Report regarding the Chinese Union at Hongkong | Register Office | 1851






H 0 N G K 0 N G.


1851 .








Having, during the time of my more intimate connection with the Chinese Union,

been led to take a different view of it, from that presented by Dr. Gutzlaff when in

Europe ; having tried without success to bring him since his return to China to some

competent investigation into the whole Union, and having also just learnt from a

public circular of Dr. Gutzlaff, that at such a critical time as this, he has professed to

resign all connexion with the Union, and thus to baffle all inquiry respecting it,-in

vindication of my own integrity in the matter, I am constrained to lay before the

parties interested in this Mission the following :


When Dr. Gutzlaff, in September, 1849, was about to visit Europe, he

proposed to me to take the management of the Chinese Union into my

charge, which I undertook to do.

Feeling the difficulties and the responsibility of my charge, I tried to form

a Committee of Foreign Missionaries for my assistance, but a consultation

with the Rev. J. V. Stanton made it clear to me that I could not succeed

therein . I afterwards endeavoured to form a committee, by selecting a num

ber of experienced members of the Union among the Chinese, but they, in a

general representation , declared it to be their unanimous wish, that I, alone,

should keep the whole management, in the same manner as Dr. Gutzlaff

had done before. (See Appendix No. 1.) When afterwards Rev. C. Vogel

arrived, and many remarks were made by him and others as to the unsuit

ableness of my proceedings, I declared myself willing instantly to give over

the Union into his or any other hands, if such should be the general wish of

the members, and would better promote the missionary cause. A general

second appeal made by the members, and signed by thirty and odd in

dividuals, declared their entire satisfaction with my behaviour, and entreated

me notto leave my charge, but to continue until the arrival of Dr. Gutzlaff.

( See Appendix No. 2) .

Soon after Dr. Gutzlaff's departure, members of the Union in whom I had

reason to confide, at least in this instance, communicated, during friendly


discourse with me, such strange things about the Union, that I really did

not know what to think. My teacher at that time, Cha, straightway asserted

that the whole mission to the eighteen provinces of China was a mere fiction ;

[ 2 ]

that all the men were from Sinon , Kweishen , Canton, or other near places, and

to a great extent sold their books given to them for distribution back to the

printer, and returned home. Shi- chang told me about the astonishing

number of opium-smokers among the brethren, and the old Hi, after earnest

prayer, disclosed the deceitful character of many members. Without giving

implicit faith to such reports, I found it my duty closely to examine into

the real state of the Union and the true character of its representatives. I

commenced to mark every New Testament given for distribution, and in less

than two months , during which forty -eight individuals had been sent out to

preach or to return home, I was grieved to see books of eighteen of them

again presented to me for sale by the printer. Speaking to him about this

fraud, he tried to clear his own character, by stating that, during his absence

in Canton , his assistants had bought these books from some hawkers, and he

offered the last delivery of books, consisting wholly of such marked by

myself, without any payment as a present to the Union . As to the truth of

the above facts, I refer to the investigation held by the Missionaries in Feb.

ruary, 1850, and to Rev. Mr. Lobscheid's evidence. ( See Appendix No. 7.)

From this time, I felt convinced that very little trust could be placed in thre

Chinese when left out of sight, and I could not resolve upon sending any

more members to any distant places. On the other hand, I found the only

way to reach the desired object, was to convey to the mind of the members

a deeper and clearer insight into the word of God, whereby a true conversion

could alone be expected, and consequently truth and honesty in their state

ments and behaviour .

When in February, last year, the investigation on the part of the Mission

aries took place, I could not withdraw from joining the meeting, the appeal

being made from England to us all, but I declined passing any judgment

upon the Union, the real state of which, though suspected and partly known,

was however not yet satisfactorily clear to my own mind.

Finding the number of students very considerable, nearly a hundred being

present here at one time, and another hundred perhaps to be expected re

turning from their excursions, and seeing that they all looked to me for

their support, I was obliged, seeing the insufficiency of the means placed

in my hands, to tell those among the candidates, who were of inferior

talents, rather to return home before their debts increased, as I could not

promise to support them or send them out as preachers. The members of

the Union found this proposal very reasonable, and only insisted upon my

deciding who of the students should return, and who remain. I acted accord,

ingly, and forty -seven men were thus sent home with orders not again to

return, as I could not promise any support from the scanty means I had .

This however could only be effected by granting them a small sumºto clear

their debts incurred whilst waiting here, and enabling them to pay their

passage-money home. These men being baptized by Dr. Gutzlaff, and re

siding here in expectation of employment, I thought it very cruel to deprive

them totally of every assistance, which ould have resulted in starvation or

imprisonment, and thrown a general disgrace upon the Union . Under such

emergency I found the only way to be, to send them home with some books

[ 3 ]

and money, telling them at the same tiine not again to return hither. Fifty

others, seeing no hopes of employment , of their own accord petitioned to

return home, which I could not but grant, as their misery would only have

increased by a prolonged stay at Hongkong.

That the funds of the Union in such manner were not squandered away

any more than by sending the assistants out to preach in regular order as .

done by Dr. Gutzlaff and myself formerly, is clearly shown by Appendix

No. 5 , containing a list of Native Assistants who were sent out in 1849 by

Dr. Gutzlaff and myself, 36 by the former and 10 by me, who, however,

never returned again to Hongkong, but evidently only returned home, and

upon whom the sum of nearly one thousand dollars, besides the value of

the books, was bestowed .

The above numbers added together will leave only forty and odd out of

the two hundred, (some having also died or found other employment) who

remain here in study, and who have received a moderate support of two

and a-half to three dollars per month. The money sent, being given to

the Union and to the support of the Native Assistants, I felt myself fully

entitled to such management, it being also the general wish of the members

of the Union. (See Appendix No. 6. )

The quiet exposition of the Bible truth soon manifested its well-known

influence also upon the Chinese mind. A general confession on the part of

the members, as to their former deceitful conduct, headed by Keang Jin ,

Chong Kwang, Tai-wun - kwang, and others, took place in May and June,

showing that my former doubts had not been without foundation . (See the

short Extracts from their written Reports about themselves, Appendix No. 3. )

It being, however, desirable in order to avoid any future contention among

Missionaries, that aa clear and brief report as to the real state of the Union

should be drawn up by the Chinese members of the Union themselves, I men

tioned this to Tai and others, whereupon , according to his own persuasion the

said Tai drew up a statement, afterwards signed by six of his fellow-students

and delivered into my hands. ( See Appendix No. 4.)

Such being the real state of the Union and the mission to the different

parts of the Empire, so highly spoken of and applauded, there can be no doubt

left as to the falsity and utter erroneousness of the reports hitherto spread

concerning this Union . The most striking facts I have collected , (see Ap

pendix No. 7 ) , and added some remarks, evidently shewing the reality to

be different from what was reported .

The amount of income and expenditure will be seen by the annexed Ac

count, leaving a balance of 70 dollars 25 cents in favour of the Union.

( Appendix No. 8.)

Though , to conclude, I must declare that Ican and will have nothing more

to do with the Chinese Union, yet I would rejoice to see, that in future the

management of the same be conducted in such manner as to ensure a per- .

fect reliance on the part of the Christian public, and the furtherance of the

Gospel-truth in China .


Hongkong, in February , 1851 .

[ 4 ]



It is the opinion of the brethren belonging to the Chinese Union, that now,

after Dr. Gutzlaff has returned home and the entire management of the

affairs of the Union has been entrusted to Mr. Hamberg, that every thing

that regards the worship and sending out of members, ought to be continued

in the manner established by Dr. Gutzlaff, without alteration . Respecting

the election of assistants in the management or head men, it is difficult to

make aa choice, and we, indeed, fear that those elected would be inadequate

to their office, and the former order be overthrown . When now Mr.

Hamberg has himself the whole management, he will surely be able to

discern who among the brethren are talented or not, and those who know

the doctrine or not cannot escape his observation ; we, therefore, think it is

of no use to establish any new order. We have further agreed upon the

following points :

1. If a brother meets with misfortune or sickness, he ought specially to

write a petition, and whatever the teacher, Mr. Hamberg, has to direct, ought

to be directly communicated to the individual concerned, that no disorder

may arise .

2. To invite any strangers to help in the management, we can by no means

consent to, for any strangers are strangers to the Union, whom the matters

of the Union do not at all concern . Therefore, not to invite such is the best.

3. The elder disciples, who have already been sent out to preach , ought

to be continually managed as before without any change ; as to the younger

disciples, received by Dr. Gutzlaff, they ought also all of them to be sent

out, but when their knowledge of the doctrine, their talents, or conduct are

of inferior kind, we request Mr. Hamberg to bid them not again to return

to Hongkong.

