prescribed " in the provisions of

this Ordinance relating to the detention of ships or Court of survey

means prescribed by such rules .

13. The Court may make such order with respect to the costs of Court may

order pa y

any investigation under this section as they think fit, and such costs. ment of costs

of any

shall be paid accordingly, and shall be recoverable in the same manner investigation.

as costs in summary proceedings before any Police Magistrate .

14. Nothing in this section contained shall be deemed to affect in Jurisdiction

of the Vice

any way the jurisdiction of the Vice - Admiralty Court of Hongkong. Admiralty

Court not to

be affected.

Appeal on refusal of certain certificates to ships.

14. If a ship-owner feels aggrieved : — [M. S. A.

1876, sec. 14. ]

(a . ) By a declaration of a Government surveyor or surveyors

under sub- section 8 of section 5 of this Ordinance, or

by the refusal of a surveyor to give the said declara

tion ; or

(b .) By the refusal of a certificate of clearance for an emigrant

ship under the " Chinese Passengers ' Act, 1855 , or the

Ordinances relating thereto ;" or

(c. ) By the refusal of a certificate of clearance under this

Ordinance ,

the owner, charterer, master , or agent may appeal in the prescribed

manner to the Court of survey. The Court may make such order with

1501 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

respect to the costs of any such investigation as they think fit, and such

costs shall be paid accordingly , and shall be recoverable in the same

inanner as costs in summary proceedings before any Police Magistrate.

2. On such appeal , the Court of survey shall report to the Governor

on the question raised by the appeal , and the Governor, when satisfied

that the requirements of the report and the provisions of the enactments

have been complied with, may give the certificates required.

3. Subject to any order made by the Court, the costs of and inci

dental to an appeal under this section shall follow the event.

4. Subject as aforesaid , the provisions of this Ordinance with respect

to the Court of survey and appeals thereto , so far as consistent with the

tenour thereof shall apply to the Court of survey when sitting under

this section , and to appeals under this section .

5. Where the survey of a ship is made for the purpose of a declara

tion or certificate under the said enactments , the person appointed to

make the survey shall , if so required by the owner, charterer, or agent ,

be accompanied on the survey by some competent person appointed by

the owner, charterer, or agent, to be approved by the Governor , and in

such case, if the said two persons agree, there shall be no appeal to the

Court of survey in pursuance of this section.



[M. S. A. 1854, 15. Examinations shall be instituted for persons who intend to

sec. 131. ]

become masters , engineers , or mates of foreign going ships , or who wish to

procure certificates of competency hereinafter mentioned .

[M. S. A. 1854, 2. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, lay down rules

sec. 132. ]

as to the conduct of such examinations, and as to the qualifications of the

applicants , and such rules shall be strictly adhered to by all examiners .

Applicant to 3. Whenever any person shall be desirous to obtain a certificate of

give notice to

Harbour competency as master, first, second, or only mate, or engineer in the


[ See Ordi mercantile marine, he shall give notice in writing to that effect to the

nance 17 of

1860. ] Harbour Master, who shall forward the same to the Governor.

Board of 4. It shall thereupon be lawful for the Governor to constitute and

Examiners to

be appointed. appoint a board of examiners to inquire into the competency of such

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879. 1505

Merchant Shipping.


applicant, and such board shall consist of three members , one of whom of Board.

shall be the Harbour Master, and the remaining two shall be either or

both Commissioned Officers in the Royal Navy , or Masters , or duly quali

fied engineers in the mercantile marine.

5. Upon such appointment being notified to the Harbour Master, he

Harbour Mas

ter to summon

shall summon the other members of the said board to attend at the Harbour board and

notify appli

Master's office for the purpose of examining the said applicant, at a day cant.

and at an hour to be named in such summons, ( such day not to be more

than seven days after the date of such summons ) ; and shall also notify

the applicant to attend accordingly.

6. Every applicant for a certificate of competency shall, upon lodging Fee tobe paid

by applicant.

his application , pay to the Harbour Master a fee, if for a master's or first

class engineer's certificate, of twenty dollars, and if for any other certifi

cate , of ten dollars .

7. Every member of the board , except the Harbour Master, shall be Fees to

members of

entitled to receive from the funds of the Colony a fee of five dollars for board.

the examination of each applicant.

8. Any applicant who shall have passed a satisfactory examination , Certificate to

be given to

and shall have given satisfactory evidence of his sobriety, experience and successful

" candidates.

general good conduct on board ship , shall be entitled to receive a certifi

cate of competency signed [ by the members ofthe board : repealed by Ordi

nance No. 14 of 1884, and the following words substituted " Governor,

upon the recommendation of the Board "] to the effect that he is competent

to act as master, ás first, second or only mate, or as first or second


9. The result of every such examination shall be reported to the Report of

result of exa

mination to

Board of Trade by the Harbour Master. [ Repealed by Ordinance No. 14 be made to

of 1884. ] Board of


CHAPTER V. [Ordinance

17 of 1860,

see. 6. ]


16. The name of a master, first, only or second mate , or first or second Masters,

mates and

engineer shall not be attached to the register, or articles of agreement, of engineers to

possess cer

any British or Colonial ship , unless such master, mate, or engineer shall tificates.

[Ordinance L

Possess a certificate of service or competency issued by the Board of Trade of 1862,

sec. 5.]

or by the proper authority in any British possession .

1506 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

No British or

Colonial ship 2. No British or Colonial ship shall leave the waters of the Colony

to proceed to unless the master thereof, and the first and second or only mate have

sea without

certificate of obtained and possess valid certificates of competency or service appro

the master

and mate. priate to their several stations in such ship , or of a higher grade , and no

[ See M. S. A.

1854, sec . such ship if of one hundred tons burden or upwards , shall leave the waters

136. ]

as aforesaid, unless at least one officer, besides the master, has obtained ,

and possesses a valid certificate appropriate to the grade of only mate

therein , or to a higher grade.

Steam-ships 3. Every British steam -ship , or steam- ship registered under section

to carry cer

tificated 3 of part I of this Ordinance of one hundred nominal horse power or


[See M. S. A upwards, leaving the waters of the Colony shall have as its first and

1862. sec . 5. ] second engineers , two certificated engineers , the first possessing a 66 first

class engineer's certificate, " and the second possessing a " second class

engineer's certificate," or a certificate of the higher grade, and every

British steam-ship, or steam- ship registered as aforesaid of less than one

hundred nominal horse power shall have as its only or first engineer, an

engineer possessing a " second class engineer's certificate " or a certificate

of the higher grade.

[M. S. A. 4. Every person who having been engaged in any of the capacities

1854, section

136. mentioned in subsections 2 and 3 in any such ship as aforesaid goes to

M. S. A. 1862,

section 5. ] sea in that capacity without being at the time entitled to, and possessed

of such certificate as is required by this section , and every person who

employs any person in any of the above capacities in such ship without

ascertaining that he is at the time entitled to , or possessed of such certi

ficate as is required by this section , shall , for each such offence, incur a

penalty not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars .

Shipping of 5. No seaman shall, except with the Harbour Master's sanction , be


[Ordinance 6 shipped to do duty on board any merchant ship whatever elsewhere than

of 1832.

secc.. 5. ] at the office of the Harbour Master, who shall charge for every seaman

shipped , a fee of one dollar, such fee to be paid, in the first instance, by

the master of the ship shipping such seaman ; and such master shall

deduct the same from the wages of the seaman shipped ; and the Harbour

Master shall require such seaman to lodge with him his certificate of

discharge from the last ship, and failing the production of such certificate ,

such seaman shall be bound to give satisfactory explanation to the Harbour

Master of the cause of the non -production thereof. The above mentioned

fee shall be accounted for by the Harbour Master to the Treasury.

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1507

Merchant Shipping.

6. Whenever any seaman shall be discharged from any ship within Master shall

give to seaman

the Colony, the master of such ship shall give at the time of such discharge discharged in

Colony certi

to such seaman a written certificate of discharge , specifying the time and ficate of dis

charge, and,

nature of service, and the time of discharge of such seaman , signed by if required, an


account of

himself; and if such seaman require it, shall further give him, within wages.

[Ordinance 6

twenty - four hours after demand , a true account in writing of the wages of 1852,

sec. 2. ]

of such seaman , and of all deductions therefrom.

7. No seaman shall be discharged from an English [ " a British " as As to the dis

charge of

amended by Ordinance No. 3 of 1880] ship, or any foreign ship whose seamen.

[Ibid, sec, 5. ]

flag is not represented by a Consular officer resident in the Colony, else

where than at the Harbour Master's office, and every seaman discharged

from a foreign ship so represented , shall, within twenty-four hours of

being discharged at the office of his Consul or Vice- Consul , produce to

the Harbour Master, or some person deputed by him, a certificate of his

discharge, signed by such Consul or Vice- Consul, under a penalty not

exceeding twenty-five dollars, in default imprisonment not exceeding

twenty-one days .

8. No master of any ship shall discharge or force therefrom , or wilfully Seamen to be


or negligently leave behind him , in this Colony, under a penalty not ex only by per

mission of

ceeding twenty- five dollars , any seaman shipped on board thereof, unless Harbour

Master, or

on a certificate from the Harbour Master or his deputy, or from the Consul Consul or


or Vice- Consul, if any , representing the nation to which the ship belongs ; [Ordinance

No. 1 of 1862,

and the Harbour Master or his deputy, and the Consul or Vice - Consul sec. 8. ]

are empowered to withhold or grant his certificate upon such conditions

for the subsistence of the seaman as he shall think fit , and if any seaman .

shall wilfully or negligently remain in the Colony, after the departure of

the vessel in which he shall have shipped, such seaman shall , on con

viction, be subject to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars, or be

imprisoned for a term not exceeding one month, with or without hard

labour .



17. The Harbour Master shall , with the consent of any Police Ma As to the


gistrate, have power to license a sufficient number of fit and proper persons and regula

tion of board

to keep boarding- houses for seamen , and every such licence shall be coun ing-houses.


tersigned by the Colonial Secretary, and shall be granted for such period No. 6 of 1852.

sec. 6. ]

not exceeding one year, and upon such terms and security, and shall be

1508 ORDINANCE No. 8 CF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

renewable upon such conditions , as the Colonial Secretary may appoint ;

and it shall be lawful for the Colonial Secretary to demand for every such

licence an annual fee of twenty - five dollars, or at the rate thereof accord

ing to the term of such licence ; and every such house shall be for the

reception of such number of seamen only as shall be expressed in

the licence, and shall not be granted until there have been constructed

in the house to be licensed suitable rooms to be approved by the

Harbour Master ; and no such boarding-house shall be a house licen

sed for the sale of spirituous or fermented liquors, nor shall any

charge for spirituous or fermented liquor be allowed in any account

for the amount of which any seaman may be indebted , or stated to be in

debted, to any person, and such boarding-house shall not be a part of a

house, and shall be separated by at least one intervening house on

either side of it from any house licensed for such sale as aforesaid ;

and every

every such boarding- house shall be open at all times to the visit

of any Justice of the Peace, or of the Harbour Master, or of any ins

pector of Police. And the Harbour Master may refuse to grant any

such licence, and may limit the number and description of seamen to be

boarded in each house , and may make rules for the government of such

houses, and regulate the charge to be made for board and lodging ; and

a copy of such rules shall be hung up in each house for the inspection of

the inmates ; and the infraction of any one of such rules shall subject the

offender in every instance to a penalty not exceeding twenty- five dollars ,

and for a second offence may deprive the offender, if the keeper of such

house, of his licence as an additional punishment.

Penalty for 2. If any person not having obtained a licence for keeping a boarding

keeping an

unlicensed house for seamen shall keep one, he shall incur a penalty not exceeding


house. the sum of one hundred dollars ; and the fact of more than one seaman

Thid, sec. 7. boarding or lodging in the house of any person , shall be primâfacie proof

of the keeping of a boarding-house for seamen by such person ; but nothing

in this Ordinance contained shall be construed to prevent any seaman

from having the whole or any part of any unfurnished house for the

residence of himself, or his family, and boarding himself therein .

Duties of 3. Every keeper of a boarding- house for seamen shall cause daily to


house keepers be entered in a book in English, the name and description of each

with respect

to lists, additional seaman who has, on that day, come to board or lodge at his

returns, &c.,

&c. of their house, and the name of each seaman who has left his house on that day


[ Ibid, sec. 8. ] after being a lodger or boarder therein , and such other particulars as the

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1509

Merchant Shipping.

Harbour Master may direct ; and every keeper of a boarding- house shall ,

on the morning of Monday, in each week, send to the Harbour Master's

office a list, copied from his book, of the seamen on that day boarding or

lodging in his house, and of those seamen, boarders or lodgers, who left

his house on any or either of the intermediate days , and shall also par

ticularize in such list those seamen who wish for immediate employment ,

and place opposite to the names of those last named , the names of the

ships from which they were last discharged ; and the Harbour Master

shall keep the lists as furnished to him constantly in view, and in

a conspicuous part of his office, for the convenience of masters of ships

requiring men , and shall also post in a similar manner, if required so to

do, such notices for the supply of men by masters of ships as the said

masters shall furnish, and any infraction of this subsection shall render

the boarding- house keeper liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty -five

dollars .

4. Nothing in this section contained shall prevent masters , mates , or Masters,

mates and

engineers of ships from boarding or lodging elsewhere than at a licensed engineers

board and

boarding -house . lodge else

where, than in

such houses.

[Ibid, sec. 9.]

5. No seaman, who shall have been actually shipped by the Harbour No seaman

shipped under

Master, or his deputy , on board any vessel in compliance with this this Ordi

nance shall.

Ordinance, shall , during the time for which he is then shipped, be liable during the

term for

to be arrested on civil process, unless the debt or demand shall exceed which he is

shipped, be

the sum of five hundred dollars : Provided always, that by the term liableto arrest

on civil

seaman in this paragraph shall be meant only a person who has, within process, in

certain cases,

the space of six months previously , served on board a ship for wages

[Ibid, sec.

a seaman, and that the protection from arrest hereby granted shall not be 10. ]

held to extend to any person not coming within such definition , nor in

any case to masters , mates, or engineers .

6. Licences issued under this section shall be terminable on the 30th

November of each year .



18. Every keeper of a licensed boarding -house for scamen , in the Keepers of


list of seamen resident in his house, which he is required to furnish to the boarding

houses for

Harbour Master, shall report as to the state of health of each seaman, so seamen to

1510 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

furnish far as he may be able to ascertain the same ; and every seaman who may


Master with

be reported , or may be otherwise discovered , to be affected with a

weekly lists

of the seamen contagious disease, shall be removed by warrant under the hand of the

resident in

their houses , Harbour Master to a hospital, where he shall be kept until he be, by the

and report

their state of Visiting Surgeon thereof, discharged as cured , and shall have obtained from


Diseased such Visiting Surgeon a certificate of his having been so discharged , which

seamen to be

removed to a certificate he shall produce and show to the Harbour Master when required


[Ordinance so to do ; and the expenses which may be incurred in and about the

10 of 1867,

sec. 63. ] maintenance and treatment of any such seaman in such hospital, shall be

a debt due to the Crown, and shall be paid by such seaman ; or, in case

of the keeper of the boarding-house in which such seaman shall have

resided before his removal to hospital not having reported, or having

made a false report as to the state of health of such seaman , then such

expenses shall be paid by such boarding- house keeper; in case it shall

appear to, and be certified by, the Visiting Surgeon of the hospital to

which such seaman may be removed, that the disease with which he may

be affected is of such a nature as that the keeper of the boarding-house

could, with ordinary and reasonable observation , have ascertained its

existence ; and in all cases, such expenses shall, in case of non-payment,

be sued for and recovered by the Harbour Master on behalf of the hospital.

Penalty for 2. If any seaman affected with a contagious disease, and reported so

offering any

obstruction to to be by the keeper of the boarding-house in which such seaman may be

removal to

hospital. residing , shall refuse or offer any hindrance or obstruction to his removal

[Ibid, sec.

64. ] to a hospital ; or having been removed to a hospital , shall attempt to leave

the same before he shall be properly discharged cured ; or having been

discharged cured , shall refuse to produce his certificate of discharge when

required by the Harbour Master ; or being affected with a contagious disease,

shall neglect or refuse to inform the keeper of the boarding-house in which


he may be residing, then, and in every such case, such seaman so

offending shall incur a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars , or

imprisonment with or without hard labour , for any term not exceeding

one month.

Masters of 3. The master of any merchant ship , before shipping any seaman ,

ships before

shipping may require that such seaman shall be inspected by the Colonial Surgeon ,

seamen may

require them by notice in writing to that effect, addressed to the Harbour Master or a

to undergo

medical Visiting Surgeon appointed in pursuance of this section , and the Colonial


[Ibid, sec. Surgeon or such Visiting Surgeon upon such inspection shall give a

65. ]

certificate under his hand as to the state of health of such seaman, which

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1511

Merchant Shipping.

certificate such seaman shall produce and show to the master of the ship

in which he may be about to serve ; and for every certificate, there shall

be paid the fee of fifty cents , to be paid by the master or agent of the ship

in case such seaman should prove to be in sound health, and by the

seaman himself, or the boarding-house keeper with whom he shall be

residing, in case he shall prove to be affected with any contagious disease.



19. This chapter applies to all British or Colonial ships , other than Application

of section.

those already provided with medicines and medical stores under the

provisions of " The Merchant Shipping Act, 1867 , " or of any legislative

enactment or regulations in force in any British possession , or holding

special exemption under the hand of the Governor.

2. The owners, agents, or master of every such ship navigating Ships to carry


between this Colony and any place out of the same, shall cause to be kept medical

stores, &c. in

on board such ship a supply of medicines and medical stores in accordance accordance

with scale

with the scale appropriate to such ship as laid down in the published issued by

Board of

scales of medicines and medical stores issued by the Board of Trade, and Trade.

[See M. S. A.,

also a copy of the book or books issued by the said Board containing 1867, sec. 4. ]

instructions for dispensing the same pursuant to subsection 1 of section 4

of " The Merchant Shipping Act , 1867. ”

3. No lime or lemon juice shall be deemed fit and proper to be taken Health Officer

to approve of

on board any such ship for the use of the crew or passengers thereof, lime or lemon


unless the Health Officer has approved of the same ; nor unless the same

contains fifteen per centum of proper and palatable proof spirits to be

approved by the Health Officer , or by some person appointed by him for

that purpose , and to be added immediately before or immediately after the

inspection thereof; nor unless the same is packed in such bottles, at such

time and in such manner as the Health Officer may direct.

4. The master, owner, or agent of any such ship who shall wilfully Owners ne

glecting to

neglect or refuse to provide, pack, or keep on board such medicines , provide medi

cines and

medical stores, books of instructions, lime or lemon juice, sugar or anti medical stores

to be guilty

scorbutics as are by this section required , shall be guilty of a misdemea of misdemea


nor, and shall , upon summary conviction before any Stipendiary Magis -

trate, incur a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars .

1512 ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

This section 5. The provisions of this section , so far as the same refer to lime,

to have the

same force as lemon juice and anti -scorbutics , shall have the same force and effect as

rules made.

[ M.S.A. 1867 , the regulations provided for by " The Merchant Shipping Act , 1867 ,"

Sec. 6.]

section 6.



Seamen .

20. If any seaman belonging to the crew of any ship , British or


be apprehend foreign, shall desert therefrom , or otherwise abscond, or absent himself

ed and put on

board the from his duty while such ship or vessel is within the waters of the Colony,

vessels to

which they it shall and may be lawful for any Police officer, or for the master or


[Ordinance 4 person in charge of the ship , or for any one specially deputed by such

of 1850,

master or person in charge, to arrest such seaman without warrant and

sec. 1. ]

convey him before a Stipendiary Magistrate ; and in case such seaman

shall refuse to return to his duty on board the said ship , or shall not give

a sufficient reason for such refusal , the Stipendiary Magistrate may order

such seaman to be put forcibly on board the ship to which he may belong ,

Or may be or to be confined in any gaol or other place of security within the Colony ,

confined in

gaol. for any period until he can be put on board his ship at her departure

from the port, or until he shall be demanded by the master of the ship ,

or by the Consul of the country to which such ship may belong : Provided

always, that the said period of confinement shall not, in the absence of

such departure or demand , exceed three months.

Ships or 2. It shall be lawful for any Stipendiary Magistrate , upon complaint

houses may be

searched for of the master of such ship , to the effect that he has reasonable cause to

deserters from

ships. believe that any runaway seaman belonging to the crew of any such ship

[ hid, sec. 2. ]

is harboured , secreted , or concealed , or suspected to be harboured , secreted ,

or concealed on board any other ship, boat, or other vessel , or in any house

or place whatsoever, to issue a warrant directing a constable to search

such ship , boat , or other vessel , or such house or place , and such seaman

to lodge in any or the nearest Police Station ; and every such seaman

shall, with all convenient speed , be brought before a Stipendiary Magis

trate, to be dealt with as is hereinbefore directed with respect to seamen

apprehended for desertion , absconding, or absence from duty .

Penalty on 3. If any person whatsoever shall harbour, conceal , employ, or

persons har

bouring de retain , or assist in harbouring, concealing, employing, or retaining any

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1513

Merchant Shipping .

seaman belonging to the crew of any ship , who shall have deserted there serters from


from , or otherwise absconded , or absented himself from duty, while such [Ibid, sec. 3.]

ship or vessel is within the waters of the Colony, knowing such seaman

to have deserted, absconded , or absented himself from duty, or shall

cause, induce, or persuade or endeavour to cause, induce, or persuade any

such seaman , in any manner whatsoever to violate, or to attempt or

endeavour to violate, any agreement which he may have entered into to

serve on board any such ship, or shall knowingly connive at the deser

tion , absconding, or absence from duty of any such seaman , such person

so offending shall, for every such offence, upon conviction thereof before

a Stipendiary Magistrate, incur a penalty not exceeding two hundred and

fifty dollars, or imprisonment with or without hard labour for any period

not exceeding six months.

4. The Harbour Master, or his deputy, before granting a port clear Harbour

Master or

ance to any ship, may, if he have reasonable grounds for belief that any deputy may

require, before

deserter from a merchant vessel be concealed on board of such ship, granting a

port clearance

proceed on board thereof and then and there require her master to insti to a ship, the


tute due and diligent search for such deserter, and further, if he deem it to search for

suspected de

necessary, require the master to make oath or solemn declaration that to serters, and to

make declara

the best of his knowledge and belief, after due and diligent search, no tion of such

search .

such deserter is concealed within or about his ship ; and any master of a Penalty for

ship refusing or unnecessarily delaying to comply with such requisition, notcomplyin

with such

shall incur upon conviction , a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars, request.

[Ordinance 6

of 1852, sec.

and imprisonment until such fine be paid. 11. ]

5. Whenever any seaman engaged in any foreign ship commits any Offences of


of the following offences within the waters of the Colony, he shall be seamen,

[See M.S.A ..

liable to be punished summarily by a Stipendiary Magistrate as follows, 1854, sec.

that is to say: 243. ]

(a . ) For wilful disobedience to any lawful command , he shall Act of disobe


be liable to imprisonment for any period not exceeding

four weeks , with or without hard labour, and also , at

the discretion of the Court, to forfeit , out of his wages,

a sum not exceeding two days' pay ;

(b. ) For continued wilful disobedience to lawful commands, Continued


or continued wilful neglect of duty , he shall be liable to

imprisonment for any period not exceeding twelve weeks ,

with or without hard labour, and also, at the discretion


1514 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

of the Court, to forfeit, for every twenty-four hours'

continuance of such disobedience or neglect either a sum

not exceeding six days ' pay, or any expenses which

have been incurred in hiring a substitute ;

Combining to (c. ) For combining with any other or others of the crew to


disobey lawful commands , or to neglect duty, or to

impede the navigation of the ship, or the progress of the

voyage, he shall be liable to imprisonment for any period

not exceeding twelve weeks, with or without hard labour :

Provided that when there is a Consul, Vice - Consul , or Consular agent

resident at Hongkong of the nation to which the ship belongs , the Court

shall not deal with the case unless thereto requested by such officer in


Expenses by 6. All expenses incidental to the apprehension , confinement, and

whom pay

able. [Ordi removal of any seaman , under this section , shall be paid by the master

nance 4 of

* of the ship to which such seaman may belong, and be recoverable from

him at the suit of the Captain Superintendent of Police , as a debt due to

the Government of this Colony ; and the subsistence money for every

such seaman confined in gaol shall be paid in advance to the keeper of the

gaol, and in default of such payment , the gaoler may release such seaman :

Provided that every seaman imprisoned under this chapter may be sent

on board his ship prior to her departure from the waters of the Colony

by direction of the committing Magistrate.

Report ofdeath, desertion , &c.

Deaths, deser 21. In the event of the death of any of the passengers , or other

tions, or re

movals of persons, occurring on board of any merchant vessel in the waters of the

seamen, &c. to

be reported . Colony, or in case of the death , desertion or removal of any of the crew,

[Ordinance 1

of 1862, sec. the master of such vessel shall forthwith report the same to the Harbour


Master, under a penalty not exceeding twenty -five dollars for every death ,

desertion, or removal which he shall neglect to report .

Penalties for forgery, &c.

Penalties for 22. Any seaman , or other person , who shall give a false description

forging of do

cuments, and of his services, or show, or make, or procure to be made , any false cha

for false de

scriptions and racter , or shall make false statements as to the name of the last ship in


[ Ordinance which he served , or as to any other information which may be required

No. 6 of 1852,

sec. 12. ] of him by any person having lawful authority to demand such informa -

tion , shall incur a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars.

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1515

Merchant Shipping.



23. All expenses which shall be incurred under the provisions of

men belong

" The Merchant Shipping Act, 1854 ," in the relief of distressed British ing to vessels

registered in

seamen who at the time of such relief being granted shall have last served this Colony.

[Ordinance 5

in a British ship registered in this Colony, and all expenses incurred in of 1869, sec.


the United Kingdom in the relief and returning to this Colony all dis

tressed seamen who last served in such a ship, shall be borne by the

revenue of this Colony .

2. It shall be lawful for the Governor, from time to time, to order Governor may

order pay

the payment, out of any monies forming part of, or arising from , the ment of ex

penses incur

general revenue of the Colony, of all expenses which may be incurred in red in the

Colony for

the Colony for the relief of such British seamen as aforesaid , under the relief of such

seamen out of

provisions of the said Act or of any regulations in that behalf which may monies form

ing part of

be made, from time to time , by the Governor in Council. general


[Ordinance 5

of 1869, s. 2. ]

3. It shall be lawful for the Governor, from time to time, to order Governor

may order

the re-payment out of any such monies as aforesaid , of all sums which re-payment

of expenses

shall have been expended under the provisions of the said Act by the incurred


Imperial Government, or by the " Shipwrecked Mariners' Society " or by in the Colony

in respect of

the Government of any adjacent British Colony, or by any British such relief.

out of such

Consul, Vice- Consul, or Consular Agent in any neighbouring foreign monies as


country, in and about the relief of such British seamen as aforesaid , and [Ordinance

such sums shall be refunded in such manner as the Governor shall think 5 of 1869.

sec. 3. ]

fit , or as Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies for

the time being may direct .






Duties of Master.

24. Every master of a merchant ship shall hoist her national Ships to hoist

their num

colours and number on entering the waters of the Colony ; and shall bers .


keep such number flying until the ship shall have been reported at the of 1862

Harbour Master's office . sec. 3. ] ,

1516 ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

Ships to be 2. Every such master shall, within twenty-four hours after arrival


within 24 within the waters of this Colony, report the arrival of his ship at the


Ibid , sec. 4. ] Harbour Master's office, and in the case of a British ship , or of a ship

which shall not be represented by a Consul, shall deposit there the ship's

articles , list of passengers , ship's register, and true copy of manifest if

required . In the case of a foreign ship represented by a Consul, the

said papers shall be lodged by the master at the proper consulate . Any

master offending against the provisions of this subsection , shall incur a

penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars.

Ships to be 3. Every such master arriving in the waters of the Colony shall

moored where

ordered by take up the berth pointed out by the Harbour Master , or by any person

the Harbour

Master, and sent on board by him for that purpose, and shall moor his ship there

not removed

therefrom properly, and shall not remove from it to take up any other berth ,


permission. without his permission , except in case of necessity, to be decided by the

Ibid, sec. 9. ] Harbour Master, under a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars ;

and he shall remove his vessel to any new berth when required so to do

by the Harbour Master , under a fine not exceeding twenty dollars for

every hour that the vessel shall remain in her old berth, after notice to

remove under the hand of the Harbour Master, or his deputy, shall have

been given on board of her.

All orders by 4. Every such master shall immediately strike spars , clear hawse ,

the Harbour

Master to be or shift berth, or obey any other order which the Harbour Master may


[Ibid, sec. 10. ] think fit to give, and any master wilfully disobeying or neglecting this

regulation , shall incur a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars .

Blue peter to 5. Every such master about to proceed to sea shall hoist a blue

be hoisted

and port peter twenty-four hours before time of intended departure, and shall give

clearance to

be obtained notice thereof to the Harbour Master who, if there is no reasonable

before depar

ture. objection , will furnish a port clearance, and attest the manifest , if

[Ibid, sec.

11.j necessary ; and any master having obtained such clearance and not

sailing within thirty- six hours thereafter shall report to the Harbour

Master his reason for not sailing, and shall re-deposit the ship's papers

if required. Any master wilfully neglecting or disobeying this regula

tion , or going to sea without having obtained a port clearance, shall

incur a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars.


The Governor 25. Whenever the Governor in Council has reasonable cause for believing that

in Conncil may

make regulations

in respect of any country or place [ Amended by Ordinance No. 16 of 1882] is infected with any

ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1879 . 1517

Merchant Shipping.

infectious or contagious disease, he may make such regulations concerning vessels vessels arriving

from infected

arriving from such country or place as he thinks necessary for preserving the public places.

health of the Colony.

2. Every commanding officer of any ship-of-war, or master of a merchant ship of Ships arriving

having conta

gious diseases

whatsoever nation who may arrive in the waters of the Colony having small - pox or on board to

report the same.

any other disease of a contagious or infectious nature on board, shall hoist the proper [Ibid, see. 16.]

quarantine flag , and shall hold no communication with any other vessel or boat, or

with the shore, until permission be given by the Harbour Master ; and the boarding

officer on nearing such ship shall be informed of the nature of such disease. Any

person offending against any of the provisions of this subsection shall incur a penalty

not exceeding two hundred dollars for each offence.

3. Every such commanding officer of a snip - of-war, or master of a merchant ship , Ships to remove

when ordered .

having any such disease on board shall forthwith remove his ship to any berth which [Ibid, sec. 17.]

shall be pointed out by the Harbour Master, and there remain and keep the quarantine

flag flying until a clean bill of health shall be granted by the Colonial Surgeon ; and

shall afford free access and render every assistance to the Colonial Surgeon or other


officer of health who may be directed by the Governor to visit such ship. Any perso

offending against the provisions of this subsection shall incur a penalty not exceeding

two hundred dollars for each offence.

4. Every such commanding officer of a ship- of- war, or master of a merchant ship, Ships arriving

from port where


in all cases where such ship has last touched or stayed at any port or place immediately disease is pre

valent to report

preceding such ship's arrival in the waters of the Colony, and any contagious or same.

infectious disease has, to such commanding officer's or master's knowledge, been

prevalent at such port or place at the time of his so touching or staying there, shall

report the prevalence of such disease to any Health Officer of the port upon being

boarded by such officer and in default of so reporting the same shall incur a penalty

not exceeding two hundred dollars.

The Governor

5. The Governor in Council may , from time totime, make such regulations concer in Council may

ma regulations

ning vessels arriving in the waters of the Colony with any infectious or contagious concerning ves

sels arriving with

disease on board as he thinks necessary for preserving the public health of the Colony . disease on board.

6. All regulations made under this section shall be published in the Government Regulations to

have the force

Gazette, and when so published shall have the force of law, and any person offending oflaw when

published in the


against any such regulation shall, on conviction by two Stipendiary Magistrates Penalties.

sitting together, incur a penalty not exceeding two thousand dollars, or imprisonment

with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding twelve months, or, at the

discretion of the Court, both penalty and imprisonment as aforesaid. [ Amended by

Ordinance No. 16 of 1882.] .

[ The whole section repealed by Ordinance No. 9 of 1883. ]

Steamers' fairway.

26. No vessel or boat of any description shall be allowed to anchor Steamers'

fairway to be

kept clear.

within any fairway, which shall be set apart by the Harbour Master for

[Ibid, sec.

the passage of vessels , and the master, or other person in charge of any 18. ]

1518 ORDINANCE No. 8 or 1879.

Merchant Shipping.

vessel or boat dropping anchor in , or otherwise obstructing such fairway

shall for each offence incur a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars, and in

default thereof, imprisonment with or without hard labour not exceeding

three months.

Regulations concerning the safety of ships and

prevention of accidents .

Vessels to

27. Every master of a ship, hulk, or other vessel , not being a boat

exhibit light

at night. propelled by oars, being at anchor in the waters of this Colony shall ,

[Ibid, sec.

20. ] from sunset to sunrise , cause to be exhibited a bright white light [from

the starboard foreyard arm, or : repealed by Ordinance No. 3 of 1880 ] at

the place where it can be best seen , [ Amended by Ordinance No. 3 of

1880] and in default, shall incur a penalty not exceeding one hundred


Precaution 2. In case of fire occurring on board any ship or vessel in the waters

to be taken

in case of fire. of the Colony , if at night three lights shall be hoisted in a vertical position

[Ibid, sec.

21.] at the highest masthead, and a single light at the peak, and guns shall be

fired in quick succession until sufficient assistance shall be rendered ; if

during the day the ensign Union down with the signal NM " I am on fire "

shall be hoisted at the highest masthead and guns fired as above provided

for night time.

Precaution 3. If on board any ship or vessel in the waters of the Colony a

to be taken

in case of disturbance or riot shall occur which the master or his officers are unable


[Ibid, sec. to quell, if by day the ensign Union down shall be hoisted at the peak


and the signal PC " want assistance ; mutiny " shall be hoisted at the

highest masthead or wherever practicable under the circumstances ; guns

may also be fired as in subsection 2 ; if by night three lights shall be

hoisted at the peak and a single light at the masthead, and guns may

also be fired as before stated.

Governor in 4. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to make and publish

Council may

make rules to rules , and from time to time to vary the same, concerning the lights or

prevent acci

dents in the signals to be carried , and concerning the steps for avoiding collision to


be taken by all ships , boats, or vessels , while navigating the waters of

the Colony : Provided always that the same shall not be inconsistent

with, or be deemed to affect the regulations for the time being in force

issued by Her Majesty by Order in Council, under the provisions of section

25 of " The Merchant Shipping Act Amendment Act, 1862."

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879. 1519

Merchant Shipping.

Offences in the waters ofthe Colony.

No. 8 of

[ See also " The Dangerous Goods Ordinance, 1873 ," 1873.]

and Regulations . ]

28. Every person who within the Colony or the waters thereof shall Prohibiting

offences in thə

commit any of the following offences, shall incur a penalty of not more harbour of


than fifty dollars , or imprisonment for any term not exceeding three Ordinance

14 of 1845.

months, with or without hard labour . sec. 6. ]

(a. ) Every person who shall unlawfully cut, damage, or destroy

furniture of

any of the ropes , cables, cordage, tackle, headfasts , or ship.

other furniture of or belonging to any ship, boat , or

vessel lying in the harbour or waters aforesaid , with

intent to steal or otherwise unlawfully obtain the same

or any part thereof.

(b. ) Every person who for the purpose of preventing the seizure Throwing into

water goods

or discovery of any materials, furniture, stores , or unlawfully

obtained .

merchandise belonging to or having been part of the

cargo of any ship, boat, or vessel lying in the waters

aforesaid, or of any other articles unlawfully obtained

from any such ship or vessel , shall wilfully let fall or

throw into the waters aforesaid , or in any other manner

convey away from any ship , boat, or vessel, wharf, quay,

or landing place, any such article, or who shall be

accessory to any such offence ; and it shall be lawful for

any constable to take any such offender into custody and

to seize and detain any boat in which such person shall

be found, or out of which any article shall be so let fall ,

thrown, or conveyed away.

(c. ) Every owner, or headman, or other person in charge of Mooring of


any boat which shall be found alongside of any public [ Ibid, sec. 3.


wharf or landing-place ( unless while taking on board or 8 & 9. ]

landing passengers or cargo) , or lying off the same so

as to prevent the free access of other boats thereto , and

the owner, headman , or other person in charge of any

boat which shall be moored or at anchor at a distance

of less than one hundred yards from low water mark of

such part of the Colony as may be declared by regulation ,

1520 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

between the hours of nine o'clock at night and gunfire

in the morning, and no owner of any boat plying for

hire shall be permitted to receive or land passengers

after 8 P.M. , except at such wharf or wharves as may be

from time to time specified by the Governor in Council :

Provided always , that nothing herein contained shall be

construed to extend to any boat moored or at anchor

alongside of any private wharf with the consent ofthe

owner thereof.

Obstruction (d. ) Every person who shall cast or throw any dead body,

of harbour

by rubbish, ballast, rubbish, or other substance , either from shore or


from any vessel, into the waters of the Colony , or shall

neglect within a reasonable time to remove any sunken

vessel or other obstruction in the said harbour belonging

to him or in his charge or keeping.

(e. ) Every person who not being in Her Majesty's service and

not being duly authorised by law for the purpose , goes

on board any ship within the waters of the Colony,

without the permission of the master or officer in charge ;

and the master or person in charge of such ship may take

any such person so going on board as aforesaid into

custody and deliver him up forthwith to any constable

to be dealt with according to law.

(f. ) Every person not being in Her Majesty's service who shall

make fast to or cause to be made fast to a ship under

way within the waters of this Colony, any boat, junk or

other vessel, without the sanction of the master or officer

in charge of such ship .

Fire-arm- not 2. Except as is hereinbefore directed by subsections 2 and 3 of

to be used ex

cept in certain section 27 , or under the sanction of the Harbour Master, no cannon , gun ,


Ordinance I ' or fire-arm of any description shall be discharged within such portions of

of1862, s. 11.]

the waters of the Colony as the Governor may, from time to time, by

regulations prescribe, from any merchant vessel or boat, under a penalty

not exceeding two hundred dollars .

Removal of obstructions .

Harbour Mas 29. The Harbour Master may, by written notice, require any person

ter may re

move obstruc to remove within a reasonable time to be specified in such notice , any

tions, &c.

obstruction in the waters of the Colony, caused by such person or

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1521

Merchant Shipping.

[See Ordi

belonging to him or in his charge or keeping ; and if such person fail to nance 14 of

remove the obstruction within the specified time, the Harbour Master shall 1815, sec. 37. ]

cause the obstruction to be removed, and may recover the expenses of

removal from the person named in the notice.


30. No person shall place moorings in the waters of the Colony Harbour Mas

ter may per

except with the sanction of the Harbour Master, and such moorings shall mit moorings

to be laid

be of such nature as the Harbour Master shall approve ; and the Harbour down.

Master may, upon giving such sanction, attach such conditions to the use

and employment of such moorings as he shall think fit.

Powers of Police.

31. The Captain Superintendent or other Superintendent, or any Superintend

ents and in

inspector of the Police force shall have power, by virtue of his office , to spectors may

board vessels.

enter at all times, with such constables as he shall think necessary, as [Ordinance 14

of 1845 ,

well by night as by day, into and upon every ship , boat , or other vessel sec. 7. ]

( not being a ship of war or vessel having the status of a ship of war )

lying in the waters of the Colony, and into every part of such vessel , for

the purpose of inspection and upon occasion directing the conduct of any

constable who may be stationed on board of any such vessel, and of

inspecting and observing the conduct of all other persons who shall be

employed on board of any such vessel in or about the lading or unlading

thereof, as the case may be, and for the purpose of taking all such

measures as may be necessary for providing against fire or other accidents ,

and preserving peace and good order on board of any such vessel , and

for the effectual prevention or detection of any felonies or misdemeanors .

2. It shall be lawful for the Captain Superintendent or other Super Superintend

ent, &c. hay

intendent, or any inspector, or sergeant belonging to the Police force , ing just cause

having just cause to suspect that any felony has been or is about to be tosuspect

felony, may

enter on board

committed in or on board of any ship , boat, or other vessel ( except ships vessels and

take up sus

of war or vessels having the status of ships of war ) lying in the waters pected per


of the Colony, to enter at all times, as well by night as by day , into and { Ibid, sec. S.]

upon every such ship, boat, or other vessel, and therein to take all

necessary measures for the effectual prevention or detection of all felonies

which he has just cause to suspect to have been , or about to be committed

in or upon the harbour or waters of the Colony , and to take into custody


persons suspected of being concerned in such felonies , and also to

take charge of all property so suspected to be stolen .

1322 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879.

Merchant Shipping.

Powers of Magistrates .

Any breach of 32. Where no penalty is specially attached by this chapter to the

this chapter

punishable by breach or infringement of any provision herein contained, the same shall

fine, &c.

[Ordinance be punishable by a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars , and in

I of 1862,

see. 29. ] default of payment thereof, imprisonment with or without hard labour

not exceeding one month.




Interpreta 33. In the construction of this chapter, the term " lighthouses '

tion clause.

[Ordinance shall , in addition to the ordinary meaning of the word , include lightships

17 of 1873,

sec. 2. ] and all floating and other lights exhibited for the guidance of ships ; and

the terms " buoys and beacons ” shall include all other marks and signs

of the sea.

Po ver to erect 2. It shall be lawful for the Governor to erect and maintain within


&c. the Colony such lighthouses, buoys, or beacons as the Governor in

Ibid, sec. 3. ]

Council shall think necessary to be exhibited for the guidance of ships .

Power to 3. It shall be lawful for the Governor, from time to time, with the

raise neces

sary funds by assent of the Legislative Council, to raise by way of public loan, upon

public loan.

Ibid, sec. 4.] the security of the general revenues of the Colony, such sums of money

as may be necessary for the purposes aforesaid , and every loan so raised

shall be a charge upon the said Colonial revenue.

Powerto 4. It shall be lawful for the Governor, in the meanwhile, with such


funds out of assent as aforesaid , to order the payment, by way of temporary advance,

the Colonial

Treasury . out of any monies for the time being in the Colonial Treasury, of such

[Ibid, sec. 5.]

sums of money arising from the general revenues of the Colony, as may

be required for the purposes aforesaid : Provided always that all sums of

money so advanced out of the general revenue of the Colony , shall be

repaid into the Treasury out of the sums which may be raised by way of

Joan under the provisions in that behalf hereinbefore contained .

[ The provisions of these sub-sections are extended to the Gap Rock

Lighthouse by Ordinance No. 35 of 1889. ]

Light Dues.

Light dues. 34. The owner or master of every ship which enters the waters of

[ Ibid, sec. 6.]

the Colony, shall pay such dues in respect of the said lighthouses , buoys ,

or beacons as may, from time to time, be fixed by order of the Governor

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1523

Merchant Shipping.

in Council, to such officers as the Governor shall, from time to time,

appoint to collect the same, and the same shall be paid by such officers

into the Colonial Treasury .

2. All British and foreign ships of war shall be exempt from the Exemption of

men of war.

payment of light dues. [Ibid, sec. 7. ]

Governor to

3. It shall be lawful for the Governor, by Order in Council : allow certain


( a . ) To exempt any ships , or classes of ships , from such pay [ Ibid, sec. 8.]

ment, and to annex any terms or conditions to such exemp

tions ;

( b. ) To substitute any other dues , or classes of dues , whether

by way of annual payment or otherwise , in respect of any

ships, or classes of ships .

4. Tables of all light dues , and a copy of regulations for the time Tables oflight

dues to be

being in force in respect thereof, shall be posted up at the office of the exhibited at


Harbour Master. Master's office.

[ See M. S. A.

1854 , sec .

399. ]

5. A receipt for light dues shall be given by the person appointed to Ship not to be

cleared with

collect the same to every person paying in the same , and the Harbour out produc

tion of receipt

Master shall not grant a clearance to any ship , unless the receipt for the for light dues.

[ See M. S. A.

same is produced to him . 1854, sec.


6. If the owner or master of any ship fails on demand of the author Power of

distress for

ised collector to pay the light dues in respect thereof, it shall be lawful light dues.

[M. S. A.

for such collector, in addition to any other remedy which he is entitled to sec. 401. ]

use, to enter upon such ship and distrain the goods , guns , tackle, or any

other things of or belonging to , or on board such ship , and to detain such

distress until the said light dues are paid ; and if payment of the same is

not made within the period of three days next ensuing such distress , he

may, at any time during the continuance of such non -payment, cause the

same to be appraised by two sufficient persons, and thereupon sell the

same, and apply the proceeds in payment of the light dues due, together

with reasonable expenses incurred by him under this section , paying the

surplus (if any ) on demand to the said owner or master.

7. In order to ascertain the burden of any ship liable to pay light Ship's burden

to be ascer

dues under this Chapter, the person authorised to collect such dues may tained by


require the owner, master , or other person in command of such ship , or in certain


any person having possession of the same , to produce the register of such

1524 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

ship for the inspection of such person , and , upon the refusal or neglect of

such owner or master to produce such register ; or to satisfy the person

authorised to collect such dues as to what is the true burden of the ship,

it shall be lawful for such person to cause such ship to be measured at

the expense of the master thereof, and such expense shall be recoverable

in the same manner as dues payable under this Chapter ; and such meas

urement shall be deemed to be the real burden of the ship , and may be

treated as such for all the purposes of this Chapter.

Penalties. 8. The master of any ship who shall attempt to depart from the

waters of this Colony without paying the light dues in accordance with

the provisions of this Chapter, or, who shall refuse to have his ship

measured to ascertain her burden in tons , or who shall obstruct any

person in the duties of his office , shall be subject to a penalty not ex

ceeding two hundred dollars.

[ The provisions of these sub-sections are extended to the Gap Rock

Lighthouse by Ordinance No. 35 of 1889. ]

Damage to lights, buoys and beacons.

Penalty for 35. If any person wilfully or negligently commits any of the


lights, &c. following offences , that is to say:

[ M. S. A.

1854, sec. (a.) Injures any lighthouse, or the lights exhibited therein, or

414. ]

any buoy or beacon ;

(b . ) Removes, alters, or destroys any lightship, buoy, or

beacon ;

( c. ) Rides by, makes fast to, runs foul of, any lightship , or

buoy ;

He shall, in addition to the expenses of making good any damage so

occasioned , incur a penalty not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars .

Prevention offalse lights .

Harbour 36. Whenever any fire or light is burnt or exhibited at such place,

Master may

prohibit false or in such manner, as to be liable to be mistaken for a light proceeding

lights .

[ M. S. A. from a lighthouse, it shall be lawful for the Harbour Master to serve a

1854, sec.

415.] notice upon the owner of the place where the fire or light is burnt or

exhibited , or on the person having charge of such fire or light, either

personally, or by delivery at the place of abode of such owner or person ,

or by affixing the same in some conspicuous spot near to such fire or

light, and by such notice to direct such owner or person , within a reason

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1525

Merchant Shipping.

able time to be therein specified , to take effectual means for the extin

guishing or effectually screening such existing light ; and for the

preventing for the future any similar fire or light, and any owner or

person disobeying such notice , shall be deemed guilty of a common

nuisance, and in addition to any other penalties or liabilities of any kind

thereby incurred, shall incur a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars

or six months ' imprisonment with or without hard labour .

If not obeyed.

2. If any owner or person served with such notice , as aforesaid , he may abate

neglects for a period of twenty -four hours to extinguish or effectually

[ M. S. A.

screen, the light or fire therein mentioned , it shall be lawful for the 1854, sec.

416. ]

Harbour Master , by his servants or workmen , to enter into the place

wherein the same may be , and forthwith to extinguish such fire or light

doing no unnecessary damage ; and all expenses incurred by the Harbour

Master in such extinction , may be recovered from such person or owner

as aforesaid in the same way as penalties are hereby declared to be




[ See also "the Dangerous Goods Ordinance , 1873 , [No. S of

1873. ]

and regulations . ]

37. The Governor is hereby empowered to provide , at the expense Vessels and

buildings to

of the Colony , all necessary vessels and buildings for the storage of be provided

for storage of

gunpowder, and no gunpowder arriving in this Colony shall be stored in gunpowder.


any other building or vessel except as provided by subsection 10 and 4 of 1867,

sec. 4. ]

subject to the observance of the rules and regulations to be made under

subsection 12 of this section.

2. Such vessels or buildings shall , for the purposes of this chapter , To be termed


be termed a Government Depôt or Government Depôts for the storage of depôt



gunpowder, and shall be under the control and management ofthe Harbour gunpowder.

[Ibid, sec. 5. ]

Master, subject to such orders as may, from time to time, be received

from the Governor ; and such vessels or buildings shall be fitted and

manned in such manner as the Harbour Master, with the approval of the

Governor, shall deem expedient.

1526 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

Master of ves 3. The master of every vessel arriving in this Colony having on

sel having up

wards of two board thereof any quantity of gunpowder exceeding two hundred fbs .

hundred lbs.

of powder on shall , immediately upon the arrival thereof, and before the discharge from

board to fur

nish Harbour the ship of any of such gunpowder, furnish the Harbour Master with a

Master with

particulars copy of the manifest of such gunpowder, the marks of all the packages


[Ibid, sec. 6.] wherein such gunpowder shall be contained, and the names of the con

signees of such gunpowder, if he shall know the same.

Master of such 4. The master of every such vessel as in the last preceding section

vessel to take

same to speci- mentioned shall as soon as possible take the same to the place which shall

fied place and

there remain be pointed out to him by the Harbour Master , or his deputy, and the said

until he have

permission to. vessel shall not be removed therefrom without the permission in writing


of the Harbour Master.

[Ibid, sec. 7. ]

Mode of pro 5. When any quantity of gunpowder exceeding two hundred lbs . is

ceeding when

gunpowder is about to be conveyed out of the Colony, the master of the vessel about to

to be export

ed. convey the same shall, on producing the written authority of the owners

[Ibid, sec. 8. ]

thereof or their agents receive from the Harbour Master a permit to take

on board the packages mentioned in such authority and the master of

such vessel shall thereupon move the same into such anchorage as the

Harbour Master may deem expedient , and from such anchorage the master

of such vessel shall not remove the same except for the purpose of proceed

ing on his voyage or for some other sufficient cause to be approved by

the Harbour Master .

Masters 6. The master of every vessel having on board more than two hundred

having more

than two tbs . of gunpowder, or whilst engaged in the transhipment of gunpowder,

hundred lbs.

of gunpowder shall exhibit a red flag at the highest masthead .

on board to

exhibit a flag,

also when


the same.

[ Ibid, sec. 9. ]

No gun 7. It shall not be lawful for the master of any vessel to tranship any

powder to be

transhipped gunpowder between the hours of 6 P.M. and 6 A.M. , from October to

at night .

[Ibid , sec. March inclusive nor between the hours of 7 P.M. and 5 A.M. , from April

10. ]

to September inclusive , without the written permission of the Harbour


No vessel to 8. It shall not be lawful for the master of any vessel, without the

anchor within

five hundred written permission of the Harbour Master, to anchor such vessel within

yards of a

Government five hundred yards ofany Government Depôt for the storage of gunpowder.

Depôt for

storage of


[Ibid, sec.

11. ]

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1527

Merchant Shipping.

No master of

9. It shall not be lawful for the master of any vessel having on board a vessel

having more

gunpowder exceeding in quantity two hundred lbs. , to anchor nearer than than two

five hundred yards of any other vessel . hundred lbs.

of gunpowder

on board to

anchor within

five hundred

yards of any

other vessel.

Ibid , sec.


10. It shall not be lawful for any person, without the permission in No person to

keep in any

writing of the Governor , to keep for any time however short within any house, store.

&c. more than

house , store, godown , or other place on land , a larger quantity ofgunpowder fifteen lbs . of


than fifteen lbs. [Ibid. see.

13. ]

11. It shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace or Police officer Power to

Justices to

duly authorised by warrant to enter and if necessary to break into any issue warrant

to search.

house, store, godown, vessel, or place either on land or water within [Thid, see.


which such Justice of the Peace shall be credibly informed on oath, or

shall have reasonable grounds of his own knowledge to suspect and

believe that gunpowder is kept or carried or is on board of any vessel

contrary to the provisions of this chapter.

12. The Governor in Council is hereby empowered to make rules Governor in


and regulations for the proper carrying out the provisions of this chapter, empowered

to frame rules

including the storage of gunpowder on land, or its carriage within the for carrying

out provisions

waters of the Colony , and to fix and vary, from time to time, the sums of chapterand

to fix charges.

chargeable for the storage of gunpowder as hereinbefore prescribed , and [ bid, sec.

16. ]

every violation or neglect of any such rules or regulations shall render

the party so offending liable to the penalties imposed by subsection 14 of

this section for offences against any provisions thereof.

13. The sums charged in respect of such storage shall be paid Sums how to

be paid and if

monthly by the party claiming to be entitled to such gunpowder, and in not paid how

to be recover

the event of the same not being paid within twenty-one days after the d

[Ibid, see.

same shall have become due and payable, it shall be lawful for the 17 ]

Governor to direct the said gunpowder to be sold in order to defray the

expense of storage, and the proceeds thereof after deducting all Govern

ment charges and the expenses of sale shall be paid to the party who


prove himself entitled thereto to the satisfaction of the Governor.

14. Every person who shall violate or refuse , or fail to comply with Trial of offen

the ces under this

provisions of this chapter, shall incur a penalty not exceeding three chapter.

[Ibid, sec.

hundred dollars , or imprisonment for any period not exceeding six 18. ]

months .

1528 ORDINANCE No. 8 or 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

Ships of war 15. Nothing in this chapter contained shall apply to Her Majesty's

and Govern

ment stores ships of war or to the ships of war of any foreign nation, or to hired

excepted .

Ibid, sec. armed vessels in Her Majesty's service or in the service of any foreign

19. ]

nation, or to any Government stores.





Interpreta 38. In the construction of this chapter the term " Junk " shall

tion of

terms : mean every sea - going Chinese or other vessel not coming within the

" Junk."

[Ordinance 6 provisions of section 24 of this Ordinance and not being a fishing boat or

of 1866 , sec.

2.1 vessel licensed under subsection 24 of this chapter.

.. Licensed The term " Licensed Junk " shall mean a junk, boat, or vessel ,


licensed under subsection 21 to ply between the Colony and other ports .

" Master." The term " Master " of a junk shall include any person for the time

being in command or charge of the same.

Branch 2. Branch stations of the Harbour Master's office shall be maintained

stations of the

Harbour at such places in the Colony as the Governor may, from time to time ,


office. determine, which shall be under the superintendence and control of the

Ibid, sec. 4. ]

Harbour Master, and shall be called " Harbour Master's Stations ."

Anchorages 3. The Harbour Master shall, with the approval of the Governor ,

for junks.

[ Ibid ,sec. 5. ] appoint suitable anchorages for junks in the waters of the Colony to be

called " Anchorages for Junks ."

No unlicensed

4. No junks other than a licensed junk shall ( except from stress of

junk to


Colonial within weather ) anchor at any place within the waters of the Colony other than

waters except at an " anchorage for junks. "

at one of the


for junks.

[ Ibid, sec. S. ]


5. Every junk other than a licensed junk entering the waters of the

junks to

anchor in Colony shall immediately proceed to and take up its berth within the


place. limits of one of the " anchorages for junks."

[ Ibid, sec. 9. ]

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879. 1529

Merchant Shipping.

6. The master of every junk, whether licensed or not , shall, within Report of

arrival and

eighteen hours after arrival within the waters of the Colony , report such particulars to

be furnished.

arrival at the Harbour Master's office or at a " Harbour Master's Station ," [Ibid, sec.

11. ]

and shall, if a licensed junk, deposit the licence thereof, and if not a

licensed junk, furnish the particulars hereinafter mentioned , which shall

be entered in a register kept for the purpose, that is to say:——

(a . ) Name and capacity of junk ( in piculs).

(b. ) The name, address and description of the owner or owners

of such junk and of the master.

(c. ) The name, address and description of every consignee or

agent, if any, of the junk and cargo in the Colony.

(d. ) The description of the cargo on board , and number of the


(e . ) The place from which the junk sailed on her voyage to the

Colony, and the date of her departure from such place,

and of her arrival in the Colony.

(f.) Whether carrying any and what guns, arms and ammuni


7. Upon compliance with the provisions of the last subsection , the Anchorage


anchoragebid, sec.

master of every junk shall receive a permit to be called an " anchorage

12. ]

pass, " and shall forthwith pay such fee for the same as is hereinafter

mentioned, and in default thereof shall incur a penalty not exceeding ten

dollars .

8. No licensed junk shall leave the waters of the Colony, and no Junks not to

remove from

other junk shall leave any anchorage for junks without a clearance or a anchorage

without clear

special permit, unless the safety of the vessel ( through stress of weather) anceorspecial


shall render it necessary, and in such case, she shall return to her former [Ibid, sec.

13. ]

anchorage when such necessity for leaving it shall have ceased.

9. No junk, whether licensed or not , shall leave her anchorage No junk

leave to

at night.

between the hours of 6 P.M. and 6 A.M. from October to March inclusive, hid, sec.


nor between the hours of 7 P.M. and 5 A.M. from April to September

inclusive, without a special permit or a special clearance to be called a

" night clearance ."

1530 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879.

Merchant Shipping.

Flag to be

hoisted before 10. The master of every junk, whether licensed or not , about to

departure. leave her anchorage, shall, eighteen hours before the time of the intended

(Ibid , see.

15. ] departure of such junk, hoist at the highest mast -head such flag or signal

as shall, from time to time, be specified by the Harbour Master, and also

shall give notice of such intended departure and the nature of the proposed

voyage, together with the general character of cargo, and particulars of

any arms, ammunition and other such articles on board at the Harbour

Master's office or station , as the case may be, at which the anchorage pass

of such junk shall have been granted , and he will thereupon be furnished

with a clearance in exchange for the anchorage pass of such junk, and if a

licensed junk, the licence thereof will be returned to him : Provided

always that in case such junk shall not leave her anchorage within twenty

four hours thereafter, the master shall report the same at the Harbour

Master's office or station , as the case may be, and the reason thereof, and

shall, if so required to do, return the said clearance, and if a licensed junk ,

also re-deposit the licence thereof.

** Special 11. The Harbour Master or the officer for the time being in charge


Ibid , see, of any Harbour Master's station may, from time to time, grant to any

14. ]

master of a junk a permit to be called a " special permit, " which shall be

a sufficient warrant or authority for the doing of any act mentioned in

such permit.

Penalty for 12. Every master of a junk who shall violate or refuse or fail to

infraction of

Subsections comply with the provisions of subsections 4 and 5 , shall incur a penalty

4 and 5.

{Ibid, sec. not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment with or without hard


labour for any period not exceeding six calendar months .

Penalty for 13. Every master of a junk who shall refuse or fail to comply with

infraction of

subsection 6.

the provisions of subsections 6 and 10, or shall knowingly give untrue

\ Ibid, see,

‫אן‬.‫ן‬ particulars concerning the information which he is thereby required to

furnish, shall incur a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars , or

imprisonment with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding

six months, and it shall be lawful for the Governor , if he shall think fit ,

by warrant under his hand to order that any junk whereof the master

has refused or failed to comply with the provisions of the said subsections ,

and whether such master shall have been brought to trial and punished

or not, shall quit the waters of the Colony within twelve hours from the

service of such order on board of such junk, under penalty of forfeiture

of such junk to the Crown .

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1531

Merchant Shipping.

14. Every master of a junk violating the provisions of subsections 8 Penalty for

infraction of

and 9 shall incur a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars , or impri- provisions of

subsections S

sonment with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding twelve and 9.

[Ibid, sec. 19. ]

calendar months , and such junk and her cargo shall be forfeited to the


15. No licence, anchorage pass, clearance or special permit shall be Penalty for


used in respect of any junk other than the junk therein specified , or for using a licen

ce, pass, clear

any purpose other than the one therein mentioned , and every master of ance, or


a junk who shall knowingly use or attempt to use any licence, anchorage permit .

[Ibid, sec.

pass, clearance or special permit which shall not have been lawfully 201

obtained, shall be imprisoned with hard labour for any term not exceed

ing twelve calendar months, and every junk in respect of which a licence,

anchorage pass, clearance, or special permit shall have been used or

attempted to be used in violation of this subsection may, together with

the cargo thereof, and whether the master shall have been brought to trial.

or not, at the discretion of the Court, be forfeited to the Crown.

16. Every master of a junk, vessel , or boat , bringing into the Penalty for


Colony, or from one part of the Colony to another, any person who shall, dicants into

the Colony.

in the opinion of the Court before which the offence shall be tried , have [Ibid, sec.


come to the Colony for the purpose of mendicancy, or any person suffer

ing from leprosy or any contagious disease, shall incur a penalty not

exceeding ten dollars for every such person so brought by him as afore

said .

17. It shall be lawful for any person deputed thereto by the Governor, Power to

board any

or by the commander of any of Her Majesty's ships -of- war, or for any junk and

demand ins

officer or constable of the Police force, at any time to board any junk pection of


within the waters of the Colony and demand the production of either an [Ibid, sec.

22. ]

anchorage pass , clearance, special permit, or licence, and in case by reason

of the non-production of any one of such documents, or for any other

reason, there shall be ground to believe or suspect that any provision of

this chapter has been violated by the master of such junk, or in case the

document produced shall appear from the date thereof, or from any other

cause, to have been unlawfullyobtained, or to be unlawfully used , to

arrest such junk and her cargo and the master of such junk, and deliver

them into the custody of the Police.

18. No junk or cargo liable to forfeiture, under the provisions of Trial of offen

ces under this

this chapter, shall be so forfeited , unless the offence in respect of which chapter.

[Ibid, sec.

such junk or cargo is liable to forfeiture, shall be tried by two Stipendiary 23.1

1532 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879.

Merchant Shipping.

Magistrates sitting together, who shall have power, in their discretion , to

extend the period limited by law for an appeal from their decision to the

Supreme Court, either before or after the expiration thereof.

In case ofnon 19. Every junk of which the master shall be charged with having

payment of

penalty by violated the provisions of this Chapter, shall be forthwith arrested and

master, the

same may be detained unless bail to the satisfaction of a Magistrate is given, until the

levied by sale

of junk. said master shall either have been acquitted of the offence charged , or if

Ibid , sec.

24. found guilty, shall have paid the penalty inflicted upon him , and in case

he shall fail to pay , within ten days, any penalty which may be inflicted

upon him , the same may be recovered by the sale of such junk, and the

balance, if any, of the net proceeds thereof, after deducting therefrom the

expenses of such sale and the amount of such penalty as aforesaid , shall

be paid to the owner or owners of the junk, if claimed within twelve

calendar months from the date of sale, and if not claimed within that

period, shall be forfeited to the Crown : Provided that in case there shall

be in the Colony any consignee or agent of such junk registered under

subsection 6 , no sale thereof shall be made in pursuance of this subsection

until three days' previous notice thereof shall have been given in writing

to such consignee or agent .

Transfer to 20. Every junk forfeited or sold under the provisions of this Chapter


upon sale of shall be transferred to the purchaser thereof, at his expense, by a bill of

junk. sale from the Harbour Master, and such bill of sale shall confer upon such

Inid , sec.


purchaser, his executors , administrators and assigns, an indefeasible title

to such junk.

Jurk licences. 21. It shall be lawful for the Harbour Master, in such cases as he

{ Ibid, see.

26.1 shall think fit to grant to any owner of any junk or lorcha a licence

authorising such junk or lorcha to ply between this Colony and other

ports, during such period and subject to such conditions as the Harbour

Master, with the approval of the Governor, may determine, and which

conditions shall be endorsed on or contained in such licence , and such

junk or lorcha having obtained a licence, the master thereof shall cause

the number of said licence to be painted in black figures twenty inches

in length ( to the satisfaction of the Harbour Master) on a white ground

on each bow and on the stern : Provided that no such licence shall be

granted unless the intended licensee shall enter into a bond together with

one or more sureties resident in the Colony, and to be approved of by the

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1533

Merchant Shipping.

Harbour Master, conditioned in any sum not exceeding one thousand five

hundred dollars for the observance of the conditions of such licence.

22. Every master or other person in charge of any junk , vessel or Penalty for



boat, whether licensed or not, shall obey any lawful orders which the Master's


Harbour Master may see fit to give, under a penalty not exceeding one

[ Ibid, sec.

hundred dollars . 27.1

Governor in

23. The Governor in Council is hereby empowered to make such Council

rules and regulations as to him shall seem fit for the proper carrying out empowered to

frame rules

the provisions of this Chapter, and also to vary, from time to time, the for carrying

out provisions

of this

fees chargeable to each junk under this chapter, and to prescribe , from


time to time, the forms of all licences, passes, permits , and clearances [Ibid, sec.

28. ]

under this Chapter, and to provide adequate means for preventing by

force when necessary any junk from leaving the waters of the Colony , or D


any anchorage for junks , in violation of any provision of this chapter.

24. It shall be lawful for the Harbour Master, in such cases as he Fishing boat


shall think fit, to grant to any person a licence for any boat or vessel to Ibid, sec.


be used solely as a fishing boat or vessel for such period and subject to

such conditions as the Harbour Master, with the approval of the Gover

nor, may determine and which conditions shall be endorsed upon or

contained in such licence. And such boat or vessel having obtained a

licence, the master thereof shall cause the number of the said licence to !

be painted in white figures ( to the satisfaction of the Harbour Master, )

twenty inches in length on a black ground on each bow, and on the stern ,

and every person guilty of a breach of any such conditions or offending

against the last clause of this section shall incur a penalty not exceeding

one hundred dollars or in default six months' imprisonment with or

without hard labour in addition to any forfeitures thereby imposed .



39. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to make and Governor in

Council to

´publish regulations and , from time to time, to vary the same : - make regula

tions for

( a . ) For the licensing, due management control and regulation licensing,&c.,

boats, &c.

of all boats or vessels, [plying for hire : repealed by Ordi

nance No. 24 of 1889 ] within the waters of the Colony,

1534 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

other than boats or vessels having British, Colonial , or

foreign registers , not being Chinese registers ; and also

other than market boats or vessels or junks within the

meaning of Chapter I of part III of this Ordinance.

( b. ) For the licensing, registration and regulation of cargo

boatmen ;

( c. ) For fixing the scale of fees payable for such licences ;

(d. ) For fixing the scale of fares to be charged by such boat or

vessel ;

(e.) For the regulation and management of all boats , sampans ,

or other vessels, used as dwelling places within the

waters of the Colony and not plying for hire ;


(f.) For the registration or licensing of such last mentioned

vessels and of the people dwelling in the same.


2. In case any greater number of persons or passengers shall be

for drowning

passengers in taken or carried in any such licensed boat or vessel, within the waters of


boats. the Colony than are respectively allowed to be carried therein by any

7 and 8 Geo.

4. sec. 28. ] regulations made by the Governor in Council , and any one or more of

[Local and

personal. ] such persons or passengers shall be drowned in consequence thereof, every

person who shall be in charge of such boat, or vessel , shall be guilty of a

misdemeanor, and may be punished therefor without prejudice to any

civil remedy that any person may have against such misdemeanant .


Deck and load lines.

Ships to be 40. All ships registered in the Colony shall be marked with deck

marked with

deck and load and load lines as is provided in the " Merchant Shipping Act, 1876. ”


[M. S. A. When a ship registered in the Colony has been marked as by this section

1876. sections

25. 26.] required , she shall be kept so marked until her next return to a port of

discharge in the Colony.


ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1535 +

Merchant Shipping.


2. The owner, or agent, or master of every British ship shall ,

before clearing his ship outwards from any port in the Colony, mark I


the load line required by section 26 of the " Merchant Shipping

Act, 1876. "

3. The owner, agent or master shall also , upon so clearing her,

deliver to the Harbour Master a statement in writing of the distance in

feet and inches between the centre of the disc and the upper edge of each |

of the lines indicating the position of the ship's decks which is above

that centre. If default is made in delivering this statement in the case

of any such ship, the Harbour Master may refuse to clear the ship.

Grain Cargoes.


41. No cargo of which more than one third consists of any kind of [39 and 40

Vic., Cap. 80.

grain, corn, rice, paddy, pulse , seeds , nuts , or nut kernels , hereinafter sec. 22. ]

referred to as grain cargo shall be carried on board any Colonial ship,

unless such grain cargo be contained in bags , sacks or barrels or secured

from shifting by boards, bulkheads or otherwise.

If the master or owner of any such Colonial ship or any agent of

such, who is charged with the loading of the ship or the sending her to

sea, knowingly allows any grain cargo or part of a grain cargo to be

shipped therein for carriage, he shall, for every such offence, incur a

penalty not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars to be recovered summarily

before a Stipendiary Magistrate.

The penalty provided by section 22 of the " Merchant Shipping

Act , 1876 ," for knowingly allowing any grain cargo or part of a grain

cargo to be shipped on any British ship contrary to the provisions of the

said section may likewise be recovered upon summary conviction before

any Stipendiary Magistrate.


42. So much of the various provisions of the third part of the

" Merchant Shipping Act, 1854 , " and other Acts amending the same

not being inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance and now in

force in England , as relates to rights to wages and remedies for the

1536 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

recovery thereof ; to leaving seamen abroad ; to the provisions, health

and accommodation of seamen ; to the power of seamen to make com

plaints ; to the protection of seamen from imposition ; todiscipline ;

and to crimes committed abroad, shall apply mutatis mutandis , and so

far as the same can be extended , to all ships registered in this Colony

when such ships are within the jurisdiction of this Government, and to

the owners, masters and crews of such ships .

[M. S. A. 1854 2. Every offence declared by the " Merchant Shipping Acts, 1854

Sc. 518.]

to 1876 , " to be a misdemeanor where jurisdiction is given to the Court

in this Colony shall be tried by the Supreme Court in the same manner

as other misdemeanors are tried , and every offence thereby made punish

able by imprisonment for any period not exceeding six months with or

without hard labour or by any penalty not exceeding £ 100 , except as

hereinbefore provided , shall be prosecuted summarily before any Magis

trate or any two Justices of the Peace in like manner as other offences

of like character committed in the Colony may be punished summarily,

and any person convicted summarily shall have the like right of appeal

as if the offence with which he is charged had been tried under any local


Service of 3. Where any order , notice, statement, or document requires , for the

order on

master, &c. purpose of any provision of this Ordinance, to be served on the master

[M. S. A. 1876

see. 35. ) of a ship, the same shall be served where there is no master and the ship

is in the Colony, on the owner or one of the owners of the ship , or if

there is no owner, on the agent of the ship in the Colony, or where no

such agent is known or can be found, by affixing a copy thereof to the

mast of the ship .

4. Any such order, notice , stateinent , or document may be served

by delivering a copy thereof personally to the person to be served or by

leaving the same at his last place of abode, or in the case of a master by

leaving it for him on board the ship with the person being or appearing

to be in command of such ship .

5. Any person who obstructs the service of any order, notice , state

ment, or document on the master of a ship shall incur a penalty not ex

ceeding fifty dollars and if the owner, agent, or master of the ship is a

party or privy to such obstruction he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1879 . 1537

Merchant Shipping.

6. Where under this Ordinance a ship is authorised or ordered to be Enforcing

detention of

detained , if the ship after such detention or after service on the master of ship.

M. S. A.

any notice of or order for such detention proceeds to sea before it is 1876, sec. 34. ]

released by competent authority , the master of the ship , and also the owner

or agent and any person who sends the ship to sea, if such owner or

agent or person be party or privy to the offence . shall forfeit and pay to

Her Majesty a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars .

7. Where a ship so proceeding to sea takes to sea when on board

thereof in the execution of his duty any officer authorised to detain the

ship, or any surveyor or officer appointed by the Governor, the owner

and master of the ship shall each be liable to pay all expenses of and in

cidental to the officer or surveyor being so taken to sea and also a penalty

not exceeding five hundred dollars, or, if the offence is not prosecuted in

a summary manner, not exceeding fifty dollars for every day until the

officer or surveyor returns, or until such time as would enable him after

leaving the ship to return to the port from which he is taken, and such

expenses may be recovered in like manner as the penalty .


8. In addition to the powers hereinbefore given , it shall be lawful for power to the

the Governor in Council, from time to time, to make, alter and repeal Governor in

Council to

regulations for the better and more effectual carrying out of the provisions make regula


of this Ordinance.

9. In any regulations under this Ordinance, except with reference to And to impose


quarantine, it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to impose

penalties for the breach thereof, but so nevertheless that the penalty for

the breach of any such regulations do not exceed two hundred dollars or

six months ' imprisonment with or without hard labour.

10. Where the Governor has power to make any orders, rules , or Provisions as

to rules, &c.

regulations in Council it shall be lawful for him, from time to time, to made by

Governor in

make such orders, rules and regulations in Council and to revoke, alter , Council.

[M. S. A.

or add to any orders, rules or regulations so made. 1876, sec. 38.

11. All such orders, rules and regulations shall be published in the

Gazette .

1538 ORDINANCE No. 8 or 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

12. Upon the publication of any such orders, rules or regulations in

the Gazette they shall, after the date of such publication , or any later

date mentioned in such orders, rules, or regulations , take effect as if they

were enacted by the Legislature of this Colony .

13. There may be paid out of the Colonial revenue to any officer or

person appointed under this Ordinance or to any member of a marine

board, examination board or Court of survey or to any assessor, such

remuneration ( if any ) as this Ordinance directs , or, in so far as this Ordi

nance does not extend, as the Governor from time to time directs .

14. There may be paid out of Colonial revenue all costs and com

pensation payable by the Governor in pursuance of this Ordinance.

Recovery of 15. All offences against this Ordinance, or any regulations made

penalties and

expenses. thereunder, except when otherwise provided , may be heard and determined

by any Stipendiary Magistrate and all penalties imposed by and expenses

recoverable under this Ordinance, or any regulation made thereunder,

except when otherwise provided , may be recovered in a summary way

before any Stipendiary Magistrate .

Forgery. 16. Whosoever, with intent to defraud, shall forge, or alter, or shall

offer, utter, dispose of, or put off, knowing the same to be forged or altered ,

any certificate, ticket , document , matter, or thing named in this Ordinance ,

or any regulation made thereunder, shall be guilty of felony, and being

convicted thereof, shall be liable, at the discretion of the Supreme Court ,

to be kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding seven years, and

not less than three years, or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding

two years, with or without hard labour.


Fees payable 43. The fees specified in tables marked B, C, D and F of the

under this

Ordinance schedule hereto are hereby declared to be payable to the collector appointed

and under

[M. S. A. by the Governor as the lawful fees for the discharge of the respective

i854. ]

duties therein specified , and the same and all other fees payable under

this Ordinance, or any regulation made thereunder, may be recovered in

a summary manner before any Stipendiary Magistrate.


ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1879 . 1539 "

Merchant Shipping.

2. All fees and all costs and expenses recovered under this Ordinance Fees to be

paid into the

shall be paid into the Colonial Treasury to the use of Her Majesty. • Colonial


Abstract of Ordinance to be given to Masters.

44. An abstract of such portions of this Ordinance as the Governor Abstract of

Ordinance to

in Council may direct, shall be delivered to the master of every vessel be given to

master of

upon her entering the waters of the Colony ; and if before obtaining every vessel.

clearance, the master do not return such abstract to the Harbour Master,

he shall pay a fee of one dollar for the same.

Repealing clause.

45. On and from the coming into operation of this Ordinance the Repealing


Ordinances hereunder specified shall be repealed to the extent herein

mentioned : Provided that any officer appointed in pursuance of any such

enactments shall be deemed to have been appointed under this Ordinance ,

and any rules or regulations made by the Governor or the Governor in

Council in pursuance of any such enactment and not repealed by this

Ordinance or by any rules or regulations hereafter made or to be made

thereunder, shall be deemed to have been made under this Ordinance , and

this Ordinance shall not affect : 1

( 1. ) Anything done or suffered under any enactment hereby

repealed ; nor

( 2. ) Any right, power, duty, obligation , or liability acquired ,


imposed, accrued, or incurred under any enactment

hereby repealed ; nor

(3. ) Any penalty, forfeiture, or punishment incurred in respect

of any offence against any enactment hereby repealed ;


(4. ) Any legal proceeding in respect of any such right, power,

duty, obligation, liability, penalty, forfeiture, or punish

ment, and any such legal proceeding may be carried on

as if this Ordinance had not passed ;

1540 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

nor revive any enactment repealed by any of the said Ordinances or

sections .

Subsections 8 and 9 of

sec. 3 ; subsections 2

Ordinance 14 of 1845 , ...

and 3 of sec. 6 ; and

secs . 7 and 8.

19 4 of 1850 , ....

"" 6 of 1852,

The whole.

4 of 1855 ,


99 9 of 1856, ..

27 8 of 1858 , .... Sec. 16 .

99 10 of 1860,

11 of 1860 ,

15 of 1860,

"" 17 of 1860 , .... ... The whole.

"" 1 of 1862, ..

"" 6 of 1866 , ...

4 of 1867 , ...


10 of 1867 , ... Secs. 63, 64, & 65 .


5 of 1869,

"" 9 of 1872 , ...

99 17 of 1873 ,.

The whole.

"" 1 of 1874 ,

:> 8 of 1875 , ......

"" 11 of 1876 , ......

Suspending Clause.

Suspending 46. This Ordinance shall come into operation on a day to be hereafter

claus .

proclaimed by the Governor.



()A .


) E





























. carried





ships ships



steam To











sand ships




,when column





.- hips in



carry BOATS






. Boats

. Launches Boats

. .Boats




. g sSteam

.- hips Steam





Sailing ships.











I'readth .


. Ton

. s .ft ft

.iftn .ftn

ift ftn .

ft .in

ft .iftn .ft f.ft




. pwa

00rds 623.

5. 24 6C2.

5. 8

3. 6 6

2. 28 6

8. 6


... to


80000 1 263.

5. 26 682.

6. 6



3. 6

2. 4or


... 800


. pwards 5.

623. 62.



500 800 1 24 62.

5. 4or



800 500


to 5.623. 24 5.


6 6

3. 6

5. 6

2. o4r

2xxx 7



600 240


to 1 6

5. 622

5. 6.


G. 6.

25. 3




400 120


to 1 0

5. 20 3.

0 5.

62. 32or


Merchant Shipping .



200 to

60 120 .5 16 62.


9 618

5. 4

2. 2o3r



under 60

under 1.

... ... ... ...