4. After aa brother is sent out, he ought not to stop here more than two

days, if in three days or more he is still found out, hiding himself in Hongkong,

be ought publicly to be expelled and not again permitted to enter the Union .

5. Whereas the number of brethren is so great, slandering speech can

scarcely be avoided, but we hope that the teacher will carefully examine

into such reports, for a general open hearing will give him clear insight,

but a biassed ear will leave him in the dark ; thus when the slandering words

do not find entrance, flattery and evil intentions may be prevented .

6. Any brother whose conduct is irregular, ought heartily to repent of his

former evil, and all the brethren in the Union ought mutually to exhort one

another not to disgrace their office of messengers - thus the true gospel

doctrine may be disseminated near and far throughout all successive ages

and generations. This is the ardent desire of all the brethren . Presented

in the midst of autumn, on the 1st of October, 1849 , by all the members of

the Chinese Union at Hongkong .

True Translation from the Chinese Original,

(Signed ) F. GENAEHR .

True Copy,


[ 5 ]



We are of opinion that the management of the Chinese Union can only

be relied upon, when beginning and end are complete. When Dr. Gutzlaff

returned to his native country in the middle of September last year, he

entrusted the whole management of the Union to Mr. Hamberg's care, and

from that time until now, we have daily met together to preach and read

the Scriptures quite as we were accustomed to do before, diligently and

reverently, without the least neglect, and when sent out to preach the

doctrine or to return home, every order was obeyed without opposition.

If any were among us who did not reverence the statutes of the Union,

they are already excluded , and only thirty and odd members are at present

studying the doctrine. Quite unexpectedly now, in the third (Chinese)

month, you feel inclined to retire and yield your office into the hands of Mr.

Vogel; he though zealous in preaching, is however, not skilled in the Chinese

language, *

* * *

so that the brethren are in a hopeless and most deplorable state. Now we

think that though in forming the Union, the preaching is indeed important,

yet he who has the leading office must not fail in charity, having conducted

the Union


only a month,

** *

he constantly

* *



to his own






, &c.,

in consequence of which, we, all brethren of the Chinese Union, have un

animously agreed upon to come forward with this petition , again entreating

Mr. Hamberg to conduct the Union in manner as before, trusting that

thus beginning and end may mutually correspond . If henceforth any one

transgresses the statutes of the Union, let him be excluded according to the

same .

Thus the good wishes of Dr. Gutzlaff are not thwarted, and the

anxious minds of the brethren are made quiet. In this manner the disper- ,

sion of the Union is prevented, and the ever continued promulgation of the

Gospel promoted. This is the earnest desire of us all, wherefore we have

clearly and reverently drawn up this most important representation.

Signed by Chong-ngan Hi. Signed by Chang -fai.

Siao Tao Tung . Kon Ju -kiung.

Leu Hiun .


Ho- pat.

Chi On Lan . Siao Tao -chong.

Wang-ki-chung. Chong-a- sun.

Chin -wan -piao. Wang -teh - fung.

lap- a -teu . Lim Tsin.

Chi Tsin - fuh . Fam Siang - jun.

Chin - sin -hang . > Chong -njuk Jin .

Ho -kiang -kwang. Tsai Chong-shin.

Wang Jung-chong. Wang Tsin .

Tai Chon. Jung -wun -fui.

Tseu - peang -lam . Chin Jung Kwang .

>> Li Jin-ko. Kao-a-kit.

[ 6 ]

Signed by Chin -min -tsin . Signed by Tsien- fuk .

Leu -chen -tsung . Chong Kong

Ten-kiao .

True Translation from the Chinese Original,

( Signed) F. GENAEHR.

True Copy ,

Carl VOGEL .



1. Kiang Jin confesses himself to be of the name Kiang Jin , from Li

long, in Sin-on district, on the opposite mainland . When he entered the

Union, he, by the advice of the other members, falsely stated himself to be

of the name Kwok (same as Dr. Gutzlaff is known by) and from Kwangsi

province. His mind was before darkened, but now awakened by God, he

wishes to serve Him with sincerity.

(He afterwards in the presence of the Bishop of Victoria, and his Chaplain

the Rev. Dr. Moncrieff, acknowledged this to be his own free confession .)

2. Chong Kong, has two things principally to confess . First, that he is

not from Chong-lok, as formerly stated , but from Maham, in Sin-on district.


Second that he has used opium upwards of eight years . Paksau brought

him hither as a young teacher from Pocklo, which was an invented lie.

( This man is now cured from his opium-smoking ; he as well as Kiang

Jin have brought their families to Hongkong and are instructed by Mr.

Hamberg .)

3. Chang On Jin, when he entered the Union, not knowing the principles

of Christianity, he took the advice of older disciples, and falsely stated

Kiangsi province as his home. Tai -tao-kiun and Siao Tao Chong introduced

bim to Dr. Gutzlaff. Now he confesses to be from Lai-wui , in Sin - on , near

Hongkong; when sent out to preach , he followed the example of the old

members, and did not go where he was sent. He often felt uneasy about

his bad conduct, but found no opportunity for confession.

(He adhered to this confession in the presence of the Bishop of Victoria.)

4. Tai Chong confesses to be from Tungkwan district, Ha-tsun village,

when entering the Union, he stated Liang-mun, where his grand - parents

formerly lived. For the rest, his confession is much similar to the foregoing

No. 3 .

(He adhered to this confession in the presence of the Bishop of Victoria.)

5. Tsien - fat. He says that though his name is correct, and his home

near Hongkong, yet he is guilty of deceit when sent out to preach, as he did

not go where he was sent.

(He adhered to this confession in the presence of the Bishop of Victoria.)

6. Iap Teu says he is from Tseang Jen, in this province. Formerly he

pretended to be from the Miao tribes, but when sent out he only returned

home. He confesses to be an opium- smoker, sinning against his own body.

(There is no doubt as to the truth of this confession , as he was sent out

[ 7 ]

with No. 4 , who also did not go ; yet he was reported to Mr. Hamberg as

intending to retract his confession , as soon as Dr. Gutzlaff should arrive.)

7. Kao Kit says he is from Hwui-chu, a tailor by profession ; he followed

his father to Kao - chufu . When sent out to preach, he twice went to Kao

chufu and preached with much success, but afterwards, from insufficiency of

the money, he only returned to Hwui-chu, and wrote a false journal of his

going to Kao - chufu .

(He adhered to this confession in the presence of the Bishop of Victoria,

and his Chaplain , the Rev. Dr. Moncrieff.)

8. Kon Ju Kiung from Kiajinchu. He was a teacher in Tamshui when he

met with Mr. Lechler, and was recommended by him, and baptized by Dr.

Gutzlaff, and soon after sent out to preach . He at this time had not yet

repented of his former sins, and being sent out to preach, he was like one

blind who should lead the blind. He also confesses to indulge in the bad

habit of opium - smoking.

(He adhered to this confession in the presence of the Bishop of Victoria.

Mr. Hamberg for some time gave him medicine to cure him from smoking,

but has heard that he still continues in this habit.)

9. Leu -huin says he is originally from Ho - juen, but has come down to his

relatives in Sin-on, and lived there six years as a teacher.

(He adhered to this in the presence of the Bishop of Victoria .)

10. Chin - min Tsin formerly reported Lui-chu to be his home. Now he

confesses to be from Tsao-pu, in Sin-on, and his name Liong, but he helps

himself by stating that his ancestor had two names, and that he formerly

moved to Lui-chu, but afterwards returned to Sin -on .

(He adhered to this in the presence of the Bishop of Victoria. Mr. Ham

berg has inquired from his neighbours as to this statement of two names,

but no one knows of any other name than Liong as belonging to his family .)

11. Chong - fai formerly stated Kiangsi province to be his home, but he

now confesses to be from Kweishen, not far from here. He smoked opium

formerly, but not now. When sent out to preach , he returned home.

( He adhered to this confession lately in the presence of Rev. F. Genaehr

and T. Hamberg, but said the other members had forced him to retract,

and again state Kiang-si to Dr. Gutzlaff as being his native place. He also

said that Dr. Gutzlaff well knew the real state of things .)

12. Ho -kiang -kong reported Kiajinchu to be his home, but now con

fesses to live in Sin-on . He was sent out by Dr. Gutzlaff several times to

Taipu, near the province of Fukkien, but he did not go there, only returned

home, and brought two men with him falsely stating to be Taipu men.