2222N2N ;


CNN222NE :


11010004 A



~~~~~ ⠀⠀⠀

as the case may be.




above n




















ORDINANCE No. 8 or 1879 .






































































































1542 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.


Table of Fees payable to the Government under " The Merchant Shipping Act, 1854,"

and this Ordinance.

Amount of Fers.

Effecting an Imperial register and granting certificate thereof,. $ 15

Effecting a Colonial register and granting certificate thereof, 25

Copy from Registry Book,......... 5

For every declaration made in any of the forms B, C, F, G, H, or L, in the schedule

to " The Merchant Shipping Act, 1854," or under section 3 , subsection 3 of

this Ordinance, .... 2

Endorsing a memorandum of change of master upon certificate of registry, .... .... 1

Endorsing a memorandum of change of ownership upon certificate of Colonial registry, 25

Endorsing a memorandum of change of ownership upon certificate of Imperial register, 2

Certificate of sale or mortgage, ……………

. 2

Recording a mortgage of a ship, or shares in a ship, made under a certificate of

mortgage, ……….. 5

Recording the transfer of a mortgage of a ship, or shares in a ship, made under a

certificate of mortgage, …………

.. 5

Recording the discharge of a mortgage of a ship, or shares in a ship , made under a


certificate of mortgage, 5

Endorsement on register of change in rig or tonnage, …………………………….

For every sale of a ship, or shares in a ship, under a certificate of sale,. $5

For every alteration in agreements with seamen , 1

For certifying a desertion , ...... 1

For attesting a seaman's will ,.…………. Nil.

For examining provisions or water (to be paid by the party failing to support his

case) , 5

For renewing Colonial register under section 3, subsection 12 , 5

For inspection of registry, 1


Scales of fees under the provisions of this Ordinance.

( 1 . ) — Surveys of steamships for passenger certificates.

Tons (Register. ) Fee . Tous ( Register.) Fee.

100 and under, 25 1,200 & under 1,500, 74

Over 100 & not exceeding 300, 35 1,500 99 1,800, 86

Over 300 and under 900, 50 1,800 99 2,100, 98

-900 and under 1,200, ......... 62 2,100 99 2,400 , ..... 110

$ 12 for every additional 300 tons.

[Added to by Ordinance No. 3 of 1887.]

ORDINANCE No. 8 or 1879 . 1543

Merchant Shipping.

The above scale is for twelve months. For six months six-twelfths of the fee

will be charged, for nine months nine-twelfths, and so on, at the rate of one-twelfth

for each month ; but no fee is to be less in amount than three-twelfths. In all cases

of new steam-ships , or of steam- ships coming under survey for a passenger certificate

for the first time a full twelve-month's fee must be paid, notwithstanding that a certificate

for twelve months may not be required, and in no case of an incomplete declaration

will less than three-twelfths be charged .

The fee paid in accordance with the forgoing scale covers any number of visits

that a surveyor may require to make before he is able to grant his declaration, as well

as the inspection of the lights and fog signals, and of the marking of the vessel , which

inspection must be made by the surveyor before he can grant his declaration . The fee

does not, however, apply to, or include, any inspection of lights, fog signals, or marking

made subsequently to the granting of the declaration.

The above fee does not cover any service under the Chinese Passengers ' Acts, or

measurement for tonnage.

(2 .)- Survey of ship, under Chinese Passengers' Acts.

Surveys made within office hours. Fee.



Ordinary survey of the ship and of her equipments, accommodation, distilling

apparatus, (if any) stores, light, ventilation, and sanitary arrangements,

Special survey , 25

Do. entailing unusual attention ,......... 30

A special survey is to be deemed to be a survey requiring more than two visits by

a Government surveyor or surveyors, or a survey in cases in which from age or any

other circumstances there are reasonable grounds for doubting the seaworthiness of the

vessel. Where the case requires unusual attention and occupies an unusual amount

of the surveyor's time the higher fee of $30 and upwards will be charged, according to

the special circumstances of the case and the number of visits made.

Where a declaration has been granted for a steamship under this Ordinance, the


y under the Chinese Passengers' Acts will be made on payment of half the usual

fee mentioned above. The fee paid in accordance with the above scale covers the

inspection of the lights and fog signals, and the marking of the vessel, made at the

time of survey under the Chinese Passengers' Acts. It does not, however, apply to, or

include, any inspection of lights, fog signals, or marking, made subsequently to such



The fee for survey under the Chinese Passengers' Acts does not cover any survey

of a steam- ship for a passenger certificate under this Ordinance, or measurement for

tounage, or inspection of crew spaces.

1544 ORDINANCE No. 8 CF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

Travelling expenses (if any) and subsistence expenses (if any) due according to the

scale authorised by the Governor will be charged in addition to the fees .

(3.) - Measurement of tonnage.

Tons (Gross Register). Fee. Tons (Gross Register) . Fee.




Under 50, 1,200 to 2,000, 35

50 to 100, 10 2,000 to 3,000 , ..... 40

100 to 200, 15 3,000 to 4,000, 45

200 to 500, 20 4,000 to 5,000, 50

500 to 800, 25 5,000 and upwards, 55

800 to 1,200 30

(4 ) -Inspection of the berthing or sleeping accommodation of the crew.

The fee to be paid on application for inspection is $3 .

A further fee of $3 will be charged if more than one visit by the surveyor is


The fees for inspection of crew spaces will not be charged if the inspection is made when

the vessel is measured for tonnage, but if a second or third visit is necessary for crew spaces

alone a fee of $3 for each visit will be charged.

(5.) —Inspection of lights and fog signals.

The fee to be paid on application for inspection is $3.

A further fee of $3 will be charged if more than one visit by the surveyor is

necessary .

(6.)- Inspection of the marking of vessels.

The fee for a first visit is $3, and is to cover all expenses except where application

is made by owner, when expenses are also to be charged. For any subsequent visit ,

expenses are to be charged, but no further fee.

(7.)-Inspection of tracings or drawings.

The fee to be paid when tracing is submitted for inspection is $15 .

This fee will not be charged when the full fee for survey under the Merchant

Shipping or Chinese Passengers' Act has been paid.

(8.)- Surveyfor change of name.

Fees will be charged in accordance with the scale for a twelve-month's passenger

certificate. (See scale No. 1 , above) .

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1545

Merchant Shipping.

(9.)- Survey for re- registry under section 6 of the Merchant

Shipping Act, 1873.

Fee will be charged on the same scale as for change of name. This fee includes the

inspection of crew spaces and lights, but does not include measurement for tonnage.

(10.) — Survey of a vessel before transfer to a foreign flug.

The fee to be charged in cases of survey before transfer to the flag of any other

country shall be $25.

(11 .) - Minor inspections, alteration of rig, port ofregistry, &c.

A fee of $5 is to be charged in all cases of minor inspections (e.g. , alteration of

rig, port of registry, description of engines, &c .) , of a vessel on re-registry.

(12.) —For re-measurement ofpassenger accommodation in any ship the passenger

certificate of which is unexpired.

A fee of $10.


Table of fees payable under chapter I of part III of this Ordinance.

Sea-going licence. Fishing licence.

For vessels under 500 piculs burden , a year, ..... .$10.00 $1.00

For vessels under 500 piculs burden, a month or fraction.

$ 1.00 $0.20

of a month, .....

For vessels of 500 piculs and less than 1,000 piculs burden,

$15.00 $3.00

a year,

For vessels of 500 piculs and less than 1,000 piculs burden,

$ 1.50 $0.40

a month or fraction of a month, }

For ve

ssels of and above 1,000 piculs burden , a year , . $20.00 $5.00

For vessels of and above 1,000 piculs burde , a mont or

n h $ 2.00 $0.50

fractio of a month ,....... 10% }



ng boats under 25 piculs , . .Free.

Anchorage pass, . $0.25

Special permit, ..... $0.25

Day clearance, . $0.25

Night clearance , $ 1.00

1546 ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.


Spaces to be allotted to passengers in ships not within the

"Chinese Passengers ' Act, 1855."

Between the 15th of October, and the 31st of May, inclusive :

1. The space to be provided on the between decks shall be for the lower

between decks 12 superficial and 84 cubic feet of space for each passenger ;

and in the upper between decks there shall be 9 superficial and 54 cubic

feet for each passenger.

2. On the upper or weather deck there shall be provided 4 superficial feet of

deck space for exercise for the crew and for every passenger accommodated

in the between decks ; and if it shall be intended to carry passengers on

the remaining spaces of the said weather deck than 12 superficial feet of

such remaining space shall be provided for each such upper deck pas


Between the 1st of June, and the 14th of October, inclusive : --

3. The space to be provided in the between decks shall be in accordance with

the first paragraph of this table, but no ship shall carry upper deck

passengers except as hereinafter provided, unless she is furnished with a

deck house or other permanent protection against the weather for the

number of passengers such structure will accommodate at 12 superficial

feet and 72 cubic feet per adult passenger.


Deck passengers may be carried between Hongkong and Swatow during both.


Passengers are not to be carried on more than two decks on any one voyage.

The superficial area of a deck shall mean the area of the deck itself exclusive of

skylights, hatchways and other encumbrances .


1. The owner of any steam vessel of less than fifty tons burden desirous of obtaining a licence to

carry passengers for hire within the waters of the Colony, or to any place outside of the waters of the

Colony, shall cause the said vessel to be surveyed by a Government surveyor or surveyors.

2. A certificate of the Government surveyor or surveyors, shall contain statements of the following

particulars :

a. That the hull, length- breadth - -depth = -tons, is sufficient for the service

intended, and in good condition.

b. The number of passengers which the vessel is fit to carry , being, for vessels plying beyond

the waters of the Colony, at the rate of ten superficial feet of the upper or weather

deck, and at the rate of ten superficial feet of the deck immediately below the upper

deck, for each passenger and member of the crew ; and for vessels plying within the

waters of the Colony, at the rate of seven superficial feet per passenger and member of

the crew.

ORDINANCE No. 8 or 1879 . 1547

Merchant Shipping.

c. That the master possesses a certificate of competency from the Harbour Master ofHongkong.

d. That provision is on board for the shelter of deck passengers, and that there are not less

than two approved life buoys on board.

e. That the vessel carrying passengers outside the waters of the Colony has boats sufficient for

the accommodation of half of the number of passengers and crew which the vessel is

certified to carry.

f. That the vessel is properly fitted with bow and masthead lights and also a riding light, in

accordance with the international regulations.

g. That the vessel is properly found with anchors and chains.

h. That the crew is sufficient for the requirements of the vessel in the opinion of the Harbour


3. A certificate of the Government surveyor or surveyors shall contain statements of the following

particulars :

a. That the machinery and boiler of the vessel are sufficient for the service intended, and in

good condition, and that the safety valve is so constructed as to be out of the control of

the engineer when the steam is up and is not loaded beyond the pressure permitted by

the surveyor's certificate.

b. The time for which such machinery will be sufficient.

c. That the engineer of the vessel possesses a certificate of competency from the Harbour

Master of Hongkong.

4. Such certificates shall be in force for a period not exceeding twelve months.

5. On the receipt of the before-mentioned certificates, the Harbour Master will cause a licence to

be issued to the owner or master empowering the therein described vessel to convey the number

of passengers certified to on the surveyor's declaration for a period not exceeding twelve months.

6. Every vessel licensed under this Ordinance shall have her name in English and Chinese legibly

painted on her stern and on each bow together with the number of passengers she is licensed to carry.

7. A fee of five dollars for each certificate shall be payable to the Government.

8. Vessels plying for hire within the waters of the Colony shall pay a licence fee at the rate of $5

per annum, and vessels plying for hire outside the waters of the Colony shall pay a licence fee at the

rate of $10 per annum. These fees shall be payable half-yearly.

[Cancelled by Regulations of 11th June, 1886, and new Regulations substituted in

Regulations 29th January, 1889. ]

[In force from the 17th July, 1880, by proclamation 16th July, 1880. ]

Regulations made by the Governor under the provisions of subsection 2

of section 28 of Ordinance 8 of 1879, 25th November 1880,

(Gazette 27th November, 1880.)

firea The portions of the waters of the Colony within which it is prohibited to discharge


follow as provided by subsection 2 of section 28 of Ordinance 8 of 1879, are as



1548 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879.

Merchant Shipping.

That portion of the waters of the Colony having for its eastern boundary a line

drawn across the centre of the Li- ü-mún Pass ; and for its western boundary, a line drawn

from the west end of Hongkong to the west end of Green Island , thence in a straight

line to the west end of Stone Cutters' Island , continued to the mainland .

That portion of the waters of the Colony lying within a line drawn from waterfall

Bay to south-end of Táitám Peninsula, continued to Cape d'Aguilar and Cape Collinson,

terminating at south-east corner of the Li- ü-mún Pass.

Scale of Measurements, made by the Governor in Council, to which steamers trading

between Hongkong, Canton, and Macao are to be subject, under sections 8

ofthe Merchant Shipping Consolidation Ordinance 8 of 1879,

on the 9th May, 1882, ( Gazette 27th May, 1882. )

1. On lower deck, one passenger for each six superficial feet.

2. On upper deck and cabins, one passenger for each nine superficial feet.

3. The above number to be further regulated by the surveyor's judgment as to

whether the vessel is stable enough for the measurement number of passengers .

4. A sufficient number of life boats, rafts , and life buoys, approved by the Govern

ment marine surveyor, to be supplied.

5. No passengers to be carried on more than two decks.

6. On the lower passenger deck, one passenger to be deducted for each six square

feet occupied by cattle or cargo ; and on the upper passenger deck, one passenger to be

deducted for each nine feet occupied by cattle or cargo.

General Rules for formal investigations into Shipping Casualties made by

the Governor in Council under sub-section 8 of section 13 of

Ordinance 8 of 1879 on the 14th November, 1882.

(Gazette 18th November, 1882. )

1. These rules shall be published in the Hongkong Government Gazette, and a copy

shall be kept at the office of the Harbour Master, and may be perused thereat by the

master or owner of any ship, and by any person deputed by him.

2. When the Governor has directed that a formal investigation into a shipping

casualty shall take place and has issued a warrant to form a Court for the purpose , the

Stipendiary Magistrate, appointed as the presiding member of the Court, shall cause a

notice to be served on the master, and upon the certificated officers of the ship who were

on board at the time of the happening of the casualty , in the form No. 1 in the Appendix

When the master himself applies for an investigation into a casualty, and the

Governor has issued a warrant thereon , the Stipendiary Magistrate shall cause a notice .

to be served on the certificated officers only, who were on board at the time of the

casualty .

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879. 1549

Merchant Shipping.

The Stipendiary Magistrate may cause a notice to be served upon any other person

who appears to have been in any way responsible for the casualty ; and any person

having any interest in the investigation, shall , on showing the nature of his interest, have

a right to appear.

3. The proceedings at the investigation shall commence with the examination of

the master, officers, and any other person whether on board the ship or not at the

happening of the casualty, and who can give material evidence in regard thereto.

4. The certificate of the master or of any officer shall not be cancelled unless the

master or officer has had the opportunity of making a defence, and for that purpose he

may produce any witnesses whom he may wish to examine .

5. The presiding member of the Court may adjourn the Court from time to time ,

and from place to place, as may be most convenient .

6. The judgment of the Court shall be given at the end of the proceedings .


No. 1.- Notice ofholding a formal investigation.

Το master, mate, engineer or owner of the British steam [ or sailing ] ship


In pursuance of the provisions of section 13 of Ordinance 8 of 1879, I hereby give you notice that

the Governor has ordered a formal investigation to be held into the circumstances attending the

and that subjoined hereto is a copy of the report [ or statement of the case], upon

which the said investigation has been ordered.

Dated at Victoria, Hongkong, this day of 188 ·

Stipendiary Magistrate.

General rules for Courts of survey made by the Governor in Council under

sub-section 11 of section 13 of Ordinance 8 of 1879 on the 14th

November, 1882. [ Gazette 18th November, 1882. ]

1. These rules shall be published in the Hongkong Government Gazette, and a

copy shall be kept at the office of the Harbour Master, and may be perused thereat by

the master or owner of any ship which may be provisionally detained under Ordinance 8

of 1879, and by any one deputed by him.

2. Where the owner or master of a ship, hereinafter called the appellant, desires to

appeal to the Court of survey, he shall file at the office of the Harbour Master a notice

in the form No. 1 in Appendix .

3. Immediately upon the filing of the notice of appeal, the Harbour Master shall

inform the Governor, and if the ship is a foreign ship, the Harbour Master shall give

notice to the Consular officer for the State to which the ship belongs, and such Consular

officer may nominate one person to act as a member of the Court of survey whose name •

shall be submitted to the Governor at the same time.

4. When the Governor has issued his warrant constituting the Court, the person

appointed to be president of the Court, herein after referred to as the president, shall

summon the Court in the form No. 2 in the Appendix .

1550 ORDINANCE No. 8 or 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

5. If the survey has been made on the complaint of any person, hereinafter called

the complainant, the president shall send to him notice of the time and place appointed

for the hearing.

6. Previous to the hearing, the Governor shall forward to the President, to be pro

duced as evidence at the hearing, an official copy of the report of the surveyor.

7. The Court shall, if practicable, be summoned to hear the appeal on a day not

later than fourteen days from the filing of the notice of appeal.

8. The Governor and the appellant shall be parties to the proceedings.

9. Any other person may, by permission of the President of the Court, be made a

party to the proceedings.

10. At the hearing, the person representing the Governor shall first call his wit

nesses and, having done so, shall state in writing, what order he requires the Court to


11. The complainant, if he has appeared, shall then call his witnesses, and having

done so, shall state in writing what order he requires the Court to make.

12. The appellant shall then call his witnesses, and having done so, shall state in

writing what order he requires the Court to make.

13. After the appellant has examined all his witnesses, the person representing the

Governor and the complainant may, on cause shown to the satisfaction of the Court, call

further witnesses in reply.

14. After all the witnesses have been examined , the Court shall first hear the

appellant, then the complainant (if any ), and afterwards the person representing the


15. The President may adjourn the Court from time to time and from place to place,

as may be most convenient.

16. The President shall deliver the decision of the Court in writing ; and the same

may be sent or delivered to the respective parties, and it shall not be necessary to hold a

Court merely for the purpose of giving the decision .

17. As soon as possible after the Court has come to its decision , the Court shall

issue an order for the release or detention (either finally or on condition) of the vessel in

the form No. 3 in Appendix.

18. The President shall report to the Governor in the form No. 4 in Appendix .

19. The fees, a table whereof is in Appendix (A) , shall be demanded and taken in

any proceedings before a Court of survey.


No. 1. - Notice of appeal.

In the matter of the ship

To the Harbour Master of Hongkong.

Take notice that I, [name and address ] the master [ or managing owner or owner

of shares ] of the ship of the port of do appeal,

(1.) From the report of the surveyor appointed by the Governor

to survey the said ship ; or

ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1879. 1551

Merchant Shipping.

(2. ) From a declaration given by a shipwright, surveyor

or engineer, [ or from the refusal of a shipwright,

surveyor or engineer to give a declaration], under the provisions of

sub-section 8 of section 5 of Ordinance 8 of 1879 ; or

(3. ) From the refusal of an emigration officer [ or as the

case may be] to give a certificate of clearance under the Chinese

Passengers' Act, 1855 ; or

(4. ) From the refusal of appointed by the Governor under the

provisions of sub- section 4 of section 5 of Ordinance 8 of 1879, to give

a certificate that the said ship is properly provided with lights and with

the means of making fog signals.

The address at which all notices and documents may be served by post or otherwise

on me is

Dated at this day of 188

(To be signed by the Appellant).

No. 2. - Summons to Court.

The Court of survey for Hongkong.

In the matter of an appeal by from the report of

the surveyor appointed by the Governor to survey the [or as the case

may be].

In pursuance of Ordinance 8 of 1879, I hereby summon you to attend as

on this appeal, at on the day of at the hour of

in the noon.

Dated at Victoria, Hongkong, this day of 188


Stipendiary Magistrate.

(Signature ofperson summoned. )


No. 3.- Order of Court for release or detention of ship.

The Court of survey for Hongkong.


In the matter of an appeal by from the report of


surveyor appointed by the Governor to survey the [or as the

case may be].

We do order the said ship to be released or detained (finally

or conditionally upon ).

Given under our hands at Victoria, Hongkong , this day of 188

Members ofthe Court of survey.


1552 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

No. 4.- Report of members of Court of surrey.

The Court of survey for Hongkong .

In the matter of an appeal by from the report of

the surveyor appointed by the Governor to survey the [or as the case may be]

We do report that, having heard this appeal, we did order the

said ship to be released or detained [ finally or conditionally upon ] for

the reasons set forth in the annexed statement.

We are also of opinion that the costs of this appeal should be paid by the appellant

[or by the Government] ; or that all parties shall pay their own costs .

Dated at Victoria, Hongkong, this day of 188

Members of the Court of survey.

(A.)- Table offees.

On filing notice of appeal, for every 50 tons of the gross registered

tonnage of the ship, .... ……………

. $5.00

On filing every affidavit, ..... ... 1.00

On entering appearance ,..... 5.00

On every subpœna, ....... 1.00

On every statement of the order required to be made by the Court, ... 5.00

On the production and swearing of every witness , 1.00

On every consent by the parties to refer the question of costs, or of

costs and damages, to the Court, to be paid by each party, ......………….. 5.00

On every hearing, for each day , to be paid by each party, the amount

thereof to be at the discretion of the members of the Court, ... from 10.00 to $ 50.00

On every order whether for the release or detention of the ship or for

payment of costs , or costs and damages, to be paid by the party

taking out the order, ...... 5.00

On every office copy of the judgment or report, or of notes of the

evidence, or of any of the proceedings in the appeal, per folio of

72 words , .... 0.25

Regulation made by the Governor in Council under the provisions of

sub-sec. 4 of sec. 7 of Ordinance 8 of 1879 , on 8th.

(Gazette 16th December, 1882.)

From and after this date no licence for a steam-launch will be issued or renewed

under the provisions of sec. 7 of Ordinance 8 of 1879, unless the person applying for the

same produces a certificate from the Government marine surveyor to the effect that the

vessel for which the licence is applied is properly fitted with a fusible safety plug.

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1553

Merchant Shipping.

Scale of charges fixed by the Governor in Council the 21st August, 1885, under section

37 of Ordinance No. 8 of 1879, for the storage of gunpowder in the

Government depots. ( Gazette 22nd August, 1885.)

Packages containing 25 lbs . and less of loose gunpowder, .. 6 cents. ]


Do. do. do. 8


gunpowder in tins ,…………………………….. 99


Do. do. more than 25 lbs. and less than 50 lbs . of loose gun






powder,......... 10 99


Do. do. do. do.


gunpowder in tins, 12


Do. do. 50 lbs. and less than 75 lbs. of loose gunpowder,... 14 ""

Do. do. do. gunpowder in tins , ......16 97

Do. do. 75 lbs. do. 100 lbs. of loose gunpowder, ...18 99

Do. do. do. gunpowder in tins,......20 ""

and so on, increasing 4 cents per package for each 25 lbs. of gunpowder, up to and in

excess of 100 lbs . , according as the gunpowder may be loose or in tins.

Packages containing ball-cartridges to be charged per 25 hs. weight, 3 cents a

month, and fraction of a month.

The weight of the various packages will be determined at the time of storing, and

no alteration will be allowed after they have been received into the Magazine.

GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. - No. 165. ( Gazette 3rd May, 1884.)

Under the provisions of sub-section 2, section 15 of Ordinance 8 of 1879, the


Governor in Council has been pleased to direct that :

1. Certificates of competency issued on and after the first day of January last may

be exchanged for the new or Governor's certificates, issued under the provisions of Her

Majesty's Order in Council of the 31st December, 1883, without the payment of a

fee ; and

2. As regards certificates issued prior to that date, the holder of a certificate of

Competency desirous of obtaining a Governor's Certificate may be examined under the

regulations made by the Governor in Council (sub- section 2, section 15 of Ordinance

8 of 1879) ; and, if he passes at his first examination, he will receive a Governor's

certificate ; and the fee he has paid will be returned to him, but if he fails to pass at

his first examination the fee he has paid will be retained by the Treasury.

Regulation made by the Governor in Council under sub-section 4 of

section 7 of Ordinance 8 of 1879, on the 14th, gazetted 7

15th August, 1885.

The following Regulation shall be included in table F of Ordinance 8 of 1879 :

9. A fee of two dollars and a half for the examination of the master or engineer

of a steam-launch shall be payable to the Government.

1554 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

Rules made by the Governor in Council the 17th day of September, 1885,

under section 37 of Ordinance 8 of 1879, for the storage of gunpowder

in the Government depot. ( Gazette 19th September, 1885. )

1. The officers and men belonging to a Gunpowder depôt , and to every vessel

receiving, or discharging gunpowder into or out of such depôt, shall always , unless

cause be shewn to the satisfaction of the Harbour Master, be at such depôt or on board

such vessel during the transhipment of gunpowder.

2. At the time of the transhipment of gunpowder, no person in a depôt or on

board of any vessel receiving or discharging gunpowder shall wear shoes or boots, but

may instead thereof wear Chinese grass slippers which will be provided by the officer

in charge of the depôt.

3. At the time of the transhipment of gunpowder, no person shall in a depôt or

on board of any vessel receiving or discharging gunpowder, or on board of any junk or

boat engaged in such transhipment, have or use any charcoal or other combustible

matter or any fire or naked light.

4. At the time of the transhipment of gunpowder, no person shall smoke in a

depôt or on board of any vessel receiving or discharging gunpowder or on board of any

junk or boat engaged in such transhipment.

5. At the time of the transhipment of gunpowder, no person in a depôt or on

board of any vessel receiving or discharging gunpowder, or on board of any junk or

boat engaged in such transhipment, shall be employed about any work other than , and

except the transhipment of gunpowder.

6. At the time of the transhipment of gunpowder, that portion of the deck of

any vessel over which the packages of gunpowder are being passed shall be kept


7. No person shall without the consent in writing of the Harbour Master first had

and obtained open any package in a gunpowder depôt.

8. With reference to subsection 10 prohibiting the storage of more than 15 tbs .

of gunpowder on land, it is hereby directed that such gunpowder shall not be kept in

any package other than one composed of zinc, copper or brass, and that the said

package shall be placed in a safe and convenient position beyond the reach of fire, or

accident from lights, & c.

9. At the time of transhipment of gunpowder, every vessel employed in such

transhipment shall proceed without interruption or delay to or from the depôt, and the

vessel discharging, or receiving such gunpowder.

10. The cargo of every such vessel employed in transhipment shall, on her arrival

at the depôt be immediately discharged by the owners or consignees of such cargo and

shall be then delivered into the depôt, and if the owner or consignee of such cargo

shall fail in so doing, it shall be lawful for the Harbour Master or his deputy to have

the same discharged and delivered into the depôt at the expense of the said owner or


ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879. 1555

Merchant Shipping.

11. At the time of transhipment of gunpowder, the owner or consignee of the

same shall attend at the depôt, or shall send a responsible representative instead, and

any question which may arise as to the number or weight of cases or kegs received at or

delivered out of the depôt shall be decided at the time by such owner or his representa

tive, and the officer in charge of the depôt, who shall if necessary refer the same to the

Harbour Master.

Anchorages for junks approved by the Governor under subsection 3 of section

38 of Ordinance 8 of 1879, the 29th May, 1886. ( Gazette of the same date.)

1. Between the Southern limit of the Central Fairway and a line

200 yards from the Praya Wall.

The Eastern-end, 400 feet west of the Canton Steam -boat Wharf.

The Western-end, a line having the Eastern -end of the Civil Hospital on with the

Flagstaff at the P. & O. Company's Coal Stores.

2. Between the Southern limit of the Central Fairway and a line having the South

extreme of Kau-i- Chan just open of the North extreme of Green Island.

The Eastern-end, a line drawn in continuation of Queen Street .

The Western-end , as far as the Harbour Master shall think fit.

3. Yaumáti.

Southern Boundary, a line bearing S. 79° . W. from 40 feet North of Police Jetty.

Northern Boundary, a line drawn seaward from a clump of boulders on British

Kowloon on with a staff with dise on it bearing S. 83°. W.

Between 9 p.m. and daylight gun-fire a clear passage of 60 yards from the shore

shall be kept .

Regulations made by the Governor in Council under the provisions of sub-secs.

3 & 4 ofsec. 7 of the Merchant Shipping Consolidation Ordinance, 1879,

(No. 8 of 1879), the 29th January. ( Gazette 2nd February, 1889. )

Table F of Ordinance 8 of 1879 is hereby cancelled and the following substituted

in lieu thereof :


1. The owner of any steam-vessel of less than fifty tons burden desirous of obtaining


licence to carry passengers for hire within the waters of the Colony , or to or from

Hongkong and any place outside the waters of the Colony, shall cause the said vessel

to be surveyed by a Government surveyor or surveyors.

1556 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

2. A certificate of the Government surveyor or surveyors, shall contain statements

of the ollowing particulars :

(a .) That the hull, length breadth depth =

tons, is sufficient for the service intended, and in good condition.

(b.) The number of passengers which the vessel is fit to carry, being, for

vessels plying beyond the waters of the Colony, at the rate of ten

superficial feet of the upper or weather deck, and at the rate of ten

superficial feet of the deck immediately below the upper deck for each

passenger and member of the crew ; and for vessels plying within the

waters of the Colony at the rate of seven superficial feet per passenger

and member of the crew.

(c. ) That the master possesses a certificate of qualification recognised by the

Board of Trade, or a certificate of competency from the Harbour Master

of Hongkong .

(d.) That provision is on board for the shelter of deck passengers, and that

there are not less than two approved life buoys on board.

(e.) That the vessel carrying passengers outside the waters of the Colony has

boats sufficient for the accommodation of half of the number of passen

gers and crew which the vessel is certified to carry.

( 1 ) That the vessel is properly fitted with bow and mast-head lights and also

a riding light, in accordance with the international regulations.

(g .) That the vessel is properly found with anchors and chains.

(h.) That the crew is sufficient for the requirements of the vessel in the opinion

of the Harbour Master.

3. A certificate of the Government surveyor or surveyors shall contain statements

of the following particulars :――

(a.) That the machinery and boiler of the vessel are sufficient for the service

intended, and in good condition, and that the safety valve is so con

structed as to be out of the control of the engineer when the steam is

up, and is not loaded beyond the pressure permitted by the surveyor's


(b.) The time for which such machinery will be sufficient.

(c. ) That the engineer of the vessel possesses a certificate of qualification

recognised by the Board of Trade or a certificate of competency from the

Harbour Master of Hongkong.

4. Such certificates shall be in force for a period not exceeding twelve months.

5. On the receipt of the before mentioned certificates, the Harbour Master will

cause a licence to be issued to the owner or master empowering the therein described

vessel to convey the number of passengers certified to on the surveyor's declaration for

a period not exceeding twelve months.

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1557

Merchant Shipping.

6. Every vessel licensed under this Ordinance shall have her name in English and

Chinese legibly painted on her stern and on each bow together with the number of

passengers she is licensed to carry.

7. A fee of five dollars for each certificate shall be payable to the Government.

8. Vessels plying for hire within the waters of the Colony shall pay a licence fee

at the rate of $5 per annum, and vessels plying for hire outside the waters of the Colony

shall pay a licence fee at the rate of $ 10 per annum. These fees shall be payable half


9. A fee of two dollars and a half for the examination of a master or engineer of a

steam -launch shall be payable to the Harbour Master for the Government, and such master

or engineer, shall, if he obtains a certificate, produce three copies of a photograph of

himself, one to be attached to his certificate of competency, one to be attached to the

licence of any vessel to which he may belong and one for record in the Harbour Office ;

and when a master or engineer is transferred from one steam -launch to another steam -

launch, he shall produce a photograph of himself to be attached to the licence of the

vessel to which he is to be transferred .

10. The certificate granted by the Harbour Master to the master or engineer of a

steam -launch may, with the approval of the Governor, be suspended or cancelled by the

Harbour Master, if it shall be proved to his satisfaction, after due enquiry held by him,

that the said master or engineer has been guilty of incompetency or negligence in the

performance of his duty as master or engineer.

11. The owner of every licensed steam- launch shall cause the licence to be framed

and exhibited in a conspicuous part of the cabin, so as to be visible to all persons of

beard the said vessel .

12. If the owner of a licensed steam -launch wishes to employ his vessel for purposes

other than for the conveyance of passengers within the waters of the Colony, or to or

from Hongkong and places without the waters of the Colony, the licence shall be

delivered to the Harbour Master to be retained by him during the period of such


Regulations for the licensing, management, and control of boats, made by the

Governor in Council , the 21st day of December, 1889, under the pro

visions ofsection 39 of Ordinance 8 of 1879. ( Gazette

28th December , 1889. )

These regulations apply in respect of all boats or vessels hereinafter mentioned

within the waters of this Colony, except :

(a.) Boats or vessels having British, Colonial, or Foreign registers ( not being

Chinese registers ) .

(b.) Market boats, or vessels or junks within the meaning of chapter I of part

III of Ordinance 8 of 1879.

1558 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879.

Merchant Shipping.


1. All boats referred to in these regulations must be duly licensed as therein

directed, and no person shall engage or let out for hire any such boat unless it has been

so licensed.

2. Every person in charge of a licensed boat must show his licence when required

to do so by any officer of the Police, Registrar General's, or Harbour Departments, or

Ordinance 1 by the employer of such boat, each of whom is hereby empowered to board and examine

of 1862. § 15.

such boat.

3. All boats may be stopped and searched by the Police.

4. Every boat shall go alongside a wharf when ordered to do so by a Police con

stable, and shall, when conveying passengers, be carefully steered, and travel with

reasonable expedition .

5. The Registrar General is authorised to refuse a licence, or, if a licence has been

granted, to withdraw the same and cause it to be forfeited, in respect of any boat which

has been reported to him by the Police not to be as regards repairs and cleanliness in a

state fit for public use ; or for any misconduct on the part of the licensee, or any of the

crew ofthe boat.

6. The licensee of every boat will be held responsible for any breach of these regu

lations, and for any misconduct on the part of himself or of the crew of his boat.

7. No boat shall lie or ply for hire within 300 feet of any ship - of-war without the

written permission of the Harbour Master or of the officer in command of such ship-of


8. Any breach of these regulations shall be punishable with a penalty not exceeding

100 dollars, or , in default of payment, with imprisonment not exceeding 3 months, with

or without hard labour.

Cargo boats.

9. Cargo boat licences shall be issued by the Registrar General on production of a

certificate from the Harbour Master or his deputy, stating the particulars required by

form A. hereto annexed. A fee of one dollar shall be payable to the Harbour Master

for this certificate. The applicant shall furnish the Registrar General with his photo

See Regulations graph and shall also give such security for his appearance when required as the Registrar

4th March, 1881.

General may demand . Each licence shall be numbered, and shall not be transferable.

10. Each licence shall state the length, breadth, depth, and deadweight capacity

of the boat, together with the scale of fares, and shall be valid for one year only, from

the 1st April.

11. Every boat for which a licence has been granted shall carry on each bow and

on its stern, legibly painted upon wood, the number of its licence in figures 24 inches

in height, and no other number. Such number shall not be concealed, and such boat

See Ordinance 1 shall, between sunset and sunrise, exhibit a light, visible all round, not less than two

of 1862. § 15. feet above the gunwale.

12. No boat shall have a false bottom , or any other secret compartment for the

concealment of goods or persons.

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879. 1559

Merchant Shipping.

13. No licensee shall refuse to let his boat, except for some reasonable cause.

14. Cargo boats will only be allowed to carry such passengers as may be in charge

of goods or baggage for the conveyance of which the boat is hired, or who may be

required or may have been required to assist in loading or unloading.

15. The following licence fees shall be charged-

1st class boat, ........ 800 piculs capacity and upwards, .. $ 20.00

2nd Do. , under 800 and not less than 450 piculs capacity, $ 10.00

3rd Do. , under 450 and not less than 100 piculs capacity, $ 5.00

4th Do. , under 100 piculs capacity, $ 3.00


16. The following table indicates the maximum scale of hire for cargo boats :

Per day or night of 12 hours. Per load.

First class boat,. $10.00 $5.00

Second ,, 5.00 3.00

Third 99 3.00 2.00

Fourth "" 1.50 1.00

Rowing boats plying for hirefor passengers only.

17. Licences shall be issued by the Registrar General on production of a certificate

from an inspector of Police, stating the particulars required by form B. annexed . The

applicant must furnish such security for his appearance when required, or for the

production of the boat, as the Registrar General may demand. Each licence shall be

numbered, and shall not be transferable.

18. No boat shall carry more than the number of passengers for which it is licensed .

19. Licences shall state the length and breadth of the boat, together with scale of

fares, and shall be valid for one year only, from the 1st July.

20. Every licensed boat shall carry on each bow and on the stern, legibly painted

upon wood, the number of its licence in figures at least 2 inches in height, and no other

number, and such number shall not be concealed. Such boat shall , between sunset and

sunrise, exhibit a light at the bow, visible all round ; and shall also keep a lighted Ordinance 1 of

1862. $ 15.

lantern with the licence number either painted on the glass or cut in on the frame in

figures at least 2 inches in height, to be produced when demanded .

21. No person in charge of a boat shall demand more than the fare provided by Ordinances of

1858. § 17.

these rules , nor shall he refuse to take a passenger, except for some reasonable cause,

anywhere between the North point of Hongkong and Hunghom point on the East ;

Belcher's Bay and West point of Stone Cutters' Island on the West ; Shamshuipò and

West point of Stone Cutters' Island on the North.

22. The person in charge of the boat shall shew the scale of fares to anyone demand

ing to see it.

1560 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

23. The following licence fees shall be charged in respect of boat licences :

For 1st class boats measuring upwards of 40 feet in length , ...... $ 10.00

For 2nd "2 29 from 30 to 40 feet in length, $ 7.00

For 3rd "" "" from 20 to 30 feet in length, $ 5.00

For 4th 29 from $ 3.00


12 to 20 feet in length,

For 5th "" "" less than 12 feet in length, ....

.. .$ 1.00

Village Boats, ...... $ 0.50

24. The following table indicates the maximum scale of hire for rowing boats :

Per day of 12 hours.

For 1st class boats, . $2.00

For 2nd class boats, ...$ 1.50

For all other boats, .. $ 1.00

Per hour with two passengers.

All boats, .20 cents.

Half an hour, ....10 ""

For each extra passenger 5 cents for half-an-hour, 10 cents per hour.

Between sunset and sunrise 5 cents extra per passenger .

Cinder boats, bum boats, hawkers' boats, and marine dealers' boats.

25. Licences shall be issued by the Registrar General on production of a certificate

from an inspector of Police, stating the particulars required by form C. annexed . The

applicant must furnish such security for his appearance when required , or for the pro

duction of the boat, as the Registrar General may demand. Each licence shall be

numbered, and shall not be transferable.

26. Licences shall state the length and breadth of the boat, and shall be valid for

one year only, from the 1st July.

27. Every licensed boat shall carry on each bow and on the stern, legibly painted

upon wood, the number of its licence in figures at least 2 inches in height, and no other

number, and such number shall not be concealed . Such boat shall, between sunset and

Ordinance 1 of sunrise, exhibit a light at the bow, visible all round ; and shall also keep a lighted lantern

1862. § 15.

with the licence number either painted on the glass or out in on the frame in figures at

least 2 inches in height, to be produced when demanded .


28. The following licence fees shall be charged :

For 1st class boats measuring upwards of 40 feet in length, ... ... $5.00

For 2nd 99 29 from 30 to 40 feet in length, .. $3.00

For 3rd "" 27 from 20 to 30 feet in length , .. $2.00

For 4th "" "" from 12 to 20 feet in length, .. $ 1.00

For 5th 99 "" less than 12 feet in length, ...... $0.50

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1561

Merchant Shipping.

Form A.





Certified that I have examined the cargo boat owned by

applicant for a licence, and that I find the boat is in all respects fit and proper to be

employed in the transmission of cargo.




Over 12. Under 12. Over 12. Under 12.


* Piculs.


Fee $1.

Inspector of cargo boats.

Form B.





Certified that I have examined the passenger boat owned by.

applicant for a licence, and that I find the boat is in all respects fit and proper to be

employed in the conveyance of. passengers.




Over 12. Under 12. Over 12. Under 12.


Inspector ofPolice.

1562 ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1879 .

Merchant Shipping.

Form C.



Class. VICTORIA, 18

Certified that I have examined the *. boat owned by

applicant for a licence, and that I find the boat is in all respects fit and proper to be

used in that capacity.




Over 12. Under 12. Over 12. Under 12.


Inspector of Police.

* State whether bum boat, etc.

Orders made by the Governor in Council, pursuant to The Merchant Shipping

Consolidation Ordinance, 1879, section 34, and Ordinance No. 35 of 1889,

on the 11th March, 1890. [ Gazette the 15th March, 1890. ]

1. From and after the first day of April , 1890 , all ships which enter the waters of

the Colony except British and foreign ships of war, and except such other skips as

are hereby exempted in whole or part, shall pay the following light dues in substitution

for the light dues hitherto imposed ; viz.:

Two and a half cents per ton.

2. All steamers , plying only between Hongkong and Canton or Macao, which

enter the waters of the Colony by day and all Chinese junks, are hereby exempted

from the payment of such light dues.

3. All steamers, plying only between Hongkong and Canton or Macao, which

enter the waters of the Colony by night, shall pay one cent only per ton. [ Amended

by Order 26th June, 1890. ]

Regulation concerning cancelled certificates of competency as masters, mates,

or engineers in the mercantile marine. ( Gazette 14th June, 1890. )

Persons who once held certificates of competency as masters, mates, or engineers

in the mercantile marine, but who from any cause have had them cancelled shall as a

rule be re-examined before they are again allowed to hold a certificate of the same

grade, and upon their passing the examination a new certificate shall be issued to them

and the old one destroyed .

In those exceptional cases where re-examination is dispensed with, the original

certificate shall be returned .

[ See section 13 of the Ordinance. ]

ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1879 . 1563

Merchant Shipping.

Order made bythe Governor in Council ofthe 26th June, 1890. ( Gazette 28th June, 1890. )

Government Notification No. 101 of the 15th March, 1890 , is hereby amended

that the steamers plying only between Hongkong and Canton or Macao, which enter

the waters of the Colony by night shall pay two-thirds of a cent per ton .

Regulation for the licensing management and control of boats made

by the Governor in Council the 19th day of August, 1890, under

the provisions of section 39 of Ordinance 8 of 1879 in

addition to those published in the Government Gazette

of the 28th day of December, 1889. ( See Gazetle

23rd August, 1890.)


Licences for water boats shall be issued by the Registrar General upon the produc

tion of a certificate from an inspector of Police stating the particulars required by form

Cannexed to the regulations published in the Government Gazette of the 28th Decem

ber, 1889, and certifying that the said boat is fit and proper to be used as a water boat.

The applicant must furnish such security for his appearance when required or for the

production of the boat as the Registrar General may require.

The licence fees to be charged for water boats shall be the same as provided in

regulation 23.

NOTE. -For the existing Quarantine Regulations, see at foot of Ordinance No. 9 of 1883.

The following regulations have either been repealed or superseded : —

Rules and regulations of the 6th May, 1868, made under Ordinance 4 of

1867 and continued under Ordinance No. 8 of 1879, see Gazette 9th

May, 1868.

Regulations of the 20th August, 1880, for the control of boats and boatmen,

see Gazette 21st of the same month .

Quarantine regulations under section 25 (repealed) of the 27th January.

1881, see Gazette 29th of the same month.

Additional regulation under sections 39 and 42 of the 5th March, 1881 , see

Gazette of same date.

Quarantine regulations under section 25 (repealed) , of25th July, 1882, see

Gazette 29th of the same month.

For boat regulation of 25th July, 1882, see Gazette 29th of the same month.

Scale of charges for storage of gunpowder of26th May, 1883, see Gazette

ofthe same date.

Regulation under section 7 subsections 3 and 4 of the 11th June, 1886, see

Gazette of the 12th of same month.

Regulations of the 31st May, 1887, see Gazette of the same date.

Regulations for the licensing &c. , of boats and boatmen of26th August, 1887..

see Gazette ofthe 27th ofthe same month.

1564 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1880 .


No. 1 of 1880.

An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation of a Supplementary Sum

of Fifty- one thousand Seven hundred and Seventy- seven Dollars

and Ninety Cents to defray the Charges of the Year 1879 .

[ 31st August, 1880. ]

HEREAS it has become necessary to make further provision for the public

W service of the Colony for the year 1879, in addition to the charge upon the

revenue for the service of the said year already provided for in the estimates submitted

to the Legislative Council : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the

advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :--

Supplementary 1. A sum of fifty-one thousand seven hundred and seventy- seven dollars and ninety

Estimates, 1879.

cents shall be and the same is hereby charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the

service of the year 1879, the said sum so charged being expended as hereinafter specified ;

that is to say :—


Governor,....... 3,154.24

Colonial Secretary , 717.08

Auditor General, ……………

. 2,957.44

Judicial, .... 2,761.99

Medical, ....... 785.79

TOTAL ESTABLISHMENTS ,......$ 10,376.54


Judicial, 66.90

Police Magistrates, 38.36

Gaol, ......... 2,355.90

Fire Brigade, 3,623.41

Transport,....... 184.35

Works and Buildings , ……

..... 12,539.61

Roads, Streets, and Bridges, 6,029.81

Miscellaneous Services, .... 11,076.07

Land and Houses purchased, 80.00

Military Contribution, 5,406.95


TOTAL,……. .$ 51,777.90

[Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]

ORDINANCES Nos . 2 AND 3 OF 1880 . 1565

Chinese Emigration. Merchant Shipping Amendment.

No. 2 of 1880.

An Ordinance entitled , -" The Emigration Ordinances Amendment Ordi

nance, 1880. "

[ 31st August, 1880. ]


E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

BE Council thereof, as follows :

1. Section 2 of Ordinance 5 of 1876 is hereby amended, by substituting for the Amending

section 2 of

words "Governor in Council " the word " Governor " wherever the said words " Governor Ordinance

No. 5 of 1876.

in Council " appear in the said section .

2. Ordinance 1 of 1878 is hereby amended , by substituting for the words " Governor Amending


in Council" the word " Governor" wherever the said words " Governor in Council " No. 1 of 1878.

appear in the said Ordinance . +

3. This Ordinance shall not come into operation until Her Majesty's confirmation Suspending


of the same is proclaimed by the Governor.

[ Confirmation never proclaimed : Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887. ]

No. 3 of 1880 .


An Ordinance entitled , " The Merchant Shipping Consolidation

Ordinance Amendment Ordinance , 1880."

[ 31st August, 1880. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the


Legislative Council thereof, as follows :-――――

1. The Merchant Shipping Consolidation Ordinance, 1879 , is hereby Amending Ordi


amended as follows , that is to say, 1879.

Sub-section 9 of section 5 , by substituting for the words " twenty

five " the words " twenty -eight."

Sub- section 3 of section 13, by striking out the words " mate

rially " and " material .”

Sub-section 7 of section 16, by substituting for the words " an

English " the words " a British . "

Sub- section 1 of section 27 , by striking out the words " from

the starboard foreyard arm or," and by inserting after the

words " can best be seen " the words " but at a height not

exceeding 20 feet above the hull. "

1566 ORDINANCES Nos . 4 AND 5 OF 1880 .

Naturalization. Security of the Colony.

No. 4 of 1880 .

An Ordinance for the naturalization of ERNEST JOHN EItel ,

Master of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy, Inspector of Schools ,

& c. , & c.

[31st August, 1880. ]

HEREAS ERNEST JOHN EITEL has petitioned to be naturalized as


a British subject within the limits of this Colony, and whereas it

is expedient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted by the Governor

of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as


follows :

Naturalization ERNEST JOHN EITEL, Master of Arts , Doctor of Philosophy, Ins

of Dr. EIT. I..

pector of schools , & c . , & c . , shall be , and he is hereby naturalized a British


subject within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony, but not

elsewhere, all the rights , advantages and privileges of a British subject,

on his taking the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the " Promis

sory Oaths Ordinance, 1869. "

No. 5 of 1880 .

An Ordinance to amend Ordinance 9 of 1857.

[ 31st August , 1880. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

B -

Council thereof, as follows :

Amending sec 1. Section 8 of Ordinance 9 of 1857 is hereby amended by striking out the words.

tion 8 of Ordi

nance No. 9 of " or (if such Justice shall think fit and the offender shall be a Chinaman) of not more


than fifteen blows nor less than five blows."

NOTE :-Ordinance No. 9 of 1857 has been repealed.


ORDINANCES Nos. 6 AND 7 OF 1880. 1567

Status of French Mail Steamers. Gaol Amendment.


No. 6 of 1880 .

An Ordinance entitled ,-" An Ordinance to make temporary provision

for securing the status of French Mail Steamers within the Ports of

the Colony of Hongkong ."

[ 31st August, 1880. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

B Council thereof, as follows : ---

1. The steam packets of the Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes, employed Status of Mes

sageries Mari

by the French Post Office in carrying mails to and from this Colony, shall, when in the times steamers.

ports of this Colony, be considered and treated as vessels of war, and shall be entitled

to all the rights, privileges and immunities of vessels of war, and shall not for any

cause be diverted from their special duties, or be liable to seizure or detention by order

of any Court or Judge.

2. Nothing contained in this Ordinance, and no rights or privileges hereby granted, Saving rights of

Crown .

shall affect the rights of Her Majesty the Queen, Her Heirs or Successors.

3. This Ordinance shall continue in force, until the first day of September, A.D. Expiry of Ordi


1881 , inclusive.

NOTE . - The Ordinance was continued in force by annual enactment down to April

30th, 1890.

No. 7 of 1880 .

An Ordinance entitled , --" The Prisons Regulations Amendment Ordi

nance, 1880."

[ 31st August, 1880. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

BR Council thereof, as follows :--


1. Ordinance 2 of 1878 is hereby repealed. Ordinance 2 of

1878 repealed.

2. Section 11 of Ordinance 4 of 1863 is hereby amended, by omitting the words Amending

46 section 11 of

or if the prisoner be under conviction of felony to punish by moderate corporal Ordinance 4 of


punishment not exceeding twelve strokes of a rattan ," and by adding at the end of the

section the words " Provided that no imprisonment under this section shall continue

after the expiration of the period for which the offender was originally sentenced to

imprisonment by lawful authority."

3. Section 12 of the same Ordinance is hereby amended, by inserting after the Amending

section 12 of

words "above offences" the words "with the exception of idleness or negligence in Ordinance 4 of


work," and by substituting for the words " Such Superintendent in conjunction with

any Justice of the Peace " the words " any Police Magistrate," and by adding at the

end of the section the words " Punishments imposed under this section shall be valid

for all purposes notwithstanding the expiration of the period for which the offender

was originally sentenced to imprisonment by lawful authority."

1568 ORDINANCES Nos . 7 AND 8 OF 1880 .

Gaol Amendment. Revenue.


section 13 of 4. Section 13 of the same Ordinance is hereby amended, by omitting the words

Ordinance 4 of

1863. "and no such punishment shall be inflicted until after the expiration of 12 hours after

the prisoner shall have been sentenced thereto under the two sections next preceding."

[Disallowance proclaimed 2nd September, 1881.

Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887. ]

No. 8 of 1880.

An Ordinance to apply a sum not exceeding Eight hundred and Fourty

five thousand eight hundred and Thirty- eight Dollars to the Public

Service of the Year 1881 .

[ 10th September , 1880. ]

Estimates, 1881 . HEREAS the expenditure required for the service of this Colony for the year

WH 1881 has been estimated at the sum of eight hundred and forty-five

thousand, eight hundred and thirty-eight dollars : Be it enacted by the Governor of

Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. A sum not exceeding eight hundred and forty-five thousand , eight hundred and

thirty-eight dollars shall be, and the same is hereby charged upon the revenue of this

Colony for the service of the year 1881 , and the said sum so charged may be expended


as hereinafter specified ; that is to say :


Governor, ... 7,758.00

Colonial Secretary, 8,384.00

Auditor General, ..... 20,209.00

Colonial Treasurer, 4,150.00

Clerk of Councils, ...... 100.00

Surveyor General, ...... 30,397.00

Government Gardens and Plantations , 5,322.00

Postmaster General, 26,100.00

Registrar General,.... 13,234.00

Harbour Master, 30,404.00

Lighthouses , .... 7,508.00

Collector of Stamp Revenue, 4,642.00

Judicial, ..... 27,718.00

Ecclesiastical, 1,158.00

Educational, ..... 24,363.00

Medical, ...... 16,224.00

Police Magistrates , 7,207.00

Police, 144,480.00

Gaol, 26,136.00

Fire Brigade,.…………………….. 8,802.00

Total Establishments, $ 414,296.00

ORDINANCES No. 8 OF 1880 AND No. 1 OF 1881 . 1569

Revenue. Macao Extradition.

Brought forward,.... $414,296.00


Colonial Secretary, 540.00

Colonial Treasurer, 1,500.00

Surveyor General, 1,800.00

Postmaster General, 57,900.00

Registrar General, ...... 25.00


Judicial, ... 500.00

Ecclesiastical, 500.00

Educational, ....... 9,756.00

Medical, ...... 11,440.00

Police Magistrates, 390.00

Police, 33,009.00

Gaol,..... 20,520.00

Fire Brigade, 6,294.00

Charitable Allowances , .... 4,000.00

Transport, ...... 4,500.00

Works and Buildings,... 78,800.00

Roads, Streets, and Bridges, 40,520.00

Lighthouses, 3,000.00

Government Gardens and Plantations, 12,000.00

Miscellaneous Services, 37,800.00

Military Contribution, 106,748.00

GRAND TOTAL,…… .$845,838.00

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887. ]

No. 1 of 1881 .

An Ordinance entitled " The Macao Extradition Ordinance, Title.

1881. "

[ 14th March, 1881. ]

HEREAS persons who have committed certain crimes within the Preamble.

territory of Macao may escape to this Colony and it is expedient

to provide for the apprehension of such fugitives from justice and for

their surrender to the Government of Macao in order that they may be

dealt with according to law : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hong

kong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows : —

1. This Ordinance may be cited as " The Macao Extradition Ordi Short title.

nance, 1881. "

1570 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1881 .

Macao Extradition.


tion. 2. In the interpretation of this Ordinance , the expression " Governor

of Macao " shall include the person for the time being administering

the Government of Macao.

The expression " territory of Macao " shall extend to any place

within the jurisdiction of the Government of Macao, and

shall include the high seas.

The expression " Superintendent of the Gaol " shall mean the

Superintendent of Victoria Gaol or the keeper of any prison

or place of custody for criminals within this Colony.

Upon requisi 3. In case requisition is at any time made by the Governor of

tion the

Governor may Macao to the Governor of the Colony to deliver up to justice any person

issue warrant

to Police who, being accused or convicted of any of the crimes and offences specified


in the first schedule of this Ordinance, and alleged to have been com

mitted either before or after the passing of this Ordinance within the

territory of Macao, has taken refuge within this Colony, the Governor

of this Colony may, if he in his discretion thinks fit, by warrant under

his hand and seal signify that such requisition has been made , and

require the Police Magistrates to govern themselves accordingly and to

aid in apprehending the person so accused or convicted , and hereinafter

referred to as the fugitive.

Warrant or 4. Upon the issue of such warrant any Police Magistrate may issue

order of

Magistrates. his warrant for the apprehension of the fugitive, and if he be already in

custody, issue an order to the Superintendent of the Gaol forthwith to

bring the fugitive before him to be dealt with in manner hereinafter

provided .

Proeedings 5. If the fugitive be apprehended , or if he be already in custody, he

before the

Magistrate. shall be brought forthwith before the Magistrate, and the following

conditions and regulations shall be complied with :

Production of 1. There must be the production before the Magistrate of a

warrant of.

arrest. valid warrant of arrest issued by a Judge or other com

petent Magistrate having authority within the territory

of Macao to take cognizance of the crime charged, and

clearly setting forth such crime.

Evidence in 2. In the case of a person accused but not convicted , such

case of person

accused. evidence shall be produced to the Magistrate as would in

his opinion justify the apprehension of the fugitive if the

crime of which he is accused had been committed within

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1881 . 1571

Macao Extradition.


the jurisdiction of this Colony, with this qualification ,

that copies of depositions signed or taken before any such

Judge or other competent Magistrate as aforesaid and

authenticated in manner hereinafter provided may be


received in evidence of the criminality of the fugitive.

3. In the case of a person convicted , a copy of the conviction , Evidence in

case of a

authenticated in manner hereinafter provided , shall be person con


produced : But if it should appear that the conviction

was pronounced in the absence of the accused for con

tumacy in not having surrendered to take his trial , the

same evidence shall be produced to the Magistrate as in

the case of a person accused but not convicted .

4. In every case proof of the identity of the fugitive must be Proof of


given to the satisfaction of the Magistrate.

5. Warrants of arrest and copies of depositions , signed or taken Authentica

tion of docu

before any such Judge or other competent Magistrate, as ments.

aforesaid, and copies of convictions , shall be received in

evidence, if the warrant of arrest purports to be signed by

such Judge or Magistrate and if the copies of depositions

purport to be certified under the hand of such Judge or

Magistrate to be true copies of the original depositions, and

if the copy of the conviction purport to be certified under

the hand of the Judge of the Court by which the fugitive

was convicted to be a true copy of the original conviction .

The signature of every such Judge or Magistrate and his

authority to take cognizance of the crime or offence charged,

shall be sufficiently proved if the document purport to be

sealed with the official seal of the Governor of Macao, and

all Courts of Justice in this Colony shall, for the purpose

of this Ordinance, take judicial notice of such seal , and

shall admit the documents so authenticated by it to be

received in evidence without further proof.

6. The original warrant of arrest and the copy of the depositions , Documents to

be read to the

or, as the case may be, the copy of the conviction , shall be fugitive, who

must be asked

read to the fugitive , and he shall be asked if he has any to show cause.

valid cause to show why he should not be committed to

gaol to await the order of the Governor in Council.

1572 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1881 .

Macao Extradition.

Committal. 6. If the fugitive fails to show cause to the satisfaction of the

Magistrate why he should not be committed, and if the Magistrate is of

opinion that there is sufficient primâ facie evidence to establish the

criminality of the fugitive, he shall commit him to gaol , there to await

Proviso as to

the order of the Governor in Council : Provided that before any such

appeal and

writ of habras committal , the Magistrate shall inform the fugitive that a period of fifteen


days will be allowed him to appeal to the Supreme Court if he shall think

fit, under section 7 , or to apply for a writ of habeas corpus.

Appeals to 7. Ordinance 4 of 1858 as to appeals from the decisions of Magistrates


Court. shall not apply to proceedings under this Ordinance, but the following

rules as to appeals shall be observed , that is to say :

Appeal from 1. If the fugitive desires to appeal to the Supreme Court against

order of

committal. Magistrate's order of committal and notifies such desire.

to the Magistrate at any time before the expiration of fifteen

days from the date of such order ; or if the Attorney General

desires to appeal to the Supreme Court against a Magistrate's

Appeal from order of discharge of a fugitive and notifies such desires to

order of

discharge . the Magistrate at any time before the actual discharge of

the fugitive, the Magistrate shall, subject to the provision

in rule 3 hereinafter contained, grant such appeal and

Transmission transmit forthwith to the Registrar of the Supreme Court

ofdepositions ,

&c. the depositions and all other documents relating to the

case, together with any statement in writing which he may

think fit to annex in relation thereto.

Fugitive to 2. If the appeal is by the Attorney General against an order of

remain in

custody. discharge, such order shall be suspended until the conclusion

of the appeal, and the fugitive shall be detained in custody

until further order of the Magistrate, or of the Supreme


Frivolous 3. If the appeal is by a fugitive against an order of committal

appeal by

fugitive. and the Magistrate has reason to believe that the appeal is

merely frivolous, he may refuse to grant the same.

Petition for 4. In case the Magistrate refuses to grant an appeal to a fugitive

order of

appeal. on the ground that the same is frivolous, the Supreme Court

may , if it thinks fit, upon the fugitive's petition in writing,

setting forth the grounds of appeal , make an order directing

the Magistrate to grant the appeal.

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1881 . 1573

Macao Extradition.

5. The Magistrate shall cause notice of his intention to discharge Notices

Crown to

a fugitive (otherwise than in pursuance of any decision of Solicitor.

the Supreme Court ) , and also of any appeal by a fugitive

against his committal , to be served upon the Crown

Solicitor, and no fugitive shall be discharged by a Magistrate

(otherwise than aforesaid ) , unless the Attorney General has

had an opportunity of being heard in opposition thereto,

and of giving notice of appeal.

6. Every appeal under this Ordinance may be heard in vacation Proceedings

on appeal.

and either in Court or in Chambers, and shall be set down

for hearing on such early day and at such hour as the

Chief Justice appoints, notice whereof shall be given in

writing by the Registrar to the Superintendent of the Gaol,

who shall on the day and hour appointed bring the fugitive

before the Chief Justice ; and on the hearing of the appeal

the Chief Justice may , if he thinks fit, receive any new

evidence and may either affirm or reverse the decision of

the Magistrate according as he is of opinion that there is ,

or is not, sufficient primâ facie evidence of the criminality

of the fugitive or that the conditions and regulations of

section 5 have, or have not , been complied with, and may

order the fugitive to be committed to gaol or to be dis

charged, as the case may be, or make any other order with

respect to the said matter as may be requisite to the due

adjudication thereof.

8. The Magistrate before whom a fugitive is brought under this Magistrate's

report to

Ordinance shall, at the conclusion of the case, send a report thereon to Governor.

the Governor.

9. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council, if in the discretion Grant of


of the Governor in Council it seems fit, after the expiration of fifteen days warrant.

from the date of the committal of a fugitive by a Magistrate or, in case of

any proceeding by appeal or writ of habeas corpus, then subject to the

decision of the Supreme Court thereon , and subject also to the provisions.

of sections 10 and 11 hereinafter contained, by order directed to the


ofthe Gaol and hereinafter called an

" Extradition Order "

to order the fugitive so committed to be delivered to such person as shall

1574 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1881 .

Macao Extradition.

Custody and by warrant under the hand and seal of the Governor of Macao be authorized

surrender of

fugitive. to receive him , and such fugitive shall be delivered up accordingly ; and

the person authorized as aforesaid may hold such fugitive in custody, and

convey him to any place within the territory of Macao, and if such

Provision as fugitive escapes out of any custody to which he is committed or to which

to escape .

he is delivered as aforesaid, it shall be lawful to retake him in the same

manner as any person accused of any felony committed within this Colony

may be retaken upon an escape : Provided that in every case where before

the expiration of the said period of fifteen days the order of committal has

been affirmed on appeal or the fugitive has applied for a writ of habeas

corpus, and has failed on the return thereof to obtain his discharge, it

shall be lawful for the Governor in Council in such discretion and subject

as aforesaid, to grant an extradition order without further delay.

Political 10. No extradition order shall be granted by the Governor in Council


in any case where in the opinion of the Governor in Council the requisi

tion for the extradition of the fugitive has been made for political reasons.

or a political offence is involved in the crime charged ; but it shall not be

open to the fugitive to claim his discharge from custody on such ground

before any Judge or Magistrate, and any attempt against the life of the

Governor or of any public officer or member of the Government of Macao

shall not be deemed a political offence.

Where fugi 11. No extradition order shall be granted by the Governor in Council

tive is under

going senten in respect of any fugitive who is undergoing any sentence of imprison

ce in this

Colony. ment pronounced by any of the Courts of this Colony, or who is charged

with any crime or offence cognizable by the said Courts, until the expira

tion or previous determination of such sentence or of any sentence which

may be pronounced upon his trial for such crime or offence, or until his

acquittal or the abandonment of such charge.

The Governor 12. The Governor in Council may at any time issue an order directed

may issue

order of to the Superintendent of the Gaol for the release of any fugitive in custody


under this Ordinance in respect of whom the Governor in Council does

not think fit to issue an extradition warrant, and thereupon such fugitive

shall be forthwith discharged from such custody.

Fugitive may

apply to the 13. Where any fugitive who has been committed under this Ordi


Court for his nance is not delivered up pursuant thereto, and conveyed out of this Colony

discharge if

within one month after the date of such committal , the Chief Justice may

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1881 . 1575

Macao Extradition.

not delivered

at any time, upon application made to him by or on behalf of the fugitive, up within a

and upon its being proved to his satisfaction that reasonable notice ofthe certain time .

Notice to be

intention to make such application has been given to the Crown Solicitor,

given to the


order the fugitive so committed to be discharged out of custody, unless Solicitor.

sufficient cause is shown to him why such discharge ought not to be

ordered : Provided that in every case where such fugitive has appealed to

the Supreme Court or has applied for a writ of habeas corpus the said

period of one month shall be computed from the date of the decision of

the Supreme Court upon such proceeding , and in every case within section

11 the said period shall be computed from the date of the expiration of

the fugitive's sentence or of his acquittal or of the abandonment of the

charge as therein mentioned .

14. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, by order to be Power to add

to the sche

published in the Gazette, declare that any crime or offence specified in dule of crimes

and offences.

such order, and not included in the first schedule hereto , shall form part

thereof, and from and after the date of the publication of such order, the

several crimes and offences specified therein shall come within the opera

tion of this Ordinance as if the same had been originally included in the

said schedule.

Power to ex

15. The Governor in Council may at any time by order to be

punge any

crime or

published in the Gazette, declared that any crime or offence specified in offence from

the first schedule hereto , or which may hereafter be added to the said schedule.

schedule as hereinbefore provided , shall no longer form part thereof, and

from and after the date of the publication of such order, such crime or

offence shall cease to come within the operation of this Ordinance.

16. All expenses incident to the apprehension , detention , mainte Expenses of


nance, and delivery of a fugitive under this Ordinance, shall be borne by

this Colony .

17. If any action be brought against a Magistrate, gaoler, officer of Protection to


Police, or any other person for anything done in obedience to any warrant gaoler, &c.,

acting under

or order issued under the provisions of this Ordinance, the proof of such warrant.

warrant or order shall be a sufficient answer to such action , and the

defendant or defendants on such proof as aforesaid shall be entitled to a

verdict or judgment in his or their favour, and shall also be entitled to

Lis or their full costs of suit.

1576 ORDINANCE No. 1 or 1881 .

Macao Extradition.

Forms in

second sche 18. The forms given in the second schedule to this Ordinance or

dule may be forms to the like effect, with such variations and additions as circums


tances require, may be used for the purposes therein indicated , and instru

ments in those forms shall (as regards the form thereof ) be valid and


Proviso as to

19. In case the Governor in Council shall deem it expedient that

repeal or

suspension of this Ordinance or any part thereof should be repealed , or the operation

Ordinance, or

of any part thereof suspended for any period, it shall be lawful for the Governor of


this Colony by proclamation in the Gazette, to declare that this Ordinance

or any part thereof shall be suspended in its operation for any period , or

that the same is repealed , and from the date of the publication of such

proclamation in the Gazette, the said Ordinance or such part thereof as

may be specified in the proclamation shall be deemed to be suspended or

repealed accordingly.



The following list of crimes and offences is to be construed according to the law

existing in the Colony of Hongkong at the date of the alleged crime or offence, whether

by common law or by Imperial Statute or local Ordinance made before or after the

passing of this Ordinance.

Murder, and attempt and conspiracy to murder.


Wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm.

Counterfeiting and altering money and uttering counterfeit or altered money.

Forgery, counterfeiting, and altering, and uttering what is forged or counterfeited

or altered.

Embezzlement and larceny.

Unlawfully receiving stolen property.

Obtaining money or goods by false pretences .

Crimes by bankrupts against bankruptcy law.

Fraud by a bailee, banker, agent, factor, trustee, or director, or member, or public

officer of any company made criminal by any law for the time being in force.


Abduction , or forcible taking or detention.

Child- stealing.

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1881 . 1577

Macao Extradition.

Burglary and house-breaking.


Robbery with violence.

Threats by letter or otherwise with intent to extort.

Piracy by law of nations, or municipal law.

Sinking or destroying a vessel at sea, or attempting or conspiring to do so.

Assaults on board a ship on the high seas with intent to destroy life or to do

grievous bodily harm .

Revolt or conspiracy to revolt by two or more persons on board a ship on the high

seas against the authority of the master.

Desertion from the naval, military or police force.




(Governor's warrant to Magistrates.)


By His Excellency

Governor and Commander- in - Chief of

this Colony and its dependencies.


Police Magistrates.

Whereas requisition has been duly made to me pursuant to the above Ordinance

for the surrender of one now in this Colony, charged with having

committed the crime of within the territory of Macao and with

being a fugitive from justice ;

You are hereby required to govern yourselves accordingly, and to aid in apprehend

ing the said fugitive and in committing him to gaol for the purpose of his being

delivered up to justice according to the provisions of the said Ordinance, and for so

doing this shall be your warrant.

Given under my hand and seal at Victoria, Hongkong, this day of



Governor, &c.

By order,

Colonial Secretary.

1578 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1881 .

Macao Extradition.


(Warrant of apprehension.)



To all and each of the constables of the Hongkong Police Force.

to wit. S

Whereas His Excellency

Governor and Commander- in-Chief of this Colony and its

dependencies, by warrant under his hand and seal has signified that pursuant to the

above Ordinance, requisition has been duly made to him for delivering up to justice

one now in this Colony, charged with having committed

the crime of within the territory of Macao and with

being a fugitive from justice, and has required the Police Magistrates to govern them

selves accordingly and to aid in apprehending the said fugitive ;

This is therefore to command you in Her Majesty's name forthwith to apprehend

the said fugitive pursuant to the said Ordinance wherever he may be found in this

Colony and bring him before me or any other Police Magistrate sitting in this Court to

answer unto the said charge, and for which this shall be your warrant.

Given under my hand and seal at the Magistrates' Court of this Colony, this

day of in the year of our Lord, 18 •


Police Magistrate.


(Order to Superintendent of gaol to bring up prisoner.)


To the Superintendent of Victoria Gaol.

Whereas His Excellency

Governor and Commander-in- Chief of this Colony

and its dependencies, by warrant under his hand and seal has signified that pursuant

to the above Ordinance, requisition has been duly made to him for delivering up to

justice , one

charged with having committed the crime of

within the territory of Macao and with being a fugitive from justice, and has

directed the Police Magistrates to govern themselves accordingly for the purpose of

such fugitive being delivered up to justice under the provisions of the said Ordinance;

And whereas the said fugitive is now detained in Victoria Gaol under your

custody ;

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1881 . 1579

Macao Extradition.

You are hereby ordered to bring up the said

forthwith before me or any other Police Magistrate

sitting in this Court to be dealt with as provided by law.

Given under my hand and seal, this day of 18 " at the

Magistrates' Court of this Colony.


Police Magistrate.


(Warrant of Committal.)




to wit. }

one of the constables of the Hongkong Police Force, and to the Superin

tendent of Victoria Gaol.

Whereas on the day of in the year of our Lord 18 "

late of

was brought before me

one of the Police Magistrates sitting at the Magis

trates' Court of this Colony, charged with having committed on the day of

18 , within the territory of Macao, the crime of

and with being a fugitive from justice ;

And whereas the evidence which has been shown to me of the criminality of the


is, in my opinion , sufficient to justify his committal to gaol, pursuant to section 6 of

the above Ordinance ;

This is therefore to command you the said constable in Her Majesty's name forth

with to convey and deliver the body of the said

into the custody of the said Superintendent of Victoria Gaol ; and you the said Super

intendent to receive the said

into your custody in the said gaol and him there safely to keep until he shall be

thence delivered, pursuant to the provisions of the said Ordinance, for which this shall

be your warrant.

Given under my hand and seal at Hongkong , this day of

in the year of our Lord, 18 .


Police Magistrate.

1580 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1881 .

Macao Extradition.


(Petition offugitive for order of appeal .)


To the Honourable

Chief Justice .

The humble petition of

a prisoner in Victoria Gaol,

Showeth :

1. That your petitioner was on the day of instant, [or last] com

mitted to gaol by A. B. , Esquire, Police Magistrate, as a fugitive from justice,

there to await the order of His Excellency the Governor, under the provisions of

the above Ordinance.

2. That your petitioner has been advised [ or believes] that the said order of committal

ought to be reversed on the following grounds, that is to say:

[State Grounds. ]

3. That your petitioner has given notice to the Magistrate of his desire to appeal

against the said order, but the Magistrate has refused to grant the said appeal.

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays that this Honourable Court will be

pleased to order that the said appeal be granted.

And your petitioner will ever pray, & c. , &c.


(Notices to the Crown Solicitor of the fugitive's appeal or of the Magistrate's

intention to discharge the fugitive.)



To A. B. , Esquire,

Crown Solicitor.

Whereas one has been brought before A. B. ,

Esquire, one of the Police Magistrates , charged with having on the day of

committed the crime of within the territory of Macao

and with being a fugitive from justice;

ORDINANCE No. 1 or 1881 . 1581

Macao Extradition.

And whereas the evidence which has been shown to the said Magistrate of the

criminality of the said

is not, in his opinion , sufficient to justify his committal to gaol under the provisions of

the above-mentioned Ordinance ;

And whereas by reason thereof, the said Magistrate intends to make an order for

his discharge on next, the day of at the hour of


And whereas the said Magistrate has ordered the committal of the said fugitive to

gaol under the provisions of the above-mentioned Ordinance ;

And whereas the said fugitive has appealed against the said order of committal ;

This is therefore to give you notice of such intended order [or appeal ] pursuant

to section 7 of the said Ordinance.

Magistrate's Clerk.

Dated the day of 18 .


(Magistrate's Order of Discharge.)




to wit. J

Superintendent of Victoria Gaol.

Whereas on the day [or days ] of in the year of our Lord

18 " one late of was brought before me

one of the Police Magistrates sitting at the Magistrates' Court of this Colony,

charged with having committed on the day of 18

within the territory of Macao, the crime of and with being a fugitive from

justice ;

And whereas the evidence which has been shown to me of the criminality of the

said is not, in my opinion, sufficient to justify his committal to gaol,

pursuant to section 6 of the above Ordinance ;

You are hereby ordered to discharge the said from your custody in

the said gaol under the said Ordinance, for which this shall be your warrant.

Given under my hand at Hongkong, this day of in the

year of our Lord 18


Police Magistrate.

1582 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1881 .

Macao Extradition.


(Extradition Order of Governor in Council.)


(Order by the Governor in Council.)


To the Superintenden of Victoria Gaol.

Whereas on the day of 18 " one was

committed to gaol as a fugitive under the provisions of the above Ordinance ;

And whereas the said is now in Victoria gaol in your custody under

the said committal ;

And whereas it has been determined that the said fugitive shall be surrendered

to the Government of Macao ;

You are hereby ordered to deliver the said unto being

the person duly authorized by the Government of Macao to receive the said fugitive and

to convey him within the territory of Macao, and for so doing this shall be your


Approved in Council .

Governor, &c.

Clerk of Councils.


(Governor's order of release.)


By His Excellency

Governor and Commander-in-Chief of this Colony and its dependencies.

To the Superintendent of Victoria Gaol.

Whereas one is now in your custody as a fugitive under the

provisions of the above Ordinance ;

And whereas it has been determined that no extradition order shall be granted in

respect of the said fugitive ;


You are hereby ordered to release the said from custody under the

said Ordinance.

Given under my hand at Victoria, Hongkong, this day of



Governor, &c.

By order,

Colonial Secretary.

ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1881 . 1583


No. 2 of 1881.

An Ordinance entitled " The Census Ordinance, 1881."

[ 14th March, 1881. ]

HEREAS it is expedient to make provision for taking, from time


to time, the census of the Colony of Hongkong : Be it enacted

by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council


thereof, as follows :

1. The Governor in Council may authorize and direct a census to The Governor

may direct

be taken of the inhabitants of the Colony at such times as he thinks fit, census and


and may, from time to time, appoint and remove such officers as may be remove


necessary for the purpose .

Notice of the intention to take such census, and of the date of such Proviso.

intended taking, shall be published in the Gazette at least ten days pre


2. The officers appointed to take the census shall, in accordance Officers to

make neces

with the instructions of the Governor , make such arrangements as may sary arrange


be necessary for the purpose.

3. Schedules shall be prepared under the direction of the Governor , Schedules to

be prepared .

for the purpose of being filled up by or on behalf of the several occupiers

of every dwelling- house or place of residence in the Colony, and by or on

behalf of the persons on board every vessel in the waters of the Colony ,

with such particulars as to the Governor in Council may seem fit.

4. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, make, and Regulations.

when made, revoke, add to, and alter regulations for carrying out this

Ordinance, and all such regulations, revocations, additions and alterations

shall be published in the Gazette, and shall be posted in such places and

in such languages as the Governor in Council may direct.

5. The master or keeper of every school , gaol , prison , hospital , or Inmates of

gaols, hospi

public or charitable institution , and the manager of every dock, factory, tals, &c., how


or place employing over twenty persons, and the proprietor or manager

of every hotel , and the master or person in charge of every vessel lying

within the waters of this Colony, shall be the enumerators of the inmates

thereof or the persons residing therein.


6. All officers appointed under this Ordinance may ask all such

may ask ques

questions as are necessary for obtaining the information required under tions.

this Ordinance.

1584 ORDINANCES Nos. 2 AND 3 OF 1881 .

Census. Penal Ordinances Amendment.


7. Any person who, without lawful excuse , wilfully refuses or

neglects to fill up and sign according to the truth of the case, or to alter

or amend in any particular, if required to do so by the enumerator, any

schedule so left at his house or place of residence ; or to deliver the same

to the enumerator or other officer when required to do so ; or to furnish

information to any enumerator , or to permit any enumerator to obtain

information on board his vessel ; or to answer any such question as afore

said put to him by any enumerator or other officer, shall , on conviction

before a Magistrate, be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars ;

and any person who wilfully makes , signs , or delivers, or causes to be

made, signed , or delivered, any false return as to any of the matters

specified in this Ordinance ; or who wilfully obstructs any enumerator

or person engaged in the execution of duties required of them under this

Ordinance, shall , on summary conviction before a Magistrate, be liable to

a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars .

Any enumerator appointed under this Ordinance who knowingly

makes a false return of any of the matters specified herein , shall be liable ,

on conviction before a Magistrate, to a fine not exceeding five hundred


Fines imposed under this section shall be recoverable in the same

way as fines imposed on convictions under Ordinance 16 of 1875 .

Payment of 8. The Governor in Council shall award such remuneration as he


thinks fit to officers and enumerators appointed under this Ordinance .

No. 3 of 1881.

Title. An Ordinance entitled " The Penal Ordinances amendment

Ordinance, 1881. "

[ 24th June, 1881. ]

Preamble. HEREAS it is expedient to amend the penal laws in force in this


Colony Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with

the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Repeal. 1. The enactments described in the schedule to this Ordinance are

hereby repealed to the extent specified in the schedule : Provided that

such repeal shall not affect the past operation of any such enactment or

anything done or suffered thereunder .

ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1881 . 1585

Penal Ordinances Amendment.

2. Ordinance 12 of 1865 is hereby amended by striking out from Amending

Ordinance 12

the words " where any person is convicted of a crime " down to the of 1865.

words " incapable of resistence " inclusive- and by inserting instead

thereof the words " where any person is convicted of a crime under

section 19 of Ordinance 4 of 1865 or under section 31 of Ordinance 7

of 1865 ," and by striking out the words " publicly or."

3. It shall not be lawful to award any sentence of flogging on the Flogging on

the back

back ; and every sentence of flogging or whipping shall provide that unlawful ;

flogging to be

such flogging or whipping shall be inflicted with a rattan on the breech. with a rattan

on the breech.

[ Added to by Ordinance No. 9 of 1884. ]

Schedule of enactments repealed.

Ordinance. Extent of repeal.

12 of 1845.

" Suppression of the Triad Society." Sections 2 and 3.

12 of 1856.

" To regulate Chinese Burials, and to pre

vent certain Nuisances within the Section 7.

Colony of Hongkong."

8 of 1858. The words " receive not more than thirty

" For regulation of the Chinese People, six blows, nor less than five blows,

and for the Population Census, and with a rattan, and " in subsection 9

for other purposes of Police." section 28.

Section 9 from the words " It shall be

1 of 1868.

lawful for the said Court in addition "

" To make provision for the more effectual

down to the words 66 Governor in

Suppression of Piracy."

Council from time to time direct "

inclusive. Section 32.

3 of 1868.

" To empower the Supreme Court to direct

Offenders to be whipped and to be

Section 1 .

kept in Solitary Confinement in certain

specified cases."

1586 ORDINANCES Nos. 3 AND 4 OF 1881.

Penal Ordinances Amendment. Banishment and Conditional Pardons .

Ordinance. Extent of repeal.

4 of 1872.

"To make Provision for the branding and

punishment of Criminals in certain Whole Ordinance .


16 of 1875.

"To amend and consolidate the laws con

cerning the jurisdiction of Magistrates

Section 7.

over indictable offences and for other


8 of 1876.

"To consolidate and amend the Ordinances

relating to Deportation, Conditional

Whole Ordinance.

Pardons, the Branding and Punish

ment of certain Criminals."

No. 4 of 1881 .

Title. An Ordinance entitled the " Banishment and Conditional Pardons Ordi

[See Ordinance

No. 12 of 1881.]

nance, 1881."

[ 24th June, 1881. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

BR Council thereof, as follows :

Interpretation 1. In the construction of this Ordinance, the expression " order of banishment "


means an order of the Governor in Council, prohibiting a person from residing or being

within this Colony, for a term not exceeding five years.

Power to arrest 2. Any Magistrate may lawfully arrest, or cause to be arrested, with or without

and keep sus

pected emissaries warrant, any person whom he reasonably suspects to be an emissary or abettor of Her

or abettors of


[See Ord. 9 of Majesty's enemies, or of pirates, or of Chinese disaffected to Her Majesty's Govern

1857, sec. 6.]

ment, or otherwise dangerous to the peace and good order of this Colony, and safely

keep him until he can be dealt with according to law.

Security to 3. Any Magistrate may cause any Chinese person to find reasonable security for

appear within

twelve months. his appearance in any Court for any purpose, and at any time within twelve months,

[See Ord. 8 of

1858, sec. 21.] and every adjudication to that effect shall be made in open Court, and reported forth-.

ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1881 . 1587

Banishment and Conditional Pardons.

with to the Governor ; and such Chinese not finding such security shall be deemed a

person dangerous to the peace of the Colony, and be liable to banishment under section

4 of this Ordinance.

4. The Governor in Council may, by order, prohibit any person not being a Power to banish

for five years.

natural born or naturalized subject of Her Majesty from residing or being within this [See Ord, 9 of

1857, sec. 7, and

Ord. 4 of 1871,

Colony during any space of time not exceeding five years, and may by the same or any sec. 2.]

subsequent order, fix the time for the departure of such person from the Colony.

5. Every person who has been prohibited by order of the Governor in Council Penalty for dis

obedience to or

violation oforder

from residing or being within this Colony for any space of time not exceeding five years ofbanishment.

[See Ord. 4 of

under the provisions of this or any other Ordinance, and who without lawful authority 1871, sec. 3.]

or excuse, the proof of which shall lie upon him, is in this Colony after the date of

such order, or after the time fixed for his departure, and before the expiration of the

term of his banishment, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof

shall be liable to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any period not

exceeding one year : Provided that in all cases in which the prisoner when brought

before a Magistrate upon such charge shall plead guilty thereto, it shall be lawful for

the Magistrate to deal summarily with the case, instead of committing the prisoner

for trial at the Supreme Court.

6. The Governor may in his discretion grant to any offender convicted of any Governor may

grant pardon

crime a pardon subject to either of the following conditions, as the case may be, viz.: subject to con

ditions of offen

ders leaving the

That such offender shall quit the Colony and not afterwards be found at large therein ; Colony.

[See Ord. 1 of

or that such offender shall, in lieu of a sentence of death which may have been passed 1860, sec. 1.]

upon or recorded against him by any Court of competent jurisdiction , suffer such term

of imprisonment, with or without hard labour, or penal servitude, as the Governor

may think fit.

7. If any offender to whom a pardon has been granted either before or after the Breach of con

ditional pardon.

passing of this Ordinance, on the condition of his quitting the Colony, be afterwards

found at large therein without lawful authority or excuse, the proof whereof shall lie

upon him, he shall be guilty of a felony or of a misdemeanor, according to the nature

of the offence for which he received such conditional pardon , and shall, on conviction ,

be liable, to any sentence not exceeding the whole of his original or commuted sentence ,

such sentence to commence from the date at which he is tried and convicted under this

Ordinance : Provided that in all cases in which the prisoner when brought before a

Magistrate upon such charge shall plead guilty thereto, it shall be lawful for the

Magistrate to deal summarily with the case, and to remit him to gaol to undergo any

sentence not exceeding the whole of his original or commuted sentence, instead of

committing him for trial at the Supreme Court.

8. Whenever it seems expedient that any prisoner convicted of any crime, and Governor in

Council may

actually undergoing sentence of imprisonment should be released and banished , it shall banish prisoners .

be lawful for the Governor in Council to order such prisoner to be banished.

1588 ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1881 .

Banishment and Conditional Pardons.

Returning from 9. Every convict so banished and nevertheless returning to the Colony, shall be


liable, on conviction thereof before a Magistrate, to undergo the remainder of his

original sentence.

Prisoner may be 10. If it appears fit to the Governor in Council, the Governor in Council may

banished again.

See Ord, 4 of

1871, sec. 4.) issue a new order of banishment against any person who has been convicted of an

offence against section 5 of this Ordinance, and such order shall commence to take

effect during or at the expiration of any term of imprisonment to which the prisoner

has been sentenced .

Prisoner return

ing after condi 11. If it appears fit to the Governor in Council, the Governor in Council may

tional pardon

and banishment issue an order of banishment against any person who has been convicted of an offence

inay be again

banished. against sections 7 or 9 of this Ordinance, and such order shall commence to take effect

during or at the expiration of any term of imprisonment to which the prisoner has been


Mendicaney 12. Any person convicted before a Magistrate of mendicancy in this Colony shall


be liable to a fine not exceeding five dollars, or in default thereof, to imprisonment,

with or without hard labour, not exceeding twenty-one days.

13. Any person who knowingly harbours or conceals in the Colony of Hongkong,

any person under sentence of banishment shall, on conviction thereof before a Magis

trate, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or in default of payment , to be

imprisoned , with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding six months.

Repeal. 14. The following enactments are hereby repealed , viz.:-

Ordinance 14 of 1845 ,-Section 2 , sub-section 17, from the words " shall beg," to

the words " alms or," inclusive.

"" 9 of 1857, -All sections not previously repealed.

29 8 of 1858,-Sections 21 and 23, and sub- section 9 of section 28.

99 1 of 1860, -The whole.

39 9 of 1867, -Section 17.

39 16 of 1870,

99 4 of 1871 ,

The whole.

"" 5 of 1871,

99 4 of 1872,

Provided that such repeal shall not affect the past operation of any such enactment or

anything done or suffered thereunder.

Suspending 15. This Ordinance shall not come into operation until Her Majesty's confirma


tion thereof is proclaimed by the Governor.

[Confirmation never proclaimed: Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887. ]

ORDINANCES Nos . 5 , 6 AND 7 OF 1881 . 1589


No. 5 of 1881 .

An Ordinance for the naturalization of FUNG MING - SHÁN.

[ 24th June, 1881. ]

HEREAS FUNG MING - SHAN has petitioned to be naturalized as a

British subject within the limits of this Colony, and whereas it

is expedient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice ofthe Legislative Council thereof,

as follows :

FUNG MING - SHÁN shall be and he is hereby naturalized a British Naturaliza

tion of FUNG

subject within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony, but not MING-SHÁN.

elsewhere, all the rights , advantages and privileges of a British subject,

on his taking the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the

" Promissory Oaths Ordinance, 1869."

No. 6 of 1881 .

An Ordinance for the naturalization of WONG SHÈ - TÁI.

[ 24th June, 1881. ]

HEREAS WONG SHE-TÁI has petitioned to be naturalized as a


British subject within the limits of this Colony, and whereas it

is expedient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof,

as follows :

WONG SHE- TÁI shall be and he is hereby naturalized a British subject Naturaliza

tion of WONG

within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony , but not elsewhere , SHÉ - TẢI.

all the rights, advantages and privileges of a British subject, on his taking

the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the " Promissory Oaths

Ordinance, 1869. "

No. 7 of 1881.

An Ordinance for the naturalization of SHI SHANG- KÁI .

[ 24th June, 1881. ]

HEREAS SHI SHANG - KAI has petitioned to be naturalized as a


British subject within the limits of this Colony, and whereas it

is expedient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted by the Governor

1590 ORDINANCES Nos. 7 , 8 AND 9 OF 1881 .


of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as

follows :

Naturaliza SHI SHANG- KÁI shall be and he is hereby naturalized a British

tion of SHI

SHANG-KAI . subject within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony, but not

elsewhere, all the rights, advantages and privileges of a British subject ,

on his taking the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the " Pro

missory Oaths Ordinance, 1869."

No. 8 of 1881 .

An Ordinance for the naturalization of P'ÁNG IM.

[ 24th June, 1881. ]

HEREAS P'ÁNG IM has petitioned to be naturalized as a British


subject within the limits of this Colony, and whereas it is

expedient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted by the Governor

of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as


follows :

Naturaliza P'ANG IM shall be and he is hereby naturalized a British subject

tion of P'ANG

IM. within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony , but not elsewhere ,

all the rights , advantages and privileges of a British subject, on his taking

the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the " Promissory Oaths

Ordinance, 1869 "

No. 9 of 1881 .

An Ordinance for the naturalization of IP HIM - KWONG.

[ 24th June , 1881. ]

WHEREAS IP HIM-KWONG has petitioned to be naturalized as a

British subject within the limits of this Colony, and whereas it

is expedient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice ofthe Legislative Council thereof,

as follows :

Naturaliza IP HIM- KWONG shall be and he is hereby naturalized a British subject

tion of IP

HIM-KWONG. within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony , but not elsewhere,

all the rights , advantages and privileges of a British subject, on his taking

the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the " Promissory Oaths

Ordinance, 1869."

ORDINANCES Nos . 11 AND 12 OF 1881 . 1591

Naturalization. Revenue.

No. 10 of 1881 .

An Ordinance for the naturalization of ÜN MAN - TS'OI.

[24th June, 1881. ]

HEREAS UN MAN-TS'or has petitioned to be naturalized as a

British subject within the limits of this Colony , and whereas it

is expedient that he should be so naturalized : Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice ofthe Legislative Council thereof,

as follows :

ÜN MAN- TS'OI shall be and he is hereby naturalized a British subject Naturaliza

tion of UN

within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony , but not elsewhere, MAN-TSOL.

all the rights, advantages and privileges of a British subject, on his taking

the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the " Promissory Oaths

Ordinance, 1869."

No. 11 of 1881 .

An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation of a Supplementary Sum

of Twenty thousand Seven hundred and Forty -three Dollars and

Ninety-five Cents to defray the Charges of the Year 1880 .

[ 23rd August, 1881. ]

HEREAS it has become necessary to make further provision for the public

W service of the Colony for the year 1880 , in addition to the charge upon the

revenue for the service of the said year already provided for : Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :--

1. A sum of twenty thousand seven hundred and forty-three dollars and ninety-five Supplementary

Estimates, 1880.

cents is hereby charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the service of the year 1880,


the said sum so charged being expended as hereinafter specified ; that is to say :




Colonial Secretary , 493.45

Colonial Treasurer , 84.68

Postmaster General, 2,772.95

Harbour Master, ....... 883.53

Collector of Stamp Revenue, 30.57

Medical , 852.74

Fire Brigade, 128.07

$ 5,245.99

1592 ORDINANCES Nos. 11 AND 12 OF 1881 .

Revenue. Banishment and Conditional Pardons.

Brought forward,.... ....... ..$ 5,245.99


Colonial Treasurer , 60.00

Judicial, ..... 142.95

Medical, 2,163.64

Works and Buildings, .. 4,484.04

Roads , Streets, and Bridges, 3,389.11

Miscellaneous Services, 4,251.08

Military Contribution , .... 1,007.14

$ 15,497.96

TOTAL ,. 20,743.95

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]

No. 12 of 1881 .

Title. An Ordinance entitled the " Banishment and Conditional Pardons Ordi

nance, 1881."

[ 23rd August , 1881. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative


BR Council thereof, as follows :

Interpretation 1. In the construction of this Ordinance, the expression " order of banishment "


means an order of the Governor in Council, prohibiting a person from residing or being

within this Colony, for a term not exceeding five years.

Power to arrest 2. Any Justice of the Peace may lawfully arrest, or cause to be arrested, with or

and keep sus

pected emissaries without warrant, any person whom he reasonably suspects to be an emissary or abettor

or abettors of


[See Ord. 9 of of Her Majesty's enemies, or of pirates, or of Chinese disaffected to Her Majesty's

1857, sec. 6.]

Government, or otherwise dangerous to the peace and good order of this Colony, and

safely keep him until he can be dealt with according to law.

Security to 3. Any Magistrate may cause any Chinese person to find reasonable security for

appear within'

twelve months .

[See Ord. 8 of his appearance in any Court for any purpose, and at any time within twelve months,

1858, sec. 21.]

and every adjudication to that effect shall be made in open Court, and reported forth

with to the Governor ; and such Chinese not finding such security shall be deemed a

person dangerous to the peace of the Colony, and be liable to banishment under section

4 of this Ordinance.

Power to banish 4. The Governor in Council may, by order, prohibit any person not being a

for five years.

(See Ord. 9 of natural born or naturalized subject of Her Majesty from residing or being within this

1857, sec. 7, and

Ord. 4 of 1871, Colony during any space of time not exceeding five years, and may by the same or any

Sec. 2.]

subsequent order, fix the time for the departure of such person from the Colony.

ORDINANCE No. 12 OF 1881 . 1593

Banishment and Conditional Pardons.

5. Every person who has been prohibited by order of the Governor in Council Penalty for

disobedience to

or violation of

from residing or being within this Colony for any space of time not exceeding five order of banish


years under the provisions of this or any other Ordinance, and who without lawful [See Ord. 4 of

1871, sec. 3.]

authority or excuse, the proof of which shall lie upon him, is in this Colony after the

date of such order, or after the time fixed for his departure, and before the expiration.

of the term of his banishment , shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction

thereof shall be liable to imprisonment, withor without hard labour, for any period

not exceeding one year : Provided that in all cases in which the prisoner when brought

before a Magistrate upon such charge shall plead guilty thereto, it shall be lawful for

the Magistrate to deal summarily with the case, instead of committing the prisoner for

trial at the Supreme Court .

6. The Governor may in his discretion grant to any offender convicted of any Governor may

grant pardon


crime a pardon subject to either of the following conditions, as the case may be, viz.: subject to

conditions of

offenders leaving

That such offender shall quit the Colony and not afterwards be found at large therein ; the ny.

[See Ord, 1 of

or that such offender shall , in lieu of a sentence of death which may have been passed 1860, sec. 1. ]

upon or recorded against him by any Court of competent jurisdiction , suffer such term

of imprisonment, with or without hard labour, or penal servitude, as the Governor may

think fit.

Breach of

7. If any offender to whom a pardon has been granted either before or after the conditional


passing of this Ordinance, on the condition of his quitting the Colony, be afterwards

found at large therein without lawful anthority or excuse, the proof whereof shall lie

upon him , he shall be guilty of a felony or of a misdemeanor , according to the nature

of the offence for which he received such conditional pardon , and shall, on conviction ,

be liable, to any sentence not exceeding the whole of his original or commuted sentence,

such sentence to commence from the date at which he is tried and convicted under this

Ordinance : Provided that in all cases in which the prisoner when brought before a

Magistrate upon such charge shall plead guilty thereto, it shall be lawful for the

Magistrate to deal summarily with the case, and to remit him to gaol to undergo any

sentence not exceeding the whole of his original or commuted sentence, instead of

committing him for trial at the Supreme Court.

8. If it appears fit to the Governor in Council, the Governor in Council may issue Prisoner may be

banished again.

[See Ord. 4 of

a new order of banishment against any person who has been convicted of an offence 1871 , sec. 4.]

against section 5 of this Ordinance, and such order shall commence to take effect during

or at the expiration of any term of imprisonment to which the prisoner has been sen


9. If it appears fit to the Governor in Council, the Governor in Council may issue Prisoner return

ing after


an order of banishment against any person who has been convicted of an offence against pardon and

banishment may

section 7 of this Ordinance, and such order shall commence to take effect during or at be again


the expiration of any term of imprisonment to which the prisoner has been sentenced.

10. Any person who knowingly harbours or conceals in the Colony of Hongkong,

any person whose banishment has been ordered, shall, on conviction thereof before a

1591 ORDINANCES Nos. 12 AND 13 OF 1881 .

Banishment and Conditional Pardons. Revenue.

Magistrate, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or in default of payment, to

be imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding six months .

Repeal. 11. The following enactments are hereby repealed, viz. :—

Ordinance 14 of 1845 , -Section 2, sub-section 17, from the words " shall beg," to

the words " alms or," inclusive.

99 9 of 1857, -All sections not previously repealed.

99 8 of 1858, -Section 21 and section 28, sub- section 9, from the words


and be deported " to " shall so decide."

"" 1 of 1860 , -The whole.


9 of 1867, -Section 17.

16 of 1870,

"" 4 of 1871 , The whole.

99 5 of 1871,

Provided that such repeal shall not affect the past operation of any such enactment or

anything done or suffered thereunder.

Sispending 12. This Ordinance shall not come into operation until Her Majesty's confirma


tion thereof is proclaimed by the Governor.

[Confirmation never proclaimed : Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887, and see

Ordinance No. 8 of 1882.]

No. 13 of 1881 .

An Ordinance to apply a sum not exceeding Nine hundred and Eleven

thousand, Five hundred and Ten Dollars to the Public Service of the

Year 1882 .

[ 29th August, 1881. ]

HEREAS the expenditure required for the service of this Colony for the year

WH 1882 has been estimated at the sum of " nine hundred and eleven thousand,

five hundred and ten dollars : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the

advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows : --

1. A sum not exceeding nine hundred and eleven thousand, five hundred and ten

dollars shall be, and the same is hereby charged upon the revenue of this Colony for

the service of the year 1882 , and the said sum so charged may be expended as hereinafter

specified ; that is to say :


Governor, ... 7,832

Colonial Secretary , 5,984

Auditor General , ...... 20,209

Colonial Treasurer, 4,150

Clerk of Councils, .... 100

$ 38,275

ORDINANCE No. 13 OF 1881 . 1595


Brought forward,....... 38,275

Surveyor General, ... 31,012

Government Gardens and Plantations, 6,066

Postmaster General, …….. 27,532

Registrar General,... 16,198

Harbour Master, 30,400

Lighthouses, 7,508

Surveyor (Marine ) , ..... 4,746

Collector of Stamp Revenue, 4,642

Judicial, 30,688

Ecclesiastical, 1,158

Educational, 28,487

Medical, .... 15,996

Police Magistrates, 7,303

Police, 146,884

Gaol, ...... 26,160

Fire Brigade, ..…………….. 8,802

$ 431,857


Colonial Secretary, . 540

Colonial Treasurer, 1,500

Surveyor General, .... 2,160

Postmaster General, 57,900

Registrar General, 25

Surveyor (Marine),... 4,000

Judicial, 500

Ecclesiastical , 500

Educational , ...... 11,356

Medical, 13,440

Police Magistrates, 390

Police, 37,374

Gaol,...... 21,320

Fire Brigade, 5,800

Charitable Allowances , .. 4,000

Transport,. 4,500

Works and Buildings,..... 104,750

Roads, Streets, and Bridges, . 47,300

Lighthouses, ..... 3,000

Government Gardens and Plantations, 14,750

Miscellaneous Services, 37,800

Military Contribution, 106,748


TOTAL,.... $911,510

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887. ]

1596 ORDINANCE No. 14 OF 1881 .


No. 14 of 1881.

[See Ordi

nances No. 1 An Ordinance entitled the " Companies Ordinance, 1881."

of 1865, Nos.

2 & 3 of 1866, [ 29th August, 1881. ]

No. 1 of 1877,

No. 3 of 1883,

No. 30 of1886 E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong , with the advice of the

& No. 25 of BE

Legislative Council thereof, as follows :


Ordinance 1. This Ordinance shall not apply to banking companies .

not to apply

to banks.

Ordinance to 2. This Ordinance shall so far as is consistent with the tenor thereof

be construed

with the be construed as one with the Companies Ordinance, 1865 , the Companies


Ordinances Ordinance, 1866 , and the Companies Ordinance , 1877 , and those Ordi

1865 , 1866 and

1867. nances together with this Ordinance may be referred to as the Companies

Ordinances 1865 to 1881 .

Registration 3. Subject as in this Ordinance mentioned any company registered

anew of com

pany with before or after the passing of this Ordinance as an unlimited company

limited liabi

lity. may register under the Companies Ordinances 1865 to 1881 as a limited

company , or any company already registered as a limited company may

re-register under the provisions of this Ordinance.

The registration of an unlimited company as a limited company in

pursuance of this Ordinance shall not affect or prejudice any debts , liabi

lities , obligations or contracts incurred or entered into by, to, with , or on

behalf of such company, prior to such registration as aforesaid , and such

debts , liabilities , contracts and obligations may be enforced in manner

provided by the Companies Ordinance, 1866 , in the case of a company

registering in pursuance of that Ordinance or otherwise.

Rese ve

4. An unlimited company may by the resolution passed by the

capital of

company how members when assenting to registration as a limited company under the

plovi led.

Companies Ordinances 1865 to 1880 , and for the purpose of such regis

tration or otherwise increase the nominal amount of its capital by increas

ing the nominal amount of each of its shares.

Provided that no part of such increased capital shall be capable of

being called up, except in the event of and for the purposes of the com

pany being wound up.

And , in cases where no such increase of nominal capital may be

resolved upon , an unlimited company may , by such resolution as afore

said, provide that a portion of its uncalled capital shall not be capable of

being called up except in the event of and for the purposes of the com

pany being wound up.

ORDINANCES Nos. 14 AND 15 OF 1881 . 1597

Companies. French Mail Steamers.

A limited company may by a special resolution declare that any

portion of its capital which has not been already called up shall not be

capable of being called up except in the event of and for the purposes of

the company being wound up, and thereupon such portion of capital

shall not be capable of being called up, except in the event of and for the

purpose of the company being wound up.

5. On the registration , in pursuance of this Ordinance, of a com Application of

the Compa

pany which has been already registered , the Registrar shall make provision nics Ordinan

ce 1865 , the

for closing the former registration of the company, and may dispense Companies


with the delivery to him of copies of any documents with copies of which 1866 and

the Compa

he was furnished on the occasion of the registration of the company ; nies Ordinan

ce 1877.

but , save as aforesaid, the registration of such a company shall take place

in the same manner , and have the same effect as if it were the first regis

tration of that company under the Companies Ordinances 1865 to 1880 ,

and as if the provisions of the Ordinance under which the company was

previously registered and regulated had been contained in different

Ordinances from those under which the company is registered as a limited

company .

6. A company authorized to register under this Ordinance may Privileges of


register thereunder, and avail itself of the privileges conferred by this available not


Ordinance, notwithstanding any provisions contained in any Ordinance, constitution

of Company.

deed of settlement, or contract of co -partnery , constituting or regulating

the company .

No. 15 of 1881 .

An Ordinance entitled , " French Mail Steamers Ordinance continuation

Ordinance 1881."

[ 29th August, 1881. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

BR Council thereof, as follows :

1. Ordinance 6 of 1880, entitled " An Ordinance to make temporary provision for

securing the status of French Mail Steamers within the ports of the Colony of Hong

kong," shall continue in force until the first of September, 1882, inclusive.

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887. ]

1598 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882.


No. 1 of 1882.

An Ordinance for authorizing the construction of certain Tramways

within the Colony of Hongkong.

[ 9th February , 1882. ]

Preamble. HEREAS a Company has been incorporated by the name of " The Hongkong

W and China Tramways Company, Limited ," for the construction of certain

Tramways within the Colony of Hongkong ; And whereas it is desirable to authorize

the construction of such tramways as hereinafter mentioned : Be it , therefore, enacted

by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as

follows :

Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as " The Tramways Ordinance, 1882."

Interpretations, 2. The terms hereinafter mentioned shall have the meanings assigned to them,

unless there be something either in the subject, or context, repugnant to such cons

truction, that is to say:

The Company." The expression "the company " shall mean the Hongkong and China Tramways

Company, Limited , and also (where not inapplicable) any assignees, or assignee, les

sees, or lessee, from such Company.

" Owner." The word " Owner" or " Owners " shall mean any person or persons, or corporation,

who, under the provisions of this Ordinance, is enabled to sell and assign lands to the


" Lands." The word " Lauds " shall extend to messuages , lands, tenements and hereditaments

of any tenure.

" Lease." The word " Lease " shall include a sub-lease, and an agreement for a lease, or sub


The Court." The expression " the Court " shall mean the Supreme Court of the Colony of


"Payment into The expressions " Payment into Court " or " Paid into Court " shall respectively


include payment into any bank, under the order, or by the direction of the Court.

"Judge in Sum The expression " Judge in Summary Jurisdiction " shall mean one of the Judges

inary Jurisdic

tion." of the Supreme Court, sitting in Summary Jurisdiction .

"The Bank." The expression " the Bank " shall mean any corporate or chartered institution

doing banking business in the Colony.

"The Cashier of The expression " the cashier of the Bank" shall mean the cashier or acting cashier

the Bank."

for the time being of the bank.

"Road." The expression " road " shall mean any roadway over which the tramways autho

rized by this Ordinance shall pass , and the roadway of any bridge forming part of or

leading to the same.

"The Works." The expression " the works " or " the undertaking " shall mean the works or under

taking of whatever nature which shall by this Ordinance be authorized to be executed .

ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1882 . 1599


Construction of tramways.

3. The company may construct and maintain , subject to the provisions of this Construction of


Ordinance, and in accordance with the plans which have been deposited as hereinafter

mentioned, the tramways hereinafter described, with all proper stations, crossings,

passing -places, sidings , junctions, rails, turn-tables, plates, offices, weigh-bridges, sheds,

works, and conveniences connected therewith , or for the purposes thereof, and may

work and use the same.

The tramways authorized by this Ordinance are :

Tramway No. 1.- A single line, one mile, two furlongs, 4.24 chains in length,

commencing at the north-west corner of Inland Lot number four hundred

and seventy- one , thence passing along the Praya East, Wanchai Road ,

and Queen's Road East, and terminating at a point opposite the entrance

to the Eastern Market at the junction with tramway No. 2.

Tramway No. 2. - A double line, oue mile, four furlongs, 1.21 chains in length,

commencing at a point opposite the entrance to the Eastern Market at

the junction with tramway No. 1 at its termination , thence passing

along Queen's Road East, Queen's Road Central and Queen's Road West,

and terminating at a point opposite Inland Lot number two hundred and

nineteen at the junction with tramway No. 3.

Tramway No. 3. - A single line, three furlongs, 2.77 chains in length, com

mencing at a point opposite Inland Lot number two hundred and nineteen

at the junction with tramway No. 2 at its termination , thence passing

along Queen's Road West, and terminating at a point opposite Marine

Lot number eighty -one, at the junction with tramway No. 4.

Tramway No. 4. - Whichever of the two following lines the company shall

desire to construct and maintain , that is to say :


(a .) A single line three furlongs, 7.82 chains in length, commencing at a point

opposite Marine Lot number eighty-one, at the junction with tramway

No. 3 at its termination, thence passing along that part of centre street

which lies between Queen's Road West and Praya West, thence along

Praya West and terminating at a point in the roadway there opposite

the northern end of an imaginary line separating Marine Lot number

one hundred and eighty-nine from Marine Lot number one hundred

and ninety.

(b. ) A single line one furlong, one chain in length, commencing at a point

opposite Marine Lot number eighty-one, at thejunction with tramway

No. 3 at its termination, thence passing along Queen's Road West to

a point opposite the southern entrance of the premises known as the

Sailors' Home on Inland Lot number one hundred and eighty- seven A.

1600 ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1882 .


Tramway No. 5. -A single line four miles, two furlongs in length, commencing

at the north-west corner of Inland Lot number four hundred and seventy

one, thence passing along the Shau-ki-wán Road to a point on the north

side of, and opposite to, the eastern side of Shau-ki-wán Lot number


Tramway No. 6.- A partly single and partly double line, commencing on the

south side of the south -west boundary of the War Department ground at

its junction with the Garden Road , thence passing in a southerly direction

up the hillside to the Victoria Gap, crossing over the Kennedy and

Plantation Roads by means of bridges, and terminating at the Victoria

Gap at a point on the north side of Farm Lot number fifty- three.

Power to deviate Provided that such alterations as the company shall think fit may be made in the

Tramway No. 6,

position of the rail-tracks of the tramway No. 6 as shown on the deposited plan thereof,

such alterations being within the limits of deviation shown on the said last- mentioned


Power to lay 4. Where a double line of tramway is hereby authorized to be laid down , it shall

single line where

double line not be compulsory upon the company to lay down a double line, but they may, at


their discretion, lay down in the first instance a single line of tramway in lieu of such

double line, and may, at the like discretion, at any time thereafter, convert such

last-named single line into the double line hereby authorized to be laid down. Provided

always if the working of any double line be considered by the Governor in Council

dangerous or inconvenient it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council at his

discretion to cause the company to discontinue one of the lines of rail and thereupon

the company shall place the remaining line in such part of the road as the Governor

in Council shall in writing approve of.

Power to widen 5. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first obtained, the

certain bridges,

&c. company may, in the construction of the above tramways, or any of them, alter the

level of, and widen, the bridge known as " Bowrington Bridge," which spans the

northern end of the Bowrington Canal at its junction with the harbour of Victoria, and

the bridge which spans the northern end of the nullah or stream running between

Marine Lot number one hundred and ninety-eight and Marine Lot number one hundred

and ninety-nine at its junction with the said harbour, or either of the said bridges ;

and subject as aforesaid, may, as regards the tramway No. 6, alter the levels of the

ground on which the said tramway No. 6 is laid , make and construct all necessary

cuttings and embankments, bridges, viaducts, culverts, catch-water drains, and other

works, and divert streams.

Power to make 6. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first obtained, after


tramways. timely and adequate notification by public advertisement or otherwise of the intention

of the company to apply for such approval, the company may, in addition to the above

tramways, construct , and maintain, subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, and in

accordance with plans to be previously deposited by the company in the office of the

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 . 1601


Surveyor General, and may alter or deviate such other and further lines of tramway

and sidings (either as extensions to all or any of the said lines of tramway hereinbefore

more particularly described or otherwise) between such places within the Colony of

Hongkong, and in upon and along such roads as the Governor in Council shall, from

time to time, approve of, with all proper works, and conveniences, connected therewith

or for the purposes thereof, and may work and use the same.

7. The plans hereinbefore referred to as having been deposited , are the plans Nos. Plans,

1 to 6, 6a, and 7 to 20 inclusive, deposited by the company in the office of the Surveyor


8. Every tramway running over and along any road shall be constructed and Tramways to be

in middle ofroad,


maintained as nearly as may be in the middle of such road, and no tramway shall be

so laid that, for a distance of thirty feet or upwards, a less space than nine feet shall

intervene between the outside of the footpath on either side of the road and the nearest

rail of the tramway, except in the case of bridges, streets, or other places where the

width may not be sufficient to allow a space of nine feet on either side, and except

where it may be necessary to construct and maintain loops for enabling the cars,

carriages, and trucks, to pass each other, or to construct sidings and curves, all which

exceptions shall be subject to the reasonable approval in writing of the Surveyor


9. The tramways Nos. 1 , 2 , 3, 4 and 5 shall be constructed on a gauge not exceeding Guage of

tramways Nos. 1.

three feet six inches in width, and with two steel grooved rails, which said rails shall , 2, 3, 4 and 5.

before being laid down, be approved of by the Surveyor General, and shall be laid and

maintained in such manner that the uppermost surface thereof shall be on a level with

the surface of the road. Provided that the Governor in Council may, from time to

time, require the company to adopt and apply such improvements in the last -mentioned

tramways, including their rails, as experience may suggest, having regard to the greater

security of the public and advantage to the ordinary traffic, and the company shall with

all reasonable despatch comply with any order made by the Governor in Council for

the purpose of carrying out any such improvements.

10. The tramway No. 6 shall be constructed on a guage not exceeding five feet in Gnage of

tramway No. 6

width , and with steel rails, which said rails shall, before being laid down, be approved

of by the Surveyor General.

11. The company from time to time for the purpose of making, forming, laying Power to break

up roads.

down, maintaining, renewing, altering, adding to, or removing, any tramway under this

Ordinance, or any part, or parts, thereof respectively, may open and break up any road


subject to the following regulations :

1. They shall give to the Surveyor General notice of their intention, specifying

the time at which they will begin to do so, and the portion of road

proposed to be opened or broken up, such notice to be given seven days

at least before the commencement of the work.

1602 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 .

Tramways .

2. They shall not open or break up or alter the level of any road except under

the superintendence, and to the reasonable satisfaction , of the Surveyor


3. They shall leave an interval of at least a quarter of a mile between any two

places at which they may open or break up the road , and they shall not

open or break up at any such place a greater length than one hundred


Completion of 12. When the company have opened or broken up any portion of any road, they

works, and

reinstatement of shall be under the following further obligations, namely :



1. They shall, with all convenient speed, complete the work on account of

which they opened or broke up the same, and (subject to the formation ,

maintenance, renewal, or alteration of, addition to, or removal of the

tramway) fill in the ground, and make good the surface, and, to the

satisfaction of the Surveyor General, restore the road to as good condition.

as that in which it was before it was opened or broken up.

2. They shall in the meantime cause the place where the road is opened or

broken up to be fenced and watched, and to be properly lighted at night.

If the company fail to comply with this section , they shall, for every offence (without

prejudice to the enforcement of specific performance of the requirements of this

Ordinance, or to any other remedy against them) be liable to a penalty not exceeding

one hundred dollars, and to a further penalty, not exceeding twenty-five dollars for each

day during which any such failure continues after the first day on which such penalty

is incurred.

Further pro 13. In addition to the requirements of the preceding section , the company shall ,

visions as to

construction of when they give notice as aforesaid to the Surveyor General of their intention to open

tramvays .

or break up any road for any of the purposes aforesaid, lay before the Surveyor Geueral

a plan showing the proposed mode of constructing, laying down, maintaining , renewing,

altering, adding to or removing the tramways or works, in respect of which they

propose to open or break up such road, and a statement of the materials intended to

be used therein ; and the company shall not commence the construction, laying down,

maintenance, renewal, alteration of, addition to, or removal of such tramways or works,

or any part thereof respectively, except for the purpose of necessary repairs, until

such plan and statement have been approved in writing by the Surveyor General, and

the works shall be executed in accordance with such approved plan and statement , and

under the superintendence , and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Surveyor General .

Repair ofpart of 14. The company shall, at their own expense , maintain in good condition ,

road where

tramways are and repair in such manner as the Surveyor General shall direct, and to his


reasonable satisfaction, so much of any road whereon any tramway is laid as lies

between the rails of the tramway and (where two lines of tramway are laid by the

company in any road at a distance of not more than four feet from each other) the

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 . 1603


portion of the road between the tramways, and in every case so much of the road as

extends eighteen inches beyond the rails of, and on each side of, such tramway.

Provided always that if the company fail to comply with this section , the Surveyor

General may himself at any time, after seven days ' notice to the company, open and

break up the road and do the works necessary for the repair and maintenance thereof

to the extent in this section mentioned, and the expense incurred by him in so doing

shall be re-paid to him by the company.

15. The company shall maintain in good condition and repair, and so as not to Penalty for not


be a danger or annoyance to the ordinary traffic, the rails of which any of the tramways # rails and road in

good condition.

for the time being consist, and the substructure upon which the same rest ; and, if the

company make default in complying with this or the last section , they shall, for every

offence, be subject, on conviction, to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars , and ,

in case of a continuing offence, to a further penalty not exceeding ten dollars for every

day after the first on which such default continues .

16. Where, by reason of the execution of any work affecting the surface or soil of Temporary

tramways may

be made when

any road along which any tramway is laid, it is, in the opinion of the Surveyor necessary.

General, necessary or expedient temporarily to remove or discontinue the use of such

tramway or any part thereof, the company may, subject to such conditions and

regulations as the Surveyor General may, from time to time, make, construct in the

same or any adjacent road , and , subject as aforesaid , maintain, so long as necessary, a

temporary tramway in lieu of the tramway, or part thereof, so removed or discontinued .

17. Any paving, metalling or material excavated by the company in the con Application of

road materials

struction of their works from any road under the control of the Surveyor General may excavated in


of works.

be applied by the company, so far as may be necessary, in or towards the reinstating

of such road, and the maintenance, for six months after completion of the tramway

thereon laid down, of so much of the roadway of such road on either side of such

tramway as the company are by this Ordinance required to maintain at their own



18. The surplus paving, metalling or material not used or required to be retained Company to

remove surplus

for any of the purposes in the last section mentioned shall be the property of the paving, &c.

company, and shall be removed by them.

19. The company shall not commence to construct, form, or lay down , any portion Roads to be

repaired at the

of the aforesaid tramways in any road or street, under the control of the Surveyor expense ofthe


General, in which water mains, gas mains, pipes, tubes, wires, or apparatus for tele

graphing or other purposes are laid, until they have deposited in the office of the

Surveyor General , a plan and particulars of such road, shewing clearly the site proposed

for the line or lines of tramway, the size and positions of the existing water mains, gas

mains, pipes, tubes, wires or apparatus, which are laid under the site proposed for the

line of tramway together with the material particulars required for the carrying out of

such works, and the company shall on the completion thereof proceed to call upon the

1604 ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1882 .


Surveyor General in writing to take such steps as he may deem necessary to cause

the said water mains, gas mains, pipes, tubes, wires or apparatus, to be taken up, and

relaid outside the line or lines of such tramway, as will prevent any unnecessary inter

ruption to the traffic over such lines when completed, in consequence of repairs,

alterations, or additions , required to be made from time to time in connection with such

water mains, gas mains, pipes, tubes, wires or apparatus, and the Surveyor General

shall on receipt thereof proceed to cause the said water mains, gas mains, pipes , tubes,

wires or apparatus, to be taken up and relaid with due diligence and despatch at the

sole cost and charge of the tramway company, and the Surveyor General shall be at

liberty to cause such work to be done either by contract, by measure and value , or by

day labour, as he may deem advisable.

For protection 20. Where any tramway, or any work connected therewith , interferes with any

of sewers, &c.

sewer, drain, water- course, or sub-way, or in any way affects the sewerage or drainage

or gas or water supply of the said Colony of Hongkong, the company shall not

commence any such tramway or work until they shall have given to the Surveyor

General fourteen days previous notice in writing of their intention so to do, and leaving

with such notice all necessary particulars relating thereto, nor until the Surveyor

General shall have signified his approval of the same, unless he do not signify his

approval, disapproval, or other directions within fourteen days after service of the

said notice and particulars as aforesaid ; and the company shall comply with all

reasonable directions of the Surveyor General in the execution of the said works, and

shall provide by new or substituted works, in such manner as the Surveyor General

shall reasonably require for the proper protection of, and for preventing injury or

impediment to, the sewers and works hereinbefore referred to by reason of the tramways ,

and shall guarantee the Surveyor General against the expense occasioned thereby ; and

all such works shall be done by or under the superintendence of the Surveyor General

at the cost and expense of the company, and when any new, or substituted work shall

be completed by, or at the costs or expenses of, the company under this Ordinance, the

same shall thereafter be as completely under the control of the Surveyor General, and

be maintained by him, as any other sewers or works.

Rights of 21. Nothing in this Ordinance shall take away or abridge any power to open or

companies, &c.

to open roads. break up any road along or across which any tramway is laid, or any other power now

or hereafter to be vested in any other company, or persons or person, or for the

doing of any matter or thing, which such company or such persons or person is are

or will be authorized to do, but, in the exercise of such power, every such other

company, or persons or person, shall be subject to the following restrictions (that

is to say):

1. They shall cause as little detriment or inconvenience to the company as

circumstances admit.

2. Before they commence any work whereby the traffic on the tramway will

be interrupted, they shall (except in cases of urgency, in which case

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 . 1605


notice of the commencement of such work shall be given to the company

within twenty-four hours after such commencement) give to the com

pany and the Surveyor General notice of their intention to commence

such work specifying the time at which they will begin to do so , such

notice to be given twenty-four hours at least before the commencement

of the work.

3. They shall not be liable to pay to the company any compensation for loss

of traffic occasioned thereby, or for the reasonable exercise of the powers

so vested in them as aforesaid.

4. Whenever, for the purpose of enabling them or him to execute such work ,

such other company, or persons or person, shall so require, the com

pany shall either stop traffic on that portion of the tramway to which

such notice shall refer, where it would otherwise interfere with such

work, or shore up and secure the same at their own risk and cost during

the execution of the work there. Provided that such work shall always

be completed by such other company, or persons or person, with all

reasonable expedition .

5. Any such other company, or persons or person , shall not execute such

work so far as it immediately affects the tramways, except under the

superintendence of the company, unless the company do not give such

superintendence at the time specified in the notice for the commence

ment of the work, or permanently discontinue the same during the

progress of the work, and they or he shall execute such work at their or

his own expense and to the reasonable satisfaction of the company.

22. If any difference arises between the company, on the one haud , and the Difference


Surveyor General, or any other company, or person to whom any sewer, drain, tube, company and


General, &c.

wires, or apparatus, for telegraphic or other purposes, may belong, on the other hand ,

with respect to any interference or control exercised , or claimed to be exercised , by

Such other company or such person or on their or his behalf, or by the company, by

virtue of this Ordinance, in relation to any tramway or work, or in relation to any

work or proceeding of the Surveyor General, or such other company, or such person ,

Or with respect to the propriety of, or the mode of execution of, any work relating to

any tramway, or with respect to the amount of any compensation to be made by or to

the company, or on the question whether any work is such as ought reasonably to

Satisfy the Surveyor General, company, or person concerned , or with respect to any

Other subject or thing, regulated by, or comprised in, this Ordinance, the matter in

difference shall (unless otherwise specially provided for by this Ordinance) be settled

Ly an engineer, or other fit person, nominated as referee by the Governor in Council,

on the application of either party, and the expenses of the reference shall be paid as

the referee directs .

1606 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 .


Tramways not 23. None of the said tramways shall be opened for public traffic until the same

to be opened

until certified.

has been certified to be fit for such traffic by the officer duly appointed in writing for

that purpose by the Governor in Council, and the Governor in Council has, by notifi

cation in the Gazette, authorized the same to be opened for such traffic.

Cesser ofpowers in certain events.

Cesser of powers 24. If the company do not within three years after the time at which they might

in certain events.

under this Ordinance have commenced the construction of the tramways complete

the tramways and open the same for public traffic , or

If within one year after the time aforesaid the works are not in the opinion

of the Governor in Council, substantially commenced , or

If the works, having been commenced , are suspended without a reason

sufficient in the opinion of the Governor in Council to warrant such


the powers hereby given to the company for constructing such tramways, executing

such works or otherwise in relation thereto, shall cease to be exercised , except as to

so much of the same as is then completed , unless the time be prolonged by the Governor

in Council ; and, as to so much of the same as is then completed , the powers hereby

given to the company may continue to be exercised .

Discontinuance of tramways.

Discontinuance 25. If at any time after the opening of any tramway for traffic the company

of tramways by

the company. discontinue the working of such tramway, or of any part thereof, for the space of six

months (such discontinuance not being occasioned by circumstances beyond the control

of the company, for which purpose the want of sufficient funds shall not be considered

a circumstance beyond their control) and such discontinuance is proved to the satisfac

tion of the Governor in Council, the Governor in Council may by order declare that

the powers of the company in respect of such tramway, or the part thereof so dis

continued, shall, from the date of such order, be at an end, and thereupon the said

powers of the company shall cease and determine, unless the same are purchased or

leased in manner by this Ordinance provided . Where any such order has been made,

the Surveyor General may, at any time after the expiration of six months from the date

of such order, under the authority of a certificate to that effect by the Governor in

Council, remove the tramway, or part of the tramway so discontinued, and the com

pany shall pay to the Surveyor General the cost of such removal, and of the making

good of the road by the Surveyor General, such cost to be certified by the Surveyor

General, whose certificate shall be final and conclusive. And ifthe company fail to pay

the amount so certified within two months after delivery to them of such certificate, or

a true copy thereof, the Surveyor General may, without any previous notice to the

company (but without prejudice to any other remedy which he may have for the

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 . 1607

Tramways .

recovery of the amount) sell the materials of the tramway, or part of tramway removed ,

in such manner as the Surveyor General may think fit, and may out of the proceeds

reimburse himself the amount of the cost certified as aforesaid , and of the cost of

sale, and the balance, if any, of the proceeds shall be paid to the company.

Motive power.

26. The carriages used on the said tramways Nos. 1 , 2 , 3, 4 and 5 may be moved by Carriages of

tramways Nos. 1,

2, 3, 4 and 5 may

animal, steam, or any mechanical power. Provided always, that the exercise of the be moved by

animal, steam, or

powers by this section conferred with respect to the use ofsteam or any mechanical power mechanical


shall be subject to the regulations set forth in schedule A. hereto, and to any regulations

which may be added thereto or substituted therefor, by any order which the Governor

in Council is hereby empowered to make from time to time, as and when he may think

fit, for securing to the public all reasonable protection against danger in the exercise

of the powers hereby conferred with respect to the use of steam or any mechanical

power on the tramways Nos. 1 , 2, 3, 4 and 5 .

27. The carriages used on the tramway No. 6 may be moved by means of Motive power of

tramway No. 6.

locomotive or stationary engines and steel- wire ropes, or by such other mechanical

power as the Governor in Council shall approve of.

28. Every carriage used on any of the said tramways shall be so constructed as Construction of


to provide for the safety of passengers , and for their safe entrance to, and exit from ,

and accommodation in, such carriage, and their protection from the machinery used for

drawing or propelling such carriage.

29. The Governor in Council or any officer, or officers, appointed for that purpose Powers to

authorities to

by him in writing may, from time to time, inspect any engine, or carriage, used on any inspect engines,


of the tramways, and the machinery therein, and also any rope or other machinery of

the said tramways , and the Governor in Council may, whenever he thinks fit, prohibit

the use on the tramways, or any of them, of any such engine, carriage, rope, or

machinery, which, in his opinion , may not be safe for use.

30. The company or any person using steam or any mechanical power on any of Penalty for using

steam or

the tramways contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, or (where the same are mechanical

power contrary

to Ordinance or

applicable) to any of the regulations set forth in schedule A. hereto, or to any regula regulations.

tion added thereto or substituted therefor as aforesaid , shall, for every such offence, be

subject to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars, and also in the case of a continuing

offence, a further penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars for every day after the first

during which such offence continues. Provided, that whether any such penalty has

been recovered or not, the Governor in Council, in case, in his opinion, the company

or any persons using steam or any mechanical power on the tramways, under the

authority of this Ordinance, have made default in complying with the provisions of

this Ordinance, or (where the same are applicable) with any of the regulations set forth

in schedule A. bereto, or with any regulation which may have been added thereto, or

160S ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 .


substituted therefor as aforesaid, may, by order, direct the company or such persons to

cease to exercise the powers aforesaid , and thereupon the company or such persons shall

cease to exercise the powers aforesaid , and shall not again exercise the same unless

with the authority of the Governor in Council ; and in every such case the Governor

in Council shall make a special report to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State

for the Colonies notifying the making of such order .


31. Subject to this Ordinance, the Governor in Council may, from time to time ,


make, and when made, may rescind , annul or add to, bye-laws with regard to any of

the tramways upon which steam or any mechanical power may be used for regulating

the working and control of the tramways as well as for any of the following purposes ,

that is to say :

For regulating the use of the warning apparatus affixed to the engines .

For regulating the emission of smoke or steam from the engines .

For providing that engines and carriages shall be brought to a stand at such

places, and in such cases of impending danger, as the Governor in Council

may deem proper for securing safety.

For regulating the entrance to , exit from, and accommodation in the carriages ,

and the protection of passengers from the machinery of any engine used

for drawing or propelling such carriages .

For regulating the rate of speed of the engines and carriages . Provided that

the speed shall not exceed the rate of ten miles an hour, and that no

engines or carriages may pass through moveable facing points at a pace

exceeding the rate of four miles an hour.

For the stopping of carriages using the tramways .

For providing for the due publicity of all regulations and bye-laws for the

time being relating to the tramways, by exhibition thereof in conspicuous


Subject to this Ordinance, the company may, from time to time, make regulations

For preventing the commission of any nuisance in or upon any carriage, or

in or against any premises belonging to them .

For regulating the travelling in or upon any carriage belonging to them .

And for better enforcing the observance of all or any of the regulations mentioned in

this section , it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council and company respectively

to make bye-laws for all or any of the aforesaid purposes, and from time to time to

repeal or alter such bye-laws and make new bye-laws ; and notice of the making of any

bye-law shall be published once in two consecutive weeks in the Gazette, within one

month after the making thereof. A true copy of every bye-law shall, one month at

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 . 1609


least before the same shall come into operation, be sent to the company, if proposed

to be made by the Governor in Council, and to the Governor in Council , if proposed

to be made by the company.

32. Any such bye-law may impose penalties for offences against the same, not Penalty may

be imposed in

exceeding ten dollars for each offence , with or without penalties for continuing offences , bye-laws.

not exceeding for any continuing offence five dollars for every day during which the

offence continues ; but all bye-laws shall be so framed as to allow in every case part

only of the maximum penalty being ordered to be paid.

33. Before the company, or any person, use steam or any mechanical power, Notice before

using steam, &c.

under this Ordinance, they, or he, shall give two months' previous notice of their or

his intention so to do to the Governor in Council.

Carriages and engines.

34. The company may use carriages with flange-wheels, or wheels suitable only Company may

use flange

wheeled car

to run on the rails of their tramways, and, subject to this Ordinance, the company riages.

shall have the exclusive use of their tramways for carriages with flange-wheels, or other

wheels suitable only to run on the said rails , and no carriage or engine used on any of

the tramways Nos. 1 , 2, 3, 4 and 5 shall exceed six feet in width.

Power to sell.

35. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first obtained (but Power to sell.

not otherwise) , the company may, at any time, and from time to time, sell, assign, or

absolutely dispose of their undertaking, or any part , or parts thereof, and either with

or without receiving any valuable consideration therefor, to such person or persons,

corporation or company, by public auction or private contract, or partly by public

auction , and partly by private contract, and with, under and subject to such terms and

conditions in all respects as the company shall think fit, with power at any such sale

to buy in or rescind any contract for sale, and to re- sell ; and when any such sale,

assignment or absolute disposal has been made all the rights, powers, authorities,

obligations, and liabilities of the company in respect to the undertaking, or part or

parts thereof sold , assigned or absolutely disposed of, shall be transferred to, vested in ,

and may be exercised by, and shall attach to the person or persons, corporation or

company, to whom the same has been sold, assigned or absolutely disposed of, in like

manner as if such tramway was constructed by such person or persons, corporation or

company under the powers conferred upon them by this Ordinance, and in reference

to the same they shall be deemed to be the company.

Power to lease.

36. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first obtained (but Power to lease.

not otherwise) , the company may, at any time, and from time to time, demise their

undertaking, or any part or parts, thereof, to such person or persons, corporation or

1610 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 .


company, for such term or terms of years, or from year to year, or for any less

period , and for such rent or rents, and upon such terms and conditions, in all respects ,

as the company shall think fit to adopt, to take effect either in possession or at some

future date, and either with or without a premium or premiums as a consideration or

considerations for such demise or demises.

Rights of Government.

Rights of 37. The Governor in Council may, at any time or times, aud at all times, use ,


and take precedence over the company, and all other persons , in such user of, the

tramways hereby authorized, or any or either of them, for defensive or military pur

poses, or for the passage of troops and war material, on giving to the company, on

each occasion of such user, notice of his intention so to do.

Government to 38. The Governor in Council shall direct the payment to the company for such

pay tolls.

user as aforesaid of such tolls as shall be agreed on , or, if no agreement shall be come

to, then the amount of such tolls to be paid shall be settled in manner hereinafter

provided for the settlement by arbitration of matters in difference.

Traffic upon tramways.

Traffic upon 39. The tramways may be used for the purpose of conveying passengers, animals,


goods, merchandize, minerals , and parcels.

Company not 40. Save and except passengers' luggage not exceeding sixteen pounds in weight,

bound to carry

goods. or one cubic foot in measurement, the company shall not be bound to carry, unless

they think fit, any animals, goods, merchandize, minerals or parcels.


Tolls. 41. The company may demand and take, for passengers the tolls or charges spe

cified in schedule B. hereto , including tolls for the use of the tramways and of carriages,

and for motive power, and every other expense incidental to the conveyance of passen

gers .

Distance 42. Every fare paid by every passenger for travelling upon the tramways Nos. 1 ,

covered by

tolls. 2, 3 and 4, or any of them, or any part thereof, shall entitle such passenger to travel

any distance on all or any of the said last mentioned tramways, once, on the day on

which such passenger shall so travel, in the same direction continuously, and without

leaving the carriages, but for no further distance, or on any tramway other than the

tramways Nos. 1 , 2 , 3 and 4, or more than once, or on any other day, or in any other

direction, or to leave and re-enter the carriages ; and every fare paid by every passenger

for travelling upon the tramway No. 5, or any part thereof, shall entitle such passenger

to travel any distance on the said last mentioned tramway , once, on the day on which

such passenger shall so travel, in the same direction continuously, and without leaving

the carriages, but for no further distance, or on any tramway other than the tramway

No. 5, or more than once, or on any other day, or in any other direction, or to leave

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 . 1611


and re-enter the carriages ; and every fare paid by every passenger for travelling upon

the tramway No. 6, or any part thereof, shall entitle such passenger to travel any

distance on the said last mentioned tramway, once, on the day on which such passenger

shall so travel, in the same direction continuously, and without leaving the carriages,

but for no further distance, or on any tramway other than the tramway No. 6, or more

than once, or on any other day, or in any other direction , or to leave and re-enter the


43. If the carriages shall, during any journey, contain their proper complement If carriages full,

company not

of passengers, the company shall not be bound to find accommodation for any other bound to carry.

passenger, notwithstanding that such other passenger may have purchased a ticket or

tickets entitling him to travel upon the tramways, or any of them.

44. No passenger may take on any of the tramways his personal luggage other Passengers

luggage .

than small hand baskets, bags, or parcels, any one of which shall not exceed sixteen

pounds in weight, or one cubic foot in measurement. All such personal luggage to be

carried by hand, and at the responsibility of the passenger, and not to occupy any

part of a seat, nor to be of a form or description to annoy or inconvenience other

passengers .

45. The company may demand and take, in respect of any animals, goods, mer Tolls for animals,

goods, &c.

chandize, minerals or parcels conveyed by them on the tramways, except as is by this

Ordinance specially provided, including the tolls and charges for the use of the

tramways, and for waggons or trucks, and for motive power, and every other expense

incidental to such conveyance, any tolls or charges not exceeding the tolls and charges

specified in schedule C. hereto , subject to the regulations therein contained.

46. The said tolls and charges shall be paid to such persons, and at such places Payment of tolls

and in such manner, as the company may, by notice annexed to the list of tolls,


Abandonment of undertaking.

47. Notwithstanding anything herein contained , it shall and may be lawful for Liberty to

company to

the company at any time, if they shall not then have, under the power herein contained, abandon under


sold, assigned or disposed of, or demised their undertaking , or the part or parts thereof

proposed to be abandoned, to abandon their undertaking, or any part or parts thereof,

and to take up the tramways, or any or either of them, on giving to the Governor in

Council three months ' notice of their intention so to do ; and if the company shall abandon

the tramways Nos . 1 , 2 , 3, 4 and 5 , or any, or either of them, they shall, with all con

venient speed and in all cases within eight weeks at the most (unless the Surveyor Ge

neral otherwise consents in writing) , fill in the ground and make good the surface, and

to the reasonable satisfaction of the Surveyor General restore the portion of the road

upon which such last -mentioned tramways, or such of them as shall be abandoned ,

were laid to as good a condition as that in which it was before such tramways were laid

thereon, and clear away surplus paving , or metalling material, or rubbish occasioned

by such work, and they shall in the meantime cause the place where the road is opened ,

1612 ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1882.

Tramways .

or broken up, to be fenced and watched and to be properly lighted at night : Provided

always that , if the company fail to comply with the provisions of this section , the

Surveyor General, if he thinks fit , may himself, at any time after seven days' notice to

the company, remove the tramways, and do the works necessary for the restoration

of the road, to the extent provided for in this section , and the expense incurred by the

Surveyor General in so doing shall be re- paid to him by the company .

On abandon

ment, power to 48. If the company shall abandon their undertaking, or any part or parts thereof,


under the power herein contained, they shall be at liberty at any time, and from time to

time, to sell , assign, and absolutely dispose of such of the abandoned lands , messuages ,

engines, carriages, rails, works conveniences and premises as shall be vested in, or shall

belong to them , to such person or persons, corporation or company, by public auction

or private contract, or partly by public auction and partly by private contract, for such

price or prices, and with , under and subject to such terms and conditions in all respects

as the company shall think fit, with power at any such sale to buy in or rescind any

contract for sale, and to re- sell.


Offences. 49. If any person wilfully obstructs any person acting under the authority of the

company in the lawful exercise of any of the powers hereby conferred , or defaces, or

destroys, any mark made for the purpose of setting out the line of any tramway, or

damages, or destroys any property of the company, he shall for every such offence be

liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars.

Further offences.

50. If any person without lawful excuse (the proof whereof shall lie on him )

wilfully does any of the following things, namely :

Interferes with, removes , or alters, any part of a tramway, or of the works

connected therewith ;

Places, or throws any stones , dirt, wood, refuse, or other material on any part

of a tramway ;

Does, or causes to be done, anything in such manner as to obstruct any

carriage using a tramway, or to endanger the lives of persons therein , or

thereon ;

Or knowingly aids or assists in the doing of any of such things ;

he shall for every such offence be liable (in addition to any proceedings by way of

indictment, or otherwise, to which be may be subject) to a penalty not exceeding

twenty- five dollars.

Further offences. 51. If any person travelling, or having travelled, in any carriage avoids , or

attempts to avoid, payment of his fare, or if any person having paid his fare for a

certain distance, knowingly and wilfully proceeds in any such carriage beyond such

distance, and does not pay the additional fare for the additional distance, or attempts

to avoid payment thereof, or if any person knowingly and wilfully refuses, or neglects,

on arriving at the point to which he has paid his fare, to quit such carriage, every

such person shall, for every such offence, be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars.

ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1882 . 1613


52. Where a double line of rails is laid down every tramway carriage shall Regulation for

user ofline.

run on the rails on the left side of the road in the direction in which it is travelling,

and the driver of any engine or tramcar crossing to the other line of rails without

obvious necessity shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five dollars.

53. It shall be lawful for any officer or servant of the company, and all persons Transient


called by him to his assistance, to seize and detain any person discovered either in , or

immediately after, committing , or attempting to commit, any such offence as in the

next preceding section is mentioned , and whose name or residence is unknown to such

officer or servant , until such person can be conveniently taken to a Police Station for

safe custody and detained until he be discharged, by due course of law.

54. No person shall be entitled to carry , or to require to be carriel, on any tram . Penalty for


way any goods which may be of a dangerous nature, and if any person send by any dangerous goods

on tramways.

tramway any such goods, without distinctly marking their nature on the outside of the

package containing the same, or otherwise giving notice in writing to the book-keeper,

or other servant with whom the same are left, at the time of such sending, he shall be

liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars for every such offence, and it

shall be lawful for the company to refuse to take any parcel that they may suspect to

contain goods of a dangerous nature, cr require the same to be opened to ascertain the


55. If any person (except under the authority of this Ordinance) , uses any of the Penalty for using

tramways with

said tramways with carriages having flauge- wheels , or other wheels suitable only to flange-wheeled


run on the rail of such tramway, such person shall for every such offence be liable to a

penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars.

Purchase of lands by agreement.

56. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, it shall be lawful for the company Power to pur·

chase lands by

to agree with the owners of any lands which shall be required for the purposes of this agreement .

Ordinance, and with all parties having any estate or interest in such lands, or by this

Ordinance enabled to sell and assign the same, for the absolute purchase for a conside

ration in money of any such lands, or such parts thereof as they shall think proper,

and of all estates and interests in such lands of what kind soever.

57. It shall be lawful for all parties, being seized, possessed of, or entitled to, Parties under

disability enabled

any such lands, or any estate or interest therein, to sell and assign or release the same to selland assign.

to the company , and to enter into all necessary agreements for that purpose, and par

ticularly it shall be lawful for all, or any , of the following parties, so seized , possessed ,

or entitled, as aforesaid, so to sell, assign or release (that is to say) all corporations,

tenant in tail, or for life, married women seized in their own right, guardians, commit

tees of lunatics, and idiots, trustees in trust for charitable or other purposes , executors

and administrators, and all parties, for the time being, entitled to the receipt of the rents

and profits of any such lands in possession , or subject to any lease for life, or for lives

and years, or for years, or any less interest ; and the power so to sell and assign or

release as aforesaid may lawfully be exercised by all such parties, as to such married

1614 ORDINANCE No. 1 oF 1882 .


women, whether they be of full age or not, as if they were sole, and of full age, and as

to such guardians on behalf of their wards, and as to such committees on behalf of the

lunatics and idiots of whom they are the committees respectively, and that to the same

extent as such wives, wards, lunatics and idiots, respectively, could have exercised the

same power under the authority of this Ordinance, if they had respectively been under

no disability, and as to such trustees, executors and administrators, on behalf of their

cestuique trusts, whether infants , issue unborn, lunatics, femes covert, or other persons,

and that to the same extent as such cestuique trusts respectively could have exercised

the same powers under the authority of this Ordinance if they had respectively been

under no disability .

Parties under 58. The power to release lands from any rent-charge, or incumbrance, and to

disability to

exercise other agree for the apportionment of any such rent-charge or incumbrance shall extend to,


and may lawfully be exercised by, every party herein before enabled to sell and assign ,

or release, lands to the company.

Compensation 59. The purchase-money, or compensation, to be paid for any lands to be pur

where parties

are under dis

ability. chased or taken from any party under any disability, or incapacity, and not having

power to sell or assign such lands except under the provisions of this Ordinance, and

the compensation to be paid for any permanent damage or injury to any such lands,

shall not, except where the same shall have been determined by arbitration, or by the

valuation of a surveyor appointed by a Judge in Summary Jurisdiction under the

provisions hereinafter contained, be less than shall be determined by the valuation of

two able practical surveyors, one of whom shall be nominated by the company and the

other by the other party , and if such two surveyors cannot agree in the valuation, then

by such third surveyor as a Judge in Summary Jurisdiction shall upon application of

either party, after notice to the other party , for that purpose, nominate ; and each of

such two surveyors , if they agree, or, if not, then the surveyor nominated by the said

Judge in Summary Jurisdiction shall annex to the valuation a declaration in writing,

subscribed by them or him, of the correctness thereof ; and all such purchase-money

or compensation shall be deposited in the bank for the benefit of the parties interested ,

in manner hereinafter mentioned.

Purchase of lands otherwise than by agreement.

Notice of inten 60. When the company shall require to purchase or take any of the lands more

tion to take


particularly mentioned and set out in schedule D. to this Ordinance they shall give

notice thereof to all the parties interested in such lands, or to the parties enabled by

this Ordinance to sell and assign or release the same, or such of the said parties as

shall , after diligent inquiry, be known to the company, and by such notice sball demand

from such parties the particulars of their estate and interest in such lands, and of the

claims made by them in respect thereof ; and every such notice shall state the parti

culars of the lands so required , and that the company are willing to treat for the

purchase thereof, and as to the compensation to be made to all parties for the damage

that may be sustained by them by reason of the execution of the works.

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882. 1615


61. If, for twenty-one days after the service of such notice, any such party shall If parties fail to

treat question to

be settled as

fail to state the particulars of his claim in respect of any such land, or to treat with hereinafter


the company in respect thereof, or if such party and the company shall not agree as

to the amount of the compensation to be paid by the company for the interest in such

lands belonging to such party, or which he is by this Ordinance enabled to sell , or for

any damage that may be sustained by him by reason of the execution of the works,

the amount of such compensation shall be settled in the manner hereinafter provided

for settling cases of disputed compensation.

Where compen

62. If no agreement be come to between the company and the owners of, or sation does not

exceed $1,000.

parties by this Ordinance enabled to sell and assign, or release, any of the said lands

mentioned in the said schedule D. , and taken or required for , or injuriously affected

by, the execution of the undertaking, or any interest in such lands, as to the value of

such lands, or of any interest therein, or as to the compensation to be made in respect

thereof, and if in any such case the compensation claimed shall not exceed one thousand

dollars, the same shall be settled by a Judge in Summary Jurisdiction .

63. If the compensation claimed or offered in any such case shall exceed one Where compen

sation exceeds

thousand dollars, the same shall be settled by arbitration as hereinafter provided . $1,000.

64. It shall be lawful for any Judge in Summary Jurisdiction upon the applica Proceedings to

settle disputes

before a Judge

tion of either party with respect to any question of disputed compensation by this in Summary


Ordinance authorized to be settled by a Judge in Summary Jurisdiction to summon

the other party to appear before a Judge in Summary Jurisdiction at a time and place

to be named in the summons, and upon the appearance of such parties, or, in the

absence of any of them, upon proof of due service of the summons, it shall be lawful

for such Judge in Summary Jurisdiction to hear and determine such question, and for

that purpose to examine such parties, or any of them, and their witnesses, upon oath ,

and the costs of every such inquiry shall be in the discretion of such Judge in Sum

mary Jurisdiction , and he shall settle the amount thereof. All proceedings under this

Ordinance before a Judge in Summary Jurisdiction shall be instituted by a suit headed

Compensation under the Tramways Ordinance, 1881.

65. When any question of disputed compensation, by this Ordinance authorized Proceedings by


or required to be settled by arbitration, shall have arisen, then, unless both parties

shall concur in the appointment of a single arbitrator, each party, on the request of

the other party , shall nominate and appoint an arbitrator, to whom such dispute shall

be referred ; and every appointment of an arbitrator shall be made on the part of the

company under the hands of their secretary or clerk, and on the part of any other

party under the hand of such party, or, if such party be a corporation aggregate, under

the common seal of such corporation, and such appointment shall be delivered to the

arbitrator, and shall be deemed a submission to arbitration on the part of the party

by whom the same shall be made ; and after any such appointment shall have been

made neither party shall have power to revoke the same without the consent of the

other, nor shall the death of either party operate as a revocation ; and if for the space

1616 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 .

Tramways .

of fourteen days after any such dispute shall have arisen, and after a request in writing,

in which shall be stated the matter so required to be referred to arbitration, shall have

been served by the one party on the other party to appoint an arbitrator, such last

mentioned party fail to appoint such arbitrator, then upon such failure the party

making the request, and having himself appointed an arbitrator, may appoint such

arbitrator to act on behalf of both parties, and such arbitrator may proceed to hear

and determine the matters which shall be in dispute, and in such case the award or

determination of such single arbitrator shall be final, unless the same be appealed

against as hereinafter provided .

Vacancy of 66. If, before the matters so referred shall be determined, any arbitrator appointed

arbitrator to

be supplied. by either party die, or become incapable, the party by whom such arbitrator was

appointed may nominate and appoint in writing some other person to act in his place,

and if, for the space of seven days after notice in writing from the other party for that

purpose, he fail to do so, the remaining or other arbitrator may proceed ex parte, and

every arbitrator so to be substituted as aforesaid shall have the same powers and

authorities as were vested in the former arbitrator at the time of such his death or

disability as aforesaid.

Appointment 67. Where more than one arbitrator shall have been appointed , such arbitrators

of umpire.

shall, before they enter upon the matters referred to them , nominate and appoint, by

writing under their hands, an umpire to decide on any such matters on which they

shall differ, or which shall be referred to him under the provisions of this Ordinance,

and if such umpire shall die, or become incapable to act, they shall forthwith , after

such death or incapacity, appoint another umpire in his place, and the decision of

every such umpire on the matters so referred to him shall be final, unless the same

shall be appealed against as hereinafter provided.

Judge in Sum 68. If in either of the cases aforesaid the said arbitrators shall refuse, or shall,

mary Jurisdic

tion empowered for seven days after request of either party to such arbitration, neglect to appoint an

to appoint an

mmpire on umpire, a Judge in Summary Jurisdiction shall, in Chambers , on the application of

neglect ofthe


either party to such arbitration , appoint an umpire, and the decision of such umpire

on the matters on which the arbitrators shall differ, or which shall be referred to him

under this Ordinance, shall be final, unless the same shall be appealed against as

hereinafter provided .

In case of death 69. If, when a single arbitrator shall have been appointed , he shall die, or become

of single arbitra

tor, thematter to incapable to act, before he shall have made his award, the matters referred to him shall

begin de noro,

be determined by arbitration under this Ordinance in the same manner as if such

arbitrator had not been appointed .

If either arbitra 70. If, where more than one arbitrator shall have been appointed, either of the

tor refuse to act,

the other to arbitrators refuse , or, for seven days, neglect to act, the other arbitrator may proceed


ex parte. ex parte, and the decision of such other arbitrator shall be as effectual as if he had been

the single arbitrator appointed by both parties.

ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1882 . 1617


71. If, where more than one arbitrator shall have been appointed , and where If arbitrators

fail to make

neither of them shall refuse, or neglect, to act as aforesaid , such arbitrators shall fail their award

within twenty

one days, the

to make their award within twenty-one days after the day on which the last of such matter to go to

the umpire.

arbitrators shall have been appointed, or within such extended time (if any) as shall

have been appointed for that purpose by both such arbitrators, under their hands,

(such extended time in no case to exceed two months from the day on which the last

of such arbitrators shall have been appointed , ) then matters referred to them shall

be determined by the umpire to be appointed as aforesaid, and if, from any cause

whatever, such umpire shall except he be prevented from illness or any other unavoidable

circumstance, fail to make his award within three months after the day on which the

last of such arbitrators shall have been appointed he shall forfeit five hundred dollars

to the company. If, from any cause whatever, such umpire shall fail to make his

award within the time aforesaid , the matters referred to him shall be determined by

other arbitrators under this Ordinance in the same manner as if no previous proceedings

in arbitration had been taken with reference to the said matters.

72. The said arbitrators, or their umpire, may call for the production of any Power ofarbitra

tors to call for

documents in the possession or power of either party which they, or he, may think books, &c.

necessary for determining the question in dispute, and may examine the parties, or

their witnesses, on oath, and administer the oaths necessary for that purpose.

73. Before any arbitrator or umpire shall enter into the consideration of any Arbitrator or

umpire to make

a declaration.

matters referred to him, he shall , in the presence of a Justice of the Peace make and

subscribe the following declaration , that is to say :

"I, A. B., do solemnly and sincerely declare that I will faithfully and honestly,

"and to the best of my skill and ability, hear and determine the matters

" referred to me under the provisions of the Tramways Ordinance, 1881 .

"Made and subscribed in the presence of

66 29

[4. B.]

And such declaration shall be annexed to the award when made ; and if any arbitrator ,

or umpire, having made such declaration , shall wilfully act contrary thereto, he shall

be guilty of a misdemeanour.

74. Except as is hereinafter otherwise provided , all the costs of any such arbitra Costs of arbitra

tion how to be


tion, and incident thereto, to be settled by the arbitrators, or umpire, shall be borne by

the company, unless the arbitrators or umpire shall award the same, or a less , sum

than shall have been offered by the company, in which case each party shall bear his

own costs incident to the arbitration, and the costs of the arbitrators and umpire shall

be borne by the parties in equal proportions.

75. The arbitrators or umpire shall forthwith deliver their or his award in writing Award to be

delivered to the

to the company, who shall retain the same, and shall forthwith, on demand, at their company.

own expense, furnish a copy thereof to the other party to the arbitration, and shall at

all times, on demand, produce the said award, and allow the same to be inspected or

examined by such party, or any person appointed by him for that purpose.

1618 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 .


Submission may 76. The submission to any such arbitration may be made a rule of the Court on

be made a rule

ofCourt. the application of either of the parties.

Award not void 77. No award made with respect to any question referred to arbitration under this

through error in

form .

Ordinance shall be set aside for irregularity , or error, in matter of form .

Compensation to 78. The purchase-money or compensation to be paid for any of the said lands

absent parties to

be determined by mentioned in the said schedule D. , and required to be purchased or taken by the

a surveyor

appointed by a company from any party who, by reason of absence from the Colony of Hongkong, is

Judge in Suin

mary Jurisdic

tion. prevented from treating, or who cannot, after diligent inquiry, be found , or who shall

not appear at the time (ifany) appointed for the inquiry before the arbitrators or their

umpire, as hereinbefore provided for, shall be such as shall be determined by the

valuation of such able practical surveyor as a Judge in Summary Jurisdiction shall

nominate for that purpose as hereinafter mentioned.

A Judge in 79. Upon application by the company in Chambers to a Judge in Summary Juris

Suminary Juris

diction to nomi

nate a surveyor. diction and upon such proof as shall be satisfactory to him, that any such party is, by

reason of absence from the said Colony, prevented from treating, or cannot, after

diligent inquiry, be found, or that any such party failed to appear on such inquiry

before the arbitrators or their umpire as aforesaid, such Judge in Summary Jurisdiction

shall by writing under his hand , nominate an able practical surveyor for determining

such compensation as aforesaid, and such surveyor shall determine the same accord

ingly, and shall annex to his valuation a declaration in writing subscribed by him of

the correctness thereof.

Declaration to be 80. Before such surveyor shall enter upon the duty of making such valuation as

made by the

surveyor. aforesaid, he shall, in the presence of a Justice of the Peace make and subscribe the

declaration following at the foot of such nomination , (that is to say) : –

"I, A. B., do solemnly and sincerely declare that I will faithfully, impartially,

"and honestly, according to the best of my skill and ability, execute the

"duty of making the valuation hereby referred to me.


"Made and subscribed in the presence of

[A. B.]

And if any surveyor shall corruptly make such declaration , or having made such decla

ration shall wilfully act contrary thereto, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanour.

Valuation, &c., 81. The said nomination and declaration shall be annexed to the valuation to be

to be produced

to the owner of made by such surveyor, and shall be preserved together therewith by the company,

the lands on


and they shall at all times produce the said valuation and other documents , on demand ,

to the owner of the lands comprised in such valuation, and to all other parties interested


Expenses to be

borne by cor . 82. All the expenses of, and incident to, every such valuation shall be borne by

pany. the company .

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 . 1619


83. In estimating the purchase-money or compensation to be paid by the com Purchase -money

and compensa

pany in any of the cases aforesaid , regard shall be had by the Judge in Summary Juris tion, how to be


diction, arbitrators, umpire or surveyors, as the case may be, not only to the value of

the land to be purchased or taken by the company, but also to the damage, if any, to

be sustained by the owner of the lands by reason of the severing of the lands taken

from the other lands of such owner, or otherwise injuriously affecting such other lands

by the exercise of the powers of this Ordinance, and to the fact that the lands taken

are so taken from such owner compulsorily.

84. When the compensation payable in respect of any of the said lands mentioned Where compen

sation to absent

party has been

in the said schedule D. , or any interest therein shall have been ascertained by the determined by a

surveyor, the

valuation of a surveyor, and deposited in the bank under the provisions herein con party may have

the same sub

tained, by reason that the owner of, or party entitled to assign, such lands, or such mitted toarbitra


interest therein as aforesaid, could not be found, or was absent from the said Colony

of Hongkong; if such owner or party shall be dissatisfied with such valuation, it shall

be lawful for him, before he shall have applied to the Court for payment or investment

of the moneys so deposited under the provisions herein contained, by notice in writing

to the company to require the question of such compensation to be submitted to

arbitration, and thereupon the same shall be so submitted accordingly in the same

manner as in other cases of disputed compensation hereinbefore authorized or required

to be submitted to arbitration .

85. The question to be submitted to the arbitrators in the case last aforesaid shall Question to be

submitted to the

arbitrators .

be, whether the said sum so deposited as aforesaid by the company was a sufficient sum,

or whether any, and what, further sum ought to be paid or deposited by them .

86. If the arbitrators shall award that a further sum ought to be paid or deposited If further sum

awarded, com

by the company, they shall pay, or deposit, as the case may require, such further sum pany to pay or

deposit same

within fourteen

within fourteen days after the making of such award , or, in default thereof, the same days.

may be enforced by attachment, or recovered, with costs, by action or suit.

87. If the arbitrators shall determine that the sum so deposited was sufficient , the Costs of the


costs of, and incident to, such arbitration to be determined by the arbitrators shall (but

subject as hereinafter provided) be in the discretion of the arbitrators, but, if the

arbitrators shall determine that a further sum ought to be paid or deposited by the

company, all the costs of, and incident to, the arbitration shall (but subject as aforesaid)

be borne by the company .

88. If any party shall be entitled to any compensation in respect of any of the Compensation

where no satis

said lands, mentioned in the said schedule D. , or of any interest therein, which shall factionpreviously

made, how to be


have been taken for, or injuriously affected by, the execution of the works, and for.

which the company shall not have made satisfaction under the provisions of this

Ordinance, and if the compensation claimed in such case shall exceed the sum of one

thousand dollars , the same shall be settled by arbitration as hereinbefore provided .

1620 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882.


Application of compensation.

Purchase-money 89. If the purchase-money or compensation which shall be payable in respect of

payable to

parties under

disability any of the said lands, mentioned in the said schedule D. , or of any interest therein,

amounting to

$1,000 to be purchased or taken by the company from any tenant for life or in tail, married woman

deposited in the

Bank. seized in her own right, guardian, committee of lunatic or idiot, trustee, executor or

administrator, or person having a partial or qualified interest only in such lands, and

not entitled to sell or assign the same except under the provisions of this Ordinance,

or the compensation to be paid for any permanent damage to any such lands, amount

to, or exceed, the sum of one thousand dollars, the same shall be paid into the bank,

to be placed to the account there of the Registrar of the Court ex parte the company in

the matter of this Ordinance (citing it) pursuant to the method for the time being in

force for regulating moneys paid into Court ; and such moneys shall remain so

deposited until the same be applied to some one or more of the following purposes ,

(that is to say) :--

Application of In the discharge of any debt or incumbrance affecting the land in respect of



which such money shall have been paid , or affecting other lands settled

therewith to the same or the like uses, trusts , or purposes ; or,

In the purchase of other lands to be assigned, limited, and settled upon the

like uses , trusts, and purposes, and in the same manner as the lands in

respect of which such money shall have been paid stood settled ; or,

If such money shall be paid in respect of any buildings taken under the

authority of this Ordinance, or injured by the proximity of the works,

in removing or re- placing such buildings , or substituting others in their

stead, in such manner as the Court shall direct ; or,

In payment to any party becoming absolutely entitled to such money.

Order for appli 90. Such money may be so applied as aforesaid upon an order of the Court, or

cation and


meanwhile. of a Judge in Chambers, made on the petition or summons of the party who would

have been entitled to the rents and profits of the lands in respect of which such money

shall have been deposited ; and until the money can be so applied it may, upon the

like order, be invested by the proper officer of the Court in or upon any securities or

investments in or upon which trustees are, by section 17 of Ordinance No. 7 of 1873 ,

authorized to invest trust moneys, and the interest, dividends and annual proceeds

thereof paid to the party who would, for the time being, have been entitled to the

rents and profits of the lands.

Sums from $25 91. If the purchase-money or compensation shall not amount to the sum of one

to be deposited

or paid to trus thousand dollars and shall exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars, the same shall either


be paid into the bank, and applied in the manner hereinbefore directed with respect

to sums amounting to, or exceeding, one thousand dollars, or the same may lawfully

be paid to two trustees, to be nominated by the parties entitled to the rents or profits

of the lands in respect whereof the same shall be payable, such non.ination to be

signified by writing under the hand of the party so entitled ; and in case of the

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 . 1621


coverture, infancy, Junacy, or other incapacity of the parties entitled to such moneys ,

such nomination may lawfully be made by their respective husbands, guardians , com

mittees, or trustees ; but such last-mentioned application of the moneys shall not be

made unless the company approve thereof, and of the trustees named for the purpose ;

and the money so paid to such trustees, and the produce arising therefrom, shall be

by such trustees applied in the manner hereinbefore directed with respect to money

paid into the bank, but it shall not be necessary to obtain any order of the Court for

that purpose .

92. If such money shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars, the same Sams not ex

ceeding $25 to be

shall be paid to the parties entitled to the rents and profits of the lauds in respect paid to parties.

whereof the same shall be payable, for their own use and benefit, or in case of the cover

ture, infancy, idiotcy, lunacy, or other incapacity of any such parties, then such money

shall be paid, for their use, to the respective husbands, guardians, committees, or

trustees of such persons .

93. Upon deposit in the bank, in manner hereinbefore provided , of the purchase Upon deposit

being made, the

money or compensation agreed or awarded to be paid in respect of any of the said owners ofthe

lands to assign,

lands mentioned in the said schedule D., and purchased or taken by the company or in default the

lands to vest in

the company by

under the provisions of this Ordinance, the owner of such lands shall, when required deed poll.

so to do by the company, duly assign such lands to the company, or as they shall

direct ; and in default thereof, or if he fail to adduce a good title to such lands to their

satisfaction, it shall be lawful for the company, if they think fit, to execute a deed poll

under their common seal, containing a description of the lands in respect of which

such default shall be made, and reciting the purchase or taking thereof by the company,

and the names of the parties from whom the same were purchased or taken, and the

deposit made in respect thereof, and declaring the fact of such default having been

made, and such deed poll shall be stamped with the stamp duty which would have been

payable upon an assignment to the company of the lands described therein ; and

thereupon all the estate and interest in such lands of, or capable of being sold and

assigned by, the party between whom and the company such agreement shall have

been come to, or as between whom and the company such purchase -money or com

pensation shall have been determined by arbitrators, or an umpire, or by a surveyor

appointed by a Judge in Summary Jurisdiction as herein provided, and shall have

been deposited as aforesaid, shall vest absolutely in the company, and as against such

parties, and all parties on behalf of whom they are hereinbefore enabled to sell and

assign the company shall be entitled to immediate possession of such lands .

94. If the owner of any of the said lands mentioned in the said schedule D. , and Where parties

refuse to assign

purchased or taken by the company, or of any interest therein, on tender of the or do not show

title, or cannot

be found, the

purchase-money or compensation either agreed or awarded to be paid in respect purchase-money

to be deposited.

thereof, refuse to accept the same, or neglect , or fail to make out a title to such lands ,

or to the interest therein claimed by him, to the satisfaction of the company, or if he

refuse to assign or release such lands as directed by the company, or if any such owner

1622 ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1882 .


be absent from the said Colony of Hongkong, or cannot, after diligent inquiry, be

found or fail to appear on the inquiry before the arbitrators or their umpire as herein

provided for, it shall be lawful for the company to deposit the purchase-money or

compensation payable in respect of such lands, or any interest therein , in the bank,

to be placed , except in the cases herein otherwise provided for , to the account there of

the proper officer of the Court to the credit of the parties interested in such lands

(describing them so far as the company can do) , subject to the control and disposition

of the Court.

Upon deposit 95. Upon any such deposit of money as last aforesaid being made, the cashier of

being made, a

receipt to be

given, and the the bank shall give to the company, or to the party paying in such money by their

lands to vest

upon a deed poll direction, a receipt for such money, specifying therein for what and for whose use

being executed.

(described as aforesaid) the same shall have been received, and in respect of what

purchase the same shall have been paid in ; and it shall be lawful for the company , if

they think fit, to execute a deed poll under their common seal, containing a description

of the lands in respect whereof such deposit shall have been made, and declaring the

circumstances under which and the names of the parties to whose credit such deposit

shall have been made, and such deed poll shall be stamped with the stamp duty which

would have been payable upon an assignment to the company of the lands described

therein ; and thereupon all the estate and interest in such lands of the parties for

whose use and in respect whereof such purchase-money or compensation shall have

been deposited shall vest absolutely in the company, and as against such parties they

shall be entitled to immediate possession of such lands.

Application of 96. Upon the application by petition or summons of any party making claim to

moneys so

deposited. the money so deposited as last aforesaid , or any part thereof, or to the lands in respect

whereof the same shall have been so deposited, or any part of such lands, or any

interest in the same, the Court or a Judge in Chambers may, in a summary way, as to

such Court or Judge shall seem fit, order such money to be laid out or invested in or

upon any of the securities or investments mentioned in section 90 of this Ordinance ,

or may order distribution thereof, or payment of the dividends thereof, according to

the respective estates, titles, or interests of the parties making claim to such money or

lands or any part thereof, and may make such other order in the premises as to such

Court or Judge shall seem fit.

Party in 97. If any question arise respecting the title to the lands in respect whereof such

possession to

be deemed the moneys shall have been so paid or deposited as aforesaid, the parties respectively in


possession of such lands, as being the owners thereof, or in receipt of the rents of such

lands, as being entitled thereto at the time of such lands being purchased or taken , shall

be deemed to have been lawfully entitled to such lands, until the contrary be shown to

the satisfaction of the Court or Judge ; and, unless the contrary be shown as aforesaid,

the parties so in possession , and all parties claiming under them, or consistently with

their possession , shall be deemed entitled to the money so deposited , and to the

dividends or interests of the securities purchased therewith , and the same shall be paid

and applied accordingly.

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882. 1623


98. In all cases of moneys deposited in the bank under the provisions of this Costs in cases of

money deposited.

Ordinance, except where such moneys shall have been so deposited by reason of the

wilful refusal of any party entitled thereto, to receive the same, or to assign or release

the lands in respect whereof the same shall be payable, or by reason of the wilful neglect

of any party to make out a good title to the land required, it shall be lawful for the

Court, or a Judge in Chambers, to order the costs of the following matters, including

therein all reasonable charges and expenses incident thereto, to be paid by the company

(that is to say) the costs of the purchase or taking of the lands, or which shall have

been incurred in consequence thereof, other than such costs as are herein otherwise

provided for, and the costs of the investment of such moneys by order of the Court, or

Judge, and of the re- investment thereof in the purchase of other lands, and also the

costs of obtaining the proper orders for any of the purposes aforesaid , and of the orders

for the payment of the dividends and interest of the securities upon which such moneys

shall be invested , and for the payment out of Court of the principal of such moneys,

or of the securities whereon the same shall be invested , and of all proceedings relating

thereto, except such as are occasioned by litigation between adverse claimants : Provided

always, that the costs of one application only for re-investment in land shall be allowed ,

unless it shall appear to the Court or Judge that it is for the benefit of the parties

interested in the said moneys that the same should be invested in the purchase of

lands , in different sums and at different times, in which case it shall be lawful for the

Court or Judge to order the costs of any such investments to be paid by the company.


99. Assignments of lands to the company may be in such form as the company Assignments.

may think fit.

100. The costs of all such assignments shall be borne by the company, and such Costs of


costs shall include all charges and expenses incurred , on the part as well of the seller

as of the purchaser, of all assignments and assurances of any such lands, and of any

outstanding terms or interests therein, and of deducing, evidencing, and verifying the

title to such lands, terms or interests, and of making out and furnishing such abstracts

and attested copies as the company may require, and all other reasonable expenses

incident to the investigation , deduction and verification of such title .

101. If the company and the party entitled to any such costs shall not agree as Taxation of costs

of assignments.

to the amount thereof, such costs shall be taxed by the Registrar of the Court upon an

order of the Court, to be obtained upon petition in a summary way by either of the

parties ; and the company shall pay what the Registrar shall certify to be due in res

pect of such costs to the party entitled thereto, or in default thereof the same may be

recovered in the same way as any other costs payable under an order of the said Court,

or the same may be recovered by distress in the manner hereinbefore provided in other

cases of costs ; and the expense of taxing such costs shall be borne by the company,

unless upon such taxation one-sixth part ofthe amount of such costs shall be disallowed,

1624 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 .


in which case the costs of such taxation shall be borne by the party whose costs shall

be so taxed, and the amount thereof shall be ascertained by the Registrar and deducted

by him accordingly in his certificate of such taxation .

Entry on lands.

Payment of 102. The company shall not, except by consent of the owners and occupiers ,

price to be made

previous to enter upon any of the said lands mentioned in the said schedule D. , and which shall

entry, except to

survey, &c.

be required to be purchased or permanently used for the purposes and under the

powers of this Ordinance, until they shall either have paid to every party having any

interest in such lands , or deposited in the bank, in the manner herein mentioned , the

purchase-money or compensation agreed or awarded to be paid to such parties res

pectively for their respective interests therein : Provided always, that for the purpose

merely of surveying such lands, and of setting out the line of the works, it shall be

lawful for the company after giving not less than three nor more than fourteen days'

notice to the owners or occupiers thereof, to enter upon such lands without previous

consent, making compensation for any damage thereby occasioned to the owners or

occupiers thereof.

Company to be 103. Provided also, that, if the company shall be desirous of entering upon and

allowed to enter

on lands before using any of the said lands mentioned in the said schedule D. before an agreement

purchase, on

making deposit

by way of shall have been come to, or an award made for the purchase-money or compensation

security and

giving bond. to be paid by them in respect of such lands, it shall be lawful for the company to

deposit in the bank by way of security, as hereinafter mentioned, either the amount of

purchase- money or compensation claimed by any party interested in, or entitled to sell

and assign, such lands, and who shall not consent to such entry, or such a sum as shall ,

by a surveyor appointed by a Judge in Summary Jurisdiction in the manner herein

before provided in the case of parties who cannot be found, be determined to be the

value of such lands or interest therein which such party is entitled to or enabled to sell

and assign, and also to give to such party a bond, under the common seal of the com

pany, with two sufficient sureties to be approved of by a Magistrate in case the parties

differ in a penal sum equal to the sum so to be deposited , conditioned for payment to

such party, or for deposit in the bank, for the benefit of the parties interested in such

lands, as the case may require, under the provisions herein contained, of all such pur

chase-money or compensation as may in manner hereinbefore provided be determined

to be payable by the company in respect of the lands so entered upon, together with

interest thereon , at a rate of six dollars per centum per annum, from the time of enter

ing on such lands , until such purchase- money or compensation shall be paid to such

party or deposited in the bank for the benefit of the parties interested in such lands

under the provisions herein contained ; and upon such deposit by way of security being

made as aforesaid , and such bond being delivered or tendered to such non- consenting

party as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the company to enter upon and use such lands ,

without having first paid or deposited the purchase-money or compensation in other

cases required to be paid or deposited by them before entering upon any lands to be

taken by them under the provisions of this Ordinance.

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 . 1625

Tramways .

104. The money so to be deposited as last aforesaid shall be paid into the bank to Upon deposit

being made.

cashier to give

be placed to the account of the Registrar of the Court to the credit of the parties interested receipt.

in, or entitled to sell and assign, the lands so to be entered upon, and who shall not have

consented to such entry, subject to the control and disposition of the Court ; and upon

such deposit being made, the cashier of the bank shall give to the company, or to the

party paying in such money by their direction a receipt for such money, specifying

therein for what purpose, and to whose credit, the same shall have been paid in.

105. The money so deposited as last aforesaid shall remain in the bank by way of Deposit to

remain as a

security, and to

security to the parties whose lands shall so have been entered upon, for the performanc be applied under

the direction

of the condition of the bond to be given by the company as hereinbefore mentioned , and of the Court.

the same may, on the application by petition of the company, be ordered to be invested

upon any of the securities and investments mentioned in section 90 of this Ordinance

and accumulated ; and upon the condition of such bond being fully performed, it shall be

lawful for the Court, upon a like application, to order the money so deposited, or the

funds in which the same shall have been invested, together with the accumulation thereof,