(This confession is sustained by that of 37, Chong -ahin, who was brought


here by this Ho.)

13. Ho Jin is from Sam - shui, and has only been sent out for aa short time

here in the neighbourhood.

14. Chi-on -lan is from Kweishen ; he has been sent out to Sin-on and

Kweishen , and obeyed the statutes of the Union .

15. Wong Jung Chong is originally from Kiajingchu, but he followed his

father to Kiangsi, and there he met with Li-tao-gni, who brought him to

[ 8 ]

Hongkong. Afterwards he was sent to Kiangsi, and was enabled by the

help of the Holy Spirit to perform his duties.

16. Chang -fung -shu says he is originally from Fukkien province, but

afterwards moved to Kiajinchu, and again returned to Fukkien . He came

to Canton, and heard the Gospel, was baptized by Dr. Gutzlaff, and sent to

Fukkien . Some had believed .

(This man lately died from consumption , in a hopeless state, confessing, at

his death , that he had not yet fully repented .

17. Chin Jung -kwang was brought here by the former, from Fukkien , and

also sent there to preach. He remembers his old mother, according to the

fifth commandment .

18. Wong- fung -tsin is originally from Kweichu province, but bis father

came here ; he has been several times sent out to Kweichu, but the two last

times he did not go, the money being insufficient ; (the last time he was

sent with No. 5.)

19. Wang- teh - fung originally from Kweishen, is a teacher ; he smokes

not opium, nor commits adultery.

20. Li Jin - ko, from Sin-on, was baptized by Dr. Gutzlaff, and studied with

Mr. Roberts. Then he was in the habit of smoking-opium, but Mr. Ro

berts cured him of it . He was five times sent to Lienchu , but twice he de

ceived the Holy Spirit, and returned home ; once Dr. Gutzlaff knew his be

haviour, and reproved him severely.


21. Iung -wun -fui is originally from Kiangsi province ; his father moved

down to Kweishen ; he after six years returned to Kiangsi, met Li-tao-gni

who brought him to Dr. Gutzlaff. He was twice sent out to preach.

22. Wang Tsin says his real home is Kweishen. In Kiangsi (which pro

vince he formerly reported as his home) he lived three years, during which time

he acquired the habit of opium-smoking, and also met Li- tao-gni, who brought


him here. Dr. Gutzlaff sent him to Kiangsi twice, but afterwards hearing

of his bad habit, kept him a long time here ; he now discontinued his opium

smoking, and was again sent out, and this time he brought his family from

Kiangsi to Tamshui in Kweishen.

( After Dr. Gutzlaff's return , this man came to Mr. Hamberg, when Mr.

Genaehr was present, and complained that he had been forced by the others

to write a new statement contrary to his persuasion ; he asked for a little

money to return home.)

23. Chi Tsin - fuk, dwells in Kweishen, has studied the doctrine four years,

but all his dealings have been void of sincerity. (He formerly stated his

family name to be Kwok .)

24. Lim Tsin, upon the advice of the older brethren, falsely stated

Changnen to be his home ; he is really from Sin-on. When sent out by

Dr. Gutzlaff to Changnen he returned with his bag of books to Sin -on ; he

only got eight dollars which was insufficient.

25. Chong -njuk - jin formerly stated Kiangsi province to be his home,

but now, in the presence of God, he says, he is a Sin-on man ; has studied

diligently the Gospel for three years ; (He was brought here by No. 3,

who is also a Sin- on man .)

[ 9 ]

26. Chong -a -sun is originally from Chong -nen , but came from Tung

kwan to study the Gospel ; he is not worthy of being a preacher, wishes

to get his debts paid, and to return home.

27. Fam Siong Jun is originally from Taipu (near Fukkien province );

but he came with his brother to Canton , where he heard about Dr, Gutzlaff,

and came here to study. He stated the province Shansi to be his home.

Dr. Gutzlaff sent him out to Shansi with twenty-two dollars.

(This man confessed to Mr. Hamberg that he had never been to Shansi,

and that Chin -meu - jin, who brought him here, adviced him to go to Dr.

Gutzlaff, as he could study here for nothing, and afterwards gain money

by it, and to state Shansi province, as it would being him a higher sum for

support . )

28. T'seu- peang -lam , originally from Foping, but his father moved to

Sin-on, Wui -kong village ; he was a great sinuer formerly, but now , being

instructed by the teacher, he is enlightened by the Holy Spirit.

( This man resided some time with Mr. Hamberg , who tried to cure him

of opium-smoking, but without success .)

29. Chang - shi- chang knew Dr. Gutzlaff when residing at Macao , and was

by him sent to his home, Taipu . When 21 years of age, he followed some

relatives to Honan province, and served as Apothecary's boy. He heard of

Dr. Gutzlaff having established the Union at Hongkong, and resolved to

come here. He was in distress, and Dr. Gutzlaff supported him, and after

wards sent him to Honan . The first timehe went there, he brought back

three men with him , who were originally from Taipu , but traded with

Honan ; the second time he brought two with bim ; the third , fourth and

fifth times that he was sent out, he dared not to go , as he had promised

to establish a Chapel in Honan, but Dr. Gutzlaff only gave him forty and

odd dollars, which were insufficient. He therefore returned to Taipu, and

brought some men with him from thence . When sent out by Mr. Ham

berg, he did not go, but sent the message to the Jews at Kai-fung -fu with

another, and pretends that the letter he presented on his return was really

from the Jews .

30. Siao Tao Tung is from Kweishen. He was first sent to places near

his home, and only got a few dollars travelling expenses from Dr. Gutzlaff ;

afterwards he was sent farther away with Chong -fu, ( see No. 42) , and


brought Wang-teh - fung from Liung -chon.

31. Chong-ngan -hi, is from Taipu. He was formerly a very wicked

man ; lived in adultery and opium -smoking. He was recommended by Mr.

Roberts to Dr. Gutzlaff, and was sent out to Sin-on, Poklo and Kiangsi,

first to Kanchufu in Kiangsi, and then to Namchang -fu , where he went

several times, and printed portions of the Bible. Once he was robbed in

Lao -lung , and did not go farther; has baptized 24 men and brought three

with him here,

32. Sigo lao Chong from Kweishen, was brought here by Chu Tao -hang ;

first he remained two years in Hongkong, under Dr. Gutzlaff, and then

attended Mr. Roberts at Canton ; was sent to Futsan, returned to Hong

kong, and was sent out to Ping-yuen by Dr. Gutzlaff ; once to Kiangsi

[ 10 ]

province, to Kanchufu ; once with Tai -tao- kuin to Kiangsi, to Lemkongfu ;

afterwards he was several times sent out in this province. He says that as

to the men brought and recommended by him, he did so because of their

ability, but confesses to have been neglectful as to the statement of their

homes. (He is here no doubt alluding to No. 3, who was brought here by

him as a Kiangsi man, but now confesses to be from Sin-on, near Hong 11


33. Leu -chen -tsung, originally from Hinnen ; his father moved to Kwei

shen, and he came to teach in Kaulung ;3 (opposite Hongkong .) Tai Gni

introduced him to Dr. Gutzlaff. He says he was then without conscience

and faith ; only with his lips he adored God and confessed the Saviour,

but no more . Because of his sins, God visited him with great distress and

sickness, from which he afterwards by great mercy was cured .

34. Ho-pah from Chau -chufu, moved to Canton, and was a trader ; got

acquainted with Jang and Rev. Mr. Dean, but was baptized by Dr. Gutz

laff; has been sent out numerous times to various places, latterly to Kwang

si province, to Kweilimfu , upwards of seven times.

35. Ten Kiau is from Liu-chu ; he came to Canton, and has studied

three years. He has only been sent out in this neighbourhood, and once f

to Hiong - shan .

36. Siao Tao Ming from Kweishen was several times called by Chu

Tao- hang, at the time when Dr. Gutzlaff resolved upon the establishing of

the Union, and to call Chinese assistants ; after two years he went to

Canton and studied with Mr. Roberts ; afterwards he was sent to Hwuichu,

where he has for years been stationed.

37. Chong -a - hin - his ancestors are from Shantung ; his grandfather went

to Kwangsi, where his father was a merchant; he himself came with his

wife to Chong -lok in this province, and afterwards went to Sip-on, where

he met with Ho -kiang -kong, ( see No. 12 ), who recommended him to Dr.

Gutzlaff; he then stated Shantung province to be his home, and that he

came from Taipu, where Ho had been sent.