to be re-paid or transferred to the company, or if such condition shall not be fully per

formed, it shall be lawful for the Court to order the same to be applied in such manner

as it shall think fit for the benefit of the parties for whose security the same shall so

have been deposited .

106. If the company or any of their contractors shall, except as aforesaid , wilfully Penalty on the


entering upon

enter upon and take possession of any of the said lands mentioned in the said schedule lands without

consent before

D., which shall be required to be purchased or permanently used for the purpose of this payment of the


Ordinance, without such consent as aforesaid , or without having made such payment for

the benefit of the parties interested in the lands, or such deposit by way of security as

aforesaid, the company shall forfeit to the party in possession of such lands the sum of

fifty dollars, over and above the amount of any damage done to such lands by reason of

such entry and taking possession as aforesaid, and if the company or their contractors

shall, after conviction in such penalty as aforesaid , continue in unlawful possession of any

such lands, the company shall be liable to forfeit the sum of one hundred dollars for

every day they or their contractor shall so remain in possession as aforesaid, such penalty

to be recoverable by the party in possession of such lands, with costs, by action or suit

in the Court Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be held to subject

the company to the payment of any such penalties as aforesaid, if they shall bonâ fide

and without collusion have paid the compensation agreed or awarded to be paid in respect

of the said lands to any person whom th company may have reasonably believed to be

entitled thereto , or shall have deposited the same in the bank for the benefit of the parties

interested in the lands, or made such deposit by way of security in respect thereof as

herein before mentioned, although such person may not have been legally entitled thereto.

107. On the trial of any action or suit for any such penalty as aforesaid , the decision Decision of

Judge in Sum

mary Jurisdic

of the Judge in Summary Jurisdiction under the provision hereinbefore contained shall tion not conclu

sive as to the

not be held conclusive as to the right of entry on any such lands by the company. right of entry of

the company .

1626 ORDINANCE No. 1 oF 1882 .


Proceedings in 103. If in any case in which, according to the provisions of this Ordinance, the

case of refusal

to deliver

possession of company are authorized to enter upon and take possession of such of the said lands


mentioned in the said schedule D. as are required for the purposes of the undertaking,

the owner or occupier of any such lands, or any other person , refuse to give up the

possession thereof, or hinder the company from entering upon or taking possession of the

same, it shall be lawful for the company to issue their warrant to the sheriff of the Colony

of Hongkong to deliver possession of the same to the person appointed in such warrant

to receive the same, and upon the receipt of such warrant the sheriff shall deliver possession

of any such lands accordingly, and the costs accruing by reason of the issuing and

execution of such warrant, to be settled by the sheriff, shall be paid by the person refusing

to give possession, and the amount of such costs shall be deducted and retained by the

company from the compensation, if any, then payable by them to such party, or if no

such compensation be payable to such party, or if the same be less than the amount of

such costs, then such costs , or the excess thereof beyond such compensation, if not paid

on demand, shall be levied by distress, and upon application to a Judge in Summary

Jurisdiction for that purpose he shall issue his warrant accordingly.

Parties not to 109. No party shall at any time be required to sell or assign to the company a

be required to

sell part ofa part only of any house or other building or manufactory, if such party be willing and


able to sell and assign the whole thereof.

Lands in mortgage.

Power to redeem 110. It shall be lawful for the company to purchase or redeem the interest of

mortgages, the mortgagee of any of the said lands mentioned in the said schedule D. , which may

be required for the purposes of this Ordinance, and that whether they shall have pre

viously purchased the equity of redemption of such lands or not, and whether the

mortgagee thereof be entitled thereto in his own right, or in trust for any other party,

and whether he be in possession of such lands by virtue of such mortgage or not, and

whether such mortgage affect such lands solely, or jointly, with any other lands not

required for the purposes of this Ordinance, and in order thereto the company may

pay or tender to such mortgagee the principal and interest due on such mortgage,

together with his costs and charges, if any, and also one month's additional interest ,

and thereupon such mortgagee shall immediately assign his interest in the lands

comprised in such mortgage to the company, or as they shall direct, or the company

may give notice in writing to such mortgagee that they will pay off the principal and

interest due on such mortgage at the end of one month, computed from the day of

giving such notice ; and if they shall have given any such notice, or if the party

entitled to the equity of redemption of any such lands shall have given notice of his

intention to redeem the same, then at the expiration of either of such notices, or at

any intermediate period , upon payment or tender by the company to the mortgagee

of the principal money due on such mortgage, and the interest which would become

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 . 1627


due at the end of one month from the time of giving either of such notices, together

with his costs and expenses, if any, such mortgagee shall assign or release his interest

in the lands comprised in such mortgage to the company, or as they shall direct .

111. If, in either of the cases aforesaid, upon such payment or tender, any mort Deposit of mort

gage money on

refusal to accept,

gagee shall fail to assign or release his interest in such mortgage as directed by the

company, or if he fail to adduce a good title thereto to their satisfaction, then it shall

be lawful for the company to deposit in the bank, in the manner provided by this

Ordinance in like cases, the principal and interest, together with the costs, if any, due

on such mortgage, and also, if such payment be made before the expiration of the

notices aforesaid, such further interest as would at such expiration become due ; and

it shall be lawful for them, if they think fit, to execute a deed poll, duly stamped, in

the manner hereinbefore provided in the case of the purchase of lands by them ; and

thereupon, as well as upon such assignment by the mortgagee, if any , being made, all

the estate and interest of such mortgagee, and of all persons in trust for him, or

for whom he may be a trustee, in such lands, shall vest in the company, and they shall

be entitled to immediate possession thereof in case such mortgagee were himself

entitled to such possession.

112. If any such mortgaged lands shall be of less value than the principal, interest , Sum to be paid

when mortgage

exceeds the

and costs secured thereon , the value of such lands, or the compensation to be made by value of the


the company in respect thereof, shall be settled by agreement between the mortgagee

of such lands and the party entitled to the equity of redemption thereof on the one

part, and the company on the other part, and if the parties aforesaid fail to agree

respecting the amount of such value or compensation, the same shall be determined as

in other cases of disputed compensation ; and the amount of such value or compensa

tion, being so agreed upon or determined, shall be paid by the company to the

mortgagee in satisfaction of his mortgage debt so far as the same will extend , and

upon payment or tender thereof the mortgagee shall assign or release all his interest in

such mortgaged lands to the company, or as they shall direct.

113. If, upon such payment or tender as aforesaid being made, any such mortgagee Deposit of

money wher

fail so to assign his interest in such mortgage, or to adduce a good title thereto to the refused on

tender .

satisfaction of the company, it shall be lawful for them to deposit the amount , or

value, or compensation in the bank, in the manner provided by this Ordinance in like

cases, and every such payment or deposit shall be accepted by the mortgagee in satisfac

tion of his mortgage debt, so far as the same will extend , and shall be a full discharge

of such mortgaged lands from all money due thereon ; and it shall be lawful for the

company, if they think fit, to execute a deed poll, duly stamped , in the manner herein

before provided in the case of the purchase of lands by them ; and thereupon such lands,

as to all such estate and interest as were then vested in the mortgagee, or any person

in trust for him, shall become absolutely vested in the company and they shall be

entitled to immediate possession thereof in case such mortgagee were himself entitled

to such possession ; nevertheless, all rights and remedies possessed by the mortgagee

1628 ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1882.

Tramways .

against the mortgagor, by virtue of any bond, or covenant, or other obligation , other

than the right to such lands , shall remain in force in respect of so much of the

mortgage debt as shall not have been satisfied by such payment or deposit.

Sum to be paid 114. If a part only of any such mortgaged lands be required for the purposes of this

where part only

of mortgaged

lands taken. Ordinance, and if the part so required be of less value than the principal money, interest,

and costs secured on such lands, and the mortgagee shall not consider the remaining part

of such lands a sufficient security for the money charged thereon, or be not willing to

release the part so required, then the value of such part, and also the compensation (if

any) to be paid in respect of the severance thereof or otherwise, shall be settled by

agreement between the mortgagee and the party entitled to the equity of redemption of

such land on the one part, and the company on the other, and if the parties aforesaid fail

to agree respecting the amount of such value or compensation, the same shall be

determined as in other cases of disputed compensation ; and the amount of such value or

compensation, being so agreed upon or determined, shall be paid by the company to such

mortgagee in satisfaction of his mortgage debt so far as the same will extend ; and there

upon such mortgagee shall assign or release to them, or as they shall direct, all his

interest in such mortgaged lands the value whereof shall have been so paid ; and a

memorandum of what shall have been so paid shall be endorsed on the deed creating such

mortgage, and shall be signed by the mortgagee ; and a copy of such memorandum shall

at the same time (if required) be furnished by the company at their expense to the party

entitled to the equity of redemption of the lands comprised in such mortgage deed .

Deposit ofmoney 115. If, upon payment or tender to any such mortgagee of the amount of the value

when refused on


or compensation so agreed upon or determined , such mortgagee shall fail to assign or

release to the company, or as they shall direct, his interest in the lands in respect of which

such compensation shall so have been paid or tendered , or if he shall fail to adduce a

good title thereto to the satisfaction of the company, it shall be lawful for the company

to pay the amount of such value or compensation into the bank, in the manner provided

by this Ordinance in the case of moneys required to be deposited in such bank, and such

payment or deposit shall be accepted by such mortgagee in satisfaction of his mortgage

debt, so far as the same will extend, and shall be a full discharge of the portion of the

mortgaged lands so required from all money due thereon ; and it shall be lawful for the

company, if they think fit, to execute a deed roll, duly stamped, in the manner herein

before provided in the case of the purchase of lands by them ; and thereupon such lands

shall become absolutely vested in the company, as to all such estate and interest as were

then vested in the mortgagee, or any person in trust for him, and in case such mortgagee

were himself entitled to such possession they shall be entitled to immediate possession

thereof ; nevertheless, every such mortgagee shall have the same powers and remedies

for recovering or compelling payment of the mortgage money or the residue thereof (as

the case may be) , and the interest thereof, respectively, upon and out of the residue of

such mortgaged lands, or the portion thereof not required for the purposes of this Ordinance,

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 . 1629


as he would otherwise have had, or been entitled to, for recovering or compelling payment

thereof upon or out of the whole of the lands originally comprised in such mortgage ..

116. Provided always, that, in any of the cases hereinbefore provided with respect Compensation to

be made in

certain cases, if

to lands subject to mortgage, if in the mortgage deed a time shall have been limited for mortgage paid

off before the

payment of the principal money thereby secured, and under the provisions hereinbefore stipulated time.

contained , the mortgagee shall have been required to accept payment of his mortgage

money, or of part thereof, at a time earlier than the time so limited, the company shall

pay to such mortgagee, in addition to the sum which shall have been so paid off, all such

costs and expenses as shall be incurred by such mortgagee in respect of, or which shall

be incidental to, the re-investment of the sum so paid off, such costs in case of difference

to be taxed, and payment thereof enforced , in the manner herein provided with respect

to the costs of assignments ; and if the rate of interest secured by such mortgage be

higher than at the time of the same being so paid off can reasonably be expected to be

obtained on re-investing the same, regard being had to the then current rate of interest

allowed by the Court, such mortgagee shall be entitled to receive from the company, in

addition to the principal and interest hereinbefore provided for, compensation in respect

of the loss to be sustained by him by reason of his mortgage money being so prematurely

paid off, the amount of such compensation to be ascertained, in case of difference, as in

other cases of disputed compensation ; and until payment or tender of such compensation

as aforesaid the company shall not be entitled, as against such mortgagee, to possession

of the mortgaged lands under the provisions hereinbefore contained.


117. If any difference shall arise between the company and the party entitled to any Release oflands

from rent

such charge upon any of the said lands mentioned in the said schedule D. , and required charges.

to be taken for the purposes of this Ordinance, respecting the consideration to be paid

for the release of such lands therefrom, or from the portion thereof affecting the lands

required for the purposes of this Ordinance, the same shall be determined as in other

cases of disputed compensation.

118. If part only of the lands charged with any such rent-charge, chief or other Release ofpart

oflands from

rent, payment or incumbrance, be required to be taken for the purposes of this Ordi charge.

nance, the apportionment of any such charge may be settled by agreement between the

party entitled to such charge and the owner of the lands on the one part, and the

company on the other part, and if such apportionment be not so settled by agreement ,

the same shall be settled by a Judge in Summary Jurisdiction ; but if the remaining

part of the lands so jointly subject be a sufficient security for such charge, then, with

consent of the owner of the lands so jointly subject, it shall be lawful for the party

entitled to such charge to release therefrom the lands required, on condition or in

consideration of such other lands remaining exclusively subject to the whole thereof.

1630 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882.


Deposit in case of 119. Upon payment or tender of the compensation so agreed upon or determined

refusal to


to the party entitled to any such charge as aforesaid, such party shall execute to the

company a release of such charge ; and if he fail so to do , or if he fail to adduce good

title to such charge to the satisfaction of the company, it shall be lawful for them to

deposit the amount of such compensation in the bank in the manner hereinbefore

provided in like cases, and also, if they think fit, to execute a deed poll, duly stamped

in the manner hereinbefore provided in the case of the purchase of lands by them, and

thereupon the rent- charge, chief or other rent, payment, or incumbrance, or the portion

thereof in respect whereof such compensation shall so have been paid, shall cease and

be extinguished .

Charge to con

tinue on lands 120. If any such lands be so released from any such charge or incumbrance, or

not taken.

portion thereof to which they were subject jointly with other lands, such last-mentioned

lands shall alone be charged with the whole of such charge, or with the remainder

thereof, as the case may be, and the party entitled to the charge shall have all the

same rights and remedies over such last- mentioned lands for the whole or the remainder

of the charge, as the case may be, as he had previously over the whole of the lands

subject to such charge ; and if upon any such charge or portion of charge being so

released the deed or instrument creating or transferring such charge be tendered to the

company for the purpose, they shall affix their common seal to a memorandum of such

release endorsed on such deed or instrument, declaring what part of the lands originally

subject to such charge shall have been purchased by virtue of this Ordinance, and if

the lands be released from part of such charge, what proportion of such charge shall

have been released , and how much thereof continues payable, or if the lands so required

shall have been released from the whole of such charge, then that the remaining lands

are thenceforward to remain exclusively charged therewith ; and such memorandum

shall be made and executed at the expense of the company and shall be evidence in all

Courts and elsewhere of the facts therein stated, but not so as to exclude any other

evidence of the same facts.

Where part

only of lands 121. Where part only of any lands comprised in a lease for a term of years shall

inder lease taken

the rent to be be required for the purposes of this Ordinance, the rent payable in respect of the lands

apportioned .

comprised in such lease shall be apportioned between the lands so required and the

residue of such lands ; and such apportionment may be settled by agreement between

the lessor (including Her Majesty in those cases where Her Majesty shall be the

lessor) and the lessee of such lands on the one part, and the company on the other

part, and if such apportionment be not so settled by agreement between the parties such

apportionment shall be settled by a Judge in Summary Jurisdiction ; and after such

apportionment the lessee of such lands shall, as to all future accruing rent, be liable

only to so much of the rent as shall be so apportioned in respect of the lands not

required for the purposes of this Ordinance ; and as to the lands not so required, and

as against the lessee, the lessor shall have all the same rights and remedies for the

recovery of such portion of rent as previously to such apportionment he had for the

recovery of the whole rent reserved by such lease ; and all the covenants, conditions ,

ORDINANCE No. 1 oF 1882. 1631

Tramways .

and agreements of such lease , except as to the amount of rent to be paid, shall remain

in force with regard to that part of the land which shall not be required for the

purposes of this Ordinance, in the same manner as they would have done in case such

part only of the land had been included in the lease.

Compensation to tenants.

122. Every such lessee as last aforesaid shall be entitled to receive from the Tenants to be


company compensation for the damage done to him in his tenancy by reason of the

severance of the lands required from those not required or otherwise by reason of the

execution of the works.

123. If any such lands shall be in the possession of any person having no greater Compensation to

be made to

interest therein than as tenant, and if such person be required to give up possession tenants.

of any lands so occupied by him before the expiration of his term or interest therein,

he shall be entitled to compensation for the value of his unexpired term or interest in

such lands , and for any just allowance which ought to be made to him by an incoming

tenant, and for any loss or injury he may sustain, or, if a part only of such lands be

required, compensation for the damage done to him in his tenancy by severing the

lands held by him or otherwise injuriously affecting the same ; and the amount of such

compensation shall be determined by a Judge in Summary Jurisdiction in case the

parties differ about the same ; and upon payment or tender of the amount of such

compensation all such persons shall respectively deliver up to the company or to the

person appointed by them to take possession thereof, any such lands in their possession

required for the purposes of this Ordinance .

124. If any party, having a greater interest than as tenant-at-will, or monthly Where greate

interest claimed

than at will,

tenant, claim compensation in respect of any unexpired term or interest under any lease to be


lease of any such lands, the company may require such party to produce the lease in

respect of which such claim shall be made, or the best evidence thereof in his power ;

and, if, after demand made in writing by the company, such lease or such best evidence

thereof be not produced within twenty-one days, the party so claiming compensation

shall be considered as a tenant holding only from month to month , and be entitled to

compensation accordingly.

Limit of compulsory powers.

125. The powers of the company for the compulsory purchase or taking of lands Limit of time for


for the purposes of this Ordinance shall not be exercised after the expiration of three purchase.

years from the passing of this Ordinance.

Interests omitted to be purchased.

126. If at any time after the company shall have entered upon any lands which, Company

empowered to

under the provisions of this Ordinance, they were authorized to purchase, and which purchase

interestsin lands.

shall be permanently required for the purpose of this Ordinance, any party shall appear the purchase

whereof may

have been

to be entitled to any estate, right, or interest in or charge affecting such lands which omitted by


the company shall, through mistake or inadvertence, have failed or omitted duly to

1632 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 .

Tramways .

purchase, or to pay compensation for, then, whether the period allowed for the purchase

of lands shall have expired or not, the company shall remain in the undisturbed pos

session of such lands, provided, within three months after notice of such estate, right,

interest, or charge, in case the same shall not be disputed by the company, or in case

the same shall be disputed, then within three months after the right thereto shall have

been finally established by law in favour of the party claiming the same, the company

shall purchase or pay compensation for the same, and shall also pay to such party, or

to any other party who may establish a right thereto, full compensation for the mesne

profits or interest which would have accrued to such parties respectively in respect

thereof during the interval between the entry of the company thereon and the time of

the payment of such purchase-money or compensation by the company, so far as such

mesne profits or interest may be recoverable in law or equity ; and such purchase-money

or compensation shall be agreed on or awarded and paid in like manner as according

to the provisions of this Ordinance the same respectively would have been agreed on ,

or awarded , and paid , in case the company had purchased such estate, right, interest,

or charge before their entering upon such land, or as near thereto as circumstances

will admit .

How value of 127. In estimating the compensation to be given for any such last-mentioned

such lands to be

estimated. lands, or any estate or interest in the same, or for any mesne profits thereof, the arbi

trators , umpire, or Judge in Summary Jurisdiction as the case may be, shall assess

the same according to what they shall find to have been the value of such lands, estate ,

or interest, and profits, at the time such lands were entered upon by the company, and

without regard to any improvements, or works, made in the said lands by the company,

and as though the works had not been constructed .

Company to pay 128. In addition to the said purchase- money, compensation , or satisfaction, and

the costs of

litigation as to before the company shall become absolutely entitled to any such estate, interest, or

such lands.

charge, or to have the same merged or extinguished for their benefit, they shall , when

the right to any such estate, interest, or charge, shall have been disputed by the company

and determined in favour of the party claiming the same, pay the full costs and expenses

of any proceedings at law or in equity for the determination or recovery of the same

to the parties with whom any such litigation in respect thereof shall have taken place ;

and such costs and expenses shall, in case the same shall be disputed , be settled by the


Power to appeal.

Power to appeal 129. If the company, or any party, shall be dissatisfied with the award of any

from award.

arbitrator, or umpire, made under the provisions of this Ordinance in respect of the

amount of any compensation to be paid , the company, or such party, may appeal there

from by petition to the Governor in Council, provided that such petition of appeal be

deposited in the office of the Colonial Secretary of the said Colony of Hongkong not

later than two weeks after the date of the making of such award .

ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1882 . 1633


130. The Governor in Council shall thereupon decide upon such petition, and Governor in

Council to

shall be at liberty to confirm, set aside, or alter, such award, or reduce, or add to the adjudge petition.

amount awarded thereby in such manner as he shall think proper, having regard to the

rights of all parties, and he may order by whom, and in what proportions the costs of

the company and of such party shall be paid, and such costs may include such costs of

the arbitration , as the Governor in Council shall think fit to award.

131. Any compensation awarded or ordered by the Governor in Council may be Recovery of


awarded by

recovered and levied in all respects in the same and the like manner as other compen Governor in


sation may be recovered and levied under the provisions of this Ordinance.

132. If the company, or any party shall feel aggrieved by the determination. Power to appeal

from Judge in

Summary Juris

adjudication of a Judge in Summary Jurisdiction, with respect to any penalty or for diction'sdecision.

feiture under the provisions of this Ordinance, the company or such party may appeal

to the Full Court , but no such appeal shall be entertained unless it be made within

three months next after the making of such determination or adjudication, nor unless

ten days' notice in writing of such appeal, stating the nature and grounds thereof, be

given to the party against whom the appeal shall be brought, nor unless the appellant

forthwith after such notice enter into recognizances, with two sufficient sureties, before

a Magistrate, conditioned duly to prosecute such appeal, and to abide the order of the

Court thereon.

Sale of superfluous lands.

133. Within ten years after the expiration of the time limited by this Ordi Lands not

wanted to he

sold, or in default

nance for the completion of the works, the company shall absolutely sell and dispose of to vest in owners


all superfluous lands, and in default thereof all such superfluous lands remaining unsold lands.

at the expiration of such period shall thereupon vest in and become the property of the

owners of the lands adjoining thereto, in proportion to the extent of their lands re

spectively adjoining the same.

Service of documents.

134. Any summons or any writ or other proceeding at law or in equity required Service of

summons, &c.

to be served upon the company may be served by the same being left at, or transmitted

through the post directed to, the principal office of the company, or being given or

transmitted through the post directed to the secretary , or, in case there be no secre

tary, the solicitor of the company.

135. With respect to notices, and to the delivery thereof by or to the company, Form and deli

very ofnotices.

the following provisions shall bave effect, that is to say :--

1. Every notice shall be in writing or print, or partly in writing and partly in


other com

2. Any notice to be delivered by or to the company to or by any

pany or person may be delivered by being left at the office of such other

company, or person , or at the then present, or then last known, place of

abode, or residence, of such person , or of his ostensible agent, or agents,

1634 ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1882 .


or of other the agent or agents, who pay the rents, rates and taxes payable

in respect of the property of such person, or by being affixed upon some

conspicuous part of any lands affected , or intended to be affected , by such

notice, or by being left at the office of the company, as the case may be,

or by being sent by post in a registered letter addressed ( as the case may

be) to the clerk or secretary of such other company at their principal

office, or to such person at his then present, or then last known , place of

abode, or residence, or at his office or business premises, or by being so

sent by post addressed to the ostensible agent or agents of such person ,

or other the agent or agents aforesaid, or to the clerk or secretary of the

company at their principal office .


Tender of 138. If any party shall have committed any irregularity, trespass, or other


wrongful proceeding in the execution of this Ordinance, or by virtue of any power, or

authority hereby given , and if, before action or suit brought in respect thereof, such

party make tender of sufficient amends to the party injured, such last-mentioned party

shall not recover in any such action or suit, and, if no such tender shall have been

made, it shall be lawful for the defendant, by leave of the Court where such action or

suit shall be pending, at any time, before answer filed, to pay into Court such sum of

money as he shall think fit, and thereupon such proceedings shall be had as in other

cases where defendants are allowed to pay money into Court.

Recovery of 137. All tolls, penalties, rates, and charges made or incurred under or by virtue

tolls, & c.

of this Ordinance shall except where otherwise provided be recovered , levied , and dis

tributed on conviction of the offender before any Magistrate of Police or any two

Justices of the Peace in the manner provided by Ordinance No. 10 of 1844.

By distress. 138. If the amount of the tolls, penalties, rates, or charges, be not forth with paid ,

the amount thereof shall be levied by distress, and any Magistrate shall issue his

warrant of distress accordingly. The said amount shall be levied by distress and sale

of the goods and chattels of the party liable to pay the same, and the overplus arising

from the sale of such goods and chattels, after satisfying the amount due, and the

expenses of the distress and sale, shall be returned on demand to the party whose

goods shall have been distrained.

Distress not un 139. No distress levied by virtue of this Ordinance shall be deemed unlawful,

lawful for want

of form. nor shall any party making the same be deemed a trespasser, on account of any defect

or want of form in the summons, conviction, warrant of distress, or other proceeding

relating thereto, nor shall such party be deemed a trespasser ab initio on account of

any irregularity afterwards committed by him, but all persons aggrieved by such

defect, or irregularity, may recover full satisfaction for the special damage in an action

or suit upon the case.

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 . 1635


140. Any person who, upon any examination upon oath under this Ordinance, False witnesses.

shall wilfully and corruptly give false evidence shall be liable to the penalties of wilful

and corrupt perjury.

141. The company shall be answerable for all accidents, damages, and injuries Company to be

responsible for

happening through their act, or default, or through the act or default of any person in all damage.

their employment, by reason or in consequence of any of their works or carriages , and

shall save harmless all other companies, or bodies, collectively and individually, and

their officers and servants, from all damages and costs in respect of such accidents ,

damages, and injuries.

142. Notwithstanding anything in this Ordinance contained the company shall Right of user

only acquired.

not acquire any right other than that of user of the roads along or across which they lay

any tramway, unless such road be the property of the company.

143. Nothing in this Ordinance shall limit the powers of the Police to regulate Power to Police

to regulate

the passage of any traffic along or across any public road along or across which any traffic.

tramway is laid down, and the Police may exercise their powers as well on as off the

tramway, and with respect as well to the traffic of the company as to the traffic of other

persons, and in particular nothing in this Ordinance shall limit the power of the

Captain Superintendent of Police to make regulations under and exercise the powers

conferred on him by Ordinance No. 10 of 1869.

144. Nothing in this Ordinance, or in any regulation or bye-law made hereunder, Rights of public


shall take away or abridge the right of the public to pass along or across every or any

part of any public road along or across which any tramway is laid whether on or off

the tramway with carriages not having flange- wheels , or wheels suitable only to run

on the rail of the tramway.

145. The powers and privileges given by this Ordinauce are so given saving and Reservation of

rights of the


reserving always the rights of Her Majesty and of all bodies politic and corporate, and

of all other persons except such as are mentioned in this Ordinance and those claiming

by, from, and under them.

146. This Ordinance shall not come into operation until it has received Her Suspending


Majesty's assent, and such assent has been duly notified by proclamation in the


Schedule A.

(Applicable and extending only to the tramways Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.)

Every engine used on the tramways shall be fitted with such mechanical appliances for preventing Break power of


the motive power of such engine from operating, and for bringing such engine and any carriage drawn

or propelled by such engine to a stand, as the Governor may, from time to time, think sufficient.

Every engine used on the tramways shall have its number shewn in some conspicuous part thereof,

and shall be fitted :


With an indicator by means of which the speed shall be shown ;

With a suitable fender to push aside obstructions ;

With a special bell, whistle or other apparatus to be sounded as a warning when necessary ; and As to fittings of

engines, &c.

With a seat for the driver of such engine, so placed in front of such engine as to command the

fullest possible view of the road before him.

1636 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1882 .


Schedule B.

The tolls and charges by this Ordinance authorized to be taken are :—

For every passenger travelling upon the tramways Nos. 1 , 2, 3, and 4, or any of them, or any

part thereof,

If such passenger is a first class passenger, any sum not exceeding .20 cents.

If a second class passenger, any sum not exceeding ......... ..15 ..

If a third class passenger, any sum not exceeding ..... ♪

For every passenger travelling upon the tramway No. 5 , or any part thereof,—

The same tolls and charges as those hereinbefore authorized in respect of the tramways.

Nos. 1 , 2, 3 and 4.

For every passenger travelling upon the tramway No. 6, or any part thereof,

If such passenger is a first class passenger, any sum not exceeding ...............30 cents.

If a second class passenger, any sum not exceeding .......... .20 ""

If a third class passenger, any sum not exceeding 10

Schedule C.



Per mile.

For every horse, mule, or other beast of draught or burden , per head, .12 cents.

For every ox, cow, bull or head of cattle, per head, 12 "3

For every calf, pig, sheep, or other small animal, per head, ..... 10 "

Goods and minerals.

For all coals, coke, culm, charcoal, cannel, limestone, chalk, lime, salt, sand, fire-clay, cinders,

dung, compost and all sorts of manure, and all undressed materials for the repair of public

roads or highways, per ton, …………….. ...... .20

For all iron, iron ore, pig iron, bar iron, rod iron , sheet iron, hoop iron, plates of iron , slabs , billets

and rolled iron, bricks, slags, and stone, stones for building, pitching and paving, tiles,

slates, and clay (except fire-clay), and for wrought iron not otherwise specially classed

herein, and for heavy iron castings, including railway chairs, per ton ......... 20

For all sugar, grain, corn, flour, hides, dyewoods , earthenware, timber and metals (except iron) ,

nails, anvils, vices, and chains, and for light iron castings, per ton........ 20

For cotton and other wools, drugs (except opium ) and manufactured goods, and all other wares,

merchandise , fish, articles, matters or things, per ton, .30

For opium, per chest,.......... .20


For every parcel not exceeding seven pounds in weight, cach, 5 ""

For any parcel exceeding seven pounds and not exceeding fourteen pounds in weight, each, ... 10

For any parcel exceeding fourteen pounds and not exceeding twenty-eight pounds in weight,

each, ..........15

For any parcel exceeding twenty-eight pounds, and not exceeding fifty-six pounds in weight,

each, ………………. 20

For any parcel exceeding fifty-six pounds in weight , such sums as the company may think fit.

Provided always, that articles sent in large aggregate quantities, although made up in separate

parcels, such as bags of sugar, coffee, meal, and the like, shall not be deemed small parcels, but that

term shall apply only to single parcels in separate packages.

Regulations as to tolls.

A fraction of a mile beyond an integral number of miles shall be deemed a mile.

For a fraction of a ton, the company may demand and take tolls and charges according to the

number of the quarters of a ton in such fraction, and if there be a fraction of a quarter of a ton, such

fraction shall be deemed a quarter of a ton.

With respect to all articles, except stone and timber, the weight shall be determined according to

the usual avoirdupois weight.

With respect to stone and timber, fourteen cubic feet of stone, fifty cubic feet of China fir, or

Singapore cedar, and forty cubic feet of any other timber, shall be deemel one ton weight, and so in

proportion for any smaller quantity.

1882 . 1637








Penning Vacant Ground.

Great Ge


25 Wán -tsa JNg Sui Woo and Loi

A-vun. Shop and House.

Sai Tin and Chau Che.


23 99

21 Wong Hui Shang and

Hop Ki. ""


19 Ng Hoi & Fuk Cheong. 99

17 Mak Cheong. 99


15 "" 99

13 Yu Fuk and Sing Ho.

(Not let), Chung Tin

10 11 Yeong.


& Ho Sau Yin Cho and Tsui

11 9 "" Fat.


12 7 Chun Yin Tsun and


Leong A-leung.


13 5 99 Leong Yun Shan. ""

( Tsang Kum and Chung "

14 3 Tai.

99 & Ho

15 1 Fok Shing. ""


g Kw.

16 Cross Stam Sai Leong King Ki. Shop and House.

17 ""

Chang Nam and Quok ""

18 Mocy. Yung Luk.


19 36 Wan-tsaing. Chiu A-sz & Chiu Sue.

20 99 Mok Chung & Chue Ng. ......



21 32 Tam Sam, (not let).





22 Tang King, (not let).

(Chau Pat Yau & Wong

23 28 Shing.


24 26 Chau Shan &Chau Sam.

25 215 Tong Kee. Leong Kwok She, Chinese Shop .


(rent charge).

26 217 Sam Kee. ?? ??


27 219 Ching Yune. 99

28 221 }

29 Wong Chau, Yung San, 99 (Two together).



223 & Woh Sang. Chinese Shop.

Wing Tuck, represent


30 26 in. ative of the late R.






Shin Yune & Mow Lee. Fong Attai.


31 28

32 30 Kwan Woh. "

33 32 Yik Lee.

34 34 Yik Lee and Chow Sai. 39

35 36 Kut Loong.

36 38 Sz Hing. Fong Attai.

Queen's 1 Lai Kee.

37 40 22 99

Vacant. ( Revd. Fr. Fer

38 42 "" nando Sainz.

39 44 ." Tak Loong & Hoi On.








40 158 Queen's Road West....

41 160 J Mai Ling Cheong and Chinese Shop.


1 How Woh.

24 # 435

162 ""

:: 66

43 164 "" ... Hop Les. 99

He Loong& Chung A-yau. .... ""

44 166 Kwan Hing Loong &


Wong A-ho.



Sing Lee & Wong A-ho.

46 170


99 Kwan Hing & Tong


47 172


Hang Wah and Low


San Woo.



48 Yat Leong,WongKwai, T. G. Linstead's


and Hoi Kec. Executors.

49 197 Kwan Ye Woh. ..... Chinese House.



50 199 ... Shiu Loong, Foon Che


ong and Yik Woh.



51 201 " 29 Chau Chi Pat , Chau




Hang and Yik Woh.

218 16

52 203

66 66 60

Me Cheong and Shun



205 Le Pun.


Tai Cheong.

54 207

55 269 Shan Leong Chan. Chinese House.


To Shang Tong. Chinese Shop .


56 271 ( Wing Hing and Wong




57 273 Yun Shang, Liu Kee,

Hing Woh and Loi







58 275 Poon Shang Tong, (2


floors empty) , Lou




59 277 "9 21 Hung Lum Tong, Tye

Lit, Leong Kit Lim



& Pang Leong Kee.

60 279 39 Shing Loong, Tsing

99 Choong Nam , Le



Ngo and Lai Yuk.

1 2 3 289568

61 9D Centre Street, Mé Cheong, Lui Tack

and Leong Chut Tyc.


62 9c 99 Mé Cheong.

63 None. New Lane (no name) , Vacant. Revd. Francis

64 166 Benit Herce.

Praya West, Jack Hing. ""

166A 29

166B Pow Woh Tong. "

66 99 Yau Woh Cheong.

67 166c "" 93

166D "

166E Yow Law Hin.

Po Kee.

A small piece of

70 None. Queen's Road West,...! .. The Sailors' Home. groundat the South

East corner of the


None. A corner of Mr. Ede's rac

71 The Gap, Victoria F N. J. Ede, Esq . ant land triangular in sha

Peak, ............. pe as per deposited plan,

215,205 and 60 feet on the

sides, and 6,450 square feet

in arca moreor less.

d. No. 4 of 1887. ]

ORDINANCES Nos . 2 AND 3 OF 1882 . 1639


No. 2 of 1882 .

An Ordinance for the naturalization of CHAN TENG CHO .

[ 22nd February, 1882. ]

HEREAS CHAN TENG CHO has petitioned to be naturalized as a


British subject within the limits of this Colony, and whereas it

is expedient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof,


as follows :

CHAN TENG CHо , shall be, and he is hereby naturalized a British Naturaliza

tion of CHAN

subject within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony, but not TENG CHỎ .

elsewhere, all the rights , advantages and privileges of a British subject , on

his taking the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the Promissory

Oaths Ordinance , 1869.

No. 3 of 1882.

An Ordinance for the naturalization of 'NG LI HING.

[ 22nd February, 1882. ]

HEREAS ' NG LI HING, has petitioned to be naturalized as a

British subject within the limits of this Colony, and whereas it

is expedient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted by the Gov

ernor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as

follows :-

' NG LI HING, shall be, and he is hereby naturalized a British subject Naturaliza

tion of NG

within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony , but not elsewhere, LI HING .

all the rights, advantages and privileges of a British subject , on his taking

the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the Promissory Oaths

Ordinance, 1869 .

1640 ORDINANCES Nos . 4 AND 5 OF 1882 .


No. 4 of 1882.

An Ordinance for the naturalization of YAU CHONG PENG.

[22nd February, 1882. ]

HEREAS YAU CHONG PENG has petitioned to be naturalized as a


British subject within the limits of the Colony, and whereas it

is expedient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice ofthe Legislative Council thereof,

as follows :

Naturaliza YAU CHONG PENG, shall be, and he is hereby naturalized a British

tion of YAU

CHONG PENG . subject within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony , but not

elsewhere, all the rights , advantages and privileges of a British subject,

on his taking the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the Promissory

Oaths Ordinance, 1869 .

No. 5 of 1882 .

An Ordinance for the naturalization of CHAN MUN WING.

[ 22nd February, 1882. ]

HEREAS CHAN MUN WING has petitioned to be naturalized as a


British subject within the limits of this Colony , and whereas it

is expedient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted by the Gov

ernor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof,

as follows :

Naturaliza CHAN MUN WING, shall be, and he is hereby naturalized a British

tion of CHAN

MUN WING. subject within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony, but not

elsewhere, all the rights , advantages and privileges of a British subject ,

on his taking the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the Promissory

Oaths Ordinance , 1869 .

ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1882 . 1641

Chairs and Vehicles.

No. 6 of 1882 .

An Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to amend Ordinance 6 of 1863 .

( Regulation of Chairs and Vehicles ) .

[ 22nd February, 1882. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong with the advice of the Legislative

BR Council thereof as follows :


Ordinance 6 of 1863 is hereby amended as follows that is to say.

Section 1. by adding at the end the words.

"Licences under this Ordinance shall be for the carriage of passengers only and

no holder of a licence shall use his vehicle or chair for the carriage of animals , mer

chandize, or goods other than personal effects or baggage."

"Every driver of a vehicle or bearer of a chair plying for hire must obtain a licence

to act as such from the Registrar General."

Section 2. by substituting for the words " Every such licence " the words " Such

licences. "

Section 6. by inserting after the words " renewal of licence " the words " and at

anytime thereafter when the Registrar General so requires" and by inserting after the

words " refuse a licence " the words " or if a licence has been granted to withdraw and

forfeit the licence."

Section 7. by adding after the word " time " in the sixth line thereof the words

" or place."

Section 8. by adding at the end the words "no holder of a licence shall loiter in

the streets so as to cause obstruction , but when unemployed shall proceed forthwith to a

stand, and range his vehicle or chair at the rear of any line of vehicles already stand

ing there.

Section 12. by inserting after the words " sitting or lying in a public vehicle or

ehair" the words and figures

15. or refusing to submit his chair or vehicle for inspection when required

by the Registrar General.

16. or refusing to surrender his licence when required by the Registrar


17. or loitering in the streets so as to cause obstruction.

18. or behaving in a disorderly manner at any stand.

19. or carrying any animals, merchandize, or goods other than personal effects

or baggage in his chair or vehicle ."

[Repealed by Ordinance No. 5 of 1883. ]

1612 ORDINANCE No. 7 OF 1882.

Bankers' Books Evidence.

No. 7 of 1882.

An Ordinance to amend the Law with reference to Bankers' Books

Evidence .

[ 22nd February, 1882. ]

HEREAS serious inconvenience may be occasioned to bankers and also to the

W public by reason of the removal of the ledgers and other account books from

the banks for the purpose of being produced in legal proceedings ; And whereas it is

expedient to facilitate the proof of the transactions recorded in such ledgers and account

books ; be it therefore enacted by the Governor of Hongkong with the advice of the

Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as The Bankers' Books Evidence

Ordinance 1882.

Interpretation 2. The word " bank " in this Ordinance shall mean any body corporate company


or society which now is or hereafter may be established by charter or by under or by

virtue of any act of Parliament or Ordinance.

The words " legal proceedings " in this Ordinance shall include all proceedings ,

whether preliminary or final, in Courts of justice , both criminal and civil, legal and

equitable, and shall include all proceedings, whether preliminary or final, by way of

arbitration, examination, of witnesses , assessment of damages, compensation, or other

wise, in which there is power to administer an oath .

The words " the Court " in this Ordinance shall mean the Court, Judge, Magis

trate, arbitrators, or other person authorised to preside over the said legal proceedings

for the time being, and shall include all persons , judges, or officers having jurisdiction

and authorised to preside over or to exercise judicial control over the said legal pro

ceedings or the procedure or any steps therein.

Entries in books 3. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance the entries in ledgers,

by affidavit

admissible in

evidence. day books, cash books, and other account books of any bank shall be admissible in all

legal proceedings as prima facie evidence of the matters, transactions, and accounts

recorded therein on proof being given by the affidavit in writing of one of the partners,

managers, or officers of such bank, or by other evidence that such ledgers, day books,

cash books, or other account books are or have been the ordinary books of such bank,

and that the said entries have been made in usual or ordinary course of business, and

that such books are in or come immediately from the custody or control of such bank.

Nothing in this clause contained shall apply to any legal proceeding to which any bank

whose ledgers, day books , cash books, and other account books may be required to be

produced in evidence shall be a party.

Originals need 4. Copies of all entries in any ledgers, day books, cash books or other account

not be produced .

books used by any such bank may be proved in all legal proceedings as evidence of such

entries without production of the originals, by means of the affidavit of a person who

has examined the same, stating the fact of said examination , and that the copies sought

to be put in evidence are correct .

ORDINANCES Nos. 7 AND S OF 1882 . 1643

Bankers' Books Evidence. Banishments and Conditional Pardons.

Proviso as to

5. Provided always, that no ledger, day book, cash book, or other account book of notice to parties

any such bank, and no copies of entries therein contained, shall be adduced or received in a suit.

in evidence under this Ordinance unless five days' notice in writing, or such other

notice as may be ordered by the Court, containing a copy of the entries proposed to be

adduced and of the intention to adduce the same in evidence , shall have been given by

the party proposing to adduce the same in evidence to the other party or parties to the

said legal proceeding, and that such other party or parties is or are at liberty to inspect

the original entries and the accounts of which such entries form a part.

6. On the application of any party to any legal proceedings who has received such Power under

order of Court to

inspect books

notice, a Judge of the Supreme Court may order that such party be at liberty to inspect and take copies.

and to take copies of any entry or entries in the ledger, day books, cash books, or

other account books of any such bank relating to the matters in question in such legal

proceedings, and such orders may be made by such Judge at his discretion either with

or without summoning before him such bank or the other party or parties to such legal

proceedings, and shall be intimated to such bank at least three days before such copies

are required.

7. On the application of any party to any legal proceedings who has received Judge may order

that copies are

notice, a Judge of the Supreme Court may order that such entries and copies mentioned not admissible.

in the said notice shall not be admissible as evidence of the matters, transactions , and

accounts recorded in such ledgers, day books, cash books, and other account books.

8. No bank shall be compellable to produce the ledgers, days books, cash books , Bank not com

pellable to

or other account books of such bank in any legal proceedings, unless a Judge of the produce books

except in certain


Supreme Court specially orders that such ledgers , day books, cash books, or other

account books should be produced at such legal proceedings .

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 3 of 1885. ]

No. 8 of 1882 .

An Ordinance entitled The Banishment and Conditional Pardons Title.

Ordinance , 1882.

[ 1st March, 1882. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the

BE ――――

Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. In the construction of this Ordinance, the expression " order of Interpreta

tion clause.

banishment " means an order of the Governor in Council, prohibiting a

person from residing or being within this Colony , for a term not exceeding

five years .

1614 ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1882.

Banishment and Conditional Pardons.

Security to 2. When any person not being a natural born or naturalized subject

appear within

twelve of Her Majesty having been convicted of any offence punishable by


imprisonment has within twelve months after the expiration of any term

of imprisonment which he may have suffered for such offence been

convicted of any offence punishable by imprisonment such person may at

any time be required by any Magistrate to find reasonable security for

his appearance in any Court for any purpose, and at any time within

twelve months , and every adjudication to that effect shall be made in

open Court, and reported forthwith to the Governor ; and such person not

finding such security shall be deemed a person dangerous to the peace of

the Colony.

Power to 3. The Governor in Council may, by order, prohibit any person not

banish forfive

years. being a natural born or naturalized subject of Her Majesty from residing

or being within this Colony during any space of time not exceeding five

years, and may by the same or any subsequent order , fix the time for

the departure of such person from the Colony. Every order made under

this section prohibiting any person from residing or being within this

Colony shall contain a statement of the grounds upon which it is made .

[Amended by Ordinance No. 4 of 1885. ]

Penalty for 4. Every person who has been prohibited by order of the Governor


of order of in Council from residing or being within this Colony for any space of


time not exceeding five years under the provisions of this or any other

Ordinance, and who without lawful authority or excuse, the proof of

which shall lie upon him, is in this Colony after the date of such order,

or after the time fixed for his departure, and before the expiration of the

term of his banishment, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic

tion thereof shall be liable to imprisonment, with or without hard labour ,

for any period not exceeding one year : Provided that in all cases in

which the prisoner when brought before a Magistrate upon such charge

shall plead guilty thereto, it shall be lawful for the Magistrate to deal

summarily with the case, instead of committing the prisoner for trial at

the Supreme Court.

Governor may 5. The Governor may in his discretion grant to any offender con

grant pardon

subject to victed of any crime a pardon subject to either of the following conditions ,


conditions. as the case may be, viz .: That such offender shall quit the Colony and

not afterwards be found at large therein ; or that such offender shall, in

lieu of a sentence of death which may have been passed upon him by any

ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1882 . 1645

Banishment and Conditional Pardons.

Court of competent jurisdiction , suffer such term of imprisonment , with

or without hard labour, or penal servitude , as the Governor may think fit .

6. If any offender to whom a pardon has been granted either before Breach of


or after the passing of this Ordinance, on the condition of his quitting pardon.

the Colony, be afterwards found at large therein without lawful authority

or excuse, the proof whereof shall lie upon him , he shall be guilty of a

felony or of a misdemeanor, according to the nature of the offence for

which he received such conditional pardon , and shall , on conviction , be

liable, to any sentence not exceeding the whole of his original or

commuted sentence, such sentence to commence from the date at which

he is tried and convicted under this Ordinance : Provided that in all cases

in which the prisoner when brought before a Magistrate upon such charge

shall plead guilty thereto , it shall be lawful for the Magistrate to deal

summarily with the case, and to remit him to gaol to undergo any sentence

not exceeding the whole of his original or commuted sentence , instead of

committing him for trial at the Supreme Court.

7. If it appears fit to the Governor in Council, the Governor in Power of

Governor to

Council may issue a new order of banishment against any person who issue new

order of

has been convicted of an offence against section 4 of this Ordinance, and banishment.

such order shall commence to take effect during or at the expiration of any

term of imprisonment to which the prisoner has been sentenced.

8. If it appears fit to the Governor in Council , the Governor in Power to

banish for

Council may issue an order of banishment against any person who has offence

against sec. 6.

been convicted of an offence against section 6 of this Ordinance, and such

order shall commence to take effect during or at the expiration of any

term of imprisonment to which the prisoner has been sentenced .

9. Any person who knowingly harbours or conceals in the Colony Harbouring


of Hongkong, any person whose banishment has been ordered , shall , on persons.

conviction thereof before a Magistrate, be liable to a fine not exceeding

fifty dollars, or in default of payment, to be imprisoned with or without

hard labour, for any term not exceeding six months .

10. The following enactments are hereby repealed , viz . : — Repe ds.

Ordinance 14 of 1845 , -Section 2 , sub-section 17 , from the words

"shall beg," to the words " alms or,"

inclusive .

1646 ORDINANCES Nos . 8 AND 9 OF 1882 .

Banishment and Conditional Pardons. Bankruptcy Official Assignee.

Ordinance 9 of 1857 , -All sections , except section 8 , not previously


"" 8 of 1858 , Section 21 and section 28 , sub - section 9 ,

from the words " at the discretion " to the

L*The word words " the Court ( and ) " * inclusive and

and already

erased by 3 from the words " to his native " to the

of 1881. ]

words " any other place " inclusive.

1 of 1860 , -The whole.



9 of 1867 , -Section 17 .


16 of 1870 ,

99 4 of 1871 , The whole.

99 5 of 1871 ,

Provided that such repeal shall not affect the past operation of any such

enactment or anything done or suffered thereunder.

Suspending 11. This Ordinance shall not come into operation until Her Majesty's


confirmation thereof is proclaimed by the Governor .

[ Confirmation proclaimed 7th July, 1882.]

No. 9 of 1882.

Title. An Ordinance entitled Bankruptcy Official Assignee Ordinance,


[ 27th April , 1882. ] *

Preamble. HEREAS doubts have arisen as to the powers of the Official

W Assignee in bankruptcy to administer certain bankruptcies in

relation to which special appointments of assignees were made under

Ordinance 15 of 1867 , and it is expedient to remove such doubts : Be it

enacted by the Governor of Hongkong with the advice of the Legislative

Council thereof as follows :

ORDINANCES Nos . 9 AND 10 OF 1882 . 1647

Bankruptcy Official Assignee. Naturalization.

Official Assig

The Official Assignee in bankruptcy under Ordinance 5 of 1864 shall nee under

be deemed to be the Official Assignee in all bankruptcies pending at the Ordinance 5

of 1864 to be

time of the passing of this Ordinance, notwithstanding any special Official As

signee in all

appointments of assignees that may have previously been made in relation

. bankruptcies .

to any of such bankruptcies under Ordinance 15 of 1867 , and shall in

respect of the collection and distribution of assets remaining uncollected

or undistributed have all the powers and duties of an Official Assignee in

bankruptcy , under Ordinance 5 of 1864, in relation to all such bank

ruptcies, as fully to all intents and purposes, as if no special appointments

had previously been made under Ordinance 15 of 1867 , and all property

and effects and rights and interests which at the time of the passing of

this Ordinance were vested in any persons specially appointed to be

assignees in any of such bankruptcies, under Ordinance 15 of 1867 , shall

on the passing of this Ordinance be divested out of such persons and vest

absolutely, by virtue thereof, in the said Official Assignee, as fully and

effectually to all intents and purposes as if such persons had been appointed

assignees under Ordinance 5 of 1864 and had died resigned or been

removed from such office.

No. 10 of 1882 .

An Ordinance for the naturalization of WILLIAM QUINCEY .

[ 27th April , 1882. ]

HEREAS WILLIAM QUINCEY has petitioned to be naturalized as a


British subject within the limits of this Colony, and whereas it

is expedient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof,

as follows :

WILLIAM QUINCEY shall be , and he is hereby naturalized a British Naturaliza

tion of

subject within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony, but not WILLIAM


elsewhere , all the rights, advantages and privileges of a British subject ,

on his taking the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the " Promissory

Oaths Ordinance , 1869."

1648 ORDINANCES Nos . 11 , 12 AND 13 OF 1882 .

Naturalization . French Mail Steamers.

No. 11 of 1882.

An Ordinance for the naturalization of Hu Wa.

[ 27th April, 1882. ]

HEREAS HU WA has petitioned to be naturalized as a British

subject within the limits of this Colony, and whereas it is expe

dient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted by the Governor of


Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

HÜ WA , shall be , and he is hereby naturalized a British subject

within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony , but not elsewhere ,

all the rights, advantages and privileges of a British subject, on his taking

the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the " Promissory Oaths

Ordinance, 1869. "

No. 12 of 1882.

An Ordinance for the naturalization of Ho SHUN .

[ 27th April, 1882. ]

HEREAS HO SHUN has petitioned to be naturalized as a British

subject within the limits of this Colony , and whereas it is expe

dient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted by the Governor of

Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

HO SHUN, shall be, and he is hereby naturalized a British subject

within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony , but not elsewhere,

all the rights , advantages and privileges of a British subject, on his taking

the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the " Promissory Oaths

Ordinance, 1869."

No. 13 of 1882 .

An Ordinance entitled , " French Mail Steamers Ordinance continuation

Ordinance , 1882. "

[ 11th August , 1882. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

B Council thereof, as follows :

1. Ordinance 6 of 1880, entitled " An Ordinance to make temporary provision for

securing the status of French Mail Steamers within the ports of the Colony of Hong

kong," shall continue in force until the first of September, A.D. 1883, inclusive.

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887. ]

ORDINANCE No. 14 OF 1882. 1649


No. 14 of 1882.

An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation of a Supplementary Sum

of Forty -nine thousand and Ninety -two Dollars and Sixty - eight

Cents to defray the Charges of the Year 1881 .

[ 24th August, 1882. ]

HEREAS it has become necessary to make further provision for the public

W service of the Colony for the year 1881 , in addition to the charge upon the

revenue for the service of the said year already provided for. Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :--

1. A sum of forty-nine thousand and ninety-two dollars and sixty-eight cents is Supplementary

Estimates, 1881.

hereby charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the service of the year 1881 , the said

sum so charged being expended as hereinafter specified ; that is to say : —



Governor, ..... 114,78

Auditor General, 1,977.13

Colonial Treasurer, 47.84

Registrar General, 313.83

Harbour Master, 3,389.69



Surveyor General, $ 97.74

Educational, ...... 450.54

Medical, 4,264.79

Police, 9,059.00

Gaol, 966.53

Works and Buildings,. 2,598.90

Roads, Streets and Bridges, 2,558.57

Government Gardens and Plantations , .... 1,959.81

Miscellaneous Services , 19,436.36

Military expenditure, ...... 1,857.17

$ 43,249.41

TOTAL,.... 49,092.68

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]

1650 ORDINANCE No. 15 OF 1882.


No. 15 of 1882 .

An Ordinance to apply a sun not exceeding Nine hundred and Thirty

seven thousand, Nine hundred and Twenty-eight Dollars to the

Public Service of the Year 1883 .

[ 24th August , 1882. ]

HEREAS the expenditure required for the service of this Colony for the year

W 1883 has been estimated at the sum of nine hundred and thirty-three

thousand, four hundred and twenty- eight dollars : Be it enacted by the Governor of

Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1 A sum not exceeding nine hundred and thirty-three thousand, four hundred and

twenty-eight dollars shall be, and the same is hereby charged upon the revenue of

this Colony for the service of the year 1883, and the said sum so charged may be expended

as hereinafter specified ; that is to say :


Governor, $ 7,758

Colonial Secretary ,.... 5,984

Auditor General , 20,653

Colonial Treasurer,………. 4,180

Clerk of Councils , 100

Surveyor General, ……………. 31,026

Government Gardens and Plantations, 6,078

Postmaster General, 27,660

Registrar General , ....... 17,892

Harbour Master, 30,520

Lighthouses, ..... 7,508

Surveyor (Marine) , 4,806

Collector of Stamp Revenue, 4,642

Judicial, 34,508

Ecclesiastical, 1,158

Educational, 27,391

Medical, ..... 17,356

Police Magistrates , ... 7,363

Police, 152,904

Gaol, 27,540

Fire Brigade,....... 8,802


Carried forward,………….. $445,829

ORDINANCES Nos. 15 AND 16 OF 1882 . 1651

Revenue. Merchant Shipping Consolidation.

Brought forward,.. $445,829


Colonial Secretary, ….. 540

Colonial Treasurer, 1,500

Surveyor General, ..... 2,160

Postmaster General, 57,000

Registrar General, ..... 25

Judicial , 500

Ecclesiastical, 500

Educational , ....... 13,817

Medical, 14,856

Police Magistrates, 390

Police, ..... 37,574

Gaol, ……………………… 21,320

Fire Brigade , 5,800

Charitable Allowances, .. 4,000

Transport,. 4,500

Works and Buildings,... 113,250

Roads, Streets, and Bridges , 53,000

Lighthouses, 1,000

Government Gardens and Plantations, 15,500

Miscellaneous Services, 35,800

Military Contribution, 109,067


TOTAL,...... . $ 937,928

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887. ]

No. 16 of 1882.

An Ordinance entitled The Merchant Shipping Consolidation Ordinance,

1879 , Amendment Ordinance, 1882 .

[ 5th September, 1882 .

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong with the advice of the Legislative

BR Council thereof, as follows :

1. Sub-section 1 of section 25 of Ordinance 8 of 1879, is hereby amended by in Sub-section 1 of

section 25 of

serting therein after the words " or place " and before the words " as he thinks " the Ordinances of

1879 amended .

words " or from any port or place in China or Japan or Cochin China which appears to

the Governor in Council to be likely to be in communication with any such country or

place," and by adding at the end of the same the following words :

1652 ORDINANCES Nos. 16 AND 17 OF 1882.

Merchant Shipping Consolidation. Supreme Court ( Vacation.)

Governor in The Governor in Council may from time to time by regulations under this section

Council may

make regulations set apart suitable places in available situations for quarantine stations and provide for

as to quarantine;


the detention and seclusion in such stations of persons arriving on board of vessels

subject to quarantine.

Sub-section 6 of Sub-section 6 of section 25 of Ordinance 8 of 1879 , is hereby amended by adding

section 25 of

Ordinance 8 of :-

at the end of the same the following words :-

1879 amended.

Police to have The Captain Superintendentof Police and any officers that he may appoint for

powers as in cases

of felony. the purpose of enforcing quarantine shall have the same powers to prevent the com

mission of breaches of such regulations and to arrest recapture or detain offenders

against them as may be used by any person for the prevention of any felony or the

arrest recapture or detention of a felon.

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 9 of 1883. ]

No. 17 of 1882.

An Ordinance entitled The Supreme Court (Vacation) Ordinance,

1882 .

[ 5th September , 1882. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the


Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Repeal. 1. Sections 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , and 30 , of Ordinance 12 of 1873 , are

hereby repealed , and section 24 of the same Ordinance is hereby amended

by striking out the words " and the periods of the vacation thereof. "

Ordinance 13 of 1873 is hereby amended by striking out sub- section

5 of section 93.

Sections 42 and 49 of Ordinance 14 of 1873 are hereby repealed .

Vacation 2. Any vacation current at the time of the passing of this Ordinance

current on

passing of this shall thereupon cease : Provided that in any cause or matter pending at

order to cease.

the time of the passing of this Ordinance, the Chief Justice may if he

thinks justice requires it, order that proceedings therein be suspended

until the date at which the then current vacation would otherwise have

ended, or until such earlier date as he thinks fit.

ORDINANCE No. 18 OF 1882 . 1653


No. 18 of 1882 .

An Ordinance entitled , " The Volunteer Ordinance , 1882. "

[ 13th December, 1882. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the

Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. Ordinance 2 of 1862 is hereby repealed. Repeal.

2. Such of the inhabitants of Hongkong as volunteer and offer Formation of


themselves, and as the Governor approves of may, form themselves into

a Corps for the protection of the Colony of Hongkong, to be called the

" Hongkong Volunteers, " and shall continue so formed during the

pleasure of the Governor. Such volunteers shall be instructed in the

use of the rifle and in the management of artillery, and be subject to drill


3. The Governor may from time to time appoint and commission Appointment

and removal

fit persons to be officers of such Corps , and may from time to time remove of officers.

any person so appointed .

4. The commanding officer of the Corps shall appoint the necessary Appointment

of non

non- commissioned officers. commissioned


5. The commanding officer of the Corps shall, as soon as he con Commanding

officer to

veniently can do so , frame rules for regulating the period of enrolment, frame rules

subject to

arms , dress, accoutrements and equipment of the said Corps and of the Governor's


members thereof, the time and place of drill and exercise, and all matters

relating to the enrolment, efficiency, and discipline of the said Corps and

of the members thereof, which rules may be enforced by fines for breach

thereof, not exceeding $ 50 for any one breach, to be recoverable and

enforced before and by a Police Magistrate ; and may from time to time

alter and vary such rules .

All such rules and alterations of rules shall be submitted to the

Governor for confirmation , and when confirmed shall have the same force

for the regulation of the members of the said Corps as if they had been

inserted in and had formed part of this Ordinance .

6. Every volunteer, being a Christian , upon being admitted shall Enrolment..

subscribe his name on the roll of the said Corps , and shall take before a

1654 ORDINANCES Nos. 18 AND 19 of 1882 .


Merchant Shipping Consolidation .

Justice of the Peace or the commanding officer, an oath according to the

form following :

I, 4.B., do promise and swear that I will be faithful and bear

true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen VICTORIA, and that

I will faithfully serve in the " Volunteer Force during

the term of my enrolment : So help me God.

And every volunteer, not being a Christian, shall before a Justice of the

Peace or the commanding officer make a declaration according to the

form following :

I, A.B. , do solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare that I will be

faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen

VICTORIA, and that I will faithfully serve in the " Volunteer

Force " during my term of enrolment .

The commanding officer for the time being shall have power to

administer oaths and take declarations for the purpose of this Ordinance.

No. 19 of 1882.

An Ordinance entitled " The Merchant Shipping Consolidation

Ordinance Amendment Ordinance , ( No. 2 ) 1882."

[ 13th December , 1882. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the


Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Ordinance 8 1. Ordinance 8 of 1879, is hereby amended as follows, that is to

of 1879

mended. say,

Sub-section 7 of section 7 , by inserting after the words " master

or engineer " and before the words " as provided " the

words " holding either a certificate of qualification recog

nized by the Board of Trade, or a certificate of competency

from the Harbour Master of Hongkong."

ORDINANCES Nos . 20 AND 21 OF 1882 . 1655

Vacation of Offices. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank.

No. 20 of 1882.

An Ordinance to provide for the vacation of offices, and the

determination of pensions and allowances held by persons

convicted of crime.

[ 13th December, 1882. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the


Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. If any person convicted within the jurisdiction of any of Her Persons

convicted of

crime to

Majesty's Courts , after the passing of this Ordinance , of treason or felony

forfeit office,

for which he shall be sentenced to death , or penal servitude , or any term pension, and


of imprisonment with hard labour, or exceeding twelve months , shall at

the time of such conviction hold in this Colony any civil office under the

Crown or other public employment or place, or be entitled to any pension

or superannuation allowance payable by the public , or out of any public

fund, such office, employment , or place shall forthwith become vacant, and

such pension or superannuation allowance shall forthwith determine and

cease to be payable, unless such person shall receive a free pardon from

Her Majesty , within six months after such conviction , or before the filling

up of such office, employment, or place , if given at a later period ; and such

person shall become and ( until he shall have suffered the punishment to

which he has been sentenced or such other punishment as by competent

authority may be substituted for the same , or receive a free pardon from

Her Majesty ) shall continue thenceforth incapable of holding in this

Colony any civil office under the Crown or other public employment or


No. 21 of 1882.

An Ordinance entitled The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank

Ordinance Amendment Ordinance , 1882.

[ 13th December, 1882. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the


Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. Ordinance 5 of 1866 is hereby amended in manner following, viz. , Ordinance 5

of 1866

by substituting for section 12 the following section : amended .

1656 ORDINANCE No. 21 OF 1882 .

Hongkong and Shanghai Bank.

12. It shall be lawful for the company to make issue and circu

late bills and notes of the company payable to bearer on

demand at the place of issue and in coin lawfully current at

such place, and to re- issue the same from the place at which

the same were originally issued.

Without prejudice to the conditional privilege now

possessed by the company of issuing and reissuing from the

head office a limited number of notes of smaller amount

subject to their unconditional withdrawal from circulation

should the Government of the Colony decide to issue small

notes of lower denomination than $ 5 , no such bills or notes

shall hereafter be issued for any other sum than the sum of

five dollars or some multiple of such sum, or other equi

valent amount. All such bills or notes issued in any Colony

or other place from any establishment of the company not

being the principal establishment of the company in such

Colony or place shall be made payable not only at the

establishment from which the same were issued but also at

the principal establishment of the company in such Colony

or place.

Nothing herein contained shall exempt the company

from the operation of any existing or future laws restrict

ing or regulating the issue of notes in the Colony or in any

place outside the Colony where they have or may hereafter

with such consent as aforesaid establish banks or branch

banks .

The shareholders of the company shall be subject to

unlimited liability in respect of all or any such issues or

issue of bills or notes, and in case the general assets of the

company are, in the event of the company being wound up,

insufficient to satisfy the claims of both the note -holders

and the general creditors, then the shareholders of the com

pany after satisfying the remaining demands of the note

holders shall be liable to contribute towards payment of

the debts of the general creditors a sum equal to the amount

received by the note - holders out of the general assets of

the company.

ORDINANCES Nos . 21 AND 22 OF 1882 . 1657

Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. Supreme Court .

For the purposes of this section the expression " the

general assets of the company " means the funds available

for payment of the general creditors as well as the note

holders ;

and by substituting for section 13 the following section :

13. The total amount of the bills and notes of the company

payable to bearer on demand actually in circulation shall

not at any time exceed the amount of the capital of the

company actually paid up , and there shall be kept by each

establishment ofthe company an amount of coin and bullion

equal to one- third at least of such of the said bills and notes.

as were issued from such establishment and are for the

time being in circulation.

No. 22 of 1882.

[See Ord. No.

An Ordinance to amend the Supreme Court Ordinance, 1873 .

17 of 1884. }

[ 19th December, 1882. ]

HEREAS it is expedient to amend the Supreme Court Ordinance , Preamble.


1873 , and to make further provision for the execution of the

process of the Supreme Court ; Be it enacted by the Governor of

Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. Section 15 of the Supreme Court Ordinance, 1873 , is hereby Sec. 15 of

Ordinance 12

amended by substituting the words " 2 Deputy Registrars " in place of of 1873

amended .

the words " a Deputy Registrar " and the words " 2 clerks of the Court "

"instead of the words " a clerk of the Court."

2. The Governor may from time to time appoint one or more bailiffs Appointment

of bailiffs and

of the Supreme Court, and may also from time to time approve of the deputy


appointment by any such bailiff of a deputy bailiff. Each bailiff may,

however, act as the deputy of another and execute any process of the Court,

although it may have been directed personally to some other bailiff.

3. The Registrar shall direct the process ofthe Court to be executed Registrar may

direct execu

by such of the bailiffs of the Court as he may from time to time think fit. tion of pro


1658 ORDINANCE No. 22 of 1882 .

Supreme Court.


against an 4. In case process may be awarded by the Court against any officer

officer of the of the Court, such process may be issued directed or executed by any


other officer of the Court as the Court or a Judge may direct.

Bailiff to 5. Each bailiff shall serve and execute all process of the Supreme


process. Court under the directions of the Registrar, and make a return of the

same together with the manner of the execution thereof to the Court, and

shall arrest and convey to prison all such persons as shall be committed

to his custody by order of the Court.

Bailiff pro

tected from 6. No suit shall be brought against a bailiff for anything done or

acts done by omitted to be done by him whilst acting under the directions in


writing of the Registrar or of a Deputy Registrar of the Court or in

pursuance of any order made or given by the Court or a Judge as

hereinafter mentioned. Provided always that such bailiff do not wilfully

misrepresent, or suppress any material fact in obtaining any such

directions from the Registrar or Deputy Registrars .

Registrar and 7. No suit shall be brought against the Registrar or any Deputy


trar protected Registrar for any act done or omitted to be done by any of the bailiff's

from acts done

by order. or deputy bailiffs without directions from such Registrar or Deputy

Registrar, nor shall any suit be brought against any Registrar or Deputy

Registrar for any directions given to a bailiff with regard to the execution

or non-execution of process if such directions shall be in accordance

with an order obtained from the Court or a Judge as hereinafter mentioned .

Provided always that no material fact be wilfully misrepresented or sup

pressed by such Registrar or Deputy Registrar in obtaining such order.

Registrar and 8. The Registrar or Deputy Registrar may in case of doubt or

Deputy Regis

trar may difficulty apply summarily to the Court or a Judge for an order for the

apply for

order. direction and guidance of the bailiff, and the Court or Judge may make

such order in the matter as may seem just and reasonable.

Officers ille 9. No officer of the Supreme Court shall directly or indirectly ask

gally demand

ing fees. or receive any fee or gratuity, not authorized by law, in respect of any of

the duties of his office .

Offences by 10. If any officer of the Supreme Court acting under colour of the

officers of the

Court. process of the Court is charged with misconduct or with any wrongful

act or neglect in the discharge of the duties of his office, the Court or

Judge may enquire into the matter in a summary way on such evidence

as may appear reasonable, and for that purpose may summon and enforce

ORDINANCE No. 22 of 1882 . 1659

Supreme Court.

the attendance of all necessary parties and witnesses in like manner as

the attendance of witnesses in other cases may be enforced , and may

make such order for the payment of all damages and costs that may have

been caused by any such act or neglect as it or he thinks just, and impose

such fine upon the officer as it or he may deem adequate ; and in default

of payment of any money so ordered to be paid , payment of the same

may be enforced as a judgment recovered in the Court. Provided always

that this provision shall not take away any right of action for damages

against any officer, but no action shall be commenced or continued for

any act or omission of such officer after the Court or a Judge has ordered

compensation to be paid in respect of it under this section .

Costs in cases

11. Whenever any suit shall be brought against any officer of the


Court for any act done or omitted to be done in the execution of his officers of the


duties, and a verdict or judgment shall be given for the plaintiff in such

suit, the plaintiff shall not have costs against the defendant unless the

Judge certifies his approval of the suit and verdict or when the trial is

had without a jury of the suit only. If a verdict or judgment is given

for the defendant or the plaintiff becomes non- suited or discontinues the

suit after issue joined , or if on demurrer or otherwise judgment is given

against the plaintiff, the defendant shall recover his full costs and shall

have the like remedy for the same as any defendant has by law for costs

in other cases .

12. No such suit shall be brought except within three months after Limitation of

time, and

the act of omission or commission complained of. Notice in writing of mode of


every such suit and of the cause thereof shall be given to the intended

defendant one month at least before the commencement of the suit.

The plaintiff shall not recover if tender of sufficient amends is made

before a suit is commenced or if after a suit is commenced a sufficient

sum of money is paid into Court by or on behalf of the defendant and the

defendant undertakes to pay costs when taxed .

13. All fees receivable in the Supreme Court shall be payable in Fees to be

paid in stamps,

stamps subject to the provisions of the Stamp Ordinance . The fees here and scale of

fees under the

tofore payable under the Sheriff's Ordinance, 1873 , shall continue to be Sheriff's Ordi

nance, 1873.

payable in respect of process issued by the Court until a new scale of fees to be continu

ed .

for the Supreme Court generally shall be prepared and adopted .

14. Ordinance No. 8 of 1858 sec . 22 is hereby amended by striking Ordinance $

of 1858

out the words " or Sheriff." amended.

1660 ORDINANCE No. 22 OF 1882 .

Supreme Court.


13 of 1873 Ordinance No. 13 of 1873 is hereby amended by striking out the

amended. word " Sheriff" and substituting the word " Registrar " in section 53 sub

section 6 , and by striking out the word " Sheriff " and substituting the

word " Bailiff" in the following sections :

Section 8 Sub- section 11

Do. 16 Do. 2

Do. 17 Do. 3

Do. 19 Do. 1

Do. 20

Do. 70 Do. 1

Do. 76 Do. 2 & 7

Do. 78 Do. 7

Do. 82 Do. 6, 7 & 14.

Section 8, sub- section 11 is also hereby amended by inserting before

the words " by order of the Court " the words " by direction of the Re

gistrar or. "

Ordinance Section 7 of Ordinance No. 4 of 1863 is hereby amended by striking

4 of 1863

amended . out the words "and such portion of any gaol as shall be set apart for the

confinement of debtors shall be further subject to the supervision and

authority of the sheriff."

Repeal. Ordinance No. 1 of 1873 is hereby repealed .

Protecting 15. This Ordinance shall not affect anything done or suffered , nor


any right power duty obligation or liability acquired imposed accrued

or incurred under any enactment hereby repealed , nor any legal proceed

ings in respect of any such power duty obligation or liability , and any


legal proceeding may be carried on as if this Ordinance had not been

passed nor revive any enactment repealed by any such enactment .

ORDINANCE No. 23 of 1882 . 1661

Criminal Procedure.

No. 23 of 1882.

An Ordinance entitled " The Criminal Procedure Ordinance,


[ 19th December, 1882. ]


WHEREAS it is expedient to amend " The Criminal Procedure Ordi

nance , 1865 , " by making certain alterations therein : Be it enacted

by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council

thereof, as follows :

Sections 9, 10,

1. [ Section 9 of the said Ordinance is hereby amended by adding the 11, 12, 17, 19

words " seven days at least before the criminal sessions at which the case is & 32 of Ordi

nance 3 of


intended to be tried." Repealed by Ordinance No. 8 of 1884. amended .

Section 10 of the said Ordinance is hereby amended by striking out

the words " to the sheriff."

Section 11 of the said Ordinance is hereby amended by striking out

the words "the Crown Solicitor " and inserting instead the words “ the

Registrar or a Deputy Registrar " and by striking out the words " to the

sheriff " and inserting in lieu thereof [ " six days at least before the day

specified in the said notice of trial to one of the bailiffs of the Court." Re

pealed by Ordinance No. 8 of 1884. ]

Section 12 is hereby amended by striking out the words " the sheriff”

and substituting therefor the words " such bailiff."

Section 17 of the said Ordinance is hereby amended by striking out

the words " and the same shall be delivered to the Sheriff at his office,

for execution thereof, together with so many copies of the subpoena as

there are persons to be served therewith " and by inserting instead thereof

" The party obtaining the subpoena shall make out and give to the Reg

istrar as many copies as there are persons to be served therewith and the

Registrar or a Deputy Registrar shall deliver the original together with

the copies to one of the bailiffs of the Court for service. "

Section 19 of the said Ordinance is hereby amended by striking out

the words " pay to the sheriff his " and by inserting instead thereof the

words "pay into the registry the " and by inserting instead of the words

" the said sheriff " in the latter portion of the section the words " the


Section 32 of the said Ordinance is he by amended by striking out

the words " upon the sheriff or other person . "


1662 ORDINANCE No. 24 OF 1882 .

Jurors and Juries.

No. 24 of 1882 .

An Ordinance entitled The Jurors and Juries Ordinance, 1882 .

[ 19th December, 1882. ]

Preamble . HEREAS on account of the abolition of the office of sheriff it is necessary to

W amend the laws relating to jurors and juries.

Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of

the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Section 2 of 1. Section 2 of the Jury Law Consolidation Ordinance , 1864, is hereby amended

Ordinance 11 of

1864 amended . by striking out the words " the sheriff " and inserting in lieu thereof the word " any."

Section 5 of 2. Section 5 of the said Ordinance is hereby repealed and in lieu thereof, it is

Ordinance 11 of

1864 repealed. enacted as follows :-

" Every person shall, for the purpose of enabling the Registrar to complete

" the list of jurors hereinafter referred to, on demand by the Registrar or

"some person duly authorized by him, forward to the said Registrar in

"writing within the time specified in the said demand, his Christian or

" other names and surnames at full length together with his profession,

" business or occupation and place of abode, under penalty for refusing


or neglecting so to do of sum not exceeding one hundred dollars."

Section 6 of 3. Section 6 of the said Ordinance is hereby amended by striking out the word

Ord 11 of 66

1864 amended. Sheriff " and inserting in lieu thereof the word " Registrar."

Sec. 8 of Ord. 11 4. Section 8 is hereby repealed and in lieu thereof it is enacted as follows :

of 1864 repealed.

" The Registrar shall on or before the first day of February in each year make

" a list in alphabetical order of all men ascertained by him to be liable to


serve as jurors , setting forth the Christian or other names and surnames

" of each at full length, together with his profession, business, or occupa

"tion and place of abode, and shall cause a copy of such list to be posted

" for the term of one fortnight on or in some conspicuous part of the

"Court House, to the end that the inhabitants of the Colony may , as the

" case shall be, apply by notice in writing to the Registrar requiring that

" their names or the names of some other person may be respectively

" either added to or struck off from the said list, upon cause duly assigned

"in such notice ; and the Registrar immediately after the expiration of

"the time for posting such list , shall forward the same and such notices

"may be so served on him, to the clerk of the Legislative Council, to the

" end that the Council (which is hereby empowered so to do) , may strike

" off or add such name or names or any other name or names from among

"those of the said inhabitants as to the said Council may appear fit, and

"the said list when so approved of, or altered , shall be returned to the

" Registrar by the clerk of Council and called the ' Jurors List ' and shall

"be brought into use on the first day of March next following and shall

" continue in force for one year from the said first day of March ."

ORDINANCES No. 24 OF 1852 AND No. 1 OF 1883. 1663

Jurors and Juries. Distraints for Rent.

5. Section 9 is hereby amended by inserting after the words " section five " the Sec. 9 of Ord. 11

of 1864 amended.

words " as hereby amended " and by striking out the words " by the sheriff or."

6. Sections 10 and 11 are hereby repealed . Secs. 10 and 11

of Ord. 11 of

1864 repealed .

7. Section 12 is hereby amended by striking out the words "the sheriff shall Sec. 12 of Ord.

11 of 1864


attend at the Registrar's office and in the presence of him or his deputy " and inserting

in lieu thereof the words " a Deputy Registrar shall in the presence of the Registrar. "

8. Section 13 is hereby amended by striking out the word " sheriff " and insert Sec. 13 of Ord.

11 of 1864


ing in lieu thereof the words " the Registrar."

9. Section 14 is hereby repealed and in lieu thereof, it is enacted as follows : Sec. 14 of Ord. 11

of 1864 repealed.

"The Registrar shall cause a panel, containing the names, places of abode

“ and additions of the persons so summoned , to be made out as soon as


conveniently may be after the summonses have been served."

10. Schedule B to the said Ordinance is hereby amended by striking out the word Schedule B to

Ord. 11 of 1864

" sheriff" and inserting in lieu thereof the word " Registrar." amended.

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 18 of 1887. ]

No. 1 of 1883 .

An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the law relating to Preamble.

Distraints for Rent.

[ 2nd February, 1883. ]

HEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the law relating


to distraints for rent : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hong

kong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows : —


1. The Supreme Court shall have jurisdiction to issue warrants of Issuing of


distress for arrears of rent in all cases, without respect to the value of

the property on which the rent is to be levied , and without respect to

the amount of rent to be levied.

2. No distress shall be levied for arrears of rent except under the Penalty on


provisions of this Ordinance ; and any person, except the bailiffs and persons.

officers acting under this Ordinance, levying or attempting to levy any

such distress shall, on conviction before a Magistrate, be liable to a fine

1664 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1883 .

Distraints for Rent.

not exceeding one hundred dollars , or to imprisonment for a term not

exceeding three months in addition to any other liability he may have

incurred by his proceedings .

Bailiffs of the 3. The bailiffs of the Court shall be employed under the provisions

Court to levy

distress ; fees of this Ordinance.

to go to the

Crown. The salaries, allowances and expenses for the bailiffs , and other

officers employed under this Ordinance, shall be paid out of the general

revenue of the Colony ; and all fees collected under this Ordinance for

services by such bailiffs and officers, shall be paid into the general

revenue of the Colony.

Fees. 4. No fees shall be taken or demanded for such distresses , except

those allowed by this Ordinance , as set out in schedule A.

Limitation 5. No warrants shall be issued in any case for arrears of rent due

of time.

for more than twelve months at the time of the application .


Ofthe making of distraints.

Application 6. Any person claiming to be entitled to arrears of rent, or his duly

for warrant.

constituted attorney or agent may apply, for such warrant as is herein

after mentioned .

Powers of 7. Powers of attorney to agents authorized to apply for warrants of

attorneys and

agents. distress, may be either general or for the particular case ; and shall be

exempt from stamp duty, if confined solely to the purpose of giving

authority to distrain for rent under this Ordinance. Such powers may

be in the form in schedule E or to the like effect .

Affidavit. 8. Every application for a warrant shall be supported by an affidavit

or declaration which may be according to the form contained in schedule

B or to the like effect ; such affidavits or declarations may be sworn or

declared to in like manner as other affidavits or declarations in the

Supreme Court.

Judge , Regis 9. Warrants according to the form in schedule C or to the like

trar, or

Deputy Regis effect may be issued by a Judge of the Supreme Court or in the absence

trar, may

issue warrant. of any Judge from the Court House by the Registrar or a Deputy Regis

trar returnable within six days addressed to any one of the bailiffs of

the Court.

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1883. 1665

Distraints for Rent.

10. The Judge, Registrar, or Deputy Registrar to whom application Refusal of


is made, may upon examination of the persons applying for such warrants ,

decline to issue the same.

11. If a Judge declines to issue such warrant, application may be Appeal.

made to the Full Court as provided in cases under section 18of the

Supreme Court Ordinance, 1873. If the Registrar or Deputy Registrar

declines to do so , application may be made to a Judge in the first

instance . The Deputy Registrar may, however, always refer the matter

to the Registrar upon any application to such Deputy Registrar.

12. Every distress under this Ordinance shall be made after sunrise Time for


and before sunset , and not at any other time except by special leave of

the Court or a Judge .

13. In pursuance of the warrant aforesaid, the bailiff shall seize the Property that

may be seized.

moveable property found in or upon the house or premises mentioned in

the warrant, and in the apparent possession of the person from whom

the rent is claimed (hereinafter called the debtor) , or such part thereof

as may, in the bailiff's judgment, be sufficient to cover the amount of the

said rent, together with the costs of the said distress .

14. The bailiff shall not seize : Property that

cannot be


(a . ) Things in actual use, in the hands of a person at the time

of seizure ;

(b. ) Tools and implements not in use, where there is other

moveable property in or upon the house or premises

sufficient to cover such amount and costs ;

(c ) Goods of temporary guests at an inn ;

(d. ) Goods of lodgers at a furnished lodging house ;

(e . ) The debtor's necessary wearing apparel ;

(f.) Goods in the custody of the law ;

(g. ) Goods delivered to a person exercising a public trade , to

be carried, wrought , worked up, or managed in the way

of his trade or employ.

15. On seizing any property under section 13, the bailiff shall Inventory.

make an inventory and appraisement of such property and shall give a

copy of such inventory and appraisement* notice in writing according to [*and}

the form in schedule D, or to the like effect, to the debtor or to any other

person upon his behalf, in or upon the said house or premises.

1666 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1883 .

Distraints for Rent.

Filing of 16. The bailiff shall , as soon as may be, file in the Court copies of

inventory, &c.

the said inventory, appraisement and notice.

Entry. 17. The bailiffs and officers appointed to execute distress warrants

may break open inner doors ; and if denied admittance to any building

as to which they have a warrant to distrain, after declaring their names

and business ; or if, after waiting a reasonable time, no person answers ,

or is in the building, they may apply to the Court for authority to break

open outer doors and windows so far as may be necessary to enable them

to execute the warrant.

Forcible 18. The Court on being satisfied, on the affidavit of one of the


officers having the warrant for execution , that there are no reasonable

means of executing the warrant without breaking such outer doors or

windows, may grant an order in writing, addressed to a bailiff of the

Court, authorizing him to break open , or have broken open , such doors

and windows. Before executing such order, however, the bailiff shall

inform any persons or person in or about the building, that he has such

order and that he is about to act on it unless the doors or windows are

opened .

Impounding 19. The bailiffs may impound or otherwise secure the property

of property

scized. seized, in or on the house or premises , chargeable with the rent, or may

remove the same.


Of application to discharge distresses and of compensation .

Suspension 20. The debtor, or any other person alleging himself to be the

or release of

distress. owner of any property scized under this Ordinance, may, at any time

within five days from such seizure, on twenty - four hours ' notice to the

party who obtained the warrant and to the bailiff, setting out the facts

on which the claim is founded , verified on affidavit, apply to the Court,

to discharge or suspend the warrant or to release a distrained article ;

and the Court may discharge or suspend such warrant or release such

article accordingly, upon such terms as it thinks just.

Costs. 21. Upon any such application , the costs attending it and attending

the issue and execution of the warrant, shall be in the discretion of the

Court, and shall be paid as the Court directs.

ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1883. 1667

Distraints for Rent.

22. If any claim be made to, or in respect of, any property seized Wrongful


under a distress warrant, or in respect of the proceeds or value thereof,

by any person not being the debtor, the Registrar, upon the application

of the bailiff who seized the property, may issue a summons calling before

the Court the claimant and the person who obtained the warrant, and

thereupon any suit which may have been brought in respect of such

claim shall be stayed , and the Court, on the proof of the service of such

summons, and that the property was so distrained , may order the

plaintiff to pay the costs of all proceedings in such suit after the service

of such summons .

23. Every such claim shall be verified by affidavit or declaration Adjudication

in cases of

setting out the facts on which it is founded. When so verified the Court wrongful


shall adjudicate thereupon, and make such order between the parties in

respect thereof, and of the costs of the proceedings, as it thinks fit ; and

such order shall be enforced as if it were an order made in a suit brought

in such Court.

24. In any case under section 20 or section 22 , the Court may, if Compensa

tion for

a claim shall have been made therefor at the time of application , and if it wrongful


appears to the Court that the landlord or bailiff had no reasonable ground

for believing that the goods were properly distrainable, award such

compensation by way of damages to the applicant or claimant ( as the

case may be ) as the Court thinks fit, and may for that purpose make any

enquiry it thinks necessary ; and the order of the Court , awarding or

refusing such compensation , shall bar any suit in respect of injury caused

by the distress .

25. The Court may in its discretion , at any time upon the applica Time allowed

for payment.

tion of the debtor and upon reasonable notice being given of the applica

tion to the party who obtained the warrant give time to the debtor to

pay the rent due from him upon such terms as it may think just and



Sale of distresses.

26. In default of any order to the contrary, the distrained property Mode of sale

of distresses.

shall be sold on the day mentioned in the notice of appraisement and sale

hereinbefore referred to , and such sale shall be conducted at such a place

and time and by such person as the Registrar may direct, whether by an

1668 ORDINANCE No. 1 CF 1883 .

Distraints for Rent.

auctioneer or a bailiff of the Court and such auctioneer or such bailiff

shall on realizing the proceeds, pay over the amount thereof to the Court ,

and such amount shall be applied , first in payment of the costs of the

said distress, and then in satisfaction of the debt ; and the surplus , if any ,

shall be returned to the debtor .

Debtor may

select manner 27. Provided that the debtor may require that the sale shall take

of sale. place in any other manner, than that directed by the Registrar , upon

giving security for any extra costs or loss thereby, or that in the

Registrar's opinion may be thereby occasioned .


Deserted premises where no distress left.

Deserted 28. Where any immoveable property is held at a rack rent, or


where the rent reserved shall be full three- fourths of the yearly value of

the demised premises , and where neither the value of the premises by the

year, nor the rent payable in respect of the tenancy by the year, shall

exceed three hundred dollars , if the tenant shall be in arrears for two

months , and shall desert the demised premises and leave the same uncul

tivated or unoccupied so as no sufficient distress can be had to countervail

the arrears of rent , it shall be lawful for the Court, at the request of the

lessor or landlord or his agent and on information on oath, to issue its

warrant authorizing any bailiff to enter on the premises, breaking any

doors, windows, or gates if necessary ; and if the premises are found to

be deserted with no sufficient distress therein , to place the same in charge

of a bailiff and to affix a notice thereon, in a conspicuous place , that

unless cause to the contrary be shown before the Court within ten days,

the premises will be given over to the applicant ; and if no such cause

be shown, it shall be lawful for the Court, on proof of the fact of desertion ,

of non-payment of at least two months rent last due, of want of sufficient

distress, and that the applicant is the lessor or landlord of the premises

or entitled under this Ordinance to a distress warrant, to make an order

directing a bailiff to put the applicant in possession of the premises and

the demise shall become void.


Rules as to distresses.

Arrears of 29. Ar ears of rent may be distrained for after the end or deter


milation of any term or lease at will, in the same manner as if such term

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1883 . 1669

Distraints for Rent.

or lease had not been en led or determined ; provided that such distress

be made during the continuance of the possession of the tenant from whom

such arrears became due.

30. No personal property shall be removed from any premises Writs in

Crown suits

under any writ from any Court other than writs in Crown suits , till the and distress

to have

claim for rent due to the landlord or lessor or person entitled to receive precedence.

the rent, is satisfied ; provided that such claim shall not in any case

exceed the amount due for six months ' rent last due.

31. If personal property , otherwise liable to distress for rent, shall , Property

seized under

writ or

at the time of the issue of any distress warrant, or thereafter before

warrant of

seizure by the bailiff under such warrant be seized under any writ or Supreme


warrant of the Supreme Court, the said bailiff shall not seize such personal

property, but shall return the warrant into Court and deliver copies.

thereof to the execution creditor or his agent and to the debtor either

personally or by leaving the same at the place where the goods were

seized , and such execution creditor or debtor or either of them may apply

to the Court to discharge or suspend the warrant within the time and

in the manner mentioned in section 20 , and should no such application

be made within the said time, the Registrar shall , out of the first money

to be received by him from the officer executing such writ or warrant ,

pay over to the person obtaining such distress warrant the amount

thereof, provided that if the amount mentioned in the warrant of distress

shall exceed the amount due for six months rent, the Registrar shall pay

the amount of rent due for six months and the costs and no more .

32. If any execution shall be paid off after issue of a warrant of If execution



distress , the bailiff shall immediately execute the warrant of distress.

warrant may

be executed.

33. The following persons may , personally or by their attorneys Persons

allowed to

or agents, apply for warrants to distrain for arrears of rent due to the apply for



estates represented by them , that is to say :

Executors or administrators of any lessor or landlord or person

entitled to receive rents ;

Guardians for infants , committees of lunatics for the lunatics ;

Receivers appointed by Courts for the estate over or for which

they are appointed ;

1670 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1883.

Distraints for Rent.

Assignees and trustees in bankruptcy for the estate of the

bankrupt ;

Mortgagees, for the property mortgaged, if the mortgagee is in

possession ;

Trustees, for the estate over which the trust extends ;

Lessees , against their under-lessees ;

The Registrar for premises seized under executions , if rented

to tenants by the person against whom the execution is

issued, or otherwise rented so that the rent is payable to

such person ;

Married women , with or without the concurrence of their hus

hands , for arrears of rent due on property held by them

to their sole and separate use.

Where several 34. Where a right to distrain accrues to parties jointly interested ,

parties inter

ested one of or together interested , in any premises such as coparceners , joint tenants ,

them may

institute tenants in common , executors , administrators , trustees, guardians ,


partners or otherwise, proceedings under this Ordinance may be taken by

any one of such parties , in his own name and the name or names of those

jointly or together interested with him , and the levying of rent so dis

trained for shall be a complete discharge to the tenant, for the rent, or

for so much thereof as may be so levied ; and the parties so levying shall

be liable to account to the parties having the interest jointly or together

with them for all sums so levied.

Production of 35. Provided that if it should , in any particular case, appear to the


Court or to the Registrar or Deputy Registrar, to be advisable so to do ,

the Court or Registrar or Deputy Registrar may require the party so

applying to produce a written authority to distrain , signed by one or

more of the persons jointly or together interested with him.

Removal of 36. No property found at the time of distraint in or on any premises ,


under as to which an arrear of rent is due , shall be removed from such premises


without the consent of the person issuing the distress warrant, or by

direction of the Registrar, till satisfaction is made, for the rent due if the

arrear has accrued during the current tenancy, and if at any time such

property would have been liable to distraint for rent under this Ordi

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1883 . 1671

Distraints for Rent.

nance ; and the landlord or lessor shall be entitled to require the bailiff

upon giving such bailiff a sufficient indemnity to the satisfaction of the

Registrar to follow the property if removed , and seize the same under the

distress warrant, whether or not such property was afterwards disposed

of by the owner by way of sale, exchange, mortgage, pledge or otherwise.

37. If the tenant or lessee, or person in possession or occupation, of Removal of


any premises on which there is an arrear of rent due, recoverable by liable to dis


distress , shall remove , carry away, or cause or permit to be removed or

carried away from the premises any moveable property liable to be seized

for such rent , so as to prevent or hinder the bailiff from distraining the

same , it shall be lawful for the Court, on application verified by affidavit ,

to authorize the bailiff, to whom the warrant of distress to distrain for the

rent on such premises is addressed and the officers acting with him, to

follow, and to take and seize such goods and chattels, as a distress for the

said arrears of rent, wherever the same may be found, at any time within

thirty days from the day of their removal , exclusive of the day of removal,

and to deal with the said moveable property so removed in the same way

as if it had been found on the premises, and if advisable so to do, to place

the same again in the premises.

38. Provided that it shall be lawful for the bailiff, without such Seizure of

property that

authority to follow and seize any such property found by him in the act is being re


of being removed from any such premises , and before the same is placed

in any other house or building.

39. If such property or any part thereof so removed or carried away Property sold

bonâ fide

under the circumstances mentioned in sections 36 and 37 of this Ordi may be

restored .

nance shall have been sold bonâ fide, and for a sufficient consideration ,

before or after removal from the premises distrained , to any person not

knowing and not having the means of knowing that the same was liable

to distraint for rent, or was removed or carried away, or was to be removed

or carried away, so as to prevent or hinder the landlord or lessee from

distraining the same, or so much thereof as shall have been so sold, shall

not be seized or if seized shall be restored by the bailiff distraining or by

the Court on application under section 20 of this Ordinance.

40. Any tenant or lessee, or person in possession or occupation who Fraudulent


shall fraudulently remove or carry away moveable property as aforesaid,

1672 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1883 .

Distraints for Rent.

and any person wilfully and knowingly aiding or assisting such tenant or

lessee or person in such fraudulent removal or carrying away, shall be

deemed to be guilty of a misdemeanour.

Police may 41. It shall be lawful for any Police officer to stop and detain, until

stop removal

of furniture . due enquiry can be made, all carts , hand carts, and carriages , and all

persons, engaged between the hours of 8 P.M, and 6 A.M. in removing the

furniture of any premises.

Protecting 42. Where any distress shall be made for any sum of money to be


levied by virtue of this Ordinance , the distress itself shall not be deemed

unlawful, nor the party making the same be deemed a trespasser, on

account of any defect or want of form in the proceeding relating thereto ,

nor shall the party distraining be deemed a trespasser from the beginning

on account of any irregularity which shall afterwards be committed by

the party so distraining, but the person aggrieved by such irregularity

may recover satisfaction for the special damages in an action as provided

by section 24.


General Provision .

Exemptions. 43. Nothing herein contained shall be held to apply to rents due to

the Crown .

Interpre 44. The word “ Court " or the words " Supreme Court " as used in

tation clause.

this Ordinance shall mean unless otherwise expressed The Supreme Court

in its Summary Jurisdiction.

Suspending 45. This Ordinance shall come into operation on a day to be here


after proclaimed by the Governor.

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1883. 1673

Distraints for Rent.


Scale offees to be levied in distraints for rent.


warrant to Order to

Sums sued for. Commission.

distrain, sell.

notices, & c.

$ c. $ C.

1 and under 5 dollars. 0.25 0.25

5 "" 10 99 1.00 0.50



10 20 2.00 1.00

35 32



20 30 99 3.00 1.50

30 99 40 99 4.00 2.00

40 50 5.00 2.50



50 99 75 66 6.00 3.75

75 99 100 99 7.50 5.00

100 39 250 29 10.00 $ 1 for every

250 99 500 "9 15.00 $20 or part

above 500 99 15.00 of $20.

The above scale is intended to include all expenses ; except in suits where the

tenant disputes the landlord's claim, and witnesses have to be subpoenaed, in which

case each subpoena must be paid for at 25 cents ; where watchmen are kept in charge

of property distrained, 25 cents per day must be paid per man ; where property is

removed and stored , the necessary expenses to be fixed by the Registrar must be paid.


Form of affidavit for distress.

In the Supreme Court.

A.B. (plaintiff)


C.D. (defendant)

A.B. inhabitant of maketh oath and saith

that C.D.

is justly indebted to in the sum of dollars for arrears of rent

of the house and premises No. situated at in the

due for months, to wit from to at the rate

of dollars per mensem .

Sworn before me the day of 188

1674 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1883.

Distraints for Rent.


Form of warrant.

In the Supreme Court.

I hereby direct you to distrain the goods and chattels on the premises of A.B.

situate in in the for the sum of

dollars, being the amount of months' rent due to C.D. for the same

on the day of last, according to the provisions of the Distraint for

Rent Ordinance, 1883.

Before proceeding to distraint under this warrant, you shall demand payment of

the amount endorsed hereon .

Dated day of 18 .

(Signed and sealed) ,

by the Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court.



Sworn bailiff and appraiser.


Form of inventory and notice.

In the Supreme Court .

(Summary Jurisdiction. )

Take notice that I have this day seized the goods and chattels contained in the

above inventory and appraisement, for the sum of dollars, being the

amount of months' rent due to C.D. on last and that unless

you pay that amount together with the costs of this distress, within five days from the

date hereof, or obtain an order from the Court to the contrary, the same will be sold

on the day of 18 , pursuant to the provisions of the

Dist ra in t for Rent Ordinance , 1883 .

(Signed) E.F.

Sworn bailiff and appraiser.

To A.B.


Form of Power of Attorney to distrain.

I (or we) , A.B. do hereby authorize C.D. to be my (our) agent to act for me (us)

in distraining, under the Distraint for Rent Ordinance, 1883 , for (all) the arrears of rent

now due to me (us) (or to be hereafter due) on property situated in (here describe

property) , as to which I am (we are) entitled to distrain as (Owner, Lessee, Trustee,

Guardian, &c.) alone (or together with E.F.) &c.


(Signed) A.B.

[In force from the 1st March, 1883, under proclamation 27th February, 1883. ]

ORDINANCES Nos. 2 , 3 AND 4 OF 1883 . 1675

Mahomedan Cemetery. Companies. Excise (Opium).

No. 2 of 1883 .

An Ordinance entitled the Mahomedan Cemetery Ordinance Amendment

Ordinance, 1883 .

HEREAS it is expedient that all right of access to the old Mahomedan ceme Preamble.

WHtery as reserved by section 4 of Ordinance 8 of 1867, should be extinguished,

and that the said cemetery should be re-vested in Her Majesty, free from all restriction

as to the use of the same : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the

advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. Section 4 of Ordinance 8 of 1867 is hereby repealed, and the old Mahomedan Repes!.

cemetery in the said section referred to, is hereby absolutely vested in Her Majesty,

free from all restrictions whatever as to the use of the same.

[ Disallowed in C.O.D. No. 71 , April 26th, 1883, not gazetted. Repealed by

Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]

No. 3 of 1883.

An Ordinance entitled the Companies Ordinance Amendment

Ordinance , 1883.

[ 27th February, 1883. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the

BE ―

Legislative Council thereof as follows :

1. Section 20 of Ordinance 1 of 1877 is hereby amended by striking Repeal.

out the words " that the amount in which each share is so reduced shall

in no case be less than one fourth part of the amount of the original share


No. 4 of 1883 .

An Ordinance entitled the Excise Ordinances ( Opium ) 1858-1879 ,

Amendment Ordinance , 1883 .

[ 7th March , 1883. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

B' Council thereof, as follows :

1. Ordinance 2 of 1858 is hereby amended as follows :

Sec. 7, by adding the words " or in case of there not being any holder Section 7 of

Ordinance 2 of

" of the exclusive privilege a notice in the following form " : 1858 further


1676 ORDINANCE No. 4 or 1883.

Excise (Opium).

"Notice is hereby given that the Governor in Council has granted the exclusive

" privilege of boiling, preparing, and selling prepared opium within the

" Colony to from the

"and that the opium now purchased and sold cannot be legally used or

" retained in your possession after noon of the 3rd day from the above

" date without the consent of


Ordinance 1 of 2. Ordinance 1 of 1879 is amended as follows :

1879 amended.

(1. ) In section 7 after the words " the time being " insert 66 or to the Colonial

" Treasurer for the use of the revenue in case of there being no holder

" of the exclusive privilege."

(2.) In section 11 after the words " approved of by him to act as excise

" officers " insert " and in case there is no holder of the exclusive privilege

" then the Governor may in a similar form appoint such persons as he

"may think fit."

(3.) In section 13 strike out the words " at the expense of the holder of the

"exclusive privilege for the time being. "

(4. ) In sections 15 and 16 add to each the words " or to the Colonial Treasurer

" for the use of the revenue in case of there being no holder of the

" exclusive privilege."

Ordinance 7 of 3. Ordinance 7 of 1879 is amended as follows :


1879 amended.

(1.) In section 4 after the words " licensee under him " insert " or the Gov

ernor in Council."

(2.) In section 7 sub-section 1 after the words " over to the new holder of

"the said exclusive privilege " insert " or to the Colonial Treasurer if there

" is no new holder of the exclusive privilege " and in sub-section 3 after

the words " Governor so to do " insert " or in case there shall be no new

"holder of the exclusive privilege " and after the words " the other two

arbitrators " insert " or two arbitrators so appointed by the Governor and

"the person whose exclusive privilege has expired or is about to expire ."

(3.) In section 9 after the words " holder of the exclusive privilege " insert.

"C or to the licensee of the Governor in Council ."

(4. ) In section 10 after the words " paid to the holder of the exclusive pri

"vilege " insert “ or to the Colonial Treasurer for the use of the revenue

"in case there is no holder of the exclusive privilege " and add like words

to the end of the section.

ORDINANCES Nos . 4 AND 5 OF 1883 . 1677

Excise (Opium ). Vehicles and Public Traffic.

4. From and after the passing of this Ordinance no person shall be permitted to Unlicensed

smoking divans .

open smoking divans or keep open those already existing without a licence under a

penalty on summary conviction thereof before a Police Magistrate of five hundred

dollars or a term of imprisonment with or without hard labour not exceeding six months

--and all smoking divans shall be divided into classes. The 1st class shall consist of

those where boiled or prepared opium is smoked -and the 2nd class shall consist of

those where only dross opium or opium prepared from opium dross alone is smoked .

It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to farm out the privilege of keep Opium dross

farmer or Colo

ing one or other or both classes of smoking divans on such terms and conditions as nial Secretary

inay grant licen

ces for smoking

may seem to the Governor in Council expedient, and the grantee or grantees shall be divans.

empowered to grant licences to separate keepers . In the event of there being no holder

of the grant the Colonial Secretary is hereby empowered to grant licences and to revoke

the same on such terms and conditions as he may think fit .

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 1 of 1884. ]

No. 5 of 1883 .

An Ordinance entitled , The Vehicles and Public Traffic Ordinance , 1883 .

[ 24th March , 1883. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

BR Council thereof, as follows :


1. In this Ordinance the term vehicle includes chairs, carriages, trucks, jinrickshas , Interpretation.

and carts of every kind.

2. No vehicle shall ply or be let for hire for the carriage of passengers, unless the No vehicle to ply

for hire until

owner thereof has obtained a licence for the same, and no person shall act as bearer, licence obtained

from Police.

drawer or driver of such vehicle until he has obtained a licence to do so. Licences shall

be granted by the Captain Superintendent of Police .

3. Licences granted under this Ordinance shall be for the carriage of passengers ; Licences for

passengers and

and no licensed owner, bearer, drawer, or driver, shall use his vehicle, for the carriage. baggage only.

of animals, merchandise, or goods other than personal baggage.

4. The Governor in Council may make and, when made, revoke, add to , or alter Governor in

Council may

rules regulating the granting and revocation of licences under this Ordinance, and the make rules for

the granting, &c.

of licences.

fees to be paid in respect of the same.

5. Any breach of this Ordinance or of any rules made under it shall be an offence Penalties.

punishable in a summary manner, and the offender shall be liable, on conviction before

a Police Magistrate, to a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars, or to imprisonment,

with or without hard labour, not exceeding three months .

Subject to this Ordinance and to rules made under it, the Captain Superintendent

of Police may in his discretion revoke any licence granted by him.

1678 ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1883 .

Vehicles and Public Traffic.

Repeal. 6. Ordinances 6 of 1863 and 6 of 1882 are hereby repealed, but such repeal shall

not affect any thing duly done before the passing of this Ordinance.

Vehicle to 7. Every vehicle, whether licensed or not, when meeting any other vehicle, shall

observe the rule

of the road. pass it by keeping to its own left side of the road, and when overtaking any other

vehicle going in the same direction shall pass it by keeping to its own right of such


Refusing to pay 8. No person who has hired any licensed vehicle, shall refuse to pay the fare for

fare, &c .

the same forthwith on the termination of the hiring ; nor shall any person wilfully

injure any licensed vehicle , or ill-treat or abuse the driver, bearer, or drawer of any

such vehicle.

Compensation in Any person offending against this section shall, in addition to the punishment to

addition to other

penalty. which he may be liable under this Ordinance , be liable to pay such compensation to

the owner, bearer, drawer, or driver, whom he ill -treats or abuses, or whose vehicle he

wilfully injures, as the Police Magistrate may award ; and payment of the same shall

be enforced in the same way as payment of a fine under this Ordinance .

Suspending 9. This Ordinance shall come into operation on a day to be proclaimed by the



[In force from 2nd April, 1883, under proclamation 24th March, 1883,

Repealed by Ordinance No. 21 of1887.]

NOTE .- The following rules etc., were made under the Ordinance :

Rules under section 4 ofthe 29th March, 1883. ( See Gazette 31st ofthe

same month.)

Table of Fares for Public Vehicles 11th April, 1883. ( See Gazette 21st

ofthe same month. )

Rules under section 4, 31st October, 1883. ( See Gazette 3rd November


Table of Fares 16th July, 1884. (See Gazette 9th August, 1884. )

Rules as to licences of the 14th August, 1885. (See Gazette 15th of the

same month.)

Rule as to licences 22nd October, 1886. (See Gazette 23rd of the same


Rules under section 4 of the 21st January, 1887. (See Gazette of the

22nd of same month.)

Order in Council as to fees of the 22nd April, 1887. ( See Gazette 30th

of the same month.)

Rules under section 4 of the 24th July, 1887. (See Gazette of the 25th

of the same month.)

ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1883 . 1679


No. 6 of 1883 .

An Ordinance for authorizing the construction of certain Tram

ways within the Colony of Hongkong .

[ 13th June , 1883. ]

HEREAS it is desirable to authorize the construction of certain Preamble.


tramways within the Colony of Hongkong : Be it therefore

enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

Council thereof, as follows :

Short title.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as The Tramways Ordinance, 1883 .

2. The terms hereinafter mentioned shall have the meanings assign- Interpreta


ed to them , unless there be something either in the subject or context

repugnant to such construction , that is to say :

The expression the Government shall mean the Governor acting on Government.

behalf of Her Majesty, Her Successors , or assigns , or on behalf of the

Government of the said Colony .

The expression the promoters shall mean the promoters hereinafter The promot



The expression common seal shall mean, if the assignees from the Common seal.

promoters under the power hereinafter contained be a corporation , the

common seal of such corporation , or, if they be not a corporation , it shall

mean the hands and seals of such assignees , or any two of them.

The word owner or owners shall mean any person or persons , or Owner.

corporation, who, under the provisions of this Ordinance, is enabled to

sell and assign lands to the company hereinafter defined .

The word lands shall extend to messuages, lands, tenements and Lands.

hereditaments of any tenure.

The word lease shall include a sub-lease, and an agreement for a lease , Lease.

or sub-lease.

The expression the Court shall mean the Supreme Court of the The Court.

Colony of Hongkong.

The expression Judge shall mean one of the Judges of the Court. Judge.

The expression road shall mean any roadway over which the Road.

tramways authorized by this Ordinance shall pass, and the roadway of

any bridge forming part of or leading to the same.

1680 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 .



The expressions carriage or carriages shall include all carriages, cars,

and trucks used upon any tramway.

The works.

The expression the works or the undertaking shall mean the works or

undertaking of whatever nature which shall by this Ordinance be

authorized to be executed .


Promoters. 3. The Honourable FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON of Victoria in the

said Colony of Hongkong, FREDERICK DAVID SASSOON of the same place

Esquire, CHARLES VINCENT SMITH of the same place Esquire, and WILLIAM

KERFOOT HUGHES of the same place Esquire, or the survivors, or survivor ,

of them , shall be the promoters for the purposes of this Ordinance, and

are hereinafter referred to as the promoters .

Power to assign. 4. When and so soon as this Ordinance shall have come into operation as here

inafter provided (but not before) the promoters may, with the assent and approval of

the Governor in Council, assign and absolutely dispose of any one, or more, of the

tramways hereby authorised to be constructed , without receiving any valuable conside

ration therefor, or for any consideration that the promoters may think fit to accept, to

such person , or persons, corporation , or company, and with, under and subject to such

terms and conditions in all respects as the promoters shall think fit, and such person ,

or persons, corporation or company, may, with such assent and approval as aforesaid ,

reassign to, and revest in the promoters the tramway, or tramways, so as aforesaid

assigned and absolutely disposed of to him, or them, without receiving any valuable

consideration therefor, or for any consideration that he or they, may think fit to accept ,

and the promoters may, with such assent and approval as aforesaid , again , in manner

aforesaid assign and absolutely dispose of any one or more of the tramways so as

aforesaid reasssigned to , and revested in, them, and all and every the assignees , or

assignee, for the time being from the promoters, whether a corporate body or not, are

and is hereinafter included in the expression, and referred to as the company. [ Repealed

by Ordinance No. 18 of 1883, and new section substituted. ]

Construction of tramways.


5. The company may construct and maintain , subject to the provi

of tramways.

sions of this Ordinance, and in accordance with the plans which have

been deposited as hereinafter mentioned , the tramways hereinafter des

cribed , with all proper stations , crossings , passing- places, sidings , junc

tions , rails , turn -tables , plates, offices , weigh- bridges , sheds , works, and

conveniences connected therewith, or for the purposes thereof, and may

work and use the same.

ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1883 . 1681


The tramways authorized by this Ordinance are : --

Tramway No. 1.- A single line , one mile, two furlongs , 4.24

chains in length, commencing at the north-west corner of

Inland Lot Number four hundred and seventy- one , thence

passing along the Praya East, Wantsai Road , and Queen's

Road East , and terminating at a point opposite the entrance

to the Eastern Market at the junction with tramway No. 2.

Tramway No. 2.- A double line , one mile, four furlongs , 1.21

chains in length , commencing at a point opposite the

entrance to the Eastern Market at the junction with tram

way No. 1 at its termination , thence passing along Queen's

Road East, Queen's Road Central and Queen's Road West ,

and terminating at a point opposite Inland Lot Number

two hundred and nineteen at the junction with tramway

No. 3.

Tramway No. 3. - A single line, three furlongs , 2.77 chains in

length, commencing at a point opposite Inland Lot Num

ber two hundred and nineteen at the junction with tram

way No. 2 at its termination , thence passing along Queen's

Road West, and terminating at a point opposite Marine

Lot Number eighty- one, at the junction with tramway

No 4.

Tramway No. 4. - Whichever of the two following lines the

company shall desire to construct and maintain , that is to

say :

( a . ) A single line three furlongs , 7.82 chains in length, com

mencing at a point opposite Marine Lot Number eighty

one , at the junction with tramway No. 3 at its termination ,

thence passing along that part of Centre Street which lies

between Queen's Road West and Praya West , thence along

Praya West and terminating at a point in the roadway

there opposite the Northern end of an imaginary line

separating Marine Lot Number one hundred and eighty

nine from Marine Lot Number one hundred and ninety.

( b. ) A single line one furlong, one chain in length, commen

cing at a point opposite Marine Lot Number eighty- one,

1682 ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1883 .


at the junction with tramway No. 3 at its termination ,

thence passing along Queen's Road West to a point opposite

the Southern entrance of the premises known as the Sailors'

Home on Inland Lot Number one hundred and eighty

seven A.

Tramway No. 5.- A single line four miles, two furlongs in

length, commencing at the North - west corner of Inland

Lot Number four hundred and seventy -one, thence passing

along the Shau-ki Wán Road to a point on the North side

of, and opposite to the Eastern side of Shau-ki Wán Lot

Number seven .

[See Notifica Tramway No. 6. - A partly single and partly double line , com

tion No. 219

Gazette mencing on the South side of the South-west boundary of

26th May,

1888, and the War Department ground at its junction with Garden


No. 327 Road, thence passing in a Southerly direction up the


26th July, hillside to the Victoria Gap, crossing over the Kennedy

1889. ]

and Plantation Roads by means of bridges, and terminating

at the Victoria Gap at a point on the North side of Farm

Lot Number fifty- three.

Power to Provided that such alterations as the company shall think fit may be


tramway made in the position of the rail -tracks of the tramway No. 6 as shown

No. 6.

on the deposited plan thereof, such alterations being within the limits of

deviation shown on the said last- mentioned plan.

Plans. 6. The plans hereinbefore referred to as having been deposited, are

the plans Nos. 1 to 6 , 6a , and 7 to 20 inclusive, deposited by the pro

moters in the office of the Surveyor General .

Power to lay 7. Where a double line of tramway is hereby authorized to be laid

single line

where double down, it shall not be compulsory upon the company to lay down a

line author

ized. double line , but they may, at their discretion , lay down in the first

instance a single line of tramway in lieu of such double line , and may ,

at the like discretion , at any time thereafter, convert such last- named

single line into the double line hereby authorized to be laid down . Pro

vided always that, if the working of any double line be considered by

the Governor in Council dangerous or inconvenient, the Governor in

Council may by order direct the company to discontinue one of the lines

of rail , and thereupon the company shall place the remaining line in such

part of the road as the Governor in Council shall by such order approve of.

ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1883 . 1683


8. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first Power to

widen certain

obtained , the company may, in the construction of the above tramways, bridges, &c.

or any of them, alter the level of, and widen, the bridge known as

Bowrington Bridge, which spans the Northern end of the Bowrington

Canal at its junction with the harbour of Victoria, and the bridge which

spans the Northern end of the Nullah or stream running between Marine

Lot Number one hundred and ninety-eight and Marine Lot Number one

hundred and ninety - nine at its junction with the said harbour, or either

of the said bridges ; and subject as aforesaid, may, as regards the tramway

No. 6 , alter the levels of the ground on which the said tramway No. 6 is

laid, make and construct all necessary cuttings and embankments , bridges ,

viaducts, culverts, catch -water drains, and other works, and divert

streams . Provided always that the earth excavated and thrown to

waste is disposed of in such manner as to prevent its being washed down

by rain into the harbour.

9. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first. Powertomake


obtained, after timely and adequate notification by public advertisement crossings, &c.

or otherwise of the intention of the company to apply for such approval,

the company may, from time to time, construct, and maintain, subject

to the provisions of this Ordinance, and in accordance with plans to be

previously deposited by the company in the office of the Surveyor

General, all such crossings , passing places, sidings , junctions, turn -tables

and other works in addition to those particularly specified in and

authorized by this Ordinance as may from time to time be approved of

by the Governor in Council , and may work and use the same.

10. Every tramway running over and along any road shall be con Tramways to

be in middle

structed and maintained as nearly as may be in the middle of such road, of road, &c.

and no tramway shall be so laid that , for a distance of thirty feet or

upwards, a less space than 8 feet shall intervene between the outside of

the footpath on either side of the road and the nearest side of any carriage

(and any projection thereof) , except in the case of bridges, streets , or

other places where the width may not be sufficient to allow a space of 8

feet on either side, and except where it may be necessary to construct

and maintain loops for enabling the carriages to pass each other, or to

construct sidings and curves, all which exceptions shall be subject to the

approval in writing of the Surveyor General.

1684 ORDINANCE No. 6 or 1883 .


Gauge of 11. The tramways Nos. 1 , 2 , 3, 4 and 5 shall be constructed on a


Nos. 1 , 2, 3 , 4 gauge not exceeding three feet six inches in width, and with two steel

and 5

grooved rails, which said rails shall, before being laid down, be approved

of by the Surveyor General, and shall be laid and maintained in such

manner that the uppermost surface thereof shall be on a level with the

surface of the road .

Provided , that the Governor in Council may, from

time to time , require the company to adopt and apply such improvements

in the last-mentioned tramways , including their rails, sleepers and sub

structure as experience may suggest, having regard to the greater security

of the public and advantage to the ordinary traffic, and the company

shall with all reasonable despatch comply with any order made by the

Governor in Council for the purpose of carrying out any such improve

ments .

Gauge of 12. The tramway No. 6 shall be constructed on a gauge not exceed


No. 6. ing five feet in width, and with steel rails, which said rails shall, before

being laid down, be approved of by the Surveyor General.

Power to

break up 13. The company from time to time for the purpose of making ,

roads. forming, laying down, maintaining, renewing, altering, adding to , or

removing, any tramway under this Ordinance, or any part or parts

thereof respectively, may open and break up any road subject to the

following regulations :

1. They shall give to the Surveyor General notice of their

intention , specifying the time at which they will begin to

do so , and the portion of road proposed to be opened or

broken up, such notice to be given seven days at least

before the commencement of the work.

2. They shall not open or break up or alter the level of any

road except with the authority, under the superintendence ,

and to the satisfaction , of the Surveyor General.

3. They shall leave an interval of at least a quarter of a mile

between any two places at which they may open or break

up the road, and they shall not open or break up at any

such place a greater length than one hundred yards.

Completion 14. When the company have opened or broken up any portion of

of works, and ――

reinstatement ony road, they shall be under the following further obligations , namely :

of road .

1. They shall , with all convenient speed , complete the work on

account of which they opened or broke up the same, and

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883. 1685


(subject to the formation , maintenance , renewal, or altera

tion of, addition to , or removal of the tramway ) fill in the

ground, and make good the surface, and, to the satisfaction

of the Surveyor General, restore the road to as good con

dition as that in which it was before it was opened or

broken up.

2. They shall in the meantime cause the place where the road

is opened or broken up to be fenced and watched , and to

be properly lighted at night.

If the company fail to comply with this section , they shall , for every

offence (without prejudice to the enforcement of specific performance of

the requirements of this Ordinance , or to any other remedy against them)

be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars , and to a further

penalty not exceeding twenty - five dollars for each day during which any

such failure continues after the first day on which such penalty is incurred .

15. In addition to the requirements of the preceding section , the Further pro

visions as to

company shall, when they give notice as aforesaid to the Surveyor General construction

of tramways.

of their intention to open or break up any road for any of the purposes

aforesaid, lay before the Surveyor General a plan showing the proposed

mode of constructing, laying down , maintaining , renewing, altering,

adding to or removing the tramways or works, in respect of which

they propose to open or break up such road , and a statement of the

materials intended to be used therein ; and the company shall not com

mence the construction, laying down , maintenance, renewal, alteration of,

addition to , or removal of such tramways or works , or any part thereof

respectively, except for the purpose of necessary repairs , until such plan

and statement have been approved in writing by the Surveyor General ,

and the works shall be executed in accordance with such approved plan

and statement, and under the superintendence , and to the satisfaction of

the Surveyor General.

16. After and so soon as each of the said tramways has been opened Repair of

roads on

for the public traffic , the Surveyor General shall maintain in good con which tram

ways laid.

dition and repair the whole of the road whereon each of the said tramways

is laid, and the company shall pay to the Surveyor General the cost of

the maintenance and repair of so much of any road whereon any tramway

is laid a lies between the rails of the tramway and also (where two lines

of tramways are laid by the company in any road at a distance of not more

1686 ORDINANCE No. 6 or 1883.


than four feet from each other ) the cost of the maintenance and repair of

the portion of the road between the tramways, and also in every case the

cost of the maintenance and repair of so much of the road as extends

eighteen inches beyond the rails of, and on each side of, each tramway.

Except as aforesaid the company shall not be liable to pay for the cost of

the maintenance or repair of any road whereon any tramway is laid. The

company, before paying any monies due from them under this section ,

may inspect any contract or contracts , or specifications , or plans , or other

documents , or writings , in the possession , or under the control of the

Surveyor General , or any contractor or contractors , relating to or stipu

lating for the maintenance or repair of any road a proportion of the cost

of maintaining or repairing which they are liable to bear under this section ,

so that the company may, before paying any proportion of the aforesaid

cost , be satisfied that the sum demanded from them is a fit and proper

sum to be paid by them.

Penalty for 17. The company shall maintain in good condition and repair, and

not maintain

ing rails at at their proper level so as not to be a danger or annoyance to the ordinary

their proper

level and in traffic , the rails of which any of the tramways for the time being consist,

good condi

tion. and the substructure upon which the same rest ; and if the Surveyor Gen

eral shall from time to time, or at any time hereafter , alter the level of

any road along or across which any of the said tramways shall be laid ,

then and in such event, and so often as the same shall happen , the com

pany shall, at their own expense, alter their rails so that the uppermost

surface thereof shall be on a level with the surface of the road as altered ,

and, if the company make default in complying with this section , they

shall, for every offence, be subject on conviction to a penalty not exceeding

twenty-five dollars, and, in case of a continuing offence, to a further

penalty not exceeding ten dollars for every day after the first on which

such default continues.

Temporary 18. Where by reason of the execution of any work affecting the


may be made surface or soil of any road along which any tramway is laid, it is in the

when neces

sary. opinion of the Surveyor General necessary or expedient temporarily to

remove or discontinue the use of such tramway or any part thereof, the

Surveyor General shall , before such tramway, or any part thereof, shall be

temporarily removed, or the use thereof discontinued , give to the company

14 days' notice at least of the necessity or expediency of such temporary

removal or discontinuance, and immediately on receipt of any such notice

ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1883. 1687


the company may, subject to such conditions and regulations as the Sur

veyor General may from time to time make, construct in the same or any

adjacent road, and, subject as aforesaid , maintain so long as necessary a

temporary tramway in lieu of the tramway or part thereof so removed or

discontinued, and the road on which such temporary tramway is laid shall ,

subject as aforesaid , be maintained so long as necessary by the Surveyor

General at the expense se of the company .

19. Any paving, metalling, or material excavated by the company Application

of road

in the construction of their works from any road under the control of the materials

excavated in

Surveyor General may be applied by them, so far as may be necessary, in construction

of works.

or towards the reinstating of such road , provided such paving metalling

or material are in the opinion of the Surveyor General fit and proper to

be used in the re-instating of such road , and all surplus paving, metalling

or material not used for any of the purposes in this section mentioned

shall be the property of the company , and shall be removed by them.

20. For the purpose of making, forming, laying down , maintaining, Provision as

to gas and

renewing, altering, adding to, or removing any of their tramways , the water com

panies, &c.

company may, from time to time where it is necessary or appears expe

dient for the purpose of preventing frequent interruption of the traffic by

repairs or works in connection with the same , alter the position of any

mains or pipes for the supply of gas or water, or any tubes, wires, or

apparatus for telegraphic or other purposes , subject to the following re

strictions , that is to say :

( 1. ) Before the company shall alter the position of any such

mains or pipes , tubes, wires or apparatus they shall

obtain the written assent of the Surveyor General to such

alteration .

(2. ) Before laying down a tramway in a road in which any

mains, or pipes , tubes, wires or apparatus may be laid ,

the company shall , whether they contemplate altering

the position of any such mains or pipes , tubes, wires or

apparatus or not, give seven days' notice to the company,

persons or person to whom such mains, or pipes, tubes,

wires or apparatus may belong, of their intention to lay

down or alter the tramway, and shall at the same time

deliver a plan and section ofthe proposed work. If it

shall appear to such other company, persons, or person

1688 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 .

Tramways .

that the construction of the tramway as proposed would

endanger any such main or pipe, tube, wire or apparatus ,

or interfere with, or impede the supply of water or gas, or

the telegraphic or other communication , such other com

pany, persons or person may give notice to the company

to lower, or otherwise alter the position of the said mains

or pipes, tubes, wires or apparatus in such manner as may

be considered necessary ; and any difference as to the

necessity of any such lowering or alteration shall be

settled in manner provided by this Ordinance for the

settlement of differences between the company and other

companies or persons ; and all alterations to be made

under this section shall be made with as little detriment

and inconvenience to such other company or persons or

person as the circumstances will admit and under the

superintendence of such other company , persons or person ,

or of their, or his surveyor or engineer.

(3. ) The company shall not remove or displace any of the mains

or pipes , valves, syphons , plugs, tubes, wires or appara

tus , or other works belonging to any such other company ,

persons or person, or do anything to impede the passage

of water or gas , or the telegraphic or other communica

tion into, or through such mains or pipes valves , syphons,

plugs, tubes , wires or apparatus, without the consent of

such other company , persons or person , or in any other

manner than such other company, persons or person

shall approve, until good and sufficient mains , pipes ,

valves , syphons , plugs , tubes, wires or apparatus , and

other works necessary or proper for continuing the supply

of water, or gas, or telegraphic or other communication ,

as sufficiently as the same was supplied by the mains or

pipes, valves, syphons, plugs, tubes, wires or apparatus

proposed to be removed or displaced, shall , at the expense

of the company, have been first made and laid down in

lieu thereof and be ready for use, to the reasonable satis .

faction of the surveyor or engineer of such other com

pany, persons or person or, in case of disagreement

between such surveyor or engineer and the company, in

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 . 1689


such manner as the Surveyor General, or other fit and

proper person specially appointed by the Governor in

Council, shall direct .

(4. ) The company shall not lay down any such mains or pipes ,

valves , syphons, plugs , tubes , wires or apparatus con

trary to the regulations of any Ordinance relating to

water, gas, or other companies, or to telegraphs .

(5. ) The company shall make good all damage done by them

to property belonging to or controlled by any such other

company, persons or person, and shall make full compen

sation to all parties for any loss or damage which they

may sustain by reason of any interference with such

property or with the private service pipes of any person

supplied by any such other company or person with

water or gas .

(6. ) If by any such operations as aforesaid the company interrupt

the supply of water or gas in or through any main

pipe, for a period exceeding twelve consecutive hours,

they shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one

hundred dollars for every day upon which such supply

shall be so interrupted .

21. Where any tramway, or any work connected therewith , interferes For protec

tion of sewers,

with any sewer, drain , water - course, or sub- way, or in any way affects &c.

the sewerage or drainage of the said Colony of Hongkong, the company

shall not commence any such tramway or work until they shall have

given to the Surveyor General fourteen days previous notice in writing

of their intention so to do, and leaving with such notice all necessary

particulars relating thereto, nor until the Surveyor General shall have

signified his approval of the same, unless he do not signify his approval ,

disapproval, or other directions within fourteen days after service of the

said notice and particulars as aforesaid ; and the company shall comply

with the directions of the Surveyor General in the execution of the said

works, and shall provide by new, altered, or substituted works, in such

manner as the Surveyor General shall require, for the proper protection

of, and for preventing injury or impediment to the sewers and works

bereinbefore referred to by or by reason of the tramways, and shall save

1690 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 .


harmless the Surveyor General against the expense occasioned thereby ;

and all such works shall be done by or under the superintendence of the

Surveyor General at the cost and expense of the company, and when any

new, altered or substituted work shall be completed by, or at the cost or

expense of the company under this Ordinance, the same shall thereafter

be as completely under the control of the Surveyor General, and be

maintained by him, as any other sewers or works.

Rights of 22. Nothing in this Ordinance shall take away or abridge any power


&c. to open to open or break up any road along or across which any tramway is laid,


or any other power now or hereafter to be vested in any other company ,

or persons, or person for the doing of any matter or thing, which such

company or such persons or person is are or will be authorized to do ,

but, in the exercise of such power, every such other company , or persons

or person, shall be subject to the following restrictions ( that is to say) :

( 1. ) They shall cause as little detriment or inconvenience to

the company as circumstances admit.

( 2. ) Before they commence any work whereby the traffic on

the tramway will be interrupted , they shall (except in

cases of urgency, in which case notice of the commence

ment of such work shall be given to the company within

twenty-four hours after such commencement ) give to

the company and the Surveyor General notice of their

intention to commence such work, specifying the time

at which they will begin to do so, such notice to be

given twenty-four hours at least before the commence

ment of the work.

(3. ) They shall not be liable to pay to the company any com

pensation for loss of traffic occasioned thereby, or for

the reasonable exercise of the powers so vested in them

as aforesaid .

(4. ) Whenever, for the purpose of enabling them or him to

execute such work, such other company or persons or

person shall so require, the company shall either stop

traffic on that portion of the tramway to which such

notice shall refer, where it would otherwise interfere with

such work, or shore up and secure the same at their own

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883. 1691


risk and cost during the execution of the work there.

Provided that such work shall always be completed by

such other company or persons or person with all reason

able expedition .

( 5. ) Any such other company or persons or person shall not

execute such work so far as it immediately affects the

tramways, except under the superintendence of the com

pany, unless the company do not give such superintend

ence at the time specified in the notice for the commen

cement of the work, or permanently discontinue the same

during the progress of the work, and they or he shall

execute such work at their or his own expense and to

the reasonable satisfaction of the company .

23. If any difference arises between the company on the one hand , Difference


and any other company or person (other company and

than the Surveyor General ) to

others (other

whom any sewer, drain , tube, wires or apparatus for telegraphic or other than the


purposes may belong on the other hand, with respect to any interference General.)

or control exercised , or claimed to be exercised by such other company,

or such person, or on their, or his behalf, or by the company, by virtue

of this Ordinance , in relation to any tramway or work, or in relation to

any work or proceeding of such other company, or such person, or with

respect to the propriety of, or the mode of execution of any work relating

to any tramway, or with respect to the amount of any compensation to

be made by or to the company, or on the question whether any work is

such as ought reasonably to satisfy the company, or person concerned,

or with respect to any other subject or thing regulated by , or comprised

in this Ordinance, the matter in difference shall ( unless otherwise specially

provided for by this Ordinance ) be settled by the Governor in Council ,

on the application of either party, and the Governor in Council may

direct that any expenses thereby incurred shall be paid by either of the


24. If any difference arises between the company on the one hand , Differences


and the Surveyor General on the other hand, with respect to any inter company and


ference or control exercised , or claimed to be exercised by the company, General .

or the Surveyor General, by virtue of this Ordinance in relation to any

tramway or work, or in relation to any work or proceeding of the Sur

veyor General, or with respect to the propriety of, or the mode of execu

1692 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883.


tion of any work relating to any tramway, or with respect to the cost of

the maintenance or repair of any road along or across which any tramway

passes , or with respect to the amount of any compensation to be made

by or to the company, or on the question whether any work is such as

ought to satisfy the Surveyor General , or with respect to any other sub

ject or thing regulated by or comprised in this Ordinance, the matter in

difference shall ( unless otherwise specially provided for by this Ordinance )

be settled by the Governor in Council on the application of either party.

Tramways not 25. None of the said tramways shall be opened for public traffic

to be opened

until certified. until the same has been certified to be fit for such traffic by the Surveyor

General or other officer duly appointed in writing for that purpose by the

Governor in Council , and the Governor in Council has , by notification in

the Gazette, authorized the same to be opened for such traffic .

Cesser ofpowers in certain events.

Cesser of 26. If the company do not, within three years after the time at

powers in

certainevents. which they might, under this Ordinance, have commenced the construc

tion of any one or more of the tramways hereby authorized , and complete,

and open the same for public traffic , or

If within one year after the time aforesaid , the construction of

any one or more of such tramways, is not, in the opinion

of the Governor in Council , substantially commenced , or

If the construction of any one or more of such tramways that

has or have been commenced, is suspended without a

reason sufficient, in the opinion of the Governor in Council ,

to warrant such suspension ,

the powers hereby given to the company for constructing such tramways ,

so not completed or commenced , or so suspended as aforesaid , or other

wise in relation thereto , shall cease to be exercised , unless the time be

prolonged by the Governor in Council, and , as to so much of each or any

of such tramways as is then completed , the Governor in Council may

allow the said powers to continue and to be exercised if he shall think fit ,

but failing such permission the same shall cease to be exercised, and

where such permission is withheld then so much of the said tramways

respectively as is then completed shall be deemed to be a tramway to

which all the provisions of this Ordinance relating to the discontinuance

of tramways after proof of such discontinuance shall apply, and may be

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 . 1693


dealt with accordingly. A notice published by the Governor in Council

in the Gazette declaring that a tramway has not been completed and

opened for public traffic, or that the construction of the tramways , or any

or either of them, has not been substantially commenced within the time

aforesaid, or that such construction has been suspended without sufficient

reason , shall be conclusive evidence for the purposes of this section of such

non-completion; non -commencement, or suspension .

Licences to use tramways.

27. If, at any time after any tramway, or part of any tramway, shall Licences to

third parties

have been for three years opened for public traffic, it shall be represented to use


in writing to the Governor in Council by twenty inhabitant rate-payers

of the Colony of Hongkong that the public are deprived of the full benefit

of any tramway, or part thereof, the Governor in Council may ( if he

considers that primâ facie the case is one for enquiry ) enquire into the

matter, and, if satisfied of the truth of the representation, may from time

to time grant licences to any company or person to use such tramway in

addition to the company for such traffic as is authorized by this Ordinance ,

with carriages to be approved of by the Governor in Council, subject to


the following provisions, conditions, and restrictions , that is to say:

(1. ) The licence shall be for any period not less than one year ,

nor more than three years from the date of the licence ,

but shall be renewable by the Governor in Council , if he,

upon enquiry thinks fit.

(2. ) The licence shall be to use the whole of such tramways

for the time being opened for public traffic, or such part

or parts of such tramways, as the Governor in Council ,

having reference to the cause for granting the licence ,

shall think right .

(3. ) The licence shall direct the number of carriages which the

licensee or licensees shall run upon such tramway, and

the mode in which, and times at which such carriages

shall be run.

(4. ) The licence shall specify the tolls to be paid to the company ,

or to their lessees , by the licensee or licensees, for the

use of the tramways .

1694 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883.


( 5. ) The licensee or licensees , and their officers or servants shall

permit one person duly authorized for that purpose by

the company or by their lessees , to ride free of charge in

or upon each carriage of the licensee or licensees run

upon the tramways for the whole or any part of the


( 6. ) The Governor in Council may, at any time after the

granting of any licence, revoke, alter or modify the

same for good cause shown to him.

Penalty if 28. If on demand any licensee fail to pay the tolls due in respect

default made

by licensee in of any passengers carried in any carriage, it shall be lawful for the

payment of

tolls. company , or their lessees , to whom the same are payable , to detain and

sell such carriage, or, if the same shall have been removed from the

tramway, or premises of the company or such lessees , to detain and sell

any other carriages on such tramway or premises belonging to such

licensee, and out of the monies arising from such sale to retain the tolls

payable as aforesaid , and all charges and expenses of such detention and

sale, rendering the overplus (if any) of such monies, and such of the

carriages as shall remain unsold , to the person entitled thereto .

Licensee to 29. Every licensee shall, on demand , give to an officer or servant ,

give account

of passengers. authorized in that behalf by the company or their lessees, entitled to be

paid tolls by such licensee , an exact account in writing , signed by such

licensee , of the number of passengers conveyed by any and every carriage

used by him on the tramways .

Penalty for 30. If such licensee fails to give such account to such officer or

not account

ing. servant demanding the same as aforesaid , or if any such licensee with

intent to avoid the payment of any tolls gives a false account , he shall,

for every such offence, forfeit to the company, or to their lessees entitled

to be paid tolls by such licensee, a sum not exceeding fifty dollars , and

such penalty shall be in addition to any tolls payable in respect of the

passengers carried by any such carriage.

Disputes as to 31. If any dispute arise concerning the amount of the tolls due to

tolls to be

settled by the company or to their lessees from any licensee , or concerning the


charges occasioned by any detention or sale of any carriage under the

provisions herein contained , the same shall be settled by summary

procedure before a Magistrate in the manner hereinafter provided for the

ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1883. 1695

Tramways .

recovery of unpaid tolls, penalties , and forfeitures, and it shall be lawful

for the company or their lessees in the meanwhile to detain the carriage

or ( ifthe case so require) the proceeds of the sale thereof.

32. Every licensee shall be answerable for any trespass or damage Licensee



done by his carriages , or horses , or by any of the servants or persons damage.

employed by him to or upon the tramway, or to or upon the property of

any other person , and, without prejudice to the right of action against the

licensee, or any other person , every such servant, or other person , may

lawfully be convicted of such trespass or damage before a Magistrate , and

upon such conviction every such licensee shall pay to the company , lessees ,

or persons injured, as the case may be, the damage, to be ascertained by

such Magistrate, so that the same do not exceed two hundred dollars and

fifty dollars.

Discontinuance of tramways .

33. If, at any time after the opening of any tramway for traffic, the Discontinu

ance of

company discontinue the working of such tramway or of any part tramways by

the company .

thereof for the space of six months ( such discontinuance not being

occasioned by circumstances beyond the control of the company, for which

purpose the want of sufficient funds shall not be considered a circum

stance beyond their control ) and such discontinuance is proved to the

satisfaction of the Governor in Council, the Governor in Council may by

ofsuch tramway,

order declare that the powers of the company in respect ofsuch

or the part thereof so discontinued , shall , from the date of such order, be

at an end, and thereupon the said powers of the company shall cease and

determine, unless the same are purchased by the Government in manner

by this Ordinance provided . Where any such order has been made, the

Surveyor General may, at any time after the expiration of two months

from the date of such order, under the authority of a certificate to that

effect by the Governor in Council , remove the tramway, or part of the

tramway so discontinued, and the company shall pay to the Surveyor

General the cost of such removal , and of the making good of the road by

the Surveyor General , such cost to be certified by the Surveyor General,

whose certificate shall be final and conclusive ; and if the company fail to

pay the amount so certified within two months after delivery to them of

such certificate or a true copy thereof, the Surveyor General may, without

any previous notice to the company ( but without prejudice to any other

remedy which he may have for the recovery of the amount ) sell and

1696 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 .

Tramways .

dispose of the materials of the tramway, or part of the tramway removed ,

either by public auction or private sale, and for such sum or sums and to

such person or persons as he may think fit, and may out of the proceeds

of such sale reimburse himself the amount of the cost certified as aforesaid,

and of the cost of sale, and the balance, if any, of the proceeds of sale

shall be paid to the company.

Insolvency of company.

Proceedings 34. Ifany time after the opening of any tramway for traffic, it appears

in case of

insolvency of to the Governor in Council that the company are insolvent, so that they


are unable to maintain such tramway, or work the same with advantage

to the public, the Governor in Council may enquire into the financial

affairs of the company, and if the Governor in Council shall be of opinion

that the company are so insolvent aforesaid , he may by order declare that

the powers of the company shall, at the expiration of six months from

the making of the order, be at an end , and the powers of the company

shall cease and determine at the expiration of the said period unless the

same are purchased , by the Government in manner by this Ordinance

provided, and thereupon the Surveyor General may remove the tramway

in like manner , and subject to the same provisions as to the payment of

the costs of such removal , and to the same remedy for recovery of such

costs in every respect as in cases of removal under the next preceding


Purchase of tramways .

Purchase by 35. The Governor in Council may, within six months after the


of tramways. expiration of a period of twenty -one years from the time when the company

were empowered to construct the said tramways, and within six months

after the expiration of every subsequent period of seven years, or within

three months after any order made by the Governor in Council under

either of the two next preceding sections, by notice in writing require the

company to sell, and thereupon the company shall sell to the Government

their undertaking, upon terms of paying the then value ( exclusive of any

allowance for past or future profits of the undertaking, or any compensa

tion for compulsory sale or other consideration whatsoever ) of the

tramways, and all lands, buildings, works, materials and plant of the

company suitable to and used by them for the purposes of their under

taking, such value to be , in case of difference , determined upon petition

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 . 1697


to the Court in a summary way, and, when any such sale has been made,

all the rights, powers and authorities of the company in respect of the

undertaking sold, or, where any order has been made by the Governor

in Council under either of the next preceding sections , all the rights,

powers and authorities of the company previous to the making of such

order in respect of the undertaking sold , shall be transferred to , vested

in, and may be exercised by the Government.

Motive Power.

36. The carriages used on the said tramways Nos. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 Carriages of


may be moved by animal, steam , or any mechanical power. Provided Nos. 1 , 2 , 3, 4

and 5 may be

always, that the exercise of the powers by this section conferred with moved by

animal , steam,

respect to the use of steam or any mechanical power shall be subject to or mechanical

the regulations set forth in schedule A. hereto, and to any regulations power.

which may be added thereto, or substituted therefor by any order which

the Governor in Council is hereby empowered to make from time to time ,

as and when he may think fit, for securing to the public all reasonable

protection against danger in the exercise of the powers hereby conferred

with respect to the use of steam or any mechanical power on the tramways

Nos . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5. Provided also that before the company , or any

person, use steam, or any mechanical power, under this Ordinance, they,

or he, shall give two months previous notice of their or his intention so

to do to the Governor in Council.

37. The carriages used on the tramway No. 6 may be moved by Motive power

of tramway

means of locomotive or stationary engines and steel - wire ropes , or by No. 6.

such other mechanical power as the Governor in Council shall approve of.

38. Every carriage used on any of the said tramways shall be so Construction

of carriages.

constructed as to provide for the safety of passengers , and for their safe

entrance to, and exit from , and accommodation in such carriage, and their

protection from the machinery used for drawing or propelling such


39. The Surveyor General, or any officer or officers appointed for Powers to

authorities to

that purpose by the Governor in Council in writing, may, from time to inspect

engines, &c.

time, inspect any engine or carriage used on any of the tramways , and

the machinery therein , and also any rope or other machinery of the said

tramways , and report thereon, and the Governor in Council may by order

1698 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 .

Tramways .

prohibit the use on the tramways , or any of them , of any such engine ,

carriage, rope, or machinery which may be determined to be unsafe or unfit

for use .

Penalty for 40. The company or any person using steam or any mechanical

using steam

or mechanical power on any ofthe tramways contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance,

power con

trary to Ordi or (where the same are applicable ) to any of the regulations set forth in

nanee or

regulations. schedule A. hereto , or to any regulation added thereto or substituted

therefor as aforesaid , shall for every such offence , be subject to a penalty

not exceeding fifty dollars, and also, in the case of a continuing offence, a

further penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars for every day after the

first during which such offence continues . Provided that whether any

such penalty has been recovered or not, the Governor in Council , in case

it shall be determined that the company or any persons using steam or

any mechanical power on the tramways under the authority of this Ordi

nance , have made default in complying with the provisions of this Ordi

nance, or ( where the same are applicable ) with any of the regulations set

forth in schedule A. hereto, or with any regulation which may have been

added thereto or substituted therefor as aforesaid, may, by order , direct

the company or such persons to cease to exercise the powers aforesaid ,

and thereupon the company or such persons shall cease to exercise the

powers aforesaid, and shall not again exercise the same unless with the

authority of the Governor in Council ; and in every such case the Governor

in Council shall make a special report to Her Majesty's Principal Secre

tary of State for the Colonies notifying the making of such order.

Rule of the 41. Where a double line of rails is laid every engine and carriage


travelling in one direction over one of such double lines shall pass every

engine and carriage travelling in the opposite direction over the other of

such double lines on its right side, except that, where necessary , any

engine or carriage may from time to time pass and repass from one line

to the other.


Bye- laws. 42. Subject to this Ordinance, the Governor in Council may from

time to time make , and when made may rescind , annul , or add to regula

tions with regard to any of the tramways for regulating the working and

control of the tramways as well as for any of the following purposes , that

is to say :

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 . 1699


For regulating the use of the warning apparatus affixed to the

engines .

For regulating the emission of smoke or steam from the engines.

For providing that engines and carriages shall be brought to a

stand at such places , and in such cases of impending danger

as the Governor in Council may deem proper for securing


For regulating the entrance to, exit from, and accommodation

in the carriages , and the protection of passengers from the

machinery of any engine used for drawing or propelling

such carriages .

For regulating the rate of speed of the engines and carriages.

Provided that the speed as regards tramways Nos. 1 , 2 , 3 and

4, shall not ( unless another rate be authorized by the Gov

ernor in Council under the authority of this section ) exceed

the rate of 8 miles an hour , and , as regards tramways Nos. 5 ,

and 6 , shall not exceed the rate of ten miles an hour, and that

no engines or carriages may pass through moveable facing

points at a pace exceeding the rate of four miles an hour.

Provided also that, as regards tramways Nos. 1 , 2, 3

and 4 , the Governor in Council may, if he shall think fit

so to do, authorize the maximum rate of speed to be

increased to a rate not exceeding the rate of 10 miles an


For the stopping of carriages using the tramways.

For providing for the due publicity of all regulations and bye .

laws for the time being relating to the tramways, by

exhibition thereof in conspicuous places.

For providing for the safety of the public in all cases in which

it shall appear to the Governor in Council that such safety

is, or is likely to be endangered or imperilled .

Subject to this Ordinance, the company may from time to time make

bye-laws .

For preventing the commission of any nuisance in or upon any

carriage, or in or against any premises belonging to them.

For regulating the travelling in or upon any carriage belonging

to them .

1700 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883.

Tramways .

And from time to time repeal or alter such bye-laws and make new

bye-laws ; and notice of the making of any regulations by the Governor

in Council, or bye- laws by the company shall be published once in two

consecutive weeks in the Gazette, within one month after the making

thereof. A true copy of every bye-law shall , one month at lease before

the same shall come into operation, be sent to the Governor by the

company .

Penalty may 43. Any such regulation or bye-law may impose penalties for

be imposed in

regulations , offences against the same not exceeding ten dollars for each offence , with

or bye-lays.

or without penalties for continuing offences, not exceeding for any

continuing offence five dollars for every day during which the offence

continues ; but all bye-laws shall be so framed as to allow in every case

part only of the maximum penalty being ordered to be paid .

Carriages and engines.

Company 44. The company may use on their tramways carriages with flange

may use

flange wheels , or wheels suitable only to run on the rails of their tramways, and ,


carriages. subject to this Ordinance, the company shall have the exclusive use of

their tramways for carriages with flange-wheels, or other wheels suitable

only to run on the said rails , and no carriage or engine used on any of

the tramways Nos . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 shall exceed six feet four inches in


Power to sell.

Power to sell. 45. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first

obtained ( but not otherwise ) the company may, at any time and from

time to time , sell, assign , or absolutely dispose of their undertaking, or

any part, or parts thereof, to such person or persons, corporation or

company, by public auction or private contract, or partly by public auction

and partly by private contract, and with , under and subject to such terms

and conditions in all respects as the company shall think fit, with power

at any such sale to fix a reserve price for, or buy in the same, and when

any such sale, assignment or absolute disposal has been made all the

rights, powers, authorities, obligations , and liabilities of the company in

respect to the undertaking , or part or parts thereof sold , assigned , or

absolutely disposed of, shall be transferred to, vested in , and may be

exercised by, and shall attach to the person or persons , corporation or

ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1883 . 1701


company to whom the same has been sold, assigned, or absolutely disposed

of, in like manner as if the undertaking , or part or parts thereof sold ,

assigned, or absolutely disposed of, was or were constructed by such

person or persons, corporation , or company , under the powers conferred

upon him or them by this Ordinance, and in reference to the same he or

they shall be deemed to be the company .

Power to lease.

46. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first Power to


obtained ( but not otherwise ) the company may, at any time and from

time to time, demise their undertaking, or any part or parts thereof, to

such person or persons , corporation or company, for such term or terms

of years, or from year to year, or for any less period , and for such rent or

rents , and upon such terms and conditions in all respects , as the company

shall think fit to adopt, to take effect either in possession or at some future

date, and either with or without a premium or premiums as a consideration

or considerations for such demise or demises .

Power to mortgage.

47. It shall be lawful for the company from time to time or at any Power to


time to borrow money on mortgage of all or any part of their undertaking,

and for that purpose to assign or demise by way of mortgage all or any

portion of their lands , messuages or tenements , erections, buildings ,

works, rolling stock, plant, machinery, chattels and effects , to any person

or persons , corporation or company, and to enter into all such covenants ,

provisos, declarations and agreements as the company shall think fit or


Rights of Government.

48. The Governor in Council may, at any time or times and at all Rights of


times , by order direct that precedence over the company and all other

persons, in the user of the tramways hereby authorized , or any or either

of them , be taken for defensive or military purposes, or for the passage

of troops and war material , on giving to the company , on each occasion

of such user, three clear days notice.

49. The Governor in Council shall direct the payment to the com Government

to pay tolls.

pany for such user as aforesaid of such tolls as shall be agreed on, or , if

1702 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 .


no agreement shall be come to, then the amount of such tolls to be paid

shall be determined upon petition to the Court in a summary way.

Traffic rpon tramways.

Traffic upon

tramways . 50. The tramways may be used for the purpose of conveying

passengers, animals , goods , merchandize, minerals, and parcels.

Company not 51. Save and except passengers ' luggage not exceeding sixteen


goods. pounds in weight, or one cubic foot in measurement, the company shall

not be bound to carry, unless they think fit, any animals, goods, mer

chandize, minerals or parcels .



52. The company may demand and take for passengers the tolls or

charges specified in schedule B. hereto , including tolls for the use of the

tramways and of carriages , and for motive power, and every other

expense incidental to the conveyance of passengers . A list printed in the

English and Chinese languages , of all the tolls and charges authorised to

be taken shall be exhibited in a conspicuous place at the offices of the

company, and inside and outside each of the carriages used upon the

tramways. Provided that if there be any variation between the English

and Chinese prints of the said list , the English print thereof shall prevail.

Distance 53. Every fare paid by every passenger for travelling upon the

covered by


tramways Nos . 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , or any of them , or any part thereof, shall

entitle such passenger to travel any distance on all or any of the said last

mentioned tramways , once, on the day on which such passenger shall so

travel, in the same direction continuously, and without leaving the car

riages, but for no further distance, or on any tramway other than the

tramways Nos. 1 , 2 , 3 and 4, or more than once, or on any other day, or

in any other direction , or to leave and re-enter the carriages ; and every

fare paid by every passenger for travelling upon the tramway No. 5, or

any part thereof, shall entitle such passenger to travel any distance on

the said last mentioned tramway, once, on the day on which such pas

senger shall so travel , in the same direction continuously, and without

leaving the carriages, but for no further distance, or on any tramway

other than the tramway No. 5 , or more than once, or on any other day,

or in any other direction , or to leave and re-enter the carriages ; and

every fare paid by every passenger for travelling upon the tramway No.

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 . 1703


6, or any part thereof, shall entitle such passenger to travel any distance

on the said last mentioned tramway, once, on the day on which such

passenger shall so travel, in the same direction continuously, and without

leaving the carriages, but for no further distance, or on any tramway

other than the tramway No. 6 , or more than once, or on any other day,

or in any other direction , or to leave and re-enter the carriages.

54. If the carriages shall , during any journey, contain their author If carriages

full, company

ized complement of passengers , the company shall not be bound to find not bound to


accommodation for any other passenger, notwithstanding that such other

passenger may have purchased a ticket , or tickets, entitling him to travel

upon the tramways, or any of them.

55. No passenger may take on any of the tramways his personal Passengers


luggage other than small hand baskets bags , or parcels , any one of which

shall not exceed sixteen pounds in weight, or one cubic foot in measu

rement . All such personal luggage shall be carried by hand, and at the

responsibility of the passenger, and shall not occupy any part of a seat, nor

be of a form or description to annoy or inconvenience other passengers.

56. The company may demand and take, in respect of any animals , Tolls for


goods, inerchandize, minerals or parcels conveyed by them on the tram goods, &c.

ways, except as is by this Ordinance specially provided , including the

tolls and charges for the use of the tramways, and for waggons or trucks ,

and for motive power, and every other expense incidental to such convey

ance, any tolls or charges not exceeding the tolls and charges specified in

schedule C. hereto, subject to the regulations therein contained .

57. The said tolls and charges shall be paid to such persons , and at Payment of


such places and in such manner, as the company may, by notice annexed

to the list of tolls, appoint .

Abandonment of undertaking.

58. If the company abandon their undertaking, or any part or parts On abandon

ment road to

thereof, and take up the tramways Nos . 1 , 2 , 3, 4 and 5 , or any, or either be reinstated.

of them, they shall, with all convenient speed , and in all cases within

eight weeks at the most ( unless the Surveyor General otherwise consents

in writing ) , fill in the ground and make good the surface, and , to the

satisfaction of the Surveyor General , restore the portion of the road upon

which such last -mentioned tramways , or such of them as shall be

abandoned, were laid to as good a condition as that in which it was before

1704 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883.


such tramways were laid thereon , and clear away surplus paving, or

metalling material , or rubbish occasioned by such work, and they shall

in the meantime cause the place where the road is opened or broken up to

be fenced and watched and to be properly lighted at night : Provided

always that if the company fail to comply with the provisions of this

section, the Surveyor General , if he thinks fit, may himself at any time

after seven days ' notice to the company remove the tramways, and do the

works necessary for the restoration of the road, to the extent provided

for in this section , and the expense incurred by the Surveyor General in

so doing shall be re-paid to him by the company.


Offences . 59. If any person wilfully obstructs any person acting under the

authority ofthe company in the lawful exercise of any of the powers hereby

conferred, or defaces or destroys any mark made for the purpose of setting

out the line of any tramway, or damages or destroys any property of the

company, he shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not ex

ceeding twenty-five dollars.

Further 60. If any person without lawful excuse (the proof whereof shall lie


on him ) wilfully does any of the following things , namely :


Interferes with, removes, or alters, any part of a tramway, or of the

works connected therewith ;

Places , or throws any stones , dirt , wood , refuse , or other materials

on any part of a tramway ;

Does, or causes to be done anything in such manner as to obstruct

any carriage using a tramway, or to endanger the lives of persons

therein , or thereon ;

Or knowingly aids or assists in the doing of any of such things ;

he shall for every such offence be liable ( in addition to any proceedings

by way of indictment, or otherwise , to which he may be subject ) to a

penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars.

Further 61. If any person travelling, or having travelled in any carriage


avoids, or attempts to avoid payment of his fare, or if any person having

paid his fare for a certain distance, knowingly and wilfully proceeds in

any such carriage beyond such distance, and does not pay the additional

fare for the additional distance, or attempts to avoid payment thereof, or

if any person knowingly and wilfully refuses or neglects, on arriving at

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883. 1705


the point to which he has paid his fare , to quit such carriage, every such

person shall, for every such offence, be liable to a penalty not exceeding

ten dollars.

62. It shall be lawful for any officer or servant of the company, and Transient


all persons called by him to his assistance , to seize and detain any person

discovered either in , or immediately after committing, or attempting to

commit any such offence as in the next preceding section is mentioned ,

and whose name or residence is unknown to such officer or servant, until

such person can be conveniently taken to a Police Station for safe custody

and detained until he be discharged by due course of law.

63. No person shall be entitled to carry, or to require to be carried Penalty for


on any tramway any goods which may be of a dangerous nature, and if

goods on

any person send by any tramway any such goods, without distinctly tramways.

inarking their nature on the outside of the package containing the same,

or otherwise giving notice in writing to the book-keeper or other servant

with whom the same are left, at the time of such sending, he shall be

liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars for every such offence ,

and it shall be lawful for the company to refuse to take any parcel that

they may suspect to contain goods of a dangerous nature, or require the

same to be opened to ascertain the fact.

64. If any person ( except under the authority of this Ordinance ) ,

for using

uses any of the said tramways with carriages having flange-wheels , or tramways

with flange

other wheels suitable only to run on the rail of such tramway, such person wheeled


shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred


Purchase of lands by agreement.

65. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, it shall be lawful Power to


for the company to agree with the owners of any lands which shall be lands by


required for the purposes of this Ordinance, and with all parties having

any estate or interest in such lands , or by this Ordinance enabled to sell

and assign the same, for the absolute purchase for a consideration in

money of any such lands , or such parts thereof as they shall think proper,

and of all estates and interests in such lands of what kind soever.

66. It shall be lawful for all parties , being seized, possessed of, or Parties under


entitled to any such lands, or any estate or interest therein , to sell and enabled to

sell and

assign or release the same to the company, and to enter into all necessary assign.

agreements for that purpose, and particularly it shall be lawful for all or

1700 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883.


any of the following parties, so seized , possessed , or entitled as aforesaid

só to sell, assign or release ( that is to say ) all corporations, tenants in tail ,

or for life, married women seized in their own right, guardians, committees.

of lunatics and idiots, trustees in trust for charitable or other purposes ,

executors and administrators, and all parties for the time being entitled to

the receipt of the rents and profits of any such lands in possession , or

subject to any lease for life , or for lives and years, or for years , or any less

interest ; and the power so to sell and assign or release as aforesaid may

lawfully be exercised by all such parties, other than lessees for life, or for

lives and years, or for years, or for any less interest, not only on behalf of

themselves and their respective heirs , executors , administrators and suc

cessors , but also for and on behalf of every person entitled in reversion ,

remainder, or expectancy after them, or in defeasance of the estates of such

parties, and , as to such married women, whether they be of full age or

not, as if they were sole and of full age, and as to such guardians on be

half of their wards, and as to such committees on behalf of the lunatics.

and idiots of whom they are the committees respectively, and that to the

same extent as such wives , wards , lunatics and idiots respectively could

have exercised the same power under the authority of this Ordinance, if

they had respectively been under no disability , and as to such trustees ,

executors and administrators , on behalf of their cestuique trusts , whether

infants , issue unborn , lunatics , femes covert, or other persons , and that to

the same extent as such cestuique trusts respectively could have exercised

the same powers under the authority of this Ordinance if they had respect-

ively been under no disability.

Parties under 67. The power to release lands from any rent -charge or incumbrance?


to exercise and to agree for the apportionment of any such rent-charge or incumbrance

other powers.

shall extend to , and may lawfully be exercised by every party herein

before enabled to sell and assign or release lands to the company.

Compensation 68. The purchase money or compensation to be paid for any lands

where parties

are under to be purchased or taken from any party under any disability or incapa-


city and not having power to sell or assign such lands except under the

provisions of this Ordinance, and the compensation ( if any ) to be paid.

for any permanent damage or injury to any such lands, where such party

has agreed to the amount to be paid, shall not be less than shall be

approved by the Court or a Judge, upon the petition to the Court in a.

summary way of any of the parties interested , and all purchase money

ORDINANCE No. 6 CF 1883 . 1707


and compensation recovered under or by virtue of this section shall be

paid into Court for the benefit of the parties interested .

Purchase of lands otherwise than by agreement.

69. Before it shall be lawful for the company to put in force any of Part of capi

tal to be sub

the powers of this Ordinance in relation to the compulsory taking of land scribed before


for the purposes of the undertaking, or open or break up any roads , the powers exer

eised .

-company shall satisfy the Governor in Council that one third part at least

of the capital or estimated sum for defraying the expenses of the under

taking shall have been subscribed under contract binding the parties

thereto, their heirs, executors and administrators , for the payment of the

several sums by them respectively subscribed, and a certificate of the

Governor, published in the Gazette, shall be conclusive evidence that such

amount has been duly subscribed .

70. When the company shall require to purchase or take any of the Notice of

intention to

lands more particularly mentioned and set out in schedule D. to this take lands.

Ordinance, they shall give notice thereof to all the parties interested in

such lands, or to the parties enabled by this Ordinance to sell and assign

or release the same , or to such of the said parties as shall, after diligent

enquiry, be known to the company, and by such notice shall demand from

such parties the particulars of their estate and interest in such lands, and

of the claims made by them in respect thereof ; and every such notice

shall state the particulars of the lands so required, and that the company

are willing to treat for the purchase thereof, and as to the compensation

to be made to all parties for the damage that may be sustained by them

by reason of the execution of the works.

71. Within twenty one days after the service of such notice ( exclusive Particulars of

claim to be

of the day of service ) every party upon whom the same is served shall delivered.

give notice to the company stating the particulars of his claim in respect

of any such land and the compensation which he is willing to accept for

the same.

72. Within twenty one days after the service on the company of Company

state whatto

such last mentioned notice (exclusive of the day of service ) the company compensation

they will pay.

shall in writing state to the party giving the same whether or not they

will pay the compensation required by such party, and, if not, then they

shall state what compensation they are willing to pay to such party , and

within twenty one days after the service on such party by the company

1708 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883.


of such intimation (exclusive of the day of service ) such party shall give

notice to the company whether or not he will accept the compensation

that the company are willing to pay.

Compensa 73. If the company or any such party as aforesaid fail to serve the

tion to be

determined said respective notices aforesaid within the respective times aforesaid, or

by suit.

if no agreement be come to between the company and the owners of or

parties by this Ordinance enabled to sell, and assign, or release, any of

the said lands mentioned in the said schedule D. , and taken or required for,

or injuriously affected by the execution of the undertaking, or any interest

in such lands, as to the value of such lands, or of any interest therein , or

as to the compensation to be made in respect thereof, or for any damage

that may be sustained by reason of the execution of the works, the amount

of such value, compensation , or damage shall be determined by a suit to

be instituted in the Court in its original jurisdiction .

Writ to issue. 74. Every such suit shall be commenced by a writ of summons

[ * 3. ] headed Compensation under the Tramway's Ordinance 1882 , * and shall be

issued by the Registrar of the Court on the filing by the company of a

præcipe for the same, or on the filing by the party claiming compensation ,

if the company shall not , within fourteen days after service upon them

by such party of a notice requiring them so to do , file their præcipe for

such writ.

Special 75. The plaintiff shall be at liberty to make upon the writ of


summons and copy thereof a special indorsement, which indorsement may

be in the form shown in schedule E. to this Ordinance , or as near thereto

as the circumstances of the case will admit of.

Application 76. After the appearance of the defendant to a writ specially

for reference.

endorsed, or in case of non - appearance, the company may, within seven

days after the time limited for appearance, apply by summons in chambers

for a reference to the Registrar to ascertain the amount of such value ,

compensation, or damage as aforesaid, and thereupon the Judge may

make such order as he shall think fit. If the company do not make such

application within the time aforesaid , the other party may , within five

days after the expiration of such seven days , make such application .

Practice to be 77. Except as is herein otherwise provided, the practice to be

followed .

followed in every such suit as aforesaid , and the proceedings therein , sha! l

be the same as the practice and proceedings for the time being obtaining

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883. 1709


in suits in the Court in its original jurisdiction , save that , if it appears to

the Court, or a Judge, that no question is in issue between the parties

beyond the amount of compensation to be awarded , it shall not be

necessary to file any written pleadings , but the Court , or Judge, may

make such order on the confirmation of the Registrar's report as to it, or

him, may seem just , and the costs of the suit shall be in the discretion of Costs.

the Court, unless the same or a less sum than shall have been offered by

the company shall be directed to be paid by them , in which case each

party shall bear his own costs .

78. The purchase money or compensation to be paid for any of the How compen

sation to

said lands mentioned in the said schedule D. and required to be purchased absent parties

to be deter

or taken by the company from any party who, by reason of absence from mined.

the Colony of Hongkong, is prevented from treating , or who cannot after

diligent enquiry be found , shall be determined upon petition to the Court

in a summary way, and the expenses thereof and incident thereto shall

be borne by the company .

79. In estimating the purchase money or compensation to be paid


by the company in any of the cases aforesaid , regard may be had not only may be in

cluded in com

to the value of the land to be purchased or taken by the company , but pensation.

also to the damage if any to be sustained by the owner of the lands by

reason of the severing of the lands taken from other lands of such owner ,

or of such other lands being otherwise injuriously affected by the exercise

of the powers of this Ordinance, and to the fact that the lands taken are

so taken from such owner compulsorily.

80. When the compensation payable in respect of any of the said Where com

pensation to

lands mentioned in the said schedule D. , or any interest therein, shall absent party

has been as

have been ascertained and paid into Court under the provisions herein certained as

aforesaid the

contained, by reason that the owner of, or party entitled to assign such party may

have the same

lands or such interest therein as aforesaid could not be found, or was determined as

in other cases

absent from the said Colony of Hongkong, if such owner or party shall of disputed


be dissatisfied with such determination , it shall be lawful for him , before tion.

he shall have applied to the Court for payment out or investment of the

monies so paid into Court, by notice in writing to the company to require

the question of such compensation to be determined by a suit to be

instituted in the Court in its original jurisdiction in the same manner as

is hereinbefore provided for in other cases of disputed compensation , and

thereupon the same shall be so determined accordingly.

1710 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883.


Question to be

determined. 81. The question to be determined in the case last aforesaid shall be,

whether the said sum so paid into Court as aforesaid by the company was

a sufficient sum, or whether any, and what further sum ought to be paid

into Court by them.

If further sum 82. If it shall be determined that a further sum ought to be paid


company to into Court by the company, they shall so pay, such further sum within

pay same into

Court within fourteen days after such determination or, in default thereof, the same.

fourteen days.

may be enforced by attachment, or recovered , with costs, by action or


Cost of the

83. If it shall be determined that the sum so paid into Court was


sufficient, the costs of and incident to such enquiry shall be in the dis

cretion of the Court, but if it shall be determined that a further sum ought

to be paid into Court by the company , all the costs of and incident to the

enquiry shall be borne by the company.

Compensa 84. If any party shall be entitled to any compensation in respect

tion where no

satisfaction of any of the said lands, mentioned in the said schedule D. , or of any


made, how to interest therein , which shall have been taken for or injuriously affected

be settled .

by the execution of the works, and for which the company shall not have

made satisfaction under the provisions of this Ordinance, such compensa

tion shall be determined , where no agreement has been come to between

such party and the company, by a suit to be instituted in the Court in its

original jurisdiction in the same manner as is hereinbefore provided for

in other cases of disputed compensation.

Application of compensation.

Purchase 85. If the purchase-money or compensation which shall be payable

money pay

able to par in respect of any of the said lands, mentioned in the said schedule D. , or

ties under

disability of any interest therein , purchased or taken by the company from any


$1,000 to be tenant for life or in tail, married woman seized in her own right, guardian

paid into

Court. committee of lunatic or idiot , trustee, executor or administrator, or person

having a partial or qualified interest only in such lands, and not entitled

to sell or assign the same except under the provisions of this Ordinance,

or the compensation to be paid for any permanent damage to any such

lands, exceed the sum of one thousand dollars , the same shall be paid into

Court, subject to the orders of the Court, and such monies shall remain

in Court until the same be applied to some one or more of the following

purposes , ( that is to say) :

ORDINANCE No. 6 or 1883 . 1711


In the discharge of any debt or incumbrance affecting the land Application of

monies paid

in respect of which such money shall have been paid, or in .

affecting other lands settled therewith to the same or the

like uses, trusts, or purposes ; or

In the purchase of other lands to be assigned , limited , and settled

upon the like uses, trusts , and purposes, and in the same

manner as the lands in respect of which such money shall

have been paid stood settled ; or ,

If such money shall be paid in respect of any buildings taken

under the authority of this Ordinance, or injured by the

proximity of the works , in removing or re- placing such

buildings , or substituting others in their stead, in such

manner as the Court shall direct ; or ,

In payment to any party becoming absolutely entitled to such


86. Such money may be so applied as aforesaid upon an order of Order for


the Court or a Judge, made on the petition of the party who would have and invest

ment mean

been entitled to the rents and profits of the lands in respect of which such while.

money shall have been deposited ; and until the money can be so applied

it may, upon the like order , be invested by the Registrar in or upon any

securities or investments authorized by the Court or a Judge, and the in

terest, dividends , and annual proceeds thereof paid to the party who would

for the time being have been entitled to the rents and profits of the lands.

87. Ifthe purchase-money or compensation ' shall not exceed the Sums from

$100 to $1000

sum of one thousand dollars , and shall exceed the sum of one hundred to be paid

into Court, or

dollars , the same shall either be paid into Court, and applied in the manner to trustees.

hereinbefore directed with respect to sums exceeding one thousand dollars ,

or the same may lawfully be paid to two trustees , to be nominated by the

parties entitled to the rents or profits of the lands in respect whereof the

same shall be payable, such nomination to be signified by writing under

the hand of the parties so entitled ; and in case of the coverture, infancy,

lunacy , or other incapacity of the parties entitled to such monies, such

nomination may lawfully be made by their respective husbands , guardians ,

committees , or trustees ; but such last- mentioned application of the monies

shall not be made unless the company approve thereof, and ofthe trustees

named for the purpose ; and the money so paid to such trustees, and the

1712 ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1883 .


produce arising therefrom , shall be by such trustees applied in the manner

hereinbefore directed with respect to money paid into Court, but it shall

not be necessary to obtain any order of the Court for that purpose.

Sums not 88. If such money shall not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars ,


$100 to be the same shall be paid to the parties entitled to the rents and profits of

paid to par

ties. the lands in respect whereof the same shall be payable , for their own use

and benefit, or in case of the coverture , infancy, idiotcy , lunacy, or other

incapacity of any such parties, then such money shall be paid , for their

use, to the respective husbands , guardians, committees , or trustees of such


Application 89. All sums of money exceeding one hundred dollars which may

of compensa

tion to parties be payable by the company in respect of the taking, using, or interfering

not absolutely

entitled, with, any lands under a contract or agreement with any person who shall

not be entitled to dispose of such lands, or of the interest therein con

tracted to be sold by him, absolutely for his own benefit, shall be paid

into Court or to trustees in manner aforesaid.

Court to 90. Where any purchase-money or compensation paid into Court

direct ap

plication of under the provisions of this Ordinance shall have been so paid in respect

money in

respect of life of any lease for a life or lives or years, or for a life or lives and years , or

interests, &c.

in lands. any interest less than the whole interest granted by any Crown lease, it

shall be lawful for the Court or a Judge , upon petition to the Court in a

summary way of any party interested therein, to order that the same shall

be laid out, invested, accumulated, and paid in such manner as the Court

or such Judge may consider will give to the parties interested in such

money the same benefit therefrom as they might lawfully have had from

the interest in respect of which such money shall have been paid , or as

near thereto as may be.

Upon pay. 91. Upon payment in manner hereinbefore provided, of the purchase

ment being

made, the money or compensation agreed or determined to be paid in respect of any

owners of the

lands to of the said lands mentioned in the said schedule D. , and purchased or