38. Tsai- chong -shin is a great sinner ; Dr. Gutzlaff received him as a

disciple, and he was sent out to Kaochufu , was also recommended as

teacher ; he knows no way to escape the power of Satan, wherefore

he now and then yields to temptation, and begs the intercession of the


39. Wang -ki-chung from Fukkien ; came as teacher to Fan - lo -kong in

this province, and was sent by Dr. Gutzlaff to Hoifung.

40. Tsien - fuk is originally from Kwangsi ; his father came as merchant

to this province, to the village of Chin-tsun near Canton. Dr. Gutzlaff

sent him with fourteen dollars for the three months to Kwangsi, and after

wards he again was sent there.

41. Tai-wun -kong from Tung -kwan (near Hongkong) was teacher at

Kaulung ( opposite to Hongkong ), when Dr. Gutzlaff came repeatedly to

his school, and asked him to join the Union ; when afterwards sent out to

preach, he imitated the bad examplc of the others ; he only returned home,

wrote a false journal, and deceived Dr. Gutzlaff.

[ 11 ]

(This man is the author of Appendix No. 4, which was written in

October last year, and has, with all the others who signed it, resigned all

connection with the Chinese Union.)

42. Chong- fu is from Sin- on. Dr. Gutzlaff often came to his home in

Tsienwan , and invited him to join the Union ; he went about here for one

year, and preached with Dr. Gutzlaff; afterwards he was sent to Hwuichu,

when, the money being insufficient, and Dr. Gutzlaff refusing to add to the

sum, he returned home and deceived him ; he feels ashamed of his own

behaviour, and hopes the Spirit of God may grant him true repentance.

( This man is at present teacher at a missionary's school in Canton .)

I have examined the Chinese Originals, and found the above extracts to

be correct.

(Signed) F. GENAEHR .

True Copy ,


Remarks.--Mr. Hamberg has been told, that now, after Dr. Gutzlaff's

arrival, a charge has been brought against Mr. Hamberg, that he forced

the Members of the Union to write the above confessions, according to his

private wish, under penalty of losing all support from the Union . Every

impartial reader will discover the futilness of such a charge, and see that

no restraints were laid on the manner of writing. Those who made a free

and open confession still adhere to the same ; but those who now influence

the Union, and bring this charge, in fact confessed nothing, and yet were

supported like the rest, (See.Appendix No. 6,) thus only proving them

selves to be liars by their own words. Many confessed more or less, finding

they could do so without loss, but now, seeing it more profitable to revert

to their old lies, they have acted accordingly. The Rev. C. Vogel, who ,

upon Dr. Gutzlaff's arrival, was appointed Secretary of the Chinese Union ,

openly told Dr. Gutzlaff, that he was fully persuaded that those, who altered

their former statements made to Mr Hamberg, had formerly confessed the

truth , but were now again telling lies. Finding, however, Dr. Gutzlaff

totally disinclined to take his advice, or to reform the Union, he in aа . few

days resigned his office, and has moved to some distance from the town

of Victoria, having now no connexion whatever with the Union,



As the tree has its root and the water its spring, surely the Chinese

Union is not without an origin. When Dr. Gutzlaff first established the

Chinese Union, there was war between the two Kingdoms, and it was not

easy to collect members ; only Siao Tao Ming, Tai Tao Kiun, with some

others, entered the Union, and became disciples, preaching in this neigh

bourhood ; their conduct was at that time without deceit and falsehood,

[ 12 ]

and they were enabled by the help of God, to fulfil their respective duties;

a monthly support was given to them according to their wants . After

wards, the number of members entering the Union, increased greatly, and

the preaching was carried to distant places. Men were sent out to other

provinces to distribute books in distant regions; but considering the length

of the voyage, and the small supply of money with which they were pro

vided, how could an emulation be expected among them to proceed directly

to other provinces ? No -- they on the contrary remained hidden in their

homes until the time prescribed had elapsed ; they wrote false journals and

deceived the eye of their leader ; they also brought new members with

them as evidence of their usefulness, who falsely pretended to be from other

provinces, to a very great number, so that members could be counted from

all the eighteen provinces. The reason of all this may be considered

similar to a person, who, when the way is long, and the burden heavy, is

unable to carry out his work ; for when the Union was crowded with the

number of students, and those, who were not sent out, received no support,

the brethren incurred debts, and only looked for the time of their being

sent out to repay the same ; therefore the deceit and hypocrisy of their

conduct, though principally arising from a want of the Holy Spirit in their

hearts, was also a consequence of their distressed state. Considering all

with quiet thought, we well know that Dr. Gutzlaff, upon the whole,

exerted himself very much for a good object, but we are guilty of conceal

ing our sinful conduct. If now the hidden things of our mind are not

unanimously exposed, there is no opportunity left for repentance of our

-sins, and the Union has no way of being again established . It is written

in the Holy Scriptures ; there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed,

and hid shall that not be known ; and it is therefore reasonable and proper

that we should all unite our names, and give evidence as to our previous

misconduct, whereby the Union may again revive and promise à sure and

durable continuation.

Signed by Tai-wun -kong. Signed by Leụ -chen -tsung.

25 Chang On Jin . Kiang Jin .

Chong Kong. >> Chong Fu.

Tai Chon .

( The above paper was written by Tai-wun-kong, and presented to Mr.

Hamberg in October last year.)

True Translation from the Chinese Original,

( Signed ) F. GENAEHR .

True Copy,


[ 13 ]


List of Native Assistants sent out to preach during the year 1849, who have

not afterwards come back to Hongkong, but evidently returned home.

No. in Months

the Names.

Assistants Names.


Date . prescribed What place sent to. Expenses . Remarks.

Books. for return .

BB5 的 历历 nH6 四 岛红 76 弘历 四方 1

53 Tsui-te -njen Sept. 13 4 Honan province Sp. Dllrs . 18 Sent out by Dr. Gutzlaff

68 Ho -ten -yuen 13 5 Hoopeh do . 24 do . do.

77 Leu Jao Kwang 5 Fukkien do. ‫ور‬

20 do . do .

112 Chin Kin - siu Aug. 15 6 Junnan do. 25 do . do.

113 Yang 0 15 7 Shantung do. 10 do . do .

114 Yao Kao 15 Peking 35 do . do .

2 116 Liao - sim -hiang July 11 3 Lui-chu -fu 15 do . do.

118 Chu -tzu - ngi 7 Shansi province ‫وو‬

34 do . do .

120 Shin -njap - leang 7 Moukden do. 33 do . do.


121 K00 Siang " 27 7 Shantung do . 35 do. do.

122 Chang -njin -gni Jan. 20 7 Peking metropolis 40 do. do.


125 Wang -jin - tai Aug. 31 5 Hoopeh province 23 do . do.


229 Tai-tsiu -ki June 4 Kiangsi do. 16 do . do.

157 Chang -giang- hien 4 Ditto do. 16 do . do.

Tsao Sit May 21 3 15 do . do .

159 Kwangtung , Shauking 28

160 Liao On 15 6 Shansi province >

do . do .

161 Sen Ki March 29 4 Kwangsi 16 do . do .

163 Wun -tean April 5 Kwangtung, Shauchu 10 do . do .


167 Hi Gnan May 3 15 do . do.

Ditto , Chauchu 22

168 Chin Tsan ‫وو‬ 5 Island of Hainan ‫رو‬ do. do.

169 Tsui Kin -teh ‫وو‬ 6 Shansi province 30 do . do.

170 Chang -fui- fuk Jan. 10 6 Hoopeh do. 35 do . do.


W7484 %%% B797 刃 % 8D5B8111

171 Leu -szu -njen 6 do . 15 do . do.

172 Mu -jung Kwang Feb. 4 Kiangsi do. 16 do. do .

173 Kwok -chao 7 Shansi do . 35 do. do .

175 Ho -ko - chi March 4 Kwangsi do . 16 do. do.

176 Li-shin Jan. 4 Kiangsi do. 16 do do.


177 Chu Li Feb. 22 5 Ganhwui do. 39

25 do. do.

178 Siao Siang 28 4 16 do. do.

Kiangsido .

179 Chin -kin - pang March 8 4 Formosa island 10 do . do.


180 Tseu -shen -liang 13 7 Kansuh province 35 do. do.


Feb. Kiangsi 16

181 Chao - peang- lin 4 do. ‫زل‬


do . do.

182 Tai- tsin Jan. 17 4 Ditto do . do. do.




183 Lo -njen -piao March 22 Kwangtung , Chaochu 25

do. do .

189 Chu -kit -liang Aug. Kiangsoo, Nanking do. do .

109 Chao Kiun 27 Kiangsi province 25 do. do.



29 Wong -tang -tsin Oct. 30 Kwangtung, Tsien -shang ‫وو‬ Sent out by Mr. Hamberg

55 Li Kwang Honan province ‫כל‬

36 do . do.