assign , or in

default the taken by the company under the provisions of this Ordinance, the owner

landsto vest in 1

the company of such lands , including in such term all parties by this Ordinance

by deed .

enabled to sell or assign lands, shall, when required so to do by the

company, duly assign such lands to the company, or as they shall direct ;

and in default thereof, or if he fail to adduce a good title to such lands

to their satisfaction , it shall be lawful for the company, if they think fit,

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 . 1713


to prepare a deed of conveyance, assignment, or assurance of such lands

to themselves, containing a description of the lands in respect of which

such default shall be made, and reciting the purchase or taking thereof

company, and the names of the parties from whom the same were

by the company

purchased or taken , and the payment made in respect thereof, and

declaring the fact of such default having been made, and to tender such

deed after the same shall have been stamped with the stamp duty which

would have been payable upon an assignment to the company of the

lands described therein , to the Registrar for execution on behalf of the

owner and other ( if any ) the conveying, assigning, or assuring parties ,

and thereupon the Registrar shall, upon an order of the Court to be

obtained upon petition in a summary way, execute the same, and all the

estate and interest in such lands of, or capable of being sold and assigned

by the party between whom and the company such agreement shall have

been come to, or as between whom and the company such purchase

money or compensation shall have been determined as herein provided ,

and shall have been paid as aforesaid , shall vest absolutely in the com

pany, and as against such parties, and all parties on behalf of whom they

are hereinbefore enabled to sell and assign, the company shall be entitled

to immediate possession of such lands .

92. If the owner of any of the said lands mentioned in the said Where parties

refuse to

schedule D. , and purchased or taken by the company, or of any interest assign or do

not show title.

therein, on tender of the purchase- money or compensation which shall or cannot be

found , the

have been determined in manner aforesaid to be payable in respect thereof, purchase

money to be

refuse to accept the same, or neglect or fail to make out a title to such paid into


lands, or to the interest therein claimed by him, to the satisfaction of

the company, or if he refuse to assign or release such lands as directed

by the company, or if any such owner be absent from the said Colony

of Hongkong, or cannot after diligent inquiry be found , or fail to appear

on the inquiry herein provided for , it shall be lawful for the company to

pay the purchase-money or compensation payable in respect of such

lands, or any interest therein , into Court subject to the control and

disposition of the Court.

93. Upon any such payment into Court as last aforesaid being made , Upon pay

ment into

it shall be lawful for the company, if they think fit, to prepare a deed of Court being

made, the

-conveyance, assignment, or assurance of the last mentioned lands to them lands to vest

upon a deed

selves, containing a description of the lands in respect whereof such pay being ex


ment shall have been made, and declaring the circumstances under which

1714 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883.


such payment shall have been made , and to tender such deed , after the

same shall have been stamped with the stamp duty which would have

been payable upon an assignment to the company of the lands described

therein, to the Registrar for execution on behalf of the owner and other

(if any ) the conveying, assigning, or assuring parties , and thereupon the

Registrar shall, upon an order of the Court to be obtained upon petition

in a summary way, execute the same and all the estate and interest in

such lands of the parties for whose use and in respect whereof such pur

chase-money or compensation shall have been so paid shall vest absolutely

in the company, and, as against such parties , they shall be entitled to im

mediate possession of such lands .

Application 94. Upon the application by petition of any party making claim to

of monies so

paid into the money so paid into Court as last aforesaid , or any part thereof, or to


the lands in respect whereof the same shall have been so paid or any part

of such lands, or any interest in the same, the Court or a Judge may, as

to it or him shall seem fit, order such money to be laid out or invested in

or upon any securities or investments authorized by the Court or a Judge,

or may order distribution thereof, or payment of the dividends thereof,

according to the respective estates , titles , or interests of the parties making

claim to such money or lands , or any part thereof, and may make such

other order in the premises as to such Court or Judge shall seem fit .

Party in 95. If any question arise respecting the title to the lands in respect

possession to

be deemed the whereof such monies shall have been so paid into Court as aforesaid, the


parties respectively in possession of such lands, as being the owners

thereof, or in receipt of the rents of such lands, as being entitled thereto

at the time of such lands being purchased or taken , shall be deemed to

have been lawfully entitled to such lands, until the contrary be shown to

the satisfaction of the Court or a Judge, upon petition in a summary way,

and, unless the contrary be shown as aforesaid , the parties so in possession ,

and all parties claiming under them , or consistently with their possession ,

shall be deemed entitled to the money so paid into Court, and to the

dividends or interest thereof and the same shall be paid and applied


Costs in cases 96. In all cases of monies paid into Court under the provisions of

of money paid

into Court. this Ordinance, except where such monies shall have been so paid in by

reason of the wilful refusal of any party entitled thereto to receive the

same, or to assign or release the lands in respect whereof the same

ORDINANCE No. 6 or 1883 . 1715


shall be payable, or by reason of the wilful neglect of any party to make

out a good title to the land required , it shall be lawful for the Court to

order the costs of the following matters , including therein all reasonable

charges and expenses incident thereto , to be paid by the company ( that

is to say ) the costs of the purchase or taking of the lands , or which shall

have been incurred in consequence thereof, other than such costs as are

herein otherwise provided for, and the costs of the investment of such

monies in manner by this Ordinance provided and of the re-investment

thereof in the purchase of other lands , and also the costs of obtaining

the proper orders for any of the purposes aforesaid, and of the orders for

the payment of the dividends and interest of the securities upon which

such monies shall be invested , and for the payment out of Court of the

principal of such monies, or of the securities whereon the same shall be

invested, and of all proceedings relating thereto, except such as are occa

sioned by litigation between adverse claimants : Provided always, that

the costs of one application only for re - investment in land shall be allowed ,

unless it shall appear to the Court that it is for the benefit of the parties

interested in the said monies that the same should be invested in the

purchase of lands , in different sums, and at different times , in which

case it shall be lawful for the Court to order the costs of any such invest

ments to be paid by the company .


97. Assignments of lands to the company shall be in such form as Assignments.

the company shall think fit .

98. The costs of all such assignments shall be borne by the com Cost of


pany, and such costs shall include all charges and expenses incurred , on

the part as well of the seller as of the purchaser , of all assignments and

assurances of any such lands, and of any outstanding terms or interests

therein , and of deducing, evidencing, and verifying the title to such lands ,

terms or interests, and of making out and furnishing such abstracts and

attested copies as the company may require, and all other reasonable

expenses incident to the investigation , deduction and verification of such


99. If the company and the party entitled to any such costs shall Taxation of

costs of

not agree as to the amount thereof, such costs shall be taxed by the assignments.

Registrar upon an order of the Court, to be obtained upon petition in a

1716 ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1883 .

Tramways .

summary way by the company, or by such party, if the company refuse

or neglect to apply for such order for fourteen days after notice from such

party so to do, and the company shall pay what the Registrar shall certify

to be due in respect of such costs to the party entitled thereto , or in

default thereof the same may be recovered in the same way as any other

costs payable under an order of the said Court, and the expense of taxing

such costs shall be borne by the company, unless upon such taxation one

sixth part of the amount of such costs shall be disallowed , in which case

the costs of such taxation shall be borne by the party whose costs shall

be so taxed , and the amount thereof shall be ascertained by the Registrar

and deducted by him accordingly in his certificate of such taxation .

Entry on lands.

Payment of 100. The company shall not, except by consent of the owners and

price to be

mnadeprevious occupiers , enter upon any of the said lands mentioned in the said schedule

to entry,

except to D., and which shall be required to be purchased or permanently used for

survey , &c.

the purposes and under the powers of this Ordinance, until they shall

either have paid to every party having any interest in such lands , or

paid into Court in the manner herein mentioned the purchase-money or

compensation to be paid to such parties respectively for their respective

interests therein : Provided always that for the purpose merely of survey

ing such lands, and of setting out the line of the works , it shall be lawful

for the company, after giving not less than three nor more than fourteen

days ' notice to the owners or occupiers thereof, to enter upon such lands

without previous consent, making compensation for any damage thereby

occasioned to the owner or occupiers thereof.

Company to 101. Provided also , that if the company shall be desirous of entering

be allowed to

enter on lands upon and using any of the said lands mentioned in the said schedule D.


purchase, on before an agreement shall have been come to, or the purchase- money or


deposit by compensation to be paid by them in respect of such lands shall have been

way of

security and determined as herein provided , it shall be lawful for the company to pay

giving bond.

into Court by way of security either the amount of purchase-money or

compensation claimed by any part interested in, or entitled to sell and

assign such lands , and who shall not consent to such entry, or such a sum

as shall , by the Court or a Judge upon petition in a summary way be

determined to be the value of such lands or interest therein which such

party is entitled to or enabled to sell and assign, and also to give or tender

to such party a bond , under the common seal of the company, with two

ORDINANCE No. 6 or 1883. 1717


sufficient sureties to be approved of by such Court or Judge in case the

parties differ , in a penal sum equal to the sum so to be deposited , condi

tioned for payment to such party , or for payment into Court , for the benefit

ofthe parties interested in such lands , as the case may require , under the

provisions herein contained , of all such purchase-money or compensation as

may in manner hereinbefore provided be determined to be payable by the

company in respect ofthe lands so entered upon, together with interest there

on, at the rate ofsix dollars per centum per annum, from the time of entering

on such lands until such purchase- money or compensation shall be paid

to such party or into Court for the benefit of the parties interested in such

lands under the provisions herein contained ; and upon such payment by

way of security being made as aforesaid, and such bond being delivered or

tendered to such non- consenting party as aforesaid , it shall be lawful for

the company to enter upon and use such lands , without having first paid

the purchase-money or compensation in other cases required to be paid

by them before entering upon any lands to be taken by them under the

provisions of this Ordinance. Provided always that , if it shall be shown

to the satisfaction of the Court or a Judge that such non - consenting party

as aforesaid be absent fromthe Colony, whether temporarily or permanently,

or in hiding, or cannot after diligent enquiry be found , then such Court

or Judge may order such bond as aforesaid to be dispensed with, and

may authorized the company to enter upon and use any of the said lands

mentioned in the said schedule D. after first paying into Court by way

of security either the amount of purchase-money or compensation claimed

by such non-consenting party, or such a sum as shall by such Court or

Judge be determined upon petition in a summary way to be the value

of such lands or interest therein which such non-consenting party is

entitled to or enabled to sell or assign .

102. The money so paid into Court as last aforesaid shall remain Monies to

remain as a

in Court by way of security to the parties whose lands shall so have been security, and

to be applied

entered upon, for the performance of the condition of the bond to be given under the

direction of

by the company as hereinbefore mentioned, or where such bond has been the Court.

dispensed with as aforesaid , for the payment to the parties whose lands

shall so have been entered upon , or for deposit in Court for the benefit

of the parties interested in such lands , as the case may require, under the

provisions herein contained , of all such purchase -money or compensation

as may in manner hereinbefore provided be determined to be payable by

the company in respect of the lands so entered upon , together with interest

1718 ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1883 .


thereon at the rate of six dollars per centum per annum from the time of

entering on such lands until such purchase- money or compensation shall be

paid to such party, or until the money so deposited shall be deemed to be, or

shall be deposited in Court for the benefit of the parties interested in such

lands under the provisions herein contained , and the monies so deposited in

Court as in the next preceding section mentioned may, on the application by

petition of the company, be ordered to be invested upon any securities or

investments authorized by the Court or a Judge, and upon the objects or

object for which such deposit as last aforesaid was made being fully attained

or satisfied , it shall be lawful for the Court, upon a like application , to order

the money so deposited , or the funds in which the same shall have been

invested, together with the accumulations thereof, to be re- paid or trans

ferred to the company, or if such objects or object shall not be fully attained

or satisfied , it shall be lawful for the Court to order the same to be applied

in such manner as it shall think fit for the benefit of the parties for whose

security the same shall so have been deposited .

Penalty on the 103. If the company or any of their contractors shall, except as


entering upon aforesaid , wilfully enter upon and take possession of any of the said lands

lands without

consent mentioned in the said schedule D. , which shall be required to be purchased

before pay .

ment of the or permanently used for the purpose of this Ordinance, without such con


money , sent as aforesaid, or without having made such payment into Court as

aforesaid for the benefit or security of the parties interested in the lands,

the company shall forfeit to the party in possession of such lands the sum

of fifty dollars, over and above the amount of any damage done to such

lands by reason of such entry and taking possession as aforesaid, and if

the company or their contractors shall, after conviction in such penalty

as aforesaid, continue in unlawful possession of any such lands, the com

pany shall be liable to forfeit the sum of one hundred dollars for every

day they or their contractor shall so remain in possession as aforesaid ,

such penalty to be recoverable by the party in possession of such lands ,

with costs, by a suit to be instituted in the Court in its original jurisdic

tion in the same manner as is hereinbefore provided for in cases of disputed

compensation. Provided always that nothing herein contained shall be

held to subject the company to the payment of any such penalties as

aforesaid, if they shall bonâ fide and without collusion have paid the com

pensation which shall have been under the provisions of this Ordinance

determined to be paid in respect of the said lands to any person whom

the company may have reasonably believed to be entitled thereto , or shall

ORDINANCE No. 6 or 1883. 1719


have paid the same into Court for the benefit or security of the parties

interested in the lands, although such person may not have been legally

entitled thereto .

104. Ifin any case in which, according to the provisions of this Ordi Proceedings

in case of

nance, the company are authorized to enter upon and take possession of refusal to


such of the said lands mentioned in the said schedule D. as are required for possession of


the purposes of the undertaking, the owner or occupier of any such lands.

or any other person refuse to give up the possession thereof, or hinder

the company from entering upon or taking possession of the same, it shall

be lawful for the company to issue their warrant to one of the bailiffs of

the Court to deliver possession ofthe same to the person appointed in such

warrant to receive the same, and upon the receipt ofsuch warrant such bailiff

shall deliver possession of any such lands accordingly, and the costs accruing

by reason of the issuing and execution of such warrant, to be settled by

the Registrar, shall be paid by the person refusing to give possession , and

the amount of such costs shall be deducted and retained by the company

from the compensation, if any, then payable by them to such party, or if

no such compensation be payable to such party , or if the same be less

than the amount of such costs , then such costs, or the excess thereof

beyond such compensation , if not paid on demand, shall be recovered in

the same way as any other costs payable under an order of the said Court.

105. No party shall at any time be required to sell or assign to the Parties not to

be required to

company a part only of any house or other building or manufactory, if sellpart of a


such party be willing and able to sell and assign the whole thereof.

Lands in mortgage.

106. It shall be lawful for the company to purchase or redeem the Powerto


interest of the mortgagee of any of the said lands mentioned in the said mortgages.

schedule D., which may be required for the purposes of this Ordinance ,

and that whether they shall have previously purchased the equity of

redemption of such lands or not, and whether the mortgagee thereof be

entitled thereto in his own right, or in trust for any other party, and

whether he be in possession of such lands by virtue of such mortgage or

not, and whether such mortgage affect such lands solely, or jointly with

any other lands not required for the purposes of this Ordinance , and in

order thereto the company may pay or tender to such mortgagee the

principal and interest due on such mortgage, together with his costs and

1720 ORDINANCE No. 6 or 1883.


charges, if any, and also one month's additional interest, and thereupon

such mortgagee shall immediately assign his interest in the lands

comprised in such mortgage to the company, or as they shall direct, or

the company may give notice in writing to such mortgagee that they

will pay off the principal and interest due on such mortgage at the end

of one month , computed from the day of giving such notice ; and if they

shall have given any such

such notice,

notice, or if the party entitled to the equity of

redemption of any such lands shall have given notice of his intention to

redeem the same, then at the expiration of either of such notices, or at

any intermediate period , upon payment or tender by the company to the

mortgagee of the principal money due on such mortgage, and the interest

which would become due at the end of one month from the time of giving

either of such notices, together with his costs and expenses , if any, such

mortgagee shall assign or release his interest in the lands comprised in

such mortgage to the company , or as they shall direct .

Payment into 107. If, in either of the cases aforesaid , upon such payment or

Court of

mortgage tender, any mortgagee shall fail to assign or release his interest in such

money on

refusal to mortgage as directed by the company, or if he fail to adduce a good title


thereto to their satisfaction , or if he be absent from the Colony, whether

temporarily or permanently, or in hiding, or cannot after diligent enquiry

be found, then it shall be lawful for the company to pay into Court in

the manner provided by this Ordinance in like cases , the principal and

(if the same can be ascertained ) interest and costs, if any, due on such

mortgage, and also , if such payment be made before the expiration of the

notices aforesaid, such further interest ( if the same can be ascertained )

as would at such expiration become due ; and it shall be lawful for them ,

if they think fit , to prepare a deed of conveyance, assignment or assurance

and release of such mortgaged lands to themselves, and to tender such

deed, after the same shall have been duly stamped as required by law, to

the Registrar for execution on behalf of the mortgagee and other (if any)

the assuring and releasing parties, and thereupon the Registrar shall,

upon an order of the Court to be obtained upon petition in a summary

way, execute the same ; and thereupon , as well as upon such assignment

by the mortgagee , if any, being made, all the estate and interest of such

mortgagee, and of all persons in trust for him, or for whom he may be a

trustee in such lands shall vest in the company, and they shall be entitled

to immediate possession thereof in case such mortgagee were himself

entitled to such possession.

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1838. 1721


108. If any such mortgaged lands shall be of less value than the Sum to be

paid when

principal interest and costs secured thereon, the value of such lands , or mortgage

exceeds the

the compensation to be made by the company in respect thereof, shall be value of the


settled by agreement between the mortgagee of such lands and the party

entitled to the equity of redemption thereof on the one part, and the

company on the other part, and if the parties aforesaid fail to agree

respecting the amount of such value or compensation , the same shall be

determined as in other cases of disputed compensation ; and the amount

of such value or compensation, being so agreed upon or determined , shall

be paid or tendered by the company to the mortgagee in satisfaction of

his mortgage debt so far as the same will extend , and upon payment or

tender thereof the mortgagee shall assign or release all his interest in

such mortgaged lands to the company, or as they shall direct.

109. If, upon such payment or tender as aforesaid being made , any Payment into

Court of

such mortgagee fail so to assign his interest in such mortgage , or to adduce money when

refused on

a good title thereto to the satisfaction of the company , or if he be absent tender.

from the Colony , whether temporarily or permanently, or in hiding, or

cannot after diligent enquiry be found , it shall be lawful for them to pay

the amount or value or compensation into Court, in the manner provided by

this Ordinance in like cases, and every such payment shall be accepted

by the mortgagee in satisfaction of his mortgage debt, so far as the same

will extend , and shall be a full discharge of such mortgaged lands from

all money due thereon ; and it shall be lawful for the company , if

they think fit, to prepare a deed of conveyance, assignment, or assurance

and release of such mortgaged lands to themselves, and to tender such

deed , after the same shall have been duly stamped as required by law,

to the Registrar for execution on behalf of the mortgagee and other ( if

any) the assuring and releasing parties, and thereupon the Registrar

shall, upon an order of the Court to be obtained upon petition in a

summary way, execute the same, and such lands , as to all such estate

and interest as were then vested in the mortgagee or any person in

trust for him , shall become absolutely vested in the company, and they

shall be entitled to immediate possession thereof in case such mortgagee

were himself entitled to such possession ; nevertheless all rights and

remedies possessed by the mortgagee against the mortgagor, by virtue of

any bond, or covenant, or other obligation , other than the right to such

lands , shall remain in force in respect of so much of the mortgage debt as

shall not have been satisfied by such payment or deposit.

1722 ORDINANCE No. 6 or 1883.


Sum to be

paid where 110. If a part only of any such mortgaged lands be required for

part only of the purposes of this Ordinance, and if the part so required be of less


lands taken. value than the principal money interest and costs secured on such lands ,

and the mortgagee shall not consider the remaining part of such lands a

sufficient security for the money charged thereon , or be not willing to

release the part so required, then the value of such part, and also the

compensation (if any ) to be paid in respect of the severance thereof or

otherwise, shall be settled by agreement between the mortgagee and the

party entitled to the equity of redemption of such land on the one part,

and the company on the other, and if the parties aforesaid fail to agree

respecting the amount of such value or compensation , the same shall be

determined , as in other cases of disputed compensation ; and the amount

of such value or compensation, being so agreed upon or determined ,

shall be paid by the company to such mortgagee in satisfaction of his

mortgage debt so far as the same will extend ; and thereupon such

mortgagee shall assign or release to them, or as they shall direct, all his

interest in such mortgaged lands the value whereof shall have been so

paid ; and a memorandum of what shall have been so paid shall be

endorsed on the deed creating such mortgage, and shall be signed by the

mortgagee ; and a copy of such memorandum shall at the same time

(if required ) be furnished by the company at their expense to the party

entitled to the equity of redemption of the lands comprised in such

mortgage deed .

Payment into 111. If, upon payment or tender to any such mortgagee of the

Court of

money when amount of the value or compensation so agreed upon or determined , such

refused on

tender. mortgagee shall fail to assign or release to the company, or as they shall

direct, his interest in the lands in respect of which such compensation

shall so have been paid or tendered , or if he shall fail to adduce a good

title thereto to the satisfaction of the company , or if he be absent from

the Colony, whether temporarily or permanently, or in hiding, or cannot

after diligent enquiry be found, it shall be lawful for the company to pay

the amount of such value or compensation into Court, and such payment

shall be accepted by such mortgagee in satisfaction of his mortgage debt ,

so far as the same will extend , and shall be a full discharge of the portion.

of the mortgaged lands so required from all money due thereon ; and it

shall be lawful for the company, if they think fit, to prepare a deed of

conveyance, assignment or assurance and release of such last mentioned

mortgaged lands to themselves, and to tender such deed , after the same

ORDINANCE No. 6 or 1883. 1723


shall have been duly stamped as required by law, to the Registrar for

execution on behalf of the mortgagee and other ( if any ) the assuring and

releasing parties , and thereupon the Registrar shall , upon an order of

the Court to be obtained upon petition in a summary way, execute the

same, and such lands shall become absolutely vested in the company, as

to all such estate and interest as were then vested in the mortgagee, or

any person in trust for him , and in case such mortgagee were himself

entitled to such possession they shall be entitled to immediate possession

thereof; nevertheless every such mortgagee shall have the same powers

and remedies for recovering or compelling payment of the mortgage

money or the residue thereof ( as the case may be ) and the interest

thereof respectively, upon and out of the residue of such mortgaged lands ,

or the portion thereof not required for the purposes of this Ordinance, as

he would otherwise have had or been entitled to, for recovering or

compelling payment thereof upon or out of the whole of the lands

originally comprised in such mortgage.

112. Provided always that in any of the cases hereinbefore provided Compensa

tion to be

with respect to lands subject to mortgage, if in the mortgage deed a made in

certain cases ,

time shall have been limited for payment of the principal money thereby if mortgage

paid off before

secured , and under the provisions hereinbefore contained the mortgagee the stipulated


shall have been required to accept payment of his mortgage money , or

of part thereof, at a time earlier than the time so limited , the company

shall pay to such mortgagee, in addition to the sum which shall have

been so paid off, all such costs and expenses as shall be incurred by such

mortgagee in respect of or which shall be incidental to the re-investment

of the sum so paid off, such costs in case of difference to be taxed , and

payment thereof enforced in the manner herein provided with respect to

the costs of assignments ; and if the rate of interest secured by such

mortgage be higher than at the time of the same being so paid off can

reasonably be expected to be obtained on re-investing the same, regard

being had to the then current rate of interest allowed by the Court, such

mortgagee shall be entitled to receive from the company, in addition to

the principal and interest hereinbefore provided for, compensation in

respect of the loss to be sustained by him by reason of his mortgage

money being so prematurely paid off, the amount of such compensation

to be ascertained , in case of difference, as in other cases of disputed

compensation ; and until payment or tender of such compensation as

aforesaid the company shall not be entitled , as against such mortgagee ,

1724 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883.


to possession of the mortgaged lands under the provisions hereinbefore

contained . Provided that the Court or a Judge may order such pay

ment or tender to be dispensed with if it or he shall think fit so to do ,

and such mortgage money and compensation to be paid into Court , and,

on such payment being made , the company shall be entitled , as against

such mortgagee, to possession of the mortgaged lands under the powers

hereinbefore contained .


Release of 113. If any difference shall arise between the company and the

lands from

rent-charges. party entitled to any rent- charge, or chief or other rent, or other payment

or incumbrance not hereinbefore provided for , upon any of the said lands

mentioned in the said schedule D. , and required to be taken for the

purposes of this Ordinance, respecting the consideration to be paid for

the release of such lands therefrom , or from the portion thereof affecting

the lands required for the purposes of this Ordinance, the same shall be

determined as in other cases of disputed compensation .

Release of 114. If part only of the lands charged with any such rent -charge,

part of lands

from charge. chief or other rent, payment or incumbrance , be required to be taken for the

purposes of this Ordinance, the apportionment of any such charge may

be determined by agreement between the party entitled to such charge

and the owner of the lands on the one part, and the company on the other

part, and if such apportionment be not so determined by agreement, the

same shall be determined by the Court or a Judge upon petition in a

summary way, but if the remaining part of the lands so jointly subject

be a sufficient security for such charge, then, with consent of the owner

of the lands so jointly subject, it shall be lawful for the party entitled to

such charge to release therefrom the lands required, on condition or in

consideration of such other lands remaining exclusively subject to the

whole thereof.

Payment into 115. Upon payment or tender of the compensation so agreed upon

Court in case

of refusal to or determined to the party entitled to any such charge as aforesaid , such


party shall execute to the company a release of such charge ; and if he

fail so to do , or if he fail to adduce good title to such charge to the

satisfaction of the company , or if he be absent from the Colony, whether

temporarily or permanently, or in hiding, or cannot after diligent enquiry

be found, it shall be lawful for them to pay the amount of such compen

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 . 1725


sation into Court, and also if they think fit to prepare a deed of release

of such charge, and to tender the same, after the same shall have been

duly stamped as required by law, to the Registrar for execution on behalf

of the releasing parties, and thereupon the Registrar shall , upon an order

of the Court to be obtained upon petition in a summary way, execute

the same, and the rent-charge, chief or other rent, payment or incum

brance, or the portion thereof in respect whereof such compensation shall

so have been paid shall cease and be extinguished .

116. If any such lands be so released from any such charge or in Charge to

continue on

cumbrance, or portion thereof, to which they were subject jointly with lands not


other lands , such last- mentioned lands shall alone be charged with the

whole of such charge, or with the remainder thereof, as the case may be,

and the party entitled to the charge shall have all the same rights and

remedies over such last- mentioned lands for the whole or the remainder

of the charge, as the case may be, as he had previously over the whole of

the lands subject to such charge ; and if upon any such charge or portion

of charge being so released the deed or instrument creating or transferring

such charge be tendered to the company for the purpose, they shall affix

their common seal to a memorandum of such release endorsed on such

deed or instrument, declaring what part of the lands originally subject to

such charge shall have been purchased by virtue of this Ordinance, and

if the lands be released from part of such charge, what proportion of such

charge shall have been released , and how much thereof continues payable ,

or if the lands so required shall have been released from the whole of such

charge, then that the remaining lands are thenceforward to remain exclu

sively charged therewith ; and such memorandum shall be made and

executed at the expense of the company, and shall be evidence in the Courts

and elsewhere of the facts therein stated , but not so as to exclude any

other evidence of the same facts .

117. Where part only of any lands comprised in a lease for a term Where part

only of lands

of years shall be required for the purposes of this Ordinance, the rent under lease

taken the rent

payable in respect of the lands comprised in such lease shall be apportioned to be appor


between the lands so required and the residue of such lands ; and such

apportionment may be determined by agreement between the lessor ( in

cluding Her Majesty , Her Heirs and Successors, in those cases where Her

Majesty, Her Heirs or Successors, shall be the lessor ) and the lessee of

such lands on the one part, and the company on the other part, and

1726 ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1883.


if such apportionment be not so determined by agreement between the

parties , such apportionment shall be determined by the Court or a Judge,

upon petition in a summary way, and after such apportionment the lessee

of such lands shall , as to all future accruing rent, be liable only for so

much of the rent as shall be so apportioned in respect of the lands not

required for the purposes of this Ordinance ; and as to the lands not so

required , and as against the lessee, the lessor shall have all the same rights

and remedies for the recovery of such portion of rent as previously to such

apportionment he had for the recovery of the whole rent reserved by such

lease ; and all the covenants, conditions, and agreements of such lease,

except as to the amount of rent to be paid , shall remain in force with

regard to that part of the land which shall not be required for the purposes

of this Ordinance, in the same manner as they would have done in case

such part only of the land had been included in the lease.

Tenants to be 118. Every such lessee as last aforesaid shall be entitled to receive


from the company compensation for the damage done to bim in his tenancy

by reason of the severance of the lands required from those not required

or otherwise by reason of the execution of the works.

Compensa 119. Ifany such lands shall be in the possession of any person having

tion to be

made to no greater interest therein than as tenant for a year, or from year to year,

tenants from

year to year, and if such person be required to give up possession ofany lands so occu


pied by him before the expiration of his term or interest therein , he shall

be entitled to compensation for the value of his unexpired term or interest

in such lands , and for any just allowance which ought to be made to him

by an incoming tenant, and for any loss or injury he may sustain , or if a

part only of such lands be required , compensation for the damage done to

him in his tenancy by severing the lands held by him or otherwise in

juriously affecting the same ; and the amount of such compensation shall

be determined , in case the parties differ about the same, by the Court or

a Judge upon petition in a summary way, and upon payment or tender

of the amount of such compensation all such presons shall respectively

deliver up to the company, or to the person appointed by them to take

possession thereof, any such lands in their possession required for the

purposes of this Ordinance.

Where greater 120. If any party, having a greater interest than as tenant-at- will ,


claimed than claim compensation in respect of any unexpired term or interest under

at will, lease

to be any lease of any such lands , the company may require such party to

produced .

produce the lease in respect of which such claim shall be made, or the

ORDINANCE No. 24 OF 1882 . 1727

Tramways .

best evidence thereof in his power ; and if after demand made in writing

by the company , such lease, or such best evidence thereof, be not produced

within twenty-one days, the party so claiming compensation shall be

considered as a tenant holding only from year to year, and be entitled to

compensation accordingly.

Limit of compulsory powers.

121. The powers of the company for the compulsory purchase or Limit of time

for compul

taking of lands for the purposes of this Ordinance shall not be exercised sory purchase.

after the expiration of three years from the coming into operation of this


Interests omitted to be purchased.

122. If at any time after the company shall have entered upon any Company

empowered to

lands which, under the provisions of this Ordinance, they were authorized purchase

interests in

to purchase, and which shall be permanently required for the purposes of lands, the


this Ordinance , any party shall appear to be entitled to any estate, right , whereof may

have been

or interest in , or charge affecting , such lands which the company shall , omitted by

through mistake or inadvertence, have failed or omitted duly to purchase, mistake.

or to pay compensation for, then whether the period allowed for the

purchase of lands shall have expired or not, the company shall remain in

the undisturbed possession of such lands , provided within three months

after notice of such estate, right, interest, or charge, in case the same

shall not be disputed by the company, or in case the same shall be

disputed then within three months after the right thereto shall have been

finally established by law in favour of the party claiming the same, the

company shall purchase or pay compensation for the same, and shall also

pay to such party, or to any other party who may establish a right

thereto, full compensation for the mesne profits or interest which would

have accrued to such parties respectively in respect thereof during the

interval between the entry of the company thereon and the time of the

payment of such purchase-money or compensation by the company, so far

as such mesne profits or interest may be recoverable in law or equity ;

and such purchase-money or compensation shall be agreed on , or

determined, and paid in like manner as according to the provisions of this

Ordinance the same respectively would have been agreed on , or determined

and paid, in case the company had purchased such estate, right, interest,

or charge before their entering upon such land, or as near thereto as

circumstances will admit.

1728 ORDINANCE No. 6 or 1883.


How value of 123. The compensation to be given for any such last mentioned

such lands to

be estimated. lands, or any estate or interest in the same, or for any mesne profits

thereof, shall be the value of such lands , estate, or interest and profits , at

the time such lands were entered upon by the company, and without

regard being had to any improvements or works made in the said lands

by the company, and as though the works had not been constructed .

Company to 124. In addition to the said purchase-money, compensation , or

pay the costs

of litigation satisfaction , and before the company shall become absolutely entitled to

as to such

lands. any such estate, interest, or charge, or to have the same merged or

extinguished for their benefit, they shall, when the right to any such

estate, interest, or charge, shall have been disputed by the company and

determined in favour of the party claiming the same, pay the full costs

and expenses of any proceedings at law or in equity for the determination

or recovery of the same to the parties with whom any such litigation in

respect thereof shall have taken place ; and such costs and expenses shall ,

in case the same shall be disputed, be settled by the Registrar.

Sale of superfluous lands.

Lands not

wanted to be 125. Within ten years after the expiration of the time limited by

sold, or in this Ordinance for the completion of the works, the company shall abso

default to

vest in the lutely sell and dispose of all superfluous lands, and in default thereof all


such superfluous lands remaining unsold at the expiration of such period

shall thereupon vest in and become the property of the Crown .

Service of documents.

Service of 126. Any summons or any writ or other proceeding at law or in

summons, &c.

equity required to be served upon the company may be served by the

same being left at, or transmitted through the post directed to the prin

cipal office of the company, or being given or transmitted through the

post directed to the secretary, or in case there be no secretary , the soli

citor of the company .

Form and 127. With respect to notices, and to the delivery thereof by or to

delivery of

notices. the company , the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say :

1. Every notice shall be in writing or print, or partly in writing and

partly in print.

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 . 1729


2. Any notice to be delivered by or to the company to or by any

other company or person may be delivered by being left at the

office of such other company or person , or at the then present

or then last known place of abode or residence of such person ,

or of his ostensible agent or agents, or of other the agent or

agents who pay the rents , rates , and taxes payable in respect of

the property of such person , or by being affixed upon some

conspicuous part of any lands affected or intended to be affected

by such notice, or by being left at the office of the company, as

the case may be, or by being sent by post in a registered letter

addressed ( as the case may be ) to the clerk or secretary of such

other company at their principal office, or to such person at his

then present or then last known place of abode or residence,

or at his office or business premises , or by being so sent by post

addressed to the ostensible agent or agents of such person , or

other the agent or agents aforesaid , or to the clerk or secretary

of the company at their principal office.

Provided always that any notice required to be given by the company, as

mentioned in section 70 of this Ordinance, shall in addition be affixed

upon some conspicuous part of the land affected , or intended to be affected,



128. If any party shall have committed any irregularity, trespass , Tender of


or other wrongful proceeding in the execution of this Ordinance , or by

virtue of any power or authority hereby given, and if before action or

suit brought in respect thereof, such party make tender of sufficient amends

to the party injured, such last-mentioned party shall not recover in any

such action or suit, and if no such tender shall have been made, it shall

be lawful for the defendant, by leave of the Court where such action or

suit shall be pending, at any time before answer filed , to pay into Court

such sum of money as he shall think fit, and thereupon such proceedings

shall be had as in other cases where defendants are allowed to pay money

into Court .

129. Every toll penalty or forfeiture imposed by this Ordinance ór Recovery of

tolls, &c.

by any order in Council , regulation , or bye-law made in pursuance hereof,

the recovery of which is not otherwise provided for, may be recovered by

1730 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 .


summary proceeding before a Magistrate, and on complaint being made

Magistrate he shall issue a summons requiring the party complained

against to appear before any Magistrate at a time and place to be named in

such summons, and every such summons shall be served on the party

offending either in person or by leaving the same with some inmate at

his usual or last known place of abode , and upon the appearance of the

party complained against, or in his absence after proof of the due service

of such summons , it shall be lawful for any Magistrate to proceed to the

hearing ofthe complaint, and that although no information in writing or

in print shall have been exhibited before him, and upon proof of the

offence, it shall be lawful for such Magistrate to convict the offender, and

upon such conviction to adjudge the offender to pay the penalty or for

feiture incurred as well as such costs attending the conviction as such

Magistrate shall think fit.

By distress. 130. If forthwith upon any such adjudication as aforesaid , the

amount of the toll, penalty , forfeiture, and of such costs as aforesaid be

not paid, the amount thereof shall be levied by distress , and any Magis

trate shall issue his warrant of distress accordingly. The said amount

shall be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the party

liable to pay the same, and the overplus arising from the sale of such

goods and chattels , after satisfying the amount due, and the expenses of

the distress and sale, shall be returned on demand to the party whose

goods shall have been distrained .

Application 131. The Magistrate by whom any such penalty or forfeiture shall

of penalties.

be imposed may, where the application thereof is not otherwise provided

for, award one moiety thereof to the use of Her Majesty, Her Heirs and

Successors for the public uses of the Colony and the support of the

Government thereof, and the other moiety to the informer or party pro

secuting or complaining.

Distress not 132. No distress levied by virtue of this Ordinance shall be deemed

unlawful for

want of form. unlawful , nor shall any party making the same be deemed a trespasser,

on account of any defect or want of form in the summons , conviction ,

warrant of distress, or other proceeding relating thereto, nor shall such

party be deemed a trespasser ab initio on account of any irregularity after

wards committed by him, but all persons aggrieved by such defect or

irregularity may recover full satisfaction for the special damage in an

action or suit upon the case

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883. 1731


138. No person shall be liable to the payment of any toll penalty Tolls,

be sued&c.for


within six

or forfeiture imposed by virtue of this Ordinance for any offence made months.

cognisable before a Magistrate unless the complaint respecting such offence

shall have been made before such Magistrate within six months next after

the commission of such offence.

134. It shall be lawful for any Magistrate to summon any person Power to


to appear before him or any other Magistrate as a witness in any matter witnesses.

in which a Magistrate shall have jurisdiction under the provisions of this

Ordinance, at a time and place mentioned in such summons , and to

administer to him an oath to testify the truth in such matter, and if any

person so summoned shall without reasonable excuse refuse or neglect to

appear at the time and place appointed for that purpose having been paid

or tendered a reasonable sun for his expenses , or if any person appearing

shall refuse to be examined upon oath or to give evidence before such

Magistrate, every such person shall forfeit a sum not exceeding fifty

dollars for every such offence.

135. The Magistrate before whom any person shall be convicted of Form of con


any offence against this Ordinance may cause the conviction to be drawn

up according to the form in schedule F. to this Ordinance.

136. No proceeding before a Magistrate in pursuance of this Ordi Proceedings

not to be

nance shall be quashed or vacated for want of form or removed by cer quashed for

want of form.

tiorari or otherwise into the Court.

137. If any party shall feel aggrieved by any determination or Appeal.

[See Ord. No.

adjudication of any Magistrate with respect to any penalty or forfeiture 10 of 1890.1

under the provisions of this Ordinance, such party may appeal under the

provisions of and in manner provided by Ordinance No. 4 of 1858 ,

intituled An Ordinance for Summary Jurisdictions and Appeals to the

Supreme Court.

138. Any person who , upon any examination upon oath under this False


Ordinance, shall wilfully and corruptly give false evidence shall be liable

to the penalties of wilful and corrupt perjury.

139. The company shall be answerable for all accidents , damages , Company to

be responsible

and injuries happening through their act or default, or through the act or for all


default of any person in their employment, by reason or in consequence

of any of their works or carriages, and shall save harmless all other

companies or bodies , collectively and individually, and their officers and

servants, from all damages and costs in respect of such accidents , damages,

and injuries .

1732 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 .


Right of user 140. Notwithstanding anything in this Ordinance contained the

only acquired.

company shall not acquire any right other than that of user of the roads

along or across which they lay any tramway.

Power to 141. Nothing in this Ordinance shall limit the powers of the Police

Police to

regulate to regulate the passage of any traffic along or across any public road


along or across which any tramway is laid down, and the Police may

exercise their powers as well on as off the tramway, and with respect as

well to the traffic of the company as to the traffic of other persons , and

in particular nothing in this Ordinance shall limit the power of the

Captain Superintendent of Police to make regulations under and exercise

the powers conferred on him by Ordinance No. 10 of 1869.

Rights of 142. Nothing in this Ordinance or in any regulation or bye-law


reserved. made hereunder shall take away or abridge the right of the public to

pass along or across every or any part of any public road along or across

which any tramway is laid , whether on or off the tramway, with carriages

not having flange-wheels, or wheels suitable only to run on the rail of

the tramway .

Savi for 143. Notwithstanding anything in this Ordinance contained the


Ordinances. company and any persons using the tramways shall be subject and

liable to the provisions of any general Ordinance now in force or which

may hereafter be passed in the Colony of Hongkong relating to tramways.

or by which any tax or duty may be granted or imposed for or in respect

of tramways, or the passengers or traffic conveyed . thereon , or to any

future revision or alteration under the Legislature of the said Colony of

the maximum rates of tolls or charges authorized by this Ordinance and

to any condition, regulation , or restriction , which may be imposed upon

the use of tramways or upon the use on tramways of animal power,

steam power , or any mechanical power, by any such general Ordinance

as aforesaid .

Reservation 144. The powers and privileges given by this Ordinance are so

of rights of

the Crown. given saving and reserving always the rights of Her Majesty and of all

bodies politic and corporate, and of all other persons and those claiming

by, from, and under them , except as is herein otherwise provided .

Suspending 145. This Ordinance shall not come into operation until Her Ma


jesty's confirmation thereof is proclaimed by the Governor.

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 . 1738


Schedule A.

( Applicable and extending only to the tramways Nos. 1 , 2, 3, 4 & 5. )

Every engine used on the tramways shall be fitted with such mechanical appliances Break power


for preventing the motive power of such engine from operating, and for bringing such

engine and any carriage drawn or propelled by such engine to a stand, as the Governor

may from time to time think sufficient.

Every engine used on the tramways shall have its number shewn in some As to fittings


conspicuous part thereof, and shall be fitted ,

With an indicator by means of which the speed shall be shewn ;

With a suitable fender to push aside obstructions ;

With a special bell, whistle or other apparatus to be sounded as a warning

when necessary ; and

With a seat for the driver of such engine, so placed in front of such engine

as to command the fullest possible view of the road before him.

Every such engine shall be free from noise produced by blast or clatter of machinery,

and the machinery shall be concealed from view at all points above 4 inches from the

level of the rails, and all fire used on such engine shall be concealed from view.

Schedule B.

The tolls and charges by this Ordinance authorized to be taken are : —

For every passenger travelling upon the tramways Nos . 1 , 2, 3 and 4, or any

of them, or any part thereof,

If such passenger is a first class passenger, any sum not

20 cents .

exceeding ...... }

If a second class passenger, any sum not exceeding ......... 15 "9

If a third class passenger, any sum not exceeding 5 ""

For every passenger travelling upon the tramway No. 5, or any part thereof,

The same tolls and charges as those hereinbefore authorized in respect

of the tramways Nos. 1 , 2, 3 and 4.

For every passenger travelling upon the tramway No. 6, or any part thereof,—

If such passenger is a first class passenger, any sum not

30 cents.

exceeding ... }

If a second class passenger, any sum not exceeding ..20 ""

If a third class passenger, any sum not exceeding ........ 10 "9

Schedule C.



Per mile.

For every horse, mule, or other beast of draught or burden, per head, ....... 12 cents.

For every ox, cow, bull or head of cattle, per head, 12 ..

For every calf, pig, sheep, or other small animal, per head, .. 10 ""

1734 ORDINANCE No. 6 or 1883.

Tramways .

Goods and Minerals.

Per mile.

For all coals, coke, culm, charcoal , cannel, limestone, chalk, lime, salt, sand , fire

clay, cinders, dung, compost and all sorts of manure, and all undressed

materials for the repair of public roads or highways, per ton, .. 20 cents.

For all iron, iron ore, pig iron, bar iron , rod iron , sheet iron, hoop iron, plates

of iron , slabs , billets and rolled iron , bricks, slags, and stone, stones for

building, pitching, and paving, tiles, slates, and clay (except fire-clay) ,

and for wrought iron not otherwise specially classed herein, and for

heavy iron castings, including railway chairs , per ton , 20 39

For all sugar, grain, corn , flour, hides, dyewoods, earthenware, timber and

metals (except iron ) , nails, anvils, vices, and chains, and for light iron

castings, per ton , ........ 20 99

For cotton and other wools, drugs (except opium) and manufactured goods,

and all other wares, merchandise, fish, articles, matters or things, per ton, 30 39

For opium, per chest, 20 99

Small parcels.

For every parcel not exceeding seven pounds in weight , each ,........ 5 99

For any parcel exceeding seven pounds and not exceeding fourteen pounds in

weight, each, ..………………. 10 09

For any parcel exceeding fourteen pounds and not exceeding twenty- eight

pounds in weight, each, 15 ""

For any parcel exceeding twenty- eight pounds, and not exceeding fifty-six

pounds in weight, each, .... 20 22

For any parcel exceeding fifty - six pounds in weight, such sums as the company

may think fit.

Provided always, that articles sent in large aggregate quantities, although made

up in separate parcels, such as bags of sugar, coffee, meal, and the like, shall not be

deemed small parcels, but that term shall apply only to single parcels in separate


Regulations as to tolls.

A fraction of a mile beyond an integral number of miles shall be deemed a mile.

For a fraction of a ton, the company may demand and take tolls and charges

according to the number of the quarters of a ton in such fraction, and if there be a

fraction of a quarter of a ton, such fraction shall be deemed a quarter of a ton.

With respect to all articles except stone and timber, the weight shall be determined

according to the usual avoirdupois weight.

With respect to stone and timber, fourteen cubic feet of stone, fifty cubic feet

of China fir or Singapore cedar, and forty cubic feet of any other timber, shall be

deemed one ton weight, and so in proportion for any smaller quantity.

No. 6 OF 1883. 1735


ule D.








...... Vacant Ground.

25 JNg Sui Woo and Loi Shop and House.


Sai Tin and Chau Che. 99


21 Wong Hui Shang and 99

Hop Ki. "

Ng Hoi & Fuk Cheong. 99

0182 0

Mak Cheong. ...... 99


99 ......

1: Yu Fuk and Sing Ho. 99

(Not let), Chung Tin 99

10 Yeong.

Ho A-yow & Ho Sau Yin Cho and Tsui

11 Fat. 29


99 ... Chun Yin Tsun and ་་




Leong A-leung.

13 "" ... Leong Yun Shan. 99

Tsang Kum and Chung


14 Wong Kam. Tai. 99

Ho A-yow & Ho Fok Shing. 99

15 A-mui.

Leong Wing Kw

ong & Tam Sai Leong King Ki. Shop and House.






99 99 99




Chang Nam and Quok


18 21 Wong Ngan Moey. 19

Yung Luk.

19 Yam A-ching. Chiu A-sz & Chiu Sue. ""


20 "" Mok Chung & Chue Ng. 99

21 39 Tam Sam, (not let). .... 29

99 Tang King, (not let). 99

... ( Chau Pat Yau & Wong 99



1 Shing.

24 ...... Chau Shau & Chau Sam . 99

... Tong Kee. Leong Kwok She, Chinese Shop.

25 21


(rent charge).

Sam Kee. 92 99


26 21


27 21 Ching Yune. 99 99


(Wong Chau, Yung San, 99 (Two together).

29 22


& Woh Sang. Chinese Shop.


Wing Tuck, represent

30 Chow A-oan. ative of the late R. ...... ""



31 Shin Yune & Mow Lee. Fong Attai. 99

32 Kwan Woh. 99 99

33 Yik Lec. 99 19

34 Yik Lee and Chow Sai. 99 99

35 Kut Loong. 29 99

36 Sz Hing. 99 99

37 Lai Kee. 99 99

Revd. Fr. Fer

38 Vacant. nando Sainz. 29

39 Tak Loong & Hoi On. 99 ??






40 158 Queen's Road West,... Inland Lot N

41 160 ai Ling Cheong and Chinese Shop.

"" "" ""

42 162 How Woh.

99 97 ... ""


43 164 99 op Lee. ""

Loong& Chung A-yau. ""

44 166 "" van Hing Loong &

Wong A-ho. ""

45 168 99

ng Lee & Wong A-ho. 99

46 170 "" van Hing & Tong

Kee. 97

47 172 99 ng Wah and Low




Sau Woo.

48 174 29 22 Not Leong,WongKwai, ( T. G. Linstead's



and Hoi Kee. 1 Executors.

49 197 99 27 ... Marine Lot Novan Ye Woh. Chinese House.

50 199 97 99 Noju Loong . Foon Che



ng and Yik Woh.


51 201 99 ... au Chi Pat, Chau

: 3:2 34

lang and Yik Woh. 19

52 203 99 Cheong and Shun


53 205 99 19 No. e Pun .


Cheong. 99



54 207 ...


55 269 99 ... "" No'n Leong Chan. 99

Shang Tong. Chinese Shop.

56 271


99 99 ng Hing and Wong 99



57 273 No.1 Shang, Liu Kee,


27 *** ""

ling Woh and Loi 99


58 275 22 ... n Shang Tong, (2


oors empty), Lou


59 277 "" "" .,1g Lum Tong, Tye

it, Leong Kit Lim ""

Pang Leong Kee.

60 279 99 99 ,,1g Loong, Tsing

"hoong Nam, Le


99 No. 1go and Lai Yuk.

61 9D Centre Street, g

remainin Cheong, Lui Tack "

62 9c 99 99 99 id Leong Chut Tye.



63 None. New Lane (no name ), 99 No. 9Cheong. ( Revd. Francis

ant. 97

64 166 Benit Herce.


Praya West, 91 99

65 166A 99 .... " 29 < Hing. 99

66 166B .... 92 99

"3 97 99 Woh Tong.

67 166c 99 ... "" 29 Woh Cheong. 97 99

68 166D 27 99 19 99

99 ,, 19

69 166E 99 99 29 Law Hin. 99

Xee. 99 19

A small piece of

70 None, Queen's Road West,... ground at the South

97 No. 1'Sailors' Home . East corner of the


71 None. Acorner of Mr. Ede's vae

The Gap, Victoria Farm Lot No. 3: ant land triangular in sha

Peak, 3 Ede, Esq. pe as per deposited plan

215,205 and 60 feet on the

sides, and 6,450 square feet

in area moreor less.

ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1883. 1737


Schedule E.

This suit is brought for the purpose of ascertaining the compensation to be paid

by the company for the interest of (the vendor or other assuring or releasing party) as

(name the nature of the interest) in (describe the premises required by the company)

under the provisions of the Tramways' Ordinance, 1883.

Schedule F.

Form of conviction.

Hongkong Be it remembered that , on the day of

to wit. in the year of Our Lord 18 " (A.B.) is convicted before (C.D ,) a

Magistrate for the Colony of Hongkong, (here describe the offence generally and the

time and place when and where committed) contrary to the Tramways' Ordinance, 1883.

Given under my hand and seal the day and year first above written .

C. D.

[Confirmation proclaimed 3rd November, 1883. ]

Order made by the Governor in Council on the 4th March, 1885, under the provisions

ofsection 4 ofthe Tramways Ordinance, 1883, as amended by section 2

ofthe Tramways Ordinance Amendment Ordinance, 1883.

(Gazette 7th March, 1885. )

Whereas the promoters, as defined by section 3 of the Tramways Ordinance, 1883 ,

desire and propose to grant to the Honourable PHINEAS RYRIE and ALEXANDER FINDLAY

SMITH, their executors , administrators and assigns, the right to construct and maintain

the tramway, numbered six, in the said Tramways Ordinance, 1883, and thereby authorised

to be made, and all the privileges thereby conferred, in so far as the said PHINEAS RYRIE

and ALEXANDER FINDLAY SMITH or either of them, their, or any or either of their

executors, administrators, or assigns may desire to exercise the same in respect of or

regard to the said tramway numbered six in the said Tramways Ordinance, 1883 , (but

saving and excepting unto the promoters and the survivors and survivor of them and their

and his assignees or assignee the privileges by the said Tramways Ordinance, 1883 ,

conferred in so far as the promoters or the survivors or survivor of them or their or his

assignees or assignee may desire to exercise the same in respect of or regard to the

tramways numbered 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 in the said Tramways Ordinance, 1883 ) : And whereas

the proposed grant has been submitted for the assent and approval of the Governor in

Council under the provisions of section 4 of the Tramways Ordinance, 1883, as amended

by section 2 of the Tramways Ordinance Amendment Ordinance, 1883, * and is in the [* Ord. No. 18

of1883. ]

terms following that is to say :

"This indenture made the day of one thousand eight

hundred and eighty -five between FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON formerly of Victoria

in the Colony of Hongkong but who is now residing in Great Britain Esquire the

1738 ORDINANCE No. 6 CF 1883.



SMITH formerly of Victoria aforesaid but now of Shanghai in the Empire of China

Esquire and WILLIAM KERFOOT HUGHES of VICTORIA aforesaid Esquire (who are all

hereinafter referred to as ' the Promoters ' ) of the one part and the Honourable

PHINEAS RYRIE of Victoria aforesaid and ALEXANDER FINDLAY SMITH of Victoria

aforesaid merchant (who are both hereinafter referred to as ' the Purchasers ' ) of

the other part Whereas by the Tramways Ordinance 1883 it was amongst other things

enacted that (section 3 ) the promoters or the survivors or survivor of them should

be the promoters for the purposes of that Ordinance and were thereinafter referred

to as the promoters and that (section 4 since repealed ) when and so soon as that

Ordinance should have come into operation as thereinafter provided (but not before)

the promoters might with the assent and approval of the Governor in Council and in

manner therein mentioned assign and absolutely dispose of any one or more of the

tramways thereby authorised to be constructed and all and every the assignees or

assignee for the time being from the promoters whether a corporate body or not were

and was thereinafter included in the expression and referred to as the company and

the said reciting Ordinance more particularly mentioned and described the tramways

which were thereby authorised to be made and constructed the powers for construction

thereof the provisions for the protection of gas and water companies and of sewers

drains water-courses and subways the powers to sell lease and mortgage and the

other powers and provisions therein more particularly mentioned and set out and in

particular it was thereby enacted that (inter alia ) if the company did not within

three years after the time at which they might under that Ordinance have commenced

the construction of any one or more of the tramways thereby authorised and complete

and open the same for public traffic or if within one year after the time aforesaid the

construction of any one or more of such tramways was not in the opinion of the

Governor in Council substantially commenced the powers thereby given to the

company for constructing such tramways so not completed or commenced or otherwise

in relation thereto should cease to be exercised unless the time were prolonged by

the Governor in Council And it was thereby also enacted that (section 145) that

Ordinance should not come into operation until Her Majesty's confirmation thereof

was proclaimed by the Governor And whereas by a proclamation dated the third

November one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, and published in the Hongkong

Government Gazette of the same date under the hand of His Excellency Sir George

FERGUSON BOWEN Knight Grand Cross of the most Distinguished Order of St.

Michael and St. George Governor and Commander-in - Chief of the Colony of Hongkong

and its Dependencies and Vice- Admiral of the same and the Seal of the said Colony

of Hongkong after reciting that a despatch had been received from the Right

Honourable the Earl of DERBY Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the

Colonies conveying to him ( the said Sir GEORGE FERGUSON BOWEN ) Her Majesty's

gracious confirmation and allowance of (inter alia) the said recited Ordinance it was

by the now reciting proclamation proclaimed that ( inter alia) the said Ordinance

had been so confirmed and allowed as aforesaid And whereas by the Tramways

Ordinance Amendment Ordinance 1883 after reciting that a doubt had arisen as to

the powers conferred upon the promoters for the purposes of the Tramways Ordinance

ORDINANCE No. 6 or 1883. 1739

Tramways .

1883 under section 4 of the said Ordinance and that it was desirable to remove such

doubt it was enacted that (section 2 ) the Tramways Ordinance 1883 was thereby

amended by repealing section 4 and by inserting in lieu thereof the section following.

" 4. The promoters may with the assent and approval of the Governor in

Council grant the right to construct and maintain any one or more of the tram

ways hereby authorized to be made and all or any of the privileges hereby con

ferred without receiving any valuable consideration therefor or for any con

sideration that the promoters may think fit to accept to such persons or person

corporation or company and with under and subject to such terms and conditions

in all respects as the promoters shall think fit and may with the approval of the

Governor in Council upon failure of any of the terms and conditions contained

in the original or any subsequent grant if thereunto authorized by the terms of

such original or subsequent grant revoke the same and re-grant all or any such

rights and privileges and so much of any tramway as may be constructed upon

such terms and conditions as to them shall seem fit and all and every the assignees

or assigne for the time being from the promoters whether a corporate body or not

are and is hereinafter included in the expression and referred to as the company

And it was also enacted that (section 3 ) that Ordinance should commence and

take effect on the first January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four And

whereas on the eighth October one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four (the

construction of any one or more of the said tramways not having been then substan

tially commenced) an application was made to the Governor in Council for an ex

tension of the time allowed by the said Tramways Ordinance 1883 for the substantial

commencement of the construction of all the tramways authorized by the Ordinance

in the words and figures following that is to say

" T., 35 Queen's Road Hongkong 8th October 1884 Sir By the Tramways

Ordinance 1883 section 26 it is provided that if within one year after the time

at which the company might under that Ordinance have commenced the con

struction of any one or more of the tramways the construction of any one or more

of such tramways is not in the opinion of the Governor in Council substantially

commenced the powers thereby given to the company for constructing such

tramways so not commenced or otherwise in relation thereto shall cease to be

exercised unless the time be prolonged by the Governor in Council section 145

enacted that the Ordinance was not to come into operation until Her Majesty's

confirmation was proclaimed by the Governor This confirmation was pro

claimed on the 3rd November 1883 consequently the first year of the concession

has nearly expired On the 29th July last a company was duly formed and

registered for the purpose of acquiring and taking over with the assent and

approval of the Governor in Council from the four promoters named in the

Ordinance the right to construct and maintain all or any of the tramways num

bered 1 2 3 4 and 5 in the Ordinance and all the privileges thereby conferred in

so far as the company might desire to exercise the same in respect of the said

tramways numbered 1 2 3 4 and 5 (but saving and excepting unto the said four

promoters the said privileges in so far as they might desire to exercise the same

1740 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883 .


in respect of the tramway numbered six in the said Ordinance) without paying

any valuable consideration therefor and upon such terms and conditions as the

said four promoters should think fit The capital of the company was $500,000

divided into 10,000 shares of $50 each The company was duly advertised and

subscriptions for shares invited up to the end of the month of September last

The amount of subscriptions however did not come up to the company's

expectations and was not sufficient to float the company successfully The causes

of this are not far to seek They arise no doubt from the present state of affairs

between France and China and the deplorable depression of trade which is now

existing In fact there could probably be no worse time than the present for

floating the undertaking Under these circumstances we are requested to apply

on behalf of the company for the consent of the Governor in Council to the

extension for the period of 12 calendar months of the time allowed by the

Ordinance for the substantial commencement of the construction of all the

tramways authorized by the Ordinance We have the honour to be Sir Your

obedient servants -BRERETON WOTTON & DEACON The Honourable FREderick

STEWART LL.D., Acting Colonial Secretary ' "

" And whereas to the said application a reply was received in the words and

figures following that is to say

" No. 1434 Colonial Secretary's Office Hongkong 13th October 1884

Gentlemen I have the honour by direction of His Excellency the Officer Ad

ministering the Government to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the

8th instant applying on behalf of the tramways company for permission to ex

tend to 12 months the time for commencing the construction of all the tramways

authorized by Ordinance 6 of 1883 In reply I am to inform you that the

Governor in Council has been pleased to grant your application I have the

honour to be Gentlemen Your most obedient servant - FREDERICK STEWART

Acting Colonial Secretary Messrs. BRERETON WOTTON & DEACON"

" And whereas the purchasers lately applied to the promoters to grant to them the

right to construct and maintain the tramway numbered six in the said Tramways

Ordinance 1883 and thereby authorized to be made and all the privileges thereby

conferred in so far as the purchasers might desire to exercise the same in respect

of or regard to the said tramway numbered six (but saving and excepting unto the

promoters and the survivors and survivor of them and their and his assignees or

assignee the privileges by the said Tramways Ordinance 1883 conferred in so far as

the promoters or the survivors or survivor of them or their

• or his assignees or assignee

might desire to exercise the same in respect of or regard to the tramways numbered

1 2 3 4 and 5 in the said Ordinance) at or for the sum of two thousand dollars

which the promoters (subject to the assent and approval of the Governor in Council

being obtained) agreed to do AND WHEREAS on the 26th January last an application

on behalf of the promoters and of the purchasers was made to the Governor in

Council in the words and figures following that is to say

" T. , 35 Queen's Road Hongkong 26th January 1885 Sir We have the

pleasure to inform His Excellency that the promoters of the tramways author-

ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1883. 1741

Tramways .

ized to be made by the Tramways Ordinance 1883 propose forthwith to assign


this City the Peak tramway and all the privileges to it belonging to which

assignment the assent and approval of the Governor in Council is by the Tram

ways Ordinance Amendment Ordinance 1883 required to be obtained before the

assignment can be effectuated On behalf of the promoters we have the honour

now to apply (in the terms of the accompanying draft Order in Council) for

such assent and approval and beg to state that it is framed on lines in all res

pects similar to those on which the former draft Order in Council relating to

the low level tramways was framed and which draft order was approved of by

the Governor in Council As will no doubt be remembered on the 8th October

1884 we applied on behalf of the proposed tramway company for the consent of

the Governor in Council to the extension of the time for substantially com

mencing the construction of all the tramways which consent was granted

That consent having been granted to the company Messrs. RYRIE and SMITH

now request us to apply on their behalf for the formal assent of the Governor

in Council to the extension for the period of 12 calendar months of the time

allowed by the Tramway Ordinance 1883 for the substantial commencement of

the construction of the tramway numbered six in the Ordinance being the Peak

line and we beg to apply for such consent accordingly If it is granted the

enclosed draft Order in Council will require some small verbal amendment

which we should be happy to effect if so desired We have the honour to be

Sir your obedient servants WOTTON & DEACON The Honourable W. H. MARSH

C.M.G., Colonial Secretary.""

" And whereas to the said application a reply was received in the words and figures


following that is to say :


"No. 141 Colonial Secretary's Office Hongkong 11th February 1885

Gentlemen In reply to your letter of the 26th ultimo I am directed to inform

you that the Governor in Council has been pleased to assent and approve of the

assignment by the promoters of the tramways authorised by Ordinance 6 of

1883 to Messrs. P. RYRIE and A. FINDLAY SMITH of the privilege of construct

ing tramway number six (Peak Line) The Governor in Council has also been

pleased to approve of the extension for the period of 12 calendar months of the

time allowed by the Tramways Ordinance 1883 for the substantial commence

ment of the construction of this tramway As requested I am to return herewith

the draft Order in Council for the necessary amendment as suggested by you I

am to add that the extension of time granted in the letter from this office No.

1434 of the 13th October last is so far as the construction of tramway number

six is concerned hereby revoked I have the honour to be Gentlemen your

most obedient servant-W . H. MARSH Colonial Secretary Messrs. WOTTON &


“ And whereas the said assent and approval of the Governor in Council to the grant

hereby made has now been duly given by a formal Order in Council Now This

Indenture Witnesseth that in pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration

1742 ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1883 .


of the sum of two thousand dollars to the promoters now paid in equal proportions

by the purchasers (the receipt whereof the promoters do and each of them doth

hereby acknowledge) they the promoters do and each of them doth hereby grant to

the purchasers their executors administrators and assigns all that the right to construct

and maintain the said tramway numbered six in the said Tramways Ordinance 1883

and thereby authorised to be made and all the privileges thereby conferred in so far

as the purchasers or either of them their or any or either of their executors adminis

trators or assigns may desire to exercise the same in respect of or regard to the said

tramway numbered six (but saving and excepting unto the promoters and the sur

vivors and survivor of them and their and his assignees or assignee the privileges

by the said Tramways Ordinance 1883 couferred in so far as the promoters or the

survivors or survivor of them or their or his assignees or assignee may desire to

exercise the same in respect of or regard to the tramways numbered 1 2 3 4 and 5

in the said Tramways Ordinance 1883 ) to have and to hold the said premises hereby

granted unto the purchasers their executors administrators and assigns in equal

undivided moieties as tenants in common and not as joint tenants for all the estate

and interest of the promoters and each of them therein And each of them the

promoters doth hereby for himself his heirs exccutors and administrators covenant

with each of them the purchasers his executors administrators and assigns respect

ively that notwithstanding anything by them the said respective covenanting parties

respectively done omitted or knowingly suffered they the promoters now have power

to grant all the said premises hereinbefore granted in manner aforesaid free from

incumbrances And that all the said premises may be quietly entered into and held

and enjoyed by the purchasers and each of them their and each and every of their

executors administrators and assigns without any interruption by the promoters or

any person claiming through or in trust for them or any or either of them And that

they the promoters and the survivors or survivor of them and every person lawfully

claiming through or in trust for them or him will at all times at the cost of the

purchasers or one of them their or some or one of their executors administrators or

assigns execute and do all such assurances and things for further or better assuring

all or any of the said premises unto the purchasers their executors administrators

and assigns as by them shall be reasonably required In witness whereof the said

parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above

written Received the day and year first above written of and from the above named

PHINEAS RYRIE and ALEXANDER FINDLAY SMITH the sum of two thousand dollars

being the consideration money above expressed to be paid by them to us"

Now, it is ordered that the assent and approval of the Governor in Council be given

and such assent and approval is hereby given to the said proposed grant.

Notification by the Governor in Council under section 25 of the Tramways

Ordinance, 1883, made and gazetted 26th May, 1888.

Whereas the Surveyor General has certified that the tramway described as tramway

No. 6 in section 5 of The Tramways Ordinance, 1883, is fit for public traffic, it is hereby

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883. 1743


notified that the same is authorised , and the same is hereby authorised to be opened for

such traffic .


NOTE. The tramway was closed to public traffic from the end ofMay to the 26th July,

1889, owing to repairs necessitated by storm damage .

Notification by the Governor in Council under section 25 ofthe Tramways

Ordinance, 1883, made and gazetted 26th July, 1889.

Whereas the Surveyor General has certified that the tramway described as tramway

No. 6 in section 5 of the Tramways Ordinance, 1883, is fit for public traffic, it is hereby

notified that the same is authorised , and the same is hereby authorised to be opened for

such traffic.

Regulations made the 16th day of December, 1889, by the Governor

in Council, under the Tramways Ordinance, 1883, section 42,

gazetted the 21st December, 1889.

1. These regulations shall apply to the high level tramway described as tramway Application.

No. 6 in The Tramways Ordinance 1883 and the expression the company shall mean

the Hongkong High Level Tramways Company Limited .

2. No passenger carriage of the company now in use shall carry at one time more Number of

passengers to be

than forty passengers, but in reckoning the number of passengers two children under the carried on tram


age of 12 years not in arms shall count as one passenger and babies in arms and the

servants of the company not exceeding two in number actually employed on any such

carriage shall not be included.

3. The weight of any luggage goods or merchandize of any description whatever Luggage, only to

be carried on

conveyed by any passenger carriage together with the weight of the passengers in such passenger car,

under certain

carriage (who for this purpose shall be held to weigh 140lbs . each) shall not exceed 2 conditions.

tons . Nor shall any luggage goods or merchandize be conveyed in any truck or waggon

attached to any passenger carriage.

4. Except at the terminus at St. John's Place and at Victoria Gap, no carriage No stoppage for


shall stop at any place nor shall any place be used for the purpose of taking up or except at


depositing passengers unless such place has been certified by the Surveyor General as stations.

safe and suitable for the purpose, and any such place when so certified shall be kept and

maintained by the company in constant good order and condition.

1744 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1883.


Watchmen to be

employed to 5. The company shall keep one or more competent watchmen employed at all times

prevent obstruc

tions. when the carriages are running to prevent any stones dirt wood refuse or other materials

or any obstruction from being placed on the permanent way and rails and to remove any

such materials or obstructions therefrom .

Time ofinspec 6. The carriages trucks and waggons of the company and the machinery therein

tionand testing

of carriages &c., now in use shall hereafter be inspected and tested by the Surveyor General or any officer

of machinery &c.

or officers appointed for the purpose by the Governor in Council in the month of January

and the month of June in every year and the engines ropes and other machinery of the

tramway shall be also inspected and tested as aforesaid in the month of June in

every year.

Notice of altera 7. The company shall give one month's notice in writing to the Surveyor General

tions or changes

in machinery &c. of every intended change or alteration of or in any engine or carriage used on the said

tramway or any machinery therein or of or in the permanent way and rails and the

Surveyor General may if he think fit require the same to be tested and may where the

circumstances of the case permit allow any such change or alteration to be made prior to

the expiration of such notice as aforesaid.

Velocity of 8. No carriage truck or waggon shall travel at a greater speed than 8 miles an


hour and the company shall as soon as practicable and not later than six months from

the date of these regulations fix and maintain on every carriage truck or waggon in use

on the line an automatic brake for the purpose of regulating the speed thereof.

Penalty for 9. Every breach of any of these regulations shall be an offence against the said

breach of regula

tions. Ordinance and shall render the company liable to a penalty not exceeding $ 10 and for

any continuing offence to a penalty not exceeding $5 for every day during which the

offence continues .

Additional regulation made by the Governor in Council, under the provisions

of section 42 of Crdinance No. 6 of 1883, the 26th June, 1890.

(Gazette 5th July, 1890.)

Regulation No. 8 of the 16th day of December, 1889, is hereby annulled and in lieu

thereof the following regulation shall be substituted :

" No carriage truck or waggon shall travel at a greater speed than 8 miles an hour

and the company shall as soon as practicable and not later than six months from the

date of these regulations fix and maintain a proper brake or brakes for the purpose of

regulating the speed thereof. Such brake shall be deemed a proper brake when certified

by the Surveyor General as in his opinion suitable and sufficient."

ORDINANCE No. 7 OF 1883 . 1745

Order and Cleanliness.

No. 7 of 1883 .

An Ordinance entitled The Order and Cleanliness Amendment Ordinance,

1883 .

[ 13th June, 1883. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

BⓇ Council thereof, as follows :

1. Sections 10 , 13, 14, and 15 of Ordinance 9 of 1867, are hereby repealed, but Repeal.

such repeal shall not affect the validity or invalidity of anything done or suffered before

the passing of this Ordinance.

2. The Governor may constitute a permanent Sanitary Board to exercise super Sanitary Board.

vision and control over all matters connected with sanitation in the Colony .

The Board shall consist of the Surveyor General, the Registrar General and the Members of the


Colonial Surgeon for the time being, and of such other members not less than two in

number as the Governor may from time to time appoint. The Governor may at his

discretion remove any member so appointed.

The Governor may from time to time appoint and at pleasure remove a sanitary Appointment of

officers .

inspector and inspector of nuisances and such officers as the Board may require for the

purpose of carrying out the duties of the Board and the laws relating to sanitation.

Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council, the Board may make and Rules.

when made, revoke, add to, or alter rules for its own procedure and for the guidance

and conduct of its officers.

3. If any member of the Sanitary Board, or any two resident medical practitioners Overcrowded.


shall certify to a Magistrate that any house is so overcrowded or is in such a filthy and

unwholesome state as to be dangerous or injurious to the public health, the Magistrate

shall issue a summous against the householder as defined by the Victoria Registration

Ordinance, 1866, or his agent, by notice affixed to the house, to appear before the said

Magistrate who shall thereupon make such order as he may think fit ; and in case any

order so made shall not be complied with by such householder or agent, within 7 days

from the making thereof, the said Magistrate may thereupon impose on the person so

refusing or neglecting to obey the said order, a fine not exceeding $ 50, and in default

of payment, the person so refusing or neglecting to obey the said order may be im

prisoned for any term not exceeding 3 months .

4. If any inspector of nuisances or any other person reports to the Sanitary Board Power to enter


concerning any house or tenement that he has reason to believe :

(a.) that such house or tenement or any of the arrangements therein or con

nected therewith are in such an unwholesome or defective state as to

be or to be likely to become a source of danger to the inhabitants or

neighbours, or

1746 ORDINANCE No. 7 OF 1883.

Order and Cleanliness.

(b.) that the sanitary conditions prescribed by or under authority of law are

not fulfilled in respect of the said house or tenement or of any of the

arrangements therein,

the Sanitary Board may in its discretion by order in writing authorize an inspector of

nuisances to enter such house or tenement and inspect the condition of the same.

The inspector of nuisances shall on demand produce and show the order to any

person being or claiming to be the occupier of such house or tenement .

Any person refusing to permit the inspector of nuisances so duly authorized to

enter and inspect any house or tenement shall on conviction thereof before a Magistrate

be liable to a fine not exceeding $ 10 or in default of payment to imprisonment for any

term not exceeding 14 days.

Removal of 5. Where any person is suffering from small-pox or any other contagious or in

person suffering

from small-pox,

& c. fectious disease and is without proper lodging or accommodation or is lodged in a

tenement occupied by more than one family or is on board any ship or vessel a Magis

trate may on the certificate of the Colonial Surgeon or any other duly qualified med

ical practitioner order the removal of such person to such suitable hospital or other like

place as may be provided for the purpose.

Disinfecting 6. Where any tenement has been occupied by any person affected with small-pox


or other infectious or contagious disease, the Colonial Surgeon may give notice in

writing to the owner or occupier to disinfect and purify such tenement, in such manner

and within such time as the Colonial Surgeon may direct, and if the person to whom

notice is so given fails to comply therewith, he shall be liable on conviction thereof

before a Magistrate to such fine as will in the opinion of the Magistrate suffice to cover

the expense of disinfecting and purifying such tenement, which fine shall be paid over

to the Sanitary Board for the purposes of this Ordinance, and to a further penalty not

exceeding $5 for every day during which he continues to make default, and the Colonial

Surgeon may cause such tenement to be disinfected and purified .

Power to remove 7. In case of emergency the Sanitary Board may order the immediate removal of

noxious accu

mulation, &c.

any noxious accumulation and the closing up of such wells, cess- pools or drains, in

any tenement, as in their opinion may be immediately injurious to the public health,

and the cost incurred shall be chargeable either to the occupants of such tenements, or

to the public as the Board shall decide.

Erection of 8. No person shall, after the passing of this Ordinance, erect a water-closet within


his tenement, or connect such water-closet by means of a connection-drain with any

public or private sewer, without the written permission of the Sanitary Board.

Night soil and 9. All night-soil and urine shall vest in and become the absolute property of the

urine the pro

perty ofthe Government night- soil contractors for the time being and the disposal of it shall be

night-soil con


subject to regulations to be made under this Ordinance. Provided, that the licensees

of public latrines shall still be at liberty to dispose of the night-soil from latrines

existing at the time of the passing of this Ordinance under the regulations in force at

ORDINANCE No. 7 OF 1883. 1747

Order and Cleanliness.

the time of the passing of this Ordinance, and that the owners of gardens in villages,

may use on their own lands the waste products of their tenements if conveyed according

to such regulations .

10. All householders within the City of Victoria shall provide themselves with Householders to

provide dust

suitable dust-boxes in accordance with a pattern deposited for the inspection of the boxes.

public, at the District Police Stations in the city, and all the day's house- sweepings,

ashes, offal, and refuse, shall be deposited in the dust-box, and in no place or recept

acle other than the dust-box which shall be at all times maintained in due repair by

the owner.

11. The keeping of pigs, goats, or cattle without a licence from the Sanitary Keeping pigs, &c

Board is hereby prohibited, and any person keeping such animals, either without a

licence from the Sanitary Board or in a manner contravening such sanitary conditions

as may be endorsed on such licence, shall be liable on conviction before a Magistrate

to a fine not exceeding $5, and in default of payment to imprisonment for any term

not exceeding 14 days, and to forfeit all animals in respect of the keeping of which he

has so offended .

12. The Governor in Council may from time to time make and when made, revoke, Governor in

Conncil may

add to , or alter regulations for the carrying out of all laws relating to sanitation and make regula


especially for the better removal by householders and public contractors, of night- soil ,

urine, dust, rubbish or filth collected or deposited or remaining on any tenement and

may by such regulations affix penalties not exceeding in any case $ 100 or imprison

ment with or without hard labour for 3 months for the breach of any such regulations

to be recovered on summary conviction of the offender before a Magistrate.

13. This Ordinance shall come into operation on a day to be proclaimed by the Date of coming

into operation.


In force from the 13th June, 1883, under proclamation of same date. Repealed by

Ordinance, No. 24 of 1887. ]

NOTE. For repealed regulation as to small-pox of the 17th December, 1887, see Gazette

of same date.

For Order in Council repealing above regulation of the 15th January, 1889,

see Gazette 26th of same month.

See also Ordinance No. 24 of 1887 sec. 2.

1748 ORDINANCES Nos. 8 AND 9 OF 1883 .

Excise ( Opium). Merchant Shipping Consolidation.

No. 8 of 1883 .

An Ordinance entitled The Excise Ordinances (Opium) 1858-1879 Amend

ment Ordinance 1883, (No. 2) .

[ 20th July, 1883. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

B' Council thereof, as follows : --

Certain provi 1. Except as hereinafter provided , all the provisions of the Excise Ordinances

sions of the

Excise Ordi (Opium) 1858-1883 as to searches, arrest, possession , the seizure and disposal of

nances (Opium)

1858-1883 to

apply to dross opium, utensils, vessels, or implements used for preparing the same, and the disposal

opium .

thereof, penalties and their division, and rewards to informers, shall apply, so far as

circumstances will admit, in relation to all cases of possession of, preparing, or dealing

in dross opium without authority from the person licensed by the Governor in Council

to have the exclusive privilege of dealing in and preparing dross opium.

Sec. 7 of Ordi 2. The provisions of section 7 of Ordinance No. 2 of 1858 shall not apply to

nance 2 of1858

not to apply to sales of dross opium .

dros opium .

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 1 of 1884.]

No. 9 of 1883 .

An Ordinance entitled The Merchant Shipping Consolidation

Ordinance, 1879, Amendment Ordinance, 1883.

[ 20th July, 1883. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the


Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Sec. 25 of 1. Ordinance 8 of 1879 is hereby amended by striking out the words

Ordinance 8

of 1879 ―――――――

of section 25 and substituting in place thereof the words :

amended .

Governor in " The Governor in Council may from time to time make ,

Council may

make quaran " and when made, revoke, add to, or alter such regulations as

tine regula

tions. "the Governor in Council may deem necessary for maintaining

"and enforcing an effectual quarantine in the ports and waters


of the Colony, and for the setting apart of suitable places in

" available situations for quarantine stations , and providing for

"the detention and seclusion in such places of persons arriving

"on board vessels subjected to quarantine ."

ORDINANCE No. 9 OF 1883 . 1719

Merchant Shipping Consolidation.

" Any person offending against any such regulations shall Penalty for

breach of

" be liable on summary conviction before a Police Magistrate quarantine

regulations :

" to a penalty not exceeding $ 2,000 , or to imprisonment with and powers of

Police to

" or without hard labour for any term not exceeding 12 months , arrest, &c.

" or at the discretion of the Police Magistrate to both penalty

" and imprisonment, and the Captain Superintendent of Police,

" and any officers that he may appoint for the purpose of en

" forcing quarantine, shall have the same powers to prevent

"the commission of breaches of such regulations and to arrest ,

"recapture, or detain offenders against them as may be used


' by any person for the prevention of any felony , or the arrest ,

66 recapture, or detention of a felon ."

2. Ordinance 16 of 1882 is hereby repealed , provided that such Repeal.

repeal shall not affect the past operation of the said Ordinance , or any

thing done or suffered thereunder, or any liability or punishment in

respect thereof.

Regulations made by the Governor in Council under the provisions ofsection

1 of Ordinance 9 of 1883, the 30th day of July, 1886.

Gazette 31st July, 1886.

1. All previous regulations made under the provisions of section 1 of Ordinance 9 of

1883 are hereby revoked.

2. In these regulations the term Health Officer means the Health Officer of the port

or any other medical officer duly authorized to act for, or assist him ; the term Vessels

includes steamers, sailing vessels, junks, and lorchas, and British and Foreign ships of

War, as well as merchant vessels of all kinds ; the term port or place at which any in

fectious or contagious disease prevailed means a port or place proclaimed to be such by

order of the Governor in Council published in the Gazette from the date of such procla


3. Every vessel arriving in the waters of this Colony

(a.) After a voyage of less than 3 days from any port or place at which any

infectious or contagious disease prevailed at the time of such vessel's

departure therefrom ; or

(b.) Having at the time of arrival, or having had, during the voyage, any case

of any infectious or contagious disease on board ; or

(c.) Having on board any passengers who are less than 3 days from any port

or place where any infectious or contagious disease prevailed when such

passengers departed therefrom,

1750 ORDINANCE No. 9 OF 1883 .

Merchant Shipping Consolidation.

shall immediately on entering the waters of the Colony fly the quarantine flag, and shall

keep the same flying, and shall be deemed to be in quarantine until released therefrom by

express written order of the Health Officer, who shall, in every case, board and examine

all the passengers and crew of such vessel.

The quarantine flag shall be a flag of yellow colour (letter Q in International Code

of Signals) hoisted at the highest mast-head forward.

No such vessel shall enter the waters of the Colony before 6 A.M. or after 7 P.M.

4. Every vessel in quarantine shall proceed to the quarantine anchorage, and shall

not remove therefrom , except from stress of weather, until released from quarantine by

order of the Health Officer. No vessel having to leave the quarantine anchorage from

stress of weather shall communicate with the shore, or with any ship, and such vessel

shall return to the quarantine anchorage immediately such stress of weather has subsided .

Provided that in case of stress of weather involving probable actual danger to the vessel ,

the vessel may remove for a time, but shall be deemed nevertheless for all purposes to be

in quarantine, and subject to all other regulations applicable to such vessels.

5. The quarantine anchorage shall be within the following boundaries, and the

master of every vessel shall remove his vessel to any part of the quarantine anchorage as

and when required by the Harbour Master : -

Western Boundary. -A line drawn from the west side of Stone Cutters' Island to

west side of Green Island (on Admiralty Chart marked as harbour boundary) .

Southern Boundary. —That part of a line having the Naval Coal Sheds at Kaulung

bearing E. by S., commencing where it meets the eastern boundary, and terminating

where it meets the western boundary.

Eastern Boundary.— A south line drawn from a white mark on south side of Stone

Cutters' Island until it reaches the southern boundary.

Northern Boundary. - Five fathom line of soundings .

The place hereafter described , as follows, is hereby set apart to be a Lazaretto,

namely :

That part of the northern shore of Stone Cutters' Island which is bounded and

contained by a line of yellow posts.

6. The master or other person having the control of any vessel in quarantine shall

give the Health Officer or boarding officer such information about the vessel and the

voyage and the health of the crew and passengers and otherwise as the Health Officer or

boarding officer may require, and shall answer truly and fully all questions put to him by

the Health Officer or boarding officer..

7. The Health Officer may order the removal of such persons as he thinks fit from

any vessel in quarantine to the Lazaretto, and the master of any vessel from which such

persons are ordered to be removed shall conduct their removal according to the orders of

the Health Officer.

8. No vessel in quarantine shall be released from quarantine except by the express

written order of the Health Officer, nor until such precautions, by way of burning clothing ,

or fumigating, or otherwise, as may be ordered by the Health Officer, have been carried


ORDINANCE No. 9 OF 1883 . 1751

Merchant Shipping Consolidation.

If the vessel arrives from a port or place where cholera or choleraic diarrhoea

prevailed at the time of its departure, or if there has been any case of any such disease

on board the vessel, or any death therefrom, the vessel shall not be released from

quarantine until 3 clear days have elapsed since the date of the vessel's departure from

such port or place, or since any person was suffering from or died from any such disease

on board such vessel, as the case may be.

9. If any vessel in the waters of this Colony is known to have any case of any

infectious or contagious disease on board, or is a vessel which in the opinion of the

Health Officer ought according to these regulations to be in quarantine , the Health Officer

may order such vessel into quarantine, and the master or person in charge of such vessel

shall thereupon hoist the quarantine flag upon such vessel and remove the vessel to the

quarantine anchorage, and all the regulations applicable in relation to vessels in quarantine

shall apply to such vessel .

10. In case of a death happening on board any vessel in quarantine, or ordered into

quarantine, or in the Lazaretto, the body shall be disposed of in such manner as may be

ordered by the Health Officer ; and the master of the vessel shall carry out such orders

as the Health Officer may give him in relation to the disposal of the body.

11. When any quarantined vessel is in the waters of the Colony, no person shall

leave the vessel, or hold communication from the vessel with the shore, or with any other

vessel or boat, or take or send any person or thing whatever out of the vessel, until the

express written permission of the Health Officer has been communicated to the master

or other person having the control of the vessel, and such precautions as the Health

Officer may require have been observed.

12. When any vessel is in quarantine, no person other than the Health Officer or

persons in his boat shall approach within 30 yards of such vessel, or hold any communi

cation with such vessel, or with any person on board of it, or receive or take any person

or thing whatever directly or indirectly from the vessel or from any person on board of

it, without having first received the express written permission of the Health Officer,

and observing such precautions as the Health Officer may require.

13. No person placed in the Lazaretto shall leave the same, or hold communication

with any vessel or boat, or take or send any person or thing whatever out of the Laz

aretto without having first received the express written permission of the Health Officer,

and observing such precautions as the Health Officer may require.

14. No person other than the Health Officer, or persons expressly deputed by him,

shall enter the Lazaretto or approach within 30 yards of the boundaries thereof, or hold

communication with the Lazaretto or with any person in it, or receive or take anything

whatever directly or indirectly from the Lazaretto or from any person in it without

having first received the express written permission of the Health Officer, and observing

such precautions as the Health Officer may require.

15. The Captain Superintendent of Police, and any officers that he may appoint for

the purpose of enforcing quarantine, may order any person leaving or coming from any

vessel that is in quarantine or from the Lazaretto, or taking or sending any person or

1752 ORDINANCES Nos. 9 AND 10 OF 1883 .

Merchant Shipping Consolidation. French Mail Steamers.

thing whatever from any such vessel or Lazaretto to remain in or return to, and to

return such persons or things to such vessel or Lazaretto, and may by such necessary

force as the case requires compel any person neglecting or refusing to observe such order

to obey the same.

16. The above regulations shall not in any way interfere with the internal manage

ment of any of Her Majesty's Ships, or of Foreign Ships of War, or with their freedom to

procced to sea, whenever the officer in command may deem such course requisite.

17. Where any breach of any of the above regulations is committed, all the persons

assisting in any way in the commission of such breach and the master or other person

having the control of any vessel or boat on board of which such breach has been com

mitted, or which has been in any way engaged in the commission of such breach shall be

severally answerable for such breach , and shall be deemed guilty of the same.

NOTE . The following for superseded, repealed or revoked regulations were made under the

Ordinance :

Regulations under section 25 of Ord. No. 8 of 1879 as amended by Ord. No. 9 of

1883, of the 20th July, 1883. (See Gazette 21st of same month.)

Regulations under sec. 1 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1883 of the 14th Sept. , 1883 .

(See Gazette 15th of the same month.)

Regulations under sec. 1 of the same Ordinance of the 6th August, 1884.

(See Gazette of same date.)

Regulations under sec. 1 of the same Ordinance of the 23rd June, 1885.

(See Gazette 27th of the same month.)

Regulations under sec. 1 of the same Ordinance of 3rd March, 1886. (See

Gazette 6th of the same month.)

No. 10 of 1883 .

An Ordinance entitled The French Mail Steamers Ordinance continuation

Ordinance, 1883.

[ 3rd August, 1883. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

BR Council thereof, as follows :

1. Ordinance 6 of 1880 , entitled An Ordinance to make temporary provision for

securing the status of French Mail Steamers within the ports of the Colony of Hongkong, shall

continue in force until the first of September, 1884 , inclusive .

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]

ORDINANCE No. 11 of 1883 . 1753


No. 11 of 1883.

An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation of a Supplementary Sum

of One hundred and Thirty- two thousand Two hundred and Seventy

three Dollars and Five Cents to defray the Charges of the Year

1882 .

[ 8th August, 1883. ]

HEREAS it has become necessary to make further provision for the public

WHEservice of the Colony for the year 1882 , in addition to the charge upon the

revenue for the service of the said year already provided for. Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :--

1. A sum of one hundred and thirty-two thousand two hundred and seventy-three Supplementary

Estiinates 1882.

dollars and five cents is hereby charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the service

of the year 1882 , the said sum so charged being expended as hereinafter specified ; that

is to say:-


Governor, .... $ 813.24

Colonial Secretary, 3,286.86

Auditor General, 3,376.55

Registrar General, .... 198.52

Collector of Stamp Revenue, 55.30

Ecclesiastical, 2.00

Medical, 858.93

Gaol, .... 767.94

$ 9,359.34



Colonial Secretary,……………. 35.08

Educational , 1,778.51

Medical,. 4,269.28

Police, 4,590.25


Gaols, ... 817.02

Fire Brigade, 2,657.45

Works and Buildings, 72,499.53

Roads, Streets and Bridges, ...... 5,980.47

Miscellaneous Services,. 25,061.60

Land and Houses Purchased , ...

………. 2,600.00

Military Expenditure, 2,624.52

$ 122,913.71

TOTAL,..... $ 132,273.05

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]

1754 ORDINANCE No. 12 OF 1883.


No. 12 of 1883.

An Ordinance to apply a sum not exceeding One million and Fifty-one

thousand, One hundred and Eighty - seven Dollars to the Public

Service of the Year 1884 .

[ 8th August, 1883. ]

HEREAS the expenditure required for the service of this Colony for the year

WE 1884 has been estimated at the sum of one million and fifty- one thousand,

one hundred and eighty- seven dollars : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong,

with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1 A sum not exceeding one million and fifty-one thousand , one hundred and

eighty-seven dollars shall be, and the same is hereby charged upon the revenue of

this Colony for the service of the year 1884, and the said sum so charged may be expended

as hereinafter specified ; that is to say :


Governor, ... $ 8,758

Colonial Secretary, ……………. 11,312

Audit Office, . 4,518

Colonial Treasurer,. 4,750

Clerk of Councils , 100

Surveyor General, 45,153

Postmaster General, 26,928

Registrar General,....... 16,072

Harbour Master, 39,278

Lighthouses, 7,508

Observatory, ...... 5,796

Collector of Stamp Revenue, . 4,702

Government Gardens and Plantations, 6,890

Judicial, ..... 37,045

Ecclesiastical,..... 1,158

Educational , .... 27,727

Medical, ....... 16,326

Police Magistrates, 7,759

Police, ....... 150,074

Gaol, ......... 26,784

Fire Brigade......... 9,606


ORDINANCES Nos. 12 AND 13 OF 1883. 1755

Revenue. Naturalization.

Brought forward,. $458,244


Colonial Treasurer, $ 11,552

Surveyor General, ...... 2,160

Postmaster General, 119,000

Registrar General, 25

Harbour Master , 7,200

Government Gardens and Plantations, ..... 15,800

Judicial, ...... 860

Ecclesiastical , 500

Educational, 16,892

Medical *****. 15,028

Police Magistrates, 390

Police, ...... 41,774

Gaol, 21,720

Fire Brigade , ....... 5,800

Charitable Allowances,... 4,000

Transport, .. 4,500

Works and Buildings,. 117,500

Roads, Streets , and Bridges, 41,500

Miscellaneous Services, 53,997

Military Contribution, ..... 112,745


GRAND TOTAL , ………….. ..$ 1,051,187

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]

No. 13 of 1883 .

An Ordinance for the naturalization of LAI FONG.

[ 28th December , 1883. ]

HEREAS LAI FONG , has petitioned to be naturalized as a British


subject within the limits of the Colony , and whereas it is

expedient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof,

as follows :

1756 ORDINANCES Nos . 13 , 14 AND 15 OF 1883.


Naturaliza LAI FONG, shall be, and he is hereby naturalized a British subject

tion of

LAI FONG. within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony, but not

elsewhere, all the rights, advantages and privileges of a British subject,

on his taking the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the Promissory

Oaths Ordinance , 1869 .

No. 14 of 1883 .

An Ordinance for the naturalization of JANUARIO ANTONIO DE


[ 28th December, 1883. ]


naturalized as a British subject within the limits of this Colony ,

and whereas it is expedient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted

by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council


thereof, as follows :

Naturaliza JANUARIO ANTONIO DE CARVALHO , shall be, and he is hereby natural

tion of

JANUARIO ized a British subject within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this


CARVALHO. Colony, but not elsewhere, all the rights, advantages and privileges of a

British subject , on his taking the oath of allegiance under the provisions

of the Promissory Oaths Ordinance, 1869 .

No. 15 of 1883 .

An Ordinance for the naturalization of WONG SHING.

[28th December, 1883. ]

WHEREAS WONG SHING has petitioned to be naturalized as a British

subject within the limits of this Colony , and whereas it is expe

dient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted by the Governor of

Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Naturaliza WONG SHING, shall be , and he is hereby naturalized a British subject

tion of

WONG SHING. within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony , but not elsewhere,

all rights, advantages and privileges of a British subject, on his taking

the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the Promissory Oaths

Ordinance, 1869 .

ORDINANCES Nos . 16 AND 17 OF 1883 . 1757

Naturalization. Piers and Wharves.

No. 16 of 1883.

An Ordinance for the naturalization of HENRIQUE JOAQUIM


[ 28th December, 1883. ]



naturalized as a British subject within the limits of this Colony ,

and whereas it is expedient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it

enacted by the Governor of Hongkong , with the advice of the Legislative

Council thereof, as follows :

HENRIQUE JOAQUIM RODRIGUES , shall be, and he is hereby natura Naturaliza

tion of

lized a British subject within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this HENRIQUE


Colony, but not elsewhere, all the rights, advantages and privileges of a RODRIGUES.

British subject, on his taking the oath of allegiance under the provisions.

of the Promissory Oaths Ordinance , 1869 .

No. 17 of 1883.

An Ordinance to authorise The Honourable FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON

to construct piers and wharves in the harbour of Victoria, and to

confer upon the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON certain other

powers and privileges .

[ 28th December, 1883. ]

HEREAS the Honourable FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON, of Victoria, Hongkong, Preamble.

WH merchant, is desirous of constructing, with the consent of the Crown , piers

and wharves in the harbour of Victoria, for purposes in relation to the loading,

discharging, and storing of cargo ; And whereas the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON

has applied to the Government of the Colony , to confer upon him the necessary powers

for carrying out the construction of such piers and wharves, by means of a Public

Ordinance, and it is expedient that such an Ordinance should be granted to the said

FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON, under and subject to the conditions, restrictions and

provisions hereinafter contained : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of Hongkong ,

with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. It shall be lawful for the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, Power to


administrators or assigus, to construct and maintain for his and their exclusive use, wharves and


wharves between high and low-water mark, and piers extending into the harbour of

Victoria, at and from any part or parts of that portion of the Public Praya which lies

directly opposite to the pieces or parcels of ground registered in the Land Office of the

Colony, as Marine Lots 95, 96, 97 and 98 respectively.

1758 ORDINANCE No. 17 of 1883.

Piers and Wharves.

Plans and 2. The said wharves and piers shall be constructed in accordance with plans and


specifications to be approved by the Governor in Council .

Alterations and 3. The said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors , administrators or assigns


may, from time to time, make any alterations in, or additions to, the said wharves and

piers, provided the same be in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved

by the Governor in Council.

Power to lay 4. It shall be lawful for the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors,

down tramways.

administrators or assigns, from time to time to lay down, maintain, and renew sunken

and overhead tramways, or either of such tramways from the piers and wharves, across

the public praya connecting the wharves and piers with the premises of the said

FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, administrators or assigns, situated on the

Marine Lots aforesaid or adjoining the same. Provided that all such tramways shall

be laid in accordance with a specification to be approved by the Governor in Council.

Lights. 5. The said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, administrators or assigns

shall cause to be affixed on the said wharves and piers, and to be exhibited from sunset

to sunrise, such lights as the Harbour Master may from time to time direct .

Prevention of 6. The said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors , administrators or assigns

silting, &c.

shall take such measures as may be necessary to prevent silting or the accumulation of

mud, sand , or other matter around the wharves and piers, and shall conform to such

regulations as the Governor in Council may deem it expedient to make for the purpose

of preventing obstruction to the traffic of the praya.

Proceedings on 7. In the event of the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, adminis


of silting, &c. trators or assigns making default in complying with the provisions in the last

preceding section relating to the prevention of silting, or the accumulation of mud,

sand, or other matter around the wharves or piers, the Governor in Council , if satisfied

after due enquiry made that the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors ,

administrators or assigns, has or have been guilty of the alleged default, shall make an

order to be served on the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, admi

nistrators or assigns, limiting a time for the performance of his or their duty in that

behalf, and if such duty is not performed by the time limited by the order, the

Governor in Council shall appoint some person or persons to perform the same, and

shall by order direct that the expenses of performing the same, together with a

reasonable remuneration to the person or persons appointed for superintending such

performance, and amounting to a sum to be specified in the order, together with the

costs of proceedings ( if any) , shall be paid by the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his

executors, administrators or assigns, and any order made for the payment of such

expenses and costs may be removed into the Supreme Court, and may be enforced in

the same manner as if the same were an order of such Court.

Priority of use 8. All vessels belonging to, or engaged in the service of Her Majesty's Govern

to Queen's ships.

ment shall have priority of use of the wharves and piers at the ordinary current rates

for mercantile vessels, without prejudice to the rights of other vessels actually using

the wharves or piers.

ORDINANCE No. 17 OF 1883 . 1759

Fiers and Wharves.

9. It shall be lawful for the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, Powers to make

rules and regula

administrators or assigns , from time to time to make such rules and regulations as tions.

may be necessary for the general management of his and their business . Provided

always that no such rules and regulations, nor any repeal or variation thereof, shall

come into force until the same shall have been approved by the Governor in Council ,

and shall have been published in the Gazette.

10. Every person who shall commit a breach of any of the rules and regulations Penalty for

breach of rules

made in pursuance of this Ordinance, shall, on summary conviction thereof before a and regulations.

Magistrate, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars.

11. In all proceedings before any Court, the rules and regulations in force for Proofofrules and


the time being under this Ordinance, shall be sufficiently proved by the production of

a copy of the Gazette in which the same shall be published and contained .

12. If the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors , administrators or Governor in

Council may

assigns shall fail to make or vary such rules and regulations, as in the opinion of the make rules and

regulations in

certain event.

Governor in Council are requisite for the protection of the rights of the inhabitants

of the Colony, and for the prevention of injury to navigation , the Governor in Council

shall make an order to be served upon the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON, his

executors, administrators or assigns, limiting a time for the making or varying of such

rules and regulations, and if such rules and regulations are not made or varied by the

time prescribed in such order, the Governor in Council may make or vary such rules

and regulations, which when made, or varied, and published in the Gazette, shall have

the same force and effect as if they were specially enacted herein .

13. The said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, administrators or Rules and regula

tions to be

assigns shall, from time to time, cause to be painted on boards, or to be printed and painted and


attached in large and legible characters in English and Chinese, a statement of the

rules and regulations in force, and shall cause such boards containing such statement

to be fixed on some conspicuous part of the wharves or piers.

14. If at any time before the completion of the works, the said FRANCIS BUL Power to

Governor in

Council to abate

KELEY JOHNSON his executors, administrators or assigns shall fail to proceed there and remove

works in certain

with for a period of six months, or after the completion thereof shall disuse the same, events.

or any part thereof for six months, without affording to the Governor in Council some

satisfactory reason for the discontinuance or disuse of the said works, (as the case

may be) , it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to abate and remove the same,

and restore the site thereof to its former condition at the costs of the said FRANCIS

BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, adininistrators or assigns , and the amount of such

costs shall be a debt due the Government, and recoverable against the said F NCIS

BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, administrators or assigns accordingly.

15. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first obtained (but Power to sell.

not otherwise) , the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, administrators

or assigns, may at any time, and from time to time sell, assign or absolutely dispose

of the undertaking or any part or parts thereof, to such person, corporation, or com

pany, by public auction, or private contract or partly by public auction and partly by

1760 ORDINANCE No. 17 OF 1883 .

Piers and Wharves.

private contract, and with, under and subject to such terms and conditions in all

respects as the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, administrators or

assigns shall think fit, with power at any such sale to fix a reserve price for, or buy

in the same, and when any such sale, assignment , or absolute disposal has been made,

all the rights, powers , authorities, obligations and liabilities of the said FRANCIS

BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, administrators or assigns in respect to the under

taking or part or parts thereof sold , assigned or absolutely disposed of, shall be trans

ferred to, vested in, and may be exercised by, and shall attach to the person or persons ,

corporation, or company to whom the same has been sold , assigned or absolutely

disposed of, in like manner as if the undertaking or part or parts thereof, sold , assigned

or absolutely disposed of, was or were constructed by such person or persons, corpora

tion or company under the powers conferred upon him or them by this Ordinance,

and in reference to the same he or they shall be deemed to be the said FRANCIS

BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, administrators or assigns.

Power to demise. 16. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first obtained (but

not otherwise), the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, administrators or

assigns may, at any time and from time to time demise their undertakings or any part


or parts thereof, to such person, corporation , or company, for such term or terms of

years, or from year to year, or for any less period, and for such rent or rents, and

upon such terms and conditions in all respects , as the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON

his executors, administrators or assigns shall think fit to adopt, to take effect either in

possession or reversion, and either with or without a premium, or premiums, as a

consideration or considerations for such demise or demises.

Power to 17. It shall be lawful for the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors,


administrators or assigns, from time to time, and at any time to borrow money on

mortgage of all or any part of his undertaking, and for that purpose to assign or

demise by way of mortgage, all or any portion of the said wharves and piers to any person

or persons, corporation or company, and to enter into all such covenants, provisoes,

declarations and agreements as the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors,

administrators or assigns shall think fit and proper.

Saving of rights. 18. Nothing in this Ordinance, otherwise than as specially enacted herein , shall

be construed to interfere in any way with any existing rights in the land on which the

said wharves or piers are to be constructed, or the lands or foreshore adjoining the

same, and the powers and privileges given by this Ordinance are so given, saving and

reserving always the rights of Her Majesty, and of all bodies politic and corporate,

and of all other persons and those claiming by, from , and under them except as herein

otherwise provided.

Duration of 19. This Ordinance shall continue in force for 20 years to be computed from the


1st day of January, 1884. Provided always that the Governor in Council may, from

time to time, so often as the Governor in Council shall think it expedient, by order, to


be published in the Gazette, declare that the duration of this Ordinance shall be

ORDINANCES Nos. 17 AND 18 OF 1883. 1761

Piers and Wharves. Tramways.

extended for any further term or terms not exceeding ten years at a time, and there

upon this Ordinance shall continue in force for such extended period.

20. This Ordinance shall come into force on a day to be proclaimed by the Commence

ment of

Governor. Ordinance.

[In force from the 1st January, 1884, under proclamation of the 29th December, 1883.

Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]

No. 18 of 1883.

An Ordinance for amending the Tramways Ordinance 1883 .

[ 28th December , 1883. ]

WHEREAS a doubt has arisen as to the powers conferred upon the

promoters for the purposes of the Tramways Ordinance 1883 ,

under section 4 of the said Ordinance , and it is desirable to remove such

doubt ; Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the

advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Tramways Ordinance Amend Short title.

inent Ordinance 1883.

2. The Tramways Ordinance 1883 is hereby amended by repealing Repeal of

section 4 of

- the Tramways

section 4 , and by inserting , in lieu thereof, the section following :


1883 and re


"4. The promoters may, with the assent and approval ofthe Governor Power to


" in Council, grant the right to construct and maintain any one or more

"of the tramways hereby authorized to be made, and all or any of the


privileges hereby conferred , without receiving any valuable considera

" tion therefor, or for any consideration that the promoters may think fit


to accept, to such persons , or person , corporation , or company , and

“ with, under, and subject to such terms and conditions in all respects as


'the promoters shall think fit, and may, with the approval of the Governor

"in Council , upon failure of any of the terms and conditions contained in

"the original , or any subsequent grant, if thereunto authorized by the

" terms of such original , or subsequent grant, revoke the same , and regrant


all, or any such rights and privileges, and so much of any tramway as


may be constructed, upon such terms and conditions as to them shall

"seem fit ; and all and every the assignees or assignee for the time being

" from the promoters , whether a corporate body or not, are and is herein

" after included in the expression , and referred to as the company."

3. This Ordinance shall commence and take effect on the 1st day of Commence

ment of Ordi

January , 1884 . nance.

1762 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1884.


No. 1 of 1884.

[See Ord. No. An Ordinance entitled The Opium Ordinance, 1884.

17 of 1886,

No. 22 of

1887. ] [ 26th March, 1884. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the

BE -:

Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Interpreta 1. In the construction of this Ordinance the following terms and ex


pressions shall have the meanings hereinafter assigned to them , that is to

say :

Excise The term Excise Officer shall mean any person appointed by the


Governor under section 5 of this Ordinance .


The term Farm shall mean any exclusive privilege granted


under this Ordinance, and the term Farmer any holder for

the time being of such exclusive privilege.

Dross Opium. Dross Opium shall mean opium prepared wholly or chiefly from

opium dross

Prepared Prepared Opium shall include dross opium wherever such a


construction is not contrary to the context of this Ordi


Opium Opium Farmer shall mean the holder for the time being of the


exclusive privilege of boiling and selling prepared opium

either inclusive or exclusive of dross opium.


Dross Farmer shall mean the holder for the time being of the

exclusive privilege of collecting and purchasing opium

dross and dealing in , and preparing dross opium .


Farmer. Divan Farmer shall mean the holder for the time being of the

exclusive privilege of opening or licensing any class of

opium smoking divans.

When there is no opium farmer, or no dross farmer , or no divan

farmer, this Ordinance shall be read as if the Governor in

Council , or any licensee of the Governor in Council ; or the

Colonial Secretary, or any licensee of the Colonial Secretary ;

as the case may be, were expressly named instead of such

farmer. And payment or delivery to the Colonial Trea

surer for the use of the revenue of the Colony, or to an

excise officer for the same purpose shall in all such cases

be taken to be payment or delivery to such farmer under

this Ordinance.

ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1884. 1703 ,



Any raw, boiled, or prepared opium , opium dross, or utensils ,

[ 1 of 79 s. 1.]

vessels , or implements used for preparing or sinoking the

same shall for the purposes of this Ordinance be deemed to

be in possession of any person if he knowingly have them

in actual possession , custody or control , by himself or by

any other person.

The provisions of this Ordinance as to the smoking of opium, Smoking


and to utensils or implements for the smoking of opium

shall apply solely to opium smoking divans , and not to the

smoking opium in other places.

2. No person shall bring into this Colony, or the waters thereof, or Import and

possession of

have in his possession or custody within the same, any boiled or prepared opium.

[ 2 of 58, 8. 8,

opium, not being dross opium without having a valid certificate under 7 of 79, s. 5. ]

section 16 of this Ordinance . No person shall bring into this Colony or

into the waters thereof or knowingly have in his possession within the

same any dross opium which has been prepared or purchased in this

Colony without the knowledge and consent of the dross farmer. No

person except a farmer or a duly licensed person as provided by this

Ordinance shall within this Colony or the waters thereof collect opium

dross or knowingly have in his possession or custody without the know

ledge and consent of the dross farmer any opium dross except such as

may be the result of his own smoking or of the smoking of opium on his


3. No person except a farmer or duly licensed person as provided Unlicensed


by this Ordinance shall, within this Colony or the waters thereof, boil or &c. of opium.

[ 2 of 58, s. 5.]

in any way prepare opium or dross opium, or sell , or offer or expose for

sale any boiled or prepared opium or dross opium, or collect or purchase

opium dross ; provided that no medical practitioner, chemist or druggist ,

not being a Chinese, or being such and having a European or American

diploma, shall be prevented from preparing or selling opium bonâ fide for

medicinal purposes , the burthen of proof whereof shall be upon any person

alleging the same in his defence.

4. No person shall open or carry on any divan or other place for the Smoking

divans .

smoking of opium or dross opium without a licence under this Ordinance. [4 of 83, s. 4. ]

1764 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1884 .


Excise officers.

Excise officers 5. The Governor may, for the purposes of this Ordinance, make an

[ 1 of 79, s. 11.

4 of 83, s. 2. ] appointment in form of schedule A. to such agents or servants of the

opium farmer as may be approved of by him to act as excise officers ,

and in case there is not such farmer then the Governor may in a similar

form appoint such persons as he may think fit : and no persons except

those so appointed shall be competent to act as excise officers under this

Ordinance. Such appointments may at any time be withdrawn by the

Governor and any person , without lawful authority assuming to act as

an excise officer under this Ordinance, shall be liable to a penalty not

exceeding one hundred dollars.

Their names

and resi 6. The name and place of residence of every excise officer shall be

dences. posted in a conspicuous place at the Police Court.

[ 1 of 79, s. 12. ]

Their badges. 7. Every excise officer shall be supplied with a badge bearing such

[ 1 of 79, s. 13 ,

4 of 83 , s. 2. ] sign or mark of office as may be directed by the Governor ; and before

acting against any person under the provisions of this Ordinance, every

such excise officer shall declare his office, and produce to the person

against whom he is about to act his said badge. Every Police officer

acting under the provisions of this Ordinance, if not in uniform , shall in

like manner declare his office , and produce to the person against whom he is

about to act such badge as the Captain Superintendent of Police shall

have directed or may direct to be carried by Police officers when

employed on secret or special service.

Existing 8. Persons who are excise officers at the time of the commencement

officers. |

of this Ordinance shall be deemed to have been duly appointed under

this Ordinance.


Opium farm. 9. The Governor in Council may grant to any person , for such

2 of 58, s. 2. ]

For form of considerations , and upon such conditions, and for such terms or periods ,

grant and

conditions and in such form as from time to time may be by the Governor in Council

thereof, see

Gazette 16th regulated and determined , and also previously notified to the public in

June, 1888. ]

the Gazette, the sole privilege of boiling and preparing opium either

inclusive or exclusive , of dross opium , and of selling and retailing within

the said Colony , or the waters thereof, opium so boiled or prepared : and

such privilege may from time to time be granted to the highest bidder ,

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1884 . 1765


to be ascertained either by public auction or by tender, to be made in

pursuance of notice to be published in the Gazette to that effect ; but

every such bidder shall , before he is declared the purchaser of the

privilege, give bond with sureties in the sum of twenty thousand current

dollars at least, to the satisfaction of the Governor in Council , for the due

performance of the conditions of the privilege, and of his stipulations in

respect thereof.

10. The Governor in Council may farm out the privilege of keeping Farming of

opium divans

divans for the smoking of opium to one or more than one person, on such and dross.

[4 of 83, s. 4. ]

terms and conditions as may seem to the Governor in Council expedient,

and the grantee or grantees shall be empowered to grant licences to

separate keepers of such divans. The Governor in Council inay make

such regulations as to the division of such opium divans into classes as

may seem to him expedient, and in the event of there being no farmer

for any class the Colonial Secretary may grant licences and to revoke

the same on such terms and conditions as he may think fit.

11. The Governor in Council may in like manner farm out the Dross opium .

privilege of collecting, dealing in, and preparing dross opium and in the

event of there being no farmer the Colonial Secretary may grant licensees

to prepare and to deal in dross opium and may revoke the same on such

terms and conditions as he may think fit.

12. The Governor in Council may make and when made revoke, Fines under

farm system .

add to, or alter a scale of fines to be levied for breaches of the regulations [2 of 58 , s. 12.1

under which any farm is created under this Ordinance. Every fine

provided by such scale of fines shall be levied in the same manner as the

fines imposed by this Ordinance.

13. All the provisions of this Ordinance as to searches, arrests , Protection of

divan and

possession, the seizure and " disposal of opium, utensils , vessels , or dross farmers.

implements used for preparing or smoking the same, and the disposal

thereof, penalties and their division , rewards to informers, and penalties

for false charges or irregular proceedings under this Ordinance, shall

apply, so far as circumstances will permit, in relation to all cases of any

infraction of this Ordinance or of any regulation made thereunder with

respect to opium smoking divans, or to the preparation of or dealing in

dross opium .

1766 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1884 .


Default in 14. If the consideration money for any farm created under this

payment for

farm , resale. Ordinance, or any instalment thereof, be not paid within one month next

[ 2 of 58 , s. 4. ]

after the day appointed for the payment thereof, the said farm shall

become and be absolutely null and void ; and , over and above all other

such liabilities as are hereinbefore or hereinafter created , the farmer shall

thereupon become and be liable to make good to the Government all losses

or expenses incurred by , or by reason of such default in payment or any

resale or regrant of such privilege which the Governor in Council may

thereupon make, and to make which he is hereby authorised ..

Sub-licences. 15. The opium farmer, if any, or in default of any such farmer , the

[ 2 of 58, 6. 3. ]

Governor in Council may at his discretion grant licences to proper

persons, authorising them to boil and prepare opium , and to sell and

retail opium so boiled and prepared ; but subject to such conditions as

shall from time to time be by the Governor in Council regulated and

previously notified in the Gazette. And the provisions of section 12 of

this Ordinance as to a scale of fines for breaches of regulations made

under this Ordinance shall apply equally to all breaches of regulations

made and notified as aforesaid with regard to such licences for the boiling

and preparation of opium .

Sales. 16. It shall be the duty of every person selling or retailing prepared

opium, not being dross opium, under this Ordinance , to deliver therewith

Certificate . a certificate in English and Chinese, stamped with the stamp used by him

[2 of 58, s. 7,

7 of 79, s. 3, in carrying on his business, specifying the amount so sold ; which certi

4 of 83, s. 1. ]

ficate shall be evidence of the facts therein stated , and shall not be trans

ferable, and shall be in one of the forms provided in schedules B or C to

this Ordinance , according as there is or is not, at the time of issuing such

certificate, an opium farmer under this Ordinance . Such certificates shall

be issued from books provided with counterfoils , and both the certificates

and the counterfoils shall bear corresponding and consecutive printed

numbers .

Expiry of 17. No certificate so granted by the opium farmer or by any licensee


[ 7 of 79, s. 4, under him shall be valid after noon of the third day from the date of the

4 of 83, s. 3. ] expiration of such opium farmer's privilege.

Notice of 18. Every opium farmer shall, one month before his farm expires,

expiration of

farm . give public notice, in the form provided by the schedule D hereto, that

[ 1 of 79. s. 3. ]

the said farm is to expire on the day to be named , and that no boiled or

´prepared opium purchased from such farmer, or from any licensee of such

ORDINANCE No. 1 oF 1884 . 1767


farmer, can be used after such time without the consent of the new farmer.

Such notice shall be printed in English and Chinese, and the farmer shall

supply copies thereof to all persons licensed by him under this Ordinance :

and every person so licensed shall exhibit the notice in his place of sale

in a conspicuous position , so as to be plainly visible to every person

entering such place of sale.

19. All licensees of the Governor in Council under section 15 of Restriction

on licensees.

this Ordinance when there is no opium farmer shall during the last three

months of the period of their licences ( if the Governor in Council shall

have granted the opium farm to any farmer) be subject to such restric

tions as to the quantities of prepared opium they shall boil , prepare, or

sell, as the Governor in Council may from time to time determine. Pro

vided that such restrictions shall not apply to any licence granted before

the passing of this Ordinance.

20. Neither the opium farmer nor his licensees shall during the three Close of farm


months preceding the end of his term , manufacture more than the usual [ 1 of 79, s. 5,

7 of 79, s. 7,

quantity of boiled or prepared opium, or during the said three months 4 of 83, s. 3. ]

sell any boiled or prepared opium at less than the average current prices

of the day, or in greater quantities than usual at the time of the year,

and at the end of his term such farmer or licensees shall not sell , export ,

or otherwise make away with , or dispose of any of their stock of boiled

or prepared opium, but shall make over to the new farmer the full and

complete stock of raw or boiled and prepared opium then in their posses

sion, at the marketable value thereof : and in the event of any difference

arising as to the quantities of boiled and prepared opium manufactured

or sold during the last three months of the term , and the price of the

same, or as to the nature and quantity of the raw or boiled or prepared

opium so to be purchased or made over, and the prices thereof, such

difference shall be determined by three arbitrators , one to be appointed

by the new farmer, one by the person whose farm has expired or is about

to expire, and one by the Governor, and the award of such arbitrators ,

or a majority of them, shall be final ; and the arbitration or such other

settlement shall be held at such time after the end of the term of the out

going farmer as to the Governor may seem reasonable, and any award

made may be filed in Court pursuant to the provisions of the Hongkong

Code of Civil Procedure .

1768 ORDINANCE No. 1 CF 1884.


Usual quan

tities . 21. It shall be lawful for the majority of the arbitrators to determine ,

{ 7 of 79, s. 7.] and they are hereby empowered to decide in each particular case, what

are usual quantities within the meaning of this Ordinance.

If farmer 22. In case the outgoing or the incoming opium farmer fails to

appoints no

arbitrator. appoint an arbitrator within ten days from his receiving notice from the

[ 7 of 79, s. 7,

4 of 83 , s. 3. ] Governor so to do , it shall be lawful for the other two arbitrators to

proceed with the award , and in case of difference of opinion they shall

appoint an umpire , whose award shall be final , and may be filed in Court

pursuant to the provisions of the Hongkong Code of Civil Procedure.

Period for 23. The Governor in fixing the time for holding the arbitration


7 of 79, s. 7. ] shall also fix the period within which the award is to be completed, and

the same shall be specified in the appointment.

Powers of 24. The arbitrators shall have the same powers as if the appoint


[ 7 of 79, s. 7. ] ment and reference to arbitration had been made by an order of the

Supreme Court under the provisions of the Hongkong Code of Civil Pro

cedure, and their award in each case shall be final .

Taking over

stocks. 25. The opium farmer and his licensees shall, on the expiration of

[ 1 of 79, s. 4, his terin , hand over to the incoming farmer, and the incoming farmer

4 of 83, s. 3. ]

shall take over from the outgoing farmer, all his stock of raw, boiled, and

prepared opium , at such prices as may be settled , subject to the provisoes

hereinbefore contained for arbitration in case of difference.

Arrests, searches , and forfeitures.

Arrest 26. It shall be lawful for any Police or Excise officer to arrest ,


warrant. without warrant, any person within the Colony whom he reasonably

[7 of 79, s. 9. ]

suspects to be conveying or to have concealed on his person boiled or

prepared opium which has not paid duty to the opium farmer, and to

convey such person to the nearest Police Station, there to be dealt with

according to law.

Searching 27. It shall be lawful for any inspector of Police , having reasonable


[7 of 79, s. 8. ] ground for believing that there is boiled or prepared opium in any ship

[Note: This

power to within the waters of the Colony contrary to the provisions of this Ordi

search ships

is extended to nance (such ship not being a ship of war or vessel having the status of a


by officers

Ordinan ce ship of war ) to proceed without warrant on board such ship and search

No. 17 of

1886 which for boiled or prepared opium, and seize any boiled or prepared opium so

also defines

found , and it shall be lawful for such inspector to take the opium so


found together with the person in whose custody , possession , or control

it is found before a Police Magistrate, to be dealt with according to law.

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1884 . 1769



28. Upon lawful evidence being first given to the reasonable warrants.

satisfaction of any Magistrate, that any person within this Colony or the [2 of 58, s. 9.

Ï of 79, 8. 10.]

waters thereof has in his possession or custody any opium otherwise than [Note: The

power to

issue search

as provided by section 16 of this Ordinance, or any opium prepared , sold , warrants may

or retailed contrary to this Ordinance, it shall be lawful for the said Ma also be exer

cised by any

gistrate to issue a search warrant in that behalf, and such search warrant Justice of the

Peace. See

may be executed by any Police or Excise officer, and the officer executing Ordinance

No. 17 of

such warrant may enter any tenement, place, or vessel within this Colony 1886.1

or the waters thereof, and search for, and , if found , seize and hold , subject

to the order of the Court hereinafter mentioned , any raw or prepared opium

within such tenement , place , or vessel whereof no satisfactory explanation

shall be given by the person aforesaid , and also any utensils, implements , or

vessels which have been used or which are manifestly intended to be used

in boiling, preparing, or smoking opium in such tenement , place, or vessel ,

and may also seize and hold as aforesaid any raw or prepared opium , or

any such utensils , implements , or vessels , found in possession of the

person aforesaid in any place whatever.

29. All boiled or prepared opium offered or exposed for sale by any Confiscation

of prepared

unauthorised person , and all boiled or prepared opium found in the opium and


possession or custody or control of any unauthorised person or in any [ 1 of 79, s. 7,

4 of 83 , s. 1.7

unauthorised place, and any utensils or vessels which have been used , or

which are manifestly intended to be used in boiling or preparing or smoking

opium by any unauthorised person , or in any unauthorised place, may be

seized by a Police or Excise officer , and shall be forfeited, and may be by

a Magistrate delivered and adjudged to the farmer, and any unauthorised

person in whose possession any such boiled or prepared opium or utensils

or vessels are found may be apprehended and taken before a Magistrate

by any Police or Excise officer.

30. Whenever boiled or prepared opium is so seized as last aforesaid , Seizure of

raw opium.

and any such utensils or vessels are also seized as aforesaid , the Police [ 1 of 79, s. 8. ]

or Excise officer seizing the same may also seize any raw opium that

may be found in the custody or control of such unauthorised person, or

in such unauthorised place, and such raw opium shall be subject to the

order of the Magistrate before whom the case is brought .

31. Whenever from any other cause there is reasonable ground to Seizure of

raw opium

believe that boiled or prepared opium is manufactured by any unauthorised under other

1770 ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1884.


circums person, or in any unauthorised place within this Colony, it shall be


[ 1 of 79, s. 9. ] lawful for a Police or Excise officer to seize any raw opium found in

possession of such unauthorised person, or in such unauthorised place.



[2 of 58, s. 12, 32. All offences against this Ordinance may be tried and all penal

Ï of 79, s. 14. ] ties under this Ordinance may be recovered in a summary way before a



Penalties. 33. For every offence against the provisions of this Ordinance ( or

[ 2 of 58, s. 13 ,

7 of 79, s. 6. ] against any regulation made thereunder) not otherwise specially provided

for, the offender shall be liable to the following penalties :


( 1. ) For every first offence a fine not exceeding five hundred

dollars , or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three

months, with or without hard labour.

( 2. ) For every subsequent offence, a fine not exceeding one

thousand dollars , or imprisonment for a term not exceed

ing six months, with or without hard labour .

Disposal of 34. The pecuniary penalty imposed upon the offender shall , after


the adjudication of a portion of the same not exceeding one half to the

4 of 83, s. 4. ]

informer at the discretion of the Magistrate be paid to the farmer , and all

the boiled or prepared opium to which the same relates may be forfeited ,

and by the Magistrate in his discretion adjudged and delivered to the


Forfeiture of 35. Where any boiled or prepared opium, or utensils or vessels used

raw opium.

for preparing or smoking the same, are found in the possession of any

4 of 83, s. 2. ]

unauthorized person , or in any unauthorized place , and it appears to a

Magistrate that such boiled or prepared opium was boiled or prepared by

such person , or in such place, or if any utensil or vessel used for boiling

or preparing or smoking opium be found in the possession of such person

or in such place, it shall be lawful for such Magistrate to declare any

raw opium found in the possession of such person or in such place to be

forfeited, and to direct that the same shall be delivered to the farmer.

Unclaimed 36. In case any boiled or prepared opium, or utensils or vessels


[1 of 79, s. 15, used for preparing or smoking the same, are found without being

of 83, s. 2. ]

apparently in the possession of any one, it shall be lawful for the Magis

ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1884. 1771


trate to cause a notice to be affixed at the place where any such article

may be found, calling upon the owner thereof to claim the same ; and in

case no person shall come forward to make a claim within one week from

the date of such notice, the samne, together with any raw opium that may

be found in the same place, shall be forfeited , and may be handed over

by the Magistrate to the farmer.

37. In dismissing any charge or complaint under this Ordinance False charges,


on the ground of the same being false, or frivolous and vexatious , it [ 2 of58, s. 15. ]

shall be the duty of the Court to impose upon the person bringing the

same any penalty not exceeding the penalty which the defendant, if

convicted upon such charge or complaint , would have incurred , such

penalty shall be over and above any other penalties or liabilities which

the said person may have likewise incurred in respect of his said charge

or complaint, or of his evidence in support thereof.

38. Over and above all other liabilities or penalties to which, by Irregular


this Ordinance or any other law, any person shall become or be subject [ 2 of 58 , s. 16. ]

in respect of his suing out, obtaining , issuing, or executing improperly ,

and without sufficient cause, any search warrant under this Ordinance,

the said person shall be further liable to the penalties specified in section

33, to be enforced and levied as hereinbefore provided .

39. Persons employed in any department of the Public Service, Public


and persons in the employment of them , or of any of them , are disquali disqualified .

[ 2 of 58, s. 6. ]

fied from becoming or being in any way possessed of, or directly or

indirectly interested in any privilege or licence under this Ordinance , or

the profits thereof, whether at law or in equity, and whether in their

own right respectively , or in the right of another ; and from suing for

or in respect of, or in any way enforcing the same.

40. The following Ordinances are hereby repealed, Repeals.

Ordinance No. 2 of 1858 ,

Ordinance No. 1 of 1879,

Ordinance No. 7 of 1879 ,

Ordinance No. 4 of 1883 ,

Ordinance No. 8 of 1883 ,

but such repeal shall not affect anything lawfully done or commenced to Regulations,

&c. to

be done thereunder, and every regulation , bond, or licence made or continue.

issued under the above repealed Ordinances shall continue in full effect

as if made or issued under this Ordinance, until such regulation, bond,

or licence shall be duly cancelled , amended , withdrawn , or shall expire.

1772 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1884.



41. This Ordinance shall commence and take effect on a day to be

ment of

Ordinance. proclaimed by the Governor.


A. ·


The Excise Ordinance, 188 .

A.B. of in is hereby appointed to be an Excise

officer under the above Ordinance, and is duly vested with all the rights , powers, and

immunities of such officer under the provisions of the said Ordinance, until

18 or until this licence is revoked by the Governor of this Colony for

the time being.

Colonial Secretary.

Hongkong, 18 •


No. Opium Certificate .

Not transferable. To be returned after the opium is used .

Sold this day to of No. Street,

Taels mace candareens of prepared opium for his own use.

Hongkong, 18 .

NOTICE. The monopoly of the Hongkong Opium Farm, at present held by the

undersigned, expires on The boiled or prepared

opium now purchased and sold cannot be legally used or retained in your possession

after noon of the third day from the above date, without the consent of the new holder

of the monopoly, or of the Governor.


人 別 給 交 得不 照此

此 期 第三 日 午後 例 不得

囘 繳 照此 將 卽 片 鴉 完 用 巳 如


留存 或 吸食 須得新

按照 香港 之 例

啟者本 公司 現 所 承 充

在 本港 煮 賣熟 鴉片之

督 憲 批准 乃 可

充 人 允准 或禀懇

利權 於

買賣之 熟鴉片 倘屆 該

卽 按

日期 滿所有 各家



乃 或 月


日 所

發 用 兩 街 號

ORDINANCE No. 1 or 1884 . 1773

Opium .


The same, if there is no Opium Farm.


Not transferable. To be returned after the opium is used.

Sold this day to of No. Street ,

Taels mace candareens of prepared opium for his own use.

Hongkong , 18 .

NOTICE . The Governor in Council has granted the exclusive privilege of boiling,

preparing, and selling prepared opium within the Colony to

from The opium now purchased and sold

cannot legally be used or retained in your possession after noon of the third day from

the above date, without the consent of

(Signed )

人 別

別 給 交 得不 照 此

將 片 之 利權 由

囘 照此 將 卽 片 鴉 完 用 如

充 在 本港 內 煮賣熟鴉



按照 香港 之 例

定例 局批准

屈 該期 第三 日 午後例

不得留存 或 吸食須得

各家 買賣 之熟鴉片倘

不屈 即 按

得 該 日照

熟 鴉片

分 係 自己 所用

允准 方可

月 1

日 起 所有

日 所

啟 得 有年

年 鴉 承 發 用 兩 街 號


Public Notice of Expiry of Farm.

The exclusive privilege of boiling and preparing opium and selling and retailing

opium so boiled or prepared will cease on 18. No

boiled or prepared opium purchased from us or our licensees can be used after

18 , at noon, without the consent of the new holder of such

exclusive privilege as aforesaid.


人 須 後年 鴉 所 公 或 有

允 得 日

准 新 月 於 年

乃 承

可 充 食 日 月 於

[In force from the 27th March, 1884, under proclamation of same date.]

1774 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1884.


Additional condition made by the Governor in Council under the provisions of the

Opium Ordinance 1884 on the 26th and gazetted 28th June, 1884.

From the 24th June 1884, the fees on the preparation of opium for export, in

quantities of not less than 500 taels, are reduced to the rate of forty-five dollars for

every 1,000 taels of prepared opium exported .

Form of grant of opium privilege, as regulated and determined in pursuance of

Ordinance No. 1 of 1884, section 9, on the 7th March 1885,

TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come, I, Sir GEORGE FERGUSON BOWEN,

G.C.M.G. , Governor and Commander- in-Chief of the Colony of Hongkong, and

its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, in Executive Council assembled,

Send Greeting :

WHEREAS (here insert recitals according to the facts of each case) . KNOW YE

THEREFORE, that in consideration of the premises, and of the payment by the said

of the sum of payable in

instalments of each on the first day of each month, in advance

during the term hereby granted , and in pursuance of the said Ordinance, and such con

ditions as are regulated and determined, or may be regulated and determined as pro

vided by the said Ordinance, I, the said Governor, by and with the advice of the said

Executive Council, have given and granted, and by these presents under the seal of •

the said Colony for myself, and my successors in the Government of the same, Do give

and grant unto the said his executors, administrators, and

assigns, the sole privilege of boiling and preparing opium (inclusive or exclusive of

dross opium, as the case may be) and of selling and retailing within the said Colony,

and the waters thereof, opium so boiled or prepared for and during the term herein

after expressed, in conformity with and subject to the said Ordinance in that behalf

provided, and to the said conditions, and to these presents , and so as that he the said

his executors, administrators, and assigns, shall and

lawfully may have and enjoy the whole profit, benefit, commodity and advantage, from

time to time, during the said term coming, growing, accruing, and arising, by reason

of the said privilege . To have, hold, use, exercise and enjoy the premises hereby

granted, with the power to grant licences, and all other powers incident to the said

privilege, and all benefit and advantage of the said Ordinance and conditions, or any of

them unto the said for and during and unto the full end

and term of whole year commencing with the day of

one thousand eight hundred and " and ending with

the day of one thousand eight hundred and

PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are upon this express condition , that if at any

time during the said term hereby granted the said his executors ,

ORDINANCE No. 1 oF 1884 . 1775

Opium .

administrators or assigns, shall not upon his or their part or behalf, pay the said

monthly instalments, or any of them , or observe, perform , and keep any of the provi

sions of these presents, or of the said Ordinance, or the said conditions, or any of

them, or shall of his or their own proper authority, add to , or alter the said provisions

and conditions respectively, or any of the same respectively, or attempt to make any

such addition or alteration in that behalf, or if these presents are now, or at any time

during the said term shall become or be contrary to law, then and in any or either of

the said cases, these presents shall forthwith cease, determine, and be utterly void,

anything hereinbefore contained to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding .

IN WITNESS whereof, I, the said Governor, have set my hand and the seal of the said

Colony to these presents, on the day of one thousand,

eight hundred and

Regulations approved by the Governor in Council under section 15 of Ordinance 1

of 1884, the 17th and gazetted the 18th September, 1886 .



1. The sub-licensee is hereby licensed to sell and retail at No. Street,

opium boiled or prepared at the establishments of the Opium Farmers for the term of

six calendar months commencing from .the day of

one thousand eight hundred and eighty and ending the day of

one thousand eight hundred and eighty an d the sub- lic ensee

agrees to accept such licence for the said term .

2. The fees paid by the sub-licensee to the Opium Farmers shall be

dollars (weighed at 7.2 ) per month payable in advance upon the first day of each and

every month, the first of such monthly instalments to be made on the

day of one thousand eight hundred and eighty

3. Upon signature of these presents the sub-licensee shall pay to the Opium

Farmers in addition to the first month's licence fee a further sum equal to one month's

licence fee which shall be held by the Opium Farmers, and shall go in payment of the

last month's licence fee of the said term unless forfeited as hereinafter provided .


4. The Opium Farmers shall always have on hand a stock of prepared opium for

sale, and the sub-licensee shall purchase from the Opium Farmers all prepared opium

which he may require for sale or retail.

5. The sub-licensee shall make a daily report to the Opium Farmers of the

quantity of prepared opium sold by him, and shall enter in a book to be kept by him


the name and address of every purchaser of prepared opium , and the quantity of opium

sold to each purchaser ; such book to be posted daily, and to be open at all reasonable

times to inspection by the Opium Farmers, their agents, or authorized officers.

1776 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1884.


6. The sub-licensee shall not sell or have in his possession or under his control

any opium other than opium prepared by the Opium Farmers, and shall not construct

furnaces for the preparation of opium, nor prepare or permit to be prepared opium

upon the said premises or in any other place in the said Colony, and shall not buy , sell,

or deal in contraband opium , that is to say, opium not prepared by the Opium Farmers,

and shall not mix or cause to be mixed with opium purchased from the Opium Farmers

any such contraband opium, or any liquid or other substance whatsoever, nor sell any

opium purchased from the Opium Farmers adulterated or mixed with such contraband

opium or liquid or other substance.

7. The sub- licensee shall have the privilege of carrying on upon the said premises

the business of an opium smoking divan if such business be upon his own account, but

shall not permit such business to be carried on by or on account of any other person

or persons.

8. The licence hereby granted is confined to the premises above specified, and

shall not extend to any other premises unless with the sanction of the Opium Farmers

duly noted by endorsement upon these presents.

9. The sub-licensee hereby expressly undertakes to be responsible within the

meaning of the following section for any infringements of the provisions of the said

Opium Ordinance if committed by any person whomsoever in the premises occupied by

the sub-licensee, whether such premises be the premises hereby licensed or the private

sidence or other premises occupied by the sub-licensee.

10. In case any one monthly licence fee payable under these presents shall be in

arrear for five days, or in the event of the breach or infraction of any of the provisions

of this agreement, or of the said Opium Ordinance on the part of the sub - licensee or

any person for whom he is hereby made responsible, it shall be competent for the

Opium Farmers forthwith to cancel this agreement by notice to that effect, and there

upon all opium found on the premises of the sub- licensee shall be forfeited and handed

over to the Opium Farmers, who shall be entitled at once to recover from the sub

licensee or the said surety the monthly fees for the remainder of the said term , and all

sums held by the Opium Farmers on account of the sub-licensee shall be forfeited.

Terms and conditions under the provisions ofthe Opium Ordinances 1884 and

1887, of licences for the sale of opium intended for export in

quantities less than one chest made on the 31st May,

and gazetted 4th June, 1887.

1. The licensee shall on obtaining this licence pay to the Treasurer the sum of

one dollar.

ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1884. 1777


2. All opium to be sold by the licensee under the provisions of this licence shall

be obtained by him from the importer in chests registered under the provisions of The

Opium Ordinances 1884 and 1887, and no opium (other than samples not exceeding two

taels covered by a certificate of the importer) shall be received by the licensee, nor be

under his custody or control, except what shall have been so obtained by him in regis

tered chests as aforesaid.

3. The licensee shall not part with any opium sold under the provisions of this

licence until he shall have received a removal permit for the same from the Superin

tendent of Imports and Exports, and a receipt for the same from the master of the junk

or other vessel by which the same is to be exported . The receipt shall be endorsed on

the removal permit , and shall be retained by the licensee until required by the Superin


4. The licensee shall endorse on every parcel of opium sold by him as aforesaid

the quantity and kind of opium so sold, and his own name and the name of the pur

chaser, and he shall also attach to every such parcel a certificate of sale in the form

provided by section 5 of the said Ordinance ( 1837) , stating that the said certificate

shall only be valid for three days from the date of issue thereof, including the day of

issue .

5. The licensee shall produce all removal permits which he shall receive for opium

sold under the provisions of this licence to the Superintendent of Imports and Exports

or to an excise officer, whenever required .

6. No opium sold under the provisions of this licence shall be exported by a

foreign vessel to any treaty port except Canton, and then only by the regular river


7. The licensee shall allow the Superintendent or his deputy at any time during

the continuance of this licence, whether by day or night, to enter and search for defi

ciencies any dwelling house, shop , or other building or place used by him.

8. In the event of any deficiency being found upon search as aforesaid, or of the

breach of any of these conditions, the Governor shall be at liberty to cancel this licence

without any previous notice to the licensee.

9. The licensee shall enter into a bond with two valid sureties, conditioned in the

penal sum of five thousand dollars, for the due performance of each of these conditions.

10. This licence shall not be transferable except with the permission of the Treas

urer first obtained.

11. The licensee shall not remove his business from one shop or house to another

shop or house without the permission of the Treasurer.

NOTE . For superseded regulations under section 15 of the 20th March, 1886, see Gazette

of same date.

1778 ORDINANCES Nos. 2 AND 3 OF 1884.

Naturalization. Exportation of Military Stores.

No. 2 of 1884.

An Ordinance for the naturalization of WILLIAM DOBERCK.

[ 26th March, 1884. ]

HEREAS WILLIAM DOBERCK has petitioned to be naturalized as a


British subject within the limits of this Colony , and whereas it

is expedient that he should be so , naturalized ; Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof,


as follows :

Naturaliza WILLIAM DOBERCK, shall be, and he is hereby naturalized a British

tion of

WILLIAM subject within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony, but not


elsewhere, all the rights , advantages and privileges of a British subject, on

his taking the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the Promissory

Oaths Ordinance, 1869.

No. 3 of 1884 .

An Ordinance to amend Ordinance 3 of 1862.

[ 26th March, 1884. ]

Preamble. E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong with the advice of the


Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Ordinance 3 of 1862 is hereby amended, as follows :

Amendment In section 1 , by adding at the end of the section , the words following :

of section 1 .

" The Governor may, in his discretion , at any time whilst any

proclamation made under this Ordinance is in force, permit

to be exported or to be carried coastwise, or to be water

borne to be so exported or carried , any particular articles

or class of articles , the export of which is prohibited by

such proclamation , to such persons and on such terms and

subject to such conditions and regulations , if any, as to the

Governor may seem fit, and may in his discretion at any

time revoke or vary the terms of any such permission .

Whilst any such permission is in force, it shall be lawful

to export the articles so permitted to be exported subject

and according to the terms , conditions and regulations of

such permission .

ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1884 . 1779

Piers and Wharves.

No. 4 of 1884 .

An Ordinance to authorise CATCHICK PAUL CHATER Esq. to construct

piers and wharves in the harbour of Victoria, and to confer upon

the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER certain other powers and privileges .

[ 26th March, 1884. ]

HEREAS CATCHICK PAUL CHATER Esq ., of Victoria, Hongkong, Bill and Preamble.

W Bullion Broker, is desirous of constructing, with the consent of the Crown ,

piers, wharves, and tramways in the harbour of Victoria, for purposes in relation to

the loading, discharging, and storing of cargo ; And whereas the said CATCHICK PAUL

CHATER has applied to the Government of the Colony, to confer upon him the necessary

powers for carrying out the construction of such piers, wharves, and tramways by

means of a Public Ordinance, and it is expedient that such an Ordinance should be

granted to the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER, under and subject to the conditions,

restrictions and provisions hereinafter contained : Be it therefore enacted by the Gov

ernor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows : ---

1. It shall be lawful for the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, adminis Power to


trators or assigns, to construct and maintain, for his and their exclusive use, wharves wharves and


between high and low-water mark, and piers extending into the harbour of Victoria,

at and from any part or parts of that portion of land which lies directly opposite to

the pieces or parcels of ground registered in the Land Office of the Colony as Kaulung

Marine Lots Nos . 9, 11 , 20 and 21 respectively.

2. The said wharves and piers shall be constructed in accordance with plans and Plans and


specifications to be deposited in the office of the Surveyor General and approved of by

the Governor in Council, before the said works are commenced .

3. The said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or assigns Alterations and


may, from time to time, make any alterations in, or additions to, the said wharves and

piers, provided the same be in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved

by the Governor in Council .

4. It shall be lawful for the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, adminis Power to lay

down tramways.

trators or assigns , subject to the plans and specifications being approved by the Governor

in Council, from time to time to lay down, maintain and renew, sunken and overhead

tramways, or either of such tramways, from the piers and wharves across the Praya

connecting the piers and wharves with the premises of the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER

his executors, administrators or assigns, situated on the Kaulung Lots aforesaid or

adjoining the same ; and also a double line of tramways, 650 yards in length, com

mencing at a point opposite the north west corner of the aforesaid Kaulung Marine Lot

No. 21, thence passing along the centre of the Praya to a point opposite the south

west corner of the aforesaid Kaulung Marine Lot No. 9. The said tramways to be

provided with all proper stations, crossings, bridges, passing places, sidings, junctions ,

rails and conveniences connected therewith, or for the purposes thereof, and the said

1780 ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1884 .

Piers and Wharves.

CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors , administrators or assigns may work and use

the same. Provided always that before the commencement of the construction of the

said sunken and overhead tramways or either of such tramways, the said CATCHICK

PAUL CHATER his executors , administrators or assigns shall deposit in the office of the

said Surveyor General plans and specifications shewing in detail the mode of construction

of the said sunken and overhead tramways, which said plans and specifications shall

be approved of by the Governor in Council.

Power to alter 5. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first obtained, it


shall be lawful for the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or

assigns, from time to time to alter the existing, and construct, maintain and renew

subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and in accordance with plans to be previously

deposited by the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or assigns

in the office of the Surveyor General, all such stations, crossings, bridges, passing

places, sidings , junctions, rails and other works, in addition to those particularly

specified in and authorized by this Ordinance, and may work and use the same.

Gauge of 6. The sunken tramways referred to in this Ordinance shall be constructed on a


gauge not exceeding 2 feet in width, and with two steel grooved rails, which said rails

shall before being laid down be approved of by the Surveyor General, and shall be

laid and maintained in such manner, that the uppermost surface thereof shall be on a

level with the surface of the road. Provided that the Governor in Council may from

time to time require the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators

or assigns to adopt and apply such improvements in the said sunken or overhead

tramways including their rails , sleepers , bridges and substructure as experience may

suggest, having regard to the greater security of the public and advantage to the

ordinary traffic, and the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators

or assigns shall with all reasonable despatch, comply with any order made by the

Governor in Council for the purpose of carrying out any such improvements.

Power to break 7. The said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors administrators or assigns

up roads.

may from time to time for the purpose of making, forming, laying down, maintaining,

renewing, altering, adding to or removing any tramway under this Ordinance, or any

part or parts thereof respectively, open and break up any road subject to the following

regulations :

1. They shall give to the Surveyor General notice of their intention, speci

fying the time at which they will begin to do so, and the portion of

road proposed to be opened or broken up, such notice to be given seven

days at least before the commencement of the work.

2. They shall not open or break up or alter the level of any road except with

the authority, under the superintendence, and to the satisfaction of the

Surveyor General .

ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1884 . 1781

Piers and Wharves.

8. When the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or Completion of

work and

reinstatement of

assigns shall have opened or broken up any portion of any road, they shall be under road.

the following further obligations , namely :

1. They shall with all convenient speed , complete the work on account of

which they opened or broke up the same, and (subject to the formation,

maintaining, renewal, or alteration of addition to or removal of the tram

way) fill in the ground and make good the surface, and to the satisfaction

of the Surveyor General, restore the road to as good condition as that in

which it was before it was opened or broken up .

2. They shall in the meantime cause the place where the road is opened or

broken up to be fenced and watched and to be properly lighted at night.

If the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or assigns fail

to comply with this section , they shall, for every offence (without prejudice to the

enforcement of the specific performance of the requirements of this Ordinance, or to

any other remedy against them) be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred

dollars, and to a further penalty not exceeding 25 dollars for each day during which

any such failure continues after the first day on which such penalty is incurred .

9. The said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators and assigns Penalty for not


shall maintain in good condition and repair, and at their proper level so as not to be a rails at their

proper level and

in good condi

danger or annoyance to the ordinary traffic, the rails of which any of the tramways for tion.

the time being consist, and the substructure upon which the same rest ; and if the

Surveyor General, shall from time to time, or at any time hereafter, alter the level of

any road along or across which any of the said tramways shall be laid, then and in

such event, and so often as the same shall happen, the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER

his executors, administrators or assigns, shall at his or their own expense, alter the

rails so that the uppermost surface thereof shall be on a level with the surface of the

road as altered, and , if the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators

or assigns make default in complying with this section, they shall, for every offence,

be subject on conviction to a penalty not exceeding twenty- five dollars , and , in case of

continuing offence, to a further penalty not exceeding ten dollars for every day after

the first on which such default continues.

10. The said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or assigns Lights.

shall cause to be affixed on the said wharves and piers, and to be exhibited from sunset

to sunrise, such lights as the Harbour Master may from time to time direct.

11. The said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or assigus Prevention of

silting, &c.

shall take such measures as may be necessary to prevent silting or the accumulation of

mud, sand , or other matter around the wharves and piers, and shall conform to such

regulations as the Governor in Council may deem it expedient to make for the purpose

of preventing obstruction to the traffic of the Praya.

1782 ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1884 .

Piers and Wharves.

Proceedings on 12. In the event of the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators


of silting, &c. or assigns making default in complying with the provisions in the last preceding section

relating to the prevention of silting, or the accumulation of mud , sand, or other matter

around the wharves or piers, the Governor in Council, if satisfied after due enquiry

made that the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors , administrators or assigns,

has or have been guilty of the alleged default , shall make an order to be served on the

said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors , administrators or assigns, limiting a time

for the performance of his or their duty in that behalf, and if such duty is not per

formed by the time limited by the order, the Governor in Council shall appoint some

person or persons to perform the same, and shall by order direct, that the expenses of

performing the same, together with a reasonable remuneration to the person or persons

appointed for superintending such performance, and amounting to a sum to be specified

in the order, together with the costs of proceedings ( if any) , shall be paid by the said

CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or assigns, and any order made

for the payment of such expenses and costs may be removed into the Supreme Court,

and may be enforced in the same manner as if the same were an order of such Court.

Priority ofuse 13. All vessels belonging to, or engaged in the service of Her Majesty's Govern

to Queen's ships.

ment shall have priority of use of the wharves and piers at the ordinary current rates

for mercantile vessels, without prejudice to the rights of other vessels actually using

the wharves or piers.

Powers to make 14. It shall be lawful for the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, admin

rules and

regulations, istrators or assigns, from time to time to make such rules and regulations, as may

be necessary for the general management of his and their business . Provided always

that no such rules and regulations, nor any repeal or variation thereof, shall come into

force until the same shall have been approved by the Governor in Council, and shall

have been published in the Gazette.

Penalty for 15. Save as otherwise is enacted herein every person who shall commit a breach of

breach of rules

and regulations. any of the rules and regulations made in pursuance of this Ordinance, shall, on sum

mary conviction thereof before a Magistrate, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars.

Proof of rules 16. In all proceedings before any Court, the rules and regulations in force for

and regulations.

the time being under this Ordinance, shall be sufficiently proved by the production of

a copy of the Gazette in which the same shall be published and contained .

Governor in'

Council may 17. If the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors , administrators or assigns

make rules and

regulations in shall fail to make or vary such rules and regulations, as in the opinion of the Governor

certain event.

in Council are requisite for the protection of the rights of the inhabitants of the

Colony, and for the prevention of injury to navigation, the Governor in Council shall

make an order to be served upon the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors,

administrators or assigns, limiting a time for the making or varying of such rules and

regulations, and if such rules and regulations are not made or varied by the time

prescribed in such order, the Governor in Council may make or vary such rules and

regulations, which when made or varied, and published in the Gazette, shall have the

same force and effect as if they were specially enacted herein.

ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1884 . 1783

Piers and Wharves.

18. The said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or assigns Rules and

regulations to

shall, from time to time, cause to be painted on boards, or to be printed and attached be painted and


in large and legible characters in English and Chinese, a statement of the rules and

regulations in force, and shall cause such boards containing such statement to be fixed

on some conspicuous part of the wharves or piers.

19. If at any time before the completion of the works, the said CATCHICK PAUL Power to

Governor in

Council to abate

CHATER his executors, administrators or assigns shall fail to proceed therewith for a and remove

works in certain

period of six months, or after the completion thereof shall disuse the same or any events.

part thereof for six months, without affording to the Governor in Council some satis

factory reason for the discontinuance or disuse of the said works, (as the case may be) ,

it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to abate and remove the same, and

restore the site thereof to its former condition at the costs of the said CATCHICK

PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or assigns, and the amount of such costs

shall be a debt due to the Government, and recoverable against the said CATCHICK

PAUL CHATER his executors , administrators or assigns accordingly.

20. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first obtained (but Power to sell.

not otherwise ) , the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or

assigns, may at any time, and from time to time sell , assign or absolutely dispose of

the undertaking, or any part or parts thereof to person, corporation, or company, by

public auction, or such private contract, or partly by public auction and partly by

private contract, and with, under and subject to such terms and conditions in all

respects as the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or assigns

shall think fit , with power at any such sale to fix a reserve price for, or buy in the

same, and when any such sale, assignment, or absolute disposal has been made, all

the rights , powers, authorities , obligations and liabilities of the said CATCHICK PAUL

CHATER his executors , administrators or assigns in respect to the undertaking or part

or parts thereof sold , assigned or absolutely disposed of, shall be transferred to , vested

in, and may be exercised by, and shall attach to the person or persons , corporation ,

or company to whom the same has been sold, assigned or absolutely disposed of, in

like manner as if the undertaking, or part or parts thereof sold, assigned or absolutely

disposed of, was or were constructed by such person or persons, corporation or

company under the powers conferred upon him or them by this Ordinance, and in

reference to the same he or they shall be deemed to be the said CATCHICK PAUL

CHATER his executors, administrators or assigns.

21. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first obtained (but Power to demise.

not otherwise) , the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or

assigns may, at any time, and from time to time demise their undertakings or any part

or parts thereof, to such person, corporation or company, for such term or terms of

years, or from year to year, or for any less period, and for such rent or rents, and upon

such terms and conditions in all respects, as the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his

executors, administrators or assigns shall think fit to adopt, to take effect either in

1784 ORDINANCES Nos. 4 AND 5 OF 1884.

Piers and Wharves. Naturalization .

possession or reversion , and either with or without a premium or premiums, as a

consideration or considerations for such demise or demises.

Power to mort 22. It shall be lawful for the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors , admin


istrators or assigus, from time to time and at any time to borrow money on mortgage

of all or any part of his undertaking, and for that purpose to assign or demise by way

of mortgage, all or any portion of the said wharves and piers, to any person or persons,

corporation or company, and to enter into all such covenants, provisoes , declarations

and agreements as the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors , administrators or

assigns shall think fit and proper.

Saving of rights. 23. Nothing in this Ordinance, otherwise than as specially enacted herein , shall

be construed, to interfere in any way with any existing rights in the land on which the

said wharves , piers or tramways are to be constructed , or the lands or foreshore

adjoining the same, and the power and privileges given by this Ordinance are so given,

saving and reserving always the rights of Her Majesty, and of all bodies politic and

corporate, and of all other persons and those claiming by, from , and under them

except as herein otherwise provided .

Duration of Or 24. This Ordinance shall continue in force for 20 years to be computed from the


31st day of March, 1884. Provided always that the Governor in Council may, from

time to time, so often as the Governor in Council shall think it expedient, by order, to

be published in the Gazette, declare that the duration of this Ordinance shall be

extended for any further term or terms not exceeding ten years at a time, and there

upon this Ordinance shall continue in force for such extended period.

Commencement 25. This Ordinance shall come into force on a day to be proclaimed by the

f Ordinance.


[In force from 31st March, 1884, by proclamation of the 29th March, 1884.

Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]

No. 5 of 1884.

An Ordinance for the naturalization of TSEUNG Sz-Kái.

[ 2nd April, 1884. ]

WHEREAS TSEUNG SZ -KAI has petitioned to be naturalized as a

British subject within the limits of this Colony, and whereas it

is expedient that he should be so naturalized ; Be it enacted by the Gov

ernor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as

follows :

Naturaliza TSÉUNG SZ -KÁI , shall be , and he is hereby naturalized a British subject

tion of

TSEUNG within this Colony, and shall enjoy within this Colony, but not elsewhere,


all the rights , advantages and privileges of a British subject , on his taking

the oath of allegiance under the provisions of the Promissory Oaths

Ordinance, 1869.

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1884 . 1785

Medical Registration.

No. 6 of 1884.

An Ordinance entitled The Medical Registration Ordinance, 1884.

[ 2nd April , 1884. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the

B ―――――――

Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. This Ordinance shall commence and come into operation on the Commence

ment of

5th day of April , 1884 . Ordinance.

2. This Ordinance shall not operate to limit the right of Chinese Ordinance

not applicable

practitioners to practice medicine or surgery or to receive demand or to Chinese


recover reasonable charges in respect of such practice .

3. The Colonial Secretary shall keep a register of medical and Colonial

Secretary to

surgical practitioners qualified to practise medicine and surgery in this keep register.


The register shall be, as nearly as may be, according to form A in

the schedule to this Ordinance.

4. A copy of the register shall be published by the Colonial Copy of

register to be

Secretary in the Gazette of the 3rd day of May, 1884 ; and thereafter a published in

the Gazette .

copy of the register, as it stands at any such time, shall be published by

the Colonial Secretary in the first Gazette issued after every succeeding

3rd day of May.

Any copy of the Gazette containing the most recent copy of the

register shall be primâ facie evidence in all legal proceedings that the

persons therein specified are registered under this Ordinance ; and the

absence of the name of any person from such copy shall be primâ facie

evidence that such person is not registered under this Ordinance .

5. The Colonial Secretary shall keep the register correct in accord Alterations

may be made

ance with the provisions of this Ordinance, and make from time to time in the re


the necessary alterations in the addresses or qualifications of the persons

registered under this Ordinance, and cancel in the register the names of

all persons registered under this Ordinance who have died or ceased to

be qualified.

The Colonial Secretary may write a letter to any registered person

addressed to him according to his address in the register to inquire

whether he has changed his residence, and if he does not receive an

answer to such letter within six months after the sending thereof, he may

cancel in the register the name of such person.

1786 ORDINANCE No. 6 or 1884.

Medical Registration.

Registered 6. Every person registered under this Ordinance or entitled to the


entitled to benefit of section 20 of this Ordinance, shall be entitled to practise medi

practise and

to demand cine and surgery in this Colony, and to demand and recover reasonable


charges for medical or surgical aid rendered by such person , and the

costs of medicines or surgical appliances supplied by him.

Unregistered 7. No person shall be entitled to recover in any action any charge


cannot for any practice of medicine or surgery after the 3rd day of May, 1884 ,


charges. by any person not either registered under this Ordinance or entitled to

the benefit of section 20 of this Ordinance.

Interpreta 8. The words " legally qualified medical practitioner, " or " duly

tion of terms .

qualified medical practitioner," or any words importing a person recog

nised at law as a practitioner in medicine or surgery, or as any kind of

a member of the medical profession, where used in any Ordinance , shall

be construed to mean a practitioner registered under this Ordinance .

Certificate of

9. No certificate signed after the 3rd day of May, 1884 , which


person void. certificate is, by any Act or Ordinance , required to be signed by a phy

sician , a surgeon , an apothecary, or any other medical or surgical practi

tioner, shall be valid unless the person signing it be registered under

this Ordinance.

The Medical 10. A board to be styled the Medical Board shall be established


under this Ordinance and shall consist of the Senior Military and Naval

Medical Officers for the time being in the Colony, and any two registered

medical practitioners and any three other fit persons willing to accept the

appointment who may be from time to time thereto appointed by the

Governor. Members appointed by the Governor shall hold office for 3

years and no longer unless re- appointed by the Governor and may be

removed by the Governor at pleasure. Three members of the board shall

form a quorum.

The board shall consider and report upon all matters laid before it

under sections 13 or 14 of this Ordinance as therein provided.

Production of 11. Any person claiming to be entitled under the Acts of the United


papers Kingdom 21 and 22 Victoria , chapter 90 , and 31 and 32 Victoria , chapter


before regis 29, to be registered in Hongkong under this Ordinance, shall be so regis


tered upon producing to the Colonial Secretary , in proof of his title thereto ,

a declaration, according to the form B in the schedule to this Ordinance ,

made by him before any Justice of the Peace, and impressed with a stamp

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1884. 1787

Medical Registration.

for duty, by way of registration fee , of $ 5 : Provided that the name of

such person appears in " The Medical Register " then most recently

published under the Act of the United Kingdom, 21 and 22 Victoria,

chapter 90 , or he produces to the Colonial Secretary a certified copy of

the entry of his name in the general register or in any branch register

of the United Kingdom , signed by the Registrar of the General Medical

Council or of any Branch Council of the United Kingdom .

12. Any medical or surgical practitioner who , pursuant to law, is Persons

registered in

registered as such and entitled accordingly to certain privileges in prac Colonies

entitled to

tising medicine or surgery , according to his qualifications in any one or be registered


more of the provinces of the Dominion of Canada , or in any other British

Colony other than Hongkong , shall , upon proof thereof, be entitled to be

registered accordingly under this Ordinance. Documentary evidence of

his being thus lawfully registered in such other Colony may be submitted

to the Colonial Secretary by any such practitioner who wishes to be

registered in Hongkong. If the Colonial Secretary is satisfied that such

evidence establishes sufficient proof of the registration in such other

Colony and of the identity of the applicant, he shall give to the practi

tioner a certificate to that effect, according to the form C in the schedule

to this Ordinance and , upon the applicant returning the same to him duly

impressed with a stamp of $5 for duty by way of registration fee , shall

register him accordingly under this Ordinance. Ifthe Colonial Secretary

is not satisfied, he shall submit the case to the Governor in Council for

decision as to whether he shall or shall not give such certificate, and such

decision shall be final.

13. Any medical or surgical practitioner holding a diploma , a Persous hold

ing diplomas,

licence, or a certificate of any kind concerning his professional qualifica &c. entitled to

be registered.

tions granted to him by any University or by any College or Faculty of

Physicians or Surgeons, after and in consequence of his having passed

through a course of study and examination as thorough and sufficient as

is the mininum course in any like case approved by Her Majesty's Most

Honourable Privy Council , under section 21 of the Act of the United

Kingdom , 21 and 22 Victoria , chapter 90 , shall, upon proof that such

diploma, licence, or certificate was so granted , be entitled to be registered

accordingly under this Ordinance. Documentary or other evidence of his

identity, and' of the fact that such diploma, licence, or certificate was so

granted may, together with his diploma, licence , or certificate, be submitted

to the medical board by any practitioner who wishes to be so registered

17SS ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1884.

Medical Registration .

and such evidence shall, without delay, be taken fully and fairly into

consideration by the board . If the board are satisfied that the evidence

establishes sufficient proof that the practitioner has passed through a

course of study and examinations as aforesaid , they shall give to such

practitioner a certificate to that effect , according to the form D in the

schedule to this Ordinance, and such certificate when impressed with a

stamp for duty by way of registration fee of $ 25 shall be to the Colonial

Secretary authority for registering the practitioner accordingly. If the

board are not satisfied , they shall submit the case, with a full report of

their opinions about it, and of the grounds on which those opinions are

based , to the Governor in Council , for decision as to whether they shall

or shall not give the certificate as aforesaid ; such decision shall be final ,

and, if in the applicant's favour, shall entitle him to have given to him

such a certificate as aforesaid .

Striking off 14. If any practitioner registered under this Ordinance is convicted

the register.

of any felony or misdemeanour, or, after due inquiry , is considered by

the medical board to have been guilty of infamous conduct in any pro

fessional respect, the medical board may, if they think fit, inform the

Colonial Secretary thereof stating the particulars of the case in full , and

the Colonial Secretary may thereupon if he thinks fit, strike the name of

such practitioner off the register.

Appeal to 15. All questions respecting the right of any person to be registered ,

Governor in

Council. or the mode of registration , or the liability of any person to be struck off

the register, and all questions respecting any alteration of the register,

shall , in case of dispute , be decided , subject to an appeal to the Governor

in Council. It there is no such appeal, the order, direction , or decision

shall be final . If there is such an appeal, the decision of the Governor in

Council shall be final, and he may give all such directions to the Colonial

Secretary as may be necessary for enforcing such decision .

Makinga false 16. Any person who wilfully makes before any Justice of the Peace


any false declaration , purporting to be a declaration under this Ordinance ,

shall be guilty of perjury.

Fraudulent 17. If any person fraudulently procures or attempts to procure


himself or any other person to be registered under this Ordinance by

making or producing , or causing to be made or produced, any false or

fraudulent representation or declaration , either orally or in writing, he

and every person aiding and assisting him therein shall be guilty of a

ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1884. 1789

Medical Registration.

misdemeanour , and shall, on conviction thereof, be liable to be imprisoned ,

with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding two years .

18. Any person who after the 3rd day of May, 1884 , wilfully or Penalty on


falsely takes or uses in this Colony any name or title or addition , imply persons.

ing a qualification to practise medicine or surgery, or who not being

either registered under this Ordinance or entitled to the benefit of section

20 of this Ordinance practises for gain or professes to practise or publishes

his name as practising medicine or surgery or receives any payment as

practising medicine or surgery , shall be liable for each offence , on summary

conviction before a Police Magistrate, to a penalty not exceeding one

hundred dollars .

19. All civil medical officers and all medical officers of Her Ma Civil, Army


jesty's Army and Navy, respectively serving in Hongkong on full pay, ical Officers,


shall be deemed to be registered under this Ordinance. registered .

Persons actu

20. Any person actually practising medicine or surgery in the

ally practis

Colony at the date of the commencement of this Ordinance and objecting ing and ob

jecting to be

to be registered under its provisions who before the 3rd day of May, 1884 , registered.

satisfies the Colonial Secretary that he was so practising shall be deemed

to be a person entitled to the benefit of this section .

The Colonial Secretary shall publish a list of the names of all such

persons in the Gazette of the 3rd day of May , 1884 , and a copy of the

said Gazette shall be primâ facie evidence in all legal proceedings that

the persons therein specified are persons entitled to the benefit of this

section and the absence of the name of any person from such copy shall

be primâ facie evidence to the contrary.

Form A.

Persons qualified to practise medicine and surgery.

Nature of Date of

Name. Address.

qualification. qualification.

1790 ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1884.

Medical Registration.

Form B.

I, A.B., residing at

do hereby

declare, that I am a member (or as the case may be) of (here state the college, faculty ,

or society) and was authorised by such (here state the college, faculty, or society which

gave the authority) on the day of 18 , to practise

medicine and surgery, and that I am by the name of A. B. , duly registered in the

United Kingdom under the provisions of the Act 21 and 22 Victoria, chapter 99, as

qualified to practise medicine and surgery.

Signed A. B.

Declared before me this day of 18

C.D. , Justice of the Peace ,

Form C.

I , A.B. , Colonial Secretary, do hereby certify that C.D. has satisfied me that he is

a medical practitioner, registered as such, and entitled to practise medicine and surgery

in (name of Colony) , and I give this certificate accordingly under section 12 of the

Medical Ordinance , 1884.

Dated this day of 18

A. B.,

Colonial Secretary.

Form D.

We, the medical board, do hereby certify that A.B. has satisfied us that he is a

medical practitioner, holding a diploma (or as the case may be) (granted to him by as

the case may be) in consequence of his having passed through a course of study and

examinations as thorough and sufficient as is the minimum course in such a case

approved by Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council under section 21 ofthe

Act of Parliament 21 and 22 Victoria, chapter 90, and we give this certificate accord

ingly under section 13 of the Medical Ordinance , 1884.

Dated this day of 18

(To be signed by a majority of the Board) .

ORDINANCES Nos. 7 AND 8 OF 1884. 1791

Dangerous Goods. Criminal Procedure.

No. 7 of 1884 .

An Ordinance entitled The Dangerous Goods Ordinance, Amend

ment Ordinance, 1884.

[ 9th April, 1884. ]

BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong with the advice of the

Legislative Council thereof as follows :

Section 11 of Ordinance 8 of 1873 is hereby amended by striking out Ordinance 8

of 1873

from the words, " This section shall not apply," down to the words , amended.

" Fifteen Pounds ," both inclusive, and inserting in lieu thereof the words :

" This section shall not apply to kerosine kept for private use

when the amount does not exceed ten gallons , and the same

is kept in closed vessels each of which contains not more

than 3 gallons ."

No. 8 of 1884.

An Ordinance entitled The Criminal Procedure Amendment

Ordinance, 1884.

[ 10th April, 1884. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the


Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. Section 12 of Ordinance 3 of 1865 is hereby amended by striking Amendment

of section 12

out the words " and five days at least before the day therein specified for of Ordinance

3 of 1865.


2. Section 1 of Ordinance 23 of 1882 is hereby amended by striking Amendment

of section 1 of

out the first clause, and also by striking out from the third clause the Ordinance 23

of 1882.

words " six days at least before the day specified in the said notice of trial

to one of the bailiffs of the Court."

1792 ORDINANCES Nos. 9 AND 10 OF 1884.

Penal Ordinances. Savings Banks.

No. 9 of 1884.

An Ordinance to amend Ordinance 3 of 1881 .

[ 10th April, 1884. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the

Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Ordinance 3 1. Ordinance 3 of 1881 is hereby amended as follows , viz . : --

of 1881


In section 3 , by adding at the end of the section the words " and

shall specify the number of strokes or lashes and shall

further provide :

(a. ) Except in the case of a person under the age of 14

years summarily convicted that the same shall

be inflicted in some prison , and

(b. ) In the case of a person under the age of 14 years

summarily convicted that the same shall be

inflicted privately ."

No. 10 of 1884.

An Ordinance to facilitate the business of Savings Banks .

[ 10th April , 1884. ]

B it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

B Council thereof, as follows :

Rules to be 1. The managers of any savings bank established in the Colony may submit the

approved by

Governor in rules for the constitution and for the conduct of the business of such bank to the


Governor in Council for approval and the Governor in Council may, by order, approve

of such rules with or without modification or may disapprove of the same.

ORDINANCES Nos. 10 AND 11 OF 1884. 1793

Savings Banks. French Mail Steamers.

2. When the Governor in Council approves of such rules, the rules together with Rules to be


a notification of such approval shall be published in the Gazette and thereupon the


following provisions shall apply in relation to such savings bank, that is to say :

(a.) All covers containing pass-books , registered letters containing stamps or Correspondence.

&c., exempted

other remittances, and all correspondences as to the business of the from postage .

bank shall if marked as on business of the said bank, be forwarded

free of postage or registration fee by the Post Office of Hongkong ;

(b.) No power warrant or letter of attorney given by any depositor in such Certain papers

exempted from

back to any other person authorising him to make any deposit in the stamp duty.

bank on behalf of the said depositor or to sign any instrument or docu

ment whatsoever required in the course of the business of any depositor

with the bank shall be subject to any stamp duty ;

Provided that it shall be in the discretion of the Governor in Council at any time by

order, to withdraw his approval of any such rules, and that upon such withdrawal being

notified in the Gazette, the foregoing provisions shall cease to apply in relation to such


[ Disallowance notified in Gazette 2nd May, 1885. ]

NOTE. For rules of the Hongkong Savings Bank approved the 16th April, 1885, see

Gazette the 19th of the same month.

No. 11 of 1884 .

An Ordinance entitled The French Mail Steamers Ordinance continuation

Ordinance , 1884 .

[ 10th April , 1884. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative

BR Council thereof, as follows :

1. Ordinance 6 of 1880, entitled An Ordinance to make temporary provision for

securing the status of French Mail Steamers within the Ports of the Colony ofHongkong, shall

continue in force until the first of September, 1885 , inclusive .

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]

1794 ORDINANCE No. 12 OF 1884.

Post Office.

No. 12 of 1884.

Title. An Ordinance entitled The Post Office Ordinance , 1884 .

[ 23rd April, 1884. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative


BR Council thereof, as follows :

Interpretation. 1. In this Ordinance, and in any Order in Council or regulation made thereunder,

unless the context indicates the contrary, the following expressions shall have the

meanings set against them respectively, that is to say :

Postmaster General shall mean the Postmaster General of the Colony.

Correspondence shall mean any letter, newspaper, book, pamphlet, document, parcel ,

or package, or other article whatsoever transmitted by post, whether in a closed mail

or having been placed loose on board any contract packet or vessel for transmission ;

and a letter or other article shall be deemed to be correspondence from the time of

its arrival within the limits of the Colony, if brought to the Colony by post, or from

the time of its delivery to the Post Office if not so brought, and in either case shall

continue to be deemed correspondence to the time of its delivery from the Post Office;

and delivery to or by any person authorized to receive or deliver letter bags or corres

pondence on behalf of the Postmaster General shall be a delivery to or from the

Post Office.

Postage Stamp shall mean any label or stamp for denoting any rate of postage.

Letter Bag shall mean any bag, or box, or packet, or parcel, or other envelope or

covering in which correspondence is conveyed, whether it does or does not contain