Dec. Chekiang do. 28 do. do .

74 Chang Jin -liung 10


76 Lo -tin - sin Nov. Hoopeh do. ‫ود‬


do. do .

79 Ngui - wun- piao 12 Fukkien do . do . do .

83 Wang -shin oct. Kiangsoo do. ‫ور‬

23 do . do .

174 | Pang -fuk , 1850 March 31 Kwangtung do. 8 Sent out by Mr. C. Vogel

187 Chang -ki Oct. Kiangsi do . 16 Sent out by Mr. Hamberg

188 Yeu-chi - tong Fukkien do . 16 do. do .

165 | Ng -di Kwangtung , Chauchu 9 18 do . do..

+ 46 Assistants . Total Spanish Dollars, 996



A general petition by all the brethren regarding their wish to obtain

money towards their support. When, during every month , three dollars

were granted, the brethren merely had what was most necessary for their

sustenance, without being able to spare the least farthing. We now upon

the arrival of this new month request , that unto every one the sum of two

dollars may be granted ; and as regards the remaining third dollar, to

he distributed upon the 20th day of the month , we leave it to your own

discretion how to act, but we only hope that you will manage this matter

according to former habit, in like manner from beginning to end, whereby

we may plainly see that you do not fail in charity, and all the brethren may

participate in your liberal benevolence .

( Presented to Mr. Hamberg on the 2d of January 1851. )

Signed by Li Jin-ko. Signed by Kon Ju - kiung.

99 Lo - chao -ming. Ho Jin .

[ 14 ]

Signed by Chong-ngan Hi. Signed by Wong Jung-chong.

Lim Tsin . Wong Tsin .

Chong -shi- chong Siao Tao -chong

Ho-kiang-kong. Chong - njuk -jin .

Jung -wun -fui. >> Ho -pah .

Jap - teu . > Chin-min- tsin .

Chin Jung-kong. Wang - ki-chung.

Chin-wan-piao. Wong -teh - fung.

Kao-kit . Siao Tao Tung .

Chi On Lan . Wong - fung -tsin .

Leu-hiun .

True Translation from the Chinese Original,


True Copy,






Page 68.-We read about the formation of the Union, and signature of

twenty one names, immediately thereupon follows an eulogy in favour of

Gaehan , whose name is last in the list, Gaehan holds long meetings, and

“ often communicates the word of life ; he is indeed a zealous servant of

the Lord, and his Saviour has, by the conversion of souls, put his seal to

“ his work .” This report is signed by C. Gutzlaff.

Page 70.-We read “ the two preachers Tai and Siao receive every month

a support of % 10 each , and the old indefatigable Tchun 86."


Page 94.-We read the name of the Union to be Propagation of the

Gospel Society," and that Tschun and Ming were presidents.


Page 99.- We see the object of the Union to be “ The great problem to

be solved is to see the Chinese carry on the work of God as their own

business, without the least regard to foreign countries or missionaries . ”

Mr. Hamberg would here allow himself to point out the conflicting

reports concerning the Union, even at its formation ; above in the book

printed at Cassel, we have twenty-one names, and Gaehan's or Dr. Gutz

laff's among the number ; in a tract, published in the same year by Mr.

R. Ball in England, we read about “ a juncture between eight individuals,

among whom was one foreigner, (no doubt Mr. Roberts, who is called

Aloko in the above report, is meant) with whom Dr. Gutzlaff got aquainted,

and heartly joined in their labours, who, in the confidence of faith, devoted

themselves solemnly to the Lord for the work of spreading the knowledge

* The title in German is “ Gaehan's (Charles Gutzlaff's) Chinesische Berichte. "

It appears now to be generally known that Gaehan ( lover of the Chinese) was a

name adopted by Dr. Gutzlaff in his writings.

[ 15 ]

of Christ and His great salvation ; and with a holy largeness of heart rarely

equalled, could not be satisfied with any smaller sphere of action than the

eighteen provinces of the Chinese Empire .”

Of the twenty-one individuals, who formed the Union in 1844, Mr.

Hamberg found no one present in the Union in 1849. The name of the

Union had also changed into that of Hun - hwui or Chinese Union .

At the request of Mr. Hamberg to be informed concerning the formation

of the Chinese Union, Mr. Roberts thus replied-Canton , 25th October,

1850. “ The Union was formed about the time I left Hongkong, I think

in 1844 ; myself and my native assistants were numbered among its members,

and one of my own assistants, who was supported by Dr. Gutzlaff ; he was

an old beggar, my first disciple, and I think Dr. Gutzlaff said he should be

president, (alluding no doubt to Tschun who was president and received

86 per month .) Hence you may soon perceive that the Union was

nominal, of which Dr. Gutzlaff was the soul or head , and myself and

the native assistants, which he and myself employed, were the nominal


members." Some of his native assistants were talented men , -- whether

they had religion or not, I know not. I think the system of employing all

who wish employment is calculated, in China, to get many men into the

service without any real conversion .”

Rev. R. Lechler writes in January of this year, from Yamtsao, near

Chau - chu, the following words about Ming, the other president of the Union .

“ Ming has been reported as having had a Church and congregation in

Chau - chu, but I have been assured that this was never the case ; he is

now again engaged in trade. Latterly I sent one of my assistants to


" know how he did ; when Ming saw the man he requested him to keep

“ himself very quiet, and not mention to any one anything about being a


• disciple of Jesus, for people here hated such very much .”

The object above mentioned, " to see the Chinese carry on the work of

God as their own business ,” is no doubt very grand, but the fulfilment

rests with God alone, when His time is come . Dr. Gutzlaff strives to

give to the Union an appearance of selfworking, disinterested activity, and

devotion in the service of the Lord, whereas, in reality, he himself was the

centre of its motion and the mainspring of all its actions ; the Chinese felt

more interested in the money to be gained than in the work to be effected .

Thus Dr. Gutzlaff in a letter to Dr. Barth at Calw , dated 10th September

1848, writes “ Only one mistake you seem disinclined to give up. Your

“ idea seems to be as if only one person managed the whole, whereas many

“ partake in the work and act perfectly of their own accord. Nothing is

“more untrue than that the Union emanates from one person, and this

error must be opposed with all power. Only truth can benefit Christ

“ ianity, and we must adhere to the same.” The year before, however,

Gaehan (Charles Gutzlaff) had himself written to Dr. Barth , in report

No. 30, afterwards printed at Calw , the following words : - " You cannot


“ conceive how earnestly Gaehan, a poor insignificant man , desires to be

"enabled by the Lord, himself to support about one thousand Chinese

“ labourers, seeing the blessing which has accompanied the few hitherto

[ 16 ]

' employed . As long as this prayer is not fulfilled, he sees himself under

necessity to ask the aid of other Christians to help in the great work.”

The letter of Mr. Roberts, cited above, and the representation of the

Union, ( See Appendix No. 1 ,) written just after Dr. Gutzlaff's visit to

Europe, clearly show, that he alone was the head and sole leader of the

Chinese Union. If such be really the case, why would Dr. Gutzlaff give

to matters another appearance ? In a circular issued after his return to

China, Dr. Gutzlaff says that his services are now superfluous, and that he

has withdrawn from it ; but Mr. Hamberg dares to assert, that if he really

has withdrawn, there exists no CHINESE UNION any longer in China. 1

In the Book, above referred to, printed at Cassel, we read further, 1

Page 124 .-- " Tschang just returned from Tan -shui. As a small Chapel has 4

been opened there, Siao and he returned to that densely populated district 1

“ to gain souls for the Saviour ; you must know that as many people live

there as in Hamburg, therefore a small Church will not be superfluous.”

Page 308.- " Hiang came from Tamshui ( Tanshui in the mandarin,

“ Tamshui in the Hakka dialect) his dwelling place. Great attention is

there paid to the word of God. Conversions have taken place, and the

“ interest on behalf of the Gospel is visibly advancing. He insisted upon

“ the immediate opening of a Chapel, a proposition which we will take into IT

consideration , Strictly taken , we ought to leave this to others, because

we must continually press onward until we have reached the borders of

“ Tibet.”

Mr. Hamberg can assure the reader , that when he afterwards, in 1847,

5 15

visited Tanshui or Tamshui, in company with Rev. Mr. Lechler, there was 11

neither Chapel nor Church to be found in that place.

Page 185.- We read “ Before Tschitsang departed, he went to Tseen - sha ar

tsuy to preach with Tuy, and feeling the influence of grace, they proclaimed 0

Christ before the assembled peasants, even until midnight. Upon the FC

following morning they, to their astonishment, saw that the inhabitants of

the village had thrown away their Idols ; and two of the peasants declared


with great earnestness their faith in the Saviour.”

Page 191.- " We received to - day the most persuasive evidence as to the C


“ sincerity of the people at Tseen-sha-tsui, who had thrown away their 1

· Idols. The number of them is about eighty persons, and they pressingly

“ demand instruction , and have sent two of their best readers to be here

“ instructed in the doctrines of salvation . This is the first instance that a be

whole village has turned to the eternal God. How unfathomable is Thy

wisdom , Oh almighty Lord ! that just these peasants should make the

commencement, who otherwise know so little of such things.”

Page 194 .--" Our joy was great when to -day the men from Tseen -sha

“ tsui came here, and brought a good sum of money, in Chinese pieces of 2

metal, with the declaration that they now, adore the true God, and 3

greatly love His cause, therefore they would now devote to His service

" that money, which they formerly bestowed upon the idols. This was

spoken in great simplicity ; they were about twenty people, and declared *

" again that they had thrown away all false Gods."

[ 17 ]

Page 199. The Mandarins have destroyed the houses of those people

who declared themselves against idolatry, but as they have aa better house 9

" in heaven , I am surely persuaded that the Lord will'indemnify their loss."

Page 231.- " The peasants of Tseen -sha - tsui have declared their faith

" in Christ, and come every Sunday regularly to the Church , a distance of

“ 3 to 4 English miles. We have our Christians continually among them ,

" to prepare them for baptism . Though many of them cannot read, yet

“they seem to be well disposed ; and, as the first whole congregation which

“ has rejected idolatry, they deserve our esteem . Their orchards,, planted

" in the sand, are specimens of order and diligence ; and the people are

" cheerful,> notwithstanding the persecutions on the part of themandarins."

The place above referred to , is a sandy promontory opposite to Hong

kong , which may be reached in half an hour across the water ; its name

is Tseen - sha -tsui, Tseam - sa - tsui, or Chin - sa - tsui, or even Chien -ta - chui,

according to the different dialects, but its vicinity to Hongkong sufficiently

indentifies the place. We have here a series of reports from Gachan

(Charles Gutzlaff ), about a place visited by himself ; about people whom

he himself saw and knew .. Every one who feels inclined to test the in

trinsic worth of Gaehan's reports, finds here ample opportunity to convince

himself. Mr. Hamberg lately visited the above place in company with

Rev. C. Vogel, on purpose to ascertain if there were any Christians on the

spot ; but they found none except an old school-master supported by the

American mission. The houses they entered , had the tablets and inscrip

tions indicating idolatry similar to all other villages ; and , though they

understood that the people had often before been visited by missionaries,

yet they found no impression made upon their minds.' Mr. Hamberg after

wards asked the Rev. J. Johnson and Rev. Mr. Lobscheid what they knew

about the place; the formerwrote in reply the following note :- " In reply to

* your questions about Chien -ta chui, I can only say I do not know of any

dative Christians there. We have had a day school there the last twelve

“ months, and I have for three years past frequently visited the place. The

people seem to me as much given to idolatry and vice as those of any

" Chinese village with which I am acquainted. From inquiry of the people

“ I have never heard of any, at any former time, as having embraced

Christianity there . " - Your's, &c. J. Johnson .- 21st December, 1850.

Mr. Lobscheid stated , that he had often visited this place in company with

Dr. Gutzlaff, but that the people at times had even shut the doors before

their faces ; unwilling to receive them ; that he could not understand what

Christian village Dr. Gützlaff had been writing about:-- Mr. Lobscheid also

added in his note to Mr. Hamberg, that he himself was once present when

a packet of books, just arrived from the printer, Achat, was opened , and

that secret marks, which had previously been placed on them by Mr. Ham

berg, were found in the books. When Gáehan (Charles Gutzlaff ) wrote

the above reports about a village so near to Hongkong, he perhaps little

thought that, shortly afterwards, other missionaries should arrive, and with

these reports in their hands visit Tseen -sa -tsui, and thus, by their own pre

sence on the spot, convince themselves how much reliance can be placed in

[ 18 ]

those “ ocular demonstrations and infallible proofs , ” so often referred to by

Dr. Gutzlaff.

Pages 203, 274. - And in many other places, we read about congrega

tions among the Hocklaus ; upon the East Coast, in Otao, Kitjio, Tiojio,

Tiotschio , (Chau -chu ,) Miao, and so on. In Otao there are 30 to 40

families ; Gni writes from Sienboe that aa few hundred people remain faithful

to the cause, and pray God with sincere hearts to forgive their sins ; Bai

hopes that the congregation of Kitjio will soon be enabled to support their

preacher by their own means, &c. Mr. Lechler, who has lived nearly three

years in those parts, and well knows the Chinese assistants there employed ,

writes to say that there exists no congregations at these places ; scattered

individuals have here and there been baptized, but no where do they meet

together for any religious purpose . Mr. Lechler writes further on the 4th

of January, 1851 , to Mr. Hamberg : - “ I have asked Kinglun , who has been

“ reported as having a congregation of thirty individuals, where his con

“ gregation was? Kinglun answered : Why ask about this matter ? You

“ know very well how it is. I, and my son Bai, have baptized in all about

30 persons; but formerly matters were not managed as now with you.

If any one was pleased with our narratives about Mary and Joseph, and

“ so on, we asked him if he would be baptized, whereby his sins could be

“ washed away ; and upon his consenting thereto , water was brought. But

“ there was no question about further instruction. The most of those thus


“ baptized, they had never seen or head of any more .” Bai and Si had been

dismissed by Mr. Lechler, upon being detected to have written false journals,

and Gni absconded after having stolen a sum of money from Mr. Lechler.

Pages 204, 339.-- And in other places, we read about a Church at Nam

tao , and a Chapel at Shiklung.

The Rev. Messrs. Genaehr and Lobscheid , who have visited and well

know these places, deny the existence of any such thing. They have had

the very same melancholy experience relative to the conduct of their native

assistants, as the Rev. Messrs. Lechler and Hamberg have had with those

under their care .

The Rev. F. Genaehr wrote lately in the following manner to Mr.

Hamberg :-“No missionary is opposed to the original plan of the Chinese

Union, only to the practical execution , which does not correspond with

the plan . The Chinese employed in the proclamation of the Gospel, are

with the exception of some few who however are now no longer in the

Union , men strangers to a spiritual life in God, and who, for the most

part, only for the sake of money became disciples of Jesus. I know a good

number of them , who, finding themselves deceived in this expectation, have

again turned heathen . My neighbour is such a person, and he was

both aa friend and helper to those of our assistants, who are now dismissed.

Of those formerly employed, only one really went to the place we sent him ,

the others consumed their money at home like the majority ; they also, like

those of the Chinese Union, wrote invented journals, and the congregations

they reported existed only in imagination, like that in the village of Tseen

ta -sui, opposite to Hongkong, which is so prominent in the Chinese reports,

[ 19 ]

but which, as Dr. Gutzlaff well knows, has no Christian congregation.

Falsehood must finally give way to truth, and, when we stand in defence of

the same, we need not fear any consequences.”

Page 231. - We read— " at Poklo fourteen learned men have formed an

“ association for the close study of the Gospel ; a Church is also prepared

“for meetings. The president writes : -- We adore God with sincere heart

that we may have faith in Jesus the Saviour of the world . These men

“ deserve the highest encouragement, because they were only once visited

“ by a preacher. We will pray earnestly on their behalf that the Lord of

“the harvest may send His Spirit ; has he come, who can then forbid the

“ water ? ”

Page 285. — We read that Hihad visited Poklo, and with great solemnity

had baptized six of the catechists who had been a long time preparing.

Mr. Hamberg, in the presence of Mr. Vogel, asked Hi about this report,

and he confessed he had not baptized any at Poklo . Picksow did not

go there when sent out. Mr. Hamberg knows one man, whom Picksow ,

brought here, as being a teacher from Poklo, who now confesses to be from

Sin-on, and has never been at Poklo.

Page 329. - We read - Hongkong, the 29th September, 1846 : - " The

“news brought by T'schun from Chang -ning were really cheering. Under the

auspices ofthe abovementioned professor Li and another, by name Tschin,

more than four hundred Chinese have in that town declared themselves

for Jesus Christ. The Gospel was only preached twice by said young

man Tschun (Chun), and has gained this victory by its own power, and

“the subduing love of the crucified Saviour.”