Post Office shall mean any house, building, room, or place where correspondence

is received or delivered, or in which it is sorted, made up, or despatched .

Officer of the Post Office shall mean the Postmaster General, and every Postmaster,

Assistant Postmaster, Agent,officer, clerk, letter carrier, or any other person

employed in any business of the Post Office, whether employed by the Postmaster

General, or by any person under him, or on behalf of the Post Office.

Persons employed by or under the Post Office shall mean every person employed in

any business of the Post Office according to the interpretation given to Officer of the

Post Office.

Contract Packet shall mean any vessel for the conveyance of letter bags and cor

respondence under contract.

Master of a Vessel shall mean any person in charge of a vessel, whether commander,

mate, or other person .

Vessel shall mean any ship or other vessel not being a contract packet.

ORDINANCE No. 12 OF 1884. 1795

Post Office.

2. There shall be one General Post Office of the Colony where correspondence General Post


may be received from all places, and whence correspondence may be despatched to all

places, and the Post Office at the time of the passing of this Ordinance shall be such

General Post Office until the site thereof is changed by the Governor.

The Governor may establish such District Post Offices in the Colony as he

thinks fit.


3. The Postmaster General, and all other officers of the Post Office at the time Postmaster

General and

officers con

of the passing of this Ordinance shall be continued in their offices, and shall have all tinued in their


the powers and privileges hereby conferred upon the holders of their respective offices.

4. The Governor may from time to time appoint a Postmaster General of the Appointinent

of officers in


Colony, and all necessary Assistant Postmasters General, Postmasters, agents , clerks ,

or servants for conducting the business of the Post Office, and may remove any officers

so appointed.

5. No person appointed after the passing of this Ordinance shall be capable of Declarations.

holding the office of Postmaster General, or Assistant Postmaster General , or Post

master, or Agent, unless he shall have first made and subscribed before a Justice of

the Peace, or one of Her Britannic Majesty's Consuls, the declaration contained in

the schedule A hereto annexed, and no person appointed after the passing of this

Ordinance shall be capable of being a clerk, servant, or officer of the Post Office,

unless he shall have first made and subscribed in like manner the declaration contained

in the schedule B hereto annexed.

6. The Postmaster General shall, by himself or his deputies, have the entire Postmaster

General solely

charge of the General Post Office and of all postal matters within the Colony, with authorized to

receive and de

liver all corre

sole power, within the Colony, of receiving from all persons authorized to deliver the spondence.

same all letter bags and correspondence arriving in the Colony ; and with sole power,

within the Colony, of collecting, receiving, and delivering to all persons authorized to

receive the same all correspondence for transmission by or through the General

Post Office to places out of the Colony.

The said Postmaster General shall also have the exclusive privilege, within the

Colony, of performing all the incidental services of receiving , collecting, despatching

and delivering all correspondence arriving from , or transmitted to any place out of the

Colony ; and no letters , unless exempt by law, shall be delivered in, or transmitted

from the Colony otherwise than by or through the General Post Office.

7. All correspondence which, by any Act of the Imperial Parliament, is excepted Letters excepted

under Acts of

from the exclusive privilege of the Imperial Post Office , shall within this Colony be Imperial Parlia


excepted from the exclusive privilege of the Postmaster General of the Colony.

8. The Postmaster General shall receive all postage payable in the Colony and Receipt of

postage, and

shall keep accounts of all correspondence received and despatched by him, with the accounts.

particulars of the postage thereof, in such manner and form as the Governor may, from

1796 ORDINANCE No. 12 OF 1884.

Post Office.

time to time, direct ; Provided that the accounts of monies payable to the imperial

Postmaster General be kept distinct from the accounts of monies payable to the

Colonial Treasury.

The Postmaster General shall keep the accounts of monies payable to the Imperial

Postmaster General in such form and shall transmit such monies in such manner as

the said Imperial Postmaster General may, from time to time, direct.

Governor in 9. The Governor in Council may, from time to time by order determine the rates

Council may

fix rates of

postage. of postage to be charged upon all correspondence sent by post from the General Post

Office of the Colony, or received therein from places outside the Colony, and may

revoke, alter, or add to any such order, provided that no such order be inconsistent

[with any postal Treaty applicable to this Colony. Repealed by Ordinance No. 11 of 1885,

and new words substituted . ]

Orders to be 10. The Governor shall publish every such order by proclamation in the Gazette ;

published by

proclamation. and every order, when so published , shall have the same effect as if it had been inserted

in this Ordinance . All such Orders in Council in force at the time of passing of this

Ordinance are hereby continued in force until duly revoked or altered by the Governor

in Council.

The Postmaster 11. The Postmaster General may, subject to such Treaty [amended by Ordinance No.

General may

make regula 11 of 1885, ] as aforesaid, from time to time, make, alter, and repeal, in relation to


correspondence sent by post, such regulations as he thinks fit for regulating times and

modes of posting and delivery, prepayment, late fees, fines on unpaid correspondence,

the registry of correspondence, money orders, the sale and affixing of postage stamps,

the dimensions, weight , and contents of packets, and other such similar regulations as

the Postmaster General from time to time thinks [ amended by Ordinance No. 11 of 1885]

necessary for the better execution of this Ordinance.

All such regulations as affect the public shall be [ approved by the Governor in Council

and repealed by Ordinance No. 11 of 1885, ] published in the Gazette, or in the Postal

Guide published by the Postmaster General, and shall have no effect until so published.

Decision as to

newspapers, 12. If a question arises whether any article or correspondence is a letter, or

packets, &c.

whether any publication is a newspaper or a supplement, or whether any packet is a

book packet or pattern or sample packet, within the meaning of this Ordinance, or of

any order in Council, or regulations made thereunder, the decision thereon of the

Postmaster General shall be final , provided that the Governor may, if he thinks fit, on

the application of any person interested, reverse or modify such decision , and order


Paid correspond 13. All correspondence which arrives in this Colony fully paid according to the

ence to be

delivered or

transmitted rates in force for the time being shall be delivered or transmitted from the Post Office

without further

charge. without further charge.

Seamen's and 14. All letters received or sent by sailors or soldiers of Her Majesty's sea or land

soldiers ' letters.

forces shall be charged with such reduction in the rates of postage as is allowed to

them by any Act of the Imperial Parliament.

ORDINANCE No. 12 oF 1884. 1797

Post Office.

15. The Governor may, from time to time, provide proper postage stamps and Dies, &c. for

postage stamps.

proper dies and other implements for denoting, by adhesive stamps or otherwise, the

rates of postage payable under this Ordinance, or any regulation thereunder.

16. The Postmaster General may if necessary open and if possible return to the Opening letters.


( 1.) Any correspondence upon which the prepayment of postage is compulsory, Unpaid letters.

and which cannot be sent unpaid by any other route, and upon which

the proper postage has not been paid.

( 2. ) Any correspondence which is returned to the General Post Office for Dead letters.

want of a proper address, or from inability to find the person to whom

it is addressed , and which remains unclaimed for ten days after being

advertised in the Gazette.

17. When any packet is delivered to the Post Office and has thereby become Postage may

be remitted on

liable to postage, and evidence is adduced to the satisfaction of the Postmaster General packets not


letters if sent

that such packet has been delivered to the Post Office by mistake, the Postmaster in mistake.

General may cause such packet to be opened in the presence of an officer of the Post

Office, and may return the same without charge to the person interested ; unless such

packet is found to contain any letter or manuscript liable to postage ; in which case the

Postmaster General shall retain the packet until he is paid the full rate of postage

chargeable upon such letter or manuscript.

18. After any correspondence has been delivered to the Post Office, no person Warrants for

opening or

employed by or under the Post Office shall, except in the cases above mentioned, open returning


the same, or return the same to any person, or procure or suffer the same to be opened

or returned, unless he is authorised by express warrant in writing under the hand of

the Governor, or the British Consul at the port.

The Governor, or the British Consul at the port, may, at his discretion, grant

such warrants for opening or returning any specified letter or other article of


Despatch and receipt of mails.

19. Every master of a vessel , shall, immediately on arrival, and before reporting Delivery of mails.

at the Harbour Office, deliver to the Post Office all letter bags and correspondence on

board, except such as are exempt by law, and shall make the declaration contained in

the schedule C hereto annexed before an officer of the Post Office.

20. The Postmaster General shall pay to every master of a vessel, not being at Gratuities to


contract packet, a gratuity of two cents for every letter, and one cent for every other inwards.

article of correspondence delivered by him to the Post Office ; Provided always that

no gratuity shall be payable,

( 1.) For a second transmission of any correspondence ;

( 2.) On correspondence delivered to any Post Office to be thence transmitted

by contract packet ;

1798 ORDINANCE No. 12 OF 1884.

Post Office.

(3.) On correspondence the gratuity on which is certified by the despatching

office to have been paid.

(4. ) The gratuity payable on such letters transmitted between Hongkong,

Canton, and Macao, in either direction, shall be one cent only.

Gratuities to 21. The Postmaster General may pay like gratuities to any master of a vessel

inasters ofvessels

outwards. leaving Hongkong on every article of correspondence delivered to such master from the

Post Office, or certified by the Post Office of destination to have been duly received

from him.

Rates of 22. The powers of the Governor in Council as defined and regulated by sections 9


and 10 of this Ordinance , shall equally apply to the rates of gratuity to be paid to

ship masters for the delivery of mails, either generally or in particular cases : Provided

always, that the gratuities fixed by any order in Council under this section shall not

be less on the average than the sums otherwise required by this Ordinance to be paid.

Damages for 23. Every master of a vessel who receives such gratuities or to whom such

non-delivery of

mail. gratuities have been credited in the accounts of the Postmaster General shall be held

to have made a contract with the Postmaster General that, in consideration of the

gratuities so paid, he will duly deliver all letter bags and correspondence received from

the Post Office unto the persons to whom the same are addressed immediately on his

arrival in port, without wilful or avoidable delay after his arrival, and that if he fail in

any respect to perform his said contract he will pay to the Postmaster General the

sum of five hundred dollars as liquidated damages for the breach of his said contract.

Persons pro

posing to 24. Every person or firm proposing to despatch a vessel to any port or place out

despatch vessels

to give notice to of this Colony, excepting vessels plying daily or on fixed days to Macao or to places on

the Postmaster

General. the Canton River, shall , so soon as he has arranged the time for the departure of such

vessel, give the first intimation of such proposed departure to the Postmaster General,

and shall, in like manner, intimate to the Postinaster General any alteration in the day

or hour of departure of the said vessel, and the Postmaster General shall, on receiving

such intimation, give notice to the public of the day and hour for closing the mails , if

any are to be made up by such vessel.

Any person or firm failing to give such intimation to the Postmaster General shall,

for every such offence, on conviction thereof, be liable to a penalty not exceeding five

hundred dollars .

Every alteration of the hour of departure of any vessel plying daily or on fixed

days to Macao or to places on the Canton River, shall, in like manner, be intimated to

the Postmaster General by the person despatching such vessel, who shall , for any

default, be liable on conviction thereof to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars.

Making up mails 25. The Postmaster General, or any officer of the Post Office authorised by him,

on board.

may attend on board any vessel , after the time for closing the mail by such vessel , and

may receive all fully prepaid correspondence which is brought on board up to the time

of departure to be transmitted by such vessel.

ORDINANCE No. 12 or 1884. 1799

Post Office.

The master of every such vessel shall give all proper facilities to such officer of

the Post Office to enable him to discharge his duties and to make up such late mails,

and to leave the vessel on her departure, and any master of a vessel failing to give any

such facilities shall be liable, on conviction thereof, to a penalty not exceeding five

hundred dollars.

If there be no officer of the Post Office in attendance on board any vessel, the

master of such vessel may receive all correspondence which is brought on board to him

prepaid by stamps ; and shall deliver the same at the Post Office on arrival at his



26. Every master of a vessel which is not a contract packet, who commits any of Penalties on

masters of


the following offences, shall, on conviction thereof, be liable to a penalty not exceeding

five hundred dollars, that is to say :

Refusal to take a letter bag delivered or tendered to him by an officer of the Post

Office for conveyance.

Refusal to sign a receipt for a letter bag delivered to him by an officer of the Post

Office for conveyance.

Neglect without reasonable excuse to deliver all correspondence to the Post Office

on his arrival in the Colony.

Refusal or wilful neglect to make, or making any untrue statement in the declara

tion hereby required of his having delivered his letters to the Post Office.

Refusal or wilful neglect, if in quarantine, to deliver all correspondence in his

possession to the person appointed to receive it.

27. Every person employed by or under the Post Office who steals, embezzles , Stealing letter

bags, forging

secretes, or destroys any correspondence shall be guilty of felony. stampsand other


Every person who steals from or out of any correspondence any chattel, money or

valuable security, shall be guilty of felony.

Every person who steals or unlawfully takes away a letter bag, or steals or unlaw

fully takes any correspondence from or out of a letter bag, or unlawfully opens a letter

bag, shall be guilty of felony.

Every person who steals any correspondence from a letter bag, or from a Post

Office, or from an officer of the Post Office shall be guilty of felony.

Every person who forges, alters, or imitates, or assists in forging, altering, or

imitating, any postage stamp issued under this Ordinance, shall be guilty of felony.

Every person who uses, offers, utters, disposes of, or puts off any forged , altered,

or imitated postage stamp as aforesaid, knowing the same to be forged, altered , or

imitated, shall be guilty of felony.

1800 ORDINANCE No. 12 of 1884.

Post Office.

Every person who is convicted of any felony mentioned in this section shall be

liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any term not

exceeding seven years and not less than three years, or to be imprisoned for any term

not exceeding two years with or without hard labour.

Opening corre 28. Every person employed by or under the Post Office, who, without lawful

spondence and

other misde

ineanors, authority or excuse, opens, or suffers or procures to be opened any correspondence ; or

who, without lawful authority or excuse, detains or delays, or procures or suffers to be

detained or delayed any correspondence ; or who wilfully delivers any correspondence

to any person other than the person to whom the same ought to be delivered, shall be

guilty of a misdemeanor.

Every person who fraudulently obtains from any person employed by or under the

Post Office, or fraudulently detains, or wilfully secretes, keeps, or detains, any letter bag,

or any correspondence which ought to have been delivered to any other person, shall

be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Every person who fraudulently removes any postage stamp from any correspondence,

or wilfully removes from any postage stamp any mark that has been made thereon at

any Post Office, or knowingly uses or puts off any postage stamp from which any such

mark has been removed, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Every person who is convicted of any misdemeanor mentioned in this section shall

be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding

two years with or without hard labour.

Receiving 29. The sections of the Larceny Ordinance (No. 7 of 1865) relating to receiving

stolen corre

spondence. stolen goods, that is to say, sections 75 to 82 both inclusive, shall apply to felonies and

misdemeanors committed under this Ordinance ; and for that purpose, the expression

this Ordinance, when used in the said sections, shall be taken to include the present


Allegations to 30. In any proceedings against any person for any offence committed against this

be used in

proceedings for

offences. Ordinance, in respect of any letter bag or correspondence, it shall be sufficient to

allege such letter bag or correspondence to be the property of the Postmaster General

without mentioning his name, and in any such proceedings against any person employed

by or under the Post Office, it shall be sufficient to allege that such person was employed

by or under the Post Office, without stating further the nature or particulars of his


Penalties may 31. All pecuniary penalties for offences against this Ordinance may be recovered

be recovered in

a summary way in a summary way before a Magistrate, but proceedings for the recovery of such penal

within one year.

ties shall be commenced within one year after the offence was committed.

Repeal. 32. Ordinance No. 10 of 1876 is hereby repealed, but such repeal shall not affect

anything lawfully done or commenced to be done thereunder.

Suspending 33. This Ordinance shall take effect on a day to be proclaimed by the Governor.


ORDINANCE No. 12 OF 1884. 1801

Post Office.


I, do solemnly and sincerely declare that I will not willingly or knowingly open ,

detain, return, delay, or misdeliver, or cause or suffer to be opened , detained , returned, delayed , or

misdelivered, any correspondence which shall come into my hands, power, or custody by reason of my

employment by or under the Post Office, except by the consent of the person to whom such correspond

ence shall be directed, or by an express warrant in writing for that purpose under the hand of the

Governor of Hongkong, or of Her Britannic Majesty's Consul at the Port where I may be stationed, or

except in pursuance and under the authority of any of the provisions of any Ordinance now or here

after to be in force in the Colony of Hongkong relating to the Post Office of the said Colony,

Declared before me this day of 188 .


Justice of the Peace,

or H. B. M. Consul.


I, do solemnly and sincerely declare that I will not willingly or knowingly open

detain, return, delay, or misdeliver, or cause or suffer to be opened, detained , returned, delayed, or mis

delivered, any correspondence which shall come into my hands, power, or custody by reason of my,

employment by or under the Post Office.

Declared before me this day of 188 •

Justice ofthe Peace,

or H. B. M. Consul. J


I do solemnly declare, that I have, to the best of my knowledge and belief, delivered or caused to

be delivered to the Post Office at Hongkong every letter bag and all correspondence that was on board

the vessel under my command , except such correspondence as is exempt by law.

A. B.,

Commander of the

Declared before me this day of 188 •

[In force from the 5th May, 1884, under proclamation of same date. Repealed

by Ordinance No. 1 of 1887.]

NOTE.-The following Regulations, Orders in Council, &c., were made under the


Regulations as to Money Orders 7th January, 1885, see Gazette 10th

ofthe same month. 1

Amended Regulations as to Postal Notes 30th January, 1885, see Gazette

31st of the same month.

Order of the 11th March, 1885, as to Adhesive and Impressed Stamps &c.

see Gazette 14th of the sume month.

Regulations as to Money Orders of the 25th March, 1885, see Gazette

28th ofthe same month.

Order as to Rates of Postage 24th September, 1885, see Gazette 26th of

the same month.

1802 ORDINANCES Nos. 13 AND 14 OF 1884.

Barristers, Attornies, and Public Notaries. Merchant Shipping.

No. 13 of 1884 .

An Ordinance to amend Ordinance 3 of 1871.

[ 23rd April, 1884. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong with the advice of the

ВЕ -

Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Ordinance 3 of 1871 , is hereby amended as follows :

Amendment In section 7 , by striking out from the words " before becom

of section 7.

ing bound under articles to any attorney practising within

the Colony " inclusive down to the end of the section .

Provided that such amendment shall not affect the rights of any person ,

who, at the time of the passing of this Ordinance, is a bona fide clerk to

an attorney practising within the Colony , and is bonâ fide engaged in the

transaction and performance under the direction and superintendence of

such attorney, of such matters of business as are usually transacted and

performed by attornies.

No. 14 of 1884.

An Ordinance entitled The Merchant Shipping Ordinance, 1879,

Amendment Ordinance, 1884.

[ 23rd April, 1884. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong with the advice of the

BE -----

Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Ordinance 8 of 1879 , is hereby amended as follows :

Amendment In section 15 , by striking out of sub - section 8 the words " Mem

of section 15,

bers of the Board " and inserting in place thereof the words

" Governor upon the recommendation of the Board," and

by striking out sub- section 9.

ORDINANCE No. 15 OF 1884 . 1803


No. 15 of 1884.

An Ordinance entitled The Stamp Ordinance, 1884.

[ 16th May, 1884. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Preamble.

BT Council thereof, as follows :

1. In the construction of this Ordinance the term Collector shall include the person Definitions.

for the time being appointed by the Governor to have the control and management of

the stamp office .

Document shall mean any deed, instrument, or writing whatever. Document.

Material shall mean paper or parchment. Materia?.

Executed and Execution, with reference to documents not under seal, shall mean Execution.

signed and signature respectively.

2. The present Collector and all other officers of the stamp office are hereby Officers


continued in their offices. There shall be one general stamp office for the Colony, Office.

and such subsidiary stamp offices as the Governor may from time to time in his Subsidiary offices.

discretion appoint.

3. The Governor may from time to time appoint aud remove a chief officer who Staff.

[12 of 1866,

shall have the control and management of the stamp office, and such other officers as s. 3 and 4J

may from time to time be required to carry on the business of the Stamp Office.

4. For every document executed after the coming into force of this Ordinance of Duty payable

under schedule.

any of the kinds specified by the schedule as requiring stamps, there shall be payable [5 of 1868, s. 6.]

to Government a stamp duty of the amount indicated in the said schedule to be proper

for such document.

Every provision contained in the said schedule shall be of the same force as if it

were contained in the body of this Ordinance.

5. The Governor in Council may from time to time make and when made, revoke, Governor in

Council may

add to or alter rules, fixing lower rates of duty than those specified in the schedule, or lower or abolish


exempting from duty any of the documents mentioned in the schedule , and prescribing [12 of 1866, s. 25.]

the form, size, and material of the stamps to be used , and the mode and place of May make rules.

[See 12 of 1866,

impressing, affixing, or denoting thereupon the value of the same under the provisions s. 8 and 9.]

of this Ordinance, and the manner of writing upon or filling up such stamps, and

authorising or prohibiting the use of adhesive stamps for any documents required to

bear stamps, and generally for the execution of this Ordinance.


6. Every person who commits any of the following offences shall, on summary Penalties for non

stamping, &c.

conviction thereof before a Magistrate, be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred [12 of 1866, s. 7,

12 and 10.]

dollars , that is to say :

1804 ORDINANCE No. 15 CF 1884.


1. Drawing, accepting, isssuing, endorsing, negociating, paying, or receiving

payment of any bill of exchange, promissory note, or other similar

instrument, or making, executing, or signing (except as hereinafter

provided) any document enumerated in the schedule on unstamped or

insufficiently stamped material.

2. Delivery out of his hands, custody, or power of any document upon which

an adhesive stamp has been affixed under this Ordinance without cancel

ling the said stamp so that it cannot be used again.

3. Any breach of this Ordinance not specially provided for.

Penalties for 7. Every person who commits any of the following offences shall, on summary


[12 of 1866, s. 14 conviction thereof before a Magistrate, be liable to a penalty not exceeding five hundred

and 27.1

dollars, that is to say :—

1. Drawing any bill of exchange purporting to be drawn in a set of two or

more without drawing on duly stamped material the whole number of

bills constituting such set.

2. Knowingly and wilfully executing any document charged under the schedule.

with ad valorem duty, in which the consideration money or amount

involved is not truly expressed and set forth, with intent to avoid full

payment of stamp duty, or knowingly and wilfully inserting or setting

forth or procuring to be inserted or set forth in such document a less

amount than the full and true consideration money or amount involved.

Execution out of the Colony.

Execution out of 8. All documents whatever executed out of the Colony shall, when brought into


[See 12 of 1866, force or registered within the Colony , be liable to the same rates of stamp duty as if

s. 11.]

they had been executed within the Colony.

Reception in evidence .

Unstamped 9. Except as otherwise provided by this Ordinance, no document liable to stamp

documents not

received in

evidence. duty under this Ordinance shall be received as creating, transferring, or extinguishing

[12 of 1866, s. 15.] any right or obligation , or as evidence in any civil proceeding in any Court of Justice

in the Colony, or shall be acted upon, registered, or authenticated in any such Court or

Public or other office or by any public officer unless such document be stamped accord

ing to this Ordinance or in accordance with the law in force in the Colony at the time

Court may order it was executed. Provided that whatever powers are vested by this Ordinance in the

to be stamped

within certain

limits. Collector as to stamping after execution may be exercised within the limits of such

[ See 12 of 1866,

s. 18.1 powers by any Civil Court, which may direct the Collector to stamp and receive the duty

and penalty, if any, upon any document which might otherwise have been stamped by

him in the exercise of such powers. Such duty and penalty shall be paid into Court,

and shall be remitted to the Collector with the document to be stamped after the docu

ment has been admitted in evidence. [ Repealed by Ordinance No. 2 of 1885 and new

section substituted. ]

ORDINANCE No. 15 OF 1884. 1805

Stamp .

Stamping after execution.

10. The Collector of stamp duty may stamp documents after execution in cases Stamping after


where he [or the Court ordering such stamping : repealed by Ordinance No. 2 of 1885] shall

be satisfied that the omission or neglect to stamp or to stamp sufficiently did not arise

from any intention to evade payment of stamp duty or otherwise to defraud , subject to

the following rules :

1. Agreements by letter may be stamped at any time within one month after [12 of 1866, s. 19. ]


2. Bills of exchange and promissory notes executed in the Colony shall not be [12 of 1866, s. 22

and 19,]

stamped after execution.

3. Documents executed out of the Colony shall be stamped when they are received

in the Colony if they have not been previously stamped according to this


4. In all other cases of stamping after execution there shall be charged as a penalty, [12 of 1866, s. 16 .

if within one month of execution double, if within two months ten times, if

after two months twenty times the deficient duty.

5. If the Collector be satisfied that the omission or neglect to stamp arose solely [Ibid. clause 6,

and 5 of 1868,

from urgent necessity or unavoidable accident, he shall remit the penalty s. 1.]

prescribed by this section. He may require sworn or other evidence as to the

circumstances at his discretion.


11. Whenever any person is in doubt respecting the proper amount of stamp duty Adjudication [12

of 1866, s. 20.1

payable upon any document, he may apply to the Collector for an adjudication on such

document, at the same time depositing a fee of one dollar, whereon the Collector shall

determine the amount of duty to which such document is liable, and on payment thereof

shall impress the document with stamps to that amount, also with an additional stamp

denoting that the adjudication fee has been paid. And any document bearing the

said adjudication fee stamp shall be received in evidence in any Court or registered by

any public officer as properly stamped , and shall be regarded as properly stamped for

any purpose whatever .

Spoiled Stamps.

12. Whenever material bearing an impressed stamp has become damaged, spoiled , Spoiled stamps

may be allowed.

or unfit for use, the Collector, on its delivery to him, may supply the owner of such [12 of 1866, s. 26.]

spoiled material with stamps of equal value to those originally impressed, subject to


the following rules :

1. In the case of unexecuted documents spoiled by error in the writing, defaced by

accident, or rendered useless by unforeseen circumstances before completion,

such allowance may be made within six months of spoiling.

1806 ORDINANCE No. 15 OF 1884.

Stamp .

2. In the case of executed documents found unfitted for the purpose originally

intended by errors therein, or the execution of which cannot be completely

carried out by reason of the death or refusal to sign of any person or other

unforeseen circumstance, or in the case of bills of exchange or promissory

notes no part of which has been delivered to the payee, such allowance may

be made within six months of signature .


Cost of stamps. 13. The expense of the stamp for any bill of exchange or promissory note shall be

[12 of 1866, s. 22.]

borne by the person drawing or making or negociating the same. The expense of any

receipt stamp shall be borne by the person receiving payment.

Collector's acts 14. All decisions , orders, or acts of the Collector may be reversed or modified by

revised by

Governor, the Governor. And whenever any person shall suppose any decision of the Collector

[12 of 1866, s. 28.]

with reference to any document tendered by such person to be stamped , to be erroneous,

it shall be lawful for such person to make application to the Supreme Court in its

Summary Jurisdiction , and such Court, having heard such person and the Collector or

Appeal from his deputy, may order the payment of the duty in dispute, or may make such other


order as may be necessary under the circumstances.

Refund of 15. The Governor may order a refund by Treasury warrant of the whole or any

probate duty.

portion of any probate duty which may have been paid to the Collector, for the refund

of which any equitable claim shall be proved to his satisfaction, on the ground of pay

ment of probate duty on the same estate elsewhere, assignment or diminution of value

of the estate, discharge of debts , or other reasonable cause.

Government not 16. The Government shall not be responsible for the loss of or for damage to any

responsible for

loss of or damage document tendered for stamping, whilst in the custody of the Collector, nor shall any

to document.

[12 of1866, s. 21.] officer of the stamp office be responsible for such loss or damage, unless he shall have

caused it wilfully, fraudulently, or by gross negligence.


Forging stamps, 17. Every person who forges, alters, or imitates , or assists in forging, altering


or imitating any stamp used for the purposes of this Ordinauce shall be guilty of

felony. Any stamp impressed in the stamp office by any person without the authority

of the collector, and not accounted for to him shall be held to be forged within the

meaning of this section .

Uttering, and 18. Every person who uses, utters, disposes of, puts off, or without lawful excuse


is in possession of any forged, altered , or imitated stamp as aforesaid , knowing the

same to be forged , altered , or imitated , shall be guilty of felony, and such stamp or

stamps shall be forfeited to the Crown.

Removing marks 19. Every person who fraudulently removes an adhesive stamp from any docu

and possession.

ment, or wilfully removes or attempts to remove from any adhesive stamp any mark

that has been made thereon by way of cancellation, or knowingly uses, puts off, or is

in possession of any adhesive stamp from which any such mark has been wholly or

partially removed, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

ORDINANCE No. 15 OF 1884 . 1807


20. Every person who is convicted of any felony under this Ordinance shall be Penalties.

liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any term not

exceeding seven years and not less than three years, or to be imprisoned for any term

not exceeding two years with or without hard labour. And every person who is con

victed of any misdemeanor under this Ordinance shall be liable, at the discretion of

the Court, to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years with or without

hard labour.


21. It shall be lawful for all Courts and Magistrates, and for the Collector, and Impounding

unstamped docu

for all persons employed for the sale and distribution of stamps, and they are hereby ments.

[5 of 1868, s. 2.]

required to take possession of any document as to which any breach of the laws

relating to stamp duties may appear to have been committed, and to deliver the same

to the Collector to be used in prosecuting the offender .

22. No person shall be proceeded against under section 6 or 7 of this Ordinance Limit of prosecu


except within two years from the date of the offence nor without the consent of the

Attorney General.

23. Ordinances No. 12 of 1866 and No. 5 of 1868 and all orders in Council made Repeal.

thereunder are hereby repealed, but such repeal shall not affect anything lawfully done

or suffered thereunder or any prosecution or any other proceeding for any thing done

contrary to the provisions of the same, while the same were in force.

24. This Ordinance shall come into force on a day to be fixed by proclamation Suspending


by the Governor.


of the proper stamps for such documents as require to be

stamped under this Ordinance.

NOTE. -A document containing or relating to several distinct matters is to be separately and distinctly

charged with duty in respect of each of such matters. Any document liable to stamp duty

under more than one article of this schedule shall be charged under that article which

imposes the highest duty.

1. Adjudication as to the amount of stamp $1.

duty to be levied on any document,.……………….. J

2. Agreement, or any minute or memo

randum of an agreement, not being under seal, or

of the nature of an obligation for the payment of

money, and not specially charged with duty 50 cents

under this schedule, whether the same be only evi

dence of a contract, or obligatory on the parties ;

or in the case of letters offered in evidence to

prove an agreement, any one of such letters, ......

NOTE.-Agreements as to letting or tenancy are in all cases chargeable

as leases. See articles 22 and 24.

1808 ORDINANCE No. 15 OF 1884.


Agreement or contract accompanied with)

the deposit of title deeds to any immovable pro See Mortgage, 26.

perty or for securing the payment or repayment

of any money or stock,

Exemptions. -Label, slip, or memorandum containing the heads of any Insurance to be

effected by means of a duly stamped policy or risk note.

Memorandum, letter, or agreement made for or relating to the sale of any goods, wares, or

merchandise, or to the sale of any shares in any public company, not being a broker's note

or document given by a broker.

Seaman's advance note, or memorandum, or agreement made between the master and

mariners of any shipfor wages.

Emigration contract.

Passage ticket.

3. Arbitration Award, $1.

4. Articles of Clerkship, or contract

whereby any person shall first become bound to

serve as a clerk in order to his admission as an $50.


Attorney or Solicitor,......... ……………………………….

Assignment, by way of security , or of any See Mortgage, 26.


Upon a sale, ........ See Conveyance , 14.

5. Attested Copy of any document charge $1.

able with stamp duty under this Schedule,

Average Statement, …………………. See Bond, 10.

6. Bank Cheque payable on demand tol 2 cents.

any person, to bearer, or order, ........ Š

า Two-thirds per cent per annum on the average

value of such notes in circulation. To be col

7. Bank Notes, or other obligations for the lected monthly on a statement thereof to be

payment of money issued by any Banker or Bank furnished by each Banker or Banking Com

ing Company in the Colony for local circulation pany to the Collector of Stamp Revenue at the

and payable to bearer on demand ,……………… end of each month, and to be signed by the

Banker, or Manager, or Agent, and Accountant

of such Banker or Banking Company.

8. Bill ofExchange payable on demand,. 2 cents.

Over $10,........ 2 cents.

99 $50, .... ……………....... 5 29

99 $250, .......10 99

Bill of Exchange, Promissory Note , or 99 .20 99

other obligation for the payment of money, not $500,

99 $ 1,000, .50 19

otherwise specially charged with duty under this 99 $2,000, ****** .$1.00.

schedule, or if bearing no date of making or 99 $3,000 , $1.50.

payment, ........ $5,0009, .***..... .$2.00.


$10,000 , .......... $3.00 .

Every additional $5,000 or part thereof,...$0.50.

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 2 of 1885 and new

column substituted . ]

Note. -When Bills of Exchange or other such documents are drawn in sets of two or more, half the

above duties to be charged on each part of a set. If the duty be ents the first part of

the set shall be charged 3 cents, and the other parts 2 cents each.

Exemption. - Bili or Promissory Note for $ 10 and under. Bill on the owners of any

vessel for wages due to any seaman ofsuch vessel.

9. Bill of Lading, or ship's receipt where

bills of lading are not used, for each part of 10 cents.

every set, ……………. ......... ... }|

Exemption.- Bill of Lading for goods shipped by any Government Officer on account of


ORDINANCE No. 15 OF 1884. 1809


10. Bond, or other obligation concerning

Respondentia and Bottomry, and Average 10 cents for every $100 or part thereof.

Statement, or Bond where no statement is drawn

up, ……………...

Bond for securing the payment or repayment

of money not otherwise provided for, or for the

transfer or re-transfer of stock, or accompanying See Mortgage, 26.

the deposit of Title Deeds to any immovable


Bond, See also Articles 4, 20 , 21 , 33.

11. Broker's Note, or any document hav

ing reference to the sale or purchase of any mer 50 cents.

chandise, given by any Broker, .....

12. Charter Party, or any Agreement or

Contract for the charter or hiring of any sea

going ship or vessel, to be charged on the esti 10 cents for every $ 100 or part thereof.

mated freight,..

13. Copy Charter.

Vessel under 200 tons, each copy, $ 1.

29 over 200 29 19 $2.

Collateral Security, ... See Mortgage, 26.

Contract,. See Agreement, 2.

14. Conveyance or assignment on sale, to

be levied on the amount or value of the considera

tion money, such consideration money to include

any sum payable by the purchaser in respect of > 30 cents for every $ 100 or part thereof.

any mortgage or other debt remaining upon the

property purchased , or released by such purchaser

to the vendor. (See also article 17) ,...

Exemption. -Transfer by mere endorsement of a duly stamped Bill of Exchange, Promis

sory Note or other negotiable Instrument, or of a Bill of Lading. Bill of Salefor Chinese


15. Copartnership, Deed or other instru

ment of, } | $2.

16. Declaration of Trust , .......... $10.

17. Deed or other instrument of Gift or of

exchange where no money consideration, or a $25.

merely nominal money consideration passes , ......

Deposit of Title Deeds, See mortgage, 26.

18. Duplicate or counterpart of any docu

ment chargeable with duty under this schedule,

to be affixed on the production of the original

document bearing its proper stamp, and not

otherwise. If the original duty is

Under $ 1 , ...... ........... Same duty .

From $ 1 to $ 10, ………………………………………….. $1.

19 $ 10 99 $20, ........ $2.

Over $ 20, ……………….. $3.

Note.-An entry that the document is a duplicate or counterpart is to be made beneath the stamp

and signed by the Collector.

19. Emigration Fees, under the Emigra

tion Consolidation Ordinance, 1874.

Application for a certificate, ......... *****..... $1.

Certificate,...... $1.

1810 ORDINANCE No. 15 OF 1884.


Equitable charge, ……………………. ………... See mortgage, 26.

20. Foreign Attachment Bond, in the

Supreme Court , either Jurisdiction.

For every $ 100 or part thereof up to $1,000, $1.

Exceeding $ 1,000, $10.

Guarantee, .... See agreement, 2.

21. Every Instrument in writing under 】

seal, not otherwise specially charged with duty $10.

under this schedule, .............

Note. The impressions of Chinese names,

shop names, or trading names, commonly called

chops shall not be taken to be seals within the

meaning of this article.

22. Lease or agreement for a lease, made

for a term of years, or for a period determinable

with one or more life or lives or otherwise con

tingent, in consideration of a sum of money paid 30 cents for every $ 100 or part thereof.

in the way of premium, fine, or the like, if with

out rent,..... ………………. ………...

23. Lease , executed in pursuance of a duly

stamped agreement for the same, on production $1.

of such agreement, ....

Note.-An entry to the above effect is to be made beneath the stamp, and signed by the Collector.

24. Lease or agreement for a lease of any

land, house, building or tenement, at a rent,

without payment of any sum of money by way of

fine or premium, to be levied on the annual rent,

for a term not exceeding

One year, 10 cents.

Three years, 25 99

For every $ 100 or part thereof.

Thirty years , ....... 50 99

Exceeding thirty years, 75 29

Note. When both rent is paid and there is a fine or premium, the duty is to be the total of that

due under both articles 22 & 24.

Exemption.— All rentals under $50 per annum.

25. Letter or other instrument of Hypo

thecation accompanying deposit of documents Referring to particular property, $ 1 .

of title to any moveable property, or bond, or Duplicate, 10 cents.

other instrument of guarantee in respect of such General, $2.

property or documents of title,

Letter of Guarantee, ……….. See agreement, 2.

26. Mortgage, or agreement for a mortgage,

bond, debenture, covenant, warrant of attorney

to confess and enter up judgment, and foreign

security of any kind not specially charged with

duty under this schedule, to be levied on the

amount or value of the principal sum secured.

(i.) Being the only, or principal, or primary

security, and also where any further money is 10 cents for every $ 100 or part thereof.

added to the money already secured, …………………………

ORDINANCE No. 15 OF 1884 . 1811


(ii.) Being a collateral or auxiliary or addi

tional or substituted security, other than a mort

gage executed pursuant to a duly stamped agree

ment for the same, or by way of further assurance

for the above-mentioned purpose where the prin

cipal or primary security is duly stamped, and for

every extension of the time of an original mort

gage endorsed on such mortgage, ……………………. 5 cents for every $100 or part thereof.

(iii.) Transfer, assignment, disposition or

assignation of any mortgage, bond, debenture,

covenant, or foreign security, or of any money or

stock secured by any such instrument, or by any

warrant of attorney to enter up judgment, or by

any judgment ; to be levied on the amount


(iv.) Reassignment, release, discharge, sur

render, resurrender, warrant to vacate, or renun

1 cent for every $100 or part thereof.

ciation of any such security as aforesaid , or of the

benefit thereof, or of the money thereby secured ,...

(v.) Mortgage executed in pursuance of a

duly stamped agreement for the same, on pro $1.

duction of such agreement ,………….

Note. An entry to the above effect is to be made beneath the stamp and signed by the Collector.

27. Any Notarial Act, whatsoever not $1.

otherwise charged in this schedule, ......

28. Note of Protest by any Commander

or Master of a vessel, or with regard to any Pro 25 cents.

missory Note or Bill of Exchange, ...... …………….

29. Policy or Risk Note of Marine, Fire,

Life or other Insurance, for each copy, and every 10 cents.

renewal, ………........ ………………....

30. Power of Attorney,*******

31. Probate, or Letters of Administration ,

with or without the will annexed , to be calculated

upon the value of the estate and effects for or in

respect of which such probate or letters of ad $1 for every $ 100 or part thereof.

ministration shall be granted, exclusive of what

the deceased shall have been possessed of, or

entitled to as a trustee for any other person or

persons and not beneficially. ……………..

Exemption.- Administration bond. Estate under $250.

Promissory Note, See Bill of Exchange, 8,

Reassignment, ***** See Mortgage, 26.

32. Receipt or discharge given for the pay

ment of money, or in acquittal of a debt paid in 3 cents.

sum received, dis

charged or acquitted exceeds $10,……………………..

Exemptions.- Letter acknowledging the arrival of a currency or promissory note, bill of

exchange, or any security for money, receipt or debit note for the premium on a duly

stamped policy of insurance. [Exemption added by Ordinance No. 2 of1885.]

1812 ORDINANCE No. 15 OF 1884.


33. Servant's Security Bond. Any

instrument in writing under seal by which any

domestic or other servant or clerk or compradore

shall give security for the due discharge of his

duties, or of the duties of other persons to be em

ployed by him, or for the safe custody of money

or property to be entrusted to him, or for the 10 cents for every $ 100 or part thereof up to


proper carrying on of business to be conducted by Exceeding $ 10,000 , $ 10.

him, or for the discharge of his responsibilities

arising from such business, whether such security

shall be given by the binding of other persons, or

by the deposit of money or valuable property or

by deposit of the title deeds to any property orby

any assignment.

31. Settlement. Any instrument, whether]

voluntary or upon any good or valuable considera

tion, other than a bona fide pecuniary considera

tion, whereby any definite and certain principal

sum of money (whether charged or chargeable on 30 cents for every $ 100 or part thereof of the

lands or other hereditaments or heritable subjects amount or value of the property settled or

or not, or to be laid out in the purchase of lands agreed to be settled.

or other hereditaments or heritable subjects or

uot) or any definite and certain amount of stock,

or any security , is settled or agreed to be settled

in any manner whatsoever.

Exemption.- Instrument of appointment relating to any property in favour ofpersons

especially named or described as the objects of a power ofappointment created by a previous

settlement stamped with ad valorem duty in respect ofthe same property, or by will, where

probate duty has been paid in respect ofthe same property as personal estate of the testator.

35. Transfer of Shares or stock in any 10 cents for every $ 100 or part thereof.

Public Company, .......

Exemption.- Serip Certificate.


Any document made or executed by or on behalf of Her Majesty or ofany Department of Her

Majesty's Service, or whereby any property or interest is transferred to, or any contract of any kind

whatsoever is made with Her Majesty or any person for or on behalf of Her Majesty or any such

Department as aforesaid.

But this exemption does not extend to any document executed by the Registrar of the Supreme

Court as Official Administrator or by a receiver appointed by any Court, or to any document rendered

necessary by any Ordinance or by the order of any Court ; neither does it extend to a sale made for

the recovery of an arrear of revenue or rent, or in satisfaction of a decree or Order of Court, in any of

which cases the purchaser shall be required to pay the amount of the requisite stamp in addition to the

purchase money.

[In force from 1st April, 1885, under proclamation of the 5th March, 1885 :

Repealed by Ordinance No. 16 of 1886. ]

ORDINANCES Nos. 16 AND 17 OF 1884 . 1813

Birds Preservation. Sheriff's duties.

No. 16 of 1884.

An Ordinance entitled The Preservation of Birds Ordinance 1870 , Amend

ment Ordinance 1884 .

[ 16th May, 1884. ]

E it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong with the advice of the Legislative

BR Council thereof, as follows :

Ordinance 1 of 1870 is hereby amended as follows : Ordinaned 1 of

1870 amended.

In section 1. Strike out from the words " except the following " down to the

words " such other description of bird " both inclusive and insert in

place thereof the words " except such descriptions of birds " and

In section 2. Insert after the words " or taking the same " and before the

words " shall be guilty " the words " or shall between the months of

April and September both inclusive , offer for sale in this Colony any

pheasant or partridge " and

In section 5. Strike out the words " not hereinbefore excepted ."

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 15 of 1885.]

No. 17 of 1884 .

An Ordinance to make provision for certain duties formerly

attaching to the Office of Sheriff.

[ 10th June, 1884. ]

HEREAS on account of the abolition of the office of sheriff it is

WH necessary to make provision for the performance of certain duties

in connexion with the execution of criminal sentences formerly attaching

to the said office . Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with

the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. All such duties , in relation to the execution of any sentence or Superintend

ent of the

judgment imposed or awarded by any Court or Judge exercising criminal. gaol entrust

ed with the

jurisdiction in this Colony, as attached to the office of sheriff at the time duties of


of the passing of Ordinance 22 of 1882 , and in respect of which no other

provision has been made at the time of the passing of this Ordinance,

shall from and after the passing of this Ordinance be attached to the office

of Superintendent of Victoria Gaol , and shall be discharged by the person

for the time being acting in that office or his lawful deputy.

1814 ORDINANCE No. 18 OF 1884 .

Piers and Wharves (Johnson's).

No. 18 of 1884.

An Ordinance to authorise FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON to

construct piers and wharves in the harbour of Victoria, and

to confer upon the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON

certain other powers and privileges.

[ 12th June, 1884. ]




merchant, is desirous of constructing, with the consent of the

Crown , piers and wharves in the harbour of Victoria , for purposes in

relation to the loading, discharging, and storing of cargo ; And whereas

the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON has applied to the Government of

the Colony, to confer upon him the necessary powers for carrying out

the construction of such piers and wharves, by means of a Public Ordi

nance, and it is expedient that such an Ordinance should be granted to

the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON , under and subject to the conditions ,

restrictions and provisions hereinafter contained : Be it therefore enacted

by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council


thereof, as follows :

Power to 1. It shall be lawful for the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his


wharves and executors , administrators or assigns, to construct and maintain for his


and their exclusive use, wharves between high and low- water mark, and

piers extending into the harbour of Victoria at and from any part or parts

of that portion of the public Praya which lies directly opposite to the

pieces or parcels of ground registered in the Land Office of the Colony,

as Marine Lots 95, 96 , 97 and 98 respectively, which wharves and piers

and the works in connection there with authorised by this Ordinance are

hereinafter referred to as the undertaking.

Plans and 2. The said wharves and piers shall be constructed in accordance


with plans and specifications to be approved by the Governor in Council

and shall be so constructed as to secure that the free passage of vessels

along the harbour is not unduly interfered with.

Alterations 3. The said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, administra

and additions.

tors or assigns may, from time to time, make any alterations in , or addi

tions to , the said wharves and piers, provided the same be in accordance

with plans and specifications to be approved by the Governor in Council.

ORDINANCE No. 18 of 1884. 1815

Piers and Wharves (Johnson's).

4. It shall be lawful for the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his Power to

lay down

executors , administrators or assigns , from time to time to lay down , tramways.

maintain , and renew sunken and overhead tramways , or either of such

tramways from the piers and wharves, across the Public Praya connect

ing the wharves and piers with the premises of the said FRANCIS BULKE

LEY JOHNSON his executors , administrators or assigns , situated on the

Marine Lots aforesaid or adjoining the same. Provided that all such

tramways shall be laid in accordance with a specification to be approved

by the Governor in Council, and that the laying and maintaining thereof

and the necessary works in connection therewith shall be conducted in

such manner, and subject to such conditions as the Surveyor General for

the time being may require.

5. The said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, administrators Lights.

or assigns shall cause to be affixed on the said wharves and piers , and to be

exhibited from sunset to sunrise, such lights as the Harbour Master may

from time to time direct.

6. The said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, administra Prevention

of silting, &c.

tors or assigns shall take such measures as the Governor in Council may

require to prevent silting or the accumulation of mud , sand , or other

matter around the wharves and piers, and shall conform to such regula

tions as the Governor in Council may deem it expedient to make from

time to time for the purpose of preventing obstruction to the traffic of

the Praya.

7. In the event of the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors , Proceeding


administrators or assigns making default in complying with the provi- vention of

silting, &c .

sions in the last preceding section relating to the prevention of silting, or

accumulation of mud , sand , or other matter around the wharves or piers ,

the Governor in Council , if satisfied after due enquiry made that the said

FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors , administrators or assigns ,

has or have been guilty of the alleged default , shall make an order to be

served on the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors , administra

tors or assigns , limiting a time for the performance of his or their duty

in that behalf, and if such duty is not performed by the time limited by

the order, the Governor in Council shall appoint some person or persons

to perform the same, and shall by order direct that the expenses of per

forming the same, together with a reasonable remuneration to the person

or persons appointed for superintending such performance, and amount

1816 ORDINANCE No. 18 OF 1884.

Fiers and Wharves (Johnson's).

ing to a sum to be specified in the order, together with the costs of pro

ceedings (if any ) shall be paid by the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON

his executors , administrators or assigns , and any order made for the pay

ment of such expenses and costs may be removed into the Supreme

Court, and may be enforced in the same manner as if the same were an

order of such Court.

Priority of 8. All vessels belonging to , or engaged in the service of Her Ma

useto Queen's

ships. jesty's Government shall have priority of use of the wharves and piers at

the ordinary current rates for mercantile vessels, without prejudice to

the rights of other vessels actually using the wharves or piers , and all

other vessels shall have the right of using the wharves and piers at the

current rates in order of priority of application subject nevertheless to

any rules and regulations which may be made under the provisions of

section 9 of this Ordinance.

Powers to 9. It shall be lawful for the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his

make rules

and regula executors, administrators or assigns , from time to time to make such


rules and regulations as may be necessary for the use and due mainten

ance of the wharves and piers and tramways in connection therewith .

Provided always that no such rules and regulations, nor any repeal or

variation thereof, shall come into force until the same shall have been ap

proved by the Governor in Council , and shall have been published in the


Penalty for 10. Every person who shall commit a breach of any of the rules.

breach of

rules and and regulations made in pursuance of this Ordinance, shall, on summary


conviction thereof before a Magistrate, be liable to a fine not exceeding

fifty dollars.

Proof of rules 11. In all proceedings before any Court , the rules and regulations

and regula

tions. in force for the time being under this Ordinance , shall be sufficiently

proved by the production of a copy of the Gazette in which the same shall

be published and contained.

Governor in 12. Ifthe said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors , administra

Council may

make rules tors or assigns shall fail to make or vary such rules and regulations , as in

and regula

tions in the opinion of the Governor in Council are requisite for the protection of

certain event.

the rights of the inhabitants of the Colony, and for the prevention of

injury to navigation , the Governor in Council shall make an order to be

served upon the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, admin

ORDINANCE No. 18 OF 1884. 1817

Piers and Wharves (Johnson's).

nistrators or assigns , limiting a time for the making or varying of such

rules and regulations, and if such rules and regulations are not made or

varied by the time prescribed in such order, the Governor in Council may

make or vary such rules and regulations, which when made, or varied ,

and published in the Gazette , shall have the same force and effect as if

they were specially enacted herein .

13. The said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors , adminis Rules and

regulations to

trators or assigns shall , from time to time, cause to be painted on boards , be painted

and exhib

or to be printed and attached in large and legible characters in English ited .

and Chinese, a statement of the rules and regulations in force and a list

of the several rates for the time being payable and shall cause such boards.

containing such statement and list to be fixed on some conspicuous part

of the wharves or piers and no rate shall be payable during such time as

such list is not so affixed nor shall any rate not specified in such list be

payable. Provided that if any such statement or list be destroyed , in

jured or obliterated the rates shall continue payable during such time as

may be reasonably required for the restoration or reparation of such list

in the same manner as if such statement and list had continued affixed

and in the state required by this Ordinance .

14. If at any time before the completion of the works, the said Power to

Governor in

FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors , administrators or assigns shall Council to

abate and

fail to proceed therewith for a period of six months, or after the comple remove works

in certain

tion thereof shall disuse the same, or any part thereof for six months , events.

without affording to the Governor in Council some satisfactory reason

for the discontinuance or disuse of the said works, (as the case may be ) ,

it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to abate and remove the

same, and restore the site thereof to its former condition at the cost of

the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, administrators or

assigns, and the amount of such cost shall be a debt due to the Govern

ment, and recoverable against the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his

executors , administrators or assigns accordingly .

15. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first Power to sell.

obtained (but not otherwise), the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his

executors , administrators or assigns, may at any time, and from time to

time sell , assign or absolutely dispose of the undertaking or any part or

parts thereof, to such person, corporation , or company, by public auction,

or private contract or partly by public auction and partly by private con

1818 ORDINANCE No. 18 OF 1884.

Piers and Wharves (Johnson's).

tract, and with , under and subject to such terms and conditions in all

respects as the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors , adminis

trators or assigns shall think fit, with power at any such sale to fix a

reserve price for, or buy in the same, and when any such sale, assignment,

or absolute disposal has been made, all the rights, powers, authorities

obligations and liabilities of the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his

executors , administrators or assigns in respect to the undertaking or part

or parts thereof sold , assigned or absolutely disposed of, shall be transferred

to, vested in, and may be exercised by, and shall attach to the person

or persons, corporation , or company to whom the same has been sold ,

assigned or absolutely disposed of, in like manner as if the undertaking

or part or parts thereof, sold , assigned or absolutely disposed of, was or

were constructed by such person or persons, corporation , or company

under the powers conferred upon him or them by this Ordinance, and in

reference to the same he or they shall be deemed to be the said FRANCIS

BULKELEY JOHNSON his executors, administrators or assigns.

Power to 16. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first


obtained ( but not otherwise ) , the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his

executors, administrators or assigns may , at any time and from time to

time demise their undertakings or any part or parts thereof, to such person ,

corporation, or company, for such term or terms of years, or from year

to year, or for any less period , and for such rent or rents , and upon such

terms and conditions in all respects, as the said FRANCIS BUlkeley

JOHNSON his executors , administrators or assigns shall think fit to adopt,

to take effect either in possession or reversion, and either with or without

a premium, or premiums, as a consideration or considerations for such

demise or demises.

Power to 17. It shall be lawful for the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his


executors, administrators or assigns, from time to time, and at any time

to borrow money on mortgage of all or any part of his undertaking, and

for that purpose to assign or demise by way of mortgage, all or any

portion of the said wharves and piers to any person or persons, corpora

tion , or company, and to enter into all such covenants, provisoes , declara

tions and agreements as the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON his

executors, administrators or assigns shall think fit and proper.

Duration of 18. The rights, powers, and privileges granted by this Ordinance to


the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON, his executors , administrators and

ORDINANCE No. 18 OF 1884. 1819

Piers and Wharves (Johnson's).

assigns, shall continue in force for twenty years to be computed from the

date of the proclamation thereof. Provided always that the Governor in

Council may, from time to time, so often as the Governor in Council shall

think it expedient, by order, to be published in the Gazette, declare that

the duration of such rights , powers , and privileges shall be extended for

any further term or terms not exceeding ten years at a time, and there

upon such rights, powers, and privileges shall continue in force for such

extended period .

19. Upon the cessation of the rights, powers, and privileges granted Cessation of


by this Ordinance, it shall be at the option of the Governor in Council

to purchase the wharves and piers and works by this Ordinance authorised

from the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON, his executors , administrators ,

or assigns for a price which shall be exclusive of any allowance for past

or future profits of the undertaking, or any compensation for compulsory

sale, to be determined in case of difference by two arbitrators to be

nominated one by the Governor in Council, and the other by the said

FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON, his executors , administrators, or assigns ;

and in case the said arbitrators cannot agree, by an umpire to be agreed

upon between them . If the Governor in Council does not exercise the

option to buy within one month of such cessation as aforesaid, the said

FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON, his executors , administrators, and assigns

shall, at their own expense, remove the said wharves and piers and works,

and restore the site thereof to its former condition, and in the event of

their failure to do so within one year of the date of such cessation , it shall

be lawful for the Governor in Council to abate and remove the same,

and restore the site thereof to its former condition at the cost of the said

FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON, his executors , administrators , or assigns ,

and the amount of such cost shall be a debt due to the Government, and

recoverable against the said FRANCIS BULKELEY JOHNSON, his executors,

administrators , or assigns accordingly.

20. Nothing in this Ordinance, otherwise than as specially enacted Saving of


herein , shall be construed to interfere in any way with any existing rights

in the land on which the said wharves or piers are to be constructed , or

the lands or foreshore adjoining the same, and the powers and privileges

given by this Ordinance are so given, saving and reserving always the

rights of Her Majesty , and of all bodies politic and corporate, and of all

other persons and those claiming by, from, and under them except as

herein otherwise provided .

1820 ORDINANCE No. 18 OF 1884 .

Piers and Wharves (Johnson's).

Commence 21. This Ordinance shall come into force on a day to be proclaimed

ment of

Ordinance. by the Governor .

[NOTE. - Confirmation proclaimed 23rd September, 1884, but no proclamation as to the

day for the coming into operation ofthe Ordinance has been gazetted. ]


· Rules and regulations made by Messrs. Jardine, Matheson & Co. , the Assignees of

Francis Bulkeley Johnson, Esquire, pursuant to sections 9 and 10 of Ordinance 18

of 1884, and approved by the Governor in Council the 24th September, 1885.

[Gazette 26th of the same month. ]


1. Vessels will be allotted berths at the pier in the order in which application

therefor may have been made at the office of the General Agents.

2. The proprietors undertake no responsibility for any damage that may be

sustained by a vessel while coming alongside the pier or leaving it ; but they will

provide every assistance in their power to the master, and have men in attendance to

run out and let go lines , shove off, &c . , and a boat will always be available for running

lines to the buoys.

3. Every vessel that shall come into collision with the pier, or otherwise injure

it, whether in consequence of the incompetence or carelessness of the pilot, master,

or officers, or from any other cause, shall be responsible for the repair of the damage.

4. Masters or commanding officers shall rig in the jib and spanker booms of

their vessels, while alongside the pier, on being required to do so by the wharfinger.

5. No sails may be left loose at night on board any vessel, while she is alongside

the pier, and, if any should be loose during daylight, the master or commanding

officer shall store them on being required to do so by the wharfinger.

6. The master or commanding officer of any vessel alongside the pier, shall shift

his berth immediately on being required to do so by the wharfinger.

7. The discharge of every vessel shall commence immediately on her arrival at

the pier, and be continued, with all possible despatch, daily from sun rise to sun set,

until it shall have been completed. Any delay that may arise in proceeding with the

discharge, from want of ballast , labour, or from any other cause, for which the master,

owners, or agents may be responsible, shall subject the vessel to an additional charge,

over and above the tariff rate for wharfage, of dollars twenty-five ( $25.) for the first

day, and dollars twenty-five ($25 . ) per day for each subsequent day she may be detained .

8. On the completion of the discharge of cargo, the master or commanding

officer of every vessel must remove her from the pier immediately. If there should

be any delay, an additional rate will be levied, over and above the tariff rate, of dollars

twenty-five ($25 . ) for the first day, and dollars twenty-five ( $25 . ) per day for each

subsequent day she may be permitted to remain.

9. No ashes, dirt or other refuse shall be thrown overboard from any vessel while

she may be alongside the pier.

ORDINANCES Nos. 18 AND 19 OF 1884 . 1821

Piers and Wharves ( Johnson's). Piers and Wharves ( Chater's).

10. No persons not in the employment of the proprietors, nor belonging to

vessels alongside the pier, shall be allowed to walk or be on the pier, without the

licence of the wharfinger.

11. No waggons , carriages, carts, trucks or other conveyances shall be taken on

to the pier without the licence of the wharfinger.

12. No nuisance shall be committed on or about the pier.

13. Masters or commanding officers shall be held responsible for the crews and

workmen employed on board their respective vessels and for any infringement by

them of the foregoing rules and regulations.

14. Every person who shall commit a breach of any of the foregoing rules and

regulations shall, on summary conviction before a Magistrate, be liable to a fine of

not exceeding dollars fifty ( $50 .) .

No. 19 of 1884.

An Ordinance to authorise CATCHICK PAUL CHATER, to con

struct piers and wharves in the harbour of Victoria, and to

confer upon the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER certain

other powers and privileges.

[ 12th June, 1884. ]

HEREAS CATCHICK PAUL CHATER, of Victoria , Hongkong, is Preamble.


desirous of constructing, with the consent of the Crown , piers ,

and wharves, in the harbour of Victoria, and certain tramways in connex

ion therewith, for the purpose of removing and storing, loading, and

discharging cargo ; And whereas the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER has

applied to the Government of the Colony , to confer upon him the neces

sary powers for carrying out the construction of such piers, wharves, and

tramways by means of a Public Ordinance, and it is expedient that such

an Ordinance should be granted to the said CATCHICK PAUL CHAter,

under and subject to the conditions, restrictions and provisions hereinafter

contained : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong , with the advice

of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. It shall be lawful for the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his execu Power to


tors, administrators or assigns , to construct and maintain , for his and wharves and

their exclusive use, wharves between high and low-water mark, and piers piers.

extending into the harbour of Victoria, at and from any part or parts of

1822 ORDINANCE No. 19 OF 1884 .

Piers and Wharves ( Chater's.)

that portion of land which lies directly opposite to the pieces or parcels

of ground registered in the Land Office of the Colony as Kaulung Marine

Lots Nos . 9, 11 , 20 and 21 respectively, which wharves and piers and

the works in connection therewith authorised by this Ordinance are here

inafter referred to as the undertaking .

Plans and 2. The said wharves and piers shall be constructed in accordance


with plans and specifications to be deposited in the office of the Surveyor

General and approved of by the Governor in Council, and shall be so

constructed as to secure that the free passage of vessels along the harbour

is not unduly interfered with .

Alterations 3. The said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators

and additions.

or assigns may, from time to time, make any alterations in , or additions

to, the said wharves and piers , provided the same be in accordance with

plans and specifications to be approved by the Governor in Council.

Power to 4. It shall be lawful for the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his execu

lay down

tramways. tors, administrators or assigns , subject to the plans and specifications

being approved by the Governor in Council, from time to time to lay

down, maintain and renew, sunken and overhead tramways, or either of

such tramways, from the piers and wharves across the Praya connecting

the piers and wharves with the premises of the said CATCHICK PAUL

CHATER his executors , administrators or assigns, situated on the Kaulung

Lots aforesaid or adjoining the same ; and also a double line of sunken

tramways, 650 yards in length, commencing at a point opposite the

North West Corner of the aforesaid Kaulung Marine Lot No. 21 , thence

passing along the centre of the Praya to a point opposite the South West

Corner of the aforesaid Kaulung Marine Lot No. 9. The said tramways

to be provided with all proper stations , crossings , bridges , passing places,

sidings, junctions , rails and conveniences connected therewith , or for the

purposes thereof, and the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors ,

administrators or assigns may work and use the same. Provided always

that before the commencement of the construction of the said sunken and

overhead tramways or either of such tramways , the said CATCHICK PAUL

CHATER his executors , administrators or assigns shall deposit in the

office of the said Surveyor General plans and specifications shewing in

detail the mode of construction of the said sunken and overhead tram

ways , which said plans and specifications shall be approved of by the

Governor in Council.

ORDINANCE No. 19 OF 1884 . 1823

Piers and Wharves ( Chater's).

5. The sunken tramways referred to in this Ordinance shall be con Gauge of


structed on a gauge not exceeding 2 feet in width , and with two steel

grooved rails , which said rails shall before being laid down be approved

of by the Surveyor General, and shall be laid and maintained in such

manner, that the uppermost surface thereof shall be on a level with the

surface of the road . Provided that the Governor in Council may from

time to time require the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors ,

administrators or assigns to adopt and apply such improvements in the

said sunken or overhead tramways including their rails , sleepers , bridges

and substructure as experience may suggest, having regard to the greater

security of the public and advantage to the ordinary traffic, and the said

CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or assigns shall

with all reasonable despatch, comply with any order made by the Govern

or in Council for the purpose of carrying out any such improvements .

6. The said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators Power to

break up

or assigns may from time to time for the purpose of making, forming , roads.

laying down, maintaining , renewing, altering, adding to or removing any

tramway under this Ordinance, or any part or parts thereof respectively,


open and break up any road subject to the following regulations :

1. They shall give to the Surveyor General notice of their

intention, specifying the time at which they will begin to

do so , and the portion of road proposed to be opened or

broken up, such notice to be given seven days at least

before the commencement of the work.

2. They shall not open or break up or alter the level of any

road except with the authority, under the superintendence ,

and to the satisfaction of the Surveyor General.

7. When the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors , adminis Completion

of work and

trators or assigns shall have opened or broken up any portion of any road, reinstatement

of road.

they shall be under the following further obligations, namely :

1. They shall with all convenient speed, complete the work

on account of which they opened or broke up the same,

and ( subject to the formation , maintaining, renewal, or

alteration of addition to or removal of the tramway) fill in

the ground and make good the surface, and to the satisfac

tion of the Surveyor General, restore the road to as good

1824 ORDINANCE No. 19 OF 1884.

Piers and Wharves ( Chater's).

condition as that in which it was before it was opened or

broken up .

2. They shall in the meantime cause the place where the road

is opened or broken up to be fenced and watched and to

be properly lighted at night.

If the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors , administrators

or assigns fail to comply with this section , they shall, for every offence

(without prejudice to the enforcement of the specific performance of the

requirements of this Ordinance, or to any other remedy against them ) be

liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars , and to a further

penalty not exceeding 25 dollars for each day during which any such

failure continues after the first day on which such penalty is incurred .

Penalty for 8. The said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors , administrators

not maintain

ing rails at and assigns shall maintain in good condition and repair, and at their

their proper

level and in proper level so as not to be a danger or annoyance to the ordinary traffic,

good condi

tion. the rails of which any of the tramways for the time being consist, and

the substructure upon which the same rest ; and if the Surveyor General,

shall from time to time , or at any time hereafter, alter the level of any

road along or across which any of the said tramways shall be laid , then

and in such event, and so often as the same shall happen , the said

CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or assigns, shall

at his or their own expense, alter the rails so that the uppermost surface

thereof shall be on a level with the surface of the road as altered, and, if

the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or assigns

make default in complying with this section , they shall , for every offence,

be subject on conviction to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars ,

and, in case of continuing offence, to a further penalty not exceeding ten

dollars for every day after the first on which such default continues.

Lights. 9. The said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators

or assigns shall cause to be affixed on the said wharves and piers, and to

be exhibited from sunset to sunrise, such lights as the Harbour Master

may from time to time direct .

Prevention 10. The said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors , administrators

of silting, &c.

or assigns shall take such measures as the Governor in Council may

require to prevent silting or the accumulation of mud, sand , or other

matter around the wharves and piers , and shall conform to such regula

ORDINANCE No. 19 OF 1884. 1825

Piers and Wharves ( Chater's).

tions as the Governor in Council may deem it expedient to make from

time to time for the purpose of preventing obstruction to the traffic of

the Praya .

11. In the event of the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, Proceedings

on non-pre

administrators or assigns making default in complying with the provisions vention of

silting, &c.

in the last preceding section relating to the prevention of silting, or the

accumulation of mud, sand , or other matter around the wharves or piers,

the Governor in Council, if satisfied after due enquiry made that the said

CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or assigns, has or

have been guilty of the alleged default, shall make an order to be served

on the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors , administrators or

assigns, limiting a time for the performance of his or their duty in that

behalf, and if such duty is not performed by the time limited by the order,

the Governor in Council shall appoint some person or persons to perform

the same, and shall by order direct , that the expenses of performing the

same, together with a reasonable remuneration to the person or persons

appointed for superintending such performance , and amounting to a sum

to be specified in the order, together with the costs of proceedings ( if any ) ,

shall be paid by the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors , adminis

trators or assigns , and any order made for the payment of such expenses

and costs may be removed into the Supreme Court, and may be enforced

in the same manner as if the same were an order of such Court.

· 12. All vessels belonging to, or engaged in the service of Her Priority of

use to Queen's

Majesty's Government shall have priority of use of the wharves and piers ships.

at the ordinary current rates for mercantile vessels, without prejudice to

the rights of other vessels actually using the wharves or piers and all

other vessels shall have the right of using the wharves and piers at the

current rates in order of priority of application subject nevertheless to

any rules and regulations which may be made under the provisions of

section 13 of this Ordinance.

13. It shall be lawful for the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his Powers to

make rules

executors , administrators or assigns , from time to time to make such rules and regula


and regulations, as may be necessary for the use and due maintenance of

the wharves and piers and tramways in connection therewith . Provided

always that no such rules and regulations, nor any repeal or variation

thereof, shall come into force until the same shall have been approved by

the Governor in Council, and shall have been published in the Gazette.

1826 ORDINANCE No. 19 OF 1884.

Piers and Wharves (Chater's).

Penalty for 14. Every person who shall commit a breach of any of the rules and

breach of

rules and

regulations made in pursuance of this Ordinance, shall , on summary

regulations .

conviction thereof before a Magistrate, be liable to a fine not exceeding

fifty dollars.

Proof of rules

15. In all proceedings before any Court, the rules and regulations in

and regula

tions. force for the time being under this Ordinance , shall be sufficiently proved

by the production of a copy of the Gazette in which the same shall be

published and contained.

Governor in 16. Ifthe said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors , administrators

Council may

make rules or assigns shall fail to make or vary such rules and regulations , as in the

and regula

tions in cer opinion of the Governor in Council are requisite for the protection of the

tain event.

rights of the inhabitants of the Colony, and for the prevention of injury

to navigation , the Governor in Council shall make an order to be served

upon the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors , administrators or

assigns, limiting a time for the making or varying of such rules and

regulations , and if such rules and regulations are not made or varied by

the time prescribed in such order, the Governor in Council may make or

vary such rules and regulations, which when made or varied , and published

in the Gazette, shall have the same force and effect as if they were specially

enacted herein .

Rules and 17. The said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors , administrators


to be painted or assigns shall, from time to time, cause to be painted on boards , or to

and exhibit

ed. be printed and attached in large and legible characters in English and

Chinese, a statement of the rules and regulations in force , and a list of

the several rates for the time being payable and shall cause such boards

containing such statement and list to be fixed on some conspicuous part

of the wharves or piers and no rate shall be payable during such time as

such list is not so affixed , nor shall any rate not specified in such list be

payable. Provided that , if any such statement or list be destroyed ,

injured or obliterated, the rates shall continue payable during such time

as may be reasonably required for the restoration or reparation of such

list in the same manner as if such statement and list had continued affixed

and in the state required by this Ordinance.

Power to 18. If at any time before the completion of the works, the said

Governor in

Council to CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors, administrators or assigns shall

abate and

remove works fail to proceed therewith for a period of six months , or after the completion.

in certain

events. thereof shall disuse the same or any part thereof for six months , without

ORDINANCE No. 19 OF 1884. 1827

Piers and Wharves ( Chater's).

affording to the Governor in Council some satisfactory reason for the

discontinuance or disuse of the said works , ( as the case may be ) , it shall

be lawful for the Governor in Council to abate and remove the same, and

restore the site thereof to its former condition at the costs of the said

CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors , administrators or assigns, and

the amount of such costs shall be a debt due to the Government, and

recoverable against the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors ,

administrators or assigns accordingly.

19. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first Power to sell.

obtained (but not otherwise ) , the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his

executors, administrators or assigns , may at any time, and from time to

time sell, assign or absolutely dispose of the undertaking, or any part or

parts thereof to such person, corporation , or company, by public auction ,

or private contract, or partly by public auction and partly by private

contract, and with, under and subject to such terms and conditions in all

respects as the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his èxecutors , administrators

or assigns shall think fit, with power at any such sale to fix a reserve

price for , or buy in the same, and when any such sale , assignment , or

absolute disposal has been made, all the rights , powers, authorities ,

obligations and liabilities of the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his

executors , administrators or assigns in respect to the undertaking or part

or parts thereof sold , assigned or absolutely disposed of, shall be transferred

to , vested in, and may be exercised by, and shall attach to the person or

persons , corporation, or company to whom the same has been sold , assigned

or absolutely disposed of, in like manner as if the undertaking, or part or

parts thereof sold, assigned or absolutely disposed of, was or were

constructed by such person or persons , corporation or company under

the powers conferred upon him or them by this Ordinance, and in reference


to the same he or they shall be deemed to be the said CATCHICK PAUL

CHATER his executors , administrators or assigns.

20. Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council being first Power to


obtained ( but not otherwise ), the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his

executors, administrators or assigns may, at any time , and from time to

time demise their undertakings or any part or parts thereof, to such

person, corporation or company, for such term or terms ofyears, or from

year to year, or for any less period , and for such rent or rents , and upon

such terms and conditions in all respects, as the said CATCHICK PAUL

1828 ORDINANCE No. 19 OF 1884 .

Piers and Wharves ( Chater's).

CHATER his executors , administrators or assigns shall think fit to adopt,

to take effect either in possession or reversion , and either with or without

a premium or premiums, as a consideration or considerations for such

demise or demises .

Power to 21. It shall be lawful for the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his


executors, administrators or assigns , from time to time and at any time

to borrow money on mortgage of all or any part of his undertaking, and

for that purpose to assign or demise by way of mortgage, all or any

portion of the said wharves and piers , to any person or persons, corpora

tion or company , and to enter into all such covenants , provisoes , declara

tions and agreements as the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER his executors ,

administrators or assigns shall think fit and proper.

Duration of

Ordinance.. 22. The rights, powers , and privileges granted by this Ordinance

to the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER, his executors , administrators , and

assigns, shall continue in force for twenty years to be computed from the

date of the proclamation thereof. Provided always that the Governor in

Council may, from time to time, so often as the Governor in Council shall

think it expedient, by order, to be published in the Gazette, declare that

the duration of such rights , powers, and privileges shall be extended for

any further term or terms not exceeding ten years at a time, and there

upon such rights, powers, and privileges shall continue in force for such

extended period .

Cessation of

23. Upon the cessation of the rights , powers , and privileges granted


by this Ordinance, it shall be at the option of the Governor in Council to

purchase the wharves and piers and works by this Ordinance authorised

from the said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER, his executors , administrators , or

assigns for a price which shall be exclusive of any allowance for past or

future profits of the undertaking, or any compensation for compulsory

sale, to be determined in case of difference by two arbitrators to be nomi

nated one by the Governor in Council , and the other by the said CATCHICK

PAUL CHATER, his executors , administrators , or assigns ; and in case the

said arbitrators cannot agree, by an umpire to be agreed upon between

them. If the Governor in Council does not exercise the option to buy

within one month of such cessation as aforesaid, the said CATCHICK PAUL

CHATER, his executors, administrators , and assigns shall, at their own

expense, remove the said wharves and piers and works, and restore the

site thereof to its former condition , and in the event of their failure to do

ORDINANCES Nos. 19 AND 20 OF 1884. 1829

Piers and Wharves ( Chater's). Revenue.

so within one year of the date of such cessation , it shall be lawful for the

Governor in Council to abate and remove the same, and restore the site

thereof to its former condition at the cost of the said CATCHICK PAUL

CHATER, his executors , administrators , or assigns , and the amount of such

cost shall be a debt due to the Government, and recoverable against the

said CATCHICK PAUL CHATER, his executors, administrators, or assigns


24. Nothing in this Ordinance, otherwise than as specially enacted Saving of


herein, shall be construed, to interfere in any way with any existing

rights in the land on which the said wharves, piers or tramways are to be

constructed , or the lands or foreshore adjoining the same, and the power

and privileges given by this Ordinance are so given, saving and reserving

always the rights of Her Majesty, and of all bodies politic and corporate,

and of all other persons and those claiming by, from, and under them

except as herein otherwise provided .

25. This Ordinance shall come into force on a day to be proclaimed Commence

ment of

by the Governor. Ordinance.

[ Confirmation proclaimed 23rd September, 1884, ( Gazette 27th of same month),

but no time fixed thereby or by subsequent proclamation for the coming into force of

the Ordinance.]

No. 20 of 1884.

An Ordinance to authorize the Appropriation of a Supplementary Sum

of Two hundred and Thirty-five thousand Three hundred and Forty

five Dollars and Twenty - six Cents to defray the Charges ofthe Year


[ 27th June, 1884. ] ·

HEREAS it has become necessary to make further provision for the public Supplementary

Estimate, 1883.

WH service of the Colony for the year 1883, in addition to the charge upon the

revenue for the service of the said year already provided for. Be it enacted by the

Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows : --

1. A sum of two hundred and thirty-five thousand three hundred and forty-five

dollars and twenty-six cents is hereby charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the

service of the year 1883, the said sum so charged being expended as hereinafter specified ;

that is to say :

1830 ORDINANCE No. 20 OF 1884.



Governor, ……………

. $ 870.32

Colonial Secretary , ... 1,857.84

Auditor General, 7,472.73

Colonial Treasurer, 6,550.76

Clerk of Councils, 2.03

Surveyor General, …….....

.. 2,880.64

Government Gardens and Plantations, 437.95

Harbour Master, ..... 1,722.04

Government Marine Surveyor, .... 1,317.32

Observatory, ... 2,739.50

Medical, ......... 3,841.90

Fire Brigade......... 384.10



Colonial Secretary , ....... $ 360.00

Surveyor General, .. 35.32

Educational, 7,192.00

Medical,..... 949.47

Police, .. 1,557.29

Gaols, 29.51

Fire Brigade , .. 6,081.95

Works and Buildings, ...... 34,961.76

Do., (Extraordinary)……….. 74,580.91

Roads, Streets and Bridges, 19,856.32

Gardens and Plantations 75.75

Miscellaneous Services,. 18,692.76

Land and Houses Purchased, 38,000.00

Military Expenditure, ..... 2,895.09


TOTAL,... $235,345.26

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]

ORDINANCE No. 21 OF 1884. 1831


No. 21 of 1884 .

An Ordinance to apply a sum not exceeding One million and Six thousand ,

Eight hundred and Eighty -one Dollars to the Public Service of the

Year 1885 .

[ 27th June, 1884. ]

THEREAS the expenditure required for the service of this Colony for the year

WHE1885 has been estimated at the sum of one million and six thousand, eight

hundred and eighty-one dollars : Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with

the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. A sum not exceeding one million and six thousand, eight hundred and eighty-one

dollars shall be, and the same is hereby charged upon the revenue of this Colony for the

service of the year 1885, and the said sum so charged may be expended as hereinafter

specified ; that is to say :


Governor, $ 8,758

Colonial Secretary, ...... 11,896

Audit Office,.…………….. 4,518

Colonial Treasurer, 4,930

Clerk of Councils , 200

Surveyor General, ..... 48,031

Postmaster General, 26,900

Registrar General, ……….. 16,192

Harbour Master, 38,678

Lighthouses, 7,508

Observatory, ...... 5,820

Collector of Stamp Revenue, ... 7,322

Government Gardens and Plantations, 6,986

Judicial, ....... 35,525

Ecclesiastical , ... 1,158

Educational, 25,599

Medical, 16,470

Police Magistrates, 7,579

Police, 152,084

Gaol, .... 26,784

Fire Brigade, …………… 9,666


1832 ORDINANCES Nos. 21 AND 22 OF 1884.

Revenue. Peace Preservation .

Brought forward,........ $ 462,604


Colonial Treasurer, $ 11,016

Surveyor General , 2,520

Postmaster General , ....... 68,000

Registrar General , ............ 25

Government Gardens and Plantations,...... 14,800

Judicial, ... 860

Ecclesiastical ,. 500

Educational, 21,628

Medical ………………… 14,528

Police Magistrates, 390

Police,......... 39,148

Gaol, …………….... 21,720

Fire Brigade, ... 5,800

Charitable Allowances , ………………… 4,000

Transport , 4,500

Works and Buildings,. 122,500

Roads, Streets, and Bridges, 40,500

Miscellaneous Services, 58,497

Military Contribution, ..... 113,345


GRAND TOTAL , ………………… ..$ 1,006,881

[ Repealed by Ordinances No. 1 of 1885, and No. 4 of 1887. ]

No. 22 of 1884.

An Ordinance entitled The Peace Preservation Ordinance, 1884.

[ 9th October, 1884. ]

Preamble. HEREAS in view of the disturbed state of the Chinese population in this

W Colony, it is expedient to make certain special provisions for the preservation

of peace and order ; Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of

the Legislative Council thereof, as follows : —

Duration of 1. This Ordinance shall continue in force until the first day of April, 1885.


Interpretation 2. In this Ordinance the expression arms includes any description of fire arms,

of the expres

sion Arms. also any sword , cutlass , spear, pike, bayonet, or other deadly weapon, also any part of

any arms as so defined .

ORDINANCE No. 22 OF 1884. 11833

Peace Preservation.

Provided that this section shall not prevent the owner of any trading or fishing Licensed junks

may carry arins.

junk who has given security to the Harbour Master under section 38 of Ordinance 8 of


1879 from having without licence on board• of his junk such arms as are reasonably

necessary for the protection of such junk on the high seas.

3. A Chinese person shall not have or carry any arms, save as authorised by the Chinese not to

carry arms.

Governor in Council.

The Governor in Council may from time to time at discretion grant to any Chinese

persons licences to have or carry arins subject to such conditions to be specified in the

licence as to the Governor in Council may seem fit, and may from time to time at

discretion revoke any such licence.

4. Any person having or carrying or reasonably suspected of having or carrying Police may

arrest without

any arms in contravention of this Ordinance may be arrested without warrant by any a warrant.

Police officer, and, as soon as reasonably can be, conveyed before a Magistrate in order

to his being dealt with according to law.

5. The Governor may by warrant authorise any person named in such warrant to Search warrant.

search in any houses, buildings, ships , vessels or places for any arms suspected to be

therein in contravention of this Ordinance.

The person named in such warrant with such constables and other persons as he

calls to his assistance may at any time enter into any house, building, ship, vessel or

place and there execute the warrant , and in case admittance is refused or is not obtained

within a reasonable time after it is first demanded such persons may enter by force in

order to execute such warrant. The person executing such warrant shall before

executing the same if so desired produce the said warrant .

Any arms, carried , had or found under circumstances which contravene this Ordi

nance, may be forthwith seized and shall be forfeited to Her Majesty .

6. Any arms in the possession of persons not entitled to have the same which after Registration,

&c., of Arms

the passing of this Ordinance are given up voluntarily or taken under such circum given up.

stances as prove to the satisfaction of the Governor in Council that they have not been

wilfully kept back in contravention of this Ordinance, shall be deemed to be in the

possession of Her Majesty and the Governor shall provide for the deposit , registration,

valuation and care of the same. Provided that such arms may in the discretion of the

Governor in Council be returned to the owners thereof to have and carry under licence

under this Ordinance or for immediate exportation subject to such conditions as to the

Governor in Council may seem fit, and provided also that at any time the Governor

may instead of keeping or returning such arms if he think fit pay to the owners of the

same the value thereof to be assessed by the Registrar General, or the owners thereof

may demand payment of such value and such payment may be made out of the general

revenue of the Colony.

1834 ORDINANCE No. 22 OF 1884 .

Peace Preservation.

Governor in 7. The Governor in Council may from time to time make and when made revoke

Council may

make regula alter or add to regulations, prohibiting or regulating the sale or importation of arms.



If any person sell or import or attempt to sell or import any arms in contravention

of any such regulations, such arms shall be liable to be forfeited to Her Majesty and

the person so acting wilfully shall be deemed to be acting in contravention of this


Ordinance 11 8. At any time after the passing of this Ordinance the Governor in Council may

of1870 may be

extended to by order declare that the provisions of Ordinance 14 of 1870 and all regulations made

the whole

of the Colony.

thereunder shall apply in relation to the whole or any part of the Colony as fully to all

intents and purposes as the same applied in relation to the City of Victoria at the time

of the passing of this Ordinance, and such provisions shall thereupon apply.

The Governor in Council may from time to time revoke add to or alter such order.

Persons 9. In any case where an order is made by the Governor in Council under the

ordered to be

banished may

be detained provisions of section 3 of Ordinance 8 of 1882, it shall be in the discretion of the

unti! leaving

the Colony. Governor in Council to order that the person named in such order be detained in

custody of the Police until he leaves the Colony, and such person may thereupon be

arrested and shall be deemed to be under lawful arrest until he leaves the Colony or

until the final departure from the Colony of any vessel in which he leaves .

Such order of detention shall provide that the person named therein shall have

reasonable facilities for settling his affairs and arranging for his departure.

Notices in The Captain Superintendent of Police shall cause notices in the Chinese language,

Chinese with

names of containing the names of persons against whom orders have been made under section

persons to be

banished to be

posted. 13 of Ordinance 8 of 1882 to be from time to time posted up in public and conspicuous



Chinese 10. No person shall post up or exhibit or cause to be posted up or exhibited


not to be posted upon any wall or in any public place any public notice or proclamation in the Chinese

without permis

sion from the

Registrar language without the permission of the Registrar General being first obtained.


The Registrar General may in his discretion refuse such permission in any case

in which he deems that the publication of such notice or proclamation may be preju

dicial to peace or good order.

Public notices No person shall tear down or deface or cause to be torn down or defaced any

or proclamations

not to be public notice or proclamation bearing the Official Seal of the Governor or of any

defaced or torn.

Government Department of the Colony.

Penalty. 11. Any person acting in contravention of this Ordinance shall be liable upon

summary conviction before a Magistrate to be imprisoned with hard labour for a term

not exceeding 3 months or at the discretion of the Magistrate to a penalty not exceed

ing $500. But if upon the hearing of the charge the Court shall be of opinion that

there are circumstances in the case which render it inexpedient to inflict any punish

ment it shall have power to dismiss the person charged without proceeding to conviction.

[ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of1887. ]

df 1.6.5





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