Tau - gni and Tao -tung affirm in some measure this statement, by saying,

- page 359.- " That upon their arrival at Chang -ning (in Kajing-chu

district) they found more than one hundred persons obedient to the

Saviour,” and Siao relates,-page 360.- " That in the different districts

“of Kweishen , Hojuen , Chang - ning, &c. , there are more than four hundred

persons, who have received the word of God.”

Li-chun (the Chun abovementioned ) is represented as a very learned

young man, who came here in February, 1846, and was baptized 11th

March , the same year, being able to preach the Gospel which he himself

had experienced upon his own heart. Few of the men had acquired the

knowledge of the Gospel so rapidly, and possessed such a great talent to

preach it clearly as this young man. In August, 1846, he was sent with

Chong to Kajing -chu, and only a month later we read of him, in the above

astonishing report, that upon preaching only twice, four hundred persons

had declared themselves for Jesus Christ. In April, 1847, he was repre

sented by Dr. Gutzlaff as having, with others, baptized nearly twenty

individuals at Kajing - chu - with congregations, varying from 700 to 800,

and much attention , and was recommended by Dr. Gutzlaff as native assist

ant to Mr. Hamberg. Having supported him liberally for about a year,

Mr. Hamberg, having the clearest proofs of his lying and deceitful conduct,

dismissed him ; and he again joined the Union . When Mr. Hamberg,

afterwards, had the management of the Union, this man brought some tracts

[ 20 ]

which he pretended to have printed at Kajing- chu, but which, at the first

glance, were found to be books printed at Hongkong, with only a new

title page put on as a cover, His design evidently was to get some money

for the expenses of printing, but Mr. Hamberg was obliged, the second

time, to dismiss the man . Seeing no way to regain Mr. Hamberg's favour, 4

he at last came and confessed that he, as well as all the rest of the brethren ,

had been deceiving Dr. Gutzlaff, and that he had never been to Kajing

chu ; he now promised better conduct for the future. This confession ,

he again repeated after Dr. Gutzlaff's arrival, in the presence of Dr. Legge

and Rev. F. Genaehr.

Such evidences as these could be produced, so as to form aa volume, but

the above may suffice to convince every sensible Christian that the time


is not yet arrived, when we can trust the Chinese themselves with the work

of the Evangelization of China ; but that we, on the other hand, trusting

entirely in the Lord, must continue in His labour as He may please to

direct us .

I have seen the letters from Rev. Messrs. Roberts, Johnson, Lechler,

Genaehr, and Lobscheid, which are quoted in the preceeding paper, and

find that the extracts of the English letters, and the translations of the

German , are correct.


Hongkong, 15th February , 1851.



[ 21 ]



Income. Expenditure.

1849 Dlrs . Cts . 1849 Dirs . Cta .

Sept. Received from Dr. Gutzlaff, remittance Sept. Sundry expenses by Rev. Dr. Gutzlaff 36

by R. Ball, Esq . 240 Oct. Sent out Yeu chi tong to Fukkien 16

Oct. 99 from Miss. Chesney £ 43.10.6 on do. Chang ki to Kiangsi 16

Lindsay & Co. 209 >

do , Ông ai to Kietyang 18

Nov. »

from Miss.Chesney on ditto £50 do. Fungchin to Chauchu 18

at 4/2 240 do. Wang ki chung to Hoifung 6

» Grant from the British and For . do. Li kwang to Honan 36

eign Bible Society , for extend 93 do. Wang ching to Kiangsoo 23

ing the distributionof the scrip do . Lu tao tsien to (senthome) 16

tures in Chinese , £ 100, which do , Li yuen to do . 12

valued 30ds, at 4/3 , orderMessrs . ‫ور‬

do . Wan shak to Sbauchu 15

W. Pustau & Co. upon Rev. ‫وو‬ do. Kwok tsin fuk to Kweishen 10

A. Brandram 470 59 do. Chong chiam to Shan -tung 15

Dec. 8 Amountpaidby Messrs. W. Pustau do. Li jin ko to Lien -chau 22

& Co. from the German Chinese 29

do. Chin chin to do. 16

Institution 100 do. Wang tong to Tsangchang 20

‫ود‬ 21 Remittance from Miss. Chesney paid ‫ور‬ do. Chin tsin to Chin hai 16

by Messrs . Lindsay & Co. £ 20 94 do. Ngo shi lan to Shansi 14

» Contribution by Rev. B. 5 9)

do . Chin tsung to Shaukin 12


do . Li kiang yung to Kiajinchu 20

1850 do, Chong kong to do . 20

Jan. 26 Remittance from Miss. Allix £ 50 , which 99 Sundry expenses, support ofthe Chinese

valued on Mr. Knolleke, order assistants, & c . 104

Messrs. W. Pustau & Co. at 4/5 226 42 Nov. Sent out Lo tin sin to Hoopeh 22

do , Leu ki juen to home 16

9 do. Chang tsiu kwang to Kwangsi 20


do. Liao jeu jin to Honan 18

do. Gnui wun piao to Fukkien 18

do. Chang fung shu to do . 22

do . Kwok szu yung to do. 10

do. Kwok shu fa to do. 4

do. Li yung to home 6

do. Chang shi chang to Honan 70

do. Chang


ngan hi to Kiangsi 69

do . sinhang to do. 36

do. Li jun kai to Honan 15

do, Kiang yeu san to do. 15

do . Chang on jin to do. 42

‫ور‬ do. Tungfang to home 8

Paid sundry expenses during the month

for support of assistants, & c. 97

Dec. 4 Seut out Chong sun to Chongnen 19

‫ور‬ do. Chong tại to do. 20

do , Siao tao chong to Honjen 20

do . Leu hiun to do . 20


do. Chin min tsin to Luichu 18

do. Lu jin siang to Kiangmun 10

do . Chi peang to Kweishen 17

19 do . Meu pien chung to home 15

do . Fu peang fui to do . 6

do , Tsai jun to do . 10

do . Gnuichao kwang to do 10

do. Li tin juen to do . 13

do . Pan kin kien to do . 13

do . Wang peang to do. 20


do. Chang siu jen to do . 15

do. Kwok fuk to do . 16

do . Kwok jao to do . 15

do . Tsien ki kin to do. 15

do . Pan shi kwang to do . 19

5 Paid to the printer A tsat 200

Sent out Tsi tao sang to Hwuichu 18

do . Chang jin liung to Chekiang 25

do . Han chang to do. 10


do. Leu shui tsin to home 20


do, Hiu jin fa to do . 6

do. Leu chong to do . 12

do. Wang fung tsin to Kweichu 42

99 do . Jung sam to home 20

do . Jap teu to Miao tribes 28

‫وو‬ do . Tai chon to do . 28

do. Tsien fat to Kweichu 39

do . Pung kao to home 15

do . Wang tung meu to do . 15

do, Tan tsin ju to do . 15

‫وو‬ do. Chin chu len to Lukfung 15

‫وو‬ do. Wang on to home 18

do . Chin fuk tai to do . 17

99 Expenses for support of the assistants

and sundries during the month 163 59


Jan. Expenses for ditto , ditto 135

Feb. Paid to men sent home, – Ten tao ti 6,

Kwok jin liung 6, Li kwun 6, Kwok

kao 6 , Lim jung shi 3, Lu kien liung

7, Jap tsin 6, Chin tsin hi 6 , Sung

tao 6 , Yong tseap hin 6, Liang jung

6, Wunfa 6, Chin leap hien 6, Chang

ngoo tao 6 , Chin pak sheu 6 , Wang

jin kiet 6, Wang tsi chong8, Lim fuk

6,Lai giong 6, Lo fon chong 6, Tsai

jun kong 3, Wong kim kwui 10 . 131

28 Expenses for support and sundries 168

Carried forward Dollars 1,585 01 Carried forward Dollars 2,397 59

[ 22 ]

Income. Expenditure.

1850 Dlrs . Cts. 1850 Dlrs . Cts .

Brought forward Dollars 1,585 01 Broughtforward Dollars 2,397 59

March Remittance from R. Ball, Esq ., £ 50 at March Paid to Mr. C. Yogel for support of

4/2 240 assistants , & c . 100

from Charles Young, Esq ., on ac Lo chao ming 9, Kiang nen 3, Chin ng


count of Dr. Gutzlaff .. 120 6 , Tung tsin 3 , Yuen shing 6 , going

" Rev. C, Vogel paid (afterwards restor home. 20

ed to him ) 150 31 Expenses for support and sundries 80

April Valued on C. Young, Esq ., on account April Chang jin kwang 6, Li akin 6 , Li jin

of Dr. C. Barth , order Messrs. chung 6 , Wang kong 6 ,Ho jin 6 , Li

W. Pustau & Co., £ 30 at 4/6 .. 133 33 taogni 8 , Chin kiu6 , Wang chin ki

May 13 Remittance from R. Ball, Esq., and 6 , Jung fa chao 8, Lu jung6, Chong

G. Perse , Esq ., paid by Messrs. fu 6, Chang tsiu kwang 3 , Kiangjung

Gibb , Livingstone, & Co. £ 50 .. 240 piau 6 , Leu peang kong 7 , Hi jung

June 15 Remittance by Charles Young, Esq ., on kong 6, Kin liong 6 , Wun tsung han

behalf of several parties became 6.50, Jongmeu fang 3, Chao jenfung

payable 815 09 6 , Li jun 6 , Wan shak 2... 191 50

„ bycount

Charles Young, Esq ., on ac Siao tao ming to Hwui - chu 7

of Miss. Allix .. 177 77 Rev. 0. Vogel for sundry expenses 20

Sept. Paid by the Mission at Basle to the 30 Sundry expenses for support, & c . 25 50

Union 10 17 May 1 Tsi fuk going home 7

Dec. Remittance by Charles Young, Esq . .. 177 77 Chin koi tai to Chau chu 16

Li fung cban 9,Lim chong 6 , Wui hok

1851 hon 5, Lai jin 6, Chin tsin 4 , Chin

Jan. Funds placed at the disposal of the chin , Chao pin8, Wong tsin ka 8 ,

Union in this place .. 1,129 98 going home. 52

„ 20 Paid


to Mr. C.Vogel balance due to

163 78

Paid to printer A chat 50

31 Expenses


for support and other sun


June Expenses during the month for sup

porth , & e. 153

Paid tothe printer 50

92 Expenses for the following men return

ing home for a short time,-Siao tao

tung, Kiangjin , Wang tsin , Wang

teh fung, Chin wan piao , Lim tsin ,

Chong njukjin , Chong kong. 31

Yang, Ong kwui,and Pah 8

July Expenses for thefollowing going home

for some time, Jap teu , Tseupeang

lam, Chi tsin uk, Wong khi chung,

Li jin ko, Chong sun, Chin jung kong,

Jung wun fui, Chong fai, Chi on lan . 40

Yang and Pah 5

Sundry expenses , support , & c . 133

A chat the printer for books .. 24


G Aug. Expenses for the following, allowed to

visit their homes, -Fam , Chang , Tai,

Ho, Kao , Chin , Leu , Siao , Li, Chong,

Chi. 30

Yangand Panh



22 Support and sundries 139

Sept. do . do . 155

2 Siao and Chi to Kweishen 8

> The printer A chat 76

Oct. Expenses for support , & c. 17150

Nov. do . do . 163

Dec. do . do . 157


Jan. Expenses for support, & c . 111

Balance, 70 | 25

Spanish Dollars .. 4,779 | 12 Spanish Dollars .. 4,779 | 12


Jan , 23 Balance in hand Spanish Dollars, 70.50

Hongkong, the 23d of January, 1851 .



22 JY 84 Treasurer .

Examined and found correct,


Remark . — The sums for support and other expenses, entered at the close of every

month , amount in all to 2,145 Spanish Dollars, to be divided in the following man

ner :-Support given to the members for food, clothing, &c., during the whole time

of sixteen months, the number supported every month , varying from 30 to 50 persons,

and upwards, 81,726 . Travelling expenses paid upon their return here, 850. Ex

cursions in the neighbourhood of Hongkong, 831 . Yang and Ho - pah's family, as

directed by Dr. Gutzlaff, 865. Tai the treasurer for his assistance, 880. Share in

the expenses for house and attendance , the meetings being held in the house, and a

number of the students living there, 8145,-(the whole cost being about 8500.) Mr.

Hamberg's own expenses to and for the assistants, 848.



[ 22 ]

Income. Expenditure.

1850 Dlrs . Ots . 1850 Dirs, Cts.

Brought forward Dollars 1,585 01 Broughtforward Dollars 2,397 59

March Remittance from R. Ball, Esq., £ 50 at March Paid to Mr. c. Yogel for support of

412 .. 240 assistants, &e. 100

from Charles Young, Esq ., on ac Lo chao ming 3, Kiang nen 3, Chin ng


count of Dr. Gutzlaff .. 120 6 , Tung tsin 3 , Yuen shing 6 , going

Rev , C. Vogel paid ( afterwards restor home. 20

ed to him ) 150 31 Expenses for support and sundries 80

April Valued on C. Young, Esq ., on account April Chang jin kwang 6 , Li akin 6 , Li jin

of Dr. C. Barth , order Messrs. chung 6 , Wang kong 6 , Ho jin 6 , Li

W. Pustau & Co. , £30 at 4/6 .. 133 33 taogni 8, Chin kiu6 , Wang chin ki

May 13 Remittance from R. Ball, Esq ., and 6, Jung fa chao 8, Lu jung 6, Chong

G.Perse, Esq., paid by Messrs. fu 6 , Chang tsiu kwang3, Kiangjung

Gibb, Livingstone, & Co. £ 50 .. 240 piau 6, Leu peang kong 7 , Hi jung

June 15 Remittance by Charles Young, Esq ., on kong 6, Kin liong6 , Wun tsung han

behalf of several parties became 6.50, Jong meu fang 3 , Chaojen fung

payable 815 09 6 , Li jun 6 , Wan shak2... 19150

„ by Charles Young, Esq ., on ac Siao tao ming to Hwui -chu 7

count of Miss. Allix .. 177 77 Rev. C. Vogel forsundry expenses 20

Sept. Paid by the Mission at Basle to the 30 Sundry expenses for support, & c. 95 50

Union 10 17 May 1 Tsi fuk going home 7

Dec. Remittance by Charles Young, Esq. :: 177 | 77 >Chin koi taito Chau chu 16

Li fung chan 9, Lim chong 6 , Wui hok

1851 hon 5 , Lai jín 6 , Chin tsin 4 , Chin

Jan. Funds placed at the disposal of the chin 5, Chao pin 8 , Wong tsin ka 8 ,

Union in this place .. 1,129 98 going home. 52


Paidto Mr.C. Vogel balance due to


him 16378

Paid to printer A chat 50

31 | Expenses for support and other sun .

dries 190

June Expenses during the month for sup

porth , & e. 153

Paid to the printer 30

Expenses for the following men return

ing home for a short time, -- Siao tao

tung, Kiang jin, Wang tsin , Wang

teh fung, Chin wan piao, Lim tsin ,

Chong njukjin , Chong kong. 31

Yang, Ong kwui , and Pah 8

July Expenses for the following going home

for some time, - Jap teu ,Tseupeang

lam, Chi tsin tuk, Wong khi chung,

Lijin ko, Chong sun, Chin jung kong,

Jung wun fui, Chong fai, Chi on lan .

Yang and Pah 5

Sundry expenses, support, & c . 133

A chat the printer for books 34

Aug Expenses for the following, allowed to

visit their homes,-Fam ,Chang, Tai,

Ho, Kao , Chin , Leu, Siao, Li, Chong ,

Chi . 30

Yangand Pah 5



Support and sundries 139

Sept. do. do . 155


Siao and Chi to Kweishen 8

The printer A chat 76

Oct. Expenses for support, & c . 171 50

Nov. do. do. 163

Dec. do. do . 157



Jan. Expenses for support, & c. ‫גנן‬

Balance , 70 25

Spanish Dollars .. 4,779 | 12 Spanish Dollars 4,779 | 12


Jan , 23 Balance in hand Spanish Dollars, 70.50

Hongkong, the 23d of January, 1851 .



22 JY 87 Treasurer .

Examined and found correct,


Remark.- The sums for support and other expenses, entered at the close of every

month, amount in all to 2,145 Spanish Dollars, to be divided in the following man

ner :-Support given to the members for food, clothing, &c., during the whole time

of sixteen months, the number supported every month , varying from 30 to 50 persons,

and upwards, 81,726. Travelling expenses paid upon their return here, 850. Ex

cursions in the neighbourhood of Hongkong, 831. Yang and Ho -pah's family, as

directed by Dr. Gutzlaff, 865. Tai the treasurer for his assistance, 880. Share in

the expenses for house and attendance, the meetings being held in the house, anda

number of the students living there, 8145 ,-(the whole cost being about 8500.) Mr.

Hamberg's own expenses to and for the assistants, 848.


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